This is a modern-English version of Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943, originally written by unknown author(s). It has been thoroughly updated, including changes to sentence structure, words, spelling, and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If you click on a paragraph, you will see the original text that we modified, and you can toggle between the two versions.

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The articles published in the Annual Reports of the Northern Nut Growers Association are the findings and thoughts solely of the authors and are not to be construed as an endorsement by the Northern Nut Growers Association, its board of directors, or its members. No endorsement is intended for products mentioned, nor is criticism meant for products not mentioned. The laws and recommendations for pesticide application may have changed since the articles were written. It is always the pesticide applicator's responsibility, by law, to read and follow all current label directions for the specific pesticide being used. The discussion of specific nut tree cultivars and of specific techniques to grow nut trees that might have been successful in one area and at a particular time is not a guarantee that similar results will occur elsewhere.

The articles published in the Annual Reports of the Northern Nut Growers Association reflect the findings and opinions of the authors and should not be taken as an endorsement by the Northern Nut Growers Association, its board of directors, or its members. No products mentioned are endorsed, and there’s no criticism implied for those not mentioned. The laws and recommendations for pesticide use may have changed since the articles were written. It's always the pesticide applicator's responsibility, by law, to read and follow all current label directions for the specific pesticide being used. Discussing specific nut tree cultivars and techniques that may have worked well in one area and at a certain time does not guarantee that similar results will happen elsewhere.




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Thirty-fourth Annual Report


Officers and committees3
State Vice-Presidents4
List of members5
Foreword—W. C. Deming20
Report of the Secretary for 1942-4320
Report of the Treasurer for 1942-4321
The Status of Nut Growing in 1943. Survey Report—John Davidson, Chairman of Committee.22
Side-lights on the 1943-44 Survey47
Seasonal Zone Map of United States51
Juglone: The active Agent in Walnut Toxicity—George A. Gries52
Possible Black Walnut Toxicity on Tomato and Cabbage—Otto Reinking56
Preliminary Studies on Catkin Forcing and Pollen Storage of Corylus and Juglans—L. G. Cox58
Storage and Germination of Nuts of Several Species of Juglans—W. C. Muenscher and Babette I. Brown61
A Key to Some Seedlings of Walnuts (Juglans)—W. C. Muenscher and Babette I. Brown62
Further Tests with Black Walnut Varieties—L. H. MacDaniels and J. E. Wilde64
Shelling Black Walnuts—G. J. Korn83
Better Butternuts, Please—S. H. Graham85
The Use of Fertilizer in a Walnut Orchard—L. K. Hostetter88
Lime and Fertilizers for our Black Walnut Trees—Seward Berhow89
The Propagation of Black Walnuts through Budding—Sterling Smith89
Northern Nut Growing—Joseph Gerardi91
Nut Puttering in an Off Year—W. C. Deming94
Nut Nursery Notes—H. F. Stoke96
Report from the Tennessee Valley—Thomas G. Zarger98
Report from Minnesota—Carl Weschcke99
Be Thrifty with Nut Trees—Carl Weschcke104
Report of Season 1943—George Hebden Corsan105
American Walnut Manufacturers Association Carries out Industrial Forestry Program—W. C. Finley106
The Crath Carpathian Walnut in Illinois—A. S. Colby107
Ohio Nut Growers' Meeting—G. J. Korn110
Walnut and Heartnut Varieties; Notes and Remarks—J. U. Gellatly112
Experiment Station Investigates Tree Believed to be the Oldest Chestnut in Connecticut120
Report of Committee of Ohio Nut Growers—A. A. Bungart122
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg—Obituary126

Transcriber's note:

Transcriber's note:

The illustrations are not as good as hoped, but have been placed.

The illustrations aren't as good as we hoped, but they've been added.


PresidentCarl Weschcke96 South Wabasha St., St. Paul, MINN.
Vice-PresidentDr. L.H. MacDaniels,Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
SecretaryGeorge L. Slate,Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y.
TreasurerD.C. Snyder,Center Point, Iowa.


The Officers—and J. F. Wilkinson, Rockport, Indiana, and Dr. A. S. Colby, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

The Officers—and J.F. Wilkinson, Rockport, IN, and Dr. A. S. Colby, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.


AuditingDr. William Rohrbacher, Chair.
FinanceCarl F. Walker, Chairman; Zenas H. Ellis; Harry R. Weber.
Press and PublicationDr. W. C. Deming, Chairperson, Mrs. Alan Buckwalter, Clarence A. Reed, George L. Slate, Dr. L. E. Theiss.
Varieties and ContestAlan R. Buckwalter, Chairman; John W. Hershey; C. A. Reed; D. C. Snyder; H. F. Stoke.
SurveyJohn Davidson, Chair.
ExhibitsG. H. Corsan, Chairman; Gilbert Becker; Paul C. Crath; S. H. Graham; Homer L. Jacobs; G. J. Korn; O. C. Lounsberry; Sargent H. Wellman.
ProgramGilbert Becker, Chairman; John Bregger; Spencer B. Chase; Dr. H. L. Crane; G. J. Korn; J. W. McKay; Clarence Reed; G. H. Corsan; Prof. R. B. Thomson; W. J. Strong; Dr. Conelly; Prof. White; Prof. Dwight.
MembershipDr. J. Russell Smith, Chairman; L. V. Kline; Spencer B. Chase; Miss Mildred Jones; J. F. Wilkinson; Miss Amelia Riehl; H. F. Stoke; S. H. Graham; D. C. Snyder; Carl Weschcke; John W. Hershey; Gilbert Becker; Harry R. Weber.


Dr. Robert T. Morris, Stamford, Connecticut.

Dr. Robert T. Morris, Stamford, CT.


Zenas H. Ellis, Fairhaven, Vermont.

Zenas H. Ellis, Fairhaven, VT.


Dr. W. C. Deming, Litchfield, Conn.

Dr. W. C. Deming, Litchfield, CT.


American Fruit Grower, 1770 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio.[Pg 4]

American Fruit Grower, 1770 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio.[Pg 4]

State Vice Presidents

ArkansasProf. N. F. Drake
Alberta, CanadaA. L. Young
British Columbia, CanadaJ. U. Gellatly
CaliforniaWill J. Thorpe
Canal ZoneL. C. Leighton
ConnecticutGeorge D. Pratt, Jr.
District of ColumbiaL. H. Mitchell
GeorgiaWalter P. Pike
IllinoisDr. A. S. Colby
IndianaHon. Hugh D. Wickens
IowaD. C. Snyder
KansasFrank E. Borst
KentuckyE. C. Rice
MaineHerman G. Perkins
MarylandDr. H. L. Crane
MassachusettsSargent H. Wellman
MexicoJulio Grandjean
MichiganHarry Burgart
MinnesotaCarl Weschcke
MissouriVictor H. Schmidt
NebraskaWilliam Caha
New HampshireProf. L. P. Latimer
New JerseyA. R. Buckwalter
New YorkDr. L. H. MacDaniels
North CarolinaD. R. Dunstan
OhioHarry R. Weber
Ontario, CanadaRev. Paul C. Crath
OregonC. E. Schuster
PennsylvaniaJohn Rick
Quebec, CanadaDr. R. H. McKibben
Rhode IslandPhillip Allen
South AmericaCeledonio V. Pereda
South CarolinaJohn T. Bregger
TennesseeL. V. Kline
TexasY. D. Carroll
VermontZenas H. Ellis
VirginiaDr. J. Russell Smith
WashingtonMajor H. B. Ferris
West VirginiaDr. John E. Cannaday
WisconsinMarvin Dopkins

Northern Nut Growers Association

Members as of May 19, 1944

McDaniel, John, McDaniel Nursery Specialties Co., Hartselle
Orr, Lovie, Penn-Orr-McDaniel Orchards, R. No. 1, Danville
Richards, Paul N., R. No. 1, Box 308, Birmingham
*Drake, Prof. N. F., Fayetteville.
Johnson, Searles, Japton
Williams, Jerry F., R. No. 1, Viola
Armstrong Nurseries, 408 No. Euclid Ave., Ontario
Gray, G. A., 1507 11th St., Santa Monica
Haig, Dr. Thomas R., 3344 H. St., Sacramento
Kemple, W. H., 222 West Ralston St., Ontario
Meyer, James R., Guayale Research Project, Box 1708, Salinas
Parsons, Chas. E., Felix Gillet Nursery, Nevada City
Thorpe, William J., 3203 Anna St., San Francisco
Welby, Harry S., 500 Buchanan St., Taft
Cook, C., 6226 Vine St., Vancouver, B. C.
Corsan, George H., Echo Valley, Islington, Ontario
Crath, Rev. Paul C., R. No. 2, Connington, Ontario
Creed, Fred H., 276 Sandwich St. W., Windsor, Ontario
Filman, O., Aldershot, Ontario
Gellatly, J. U., Westbank, B. C.
Giegerich, H. C., Con-Mine, Yellow Knife, N W T
Housser, Levi, Beamsville, Ontario
* Neilson, Mrs. Ellen, Box 852, Guelph, Ontario
Papple, Elton E., R. No. 3, Gainesville, Ontario
Porter, Gordon, Y.M.C.A., Windsor, Ontario
Somers, Gordon L., 37 London St., Sherbrooke, Quebec
Stephenson, Mrs. J. H., North Bend, B. C.
Trayling, E. J., 509 Richards St., Vancouver, B. C.
Troup, Alex, R. No. 1, Jordon Station, Ontario
Wagner, A. S., Delhi, Ontario
Wood, C. F., c/o Hobbs Glass Limited, 689 Notre Dame St., West Montreal, P. Q.
Yates, J., 2150 E. 65th Ave., Vancouver, B. C.
Young, A. L., Brooks, Alta.
Leighton, L. C., Box 1452, Cristobal
Colt, W. A., Lyons
Wilder, W. E., 915 West 4th, La Junta
Williams, Erasmus W., P. O. Box 966, Durango
Biology Department, Avon Old Farms, Avon
Coote, Albert W., 1104 Farmington Ave., West Hartford.
David, Alexander M., 480 So. Main St., West Hartford
Dawley, Arthur E., R. No. 1, Norwich
Deming, Dr. W. C., Litchfield
Frueh, Alfred J., West Cornwall or (34 Perry St., N. Y., N. Y.)
* Huntington, A. M., Stanerigg Farms, Bethel
Jennings, Clyde, 30 West Main St., Waterbury
Lehr, Frederick L., 45 Elihu St., Hamden
Lobdell, Mrs. Frank C., 225 Verna Hill Rd., Fairfield
Milde, Karl F., Town Farm Rd., Litchfield
* Morris, Dr. Robert T., RFD., Stamford
* Newmaker, Adolph, R. No. 1, Rockville
Page, Donald T., Box 228, R. No. 1, Danielson
Pratt, George D., Jr., Bridgewater
Rourke, Robert U., R. 1, Pomfret Center, Conn.
Senior, Sam P., R. No. 1, Bridgeport
Walsh, James A., c/o Armstrong Rubber Co., West Haven
White, Heath E., Box 630, Westport
White, George E., R. No. 2, Andover
Lake, Edward C., Sharpless Rd., Hockessin
American Potash Inst., Inc., Librarian, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington
Bush, Dr. Vannevar, 4901 Hillbrook Lane, Washington
Littlepage, Thomas P., Union Trust Bldg., Washington
Mitchell, Col. Lennard H., 2657 Woodley Rd. N. W., Washington
Cook, Dr. Ernest A., c/o County Health Dept., Quincy
McDaniel, J. C., Box 1111, Haines City
Eidson, G. Clyde, 1700 Westwood Ave. S. W., Atlanta
Hunter, H. Reid, 561 Lakeshore Dr. N. E., Atlanta
Skyland Farms, S. C. Noland & C. H. Crawford, Prop., 161 Spring St. N. W., Atlanta
Dryden, Lynn, Peck
Swayne, Samuel F., Orofino
Achenbach, W. N., 410 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago
Adams, James S., R. 1, Hinsdale
Allen, Theodore R., Delavan
Anthony, A. B., R. No. 3, Sterling
Baber, Adin, Kansas
Best, R. B., Eldred
Bolle, Dr. A. C., 324 E. State St., Jacksonville
Bontz, Mrs. Lillian, 161 W. Mass. Ave., Peoria
Bronson, Earl A., 800 Simpson St., Evanston
Churchill, Woodford M., 4250 Drexel Blvd., Chicago
Colby, Dr. Arthur S., University of Illinois, Urbana
Colehour, Francis H., 411 Brown Bldg., Rockford
Dintelman, L. F., Belleville
Duis, J. G., Shattuc
Edmunds, Mrs. Palmer D., La Hogue
Frey, Mrs. Frank H., 2315 West 108th Place, Chicago
Frey, Frank H., 2315 West 108th Place, Chicago
Frierdich, Fred, 3907 W. Main St., Belleville
Gerardi, Joseph, O'Fallon
Gott, Lawrence E., P. O. Box No. 104, Enfield
Gusler, Carl, 213 N. Taylor Ave., Oak Park
Haeseler, L. M., 1959 W. Madison St., Chicago
Helmle, Herman C., 123 N. Walnut St., Springfield
Jungk, Adolph, 817 Washington Ave., Alton
Kilner, F. R., c/o American Nurseryman, 508 So. Dearborn St., Chicago
Kinsel, Dr. O. A., Box 53, Morrison
Knobloch, Miss Margaret, Arthur
Kreider, Ralph, Jr., Hammond
Livermore, Ogden, 801 Forest Ave., Evanston
Logan, George F., Dallas City
Love, W. Wray, 601 E. Boone St., Salem
Maxwell, Leroy O., 312 W. Avondale St., Champaign
Oakes, Royal, Bluffs
Peterson, Dr. Joel A., 602 University Ave., Urbana
Powell, Charles A., Hickory St., Jerseyville
Remaly, Howard A., 1120 E. Maple St., Kankakee
Riehl, Miss Amelia, Evergreen Heights, Godfrey
Trobaugh, Frank E., West Frankfort
Valley Landscape Co., Box 688, Elgin
Van Cleave, Bruce, 1049 Chatfield Rd., Winnetka
Walantas, John, 3464 Lituanica Ave., Chicago
Werner, Edward H., 282 Ridgeland Ave., Elmhurst
Whitford, A. M., Farina
Behr, J. E., Laconia
Boyer, Clyde C., Nabb
Gentry, Herbert M., R. No. 2, Noblesville
Minton, Charles F., R. No. 5, Huntington
Morey, B. F., 453 S. 5th St., Clinton
Olson, Albert L., 1230 Nuttman Ave., Fort Wayne
Prell, Carl F., 803 West Colfax Ave., South Bend
Skinner, Dr. Chas. H., Indiana University, Bloomington
Sly, Donald R., R. No. 3, Rockport
Tormohlen, Willard, 321 Cleveland St., Gary
Wallick, Ford, R. No. 4, Peru
Warren, E. L., New Richmond
Wilkinson, J. F., Indiana Nut Nursery, Rockport
Andrew, Dr. Earl V., Maquoketa
Beeghly, Dale, Pierson
Berhow, S., Berhow Nurseries, Huxley
Boice, R. H., R. 1, Nashua
Cerveny, Frank L., R. No. 4, Cedar Rapids
Christensen, Everett G., Gilmore City
Crumley, Joe F., 221 Park Rd., Iowa City
Ferris, Wayne, Hampton
Gardner, Clark, c/o Gardner Nurseries, Osage
Harrison, L. E., Nashua
Hill, Clarence S., Hilburn Stock Farm, Minburn
Huen, E. F., Eldora
Iowa State Horticultural Society, State House, Des Moines
Kivell, Ivan E., R. No. 3, Greene
Lehmann, F. W., Jr., 3220 John Lynde Rd., Des Moines
Lounsberry, C. C., 209 Howard Ave., Ames
Mahon, Milton, Blakesburg
McLeran, Harold F., Mt. Pleasant
Rohrbacher, Dr. Wm., 811 East College St., Iowa City
Schlagenbusch Bros., R. No. 3, Ft. Madison
Schlanbusch, Dr. O. E., 350 Magowan Ave., Iowa City
Snyder, D. C., Center Point
Steffen, R. F., Box 62, Sioux City
Van Meter, W. L., Adel
Wade, Miss Ida May, 1410 Avalon Ave., Waterloo
Wingert, John O., Dallas Center
Wood, Roy A., Castana
Borst, Frank E., 1704 Shawnee St., Leavenworth
Boyd, Elmer, R. No. 1, Box 95, Oskaloosa
Funk, M. D., 1501 N. Tyler St., Topeka
Hofman, Rayburn, R. No. 5, Manhattan
Leavenworth Nurseries, R. No. 3, Leavenworth
Schroeder, Emmett H., 800 W. 17th, Hutchinson
Wise, H. S., 579 W. Douglas Ave., Wichita
Alves, Robert H., c/o Nehi Bottling Co., Henderson
Baughn, Cullie, R. No. 6, Box 1, Franklin
Bureau of School Service, University of Kentucky, Lexington
Cornett, Lester, Box 566, Lynch
Gooch, Perry, R. No. 1, Oakville
Moss, Dr. C. A., Williamsburg
Rice, E. C., Absher
Tatum, W. G., No. R. 4, Lebanon
Watt, R. M., R. No. 1, Lexington
Whittinghill, Lonnie M., Box 10, Love
Fullilove, J. Hill., Box 157, Shreveport
Louisiana State University and A. & M. College, General Library, University
Pike, Radcliffe B., Lubec
Crane, Dr. H. L., Bureau of Plant Industry Station, Beltsville
Gravatt, Dr. G. F., Forest Pathology, Plant Industry, USDA, Beltsville
Hodgson, Wm. C., R. No. 1, White Hall
Hoopes, Wilmer, Forest Hill
Kemp, Homer S., Bountiful Ridge Nurseries, Princess Anne
Kingsville Nurseries, Kingsville
Lewis, Dean, Bel Air
McCollum, Blaine, White Hall
McKay, J. W., Bureau of Plant Industry Station, Beltsville
Nogus, Mrs. Herbert, 4514 32nd St., Mt. Rainier
Porter, John J., 1199 The Terrace, Hagerstown
Purnell, J. Edgar, Spring Hill Rd., Salisbury
Reed, C. A., Bureau of Plant Industry Station, Beltsville
Shamer, Dr. Maurice E., 3300 W. North Ave., Baltimore
Allen, Edward E., Hotel Ambassador, Cambridge
Beauchamp, A. A., 603 Boylston St., Boston
Booson, Campbell, 30 State St., Boston
Brown, Daniel L., 60 State St., Boston
Chatterton, R. M., 44 Cedar St., Malden
Fitts, Walter H., 39 Baker St., Foxboro
Fritze, E., Osterville
Garlock, Mott A., 17 Arlington Rd., Longmeadow
Gauthier, Louis R., Wood Hill Rd., Monson
Groff, George H., 46 Chestnut St., Brookline
Kaan, Dr. Helen W., Wellesley College, Wellesley
Kendall, Henry P., Moose Hill Farm, Sharon
Kibrick, I. S., 106 Main St., Brockton
LaBeau, Henry A., 1556 Massachusetts Ave., North Adams
McTavish, W. C., 50 Congress St., Boston
Perells, Walter J., North-Falmouth
Rice, Horace J., 5 Elm St., Springfield
*Russell, Mrs. Newton H., 12 Burnett Ave., South Hadley
Swartz, H. P., 206 Checopee St., Checopee
Short, I. W., 299 Washington St., Taunton
Stewart, O. W., 75 Milton Ave., Hyde Park
Trudeau, Dr. A. E., 14 Railroad St., Holyoke
Van Meter, Dr. R. A., French Hall, M. S. C., Amherst
Wellman, Sargent H., Windridge, Topsfield
Westcott, Samuel K., 79 Richview Ave., North Adams
Weston Nurseries, Inc., Brown & Winter Sts., Weston
Weymouth, Paul W., 183 Plymouth St., Holbrook
Grandjean, Julio, P. O. Box 748, Mexico, D. F.
Andersen, Charles, Andersen Evergreen Nurseries, Scottville
Aylesworth, C. F., 920 Pinecrest Dr., Ferndale
Barlow, Alfred L., 13079 Flanders Ave., Detroit, 5
Becker, Gilbert, Climax
Binder, Charles, 34 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek
Boylan, P. B., Cloverdale
Bradley, L. J., R. No. 1, Springport
Buell, Dr. M. F., Dept. of Health & Recreation, Dearborn
Bumler, Malcolm R., 1089 Lakeview, Detroit
Burgart, Harry, Michigan Nut Nursery, R. No. 2, Union City
Burgess, E. H., Burgess Seed & Plant Co., Galesburg
Cardinell, H. A., Michigan State College, E. Lansing
Corsan, H. H., R. No. 1, Hillsdale
Daubenmeyer, H., 7647 Sylvester, Detroit
Emerson, Ralph, 161 Cortland Ave., Highland Park, 3
Farrington, Robert A., Chittenden Nursery, U. S. F. A., Wellston
Gage, Nina M., 6440 Kensington Rd., Wixom
Hay, Francis H., Ivanhoe Place, Lawrence
Healey, Scott, R. No. 2, Otsego
Hewetson, Prof. F. N., Michigan State College, East Lansing
**Kellogg, W. K., Battle Creek
Korn, G. J., R. No. 1, Richland
Lee, Michael, Lapeer
Lemke, Edwin W., 2432 Townsend Ave., Detroit, 14
Lewis, Clayton A., 1219 Pine St., Port Huron
Mann, Charles W., 221 Cutler St., Allegan
Mason, Harold E., 1580 Montie, Lincoln Park
McShane, Gerald, 1320 Franklin St. S. E., Grand Rapids
McMillan, Vincent U., 17926 Woodward Ave., Detroit, 3
Miller, Louis, 1300 O'Keefe, Cassopolis
Ricker, John E., 14642 Marlowe Ave., Detroit
Scofield, Mr. and Mrs., Box 215, Woodland
Stocking, Frederick N., Harrisville
Stotz, Raleigh R., 1546 Franklin S. E., Grand Rapids, 6
Tate, D. L., 959 Westchester Way, Birmingham
Wise, C. E., R. No. 3, Milford
Andrews, Miss Frances E., 48 Park View Terrace, Minneapolis
Cothran, John C., 512 N. 19th Ave. E., Duluth
Grosch, Robert H., 2732 Drew Ave. S., Minneapolis
Hodgson, R. E., Dept. of Agriculture, S. E. Exp. Station, Waseca
Skrukrud, Baldwin, Sacred Heart
Vaux, Harold C., R. No. 4, Faribault
Weschcke, Carl, 96 So. Wabasha St., St. Paul
Barnes, Dr. F. M., Jr., 4952 Maryland Ave., St. Louis
Bucksath, Charles E., Dalton
Fisher, J. B., R. R. H. 1, Pacific
Hay, Leander, Gilliam
Johns, Jeannette F., R. No. 1, Festus
Ochs, C. T., Box 291, Salem
Owen, Dr. Lyle, Branson
Richterkessing, Ralph, R. No. 1, St. Charles
Schmidt, Victor H., 5821 Virginia, Kansas City
Stevenson, Hugh, Elsberry
Thompson, J. D., 600 West 3rd St., Kansas City
Brand, George, R. No. 5, Box 60, Lincoln
Caha, William, Wahoo
Clark, Ivan E., Concord
DeLong, F. S., 1510 2nd Corso, Nebraska City
Ferguson, Albert B., Dunbar
Hess, Harvey W., The Arrowhead Garden, Box 209, Hebron
Hoyer, L. B., 7554 Maple St., Omaha
Lydick, J. J., Craig
Wever, Francis E., Box 312, Sutherland
White, Bertha G., 7615 Leighton Ave., Lincoln
Lahti, Matthew, Locust Lane Farm, Wolfeboro
Latimer, Prof. L. P., Department of Horticulture, Durham
Ryan, Miss Agnes, Mill Rd., Durham
Vannevar, Dr. Bush, E. Jaffrey or (4901 Hillbrook Lane, Washington, D. C.)
Blake, Harold, Box 93, Saddle River
Brewer, J. L., 10 Allen Place, Fair Lawn
Bottom, R. J., 41 Robertson Rd., West Orange
Buch, Philip O., 106 Rockaway Ave., Rockaway
Buckwalter, Alan R., Flemington
Buckwalter, Mrs. Alan R., Flemington
Case, Lynn B., Mountain Ave. & Piedmont Dr., Bound Brook
Collins, Joseph N., 769 First St., Westfield
Cumberland Nursery, R. No. 1, Millville
Donnelly, John H., Mountain Ice Co., 51 Newark St., Hoboken
Dougherty, Wm. H., Broadacres-on-Bedens, Box 425, Princeton
Fuhlbruegge, Edward, R. No. 1, Box 21, Pittstown
Gardenier, Dr. Harold C., Westwood
Gottein, Louis, 1081 So. Clinton Ave., Trenton
*Jacques, Lee W., 74 Waverly Place, Jersey City
Jewett, Edmund Gale, R. No. 1, Port Murray
McCulloch, J. D., 73 George St., Freehold
Mueller, R., R. 1, Box 81, Westwood
Ritchie, Walter M., 402 St. George St., Rahway
Rocker, Louis P., The Rocker Farm, Andover
Szalay, Dr. S., 931 Garrison Ave., Teaneck
Terhune, Gilbert V. P., Apple Acres, Newfoundland
Todd, E. Murray, R. No. 2, Matawan
Tolley, Fred C., 223 Berkeley Ave., Bloomfield
Van Doren, Durand H., 310 Redmond Rd., South Orange
White, Co. J. H., Jr., Picatinny Arsenal, Dover
Williams, Harold G., Box 344, Ramsey
Youngberg, Harry W., 304 Hillside Ave., Nutley
Bryan, Lawrence, P. O. Box 1053, Artesia
Williams, Erasmus D., Box No. 6, Wagon Mound
Benton, William A., Wassaic
Bernath's Nursery, R. No. 1, Poughkeepsie
Bixby, Henry D., East Drive, Halesite, L. I.
Bixby, Mrs. Willard G., 32 Grand Ave., Baldwin
Black, Mrs. William A., 450 W. 24th St., New York
Brinckeroff, John H., 150-09 Hillside Ave., Jamaica
Brook, Victor, 171 Rockingham St., Rochester
Brooks, William G., Monroe
Collins, James F., Cold Spring Rd., Stanfordville
Cowan, Harold, 643 Southern Bldg., The Bronx, New York
Davis, Clair, 140 Broadway, Lynbrook
De Schauensee, Mrs. A. M., Easterhill Farm, Chester
Dutton, Walter, 264 Terrace Park, Rochester
Ellwanger, Mrs. William D., 510 East Ave., Rochester
Fagley, Richard M., 29 Perry St., New York, 14
Feil, Harry, 1270 Hilton-Spencerport Rd., Hilton
Flanigen, Charles F., 16 Greenfield St., Buffalo
Freer, H. J., 20 Midvale Rd., Fairport
Garcia, M., 62 Rugby Rd., Brooklyn
Graham, S. H., R. No. 5, Ithaca
Graves, Dr. Arthur H., Botanic Garden, Brooklyn
Gressel, Henry, R. No. 2, Mohawk
Guillaume, Ronald P., 5210 Maine St., Wmsville
Gwinn, Ralph W., 522 5th Ave., New York
Hasbrouck, Walter, Jr., New Paltz
Heckelman, Edward, 245 S. Franklin St., Hempstead
Hubbell, James F., Mayro Bldg., Utica
Iddings, William, 165 Ludlow St., New York
Kelly, Mortimer B., 17 Battery Place, New York
Kirstein, Edward K., 89 Westminster Rd., Rochester
*Lewis, Clarence, 1000 Park Ave., New York
Little, George, Ripley
*MacDaniels, Dr. L. H., Cornell University, Ithaca
Maloney Bros. Nursery Co., Inc., Danville
Mevius, William E., East Church St., Eden
Miller, J. E., R. No. 1, Naples
*Montgomery, Robert H., 1 E. 44th St., New York
Newell, P. F., 53 Elm St., Nassau
Oeder, Dr. Lambert R., 551 Fifth Ave., New York
Ohligor, Louis H., R. No. 2, New City
Phillips, Clyde F., 11 Olive Ave., Batavia
Pickhardt, Dr. Otto C., 117 East 80th St., New York
Pomeroy, Robert Watson, Wassaic
Potter, Wilson, Jr., Pomona Country Club, Suffern
Price, J., 385 Arbuckle Ave., Cedarhurst, L. I.
Rebillard, Frederick, 164 Lark St., Albany
Salzer, George, 169 Garford Rd., Rochester
Schlegel, Charles P., 990 South Ave., Rochester
Schmidt, Carl W., 180 Linwood Ave., Buffalo
Schwartz, Mortimer L., 1243 Boynton Ave., Bronx, New York
Slate, Prof. George L., State Agricultural Experiment Sta., Geneva
Smith, Gilbert L., State School, Wassaic
Smith, Jay L., Chester
Steiger, Harwood, Red Hook
Stern-Montegny, Hubert, Erbonia Farm, Gardiner
Sucsy, Emil J., West Nyack
Warren, Herbert E., P. O. Box 109, Norwich
Wilson, Mrs. Ida J., Candor, New York
Windisch, Richard P., W. E. Burnet & Co., 11 Wall St., New York
*Wissman, Mrs. F. de R., 9 W. 54th St., New York
Dunstan, R. T., Greenboro College, Greenboro
Malcolm, Van R., Celo P. O., Yancey County
Parks, C. H., R. No. 2, Asheville
Billups, Richard A., Hales Bldg., Oklahoma City
Clifton, Edward C., 1325 East 66th St., R. No. 2, Tulsa
Hirschi's Nursery, 414 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City
Hughes, C. V., 5600 N. W. 16, R. No. 5, Oklahoma City
Jarrett, C. F., 2208 W. 40th St., Tulsa
Meek, E. B., R. No. 2, Wynnewood
Swan, Oscar E., Jr., 1431 E. 35th St., Tulsa
Bungart, A. A., Avon
Cinadr, Mrs. Katherine, 13514 Coath Ave., Cleveland, 20
Cole, Mrs. J. R., 163 Woodland Ave., Columbus
Cook, H. C., R. No. 1, Box 125, Leetonia
Cranz, Eugene F., Mount Tom Farm, Ira
Crooks, John L., 4600 Chester, Cleveland
Davidson, John, 234 E. 2nd St., Xenia
Diller, Oliver D., Dept. of Forestry, Experiment Sta., Wooster
Dubois, Wilber, & Son, Madisonville, Cincinnati, 27
Emeh, Frank, Genoa
Fickes, W. R., R. No. 1, Wooster
Franks, M. L., R. No. 1, Montpelier
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, 1190 East Blvd., Cleveland
Gauly, Dr. Edward, 1110 Euclid Ave., Cleveland
Gerber, E. P., Kidron
Gerhardt, Gustave A., 13125 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati
Gerstenmafer, John A., 18 Pond S. W., Massillon
Hoch, Gordon F., 6292 Glade Ave., Cincinnati
Hill, Dr. Albert A., 4187 Pearl Rd., Cleveland
Irish, Charles F., 418 105th St., Cleveland
Jacobs, Homer L., c/o Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent
Jacobs, Mason, 3003 Jacobs Rd., Youngstown
Kappel, Owen, Bolivar
Kintzel, Frank M., 2506 Briarcliffe Ave., Cincinnati, 13
Kirby, R. L., Box 131, R. No. 1, Sharonville
Kratzer, George, Kidron
Lacknett, G. S., 510 E. Main St., Newark
Lehmann, Carl, Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati
Madison, Arthur E., 13608 5th Ave. E., Cleveland
McBride, William B., 2398 Brandon Rd., Columbus, 8
Meikle, William J., 730 Thornhill Dr., Cleveland
Metzger, A. J., 724 Euclid Ave., Toledo
Ochs, C. T., Box 291, Salem
Ochs, Norman M., R. No. 2, Brunswick
Osborn, Frank C., 4040 W. 160th St., Cleveland
Ransbottom, Earl A., 1057 W. Market St., Lima
Scarff's Sons, W. N., New Carlisle
Shelton, E. M., 1468 W. Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, 7
Shessler, Sylvester M., Genoa
Silvis, Raymond E., 1725 Lindberg Ave. N. E., Massillon
Smith, Sterling A., 630 W. South St., Vermillion
Spring Hill Nurseries Co., Tipp City
Toops, Herbert A., 1430 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus
Van Voorhis, J. F., 215 Hudson Ave., Apt. B-1, Newark
Walker, Carl F., 2351 E. Overlook Rd., Cleveland
*Weber, Harry R., 123 East 6th St., Cincinnati
Weber, Martha R., R. No. 1, Morgan Rd., Cloves
Willett, Dr. G. P., Elmore
Wischhusen, J. F., 15031 Shore Acres Dr. N. E., Cleveland
Carlton Nursery Co., Carlton
Doharian, S. H., P. O. Box 346, Eugene
Flanagan, George C., 909 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland
Miller, John E., R. No. 1, Box 312-A, Oswego
Russ, E., R. No. 1, Halsey
Schuster, C. E., Horticulturist, Corvallis
Allaman, R. P., R. No. 1, Harrisburg
Allen, Lt. Col. Thomas H., St. Thomas
Banks, H. C., R. No. 1, Hollortown
Barnhart, Emmert M., R. No. 4, Waynesboro
Baum, Dr. F. L., Boyertown
Beard, H. K., R. No. 1, Sheridan
Blair, Dr. G. D., 702 N. Homewood Ave., Pittsburgh
Bowen, John C., R. No. 1, Macungie
Brenneman, John E., R. No. 6, Lancaster
Brown, Morrison, Carson Long Military Academy, New Bloomfleld
Creasy, Luther P., Catawissa
Dewey, Richard, Box 41, Peckville
Driver, Warren M., R. No. 4, Bethlehem
Diefenderfer, C. E., 918 3rd St., Fullerton
Duckham, William C., R. No. 2, Allison Park
Ebling, Aaron L., R. No. 2, Reading
Ellenberger, Herman A., 333 S. Burrows St., State College
Etter, Fayette, P. O. Box 57, Lemasters
Gebhardt, F. C., 140 East 29th St., Erie
Heckler, George Snyder, Hatfield
Heilman, R. H., 2303 Beechwood Blvd., Pittsburgh
Hershey, John W., Nut Tree Nurseries, Downingtown
High Tor Nursery, R. No. 6, Pittsburgh
Hostetter, C. F., Bird-In-Hand
Hostetter, L. K., R. No. 3, Lancaster
Jackson, Schuyler, New Hope
Johnson, Robert F., R. No. 5, Box 56, Crafton
Jones, Dr. Truman W., Coatesville
Jones, Miss Mildred, P. O. Box 356, Lancaster
Kaufman, M. M., Clarion
Kirk, DeNard B., Forest Grove
Kline, Dr. Florence M., 909 Arlington Apts., Corner Acken and Center Aves., Pittsburgh
Leach, Will, Court House, Scranton
Long, Carleton C., 141 Walnut St., Beaver
Losch, Walter, 133 E. High St., Topston
Lutz, Stanley W., Egypt
Mattoon, H. Gleason, 1008 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia
McCartney, T. Lupton, Room 1, Horticultural Bldg., State College
Miller, Robert O., 3rd and Ridge St., Emmaus
Moyer, Philip S., Union Trust Bldg., Harrisburg
Owens, G. F., 700 E. Line Ave., Ellwood City
Reidler, Paul G., Ashland
Rial, John, 528 Harrison Ave., Greensburg
*Rick, John, 439 Pennsylvania Sq., Reading
Ruch, George, Huntingdon Valley
Rupp, Edward E., Jr., 57 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle
Sameth, Sigmund, Grandeval Farm, R. No. 3, Kutztown
Schaible, Percy, Upper Black Eddy
Schmidt, Albert J., 534 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh
Siebley, J. W., Star Route, Landisburg
Shelly, David B., R. No. 2, Elizabethtown
Silin, I. J., Echo Mountain, Fairview
Smith, Dr. J. Russell, 550 Elm Ave., Swarthmore
Southampton Nurseries, Southampton
Stoebener, Harry W., 6227 Penn. Ave., Pittsburgh
Theiss, Dr. Lewis E., Bucknell University, Lewisburg
Waggoner, Charles W., 432 Harmony Ave., Rochester
*Wister, John C., Clarkson Ave. and Wister St., Germantown
Wood, Wayne, R. No. 1, Newville
Wright, Ross Pier, 235 West 6th St., Eric
**Allen, Philip, 178 Dorance St., Providence
R. I. State College, Library Dept., Green Hall, Kingston
Pereda, Celedonia V., Arroyo 1142, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bregger, John T., Clemson
Bradley, Homer L., Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge, Martin
Chase, Capt. Spencer B., Hqs. Det. Sta. Camp, Camp Tyson
Kirk, Charles H., Oak Ridge
Howell Nurseries, Sweetwater
McDaniel, J. C., P. O. Box 331, Brownsville
Rhodes, G. B., R. 2, Covington
Zarger, Thomas G., Norris
Carroll, Y. D., 2093 McFadden St., Beaumont
Florida, Kaufman, Box 154, Rotan
Price, W. S., Jr., Gustine
Oleson, Granville, 1210 Laird Ave., Salt Lake City, 5
Petterson, Harlan D., 2164 Jefferson Ave., Ogden
Aldrich, A. W., R. No. 3, Springfield
*Ellis, Zenas H., Fair Haven
Foster, Forest K., West Topsham
Acker, E. D., Co., Broadway
Brewster, Stanley II., "Cerro Cordo," Gainesville
Burton, Geo. L., 728 College St., Bedford
Carey, Graham, Fair Haven
Dickerson, T. C., 316 56th St., Newport News
Gibbs, H. R., McLean
Johnson, Dr. Walt R., 2602 B. Monument Ave., Richmond
Landess, S. S., 2103 N. Quantico St., Arlington
Lewis, Pvt. Hewlett W., H. & H. Co., 938 Engr. Avn. Cam. Bn., A. A. B., Richmond
Morse, Chandler, Valross, R. No. 5, Alexandria
Nix, Robert W., Jr., Lucketts
Peters, John Rogers, P. O. Box 37, McLean
Pertzoff, Dr. V. A., Carter's Bridge
Stoke, H. F., 1420 Watts Ave., Roanoke
Stoke, Dr. John H., 408-10 Boxley Bldg., Roanoke
Varcity Products Co., 5 Middlebrook Ave., Staunton
Webb, John, Hillsville
Zimmerman, Ruth, Bridgewater
Altman, Mrs. H. E., Cedarbrook Nut Farm, Nooksack
Barth, J. H., Box 1827, R. No. 3, Spokane
Carey, Joseph E., 4219 Letona Ave., Seattle
Clark, R. W., 4221 Phinney Ave., Seattle
Denman, George L., 1319 East Nina Ave., Spokane
Ferris, Major Hiram B., P. O. Box 74, Spokane
Kling, William L., R. No. 2, Box 230, Clarkston
Linkletter, F. D., 8034 35th Ave. N. E., Seattle
Lynn Tuttle Nursery, The Heights, Clarkston
Martin, Fred A., Star Route, Chelan
Naderman, G. W., R. No. 1, Box 370, Olympia
Shane Bros., Vashon
Wilson, John A., East 1517 16th Ave., Spokane
Cannaday, Dr. John E., Charleston General Hospital, Charleston
Hoover, Wendell W., Webster Springs
Slotkin, Meyer S., 1671 6th Ave., Huntington, 1
Aoppler, C W., Box 239, Oconomowoc
Bassett, W. S., 1522 Main St., La Crosse
Dopkins, Marvin, R. No. 1, River Falls
Downs, M. L., 1024 N. Leminwah St., Appleton
Koelsch, Norman, Jackson
Zinn, Walter G., P. O. Box 747, Milwaukee

*Life Member
**Contributing Member
[Pg 18]

*Life Member
**Supporting Member
[Pg 18]


Article I

Name—This Society shall be known as the Northern Nut Growers Association, Incorporated.

Name—This organization will be called the Northern Nut Growers Association, Incorporated.

Article II

Object—Its object shall be the promotion of interest in nut-bearing plants, their products and their culture.

Object—The goal is to raise awareness about nut-bearing plants, their products, and how to cultivate them.

Article III

Membership—Membership in this society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the rules and regulations of the committee on membership.

Membership—Membership in this society is open to anyone interested in promoting nut culture, regardless of their location or nationality, as long as they adhere to the rules and regulations set by the membership committee.

Article IV

Officers—There shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting; and a board of directors consisting of six persons, of which the president, the two last retiring presidents, the vice-president, the secretary and the treasurer shall be members. There shall be a state vice-president from each state, dependency, or country represented in the membership of the association, who shall be appointed by the president.

Officers—There will be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer, all of whom will be elected by ballot at the annual meeting; there will also be a board of directors made up of six members, including the president, the two most recent past presidents, the vice-president, the secretary, and the treasurer. Additionally, each state, territory, or country represented in the association's membership will have a state vice-president appointed by the president.

Article V

Election of Officers—A committee of five members shall be elected at the annual meeting for the purpose of nominating officers for the following year.

Election of Officers—A committee of five members will be elected at the annual meeting to nominate officers for the upcoming year.

Article VI

Meetings—The place and time of the annual meeting shall be selected by the membership in session or, in the event of no selection being made at this time, the board of directors shall choose the place and time for the holding of the annual convention. Such other meetings as may seem desirable may be called by the president and board of directors.

Meetings—The members in session will decide the location and timing of the annual meeting. If no decision is made, the board of directors will select the place and time for the annual convention. The president and board of directors can also call any additional meetings they deem necessary.

Article VII

Quorum—Ten members of the Association shall constitute a quorum but must include two of the four elected officers.

Quorum—A quorum for the Association will consist of ten members, and at least two of the four elected officers must be present.

Article VIII

Amendments—This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, notice of such amendment having been read at the previous annual meeting, or copy of the proposed amendment having been mailed by any member to each member thirty days before the date of the annual meeting.[Pg 19]

Amendments—This constitution can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, provided the proposed amendment was read at the previous annual meeting or if a copy of the proposed amendment was distributed by any member to all members thirty days before the annual meeting date.[Pg 19]


Article I

Committees—The Association shall appoint standing committees as follows: On membership, on finance, on programme, on press and publication, on exhibits, on varieties and contests, on survey, and an auditing committee. The committee on membership may make recommendations to the Association as to the discipline or expulsion of any member.

Committees—The Association will establish permanent committees for membership, finance, programs, press and publications, exhibits, varieties and contests, surveys, and auditing. The membership committee can suggest any disciplinary actions or expulsions concerning any member to the Association.

Article II

Fees—Annual members shall pay two dollars annually. Contributing members shall pay ten dollars annually. Life members shall make one payment of fifty dollars and shall be exempt from further dues and shall be entitled to the same benefits as annual members. Honorary members shall be exempt from dues. "Perpetual" membership is eligible to any one who leaves at least five hundred dollars to the Association and such membership on payment of said sum to the Association shall entitle the name of the deceased to be forever enrolled in the list of members as "Perpetual" with the words "In Memoriam" added thereto. Funds received therefor shall be invested by the Treasurer in interest bearing securities legal for trust funds in the District of Columbia. Only the interest shall be expended by the Association. When such funds are in the treasury the Treasurer shall be bonded. Provided that in the event the Association becomes defunct or dissolves then, in that event, the Treasurer shall turn over any funds held in his hands for this purpose for such uses, individuals or companies that the donor may designate at the time he makes the bequest or the donation.

Fees—Annual members will pay two dollars each year. Contributing members will pay ten dollars each year. Life members will make a one-time payment of fifty dollars and will not have to pay future dues, enjoying the same benefits as annual members. Honorary members will not have to pay dues. "Perpetual" membership is available to anyone who leaves at least five hundred dollars to the Association. Upon payment of this amount, the name of the deceased will be permanently listed as a "Perpetual" member with the words "In Memoriam." The funds received will be invested by the Treasurer in interest-bearing securities permitted for trust funds in the District of Columbia. Only the interest from these funds will be used by the Association. When such funds are in the treasury, the Treasurer will be bonded. If the Association becomes defunct or dissolves, the Treasurer will transfer any funds held for this purpose to the uses, individuals, or companies designated by the donor at the time of making the bequest or donation.

Article III

Membership—All annual memberships shall begin October 1st. Annual dues received from new members after April first shall entitle the new member to full membership until October first of that year and a credit of one-half annual dues for the following year.

Membership—All annual memberships will begin on October 1st. Annual dues paid by new members after April 1st will provide full membership until October 1st of that year, along with a credit of half the annual dues for the following year.

Article IV

Amendments—By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any meeting.

Amendments—By-laws can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting.

Article V

Members shall be sent a notification of annual dues at the time they are due and, if not paid within two months, they shall be sent a second notice, telling them that they are not in good standing on account of non-payment of dues and are not entitled to receive the annual report.

Members will be notified of their annual dues when they are due. If dues are not paid within two months, a second notice will be sent, informing them that they are not in good standing due to non-payment and will not receive the annual report.

At the end of thirty days from the sending of the second notice, a third notice shall be sent notifying such members that, unless dues are paid within ten days from the receipt of this notice, their names will be dropped from the rolls for non-payment of dues.[Pg 20]

Thirty days after sending the second notice, a third notice will be sent informing those members that unless their dues are paid within ten days of receiving this notice, their names will be removed from the membership rolls for failure to pay dues.[Pg 20]


For the third time in the forty-four years of our existence our annual convention has been omitted. Each time this has been due to war conditions. The first was in 1918, the others in 1942 and 1943. No report was issued for 1918 but one was compiled for last year, and this present little volume will show that your members and officers are still functioning. We have great hope for the future.

For the third time in our forty-four years, we've had to miss our annual convention. Each time, it was due to war circumstances. The first was in 1918, then again in 1942 and 1943. We didn't release a report for 1918, but we did prepare one for last year, and this small volume will show that your members and officers are still active. We are very optimistic about the future.

An important part of this report is the result of the work of the Chairman of the Survey Committee, Mr. John Davidson, a good job well done. Considering the still elementary state of nut growing it is remarkable—a really immense undertaking. The responses to this survey show enthusiasm that is encouraging. The war and its emphasis on food seems to have increased interest in nut culture.

An important part of this report comes from the work of the Chairman of the Survey Committee, Mr. John Davidson, who did a great job. Considering the still-developing state of nut growing, it's quite impressive—a truly significant effort. The feedback from this survey shows encouraging enthusiasm. The war and its emphasis on food seem to have increased interest in nut culture.

W. C. Deming.

W. C. Deming.


The Association has had a successful year in spite of the war and the cessation of our annual meetings because of the restrictions on wartime travel. Interest in the Association and nut culture appears to be well-maintained. The program committee assembled a report for 1942 and is already working on one for 1943.

The Association has had a successful year despite the war and the cancellation of our annual meetings due to travel restrictions during wartime. Interest in the Association and nut culture seems to be strong. The program committee put together a report for 1942 and is already working on one for 1943.

During the past year the membership increased from 400 as of August 10, 1942 to 466 as of July 1, 1943. If this rate of increase continues, we shall pass the 500 mark before the end of 1944. In the 1932 report 134 members were listed and each year since then has shown a substantial increase.

During the past year, membership grew from 400 on August 10, 1942, to 466 on July 1, 1943. If this growth rate keeps up, we will surpass the 500 mark before the end of 1944. The 1932 report listed 134 members, and each year since then has shown a significant increase.

Accompanying this letter is a questionnaire from the survey committee which is designed to extract as much information as possible from the members. The secretary is especially interested in the section on personal information as it should give some idea as to the interests of the members and indicate how they may best be served by the officers and committees. The program committee can also use this information in preparing programs.

Accompanying this letter is a questionnaire from the survey committee aimed at gathering as much information as possible from the members. The secretary is particularly interested in the section about personal information, as it should provide insight into the members' interests and suggest how the officers and committees can best serve them. The program committee can also utilize this information when planning programs.

President Weschcke announces that the committees and state vice-presidents for 1942 will continue for another year.

President Weschcke announces that the committees and state vice-presidents for 1942 will stay in place for another year.

The membership circulars which contain the list of nut nurseries and a list of publications on nut culture may be had from the secretary by all who wish to distribute it.

The membership circulars that include a list of nut nurseries and publications on nut culture are available from the secretary to anyone who wants to share them.

The sets of reports as now sold lack the report for 1935. The few remaining copies are being reserved for agricultural libraries. If members have copies of this report for which they no longer have any use their return to the secretary's office will be appreciated as it may make possible the supplying of complete sets to libraries.[Pg 21]

The current sets of reports being sold do not include the report for 1935. The few copies left are being kept for agricultural libraries. If any members have copies of this report that they no longer need, returning them to the secretary's office would be appreciated, as it could help provide complete sets to libraries.[Pg 21]

Treasurer's Report

REPORT OF THE TREASURER—AUG. 15, 1942 to SEPT. 1, 1943

(Philip Allen $10)
(Exchange $0.15)  
Sale of Reports102.85
Sale of Index.75
Sale of Advertising (1941 Report)5.00
Carl Weschcke Contribution50.00
Fruit Grower Subscriptions71.20
Printing and Mailing 1942 Report328.37
Reporting 1941 Convention32.50
Expense of PresidentNone
Expense of Secretary74.02
Expense of Treasurer26.38
Supplies and Miscellaneous26.71
Excess of Receipts over Expenditures 373.57
Balance on Hand Aug. 15, 1942 216.05
Balance on Hand Sept. 1, 1943 in North Linn Savings Bank $589.62

D. C. Snyder, Treasurer[Pg 22]

D. C. Snyder, Treasurer

The Status of Nut Growing in 1943


John Davidson, Chairman of Committee

This survey of nut tree growing in the United States and Canada is a cross section of the industry and has been conducted through the membership of our Association. Questionnaires were submitted to all members, of whom a very satisfactory percentage responded with reports which usually were as complete as the age of the planted trees made possible. Our thanks are due to all who had the patience to reply to so searching a questionnaire. Their reward, we hope, will be increased by nuggets of information from others. The survey committee is indebted to the officers of the Association, to Mr. Slate particularly, who took care of the multigraphing and mailing drudgery, and to the experienced men who lent invaluable aid in formulating and revising the exhaustive and detailed questions.

This survey of nut tree farming in the United States and Canada provides a comprehensive look at the industry and was conducted through our Association's membership. Questionnaires were sent to all members, and a very satisfactory percentage responded with reports that were typically as thorough as the age of the planted trees allowed. We thank everyone who took the time to answer such a detailed questionnaire. We hope their reward will come from valuable insights provided by others. The survey committee is grateful to the Association's officers, especially Mr. Slate, who managed the tedious tasks of duplicating and mailing, as well as to the knowledgeable individuals who offered essential help in creating and refining the extensive and detailed questions.

The results are here set forth in three sections: Northern United States, Southern United States and Canadian. It is evident that trees which do well in the south may act very differently in the north; yet, to a certain and very important extent, the experience of the south has a bearing upon conditions in the north. For example, the pawpaw, though not a nut tree, has seemed to edge itself into the affections and interest of many nut tree men. It is in reality a tropical fruit which has adapted itself to northern latitudes. The pecan seems to be trying to do the same thing. Both illustrate a way of working that nature practices more or less with all species. By cross pollination and selection, human hands are having a part in speeding up this process of adaptation in pecans, Persian walnuts and other tender species. In fact, this is one of the jobs to which the Association is dedicated.

The results are presented here in three sections: Northern United States, Southern United States, and Canadian. It's clear that trees that thrive in the south can behave quite differently in the north; however, to a significant extent, the experiences from the south do influence conditions in the north. For example, the pawpaw, although not a nut tree, has captured the attention and interest of many nut tree enthusiasts. It is actually a tropical fruit that has adjusted to northern climates. The pecan seems to be attempting the same adaptation. Both examples demonstrate a strategy that nature employs across various species. Through cross-pollination and selection, human intervention is helping speed up this adaptation process in pecans, Persian walnuts, and other sensitive species. In fact, this is one of the objectives that the Association is committed to.

We wish here to pay tribute to the nurserymen of this Association. Most nurserymen are intelligent and honest but sometimes they have a tough time of it. Their worst competitor is a nurseryman who sells seedlings for named varieties, who advertises widely and prospers upon the work of others. When we think of the painstaking care of the honest nurseryman, of his days of drudgery, of the thousands of failed experimental trees and plants that he destroys, of the service he renders his fellows, we know that we should make slow progress without his help.

We want to acknowledge the nurserymen of this Association. Most nurserymen are smart and trustworthy, but they often face challenges. Their biggest competition comes from those who sell seedlings of named varieties, promote themselves heavily, and benefit from the efforts of others. When we consider the diligent work of the honest nurseryman, the long hours they put in, the countless failed experimental trees and plants they discard, and the support they provide to others, we realize that we would struggle to make progress without their assistance.

The conscientious worker in the experiment stations is in the same category. He does his best work largely for love of it.

The dedicated worker in the research stations falls into the same category. He puts in his best effort mainly because he enjoys it.

In addition to many letters and other valuable sources of information this survey covers reports from more than 150 planters of named varieties of nut trees. Many are also planters of seedlings from selected and named varieties with which they are experimenting and from which they are making selections for future tests. Some are experimenting with cross pollination. As one example of careful work, we have now on file blue prints from the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Development, from Gerald A. Miller, of Trenton, showing exact locations by name and number of one of the largest variety collections of hybrid walnut trees in the world. From the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, Arthur H. Graves, Cura[Pg 23]tor, we have valuable records of the breeding of chestnut trees, with selections made primarily for tree growth and timber production. There is also hope for some good nuts from the trees. The timber, in money value, is of course more important than the nuts. If successful, we shall again have both.

In addition to many letters and other useful sources of information, this survey includes reports from over 150 planters of specific varieties of nut trees. Many are also planting seedlings from selected and named varieties with which they are experimenting, making selections for future tests. Some are trying out cross-pollination. As an example of thorough work, we now have blueprints from the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Development, from Gerald A. Miller in Trenton, showing the exact locations by name and number of one of the largest collections of hybrid walnut trees in the world. From the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, Arthur H. Graves, Curator, has provided valuable records of chestnut tree breeding, focusing primarily on tree growth and timber production. There is also hope for producing some good nuts from the trees. The timber, in terms of monetary value, is of course more important than the nuts. If all goes well, we could end up with both.

It is difficult to interest "hurry-up" Americans in planting trees for future generations. They want results now. But the sooner we develop reliable and adaptable fruiting trees for general planting, the sooner will thousands of people begin to plant trees. The late rapid growth of membership in this Association shows an awakened interest that could be swollen into a mighty flood of tree planters if good trees were available. If there were more agencies like the Tennessee Valley Authority, more trees of the better sort would be developed. Its tree crop activities have now been transferred to a "Forest Resources Division" under the supervision of Mr. W. H. Cummings, and its testing and selection work is going ahead steadily. Thomas G. Zarger, Jr., Botanist, is handling the black walnut work in connection with other investigations of "Minor Forest Products." The headquarters is at Norris, Tennessee. Charles V. Kline, now Assistant Chief of the Watershed Protection Division, still keeps his old interest in the black walnut and tree crop program. Definite and important results are bound to follow from so sustained and well organized a project. Most state agencies complain of lack of appropriations and help. The real trouble lies in lack of vision and knowledge upon the part of legislators. The President has proposed an immense program of communications and highway development as a post-war project. We suggest that fruitful land is still more important, and that highways through desert countries are almost unknown except as means for getting from one fruitful land to another. Perhaps this Association could do more than it has done toward spreading the gospel among legislatures.

It’s hard to get fast-paced Americans interested in planting trees for future generations. They want quick results. But the sooner we create reliable and adaptable fruit-bearing trees for general planting, the sooner thousands of people will start planting trees. The recent surge in membership in this Association shows a growing interest that could turn into a huge wave of tree planters if better trees were available. If there were more organizations like the Tennessee Valley Authority, we would see more improved trees being developed. Their tree crop activities have now been moved to a "Forest Resources Division" overseen by Mr. W. H. Cummings, and their testing and selection work is progressing steadily. Thomas G. Zarger, Jr., a Botanist, is working on the black walnut project alongside other research on "Minor Forest Products." The headquarters is located in Norris, Tennessee. Charles V. Kline, now the Assistant Chief of the Watershed Protection Division, still maintains his previous interest in the black walnut and tree crop program. Significant and positive results are sure to come from such a sustained and well-organized initiative. Most state agencies complain about a lack of funding and support. The real issue is the lack of vision and knowledge among lawmakers. The President has proposed a massive project for communication and highway development as a post-war initiative. We argue that productive land is even more crucial, and highways through desert areas are almost non-existent except as routes to get from one productive area to another. Perhaps this Association could do more to promote this message among lawmakers.

The largest source of contribution to the survey is, of course, from the Northern United States. For purposes of tabulation, we have included everything north of Central Tennessee in this class. Nearly one hundred planters of nut trees contribute their experiences in this section. Of the lot, only fourteen of them plant trees for sale as nurserymen. Today we could keep more of them with stocks sold out. Seventy-six are interested in planting primarily for the production of nuts; fifty-seven, in grafting and budding trees from named varieties; forty-five in planting seed from the better varieties, either for production of stocks upon which to graft or, in large quantities, for observation and selection. As many as twenty-six are doing important work in hybridizing. Fifty-one are top-working young trees to better varieties. Only twenty-one count upon the growth of timber for a part of their profit. But certainly the growth of timber, especially black walnut, is not an item to be left out of consideration. Much, here, depends upon the manner of planting, whether in orchard or forest formation. However, even in orchard plantings, the stumps alone are valuable for beautifully patterned veneers.

The biggest contribution to the survey comes from the Northern United States. For the sake of organization, we've included everything north of Central Tennessee in this category. Nearly one hundred nut tree planters have shared their experiences in this area. Among them, only fourteen are planting trees for sale as nurserymen. Today, we could keep more of them, as stocks are sold out. Seventy-six are mainly focused on planting for nut production; fifty-seven are involved in grafting and budding trees from named varieties; forty-five are planting seeds from the best varieties, either for producing stocks to graft onto or for large-scale observation and selection. Up to twenty-six are working on hybridizing. Fifty-one are improving young trees by top-working them with better varieties. Only twenty-one depend on timber growth for part of their profit. However, the growth of timber, especially black walnut, should not be overlooked. Much depends on how they are planted, whether in orchards or in forest formations. Even in orchard plantings, the stumps alone are valuable for their beautifully patterned veneers.

Fifty-seven correspondents tell us that they are testing standard varieties, while forty-two are interested in discovering and developing new varieties, certainly an index to the pioneering and creative urge which dominates many of our members. As is to be expected, most of our newer members are thus far feeling their way by growing a few of the better[Pg 24] varieties for home use. Only nine of the whole number say that they are working with nut trees at an experiment station.

Fifty-seven correspondents tell us they're testing standard varieties, while forty-two are interested in finding and developing new varieties, which definitely shows the pioneering and creative drive that many of our members have. As expected, most of our newer members are still figuring things out by growing a few of the better[Pg 24] varieties for personal use. Only nine of all the respondents say they're working with nut trees at an experiment station.

As to the species of trees being planted, black walnut heads the list with eighty-nine planters. Persian walnuts are next with seventy-three, including five who specify Carpathians or Circassians. Sixty-eight are planting Chinese chestnuts, and sixty-four hickories. Filberts and pecans are tied with fifty planters each; forty-eight say they are planting hazels; forty-three heartnuts; and forty-two persimmons—if we may include these trees for the time being among the nuts. Thirty-eight are planting butternuts; thirty-two, Japanese Walnuts; twenty-eight, pawpaws; twenty-seven, mulberries; twenty-four, Japanese chestnuts. After these, in order, come almonds along the southern borders, beech toward the north, hicans, tree hazels, oaks, Japanese persimmons, honey-locust, jujube, black locust (the correspondent explains, "for bees and chickens"), Manchurian walnuts, and finally, coral and service berries.

As for the types of trees being planted, black walnut tops the list with eighty-nine planters. Persian walnuts come next with seventy-three, including five who mention Carpathians or Circassians. Sixty-eight are planting Chinese chestnuts, and sixty-four are planting hickories. Filberts and pecans are tied with fifty planters each; forty-eight report planting hazels; forty-three are planting heartnuts; and forty-two are growing persimmons—if we can temporarily include these trees among the nuts. Thirty-eight are planting butternuts; thirty-two are planting Japanese walnuts; twenty-eight are planting pawpaws; twenty-seven are planting mulberries; and twenty-four are planting Japanese chestnuts. Following these, in order, are almonds along the southern borders, beech toward the north, hicans, tree hazels, oaks, Japanese persimmons, honey-locust, jujube, black locust (the correspondent explains, "for bees and chickens"), Manchurian walnuts, and finally, coral and service berries.

As an indication of the adaptation of species and varieties to the climates in which these men, and several women, are working, they listed at out request the following native trees found most plentifully in their sections. Black walnuts and hickories stand at the head of the list, as reported by seventy-five correspondents each. Then follow in order, butternuts, hazel, beech, oaks (probably overlooked by many), pecans and chestnuts.

As a sign of how species and varieties adapt to the climates where these men, along with several women, are working, they listed at our request the following native trees that are most abundant in their areas. Black walnuts and hickories top the list, as reported by seventy-five respondents each. Following them are butternuts, hazel, beech, oaks (which many may have overlooked), pecans, and chestnuts.

Of nut trees found sparingly in these sections, butternut trees, surprisingly, take first place, indicating broad adaptation but a certain weakness, perhaps a slow susceptibility to blight or fungi, which prevents this tree from being found plentifully. It is significant that it is found most plentifully in the more rigorous areas of New England where fungous ravages are discouraged by cold. Add chinquapins to the number of scarce trees, and the list is complete.

Of the nut trees that are rare in these areas, butternut trees surprisingly top the list, showing they can adapt but also hinting at some vulnerability, possibly a slow tendency to get blighted or infected by fungi, which keeps this tree from being abundant. It's noteworthy that they're more common in the harsher climates of New England, where cold helps prevent fungal issues. If we include chinquapins in the count of rare trees, then the list is complete.

As a further gauge of climatic conditions, fifty reported that peaches are reliably hardy in their sections, while fifty said they are not. This, according to the late Thomas P. Littlepage, is a fairly reliable index to the climatic adaptability of present varieties of northern grown pecans. Ninety-two planters reported that their seasons are long enough to mature Concord grapes. Only four said "no." For Catawba grapes? "Yes," said forty-two; "No," fourteen. For field corn? "Yes," ninety-three; "No," four. This question was improperly asked. Field corn varies too widely in length of maturity for accuracy in this respect.

As a further measure of weather conditions, fifty people reported that peaches are consistently hardy in their areas, while fifty said they aren't. According to the late Thomas P. Littlepage, this is a pretty accurate indicator of how well current varieties of northern-grown pecans can adapt to the climate. Ninety-two growers said their seasons are long enough to ripen Concord grapes. Only four said "no." For Catawba grapes? "Yes," said forty-two; "No," said fourteen. For field corn? "Yes," said ninety-three; "No," said four. This question was asked incorrectly. Field corn varies too much in maturity time for accuracy in this regard.

Lowest temperatures expected range from 8°F above to 30°F below zero, with the usual lower range in the greater portion of the northern states, from zero to 12° below. Lowest known temperatures range all the way from 10° to 52° below, but in most portions from 15° to 35° below.

Lowest temperatures expected will range from 8°F above to 30°F below zero, with the typical lower range found in most of the northern states, from zero to 12° below. The lowest recorded temperatures range from 10° to 52° below, but in most areas, they fall between 15° and 35° below.

Returns indicate that winter injury is not always, nor even usually, the result of low temperatures but, rather, to the condition in which the trees enter the winter. If late excessive growth leaves them with wood not wholly dormant, they suffer. If not, they will stand extraordinary low temperatures with little or no damage. One way to guard against this damage is by preventing late growth. A means of doing this will be found in an important contribution by Mr. H. P. Burgart, of Union City, Michigan. Mr. Burgart says:[Pg 25]

Returns show that winter damage is not always, or even usually, caused by low temperatures, but rather by the state in which the trees enter winter. If late excessive growth leaves them with wood that isn't fully dormant, they suffer. If they are fully dormant, they can withstand extremely low temperatures with little or no harm. One way to protect against this damage is by preventing late growth. A key method for doing this will be highlighted in an important contribution from Mr. H. P. Burgart of Union City, Michigan. Mr. Burgart says:[Pg 25]

"After 21 years of experience with growing, selling and planting nut trees, I have had to have a neighbor show me the best way to care successfully for them. I have studied and practiced Mr. Baad's methods, and in comparing them with my former practice, and with the practice of others who have failed with their trees, I will suggest the following cultural procedure to be given all plantings when possible, and to be continued for at least three years, or even longer for best nut production.

"After 21 years of experience with growing, selling, and planting nut trees, I needed a neighbor to show me the best ways to care for them successfully. I studied and practiced Mr. Baad's methods, and by comparing them with my previous practices and those of others who have failed with their trees, I will suggest the following cultural procedure to be applied to all plantings whenever possible and continued for at least three years, or even longer for optimal nut production."

"Nut trees should be given clean cultivation right after being planted (in the spring) and until August 1st. This encourages root growth and conserves moisture. Then sow a cover crop of rye, cow peas or soy beans to take up moisture, slow up growth and prevent the late sappy condition that is often responsible for winter injury. Leave the cover crop over winter and turn it under in the spring for humus. Before turning under, a light application of some kind of manure, along with some superphosphate and potash, should be sprinkled around each tree. Then thorough cultivation again until August, and repeat.

"Nut trees should be kept cleanly cultivated right after planting (in the spring) and until August 1st. This helps with root growth and keeps moisture in the soil. After that, plant a cover crop of rye, cowpeas, or soybeans to absorb moisture, slow growth, and prevent the late soft condition that often causes winter damage. Leave the cover crop through the winter and till it into the soil in the spring for added humus. Before tilling, apply a light amount of manure, along with some superphosphate and potash, around each tree. Then cultivate again thoroughly until August, and repeat."

"Soil for nut trees should be tested for acidity, nitrogen, phosphate and potash. It has been determined that most nut trees prefer a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0; but I have frequently found people planting trees on soils of 4.0 and 5.0, where nothing but sickly growth could be expected.

"Soil for nut trees should be tested for acidity, nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. It has been determined that most nut trees prefer a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, but I often see people planting trees in soils with a pH of 4.0 and 5.0, where only weak growth can be expected."

"Where it is not possible to work all of the ground between nut trees, cultivation should begin with a three or four foot circle around each tree, annually increasing this space with the growth of the branches. Cultivation, with attention to humus and fertility, are necessary to proper tree growth and nut production. Sod culture will never do."

"Where it's not possible to cultivate all the ground between nut trees, start by creating a three or four-foot circle around each tree, gradually expanding this space as the branches grow. Proper cultivation, focusing on humus and soil fertility, is essential for healthy tree growth and nut production. Grass culture will never work."

Mr. Burgart's method has the advantage not only of guarding the trees from excessive winter injury but at the same time adds an almost immediately available source of humus and nutrients to the soil for spring growth. If followed, it should greatly reduce the number of reports of winter injury, failure to start, and of weak growth afterward.

Mr. Burgart's method not only protects the trees from severe winter damage but also provides an almost instant source of humus and nutrients to the soil for spring growth. If implemented, it should significantly decrease the number of reports of winter damage, failure to thrive, and weak growth afterward.

Excessive summer heat is not so great a problem in most portions of the northern states. The highest expected temperatures range, in our reports, from 86° to 110°; mostly from 90° to 100°. The highest known are reported to be all the way from 95° to 120°, but mostly from 100° to 110°. A method of guarding against heat damage will be found in a communication from Mr. H. F. Stoke, of Roanoke, Va., which appears later in this report.

Excessive summer heat isn’t as much of an issue in most parts of the northern states. The highest expected temperatures range, according to our reports, from 86° to 110°; mainly between 90° and 100°. The highest recorded temperatures are reported to be anywhere from 95° to 120°, but mostly between 100° and 110°. A way to protect against heat damage can be found in a message from Mr. H. F. Stoke of Roanoke, Va., which is included later in this report.

Drouth and hot, dry winds are more dangerous enemies than either cold or heat. It is somewhat ominous that, out of eighty-three reports, forty-two, originating all the way from Maine to Oregon and from Canada to Tennessee, report the occurrence today of frequent drouths, while forty report hot, dry winds. Surely the need for tree planting is immediate and urgent. Mulching, and the protection of recently planted trees by wrapping their trunks, are preventives of some damage, but can not stand up forever against the longer and longer periods of drouth now being reported, during which the water table is gradually being lowered beyond the reach of tree roots.

Drought and hot, dry winds are more dangerous enemies than either cold or heat. It’s somewhat alarming that, out of eighty-three reports, forty-two, coming from as far as Maine to Oregon and from Canada to Tennessee, note the occurrence today of frequent droughts, while forty report hot, dry winds. Clearly, the need for tree planting is immediate and urgent. Mulching and protecting recently planted trees by wrapping their trunks can help prevent some damage, but they can't hold up forever against the increasingly long periods of drought now being reported, during which the water table is gradually being lowered beyond the reach of tree roots.

The length of the frost-free season has an important bearing upon the production of nuts after the trees are matured. This is true in the south as well as in the north. One of the most frequently reported causes of loss[Pg 26] of nut production in southern sections is an early spring, inducing growth of buds and blossoms, followed by a frost. No protection seems to have been found against this damage except by use of heavy smudges. Large orchardists protect themselves, but planters of small groves rarely do so. This explains the autumn scramble, reported by many members, in search of early fallen nuts. We should continue our search for trees which produce nuts of early maturity. Thus far the search has not been too successful among most species, but some progress has been made and the future is more encouraging in this respect than it was a decade or two ago. Some early maturing nuts have been found and pollen from the trees is being used for cross-pollination with better known nut producers. In the northern states, dates of the latest spring frosts range from April 1 to June 1, with the average around May 15. The earliest fall frosts come from Sept. 5 to Oct. 15, with the average about Sept. 15 to 20. Where the frosts fall much outside these limits—too late in the spring or too early in the fall—protective measures will help but will not always prevent damage.

The length of the frost-free season significantly affects nut production once the trees are mature. This is true in both the south and the north. One of the most common reported reasons for decreased nut production in southern areas is an early spring, which prompts buds and blossoms to grow, only to be followed by a frost. No protection seems to have been effective against this damage except through the use of heavy smudges. Large orchard owners take precautions, but those with small groves rarely do. This explains the frantic search in autumn, reported by many members, for early fallen nuts. We should keep looking for trees that produce nuts that mature early. So far, the search hasn't yielded much success across most species, but some progress has been made, and the future looks more promising in this regard compared to a decade or two ago. Some early-maturing nuts have been discovered, and pollen from these trees is being used for cross-pollination with more established nut producers. In the northern states, the last spring frost dates vary from April 1 to June 1, with an average around May 15. The earliest fall frosts occur between September 5 and October 15, with an average around September 15 to 20. When frosts occur significantly outside these ranges—too late in spring or too early in fall—protective measures may help but won't always prevent damage.

Soil Conditions. There is a slight preponderance of clay soils over loam among the returns from planters. Loams and sandy loams are tied for second place. A smaller number report that these top soils lie shallow over hard-pan or rock. Fewer still report a soil underlaid with sand or gravel.

Soil Conditions. There is a slight majority of clay soils over loam based on responses from planters. Loams and sandy loams are in a tie for second place. A smaller number report that these top soils are shallow above hard-pan or rock. Even fewer mention a soil underlaid with sand or gravel.

By far the best growth for most kinds of nut trees, as well as the best production of nuts, is to be found where trees are planted in deep loam. Next come the trees in clay loam; then come trees in sandy loam and in clay over sand or gravel. Numerous complaints of poor growth come from members who have trees set in a soil which is shallow over rock or hard-pan. Some of the hazels and butternuts are reported as able, for a time at least, to establish themselves in such soils, but their fight for survival seems precarious and is apparently short-lived. Black walnuts, particularly, require deep, rich soils into which their long taproots can easily penetrate. This is one of the few nut tree facts so definitely established that there can no longer be any doubt about it. The reports show that the planting of black walnuts in any but good deep soil should be discouraged. It leads only to disappointment and often to loss of interest.

By far, the best growth and nut production for most types of nut trees happens when they're planted in deep loam. Next are trees in clay loam, followed by those in sandy loam and in clay over sand or gravel. Many members report poor growth from trees planted in soil that is shallow over rock or hard-pan. Some hazels and butternuts are said to be able, at least temporarily, to establish themselves in such soils, but their chances of survival seem unstable and don’t last long. Black walnuts, in particular, need deep, rich soils where their long taproots can easily reach down. This is one of the few facts about nut trees that is so clearly established there’s no doubt about it. Reports indicate that planting black walnuts in anything other than good deep soil is not advisable. It only leads to disappointment and often a loss of interest.

A somewhat sandy soil, particularly if loamy, seems adapted to the planting of chestnuts and to such trees as do well on ground that will successfully grow peach trees. If such soil is found upon a hillside or hill top, so much the better. All such soils, of course, require more attention to fertility maintenance, for they leach out more quickly than soils with more of a clay constituent.

A slightly sandy soil, especially if it's loamy, appears to be suitable for planting chestnuts and trees that thrive on land that can also support peach trees. If this type of soil is located on a hillside or hilltop, that's even better. However, all these soils need more care to maintain their fertility since they drain nutrients faster than soils with a higher clay content.

Do any of the nut tree species prefer an acid to an alkaline soil? This is a question our questionnaire does not answer. Thirty correspondents say their trees are set in a lime soil, fourteen in an alkaline soil (which may or may not, in the commonly accepted usage of that term, have lime as a source of alkalinity). Sixty-one report an acid soil. Only eight of this group report the use of lime, two the use of bone meal, and one of wood ash as acid correctives. Unfortunately, we did not ask definitely about the reaction of trees to the use or non-use of lime. Puzzled by this comparative neglect of lime as a corrective on acid soils, we asked Mr. H. F. Stoke, of Roanoke, Va., a very accurate and acute observer, who had reported plantings in both kinds of soils, what his experience had been. Also we asked[Pg 27] Miss Mildred Jones, whose experience with nut trees is second to none, the same question. Their replies follow:

Do any species of nut trees prefer acidic soil over alkaline soil? That's a question our survey doesn't answer. Thirty respondents say their trees are planted in lime soil, fourteen in alkaline soil (which might or might not, based on the usual understanding of the term, have lime as a source of alkalinity). Sixty-one report having acidic soil. Only eight from this group mentioned using lime, two use bone meal, and one uses wood ash as acid correctives. Unfortunately, we didn't specifically ask about how trees respond to using or not using lime. Curious about the lack of attention to lime as a corrective for acidic soils, we asked Mr. H. F. Stoke from Roanoke, Va., a very precise and insightful observer who has planted trees in both types of soil, about his experiences. We also asked[Pg 27] Miss Mildred Jones, whose knowledge of nut trees is unmatched, the same question. Here are their responses:

Mr. Stoke says: "In response to your inquiry, 'What nut trees, if any, do best in acid soils?' I should reply that the chestnut leads the list, followed closely by the mockernut hickory.

Mr. Stoke says: "In response to your question, 'What nut trees, if any, do best in acidic soils?' I would say that the chestnut tops the list, closely followed by the mockernut hickory."

"Throughout its native habitat the heaviest stands of the native chestnuts are to be found on acid soils over granitic and sandstone formations, rather than on limestone ridges. The best stands are on granite ridges, partly due, no doubt, to the poverty of sandstone soils.

"Throughout its natural environment, the densest populations of native chestnuts are found on acidic soils over granite and sandstone formations, rather than on limestone hills. The best populations are on granite ridges, likely because sandstone soils are generally less fertile."

"The mockernut hickory occurs about anywhere on the poor, acid, clay soils of the south, its vigor depending on fertility. Shagbark does not occur on the acid (granitic) Blue Ridge mountains, but is found on the limestone Alleghanies running parallel only a few miles away. I have never seen a shagbark hickory between Roanoke and the coast, more than 200 miles away, but it occurs freely to within two or three miles on the west. The difference is not in elevation or rainfall, but in the soil.

"The mockernut hickory is found almost everywhere on the poor, acidic clay soils of the South, with its health depending on the soil's fertility. The shagbark hickory doesn't grow on the acidic (granitic) Blue Ridge Mountains, but can be found on the limestone Alleghenies just a few miles away. I've never seen a shagbark hickory from Roanoke to the coast, which is over 200 miles, but it thrives within two or three miles to the west. The difference isn't about elevation or rainfall; it's about the soil."

"On the other hand, black walnut occurs on both acid and limestone soils, but seems to prefer the latter. Part of its preference may be due to the generally greater fertility and better drainage to be found in limestone soil. Persian walnut, I believe, when on its own roots, is more or less allergic to acid soil. Wild hazels grow here on both limestone and granite soils.

"On the other hand, black walnut grows on both acidic and limestone soils, but it seems to prefer limestone. This preference might be because limestone soil usually has better fertility and drainage. I think Persian walnut, when it’s on its own roots, is somewhat allergic to acidic soil. Wild hazels can be found here on both limestone and granite soils."

"Frankly, I believe the matter of soil acidity, as such, is rather over-emphasized. There are other factors entering into the problem that are of as great or greater importance. I doubt if there was actually any really alkaline soil, in its native state, in the humid region lying east of the Mississippi River. In the glaciated region lying to the north, the soil seems to have been more nearly neutral (pH 7). Such was the case in Iowa and in Minnesota where I homesteaded many years ago.

"Honestly, I think the issue of soil acidity is kind of overblown. There are other factors involved that are just as important, if not more so. I question whether there was ever truly alkaline soil in its natural state in the humid area east of the Mississippi River. In the glaciated region to the north, the soil seems to have been closer to neutral (pH 7). That was the situation in Iowa and Minnesota, where I homesteaded many years ago."

"Throughout the south the soil averages much more acid, even much limestone soil being greatly benefitted by liming. North or south, soil acidity is greatly affected by drainage and by the resulting native vegetation.

"Throughout the south, the soil is generally much more acidic, even limestone soil benefits significantly from liming. Whether in the north or south, soil acidity is heavily influenced by drainage and the resulting native vegetation."

"Peat or muck soils are notably acid; also they are notably deficient in potash. The addition of wood ashes greatly benefits such soils in two ways. On the other hand, the addition of wood ashes to a soil already alkaline might be harmful even though in need of potash.

"Peat or muck soils are quite acidic and also lack potash. Adding wood ashes helps these soils in two ways. However, adding wood ashes to soil that is already alkaline could be harmful, even if it needs potash."

"In the last several years I have been making some soil experiments that I may write up when I am sure I know what I am talking about. In general, I may say I should prefer a soil slightly on the acid side for any and all tree and farm crops if I had an eye to future fertility. Lime breaks down vegetable matter and makes its constituent plant foods quickly available, but prevents a build-up of humus in the soil. The effect is very pronounced in times of drought, the alkaline soil crops drying up much more quickly than do those on acid soil. On the other hand, such soil elements as phosphorus seem to require the lime as a flux to prevent the phosphates from becoming fixed and unavailable to crops.

"In the last few years, I've been doing some experiments with soil that I might write about once I'm confident I really understand it. Overall, I’d say I would prefer soil that's slightly acidic for any tree and farm crops if I consider future fertility. Lime breaks down organic matter and makes nutrients accessible quickly, but it stops the buildup of humus in the soil. This effect is very noticeable during droughts, as crops in alkaline soil dry out much faster than those in acidic soil. On the flip side, certain nutrients like phosphorus seem to need lime as a flux to keep phosphates from becoming fixed and unavailable to crops."

"In regard to peat moss, it is undoubtedly acid, but it is beneficial in its water-holding properties and in the comparatively slow release of its nutritive elements. Lime added to the peat will break it down rapidly and make it more available as a fertilizer, but until the decomposition reaches[Pg 28] a certain point; its effect is to impoverish rather than to enrich the mixture. This seeming paradox can perhaps best be explained by some experiments I have been making with sawdust. A number of plots were prepared and given various treatments, including mixing one surface-inch of sawdust with the soil, and wheat was sown on the area.

"In terms of peat moss, it's definitely acidic, but it has great water-retaining qualities and releases its nutrients slowly. Adding lime to the peat will break it down quickly and make it more effective as a fertilizer, but until the decomposition reaches[Pg 28] a certain point, it tends to deplete rather than enrich the mixture. This apparent contradiction can probably be best understood through some experiments I've been conducting with sawdust. Several plots were set up and received different treatments, including mixing a one-inch layer of sawdust into the soil, and then wheat was sown in that area."

"Wheat sown on the test plot without any treatment or fertilizer was normal for the poor clay soil on which the experiments were made. Where sawdust, only, was added, the wheat came up but sickened and produced no filled heads. The same was true where lime was added to the sawdust. Where heavy applications of nitrate of soda were added to the sawdust treated plots, both with and without lime, the 'sickness' disappeared and wheat was matured.

"Wheat planted in the test plot without any treatment or fertilizer grew normally for the poor clay soil where the experiments were conducted. When only sawdust was added, the wheat sprouted but became unhealthy and produced no filled heads. The same occurred when lime was added to the sawdust. However, when large amounts of nitrate of soda were applied to the sawdust-treated plots, both with and without lime, the 'sickness' went away and the wheat matured."

"My analysis of this, coupled with experiments in composting, leads to the following conclusion: During the period of decomposition of the sawdust (hastened, no doubt, by the lime), the bacteria of decomposition fed so heavily on the nitrates in the soil that the plants were starved. When the material had reached the condition of humus, the bacterial activity decreased to the point where fertility was restored.

My analysis of this, along with experiments in composting, leads to this conclusion: During the decomposition of the sawdust (speeded up, of course, by the lime), the decomposing bacteria consumed so many nitrates in the soil that the plants were deprived of them. When the material reached a humus-like state, the bacterial activity decreased enough for fertility to be restored.

"The above analysis accounts for the fact that coarse vegetable material, injures crops, when plowed under, for the current season. Fresh succulent material decays so quickly that it becomes almost immediately available, releasing its constituent plant food.

"The above analysis acknowledges that coarse vegetable material harms crops when it's plowed under for the current season. Fresh, juicy material decays quickly, making its nutrients available almost immediately."

"With proper conditions of moisture and aeration, sawdust, when mixed with quickly decaying material like kitchen garbage, can be reduced to an excellent, usable humus in three summer months. In fact, it is then better material than if permitted to lie out in the weather for fifteen years.

"With the right moisture and airflow, sawdust, when combined with fast-decaying materials like kitchen scraps, can be transformed into quality humus in just three months during the summer. In fact, it's better than if it were left outside to weather for fifteen years."

"There is another factor I think important in tree growth, especially where summers are hot, and that is soil temperature.

"There is another factor that I think is important for tree growth, especially in hot summers, and that is soil temperature."

"For any of our nut trees I should say that an acidity test of pH 6 to 7 would be entirely satisfactory. If the soil is infertile, some form of humus should be worked in at the time of planting. If much such material is used, some lime may be added. Better yet, wood ashes and bone meal will furnish potash, phosphorus, and the lime necessary to correct acidity and maintain the phosphorus in an available condition. Add to this, proper drainage and cool soil achieved by, first, cultivation, and later by heavy mulching, artificial shading, or shrubby undergrowth extended outside the root area, and your tree should 'go to town.' When the tree is large enough to shade its own root area it will take care of its own soil refrigeration. Nature knew what she was about when she planted trees in forests. Trees require warm heads (sunshine) and cool feet (shade), just the opposite from us humans."

"For any of our nut trees, I would say that a soil acidity test with a pH of 6 to 7 would be perfectly acceptable. If the soil is lacking nutrients, some form of humus should be mixed in at the time of planting. If a lot of this material is used, some lime may be added. Even better, wood ashes and bone meal will provide potash, phosphorus, and the lime needed to balance acidity and keep phosphorus in an accessible form. Along with this, proper drainage and cool soil can be achieved through initial cultivation and later through heavy mulching, artificial shading, or shrubby undergrowth extending beyond the root area, which will help your tree thrive. Once the tree is big enough to shade its own root area, it will manage its own soil cooling. Nature knew what it was doing when it planted trees in forests. Trees need warm tops (sunshine) and cool bottoms (shade), which is the opposite of what we humans require."

Mr. Stoke's letter recalls a very ancient Arabian proverb connected with the date palm. "The date palm tree must have his head in hell and his feet in water." We are indebted both to Mr. Stoke and to the Arab scientists for many things.

Mr. Stoke's letter reminds us of an old Arabian proverb about the date palm. "The date palm tree must have its head in hell and its feet in water." We owe a lot to Mr. Stoke and the Arab scientists for many things.

Miss Mildred Jones' reply, fortunately, goes into other and equally important phases of the same subject. She says: "Anyone who is going to lime and fertilize nut trees should take at least a five year period for his work, using lime and fertilizer each year, and not dump it all in one year, then wait for results. He should study the return on a five year basis. One[Pg 29] year is too short a term. Weather conditions can upset a program to the extent that both lime and fertilizer may not have their effect until the following year. Let those who really want to know, make graphs of growth in young trees and of nut production from older trees, in pounds, for five years, as against five of the same years during which trees similarly situated received no fertilizer or lime.

Miss Mildred Jones' response fortunately addresses other equally important aspects of the same topic. She says: "Anyone who plans to lime and fertilize nut trees should allocate at least a five-year period for this work, using lime and fertilizer every year instead of dumping it all in a single year and then waiting for results. One year is too short a timeframe to evaluate success. Weather conditions can disrupt a plan so that both lime and fertilizer may not show their effects until the following year. For those who are genuinely interested in learning more, they should create graphs showing the growth of young trees and the nut production from older trees, measured in pounds, over five years, compared to five years where similarly situated trees did not receive any fertilizer or lime."

"I shouldn't be at all surprised if those who state in reports to you that they have an acid soil, merely have a top acid soil. They may be growing their trees in basic limestone soils. Walnut trees grow in this environment very well, because they are found growing wild in woods where laurel and other types of plants loving an acid condition grow. This is true here in our county, but these soils are not seriously acid. They grow good garden crops.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all if the people who report to you that they have acidic soil actually just have a top layer of acidic soil. They might be growing their trees in basic limestone soils. Walnut trees thrive in this environment because they naturally grow in woodlands alongside laurel and other plants that prefer acidic conditions. This is true in our county as well, but these soils aren't really acidic. They produce good garden crops."

"Ground, or pulverized, limestone is the safest type of lime to apply to trees or crops, in my estimation. Some of it is ground so fine that it looks like hydrated lime and is used for medicinal purposes. I am inclined to think that any reports you received that noted injury from the use of lime may have been due to the use of burned lime (calcium oxide) which is caustic when wet. This type of lime may be used in winter, but during the growing season, or too close to the growing season, may injure trees. I believe such injury depends entirely upon weather conditions, but it is a good thing to be on the safe side and use a lime which will not have the hot reaction that burned lime has.

"Ground or powdered limestone is the safest type of lime to use on trees or crops, in my opinion. Some of it is ground so finely that it resembles hydrated lime and is used for medicinal purposes. I tend to think that any reports you received about damage from using lime might have come from the use of burned lime (calcium oxide), which can be caustic when wet. This type of lime may be applied in winter, but during the growing season or too close to it, it can harm trees. I believe such damage depends entirely on weather conditions, but it’s wise to play it safe and use a type of lime that doesn’t have the hot reaction that burned lime does."

"Your reports will serve an excellent purpose if they lead to getting a yearly record by planters on bearing and tree growth of their varieties. Few people know enough to go into the matter of soils and treatments intelligently. One can hardly blame them. It is a baffling subject. An unbalance in one element will lock up another element until one has quite a time unlocking them again. It seems that a conservative middle course is about the best to advise."

"Your reports will be really helpful if they result in yearly records from growers on fruit production and tree growth for their varieties. Not many people understand the complexities of soils and treatments well enough to discuss it intelligently. You can't really blame them; it's a confusing topic. If one element is out of balance, it can prevent another element from being accessible until it's quite a process to get them back in sync. It seems that taking a cautious middle approach is the best advice."

Upon reflection, it seems likely that if our questionnaire had asked specifically about the use of lime, many more reports would have been received of its use.

Upon reflection, it seems likely that if our questionnaire had specifically asked about the use of lime, we would have received many more reports of its use.

In response to an inquiry as to how weed competition near young trees is controlled, the replies are encouraging. Forty-seven practiced mulching; forty-five, mowing; thirty-four, occasional cultivation; twenty, regular cultivation, and a few others, slag or cinders around the trees. As is evident, some used several of the above methods. A few used none and suffered losses. Their honesty is admired, and their experience, disappointing as it is, is useful information.

In response to a question about how weed competition near young trees is managed, the answers are positive. Forty-seven used mulching; forty-five used mowing; thirty-four used occasional cultivation; twenty used regular cultivation, and a few others used slag or cinders around the trees. Clearly, some used several of these methods. A few used none and faced losses. Their honesty is appreciated, and while their experience is disappointing, it provides useful information.

As to fertilizing, forty-three reported the use of manure in some form as the principal material; twenty-eight used nitrogenous fertilizer; twenty-one, a complete fertilizer. Other materials were, in order, lime, compost, bone meal, ammonium sulphate, wood ash, tankage. One used a mixture of muck and manure and got results in excellent growth where the use of muck alone produced unsatisfactory growth. Several reported injury from too much fertilizer or from too late an application. Tree growth was thus pushed on into late fall; the trees were too sappy to stand the winter freezes and suffered from winter killing. The same result was reported from "over-cultivation." In this connection, we refer back to the letter[Pg 30] from Mr. H. P. Burgart, of Michigan, whose suggestions on cultivation and fertilizing are well worth careful study and practice by all who have had this trouble. It is possible that some planters, especially those whose trees are set on hillsides, where erosion is a robber of fertility, would modify Mr. Burgart's practice of turning under the green crop in the spring. They might prefer, as indeed might others who would like to see their green manure nearer the top of the soil, to disk in the green crop rather than bury it deeply with mouldboard plows. They would of course follow it up with repeated diskings until the time came for sowing another cover crop. This is, however, entirely in line with Mr. Burgart's recommendations.

As for fertilizing, forty-three reported using manure in some form as the main material; twenty-eight used nitrogen fertilizer; and twenty-one used a complete fertilizer. Other materials included lime, compost, bone meal, ammonium sulfate, wood ash, and tankage. One person used a mix of muck and manure and achieved excellent growth where using muck alone had resulted in poor growth. Several reported damage from using too much fertilizer or applying it too late. This practice caused tree growth to continue into late fall, making the trees too sappy to withstand winter freezes and resulting in winter damage. The same issue was noted from "over-cultivation." In this context, we refer back to the letter[Pg 30] from Mr. H. P. Burgart of Michigan, whose advice on cultivation and fertilizing is definitely worth careful consideration and application by anyone facing these problems. Some planters, especially those with trees on hillsides where erosion steals fertility, might adjust Mr. Burgart's method of turning under the green crop in spring. They might prefer, as might others wanting their green manure closer to the soil's surface, to disk in the green crop instead of burying it deeply with moldboard plows. They would follow this up with repeated diskings until it's time to sow another cover crop. This is, however, completely in line with Mr. Burgart's recommendations.

Pursuing this subject to its conclusion, we next asked: "When young trees failed to grow with you, what percentage of these failures was due to ..." (various causes enumerated below)? The question was misunderstood. Many evidently gave percentages of all trees planted. Others, correctly, gave percentages merely of the trees which failed to grow. As nearly as could be arrived at, about 30 percent of losses were among trees that failed even to start; 40 percent failed from weak growth the first year or two; 10 percent from failure to maintain later growth; 16 percent were winter killed, and 3 or 4 percent died from rodent or similar (mole, gopher, deer, bear) injury. It is evident that by far the greatest losses were suffered within the first two years—not less than seventy percent. Probably more. It would seem that two years of intensive care should not be too burdensome a stint for a reward which lasts a lifetime.

Pursuing this topic to its conclusion, we then asked: "When young trees didn't grow with you, what percentage of these failures was due to ..." (various causes listed below)? The question was misunderstood. Many clearly gave percentages for all the trees planted. Others, correctly, provided percentages only for the trees that failed to grow. As accurately as we could determine, about 30 percent of losses were among trees that didn't even start; 40 percent faced weak growth during the first year or two; 10 percent failed to maintain growth later on; 16 percent were killed by winter, and 3 or 4 percent died from damage caused by rodents or similar animals (moles, gophers, deer, bears). It's clear that the majority of losses occurred within the first two years—not less than seventy percent. Probably more. It seems that two years of intensive care shouldn't feel like too much effort for a benefit that lasts a lifetime.

Rodent and similar injuries were no doubt kept low because of extra protective care. Hardware cloth (galvanized wire ¼" mesh, 24" high, preferred) around each tree proved the most common and effective preventive. Following this, in order of use, were: wrapping the trunks (including wrappings of tar paper); mounding with earth or ashes; poison bait, dogs and cats, clean cultivation; resinous paint; spray (with Purdue formula mentioned); and, finally, hogs, against mice.

Rodent and similar injuries were definitely kept to a minimum due to extra protective measures. Hardware cloth (galvanized wire with ¼" mesh, 24" high, preferred) around each tree turned out to be the most common and effective prevention method. Following that, in order of usage, were: wrapping the trunks (including wraps made of tar paper); creating mounds with dirt or ashes; using poison bait, dogs and cats, clean cultivation; applying resinous paint; spraying (with the Purdue formula mentioned); and, finally, using hogs to combat mice.

Anti-rodent treatments which proved injurious to trees were reported to be; tar paper wrappings; coal tar washes; close-set creosoted posts; oil sprays; "any paint"; any chemical to smear on trunks; rooting cement. For those who are located in regions where deer are a source of injury, Mr. J. U. Gellatly, of West Bank, B. C., reports the successful use of an old and heroic Russian formula. Spray or paint all branches with manure water, using hog or human offal. Deer will stay away. Naturally.

Anti-rodent treatments that harmed trees included tar paper wrappings, coal tar washes, closely set creosoted posts, oil sprays, "any paint," any chemical for smearing on trunks, and rooting cement. For those in areas where deer cause damage, Mr. J. U. Gellatly from West Bank, B.C., reports that an old and effective Russian formula works well. Spray or paint all branches with manure water, using pig or human waste. Deer will keep away. Naturally.

Next come answers to some personal questions as to experiences from which the reader may glean a wide variety of suggestions. The first of these questions is:

Next are answers to some personal questions about experiences from which the reader can gain a wide range of suggestions. The first of these questions is:

"What is your ONE greatest source of success?" The answers seem to show many royal roads, each of which was the one road for someone. The answers: Mulching young trees; watering care; planting seeds; planting one-year seedlings; wrapping-with paper; 50% moist peat mixed with earth in transplanting; manure; sod in bottom of planting hole and use of nitrogen later; setting trees at bottom of slopes; clean cultivation until August then sowing rye, soy beans or cow peas as cover crops to turn under in spring; topworking hickories; grafting in cool, moist spring weather; pigs in orchard; chickens in orchard; planting 12-14-foot trees severely cut back, burlap wrapped, heavily mulched.[Pg 31]

"What is your ONE greatest source of success?" The answers seem to reveal many paths, each one being the best route for someone. The responses include: mulching young trees; careful watering; planting seeds; planting one-year-old seedlings; wrapping with paper; using a 50% moisture peat and soil mix during transplanting; manure; placing sod at the bottom of the planting hole and using nitrogen later; planting trees at the bottom of slopes; maintaining clean cultivation until August and then sowing rye, soybeans, or cowpeas as cover crops to turn under in spring; topworking hickories; grafting during cool, moist spring weather; having pigs in the orchard; having chickens in the orchard; planting 12-14-foot trees heavily cut back, wrapped in burlap, and heavily mulched.[Pg 31]

It seems a pity that limitations of space do not permit the telling of the various stories connected with the above glimpses of successful solutions. Each represents a little or a big success story connected with an individual problem. It is sufficient, perhaps, to know that someone somewhere found that each was the answer to his own difficulties.

It’s unfortunate that space limitations don't allow for sharing the different stories related to the successful solutions mentioned above. Each represents a small or large success story linked to an individual problem. It’s probably enough to know that someone, somewhere found these solutions to be the answer to their own challenges.

The next question brings out the reverse side of the planters' work: "What is your chief source of failure?" The answer most often given was the honest one, lack of attention. We can all convict ourselves here, either involuntarily or otherwise. Especially during this period of warfare, when so many have been taken away from their plantings and have been unable to get help, there is no question but that our trees have suffered. The next in frequency is "unsuitable soil." Following this come: lack of water; poor planting; planting too big a tree; spring planting of nut trees; buying 5 to 7 year-old trees; climate; transplanting failures; grafting; grafting in dry, hot, springs; top-working old trees; stink bugs on filberts (nuts); lack of drainage; forcing with nitrogenous fertilizer; fertilizing young trees too much; birds breaking off top growth. It had been the intention to confine this question to young trees, but it was not so phrased, so we shall let the answers stand as they are. It is a bit ironical that some found their chief source of failure exactly where others had made their best success. The explanation must lie in differences in technique, in soil or in some other local condition. Skill, knowledge, and persistence must always play a great part in any success.

The next question highlights the downside of the planters' work: "What is your main source of failure?" The most common answer was the honest one, lack of attention. We can all admit to this, whether we realize it or not. Especially during this time of war, when many have been pulled away from their planting and haven't been able to get help, there's no doubt our trees have suffered. Next most frequent is "unsuitable soil." After that come: lack of water; poor planting; planting trees that are too big; spring planting of nut trees; buying 5 to 7-year-old trees; climate; transplanting failures; grafting; grafting in dry, hot springs; top-working old trees; stink bugs on filberts (nuts); lack of drainage; overusing nitrogenous fertilizer; over-fertilizing young trees; birds breaking off top growth. It was meant to limit this question to young trees, but since it wasn't phrased that way, we'll keep the answers as they are. It's somewhat ironic that some people found their main source of failure in the very areas where others had their greatest successes. The reason must be based on differences in technique, soil, or some other local condition. Skill, knowledge, and persistence always play a significant role in any success.

We next asked, "What have been your chief difficulties with established, bearing trees?" The difficulties here shift from matters of soil, rodent protection and the like to other types; caterpillars, neglect, winter injury, limited crops, failure of nuts to fill, disappointing quality of nuts, bag and tent worms, blight, "blight" due to drought, too early leaf fall, insects in early spring, trees drowned out in flooded bottom lands. It is probable that this last disaster happened to younger trees.

We then asked, "What have been your main challenges with established, bearing trees?" The challenges shifted from issues like soil and rodent protection to other factors such as caterpillars, neglect, winter damage, limited harvests, unfilled nuts, poor quality nuts, bagworms, blight, drought-related "blight," early leaf drop, early spring insects, and trees getting flooded in low-lying areas. It's likely that this last issue affected the younger trees.

As to the species of trees chiefly damaged by these causes, black walnut comes first (possibly because more of these trees have been planted), then hickories, Persian walnuts, chestnuts (blight), heartnuts, pecans, filberts, butternuts, and finally butternuts in the south areas from fungus troubles.

As for the types of trees primarily affected by these issues, black walnut is the most impacted (likely because more of these trees have been planted), followed by hickories, Persian walnuts, chestnuts (due to blight), heartnuts, pecans, filberts, butternuts, and lastly, butternuts in the southern regions suffering from fungus problems.

Trees reported to have been least damaged were, first, butternuts, then hazels and filberts, black walnuts, hickories, Manchurian walnuts, Jap. walnuts, heartnuts, chestnuts, pecans, Persian walnuts.

Trees that were reported to be the least damaged were, first, butternuts, followed by hazels and filberts, black walnuts, hickories, Manchurian walnuts, Japanese walnuts, heartnuts, chestnuts, pecans, and Persian walnuts.

In response to the specific question, "What insects damaged the trees?", we found that walnut caterpillars were more common than any others, followed closely by web or "tent" worms. The Japanese beetle is a close second and is broadening its entrenched positions steadily. Others are flat-headed apple borers, lace-wing fly, aphis, leaf hoppers. To this list two reporters added sapsuckers among the insects. These birds would almost girdle some of the branches with punctures.

In response to the specific question, "What insects damaged the trees?", we found that walnut caterpillars were more common than any others, followed closely by web or "tent" worms. The Japanese beetle is a close second and is steadily expanding its established presence. Others include flat-headed apple borers, lace-wing flies, aphids, and leaf hoppers. Two reporters also added sapsuckers to the list of insects. These birds would almost completely ring some of the branches with their punctures.

Insect damage was reported as serious by eight reporters, as slight or occasional by six, and of yearly occurrence by nearly all. Others reported damage as serious if not controlled.

Insect damage was reported as serious by eight reporters, as slight or occasional by six, and as happening every year by nearly all. Others indicated that damage was serious if it wasn't kept in check.

"What do you do to control the insects?" was then asked. Most of the answers referred to clustering types of insects and involved removal of the[Pg 32] clusters by burning, by cutting off the infested twigs, or by scraping off the clusters from the trunks in the early morning or late evening. Others sprayed with lead arsenate, "sprayed in late summer with lead arsenate", sprayed with nicotine sulphate for aphis and lice. Other methods mentioned were early cultivation, shaking the tree with a pole early and often, and chickens in the grove. Some of these means are adapted manifestly, to small plantings and others to larger groves. None mentioned the attracting of birds by plantings of trees or shrubs that bear berries or small seeds. When trees are tall enough to be beyond reach of poles or sprays, the birds become more essential as insect destroyers.

"How do you control the bugs?" was then asked. Most of the answers talked about different types of insect clusters and involved getting rid of the[Pg 32] clusters by burning, cutting off the infested branches, or scraping the clusters off the trunks in the early morning or late evening. Others used lead arsenate, "sprayed in late summer with lead arsenate," or sprayed nicotine sulfate for aphids and lice. Other methods discussed included early cultivation, shaking the tree with a pole frequently, and letting chickens roam in the grove. Some of these methods clearly worked better for small plantings, while others were suited for larger groves. No one mentioned attracting birds by planting trees or shrubs that produce berries or small seeds. When trees grow tall enough that poles or sprays can't reach them, birds become more crucial as insect predators.

"What insects damage the nuts?" Weevil, by long odds. Next come husk maggots or "shock worms", codling moth larvae, borers, stink bugs on filberts, butternut curculio. No cure is given for this trouble except the very valuable one of keeping chickens, or, better still, turkeys running freely in the plantation. Clean cultivation will, of course, destroy many larvae that hibernate under trash.

"What insects damage the nuts?" Weevil, by a long shot. After that are husk maggots or "shock worms," codling moth larvae, borers, and stink bugs on filberts, as well as butternut curculio. The only solution suggested for this problem is the highly effective method of letting chickens, or even better, turkeys roam freely in the plantation. Proper cultivation will, of course, eliminate many larvae that hibernate under debris.

"What species are most injured by disease?" None are immune, apparently, though three reporters in favored regions answer "none" are injured. Black walnuts suffer from leaf-spot, blight, or canker, especially in seasons when the trees have been weakened by drought. Hazels and filberts are next, then Persian walnuts, butternuts, native chestnuts, Chinese chestnuts, pecans.

"Which species are most affected by disease?" It seems none are completely safe, although three reporters from preferred areas say "none" are affected. Black walnuts are hit by leaf spot, blight, or canker, especially in years when the trees are stressed by drought. Hazels and filberts follow, then Persian walnuts, butternuts, native chestnuts, Chinese chestnuts, and pecans.

Blight in chestnuts, nectria canker and blight in black walnuts, blight in filberts (Cryptosporella), scab in pecans, and die-back Melanconium oblongum in butternuts. These are the kinds of diseases most to be feared among nut trees. Sprays, chiefly with Bordeaux mixture and copper base solutions, are recommended. If nut orchards were generally as well sprayed as apple and peach orchards, we should hear less of disease among nut trees. As it is, nut trees are in general far more resistant by nature to disease than fruit trees, but it will not do to take unlimited resistance for granted. As progress is gradually made in the selection of varieties for better nut production, it is very likely that there will be a weakening of this resistance to disease. Better cultural methods, resulting in more robust growth, will build up resistance. Better sprays and more spraying will act as a barrier not only to disease but to most insect enemies as well.

Blight in chestnuts, nectria canker and blight in black walnuts, blight in filberts (Cryptosporella), scab in pecans, and die-back Melanconium oblongum in butternuts. These are the types of diseases that are most concerning for nut trees. Sprays, mainly using Bordeaux mixture and copper-based solutions, are recommended. If nut orchards were sprayed as thoroughly as apple and peach orchards, we would hear less about diseases affecting nut trees. Currently, nut trees are generally much more disease-resistant by nature than fruit trees, but we shouldn't assume they have unlimited resistance. As progress continues in selecting varieties for improved nut production, there's a good chance that this resistance to disease may weaken. Better farming practices that promote healthier growth will enhance resistance. Improved sprays and more frequent applications will serve as a barrier not only to diseases but also to most insect threats.

"What disease, if any, affects the nuts?" Fortunately, very few diseases are reported. "None," say most of our reporters. A scab is reported for the first time this year in some sections on pecans. "Galls" are reported on some hickories. A husk blight appears to affect Persian walnuts in some places, and nut production is very seriously affected among black walnuts by defoliation prematurely, either because of drought or leaf-spot. The cure is undoubtedly the same as for disease affecting the trees, namely spraying.

"What diseases, if any, affect the nuts?" Fortunately, very few diseases are reported. "None," say most of our sources. A scab has been reported for the first time this year in some areas affecting pecans. "Galls" have been noted on some hickories. A husk blight seems to be affecting Persian walnuts in certain locations, and nut production among black walnuts is very seriously impacted by premature defoliation, either due to drought or leaf spot. The solution is undoubtedly the same as for the diseases affecting the trees, which is spraying.

"What proportion of nuts are taken by the squirrels?" The answers to this question range all the way from "all if allowed" to "none if prevented." If the nut trees are located near a forest, the proportion will be large; if not, much smaller. Most correspondents say that the proportion is very small, but nearly a third of those who make any report on this at all, say such losses are rather heavy. In the extreme north, there seem to be no squirrels to bother. Several report thefts, particularly of filberts, by[Pg 33] chipmunks, while one complains about both mice and jaybirds as filbert lovers.

"What proportion of nuts do squirrels take?" The answers to this question vary from "all if they have the chance" to "none if they’re kept away." If the nut trees are close to a forest, the proportion will be high; if not, it will be much lower. Most people say that the proportion is very small, but nearly a third of those who report on this say that the losses are quite significant. In the far north, there don't seem to be any squirrels to cause trouble. Several people report thefts, especially of filberts, by[Pg 33] chipmunks, while one person complains about both mice and jays as fans of filberts.

The most effective squirrel control is the rifle or shotgun. Rat traps, using black walnuts as bait, are second choice and said to be effective. The banding of isolated trees with tin (one says cotton batting) will prevent squirrels from climbing. A good cat or several of them will be useful, say several reporters. One judicious correspondent says that, in general, there are two popular ways of handling the situation; one by shooting, the other by cussing—most practiced, least effective. One grower, not to be outdone by the patient Chinaman or Japanese, in September ties up each chestnut burr in a cloth sack. Take your choice; but it will be well, if you wish to remain in good standing with the law, either to do your shooting during the open hunting season or, if at other times, catch your thief in the act and, wastefully, let him lie where he falls when shot. So says the law, at least in some states. On the other hand, there are many who will say, with one reporter: "I do nothing about it. I like squirrels." [This note by chairman—not W. C. D.!]

The best way to control squirrels is with a rifle or shotgun. Rat traps, using black walnuts as bait, are the second choice and are said to be effective. Wrapping isolated trees with tin (some say cotton batting) will stop squirrels from climbing. A good cat or a few of them can be helpful, according to several reporters. One careful correspondent mentions that, generally, there are two popular ways to deal with the problem: one is shooting, and the other is swearing—most common but least effective. One grower, wanting to keep up with the patient Chinese or Japanese, ties up each chestnut burr in a cloth sack every September. It's your choice; however, if you want to stay on the right side of the law, it's best to do your shooting during open hunting season or, at other times, catch the thief in the act and, wastefully, leave him where he falls after being shot. That's what the law says, at least in some states. On the other hand, many will echo one reporter: "I do nothing about it. I like squirrels." [This note by chairman—not W. C. D.!]

The Marketing of Nuts! The purpose of this section was not to inquire into methods of marketing but merely to determine, if possible, what marketing of nuts is now being done. It is little enough. Chestnut lovers have all but forgotten the taste of good chestnuts. Black walnut buyers, confectioners, bakers, report that it is next to impossible, at least for the duration of the war, to get deliveries of nuts, especially shelled nuts. The market for a good product is best only when the product is easily and plentifully obtainable.

The Marketing of Nuts! The aim of this section wasn't to explore marketing methods but simply to find out what nut marketing is currently happening. There's not much going on. People who love chestnuts have almost forgotten what good chestnuts taste like. Buyers of black walnuts, as well as confectioners and bakers, say that it's nearly impossible, at least during the war, to get deliveries of nuts, especially shelled ones. The market for a good product thrives only when the product is available and abundant.

Forty-one growers reported that they sell nuts commercially. The others do not because they have no surplus to sell. Only six sell kernels. The others sell whole nuts.

Forty-one growers reported that they sell nuts for profit. The others don't sell because they have no extra to offer. Only six sell kernels, while the rest sell whole nuts.

Owing to a misreading of the question, few reported on profitable varieties. Those who did, reported Thomas as first, then Stabler and Ohio. Of pecans, Major first, then Greenriver, Busseron, Indiana, Niblack. Of chestnuts, Hobson is the only one mentioned, and of filberts only the Jones hybrid. Most growers reported on species instead of varieties. Of these, black walnuts stand first, then pecans, chestnuts and filberts. In the far northwest, filberts stand first. Most growers have the feeling that the hybrid chestnut, mollissima x dentata, is coming fast and offers one of the best chances for profitable commercial planting. At present only three reporters who specifically commit themselves on the subject say they count upon the sale of nuts as an important item in their income. Fifty-one do not. Fifteen definitely expect, and sixteen others have hopes, that nuts may some day become, at least to an extent, good income producers for them. Practically all express themselves as willing to sell or exchange either nuts or cions for propagation purposes.

Due to a misunderstanding of the question, few commented on profitable varieties. Those who did mentioned Thomas first, followed by Stabler and Ohio. For pecans, it was Major first, then Greenriver, Busseron, Indiana, and Niblack. For chestnuts, only Hobson was mentioned, and for filberts, just the Jones hybrid. Most growers focused on species rather than varieties. Among these, black walnuts are the most popular, followed by pecans, chestnuts, and filberts. In the far northwest, filberts are the top preference. Most growers believe that the hybrid chestnut, mollissima x dentata, is gaining popularity and offers one of the best chances for profitable commercial planting. Currently, only three reporters who specifically express their views on the topic say they expect nut sales to be an important part of their income. Fifty-one do not. Fifteen have definite expectations, and sixteen others are hopeful that nuts might eventually become, at least to some degree, good income sources for them. Practically all are willing to sell or exchange either nuts or cuttings for propagation purposes.

Discovery of Promising Nut Trees. Some thirty-odd "wild" trees which bear nuts of unusual promise have been reported by discoverers in their answers to this survey. It is more than likely that some of them have been previously reported. The committee has no means of knowing. However, it is hoped that, out of the lot, one or two may be good enough for propagating or for contributions of pollen for cross-pollination. The names and locations of the owners of these trees have been turned over to Mr. C. A.[Pg 34] Reed, Associate Pomologist, U. S. D. A., Beltsville, Md., for further investigation. It has been found that such information should not be prematurely published, since it leads to trouble for the owners and to possible undue valuations being placed upon the trees in question.

Discovery of Promising Nut Trees. About thirty "wild" trees that produce nuts with great potential have been reported by discoverers in their responses to this survey. It's likely that some of them have been reported before. The committee has no way of knowing. However, there’s hope that among them, one or two could be suitable for propagation or for providing pollen for cross-pollination. The names and locations of the owners of these trees have been passed on to Mr. C. A.[Pg 34] Reed, Associate Pomologist, U. S. D. A., Beltsville, Md., for further investigation. It has been determined that such information should not be made public too soon, as it can cause issues for the owners and lead to inflated valuations of the trees in question.

RATING OF VARIETIES. First, it will be best to state how the committee arrived at a rating. Certain well-known varieties were printed by name, and blanks were left to be filled, if desired, with names of special favorites of the reporter. Those listed by name were not all good, but were widely planted. We wished to know exactly what the planters' experience had been not only with the better varieties but with other old stand-bys which were suspected of being below standard.

RATING OF VARIETIES. First, it’s best to explain how the committee came up with a rating. Certain well-known varieties were printed by name, and blanks were left for reporters to fill in with their specific favorites if they wanted. The named varieties weren’t all great, but they were commonly planted. We aimed to understand the planters' experiences not only with the better varieties but also with other old favorites that were thought to be below standard.

We asked reporters to mark their sheets with the following scale symbols: XXXX for best; XXX, very good; XX, good; X, average. O, poor; OO, failure. In tabulating final summaries, the committee valued the XXXX symbol at 100%; XXX, 75%; XX, 50%; X, 25%; O, O%; OO, minus 20%. Twenty percent was arbitrarily deducted from any 100% rating, and 10% from any lesser rating, in case no other reports on the same tree were received from other reporters.

We asked reporters to mark their sheets using the following scale symbols: XXXX for best; XXX for very good; XX for good; X for average; O for poor; OO for failure. In calculating the final summaries, the committee assigned the XXXX symbol a value of 100%; XXX was valued at 75%; XX at 50%; X at 25%; O at 0%; and OO at -20%. We deducted 20% from any 100% rating and 10% from any lower rating if no other reports on the same tree were received from other reporters.

Qualities upon which ratings were made were hardiness, average yield (rating), yield in pounds per tree or acre, age of oldest trees, age at first crop, percentage filled nuts, husking quality, cracking quality, size of nuts, weight of kernels, quality of kernel.

Qualities used for ratings included hardiness, average yield (rating), yield in pounds per tree or acre, age of the oldest trees, age at first crop, percentage of filled nuts, husking quality, cracking quality, size of nuts, weight of kernels, and quality of the kernel.

Naturally, not all reporters were able to evaluate all of these qualities, so many spaces were left blank. For instance, hardiness could be rated for a very young tree, but not yield. In any future survey, we should advocate including a rating on early maturity of nuts, since this is a quality essential in trees planted farthest north.

Naturally, not all reporters could assess all of these qualities, so many spaces were left blank. For example, hardiness could be rated for a very young tree, but not yield. In any future survey, we should recommend adding a rating for early nut maturity, as this is an important quality for trees planted in northern regions.

Black Walnuts. Six names of well-known varieties were printed upon our sheets and, of course, most of the reports are centered around these trees. Twenty-four varieties were voluntarily written in and reported on by correspondents. No doubt some of these varieties will in time replace some of the older ones. Reports on them are now too scattered and too much uncorroborated to enable us to do them justice here. For the present we shall have to content ourselves with those which have sufficient evidence.

Black Walnuts. We had six names of popular varieties listed on our sheets, and naturally, most of the reports focus on these trees. Twenty-four varieties were voluntarily added and reported by correspondents. It's likely that some of these newer varieties will eventually replace some of the older ones. The reports on them are currently too spread out and not well-supported to adequately evaluate them here. For now, we will have to settle for those that have enough solid evidence.

Of the printed list, Thomas takes first place with rating of 80.1%, which is a cumulative percentage of all percentages earned on the most desirable black walnut qualities. The method of obtaining this Thomas overall percentage is as follows: Add all the Thomas percentages in the paragraph below. Their average will be found to be 78%. Reports from Canada and the southern area bring this average up to 80.1%, as stated. Stambaugh is second with a rating of 72%. Rohwer rates 76%; Ohio, 57%; Stabler, 49%, and Ten Eycke, 45%. The last three seem to stand in jeopardy of replacement by other varieties.

Of the printed list, Thomas ranks first with a rating of 80.1%, which is the total percentage of all the points earned for the most desirable black walnut qualities. The way to calculate this overall percentage for Thomas is as follows: Add all the Thomas percentages in the paragraph below. Their average comes out to 78%. Reports from Canada and the southern region boost this average up to 80.1%, as mentioned. Stambaugh is in second place with a rating of 72%. Rohwer scores 76%; Ohio, 57%; Stabler, 49%; and Ten Eycke, 45%. The last three appear to be at risk of being replaced by other varieties.

Breaking these percentages down according to their qualities, the trees in the northern U. S. area were rated as follows, using the valuations noted in the second paragraph at this section entitled Rating of Varieties: In hardiness Thomas rates 80; Stambaugh, 70; Rohwer, 75; Ohio, 70; Stabler, 60; Ten Eycke, 65. In yield, Thomas rates 61%; Stambaugh, 39; Ten Eycke, 38; Rohwer, 37; Ohio, 36; Stabler, 13. Yield per tree or per acre was not well enough reported to warrant reliable ratings. In percentage[Pg 35] of filled nuts, Thomas rated 82%; Stambaugh, 88; Rohwer, 91; Ohio, 87; Stabler, 67; Ten Eycke, 68. In husking quality, Thomas, 71%; Stambaugh, 67; Rohwer, 66; Ohio, 7; Stabler, 21; Ten Eycke, 13. In cracking quality, Thomas rated 81%; Stambaugh, 79; Rohwer, 57; Ohio, 57; Stabler, 61; Ten Eycke, 50. In size of nuts, Thomas rated 92%; Stambaugh rated 57%; Rohwer, 58; Ohio, 55; Stabler, 39; Ten Eycke, 42%. In weight of kernels, Thomas rated 79%; Stambaugh, 87; Rohwer, 62; Ohio, 55; Stabler, 50; Ten Eycke, 31. In quality of kernels, Thomas rated 77%; Stambaugh, 58; Rohwer, 60; Ohio, 68; Stabler, 44; Ten Eyck, 47.

Breaking these percentages down by their qualities, the trees in the northern U.S. were rated as follows, using the ratings noted in the second paragraph of this section titled Rating of Varieties: For hardiness, Thomas scored 80; Stambaugh, 70; Rohwer, 75; Ohio, 70; Stabler, 60; and Ten Eycke, 65. In terms of yield, Thomas scored 61%; Stambaugh, 39; Ten Eycke, 38; Rohwer, 37; Ohio, 36; and Stabler, 13. Yield per tree or per acre wasn't reported well enough to provide reliable ratings. In the percentage[Pg 35] of filled nuts, Thomas rated 82%; Stambaugh, 88; Rohwer, 91; Ohio, 87; Stabler, 67; and Ten Eycke, 68. For husking quality, Thomas rated 71%; Stambaugh, 67; Rohwer, 66; Ohio, 7; Stabler, 21; and Ten Eycke, 13. In cracking quality, Thomas scored 81%; Stambaugh, 79; Rohwer, 57; Ohio, 57; Stabler, 61; and Ten Eycke, 50. Regarding nut size, Thomas rated 92%; Stambaugh rated 57%; Rohwer, 58; Ohio, 55; Stabler, 39; and Ten Eycke, 42%. For kernel weight, Thomas scored 79%; Stambaugh, 87; Rohwer, 62; Ohio, 55; Stabler, 50; and Ten Eycke, 31. In kernel quality, Thomas rated 77%; Stambaugh, 58; Rohwer, 60; Ohio, 68; Stabler, 44; and Ten Eycke, 47.

It would have been more accurate, of course, to have again divided these returns according to the warmer and cooler regions from which they came, but the report has certain limits which can not be over-stepped. All these varieties are represented by some trees twenty years old or older. Thomas was reported to be the youngest to bear. Its average age at first crop was exactly five years; Stambaugh, 6 years; Rohwer, 5.57 years; Ohio, 5.17; Stabler, 5.7; and Ten Eyck, 5.17 years.

It would have been more accurate, of course, to divide these returns again based on the warmer and cooler regions they came from, but the report has certain limits that can't be exceeded. All these varieties are represented by some trees that are twenty years old or older. Thomas was reported to be the youngest to produce fruit. Its average age at first crop was exactly five years; Stambaugh, 6 years; Rohwer, 5.57 years; Ohio, 5.17 years; Stabler, 5.7 years; and Ten Eyck, 5.17 years.

Other varieties, the names of which were written in, are each sponsored by one or more correspondents who were attracted by their outstanding excellence with respect to the following qualities:

Other varieties, whose names were written in, are each backed by one or more correspondents who were drawn to their exceptional quality in terms of the following characteristics:

Hardiness: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Elmer Myers, Tasteright, Pinecrest, Patterson, Horton, Vandersloot, Lamb, Deming Purple, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford and Korn.

Hardiness: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Elmer Myers, Tasteright, Pinecrest, Patterson, Horton, Vandersloot, Lamb, Deming Purple, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford, and Korn.

Yield: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Cozad, Vandersloot, Brown.

Yield: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Cozad, Vandersloot, Brown.

Filled Nuts: Homeland, Mintle, Cornell, Niederhauser, Cozad, Vandersloot, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford.

Filled Nuts: Homeland, Mintle, Cornell, Niederhauser, Cozad, Vandersloot, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford.

Husking Quality: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Patterson, Todd, Snyder, Cozad, Horton, Vandersloot, Lamb, Deming Purple, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford.

Husking Quality: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Patterson, Todd, Snyder, Cozad, Horton, Vandersloot, Lamb, Deming Purple, Brown, Tritton, Cole, Sifford.

Cracking Quality: Eureka, Snyder, Mintle, Patterson, Brown, Tritton.

Cracking Quality: Eureka, Snyder, Mintle, Patterson, Brown, Tritton.

Size of Nuts: Homeland, Todd.

Size of Nuts: Homeland, Todd.

Weight of Kernels: Mintle, Todd, Snyder, Cornell, Niederhauser.

Weight of Kernels: Mintle, Todd, Snyder, Cornell, Niederhauser.

Kernel Quality: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Korn, Snyder, Cornell.

Kernel Quality: Creitz, Homeland, Mintle, Korn, Snyder, Cornell.

This, of course, cannot be a complete list, but we give it as reported to us. It will be well to keep an eye on several of them.

This can't be a complete list, but we're sharing what we've been told. It's a good idea to keep an eye on several of them.

Mr. L. K. Hostetter, Lancaster, Pa., sends us the only report which gives a year-by-year record of nut production from black walnut trees. He says:

Mr. L. K. Hostetter, Lancaster, PA, sends us the only report that provides a year-by-year account of nut production from black walnut trees. He says:

"I am especially interested in persimmons, service-berries, wild cherry, mulberry and elderberry. Of about 15 varieties of persimmon here I consider Early Golden and Josephine the best. Of 20 or more varieties of mulberries I consider Downing and Paradise the best. Paradise is a large purple mulberry I found near here. It has an exceptionally good flavor.

"I’m especially interested in persimmons, serviceberries, wild cherry, mulberry, and elderberry. Of the roughly 15 varieties of persimmon here, I think Early Golden and Josephine are the best. Out of 20 or more varieties of mulberries, I believe Downing and Paradise are the top choices. Paradise is a large purple mulberry I found nearby. It has an exceptionally good flavor."

"Following is a record of my crops of black walnuts, grafted varieties: 1931, 2 bu.; 1932, 3 bu.; 1933, 4 bu.; 1934, 8 bu.; 1935, 12 bu.; 1936, 18 bu.; 1937, 37 bu.; 1938, 54 bu.; 1939, 52 bu.; 1940, 300 bu.; 1941, 20 bu.; 1942, 125 bu.; 1943, 70 bu."[Pg 36]

"Here’s a record of my black walnut crops for grafted varieties: 1931, 2 bushels; 1932, 3 bushels; 1933, 4 bushels; 1934, 8 bushels; 1935, 12 bushels; 1936, 18 bushels; 1937, 37 bushels; 1938, 54 bushels; 1939, 52 bushels; 1940, 300 bushels; 1941, 20 bushels; 1942, 125 bushels; 1943, 70 bushels." [Pg 36]

Mr. Hostetter sells his nuts both as kernels and in the shell. He says that he can now count upon this crop for a substantial contribution to his annual income.

Mr. Hostetter sells his nuts both as kernels and in the shell. He says that he can now rely on this crop for a significant boost to his yearly income.

Seedling Chestnuts. None but Chinese and Japanese varieties were reported on. More of the Chinese seedlings have been planted than of the Japs. The latter excel in hardiness, yield, size of nuts, but the Chinese have a better percentage of filled nuts, have better husking quality and much better quality of kernel, according to growers. Of course, being seedlings, neither is entirely dependable in any of these qualities. The best that can be said is that the planter of a Chinese seedling has a better chance than the planter of a Jap seedling if he is after nut quality.

Seedling Chestnuts. Only Chinese and Japanese varieties were reported. More Chinese seedlings have been planted than Japanese ones. The Japanese varieties are known for their hardiness, yield, and size of nuts, but the Chinese have a higher percentage of filled nuts, better husking quality, and much better kernel quality, according to growers. Naturally, since they are seedlings, neither variety can be completely relied on for any of these traits. The best conclusion is that a grower who chooses a Chinese seedling has a better chance of achieving good nut quality than one who chooses a Japanese seedling.

Named Chestnuts. Outside of the report on hardiness, the returns on these varieties are too meagre to enable one to arrive at a corroborated conclusion. In hardiness, the Hobson stands first with a rating of 95%. Zimmerman and Carr are tied at 60%; Yankee rates 50%. Reliable seems to be little planted but also seems to rate well in hardiness. Hobson again stands first in yield, with Carr and Zimmerman second. The ratings are 80% and 60% respectively. Reliable comes next, then Yankee. In early bearing, Hobson stands first, Carr next. All seem to fill well, also have good husking quality. Carr is said to bear the largest nut, with Hobson and Zimmerman next. In quality of kernel, Hobson and Reliable stand out from the others. Hobson, on the returns, has much the best of it in general excellence. However, the last word has by no means been said in connection with hybrid chestnuts. In no field of nut culture is so much hybridizing being done. We expect to see many contenders for preeminence in this most promising branch of the industry.

Named Chestnuts. Aside from the hardiness report, the data on these varieties is too limited to draw a solid conclusion. In terms of hardiness, Hobson ranks highest with a score of 95%. Zimmerman and Carr are tied at 60%, while Yankee scores 50%. Reliable seems to be less commonly planted but also rates well in hardiness. Hobson again leads in yield, with Carr and Zimmerman following. Their scores are 80% and 60%, respectively. Reliable comes next, followed by Yankee. For early production, Hobson is first, with Carr in second. All varieties seem to fill well and have good husking quality. Carr is noted for producing the largest nut, with Hobson and Zimmerman next in size. In terms of kernel quality, Hobson and Reliable stand out from the rest. Overall, Hobson significantly leads in general excellence based on the returns. However, the conversation about hybrid chestnuts is far from over. There is a considerable amount of hybridizing happening in nut cultivation. We anticipate seeing many competitors for top status in this promising sector of the industry.

Pecans. The returns on pecans are also very incomplete after we go beyond the young tree age. Perhaps one reason for this is that young orchards of pecans require a longer time for growth than many other species before they begin to bear. The reports confirm this view. Records of crops from present plantings are none too numerous.

Pecans. The returns on pecans are still quite incomplete once we move beyond the young tree stage. One reason for this might be that young pecan orchards take longer to grow compared to many other species before they start producing. The reports support this perspective. There aren't many records of crops from current plantings.

In the reports on hardiness among the pecans, Major stands first with a percentage score of 85; Greenriver 83; Busseron, Indiana and Giles are tied at 80; Posey 75; Butterick 40.

In the reports on hardiness among the pecans, Major ranks first with a score of 85%; Greenriver follows with 83%; Busseron, Indiana, and Giles are tied at 80%; Posey has 75%; and Butterick comes in at 40%.

Records of yields are not numerous enough to be conclusive, but Major, Busseron and Butterick lead. This is in the absence of reports on Greenriver, Posey, Niblack, and other important varieties.

Records of yields aren't abundant enough to be definitive, but Major, Busseron, and Butterick are at the top. This is without reports on Greenriver, Posey, Niblack, and other significant varieties.

Hybrid Pecans. The records for hardiness here, as with other pecans, are marred by lack of good reporting. So far as the record shows, Pleas—Hican var. (hickory x pecan) is the outstanding variety for hardiness in regions north of its origin. It scores 85%; Norton and Rockville, 80% each; Gerardi, 75; Burlington, 60; Bixby, Des Moines and McCallister, 50% each.

Hybrid Pecans. The records for hardiness here, like with other pecans, are affected by poor reporting. According to the available data, Pleas—Hican var. (hickory x pecan) is the best variety for hardiness in areas north of its origin. It scores 85%; Norton and Rockville both score 80%; Gerardi scores 75; Burlington scores 60; and Bixby, Des Moines, and McCallister each score 50%.

Records of yields are not forthcoming. Such records as we have of filled nuts show them to be in general, unsatisfactory. In fact, however, no reliable conclusion can be reached from a study of the pecan reports unless it should be—a sad one—that the questionnaire or the questionees fell down here.

Records of yields are hard to come by. The records we do have of filled nuts are generally unsatisfactory. In reality, though, no solid conclusions can be made from looking at the pecan reports unless it turns out to be a disappointing one—that the questionnaire or the people answering it failed in this case.

Filberts. The story brightens. Many are working with filberts. In the northwest, the growing of filberts is developing into a commercial enterprise of good proportions. Our records are correspondingly more complete[Pg 37] though they show that there is plenty of room for improvement in the development of varieties of desirable quality.

Filberts. The situation is looking up. Many people are getting involved with filberts. In the northwest, the cultivation of filberts is becoming a sizable commercial venture. Our records have improved accordingly[Pg 37], although they indicate that there's still a lot of potential for enhancing the development of high-quality varieties.

In hardiness, Winkler leads in the reports with a score of 71.46%, with Jones hybrid a very close second at 71.15%. Bixby is next, then Buchanan. Of the "written-in" varieties, excellent hardiness is reported for Cosford, Hazelbert, Kentish Cob, Early Globe, Burkhardt's Zeller, Comet, Gellatly No. 1, Chinese Corylus, Brixnut and Longfellow.

In hardiness, Winkler tops the reports with a score of 71.46%, followed closely by the Jones hybrid at 71.15%. Bixby comes next, followed by Buchanan. Among the "written-in" varieties, excellent hardiness is noted for Cosford, Hazelbert, Kentish Cob, Early Globe, Burkhardt's Zeller, Comet, Gellatly No. 1, Chinese Corylus, Brixnut, and Longfellow.

Yields rule best with Rush and Jones hybrid. Winkler, Bixby and Buchanan follow closely. Failures in this respect are noted for Barcelona, DuChilly, Italian Red and White Aveline. Cosford has a good report.

Yields are best with the Rush and Jones hybrid. Winkler, Bixby, and Buchanan come next. Issues in this area are noted for Barcelona, DuChilly, Italian Red, and White Aveline. Cosford has a positive report.

Rush and Jones hybrid fill well, as do Cosford, Hazelbert, Buchanan and, usually, Winkler. Husking qualities are quite good for all varieties named except Winkler and, in some places, Rush. Cracking qualities are fairly uniform in all varieties reported.

Rush and Jones hybrid fill well, as do Cosford, Hazelbert, Buchanan, and usually Winkler. The husking qualities are pretty good for all the mentioned varieties, except for Winkler and, in some cases, Rush. The cracking qualities are fairly consistent across all reported varieties.

In size of nuts, Jones hybrid and Winkler have a more uniformly good record, with Hazelbert, DuChilly, White Aveline, Barcelona, Brixnut and Longfellow following closely. In kernel quality, Rush, Winkler, Cosford, DuChilly, Bixby, Buchanan and Longfellow are named as among the best.

In terms of nut size, Jones hybrid and Winkler have consistently good records, with Hazelbert, DuChilly, White Aveline, Barcelona, Brixnut, and Longfellow not far behind. For kernel quality, Rush, Winkler, Cosford, DuChilly, Bixby, Buchanan, and Longfellow are considered among the best.

Butternuts. The record is very scant. Weschcke, Sherwood and Buckley, according to these reports, are hardy. Weschcke and Craxezy yield well. Sherwood is the most precocious in early bearing with Weschcke close up. Sherwood, Craxezy and Weschcke fill well and the latter two crack well. Buckley leads in size of nuts, with Sherwood close, and all have good kernel quality. We have no reports on Aiken, Deming or Devon.

Butternuts. The information is very limited. Weschcke, Sherwood, and Buckley, based on these reports, are resilient. Weschcke and Craxezy produce well. Sherwood is the earliest to bear fruit, with Weschcke following closely. Sherwood, Craxezy, and Weschcke fill out nicely, and the latter two handle cracking well. Buckley has the largest nuts, with Sherwood close behind, and all have good kernel quality. We have no information on Aiken, Deming, or Devon.

Persian Walnuts. In most portions of the north, the reports show that Franquette, Mayette, Pomeroy and Rush are not adapted to our climate—too tender. Broadview has the best record for hardiness, followed by one or two of the Crath Carpathian numbers, and with Breslau, Lancaster and Bedford showing up well.

Persian Walnuts. In many parts of the north, reports indicate that Franquette, Mayette, Pomeroy, and Rush aren't suited for our climate—too sensitive. Broadview has the best track record for hardiness, followed closely by a couple of the Crath Carpathian varieties, along with Breslau, Lancaster, and Bedford performing well.

In yields, Broadview and Payne have the best reports, followed by Breslau, Lancaster and Bedford. In size of nuts, Breslau, Lancaster and Franquette are first; Broadview and Payne next. In quality of kernel, Bedford, Franquette, Lancaster and Payne, in that order, are claimed as best, with Mayette, Breslau, Crath, Pomeroy and Broadview following. Since kernel quality is a matter of taste, it seems unlikely that any rating on it will prove satisfactory to everybody.

In yields, Broadview and Payne have the top reports, followed by Breslau, Lancaster, and Bedford. For nut size, Breslau, Lancaster, and Franquette rank first, with Broadview and Payne coming next. Regarding kernel quality, Bedford, Franquette, Lancaster, and Payne are considered the best, in that order, with Mayette, Breslau, Crath, Pomeroy, and Broadview following. Since kernel quality is subjective, it’s unlikely that any ratings on it will satisfy everyone.

Hickories. Returns are numerous and well distributed. In hardiness, Stratford leads with a rating of 84%; Glover rates 83; Fairbanks, 79; Romig, 75; Weiker, 71; Kentucky, 65. Others, written in, with best ratings by their growers, are, in the following order; Beaver, Hales, Barnes, Clark, Caldwell, Taylor, Weschcke, Beemen, Bridgewater. Schinnerling, Hagen and Abscota are close up.

Hickories. The returns are plentiful and well spread out. In terms of hardiness, Stratford has the highest rating at 84%, followed by Glover at 83%, Fairbanks at 79%, Romig at 75%, Weiker at 71%, and Kentucky at 65%. Other varieties, noted by their growers with the best ratings, are listed in this order: Beaver, Hales, Barnes, Clark, Caldwell, Taylor, Weschcke, Beemen, and Bridgewater. Schinnerling, Hagen, and Abscota are also quite close.

Best yields are reporting for Stratford and Fairbanks. Close up are Barnes, Glover and Schinnerling.

Best yields are being reported for Stratford and Fairbanks. Close behind are Barnes, Glover, and Schinnerling.

Weschcke, Glover, Weiker, Beeman and Bridgewater are most precocious in early bearing. Best filled nuts are reported, in order of precedence, for Stratford, Fairbanks, Walters, Beaver, Hagen, Weschcke, Beeman and Bridgewater.[Pg 38]

Weschcke, Glover, Weiker, Beeman, and Bridgewater are very early to produce fruit. The best-filled nuts are noted, in order, for Stratford, Fairbanks, Walters, Beaver, Hagen, Weschcke, Beeman, and Bridgewater.[Pg 38]

Husking quality: Reports were inadequate. Cracking quality, in order or rank, Glover, Stratford, Hagen, Beeman, Weschcke, Schinnerling, Kirtland, Weiker, Bridgewater.

Husking quality: The reports were not sufficient. The cracking quality, in order or rank, is Glover, Stratford, Hagen, Beeman, Weschcke, Schinnerling, Kirtland, Weiker, Bridgewater.

Size of nuts: In order of rating, Weiker, Bridgewatar, Fairbanks, Weschcke, Stratford, Beeman, Schinnerling, Hagen. In weight of kernel: first, Abscota, then Barnes, Glover, Fairbanks, Kentucky, Kirtland.

Size of nuts: In order of rating, Weiker, Bridgewater, Fairbanks, Weschcke, Stratford, Beeman, Schinnerling, Hagen. In weight of kernel: first, Abscota, then Barnes, Glover, Fairbanks, Kentucky, Kirtland.

Quality of kernel: In order of preference, Kirtland, Glover, Weschcke, Hagen, Stratford, Bridgewater, Weiker, Abscota, Schinnerling, Kentucky, Beeman, Stratford, Beaver.

Quality of kernel: In order of preference, Kirtland, Glover, Weschcke, Hagen, Stratford, Bridgewater, Weiker, Abscota, Schinnerling, Kentucky, Beeman, Stratford, Beaver.

Too much dependence should not be placed upon the order of precedence in the above lists after the first two or three, since, in many instances, there is not sufficient corroboration from separate sources to warrant more than a tentative position, especially for some of the varieties listed at the ends of the classes.

Too much reliance shouldn't be placed on the order of precedence in the above lists after the first two or three, because, in many cases, there isn’t enough confirmation from different sources to justify more than a tentative standing, especially for some of the varieties listed at the ends of the categories.

Heartnuts. The hardiest, in the order reported, are Walters, Fodermaier, Gellatly, Faust, Bates. Lancaster, does not bear well and is not hardy in the northern areas. Best yields reported are from Walters and Bates. Other reports are inadequate or absent. Most precocious, Bates and Gellatly.

Heartnuts. The hardiest, in the order reported, are Walters, Fodermaier, Gellatly, Faust, and Bates. Lancaster doesn't produce well and isn't hardy in northern areas. The best yields reported come from Walters and Bates. Other reports are insufficient or missing. The most precocious are Bates and Gellatly.

Best filled heartnuts, with best husking and cracking qualities as well as best quality of kernels; returns are about equally divided between Gellatly, Walters and Bates, with Walters and Gellatly somewhat larger in size.

Best filled heartnuts, with the best husking and cracking qualities, as well as the best quality kernels; returns are about equally divided between Gellatly, Walters, and Bates, with Walters and Gellatly being somewhat larger in size.

It is to be regretted that reports are incomplete or absent in connection with many varieties of nuts. We feel, however, that, in the main, the above ratings, especially when arrived at from cumulative evidence, reflect with fair accuracy, the present status of nut tree conditions in northern United States.

It’s unfortunate that reports are incomplete or missing for many types of nuts. However, we believe that, overall, the ratings above, especially when based on accumulated evidence, accurately reflect the current state of nut tree conditions in the northern United States.

CANADA. In all its chief characteristics, the Canadian nut growing experience follows the pattern of northern United States. The reports received from Canada numbered about one-tenth those received from the northern states—upon the whole, a satisfactory cross section.

CANADA. In all its main features, the Canadian nut growing experience mirrors that of the northern United States. The reports received from Canada were about one-tenth of those from the northern states—overall, a satisfactory representation.

In summarizing these reports it will be necessary only to call attention to such practices and experiences in Canada as are at variance with those already reported from the northern states. For example, in response to the question, "What species are you planting experimentally or commercially?" we find, surprisingly, that Persian walnuts displace black walnuts from first place, at least in these reports, and that filberts and heartnuts come next. Then come black walnuts, butternuts, hickories, hazels, Chinese chestnuts, persimmons, Jap walnuts, almonds and a scattering of other species. Leading native wild trees are, first hazels, then black walnuts, hickories and butternuts.

In summarizing these reports, it’s important to point out the practices and experiences in Canada that differ from those already noted in the northern states. For instance, in response to the question, "What species are you planting experimentally or commercially?" we find, surprisingly, that Persian walnuts take the top spot over black walnuts, at least in these reports, followed by filberts and heartnuts. Black walnuts come next, along with butternuts, hickories, hazels, Chinese chestnuts, persimmons, Japanese walnuts, almonds, and a few other species. The leading native wild trees are first hazels, then black walnuts, hickories, and butternuts.

Winter climate is widely varied, being temperate along Puget Sound and close to the southern tier of the Great Lakes, but subject to great extremes in the prairie provinces. Lower winter temperatures in these provinces average from zero to 45° below, while the lowest recorded is reported to have been 62° below. It is evident that Canadians have widely variable problems, in spite of which three Canadians, exactly the number reported from the northern states, tell us that the sale of nuts is an important item in their annual incomes. It looks as though, in comparison,[Pg 39] northern U. S. growers could do better. With an average frost-free season of less than five months (from May 7 to Oct. 2), Canadians do this. The normal dates of latest spring frosts average from April 20 to May 24, and of earliest fall frosts, from Sept. 10 to Oct. 12. Extremes at either end often shorten the season somewhat.

Winter weather varies greatly, being mild along Puget Sound and near the southern Great Lakes, but experiencing severe extremes in the prairie provinces. In these provinces, average winter temperatures range from 0 to -45°F, with the lowest recorded temperature being -62°F. It's clear that Canadians face a variety of challenges, yet three Canadians—just the same number reported from the northern states—indicate that nut sales significantly contribute to their annual income. It seems that compared to them, [Pg 39] northern U.S. growers could do better. Canadians manage this with an average frost-free season of under five months (from May 7 to October 2). The typical dates for the latest spring frosts range from April 20 to May 24, and for the earliest fall frosts, from September 10 to October 12. Extreme temperatures at either end frequently shorten the growing season a bit.

Soil conditions are generally good, with plenty of loam and sandy-loam, half lime, half acid; but drought is serious in places, necessitating irrigation. One wonders whether, if more of us were pushed to it, we might not find irrigation so profitable that we would never again be without it. Cultural and soil corrective practices are, in general, similar to those previously reported. Less trouble is experienced from rodents—mice, rabbits, squirrels—but more from deer. Wrapping the trunks of young trees is more generally practiced than with us of more southern latitudes, and disk cultivation is more generally favored.

Soil conditions are generally good, with plenty of loam and sandy loam, half lime and half acid; however, drought is a serious issue in some areas, making irrigation necessary. It makes you wonder if, if more of us were faced with it, we might find irrigation so beneficial that we'd never want to be without it again. Cultural and soil correction practices are mostly similar to what we've reported before. There's less trouble with rodents—like mice, rabbits, and squirrels—but more issues with deer. Wrapping the trunks of young trees is practiced more widely than in the southern regions, and disk cultivation is more commonly preferred.

In reply to the question, "What was your one greatest source of success?", the answers include, pollination by hand, the use of good trees, disking, planting hardy seed, and budding Persians on black walnut stocks. Failures were due mostly to the inevitable causes, cold, drought, weak growth. Alkaline soil is mentioned in one report as a chief difficulty. Bud worms, June beetle, leaf hoppers and walnut caterpillars are also enemies, but Canada seems free from some of the other pests that have invaded the United States.

In response to the question, "What was your biggest source of success?", the answers include hand pollination, using good trees, disking, planting resilient seeds, and grafting Persians onto black walnut stocks. Failures were mainly due to unavoidable factors like cold, drought, and weak growth. One report mentions alkaline soil as a major difficulty. Bud worms, June beetles, leafhoppers, and walnut caterpillars are also threats, but Canada appears to be free from some of the other pests that have affected the United States.

The most profitable species reported by Canadians are filberts, black walnuts, with "soft-shelled" walnuts mentioned by Mr. Gellatly, of West Bank, B. C. From Ontario, Mr. A. S. Wagner, of Delhi, writes, "We are collecting (nuts) now to make tests of various types of black walnuts this winter. There are one or two plantations of 1000 trees which will soon be bearing, and the future looks interesting."

The most profitable species reported by Canadians are filberts and black walnuts, with "soft-shelled" walnuts noted by Mr. Gellatly from West Bank, B.C. In Ontario, Mr. A. S. Wagner from Delhi writes, "We’re collecting nuts now to test different types of black walnuts this winter. There are one or two plantations of 1,000 trees that will soon start producing, and the future looks promising."

Black Walnuts. Four varieties appear in Canadian reports which have not been mentioned previously: Impit, Troup, Gifford and Neilson. Gifford and Neilson are said by Mr. Corsan, of Ontario, to be heavy croppers in Canada, Neilson "Very heavy." Impit is a splendid, upright-growing tree which should do well for timber production as well as for nuts. All trees printed in the questionnaire, Ohio, Rohwer, Stabler, Stambaugh, Ten Eyck and Thomas, are given "good" ratings for hardiness except Thomas which is fair. Gibson bears large nuts of good cracking quality.

Black Walnuts. Four varieties are noted in Canadian reports that haven't been mentioned before: Impit, Troup, Gifford, and Neilson. Mr. Corsan from Ontario claims that Gifford and Neilson produce a lot of nuts in Canada, with Neilson being "Very heavy." Impit is a strong, upright tree that should thrive for both timber and nut production. All trees listed in the questionnaire—Ohio, Rohwer, Stabler, Stambaugh, Ten Eyck, and Thomas—are rated "good" for hardiness, except for Thomas, which is rated as fair. Gibson produces large nuts that are great for cracking.

Neither Japanese chestnuts nor pecans are reported on from Canada. Chinese chestnuts and hybrid chestnuts are reported as planted and hardy, thus far, but have yet to bear.

Neither Japanese chestnuts nor pecans have been reported from Canada. Chinese chestnuts and hybrid chestnuts have been noted as planted and resilient so far, but they have not yet produced any fruit.

Filberts. Holden, Craig, Firstola, Comet and Brag show up as hardy and bear good crops of nuts of good quality. Other promising varieties are Petoka (new variety, small, thin shell,) Daviana, Churchvelt—significant name! Barcelona, DuChilly, Italian Red, Rush, White Aveline and Bixby are reported to be not hardy. Winkler is hardy. Mr. J. U. Gellatly, of West Bank, is working with a number of tree hazels, Chinese, Indian, Turkish and a cork-barked variety. All are rated by him as hardy in his area. They are young trees, not yet reported in bearing.

Filberts. Holden, Craig, Firstola, Comet, and Brag are all tough and produce good-quality nuts. Other promising varieties include Petoka (a new variety with a small, thin shell), Daviana, and Churchvelt—an important name! Barcelona, DuChilly, Italian Red, Rush, White Aveline, and Bixby are said to be not resilient. Winkler is strong. Mr. J. U. Gellatly from West Bank is experimenting with several types of tree hazels, including Chinese, Indian, Turkish, and a cork-barked variety. He considers all of them to be hardy in his area. These are young trees that haven’t yet been reported as bearing.

Butternuts. In addition to previously named varieties, Edge is added and is given a foremost rating in all departments, The rating on others is not conclusive.[Pg 40]

Butternuts. Along with the previously mentioned varieties, Edge is added and receives top ratings in all categories. The ratings for the others are not definitive.[Pg 40]

Persian Walnuts. No new light is thrown on the performance of varieties already listed. Broadview is one of the hardiest, a good producer of fair nuts. Watt produces a large nut of finest flavor. Geloka is a good nut, and Corsan is hardy but bears a smaller nut of lesser kernel quality.

Persian Walnuts. There are no new insights into the performance of the varieties already listed. Broadview is one of the toughest, producing a decent quantity of average nuts. Watt produces a large nut with excellent flavor. Geloka is a good nut, and Corsan is hardy but yields a smaller nut with lower kernel quality.

Hickories do not seem to interest Canadians. Stratford, first, and Weiker, second, are leaders. Stratford bears heavily but its quality in Canada is not up to par.

Hickories don't seem to interest Canadians. Stratford is first, and Weiker is second among the leaders. Stratford produces a lot, but its quality in Canada isn't great.

Heartnuts are a Canadian specialty. Gellatly, of all varieties in the printed list, is reported as best in all departments. Of the twelve varieties written in by reporters as worthy of special mention, it is difficult to make a just appraisal. Okanda, O. K., and Crofter are reported perfectly hardy through minus 20° of cold. Others, hardy and good in all departments, are, Mackenzie, Canoka, Walters, Rover, Calendar and Smyth. Stranger seems not quite so hardy, but Mr. Corsan calls it "the best heartnut grown", splendid in flavor, thin shelled, a little small but with a better than usual percentage of kernel.

Heartnuts are a Canadian specialty. Gellatly, among all the varieties listed, is reported to be the best in every category. Of the twelve varieties noted by reporters as deserving special mention, it's tough to make a fair assessment. Okanda, O. K., and Crofter are said to be completely hardy down to minus 20° of cold. Other varieties that are hardy and excel in all areas include Mackenzie, Canoka, Walters, Rover, Calendar, and Smyth. Stranger seems to be slightly less hardy, but Mr. Corsan describes it as "the best heartnut around," great in flavor, with a thin shell, a bit small but having a higher than usual kernel percentage.

If heartnuts have a future, which seems almost inevitable, it looks as though Canada, if it continues as it has started, will be one of the main sources of supply for varieties. The Canadians are doing a creative job.

If heartnuts have a future, which seems almost certain, it looks like Canada, if it keeps going the way it has, will be one of the main suppliers of varieties. The Canadians are doing an innovative job.

THE SOUTHERN AREA. There are no nurserymen who report from the southern area. Practically all are interested in the production of nuts, but they are more alive than their northern neighbors to the value of timber, and more of them count upon it for a part of their profit from the planting of nut trees.

THE SOUTHERN AREA. No nurserymen report from the southern area. Almost all focus on nut production, but they understand the value of timber better than their northern counterparts, and more of them rely on it for a portion of their profit from planting nut trees.

Interest is about equally divided between methods of propagation, grafting, budding, top-working, planting seed of better varieties, artificial cross-pollination, and searching their neighborhoods for wild trees that show promise of superiority.

Interest is almost evenly split among various methods of plant propagation, including grafting, budding, top-working, planting seeds from superior varieties, artificial cross-pollination, and looking for wild trees in nearby areas that seem to have better qualities.

The species being planted experimentally or commercially are, in order of precedence, black walnut, persimmon, pecan, Persian walnut, Chinese chestnut, hickories, filberts, hazels, heartnuts, Jap chestnuts, almonds, mulberry, native chestnuts, Jap walnuts, pawpaws and beech. Species of wild trees found locally follow closely the pattern of planting mentioned above, which is as it should be.

The species being planted for experiments or commercial purposes are, in order of priority, black walnut, persimmon, pecan, Persian walnut, Chinese chestnut, hickories, filberts, hazels, heartnuts, Japanese chestnuts, almonds, mulberry, native chestnuts, Japanese walnuts, pawpaws, and beech. The local wild trees closely mirror the planting pattern mentioned above, which is how it should be.

Climatic conditions are, in-general, favorable. Peaches are in most places reliably hardy. Lowest temperatures normally expected range from 22° above to 20° below zero; and the highest normal summer temperatures range from 90° to 115°. Dates of normal late spring frosts have a very wide spread, being all the way from March 1 to May 12. Normal early frost expectancy is from Oct. 10 to Nov. 15. All long-season crops mature well. The chief climatic enemies are drought and hot, dry winds.

Climatic conditions are generally favorable. Peaches are typically reliable in most areas. The lowest temperatures usually range from 22°F to -20°F, and the highest normal summer temperatures range from 90°F to 115°F. The dates for expected late spring frosts vary widely, occurring anywhere from March 1 to May 12. Early frost is usually expected between October 10 and November 15. All long-season crops mature successfully. The main climatic challenges are drought and hot, dry winds.

As to growth conditions, clay soils predominate, but with plenty of loamy bottom land for nut planting. Acid soils predominate somewhat over lime soils, growing more unfavorably alkaline in the south-west.

As for growth conditions, clay soils are the most common, but there is also a lot of loamy bottom land available for nut planting. Acid soils are somewhat more common than lime soils, becoming increasingly alkaline in the southwest.

Cultural practices are generally the same as in the north, but with a greater proportionate use of mowing and mulching, no doubt induced by the need for protection against greater heat, as well as for conservative of moisture. A greater proportionate failure of young trees to start first year's growth is also probably due to heat injury in the spring and summer following planting. Tree wrapping seems to be the corrective chiefly indicated.[Pg 41]

Cultural practices are mostly the same as in the north, but with a higher use of mowing and mulching, likely driven by the need to protect against increased heat and to conserve moisture. There’s a higher failure rate for young trees to begin their first year's growth, probably due to heat damage in the spring and summer after planting. Tree wrapping appears to be the main solution suggested.[Pg 41]

The difficulties principally mentioned with matured trees are again mostly climatic; drought, sun-scald, early advent of spring followed by late frosts, delayed dormancy in the fall, poor filling in dry seasons, and biennial fruiting.

The main issues noted with mature trees are primarily related to the climate; drought, sunburn, an early start to spring followed by late frosts, delayed dormancy in the fall, insufficient growth during dry seasons, and alternate-year fruiting.

Insect enemies which damage both trees and nuts are practically the same as in the north only there are more of them. Rodent damage and squirrel theft seem less troublesome there owing, perhaps, to protective measures and to the well developed hunting instinct among southern farm boys.

Insect pests that harm both trees and nuts are basically the same as in the north, but there are just more of them. Rodent damage and squirrel theft don't seem to be as big of a problem there, possibly because of protective measures and the strong hunting skills of southern farm boys.

A larger proportion of growers than are reported in the north sell nuts commercially, with pecans, walnuts, and chestnuts listed as the most profitable species. The practice is still limited as an important source of income, but a much greater proportion of planters look confidently forward toward profitable operations in the future.

A larger number of growers than those reported in the north sell nuts commercially, with pecans, walnuts, and chestnuts identified as the most profitable types. While this practice is still not a major source of income, a much higher percentage of planters are optimistically looking ahead to successful operations in the future.

Black Walnuts. It is evident that in some of the warmer parts of the United States, California, for instance, the word "hardiness" takes on a certain connotation that we should understand better in the north. Its meaning there is "resistance to delayed dormancy", as one California report states it. As a matter of fact, it might be advisable for us all everywhere to think of hardiness in these terms. Delayed dormancy is hazardous in any tree, whether natural to it or induced artificially by late summer or early fall cultivation and fertilizing, and whether the tree is located in the north or in the south. When a tree goes into the winter with sappy wood, it is injured, and we say it is not hardy.

Black Walnuts. It's clear that in some of the warmer regions of the United States, like California, the term "hardiness" has a specific meaning that we should better understand in the North. There, it refers to "resistance to delayed dormancy," as stated in one California report. In fact, it might be wise for everyone everywhere to consider hardiness in this context. Delayed dormancy is risky for any tree, whether it's naturally occurring or caused by late summer or early fall cultivation and fertilizing, and regardless of whether the tree is in the North or the South. When a tree enters winter with sappy wood, it suffers damage, and we label it as not hardy.

That this is true in the south as well as in the north is well attested by the returns on black walnut trees of the south. There, the tree gives us a picture surprisingly similar to that of the north. In the south, if the tree's dormancy is delayed, it does not get its proper rest between crops and it dies or is stunted, in one way or another, for some time thereafter. In the north, if the following winter is severe, it simply dies. Perhaps the winter killed it. Or perhaps we killed it with unseasonable pampering.

That this is true in the south as well as in the north is well demonstrated by the data on black walnut trees in the south. There, the tree shows us a picture that’s surprisingly similar to that of the north. In the south, if the tree's dormancy is delayed, it doesn’t get the proper rest between growing seasons and ends up dying or being stunted for some time afterward. In the north, if the next winter is harsh, it simply dies. Maybe the winter killed it. Or maybe we harmed it with improper care.

Reports show that in the south, Rohwer, Stambaugh, and Ten Eyck lead in hardiness in the printed list of black walnuts, with a score of 80% each. Ohio, Stabler and Thomas each average 75%. Of the written-in names, Sifford and Beck are reported hardy, followed by Creitz. Elmer Myers has only one report, which is rather unfavorable in this respect.

Reports indicate that in the south, Rohwer, Stambaugh, and Ten Eyck have the highest hardiness ratings in the published list of black walnuts, each scoring 80%. Ohio, Stabler, and Thomas each average 75%. Among the names added later, Sifford and Beck are noted as hardy, followed by Creitz. Elmer Myers has only one report, which is somewhat unfavorable in this regard.

In yield, Creitz has the best rating, then Thomas, Stambaugh, Sifford, Stabler and Beck, in that order.

In terms of yield, Creitz has the highest rating, followed by Thomas, Stambaugh, Sifford, Stabler, and Beck, in that order.

Thomas is the most precocious in early bearing. One report has it that Thomas kills itself, sometimes, by overdoing it in this respect. Stabler, Sifford, Creitz and Beck come next. All of these varieties are reported as having well filled nuts, with Stabler in the lead, which may come as a surprise to many. Other qualities, such as husking and cracking, size, and quality of kernel, are reported to be the same as in the north except that Stabler leads in cracking quality, with Thomas a rather poor second, owing, perhaps, to a shell too well filled for cracking without shattering the kernels.[Pg 42]

Thomas is the earliest to produce fruit. Some reports suggest that Thomas sometimes harms itself by overexerting in this area. Stabler, Sifford, Creitz, and Beck follow closely behind. All these varieties are said to have well-filled nuts, with Stabler leading the pack, which might surprise some. Other characteristics, like husking and cracking, size, and kernel quality, are reported to be similar to those in the north, except that Stabler excels in cracking quality, while Thomas is a rather poor second, possibly because its shell is too well filled to crack without damaging the kernels.[Pg 42]

Seedling Chestnuts. More Chinese chestnuts are planted than Japs. They are hardier, yield better crops, are more precocious, and have a far better quality of kernel. The Japs excel only in size.

Seedling Chestnuts. More Chinese chestnuts are planted than Japanese. They are more resilient, produce better yields, mature faster, and have a much higher quality of nut. The Japanese variety only excels in size.

Named Chestnuts. Hobson is hardy and an extremely precocious bearer of finest quality. Carr follows. Reports on these varieties, however, are not numerous enough to enable one to reach a satisfactory appraisal. Two Marron strains are mentioned as producers of very large nuts; otherwise this variety's record is not impressive.

Named Chestnuts. Hobson is tough and a very early producer of top-quality nuts. Carr comes next. However, the reports on these varieties are not plentiful enough to make a reliable assessment. Two Marron strains are noted for yielding very large nuts; otherwise, this variety's performance is not particularly remarkable.

Pecans. Posey and Greenriver are given top mention for hardiness, with Busseron, Major, and Niblack next. In the more southern areas, of course, the more tender varieties are favored, such as Mahan, Success, Burchett, Schley and Stuart. Mahan seems to be the one most favored for general excellence in yield, flavor, and cracking qualities. It must be said, however, that, in flavor, these larger pecans are inferior to the best pecans of the indigenous northern varieties which are now being propagated. But because of their size, beauty, and productiveness, they will probably maintain their present leadership commercially.

Pecans. Posey and Greenriver are highly recommended for their toughness, followed by Busseron, Major, and Niblack. In the southern regions, more delicate varieties are preferred, like Mahan, Success, Burchett, Schley, and Stuart. Mahan appears to be the most popular for its overall quality in yield, taste, and shelling ability. However, it should be noted that in terms of flavor, these larger pecans are not as good as the top pecans from the native northern varieties that are now being cultivated. Nevertheless, due to their size, attractiveness, and productivity, they are likely to keep leading the market commercially.

Hybrid Pecans, Filberts, Butternuts. Reports from the south are inadequate for appraisal. The inference one must draw is that they are not being planted extensively there.

Hybrid Pecans, Filberts, Butternuts. Reports from the south are insufficient for evaluation. The conclusion to be drawn is that they are not being widely planted there.

Persian Walnuts. The object of the inquiry, of course, was primarily to get information about varieties which might be capable of expanding their range toward the north. In this, so far as the southern reports are concerned, we have not been successful. Placentia and Eureka are mentioned in one report but their records, as reported, are not particularly good. Corroborative evidence is needed. Upon the whole, the south, strangely enough, seems not to be the place to look for Persian walnuts for the north. In California, the varieties of Persians, Juglans regia L., are well rooted to the ground. They object to more northern locations. This may not be entirely true of another species, J. hindsii, which in the past has shown a tendency to cross with other members of the juglans tribe. Crossed with the native black walnut, the hybrid known as "Royal" was developed, a robust grower which bears little. Crossed with the Persian, "Paradox" was produced. We are indebted to Mr. Harry S. Welby, of Taft, Calif., for some interesting J. hindsii varieties of good size and rather large, well filled kernel capacity. Upon their exterior, the nuts resemble the Persians, and the kernel has the Persian flavor. Inside the shell, the structure is that of the American black, with a substantial woody cross-brace, and the shell itself calls for a hammer for cracking. Neither Paradox nor Royal have proved of value except for stocks upon which the growers graft or bud their commercial cions. Much experimenting has been done in hybridizing J. hindsii, thus far without producing more than comparatively sterile "mules", but, the tendency to cross having been demonstrated, this work should be continued. Mr. Welby's samples have been sent to Mr. C. A. Reed, at the Beltsville Experiment Station, for evaluation. "Perhaps someone will know," says Mr. Welby, "the limit of cold J. hindsii will stand."

Persian Walnuts. The main goal of this inquiry was to gather information about varieties that could potentially thrive further north. Unfortunately, based on the southern reports, we haven't had much success. Placentia and Eureka are mentioned in one report, but their performance hasn't been particularly impressive. We need more supporting evidence. Strangely, it appears that the southern regions are not the best place to find Persian walnuts for northern climates. In California, the varieties of Persians, Juglans regia L., are well-established. They tend to resist growth in more northern areas. However, this might not entirely apply to another species, J. hindsii, which has previously shown a tendency to hybridize with other members of the Juglans family. When hybridized with the native black walnut, the hybrid known as "Royal" was developed; it's a strong grower but produces little. When crossed with the Persian walnut, "Paradox" was created. We owe thanks to Mr. Harry S. Welby, of Taft, Calif., for providing some interesting J. hindsii varieties that are sized well and have large, well-filled kernels. The nuts look like Persian walnuts on the outside, and the kernel has the same flavor. However, inside the shell, the structure resembles that of the American black walnut, featuring a substantial woody cross-brace, and the shell itself is tough enough to require a hammer to crack. Neither Paradox nor Royal has proven valuable except as rootstocks for growers to graft or bud their commercial varieties. A lot of experimentation has been done in hybridizing J. hindsii, so far without producing anything more than relatively sterile "mules," but since we've seen a tendency to hybridize, this work should continue. Mr. Welby's samples have been sent to Mr. C. A. Reed at the Beltsville Experiment Station for evaluation. "Perhaps someone will know," says Mr. Welby, "the limit of cold that J. hindsii can withstand."

Mr. Welby's comments accompanying his report are too interesting to omit. He says: "On the grounds of an oilfield camp, I have carried on collaboration with the U. S. D. A. Bureau of Plant Introduction for twenty[Pg 43] years. The importation of graftwood of eastern soft shell black walnuts has been "on my own." Of black walnuts we have bearing trees among ornamental plantings. There has been a marked change of attitude from the early days when I was more or less looked upon as a freak for working with them. The nuts are valued today. The original objective has been attained.

Mr. Welby's comments accompanying his report are too interesting to leave out. He says: "On the grounds of an oilfield camp, I've collaborated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Plant Introduction for twenty[Pg 43] years. The importation of graftwood from eastern soft shell black walnuts has been entirely my effort. We have bearing trees of black walnuts among the ornamental plantings. There's been a noticeable shift in attitude since the early days when I was largely seen as a freak for working with them. The nuts are valued now. The original goal has been achieved."

"In the meantime, I have purchased, 450 miles north of here, a twenty; have fenced and planted it to a brand of permanent pasture grasses known as "Evergreen", furnished by a grass specialist, Dale Butler, of Fresno. Prior to the grass, black walnuts, grafted and ungrafted had gone in. A strip bordering the highway was reserved for trees, we hope pistachio. There are now thirty of that variety, bearing, in an interior block.

"In the meantime, I've bought a twenty-acre plot, located 450 miles north of here. I’ve fenced it off and planted it with a type of permanent pasture grass called 'Evergreen', provided by a grass specialist named Dale Butler from Fresno. Before the grass, black walnuts, both grafted and ungrafted, were planted. We set aside a strip along the highway for trees, and we hope to plant pistachios there. Right now, there are thirty pistachio trees in an interior area, and they are producing."

"We have for years purchased black walnut meats in the Chico area. That would be a paradise for a black walnut man. And years ago I visited Teharna, a deserted village from the storybook, a former pony express station—wonderful black walnuts! Upon placing my camera upon a stump of a tree that grew in the street-parking, which had been logged, I braced the camera with a chip of this four-foot stump and discovered that the tree had been a curly walnut. The trees there are not J. hindsii, but Missouri blacks planted by forty-niners.

"We have been buying black walnut meats in the Chico area for years. It would be a dream come true for anyone who loves black walnuts. Years ago, I visited Teharna, a deserted village that looks like it came out of a storybook, which used to be a pony express station—amazing black walnuts! When I set my camera on a stump of a tree that was in the parking area and had been logged, I propped it up with a chip from this four-foot stump and realized that the tree was a curly walnut. The trees there aren’t J. hindsii, but Missouri blacks that were planted by the forty-niners."

"Concerning pistachio: I doubt, considering the percentage of members who would be interested, whether I should bring this up, but there is need for just such an organization as the N. N. G. A. behind this tree. It does not lend itself to common nursery practice. It should be raised from seed, potted or in cans, reared without babying for several years, a horticulturist brought in, and your pistachio vera male and female blossoms worked to P. atlantica or chinensis. Lots of work but it is worth the trouble. It is deciduous with a hickory-like foliage; clusters of nuts clothed in pink-cheeked hulls. Bailey reports best nuts come from Sicily. Perhaps knowledge of them will be more widely disseminated when the boys return."

"Regarding pistachios: I'm not sure if I should bring this up, given how few members might be interested, but there’s definitely a need for an organization like the N. N. G. A. to support this tree. It doesn't fit with standard nursery practices. It should be grown from seed, either potted or in containers, nurtured without too much fuss for several years, with a horticulturist involved, and your male and female pistachio vera blossoms should be cross-pollinated with P. atlantica or chinensis. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. The tree is deciduous and has leaves like a hickory; it produces clusters of nuts with pinkish hulls. Bailey notes that the best nuts come from Sicily. Hopefully, more people will learn about them when the guys return."

Hickories. This species seems not to be of great interest to the south. The old varieties are not mentioned in the reports. Nugget is mentioned by Mr. W. D. Dockery, of Steele, Ala., as one of the best. It grows well, yields well, its kernels have a good size and their quality is unusually good.

Hickories. This species doesn’t seem to be of much interest in the south. The old varieties aren't mentioned in the reports. Nugget is noted by Mr. W. D. Dockery from Steele, Ala., as one of the best. It grows well, produces a good yield, its kernels are sizable, and their quality is exceptional.

Of heartnuts, only one is mentioned, the Lancaster, which leaves much to be desired in performance in the south.

Of heartnuts, only one is mentioned, the Lancaster, which doesn't perform very well in the south.

Suggestions and Requests. In response to the questions, "Is there any service that N. N. G. A. could render you not now being met?" and "Have you any suggestions for future work?", a number of responses were received which are worth noting.

Suggestions and Requests. In response to the questions, "Is there any service that N. N. G. A. could provide that isn't currently being met?" and "Do you have any suggestions for future work?", several responses were received that are worth mentioning.

Dr. O. D. Diller, State Exper. Sta., Wooster, O., "We are thinking in terms of another state wide nut contest in the fall of 1944." It will be remembered that the last Ohio contest brought the Brown and Tritton trees to light. Both are making friends by good production of good nuts. This is a suggestion for promotion in other states.

Dr. O. D. Diller, State Exper. Sta., Wooster, O., "We are planning another statewide nut contest in the fall of 1944." It's worth noting that the last Ohio contest highlighted the Brown and Tritton trees. Both are gaining popularity for their impressive production of quality nuts. This serves as a suggestion for promotion in other states.

Sylvester Shessler, Genoa, O.: "Planted 10 nuts from Tritton parent tree in 1935. One seedling bore a larger nut than the parent tree. Several others bore very small nuts but all well filled."[Pg 44]

Sylvester Shessler, Genoa, O.: "I planted 10 nuts from the Tritton parent tree in 1935. One seedling produced a larger nut than the parent tree. Several others produced very small nuts, but all were well filled."[Pg 44]

J. Russell Smith, Swarthmore, Pa., "Urge the members to run local contests for good nuts. It may bring members if not nuts, and you may find some good new neighbors you didn't know about." (One easily worked plan is to see the secretary of your county fair board, offer to pay half or all prize money for best nuts from a single tree in your own and surrounding counties. See that judging is done by someone who knows how or do it yourself.)

J. Russell Smith, Swarthmore, PA, "Encourage everyone to hold local contests for the best nuts. It might attract members, if not nuts, and you could discover some great new neighbors you weren't aware of." (One simple plan is to contact the secretary of your county fair board and offer to cover half or all of the prize money for the best nuts from a single tree in your county and nearby counties. Make sure that the judging is done by someone knowledgeable or do it yourself.)

Alfred J. Frueh, W. Cornwall, Conn., "Have had quite a lot of winter injury on the south-west side of black walnut trunks grafted near the ground. Note that seedling walnuts have a ridged, corky bark on the trunk already the second year, whereas a grafted trunk maintains its smooth bark for 6 to 8 years. Am now grafting on seedling stock 5 to 6 feet above the ground and much of the winter injury is thus eliminated."

Alfred J. Frueh, W. Cornwall, Conn., "I've seen quite a bit of winter damage on the southwest side of black walnut trunks that were grafted near the ground. It's important to note that seedling walnuts develop a ridged, corky bark on the trunk by the second year, while a grafted trunk keeps its smooth bark for 6 to 8 years. I'm now grafting on seedling stock 5 to 6 feet above the ground, which has significantly reduced the winter damage."

A. B. Anthony, Sterling, Ill., "If they can be had disease free, promote the planting of a few of the most choice chestnuts in widely scattered regions where no one grows such trees. Possibly our children can get back to chestnut growing."

A. B. Anthony, Sterling, Ill., "If they can be obtained without disease, encourage the planting of a few of the best chestnuts in widely spread areas where no one is cultivating these trees. Maybe our children can return to growing chestnuts."

Seward Berhow, Huxley, Ia., "In a separate (pamphlet) or included in an early report, give a complete list of all named varieties, especially black walnuts, name of nut, name and address of originator, location of original tree, north latitude, year discovered, nuts per pound, score for cracking, kernel, prizes won. This would be very valuable for quick reference." The T. V. A. has issued a pamphlet giving much of this information. Also, we believe, Mr. C. A. Reed is at work on a book which will be worth waiting for.

Seward Berhow, Huxley, Ia., "In a separate pamphlet or included in an early report, provide a complete list of all named varieties, especially black walnuts, including the name of the nut, the name and address of the originator, the location of the original tree, the north latitude, the year it was discovered, the number of nuts per pound, the score for cracking, the kernel, and any prizes won. This would be very useful for quick reference." The T. V. A. has published a pamphlet with much of this information. Additionally, we believe Mr. C. A. Reed is working on a book that will be worth the wait.

J. U. Gellatly, Westbank, B. C.: "Could not the Association supply samples of recommended nuts or perhaps give lists of those who would sell small (3 or 4) nut samples. I have sent out such samples of 2 or 3 each of varieties I have on hand up to 9 or 12 kinds, at 50 cents per package, post paid. This is not enough to pay for the time consumed but is a good advertising practice."

J. U. Gellatly, Westbank, B. C.: "Could the Association provide samples of recommended nuts or maybe share lists of those who sell small (3 or 4) nut samples? I've been sending out samples of 2 or 3 each of the varieties I have on hand, up to 9 or 12 kinds, for 50 cents per package, shipping included. This doesn’t cover the time spent, but it's a great marketing strategy."

Harry S. Welby, Taft, Calif.: "The ground squirrel is a pest here. Black walnut as bait will attract them in winter when fruits are scarce. At that time I have had some success with a box trap treadled by an electric contrivance instead of figure 4. Can anyone tell me any experience with scent baits which I believe Biological Survey trappers sometimes use? It may be a delicate question, but I should be interested in knowing more if the information is available."

Harry S. Welby, Taft, Calif.: "The ground squirrel is a nuisance here. Black walnut works as bait and draws them in during winter when fruits are hard to find. During that time, I've had some luck using a box trap powered by an electric mechanism instead of a figure 4 trap. Can anyone share their experiences with scent baits, which I think Biological Survey trappers sometimes use? It might be a tricky topic, but I’d really like to learn more if there's information out there."

R. T. Dunstan, Greensboro College, Greensboro, N. C.: "I would be happy if this survey brings to light information on the behavior of the best and more recently discovered hickories. (If not,) I believe an article on performance of such varieties as Whitney, Grainger, Bergor, Davis, Wilcox, Schinnerling, etc., perhaps similar to that by Reed in 1938 Proceedings, would be highly valuable and welcome. Perhaps a report on T. V. A.'s nut tree work in recent years would also be worth while."

R. T. Dunstan, Greensboro College, Greensboro, N. C.: "I would be glad if this survey highlights information on the behavior of the best and more recently discovered hickories. If not, I think an article on the performance of varieties like Whitney, Grainger, Bergor, Davis, Wilcox, Schinnerling, etc., similar to Reed's in the 1938 Proceedings, would be very valuable and appreciated. A report on T. V. A.'s recent work with nut trees would also be worthwhile."

C. H. Parks, Asheville, N. C.: "Would be interested in a chestnut that will grow in southern Appalachian regions." (See Mr. H. F. Stoke's report above. Chairman.)[Pg 45]

C. H. Parks, Asheville, N. C.: "I would be interested in a chestnut that can grow in the southern Appalachian areas." (See Mr. H. F. Stoke's report above. Chairman.)[Pg 45]

Harold G. Williams, Ramsey, N. J.: "I believe that most useful trees, both fruit and nut, that are now commercially important, were developed from selected seedlings grown in the area in which they are being used. I have a suggestion. How about a concerted breeding program for nut trees with full membership participation? The best parent trees should be selected from present plantings of grafted, named varieties. Ship these seeds, or one or two year old seedlings from them, to each member on a subscription basis. Let each member make a trial planting of as many trees as he can. When these trees come into bearing there will be a better chance of finding superior strains that are adapted to their environment. Hybridizing by cross pollination requires more time and skill than many of our members possess. There are, however, members who now own orchards containing some of the best varieties, such, for instance (among the black walnuts) as Thomas, Stabler, Stambaugh, and perhaps Elmer Myers, planted in such close proximity as to allow for cross pollination. Seed could be purchased from them and resold to members for their planting; costs to be kept fairly low, with annual reports required as to care, cultivation, fertilizing and growth.

Harold G. Williams, Ramsey, N. J.: "I believe that most useful trees, both fruit and nut, that are currently commercially important were developed from selected seedlings grown in their respective areas. I have a suggestion. How about starting a coordinated breeding program for nut trees with full participation from all members? The best parent trees should be chosen from existing plantings of grafted, named varieties. We could send these seeds, or one- or two-year-old seedlings, to each member on a subscription basis. Each member could try planting as many trees as they can. When these trees start producing, there will be a better chance of finding superior strains that are well-suited to their environment. Hybridizing through cross-pollination takes more time and skill than many of our members may have. However, there are members who own orchards with some of the best varieties, such as Thomas, Stabler, Stambaugh, and perhaps Elmer Myers, planted close enough to allow for cross-pollination. We could buy seeds from them and resell them to members for planting, keeping costs relatively low, with annual reports required on care, cultivation, fertilizing, and growth."

"An alternate plan would be to turn over such seed to Hershey, Smith, and other member nurserymen to plant, grow the young seedlings under best conditions, and furnish to member cooperators whose pledged subscriptions are to take care of the cost. This would give the cooperating nurseries a piece of business that could be depended upon (of a kind that would take comparatively little time as compared with that required for grafted trees), in return for their support. These trees could be planted fairly close, since most of them would prove to be useless as nut producers. If an outstanding variety is found, everything around it should be chopped down to give it room for development. I personally would raise and report upon some two dozen trees of this kind, and if a large group joined in the work, hundreds of tree could be tested."

"An alternative plan would be to give this seed to Hershey, Smith, and other nurserymen to plant, grow the young seedlings under optimal conditions, and supply them to member cooperators whose pledged subscriptions will cover the costs. This would provide the cooperating nurseries with a reliable source of business that requires much less time compared to what is needed for grafted trees, in exchange for their support. These trees could be planted relatively close together since most of them would likely be ineffective as nut producers. If an exceptional variety is discovered, everything around it should be cleared to allow it space to grow. I would personally cultivate and report on about two dozen trees of this type, and if a larger group participated, hundreds of trees could be tested."

Comment: That the chairman of this committee thinks the above suggestion a good one, and the project a good gamble, is evidenced by the fact that he has about a thousand of such trees now growing. Seed was bought from Mr. Harry Weber's, Rockport, Ind., and Mr. C. F. Hostetter's Bird-in-Hand, Pa., plantations in the fall of 1937 and planted at once. Most of the seed was from Thomas trees which had been flanked in the plantations with Stablers and other named trees, and from Stablers similarly flanked. The trees have now had six years' growth. He hopes for first nuts in 1944 from seedlings planted in deep loam only. Growth elsewhere has been negligible. If no outstanding nut producers are found, there will at least be some splendid timber, already assured.

Comment: The chairman of this committee believes the above suggestion is a good one and sees the project as a worthwhile risk, as shown by the fact that he currently has about a thousand of these trees growing. Seeds were purchased from Mr. Harry Weber's plantation in Rockport, Indiana, and Mr. C. F. Hostetter's plantation in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1937 and were planted immediately. Most of the seeds came from Thomas trees, which were surrounded by Stablers and other named trees, and from Stablers that were similarly surrounded. The trees have now grown for six years. He expects the first nuts in 1944 from seedlings planted in deep loam only. Growth in other areas has been minimal. Even if no exceptional nut producers are discovered, there will still be some excellent timber, which is already guaranteed.

It should be stated at once, however, that those whose object is the assured production of nuts, rather than the discovery or development of a new variety, should never plant anything but the best grafted trees bought from reliable nurserymen. Your decision should be governed by your interest. If you wish to be sure of nuts of a certain quality for home use, buy grafted trees of that quality. If, on the other hand, you have the urge to probe into the unknown and possibly create a new type, the above project will appeal to you, especially if you should lack training and time for more painstaking work. The following account is an example of the latter kind.[Pg 46]

It should be noted right away, though, that if your goal is to reliably produce nuts instead of finding or developing a new variety, you should only plant the best grafted trees purchased from trustworthy nurseries. Your choice should depend on your interests. If you want to ensure nuts of a specific quality for personal use, buy grafted trees of that quality. However, if you're excited about exploring the unknown and potentially creating a new type, the previous approach will appeal to you, especially if you don’t have the training or time for more detailed work. The following account is an example of that kind.[Pg 46]

Arthur H. Graves, Curator, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, says: "We are breeding chestnuts for the purpose of obtaining a disease-resistant timber tree stock similar to the old chestnut tree which has now nearly disappeared on account of the blight. We started breeding chestnuts here at the Botanic Garden in 1930, and now after thirteen years of work, have on our plantation at Hamden, Conn., Litchfield, Conn., where the White Memorial Foundation is cooperating with us, and Redding Ridge, Conn., where Mr. Archer M. Huntington and the Connecticut Agr. Exp't Station are cooperating, about 1000 hybrids, a large number of combinations of Chinese, Japanese and American chestnuts, many of them now in the third generation from the beginning of the breeding period in 1930.

Arthur H. Graves, Curator of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, says: "We are breeding chestnuts to create a disease-resistant timber tree stock similar to the old chestnut tree that has almost disappeared due to blight. We began breeding chestnuts here at the Botanic Garden in 1930, and now, after thirteen years of work, we have about 1,000 hybrids on our plantation in Hamden, Conn., in Litchfield, Conn., where the White Memorial Foundation is working with us, and in Redding Ridge, Conn., where Mr. Archer M. Huntington and the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station are collaborating, many of which are now in the third generation since we started breeding in 1930."

"We are carrying out our breeding program in the following way:

"We are implementing our breeding program as follows:

"We have selected the Chinese and Japanese species to cross with the American because the Asiatic species are disease-resistant, and we hope to incorporate this quality of disease-resistance with the tall timber growth of the American. We find that the Chinese are in general more disease-resistant than the Japanese. Other stocks which have been incorporated in our hybrids are the European C. sativa, the southern chinquapins C. pumilia, C. ozarkensis, C. floridana, and Dr. Van Fleet's old hybrid, presumably of C. crenata and C. pumila, which goes under the name of S8, and C. seguinii. After the hybrids become old enough, we inoculate the tallest of them with the blight fungus in order to get an index of their disease resistance. The most disease-resistant are bred together and of their offspring the tallest are selected, inoculated, and the most disease-resistant are bred together again. For example, this year we had 350 hybrids from last year's breeding experiments set out in a special nursery at Hamden and carefully tended during the season. Of these 350 we have selected 50 which are the tallest and straightest, that is, 20 inches and over. The others were sent to Washington, D. C., where the Division of Forest Pathology, Department of Agriculture, is working along a similar line, but with more attention to the nut phase of the problem.

"We’ve chosen to cross Chinese and Japanese species with the American ones because the Asian species are resistant to diseases, and we hope to combine this disease resistance with the tall timber growth of the American. Generally, Chinese species are more disease-resistant than Japanese ones. Other types that we’ve included in our hybrids are the European C. sativa, southern chinquapins C. pumilia, C. ozarkensis, C. floridana, and Dr. Van Fleet's old hybrid, likely a mix of C. crenata and C. pumila, known as S8, as well as C. seguinii. Once the hybrids are mature enough, we inoculate the tallest ones with blight fungus to gauge their disease resistance. The most disease-resistant species are bred together, and from their offspring, the tallest ones are selected, inoculated, and bred together again based on their disease resistance. For instance, this year we planted 350 hybrids from last year’s breeding experiments in a special nursery in Hamden and took care of them throughout the season. From these 350, we selected 50 that are the tallest and straightest, which are 20 inches and taller. The remaining ones were sent to Washington, D.C., where the Division of Forest Pathology, Department of Agriculture, is working on a similar project but focuses more on the nut aspect of the issue."

"Our ultimate aim, of course, is to establish a race of chestnut trees which shall replace our now practically extinct American chestnut. The loss in money value from this timber tree has amounted to millions of dollars in comparison with which the value of its nut crops is very small indeed.

"Our main goal, of course, is to create a new generation of chestnut trees that can take the place of the nearly extinct American chestnut. The financial loss from this timber tree has reached millions of dollars, while the value of its nut crops is quite minimal in comparison."

"However, we are interested in the nut problem, and whenever any particularly fine nuts appear we note the fact. We have now a strain of Chinese chestnut which has not yet come into bearing which we believe will have nuts as sweet as the old American chestnut, but much larger."

"However, we are focused on the nut issue, and whenever any especially good nuts show up, we make a note of it. We currently have a type of Chinese chestnut that hasn’t started producing yet, which we believe will have nuts as sweet as the old American chestnut, but much bigger."

With this forward-looking note we close our report. We have a foundation upon which to build that is substantial and tried. The pioneering work of a patient, far-sighted, and distinguished group of workers has shown us much of what to do and what not to do. It is now up to us, the farmers, the planters, to multiply their work and continue it.[Pg 47]

With this optimistic note, we conclude our report. We have a strong and proven foundation to build on. The groundbreaking efforts of a dedicated, visionary, and respected group of individuals have taught us a lot about what to do and what to avoid. Now it's our turn, the farmers and planters, to expand on their work and carry it forward.[Pg 47]

Side-lights on the 1943-4 Survey

Very many interesting bits of information have been included in the survey reports; so many that the committee has regretfully omitted some that hardly seemed properly to belong with the material of a survey, which after all must have some limits. One such item is from J. C. McDaniel, of Haines City, Fla., and has a special interest for members of this Association. He says:

Very many interesting pieces of information have been included in the survey reports; so many that the committee has sadly left out some that didn't quite fit with the survey material, which must have some boundaries. One such item is from J. C. McDaniel, of Haines City, Fla., and it holds special interest for members of this Association. He says:

"Perhaps you will be interested in data on one of America's largest Chinese chestnut trees, even if it does grow in Florida, at Monticello. It stands adjacent to a lot in which the late J. F. Jones had a nursery for a short time in the early years of this century, and apparently was planted at that time, around forty years ago. The trunk is now more than 25 inches in diameter below where it divides 6 feet above the ground. From this level, the tree branches profusely and has a symmetrical, rounded crown. It is healthy, not having a sign of the bark disease, although a native chinkapin 100 feet away is badly infested. It has abundant bloom and sets heavy crops of burrs but, lacking another variety for pollination, the number of nuts matured is small. Nuts are about average size for the species, of typical sweet flavor, and separate readily from the pellicle. Many of them become infested, before ripening, with a fungus which rots the kernel, apparently the same one which infests chestnuts and chinkapins at Savannah and Albany, Georgia. Mr. Paul Goldberg, of Monticello, the present owner, states that the tree has been bearing annually during the twenty years his family has owned it."

"Maybe you'll find it interesting to learn about one of America's largest Chinese chestnut trees, even though it grows in Florida, at Monticello. It's located next to a lot where the late J. F. Jones had a nursery for a brief period in the early 2000s, and it appears to have been planted around that time, about forty years ago. The trunk is now over 25 inches in diameter right below where it splits 6 feet above the ground. From that height, the tree branches out abundantly and has a symmetrical, rounded crown. It's healthy, showing no signs of bark disease, although a native chinkapin 100 feet away is heavily infested. It blooms profusely and produces heavy crops of burrs, but without another variety for pollination, the number of nuts that mature is small. The nuts are about average size for the species, have a typical sweet flavor, and detach easily from the shell. Many of them get infested with a fungus that rots the kernel before they ripen, apparently the same one that affects chestnuts and chinkapins in Savannah and Albany, Georgia. Mr. Paul Goldberg, the current owner from Monticello, mentions that the tree has been producing nuts annually during the twenty years his family has owned it."

This nut-rot among the oriental chestnuts is one of the diseases that have become troublesome elsewhere. It is being studied and efforts are being made to combat it. Thus far, so far as we know, no effective cure has been found. A report upon present progress would be worth while.

This nut rot affecting the oriental chestnuts is one of the diseases that has become a problem in other places too. It's currently being researched, and there are efforts to fight it. So far, as far as we know, no effective cure has been discovered. An update on the current progress would be useful.

Oscar E. Swan, Jr., Tulsa, Okla., reports an enviable situation. He says: "My nut trees are growing on a farm where more than 30 years of cultivation have failed to kill the native pecan sprouts. They come up year after year from the top roots. Since acquiring the place in 1936, I have allowed the pecan sprouts and the few native walnuts to grow unchecked except where necessary to cut them out to avoid crowding. The growth of these sprouts is quite vigorous, and they are ideal for top-working. I have top-worked a few trees every spring and now have about 300 grafted trees all the way from 6 to 30 feet tall. Many are too close together for full grown trees and I plan to thin them. My problems, so far, are the mechanical ones of top-working. I have settled upon a modification of the Biederman bark graft, which gives very good results. After the grafts are well established, the trees get very little attention except for cutting out the crowding trees. They are literally growing 'wild', yet the growth has been better than transplanted trees would have made with the best of care, because the root systems are well established in a situation which suits them.

Oscar E. Swan, Jr., Tulsa, Okla., shares an impressive situation. He says: "My nut trees are growing on a farm where over 30 years of cultivation have failed to eliminate the native pecan sprouts. They pop up year after year from the top roots. Since I got the place in 1936, I’ve let the pecan sprouts and the few native walnuts grow freely, except when I need to cut them back to prevent overcrowding. The growth of these sprouts is quite robust, and they’re perfect for top-working. I’ve top-worked a few trees every spring and now have around 300 grafted trees ranging from 6 to 30 feet tall. Many are too close together for full-grown trees, so I plan to thin them out. My challenges so far are mainly mechanical with the top-working. I’ve gone with a variation of the Biederman bark graft, which yields great results. Once the grafts are well established, the trees require very little attention aside from removing crowded trees. They are literally growing 'wild', yet the growth has exceeded that of transplanted trees, even with the best care, because their root systems are well established in an environment that suits them."

"This system of neglect probably explains why I have failed with some species and varieties such as the butternut and some of the hickories. Occasionally I am pleasantly surprised, as in the case of some seedling Carpathian walnuts which, grafted upon some established black walnut sprouts, came through the severe 1943 drouth in fine shape without[Pg 48] benefit of mulch, cultivation, fertilizer, or watering. The same applies to the Helmick hybrid. (A two year old tree, a hybrid walnut, grafted and growing well on black walnut stock, and which Mr. Swan says will bloom next year.) I have pampered my Chinese chestnut trees with cultivation, mulch and manure, as they are located in poorer, drier soil. They were badly hit by the drouth. Some died in spite of the attention.

"This system of neglect probably explains why I have struggled with some species and varieties like the butternut and some of the hickories. Occasionally, I’m pleasantly surprised, as in the case of some seedling Carpathian walnuts which, when grafted onto some established black walnut sprouts, survived the severe drought of 1943 in great shape without[Pg 48] any mulch, cultivation, fertilizer, or watering. The same goes for the Helmick hybrid. (A two-year-old tree, a hybrid walnut, grafted and thriving on black walnut stock, which Mr. Swan says will bloom next year.) I have pampered my Chinese chestnut trees with cultivation, mulch, and manure since they are in poorer, drier soil. They were severely affected by the drought. Some died despite the care."

"As to varieties, I am far enough south to grow all the standard southern pecan varieties, although several do not have a long enough season to mature their nuts. I am trying the northern varieties and, so far, am well pleased with their growth as compared with the southern kinds. It will be a few years before I can report on the size and quality of their nuts."

"As for the different types, I’m far enough south to grow all the standard southern pecan varieties, although some don’t have a long enough season to fully mature their nuts. I’m also experimenting with the northern varieties, and so far, I’m really happy with their growth compared to the southern ones. It will take a few years before I can share details about the size and quality of their nuts."

J. C. McDaniel again: "Source and variety of seed in Chinese chestnuts have a great influence on the performance of seedlings. Numerous seedlings from the original Hobson tree began fruiting in their second season of growth, and half of the ones I have are fruiting during their fourth season. On the other hand, I have a tree from imported seed which grew nine seasons before setting and ripening its first burr. The above data refer to my planting near Hartselle, Morgan County, Ala., and that vicinity. I have several black walnut trees under observation, native trees, on which data are not yet complete enough for evaluation."

J. C. McDaniel again: "The source and variety of seed in Chinese chestnuts greatly impact how the seedlings perform. Many seedlings from the original Hobson tree started producing fruit in their second growing season, and half of the ones I have are fruiting during their fourth season. In contrast, I have a tree from imported seed that took nine seasons before it produced and ripened its first burr. The information above pertains to my planting near Hartselle, Morgan County, Ala., and the surrounding areas. I’m also observing several native black walnut trees, but I don’t have enough data yet for a thorough evaluation."

If any man deserves a bright N. N. G. A. medal, it is A. L. Young, of Brooks, Alberta. Lowest temperature expected in winter, 45° below; lowest known, 62° below. Highest expected in summer, 101°. Frequent drouths? Yes. Hot, dry winds? Yes. Native nuts found plentifully? None. Sparingly? None. Yet Mr. Young plants nut trees. It is men like that who have made Canada what it is. It takes more than mere weather to stop them. The never-say-die spirit of pioneers speaks throughout his report:

If anyone deserves a bright N. N. G. A. medal, it’s A. L. Young, from Brooks, Alberta. The lowest temperature expected in winter is minus 45°F; the lowest recorded is minus 62°F. The highest temperature expected in summer is 101°F. Droughts? Yes. Hot, dry winds? Yes. Native nuts found in abundance? None. Found in small amounts? None. Yet Mr. Young plants nut trees anyway. It’s people like him who have made Canada what it is. It takes more than just bad weather to stop them. The unbreakable spirit of pioneers shines through his report:

"Black walnuts, butternuts, some oaks, hazels and American chestnuts (Ohio buckeyes) all came through last winter well. However, late frosts reduced the nut crop. Of these species, filberts are not getting anywhere. Winkler, I believe, will eventually make a go of it. Heartnuts got a rough deal last winter, and European buckeye chestnuts were hurt a little by late spring frosts. Some Manchurian walnuts also got a setback with spring frosts, and some did not. Carpathian walnuts killed back quite a lot, so did most of my hybrid walnuts. Hybrid hazels seem perfectly hardy. Pecans, beechnuts and sweet chestnuts almost passed out of the picture last winter. Giant hickory from Ontario seems hardy but particular about the kind of soil and conditions. When irrigated, too much water will kill them. And this is true also of walnut and butternut seedlings. I have no acreage of nut trees. I grow seedlings and plant them wherever I find a place protected from the stock and within reach of moisture from the irrigation ditch, as this is a desert, cactus country.

"Black walnuts, butternuts, some oaks, hazels, and American chestnuts (Ohio buckeyes) all made it through last winter just fine. However, late frosts reduced the nut harvest. Among these species, filberts aren’t making any progress. I think Winkler will eventually succeed. Heartnuts had a tough time last winter, and European buckeye chestnuts were slightly damaged by late spring frosts. Some Manchurian walnuts also faced a setback from spring frosts, while others didn’t. Carpathian walnuts suffered significant losses, as did most of my hybrid walnuts. Hybrid hazels appear to be perfectly hardy. Pecans, beechnuts, and sweet chestnuts nearly disappeared from the landscape last winter. The giant hickory from Ontario seems hardy but is picky about soil and conditions. If overwatered, they won’t survive. This goes for walnut and butternut seedlings too. I don’t have any land dedicated to nut trees. I grow seedlings and plant them wherever I can find a spot that’s protected from livestock and has access to moisture from the irrigation ditch, since this is a desert, cactus territory."

"I always have a stock of seedling trees on hand, and whenever visitors show any interest, I give or send them fruit or nut trees and a few perennial flowers. So there are sure to be a few nut trees, some day, growing successfully throughout Alberta.

"I always keep a supply of young trees on hand, and whenever visitors show interest, I give or send them fruit or nut trees along with a few perennial flowers. So, there are bound to be some nut trees thriving across Alberta someday."

"There is more benefit from this northern seed, especially as I am using a commercial pollen with the hope of getting a hardy white walnut with possibly a coarse bark like the black to ward off sun-scald in this clim[Pg 49]ate. They are on their way. I don't know when we'll be eating these imaginary nuts. However, it is not so long ago that fruit growing on the cattle range was a dream. I grew the first pears in Alberta, so far as we know. Now we are insulted if there is not a crop of fruit every year. I have many seedlings of standard apples, unnamed, that are really choice fruit, and, of course, a few named varieties that are doing fairly well. Minnesota has done great work in apple and plum breeding for the north. We are enjoying some of them right here.

"There’s a lot to gain from this northern seed, especially since I'm using a commercial pollen, hoping to create a hardy white walnut that might have rough bark like the black walnut to protect against sun-scald in this clim[Pg 49]ate. They’re on their way. I don’t know when we’ll be eating these imagined nuts. But not too long ago, growing fruits on the cattle range was just a dream. I grew the first pears in Alberta, as far as we know. Now, we’re expected to have a fruit crop every year, or we feel let down. I have many seedlings of standard apples that don’t have names, but they’re really great fruit, along with a few named varieties that are doing quite well. Minnesota has done amazing work in breeding apples and plums for the north, and we’re enjoying some of them right here."

"I am sorry that I have no data on husking, cracking, etc. Really even the hardiest, best trees bear nuts that, while of fair size, do not have fleshy kernels, and some have three sections instead of two. Butternuts are very sweet with fair size kernels. I was surprised, after a long hard winter, to find the Ginkgo trees still alive and gaining growth. Credit some or all this result to J. U. Gellatly and Paul Crath for supplying me with seed, seedlings, and pollen to carry on with. I am greatly obliged to them and also to George Corsan of Echo Valley, Islington, who has a wealth of nut interest.

"I'm sorry that I don’t have any information on husking, cracking, etc. Even the toughest, best trees produce nuts that, while reasonably sized, don’t have fleshy kernels, and some have three sections instead of two. Butternuts are very sweet with decent-sized kernels. I was surprised, after a long, tough winter, to see the Ginkgo trees still alive and growing. I owe some or all of this success to J. U. Gellatly and Paul Crath for providing me with seeds, seedlings, and pollen to continue my work. I’m really grateful to them and also to George Corsan of Echo Valley, Islington, who has a strong interest in nuts."

"We have had a mighty dry year here, so, between irrigating and tending the largest herd of Ayrshire cattle in the prairie provinces, I have been busy. The town of Brooks is probably the only town in Canada on straight Ayrshire milk; and the change in Brooks from a box-car on a siding years ago to the Brooks of today, with its hundreds of healthy children now on the streets, is the marvel of a man's lifetime."

"We've had a very dry year here, so between watering the crops and taking care of the largest herd of Ayrshire cattle in the prairie provinces, I've been busy. The town of Brooks is probably the only place in Canada that uses straight Ayrshire milk; the transformation of Brooks from a boxcar on a siding years ago to the vibrant community it is today, with hundreds of healthy kids playing in the streets, is truly amazing."

George H. Corsan, Echo Valley, Islington, Ont.: "Last winter, 1942-43, was by far the coldest ever recorded. No damage to filberts. A few inches of twigs were hurt on certain English walnuts. The Stranger heartnut, a tender variety, passed through unscathed. Persimmons and pawpaws passed without a bud killed. These are perfectly hardy varieties. Jujubes passed O. K., but that may be due to the very deep snows."

George H. Corsan, Echo Valley, Islington, Ont.: "Last winter, 1942-43, was the coldest on record. Filberts were undamaged. A few inches of twigs were affected on some English walnuts. The Stranger heartnut, a sensitive variety, came through just fine. Persimmons and pawpaws had no buds harmed. These are totally hardy varieties. Jujubes did fine too, but that might be because of the heavy snowfall."

Dr. Oliver D. Diller, Associate Forester, Ohio Experiment Sta., Wooster, Ohio: "You will be glad to know that the experiment station has set aside some land for improved varieties of nut trees. If you find some promising walnuts which might be tested in this part of the state, we should be glad to have you keep us in mind." This is indeed welcome news and will be appreciated by all growers in this area.

Dr. Oliver D. Diller, Associate Forester, Ohio Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio: "You'll be happy to know that the experiment station has dedicated some land for better varieties of nut trees. If you come across any promising walnuts that could be tested in this part of the state, we would be grateful if you could keep us in mind." This is really great news and will be appreciated by all growers in this area.

J. G. Duis, Shattuc, Ill.: "A chicken yard is one of the best places to grow nut trees."

J. G. Duis, Shattuc, Ill.: "A chicken coop is one of the best places to grow nut trees."

J. U. Gellatly: "I do not believe in selling nuts for seed purposes except on a very large scale."

J. U. Gellatly: "I don't believe in selling nuts for planting purposes unless it's on a really large scale."

J. C. McDaniel: "A neighbor lost some 5 year old Chinese chestnut trees following a summer drouth on silty loam soil, rather shallow to hard-pan. It is my observation that deeper, sandier soils (not too extremely sandy) are best for chestnuts in the coastal plain and other regions subject to summer drouths. In the mountains where summer rainfall is more uniform, they thrive also in clay soils."

J. C. McDaniel: "A neighbor lost some 5-year-old Chinese chestnut trees after a summer drought on silty loam soil, which is pretty shallow to the hard-pan. I've noticed that deeper, sandier soils (but not overly sandy) are the best for chestnuts in the coastal plain and other areas that face summer droughts. In the mountains where summer rainfall is more consistent, they also do well in clay soils."

G. H. Corsan: "Best success in grafting (hickories) has been in juicy, wet springs. Heartnuts must not be budded until late August (in Islington, Ontario). Heartnuts must not be pruned."[Pg 50]

G. H. Corsan: "The best time for grafting hickories is during juicy, wet springs. Heartnuts shouldn't be budded until late August (in Islington, Ontario). Heartnuts should not be pruned."[Pg 50]

A. L. Young, Alberta: "There is a demand for young walnuts for pickling." (Does anyone know the details—when to pick, how to pickle?) (Note by Ed. Several recipes and methods in Am. Nut Journal now out of print but indexed by Ed. Copies of this index in his hands and those of Mr. C. A. Reed at Washington. Also recipes in 33rd Ann. Report p. 95).

A. L. Young, Alberta: "There’s a demand for young walnuts for pickling." (Does anyone know the details—when to pick them, how to pickle them?) (Note by Ed. Several recipes and methods in Am. Nut Journal are now out of print but indexed by Ed. Copies of this index are in his possession and with Mr. C. A. Reed in Washington. Also, recipes can be found in the 33rd Ann. Report p. 95).

Sterling A. Smith, Vermillon, O.: "With me, summer budding is the most successful means of propagating black walnuts."

Sterling A. Smith, Vermillon, O.: "For me, summer budding is the most effective way to propagate black walnuts."

J. Russell Smith: "Chinese chestnuts will blight some if under-nourished." Which includes the wrong kinds of soil, if uncorrected.

J. Russell Smith: "Chinese chestnuts will suffer from blight if they're not properly nourished." This includes using the wrong types of soil, if not corrected.

"Does anyone know for sure how to get pawpaw seed to germinate?" Several have asked this question. The chairman has had the same trouble, so can not answer. (Note by Ed. See "Nut Puttering in an Offyear" in this report.)

"Does anyone know for sure how to get pawpaw seeds to germinate?" Many have asked this question. The chairman has faced the same issue, so he cannot provide an answer. (Note by Ed. See "Nut Puttering in an Offyear" in this report.)

So far as the correspondence shows, no state or federal department buys seed on a large scale (with the exception, now, of chestnut seed) from trees of the better named varieties with which to grow seedlings for distribution by state nurseries for forest planting. All nut seed seems to be gathered haphazardly.

As far as the correspondence indicates, no state or federal agency purchases seed in large quantities (except for chestnut seed now) from trees of well-known varieties to grow seedlings for distribution by state nurseries for reforestation. All nut seeds appear to be collected randomly.

W. G. Tatum, Lebanon, Ky.: "A nut tree with plenty of root, top cut back one third, promptly set, roots protected, stem wrapped, 4 inches, mulch applied, set either spring or fall, grows for me 99% of the time. Failures are not worth mentioning if the above conditions are met."

W. G. Tatum, Lebanon, Ky.: "A nut tree with strong roots, top trimmed back by one-third, planted right away, roots protected, trunk wrapped, 4 inches, mulch applied, planted either in spring or fall, grows for me 99% of the time. Failures are negligible if these conditions are followed."

Carl Weschcke, St. Paul, has a dozen or so extra hardy Persian walnuts by selection from some 12,000 seedlings. Also is introducing the hardy "Hazelbert," result of crosses between wild varieties and filberts.

Carl Weschcke, St. Paul, has about a dozen extra hardy Persian walnuts selected from around 12,000 seedlings. He is also introducing the hardy "Hazelbert," which is a result of breeding between wild varieties and filberts.

"Dip wire screen guards in red lead and they will be good for twenty years."

"Dip wire screen guards in red lead and they'll last for twenty years."

Thomas and Stambaugh, among the black walnuts, are, with justice, entrenched leaders, but it will be well to watch Patterson, Mintle, Elmer Myers, Eureka, Creitz, Todd, and other promising new ones less well known. Thomas is more prolific in the south (generally) than in the north, which indicates that its bloom may possibly be out nearly enough to suffer in the north from late frosts.

Thomas and Stambaugh are established leaders among black walnuts, but it’s also important to keep an eye on Patterson, Mintle, Elmer Myers, Eureka, Creitz, Todd, and other promising newcomers who might not be as well known. Thomas tends to produce more in the south than in the north, suggesting that its flowering might happen early enough to be at risk from late frosts in the north.

Among chestnuts, the weight of evidence favors Hobson, Carr and Reliable, though J. Russell Smith says he has something he likes better than the first two.

Among chestnuts, the evidence strongly supports Hobson, Carr, and Reliable, although J. Russell Smith claims he has a preference for something better than the first two.

Among pecans, Major, Greenriver, Pleas; among filberts and hazels, Winkler, Jones hybrid, Cosford, Gellatly, Brixnut; among Persian walnuts, Broadview, one or two Crath varieties, Payne, Breslau; among hickories, Stratford, Fairbanks, Barnes, Glover, Weschcke. These seem, so far as the returns show, to have outstanding points of superiority. In any such survey, injustice is bound to be done to some not fully reported.

Among pecans, Major, Greenriver, Pleas; among filberts and hazels, Winkler, Jones hybrid, Cosford, Gellatly, Brixnut; among Persian walnuts, Broadview, a couple of Crath varieties, Payne, Breslau; among hickories, Stratford, Fairbanks, Barnes, Glover, Weschcke. These appear to have significant advantages based on the reports we have. In any such assessment, some may be overlooked or not fully represented.

Outside of filberts in the northwest, no northern grown nut can yet be said to have reached the status of a profitable commercial crop. (Exception: The narrow pecan belt along the southern terminus of the Ohio river valley; mostly wild trees.) Dr. A. S. Colby, University of Illinois says, "The report from the State Statistician at Springfield indicated a crop of 575,000 pounds of pecans for Illinois in 1943. I don't know just where they came from." Short crops were reported in Calhoun and Galla[Pg 51]tin, leading nut producing counties. No reports have been received as to the size of pecan crops in the Kentucky and southern Indiana portions of the same belt.

Outside of filberts in the northwest, no northern-grown nut can yet be considered a profitable commercial crop. (Exception: The narrow pecan belt along the southern end of the Ohio River Valley; mostly wild trees.) Dr. A. S. Colby from the University of Illinois says, "The report from the State Statistician in Springfield indicated a crop of 575,000 pounds of pecans for Illinois in 1943. I don’t know exactly where they came from." Short crops were reported in Calhoun and Gallatin, leading nut-producing counties. No reports have been received regarding the size of pecan crops in the Kentucky and southern Indiana portions of the same belt.

The search for better varieties must continue, but it is also altogether likely that with an orchardist's attention, with cultivation, mulching, fertilizing, spraying one to three times yearly with Bordeaux and lead sprays, we might approach the commercial goal more closely with what we have today. Is anyone treating a bearing nut orchard as well as he would treat an apple orchard? That's the test.

The search for better varieties has to keep going, but it's also very likely that with an orchardist's focus, using cultivation, mulching, fertilizing, and spraying one to three times a year with Bordeaux and lead sprays, we could get closer to the commercial goal with what we already have. Is anyone taking care of a producing nut orchard as well as they would an apple orchard? That's the real question.

S. H. Graham of Ithaca, N. Y. says: "The Ohio is commonly regarded as hard to hull. With a chained tire husker it hulls as well as any." He rates it for hardiness and a percentage of 90 to 100 for filled nuts, while Thomas yields only 0 to 90%.

S. H. Graham from Ithaca, N.Y. says: "The Ohio is usually considered difficult to hull. With a chained tire husker, it hulls as well as any." He scores it for hardiness and gives it a rating of 90 to 100 for filled nuts, while Thomas only yields 0 to 90%.

Seasonal Zones Seasonal Zones Gathered from U.S. Department of Agriculture Records, Based on the Average Date of the Last Frost that Causes Damage in Spring

Juglone—The Active Agent in Walnut Toxicity

By George A. Gries, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

The problem of walnut toxicity dates back at least to the writings of Pliny. In his "Natural History," this Roman philosopher stated that "the shadow of walnut trees is poison to all plants within its compass" and that it kills whatever it touches.

The issue of walnut toxicity can be traced back to the writings of Pliny. In his "Natural History," this Roman philosopher noted that "the shade of walnut trees is toxic to all plants in its vicinity" and that it destroys anything it comes into contact with.

The first rebuttal to the existence of such a toxicity was forwarded by Evelyn in the 17th century. This author discussed the high regard in which walnuts were held in Burgundy as field trees. The roots of these trees were below the plow sole and thus did not affect either cultivation nor the growth, of grasses and cereals beneath them.

The first response to the idea of such toxicity was put forward by Evelyn in the 17th century. This author talked about how highly regarded walnuts were in Burgundy as field trees. The roots of these trees were below the plow sole, so they didn't impact either the farming or the growth of grasses and cereals underneath them.

The pros and cons of the problem have been reviewed several times in the recent proceedings of the Northern Nut Growers Association. (Greene, 1930; MacDaniels and Muenscher, 1942; Brown, 1943.) That the roots of walnut trees are toxic to the roots of certain crop plants in direct contact with them is widely accepted. In nature this toxicity seems to be limited to plants with tap root systems such as tomato and alfalfa (Davis, 1923) and those with other types of deep root systems such as apple trees (Schneiderhan, 1927), rhododendrons (Pirone, 1938), and privet. This toxicity is exhibited only when there is a direct contact between the roots of the two plants involved. (Jones, 1903; Massey, 1925). That the wilting observed under walnuts is due to a toxic product from the bark of the walnut, and does not result from a lack of water, is substantiated by the fact that the vascular or water conducting system is discolored for several inches above the point of contact with the walnut root. This symptom is very similar to that produced by vascular disease fungi. No such discoloration results from wilting due to competition for water. This symptom of toxicity has been overlooked by many workers in the field.

The advantages and disadvantages of the issue have been discussed multiple times in the recent meetings of the Northern Nut Growers Association. (Greene, 1930; MacDaniels and Muenscher, 1942; Brown, 1943.) It is widely accepted that the roots of walnut trees are harmful to the roots of certain crop plants that come into direct contact with them. In nature, this toxicity appears to affect mainly plants with tap root systems like tomatoes and alfalfa (Davis, 1923), as well as those with other types of deep root systems such as apple trees (Schneiderhan, 1927), rhododendrons (Pirone, 1938), and privet. This toxicity is only observed when the roots of the two plants make direct contact. (Jones, 1903; Massey, 1925.) The wilting seen under walnut trees is due to a toxic substance from the walnut bark, not from a lack of water, which is supported by the fact that the vascular or water-conducting system is discolored for several inches above where it touches the walnut root. This symptom closely resembles the effects caused by vascular disease fungi. No such discoloration occurs from wilting caused by competition for water. Many researchers in the field have overlooked this symptom of toxicity.

Massey (1925) suggested that the toxic component of walnuts might be juglone. This idea was further supported by Davis (1928). Today this concept is widely held. Chemically this substance is known as 5, hydroxy-1, 4, naphtho-quinone and belongs to a group of strong oxidizing agents with commercial uses, including tanning agents, medicinals, poisons, etc.

Massey (1925) proposed that the toxic element in walnuts could be juglone. This idea was further backed by Davis (1928). Today, this concept is widely accepted. Chemically, this substance is known as 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphtho-quinone and is part of a group of strong oxidizing agents with commercial applications, including tanning agents, medicines, poisons, and more.

A knowledge of the physiology of juglone in the walnut is essential to an understanding of the divergent results obtained by various experimenters. Juglone, as such, occurs probably only in minute quantities in the inner root bark, and in the green husks of the nuts. These regions are, however, rich in a substance known as hydrojuglone. This compound, the colorless, non-toxic, reduced form of juglone is immediately oxidized to its toxic form upon exposure to the air or some oxidizing substance from the roots of other plants. Upon standing in the air juglone again disappears, being either changed back to hydrojuglone or broken down into other non-toxic substances.

A understanding of how juglone works in walnuts is crucial for grasping the differing outcomes reported by various researchers. Juglone itself likely only exists in tiny amounts in the inner root bark and in the green husks of the nuts. However, these areas are abundant in a substance called hydrojuglone. This compound, which is the colorless, non-toxic, reduced version of juglone, quickly turns into its toxic form when it comes into contact with air or certain oxidizing agents from the roots of other plants. When left in the air, juglone eventually fades away, either reverting back to hydrojuglone or breaking down into other non-toxic substances.

This sequence of events may be noted in a fresh green husk of a black walnut. When the fresh husk is cut, the interior is white but immediately turns yellow as the colorless hydrojuglone is transformed into the yellow juglone. Upon standing or drying the husk becomes black as further chemical changes occur. It is impossible to extract juglone from these dried husks without first reoxidizing them.[Pg 53]

This series of events can be seen in the fresh green husk of a black walnut. When you cut the fresh husk, the inside is white but quickly turns yellow as the colorless hydrojuglone changes into yellow juglone. After sitting or drying, the husk becomes black as more chemical changes take place. You can't extract juglone from these dried husks without reoxidizing them first.[Pg 53]

It now becomes possible for us to understand some of the discrepancies in the studies on walnut toxicity. If walnut bark or other plant parts are allowed to become desiccated, no toxicity may be found. If the roots of plants do not contact plant parts containing juglone or hydrojuglone, their oxidizing ability can not produce the toxin. Further the relative amounts of juglone in various species of Juglans has not been completely investigated. It does occur definitely in J. nigra and J. cinerea and has been reported as being in J. regia. Other species need investigation before being included as sources of juglone.

It’s now possible for us to understand some of the differences in the studies on walnut toxicity. If walnut bark or other parts of the plant are allowed to dry out, they may not show any toxicity. If the roots of plants don’t come into contact with parts containing juglone or hydrojuglone, they won’t be able to produce the toxin. Additionally, the exact amounts of juglone in different species of Juglans haven’t been fully explored. It is definitely present in J. nigra and J. cinerea, and has been reported in J. regia. Other species need further study before they can be recognized as sources of juglone.

It is known that many plants are not adversely affected when grown under or near walnut trees. Some of these have root systems too shallow to contact the roots of the walnuts, especially in plowed ground. Some plants may send out sufficient surface roots to keep the plant alive in spite of injury to the deeper roots. The possibility that the roots of some plants are capable of withstanding the oxidizing power of the juglone is currently under study.

It’s recognized that many plants aren’t harmed when they're grown under or near walnut trees. Some of these plants have root systems that are too shallow to reach the walnut roots, particularly in plowed soil. Some plants might develop enough surface roots to survive even if their deeper roots get damaged. Researchers are currently investigating whether some plants can tolerate the oxidizing effects of juglone.

In early American folklore, the inner bark and the husks of the nuts were used as a source of a yellow dye for cloth. This yellow dye is juglone. The ancients also used this method of dying both cloth and hair.

In early American folklore, the inner bark and the husks of the nuts were used to create a yellow dye for fabric. This yellow dye is juglone. Ancient people also used this technique to dye both fabric and hair.

Another property of juglone is its toxicity to fish. A few years ago it was a common practice in the South to cut the husks from young nuts and throw them immediately into a still pond of water. The fish, stunned by the juglone, would rise to the surface and were collected and eaten. No one seemed to worry about the effects of such poisoned food on the consumers.

Another property of juglone is its toxicity to fish. A few years ago, it was common in the South to remove the husks from young nuts and toss them directly into a still pond. The fish, stunned by the juglone, would float to the surface and be gathered and eaten. No one appeared to be concerned about the impact of such poisoned food on those who consumed it.

Juglone is toxic to fungi and bacteria. Of all the medicinal powers attributed to walnuts by the Greeks and Romans, its use in curing certain skin diseases including ringworm has held up through the ages until many today can recall the use of the green husks for control of ringworms. Brissemoret and Michaud (1917) reported the use of juglone in clinical cases for the cure of eczema, psoriasis, impetigo and other skin diseases and concluded that juglone deserves extensive use in dermatology. To our knowledge the medical profession has not followed up the possibilities which this substance offers. The author is familiar with one case in which pure juglone was applied to a persistent ringworm infection. The infection disappeared within a month after treatment was begun. Though conclusions can not be drawn on a single case, certainly this observation lends credence to the medicinal lore of the ancients and the American pioneers.

Juglone is harmful to fungi and bacteria. Among all the medicinal benefits attributed to walnuts by the Greeks and Romans, its use in treating certain skin conditions, including ringworm, has endured over time, and many people today can remember using the green husks to manage ringworm. Brissemoret and Michaud (1917) documented the use of juglone in clinical cases to treat eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, and other skin diseases, concluding that juglone deserves more extensive use in dermatology. To our knowledge, the medical field has not explored the potential this substance offers. The author is aware of one case where pure juglone was applied to a stubborn ringworm infection. The infection cleared up within a month after treatment began. While no conclusions can be drawn from a single case, this observation certainly supports the medicinal knowledge of the ancients and American pioneers.

During the fall and winter of 1942-43, investigations on juglone were started at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in conjunction with studies of the effect of other plant toxins on the roots of higher plants. When the toxicity of this oxidizing compound was established, it was produced in some quantity both by extraction from walnuts after the method of Combes (1907) and by synthesis after the method of Bernthsen and Semper (1887). Working on the assumption that the killing of germinating fungus spores and root hairs are similar phenomena, juglone was subjected to standardized laboratory tests for fungicidal value. In a series of experiments, this compound proved to be equally toxic with the copper in Bordeaux mixture. Such a high degree of toxicity was deemed worth further investigation, so juglone was tested as a seed protectant and as a spray in field trials for the control of black spot of roses.[Pg 54]

During the fall and winter of 1942-43, research on juglone began at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station alongside studies investigating how other plant toxins affect the roots of higher plants. Once the toxicity of this oxidizing compound was confirmed, it was produced in some quantity through extraction from walnuts using Combes' method (1907) and by synthesis based on Bernthsen and Semper's method (1887). Operating under the idea that killing germinating fungus spores and root hairs are similar processes, juglone underwent standardized laboratory tests to evaluate its fungicidal properties. In a series of experiments, this compound was found to be just as toxic as the copper in Bordeaux mixture. Given its high level of toxicity, further investigation was deemed necessary, so juglone was tested as a seed protectant and as a spray in field trials for managing black spot on roses.[Pg 54]

As a seed protectant, juglone failed miserably. It's toxicity to the noncutinized surfaces of root tissues was so great that germination was abnormal and greatly impaired. The injury noted here was apparently the same as that discussed by Brown (1943) and that which occurs normally in the field.

As a seed protectant, juglone didn't work at all. Its toxicity to the noncutinized surfaces of root tissues was so severe that germination was abnormal and significantly hindered. The damage observed here seems to be the same as what Brown (1943) discussed and what typically happens in the field.

In field tests on the control of black spot of roses juglone stood up well. No phytotoxic activity could be noted on the cutinized stem and leaf surfaces. On the variety George Ahrens, juglone gave equal control with 2½ times as much 325 mesh sulfur, the standard control for this disease.

In field tests for controlling black spot on roses, juglone performed effectively. No harmful effects were observed on the cutinized stem and leaf surfaces. For the George Ahrens variety, juglone provided the same level of control as 2½ times the amount of 325 mesh sulfur, which is the standard treatment for this disease.


1. Under certain conditions walnut trees exhibit toxicity to those plants whose roots are in intimate contact with the roots of the walnut.

1. Under certain conditions, walnut trees can be toxic to plants that are closely connected to their roots.

2. This toxicity is due to the action of juglone, the oxidized form of hydrojuglone, a non-toxic substance occurring in the inner bark and green husk of walnuts.

2. This toxicity is caused by juglone, the oxidized version of hydrojuglone, which is a non-toxic substance found in the inner bark and green husk of walnuts.

3. Juglone has been used in dermatology to cure various skin disorders including both bacterial and fungus diseases.

3. Juglone has been used in dermatology to treat various skin conditions, including both bacterial and fungal infections.

4. As a seed protectant, juglone is unsuitable because of its inherent toxicity to the non-cutinzed root surfaces.

4. As a seed protectant, juglone is not suitable because it is inherently toxic to the non-cutinized root surfaces.

5. Laboratory and field tests have shown juglone to be an excellent fungicide

5. Lab and field tests have shown that juglone is an excellent fungicide.


1. Bernthsen, A. and A. Semper Ueber die Constitution des Juglons und seine Synthese aus Naphtalin. Ber. d. deutsch. Chem. Gesellsch. 20: 934-941. 1887.

1. Bernthsen, A. and A. Semper On the Constitution of Juglone and Its Synthesis from Naphthalene. Reports of the German Chemical Society. 20: 934-941. 1887.

2. Brissemoret et Michaud Sur une nouvelle classe de médicaments de la peau; les quinones peroxydes. Jour. pharm. et chim. 7e ser. 16:283-285. 1917.

2. Brissemoret and Michaud On a new class of skin medications; peroxyquinones. Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry, 7th series, 16:283-285. 1917.

3. Brown, Babette I. Injurious influence of bark of black walnut on seedlings of tomato and alfalfa. Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1942:97-102. 1943,

3. Brown, Babette I. Harmful effects of black walnut bark on seedlings of tomato and alfalfa. Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1942:97-102. 1943,

4. Combes, R. Sur un procéde de preparation et de purification des dérivés oxyanthraquinoniques et oxynapthoquinoniques en genéral, du juglon et de l'émodine en particulier. Bull. soc. chim. 4c ser. 1: 800-816. 1907.

4. Combes, R. On a method for the preparation and purification of oxyanthraquinone and oxynaphthoquinone derivatives in general, and juglone and emodine in particular. Bull. soc. chim. 4c ser. 1: 800-816. 1907.

5. Cook, Mel T. Wilting caused by walnut trees. Phytopathology 11:346. 1921.

5. Cook, Mel T. Wilting caused by walnut trees. Phytopathology 11:346. 1921.

6. Davis, Everett. The toxic principle of Juglans nigra as identified with synthetic juglone, and its toxic effects on tomato and alfalfa plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 15: 620. 1928.

6. Davis, Everett. The harmful principle of Juglans nigra related to synthetic juglone, and its harmful effects on tomato and alfalfa plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 15: 620. 1928.

7. Greene, K.W. The toxic (?) effect of the black walnut: Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1929: 152-156. 1930.[Pg 55]

7. Greene, K.W. The harmful (?) effect of the black walnut: Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1929: 152-156. 1930.[Pg 55]

8. Jones, L. R. and W. J. Morse The shrubby cinquefoil as a weed. 16th Ann. Rpt, Vt, Agr. Expt. Sta. 188-190. 1902-03.

8. Jones, L. R. and W. J. Morse The shrubby cinquefoil as a weed. 16th Ann. Rpt, Vt, Agr. Expt. Sta. 188-190. 1902-03.

9. MacDaniels, L. H. and W. C. Muenscher Black walnut toxicity. Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1940 172-179. 1941.

9. MacDaniels, L. H. and W. C. Muenscher Black walnut toxicity. Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Proc. 1940 172-179. 1941.

10. Massey, A. B. Antagonism of the walnuts (Juglans nigra I. and J. cinerea.) in certain plant associations. Phytopathology 15: 773-784. 1925.

10. Massey, A. B. The antagonism of walnuts (Juglans nigra I. and J. cinerea.) in specific plant associations. Phytopathology 15: 773-784. 1925.

11. Pirone, P. P. The detrimental effect of walnut to Rhododendrons and other ornamentals. Nursery Disease Notes 11; 1-4. 1938.

11. Pirone, P. P. The harmful impact of walnut on Rhododendrons and other ornamental plants. Nursery Disease Notes 11; 1-4. 1938.

12. Plinius Secundus, C. The historie of the world. English translation by P. Holland, A. Islip, London. 1601.

12. Plinius Secundus, C. The History of the World. English translation by P. Holland, A. Islip, London. 1601.

13. Schneiderhan, F. J. The black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) as a cause of death to apple trees. Phytopathology 17: 529-540. 1927.

13. Schneiderhan, F. J. The black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) as a cause of death to apple trees. Phytopathology 17: 529-540. 1927.

Possible Black Walnut Toxicity on Tomato and Cabbage

By Otto A. Reinking

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

The toxicity or antagonism of black walnut roots and those of certain other plants has been a controversial question. L. H. MacDaniels and W. C. Muenscher in a report on page 172 of the Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Nut Growers' Association held in 1940 cited evidence pro and con relative to the toxic effect of black walnut on various crops. They concluded that because of conflicting evidence, the problem of walnut toxicity was still unsolved and needed further investigation. In 1942, Babette I. Brown reported on page 97 of the Thirty-third Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers' Association, on the injurious influence of bark of black walnut roots on seedlings of tomato and alfalfa. It was concluded, from carefully conducted tests, that walnut roots produce a substance that may be injurious to certain other plants. Experimentation showed that the walnut root bark produces a substance that is injurious to alfalfa and tomato seedlings.

The toxicity or negative effects of black walnut roots and those of some other plants has been a debated topic. L. H. MacDaniels and W. C. Muenscher, in a report on page 172 of the Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Nut Growers' Association held in 1940, presented evidence both for and against the toxic impact of black walnut on different crops. They concluded that due to the inconsistent evidence, the issue of walnut toxicity remained unresolved and required further study. In 1942, Babette I. Brown reported on page 97 of the Thirty-third Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers' Association about the harmful effects of black walnut root bark on tomato and alfalfa seedlings. Careful tests indicated that walnut roots produce a substance that could be harmful to certain other plants. Experiments demonstrated that the bark of walnut roots creates a substance that is harmful to alfalfa and tomato seedlings.

During the past years, a number of instances of stunting and wilting of tomato plants in the vicinity of black walnut trees has been observed. In 1942, a very definite case of wilting and stunting was noted in cabbage plants growing in the vicinity of a black walnut tree.

During recent years, several cases of stunted and wilted tomato plants near black walnut trees have been observed. In 1942, a clear case of wilting and stunting was noted in cabbage plants growing near a black walnut tree.

Severely wilted tomato plants were observed on July 30, 1943, in a field of tomatoes near Egypt, New York. This case was typical of others observed in tomato fields in recent years. The wilting and stunting were all located in one corner of the field, on both sides of which large black walnut trees were growing, and extended out in the field for a distance somewhat greater than the height of the trees. The rest of the field planted with the same stock of tomatoes was entirely healthy. The field had been planted to beans in 1942 and prior to that had been in grass for at least 7 years. The vascular bundles of affected plants were browned as in Verticillium or Fusarium wilt and in some bacterial diseases. No cankers or discolorations were observed on the external parts of the plants. In order to determine whether or not the wilting was caused by a fungus or bacterium, plants were collected for microscopic examination and for culturing to show possible presence of pathogens. The microscopic examinations showed the absence of fungi or bacteria in the vascular system or other plant tissues. The browning in the vascular bundles appeared to be confined to the phloem tissue. All attempts to culture a pathogenic fungus or bacterium from affected tissue was negative. Portions of diseased plants with discolored vascular bundles were placed in a damp chamber and no fungus or bacterial growth developed from the vascular system. From these field and laboratory studies, it was concluded that the wilting and stunting were not produced by a plant pathogen. Since the affected plants in the field were all confined to the area adjacent to black walnut trees, and the fact that it had been shown that the bark of this tree does produce a substance that is toxic to certain plants, it was concluded by circumstantial evidence alone that the wilting possibly was due to black walnut toxicity or antagonism of some sort.[Pg 57]

On July 30, 1943, severely wilted tomato plants were found in a field of tomatoes near Egypt, New York. This situation was similar to others seen in tomato fields in recent years. The wilting and stunting were concentrated in one corner of the field, flanked by large black walnut trees, and extended out into the field for a distance greater than the height of the trees. The rest of the field, planted with the same type of tomatoes, was completely healthy. The field had been planted with beans in 1942, and before that, it had been in grass for at least seven years. The vascular bundles of the affected plants were browned like in Verticillium or Fusarium wilt and also some bacterial diseases. No cankers or discolorations were noted on the external parts of the plants. To determine if the wilting was caused by a fungus or bacterium, samples were collected for microscopic examination and culture to check for potential pathogens. The microscopic examinations showed there were no fungi or bacteria in the vascular system or other plant tissues. The browning in the vascular bundles seemed to be limited to the phloem tissue. All attempts to culture a pathogenic fungus or bacterium from the affected tissue were negative. Parts of the diseased plants with discolored vascular bundles wereplaced in a damp chamber, and no fungal or bacterial growth emerged from the vascular system. From these field and lab studies, it was concluded that the wilting and stunting were not caused by a plant pathogen. Since the affected plants were all located near black walnut trees, and given that it has been shown that the bark of this tree produces a substance toxic to certain plants, it was concluded based on circumstantial evidence that the wilting was likely due to black walnut toxicity or some form of antagonism.[Pg 57]

In August of 1942, studies were made on wilted and stunted cabbage plants growing in a semicircle on one side of a field adjacent to a walnut tree (Fig. 1). The field was located near Hall, New York, in a region known to be infested with cabbage yellows. From a distance, the affected plants appeared to have yellows, but upon close study, it was found that they were merely wilted and stunted and did not show the other typical symptoms of the yellows disease. The root systems of wilted plants did not show the presence of club root or black rot infection. The plants in the field were all of one variety and came from the same seed bed. Microscopic studies and attempts to culture a fungus from the vascular bundles of affected plants showed the absence of any fungus that might have caused, the disease. Since the affected plants showed no[Pg 58] symptoms of known cabbage diseases and as they were growing in a semicircle adjacent to a walnut tree, it was concluded that the presence of the root system of this tree might have been the cause of the trouble.

In August 1942, researchers looked into wilted and stunted cabbage plants that were growing in a semicircle on one side of a field next to a walnut tree (Fig. 1). This field was located near Hall, New York, in an area known to be infested with cabbage yellows. From a distance, the affected plants seemed to have yellows, but upon closer inspection, it was clear that they were simply wilted and stunted, lacking the other typical symptoms of the yellows disease. The root systems of the wilted plants showed no signs of club root or black rot infection. All the plants in the field were of the same variety and came from the same seed bed. Microscopic examinations and attempts to culture a fungus from the vascular bundles of the affected plants indicated that no fungus, which could have caused the disease, was present. Since the affected plants showed no[Pg 58] symptoms of known cabbage diseases and were growing in a semicircle next to a walnut tree, it was suggested that the tree's root system might have been causing the problem.

Fig. 1. Wilted and stunted cabbage plants growing in a semicircle next to a black walnut tree. Notice the large, healthy plants in the foreground, with smaller, wilted plants surrounding them in a semicircle, all growing in an area impacted by the root system of the black walnut tree.

These two instances of wilting and stunting of plants in the vicinity of walnut trees give further circumstantial evidence that the trouble might have been caused by the toxicity or antagonism of black walnut roots. Detailed experiments with the plants in question would have to be run to prove this assumption.

These two cases of plants wilting and stunting near walnut trees provide additional evidence that the problem might have been caused by the toxicity or competition from black walnut roots. We would need to conduct detailed experiments with the affected plants to confirm this assumption.

Preliminary Studies on Catkin Forcing and Pollen Storage of Corylus and Juglans

L.G. Cox, Cornell University

Methods of collecting and storing pollen are of great interest to those engaged in plant breeding. Very little reliable information is available for the various nut species compared with many other horticultural plants. The following preliminary experiments were conducted to obtain data on germination media, forcing methods, and storage conditions for Corylus and Juglans Sieboldiana pollen. The former was mostly from hybrid plants produced by crossing the Rush filbert (Corylus americana) with European varieties.

Methods for collecting and storing pollen are of significant interest to those involved in plant breeding. There's very little reliable information available about various nut species compared to many other horticultural plants. The following preliminary experiments were conducted to gather data on germination media, forcing methods, and storage conditions for Corylus and Juglans Sieboldiana pollen. The former primarily came from hybrid plants created by crossing the Rush filbert (Corylus americana) with European varieties.

The optimum temperature and sugar concentration for germination of Corylus pollen.

The best temperature and sugar concentration for germinating Corylus pollen.

The cut ends of Corylus branches with mature catkins collected March 1, 1942 were immersed in water and forced into shedding pollen in a room at a temperature of approximately 20° centigrade. The collected pollen was sifted upon the surface of a thin layer of sugar-agar in petri dishes.

The cut ends of Corylus branches with mature catkins collected on March 1, 1942, were placed in water to encourage them to release pollen in a room that was about 20° Celsius. The collected pollen was spread over the surface of a thin layer of sugar-agar in petri dishes.

Commercial cane sugar was used in preference to purified sucrose, because other studies have shown it to contain impurities which stimulate pollen germination. A range in sugar concentration from 5% to 55% by weight in 5% intervals was made up in distilled water containing 1.5% agar, heated to boiling and poured into the petri dishes.

Commercial cane sugar was favored over purified sucrose because other studies indicated that it has impurities that encourage pollen germination. A sugar concentration ranging from 5% to 55% by weight in 5% intervals was prepared in distilled water containing 1.5% agar, heated to boiling, and then poured into the Petri dishes.

The pollen was incubated at 10° C. and at 25° C. on the agar medium for 48 and 24 hours respectively prior to making the germination counts. Pollen was assumed to have germinated if the length of the pollen tube exceeded the diameter of the pollen grain.

The pollen was incubated at 10° C and 25° C on the agar medium for 48 and 24 hours respectively before counting the germination. Pollen was considered to have germinated if the length of the pollen tube was longer than the diameter of the pollen grain.

At 25° C. germination was prompt and uniform with a maximum of 19.5% at 25% sugar concentration. At 10° C. the rate of germination was very slow and incomplete at the end of 48 hours with a maximum of 9% germination at 35% sugar concentration. For subsequent work a temperature of 25° C. and a sugar concentration of 25% by weight was taken as a standard.

At 25°C, germination was quick and consistent, with a peak of 19.5% at a 25% sugar concentration. At 10°C, the germination rate was quite slow and incomplete after 48 hours, reaching a maximum of 9% germination at a 35% sugar concentration. For further experiments, a standard temperature of 25°C and a sugar concentration of 25% by weight were established.

The effect of temperature and humidity during forcing on the viability of the pollen

The impact of temperature and humidity during the forcing process on the viability of the pollen

Pollen shed from catkins forced in a warm, dry room (about 75° F.), and in a cool, humid greenhouse (60° F.) gave pollen germinating 36% and 69% respectively, which indicated that the air temperature and hu[Pg 59]midity surrounding the developing catkins may have considerable effect on the viability of the maturing pollen.

Pollen released from catkins grown in a warm, dry room (around 75°F) and in a cool, humid greenhouse (60°F) showed germination rates of 36% and 69%, respectively. This suggests that the air temperature and humidity around the developing catkins can significantly impact the viability of the maturing pollen.

The experiment was repeated by forcing the catkins at 10° C., 18-20° C., and 24-26° C., at two humidity levels. The low humidity level corresponded to the natural room humidity, about 25% and the higher level of nearly 100% was achieved by enclosing the branches with catkins in large sealed cans over a water surface. As soon as a majority of the catkins began to shed their pollen or to absciss their full developed anthers, the catkins were removed and dried on a sheet of smooth paper at room temperature until the pollen was shed. The pollen was then collected and stored at 4° C. until used. The results obtained are given in table 1.

The experiment was repeated by forcing the catkins at 10° C, 18-20° C, and 24-26° C, at two humidity levels. The low humidity level matched the natural room humidity, around 25%, while the higher level of nearly 100% was created by sealing the branches with catkins in large cans over a water surface. As soon as most of the catkins started to shed their pollen or drop their fully developed anthers, the catkins were taken out and dried on a smooth paper sheet at room temperature until the pollen was released. The pollen was then collected and stored at 4° C until it was used. The results obtained are given in table 1.

Table 1. Percentage germination after 24 hours of Filbert pollen
forced at different temperatures and humidities.

 10° C.18-20° C.24-26° C.
Low humidity80317
High humidity966012

Later experiments indicate that the pollen viability is greatly lowered if the catkins are removed from the higher humidities prior to the maturity of the anthers as indicated by their tendency to shed their pollen. Apparently the high humidity hinders the dehiscence of anthers and shedding of the pollen grains.

Later experiments show that pollen viability is significantly reduced if the catkins are taken away from higher humidity before the anthers mature, as shown by their tendency to release pollen. It seems that high humidity interferes with the opening of the anthers and the release of pollen grains.

Effect of catkins extracts on pollen germination

Impact of catkins extracts on pollen germination

The failure of pollen to germinate in the catkins at 100% humidity suggested the possibility that the catkin tissue might contain some substance which prevented germination of the mature pollen grains until after it was shed.

The inability of pollen to germinate in the catkins at 100% humidity indicated that the catkin tissue might have some substance that stopped the mature pollen grains from germinating until after they were released.

Two mature catkins plus remnants of their unshed pollen were ground in a mortar with a small amount of water in clear quartz sand. One cubic centimeter of the resulting turbid suspension was added to 10 cc. of warm fluid agar and mixed by rotating the petri dish.

Two mature catkins, along with some leftover pollen that hadn’t shed, were ground in a mortar with a little bit of water and clear quartz sand. One cubic centimeter of the cloudy mixture was added to 10 cc of warm fluid agar and mixed by rotating the petri dish.

Pollen which gave a 91% germination on the standard medium showed only 50% germination on this catkin extract. Germination was distinctly abnormal with short stubby pollen tubes, often with numerous nodular swellings. In general the pollen tube grew up into the air away from the surface of the agar, rather than down into it or parallel with the surface as in normal germination.

Pollen that had a 91% germination rate on the standard medium only showed 50% germination on this catkin extract. The germination was clearly abnormal with short, thick pollen tubes, often featuring many nodular swellings. Overall, the pollen tube grew upward into the air away from the surface of the agar, instead of growing down into it or parallel to the surface as seen in normal germination.

Storage of Corylus and Juglans Sieboldiana pollen

How to Store Corylus and Juglans Sieboldiana Pollen

Sulphuric acid solutions to give humidities from 10% to 100% in 10% intervals were made up. The storage chambers consisted of Atlas one-pint, wide-mouth fruit jars. In the bottom of each was placed a small 1-oz. bottle containing 20 cc. of the sulphuric acid solution. The pollen was placed in small glass vials loosely stoppered with cotton.

Sulfuric acid solutions were prepared to create humidity levels from 10% to 100% in 10% increments. The storage containers were Atlas one-pint, wide-mouth fruit jars. At the bottom of each jar, a small 1-oz. bottle was placed, containing 20 cc. of the sulfuric acid solution. The pollen was put into small glass vials that were loosely sealed with cotton.

Two lots of Corylus pollen of 80½ and 96½ initial viability respectively, and one lot of Juglans Sieboldiana pollen of well over 50% viability were used in the experiment. Storage temperatures of 0° 40° and 10° were used.[Pg 60]

Two batches of Corylus pollen with initial viabilities of 80½ and 96½, respectively, along with one batch of Juglans Sieboldiana pollen with over 50% viability, were used in the experiment. Storage temperatures of 0°, 40°, and 10° were utilized.[Pg 60]

The Corylus pollen was placed in storage March 20, 1942, and the Juglans April 12, 1942. The pollen was taken out of storage November 28, 1942 and germinated on the standard agar-sugar medium at 25° C. for 24 hours. Results are given in table II.

The Corylus pollen was stored on March 20, 1942, and the Juglans on April 12, 1942. The pollen was removed from storage on November 28, 1942, and germinated on the standard agar-sugar medium at 25° C for 24 hours. Results are shown in Table II.

Table II. The effect of storage temperature and humidity on
percentage germination of Corylus and Juglans pollen

Kind of
Degrees Per cent relative humidity
Juglans 00300
Juglans 00000
Juglans 012.012.000

This preliminary work indicates that Corylus pollen can best be stored at 0° C. at 30 to 40% relative humidity and Juglans pollen at 0° C. at 40 to 60% relative humidity.

This initial research shows that Corylus pollen is best stored at 0°C with 30 to 40% relative humidity, while Juglans pollen should be stored at 0°C with 40 to 60% relative humidity.



1. The optimum sugar concentration for germination of Corylus pollen is around 25% by weight in 1.5 per cent agar at 25° C.

1. The best sugar concentration for germinating Corylus pollen is about 25% by weight in 1.5 percent agar at 25° C.

2. Forcing the catkins at a low temperature (4° C.) and at high relative humidity (80%) favors the development of a high percentage of viable pollen.

2. Forcing the catkins at a low temperature (4° C.) and high relative humidity (80%) helps promote the growth of a higher percentage of viable pollen.

3. The catkins contain some substance which when added to the germination media inhibits pollen germination and causes abnormal types of germination.

3. The catkins have a substance that, when mixed into the germination media, prevents pollen from germinating and leads to unusual forms of germination.

4. Preliminary results on pollen storage indicate that Corylus americana pollen can be stored for eight months or more in a viable condition at 0° C. with a range of 30 to 40% relative humidity. Juglans Sieboldiana pollen can be stored at 0° C. at 40 to 60% relative humidity. Whether or not pollen stored for this length of time would be effective in plant breeding should be tested by actual trial. The supposition based upon studies with other pollens is that germination tests are a reliable indication of the effectiveness of pollen in fertilization.[Pg 61]

4. Preliminary results on pollen storage suggest that Corylus americana pollen can be stored for eight months or more in a viable state at 0° C, with relative humidity between 30 to 40%. Juglans Sieboldiana pollen can be stored at 0° C with relative humidity between 40 to 60%. Whether pollen stored for this duration would be effective in plant breeding needs to be tested through actual trials. The assumption based on studies with other types of pollen is that germination tests are a good indicator of the pollen's effectiveness in fertilization.[Pg 61]

Storage and Germination of Nuts of Several Species of Juglans

W. C. Muenscher and Babette I. Brown

Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

While working on the general problem of the possible toxic effect of the roots of species of Walnut (Juglans) upon other plants we have had occasion to germinate the nuts to produce seedlings for experimental use.[1] The storage treatment employed previous to planting the nuts provided a successful method of supplying viable nuts. The simple treatment used, a modification of that suggested by Barton,(2) is briefly described and the results that may be obtained are indicated in a report of some germination data from the plantings of 1943.

While investigating the potential toxic effects of Walnut tree roots (Juglans) on other plants, we had the opportunity to germinate the nuts to create seedlings for experiments.[1] The storage method used before planting the nuts proved to be an effective way to provide viable nuts. The straightforward treatment applied, which is a tweak of the method proposed by Barton,(2) is briefly outlined, and the results that can be achieved are discussed in a report of some germination data from the 1943 plantings.

The nuts were harvested after they had fallen from the trees and were stored in a cool place as soon as possible thereafter until the time when the husks were removed. Those harvested at Ithaca were put in cold storage at once; those harvested in California or Texas were delayed a few weeks during shipment. The husked nuts were stratified between layers of moist peat 2 cm. thick in two-or five-gallon crocks. The uppermost layer of nuts was covered with peat to a depth of about 10 cm. The nuts were placed in a cold room at 1 to 3° C. in late autumn and left until they were planted, between April 15 and June 2. Nearly all species used germinated well after about five to six months of cold storage.

The nuts were picked up after they fell from the trees and stored in a cool place as soon as possible until the husks were removed. Those harvested in Ithaca were put in cold storage right away; those from California or Texas were delayed a few weeks during shipping. The husked nuts were layered with moist peat that was 2 cm thick in two- or five-gallon containers. The top layer of nuts was covered with peat to a depth of about 10 cm. The nuts were placed in a cold room at 1 to 3° C. in late autumn and left until they were planted, between April 15 and June 2. Almost all species used germinated well after about five to six months of cold storage.

Table 1 shows the results obtained from treated nuts of ten species of Juglans when they were planted in the open field, in soil in the greenhouse or in moist sphagnum in the greenhouse. While some variation in germination is observed, most of the species gave a good germination under all treatments. The field planted seeds were somewhat slower in appearing above the soil surface than those planted in the greenhouse. This delay may have been caused by the cold rainy weather soon after planting. The firmness of the soil, a clay loam, may also have retarded the emergence of the seedlings.

Table 1 shows the results obtained from treated nuts of ten species of Juglans when they were planted in the open field, in soil in the greenhouse, or in moist sphagnum in the greenhouse. While some variation in germination is observed, most species showed good germination across all treatments. Seeds planted in the field were slightly slower to emerge above the soil surface compared to those planted in the greenhouse. This delay could have been caused by the cold, rainy weather shortly after planting. The firmness of the soil, which is a clay loam, may also have slowed down the emergence of the seedlings.

The germination percentages are based upon lots of 100 nuts except in a few species in which only 50 nuts were used. Differences in the percentage of germination obtained from various plantings of the same species are slight in most species. Even the larger differences in germination obtained in a few species cannot be considered significant but probably indicate variations in the quality of the original lots used.

The germination percentages are based on batches of 100 nuts, except for a few species where only 50 nuts were used. In most species, the differences in germination percentages from various plantings of the same species are minor. Even the larger differences seen in a few species can't be considered significant, but they likely reflect variations in the quality of the original batches used.


Walnuts husked soon after harvest, before they are completely air-dried, and stored in moist peat at 1 to 3° C. for five to six months have their dormancy broken and remain viable for at least three months thereafter. This treatment is effective for all ten species tested. It is probably effective for all species of Juglans. This method of handling the nuts has the advantage over outdoor stratifying or autumn planting which often result in much damage or loss of nuts from the activities of rodents.[Pg 62]

Walnuts that are hulled soon after harvest, before they are completely air-dried, and stored in damp peat at 1 to 3° C for five to six months have their dormancy broken and can stay viable for at least three months after that. This method works for all ten species tested and is likely effective for all species of Juglans. This approach to handling the nuts has the advantage over outdoor stratification or autumn planting, which often lead to significant damage or loss of nuts due to rodents.[Pg 62]

Table 1. Germination of nuts of Juglans spp. after stratifying in
peat over winter, at 1-3°C.

   Per cent germination
KindSourceDate entered
in storage
Planted in soil
in greenhouse
April 15
Planted in field
April 24
Planted in
June 2
nigra(Cornell) Ithaca, N. Y.Oct. 1 70 80 68
nigra(Cayuga) Ithaca, N. Y.Oct. 1 100 80
cinerea—Ithaca, N. Y.Oct. 1 60 44 8
regia(Sorrentina) Chico, Calif.Nov. 9 66 48 8
regia(Franquette) Chico, Calif.Nov. 9 80 36
regia—Chico, Calif.Nov. 9 75 46
Sieboldiana—Ithaca, N. Y.Oct. 1 100 40
honorei—Chico, Calif.Dec. 18 60 55 46
pyriformis—Riverside, Calif.Nov. 9 10 54 31
rupestris—Alpine, TexasOct. 1 40 83 50
major—Riverside, Calif.Nov. 9 90 92 66
californica—Pomona, Calif.Nov. 9 62 84 91
californicaquercina —Chico, Calif.Dec. 18 18 25
hindsii—Riverside, Calif.Nov. 9 50 56 52



1. Brown, Babette I. Injurious Influence of Bark of Black Walnut Roots on Seedlings of Tomato and Alfalfa. Northern Nut Growers Association, 1942: 97-101. 1943.

1. Brown, Babette I. The Harmful Effects of Black Walnut Root Bark on Tomato and Alfalfa Seedlings. Northern Nut Growers Association, 1942: 97-101. 1943.

2. Barton, Lela V. Seedling Production in Carya ovata. Juglans cinerea and Juglans nigra. Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. 8: (1) 1-5. 1936

2. Barton, Lela V. Seedling Production in Carya ovata, Juglans cinerea, and Juglans nigra. Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. 8: (1) 1-5. 1936

A Key to Some Seedlings of Walnuts

W. C. Muenscher and Babette I. Brown

Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

While working with the seedlings of several species of walnuts certain diagnostic characters, by which the common species can be separated, became evident. These characters have been used to make a key to seedlings from one to three months of age. This key has been found helpful to us and it is here presented in the hope that it may prove useful to others who need to handle and determine walnuts in the seedling stage.

While working with the seedlings of various walnut species, certain key traits that distinguish the common species became clear. These traits have been compiled into a key for seedlings aged one to three months. This key has been helpful to us, and we present it here in hopes that it may also be useful to others who need to identify and work with walnuts in the seedling stage.

The key has two main divisions based upon the types of leaves on the main axis. The first division includes three species, Juglans sieboldiana, Japanese butternut, J. cinerea, American butternut, and J. regia, Persian or English walnut, all of which have only compound green leaves. In addition, one or more pairs of minute simple scales or buds occur on the lower part of the stem but above the cotyledons. The second main division includes species in which the seedlings have several simple, alternate, scale-like leaves followed successively by serrate, lobed and finally compound[Pg 63] leaves forming a gradual series. This group includes Juglans rupestris, Texas black walnut, J. nigra, eastern black walnut, J. honorei, Ecuador walnut, J. pyriformis, Mexican walnut, J. major, Arizona black walnut, J. californica, California black walnut, and J. hindsii, Hind's black walnut.

The key has two main divisions based on the types of leaves on the main axis. The first division includes three species: Juglans sieboldiana, Japanese butternut; J. cinerea, American butternut; and J. regia, Persian or English walnut. All of these have only compound green leaves. Additionally, there are one or more pairs of tiny simple scales or buds on the lower part of the stem but above the cotyledons. The second main division includes species where the seedlings have several simple, alternate, scale-like leaves, followed by serrated, lobed, and finally compound[Pg 63] leaves in a gradual series. This group features Juglans rupestris, Texas black walnut; J. nigra, eastern black walnut; J. honorei, Ecuador walnut; J. pyriformis, Mexican walnut; J. major, Arizona black walnut; J. californica, California black walnut; and J. hindsii, Hind's black walnut.

It is important that the leaves on the primary axis arising from the plumule are examined. If the primary axis is injured secondary shoots may arise from the axils of the cotyledons. These may develop various types of leaves not necessarily like those of the primary axis. The key is based upon seedlings grown in the field and in the greenhouse at Ithaca, New York.

It’s important to check the leaves on the main stem that come from the plumule. If the main stem gets damaged, side shoots might grow from the angles of the cotyledons. These can develop different types of leaves, which may not look like those of the main stem. The key is based on seedlings that were grown in the field and in the greenhouse at Ithaca, New York.

A Key to seedlings of some species of Juglans

1. Leaves on the primary axis all compound; 1 to 4 pairs of opposite or
subopposite reduced scales or buds sometimes present on the lower
axis but above the cotyledons.

2. Scales or buds wanting between the lowest compound leaves and the
leaves and the cotyledons J. sieboldiana

2. Scales or buds in pairs on 1 to 4 nodes below the compound leaves.

3. Stem with 1 pair of opposite scales or buds near the base; leaflets
hairy, serrate J. cinerea

3. Stem with 2 to 4 pairs of opposite scales or buds below the compound
leaves; leaflets glabrous, entire or denticulate J. regia

1. Leaves on the primary axis alternate, forming a gradual series from
simple, entire scales to compound leaves; the lower 3 to 8 leaves simple.

4. Lateral veins of leaflets all or mostly all terminating in the notches
between marginal teeth J. rupestris

4. Lateral veins of leaflets or their main branches all or mostly all
terminating in the apex of marginal teeth.

5. Midrib of leaflets glandular hairy.

6. Glandular hairs on midrib of young leaflets interspersed with
stellate clusters of gray glandless hairs; lateral leaflets ovate
to broadly lanceolate, rugose J. nigra

6. Glandular hairs on midrib of young leaflets interspersed with
sessile, usually yellow glands; lateral leaflets lanceolate, not
rugose J. honorei

5. Midrib of leaflets glabrous or nearly so, sometimes with scattered,
sessile glands.

7. Leaflets lanceolate, with acuminate apex; rhachis glabrous.

8. Leaflets widest near middle; vein-islets prominently
raised; free ends of veins wanting or if present distinct
to the apex and mostly unbranched J. pyriformis

8. Leaflets mostly widest below the middle; vein-islets not
prominently raised; free ends of veins slender, terminating
in indistinct branches J. major

7. Leaflets ovate or nearly so, with obtuse or acute apex;
rhachis somewhat pubescent.

9. Petioles of the 3 lower compound leaves less than 1 cm.
long; leaves crowded on a short axis J. californica

9. Petioles of the lower compound leaves from 1+ to 3 cm.
long; leaves more distant on an elongated axis J. hindsii
[Pg 64]

A Key to seedlings of some species of Juglans

1. Leaves on the main stem are all compound; there are 1 to 4 pairs of opposite or sub-opposite reduced scales or buds sometimes found on the lower stem but above the cotyledons.

2. No scales or buds between the lowest compound leaves and the cotyledons J. sieboldiana

2. Scales or buds are in pairs on 1 to 4 nodes below the compound leaves.

3. Stem has 1 pair of opposite scales or buds near the base; leaflets are hairy and serrated J. cinerea

3. Stem has 2 to 4 pairs of opposite scales or buds below the compound leaves; leaflets are smooth, entire, or slightly toothed J. regia

1. Leaves on the main stem alternate, transitioning gradually from simple, entire scales to compound leaves; the lower 3 to 8 leaves are simple.

4. Side veins of leaflets all or mostly all end in the notches between the marginal teeth J. rupestris

4. Side veins of leaflets or their main branches all or mostly all end at the tips of the marginal teeth.

5. Midrib of leaflets is glandular hairy.

6. Glandular hairs on the midrib of young leaflets are mixed with stellate clusters of gray, hairless glands; lateral leaflets are ovate to broadly lanceolate and wrinkled J. nigra

6. Glandular hairs on the midrib of young leaflets are mixed with sessile, usually yellow glands; lateral leaflets are lanceolate and not wrinkled J. honorei

5. Midrib of leaflets is smooth or nearly so, sometimes with scattered, sessile glands.

7. Leaflets are lanceolate with a pointed tip; the rachis is smooth.

8. Leaflets are widest near the middle; vein-islets are prominently raised; free ends of veins are absent or if present, distinct to the tip and mostly unbranched J. pyriformis

8. Leaflets are mostly widest below the middle; vein-islets are not prominently raised; free ends of veins are slender, ending in indistinct branches J. major

7. Leaflets are ovate or nearly so, with blunt or sharp tips; the rachis is somewhat hairy.

9. Petioles of the 3 lower compound leaves are less than 1 cm long; leaves are crowded on a short stem J. californica

9. Petioles of the lower compound leaves are from 1 to 3 cm long; leaves are spaced apart on an elongated stem J. hindsii
[Pg 64]

Further Tests with Black Walnut Varieties

L.H. MacDaniels and J.E. Wilde, Cornell University

In 1937 the Northern Nut Growers Association committee on varieties and judging standards proposed a tentative schedule for the judging and evaluation of black walnut varieties(1). It was pointed out at that time that for one reason or another none of the schedules which had been used in judging walnuts were satisfactory and usable in giving an accurate estimate of the cracking quality and value of a variety. It was recognized also that the schedule proposed was only tentative and that it would need to be modified in the light of future testing and experience. In 1939 the question was again considered(2) and on the basis of tests which had been made, changes were proposed which would make the schedule more realistic. Since then many tests have been made using the modified schedule. The purpose of this paper[A] is to give the data secured in these tests and to consider again the value of the schedule and possibilities of improvement.

In 1937, the Northern Nut Growers Association's committee on varieties and judging standards proposed a preliminary schedule for assessing and evaluating black walnut varieties(1). It was noted at that time that none of the existing schedules used for judging walnuts were adequate or effective in providing an accurate estimate of a variety's cracking quality and value. It was also acknowledged that the proposed schedule was only a draft and would need modifications based on future testing and experiences. In 1939, the issue was revisited(2), and changes were suggested based on the tests conducted, aiming to make the schedule more realistic. Since then, numerous tests have been carried out using the revised schedule. The purpose of this paper[A] is to present the data obtained from these tests and to reevaluate the schedule's value and potential for improvement.

Recently a number of papers have been published dealing with the evaluation of black walnut varieties. In 1941 Kline and Chase(3) compiled the available published data and additional tests made by the Tennessee Valley Authority on nut weight and kernel percentage of black walnut selections. Two hundred and twelve clones and 335 tests are reported. As would be expected the samples of the same variety from different localities show variation in weight per nut and in total per cent kernel. For example, in 12 samples of the variety Ohio the weight per nut varies from 14.8 grams to 18.7 and the per cent kernel from 16.6 to 32.9. Twenty-one tests of Thomas show variations in single nut weight from 16.7 to 25.0 grams and in per cent kernel from 19.0 to 30.0. In general the samples grown in the north were made up of smaller nuts with less per cent kernel, indicating that the varieties were not suited to that latitude.

Recently, several papers have been published that evaluate different varieties of black walnuts. In 1941, Kline and Chase(3) compiled all the existing published data and additional tests conducted by the Tennessee Valley Authority on nut weight and kernel percentage of black walnut selections. They reported on 212 clones and 335 tests. As expected, samples of the same variety from different locations show variation in weight per nut and total percent kernel. For instance, in 12 samples of the Ohio variety, the weight per nut ranges from 14.8 grams to 18.7 grams, and the percent kernel ranges from 16.6 to 32.9. Twenty-one tests of the Thomas variety show variations in single nut weight from 16.7 to 25.0 grams and percent kernel from 19.0 to 30.0. Generally, samples grown in the northern regions consisted of smaller nuts with a lower percent kernel, suggesting that these varieties were not well-suited to that latitude.

In 1942 Kline(4) worked out a somewhat technical method of evaluating walnut varieties on the basis of cash return per hour of labor spent in cracking with a hand operated cracker. A formula is proposed in which the variables of price and other factors may be substituted. The approach is on a commercial basis and the method is not intended for use in evaluating small samples. The paper represents many tests and establishes or affirms by statistically treated data several points of general interest in walnut testing, namely, (1) that a 25 nut sample is large enough to show varietal or other differences of a gram in total weight or 1 per cent of kernel weight, (2) that unless extreme accuracy is desired, moisture content may be ignored in making tests of 25 nut samples if the nuts have been hulled and air dried for about two months and (3) that the mean weight per nut and per cent kernel of nuts from the same tree may vary appreciably from year to year, for example a variation of 4.9 grams per nut and 3.3 per cent in kernel weight is reported for Snyder. Such variation is recognized and emphasizes the necessity of testing a variety in any locality for a number of years if correct valuation is to be made.[Pg 65]

In 1942, Kline(4) developed a somewhat technical method to evaluate walnut varieties based on cash return per hour of labor spent cracking with a hand-operated cracker. A formula is suggested where the variables of price and other factors can be swapped out. This approach is commercial, and the method isn’t meant for assessing small samples. The paper includes numerous tests and statistically analyzed data that establish several points of general interest in walnut testing: (1) that a 25-nut sample is sufficient to show varietal or other differences of a gram in total weight or 1 percent of kernel weight, (2) that unless extreme accuracy is needed, moisture content can be disregarded when testing 25-nut samples if the nuts have been hulled and air-dried for about two months, and (3) that the average weight per nut and percentage kernel of nuts from the same tree can differ significantly from year to year; for example, a variation of 4.9 grams per nut and 3.3 percent in kernel weight is reported for Snyder. Such variations are recognized and highlight the need to test a variety in any location over several years for accurate valuation.[Pg 65]

In Kline's paper earnings per hour for fifteen black walnut selections are given showing a maximum of $0.279 for the variety Norris, $0.245 for Ohio down to $0.12 for an unnamed seedling.

In Kline's paper, earnings per hour for fifteen black walnut selections are provided, showing a maximum of $0.279 for the Norris variety, $0.245 for Ohio, and a minimum of $0.12 for an unnamed seedling.

Lounsberry(5) published kernel cavity measurements for 64 clonal selections and related these to kernel weight per nut. Measurements of the thickness of the partition separating the halves of the kernel are also given. He does not relate these characters to scoring or cracking quality.

Lounsberry(5) published kernel cavity measurements for 64 clonal selections and connected these to the weight of each nut's kernel. He also provided measurements of the thickness of the partition that separates the two halves of the kernel. However, he did not link these traits to scoring or cracking quality.

The purpose of the scoring system under discussion in this paper is to provide a realistic method of judging the relative merit of different clones of black walnuts that can be used mostly by members of the Northern Nut Growers Association or others having some skill in cracking technique. At the present time the Association has little reliable information either as to the performance of different varieties under different conditions in any one locality, from year to year on the same tree, or the suitability of any one variety growing in far different parts of the United States. It is important that such information be available and a workable basis of evaluation would be of the greatest value in obtaining it. Much of our information at the present time is from the many tests made by N. F. Drake(6, 7, 8) which are of great value in rating varieties. His schedule is an improvement over any previously proposed but fails to provide standard sampling and cracking procedure and includes the items of flavor and color which are in no way objective characters. The use of a point score based on the concept of a "perfect nut" is cumbersome and considered undesirable by the committee.

The goal of the scoring system discussed in this paper is to offer a practical way to assess the relative quality of various black walnut clones, primarily for members of the Northern Nut Growers Association or others skilled in nut cracking techniques. Currently, the Association has limited reliable information regarding the performance of different varieties under varying conditions in specific locations, year after year on the same tree, or the suitability of any variety growing in significantly different regions of the United States. It's essential for this information to be accessible, and a functional evaluation framework would be extremely valuable in acquiring it. Much of our existing knowledge comes from various tests conducted by N. F. Drake(6, 7, 8), which are highly valuable for evaluating varieties. His schedule is an improvement over any previous proposals but lacks standardized sampling and cracking procedures and includes subjective factors like flavor and color. The use of a point score based on the idea of a "perfect nut" is cumbersome and viewed as undesirable by the committee.

It is recognized that the value of a variety depends also upon the bearing habit of the tree, the nature of the husk, disease resistance and other characters.

It is acknowledged that the value of a variety also depends on the growth habit of the tree, the type of husk, disease resistance, and other traits.

It has been five years since the present schedule was proposed and enough tests have been made to give a basis for judgment as to the merits and weaknesses of the schedule. As stated in the original committee report it is generally agreed that the best measure of the value of a nut of any clone is the amount of usable or marketable kernels that can be obtained from a given weight of shucked nuts with the least labor. The characteristics of the nuts that contribute to this value are recognized as follows:

It has been five years since the current schedule was proposed, and enough tests have been conducted to provide a solid basis for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the schedule. As mentioned in the original committee report, it's widely agreed that the best way to determine the value of a nut from any clone is by looking at the amount of usable or marketable kernels that can be extracted from a specific weight of shelled nuts with minimal labor. The traits of the nuts that add to this value are identified as follows:

1. The size of the individual nut.

2. The per cent of kernel of total sample weight recovered without recracking
and without the use of a pick.

3. The total per cent of kernel of total weight of sample.

4. The number of quarters.

5. The plumpness of the kernels.

6. The number of empty nuts or nuts with shrivelled kernels in the sample.

1. The size of each nut.

2. The percentage of kernel from the total sample weight that was recovered without breaking it again and without using a pick.

3. The total percentage of kernel from the overall weight of the sample.

4. The number of quartered nuts.

5. The fullness of the kernels.

6. The number of empty nuts or nuts with shriveled kernels in the sample.

Flavor and color may be important but are so dependent upon personal preference and on the treatment of the samples before testing that they cannot be rated numerically.

Flavor and color might be important, but they rely heavily on personal preference and how the samples were handled before testing, so they can't be rated with numbers.

In considering the value of any schedule the following questions are pertinent:

In evaluating the value of any schedule, the following questions are relevant:

1. Is it possible for one operator testing one lot of nuts to obtain the same score with replicate random samples?

1. Can one operator testing a batch of nuts get the same score with repeat random samples?

2. Is it possible for different operators to obtain approximately the same score on replicate samples?[Pg 66]

2. Can different operators achieve roughly the same score on repeated samples?[Pg 66]

3. Does the score give an accurate evaluation of the variation of a variety from year to year in one locality or in the same year in different localities? The latter is very important in determining the regions to which the variety is best adapted and the performance of the variety in any one locality.

3. Does the score provide a precise assessment of how a variety changes from year to year in one location, or in the same year across different locations? The latter is crucial for identifying the regions where the variety is best suited and understanding how the variety performs in a specific location.

4. What are the causes of variation in the scores obtained? Which of these reflect the inherent worth of the sample and which are related to technique, personal equation and methods of handling the sample?

4. What causes differences in the scores obtained? Which of these reflect the true value of the sample, and which are due to technique, personal biases, and methods used to analyze the sample?

5. What changes may be made in the schedule to weight the various factors to give a more realistic score of what changes in procedure will make the schedule more realistic?

5. What adjustments can be made to the schedule to weigh the different factors and provide a more accurate score of how changes in procedure will make the schedule more realistic?

Table 1 gives data on replicate samples tested by the same operator. In the samples of Spear, numbers 1-6 the variation is as follows: weight of single nut 1.3 grams, per cent kernel first crack 2.9, total per cent kernel 2.6, number of quarters 3, penalties 4.5 points, score 9.2 points. In scores figured without penalty the variation is 5.4 points. Sample No. 7 was cracked November 4 before the nuts were dry and hence is not comparable with others.

Table 1 shows data on replicate samples tested by the same operator. In the Spear samples, numbers 1-6, the variation is as follows: weight of a single nut is 1.3 grams, percentage of kernel at first crack is 2.9, total percentage of kernel is 2.6, number of quarters is 3, penalties are 4.5 points, and the score is 9.2 points. In scores calculated without penalties, the variation is 5.4 points. Sample No. 7 was cracked on November 4 before the nuts were dry and therefore is not comparable to the others.

Analysis of these differences indicates that the variation in nut weight is closely related to the number of shrunken and empty nuts in the sample. This is a difficult factor to evaluate in a practical way. At the time of the 1939 report it was suggested that the score should be figured on the basis of filled nuts. This cannot be arranged easily in testing because if the operator cracks the nuts before weighing there is almost sure to be loss of fragments of shell. Trying to correct the original weight in any way is necessarily inaccurate. Deciding whether or not the kernel of a nut is sufficiently shrivelled to deserve a penalty is a matter of judgment which is a personal matter.

Analysis of these differences shows that the difference in nut weight is closely linked to the number of shriveled and empty nuts in the sample. This is a challenging factor to assess practically. In the 1939 report, it was suggested that the score should be based on filled nuts. However, this is not easy to implement in testing because if the operator cracks the nuts before weighing, there will almost certainly be a loss of shell fragments. Any attempt to adjust the original weight is bound to be inaccurate. Determining whether a nut kernel is shriveled enough to warrant a penalty is a subjective judgment.

The variation in per cent kernel first crack and total per cent kernel probably represents fairly the difference in the samples. The total per cent is a wholly objective value and varies practically as much as the per cent first crack. Uniformity in the number of quarters is striking. This large number is undoubtedly related to the fact that many of the kernels were shrunken enough to be penalized and others were perhaps shrunken enough so that they did not tightly fill the shell cavity. In general it may be said that the more tightly the kernels fill the shell the more difficult it is to extract large pieces. Thus having the kernels a little shrunken but not enough to seriously reduce their weight favors a higher score. Of course, in some varieties the kernels may he plump and still not fill the shell tight enough to make cracking difficult. This is a desirable condition.

The difference in the percentage of kernels with the first crack and the total percentage of kernels likely reflects the variations in the samples. The total percentage is completely objective and varies almost as much as the percentage of the first crack. The uniformity in the number of quarters is notable. This high number is definitely linked to the fact that many of the kernels were shriveled enough to be penalized, while others might have been shriveled just enough that they didn’t completely fill the shell cavity. Generally, the more tightly the kernels fill the shell, the harder it is to get large pieces out. So, having kernels that are slightly shriveled but not enough to significantly reduce their weight actually works in favor of a higher score. Of course, in some varieties, the kernels could be plump and still not fill the shell tightly enough to make cracking difficult, which is a desirable situation.

Variability in penalties is more important (i. e. 4.5 points) than any other factor in influencing the final score. Without the penalties the scores of samples 1 to 6 would be 87.5, 84.0, 83.6, 83.7, 82.1 and 82.8 respectively which is fairly uniform. Statistically the presence of empty or shrivelled nuts in a lot from which samples are taken increases the number required to make a satisfactory sample by greatly increasing the individual variation of the single nut.[Pg 67]

Variability in penalties is more significant (i.e., 4.5 points) than any other factor affecting the final score. If we exclude the penalties, the scores for samples 1 to 6 would be 87.5, 84.0, 83.6, 83.7, 82.1, and 82.8 respectively, which is quite consistent. Statistically, the presence of empty or shriveled nuts in a lot from which samples are taken increases the number needed to create a satisfactory sample by significantly raising the individual variation of each nut.[Pg 67]


Variation in the score of tests of duplicate samples made by the same operators.
Twenty-five nut samples. Nuts grown at Ithaca, N. Y.

1942. Black Walnuts.

Variety Treatment Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Penalty Score Remarks
Spear No. 1 S 18 hours 14.6 24.9 28.0 91 —3.5 84.0 1 empty, 5 shr.
  D 15 hours              
Spear No. 2 D 15 hours 15.7 24.0 26.8 94 —6.1 77.9 3 empty, 6 shr.
Spear No. 3 D 15 hours 15.9 22.9 25.4 92 —3.5 80.1 1 empty, 5 shr.
Spear No. 4 Dry 15.0 23.3 25.4 94 —5.0 78.7 1 empty, 8 shr.
Spear No. 5 Dry 15.4 22.0 26.8 93 —4.5 77.6 1 empty, 7 shr., 20 bnd. qtrs.
Spear No. 6 Dry 14.7 22.7 26.6 94 —8.0 74.8 4 empty, 8 shr., 16 bnd. qtrs.
Spear No. 7 Nov. 4 16.7 27.9 28.8 98   96.7 only partly dried, 16 halves
Snyder No. 1 Dry 16.8 23.1 26.0 87 —4.0 80.7 8 shr., 9 bnd. qtrs.
Snyder No. 2 Dry 16.0 24.0 26.3 74 —3.5 81.0 1 empty, 5 shr., 13 bnd. qtrs.
Snyder No. 3 Soaked 15.8 24.1 25.8 86 —4.0 77.5 1 empty, 6 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs.
Snyder No. 4 Soaked 16.2 23.1 25.6 78 —7.5 75.5 3 empty, 9 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs.
Snyder No. 5 Dry 18.2 19.9 26.4 90 —3.5 76.7 7 shr., bnd. qtrs.
Snyder No. 6 Nov. 4 21.2 27.6 29.8 95   100.8  
Eldridge Dry 20.8 19.3 23.1 98   80.7 13 halves, not well dried out
Geneva, Switzerland
Dry 20.6 20.0 22.6 92   81.0  

With the variety Snyder a difference of 2.4 grams in weight per nut in samples 1 to 5 suggests poor sampling technique as this is an objective value. A difference of 4.2 per cent in first crack suggests carelessness on the part of the operator in cracking or difference in soaking as this is quite out of line with the variation of .8 per cent in per cent weight of total kernel. The difference of 16 quarters is considerable but represents only 1.6 score points. As with the Spear the variation in penalty of 4 points is greater than other factors except per cent first crack (i.e. 4.2% points). The difference in score of 5.5 points is obviously greater than desirable, but probably indicates the relative value of the samples. Without penalties the difference is 4.5 points.

With the variety Snyder, a weight difference of 2.4 grams per nut in samples 1 to 5 indicates poor sampling technique since this is an objective measurement. A difference of 4.2 percent in the first crack points to carelessness from the operator during cracking or variations in soaking, as this is significantly inconsistent with the 0.8 percent variation in the weight of the total kernel. The difference of 16 quarters is considerable but only accounts for 1.6 score points. Similar to the Spear, the variation in penalty of 4 points is larger than other factors except for the percentage of first crack (i.e., 4.2 percentage points). The score difference of 5.5 points is clearly greater than ideal, but likely reflects the relative value of the samples. Without penalties, the difference is 4.5 points.

Sample 7 of Spear and number 6 of Snyder were cracked November 4th when only partly cured and show the importance of curing in obtaining an accurate rating for a sample. The score of each variety was increased materially in all characteristics and no shrivelling was apparent. As a practical means of recovering the kernels in large pieces, cracking before the nuts are dried out is a decided advantage provided the kernels are cured before they are stored.

Sample 7 of Spear and number 6 of Snyder cracked on November 4th when they were only partially cured, highlighting how important curing is for getting an accurate rating for a sample. The score for each variety significantly improved across all characteristics, and there was no sign of shriveling. Cracking the nuts before they dry out gives a clear advantage when it comes to recovering the kernels in large pieces, as long as the kernels are cured before being stored.

The duplicate samples of Eldridge check very closely and show no significant differences.

The duplicate samples of Eldridge match up very closely and show no significant differences.

In Table 2 are given the results of ten tests on carefully replicated random samples of Snyder black walnuts. In making these samples the nuts were spread in a single layer on the floor and lots of 25 cut off the edges of this layer without selection of any kind. Even with such selection there is a variation of 1.2 grams in the average weight of single nuts from different samples. Per cent kernel first crack shows a minimum of 21.8 and a maximum of 26.9 in the ten samples. This difference is related mostly to the presence of 3 empty nuts in the low scoring sample as compared with none in the high scoring sample. The high score is also in part due to soaking. This variability is about the same as with total per cent kernel indicating that cracking technique was uniform. Comparing samples 1 and 2 in more detail it is found that the difference of 11.6 points in the score is caused by the presence of empty nuts in the sample. The average weight of kernels per single nut in sample 1 is 4.9 grams. The difference in the weights of the kernels of the two samples is 15 grams or about the weight of the kernels of 3 nuts. These empties also reduce the score by reducing the number of quarters recovered. Where empty nuts are involved, it is doubtful if random sampling will reduce variation unless the size of the sample is greatly increased, a practice which is not a practical solution in that a 25 nut sample is about as large as can be handled with any facility. It would seem that this difference in scores was a fair indication of the merit of the two samples. The scores of the other samples show a fair degree of uniformity. The high score of sample 4 is probably related to the soaking treatment though the scores of sample 3 also soaked is lower than that of sample 6 which was not soaked. It seems that when these conditions and with this variety stored in a fairly high humidity, soaking had little effect except to increase the number of halves recovered.[Pg 69]

In Table 2, you can see the results of ten tests on carefully replicated random samples of Snyder black walnuts. For these samples, the nuts were laid out in a single layer on the floor, and lots of 25 were taken from the edges without any selection. Even with this method, there's a variation of 1.2 grams in the average weight of individual nuts from different samples. The percentage of kernel first crack ranges from a minimum of 21.8 to a maximum of 26.9 across the ten samples. This difference is mostly due to the presence of 3 empty nuts in the lower scoring sample, while the high scoring sample had none. The higher score is also partly because of soaking. This variability is similar to that of the total percentage of kernel, suggesting that the cracking technique was consistent. When comparing samples 1 and 2 in detail, it’s clear that the 11.6 point difference in scores is due to the empty nuts in the sample. The average weight of kernels per single nut in sample 1 is 4.9 grams. The difference in the weights of the kernels between the two samples is 15 grams, roughly the weight of the kernels from 3 nuts. These empty nuts also lower the score by reducing the number of quarters recovered. When empty nuts are involved, it's unlikely that random sampling will minimize variation unless the sample size is greatly increased, but increasing the sample size isn't really practical, as a 25 nut sample is about the largest that can be easily managed. It seems that the difference in scores fairly reflects the quality of the two samples. The scores of the other samples show a reasonable level of uniformity. The high score of sample 4 is likely linked to the soaking treatment, although the scores of sample 3, which was also soaked, are lower than that of sample 6, which wasn’t soaked. It appears that under these conditions and with this variety stored in relatively high humidity, soaking had little effect beyond increasing the number of halves recovered.[Pg 69]


Cracking tests by single operator with 10 random replicate samples of
Snyder black walnuts. 1942 crop. 25 nut samples.

Sample Treatment Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Penalty Score Remarks
1 Dry as received 18.1 21.8 23.1 85 —9.0 72.7 3 empty, 12 shr.
2 Dry as received 18.5 24.0 25.8 99 —5.0 84.3 10 shr.
3 Soaked 9 hrs.,
dried 14 hrs.
18.6 25.7 28.0 99 —6.0 87.4 1 empty, 10 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs.,
16 hvs.
4 Soaked as above 18.3 26.9 28.4 99 —4.5 91.7 9 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 19 hvs.
5 Held in cellar 4 days
(high humidity)
18.0 24.4 25.7 90 —6.5 82.1 1 empty, 11 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs.
6 Held in cellar 7 days 19.0 25.6 27.2 99 —5.0 88.7 10 shr., 7 bnd. qtrs., 3 hvs.
7 Held in cellar 7 days 18.4 23.9 26.1 96 —6.5 82.3 1 empty, 11 shr., 9 bnd. qtrs.
8 Held in cellar 4 days 19.2 24.8 26.6 98 —5.5 86.4 11 shr., 4 bnd. qtrs.
9 Held in cellar 4 days 18.4 23.7 26.7 92 —7.5 81.6 2 black counted as empty,
11 shr., 12 bnd. qtrs.
10 Held in cellar 4 days 18.6 23.5 25.9 94 —5.5 83.4 1 empty, 9 shr., 10 bnd. qtrs.

Another lot of 24 random replicate 25 nut samples of Ohio black walnut from the original tree was made by scooping the nuts out of a bag with a quart berry box which held about 25 nuts. Care was used not to select the samples in any way. The lightest sample 3 weighed 385 grams, the heaviest 22 weighed 434 grams or a difference of 2 grams per nut. The score of these two samples was 85.0 and 85.4 respectively apparently because there were no empty nuts in either sample.

Another batch of 24 random replicate 25 nut samples of Ohio black walnut from the original tree was created by scooping the nuts out of a bag with a quart berry box that held about 25 nuts. Care was taken not to select the samples in any specific way. The lightest sample 3 weighed 385 grams, while the heaviest 22 weighed 434 grams, resulting in a difference of 2 grams per nut. The scores of these two samples were 85.0 and 85.4, respectively, apparently because there were no empty nuts in either sample.

The results of tests on 18 of these replicate samples of Ohio are given in Table 3. The nuts were apparently a uniform lot. The kernels while of good quality were in most cases not quite plump and did not fill the cavities of the shell tightly. This doubtless accounts for the large number of quarters recovered. The kernels on the whole were plumper than with the variety Snyder reported in Table 2 and there were fewer empty nuts. Of the samples that were not soaked the variation of 4.3 per cent in the per cent first crack is of the same order as variation of 3.6 per cent for total per cent kernel and indicates uniform cracking technique.

The results of tests on 18 of these replicate samples from Ohio are shown in Table 3. The nuts seemed to be a consistent batch. While the kernels were of good quality, they were generally not very plump and didn't fill the shell cavities tightly. This likely explains the high number of quarters recovered. Overall, the kernels were plumper than those of the Snyder variety reported in Table 2, and there were fewer empty nuts. Among the samples that weren’t soaked, the variation of 4.3 percent in the first crack percentage is similar to the 3.6 percent variation for the total kernel percentage, indicating a consistent cracking technique.

The data in Table 3 gives evidence of the effect of treatments before cracking. The first nine samples marked with an asterisk were held for several weeks in a damp cellar and have an average test score of 86.6. The last seven samples were held in a dry but unheated room for a week before cracking and show an average test score of 83.7. The average score for the two soaked samples was 93.9. Soaking also increased the number of halves and quarters recovered in the same way as shown with variety Snyder in Table 2. None of these samples was excessively dry. In this table the lowest score (sample 19) is directly related to the presence of 3 empty nuts in the sample. The low score of sample 21 is mostly related to low per cent first crack which is caused by large number of bound quarters and the high penalty related to empty nuts and shrivelled kernels. These scores seem to indicate the value of the samples but bring out the difficulty of obtaining equal scores from such replicate samples. The other scores in the table are probably as close to each other as can be expected with samples of this sort.

The data in Table 3 shows the impact of treatments before cracking. The first nine samples marked with an asterisk were kept for several weeks in a damp cellar and have an average test score of 86.6. The last seven samples were stored in a dry but unheated room for a week before cracking and show an average test score of 83.7. The average score for the two soaked samples was 93.9. Soaking also increased the number of halves and quarters recovered, similar to what’s shown with variety Snyder in Table 2. None of these samples was excessively dry. In this table, the lowest score (sample 19) is directly related to the presence of 3 empty nuts in the sample. The low score of sample 21 is mostly due to a low percentage of first crack caused by a large number of bound quarters and the high penalty associated with empty nuts and shriveled kernels. These scores seem to indicate the value of the samples but highlight the challenge of obtaining consistent scores from these replicate samples. The other scores in the table are likely as similar as can be expected with this type of samples.

In this and the preceding tables the number of bound quarters is given as an indication of cracking technique. With the Hershey cracker the nuts of many varieties will split into four quarters without releasing the kernels. The number of such bound quarters is increased if the operator does not put sufficient pressure on the anvils to crush the shoulders of the nut and free the kernel. On the other hand if too much pressure is used and the anvils brought too close together the kernels will be crushed and the score affected adversely. With some varieties, for example, the Adams as shown in samples 1 and 2 in table 5, the nuts are so pointed at each end that the standard anvils do not strike the shoulders of the nut and many bound quarters result. With such varieties cracking with a hammer would probably give a better score. Anvils with deeper cavities in the ends would be an advantage for such nuts.[Pg 71]

In this and the previous tables, the number of whole quarters is listed as a way to measure cracking technique. With the Hershey cracker, many types of nuts will split into four quarters without losing the kernels. The number of these whole quarters increases if the operator doesn’t apply enough pressure to the anvils to break the nut's shoulders and release the kernel. On the flip side, if too much pressure is applied and the anvils are too close together, the kernels will get crushed, negatively impacting the score. With some varieties, like the Adams shown in samples 1 and 2 in table 5, the nuts are so pointed at both ends that the standard anvils don’t hit the shoulders of the nut, resulting in many whole quarters. For these varieties, using a hammer might produce a better score. Anvils with deeper cavities at the ends would be beneficial for these nuts.[Pg 71]


Tests by the same operator of duplicate samples of Ohio black walnuts, treated
in various ways before cracking. 25 nut samples. 1942 crop.

Sample Treatment Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Penalty Score Remarks
9 *Dry 16.9 25.8 27.1 98 —0.5 72.7 1 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 7 halves
10 *Dry 16.8 23.8 25.2 95 —3.0 83.5 1 empty, 4 shr., 7 bnd. qtrs.
12 *Dry 16.2 24.5 25.5 97 —2.0 86.1 4 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs., 13 halves
24 *Dry 16.2 24.8 25.7 86 —3.0 84.2 2 empty, 2 shr., 4 bnd. qtrs., 8 halves
17 *Dry 17.3 24.8 27.3 97 —0.5 89.7 1 shr., 9 bnd. qtrs., 12 halves
21 *Dry 15.9 22.0 25.5 96 —4.0 78.2 1 empty, 6 shr., 14 bnd. qtrs., 17 halves
8 *Dry 16.6 25.2 26.9 99 —1.5 88.8 3 shr., 6 bnd. qtrs., 10 halves
15 *Dry 16.6 25.5 26.7 99 —1.5 89.8 3 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 12 halves
23 *Dry 16.4 25.2 26.2 96 —3.0 87.0 6 shr., 4 bnd. qtrs., 10 halves
11 Soaked 16.9 27.0 28.2 100 —1.5 93.5 Soaked 1 hr., moist 18, dried 12 hrs.,
3 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 25 halves
16 Soaked 16.8 27.1 28.2 100 —0.8 94.3 Soaked as above, 1 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 16 halves
4 Dry 16.2 23.6 26.4 98 —3.5 82.9 7 shr., 10 bnd. qtrs., 15 halves
5 Dry 17.1 23.6 25.0 93 —3.0 83.1 1 empty, 6 shr., 5 bnd. qtrs., 10 halves
18 Dry 17.0 25.3 26.6 97 —2.0 88.6 4 shr., 6 bnd. qtrs., 8 halves
19 Dry 16.3 21.5 23.7 85 —4.5 75.1 3 empty, 3 shr., 9 bnd. qtrs., 8 halves
3 Dry 15.4 24.7 27.0 97 —3.0 85.0 6 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs., 5 halves
7 Dry 16.0 25.7 25.7 94 —3.5 86.1 7 shr., 6 halves, end reversed in cracking
22 Dry 17.4 24.1 25.8 94 —2.5 85.4 5 shr., 8 bnd. qtrs.


Variation in score of replicate samples of 3 varieties of Black Walnuts
tested by different operators and of same varieties from
different sources

Sample Treatment Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Operator 1
Thomas —Jones, Pa. 14.6 28.8 30.3 95 96.8
Thomas —Baum, Pa. 14.3 25.6 27.0 100 89.0
Thomas —Worton, Md. 16.4 28.2 30.8 94 97.6
Mediocre 16.4 25.8 28.1 91.0 91.2
Operator 2
Thomas —Weber, Ind. 22.0 22.2 23.8 47 83.0
Thomas —Jones, Pa. 17.5 26.7 31.4 55 92.1
Thomas —Baum, Pa. 17.0 24.0 26.5 72 85.5
Thomas —Worton, Md. 16.7 19.5 26.4 64 75.3
Average 18.3 23.1 27.0 59.5 83.9
Operator 3
Thomas —Jones, Pa. 18.1 16.2 27.1 52 69.2
Thomas —Baum, Pa. 16.1 19.1 26.6 68 74.4
Thomas —Worton, Md. 18.0 17.8 27.2 61 73.3
  Average 17.4 17.7 27.0 60.3 72.3
Operator 1
Ten Eyck —Weber, Ind. 18.0 20.5 27.5 57 78.5
Ten Eyck —Jones, Pa. 15.4 21.1 23.2 99 79.1
Ten Eyck —Baum, Pa. 14.3 26.3 30.2 93 91.3
Ten Eyck —Worton, Md. 15.0 28.0 31.0 83 94.8
Average 15.7 24.0 28.0 83.0 85.9
Operator 2
Ten Eyck —Weber, Ind. 19.1 24.4 26.5 38 84.8
Ten Eyck —Jones, Pa. 16.4 24.6 24.6 64 84.3
Ten Eyck —Baum, Pa. 15.8 25.7 26.5 54 86.0
Ten Eyck —Worton, Md. 15.4 25.5 28.7 55 86.2
Average 16.7 25.0 26.6 52.7 85.3
Operator 3
Ten Eyck —Weber, Ind. 16.8 17.3 24.6 57 69.4
Ten Eyck —Jones, Pa. 15.2 21.1 23.3 84 77.4
Ten Eyck —Baum, Pa. 15.0 18.3 19.7 69 68.4
Ten Eyck —Worton, Md. 15.7 25.2 30.1 76 88.5
Average 15.7 20.5 24.4 71.5 75.9
Operator 1
Ohio —Weber, Ind. 17.2 28.5 29.7 89 98.0
Ohio —Jones, Pa. 16.4 28.7 29.9 96 99.2
Ohio —Baum, Pa. 14.2 31.1 31.1 99 101.9
Ohio —Worton, Md. 13.7 30.8 30.8 88 99.5
Average 15.4 29.8 30.4 93.0 99.6
Operator 2
Ohio —Weber, Ind. 19.1 25.1 28.3 59 89.3
Ohio —Jones, Pa. 17.2 27.3 27.5 64 91.9
Ohio —Baum, Pa. 15.0 27.4 28.1 63 90.1
Ohio —Worton, Md. 14.9 26.1 29.1 58 87.4
Average 16.5 26.5 28.2 61.0 89.7
Operator 3
Ohio —Weber, Ind. 17.7 21.4 27.7 65 80.8
Ohio —Jones, Pa. 17.2 22.9 28.2 74 84.5
Ohio —Baum, Pa. 15.0 24.9 29.3 81 87.5
Ohio —Worton, Md. 14.6 22.4 28.7 66 80.3
Average 16.1 22.9 28.5 71.5 83.3

Table 4 gives the results of tests of similar samples of three varieties from four different sources by three different operators. The tests are not satisfactory because pretreatment was not uniform and there is insufficient data on penalties which are omitted. Some samples of the varieties Ten Eyck and Thomas contained empty nuts and shrivelled kernels which would preclude equal scores. The variety Ohio was uniformly filled from all sources. In the variety Ten Eyck there is a difference of 10.5 per cent in total per cent kernel in samples from the Baum orchard. This was related to 6 empty nuts in the sample cracked by operator 3. In the variety Ohio in which the kernels were plump the greatest variation between duplicate samples in total per cent kernel is 3 or only about 10 per cent of average total per cent kernel.

Table 4 shows the results of tests on similar samples of three varieties from four different sources, conducted by three different operators. The tests are unsatisfactory because the pretreatment was not consistent, and there is not enough data on penalties, which have been left out. Some samples of the varieties Ten Eyck and Thomas had empty nuts and shriveled kernels, which would prevent fair scoring. The Ohio variety was consistently filled from all sources. In the Ten Eyck variety, there is a 10.5 percent difference in the total kernel percentage in samples from the Baum orchard. This was tied to 6 empty nuts in the sample cracked by operator 3. In the Ohio variety, where the kernels were plump, the largest variation between duplicate samples in total kernel percentage is 3, or just about 10 percent of the average total kernel percentage.

An examination of these data show the following points of interest: (1) that the duplicate samples showed considerable variation in weight of single nut and total per cent kernel, characters not dependent on personal skill or judgment. Operator 2 did not crack the whole sample of 25 and may have selected the larger nuts, thus securing a greater weight per nut with all varieties. The superior filling of the nuts of Ohio appears to be related to the fact that in the orchards in question this variety was observed to hold its leaves longer than the others which lost their leaves in late summer before harvest by leaf blight. Shrunken kernels are a logical result of early defoliation.

An analysis of this data reveals the following interesting points: (1) the duplicate samples showed significant variation in the weight of individual nuts and the overall percentage of kernels, traits that aren't influenced by personal skill or judgment. Operator 2 didn't crack open the entire sample of 25 and may have chosen the larger nuts, resulting in a higher weight per nut across all varieties. The better filling of the Ohio nuts seems to be connected to the fact that in the observed orchards, this variety was seen to retain its leaves longer than the others, which lost their leaves in late summer before harvest due to leaf blight. The presence of shriveled kernels logically follows early leaf loss.

In the per cent of kernel obtained in first crack operator 1 recovered a higher per cent than operator 3 in all of the eleven possible comparisons and higher than operator 2 in 9 out of 12 possible comparisons. This probably is the result of soaking the samples by operator 1 and not by the others or possibly due to greater skill or care in cracking. The number of quarters recovered by operator 1 is greater in all cases than that obtained by either operator 2 or 3. This is also a result of soaking or skill or both. The score of operator 1 was in all tests of duplicate samples higher than that obtained by operator 3 and higher than the scores of operator 2 in 9 out of 12 comparisons.

In the percentage of kernel obtained during the first crack, operator 1 recovered a higher percentage than operator 3 in all eleven comparisons and higher than operator 2 in 9 out of 12 comparisons. This is likely due to operator 1 soaking the samples, while the others did not, or possibly due to greater skill or care in cracking. The number of quarters recovered by operator 1 was greater in all cases compared to both operator 2 and operator 3. This also resulted from soaking, skill, or a combination of both. Operator 1's score in all tests of duplicate samples was higher than that of operator 3 and higher than the scores of operator 2 in 9 out of 12 comparisons.

The scores of the different samples are apparently mainly determined by the per cent recovered at first crack and the number of quarters, at least the only cases where the scores of operator 2 exceed those of operator 1 are where the per cent first crack and the number of quarters are greater for operator 2. This is related to the presence of empty nuts.

The scores of the different samples are mainly determined by the percentage recovered at first crack and the number of quarters. In fact, the only instances where operator 2's scores are higher than operator 1's are when operator 2 has a greater percentage of first crack and more quarters. This is connected to the presence of empty nuts.

The data obtained for the variety Thomas by operator 1 and 2 show for the most part the same relative scoring of samples from different sources. For example with both operators the score of the samples from the Weber orchard was lower than that from the Jones and Baum orchards and the sample from the Jones orchard scored higher than that from the Baum orchard. In the samples from the Worton orchard the relative scores are reversed. The scores o£ operator 3 are quite out of line. With the variety Ten Eyck the differences between scores of samples from different sources are not consistent. Operator 2 obtained scores that were essentially alike for all four samples whereas the scores of operator 1 show differences of more than 10 points. This is related to empty nuts in the sample. With the variety Ohio there is reasonable uniformity in the scores obtained by all operators. This was the only variety with well filled nuts and for that reason alone the score would be less variable.[Pg 74]

The data collected for the variety Thomas by operators 1 and 2 mostly show the same relative scoring of samples from different sources. For instance, both operators rated the samples from the Weber orchard lower than those from the Jones and Baum orchards, and the samples from the Jones orchard scored higher than those from the Baum orchard. In the samples from the Worton orchard, the relative scores are reversed. Operator 3's scores are quite inconsistent. For the variety Ten Eyck, the differences between scores of samples from different sources aren’t consistent. Operator 2 received scores that were pretty similar for all four samples, while operator 1's scores showed differences of more than 10 points. This is linked to empty nuts in the sample. With the variety Ohio, all operators obtained reasonably uniform scores. This was the only variety with well-filled nuts, which made the score less variable.[Pg 74]


Tests by different operators on duplicate samples of black walnuts,
soaked and unsoaked. 25 nut samples. 1942 crop.

Sample Treatment Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Penalty Score Remarks
Operator 1
Ohio No. 1 Dry 16.8 26.1 27.6 97 —4. 88.5 5 bnd. qtrs., 18 shr., 8 halves
Ohio No. 2 Soaked 16.7 27.3 27.8 99 —1.5 93.5 2 bnd. qtrs., 1 shr., 1 empty
Operator 2
Ohio No. 6 Dry 15.9 26.3 26.7 93 —1. 90.2 1 empty
Ohio No. 13 Soaked 15.9 25.8 26.4 93 —1. 89.0 1 empty
Ohio No. 14 Soaked 15.7 25.2 26.3 96 —.5 89.0 1 shriveled
Ohio No. 20 Soaked 16.7 25.3 26.4 94 —1. 88.9 1 empty
Operator 1
Grundy No. 1 Dry 23.8 24.1 24.6 99 —.5 93.7 1 shriveled, 2 bnd. quarters
Grundy No. 2 Soaked 23.2 24.2 24.2 100 —.5 97.2 1 shriveled, 2 bnd. quarters
Operator 2
Grundy No. 3   22.4 24.0 24.0 88 —2. 89.2 2 empty
Grundy No. 4 Dry 23.5 24.7 25.5 98 —.5 95.0 1 shriveled
Operator 1
Adams No. 1 Dry 14.2 18.3 24.5 70 —0. 70.0 35 bnd. qtrs., well filled, good quality
Adams No. 2 Soaked 14.4 17.3 23.7 78 —2.5 67.1 2 empty, 20 bund. qtrs., 1 shr.
Operator 2
Adams No. 3 Dry 14.6 18.1 24.0 77 —3 67.5 3 empty
Adams No. 4   14.3 19.6 25.4 78 —3 72.3 2 empty

The average scores of all samples of each variety are Ohio 90.0, Thomas 83.4, and Ten Eyck 82.4. These are not out of line either with the scores obtained for these varieties elsewhere or the relative merit of the varieties.

The average scores of all samples for each variety are Ohio 90.0, Thomas 83.4, and Ten Eyck 82.4. These scores align well with the scores for these varieties from other locations and reflect the relative quality of each variety.

Because of the variability obtained in the tests shown in Table 4, another series of tests of similar samples by different operators was arranged in the summer of 1943. The samples of Ohio were some of the same lot reported in Table 3. The varieties Grundy and Adams grown in Michigan were carefully sampled to give comparable lots. The results of these tests given in Table 5 show no greater variability between the scores of the two operators for any one variety than between tests by the same operator and indicate that it is possible for different operators to obtain comparable scores on duplicate samples provided great care is used in treating and cracking the samples.

Due to the variability seen in the tests shown in Table 4, another round of tests with similar samples by different operators was organized in the summer of 1943. The Ohio samples were from the same lot reported in Table 3. The Michigan-grown varieties Grundy and Adams were carefully sampled to ensure comparable lots. The results of these tests, presented in Table 5, show no greater variability between the scores of the two operators for any variety than between tests by the same operator. This indicates that different operators can achieve comparable scores on duplicate samples, as long as they take great care in handling and cracking the samples.

The differences in average score between the different varieties is consistent and apparently gives a correct indication of their relative merit. Grundy shows an average score of 93.7, Ohio 89.7 and Adams 69.2. The high score of Grundy is related to the large size of nut and high per cent first crack. The low score of Adams is related to small size of nut and low per cent first crack resulting from a large number of bound quarters. The kernels of this variety were plump, filling the cavity of the shell full and shattered on cracking.

The differences in average scores across the various types are consistent and seem to accurately reflect their relative quality. Grundy has an average score of 93.7, Ohio 89.7, and Adams 69.2. Grundy's high score is due to the large nut size and a high percentage of first crack. Adams' low score is linked to its small nut size and a low percentage of first crack, caused by a significant number of bound quarters. The kernels of this variety were plump, completely filling the shell cavity and shattering upon cracking.

In Table 6 are given the results of 54 tests of 38 selections or clones. In general it appears that the score is a fair indication of the worth of the sample. Low scores are related mostly to low per cent first crack and to the presence of empty nuts or shrivelled kernels in the sample. It is evident also that if a sample is too dry with many varieties a low score will result. Just what soaking treatment is most expedient is not too clear. Soaking 12 hours and drying 24 proved to be a satisfactory practice. The method followed by Mr. Stoke of soaking for 5 minutes and keeping the sample in a wet burlap sack for 24 hours is all right but is cumbersome if many samples are to be tested. Soaking one hour and holding 24 hours in a closed container like a coffee can give good results but percentage should be figured on dry weight and kernels should be air dried for 24 hours before weighing.

In Table 6, the results of 54 tests on 38 selections or clones are presented. Overall, it seems that the score is a decent indication of the sample's quality. Low scores are mostly connected to a low percentage of first crack and the presence of empty nuts or shriveled kernels in the sample. It’s also clear that if a sample is too dry, many varieties will result in a low score. The best soaking treatment is somewhat unclear. Soaking for 12 hours and then drying for 24 hours has proven to be effective. Mr. Stoke's method of soaking for 5 minutes and then keeping the sample in a wet burlap sack for 24 hours works, but it's cumbersome when testing many samples. Soaking for one hour and then keeping it in a closed container like a coffee can for 24 hours yields good results, but the percentage should be calculated based on dry weight, and the kernels should be air-dried for 24 hours before weighing.

One weakness in the schedule is that it tends to give a small nut an advantage if the per cent kernel obtained in first crack is high. Thus a sample of the Mintle grown in Iowa which weighed but 13.6 grams per nut and total per cent kernel of 32 scored 101.1 points chiefly because the per cent first crack was 31.5. The same variety grown at Ithaca weighing 13.7 grams per nut but with 23.9 per cent first crack and 24.3 total scored 83.8. Possibly a penalty could be taken for nuts weighing less than 18 grams. On the other hand a large nut like the Grundy weighing about 23 grams would have a 10 point score advantage over Mintle and this may be enough for this character.

One weakness in the schedule is that it tends to give smaller nuts an advantage if the percentage of kernel obtained in the first crack is high. For example, a Mintle grown in Iowa, weighing only 13.6 grams per nut with a total kernel percentage of 32, scored 101.1 points mainly because the percentage in the first crack was 31.5. In contrast, the same variety grown in Ithaca, weighing 13.7 grams per nut with 23.9 percent in the first crack and a total of 24.3, scored 83.8. Perhaps a penalty could be applied for nuts weighing less than 18 grams. On the other hand, a larger nut like the Grundy, weighing around 23 grams, would have a 10-point score advantage over the Mintle, which might be significant for this characteristic.

The six samples of Thomas grown on different trees in Ithaca, N. Y. in 1942 show great variation in score as has been the case in other years. Poor scores are related to shrunken kernels and such samples come from trees that are making poor growth because of poor soil conditions and competition with weeds. Also shriveled kernels are the result of defoliation by early frosts which may be very local and affect some trees and not others.[Pg 76]

The six samples of Thomas grown on different trees in Ithaca, NY, in 1942 show significant variation in scores, just like in previous years. Low scores are linked to shriveled kernels, and these samples come from trees that are struggling to grow due to poor soil conditions and competition with weeds. Additionally, shriveled kernels also result from defoliation caused by early frosts, which can be very localized, affecting some trees but not others.[Pg 76]


Tests and Scores of Black Walnut Varieties from Various Sources.
25 nut samples unless otherwise indicated.
All scores figured on basis of 25 nuts.

  • D—Dry
  • S—Soaked
  • No.—Hours dried or soaked
Variety Source Treat-
Wt 1 nut
% kernel
1st crack
% kernel
Penalty Score Remarks
Adams Becker, Mich. '42 D 14.7 11.3 21.4 44   52.4 Poor; 62 bound quarters
Benton Smith, Wassaic, N.Y. S-5 13.2 26.8 28.2 94 -2.0 88.5 Plump kernels, good flavor, 2 empty nuts
Sample No. 1 (23) '42 D-8            
Sample No. 2 (24) '42 D 12.9 23.1 23.6 74 -3.0 75.3 3 empty nuts
Bontz Snyder, Iowa S-12 18.7 20.3 22.0 85 -10.0 68.8 Nut long like Ohio.
Shell chamberProminent spur;
oily; poor to med. extr.; few shrunken
  '40 D-12            
Boothe Stoke, Va. S-16 15.3 24.5 29.2 87 -2.5 85.1 Good quality; flavor good,
28 blind qtrs.; ext. poor
  '40 D-10            
Burrows Snyder, Iowa S-12 17.5 13.5 24.4 35 -0.3 59.9 No data
  '40 D-4            
Calhoun Becker, Mich. '42 D 15.4 26.0 28.5 94   90.6 End cracks, 2 empty nuts, 3 shr.
Cayuga Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 13.8 26.1 26.7 100 -3.5 85.9 kernels, good extr.
middle tree '42 D-24            
Climax Becker, Mich. '42 D 17.2 25.3 27.3 90   90.8 Some shrunken kernels
Cornell Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 16.5 24.9 25.1 80   89.0  
(20) '42 D-24       100%     No empty nuts, kernels full
very good extr., good color[Pg 77]
Creitz Stoke, Va. S-15 18.8 22.0 23.8 100 -1.3 83.4
  '40 4-4             Excellent cracker. Shell thin;
good flavor mild
Cresco Ithaca, N.Y. S 16.7 15.9 21.0 80   67.0
(6) '42                
Eldridge Geneva, N. Y. S-12             Not promising at Ithaca
(15) '42 D-24 21.1 24.0 24.5 96 —10. 80.0 Dried in husk; kernels shrunken
Finney Snyder, Iowa S-12 19.5 18.0 22.4 82 —12.5 62.4 Shell thick; kernels shr.,
spurs prominent.
Tough to crack
  '40 D-48            
Freel Ithaca, N.Y. S 12.1 17.9 19.6 80   65.7 Shell thick, kernel thin.
Not a good nut
(6) '42              
Galloway Snyder, Iowa S-12 16.4 22.3 23.2 94 mdash;0.3 81.7 Kernel smooth, flavor good.
Extraction good
  '40 D-24            
Harris Snyder, Iowa S-12 18.5 23.8 25.6 100 mdash;12.5 76.4 Dark color. All kernels
withered. Flavor poor.
Extraction very good
  '40 D-12            
Homeland Stoke, Va. S-5 19.1 20.4 25.8 89 mdash;12.5 81.7 Smooth kernels; flavor good;
closed suture
  '40 D-16            
Karnes Stoke, Va. S-16 20.3 25.6 29.4 56 mdash;12.5 91.8 Tight in shell. Kernels oily,
shatter. Flavor good.
Shining pellicle
  '40 D-7            
Korn Korn, Mich. D 16.8 19.0 27.9 62 mdash;12.5 74.9 Kernels fill cavity very full.
McCoy Snyder, Iowa S-12 19.4 20.7 21.2 90 —0.8 79.6 Smooth kernel;
some slight shrinking.
Thick shell
  '40 D-4            
McGee Becker, Mich. D 13.7 16.2 26.8 83 —0.8 67.8 Bound qtrs., hard pointed
nuts, hard cracking
  '40 D-4            
Michigan Korn, Mich. D 20.0 23.0 30.3 90 —0.8 90.1 Kernels plump, very good nut
Mintle Snyder, Iowa S-12 13.6 31.5 32.0 95 —1.0 101.1 Flavor mild, extr. very
good. Very good nut,
smooth shell
  '40 D-12            
Mintle Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 13.7 23.9 24.3 100   100 No empty nuts, kernels
plump, good extraction
  '42 D-24            
Ohio Snyder, Iowa S-12 18.5 24.0 27.4 79 —1.3 86.8 Shell chamber smooth.
Flavor sharp.
Extraction fair.
  '40 D-24            
Rohwer Snyder, Iowa S-12 21.5 24.0 28.2 84   92.0 Kernel smooth, extr.
fair. Kernels plump.
  '40[Pg 78] D-48            
Rohwer Stoke, Va. S-15 18.5 18.0 22.4 79 —.3 73.3 Fair extraction; flavor fair.
Spur prominent.
11 blind qtrs.
  '40 D-3            
Schwartz Snyder, Iowa S-6 20.3 21.8 25.6 86 —3.0 82.2 End cracked. Spurs prominent.
Some shrinking. Not
too good. 11 blind qtr.
  '40 D-14            
Sifford Stokes, Va. S-16 23.6 23.7 25.6 100 —11.0 82.8 Large nut. Good
extr. Kernels shrunken
  '40 D-7            
Snyder Jacobs, Ohio D 19.6 26.1 28.0 94 —11.0 95.4 Not entirely cured
(4) '42 D-7            
Snyder Smith, Wassaic, N.Y. D 21.9 22.0 26.4 91   88.2 11 bound qtrs. Kernels lg.
rather dark, a good nut
(14) '42              
Sparrow Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 15.5 20.7 22.4 42 —14.5 63.2 1 empty, all shrunken,
end cracks; poor quality
(11) '42 D-24     96%      
Sparrow Smith, Wassaic, N.Y. D 16.5 21.6 28.2 85 —14.5 82.3 Well filled, kernels
bright, good flavor,
good nut
(10) '42 D-24            
Sparrow Snyder, Iowa S-6 16.1 25.1 31.2 84 —14.5 90.3 Flavor good; smooth nut,
spur medium prominent.
13 blind qtrs.
  '40 D-19            
Sper Becker, Mich.                
  '42 D 16.2 20.0 25.6   90 78.0 Kernels somewhat shrunken
  '42 D 16.7 27.9 28.7   98 96.6 No. 4, 1942 not completely
dried. Not recleaned
Stabler Stoke, Va. S-5 14.5 20.2 22.8 80 —9.0 65.3 Flavor mild. Easy extr.
12 blind qtrs. Many shrunken
  '40 D-20            
Stabler Wilkinson, Ind. S-12 14.9 25.7 27.2 77 —3.0 84.6 End cracks; 6 bound qtrs.
2 empty nuts, 2shr. kernels
  '40 D-24            
Stambaugh Graham, Ithaca, N.Y.                
(7)   recleaned 19.3 24.0 24.0 28 —12.5 61.3 All kernels shrunken.
Poor quality
  '42 S-12 D-24       100% —3.0  
Sterling Korn, Mich. D 19.8 25.2 25.9 97   92.8 Kernels plump. Very good nut
Tasterite Graham, Ithaca, N.Y.                
(4)   recleaned 13.5 25.0 25.0 100%   86.0 All kernels plump;
quality fair
  '42 S-12 D-24            
Thomas Snyder, Iowa S-12 17.2 22.9 25.6 91 —1.0 83.9 Good extraction. Some shrunken
  '40 D-12 D-24            
Thomas Wilkinson, Ind. S-12 18.5 21.5 27.1 26   77.7 End cracks; 21 bound qtrs.,
Kernels plump; oily, clinging
  '40 D-24            
Thomas No. 1 Ithaca, N.Y. D 20.6 19.1 22.1 96   79.4 Some shrunken
  Tree 1 '42.              
Thomas No. 2 Ithaca, N.Y. S-1½ 20.6 14.4 18.2 91 —1.0 67.6 1 empty nut; some shrunken
  No. 2 '42 D-6            
Thomas No. 3 Ithaca N.Y. D 20.4 19.1 22.1 96 —1.0 79.2  
  No. 3 '42              
Thomas No. 4 '42 Ithaca N.Y. D 20.1 15.5 16.8 82 —16.0 36.2 4 empty nuts; all shrunken
  No. 4              
Thomas No. 5 Ithaca N.Y. S-12 20.5 23.4 24.0 90 —8.0 80.5 4 empty nuts; 8 shr.
kernels; 2 blind qtrs.
(24) No. 4              
Thomas Ithaca N.Y. S-12 19.8 17.6 18.4 94 —10.0 63.7 2 empty nuts; 16 shr. kernels
(20) No. 6 '42 D-24            
Thomas Wilkinson, Ind. S-12 20.5 21.1 25.4 69 —7.0 75.3 3 empty nuts; 4 shr. kernels, 23 bound qtrs.
  '40 D-24            
Troup Graham, Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 16.0 16.0 18.0 16 —20.0 51.0 All kernels shr., 2 empty nuts, quality poor
(4) '42 D-24     100%      
Vail Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 15.3 20.8 21.8 30     4 empty nuts, 6 shr. kern.,
2 blind qtrs., end cracks
(8) '42 D-24       94% —17.0 60.2
Vandersloot Ithaca, N.Y. S-12 27.5 13.4 16.6 58 —3.0 64.4 1 empty nut, 4 shr. kern., 11 bound qtrs., ext. poor
Wiard Iowa S-12 18.8 26.8 29.4 83   95.4 One of best, well
filled. Smooth kernel,
good flavor,
good extraction
  '40 D-12            


In the light of the data presented some conclusions can be drawn on the various questions raised at the beginning of this paper. It is evident that if approximately the same score is to be obtained by one operator on duplicate or replicate random samples, great care must be used in sampling. There is a tendency in taking samples to pick out the larger nuts or in some other way fail to take a good random sample. Selections submitted for contests are likely to be quite misleading as to the value of the variety and reflect in considerable part the contestant's skill in selection rather than the merit of the clone. The Freel walnut seems to be an example of this. At least as grown at Ithaca it is very disappointing.

In light of the data presented, we can draw some conclusions about the various questions raised at the beginning of this paper. It's clear that to obtain approximately the same score by one operator on duplicate or replicate random samples, great care must be taken in sampling. Often, when taking samples, there’s a tendency to select the larger nuts or otherwise fail to collect a truly random sample. Entries submitted for contests are likely to be quite misleading regarding the value of the variety and tend to reflect the contestant's skill in selection more than the actual merit of the clone. The Freel walnut seems to be an example of this; at least, as grown in Ithaca, it is very disappointing.

It is evident that if comparable scores are to be obtained the samples receive the same treatment particularly as regards moisture content. Samples should be dried sufficiently to show the shrinkage of poorly developed kernels but in no case be allowed to dry to the point of checking the shells. Uniform soaking practice is a step in the right direction. A green or partially dried nut will test much higher than one properly cured as evidenced by Snyder, sample 6 and Spear, sample 7 in Table 1.

It’s clear that to get comparable scores, the samples need to be treated the same way, especially when it comes to moisture content. Samples should be dried enough to reveal the shrinkage of underdeveloped kernels, but they should never be dried so much that the shells crack. Consistent soaking practices are a positive move. A green or partially dried nut will test much higher than one that has been properly cured, as shown by Snyder, sample 6, and Spear, sample 7 in Table 1.

It seems probable that no schedule can be devised that will eliminate the necessity for skill on the part of the operator. To obtain satisfactory uniformity in scores, it is essential that the operator be skilled in the use of the cracking machine and use continuous care in applying the necessary pressure and in holding the nut in the anvils. Undercracking or overcracking, reversing the ends of the nut in the anvil or failure to hold the nut vertical may affect the score.

It seems likely that no schedule can be created that will eliminate the need for skill from the operator. To achieve consistent scores, it’s crucial that the operator knows how to use the cracking machine well and maintains careful pressure while holding the nut in the anvils. Cracking it too little or too much, flipping the ends of the nut in the anvil, or failing to keep the nut vertical can all impact the score.

The presence of empty or poorly filled nuts in a lot of nuts from which samples are taken at random introduces greater variability in the samples than that found in lots with all nuts filled. This is true because the chances of getting an equal number of empty nuts in 25 nut samples are small and the presence of each empty nut decreases the per cent kernel and also the numbers of quarters possible. Variations due to empty nuts could be eliminated by greatly increasing the number of nuts in the sample but this is not practical for the purposes this schedule is intended to serve.

The presence of empty or underfilled nuts in a batch of nuts sampled randomly creates more variability in the samples than what's found in batches where all the nuts are filled. This happens because the likelihood of getting the same number of empty nuts in 25 nut samples is low, and each empty nut reduces the percentage of kernels and the number of quarters possible. Variations caused by empty nuts could be minimized by significantly increasing the number of nuts in the sample, but that's not practical for the goals this schedule aims to achieve.

The question of whether or not it is possible for different operators to obtain equal scores on duplicate samples is not satisfactorily answered by the data in table 4. As the data stand the scores are far from equal. There is, however, a consistency in the scoring of each operator and it is quite probable that with more uniform treatment of nuts before cracking and more careful sampling better agreement would be achieved. This is borne out in the data given in table 5 in which the variation in scores between the two operators was no greater than that obtained by the same operator.

The question of whether different operators can get the same scores on duplicate samples isn't clearly answered by the data in Table 4. As it stands, the scores are quite different. However, there is a consistency in how each operator scores, and it's likely that if the nuts were treated more uniformly before cracking and if sampling was more careful, better agreement would be reached. This is supported by the data in Table 5, where the score variation between the two operators was no greater than what the same operator achieved.

From a study of the data secured it appears that the causes of variation in the scores of duplicate or replicate samples are the result of (1) lack of care in making replicate random samples, (2) differences in treatment of samples before cracking, particularly as regards moisture content, (3) differences in the skill or care of the operator making the tests, (4) presence of empty nuts or shrivelled kernels in the sample which introduces variation not compensated for in a 25 nut sample and further complicates the matter because assigning penalties for shrivelled kernels involves personal judgment.[Pg 81]

Based on the data collected, it seems that the differences in scores of duplicate or replicate samples are due to (1) lack of care in creating random replicate samples, (2) variations in the treatment of samples before cracking, especially regarding moisture content, (3) differences in the skill or diligence of the operator conducting the tests, (4) the presence of empty nuts or shriveled kernels in the sample, which introduces variation not accounted for in a 25 nut sample and further complicates the situation since penalizing for shriveled kernels requires personal judgment.[Pg 81]

The first three of these can be minimized or eliminated by care and skill. The fourth item is not so easy but procedure can at least be standardized. Increasing the size of the sample is not practical if much testing is to be done.

The first three of these can be reduced or removed with attention and skill. The fourth item is a bit trickier, but the process can at least be standardized. Making the sample size larger isn’t practical if a lot of testing is involved.

All things considered it would seem that the scores indicate fairly well but not accurately the relative merit of the samples and thus can be relied upon to determine the relative merit of a variety or clone, the suitability of the variety for growing in a given locality and the variability of a variety grown in the same region but under different conditions. To determine the merit of a variety as compared to another both must be grown under the same conditions. The over-all value of a variety can only be determined from samples of well filled nuts. In any case the more samples tested the better.

All things considered, the scores seem to indicate the relative quality of the samples fairly well, though not perfectly. They can be trusted to assess the value of a variety or clone, its suitability for cultivation in a specific area, and the variability of a variety grown in the same region under different conditions. To compare the quality of one variety to another, both must be grown under the same conditions. The overall value of a variety can only be assessed from samples of well-filled nuts. In any case, the more samples tested, the better.

The following suggestions are made as to procedure:

The following suggestions are provided regarding the procedure:

1. In taking a random sample no selection as to size, uniformity, or any other quality should be made. Suggested procedure would be to scoop up about 25 nuts in a berry basket or with the hands from the main supply and reduce the sample to 25 without conscious selection. What we in the Northern Nut Growers' Association want is a measure of the merit of the crop of the tree or variety in question and not the value of a highly selected sample.

1. When taking a random sample, you shouldn't choose based on size, uniformity, or any other quality. A suggested method is to grab about 25 nuts using a berry basket or your hands from the main supply, then reduce the sample to 25 without any intentional selection. What we in the Northern Nut Growers' Association want is to assess the quality of the crop from the tree or variety in question, not the value of a carefully selected sample.

2. It is not practical to bring samples to a uniform moisture content before cracking is done. The following precautions, however, may be followed: (a) Take care to see that nuts are reasonably well cleaned and free from fragments of husk. Scrubbing or beating the nuts together in a sack will usually remove most of the loose material. Of course the best practice is to wash the nuts immediately after shucking. (b) Cure samples until they are dry enough not to lose more weight preferably in an unheated room. This takes at least a month or 6 weeks. (c) Avoid storing the samples in a heated room where they will become so dry that the shells will check or crack. If this occurs the normal cracking fracture of the shell is destroyed and a satisfactory test cannot be made. (d) Nuts that have become so dry that the kernels shatter may be moistened by soaking about 2 hours in cold or lukewarm water then holding them in a moist condition for 18-24 hours, followed by drying for 10-12 hours before cracking. Nuts that are to be soaked should be weighed before soaking and the dry weight used in figuring percentages. The kernels of soaked nuts should be dried for 24 hours before weighing, preferably under the same conditions in which the samples were stored before weighing.

2. It's not practical to get samples to a uniform moisture level before cracking. However, you can follow these precautions: (a) Make sure the nuts are fairly clean and free from husk bits. Scrubbing or shaking the nuts in a sack usually removes most loose material. Ideally, you should wash the nuts right after shucking. (b) Cure the samples until they’re dry enough not to lose more weight, preferably in an unheated room. This process takes at least a month or 6 weeks. (c) Avoid storing samples in a heated room where they can get too dry, causing the shells to check or crack. If this happens, the normal cracking pattern of the shell is ruined and a reliable test can’t be conducted. (d) Nuts that are so dry that the kernels fall apart can be moistened by soaking them in cold or lukewarm water for about 2 hours, then keeping them moist for 18-24 hours, followed by drying for 10-12 hours before cracking. Weigh the nuts before soaking and use the dry weight to calculate percentages. The kernels from soaked nuts should be dried for 24 hours before weighing, preferably under the same conditions as when the samples were stored before weighing.

3. Care and skill on the part of the operator are of the greatest importance, particularly in the thoroughness of cracking. The most important variable in the score is the per cent kernel recovered at first cracking. The score is reduced by undercracking the nut so as to leave the quarters bound or by overcracking to the point of smashing the kernels. If the nuts have a long point so that the rims of the anvils do not contact the shoulders of the nut, poor cracking will result. At the present time a cracker with interchangeable anvils is not available. Using different sized iron pipe couplings in a vise may help solve the problem. Some varieties will crack better with a hammer than with a cracker of the Hershey type with standard anvils. In cracking a sample for test the[Pg 82] operator should try to recover the most possible out of the first crack without using a pick or recracking.

3. Care and skill from the operator are really important, especially when it comes to how thoroughly the nuts are cracked. The key factor in the score is the percentage of kernel recovered on the first crack. The score drops if the nut is under-cracked, which leaves parts still in the shell, or if it's over-cracked to the point where the kernels are smashed. If the nuts have a long point, causing the rims of the anvils not to touch the shoulders of the nut, it will lead to poor cracking. Currently, a cracker with interchangeable anvils isn’t available. Using different sized iron pipe couplings in a vise might help with this issue. Some varieties crack better with a hammer than with a Hershey-type cracker that has standard anvils. When cracking a sample for testing, the operato[Pg 82]r should aim to recover as much as possible from the first crack without using a pick or recracking.

4. The empty nut problem is probably the most difficult and is not satisfactorily solved by cracking nuts in excess of 25 until 26 filled nuts are secured. This necessitates weighing the sample after the nuts are cracked which is usually impracticable because of loss of parts of shells in cracking and because additional nuts are not available. Empty or shrivelled nuts in a sample are a serious defect which should count heavily against it. On the basis of experience it seems that a better method is to crack the random sample of 25 nuts and let the empty nuts and shrivelled kernels affect the score as reduced weight per nut, reduced per cent kernel and the penalty as well. Shrivelling that is obvious and which adversely affects the appearance of the kernels should be penalized. Possibly further experience will suggest a better way of handling this problem.

4. The empty nut problem is probably the toughest and isn't resolved effectively by cracking more than 25 nuts until you find 26 filled ones. This requires weighing the sample after the nuts are cracked, which is often impractical due to shell fragments getting lost in the process and because there aren't extra nuts available. Empty or shriveled nuts in a sample are a significant defect and should be heavily penalized. Based on experience, it seems like a better approach is to crack a random sample of 25 nuts and let the empty nuts and shriveled kernels impact the score by reducing the weight per nut, lowering the percentage of kernel, and applying a penalty. Obvious shriveling that negatively affects the appearance of the kernels should be penalized. Maybe further experience will help find a better way to deal with this issue.

The proposed score of a sample is made up as follows:

The suggested score for a sample is broken down as follows:

1. The weight of a single nut in grams.

1. The weight of one nut in grams.

2. The per cent kernel of total weight of sample recovered after first crack x 2.

2. The percentage of the total weight of the sample recovered after the first crack multiplied by 2.

3. The total per cent kernel of total weight of sample divided by 2.

3. The total percentage of the kernel compared to the total weight of the sample divided by 2.

4. One tenth point for each whole quarter recovered.

4. One-tenth of a point for each whole quarter that is recovered.

5. Penalty of one score point for each empty nut in the sample.

5. A penalty of one point for each empty nut in the sample.

6. Penalty of ½ point for every nut with shrivelled kernel.

6. Penalty of ½ point for every nut with a shriveled kernel.

The makeup of this score does not differ from that previously used except in the matter of procedure with empty nuts. It is felt that the items included are weighed in a realistic manner and that difficulties in scoring have been due to methods of handling the samples rather than in the scoring schedule itself. It does not seem likely that this schedule or any schedule will be valuable unless used by experienced operators who are willing to take the precautions indicated. Also it is apparent that wherever possible more than one sample of a lot to be scored should be tested and the average score used.

The makeup of this score is the same as the one used before, except for how we handle empty nuts. It's believed that the items included are assessed realistically and that the scoring difficulties arise from how the samples were handled, not from the scoring system itself. It seems unlikely that this schedule or any schedule will be useful unless experienced operators use it and follow the recommended precautions. Additionally, it's clear that whenever possible, more than one sample from a lot being scored should be tested, and the average score should be used.


1. MacDaniels, L. H. Report of committee on varieties and judging standards. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 28: 20-23. 1937.

1. MacDaniels, L. H. Report of committee on varieties and judging standards. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 28: 20-23. 1937.

2. MacDaniels, L. H. Is it possible to devise a satisfactory judging schedule for black walnuts? No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 30: 24-27. 1939.

2. MacDaniels, L. H. Is it possible to create a suitable judging schedule for black walnuts? No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 30: 24-27. 1939.

3. Kline, L. V., and S. B. Chase. Compilation of data on nut weight and kernel percentage of black walnut selections. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 38: 166-174. 1941.

3. Kline, L. V., and S. B. Chase. Compilation of data on nut weight and kernel percentage of black walnut selections. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 38: 166-174. 1941.

4. Kline, L. V. A method of evaluating the nuts of black walnut varieties. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41: 136-144. 1942.

4. Kline, L. V. A method for evaluating the nuts of black walnut varieties. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41: 136-144. 1942.

5. Lounsberry, C. C. Measurements of walnuts of United States. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 31: 162-167. 1940.

5. Lounsberry, C. C. Measurements of walnuts in the United States. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 31: 162-167. 1940.

6. Drake, N. F. Judging black walnuts. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 22: 130-137. 1931.

6. Drake, N. F. Evaluating black walnuts. No. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 22: 130-137. 1931.

7. Drake, N. F. Black walnut varieties. No. Nut Growers' Assn. Proc. 26: 66-71. 1935. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 30: 81-83. 1939.[Pg 83]

7. Drake, N. F. Black walnut varieties. No. Nut Growers' Assn. Proc. 26: 66-71. 1935. Nut Growers Assn. Proc. 30: 81-83. 1939.[Pg 83]

Shelling Black Walnuts

By G. J. Korn, Berrien Springs, Michigan

The methods used in the shelling of black walnuts by one of the commercial growers in southeastern Pennsylvania may be of interest to some of our NNGA members. For the last three seasons I have helped this grower with the harvesting and shelling of his crop. The Thomas variety predominated in his 40-acre nut orchard. This variety is truly a very outstanding nut when properly grown. The Thomas is large, cracks well, its kernels may be readily removed in large pieces, mostly quarters, and they are of excellent flavor and color.

The techniques used to shell black walnuts by one of the commercial growers in southeastern Pennsylvania might interest some of our NNGA members. For the past three seasons, I've assisted this grower with harvesting and shelling his crop. The Thomas variety is the main type found in his 40-acre nut orchard. This variety is an exceptional nut when grown correctly. The Thomas is large, shells easily, its kernels can be taken out in large pieces, mostly quarters, and they have excellent flavor and color.

Care in selecting the orchard site, soils, methods of cultivation, fertilizing and spraying appear to be of prime importance in the production of high quality nuts. The matters I shall speak of in this article, however, will have to do mostly with the harvesting, husking, curing and cracking of the walnuts and picking their kernels.

Care in choosing the orchard location, soil types, cultivation methods, fertilization, and spraying seems to be crucial in producing high-quality nuts. However, the topics I'll focus on in this article will mainly involve harvesting, husking, curing, cracking the walnuts, and picking their kernels.

When the walnut husks may be easily dented with the thumb they are ready to gather. This is usually about October 5 in that locality. The harvesting is begun immediately, as the kernels will become somewhat damaged as to flavor and color if the husks are allowed to darken and decompose. When the nuts have ripened they do not remain in prime condition for harvesting for more than about 10 to 15 days. By this time the husks will have begun to decompose and darken the kernels. Just as soon as the nuts are ripe they are shaken from the trees. The nuts are gathered into bushel baskets and hauled in a pick-up truck to the husker. One of the old cannon type corn shellers, once quite common in Pennsylvania, is used to husk the nuts. A farm tractor furnishes the power to run the husker. The nuts are run through the husker a couple of times to assure a clean job of husking. The cleanly husked nuts drop into a basket at the end of the husker. Only 3 minutes or slightly more time is required to turn out a bushel of husked nuts. The freshly husked nuts are washed in a large copper kettle of water by vigorously stirring them a few minutes with a common garden hoe. About 1½ bushels of nuts are washed in each batch. All nuts that float lightly on the water are skimmed off and discarded. The nuts are then spread out about 2 or 3 nuts deep on trays to dry. The frames of the trays are made of 1x3 inch lumber and are 1½ feet wide and 3½ feet long; ¾ inch mesh galvanized chicken wire netting forms the bottoms of the trays. Walnuts dried indoors in the shade produce lighter colored and finer flavored kernels than do those dried outdoors in the sun and rain. When nuts are being dried indoors, care should be taken to see that they have a good circulation of air or the nuts may start molding in the early stages of their curing. Although the outside of the walnut shells may dry off quite rapidly, it takes considerable more time for the inside of the nut to cure properly for storing. The nuts should be left on the trays for a few weeks to insure thorough curing.

When the walnut husks can be easily dented with a thumb, they're ready to be picked. This usually happens around October 5 in that area. The harvesting starts right away, since the kernels will lose some flavor and color if the husks are left to darken and break down. Once the nuts have ripened, they only stay in good condition for about 10 to 15 days. By then, the husks will have started to decompose and darken the kernels. As soon as the nuts are ripe, they are shaken off the trees. The nuts are collected into bushel baskets and taken in a pickup truck to the husker. An old cannon-type corn sheller, which used to be common in Pennsylvania, is used to husk the nuts. A farm tractor provides the power to run the husker. The nuts are run through the husker a couple of times to ensure a thorough job. The cleanly husked nuts drop into a basket at the end of the husker. It takes just about 3 minutes, or a little more, to process a bushel of husked nuts. The freshly husked nuts are washed in a large copper kettle of water by stirring them vigorously for a few minutes with a common garden hoe. About 1½ bushels of nuts are washed in each batch. Any nuts that float on the surface are skimmed off and discarded. The nuts are then spread out about 2 or 3 nuts deep on trays to dry. The tray frames are made of 1x3 inch lumber and are 1½ feet wide and 3½ feet long; the bottom of the trays is made of ¾ inch mesh galvanized chicken wire. Walnuts dried indoors in the shade have lighter colored and better-flavored kernels compared to those dried outdoors in the sun and rain. When drying nuts indoors, it's important to ensure they have good air circulation, or they might start molding in the early stages of curing. Although the outside of the walnut shells may dry off quickly, it takes much longer for the inside of the nut to cure properly for storage. The nuts should be left on the trays for a few weeks to ensure thorough curing.

The cracking of the nuts is done with one of the small mechanical crackers that is to be found on the market. The more care exercised in the cracking at the nuts, the less work and time will be required in separating the kernels. After cracking the nuts they are sifted through a series of screens. This helps very materially in preparing them for rap[Pg 85][Pg 84]idly picking their kernels. It is quite important that this operation be done properly if the kernel picking is to be made simple and rapid. The cracked nuts are first sifted through a screen made of 1-inch mesh chicken wire netting. Next the nuts are sifted through a screen made of ½-inch mesh hardware cloth. All material which will not pass through this screen should be kept separate. Some of these pieces will require recracking and kernel picking with the fingers. The material which has passed through the ½-inch mesh screen is now sifted on a hardware cloth screen with 5 meshes to the inch. Only the very fine material will pass through this screen which is not suitable for further kernel recovery. The material which remains on the ½-inch mesh screen is now placed on the table especially made for kernel picking. This table is shown in the accompanying sketch. The table is of suitable size to allow two people to use it at the same time. The operators sit on stools about 20 inches in height, and work from the low side of the table. A small amount of the material is brought forward and spread out very thinly before the operator. A piece of ½-inch softwood dowel about 5 inches long with 4 No. 9 sewing needles imbedded in one end is used to pick up the kernels. The needles are placed in the form of a square and should be only about 3/32 of an inch apart to do the best work. The picks should not be used to pry kernels from the shell, as the needles would soon become bent and worthless. The picks are meant to be used only to pick up the kernels from among the shells. As soon as the operator has removed all the kernels from the small amount of material he has brought forward from the rear of the table, he shoves the shells into the hole at the edge of the table and they drop into a receptacle. The pick is used with the right hand, and the kernels are removed from the pick with and into the left hand. As soon as a convenient handful of kernels has been obtained, they are dropped into a small pan which sets on the table near the operator's left hand. The rapidity with which kernels may be picked by using these methods is surprising. It is sometimes necessary to moisten the nuts and hold them in this condition for 2 or 3 days before cracking them, to keep the kernels from shattering unduly. After the kernels are picked out they are dried very thoroughly. Trays whose bottoms are lined with screening somewhat finer in mesh than that used for windows, are used to dry the kernels. Care should be taken to not overheat the kernels, or their flavor and color will be impaired. Good clean lard or similar cans with tight fitting covers are used for storing the kernels. The kernels are stored in a cool dry place. Any kernels which are to be kept over the summer months, are placed in cold storage.

The nuts are cracked using a small mechanical cracker that's available on the market. The more care you take when cracking the nuts, the easier and quicker it will be to separate the kernels. After cracking the nuts, they are sifted through a series of screens, which greatly assists in preparing them for quickly picking their kernels. It's very important that this step is done correctly to make the kernel picking simple and fast. The cracked nuts are first sifted through a screen made of 1-inch mesh chicken wire. Then, the nuts are sifted through a screen made of ½-inch mesh hardware cloth. Any pieces that don’t go through this screen should be kept separate, as some will need to be cracked again and picked out by hand. The material that passes through the ½-inch mesh screen is then sifted on a hardware cloth screen with 5 meshes per inch. Only the very fine material, which isn't suitable for further kernel recovery, will go through this screen. The remaining material on the ½-inch mesh screen is placed on a table specifically designed for kernel picking, as shown in the accompanying sketch. The table is large enough for two people to work at it simultaneously. The workers sit on stools about 20 inches high and work from the lower side of the table. A small amount of material is spread out thinly in front of each operator. A piece of ½-inch softwood dowel, about 5 inches long with 4 No. 9 sewing needles stuck in one end, is used to pick up the kernels. The needles are arranged in a square, about 3/32 of an inch apart for optimal use. The picks shouldn't be used to pry kernels from their shells, as the needles would quickly bend and become useless. They are meant only for picking up the kernels from among the shells. Once the operator has removed all the kernels from the small amount of material they brought forward from the back of the table, they push the shells into a hole at the edge of the table, dropping them into a receptacle. The pick is used with the right hand while the kernels are removed from it and into the left hand. When a convenient handful of kernels has been collected, they are dropped into a small pan placed on the table near the operator's left hand. The speed at which kernels can be picked using these methods is quite impressive. Sometimes, it’s necessary to moisten the nuts and keep them in this state for 2 or 3 days before cracking them to prevent the kernels from breaking too much. After the kernels are picked, they need to be dried thoroughly. Trays with bottoms lined with screening that is finer than what’s used for windows are employed to dry the kernels. It’s important not to overheat the kernels, or their flavor and color will be affected. Clean lard or similar cans with tight-fitting lids are used to store the kernels, which should be kept in a cool, dry place. Any kernels meant to be stored over the summer should be kept in cold storage.

Better Butternuts, Please

S.H. Graham, Ithaca, N. Y.

"As to palatability, there are many persons who would be disposed to place the butternut at the very head of edible nuts." This is the opinion of Luther Burbank in Vol. XI, page 32, of "Luther Burbank, His Methods and Discoveries."

"As for taste, many people would be inclined to rank the butternut as the top choice among edible nuts." This is the opinion of Luther Burbank in Vol. XI, page 32, of "Luther Burbank, His Methods and Discoveries."

The butternut tree is noteworthy as being at home in a greater variety of soils than the blackwalnut as well as being hardier than the[Pg 86] black walnut or the hickory. It ripens so early that the nuts always have plenty of time to mature while the richly flavored kernels are rarely shrunken and never astringent. Despite these good qualities, a search through the publications of the Northern Nut Growers' Association for the past thirty years proves that comparatively little interest has been manifested in it. It would seem quite in order to inquire into the reasons for this neglect. Five of them come to mind: 1. Too early blooming. 2. Difficulty of propagation. 3. Curculios. 4. Melanconis disease. 5. Lack of sufficiently good varieties.

The butternut tree is notable for thriving in a wider range of soils than the black walnut and being more resilient than the[Pg 86] black walnut or hickory. It produces nuts so early that they have ample time to mature, and the tasty kernels are rarely shriveled and never bitter. Despite these positive traits, a review of publications from the Northern Nut Growers' Association over the past thirty years shows that there has been relatively little interest in it. It seems reasonable to question the reasons for this oversight. Five reasons come to mind: 1. Too early blooming. 2. Difficulty of propagation. 3. Curculios. 4. Melanconis disease. 5. Lack of sufficiently good varieties.

The butternut too often blooms so early that its blossoms are caught by frost. The filbert has the same fault and so, to a less extent, has the Persian walnut. Late blooming varieties of each have already been selected. It does not seem too much to hope that late blooming varieties of butternut may also be found. I know of one butternut that has had good crops every year but one for the last ten years but have never visited it at the right time to observe its blooming habit. President Weschcke reports that butternuts on black walnut stocks have their blooming retarded for a few days.

The butternut often flowers too early, leading to its blossoms being damaged by frost. The filbert has the same issue, and to a lesser extent, so does the Persian walnut. Late-blooming varieties of each have already been bred. It seems reasonable to hope that late-blooming butternut varieties can also be discovered. I know of one butternut that has produced good crops every year except one in the last ten years, but I've never been there at the right time to see when it blooms. President Weschcke mentions that butternuts planted on black walnut rootstocks have their blooming delayed by a few days.

Many experienced nut tree propagators have little success in grafting the butternut. But Mr. Harry Burgart of Michigan, has found that nursery trees may be successfully grafted if the operation is performed at a point three or four feet from the ground, while the late Dr. G. A. Zimmerman of Pennsylvania, found that very early grafting gave him the best results. He reported that his best catch was from grafts set March tenth. Some moderately successful propagators do not pay careful attention to outside temperatures when they cut their scions. In contrast to this let us see what Mr. J. F. Jones thought about it. He was undoubtedly the most successful nut tree propagator in the East and he was always as generous in sharing his hard earned knowledge as he was skillful in its application in his own commercial nursery. Note this from his paper in the 1920 annual report. "In the case of trees that bleed freely when cut, we must guard against taking scions after hard freezing weather and before the tree has fully recuperated. This semi-sappy conditions following low temperatures that freeze the wood seems to be a provision of nature to restore the sap lost by evaporation. We always try to avoid taking scions of any kind soon after hard freezing weather. I have found scions of English and Japanese walnuts, cut from trees in this condition, to be practically worthless for propagation, although they may have been cut in late winter long before the sap gets up in the tree naturally." This warning would undoubtedly apply to the butternut as it bleeds freely when cut. Another pitfall for the inexperienced propagator lies in storing scions in packing material that is too moist. Sphagnum is commonly used. It should be no more than slightly moist to the touch.

Many experienced nut tree propagators have little success with grafting butternuts. However, Mr. Harry Burgart from Michigan has found that nursery trees can be successfully grafted if the process is done three or four feet above the ground. On the other hand, the late Dr. G. A. Zimmerman from Pennsylvania discovered that very early grafting yielded the best results, noting that his highest success rate came from grafts made on March 10th. Some moderately successful propagators do not pay close attention to outside temperatures when they cut their scions. In contrast, Mr. J. F. Jones, who was undoubtedly the most successful nut tree propagator in the East, was always generous in sharing his hard-earned knowledge and skilled in applying it in his own commercial nursery. Note this excerpt from his paper in the 1920 annual report: "For trees that bleed freely when cut, we need to be careful not to take scions after hard freezing weather and before the tree has fully recovered. This semi-sappy condition that follows low temperatures which freeze the wood seems to be nature's way of restoring the sap lost through evaporation. We always try to avoid taking scions soon after hard freezing weather. I've found that scions from English and Japanese walnuts, cut from trees in this state, are practically worthless for propagation, even if they were cut in late winter long before the sap starts moving in the tree naturally." This warning likely applies to the butternut as it bleeds freely when cut. Another mistake that inexperienced propagators make is storing scions in packing material that is too wet. Sphagnum is often used, but it should only be slightly moist to the touch.

If left to run wild, the butternut curculios are a serious menace to the butternut, the Japanese walnut and the Persian walnut. Their life history as described at length in U.S.D.A. bulletin 1066, is briefly as follows: The beetles (called elephant bugs by some because the side view resembles the elephant) spend the winter in the ground. As soon as new growth appears on the host tree they begin feeding on the tender leaves and stems. Soon they begin laying their eggs in crescent shaped punctures which they cut in the new shoots and nutlets. The larvae hatch in a few days and tunnel through the pith of the shoots seriously injuring[Pg 87] and stunting their growth while the infested nuts soon fall from the tree. The eggs may be laid from late May to early August. They hatch in a few days. The larvae complete their growth in four or five weeks when they enter the ground to pupate. In about a month they emerge as adult beetles and begin feeding on leaves and leaf stems as their parents did in the spring, but they will do no egg laying until the following spring. Poison spray applied in early spring and again in late August and September should so reduce their numbers that they will not become a serious pest. Our State Experiment Station suggests the use of a cryolite spray as it is more effective against curculios than arsenical sprays and less likely to injure tender walnut foliage. The Mitchell hybrid, (butternut x heartnut) with us, appears to have natural immunity to the curculio. This brings to mind a secondary but very important reason for finding better butternuts,—namely that they may be used as a starting point for the super variety that someone should give the world from his long rows of crosses between the best butternuts and the best heartnuts.

If left unchecked, butternut curculios can be a serious threat to butternut, Japanese walnut, and Persian walnut trees. Their lifecycle, detailed in U.S.D.A. Bulletin 1066, is summarized as follows: The beetles (sometimes called elephant bugs because their side view looks like an elephant) spend the winter underground. As soon as new growth appears on the host tree, they start feeding on the tender leaves and stems. Soon after, they lay their eggs in crescent-shaped punctures they create in the new shoots and nutlets. The larvae hatch within a few days and tunnel through the pith of the shoots, causing significant damage and stunting growth, while the affected nuts often fall from the tree. Eggs can be laid from late May to early August, hatching just a few days later. The larvae grow for about four to five weeks before entering the ground to pupate. After about a month, they emerge as adult beetles and start feeding on leaves and leaf stems like their parents did in the spring, but they won't lay eggs until the following spring. Applying poison spray in early spring and again in late August and September should significantly reduce their numbers, preventing them from becoming a serious pest. Our State Experiment Station recommends using cryolite spray, as it is more effective against curculios than arsenical sprays and less likely to harm young walnut foliage. The Mitchell hybrid (a butternut x heartnut cross) seems to have a natural immunity to the curculio. This highlights a secondary but crucial reason to find better butternuts — they could serve as a foundation for a super variety that someone should create from extensive crosses between the best butternuts and the best heartnuts.

The nut growers of this country are indebted to Dr. Arthur H. Graves of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for a complete study of the Melanconis disease of the butternut. This study was begun in New York City but has since been widely extended. He thinks that the disease is probably present throughout the entire range of the butternut and is usually responsible for the dead limbs that are so often seen in butternut trees. The Japanese walnut is also susceptible. The disease usually enters the tree through twigs that have been injured in some way. His conclusions, after thorough scientific laboratory and field work covering a period of over twenty years, is that it is caused by a weak parasitic fungus attacking rapidly only when the host tree is in a weakened condition; that it may lie practically dormant in vigorous trees and that it may be successfully combatted by fertilizing, mulching, providing necessary water in time of drought and avoidance of any condition that might weaken the tree. All dead twigs and all twigs showing fruiting bodies of the fungus should be pruned off some distance below the apparent infection as soon as discovered and the pruning wounds painted. Dr. Graves thinks it possible that butternuts grafted on black walnut stocks may have their vigor increased sufficiently to help in warding off the disease. Mr. Weschcke says that, although the Melanconis disease is prevalent in his locality, there has never been the slightest indication of it on the butternut trees which he has growing on black walnut stocks. If kept free of disease the butternut may reach great size. Dr. Robert T. Morris has stated that when he was a boy there were magnificent butternut trees over the greater part of Connecticut.

The nut growers in this country owe a lot to Dr. Arthur H. Graves from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for his comprehensive study of the Melanconis disease affecting butternut trees. This research started in New York City but has since expanded significantly. He believes the disease likely exists throughout the entire range of the butternut and is often what causes the dead branches commonly seen in butternut trees. The Japanese walnut is also vulnerable. The disease typically enters the tree through twigs that have been damaged in some way. After more than twenty years of extensive scientific laboratory and field research, he concludes that the disease is caused by a weak parasitic fungus that attacks primarily when the host tree is in a weakened state; it can remain almost dormant in healthy trees and can be effectively managed through fertilizing, mulching, ensuring adequate water during droughts, and avoiding any conditions that might weaken the tree. All dead twigs and twigs showing signs of the fungus should be pruned off well below the signs of infection as soon as they are detected, and the pruning wounds should be sealed. Dr. Graves also thinks it’s possible that butternuts grafted onto black walnut stocks might gain enough vigor to help resist the disease. Mr. Weschcke notes that, even though the Melanconis disease is common in his area, he has never seen any signs of it on the butternut trees he has growing on black walnut stocks. If kept disease-free, the butternut can grow to a significant size. Dr. Robert T. Morris mentioned that when he was a boy, there were magnificent butternut trees spread across much of Connecticut.

There still remains the stumbling block of lack of really outstanding varieties bearing nuts of good size, large percentage of kernel and perfect shelling quality with heavy and regular bearing. This is a large order to fill but it is a fair guess that somewhere there are wild trees better than any thus far brought to light. Trying to locate them should be an exciting assignment for a nut tree enthusiast. Do not think lightly of a butternut tree just because it looks small and unthrifty. It may be that the fault lies in an unfavorable location. Only an appraisal of the nut will establish its value.

There’s still the challenge of finding truly exceptional varieties that produce nuts of good size, a high kernel percentage, and excellent shelling quality, while also bearing heavily and regularly. This is a big task to tackle, but it’s likely that somewhere out there are wild trees that are better than any we've discovered so far. Finding them should be an exciting challenge for a nut tree enthusiast. Don’t underestimate a butternut tree just because it seems small and unkempt. The issue might be an unsuitable location. Only evaluating the nut will reveal its true value.

The butternut is fairly abundant throughout its range which extends well up into Canada. In central New York there are uncounted thousands[Pg 88] of butternut trees along fence rows, in the large and small valleys and along little streams. One person with limited time can hardly hope to examine more than a small proportion of them during the period when the nuts are ripe. The scout for better nuts should lose no opportunity to tell his errand to the people that he meets. I have found the average stranger interested and cooperative. He may direct you to a superior tree that you would never otherwise find. For this work one must be able, like the successful inventor, to hold his enthusiasm after many disappointments. If the coveted variety is not found, one at least has been out in the woods and fields during a wonderful time of year.

The butternut tree is pretty common across its range, which goes all the way up into Canada. In central New York, there are countless butternut trees along fences, in both large and small valleys, and near little streams. It's tough for someone with limited time to check out more than a small portion of them when the nuts are ripe. If you're on the lookout for better nuts, you should definitely share what you’re looking for with everyone you meet. I've found that most strangers are interested and willing to help. They might point you to a great tree you’d never find on your own. For this search, you need to be able, like a successful inventor, to keep your enthusiasm even after facing many setbacks. Even if you don’t find the specific type you want, at least you get to enjoy being out in the woods and fields during such a beautiful time of year.

The Use of Fertilizer in a Walnut Orchard

By L.K. Hostetter, Pennsylvania

Sometime in the fall of 1941 Professor Fagan of Pennsylvania State College, and Mr. Graham of Cornell University, called on me and proposed to make some fertilizer tests in my walnut orchard. The following spring Professor Fagan sent me 16 bags of fertilizer, one bag for each tree.

Sometime in the fall of 1941, Professor Fagan from Pennsylvania State College and Mr. Graham from Cornell University visited me and suggested conducting some fertilizer tests in my walnut orchard. The next spring, Professor Fagan sent me 16 bags of fertilizer, one for each tree.

These tests were divided into three parts and each part had one tree that received nitrogen, superphosphate and potash, one that received nitrogen and superphosphate, one nitrogen and potash, one superphosphate only and one potash only and a sixth tree that received no fertilizer.

These tests were split into three sections, and each section had one tree that received nitrogen, superphosphate, and potash; one that got nitrogen and superphosphate; one that received nitrogen and potash; one with only superphosphate; one with only potash; and a sixth tree that got no fertilizer at all.

In the first group all the trees received a liberal amount of mulch. In the second group they received no mulch but the same fertilizer as the first group and in the third group they received the same fertilizer, no mulch but raw lime was added to the fertilizer. One tree received lime only.

In the first group, all the trees got a generous amount of mulch. In the second group, they got no mulch but the same fertilizer as the first group, and in the third group, they received the same fertilizer, no mulch, but raw lime was added to the fertilizer. One tree got only lime.

There was a heavy sod in the part of the field where these tests were to be made. This sod was torn up with a springtooth harrow (weed hog) about March 15th and the fertilizer was applied on May 6th.

There was thick grass in the section of the field where these tests were to be done. This grass was ripped up with a spring-tooth harrow (weed hog) around March 15th, and the fertilizer was applied on May 6th.

That year was a very poor one in which to make these tests, for during all of July and August we had continuous rainy and cloudy weather and by the first of September all of the leaves had turned yellow and dropped.

That year was a really bad one for doing these tests because we had constant rain and cloudy weather all through July and August, and by the start of September, all the leaves had turned yellow and fallen off.

Most of the trees had a big crop of walnuts which were gathered about October 10th, the nuts from each tree being kept separate. After they were cracked the kernels were weighed and graded and believe it or not, the tree that received lime only had the best grade of kernels, and second best were one that received lime and potash and another lime, nitrogen and potash. The tree that received mulch and potash also had a very good grade of kernels.

Most of the trees had a large harvest of walnuts that were collected around October 10th, with the nuts from each tree kept separate. After they were cracked open, the kernels were weighed and graded. Believe it or not, the tree that only received lime produced the highest grade of kernels, followed by one that received lime and potash, and another that got lime, nitrogen, and potash. The tree that received mulch and potash also had a very good grade of kernels.

In 1943 the same tests were repeated. This was again a poor year for we had very little rain during all of August and September just when the trees needed it most. The tree that received nothing had the best quality of kernels and again all the trees that received potash had good kernels.

In 1943, the same tests were repeated. It was once again a bad year since we had very little rain throughout August and September, right when the trees needed it the most. The tree that got no water had the best quality of nuts, and once again, all the trees that received potash produced good nuts.

In 1941 I grew two acres of tobacco and the following spring the stalks were cut in one-inch pieces and put on about twenty-five trees. The first year I could not see that it did any good but this past summer all the kernels from these trees were just perfect. It surely is a pleasure to crack walnuts when at least 98% of the kernels are perfect.[Pg 89]

In 1941, I planted two acres of tobacco, and the next spring, the stalks were cut into one-inch pieces and placed on around twenty-five trees. In the first year, I couldn’t tell if it made a difference, but this past summer, all the kernels from those trees were just perfect. It’s really satisfying to crack walnuts when at least 98% of the kernels are perfect.[Pg 89]

Lime and Fertilizers for Our Black Walnut Trees

By Seward Berhow, Iowa

In 1941-1942-1943 black walnut crops from trees growing in timberland in competition with other trees were nearly a total failure. The nuts were fair in number but not filled, the kernels badly shriveled, tough, lacking greatly in flavor and discolored. Some of these black walnut trees have been bearing for 50 years. Are they through, due to having used up all the soil fertility?

In 1941-1942-1943, black walnut crops from trees in timberland, competing with other trees, nearly completely failed. The nuts were somewhat abundant but not well-formed, the kernels were badly shriveled, tough, lacking in flavor, and discolored. Some of these black walnut trees have been producing for 50 years. Are they finished because they’ve exhausted all the soil's fertility?

Wild or native black walnut trees, growing on good soil and not crowded have done better. It looks to me as if it is time our experiment stations, particularly those having black walnut trees on or near their grounds should start studying the cultural requirements of nut trees in the way of lime and fertilizer for better nuts. I have experimented by applying lime and fertilizer to a few bearing trees with very good results. But we need to know the proper amounts to be used for all sizes of trees from the transplants to the bearing trees of different sizes. Such investigations can best be conducted by our experiment stations.

Wild or native black walnut trees, growing in good soil and not overcrowded, have thrived better. It seems to me that it's time for our research stations, especially those with black walnut trees on or near their grounds, to start examining the growing needs of nut trees concerning lime and fertilizer for improved nut production. I've tested applying lime and fertilizer to a few bearing trees with very positive results. However, we need to determine the right amounts to use for all sizes of trees, from young transplants to larger, bearing trees. Such investigations are best carried out by our research stations.

There is a very substantial increased demand for grafted nut trees each year. This is evidence that we should make a study of our nut tree culture and care.

There is a significant increase in demand for grafted nut trees every year. This shows that we should study our nut tree cultivation and care.

The Propagation of Black Walnuts Through Budding

By Sterling Smith, Ohio

The propagation of black walnuts by budding has proven a highly successful experience. By following this method over a period of several years, under normal weather conditions, the results have been fairly uniform.

The process of growing black walnuts through budding has been a very successful experience. By using this method consistently over several years, and under typical weather conditions, the outcomes have been quite consistent.

Stocks, upon which to bud, may either be secured from private nurseries, state forestry departments, or by planting the seed of vigorous native nut trees. If one desires to produce his own stock, the nut seeds should be planted soon after they are gathered. A garden nursery row makes a desirable place for small plantings. If a large scale increase is contemplated it is best to plant the seeds where the trees may be left to grow to maturity. Plant two or three seeds a few inches apart (within a hill) and space these hills as the land available will warrant, anywhere from twenty-five to fifty feet apart. Should all the nuts sprout there will be a three-to-one chance for a healthy tree, and if more than one good tree is produced in each hill the excess stock may be transplanted. After the stock has grown for one year it should be cut back to within four inches from the ground. Such stock makes good material for experimental grafting. By pruning the stock in the spring it forces new growth upon which to place buds later in the season. In the budding process the Jones patch budder has been very successfully used.

Stocks, which are needed for budding, can be obtained from private nurseries, state forestry departments, or by planting seeds from strong native nut trees. If you want to grow your own stock, plant the nut seeds soon after collecting them. A garden nursery row is a good spot for small plantings. If you plan to increase your stock on a larger scale, it's best to plant the seeds where the trees can grow to maturity. Plant two or three seeds a few inches apart in a cluster and space these clusters anywhere from twenty-five to fifty feet apart, depending on the available land. If all the nuts sprout, there's a good three-to-one chance for a healthy tree, and any extra healthy trees from each cluster can be transplanted. After the stock has been growing for one year, cut it back to about four inches from the ground. This stock is great for experimental grafting. Pruning the stock in spring encourages new growth for budding later in the season. The Jones patch budder has been very effective in the budding process.

Along the southern shore of Lake Erie the first week in July is a favorable time to begin this procedure. Due to the fact that the northeast side of the tree is the coolest and shadiest the greater part of the day,[Pg 90] there the buds should be set. With the budding tool cut through the bark of the stock, several inches above the start of the new growth. Do not remove the bark. This produces a gathering of callus-forming material at this point and aids in the healing in of the bud which is to be later placed there. My experience shows successful results in many instances where I had failed to make this previous cut.

Along the southern shore of Lake Erie, the first week in July is a good time to start this process. Since the northeast side of the tree is the coolest and shadiest for most of the day,[Pg 90], that's where the buds should be placed. Using the budding tool, make a cut through the bark of the stock a few inches above the beginning of the new growth. Don’t remove the bark. This will create a buildup of callus-forming material at this spot and will help the bud heal once it’s placed there later. In my experience, I’ve seen successful results in many cases where I hadn’t made this cut beforehand.

Bud wood should be new and vigorous growth, the first five or six buds nearest the spot from which the growth started being the best. When the bud wood is available cut off the first four or five leaf stalks close to the buds. By the time the buds are ready for use the remainder of the leaf stalk will have ripened or dried and fallen off, and the bark underneath hardened off. If this is not the case the bark is apt to rot at this point, which is directly beneath the bud itself. Bud wood, procured from any source, should be trimmed with the stub of the leaf stalk cut as closely as possible to the bark. If the budding is not done immediately those cuttings may be wrapped and stored in a cool place (about 40° F.) for several days before using. In a hot, dry season the actual budding should be started soon after the middle of July. Due to the excessive amount of rainfall during 1943, buds which were set on July 24th yielded poor results, while those applied later in the summer, about August 12th, healed in one hundred per cent.

Bud wood should be new and vigorous growth, with the first five or six buds closest to the point where the growth started being the best. When the bud wood is available, cut off the first four or five leaf stems close to the buds. By the time the buds are ready to use, the rest of the leaf stem will have ripened or dried and fallen off, and the bark underneath will have hardened. If this doesn’t happen, the bark is likely to rot at this point, which is right below the bud itself. Bud wood, sourced from anywhere, should be trimmed so that the stub of the leaf stem is cut as close as possible to the bark. If budding isn't done immediately, those cuttings can be wrapped and stored in a cool place (about 40° F.) for a few days before use. In a hot, dry season, budding should start soon after mid-July. Because of the heavy rainfall in 1943, buds that were set on July 24th had poor results, while those applied later in the summer, around August 12th, healed at a hundred percent.

Procedure: Cut the patch bud from the bud stick with the bud in the center of the patch. Place this patch bud between the lips, as this is a clean and convenient place to hold it. Next, cut the patch, which has been previously marked out, and quickly place the new patch in the opening, tying in place. As many as three or four buds may be similarly set before they are coated with wax. Parapin wax (a paraffin and pine gum mixture) is an excellent substance for coating the buds, due to its rubber-like, non-cracking qualities. A convenient homemade contrivance for melting the wax may be made by soldering a small can into the top of a railroad lantern. Rubber bands of good quality have been made especially for budding by several large rubber companies. These are ideal for tying the buds in place and may be reused several seasons. Treekote, an asphalt emulsion, has proven a successful substance for coating the new work. After the buds have set for two weeks remove the rubber bands and examine. Where buds have failed to heal in properly, and room remains on the stock, new buds may be applied just below the scar.

Procedure: Cut the patch bud from the bud stick, ensuring the bud is in the center of the patch. Hold this patch bud between your lips, as it's a clean and handy way to keep it. Next, cut out the previously marked patch and quickly place the new patch in the opening, securing it in place. You can set as many as three or four buds in this way before coating them with wax. Parafin wax (a mixture of paraffin and pine gum) is a great choice for coating the buds because it has rubber-like, non-cracking properties. You can easily make a homemade tool for melting the wax by soldering a small can to the top of a railroad lantern. Good quality rubber bands specifically made for budding are available from several large rubber companies. These are perfect for tying the buds in position and can be reused for several seasons. Treekote, an asphalt emulsion, has proven to be an effective coating for the new work. After the buds have set for two weeks, remove the rubber bands and check them. If any buds haven't healed properly and there's still space on the stock, you can apply new buds just below the scar.

When the trees show signs of growth, the following spring, cut them back to the top of the bud patch, cover the cut with Treekote and prevent all growth on the original stock from developing. The placed buds are frequently slower in starting than the natural buds. A stake driven beside the young stock makes a convenient support for the rapid new growth, which should be tied to prevent breaking by strong winds.

When the trees begin to

Trees started in the nursery may be transplanted to permanent locations the following spring, inasmuch as the spring of the year has proven a more satisfactory time for transplanting than the fall. To attain success in transplanting the newly dug tree, roots should be exposed as little as possible to the air. Prepare the holes before digging the trees, moving one tree at a time for best results. Move as much of the root stock as possible, usually about 18 to 24 inches. Trim roots with a sharp knife, making a clean cut facing downward. Remove at least half of the top[Pg 91] growth of the tree and plant at once, tamping the loose dirt firmly about the roots. Water generously and slowly around the loose soil to aid in washing the dirt thoroughly around the newly disturbed roots. With severe pruning, trees may be transplanted after new growth has started. During periods of drought the soil around the trees should be thoroughly soaked from time to time.

Trees started in a nursery can be moved to permanent spots the following spring, since spring has proven to be a better time for transplanting than fall. To successfully transplant a newly dug tree, minimize the exposure of roots to air. Prepare the holes before digging up the trees, moving one tree at a time for the best results. Try to take as much of the root system as possible, usually about 18 to 24 inches. Trim the roots with a sharp knife, making a clean cut that faces downward. Remove at least half of the tree's top growth and plant it right away, pressing the loose soil firmly around the roots. Water generously and slowly around the loose dirt to help wash the soil thoroughly around the newly disturbed roots. With significant pruning, trees can be transplanted after new growth has started. During dry spells, the soil around the trees should be soaked thoroughly from time to time.

In conclusion, it may be said that due to varying conditions of soil, climate and locality, for best results the proper time to bud may be either earlier or later in localities other than northern Ohio. Various factors may alter the procedure in those localities due to the individual operator's experimentation, from which he has devised methods giving him the best results.

In conclusion, it's clear that because of different soil, climate, and location conditions, the best time to bud might be either earlier or later in areas outside of northern Ohio. Various factors can change the process in those places depending on the individual operator's experimentation, which has led them to develop methods that yield the best results.

Note: The trade-name items mentioned in this article may be obtained from any reliable nursery supply house.

Note: The brand-name items mentioned in this article can be found at any trustworthy nursery supply store.

Northern Nut Growing

By Joseph Gerardi, Illinois

Judging from the demand for nut trees the public is fast becoming aware of the possibilities of growing its own nuts. Heretofore nut growing has been confined to two favorable sections of the United States, the west coast and the southern pecan groves. But, now we can safely plant the pecan as far north as Springfield, Illinois, and from all indications some trees found in Cass County will extend the northern limit another one hundred miles.

Judging by the demand for nut trees, people are quickly realizing the benefits of growing their own nuts. Until now, nut growing has mostly been limited to two areas in the United States: the west coast and the southern pecan groves. However, we can now confidently plant pecans as far north as Springfield, Illinois, and signs suggest that some trees in Cass County could push the northern limit another hundred miles.

The pecan is the favorite nut of nearly everyone, in fact it is preferred to any other nut for its pleasing flavor and easy cracking. Wild nuts used to be gathered from native trees without consulting the owner, but since they are selling at good prices the owners of trees gather them themselves. Fortunately, through efforts of far-seeing individuals some very good pecans have been found that can be grown successfully much farther north than the southern pecan belt. Our nut enthusiast, Dr. A. S. Colby, has drawn the attention of the writer to three promising pecans that he located in Cass County, Illinois. This extends the northern pecan limit much farther north than we formally considered them adaptable.

The pecan is everyone's favorite nut; it’s actually preferred over any other nut because of its great flavor and easy-to-crack shell. In the past, wild nuts were collected from native trees without asking the owner, but now that they’re selling for good prices, tree owners are harvesting them themselves. Fortunately, thanks to some forward-thinking individuals, some really good pecans have been discovered that can be successfully grown much farther north than the southern pecan region. Our nut enthusiast, Dr. A. S. Colby, has brought to the writer’s attention three promising pecan varieties he found in Cass County, Illinois. This pushes the northern limit for pecans much farther than we previously thought they could thrive.

For this locality we can now boast of quite a list of pecans that have been doing well. Of the older introductions Greenriver and Busseron can safely be recommended, and of course, the local finds are all good here, at least the parent trees are doing so well that the public is planting them in preference to the older introductions. West of the Mississippi River Giles, Clarkville and Norton can be recommended.

For this area, we can now proudly list several pecan varieties that are thriving. Among the older varieties, Greenriver and Busseron come highly recommended. Additionally, the locally discovered varieties are all performing well here; in fact, the parent trees are so successful that people are choosing to plant them over the older varieties. West of the Mississippi River, Giles, Clarkville, and Norton are also recommended.

Prospective pecan planters should bear the following remarks in mind. Environment has a decided influence on the behavior of plants and the nut tree is no exception. As they are taken farther north of their original habitat the nuts become smaller and do not fill as well. The black walnut may be considered an exception to this statement. Many local finds and some southern pecans are perfectly hardy as far north as Chicago and Ontario, but can not be expected to ripen any of their nuts. Many southern pecan trees in this locality are wonderful lawn trees but as bearers they are worthless.[Pg 92]

Prospective pecan planters should keep the following points in mind. The environment significantly affects how plants behave, and nut trees are no different. As you move further north from their original habitat, the nuts tend to be smaller and don't fill out as well. The black walnut might be an exception to this rule. Many local varieties and some southern pecans are perfectly hardy as far north as Chicago and Ontario, but they won't produce any nuts. Many southern pecan trees in this area make great lawn trees, but they are basically useless for bearing nuts.[Pg 92]

The Black Walnut

The list of black walnuts is altogether too long. Of the numerous introductions only a few are retaining their popularity. In this section I would still plant Stambaugh for its cracking and bearing qualities and its thin shell, but its flavor does not equal that of Thomas and Mintle. The Mintle is smaller but a much better cracker than Thomas. It is also a young and heavy bearer, grows fast and straight as a candle and grafts easily. The Elmer Myers will become the most popular black walnut in sections where it does well, provided its thin shell will withstand machinery hulling without injury to the nuts. We have not fruited the Myers as yet. The black walnut is fast rivaling the pecan, and for confection surpasses it because it retains its flavor after being cooked or baked.

The list of black walnuts is way too long. Out of all the introductions, only a few are still popular. In this section, I would still plant Stambaugh for its cracking and bearing qualities and its thin shell, but its flavor doesn’t match that of Thomas and Mintle. The Mintle is smaller but a much better cracker than Thomas. It’s also a young, heavy bearer, grows fast and straight like a candle, and grafts easily. The Elmer Myers will become the most popular black walnut in areas where it thrives, as long as its thin shell can handle machine hulling without damaging the nuts. We haven’t fruited the Myers yet. The black walnut is quickly competing with the pecan, and for confections, it outshines it because it keeps its flavor after being cooked or baked.

Persian Walnuts

The Persian walnut in spite of its popularity does not appeal to me. Its flavor can not compare with that of the pecan, hickory, or black walnut. Besides, it is too exacting as to climate and soil. We have tried all the supposedly hardy ones but so far only one will withstand our changeable climate. This one came from a New York nursery and the name was lost. We list it as the Schmidt for the man who owns the tree. This tree is now some twenty years old and bearing well. So far it is remaining healthy as also are the trees grafted from it. Our trouble with all other varieties of this species is that they make a second growth in fall and then succumb to frost. Of all the Broadviews, Shafers, Pekins and Crath seedlings we have grafted in the last ten years not one is now alive in this locality. Something puzzling to me is that two Broadview seedlings we now have growing from seed I obtained from Mr. Corsan of Islington, Ontario, are growing slowly but are still healthy after the '40 and '41 seasons. All the rest of the trees from this same seed succumbed.

The Persian walnut, despite its popularity, doesn’t appeal to me. Its flavor doesn’t compare to that of pecans, hickories, or black walnuts. Plus, it’s very picky about climate and soil. We’ve tried all the supposedly hardy ones, but so far only one can handle our unpredictable climate. This one came from a New York nursery, and the name is lost. We refer to it as the Schmidt, named after the man who owns the tree. This tree is now about twenty years old and producing well. So far, it’s staying healthy, as are the trees grafted from it. Our issue with all the other varieties of this species is that they tend to make a second growth in the fall and then die from the frost. Of all the Broadviews, Shafers, Pekins, and Crath seedlings we’ve grafted in the last ten years, not one is still alive in this area. What puzzles me is that two Broadview seedlings we have growing from seeds I got from Mr. Corsan of Islington, Ontario, are growing slowly but are still healthy after the '40 and '41 seasons. All the other trees from the same seeds have perished.

Filberts, Hazels and Their Hybrids

The Winkler hazel failed to bear the past season the first time in 15 years. All pure filberts we have tried in this locality are a failure. Of the hybrids, Bixby and Buchanan are promising.

The Winkler hazel didn't produce any nuts last season for the first time in 15 years. All the pure filberts we've tried in this area have not worked out. Among the hybrids, Bixby and Buchanan show potential.


The Mollissima chestnut is very promising in southern Illinois. The tree requires protection in this locality as it sun scalds badly if not protected. No doubt many orchards will be planted in the future.

The Mollissima chestnut shows great potential in southern Illinois. The tree needs protection in this area because it develops sun scald if not shielded. There’s no doubt that many orchards will be planted in the future.

Propagating Nut Trees

This is a fascinating subject full of disappointments. We have our ups and downs as does everyone else who attempts it. I get numerous letters telling of their experience and troubles asking for details just how to go about it. What makes it so fascinating is that in certain seasons we have fabulous success and them again in others almost complete failure. Fall of '41 and spring of '42 we averaged 75% catches in budding chestnuts. Fall of '42 and spring of '43 our chestnut budding was just about nil, only 3 or 4% catches, and I am at a loss how to account for this variance.

This is a really interesting topic filled with disappointments. We have our highs and lows just like everyone else who tries it. I receive a lot of letters sharing their experiences and struggles, asking for specifics on how to go about it. What makes it so intriguing is that during certain seasons we have amazing success, while in others there’s almost complete failure. In the fall of '41 and spring of '42, we averaged 75% catches in budding chestnuts. But in the fall of '42 and spring of '43, our chestnut budding was almost non-existent, with only 3 or 4% catches, and I can’t figure out why there’s such a difference.

A budded chestnut tree is much superior to a grafted one as far as the union is concerned. Grafted trees usually do not knit well the first season while at two years the union is good. So we also must learn our chestnut propagation all over again.[Pg 93]

A budded chestnut tree is much better than a grafted one in terms of the union. Grafted trees typically don’t bond well in the first year, but by the second year, the union is solid. So, we also need to relearn how to propagate chestnuts.[Pg 93]

I have a letter before me from Brother Borst asking why his walnut buds took so well and not one of them vegetated in spring. This happened to us a number of times on both walnuts and hickories. Also, in the same season, we have had one or two varieties, of which we did not set many buds or grafts, to show 100% catches, while other varieties set the same day would be 100% failure. Apparently all scions used were in prime condition. Why then this great variance? While we used the double-bladed knife for budding and the side graft for grafting, other methods are just as successful under skilled hands. The skill of the operator has much to do with it.

I have a letter from Brother Borst asking why his walnut buds took so well but didn’t grow at all in spring. We’ve experienced this several times with both walnuts and hickories. Also, in the same season, we’ve had one or two varieties, where we didn’t set many buds or grafts, show a 100% success rate, while other varieties set on the same day failed completely. Clearly, all the scions used were in great condition. So why this huge difference? While we used a double-bladed knife for budding and the side graft method for grafting, other techniques can work just as well in skilled hands. The expertise of the operator plays a significant role.

Fall budding of persimmons. The persimmon has only about ten days in which it will fall bud. Before or after this period budding will not succeed. It also is important that the scions be taken from thrifty trees a number of years old. The ordinary "T" shield budding gives good success on the persimmon either spring or fall. The spring bud sticks should be perfectly dormant.

Fall budding of persimmons. Persimmons have only about ten days for successful fall budding. If you try to bud before or after this window, it won't work. It's also crucial to take the scions from healthy trees that are a few years old. The standard "T" shield budding method works well for persimmons in both spring and fall. The spring bud sticks should be completely dormant.

Butternut and Japanese Walnuts and Their Hybrids

None of these are worth the space they occupy in this locality. 1-18 on which I reported last year didn't set a nut this season. Of all the heartnuts I am acquainted with none are satisfactory. There is a siebold tree in St. Louis that so far we have been unable to graft that promises to be adapted to this vicinity. It is good bearer, good cracker and pleasant flavor. This class of nuts is adopted to the north where the pecan is unsatisfactory.

None of these are worth the space they take up here. The 1-18 that I reported on last year didn’t produce any nuts this season. Of all the heartnuts I know, none are satisfactory. There's a Siebold tree in St. Louis that we haven't been able to graft yet, but it seems like it could do well in this area. It's a good producer, has a nice shell, and a pleasant flavor. This type of nut is suitable for the north where pecans don't thrive.

The Hicans and Hickories

The hicans are numerous in this and adjacent counties. While a number of them are good, I have located none that can compare favorably with Bixby, Gerardi, and Pleas for this locality. The Pleas is a bitternut hybrid and has some bitterness in the kernel, but no more than the English walnut and people like it. Of the twenty hicans we have tried the above three only are satisfactory.

The hicans are plentiful in this and nearby counties. While some of them are decent, I haven’t found any that compare well to Bixby, Gerardi, and Pleas for this area. The Pleas is a bitternut hybrid and has a slight bitterness in the kernel, but it’s no more than the English walnut, and people enjoy it. Of the twenty hicans we’ve tried, only the three mentioned above are satisfactory.

In this latitude the hicans are unquestionably the most satisfactory nut trees to plant. They grow fast, bear young, have a high flavor, crack well and are unsurpassed as shade or lawn trees. Here the Gerardi and Bixby are the best so far fruited. The Pleas is very ornamental but lacks flavor. The Burlington and Fairbanks are adapted to the north but here are not satisfactory bearers.

In this region, hicans are definitely the best nut trees to plant. They grow quickly, produce fruit at a young age, have a great taste, crack easily, and are unmatched as shade or lawn trees. The Gerardi and Bixby varieties have performed the best so far. The Pleas is very attractive but doesn't have much flavor. The Burlington and Fairbanks varieties are suited for the north but aren't good producers here.

I have reports on about 25 Gerardi hican seedlings. They are all worthless, smaller in nut than either pecans or hickories. The peculiar thing is that some of the pecans are decidedly bitter in flavor as also are some of the hickories. Two of the seedlings show shellbark blood.

I have reports on around 25 Gerardi hican seedlings. They’re all pretty useless, smaller in nut size than either pecans or hickories. The strange thing is that some of the pecans have a distinctly bitter taste, just like some of the hickories. Two of the seedlings show shellbark heritage.

Handling the nut weevil and plum curculio. Two years ago the few nuts the Gerardi hican had were all wormy. Last spring I cultivated the ground with a one-horse cultivator and gave our chickens free access to the feast. They made so good a job of it that not a single nut was stung this season. Where the ground can be flooded for several days this will also exterminate the weevil. The same treatment applies to plum curculio. Cultivation should be done before growth starts in spring, or quite late in fall.[Pg 94]

Dealing with the nut weevil and plum curculio. Two years ago, the few nuts the Gerardi hican had were all infested with worms. Last spring, I tilled the soil with a one-horse cultivator and let our chickens have free run of the area. They did such a great job that not a single nut was stung this season. If the ground can be flooded for several days, this will also eliminate the weevil. The same method works for plum curculio. Tilling should be done before growth begins in spring, or quite late in fall.[Pg 94]

If anyone ever got a Pleas hybrid nut to grow I would appreciate ever so much to hear from him. So far all my trials to germinate the nuts have failed.

If anyone has successfully grown a Pleas hybrid nut, I would really love to hear from you. So far, all my attempts to germinate the nuts have failed.

I may add that in my estimation no land on this globe is blessed with a nut flora that equals that of the United States.

I’d say that in my opinion, no place on this planet has a nut variety that matches that of the United States.

Nut Puttering in an Off Year

By W.C. Deming, Connecticut

I did manage to get over to Avon Old Farms, the boys' school, and topwork a few hickory trees. All grew, about a dozen, except three scions of one kind that I put in one tree. This is the third year that I have grafted hickories on the grounds of this school, some three thousand acres. The school was planned and built by Mrs. Theodate Pope Riddle, and I was told there that it cost seven million dollars. It is a beautiful and original group of buildings in the lovely Farmington River Valley, well worth visiting.

I managed to get over to Avon Old Farms, the boys' school, and graft a few hickory trees. All of them grew, about a dozen, except for three scions of one kind that I planted on one tree. This is the third year I've grafted hickories on the school's grounds, which cover about three thousand acres. The school was planned and built by Mrs. Theodate Pope Riddle, and I was told it cost seven million dollars. It’s a beautiful and unique group of buildings in the lovely Farmington River Valley, definitely worth a visit.

Mr. Sperry the science teacher, is deeply interested in the nut trees. Dr. Arthur Harmount Graves and I have both given him a number of chestnut trees, and I have added a variety of others, walnuts, persimmons, papaws, pecans, filberts and others as well as the topworked seedling hickories. The trees have been given reasonably good and intelligent care. Many trees were badly winter killed or injured last winter when the temperature dropped to twenty-four below zero in Hartford, official, and is said to have reached forty below in Litchfield county. Japanese chestnuts were especially badly injured. But hybrids having an American strain seemed generally to be little injured. Filberts also showed bad injury. Pecans, persimmons and a papaw seemed to have weathered the winter, though they should be further observed before deciding. The nut trees have been set out in orchard form over tracts of a number of acres and well fertilized. The land is good.

Mr. Sperry, the science teacher, is really interested in the nut trees. Dr. Arthur Harmount Graves and I have both given him several chestnut trees, and I've added a variety of others, including walnuts, persimmons, papaws, pecans, filberts, and more, as well as the topworked seedling hickories. The trees have received fairly good and thoughtful care. Many trees were seriously damaged or killed last winter when the temperature dropped to twenty-four below zero in Hartford, and it’s said to have reached forty below in Litchfield County. Japanese chestnuts were especially affected. However, hybrids with an American strain seemed to be mostly unharmed. Filberts also suffered significant damage. Pecans, persimmons, and a papaw appeared to have survived the winter, although they should be monitored further before making a final decision. The nut trees have been planted in orchard style across several acres and have been well fertilized. The land is good.

Incidentally Mr. Sperry expressed the thanks of the school with more than one bottle—of fine maple syrup which he and the boys make every spring.

Incidentally, Mr. Sperry thanked the school with more than one bottle of fine maple syrup that he and the boys make every spring.

The mollissima chestnut tree in my yard at Litchfield, which Dr. Graves considers remarkable because it bears a moderate crop of fertile nuts every year without apparent benefit of outside pollination, was stripped almost bare of branches by an ice storm. It had reached thirty five feet in height, mainly, perhaps because pretty well surrounded by taller trees. Now it has to start over again from a much lower height. It bore a few nuts on the remaining branches this year.

The soft chestnut tree in my yard in Litchfield, which Dr. Graves finds noteworthy because it produces a decent amount of fertile nuts every year without obvious outside pollination, was almost completely stripped of branches by an ice storm. It had grown to about thirty-five feet tall, probably because it was mostly surrounded by taller trees. Now it has to start over from a much lower height. This year, it produced a few nuts on the remaining branches.

On account of the restrictions on driving I did not visit Mr. Beeman at New Preston, but he wrote me that he had a few quarts of hickory nuts, chiefly Glover from one of his large topworked trees. He has a couple of acres set out to grafted hickories, some of which have been bearing for several years. Pretty good for a man now 86 who began nut growing less than ten years ago and who has serious physical handicaps. He is the man, as many of you do not know, who, when he began with nut trees, built scaffolds 40 feet high about each of two hickory trees in his yard, and topworked them almost to the last branch by a method of his own[Pg 95] One reason for his success is that he is a violin maker with a record of perhaps fifty violins, violas and 'cellos, and he makes his own tools. He is a modest man whom it is a privilege to know.

Due to the driving restrictions, I didn’t visit Mr. Beeman in New Preston, but he wrote to me saying he had a few quarts of hickory nuts, mostly Glover from one of his larger grafted trees. He has a couple of acres planted with grafted hickories, some of which have been producing for several years. That's pretty impressive for a man who’s now 86 and started nut growing less than ten years ago, especially considering he has serious physical challenges. Many of you might not know that when he first started with nut trees, he built scaffolds 40 feet high around two hickory trees in his yard and grafted them almost all the way up to the last branch using a method of his own[Pg 95]. One reason for his success is that he’s a violin maker with a record of around fifty violins, violas, and cellos, and he makes his own tools. He’s a humble man, and it’s a privilege to know him.

I have had some interesting experiences with papaws this year. For the first time I have succeeded in growing the seed intentionally. The only other time when I have had seedlings was when a bunch of them came up by themselves in the yard as thick as hair on a dog. Last year (1942) in the fall, I scattered a lot o£ seed in a perennial bed and poked them in with a cane and also in a reentrant angle of a house looking to the northeast, behind some rather luxuriant Christmas roses (helleborus niger) where there wore also lilies-of-the-valley and jack-in-the-pulpits and the soil had been rather heavily enriched. In both places the papaws came up quite freely, especially in the angle of the house where the sun struck only a short time each day. The chief reason, however, was probably the rich, deep soil. These seedlings with taproots 6 to 8 inches long were easily transplanted with their leaves on. I brought four of them to St. Petersburg, Florida. They are said to be native in upper Florida.

I’ve had some interesting experiences with papaws this year. For the first time, I’ve successfully grown the seeds on purpose. The only other time I had seedlings was when a bunch of them sprouted on their own in the yard, thick as dog hair. Last year (1942) in the fall, I scattered a lot of seeds in a perennial bed and poked them in with a stick, as well as in a corner of a house facing northeast, behind some pretty Christmas roses (helleborus niger) where there were also lilies-of-the-valley and jack-in-the-pulpits, and the soil had been heavily enriched. In both spots, the papaws came up quite easily, especially in the corner of the house where the sun only hit for a short time each day. The main reason, though, was probably the rich, deep soil. These seedlings, with taproots 6 to 8 inches long, were easy to transplant with their leaves intact. I brought four of them to St. Petersburg, Florida. They’re said to be native to upper Florida.

Dr. Zimmerman, who was our authority on papaws, said that he thought hand pollination was necessary for good crops. I have been making observations on this for several years and in 1942 obtained confirmatory results. Last spring (1943) I hand-pollinated a tree about 18 feet high using pollen from a number of other trees. This was the same tree on which I had had good results in 1942 over the limited part of the tree that I had been able to reach from the ground. This year I used a stepladder. Also, because the tree was close to a tool house, on the grounds of the park superintendent, I was able to reach the top of the tree from the roof of the tool house. From this tree I gathered about 100 fruits, all but two perfect, weighing together 23 pounds. There were several bunches of three and four and one of six. The quality I did not think as good as some. But it seemed a pretty good demonstration of the value of hand pollinating.

Dr. Zimmerman, our expert on papaws, said he believed hand pollination was necessary for good crops. I’ve been observing this for several years and in 1942, I got results that confirmed it. Last spring (1943), I hand-pollinated a tree about 18 feet tall using pollen from several other trees. This was the same tree where I had good results in 1942 over the limited area I could reach from the ground. This year, I used a stepladder. Also, because the tree was near a tool shed on the park superintendent’s property, I was able to reach the top of the tree from the roof of the shed. From this tree, I collected about 100 fruits, all but two were perfect, weighing a total of 23 pounds. There were several bunches of three and four, and one with six. I didn’t think the quality was as good as some, but it seemed like a pretty good demonstration of the value of hand pollination.

In the yard of a house in Hartford, belonging to the widow of a high school classmate of mine, I found a number of papaw trees, some of them as big as they often grow, perhaps forty feet high and up to a foot in diameter. The lady told me that they used to bear abundantly when her neighbor just over the fence kept bees. Since these are gone she has had very few or no fruit at all and the squirrels got them, if there were any. I pollinated a lot of blossoms that I could reach from the ground and in the fall they were quite loaded with clusters of fruit, but much smaller than those on the first tree described. They were, however, of better quality. There was also a small number of fruit in the high branches of the trees and some of these the squirrels cut off, but apparently just for fun as I did not see any sign of their eating them.

In the yard of a house in Hartford, owned by the widow of a high school classmate of mine, I found several papaw trees, some as tall as they typically grow, about forty feet high and up to a foot in diameter. The woman told me that they used to produce a lot of fruit when her neighbor, just over the fence, kept bees. Since the bees are gone, she has had very few or no fruit at all, and the squirrels got them if there were any. I pollinated many blossoms that I could reach from the ground, and in the fall, the trees were filled with clusters of fruit, although much smaller than those on the first tree I mentioned. However, they were of better quality. There were also a few fruits in the high branches of the trees, and some of these the squirrels knocked down, apparently just for fun, as I didn’t see any signs of them eating them.

I am writing this in St. Petersburg, Florida. I boarded first with a man who describes himself on his card as a tree surgeon doing grafting and budding, spraying, fertilizing and pruning. This year he took the agency for the Mahan pecan and has sold quite a number at $5 each, with one order for twenty trees. These are put out by the Monticello, Florida nursery. The history of their buying the Mahan pecan tree, and a picture of the parent tree in its original home, is given in the files of the American Nut Journal, an index of the seventeen volumes of which I completed this[Pg 96] year. Mr. Stewart sets out all the trees he sells and is meticulous in doing so. Nearby is a good sized Mahan tree with still quite a crop of nuts (in November) after a good many have been gathered. Mr. Stewart speaks well of this pecan tree as a good bearer, with nuts well-filled and of good quality. I haven't cracked enough of them to verify these statements but they are offered by the Monticello Nursery in fifty-pound lots. They sell at Webb's in this city for 65 cents a pound. Schleys I believe sell for 45 cents at the same place. The Mahan is, I think, the largest pure pecan, about a third larger than the Schley and those I have seen were equally thin-shelled. I mention this because I had supposed that pecans did not do well as far south as this. Yet I see many trees about the city, some with fair crops on them and some in good foliage, though many, or all of them I have observed, are partially defoliated by the fall web worm. I saw one fine tree that I was told was a Stuart. The Moneymaker also is said to do well here. I speak particularly of the Mahan because it has not, so far as I know, had the unqualified approval of the experts. But what has? And I don't know that it deserves it.

I’m writing this from St. Petersburg, Florida. I first met a guy who describes himself on his card as a tree surgeon specializing in grafting and budding, spraying, fertilizing, and pruning. This year, he took on the agency for the Mahan pecan and has sold quite a few at $5 each, including one order for twenty trees. These come from a nursery in Monticello, Florida. The history of how they bought the Mahan pecan tree and a picture of the original parent tree can be found in the files of the American Nut Journal, an index of the seventeen volumes of which I completed this[Pg 96] year. Mr. Stewart plants all the trees he sells and is very careful in doing so. Nearby, there's a decent-sized Mahan tree still producing a good number of nuts (in November) after a lot have already been collected. Mr. Stewart speaks highly of this pecan tree as a good producer, with well-filled, high-quality nuts. I haven’t cracked enough of them to confirm these claims, but they are sold by the Monticello Nursery in fifty-pound lots. They retail for 65 cents a pound at Webb's in this city. I believe Schleys are sold for 45 cents at the same place. The Mahan, I think, is the largest pure pecan, about a third bigger than the Schley, and the ones I’ve seen have similarly thin shells. I mention this because I thought pecans wouldn’t grow well this far south. Yet, I see many trees around the city, some with decent crops and others with good foliage, although many, if not all, that I’ve observed, are partially defoliated by the fall web worm. I spotted one beautiful tree that I was told was a Stuart. The Moneymaker is also said to thrive here. I particularly mention the Mahan because, as far as I know, it hasn’t received unanimous approval from the experts. But what has? And I’m not sure it actually deserves it.

It is a joy to be among the many citrus fruit trees, the guavas, papayas, avocadoes, loquats, surinam cherries, new and strange fruits and flowers of many kinds in Florida. The Australian or Queensland nut, Macadamia ternifolia, grow and bear well here, I am told—but the squirrels got all the nuts! But the greatest joy of all is the freedom from ice and snow.

It’s a joy to be surrounded by all the citrus trees, guavas, papayas, avocados, loquats, surinam cherries, and new, exotic fruits and flowers in Florida. I've heard that the Australian nut, Macadamia ternifolia, grows and produces well here—but the squirrels got all the nuts! But the best part of all is being free from ice and snow.

Nut Nursery Notes

By H.F. Stoke, Roanoke, Va.

The present season has seen an increase of interest in nut tree planting that is new in my experience. This interest is apparent not only in retail orders, but is reflected in inquiries received from large general nurseries, many of which have not been listing nut trees. I do not believe that this interest in food-producing trees is a passing phase of the war, but that it will continue if honestly catered to and wisely directed.

The current season has seen a rise in interest in planting nut trees that's new to me. This interest is evident not just in retail orders but also in inquiries from large general nurseries, many of which haven’t been listing nut trees. I don’t think this interest in food-producing trees is just a temporary trend due to the war; I believe it will continue if it's genuinely addressed and wisely guided.

With apologies for personal reference, the demands of my small commercial nursery on my time and attention have become so heavy that I am faced with the necessity of either building a permanent organization of skilled workers or dropping out altogether. Due to advancing years and other considerations I am choosing the latter course. Because of this I feel free to make certain remarks as to the future of nut tree production that I would hesitate to make if I were still in the business.

With apologies for mentioning myself, the demands of my small commercial nursery on my time and attention have become so overwhelming that I must either create a permanent team of skilled workers or step back entirely. Due to my advancing age and other factors, I've decided to take the latter path. Because of this, I feel free to share some thoughts on the future of nut tree production that I would have hesitated to express if I were still involved in the business.

Without doubt many of the large commercial general nurseries will take up the growing and selling of nut trees. We who have pioneered in this work, should welcome the increased public interest that will result from the more extensive advertising and cataloging of nut trees. The specialist who has worked out propagation, pollination and variety problems should be more than able to hold his own against the competition of newcomers in his field, however large.

Without a doubt, many of the big commercial nurseries will start growing and selling nut trees. Those of us who have paved the way in this field should welcome the increased public interest that will come from more extensive advertising and cataloging of nut trees. The specialist who has figured out propagation, pollination, and variety issues should definitely be able to compete against newcomers in his field, no matter how big they are.

As all old-timers know, there are certain factors in the growing of nut nursery stock that do not lend themselves to the mass-production methods of the large general nurseries. Stocks, generally, take longer to[Pg 97] produce. It may take as much as six years to produce a saleable hickory tree from the time the seed is planted. Failures in grafting and budding walnuts run high, especially with beginners. A catch of twenty-five per cent means either selective hand digging must be resorted to or seventy-five per cent of the seedling stock must be sacrificed if power digging is used.

As all experienced growers know, there are certain factors in producing nut nursery stock that don’t fit with the mass-production methods used by large general nurseries. Typically, these stocks take longer to[Pg 97] produce. It can take up to six years to grow a saleable hickory tree from the time the seed is planted. Grafting and budding walnuts often fail, especially for beginners. A success rate of twenty-five percent means that either selective hand digging has to be done, or seventy-five percent of the seedling stock will need to be discarded if mechanical digging is used.

Suitable grafting stock for chestnuts is still a matter of controversy. Good authorities claim that Chinese chestnut is unreliable as a root stock while others, including myself, as stoutly maintain that the main need is for proper technique in grafting and budding. These and other considerations, including the training of workers in improved technique, offer certain obstacles to the newcomer which, in turn, offer certain temptations that may result in harm to the whole movement toward nut tree planting.

Suitable grafting stock for chestnuts is still a topic of debate. Some experts argue that the Chinese chestnut is not a dependable root stock, while others, including myself, firmly believe that the key issue is using the right technique for grafting and budding. These and other factors, including training workers in improved techniques, present challenges for newcomers, which can lead to temptations that may negatively impact the overall effort to promote nut tree planting.

To be specific, the difficulty of producing good grafted or budded trees of named varieties may readily tempt the less scrupulous to sell any kind of nondescript seedling, while at the same time giving the public the impression that superior stock is being offered. This is, in fact, already being done. I have before me the catalogues of three large general nurseries. One of them offers what are obviously seedling Chinese chestnuts in these words: "Only two years from now, right on your own grounds, you can pick up big, fat, tasty chestnuts from the trees you plant this year."

To be clear, the challenge of producing quality grafted or budded trees of specific varieties may easily lead some less ethical sellers to offer any random seedling while misleading the public into thinking they're getting premium stock. This is actually happening already. I have the catalogs of three large general nurseries in front of me. One of them presents what are clearly seedling Chinese chestnuts with the following claim: "Just two years from now, right in your own yard, you can harvest big, juicy, delicious chestnuts from the trees you plant this year."

Of English walnuts—no variety name given and quite obviously seedlings—the following description is given: "Thin-shelled, large, delicious nuts, producing heavy crops and demanding good prices". In both these cases the prices asked are as high or higher than good, grafted, named varieties can be bought for elsewhere.

Of English walnuts—no specific variety name given and clearly seedlings—the following description is provided: "Thin-shelled, large, tasty nuts that produce heavy yields and sell for good prices." In both cases, the prices being asked are as high as, or higher than, those for quality, grafted, named varieties available elsewhere.

The second catalogue offers seedling black walnuts, not so designated, and also "Thomas Improved" black walnuts at a higher price. Seedling English walnuts, not stated as such, are offered as having commercial possibilities and being as good in quality as those grown elsewhere. The third catalogue is entirely ethical and legitimate. It lists a limited assortment of well-selected varieties under their true names.

The second catalog features seedling black walnuts, although they aren't labeled as such, and also "Thomas Improved" black walnuts at a higher price. Seedling English walnuts, which are not specifically mentioned as such, are presented as having commercial potential and being just as good in quality as those grown in other locations. The third catalog is fully ethical and legitimate. It includes a limited selection of well-chosen varieties under their accurate names.

When misguided buyers purchase a seedling chestnut tree with the expectation of "picking up big, fat, tasty chestnuts in two years from planting" and realize a handful of nuts after ten years of waiting, or nothing but empty burrs because of lack of pollination, nut tree planting gets a black eye. The same is true when the buyer tenderly nurses a weak-rooted English walnut seedling for fifteen years before he gets a few small, thick-shelled, astringent nuts.

When confused buyers buy a seedling chestnut tree expecting to "harvest big, delicious chestnuts in two years" only to end up with just a few nuts after ten years or nothing but empty burrs due to lack of pollination, planting nut trees gets a bad reputation. The same goes for the buyer who carefully nurtures a weak-rooted English walnut seedling for fifteen years only to get a handful of small, hard-shelled, bitter nuts.

When nurseries that show honesty in their advertising write me for information I give them the best I have. When their advertising is otherwise I do not trouble to answer. One party, after asking many questions, wound up by saying he wanted "to get in on this nut game." My impression was that if he had said "shell game" he would have more accurately stated his case.

When nurseries that are honest in their advertising reach out to me for information, I give them the best I have. If their advertising is not honest, I don’t bother to respond. One person, after asking a lot of questions, ended by saying he wanted "to get in on this nut game." I felt that if he had said "shell game," he would have described his situation more accurately.

Buyers should be on their guard not to be deceived by flowery, but vague descriptions. If catalogues list nut trees by recognized variety names it is pretty safe to assume that the trees are as represented. If recognized variety names are omitted the trees may safely be considered to be seedlings and that they will produce a wholly unknown quantity,[Pg 98] no matter how alluring the advertising. Of course, this is not intended to discourage the planting of new varieties offered by nurseries of known reputation for integrity, nor of such strains as the Crath Carpathian walnut importations, from which new varieties are emerging.

Buyers should be careful not to be misled by fancy but unclear descriptions. If catalogs list nut trees by recognized variety names, it’s pretty safe to assume that the trees are as described. If recognized variety names are missing, you can assume the trees are seedlings, and they will produce something completely unknown, no matter how attractive the marketing is. Of course, this isn’t meant to discourage planting new varieties offered by nurseries with a solid reputation for honesty, or from strains like the Crath Carpathian walnut imports, from which new varieties are developing.[Pg 98]

As a practical note I wish to state that the black walnut is by far the most satisfactory stock on which to graft walnuts of any species. Not infrequently seedling English walnut trees take from ten to fifteen or more years to come into bearing. I have fruited fifteen or more varieties by grafting on black stocks, and in no case has it required more than five years for the trees to bear. Frequently they have borne in two or three years. The English walnut is also a more vigorous grower on black walnut roots than on its own.

As a practical note, I want to point out that the black walnut is significantly the best option for grafting any kind of walnut. Seedling English walnut trees often take ten to fifteen years or even longer to start producing. I've successfully fruited fifteen or more varieties by grafting onto black stocks, and in every case, it took no more than five years for the trees to bear fruit. Often, they have produced in just two or three years. The English walnut also grows more vigorously on black walnut roots compared to its own.

The Sherwood butternut grafted five or six years ago on butternut stocks has not borne yet; grafted on a small black walnut in the nursery row in 1942 it bore one nut in 1943 and has many staminate buds for 1944 visible at the present time. Walters heartnut bears the second or third year on black walnut; it has not borne for me on butternut after seven years. The same holds good for the other heartnuts.

The Sherwood butternut, grafted five or six years ago on butternut rootstocks, hasn’t produced any nuts yet. Grafted onto a small black walnut in the nursery row in 1942, it yielded one nut in 1943 and currently has many male flower buds for 1944. The Walters heartnut produces in its second or third year on black walnut; however, it hasn’t produced for me on butternut after seven years. This also applies to the other heartnuts.

In the grafting of chestnuts, defective (incompatible?) unions can generally be spotted the first year. They develop with a transverse fissure into which the bark ingrows. Good unions show new tissue entirely around the closing wound; the final scar as healing approaches completion being vertical, i. e. longitudinal with the stock. This result can be obtained by proper technique.

In chestnut grafting, you can usually identify poor (incompatible?) unions within the first year. They develop a crosswise crack where the bark grows inward. Good unions will have new tissue completely surrounding the healing wound; as healing gets close to finishing, the final scar will be vertical, meaning it's aligned with the stock. This outcome can be achieved through proper technique.

The members of the Association can do much to further the cause of nut tree planting by discrimination in recognizing the ear-marks of honest advertising and encouraging their friends to make their purchases from conscientious, responsible nurserymen. Our Association nursery list is a valuable help in this direction.

The members of the Association can greatly support nut tree planting by being selective in recognizing genuine advertising and encouraging their friends to buy from trustworthy, responsible nurseries. Our Association's nursery list is a helpful resource in this regard.

Report from the Tennessee Valley

By Thomas G. Zarger, TVA, Norris, Tennessee

Black Walnut Industry—in the early fall of 1943, a survey was made of the black walnut industry in the Tennessee Valley and Nashville Basin. Four commercial cracking plants had shelled 10 million pounds of nuts purchased in 1942. This year, cracking plants have offered to buy unlimited quantities of nuts in the shell at the relatively good price of $4.50 per 100 pounds. Because of the manpower shortage, especially on the farm, the collection of nuts has not exceeded the preceding year. Pasteurizing plants had processed a quarter of a million pounds of kernels purchased in 1942. This year only three pasteurizing plants will operate, and a smaller quantity of kernels will be processed. The kernel supply from the home-cracking industry has decreased because the sanitation requirements of the Federal Food and Drug Administration are difficult to meet in the homes.

Black Walnut Industry—in early fall 1943, a survey was conducted on the black walnut industry in the Tennessee Valley and Nashville Basin. Four commercial cracking plants had shelled 10 million pounds of nuts purchased in 1942. This year, cracking plants are willing to buy unlimited quantities of nuts in the shell at a relatively good price of $4.50 per 100 pounds. Due to a shortage of workers, especially on the farms, the collection of nuts hasn't surpassed the previous year. Pasteurizing plants processed a quarter of a million pounds of kernels bought in 1942. This year, only three pasteurizing plants will be in operation, and a smaller amount of kernels will be processed. The supply of kernels from the home-cracking industry has dropped because it's hard to meet the sanitation requirements set by the Federal Food and Drug Administration in home settings.

Bearing Habits of Wild Black Walnut—Looking forward to a fuller utilization of the wild black walnut crop, the bearing habits of the black walnut tree is being investigated. Four-year records are now available on tree growth, nut yield, and nut quality of sample trees located through[Pg 99]out the Tennessee Valley. For 121 trees, with a range in diameter from 4 to 28 inches total dry nut yield, in pounds, averaged as follows: 1940, 31; 1941, 24; 1942, 38; 1943, 29. There is some evidence of alternate bearing, with a heavy crop followed by a very light crop. How much larger nut crop a larger tree is expected to bear was found to increase on an average trend from 0 pounds of filled nuts for a tree of 4-inch diameter to 65 pounds for a 24-inch tree. Judged on the basis of nut quality, only one of the sample trees compared favorably with standard propagated varieties of black walnut. Filled nuts on the average, amounted to 83 percent of total nut crop weight, and had a total kernel percentage of 21. Recovery of marketable kernels averaged 17 percent of total nut weight. In order to learn still more about the bearing habits of the black walnut, records on all sample trees will be carried on for two more years.

Bearing Habits of Wild Black Walnut—To make better use of the wild black walnut crop, researchers are studying the bearing habits of the black walnut tree. Four years of data are now available on tree growth, nut yield, and nut quality for sample trees located throughout[Pg 99] the Tennessee Valley. For 121 trees, with diameters ranging from 4 to 28 inches, the average total dry nut yield, in pounds, was as follows: 1940, 31; 1941, 24; 1942, 38; 1943, 29. There’s some indication of alternate bearing, with a heavy crop one year followed by a very light crop the next. The expected increase in nut yield for larger trees was found to trend upwards, from 0 pounds of filled nuts for a 4-inch diameter tree to 65 pounds for a 24-inch tree. Based on nut quality, only one of the sample trees compared well with standard propagated varieties of black walnut. On average, filled nuts made up 83 percent of the total nut crop weight, with a total kernel percentage of 21. The recovery of marketable kernels averaged 17 percent of total nut weight. To learn more about the bearing habits of the black walnut, records for all sample trees will continue for two more years.

Macedonia Black Walnut—A sample of black walnuts from a tree growing on the home place of Mr. N. U. Turpen at the Macedonia Community at Clarksville, Georgia, were sent to us for evaluation in 1939. The nuts were thought to be two years old—from the 1937 crop. When tested, the kernel content averaged about 40 percent—the highest on record for a black walnut. The tree, supposed to be the one which bore the nuts we tested, had not borne any appreciable amount since 1937. Since the tree yielded good crops in 1942 and 1943, we are now in a position to report further on the Macedonia walnut. Based on cracking tests of nut samples, the average nut weight and kernel percentage were 16.8 grams and 28 percent in 1942; and 16.4 grams and 29 percent in 1943. It is apparent that the Macedonia black walnut has not exhibited those exceptional characteristics of thinness of shell and high kernel percent which were found in the original sample tested.

Macedonia Black Walnut—In 1939, we received a sample of black walnuts from a tree on Mr. N. U. Turpen's property in the Macedonia Community in Clarksville, Georgia, for evaluation. The nuts were believed to be two years old, from the 1937 crop. Upon testing, the average kernel content was about 40 percent—the highest ever recorded for a black walnut. The tree thought to have produced the nuts we tested had not yielded a significant amount since 1937. However, since the tree produced good crops in 1942 and 1943, we can now provide additional information about the Macedonia walnut. Based on cracking tests of nut samples, the average nut weight and kernel percentage were 16.8 grams and 28 percent in 1942, and 16.4 grams and 29 percent in 1943. It is clear that the Macedonia black walnut has not shown the exceptional traits of thin shells and high kernel percentages that were present in the original sample tested.

Report from Minnesota—Letter from Carl Weschcke to Miss Mildred Jones

The winter of 1942-43 was the most damaging on fruit and nut trees within my experience of 25 years in River Falls, Wisconsin. The main reason was that we had a long wet fall and all vegetation was in a succulent green condition when our first snow storm of September 25th hit us. For other details of this winter and the Armistice Day storm of 1941, the second in its deleterious effect on horticultural varieties, please write Mr. C. G. Stratton, Coop. Observer, of River Falls, Wisconsin, who is in charge of the U. S. Government weather bureau there. Mr. Stratton furnished me with an affidavit showing one of our very coldest winters in which the temperature went down, in February, to 47° below zero. This was in 1936. This winter of extreme cold did very little damage to trees, and an apricot on which I had taken out a plant patent, subsequently called the Harriet apricot, went through this winter without any damage and bore fruit the next year. This gave me such confidence in its hardiness that I began to propagate it for sale. The winter of 1942-43 wiped out practically all of the apricot trees of this variety and all of the early Richmond cherries that had been growing on my farm for nearly twenty years. It killed more than half of the catalpa trees which were nearly as old. It also killed outright a large Stabler black walnut which had been grafted on a Minnesota seedling nearly twenty years previous. This was a[Pg 100] fine large flourishing tree that bore each year and I had thought because of this behavior that Stabler was to be considered one of the hardiest of the black walnuts. It had stood up better than Thomas many winters. I could go on enumerating failures of many other varieties and species but it is a long story and a sad one.

The winter of 1942-43 was the most damaging to fruit and nut trees in my 25 years of experience in River Falls, Wisconsin. The main issue was that we had a long, wet fall, and all the plants were still lush and green when the first snowstorm hit on September 25th. For more details about this winter and the Armistice Day storm of 1941, which also had a significant negative impact on horticultural varieties, please contact Mr. C. G. Stratton, Coop. Observer, in River Falls, Wisconsin, who manages the U.S. Government weather bureau there. Mr. Stratton provided me with an affidavit documenting one of our coldest winters, where the temperature dropped to 47° below zero in February 1936. That winter of extreme cold caused very little damage to the trees, and an apricot tree for which I had obtained a plant patent—now called the Harriet apricot—survived without any harm and produced fruit the following year. This gave me so much confidence in its hardiness that I started propagating it for sale. However, the winter of 1942-43 destroyed nearly all of the apricot trees of this variety and all of the early Richmond cherries that had been growing on my farm for almost twenty years. It also killed more than half of the catalpa trees that were nearly as old. Additionally, it completely killed a large Stabler black walnut that had been grafted onto a Minnesota seedling nearly twenty years earlier. This was a fine, flourishing tree that produced fruit every year, and I thought because of this that Stabler was one of the hardiest black walnuts. It had withstood many winters better than the Thomas variety. I could continue listing many other varieties and species that failed, but it’s a long and sad story.

To make this report more concise I will now give you my opinion as to what is hardy under these severe tests. To begin with, one of your father's hazel hybrids, of which I have two bushes, stood all of this very well. These bushes, which are perhaps fifteen years old, are still flourishing, although the main trunks are decaying rapidly. Several of the sprouts are blossoming freely. These two bushes have borne only one crop of nuts, although they blossom freely, and the catkins are about as hardy as anything in the filbert line that I have seen. The reason for their not bearing is lack of pollination. I never did find out what was satisfactory, even at the time that I hand-pollinated them to get a crop of nuts. The nuts are much more satisfactory than Winkler or Rush hazels. The Rush is absolutely worthless here; is subject to blight and is very tender to our winters. The Winkler is a very hardy variety, bears something every year. The trouble with the Winkler is that it matures its nuts so late, much later than the Jones' hybrid. I never have propagated your father's hybrid for sale as I did not know a hardy pollinizer for it. I have sold a few Winklers, recommending them for proper locations. I have one Winkler planted by a small lake cottage up at Delta, Wisconsin. This is about thirty miles west of Ashland, Wisconsin. This territory is very uncertain for successful corn raising so the Winkler is quite a hardy bush.

To make this report more concise, I’ll share my thoughts on what can survive these harsh conditions. First off, one of your father's hazel hybrids, of which I have two bushes, has done really well through it all. These bushes, which are about fifteen years old, are still thriving even though the main trunks are rapidly decaying. Several new shoots are blooming freely. Despite their abundant blossoms, these two bushes have only produced one crop of nuts. The catkins are as hardy as any in the filbert family that I’ve seen. The reason they haven’t borne more nuts is due to lack of pollination. I never figured out what was adequate, even when I hand-pollinated them to get that one crop. The nuts are much more reliable than Winkler or Rush hazels. The Rush is completely useless here; it's prone to blight and very sensitive to our winters. The Winkler is a very hardy variety and bears something every year. The issue with the Winkler is that it matures its nuts very late, much later than the Jones hybrid. I haven't propagated your father's hybrid for sale because I didn’t know a hardy pollinator for it. I have sold a few Winklers, recommending them for suitable locations. I have one Winkler planted by a small lake cottage in Delta, Wisconsin, which is about thirty miles west of Ashland, Wisconsin. This area is quite unpredictable for successful corn farming, so the Winkler is a pretty hardy bush.

Four hybrid plants that bear worthwhile nuts, which grew from seed planted in 1933 and 1934, are perfectly hardy, almost as hardy as the native wild hazel and hardier than any other worthwhile filbert or hybrid that we have. This hardiness is no doubt due to the fact that the mother plant was an ordinary wild Wisconsin hazel. These hybrids, from the native hazels, we call "Hazilberts," and have obtained a United States trademark on all plants produced after this manner. Here again I have not recommended nor sold any of these because of my lack of knowledge as to the correct pollinizer; this has yet to be developed. They do not pollinize themselves nor do they pollinize each other satisfactorily. They have all the finest characteristics that you could ask for except prolificacy which may be due to the lack of a proper pollinizer. They are the most resistant to the hazel blight of anything that I have worked with so far in 25 years. Hard winters, such as we have had recently, have no deleterious effect on them. They blossom and do not lose any of their wood and apparently there is no injury. They are very vigorous plants and can be trained to a single tree standard or they make very tall-growing vigorous bushes. I have placed these filberts and their hybrids first on my list of recommended trees because they are going to be the backbone of nut tree production.

Four hybrid plants that produce valuable nuts, which grew from seeds planted in 1933 and 1934, are extremely hardy—almost as hardy as the native wild hazel and more resilient than any other valuable filbert or hybrid we have. This hardiness is likely due to the fact that the parent plant was a typical wild Wisconsin hazel. We refer to these hybrids from the native hazels as "Hazilberts" and have secured a United States trademark on all plants produced in this way. Once again, I have not recommended or sold any of these due to my uncertainty regarding the right pollinizer; that still needs to be figured out. They cannot self-pollinate nor do they pollinate each other effectively. They possess all the best qualities you could hope for, except for prolificacy, which might be linked to the absence of a suitable pollinizer. They are the most resistant to hazel blight of anything I've worked with in the last 25 years. Harsh winters, like the ones we've experienced recently, do not harm them. They bloom and do not lose any of their limbs, and apparently, there is no damage. They are very vigorous plants and can be trained to have a single trunk or they can grow very tall as robust bushes. I have prioritized these filberts and their hybrids as my top recommendation for trees because they are set to be the foundation of nut tree production.

I have nearly one hundred experimental European filberts, mostly of wild varieties, of which about a dozen are hardy both in pistillate and staminate bloom, even in our most severe winters, although of this dozen only about two or three have nuts which could possibly be considered commercial. Practically all of these are being injured in one way or another by the blight. Many have passed out of existence and only two or three have been able to resist the blight so that it doesn't seem to make any headway. I do not do anything for a blighted filbert—it must take[Pg 101] care of itself. I have experimented along these lines, however, using chemicals and other means of protection. I do not know of anything adequate except to build resistance in the plant itself through cross-breeding.

I have almost one hundred experimental European filberts, mostly from wild varieties. About a dozen are hardy in both female and male blooms, even during our harshest winters, though only two or three of those produce nuts that could be considered commercially viable. Almost all of them are suffering from blight in some way. Many have become extinct, and only two or three have managed to withstand the blight, so it doesn't seem to spread significantly. I don’t take any action for a blighted filbert—it needs to fend for itself. I've tried using chemicals and other protective methods, but I don’t know of anything effective except for developing resistance in the plant itself through cross-breeding.

The next really successful plant is the Weschcke butternut. This is a native butternut which I discovered on my own farm. Every local woods has butternut trees in it. We must have at least five hundred butternut trees in our woods; they are subject to some kind of a bark disease but this seems to encroach on the life of the tree very slowly since trees that I remember showing signs of this disease nearly twenty years ago are still living. They are awful looking sights, however, by this time. Such large trees that have developed this blight are possibly in the neighborhood of fifty years old. The Weschcke butternut is a medium size to small butternut. Its great value lies in the fact that it splits exactly in half and the shell structure is so shallow that by merely turning the nut upside down the kernel falls out—nothing to hold it in the shell. Very frequently the kernel stays absolutely intact, its wings being held together by the little tender neck joining them at the point of the nut. The nut kernel is tender and light colored. The difficulty here is grafting them on black walnut roots; after they are grafted they grow very rapidly and bear at once. I have had them bear the first year grafted.

The next really successful plant is the Weschcke butternut. This is a native butternut that I found on my own farm. Every local woods has butternut trees in it. We must have at least five hundred butternut trees in our woods; they are affected by some kind of bark disease, but it seems to slowly impact the life of the tree since trees that I remember showing signs of this disease nearly twenty years ago are still alive. They look terrible now, though. Such large trees that have developed this blight are probably around fifty years old. The Weschcke butternut is a medium to small butternut. Its great value lies in the fact that it splits perfectly in half, and the shell structure is so shallow that by simply turning the nut upside down, the kernel falls out—there’s nothing holding it in the shell. Very often, the kernel stays completely intact, its wings still connected by the little tender neck joining them at the tip of the nut. The nut kernel is tender and light-colored. The challenge here is grafting them onto black walnut roots; after they are grafted, they grow very quickly and start bearing fruit right away. I have had them bear in the first year after grafting.

Next in line of hardiness and reliability is the Weschcke hickory. This is now an old-timer; since its successful grafting in 1934 it has borne an ever-increasing crop every year. This is not to be measured in bushels, however, but in pounds. No other hickory nut has begun to touch it, in its regularity, reliability and its quality: that is, no hickory so far north. It is the thinnest shelled hickory of any that I have ever tested out, and releases its kernels about the best of any. It has one fault, however; the staminate blossom is abortive, never produces any pollen. It needs a pollinizer and we have been recommending the Bridgewater and the Kirtland which we know by actual experiments have produced pollen in large amounts, sufficient for pollinization of this tree. Even before Kirtland and Bridgewater pollens were available those trees, grafted to the Weschcke, bore hickory nuts every year, but in very small quantities. I am now quite sure that they borrowed pollen from the wild bitternut trees which are in abundance nearby. There is also the other possibility, which has not been conclusively proved, that this variety is a parthenogen. Innumerable hard frosts in early springs have destroyed butternut crops and walnut crops, but these hickory nuts invariably come through such seasons and escape the early fall frosts, which come in September, for the reason that the nuts are matured usually the second week in September. We therefore can recommend the Weschcke hickory freely. We have not determined how far north it can live, but I believe the 45th parallel is very safe, and as far west as the Dakota line. It originated at Fayette, Iowa, and probably would thrive far into the south. It grafts extremely well on the wild bitternut hickory root which is about the hardiest known. Your father was very partial toward it as a stock. This root system does not handle all hickories by any means. In all my trials using pecan scions the only pecan which grafts well on it and survives indefinitely, is the Hope. This is also a very hardy tree but we cannot recommend it as a nut tree because we have never seen the parent tree bear any nuts. The parent tree is now twenty years old. Quite a large tree but no nuts. It is[Pg 102] growing in an unfavorable location for bearing since it is shaded by much larger trees. It is growing right here in St. Paul.

Next in line for hardiness and reliability is the Weschcke hickory. This tree is an established variety; since it was successfully grafted in 1934, it has produced an ever-increasing crop each year. However, this isn’t measured in bushels, but in pounds. No other hickory nut has come close to matching it in consistency, reliability, and quality—at least not in this northern region. It has the thinnest shell of any hickory I've tested, and it releases its kernels better than any other. There is one drawback, though: the staminate blossoms are abortive and never produce pollen. It needs a pollinizer, and we've been recommending the Bridgewater and Kirtland varieties, which we know from experiments produce plenty of pollen to pollinate this tree. Even before Kirtland and Bridgewater pollens were available, those trees grafted onto the Weschcke still produced hickory nuts every year, albeit in very small quantities. I’m pretty sure they were getting pollen from the wild bitternut trees that are plentiful nearby. There's also another possibility, though it hasn't been proven: this variety might be parthenogen. Many hard frosts in early spring have killed butternut and walnut crops, but these hickory nuts consistently survive such seasons and avoid early fall frosts, which usually hit in September, because the nuts typically mature by the second week in September. Therefore, we can confidently recommend the Weschcke hickory. We haven't figured out how far north it can survive, but I believe the 45th parallel is quite safe, and it can go as far west as the Dakota line. It originated in Fayette, Iowa, and would likely thrive much farther south. It grafts very well onto the wild bitternut hickory root, which is one of the hardiest around. Your father had a strong preference for it as a stock. This root system isn’t suitable for all hickories, though. In all my trials using pecan scions, the only pecan that grafts well on it and survives indefinitely is the Hope. This tree is also very hardy, but we can’t recommend it as a nut tree because we’ve never seen the parent tree produce any nuts. The parent tree is now twenty years old—quite large, but no nuts. It’s growing in an unfavorable spot for bearing since it’s shaded by much larger trees and is located right here in St. Paul.

The Bridgewater and the Beeman are two more hickories which are very hardy and which come into bearing quickly, also are successfully grafted on bitternut root. They do not mature their nuts so reliably nor so early by any means as the Weschcke. For a little further south they might be very reliable. They are fully as hardy and satisfactory in every other respect. The hickories that have proved to be fairly hardy but have produced very few nuts are the Cedarapids and the Kirtland. The Beaver hybrid hickory is probably next for nut production satisfaction, grafts well on bitternut root but does not seem to have a long life. The trees that I bought from your father nearly twenty years ago are now dead although they lived to become large fine trees and bore in some seasons very nice crops of nuts. The Fairbanks hickories, grafted some seventeen or eighteen years ago, are still surviving, but bear very few nuts, some seasons practically nothing at all. They very seldom ripen as they mature very much later than the natives or the other varieties mentioned above. I do not consider the Fairbanks a very edible nut anyway as they become very rancid after a couple of months. The Beaver is not a good keeper either. This is rather an important characteristic in a nut and one in which the Weschcke excels, as in ordinary office temperature it usually keeps two or three years. I believe that this is partly due to the thin shell. My theory is that the thin shell expands and contracts with heat and moisture conditions without cracking. This prevents air from getting at the kernel, and since it is the oxygen which is mostly responsible for rancidity, this exclusion of air probably accounts for the fresh state that these nuts maintain for a long time. I have noticed that thick-shelled shellbarks and, to a lesser degree the shagbarks, crack open, in minute hairline cracks, and these nuts which split like this invariably soon become rancid.

The Bridgewater and the Beeman are two more hickories that are very hardy and start producing nuts quickly. They also graft well onto bitternut root. However, they don't produce their nuts as reliably or as early as the Weschcke. In slightly warmer areas, they might be more dependable. They are just as hardy and satisfactory in every other way. The hickories that have shown to be fairly hardy but have produced very few nuts are the Cedarapids and the Kirtland. The Beaver hybrid hickory is probably the next best choice for nut production; it grafts well onto bitternut root but doesn't seem to have a long lifespan. The trees I bought from your father nearly twenty years ago are now dead, although they grew into large, healthy trees and produced some nice crops of nuts in certain seasons. The Fairbanks hickories, which I grafted about seventeen or eighteen years ago, are still alive but produce very few nuts; some seasons, practically nothing at all. They rarely ripen because they mature much later than the natives or other varieties I mentioned. I don't consider the Fairbanks a very edible nut anyway, as they become very rancid after a couple of months. The Beaver isn't a good keeper either. This is an important characteristic for a nut, and the Weschcke excels in this area, as it usually stays fresh for two or three years at normal room temperature. I believe this is partly due to its thin shell. My theory is that the thin shell expands and contracts with changes in heat and moisture without cracking. This prevents air from reaching the kernel, and since oxygen is mostly responsible for rancidity, keeping air out likely helps these nuts stay fresh for a long time. I've noticed that thick-shelled shellbarks and, to a lesser extent, shagbarks develop tiny hairline cracks, and the nuts that split like this invariably become rancid soon after.

Now the black walnuts are next in order. For many years I considered the Ohio a worthless variety. They would seldom mature any of the nuts, and although they were regular bearers the thick hull was a nuisance. I have had twenty years' experience with this variety and they are the hardiest of all the old ones. They stand up very well and each year the nuts become a little more satisfactory. Evidently the trees have the ability to acclimatize themselves and they stand up better than Thomas, Stabler or Ten Eyck of the old varieties that I have tested.

Now, black walnuts are next on the list. For many years, I thought the Ohio variety was worthless. They rarely produced mature nuts, and even though they regularly bore fruit, the thick hull was a hassle. I’ve spent twenty years working with this variety, and they are the hardiest of all the old ones. They hold up really well, and each year the nuts get a little better. Clearly, these trees can adapt to their environment, and they outperform Thomas, Stabler, or Ten Eyck, the other old varieties I’ve tested.

More recent varieties which I have tested and have proved satisfactory, are the Paterson and the Rohwer; I recommend these two above all other black walnuts. I have two seedlings which I am watching with a great deal of interest. One is from Minnesota and the other is a failed grafted tree which sprang up from the root and so far is beginning to bear prolifically a medium sized nut with a rather thick shell which does not crack out very well but the quality is superb. It has a thin hull which you can pop off by merely pressing your thumb against it after it is thoroughly dry, coming off very clean leaving a good looking nut. The kernel is very light straw-colored and you can generally get them out in good pieces, about one-quarter of the whole kernel. Above all it matures very early, about the middle of September or sooner, and this is the deciding factor for any nut, because, no matter how well It cracks, how prolific it may be, or hardy, if you do not get a ripe nut you have nothing for here in the north. I feel quite certain that this is going to be the standard[Pg 103] black walnut for the north. For want of a better name I have been calling it the "Ruffy" because the hull, when green, has a pimply surface and a rough appearance.

More recent varieties that I’ve tested and found satisfactory are the Paterson and the Rohwer; I recommend these two above all other black walnuts. I have two seedlings that I'm watching with great interest. One is from Minnesota, and the other is from a failed grafted tree that sprouted from the root and so far is beginning to produce a good amount of medium-sized nuts with a rather thick shell that doesn’t crack easily, but the quality is excellent. It has a thin hull that you can easily pop off by just pressing your thumb against it after it’s fully dry, coming off cleanly and leaving a nice-looking nut. The kernel is a light straw color, and you can usually get them out in good pieces, about a quarter of the whole kernel. Most importantly, it matures very early, around mid-September or sooner, and this is the key factor for any nut because, no matter how well it cracks, how prolific or hardy it is, if you don’t get a ripe nut, you have nothing up here in the north. I’m quite confident that this is going to be the standard[Pg 103] black walnut for the north. For lack of a better name, I’ve been calling it the "Ruffy" because the hull, when it’s green, has a bumpy surface and a rough appearance.

The other black walnut that I am watching is a seedling resulting from ten bushels planted nearly twenty years ago, the only tree to bear because of the crowded condition of all these walnuts planted so close together. I have been watching it for six or seven years and was never able to get a mature nut until this year. Reason was that in most of the seasons the nuts were empty; other times I did not wait until they were fully ripe, being too anxious to find out what was inside. This tree I have named the "Walbut" because it seemed to me it might be a cross between a butternut and a walnut. The kernel is very light colored. It cracks out the best of any walnut I have ever tested. It is difficult to graft, so far in my experience. I have no living grafts from it although I have tried again and again to graft it on other large isolated stocks in the orchard. It has a square shape, with deep indentations near the point. It is something to watch, and work with although it does not seem to be extra hardy in spite of the fact that it is a native tree. At present it is merely an interesting variety to experiment with and it may possibly be of some use later on. The branches have shown curious little birdseye markings—it has a habit of developing buds which die and form little brown structures in the wood and it is possible that the tree may be a fancy timber tree. The shell has only one structure down the center, thereby insuring that the halves come out whole.

The other black walnut I'm keeping an eye on is a seedling from ten bushels planted nearly twenty years ago. It's the only tree that produced nuts because all these walnuts are planted too close together. I've been watching it for six or seven years, and until this year, I never got a mature nut. The reason is that most seasons the nuts were empty; other times, I didn't wait until they were fully ripe because I was too eager to see what was inside. I've named this tree the "Walbut" because it seems like it might be a cross between a butternut and a walnut. The kernel is very light in color and cracks open better than any walnut I've ever tested. So far, it's difficult to graft in my experience. I don’t have any successful grafts from it, even after numerous attempts to graft it onto other large isolated stocks in the orchard. It has a square shape with deep indentations near the tip. It's intriguing to observe and work with, although it doesn't seem to be particularly hardy, despite being a native tree. Right now, it's just an interesting variety to experiment with, and it might be useful later on. The branches have shown odd little birdseye markings—it tends to develop buds that die and create small brown structures in the wood, so it's possible that this tree could be a valuable timber tree. The shell has only one structure down the center, which ensures that the halves come out intact.

An ornamental known as the lace-leaf walnut is very hardy here, doesn't winter kill at all but so far has not borne any nuts. The Deming Purple is not hardy; the Stabler is very unreliable considering the last few years; the Thomas is still one of the best except it suffers from winter injury occasionally; the Ten Eyck very seldom bears any nuts although we have several very large trees now. The Elmer Myers possibly has a chance; it is still living. The Snyder has survived the last few winters and in my opinion it is one of the best nuts I have ever seen. The grafts have borne a few nuts already in the second year of grafting. They set a couple of nuts even after a severe winter last year, but they fell off during the summer, much the same as the Thomas and many of the Ohio did. The same thing happened to practically all of my hybrid hazels, also the Winkler and even the wild hazel kept continually dropping the nuts until there was practically nothing left. No doubt this effect was produced by a peculiar season. We should not hold it against the nut trees since it was a universal condition.

An ornamental known as the lace-leaf walnut is very hardy here, doesn't die in winter at all, but so far hasn't produced any nuts. The Deming Purple isn't hardy; the Stabler is really unreliable given the last few years; the Thomas is still one of the best, although it does occasionally suffer from winter damage; the Ten Eyck hardly ever produces any nuts even though we have several very large trees now. The Elmer Myers might still have a chance; it's still alive. The Snyder has made it through the last few winters, and in my opinion, it's one of the best nuts I've ever seen. The grafts produced a few nuts already in the second year of grafting. They set a couple of nuts even after a harsh winter last year, but they fell off during the summer, similar to what happened with the Thomas and many of the Ohio. The same thing occurred with almost all of my hybrid hazels, as well as the Winkler and even the wild hazel, which kept dropping the nuts until there was practically nothing left. No doubt this was due to a strange season. We shouldn't blame the nut trees since it was a widespread issue.

Last summer about one-half dozen of the pecan trees which I had been playing around with for twenty years, started to blossom but only had staminate bloom, There might possibly be a crop of pecans this coming year—I do not have any hopes that any of these seedlings will be able to mature their nuts, but there is always a possibility and they are certainly hardy. None of them that I have tried to graft will live on bitternut roots.

Last summer, about half a dozen of the pecan trees I've been working with for twenty years started to bloom, but they only produced male flowers. There might be a chance of a pecan crop this coming year—I’m not expecting any of these seedlings to mature their nuts, but there’s always a possibility, and they are definitely resilient. None of the ones I've tried to graft will survive on bitternut roots.

Chestnuts are difficult to get started but once they are started they grow very well although there are only a few surviving out of many thousands of seeds planted. Every year one or more comes into bearing—they generally do not mature their nuts, and what I have tasted of them are not anything to brag about except that they are sweet; the size is in[Pg 104]significant and they evidently have much of the native chestnut blood. I am still testing such varieties as the Carr, Zimmerman, and Connecticut Yankee. So far these have shown themselves to be quite tender varieties. I do not consider the chestnut worthwhile because of the constant threat that if a grove should be started it might soon have the blight in it.

Chestnuts are tough to start, but once they get going, they grow really well, even though only a few out of the thousands of seeds planted actually survive. Every year, one or more starts producing, but they usually don’t fully mature their nuts. From what I’ve tasted, they’re not impressive, although they are sweet; the size is insignificant, and they clearly have a lot of native chestnut characteristics. I'm still experimenting with varieties like Carr, Zimmerman, and Connecticut Yankee. So far, these have proven to be quite delicate. I don’t think chestnuts are worth the effort because there’s always the risk that if a grove is established, it might quickly get hit by blight.

I have several Chinese chestnut seedlings which are making a fairly good growth and in time may become productive trees.

I have several Chinese chestnut seedlings that are growing pretty well and could become productive trees over time.

We have one hybrid white oak which has an edible kernel but out of about one hundred nuts you might get one wholesome one free from weevils. The tree is very old and is rapidly declining. The nut is small but the tree is quite prolific. I merely mention it to show that there are possibilities in developing the oak. I think our mutual friend, J. Russell Smith, would probably like to hear this as he advocates the use of oaks, and I agree with him that there are possibilities for human food to be used first-hand. I am all out of sympathy with second-hand food production as pork or beef or any meat products, as you know. One reason is that it is economically wrong as it takes many times more acreage to produce meat than vegetables for the same amount of food energy to be derived. My authority, the Encyclopedia Brittanica, which says it takes 64 pounds of dry fodder to produce 1 pound of dry beef, and 32 pounds of dry fodder to produce 1 pound of dry mutton, etc., etc.

We have one hybrid white oak that has an edible kernel, but out of about a hundred nuts, you might find just one that's good and free from weevils. The tree is very old and is quickly declining. The nut is small, but the tree produces a lot. I just mention it to point out that there are opportunities for developing oak trees. I think our mutual friend, J. Russell Smith, would probably be interested in this since he supports the use of oaks, and I agree with him that there are potential uses for human food directly. I'm completely against second-hand food production, like pork or beef or any meat products, as you know. One reason is that it's economically inefficient since it takes many more acres to produce meat than vegetables for the same amount of food energy. According to my source, the Encyclopedia Brittanica, it takes 64 pounds of dry fodder to produce 1 pound of dry beef, and 32 pounds of dry fodder to produce 1 pound of dry mutton, and so on.

Be Thrifty with Nut Trees

By Carl Weschcke, Minnesota

There has been too much accent put on the profit to be made on nut production. No matter how much income a man may receive, if he has not learned to save out of that income he will never be better off for having received it. Now, nut trees offer a particularly practical way of saving out of income. If one has a large family to feed the saving may amount to a hundred dollars or more a year. When this fine food, contained in the kernels of nuts, is used right in your own family, and supplies the family's entire requirements of nuts, you will find that you have made very substantial savings in your family food budget.

There has been too much emphasis on the profit that can be made from nut production. No matter how much money someone earns, if they haven’t learned to save from that income, they won’t be any better off because of it. Nut trees provide a particularly practical way to save from income. If you have a large family to feed, the savings can amount to a hundred dollars or more each year. When this nutritious food, found in the kernels of nuts, is used within your own family and meets all your family’s nut needs, you’ll see that you’ve made significant savings in your food budget.

First of all, it is different from income from the sale of nuts because when you sell nuts they must be sold in the competitive market, and usually to the wholesaler if you have a considerable amount to dispose of. Therefore you save the profit made by the wholesaler and the retailer by using your nut crop rather than selling it. This is really being thrifty. If you have a large crop of nuts you will find that you can easily increase the uses in combination with other foods so that less other food has to be purchased in order to meet the family needs. And with the higher prices of ordinary foods you can easily visualize what a tremendous saving this might be.

First of all, it’s different from making money by selling nuts because when you sell nuts, you have to sell them in a competitive market, usually to a wholesaler if you have a lot to sell. So, by using your nut crop instead of selling it, you save the profits that would otherwise go to the wholesaler and the retailer. This is really being resourceful. If you have a large nut crop, you’ll find that you can easily combine them with other foods, which means you’ll need to buy less of other food to meet your family’s needs. With the rising prices of regular foods, you can clearly see what a significant saving this could be.

Nuts are a fine luxury food, but in a way they can quickly become a necessary food by being used as a replacement for meat. I don't like to use the term "substitute for meat" as it implies that nuts are inferior to meat, and nothing could be further from the truth. Nuts are more NUTricious than any meat, pound for pound, and what meat can you store away that will keep as sweet and edible as a nut for so long a time!

Nuts are a great luxury food, but they can easily become a staple by serving as a replacement for meat. I don’t like to call them a "substitute for meat" because that suggests nuts are less valuable than meat, and that's totally not accurate. Nuts are more NUTricious than any meat, pound for pound, and which meat can you store that stays as fresh and edible as a nut for such a long time?

Plant nut trees to save your income not to increase it. You will never have to pay a tax on that saving.[Pg 105]

Plant nut trees to safeguard your income, not to boost it. You won't ever have to pay taxes on those savings.[Pg 105]

Report of Season 1943

By George Hebden, Corsan, Canada

The winter of 1942-43 was one of the coldest ever known here. One day it was 33° below zero and another it was 38° below. Filberts did not seem to take any notice of the severe cold and my Stranger Jap heartnuts that are said to be tender went through with flying colors. One or two varieties of Russian walnuts (J. regia) froze to the ground as did all the Pomeroys. Some of the Crath walnuts froze from a few inches to a yard, but the majority did not lose a bud. Strange to say all the extremely large varieties of J. regia came through unscathed as did my Chinese. Asiatic tree hazels missed cropping but came through unscathed. Winkler and Rush hazels were not harmed, though the Rush is a bit tender and succumbed the winter of 1933-34. In fact 1933-34 was a harder winter on trees than 1942-43 as that winter all but my Daviana filberts were hit more or less.

The winter of 1942-43 was one of the coldest ever recorded here. One day it dropped to 33° below zero, and another day it reached 38° below. Filberts didn’t seem bothered by the extreme cold, and my tender Stranger Jap heartnuts came through just fine. One or two varieties of Russian walnuts (J. regia) froze to the ground, as did all the Pomeroys. Some of the Crath walnuts froze anywhere from a few inches to a yard, but most didn’t lose a single bud. Interestingly, all the very large varieties of J. regia survived without any damage, as did my Chinese varieties. Asiatic tree hazels missed their crop but came through unscathed. Winkler and Rush hazels were fine, though the Rush is a bit tender and suffered during the winter of 1933-34. In fact, the winter of 1933-34 was tougher on trees than 1942-43, as that winter affected all but my Daviana filberts.

Last fall (1943) all trees went into their winter's sleep in most excellent condition and the twigs are hard to the top buds. Signs on twig terminals indicate a large crop of nuts for the fall of 1944. Thus I hope to be able to have on display for the convention-to-be a most interesting show. Besides nuts of all the hardy varieties I always have a real big show of hardy and tropical water lilies and lotus, a complete collection. Also a complete collection of grapes and many other horticultural curios rarely seen.

Last fall (1943), all the trees went into their winter sleep in great shape, and the twigs are firm at the top buds. Signs at the twig ends suggest a big nut crop for the fall of 1944. So, I hope to have an interesting display for the upcoming convention. In addition to nuts of all the hardy varieties, I always have a large showcase of hardy and tropical water lilies and lotuses, along with a complete collection of grapes and various other horticultural curiosities that are rarely seen.

I was many years finding persimmons hardy enough to survive our winters, but at last I have at least 2 and maybe 3 varieties that passed last winter in perfect condition. I am north of Lake Ontario and just a mile west of Toronto. I doubt that northern pecans, big western shellbarks and hicans will have a long enough season to ripen. The Weiker hickory, which is a cross between shagbark (Carya ovata) and shellbark (C. laciniosa) hickories, ripens completely each season. Catawba grapes won't ripen except in a rather long summer. Just across the lake the golden muscatel grapes have ripened two or three times in my memory.

I spent many years looking for persimmons tough enough to survive our winters, but finally, I have at least 2 and maybe 3 varieties that made it through last winter in perfect shape. I live north of Lake Ontario and just a mile west of Toronto. I doubt that northern pecans, large western shellbark, and hicans will have a long enough growing season to ripen. The Weiker hickory, which is a hybrid of shagbark (Carya ovata) and shellbark (C. laciniosa) hickories, fully ripens every year. Catawba grapes won't ripen unless there’s a long summer. Just across the lake, the golden muscatel grapes have ripened two or three times in my memory.

Barcelona and Kentish cob seem to be the only two filberts that are tender with me. Du Chilly and Italian red live and crop regularly. I have several very large new varieties of seedling filberts. I like to grow seedling filberts, they show wonderful variations in fruiting. The same with heartnuts. I never lose a seedling heartnut for if the tree yields an unsatisfactory nut I promptly bud it to a Stranger which is the most regular and heaviest cropping heartnut I know of. Yes, every year a monster crop of nuts whose meats come out whole.

Barcelona and Kentish cob seem to be the only two types of filberts that thrive for me. Du Chilly and Italian red grow and produce regularly. I have several very large new varieties of seedling filberts. I enjoy growing seedling filberts because they show amazing variations in fruiting. The same goes for heartnuts. I never lose a seedling heartnut; if the tree produces a nut that’s not satisfactory, I quickly graft it to a Stranger, which is the most reliable and highest-yielding heartnut I know. Yes, every year I get a huge crop of nuts that have perfectly whole nuts inside.

Our hybrid Jap heartnut × native butternut crosses are of three types and all excellent and will hold their own with any nut that grows. No nut can beat our butternut for eating. But the shells are too thick, the trees crop only about every 4 years, are unhealthy and shed their leaves soon after September 1st. On the other hand, the hybrid outlooks it, outcrops it and outlives it and our friendly neighbor Russia is very greatly intrigued with these new nuts developed here at Echo Valley. They are thin-shelled, very easy to crack, meats come out easily, trees have a tropical look, crop early, grow fast and very large, leaves hang on green almost to November and the crop ripens early, just after the filberts which are the first nuts to ripen with me, while the Winkler hazels are the last, though the hybrid filbert-hazels are almost as late.[Pg 106]

Our hybrid Jap heartnut × native butternut crosses come in three types, and all are excellent and can compete with any nut out there. No nut outperforms our butternut in taste. However, their shells are too thick, the trees only produce every four years, they're not very healthy, and they lose their leaves shortly after September 1st. In contrast, the hybrid varieties surpass it in appearance, yield, and longevity. Our neighbors in Russia are very interested in these new nuts developed here at Echo Valley. They have thin shells, are easy to crack, the nutmeats come out effortlessly, the trees look tropical, they produce early, grow rapidly and quite large, their leaves stay green almost until November, and the crop ripens early—just after the filberts, which are the first nuts to ripen for me, while the Winkler hazels are the last, although the hybrid filbert-hazels are nearly as late.[Pg 106]

A very beautiful sight here are the many different nut trees growing on black walnut stock to be seen all over the 20 acres. They are heartnuts, Jap walnuts, hybrids, English walnuts and butternuts, as well as superior named black walnuts.

A really beautiful sight here is the variety of nut trees growing on black walnut stock spread across the 20 acres. You can find heartnuts, Japanese walnuts, hybrids, English walnuts, and butternuts, along with some well-known varieties of black walnuts.

People don't want beautiful trees nearly as much as they do trees that grow nuts. For instance, they don't buy pecans from me, because though they are quite hardy and beautiful, yet the northern pecans don't mature their crop sufficiently in our short season. Down in extreme southwestern Ontario the pecan has cropped and ripened.

People don't want pretty trees as much as they want trees that produce nuts. For example, they won't buy pecans from me because, even though they are strong and attractive, northern pecans don’t produce enough crop in our limited season. However, in the far southwestern part of Ontario, pecans have harvested and ripened.

One mistake we must not make is not to be too sure of the value of a nut because it is large, thin-shelled and has a fine flavor but is a poor cropper. The nut that produces a very heavy crop is the valuable nut. Thus McAllister hican and the Stabler black are worthless because of their extremely thin crop.

One mistake we should avoid is being overly confident in the worth of a nut just because it’s large, has a thin shell, and tastes good but doesn’t produce much. The nut that yields a heavy harvest is the really valuable one. So, McAllister hican and Stabler black nuts are not worth anything due to their very low production.

Another nut that looks large and excellent on the tree is the Ohio black walnut, whose huge dirty hull and small nut condemns it. I like thin-hulled nuts that come out clean.

Another nut that looks big and impressive on the tree is the Ohio black walnut, whose massive, dirty shell and tiny nut make it unappealing. I prefer thin-shelled nuts that come out clean.

American Walnut Manufacturers Association Carries Out
Industrial Forestry Program

By W.C. Finley, Forester

The forestry program now in operation is ambitious in scope, and has as its objectives the promotion of forest practices which will encourage growing and harvesting American Walnut as a permanent crop.

The forestry program currently running is ambitious in its goals and aims to promote forest practices that will support the cultivation and harvesting of American Walnut as a sustainable crop.

One of the greatest evils which we are attempting to eradicate is the cutting of small diameter trees. The Walnut Industry has expressed a desire to conserve small diameter fast growing walnut trees for future use and is advocating that farmers, timberland owners and log producers leave these trees in the woodlots to grow into high quality timber. We are trying to educate the farmer, timber owner and log producer in forestry practices which will serve not only their best interests, but which in the final analysis, will serve the lumber industry as a whole. Trees less than 14 inches d.b.h. if cut constitute a real loss in potential high quality and more valuable logs because the logs they produce are too small to be used advantageously. On the other hand, trees of 14 inch d. b. h. and up are in demand and are playing a patriotic role in furnishing material for use by the armed forces, namely gunstocks. The public in general, and tree farmers and timber owners in particular, must be made aware of the fact that while the present walnut timber supply is adequate, conservation of immature trees must be practiced to the full to assure the industry with sufficient raw materials for future use.

One of the biggest issues we're trying to tackle is the cutting down of small diameter trees. The Walnut Industry wants to conserve small, fast-growing walnut trees for future use and is encouraging farmers, timberland owners, and log producers to leave these trees in the forest so they can grow into high-quality timber. We are working to educate farmers, timber owners, and log producers about forestry practices that will benefit not just their interests, but ultimately benefit the lumber industry as a whole. Cutting trees that are less than 14 inches in diameter leads to a significant loss in potential high-quality and more valuable logs because the timber they produce is too small to be used effectively. On the other hand, trees that are 14 inches in diameter and larger are in demand and play an important role in providing materials for the armed forces, particularly for gunstocks. The public, especially tree farmers and timber owners, needs to understand that while the current walnut timber supply is sufficient, we must fully practice the conservation of immature trees to ensure the industry has enough raw materials for the future.

Success in this particular phase of our program is being enhanced greatly through the excellent cooperation of Extension Foresters, State Foresters, U. S. Forest Service, Timber Production War Project Foresters, Foresters of the Soil Conservation Service and Tennessee Valley Authority Foresters. These various agencies are working hand in hand with us on those objectives of our program which, in a measure, dovetail with various phases of their own programs. One of the most interesting aspects of our program is our work with 4-H Clubs. We are sponsoring a contest among those members who are interested in forestry. Each contestant is re[Pg 107]quired to plant 25 seedlings, record certain data and write a story about his woodlot giving specific information. Two winners will be chosen from each county participating. Winners will be chosen on the basis of the best story submitted; judges will be 4-H officials and the Extension Forester from each state. The reward to be presented winners will be one week's vacation at 4-H Summer Camp with all expenses paid by the American Walnut Manufacturers Association. This contest is open to all 4-H Club members in the States of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee.

Success in this phase of our program is significantly boosted by the fantastic collaboration of Extension Foresters, State Foresters, the U.S. Forest Service, Timber Production War Project Foresters, the Soil Conservation Service Foresters, and Tennessee Valley Authority Foresters. These various agencies are working closely with us on aspects of our program that align with parts of their own initiatives. One of the most interesting components of our program is our involvement with 4-H Clubs. We are sponsoring a contest for members interested in forestry. Each participant is required to plant 25 seedlings, collect specific data, and write a story about their woodlot with detailed information. Two winners will be selected from each participating county, based on the best story submitted; judges will include 4-H officials and the Extension Forester from each state. The prize for the winners will be a one-week vacation at 4-H Summer Camp, with all expenses covered by the American Walnut Manufacturers Association. This contest is open to all 4-H Club members in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee.

In addition to this, the Association Forester will conduct a one day forestry program at the summer camps at which time he will present the winners with special certificates.

In addition to this, the Association Forester will run a one-day forestry program at the summer camps where he will hand out special certificates to the winners.

The program was planned by the Association's Forestry Committee, consisting of Chester B. Stem, C. B. Stem, Inc., New Albany, Indiana, Chairman; B. F. Swain, National Veneer and Lumber Company, Indianapolis, and Seymour, Indiana; Clarence A. Swords, Sword-Morton Veneer Company, Indianapolis, Indiana and Burdett Green, Secretary-Manager of the American Walnut Manufacturers Association, Chicago, Illinois. The committee worked in close cooperation with Harris Collingwood, Washington, D. C., Forester for the lumber industry. Of especial help were several of the Midwest's outstanding foresters from regional and state offices of the various governmental forestry agencies—men who have had years of woods experience in the areas where most of the Walnut Association's forestry activities will be carried on.

The program was organized by the Association's Forestry Committee, which included Chester B. Stem from C. B. Stem, Inc. in New Albany, Indiana, as Chairman; B. F. Swain from the National Veneer and Lumber Company in Indianapolis and Seymour, Indiana; Clarence A. Swords from Sword-Morton Veneer Company in Indianapolis, Indiana; and Burdett Green, Secretary-Manager of the American Walnut Manufacturers Association in Chicago, Illinois. The committee collaborated closely with Harris Collingwood, a Forester for the lumber industry in Washington, D.C. They received significant assistance from several of the leading foresters in the Midwest from regional and state offices of various governmental forestry agencies—individuals who have years of experience in the woods where most of the Walnut Association's forestry activities will take place.

The Crath Carpathian Walnut in Illinois

By A.S. Colby

The Persian walnut (Juglans regia), usually and incorrectly called the English walnut, has been highly prized both for the beauty of the tree and the quality of its nuts since ancient times. The species flourishes in Southern Asia and Europe and in our Southwestern and Pacific Coast States, but most of the attempts that have been made to fruit it in Northern and Eastern sections have failed. The varieties or strains tried there were for the most part native to sections of the Old World where the winters are comparatively mild and they were therefore not able to survive our colder and more changeable climate. The late E. A. Riehl, of Alton, Illinois, tried repeatedly to grow named varieties of this nut which are successful in California, but often stated that the species had no future in Illinois. In extreme southern Illinois, at Robert Endicott's place, in Villa Ridge, several Persian walnut trees are growing but their bearing habits are disappointing.

The Persian walnut (Juglans regia

One of the most promising recent developments in Northern nut culture is the introduction into America of hardier strains of the Persian walnut, through the efforts of Rev. Paul C. Crath, of Toronto, Canada, a native of Poland, and whose father was the head of the Agricultural College in the Ukraine. He went back to his own country as a missionary in the early 1930's, and there noticed the hardiness of the Persian walnuts growing in that severe climate. Realizing the possibilities of these strains for fruiting in North America, he combed that rich Russian agricultural region in the Carpathian Mountains for seed for experimental planting over here, harvesting it from trees uninjured at temperatures of -40° F. These[Pg 108] parent trees were carefully selected for regular production of good crops of thin-shelled, easily-cracked nuts of good quality. The trees were growing at such distances from others that cross-pollination was avoided. Rev. Crath had observed that seedlings from such self-pollinated trees usually bore nuts that closely resembled those of the parent.

One of the most promising recent developments in Northern nut culture is the introduction of hardier strains of the Persian walnut into America, thanks to Rev. Paul C. Crath from Toronto, Canada, who originally came from Poland and whose father was the head of the Agricultural College in the Ukraine. In the early 1930s, he returned to his homeland as a missionary and noticed how resilient the Persian walnuts were in that harsh climate. Recognizing the potential for these strains to thrive in North America, he explored the fertile agricultural region in the Carpathian Mountains for seeds to experiment with here, collecting them from trees that survived temperatures of -40° F. These[Pg 108] parent trees were carefully chosen for their consistent production of high-quality, thin-shelled, easy-to-crack nuts. The trees were spaced far enough apart to prevent cross-pollination. Rev. Crath noticed that seedlings from these self-pollinated trees typically produced nuts that were very similar to those of the parent tree.

Each tree from which nuts were saved was given a number in order to keep future records straight. The nuts were planted in a nursery established by Rev. Crath near Toronto. Wishing some point in this country where his trees could be distributed without the difficulty and delay incurred in moving small shipments across the border, Rev. Crath arranged with Mr. Samuel H. Graham, of Ithaca, New York, to take sole charge of their distribution in the United States. Considerable interest has been aroused in the possibilities of these strains and their distribution has been wide-spread, with over 2,000 seedlings sent to many Northern States since 1937. In a few more years, after a considerable proportion of these numbered seedlings have come into bearing, we shall have some valuable information regarding their possibilities in sections of the country where previously it had not been considered possible to grow Persian walnuts.

Each tree from which nuts were saved was assigned a number to keep future records organized. The nuts were planted in a nursery set up by Rev. Crath near Toronto. Wanting a location in the country where his trees could be distributed without the hassle and delays of moving small shipments across the border, Rev. Crath made arrangements with Mr. Samuel H. Graham from Ithaca, New York, to take full responsibility for their distribution in the United States. There has been significant interest in the potential of these strains, and their distribution has been widespread, with over 2,000 seedlings sent to many Northern States since 1937. In a few more years, after a significant number of these numbered seedlings start bearing fruit, we will have valuable information about their viability in regions where it was previously thought impossible to grow Persian walnuts.

Several Illinois horticulturists have planted seedlings of these strains and have already brought one or more of them into bearing. Others have used scion wood of the Crath types in top-working black walnut trees. The sample Crath Carpathian walnut No. 1 on display at the 1942 meeting of the Illinois Horticultural Society at Quincy was grown by Mr. Royal Oakes, of Bluffs, Illinois. Mr. Oakes topworked a black walnut with Crath Seedling No. 1 scions in 1938 and harvested six nuts in 1942. At the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station at Urbana, we have over 20 Crath seedlings under number, planted in 1937 and 1939. They are all healthy and vigorous, and several bore pistillate flowers in 1942.

Several horticulturists in Illinois have planted seedlings of these strains and have already started to produce fruit from one or more of them. Others have used scion wood from the Crath types to graft onto black walnut trees. The sample of Crath Carpathian walnut No. 1 displayed at the 1942 meeting of the Illinois Horticultural Society in Quincy was grown by Mr. Royal Oakes from Bluffs, Illinois. Mr. Oakes grafted a black walnut with Crath Seedling No. 1 scions in 1938 and harvested six nuts in 1942. At the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station in Urbana, we have over 20 Crath seedlings recorded, planted in 1937 and 1939. They are all healthy and thriving, and several produced female flowers in 1942.

Comparatively little is known about the bearing habits of the Crath walnut strains. Several growers have noted that their trees began to bear pistillate flowers within a few years after planting but set no nuts. Evidently the staminate catkins necessary for pollen production are somewhat slower in appearing. Other strains of Persian walnuts are said to be slow in this regard, usually beginning to bear female flowers from 3 to 5 years before male flowers are produced. It is thought possible that Persian walnut pistils will accept black walnut pollen. Mr. Oakes reports that there were no staminate flowers on the Crath (from which he picked the nuts he exhibited at Quincy), but black walnut pollen was abundant nearby at that time and for good measure he also brought in butternut bouquets. As he states, "something worked."

Comparatively little is known about the breeding habits of the Crath walnut strains. Several growers have noted that their trees started to produce female flowers a few years after planting but didn't set any nuts. It seems the male catkins needed for pollen production are a bit slower to appear. Other strains of Persian walnuts are said to be slow in this aspect too, usually starting to produce female flowers 3 to 5 years before male flowers show up. There's a possibility that Persian walnut pistils can take black walnut pollen. Mr. Oakes reports that there were no male flowers on the Crath (from which he collected the nuts he showed at Quincy), but there was plenty of black walnut pollen nearby at that time, and just to be safe, he also brought in butternut bouquets. As he puts it, "something worked."

The prospective planter should understand that these new walnut strains are as yet only in the experimental stage. It is believed that some of them have considerable promise, at least in the southern and the central, and possibly in the northern, parts of this state. However, they must be properly planted and cared for if one expects them to grow and bear. Too close planting should be avoided and some attention must be given to forming the head when the tree is young. No one knows exactly when they will bear, how much, and how long. In their native country, trees have been observed estimated to be over 300 years old. Most of us can expect to enjoy nuts from trees we plant, with more for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One might ask also in this connection, as does one nut nurseryman, "How soon will a Chinese elm or soft maple bear nuts?"[Pg 109]

The potential planter should realize that these new walnut varieties are still in the experimental phase. It’s believed that some of them show great potential, particularly in the southern and central regions, and possibly in the northern parts of this state. However, they need to be planted and cared for properly if you want them to grow and produce. Avoid planting them too closely and pay attention to shaping the tree’s form when it’s young. No one knows exactly when they will start producing, how much they will yield, or for how long. In their native habitat, trees have been observed that are estimated to be over 300 years old. Most of us can expect to enjoy nuts from the trees we plant, with even more for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One might also wonder, as one nut nurseryman does, "How soon will a Chinese elm or soft maple produce nuts?"[Pg 109]

Parent tree of Ohio black walnut, located on the farm of Charles Arbogast, 1½ miles northwest of McCutchenville, Ohio. The tree has a diameter of 2½ feet and is very vigorous. It reportedly produces heavy crops every other year.
Photograph by O. D. Diller, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Oct. 8, 1943.

Ohio Nut Growers' Meeting

By G.J. Korn, Berrien Springs, MI

A meeting of Ohio nut growers was held at the Wooster, Ohio, Experiment Station on September 5, 1943. A very pleasant and profitable afternoon was had in the exchange of ideas and reports on the growing of nut trees. Most of those present were members of the Northern Nut Growers' Association. As the annual meeting of that organization had been cancelled for the duration of the war, the Ohio members decided to hold a meeting of their own at Wooster. The growers presented reports on the[Pg 111] varieties with which they are working and evaluated their merits and performance. As an example, Mr. A. A. Bungart of Avon, said he had spent a good share of his spare time for two summers in examination of several hundred native black walnut trees, and has never found a nut as good as the varieties Todd or Thomas. He still feels, however, that there are superior walnuts growing wild and that continued search for them is well warranted. Several other kinds of nut trees are being grown by Mr. Bungart, such as filberts, Chinese chestnuts, and Crath Persian walnuts. In a summary of his report he said, "In viewing the growing of nut trees, I am convinced that it is a wonderful hobby, and that the contributions of various individuals and groups will eventually establish nut growing in the northern states on a commercial basis."

A meeting of Ohio nut growers took place at the Wooster, Ohio, Experiment Station on September 5, 1943. It was an enjoyable and productive afternoon spent sharing ideas and updates on nut tree cultivation. Most attendees were members of the Northern Nut Growers' Association. Since the annual meeting of that organization was canceled for the duration of the war, the Ohio members decided to hold their own meeting in Wooster. The growers shared reports on the[Pg 111] varieties they were working with and assessed their quality and performance. For instance, Mr. A. A. Bungart from Avon mentioned that he had dedicated much of his free time over two summers to examining several hundred native black walnut trees, and he has never found a nut as good as the Todd or Thomas varieties. However, he still believes there are superior walnuts growing in the wild and that the search for them is definitely worth it. Mr. Bungart is also cultivating several other types of nut trees, including filberts, Chinese chestnuts, and Crath Persian walnuts. In summarizing his report, he said, "In considering the cultivation of nut trees, I am convinced that it is a fantastic hobby, and that the efforts of various individuals and groups will ultimately lead to establishing nut growing on a commercial scale in the northern states."

Mr. Eugene Cranz of Ira also gave a very interesting report. This past summer Mr. Cranz passed his eighty-first birthday, and for many years has been keenly interested in general forestry practices. One of his particular interests is nut culture; a very superior hickory tree grows on his place, which bears a very high quality nut. During the course of his remarks, he expressed great optimism in the matter of developing the Chinese chestnut into a valuable commercial nut crop.

Mr. Eugene Cranz from Ira also delivered a fascinating report. This past summer, Mr. Cranz celebrated his eighty-first birthday and has had a strong interest in general forestry practices for many years. One of his specific interests is nut cultivation; he has a remarkable hickory tree on his property that produces very high-quality nuts. While speaking, he expressed great optimism about developing the Chinese chestnut into a valuable commercial nut crop.

Mr. J. Lester Hawk & Son of Beach City, concurred in Mr. Cranz's opinion on this matter, and cited as an example the 2 Hobson Chinese chestnuts which they planted on their property in 1917. These two trees have been bearing crops of well-formed tasty nuts for a period of 20 years. Mr. Hawk reports that he had sold several hundred seedling trees from these trees last year, and reports that he has about 2,500 one-year seedling trees in his nursery at the present time.

Mr. J. Lester Hawk & Son of Beach City agreed with Mr. Cranz's view on this matter, and mentioned the 2 Hobson Chinese chestnuts they planted on their property in 1917 as an example. These two trees have been producing well-formed, tasty nuts for 20 years. Mr. Hawk reported that he sold several hundred seedling trees from these trees last year, and he currently has about 2,500 one-year seedling trees in his nursery.

Many other interesting reports were given on cultural practices and on the merits of various types of nut trees adaptable to northern conditions. Mention should be made of the especially fine illustrated talk given by L. Walter Sherman, superintendent of the Mahoning County Experiment Farm at Canfield. Colored slides were shown by Mr. Sherman, of his grafting technique and of individual trees throughout the state from which he has collected scions. Three acres of the Mahoning County Farm are being devoted to nut growing and research at the present time. This planting includes 21 different varieties of black walnut. Mr. Sherman is keeping an accurate record of the trees as they develop, their source of scions, and other items that may be of interest. Besides recording this data, he is also making color slides of his cultural methods and progressive stages of the trees' growth.

Many other interesting reports were presented on cultural practices and the benefits of different types of nut trees that can thrive in northern conditions. Notably, L. Walter Sherman, the superintendent of the Mahoning County Experiment Farm in Canfield, delivered an especially impressive illustrated talk. Mr. Sherman showed colored slides demonstrating his grafting technique and individual trees from across the state where he has collected scions. Currently, three acres of the Mahoning County Farm are dedicated to nut growing and research. This includes 21 different varieties of black walnut. Mr. Sherman is keeping detailed records of the trees as they grow, their source of scions, and other relevant information. In addition to recording this data, he is also creating color slides of his cultural methods and the various stages of the trees' growth.

In spite of unavoidable interruptions to their individual efforts occasioned by the war, those in attendance expressed the belief that real progress is being made in this particular field. A committee was chosen to draft tentative plans for a 20-year research program on nut culture in Ohio. The great enthusiasm shown at this initial meeting indicates that a meeting of Ohio nut growers is likely to become an annual event.

Despite unavoidable interruptions to their individual efforts caused by the war, those present expressed the belief that real progress is being made in this area. A committee was selected to draft preliminary plans for a 20-year research program on nut cultivation in Ohio. The strong enthusiasm displayed at this initial meeting suggests that a gathering of Ohio nut growers is likely to become an annual event.

On my return home to Michigan from attending the Ohio meeting, I stopped off near McCutchenville, Ohio, to visit the parent "Ohio" black walnut tree. The accompanying photos taken by Mr. O. D. Diller, Dept. of Forestry, Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, show the majesty and beauty of this great tree.[Pg 112]

On my way back to Michigan after the meeting in Ohio, I made a stop near McCutchenville, Ohio, to check out the parent "Ohio" black walnut tree. The photos taken by Mr. O. D. Diller from the Department of Forestry at the Experiment Station in Wooster, Ohio, capture the grandeur and beauty of this amazing tree.[Pg 112]

Walnut and Heartnut Varieties Notes and Remarks

By J.U. Gellatly, Westbrook, B. C.

BARLEE BLACK WALNUT—1935 crop grown in Kelowna, B. C.—1 nut—44.0 per lb., 1 kernel—206.1 per lb., 21.36% kernel.

BARLEE BLACK WALNUT—1935 crop grown in Kelowna, B. C.—1 nut—44.0 per lb., 1 kernel—206.1 per lb., 21.36% kernel.

BROADVIEW NUTS—1941 crop, 5 nuts—29.5 per lb., 68.7 kernels per lb., 1 best kernel 64.8 per lb., 51.5 shells per lb., 42.85% kernel.

BROADVIEW NUTS—1941 crop, 5 nuts—29.5 per lb., 68.7 kernels per lb., 1 best kernel 64.8 per lb., 51.5 shells per lb., 42.85% kernel.

CALLANDER HEART NUT—20 Nuts—124.8 per lb., 20 kernels—392.7 kernels per lb.—31.8% kernel.

CALLANDER HEART NUT—20 Nuts—$124.80 per lb., 20 kernels—$392.70 kernels per lb.—31.8% kernel.

CANOKA HEART NUT—1941 crop—1 nut—79.6 per lb., 24½% kernel, 105.5 shells per lb., 324.0 kernels per lb.

CANOKA HEART NUT—1941 crop—1 nut—79.6 per lb., 24.5% kernel, 105.5 shells per lb., 324.0 kernels per lb.

CANOKA HEART—1941 crop—5 nuts average—90.4 per lb., 123.3 shells per lb., 338.5 kernels per lb., 26.7% kernel.

CANOKA HEART—1941 crop—5 nuts average—90.4 per lb., 123.3 shells per lb., 338.5 kernels per lb., 26.7% kernel.

CHINESE OR MANCHURIAN WALNUTS 1941 crop grown O. K. Valley—5 nuts—27.1 per lb., 5 kernels—62.0 per lb., 5 shells—48.1 per lb., 43.73% kernel. Kernels very fine flavour.

CHINESE OR MANCHURIAN WALNUTS 1941 crop grown O. K. Valley—5 nuts—27.1 per lb., 5 kernels—62.0 per lb., 5 shells—48.1 per lb., 43.73% kernel. Kernels have a very fine flavor.

COGLAN WALNUT—from Coglan, B. C.—1 nut—47.7 per lb., 1 kernel—113.4 per lb., 1 shell—82.5 per lb., 42.1% kernel. A very good thin shell nut of Franquette type.

COGLAN WALNUT—from Coglan, B. C.—1 nut—47.7 per lb., 1 kernel—113.4 per lb., 1 shell—82.5 per lb., 42.1% kernel. A very good thin-shelled nut of the Franquette type.

FRANQUETTE WALNUTS 1941 crop—outside dry storage or unheated shed. 5 nuts—30.0 per lb., 1 largest nut—26.4 per lb., kernel of this nut 78.2 per lb., 1 small kernel 141.75 per lb., 1 medium kernel—79.6 per lb., 5 kernels—94.1 per lb., 5 shells—45.3 per lb. 32.48% kernels. Kernels best of flavour.

FRANQUETTE WALNUTS 1941 crop—outdoor dry storage or unheated shed. 5 nuts—$30.00 per lb., 1 largest nut—$26.40 per lb., kernel of this nut $78.20 per lb., 1 small kernel $141.75 per lb., 1 medium kernel—$79.60 per lb., 5 kernels—$94.10 per lb., 5 shells—$45.30 per lb. 32.48% kernels. Kernels have the best flavor.

GELLATLY HEART NUT—1939 crop—20 nuts—64.2 per lb., 252.0 kernels per lb., 25.5% kernel. Shell heavy—cracking only fair.

GELLATLY HEART NUT—1939 crop—20 nuts—64.2 per lb., 252.0 kernels per lb., 25.5% kernel. Shell is heavy—cracking quality is only fair.

HEART NUT—from R. P. Wright, Erie, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.—1 nut—84.0 per lb., 266.8 kernels per lb., 122.6 shells per lb., 31.48% kernel.

HEART NUT—from R. P. Wright, Erie, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.—1 nut—$84.00 per lb., 266.8 kernels per lb., 122.6 shells per lb., 31.48% kernel.

IMPIT BLACK WALNUT—1941 crop—1 nut—25.2 per lb., 1 kernel—141.8 per lb., 17.78% kernel. 2 nuts—25.6 per lb.,—2 kernels—137.5 per lb., 18.64% kernel.

IMPIT BLACK WALNUT—1941 crop—1 nut—25.2 per lb., 1 kernel—141.8 per lb., 17.78% kernel. 2 nuts—25.6 per lb.,—2 kernels—137.5 per lb., 18.64% kernel.

IMPIT BLACK WALNUT—1941 crop—10 nuts—25.2 per lb., 10 kernels—110.4 per lb., 28.8% kernel. Cracking time 12 minutes to crack with hammer.

IMPIT BLACK WALNUT—1941 crop—10 nuts—25.2 per lb., 10 kernels—110.4 per lb., 28.8% kernel. Cracking time 12 minutes to crack with hammer.

MACKENZIE HEART NUT—20 nuts—48.3 per lb., 20 kernels—193.0 kernels per lb., 25% kernel—extracting and opening with knife—4 minutes.

MACKENZIE HEART NUT—20 nuts—48.3 per lb., 20 kernels—193.0 kernels per lb., 25% kernel—extracting and opening with a knife—4 minutes.

NORTH STAR WALNUT—1941 crop grown in O. K. Valley—5 nuts—28.8 per lb., 5 kernels—76.9 per lb., 5 shells—46.1 per lb., 37.48% kernel.

NORTH STAR WALNUT—1941 crop grown in O. K. Valley—5 nuts—28.8 per lb., 5 kernels—76.9 per lb., 5 shells—46.1 per lb., 37.48% kernel.

NURSOKA HEART NUT—1940 crop grown at Peachland, B. C.—1 nut—72.0 per lb., 103.1 shells per lb., 238.7 kernels per lb., 30.2% kernel. Extracting time 6 minutes.

NURSOKA HEART NUT—1940 crop grown in Peachland, B.C.—1 nut—72.0 per lb., 103.1 shells per lb., 238.7 kernels per lb., 30.2% kernel. Extracting time 6 minutes.

O. K. HEART NUT—1933 crop grown at Kelowna, B. C—20 nuts—103.1 per lb., 382.8 kernels per lb., 26.9% kernel. 3.5 minutes to open and extract with small penknife.

O. K. HEART NUT—1933 crop grown in Kelowna, B.C.—20 nuts—103.1 per lb., 382.8 kernels per lb., 26.9% kernel. 3.5 minutes to open and extract with a small penknife.

PENOKA HEART NUT—1939 crop—1 nut—96.5 per lb., 412.4 kernels per lb., 23.4% kernel.

PENOKA HEART NUT—1939 crop—1 nut—96.5 per lb., 412.4 kernels per lb., 23.4% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1941 crop—10 nuts, average—79.4 per lb., 98.6 shells per lb., 408.6 kernels per lb., 19.4% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1941 crop—10 nuts, average—79.4 per lb., 98.6 shells per lb., 408.6 kernels per lb., 19.4% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1939 crop—1 nut—96.6 per lb, 378.0 kernels per lb., 25.53% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1939 crop—1 nut—96.6 per lb, 378.0 kernels per lb., 25.53% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1935 crop—20 nuts—90.7 per lb., 302.4 kernels per lb., 30% kernel.

ROVER HEART NUT—1935 crop—20 nuts—90.7 per lb., 302.4 kernels per lb., 30% kernel.

SMYTHE HEART NUT—5 nuts—95.7 per lb., 5 kernels—276.6 per lb., 34.6% kernel. Well sealed but easy to open.

SMYTHE HEART NUT—5 nuts—$95.70 per lb., 5 kernels—$276.60 per lb., 34.6% kernel. Well sealed but easy to open.

SPREADOKA WALNUT "J. REGIA"—5 nuts—49.3 per lb., 5 kernels—105.0 per lb., 5 shells—92.95 per lb., 46.95% kernel.

SPREADOKA WALNUT "J. REGIA"—5 nuts—49.3 per lb., 5 kernels—105.0 per lb., 5 shells—92.95 per lb., 46.95% kernel.

THACKER HEART NUT—1942 crop—10 nuts—103.1 per lb., 324 kernels per lb., 31.8% kernel.

THACKER HEART NUT—1942 crop—10 nuts—103.1 per lb., 324 kernels per lb., 31.8% kernel.

VAUX ENGLISH WALNUT—1940 crop—a new seedling on J. U. Gellatly's lot. Large nuts—heavy shell. 1 nut—36.3 per lb., 1 kernel—90.7 per lb., 69.8 shells per lb., 40% kernel.

VAUX ENGLISH WALNUT—1940 crop—a new seedling on J. U. Gellatly's lot. Large nuts—heavy shell. 1 nut—36.3 per lb., 1 kernel—90.7 per lb., 69.8 shells per lb., 40% kernel.

WALSH WALNUTS—1941 crop grown in O. K. Valley—5 nuts 24.3 per lb., 5 kernels—57.7 per lb., 5 shells—42.2 per lb., 42.26% kernels. Kernels bland flavour.

WALSH WALNUTS—1941 crop grown in O. K. Valley—5 nuts 24.3 per lb., 5 kernels—57.7 per lb., 5 shells—42.2 per lb., 42.26% kernels. Kernels have a mild flavor.

WALTERS HEART NUT—1934 crop—20 nuts—47.2 per lb., 180.4 kernels per lb., 26.2% kernel. 13 minutes to open and extract with penknife.

WALTERS HEART NUT—1934 crop—20 nuts—47.2 per lb., 180.4 kernels per lb., 26.2% kernel. 13 minutes to open and extract with a penknife.

WALTERS HEART NUT—1940 crop—1 nut—58.2 per lb., 226.8 kernels per lb., 78.2 shells per. lb., 25.64% kernel.

WALTERS HEART NUT—1940 crop—1 nut—58.2 per pound, 226.8 kernels per pound, 78.2 shells per pound, 25.64% kernel.

NO. E. 16—From Ross Pier Wright—235 West 6th St., Erie, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 1 nut—61.3 per lb., 232.6 kernels per lb., 83.2 shells per lb., 26.35% kernel.

NO. E. 16—From Ross Pier Wright—235 West 6th St., Erie, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1 nut—61.3 per lb., 232.6 kernels per lb., 83.2 shells per lb., 26.35% kernel.

WATT WALNUT—from Himalayan Mts., India, B. C.—grown 1940. 1 large nut—35.4 per lb., 1 kernel—75.6 per lb., 1 shell—66.7. per lb., 46.876% kernel.

WATT WALNUT—from the Himalayan Mountains, India, B.C.—grown in 1940. 1 large nut—35.4 per lb., 1 kernel—75.6 per lb., 1 shell—66.7 per lb., 46.876% kernel.


Abstract of letter from Thomas Mitchell, 259 W. 29th St., New York, N. Y., to Julio P. Grandjean, Box 748, Mexico, D. F. I am a tree breeder interested in creating hybrid crop trees, oaks and, if possible, bi-generic hybrids of carob with honey locust and with mesquite. I have, in the past seven years, made over a thousand crosses of poplars and about 600 inter-specific oak crosses. This spring I made 250 oak crosses at the Arnold Arboretum, of which about 20% seem to be ripening viable acorns. I have a list of 90 varieties of hybrid oaks and about 60 varieties of American Asiatic and European species which are available here or at the Arboretum. I will send this list to any one who is interested in trying to graft them on native oak seedlings, and will send scions to any one willing to send me acorns, scions or pollen.

Abstract of letter from Thomas Mitchell, 259 W. 29th St., New York, N. Y., to Julio P. Grandjean, Box 748, Mexico, D. F. I am a tree breeder interested in creating hybrid crop trees, oaks, and, if possible, bi-generic hybrids of carob with honey locust and mesquite. Over the past seven years, I've made over a thousand crosses of poplars and about 600 inter-specific oak crosses. This spring, I made 250 oak crosses at the Arnold Arboretum, of which about 20% seem to be producing viable acorns. I have a list of 90 varieties of hybrid oaks and about 60 varieties of American, Asiatic, and European species available here or at the Arboretum. I will send this list to anyone interested in trying to graft them onto native oak seedlings and will send scions to anyone willing to send me acorns, scions, or pollen.

I believe the oak tree to be, potentially, more valuable than any other crop tree.

I think the oak tree could be more valuable than any other type of crop tree.

Abstract of letter from W. G. Tatum, Lebanon, Kentucky, to the Chairman of the Survey Committee. We have had reports from E. C. Rice of Absher, Ky., but his work with trees and his wonderful personality are not well enough known to us. Besides his large plantings of nut and fruit trees he does general farming. He has almost all of the finer varieties of nut trees, many of them large, in bearing and doing well.

Abstract of letter from W. G. Tatum, Lebanon, Kentucky, to the Chairman of the Survey Committee. We’ve received reports from E. C. Rice of Absher, Ky., but we don’t know enough about his work with trees and his amazing personality. In addition to his extensive plantings of nut and fruit trees, he also practices general farming. He has nearly all the best varieties of nut trees, many of them large, producing, and thriving.

Lewis Edmunds of Glasgow, Ky., discoverer of the Edmunds black walnut, is a general farmer whose plantings of nut tree, while not large, include many of the older and better known sorts, as well as later discoveries of his own, including a very thin shelled walnut, shagbark hickories, a seedless persimmon; and he is planning a large planting of chestnuts. He has a Stuart pecan that bears well-filled nuts every year, apparently without benefit of pollen from another tree.

Lewis Edmunds from Glasgow, Kentucky, who discovered the Edmunds black walnut, is a general farmer. His nut tree plantings, though not extensive, feature many of the older and well-known varieties, as well as some of his own recent discoveries, including a very thin-shelled walnut, shagbark hickories, and a seedless persimmon. He is also planning to plant a large number of chestnuts. He has a Stuart pecan that produces well-filled nuts every year, seemingly without the need for pollen from another tree.

Our experiment station has issued a new leaflet on nut growing in Kentucky and our State Forester, Mr. Jackson has given radio talks on the subject.

Our experiment station has released a new pamphlet on nut growing in Kentucky, and our State Forester, Mr. Jackson, has given radio talks on the topic.

I am planning and planting all the time and have at least a small start of most of the better strains of all varieties. I have a little nursery where I grow and graft my own trees. I consider Edmunds a very fine black walnut. I think that more free exchange of graftwood should be encouraged among our members, and we should encourage and help newcomers in learning the art of grafting. I got 90% of my Stambaugh grafts to grow this season, in a row of stocks running from the size of a lead pencil to that of the average man's little finger, using scions near to the size of the stocks, grafted by the "whip and tongue" splice method.

I’m constantly planning and planting, and I've made at least a small start with most of the better strains of all varieties. I have a little nursery where I grow and graft my own trees. I think Edmunds is a great black walnut. I believe we should promote more sharing of graftwood among our members and support newcomers in learning how to graft. This season, I managed to get 90% of my Stambaugh grafts to grow, using stocks ranging from the size of a pencil to that of an average man's little finger, with scions that were close in size to the stocks, grafted using the "whip and tongue" splice method.

Letter from H. F. Stoke to Miss Mildred Jones: I am pleased to comply with your request to report on those varieties that have given me the best results in this locality. It is perhaps unfortunate that some of them are unknown or obscure varieties that are not generally in the hands of the nursery trade. (As an aside, I am quitting the nursery business, so what I say is without prejudice or any personal bias.)[Pg 117]

Letter from H. F. Stoke to Miss Mildred Jones: I'm happy to fulfill your request to report on the varieties that have performed the best for me in this area. Unfortunately, some of them are unknown or obscure varieties that aren't usually available in the nursery trade. (Just to mention, I'm leaving the nursery business, so my comments are without any prejudice or personal bias.)[Pg 117]

I am listing the varieties in order of my estimate of them for this locality based on my own personal experience. I am becoming increasingly hard boiled in my judgments based on two considerations: first, that a nut tree should bear within a reasonable time and that the crops should be regular and reasonably abundant; second, that the nuts should be fit to eat after they have been grown. These two considerations knock out many varieties that have been highly touted.

I’m listing the varieties in order of how I see them for this local area based on my personal experience. I’m becoming more tough-minded in my evaluations based on two criteria: first, that a nut tree should start producing in a reasonable amount of time and that the harvests should be consistent and fairly plentiful; second, that the nuts should be edible after they’ve been grown. These two factors eliminate many varieties that have been highly praised.

Filberts. The Buchanan and its second generation seedlings have been better filled and more productive than any of the European hazels. Italian red comes next. Brixnut and Longfellow are strong, healthy growers, but the former does not fill well and the latter bears sparsely. Barcelona is out.

Filberts. The Buchanan and its second-generation seedlings have produced better yields and are more fruitful than any of the European hazels. Italian red is next in line. Brixnut and Longfellow are robust, healthy growers, but Brixnut doesn't fill well, and Longfellow bears fruit sparingly. Barcelona is no longer an option.

Chinese chestnut. Hobson, Carr, Zimmerman, Reliable. Hobson heads the list as most precocious and productive. It requires a pollenizer. Carr will bear partial crops without cross-pollination. Zimmerman is almost as productive as Carr, but its need of cross-pollination is unknown to me. Reliable is the smallest of the four, of high quality and a steady bearer of moderate crops. Pollination requirements not known. (The original Zimmerman sent me by Dr. Zimmerman was worthless. The present Zimmerman, furnished me by Dr. Smith, is a satisfactory nut.)

Chinese chestnut. Hobson, Carr, Zimmerman, Reliable. Hobson leads the list as the most early-producing and fruitful. It needs a pollenizer. Carr can produce some crops without cross-pollination. Zimmerman is nearly as productive as Carr, but I'm not sure about its need for cross-pollination. Reliable is the smallest of the four, offering high quality and consistently moderate yields. Pollination requirements are unknown. (The original Zimmerman sent to me by Dr. Zimmerman was useless. The current Zimmerman, provided by Dr. Smith, is a satisfactory nut.)

Japanese chestnut. Austin is the best of the lot.

Japanese chestnut. Austin is the best of the bunch.

Hybrid chestnut. One of Dr. Colby's hybrids is promising but has not been released and should not be listed without his permission. The hybrid I have been selling as Stoke is a better nut than any of the Japs, including Austin. A moderate producer of moderate crops of beautiful, high quality nuts ripening the first of September. The Government's S8 Van Fleet hybrid is a very prolific hybrid of rather poor quality. It should be satisfactory for people who cook their chestnuts. Mr. C. A. Reed should be consulted before listing. S8 will outyield any chestnut I know of. Tree is less vigorous than Stoke and more subject to blight.

Hybrid chestnut. One of Dr. Colby's hybrids shows promise but hasn't been released yet and shouldn't be listed without his permission. The hybrid I've been selling as Stoke produces better nuts than any of the Japanese varieties, including Austin. It has a moderate yield of beautiful, high-quality nuts that ripen in early September. The Government's S8 Van Fleet hybrid is very productive but of somewhat poor quality. It should work well for those who cook their chestnuts. Mr. C. A. Reed should be consulted before listing it. S8 will outproduce any chestnut I'm aware of. The tree is less vigorous than Stoke and more susceptible to blight.

Black walnut. Homeland, Creitz, Mintle, Thomas. Homeland is a local nut and is unknown to the trade. It makes a poor test score, partly because of its pointed shape, partly because of the plumpness and tenderness of the kernel. It fills out much better than Thomas growing beside it: bears moderate crops every year, both on the parent and on grafted trees. It is a nice, upright, healthy grower; new growth tinged with purple. I consider quality first class. Creitz bears regularly and well; nuts very like Ohio but husks thin and it cleans much better. Kernels apt to be shrivelled somewhat. Mintle good bearer, plumper than Creitz, pellicle somewhat off color. Thomas does not fill so well, especially if given much nitrogen, which Homeland will stand. Stabler worthless here.

Black walnut. Homeland, Creitz, Mintle, Thomas. Homeland is a local nut that isn't known in the market. It scores poorly on tests, partly due to its pointed shape and partly because the kernel is plump and tender. It develops much better than Thomas, which grows alongside it, producing moderate crops every year, both on the parent and on grafted trees. It's a nice, upright, healthy grower with new growth that has a purple tint. I consider its quality to be top-notch. Creitz produces regularly and well; its nuts are very similar to Ohio but have thinner husks and clean better. The kernels tend to be a bit shriveled. Mintle is a good producer, plumper than Creitz, but its skin is somewhat discolored. Thomas doesn't fill out as well, especially when given too much nitrogen, which Homeland can handle. Stabler is worthless here.

English walnut. Bedford, Lancaster, Payne, Franquette. Bedford is a local nut found on an abandoned farm in Bedford County, Va. A regular bearer of high quality nuts of the Mayette type. Blossoms late, a little before Mayette and Franquette. The only one of fifteen varieties that I have fruited that can be depended on to pollinize itself; medium size, well sealed, cures well, no bitterness to pellicle, no "sticktite" nor moldy nuts. Lancaster, very large, very vigorous tree, precocious, prolific, quality of nuts good but not best; staminate blossoms early, pistillate late. Requires a pol[Pg 118]linizer. Franquette, Mayette and Bedford should answer. Payne will not stand winter temperatures much below zero; requires cross-pollination; needs seemingly met by Crath and Broadview. Good nut of good size and quality, precocious and very prolific. Moderate grower. Worst fault starts too early in spring. Good for south and upper south. I forgot to mention that one of the worst faults of Lancaster is that the nuts must be dried promptly on ripening; sometimes the kernels mold before the nuts fall from the tree. Franquette should rank with Bedford except that it usually bears poorly, although rarely it bears a good crop. Always blossoms freely. Trouble seems to be pollination. Bedford may be the answer; Mayette is not, and also bears very poorly. King and Chambers, recommended by Carroll Bush as pollinizers for Franquette, produce their staminates too early here. Broadview is vigorous, precocious, prolific, large with a pellicle too bitter for human consumption. Nuts sometimes spoil on the tree, like Lancaster.

English walnut. Bedford, Lancaster, Payne, Franquette. Bedford is a local nut found on an abandoned farm in Bedford County, VA. It consistently produces high quality nuts similar to the Mayette type. It blooms late, just before Mayette and Franquette. It’s the only one of the fifteen varieties I’ve grown that can reliably pollinate itself; it’s medium-sized, well-sealed, cures well, has no bitterness in the shell, and doesn’t have “sticktite” or moldy nuts. Lancaster is a very large, strong tree, that produces early and abundantly, with good but not the best nut quality; the male flowers bloom early, while the female flowers bloom late. It needs a pollinator. Franquette, Mayette, and Bedford should work as pollinators. Payne can’t handle winter temperatures that go much below zero; it requires cross-pollination, which should be met by Crath and Broadview. It produces good-sized, good-quality nuts, is early to produce, and very prolific. It grows at a moderate rate. Its worst flaw is that it starts too early in the spring. It’s suitable for the southern and upper southern regions. I forgot to mention that a major flaw of Lancaster is that the nuts need to be dried immediately after they ripen; sometimes the kernels mold before the nuts even fall from the tree. Franquette should rank alongside Bedford except that it usually produces poorly, although occasionally it will produce a good crop. It always blooms abundantly. The issue seems to be pollination. Bedford may be the solution; Mayette does not work and also produces very poorly. King and Chambers, recommended by Carroll Bush as pollinizers for Franquette, flower too early here. Broadview is vigorous, early to produce, abundant, large but has a shell that is too bitter for humans to eat. Nuts sometimes spoil on the tree, similar to Lancaster.

Heartnut. Like most English walnuts heartnuts blossom too early in the spring and are usually killed back by late frosts here. Walters is the only one that blossoms late enough to produce usually a crop.

Heartnut. Like most English walnuts, heartnuts bloom too early in the spring and are typically damaged by late frosts here. Walters is the only variety that blooms late enough to usually produce a crop.

I still think that a well-filled Sifford is the best black walnut I have seen, but the parent tree generally produces poorly-filled nuts, and the young trees have been very slow to come into bearing, so I have left it off the list. Early defoliation appears to be the cause of poor filling in wet seasons. When well filled it runs 32% kernel.

I still believe that a fully developed Sifford is the best black walnut I've seen, but the parent tree usually produces poorly filled nuts, and the young trees have been slow to start bearing, so I have excluded it from the list. Early leaf drop seems to be the reason for poor filling in wet seasons. When well filled, it contains 32% kernel.

Any and all of the nuts listed, of all species, are perfectly winter-hardy here, except that Payne English walnut was injured by a temperature of 10 below zero some years ago. All English walnuts, except Franquette and most seedling Chinese chestnuts lost their crops last spring by a freeze May 5th. Hobson, Carr, Zimmerman and Reliable came through with crops.

Any and all of the nuts mentioned, from all species, are completely winter-hardy here, except for the Payne English walnut, which was damaged by temperatures reaching 10 degrees below zero a few years back. Most English walnuts, except for Franquette and a majority of seedling Chinese chestnuts, lost their crops last spring due to a freeze on May 5th. Hobson, Carr, Zimmerman, and Reliable managed to come through with crops.

It will be most unfortunate if the many nurseries that, in my opinion, will go into nut tree production should boost seedling trees just because they do not have or cannot produce the named varieties. If the public can be at this time educated to demand select varieties it will influence the planting of nut trees favorably for the next hundred years. If they get shunted off on to seedlings it will take another twenty-five years to awaken the present interest. One might as well expect an apple growing industry to spring from the indiscriminate planting of seedling apple orchards. This goes especially for the English walnut and the Chinese chestnut.

It would be really unfortunate if the many nurseries that I believe will start producing nut trees just went ahead and promoted seedling trees because they don’t have or can’t produce the named varieties. If the public can be educated to demand selected varieties now, it will positively impact nut tree planting for the next hundred years. If they end up getting pushed toward seedlings, it will take another twenty-five years to revive the current interest. It’s like expecting an apple growing industry to emerge from randomly planting seedling apple orchards. This is especially true for English walnuts and Chinese chestnuts.

Abstract of letter from Rev. P. C. Crath, Cannington, Ontario. Only a limited report is possible this year. In Toronto there are four Carpathian walnut trees 20 to 25 feet high which bear nuts regularly. One of these bears nuts of huge size, another smaller nuts with very thin shell and with the flavor of the Cashew nut. The other two trees produce regularly medium sized nuts with thin shells. In Islington, near Toronto, Carpathian No. 34 belonging to Mr. J. Robson continues bearing. Mr. Robson died last spring and I am naming this tree No. 34 the "Robson" in his memory. The eight Carpathians along the Welland Canal are doing well and bear every year. The tree in the yard of the Rev. Foster at Welland is a nice big tree and bears every season but squirrels carry off all the crop. In On[Pg 119]tario until the present time the curculio has not attacked Carpathian walnuts. Prof. C. T. Currelly of Canton has some nice big trees of his own grafting. One of these is of the Landyga type that in its seventh year now has never shown any cold injury. We can feel assured that the Landyga type is the best for the cold regions of Ontario. A tall and beautiful No. 46 that had a bacteriological canker near the root has thoroughly healed. Other No. 46 trees on the same estate are doing fine. The original No. 34 (now Robson) on Prof. Currelly's farm is doing exceptionally well. It is the type of a good market walnut. The Harbey Carpathians, belonging to J. regia maxima, with very thin shells are also doing well.

Abstract of letter from Rev. P. C. Crath, Cannington, Ontario. This year, I can only provide a limited report. In Toronto, there are four Carpathian walnut trees that reach heights of 20 to 25 feet and produce nuts consistently. One tree has large nuts, another has smaller nuts with very thin shells and a flavor similar to cashews. The other two trees produce medium-sized nuts with thin shells regularly. In Islington, near Toronto, Carpathian No. 34, owned by Mr. J. Robson, is still bearing fruit. Mr. Robson passed away last spring, so I am naming this tree No. 34 the "Robson" in his honor. The eight Carpathians along the Welland Canal are thriving and produce every year. The tree in Rev. Foster's yard in Welland is a nice, large tree that bears every season, but squirrels take all the nuts. So far, in Ontario, the curculio has not bothered Carpathian walnuts. Prof. C. T. Currelly from Canton has some nice, large grafted trees. One of these is of the Landyga type, which has shown no cold damage in its seventh year. We can be confident that the Landyga type is the best choice for the colder regions of Ontario. A tall, beautiful No. 46 that had a bacterial canker near the root has completely healed. Other No. 46 trees on the same property are doing well. The original No. 34 (now Robson) on Prof. Currelly's farm is doing exceptionally well. It is the ideal type for a quality market walnut. The Harbey Carpathians, related to J. regia maxima, with very thin shells are also prospering.

My Ukrainian and Turkish filberts on Currelly's estate have now become small bushes, 40 in number bearing abundantly.

My Ukrainian and Turkish hazelnut trees on Currelly's estate have now grown into small bushes, with 40 of them bearing a lot of fruit.

Abstract of letter from Sylvester M. Schessler, Genoa, Ohio. To keep scionwood I place sticks, such as elder, on a cement floor, lay the scions crosswise on these, cover them with sawdust and throw an oilcloth over this. In May I graft by the slotbark method nailing the scion and tying with string or rubber bands and wax with Acme Grafting Compound put on cold. I cover with a two pound paper sack and later stake up the new growth. I like fair sized scion wood cut from near the base of the new growth and often graft with two year old wood carrying some one year wood. I will exchange graft wood and have several varieties of Ohio prize winners bearing nuts. I also do budding by the patch method.[Pg 120]

Abstract of letter from Sylvester M. Schessler, Genoa, Ohio. To keep scion wood, I place sticks like elder on a cement floor, lay the scions across these, cover them with sawdust, and throw an oilcloth over it. In May, I graft using the slotbark method, nailing the scion in place and securing it with string or rubber bands, then applying wax with Acme Grafting Compound while it's still cold. I cover everything with a two-pound paper sack and later stake the new growth. I prefer medium-sized scion wood cut from near the base of the new growth, and I often graft with two-year-old wood that has some one-year wood. I'm open to exchanging graft wood and have several varieties of Ohio prize-winning nut trees. I also do budding using the patch method.[Pg 120]

Experiment Station Investigates Tree Believed to be
the Oldest Chestnut in Connecticut

Progress Report from Connecticut Experiment Station, Dated November 15, 1943

Many years ago, at a time when the American chestnut was still the king of the woods, a farmer set out a small orchard of nut trees on the bank of the Connecticut River flood plain north of Hartford. Now, some 60 years later, one lone Japanese chestnut survives. Dr. Donald F. Jones of the Agricultural Station in New Haven, who recently investigated the tree, believes it is by far the oldest living chestnut in the State. And the most interesting thing about the tree is that it shows no signs of blight, the disease that destroyed all the native chestnuts.

Many years ago, when the American chestnut was still the dominant tree in the woods, a farmer planted a small orchard of nut trees along the Connecticut River floodplain just north of Hartford. Now, about 60 years later, only one Japanese chestnut remains. Dr. Donald F. Jones from the Agricultural Station in New Haven, who recently studied the tree, believes it's the oldest living chestnut in the state. The most fascinating thing about this tree is that it shows no signs of blight, the disease that wiped out all the native chestnuts.

Dr. Jones' attention was called to the tree late last fall by a hunter who noticed a deposit of chestnut hulls in the river bank. On investigation, the man discovered the tree and was impressed by its size. This fall the tree was visited in search of nuts. There, rising above the brush and brambles of what is now a tobacco field, stood the chestnut, 30 foot high and 18 inches in diameter. The men were able to rescue only six nuts, their visit being a little late for the main harvest. The nuts were among the largest Dr. Jones has seen. They have been planted at the Experiment Station farm in Mount Carmel.

Dr. Jones was alerted to the tree late last fall by a hunter who spotted a collection of chestnut hulls along the riverbank. Upon investigation, the hunter found the tree and was struck by its size. This fall, the tree was revisited in search of nuts. Rising above the brush and brambles of what is now a tobacco field, the chestnut stood 30 feet high and 18 inches in diameter. The men were only able to collect six nuts, as they arrived a bit late for the main harvest. The nuts were among the largest Dr. Jones had ever seen. They've been planted at the Experiment Station farm in Mount Carmel.

Inquiry in the neighborhood of the chestnut revealed that two or three people knew about the tree and had gathered the nuts that are produced profusely every other year. One of the neighbors recalled that 60 years or more ago, when he was but 12 years old, a man named John P. Jones had set out the nut trees. But the original source of the trees is unknown and it remains a question whether the planter got the trees from a nursery in this country or directly from the Orient.

Inquiry in the area around the chestnut tree showed that a couple of people were aware of the tree and had collected the nuts that grow in abundance every other year. One neighbor remembered that over 60 years ago, when he was just 12, a man named John P. Jones had planted the nut trees. However, the original source of the trees is unclear, and it’s still a mystery whether the planter obtained the trees from a local nursery or directly from the East.

Though the lone survivor is somewhat neglected, with several dead branches that have been left untrimmed, a neighbor was interested enough in its possibilities to plant some of the nuts. This resulted in one six-year-old seedling tree. Unfortunately, this already shows blight and is apparently the result of pollination by some blighted American seedling or sprout in the neighborhood. The nuts collected this fall may also give disappointing results but should transmit to later generations the blight-resistance of this Japanese parent. In addition to planting the nuts, Dr. Jones will take scions from the tree for grafting on young trees at the Station's Mount Carmel farm. Those should produce results more quickly than the seeds. Next summer pollen will be collected from the tree for use in hybridizing some of the young trees already growing here.

Though the lone survivor is a bit neglected, with several dead branches left untrimmed, a neighbor was curious enough about its potential to plant some of the nuts. This led to one six-year-old seedling tree. Unfortunately, this tree is already showing signs of blight and seems to have been pollinated by a nearby blighted American seedling or sprout. The nuts collected this fall might also produce lackluster results but should pass on the blight resistance from this Japanese parent to future generations. In addition to planting the nuts, Dr. Jones will take scions from the tree to graft onto young trees at the Station's Mount Carmel farm. Those should yield results faster than the seeds. Next summer, pollen will be collected from the tree to use in hybridizing some of the young trees already growing here.

Dr. Jones has for many years been interested in the development of a useful chestnut for Connecticut conditions. Some of the young trees, crosses between American and Asiatic types, show promise but will take several years of testing to prove their value. The new "find" may be of considerable help in shortening the length of time necessary to get a tree that is blight resistant, of large fruiting habit and of good timber quality.[Pg 121]

Dr. Jones has been interested for many years in developing a useful chestnut suited for Connecticut's conditions. Some of the young trees, which are hybrids between American and Asian types, show promise but will require several years of testing to prove their value. This new discovery could significantly help shorten the time needed to establish a tree that is resistant to blight, produces large fruit, and has good timber quality.[Pg 121]

(Note by Editor—This tree has been known to me for probably fifteen years. It was brought to my attention by Mr. Charles Vibert of East Hartford and named by me the "Vibbert," [with two b's to insure the right pronounciation]. The name has been published and I have sent scions to a number of people and grafted trees myself. The tree bears a very large nut, twelve selected ones weighing over a pound. I have gathered a good many quarts of them and exhibited them in Hartford and Litchfield. So far as my observation goes this large size is at least partly due to the fact that there is only one filled nut in a burr, the other two being aborted. This fact, and the fact that the crops are small, I have attributed to the partial inefficiency of self-pollination, there being no evident outside source of pollen. One year I grafted several other varieties into the top of the tree. Most of those grew a year or two but then died. I have believed that this was due to blight. There has been much dead wood in the tree ever since I have known it and I had supposed that this was blight.)[Pg 122]

(Note by Editor—I've known about this tree for probably fifteen years. Mr. Charles Vibert from East Hartford brought it to my attention, and I named it the "Vibbert" [with two b's to ensure the correct pronunciation]. The name has been published, and I've sent grafts to several people and grafted trees myself. The tree produces a very large nut, with twelve selected ones weighing over a pound. I've collected quite a few quarts and displayed them in Hartford and Litchfield. From what I've observed, the large size is at least partly because there’s only one filled nut in a burr, while the other two are aborted. I attribute this, along with the small crops, to the partial inefficiency of self-pollination, as there's no apparent outside source of pollen. One year, I grafted several other varieties into the top of the tree. Most of them grew for a year or two but then died. I believe this was due to blight. There has been a lot of dead wood in the tree ever since I've known it, and I assumed it was blight.)[Pg 122]

Report of Committee of Ohio Nut Growers

A. A. Bungart, Chairman

On September 5, 1943, members of the Northern Nut Growers' Association living in Northern Ohio met at the Wooster Experiment Farm to discuss nut growing in the State. At this meeting a committee was formed to work out plans and suggestions for a twenty-year nut growing program. It was felt that greater progress would result if something more definite were done by way of coordinating the work of the Forestry Department with the effort of individuals. The committee, meeting here on October 31, 1943, submits the following report. The chairman has attempted to incorporate most of the material submitted by members of the committee and by others.

On September 5, 1943, members of the Northern Nut Growers' Association living in Northern Ohio gathered at the Wooster Experiment Farm to talk about nut growing in the state. During this meeting, a committee was established to develop plans and recommendations for a twenty-year nut growing program. It was believed that more significant progress could be achieved by better coordinating the work of the Forestry Department with individual efforts. The committee, meeting here on October 31, 1943, presents the following report. The chairman has tried to include most of the information provided by committee members and others.

The committee recommends the appointment of a full time research man in nut culture, or two part-time workers. This man, or men, would form the hub around which the 20 year program would be built. There should be a division of labor: certain individuals already embarked on a program of their own should continue their work and coordinate it with a specialist at Wooster, or whatever place is designated as headquarters. For example, Mr. Silvis favors the hickory over all other nut trees. As a young man he can reasonably look forward to many years of experimentation with various varieties and under different conditions. Mr. Davidson is following a plan of planting large numbers of black walnut seed from blocks of trees in which natural crossing might combine the desirable characteristics of several better-than-average named varieties. Mr. Sherman has collected English walnuts from trees in the northern part of the state. Already he has seedlings of many varieties growing at Canfield.

The committee recommends hiring a full-time researcher in nut culture or two part-time workers. This person or people would be the core around which the 20-year program would be developed. There should be a division of labor: certain individuals already working on their own projects should continue their efforts and coordinate with a specialist at Wooster or wherever is designated as headquarters. For example, Mr. Silvis prefers hickory over all other nut trees. Being young, he can reasonably expect to have many years to experiment with different varieties and conditions. Mr. Davidson is implementing a plan to plant a large number of black walnut seeds from groups of trees, where natural crossing could combine desirable traits from several above-average known varieties. Mr. Sherman has gathered English walnuts from trees in the northern part of the state and already has seedlings of many varieties growing at Canfield.

Now, each of these projects is excellent and should be encouraged in every way. Whenever members of our organization find new and better nuts of those species, they should send nuts, or scions or data about the trees, to these gentlemen.

Now, each of these projects is great and deserves to be supported in every way. Whenever members of our organization discover new and better nuts of those species, they should send nuts, scions, or information about the trees to these gentlemen.

As time goes on there should be opportunities to farm out projects to individual growers. Mr. Fickes, for example, by experience and because of his favorable location could well carry out experiment suggested by a specialist, (or as a research worker to help with one of his own.)

As time goes on, there should be chances to assign projects to individual growers. Mr. Fickes, for instance, with his experience and advantageous location, could easily conduct experiments suggested by a specialist, or act as a research worker to assist with one of his own.

It would seem, apart from large scale operations to be mentioned later, that the specialist or expert should make his headquarters a clearing house for information sent by members. It should be his job to study some of the scientific phases of nut culture, such as artificial crossing, pollenizing data on various species and varieties of nut trees, genetic investigations, value of the proper root stocks, and, as time and information would warrant, the publishing of monographs on phases of nut growing. Finally such specialist might consider broadly the problems of securing an increased food supply from Ohio forests.

It seems that, aside from the large-scale operations mentioned later, the specialist or expert should make their headquarters a hub for information shared by members. It should be their responsibility to study some scientific aspects of nut cultivation, such as artificial crossing, pollination data on different species and varieties of nut trees, genetic research, the importance of the right rootstocks, and, as time and information allow, publishing papers on specific aspects of nut growing. Finally, this specialist might also think about the broader issues of increasing the food supply from Ohio's forests.

2. Devote the 9 acres at Apple Creek to nut tree planting. Plant two or three trees of each variety that has especially good traits. Also set out numbers of seedling stock upon which to graft scions of promising trees. By having the main planting near the Experiment Farm, the plant breeder at Wooster should also attend to nut trees.[Pg 123]

2. Dedicate the 9 acres at Apple Creek to planting nut trees. Plant two or three trees of each variety that has notable characteristics. Also, put out some seedling stock to graft scions from promising trees. By having the main planting close to the Experiment Farm, the plant breeder at Wooster should also take care of the nut trees.[Pg 123]

3. The Forestry Department should procure seed of hardy English walnuts and of other nut trees; grow one-year seedlings and distribute these in small numbers (not over five or six) to people who will plant them in good locations. Such action should be started at once; in twenty years or less something good might result.

3. The Forestry Department should obtain seeds for durable English walnuts and other nut trees; cultivate one-year seedlings and distribute these in small quantities (no more than five or six) to people willing to plant them in suitable locations. This initiative should begin immediately; in twenty years or less, it could lead to positive outcomes.

4. Continue the planting of all promising varieties of the different species of nut trees at Mahoning so that the bearing habits, production, etc., could be under strict observation and study, and so that a supply of scion wood might be available for other plantings and for commercial propagation.

4. Keep planting all the promising varieties of different types of nut trees at Mahoning so we can closely observe and study their bearing habits, production, and so we have a supply of scion wood for other plantings and commercial propagation.

5. Establish a similar project in some other section of Ohio; the southeastern section would seem to be the logical place when nut growing becomes a commercial industry in Ohio.

5. Set up a similar project in another area of Ohio; the southeastern region seems like the best choice when nut growing turns into a commercial industry in Ohio.

6. a. Graft promising hickories in the tops of established hickory seedling trees. There is a volunteer stand of such hickories on the lands of the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District that would be ideal for such top-working. No doubt many other such places could be located.

6. a. Graft promising hickories onto the tops of established hickory seedling trees. There's a natural stand of these hickories on the lands of the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District that would be perfect for this type of top-working. I'm sure many more locations like this could be found.

b. Same as "a" but using black walnuts.

b. Same as "a" but using black walnuts.

c. Same as "a" but using English walnuts.

c. Same as "a," but using English walnuts.

Suitable black walnut seedlings are now growing on the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District for projects 6b and c.

Suitable black walnut seedlings are currently growing in the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District for projects 6b and c.

7. Encourage the planting by the Forestry Department of better seed from the best named varieties. While this would be a long-range program it would be preeminently worth while. The forests of Ohio have all but disappeared. Organizations with vision and unselfishness must begin to replace them.

7. Encourage the Forestry Department to plant better seeds from the top named varieties. Although this would be a long-term program, it would definitely be worth it. The forests of Ohio have nearly vanished. Visionary and selfless organizations need to start bringing them back.

8. Urge a program of education. Nut trees require good soil and proper care. It would be folly for an organization to sponsor a program for nut tree planting, unless the growers are provided with proper cultural directions. The tendency in the past has been to plant nut trees in out-of-the-way places, and let nature take her course. Nature took her course; the result, scrubby trees and disgruntled planters.

8. Promote an education program. Nut trees need quality soil and proper care. It would be foolish for an organization to support a nut tree planting program without giving growers the right guidance. In the past, the common approach was to plant nut trees in remote areas and let nature handle the rest. Nature did her part, resulting in scraggly trees and unhappy planters.

9. Initiate future nut contests for the purpose of arousing public interests in nut growing and for bringing to light new varieties. Four-H clubs, county agents, boy scout troops, sport clubs, all might be urged to co-operate with the Forestry Department, or with our own organizations, in making a state-wide survey for better nuts. One member of the committee thinks that the Ohio Farmer contest did not bring to light all the good wild trees, although every nut grower is indebted to that splendid paper for its cooperation in the past.

9. Start future nut contests to spark public interest in nut growing and to discover new varieties. Four-H clubs, county agents, boy scout troops, and sports clubs could all be encouraged to work with the Forestry Department or our own organizations to conduct a state-wide survey for better nuts. One committee member believes that the Ohio Farmer contest didn't uncover all the great wild trees, even though every nut grower owes that excellent publication thanks for its support in the past.

10. Favor a moderate amount of publicity. Any plans, developments, or discoveries should be put before the public in scientific journals, farm papers, and the daily press. But propaganda of a sensational of exaggerated nature ought to be discouraged. In other words, the committee thinks that false claims and high pressure publicity on new varieties would do more harm than good.[Pg 124]

10. Support a reasonable amount of publicity. Any plans, developments, or discoveries should be shared with the public through scientific journals, agricultural publications, and daily news outlets. However, sensational or exaggerated propaganda should be avoided. In other words, the committee believes that false claims and aggressive marketing of new varieties would be more harmful than beneficial.[Pg 124]

11. Study the pollenizing problems of all the better varieties of nut trees, especially the black walnut, chestnut and hickory species, and test the better varieties to find those best suited to Ohio conditions.

11. Examine the pollination issues of all the top varieties of nut trees, especially black walnut, chestnut, and hickory, and evaluate the best varieties to determine which ones are most suited for Ohio's conditions.

12. Develop and perfect a simplified means of propagating nut trees and incorporate this information in a bulletin for all who are interested in nut trees. Many farmers and fruit growers shy from nursery prices for nut trees. If they could propagate their own they would be more likely to plant them.

12. Create and refine an easier way to grow nut trees and include this information in a bulletin for anyone interested in nut trees. Many farmers and fruit growers avoid nursery prices for nut trees. If they could grow their own, they would be more inclined to plant them.

13. a. Urge a means of developing better kinds of nut trees and nut hybrids for Ohio. Specifically, embark upon a program of artificial crossing and hybridizing. While some might object to the length of time required to check results, the committee thinks it possible to check three generations within a 20 year program. This could be expedited by budding or grafting the crossed seedling upon the stock of a bearing tree. The original seedling should be saved to check its growth, shape and other characteristics not apparent in the grafted branch. A Thomas-Elmer Myers cross might possibly combine the desirable traits of both parents, or a McAllister-shagbark cross might increase the productivity of the former. A nut, for example, having the cracking qualities of the English walnut, and the hardiness and retention of flavor when cooked or baked of a black walnut, would be a worthy achievement. Also, securing pollen from a hybrid English black walnut and back crossing with either species might produce the dream tree.

13. a. Promote a way to develop better types of nut trees and nut hybrids for Ohio. Specifically, start a program focused on artificial crossing and hybridizing. While some may raise concerns about how long it takes to see results, the committee believes it's possible to assess three generations within a 20-year program. This could be sped up by budding or grafting the crossed seedling onto the trunk of a producing tree. The original seedling should be kept to monitor its growth, shape, and other traits that aren’t visible in the grafted branch. A Thomas-Elmer Myers cross could potentially combine the best features of both parents, or a McAllister-shagbark cross might boost the yield of the former. For instance, creating a nut that has the cracking qualities of the English walnut and the hardiness and flavor retention when cooked or baked of a black walnut would be an impressive accomplishment. Additionally, obtaining pollen from a hybrid English black walnut and back-crossing with either species might yield the ideal tree.

N. B. Hybrid vigor might be a blessing for the quicker growth of all forest trees. Experiments in nut trees might be applied to other species.

N. B. Hybrid vigor can be a benefit for the faster growth of all forest trees. Experiments with nut trees could be applied to other species.

13. b. Establish in the same tree two varieties suitable for crossing. This seed should be distributed for propagation by the Forestry Department to public institutions and to others for reforestation on waste lands or water-shed project or private grounds.

13. b. Establish two varieties suitable for crossbreeding in the same tree. This seed should be provided for propagation by the Forestry Department to public institutions and others for reforestation on unused land, watershed projects, or private properties.

By selecting isolated trees for this mating, the nuts would either be self-pollinated or a cross of the desirable varieties. This it would seem would yield better nuts than the hit-an-miss methods of nature.

By choosing isolated trees for this breeding, the nuts would either be self-pollinated or cross-pollinated from the preferred varieties. This approach seems likely to produce better nuts than the random methods of nature.

14. Use a new yard stick for measuring the value of nut trees for commercial production. Size of nut, thickness of shell, cracking qualities are desirable traits but they might not be deciding factors in evaluating a tree. Other factors equally important perhaps even more so, are size of nut clusters, rate of growth, consistency in bearing annual cross, yield per tree of shucked nuts, resistance to blights and insect nests.

14. Use a new standard for measuring the value of nut trees for commercial production. While the size of the nut, thickness of the shell, and cracking qualities are desirable traits, they may not be the main factors in evaluating a tree. Other factors that are just as important, or possibly even more so, include the size of nut clusters, growth rate, consistency in annual bearing, yield per tree of shelled nuts, and resistance to blights and insect infestations.

15. Compile a list of the best articles that have appeared in the N.N.G.A. reports and print them in pamphlet form for distribution to Ohio growers. All the articles on black walnuts would be found in the one booklet, and so on for all other trees in which Ohioans would be interested.

15. Create a list of the best articles from the N.N.G.A. reports and publish them in pamphlet form for distribution to Ohio growers. All the articles about black walnuts will be included in one booklet, and the same goes for other trees that Ohioans might be interested in.

16. Check carefully the experiences and observations of all the members so as to assemble data on the behavior of nut trees. This information would be more useful in determining what crosses would be desirable. The Thomas nut, for example, has been both praised and condemned. What would be the concensus of opinion on the merits of this much debated variety?[Pg 125]

16. Carefully review the experiences and observations of all members to gather information on the behavior of nut trees. This data would be more helpful in deciding which crosses would be preferred. The Thomas nut, for instance, has received both praise and criticism. What would be the consensus on the merits of this much-debated variety?[Pg 125]

17. Make northern Ohio the nucleus of the N.N.G.A. Geographically and climatically, this section of the state represents an ideal spot for nut tree experimentation, in the northern states. The experiment farms at Wooster and Canfield, the Findley State Forest, the various state properties, all could be brought into a closely knit functioning project.

17. Make northern Ohio the center of the N.N.G.A. Geographically and climatically, this part of the state is an ideal location for nut tree experiments in the northern states. The experiment farms in Wooster and Canfield, Findley State Forest, and various state properties could all be integrated into a connected, functional project.


The committee thinks that a 20 year program along these 17 lines, or a modification of them, will eventually prove successful. If such an organization can offer farmers and all others interested in nuts and conservation a better walnut, filbert, hickory or chestnut suitable for Ohio soils and Ohio climate the effort would seem worth while.

The committee believes that a 20-year program along these 17 lines, or a modification of them, will ultimately be successful. If such an organization can provide farmers and others interested in nuts and conservation with better walnuts, filberts, hickories, or chestnuts that are suitable for Ohio soils and climate, the effort would seem worthwhile.

So far people interested in nut culture have been called "nuts." Practical-minded people are apt to smile at such nut experiments, but a glimpse at our state proves that nut enthusiasts have vision, and a faith in the future; that they are modern Johnny Appleseeds with more of Johnny's methods but less of his madness.

So far, people interested in nut cultivation have been referred to as "nuts." Practical-minded individuals tend to laugh at these nut experiments, but a look at our state shows that nut enthusiasts have vision and faith in the future; they are like modern-day Johnny Appleseeds, possessing more of Johnny's methods but less of his craziness.

The history of our state is a history of squandered natural resources, of get-rich-quick methods, of wanton destruction of all forms of plant and animal life. If this organization can in a small way stop the erosion of gullied hillsides, check the rampage of swollen rivers, arrest the fertility of Ohio farms from floating to the Gulf or the Ocean, if it can find some substitute for the magnificent chestnut trees now gone forever, if it can make better nuts grow where none or poor ones grow now, if it can sell conservation and a love of trees to every farmer in Ohio, this organization or any other will be conferring a rich legacy upon future Ohioans.[Pg 126]

The history of our state is one of wasted natural resources, get-rich-quick schemes, and reckless destruction of all forms of plant and animal life. If this organization can, even in a small way, stop the erosion of gullied hillsides, control the surge of swollen rivers, prevent the fertility of Ohio farms from washing away to the Gulf or the Ocean, find a substitute for the magnificent chestnut trees that are now lost forever, help better nuts grow where there are currently none or only poor ones, and promote conservation and a love of trees to every farmer in Ohio, this organization or any other will be leaving a valuable legacy for future generations of Ohioans.[Pg 126]


Dr. John Harvey Kellogg died at the age of 91 at his home in Battle Creek, Michigan, on December 14, 1943, from pneumonia. Until his death he was one of our two honorary members, the other being his brother, W. K. Kellogg. Our only other honorary members have been Henry Hales, H. E. Van Deman, and Dr. Walter Van Fleet. The Kelloggs were thus honored because of their large gifts to the association, their entertainment of the association twice at Battle Creek, and the numerous papers on nuts as food sent to the association by Dr. Kellogg. He once gave us $500 as prizes for a nut contest. He was present at our Stamford meeting and at those in Battle Creek. A full account of his life and works was printed in the N. Y. Times for December 16, 1943; and from a medical standpoint, in the Journal of the American Medical Association for December 25, 1943, p. 1132. Other accounts may be found in the Michigan newspapers and elsewhere. He was certainly one of our most eminent members. He was resolute and sincere in his beliefs, forceful and persistent in advocating them though they differed quite radically from the beliefs of most of the medical profession. He would not permit his patients to use alcohol, tobacco, meat in any form, or tea and coffee. Those who had been excessive users of these things were often immensely benefitted by a stay in a Kellogg sanitorium. He joined our association on account of his advocacy of nuts as food to replace in part the absence of meat. Of late years he had laid more emphasis on soy beans. Whatever may be thought of his radical views on food there can be no doubt that he did an immense amount of good not only by his treatment of individual patients but also by the wide dissemination of his teaching and his invention of many useful forms of so-called "health foods."[Pg 127]

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg passed away at 91 in his home in Battle Creek, Michigan, on December 14, 1943, due to pneumonia. Up until his death, he was one of our two honorary members, the other being his brother, W. K. Kellogg. Our only other honorary members have been Henry Hales, H. E. Van Deman, and Dr. Walter Van Fleet. The Kelloggs received this honor because of their substantial donations to the association, their hosting of the association twice in Battle Creek, and the many papers on nuts as food submitted to the association by Dr. Kellogg. He once contributed $500 as prizes for a nut contest. He attended our Stamford meeting and the ones in Battle Creek. A complete account of his life and work was published in the N. Y. Times on December 16, 1943, and from a medical perspective, in the Journal of the American Medical Association on December 25, 1943, p. 1132. Further accounts can be found in Michigan newspapers and other sources. He was undoubtedly one of our most distinguished members. He was committed and genuine in his beliefs, forceful and persistent in promoting them, even though they were quite different from the views of most in the medical field. He would not allow his patients to use alcohol, tobacco, any form of meat, or tea and coffee. Those who had heavily used these substances often greatly benefited from a stay at a Kellogg sanatorium. He joined our association due to his support for nuts as a food option to partially replace meat. In recent years, he placed more emphasis on soybeans. Regardless of opinions on his unconventional views on diet, there’s no doubt that he did a tremendous amount of good, not only through his treatment of individual patients but also through the broad distribution of his teachings and his invention of many practical types of so-called "health foods." [Pg 127]

[A] The authors are indebted to many persons for furnishing samples for testing and for making duplicate tests. This cooperation is gratefully acknowledged with thanks.

[A] The authors are grateful to many people for providing samples for testing and for conducting duplicate tests. This support is sincerely appreciated.

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