This is a modern-English version of Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida, originally written by Irving, Washington.
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and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If
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By Washington Irving
from the mss. of FRAY ANTONIO AGAPIDA
Author’s Revised Edition
CHAPTER I. -- Of the Kingdom of Granada, and the Tribute which it Paid to the Castilian Crown.
CHAPTER IV. -- Expedition of the Muley Abul Hassan against the Fortress of Zahara.
CHAPTER V. -- Expedition of the Marques of Cadiz against Alhama.
CHAPTER VIII. -- Sequel of the Events at Alhama.
CHAPTER IX. -- Events at Granada, and Rise of the Moorish King, Boabdil el Chico.
CHAPTER X. -- Royal Expedition against Loxa.
CHAPTER XII. -- Foray of Spanish Cavaliers among the Mountains of Malaga.
CHAPTER XIII. -- Effects of the Disasters among the Mountains of Malaga.
CHAPTER XIV. -- How King Boabdil el Chico Marched over the Border.
CHAPTER XV. -- How the Count de Cabra sallied forth from his Castle in Quest of King Boabdil.
CHAPTER XVI. -- The Battle of Lucena.
CHAPTER XVII. -- Lamentations of the Moors for the Battle of Lucena.
CHAPTER XVIII. -- How Muley Abul Hassan Profited by the Misfortunes of his Son Boabdil.
CHAPTER XIX. -- Captivity of Boabdil el Chico.
CHAPTER XX. -- Of the Treatment of Boabdil by the Castilian Sovereigns.
CHAPTER XXI. -- Return of Boabdil from Captivity.
CHAPTER XXII. -- Foray of the Moorish Alcaydes, and Battle of Lopera.
CHAPTER XXIII. -- Retreat of Hamet el Zegri, Alcayde of Ronda.
CHAPTER XXIV. -- Of the reception at Court of the Count de Cabra and the Alcayde de los Donceles.
CHAPTER XXVI. -- Of the Fortress of Alhama, and how Wisely it was Governed by the Count de Tendilla.
CHAPTER XXVII.-- Foray of Christian Knights into the Territory of the Moors.
CHAPTER XXVIII.-- Attempt of El Zagal to Surprise Boabdil in Almeria.
CHAPTER XXX. -- Siege of Ronda.
CHAPTER XXXIII. -- Expedition against the Castles of Cambil and Albahar.
CHAPTER XXXIV. -- Enterprise of the Knights of Calatrava against Zalea.
CHAPTER XXXV. -- Death of Muley Abul Hassan.
CHAPTER XXXVI. -- Of the Christian Army which Assembled at the City of Cordova.
CHAPTER XXXVIII. -- How King Ferdinand held a Council of War at the Rock of the Lovers.
CHAPTER XL. -- Conclusion of the Siege of Loxa.
CHAPTER XLI. -- Capture of Illora.
CHAPTER XLVII. -- How King Ferdinand laid Siege to Velez Malaga.
CHAPTER XLIX. -- Result of the Stratagem of El Zagal to Surprise King Ferdinand.
CHAPTER L. -- How the People of Granada Rewarded the Valor of El Zagal.
CHAPTER LI. -- Surrender of the Velez Malaga and Other Places.
CHAPTER LII. -- Of the City of Malaga and its Inhabitants.—Mission of Hernando del Pulgar.
CHAPTER LIII. -- Advance of King Ferdinand against Malaga.
CHAPTER LIV. -- Siege of Malaga.
CHAPTER LV. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Obstinacy of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LVI. -- Attack of the Marques of Cadiz upon Gibralfaro.
CHAPTER LVII. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Stratagems of Various Kinds.
CHAPTER LVIII. -- Sufferings of the People of Malaga.
CHAPTER LX. -- How Hamet el Zegri was Hardened in his Obstinacy by the Arts of a Moorish Astrologer.
CHAPTER LXI. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Destruction of a Tower by Francisco Ramirez de Madrid.
CHAPTER LXII. -- How the People of Malaga expostulated with Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXIV. -- How the City of Malaga Capitulated.
CHAPTER LXV. -- Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Dervise.—Fate of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXIX. -- How the Moors made Various Enterprises against the Christians.
CHAPTER LXXI. -- The Battle of the Gardens before Baza.
CHAPTER LXXII. -- Siege of Baza.—Embarrassments of the Army.
CHAPTER LXXIII. -- Siege of Baza continued.—How King Ferdinand completely Invested the City.
CHAPTER LXXIV. -- Exploit of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Other Cavaliers.
CHAPTER LXXV. -- Continuation of the Siege of Baza.
CHAPTER LXXVI. -- How Two Friars from the Holy Land arrived at the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXVII. -- How Queen Isabella devised Means to Supply the Army with Provisions.
CHAPTER LXXVIII. -- Of the Disasters which Befell the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXX. -- How Queen Isabella arrived at the Camp, and the Consequences of her Arrival.
CHAPTER LXXXI. -- Surrender of Baza.
CHAPTER LXXXII. -- Submission of El Zagal to the Castilian Sovereigns.
CHAPTER LXXXIII. -- Events at Granada subsequent to the Submission of El Zagal.
CHAPTER LXXXIV. -- How King Ferdinand turned his Hostilities against the City of Granada.
CHAPTER LXXXV. -- The Fate of the Castle of Roma.
CHAPTER LXXXVI. -- How Boabdil el Chico took the Field, and his Expedition against Alhendin.
CHAPTER LXXXVII. -- Exploit of the Count de Tendilla.
CHAPTER XC. -- Preparations of Granada for a Desperate Defence.
CHAPTER XCIV. -- The Last Ravage before Granada.
CHAPTER XCV. -- Conflagration of the Christian Camp.—Building of Santa Fe.
CHAPTER XCVI. -- Famine and Discord in the City.
CHAPTER XCVII. -- Capitulation of Granada.
CHAPTER XCVIII. -- Commotions in Granada.
CHAPTER XCIX. -- Surrender of Granada.
CHAPTER C. -- How the Castilian Sovereigns took Possession of Granada.
CHAPTER I. -- Of the Kingdom of Granada, and the Tribute which it Paid to the Castilian Crown.
CHAPTER IV. -- Expedition of the Muley Abul Hassan against the Fortress of Zahara.
CHAPTER V. -- Expedition of the Marques of Cadiz against Alhama.
CHAPTER VIII. -- Sequel of the Events at Alhama.
CHAPTER IX. -- Events at Granada, and Rise of the Moorish King, Boabdil el Chico.
CHAPTER X. -- Royal Expedition against Loxa.
CHAPTER XII. -- Foray of Spanish Cavaliers among the Mountains of Malaga.
CHAPTER XIII. -- Effects of the Disasters among the Mountains of Malaga.
CHAPTER XIV. -- How King Boabdil el Chico Marched over the Border.
CHAPTER XV. -- How the Count de Cabra sallied forth from his Castle in Quest of King Boabdil.
CHAPTER XVI. -- The Battle of Lucena.
CHAPTER XVII. -- Lamentations of the Moors for the Battle of Lucena.
CHAPTER XVIII. -- How Muley Abul Hassan Profited by the Misfortunes of his Son Boabdil.
CHAPTER XIX. -- Captivity of Boabdil el Chico.
CHAPTER XX. -- Of the Treatment of Boabdil by the Castilian Sovereigns.
CHAPTER XXI. -- Return of Boabdil from Captivity.
CHAPTER XXII. -- Foray of the Moorish Alcaydes, and Battle of Lopera.
CHAPTER XXIII. -- Retreat of Hamet el Zegri, Alcayde of Ronda.
CHAPTER XXIV. -- Of the reception at Court of the Count de Cabra and the Alcayde de los Donceles.
CHAPTER XXVI. -- Of the Fortress of Alhama, and how Wisely it was Governed by the Count de Tendilla.
CHAPTER XXVII.-- Foray of Christian Knights into the Territory of the Moors.
CHAPTER XXVIII.-- Attempt of El Zagal to Surprise Boabdil in Almeria.
CHAPTER XXX. -- Siege of Ronda.
CHAPTER XXXIII. -- Expedition against the Castles of Cambil and Albahar.
CHAPTER XXXIV. -- Enterprise of the Knights of Calatrava against Zalea.
CHAPTER XXXV. -- Death of Muley Abul Hassan.
CHAPTER XXXVI. -- Of the Christian Army which Assembled at the City of Cordova.
CHAPTER XXXVIII. -- How King Ferdinand held a Council of War at the Rock of the Lovers.
CHAPTER XL. -- Conclusion of the Siege of Loxa.
CHAPTER XLI. -- Capture of Illora.
CHAPTER XLVII. -- How King Ferdinand laid Siege to Velez Malaga.
CHAPTER XLIX. -- Result of the Stratagem of El Zagal to Surprise King Ferdinand.
CHAPTER L. -- How the People of Granada Rewarded the Valor of El Zagal.
CHAPTER LI. -- Surrender of the Velez Malaga and Other Places.
CHAPTER LII. -- Of the City of Malaga and its Inhabitants.—Mission of Hernando del Pulgar.
CHAPTER LIII. -- Advance of King Ferdinand against Malaga.
CHAPTER LIV. -- Siege of Malaga.
CHAPTER LV. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Obstinacy of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LVI. -- Attack of the Marques of Cadiz upon Gibralfaro.
CHAPTER LVII. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Stratagems of Various Kinds.
CHAPTER LVIII. -- Sufferings of the People of Malaga.
CHAPTER LX. -- How Hamet el Zegri was Hardened in his Obstinacy by the Arts of a Moorish Astrologer.
CHAPTER LXI. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Destruction of a Tower by Francisco Ramirez de Madrid.
CHAPTER LXII. -- How the People of Malaga expostulated with Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXIV. -- How the City of Malaga Capitulated.
CHAPTER LXV. -- Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Dervise.—Fate of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXIX. -- How the Moors made Various Enterprises against the Christians.
CHAPTER LXXI. -- The Battle of the Gardens before Baza.
CHAPTER LXXII. -- Siege of Baza.—Embarrassments of the Army.
CHAPTER LXXIII. -- Siege of Baza continued.—How King Ferdinand completely Invested the City.
CHAPTER LXXIV. -- Exploit of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Other Cavaliers.
CHAPTER LXXV. -- Continuation of the Siege of Baza.
CHAPTER LXXVI. -- How Two Friars from the Holy Land arrived at the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXVII. -- How Queen Isabella devised Means to Supply the Army with Provisions.
CHAPTER LXXVIII. -- Of the Disasters which Befell the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXX. -- How Queen Isabella arrived at the Camp, and the Consequences of her Arrival.
CHAPTER LXXXI. -- Surrender of Baza.
CHAPTER LXXXII. -- Submission of El Zagal to the Castilian Sovereigns.
CHAPTER LXXXIII. -- Events at Granada subsequent to the Submission of El Zagal.
CHAPTER LXXXIV. -- How King Ferdinand turned his Hostilities against the City of Granada.
CHAPTER LXXXV. -- The Fate of the Castle of Roma.
CHAPTER LXXXVI. -- How Boabdil el Chico took the Field, and his Expedition against Alhendin.
CHAPTER LXXXVII. -- Exploit of the Count de Tendilla.
CHAPTER XC. -- Preparations of Granada for a Desperate Defence.
CHAPTER XCIV. -- The Last Ravage before Granada.
CHAPTER XCV. -- Conflagration of the Christian Camp.—Building of Santa Fe.
CHAPTER XCVI. -- Famine and Discord in the City.
CHAPTER XCVII. -- Capitulation of Granada.
CHAPTER XCVIII. -- Commotions in Granada.
CHAPTER XCIX. -- Surrender of Granada.
CHAPTER C. -- How the Castilian Sovereigns took Possession of Granada.
Although the following Chronicle bears the name of the venerable Fray Antonio Agapida, it is rather a superstructure reared upon the fragments which remain of his work. It may be asked, Who is this same Agapida, who is cited with such deference, yet whose name is not to be found in any of the catalogues of Spanish authors? The question is hard to answer. He appears to have been one of the many indefatigable authors of Spain who have filled the libraries of convents and cathedrals with their tomes, without ever dreaming of bringing their labors to the press. He evidently was deeply and accurately informed of the particulars of the wars between his countrymen and the Moors, a tract of history but too much overgrown with the weeds of fable. His glowing zeal, also, in the cause of the Catholic faith entitles him to be held up as a model of the good old orthodox chroniclers, who recorded with such pious exultation the united triumphs of the cross and the sword. It is deeply to be regretted, therefore, that his manuscripts, deposited in the libraries of various convents, have been dispersed during the late convulsions in Spain, so that nothing is now to be met of them but disjointed fragments. These, however, are too precious to be suffered to fall into oblivion, as they contain many curious facts not to be found in any other historian. In the following work, therefore, the manuscript of the worthy Fray Antonio will be adopted wherever it exists entire, but will be filled up, extended, illustrated, and corroborated by citations from various authors, both Spanish and Arabian, who have treated of the subject. Those who may wish to know how far the work is indebted to the Chronicle of Fray Antonio Agapida may readily satisfy their curiosity by referring to his manuscript fragments, carefully preserved in the Library of the Escurial.
Although the following Chronicle is attributed to the respected Fray Antonio Agapida, it is mainly based on the fragments that remain of his work. One might wonder, who is this Agapida, who is referenced with such respect, yet whose name doesn’t appear in any catalogs of Spanish authors? That’s a tough question to answer. He seems to have been one of the many tireless writers in Spain who filled the libraries of convents and cathedrals with their books, without ever considering publishing their work. He clearly had a deep and accurate understanding of the wars between his countrymen and the Moors, a part of history that has largely become obscured by legend. His passionate commitment to the Catholic faith also makes him a prime example of the traditional chroniclers who celebrated the victories of the cross and the sword with fervent pride. It’s truly unfortunate that his manuscripts, which were kept in various convent libraries, have been scattered during the recent upheavals in Spain, leaving us with only disjointed fragments. However, these fragments are too valuable to be forgotten, as they contain many intriguing facts not found in any other historian's work. In this book, the manuscript of the honorable Fray Antonio will be used wherever it is complete, but it will also be expanded, elaborated on, illustrated, and supported by references from various authors, both Spanish and Arabian, who have written on the topic. Those curious about how much of the work relies on the Chronicle of Fray Antonio Agapida can easily check his manuscript fragments, which are carefully preserved in the Library of the Escurial.
Before entering upon the history it may be as well to notice the opinions of certain of the most learned and devout historiographers of former times relative to this war.
Before diving into the history, it might be good to acknowledge the views of some of the most knowledgeable and dedicated historians from earlier times regarding this war.
Marinus Siculus, historian to Charles V., pronounces it a war to avenge ancient injuries received by the Christians from the Moors, to recover the kingdom of Granada, and to extend the name and honor of the Christian religion.*
Marinus Siculus, historian to Charles V, describes it as a war to avenge the past wrongs done to Christians by the Moors, to reclaim the kingdom of Granada, and to promote the name and honor of the Christian faith.*
* Lucio Marino Siculo, Cosas Memorabiles de Espana, lib. 20.
* Lucio Marino Siculo, Memorable Things About Spain, book 20.
Estevan de Garibay, one of the most distinguished Spanish historians, regards the war as a special act of divine clemency toward the Moors, to the end that those barbarians and infidels, who had dragged out so many centuries under the diabolical oppression of the absurd sect of Mahomet, should at length be reduced to the Christian faith.*
Estevan de Garibay, one of the most prominent Spanish historians, sees the war as a unique act of divine mercy towards the Moors. His view is that those barbaric and unbelieving people, who had suffered for so many centuries under the cruel control of the ridiculous sect of Muhammad, should finally be brought into the Christian faith.*
* Garibay, Compend. Hist. Espana, lib. 18, c. 22.
* Garibay, Compend. Hist. Espana, lib. 18, c. 22.
Padre Mariana, also a venerable Jesuit and the most renowned historian of Spain, considers the past domination of the Moors a scourge inflicted on the Spanish nation for its iniquities, but the conquest of Granada the reward of Heaven for its great act of propitiation in establishing the glorious tribunal of the Inquisition! No sooner (says the worthy father) was this holy office opened in Spain than there shone forth a resplendent light. Then it was that, through divine favor, the nation increased in power, and became competent to overthrow and trample down the Moorish domination.*
Padre Mariana, a respected Jesuit and the most celebrated historian in Spain, believes that the previous rule of the Moors was a punishment dealt to the Spanish nation for its wrongdoings, but the conquest of Granada was a blessing from Heaven for its significant act of atonement in establishing the glorious Inquisition! As soon as (says the esteemed father) this holy office was established in Spain, a brilliant light emerged. It was then that, thanks to divine grace, the nation grew in strength and was able to defeat and crush the Moorish rule.*
* Mariana, Hist. Espana, lib. 25, c. 1.
* Mariana, Hist. Espana, lib. 25, c. 1.
Having thus cited high and venerable authority for considering this war in the light of one of those pious enterprises denominated crusades, we trust we have said enough to engage the Christian reader to follow us into the field and stand by us to the very issue of the encounter.
Having referred to respected authority regarding this war as one of those sacred missions known as crusades, we hope we have encouraged the Christian reader to join us in the field and support us through the final outcome of the battle.
The foregoing introduction, prefixed to the former editions of this work, has been somewhat of a detriment to it. Fray Antonio Agapida was found to be an imaginary personage, and this threw a doubt over the credibility of his Chronicle, which was increased by a vein of irony indulged here and there, and by the occasional heightening of some of the incidents and the romantic coloring of some of the scenes. A word or two explanatory may therefore be of service.*
The introduction included in previous editions of this work has actually harmed it a bit. Fray Antonio Agapida turned out to be a fictional character, which cast doubt on the credibility of his Chronicle. This skepticism was further fueled by moments of irony and by the embellishment of certain events and the dramatic flair of some scenes. A brief explanation might therefore be helpful.*
* Many of the observations in this note have already appeared in an explanatory article which at Mr. Murray’s request, the author furnished to the London Quarterly Review.
* Many of the observations in this note have already been published in an explanatory article that, at Mr. Murray’s request, the author provided to the London Quarterly Review.
The idea of the work was suggested while I was occupied at Madrid in writing the Life of Columbus. In searching for traces of his early life I was led among the scenes of the war of Granada, he having followed the Spanish sovereigns in some of their campaigns, and been present at the surrender of the Moorish capital. I actually wove some of these scenes into the biography, but found they occupied an undue space, and stood out in romantic relief not in unison with the general course of the narrative. My mind, however, had become so excited by the stirring events and romantic achievements of this war that I could not return with composure to the sober biography I had in hand. The idea then occurred, as a means of allaying the excitement, to throw off a rough draught of the history of this war, to be revised and completed at future leisure. It appeared to me that its true course and character had never been fully illustrated. The world had received a strangely perverted idea of it through Florian’s romance of “Gonsalvo of Cordova,” or through the legend, equally fabulous, entitled “The Civil Wars of Granada,” by Ginez Perez de la Hita, the pretended work of an Arabian contemporary, but in reality a Spanish fabrication. It had been woven over with love-tales and scenes of sentimental gallantry totally opposite to its real character; for it was, in truth, one of the sternest of those iron conflicts sanctified by the title of “holy wars.” In fact, the genuine nature of the war placed it far above the need of any amatory embellishments. It possessed sufficient interest in the striking contrast presented by the combatants of Oriental and European creeds, costumes, and manners, and in the hardy and harebrained enterprises, the romantic adventures, the picturesque forays through mountain regions, the daring assaults and surprisals of cliff-built castles and cragged fortresses, which succeeded each other with a variety and brilliancy beyond the scope of mere invention.
The idea for this work came to me while I was in Madrid writing the Life of Columbus. While searching for parts of his early life, I found myself drawn to the scenes of the Granada war, since he had accompanied the Spanish rulers in some of their campaigns and was present when the Moorish capital surrendered. I ended up including some of these scenes in the biography, but they took up too much space and felt too romantic compared to the overall story. My mind was so stirred by the exciting events and daring feats of this war that I couldn't return calmly to the straightforward biography I was working on. I then thought it might help to ease my excitement to quickly write a rough draft of the history of this war, which I could revise and finish later. I believed that its true course and nature had never been fully explained. The world had a strangely distorted view of it from Florian’s romance “Gonsalvo of Cordova” or the equally fictional “The Civil Wars of Granada,” by Ginez Perez de la Hita, which pretended to be the work of an Arabian contemporary but was actually a Spanish creation. It had been filled with love stories and sentimental adventures that were completely opposite to its true character; it was, in fact, one of the toughest of those iron conflicts that were called “holy wars.” The real nature of the war didn’t need any romantic touches. It was interesting enough in the sharp contrast between the Eastern and European fighters, their clothing and customs, as well as the daring exploits, romantic adventures, and striking raids through mountainous regions, bold assaults, and surprise attacks on cliffside castles and rugged fortresses, which unfolded in a variety and brilliance that went beyond simple imagination.
The time of the contest also contributed to heighten the interest. It was not long after the invention of gunpowder, when firearms and artillery mingled the flash and smoke and thunder of modern warfare with the steely splendor of ancient chivalry, and gave an awful magnificence and terrible sublimity to battle, and when the old Moorish towers and castles, that for ages had frowned defiance to the battering-rams and catapults of classic tactics, were toppled down by the lombards of the Spanish engineers. It was one of the cases in which history rises superior to fiction.
The timing of the contest also increased interest. It came shortly after the invention of gunpowder, when firearms and artillery combined the flash, smoke, and thunder of modern warfare with the impressive grandeur of ancient chivalry, bringing an alarming magnificence and intense sublimity to battle. The old Moorish towers and castles, which had withstood the battering rams and catapults of classic tactics for centuries, were brought down by the cannons of Spanish engineers. It was one of those moments when history surpassed fiction.
The more I thought about the subject, the more I was tempted to undertake it, and the facilities at hand at length determined me. In the libraries of Madrid and in the private library of the American consul, Mr. Rich, I had access to various chronicles and other works, both printed and in manuscript, written at the time by eyewitnesses, and in some instances by persons who had actually mingled in the scenes recorded and gave descriptions of them from different points of view and with different details. These works were often diffuse and tedious, and occasionally discolored by the bigotry, superstition, and fierce intolerance of the age; but their pages were illumined at times with scenes of high emprise, of romantic generosity, and heroic valor, which flashed upon the reader with additional splendor from the surrounding darkness. I collated these various works, some of which have never appeared in print, drew from each facts relative to the different enterprises, arranged them in as clear and lucid order as I could command, and endeavored to give them somewhat of a graphic effect by connecting them with the manners and customs of the age in which they occurred. The rough draught being completed, I laid the manuscript aside and proceeded with the Life of Columbus. After this was finished and sent to the press I made a tour in Andalusia, visited the ruins of the Moorish towns, fortresses, and castles, and the wild mountain-passes and defiles which had been the scenes of the most remarkable events of the war, and passed some time in the ancient palace of the Alhambra, the once favorite abode of the Moorish monarchs. Everywhere I took notes, from the most advantageous points of view, of whatever could serve to give local verity and graphic effect to the scenes described. Having taken up my abode for a time at Seville, I then resumed my manuscript and rewrote it, benefited by my travelling notes and the fresh and vivid impressions of my recent tour. In constructing my chronicle I adopted the fiction of a Spanish monk as the chronicler. Fray Antonio Agapida was intended as a personification of the monkish zealots who hovered about the sovereigns in their campaigns, marring the chivalry of the camp by the bigotry of the cloister, and chronicling in rapturous strains every act of intolerance toward the Moors. In fact, scarce a sally of the pretended friar when he bursts forth in rapturous eulogy of some great stroke of selfish policy on the part of Ferdinand, or exults over some overwhelming disaster of the gallant and devoted Moslems, but is taken almost word for word from one or other of the orthodox chroniclers of Spain.
The more I thought about the topic, the more eager I became to dive into it, and ultimately, the resources available swayed my decision. In the libraries of Madrid and in the private library of the American consul, Mr. Rich, I had access to various chronicles and other works, both printed and handwritten, created at the time by eyewitnesses, and in some cases by people who had actually participated in the events described, offering perspectives with different details. These works were often lengthy and dull, and occasionally stained by the bias, superstition, and intense intolerance of the era; however, they were sometimes brightened by scenes of great deeds, romantic generosity, and heroic courage, which stood out even more against the dark backdrop of the times. I compiled these various works, some of which have never been published, gathered facts related to different endeavors, organized them as clearly as I could, and tried to give them some vividness by connecting them to the customs and lifestyles of the period in which they occurred. Once I completed the rough draft, I put the manuscript aside and moved on to the Life of Columbus. After finishing that and sending it to print, I traveled through Andalusia, visited the ruins of Moorish towns, forts, and castles, explored the rugged mountain paths that had been the sites of significant war events, and spent some time in the ancient palace of the Alhambra, once a favored residence of the Moorish kings. Everywhere I took notes, from the best vantage points, on anything that could help provide local authenticity and vividness to the scenes described. After settling for a while in Seville, I resumed my manuscript and rewrote it, drawing from my travel notes and the fresh and vibrant impressions from my recent journey. In writing my chronicle, I created a fictional Spanish monk as the narrator. Fray Antonio Agapida was meant to embody the monkish zealots who accompanied the rulers on their campaigns, disrupting the chivalry of the camp with the biases of the cloister, and celebrating with excitement every act of intolerance towards the Moors. In fact, nearly every outburst from the supposed friar, as he passionately praises some self-serving policy by Ferdinand or revels in a crushing defeat of the brave and loyal Muslims, is taken almost verbatim from one or another of Spain's orthodox chroniclers.
The ironical vein also was provoked by the mixture of kingcraft and priestcraft discernible throughout this great enterprise, and the mistaken zeal and self-delusion of many of its most gallant and generous champions. The romantic coloring seemed to belong to the nature of the subject, and was in harmony with what I had seen in my tour through the poetical and romantic regions in which the events had taken place. With all these deductions the work, in all its essential points, was faithful to historical fact and built upon substantial documents. It was a great satisfaction to me, therefore, after the doubts that had been expressed of the authenticity of my chronicle, to find it repeatedly and largely used by Don Miguel Lafuente Alcantara of Granada in his recent learned and elaborate history of his native city, he having had ample opportunity, in his varied and indefatigable researches, of judging how far it accorded with documentary authority.
The ironic aspect was triggered by the blend of royal and religious power noticeable throughout this massive undertaking, along with the misguided passion and self-deception of many of its bravest and most generous supporters. The romantic tint seemed to fit the nature of the topic and matched what I had experienced on my journey through the poetic and romantic places where these events occurred. Despite all these considerations, the work was, in all its key aspects, true to historical facts and based on solid documents. It was a great relief for me, after the doubts raised about the authenticity of my account, to see it widely and significantly referenced by Don Miguel Lafuente Alcantara of Granada in his recent scholarly and detailed history of his hometown, as he had ample opportunity, through his extensive and tireless research, to evaluate how well it aligned with documented evidence.
I have still more satisfaction in citing the following testimonial of Mr. Prescott, whose researches for his admirable history of Ferdinand and Isabella took him over the same ground I had trodden. His testimonial is written in the liberal and courteous spirit characteristic of him, but with a degree of eulogium which would make me shrink from quoting it did I not feel the importance of his voucher for the substantial accuracy of my work:
I still find great satisfaction in sharing the following endorsement from Mr. Prescott, whose research for his excellent history of Ferdinand and Isabella covered the same territory I explored. His endorsement reflects his generous and polite nature, but it includes such high praise that I would hesitate to quote it if I didn’t believe in the significance of his validation for the solid accuracy of my work:
“Mr. Irving’s late publication, the ‘Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada,’ has superseded all further necessity for poetry and, unfortunately for me, for history. He has fully availed himself of all the picturesque and animating movement of this romantic era, and the reader who will take the trouble to compare his chronicle with the present more prosaic and literal narrative will see how little he has been seduced from historic accuracy by the poetical aspect of his subject. The fictitious and romantic dress of his work has enabled him to make it the medium of reflecting more vividly the floating opinions and chimerical fancies of the age, while he has illuminated the picture with the dramatic brilliancy of coloring denied to sober history.” *
“Mr. Irving’s recent publication, the ‘Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada,’ has made it unnecessary for poetry and, unfortunately for me, for history. He has taken full advantage of the vibrant and dynamic spirit of this romantic period, and the reader who bothers to compare his chronicle with today’s more straightforward and factual account will see how little he has strayed from historical accuracy due to the poetic nature of his subject. The imaginative and romantic style of his work has allowed him to vividly reflect the prevailing opinions and fanciful ideas of the time, while he has brightened the depiction with a dramatic brilliance that sober history lacks.”
* Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, vol. ii. c. 15.
* Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, vol. ii. c. 15.
In the present edition I have endeavored to render the work more worthy of the generous encomium of Mr. Prescott. Though I still retain the fiction of the monkish author Agapida, I have brought my narrative more strictly within historical bounds, have corrected and enriched it in various parts with facts recently brought to light by the researches of Alcantara and others, and have sought to render it a faithful and characteristic picture of the romantic portion of history to which it relates.
In this edition, I've tried to make the work more deserving of the generous praise from Mr. Prescott. While I still keep the fictional monk Agapida as the author, I've aligned my narrative more closely with historical reality, corrected and enriched various sections with facts recently uncovered by the research of Alcantara and others, and aimed to provide a true and distinctive portrayal of the romantic era of history it covers.
W. I.
Sunnyside, 1850.
Sunnyside, 1850.
The history of those bloody and disastrous wars which have caused the downfall of mighty empires (observes Fray Antonio Agapida) has ever been considered a study highly delectable and full of precious edification. What, then, must be the history of a pious crusade waged by the most Catholic of sovereigns to rescue from the power of the infidels one of the most beautiful but benighted regions of the globe? Listen, then, while from the solitude of my cell I relate the events of the conquest of Granada, where Christian knight and turbaned infidel disputed, inch by inch, the fair land of Andalusia, until the Crescent, that symbol of heathenish abomination, was cast down, and the blessed Cross, the tree of our redemption, erected in its stead.
The history of those bloody and disastrous wars that led to the collapse of powerful empires (as Fray Antonio Agapida notes) has always been considered a fascinating study full of valuable lessons. So, what must the history be of a holy crusade launched by the most Catholic of kings to free one of the most beautiful yet misguided regions of the world from the grip of infidels? Listen closely as I share, from the solitude of my cell, the story of the conquest of Granada, where Christian knights and turbaned infidels battled fiercely over the beautiful land of Andalusia, until the Crescent, that symbol of heathenish evil, was cast down, and the blessed Cross, the sign of our redemption, was raised in its place.
Nearly eight hundred years were past and gone since the Arabian invaders had sealed the perdition of Spain by the defeat of Don Roderick, the last of her Gothic kings. Since that disastrous event one portion after another of the Peninsula had been gradually recovered by the Christian princes, until the single but powerful and warlike territory of Granada alone remained under the domination of the Moors.
Nearly eight hundred years had passed since the Arabian invaders sealed the fate of Spain with the defeat of Don Roderick, the last of her Gothic kings. Since that disastrous event, one region after another of the Peninsula had been gradually reclaimed by the Christian rulers, until only the single, powerful, and warlike territory of Granada remained under Moorish control.
This renowned kingdom, situated in the southern part of Spain and washed on one side by the Mediterranean Sea, was traversed in every direction by sierras or chains of lofty and rugged mountains, naked, rocky, and precipitous, rendering it almost impregnable, but locking up within their sterile embraces deep, rich, and verdant valleys of prodigal fertility.
This famous kingdom, located in southern Spain and bordered on one side by the Mediterranean Sea, was crisscrossed in every direction by mountain ranges or chains of high and rugged hills, bare, rocky, and steep, making it nearly impossible to invade, yet enclosing within their barren grip deep, rich, and lush valleys of extraordinary fertility.
In the centre of the kingdom lay its capital, the beautiful city of Granada, sheltered, as it were, in the lap of the Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Mountains. Its houses, seventy thousand in number, covered two lofty hills with their declivities and a deep valley between them, through which flowed the Darro. The streets were narrow, as is usual in Moorish and Arab cities, but there were occasionally small squares and open places. The houses had gardens and interior courts, set out with orange, citron, and pomegranate trees and refreshed by fountains, so that as the edifices ranged above each other up the sides of the hills, they presented a delightful appearance of mingled grove and city. One of the hills was surmounted by the Alcazaba, a strong fortress commanding all that part of the city; the other by the Alhambra, a royal palace and warrior castle, capable of containing within its alcazar and towers a garrison of forty thousand men, but possessing also its harem, the voluptuous abode of the Moorish monarchs, laid out with courts and gardens, fountains and baths, and stately halls decorated in the most costly style of Oriental luxury. According to Moorish tradition, the king who built this mighty and magnificent pile was skilled in the occult sciences, and furnished himself with the necessary funds by means of alchemy.* Such was its lavish splendor that even at the present day the stranger, wandering through its silent courts and deserted halls, gazes with astonishment at gilded ceilings and fretted domes, the brilliancy and beauty of which have survived the vicissitudes of war and the silent dilapidation of ages.
In the center of the kingdom was its capital, the beautiful city of Granada, nestled in the embrace of the Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Mountains. Its 70,000 houses covered two tall hills and a deep valley between them, through which the Darro River flowed. The streets were narrow, typical of Moorish and Arab cities, but there were occasionally small squares and open areas. The houses featured gardens and interior courtyards adorned with orange, citron, and pomegranate trees, refreshed by fountains. As the buildings rose above each other on the hillsides, they created a delightful mix of greenery and cityscape. One hill was topped by the Alcazaba, a strong fortress overseeing that part of the city; the other was crowned by the Alhambra, a royal palace and military fortress that could house a garrison of 40,000 men, but also included its harem, the luxurious residence of the Moorish kings, designed with courtyards and gardens, fountains and baths, and grand halls decorated in the most extravagant style of Oriental luxury. According to Moorish tradition, the king who created this grand structure was skilled in the mystical arts and procured the necessary funds through alchemy.* Its lavish splendor is such that even today, visitors wandering through its quiet courtyards and empty halls gaze in awe at the gilded ceilings and intricately detailed domes, the brilliance and beauty of which have withstood the challenges of war and the slow decay of time.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 42.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 42.
The city was surrounded by high walls, three leagues in circuit, furnished with twelve gates and a thousand and thirty towers. Its elevation above the sea and the neighborhood of the Sierra Nevada crowned with perpetual snows tempered the fervid rays of summer, so that while other cities were panting with the sultry and stifling heat of the dog-days, the most salubrious breezes played through the marble halls of Granada.
The city was encircled by tall walls, three leagues around, equipped with twelve gates and a thousand and thirty towers. Its height above the sea and its proximity to the Sierra Nevada, topped with eternal snow, softened the intense summer heat, so that while other cities were struggling with the oppressive heat of summer, the freshest breezes flowed through the marble halls of Granada.
The glory of the city, however, was its Vega or plain, which spread out to a circumference of thirty-seven leagues, surrounded by lofty mountains, and was proudly compared to the famous plain of Damascus. It was a vast garden of delight, refreshed by numerous fountains and by the silver windings of the Xenil. The labor and ingenuity of the Moors had diverted the waters of this river into thousands of rills and streams, and diffused them over the whole surface of the plain. Indeed, they had wrought up this happy region to a degree of wonderful prosperity, and took a pride in decorating it as if it had been a favorite mistress. The hills were clothed with orchards and vineyards, the valleys embroidered with gardens, and the wide plains covered with waving grain. Here were seen in profusion the orange, the citron, the fig, and the pomegranate, with great plantations of mulberry trees, from which was produced the finest silk. The vine clambered from tree to tree, the grapes hung in rich clusters about the peasant’s cottage, and the groves were rejoiced by the perpetual song of the nightingale. In a word, so beautiful was the earth, so pure the air, and so serene the sky of this delicious region that the Moors imagined the paradise of their Prophet to be situated in that part of the heaven which overhung the kingdom of Granada.
The pride of the city was its Vega, or plain, which stretched out for thirty-seven leagues, surrounded by tall mountains, and was often compared to the famous plain of Damascus. It was a huge garden of joy, refreshed by numerous fountains and the silver winding of the Xenil River. The hard work and creativity of the Moors had channeled the waters of this river into thousands of small streams and rills, spreading them all over the plain. They developed this happy region to an extraordinary level of prosperity and took pride in adorning it as if it were a cherished beloved. The hills were filled with orchards and vineyards, the valleys dotted with gardens, and the expansive plains covered in swaying grain. Here, you could find an abundance of oranges, citrons, figs, and pomegranates, alongside large plantations of mulberry trees, which produced the finest silk. Vines climbed from tree to tree, grapes hung in rich clusters around the peasant's cottage, and the groves were filled with the constant song of the nightingale. In short, the land was so beautiful, the air so fresh, and the sky so clear in this delightful region that the Moors believed the paradise of their Prophet was located in the part of heaven that overlooked the kingdom of Granada.
Within this favored realm, so prodigally endowed and strongly fortified by nature, the Moslem wealth, valor, and intelligence, which had once shed such a lustre over Spain, had gradually retired, and here they made their final stand. Granada had risen to splendor on the ruin of other Moslem kingdoms, but in so doing had become the sole object of Christian hostility, and had to maintain its very existence by the sword. The Moorish capital accordingly presented a singular scene of Asiatic luxury and refinement, mingled with the glitter and the din of arms. Letters were still cultivated, philosophy and poetry had their schools and disciples, and the language spoken was said to be the most elegant Arabic. A passion for dress and ornament pervaded all ranks. That of the princesses and ladies of high rank, says Al Kattib, one of their own writers, was carried to a height of luxury and magnificence that bordered on delirium. They wore girdles and bracelets and anklets of gold and silver, wrought with exquisite art and delicacy and studded with jacinths, chrysolites, emeralds, and other precious stones. They were fond of braiding and decorating their beautiful long tresses or confining them in knots sparkling with jewels. They were finely formed, excessively fair, graceful in their manners, and fascinating in their conversation; when they smiled, says Al Kattib, they displayed teeth of dazzling whiteness, and their breath was as the perfume of flowers.
Within this favored land, richly blessed and strongly protected by nature, the wealth, bravery, and intelligence of the Muslims, which had once shone brightly over Spain, had gradually diminished, and here they made their last stand. Granada had flourished on the downfall of other Muslim kingdoms, but in doing so, it became the sole focus of Christian hostility and had to fight for its very survival. The Moorish capital thus showcased a unique blend of Asian luxury and refinement, mixed with the sparkle and clamor of battle. Education was still valued, with philosophy and poetry having their own schools and followers, and the language spoken was said to be the most elegant form of Arabic. A passion for fashion and adornment permeated all levels of society. According to Al Kattib, one of their own writers, the luxury and grandeur of the princesses and high-ranking ladies reached such extreme heights that it bordered on madness. They wore belts, bracelets, and anklets made of gold and silver, crafted with exquisite artistry and delicacy, adorned with jacinths, chrysolites, emeralds, and other precious gemstones. They loved styling and embellishing their beautiful long hair or tying it up in knots embellished with jewels. They were well-proportioned, exceptionally fair, graceful in their demeanor, and captivating in their conversation; when they smiled, Al Kattib says, they revealed dazzlingly white teeth, and their breath was as fragrant as flowers.
The Moorish cavaliers, when not in armor, delighted in dressing themselves in Persian style, in garments of wool, of silk, or cotton of the finest texture, beautifully wrought with stripes of various colors. In winter they wore, as an outer garment, the African cloak or Tunisian albornoz, but in the heat of summer they arrayed themselves in linen of spotless whiteness. The same luxury prevailed in their military equipments. Their armor was inlaid and chased with gold and silver. The sheaths of their scimetars were richly labored and enamelled, the blades were of Damascus bearing texts from the Koran or martial and amorous mottoes; the belts were of golden filigree studded with gems; their poniards of Fez were wrought in the arabesque fashion; their lances bore gay bandaroles; their horses were sumptuously caparisoned with housings of green and crimson velvet, wrought with silk and enamelled with gold and silver. All this warlike luxury of the youthful chivalry was encouraged by the Moorish kings, who ordained that no tax should be imposed on the gold and silver employed in these embellishments; and the same exception was extended to the bracelets and other ornaments worn by the fair dames of Granada.
The Moorish knights, when not in armor, enjoyed dressing in Persian style, wearing garments made of the finest wool, silk, or cotton, beautifully designed with colorful stripes. In the winter, they wore an outer garment called the African cloak or Tunisian albornoz, but in the summer heat, they dressed in spotless white linen. The same luxury extended to their military gear. Their armor was decorated with gold and silver inlays. The scabbards of their scimitars were intricately designed and enamelled, while the blades, made of Damascus steel, featured verses from the Koran or romantic and battle-related slogans; their belts were crafted from golden filigree and studded with gems; their Fez-style daggers were adorned with arabesque patterns; their lances had bright banners; and their horses were lavishly outfitted with green and crimson velvet coverings, detailed with silk and adorned with gold and silver. This extravagant display of military luxury was supported by the Moorish kings, who decreed that no tax would be levied on the gold and silver used for these decorations; this exemption also applied to the bracelets and other jewelry worn by the beautiful women of Granada.
Of the chivalrous gallantry which prevailed between the sexes in this romantic period of Moorish history we have traces in the thousand ballads which have come down to our day, and which have given a tone and coloring to Spanish amatory literature and to everything in Spain connected with the tender passion.
Of the noble bravery that existed between men and women during this romantic period of Moorish history, we have remnants in the countless ballads that have survived to this day. These ballads have influenced the tone and style of Spanish love literature and everything in Spain related to romance.
War was the normal state of Granada and its inhabitants; the common people were subject at any moment to be summoned to the field, and all the upper class was a brilliant chivalry. The Christian princes, so successful in regaining the rest of the Peninsula, found their triumphs checked at the mountain-boundaries of this kingdom. Every peak had its atalaya, or watch-tower, ready to make its fire by night or to send up its column of smoke by day, a signal of invasion at which the whole country was on the alert. To penetrate the defiles of this perilous country, to surprise a frontier fortress, or to make a foray into the Vega and a hasty ravage within sight of the very capital were among the most favorite and daring exploits of the Castilian chivalry. But they never pretended to hold the region thus ravaged; it was sack, burn, plunder, and away; and these desolating inroads were retaliated in kind by the Moorish cavaliers, whose greatest delight was a “tala,” or predatory incursion, into the Christian territories beyond the mountains.
War was a constant reality in Granada and for its people; the common folks could be called to fight at any moment, while the upper class was made up of a dazzling nobility. The Christian princes, who had been successful in reclaiming the rest of the Peninsula, found their progress blocked at the mountainous borders of this kingdom. Every peak had its lookout tower, ready to light a fire at night or send up a column of smoke during the day, signaling an invasion that kept the entire country alert. To navigate the dangerous terrain, surprise a fortress on the border, or raid the Vega nearby the capital were some of the boldest and most favored exploits of the Castilian knights. However, they never aimed to control the areas they devastated; it was all about plundering, destroying, and retreating quickly, and these destructive raids were met with similar retaliations by the Moorish knights, who thrived on launching predatory incursions into Christian lands beyond the mountains.
A partisan warfare of this kind had long existed between Granada and its most formidable antagonists, the kingdoms of Castile and Leon. It was one which called out the keen yet generous rivalry of Christian and Moslem cavaliers, and gave rise to individual acts of chivalrous gallantry and daring prowess; but it was one which was gradually exhausting the resources and sapping the strength of Granada. One of the latest of its kings, therefore, Aben Ismael by name, disheartened by a foray which had laid waste the Vega, and conscious that the balance of warfare was against his kingdom, made a truce in 1457 with Henry IV., king of Castile and Leon, stipulating to pay him an annual tribute of twelve thousand doblas or pistoles of gold, and to liberate annually six hundred Christian captives, or in default of captives to give an equal number of Moors as hostages,—all to be delivered at the city of Cordova.*
A kind of guerrilla warfare had been ongoing between Granada and its strongest enemies, the kingdoms of Castile and Leon. This conflict sparked a fierce yet noble rivalry among Christian and Muslim knights, leading to individual acts of gallant courage and daring feats; however, it was gradually draining Granada’s resources and weakening its strength. One of its most recent kings, Aben Ismael, feeling discouraged after a raid that devastated the Vega and realizing that the odds in battle were against his kingdom, reached a truce in 1457 with Henry IV, king of Castile and Leon. The agreement included paying an annual tribute of twelve thousand doblas or pistoles of gold and releasing six hundred Christian captives each year, or if there weren't enough captives, providing an equal number of Moors as hostages—all to be delivered at the city of Cordova.*
* Garibay, Compend., 1.17, c. 3.
* Garibay, Compend., 1.17, c. 3.
The truce, however, was of a partial nature, with singular reservations. It did not include the Moorish frontier toward Jaen, which was to remain open for the warlike enterprises of either nation; neither did it prohibit sudden attacks upon towns and castles, provided they were mere forays, conducted furtively, without sound of trumpet or display of banners or pitching of camps or regular investment, and that they did not last above three days.*
The truce was only partially effective, with specific exceptions. It didn't cover the Moorish border near Jaen, which remained available for military actions from either side; nor did it stop surprise attacks on towns and castles, as long as these were just quick raids done secretly, without trumpets, flags, setting up camps, or formal sieges, and that they didn't last more than three days.*
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, 1. 20, c. 42; Mariana, Hist. de Espana 1. 25, c. 1; Bleda, Coron. de los Moros, l. 5, c. 3.
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, 1. 20, c. 42; Mariana, Hist. de Espana 1. 25, c. 1; Bleda, Coron. de los Moros, l. 5, c. 3.
Aben Ismael was faithful in observing the conditions of the truce, but they were regarded with impatience by his eldest son, Muley Abul Hassan, a prince of a fiery and belligerent spirit, and fond of casing himself in armor and mounting his war-horse. He had been present at Cordova at one of the payments of tribute, and had witnessed the scoffs and taunts of the Christians, and his blood boiled whenever he recalled the humiliating scene. When he came to the throne in 1465, on the death of his father, he ceased the payment of the tribute altogether, and it was sufficient to put him into a tempest of rage only to mention it.
Aben Ismael kept to the terms of the truce, but his eldest son, Muley Abul Hassan, who was hot-tempered and eager for battle, grew impatient with it. He loved to armor up and ride into battle. He had been in Cordova during one of the tribute payments and had seen the Christians' jeers and mockery, which made his blood boil whenever he thought about that humiliating moment. When he took the throne in 1465 after his father's death, he completely stopped the tribute payments, and just mentioning it was enough to send him into a fit of rage.
“He was a fierce and warlike infidel,” says the pious Fray Antonio Agapida; “his bitterness against the holy Christian faith had been signalized in battle during the lifetime of his father, and the same diabolical spirit of hostility was apparent in his ceasing to pay this most righteous tribute.”
“He was a ruthless and aggressive nonbeliever,” says the devout Fray Antonio Agapida; “his animosity towards the holy Christian faith was evident in battle during his father’s lifetime, and the same evil spirit of enmity was clear in his refusal to pay this just tribute.”
The flagrant want of faith of Muley Abul Hassan in fulfilling treaty stipulations passed unresented during the residue of the reign of Henry the Impotent, and the truce was tacitly continued without the enforcement of tribute during the first three years of the reign of his successors, Ferdinand and Isabella of glorious and happy memory, who were too much engrossed by civil commotions in their own dominions, and by a war of succession waged with them by the king of Portugal, to risk an additional conflict with the Moorish sovereign. When, however, at the expiration of the term of truce, Muley Abul Hassan sought a renewal of it, the pride and piety of the Castilian sovereigns were awakened to the flagrant defalcation of the infidel king, and they felt themselves called upon, by their dignity as monarchs and their religious obligations as champions of the faith, to make a formal demand for the payment of arrearages.
The blatant lack of faith from Muley Abul Hassan in upholding the treaty terms went unchallenged during the remainder of Henry the Impotent's reign. The truce was quietly extended without enforcing tribute for the first three years of his successors, Ferdinand and Isabella, who were too occupied with internal conflicts in their own territories and a succession war against the king of Portugal to risk another battle with the Moorish king. However, when the truce was about to expire and Muley Abul Hassan requested a renewal, the pride and religious duty of the Castilian monarchs were stirred by the obvious failure of the infidel king to comply. They felt it was their responsibility, both as rulers and as defenders of their faith, to formally demand the payment of overdue tributes.
In the year of grace 1478, therefore, Don Juan de Vera, a zealous and devout knight, full of ardor for the faith and loyalty to the Crown, was sent as ambassador for the purpose. He was armed at all points, gallantly mounted, and followed by a moderate but well-appointed retinue: in this way he crossed the Moorish frontier, and passed slowly through the country, looking round him with the eyes of a practised warrior and carefully noting its military points and capabilities. He saw that the Moor was well prepared for possible hostilities. Every town was strongly fortified. The Vega was studded with towers of refuge for the peasantry: every pass of the mountain had its castle of defence, every lofty height its watch-tower. As the Christian cavaliers passed under the walls of the fortresses, lances and scimetars flashed from their battlements, and the Moorish sentinels darted from their dark eyes glances of hatred and defiance. It was evident that a war with this kingdom must be a war of posts, full of doughty peril and valiant enterprise, where every step must be gained by toil and bloodshed, and maintained with the utmost difficulty. The warrior spirit of the cavaliers kindled at the thoughts, and they were impatient for hostilities; “not,” says Antonio Agapida, “from any thirst for rapine and revenge, but from that pure and holy indignation which every Spanish knight entertained at beholding this beautiful dominion of his ancestors defiled by the footsteps of infidel usurpers. It was impossible,” he adds, “to contemplate this delicious country, and not long to see it restored to the dominion of the true faith and the sway of the Christian monarchs.”
In the year 1478, Don Juan de Vera, a passionate and devoted knight, eager to serve his faith and his king, was sent as an ambassador. He was fully armed, rode proudly on horseback, and was accompanied by a well-prepared but not overly large entourage. As he crossed the Moorish border and traveled slowly through the land, he observed everything with the keen eye of a seasoned warrior, carefully assessing its military strengths and weaknesses. He noted that the Moors were well-equipped for potential conflict. Each town was strongly fortified. The Vega had refuge towers for the peasants; each mountain pass had its defensive castle, and every high point had a watchtower. As the Christian knights passed under the fortress walls, lances and scimitars glittered ominously from their battlements, and the Moorish sentinels shot them glances filled with hatred and defiance. It was clear that a war with this kingdom would be a complicated struggle requiring great effort and courage, where every advance would demand hard work and bloodshed, and would be held with significant difficulty. The knights' warrior spirit was ignited by these thoughts, and they eagerly anticipated battle; “not,” says Antonio Agapida, “from any desire for loot and revenge, but from that pure and righteous anger that every Spanish knight felt upon seeing this beautiful land of his ancestors tarnished by the presence of infidel usurpers. It was impossible,” he adds, “to gaze upon this lovely country and not yearn to see it returned to the true faith and under the rule of Christian kings.”
Arrived at the gates of Granada, Don Juan de Vera and his companions saw the same vigilant preparations on the part of the Moorish king. His walls and towers were of vast strength, in complete repair, and mounted with lombards and other heavy ordnance. His magazines were well stored with the munitions of war; he had a mighty host of foot-soldiers, together with squadrons of cavalry, ready to scour the country and carry on either defensive or predatory warfare. The Christian warriors noted these things without dismay; their hearts rather glowed with emulation at the thoughts of encountering so worthy a foe. As they slowly pranced through the streets of Granada they looked round with eagerness on the stately palaces and sumptuous mosques, on its alcayceria or bazar, crowded with silks and cloth of silver and gold, with jewels and precious stones, and other rich merchandise, the luxuries of every clime; and they longed for the time when all this wealth should be the spoil of the soldiers of the faith, and when each tramp of their steeds might be fetlock deep in the blood and carnage of the infidels.
Arriving at the gates of Granada, Don Juan de Vera and his companions noticed the Moorish king’s vigilant preparations. His walls and towers were incredibly strong, in perfect condition, and armed with cannons and other heavy artillery. His supply depots were well-stocked with weapons; he had a huge force of infantry, along with cavalry ready to patrol the countryside and engage in either defensive or aggressive actions. The Christian warriors observed this without fear; instead, their hearts filled with excitement at the prospect of facing such a worthy opponent. As they proudly rode through the streets of Granada, they eagerly took in the impressive palaces and lavish mosques, the bustling bazaar filled with silks, silver and gold fabrics, jewels and precious stones, and other luxurious goods from around the world. They yearned for the day when all this wealth would belong to the soldiers of their faith, and each pounding of their horses’ hooves would be deep in the blood and carnage of the infidels.
The Moorish inhabitants looked jealously at this small but proud array of Spanish chivalry, as it paraded, with that stateliness possessed only by Spanish cavaliers, through the renowned gate of Elvira. They were struck with the stern and lofty demeanor of Don Juan de Vera and his sinewy frame, which showed him formed for hardy deeds of arms, and they supposed he had come in search of distinction by defying the Moorish knights in open tourney or in the famous tilt with reeds for which they were so renowned, for it was still the custom of the knights of either nation to mingle in these courteous and chivalrous contests during the intervals of war. When they learnt, however, that he was come to demand the tribute so abhorrent to the ears of the fiery monarch, they observed that it well required a warrior of his apparent nerve to execute such an embassy.
The Moorish residents watched enviously as this small but proud group of Spanish knights paraded with the kind of dignity that only Spanish cavaliers possess through the famous gate of Elvira. They were impressed by the serious and imposing presence of Don Juan de Vera and his muscular build, which suggested he was made for brave acts of warfare. They assumed he had come to seek glory by challenging the Moorish knights in a public tournament or in the well-known contest with reeds that they were famous for since it was still customary for knights from both sides to participate in these polite and chivalrous matches during breaks from war. However, when they found out that he had come to demand the tribute that was so loathed by the fiery monarch, they realized that it indeed took a warrior with his apparent courage to undertake such a mission.
Muley Abul Hassan received the cavalier in state, seated on a magnificent divan and surrounded by the officers of his court, in the Hall of Ambassadors, one of the most sumptuous apartments of the Alhambra. When De Vera had delivered his message, a haughty and bitter smile curled the lip of the fierce monarch. “Tell your sovereigns,” said he, “that the kings of Granada, who used to pay tribute in money to the Castilian crown, are dead. Our mint at present coins nothing but blades of scimetars and heads of lances.” *
Muley Abul Hassan welcomed the envoy in style, sitting on a grand divan and surrounded by his court officials, in the Hall of Ambassadors, one of the most luxurious rooms in the Alhambra. When De Vera delivered his message, a proud and bitter smile appeared on the fierce king's face. “Tell your rulers,” he said, “that the kings of Granada, who once paid tribute in money to the Castilian crown, are no more. Our mint now produces only the blades of scimitars and the tips of lances.”
* Garibay, 1. 40, c. 29; Conde, Hist. Arab., p. 4, c. 34.
* Garibay, 1. 40, c. 29; Conde, Hist. Arab., p. 4, c. 34.
The defiance couched in this proud reply was heard with secret satisfaction by Don Juan de Vera, for he was a bold soldier and a devout hater of the infidels, and he saw iron war in the words of the Moorish monarch. Being master, however, of all points of etiquette, he retained an inflexible demeanor, and retired from the apartment with stately and ceremonious gravity. His treatment was suited to his rank and dignity: a magnificent apartment in the Alhambra was assigned to him, and before his departure a scimetar was sent to him by the king, the blade of the finest Damascus steel, the hilt of agate enriched with precious stones, and the guard of gold. De Vera drew it, and smiled grimly as he noticed the admirable temper of the blade. “His Majesty has given me a trenchant weapon,” said he: “I trust a time will come when I may show him that I know how to use his royal present.” The reply was considered a compliment, of course: the bystanders little knew the bitter hostility that lay couched beneath.
The defiance in this proud response was heard with secret satisfaction by Don Juan de Vera, who was a bold soldier and a devout enemy of the infidels. He recognized the iron will behind the words of the Moorish king. However, being well-versed in all matters of etiquette, he kept a stiff demeanor and left the room with a stately, serious air. His treatment was appropriate for his rank and dignity: he was assigned a magnificent room in the Alhambra, and before his departure, the king sent him a scimitar with a blade made of the finest Damascus steel, a hilt of agate adorned with precious stones, and a gold guard. De Vera drew the sword and smiled grimly as he noted the excellent temper of the blade. “His Majesty has given me a sharp weapon,” he said: “I hope a time will come when I can show him that I know how to use his royal gift.” The response was obviously seen as a compliment; the onlookers had no idea of the bitter hostility that was hidden beneath.
On his return to Cordova, Don Juan de Vera delivered the reply of the Moor, but at the same time reported the state of his territories. These had been strengthened and augmented during the weak reign of Henry IV. and the recent troubles of Castile. Many cities and strong places contiguous to Granada, but heretofore conquered by the Christians, had renewed their allegiance to Muley Abul Hassan, so that his kingdom now contained fourteen cities, ninety-seven fortified places, besides numerous unwalled towns and villages defended by formidable castles, while Granada towered in the centre as the citadel.
On his return to Cordova, Don Juan de Vera delivered the Moor's response, but he also reported on the condition of his territories. These had been strengthened and expanded during the weak reign of Henry IV and the recent troubles in Castile. Many cities and strongholds near Granada, previously conquered by the Christians, had renewed their loyalty to Muley Abul Hassan, so his kingdom now included fourteen cities, ninety-seven fortified locations, along with many unwalled towns and villages protected by impressive castles, while Granada loomed in the center as the stronghold.
The wary Ferdinand, as he listened to the military report of Don Juan de Vera, saw that the present was no time for hostilities with a warrior kingdom so bristled over with means of defence. The internal discords of Castile still continued, as did the war with Portugal: under these circumstances he forbore to insist upon the payment of tribute, and tacitly permitted the truce to continue; but the defiance contained in the reply of Muley Abul Hassan remained rankling in his bosom as a future ground of war; and De Vera’s description of Granada as the centre of a system of strongholds and rock-built castles suggested to him his plan of conquest—by taking town after town and fortress after fortress, and gradually plucking away all the supports before he attempted the capital. He expressed his resolution in a memorable pun or play upon the name of Granada, which signifies a pomegranate. “I will pick out the seeds of this pomegranate one by one,” said the cool and crafty Ferdinand.
The cautious Ferdinand, while listening to Don Juan de Vera's military report, realized that now wasn't the right moment to go to war with a kingdom that had so many defenses in place. The internal conflicts in Castile were still ongoing, as was the war with Portugal. Given these circumstances, he chose not to push for tribute payments and silently allowed the truce to continue. However, the challenge in Muley Abul Hassan's response lingered in his mind as a potential reason for future conflict. De Vera's description of Granada as the hub of a network of strongholds and fortified castles inspired Ferdinand's strategy for conquest—seizing town after town and fortress after fortress, gradually removing all defenses before going for the capital. He declared his intention with a clever wordplay on the name Granada, which means pomegranate: “I will pick out the seeds of this pomegranate one by one,” said the composed and shrewd Ferdinand.
NOTE.—In the first edition of this work the author recounted a characteristic adventure of the stout Juan de Vera as happening on the occasion of this embassy; a further consultation of historical authorities has induced him to transfer it to a second embassy of De Vera’s, which the reader will find related in a subsequent chapter.
NOTE.—In the first edition of this work, the author shared a typical adventure of the brave Juan de Vera, stating it took place during this embassy. After reviewing more historical sources, he has decided to move it to a second embassy of De Vera’s, which the reader will find discussed in a later chapter.
Though Muley Abul Hassan was at peace in his external relations, a civil war raged in his harem, which it is proper to notice, as it had a fatal effect upon the fortunes of the kingdom. Though cruel by nature, he was uxorious and somewhat prone to be managed by his wives. Early in life he had married his kinswoman, Ayxa (or Ayesha), daughter of his great-uncle, the sultan Mohammed VII., surnamed El Hayzari, or the Left-handed. She was a woman of almost masculine spirit and energy, and of such immaculate and inaccessible virtue that she was generally called La Horra, or the Chaste. By her he had a son, Abu Abdallah, or, as he is commonly named by historians, Boabdil. The court astrologers, according to custom, cast the horoscope of the infant, but were seized with fear and trembling as they regarded it. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” exclaimed they; “he alone controls the fate of empires. It is written in the book of fate that this child will one day sit upon the throne, but that the downfall of the kingdom will be accomplished during his reign.” From that time the prince had been regarded with aversion by his father, and the prediction which hung over him and the persecutions to which he became subjected procured him the surname of El Zogoybi, or the Unfortunate. He grew up, however, under the protection of his valiant-hearted mother, who by the energy of her character long maintained an undisputed sway in the harem, until, as her youth passed away and her beauty declined, a formidable rival arose.
Though Muley Abul Hassan was secure in his external affairs, a civil war was raging in his harem, which is important to mention as it had a devastating impact on the kingdom’s fortunes. Although he was naturally cruel, he was devoted to his wives and somewhat easily influenced by them. Early in his life, he married his relative, Ayxa (or Ayesha), the daughter of his great-uncle, Sultan Mohammed VII., nicknamed El Hayzari, or the Left-handed. She was strong-willed and energetic, with such pure and unapproachable virtue that she was commonly known as La Horra, or the Chaste. Together, they had a son, Abu Abdallah, or, as most historians refer to him, Boabdil. As per tradition, the court astrologers cast the child’s horoscope but were filled with fear as they observed it. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” they exclaimed; “He alone controls the fate of empires. It is written in the book of fate that this child will one day sit upon the throne, but that the downfall of the kingdom will occur during his reign.” From that moment, the prince was seen with disdain by his father, and the ominous prediction that hung over him, along with the persecution he faced, earned him the nickname El Zogoybi, or the Unfortunate. However, he grew up under the care of his brave mother, who, with her strong character, maintained her authority in the harem for a long time, until her youth faded and her beauty diminished, allowing a formidable rival to emerge.
In one of the forays of the Moorish chivalry into the Christian territories they had surprised a frontier fortress commanded by Sancho Ximenes de Solis, a noble and valiant cavalier, who fell in bravely defending it. Among the captives was his daughter Isabella, then almost in her infancy, who was brought to Granada, delicately raised, and educated in the Moslem faith.* Her Moorish captors gave her the name of Fatima, but as she grew up her surpassing beauty gained her the surname of Zoraya, or the Morning Star, by which she has become known in history. Her charms at length attracted the notice of Muley Abul Hassan, and she soon became a member of his harem. Some have spoken of her as a Christian slave whom he had made his concubine; but others, with more truth, represent her as one of his wives, and ultimately his favorite sultana; and indeed it was often the case that female captives of rank and beauty, when converted to the faith of Islam, became united to the proudest and loftiest of their captors.
In one of the raids by the Moorish knights into Christian lands, they unexpectedly attacked a border fortress led by Sancho Ximenes de Solis, a noble and brave knight, who fought valiantly to defend it. Among the prisoners was his daughter Isabella, who was just a child at the time, and she was taken to Granada, where she was raised delicately and educated in the Muslim faith.* Her Moorish captors named her Fatima, but as she grew, her extraordinary beauty earned her the nickname Zoraya, or the Morning Star, by which she is remembered in history. Eventually, her charms caught the eye of Muley Abul Hassan, and she soon became part of his harem. Some have referred to her as a Christian slave who became his concubine; however, others, more accurately, describe her as one of his wives and ultimately his favored sultana. In fact, it was common for beautiful female captives of high status, once converted to Islam, to be married to the proudest of their captors.
* Cronica del Gran Cardinal, cap. 71.
* Cronica del Gran Cardinal, cap. 71.
Zoraya soon acquired complete ascendancy over the mind of Muley Abul Hassan. She was as ambitious as she was beautiful, and, having become the mother of two sons, looked forward to the possibility of one of them sitting on the throne of Granada. These ambitious views were encouraged, if not suggested, by a faction which gathered round her inspired by kindred sympathies. The king’s vizier, Abul Cacim Vanegas, who had great influence over him, was, like Zoraya, of Christian descent, being of the noble house of Luque. His father, one of the Vanegas of Cordova, had been captured in infancy and brought up as a Moslem.* From him sprang the vizier, Abul Cacim Vanegas, and his brother, Reduan Vanegas, likewise high in rank in the court of Muley Abul Hassan, and they had about them numerous and powerful connections, all basking in court favor. Though Moslems in faith, they were all drawn to Zoraya by the tie of foreign and Christian descent, and sought to elevate her and her children to the disparagement of Ayxa la Horra and her son Boabdil. The latter, on the other hand, were supported by the noble and once-potent family of the Abencerrages and by Aben Comixa, alcayde of the Alhambra; and between these two factions, headed by rival sultanas, the harem of Muley Abul Hassan became the scene of inveterate jealousies and intrigues, which in time, as will be shown, led to popular commotions and civil wars.**
Zoraya quickly gained complete control over the mind of Muley Abul Hassan. She was as ambitious as she was beautiful, and, having become the mother of two sons, she hoped one of them would eventually sit on the throne of Granada. This ambitious outlook was supported, if not encouraged, by a group that gathered around her, sharing similar interests. The king’s vizier, Abul Cacim Vanegas, who had significant influence over him, was, like Zoraya, of Christian descent, coming from the noble house of Luque. His father, one of the Vanegas from Cordova, had been captured as a child and raised as a Muslim. From him came the vizier, Abul Cacim Vanegas, and his brother, Reduan Vanegas, who also held a high position at the court of Muley Abul Hassan, and they had many powerful connections, all enjoying favor at court. Although they were Muslims in faith, they were drawn to Zoraya by their shared foreign and Christian background and aimed to elevate her and her children at the expense of Ayxa la Horra and her son Boabdil. In contrast, Ayxa and Boabdil were supported by the noble and once-powerful family of the Abencerrages and by Aben Comixa, the alcayde of the Alhambra. Between these two factions, led by rival sultanas, the harem of Muley Abul Hassan became a hotbed of deep-seated jealousy and intrigue, which eventually, as will be shown, led to public unrest and civil wars.
* Cura de los Palacios, Hist. de los Reyes Catol., cap. 56.
* Cura de los Palacios, Hist. de los Reyes Catol., cap. 56.
* *It is to be noted that several historians have erroneously represented Zoraya as the mother of Boabdil, instead of Ayxa la Horra, and the Abencerrages as the opponents of Boabdil, instead of his strenuous adherents. The statement in the text is according to the most reliable authorities.
* *It's important to mention that several historians have mistakenly identified Zoraya as Boabdil's mother, when it was actually Ayxa la Horra, and have portrayed the Abencerrages as Boabdil's enemies, rather than his loyal supporters. The statement in the text follows the most credible sources.
While these female feuds were threatening Muley Abul Hassan with trouble and disaster at home, his evil genius prompted him to an enterprise which involved him in tenfold danger from abroad. The reader has already been apprised of a singular clause in the truce existing between the Christians and the Moors, permitting hasty dashes into each other’s territories and assaults of towns and fortresses, provided they were carried on as mere forays and without the parade of regular warfare. A long time had elapsed, however, without any incursion of the kind on the part of the Moors, and the Christian towns on the frontiers had, in consequence, fallen into a state of the most negligent security. In an unlucky moment Muley Abul Hassan was tempted to one of these forays by learning that the fortress of Zahara, on the frontier between Ronda and Medina Sidonia, was but feebly garrisoned and scantily supplied, and that its alcayde was careless of his charge. This important post was built on the crest of a rocky mountain, with a strong castle perched above it upon a cliff, so high that it was said to be above the flight of birds or drift of clouds. The streets and many of the houses were mere excavations wrought out of the living rock. The town had but one gate, opening to the west and defended by towers and bulwarks. The only ascent to this cragged fortress was by roads cut in the rock, so rugged in many places as to resemble broken stairs. In a word, the impregnable security of Zahara had become so proverbial throughout Spain that a woman of forbidding and inaccessible virtue was called a Zaharena. But the strongest fortress and sternest virtue have weak points, and require unremitting vigilance to guard them: let warrior and dame take warning from the fate of Zahara.
While these female conflicts were causing Muley Abul Hassan trouble and chaos at home, his wicked instincts drove him to a risky venture that involved even greater danger from outside. The reader has already been informed of a unique clause in the truce between the Christians and the Moors, allowing quick attacks into each other's territories and assaults on towns and fortresses, as long as they were executed as mere raids and without the show of formal warfare. A significant amount of time had passed, however, without any such invasions from the Moors, and the Christian towns on the borders had consequently become complacently secure. At a particularly bad moment, Muley Abul Hassan was tempted to launch one of these raids when he learned that the fortress of Zahara, located on the border between Ronda and Medina Sidonia, was only lightly garrisoned and poorly supplied, and that its commander was neglectful of his responsibilities. This crucial position was situated on the top of a rocky mountain, with a strong castle perched above it on a cliff so high that it was said to be beyond the flight of birds or drift of clouds. The streets and many of the houses were basically excavations carved out of solid rock. The town had only one gate, facing west and protected by towers and ramparts. The only way to reach this rugged fortress was via roads cut into the rock, which in many places were so rough that they resembled broken stairs. In short, the impenetrable security of Zahara had become so well-known throughout Spain that a woman of strict and unattainable virtue was called a Zaharena. But even the strongest fortress and the most steadfast virtue have weak points, and require constant vigilance to protect them: let warriors and ladies heed the warnings from the fate of Zahara.
In the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and eighty-one, and but a night or two after the festival of the most blessed Nativity, the inhabitants of Zahara were sunk in profound sleep the very sentinel had deserted his post, and sought shelter from a tempest which had raged for three nights in succession, for it appeared but little probable that an enemy would be abroad during such an uproar of the elements. But evil spirits work best during a storm. In the midst of the night an uproar rose within the walls of Zahara more awful than the raging of the storm. A fearful alarm-cry, “The Moor! the Moor!” resounded through the streets, mingled with the clash of arms, the shriek of anguish, and the shout of victory. Muley Abul Hassan, at the head of a powerful force, had hurried from Granada, and passed unobserved through the mountains in the obscurity of the tempest. While the storm pelted the sentinel from his post and bowled round tower and battlement, the Moors had planted their scaling-ladders and mounted securely into both town and castle. The garrison was unsuspicious of danger until battle and massacre burst forth within its very walls. It seemed to the affrighted inhabitants as if the fiends of the air had come upon the wings of the wind and possessed themselves of tower and turret. The war-cry resounded on every side, shout answering shout, above, below, on the battlements of the castle, in the streets of the town; the foe was in all parts, wrapped in obscurity, but acting in concert by the aid of preconcerted signals. Starting from sleep, the soldiers were intercepted and cut down as they rushed from their quarters, or if they escaped they knew not where to assemble or where to strike. Wherever lights appeared the flashing scimetar was at its deadly work, and all who attempted resistance fell beneath its edge.
In the year 1481, just a night or two after Christmas, the people of Zahara were deep in sleep; even the guards had left their posts to find shelter from a storm that had been raging for three nights straight. It seemed unlikely that any enemy would be active during such a chaotic weather event. But evil forces thrive in storms. In the middle of the night, a terrifying uproar erupted within the walls of Zahara, more horrifying than the storm itself. A chilling cry of “The Moor! The Moor!” echoed through the streets, mixed with the sound of clashing weapons, screams of fear, and shouts of triumph. Muley Abul Hassan, leading a strong force, had rushed from Granada and slipped unnoticed through the mountains in the storm's darkness. As the storm drove the guards from their posts and howled around the towers and battlements, the Moors had set their scaling ladders and climbed securely into both the town and the fortress. The garrison was unaware of any danger until fighting and slaughter broke out within its very walls. The terrified inhabitants felt as if the demons of the storm had flown in on the wind and taken over the towers. The war cries rang out from every direction, shout answering shout, above, below, on the castle battlements, and in the town streets; the enemy was everywhere, shrouded in darkness but acting in unison thanks to prearranged signals. Awakening from their sleep, soldiers were intercepted and cut down as they rushed from their quarters, and even if they managed to escape, they didn’t know where to regroup or where to fight back. Wherever lights appeared, the flashing scimitar was hard at work, and everyone who tried to resist fell to its deadly blade.
In a little while the struggle was at an end. Those who were not slain took refuge in the secret places of their houses or gave themselves up as captives. The clash of arms ceased, and the storm continued its howling, mingled with the occasional shout of the Moorish soldiery roaming in search of plunder. While the inhabitants were trembling for their fate, a trumpet resounded through the streets summoning them all to assemble, unarmed, in the public square. Here they were surrounded by soldiery and strictly guarded until daybreak. When the day dawned it was piteous to behold this once-prosperous community, who had laid down to rest in peaceful security, now crowded together without distinction of age or rank or sex, and almost without raiment, during the severity of a wintry storm. The fierce Muley Abul Hassan turned a deaf ear to all their prayers and remonstrances, and ordered them to be conducted captives to Granada. Leaving a strong garrison in both town and castle, with orders to put them in a complete state of defence, he returned, flushed with victory, to his capital, entering it at the head of his troops, laden with spoil and bearing in triumph the banners and pennons taken at Zahara.
In a little while, the struggle was over. Those who weren't killed either hid in the secret spots of their homes or surrendered as captives. The sound of fighting stopped, while the storm continued to howl, mixed with the occasional shout of the Moorish soldiers searching for loot. As the people feared for their fate, a trumpet echoed through the streets, calling everyone to gather, unarmed, in the public square. There, they were surrounded by soldiers and closely guarded until dawn. When the sun rose, it was heartbreaking to see this once-thriving community, who had gone to sleep in peaceful security, now huddled together regardless of age, rank, or gender, nearly without clothes, in the harsh winter storm. The brutal Muley Abul Hassan ignored all their pleas and protests, ordering them to be taken as captives to Granada. He left a strong garrison in both the town and the castle, with instructions to prepare for full defense, and returned, proud of his victory, to his capital, leading his troops, loaded with spoils and triumphantly carrying the flags and pennants taken at Zahara.
While preparations were making for jousts and other festivities in honor of this victory over the Christians, the captives of Zahara arrived—a wretched train of men, women, and children, worn out with fatigue and haggard with despair, and driven like cattle into the city gates by a detachment of Moorish soldiery.
While preparations were underway for tournaments and other celebrations in honor of this victory over the Christians, the captured people from Zahara arrived—a miserable group of men, women, and children, exhausted from fatigue and marked by despair, herded like cattle through the city gates by a squad of Moorish soldiers.
Deep was the grief and indignation of the people of Granada at this cruel scene. Old men, who had experienced the calamities of warfare, anticipated coming troubles. Mothers clasped their infants to their breasts as they beheld the hapless females of Zahara with their children expiring in their arms. On every side the accents of pity for the sufferers were mingled with execrations of the barbarity of the king. The preparations for festivity were neglected, and the viands which were to have feasted the conquerors were distributed among the captives.
The people of Granada were filled with deep sorrow and anger at this horrible scene. Older men, who had lived through the disasters of war, braced themselves for more troubles ahead. Mothers held their babies close as they watched the unfortunate women of Zahara with their children dying in their arms. All around, cries of compassion for the victims mixed with curses against the king's cruelty. The plans for celebration were forgotten, and the food meant to celebrate the conquerors was shared with the captives.
The nobles and alfaquis, however, repaired to the Alhambra to congratulate the king; for, whatever storms may rage in the lower regions of society, rarely do any clouds but clouds of incense rise to the awful eminence of the throne. In this instance, however, a voice rose from the midst of the obsequious crowd, and burst like thunder upon the ears of Abul Hassan. “Woe! woe! woe! to Granada!” exclaimed the voice; “its hour of desolation approaches. The ruins of Zahara will fall upon our heads; my spirit tells me that the end of our empire is at hand.” All shrank back aghast, and left the denouncer of woe standing alone in the centre of the hall. He was an ancient and hoary man in the rude attire of a dervise. Age had withered his form without quenching the fire of his spirit, which glared in baleful lustre from his eyes. He was (say the Arabian historians) one of those holy men termed santons who pass their lives in hermitages in fasting, meditation, and prayer until they attain to the purity of saints and the foresight of prophets. “He was,” says the indignant Fray Antonio Agapida, “a son of Belial, one of those fanatic infidels possessed by the devil who are sometimes permitted to predict the truth to their followers, but with the proviso that their predictions shall be of no avail.”
The nobles and scholars, however, went to the Alhambra to congratulate the king; because, no matter how much chaos may erupt in the lower levels of society, hardly any clouds other than clouds of praise drift up to the lofty heights of the throne. In this case, though, a voice rose from the midst of the fawning crowd and struck Abul Hassan's ears like thunder. “Woe! woe! woe! to Granada!” shouted the voice; “its time of ruin is approaching. The ruins of Zahara will fall upon us; my spirit tells me our empire's end is near.” Everyone recoiled in shock, leaving the proclaimer of doom standing alone in the center of the hall. He was an old man with gray hair, dressed in the rough clothing of a dervish. Age had taken a toll on his body, but it hadn’t dulled the fire of his spirit, which burned ominously in his eyes. He was, according to Arabian historians, one of those holy men called santons who spend their lives in solitude, fasting, meditating, and praying until they reach the purity of saints and the insight of prophets. “He was,” says the outraged Fray Antonio Agapida, “a son of Belial, one of those fanatical infidels possessed by the devil who are sometimes allowed to reveal the truth to their followers, but only on the condition that their predictions will be worthless.”
The voice of the santon resounded through the lofty hall of the Alhambra, and struck silence and awe into the crowd of courtly sycophants. Muley Abul Hassan alone was unmoved: he eyed the hoary anchorite with scorn as he stood dauntless before him, and treated his predictions as the ravings of a maniac. The santon rushed from the royal presence, and, descending into the city, hurried through its streets and squares with frantic gesticulations. His voice was heard in every part in awful denunciation: “The peace is broken! exterminating war is commenced. Woe! woe! woe to Granada! its fall is at hand! desolation will dwell in its palaces; its strong men will fall beneath the sword, its children and maidens be led into captivity. Zahara is but a type of Granada!”
The voice of the saint echoed through the grand hall of the Alhambra, throwing the crowd of flattering nobles into silence and awe. Muley Abul Hassan was the only one unaffected; he looked at the gray-haired hermit with disdain as he stood fearless before him, dismissing his warnings as the ramblings of a madman. The saint rushed from the royal presence and, heading into the city, hurried through its streets and squares with wild gestures. His voice echoed everywhere in ominous warning: “The peace is shattered! A devastating war has begun. Woe! Woe! Woe to Granada! Its downfall is looming! Destruction will inhabit its palaces; its strong men will fall by the sword, and its children and maidens will be taken captive. Zahara is just a sign of what's coming for Granada!”
Terror seized upon the populace, for they considered these ravings as the inspirations of prophecy. Some hid themselves in their dwellings as in a time of general mourning, while some gathered together in knots in the streets and squares, alarming each other with dismal forebodings and cursing the rashness and cruelty of the king.
Terror gripped the people because they saw these outbursts as prophetic visions. Some closed themselves off in their homes as if in a period of widespread mourning, while others huddled together in groups in the streets and squares, scaring each other with gloomy predictions and cursing the king's recklessness and cruelty.
The Moorish monarch heeded not their murmurs. Knowing that his exploit must draw upon him the vengeance of the Christians, he now threw off all reserve, and made attempts to surprise Castellan and Elvira, though without success. He sent alfaquis also to the Barbary powers, informing them that the sword was drawn, and inviting the African princes to aid him with men and supplies in maintaining the kingdom of Granada and the religion of Mahomet against the violence of unbelievers.
The Moorish king ignored their whispers. Aware that his actions would attract the Christians' wrath, he dropped all pretense and tried to surprise Castellan and Elvira, though he failed. He also sent envoys to the Barbary states, letting them know that he was ready for battle and inviting the African leaders to help him with troops and supplies to defend the kingdom of Granada and the faith of Muhammad against the aggression of non-believers.
While discontent exhaled itself in murmurs among the common people, however, it fomented in dangerous conspiracies among the nobles, and Muley Abul Hassan was startled by information of a design to depose him and place his son Boabdil upon the throne. His first measure was to confine the prince and his mother in the Tower of Comares; then, calling to mind the prediction of the astrologers, that the youth would one day sit on the throne of Granada, he impiously set the stars at defiance. “The sword of the executioner,” said he, “shall prove the fallacy of those lying horoscopes, and shall silence the ambition of Boabdil.”
While discontent spread through whispers among the common people, it brewed dangerous conspiracies among the nobles. Muley Abul Hassan was alarmed by news of a plot to overthrow him and put his son Boabdil on the throne. His first action was to imprison the prince and his mother in the Tower of Comares. Then, remembering the astrologers' prophecy that the young man would someday rule Granada, he defiantly dismissed the stars. “The executioner's sword,” he declared, “will prove those false horoscopes wrong and silence Boabdil's ambition.”
The sultana Ayxa, apprised of the imminent danger of her son, concerted a plan for his escape. At the dead of the night she gained access to his prison, and, tying together the shawls and scarfs of herself and her female attendants, lowered him down from a balcony of the Alhambra to the steep rocky hillside which sweeps down to the Darro. Here some of her devoted adherents were waiting to receive him, who, mounting him on a swift horse, spirited him away to the city of Guadix, in the Alpuxarras.
The sultana Ayxa, aware of the imminent danger to her son, devised a plan for his escape. In the dead of night, she accessed his prison and tied together her shawls and scarves along with those of her female attendants, lowering him from a balcony of the Alhambra to the steep rocky hillside that stretches down to the Darro. Here, some of her loyal supporters were waiting to take him, and they quickly helped him onto a fast horse, whisking him away to the city of Guadix in the Alpuxarras.
Great was the indignation of King Ferdinand when he heard of the storming of Zahara, though the outrage of the Moor happened most opportunely. The war between Castile and Portugal had come to a close; the factions of Spanish nobles were for the most part quelled. The Castilian monarchs had now, therefore, turned their thoughts to the cherished object of their ambition, the conquest of Granada. The pious heart of Isabella yearned to behold the entire Peninsula redeemed from the domination of the infidel, while Ferdinand, in whom religious zeal was mingled with temporal policy, looked with a craving eye to the rich territory of the Moor, studded with wealthy towns and cities. Muley Abul Hassan had rashly or unwarily thrown the brand that was to produce the wide conflagration. Ferdinand was not the one to quench the flames. He immediately issued orders to all the adelantados and alcaydes of the frontiers to maintain the utmost vigilance at their several posts, and to prepare to carry fire and sword into the territories of the Moors.
King Ferdinand was extremely angry when he heard about the attack on Zahara, even though the Moor's actions were quite timely. The war between Castile and Portugal had just ended, and the conflicts among Spanish nobles had mostly settled down. Now, the Castilian monarchs had shifted their focus to their long-held ambition: conquering Granada. Isabella, driven by her faith, longed to see the entire Peninsula freed from the control of non-believers, while Ferdinand, whose religious fervor blended with political strategy, eagerly looked at the rich lands of the Moors, filled with prosperous towns and cities. Muley Abul Hassan had foolishly ignited a spark that would lead to widespread chaos. Ferdinand wasn't about to put out the flames. He quickly ordered all the adelantados and alcaydes at the borders to stay highly alert at their posts and to prepare to invade the Moorish territories with fire and sword.
Among the many valiant cavaliers who rallied round the throne of Ferdinand and Isabella, one of the most eminent in rank and renowned in arms was Don Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz. As he was the distinguished champion of this holy war, and commanded in most of its enterprises and battles, it is meet that some particular account should be given of him. He was born in 1443 of the valiant lineage of the Ponces, and from his earliest youth had rendered himself illustrious in the field. He was of the middle stature, with a muscular and powerful frame, capable of great exertion and fatigue. His hair and beard were red and curled, his countenance was open and magnanimous, of a ruddy complexion and slightly marked with the small-pox. He was temperate, chaste, valiant, vigilant; a just and generous master to his vassals; frank and noble in his deportment toward his equals; loving and faithful to his friends; fierce and terrible, yet magnanimous, to his enemies. He was considered the mirror of chivalry of his times, and compared by contemporary historians to the immortal Cid.
Among the many brave knights who rallied around the throne of Ferdinand and Isabella, one of the most prominent in rank and famous for his martial skills was Don Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz. As he was the distinguished champion of this holy war and led many of its campaigns and battles, it's fitting that a specific account of him is given. He was born in 1443 into the renowned lineage of the Ponces, and from his early youth, he made a name for himself on the battlefield. He was of average height, with a muscular and strong build, capable of great effort and endurance. His hair and beard were red and curly, and his face was open and generous, with a ruddy complexion and a few marks from smallpox. He was moderate, chaste, brave, and watchful; a fair and generous master to his vassals; direct and noble in his conduct towards his peers; loving and loyal to his friends; fierce and intimidating, yet generous, to his enemies. He was regarded as the epitome of chivalry of his time and was likened by contemporary historians to the legendary Cid.
The marques of Cadiz had vast possessions in the most fertile parts of Andalusia, including many towns and castles, and could lead forth an army into the field from his own vassals and dependants. On receiving the orders of the king he burned to signalize himself by some sudden incursion into the kingdom of Granada that should give a brilliant commencement to the war, and should console the sovereigns for the insult they had received in the capture of Zahara. As his estates lay near to the Moorish frontiers and were subject to sudden inroads, he had always in his pay numbers of adalides, or scouts and guides, many of them converted Moors. These he sent out in all directions to watch the movements of the enemy and to procure all kinds of information important to the security of the frontier. One of these spies came to him one day in his town of Marchena, and informed him that the Moorish town of Alhama was slightly garrisoned and negligently guarded, and might be taken by surprise. This was a large, wealthy, and populous place within a few leagues of Granada. It was situated on a rocky height, nearly surrounded by a river, and defended by a fortress to which there was no access but by a steep and cragged ascent. The strength of its situation and its being embosomed in the centre of the kingdom had produced the careless security which now invited attack.
The marquis of Cadiz had extensive holdings in the most fertile areas of Andalusia, including many towns and castles, and could muster an army from his own vassals and dependents. After receiving the king's orders, he was eager to make a name for himself with a sudden raid into the kingdom of Granada that would mark a dramatic start to the war and reassure the sovereigns after the insult they faced from the capture of Zahara. Since his estates were close to the Moorish borders and subject to sudden attacks, he always employed numerous adalides, or scouts and guides, many of whom were converted Moors. He dispatched them in all directions to monitor enemy movements and gather crucial information for the safety of the frontier. One day, one of these spies came to him in his town of Marchena and informed him that the Moorish town of Alhama was only lightly garrisoned and poorly defended, making it vulnerable to surprise. This large, wealthy, and populous town was just a few leagues from Granada. It was located on a rocky hill, nearly surrounded by a river, and protected by a fortress that was only accessible via a steep and rugged path. The strength of its position and its central location in the kingdom had led to a complacent security that now made it an attractive target.
To ascertain fully the state of the fortress the marques despatched secretly a veteran soldier who was highly in his confidence. His name was Ortega de Prado, a man of great activity, shrewdness, and valor, and captain of escaladors (soldiers employed to scale the walls of fortresses in time of attack). Ortega approached Alhama one moonless night, and paced along its walls with noiseless step, laying his ear occasionally to the ground or to the wall. Every time he distinguished the measured tread of a sentinel, and now and then the challenge of the night-watch going its rounds. Finding the town thus guarded, he clambered to the castle: there all was silent. As he ranged its lofty battlements between him and the sky he saw no sentinel on duty. He noticed certain places where the wall might be ascended by scaling-ladders, and, having marked the hour of relieving guard and made all necessary observations, he retired without being discovered.
To fully understand the condition of the fortress, the marquis secretly sent a trusted veteran soldier. His name was Ortega de Prado, a man known for his energy, cleverness, and bravery, and he was the captain of escaladors (soldiers tasked with climbing the walls of fortresses during an attack). Ortega approached Alhama on a moonless night and quietly walked along its walls, occasionally putting his ear to the ground or the wall. Each time, he heard the steady footsteps of a guard and now and then the challenge from the night-watch on their rounds. Seeing the town was well-guarded, he climbed up to the castle, where everything was silent. As he moved along the high battlements under the stars, he didn’t see any guards on duty. He noted several spots where scaling ladders could be used to climb the wall, and after marking the time for the change of guard and making all necessary observations, he left without being noticed.
Ortega returned to Marchena, and assured the marques of Cadiz of the practicability of scaling the castle of Alhama and taking it by surprise. The marques had a secret conference with Don Pedro Enriques, adelantado of Andalusia, Don Diego de Merlo, commander of Seville, Sancho de Avila, alcayde of Carmona, and others, who all agreed to aid him with their forces. On an appointed day the several commanders assembled at Marchena with their troops and retainers. None but the leaders knew the object or destination of the enterprise, but it was enough to rouse the Andalusian spirit to know that a foray was intended into the country of their old enemies, the Moors. Secrecy and celerity were necessary for success. They set out promptly with three thousand genetes or light cavalry and four thousand infantry. They chose a route but little travelled, by the way of Antiquera, passing with great labor through rugged and solitary defiles of the sierra or chain of mountains of Arrecife, and left all their baggage on the banks of the river Yeguas, to be brought after them. This march was principally in the night; all day they remained quiet; no noise was suffered in their camp, and no fires were made, lest the smoke should betray them. On the third day they resumed their march as the evening darkened, and, forcing themselves forward at as quick a pace as the rugged and dangerous mountain-roads would permit, they descended toward midnight into a small deep valley only half a league from Alhama. Here they made a halt, fatigued by this forced march, during a long dark evening toward the end of February.
Ortega went back to Marchena and assured the marqués of Cádiz that scaling the castle of Alhama and surprising it was definitely doable. The marqués held a private meeting with Don Pedro Enriques, the adelantado of Andalusia, Don Diego de Merlo, the commander of Seville, Sancho de Avila, the alcayde of Carmona, and others, who all agreed to support him with their troops. On a scheduled day, the various commanders gathered at Marchena with their forces and followers. Only the leaders knew the purpose or destination of the mission, but it was enough to ignite the Andalusian spirit to know that they were planning an incursion into the territory of their longstanding enemies, the Moors. Secrecy and speed were crucial for success. They set off quickly with three thousand genetes or light cavalry and four thousand infantry. They chose a rarely traveled route through Antiquera, laboriously navigating the rugged and isolated mountain passes of the Arrecife range, leaving all their supplies by the banks of the river Yeguas to be sent after them. This journey mainly took place at night; during the day, they stayed quiet; there was no noise allowed in their camp, and no fires lit, to avoid drawing attention. On the third day, they continued their march as night fell, pushing forward as quickly as the rough and treacherous mountain paths would allow, and descended into a small deep valley only half a league from Alhama just after midnight. They paused here, exhausted from the forced march, during a long dark evening towards the end of February.
The marques of Cadiz now explained to the troops the object of the expedition. He told them it was for the glory of the most holy faith and to avenge the wrongs of their countrymen at Zahara, and that the town of Alhama, full of wealthy spoil, was the place to be attacked. The troops were roused to new ardor by these words, and desired to be led forthwith to the assault. They arrived close to Alhama about two hours before daybreak. Here the army remained in ambush, while three hundred men were despatched to scale the walls and get possession of the castle. They were picked men, many of them alcaydes and officers, men who preferred death to dishonor. This gallant band was guided by the escalador Ortega de Prado at the head of thirty men with scaling-ladders. They clambered the ascent to the castle in silence, and arrived under the dark shadow of its towers without being discovered. Not a light was to be seen, not a sound to be heard; the whole place was wrapped in profound repose.
The Marquis of Cadiz now explained to the troops the purpose of the mission. He told them it was for the glory of the most holy faith and to avenge the wrongs done to their countrymen at Zahara, and that the town of Alhama, filled with wealthy treasures, was the target for attack. The troops were energized by these words and wanted to be led immediately into battle. They got close to Alhama about two hours before dawn. Here the army stayed hidden, while three hundred men were sent to scale the walls and take control of the castle. They were selected soldiers, many of them commanders and officers, men who would rather die than face dishonor. This brave group was led by the climber Ortega de Prado, at the front with thirty men carrying scaling-ladders. They silently climbed up to the castle and reached the shadow of its towers without being detected. Not a light was visible, and no sounds could be heard; the entire place was enveloped in deep silence.
Fixing their ladders, they ascended cautiously and with noiseless steps. Ortega was the first that mounted upon the battlements, followed by one Martin Galindo, a youthful esquire full of spirit and eager for distinction. Moving stealthily along the parapet to the portal of the citadel, they came upon the sentinel by surprise. Ortega seized him by the throat, brandished a dagger before his eyes, and ordered him to point the way to the guard-room. The infidel obeyed, and was instantly despatched, to prevent his giving an alarm. The guard-room was a scene rather of massacre than combat. Some of the soldiery were killed while sleeping, others were cut down almost without resistance, bewildered by so unexpected an assault: all were despatched, for the scaling party was too small to make prisoners or to spare. The alarm spread throughout the castle, but by this time the three hundred picked men had mounted the battlements. The garrison, startled from sleep, found the enemy already masters of the towers. Some of the Moors were cut down at once, others fought desperately from room to room, and the whole castle resounded with the clash of arms, the cries of the combatants, and the groans of the wounded. The army in ambush, finding by the uproar that the castle was surprised, now rushed from their concealment, and approached the walls with loud shouts and sound of kettle-drums and trumpets to increase the confusion and dismay of the garrison. A violent conflict took place in the court of the castle, where several of the scaling party sought to throw open the gates to admit their countrymen. Here fell two valiant alcaydes, Nicholas de Roja and Sancho de Avila, but they fell honorably, upon a heap of slain. At length Ortega de Prado succeeded in throwing open a postern through which the marques of Cadiz, the adelantado of Andalusia, and Don Diego de Merlo entered with a host of followers, and the citadel remained in full possession of the Christians.
Fixing their ladders, they climbed up carefully and quietly. Ortega was the first to reach the battlements, followed by Martin Galindo, a young squire full of energy and eager for recognition. Moving stealthily along the parapet to the citadel's entrance, they caught the sentinel off guard. Ortega grabbed him by the throat, waved a dagger in front of him, and demanded to be shown the way to the guard room. The infidel complied, and was quickly killed to prevent him from raising an alarm. The guard room was more like a massacre than a battle. Some soldiers were killed while sleeping, others were cut down almost without a fight, stunned by such a surprise attack: all were killed, as the scaling party was too small to take prisoners or show mercy. The alarm spread throughout the castle, but by that time, the three hundred elite men had reached the battlements. The garrison, suddenly awakened, found the enemy already in control of the towers. Some of the Moors were killed immediately, while others fought fiercely from room to room, and the entire castle echoed with the noise of clashing weapons, the shouts of fighters, and the groans of the wounded. The ambush army, realizing from the commotion that the castle had been taken by surprise, rushed out from their hiding spots, approaching the walls with loud shouts and the sound of drums and trumpets to create even more confusion and fear among the garrison. A fierce battle erupted in the castle courtyard, where several members of the scaling party tried to open the gates to let their comrades in. Here, two brave alcaldes, Nicholas de Roja and Sancho de Avila, fell honorably amidst a pile of the slain. Eventually, Ortega de Prado managed to open a side gate through which the Marquis of Cadiz, the adelantado of Andalusia, and Don Diego de Merlo entered with a host of followers, securing full control of the citadel for the Christians.
As the Spanish cavaliers were ranging from room to room, the marques of Cadiz, entering an apartment of superior richness to the rest, beheld, by the light of a silver lamp, a beautiful Moorish female, the wife of the alcayde of the castle, whose husband was absent attending a wedding-feast at Velez Malaga. She would have fled at the sight of a Christian warrior in her apartment, but, entangled in the covering of the bed, she fell at the feet of the marques, imploring mercy. That Christian cavalier, who had a soul full of honor and courtesy toward the sex, raised her from the floor and endeavored to allay her fears; but they were increased at the sight of her female attendants pursued into the room by the Spanish soldiery. The marques reproached his soldiers with unmanly conduct, and reminded them that they made war upon men, not on defenceless women. Having soothed the terrors of the females by the promise of honorable protection, he appointed a trusty guard to watch over the security of their apartment.
As the Spanish knights moved from room to room, the Marquis of Cadiz entered a more lavish apartment and saw, in the glow of a silver lamp, a beautiful Moorish woman, the wife of the castle's alcayde, whose husband was away at a wedding feast in Velez Malaga. She would have run away at the sight of a Christian warrior in her room, but, caught in the bed coverings, she fell at the Marquis's feet, begging for mercy. This Christian knight, who was honorable and courteous towards women, lifted her from the floor and tried to calm her fears; however, her anxiety increased when she saw her female attendants chased into the room by the Spanish soldiers. The Marquis scolded his men for their cowardly behavior and reminded them that they were at war with men, not defenseless women. After reassuring the frightened women with a promise of honorable protection, he assigned a trusted guard to ensure their safety.
The castle was now taken, but the town below it was in arms. It was broad day, and the people, recovered from their panic, were enabled to see and estimate the force of the enemy. The inhabitants were chiefly merchants and tradespeople, but the Moors all possessed a knowledge of the use of weapons and were of brave and warlike spirit. They confided in the strength of their walls and the certainty of speedy relief from Granada, which was but about eight leagues distant. Manning the battlements and towers, they discharged showers of stones and arrows whenever the part of the Christian army without the walls attempted to approach. They barricadoed the entrances of their streets also which opened toward the castle, stationing men expert at the crossbow and arquebuse. These kept up a constant fire upon the gate of the castle, so that no one could sally forth without being instantly shot down. Two valiant cavaliers who attempted to lead forth a party in defiance of this fatal tempest were shot dead at the very portal.
The castle was now taken, but the town below was ready to fight. It was broad daylight, and the people, having regained their composure, could see and assess the strength of the enemy. The residents were mainly merchants and tradespeople, but the Moors all had knowledge of weapons and were brave and fierce. They trusted in the strength of their walls and the promise of quick help from Granada, which was only about eight leagues away. They manned the battlements and towers, showering stones and arrows down whenever the part of the Christian army outside the walls tried to get closer. They also barricaded the entrances of the streets leading to the castle, placing men skilled with crossbows and guns. These soldiers maintained a constant fire on the castle gate, ensuring no one could go out without being instantly shot down. Two brave knights who tried to lead a group out in defiance of this deadly onslaught were shot dead right at the gate.
The Christians now found themselves in a situation of great peril. Reinforcements must soon arrive to the enemy from Granada: unless, therefore, they gained possession of the town in the course of the day, they were likely to be surrounded and beleaguered, without provisions, in the castle. Some observed that even if they took the town they should not be able to maintain possession of it. They proposed, therefore, to make booty of everything valuable, to sack the castle, set it on fire, and make good their retreat to Seville.
The Christians were now in a dangerous situation. Reinforcements were about to arrive for the enemy from Granada. So, unless they captured the town by the end of the day, they would likely be surrounded and trapped in the castle without supplies. Some pointed out that even if they took the town, they wouldn’t be able to hold onto it. They suggested, therefore, that they should seize everything valuable, loot the castle, set it on fire, and retreat safely to Seville.
The marques of Cadiz was of different counsel. “God has given the citadel into Christian hands,” said he; “he will no doubt strengthen them to maintain it. We have gained the place with difficulty and bloodshed; it would be a stain upon our honor to abandon it through fear of imaginary dangers.” The adelantado and Don Diego de Merlo joined in his opinion, but without their earnest and united remonstrances the place would have been abandoned, so exhausted were the troops by forced marches and hard fighting, and so apprehensive of the approach of the Moors of Granada.
The Marquis of Cadiz had a different opinion. “God has handed the citadel over to Christians,” he said; “He will surely give them the strength to hold it. We’ve taken this place with great effort and bloodshed; it would tarnish our honor to give it up out of fear of imagined threats.” The Adelantado and Don Diego de Merlo agreed with him, but without their passionate and unified objections, the place would have been abandoned, as the troops were so worn out from forced marches and tough battles, and so anxious about the approaching Moors from Granada.
The strength and spirits of the party within the castle were in some degree restored by the provisions which they found. The Christian army beneath the town, being also refreshed by a morning’s repast, advanced vigorously to the attack of the walls. They planted their scaling-ladders, and, swarming up, sword in hand, fought fiercely with the Moorish soldiery upon the ramparts.
The morale and energy of the group inside the castle improved somewhat with the supplies they discovered. The Christian army below the town, also energized by a morning meal, moved forward aggressively to assault the walls. They set up their ladders, and, climbing up with swords drawn, fought fiercely against the Moorish soldiers on the battlements.
In the mean time, the marques of Cadiz, seeing that the gate of the castle, which opened toward the city, was completely commanded by the artillery of the enemy, ordered a large breach to be made in the wall, through which he might lead his troops to the attack, animating them in this perilous moment by assuring them that the place should be given up to plunder and its inhabitants made captives.
In the meantime, the Marquis of Cadiz, noticing that the city-facing gate of the castle was fully under the enemy's artillery fire, ordered a large breach to be created in the wall so he could lead his troops into the attack. He motivated them in this dangerous moment by promising that the place would be given up to looting and its residents taken captive.
The breach being made, the marques put himself at the head of his troops, and entered sword in hand. A simultaneous attack was make by the Christians in every part—by the ramparts, by the gate, by the roofs and walls which connected the castle with the town. The Moors fought valiantly in their streets, from their windows, and from the tops of their houses. They were not equal to the Christians in bodily strength, for they were for the most part peaceful men, of industrious callings, and enervated by the frequent use of the warm bath; but they were superior in number and unconquerable in spirit; old and young, strong and weak, fought with the same desperation. The Moors fought for property, for liberty, for life. They fought at their thresholds and their hearths, with the shrieks of their wives and children ringing in their ears, and they fought in the hope that each moment would bring aid from Granada. They regarded neither their own wounds nor the death of their companions, but continued fighting until they fell, and seemed as if, when they could no longer contend, they would block up the thresholds of their beloved homes with their mangled bodies. The Christians fought for glory, for revenge, for the holy faith, and for the spoil of these wealthy infidels. Success would place a rich town at their mercy; failure would deliver them into the hands of the tyrant of Granada.
The breach made, the marquis took the lead of his troops and entered with sword in hand. The Christians launched a coordinated attack everywhere—at the ramparts, the gate, and from the roofs and walls that connected the castle to the town. The Moors fought bravely in their streets, from their windows, and from the tops of their houses. They were not as strong as the Christians, as most were peaceful people with hardworking jobs, weakened by the frequent use of hot baths; however, they outnumbered the Christians and were invincible in spirit; old and young, strong and weak, fought with the same determination. The Moors fought for property, for freedom, for life. They battled at their doorsteps and their hearths, with the screams of their wives and children ringing in their ears, hoping each moment would bring help from Granada. They paid no attention to their own wounds or the deaths of their companions, fighting on until they fell, seemingly determined to block the thresholds of their beloved homes with their bloodied bodies when they could no longer resist. The Christians fought for glory, revenge, their holy faith, and the wealth of these prosperous infidels. Victory would hand them control of a rich town; defeat would deliver them into the hands of the tyrant of Granada.
The contest raged from morning until night, when the Moors began to yield. Retreating to a large mosque near the walls, they kept up so galling a fire from it with lances, crossbows, and arquebuses that for some time the Christians dared not approach. Covering themselves, at length, with bucklers and mantelets* to protect them from the deadly shower, the latter made their way to the mosque and set fire to the doors. When the smoke and flames rolled in upon them the Moors gave up all as lost. Many rushed forth desperately upon the enemy, but were immediately slain; the rest surrendered themselves captives.
The battle went on from morning until night, when the Moors started to give in. They fell back to a large mosque near the walls and fired back at the Christians with lances, crossbows, and guns so fiercely that for a while the Christians were too afraid to get close. Eventually, the Christians covered themselves with shields and protective screens to shield themselves from the deadly rain of attacks and made their way to the mosque to set fire to the doors. As smoke and flames poured in, the Moors felt completely defeated. Many charged out desperately at the enemy but were quickly killed; the rest surrendered as prisoners.
* Mantelet—a movable parapet, made of thick planks, to protect troops when advancing to sap or assault a walled place.
* Mantelet—a movable barrier made of thick wooden planks, used to protect troops when advancing to dig or attack a fortified area.
The struggle was now at an end: the town remained at the mercy of the Christians; and the inhabitants, both male and female, became the slaves of those who made them prisoners. Some few escaped by a mine or subterranean way which led to the river, and concealed themselves, their wives and children, in caves and secret places, but in three or four days were compelled to surrender themselves through hunger.
The struggle was now over: the town was at the mercy of the Christians, and the residents, both men and women, became slaves to their captors. A few managed to escape through a mine or underground passage that led to the river, hiding with their wives and children in caves and secret spots, but within three or four days, they were forced to give up due to hunger.
The town was given up to plunder, and the booty was immense. There were found prodigious quantities of gold and silver, and jewels and rich silks and costly stuffs of all kinds, together with horses and beeves, and abundance of grain and oil and honey, and all other productions of this fruitful kingdom; for in Alhama were collected the royal rents and tributes of the surrounding country: it was the richest town in the Moorish territory, and from its great strength and its peculiar situation was called the key to Granada.
The town was abandoned to looting, and the spoils were enormous. There were huge amounts of gold and silver, along with jewels, luxurious silks, and expensive goods of all kinds, as well as horses and cattle, and plenty of grain, oil, and honey, plus all other products from this fertile kingdom. Alhama collected the royal rents and taxes from the surrounding area; it was the wealthiest town in Moorish territory, and due to its great strength and unique location, it was referred to as the key to Granada.
Great waste and devastation were committed by the Spanish soldiery; for, thinking it would be impossible to keep possession of the place, they began to destroy whatever they could not take away. Immense jars of oil were broken, costly furniture shattered to pieces, and magazines of grain broken open and their contents scattered to the winds. Many Christian captives who had been taken at Zahara were found buried in a Moorish dungeon, and were triumphantly restored to light and liberty; and a renegado Spaniard, who had often served as guide to the Moors in their incursions into the Christian territories, was hanged on the highest part of the battlements for the edification of the army.
Great waste and destruction were caused by the Spanish soldiers; they believed it would be impossible to hold onto the place, so they began to wreck anything they couldn’t take with them. Huge jars of oil were smashed, expensive furniture was broken into pieces, and stores of grain were opened, scattering their contents everywhere. Many Christian captives taken at Zahara were discovered buried in a Moorish dungeon and were joyfully brought back to freedom; a Spanish turncoat, who had often guided the Moors in their raids into Christian lands, was hanged at the highest point of the battlements as a lesson to the army.
A moorish horseman had spurred across the Vega, nor reined his panting steed until he alighted at the gate of the Alhambra. He brought tidings to Muley Abul Hassan of the attack upon Alhama. “The Christians,” said he, “are in the land. They came upon us, we know not whence or how, and scaled the walls of the castle in the night. There have been dreadful fighting and carnage in its towers and courts; and when I spurred my steed from the gate of Alhama the castle was in possession of the unbelievers.”
A Moorish horseman had raced across the Vega and didn’t stop his breathless horse until he arrived at the gate of the Alhambra. He brought news to Muley Abul Hassan about the attack on Alhama. “The Christians,” he said, “are in the land. They appeared out of nowhere and climbed the castle walls in the night. There has been terrible fighting and bloodshed in its towers and courtyards; and when I rode away from the gate of Alhama, the castle was in the hands of the unbelievers.”
Muley Abul Hassan felt for a moment as if swift retribution had come upon him for the woes he had inflicted upon Zahara. Still, he flattered himself that this had only been some transient inroad of a party of marauders intent upon plunder, and that a little succor thrown into the town would be sufficient to expel them from the castle and drive them from the land. He ordered out, therefore, a thousand of his chosen cavalry, and sent them in all speed to the assistance of Alhama. They arrived before its walls the morning after its capture: the Christian standards floated upon its towers, and a body of cavalry poured forth from its gates and came wheeling down into the plain to receive them.
Muley Abul Hassan briefly felt like swift punishment had come for the pain he had caused Zahara. Still, he convinced himself that this was just a temporary raid by a group of marauders looking to steal, and that a little help sent to the town would be enough to drive them out of the castle and off the land. So, he ordered a thousand of his best cavalry to rush to Alhama's aid. They arrived at its walls the morning after it was taken: the Christian flags were flying on its towers, and a group of cavalry came pouring out of its gates, ready to meet them in the plain.
The Moorish horsemen turned the reins of their steeds and galloped back for Granada. They entered its gates in tumultuous confusion, spreading terror and lamentation by their tidings. “Alhama is fallen! Alhama is fallen!” exclaimed they; “the Christians garrison its walls; the key of Granada is in the hands of the enemy!”
The Moorish horsemen pulled the reins of their horses and raced back to Granada. They burst through its gates in chaotic disorder, spreading fear and grief with their news. “Alhama has fallen! Alhama has fallen!” they shouted; “the Christians occupy its walls; the key to Granada is now in the hands of the enemy!”
When the people heard these words they remembered the denunciation of the santon. His prediction seemed still to resound in every ear, and its fulfilment to be at hand. Nothing was heard throughout the city but sighs and wailings. “Woe is me, Alhama!” was in every mouth; and this ejaculation of deep sorrow and doleful foreboding came to be the burden of a plaintive ballad which remains until the present day.*
When the people heard these words, they recalled the warning of the holy man. His prediction still echoed in everyone's ears, and its coming true felt imminent. All over the city, there was nothing but sighs and cries. “Woe is me, Alhama!” was on everyone's lips; this expression of deep sadness and grim foreboding became the refrain of a mournful song that still exists today.*
* The mournful little Spanish romance of “Ay de mi Alhama!” is supposed to be of Moorish origin, and to embody the grief of the people of Granada on this occasion.
* The sad little Spanish poem "Ay de mi Alhama!" is believed to come from Moorish origins and reflects the sorrow of the people of Granada during this time.
Many aged men, who had taken refuge in Granada from other Moorish dominions which had fallen into the power of the Christians, now groaned in despair at the thoughts that war was to follow them into this last retreat, to lay waste this pleasant land, and to bring trouble and sorrow upon their declining years. The women were more loud and vehement in their grief, for they beheld the evils impending over their children, and what can restrain the agony of a mother’s heart? Many of them made their way through the halls of the Alhambra into the presence of the king, weeping, and wailing, and tearing their hair. “Accursed be the day,” cried they, “that thou hast lit the flame of war in our land! May the holy Prophet bear witness before Allah that we and our children are innocent of this act! Upon thy head, and upon the heads of thy posterity, until the end of the world, rest the sin of the desolation of Zahara!”*
Many older men, who had sought refuge in Granada from other Moorish regions that had fallen to the Christians, now sighed in despair at the thought that war would follow them into this last sanctuary, ruining this beautiful land and bringing trouble and sorrow to their later years. The women were even more vocal and passionate in their grief, as they saw the threats looming over their children, and what can soothe a mother’s aching heart? Many of them made their way through the halls of the Alhambra to see the king, crying, wailing, and tearing at their hair. “Cursed be the day,” they cried, “that you ignited the fire of war in our land! May the holy Prophet testify before Allah that we and our children are innocent of this act! Upon you, and upon your descendants, until the end of time, rests the guilt of the destruction of Zahara!”
* Garibay, lib. 40, c. 29.
* Garibay, lib. 40, c. 29.
Muley Abul Hassan remained unmoved amidst all this storm; his heart was hardened (observes Fray Antonio Agapida) like that of Pharaoh, to the end that through his blind violence and rage he might produce the deliverance of the land from its heathen bondage. In fact, he was a bold and fearless warrior, and trusted soon to make this blow recoil upon the head of the enemy. He had ascertained that the captors of Alhama were but a handful: they were in the centre of his dominions, within a short distance of his capital. They were deficient in munitions of war and provisions for sustaining a siege. By a rapid movement he might surround them with a powerful army, cut off all aid from their countrymen, and entrap them in the fortress they had taken.
Muley Abul Hassan stayed calm amidst all this chaos; his heart was hardened (as noted by Fray Antonio Agapida) like Pharaoh's, so that through his blind rage and violence he could deliver the land from its pagan oppression. In fact, he was a bold and fearless warrior, confident he could turn this situation back on the enemy. He had figured out that the captors of Alhama were only a small group: they were in the middle of his territory, not far from his capital. They lacked weapons and supplies for a sustained siege. With a quick move, he could surround them with a strong army, cut off all help from their people, and trap them in the fortress they had taken.
To think was to act with Muley Abul Hassan, but he was prone to act with too much precipitation. He immediately set forth in person with three thousand horse and fifty thousand foot, and in his eagerness to arrive at the scene of action would not wait to provide artillery and the various engines required in a siege. “The multitude of my forces,” said he, confidently, “will be sufficient to overwhelm the enemy.”
To think was to act with Muley Abul Hassan, but he tended to act too hastily. He immediately went in person with three thousand cavalry and fifty thousand infantry, and in his eagerness to get to the battle, he didn’t wait to gather artillery and the different tools needed for a siege. “The size of my army,” he said confidently, “will be enough to crush the enemy.”
The marques of Cadiz, who thus held possession of Alhama, had a chosen friend and faithful companion-in-arms, among the most distinguished of the Christian chivalry. This was Don Alonso de Cordova, senior and lord of the house of Aguilar, and brother of Gonsalvo of Cordova, afterward renowned as grand captain of Spain. As yet, Alonso de Aguilar was the glory of his name and race, for his brother was but young in arms. He was one of the most hardy, valiant, and enterprising of the Spanish knights, and foremost in all service of a perilous and adventurous nature. He had not been at hand to accompany his friend Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, in his inroad into the Moorish territory, but he hastily assembled a number of retainers, horse and foot, and pressed forward to join the enterprise. Arriving at the river Yeguas, he found the baggage of the army still upon its banks, and took charge of it to carry it to Alhama. The marques of Cadiz heard of the approach of his friend, whose march was slow in consequence of being encumbered by the baggage. He was within but a few leagues of Alhama when scouts came hurrying into the place with intelligence that the Moorish king was at hand with a powerful army. The marques of Cadiz was filled with alarm lest De Aguilar should fall into the hands of the enemy. Forgetting his own danger and thinking only of that of his friend, he despatched a well-mounted messenger to ride full speed and warn him not to approach.
The Marquis of Cadiz, who held Alhama, had a close friend and loyal companion-in-arms, one of the most distinguished knights of the Christian chivalry. This was Don Alonso de Cordova, the head of the Aguilar family, and brother of Gonsalvo of Cordova, who would later become famous as the Grand Captain of Spain. At that time, Alonso de Aguilar was the pride of his family and name, as his brother was still young in his military career. He was one of the most courageous, valiant, and daring of the Spanish knights, always taking the lead in dangerous and adventurous missions. He hadn’t been able to join his friend Ponce de Leon, the Marquis of Cadiz, in his invasion of the Moorish territory, but quickly gathered a group of soldiers, both cavalry and infantry, and hurried to join the mission. When he arrived at the river Yeguas, he found that the army’s supplies were still on the banks and took responsibility for transporting them to Alhama. The Marquis of Cadiz soon learned that his friend was approaching, though his progress was slow due to the heavy baggage. He was just a few leagues away from Alhama when scouts rushed in with news that the Moorish king was nearby with a large army. The Marquis of Cadiz was filled with fear that De Aguilar might fall into enemy hands. Forgetting his own danger and focusing only on his friend’s safety, he sent a well-mounted messenger to ride at full speed to warn him not to come closer.
The first determination of Alonso de Aguilar when he heard that the Moorish king was at hand was to take a strong position in the mountains and await his coming. The madness of an attempt with his handful of men to oppose an immense army was represented to him with such force as to induce him to abandon the idea; he then thought of throwing himself into Alhama to share the fortunes of his friend; but it was now too late. The Moor would infallibly intercept him, and he should only give the marques the additional distress of beholding him captured beneath his walls. It was even urged upon him that he had no time for delay if he would consult his own safety, which could only be ensured by an immediate retreat into the Christian territory. This last opinion was confirmed by the return of scouts, who brought information that Muley Abul Hassan had received notice of his movements, and was rapidly advancing in quest of him. It was with infinite reluctance that Don Alonso de Aguilar yielded to these united and powerful reasons. Proudly and sullenly he drew off his forces, laden with the baggage of the army, and made an unwilling retreat toward Antiquera. Muley Abul Hassan pursued him for some distance through the mountains, but soon gave up the chase and turned with his forces upon Alhama.
The first thing Alonso de Aguilar decided when he heard that the Moorish king was approaching was to take a strong position in the mountains and wait for him. The craziness of trying to fight such a massive army with just a few men was pointed out to him so forcefully that he abandoned the idea. He then thought about rushing to Alhama to stand by his friend's side, but it was already too late. The Moor would surely intercept him, and he would only cause the marquis further distress by being captured right under his walls. He was even advised that he had no time to waste if he was thinking about his own safety, which could only be guaranteed by making an immediate retreat into Christian territory. This last suggestion was supported by the return of scouts who reported that Muley Abul Hassan was aware of his movements and was quickly approaching him. With great reluctance, Don Alonso de Aguilar gave in to these strong and combined reasons. Proudly and grimly, he pulled back his forces, loaded down with the army's baggage, and made an unwilling retreat toward Antiquera. Muley Abul Hassan chased him for a while through the mountains but soon abandoned the pursuit and redirected his forces toward Alhama.
As the army approached the town they beheld the fields strewn with the dead bodies of their countrymen, who had fallen in defence of the place, and had been cast forth and left unburied by the Christians. There they lay, mangled and exposed to every indignity, while droves of half-famished dogs were preying upon them and fighting and howling over their hideous repast.* Furious at the sight, the Moors, in the first transports of their rage, attacked those ravenous animals: their next measure was to vent their fury upon the Christians. They rushed like madmen to the walls, applied scaling-ladders in all parts without waiting for the necessary mantelets and other protections—thinking by attacking suddenly and at various points to distract the enemy and overcome them by the force of numbers.
As the army got closer to the town, they saw the fields scattered with the dead bodies of their fellow countrymen, who had died defending the place and had been thrown out and left unburied by the Christians. There they lay, mangled and exposed to every humiliation, while packs of starving dogs fed on them, fighting and howling over their grotesque meal. Furious at the sight, the Moors, in their initial rage, attacked the hungry animals: their next move was to unleash their anger on the Christians. They charged like madmen toward the walls, using scaling-ladders all over without waiting for the necessary protective gear, thinking that a sudden attack from multiple points would distract the enemy and overwhelm them with sheer numbers.
* Pulgar, Cronica.
* Pulgar, Chronicle.
The marques of Cadiz, with his confederate commanders, distributed themselves along the walls to direct and animate their men in the defence. The Moors in their blind fury often assailed the most difficult and dangerous places. Darts, stones, and all kinds of missiles were hurled down upon their defenceless heads. As fast as they mounted they were cut down or dashed from the battlements, their ladders overturned, and all who were on them precipitated headlong below.
The Marquis of Cadiz, along with his allied commanders, positioned themselves on the walls to lead and inspire their troops in the defense. The Moors, in their reckless rage, frequently attacked the toughest and riskiest spots. Arrows, stones, and all sorts of projectiles were launched down onto their unprotected heads. As soon as they climbed up, they were either struck down or thrown off the battlements, their ladders toppled, and everyone on them sent plummeting to the ground below.
Muley Abul Hassan stormed with passion at the sight: he sent detachment after detachment to scale the walls, but in vain; they were like waves rushing upon a rock, only to dash themselves to pieces. The Moors lay in heaps beneath the wall, and among them many of the bravest cavaliers of Granada. The Christians also sallied frequently from the gates, and made great havoc in the irregular multitude of assailants.
Muley Abul Hassan was filled with rage at the scene: he sent group after group to climb the walls, but it was useless; they were like waves crashing against a rock, only to break apart. The Moors were piled up beneath the wall, including many of the bravest knights of Granada. The Christians also frequently charged out from the gates, causing great destruction among the disorganized crowd of attackers.
Muley Abul Hassan now became sensible of his error in hurrying from Granada without the proper engines for a siege. Destitute of all means to batter the fortifications, the town remained uninjured, defying the mighty army which raged and roamed before it. Incensed at being thus foiled, Muley Abul Hassan gave orders to undermine the walls. The Moors advanced with shouts to the attempt. They were received with a deadly fire from the ramparts, which drove them from their works. Repeatedly were they repulsed, and repeatedly did they return to the charge. The Christians not merely galled them from the battlements, but issued forth and cut them down in the excavations they were attempting to form. The contest lasted throughout a whole day, and by evening two thousand Moors were either killed or wounded.
Muley Abul Hassan now realized his mistake in rushing from Granada without the right tools for a siege. Lacking any means to break through the fortifications, the town remained unharmed, defying the powerful army that raged and roamed outside its walls. Furious at being thwarted, Muley Abul Hassan ordered his troops to dig under the walls. The Moors charged forward with shouts to make the attempt. They were met with deadly fire from the ramparts, which drove them back from their efforts. They were pushed back repeatedly but kept returning to the attack. The Christians not only shot at them from the battlements but also charged out and slaughtered them in the tunnels they were trying to dig. The battle lasted all day long, and by evening, two thousand Moors were either killed or wounded.
Muley Abul Hassan now abandoned all hope of carrying the place by assault, and attempted to distress it into terms by turning the channel of the river which runs by its walls. On this stream the inhabitants depended for their supply of water, the place being destitute of fountains and cisterns, from which circumstance it is called Alhama “la seca,” or “the dry.”
Muley Abul Hassan had given up on taking the place by force and instead tried to force a surrender by redirecting the river that runs by its walls. The locals relied on this river for their water supply since the area had no wells or cisterns, which is why it’s called Alhama “la seca,” or “the dry.”
A desperate conflict ensued on the banks of the river, the Moors endeavoring to plant palisades in its bed to divert the stream, and the Christians striving to prevent them. The Spanish commanders exposed themselves to the utmost danger to animate their men, who were repeatedly driven back into the town. The marques of Cadiz was often up to his knees in the stream fighting hand to hand with the Moors. The water ran red with blood, and was encumbered with dead bodies. At length the overwhelming numbers of the Moors gave them the advantage, and they succeeded in diverting the greater part of the water. The Christians had to struggle severely to supply themselves from the feeble rill which remained. They sallied to the river by a subterraneous passage, but the Moorish crossbowmen stationed themselves on the opposite bank, keeping up a heavy fire upon the Christians whenever they attempted to fill their vessels from the scanty and turbid stream. One party of the Christians had, therefore, to fight while another drew water. At all hours of the day and night this deadly strife was maintained, until it seemed as if every drop of water were purchased with a drop of blood.
A desperate fight broke out on the banks of the river, with the Moors trying to set up palisades in the riverbed to change the flow of the water, while the Christians were doing everything they could to stop them. The Spanish leaders put themselves in serious danger to encourage their men, who were repeatedly pushed back into the town. The Marquis of Cadiz often found himself fighting hand to hand with the Moors, standing in water up to his knees. The water ran red with blood and was filled with dead bodies. Eventually, the large numbers of Moors gave them the upper hand, and they managed to redirect most of the water. The Christians had to struggle hard to get water from the small stream that was left. They attempted to reach the river through an underground passage, but the Moorish crossbowmen set up on the opposite bank and fired upon the Christians every time they tried to fill their containers from the limited and muddy flow. One group of Christians had to fight while another collected water. This deadly struggle continued day and night, until it felt like every drop of water cost a drop of blood.
In the mean time the sufferings of the town became intense. None but the soldiery and their horses were allowed the precious beverage so dearly earned, and even that in quantities that only tantalized their wants. The wounded, who could not sally to procure it, were almost destitute, while the unhappy prisoners shut up in the mosques were reduced to frightful extremities. Many perished raving mad, fancying themselves swimming in boundless seas, yet unable to assuage their thirst. Many of the soldiers lay parched and panting along the battlements, no longer able to draw a bowstring or hurl a stone; while above five thousand Moors, stationed upon a rocky height which overlooked part of the town, kept up a galling fire into it with slings and crossbows, so that the marques of Cadiz was obliged to heighten the battlements by using the doors from the private dwellings.
In the meantime, the suffering in the town became unbearable. Only the soldiers and their horses were allowed to have the precious drink that was so hard-earned, and even they received it in amounts that only made them crave more. The wounded, who couldn't go out to get any, were nearly out of options, while the poor prisoners locked away in the mosques were brought to desperate extremes. Many died in madness, imagining they were swimming in endless oceans but unable to quench their thirst. A lot of the soldiers lay dry and gasping on the battlements, no longer able to pull a bowstring or throw a stone; while more than five thousand Moors, positioned on a rocky height that overlooked part of the town, kept up a relentless attack with slings and crossbows, forcing the Marques of Cadiz to raise the battlements by using doors from private homes.
The Christian cavaliers, exposed to this extreme peril and in imminent danger of falling into the hands of the enemy, despatched fleet messengers to Seville and Cordova, entreating the chivalry of Andalusia to hasten to their aid. They sent likewise, imploring assistance from the king and queen, who at that time held their court in Medina del Campo. In the midst of their distress a tank or cistern of water was fortunately discovered in the city, which gave temporary relief to their sufferings.
The Christian knights, facing extreme danger and at risk of falling into enemy hands, sent fast messengers to Seville and Cordova, asking the knights of Andalusia to come to their rescue. They also sought help from the king and queen, who were then at their court in Medina del Campo. In the midst of their crisis, a tank or cistern of water was thankfully found in the city, providing them with temporary relief from their hardships.
The perilous situation of the Christian cavaliers, pent up and beleaguered within the walls of the Alhama, spread terror among their friends and anxiety throughout all Andalusia. Nothing, however, could equal the anguish of the marchioness of Cadiz, the wife of the gallant Roderigo Ponce de Leon. In her deep distress she looked round for some powerful noble who had the means of rousing the country to the assistance of her husband. No one appeared more competent for the purpose than Don Juan de Guzman, the duke of Medina Sidonia. He was one of the most wealthy and puissant grandees of Spain; his possessions extended over some of the most fertile parts of Andalusia, embracing towns and seaports and numerous villages. Here he reigned in feudal state like a petty sovereign, and could at any time bring into the field an immense force of vassals and retainers.
The dangerous situation of the Christian knights, trapped and surrounded within the walls of Alhama, caused panic among their friends and worry across all of Andalusia. However, nothing matched the agony of the marchioness of Cadiz, the wife of the brave Roderigo Ponce de Leon. In her deep despair, she searched for a powerful noble who could rally the country to support her husband. The one who seemed most capable of this was Don Juan de Guzman, the duke of Medina Sidonia. He was one of the wealthiest and most influential nobles in Spain; his lands stretched over some of the most fertile areas of Andalusia, including towns, ports, and many villages. There he ruled in a feudal manner like a minor king and could easily summon a massive army of vassals and retainers whenever needed.
The duke of Medina Sidonia and the marques of Cadiz, however, were at this time deadly foes. An hereditary feud existed between them, which had often risen to bloodshed and open war; for as yet the fierce contests between the proud and puissant Spanish nobles had not been completely quelled by the power of the Crown, and in this respect they exerted a right of sovereignty in leading their vassals against each other in open field.
The Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Marquis of Cadiz, however, were deadly enemies at this time. There was an inherited feud between them that had often escalated to violence and open warfare; the fierce battles between the proud and powerful Spanish nobles had not yet been fully subdued by the Crown's authority, and in this regard, they exercised a form of sovereignty in commanding their vassals to fight against each other in open battle.
The duke of Medina Sidonia would have appeared, to many, the very last person to whom to apply for aid of the marques of Cadiz; but the marchioness judged of him by the standard of her own high and generous mind. She knew him to be a gallant and courteous knight, and had already experienced the magnanimity of his spirit, having been relieved by him when besieged by the Moors in her husband’s fortress of Arcos. To the duke, therefore, she applied in this moment of sudden calamity, imploring him to furnish succor to her husband. The event showed how well noble spirits understand each other. No sooner did the duke receive this appeal from the wife of his enemy than he generously forgot all feeling of animosity and determined to go in person to his succor. He immediately despatched a courteous letter to the marchioness, assuring her that in consideration of the request of so honorable and estimable a lady, and to rescue from peril so valiant a cavalier as her husband, whose loss would be great, not only to Spain, but to all Christendom, he would forego the recollection of all past grievances, and hasten to his relief with all the forces he could raise.
The Duke of Medina Sidonia might have seemed, to many, the last person to ask for help from the Marquess of Cádiz. However, the Marchioness viewed him through the lens of her own high and generous character. She recognized him as a brave and courteous knight and had already experienced his noble spirit when he had come to her aid while she was besieged by the Moors in her husband’s fortress of Arcos. In this moment of sudden crisis, she turned to the duke, pleading for help for her husband. The outcome showed how well noble souls understand one another. As soon as the duke received this request from his enemy's wife, he selflessly put aside any feelings of hostility and decided to personally assist her. He quickly sent a polite letter to the Marchioness, assuring her that in light of a request from such an honorable and esteemed lady, and to save such a courageous knight as her husband—whose loss would be significant not only for Spain but for all Christendom—he would forget all past grievances and rush to help with whatever forces he could assemble.
The duke wrote at the same time to the alcaydes of his towns and fortresses, ordering them to join him forthwith at Seville with all the forces they could spare from their garrisons. He called on all the chivalry of Andalusia to make a common cause in the rescue of those Christian cavaliers, and he offered large pay to all volunteers who would resort to him with horses, armor, and provisions. Thus all who could be incited by honor, religion, patriotism, or thirst of gain were induced to hasten to his standard, and he took the field with an army of five thousand horse and fifty thousand foot.* Many cavaliers of distinguished name accompanied him in this generous enterprise. Among these was the redoubtable Alonso de Aguilar, the chosen friend of the marques of Cadiz, and with him his younger brother, Gonsalvo Fernandez de Cordova, afterward renowned as the grand captain; Don Roderigo Giron also, master of the order of Calatrava, together with Martin Alonso de Montemayor and the marques de Villena, esteemed the best lance in Spain. It was a gallant and splendid army, comprising the flower of Spanish chivalry, and poured forth in brilliant array from the gates of Seville bearing the great standard of that ancient and renowned city.
The duke simultaneously wrote to the leaders of his towns and fortresses, ordering them to join him right away in Seville with all the troops they could spare from their garrisons. He called on all the knights of Andalusia to unite in the effort to rescue those Christian knights, offering generous pay to any volunteers who would come to him with horses, armor, and supplies. So, anyone motivated by honor, religion, patriotism, or the desire for reward was encouraged to rally to his side, and he set out with an army of five thousand cavalry and fifty thousand infantry.* Many well-known knights joined him in this noble mission. Among them was the formidable Alonso de Aguilar, the close friend of the marquis of Cadiz, and his younger brother, Gonsalvo Fernandez de Cordova, later known as the grand captain; Don Roderigo Giron, master of the order of Calatrava; along with Martin Alonso de Montemayor and the marquis de Villena, regarded as the best knight in Spain. It was an impressive and splendid army, made up of the best of Spanish chivalry, and it marched out in brilliant formation from the gates of Seville, carrying the great banner of that ancient and renowned city.
* Cronica de los Duques de Medina Sidonia, por Pedro de Medina, MS.
* Chronicle of the Dukes of Medina Sidonia, by Pedro de Medina, MS.
Ferdinand and Isabella were at Medina del Campo when tidings came of the capture of Alhama. The king was at mass when he received the news, and ordered “Te Deum” to be chanted for this signal triumph of the holy faith. When the first flush of triumph had subsided, and the king learnt the imminent peril of the valorous Ponce de Leon and his companions, and the great danger that this stronghold might again be wrested from their grasp, he resolved to hurry in person to the scene of action. So pressing appeared to him the emergency that he barely gave himself time to take a hasty repast while horses were providing, and then departed at furious speed for Andalusia, leaving a request for the queen to follow him.* He was attended by Don Beltram de la Cueva, duke of Albuquerque, Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, count of Tendilla, and Don Pedro Mauriques, count of Trevino, with a few more cavaliers of prowess and distinction. He travelled by forced journeys, frequently changing his jaded horses, being eager to arrive in time to take command of the Andalusian chivalry. When he arrived within five leagues of Cordova the duke of Albuquerque remonstrated with him upon entering with such incautious haste into the enemies’ country. He represented to him that there were troops enough assembled to succor Alhama, and that it was not for him to venture his royal person in doing what could be done by his subjects, especially as he had such valiant and experienced captains to act for him. “Besides, sire,” added the duke, “Your Majesty should bethink you that the troops about to take the field are mere men of Andalusia, whereas your illustrious predecessors never made an inroad into the territory of the Moors without being accompanied by a powerful force of the stanch and iron warriors of Old Castile.”
Ferdinand and Isabella were in Medina del Campo when they received news of the capture of Alhama. The king was at mass when the news came in, and he ordered a "Te Deum" to be sung for this significant victory of the holy faith. After the initial excitement wore off, and the king learned about the imminent danger facing the brave Ponce de Leon and his companions, as well as the risk that this stronghold could be taken back from them, he decided to rush to the scene himself. The situation seemed so urgent to him that he barely took time for a quick meal while his horses were being prepared, and then he quickly left for Andalusia, asking the queen to follow him. He was accompanied by Don Beltram de la Cueva, duke of Albuquerque, Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, count of Tendilla, and Don Pedro Mauriques, count of Trevino, along with a few other skilled and notable knights. He traveled fast, often switching out his tired horses, eager to arrive in time to take command of the Andalusian cavalry. When he got within five leagues of Cordova, the duke of Albuquerque cautioned him against entering enemy territory so recklessly. He pointed out that there were enough troops gathered to support Alhama, and it wasn’t wise for the king to risk his safety when his subjects could handle it, especially since he had such brave and experienced leaders at his disposal. “Besides, sire,” the duke added, “You should remember that the troops ready to take the field are just men from Andalusia, while your noble predecessors never invaded Moorish territory without being accompanied by a strong force of the steadfast and seasoned warriors from Old Castile.”
* Illescas, Hist. Pontifical.
* Illescas, Papal History.
“Duke,” replied the king, “your counsel might have been good had I not departed from Medina with the avowed determination of succoring these cavaliers in person. I am now near the end of my journey, and it would be beneath my dignity to change my intention before even I had met with an impediment. I shall take the troops of this country who are assembled, without waiting for those of Castile, and with the aid of God shall prosecute my journey.” *
“Duke,” replied the king, “your advice might have been sound if I hadn’t left Medina with the clear intention of helping these knights in person. I’m almost at my destination, and it would be beneath my dignity to change my mind before I’ve even faced an obstacle. I will take the troops gathered here without waiting for those from Castile, and with God’s help, I will continue my journey.”
* Pulgar, Cronica, p. 3, cap. 3.
* Pulgar, Cronica, p. 3, cap. 3.
As King Ferdinand approached Cordova the principal inhabitants came forth to receive him. Learning, however, that the duke of Medina Sidonia was already on the march and pressing forward into the territory of the Moors, the king was all on fire to overtake him and to lead in person the succor to Alhama. Without entering Cordova, therefore, he exchanged his weary horses for those of the inhabitants who had come forth to meet him, and pressed forward for the army. He despatched fleet couriers in advance, requesting the duke of Medina Sidonia to await his coming, that he might take command of the forces.
As King Ferdinand arrived in Cordova, the main residents came out to greet him. However, upon learning that the Duke of Medina Sidonia was already on his way and advancing into Moorish territory, the king was eager to catch up with him and personally lead the support for Alhama. So, without entering Cordova, he swapped his tired horses for those of the residents who had come to meet him and hurried towards the army. He sent quick messengers ahead, asking the Duke of Medina Sidonia to wait for his arrival so he could take command of the troops.
Neither the duke nor his companions-in-arms, however, felt inclined to pause in their generous expedition and gratify the inclinations of the king. They sent back missives representing that they were far within the enemies’ frontier, and it was dangerous either to pause or turn back. They had likewise received pressing entreaties from the besieged to hasten their speed, setting forth their great sufferings and their hourly peril of being overwhelmed by the enemy.
Neither the duke nor his fellow soldiers felt like stopping their generous mission to satisfy the king's desires. They sent messages back stating that they were deep into enemy territory, and it was too risky to pause or retreat. They had also received urgent pleas from those under siege to hurry up, highlighting their severe suffering and the constant danger of being overrun by the enemy.
The king was at Ponton del Maestre when he received these missives. So inflamed was he with zeal for the success of this enterprise that he would have penetrated into the kingdom of Granada with the handful of cavaliers who accompanied him, but they represented the rashness of such a journey through the mountainous defiles of a hostile country thickly beset with towns and castles. With some difficulty, therefore, he was dissuaded from his inclination, and prevailed upon to await tidings from the army in the frontier city of Antiquera.
The king was at Ponton del Maestre when he received these messages. He was so eager for the success of this mission that he nearly marched into the kingdom of Granada with the small group of knights who were with him, but they pointed out the folly of such a journey through the mountainous passes of a hostile area filled with towns and castles. After some struggle, they persuaded him to hold off on his plans and wait for news from the army in the border town of Antiquera.
While all Andalusia was thus in arms and pouring its chivalry through the mountain-passes of the Moorish frontiers, the garrison of Alhama was reduced to great extremity and in danger of sinking under its sufferings before the promised succor could arrive. The intolerable thirst that prevailed in consequence of the scarcity of water, the incessant watch that had to be maintained over the vast force of enemies without and the great number of prisoners within, and the wounds which almost every soldier had received in the incessant skirmishes and assaults, had worn grievously both flesh and spirit. The noble Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, still animated the soldiery, however, by word and example, sharing every hardship and being foremost in every danger, exemplifying that a good commander is the vital spirit of an army.
While all of Andalusia was gearing up for battle and sending its knights through the mountain passes of the Moorish borders, the garrison in Alhama was in dire straits and close to breaking under its hardships before the promised aid could arrive. The unbearable thirst from the lack of water, the constant vigilance needed against the large enemy forces outside and the many prisoners inside, and the injuries nearly every soldier had sustained from ongoing skirmishes and attacks had severely drained both their bodies and spirits. Nevertheless, the noble Ponce de Leon, marquis of Cadiz, inspired the troops by his words and actions, enduring every hardship alongside them and leading the charge in every threat, proving that a good commander is the lifeblood of an army.
When Muley Abul Hassan heard of the vast force that was approaching under the command of the duke of Medina Sidonia, and that Ferdinand was coming in person with additional troops, he perceived that no time was to be lost: Alhama must be carried by one powerful attack or abandoned entirely to the Christians.
When Muley Abul Hassan found out about the large army that was coming led by the duke of Medina Sidonia, and that Ferdinand was coming himself with more troops, he realized there was no time to waste: Alhama had to be taken in one strong assault or completely given up to the Christians.
A number of Moorish cavaliers, some of the bravest youth of Granada, knowing the wishes of the king, proposed to undertake a desperate enterprise which, if successful, must put Alhama in his power. Early one morning, when it was scarcely the gray of the dawn, about the time of changing the watch, these cavaliers approached the town at a place considered inaccessible from the steepness of the rocks on which the wall was founded, which, it was supposed, elevated the battlements beyond the reach of the longest scaling-ladder. The Moorish knights, aided by a number of the strongest and most active escaladors, mounted these rocks and applied the ladders without being discovered, for to divert attention from them Muley Abul Hassan made a false attack upon the town in another quarter.
A group of Moorish knights, some of the bravest young men from Granada, knowing the king's wishes, decided to take on a daring mission that, if successful, would give him control over Alhama. Early one morning, just before dawn, around the time the watch was changing, these knights approached the town at a spot thought to be unreachable due to the steepness of the rocks on which the wall stood, which was believed to raise the battlements beyond the reach of the tallest scaling-ladder. The Moorish knights, supported by some of the strongest and most skilled climbers, scaled the rocks and set up the ladders without being noticed, as Muley Abul Hassan launched a diversionary attack on the town from another direction.
The scaling party mounted with difficulty and in small numbers; the sentinel was killed at his post, and seventy of the Moors made their way into the streets before an alarm was given. The guards rushed to the walls to stop the hostile throng that was still pouring in. A sharp conflict, hand to hand and man to man, took place on the battlements, and many on both sides fell. The Moors, whether wounded or slain, were thrown headlong without the walls, the scaling-ladders were overturned, and those who were mounting were dashed upon the rocks, and from thence tumbled upon the plain. Thus in a little while the ramparts were cleared by Christian prowess, led on by that valiant knight Don Alonzo Ponce, the uncle, and that brave esquire Pedro Pineda, nephew, of the marques of Cadiz.
The scaling party climbed up with difficulty and in small numbers; the guard was killed at his post, and seventy Moors made their way into the streets before anyone raised the alarm. The guards rushed to the walls to stop the hostile crowd that was still coming in. A fierce battle, hand to hand and man to man, erupted on the battlements, and many on both sides fell. The Moors, whether wounded or dead, were thrown over the walls, the scaling ladders were knocked down, and those who were climbing were thrown against the rocks and then tumbled onto the plain. In no time, the ramparts were cleared by the courage of the Christians, led by the brave knight Don Alonzo Ponce, the uncle, and his courageous squire Pedro Pineda, nephew of the Marquis of Cadiz.
The walls being cleared, these two kindred cavaliers now hastened with their forces in pursuit of the seventy Moors who had gained an entrance into the town. The main party of the garrison being engaged at a distance resisting the feigned attack of the Moorish king, this fierce band of infidels had ranged the streets almost without opposition, and were making their way to the gates to throw them open to the army.* They were chosen men from among the Moorish forces, several of them gallant knights of the proudest families of Granada. Their footsteps through the city were in a manner printed in blood, and they were tracked by the bodies of those they had killed and wounded. They had attained the gate; most of the guard had fallen beneath their scimetars; a moment more and Alhama would have been thrown open to the enemy.
The walls cleared, these two like-minded knights quickly moved forward with their troops to chase after the seventy Moors who had entered the town. The main part of the garrison was engaged at a distance, fending off a mock attack from the Moorish king, allowing this fierce group of invaders to roam the streets almost without opposition, making their way to the gates to open them for the army.* They were chosen fighters from the Moorish forces, including several brave knights from the most prestigious families of Granada. Their path through the city was practically marked in blood, following the bodies of those they had killed and injured. They reached the gate; most of the guards had fallen under their scimitars; in just a moment, Alhama would have been opened to the enemy.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 43.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 43.
Just at this juncture Don Alonzo Ponce and Pedro de Pineda reached the spot with their forces. The Moors had the enemy in front and rear; they placed themselves back to back, with their banner in the centre. In this way they fought with desperate and deadly determination, making a rampart around them with the slain. More Christian troops arrived and hemmed them in, but still they fought, without asking for quarter. As their number decreased they serried their circle still closer, defending their banner from assault, and the last Moor died at his post grasping the standard of the Prophet. This standard was displayed from the walls, and the turbaned heads of the Moors were thrown down to the besiegers.*
Just then, Don Alonzo Ponce and Pedro de Pineda arrived at the location with their troops. The Moors found themselves surrounded by the enemy at both the front and back; they stood back to back with their banner in the center. They fought with fierce and deadly resolve, creating a barrier around themselves with the fallen. More Christian soldiers showed up and closed in on them, but they kept fighting, refusing to ask for mercy. As their numbers dwindled, they tightened their formation even more, protecting their banner from attacks, and the last Moor fell at his position, holding tightly to the standard of the Prophet. This standard was displayed from the walls, and the turbaned heads of the Moors were thrown down to the besiegers.*
* Pedro de Pineda received the honor of knighthood from the hand of King Ferdinand for his valor on this occasion (Alonzo Ponce was already knight.)—See Zuniga, Annales of Seville, lib. 12, an. 1482.
* Pedro de Pineda was knighted by King Ferdinand for his bravery during this event (Alonzo Ponce was already a knight.)—See Zuniga, Annales of Seville, lib. 12, an. 1482.
Muley Abul Hassan tore his beard with rage at the failure of this attempt and at the death of so many of his chosen cavaliers. He saw that all further effort was in vain; his scouts brought word that they had seen from the heights the long columns and flaunting banners of the Christian army approaching through the mountains. To linger would be to place himself between two bodies of the enemy. Breaking up his camp, therefore, in all haste, he gave up the siege of Alhama and hastened back to Granada; and the last clash of his cymbals scarce died upon the ear from the distant hills before the standard of the Duke of Medina Sidonia was seen emerging in another direction from the defiles of the mountains.
Muley Abul Hassan ripped out his beard in anger at the failure of this attempt and the death of so many of his chosen knights. He realized that any further effort would be pointless; his scouts reported seeing the long rows and bright banners of the Christian army coming through the mountains. Staying any longer would put him between two enemy forces. So, breaking up his camp quickly, he abandoned the siege of Alhama and rushed back to Granada; the last sound of his cymbals had barely faded away from the distant hills before the standard of the Duke of Medina Sidonia appeared from another direction in the mountain passes.
When the Christians in Alhama beheld their enemies retreating on one side and their friends advancing on the other, they uttered shouts of joy and hymns of thanksgiving, for it was as a sudden relief from present death. Harassed by several weeks of incessant vigil and fighting, suffering from scarcity of provisions and almost continual thirst, they resembled skeletons rather than living men. It was a noble and gracious spectacle—the meeting of those hitherto inveterate foes, the duke of Medina Sidonia and the marques of Cadiz. At sight of his magnanimous deliverer the marques melted into tears: all past animosities only gave the greater poignancy to present feelings of gratitude and admiration. The late deadly rivals clasped each other in their arms, and from that time forward were true and cordial friends.
When the Christians in Alhama saw their enemies retreating on one side and their friends coming forward on the other, they shouted with joy and sang songs of thanks, as it felt like a sudden escape from imminent death. After weeks of constant watch and fighting, suffering from a lack of food and nearly always being thirsty, they looked more like skeletons than living people. It was a remarkable and beautiful sight—the meeting of those once bitter enemies, the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Marquess of Cadiz. When the Marquess saw his noble rescuer, he burst into tears: all their past animosities only made their current feelings of gratitude and admiration even stronger. The former deadly rivals embraced each other, and from that moment on, they were true and sincere friends.
While this generous scene took place between the commanders a sordid contest arose among their troops. The soldiers who had come to the rescue claimed a portion of the spoils of Alhama, and so violent was the dispute that both parties seized their arms. The duke of Medina Sidonia interfered, and settled the question with his characteristic magnanimity. He declared that the spoil belonged to those who had captured the city. “We have taken the field,” said he, “only for honor, for religion, and for the rescue of our countrymen and fellow-Christians, and the success of our enterprise is a sufficient and a glorious reward. If we desire booty, there are sufficient Moorish cities yet to be taken to enrich us all.” The soldiers were convinced by the frank and chivalrous reasoning of the duke; they replied to his speech by acclamations, and the transient broil was happily appeased.
While this generous scene unfolded between the commanders, a nasty argument broke out among their troops. The soldiers who had come to the rescue claimed a share of the spoils of Alhama, and the dispute got so heated that both sides grabbed their weapons. The duke of Medina Sidonia stepped in and resolved the issue with his usual nobility. He declared that the spoils belonged to those who had actually captured the city. “We have taken the field,” he said, “not for profit, but for honor, for our faith, and to save our fellow countrymen and fellow Christians. The success of our mission is a sufficient and glorious reward. If we want loot, there are plenty of Moorish cities left to conquer that can provide for us all.” The soldiers were swayed by the duke's honest and noble reasoning; they responded to his speech with cheers, and the brief quarrel was peacefully settled.
The marchioness of Cadiz, with the forethought of a loving wife, had despatched her major-domo with the army with a large supply of provisions. Tables were immediately spread beneath the tents, where the marques gave a banquet to the duke and the cavaliers who had accompanied him, and nothing but hilarity prevailed in this late scene of suffering and death.
The Marchioness of Cadiz, thinking ahead like a caring wife, had sent her major-domo with the army along with a big supply of food. Tables were set up right away under the tents, where the Marqués hosted a feast for the duke and the knights who had joined him, and there was nothing but laughter in this recent scene of hardship and loss.
A garrison of fresh troops was left in Alhama, and the veterans who had so valiantly captured and maintained it returned to their homes burdened with precious booty. The marques and duke, with their confederate cavaliers, repaired to Antiquera, where they were received with great distinction by the king, who honored the marques of Cadiz with signal marks of favor. The duke then accompanied his late enemy, but now most zealous and grateful friend, the marques of Cadiz, to his town of Marchena, where he received the reward of his generous conduct in the thanks and blessings of the marchioness. The marques celebrated a sumptuous feast in honor of his guest; for a day and night his palace was thrown open and was the scene of continual revel and festivity. When the duke departed for his estates at St. Lucar the marques attended him for some distance on his journey, and when they separated it was as the parting scene of brothers. Such was the noble spectacle exhibited to the chivalry of Spain by these two illustrious rivals. Each reaped universal renown from the part he had performed in the campaign—the marques from having surprised and captured one of the most important and formidable fortresses of the kingdom of Granada, and the duke from having subdued his deadliest foe by a great act of magnanimity.
A new group of soldiers was stationed in Alhama, while the veterans who had bravely taken and held it went back home with their valuable loot. The marquess and duke, along with their allied knights, headed to Antequera, where they were warmly welcomed by the king, who showed special favor to the marquess of Cadiz. The duke then accompanied his former enemy, now a loyal and grateful friend, the marquess of Cadiz, to his town of Marchena, where he was rewarded for his generosity with the gratitude and blessings of the marchioness. The marquess hosted a lavish feast in honor of his guest; for a day and night, his palace was open and filled with continuous celebration and joy. When the duke set off for his estate in St. Lucar, the marquess saw him off for a good distance, and their farewell was like that of brothers. Such was the noble sight shown to the knights of Spain by these two renowned rivals. Each gained widespread fame from their roles in the campaign—the marquess for having surprisingly taken one of the most important and formidable strongholds in the kingdom of Granada, and the duke for having defeated his fiercest enemy through a remarkable act of kindness.
The Moorish king, Abul Hassan, returned, baffled and disappointed, from before the walls of Alhama, and was received with groans and smothered execrations by the people of Granada. The prediction of the santon was in every mouth, and appeared to be rapidly fulfilling, for the enemy was already strongly fortified in Alhama, in the very heart of the kingdom. At the same time, the nobles who had secretly conspired to depose the old king and elevate his son Boabdil to the throne had matured their plans in concert with the prince, who had been joined in Guadix by hosts of adherents. An opportunity soon presented to carry their plans into operation.
The Moorish king, Abul Hassan, returned, confused and disappointed, from the walls of Alhama, and was met with groans and muffled curses from the people of Granada. The prediction of the holy man was on everyone's lips and seemed to be quickly coming true, as the enemy was already well-established in Alhama, right in the heart of the kingdom. Meanwhile, the nobles who had secretly plotted to overthrow the old king and place his son Boabdil on the throne had finalized their plans together with the prince, who had been joined in Guadix by a large group of supporters. An opportunity soon arose to put their plans into action.
Muley Abul Hassan had a royal country palace, with gardens and fountains, called the Alixares, situated on the Cerro del Sol, or Mountain of the Sun, a height the ascent to which leads up from the Alhambra, but which towers far above that fortress, and looks down as from the clouds upon it and upon the subjacent city of Granada. It was a favorite retreat of the Moorish kings to inhale the pure mountain-breezes and leave far below the din and turmoil of the city; Muley Abul Hassan had passed a day among its bowers, in company with his favorite wife Zoraya, when toward evening he heard a strange sound rising from the city, like the gathering of a storm or the sullen roar of the ocean. Apprehensive of evil, he ordered the officers of his guard to descend with all speed to the city and reconnoitre. The intelligence brought back was astounding. A civil war was raging in the city. Boabdil had been brought from Guadix by the conspirators, the foremost of whom were the gallant race of the Abencerrages. He had entered the Albaycin in triumph, and been hailed with rapture and proclaimed king in that populous quarter of the city. Abul Cacim Vanegas, the vizier, at the head of the royal guards had attacked the rebels, and the noise which had alarmed the king was the din of fighting in the streets and squares.
Muley Abul Hassan had a royal palace with gardens and fountains called the Alixares, located on the Cerro del Sol, or Mountain of the Sun. The path to it climbs up from the Alhambra, towering high above the fortress and looking down on it and the city of Granada below, almost like it's in the clouds. This place was a popular getaway for the Moorish kings, allowing them to enjoy the fresh mountain air away from the noise and chaos of the city. Muley Abul Hassan had been spending the day there with his favorite wife, Zoraya, when he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the city, similar to a brewing storm or the deep roar of the ocean. Fearing trouble, he ordered his guards to head down to the city quickly and investigate. The news they brought back was shocking: a civil war was erupting in the city. Boabdil had been brought from Guadix by the conspirators, mainly led by the brave Abencerrages. He had entered the Albaycin in triumph, greeted with excitement, and proclaimed king in that bustling part of the city. Abul Cacim Vanegas, the vizier, had led the royal guards to confront the rebels, and the noise that had worried the king was the sound of fighting erupting in the streets and squares.
Muley Abul Hassan hastened to descend to the Alhambra, confident that, ensconced in that formidable fortress, he could soon put an end to the rash commotion. To his surprise and dismay, he found the battlements lined with hostile troops: Aben Comixa, the alcayde, had declared in favor of Boabdil and elevated his standard on the towers: thus cut off from his stronghold, the old monarch was fain to return to the Alixares.
Muley Abul Hassan hurried down to the Alhambra, sure that, secured in that powerful fortress, he could quickly put an end to the reckless chaos. To his shock and disappointment, he found the battlements lined with enemy troops: Aben Comixa, the commander, had declared his support for Boabdil and raised his banner on the towers. Cut off from his stronghold, the old king was forced to return to the Alixares.
The conflict lasted throughout the night with carnage on both sides. In the morning Abul Cacim, driven out of the city, appeared before the old king with his broken squadrons, and told him there was no safety but in flight. “Allah Akbar!” (God is great!) exclaimed old Muley; “it is in vain to contend against what is written in the book of fate. It was predestined that my son should sit upon the throne—Allah forfend the rest of the prediction.” So saying, he made a hasty retreat, escorted by Abul Cacim Vanegas and his troops, who conducted him to the castle of Mondujar in the valley of Locrin. Here he was joined by many powerful cavaliers, relatives of Abul Cacim and partisans of Zoraya, among whom were Cid Hiaya, Aben Jamy, and Reduan Vanegas, men who had alcaydes, vassals, at their command, and possessed great influence in Almeria and Baza. He was joined also by his brother Abdallah, commonly called El Zagal, or the Valiant, who was popular in many parts of the kingdom. All these offered to aid him with their swords in suppressing the rebellion.
The conflict went on all night with heavy losses on both sides. In the morning, Abul Cacim, pushed out of the city, came before the old king with his broken troops and told him that the only way to be safe was to flee. “Allah Akbar!” (God is great!) exclaimed old Muley; “it’s useless to fight against what’s written in fate. It was meant to be that my son would sit on the throne—may Allah prevent the rest of the prophecy from coming true.” With that, he hurriedly retreated, accompanied by Abul Cacim Vanegas and his soldiers, who took him to the castle of Mondujar in the valley of Locrin. Here, many powerful knights and relatives of Abul Cacim, supporters of Zoraya, joined him, including Cid Hiaya, Aben Jamy, and Reduan Vanegas—men with knights and vassals under their command, holding significant influence in Almeria and Baza. He was also joined by his brother Abdallah, known as El Zagal, or the Valiant, who was well-liked in many parts of the kingdom. All of them offered to help him with their swords to put down the rebellion.
Thus reinforced, Muley Abul Hassan determined on a sudden blow for the recovery of his throne and the punishment of the rebels. He took his measures with that combination of dexterity and daring which formed his character, and arrived one night under the walls of Granada with five hundred chosen followers. Scaling the walls of the Alhambra, he threw himself with sanguinary fury into its silent courts. The sleeping inmates were roused from their repose only to fall by the exterminating scimetar. The rage of Abul Hassan spared neither age nor rank nor sex; the halls resounded with shrieks and yells, and the fountains ran red with blood. The alcayde, Aben Comixa, retreated to a strong tower with a few of the garrison and inhabitants. The furious Abul Hassan did not lose time in pursuing him; he was anxious to secure the city and to wreak his vengeance on its rebellious inhabitants. Descending with his bloody band into the streets, he cut down the defenceless inhabitants as, startled from their sleep, they rushed forth to learn the cause of the alarm. The city was soon completely roused; the people flew to arms; lights blazed in every street, revealing the scanty number of this band that had been dealing such fatal vengeance in the dark. Muley Abul Hassan had been mistaken in his conjectures: the great mass of the people, incensed by his tyranny, were zealous in favor of his son. A violent but transient conflict took place in the streets and squares: many of the followers of Abul Hassan were slain, the rest driven out of the city, and the old monarch, with the remnant of his band, retreated to his loyal city of Malaga.
Reinforced, Muley Abul Hassan decided to launch a sudden attack to reclaim his throne and punish the rebels. He planned his move with a mix of skill and boldness that defined his character and arrived one night at the walls of Granada with five hundred selected followers. Climbing the walls of the Alhambra, he plunged into its quiet courtyards with brutal fury. The sleeping residents were jolted from their slumber only to be struck down by the deadly sword. Abul Hassan's rage showed no mercy for age, status, or gender; the halls echoed with screams and cries, and the fountains turned red with blood. The commander, Aben Comixa, retreated to a strong tower with a few members of the garrison and citizens. Furious, Abul Hassan quickly pursued him; he was eager to secure the city and exact revenge on its rebellious residents. Descending with his bloody group into the streets, he slaughtered the defenseless citizens who, startled from their sleep, rushed out to find out what was happening. The city soon erupted in chaos; people grabbed weapons, and lights blazed in every street, revealing the small size of the band that had been wreaking such deadly vengeance in the dark. Muley Abul Hassan had misjudged the situation: the vast majority of the people, angered by his tyranny, supported his son. A fierce but brief clash erupted in the streets and squares: many of Abul Hassan's followers were killed, the rest were driven out of the city, and the old monarch, along with the remnants of his band, retreated to his loyal city of Malaga.
Such was the commencement of those great internal feuds and divisions which hastened the downfall of Granada. The Moors became separated into two hostile factions, headed by the father and the son, the latter of whom was called by the Spaniards “El Rey Chico,” or the Young King; but, though bloody encounters took place between them, they never failed to act with all their separate force against the Christians as a common enemy whenever an opportunity occurred.
Such was the start of the intense internal conflicts and divisions that quickened Granada's downfall. The Moors split into two opposing factions led by a father and son, the latter known to the Spaniards as “El Rey Chico,” or the Young King. Although they fought bloody battles against each other, they always united their strength against the Christians whenever the chance arose.
King Ferdinand held a council of war at Cordova, where it was deliberated what was to be done with Alhama. Most of the council advised that it should be demolished, inasmuch as, being in the centre of the Moorish kingdom, it would be at all times liable to attack, and could only be maintained by a powerful garrison and at a vast expense. Queen Isabella arrived at Cordova in the midst of these deliberations, and listened to them with surprise and impatience. “What!” said she, “destroy the first fruits of our victories? Abandon the first place we have wrested from the Moors? Never let us suffer such an idea to occupy our minds. It would argue fear or feebleness, and give new courage to the enemy. You talk of the toil and expense of maintaining Alhama. Did we doubt on undertaking this war that it was to be one of infinite cost, labor, and bloodshed? And shall we shrink from the cost the moment a victory is obtained and the question is merely to guard or abandon its glorious trophy? Let us hear no more about the destruction of Alhama; let us maintain its walls sacred, as a stronghold granted us by Heaven in the centre of this hostile land; and let our only consideration be how to extend our conquest and capture the surrounding cities.”
King Ferdinand held a war council in Cordova to discuss what should be done with Alhama. Most of the council suggested that it should be destroyed since it was in the middle of the Moorish kingdom and would always be vulnerable to attack, requiring a strong garrison and a lot of money to defend. Queen Isabella arrived in Cordova during these discussions and listened with surprise and impatience. “What!" she exclaimed, “destroy the first fruits of our victories? Abandon the first place we’ve taken from the Moors? We can’t let such an idea enter our minds. It would show fear or weakness and give the enemy new courage. You mention the trouble and cost of keeping Alhama. Did we not realize that this war would incur endless expenses, labor, and bloodshed? Should we back away from that cost the moment we achieve a victory and face a choice of protecting or giving up this glorious trophy? Let’s not discuss destroying Alhama anymore; let’s keep its walls sacred, as a stronghold given to us by Heaven in the middle of this hostile land; and let’s focus solely on how to expand our conquest and capture the surrounding cities.”
The language of the queen infused a more lofty and chivalrous spirit into the royal council. Preparations were made to maintain Alhama at all risk and expense, and King Ferdinand appointed as alcayde Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, senior of the house of Palma, supported by Diego Lopez de Ayala, Pero Ruiz de Alarcon, and Alonso Ortis, captains of four hundred lances and a body of one thousand foot, supplied with provisions for three months.
The queen's speech brought a higher and more honorable spirit to the royal council. They made plans to protect Alhama at all costs, and King Ferdinand appointed Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, from the Palma family, as the commander, with the support of Diego Lopez de Ayala, Pero Ruiz de Alarcon, and Alonso Ortis, who were captains of four hundred cavalry and led a group of one thousand infantry, stocked with supplies for three months.
Ferdinand resolved also to lay siege to Loxa, or Loja, a city of great strength at no great distance from Alhama, and all-important to its protection. It was, in fact, a military point situated in a pass of the mountains between the kingdoms of Granada and Castile, and commanded a main entrance to the Vega. The Xenil flowed by its walls, and it had a strong castle or citadel built on a rock. In preparing for the siege of this formidable place Ferdinand called upon all the cities and towns of Andalusia and Estramadura, and the domains of the orders of Santiago, Calatrava, and Alcantara, and of the priory of San Juan, and the kingdom of Toledo, and beyond to the cities of Salamanca, Toro, and Valladolid, to furnish, according to their repartimientos or allotments, a certain quantity of bread, wine, and cattle to be delivered at the royal camp before Loxa, one half at the end of June and one half in July. These lands, also, together with Biscay and Guipuscoa, were ordered to send reinforcements of horse and foot, each town furnishing its quota, and great diligence was used in providing lombards, powder, and other warlike munitions.
Ferdinand also decided to lay siege to Loxa, or Loja, a strong city not too far from Alhama, which was crucial for its defense. It was a military position located in a mountain pass between the kingdoms of Granada and Castile and controlled a key entrance to the Vega. The Xenil River ran by its walls, and it featured a strong castle or citadel built on a rock. As he prepared for the siege of this formidable location, Ferdinand called on all the cities and towns of Andalusia and Estramadura, as well as the territories of the orders of Santiago, Calatrava, and Alcantara, the priory of San Juan, and the kingdom of Toledo, extending to the cities of Salamanca, Toro, and Valladolid, to provide, according to their allocations, a specific amount of bread, wine, and cattle to be delivered at the royal camp before Loxa—half by the end of June and half in July. These regions, along with Biscay and Guipuscoa, were also instructed to send reinforcements of cavalry and infantry, with each town supplying its share, and considerable effort was made to procure cannons, gunpowder, and other military supplies.
The Moors were no less active in their preparations, and sent missives into Africa entreating supplies and calling upon the Barbary princes to aid them in this war of the faith. To intercept all succor, the Castilian sovereigns stationed an armada of ships and galleys in the Straits of Gibraltar under the command of Martin Diaz de Mina and Carlos de Valera, with orders to scour the Barbary coast and sweep every Moorish sail from the sea.
The Moors were just as busy getting ready, sending messages to Africa asking for supplies and requesting help from the Barbary princes in this holy war. To cut off all assistance, the Castilian monarchs positioned a fleet of ships and galleys in the Straits of Gibraltar, led by Martin Diaz de Mina and Carlos de Valera. They were ordered to patrol the Barbary coast and remove every Moorish ship from the ocean.
While these preparations were making, Ferdinand made an incursion at the head of his army into the kingdom of Granada, and laid waste the Vega, destroying its hamlets and villages, ravaging its fields of grain, and driving away the cattle.
While these preparations were underway, Ferdinand led an invasion with his army into the kingdom of Granada, devastating the Vega, destroying its small towns and villages, ravaging its grain fields, and driving off the livestock.
It was about the end of June that King Ferdinand departed from Cordova to sit down before the walls of Loxa. So confident was he of success that he left a great part of the army at Ecija, and advanced with but five thousand cavalry and eight thousand infantry. The marques of Cadiz, a warrior as wise as he was valiant, remonstrated against employing so small a force, and indeed was opposed to the measure altogether, as being undertaken precipitately and without sufficient preparation. King Ferdinand, however, was influenced by the counsel of Don Diego de Merlo, and was eager to strike a brilliant and decided blow. A vainglorious confidence prevailed about this time among the Spanish cavaliers; they overrated their own prowess, or rather they undervalued and despised their enemy. Many of them believed that the Moors would scarcely remain in their city when they saw the Christian troops advancing to assail it. The Spanish chivalry, therefore, marched gallantly and fearlessly, and almost carelessly, over the border, scantily supplied with the things needful for a besieging army in the heart of an enemy’s country. In the same negligent and confident spirit they took up their station before Loxa.
It was around the end of June when King Ferdinand left Cordova to lay siege to the walls of Loxa. He was so sure of victory that he left a large part of the army in Ecija, advancing with only five thousand cavalry and eight thousand infantry. The Marquis of Cadiz, a warrior as wise as he was brave, argued against using such a small force and was actually opposed to the whole plan, believing it was being rushed and lacked proper preparation. However, King Ferdinand was swayed by the advice of Don Diego de Merlo and was eager to deliver a striking and decisive blow. At that time, there was an inflated confidence among the Spanish knights; they overestimated their own skills and underestimated and looked down on their enemy. Many believed the Moors would hardly stay in their city once they saw the Christian troops coming to attack. Thus, the Spanish cavalry marched boldly and fearlessly, almost carelessly, across the border, poorly equipped for what was needed for a besieging army deep in enemy territory. They set up camp before Loxa with the same careless and overconfident attitude.
The country around was broken and hilly, so that it was extremely difficult to form a combined camp. The river Xenil, which runs by the town, was compressed between high banks, and so deep as to be fordable with extreme difficulty; and the Moors had possession of the bridge. The king pitched his tents in a plantation of olives on the banks of the river; the troops were distributed in different encampments on the heights, but separated from each other by deep rocky ravines, so as to be incapable of yielding each other prompt assistance. There was no room for the operations of the cavalry. The artillery also was so injudiciously placed as to be almost entirely useless. Alonso of Aragon, duke of Villahermosa and illegitimate brother of the king, was present at the siege, and disapproved of the whole arrangement. He was one of the most able generals of his time, and especially renowned for his skill in battering fortified places. He recommended that the whole disposition of the camp should be changed, and that several bridges should be thrown across the river. His advice was adopted, but slowly and negligently followed, so that it was rendered of no avail. Among other oversights in this hasty and negligent expedition, the army had no supply of baked bread, and in the hurry of encampment there was no time to erect furnaces. Cakes were therefore hastily made and baked on the coals, and for two days the troops were supplied in this irregular way.
The land around was rugged and hilly, making it really tough to set up a combined camp. The river Xenil, which flows by the town, was squeezed between high banks and so deep that crossing it was very hard; plus, the Moors controlled the bridge. The king set up his tents in an olive grove by the river; the troops were spread out in different camps on the heights, but they were separated by deep, rocky ravines, which made it impossible for them to quickly assist each other. There was no space for the cavalry to operate. The artillery was also poorly positioned, rendering it almost completely useless. Alonso of Aragon, Duke of Villahermosa and the king's illegitimate brother, was at the siege and criticized the whole setup. He was one of the most skilled generals of his time, especially famous for his ability to attack fortified positions. He suggested that the entire camp layout be changed and that several bridges be built across the river. His advice was accepted, but it was carried out slowly and carelessly, making it ineffective. Among other mistakes in this rushed and careless campaign, the army had no supply of baked bread, and in the rush to set up camp, there wasn’t time to build ovens. Instead, cakes were quickly made and baked on the coals, and for two days, the troops relied on this makeshift supply.
King Ferdinand felt, too late, the insecurity of his position, and endeavored to provide a temporary remedy. There was a height near the city, called by the Moors Santo Albohacen, which was in front of the bridge. He ordered several of his most valiant cavaliers to take possession of this height and to hold it as a check upon the enemy and a protection to the camp. The cavaliers chosen for this distinguished and perilous post were the marques of Cadiz, the marques of Villena, Don Roderigo Tellez Giron, master of Calatrava, his brother the count of Urena, and Don Alonso de Aguilar. These valiant warriors and tried companions-in-arms led their troops with alacrity to the height, which soon glittered with the array of arms, and was graced by several of the most redoubtable pennons of warlike Spain.
King Ferdinand realized too late how vulnerable his position was, and tried to find a quick solution. There was a hill near the city, called Santo Albohacen by the Moors, located in front of the bridge. He ordered several of his bravest knights to take control of this hill and hold it as a deterrent against the enemy and a safeguard for the camp. The knights chosen for this distinguished and dangerous post were the Marquis of Cadiz, the Marquis of Villena, Don Roderigo Tellez Giron, master of Calatrava, his brother the Count of Urena, and Don Alonso de Aguilar. These courageous warriors and seasoned comrades-in-arms quickly led their troops to the hill, which soon sparkled with the shine of armor and was adorned with several of the most formidable battle standards of Spain.
Loxa was commanded at this time by an old Moorish alcayde whose daughter was the favorite wife of Boabdil. The name of this Moor was Ibrahim Ali Atar, but he was generally known among the Spaniards as Alatar. He had grown gray in border warfare, was an implacable enemy of the Christians, and his name had long been the terror of the frontier. Lord of Zagra and in the receipt of rich revenues, he expended them all in paying scouts and spies and maintaining a small but chosen force with which to foray into the Christian territories; and so straitened was he at times by these warlike expenses that when his daughter married Boabdil her bridal dress and jewels had to be borrowed. He was now in the ninetieth year of his age, yet indomitable in spirit, fiery in his passions, sinewy and powerful in frame, deeply versed in warlike stratagem, and accounted the best lance in all Mauritania. He had three thousand horsemen under his command, veteran troops with whom he had often scoured the borders, and he daily expected the old Moorish king with reinforcements.
Loxa was led at this time by an old Moorish commander whose daughter was the favorite wife of Boabdil. This Moor was named Ibrahim Ali Atar, but he was mostly known to the Spaniards as Alatar. He had grown old from fighting on the borders and was a relentless enemy of the Christians, with his name being a long-standing source of fear along the frontier. Ruler of Zagra and receiving a hefty income, he spent it all on paying scouts and spies and maintaining a small but elite force to raid Christian territories; there were times when his war expenses were so tight that when his daughter married Boabdil, they had to borrow her wedding dress and jewels. Now in his nineties, he was still strong in spirit, passionate, muscular, and powerful, highly skilled in military strategies, and considered the best knight in all of Mauritania. He commanded three thousand seasoned horsemen, troops he had often taken to the borders, and he awaited the old Moorish king with reinforcements every day.
Old Ali Atar had watched from his fortress every movement of the Christian army, and had exulted in all the errors of its commanders: when he beheld the flower of Spanish chivalry glittering about the height of Albohacen, his eye flashed with exultation. “By the aid of Allah,” said he, “I will give those pranking cavaliers a rouse.”
Old Ali Atar had observed every move of the Christian army from his fortress and took pleasure in all the mistakes made by its leaders: when he saw the best of Spanish knights shining around the height of Albohacen, his eyes sparkled with joy. “With the help of Allah,” he said, “I will give those flashy knights a surprise.”
Ali Atar privately and by night sent forth a large body of his chosen troops to lie in ambush near one of the skirts of Albohacen. On the fourth day of the siege he sallied across the bridge and made a feint attack upon the height. The cavaliers rushed impetuously forth to meet him, leaving their encampment almost unprotected. Ali Atar wheeled and fled, and was hotly pursued. When the Christian cavaliers had been drawn a considerable distance from their encampment, they heard a vast shout behind them, and, looking round, beheld their encampment assailed by the Moorish force which had been placed in ambush, and which had ascended a different side of the hill. The cavaliers desisted from the pursuit, and hastened to prevent the plunder of their tents. Ali Atar, in his turn, wheeled and pursued them, and they were attacked in front and rear on the summit of the hill. The contest lasted for an hour; the height of Albohacen was red with blood; many brave cavaliers fell, expiring among heaps of the enemy. The fierce Ali Atar fought with the fury of a demon until the arrival of more Christian forces compelled him to retreat into the city. The severest loss to the Christians in this skirmish was that of Roderigo Tellez Giron, grand master of Calatrava, whose burnished armor, emblazoned with the red cross of his order, made him a mark for the missiles of the enemy. As he was raising his arm to make a blow an arrow pierced him just beneath the shoulder, at the open part of the (1) corselet. The lance and bridle fell from his hands, he faltered in his saddle, and would have fallen to the ground, but was caught by Pedro Gasca, a cavalier of Avila, who conveyed him to his tent, where he died. The king and queen and the whole kingdom mourned his death, for he was in the freshness of his youth, being but twenty-four years of age, and had proved himself a gallant and high-minded cavalier. A melancholy group collected about his (2) corpse on the bloody height of Albohacen: the knights of Calatrava mourned him as a commander; the cavaliers who were encamped on the height lamented him as their companion-in-arms in a service of peril; while the count de Urena grieved over him with the tender affection of a brother.
Ali Atar secretly and at night sent a large group of his chosen troops to set up an ambush near one of the edges of Albohacen. On the fourth day of the siege, he crossed the bridge and pretended to attack the high ground. The knights rushed out to confront him, leaving their camp almost unguarded. Ali Atar turned and ran, with them hot on his heels. Once the Christian knights had been pulled a good distance from their camp, they heard a loud shout behind them, and when they looked back, they saw their camp under attack by the Moorish forces that had been lying in wait and had come up another side of the hill. The knights stopped pursuing and rushed back to protect their tents from being looted. Ali Atar seized the opportunity to turn and chase them, and they found themselves attacked from both the front and the back at the top of the hill. The battle lasted for an hour; the height of Albohacen was stained with blood; many brave knights fell, dying among heaps of their enemies. The fierce Ali Atar fought like a demon until more Christian forces arrived, forcing him to retreat into the city. The greatest loss for the Christians in this skirmish was Roderigo Tellez Giron, the grand master of Calatrava, whose shining armor, emblazoned with the red cross of his order, made him an easy target for the enemy's projectiles. As he raised his arm to strike a blow, an arrow struck him just below the shoulder, through the gap in his breastplate. The lance and reins fell from his hands, he wavered in his saddle, and would have fallen to the ground if not for Pedro Gasca, a knight from Avila, who took him to his tent, where he died. The king, queen, and the entire kingdom mourned his death, for he was still young, only twenty-four years old, and had proven himself a valiant and noble knight. A sorrowful group gathered around his body on the bloody height of Albohacen: the knights of Calatrava mourned him as their leader; the knights who were camped at the hill grieved for him as their comrade-in-arms in a dangerous service; while the Count de Urena lamented him with the deep affection of a brother.
King Ferdinand now perceived the wisdom of the opinion of the marques of Cadiz, and that his force was quite insufficient for the enterprise. To continue his camp in its present unfortunate position would cost him the lives of his bravest cavaliers, if not a total defeat in case of reinforcements to the enemy. He called a council of war late in the evening of Saturday, and it was determined to withdraw the army early the next morning to Rio Frio, a short distance from the city, and there wait for additional troops from Cordova.
King Ferdinand now understood the wisdom of the opinion of the Marquis of Cadiz, realizing that his forces were far too small for the task at hand. Staying in their current vulnerable position would likely lead to the loss of his bravest knights, or worse, a complete defeat if the enemy received reinforcements. He convened a war council late Saturday evening, and it was decided to pull back the army early the next morning to Rio Frio, which is just a short distance from the city, and there wait for more troops coming from Cordova.
The next morning early the cavaliers on the height of Albohacen began to strike their tents. No sooner did Ali Atar behold this than he sallied forth to attack them. Many of the Christian troops, who had not heard of the intention to change the camp, seeing the tents struck and the Moors sallying forth, supposed that the enemy had been reinforced in the night, and that the army was on the point of retreating. Without stopping to ascertain the truth or to receive orders they fled in dismay, spreading confusion through the camp, nor did they halt until they had reached the Rock of the Lovers, about seven leagues from Loxa.*
The next morning, the knights on the hill of Albohacen started to take down their tents. As soon as Ali Atar saw this, he charged out to attack them. Many of the Christian troops, who hadn’t heard about the plan to move camp, noticed the tents being dismantled and the Moors rushing out, and they thought the enemy had been reinforced overnight and that the army was about to retreat. Without bothering to find out what was really happening or waiting for orders, they panicked and fled, causing chaos in the camp, and they didn’t stop until they reached the Rock of the Lovers, about seven leagues from Loxa.*
* Pulgar, Cronica.
* Pulgar, Chronicle.
The king and his commanders saw the imminent peril of the moment, and made face to the Moors, each commander guarding his quarter and repelling all assaults while the tents were struck and the artillery and ammunition conveyed away. The king, with a handful of cavaliers, galloped to a rising ground, exposed to the fire of the enemy, calling upon the flying troops and endeavoring in vain to rally them. Setting upon the Moors, he and his cavaliers charged them so vigorously, that they put a squadron to flight, slaying many with their swords and lances and driving others into the river, where they were drowned. The Moors, however, were soon reinforced, and returned in great numbers. The king was in danger of being surrounded, and twice owed his safety to the valor of Don Juan de Ribera, senior of Montemayor.
The king and his commanders recognized the immediate danger they were in and confronted the Moors, with each commander defending his area and fending off all attacks while the tents were taken down and the artillery and ammunition were moved away. The king, along with a few knights, rode to a hill that was exposed to enemy fire, calling out to the retreating troops and trying in vain to regroup them. Charging at the Moors, he and his knights attacked so fiercely that they sent one squadron fleeing, killing many with their swords and lances and forcing others into the river, where they drowned. However, the Moors soon received reinforcements and came back in large numbers. The king faced the risk of being surrounded and was saved twice by the bravery of Don Juan de Ribera, senior of Montemayor.
The marques of Cadiz beheld from a distance the peril of his sovereign. Summoning about seventy horsemen to follow him, he galloped to the spot, threw himself between the king and the enemy, and, hurling his lance, transpierced one of the most daring of the Moors. For some time he remained with no other weapon than his sword; his horse was wounded by an arrow and many of his followers were slain; but he succeeded in beating off the Moors and rescuing the king from imminent jeopardy, whom he then prevailed upon to retire to less dangerous ground.
The Marquis of Cadiz saw from a distance the danger facing his king. Gathering about seventy horsemen to accompany him, he rushed to the scene, placed himself between the king and the enemy, and threw his lance, piercing one of the boldest of the Moors. For a while, he fought with only his sword; his horse was injured by an arrow, and many of his men were killed. However, he managed to fend off the Moors and save the king from imminent danger, convincing him to move to a safer location.
The marques continued throughout the day to expose himself to the repeated assaults of the enemy: he was ever found in the place of the greatest danger, and through his bravery a great part of the army and camp was preserved from destruction.*
The marquis continued throughout the day to expose himself to the repeated attacks of the enemy: he was always found in the most dangerous spots, and through his bravery, a large portion of the army and camp was saved from destruction.*
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 58.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 58.
It was a perilous day for the commanders, for in a retreat of the kind it is the noblest cavaliers who most expose themselves to save their people. The duke of Medina Celi was struck to the ground, but rescued by his troops. The count de Tendilla, whose tents were nearest to the city, received several wounds, and various other cavaliers of the most distinguished note were exposed to fearful jeopardy. The whole day was passed in bloody skirmishings, in which the hidalgos and cavaliers of the royal household distinguished themselves by their bravery: at length, the encampments being all broken up and most of the artillery and baggage removed, the bloody height of Albohacen was abandoned and the neighborhood of Loxa evacuated. Several tents, a quantity of provisions, and a few pieces of artillery were left upon the spot from the want of horses and mules to carry them off.
It was a dangerous day for the commanders because, in a retreat like this, it’s the noblest knights who put themselves at risk to save their people. The Duke of Medina Celi was knocked to the ground but was rescued by his troops. The Count de Tendilla, whose tents were closest to the city, sustained several wounds, and various other prominent knights faced serious danger. The entire day consisted of bloody skirmishes, where the hidalgos and knights of the royal household stood out for their bravery. Finally, with the encampments all dismantled and most of the artillery and supplies removed, the bloody height of Albohacen was abandoned, and the area around Loxa was evacuated. Several tents, a stockpile of provisions, and a few pieces of artillery were left behind due to a lack of horses and mules to carry them away.
Ali Atar hung upon the rear of the retiring army, and harassed it until it reached Rio Frio; Ferdinand returned thence to Cordova, deeply mortified, though greatly benefited, by the severe lesson he had received, which served to render him more cautious in his campaigns and more diffident of fortune. He sent letters to all parts excusing his retreat, imputing it to the small number of his forces, and the circumstance that many of them were quotas sent from various cities, and not in royal pay; in the mean time, to console his troops for their disappointment and to keep up their spirits, he led them upon another inroad to lay waste the Vega of Granada.
Ali Atar stayed behind the retreating army and kept attacking them until they got to Rio Frio; Ferdinand then returned to Cordova, feeling really ashamed but also having learned a valuable lesson that made him more careful in his campaigns and more uncertain about luck. He sent letters everywhere explaining his retreat, blaming it on the small size of his forces and the fact that many of them were reinforcements from different cities, not paid by the crown. Meanwhile, to lift his troops' spirits after their disappointment, he led them on another raid to ravage the Vega of Granada.
Muley Abul Hassan had mustered an army and marched to the relief of Loxa, but arrived too late; the last squadron of Ferdinand had already passed over the border. “They have come and gone,” said he, “like a summer cloud, and all their vaunting has been mere empty thunder.” He turned to make another attempt upon Alhama, the garrison of which was in the utmost consternation at the retreat of Ferdinand, and would have deserted the place had it not been for the courage and perseverance of the alcayde, Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. That brave and loyal commander cheered up the spirits of his men and kept the old Moorish king at bay until the approach of Ferdinand, on his second incursion into the Vega, obliged him to make an unwilling retreat to Malaga.
Muley Abul Hassan had gathered an army and marched to help Loxa, but he arrived too late; Ferdinand's last squadron had already crossed the border. “They’ve come and gone,” he said, “like a summer cloud, and all their boasting was just empty noise.” He turned to try again for Alhama, whose garrison was in total panic after Ferdinand's retreat and would have abandoned the place if it weren’t for the bravery and determination of the alcayde, Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. That brave and loyal commander lifted the spirits of his men and held off the old Moorish king until Ferdinand's second invasion of the Vega forced him to retreat to Malaga.
Muley Abul Hassan felt that it would be in vain, with his inferior force, to oppose the powerful army of the Christian monarch, but to remain idle and see his territories laid waste would ruin him in the estimation of his people. “If we cannot parry,” said he, “we can strike; if we cannot keep our own lands from being ravaged, we can ravage the lands of the enemy.” He inquired and learnt that most of the chivalry of Andalusia, in their eagerness for a foray, had marched off with the king, and left their own country almost defenceless. The territories of the duke of Medina Sidonia were particularly unguarded: here were vast plains of pasturage covered with flocks and herds—the very country for a hasty inroad. The old monarch had a bitter grudge against the duke for having foiled him at Alhama. “I’ll give this cavalier a lesson,” said he, exultingly, “that will cure him of his love of campaigning.” So he prepared in all haste for a foray into the country about Medina Sidonia.
Muley Abul Hassan realized that it would be pointless to challenge the strong army of the Christian king with his smaller forces, but doing nothing and watching his lands be destroyed would ruin his reputation among his people. “If we can’t defend ourselves,” he said, “we can attack; if we can’t stop our own lands from being destroyed, we can destroy the lands of the enemy.” He found out that most of the knights from Andalusia, eager for a raid, had gone off with the king, leaving their own country nearly defenseless. The lands of the duke of Medina Sidonia were particularly vulnerable: there were large pastures filled with flocks and herds—just the right place for a quick invasion. The old king had a deep-seated grudge against the duke for having defeated him at Alhama. “I’ll teach this guy a lesson,” he said triumphantly, “that will make him rethink his love for campaigning.” So, he quickly got ready for a raid into the area around Medina Sidonia.
Muley Abul Hassan sallied out of Malaga with fifteen hundred horse and six thousand foot, and took the way by the sea-coast, marching through Estiponia, and entering the Christian country between Gibraltar and Castellar. The only person that was likely to molest him on this route was one Pedro de Vargas, a shrewd, hardy, and vigilant soldier, alcayde of Gibraltar, and who lay ensconced in his old warrior rock as in a citadel. Muley Abul Hassan knew the watchful and daring character of the man, but had ascertained that his garrison was too small to enable him to make a sally, or at least to ensure him any success. Still, he pursued his march with great silence and caution; sent parties in advance to explore every pass where a foe might lie in ambush; cast many an anxious eye toward the old rock of Gibraltar as its cloud-capped summit was seen towering in the distance on his left; nor did he feel entirely at ease until he had passed through the broken and mountainous country of Castellar and descended into the plains. Here he encamped on the banks of the Celemin, and sent four hundred corredors, or fleet horsemen, armed with lances, to station themselves near Algeziras and keep a strict watch across the bay upon the opposite fortress of Gibraltar. If the alcayde attempted to sally forth, they were to waylay and attack him, being almost four times his supposed force, and were to send swift tidings to the camp. In the mean time two hundred corredors were sent to scour that vast plain called the Campina de Tarifa, abounding with flocks and herds, and two hundred more were to ravage the lands about Medina Sidonia. Muley Abul Hassan remained with the main body of the army as a rallying-point on the banks of the Celemin.
Muley Abul Hassan set out from Malaga with fifteen hundred cavalry and six thousand infantry, taking the coastal route, marching through Estiponia, and entering Christian territory between Gibraltar and Castellar. The only person likely to challenge him on this path was Pedro de Vargas, a clever, tough, and watchful soldier, the governor of Gibraltar, who was holed up in his old stone fortress like it was a citadel. Muley Abul Hassan was aware of the man’s cautious and bold nature but had figured out that his forces were too small for him to launch an attack, or at least to achieve any success. Nonetheless, he continued his march with utmost silence and caution, sending advance parties to scout every path where enemies might be hiding; he cast many worried glances at the ancient rock of Gibraltar as its cloud-covered peak stood out in the distance to his left. He didn't feel completely at ease until he passed through the rugged and mountainous area of Castellar and descended into the plains. There, he set up camp by the banks of the Celemin and dispatched four hundred cavalrymen, armed with lances, to position themselves near Algeziras and closely monitor the opposing fortress of Gibraltar across the bay. If the governor tried to emerge, they were to intercept and engage him, being nearly four times his estimated force and were to send swift news back to the camp. Meanwhile, two hundred cavalrymen were sent out to patrol the vast plain known as the Campina de Tarifa, filled with flocks and herds, while another two hundred were tasked with raiding the lands around Medina Sidonia. Muley Abul Hassan remained with the main group of the army as a central point on the banks of the Celemin.
The foraging parties scoured the country to such effect that they came driving vast flocks and herds before them, enough to supply the place of all that had been swept from the Vega of Granada. The troops which had kept watch upon the rock of Gibraltar returned with word that they had not seen a Christian helmet stirring. The old king congratulated himself upon the secrecy and promptness with which he had conducted his foray, and upon having baffled the vigilance of Pedro de Vargas.
The foraging teams searched the countryside so effectively that they drove large flocks and herds before them, enough to replace everything that had been taken from the Vega of Granada. The troops who had been watching the rock of Gibraltar returned with news that they hadn't seen a single Christian helmet moving. The old king praised himself for the secrecy and speed with which he had carried out his raid, successfully outsmarting the watchfulness of Pedro de Vargas.
He had not been so secret, however, as he imagined; the watchful alcayde of Gibraltar had received notice of his movements, but his garrison was barely sufficient for the defence of his post. Luckily, there arrived at this juncture a squadron of the armed galleys, under Carlos de Valera, recently stationed in the Straits. Pedro de Vargas prevailed upon him to take charge of Gibraltar during his temporary absence, and forthwith sallied out at midnight at the head of seventy chosen horsemen. By his command alarm-fires were lighted on the mountains, signals that the Moors were on the ravage, at sight of which the peasants were accustomed to drive their flocks and herds to places of refuge. He sent couriers also spurring in every direction, summoning all capable of bearing arms to meet him at Castellar. This was a town strongly posted on a steep height, by which the Moorish king would have to return.
He hadn't been as secretive as he thought; the watchful governor of Gibraltar had been notified of his movements, but his garrison was barely enough to defend his position. Fortunately, just then, a squadron of armed galleys arrived, led by Carlos de Valera, who had recently been stationed in the Straits. Pedro de Vargas convinced him to take over Gibraltar during his temporary absence and immediately set out at midnight with seventy select horsemen. By his orders, alarm fires were lit on the mountains, signals indicating that the Moors were attacking, which prompted the peasants to drive their flocks and herds to safe places. He also sent couriers racing in every direction, calling all able to bear arms to join him at Castellar. This was a town strategically located on a steep height, which the Moorish king would have to pass through on his way back.
Muley Abul Hassan saw by the fires blazing on the mountains that the country was rising. He struck his tents, and pushed forward as rapidly as possible for the border; but he was encumbered with booty and with the vast cavalgada swept from the pastures of the Campina de Tarifa. His scouts brought him word that there were troops in the field, but he made light of the intelligence, knowing that they could only be those of the alcayde of Gibraltar, and that he had not more than a hundred horsemen in his garrison. He threw in advance two hundred and fifty of his bravest troops, and with them the alcaydes of Marabella and Casares. Behind this van-guard followed a great cavalgada of cattle, and in the rear marched the king with the main force of his little army.
Muley Abul Hassan noticed the fires burning on the mountains, indicating that the country was in turmoil. He packed up his tents and moved quickly towards the border, but he was weighed down by loot and the large herd of livestock taken from the pastures of the Campina de Tarifa. His scouts informed him that there were troops in the area, but he dismissed the news, knowing they could only be from the alcayde of Gibraltar, who had no more than a hundred horsemen in his garrison. He sent out two hundred and fifty of his best troops ahead, along with the alcaydes of Marabella and Casares. Behind this vanguard was a large herd of cattle, and at the back marched the king with the main force of his small army.
It was near the middle of a sultry summer day when they approached Castellar. De Vargas was on the watch, and beheld, by an immense cloud of dust, that they were descending one of the heights of that wild and broken country. The van-guard and rear-guard were above half a league asunder, with the cavalgada between them, and a long and close forest hid them from each other. De Vargas saw that they could render but little assistance to each other in case of a sudden attack, and might be easily thrown into confusion. He chose fifty of his bravest horsemen, and, making a circuit, took his post secretly in a narrow glen opening into a defile between two rocky heights through which the Moors had to pass. It was his intention to suffer the van-guard and the cavalgada to pass, and to fall upon the rear.
It was around the middle of a hot summer day when they got close to Castellar. De Vargas was alert and noticed, by a huge cloud of dust, that they were going down one of the hills in that rugged and wild region. The vanguard and rear guard were over half a league apart, with the cavalry in between them, and a long, dense forest kept them hidden from each other. De Vargas realized that they couldn't really help one another if a sudden attack happened and could easily get thrown into chaos. He selected fifty of his bravest horsemen and, taking a different route, quietly positioned himself in a narrow glen that opened into a pass between two rocky heights that the Moors had to go through. His plan was to let the vanguard and the cavalry pass by before striking at the rear.
While thus lying perdu six Moorish scouts, well mounted and well armed, entered the glen, examining every place that might conceal an enemy. Some of the Christians advised that they should slay these six men and retreat to Gibraltar. “No,” said De Vargas; “I have come out for higher game than these; and I hope, by the aid of God and Santiago, to do good work this day. I know these Moors well, and doubt not but that they may readily be thrown into confusion.”
While lying hidden, six Moorish scouts, well-mounted and well-armed, entered the glen, checking every spot that could hide an enemy. Some of the Christians suggested they should kill these six men and retreat to Gibraltar. “No,” said De Vargas; “I’m aiming for something bigger than these; and with the help of God and Santiago, I hope to accomplish great things today. I know these Moors well, and I’m confident we can easily throw them into chaos.”
By this time the six horsemen approached so near that they were on the point of discovering the Christian ambush. De Vargas gave the word, and ten horsemen rushed upon them; in an instant four of the Moors rolled in the dust; the other two put spurs to their steeds and fled toward their army, pursued by the ten Christians. About eighty of the Moorish van-guard came galloping to the relief of their companions; the Christians turned and fled toward their ambush. De Vargas kept his men concealed until the fugitives and their pursuers came clattering pell-mell into the glen. At a signal trumpet his men sallied forth with great heat and in close array. The Moors almost rushed upon their weapons before they perceived them; forty of the infidels were overthrown, the rest turned their back. “Forward!” cried De Vargas; “let us give the van-guard a brush before it can be joined by the rear.” So saying, he pursued the flying Moors down hill, and came with such force and fury upon the advance-guard as to overturn many of them at the first encounter. As he wheeled off with his men the Moors discharged their lances, upon which he returned to the charge and made great slaughter. The Moors fought valiantly for a short time, until the alcaydes of Marabella and Casares were slain, when they gave way and fled for the rear-guard. In their flight they passed through the cavalgada of cattle, threw the whole in confusion, and raised such a cloud of dust that the Christians could no longer distinguish objects. Fearing that the king and the main body might be at hand, and finding that De Vargas was badly wounded, they contented themselves with despoiling the slain and taking above twenty-eight horses, and then retreated to Castellar.
By this time, the six horsemen had gotten so close that they were about to discover the Christian ambush. De Vargas gave the signal, and ten horsemen charged at them; in an instant, four of the Moors fell to the ground. The other two spurred their horses and fled toward their army, pursued by the ten Christians. About eighty from the Moorish vanguard rushed in to help their companions; the Christians turned and fled toward their ambush. De Vargas kept his men hidden until the fleeing Moors and their pursuers came clattering into the glen. At a signal from a trumpet, his men surged forward with great intensity and in tight formation. The Moors almost ran into their weapons before they noticed them; forty of the infidels were knocked down, and the rest turned to run. “Forward!” shouted De Vargas; “let’s hit the vanguard before they can be joined by the rear.” With that, he chased the fleeing Moors downhill and attacked the advance-guard with such power and rage that he took down many of them right away. As he maneuvered with his men, the Moors threw their lances, prompting him to charge again and inflict heavy casualties. The Moors fought bravely for a short time, until the leaders of Marabella and Casares were killed, at which point they retreated to the rear-guard. As they fled, they ran through the herd of cattle, causing chaos, and kicked up so much dust that the Christians could no longer see clearly. Worried that the king and the main force might be nearby and seeing that De Vargas was seriously injured, they settled for looting the dead and taking more than twenty-eight horses before retreating to Castellar.
When the routed Moors came flying back upon the rear-guard, Muley Abul Hassan feared that the people of Xeres were in arms. Several of his followers advised him to abandon the cavalgada and retreat by another road. “No,” said the old king; “he is no true soldier who gives up his booty without fighting.” Putting spurs to his horse, he galloped forward through the centre of the cavalgada, driving the cattle to the right and left. When he reached the field of battle, he found it strewed with the bodies of upward of one hundred Moors, among which were those of the two alcaydes. Enraged at the sight, he summoned all his crossbowmen and cavalry, pushed on to the very gates of Castellar, and set fire to two houses close to the walls. Pedro de Vargas was too severely wounded to sally forth in person, but he ordered out his troops, and there was brisk skirmishing under the walls, until the king drew off and returned to the scene of the recent encounter. Here he had the bodies of the principal warriors laid across mules, to be interred honorably at Malaga; the rest of the slain were buried on the field of battle. Then, gathering together the scattered cavalgada, he paraded it slowly, in an immense line, past the walls of Castellar by way of taunting his foe.
When the defeated Moors came rushing back towards the rear guard, Muley Abul Hassan was worried that the people of Xeres were preparing to fight. Several of his followers suggested he leave the cavalgada and retreat by a different route. “No,” said the old king; “a true soldier doesn’t give up his loot without a fight.” He spurred his horse and charged through the center of the cavalgada, driving the cattle aside. When he arrived at the battlefield, he saw the ground littered with the bodies of over a hundred Moors, including the two alcaydes. Furious at the sight, he called for all his crossbowmen and cavalry, advanced right to the gates of Castellar, and set fire to two houses near the walls. Pedro de Vargas was too badly injured to lead the charge himself, but he sent his troops out, and there was fierce fighting under the walls until the king withdrew and returned to the site of the recent clash. There, he had the bodies of the main warriors placed on mules for honorable burial in Malaga, while the other dead were buried on the battlefield. Then, gathering the scattered cavalgada, he slowly paraded it in a long line past the walls of Castellar to taunt his enemy.
With all his fierceness, old Muley Abul Hassan had a gleam of warlike courtesy, and admired the hardy and soldier-like character of Pedro de Vargas. He summoned two Christian captives, and demanded what were the revenues of the alcayde of Gibraltar. They told him that, among other things, he was entitled to one out of every drove of cattle that passed his boundaries. “Allah forbid,” cried the old monarch, “that so brave a cavalier should be defrauded of his dues!”
With all his fierceness, old Muley Abul Hassan had a fierce sense of courtesy and respected the tough, soldierly nature of Pedro de Vargas. He called for two Christian captives and asked them what the revenues of the alcayde of Gibraltar were. They told him that, among other things, he was entitled to one out of every herd of cattle that crossed his borders. “God forbid,” exclaimed the old king, “that such a brave knight should be cheated out of what he deserves!”
He immediately chose twelve of the finest cattle from the twelve droves which formed the cavalgada. These he gave in charge to an alfaqui to deliver to Pedro de Vargas. “Tell him,” said he, “that I crave his pardon for not having sent these cattle sooner; but I have this moment learnt the nature of his rights, and I hasten to satisfy them with the punctuality due to so worthy a cavalier. Tell him, at the same time, that I had no idea the alcayde of Gibraltar was so active and vigilant in collecting his tolls.”
He quickly picked twelve of the best cattle from the twelve herds that made up the caravan. He entrusted them to a scholar to deliver to Pedro de Vargas. “Tell him,” he said, “that I apologize for not sending these cattle sooner; I just found out about his rights, and I'm eager to fulfill them with the respect they deserve for such a worthy knight. Also, let him know that I had no idea the governor of Gibraltar was so diligent and watchful in collecting his fees.”
The brave alcayde relished the stern soldier-like pleasantry of the old Moorish monarch. He ordered a rich silken vest and a scarlet mantle to be given to the alfaqui, and dismissed him with great courtesy. “Tell His Majesty,” said he, “that I kiss his hands for the honor he has done me, and regret that my scanty force has not permitted me to give him a more signal reception on his coming into these parts. Had three hundred horsemen, whom I have been promised from Xeres, arrived in time, I might have served up an entertainment more befitting such a monarch. I trust, however, they will arrive in the course of the night, in which case His Majesty may be sure of a royal regale in the dawning.”
The brave leader enjoyed the serious, soldier-like friendliness of the old Moorish king. He ordered a luxurious silk vest and a red cloak to be given to the scholar and dismissed him politely. “Tell His Majesty,” he said, “that I thank him for the honor he has shown me, and I regret that my limited forces have not allowed me to give him a more impressive welcome upon his arrival in this area. If the three hundred horsemen I was promised from Xeres had arrived on time, I could have prepared a more suitable celebration for such a king. However, I hope they will arrive during the night, in which case His Majesty can look forward to a royal feast at dawn.”
Muley Abul Hassan shook his head when he received the reply of De Vargas. “Allah preserve us,” said he, “from any visitation of these hard riders of Xeres! A handful of troops acquainted with the wild passes of these mountains may destroy an army encumbered as ours is with booty.”
Muley Abul Hassan shook his head when he got De Vargas's reply. “May Allah protect us,” he said, “from any encounter with those tough riders from Xeres! A small group of soldiers who know the rugged paths of these mountains could wipe out an army like ours that’s bogged down with loot.”
It was some relief to the king, however, to learn that the hardy alcayde of Gibraltar was too severely wounded to take the field in person. He immediately beat a retreat with all speed before the close of day, hurrying with such precipitation that the cavalgada was frequently broken and scattered among the rugged defiles of the mountains, and above five thousand of the cattle turned back and were regained by the Christians. Muley Abul Hassan returned triumphantly with the residue to Malaga, glorying in the spoils of the duke of Medina Sidonia.
It was somewhat of a relief to the king, though, to find out that the tough alcayde of Gibraltar was too badly injured to fight in person. He quickly made a hasty retreat before night fell, rushing so fast that the convoy was often broken up and scattered among the rough mountain paths, allowing over five thousand cattle to turn back and be recaptured by the Christians. Muley Abul Hassan returned triumphantly to Malaga with the remaining spoils, boasting about defeating the duke of Medina Sidonia.
King Ferdinand was mortified at finding his incursion into the Vega of Granada counterbalanced by this inroad into his dominions, and saw that there were two sides to the game of war, as to all other games. The only one who reaped real glory in this series of inroads and skirmishings was Pedro de Vargas, the stout alcayde of Gibraltar.*
King Ferdinand was embarrassed to discover that his invasion into the Vega of Granada was matched by this attack on his territory, and realized that there are two sides to the war game, just like in all other games. The only one who truly gained glory during this series of invasions and skirmishes was Pedro de Vargas, the brave commander of Gibraltar.*
* Alonzo de Palencia, 1. 28, c. 3, MS.
* Alonzo de Palencia, 1. 28, c. 3, MS.
The foray of old Muley Abul Hassan had touched the pride of the Andalusian chivalry, and they determined on retaliation. For this purpose a number of the most distinguished cavaliers assembled at Antiquera in the month of March, 1483. The leaders of the enterprise were, the gallant marques of Cadiz; Don Pedro Henriquez, adelantado of Andalusia; Don Juan de Silva, count of Cifuentes and bearer of the royal standard, who commanded in Seville; Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of the religious and military order of Santiago; and Don Alonso de Aguilar. Several other cavaliers of note hastened to take part in the enterprise, and in a little while about twenty-seven hundred horse and several companies of foot were assembled within the old warlike city of Antiquera, comprising the very flower of Andalusian chivalry.
The raid by old Muley Abul Hassan had wounded the pride of the Andalusian knights, and they decided to strike back. To pursue this, several of the most notable knights gathered in Antiquera in March 1483. The leaders of this mission were the brave Marquis of Cadiz; Don Pedro Henriquez, governor of Andalusia; Don Juan de Silva, Count of Cifuentes and holder of the royal standard, who was in charge in Seville; Don Alonso de Cardenas, head of the religious and military order of Santiago; and Don Alonso de Aguilar. A number of other prominent knights quickly joined the effort, and soon about 2,700 cavalry and several companies of infantry had gathered in the ancient warrior city of Antiquera, representing the very best of Andalusian chivalry.
A council of war was held by the chiefs to determine in what quarter they should strike a blow. The rival Moorish kings were waging civil war with each other in the vicinity of Granada, and the whole country lay open to inroads. Various plans were proposed by the different cavaliers. The marques of Cadiz was desirous of scaling the walls of Zahara and regaining possession of that important fortress. The master of Santiago, however, suggested a wider range and a still more important object. He had received information from his adalides, who were apostate Moors, that an incursion might be safely made into a mountainous region near Malaga called the Axarquia. Here were valleys of pasture-land well stocked with flocks and herds, and there were numerous villages and hamlets, which would be an easy prey. The city of Malaga was too weakly garrisoned and had too few cavalry to send forth any force in opposition; nay, he added, they might even extend their ravages to its very gates, and peradventure carry that wealthy place by sudden assault.
A war council was held by the leaders to decide where to strike next. The rival Moorish kings were fighting each other near Granada, leaving the area wide open for raids. Different knights proposed various plans. The Marquis of Cadiz wanted to scale the walls of Zahara and reclaim that important fortress. However, the Master of Santiago suggested a broader approach with an even more significant goal. He had received information from his scouts, who were former Moors, that a raid could be safely launched into a mountainous area near Malaga called the Axarquia. This region had valleys filled with rich pastures and plenty of livestock, along with many villages and hamlets that would be easy targets. The city of Malaga was poorly defended and had too few cavalry to mount any serious opposition; in fact, he added, they might even be able to extend their raids right to its gates and possibly capture the wealthy city in a surprise attack.
The adventurous spirits of the cavaliers were inflamed by this suggestion: in their sanguine confidence they already beheld Malaga in their power, and they were eager for the enterprise. The marques of Cadiz endeavored to interpose a little cool caution. He likewise had apostate adalides, the most intelligent and experienced on the borders: among these he placed especial reliance on one named Luis Amar, who knew all the mountains and valleys of the country. He had received from him a particular account of these mountains of the Axarquia.* Their savage and broken nature was a sufficient defence for the fierce people who inhabited them, who, manning their rocks and their tremendous passes, which were often nothing more than the deep dry beds of torrents, might set whole armies at defiance. Even if vanquished, they afforded no spoil to the victor. Their houses were little better than bare walls, and they would drive off their scanty flocks and herds to the fastnesses of the mountains.
The adventurous spirits of the knights were fired up by this suggestion: in their optimistic confidence, they could already see Malaga in their control, and they were eager for the venture. The marquis of Cadiz tried to inject a bit of caution. He also had former guides, the most knowledgeable and experienced on the borders: among these, he relied particularly on one named Luis Amar, who knew all the mountains and valleys of the area. He had provided him with a detailed account of the mountains of the Axarquia.* Their wild and rugged terrain was a strong defense for the fierce people who lived there, who could man their cliffs and treacherous paths, which were often just the dry beds of torrents, and could defy entire armies. Even if defeated, they offered no spoils to the victor. Their homes were little more than bare walls, and they would drive their meager flocks and herds to the safety of the mountains.
* Pulgar, in his Chronicle, reverses the case, and makes the marques of Cadiz recommend the expedition to the Axarquia; but Fray Antonio Agapida is supported in his statement by that most veracious and contemporary chronicler, Andres Bernaldez, curate of Los Palacios.
* Pulgar, in his Chronicle, flips the story around and has the marquis of Cadiz suggest the expedition to the Axarquia; however, Fray Antonio Agapida's claim is backed by the highly reliable and contemporary chronicler, Andres Bernaldez, the curate of Los Palacios.
The sober counsel of the marques, however, was overruled. The cavaliers, accustomed to mountain-warfare, considered themselves and their horses equal to any wild and rugged expedition, and were flushed with the idea of terminating their foray by a brilliant assault upon Malaga.
The serious advice of the marquis, however, was ignored. The knights, used to mountain warfare, believed that both they and their horses were up for any wild and rough adventure, and were excited by the idea of finishing their mission with a bold attack on Malaga.
Leaving all heavy baggage at Antiquera, and all such as had horses too weak for this mountain-scramble, they set forth full of spirit and confidence. Don Alonso de Aguilar and the adelantado of Andalusia led the squadron of advance. The count of Cifuentes followed with certain of the chivalry of Seville. Then came the battalion of the most valiant Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz: he was accompanied by several of his brothers and nephews and many cavaliers who sought distinction under his banner, and this family band attracted universal attention and applause as they paraded in martial state through the streets of Antiquera. The rear-guard was led by Don Alonso Cardenas, master of Santiago, and was composed of the knights of his order and the cavaliers of Ecija, with certain men-at-arms of the Holy Brotherhood whom the king had placed under his command. The army was attended by a great train of mules, laden with provisions for a few days’ supply until they should be able to forage among the Moorish villages. Never did a more gallant and self-confident little army tread the earth. It was composed of men full of health and vigor, to whom war was a pastime and delight. They had spared no expense in their equipments, for never was the pomp of war carried to a higher pitch than among the proud chivalry of Spain. Cased in armor richly inlaid and embossed, decked with rich surcoats and waving plumes, and superbly mounted on Andalusian steeds, they pranced out of Antiquera with banners flying and their various devices and armorial bearings ostentatiously displayed, and in the confidence of their hopes promised the inhabitants to enrich them with the spoils of Malaga.
Leaving all heavy luggage in Antiquera, along with any horses too weak for the mountain trek, they set off feeling energized and confident. Don Alonso de Aguilar and the adelantado of Andalusia led the advance party. The Count of Cifuentes followed with some knights from Seville. Next was the battalion of the brave Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz, who was joined by several of his brothers and nephews and many knights eager to earn recognition under his banner. This family group drew widespread attention and applause as they marched proudly through the streets of Antiquera. The rear guard was led by Don Alonso Cardenas, master of Santiago, and included knights from his order and the cavalry from Ecija, along with a few armed members of the Holy Brotherhood whom the king had put under his command. The army was accompanied by a large train of mules loaded with supplies for a few days, until they could gather provisions from the Moorish villages. Never had a more gallant and self-assured little army marched on the earth. It was made up of healthy, vigorous men for whom war was both a pastime and a delight. They had spared no expense on their equipment, as the spectacle of war reached tremendous heights among the proud knights of Spain. Clad in richly adorned and embossed armor, wearing elaborate surcoats and fluttering plumes, and riding superb Andalusian horses, they pranced out of Antiquera with their banners flying and their various emblems and coats of arms on full display, confidently promising the locals that they would return with the riches of Malaga.
In the rear of this warlike pageant followed a peaceful band intent upon profiting by the anticipated victories. They were not the customary wretches that hover about armies to plunder and strip the dead, but goodly and substantial traders from Seville, Cordova, and other cities of traffic. They rode sleek mules and were clad in goodly raiment, with long leather purses at their girdles well filled with pistoles and other golden coin. They had heard of the spoils wasted by the soldiery at the capture of Alhama, and were provided with moneys to buy up the jewels and precious stones, the vessels of gold and silver, and the rich silks and cloths that should form the plunder of Malaga. The proud cavaliers eyed these sons of traffic with great disdain, but permitted them to follow for the convenience of the troops, who might otherwise be overburdened with booty.
In the back of this warlike display followed a peaceful group looking to benefit from the expected victories. They weren’t the usual desperate people who hang around armies to steal from the dead, but rather respectable and solid traders from Seville, Cordova, and other bustling cities. They rode well-groomed mules and wore fine clothing, with long leather pouches at their belts filled with gold coins and other currency. They had heard about the riches wasted by soldiers during the capture of Alhama and were ready with money to buy up the jewels and precious stones, gold and silver vessels, and luxurious silks and fabrics that would be the booty from Malaga. The proud knights looked down on these traders with great disdain, but allowed them to follow for the sake of the troops, who might otherwise be weighed down with loot.
It had been intended to conduct this expedition with great celerity and secrecy, but the noise of the preparations had already reached the city of Malaga. The garrison, it is true, was weak, but it possessed a commander who was himself a host. This was Muley Abdallah, commonly called El Zagal, or the Valiant. He was younger brother of Muley Abul Hassan, and general of the few forces which remained faithful to the old monarch. He possessed equal fierceness of spirit with his brother, and surpassed him in craft and vigilance. His very name was a war-cry among his soldiery, who had the most extravagant opinion of his prowess.
It was planned to carry out this expedition quickly and discreetly, but the sounds of the preparations had already reached the city of Malaga. The garrison was indeed weak, but it had a commander who was a force to be reckoned with. This was Muley Abdallah, known as El Zagal, or the Valiant. He was the younger brother of Muley Abul Hassan and the general of the few forces that remained loyal to the old king. He shared his brother's fierce spirit but was more cunning and alert. His very name served as a rallying cry among his troops, who had an exaggerated view of his skills in battle.
El Zagal suspected that Malaga was the object of this noisy expedition. He consulted with old Bexir, a veteran Moor, who governed the city. “If this army of marauders should reach Malaga,” said he, “we should hardly be able to keep them without its walls. I will throw myself with a small force into the mountains, rouse the peasantry, take possession of the passes, and endeavor to give these Spanish cavaliers sufficient entertainment upon the road.”
El Zagal suspected that Malaga was the target of this loud expedition. He consulted with old Bexir, a seasoned Moor who governed the city. “If this band of raiders reaches Malaga,” he said, “we won’t be able to keep them out without its walls. I’ll take a small group into the mountains, rally the locals, secure the passes, and try to give these Spanish knights enough of a challenge on their way.”
It was on a Wednesday that the pranking army of high-mettled warriors issued forth from the ancient gates of Antiquera. They marched all day and night, making their way, secretly as they supposed, through the passes of the mountains. As the tract of country they intended to maraud was far in the Moorish territories, near the coast of the Mediterranean, they did not arrive there until late in the following day. In passing through these stern and lofty mountains their path was often along the bottom of a barranco, or deep rocky valley, with a scanty stream dashing along it among the loose rocks and stones which it had broken and rolled down in the time of its autumnal violence. Sometimes their road was a mere rambla, or dry bed of a torrent, cut deep into the mountains and filled with their shattered fragments. These barrancos and ramblas were overhung by immense cliffs and precipices, forming the lurking-places of ambuscades during the wars between the Moors and Spaniards, as in after times they have become the favorite haunts of robbers to waylay the unfortunate traveller.
It was a Wednesday when the prank-loving group of bold warriors emerged from the ancient gates of Antiquera. They marched all day and night, making their way, or so they thought secretly, through the mountain passes. Since the area they planned to raid was far in the Moorish lands, near the Mediterranean coast, they didn't reach it until late the next day. As they traversed these rugged, towering mountains, their path often led along the bottom of a barranco, a deep rocky valley, with a thin stream rushing through it among the loose rocks and stones that had been washed down during autumn storms. Sometimes their route was just a dry riverbed, known as a rambla, deeply carved into the mountains and filled with its broken debris. These barrancos and ramblas were overshadowed by massive cliffs and steep drops, which served as hiding spots for ambushes during the wars between Moors and Spaniards and later became popular hiding spots for robbers looking to prey on unsuspecting travelers.
As the sun went down the cavaliers came to a lofty part of the mountains, commanding to the right a distant glimpse of a part of the fair vega of Malaga, with the blue Mediterranean beyond, and they hailed it with exultation as a glimpse of the promised land. As the night closed in they reached the chain of little valleys and hamlets locked up among these rocky heights, and known among the Moors by the name of the Axarquia. Here their vaunting hopes were destined to meet with the first disappointment. The inhabitants had heard of their approach: they had conveyed away their cattle and effects, and with their wives and children had taken refuge in the towers and fastnesses of the mountains.
As the sun set, the knights arrived at a high point in the mountains, where they could see a distant view of the beautiful plains of Malaga, with the blue Mediterranean beyond. They celebrated this sight as a glimpse of the promised land. As night fell, they reached a series of small valleys and villages tucked away among the rocky heights, known to the Moors as the Axarquia. Here, their proud hopes were about to face their first disappointment. The locals had heard about their approach; they had moved their cattle and belongings, and along with their wives and children, had sought refuge in the towers and strongholds of the mountains.
Enraged at their disappointment, the troops set fire to the deserted houses and pressed forward, hoping for better fortune as they advanced. Don Alonso de Aguilar and the other cavaliers in the van-guard spread out their forces to lay waste the country, capturing a few lingering herds of cattle, with the Moorish peasants who were driving them to some place of safety.
Angry at their disappointment, the troops set fire to the empty houses and moved forward, hoping for better luck as they advanced. Don Alonso de Aguilar and the other knights at the front spread out their forces to devastate the land, capturing some stray herds of cattle along with the Moorish farmers who were driving them to safety.
While this marauding party carried fire and sword in the advance and lit up the mountain-cliffs with the flames of the hamlets, the master of Santiago, who brought the rear-guard, maintained strict order, keeping his knights together in martial array, ready for attack or defence should an enemy appear. The men-at-arms of the Holy Brotherhood attempted to roam in quest of booty, but he called them back and rebuked them severely.
While this raiding group brought chaos and destruction in their wake, setting the mountain cliffs ablaze with the fires of the villages, the leader of Santiago, who was at the back, enforced strict discipline, keeping his knights organized and ready for battle or defense if an enemy showed up. The soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood tried to wander off in search of loot, but he ordered them back and reprimanded them harshly.
At length they came to a part of the mountain completely broken up by barrancos and ramblas of vast depth and shagged with rocks and precipices. It was impossible to maintain the order of march; the horses had no room for action, and were scarcely manageable, having to scramble from rock to rock and up and down frightful declivities where there was scarce footing for a mountain-goat. Passing by a burning village, the light of the flames revealed their perplexed situation. The Moors, who had taken refuge in a watch-tower on an impending height, shouted with exultation when they looked down upon these glistening cavaliers struggling and stumbling among the rocks. Sallying forth from their tower, they took possession of the cliffs which overhung the ravine and hurled darts and stones upon the enemy. It was with the utmost grief of heart that the good master of Santiago beheld his brave men falling like helpless victims around him, without the means of resistance or revenge. The confusion of his followers was increased by the shouts of the Moors multiplied by the echoes of every crag and cliff, as if they were surrounded by innumerable foes. Being entirely ignorant of the country, in their struggles to extricate themselves they plunged into other glens and defiles, where they were still more exposed to danger. In this extremity the master of Santiago despatched messengers in search of succor. The marques of Cadiz, like a loyal companion-in-arms, hastened to his aid with his cavalry: his approach checked the assaults of the enemy, and the master was at length enabled to extricate his troops from the defile.
Eventually, they reached a part of the mountain that was completely disrupted by deep ravines and steep gulleys filled with rocks and ledges. It was impossible to keep their formation; the horses had no room to maneuver and were barely manageable, having to navigate from one rock to another and up and down terrifying slopes where even a mountain goat would struggle to find footing. As they passed a burning village, the light from the flames highlighted their difficult situation. The Moors, who had taken refuge in a watchtower on a nearby height, shouted in triumph as they looked down at the shining knights stumbling and struggling among the rocks. Emerging from their tower, they claimed the cliffs above the ravine and launched darts and stones at their enemies. The noble master of Santiago felt deep sorrow as he watched his brave men fall like helpless victims around him, unable to fight back or seek revenge. The chaos among his followers was intensified by the shouts of the Moors echoing off every rock and cliff, making it seem like they were surrounded by countless foes. Completely unfamiliar with the terrain, in their attempts to escape they ended up in other valleys and narrow paths, where they were even more vulnerable. In this desperate situation, the master of Santiago sent messengers to seek help. The Marquis of Cadiz, a loyal comrade, rushed to his aid with his cavalry. His arrival halted the enemy's attacks, allowing the master to finally get his troops out of the narrow pass.
In the mean time, Don Alonso de Aguilar and his companions, in their eager advance, had likewise got entangled in deep glens and the dry beds of torrents, where they had been severely galled by the insulting attacks of a handful of Moorish peasants posted on the impending precipices. The proud spirit of De Aguilar was incensed at having the game of war thus turned upon him, and his gallant forces domineered over by mountain-boors whom he had thought to drive, like their own cattle, to Antiquera. Hearing, however, that his friend the marques of Cadiz and the master of Santiago were engaged with the enemy, he disregarded his own danger, and, calling together his troops, returned to assist them, or rather to partake their perils. Being once more together, the cavaliers held a hasty council amidst the hurling of stones and the whistling of arrows, and their resolves were quickened by the sight from time to time of some gallant companion-in-arms laid low. They determined that there was no spoil in this part of the country to repay for the extraordinary peril, and that it was better to abandon the herds they had already taken, which only embarrassed their march, and to retreat with all speed to less dangerous ground.
In the meantime, Don Alonso de Aguilar and his companions, eager to move forward, found themselves tangled up in deep ravines and dry riverbeds, where they were harshly attacked by a small group of Moorish peasants positioned on the steep cliffs. De Aguilar's pride was stoked by being outsmarted in battle, especially by the mountain farmers he had planned to drive away like their own cattle to Antiquera. However, upon hearing that his friend the Marquis of Cadiz and the Master of Santiago were engaged with the enemy, he set aside his own danger and called his troops together to support them, or rather to share in their risks. Once reunited, the knights held a quick meeting amid the chaos of flying stones and whistling arrows, with their resolve intensified by witnessing some of their brave comrades fall. They decided that there was no reward in this area to justify the extreme danger, and it would be better to leave behind the herds they had already captured, which only slowed them down, and quickly retreat to safer ground.
The adalides, or guides, were ordered to lead the way out of this place of carnage. These, thinking to conduct them by the most secure route, led them by a steep and rocky pass, difficult for the foot-soldiers, but almost impracticable to the cavalry. It was overhung with precipices, from whence showers of stones and arrows were poured upon them, accompanied by savage yells which appalled the stoutest heart. In some places they could pass but one at a time, and were often transpierced, horse and rider, by the Moorish darts, impeding the progress of their comrades by their dying struggles. The surrounding precipices were lit up by a thousand alarm-fires: every crag and cliff had its flame, by the light of which they beheld their foes bounding from rock to rock and looking more like fiends than mortal men.
The guides were instructed to lead the way out of this scene of destruction. They chose what they believed was the safest route, taking the group through a steep and rocky path that was tough for the foot soldiers and nearly impossible for the cavalry. It was lined with cliffs, from which they were bombarded with stones and arrows, accompanied by terrifying screams that could frighten even the bravest. In some spots, they could only pass one at a time, and many were struck down, both horse and rider, by Moorish darts, slowing down their fellow soldiers with their dying struggles. The cliffs around them were illuminated by countless warning fires: every rock and ledge had its fire, by the light of which they could see their enemies leaping from rock to rock, appearing more like monsters than human beings.
Either through terror and confusion or through real ignorance of the country their guides, instead of conducting them out of the mountains, led them deeper into their fatal recesses. The morning dawned upon them in a narrow rambla, its bottom formed of broken rocks, where once had raved along the mountain-torrent, while above there beetled great arid cliffs, over the brows of which they beheld the turbaned heads of their fierce and exulting foes. What a different appearance did the unfortunate cavaliers present from that of the gallant band that marched so vauntingly out of Antiquera! Covered with dust and blood and wounds, and haggard with fatigue and horror, they looked like victims rather than like warriors. Many of their banners were lost, and not a trumpet was heard to rally up their sinking spirits. The men turned with imploring eyes to their commanders, while the hearts of the cavaliers were ready to burst with rage and grief at the merciless havoc made among their faithful followers.
Either out of fear and confusion or from genuine ignorance of the land, their guides, instead of leading them out of the mountains, took them deeper into its deadly depths. Morning found them in a narrow ravine, its bottom made up of broken rocks, where a mountain torrent once raged, while towering above them were steep, dry cliffs, over which they saw the turbaned heads of their fierce and victorious enemies. The unfortunate knights looked nothing like the brave group that boldly marched out of Antequera. Covered in dust, blood, and wounds, and worn down by fatigue and horror, they resembled victims instead of warriors. Many of their banners were lost, and there was no trumpet to lift their fading spirits. The men turned to their leaders with pleading eyes, while the knights’ hearts ached with fury and sorrow at the relentless destruction of their loyal followers.
All day they made ineffectual attempts to extricate themselves from the mountains. Columns of smoke rose from the heights where in the preceding night had blazed the alarm-fire. The mountaineers assembled from every direction: they swarmed at every pass, getting in the advance of the Christians, and garrisoning the cliffs like so many towers and battlements.
All day they tried unsuccessfully to get themselves out of the mountains. Columns of smoke rose from the peaks where the alarm fire had burned the night before. The mountain people gathered from every direction: they packed into every pass, cutting off the Christians in front of them, and occupying the cliffs like towers and battlements.
Night closed again upon the Christians when they were shut up in a narrow valley traversed by a deep stream and surrounded by precipices which seemed to reach the skies, and on which blazed and flared the alarm-fires. Suddenly a new cry was heard resounding along the valley. “El Zagal! El Zagal!” echoed from cliff to cliff.
Night fell once more on the Christians as they were confined in a narrow valley with a deep stream running through it, surrounded by towering cliffs that appeared to touch the sky, where alarm fires burned brightly. Suddenly, a new cry rang out through the valley. “El Zagal! El Zagal!” echoed from one cliff to another.
“What cry is that?” said the master of Santiago.
“What cry is that?” asked the master of Santiago.
“It is the war-cry of El Zagal, the Moorish general,” said an old Castilian soldier: “he must be coming in person, with the troops of Malaga.”
“It’s the battle cry of El Zagal, the Moorish general,” said an old Castilian soldier. “He must be coming himself, leading the troops from Malaga.”
The worthy master turned to his knights: “Let us die,” said he, “making a road with our hearts, since we cannot with our swords. Let us scale the mountain and sell our lives dearly, instead of staying here to be tamely butchered.”
The noble master faced his knights: “Let’s go down fighting,” he said, “paving our path with courage since we can’t do it with our swords. Let’s climb the mountain and make our lives worth something, instead of sitting here to be slaughtered.”
So saying, he turned his steed against the mountain and spurred him up its flinty side. Horse and foot followed his example, eager, if they could not escape, to have at least a dying blow at the enemy. As they struggled up the height a tremendous storm of darts and stones was showered upon them by the Moors. Sometimes a fragment of rock came bounding and thundering down, ploughing its way through the centre of their host. The foot-soldiers, faint with weariness and hunger or crippled by wounds, held by the tails and manes of the horses to aid them in their ascent, while the horses, losing their foothold among the loose stones or receiving some sudden wound, tumbled down the steep declivity, steed, rider, and soldier rolling from crag to crag until they were dashed to pieces in the valley. In this desperate struggle the alferez or standard-bearer of the master, with his standard, was lost, as were many of his relations and his dearest friends. At length he succeeded in attaining the crest of the mountain, but it was only to be plunged in new difficulties. A wilderness of rocks and rugged dells lay before him beset by cruel foes. Having neither banner nor trumpet by which to rally his troops, they wandered apart, each intent upon saving himself from the precipices of the mountains and the darts of the enemy. When the pious master of Santiago beheld the scattered fragments of his late gallant force, he could not restrain his grief. “O God!” exclaimed he, “great is thine anger this day against thy servants. Thou hast converted the cowardice of these infidels into desperate valor, and hast made peasants and boors victorious over armed men of battle.”
So saying, he turned his horse toward the mountain and urged him up its rocky side. The soldiers followed his lead, eager, if they couldn't escape, to at least strike a final blow at the enemy. As they struggled up the slope, a fierce storm of arrows and stones rained down on them from the Moors. Occasionally, a chunk of rock came crashing down, tearing through the center of their group. The foot soldiers, exhausted from fatigue and hunger or injured from wounds, held onto the horses' tails and manes to help them climb, while the horses, losing their grip on the loose stones or suffering sudden injuries, fell down the steep incline, horse, rider, and soldier tumbling from cliff to cliff until they were shattered in the valley below. In this desperate struggle, the standard-bearer of the master, along with his flag, was lost, as were many of his relatives and closest friends. Finally, he managed to reach the top of the mountain, but it was only to face new challenges. A wilderness of rocks and rugged valleys lay ahead, surrounded by merciless foes. Without a banner or trumpet to rally his troops, they dispersed, each focused on saving themselves from the mountain's cliffs and the enemy's arrows. When the devout master of Santiago saw the scattered remnants of his once-brave force, he couldn't hold back his sorrow. “O God!” he exclaimed, “how great is Your anger today against Your servants. You have turned the cowardice of these infidels into reckless bravery, and made commoners and peasants victorious over battle-hardened men.”
He would fain have kept with his foot-soldiers, and, gathering them together, have made head against the enemy, but those around him entreated him to think only of his personal safety. To remain was to perish without striking a blow; to escape was to preserve a life that might be devoted to vengeance on the Moors. The master reluctantly yielded to the advice. “O Lord of hosts!” exclaimed he again, “from thy wrath do I fly, not from these infidels: they are but instruments in thy hands to chastise us for our sins.” So saying, he sent the guides in the advance, and, putting spurs to his horse, dashed through a defile of the mountains before the Moors could intercept him. The moment the master put his horse to speed, his troops scattered in all directions. Some endeavored to follow his traces, but were confounded among the intricacies of the mountain. They fled hither and thither, many perishing among the precipices, others being slain by the Moors, and others taken prisoners.
He really wanted to stay with his foot soldiers and rally them to fight against the enemy, but those around him urged him to focus on his own safety. Staying meant certain death without even fighting back; escaping meant he could preserve his life for vengeance against the Moors later. Reluctantly, the leader accepted their advice. “O Lord of Hosts!” he exclaimed again, “I flee from your wrath, not from these infidels: they are just instruments in your hands to punish us for our sins.” With that, he sent the guides ahead and, urging his horse forward, raced through a mountain pass before the Moors could catch him. The moment the leader spurred his horse, his troops scattered in all directions. Some tried to follow his path but got lost among the mountain's twists and turns. They fled every which way, many falling to their deaths over the cliffs, others being killed by the Moors, and some taken captive.
The gallant marques of Cadiz, guided by his trusty adalid, Luis Amar, had ascended a different part of the mountain. He was followed by his friend, Don Alonso de Aguilar, the adelantado, and the count of Cifuentes, but in the darkness and confusion the bands of these commanders became separated from each other. When the marques attained the summit, he looked around for his companions-in-arms, but they were no longer following him, and there was no trumpet to summon them. It was a consolation to the marques, however, that his brothers and several of his relations, with a number of his retainers, were still with him: he called his brothers by name, and their replies gave comfort to his heart.
The brave Marquis of Cadiz, accompanied by his loyal guide, Luis Amar, had climbed a different part of the mountain. He was followed by his friend, Don Alonso de Aguilar, the adelantado, and the Count of Cifuentes, but in the darkness and confusion, their groups got separated. When the marquis reached the top, he looked around for his fellow soldiers, but they were no longer with him, and there was no trumpet to call them back. Fortunately, the marquis found comfort knowing that his brothers and several relatives, along with some of his attendants, were still with him: he called out to his brothers by name, and their responses brought him reassurance.
His guide now led the way into another valley, where he would be less exposed to danger: when he had reached the bottom of it the marques paused to collect his scattered followers and to give time for his fellow-commanders to rejoin him. Here he was suddenly assailed by the troops of El Zagal, aided by the mountaineers from the cliffs. The Christians, exhausted and terrified, lost all presence of mind: most of them fled, and were either slain or taken captive. The marques and his valiant brothers, with a few tried friends, made a stout resistance. His horse was killed under him; his brothers, Don Diego and Don Lope, with his two nephews, Don Lorenzo and Don Manuel, were one by one swept from his side, either transfixed with darts and lances by the soldiers of El Zagal or crushed by stones from the heights. The marques was a veteran warrior, and had been in many a bloody battle, but never before had death fallen so thick and close around him. When he saw his remaining brother, Don Beltran, struck out of his saddle by a fragment of a rock and his horse running wildly about without his rider, he gave a cry of anguish and stood bewildered and aghast. A few faithful followers surrounded him and entreated him to fly for his life. He would still have remained, to have shared the fortunes of his friend Don Alonso de Aguilar and his other companions-in-arms, but the forces of El Zagal were between him and them, and death was whistling by on every wind. Reluctantly, therefore, he consented to fly. Another horse was brought him: his faithful adalid guided him by one of the steepest paths, which lasted for four leagues, the enemy still hanging on his traces and thinning the scanty ranks of his followers. At length the marques reached the extremity of the mountain-defiles, and with a haggard remnant of his men escaped by dint of hoof to Antiquera.
His guide now led the way into another valley, where he would be less exposed to danger. When he reached the bottom, the marquis paused to gather his scattered followers and allow his fellow commanders to catch up with him. Suddenly, he was attacked by El Zagal's troops, assisted by mountaineers from the cliffs. The Christians, exhausted and terrified, lost all composure: most of them fled, either getting killed or captured. The marquis and his brave brothers, along with a few loyal friends, put up a strong resistance. His horse was killed underneath him; one by one, his brothers, Don Diego and Don Lope, along with his two nephews, Don Lorenzo and Don Manuel, were knocked down either by spears and lances from El Zagal's soldiers or crushed by stones from above. The marquis was a seasoned warrior, having fought in many bloody battles, but he had never experienced such death so close around him. When he saw his remaining brother, Don Beltran, knocked off his horse by a flying rock while his horse ran wild without a rider, he let out a cry of anguish and stood there, stunned and horrified. A few loyal followers gathered around him and urged him to flee for his life. He still wanted to stay and share the fate of his friend Don Alonso de Aguilar and his other comrades, but El Zagal's forces blocked his way to them, and death was coming at him from every direction. Reluctantly, he agreed to escape. Another horse was brought to him: his loyal guide took him along one of the steepest paths for about four leagues, the enemy still following closely and diminishing the few ranks of his followers. Finally, the marquis reached the edge of the mountain passes and, with a weary remnant of his men, managed to escape to Antequera.
The count of Cifuentes, with a few of his retainers, in attempting to follow the marques of Cadiz wandered into a narrow pass, where they were completely surrounded by the band of El Zagal. The count himself was assailed by six of the enemy, against whom he was defending himself with desperation, when their leader, struck with the inequality of the fight, ordered the others to desist, and continued the combat alone. The count, already exhausted, was soon compelled to surrender; his brother, Don Pedro de Silva, and the few of his retainers who survived, were likewise taken prisoners. The Moorish cavalier who had manifested such a chivalrous spirit in encountering the count singly was (3) Reduan Vanegas, brother of the former vizier of Muley Abul Hassan, and one of the leaders of the faction of the sultana Zoraya.
The Count of Cifuentes, along with a few of his followers, while trying to chase after the Marquis of Cadiz, got lost in a narrow pass where they were completely surrounded by El Zagal's group. The count himself was attacked by six enemies, and he fought desperately to defend himself. Seeing the unfairness of the fight, their leader ordered the others to stop and continued to battle the count alone. Already worn out, the count soon had to surrender; his brother, Don Pedro de Silva, and the few surviving followers were also captured. The Moorish knight who had shown such bravery in facing the count on his own was Reduan Vanegas, brother of the former vizier of Muley Abul Hassan, and one of the leaders of the faction of the sultana Zoraya.
The dawn of day found Don Alonso de Aguilar with a handful of his followers still among the mountains. They had attempted to follow the marques of Cadiz, but had been obliged to pause and defend themselves against the thickening forces of the enemy. They at length traversed the mountain, and reached the same valley where the marques had made his last disastrous stand. Wearied and perplexed, they sheltered themselves in a natural grotto under an overhanging rock, which kept off the darts of the enemy, while a bubbling fountain gave them the means of slaking their raging thirst and refreshing their exhausted steeds. As day broke the scene of slaughter unfolded its horrors. There lay the noble brothers and nephews of the gallant marques, transfixed with darts or gashed and bruised with unseemly wounds, while many other gallant cavaliers lay stretched out dead and dying around, some of them partly stripped and plundered by the Moors. De Aguilar was a pious knight, but his piety was not humble and resigned, like that of the worthy master of Santiago. He imprecated holy curses upon the infidels for having thus laid low the flower of Christian chivalry, and he vowed in his heart bitter vengeance upon the surrounding country.
The break of day found Don Alonso de Aguilar and a few of his followers still in the mountains. They had tried to keep up with the Marques of Cadiz but had to stop and defend themselves against the growing enemy forces. Eventually, they crossed the mountain and reached the same valley where the Marques had last faced disaster. Tired and confused, they took refuge in a natural grotto beneath an overhanging rock, which shielded them from enemy projectiles, while a bubbling fountain helped quench their intense thirst and refresh their weary horses. As the day began, the horrific scene of the slaughter came into view. There lay the noble brothers and nephews of the brave Marques, pierced by darts or wounded with unsightly gashes, while many other brave knights were sprawled out dead or dying around them, some partially stripped and looted by the Moors. De Aguilar was a devout knight, but his faith was not humble and resigned like that of the honorable master of Santiago. He called down holy curses upon the infidels for having brought low the best of Christian knighthood and vowed in his heart to take bitter revenge on the surrounding land.
By degrees the little force of De Aguilar was augmented by numbers of fugitives who issued from caves and chasms where they had taken refuge in the night. A little band of mounted knights was gradually formed, and, the Moors having abandoned the heights to collect the spoils of the slain, this gallant but forlorn squadron was enabled to retreat to Antiquera.
As time passed, the small group led by De Aguilar grew as numbers of refugees emerged from the caves and crevices where they had sought shelter during the night. A small band of mounted knights gradually came together, and with the Moors having left the high ground to gather the spoils of the fallen, this brave but doomed squad was able to retreat to Antiquera.
This disastrous affair lasted from Thursday evening, throughout Friday, the twenty-first of March, the festival of St. Benedict. It is still recorded in Spanish calendars as the defeat of the mountains of Malaga, and the spot where the greatest slaughter took place is called “la Cuesta de la Matanza,” or the Hill of the Massacre. The principal leaders who survived returned to Antiquera. Many of the knights took refuge in Alhama and other towns: many wandered about the mountains for eight days, living on roots and herbs, hiding themselves during the day and sallying forth at night. So enfeebled and disheartened were they that they offered no resistance if attacked. Three or four soldiers would surrender to a Moorish peasant, and even the women of Malaga sallied forth and made prisoners. Some were thrown into the dungeons of frontier towns, others led captive to Granada, but by far the greater number were conducted to Malaga, the city they had threatened to attack. Two hundred and fifty principal cavaliers, alcaydes, commanders, and hidalgos of generous blood were confined in the alcazaba, or citadel, of Malaga to await their ransom, and five hundred and seventy of the common soldiery were crowded in an enclosure or courtyard of the alcazaba to be sold as slaves.*
This disastrous event lasted from Thursday evening through Friday, March 21st, the feast of St. Benedict. It is still noted in Spanish calendars as the defeat in the mountains of Malaga, and the site of the greatest slaughter is called “la Cuesta de la Matanza,” or the Hill of the Massacre. The main leaders who survived returned to Antequera. Many of the knights found refuge in Alhama and other towns; many wandered the mountains for eight days, relying on roots and herbs, hiding during the day and coming out at night. They were so weak and disheartened that they offered no resistance when attacked. Three or four soldiers would surrender to a Moorish peasant, and even the women of Malaga came out and took prisoners. Some were thrown into dungeons in border towns, others were taken captive to Granada, but the majority were brought to Malaga, the city they had threatened to attack. Two hundred and fifty main knights, alcaydes, commanders, and noblemen were held in the alcazaba, or citadel, of Malaga to await ransom, and five hundred and seventy common soldiers were packed into an enclosure or courtyard of the alcazaba to be sold as slaves.*
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
Great spoils were collected of splendid armor and weapons taken from the slain or thrown away by the cavaliers in their flight, and many horses, magnificently caparisoned, together with numerous standards,—all which were paraded in triumph in the Moorish towns.
Great treasures were gathered, including impressive armor and weapons taken from the fallen or abandoned by the knights in their escape, along with many beautifully adorned horses and several banners—all of which were proudly displayed in the Moorish towns.
The merchants also who had come with the army, intending to traffic in the spoils of the Moors, were themselves made objects of traffic. Several of them were driven like cattle before the Moorish viragoes to the market of Malaga, and, in spite of all their adroitness in trade and their attempts to buy themselves off at a cheap ransom, they were unable to purchase their freedom without such draughts upon their money-bags at home as drained them to the very bottom.
The merchants who came with the army, planning to trade in the spoils of the Moors, ended up being traded themselves. Several of them were herded like cattle by the Moorish women to the market in Malaga. Despite their skills in business and efforts to buy their freedom for a low price, they couldn’t secure their release without exhausting their finances back home entirely.
The people of Antiquera had scarcely recovered from the tumult of excitement and admiration caused by the departure of the gallant band of cavaliers upon their foray when they beheld the scattered wrecks flying for refuge to their walls. Day after day and hour after hour brought some wretched fugitive, in whose battered plight and haggard woebegone demeanor it was almost impossible to recognize the warrior who had lately issued so gayly and gloriously from their gates.
The people of Antiquera had barely recovered from the excitement and admiration that came with the departure of the brave group of knights on their mission when they saw the broken remnants seeking refuge at their walls. Day after day and hour after hour brought some miserable escapee, in whose damaged condition and worn-out, sorrowful appearance it was nearly impossible to recognize the soldier who had so brightly and gloriously left their gates not long ago.
The arrival of the marques of Cadiz almost alone, covered with dust and blood, his armor shattered and defaced, his countenance the picture of despair, filled every heart with sorrow, for he was greatly beloved by the people. The multitude asked of his companions where was the band of brothers which had rallied round him as he went forth to the field, and when told that one by one they had been slaughtered at his side, they hushed their voices or spake to each other only in whispers as he passed, gazing at him in silent sympathy. No one attempted to console him in so great an affliction, nor did the good marques speak ever a word, but, shutting himself up, brooded in lonely anguish over his misfortune. It was only the arrival of Don Alonso de Aguilar that gave him a gleam of consolation, rejoicing to find that amidst the shafts of death which had fallen so thickly among his family his chosen friend and brother-in-arms had escaped uninjured.
The arrival of the Marquis of Cadiz, almost alone, covered in dust and blood, his armor broken and damaged, his face a picture of despair, filled everyone’s heart with sorrow, as he was deeply loved by the people. The crowd asked his companions where the band of brothers who had rallied around him when he went into battle were, and when they were told that one by one they had been killed at his side, they lowered their voices or spoke to each other only in whispers as he passed, looking at him with silent sympathy. No one tried to console him in such a deep loss, nor did the Marquis say a word, but he isolated himself, consumed by lonely anguish over his misfortune. It was only when Don Alonso de Aguilar arrived that he felt a glimmer of comfort, happy to find that amidst the lethal onslaught that had struck down so many in his family, his chosen friend and brother-in-arms had come through unharmed.
For several days every eye was turned in fearful suspense toward the Moorish border, anxiously looking in every fugitive from the mountains for the lineaments of some friend or relative whose fate was yet a mystery. At length every hope and doubt subsided into certainty; the whole extent of this great calamity was known, spreading grief and consternation throughout the land and laying desolate the pride and hopes of palaces. It was a sorrow that visited the marble hall and silken pillow. Stately dames mourned over the loss of their sons, the joy and glory of their age, and many a fair cheek was blanched with woe which had lately mantled with secret admiration. “All Andalusia,” says a historian of the time, “was overwhelmed by a great affliction; there was no drying of the eyes which wept in her.” *
For several days, everyone's eyes were anxiously fixed on the Moorish border, hoping to see some familiar face among the refugees from the mountains, yearning for news of friends or family whose fate was still unknown. Eventually, all hopes and doubts gave way to certainty; the full scale of this disaster became clear, bringing grief and despair across the land and shattering the pride and hopes of the grand palaces. It was a heartache that reached even the marble halls and silk pillows. Noble women mourned the loss of their sons, who were the joy and pride of their lives, and many a once-bright cheek turned pale with sorrow that had only recently glowed with hidden admiration. "All of Andalusia," a historian from that time notes, "was engulfed by a great sorrow; there were no dry eyes in her."
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
Fear and trembling reigned for a time along the frontier. Their spear seemed broken, their buckler cleft in twain: every border town dreaded an attack, and the mother caught her infant to her bosom when the watch-dog howled in the night, fancying it the war-cry of the Moor. All for a time seemed lost, and despondency even found its way to the royal breasts of Ferdinand and Isabella amidst the splendors of their court.
Fear and anxiety dominated the frontier for a while. Their spear appeared shattered, and their shield was split in two: every border town feared an attack, and mothers held their babies close when the watchdog barked in the night, thinking it was the battle cry of the Moors. For a time, everything seemed hopeless, and even the royal couple Ferdinand and Isabella felt despair amid the grandeur of their court.
Great, on the other hand, was the joy of the Moors when they saw whole legions of Christian warriors brought captive into their towns by rude mountain-peasantry. They thought it the work of Allah in favor of the faithful. But when they recognized among the captives thus dejected and broken down some of the proudest of Christian chivalry; when they saw several of the banners and devices of the noblest houses of Spain, which they had been accustomed to behold in the foremost of the battle, now trailed ignominiously through their streets; when, in short, they witnessed the arrival of the count of Cifuentes, the royal standard-bearer of Spain, with his gallant brother, Don Pedro de Silva, brought prisoners into the gates of Granada,—there were no bounds to their exultation. They thought that the days of their ancient glory were about to return, and that they were to renew their career of triumph over the unbelievers.
Great was the joy of the Moors when they saw entire legions of Christian warriors captured and brought into their towns by rough mountain peasants. They believed it was the work of Allah in favor of the faithful. But when they recognized among the dejected and broken captives some of the proudest knights of Christendom; when they saw several of the banners and emblems of the noblest families of Spain, which they were used to seeing at the front lines of battle, now dragged disgracefully through their streets; when they witnessed the arrival of the Count of Cifuentes, the royal standard-bearer of Spain, along with his brave brother, Don Pedro de Silva, being brought in as prisoners to the gates of Granada—there was no limit to their joy. They thought the days of their former glory were about to return and that they would resume their triumph over the nonbelievers.
The Christian historians of the time are sorely perplexed to account for this misfortune, and why so many Christian knights, fighting in the cause of the holy faith, should thus miraculously, as it were, be given captive to a handful of infidel boors, for we are assured that all this rout and destruction was effected by five hundred foot and fifty horse, and those mere mountaineers without science or discipline.* “It was intended,” observes one historiographer, “as a lesson to their confidence and vainglory, overrating their own prowess and thinking that so chosen a band of chivalry had but to appear in the land of the enemy and conquer. It was to teach them that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that God alone giveth the victory.”
The Christian historians of that time are truly baffled by this disaster, wondering why so many Christian knights, fighting for the cause of the holy faith, were seemingly captured by a small group of infidel peasants. We are told that all this chaos and destruction was caused by five hundred foot soldiers and fifty mounted troops, mere mountain dwellers without knowledge or training. “It was meant,” notes one historian, “as a lesson for their overconfidence and arrogance, as they overestimated their own strength and believed that such an elite group of knights could simply show up in enemy territory and win. It was meant to show them that the race doesn’t always go to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that victory comes from God alone.”
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cure of the Palaces.
The worthy father Fray Antonio Agapida, however, asserts it to be a punishment for the avarice of the Spanish warriors. They did not enter the kingdom of the infidels with the pure spirit of Christian knights, zealous only for the glory of the faith, but rather as greedy men of traffic, to enrich themselves by vending the spoils of the infidels. Instead of preparing themselves by confession and communion, and executing their testaments, and making donations and bequests to churches and convents, they thought only of arranging bargains and sales of their anticipated booty. Instead of taking with them holy monks to aid them with their prayers, they were followed by a train of trading-men to keep alive their worldly and sordid ideas, and to turn what ought to be holy triumphs into scenes of brawling traffic. Such is the opinion of the excellent Agapida, in which he is joined by that most worthy and upright of chroniclers, the curate of Los Palacios. Agapida comforts himself, however, with the reflection that this visitation was meant in mercy to try the Castilian heart, and to extract from its present humiliation the elements of future success, as gold is extracted from amidst the impurities of earth; and in this reflection he is supported by the venerable historian Pedro Abarca of the Society of Jesuits.*
The worthy father Fray Antonio Agapida believes it to be a punishment for the greed of the Spanish warriors. They didn't enter the realm of the infidels with the true spirit of Christian knights, driven only by the desire to glorify the faith, but rather as greedy traders looking to enrich themselves by selling the spoils of the infidels. Instead of preparing through confession and communion, writing their wills, and making donations to churches and convents, they focused solely on making deals and selling their expected plunder. Instead of bringing along holy monks to support them with prayers, they were accompanied by a group of merchants to keep their worldly and greedy thoughts alive, turning what should have been holy victories into scenes of chaotic trading. This is the view of the esteemed Agapida, and he shares it with the honorable and principled chronicler, the curate of Los Palacios. However, Agapida reassures himself with the thought that this trial was meant to test the Castilian heart and to draw from its current humiliation the seeds of future success, just as gold is extracted from the dirt; and in this thought, he finds support from the respected historian Pedro Abarca of the Society of Jesuits.*
* Abarca, Anales de Aragon, Rey 30, cap. 2, \0xA4 7.
* Abarca, Annals of Aragon, King 30, ch. 2, \0xA4 7.
The defeat of the Christian cavaliers among the mountains of Malaga, and the successful inroad of Muley Abul Hassan into the lands of Medina Sidonia, had produced a favorable effect on the fortunes of the old monarch. The inconstant populace began to shout forth his name in the streets, and to sneer at the inactivity of his son Boabdil el Chico. The latter, though in the flower of his age and distinguished for vigor and dexterity in jousts and tournaments, had never yet fleshed his weapon in the field of battle; and it was murmured that he preferred the silken repose of the cool halls of the Alhambra to the fatigue and danger of the foray and the hard encampments of the mountains.
The defeat of the Christian knights in the mountains of Malaga, along with Muley Abul Hassan's successful invasion of the lands of Medina Sidonia, had a positive impact on the fortunes of the old king. The fickle crowd began to call out his name in the streets and mock the inaction of his son Boabdil el Chico. The latter, though young and known for his strength and skill in jousts and tournaments, had never fought in a real battle; it was whispered that he preferred the comfortable luxury of the cool halls of the Alhambra to the fatigue and danger of raids and the harsh camps in the mountains.
The popularity of these rival kings depended upon their success against the Christians, and Boabdil el Chico found it necessary to strike some signal blow to counterbalance the late triumph of his father. He was further incited by his father-in-law, Ali Atar, alcayde of Loxa, with whom the coals of wrath against the Christians still burned among the ashes of age, and had lately been blown into a flame by the attack made by Ferdinand on the city under his command.
The popularity of these rival kings relied on how well they did against the Christians, and Boabdil el Chico felt he needed to make a big move to offset his father's recent victory. He was also pushed by his father-in-law, Ali Atar, the leader of Loxa, who still harbored deep resentment toward the Christians, a feeling that had recently reignited because of Ferdinand's assault on the city he was in charge of.
Ali Atar informed Boabdil that the late discomfiture of the Christian knights had stripped Andalusia of the prime of her chivalry and broken the spirit of the country. All the frontier of Cordova and Ecija now lay open to inroad; but he especially pointed out the city of Lucena as an object of attack, being feebly garrisoned and lying in a country rich in pasturage, abounding in cattle and grain, in oil and wine. The fiery old Moor spoke from thorough information, for he had made many an incursion into these parts, and his very name was a terror throughout the country. It had become a by-word in the garrison of Loxa to call Lucena the garden of Ali Atar, for he was accustomed to forage its fertile territories for all his supplies.
Ali Atar told Boabdil that the recent defeat of the Christian knights had taken away the best of Andalusia's chivalry and weakened the spirit of the land. The entire border of Cordova and Ecija was now open to invasion; he particularly pointed out the city of Lucena as a target, as it had a weak garrison and was located in a region rich in pastures, abundant in cattle and grain, oil, and wine. The passionate old Moor spoke from solid knowledge, having made many raids in these areas, and his name alone struck fear throughout the region. In the garrison of Loxa, it had become a saying to refer to Lucena as the garden of Ali Atar, since he often raided its fertile lands for all his supplies.
Boabdil el Chico listened to the persuasions of this veteran of the borders. He assembled a force of nine thousand foot and seven hundred horse, most of them his own adherents, but many the partisans of his father; for both factions, however they might fight among themselves, were ready to unite in any expedition against the Christians. Many of the most illustrious and valiant of the Moorish nobility assembled round his standard, magnificently arrayed in sumptuous armor and rich embroidery, as though for a festival or a tilt of canes rather than an enterprise of iron war. Boabdil’s mother, the sultana Ayxa la Horra, armed him for the field, and gave him her benediction as she girded his scimetar to his side. His favorite wife Morayma wept as she thought of the evils that might befall him. “Why dost thou weep, daughter of Ali Atar?” said the high-minded Ayxa: “these tears become not the daughter of a warrior nor the wife of a king. Believe me there lurks more danger for a monarch within the strong walls of a palace than within the frail curtains of a tent. It is by perils in the field that thy husband must purchase security on his throne.”
Boabdil el Chico listened to the advice of this experienced military leader. He gathered an army of nine thousand infantry and seven hundred cavalry, mostly his own supporters, but many were followers of his father; for both sides, despite their internal conflicts, were ready to join forces against the Christians. Many of the most notable and brave members of Moorish nobility gathered around his banner, dressed in extravagant armor and rich embroidery, as if for a celebration or a friendly tournament rather than a brutal war. Boabdil’s mother, the sultana Ayxa la Horra, prepared him for battle and blessed him as she fastened his scimitar at his side. His beloved wife Morayma cried as she thought about the dangers he might face. “Why are you crying, daughter of Ali Atar?” said the noble Ayxa: “those tears do not suit the daughter of a warrior or the wife of a king. Trust me, there’s more danger for a king inside the strong walls of a palace than within the fragile curtains of a tent. It is through facing dangers in battle that your husband must secure his throne.”
But Morayma still hung upon his neck with tears and sad forebodings, and when he departed from the Alhambra she betook herself to her mirador, overlooking the Vega, whence she watched the army as it went in shining order along the road leading to Loxa, and every burst of warlike melody that came swelling on the breeze was answered by a gush of sorrow.
But Morayma still clung to his neck, crying and filled with worry, and when he left the Alhambra, she went to her lookout, overlooking the Vega, where she watched the army march in shining formation along the road to Loxa. Every time a burst of martial music floated on the breeze, it was met with a wave of sadness.
As the royal cavalcade issued from the palace and descended through the streets of Granada the populace greeted their youthful sovereign with shouts, anticipating deeds of prowess that would wither the laurels of his father. The appearance of Boabdil was well calculated to captivate the public eye, if we may judge from the description given by the abbot of Rute in his manuscript history of the House of Cordova. He was mounted on a superb white charger magnificently caparisoned. His corselets were of polished steel richly ornamented, studded with gold nails, and lined with crimson velvet. He wore a steel casque exquisitely chiselled and embossed; his scimetar and dagger of Damascus were of highest temper; he had a round buckler at his shoulder and bore a ponderous lance. In passing through the gate of Elvira, however, he accidentally broke his lance against the arch. At this certain of his nobles turned pale and entreated him to turn back, for they regarded it as an evil omen. Boabdil scoffed at their fears as idle fancies. He refused to take another spear, but drew forth his scimetar and led the way (adds Agapida) in an arrogant and haughty style, as though he would set both Heaven and earth at defiance. Another evil omen was sent to deter him from his enterprise: arriving at the rambla, or dry ravine, of Beyro, which is scarcely a bowshot from the city, a fox ran through the whole army and close by the person of the king, and, though a thousand bolts were discharged at it, escaped uninjured to the mountains. The principal courtiers now reiterated their remonstrances against proceeding; the king, however, was not to be dismayed by these portents, but continued to march forward.*
As the royal procession left the palace and made its way through the streets of Granada, the crowd cheered for their young king, eager for him to achieve feats that would overshadow his father's legacy. Boabdil's appearance was likely to catch the public's attention, based on the account given by the abbot of Rute in his written history of the House of Cordova. He rode a magnificent white horse, beautifully adorned. His armor was made of polished steel, richly decorated, studded with gold, and lined with crimson velvet. He wore an intricately designed steel helmet; his scimitar and dagger were of the finest quality from Damascus; he carried a round shield on his shoulder and a heavy lance. However, as he passed through the gate of Elvira, he accidentally broke his lance against the arch. At this moment, some of his nobles turned pale and begged him to turn back, seeing it as a bad sign. Boabdil dismissed their fears as nonsense. He refused to take another spear but instead drew his scimitar and led the way (as Agapida notes) with an arrogant and defiant demeanor, as if he would challenge both Heaven and Earth. Another ominous sign appeared to dissuade him from his mission: when he reached the dry ravine of Beyro, which is just a stone's throw from the city, a fox ran through the entire army, close to the king, and despite thousands of arrows being shot at it, it escaped unharmed into the mountains. The leading courtiers continued to express their concerns about moving forward; however, the king was not deterred by these signs and kept marching on.
* Marmol, Rebel. de los Moros, lib. 1, c. xii., fol. 14.
* Marmol, Rebel. de los Moros, lib. 1, c. xii., fol. 14.
At Loxa the army was reinforced by old Ali Atar with the chosen horsemen of his garrison and many of the bravest warriors of the border towns. The people of Loxa shouted with exultation when they beheld Ali Atar armed at all points and mounted on his Barbary steed, which had often borne him over the borders. The veteran warrior, with nearly a century of years upon his head, had all the fire and animation of youth at the prospect of a foray, and careered from rank to rank with the velocity of an Arab of the desert. The populace watched the army as it paraded over the bridge and wound into the passes of the mountains, and still their eyes were fixed upon the pennon of Ali Atar as if it bore with it an assurance of victory.
At Loxa, the army was joined by old Ali Atar along with the elite horsemen from his garrison and many of the bravest fighters from the border towns. The people of Loxa cheered with joy when they saw Ali Atar fully armed and riding his Barbary horse, which had frequently carried him across the borders. The veteran warrior, nearly a hundred years old, had all the energy and enthusiasm of youth at the thought of a raid, moving from rank to rank with the speed of a desert Arab. The crowd watched as the army marched over the bridge and into the mountain passes, their eyes still fixed on Ali Atar's banner as if it promised victory.
The Moorish army entered the Christian frontier by forced marches, hastily ravaging the country, driving off the flocks and herds, and making captives of the inhabitants. They pressed on furiously, and made the latter part of their march in the night, to elude observation and come upon Lucena by surprise. Boabdil was inexperienced in warfare, but had a veteran counsellor in his old father-in-law; for Ali Atar knew every secret of the country, and as he prowled through it his eye ranged over the land, uniting in its glare the craft of the fox with the sanguinary ferocity of the wolf. He had flattered himself that their march had been so rapid as to outstrip intelligence, and that Lucena would be an easy capture, when suddenly he beheld alarm-fires blazing upon the mountains. “We are discovered,” said he to Boabdil; “the country will be up in arms; we have nothing left but to strike boldly for Lucena: it is but slightly garrisoned, and we may carry it by assault before it can receive assistance.” The king approved of his counsel, and they marched rapidly for the gate of Lucena.
The Moorish army crossed into the Christian territory with forced marches, quickly destroying everything in their path, taking livestock, and capturing the locals. They pressed on fiercely, completing the later part of their journey at night to avoid detection and catch Lucena by surprise. Boabdil was inexperienced in battle, but he had a seasoned advisor in his father-in-law; Ali Atar knew all the secrets of the land, and as he moved through it, his gaze combined the cunning of a fox with the brutal ferocity of a wolf. He had convinced himself that their swift advance had outpaced any warnings, and that Lucena would be an easy target, when suddenly he saw alarm fires burning on the mountains. “We’ve been discovered,” he told Boabdil; “the locals will be ready to fight; we have no choice but to go straight for Lucena: it’s only lightly garrisoned, and we could take it by assault before they get reinforcements.” The king agreed with his plan, and they rushed toward the gate of Lucena.
Don Diego de Cordova, count of Cabra, was in the castle of Vaena, which, with the town of the same name, is situated on a lofty sun-burnt hill on the frontier of the kingdom of Cordova and but a few leagues from Lucena. The range of mountains of Horquera lies between them. The castle of Vaena was strong and well furnished with arms, and the count had a numerous band of vassals and retainers; for it behooved the noblemen of the frontiers in those times to be well prepared with man and horse, with lance and buckler, to resist the sudden incursions of the Moors. The count of Cabra was a hardy and experienced warrior, shrewd in council, prompt in action, rapid and fearless in the field. He was one of the bravest of cavaliers for an inroad, and had been quickened and sharpened in thought and action by living on the borders.
Don Diego de Cordova, Count of Cabra, was at the castle of Vaena, which, along with the town of the same name, is perched on a high sun-baked hill on the edge of the Kingdom of Cordova and just a few miles from Lucena. The Horquera mountain range sits between them. The castle of Vaena was strong and well-stocked with weapons, and the count had a large group of vassals and followers; noblemen on the frontiers at that time needed to be well-equipped with men and horses, lances, and shields to fend off sudden attacks from the Moors. The Count of Cabra was a tough and seasoned warrior, clever in strategy, quick to act, and fearless on the battlefield. He was one of the most courageous knights for raids and had become sharper and more perceptive in thought and action from living on the borders.
On the night of the 20th of April, 1483, the count was about to retire to rest when the watchman from the turret brought him word that there were alarm-fires on the mountains of Horquera, and that they were made on the signal-tower overhanging the defile through which the road passes to Cabra and Lucena.
On the night of April 20, 1483, the count was getting ready to go to bed when the lookout from the tower informed him that there were warning fires on the Horquera mountains, lit on the signal tower overlooking the pathway leading to Cabra and Lucena.
The count ascended the battlement and beheld five lights blazing on the tower—a sign that there was a Moorish army attacking some place on the frontier. The count instantly ordered the alarm-bells to be sounded, and despatched couriers to rouse the commanders of the neighboring towns. He called upon his retainers to prepare for action, and sent a trumpet through the town summoning the men to assemble at the castle-gate at daybreak armed and equipped for the field.
The count climbed up to the rampart and saw five lights shining on the tower—a sign that a Moorish army was attacking somewhere on the border. He quickly ordered the alarm bells to be rung and sent messengers to wake the leaders of the nearby towns. He called on his soldiers to get ready for battle and sent a trumpet through the town to gather the men at the castle gate at dawn, armed and ready for action.
Throughout the remainder of the night the castle resounded with the din of preparation. Every house in the town was in equal bustle, for in these frontier towns every house had its warrior, and the lance and buckler were ever hanging against the wall ready to be snatched down for instant service. Nothing was heard but the din of armorers, the shoeing of steeds, and furbishing up of weapons, and all night long the alarm-fires kept blazing on the mountains.
Throughout the rest of the night, the castle echoed with the noise of preparation. Every house in the town was equally busy, because in these border towns, every household had its warrior, and the spear and shield were always hanging on the wall, ready to be grabbed for immediate action. The only sounds were the clamor of armorers, the horses being shod, and the polishing of weapons, and all night long, the signal fires continued to burn on the mountains.
When the morning dawned the count of Cabra sallied forth at the head of two hundred and fifty cavaliers of the best families of Vaena, all well appointed, exercised in arms, and experienced in the warfare of the borders. There were besides twelve hundred foot-soldiers, brave and well-seasoned men of the same town. The count ordered them to hasten forward, whoever could make most speed, taking the road to Cabra, which was three leagues distant. That they might not loiter on the road he allowed none of them to break their fast until they arrived at that place. The provident count despatched couriers in advance, and the little army on reaching Cabra found tables spread with food and refreshments at the gates of the town. Here they were joined by Don Alonso de Cordova, senior of Zuheros.
When morning came, the Count of Cabra set out with two hundred and fifty knights from the best families of Vaena, all well-equipped, trained in combat, and experienced in border warfare. In addition, there were twelve hundred foot soldiers, brave and seasoned men from the same town. The count ordered them to move quickly, with those who could go faster taking the road to Cabra, which was three leagues away. To prevent any delays, he didn’t allow anyone to eat until they reached their destination. The thoughtful count sent couriers ahead, and when the small army arrived in Cabra, they found tables filled with food and refreshments at the town gates. Here, they were joined by Don Alonso de Cordova, the elder of Zuheros.
Having made a hearty repast, they were on the point of resuming their march when the count discovered that in the hurry of his departure from home he had forgotten to bring the standard of Vaena, which for upward of eighty years had always been borne to battle by his family. It was now noon, and there was no time to return: he took, therefore, the standard of Cabra, the device of which is a goat, and which had not been seen in the wars for the last half century. When about to depart a courier came galloping at full speed, bringing missives to the count from his nephew, Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, senior of Lucena and alcayde de los Donceles,* entreating him to hasten to his aid, as his town was beset by the Moorish king, Boabdil el Chico, with a powerful army, who were actually setting fire to the gates.
After having a hearty meal, they were about to continue their march when the count realized, in the rush to leave home, he had forgotten to bring the Vaena standard, which had been carried into battle by his family for over eighty years. It was now noon, and there was no time to go back, so he took the Cabra standard instead, which featured a goat and hadn’t been seen in battle for the last fifty years. Just as they were about to leave, a courier came galloping in at full speed, delivering messages to the count from his nephew, Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, the senior of Lucena and alcayde de los Donceles,* urging him to hurry to his aid since his town was being attacked by the Moorish king, Boabdil el Chico, along with a powerful army that was already setting fire to the gates.
* The “Donceles” were young cavaliers who had been pages in the royal household, but now formed an elite corps in the army.
* The “Donceles” were young knights who had served as pages in the royal household, but now made up an elite unit in the army.
The count put his little army instantly in movement for Lucena, which is only one league from Cabra; he was fired with the idea of having the Moorish king in person to contend with. By the time he reached Lucena the Moors had desisted from the attack and were ravaging the surrounding country. He entered the town with a few of his cavaliers, and was received with joy by his nephew, whose whole force consisted but of eighty horse and three hundred foot. Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova was a young man, yet he was a prudent, careful, and capable officer. Having learnt, the evening before, that the Moors had passed the frontiers, he had gathered within his walls all the women and children from the environs, had armed the men, sent couriers in all directions for succor, and had lighted alarm-fires on the mountains.
The count quickly mobilized his small army towards Lucena, which is just a league away from Cabra; he was eager to face the Moorish king directly. By the time he arrived in Lucena, the Moors had called off their attack and were pillaging the surrounding area. He entered the town with a few of his knights and was warmly welcomed by his nephew, whose entire force consisted of only eighty cavalry and three hundred infantry. Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova was young, but he was a wise, cautious, and capable leader. After learning the evening before that the Moors had crossed the borders, he had gathered all the women and children from the nearby areas within his walls, armed the men, sent messengers in all directions for help, and lit alarm fires on the mountains.
Boabdil had arrived with his army at daybreak, and had sent in a message threatening to put the garrison to the sword if the place were not instantly surrendered. The messenger was a Moor of Granada, named Hamet, whom Don Diego had formerly known: he contrived to amuse him with negotiation to gain time for succor to arrive. The fierce old Ali Atar, losing all patience, had made an assault upon the town and stormed like a fury at the gate, but had been repulsed. Another and more serious attack was expected in the course of the night.
Boabdil arrived with his army at dawn and sent a message threatening to kill the garrison if they didn’t surrender immediately. The messenger was a Moor from Granada named Hamet, whom Don Diego had known before; he managed to stall him with negotiations to buy time for help to arrive. The fierce old Ali Atar, losing all patience, charged the town and angrily assaulted the gate but was pushed back. A more serious attack was expected later that night.
When the count de Cabra had heard this account of the situation of affairs, he turned to his nephew with his usual alacrity of manner, and proposed that they should immediately sally forth in quest of the enemy. The prudent Don Diego remonstrated at the rashness of attacking so great a force with a mere handful of men. “Nephew,” said the count, “I came from Vaena with a determination to fight this Moorish king, and I will not be disappointed.”
When Count de Cabra heard this account of the situation, he turned to his nephew with his usual enthusiasm and suggested that they should immediately head out in search of the enemy. The cautious Don Diego argued against the recklessness of attacking such a large force with just a small group of men. “Nephew,” said the count, “I came from Vaena ready to take on this Moorish king, and I won’t be let down.”
“At any rate,” replied Don Diego, “let us wait but two hours, and we shall have reinforcements which have been promised me from Rambla, Santaella, Montilla, and other places in the neighborhood.” “If we await these,” said the hardy count, “the Moors will be off, and all our trouble will have been in vain. You may await them if you please; I am resolved on fighting.”
“At any rate,” replied Don Diego, “let’s just wait two hours, and we’ll have the reinforcements that were promised to me from Rambla, Santaella, Montilla, and other nearby places.” “If we wait for them,” said the determined count, “the Moors will be gone, and all our efforts will have been for nothing. You can wait for them if you want; I’m set on fighting.”
The count paused for no reply, but in his prompt and rapid manner sallied forth to his men. The young alcayde de los Donceles, though more prudent than his ardent uncle, was equally brave; he determined to stand by him in his rash enterprise, and, summoning his little force, marched forth to join the count, who was already on the move. They then proceeded together in quest of the enemy.
The count paused for an answer, but in his quick and energetic way, he headed out to his men. The young alcayde de los Donceles, while more cautious than his impulsive uncle, was just as brave; he decided to support him in his reckless mission and, gathering his small force, set out to join the count, who was already on the move. They then continued together in search of the enemy.
The Moorish army had ceased ravaging the country, and was not to be seen, the neighborhood being hilly and broken with deep ravines. The count despatched six scouts on horseback to reconnoitre, ordering them to return with all speed on discovering the enemy, and by no means to engage in skirmishing with stragglers. The scouts, ascending a high hill, beheld the Moorish army in a valley behind it, the cavalry ranged in five battalions keeping guard, while the foot-soldiers were seated on the grass making a repast. They returned immediately with the intelligence.
The Moorish army had stopped plundering the area and was nowhere to be seen, as the terrain was hilly and filled with deep ravines. The count sent six scouts on horseback to gather information, instructing them to hurry back as soon as they spotted the enemy and to avoid engaging with any stragglers. The scouts climbed a high hill and saw the Moorish army in a valley behind it, with the cavalry arranged in five battalions on guard while the foot soldiers sat on the grass having a meal. They returned immediately with the news.
The count now ordered the troops to march in the direction of the enemy. He and his nephew ascended the hill, and saw that the five battalions of Moorish cavalry had been formed into two, one of about nine hundred lances, the other of about six hundred. The whole force seemed prepared to march for the frontier. The foot-soldiers were already under way with many prisoners and a great train of mules and beasts of burden laden with booty. At a distance was Boabdil el Chico: they could not distinguish his person, but they knew him by his superb black and white charger, magnificently caparisoned, and by his being surrounded by a numerous guard sumptuously armed and attired. Old Ali Atar was careering about the valley with his usual impatience, hurrying the march of the loitering troops.
The count now ordered the troops to march toward the enemy. He and his nephew climbed the hill and saw that the five battalions of Moorish cavalry had been divided into two groups: one with about nine hundred lances and the other with around six hundred. The entire force seemed ready to march toward the border. The foot soldiers had already set off with many prisoners and a large train of mules and pack animals loaded with loot. In the distance was Boabdil el Chico; they couldn’t make out his figure, but they recognized him by his magnificent black and white horse, beautifully adorned, and by the numerous guards surrounding him, all lavishly armed and dressed. Old Ali Atar was racing around the valley with his usual impatience, urging the slow-moving troops to hurry.
The eyes of the count de Cabra glistened with eager joy as he beheld the royal prize within his reach. The immense disparity of their forces never entered into his mind. “By Santiago!” said he to his nephew as they hastened down the hill, “had we waited for more forces the Moorish king and his army would have escaped us.”
The count de Cabra's eyes sparkled with excitement as he saw the royal prize within his grasp. He never considered the huge difference in their forces. “By Santiago!” he exclaimed to his nephew as they hurried down the hill, “if we had waited for more troops, the Moorish king and his army would have gotten away.”
The count now harangued his men to inspirit them to this hazardous encounter. He told them not to be dismayed at the number of the Moors, for God often permitted the few to conquer the many, and he had great confidence that through the divine aid they were that day to achieve a signal victory which should win them both riches and renown. He commanded that no man should hurl his lance at the enemy, but should keep it in his hands and strike as many blows with it as he could. He warned them also never to shout except when the Moors did, for when both armies shouted together there was no perceiving which made the most noise and was the strongest. He desired his uncle Lope de Mendoza, and Diego de Cabrera, alcayde of Dona Mencia, to alight and enter on foot in the battalion of infantry to animate them to the combat. He appointed also the alcayde of Vaena and Diego de Clavijo, a cavalier of his household, to remain in the rear, and not to permit any one to lag behind, either to despoil the dead or for any other purpose.
The count now urged his men to motivate them for this risky encounter. He told them not to be discouraged by the number of Moors, as God often allowed the few to defeat the many, and he strongly believed that with divine help, they would achieve a significant victory that day, bringing them both wealth and fame. He instructed that no one should throw their lance at the enemy, but keep it ready to strike as many blows as possible. He also warned them never to shout unless the Moors did, because when both armies shouted together, it was hard to tell which one was louder and stronger. He asked his uncle Lope de Mendoza and Diego de Cabrera, the commander of Dona Mencia, to dismount and join the infantry to encourage them in battle. He also assigned the commander of Vaena and Diego de Clavijo, a knight in his service, to stay at the back and ensure that no one lagged behind, whether to loot the dead or for any other reason.
Such were the orders given by this most adroit, active, and intrepid cavalier to his little army, supplying by admirable sagacity and subtle management the want of a more numerous force. His orders being given and all arrangements made, he threw aside his lance, drew his sword, and commanded his standard to be advanced against the enemy.
Such were the orders given by this clever, energetic, and bold knight to his small army, compensating for the lack of a larger force with impressive wisdom and skillful management. Once he gave the orders and made all the arrangements, he put down his lance, drew his sword, and commanded his banner to be raised against the enemy.
The Moorish king had descried the Spanish forces at a distance, although a slight fog prevented his seeing them distinctly and ascertaining their numbers. His old father-in-law, Ali Atar, was by his side, who, being a veteran marauder, was well acquainted with all the standards and armorial bearings of the frontiers. When the king beheld the ancient and long-disused banner of Cabra emerging from the mist, he turned to Ali Atar and demanded whose ensign it was. The old borderer was for once at a loss, for the banner had not been displayed in battle in his time. “In truth,” replied he, after a pause, “I have been considering that standard for some time, but I confess I do not know it. It cannot be the ensign of any single commander or community, for none would venture single-handed to attack you. It appears to be a dog, which device is borne by the towns of Baeza and Ubeda. If it be so, all Andalusia is in movement against you, and I would advise you to retire.”
The Moorish king had spotted the Spanish forces from a distance, but a little fog made it hard for him to see them clearly and determine their numbers. His old father-in-law, Ali Atar, was next to him; being an experienced raider, he knew all the flags and coats of arms from the borders. When the king saw the old and rarely used banner of Cabra coming out of the mist, he asked Ali Atar whose flag it was. For once, the old borderer was stumped because the banner hadn't been displayed in battle during his time. “Honestly,” he replied after thinking for a moment, “I've been trying to figure out that standard, but I admit I don’t recognize it. It can’t belong to any one commander or group, since none would dare to attack you alone. It looks like a dog, which is a symbol used by the towns of Baeza and Ubeda. If that’s the case, then all of Andalusia is gearing up against you, and I suggest you retreat.”
The count de Cabra, in winding down the hill toward the Moors, found himself on much lower ground than the enemy: he ordered in all haste that his standard should be taken back, so as to gain the vantage-ground. The Moors, mistaking this for a retreat, rushed impetuously toward the Christians. The latter, having gained the height proposed, charged upon them at the same moment with the battle-cry of “Santiago!” and, dealing the first blows, laid many of the Moorish cavaliers in the dust.
The Count de Cabra, while making his way down the hill toward the Moors, found himself on much lower ground than the enemy. He quickly ordered his standard to be pulled back to secure the higher ground. The Moors, misunderstanding this as a retreat, rushed eagerly toward the Christians. The latter, having gained the proposed height, charged at them simultaneously with the battle cry of “Santiago!” and struck first, knocking many of the Moorish knights to the ground.
The Moors, thus checked in their tumultuous assault, were thrown into confusion, and began to give way, the Christians following hard upon them. Boabdil el Chico endeavored to rally them. “Hold! hold! for shame!” cried he; “let us not fly, at least until we know our enemy.” The Moorish chivalry were stung by this reproof, and turned to make front with the valor of men who feel that they are fighting under their monarch’s eye.
The Moors, caught off guard in their chaotic attack, were thrown into disarray and started to retreat, with the Christians right behind them. Boabdil el Chico tried to regroup them. “Stop! Stop! What a disgrace!” he shouted; “let’s not run away, at least until we know who we’re up against.” The Moorish knights were energized by his words and faced the enemy with the bravery of men who know they are fighting under the watchful eye of their king.
At this moment, Lorenzo de Porres, alcayde of Luque, arrived with fifty horse and one hundred foot, sounding an Italian trumpet from among a copse of oak trees which concealed his force. The quick ear of old Ali Atar caught the note. “That is an Italian trumpet,” said he to the king; “the whole world seems in arms against Your Highness!”
At that moment, Lorenzo de Porres, the commander of Luque, showed up with fifty cavalry and one hundred infantry, blowing an Italian trumpet from a grove of oak trees that hid his troops. Old Ali Atar's sharp hearing picked up the sound. “That’s an Italian trumpet,” he told the king; “it feels like the whole world is getting ready to fight against Your Highness!”
The trumpet of Lorenzo de Porres was answered by that of the count de Cabra in another direction, and it seemed to the Moors as if they were between two armies. Don Lorenzo, sallying from among the oaks, now charged upon the enemy: the latter did not wait to ascertain the force of this new foe; the confusion, the variety of alarums, the attacks from opposite quarters, the obscurity of the fog, all conspired to deceive them as to the number of their adversaries. Broken and dismayed, they retreated fighting, and nothing but the presence and remonstrances of the king prevented their retreat from becoming a headlong flight. If Boabdil had displayed little of the talents of a general in the outset of his enterprise, he manifested courage and presence of mind amid the disasters of its close. Seconded by a small body of cavalry, the choicest and most loyal of his guards, he made repeated stand against the press of the foe in a skirmishing retreat of about three leagues, and the way was strewn with the flower of his chivalry. At length they came to the brook of Martin Gonzales (or Mingozales, as it is called by the Moorish chroniclers), which, swollen by recent rain, was now a deep and turbid torrent. Here a scene of confusion ensued. Horse and foot precipitated themselves into the stream. Some of the horses stuck fast in the mire and blocked up the ford; others trampled down the foot-soldiers; many were drowned and more carried down the stream. Such of the foot-soldiers as gained the opposite side immediately took to flight; the horsemen, too, who had struggled through the stream, gave reins to their steeds and scoured for the frontier.
The trumpet call of Lorenzo de Porres was met by that of Count de Cabra from another direction, making it feel to the Moors like they were caught between two armies. Don Lorenzo, charging out from among the oaks, attacked the enemy head-on. They didn't wait to figure out how strong this new opponent was; the chaos, the different alarms, the assaults from different sides, and the thick fog all tricked them into underestimating their foes. Broken and confused, they fell back while still fighting, and only the king's presence and protests kept their retreat from turning into a full-blown flight. While Boabdil may not have shown much skill as a general at the start, he did display bravery and quick thinking amid the chaos at the end. Backed by a small group of trusted cavalry, the best and most loyal of his guards, he made several stands against the pressing enemy during a retreat of about three leagues, leaving the path littered with the finest of his knights. Eventually, they reached the brook of Martin Gonzales (or Mingozales, as the Moorish chroniclers refer to it), which, swollen by recent rain, had turned into a deep and muddy torrent. A scene of chaos erupted here. Horsemen and foot soldiers plunged into the water. Some horses got stuck in the mud, blocking the ford; others trampled the infantry; many drowned while even more were swept away by the current. Those foot soldiers who made it to the other side immediately ran away; the horsemen who managed to cross the stream urged their horses on and raced to the frontier.
The little band of devoted cavaliers about the king serried their forces to keep the enemy in check, fighting with them hand to hand until he should have time to cross. In the tumult his horse was shot down, and he became environed in the throng of foot-soldiers struggling forward to the ford and in peril from the lances of their pursuers. Conscious that his rich array made him a conspicuous object, he retreated along the bank of the river, and endeavored to conceal himself in a thicket of willows and tamarisks. Thence, looking back, he beheld his loyal band at length give way, supposing, no doubt, he had effected his escape. They crossed the ford, followed pell-mell by the enemy, and several of them were struck down in the stream.
The small group of loyal knights surrounding the king gathered their forces to hold back the enemy, battling them up close until he had a chance to cross. In the chaos, his horse was shot, and he found himself surrounded by foot soldiers pushing forward toward the river crossing, at risk from their pursuers' lances. Aware that his fancy armor made him an easy target, he slipped away along the riverbank and tried to hide in a thicket of willows and tamarisks. From there, he looked back and saw his loyal group finally break as they assumed he had escaped. They crossed the river, followed closely by the enemy, and several of them were taken down in the water.
While Boabdil was meditating to throw himself into the water and endeavor to swim across, he was discovered by Martin Hurtado, regidor of Lucena, a brave cavalier who had been captive in the prisons of Granada and exchanged for a Christian knight. Hurtado attacked the king with a pike, but was kept at bay until, seeing other soldiers approaching, Boabdil cried for quarter, proclaiming himself a person of high rank who would pay a noble ransom. At this moment came up several men of Vaena, of the troop of the count de Cabra. Hearing the talk of ransom and noticing the splendid attire of the Moor, they endeavored to secure for themselves so rich a prize. One of them seized hold of Boabdil, but the latter resented the indignity by striking him to the earth with a blow of his poniard. Others of Hurtado’s townsmen coming up, a contest arose between the men of Lucena and Vaena as to who had a right to the prisoner. The noise brought Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova to the spot, who by his authority put an end to the altercation. Boabdil, finding himself unknown by all present, concealed his quality, giving himself out as the son of Aben Alnayer, a cavalier of the royal household.* Don Diego treated him with great courtesy, put a red band round his neck in sign of his being a captive, and sent him under an escort to the castle of Lucena where his quality would be ascertained, his ransom arranged, and the question settled as to who had made him prisoner.
While Boabdil was contemplating throwing himself into the water to try to swim across, he was spotted by Martin Hurtado, the regidor of Lucena, a brave knight who had been held captive in the prisons of Granada and exchanged for a Christian knight. Hurtado attacked the king with a spear, but was kept at bay until, seeing other soldiers coming, Boabdil shouted for mercy, declaring himself a person of high rank who would pay a substantial ransom. At that moment, several men from Vaena, part of the count de Cabra's troop, arrived. Hearing the mention of ransom and noticing the Moor’s lavish attire, they sought to capture such a valuable prize for themselves. One of them grabbed Boabdil, but he retaliated, striking him to the ground with a thrust of his dagger. As other townsmen from Hurtado arrived, a dispute broke out between the men of Lucena and Vaena over who had the right to the prisoner. The commotion attracted Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, who intervened and ended the argument with his authority. Boabdil, realizing he was not recognized by anyone present, concealed his identity, claiming to be the son of Aben Alnayer, a knight of the royal household.* Don Diego treated him with great courtesy, placed a red band around his neck to indicate that he was a captive, and sent him with an escort to the castle of Lucena, where his identity would be verified, his ransom arranged, and the matter of who had captured him settled.
* Garibay, lib. 40, cap 31.
* Garibay, lib. 40, cap 31.
This done, the count put spurs to his horse and hastened to rejoin the count de Cabra, who was in hot pursuit of the enemy. He overtook him at a stream called Reanaul, and they continued together to press on the skirts of the flying army during the remainder of the day. The pursuit was almost as hazardous as the battle, for had the enemy at any time recovered from their panic, they might, by a sudden reaction, have overwhelmed the small force of their pursuers. To guard against this peril, the wary count kept his battalion always in close order, and had a body of a hundred chosen lancers in the advance. The Moors kept up a Parthian retreat; several times they turned to make battle, but, seeing this solid body of steeled warriors pressing upon them, they again took to flight.
Once that was done, the count spurred his horse and hurried to catch up with the count de Cabra, who was hot on the enemy's trail. He caught up with him at a stream called Reanaul, and they continued together to pursue the fleeing army for the rest of the day. The chase was nearly as dangerous as the battle itself, because if the enemy had managed to shake off their panic, they could have suddenly turned the tables and overwhelmed their small group of pursuers. To avoid this risk, the cautious count kept his battalion tightly organized and positioned a hundred elite lancers at the front. The Moors maintained a type of retreat; several times they turned to fight, but when they saw the solid line of armored warriors closing in on them, they fled again.
The main retreat of the army was along the valley watered by the Xenil and opening through the mountains of Algaringo to the city of Loxa. The alarm-fires of the preceding night had aroused the country; every man snatched sword and buckler from the wall, and the towns and villages poured forth their warriors to harass the retreating foe. Ali Atar kept the main force of the army together, and turned fiercely from time to time upon his pursuers: he was like a wolf hunted through the country he had often made desolate by his maraudings.
The main retreat of the army was through the valley fed by the Xenil, leading through the Algaringo mountains to the city of Loxa. The warning fires from the night before had alarmed the entire region; every man grabbed his sword and shield from the wall, and the towns and villages sent out their fighters to attack the retreating enemy. Ali Atar kept the main force of the army together and occasionally turned fiercely on his pursuers: he was like a wolf being hunted through the land he had often devastated with his raids.
The alarm of this invasion had reached the city of Antiquera, where were several of the cavaliers who had escaped from the carnage in the mountains of Malaga. Their proud minds were festering with their late disgrace, and their only prayer was for vengeance on the infidels. No sooner did they hear of the Moor being over the border than they were armed and mounted for action. Don Alonso de Aguilar led them forth—a small body of but forty horsemen, but all cavaliers of prowess and thirsting for revenge. They came upon the foe on the banks of the Xenil where it winds through the valleys of Cordova. The river, swelled by the late rains, was deep and turbulent and only fordable at certain places. The main body of the army was gathered in confusion on the banks, endeavoring to ford the stream, protected by the cavalry of Ali Atar.
The alarm about this invasion had reached the city of Antiquera, where several of the knights who had escaped the slaughter in the mountains of Malaga were located. Their pride was festering from their recent disgrace, and their only wish was for revenge against the infidels. As soon as they heard that the Moors had crossed the border, they armed themselves and got on their horses, ready for action. Don Alonso de Aguilar led them out—a small group of just forty horsemen, but all skilled knights eager for vengeance. They encountered the enemy on the banks of the Xenil River as it winds through the valleys of Cordova. The river, swollen from the recent rains, was deep and turbulent and could only be crossed at certain points. The main body of the army was gathered in confusion on the banks, trying to cross the stream, while protected by Ali Atar's cavalry.
No sooner did the little band of Alonso de Aguilar come in sight of the Moors than fury flashed from their eyes. “Remember the mountains of Malaga!” cried they to each other as they rushed to combat. Their charge was desperate, but was gallantly resisted. A scrambling and bloody fight ensued, hand to hand and sword to sword, sometimes on land, sometimes in the water. Many were lanced on the banks; others, throwing themselves into the river, sank with the weight of their armor and were drowned; some, grappling together, fell from their horses, but continued their struggle in the waves, and helm and turban rolled together down the stream. The Moors were far greater in number, and among them were many warriors of rank; but they were disheartened by defeat, while the Christians were excited even to desperation.
No sooner did Alonso de Aguilar's small group see the Moors than fury sparked in their eyes. “Remember the mountains of Malaga!” they shouted to each other as they charged into battle. Their attack was reckless, but they were bravely fought back against. A chaotic and bloody fight broke out, with hand-to-hand combat and swords clashing, sometimes on land, other times in the water. Many were speared on the banks; others, diving into the river, sank under the weight of their armor and drowned; some, locked in battle, fell from their horses but continued to fight in the waves, helmets and turbans rolling together down the stream. The Moors had a much larger force, and many of them were noble warriors; yet, they were discouraged by their previous defeats, while the Christians were fueled by desperation.
Ali Atar alone preserved all his fire and energy amid his reverses. He had been enraged at the defeat of the army and the ignominious flight he had been obliged to make through a country which had so often been the scene of his exploits; but to be thus impeded in his flight and harassed and insulted by a mere handful of warriors roused the violent passions of the old Moor to perfect frenzy. He had marked Don Alonso de Aguilar dealing his blows (says Agapida) with the pious vehemence of a righteous knight, who knows that in every wound inflicted upon the infidels he is doing God service. Ali Atar spurred his steed along the bank of the river to come upon Don Alonso by surprise. The back of the warrior was toward him, and, collecting all his force, the Moor hurled his lance to transfix him on the spot. The lance was not thrown with the usual accuracy of Ali Atar: it tore away a part of the cuirass of Don Alonso, but failed to inflict a wound. The Moor rushed upon Don Alonso with his scimetar, but the latter was on the alert and parried his blow. They fought desperately upon the borders of the river, alternately pressing each other into the stream and fighting their way again up the bank. Ali Atar was repeatedly wounded, and Don Alonso, having pity on his age, would have spared his life: he called upon him to surrender. “Never,” cried Ali Atar, “to a Christian dog!” The words were scarce out of his mouth when the sword of Don Alonso clove his turbaned head and sank deep into the brain. He fell dead without a groan; his body rolled into the Xenil, nor was it ever found or recognized.* Thus fell Ali Atar, who had long been the terror of Andalusia. As he had hated and warred upon the Christians all his life, so he died in the very act of bitter hostility.
Ali Atar maintained all his fire and energy despite his setbacks. He had been furious about the army's defeat and the humiliating retreat he was forced to make through territory where he had often triumphed; however, being hindered in his escape and taunted by a small group of fighters pushed the old Moor into a fit of rage. He had seen Don Alonso de Aguilar striking his blows (says Agapida) with the fervent determination of a righteous knight, who believes that every wound he inflicts on the infidels serves God. Ali Atar urged his horse along the riverbank, intending to surprise Don Alonso. The warrior had his
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
The fall of Ali Atar put an end to the transient stand of the cavalry. Horse and foot mingled together in the desperate struggle across the Xenil, and many were trampled down and perished beneath the waves. Don Alonso and his band continued to harass them until they crossed the frontier, and every blow struck home to the Moors seemed to lighten the load of humiliation and sorrow which had weighed heavy on their hearts.
The fall of Ali Atar marked the end of the cavalry's temporary stance. Horses and soldiers mixed together in the frantic fight across the Xenil, and many got trampled and drowned in the river. Don Alonso and his team kept attacking them until they crossed the border, and each hit against the Moors felt like a relief from the burden of humiliation and grief that had been weighing on their hearts.
In this disastrous rout the Moors lost upward of five thousand killed and made prisoners, many of whom were of the most noble lineages of Granada; numbers fled to rocks and mountains, where they were subsequently taken.
In this disastrous defeat, the Moors lost over five thousand people killed and captured, many of whom came from the noblest families of Granada; many fled to the rocks and mountains, where they were later caught.
Boabdil remained a prisoner in the state tower of the citadel of Lucena under the vigilance of Alonso de Rueda, esquire of the alcayde of the Donceles; his quality was still unknown until the 24th of April, three days after the battle. On that day some prisoners, natives of Granada, just brought in, caught a sight of the unfortunate Boabdil despoiled of his royal robes. Throwing themselves at his feet, they broke forth in loud lamentations, apostrophizing him as their lord and king.
Boabdil remained a prisoner in the state tower of the citadel of Lucena under the watchful eye of Alonso de Rueda, a squire of the Donceles' captain; his identity was still unknown until April 24th, three days after the battle. On that day, some recently captured prisoners from Granada caught sight of the unfortunate Boabdil stripped of his royal robes. Throwing themselves at his feet, they erupted in loud cries of sorrow, calling out to him as their lord and king.
Great was the astonishment and triumph of the count de Cabra and Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova on learning the rank of the supposed cavalier. They both ascended to the castle to see that he was lodged in a style befitting his quality. When the good count beheld in the dejected captive before him the monarch who had so recently appeared in royal splendor surrounded by an army, his generous heart was touched by sympathy. He said everything to comfort him that became a courteous and Christian knight, observing that the same mutability of things which had suddenly brought him low might as rapidly restore him to prosperity, since in this world nothing is stable, and sorrow, like joy, has its allotted term.
The count de Cabra and Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova were both shocked and excited to discover the true identity of the supposed knight. They quickly went up to the castle to ensure he was given accommodations worthy of his status. When the kind count saw the defeated captive before him—the same king who had recently appeared in royal glory surrounded by an army—his compassionate heart was filled with sympathy. He said everything a polite and honorable knight could to comfort him, pointing out that the same unpredictable nature of life that had brought him low could just as quickly lift him back to greatness, since nothing in this world is permanent, and both sorrow and joy have their time.
The action here recorded was called by some the battle of Lucena, by others the battle of the Moorish king, because of the capture of Boabdil. Twenty-two banners, taken on the occasion, were borne in triumph into Vaena on the 23d of April, St. George’s Day, and hung up in the church. There they remain (says a historian of after times) to this day. Once a year, on the festival of St. George, they are borne about in procession by the inhabitants, who at the same time give thanks to God for this signal victory granted to their forefathers.*
The event recorded here was known by some as the Battle of Lucena and by others as the Battle of the Moorish King, due to the capture of Boabdil. Twenty-two banners taken during this occasion were triumphantly carried into Vaena on April 23rd, St. George’s Day, and hung up in the church. According to a later historian, they still remain there to this day. Once a year, on the festival of St. George, the locals carry them in a procession while giving thanks to God for the remarkable victory given to their ancestors.*
* Several circumstances relative to the capture of Boabdil vary in this from the first edition, in consequence of later light thrown on the subject by Don Miguel Lafuente Alcantara in his History of Granada. He has availed himself much of various ancient documents relative to the battle, especially the History of the House of Cordova by the abbot of Rute, a descendant of that family—a rare manuscript of which few copies exist.
* Several aspects regarding the capture of Boabdil differ in this from the first edition, due to new insights provided by Don Miguel Lafuente Alcantara in his History of Granada. He has made extensive use of various ancient documents related to the battle, particularly the History of the House of Cordova by the abbot of Rute, a descendant of that family—a rare manuscript with few existing copies.
The question as to the person entitled to the honor and reward for having captured the king long continued a matter of dispute between the people of Lucena and Vaena. On the 20th of October, 1520, about thirty-seven years after the event, an examination of several witnesses to the fact took place before the chief justice of the fortress of Lucena, at the instance of Bartolomy Hurtado, the son of Martin, when the claim of his father was established by Dona Leonora Hernandez, lady in attendant on the mother of the alcayde of los Donceles, who testified being present when Boabdil signalized Martin Hurtado as his captor.
The question of who should receive the honor and reward for capturing the king remained a point of contention between the people of Lucena and Vaena for a long time. On October 20, 1520, about thirty-seven years after the event, several witnesses were examined in front of the chief justice of the fortress of Lucena, at the request of Bartolomy Hurtado, the son of Martin. Dona Leonora Hernandez, a lady-in-waiting to the mother of the alcayde of los Donceles, confirmed Martin Hurtado’s claim by testifying that she was present when Boabdil recognized Martin Hurtado as his captor.
The chief honor of the day, and of course of the defeat and capture of the Moorish monarch, was given by the sovereign to the count de Cabra; the second to his nephew, Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova.
The main honor of the day, and of course of the defeat and capture of the Moorish king, was awarded by the sovereign to Count de Cabra; the second went to his nephew, Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova.
Among the curious papers cited by Alcantara is one existing in the archives of the House of Medina Celi, giving the account of the treasurer of Don Diego Fernandez as to the sums expended by his lord in the capture of the king, the reward given to some soldiers for a standard of the king’s which they had taken, to others for the wounds they had received, etc.
Among the interesting documents mentioned by Alcantara is one found in the archives of the House of Medina Celi. It details the treasurer of Don Diego Fernandez's accounts regarding the money spent by his lord in capturing the king, the rewards given to some soldiers for taking a standard of the king's, and payments to others for the injuries they sustained, etc.
Another paper speaks of an auction at Lucena on the 28th of April of horses and mules taken in the battle. Another paper states the gratuities of the alcayde of los Donceles to the soldiery—four fanegas, or about four hundredweight, of wheat and a lance to each horseman, two fanegas of wheat and a lance to each foot-soldier.
Another article talks about an auction in Lucena on April 28th for horses and mules captured during the battle. Another article mentions the rewards given by the alcayde of los Donceles to the soldiers—four fanegas, or about four hundredweight, of wheat and a lance for each horseman, and two fanegas of wheat and a lance for each foot-soldier.
The sentinels looked out from the watch-towers of Loxa along the valley of the Xenil, which passes through the mountains of Algaringo. They looked to behold the king returning in triumph at the head of his shining host, laden with the spoil of the unbeliever. They looked to behold the standard of their warlike idol, the fierce Ali Atar, borne by the chivalry of Loxa, ever foremost in the wars of the border.
The guards stood watch from the towers of Loxa, gazing down the Xenil valley that flows through the Algaringo mountains. They were eager to see the king returning in glory, leading his radiant army, filled with the spoils of the enemy. They anticipated seeing the banner of their fierce warrior god, Ali Atar, carried by the knights of Loxa, always at the forefront of the border battles.
In the evening of the 21st of April they descried a single horseman urging his faltering steed along the banks of the Xenil. As he drew near they perceived, by the flash of arms, that he was a warrior, and on nearer approach by the richness of his armor and the caparison of his steed they knew him to be a warrior of rank.
In the evening of April 21st, they saw a lone horseman pushing his struggling horse along the banks of the Xenil. As he got closer, they noticed, by the glint of his weapons, that he was a fighter, and upon closer inspection of his elaborate armor and the decoration of his horse, they realized he was a warrior of high status.
He reached Loxa faint and aghast, his courser covered with foam and dust and blood, panting and staggering with fatigue and gashed with wounds. Having brought his master in safety, he sank down and died before the gate of the city. The soldiers at the gate gathered round the cavalier as he stood by his expiring steed: they knew him to be Cidi Caleb, nephew of the chief alfaqui of the mosque in the Albaycin, and their hearts were filled with fearful forebodings.
He arrived in Loxa feeling weak and shocked, his horse covered in foam, dirt, and blood, panting and stumbling from exhaustion and wounded all over. After bringing his master to safety, the horse collapsed and died at the city gate. The soldiers by the gate gathered around the knight as he stood next to his dying horse: they recognized him as Cidi Caleb, the nephew of the chief alfaqui of the mosque in the Albaycin, and their hearts were filled with dread.
“Cavalier,” said they, “how fares it with the king and army?”
“Cavalier,” they said, “how is the king and the army doing?”
He cast his hand mournfully toward the land of the Christians. “There they lie!” exclaimed he. “The heavens have fallen upon them. All are lost! all dead!”*
He raised his hand sadly towards the land of the Christians. “There they are!” he exclaimed. “The heavens have come down on them. They're all lost! All dead!”*
* Bernaldez (Cura de los Palacios), Hist. de los Reyes Catol., MS., cap. 61.
* Bernaldez (Cura de los Palacios), Hist. de los Reyes Catol., MS., cap. 61.
Upon this there was a great cry of consternation among the people, and loud wailings of women, for the flower of the youth of Loxa were with the army.
Upon this, there was a loud cry of panic among the people and loud weeping from the women, for the best of Loxa's youth were with the army.
An old Moorish soldier, scarred in many a border battle, stood leaning on his lance by the gateway. “Where is Ali Atar?” demanded he eagerly. “If he lives the army cannot be lost.”
An old Moorish soldier, marked by many border battles, stood leaning on his lance by the gateway. “Where is Ali Atar?” he asked eagerly. “If he’s alive, the army can’t be defeated.”
“I saw his helm cleft by the Christian sword; his body is floating in the Xenil.”
“I saw his helmet split by the Christian sword; his body is floating in the Xenil.”
When the soldier heard these words he smote his breast and threw dust upon his head, for he was an old follower of Ali Atar.
When the soldier heard these words, he struck his chest and threw dust on his head, as he was a longtime supporter of Ali Atar.
Cidi Caleb gave himself no repose, but, mounting another steed, hastened toward Granada. As he passed through the villages and hamlets he spread sorrow around, for their chosen men had followed the king to the wars.
Cidi Caleb didn’t rest but quickly mounted another horse and rode towards Granada. As he went through the villages and small towns, he spread sadness, as their chosen men had gone off with the king to fight in the wars.
When he entered the gates of Granada and announced the loss of the king and army, a voice of horror went throughout the city. Every one thought but of his own share in the general calamity, and crowded round the bearer of ill tidings. One asked after a father, another after a brother, some after a lover, and many a mother after her son. His replies all spoke of wounds and death. To one he replied, “I saw thy father pierced with a lance as he defended the person of the king;” to another, “Thy brother fell wounded under the hoofs of the horses, but there was no time to aid him, for the Christian cavalry were upon us;” to another, “I saw the horse of thy lover covered with blood and galloping without his rider;” to another, “Thy son fought by my side on the banks of the Xenil: we were surrounded by the enemy and driven into the stream. I heard him cry upon Allah in the midst of the waters: when I reached the other bank he was no longer by my side.”
When he entered the gates of Granada and announced the loss of the king and army, screams of horror echoed throughout the city. Everyone focused solely on their own part in the widespread tragedy, crowding around the messenger of bad news. One person asked about a father, another about a brother, some about a lover, and many mothers asked about their sons. His answers all spoke of injuries and death. To one, he replied, “I saw your father pierced with a lance while defending the king;” to another, “Your brother fell wounded under the hooves of the horses, but there was no time to help him, as the Christian cavalry was upon us;” to another, “I saw your lover's horse covered in blood, galloping without its rider;” to another, “Your son fought by my side on the banks of the Xenil: we were surrounded by the enemy and driven into the stream. I heard him call out to Allah in the midst of the waters: when I reached the other bank, he was no longer with me.”
Cidi Caleb passed on, leaving all Granada in lamentation: he urged his steed up the steep avenue of trees and fountains that leads to the Alhambra, nor stopped until he arrived before the Gate of Justice. Ayxa, the mother of Boabdil, and Morayma, his beloved and tender wife, had daily watched from the Tower of Comares to behold his triumphant return. Who shall describe their affliction when they heard the tidings of Cidi Caleb? The sultana Ayxa spake not much, but sat as one entranced. Every now and then a deep sigh burst forth, but she raised her eyes to heaven. “It is the will of Allah!” said she, and with these words endeavored to repress the agonies of a mother’s sorrow. The tender Morayma threw herself on the earth and gave way to the full turbulence of her feelings, bewailing her husband and her father. The high-minded Ayxa rebuked the violence of her grief. “Moderate these transports, my daughter,” said she; “remember magnanimity should be the attribute of princes: it becomes not them to give way to clamorous sorrow, like common and vulgar minds.” But Morayma could only deplore her loss with the anguish of a tender woman. She shut herself up in her mirador, and gazed all day with streaming eyes upon the Vega. Every object recalled the causes of her affliction. The river Xenil, which ran shining amidst groves and gardens, was the same on whose banks had perished her father, Ali Atar; before her lay the road to Loxa, by which Boabdil had departed, in martial state, surrounded by the chivalry of Granada. Ever and anon she would burst into an agony of grief. “Alas! my father!” she would exclaim; “the river runs smiling before me that covers thy mangled remains; who will gather them to an honored tomb in the land of the unbeliever? And thou, O Boabdil, light of my eyes! joy of my heart! life of my life! woe the day and woe the hour that I saw thee depart from these walls! The road by which thou hast departed is solitary; never will it be gladdened by thy return: the mountain thou hast traversed lies like a cloud in the distance, and all beyond is darkness.”
Cidi Caleb passed away, leaving all of Granada in mourning: he urged his horse up the steep path lined with trees and fountains that leads to the Alhambra, not stopping until he arrived at the Gate of Justice. Ayxa, the mother of Boabdil, and Morayma, his beloved and gentle wife, had been watching daily from the Tower of Comares to see his triumphant return. Who can describe their sorrow when they heard the news about Cidi Caleb? The sultana Ayxa didn’t say much, just sat as if in a trance. Every now and then a deep sigh escaped her, but she raised her eyes to the heavens. “It is the will of Allah!” she said, and with these words tried to suppress the agony of a mother’s grief. The tender Morayma threw herself on the ground and gave in to the full force of her feelings, mourning her husband and her father. The strong-minded Ayxa chastised her for being so emotional. “Calm your outbursts, my daughter,” she said; “remember that nobility should be the trait of princes: they shouldn't succumb to loud sorrow like ordinary people.” But Morayma could only lament her loss with the heartfelt pain of a loving woman. She locked herself in her room and gazed all day with streaming eyes at the Vega. Every sight reminded her of her distress. The river Xenil, which flowed gleaming through groves and gardens, was the same one beside which her father, Ali Atar, had died; before her lay the road to Loxa, where Boabdil had departed in martial splendor, surrounded by the knights of Granada. Again and again, she would cry out in agony. “Alas! my father!” she would exclaim; “the river runs happily before me that covers your mangled remains; who will gather them for an honored burial in the land of the unbeliever? And you, O Boabdil, light of my eyes! joy of my heart! life of my life! woe is the day and woe is the hour that I saw you leave these walls! The road you took is lonely; it will never be brightened by your return: the mountain you crossed lies like a cloud in the distance, and all beyond is darkness.”
The royal minstrels were summoned to assuage her sorrows: they attuned their instruments to cheerful strains, but in a little while the anguish of their hearts prevailed and turned their songs to lamentations.
The royal musicians were called to ease her sadness: they tuned their instruments to cheerful melodies, but soon their own heartbreak took over and turned their songs into mournful cries.
“Beautiful Granada!” exclaimed they, “how is thy glory faded! The flower of thy chivalry lies low in the land of the stranger; no longer does the Vivarrambla echo to the tramp of steed and sound of trumpet; no longer is it crowded with thy youthful nobles gloriously arrayed for the tilt and tourney. Beautiful Granada! the soft note of the lute no longer floats through thy moonlit streets; the serenade is no more heard beneath thy balconies; the lively castanet is silent upon thy hills; the graceful dance of the Zambra is no more seen beneath thy bowers! Beautiful Granada! why is the Alhambra so lorn and desolate? The orange and myrtle still breathe their perfumes into its silken chambers; the nightingale still sings within its groves; its marble halls are still refreshed with the plash of fountains and the gush of limpid rills. Alas! alas! the countenance of the king no longer shines within those halls! The light of the Alhambra is set for ever!”
“Beautiful Granada!” they exclaimed, “how has your glory faded! The pride of your knights lies low in a foreign land; no longer does the Vivarrambla echo with the sound of hooves and trumpets; it’s no longer filled with your young nobles brilliantly dressed for jousts and tournaments. Beautiful Granada! The soft sound of the lute no longer fills your moonlit streets; serenades are no longer heard beneath your balconies; the lively castanet is silent on your hills; the graceful dance of the Zambra is no longer seen beneath your trees! Beautiful Granada! Why is the Alhambra so lonely and desolate? The orange and myrtle still release their fragrances into its silk-lined rooms; the nightingale still sings within its groves; its marble halls are still refreshed by the splash of fountains and the flow of clear streams. Alas! alas! The king's face no longer shines within those halls! The light of the Alhambra has set forever!”
Thus all Granada, say the Arabian chroniclers, gave itself up to lamentation; there was nothing but the voice of wailing from the palace to the cottage. All joined to deplore their youthful monarch, cut down in the freshness and promise of his youth; many feared that the prediction of the astrologers was about to be fulfilled, and that the downfall of the kingdom would follow the death of Boabdil; while all declared that had he survived he was the very sovereign calculated to restore the realm to its ancient prosperity and glory.
Thus all of Granada, say the Arabian chroniclers, gave itself up to mourning; there was nothing but the sound of crying from the palace to the cottage. Everyone came together to grieve for their young king, taken in the prime and potential of his life; many feared that the astrologers' prediction was about to come true, and that the kingdom would fall after Boabdil's death; while all agreed that had he lived, he was the perfect ruler to bring the kingdom back to its former prosperity and glory.
An unfortunate death atones, with the world, for a multitude of errors. While the populace thought their youthful monarch had perished in the field nothing could exceed their grief for his loss and their adoration of his memory; when, however, they learnt that he was still alive and had surrendered himself captive to the Christians, their feelings underwent an instant change. They decried his talents as a commander, his courage as a soldier; they railed at his expedition as rash and ill-conducted; and they reviled him for not having dared to die on the field of battle, rather than surrender to the enemy.
An unfortunate death serves to make up for many mistakes. While the people believed their young king had died in battle, they were deeply mournful of his loss and held his memory in great affection. However, when they found out he was still alive and had surrendered himself to the Christians, their emotions shifted immediately. They criticized his skills as a leader, his bravery as a soldier; they condemned his mission as reckless and poorly executed; and they berated him for not having the courage to die in battle instead of giving himself up to the enemy.
The alfaquis, as usual, mingled with the populace and artfully guided their discontents. “Behold,” exclaimed they, “the prediction is accomplished which was pronounced at the birth of Boabdil! He has been seated on the throne, and the kingdom has suffered downfall and disgrace by his defeat and captivity. Comfort yourselves, O Moslems! The evil day has passed by; the prophecy is fulfilled: the sceptre which has been broken in the feeble hand of Boabdil is destined to resume its former sway in the vigorous grasp of Abul Hassan.”
The alfaquis, as usual, mixed with the people and skillfully directed their frustrations. “Look,” they exclaimed, “the prophecy that was given at Boabdil's birth has come true! He has taken the throne, and the kingdom has faced ruin and shame because of his defeat and capture. Chear up, O Muslims! The worst has passed; the prophecy is fulfilled: the scepter that was shattered in the weak hands of Boabdil is meant to regain its power in the strong hands of Abul Hassan.”
The people were struck with the wisdom of these words: they rejoiced that the baleful prediction which had so long hung over them was at an end, and declared that none but Muley Abul Hassan had the valor and capacity necessary for the protection of the kingdom in this time of trouble.
The people were impressed by the wisdom of these words: they celebrated that the ominous prediction that had loomed over them was finally over and declared that only Muley Abul Hassan had the courage and ability needed to protect the kingdom during this time of crisis.
The longer the captivity of Boabdil continued, the greater grew the popularity of his father. One city after another renewed allegiance to him, for power attracts power and fortune creates fortune. At length he was enabled to return to Granada and establish himself once more in the Alhambra. At his approach his repudiated spouse, the sultana Ayxa, gathered together the family and treasures of her captive son, and retired, with a handful of the nobles, into the Albaycin, the rival quarter of the city, the inhabitants of which still retained feelings of loyalty to Boabdil. Here she fortified herself and held the semblance of a court in the name of her son. The fierce Muley Abul Hassan would have willingly carried fire and sword into this factious quarter of the capital, but he dared not confide in his new and uncertain popularity. Many of the nobles detested him for his past cruelty, and a large portion of the soldiery, besides many of the people of his own party, respected the virtues of Ayxa la Horra and pitied the misfortunes of Boabdil.
The longer Boabdil was held captive, the more popular his father became. City after city pledged their loyalty to him, because power attracts power and good fortune brings more good fortune. Eventually, he was able to return to Granada and take up residence again in the Alhambra. When he returned, his estranged wife, the sultana Ayxa, gathered their family and the treasures of her captive son and retreated, along with a few nobles, to the Albaycin, the rival part of the city, where the locals still felt loyal to Boabdil. There, she fortified herself and maintained the appearance of a court in her son's name. The fierce Muley Abul Hassan would have eagerly attacked this rebellious district of the capital, but he didn’t dare trust in his new and shaky popularity. Many nobles disliked him for his past cruelty, and a large part of the soldiers, along with many from his own faction, admired Ayxa la Horra's virtues and felt sympathy for Boabdil's misfortunes.
Granada therefore presented the singular spectacle of two sovereignties within the same city. The old king fortified himself in the lofty towers of the Alhambra, as much against his own subjects as against the Christians; while Ayxa, with the zeal of a mother’s affection, which waxes warmer and warmer toward her offspring when in adversity, still maintained the standard of Boabdil on the rival fortress of the Alcazaba, and kept his powerful faction alive within the walls of the Albaycin.
Granada showcased the unique sight of two rulers existing in the same city. The old king took refuge in the high towers of the Alhambra, protecting himself from both his own people and the Christians; meanwhile, Ayxa, driven by a mother’s love that grows stronger in tough times, continued to raise Boabdil's banner at the competing fortress of the Alcazaba and kept his strong supporters active within the walls of the Albaycin.
The unfortunate Boabdil remained a prisoner closely guarded, but treated with great deference and respect, in the castle of Lucena, where the noblest apartments were appointed for his abode. From the towers of his prison he beheld the town below filled with armed men, and the lofty hill on which it was built girdled by massive walls and ramparts, on which a vigilant watch was maintained night and day. The mountains around were studded with watch-towers overlooking the lonely roads which led to Granada, so that a turban could not stir over the border without the alarm being given and the whole country put on the alert. Boabdil saw that there was no hope of escape from such a fortress, and that any attempt to rescue him would be equally in vain. His heart was filled with anxiety as he thought on the confusion and ruin which his captivity must cause in his affairs, while sorrows of a softer kind overcame his fortitude as he thought on the evils it might bring upon his family.
The unfortunate Boabdil was kept as a closely guarded prisoner but was treated with great respect in the castle of Lucena, where the most elegant rooms were designated for him. From the towers of his prison, he looked out at the town below, filled with armed men, and at the tall hill it was built upon, surrounded by strong walls and ramparts, with vigilant guards on watch day and night. The mountains around were dotted with watchtowers overlooking the lonely roads leading to Granada, so that no one could cross the border without triggering an alarm and putting the entire area on high alert. Boabdil realized that there was no chance of escaping such a fortress and that any attempt to rescue him would likely fail. His heart was heavy with worry about the chaos and destruction his imprisonment would cause in his affairs, and a deeper sadness overcame him as he considered the harm it might bring to his family.
A few days only had passed away when missives arrived from the Castilian sovereigns. Ferdinand had been transported with joy at hearing of the capture of the Moorish monarch, seeing the deep and politic uses that might be made of such an event; but the magnanimous spirit of Isabella was filled with compassion for the unfortunate captive. Their messages to Boabdil were full of sympathy and consolation, breathing that high and gentle courtesy which dwells in noble minds.
A few days had only gone by when letters arrived from the Castilian monarchs. Ferdinand was overjoyed to hear about the capture of the Moorish king, recognizing the important and strategic advantages this could bring; however, Isabella's generous heart was filled with compassion for the unfortunate prisoner. Their messages to Boabdil were full of sympathy and comfort, reflecting the graciousness and kindness found in noble characters.
This magnanimity in his foe cheered the dejected spirit of the captive monarch. “Tell my sovereigns, the king and queen,” said he to the messenger, “that I cannot he unhappy being in the power of such high and mighty princes, especially since they partake so largely of that grace and goodness which Allah bestows upon the monarchs whom he greatly loves. Tell them, further, that I had long thought of submitting myself to their sway, to receive the kingdom of Granada from their hands in the same manner that my ancestor received it from King John II., father to the gracious queen. My greatest sorrow, in this my captivity, is that I must appear to do that from force which I would fain have done from inclination.”
This generosity from his enemy lifted the spirits of the captured king. “Tell my rulers, the king and queen,” he said to the messenger, “that I cannot be unhappy being in the power of such great and noble leaders, especially since they embody so much of the grace and goodness that Allah gives to the monarchs he deeply loves. Also, tell them that I have long considered submitting to their rule, to receive the kingdom of Granada from them in the same way my ancestor received it from King John II, the father of the beloved queen. My greatest sadness in this captivity is that I seem to be doing something out of force when I would have preferred to do it willingly.”
In the mean time, Muley Abul Hassan, finding the faction of his son still formidable in Granada, was anxious to consolidate his power by gaining possession of the person of Boabdil. For this purpose he sent an embassy to the Catholic monarchs, offering large terms for the ransom, or rather the purchase, of his son, proposing, among other conditions, to release the count of Cifuentes and nine other of his most distinguished captives, and to enter into a treaty of confederacy with the sovereigns. Neither did the implacable father make any scruple of testifying his indifference whether his son were delivered up alive or dead, so that his person were placed assuredly within his power.
In the meantime, Muley Abul Hassan, seeing that his son’s faction was still strong in Granada, wanted to solidify his power by capturing Boabdil. To achieve this, he sent a delegation to the Catholic monarchs, offering substantial terms for the ransom, or more accurately, the purchase, of his son. Among other conditions, he proposed to free the Count of Cifuentes and nine other prominent captives, and to enter into a treaty of alliance with the monarchs. The relentless father also showed no hesitation in expressing his indifference about whether his son was delivered alive or dead, as long as he secured control over him.
The humane heart of Isabella revolted at the idea of giving up the unfortunate prince into the hands of his most unnatural and inveterate enemy: a disdainful refusal was therefore returned to the old monarch, whose message had been couched in a vaunting spirit. He was informed that the Castilian sovereigns would listen to no proposals of peace from Muley Abul Hassan until he should lay down his arms and offer them in all humility.
The compassionate heart of Isabella shuddered at the thought of surrendering the unfortunate prince to his most cruel and relentless enemy. She therefore sent a scornful refusal back to the old king, whose message had been delivered with arrogance. She told him that the Castilian rulers would consider no peace proposals from Muley Abul Hassan until he laid down his weapons and approached them with complete humility.
Overtures in a different spirit were made by the mother of Boabdil, the sultana Ayxa la Horra, with the concurrence of the party which still remained faithful to him. It was thereby proposed that Mahomet Abdallah, otherwise called Boabdil, should hold his crown as vassal to the Castilian sovereigns, paying an annual tribute and releasing seventy Christian captives annually for five years; that he should, moreover, pay a large sum upon the spot for his ransom, and at the same time give freedom to four hundred Christians to be chosen by the king; that he should also engage to be always ready to render military aid, and should come to the Cortes, or assemblage of nobles and distinguished vassals of the Crown, whenever summoned. His only son and the sons of twelve distinguished Moorish houses were to be delivered as hostages.
In a different spirit, the mother of Boabdil, Sultana Ayxa la Horra, along with the group that remained loyal to him, made overtures. They proposed that Mahomet Abdallah, also known as Boabdil, would retain his crown as a vassal to the Castilian monarchs, paying an annual tribute and releasing seventy Christian captives each year for five years. Additionally, he would pay a substantial amount immediately for his ransom and grant freedom to four hundred Christians selected by the king. He would also agree to be ready to provide military support and attend the Cortes, or meeting of nobles and notable vassals of the Crown, whenever called upon. His only son, along with the sons of twelve prominent Moorish families, would be handed over as hostages.
An embassy composed of the alcayde Aben Comixa, Muley, the royal standard-bearer, and other distinguished cavaliers bore this proposition to the Spanish court at Cordova, where they were received by King Ferdinand. Queen Isabella was absent at the time. He was anxious to consult her in so momentous an affair, or, rather, he was fearful of proceeding too precipitately, and not drawing from this fortunate event all the advantage of which it was susceptible. Without returning any reply, therefore, to the mission, he ordered that the captive monarch should be brought to Cordova.
An embassy made up of the alcayde Aben Comixa, Muley, the royal standard-bearer, and other notable knights delivered this proposal to the Spanish court in Cordova, where they were welcomed by King Ferdinand. Queen Isabella was not present at that moment. He wanted to discuss this important matter with her, or rather, he was worried about acting too quickly and not fully capitalizing on this fortunate opportunity. Without giving any response to the mission, he instructed that the captive king should be brought to Cordova.
The alcayde of the Donceles was the bearer of this mandate, and summoned all the hidalgos of Lucena and of his own estates to form an honorable escort for the illustrious prisoner. In this style he conducted him to the capital. The cavaliers and authorities of Cordova came forth to receive the captive king with all due ceremony, and especial care was taken to prevent any taunt or insult from the multitude, or anything that might remind him of his humiliation. In this way he entered the once proud capital of the Abda’rahmans, and was lodged in the house of the king’s major-domo. Ferdinand, however, declined seeing the Moorish monarch. He was still undetermined what course to pursue—whether to retain him prisoner, set him at liberty on ransom, or treat him with politic magnanimity; and each course would require a different kind of reception. Until this point should be resolved, therefore, he gave him in charge to Martin de Alarcon, alcayde of the ancient fortress of Porcuna, with orders to guard him strictly, but to treat him with the distinction and deference due unto a prince. These commands were strictly obeyed: he was escorted, as before, in royal state, to the fortress which was to form his prison, and, with the exception of being restrained in his liberty, was as nobly entertained there as he could have been in his regal palace at Granada.
The alcayde of the Donceles carried this order and called all the nobles of Lucena and his own lands to form an honorable escort for the distinguished prisoner. This is how he took him to the capital. The knights and officials of Cordova came out to greet the captured king with all appropriate ceremony, and special care was taken to prevent any jeers or insults from the crowd, or anything that might remind him of his humiliation. This is how he entered the once proud capital of the Abda’rahmans and was housed in the residence of the king’s chief steward. However, Ferdinand chose not to meet the Moorish king. He was still undecided about what to do—whether to keep him locked up, release him for ransom, or treat him with political generosity; each option would require a different kind of reception. Until he made a decision, he entrusted him to Martin de Alarcon, alcayde of the old fortress of Porcuna, with instructions to guard him closely but to treat him with the respect and courtesy due to a prince. These orders were followed precisely: he was escorted, as before, in a royal manner to the fortress that would serve as his prison, and, aside from being restricted in his freedom, he was as well-hosted there as he could have been in his royal palace at Granada.
In the mean time, Ferdinand availed himself of this critical moment, while Granada was distracted with factions and dissensions, and before he had concluded any treaty with Boabdil, to make a puissant and ostentatious inroad into the very heart of the kingdom at the head of his most illustrious nobles. He sacked and destroyed several towns and castles, and extended his ravages to the very gates of Granada. Muley Abul Hassan did not venture to oppose him. His city was filled with troops, but he was uncertain of their affection. He dreaded that should he sally forth the gates of Granada might be closed against him by the faction of the Albaycin.
In the meantime, Ferdinand took advantage of this pivotal moment, while Granada was caught up in internal conflicts and disagreements, and before he had finalized any deal with Boabdil, to lead a powerful and showy attack right into the heart of the kingdom with his most notable nobles. He looted and destroyed several towns and castles and carried his destruction right to the gates of Granada. Muley Abul Hassan didn’t dare to confront him. His city was filled with soldiers, but he wasn’t sure of their loyalty. He feared that if he ventured out, the gates of Granada might be shut against him by the Albaycin faction.
The old Moor stood on the lofty tower of the Alhambra (says Antonio Agapida) grinding his teeth and foaming like a tiger shut up in his cage as he beheld the glittering battalions of the Christians wheeling about the Vega, and the standard of the cross shining forth from among the smoke of infidel villages and hamlets. The most Catholic king (continues Agapida) would gladly have continued this righteous ravage, but his munitions began to fail. Satisfied, therefore, with having laid waste the country of the enemy and insulted Muley Abul Hassan in his very capital, he returned to Cordova covered with laurels and his army laden with spoils, and now bethought himself of coming to an immediate decision in regard to his royal prisoner.
The old Moor stood on the high tower of the Alhambra (says Antonio Agapida) grinding his teeth and raging like a tiger trapped in its cage as he watched the shining battalions of the Christians moving around the Vega, and the cross’s standard glowing through the smoke of enemy villages and towns. The most Catholic king (continues Agapida) would have happily continued this just destruction, but his supplies were running low. Content with having devastated the enemy's land and insulted Muley Abul Hassan in his own capital, he returned to Cordova celebrated and his army loaded with loot, and now he thought it was time to make a decision about his royal prisoner.
A stately convention was held by King Ferdinand in the ancient city of Cordova, composed of several of the most reverend prelates and renowned cavaliers of the kingdom, to determine upon the fate of the unfortunate Boabdil.
A formal gathering was held by King Ferdinand in the historic city of Cordova, consisting of several esteemed bishops and celebrated knights of the kingdom, to decide the fate of the unfortunate Boabdil.
Don Alonso de Cardenas, the worthy master of Santiago, was one of the first who gave his counsel. He was a pious and zealous knight, rigid in his devotion to the faith, and his holy zeal had been inflamed to peculiar vehemence since his disastrous crusade among the mountains of Malaga. He inveighed with ardor against any compromise or compact with the infidels: the object of this war, he observed, was not the subjection of the Moors, but their utter expulsion from the land, so that there might no longer remain a single stain of Mahometanism throughout Christian Spain. He gave it as his opinion, therefore, that the captive king ought not to be set at liberty.
Don Alonso de Cardenas, the esteemed leader of Santiago, was one of the first to offer his advice. He was a devoted and passionate knight, strict in his commitment to the faith, and his holy fervor had become especially intense since his unfortunate campaign in the mountains of Malaga. He spoke passionately against any compromise or agreement with the infidels: the goal of this war, he said, was not to subdue the Moors, but to completely expel them from the land, so that there would no longer be a trace of Islam in Christian Spain. Therefore, he expressed the opinion that the captive king should not be set free.
Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, on the contrary, spoke warmly for the release of Boabdil. He pronounced it a measure of sound policy, even if done without conditions. It would tend to keep up the civil war in Granada, which was as a fire consuming the entrails of the enemy, and effecting more for the interests of Spain, without expense, than all the conquests of its arms.
Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marquis of Cadiz, on the other hand, advocated strongly for Boabdil’s release. He considered it a wise move, even if it was unconditional. It would help maintain the civil war in Granada, which was like a fire burning away the enemy from within and doing more for Spain’s interests, at no cost, than all its military conquests.
The grand cardinal of Spain, Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, coincided in opinion with the marques of Cadiz. Nay (added that pious prelate and politic statesman), it would be sound wisdom to furnish the Moor with men and money and all other necessaries to promote the civil war in Granada: by this means would be produced great benefit to the service of God, since we are assured by his infallible word that “a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” *
The grand cardinal of Spain, Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, agreed with the Marquis of Cadiz. In fact, the devout prelate and shrewd statesman added, it would be wise to provide the Moors with troops, funds, and everything else needed to escalate the civil war in Granada. This way, we would benefit greatly in serving God, as we are assured by His infallible word that “a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” *
* Salazar, Cronica del Gran Cardinal, p. 188.
* Salazar, Cronica del Gran Cardinal, p. 188.
Ferdinand weighed these counsels in his mind, but was slow in coming to a decision: he was religiously attentive to his own interests (observes Fray Antonio Agapida), knowing himself to be but an instrument of Providence in this holy war, and that, therefore, in consulting his own advantage he was promoting the interests of the faith. The opinion of Queen Isabella relieved him from his perplexity. That high-minded princess was zealous for the promotion of the faith, but not for the extermination of the infidels. The Moorish kings had held their thrones as vassals to her progenitors: she was content at present to accord the same privilege, and that the royal prisoner should be liberated on condition of becoming a vassal to the Crown. By this means might be effected the deliverance of many Christian captives who were languishing in Moorish chains.
Ferdinand considered these pieces of advice carefully but took his time making a decision. He was carefully focused on his own interests (as Fray Antonio Agapida notes), aware that he was just a tool of Providence in this holy war, and that by looking out for his own advantage, he was also supporting the interests of the faith. The opinion of Queen Isabella eased his confusion. This noble princess was passionate about promoting the faith, but not about wiping out the infidels. The Moorish kings had served as vassals to her ancestors: she was willing to grant the same privilege now, agreeing to release the royal prisoner on the condition that he become a vassal to the Crown. This way, they could secure the freedom of many Christian captives who were suffering in Moorish chains.
King Ferdinand adopted the magnanimous measure recommended by the queen, but he accompanied it with several shrewd conditions, exacting tribute, military services, and safe passages and maintenance for Christian troops throughout the places which should adhere to Boabdil. The captive king readily submitted to these stipulations, and swore, after the manner of his faith, to observe them with exactitude. A truce was arranged for two years, during which the Castilian sovereigns engaged to maintain him on his throne and to assist him in recovering all places which he had lost during his captivity.
King Ferdinand accepted the generous proposal suggested by the queen, but he added several clever conditions, demanding tribute, military support, and safe passages and provisions for Christian troops in all the areas that would side with Boabdil. The captured king agreed to these terms and pledged, according to his beliefs, to follow them closely. A truce was set for two years, during which the Castilian rulers promised to support him on his throne and help him regain all the territories he had lost during his imprisonment.
When Boabdil el Chico had solemnly agreed to this arrangement in the castle of Porcuna, preparations were made to receive him in Cordova in regal style. Superb steeds richly caparisoned and raiments of brocade and silk and the most costly cloths, with all other articles of sumptuous array, were furnished to him and to fifty Moorish cavaliers who had come to treat for his ransom, that he might appear in state befitting the monarch of Granada and the most distinguished vassal of the Castilian sovereigns. Money also was advanced to maintain him in suitable grandeur during his residence at the Castilian court and his return to his dominions. Finally, it was ordered by the sovereigns that when he came to Cordova all the nobles and dignitaries of the court should go forth to receive him.
When Boabdil el Chico officially agreed to this arrangement at the castle of Porcuna, preparations began to welcome him to Cordova in royal style. Magnificent horses adorned with rich trappings, along with luxurious outfits of brocade, silk, and the finest fabrics, were provided to him and to fifty Moorish knights who had come to negotiate for his ransom, ensuring he would arrive in a manner fitting for the monarch of Granada and the most esteemed vassal of the Castilian rulers. Funds were also allocated to maintain him in appropriate splendor during his stay at the Castilian court and for his journey back to his lands. Lastly, the sovereigns commanded that when he arrived in Cordova, all the nobles and dignitaries of the court should come out to greet him.
A question now arose among certain of those ancient and experienced men who grow gray about a court in the profound study of forms and ceremonials, with whom a point of punctilio is as a vast political right, and who contract a sublime and awful idea of the external dignity of the throne. Certain of these court sages propounded the momentous question whether the Moorish monarch, coming to do homage as a vassal, ought not to kneel and kiss the hand of the king. This was immediately decided in the affirmative by a large number of ancient cavaliers, accustomed (says Antonio Agapida) to the lofty punctilio of our most dignified court and transcendent sovereigns. The king, therefore, was informed by those who arranged the ceremonials that when the Moorish monarch appeared in his presence he was expected to extend his royal hand to receive the kiss of homage.
A question arose among some of the seasoned and wise men who hang around the court, deeply immersed in the study of traditions and formalities, for whom even a tiny detail is a major political issue, and who have a grand and serious view of the throne's external dignity. Some of these court advisors raised the important question of whether the Moorish king, coming to pay his respects as a vassal, should kneel and kiss the king's hand. A large number of older knights, familiar (as Antonio Agapida notes) with the high standards of our most esteemed court and supreme rulers, quickly agreed on this point. Therefore, those in charge of the ceremonies informed the king that when the Moorish king arrived in his presence, he was expected to extend his royal hand to receive the kiss of homage.
“I should certainly do so,” replied King Ferdinand, “were he at liberty and in his own kingdom, but I certainly shall not do so, seeing that he is a prisoner and in mine.”
“I definitely would,” replied King Ferdinand, “if he were free and in his own kingdom, but I definitely won’t do that, considering he’s a prisoner and in my territory.”
The courtiers loudly applauded the magnanimity of this reply, though many condemned it in secret as savoring of too much generosity toward an infidel; and the worthy Jesuit, Fray Antonio Agapida, fully concurs in their opinion.
The courtiers clapped loudly at the kindness of this reply, although many secretly criticized it for being too generous towards a non-believer; and the esteemed Jesuit, Fray Antonio Agapida, completely agrees with their view.
The Moorish king entered Cordova with his little train of faithful knights and escorted by all the nobility and chivalry of the Castilian court. He was conducted with great state and ceremony to the royal palace. When he came in presence of Ferdinand he knelt and offered to kiss his hand, not merely in homage as his subject, but in gratitude for his liberty. Ferdinand declined the token of vassalage, and raised him graciously from the earth. An interpreter began, in the name of Boabdil, to laud the magnanimity of the Castilian monarch and to promise the most implicit submission. “Enough!” said King Ferdinand, interrupting the interpreter in the midst of his harangue: “there is no need of these compliments. I trust in his integrity that he will do everything becoming a good man and a good king.” With these words he received Boabdil el Chico into his royal friendship and protection.
The Moorish king rode into Cordova with a small group of loyal knights and was joined by all the nobility and chivalry of the Castilian court. He was led with great honor and ceremony to the royal palace. When he stood before Ferdinand, he knelt and offered to kiss his hand, not just as a subject but out of gratitude for his freedom. Ferdinand refused the sign of vassalage and graciously lifted him up from the ground. An interpreter began, on behalf of Boabdil, to praise the kindness of the Castilian monarch and to promise complete obedience. “That's enough!” King Ferdinand said, cutting off the interpreter in the middle of his speech. “There’s no need for these flattery. I trust in his integrity that he will act in a way that befits a good man and a good king.” With these words, he welcomed Boabdil el Chico into his royal friendship and protection.
In the month of August a noble Moor, of the race of the Abencerrages, arrived with a splendid retinue at the city of Cordova, bringing with him the son of Boabdil el Chico and other of the noble youth of Granada as hostages for the fulfilment of the terms of ransom. When the Moorish king beheld his son, his only child, who was to remain in his stead a sort of captive in a hostile land, he folded him in his arms and wept over him. “Woe the day that I was born!” exclaimed he, “and evil the stars that presided at my birth! Well was I called El Zogoybi, or the Unlucky, for sorrow is heaped upon me by my father, and sorrow do I transmit to my son!” The afflicted heart of Boabdil, however, was soothed by the kindness of the Christian sovereigns, who received the hostage prince with a tenderness suited to his age and a distinction worthy of his rank. They delivered him in charge to the worthy alcayde Martin de Alarcon, who had treated his father with such courtesy during his confinement in the castle of Porcuna, giving orders that after the departure of the latter his son should be entertained with great honor and princely attention in the same fortress.
In August, a noble Moor from the Abencerrages family arrived in the city of Cordova with a grand entourage. He brought along the son of Boabdil el Chico and other young nobles from Granada as hostages to ensure the terms of the ransom were met. When the Moorish king saw his son, his only child, who was to stay in a foreign land as a sort of captive, he embraced him and wept. “What a terrible day it was when I was born!” he exclaimed, “and how unfortunate the stars that marked my birth! I was aptly named El Zogoybi, or the Unlucky, for my father has burdened me with sorrow, and now I pass that sorrow on to my son!” Despite his grief, Boabdil's heart was comforted by the kindness of the Christian rulers, who welcomed the hostage prince with the compassion fitting his youth and the dignity appropriate for his status. They entrusted him to the honorable alcayde Martin de Alarcon, who had treated his father with great respect during his time in the Porcuna castle, instructing that once his father left, his son should be cared for with the utmost honor and royal attention in the same fortress.
On the 2d of September a guard of honor assembled at the gate of the mansion of Boabdil to escort him to the frontiers of his kingdom. He pressed his child to his heart at parting, but he uttered not a word, for there were many Christian eyes to behold his emotion. He mounted his steed, and never turned his head to look again upon the youth, but those who were near him observed the vehement struggle that shook his frame, wherein the anguish of the father had wellnigh subdued the studied equanimity of the king.
On September 2nd, a guard of honor gathered at the gate of Boabdil's mansion to escort him to the borders of his kingdom. He held his child close to his heart as they parted, but he didn't say a word, since there were many Christian onlookers witnessing his emotion. He got on his horse and never turned his head to look at the young man again, but those nearby noticed the intense struggle shaking his body, where the father's anguish nearly overwhelmed the king's composed demeanor.
Boabdil el Chico and King Ferdinand sallied forth side by side from Cordova, amidst the acclamations of a prodigious multitude. When they were a short distance from the city they separated, with many gracious expressions on the part of the Castilian monarch, and many thankful acknowledgments from his late captive, whose heart had been humbled by adversity. Ferdinand departed for Guadalupe, and Boabdil for Granada. The latter was accompanied by a guard of honor, and the viceroys of Andalusia and the generals on the frontier were ordered to furnish him with escorts and to show him all possible honor on his journey. In this way he was conducted in royal state through the country he had entered to ravage, and was placed in safety in his own dominions.
Boabdil el Chico and King Ferdinand set out together from Cordova, greeted by cheers from a huge crowd. Once they were a bit outside the city, they parted ways, exchanging polite words from the Castilian king and gratitude from Boabdil, whose heart had been softened by hardship. Ferdinand headed to Guadalupe, while Boabdil made his way to Granada. He was given a guard of honor, and the viceroys of Andalusia and the generals on the frontier were instructed to provide him with escorts and show him every possible respect during his journey. In this manner, he was escorted in royal style through the land he had once aimed to destroy and safely returned to his own kingdom.
He was met on the frontier by the principal nobles and cavaliers of his court, who had been secretly sent by his mother, the sultana Ayxa, to escort him to the capital. The heart of Boabdil was lifted up for a moment when he found himself on his own territories, surrounded by Moslem knights, with his own banners waving over his head, and he began to doubt the predictions of the astrologers: he soon found cause, however, to moderate his exultation. The royal train which had come to welcome him was but scanty in number, and he missed many of his most zealous and obsequious courtiers. He had returned, indeed, to his kingdom, but it was no longer the devoted kingdom he had left. The story of his vassalage to the Christian sovereigns had been made use of by his father to ruin him with the people. He had been represented as a traitor to his country, a renegado to his faith, and as leagued with the enemies of both to subdue the Moslems of Spain to the yoke of Christian bondage. In this way the mind of the public had been turned from him; the greater part of the nobility had thronged round the throne of his father in the Alhambra; and his mother, the resolute sultana Ayxa, with difficulty maintained her faction in the opposite towers of the Alcazaba.
He was welcomed at the border by the main nobles and knights of his court, who had been secretly sent by his mother, Sultana Ayxa, to guide him to the capital. For a moment, Boabdil felt a surge of hope when he found himself in his own lands, surrounded by Muslim knights, with his own banners flying above him, and he began to question the predictions of the astrologers. However, he soon found reasons to tone down his excitement. The royal retinue that came to greet him was quite small, and he noticed the absence of many of his most loyal and eager courtiers. He had indeed returned to his kingdom, but it was no longer the loyal kingdom he had left. His father had used the story of his subjugation to the Christian kings to turn the people against him. He had been portrayed as a traitor to his country, a turncoat to his faith, and in alliance with the enemies of both to subjugate the Muslims of Spain to Christian rule. This way, public sentiment had shifted away from him; most of the nobility had gathered around his father's throne in the Alhambra, and his mother, the determined Sultana Ayxa, struggled to keep her supporters in the opposing towers of the Alcazaba.
Such was the melancholy picture of affairs given to Boabdil by the courtiers who had come forth to meet him. They even informed him that it would be an enterprise of difficulty and danger to make his way back to the capital and regain the little court which still remained faithful to him in the heart of the city. The old tiger, Muley Abul Hassan, lay couched within the Alhambra, and the walls and gates of the city were strongly guarded by his troops. Boabdil shook his head at these tidings. He called to mind the ill omen of his breaking his lance against the gate of Elvira when issuing forth so vaingloriously with his army, which he now saw clearly had foreboded the destruction of that army on which he had so confidently relied. “Henceforth,” said he, “let no man have the impiety to scoff at omens.”
Such was the sad situation described to Boabdil by the courtiers who had come out to meet him. They even told him that it would be a challenging and dangerous task to make his way back to the capital and reclaim the small court that still remained loyal to him in the heart of the city. The old tiger, Muley Abul Hassan, was settled within the Alhambra, and the city’s walls and gates were strongly defended by his troops. Boabdil shook his head at this news. He recalled the bad omen of breaking his lance against the gate of Elvira when he had set out so arrogantly with his army, which he now clearly saw had foretold the destruction of that army he had relied on so confidently. “From now on,” he said, “let no one be foolish enough to mock at omens.”
Boabdil approached his capital by stealth and in the night, prowling about its walls like an enemy seeking to destroy rather than a monarch returning to his throne. At length he seized upon a postern-gate of the Albaycin, that part of the city which had always been in his favor; he passed rapidly through the streets before the populace were aroused from their sleep, and reached in safety the fortress of the Alcazaba. Here he was received into the embraces of his intrepid mother and his favorite wife Morayma. The transports of the latter on the safe return of her husband were mingled with tears, for she thought of her father, Ali Atar, who had fallen in his cause, and of her only son, who was left a hostage in the hand of the Christians.
Boabdil snuck into his capital under the cover of night, moving around its walls like an enemy looking to destroy rather than a king returning to his throne. Eventually, he found a back gate in the Albaycin, the part of the city that had always supported him; he quickly moved through the streets before the people were awakened from their sleep and safely reached the fortress of the Alcazaba. There, he was welcomed by the strong embrace of his fearless mother and his beloved wife Morayma. Her joy at his safe return was mixed with tears, as she thought of her father, Ali Atar, who had died for their cause, and of their only son, who remained a hostage in the hands of the Christians.
The heart of Boabdil, softened by his misfortunes, was moved by the changes in everything round him; but his mother called up his spirit. “This,” said she, “is no time for tears and fondness. A king must think of his sceptre and his throne, and not yield to softness like common men. Thou hast done well, my son, in throwing thyself resolutely into Granada: it must depend upon thyself whether thou remain here a king or a captive.”
The heart of Boabdil, softened by his troubles, was touched by the changes around him; but his mother revived his spirit. “Now is not the time for tears and sentiment,” she said. “A king must focus on his scepter and his throne, and not give in to weakness like ordinary men. You’ve done well, my son, by committing yourself to Granada: it’s up to you whether you stay here as a king or become a prisoner.”
The old king, Muley Abul Hassan, had retired to his couch that night in one of the strongest towers of the Alhambra, but his restless anxiety kept him from repose. In the first watch of the night he heard a shout faintly rising from the quarter of the Albaycin, which is on the opposite side of the deep valley of the Darro. Shortly afterward horsemen came galloping up the hill that leads to the main gate of the Alhambra, spreading the alarm that Boabdil had entered the city and possessed himself of the Alcazaba.
The old king, Muley Abul Hassan, had settled onto his couch that night in one of the strongest towers of the Alhambra, but his restless anxiety kept him from relaxing. In the first watch of the night, he heard a faint shout coming from the Albaycin district, located on the opposite side of the deep valley of the Darro. Soon after, horsemen came racing up the hill towards the main gate of the Alhambra, spreading the news that Boabdil had entered the city and taken control of the Alcazaba.
In the first transports of his rage the old king would have struck the messenger to earth. He hastily summoned his counsellors and commanders, exhorting them to stand by him in this critical moment, and during the night made every preparation to enter the Albaycin sword in hand in the morning.
In the first wave of his anger, the old king almost knocked the messenger to the ground. He quickly called for his advisors and commanders, urging them to support him in this crucial moment, and throughout the night, he made all the preparations to enter the Albaycin with his sword in hand the next morning.
In the mean time the sultana Ayxa had taken prompt and vigorous measures to strengthen her party. The Albaycin was the part of the city filled by the lower orders. The return of Boabdil was proclaimed throughout the streets, and large sums of money were distributed among the populace. The nobles assembled in the Alcazaba were promised honors and rewards by Boabdil as soon as he should be firmly seated on the throne. These well-timed measures had the customary effect, and by daybreak all the motley populace of the Albaycin were in arms.
In the meantime, Sultana Ayxa took quick and strong action to strengthen her support. The Albaycin was the part of the city occupied by the lower classes. News of Boabdil's return was announced throughout the streets, and large amounts of money were given out to the people. The nobles gathered in the Alcazaba were promised titles and rewards by Boabdil once he was securely in power. These well-timed strategies had the usual effect, and by sunrise, all the diverse crowd of the Albaycin was armed.
A doleful day succeeded. All Granada was a scene of tumult and horror. Drums and trumpets resounded in every part; all business was interrupted; the shops were shut, the doors barricadoed. Armed bands paraded the streets, some shouting for Boabdil, and some for Muley Abul Hassan. When they encountered each other they fought furiously and without mercy; every public square became a scene of battle. The great mass of the lower orders was in favor of Boabdil, but it was a multitude without discipline or lofty spirit: part of the people were regularly armed, but the greater number had sallied forth with the implements of their trade. The troops of the old king, among whom were many cavaliers of pride and valor, soon drove the populace from the squares. They fortified themselves, however, in the streets and lanes, which they barricadoed. They made fortresses of their houses, and fought desperately from the windows and the roofs, and many a warrior of the highest blood of Granada was laid low by plebeian hands and plebeian weapons in this civic brawl.*
A gloomy day followed. All of Granada was filled with chaos and fear. Drums and trumpets echoed everywhere; all business came to a halt; the shops were closed, the doors barricaded. Armed groups marched through the streets, some shouting for Boabdil, and others for Muley Abul Hassan. When they ran into each other, they fought fiercely and without mercy; every public square turned into a battlefield. The large crowd of common people supported Boabdil, but they were a disorganized bunch: some were properly armed, but most had come out with whatever tools they could find. The troops of the old king, which included many proud and brave knights, quickly forced the crowd out of the squares. However, they took refuge in the streets and alleys, barricading themselves. They turned their homes into fortresses and fought fiercely from the windows and rooftops, and many a warrior of noble blood in Granada was brought down by the hands and weapons of commoners during this civil conflict.*
* Conde, Domin. de los Arabes, p. 4, c. 37.
* Conde, Domin. de los Arabes, p. 4, c. 37.
It was impossible that such violent convulsions should last long in the heart of the city. The people soon longed for repose and a return to their peaceful occupations, and the cavaliers detested these conflicts with the multitude, in which were all the horrors of war without its laurels. By the interference of the alfaquis an armistice was at length effected. Boabdil was persuaded that there was no dependence upon the inconstant favor of the multitude, and was prevailed upon to quit a capital where he could only maintain a precarious seat upon his throne by a perpetual and bloody struggle. He fixed his court at the city of Almeria, which was entirely devoted to him, and which at that time vied with Granada in splendor and importance. This compromise of grandeur for tranquillity, however, was sorely against the counsels of his proud-spirited mother, the sultana Ayxa. Granada appeared, in her eyes, the only legitimate seat of dominion, and she observed, with a smile of disdain, that he was not worthy of being called a monarch who was not master of his capital.
It was impossible for such violent upheavals to last long in the heart of the city. The people quickly yearned for peace and a return to their normal lives, and the nobles hated these clashes with the masses, which brought all the horrors of war without any glory. Thanks to the intervention of the scholars, an armistice was finally reached. Boabdil was convinced that he couldn't rely on the fickle support of the crowd, and he was persuaded to leave a city where he could only keep a shaky grip on his throne through constant and bloody battles. He established his court in the city of Almeria, which was fully loyal to him and at that time rivaled Granada in beauty and importance. This trade-off of grandeur for peace, however, went against the wishes of his proud mother, Sultana Ayxa. In her eyes, Granada was the only rightful seat of power, and she disdainfully remarked that he wasn't worthy of being called a monarch if he wasn't in control of his capital.
Though Muley Abul Hassan had regained undivided sway over the city of Granada, and the alfaquis, by his command, had denounced his son Boabdil as an apostate doomed by Heaven to misfortune, still the latter had many adherents among the common people. Whenever, therefore, any act of the old monarch was displeasing to the turbulent multitude, they were prone to give him a hint of the slippery nature of his standing by shouting out the name of Boabdil el Chico. Long experience had instructed Muley Abul Hassan in the character of the inconstant people over whom he ruled. “A successful inroad into the country of the unbelievers,” said he, “will make more converts to my cause than a thousand texts of the Koran expounded by ten thousand alfaquis.”
Though Muley Abul Hassan had regained complete control over the city of Granada, and the alfaquis, at his command, had declared his son Boabdil an apostate cursed by Heaven to misfortune, Boabdil still had plenty of support among the common people. Whenever the old king did something that upset the restless crowd, they would remind him of the fragility of his power by shouting the name of Boabdil el Chico. Muley Abul Hassan had learned well about the fickle nature of the people he ruled. “A successful raid into the territory of the unbelievers,” he said, “will win more supporters for my cause than a thousand verses of the Koran explained by ten thousand alfaquis.”
At this time King Ferdinand was absent from Andalusia on a distant expedition with many of his troops. The moment was favorable for a foray, and Muley Abul Hassan cast about his thoughts for a leader to conduct it. Ali Atar, the terror of the border, the scourge of Andalusia, was dead, but there was another veteran general, scarce inferior to him for predatory warfare. This was old Bexir, the gray and crafty alcayde of Malaga, and the people under his command were ripe for an expedition of the kind. The signal defeat and slaughter of the Spanish knights in the neighboring mountains had filled the people of Malaga with vanity and self-conceit. They had attributed to their own valor the defeat caused by the nature of the country. Many of them wore the armor and paraded in public with the horses of the unfortunate cavaliers slain on that occasion, vauntingly displaying them as trophies of their boasted victory. They had talked themselves into a contempt for the chivalry of Andalusia, and were impatient for an opportunity to overrun a country defended by such troops. This Muley Abul Hassan considered a favorable state of mind for a daring inroad, and sent orders to old Bexir to gather together the choicest warriors of the borders and carry fire and sword into the very heart of Andalusia. Bexir immediately despatched his emissaries among the alcaydes of the border towns, calling upon them to assemble with their troops at the city of Ronda.
At this time, King Ferdinand was away from Andalusia on a distant mission with many of his troops. The moment was right for a raid, and Muley Abul Hassan thought about who could lead it. Ali Atar, the fearsome border warrior and scourge of Andalusia, was dead, but there was another experienced general, nearly as good at raiding. This was old Bexir, the gray and cunning alcayde of Malaga, and the people under his command were ready for a mission like this. The recent defeat and slaughter of the Spanish knights in the nearby mountains had made the people of Malaga arrogant and full of themselves. They credited their own bravery for the defeat, which was really due to the terrain. Many of them wore armor and paraded around with the horses of the unfortunate knights who had been killed, proudly displaying them as trophies of their supposed victory. They had convinced themselves that they were superior to the chivalry of Andalusia and were eager for a chance to invade a country defended by such troops. Muley Abul Hassan saw this as a good mindset for a bold attack and sent orders to old Bexir to gather the best warriors from the borders and take fire and sword directly into the heart of Andalusia. Bexir quickly sent his messengers among the alcaydes of the border towns, urging them to bring their troops to the city of Ronda.
Ronda was the most virulent nest of Moorish depredators in the whole border country. It was situated in the midst of the wild Serrania, or chain of mountains of the same name, which are uncommonly lofty, broken, and precipitous. It stood on an almost isolated rock, nearly encircled by a deep valley, or rather chasm, through which ran the beautiful river called Rio Verde. The Moors of this city were the most active, robust, and warlike of all the mountaineers, and their very children discharged the crossbow with unerring aim. They were incessantly harassing the rich plains of Andalusia; their city abounded with Christian captives, who might sigh in vain for deliverance from this impregnable fortress. Such was Ronda in the time of the Moors, and it has ever retained something of the same character, even to the present day. Its inhabitants continue to be among the boldest, fiercest, and most adventurous of the Andalusian mountaineers, and the Serrania de Ronda is famous as the most dangerous resort of the bandit and the contrabandista.
Ronda was the most fierce nest of Moorish raiders in the entire border region. It was located in the heart of the wild Serrania, a range of very high, rugged, and steep mountains. It perched on a nearly isolated rock, almost surrounded by a deep valley, or rather a chasm, through which flowed the beautiful river known as Rio Verde. The Moors of this city were the most active, strong, and warlike of all the mountain dwellers, and even their children could shoot a crossbow with precise accuracy. They constantly plagued the rich plains of Andalusia; their city was filled with Christian captives who longed in vain for freedom from this impenetrable fortress. That was Ronda during the time of the Moors, and it has kept some of that same character even today. Its residents remain among the boldest, fiercest, and most adventurous of the Andalusian mountain people, and the Serrania de Ronda is known as the most perilous haunt of bandits and smugglers.
Hamet Zeli, surnamed El Zegri, was the commander of this belligerent city and its fierce inhabitants. He was of the tribe of the Zegries, and one of the most proud and daring of that warlike race. Besides the inhabitants of Ronda and some of his own tribe, he had a legion of African Moors in his immediate service. They were of the tribe of the Gomeres, so called from their native mountains—mercenary troops whose hot African blood had not yet been tempered by the softer living of Spain, and whose whole business was to fight. These he kept always well armed and well appointed. The rich pasturage of the valley of Ronda produced a breed of horses famous for strength and speed; no cavalry, therefore, was better mounted than the band of Gomeres. Rapid on the march, fierce in the attack, it would sweep down upon the Andalusian plains like a sudden blast from the mountains, and pass away as suddenly before there was time for pursuit.
Hamet Zeli, known as El Zegri, was the leader of this aggressive city and its fierce residents. He belonged to the Zegries tribe and was one of the proudest and boldest members of that warrior culture. Along with the people of Ronda and some of his own tribe, he commanded a legion of African Moors in his direct service. They came from the Gomeres tribe, named after their mountainous homeland—these mercenaries had not yet been softened by life in Spain, and their main focus was fighting. He always kept them well-armed and well-equipped. The rich grasslands of the Ronda valley produced horses known for their strength and speed, so no cavalry was better mounted than the Gomeres. Fast on the march and fierce in attack, they would charge down onto the Andalusian plains like a sudden gust from the mountains, disappearing just as quickly before there was any chance of being pursued.
There was nothing that stirred up the spirit of the Moors of the frontiers more thoroughly than the idea of a foray. The summons of Bexir was gladly obeyed by the alcaydes of the border towns, and in a little while there was a force of fifteen hundred horse and four thousand foot, the very pith and marrow of the surrounding country, assembled within the walls of Ronda. The people of the place anticipated with eagerness the rich spoils of Andalusia soon to crowd their gates; throughout the day the city resounded with the noise of kettle-drum and trumpet; the high-mettled steeds stamped and neighed in their stalls as if they shared the impatience for the foray; while the Christian captives sighed as the varied din of preparation reached their rocky dungeons, denoting a fresh expedition against their countrymen.
There was nothing that excited the spirit of the frontier Moors more than the idea of a raid. The call from Bexir was eagerly responded to by the leaders of the border towns, and soon there was a force of fifteen hundred horsemen and four thousand foot soldiers, the very best of the surrounding country, gathered within the walls of Ronda. The locals eagerly anticipated the rich spoils of Andalusia that would soon arrive at their gates; throughout the day, the city echoed with the sounds of kettle drums and trumpets; the spirited horses stomped and neighed in their stalls as if they too were anxious for the raid; while the Christian captives sighed as the varied noise of preparation reached their rocky dungeons, signaling a new campaign against their fellow countrymen.
The infidel host sallied forth full of spirits, anticipating an easy ravage and abundant booty. They encouraged each other in a contempt for the prowess of the foe. Many of the warriors of Malaga and of some of the mountain-towns had insultingly arrayed themselves in the splendid armor of the Christian knights slain or taken prisoners in the famous massacre, and some of them rode the Andalusian steeds captured on that occasion.
The unbelieving group charged out with high spirits, expecting an easy raid and plenty of loot. They motivated each other with a disdain for the enemy's abilities. Many of the fighters from Malaga and nearby mountain towns had boldly adorned themselves in the impressive armor of the Christian knights who were killed or captured in the well-known massacre, and some of them rode the Andalusian horses that were seized during that time.
The wary Bexir concerted his plans so secretly and expeditiously that the Christian towns of Andalusia had not the least suspicion of the storm gathering beyond the mountains. The vast rocky range of the Serrania de Ronda extended like a screen, covering all their movements from observation.
The cautious Bexir organized his plans so secretly and quickly that the Christian towns in Andalusia had no idea about the storm brewing beyond the mountains. The massive rocky range of the Serrania de Ronda acted like a barrier, hiding all their activities from view.
The army made its way as rapidly as the rugged nature of the mountains would permit, guided by Hamet el Zegri, the bold alcayde of Ronda, who knew every pass and defile: not a drum nor the clash of a cymbal nor the blast of a trumpet was permitted to be heard. The mass of war rolled quietly on as the gathering cloud to the brow of the mountains, intending to burst down like the thunderbolt upon the plain.
The army moved as quickly as the rough terrain of the mountains allowed, led by Hamet el Zegri, the daring leader of Ronda, who was familiar with every path and narrow passage: no drums, cymbals, or trumpets were allowed to be heard. The force of war advanced silently like a gathering storm cloud over the mountain peaks, ready to strike down like a thunderbolt upon the plain.
Never let the most wary commander fancy himself secure from discovery, for rocks have eyes, and trees have ears, and the birds of the air have tongues, to betray the most secret enterprise. There chanced at this time to be six Christian scouts prowling about the savage heights of the Serrania de Ronda. They were of that kind of lawless ruffians who infest the borders of belligerent countries, ready at any time to fight for pay or prowl for plunder. The wild mountain-passes of Spain have ever abounded with loose rambling vagabonds of the kind—soldiers in war, robbers in peace, guides, guards, smugglers, or cutthroats according to the circumstances of the case.
Never let the most cautious commander think he's safe from being discovered, because rocks have eyes, trees have ears, and the birds in the sky can gossip about the most secret plans. At this time, there happened to be six Christian scouts wandering around the wild heights of the Serrania de Ronda. They were the kind of lawless troublemakers that hang around the borders of warring countries, ready to fight for money or steal for fun. The rugged mountain passes of Spain have always been filled with aimless drifters like them—soldiers in times of war, thieves in times of peace, guides, guards, smugglers, or killers depending on the situation.
These six marauders (says Fray Antonio Agapida) were on this occasion chosen instruments, sanctified by the righteousness of their cause. They were lurking among the mountains to entrap Moorish cattle or Moorish prisoners, both of which were equally salable in the Christian market. They had ascended one of the loftiest cliffs, and were looking out like birds of prey, ready to pounce upon anything that might offer in the valley, when they descried the Moorish army emerging from a mountain-glen. They watched it as it wound below them, remarking the standards of the various towns and the pennons of the commanders. They hovered about it on its march, skulking from cliff to cliff, until they saw the route by which it intended to enter the Christian country. They then dispersed, each making his way by the secret passes of the mountains to some different alcayde, that they might spread the alarm far and wide, and each get a separate reward.
These six raiders (says Fray Antonio Agapida) were on this occasion chosen instruments, sanctified by the righteousness of their cause. They were hiding in the mountains to capture Moorish cattle or prisoners, both of which were equally sellable in the Christian market. They had climbed one of the highest cliffs, looking out like birds of prey, ready to swoop down on anything that might appear in the valley, when they spotted the Moorish army coming out from a mountain glen. They watched it as it moved below them, noting the flags of the different towns and the pennants of the commanders. They followed it on its march, sneaking from cliff to cliff, until they saw the route it intended to take into Christian territory. They then scattered, each using the secret paths of the mountains to reach a different leader, so they could spread the alarm far and wide and each claim a separate reward.
One hastened to Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, the same valiant alcayde who had repulsed Muley Abul Hassan from the walls of Alhama, and who now commanded at Ecija in the absence of the master of Santiago. Others roused the town of Utrera and the places of that neighborhood, putting them all on the alert.*
One rushed to Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, the same brave commander who had driven Muley Abul Hassan away from the walls of Alhama, and who was now leading in Ecija while the master of Santiago was away. Others alerted the town of Utrera and the surrounding areas, getting them all ready.
* Pulgar, p. 3, c. 24; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 67.
* Pulgar, p. 3, c. 24; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 67.
Puerto Carrero was a cavalier of consummate vigor and activity. He immediately sent couriers to the alcaydes of the neighboring fortresses, to Herman Carrello, captain of a body of the Holy Brotherhood, and to certain knights of the order of Alcantara. Puerto Carrero was the first to take the field. Knowing the hard and hungry service of these border scampers, he made every man take a hearty repast and see that his horse was well shod and perfectly appointed. Then, all being refreshed and in valiant heart, he sallied forth to seek the Moors. He had but a handful of men, the retainers of his household and troops of his captaincy, but they were well armed and mounted, and accustomed to the sudden rouses of the border—men whom the cry of “Arm and out! to horse and to the field!” was sufficient at any time to put in a fever of animation.
Puerto Carrero was a knight full of energy and determination. He quickly sent messengers to the leaders of nearby fortresses, to Herman Carrello, the captain of a group in the Holy Brotherhood, and to several knights from the Order of Alcantara. Puerto Carrero was the first to head out. Understanding the tough and demanding nature of these border missions, he made sure every man had a hearty meal and that their horses were properly shod and fully equipped. Once everyone was refreshed and ready for action, he set out to find the Moors. He had only a small group of men—his household retainers and troops under his command—but they were well-armed, well-mounted, and used to the sudden calls of border duty; the shout of “Arm and out! To horse and to the field!” was enough to get them fired up at any moment.
While the northern part of Andalusia was thus on the alert, one of the scouts had hastened southward to the city of Xeres, and given the alarm to the valiant marques of Cadiz. When the marques heard that the Moor was over the border and that the standard of Malaga was in the advance, his heart bounded with a momentary joy, for he remembered the massacre in the mountains, where his valiant brothers had been mangled before his eyes. The very authors of his calamity were now at hand, and he flattered himself that the day of vengeance had arrived. He made a hasty levy of his retainers and of the fighting men of Xeres, and hurried off with three hundred horse and two hundred foot, all resolute men and panting for revenge.
While the northern part of Andalusia was on high alert, one of the scouts quickly rushed south to the city of Xeres and raised the alarm with the brave marquis of Cadiz. When the marquis learned that the Moors were across the border and that the standard of Malaga was advancing, his heart leaped with temporary joy, as he recalled the massacre in the mountains, where his courageous brothers had been killed before his eyes. The very authors of his suffering were now near, and he convinced himself that the day of revenge had come. He quickly gathered his retainers and the fighting men of Xeres, setting off with three hundred cavalry and two hundred infantry, all determined and eager for vengeance.
In the mean time, the veteran Bexir had accomplished his march, as he imagined, undiscovered. From the openings of the craggy defiles he pointed out the fertile plains of Andalusia, and regaled the eyes of his soldiery with the rich country they were about to ravage. The fierce Gomeres of Ronda were flushed with joy at the sight, and even their steeds seemed to prick up their ears and snuff the breeze as they beheld the scenes of their frequent forays.
In the meantime, the veteran Bexir believed he had completed his march unnoticed. From the openings of the rocky passes, he pointed out the lush plains of Andalusia and delighted his soldiers with the beautiful land they were about to plunder. The fierce Gomeres of Ronda were filled with joy at the sight, and even their horses seemed to perk up and catch the scent of the land where they often raided.
When they came to where the mountain-defile opened into the low land, Bexir divided his force into three parts: one, composed of foot-soldiers and such as were weakly mounted, he left to guard the pass, being too experienced a veteran not to know the importance of securing a retreat; a second body he placed in ambush among the groves and thickets on the banks of the river Lopera; the third, consisting of light cavalry, he sent forth to ravage the Campina (or great plain) of Utrera. Most of this latter force was composed of the Gomeres of Ronda, mounted on the fleet steeds bred among the mountains. It was led by Hamet el Zegri, ever eager to be foremost in the forage. Little suspecting that the country on both sides was on the alarm, and rushing from all directions to close upon them in the rear, this fiery troop dashed forward until they came within two leagues of Utrera. Here they scattered themselves about the plain, careering round the great herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, and sweeping them into droves to be hurried to the mountains.
When they reached the point where the mountain pass opened up into the lowlands, Bexir split his forces into three groups: he left one group, made up of foot soldiers and those who weren't well-mounted, to guard the pass, knowing from his experience how crucial it was to secure a retreat; he positioned a second group in hiding among the groves and bushes along the banks of the Lopera River; and he sent the third group, made up of light cavalry, to raid the Campina (or great plain) of Utrera. Most of this last group consisted of the Gomeres from Ronda, riding the swift horses raised in the mountains. It was led by Hamet el Zegri, always eager to be first in the looting. Unaware that the area on both sides was on high alert, with people rushing in from all directions to close in on them from behind, this eager troop charged forward until they were just two leagues from Utrera. There, they spread out across the plain, racing around the large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, rounding them up to be driven back to the mountains.
While thus dispersed a troop of horse and body of foot from Utrera came suddenly upon them. The Moors rallied together in small parties and endeavored to defend themselves; but they were without a leader, for Hamet el Zegri was at a distance, having, like a hawk, made a wide circuit in pursuit of prey. The marauders soon gave way and fled toward the ambush on the banks of the Lopera, being hotly pursued by the men of Utrera.
While they were scattered, a group of horsemen and infantry from Utrera suddenly attacked them. The Moors gathered in small groups and tried to defend themselves, but they had no leader because Hamet el Zegri was far away, having circled widely like a hawk in search of prey. The attackers quickly broke ranks and fled toward the ambush by the banks of the Lopera, being closely followed by the men from Utrera.
When they reached the Lopera the Moors in ambush rushed forth with furious cries, and the fugitives, recovering courage from this reinforcement, rallied and turned upon their pursuers. The Christians stood their ground, though greatly inferior in number. Their lances were soon broken, and they came to sharp work with sword and scimetar. The Christians fought valiantly, but were in danger of being overwhelmed. The bold Hamet collected a handful of his scattered Gomeres, left his prey, and galloped toward the scene of action. His little troop of horsemen had reached the crest of a rising ground at no great distance when trumpets were heard in another direction, and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero and his followers came galloping into the field, and charged upon the infidels in flank.
When they got to Lopera, the Moors hiding in ambush charged out with loud shouts, and the fleeing Christians, feeling bolstered by this reinforcement, regrouped and turned against their attackers. The Christians held their position, even though they were outnumbered. Their lances quickly broke, and they engaged in fierce close combat with swords and sabers. The Christians fought bravely but risked being overrun. The daring Hamet gathered a few of his scattered Gomeres, abandoned his original target, and raced toward the fighting. His small group of horsemen had almost reached the top of a hill nearby when they heard trumpets sounding from another direction, and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero and his men came charging into the battle, attacking the infidels from the side.
The Moors were astounded at finding war thus breaking upon them from various quarters of what they had expected to find an unguarded country. They fought for a short time with desperation, and resisted a vehement assault from the knights of Alcantara and the men-at-arms of the Holy Brotherhood. At length the veteran Bexir was struck from his horse by Puerto Carrero and taken prisoner, and the whole force gave way and fled. In their flight they separated and took two roads to the mountains, thinking by dividing their forces to distract the enemy. The Christians were too few to separate. Puerto Carrero kept them together, pursuing one division of the enemy with great slaughter. This battle took place at the fountain of the fig tree, near to the Lopera. Six hundred Moorish cavaliers were slain and many taken prisoners. Much spoil was collected on the field, with which the Christians returned in triumph to their homes.
The Moors were shocked to find themselves under attack from multiple directions in what they thought would be an unguarded territory. They fought fiercely for a short time and resisted a strong assault from the knights of Alcantara and the soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood. Eventually, the veteran Bexir was knocked off his horse by Puerto Carrero and captured, leading the entire force to collapse and flee. In their escape, they split up and took two different paths toward the mountains, hoping that by dividing their forces, they could confuse the enemy. The Christians were too few to split up. Puerto Carrero kept them together, chasing down one group of the enemy with devastating force. This battle happened at the fountain of the fig tree, near Lopera. Six hundred Moorish knights were killed, and many were taken prisoner. A lot of loot was gathered on the battlefield, which the Christians carried back home in triumph.
The larger body of the enemy had retreated along a road leading more to the south, by the banks of the Guadalete. When they reached that river the sound of pursuit had died away, and they rallied to breathe and refresh themselves on the margin of the stream. Their force was reduced to about a thousand horse and a confused multitude of foot. While they were scattered and partly dismounted on the banks of the Guadalete a fresh storm of war burst upon them from an opposite direction. It was the (4) marques of Cadiz, leading on his household troops and the fighting men of Xeres. When the Christian warriors came in sight of the Moors, they were roused to fury at beholding many of them arrayed in the armor of the cavaliers who had been slain among the mountains of Malaga. Nay, some who had been in that defeat beheld their own armor, which they had cast away in their flight to enable themselves to climb the mountains. Exasperated at the sight they rushed upon the foe with the ferocity of tigers rather than the temperate courage of cavaliers. Each man felt as if he were avenging the death of a relative or wiping out his own disgrace. The good marques himself beheld a powerful Moor bestriding the horse of his brother Beltran: giving a cry of rage and anguish at the sight, he rushed through the thickest of the enemy, attacked the Moor with resistless fury, and after a short combat hurled him breathless to the earth.
The larger group of enemies had pulled back along a road heading further south, alongside the Guadalete River. Once they reached the river, the sounds of the chase faded, and they gathered to catch their breath and refresh themselves by the water’s edge. Their numbers had dwindled to about a thousand cavalry and a chaotic crowd of infantry. Just as they were scattered and partly dismounted on the banks of the Guadalete, a new wave of battle surged toward them from the opposite side. It was the (4) Marquis of Cadiz, leading his household troops and the fighters from Xeres. When the Christian warriors spotted the Moors, they were incensed to see many of them wearing the armor of the knights who had fallen in the mountains of Malaga. In fact, some of those who had suffered defeat recognized their own armor, which they had discarded in their escape to help them climb the mountains. Furious at the sight, they charged at the enemy with the ferocity of tigers instead of the restrained bravery of knights. Each man felt as if he were avenging the death of a loved one or erasing his own disgrace. The brave Marquis himself saw a powerful Moor riding his brother Beltran’s horse; filled with rage and anguish at the sight, he plunged into the thickest part of the enemy, attacked the Moor with unstoppable fury, and after a brief struggle, slammed him breathless to the ground.
The Moors, already vanquished in spirit, could not withstand the assault of men thus madly excited. They soon gave way, and fled for the defile of the Serrania de Ronda, where the body of troops had been stationed to secure a retreat. These, seeing them come galloping wildly up the defile, with Christian banners in pursuit and the flash of weapons at their deadly work, thought all Andalusia was upon them, and fled without awaiting an attack. The pursuit continued among glens and defiles, for the Christian warriors, eager for revenge, had no compassion on the foe.
The Moors, already defeated in spirit, couldn’t withstand the charge of these wildly excited men. They quickly gave in and ran towards the narrow pass of the Serrania de Ronda, where a group of troops had been positioned to ensure a retreat. Those troops, seeing the Moors coming frantically up the pass with Christian banners chasing them and weapons flashing as they attacked, believed all of Andalusia was on them and fled without waiting for a fight. The chase continued through valleys and narrow passages, as the Christian warriors, hungry for revenge, showed no mercy to the enemy.
When the pursuit was over the marques of Cadiz and his followers reposed themselves upon the banks of the Guadalete, where they divided the spoil. Among this were found many rich corselets, helmets, and weapons, the Moorish trophies of the defeat in the mountains of Malaga. Several were claimed by their owners; others were known to have belonged to noble cavaliers who had been slain or taken prisoners. There were several horses also, richly caparisoned, which had pranced proudly with the unfortunate warriors as they sallied out of Antiquera upon that fatal expedition. Thus the exultation of the victors was dashed with melancholy, and many a knight was seen lamenting over the helmet or corselet of some loved companion-in-arms.
Once the pursuit ended, the Marquis of Cadiz and his followers rested on the banks of the Guadalete, where they shared the spoils. Among the items were many valuable armor pieces, helmets, and weapons—Moorish trophies from the victory in the mountains of Malaga. Some were claimed by their original owners, while others were known to have belonged to noble knights who had been killed or captured. There were also several richly decorated horses that had proudly carried the unfortunate warriors as they set out from Antiquera on that ill-fated expedition. Thus, the joy of the victors was mixed with sadness, and many knights were seen mourning over the helmet or armor of a beloved comrade-in-arms.
NOTE.—“En el despojo de la Batalla se vieron muchas ricas corazas e capacetes, e barberas de las que se habian perdido en el Axarquia, e otras muchas armas, e algunes fueron conocidas de sus duenos que las habian dejado por fuir, e otras fueron conocidas, que eran mui senaladas de hombres principales que habian quedado muertos e cautivos, i fueron tornados muchos de los mismos Caballos con sus ricas sillas, de los que quedaron en la Axerquia, e fueron concidos cuios eran.”—“Cura de los Palacios,” cap. 67.
NOTE.—“In the aftermath of the battle, many rich armors, helmets, and beards that had been lost in Axarquia were seen, along with various other weapons. Some were recognized by their owners who had left them behind in their flight, and others were known to belong to notable individuals who had been left dead or captured. Many of the same horses with their lavish saddles were returned, and their owners were also recognized.”—“Cura de los Palacios,” cap. 67.
The bold alcayde of Ronda, Hamet el Zegri, had careered wide over the Campina of Utrera, encompassing the flocks and herds, when he heard the burst of war at a distance. There were with him but a handful of his Gomeres. He saw the scamper and pursuit afar off, and beheld the Christian horsemen spurring madly toward the ambuscade on the banks of the Lopera. Hamet tossed his hand triumphantly aloft for his men to follow him. “The Christian dogs are ours!” said he as he put spurs to his horse to take the enemy in rear.
The bold leader of Ronda, Hamet el Zegri, had raced widely across the plains of Utrera, rounding up the flocks and herds, when he heard the sound of battle in the distance. He was only accompanied by a handful of his Gomeres. He saw the commotion and chase from afar and watched as the Christian horsemen charged wildly toward the ambush by the banks of the Lopera. Hamet raised his hand triumphantly for his men to follow him. “The Christian dogs are ours!” he shouted as he spurred his horse to catch the enemy from behind.
The little band which followed Hamet scarcely amounted to thirty horsemen. They spurred across the plain, and reached a rising ground just as the force of Puerto Carrero had charged, with sound of trumpet, upon the flank of the party in ambush. Hamet beheld the headlong rout of the army with rage and consternation. He found the country was pouring forth its legions from every quarter, and perceived that there was no safety but in precipitate flight.
The small group that followed Hamet barely had thirty horsemen. They hurried across the plain and reached an elevated area just as Puerto Carrero's forces charged with trumpets blaring at the ambushed group. Hamet watched in anger and despair as the army scattered in a panic. He realized that troops were flooding in from all directions and saw that the only option for safety was a quick escape.
But which way to fly? An army was between him and the mountain-pass; all the forces of the neighborhood were rushing to the borders; the whole route by which he had come was by this time occupied by the foe. He checked his steed, rose in the stirrups, and rolled a stern and thoughtful eye over the country; then, sinking into his saddle, he seemed to commune a moment with himself. Turning quickly to his troop, he singled out a renegado Christian, a traitor to his religion and his king. “Come hither,” said Hamet. “Thou knowest all the secret passes of the country?”—“I do,” replied the renegado.—“Dost thou know any circuitous route, solitary and untravelled, by which we can pass wide within these troops and reach the Serrania?”—The renegado paused: “Such a route I know, but it is full of peril, for it leads through the heart of the Christian land.”—“‘Tis well,” said Hamet; “the more dangerous in appearance, the less it will be suspected. Now hearken to me. Ride by my side. Thou seest this purse of gold and this scimetar. Take us, by the route thou hast mentioned, safe to the pass of the Serrania, and this purse shall be thy reward; betray us, and this scimetar shall cleave thee to the saddle-bow.” *
But which way to go? An army stood between him and the mountain pass; all the local forces were rushing to the borders; the entire route he had taken was now occupied by the enemy. He stopped his horse, rose in the stirrups, and scanned the landscape with a serious and thoughtful gaze; then, sinking back into his saddle, he seemed to think to himself for a moment. Turning quickly to his troop, he pointed out a renegade Christian, a traitor to his faith and his king. “Come here,” said Hamet. “You know all the secret paths of the land?”—“I do,” replied the renegade.—“Do you know of any long, lonely route through which we can avoid these troops and reach the Serrania?”—The renegade hesitated: “I know such a route, but it is very dangerous because it goes through the heart of Christian territory.” —“That’s fine,” said Hamet; “the more dangerous it seems, the less it will be suspected. Now listen to me. Ride beside me. You see this purse of gold and this sword. Lead us, by the route you mentioned, safely to the pass of the Serrania, and this purse will be your reward; betray us, and this sword will cut you down to the saddle.”
* Cura de los Palacios, ubi sup.
* Cura de los Palacios, ubi sup.
The renegado obeyed, trembling. They turned off from the direct road to the mountains and struck southward toward Lebrixa, passing by the most solitary roads and along those deep ramblas and ravines by which the country is intersected. It was indeed a daring course. Every now and then they heard the distant sound of trumpets and the alarm-bells of towns and villages, and found that the war was still hurrying to the borders. They hid themselves in thickets and in dry beds of rivers until the danger had passed by, and then resumed their course. Hamet el Zegri rode on in silence, his hand upon his scimetar and his eye upon the renegado guide, prepared to sacrifice him on the least sign of treachery, while his band followed, gnawing their lips with rage at having thus to skulk through a country they had come to ravage.
The renegade obeyed, trembling. They left the main road to the mountains and headed south towards Lebrixa, taking the most remote paths and the deep ravines that crisscrossed the countryside. It was indeed a bold move. Now and then, they heard the distant sound of trumpets and alarm bells from towns and villages, realizing that the war was still rapidly approaching the borders. They hid in thickets and dry riverbeds until the danger passed and then continued on their way. Hamet el Zegri rode silently, his hand on his scimitar and his eyes on the renegade guide, ready to sacrifice him at the slightest hint of betrayal, while his men followed, biting their lips in anger at having to sneak through a land they had come to pillage.
When night fell they struck into more practicable roads, always keeping wide of the villages and hamlets, lest the watch-dogs should betray them. In this way they passed in deep midnight by Arcos, crossed the Guadalete, and effected their retreat to the mountains. The day dawned as they made their way up the savage defiles. Their comrades had been hunted up these very glens by the enemy. Every now and then they came to where there had been a partial fight or a slaughter of the fugitives, and the rocks were red with blood and strewed with mangled bodies. The alcayde of Ronda was almost frantic with rage at seeing many of his bravest warriors lying stiff and stark, a prey to the hawks and vultures of the mountains. Now and then some wretched Moor would crawl out of a cave or glen, whither he had fled for refuge, for in the retreat many of the horsemen had abandoned their steeds, thrown away their armor, and clambered up the cliffs, where they could not be pursued by the Christian cavalry.
When night fell, they took to more practical paths, always steering clear of villages and small towns to avoid being betrayed by the watchdogs. This way, they passed deep into midnight near Arcos, crossed the Guadalete, and managed to retreat to the mountains. Daylight broke as they navigated the rugged trails. Their comrades had been hunted through these very glens by the enemy. Occasionally, they came across spots where there had been fights or the brutal slaying of escapees, with the rocks stained red with blood and scattered with mangled bodies. The alcayde of Ronda was nearly beside himself with rage upon seeing many of his bravest warriors lying lifeless, vulnerable to the hawks and vultures of the mountains. Every so often, a miserable Moor would crawl out from a cave or hollow where he had taken refuge, as during the retreat, many horsemen had abandoned their horses, discarded their armor, and scrambled up the cliffs where the Christian cavalry could not follow.
The Moorish army had sallied forth from Ronda amidst shouts and acclamations, but wailings were heard within its walls as the alcayde and his broken band returned without banner or trumpet and haggard with famine and fatigue. The tidings of their disaster had preceded them, borne by the fugitives of the army. No one ventured to speak to the stern Hamet as he entered the city, for they saw a dark cloud upon his brow.
The Moorish army had marched out of Ronda to cheers and celebrations, but cries of sorrow echoed within its walls as the leader and his weary group came back without a flag or music, exhausted from hunger and fatigue. News of their defeat had already spread, carried by the army's deserters. No one dared to speak to the stern Hamet as he walked into the city, for they noticed a dark scowl on his face.
It seemed (says the pious Antonio Agapida) as if Heaven meted out this defeat in exact retribution for the ills inflicted upon the Christian warriors in the heights of Malaga. It was equally signal and disastrous. Of the brilliant array of Moorish chivalry which had descended so confidently into Andalusia, not more than two hundred escaped. The choicest troops of the frontier were either taken or destroyed, the Moorish garrisons enfeebled, and many alcaydes and cavaliers of noble lineage carried into captivity, who were afterward obliged to redeem themselves with heavy ransoms.
It seemed (says the devout Antonio Agapida) like Heaven dealt out this defeat as a direct response to the wrongs done to the Christian warriors in the highlands of Malaga. It was both significant and tragic. Of the impressive group of Moorish knights that had confidently come into Andalusia, no more than two hundred made it out. The best troops from the frontier were either captured or wiped out, the Moorish garrisons weakened, and many commanders and noble knights were taken prisoner, who later had to pay steep ransoms to secure their freedom.
This was called the battle of Lopera, and was fought on the 17th of September, 1483. Ferdinand and Isabella were at Vittoria in Old Castile when they received news of the victory and the standards taken from the enemy. They celebrated the event with processions, illuminations, and other festivities. Ferdinand sent to the marques of Cadiz the royal raiment which he had worn on that day, and conferred on him and all those who should inherit his title the privilege of wearing royal robes on our Lady’s Day in September in commemoration of this victory.*
This was known as the Battle of Lopera, which took place on September 17, 1483. Ferdinand and Isabella were in Vittoria, Old Castile, when they heard about the victory and the enemy's standards captured. They celebrated with parades, lights, and other festivities. Ferdinand sent the royal attire he wore that day to the Marquis of Cadiz and granted him and his heirs the right to wear royal robes on Our Lady’s Day in September to commemorate this victory.*
* Mariana, Abarca, Zurita, Pulgar, etc.
* Mariana, Abarca, Zurita, Pulgar, etc.
Queen Isabella was equally mindful of the great services of Don Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. Besides many encomiums and favors, she sent to his wife the royal vestments and robe of brocade which she had worn on the same day, to be worn by her during her life on the anniversary of that battle.*
Queen Isabella was also aware of the significant contributions of Don Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. In addition to numerous praises and favors, she sent his wife the royal garments and brocade robe that she had worn on that very day, to be used by her every year on the anniversary of that battle.*
In the midst of the bustle of warlike affairs the worthy chronicler Fray Antonio Agapida pauses to note, with curious accuracy, the distinguished reception given to the count de Cabra and his nephew, the alcayde de los Donceles, at the stately and ceremonious court of the Castilian sovereigns, in reward for the capture of the Moorish king Boabdil. The court (he observes) was held at the time in the ancient Moorish palace of the city of Cordova, and the ceremonials were arranged by that venerable prelate Don Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza, bishop of Toledo and grand cardinal of Spain.
In the midst of the busy war efforts, the chronicler Fray Antonio Agapida takes a moment to note, with keen detail, the warm welcome given to Count de Cabra and his nephew, the alcayde de los Donceles, at the grand and formal court of the Castilian kings, as a reward for capturing the Moorish king Boabdil. He notes that the court was taking place in the ancient Moorish palace in the city of Cordova, and the ceremonies were organized by the esteemed Bishop Don Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza, the bishop of Toledo and grand cardinal of Spain.
It was on Wednesday, the 14th of October (continues the precise Antonio Agapida), that the good count de Cabra, according to arrangement, appeared at the gate of Cordova. Here he was met by the grand cardinal and the duke of Villahermosa, illegitimate brother of the king, together with many of the first grandees and prelates of the kingdom. By this august train was he attended to the palace amidst strains of martial music and the shouts of a prodigious multitude.
It was on Wednesday, October 14th, that the good Count de Cabra, as noted by the accurate Antonio Agapida, arrived at the gate of Cordova as planned. He was greeted by the grand cardinal and the Duke of Villahermosa, the king's illegitimate brother, along with many of the top nobles and bishops of the kingdom. He was escorted to the palace by this impressive group, accompanied by the sounds of martial music and the cheers of a huge crowd.
When the count arrived in the presence of the sovereigns, who were seated in state on a dais or raised part of the hall of audience, they both arose. The king advanced exactly five steps toward the count, who knelt and kissed his royal hand; however, the king would not receive him as a mere vassal, but embraced him with affectionate cordiality. The queen also advanced two steps, and received the count with a countenance full of sweetness and benignity: after he had kissed her hand the king and queen returned to their thrones, and, cushions being brought, they ordered the count de Cabra to be seated in their presence. This last circumstance is written in large letters and followed by several notes of admiration in the manuscript of the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, who considers the extraordinary privilege of sitting in presence of the Catholic sovereigns an honor well worth fighting for.
When the count entered the room with the kings, who were seated on a raised platform, they both stood up. The king took exactly five steps toward the count, who knelt and kissed his royal hand; however, the king didn’t treat him like just a vassal but welcomed him warmly. The queen also took two steps forward and greeted the count with a sweet and kind expression: after he had kissed her hand, the king and queen went back to their thrones, and once cushions were brought in, they told the count de Cabra to sit with them. This last detail is noted in large letters followed by several exclamations in the manuscript of the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida, who thinks that the remarkable privilege of sitting in front of the Catholic monarchs is an honor worth fighting for.
The good count took his seat at a short distance from the king, and near him was seated the duke of Najera, then the bishop of Palencia, then the count of Aguilar, the count Luna, and Don Gutierre de Cardenas, senior commander of Leon.
The good count took his seat a little way from the king, and next to him was the duke of Najera, then the bishop of Palencia, followed by the count of Aguilar, count Luna, and Don Gutierre de Cardenas, the senior commander of Leon.
On the side of the queen were seated the grand cardinal of Spain, the duke of Villahermosa, the count of Monte Rey, and the bishops of Jaen and Cuenca, each in the order in which they are named. The infanta Isabella was prevented by indisposition from attending the ceremony.
On the queen's side were the grand cardinal of Spain, the duke of Villahermosa, the count of Monte Rey, and the bishops of Jaen and Cuenca, each in the order they are named. The infanta Isabella couldn’t attend the ceremony due to illness.
And now festive music resounded through the hall, and twenty ladies of the queen’s retinue entered, magnificently attired; upon which twenty youthful cavaliers, very gay and galliard in their array, stepped forth, and, each seeking his fair partner, they commenced a stately dance. The court in the mean time (observes Fray Antonio Agapida) looked on with lofty and becoming gravity.
And now cheerful music filled the hall, and twenty ladies from the queen’s entourage entered, dressed beautifully; then twenty young knights, stylish and lively in their outfits, stepped forward, each looking for their lovely partner, and they began a formal dance. Meanwhile, the court (as Fray Antonio Agapida notes) watched with dignified seriousness.
When the dance was concluded the king and queen rose to retire to supper, and dismissed the count with many gracious expressions. He was then attended by all the grandees present to the palace of the grand cardinal, where they partook of a sumptuous banquet.
When the dance ended, the king and queen stood up to go have dinner and thanked the count with many kind words. He was then accompanied by all the important guests to the grand cardinal's palace, where they enjoyed a lavish feast.
On the following Saturday the alcayde de los Donceles was received likewise with great honors, but the ceremonies were so arranged as to be a degree less in dignity than those shown to his uncle, the latter being considered the principal actor in this great achievement. Thus the grand cardinal and the duke of Villahermosa did not meet him at the gate of the city, but received him in the palace and entertained him in conversation until summoned to the sovereigns. # When the alcayde de los Donceles entered the presence-chamber the king and queen rose from their chairs, but without advancing. They greeted him graciously, and commanded him to be seated next to the count de Cabra.
On the following Saturday, the alcayde de los Donceles was received with great honors as well, but the ceremonies were arranged to be a bit less grand than those for his uncle, who was seen as the main figure in this significant achievement. So, the grand cardinal and the duke of Villahermosa didn't meet him at the city gate but welcomed him in the palace and chatted with him until they were called to the sovereigns. # When the alcayde de los Donceles entered the audience chamber, the king and queen stood up from their chairs but did not approach him. They greeted him warmly and directed him to sit next to the count de Cabra.
The infanta Isabella came forth to this reception, and took her seat beside the queen. When the court were all seated the music again sounded through the hall, and the twenty ladies came forth as on the preceding occasion, richly attired, but in different raiment. They danced as before, and the infanta Isabella, taking a young Portuguese damsel for a partner, joined in the dance. When this was concluded the king and queen dismissed the alcayde de los Donceles with great courtesy, and the court broke up.
The infanta Isabella came out for the reception and took her seat next to the queen. Once everyone at court was seated, the music filled the hall again, and the twenty ladies appeared just like before, dressed in fine but different outfits. They danced as they had earlier, and the infanta Isabella chose a young Portuguese lady as her partner and joined in the dance. When it was over, the king and queen graciously dismissed the alcayde de los Donceles, and the court dispersed.
The worthy Fray Antonio Agapida here indulges in a long eulogy on the scrupulous discrimination of the Castilian court in the distribution of its honors and rewards, by which means every smile and gesture and word of the sovereigns had its certain value and conveyed its equivalent of joy to the heart of the subject—a matter well worthy the study (says he) of all monarchs, who are too apt to distribute honors with a heedless caprice that renders them of no avail.
The esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida takes time to praise the careful judgment of the Castilian court in how it hands out its honors and rewards. Every smile, gesture, and word from the sovereigns carried its own significance and brought joy to the hearts of the subjects. This is something that he believes all monarchs should study, as they often give out honors with thoughtless whimsy that makes them lose their worth.
On the following Sunday both the count de Cabra and the alcayde de los Donceles were invited to sup with the sovereigns. The court that evening was attended by the highest nobility, arrayed with that cost and splendor for which the Spanish nobility of those days were renowned.
On the next Sunday, both Count de Cabra and Alcayde de los Donceles were invited to have dinner with the royals. That evening, the court was filled with the highest nobility, dressed in the extravagant and lavish style for which the Spanish nobility of that time were known.
Before supper there was a stately and ceremonious dance, befitting the dignity of so august a court. The king led forth the queen in grave and graceful measure; the count de Cabra was honored with the hand of the infanta Isabella; and the alcayde de los Donceles danced with a daughter of the marques de Astorga.
Before dinner, there was a grand and formal dance, fitting for such a prestigious court. The king led the queen in a serious and elegant manner; Count de Cabra was honored to dance with Infanta Isabella; and the alcayde de los Donceles danced with a daughter of the Marques de Astorga.
The dance being concluded, the royal party repaired to the supper-table, which was placed on an elevated part of the saloon. Here, in full view of the court, the count de Cabra and the alcayde de los Donceles supped at the same table with the king, the queen, and the infanta. The royal family were served by the marques of Villena. The cup-bearer to the king was his nephew, Fadrigue de Toledo, son to the duke of Alva. Don Alexis de Estaniga had the honor of fulfilling that office for the queen, and Tello de Aguilar for the infanta. Other cavaliers of rank and distinction waited on the count and the alcayde de los Donceles. At one o’clock the two distinguished guests were dismissed with many courteous expressions by the sovereigns.
The dance finished, the royal group went to the dinner table set up in an elevated section of the hall. Here, in full view of the court, Count de Cabra and the Alcayde de los Donceles dined at the same table as the king, queen, and infanta. The royal family was served by the Marques of Villena. The king's cup-bearer was his nephew, Fadrigue de Toledo, son of the Duke of Alva. Don Alexis de Estaniga had the privilege of serving the queen in that role, while Tello de Aguilar did the same for the infanta. Other distinguished knights attended to the count and the alcayde de los Donceles. At one o’clock, the two esteemed guests were graciously dismissed by the sovereigns.
Such (says Fray Antonio Agapida) were the great honors paid at our most exalted and ceremonious court to these renowned cavaliers, but the gratitude of the sovereigns did not end here. A few days afterward they bestowed upon them large revenues for life, and others to descend to their heirs, with the privilege for them and their descendants to prefix the title of Don to their names. They gave them, moreover, as armorial bearings a Moor’s head crowned, with a golden chain round the neck, in a sanguine field, and twenty-two banners round the margin of the escutcheon. Their descendants, of the houses of Cabra and Cordova, continue to bear these arms at the present day in memorial of the victory of Lucena and the capture of Boabdil el Chico.*
Such (says Fray Antonio Agapida) were the great honors given at our highest and most formal court to these famous knights, but the gratitude of the monarchs didn’t stop there. A few days later, they granted them substantial lifetime incomes, along with revenues that would pass down to their heirs, along with the privilege for them and their descendants to use the title of Don before their names. They also awarded them armorial bearings featuring a crowned Moor’s head with a golden chain around its neck, set against a red background, and twenty-two banners surrounding the edge of the shield. Their descendants, from the houses of Cabra and Cordova, still display these arms today in memory of the victory at Lucena and the capture of Boabdil el Chico.*
* The account given by Fray Antonio Agapida of this ceremonial, so characteristic of the old Spanish court, agrees in almost every particular with an ancient manuscript made up from the chronicles of the curate of los Palacios and other old Spanish writers.
* The account provided by Fray Antonio Agapida of this ceremony, which is so typical of the old Spanish court, aligns in almost every detail with an ancient manuscript compiled from the chronicles of the curate of los Palacios and other old Spanish authors.
The valiant Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, was one of the most vigilant of commanders. He kept in his pay a number of converted Moors to serve as adalides, or armed guides. These mongrel Christians were of great service in procuring information. Availing themselves of their Moorish character and tongue, they penetrated into the enemy’s country, prowled about the castles and fortresses, noticed the state of the walls, the gates, and towers, the strength of their garrisons, and the vigilance or negligence of their commanders. All this they minutely reported to the marques, who thus knew the state of every fortress upon the frontier and when it might be attacked with advantage. Besides the various town and cities over which he held feudal sway, he had always an armed force about him ready for the field. A host of retainers fed in his hall who were ready to follow him to danger, and death itself, without inquiring who or why they fought. The armories of his castles were supplied with helms and cuirasses and weapons of all kinds, ready burnished for use; and his stables were filled with hardy steeds that could stand a mountain-scamper.
The brave Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz, was one of the most alert commanders. He employed several converted Moors as adalides, or armed guides. These mixed-heritage Christians were very helpful in gathering information. Taking advantage of their Moorish background and language, they infiltrated enemy territory, explored castles and fortresses, observed the condition of walls, gates, and towers, assessed the strength of garrisons, and noted the attentiveness or carelessness of their leaders. They reported all this in detail to the Marquis, who was thus informed about the situation of every fortress on the frontier and knew when it could be attacked most effectively. Besides the various towns and cities he had feudal control over, he always had an armed force ready for battle. A group of loyal followers filled his hall, eager to accompany him into danger and even death, without questioning who they were fighting or why. The armories in his castles were stocked with helmets, breastplates, and weapons of all sorts, polished and ready for action; and his stables were filled with strong steeds capable of enduring a mountain trek.
The marques was aware that the late defeat of the Moors on the banks of the Lopera had weakened their whole frontier, for many of the castles and fortresses had lost their alcaydes and their choicest troops. He sent out his war-hounds, therefore, upon the range to ascertain where a successful blow might be struck; and they soon returned with word that Zahara was weakly garrisoned and short of provisions.
The marquis knew that the recent defeat of the Moors by the Lopera River had weakened their entire border, as many of the castles and forts had lost their commanders and their best soldiers. He sent out his hunting dogs to scout the area for potential targets, and they quickly came back with news that Zahara was poorly defended and lacking supplies.
This was the very fortress which, about two years before, had been stormed by Muley Abul Hassan, and its capture had been the first blow of this eventful war. It had ever since remained a thorn in the side of Andalusia. All the Christians had been carried away captive, and no civil population had been introduced in their stead. There were no women or children in the place. It was kept up as a mere military post, commanding one of the most important passes of the mountains, and was a stronghold of Moorish marauders. The marques was animated by the idea of regaining this fortress for his sovereigns and wresting from the old Moorish king this boasted trophy of his prowess. He sent missives, therefore, to the brave Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, who had distinguished himself in the late victory, and to Juan Almaraz, captain of the men-at-arms of the Holy Brotherhood, informing them of his designs, and inviting them to meet him with their forces on the banks of the Guadalete.
This was the very fortress that, about two years earlier, had been attacked by Muley Abul Hassan, and capturing it had been the first significant event of this tumultuous war. It had since remained a constant source of trouble for Andalusia. All the Christians had been taken captive, and no civilian population had been settled in their place. There were no women or children in the area. It functioned solely as a military outpost, overseeing one of the most crucial mountain passes, and served as a stronghold for Moorish raiders. The marques was motivated by the desire to reclaim this fortress for his rulers and take back from the old Moorish king this claimed trophy of his strength. He sent messages to the brave Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, who had made a name for himself in the recent victory, and to Juan Almaraz, captain of the men-at-arms of the Holy Brotherhood, updating them on his plans and inviting them to join him with their troops on the banks of the Guadalete.
It was on the day (says Fray Antonio Agapida) of the glorious apostles St. Simon and Judas, the twenty-eighth of October, in the year of grace one thousand four hundred and eighty-three, that this chosen band of Christian soldiers assembled suddenly and secretly at the appointed place. Their forces when united amounted to six hundred horse and fifteen hundred foot. Their gathering-place was at the entrance of the defile leading to Zahara. That ancient town, renowned in Moorish warfare, is situated in one of the roughest passes of the Serrania de Ronda. It is built round the craggy cone of a hill, on the lofty summit of which is a strong castle. The country around is broken into deep barrancas or ravines, some of which approach its very walls. The place had until recently been considered impregnable, but (as the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida observes) the walls of impregnable fortresses, like the virtue of self-confident saints, have their weak points of attack.
It was on the day (says Fray Antonio Agapida) of the glorious apostles St. Simon and Judas, October 28, 1483, that this chosen group of Christian soldiers gathered unexpectedly and discreetly at the designated location. When combined, their forces totaled six hundred cavalry and fifteen hundred infantry. They met at the entrance of the pass leading to Zahara. This ancient town, famous for its role in Moorish warfare, is located in one of the toughest sections of the Serrania de Ronda. It is built around the steep cone of a hill, at the top of which stands a strong castle. The surrounding area is filled with deep ravines, some of which come right up to its walls. Until recently, the place was deemed impregnable, but (as the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida points out) the walls of strong fortresses, like the self-assured virtues of saints, have their vulnerable spots.
The marques of Cadiz advanced with his little army in the dead of the night, marching silently into the deep and dark defiles of the mountains, and stealing up the ravines which extended to the walls of the town. Their approach was so noiseless that the Moorish sentinels upon the walls heard not a voice or a footfall. The marques was accompanied by his old escalador, Ortega de Prado, who had distinguished himself at the scaling of Alhama. This hardy veteran was stationed, with ten men furnished with scaling-ladders, in a cavity among the rocks close to the walls. At a little distance seventy men were hid in a ravine, to be at hand to second him when he should have fixed his ladders. The rest of the troops were concealed in another ravine commanding a fair approach to the gate of the fortress. A shrewd and wary adalid, well acquainted with the place, was appointed to give signals, and so stationed that he could be seen by the various parties in ambush, but not by the garrison.
The Marquess of Cádiz moved forward with his small army in the middle of the night, marching quietly into the deep, dark paths of the mountains and creeping up the ravines that led to the town walls. Their approach was so silent that the Moorish sentinels on the walls heard not a voice or footstep. The Marquess was accompanied by his old climber, Ortega de Prado, who had made a name for himself during the climb of Alhama. This tough veteran was positioned with ten men armed with scaling ladders in a nook among the rocks near the walls. A little further away, seventy men were hiding in a ravine, ready to support him once he set up his ladders. The rest of the troops were hidden in another ravine, positioned to provide a clear approach to the fortress gate. A clever and cautious leader, well familiar with the area, was assigned to give signals and was situated so that he could be seen by the various groups in hiding, but not by the garrison.
By orders of the marques a small body of light cavalry passed along the glen, and, turning round a point of rock, showed themselves before the town: they (6) skirred the fields almost to the gates, as if by way of bravado and to defy the garrison to a skirmish. The Moors were not slow in replying to it. About seventy horse and a number of foot who had guarded the walls sallied forth impetuously, thinking to make easy prey of these insolent marauders. The Christian horsemen fled for the ravine; the Moors pursued them down the hill, until they heard a great shouting and tumult behind them. Looking round toward the town, they beheld a scaling party mounting the walls sword in hand. Wheeling about, they galloped for the gate: the marques of Cadiz and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero rushed forth at the same time with their ambuscade, and endeavored to cut them off, but the Moors succeeded in throwing themselves within the walls.
By the orders of the marquis, a small group of light cavalry rode through the valley and, rounding a rocky outcropping, revealed themselves to the town. They raced across the fields almost to the gates, as if to show off and challenge the defenders to a fight. The Moors quickly responded. About seventy horsemen and several foot soldiers who had been guarding the walls charged out eagerly, hoping to easily capture these arrogant raiders. The Christian cavalry fled towards the ravine, while the Moors chased them down the hill until they heard loud shouting and commotion behind them. Turning towards the town, they saw a group scaling the walls with swords drawn. They quickly turned back and raced for the gate, while the marquis of Cadiz and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero rushed out simultaneously with their ambush in an attempt to cut them off, but the Moors managed to throw themselves inside the walls.
While Puerto Carrero stormed at the gate the marques put spurs to his horse and galloped to the support of Ortega de Prado and his scaling party. He arrived at a moment of imminent peril, when the party was assailed by fifty Moors armed with cuirasses and lances, who were on the point of thrusting them from the walls. The marques sprang from his horse, mounted a ladder sword in hand, followed by a number of his troops, and made a vigorous attack upon the enemy.* They were soon driven from the walls, and the gates and towers remained in possession of the Christians. The Moors defended themselves for a short time in the streets, but at length took refuge in the castle, the walls of which were strong and capable of holding out until relief should arrive. The marques had no desire to carry on a siege, and he had not provisions sufficient for many prisoners; he granted them, therefore, favorable terms. They were permitted, on leaving their arms behind them, to march out with as much of their effects as they could carry, and it was stipulated that they should pass over to Barbary. The marques remained in the place until both town and castle were put in a perfect state of defence and strongly garrisoned.
While Puerto Carrero pounded on the gate, the marquis spurred his horse and raced to support Ortega de Prado and his scaling party. He arrived just in time as they were about to be overrun by fifty Moors armed with breastplates and lances, who were about to push them off the walls. The marquis jumped off his horse, climbed a ladder with his sword drawn, followed by some of his troops, and launched a fierce attack on the enemy. They quickly drove the Moors from the walls, and the gates and towers remained in Christian hands. The Moors held out for a short time in the streets, but eventually retreated to the castle, which had strong walls and could withstand a siege until help arrived. The marquis didn’t want to lay siege and didn’t have enough supplies for many prisoners, so he offered them favorable terms. They were allowed to leave their weapons behind and take as many of their belongings as they could carry, with the agreement that they would go to Barbary. The marquis stayed there until both the town and castle were fully fortified and well-garrisoned.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 68.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 68.
Thus did Zahara return once more in possession of the Christians, to the great confusion of old Muley Abul Hassan, who, having paid the penalty of his ill-timed violence, was now deprived of its vaunted fruits. The Castilian sovereigns were so gratified by this achievement of the valiant Ponce de Leon that they authorized him thenceforth to entitle himself duke of Cadiz and marques of Zahara. The warrior, however, was so proud of the original title under which he had so often signalized himself that he gave it the precedence, and always signed himself marques, duke of Cadiz. As the reader may have acquired the same predilection, we shall continue to call him by his ancient title.
Thus Zahara returned once again into the hands of the Christians, leaving old Muley Abul Hassan greatly confused, as he had paid the price for his poorly timed aggression and was now stripped of its praised benefits. The Castilian rulers were so pleased with this achievement of the brave Ponce de Leon that they granted him the right to call himself duke of Cadiz and marquis of Zahara from then on. However, the warrior was so proud of the original title under which he had made his name that he prioritized it and always signed himself as marquis, duke of Cadiz. Since the reader might share the same preference, we will continue to refer to him by his original title.
In this part of his chronicle the worthy father Fray Antonio Agapida indulges in triumphant exultation over the downfall of Zahara. Heaven sometimes speaks (says he) through the mouths of false prophets for the confusion of the wicked. By the fall of this fortress was the prediction of the santon of Granada in some measure fulfilled, that “the ruins of Zahara should fall upon the heads of the infidels.”
In this section of his story, the esteemed Father Fray Antonio Agapida expresses his joyful celebration over the defeat of Zahara. He notes that sometimes heaven communicates (as he puts it) through the words of false prophets to confuse the wicked. The downfall of this fortress fulfilled, to some extent, the prophecy of the saint from Granada, who said that “the ruins of Zahara would crash down on the heads of the infidels.”
Our zealous chronicler scoffs at the Moorish alcayde who lost his fortress by surprise in broad daylight, and contrasts the vigilance of the Christian governor of Alhama, the town taken in retaliation for the storming of Zahara.
Our enthusiastic chronicler mocks the Moorish leader who unexpectedly lost his fortress in broad daylight and compares him to the alert Christian governor of Alhama, the town captured in response to the attack on Zahara.
The important post of Alhama was at this time confided by King Ferdinand to Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, count of Tendilla, a cavalier of noble blood, brother to the grand cardinal of Spain. He had been instructed by the king not merely to maintain his post, but also to make sallies and lay waste the surrounding country. His fortress was critically situated. It was within seven leagues of Granada, and at no great distance from the warlike city of Loxa. It was nestled in the lap of the mountains commanding the high-road to Malaga and a view over the extensive Vega. Thus situated, in the heart of the enemy’s country, surrounded by foes ready to assail him and a rich country for him to ravage, it behooved this cavalier to be for ever on the alert. He was in fact an experienced veteran, a shrewd and wary officer, and a commander amazingly prompt and fertile in expedients.
The important stronghold of Alhama was at this time entrusted by King Ferdinand to Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, the Count of Tendilla, a nobleman and brother to the grand cardinal of Spain. The king had instructed him not only to hold his position but also to launch raids and devastate the surrounding area. His fortress was strategically located, just seven leagues from Granada and not far from the formidable city of Loxa. It was situated in the mountains, overseeing the main road to Malaga and offering a view of the wide Vega. Given its location, in the heart of enemy territory and surrounded by foes eager to attack, this nobleman had to be constantly vigilant. He was, in fact, a seasoned veteran, a clever and cautious officer, and an incredibly quick-thinking and resourceful commander.
On assuming the command he found that the garrison consisted but of one thousand men, horse and foot. They were hardy troops, seasoned in rough mountain-campaigning, but reckless and dissolute, as soldiers are apt to be when accustomed to predatory warfare. They would fight hard for booty, and then gamble it heedlessly away or squander it in licentious revelling. Alhama abounded with hawking, sharping, idle hangers-on, eager to profit by the vices and follies of the garrison. The soldiers were oftener gambling and dancing beneath the walls than keeping watch upon the battlements, and nothing was heard from morning till night but the noisy contests of cards and dice, mingled with the sound of the bolero or fandango, the drowsy strumming of the guitar, and the rattling of the castanets, while often the whole was interrupted by the loud brawl and fierce and bloody contest.
Upon taking command, he discovered that the garrison was made up of just one thousand men, both cavalry and infantry. They were tough soldiers, experienced in difficult mountain campaigns, but they were also reckless and indulgent, like many soldiers who are used to a life of raiding. They would fight fiercely for loot, only to waste it carelessly gambling or spending it on wild partying. Alhama was filled with hawkers, con artists, and idle hangers-on, all trying to take advantage of the garrison’s vices and foolish behavior. The soldiers spent more time gambling and dancing beneath the walls than watching the battlements, and from morning until night, all you could hear was the loud clamor of card and dice games, mixed with the sounds of the bolero or fandango, the lazy strumming of guitars, and the rattling of castanets, often interrupted by loud brawls and intense, bloody fights.
The count of Tendilla set himself vigorously to reform these excesses: he knew that laxity of morals is generally attended by neglect of duty, and that the least breach of discipline in the exposed situation of his fortress might be fatal. “Here is but a handful of men,” said he; “it is necessary that each man should be a hero.”
The Count of Tendilla dedicated himself to addressing these excesses with determination: he understood that a decline in morals usually leads to a lack of responsibility, and that even a small lapse in discipline in the vulnerable position of his fortress could be disastrous. “We have only a handful of men,” he said; “it’s essential that each one acts like a hero.”
He endeavored to awaken a proper ambition in the minds of his soldiers and to instil into them the high principles of chivalry. “A just war,” he observed, “is often rendered wicked and disastrous by the manner in which it is conducted; for the righteousness of the cause is not sufficient to sanction the profligacy of the means, and the want of order and subordination among the troops may bring ruin and disgrace upon the best-concerted plans.” But we cannot describe the character and conduct of this renowned commander in more forcible language than that of Fray Antonio Agapida, excepting that the pious father places in the foreground of his virtues his hatred of the Moors. “The count de Tendilla,” says he, “was a mirror of Christian knighthood—watchful, abstemious, chaste, devout, and thoroughly filled with the spirit of the cause. He labored incessantly and strenuously for the glory of the faith and the prosperity of their most Catholic majesties; and, above all, he hated the infidels with a pure and holy hatred. This worthy cavalier discountenanced all idleness, rioting, chambering, and wantonness among his soldiery. He kept them constantly to the exercise of arms, making them adroit in the use of their weapons and management of their steeds, and prompt for the field at a moment’s notice. He permitted no sound of lute or harp or song or other loose minstrelsy to be heard in his fortress, debauching the ear and softening the valor of the soldier; no other music was allowed but the wholesome rolling of the drum and braying of the trumpet, and such like spirit-stirring instruments as fill the mind with thoughts of iron war. All wandering minstrels, sharping peddlers, sturdy trulls, and other camp trumpery were ordered to pack up their baggage, and were drummed out of the gates of Alhama. In place of such lewd rabble he introduced a train of holy friars to inspirit his people by exhortation and prayer and choral chanting, and to spur them on to fight the good fight of faith. All games of chance were prohibited except the game of war, and this he labored, by vigilance and vigor, to reduce to a game of certainty. Heaven smiled upon the efforts of this righteous cavalier. His men became soldiers at all points and terrors to the Moors. The good count never set forth on a ravage without observing the rites of confession, absolution, and communion, and obliging his followers to do the same. Their banners were blessed by the holy friars whom he maintained in Alhama; and in this way success was secured to his arms and he was enabled to lay waste the land of the heathen.”
He worked hard to inspire a strong ambition in his soldiers and to instill the noble values of chivalry in them. “A just war,” he noted, “can easily become cruel and disastrous based on how it’s fought; the righteousness of the cause doesn’t justify reckless tactics, and a lack of organization and discipline among the troops can lead to failure and shame for even the best-laid plans.” However, we can’t capture the character and actions of this famous commander more powerfully than Fray Antonio Agapida does, except that the pious father emphasizes his intense hatred for the Moors as a key aspect of his virtues. “The Count de Tendilla,” he states, “was a model of Christian knighthood—alert, self-disciplined, pure, devout, and completely filled with the spirit of the cause. He worked tirelessly and energetically for the glory of the faith and the well-being of their most Catholic majesties; and, above all, he held a genuine and fervent hatred for the infidels. This noble knight discouraged all laziness, partying, indulgence, and debauchery among his soldiers. He kept them constantly engaged in military training, making them skilled with their weapons and adept at riding, always ready for battle at a moment's notice. He allowed no sound of lute or harp or songs or any kind of loose entertainment in his fortress, which could corrupt the soldier's resolve; the only music permitted was the solid beat of drums and the clear sound of trumpets, along with other bold instruments that inspired thoughts of fierce warfare. All wandering musicians, street vendors, rowdy women, and other camp distractions were ordered to leave, and they were drummed out of the gates of Alhama. Instead of such unruly crowds, he brought in a group of holy friars to uplift his men through sermons, prayers, and choir singing, encouraging them to fight the good fight of faith. All games of chance were banned except for warfare, which he worked hard to make as predictable as possible. Heaven favored the efforts of this honorable knight. His men became formidable soldiers and a source of fear for the Moors. The good count never embarked on a raid without participating in confession, absolution, and communion, insisting his followers do the same. Their banners were blessed by the holy friars he kept in Alhama; through this, he achieved success in battle and was able to ravage the lands of the heathens.”
The fortress of Alhama (continues Fray Antonio Agapida) overlooked from its lofty site a great part of the fertile Vega, watered by the Cazin and the Xenil; from this he made frequent sallies, sweeping away the flocks and herds from the pasture, the laborer from the field, and the convoy from the road; so that it was said by the Moors that a beetle could not crawl across the Vega without being seen by Count Tendilla. The peasantry, therefore, were fain to betake themselves to watch-towers and fortified hamlets, where they shut up their cattle, garnered their corn, and sheltered their wives and children. Even there they were not safe: the count would storm these rustic fortresses with fire and sword, make captives of their inhabitants, carry off the corn, the oil, the silks, and cattle, and leave the ruins blazing and smoking within the very sight of Granada.
The fortress of Alhama (continues Fray Antonio Agapida) sat high above a large part of the fertile Vega, which was fed by the Cazin and the Xenil rivers. From this vantage point, he would frequently venture out, sweeping away flocks and herds from the pastures, laborers from the fields, and supply convoys from the roads. It was said by the Moors that a beetle couldn’t crawl across the Vega without being spotted by Count Tendilla. As a result, the local farmers had no choice but to retreat to watchtowers and fortified villages, where they would pen up their livestock, store their grain, and protect their wives and children. Even then, they weren’t safe: the count would attack these rural fortresses with fire and sword, capture their residents, seize their grain, oil, silks, and livestock, and leave the ruins burning and smoking in full view of Granada.
“It was a pleasing and refreshing sight,” continues the good father, “to behold this pious knight and his followers returning from one of these crusades, leaving the rich land of the infidel in smoking desolation behind them; to behold the long line of mules and asses laden with the plunder of the Gentiles—the hosts of captive Moors, men, women, and children—droves of sturdy beeves, lowing kine, and bleating sheep,—all winding up the steep acclivity to the gates of Alhama, pricked on by the Catholic soldiery. His garrison thus thrived on the fat of the land and the spoil of the infidel; nor was he unmindful of the pious fathers whose blessings crowned his enterprises with success. A large portion of the spoil was always dedicated to the Church, and the good friars were ever ready at the gate to hail him on his return and receive the share allotted them. Besides these allotments, he made many votive offerings, either in time of peril or on the eve of a foray, and the chapels of Alhama were resplendent with chalices, crosses, and other precious gifts made by this Catholic cavalier.”
“It was a delightful and refreshing sight,” the good father continues, “to see this devout knight and his followers returning from one of these crusades, leaving the rich land of the infidels in ruins behind them; to see the long line of mules and donkeys loaded with the treasures of the Gentiles—the captured Moors, men, women, and children—herds of sturdy cattle, mooing cows, and bleating sheep—all making their way up the steep hill to the gates of Alhama, urged on by the Catholic soldiers. His garrison thrived on the bounty of the land and the spoils of the infidels; he was also considerate of the pious fathers whose blessings ensured his ventures were successful. A significant portion of the loot was always dedicated to the Church, and the good friars were always ready at the gate to greet him on his return and receive their share. In addition to these allotments, he made many votive offerings, either in times of danger or right before a raid, and the chapels of Alhama were adorned with chalices, crosses, and other precious gifts made by this Catholic knight.”
Thus eloquently does the venerable Fray Antonio Agapida dilate in praise of the good count de Tendilla; and other historians of equal veracity, but less unction, agree in pronouncing him one of the ablest of Spanish generals. So terrible, in fact, did he become in the land that the Moorish peasantry could not venture a league from Granada or Loxa to labor in the fields without peril of being carried into captivity. The people of Granada clamored against Muley Abul Hassan for suffering his lands to be thus outraged and insulted, and demanded to have this bold marauder shut up in his fortress. The old monarch was roused by their remonstrances. He sent forth powerful troops of horse to protect the country during the season that the husbandmen were abroad in the fields. These troops patrolled in formidable squadrons in the neighborhood of Alhama, keeping strict watch upon its gates, so that it was impossible for the Christians to make a sally without being seen and intercepted.
Thus does the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida eloquently praise the good Count de Tendilla; and other historians of equal credibility, though with less flair, agree that he was one of the most capable Spanish generals. In fact, he became so feared in the region that the Moorish farmers couldn't venture a mile from Granada or Loxa to work in the fields without the risk of being captured. The people of Granada complained to Muley Abul Hassan for allowing their lands to be so violated and insulted, and they demanded that this bold raider be confined to his fortress. The old king was stirred by their protests. He sent out strong cavalry troops to protect the area while the farmers were working in the fields. These troops patrolled in impressive formations around Alhama, keeping a close watch on its gates, making it impossible for the Christians to launch an attack without being spotted and intercepted.
While Alhama was thus blockaded by a roving force of Moorish cavalry, the inhabitants were awakened one night by a tremendous crash that shook the fortress to its foundations. The garrison flew to arms, supposing it some assault of the enemy. The alarm proved to have been caused by the rupture of a portion of the wall, which, undermined by heavy rains, had suddenly given way, leaving a large chasm yawning toward the plain.
While Alhama was under siege by a wandering group of Moorish cavalry, the residents were awakened one night by a huge crash that shook the fortress to its core. The soldiers quickly grabbed their weapons, thinking it was an enemy attack. The commotion turned out to be caused by a section of the wall collapsing, which, weakened by heavy rains, had suddenly fallen apart, creating a large gap leading to the plain.
The count de Tendilla was for a time in great anxiety. Should this breach be discovered by the blockading horsemen, they would arouse the country, Granada and Loxa would pour out an overwhelming force, and they would find his walls ready sapped for an assault. In this fearful emergency the count displayed his noted talent for expedients. He ordered a quantity of linen cloth to be stretched in front of the breach, painted in imitation of stone and indented with battlements, so as at a distance to resemble the other parts of the walls: behind this screen he employed workmen day and night in repairing the fracture. No one was permitted to leave the fortress, lest information of its defenceless plight should be carried to the Moor. Light squadrons of the enemy were seen hovering about the plain, but never approached near enough to discover the deception; and thus in the course of a few days the wall was rebuilt stronger than before.
The Count de Tendilla was really anxious for a while. If the blockading horsemen discovered this breach, they would alarm the entire region, and Granada and Loxa would send an overwhelming force, leaving his walls vulnerable to an attack. In this dire situation, the Count showed his well-known ability to come up with quick solutions. He had a large amount of linen cloth stretched over the breach, painted to look like stone and carved with battlements, making it blend in with the rest of the walls from a distance. Behind this disguise, he had workers repairing the damage day and night. No one was allowed to leave the fortress, so no news of its defenseless state could reach the Moors. Light enemy units were spotted hovering around the plain, but they never got close enough to uncover the trick. In just a few days, the wall was rebuilt even stronger than before.
There was another expedient of this shrewd veteran which greatly excites the marvel of Agapida. “It happened,” he observes, “that this Catholic cavalier at one time was destitute of gold and silver wherewith to pay the wages of his troops; and the soldiers murmured greatly, seeing that they had not the means of purchasing necessaries from the people of the town. In this dilemma what does this most sagacious commander? He takes me a number of little morsels of paper, on the which he inscribes various sums, large and small, according to the nature of the case, and signs me them with his own hand and name. These did he give to the soldiery in earnest of their pay. ‘How!’ you will say, ‘are soldiers to be paid with scraps of paper?’ Even so, I answer, and well paid too, as I will presently make manifest, for the good count issued a proclamation ordering the inhabitants of Alhama to take these morsels of paper for the full amount thereon inscribed, promising to redeem them at a future time with silver and gold, and threatening severe punishment to all who should refuse. The people, having full confidence in his word, and trusting that he would be as willing to perform the one promise as he certainly was able to perform the other, took those curious morsels of paper without hesitation or demur. Thus by a subtle and most miraculous kind of alchymy did this Catholic cavalier turn worthless paper into precious gold, and make his late impoverished garrison abound in money!”
There was another clever tactic used by this shrewd veteran that really amazes Agapida. “It happened,” he notes, “that this Catholic knight was once short on gold and silver to pay his troops; the soldiers were grumbling a lot, seeing they had no way to buy necessities from the townspeople. In this tough situation, what does this wise commander do? He takes several small pieces of paper and writes different amounts on them, both large and small, depending on the situation, and signs them with his own hand and name. He gave these to the soldiers as a promise of their pay. ‘How!’ you might ask, ‘are soldiers supposed to be paid with scraps of paper?’ Indeed, I say, and quite well paid too, as I will explain shortly, for the good count issued a proclamation telling the people of Alhama to accept these pieces of paper for the full amounts written on them, promising to redeem them later with gold and silver, and threatening harsh punishment to anyone who refused. The townspeople, fully trusting his word and believing he would keep one promise just as easily as he could keep the other, accepted those strange pieces of paper without hesitation or complaint. Thus, through a clever and almost magical kind of alchemy, this Catholic knight turned worthless paper into precious gold and made his once-impoverished garrison rich!”
It is but just to add that the count de Tendilla redeemed his promises like a loyal knight; and this miracle, as it appeared in the eyes of Fray Antonio Agapida, is the first instance on record of paper money, which has since inundated the civilized world with unbounded opulence.
It’s only fair to mention that Count de Tendilla kept his promises like a loyal knight; and this event, as Fray Antonio Agapida saw it, is the first documented case of paper money, which has since flooded the civilized world with unlimited wealth.
The Spanish cavaliers who had survived the memorable massacre among the mountains of Malaga, although they had repeatedly avenged the deaths of their companions, could not forget the horror and humiliation of their defeat. Nothing would satisfy them but a second expedition of the kind to carry fire and sword throughout a wide part of the Moorish territories, and leave the region which had triumphed in their disaster a black and burning monument of their vengeance. Their wishes accorded with the policy of the king to destroy the resources of the enemy; every assistance was therefore given to their enterprise.
The Spanish knights who survived the memorable massacre in the mountains of Malaga, even though they had repeatedly avenged their fallen friends, could not shake off the horror and shame of their defeat. They were only satisfied by the idea of a second campaign to wreak havoc across a large area of the Moorish lands, leaving behind a scorched and burning reminder of their revenge. Their desires matched the king's strategy to undermine the enemy's resources; as a result, they received full support for their mission.
In the spring of 1484 the ancient city of Antiquera again resounded with arms; numbers of the same cavaliers who had assembled there so gayly the preceding year came wheeling into the gates with their steeled and shining warriors, but with a more dark and solemn brow than on that disastrous occasion, for they had the recollection of their slaughtered friends present to their minds, whose deaths they were to avenge.
In the spring of 1484, the ancient city of Antiquera echoed once more with the sounds of battle; many of the same knights who had gathered there so cheerfully the year before rode through the gates with their armored and gleaming warriors, but with a much darker and graver expression than during that tragic event, for they were haunted by the memory of their fallen friends, whose deaths they were now determined to avenge.
In a little while there was a chosen force of six thousand horse and twelve thousand foot assembled in Antiquera, many of them the very flower of Spanish chivalry, troops of the established military and religious orders and of the Holy Brotherhood.
In a little while, a selected group of six thousand cavalry and twelve thousand infantry gathered in Antiquera, many of them the best of Spanish nobility, made up of soldiers from the regular military and religious orders, as well as members of the Holy Brotherhood.
Precautions had been taken to furnish this army with all things needful for its perilous inroad. Numerous surgeons accompanied it, who were to attend upon the sick and wounded without charge, being paid for their services by the queen. Isabella also, in her considerate humanity, provided six spacious tents furnished with beds and all things needful for the wounded and infirm. These continued to be used in all great expeditions throughout the war, and were called the Queen’s Hospital. The worthy father, Fray Antonio Agapida, vaunts this benignant provision of the queen as the first introduction of a regular camp hospital in campaigning service.
Precautions were taken to equip this army with everything necessary for its dangerous mission. Many surgeons joined, ready to care for the sick and injured at no cost, with their pay coming from the queen. Isabella, in her thoughtful kindness, supplied six large tents with beds and all essentials for the wounded and ill. These tents were used in all major campaigns throughout the war and became known as the Queen’s Hospital. The esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida proudly highlights this generous act of the queen as the first establishment of a proper camp hospital during military service.
Thus thoroughly prepared, the cavaliers issued forth from Antiquera in splendid and terrible array, but with less exulting confidence and vaunting ostentation than on their former foray; and this was the order of the army: Don Alonso de Aguilar led the advance guard, accompanied by Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, the alcayde de los Donceles, and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, count of Palma, with their household troops. They were followed by Juan de Merlo, Juan de Almara, and Carlos de Biezman of the Holy Brotherhood, with the men-at-arms of their captaincies.
Thus thoroughly prepared, the knights set out from Antiquera in a grand and fearsome formation, but with less triumphant confidence and boasting display than on their previous raid; and this was the order of the army: Don Alonso de Aguilar led the vanguard, accompanied by Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, the alcayde de los Donceles, and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, count of Palma, with their household troops. They were followed by Juan de Merlo, Juan de Almara, and Carlos de Biezman of the Holy Brotherhood, along with the knights under their command.
The second battalion was commanded by the marques of Cadiz and the master of Santiago, with the cavaliers of Santiago and the troops of the house of Ponce Leon; with these also went the senior commander of Calatrava and the knights of that order, and various other cavaliers and their retainers.
The second battalion was led by the Marquis of Cadiz and the Master of Santiago, along with the Knights of Santiago and the troops from the House of Ponce Leon; they were also accompanied by the senior commander of Calatrava and the knights of that order, along with various other knights and their attendants.
The right wing of this second battalion was led by Gonsalvo de Cordova, afterward renowned as grand captain of Spain; the left by Diego Lopez de Avila. They were accompanied by several distinguished cavaliers and certain captains of the Holy Brotherhood with their men-at-arms.
The right wing of this second battalion was led by Gonsalvo de Cordova, later known as the Grand Captain of Spain; the left by Diego Lopez de Avila. They were accompanied by several notable knights and some captains of the Holy Brotherhood with their soldiers.
The duke of Medina Sidonia and the count de Cabra commanded the third battalion, with the troops of their respective houses. They were accompanied by other commanders of note with their forces.
The Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Count de Cabra led the third battalion, along with the soldiers from their respective houses. They were joined by other notable commanders with their own troops.
The rear-guard was brought up by the senior commander and knights of Alcantara, followed by the Andalusian chivalry from Xeres, Ecija, and Carmona.
The rear guard was led by the senior commander and knights of Alcantara, along with the Andalusian cavalry from Jerez, Écija, and Carmona.
Such was the army that issued forth from the gates of Antiquera on one of the most extensive “talas,” or devastating inroads, that ever laid waste the kingdom of Granada.
Such was the army that came out from the gates of Antiquera on one of the most extensive "talas," or devastating raids, that ever destroyed the kingdom of Granada.
The army entered the Moorish territory by the way of Alora, destroying all the cornfields, vineyards, and orchards and plantations of olives round that city. It then proceeded through the rich valleys and fertile uplands of Coin, Cazarabonela, Almexia, and Cartama, and in ten days all those fertile regions were a smoking and frightful desert. Hence it pursued its slow and destructive course, like the stream of lava of a volcano, through the regions of Pupiana and Alhendin, and so on to the vega of Malaga, laying waste the groves of olives and almonds and the fields of grain, and destroying every green thing. The Moors of some of those places interceded in vain for their groves and fields, offering to deliver up their Christian captives. One part of the army blockaded the towns, while the other ravaged the surrounding country. Sometimes the Moors sallied forth desperately to defend their property, but were driven back to their gates with slaughter and their suburbs pillaged and burnt. It was an awful spectacle at night to behold the volumes of black smoke mingled with lurid flames rising from the burning suburbs, and the women on the walls of the town wringing their hands and shrieking at the desolation of their dwellings.
The army entered Moorish territory through Alora, destroying all the cornfields, vineyards, orchards, and olive plantations around that city. It then moved through the rich valleys and fertile hills of Coin, Cazarabonela, Almexia, and Cartama, and in ten days, those fertile regions became a smoking and terrifying wasteland. The army continued its slow and destructive path, like a stream of lava from a volcano, through the areas of Pupiana and Alhendin, and on to the Vega of Malaga, laying waste to olive and almond groves and fields of grain, destroying everything green. The Moors in some of those places pleaded in vain for their groves and fields, offering to hand over their Christian captives. One part of the army surrounded the towns while the other ravaged the surrounding land. Sometimes the Moors charged out desperately to defend their property but were pushed back to their gates with heavy losses, and their suburbs were looted and burned. It was a horrific sight at night to see the thick black smoke mixed with ominous flames rising from the burning suburbs, with the women on the town walls wringing their hands and screaming at the destruction of their homes.
The destroying army on arriving at the sea-coast found vessels lying off shore laden with all kinds of provisions and munitions sent from Seville and Xeres, and was thus enabled to continue its desolating career. Advancing to the neighborhood of Malaga, it was bravely assailed by the Moors of that city, and there was severe skirmishing for a whole day; but, while the main part of the army encountered the enemy, the rest ravaged the whole vega and destroyed all the mills. As the object of the expedition was not to capture places, but merely to burn, ravage, and destroy, the host, satisfied with the mischief they had done in the vega, turned their backs upon Malaga and again entered the mountains. They passed by Coin and through the regions of Allazayna, and Gatero, and Alhaurin, all which were likewise desolated. In this way did they make the circuit of a chain of rich and verdant valleys, the glory of those mountains and the pride and delight of the Moors. For forty days did they continue on like a consuming fire, leaving a smoking and howling waste to mark their course, until, weary with the work of destruction, and having fully sated their revenge for the massacre of the Axarquia, they returned in triumph to the meadows of Antiquera.
The destroying army, upon reaching the coast, found ships anchored offshore loaded with all kinds of supplies and weapons sent from Seville and Xeres, enabling them to continue their path of destruction. As they moved closer to Malaga, they were bravely attacked by the Moors of that city, leading to intense skirmishes that lasted the entire day. While the main force engaged the enemy, the rest ravaged the whole plain and destroyed all the mills. Since the purpose of the expedition was not to capture places, but simply to burn, pillage, and destroy, the army, satisfied with the damage they had caused in the plain, left Malaga and retreated into the mountains. They passed by Coin and through the areas of Allazayna, Gatero, and Alhaurin, all of which were also devastated. In this manner, they made their way around a chain of rich and lush valleys, which were the pride and joy of those mountains for the Moors. For forty days, they continued like a relentless fire, leaving behind a trail of smoke and despair, until, exhausted from their rampage and having fully avenged the massacre in Axarquia, they returned triumphantly to the meadows of Antiquera.
In the month of June, King Ferdinand took command in person of this destructive army; he increased its force, and added to its means of mischief several lombards and other heavy artillery, intended for the battering of towns and managed by engineers from France and Germany. With these the (7) marques of Cadiz assured the king he would soon be able to reduce the Moorish fortresses, which were only calculated for defence against the engines anciently used in warfare. Their walls and towers were high and thin, depending for security on their rough and rocky situations. The stone and iron balls thundered from the lombards would soon tumble them in ruins upon the heads of their defenders.
In June, King Ferdinand personally took charge of this destructive army; he increased its size and added several lombards and other heavy artillery designed for battering towns, operated by engineers from France and Germany. With these, the (7) Marquis of Cadiz promised the king that he would soon be able to bring down the Moorish fortresses, which were only built to defend against the weapons used in ancient warfare. Their walls and towers were tall and thin, relying for protection on their rough and rocky locations. The stone and iron balls fired from the lombards would soon crush them into ruins on top of their defenders.
The fate of Alora speedily proved the truth of this opinion. It was strongly posted on a rock washed by a river. The artillery soon battered down two of the towers and a part of the wall. The Moors were thrown into consternation at the vehemence of the assault and the effect of those tremendous engines upon their vaunted bulwarks. The roaring of the artillery and the tumbling of the walls terrified the women, who beset the alcayde with vociferous supplications to surrender. The place was given up on the 20th of June, on condition that the inhabitants might depart with their effects. The people of Malaga, as yet unacquainted with the power of this battering ordnance, were so incensed at those of Alora for what they considered a tame surrender that they would not admit them into their city.
The fate of Alora quickly confirmed this viewpoint. It was strongly positioned on a rock by a river. The artillery soon knocked down two of the towers and part of the wall. The Moors were thrown into panic by the intensity of the attack and the impact of those powerful weapons on their celebrated defenses. The loud booms of the artillery and the crashing walls frightened the women, who overwhelmed the alcayde with urgent pleas to surrender. The place was surrendered on June 20th, on the condition that the inhabitants could leave with their belongings. The people of Malaga, still unaware of the power of this heavy artillery, were so angered with those from Alora for what they thought was a cowardly surrender that they refused to let them into their city.
A similar fate attended the town of Setenil, built on a lofty rock and esteemed impregnable. Many times had it been besieged under former Christian kings, but never taken. Even now, for several days the artillery was directed against it without effect, and many of the cavaliers murmured at the marques of Cadiz for having counselled the king to attack this unconquerable place.*
A similar fate befell the town of Setenil, perched on a high rock and considered impregnable. It had been besieged many times under previous Christian kings, but had never been captured. Even now, the artillery had been aimed at it for several days without any results, and many of the knights complained to the Marquis of Cadiz for advising the king to attack this unconquerable place.*
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
On the same night that these reproaches were uttered the marques directed the artillery himself: he levelled the lombards at the bottom of the walls and at the gates. In a little while the gates were battered to pieces, a great breach was effected in the walls, and the Moors were fain to capitulate. Twenty-four Christian captives, who had been taken in the defeat of the mountains of Malaga, were rescued from the dungeons of this fortress, and hailed the marques as their deliverer.
On the same night that these accusations were made, the marquis directed the artillery himself. He aimed the cannons at the bottom of the walls and at the gates. Soon, the gates were smashed to bits, a huge breach was made in the walls, and the Moors were forced to surrender. Twenty-four Christian captives, who had been captured in the defeat at the mountains of Malaga, were freed from the dungeons of this fortress and celebrated the marquis as their savior.
Needless is it to mention the capture of various other places which surrendered without waiting to be attacked. The Moors had always shown great bravery and perseverance in defending their towns; they were formidable in their sallies and skirmishes, and patient in enduring hunger and thirst when besieged; but this terrible ordnance, which demolished their walls with such ease and rapidity, overwhelmed them with dismay and rendered vain all resistance. King Ferdinand was so struck with the effect of this artillery that he ordered the number of lombards to be increased; and these potent engines had henceforth a great influence on the fortunes of this war.
There's no need to mention the capture of various other places that surrendered without waiting to be attacked. The Moors had always shown great bravery and determination in defending their towns; they were fierce in their attacks and skirmishes, and they endured hunger and thirst when under siege; but this terrible artillery, which destroyed their walls with such ease and speed, left them feeling defeated and made all resistance seem futile. King Ferdinand was so impressed by the power of this artillery that he ordered an increase in the number of cannons, and these powerful machines had a significant impact on the outcome of this war.
The last operation of this year, so disastrous to the Moors, was an inroad by Ferdinand, in the latter part of summer, into the Vega, in which he ravaged the country, burnt two villages near to Granada, and destroyed the mills near the very gates of the city.
The final campaign of this year, which turned out to be disastrous for the Moors, was led by Ferdinand in late summer as he invaded the Vega. He devastated the region, burned two villages close to Granada, and destroyed the mills right by the city gates.
Old Muley Abul Hassan was overwhelmed with dismay at the desolation which during the whole year had raged throughout his territories and had now reached the walls of his capital. His fierce spirit was broken by misfortunes and infirmity; he offered to purchase a peace and to hold his crown as a tributary vassal. Ferdinand would listen to no propositions: the absolute conquest of Granada was the great object of this war, and he was resolved never to rest content without its complete fulfilment. Having supplied and strengthened the garrisons of the places taken in the heart of the Moorish territories, he enjoined their commanders to render every assistance to the younger Moorish king in the civil war against his father. He then returned with his army to Cordova in great triumph, closing a series of ravaging campaigns which had filled the kingdom of Granada with grief and consternation.
Old Muley Abul Hassan was devastated by the destruction that had spread across his lands all year and had now reached the gates of his capital. His fierce spirit was crushed by hardships and illness; he offered to buy peace and to serve as a tribute-paying vassal. Ferdinand wouldn't consider any proposals: the complete conquest of Granada was the main goal of this war, and he was determined not to rest until it was fully achieved. Having supplied and reinforced the garrisons in the heart of Moorish territory, he instructed their leaders to provide all possible support to the younger Moorish king in the civil war against his father. He then returned triumphantly with his army to Cordova, wrapping up a series of devastating campaigns that had plunged the kingdom of Granada into sorrow and panic.
During this year of sorrow and disaster to the Moors the younger king, Boabdil, most truly called the Unfortunate, held a diminished and feeble court in the maritime city of Almeria. He retained little more than the name of king, and was supported in even this shadow of royalty by the countenance and treasures of the Castilian sovereigns. Still he trusted that in the fluctuation of events the inconstant nation might once more return to his standard and replace him on the throne of the Alhambra.
During this year of grief and disaster for the Moors, the young king, Boabdil, often called the Unfortunate, held a weakened and frail court in the coastal city of Almeria. He barely had more than the title of king and relied on the backers and wealth of the Castilian monarchs to maintain this facade of royalty. Still, he hoped that with the changes in circumstances, the fickle people might rally to his side again and restore him to the throne of the Alhambra.
His mother, the high-spirited sultana Ayxa la Horra, endeavored to rouse him from this passive state. “It is a feeble mind,” said she, “that waits for the turn of fortune’s wheel; the brave mind seizes upon it and turns it to its purpose. Take the field, and you may drive danger before you; remain cowering at home, and it besieges you in your dwelling. By a bold enterprise you may regain your splendid throne in Granada; by passive forbearance you will forfeit even this miserable throne in Almeria.”
His mother, the lively sultana Ayxa la Horra, tried to wake him from this state of inaction. “It’s a weak mind,” she said, “that waits for luck to change; a strong mind takes action and makes things happen. Go out there, and you can push danger away; stay hidden at home, and it will surround you. With a daring move, you can win back your glorious throne in Granada; by doing nothing, you’ll lose even this pitiful throne in Almeria.”
Boabdil had not the force of soul to follow these courageous counsels, and in a little time the evils his mother had predicted fell upon him.
Boabdil didn't have the strength of character to follow this brave advice, and soon the troubles his mother had warned him about came to pass.
Old Muley Abul Hassan was almost extinguished by age and paralysis. He had nearly lost his sight, and was completely bedridden. His brother, Abdallah, surnamed El Zagal, or the Valiant, the same who had assisted in the massacre of the Spanish chivalry among the mountains of Malaga, was commander-in-chief of the Moorish armies, and gradually took upon himself most of the cares of sovereignty. Among other things, he was particularly zealous in espousing his brother’s quarrel with his son, and he prosecuted it with such vehemence that many affirmed there was something more than mere fraternal sympathy at the bottom of his zeal.
Old Muley Abul Hassan was nearly finished due to age and paralysis. He had almost lost his sight and was completely confined to bed. His brother, Abdallah, known as El Zagal or the Valiant, who had participated in the massacre of the Spanish knights in the mountains of Malaga, was the commander-in-chief of the Moorish armies and slowly took over most of the responsibilities of leadership. Among other things, he was particularly passionate about supporting his brother’s conflict with his son, and he pursued it with such intensity that many claimed there was more than just brotherly concern driving his enthusiasm.
The disasters and disgraces inflicted on the country by the Christians during this year had wounded the national feelings of the people of Almeria, and many felt indignant that Boabdil should remain passive at such a time, or, rather, should appear to make a common cause with the enemy. His uncle Abdallah diligently fomented this feeling by his agents. The same arts were made use of that had been successful in Granada. Boabdil was secretly but actively denounced by the alfaquis as an apostate leagued with the Christians against his country and his early faith; the affections of the populace and soldiery were gradually alienated from him, and a deep conspiracy concerted for his destruction.
The disasters and disgrace brought upon the country by the Christians this year had deeply affected the national sentiments of the people of Almeria. Many were outraged that Boabdil remained passive during such a critical time, or rather, that he seemed to side with the enemy. His uncle Abdallah worked hard to stir this sentiment through his agents. The same tactics that had proven effective in Granada were employed. Boabdil was secretly but actively condemned by the alfaquis as a traitor who was allied with the Christians against his own country and faith. The loyalty of the populace and soldiers was gradually turned away from him, and a serious conspiracy was hatched for his downfall.
In the month of February, 1485, El Zagal suddenly appeared before Almeria at the head of a troop of horse. The alfaquis were prepared for his arrival, and the gates were thrown open to him. He entered with his band and galloped to the citadel. The alcayde would have made resistance, but the garrison put him to death and received El Zagal with acclamations. The latter rushed through the apartments of the Alcazar, but he sought in vain for Boabdil. He found the sultana Ayxa la Horra in one of the saloons with Aben Haxig, a younger brother of the monarch, and several Abencerrages, who rallied round them to protect them. “Where is the traitor Boabdil?” exclaimed El Zagal.
In February 1485, El Zagal suddenly showed up in Almeria leading a group of horsemen. The alfaquis were ready for him, and the gates swung open. He rode in with his crew and sped to the citadel. The alcayde tried to resist, but the garrison killed him and welcomed El Zagal with cheers. El Zagal rushed through the rooms of the Alcazar, but he searched in vain for Boabdil. He found the sultana Ayxa la Horra in one of the lounges with Aben Haxig, a younger brother of the king, and several Abencerrages, who gathered around to protect them. “Where is the traitor Boabdil?” shouted El Zagal.
“I know no traitor more perfidious than thyself,” exclaimed the intrepid sultana; “and I trust my son is in safety, to take vengeance on thy treason.”
“I know of no traitor more deceitful than you,” exclaimed the fearless sultana; “and I hope my son is safe, so he can take revenge for your betrayal.”
The rage of El Zagal was without bounds when he learnt that his intended victim had escaped. In his fury he slew the prince Aben Haxig, and his followers fell upon and massacred the Abencerrages. As to the proud sultana, she was borne away prisoner and loaded with revilings as having upheld her son in his rebellion and fomented a civil war.
The anger of El Zagal knew no limits when he found out that his target had gotten away. In his rage, he killed Prince Aben Haxig, and his followers attacked and slaughtered the Abencerrages. As for the haughty sultana, she was taken prisoner and bombarded with insults for supporting her son in his rebellion and stirring up a civil war.
The unfortunate Boabdil had been apprised of his danger by a faithful soldier just in time to make his escape. Throwing himself on one of his fleetest horses and followed by a handful of adherents, he galloped in the confusion out of the gates of Almeria. Several of the cavalry of El Zagal, stationed without the walls, perceived his flight and attempted to pursue him; their horses were jaded with travel, and he soon left them far behind. But whither was he to fly? Every fortress and castle in the kingdom of Granada was closed against him; he knew not whom among the Moors to trust, for they had been taught to detest him as a traitor and an apostate. He had no alternative but to seek refuge among the Christians, his hereditary enemies. With heavy heart he turned his horse’s head toward Cordova. He had to lurk, like a fugitive, through a part of his own dominions, nor did he feel himself secure until he had passed the frontier and beheld the mountain-barrier of his country towering behind him. Then it was that he became conscious of his humiliated state—a fugitive from his throne, an outcast from his nation, a king without a kingdom. He smote his breast in an agony of grief. “Evil indeed,” exclaimed he, “was the day of my birth, and truly I was named El Zogoybi, the Unlucky.”
The unfortunate Boabdil had been warned of his danger by a loyal soldier just in time to escape. He jumped on one of his fastest horses and, followed by a small group of supporters, rushed out of the gates of Almeria amid the chaos. Some of El Zagal's cavalry, stationed outside the walls, noticed his flight and tried to chase him; however, their horses were exhausted from travel, and he quickly left them far behind. But where was he supposed to go? Every fortress and castle in the kingdom of Granada was closed to him; he didn't know whom to trust among the Moors, as they had been taught to see him as a traitor and an apostate. He had no choice but to seek refuge among the Christians, his ancestral enemies. With a heavy heart, he turned his horse toward Cordova. He had to sneak through part of his own lands like a fugitive and didn't feel secure until he passed the border and saw the mountains of his country towering behind him. It was then that he realized his humiliating situation—fleeing from his throne, an outcast from his nation, a king without a kingdom. He struck his chest in deep sorrow. “Indeed, it was a cursed day when I was born, and truly I was named El Zogoybi, the Unlucky.”
He entered the gates of Cordova with downcast countenance and with a train of but forty followers. The sovereigns were absent, but the cavaliers of Andalusia manifested that sympathy in the misfortunes of the monarch which becomes men of lofty and chivalrous souls. They received him with great distinction, attended him with the utmost courtesy, and he was honorably entertained by the civil and military commanders of that ancient city.
He walked through the gates of Cordova with a sad expression and just forty followers. The rulers were away, but the knights of Andalusia showed the kind of sympathy that befits noble and chivalrous people in the face of the king's troubles. They welcomed him with great respect, treated him with the highest courtesy, and he was graciously hosted by the civil and military leaders of that historic city.
In the mean time, El Zagal put a new alcayde over Almeria to govern in the name of his brother, and, having strongly garrisoned the place, repaired to Malaga, where an attack of the Christians was apprehended. The young monarch being driven out of the land, and the old monarch blind and bedridden, El Zagal at the head of the armies was virtually the sovereign of Granada. He was supported by the brave and powerful families of the Alnayans and Vanegas; the people were pleased with having a new idol to look up to and a new name to shout forth; and El Zagal was hailed with acclamations as the main hope of the nation.
In the meantime, El Zagal appointed a new governor for Almeria to rule in his brother's name, and after securing the city with a strong garrison, he went to Malaga, where an attack from the Christians was expected. With the young king expelled from the land and the old king blind and bedridden, El Zagal effectively became the leader of Granada at the head of the armies. He had the support of the brave and powerful families of the Alnayans and Vanegas; the people were excited to have a new figure to admire and a new name to rally behind, and El Zagal was celebrated as the main hope of the nation.
The recent effect of the battering ordnance in demolishing the Moorish fortresses induced King Ferdinand to procure a powerful train for the campaign of 1485, intending to assault some of the most formidable holds of the enemy.
The recent impact of the heavy artillery in destroying the Moorish fortresses prompted King Ferdinand to arrange a strong force for the campaign of 1485, planning to attack some of the enemy's most formidable strongholds.
An army of nine thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry assembled at Cordova early in the spring, and the king took the field on the 5th of April. It had been determined in secret council to attack the city of Malaga, that ancient and important seaport on which Granada depended for foreign aid and supplies. It was thought proper previously, however, to get possession of various towns and fortresses in the valleys of Santa Maria and Cartama, through which pass the roads to Malaga.
An army of nine thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry gathered in Cordova early in the spring, and the king went to battle on April 5th. It was secretly decided to attack the city of Malaga, the ancient and crucial seaport that Granada relied on for foreign support and supplies. However, it was deemed necessary to first take control of several towns and fortresses in the valleys of Santa Maria and Cartama, which are the routes to Malaga.
The first place assailed was the town of Benamexi or Bonameji. It had submitted to the Catholic sovereigns in the preceding year, but had since renounced its allegiance. King Ferdinand was enraged at the rebellion of the inhabitants. “I will make their punishment,” said he, “a terror to others: they shall be loyal through force, if not through faith.” The place was carried by storm: one hundred and eight of the principal inhabitants were either put to the sword or hanged on the battlements; the rest were carried into captivity.*
The first target was the town of Benamexi or Bonameji. It had submitted to the Catholic monarchs the year before but had since withdrawn its loyalty. King Ferdinand was furious about the residents' rebellion. “I will make their punishment a warning to others,” he said, “they will be loyal by force if not by faith.” The town was taken by storm: one hundred and eight of the leading residents were either killed or hanged on the walls; the others were taken captive.*
* Pulgar, Garibay, Cura de los Palacios.
* Pulgar, Garibay, Priest of the Palaces.
The towns of Coin and Cartama were besieged on the same day—the first by a division of the army led on by the marques of Cadiz; the second by another division commanded by Don Alonso de Aguilar and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, the brave senior of Palma. The king, with the rest of the army, remained posted between the two places to render assistance to either division. The batteries opened upon both places at the same time, and the thunder of the lombards was mutually heard from one camp to the other. The Moors made frequent sallies and a valiant defence, but they were confounded by the tremendous uproar of the batteries and the destruction of their walls. In the mean time, the alarm-fires gathered together the Moorish mountaineers of all the Serrania, who assembled in great numbers in the city of Monda, about a league from Coin. They made several attempts to enter the besieged town, but in vain: they were each time intercepted and driven back by the Christians, and were reduced to gaze at a distance in despair on the destruction of the place. While thus situated there rode one day into Monda a fierce and haughty Moorish chieftain at the head of a band of swarthy African horsemen: it was Hamet el Zegri, the fiery-spirited alcayde of Ronda, at the head of his band of Gomeres. He had not yet recovered from the rage and mortification of his defeat on the banks of the Lopera in the disastrous foray of old Bexir, when he had been obliged to steal back furtively to his mountains with the loss of the bravest of his followers. He had ever since panted for revenge. He now rode among the host of warriors assembled at Monda. “Who among you,” cried he, “feels pity for the women and children of Coin exposed to captivity and death? Whoever he is, let him follow me, who am ready to die as a Moslem for the relief of Moslems.” So saying, he seized a white banner, and, waving it over his head, rode forth from the town, followed by the Gomeres. Many of the warriors, roused by his words and his example, spurred resolutely after his banner. The people of Coin, being prepared for this attempt, sallied forth as they saw the white banner and made an attack upon the Christian camp, and in the confusion of the moment Hamet and his followers galloped into the gates. This reinforcement animated the besieged, and Hamet exhorted them to hold out obstinately in defence of life and town. As the Gomeres were veteran warriors, the more they were attacked the harder they fought.
The towns of Coin and Cartama were under siege on the same day—the first by a division of the army led by the Marquis of Cadiz; the second by another division commanded by Don Alonso de Aguilar and Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, the brave leader of Palma. The king, along with the rest of the army, stayed positioned between the two towns to provide support to either division. The artillery opened fire on both locations simultaneously, and the sound of the cannons could be heard echoing between the two camps. The Moors frequently charged out and put up a brave defense, but they were overwhelmed by the deafening noise of the artillery and the destruction of their walls. Meanwhile, the signal fires drew together the Moorish mountain warriors from all over the Serrania, who gathered in large numbers in the city of Monda, about a league away from Coin. They attempted multiple times to enter the besieged town, but each time they were intercepted and pushed back by the Christians, left to helplessly watch from a distance as their town was destroyed. One day, a fierce and proud Moorish chieftain rode into Monda at the head of a group of dark-skinned African horsemen: it was Hamet el Zegri, the fiery-spirited alcayde of Ronda, leading his band of Gomeres. He had not yet recovered from the anger and humiliation of his defeat on the banks of the Lopera during the disastrous raid led by the old Bexir, when he had to sneak back to his mountains with the bravest of his followers lost. Since then, he had been itching for revenge. He rode among the gathered warriors in Monda. “Who among you,” he called out, “feels compassion for the women and children of Coin who are facing captivity and death? Whoever that is, let him follow me, as I am ready to die as a Muslim to save Muslims.” Saying this, he grabbed a white banner, waved it over his head, and rode out from the town, followed by the Gomeres. Many of the warriors, inspired by his words and his example, spurred their horses after his banner. The people of Coin, prepared for this attempt, charged out when they saw the white banner and attacked the Christian camp, and in the chaos, Hamet and his followers rushed through the gates. This reinforcement energized the besieged, and Hamet urged them to fiercely defend their lives and town. With the Gomeres being seasoned warriors, the more they were attacked, the harder they fought.
At length a great breach was made in the walls, and Ferdinand, who was impatient of the resistance of the place, ordered the duke of Naxara and the count of Benavente to enter with their troops, and, as their forces were not sufficient, he sent word to Luis de Cerda, duke of Medina Celi, to send a part of his people to their assistance.
At last, a large gap was made in the walls, and Ferdinand, who was fed up with the resistance of the place, ordered the Duke of Naxara and the Count of Benavente to enter with their troops. Since their forces weren't enough, he contacted Luis de Cerda, Duke of Medina Celi, to send some of his men to help them.
The feudal pride of the duke was roused at this demand. “Tell my lord the king,” said the haughty grandee, “that I have come to succor him with my household troops: if my people are ordered to any place, I am to go with them; but if I am to remain in the camp, my people must remain with me. For the troops cannot serve without their commander, nor their commander without his troops.”
The duke's pride was fired up by this demand. “Tell my lord the king,” said the arrogant noble, “that I’ve come to support him with my troops: if my people are sent somewhere, I’ll go with them; but if I’m to stay in the camp, my people have to stay with me. The troops can’t function without their commander, and the commander can’t function without his troops.”
The reply of the high-spirited grandee perplexed the cautious Ferdinand, who knew the jealous pride of his powerful nobles. In the mean time, the people of the camp, having made all preparations for the assault, were impatient to be led forward. Upon this Pero Ruyz de Alarcon put himself at their head, and, seizing their mantas or portable bulwarks, and their other defences, they made a gallant assault and fought their way in at the breach. The Moors were so overcome by the fury of their assault that they retreated, fighting, to the square of the town. Pero Ruyz de Alarcon thought the place was carried, when suddenly Hamet and his Gomeres came scouring through the streets with wild war-cries, and fell furiously upon the Christians. The latter were in their turn beaten back, and, while attacked in front by the Gomeres, were assailed by the inhabitants with all kinds of missiles from their roofs and windows. They at length gave way and retreated through the breach. Pero Ruyz de Alarcon still maintained his ground in one of the principal streets: the few cavaliers that stood by him urged him to fly: “No,” said he; “I came here to fight, and not to fly.” He was presently surrounded by the Gomeres; his companions fled for their lives: the last they saw of him he was covered with wounds, but still fighting desperately for the fame of a good cavalier.*
The response of the spirited noble confused the cautious Ferdinand, who was aware of the jealous pride of his powerful nobles. Meanwhile, the soldiers in the camp, having made all preparations for the attack, were eager to be led forward. At this moment, Pero Ruyz de Alarcon took the lead, grabbing their mantas or portable shields and other defenses, and they launched a bold assault, fighting their way through the breach. The Moors were so overwhelmed by the intensity of their attack that they retreated, still fighting, to the town square. Pero Ruyz de Alarcon thought they had secured the place when suddenly Hamet and his Gomeres burst through the streets with wild war cries, launching a fierce attack on the Christians. The Christians were pushed back, and while being attacked from the front by the Gomeres, they were also bombarded by the townspeople with various projectiles from rooftops and windows. Eventually, they had no choice but to retreat through the breach. Pero Ruyz de Alarcon remained positioned in one of the main streets; the few knights with him urged him to flee: “No,” he said, “I came here to fight, not to run away.” He was soon surrounded by the Gomeres; his companions fled for their lives. The last they saw of him, he was covered in wounds but still fighting fiercely for the honor of a good knight.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 42.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 42.
The resistance of the inhabitants, though aided by the valor of the Gomeres, was of no avail. The battering artillery of the Christians demolished their walls; combustibles thrown into their town set it on fire in various places; and they were at length compelled to capitulate. They were permitted to depart with their effects, and the Gomeres with their arms. Hamet el Zegri and his African band rode proudly through the Christian camp, nor could the Spanish cavaliers refrain from regarding with admiration that haughty warrior and his devoted and dauntless followers.
The resistance of the inhabitants, despite the courage of the Gomeres, was useless. The Christians' heavy artillery tore down their walls; fires started in several areas of their town due to combustibles thrown in; and they were ultimately forced to surrender. They were allowed to leave with their belongings, and the Gomeres with their weapons. Hamet el Zegri and his African troops rode proudly through the Christian camp, and the Spanish knights couldn't help but admire that proud warrior and his loyal and fearless followers.
The capture of Coin was accompanied by that of Cartama: the fortifications of the latter were repaired and garrisoned, but Coin, being too extensive to be defended by a moderate force, its walls were demolished. The siege of these places struck such terror into the surrounding country that the Moors of many of the neighboring towns abandoned their homes, and fled with such of their effects as they could carry away, upon which the king gave orders to demolish their walls and towers.
The capture of Coin happened at the same time as Cartama: the defenses of Cartama were fixed up and garrisoned, but Coin was too large to be defended by a small force, so its walls were torn down. The siege of these places created such fear in the surrounding areas that the Moors from many nearby towns left their homes and fled with whatever belongings they could take, which led the king to order the destruction of their walls and towers.
King Ferdinand now left his camp and his heavy artillery near Cartama, and proceeded with his lighter troops to reconnoitre Malaga. By this time the secret plan of attack arranged in the council of war at Cordova was known to all the world. The vigilant warrior, El Zagal, had thrown himself into the place, put all the fortifications, which were of vast strength, into a state of defence, and sent orders to the alcaydes of the mountain-towns to hasten with their forces to his assistance.
King Ferdinand left his camp and heavy artillery near Cartama and moved forward with his lighter troops to scout Malaga. By this time, the secret attack plan discussed in the war council at Cordova was known to everyone. The watchful warrior, El Zagal, had taken refuge in the city, fortified its strong defenses, and sent orders to the leaders of the mountain towns to hurry their forces to help him.
The very day that Ferdinand appeared before the place El Zagal sallied forth to receive him at the head of a thousand cavalry, the choicest warriors of Granada. A sharp skirmish took place among the gardens and olive trees near the city. Many were killed on both sides, and this gave the Christians a foretaste of what they might expect if they attempted to besiege the place.
The very day Ferdinand arrived, El Zagal came out to meet him with a thousand cavalry, the finest warriors from Granada. A fierce skirmish broke out among the gardens and olive trees near the city. Many were killed on both sides, giving the Christians a glimpse of what they could expect if they tried to lay siege to the place.
When the skirmish was over the marques of Cadiz had a private conference with the king. He represented the difficulty of besieging Malaga with their present force, especially as their plans had been discovered and anticipated, and the whole country was marching to oppose them. The marques, who had secret intelligence from all quarters, had received a letter from Juceph Xerife, a Moor of Ronda of Christian lineage, apprising him of the situation of that important place and its garrison, which at that moment laid it open to attack, and the marques was urgent with the king to seize upon this critical moment, and secure a place which was one of the most powerful Moorish fortresses on the frontiers, and in the hands of Hamet el Zegri had been the scourge of Andalusia. The good marques had another motive for his advice, becoming a true and loyal knight. In the deep dungeons of Ronda languished several of his companion-in-arms who had been captured in the defeat in the Axarquia. To break their chains and restore them to liberty and light he felt to be his peculiar duty as one of those who had most promoted that disastrous enterprise.
When the fight was over, the Marquis of Cadiz had a private meeting with the king. He pointed out the challenges of laying siege to Malaga with their current forces, especially since their plans had been uncovered and anticipated, and the entire region was mobilizing against them. The marquis, who had secret information from various sources, had received a letter from Juceph Xerife, a Moor from Ronda of Christian descent, informing him about the situation in that critical location and its garrison, which was currently vulnerable to attack. The marquis urged the king to take advantage of this crucial moment and secure a stronghold that was one of the most powerful Moorish fortresses on the borders, and in the hands of Hamet el Zegri, had been a threat to Andalusia. The loyal marquis had another reason for his advice, as a true knight. In the dark dungeons of Ronda, several of his fellow soldiers who had been captured in the defeat at Axarquia were suffering. He felt it was his special duty to break their chains and restore them to freedom and light, especially since he had played a significant role in that unfortunate campaign.
King Ferdinand listened to the advice of the marques. He knew the importance of Ronda, which was considered one of the keys to the kingdom of Granada, and he was disposed to punish the inhabitants for the aid they had rendered to the garrison of Coin. The siege of Malaga therefore, was abandoned for the present, and preparations made for a rapid and secret move against the city of Ronda.
King Ferdinand listened to the marques's advice. He understood the significance of Ronda, which was seen as one of the keys to the kingdom of Granada, and he was inclined to punish the residents for the support they had given to the garrison of Coin. So, the siege of Malaga was put on hold for now, and plans were made for a quick and stealthy attack on the city of Ronda.
The bold Hamet el Zegri, the alcayde of Ronda, had returned sullenly to his stronghold after the surrender of Coin. He had fleshed his sword in battle with the Christians, but his thirst for vengeance was still unsatisfied. Hamet gloried in the strength of his fortress and the valor of his people. A fierce and warlike populace was at his command; his signal-fires could summon all the warriors of the Serrania; his Gomeres almost subsisted on the spoils of Andalusia; and in the rock on which his fortress was built were hopeless dungeons filled with Christian captives carried off by these war-hawks of the mountains.
The bold Hamet el Zegri, the leader of Ronda, had returned gloomily to his fortress after the surrender of Coin. He had sharpened his sword in battle against the Christians, but his craving for revenge was still unfulfilled. Hamet took pride in the strength of his fortress and the bravery of his people. He commanded a fierce and warlike populace; his signal fires could call all the warriors of the Serrania; his Gomeres relied heavily on the spoils from Andalusia; and within the rock on which his fortress stood were grim dungeons filled with Christian captives seized by these mountain warriors.
Ronda was considered as impregnable. It was situated in the heart of wild and rugged mountains, and perched upon an isolated rock crested by a strong citadel, with triple walls and towers. A deep ravine, or rather a perpendicular chasm of the rocks, of frightful depth, surrounded three parts of the city; through this flowed the Rio Verde, or Green River. There were two suburbs to the city, fortified by walls and towers, and almost inaccessible from the natural asperity of the rocks. Around this rugged city were deep rich valleys, sheltered by the mountains, refreshed by constant streams, abounding with grain and the most delicious fruits, and yielding verdant meadows, in which was reared a renowned breed of horses, the best in the whole kingdom for a foray.
Ronda was seen as unbeatable. It was located in the middle of wild and rugged mountains, sitting on an isolated rock topped by a strong fortress, with triple walls and towers. A deep ravine, or more like a sheer cliff of rocks, with a terrifying drop, surrounded three sides of the city; through this flowed the Rio Verde, or Green River. The city had two suburbs, protected by walls and towers, and nearly inaccessible due to the natural roughness of the rocks. Surrounding this rugged city were deep, fertile valleys, shielded by the mountains, nourished by constant streams, filled with grain and the most delicious fruits, and producing lush meadows, where a famous breed of horses was raised—the best in the entire kingdom for a raid.
Hamet el Zegri had scarcely returned to Ronda when he received intelligence that the Christian army was marching to the siege of Malaga, and orders from El Zagal to send troops to his assistance. Hamet sent a part of his garrison for that purpose; in the mean time he meditated an expedition to which he was stimulated by pride and revenge. All Andalusia was now drained of its troops; there was an opportunity, therefore, for an inroad by which he might wipe out the disgrace of his defeat at the battle of Lopera. Apprehending no danger to his mountain-city, now that the storm of war had passed down into the vega of Malaga, he left but a remnant of his garrison to man its walls, and, putting himself at the head of his band of Gomeres, swept down suddenly into the plains of Andalusia. He careered, almost without resistance, over those vast campinas or pasture-lands which formed a part of the domains of the duke of Medina Sidonia. In vain the bells were rung and the alarm-fires kindled: the band of Hamet had passed by before any force could be assembled, and was only to be traced, like a hurricane, by the devastation it had made.
Hamet el Zegri had barely returned to Ronda when he got word that the Christian army was marching to lay siege to Malaga, along with orders from El Zagal to send troops to help. Hamet dispatched part of his garrison for that purpose; meanwhile, he was plotting an expedition fueled by pride and a desire for revenge. All of Andalusia was now drained of its troops, creating an opportunity for him to conduct a raid that could erase the shame of his defeat at the battle of Lopera. Not fearing any danger to his mountain city, now that the war had shifted to the vega of Malaga, he left only a small portion of his garrison to guard the walls and took command of his band of Gomeres, quickly descending into the plains of Andalusia. He charged through the vast pastures that were part of the duke of Medina Sidonia's lands, facing almost no resistance. The bells rang and alarm fires were lit in vain: Hamet's band had passed through before any forces could gather, and their path could only be traced by the destruction they left behind.
Hamet regained in safety the Serrania de Ronda, exulting in his successful inroad. The mountain-glens were filled with long droves of cattle and flocks of sheep from the campinas of Medina Sidonia. There were mules, too, laden with the plunder of the villages, and every warrior had some costly spoil of jewels for his favorite mistress.
Hamet safely returned to the Serrania de Ronda, celebrating his successful raid. The mountain valleys were filled with large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep from the fields of Medina Sidonia. There were also mules loaded with the loot from the villages, and every warrior had some expensive treasure of jewels for his beloved mistress.
As the Zegri drew near to Ronda he was roused from his dream of triumph by the sound of heavy ordnance bellowing through the mountain-defiles. His heart misgave him: he put spurs to his horse and galloped in advance of his lagging cavalgada. As he proceeded the noise of the ordnance increased, echoing from cliff to cliff. Spurring his horse up a craggy height which commanded an extensive view, he beheld, to his consternation, the country about Ronda white with the tents of a besieging army. The royal standard, displayed before a proud encampment, showed that Ferdinand himself was present, while the incessant blaze and thunder of artillery and the volumes of overhanging smoke told the work of destruction that was going on.
As the Zegri got closer to Ronda, he was jolted from his triumphant daydream by the sound of heavy cannon fire echoing through the mountain passes. Doubts crept into his mind; he urged his horse forward and raced ahead of his slow-moving caravan. As he rode on, the noise of the cannon grew louder, bouncing off the cliffs. Climbing up a rocky height that gave a wide view, he was horrified to see the area around Ronda filled with the white tents of a besieging army. The royal flag, displayed in front of an impressive camp, indicated that Ferdinand himself was there, while the constant flashes and roars of artillery and the thick smoke overhead revealed the destruction happening.
The royal army had succeeded in coming upon Ronda by surprise during the absence of its alcayde and most of its garrison; but its inhabitants were warlike and defended themselves bravely, trusting that Hamet and his Gomeres would soon return to their assistance.
The royal army managed to catch Ronda off guard while its alcayde and most of the troops were away; however, the people of Ronda were fierce and fought back courageously, believing that Hamet and his Gomeres would soon come back to help them.
The fancied strength of their bulwarks had been of little avail against the batteries of the besiegers. In the space of four days three towers and great masses of the walls which defended the suburbs were battered down and the suburbs taken and plundered. Lombards and other heavy ordnance were now levelled at the walls of the city, and stones and missiles of all kinds hurled into the streets. The very rock on which the city stood shook with the thunder of the artillery, and the Christian captives, deep within its dungeons, hailed the sound as a promise of deliverance.
The imagined strength of their defenses proved almost useless against the attackers' artillery. In just four days, three towers and large sections of the walls protecting the suburbs were destroyed, and the suburbs were captured and looted. Cannons and heavy weapons were now aimed at the city walls, with stones and projectiles of all kinds being thrown into the streets. The very ground beneath the city trembled with the noise of the cannons, and the Christian captives locked away in the dungeons welcomed the sound as a sign of hope for rescue.
When Hamet el (8) Zegri beheld his city thus surrounded and assailed, he called upon his men to follow him and cut their way through to its relief. They proceeded stealthily through the mountains until they came to the nearest heights above the Christian camp. When night fell and part of the army was sunk in sleep, they descended the rocks, and, rushing suddenly upon the weakest part of the camp, endeavored to break their way through and gain the city. The camp was too strong to be forced; they were driven back to the crags of the mountains, whence they defended themselves by showering down darts and stones upon their pursuers.
When Hamet el (8) Zegri saw his city surrounded and under attack, he called on his men to follow him and fight their way to rescue it. They quietly made their way through the mountains until they reached the closest heights overlooking the Christian camp. When night fell and part of the army was asleep, they descended the rocks and unexpectedly charged the weakest part of the camp, trying to break through and reach the city. The camp was too fortified to breach; they were pushed back to the mountain cliffs, where they defended themselves by throwing down arrows and stones at their attackers.
Hamet now lit alarm-fires about the heights: his standard was joined by the neighboring mountaineers and by troops from Malaga. Thus reinforced, he made repeated assaults upon the Christians, cutting off all stragglers from the camp. All his attempts to force his way into the city, however, were fruitless; many of his bravest men were slain, and he was obliged to retreat into the fastnesses of the mountains.
Hamet now set up alarm fires on the heights: his banner was joined by the nearby mountain dwellers and by troops from Malaga. With this support, he launched several attacks on the Christians, cutting off all stragglers from their camp. However, all his attempts to break into the city were unsuccessful; many of his bravest men were killed, and he was forced to retreat into the remote areas of the mountains.
In the mean while the distress of Ronda increased hourly. The marques of Cadiz, having possession of the suburbs, was enabled to approach to the very foot of the perpendicular precipice rising from the river on the summit of which the city is built. At the foot of this rock is a living fountain of limpid water gushing into a great natural basin. A secret mine led down from within the city to this fountain by several hundred steps cut in the solid rock. Hence the city obtained its chief supply of water, and these steps were deeply worn by the weary feet of Christian captives employed in this painful labor. The marques of Cadiz discovered this subterraneous passage, and directed his pioneers to countermine in the side of the rock; they pierced to the shaft, and, stopping it up, deprived the city of the benefit of this precious fountain.
Meanwhile, the distress in Ronda increased by the hour. The Marquis of Cadiz, having taken control of the suburbs, was able to approach the very base of the steep cliff that rises from the river on which the city sits. At the bottom of this rock is a natural spring of clear water flowing into a large basin. A secret mine ran from inside the city to this spring, with several hundred steps carved into the solid rock. This was the city’s main source of water, and the steps were worn down by the tired feet of Christian captives forced into this exhausting work. The Marquis of Cadiz discovered this underground passage and ordered his men to tunnel into the side of the rock; they broke through to the shaft, blocked it up, and cut off the city’s access to this precious spring.
While the marques was thus pressing the siege with the generous thought of soon delivering his companions-in-arms from the Moorish dungeons, far other were the feelings of the alcayde, Hamet el Zegri. He smote his breast and gnashed his teeth in impotent fury as he beheld from the mountain-cliffs the destruction of the city. Every thunder of the Christian ordnance seemed to batter against his heart. He saw tower after tower tumbling by day, and various parts of the city in a blaze at night. “They fired not merely stones from their ordnance,” says a chronicler of the times, “but likewise great balls of iron cast in moulds, which demolished everything they struck. They threw also balls of tow steeped in pitch and oil and gunpowder, which, when once on fire, were not to be extinguished, and which set the houses in flames. Great was the horror of the inhabitants: they knew not where to fly for refuge: their houses were in a blaze or shattered by the ordnance; the streets were perilous from the falling ruins and the bounding balls, which dashed to pieces everything they encountered. At night the city looked like a fiery furnace; the cries and wailings of the women between the thunders of the ordnance reached even to the Moors on the opposite mountains, who answered them by yells of fury and despair.”
While the marquis was actively laying siege with the noble intention of soon rescuing his fellow soldiers from the Moorish dungeons, the feelings of the alcayde, Hamet el Zegri, were quite different. He pounded his chest and ground his teeth in helpless rage as he watched the city’s destruction from the mountain cliffs. Every boom of the Christian cannon felt like a blow to his heart. He saw tower after tower collapse during the day and various parts of the city ablaze at night. “They didn’t just shoot stones from their cannons,” writes a chronicler of the time, “but also large iron balls shaped in molds that shattered everything they hit. They also launched burning balls of tow soaked in pitch, oil, and gunpowder, which, once ignited, could not be put out and set the houses on fire. The horror among the inhabitants was great; they didn’t know where to run for safety: their houses were on fire or destroyed by cannon fire; the streets were dangerous due to falling debris and bouncing cannonballs that smashed everything in their path. At night, the city resembled a fiery furnace; the cries and screams of the women amidst the thunder of the cannons reached even the Moors on the distant mountains, who responded with screams of anger and despair.”
All hope of external succor being at an end, the inhabitants of Ronda were compelled to capitulate. Ferdinand was easily prevailed upon to grant them favorable terms. The place was capable of longer resistance, and he feared for the safety of his camp, as the forces were daily augmenting on the mountains and making frequent assaults. The inhabitants were permitted to depart with their effects, either to Barbary, Granada, or elsewhere, and those who chose to reside in Spain had lands assigned them and were indulged in the practice of their religion.
All hope of outside help was gone, so the people of Ronda had no choice but to surrender. Ferdinand was easily persuaded to give them favorable terms. The town could have held out longer, but he was concerned about the safety of his camp, as the forces on the mountains were increasing daily and launching frequent attacks. The residents were allowed to leave with their belongings, whether to Barbary, Granada, or elsewhere, and those who decided to stay in Spain were given land and allowed to practice their religion.
No sooner did the place surrender than detachments were sent to attack the Moors who hovered about the neighboring mountains. Hamet el Zegri, however, did not remain to make a fruitless battle. He gave up the game as lost, and retreated with his Gomeres, filled with grief and rage, but trusting to fortune to give him future vengeance.
No sooner had the place surrendered than groups were sent out to attack the Moors lurking in the nearby mountains. Hamet el Zegri, however, did not stick around to fight a pointless battle. He accepted defeat and retreated with his Gomeres, filled with sadness and anger, but hoping that fate would provide him with future revenge.
The first care of the good marques of Cadiz on entering Ronda was to deliver his unfortunate companion-in-arms from the dungeons of the fortress. What a difference in their looks from the time when, flushed with health and hope and arrayed in military pomp, they had sallied forth upon the mountain-foray! Many of them were almost naked, with irons at their ankles and beards reaching to their waists. Their meeting with the marques was joyful, yet it had the look of grief, for their joy was mingled with many bitter recollections. There was an immense number of other captives, among whom were several young men of noble families who with filial piety had surrendered themselves prisoners in place of their fathers.
The first thing the good marquis of Cadiz did upon arriving in Ronda was to free his unfortunate fellow soldier from the fortress dungeons. What a stark contrast in their appearances compared to when they had set out on that mountain raid, full of health, hope, and dressed in military splendor! Many were nearly naked, with chains around their ankles and beards down to their waists. Their reunion with the marquis was joyful, yet tainted with sorrow, as their happiness was mixed with many painful memories. There were countless other captives, including several young men from noble families who had selflessly surrendered themselves as prisoners in place of their fathers.
The captives were all provided with mules and sent to the queen at Cordova. The humane heart of Isabella melted at the sight of the piteous cavalcade. They were all supplied by her with food and raiment, and money to pay their expenses to their homes. Their chains were hung as pious trophies against the exterior of the church of St. Juan de los Reyes in Toledo, where the Christian traveller may regale his eyes with the sight of them at this very day.*
The captives were given mules and sent to the queen in Cordova. Isabella's compassionate heart softened at the sight of the sorrowful procession. She provided them all with food, clothing, and money to cover their travel expenses home. Their chains were displayed as sacred trophies on the outside of the church of St. Juan de los Reyes in Toledo, where today’s Christian travelers can still see them.*
* Seen by the author in 1826.
* Seen by the author in 1826.
Among the Moorish captives was a young infidel maiden, of great beauty, who desired to become a Christian and to remain in Spain. She had been inspired with the light of the true faith through the ministry of a young man who had been a captive in Ronda. He was anxious to complete his good work by marrying her. The queen consented to their pious wishes, having first taken care that the young maiden should be properly purified by the holy sacrament of baptism.
Among the Moorish captives was a beautiful young woman who wanted to become a Christian and stay in Spain. She had been inspired by the teachings of a young man who had been a captive in Ronda. He was eager to fulfill his mission by marrying her. The queen agreed to their noble wishes after ensuring that the young woman was properly baptized.
“Thus this pestilent nest of warfare and infidelity, the city of Ronda,” says the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, “was converted to the true faith by the thunder of our artillery—an example which was soon followed by Cazarabonela, Marbella, and other towns in these parts, insomuch that in the course of this expedition no less than seventy-two places were rescued from the vile sect of Mahomet and placed under the benignant domination of the Cross.”
“Thus, this troublesome hotbed of war and betrayal, the city of Ronda,” says the honorable Fray Antonio Agapida, “was brought to the true faith by the power of our cannons—an example quickly followed by Cazarabonela, Marbella, and other towns in the area, so that during this mission, no fewer than seventy-two places were freed from the wicked sect of Muhammad and placed under the gracious rule of the Cross.”
The people of Granada were a versatile, unsteady race, and exceedingly given to make and unmake kings. They had for a long time vacillated between old Muley Abul Hassan and his son, Boabdil el Chico, sometimes setting up the one, sometimes the other, and sometimes both at once, according to the pinch and pressure of external evils. They found, however, that the evils still went on increasing in defiance of every change, and were at their wits’ end to devise some new combination or arrangement by which an efficient government might be wrought out of two bad kings. When the tidings arrived of the fall of Ronda, and the consequent ruin of the frontier, a tumultuous assemblage took place in one of the public squares. As usual, the people attributed the misfortunes of the country to the faults of their rulers, for the populace never imagine that any part of their miseries can originate with themselves. A crafty alfaqui, named Alyme Mazer, who had watched the current of their discontents, rose and harangued them. “You have been choosing and changing,” said he, “between two monarchs; and who and what are they? Muley Abul Hassan for one, a man worn out by age and infirmities, unable to sally forth against the foe, even when ravaging to the very gates of the city; and Boabdil el Chico for the other, an apostate, a traitor, a deserter from his throne, a fugitive among the enemies of his nation, a man fated to misfortune, and proverbially named ‘the Unlucky.’ In a time of overwhelming war like the present he only is fit to sway a sceptre who can wield a sword. Would you seek such a man? You need not look far. Allah has sent such a one in this time of distress to retrieve the fortunes of Granada. You already know whom I mean. You know that it can be no other than your general, the invincible Abdallah, whose surname of El Zagal has become a watchword in battle rousing the courage of the faithful and striking terror into the unbelievers.”
The people of Granada were a fickle and unstable crowd, always quick to make and unmake kings. For a long time, they had been swapping between old Muley Abul Hassan and his son, Boabdil el Chico—sometimes supporting one, sometimes the other, and occasionally both, depending on the pressures they faced from outside forces. However, they realized that these external threats continued to grow, no matter who was in charge, and they were at a loss for how to create an effective government out of two ineffective kings. When news of the fall of Ronda and the resulting devastation of the frontier reached them, a chaotic gathering occurred in one of the public squares. As usual, the people blamed the country’s misfortunes on their leaders, as they never considered that their troubles could come from their own actions. A sly alfaqui named Alyme Mazer, who had been watching the flow of their discontent, stepped forward to address them. “You’ve been swapping leaders,” he said, “but who are they really? Muley Abul Hassan, a man worn down by age and illness, unable to confront the enemy even when they’re at the very gates of the city. And then there’s Boabdil el Chico, a turncoat, a traitor, a deserter of his throne, a fugitive among his nation's enemies, a man destined for bad luck, commonly referred to as ‘the Unlucky.’ In a time of overwhelming war like this, the only one fit to hold a scepter is someone who can wield a sword. Are you looking for such a man? You don’t have to search far. Allah has sent someone in this time of need to restore the fortunes of Granada. You already know who I’m talking about—your general, the invincible Abdallah, whose nickname El Zagal has become a battle cry, inspiring courage in the faithful and striking fear into the hearts of the unbelievers.”
The multitude received the words of the alfaqui with acclamations; they were delighted with the idea of a third king over Granada, and Abdallah el Zagal being of the royal family, and already in the virtual exercise of royal power, the measure had nothing in it that appeared either rash or violent. A deputation was therefore sent to El Zagal at Malaga inviting him to repair to Granada to receive the crown.
The crowd welcomed the alfaqui's words with cheers; they were thrilled by the idea of a third king for Granada. Since Abdallah el Zagal was from the royal family and already acting like a king, the proposal didn’t seem reckless or extreme. So, a delegation was sent to El Zagal in Malaga, inviting him to come to Granada to accept the crown.
El Zagal expressed great surprise and repugnance when the mission was announced to him, and nothing but his patriotic zeal for the public safety and his fraternal eagerness to relieve the aged Abul Hassan from the cares of government prevailed upon him to accept the offer. Leaving, therefore, Reduan Vanegas, one of the bravest Moorish generals, in command of Malaga, he departed for Granada, attended by three hundred trusty cavaliers.
El Zagal was really surprised and disgusted when they told him about the mission, and only his strong sense of patriotism for public safety and his desire to help the elderly Abul Hassan take a break from ruling convinced him to accept the offer. So, he left Reduan Vanegas, one of the bravest Moorish generals, in charge of Malaga and set off for Granada, accompanied by three hundred loyal knights.
Muley Abul Hassan did not wait for the arrival of his brother. Unable any longer to buffet with the storms of the times, his only solicitude was to seek some safe and quiet harbor of repose. In one of the deep valleys which indent the Mediterranean coast, and which are shut up on the land side by stupendous mountains, stood the little city of Almunecar. The valley was watered by the limpid river Frio, and abounded with fruits, with grain, and pasturage. The city was strongly fortified, and the garrison and alcayde were devoted to the old monarch. This was the place chosen by Muley Abul Hassan for his asylum. His first care was to send thither all his treasures; his next care was to take refuge there himself; his third, that his sultana Zoraya and their two sons should follow him.
Muley Abul Hassan didn't wait for his brother to show up. No longer able to deal with the chaos of the times, his only concern was to find a safe and quiet place to rest. In one of the deep valleys along the Mediterranean coast, which were surrounded by massive mountains, stood the small city of Almunecar. The valley was fed by the clear Frio River and was rich in fruits, grains, and grazing land. The city was well-fortified, and the garrison and leader were loyal to the old king. This was the place Muley Abul Hassan chose for his refuge. His first priority was to send all his treasures there; his second was to take shelter himself; and his third was to ensure that his sultana Zoraya and their two sons followed him.
In the mean time, Muley Abdallah el Zagal pursued his journey toward the capital, attended by his three hundred cavaliers. The road from Malaga to Granada winds close by Alhama, and is dominated by that lofty fortress. This had been a most perilous pass for the Moors during the time that Alhama was commanded by the count de Tendilla: not a traveller could escape his eagle eye, and his garrison was ever ready for a sally. The count de Tendilla, however, had been relieved from this arduous post, and it had been given in charge to Don Gutiere de Padilla, clavero (or treasurer) of the order of Calatrava—an easy, indulgent man, who had with him three hundred gallant knights of his order, besides other mercenary troops. The garrison had fallen off in discipline; the cavaliers were hardy in fight and daring in foray, but confident in themselves and negligent of proper precautions. Just before the journey of El Zagal a number of these cavaliers, with several soldiers of fortune of the garrison, in all about one hundred and seventy men, had sallied forth to harass the Moorish country during its present distracted state, and, having ravaged the valleys of the Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Mountains, were returning to Alhama in gay spirits and laden with booty.
In the meantime, Muley Abdallah el Zagal continued his journey to the capital, accompanied by his three hundred knights. The road from Malaga to Granada runs close to Alhama and is overlooked by that tall fortress. This pass had been very dangerous for the Moors when Alhama was under the command of Count de Tendilla: no traveler could escape his sharp gaze, and his garrison was always ready to charge. However, the Count de Tendilla had been relieved from this tough position, and it was handed over to Don Gutiere de Padilla, the treasurer of the Calatrava order—an easygoing and lenient man, accompanied by three hundred brave knights from his order, along with other mercenary troops. The garrison had lost discipline; the knights were tough in battle and bold in raids, but overly confident and careless with their safety. Just before El Zagal's journey, many of these knights, along with several mercenaries from the garrison, totaling around one hundred seventy men, had gone out to disrupt the Moorish territory during its current chaotic state. After raiding the valleys of the Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Mountains, they were on their way back to Alhama in high spirits and loaded with plunder.
As El Zagal passed through the neighborhood of Alhama he recollected the ancient perils of the road, and sent light cerradors in advance to inspect each rock and ravine where a foe might lurk in ambush. One of these scouts, overlooking a narrow valley which opened upon the road, descried a troop of horsemen on the banks of a little stream. They were dismounted, and had taken the bridles from their steeds, that they might crop the fresh grass on the banks of the river. The horsemen were scattered about, some reposing in the shades of rocks and trees, others gambling for the spoil they had taken: not a sentinel was posted to keep guard; everything showed the perfect security of men who consider themselves beyond the reach of danger.
As El Zagal moved through the neighborhood of Alhama, he remembered the old dangers of the road and sent out scouts ahead to check every rock and ravine for any enemies waiting to ambush. One of these scouts, viewing a narrow valley that opened onto the road, spotted a group of horsemen by a small stream. They had dismounted and taken the reins off their horses so they could graze on the fresh grass by the river. The horsemen were spread out, some resting in the shade of trees and rocks, while others were gambling with the loot they had collected. There wasn't a single guard on watch; everything showed the complete confidence of men who believed they were safe from harm.
These careless cavaliers were in fact the knights of Calatrava returning from their foray. A part of their force had passed on with the cavalgada; ninety of the principal cavaliers had halted to refresh themselves in this valley. El Zagal smiled with ferocious joy when he heard of their negligent security. “Here will be trophies,” said he, “to grace our entrance into Granada.”
These careless knights were actually the Calatrava knights returning from their raid. Part of their group had moved on with the convoy; ninety of the main knights had stopped to rest in this valley. El Zagal smiled with fierce pleasure when he heard about their lax security. “Here will be trophies," he said, “to celebrate our entry into Granada.”
Approaching the valley with cautious silence, he wheeled into it at full speed at the head of his troop, and attacked the Christians so suddenly that they had no time to put the bridles upon their horses or even to leap into the saddles. They made a confused but valiant defence, fighting among the rocks and in the rugged bed of the river. Their defence was useless; seventy-nine were slain, and the remaining eleven were taken prisoners.
Approaching the valley quietly and carefully, he charged in at full speed at the front of his group and attacked the Christians so unexpectedly that they had no time to put the reins on their horses or even to jump into the saddles. They fought bravely but chaotically among the rocks and in the rough riverbed. Their defense was in vain; seventy-nine were killed, and the remaining eleven were captured.
A party of the Moors galloped in pursuit of the cavalgada: they soon overtook it winding slowly up a hill. The horsemen who convoyed it, perceiving the enemy at a distance, made their escape, and left the spoil to be retaken by the Moors. El Zagal gathered together his captives and his booty, and proceeded, elate with success, to Granada.
A group of Moors rode quickly in pursuit of the caravan: they soon caught up with it as it made its slow way up a hill. The horsemen guarding it, spotting the enemy from afar, fled and left the loot behind for the Moors to reclaim. El Zagal gathered his captives and treasure and headed to Granada, feeling triumphant.
He paused before the gate of Elvira, for as yet he had not been proclaimed king. This ceremony was immediately performed, for the fame of his recent exploit had preceded him and intoxicated the minds of the giddy populace. He entered Granada in a sort of triumph. The eleven captive knights of Calatrava walked in front: next were paraded the ninety captured steeds, bearing the armor and weapons of their late owners, and led by as many mounted Moors: then came seventy Moorish horsemen, with as many Christian heads hanging at their saddle-bows: Muley Abdallah followed, surrounded by a number of distinguished cavaliers splendidly attired, and the pageant was closed by a long cavalgada of the flocks and herds and other booty recovered from the Christians.*
He stopped in front of Elvira's gate, since he hadn’t been named king yet. This ceremony was quickly carried out, as news of his recent achievement had spread and dazzled the minds of the excited crowd. He entered Granada in a sort of triumph. Eleven captured knights of Calatrava led the way, followed by ninety captured horses, adorned with the armor and weapons of their former owners, and guided by equally many mounted Moors. Then came seventy Moorish horsemen, with just as many Christian heads hanging from their saddles. Muley Abdallah followed, surrounded by several distinguished knights dressed in fine clothing, and the procession was rounded off by a long line of flocks, herds, and other spoils reclaimed from the Christians.*
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 62; Mariana, Hist. de Espana; Abarca, Anales de Aragon.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 62; Mariana, Hist. de Espana; Abarca, Anales de Aragon.
The populace gazed with almost savage triumph at these captive cavaliers and the gory heads of their companions, knowing them to have been part of the formidable garrison of Alhama, so long the scourge of Granada and the terror of the Vega. They hailed this petty triumph as an auspicious opening of the reign of their new monarch; for several days the name of Muley Abul Hassan and Boabdil el Chico were never mentioned but with contempt, and the whole city resounded with the praises of El Zagal, or the Valiant.
The crowd looked on with almost wild excitement at these captured knights and the bloody heads of their companions, knowing they had been part of the powerful garrison of Alhama, a long-time menace to Granada and a terror to the Vega. They celebrated this small victory as a promising start to their new king's reign; for several days, the names of Muley Abul Hassan and Boabdil el Chico were only spoken of with disdain, and the entire city echoed with praises for El Zagal, or the Brave.
The elevation of a bold and active veteran to the throne of Granada in place of its late bedridden king made an important difference in the aspect of the war, and called for some blow that should dash the confidence of the Moors in their new monarch and animate the Christians to fresh exertions.
The rise of a brave and dynamic veteran to the throne of Granada, taking over from the recently bedridden king, significantly changed the situation of the war. It prompted a decisive action to shake the Moors' confidence in their new ruler and inspire the Christians to renewed efforts.
Don Diego de Cordova, the brave count de Cabra, was at this time in his castle of Vaena, where he kept a wary eye upon the frontier. It was now the latter part of August, and he grieved that the summer should pass away without an inroad into the country of the foe. He sent out his scouts on the prowl, and they brought him word that the important post of Moclin was but weakly garrisoned. This was a castellated town, strongly situated upon a high mountain, partly surrounded by thick forests and partly girdled by a river. It defended one of the rugged and solitary passes by which the Christians were wont to make their inroads, insomuch that the Moors, in their figurative way, denominated it the shield of Granada.
Don Diego de Cordova, the brave Count de Cabra, was at this time in his castle of Vaena, where he kept a close watch on the frontier. It was late August, and he was saddened that summer would end without a raid into enemy territory. He sent out his scouts to search the area, and they reported back that the important post of Moclin was only lightly garrisoned. This was a fortified town, located on a high mountain, partially surrounded by dense forests and partly bordered by a river. It defended one of the rough and isolated routes that Christians typically used for attacks, so much so that the Moors, in their figurative way, called it the shield of Granada.
The count de Cabra sent word to the monarchs of the feeble state of the garrison, and gave it as his opinion that by a secret and rapid expedition the place might be surprised. King Ferdinand asked the advice of his councillors. Some cautioned him against the sanguine temperament of the count and his heedlessness of danger: Moclin, they observed, was near to Granada and might be promptly reinforced. The opinion of the count, however, prevailed, the king considering him almost infallible in matters of border warfare since his capture of Boabdil el Chico.
The Count de Cabra informed the monarchs about the weak state of the garrison and suggested that a quick, secret mission could catch them off guard. King Ferdinand consulted his advisors. Some warned him about the count's overly optimistic nature and his tendency to overlook risks: they pointed out that Moclin was close to Granada and could be quickly reinforced. However, the count's opinion won out, as the king regarded him as almost infallible when it came to border warfare, especially after his capture of Boabdil el Chico.
The king departed, therefore, from Cordova, and took post at Alcala la Real, for the purpose of being near to Moclin. The queen also proceeded to Vaena, accompanied by her children, Prince Juan and the princess Isabella, and her great counsellor in all matters, public and private, spiritual and temporal, the venerable grand cardinal of Spain.
The king left Cordova and set up camp at Alcala la Real to be close to Moclin. The queen also went to Vaena, along with her children, Prince Juan and Princess Isabella, and her trusted advisor in all things, both public and private, spiritual and earthly, the esteemed grand cardinal of Spain.
Nothing could exceed the pride and satisfaction of the loyal count de Cabra when he saw the stately train winding along the dreary mountain-roads and entering the gates of Vaena. He received his royal guests with all due ceremony, and lodged them in the best apartments that the warrior castle afforded.
Nothing could surpass the pride and satisfaction of the loyal Count de Cabra when he saw the impressive procession making its way along the bleak mountain roads and entering the gates of Vaena. He welcomed his royal guests with all the proper ceremony and accommodated them in the finest rooms that the warrior castle had to offer.
King Ferdinand had concerted a wary plan to ensure the success of the enterprise. The count de Cabra and Don Martin Alonso de Montemayor were to set forth with their troops so as to reach Moclin by a certain hour, and to intercept all who should attempt to enter or should sally from the town. The master of Calatrava, the troops of the grand cardinal, commanded by the count of Buendia, and the forces of the bishop of Jaen, led by that belligerent prelate, amounting in all to four thousand horse and six thousand foot, were to set off in time to co-operate with the count de Cabra, so as to surround the town. The king was to follow with his whole force and encamp before the place.
King Ferdinand had devised a careful plan to ensure the success of the mission. Count de Cabra and Don Martin Alonso de Montemayor were to set out with their troops to reach Moclin by a specific time and stop anyone trying to enter or leave the town. The Master of Calatrava, along with the troops of the Grand Cardinal, led by Count of Buendia, and the forces of the Bishop of Jaen, commanded by that aggressive prelate, totaling four thousand cavalry and six thousand infantry, were to leave in time to team up with Count de Cabra to surround the town. The king would follow with his entire army and set up camp in front of the place.
And here the worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida breaks forth into a triumphant eulogy of the pious prelates who thus mingled personally in these scenes of warfare. As this was a holy crusade (says he), undertaken for the advancement of the faith and the glory of the Church, so was it always countenanced and upheld by saintly men; for the victories of their most Catholic majesties were not followed, like those of mere worldly sovereigns, by erecting castles and towers and appointing alcaydes and garrisons, but by the founding of convents and cathedrals and the establishment of wealthy bishoprics. Wherefore their majesties were always surrounded in court or camp, in the cabinet or in the field, by a crowd of ghostly advisers inspiriting them to the prosecution of this most righteous war. Nay, the holy men of the Church did not scruple, at times, to buckle on the cuirass over the cassock, to exchange the crosier for the lance, and thus with corporal hands and temporal weapons to fight the good fight of the faith.
And here the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida launches into a triumphant tribute to the devout leaders who personally participated in these battles. As he says, this was a holy crusade undertaken for the advancement of faith and the glory of the Church, so it was always supported by saintly individuals. The victories of their most Catholic majesties were not followed, like those of ordinary worldly rulers, by building castles and towers and appointing governors and garrisons, but by establishing convents and cathedrals and creating prosperous bishoprics. Therefore, their majesties were always accompanied in court or camp, in meetings or on the battlefield, by a group of spiritual advisors encouraging them to continue this just war. Moreover, the holy men of the Church did not hesitate, at times, to don armor over their robes, to swap the staff for a spear, and with physical hands and worldly weapons, to fight the good fight for the faith.
But to return from this rhapsody of the worthy friar. The count de Cabra, being instructed in the complicated arrangements of the king, marched forth at midnight to execute them punctually. He led his troops by the little river that winds below Vaena, and so up to the wild defiles of the mountains, marching all night, and stopping only in the heat of the following day to repose under the shadowy cliffs of a deep barranca, calculating to arrive at Moclin exactly in time to co-operate with the other forces.
But to get back to the enthusiastic speech of the good friar. The Count de Cabra, aware of the king's intricate plans, set out at midnight to carry them out exactly as instructed. He guided his troops along the small river that flows below Vaena and then up into the rugged mountain passes, marching all night and pausing only during the heat of the next day to rest under the shady cliffs of a deep gorge, aiming to reach Moclin just in time to work together with the other forces.
The troops had scarcely stretched themselves on the earth to take repose, when a scout arrived bringing word that El Zagal had suddenly sallied out of Granada with a strong force, and had encamped in the vicinity of Moclin. It was plain that the wary Moor had received information of the intended attack. This, however, was not the idea that presented itself to the mind of the count de Cabra. He had captured one king; here was a fair opportunity to secure another. What a prisoner to deliver into the hands of his royal mistress! Fired with the thoughts, the good count forgot all the arrangements of the king; or rather, blinded by former success, he trusted everything to courage and fortune, and thought that by one bold swoop he might again bear off the royal prize and wear his laurels without competition.* His only fear was that the master of Calatrava and the belligerent bishop might come up in time to share the glory of the victory; so, ordering every one to horse, this hot-spirited cavalier pushed on for Moclin without allowing his troops the necessary time for repose.
The troops had barely settled on the ground to rest when a scout arrived with news that El Zagal had suddenly left Granada with a strong force and had camped near Moclin. It was clear that the cautious Moor had gotten wind of the planned attack. However, that wasn’t what the Count de Cabra was thinking about. He had already captured one king, and now there was a great chance to capture another. Imagine the prize to hand over to his royal mistress! Energized by this thought, the Count lost sight of all the king's plans. Instead, blinded by past success, he relied solely on bravery and luck, believing that with one bold move he could seize the royal prize again and enjoy the glory without any competition. His only concern was that the master of Calatrava and the fighting bishop might arrive in time to share in the victory, so he ordered everyone to saddle up and pushed on to Moclin without letting his troops rest.
* Mariana, lib. 25, c. 17; Abarca, Zurita, etc.
* Mariana, lib. 25, c. 17; Abarca, Zurita, etc.
The evening closed as the count arrived in the neighborhood of Moclin. It was the full of the moon and a bright and cloudless night. The count was marching through one of those deep valleys or ravines worn in the Spanish mountains by the brief but tremendous torrents which prevail during the autumnal rains. It was walled on each side by lofty and almost perpendicular cliffs, but great masses of moonlight were thrown into the bottom of the glen, glittering on the armor of the shining squadrons as they silently passed through it. Suddenly the war-cry of the Moors rose in various parts of the valley. “El Zagal! El Zagal!” was shouted from every cliff, accompanied by showers of missiles that struck down several of the Christian warriors. The count lifted up his eyes, and beheld, by the light of the moon, every cliff glistening with Moorish soldiery. The deadly shower fell thickly round him, and the shining armor of his followers made them fair objects for the aim of the enemy. The count saw his brother Gonzalo struck dead by his side; his own horse sank under him, pierced by four Moorish lances, and he received a wound in the hand from an arquebuse. He remembered the horrible massacre of the mountains of Malaga, and feared a similar catastrophe. There was no time to pause. His brother’s horse, freed from his slaughtered rider, was running at large: seizing the reins, he sprang into the saddle, called upon his men to follow him, and, wheeling round, retreated out of the fatal valley.
The evening came to an end as the count reached the area near Moclin. It was a full moon with a bright, clear night. The count was making his way through one of those deep valleys or ravines carved into the Spanish mountains by the brief but powerful torrents that occur during the autumn rains. The cliffs rose steeply on both sides, but large patches of moonlight lit up the bottom of the glen, sparkling on the armor of the shining troops as they quietly moved through. Suddenly, the war cry of the Moors erupted all around the valley. “El Zagal! El Zagal!” echoed from every cliff, accompanied by a hail of projectiles that struck down several Christian warriors. The count looked up and saw, in the moonlight, every cliff shining with Moorish soldiers. The deadly rain fell heavily around him, and the gleaming armor of his men made easy targets for the enemy. The count witnessed his brother Gonzalo being struck dead beside him; his own horse collapsed under him, pierced by four Moorish lances, and he felt a wound on his hand from a gun. He recalled the horrific massacre in the mountains of Malaga and feared a similar fate. There was no time to hesitate. His brother’s horse, now without its slain rider, was running wild: grabbing the reins, he jumped into the saddle, called for his men to follow him, and quickly turned to retreat from the deadly valley.
The Moors, rushing down from the heights, pursued the retreating Christians. The chase endured for a league, but it was a league of rough and broken road, where the Christians had to turn and fight at almost every step. In these short but fierce combats the enemy lost many cavaliers of note, but the loss of the Christians was infinitely more grievous, comprising numbers of the noblest warriors of Vaena and its vicinity. Many of the Christians, disabled by wounds or exhausted by fatigue, turned aside and endeavored to conceal themselves among rocks and thickets, but never more rejoined their companions, being slain or captured by the Moors or perishing in their wretched retreats.
The Moors, charging down from the heights, chased after the retreating Christians. The pursuit lasted for a league, but it was a league of rough and broken terrain, where the Christians had to stop and fight almost every step of the way. In these brief but intense battles, the enemy lost many notable knights, but the Christians suffered even heavier losses, including many of the noblest warriors from Vaena and the surrounding area. Many of the Christians, injured or worn out from fatigue, veered off and tried to hide among the rocks and bushes, but they never reunited with their companions, being killed or captured by the Moors or dying in their desperate retreats.
The arrival of the troops led by the master of Calatrava and the bishop of Jaen put an end to the rout. El Zagal contented himself with the laurels he had gained, and, ordering the trumpets to call off his men from the pursuit, returned in great triumph to Moclin.*
The arrival of the troops led by the master of Calatrava and the bishop of Jaen stopped the retreat. El Zagal was satisfied with the victories he had achieved and, signaling for the trumpets to pull back his men from the chase, returned triumphantly to Moclin.*
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 4; Pulgar, Cronica.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 4; Pulgar, Cronica.
Queen Isabella was at Vaena, awaiting with great anxiety the result of the expedition. She was in a stately apartment of the castle looking toward the road that winds through the mountains from Moclin, and regarding the watch-towers on the neighboring heights in hopes of favorable signals. The prince and princess, her children, were with her, and her venerable counsellor, the grand cardinal. All shared in the anxiety of the moment. At length couriers were seen riding toward the town. They entered its gates, but before they reached the castle the nature of their tidings was known to the queen by the shrieks and wailings from the streets below. The messengers were soon followed by wounded fugitives hastening home to be relieved or to die among their friends and families. The whole town resounded with lamentations, for it had lost the flower of its youth and its bravest warriors. Isabella was a woman of courageous soul, but her feelings were overpowered by spectacles of woe on every side: her maternal heart mourned over the death of so many loyal subjects, who shortly before had rallied round her with devoted affection, and, losing her usual self-command, she sank into deep despondency.
Queen Isabella was at Vaena, anxiously waiting for the results of the expedition. She was in a grand room of the castle, looking toward the winding road through the mountains from Moclin and watching the watchtowers on the nearby heights, hoping for good news. The prince and princess, her children, were with her, as was her wise advisor, the grand cardinal. They all shared in the moment's anxiety. Finally, couriers were spotted riding toward the town. They entered through the gates, but before they reached the castle, the nature of their news was clear to the queen from the screams and cries coming from the streets below. The messengers were soon followed by wounded survivors rushing home to seek help or to die among their loved ones. The entire town was filled with cries of grief, for it had lost the best of its youth and its bravest warriors. Isabella was a strong woman, but her feelings were overwhelmed by the scenes of sorrow all around her; her motherly heart ached for so many loyal subjects who had just recently rallied around her with devoted affection, and losing her usual composure, she fell into deep despair.
In this gloomy state of mind a thousand apprehensions crowded upon her. She dreaded the confidence which this success would impart to the Moors; she feared also for the important fortress of Alhama, the garrison of which had not been reinforced since its foraging party had been cut off by this same El Zagal. On every side she saw danger and disaster, and feared that a general reverse was about to attend the Castilian arms.
In this dark mindset, a thousand worries filled her thoughts. She feared the boost in confidence this success would give the Moors; she was also concerned about the crucial fortress of Alhama, whose garrison hadn't been reinforced since their foraging party was ambushed by El Zagal. Everywhere she looked, she saw danger and disaster, and she dreaded that a general defeat was imminent for the Castilian forces.
The grand cardinal comforted her with both spiritual and worldly counsel. He told her to recollect that no country was ever conquered without occasional reverses to the conquerors; that the Moors were a warlike people, fortified in a rough and mountainous country, where they never could be conquered by her ancestors; and that, in fact, her armies had already, in three years, taken more cities than those of any of her predecessors had been able to do in twelve. He concluded by offering to take the field himself with three thousand cavalry, his own retainers, paid and maintained by himself, and either hasten to the relief of Alhama or undertake any other expedition Her Majesty might command. The discreet words of the cardinal soothed the spirit of the queen, who always looked to him for consolation, and she soon recovered her usual equanimity.
The grand cardinal reassured her with both spiritual and practical advice. He reminded her that no country is ever conquered without some setbacks for the conquerors; that the Moors were a warrior society, strengthened by a rugged, mountainous landscape, where her ancestors had never been able to defeat them; and that, in fact, her armies had already captured more cities in three years than any of her predecessors had in twelve. He ended by offering to lead three thousand cavalry—his own troops, fully funded and maintained by him—either to quickly assist Alhama or carry out any other mission Her Majesty might need. The cardinal's thoughtful words calmed the queen, who often turned to him for support, and she quickly regained her usual composure.
Some of the counsellors of Isabella, of that politic class who seek to rise by the faults of others, were loud in their censures of the rashness of the count. The queen defended him with prompt generosity. “The enterprise,” said she, “was rash, but not more rash than that of Lucena, which was crowned with success, and which we have all applauded as the height of heroism. Had the count de Cabra succeeded in capturing the uncle, as he did the nephew, who is there that would not have praised him to the skies?”
Some of Isabella's advisers, those in the political game who try to advance by pointing out other people's mistakes, were vocal in their criticisms of the count's recklessness. The queen quickly defended him with admirable generosity. “The endeavor,” she said, “was reckless, but no more so than Lucena's, which was successful and has been celebrated by all of us as a pinnacle of bravery. If the count de Cabra had managed to capture the uncle like he did the nephew, who wouldn't have sung his praises endlessly?”
The magnanimous words of the queen put a stop to all invidious remarks in her presence, but certain of the courtiers, who had envied the count the glory gained by his former achievements, continued to magnify, among themselves his present imprudence; and we are told by Fray Antonio Agapida that they sneeringly gave the worthy cavalier the appellation of count de Cabra the king-catcher.
The generous words of the queen silenced all the jealous comments around her, but some courtiers, who had envied the count for the glory he earned from his past achievements, continued to criticize his current mistakes among themselves. We are told by Fray Antonio Agapida that they mockingly referred to the honorable knight as Count de Cabra, the king-catcher.
Ferdinand had reached the place on the frontier called the Fountain of the King, within three leagues of Moclin, when he heard of the late disaster. He greatly lamented the precipitation of the count, but forbore to express himself with severity, for he knew the value of that loyal and valiant cavalier.* He held a council of war to determine what course was to be pursued. Some of his cavaliers advised him to abandon the attempt upon Moclin, the place being strongly reinforced and the enemy inspirited by his recent victory. Certain old Spanish hidalgos reminded him that he had but few Castilian troops in his army, without which stanch soldiery his predecessors never presumed to enter the Moorish territory, while others remonstrated that it would be beneath the dignity of the king to retire from an enterprise on account of the defeat of a single cavalier and his retainers. In this way the king was distracted by a multitude of counsellors, when, fortunately, a letter from the queen put an end to his perplexities. Proceed we in the next chapter to relate what was the purport of that letter.
Ferdinand had arrived at a spot on the border called the Fountain of the King, about three leagues from Moclin, when he learned of the recent disaster. He deeply regretted the rashness of the count but held back from being harsh, knowing the worth of that loyal and brave knight. He called a war council to decide what to do next. Some of his knights suggested he abandon the attempt on Moclin because the place was well fortified and the enemy was emboldened by their recent victory. A few older Spanish nobles reminded him that he had very few Castilian troops in his army, and that his predecessors never dared enter Moorish territory without a strong force. Others argued that it would be beneath the king's dignity to back down from an endeavor just because of the defeat of a single knight and his men. In this way, the king was overwhelmed by conflicting advice, when, fortunately, a letter from the queen resolved his confusion. Let’s proceed to the next chapter to discuss the contents of that letter.
* Abarca, Anales de Aragon.
Abarca, Annals of Aragon.
“Happy are those princes,” exclaims the worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida, “who have women and priests to advise them, for in these dwelleth the spirit of counsel.” While Ferdinand and his captains were confounding each other in their deliberations at the Fountain of the King, a quiet but deep little council of war was held in the state apartment of the old castle of Vaena between Queen Isabella, the venerable Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, grand cardinal of Spain, and Don Garcia Osoria, the belligerent bishop of Jaen. This last worthy prelate, who had exchanged his mitre for a helm, no sooner beheld the defeat of the enterprise against Moclin than he turned the reins of his sleek, stall-fed steed and hastened back to Vaena, full of a project for the employment of the army, the advancement of the faith, and the benefit of his own diocese. He knew that the actions of the king were influenced by the opinions of the queen, and that the queen always inclined a listening ear to the counsels of saintly men: he laid his plans, therefore, with the customary wisdom of his cloth, to turn the ideas of the queen into the proper channel; and this was the purport of the worthy bishop’s suggestions:
“Happy are those princes,” exclaims the worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida, “who have women and priests to advise them, for in these dwells the spirit of counsel.” While Ferdinand and his captains were confusing each other in their discussions at the Fountain of the King, a quiet but serious little war council was held in the state apartment of the old castle of Vaena between Queen Isabella, the venerable Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, grand cardinal of Spain, and Don Garcia Osoria, the aggressive bishop of Jaen. This last esteemed bishop, who had swapped his mitre for a helmet, saw the defeat of the effort against Moclin and quickly turned the reins of his well-fed horse to hasten back to Vaena, full of plans for using the army, promoting the faith, and benefiting his own diocese. He knew that the king's decisions were influenced by the queen's opinions, and that the queen was always willing to listen to the advice of holy men: so he crafted his plans with the usual wisdom of his position to steer the queen's ideas in the right direction; and this was the purpose of the worthy bishop’s suggestions:
The bishopric of Jaen had for a long time been harassed by two Moorish castles, the scourge and terror of all that part of the country. They were situated on the frontiers of the kingdom of Granada, about four leagues from Jaen, in a deep, narrow, and rugged valley surrounded by lofty mountains. Through this valley runs the Rio Frio (or Cold River) in a deep channel worn between high, precipitous banks. On each side of the stream rise two vast rocks, nearly perpendicular, within a stone’s throw of each other, blocking up the gorge of the valley. On the summits of these rocks stood the two formidable castles, Cambil and Albahar, fortified with battlements and towers of great height and thickness. They were connected together by a bridge thrown from rock to rock across the river. The road which passed through the valley traversed this bridge, and was completely commanded by these castles. They stood like two giants of romance guarding the pass and dominating the valley.
The bishopric of Jaen had long been troubled by two Moorish castles, the nightmare and fear of everyone in that area. They were located on the borders of the kingdom of Granada, about four leagues from Jaen, in a deep, narrow, and rugged valley surrounded by tall mountains. A river called Rio Frio (or Cold River) flows through this valley in a deep channel carved out by steep, high banks. On either side of the stream were two massive rocks, nearly vertical, standing close to each other and blocking the valley's gorge. Atop these rocks were the two imposing castles, Cambil and Albahar, fortified with high and thick battlements and towers. They were linked by a bridge arching from rock to rock over the river. The road passing through the valley went across this bridge and was completely under the control of these castles. They loomed like two giant figures from a story, guarding the pass and overseeing the valley.
The kings of Granada, knowing the importance of these castles, kept them always well garrisoned and victualled to stand a siege, with fleet steeds and hard riders to forage the country of the Christians. The warlike race of the Abencerrages, the troops of the royal household, and others of the choicest chivalry of Granada made them their strongholds or posts of arms, whence to sally forth on those predatory and roving enterprises in which they delighted. As the wealthy bishopric of Jaen lay immediately at hand, it suffered more peculiarly from these marauders. They drove off the fat beeves and the flocks of sheep from the pastures and swept the laborers from the field; they scoured the country to the very gates of Jaen, so that the citizens could not venture from their walls without the risk of being borne off captive to the dungeons of these castles.
The kings of Granada, aware of the significance of these castles, always kept them well-staffed and supplied to withstand a siege, with swift horses and skilled riders to raid Christian territories. The warlike Abencerrages, the royal troops, and other elite knights of Granada turned them into their strongholds or bases, from which they launched their favored raids and pillaging missions. Since the wealthy bishopric of Jaen was nearby, it particularly suffered from these attackers. They drove away the fat cattle and sheep from the fields and chased the workers off the land; they patrolled the area right up to the gates of Jaen, making it so dangerous that the citizens couldn’t leave their walls without risking capture and being taken to the dungeons of these castles.
The worthy bishop, like a good pastor, beheld with grief of heart his fat bishopric daily waxing leaner and leaner and poorer and poorer, and his holy ire was kindled at the thoughts that the possessions of the Church should thus be at the mercy of a crew of infidels. It was the urgent counsel of the bishop, therefore, that the military force thus providentially assembled in the neighborhood, since it was apparently foiled in its attempt upon Moclin, should be turned against these insolent castles and the country delivered from their domination. The grand cardinal supported the suggestion of the bishop, and declared that he had long meditated the policy of a measure of the kind. Their united opinions found favor with the queen, and she despatched a letter on the subject to the king. It came just in time to relieve him from the distraction of a multitude of counsellors, and he immediately undertook the reduction of those castles.
The respected bishop, like a good shepherd, watched with a heavy heart as his once prosperous diocese became leaner and poorer each day, and he felt righteous anger at the thought that the Church's possessions were at the mercy of a group of infidels. Therefore, the bishop urgently advised that the military force conveniently gathered nearby, which had seemingly failed in its attempt on Moclin, should be directed against these arrogant castles to free the region from their control. The grand cardinal backed the bishop's suggestion and stated that he had been considering a move like this for some time. Their combined opinions were well-received by the queen, who sent a letter on the matter to the king. This came just in time to relieve him from the confusion of numerous advisors, and he immediately began the campaign to capture those castles.
The marques of Cadiz was accordingly sent in advance, with two thousand horse, to keep a watch upon the garrisons and prevent all entrance or exit until the king should arrive with the main army and the battering artillery. The queen, to be near at hand in case of need, moved her quarters to the city of Jaen, where she was received with martial honors by the belligerent bishop, who had buckled on his cuirass and girded on his sword to fight in the cause of his diocese.
The Marquis of Cadiz was sent ahead with two thousand horsemen to keep an eye on the garrisons and block any entrance or exit until the king arrived with the main army and the heavy artillery. The queen, wanting to be close by in case she was needed, moved her camp to the city of Jaen, where she was welcomed with military honors by the bishop, who had put on his armor and strapped on his sword to fight for his diocese.
In the mean time, the marques of Cadiz arrived in the valley and completely shut up the Moors within their walls. The castles were under the command of Mahomet Lentin Ben Usef, an Abencerrage, and one of the bravest cavaliers of Granada. In his garrisons were many troops of the fierce African tribe of Gomeres. Mahomet Lentin, confident in the strength of his fortresses, smiled as he looked down from his battlements upon the Christian cavalry perplexed in the rough and narrow valley. He sent forth skirmishing parties to harass them, and there were many sharp combats between small parties and single knights; but the Moors were driven back to their castles, and all attempts to send intelligence of their situation to Granada were frustrated by the vigilance of the marques of Cadiz.
In the meantime, the Marquis of Cadiz arrived in the valley and completely trapped the Moors within their walls. The castles were led by Mahomet Lentin Ben Usef, an Abencerrage and one of the bravest knights of Granada. His garrisons included many troops from the fierce African tribe of Gomeres. Confident in the strength of his fortifications, Mahomet Lentin smiled as he looked down from his battlements at the Christian cavalry confused in the rough and narrow valley. He sent out skirmishers to harass them, leading to many intense battles between small groups and individual knights; however, the Moors were pushed back to their castles, and all attempts to send messages about their situation to Granada were blocked by the vigilance of the Marquis of Cadiz.
At length the legions of the royal army came pouring, with vaunting trumpet and fluttering banner, along the defiles of the mountains. They halted before the castles, but the king could not find room in the narrow and rugged valley to form his camp; he had to divide it into three parts, which were posted on different heights, and his tents whitened the sides of the neighboring hills. When the encampment was formed the army remained gazing idly at the castles. The artillery was upward of four leagues in the rear, and without artillery all attack would be in vain.
Eventually, the royal army's legions came rushing in, with loud trumpets and fluttering banners, through the mountain passes. They stopped in front of the castles, but the king couldn't find enough space in the narrow, rocky valley to set up his camp; he had to split it into three sections, which were set up on different heights, and his tents dotted the slopes of the nearby hills. Once the encampment was established, the army simply stared at the castles. The artillery was more than four leagues behind, and without it, any attack would be pointless.
The alcayde Mahomet Lentin knew the nature of the road by which the artillery had to be brought. It was merely a narrow and rugged path, at times scaling almost perpendicular crags and precipices, up which it was utterly impossible for wheel carriages to pass, neither was it in the power of man or beast to draw up the lombards and other ponderous ordnance. He felt assured, therefore, that they never could be brought to the camp, and without their aid what could the Christians effect against his rock-built castles? He scoffed at them, therefore, as he saw their tents by day and their fires by night covering the surrounding heights. “Let them linger here a little while longer,” said he, “and the autumnal torrents will wash them from the mountains.”
The alcayde Mahomet Lentin understood the kind of road needed for the artillery to arrive. It was just a narrow, rough path, sometimes climbing almost straight up cliffs and steep drops, making it completely impossible for wheeled carts to get through. No human or animal could pull the heavy lombards and other large cannons up that way. He was certain that they could never reach the camp, and without them, what could the Christians do against his fortress-like castles? He laughed at them as he saw their tents during the day and their fires at night dotting the nearby hills. “Let them stick around a little longer,” he said, “and the autumn rains will wash them off the mountains.”
While the alcayde was thus closely mewed up within his walls and the Christians remained inactive in their camp, he noticed, one calm autumnal day, the sound of implements of labor echoing among the mountains, and now and then the crash of a falling tree or a thundering report, as if some rock had been heaved from its bed and hurled into the valley. The alcayde was on the battlements of his castle, surrounded by his knights. “Methinks,” said he, “these Christians are making war upon the rocks and trees of the mountains, since they find our castle unassailable.”
While the alcayde was shut up tight within his walls and the Christians stayed inactive in their camp, he noticed, on a calm autumn day, the sound of tools working echoing through the mountains, occasionally interrupted by the crash of a falling tree or a loud bang, as if some rock had been lifted from its place and thrown into the valley. The alcayde was on the battlements of his castle, surrounded by his knights. “I think,” he said, “these Christians are waging war against the rocks and trees of the mountains, since they find our castle impossible to attack.”
The sounds did not cease even during the night: every now and then the Moorish sentinel as he paced the battlements heard some crash echoing among the heights. The return of day explained the mystery. Scarcely did the sun shine against the summits of the mountains than shouts burst from the cliffs opposite to the castle, and were answered from the camp with joyful sounds of kettledrums and trumpets.
The noise didn’t stop even at night: occasionally, the Moorish guard walking along the walls heard a crash echoing through the heights. When day arrived, the mystery was solved. As soon as the sun hit the mountain peaks, shouts erupted from the cliffs across from the castle, met with joyful sounds of drums and trumpets from the camp.
The astonished Moors lifted up their eyes and beheld, as it were, a torrent of war breaking out of a narrow defile. There was a multitude of men with pickaxes, spades, and bars of iron clearing away every obstacle, while behind them slowly moved along great teams of oxen dragging heavy ordnance and all the munitions of battering artillery.
The shocked Moors looked up and saw what seemed like a torrent of war pouring out of a narrow passage. There was a crowd of people with pickaxes, shovels, and iron bars clearing away everything in their way, while behind them, large teams of oxen slowly pulled heavy cannons and all the supplies for siege artillery.
“What cannot women and priests effect when they unite in council?” exclaims again the worthy Antonio Agapida. The queen had held another consultation with the grand cardinal and the belligerent bishop of Jaen. It was clear that the heavy ordnance could never be conveyed to the camp by the regular road of the country, and without battering artillery nothing could be effected. It was suggested, however, by the zealous bishop that another road might be opened through a more practicable part of the mountains. It would be an undertaking extravagant and chimerical with ordinary means, and therefore unlooked for by the enemy; but what could not kings effect who had treasure and armies at command?
“What can’t women and priests accomplish when they come together in discussion?” exclaims the worthy Antonio Agapida again. The queen had another meeting with the grand cardinal and the aggressive bishop of Jaen. It was clear that the heavy artillery couldn’t be transported to the camp via the usual road, and without cannons, nothing could be achieved. However, the enthusiastic bishop suggested that another route could be opened through a more manageable area of the mountains. It would be an extravagant and unrealistic endeavor with normal resources, making it unexpected by the enemy; but what couldn’t kings do when they had wealth and armies at their disposal?
The project struck the enterprising spirit of the queen. Six thousand men with pickaxes, crowbars, and every other necessary implement were set to work day and night to break a road through the very centre of the mountains. No time was to be lost, for it was rumored that El Zagal was about to march with a mighty host to the relief of the castles. The bustling bishop of Jaen acted as pioneer to mark the route and superintend the laborers, and the grand cardinal took care that the work should never languish through lack of means.*
The project inspired the queen's entrepreneurial spirit. Six thousand men with pickaxes, crowbars, and all the other necessary tools were put to work day and night to carve a road through the heart of the mountains. There was no time to waste, as it was rumored that El Zagal was preparing to lead a large army to the rescue of the castles. The busy bishop of Jaen took the lead to outline the route and oversee the workers, while the grand cardinal ensured that the project never slowed down due to a lack of resources.*
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, lib. 20, c. 64; Pulgar, part 3, cap. 51.
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, book 20, chapter 64; Pulgar, part 3, chapter 51.
“When kings’ treasures,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “are dispensed by priestly hands, there is no stint, as the glorious annals of Spain bear witness.” Under the guidance of these ghostly men it seemed as if miracles were effected. Almost an entire mountain was levelled, valleys were filled up, trees hewn down, rocks broken and overturned; in short, all the obstacles which nature had heaped around entirely and promptly vanished. In little more than twelve days this gigantic work was effected and the ordnance dragged to the camp, to the great triumph of the Christians and confusion of the Moors.*
“When kings’ treasures,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “are distributed by the hands of priests, there is no shortage, as the glorious history of Spain shows.” With the guidance of these spiritual leaders, it seemed like miracles were happening. Almost an entire mountain was leveled, valleys were filled in, trees were cut down, and rocks were broken and overturned; in short, all the natural obstacles that had been piled up disappeared completely and quickly. In just over twelve days, this massive task was completed, and the artillery was brought to the camp, leading to great triumph for the Christians and confusion for the Moors.*
* Zurita
* Zurita
No sooner was the heavy artillery arrived than it was mounted in all haste upon the neighboring heights: Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, the first engineer in Spain, superintended the batteries, and soon opened a destructive fire upon the castles.
No sooner had the heavy artillery arrived than it was quickly set up on the nearby hills: Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, the top engineer in Spain, oversaw the batteries and soon unleashed a devastating barrage on the castles.
When the alcayde, Mahomet Lentin, found his towers tumbling about him and his bravest men dashed from the walls without the power of inflicting a wound upon the foe, his haughty spirit was greatly exasperated. “Of what avail,” said he, bitterly, “is all the prowess of knighthood against these cowardly engines that murder from afar?”
When the commander, Mahomet Lentin, saw his towers collapsing around him and his strongest soldiers driven from the walls without being able to harm the enemy, he became very frustrated. “What good,” he said bitterly, “is all the skill of knighthood against these cowardly machines that kill from a distance?”
For a whole day a tremendous fire kept thundering upon the castle of Albahar. The lombards discharged large stones which demolished two of the towers and all the battlements which guarded the portal. If any Moors attempted to defend the walls or repair the breaches, they were shot down by ribadoquines and other small pieces of artillery. The Christian soldiery issued from the camp under cover of this fire, and, approaching the castles, discharged flights of arrows and stones through the openings made by the ordnance.
For an entire day, a massive fire raged against the castle of Albahar. The artillery fired huge stones that destroyed two of the towers and all the battlements protecting the entrance. If any Moors tried to defend the walls or fix the holes, they were shot down by small cannons and other pieces of artillery. The Christian soldiers moved out from the camp under the cover of this fire and, getting closer to the castle, launched volleys of arrows and stones through the gaps created by the bombardment.
At length, to bring the siege to a conclusion, Francisco Ramirez elevated some of the heaviest artillery on a mount that rose in form of a cone or pyramid on the side of the river near to Albahar and commanded both castles. This was an operation of great skill and excessive labor, but it was repaid by complete success, for the Moors did not dare to wait until this terrible battery should discharge its fury. Satisfied that all further resistance was in vain, the valiant alcayde made signal for a parley. The articles of capitulation were soon arranged. The alcayde and his garrisons were permitted to return in safety to the city of Granada, and the castles were delivered into the possession of King Ferdinand on the day of the festival of St. Matthew in the month of September. They were immediately repaired, strongly garrisoned, and delivered in charge to the city of Jaen.
Finally, to end the siege, Francisco Ramirez positioned some of the heaviest artillery on a conical hill by the river near Albahar, which overlooked both castles. This required a lot of skill and hard work, but it paid off with complete success, as the Moors were too afraid to wait for this powerful battery to unleash its fire. Realizing that further resistance was pointless, the brave alcayde signaled for a truce. The terms of surrender were quickly settled. The alcayde and his troops were allowed to return safely to the city of Granada, and the castles were handed over to King Ferdinand on the feast day of St. Matthew in September. They were promptly repaired, strongly garrisoned, and assigned to the city of Jaen.
The effects of this triumph were immediately apparent. Quiet and security once more settled upon the bishopric. The husbandmen tilled their fields in peace, the herds and flocks fattened unmolested in the pastures, and the vineyards yielded corpulent skinsful of rosy wine. The good bishop enjoyed in the gratitude of his people the approbation of his conscience, the increase of his revenues, and the abundance of his table a reward for all his toils and perils. “This glorious victory,” exclaims Fray Antonio Agapida, “achieved by such extraordinary management and infinite labor, is a shining example of what a bishop can effect for the promotion of the faith and the good of his diocese.”
The effects of this triumph were immediately clear. Peace and security returned to the bishopric. Farmers worked their fields without worry, the livestock thrived in the pastures, and the vineyards produced rich, plentiful wine. The good bishop relished the gratitude of his people, the approval of his conscience, increased income, and the abundance on his table as a reward for all his hard work and risks. “This glorious victory,” exclaims Fray Antonio Agapida, “achieved through such exceptional management and relentless effort, is a shining example of what a bishop can achieve for the promotion of the faith and the well-being of his diocese.”
While these events were taking place on the northern frontier of the kingdom of Granada the important fortress of Alhama was neglected, and its commander, Don Gutiere de Padilla, clavero of Calatrava, reduced to great perplexity. The remnant of the foraging party which had been surprised and massacred by El Zagal when on his way to Granada to receive the crown had returned in confusion and dismay to the fortress. They could only speak of their own disgrace, being obliged to abandon their cavalgada and fly, pursued by a superior force: of the flower of their party, the gallant knights of Calatrava, who had remained behind in the valley, they knew nothing. A few days cleared up the mystery of their fate: tidings were brought that their bloody heads had been borne in triumph into Granada. The surviving knights of Calatrava, who formed a part of the garrison, burned to revenge the death of their comrades and to wipe out the stigma of this defeat; but the clavero had been rendered cautious by disaster—he resisted all their entreaties for a foray. His garrison was weakened by the loss of so many of its bravest men; the Vega was patrolled by numerous and powerful squadrons sent forth by El Zagal; above all, the movements of the garrison were watched by the warriors of Zalea, a strong town only two leagues distant on the road toward Loxa. This place was a continual check upon Alhama when in its most powerful state, placing ambuscades to entrap the Christian cavaliers in the course of their sallies. Frequent and bloody skirmishes had taken place in consequence; and the troops of Alhama, when returning from their forays, had often to fight their way back through the squadrons of Zalea. Thus surrounded by dangers, Don Gutiere de Padilla restrained the eagerness of his troops for a sally, knowing that an additional disaster might be followed by the loss of Alhama.
While these events were unfolding on the northern border of the kingdom of Granada, the crucial fortress of Alhama was being overlooked, leaving its commander, Don Gutiere de Padilla, clavero of Calatrava, in a state of great confusion. The remnants of the foraging party that had been ambushed and killed by El Zagal on their way to Granada to receive the crown returned to the fortress in chaos and fear. They could only talk about their own disgrace, having to abandon their convoy and flee, chased by a stronger force; they knew nothing about the fate of the bravest among them, the noble knights of Calatrava, who had stayed behind in the valley. A few days later, the mystery of their fate was revealed: news arrived that their bloody heads had been triumphantly displayed in Granada. The surviving knights of Calatrava, who were part of the garrison, were eager to avenge their comrades' deaths and erase the stain of this defeat; however, the clavero had grown cautious after the disaster—he turned down all their pleas for an offensive. His garrison was weakened by the loss of many of its finest men; the Vega was being patrolled by numerous and powerful squads sent out by El Zagal; and, above all, the movements of the garrison were being monitored by the warriors of Zalea, a strong town just two leagues away on the way to Loxa. This town acted as a constant threat to Alhama even at its strongest, setting up ambushes to trap the Christian knights during their sorties. Frequent and bloody skirmishes had occurred as a result; and the troops from Alhama, when returning from their raids, often had to fight their way back through Zalea's forces. Thus surrounded by dangers, Don Gutiere de Padilla held back the eagerness of his troops for an attack, knowing that another disaster could lead to the loss of Alhama.
In the mean while provisions began to grow scarce; they were unable to forage the country as usual for supplies, and depended for relief upon the Castilian sovereigns. The defeat of the count de Cabra filled the measure of their perplexities, as it interrupted the intended reinforcements and supplies. To such extremity were they reduced that they were compelled to kill some of their horses for provisions.
In the meantime, supplies started to run low; they couldn't forage the land for food as they usually did and relied on the Castilian monarchs for help. The defeat of Count de Cabra added to their troubles, as it disrupted the planned reinforcements and supplies. They were in such a desperate situation that they had to kill some of their horses for food.
The worthy clavero, Don Gutiere de Padilla, was pondering one day on this gloomy state of affairs when a Moor was brought before him who had surrendered himself at the gate of Alhama and claimed an audience. Don Gutiere was accustomed to visits of the kind from renegado Moors, who roamed the country as spies and adalides, but the countenance of this man was quite unknown to him. He had a box strapped to his shoulders containing divers articles of traffic, and appeared to be one of those itinerant traders who often resorted to Alhama and the other garrison towns under pretext of vending trivial merchandise, such as amulets, perfumes, and trinkets, but who often produced rich shawls, golden chains and necklaces, and valuable gems and jewels.
The respected clavero, Don Gutiere de Padilla, was reflecting one day on this bleak situation when a Moor was brought before him who had surrendered at the gate of Alhama and requested an audience. Don Gutiere was used to visits like this from renegade Moors, who wandered the country as spies and guides, but he did not recognize this man’s face. He had a box strapped to his back containing various goods and seemed to be one of those traveling merchants who often came to Alhama and other garrison towns under the guise of selling trivial items like amulets, perfumes, and trinkets, but who often offered rich shawls, gold chains, necklaces, and valuable gems and jewelry.
The Moor requested a private conference with the clavero. “I have a precious jewel,” said he, “to dispose of.”
The Moor asked for a private meeting with the clavero. “I have a valuable jewel,” he said, “to sell.”
“I want no jewels,” replied Don Gutiere.
“I don’t want any jewels,” replied Don Gutiere.
“For the sake of Him who died on the cross, the great prophet of your faith,” said the Moor solemnly, “refuse not my request; the jewel I speak of you alone can purchase, but I can only treat about it in secret.”
“For the sake of Him who died on the cross, the great prophet of your faith,” said the Moor seriously, “please don’t deny my request; the jewel I’m talking about can only be bought by you, but I can only discuss it in private.”
Don Gutiere perceived there was something hidden under these mystic and figurative terms, in which the Moors were often accustomed to talk. He motioned to his attendants to retire. When they were alone the Moor looked cautiously around the apartment, and then, approaching close to the knight, demanded in a low voice, “What will you give me if I deliver the fortress of Zalea into your hands?”
Don Gutiere sensed that there was something concealed beneath these mysterious and figurative expressions that the Moors often used. He signaled for his attendants to leave. Once they were alone, the Moor glanced carefully around the room and then, moving closer to the knight, asked in a quiet voice, “What will you pay me if I hand over the fortress of Zalea to you?”
Don Gutiere looked with surprise at the humble individual that made such a suggestion.
Don Gutiere looked at the humble person who made such a suggestion with surprise.
“What means have you,” said he, “of effecting such a proposition?”
“What means do you have,” he said, “to make such a proposition happen?”
“I have a brother in the garrison of Zalea,” replied the Moor, “who for a proper compensation would admit a body of troops into the citadel.”
“I have a brother in the Zalea garrison,” the Moor replied, “who would let a group of troops into the citadel for the right price.”
Don Gutiere turned a scrutinizing eye upon the Moor. “What right have I to believe,” said he, “that thou wilt be truer to me than to those of thy blood and thy religion?”
Don Gutiere looked closely at the Moor. “What reason do I have to believe,” he said, “that you will be more loyal to me than to your own people and your faith?”
“I renounce all ties to them, either of blood or religion,” replied the Moor; “my mother was a Christian captive; her country shall henceforth be my country, and her faith my faith.” *
“I cut all ties to them, whether by blood or religion,” replied the Moor; “my mother was a Christian captive; her country will now be my country, and her faith will be my faith.” *
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
The doubts of Don Gutiere were not dispelled by this profession of mongrel Christianity. “Granting the sincerity of thy conversion,” said he, “art thou under no obligations of gratitude or duty to the alcayde of the fortress thou wouldst betray?”
The doubts of Don Gutiere were not cleared up by this mixed-up version of Christianity. “Assuming your conversion is genuine,” he said, “are you not obligated to feel grateful or responsible to the alcayde of the fortress you plan to betray?”
The eyes of the Moor flashed fire at the words; he gnashed his teeth with fury. “The alcayde,” cried he, “is a dog! He has deprived my brother of his just share of booty; he has robbed me of my merchandise, treated me worse than a Jew when I murmured at his injustice, and ordered me to be thrust forth ignominiously from his walls. May the curse of God fall upon my head if I rest content until I have full revenge!” “Enough,” said Don Gutiere: “I trust more to thy revenge than thy religion.”
The Moor's eyes burned with anger at the words; he gritted his teeth in fury. “The alcayde,” he shouted, “is a scoundrel! He has cheated my brother out of his fair share of the loot; he has stolen my goods, treated me worse than a Jew when I complained about his injustice, and ordered me to be thrown out shamefully from his walls. May God’s curse be upon me if I’m ever at peace until I get complete revenge!” “That's enough,” said Don Gutierre: “I trust your desire for revenge more than your faith.”
The good clavero called a council of his officers. The knights of Calatrava were unanimous for the enterprise—zealous to appease the manes of their slaughtered comrades. Don Gutiere reminded them of the state of the garrison, enfeebled by their late loss and scarcely sufficient for the defence of the walls. The cavaliers replied that there was no achievement without risk, and that there would have been no great actions recorded in history had there not been daring spirits ready to peril life to gain renown.
The good clavero called a meeting with his officers. The knights of Calatrava were all in favor of the mission—eager to honor the spirits of their fallen comrades. Don Gutiere pointed out the weakened state of the garrison, which had suffered a recent loss and barely had enough strength to defend the walls. The knights responded that no great accomplishment comes without risk and that history wouldn’t remember great deeds if there weren’t brave individuals willing to risk their lives for glory.
Don Gutiere yielded to the wishes of his knights, for to have resisted any further might have drawn on him the imputation of timidity: he ascertained by trusty spies that everything in Zalea remained in the usual state, and he made all the requisite arrangements for the attack.
Don Gutiere agreed to the wishes of his knights, as resisting any longer might have labeled him as cowardly. He confirmed through reliable spies that everything in Zalea was as usual, and he made all the necessary preparations for the attack.
When the appointed night arrived all the cavaliers were anxious to engage in the enterprise, but the individuals were decided by lot. They set out under the guidance of the Moor, and when they had arrived in the vicinity of Zalea they bound his hands behind his back, and their leader pledged his knightly word to strike him dead on the first sign of treachery. He then bade him to lead the way.
When the designated night came, all the knights were eager to participate in the mission, but the chosen ones were selected by drawing lots. They set off with the Moor as their guide, and when they reached the outskirts of Zalea, they tied his hands behind his back. Their leader promised, as a knight, to kill him at the first sign of betrayal. He then instructed him to lead the way.
It was near midnight when they reached the walls of the fortress. They passed silently along until they found themselves below the citadel. Here their guide made a low and preconcerted signal: it was answered from above, and a cord let down from the wall. The knights attached to it a ladder, which was drawn up and fastened. Gutiere Munoz was the first that mounted, followed by Pedro de Alvarado, both brave and hardy soldiers. A handful succeeded: they were attacked by a party of guards, but held them at bay until more of their comrades ascended; with their assistance they gained possession of a tower and part of the wall. The garrison by this time was aroused, but before they could reach the scene of action most of the cavaliers were within the battlements. A bloody contest raged for about an hour—several of the Christians were slain, but many of the Moors: at length the citadel was carried and the town submitted without resistance.
It was almost midnight when they reached the fortress walls. They moved quietly until they found themselves below the citadel. Here their guide made a low, prearranged signal: it was answered from above, and a rope was lowered from the wall. The knights attached a ladder to it, which was pulled up and secured. Gutiere Munoz was the first to climb up, followed by Pedro de Alvarado, both brave and resilient soldiers. A small group managed to follow: they were attacked by a squad of guards but held them off until more of their comrades ascended; with their help, they took control of a tower and part of the wall. By this time, the garrison was alerted, but before they could reach the action, most of the knights were already inside the battlements. A fierce battle raged for about an hour—several Christians were killed, but many Moors fell as well: eventually, the citadel was taken, and the town surrendered without resistance.
Thus did the gallant knights of Calatrava gain the strong town of Zalea with scarcely any loss, and atone for the inglorious defeat of their companions by El Zagal. They found the magazines of the place well stored with provisions, and were enabled to carry a seasonable supply to their own famishing garrison.
Thus, the brave knights of Calatrava captured the fortified town of Zalea with hardly any losses and made up for the shameful defeat of their comrades by El Zagal. They discovered the storage facilities in the town were well-stocked with supplies and were able to bring a much-needed supply to their starving garrison.
The tidings of this event reached the sovereigns just after the surrender of Cambil and Albahar. They were greatly rejoiced at this additional success of their arms, and immediately sent strong reinforcements and ample supplies for both Alhama and Zalea. They then dismissed the army for the winter. Ferdinand and Isabella retired to Alcala de Henares, where the queen on the 16th of December, 1485, gave birth to the princess Catharine, afterward wife of Henry VIII. of England. Thus prosperously terminated the checkered campaign of this important year.
The news of this event reached the rulers just after the surrender of Cambil and Albahar. They were very pleased with this extra success of their forces and quickly sent strong reinforcements and plenty of supplies to both Alhama and Zalea. They then dismissed the army for the winter. Ferdinand and Isabella went to Alcala de Henares, where the queen gave birth to princess Catharine on December 16, 1485, who later became the wife of Henry VIII of England. This successfully wrapped up the mixed campaign of this significant year.
Muley Abdallah el Zagal had been received with great acclamations at Granada on his return from defeating the count de Cabra. He had endeavored to turn his victory to the greatest advantage with his subjects, giving tilts and tournaments and other public festivities in which the Moors delighted. The loss of the castles of Cambil and Albahar and of the fortress of Zalea, however, checked this sudden tide of popularity, and some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brother, Muley Abul Hassan.
Muley Abdallah el Zagal was welcomed with great cheers in Granada upon his return from defeating the Count de Cabra. He tried to make the most of his victory with his people, hosting jousts, tournaments, and other public celebrations that the Moors loved. However, the loss of the castles of Cambil and Albahar, as well as the fortress of Zalea, dampened this surge in popularity, and some of the fickle crowd began to wonder if they had been too hasty in deposing his brother, Muley Abul Hassan.
That superannuated monarch remained in his faithful town of Almunecar, on the border of the Mediterranean, surrounded by a few adherents, together with his wife Zoraya and his children, and he had all his treasures safe in his possession. The fiery heart of the old king was almost burnt out, and all his powers of doing either harm or good seemed at an end.
That old king stayed in his loyal town of Almunecar, on the edge of the Mediterranean, surrounded by a small group of supporters, along with his wife Zoraya and his children. He kept all his treasures safe with him. The passionate spirit of the old king was nearly extinguished, and it seemed like his ability to do either good or harm had come to an end.
While in this passive and helpless state his brother, El Zagal, manifested a sudden anxiety for his health. He had him removed, with all tenderness and care, to Salobrena, another fortress on the Mediterranean coast, famous for its pure and salubrious air; and the alcayde, who was a devoted adherent to El Zagal, was charged to have especial care that nothing was wanting to the comfort and solace of his brother.
While in this passive and helpless state, his brother, El Zagal, suddenly became worried about his health. He had him moved, with all tenderness and care, to Salobrena, another fortress on the Mediterranean coast, known for its fresh and healthy air. The alcayde, who was a loyal supporter of El Zagal, was instructed to ensure that nothing was missing for his brother's comfort and well-being.
Salobrena was a small town, situated on a lofty and rocky hill in the midst of a beautiful and fertile vega shut up on three sides by mountains and opening on the fourth to the Mediterranean. It was protected by strong walls and a powerful castle, and, being deemed impregnable, was often used by the Moorish kings as a place of deposit for their treasures. They were accustomed also to assign it as a residence for such of their sons and brothers as might endanger the security of their reign. Here the princes lived in luxurious repose: they had delicious gardens, perfumed baths, a harem of beauties at their command—nothing was denied them but the liberty to depart: that alone was wanting to render this abode an earthly paradise.
Salobrena was a small town located on a high, rocky hill in the middle of a beautiful and fertile valley, bordered by mountains on three sides and open to the Mediterranean on the fourth. It was protected by strong walls and a powerful castle and was considered impregnable, often used by Moorish kings to store their treasures. They also typically designated it as a residence for any sons or brothers who might threaten their reign. Here, the princes lived in luxurious comfort: they had beautiful gardens, scented baths, and a harem of beautiful women at their service—everything they could desire was available to them except the freedom to leave: that alone was what kept this place from being a paradise on Earth.
Such was the delightful place appointed by El Zagal for the residence of his brother, but, notwithstanding its wonderful salubrity, the old monarch had not been removed thither many days before he expired. There was nothing extraordinary in his death: life with him had long been glimmering in the socket, and for some time past he might rather have been numbered with the dead than with the living. The public, however, are fond of seeing things in a sinister and mysterious point of view, and there were many dark surmises as to the cause of this event. El Zagal acted in a manner to heighten these suspicions: he caused the treasures of his deceased brother to be packed on mules and brought to Granada, where he took possession of them, to the exclusion of the children of Abul Hassan. The sultana Zoraya and her two sons were lodged in the Alhambra, in the Tower of Comares. This was a residence in a palace, but it had proved a royal prison to the sultana Ayxa la Horra and her youthful son Boabdil. There the unhappy Zoraya had time to meditate upon the disappointment of all those ambitious schemes for herself and children for which she had stained her conscience with so many crimes.
Such was the lovely place chosen by El Zagal for his brother to live, but despite its incredible health benefits, the old king had not been there long before he passed away. There was nothing unusual about his death: life had been flickering in him for a while, and for some time, he could have been seen more as one of the dead than the living. However, the public enjoys looking at things in a dark and mysterious way, and there were many suspicious rumors about the cause of this event. El Zagal acted in a way that fueled these suspicions: he had his deceased brother's treasures packed onto mules and taken to Granada, where he claimed them for himself, ignoring the children of Abul Hassan. The sultana Zoraya and her two sons were housed in the Alhambra, in the Tower of Comares. This was a palace, but it had turned into a royal prison for sultana Ayxa la Horra and her young son Boabdil. There, the unfortunate Zoraya had time to reflect on the disappointment of all those ambitious plans for herself and her children that led her to commit so many sins.
The corpse of old Muley was also brought to Granada—not in state becoming the remains of a once-powerful sovereign, but transported on a mule, like the corpse of the poorest peasant. It received no honor or ceremonial from El Zagal, and appears to have been interred obscurely to prevent any popular sensation; and it is recorded by an ancient and faithful chronicler of the time that the body of the old monarch was deposited by two Christian captives in his osario or charnel-house.* Such was the end of the turbulent Muley Abul Hassan, who, after passing his life in constant contests for empire, could scarce gain quiet admission into the corner of a sepulchre.
The body of old Muley was also taken to Granada—not in a way that befits the remains of a once-powerful ruler, but carried on a mule, like the body of the poorest farmer. It didn't receive any honors or ceremonies from El Zagal and seems to have been buried in a low-profile manner to avoid any public outcry; an ancient and reliable chronicler of the time noted that the old king's body was placed by two Christian captives in his ossuary or charnel-house.* Such was the fate of the tumultuous Muley Abul Hassan, who, after spending his life in constant struggles for power, could barely achieve a quiet place in a grave.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 77.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 77.
No sooner were the populace well assured that old Muley Abul Hassan was dead and beyond recovery than they all began to extol his memory and deplore his loss. They admitted that he had been fierce and cruel, but then he had been brave; he had, to be sure, pulled this war upon their heads, but he had likewise been crushed by it. In a word, he was dead, and his death atoned or every fault; for a king recently dead is generally either a hero or a saint.
No sooner had the people been assured that old Muley Abul Hassan was dead and gone for good than they all started praising his memory and lamenting his loss. They acknowledged that he had been fierce and cruel, but he had also been brave; he had, of course, brought this war upon them, but he had also suffered from it. In short, he was dead, and his death made up for every mistake; because a recently deceased king is usually viewed as either a hero or a saint.
In proportion as they ceased to hate old Muley they began to hate his brother. The circumstances of the old king’s death, the eagerness to appropriate his treasures, the scandalous neglect of his corpse, and the imprisonment of his sultana and children,—all filled the public mind with gloomy suspicions, and the epithet of Fratricide was sometimes substituted for that of El Zagal in the low murmurings of the people.
As their hatred for old Muley faded, they started to direct their anger towards his brother. The details surrounding the old king’s death, the greed to claim his riches, the shocking disregard for his body, and the imprisonment of his sultana and children—all fueled the public’s dark suspicions, and sometimes the term Fratricide replaced El Zagal in the quiet whispers among the people.
As the public must always have some object to like as well as to hate, there began once more to be an inquiry after their fugitive king, Boabdil el Chico. That unfortunate monarch was still at Cordova, existing on the cool courtesy and meagre friendship of Ferdinand, which had waned exceedingly ever since Boabdil had ceased to have any influence in his late dominions. The reviving interest expressed in his fate by the Moorish public, and certain secret overtures made to him, once more aroused the sympathy of Ferdinand: he advised Boabdil again to set up his standard within the frontiers of Granada, and furnished him with money and means for the purpose. Boabdil advanced but a little way into his late territories; he took up his post at Velez el Blanco, a strong town on the confines of Murcia: there he established the shadow of a court, and stood, as it were, with one foot over the border, and ready to draw that back upon the least alarm. His presence in the kingdom, however, and his assumption of royal state gave life to his faction in Granada. The inhabitants of the Albaycin, the poorest but most warlike part of the populace, were generally in his favor: the more rich, courtly, and aristocratical inhabitants of the quarter of the Alhambra rallied round what appeared to be the most stable authority and supported the throne of El Zagal. So it is in the admirable order of sublunary affairs: everything seeks its kind; the rich befriend the rich, the powerful stand by the powerful, the poor enjoy the patronage of the poor, and thus a universal harmony prevails.
As the public always needs something to like as well as to dislike, there was once again an interest in their missing king, Boabdil el Chico. This unfortunate monarch was still in Cordova, relying on the cool courtesy and limited friendship of Ferdinand, which had faded significantly since Boabdil lost his influence in his former lands. The renewed interest from the Moorish public in his situation, along with some secret offers made to him, sparked Ferdinand's sympathy again: he advised Boabdil to raise his banner within the borders of Granada and provided him with money and resources for that purpose. Boabdil advanced only a short distance into his former territory; he positioned himself at Velez el Blanco, a strong town on the edge of Murcia. There, he set up the outline of a court and stood ready, as it were, with one foot across the border, prepared to retreat at the slightest alarm. However, his presence in the kingdom and his claim to royal status energized his supporters in Granada. The people of the Albaycin, who were the poorest but most warlike, were generally in his favor; while the wealthier, courtly, and aristocratic residents of the Alhambra gathered around what seemed to be the most stable authority and backed the throne of El Zagal. This is the way of the world: everything seeks its own kind; the rich support the rich, the powerful stand by the powerful, the poor receive help from the poor, and thus a universal harmony exists.
Great and glorious was the style with which the Catholic sovereigns opened another year’s campaign of this eventful war. It was like commencing another act of a stately and heroic drama, where the curtain rises to the inspiring sound of martial melody and the whole stage glitters with the array of warriors and the pomp of arms. The ancient city of Cordova was the place appointed by the sovereigns for the assemblage of the troops; and early in the spring of 1486 the fair valley of the Guadalquivir resounded with the shrill blast of trumpet and the impatient neighing of the war-horse. In this splendid era of Spanish chivalry there was a rivalship among the nobles who most should distinguish himself by the splendor of his appearance and the number and equipments of his feudal followers. Every day beheld some cavalier of note, the representative of some proud and powerful house, entering the gates of Cordova with sound of trumpet, and displaying his banner and device renowned in many a contest. He would appear in sumptuous array, surrounded by pages and lackeys no less gorgeously attired, and followed by a host of vassals and retainers, horse and foot, all admirably equipped in burnished armor.
The Catholic monarchs kicked off another year of this significant war in a grand and impressive style. It felt like starting a new act in a majestic and heroic play, where the curtain rises to the inspiring sound of battle music, and the stage sparkles with the display of warriors and the glory of arms. The ancient city of Cordova was chosen by the monarchs as the gathering place for the troops; and early in the spring of 1486, the beautiful valley of the Guadalquivir echoed with the sharp blast of trumpets and the eager neighing of warhorses. During this magnificent era of Spanish chivalry, the nobles competed to stand out the most through the splendor of their appearance and the numbers and gear of their feudal followers. Every day featured a notable knight, representing a proud and powerful family, entering the gates of Cordova with trumpet sounds, proudly showcasing his banner and heraldry known from many battles. He would show up dressed luxuriously, surrounded by pages and servants just as extravagantly dressed, followed by a throng of vassals and retainers, both mounted and on foot, all perfectly equipped in shining armor.
Such was the state of Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, duke of Infantado, who may be cited as a picture of a warlike noble of those times. He brought with him five hundred men-at-arms of his household armed and mounted “a la gineta” and “a la guisa.” The cavaliers who attended him were magnificently armed and dressed. The housings of fifty of his horses were of rich cloth embroidered with gold, and others were of brocade. The sumpter mules had housings of the same, with halters of silk, while the bridles, head-pieces, and all the harnessing glittered with silver.
Such was the condition of Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, Duke of Infantado, who can be seen as a quintessential example of a noble warrior from that era. He arrived with five hundred armed and mounted horsemen from his household, equipped “a la gineta” and “a la guisa.” The knights accompanying him were dressed and armed in a magnificent manner. Fifty of his horses were adorned with rich fabrics embroidered with gold, while others were covered in brocade. The pack mules were similarly outfitted, with silk halters, and the bridles, headpieces, and all the harnessing sparkled with silver.
The camp equipage of these noble and luxurious warriors was equally magnificent. Their tents were gay pavilions of various colors, fitted up with silken hangings and decorated with fluttering pennons. They had vessels of gold and silver for the service of their tables, as if they were about to engage in a course of stately feasts and courtly revels, instead of the stern encounters of rugged and mountainous warfare. Sometimes they passed through the streets of Cordova at night in splendid cavalcade, with great numbers of lighted torches, the rays of which, falling upon polished armor and nodding plumes and silken scarfs and trappings of golden embroidery, filled all beholders with admiration.*
The camp equipment of these noble and lavish warriors was just as impressive. Their tents were vibrant pavilions in various colors, adorned with silk hangings and decorated with fluttering flags. They had gold and silver vessels for serving their meals, as if they were preparing for grand feasts and elegant celebrations, rather than the harsh realities of rugged mountain warfare. Sometimes they paraded through the streets of Cordova at night in a spectacular procession, with many torches lighting the way. The flames reflected off their polished armor, waving plumes, silk scarves, and golden embroidery, leaving everyone who saw them in awe.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 41, 56.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 41, 56.
But it was not the chivalry of Spain alone which thronged the streets of Cordova. The fame of this war had spread throughout Christendom: it was considered a kind of crusade, and Catholic knights from all parts hastened to signalize themselves in so holy a cause. There were several valiant chevaliers from France, among whom the most distinguished was Gaston du Leon, seneschal of Toulouse. With him came a gallant train, well armed and mounted and decorated with rich surcoats and panaches of feathers. These cavaliers, it is said, eclipsed all others in the light festivities of the court: they were devoted to the fair, but not after the solemn and passionate manner of the Spanish lovers; they were gay, gallant, and joyous in their amours, and captivated by the vivacity of their attacks. They were at first held in light estimation by the grave and stately Spanish knights until they made themselves to be respected by their wonderful prowess in the field.
But it wasn't just the chivalry of Spain that filled the streets of Cordova. The news of this war had spread throughout Christendom; it was seen as a kind of crusade, and Catholic knights from all over rushed to make their mark in such a holy cause. There were several brave knights from France, among whom the most notable was Gaston du Leon, the seneschal of Toulouse. He brought with him an impressive entourage, well-armed and mounted, adorned with luxurious cloaks and plumes of feathers. These knights were said to outshine all others in the lively festivities of the court: they were devoted to women, but not in the serious and passionate way of the Spanish lovers; they were cheerful, dashing, and full of joy in their romances, and were taken in by the charm of their advances. Initially, they were viewed with disdain by the serious and stately Spanish knights until they earned respect through their remarkable skills on the battlefield.
The most conspicuous of the volunteers, however, who appeared in Cordova on this occasion was an English knight of royal connection. This was the Lord Scales, earl of Rivers, brother to the queen of England, wife of Henry VII. He had distinguished himself in the preceding year at the battle of Bosworth Field, where Henry Tudor, then earl of Richmond, overcame Richard III. That decisive battle having left the country at peace, the earl of Rivers, having conceived a passion for warlike scenes, repaired to the Castilian court to keep his arms in exercise in a campaign against the Moors. He brought with him a hundred archers, all dextrous with the longbow and the cloth-yard arrow; also two hundred yeomen, armed cap-a-pie, who fought with pike and battle-axe—men robust of frame and of prodigious strength. The worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida describes this stranger knight and his followers with his accustomed accuracy and minuteness.
The most noticeable of the volunteers who showed up in Cordova this time was an English knight with royal connections. This was Lord Scales, the Earl of Rivers, brother to the queen of England, wife of Henry VII. He had made a name for himself the previous year at the Battle of Bosworth Field, where Henry Tudor, then the Earl of Richmond, defeated Richard III. That decisive battle brought peace to the country, and the Earl of Rivers, having developed a taste for martial adventures, traveled to the Castilian court to stay engaged in warfare against the Moors. He came with a hundred archers, all skilled with the longbow and the cloth-yard arrow, as well as two hundred fully armored yeomen, who fought with pikes and battle-axes—strong men of impressive build and strength. The esteemed padre Fray Antonio Agapida describes this foreign knight and his followers with his usual precision and detail.
“This cavalier,” he observes, “was from the far island of England, and brought with him a train of his vassals, men who had been hardened in certain civil wars which raged in their country. They were a comely race of men, but too fair and fresh for warriors, not having the sunburnt, warlike hue of our old Castilian soldiery. They were huge feeders also and deep carousers, and could not accommodate themselves to the sober diet of our troops, but must fain eat and drink after the manner of their own country. They were often noisy and unruly also in their wassail, and their quarter of the camp was prone to be a scene of loud revel and sudden brawl. They were, withal, of great pride, yet it was not like our inflammable Spanish pride: they stood not much upon the “pundonor,” the high punctilio, and rarely drew the stiletto in their disputes, but their pride was silent and contumelious. Though from a remote and somewhat barbarous island, they believed themselves the most perfect men upon earth, and magnified their chieftain, the Lord Scales, beyond the greatest of their grandees. With all this, it must be said of them that they were marvellous good men in the field, dextrous archers and powerful with the battle-axe. In their great pride and self-will they always sought to press in the advance and take the post of danger, trying to outvie our Spanish chivalry. They did not rush on fiercely to the fight, nor make a brilliant onset like the Moorish and Spanish troops, but they went into the fight deliberately and persisted obstinately and were slow to find out when they were beaten. Withal, they were much esteemed, yet little liked, by our soldiery, who considered them stanch companions in the field, yet coveted but little fellowship with them in the camp.
“This knight,” he notes, “was from the distant island of England and brought with him a group of his followers, men who had been toughened in the civil wars that raged in their homeland. They were a good-looking bunch, but too fair and fresh to be warriors, lacking the sunburnt, battle-hardened look of our old Castilian soldiers. They also had hearty appetites and loved to drink, and couldn't adapt to the simple diet of our troops; they had to eat and drink like they did back home. They often got noisy and unruly during their celebrations, and their part of the camp was usually a scene of loud revelry and sudden fights. They were full of pride, but it was different from our quick-tempered Spanish pride; they didn’t care much for honor and rarely resorted to a dagger in their arguments, but their pride was quiet and contemptuous. Though coming from a remote and somewhat uncivilized island, they believed themselves to be the most perfect men on earth and held their leader, Lord Scales, in even higher regard than their most important nobles. Despite all this, it should be said that they were excellent on the battlefield, skilled archers and strong with the battle-axe. In their great pride and stubbornness, they always aimed to be at the forefront and take on the risk, trying to outshine our Spanish knights. They didn’t charge fiercely into battle or launch a flashy assault like the Moorish and Spanish troops; instead, they approached the fight methodically and held out stubbornly, taking a long time to realize when they were beaten. All this said, they were respected but not particularly liked by our soldiers, who saw them as reliable allies in battle but didn’t want much camaraderie with them in the camp.”
“Their commander, Lord Scales, was an accomplished cavalier, of gracious and noble presence and fair speech: it was a marvel to see so much courtesy in a knight brought up so far from our Castilian court. He was much honored by the king and queen, and found great favor with the fair dames about the court, who, indeed, are rather prone to be pleased with foreign cavaliers. He went always in costly state, attended by pages and esquires, and accompanied by noble young cavaliers of his country, who had enrolled themselves under his banner to learn the gentle exercise of arms. In all pageants and festivals the eyes of the populace were attracted by the singular bearing and rich array of the English earl and his train, who prided themselves in always appearing in the garb and manner of their country, and were, indeed, something very magnificent, delectable, and strange to behold.”
“Their commander, Lord Scales, was a skilled horseman with a gracious and noble presence and eloquent speech: it was amazing to see so much courtesy in a knight raised so far from our Castilian court. He was highly respected by the king and queen and found great favor with the beautiful ladies at court, who are often drawn to foreign knights. He always dressed extravagantly, attended by pages and squires, and accompanied by noble young knights from his homeland who had joined his banner to learn the noble art of combat. In all celebrations and festivals, the eyes of the crowd were drawn to the distinctive demeanor and lavish attire of the English earl and his entourage, who took pride in always appearing in the styles and customs of their country, and were truly something magnificent, charming, and unusual to see.”
The worthy chronicler is no less elaborate in his description of the masters of Santiago, Calatrava, and Alcantara and their valiant knights, armed at all points and decorated with the badges of their orders. These, he affirms, were the flower of Christian chivalry: being constantly in service, they became more steadfast and accomplished in discipline than the irregular and temporary levies of the feudal nobles. Calm, solemn, and stately, they sat like towers upon their powerful chargers. On parades they manifested none of the show and ostentation of the other troops; neither in battle did they endeavor to signalize themselves by any fiery vivacity or desperate and vainglorious exploit: everything with them was measured and sedate, yet it was observed that none were more warlike in their appearance in the camp or more terrible for their achievements in the field.
The detailed chronicler gives a thorough account of the masters of Santiago, Calatrava, and Alcantara along with their brave knights, fully equipped and adorned with their order's emblems. He claims they were the pinnacle of Christian knighthood: being in constant service, they became more steady and skilled in their training than the irregular and temporary forces of feudal lords. Composed, serious, and dignified, they sat tall on their strong steeds. During parades, they showed none of the flashiness and showiness of other troops; nor did they try to stand out in battle with wild enthusiasm or reckless boasting: everything about them was measured and calm, yet it was clear that none looked more battle-ready in the camp or were more fearsome for their feats in combat.
The gorgeous magnificence of the Spanish nobles found but little favor in the eyes of the sovereigns. They saw that it caused a competition in expense ruinous to cavaliers of moderate fortune, and they feared that a softness and effeminacy might thus be introduced incompatible with the stern nature of the war. They signified their disapprobation to several of the principal noblemen, and recommended a more sober and soldier-like display while in actual service.
The stunning extravagance of the Spanish nobles didn't sit well with the rulers. They noticed it led to a spending competition that could be disastrous for knights of more modest means, and they worried it might introduce a softness that clashed with the harsh realities of war. They expressed their disapproval to several leading noblemen and suggested a more restrained and military-like appearance while serving.
“These are rare troops for a tourney, my lord,” said Ferdinand to the duke of Infantado as he beheld his retainers glittering in gold and embroidery, “but gold, though gorgeous, is soft and yielding: iron is the metal for the field.”
“These are rare troops for a tournament, my lord,” Ferdinand said to the Duke of Infantado as he looked at his retainers shining in gold and embroidery, “but gold, while stunning, is soft and pliable: iron is the metal for the battlefield.”
“Sire,” replied the duke, “if my men parade in gold, Your Majesty will find they fight with steel.” The king smiled, but shook his head, and the duke treasured up his speech in his heart.
“Sire,” replied the duke, “if my men show off in gold, Your Majesty will find they fight with steel.” The king smiled, but shook his head, and the duke kept his words close to his heart.
It remains now to reveal the immediate object of this mighty and chivalrous preparation, which had, in fact, the gratification of a royal pique at bottom. The severe lesson which Ferdinand had received from the veteran Ali Atar before the walls of Loxa, though it had been of great service in rendering him wary in his attacks upon fortified places, yet rankled sorely in his mind, and he had ever since held Loxa in peculiar odium. It was, in truth, one of the most belligerent and troublesome cities on the borders, incessantly harassing Andalusia by its incursions. It also intervened between the Christian territories and Alhama and other important places gained in the kingdom of Granada. For all these reasons King Ferdinand had determined to make another grand attempt upon this warrior city, and for this purpose had summoned to the field his most powerful chivalry.
It’s now time to reveal the immediate goal of this great and noble preparation, which was actually driven by a royal grudge. The harsh lesson Ferdinand learned from the veteran Ali Atar outside the walls of Loxa, while it helped make him more cautious in his assaults on fortified places, still bothered him deeply, and since then, he had held a particular hatred for Loxa. In reality, it was one of the most aggressive and troublesome cities on the borders, constantly troubling Andalusia with its raids. It also stood between the Christian lands and Alhama, along with other significant locations gained in the kingdom of Granada. For all these reasons, King Ferdinand had decided to make another strong push against this warrior city, and to do this, he gathered his most powerful knights to the battlefield.
It was in the month of May that the king sallied from Cordova at the head of his army. He had twelve thousand cavalry and forty thousand foot-soldiers armed with crossbows, lances, and arquebuses. There were six thousand pioneers with hatchets, pickaxes, and crowbars for levelling roads. He took with him also a great train of lombards and other heavy artillery, with a body of Germans skilled in the service of ordnance and the art of battering walls.
It was in May that the king set out from Cordova leading his army. He had twelve thousand cavalry and forty thousand infantry armed with crossbows, lances, and guns. There were six thousand laborers with hatchets, pickaxes, and crowbars for clearing roads. He also brought along a large group of cannons and other heavy artillery, along with a team of Germans experienced in handling artillery and the techniques of breaking down walls.
It was a glorious spectacle (says Fray Antonio Agapida) to behold this pompous pageant issuing forth from Cordova, the pennons and devices of the proudest houses of Spain, with those of gallant stranger knights, fluttering above a sea of crests and plumes—to see it slowly moving, with flash of helm and cuirass and buckler, across the ancient bridge and reflected in the waters of the Guadalquivir, while the neigh of steed and blast of trumpet vibrated in the air and resounded to the distant mountains. “But, above all,” concludes the good father, with his accustomed zeal, “it was triumphant to behold the standard of the faith everywhere displayed, and to reflect that this was no worldly-minded army, intent upon some temporal scheme of ambition or revenge, but a Christian host bound on a crusade to extirpate the vile seed of Mahomet from the land and to extend the pure dominion of the Church.”
It was an amazing sight (says Fray Antonio Agapida) to see this grand parade coming out of Cordova, the banners and symbols of the most prominent families in Spain, along with those of brave foreign knights, fluttering above a sea of crests and feathers—to watch it slowly moving, with the shine of helmets and armor and shields, across the ancient bridge and reflected in the waters of the Guadalquivir, while the neighing of horses and the sound of trumpets echoed in the air and carried to the distant mountains. “But, above all,” concludes the good father, with his usual enthusiasm, “it was inspiring to see the standard of the faith raised everywhere, and to realize that this was not a worldly army, focused on some temporal goal of ambition or revenge, but a Christian host committed to a crusade to eliminate the vile influence of Mahomet from the land and to spread the pure authority of the Church.”
While perfect unity of object and harmony of operation gave power to the Christian arms, the devoted kingdom of Granada continued a prey to internal feuds. The transient popularity of El Zagal had declined ever since the death of his brother, and the party of Boabdil was daily gaining strength; the Albaycin and the Alhambra were again arrayed against each other in deadly strife, and the streets of unhappy Granada were daily dyed in the blood of her children. In the midst of these dissensions tidings arrived of the formidable army assembling at Cordova. The rival factions paused in their infatuated brawls, and were roused to a temporary sense of the common danger. They forthwith resorted to their old expedient of new-modelling their government, or rather of making and unmaking kings. The elevation of El Zagal to the throne had not produced the desired effect; what, then, was to be done? Recall Boabdil el Chico and acknowledge him again as sovereign? While they were in a popular tumult of deliberation Hamet Aben Zarrax, surnamed El Santo, rose among them. This was the same wild, melancholy man who had predicted the woes of Granada. He issued from one of the caverns of the adjacent height which overhangs the Darro, and has since been called the Holy Mountain. His appearance was more haggard than ever, for the unheeded spirit of prophecy seemed to have turned inwardly and preyed upon his vitals. “Beware, O Moslems,” exclaimed he, “of men who are eager to govern, yet are unable to protect. Why slaughter each other for El Chico or El Zagal? Let your kings renounce their contests, unite for the salvation of Granada, or let them be deposed.”
While the perfect unity of purpose and harmony in action empowered the Christian forces, the devoted kingdom of Granada remained a victim of internal conflicts. The fleeting popularity of El Zagal had waned since his brother's death, and Boabdil's faction was gaining momentum daily; the Albaycin and the Alhambra were again at odds in brutal conflict, and the streets of suffering Granada were continuously soaked in the blood of its citizens. Amid these disputes, news arrived of a formidable army gathering in Cordova. The rival factions paused in their reckless fighting and were momentarily stirred to recognize the common threat. They quickly returned to their old practice of reshaping their government, or rather of making and unmaking kings. Putting El Zagal on the throne hadn’t achieved the desired results; so, what should be done? Should they bring back Boabdil el Chico and acknowledge him as king again? During this chaotic deliberation, Hamet Aben Zarrax, known as El Santo, emerged among them. He was the same wild, sorrowful figure who had foretold Granada's misfortunes. He came from one of the caves on the nearby hill that overlooks the Darro, which has since been called the Holy Mountain. He looked more worn than ever, as if the unheeded spirit of prophecy had turned inward and consumed him. “Beware, O Moslems,” he exclaimed, “of those eager to rule yet unable to protect. Why slaughter each other over El Chico or El Zagal? Let your kings end their disputes, unite for Granada’s salvation, or let them be deposed.”
Hamet Aben Zarrax had long been revered as a saint—he was now considered an oracle. The old men and the nobles immediately consulted together how the two rival kings might be brought to accord. They had tried most expedients: it was now determined to divide the kingdom between them, giving Granada, Malaga, Velez Malaga, Almeria, Almunecar, and their dependencies to El Zagal, and the residue to Boabdil el Chico. Among the cities granted to the latter Loxa was particularly specified, with a condition that he should immediately take command of it in person, for the council thought the favor he enjoyed with the Castilian monarchs might avert the threatened attack.
Hamet Aben Zarrax had long been respected as a saint—he was now seen as an oracle. The elders and nobles quickly gathered to discuss how the two rival kings could come to an agreement. They had tried many different approaches: it was now decided to split the kingdom between them, assigning Granada, Malaga, Velez Malaga, Almeria, Almunecar, and their territories to El Zagal, while Boabdil el Chico would receive the remaining areas. Among the cities given to him, Loxa was specifically mentioned, with the requirement that he must take charge of it himself right away, as the council believed his favor with the Castilian monarchs could help prevent the looming attack.
El Zagal readily agreed to this arrangement: he had been hastily elevated to the throne by an ebullition of the people, and might be as hastily cast down again. It secured him one half of a kingdom to which he had no hereditary right, and he trusted to force or fraud to gain the other half hereafter. The wily old monarch even sent a deputation to his nephew, making a merit of offering him cheerfully the half which he had thus been compelled to relinquish, and inviting him to enter into an amicable coalition for the good of the country.
El Zagal quickly agreed to this arrangement: he had been rushed onto the throne by a surge of popular support and could just as easily be removed. It granted him one half of a kingdom that he had no rightful claim to, and he was counting on force or deceit to obtain the other half later. The cunning old king even sent a delegation to his nephew, presenting it as a favor to cheerfully offer the half he had been forced to give up, and encouraging him to join in a friendly partnership for the benefit of the country.
The heart of Boabdil shrank from all connection with a man who had sought his life, and whom he regarded as the murderer of his kindred. He accepted one half of the kingdom as an offer from the nation, not to be rejected by a prince who scarcely held possession of the ground he stood on. He asserted, nevertheless, his absolute right to the whole, and only submitted to the partition out of anxiety for the present good of his people. He assembled his handful of adherents and prepared to hasten to Loxa. As he mounted his horse to depart, Hamet Aben Zarrax stood suddenly before him. “Be true to thy country and thy faith,” cried he; “hold no further communication with these Christian dogs. Trust not the hollow-hearted friendship of the Castilian king; he is mining the earth beneath thy feet. Choose one of two things: be a sovereign or a slave—thou canst not be both.”
The heart of Boabdil recoiled from any connection with a man who had tried to take his life, and whom he considered the murder of his family. He accepted half of the kingdom as a proposal from the people, something a prince who barely had a hold on the ground he stood on couldn’t refuse. He claimed, however, his complete right to the entire kingdom and only agreed to the division out of concern for the immediate well-being of his people. He gathered his small group of supporters and got ready to rush to Loxa. As he got on his horse to leave, Hamet Aben Zarrax suddenly appeared in front of him. “Be true to your country and your faith,” he exclaimed; “cut off any further ties with these Christian dogs. Don’t trust the false friendship of the Castilian king; he is undermining the ground beneath you. Choose one of two paths: be a ruler or a slave—you can’t be both.”
Boabdil ruminated on these words; he made many wise resolutions, but he was prone always to act from the impulse of the moment, and was unfortunately given to temporize in his policy. He wrote to Ferdinand, informing him that Loxa and certain other cities had returned to their allegiance, and that he held them as vassal to the Castilian Crown, according to their convention. He conjured him, therefore, to refrain from any meditated attack, offering free passage to the Spanish army to Malaga or any other place under the dominion of his uncle.*
Boabdil thought deeply about these words; he made many wise decisions, but he was always inclined to act on impulse and often wavered in his policy. He wrote to Ferdinand, letting him know that Loxa and a few other cities had pledged their loyalty again, and that he regarded them as subjects to the Castilian Crown, as per their agreement. He urged him, therefore, to hold off on any planned attack, offering safe passage to the Spanish army to Malaga or any other place under his uncle's control.*
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 68.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 68.
Ferdinand turned a deaf ear to the entreaty and to all professions of friendship and vassalage. Boabdil was nothing to him but as an instrument for stirring up the flames of civil war. He now insisted that he had entered into a hostile league with his uncle, and had consequently forfeited all claims to his indulgence; and he prosecuted with the greater earnestness his campaign against the city of Loxa.
Ferdinand ignored the plea and all declarations of friendship and loyalty. To him, Boabdil was just a tool to ignite the fires of civil war. He now claimed that he had joined forces with his uncle, and had therefore lost any right to Ferdinand's mercy; he pursued his campaign against the city of Loxa with even more determination.
“Thus,” observes the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, “thus did this most sagacious sovereign act upon the text in the eleventh chapter of the evangelist St. Luke, that ‘a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.’ He had induced these infidels to waste and destroy themselves by internal dissensions, and finally cast forth the survivor, while the Moorish monarchs by their ruinous contests made good the old Castilian proverb in cases of civil war, ‘El vencido vencido, y el vencidor perdido’ (the conquered conquered, and the conqueror undone).” *
“Therefore,” notes the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida, “this wise ruler acted according to the verse in the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke, which says that ‘a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.’ He had convinced these nonbelievers to destroy themselves through internal conflicts, ultimately driving out the last one standing, while the Moorish kings, through their destructive battles, proved the old Castilian proverb in cases of civil war, ‘El vencido vencido, y el vencidor perdido’ (the conquered conquered, and the conqueror undone).” *
* Garibay, lib. 40, c. 33.
* Garibay, lib. 40, c. 33.
The royal army on its march against Loxa lay encamped one pleasant evening in May in a meadow on the banks of the river Yeguas, around the foot of a lofty cliff called the Rock of the Lovers. The quarters of each nobleman formed as it were a separate little encampment, his stately pavilion, surmounted by his fluttering pennon, rising above the surrounding tents of his vassals and retainers. A little apart from the others, as it were in proud reserve, was the encampment of the English earl. It was sumptuous in its furniture and complete in all its munitions. Archers and soldiers armed with battle-axes kept guard around it, while above the standard of England rolled out its ample folds and flapped in the evening breeze.
The royal army, marching against Loxa, set up camp one pleasant May evening in a meadow by the banks of the Yeguas River, at the base of a tall cliff known as the Rock of the Lovers. Each nobleman's quarters functioned like a separate little camp, with his grand pavilion, topped by a fluttering pennon, rising above the tents of his vassals and retainers. A little away from the others, as if in proud isolation, was the English earl's camp. It was lavishly furnished and fully equipped for battle. Archers and soldiers wielding battle-axes stood guard around it, while the flag of England billowed proudly, fluttering in the evening breeze.
The mingled sounds of various tongues and nations were heard from the soldiery as they watered their horses in the stream or busied themselves round the fires which began to glow here and there in the twilight—the gay chanson of the Frenchman, singing of his amours on the pleasant banks of the Loire or the sunny regions of the Garonne; the broad guttural tones of the German, chanting some doughty “krieger lied” or extolling the vintage of the Rhine; the wild romance of the Spaniard, reciting the achievements of the Cid and many a famous passage of the Moorish wars; and the long and melancholy ditty of the Englishman, treating of some feudal hero or redoubtable outlaw of his distant island.
The mixed sounds of different languages and nations filled the air as the soldiers watered their horses in the stream or tended to the fires that started to glow here and there at twilight—the cheerful song of the Frenchman, singing about his romances on the lovely banks of the Loire or the sunny areas of the Garonne; the deep, guttural tones of the German, singing some brave “warrior song” or praising the wine of the Rhine; the passionate tales of the Spaniard, recounting the feats of the Cid and many famous episodes of the Moorish wars; and the long, sad ballad of the Englishman, telling stories of some feudal hero or legendary outlaw from his far-off island.
On a rising ground, commanding a view of the whole encampment, stood the ample and magnificent pavilion of the king, with the banner of Castile and Aragon and the holy standard of the cross erected before it. In this tent there assembled the principal commanders of the army, having been summoned by Ferdinand to a council of war on receiving tidings that Boabdil had thrown himself into Loxa with a considerable reinforcement. After some consultation it was determined to invest Loxa on both sides: one part of the army should seize upon the dangerous but commanding height of Santo Albohacen in front of the city, while the remainder, making a circuit, should encamp on the opposite side.
On an elevated spot that overlooked the entire camp, the large and impressive tent of the king stood, with the flags of Castile and Aragon and the holy standard of the cross displayed in front of it. In this tent, the key commanders of the army gathered, having been called by Ferdinand to a war council upon hearing that Boabdil had taken refuge in Loxa with a significant reinforcements. After some discussion, they decided to surround Loxa from both sides: one part of the army would take the risky but strategic high ground at Santo Albohacen in front of the city, while the rest would circle around and set up camp on the opposite side.
No sooner was this resolved upon than the marques of Cadiz stood forth and claimed the post of danger in behalf of himself and those cavaliers, his companions-in-arms, who had been compelled to relinquish it by the general retreat of the army on the former siege. The enemy had exulted over them as if driven from it in disgrace. To regain that perilous height, to pitch their tents upon it, and to avenge the blood of their valiant compeer, the master of Calatrava, who had fallen upon it, was due to their fame: the marques demanded, therefore, that they might lead the advance and secure that height, engaging to hold the enemy employed until the main army should take its position on the opposite side of the city.
As soon as this was decided, the Marquis of Cadiz stepped forward and took on the dangerous role for himself and his fellow warriors, who had been forced to give it up during the army's retreat in the previous siege. The enemy had celebrated their defeat as if they had been humiliated. To reclaim that risky position, set up their tents there, and avenge the death of their brave companion, the Master of Calatrava, who had fallen there, was essential for their reputation. Therefore, the Marquis requested that they lead the advance and secure that position, promising to keep the enemy occupied until the main army could position itself on the other side of the city.
King Ferdinand readily granted his permission, upon which the count de Cabra entreated to be admitted to a share of the enterprise. He had always been accustomed to serve in the advance, and now that Boabdil was in the field and a king was to be taken, he could not content himself with remaining in the rear. Ferdinand yielded his consent, for he was disposed to give the good count every opportunity to retrieve his late disaster.
King Ferdinand quickly gave his approval, and the Count de Cabra asked to be included in the mission. He had always been used to being at the forefront, and now that Boabdil was out in the field and a king was to be captured, he couldn't just stay back. Ferdinand agreed, wanting to give the good count every chance to make up for his recent failure.
The English earl, when he heard there was an enterprise of danger in question, was hot to be admitted to the party, but the king restrained his ardor. “These cavaliers,” said he, “conceive that they have an account to settle with their pride; let them have the enterprise to themselves, my lord: if you follow these Moorish wars long, you will find no lack of perilous service.”
The English earl, upon hearing about a risky mission, was eager to join, but the king held him back. “These knights,” he said, “believe they have something to prove; let them handle this mission on their own, my lord: if you stay involved in these Moorish wars for long, you'll have no shortage of dangerous work.”
The marques of Cadiz and his companions-in-arms struck their tents before daybreak; they were five thousand horse and twelve thousand foot, and marched rapidly along the defiles of the mountains, the cavaliers being anxious to strike the blow and get possession of the height of Albohacen before the king with the main army should arrive to their assistance.
The Marquis of Cadiz and his fellow soldiers packed up their tents before dawn. They were five thousand cavalry and twelve thousand infantry, marching quickly through the mountain passes. The knights were eager to launch their attack and take control of the Albohacen heights before the king and his main army could reach them for support.
The city of Loxa stands on a high hill between two mountains on the banks of the Xenil. To attain the height of Albohacen the troops had to pass over a tract of rugged and broken country and a deep valley intersected by those canals and watercourses with which the Moors irrigated their lands: they were extremely embarrassed in this part of their march, and in imminent risk of being cut up in detail before they could reach the height.
The city of Loxa is located on a high hill between two mountains by the Xenil River. To reach the summit of Albohacen, the troops had to cross a rough, broken landscape and a deep valley filled with the canals and watercourses that the Moors used to irrigate their fields. They faced significant challenges during this part of their journey and were at serious risk of being picked off one by one before they could reach the top.
The count de Cabra, with his usual eagerness, endeavored to push across this valley in defiance of every obstacle: he, in consequence, soon became entangled with his cavalry among the canals, but his impatience would not permit him to retrace his steps and choose a more practicable but circuitous route. Others slowly crossed another part of the valley by the aid of pontoons, while the marques of Cadiz, Don Alonso de Aguilar, and the count de Urena, being more experienced in the ground from their former campaign, made a circuit round the bottom of the height, and, winding up it, began to display their squadrons and elevate their banners on the redoubtable post which in their former siege they had been compelled so reluctantly to abandon.
The Count de Cabra, with his usual enthusiasm, tried to push through this valley despite every obstacle. As a result, he quickly got tangled up with his cavalry among the canals, but his impatience wouldn’t let him backtrack and take a more suitable but longer route. Meanwhile, others slowly crossed a different part of the valley using pontoons, while the Marqués of Cadiz, Don Alonso de Aguilar, and the Count de Urena, who were more familiar with the terrain from their previous campaign, made a detour around the base of the hill. They wound their way up and began to arrange their troops and raise their banners at the formidable position that they had been forced to abandon so unwillingly during their earlier siege.
The advance of the Christian army upon Loxa threw the wavering Boabdil el Chico into one of his usual dilemmas, and he was greatly perplexed between his oath of allegiance to the Spanish sovereigns and his sense of duty to his subjects. His doubts were determined by the sight of the enemy glittering upon the height of Albohacen and by the clamors of the people to be led forth to battle. “Allah,” exclaimed he, “thou knowest my heart: thou knowest I have been true in my faith to this Christian monarch. I have offered to hold Loxa as his vassal, but he has preferred to approach it as an enemy: on his head be the infraction of our treaty!”
The march of the Christian army toward Loxa pushed Boabdil el Chico into one of his typical dilemmas, and he was torn between his loyalty to the Spanish rulers and his responsibility to his people. His uncertainty was fueled by the sight of the enemy shining on the heights of Albohacen and by the cries of the crowd urging him to lead them into battle. “Allah,” he cried, “you know my heart: you know I have been faithful to this Christian king. I offered to defend Loxa as his vassal, but he chose to come against it as an enemy: let him bear the consequences of breaking our agreement!”
Boabdil was not wanting in courage; he only needed decision. When he had once made up his mind he acted vigorously; the misfortune was, he either did not make it up at all or he made it up too late. He who decides tardily generally acts rashly, endeavoring to make up by hurry of action for slowness of deliberation. Boabdil hastily buckled on his armor and sallied forth surrounded by his guards, and at the head of five hundred horse and four thousand foot, the flower of his army. Some he detached to skirmish with the Christians, who were scattered and perplexed in the valley, and to prevent their concentrating their forces, while with his main body he pressed forward to drive the enemy from the height of Albohacen before they had time to collect there in any number or to fortify themselves in that important position.
Boabdil wasn't lacking in courage; he just needed to be more decisive. Once he made up his mind, he acted with energy; the problem was that he either couldn't decide at all or he decided too late. Those who take their time to decide often end up acting recklessly, trying to compensate for their slow thinking with hasty action. Boabdil quickly put on his armor and set out, surrounded by his guards and leading five hundred horsemen and four thousand foot soldiers, the best of his army. He sent some troops to clash with the Christians, who were scattered and disoriented in the valley, to prevent them from gathering their forces, while he pushed forward with his main group to drive the enemy off the height of Albohacen before they had a chance to regroup or fortify their position.
The worthy count de Cabra was yet entangled with his cavalry among the water-courses of the valley when he heard the war-cries of the Moors and saw their army rushing over the bridge. He recognized Boabdil himself, by his splendid armor, the magnificent caparison of his steed, and the brilliant guard which surrounded him. The royal host swept on toward the height of Albohacen: an intervening hill hid it from his sight, but loud shouts and cries, the din of drums and trumpets, and the reports of arquebuses gave note that the battle had begun.
The worthy Count de Cabra was still caught up with his cavalry among the streams of the valley when he heard the war cries of the Moors and saw their army charging across the bridge. He recognized Boabdil himself by his impressive armor, the stunning gear on his horse, and the brilliant guard surrounding him. The royal host moved towards the height of Albohacen: an intervening hill obscured it from his view, but the loud shouts and cries, the noise of drums and trumpets, and the sounds of gunfire indicated that the battle had started.
Here was a royal prize in the field, and the count de Cabra unable to get into the action! The good cavalier was in an agony of impatience; every attempt to force his way across the valley only plunged him into new difficulties. At length, after many eager but ineffectual efforts, he was obliged to order his troops to dismount, and slowly and carefully to lead their horses back along slippery paths and amid plashes of mire and water where often there was scarce a foothold. The good count groaned in spirit and sweat with mere impatience as he went, fearing the battle might be fought and the prize won or lost before he could reach the field. Having at length toilfully unravelled the mazes of the valley and arrived at firmer ground, he ordered his troops to mount, and led them full gallop to the height. Part of the good count’s wishes were satisfied, but the dearest were disappointed: he came in season to partake of the very hottest of the fight, but the royal prize was no longer in the field.
Here was a royal prize in the battle, and Count de Cabra was unable to get in on the action! The poor knight was in agony from impatience; every attempt to push his way across the valley only led to new troubles. Finally, after many eager but useless efforts, he had to order his troops to dismount and carefully lead their horses back along slippery paths and through puddles of mud and water where there was hardly a foothold. The good count groaned inside and sweated from sheer frustration as he moved, worried that the battle might be fought and the prize won or lost before he could reach the field. After struggling through the maze of the valley and finally reaching solid ground, he ordered his troops to mount and led them at full gallop to the height. Part of the good count’s wishes were fulfilled, but the most important ones were dashed: he arrived just in time to be part of the fiercest fighting, but the royal prize was no longer in the field.
Boabdil had led on his men with impetuous valor, or rather with hurried rashness. Heedlessly exposing himself in the front of the battle, he received two wounds in the very first encounter. His guards rallied round him, defended him with matchless valor, and bore him bleeding out of the action. The count de Cabra arrived just in time to see the loyal squadron crossing the bridge and slowly conveying their disabled monarch toward the gate of the city.
Boabdil had urged his men on with reckless bravery, or more accurately, with hasty rashness. Without thinking, he put himself at the front of the battle and was injured twice in the very first clash. His guards quickly surrounded him, fought bravely to protect him, and carried him away from the fight while he was bleeding. The Count de Cabra arrived just in time to see the loyal squadron crossing the bridge, slowly bringing their injured king toward the city gate.
The departure of Boabdil made no difference in the fury of the battle. A Moorish warrior, dark and terrible in aspect, mounted on a black charger, and followed by a band of savage Gomeres, rushed forward to take the lead. It was Hamet el Zegri, the fierce alcayde of Ronda, with the remnant of his once-redoubtable garrison. Animated by his example, the Moors renewed their assaults upon the height. It was bravely defended, on one side by the marques of Cadiz, on another by Don Alonso de Aguilar, and as fast as the Moors ascended they were driven back and dashed down the declivities. The count de Urena took his stand upon the fatal spot where his brother had fallen; his followers entered with zeal into the feelings of their commander, and heaps of the enemy sunk beneath their weapons—sacrifices to the manes of the lamented master of Calatrava.
The departure of Boabdil had no impact on the intensity of the battle. A fierce Moorish warrior, dark and fierce in appearance, rode a black horse and was followed by a group of savage Gomeres charging forward to take the lead. It was Hamet el Zegri, the fierce leader of Ronda, with what was left of his once-mighty garrison. Inspired by his example, the Moors intensified their attacks on the height. It was bravely defended, on one side by the marquis of Cadiz and on another by Don Alonso de Aguilar, and as quickly as the Moors climbed, they were pushed back and thrown down the slopes. The Count de Urena took his position on the very spot where his brother had fallen; his followers passionately shared their commander’s feelings, and many of the enemy fell beneath their weapons—sacrifices to the memory of the dearly missed master of Calatrava.
The battle continued with incredible obstinacy. The Moors knew the importance of the height to the safety of the city; the cavaliers felt their honors staked to maintain it. Fresh supplies of troops were poured out of the city: some battled on the height, while some attacked the Christians who were still in the valley and among the orchards and gardens to prevent their uniting their forces. The troops in the valley were gradually driven back, and the whole host of the Moors swept around the height of Albohacen. The situation of the marques de Cadiz and his companions was perilous in the extreme: they were a mere handful, and, while fighting hand to hand with the Moors who assailed the height, were galled from a distance by the crossbows and arquebuses of a host that augmented each moment in number. At this critical juncture King Ferdinand emerged from the mountains with the main body of the army, and advanced to an eminence commanding a full view of the field of action. By his side was the noble English cavalier, the earl of Rivers. This was the first time he had witnessed a scene of Moorish warfare. He looked with eager interest at the chance-medley fight before him, where there was the wild career of cavalry, the irregular and tumultuous rush of infantry, and where Christian and Moor were intermingled in deadly struggle. The high blood of the English knight mounted at the sight, and his soul was stirred within him by the confused war-cries, the clangor of drums and trumpets, and the reports of arquebuses. Seeing that the king was sending a reinforcement to the field, he entreated permission to mingle in the affray and fight according to the fashion of his country. His request being granted, he alighted from his steed: he was merely armed “en blanco”—that is to say, with morion, back-piece, and breast-plate—his sword was girded by his side, and in his hand he wielded a powerful battle-axe. He was followed by a body of his yeomen armed in like manner, and by a band of archers with bows made of the tough English yew tree. The earl turned to his troops and addressed then briefly and bluntly, according to the manner of his country. “Remember, my merry men all,” said he, “the eyes of strangers are upon you; you are in a foreign land, fighting for the glory of God and the honor of merry old England!” A loud shout was the reply. The earl waved his battle-axe over his head. “St. George for England!” cried he, and to the inspiring sound of this old English war-cry he and his followers rushed down to the battle with manly and courageous hearts.* They soon made their way into the midst of the enemy, but when engaged in the hottest of the fight they made no shouts nor outcries. They pressed steadily forward, dealing their blows to right and left, hewing down the Moors and cutting their way with their battle-axes like woodmen in a forest; while the archers, pressing into the opening they made, plied their bows vigorously and spread death on every side.
The battle went on with amazing stubbornness. The Moors understood how crucial the height was for the city's safety; the knights felt their honor was on the line to defend it. Fresh troops poured out of the city: some fought on the height, while others attacked the Christians still in the valley and among the orchards and gardens to stop them from joining forces. The troops in the valley were gradually pushed back, and the entire Moorish army swept around the height of Albohacen. The situation for the Marques de Cadiz and his companions was extremely dangerous: they were just a small group, and while they fought hand to hand against the Moors attacking the height, they were under fire from a distance by the crossbows and guns of a growing enemy force. At this critical moment, King Ferdinand appeared from the mountains with the main body of the army and advanced to a vantage point that allowed a full view of the battlefield. By his side was the noble English knight, the Earl of Rivers. This was his first experience of Moorish warfare. He watched with great interest the chaotic fight before him, where cavalry charged wildly, infantry rushed irregularly, and Christians and Moors fought in a deadly mix. The English knight's blood surged at the sight, stirred by the sounds of battle cries, the clamor of drums and trumpets, and the blasts of firearms. Seeing that the king was sending reinforcements to the field, he asked for permission to join the fight and battle in the style of his homeland. With his request approved, he dismounted: he was simply armored “en blanco”—that is, with a helmet, backpiece, and breastplate—his sword was sheathed at his side, and in his hand, he held a powerful battle-axe. He was followed by a group of his yeomen armed similarly, along with a band of archers wielding bows made from tough English yew. The earl turned to his troops and spoke briefly and directly, in the manner of his country. “Remember, my merry men all,” he said, “strangers' eyes are on you; you’re in a foreign land, fighting for the glory of God and the honor of merry old England!” A loud cheer followed. The earl raised his battle-axe above his head. “St. George for England!” he cried, and with the inspiring sound of this old English battle cry, he and his followers charged into the fight with brave and determined hearts. They quickly made their way into the midst of the enemy, but when engaged in the fiercest part of the battle, they made no shouts or cries. They pressed steadily forward, delivering blows to the left and right, chopping down the Moors and carving their path with their battle-axes like woodcutters in a forest, while the archers pushed into the openings they created, shooting their bows vigorously and spreading death all around.
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
When the Castilian mountaineers beheld the valor of the English yeomanry, they would not be outdone in hardihood. They could not vie with them in weight or bulk, but for vigor and activity they were surpassed by none. They kept pace with them, therefore, with equal heart and rival prowess, and gave a brave support to the stout Englishmen.
When the Castilian mountaineers saw the bravery of the English farmers, they were determined not to be outdone in courage. They couldn’t compete with them in size or strength, but when it came to energy and agility, no one surpassed them. So, they matched the English in spirit and competitive skill, bravely supporting the stout Englishmen.
The Moors were confounded by the fury of these assaults and disheartened by the loss of Hamet el Zegri, who was carried wounded from the field. They gradually fell back upon the bridge; the Christians followed up their advantage, and drove them over it tumultuously. The Moors retreated into the suburb, and Lord Rivers and his troops entered with them pell-mell, fighting in the streets and in the houses. King Ferdinand came up to the scene of action with his royal guard, and the infidels were driven within the city walls. Thus were the suburbs gained by the hardihood of the English lord, without such an event having been premeditated.*
The Moors were shocked by the intensity of the attacks and discouraged by the injury of Hamet el Zegri, who was taken off the battlefield wounded. They slowly fell back toward the bridge; the Christians pressed their advantage and forced them across it in a chaotic manner. The Moors retreated into the suburbs, and Lord Rivers and his troops charged in after them, battling it out in the streets and homes. King Ferdinand arrived at the scene with his royal guard, and the enemy was pushed back behind the city walls. This was how the suburbs were captured through the bravery of the English lord, even though it hadn't been planned beforehand.*
* Cura de los Palacios, MS.
* Cura de los Palacios, MS.
The earl of Rivers, notwithstanding he had received a wound, still urged forward in the attack. He penetrated almost to the city gate, in defiance of a shower of missiles that slew many of his followers. A stone hurled from the battlements checked his impetuous career: it struck him in the face, dashed out two of his front teeth, and laid him senseless on the earth. He was removed to a short distance by his men, but, recovering his senses, refused to permit himself to be taken from the suburb.
The Earl of Rivers, despite having been wounded, continued to push forward in the attack. He got almost to the city gate, ignoring a rain of missiles that killed many of his followers. A stone thrown from the battlements stopped his reckless advance: it hit him in the face, knocked out two of his front teeth, and left him unconscious on the ground. His men moved him a short distance away, but when he regained consciousness, he refused to let them take him away from the suburb.
When the contest was over the streets presented a piteous spectacle, so many of their inhabitants had died in the defence of their thresholds or been slaughtered without resistance. Among the victims was a poor weaver who had been at work in his dwelling at this turbulent moment. His wife urged him to fly into the city. “Why should I fly?” said the Moor—“to be reserved for hunger and slavery? I tell you, wife, I will await the foe here, for better is it to die quickly by the steel than to perish piecemeal in chains and dungeons.” He said no more, but resumed his occupation of weaving, and in the indiscriminate fury of the assault was slaughtered at his loom.*
When the contest ended, the streets were a heartbreaking sight, as many of the residents had died defending their homes or had been killed without putting up a fight. Among the victims was a poor weaver who had been working in his home during this chaotic time. His wife urged him to escape into the city. “Why should I run away?” said the Moor. “To face hunger and slavery? I'm telling you, wife, I will wait for the enemy here because it's better to die quickly by the sword than to suffer slowly in chains and dungeons.” He said no more and went back to weaving, and in the chaos of the attack, he was killed at his loom.*
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 58.
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 58.
The Christians remained masters of the field, and proceeded to pitch three encampments for the prosecution of the siege. The king, with the great body of the army, took a position on the side of the city next to Granada; the marques of Cadiz and his brave companions once more pitched their tents upon the height of Santo Albohacen; but the English earl planted his standard sturdily within the suburb he had taken.
The Christians stayed in control of the area and set up three camps to continue the siege. The king, along with the main part of the army, positioned himself on the side of the city facing Granada; the marquis of Cadiz and his courageous companions set up their tents again on the hill of Santo Albohacen; meanwhile, the English earl firmly planted his flag in the suburb he had captured.
Having possession of the heights of Albohacen and the suburb of the city, the Christians were enabled to choose the most favorable situations for their batteries. They immediately destroyed the stone bridge by which the garrison had made its sallies, and they threw two wooden bridges across the river and others over the canals and streams, so as to establish an easy communication between the different camps.
Having control of the heights of Albohacen and the outskirts of the city, the Christians were able to select the best positions for their artillery. They quickly destroyed the stone bridge that the garrison had used for their attacks, and they built two wooden bridges across the river and additional ones over the canals and streams to create easy access between the various camps.
When all was arranged a heavy fire was opened upon the city from various points. They threw not only balls of stone and iron, but great carcasses of fire, which burst like meteors on the houses, wrapping them instantly in a blaze. The walls were shattered and the towers toppled down by tremendous discharges from the lombards. Through the openings thus made they could behold the interior of the city—houses tumbling or in flames, men, women, and children flying in terror through the streets, and slaughtered by the shower of missiles sent through the openings from smaller artillery and from crossbows and arquebuses.
When everything was set, a fierce attack began on the city from multiple locations. They launched not just stone and iron projectiles, but huge fiery carcasses that exploded like meteors on the buildings, setting them ablaze instantly. The walls were shattered and the towers fell down from the immense blasts from the cannons. Through the gaps created, they could see inside the city—houses collapsing or on fire, men, women, and children running in terror through the streets, and being killed by the hail of missiles fired from smaller guns and crossbows.
The Moors attempted to repair the breaches, but fresh discharges from the lombards buried them beneath the ruins of the walls they were mending. In their despair many of the inhabitants rushed forth into the narrow streets of the suburbs and assailed the Christians with darts, scimetars, and poniards, seeking to destroy rather than defend, and heedless of death in the confidence that to die fighting with an unbeliever was to be translated at once to Paradise.
The Moors tried to fix the breaches, but new cannon fire buried them under the ruins of the walls they were repairing. In their despair, many of the residents rushed into the narrow streets of the outskirts and attacked the Christians with darts, sabers, and daggers, aiming to destroy rather than defend, ignoring the risk of death because they believed that dying while fighting an unbeliever meant they would go straight to Paradise.
For two nights and a day this awful scene continued, when certain of the principal inhabitants began to reflect upon the hopelessness of the conflict: their king was disabled, their principal captains were either killed or wounded, their fortifications little better than heaps of ruins. They had urged the unfortunate Boabdil to the conflict; they now clamored for a capitulation. A parley was procured from the Christian monarch, and the terms of surrender were soon adjusted. They were to yield up the city immediately, with all their Christian captives, and to sally forth with as much of their property as they could take with them. The marques of Cadiz, on whose honor and humanity they had great reliance, was to escort them to Granada to protect them from assault or robbery: such as chose to remain in Spain were to be permitted to reside in Castile, Aragon, or Valencia. As to Boabdil el Chico, he was to do homage as vassal to King Ferdinand, but no charge was to be urged against him of having violated his former pledge. If he should yield up all pretensions to Granada, the title of duke of Guadix was to be assigned to him and the territory thereto annexed, provided it should be recovered from El Zagal within six months.
For two nights and a day, this terrible situation went on until some of the main residents started to realize how hopeless the fight was: their king was injured, their main leaders were either dead or hurt, and their defenses were just piles of rubble. They had pushed the unfortunate Boabdil into this conflict, and now they were demanding a surrender. A meeting with the Christian king was arranged, and the terms of surrender were quickly finalized. They were to hand over the city immediately along with all their Christian prisoners and leave with whatever possessions they could carry. The Marqués of Cádiz, whom they trusted for his honor and compassion, was to escort them to Granada for protection against attack or theft. Those who wanted to stay in Spain were allowed to live in Castile, Aragon, or Valencia. As for Boabdil el Chico, he was to pledge loyalty as a vassal to King Ferdinand, but there would be no accusations against him for breaking his previous promises. If he renounced all claims to Granada, he would be given the title of Duke of Guadix and the associated lands, as long as they were reclaimed from El Zagal within six months.
The capitulation being arranged, they gave as hostages the alcayde of the city and the principal officers, together with the sons of their late chieftain, the veteran Ali Atar. The warriors of Loxa then issued forth, humbled and dejected at having to surrender those walls which they had so long maintained with valor and renown, and the women and children filled the air with lamentations at being exiled from their native homes.
The surrender was set up, and they provided the town's leader and the main officials as hostages, along with the sons of their former chief, the veteran Ali Atar. The warriors of Loxa then came out, feeling humiliated and disheartened at having to give up the walls they had defended with courage and honor for so long, while the women and children filled the air with cries of sorrow at being forced out of their homes.
Last came forth Boabdil, most truly called El Zogoybi, the Unlucky. Accustomed, as he was, to be crowned and uncrowned, to be ransomed and treated as a matter of bargain, he had acceded of course to the capitulation. He was enfeebled by his wounds and had an air of dejection, yet, it is said, his conscience acquitted him of a breach of faith toward the Castilian sovereigns, and the personal valor he had displayed had caused a sympathy for him among many of the Christian cavaliers. He knelt to Ferdinand according to the forms of vassalage, and then departed in melancholy mood for Priego, a town about three leagues distant.
Last came Boabdil, truly known as El Zogoybi, the Unlucky. Used to being both crowned and uncrowned, ransomed and treated like a commodity, he naturally agreed to the surrender. He was weakened by his injuries and appeared quite downcast, yet, it’s said, he felt no guilt about betraying the Castilian monarchs, and his bravery had earned him sympathy from many of the Christian knights. He knelt before Ferdinand as was customary for a vassal, and then left in a somber mood for Priego, a town about three leagues away.
Ferdinand immediately ordered Loxa to be repaired and strongly garrisoned. He was greatly elated at the capture of this place, in consequence of his former defeat before its walls. He passed great encomiums upon the commanders who had distinguished themselves, and historians dwelt particularly upon his visit to the tent of the English earl. His Majesty consoled him for the loss of his teeth by the consideration that he might otherwise have lost them by natural decay, whereas the lack of them would now be esteemed a beauty rather than a defect, serving as a trophy of the glorious cause in which he had been engaged.
Ferdinand immediately ordered Loxa to be repaired and heavily fortified. He was extremely pleased with the capture of this location, especially after his earlier defeat outside its walls. He praised the commanders who had stood out, and historians specifically noted his visit to the English earl's tent. The King comforted him about losing his teeth by pointing out that he could have lost them to natural decay; instead, their absence would now be seen as a sign of beauty rather than a flaw, serving as a trophy from the glorious cause he had been part of.
The earl replied that he gave thanks to God and to the Holy Virgin for being thus honored by a visit from the most potent king in Christendom; that he accepted with all gratitude his gracious consolation for the loss of his teeth, though he held it little to lose two teeth in the service of God, who had given him all—“A speech,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “full of most courtly wit and Christian piety; and one only marvels that it should have been made by a native of an island so far distant from Castile.”
The earl responded by thanking God and the Holy Virgin for being honored with a visit from the most powerful king in Christendom. He expressed his deep gratitude for the king's kind words regarding his lost teeth, although he felt that losing two teeth in the service of God was a small price to pay, since God had given him everything. “A speech,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “full of great courtly wit and Christian piety; and one can only wonder that it came from someone from an island so far away from Castile.”
King Ferdinand followed up his victory at Loxa by laying siege to the strong town of Illora. This redoubtable fortress was perched upon a high rock in the midst of a spacious valley. It was within four leagues of the Moorish capital, and its lofty castle, keeping vigilant watch over a wide circuit of country, was termed the right eye of Granada.
King Ferdinand built on his victory at Loxa by laying siege to the strong town of Illora. This impressive fortress sat atop a high rock in the middle of a large valley. It was just four leagues from the Moorish capital, and its tall castle, keeping watch over a wide area, was known as the right eye of Granada.
The alcayde of Illora was one of the bravest of the Moorish commanders, and made every preparation to defend his fortress to the last extremity. He sent the women and children, the aged and infirm, to the metropolis. He placed barricades in the suburbs, opened doors of communication from house to house, and pierced their walls with loopholes for the discharge of crossbows, arquebuses, and other missiles.
The leader of Illora was one of the bravest Moorish commanders and made every effort to defend his fortress to the very end. He sent the women and children, as well as the elderly and sick, to the city. He set up barricades in the outskirts, created pathways from house to house, and made openings in the walls for firing crossbows, guns, and other weapons.
King Ferdinand arrived before the place with all his forces; he stationed himself upon the hill of Encinilla, and distributed the other encampments in various situations so as to invest the fortress. Knowing the valiant character of the alcayde and the desperate courage of the Moors, he ordered the encampments to be fortified with trenches and palisadoes, the guards to be doubled, and sentinels to be placed in all the watch-towers of the adjacent heights.
King Ferdinand arrived at the location with all his troops; he set up camp on the hill of Encinilla and positioned the other encampments in different spots to surround the fortress. Aware of the brave nature of the captain and the fierce determination of the Moors, he instructed that the encampments be reinforced with trenches and barriers, that the guards be increased, and that sentinels be placed in all the watchtowers on the nearby heights.
When all was ready the duke del Infantado demanded the attack: it was his first campaign, and he was anxious to disprove the royal insinuation made against the hardihood of his embroidered chivalry. King Ferdinand granted his demand, with a becoming compliment to his spirit; he ordered the count de Cabra to make a simultaneous attack upon a different quarter. Both chiefs led forth their troops—those of the duke in fresh and brilliant armor, richly ornamented, and as yet uninjured by the service of the field; those of the count were weatherbeaten veterans, whose armor was dented and hacked in many a hard-fought battle. The youthful duke blushed at the contrast. “Cavaliers,” cried he, “we have been reproached with the finery of our array: let us prove that a trenchant blade may rest in a gilded sheath. Forward! to the foe! and I trust in God that as we enter this affray knights well accoutred, so we shall leave it cavaliers well proved.” His men responded by eager acclamations, and the duke led them forward to the assault. He advanced under a tremendous shower of stones, darts, balls, and arrows, but nothing could check his career; he entered the suburb sword in hand; his men fought furiously, though with great loss, for every dwelling had been turned into a fortress. After a severe conflict they succeeded in driving the Moors into the town about the same time that the other suburb was carried by the count de Cabra and his veterans. The troops of the duke del Infantado came out of the contest thinned in number and covered with blood and dust and wounds; they received the highest encomiums of the king, and there was never afterward any sneer at their embroidery.
When everything was ready, the Duke del Infantado called for the attack. It was his first campaign, and he was eager to prove wrong the royal suggestion that questioned the bravery of his well-decorated knights. King Ferdinand approved his request, complimenting his spirit, and ordered the Count de Cabra to launch a simultaneous assault on a different front. Both leaders led their troops—those of the duke in shiny, new armor that was beautifully adorned and untouched by battle; those of the count were seasoned veterans, their armor battered and scarred from many tough fights. The young duke felt embarrassed by the difference. “Knights,” he shouted, “we’ve been criticized for our flashy uniforms: let’s show that a sharp sword can be carried in a gilded sheath. Forward to the enemy! And I trust in God that as we enter this fight as well-equipped knights, we will leave it as proven warriors.” His men cheered enthusiastically, and the duke led them into the charge. He moved forward under a relentless barrage of stones, darts, bullets, and arrows, but nothing could slow him down; he entered the suburb with sword drawn. His men fought fiercely, though they suffered significant losses since every house had become a fortress. After a fierce struggle, they managed to push the Moors back into the town just as the other suburb was taken by Count de Cabra and his veterans. The Duke del Infantado's troops emerged from the battle diminished in number and covered in blood, dust, and wounds; they received the highest praise from the king, and there was never again any mockery of their embellishments.
The suburbs being taken, three batteries, each furnished with eight huge lombards, were opened upon the fortress. The damage and havoc were tremendous, for the fortifications had not been constructed to withstand such engines. The towers were overthrown, the walls battered to pieces; the interior of the place was all exposed, houses were demolished, and many people slain. The Moors were terrified by the tumbling ruins and the tremendous din. The alcayde had resolved to defend the place until the last extremity: he beheld it a heap of rubbish; there was no prospect of aid from Granada; his people had lost all spirit to fight and were vociferous for a surrender; with a reluctant heart he capitulated. The inhabitants were permitted to depart with all their effects, excepting their arms, and were escorted in safety by the duke del Infantado and the count de Cabra to the bridge of Pinos, within two leagues of Granada.
The suburbs were taken, and three artillery batteries, each equipped with eight large cannons, opened fire on the fortress. The destruction was massive, as the fortifications weren't built to handle such firepower. The towers collapsed, the walls shattered; the inside of the fort was completely exposed, buildings were torn down, and many people were killed. The Moors were terrified by the falling debris and the deafening noise. The commander had decided to defend the fortress to the very end: he saw it reduced to rubble; there was no hope of help from Granada; his people had lost their will to fight and were loudly demanding to surrender; with a heavy heart, he gave in. The residents were allowed to leave with all their belongings, except for their weapons, and were safely escorted by the Duke del Infantado and the Count de Cabra to the bridge of Pinos, which was about two leagues from Granada.
King Ferdinand gave directions to repair the fortifications of Illora and to place it in a strong state of defence. He left as alcayde of the town and fortress Gonsalvo de Cordova, younger brother of Don Alonso de Aguilar. This gallant cavalier was captain of the royal guards of Ferdinand and Isabella, and gave already proofs of that prowess which afterward rendered him so renowned.
King Ferdinand ordered the repairs of the fortifications in Illora and instructed that it be fortified for strong defense. He appointed Gonsalvo de Cordova, the younger brother of Don Alonso de Aguilar, as the alcayde of the town and fortress. This brave knight was the captain of the royal guards for Ferdinand and Isabella and had already shown the skills that would later make him famous.
The war of Granada, however poets may embroider it with the flowers of their fancy, was certainly one of the sternest of those iron conflicts which have been celebrated under the name of “holy wars.” The worthy Fray Antonio Agapida dwells with unsated delight upon the succession of rugged mountain-enterprises, bloody battles, and merciless sackings and ravages which characterized it; yet we find him on one occasion pausing in the full career of victory over the infidels to detail a stately pageant of the Catholic sovereigns.
The war of Granada, no matter how poets might embellish it with their imagination, was definitely one of the harshest of those brutal conflicts known as "holy wars." The esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida takes great pleasure in recounting the series of tough mountain campaigns, bloody battles, and ruthless pillaging and destruction that marked this war; yet, we see him at one point stopping in the midst of triumph over the enemies to describe a grand procession of the Catholic monarchs.
Immediately on the capture of Loxa, Ferdinand had written to Isabella, soliciting her presence at the camp that he might consult with her as to the disposition of their newly-acquired territories.
Immediately after capturing Loxa, Ferdinand wrote to Isabella, asking her to come to the camp so he could discuss with her how to manage their newly-acquired territories.
It was in the early part of June that the queen departed from Codova with the princess Isabella and numerous ladies of her court. She had a glorious attendance of cavaliers and pages, with many guards and domestics. There were forty mules for the use of the queen, the princess, and their train.
It was in early June when the queen left Codova with Princess Isabella and several ladies from her court. She had a grand entourage of knights and attendants, along with many guards and servants. There were forty mules for the queen, the princess, and their group.
As this courtly cavalcade approached the Rock of the Lovers on the banks of the river Yeguas, they beheld a splendid train of knights advancing to meet them. It was headed by that accomplished cavalier the marques-duke de Cadiz, accompanied by the adelantado of Andalusia. He had left the camp the day after the capture of Illora, and advanced thus far to receive the queen and escort her over the borders. The queen received the marques with distinguished honor, for he was esteemed the mirror of chivalry. His actions in this war had become the theme of every tongue, and many hesitated not to compare him in prowess with the immortal Cid.*
As this noble procession approached the Rock of the Lovers by the Yeguas River, they saw a stunning group of knights coming to greet them. It was led by the skilled nobleman, the marques-duke of Cadiz, along with the adelantado of Andalusia. He had left the camp the day after the capture of Illora and had come this far to welcome the queen and guide her across the borders. The queen received the marques with great honor, as he was regarded as the epitome of chivalry. His deeds in this war had become the talk of everyone, and many didn't hesitate to compare his bravery to that of the legendary Cid.*
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
Thus gallantly attended, the queen entered the vanquished frontier of Granada, journeying securely along the pleasant banks of the Xenil, so lately subject to the scourings of the Moors. She stopped at Loxa, where she administered aid and consolation to the wounded, distributing money among them for their support according to their rank.
Thus gallantly attended, the queen entered the defeated region of Granada, traveling safely along the lovely banks of the Xenil, which had recently faced the raids of the Moors. She paused at Loxa, where she provided help and comfort to the wounded, giving money to them for their support based on their rank.
The king after the capture of Illora had removed his camp before the fortress of Moclin, with an intention of besieging it. Thither the queen proceeded, still escorted through the mountain-roads by the marques of Cadiz. As Isabella drew near to the camp the duke del Infantado issued forth a league and a half to receive her, magnificently arrayed and followed by all his chivalry in glorious attire. With him came the standard of Seville, borne by the men-at-arms of that renowned city, and the prior of St. Juan with his followers. They ranged themselves in order of battle on the left of the road by which the queen was to pass.
The king, after capturing Illora, had moved his camp to the fortress of Moclin, planning to lay siege to it. The queen made her way there, still accompanied along the mountain roads by the marquis of Cadiz. As Isabella approached the camp, the Duke del Infantado rode out a mile and a half to greet her, dressed in splendid attire and followed by his knights in glorious outfits. Along with him came the banner of Seville, carried by the city’s men-at-arms, and the prior of St. Juan with his followers. They lined up in battle formation on the left side of the road the queen was to take.
The worthy Agapida is loyally minute in his description of the state and grandeur of the Catholic sovereigns. The queen rode a chestnut mule, seated in a magnificent saddle-chair decorated with silver gilt. The housings of the mule were of fine crimson cloth, the borders embroidered with gold, the reins and head-piece were of satin, curiously embossed with needlework of silk and wrought with golden letters. The queen wore a brial or regal skirt of velvet, under which were others of brocade; a scarlet mantle, ornamented in the Moresco fashion; and a black hat, embroidered round the crown and brim. The infanta was likewise mounted on a chestnut mule richly caparisoned: she wore a brial or skirt of black brocade and a black mantle ornamented like that of the queen.
The talented Agapida provides a detailed account of the state and grandeur of the Catholic monarchs. The queen rode a chestnut mule, perched in an impressive saddle chair adorned with silver gilt. The mule's coverings were made of fine crimson fabric, trimmed with gold embroidery, while the reins and headpiece were satin, intricately embossed with silk needlework and crafted with golden lettering. The queen donned a brial or regal skirt made of velvet, layered with brocade underneath; a scarlet mantle styled in the Moresco fashion; and a black hat embroidered around the crown and brim. The infanta was also mounted on a lavishly decorated chestnut mule: she wore a brial or skirt of black brocade and a black mantle adorned similarly to the queen's.
When the royal cavalcade passed by the chivalry of the duke del Infantado, which was drawn out in battle array, the queen made a reverence to the standard of Seville and ordered it to pass to the right hand. When she approached the camp the multitude ran forth to meet her with great demonstrations of joy, for she was universally beloved by her subjects. All the battalions sallied forth in military array, bearing the various standards and banners of the camp, which were lowered in salutation as she passed.
When the royal procession went by the duke del Infantado's knights, lined up for battle, the queen bowed to the Seville standard and had it moved to the right. As she got closer to the camp, the crowd rushed out to greet her with huge displays of joy because she was loved by all her subjects. All the battalions marched out in military formation, carrying the different standards and banners of the camp, which were lowered in salute as she walked by.
The king now came forth in royal state, mounted on a superb chestnut horse and attended by many grandees of Castile. He wore a jubon or close vest of crimson cloth, with cuisses or short skirts of yellow satin, a loose cassock of brocade, a rich Moorish scimetar, and a hat with plumes. The grandees who attended him were arrayed with wonderful magnificence, each according to his taste and invention.
The king now came out in royal style, riding a beautiful chestnut horse and accompanied by many nobles from Castile. He wore a fitted crimson vest, short yellow satin skirts, a loose brocade coat, an ornate Moorish sword, and a feathered hat. The nobles around him were dressed in striking splendor, each showcasing their own taste and creativity.
These high and mighty princes (says Antonio Agapida) regarded each other with great deference as allied sovereigns, rather than with connubial familiarity as mere husband and wife. When they approached each other, therefore, before embracing, they made three profound reverences, the queen taking off her hat and remaining in a silk net or caul, with her face uncovered. The king then approached and embraced her, and kissed her respectfully on the cheek. He also embraced his daughter the princess, and, making the sign of the cross, he blessed her and kissed her on the lips.*
These powerful princes (says Antonio Agapida) looked at each other with a lot of respect as allied rulers, rather than with the casual intimacy of just being husband and wife. So, when they came together, before hugging, they made three deep bows, with the queen taking off her hat and wearing just a silk net or caul, her face exposed. Then the king came forward, embraced her, and kissed her politely on the cheek. He also hugged his daughter the princess, and after making the sign of the cross, he blessed her and kissed her on the lips.*
* Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
The good Agapida seems scarcely to have been more struck with the appearance of the sovereigns than with that of the English earl. He followed (says he) immediately after the king, with great pomp and, in an extraordinary manner, taking precedence of all the rest. He was mounted “a la guisa,” or with long stirrups, on a superb chestnut horse, with trappings of azure silk which reached to the ground. The housings were of mulberry powdered with stars of gold. He was armed in proof, and wore over his armor a short French mantle of black brocade; he had a white French hat with plumes, and carried on his left arm a small round buckler banded with gold. Five pages attended him, apparelled in silk and brocade and mounted on horses sumptuously caparisoned; he had also a train of followers bravely attired after the fashion of his country.
The good Agapida seemed just as impressed by the sight of the sovereigns as he was by that of the English earl. He followed (as he says) right after the king, with great flair and in a remarkable way, taking precedence over everyone else. He rode “a la guisa,” or with long stirrups, on a stunning chestnut horse, adorned with azure silk trappings that touched the ground. The saddlecloths were mulberry, decorated with golden stars. He was fully armored and wore a short French cloak of black brocade over his armor; he had a white French hat with plumes and carried a small round shield, edged in gold, on his left arm. Five pages accompanied him, dressed in silk and brocade and riding on elaborately decorated horses; he also had a group of followers stylishly dressed in the fashion of his homeland.
He advanced in a chivalrous and courteous manner, making his reverences first to the queen and infanta, and afterward to the king. Queen Isabella received him graciously, complimenting him on his courageous conduct at Loxa, and condoling with him on the loss of his teeth. The earl, however, made light of his disfiguring wound, saying that “our Blessed Lord, who had built all that house, had opened a window there, that he might see more readily what passed within;” * whereupon the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida is more than ever astonished at the pregnant wit of this island cavalier. The earl continued some little distance by the side of the royal family, complimenting them all with courteous speeches, his horse curveting and caracoling, but being managed with great grace and dexterity, leaving the grandees and the people at large not more filled with admiration at the strangeness and magnificence of his state than at the excellence of his horsemanship.**
He approached in a chivalrous and polite way, first bowing to the queen and infanta, and then to the king. Queen Isabella welcomed him warmly, praising his brave actions at Loxa and expressing her sympathy for the loss of his teeth. The earl, however, downplayed his disfiguring injury, saying that “our Blessed Lord, who built this entire house, opened a window there so he could see more easily what was going on inside;” * which left the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida even more amazed at the clever wit of this island knight. The earl continued for a little while alongside the royal family, offering polite compliments to them all, his horse dancing and prancing, but being handled with great elegance and skill, leaving the nobles and the general public equally struck by the uniqueness and grandeur of his status as well as the brilliance of his horsemanship.**
* Pietro Martyr, Epist. 61.
* Pietro Martyr, Letter 61.
* *Cura de los Palacios.
Cura de los Palacios.
To testify her sense of the gallantry and services of this noble English knight, who had come from so far to assist in their wars, the queen sent him the next day presents of twelve horses, with stately tents, fine linen, two beds with coverings of gold brocade, and many other articles of great value.
To show her appreciation for the bravery and services of this noble English knight, who had traveled such a long distance to help in their wars, the queen sent him gifts the next day that included twelve horses, impressive tents, nice linens, two beds with gold brocade coverings, and many other valuable items.
Having refreshed himself, as it were, with the description of this progress of Queen Isabella to the camp and the glorious pomp of the Catholic sovereigns, the worthy Antonio Agapida returns with renewed relish to his pious work of discomfiting the Moors.
Having rejuvenated himself, so to speak, with the account of Queen Isabella's journey to the camp and the majestic grandeur of the Catholic monarchs, the respectable Antonio Agapida dives back into his devoted mission of defeating the Moors with renewed enthusiasm.
The description of this royal pageant and the particulars concerning the English earl, thus given from the manuscript of Fray Antonio Agapida, agree precisely with the chronicle of Andres Bernaldez, the curate of Los Palacios. The English earl makes no further figure in this war. It appears from various histories that he returned in the course of the year to England. In the following year his passion for fighting took him to the Continent, at the head of four hundred adventurers, in aid of Francis, duke of Brittany, against Louis XI. of France. He was killed in the same year (1488) in the battle of St. Alban’s between the Bretons and the French.
The account of this royal event and the details about the English earl, taken from the manuscript of Fray Antonio Agapida, match perfectly with the records of Andres Bernaldez, the curate of Los Palacios. The English earl doesn’t play any further role in this war. Various histories suggest he returned to England during the year. The following year, his desire for battle led him to the Continent, leading four hundred adventurers to support Francis, duke of Brittany, against Louis XI of France. He was killed that same year (1488) in the battle of St. Alban’s between the Bretons and the French.
“The Catholic sovereigns,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “had by this time closely clipped the right wing of the Moorish vulture.” In other words, most of the strong fortresses along the western frontier of Granada had fallen beneath the Christian artillery. The army now lay encamped before the town of Moclin, on the frontier of Jaen, one of the most stubborn fortresses of the border. It stood on a high rocky hill, the base of which was nearly girdled by a river: a thick forest protected the back part of the town toward the mountain. Thus strongly situated, it domineered, with its frowning battlements and massive towers, all the mountain-passes into that part of the country, and was called “the shield of Granada.” It had a double arrear of blood to settle with the Christians: two hundred years before, a master of Santiago and all his cavaliers had been lanced by the Moors before its gates. It had recently made terrible slaughter among the troops of the good count de Cabra in his precipitate attempt to entrap the old Moorish monarch. The pride of Ferdinand had been piqued by being obliged on that occasion to recede from his plan and abandon his concerted attack on the place; he was now prepared to take a full revenge.
“The Catholic monarchs,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “had by this time closely clipped the right wing of the Moorish vulture.” In other words, most of the strong fortresses along the western border of Granada had fallen to the Christian artillery. The army was now camped in front of the town of Moclin, on the border of Jaen, one of the toughest fortresses in the area. It sat on a high rocky hill, nearly surrounded by a river at its base: a thick forest protected the back side of the town toward the mountain. Strongly positioned, it towered over all the mountain passes into that part of the region, and was called “the shield of Granada.” It had a historical score to settle with the Christians: two hundred years earlier, a master of Santiago and all his knights had been killed by the Moors before its gates. Recently, it had inflicted terrible casualties on the troops of the good Count de Cabra during his hasty attempt to trap the old Moorish king. Ferdinand’s pride had been hurt when he was forced to withdraw from his plan and abandon his coordinated attack on the place; he was now ready to take full revenge.
El Zagal, the old warrior-king of Granada, anticipating a second attempt, had provided the place with ample ammunitions and provisions, had ordered trenches to be digged and additional bulwarks thrown up, and caused all the old men, the women, and the children to be removed to the capital.
El Zagal, the old warrior-king of Granada, anticipating a second attack, had stocked the place with plenty of ammunition and supplies, had ordered trenches to be dug and additional walls to be built, and had moved all the elderly, women, and children to the capital.
Such was the strength of the fortress and the difficulties of its position that Ferdinand anticipated much trouble in reducing it, and made every preparation for a regular siege. In the centre of his camp were two great mounds, one of sacks of flour, the other of grain, which were called the royal granary. Three batteries of heavy ordnance were opened against the citadel and principal towers, while smaller artillery, engines for the discharge of missiles, arquebuses, and crossbows, were distributed in various places to keep up a fire into any breaches that might be made, and upon those of the garrison who should appear on the battlements.
The fortress was so strong and in such a tough position that Ferdinand expected a lot of trouble in capturing it and prepared for a full siege. In the center of his camp were two large mounds, one made of sacks of flour and the other of grain, which were called the royal granary. Three heavy cannon were aimed at the citadel and main towers, while smaller artillery, missile-launching engines, arquebuses, and crossbows were set up in different spots to maintain fire on any breaches that might occur and on any garrison members who showed up on the battlements.
The lombards soon made an impression on the works, demolishing a part of the wall and tumbling down several of those haughty towers which, from their height, had been impregnable before the invention of gunpowder. The Moors repaired their walls as well as they were able, and, still confiding in the strength of their situation, kept up a resolute defence, firing down from their lofty battlements and towers upon the Christian camp. For two nights and a day an incessant fire was kept up, so that there was not a moment in which the roaring of ordnance was not heard or some damage sustained by the Christians or the Moors. It was a conflict, however, more of engineers and artillerists than of gallant cavaliers; there was no sally of troops nor shock of armed men nor rush and charge of cavalry. The knights stood looking on with idle weapons, waiting until they should have an opportunity of signalizing their prowess by scaling the walls or storming the breaches. As the place, however, was assailable only in one part, there was every prospect of a long and obstinate resistance.
The Lombards quickly made their mark on the structures, tearing down part of the wall and bringing down several of those imposing towers that, due to their height, had been unassailable before gunpowder was invented. The Moors fixed their walls as best as they could and, still relying on the strength of their position, maintained a determined defense, firing down from their high battlements and towers at the Christian camp. For two nights and a day, there was a constant exchange of fire, so there was never a moment when the booming of cannons couldn't be heard or when either the Christians or the Moors didn’t suffer some damage. It was a struggle more about engineers and artillery than about brave knights; there were no sorties of troops, no clashes of armored men, and no charges of cavalry. The knights stood by with idle weapons, waiting for a chance to showcase their skills by scaling the walls or storming the breaches. However, since the area was only vulnerable in one spot, a long and stubborn resistance seemed likely.
The engineers, as usual, discharged not merely balls of stone and iron to demolish the walls, but flaming balls of inextinguishable combustibles designed to set fire to the houses. One of these, which passed high through the air like a meteor, sending out sparks and crackling as it went, entered the window of a tower which was used as a magazine of gunpowder. The tower blew up with a tremendous explosion; the Moors who were upon its battlements were hurled into the air, and fell mangled in various parts of the town, and the houses in its vicinity were rent and overthrown as with an earthquake.
The engineers, as usual, didn’t just launch stones and iron balls to break down the walls, but fiery projectiles filled with explosives meant to set the houses ablaze. One of these soared through the sky like a meteor, crackling and sparking as it flew, and crashed through the window of a tower that stored gunpowder. The tower erupted in a massive explosion; the Moors on the battlements were thrown into the air and landed mangled throughout the town, while the nearby houses were torn apart and collapsed as if shaken by an earthquake.
The Moors, who had never witnessed an explosion of the kind, ascribed the destruction of the tower to a miracle. Some who had seen the descent of the flaming ball imagined that fire had fallen from heaven to punish them for their pertinacity. The pious Agapida himself believes that this fiery missive was conducted by divine agency to confound the infidels—an opinion in which he is supported by other Catholic historians.*
The Moors, who had never seen an explosion like that, thought the tower’s destruction was a miracle. Some who watched the fiery ball fall believed that fire had come down from heaven to punish them for their stubbornness. The devout Agapida himself believes that this fiery message was sent by divine intervention to confuse the unbelievers—an idea that other Catholic historians also agree with.*
* Pulgar, Garibay; Lucio Marino Siculo, Cosas Memoral. de Hispan., lib.20.
* Pulgar, Garibay; Lucio Marino Siculo, Things Worth Remembering about Spain, book 20.
Seeing heaven and earth, as it were, combined against them, the Moors lost all heart: they capitulated, and were permitted to depart with their effects, leaving behind all arms and munitions of war.
Seeing heaven and earth, as it were, combined against them, the Moors lost all courage: they surrendered and were allowed to leave with their belongings, leaving behind all weapons and military supplies.
The Catholic army (says Antonio Agapida) entered Moclin in solemn state, not as a licentious host intent upon plunder and desolation, but as a band of Christian warriors coming to purify and regenerate the land. The standard of the cross, that ensign of this holy crusade, was borne in the advance, followed by the other banners of the army. Then came the king and queen at the head of a vast number of armed cavaliers. They were accompanied by a band of priests and friars, with the choir of the royal chapel chanting the canticle “Te Deum laudamus.” As they were moving through the streets in this solemn manner, every sound hushed excepting the anthem of the choir, they suddenly heard, issuing as it were from under ground, a chorus of voices chanting in solemn response “Benedictum qui venit in nomine Domini.” * The procession paused in wonder. The sounds rose from Christian captives, and among them several priests, who were confined in subterraneous dungeons.
The Catholic army (says Antonio Agapida) entered Moclin in a grand manner, not as a reckless group looking to loot and destroy, but as a group of Christian warriors coming to cleanse and restore the land. The standard of the cross, the flag of this holy crusade, led the way, followed by the other banners of the army. Then came the king and queen at the forefront of a large number of armed knights. They were joined by a group of priests and friars, with the choir of the royal chapel singing the hymn "Te Deum laudamus." As they moved through the streets in this dignified way, every sound fell silent except for the anthem of the choir, when suddenly they heard, seemingly coming from underground, a chorus of voices responding solemnly, "Benedictum qui venit in nomine Domini." The procession stopped in amazement. The sounds came from Christian captives, including several priests, who were locked in underground dungeons.
* Marino Siculo.
Marino Sicily.
The heart of Isabella was greatly touched. She ordered the captives to be drawn forth from their cells, and was still more moved at beholding, by their wan, discolored, and emaciated appearance, how much they had suffered. Their hair and beards were overgrown and shagged; they were wasted by hunger, half naked, and in chains. She ordered that they should be clothed and cherished, and money furnished them to bear them to their homes.*
The heart of Isabella was deeply affected. She ordered the captives to be brought out of their cells, and she was even more moved when she saw how much they had suffered from their pale, discolored, and emaciated appearance. Their hair and beards were unkempt and wild; they were thin from hunger, barely clothed, and in chains. She commanded that they be given clothes and care, and provided them with money to help them return to their homes.*
* Illescas, Hist. Pontif., lib. 6, c. 20, \0xA4 1.
* Illescas, Hist. Pontif., lib. 6, c. 20, \0xA4 1.
Several of the captives were brave cavaliers who had been wounded and made prisoners in the defeat of the count de Cabra by El Zagal in the preceding year. There were also found other melancholy traces of that disastrous affair. On visiting the narrow pass where the defeat had taken place, the remains of several Christian warriors were found in thickets or hidden behind rocks or in the clefts of the mountains. These were some who had been struck from their horses and wounded too severely to fly. They had crawled away from the scene of action, and concealed themselves to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, and had thus perished miserably and alone. The remains of those of note were known by their armor and devices, and were mourned over by their companions who had shared the disaster of that day.*
Several of the captives were courageous knights who had been injured and captured during the defeat of Count de Cabra by El Zagal the previous year. There were also other sad reminders of that disastrous event. When visiting the narrow pass where the defeat occurred, the remains of several Christian warriors were found in bushes, hidden behind rocks, or in the crevices of the mountains. These were some who had been thrown from their horses and wounded too badly to escape. They had crawled away from the battle and concealed themselves to avoid being captured by the enemy, ultimately perishing alone and in misery. The remains of notable individuals were identified by their armor and insignias, and were mourned by their comrades who had endured the tragedy of that day.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 61.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 61.
The queen had these remains piously collected as the relics of so many martyrs who had fallen in the cause of the faith. They were interred with great solemnity in the mosques of Moclin, which had been purified and consecrated to Christian worship. “There,” says Antonio Agapida, “rest the bones of those truly Catholic knights, in the holy ground which in a manner had been sanctified by their blood; and all pilgrims passing through those mountains offer up prayers and masses for the repose of their souls.”
The queen had these remains carefully gathered as the relics of the many martyrs who had died for their faith. They were buried with great respect in the mosques of Moclin, which had been cleansed and dedicated to Christian worship. “There,” says Antonio Agapida, “lie the bones of those truly Catholic knights, in the sacred ground that had, in a way, been blessed by their blood; and all pilgrims traveling through those mountains say prayers and hold masses for the peace of their souls.”
The queen remained for some time at Moclin, administering comfort to the wounded and the prisoners, bringing the newly-acquired territory into order, and founding churches and monasteries and other pious institutions. “While the king marched in front, laying waste the land of the Philistines,” says the figurative Antonio Agapida, “Queen Isabella followed his traces as the binder follows the reaper, gathering and garnering the rich harvest that has fallen beneath his sickle. In this she was greatly assisted by the counsels of that cloud of bishops, friars, and other saintly men which continually surrounded her, garnering the first fruits of this infidel land into the granaries of the Church.” Leaving her thus piously employed, the king pursued his career of conquest, determined to lay waste the Vega and carry fire and sword to the very gates of Granada.
The queen stayed in Moclin for a while, providing comfort to the wounded and prisoners, organizing the newly-acquired territory, and establishing churches, monasteries, and other religious institutions. “While the king advanced, destroying the land of the Philistines,” says the figurative Antonio Agapida, “Queen Isabella followed in his footsteps like a binder following a reaper, collecting and gathering the rich harvest that had fallen under his blade. She was greatly helped by the advice of the many bishops, friars, and other holy men who were always around her, bringing the first fruits of this infidel land into the Church's granaries.” Leaving her engaged in this faithful work, the king continued his campaign, intent on ravaging the Vega and bringing fire and sword to the gates of Granada.
Muley Abdallah el Zagal had been under a spell of ill-fortune ever since the suspicious death of the old king his brother. Success had deserted his standard, and with his fickle subjects want of success was one of the greatest crimes in a sovereign. He found his popularity declining, and he lost all confidence in his people. The Christian army marched in open defiance through his territories, and sat down deliberately before his fortresses; yet he dared not lead forth his legions to oppose them, lest the inhabitants of the Albaycin, ever ripe for a revolt, should rise and shut the gates of Granada against his return.
Muley Abdallah el Zagal had been experiencing a streak of bad luck ever since the questionable death of his older brother, the king. Victory had abandoned his banner, and for his unpredictable subjects, failing to succeed was one of the worst offenses for a ruler. He noticed his popularity dwindling and lost all trust in his people. The Christian army marched boldly through his lands and set up camp in front of his fortresses; yet he didn't dare lead his troops out to confront them, fearing that the people of the Albaycin, always eager to rebel, would rise up and lock the gates of Granada against his return.
Every few days some melancholy train entered the metropolis, the inhabitants of some captured town bearing the few effects spared them, and weeping and bewailing the desolation of their homes. When the tidings arrived that Illora and Moclin had fallen, the people were seized with consternation. “The right eye of Granada is extinguished,” exclaimed they; “the shield of Granada is broken: what shall protect us from the inroad of the foe?” When the survivors of the garrisons of those towns arrived, with downcast looks, bearing the marks of battle and destitute of arms and standards, the populace reviled them in their wrath, but they answered, “We fought as long as we had force to fight or walls to shelter us; but the Christians laid our town and battlements in ruins, and we looked in vain for aid from Granada.”
Every few days, a sorrowful train would arrive in the city, bringing people from a captured town, carrying the few belongings they had left, crying and lamenting the loss of their homes. When news came that Illora and Moclin had fallen, panic gripped the people. “The right eye of Granada is gone,” they exclaimed; “the shield of Granada is shattered: what will protect us from the enemy’s attack?” When the survivors from those towns showed up, looking defeated, showing signs of battle, and without weapons or flags, the crowd scolded them out of anger, but they replied, “We fought as long as we had the strength to fight or walls to protect us; but the Christians turned our town and defenses to rubble, and we looked in vain for help from Granada.”
The alcaydes of Illora and Moclin were brothers; they were alike in prowess and the bravest among the Moorish cavaliers. They had been the most distinguished in those tilts and tourneys which graced the happier days of Granada, and had distinguished themselves in the sterner conflicts of the field. Acclamation had always followed their banners, and they had long been the delight of the people. Yet now, when they returned after the capture of their fortresses, they were followed by the unsteady populace with execrations. The hearts of the alcaydes swelled with indignation; they found the ingratitude of their countrymen still more intolerable than the hostility of the Christians.
The leaders of Illora and Moclin were brothers; they were equally skilled and the bravest among the Moorish knights. They had stood out in the jousts and tournaments that celebrated the more prosperous times in Granada, and had made a name for themselves in the harsher battles of the battlefield. Their banners had always been met with cheers, and they had long been the pride of the people. Yet now, as they returned after capturing their fortresses, they were met by an unstable crowd that hurled insults at them. The hearts of the leaders were filled with anger; they found the ingratitude of their fellow countrymen to be even more unbearable than the enmity of the Christians.
Tidings came that the enemy was advancing with his triumphant legions to lay waste the country about Granada. Still El Zagal did not dare to take the field. The two alcaydes of Illora and Moclin stood before him. “We have defended your fortresses,” said they, “until we were almost buried under their ruins, and for our reward we receive scoffings and revilings: give us, O king, an opportunity where knightly valor may signalize itself—not shut up behind stone walls, but in the open conflict of the field. The enemy approaches to lay our country desolate: give us men to meet him in the advance, and let shame light upon our heads if we be found wanting in the battle!”
News arrived that the enemy was advancing with his victorious troops to destroy the area around Granada. Yet El Zagal still hesitated to take action. The two commanders of Illora and Moclin stood before him. “We have defended your fortresses,” they said, “until we were nearly buried under their ruins, and for our efforts, we receive mockery and insults: give us, O king, a chance to show our bravery—not confined behind stone walls, but in the open battlefield. The enemy is coming to ravage our land: provide us with men to confront him upfront, and let shame fall upon us if we are found lacking in the fight!”
The two brothers were sent forth with a large force of horse and foot; El Zagal intended, should they be successful, to issue forth with his whole force, and by a decisive victory repair the losses he had suffered. When the people saw the well-known standards of the brothers going forth to battle, there was a feeble shout, but the alcaydes passed on with stern countenances, for they knew the same voices would curse them were they to return unfortunate. They cast a farewell look upon fair Granada and upon the beautiful fields of their infancy, as if for these they were willing to lay down their lives, but not for an ungrateful people.
The two brothers were sent out with a large army of cavalry and infantry; El Zagal planned that if they succeeded, he would follow with his entire force and secure a decisive victory to make up for his previous losses. When the people saw the familiar banners of the brothers heading into battle, there was a weak cheer, but the commanders moved on with serious expressions, knowing the same voices would blame them if they returned unsuccessful. They took one last look at beautiful Granada and the lovely fields of their childhood, as if they were ready to give their lives for these, but not for an ungrateful people.
The army of Ferdinand had arrived within two leagues of Granada, at the bridge of Pinos, a pass famous in the wars of the Moors and Christians for many a bloody conflict. It was the pass by which the Castilian monarchs generally made their inroads, and was capable of great defence from the ruggedness of the country and the difficulty of the bridge. The king, with the main body of the army, had attained the brow of a hill, when they beheld the advance guard, under the marques of Cadiz and the master of Santiago, furiously attacked by the enemy in the vicinity of the bridge. The Moors rushed to the assault with their usual shouts, but with more than usual ferocity. There was a hard struggle at the bridge; both parties knew the importance of that pass.
The army of Ferdinand had reached within two leagues of Granada, at the bridge of Pinos, a spot known for many fierce battles between the Moors and Christians. This was the route the Castilian monarchs typically used for their invasions, and it was well-defended due to the rough terrain and the challenging bridge. The king, along with the main force of the army, had climbed to the top of a hill when they saw the advance guard, led by the marquess of Cadiz and the master of Santiago, being fiercely attacked by the enemy near the bridge. The Moors charged with their familiar battle cries, but with even more intensity than usual. A fierce struggle erupted at the bridge; both sides understood how crucial that pass was.
The king particularly noted the prowess of two Moorish cavaliers, alike in arms and devices, and whom by their bearing and attendance he perceived to be commanders of the enemy. They were the two brothers, the alcaydes of Illora and Moclin. Wherever they turned they carried confusion and death into the ranks of the Christians, but they fought with desperation rather than valor. The count de Cabra and his brother Don Martin de Cordova pressed forward with eagerness against them, but, having advanced too precipitately, were surrounded by the foe and in imminent danger. A young Christian knight, seeing their peril, hastened with his followers to their relief. The king recognized him for Don Juan de Aragon, count of Ribargoza, his own nephew, for he was illegitimate son of the duke of Villahermosa, illegitimate brother of King Ferdinand. The splendid armor of Don Juan and the sumptuous caparison of his steed rendered him a brilliant object of attack. He was assailed on all sides and his superb steed slain under him, yet still he fought valiantly, bearing for a time the brunt of the fight and giving the exhausted forces of the count de Cabra time to recover breath.
The king specifically noted the skill of two Moorish knights, both equipped similarly and, from their demeanor and support, he recognized them as leaders of the enemy. They were the two brothers, the commanders of Illora and Moclin. Wherever they went, they brought chaos and death to the Christian troops, fighting out of desperation rather than bravery. The count de Cabra and his brother Don Martin de Cordova charged at them eagerly, but having advanced too recklessly, they became surrounded by the enemy and were in serious danger. A young Christian knight, noticing their trouble, rushed in with his followers to help. The king identified him as Don Juan de Aragon, count of Ribargoza, his own nephew, as he was the illegitimate son of the duke of Villahermosa, who was the illegitimate brother of King Ferdinand. The impressive armor of Don Juan and the lavish decoration of his horse made him a prime target. He was attacked from all sides, and his magnificent horse was killed beneath him, yet he continued to fight bravely, taking on much of the battle and giving the weary forces of the count de Cabra a chance to catch their breath.
Seeing the peril of these troops and the general obstinacy of the fight, the king ordered the royal standard to be advanced, and hastened with all his forces to the relief of the count de Cabra. At his approach the enemy gave way and retreated toward the bridge. The two Moorish commanders endeavored to rally their troops and animate them to defend this pass to the utmost: they used prayers, remonstrances, menaces, but almost in vain. They could only collect a scanty handful of cavaliers; with these they planted themselves at the head of the bridge and disputed it inch by inch. The fight was hot and obstinate, for but few could contend hand to hand, yet many discharged crossbows and arquebuses from the banks. The river was covered with the floating bodies of the slain. The Moorish band of cavaliers was almost entirely cut to pieces; the two brothers fell, covered with wounds, upon the bridge they had so resolutely defended. They had given up the battle for lost, but had determined not to return alive to ungrateful Granada.
Seeing the danger to these troops and the stubbornness of the fight, the king ordered the royal standard to be raised and rushed with all his forces to help Count de Cabra. When he approached, the enemy fell back and retreated toward the bridge. The two Moorish commanders tried to rally their troops and motivate them to defend this passage as best they could: they used prayers, arguments, threats, but it was almost pointless. They could only gather a small group of knights; with them, they positioned themselves at the head of the bridge and fought for it inch by inch. The battle was fierce and determined, as only a few could fight hand to hand, while many fired crossbows and guns from the banks. The river was filled with the floating bodies of the dead. The Moorish band of knights was nearly wiped out; the two brothers fell, covered in wounds, on the bridge they had defended so valiantly. They had given up hope of winning the battle but had decided they wouldn’t go back alive to ungrateful Granada.
When the people of the capital heard how devotedly they had fallen, they lamented greatly their deaths and extolled their memory: a column was erected to their honor in the vicinity of the bridge, which long went by the name of “the Tomb of the Brothers.”
When the people of the capital heard how devotedly they had fallen, they mourned their deaths deeply and praised their memory: a column was built in their honor near the bridge, which was long known as “the Tomb of the Brothers.”
The army of Ferdinand now marched on and established its camp in the vicinity of Granada. The worthy Agapida gives many triumphant details of the ravages committed in the Vega, which was again laid waste, the grain, fruits, and other productions of the earth destroyed, and that earthly paradise rendered a dreary desert. He narrates several fierce but ineffectual sallies and skirmishes of the Moors in defence of their favorite plain; among which one deserves to be mentioned, as it records the achievements of one of the saintly heroes of this war.
The army of Ferdinand continued onward and set up camp near Granada. The notable Agapida shares numerous details about the destruction caused in the Vega, which was once again ravaged, with crops, fruits, and other products of the land destroyed, turning that earthly paradise into a lifeless desert. He describes several intense but unsuccessful attacks and skirmishes by the Moors trying to defend their beloved plain; among these, one is particularly noteworthy as it highlights the feats of one of the saintly heroes of this war.
During one of the movements of the Christian army near the walls of Granada a battalion of fifteen hundred cavalry and a large force of foot had sallied from the city, and posted themselves near some gardens, which were surrounded by a canal and traversed by ditches for the purpose of irrigation.
During one of the movements of the Christian army near the walls of Granada, a battalion of fifteen hundred cavalry and a large group of infantry had come out from the city and positioned themselves near some gardens, which were enclosed by a canal and crossed by ditches for irrigation.
The Moors beheld the duke del Infantado pass by with his two splendid battalions—one of men-at-arms, the other of light cavalry armed “a la gineta.” In company with him, but following as a rear-guard, was Don Garcia Osorio, the belligerent bishop of Jaen, attended by Francisco Bovadillo, the corregidor of his city, and followed by two squadrons of men-at-arms from Jaen, Anduxar, Ubeda, and Baeza.* The success of last year’s campaign had given the good bishop an inclination for warlike affairs, and he had once more buckled on his cuirass.
The Moors watched as the Duke del Infantado passed by with his two impressive battalions—one of heavily armored soldiers and the other of light cavalry equipped “a la gineta.” Following him as a rear-guard was Don Garcia Osorio, the combative bishop of Jaen, accompanied by Francisco Bovadillo, the corregidor of his city, and trailed by two squadrons of men-at-arms from Jaen, Anduxar, Ubeda, and Baeza.* The success of last year’s campaign had sparked the bishop's interest in military matters again, and he had strapped on his armor once more.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 62.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 62.
The Moors were much given to stratagem in warfare. They looked wistfully at the magnificent squadrons of the duke del Infantado, but their martial discipline precluded all attack: the good bishop promised to be a more easy prey. Suffering the duke and his troops to pass unmolested, they approached the squadrons of the bishop, and making a pretended attack, skirmished slightly and fled in apparent confusion. The bishop considered the day his own, and, seconded by his corregidor Bovadillo, followed with valorous precipitation. The Moors fled into the “Huerta del Rey,” or Orchard of the King; the troops of the bishop followed hotly after them.
The Moors were very strategic in warfare. They looked longingly at the impressive troops of the duke del Infantado, but their military discipline prevented any attack: the good bishop seemed like an easier target. Allowing the duke and his soldiers to pass without interference, they moved towards the bishop's troops and staged a fake attack, skirmishing briefly before fleeing in apparent disarray. The bishop thought he had won the day and, backed by his corregidor Bovadillo, charged forward with great energy. The Moors retreated into the “Huerta del Rey,” or Orchard of the King; the bishop's troops pursued them closely.
When the Moors perceived their pursuers fairly embarrassed among the intricacies of the garden, they turned fiercely upon them, while some of their number threw open the sluices of the Xenil. In an instant the canal which encircled and the ditches which traversed the garden were filled with water, and the valiant bishop and his followers found themselves overwhelmed by a deluge.* A scene of great confusion succeeded. Some of the men of Jaen, stoutest of heart and hand, fought with the Moors in the garden, while others struggled with the water, endeavoring to escape across the canal, in which attempt many horses were drowned.
When the Moors saw their pursuers caught up in the maze of the garden, they fiercely turned against them, while some of their group opened the sluices of the Xenil. Instantly, the canal that surrounded the garden and the ditches running through it filled with water, and the brave bishop and his followers were overwhelmed by a flood. Chaos broke out. Some of the bravest men from Jaen fought the Moors in the garden, while others struggled against the rising water, trying to escape across the canal, which led to many horses drowning.
* Pulgar.
Fortunately, the duke del Infantado perceived the snare into which his companions had fallen, and despatched his light cavalry to their assistance. The Moors were compelled to flight, and driven along the road of Elvira up to the gates of Granada.* Several Christian cavaliers perished in this affray; the bishop himself escaped with difficulty, having slipped from his saddle in crossing the canal, but saving himself by holding on to the tail of his charger. This perilous achievement seems to have satisfied the good bishop’s belligerent propensities. He retired on his laurels (says Agapida) to his city of Jaen, where, in the fruition of all good things, he gradually waxed too corpulent for his corselet, which was hung up in the hall of his episcopal palace, and we hear no more of his military deeds throughout the residue of the holy war of Granada.**
Fortunately, the Duke del Infantado noticed the trap that his companions had fallen into and sent his light cavalry to help them. The Moors were forced to flee, retreating down the road to Elvira and up to the gates of Granada.* Several Christian knights lost their lives in this skirmish; the bishop himself narrowly escaped after falling off his horse while crossing the canal, managing to save himself by grabbing the tail of his horse. This risky feat seemed to satisfy the bishop's desire for battle. He returned to his city of Jaen, where he indulged in good things and gradually became too overweight for his armor, which was then hung up in the hall of his episcopal palace, and we hear nothing more of his military exploits for the rest of the Holy War in Granada.**
* Pulgar.
* Thumb.
* * “Don Luis Osorio fue obispo de Jaen desde el ano de 1483, y presidio in esta. Iglesia hasta el de 1496 in que murio en Flandes, a donde fue acompanando a la princesa Dona Juana, esposa del archiduque Don Felipe.”—“Espana Sagrada,” por Fr. M. Risco, tom. 41, trat. 77, cap. 4.
* * “Don Luis Osorio was the bishop of Jaen from 1483 and served in this church until 1496 when he died in Flanders, where he accompanied Princess Doña Juana, wife of Archduke Don Felipe.” — “Espana Sagrada,” by Fr. M. Risco, vol. 41, treatise 77, chapter 4.
King Ferdinand, having completed his ravage of the Vega and kept El Zagal shut up in his capital, conducted his army back through the Pass of Lope to rejoin Queen Isabella at Moclin.
King Ferdinand, after finishing his destruction of the Vega and keeping El Zagal trapped in his capital, led his army back through the Pass of Lope to reunite with Queen Isabella at Moclin.
The fortresses lately taken being well garrisoned and supplied, he gave the command of the frontier to his cousin, Don Fadrique de Toledo, afterward so famous in the Netherlands as the duke of Alva. The campaign being thus completely crowned with success, the sovereigns returned in triumph to the city of Cordova.
The recently captured fortresses were well-staffed and stocked, so he entrusted the command of the border to his cousin, Don Fadrique de Toledo, who later became well-known in the Netherlands as the Duke of Alva. With the campaign achieving complete success, the rulers returned triumphantly to the city of Cordova.
No sooner did the last squadron of Christian cavalry disappear behind the mountains of Elvira and the note of its trumpets die away upon the ear than the long-suppressed wrath of Muley el Zagal burst forth. He determined no longer to be half a king, reigning over a divided kingdom in a divided capital, but to exterminate by any means, fair or foul, his nephew Boabdil and his faction. He turned furiously upon those whose factious conduct had deterred him from sallying upon the foe: some he punished by confiscations, others by banishment, others by death. Once undisputed monarch of the entire kingdom, he trusted to his military skill to retrieve his fortunes and drive the Christians over the frontier.
No sooner did the last group of Christian cavalry vanish behind the mountains of Elvira and the sound of their trumpets fade away than the long-simmering anger of Muley el Zagal erupted. He decided he would no longer be just a half king, ruling over a divided kingdom in a divided capital, but would do whatever it took, fair or foul, to eliminate his nephew Boabdil and his supporters. He turned fiercely on those whose divisive actions had prevented him from attacking the enemy: some he punished with confiscations, others with exile, and some with death. Once the undisputed ruler of the whole kingdom, he relied on his military skills to turn his fortunes around and drive the Christians across the border.
Boabdil, however, had again retired to Velez el Blanco, on the confines of Murcia, where he could avail himself, in case of emergency, of any assistance or protection afforded him by the policy of Ferdinand. His defeat had blighted his reviving fortunes, for the people considered him as inevitably doomed to misfortune. Still, while he lived El Zagal knew he would be a rallying-point for faction, and liable at any moment to be elevated into power by the capricious multitude. He had recourse, therefore, to the most perfidious means to compass his destruction. He sent ambassadors to him representing the necessity of concord for the salvation of the kingdom, and even offering to resign the title of king and to become subject to his sway on receiving some estate on which he could live in tranquil retirement. But while the ambassadors bore these words of peace they were furnished with poisoned herbs, which they were to administer secretly to Boabdil, and if they failed in this attempt they had pledged themselves to despatch him openly while engaged in conversation. They were instigated to this treason by promises of great reward, and by assurances from the alfaquis that Boabdil was an apostate whose death would be acceptable to Heaven.
Boabdil, however, had once again retreated to Velez el Blanco, on the border of Murcia, where he could take advantage of any help or protection offered by Ferdinand’s policies in case of an emergency. His defeat had ended his recovering fortunes, as people viewed him as someone inevitably doomed to misfortune. Still, as long as he was alive, El Zagal knew he would be a focal point for factions and could be unexpectedly elevated to power by the unpredictable masses. Therefore, he resorted to the most deceitful methods to bring about Boabdil's downfall. He sent envoys to him, arguing for the need for unity to save the kingdom and even offering to give up the title of king to become his subject in exchange for a land where he could live in peace. But while the envoys carried these messages of peace, they were secretly equipped with poisoned herbs to administer to Boabdil. If that plan failed, they had promised to kill him openly while talking to him. They were driven to this treachery by promises of significant rewards and assurances from the alfaquis that Boabdil was a heretic whose death would be favored by Heaven.
The young monarch was secretly apprised of the concerted treason, and refused an audience to the ambassadors. He denounced his uncle as the murderer of his father and his kindred and the usurper of his throne, and vowed never to relent in hostility to him until he should place his head on the walls of the Alhambra.
The young king was secretly informed about the planned betrayal and turned down the ambassadors' request for an audience. He accused his uncle of being the murderer of his father and family and the thief of his throne, and he swore never to back down from his hostility until he placed his head on the walls of the Alhambra.
Open war again broke out between the two monarchs, though feebly carried on in consequence of their mutual embarrassments. Ferdinand again extended his assistance to Boabdil, ordering the commanders of his fortresses to aid him in all enterprises against his uncle, and against such places as refused to acknowledge him as king; and Don Juan de Bonavides, who commanded in Lorca, even made inroads in his name into the territories of Almeria, Baza, and Guadix, which owned allegiance to El Zagal.
Open war broke out again between the two kings, although it was carried out weakly due to their shared difficulties. Ferdinand once more offered his support to Boabdil, instructing the commanders of his fortresses to help him in all efforts against his uncle and against any places that did not recognize him as king. Don Juan de Bonavides, who was in charge in Lorca, even launched attacks in his name into the regions of Almeria, Baza, and Guadix, which were loyal to El Zagal.
The unfortunate Boabdil had three great evils to contend with—the inconstancy of his subjects, the hostility of his uncle, and the friendship of Ferdinand. The last was by far the most baneful: his fortunes withered under it. He was looked upon as the enemy of his faith and of his country. The cities shut their gates against him; the people cursed him; even the scanty band of cavaliers who had hitherto followed his ill-starred banner began to desert him, for he had not wherewithal to reward nor even to support them. His spirits sank with his fortune, and he feared that in a little time he should not have a spot of earth whereon to plant his standard nor an adherent to rally under it.
The unfortunate Boabdil faced three major problems—the unpredictability of his subjects, the animosity of his uncle, and the alliance with Ferdinand. The last was by far the most damaging: his fortunes dwindled because of it. He was seen as the enemy of his faith and his country. The cities closed their gates to him; the people cursed him; even the few knights who had followed his doomed banner began to abandon him, as he had nothing to reward or even support them. His spirits fell along with his fortunes, and he feared that soon he wouldn't have a piece of land to plant his flag or anyone left to rally around it.
In the midst of his despondency he received a message from his lion-hearted mother, the sultana Ayxa la Horra. It was brought by the steadfast adherent to their fortunes, Aben Comixa. “For shame,” said she, “to linger timorously about the borders of your kingdom when a usurper is seated in your capital! Why look abroad for perfidious aid when you have loyal hearts beating true to you in Granada? The Albaycin is ready to throw open its gates to receive you. Strike home vigorously—a sudden blow may mend all or make an end. A throne or a grave!—for a king there is no honorable medium.”
In the midst of his sadness, he got a message from his brave mother, the sultana Ayxa la Horra. It was delivered by Aben Comixa, his loyal supporter. “Shame on you,” she said, “for hesitating on the edges of your kingdom while a usurper sits in your capital! Why seek treacherous help from outside when you have loyal supporters right here in Granada? The Albaycin is ready to open its gates to welcome you. Act decisively—a sudden move could change everything or end it all. It’s either the throne or the grave! For a king, there’s no honorable middle ground.”
Boabdil was of an undecided character, but there are circumstances which bring the most wavering to a decision, and when once resolved they are apt to act with a daring impulse unknown to steadier judgments. The message of the sultana roused him from a dream. Granada, beautiful Granada, with its stately Alhambra, its delicious gardens, its gushing and limpid fountains sparkling among groves of orange, citron, and myrtle, rose before him. “What have I done,” exclaimed he, “that I should be an exile from this paradise of my forefathers—a wanderer and fugitive in my own kingdom, while a murderous usurper sits proudly upon my throne? Surely Allah will befriend the righteous cause; one blow, and all may be my own.”
Boabdil was indecisive, but some situations can push even the most uncertain people to make a choice, and once they do, they can act with a boldness that more stable minds might not understand. The sultana's message pulled him from his thoughts. Granada, stunning Granada, with its majestic Alhambra, lovely gardens, and clear, sparkling fountains among orange, lemon, and myrtle trees, appeared before him. “What have I done,” he exclaimed, “that I should be exiled from this paradise of my ancestors—wandering and fleeing in my own kingdom while a murderous usurper sits proudly on my throne? Surely, Allah will support the righteous cause; one strike, and everything could be mine.”
He summoned his scanty band of cavaliers. “Who is ready to follow his monarch unto the death?” said he; and every one laid his hand upon his scimetar. “Enough!” said he; “let each man arm himself and prepare his steed in secret for an enterprise of toil and peril; if we succeed, our reward is empire.”
He gathered his small group of knights. “Who is ready to follow their king to the death?” he asked, and everyone placed their hand on their sword. “That’s enough!” he said; “let each man equip himself and secretly get his horse ready for a mission of hard work and danger; if we succeed, our reward will be power.”
“In the hand of God,” exclaimed an old Arabian chronicler, “is the destiny of princes; he alone giveth empire. A Moorish horseman, mounted on a fleet Arabian steed, was one day traversing the mountains which extended between Granada and the frontier of Murcia. He galloped swiftly through the valleys, but paused and looked out cautiously from the summit of every height. A squadron of cavaliers followed warily at a distance. There were fifty lances. The richness of their armor and attire showed them to be warriors of noble rank, and their leader had a lofty and prince-like demeanor.” The squadron thus described by the Arabian chronicler was the Moorish king Boabdil and his devoted followers.
“In the hand of God,” exclaimed an old Arabian chronicler, “is the destiny of princes; He alone grants empires. One day, a Moorish horseman riding a swift Arabian steed was crossing the mountains between Granada and the Murcia border. He galloped quickly through the valleys but paused to look out carefully from the top of every height. A squadron of horsemen followed cautiously at a distance. There were fifty lances. The richness of their armor and outfits revealed them to be warriors of noble rank, and their leader had a commanding and regal presence.” The squadron described by the Arabian chronicler was the Moorish king Boabdil and his loyal followers.
For two nights and a day they pursued their adventurous journey, avoiding all populous parts of the country and choosing the most solitary passes of the mountains. They suffered severe hardships and fatigues, but suffered without a murmur: they were accustomed to rugged campaigning, and their steeds were of generous and unyielding spirit. It was midnight, and all was dark and silent as they descended from the mountains and approached the city of Granada. They passed along quietly under the shadow of its walls, until they arrived near the gate of the Albaycin. Here Boabdil ordered his followers to halt and remain concealed. Taking but four or five with him, he advanced resolutely to the gate and knocked with the hilt of his scimetar. The guards demanded who sought to enter at that unseasonable hour. “Your king!” exclaimed Boabdil; “open the gate and admit him!”
For two nights and a day, they continued their adventurous journey, steering clear of populated areas and opting for the most remote mountain passes. They faced tough challenges and exhaustion but endured without complaints; they were used to hard campaigning, and their horses were strong and resilient. It was midnight, and everything was dark and quiet as they descended from the mountains and neared the city of Granada. They quietly moved under the shadow of its walls until they reached the gate of the Albaycin. Here, Boabdil instructed his followers to stop and stay hidden. Taking only four or five with him, he confidently approached the gate and knocked with the hilt of his scimitar. The guards asked who was attempting to enter at such an unusual hour. “Your king!” Boabdil shouted; “open the gate and let him in!”
The guards held forth a light and recognized the person of the youthful monarch. They were struck with sudden awe and threw open the gates, and Boabdil and his followers entered unmolested. They galloped to the dwellings of the principal inhabitants of the Albaycin, thundering at their portals and summoning them to arise and take arms for their rightful sovereign. The summons was instantly obeyed: trumpets resounded throughout the streets—the gleam of torches and the flash of arms showed the Moors hurrying to their gathering-places; by daybreak the whole force of the Albaycin was rallied under the standard of Boabdil, and Aben Comixa was made alcayde of the fortress. Such was the success of this sudden and desperate act of the young monarch, for we are assured by contemporary historians that there had been no previous concert or arrangement. “As the guards opened the gates of the city to admit him,” observes a pious chronicler, “so God opened the hearts of the Moors to receive him as their king.” *
The guards held up a light and recognized the young monarch. They were suddenly filled with awe and opened the gates wide, allowing Boabdil and his followers to enter without interference. They rode quickly to the homes of the key residents of the Albaycin, banging on their doors and calling them to wake up and take up arms for their rightful king. The call was immediately answered: trumpets sounded through the streets—the light of torches and the glint of weapons revealed the Moors rushing to their meeting places; by dawn, the entire force of the Albaycin was gathered under Boabdil’s banner, and Aben Comixa was appointed as the commander of the fortress. This was the outcome of the young king's sudden and bold action, as contemporary historians confirm there had been no prior planning or coordination. “As the guards opened the gates of the city to let him in,” notes a devout chronicler, “so God opened the hearts of the Moors to accept him as their king.”
* Pulgar.
In the morning early the tidings of this event roused El Zagal from his slumbers in the Alhambra. The fiery old warrior assembled his guard in haste and made his way, sword in hand, to the Albaycin, hoping to come upon his nephew by surprise. He was vigorously met by Boabdil and his adherents, and driven back into the quarter of the Alhambra. An encounter took place between the two kings in the square before the principal mosque; here they fought hand to hand with implacable fury, as though it had been agreed to decide their competition for the crown by single combat. In the tumult of this chance-medley affray, however, they were separated, and the party of El Zagal was ultimately driven from the square.
Early in the morning, the news of this event woke El Zagal from his sleep in the Alhambra. The fiery old warrior quickly gathered his guards and headed, sword in hand, to the Albaycin, hoping to catch his nephew off guard. He was met fiercely by Boabdil and his followers, who pushed him back into the Alhambra. A confrontation occurred between the two kings in the square in front of the main mosque; here, they fought fiercely in hand-to-hand combat, as if it had been decided that their competition for the crown would be settled through single combat. However, in the chaos of this unexpected clash, they were eventually separated, and El Zagal's party was ultimately driven from the square.
The battle raged for some time in the streets and places of the city, but, finding their powers of mischief cramped within such narrow limits, both parties sallied forth into the fields and fought beneath the walls until evening. Many fell on both sides, and at night each party withdrew into its quarter until the morning gave them light to renew the unnatural conflict. For several days the two grand divisions of the city remained like hostile powers arrayed against each other. The party of the Alhambra was more numerous than that of the Albaycin, and contained most of the nobility and chivalry; but the adherents of Boabdil were men hardened and strengthened by labor and habitually skilled in the exercise of arms.
The battle went on for a while in the streets and public spaces of the city, but, feeling restricted by the tight confines, both sides ventured out into the fields and fought beneath the walls until evening. Many were lost on both sides, and at night each group retreated to their own area until morning brought them light to continue the fierce conflict. For several days, the two main factions of the city stood like opposing forces ready to clash. The Alhambra side had more people than the Albaycin, including most of the nobility and knights; however, Boabdil's followers were toughened and strengthened by their hard work and were already experienced in combat.
The Albaycin underwent a kind of siege by the forces of El Zagal; they effected breaches in the walls, and made repeated attempts to carry it sword in hand, but were as often repulsed. The troops of Boabdil, on the other hand, made frequent sallies, and in the conflicts which took place the hatred of the combatants arose to such a pitch of fury that no quarter was given on either side.
The Albaycin was sort of under siege by El Zagal's forces; they broke through the walls and made several attempts to take it by force, but they were pushed back each time. Boabdil's troops, on the other hand, frequently charged out, and during the clashes, the fighters’ anger escalated to the point where neither side showed mercy.
Boabdil perceived the inferiority of his force; he dreaded also that his adherents, being for the most part tradesmen and artisans, would become impatient of this interruption of their gainful occupations and disheartened by these continual scenes of carnage. He sent missives, therefore, in all haste to Don Fadrique de Toledo, who commanded the Christian forces on the frontier, entreating his assistance.
Boabdil recognized that his troops were outmatched; he was also worried that his supporters, mostly merchants and craftsmen, would get frustrated with the disruption to their profitable businesses and become disheartened by the ongoing violence. So, he quickly sent messages to Don Fadrique de Toledo, who was in charge of the Christian forces on the border, asking for his help.
Don Fadrique had received instructions from the politic Ferdinand to aid the youthful monarch in all his contests with his uncle. He advanced with a body of troops near to Granada. The moment Boabdil discerned, from the towers of the Albaycin, the Christian banners and lances winding round the base of the mountain of Elvira, he sallied forth to meet them, escorted by a squadron of Abencerrages under Aben Comixa. El Zagal, who was equally on the alert, and apprised that the Christian troops came in aid of his nephew, likewise sallied forth and drew up his troops in battle array. Don Fadrique, wary lest some treachery should be intended, halted among some plantations of olives, retained Boabdil by his side, and signified his wish that Aben Comixa would advance with his squadron and offer battle to the old king. The provocation was given, but El Zagal maintained his position. He threw out some light parties, however, which skirmished with the Abencerrages of Aben Comixa, after which he caused his trumpets to sound a recall, and retired into the city, mortified, it is said, that the Christian cavaliers should witness these fratricidal discords between true believers.
Don Fadrique had been instructed by the political Ferdinand to support the young king in all his battles against his uncle. He moved his troops close to Granada. As soon as Boabdil saw the Christian banners and lances from the towers of the Albaycin winding around the base of the Elvira mountain, he rushed out to confront them, accompanied by a group of Abencerrages led by Aben Comixa. El Zagal, who was also prepared and aware that the Christian troops were there to support his nephew, similarly marched out and lined up his forces for battle. Don Fadrique, cautious of potential treachery, halted among some olive groves, kept Boabdil by his side, and expressed his desire for Aben Comixa to lead his squadron and challenge the old king. The challenge was issued, but El Zagal held his ground. However, he sent out some light troops that skirmished with Aben Comixa's Abencerrages, after which he ordered his trumpets to sound a recall and retreated into the city, reportedly upset that the Christian knights were witnessing these fratricidal conflicts among true believers.
Don Fadrique, still distrustful, drew off to a distance, and encamped for the night near the bridge of Cabillas.
Don Fadrique, still suspicious, pulled away to a distance and set up camp for the night near the Cabillas bridge.
Early in the morning a Moorish cavalier with an escort approached the advance guard, and his trumpets sounded a parley. He craved an audience as an envoy from El Zagal, and was admitted to the tent of Don Fadrique. El Zagal had learnt that the Christian troops had come to aid his nephew, and now offered to enter into an alliance with them on terms still more advantageous than those of Boabdil. The wary Don Fadrique listened to the Moor with apparent complacency, but determined to send one of his most intrepid and discreet cavaliers, under the protection of a flag, to hold a conference with the old king within the very walls of the Alhambra. The officer chosen for this important mission was Don Juan de Vera, the same stanch and devout cavalier who in times preceding the war had borne the message from the Castilian sovereigns to old Muley Abul Hassan demanding arrears of tribute. Don Juan was received with great ceremony by the king. No records remain of his diplomatic negotiations, but they extended into the night, and, it being too late to return to camp, he was sumptuously lodged in an apartment of the Alhambra. In the morning one of the courtiers about the palace, somewhat given to jest and raillery, invited Don Juan to a ceremony which some of the alfaquis were about to celebrate in the mosque of the palace. The religious punctilio of this most discreet cavalier immediately took umbrage at what he conceived a banter. “The servants of Queen Isabella of Castile,” replied he, stiffly and sternly, “who bear on their armor the cross of St. Jago, never enter the temples of Mahomet but to level them to the earth and trample on them.”
Early in the morning, a Moorish knight with an escort approached the advance guard, and his trumpets signaled a parley. He requested a meeting as an envoy from El Zagal and was granted entry to Don Fadrique's tent. El Zagal had learned that the Christian troops had come to support his nephew and now proposed an alliance with even better terms than those offered by Boabdil. The cautious Don Fadrique listened to the Moor with a calm demeanor but decided to send one of his boldest and most discreet knights, under the protection of a flag, to hold a meeting with the old king within the walls of the Alhambra. The officer selected for this important task was Don Juan de Vera, the same loyal and devout knight who, before the war, had delivered a message from the Castilian monarchs to old Muley Abul Hassan demanding overdue tribute. Don Juan was received with great ceremony by the king. No records remain of his diplomatic talks, but they lasted into the night, and, since it was too late to return to camp, he was comfortably accommodated in a room in the Alhambra. In the morning, a courtier at the palace, known for his joking and teasing, invited Don Juan to a ceremony that some of the alfaquis were about to hold in the mosque of the palace. The religious sensibilities of this most discreet knight were immediately offended by what he perceived as mockery. “The servants of Queen Isabella of Castile,” he replied stiffly and sternly, “who bear the cross of St. Jago on their armor, never enter the temples of Mahomet except to bring them down and trample on them.”
The Moslem courtier retired somewhat disconcerted by this Catholic but not very courteous reply, and reported it to a renegado of Antiquera. The latter, eager, like all renegados, to show devotion to his newly-adopted creed, volunteered to return with the courtier and have a tilt of words with the testy diplomatist. They found Don Juan playing a game of chess with the alcayde of the Alhambra, and took occasion to indulge in sportive comments on some of the mysteries of the Christian religion. The ire of this devout knight and discreet ambassador began to kindle, but he restrained it within the limits of lofty gravity. “You would do well,” said he, “to cease talking about what you do not understand.” This only provoked light attacks of the witlings, until one of them dared to make some degrading and obscene comparison between the Blessed Virgin and Amina, the mother of Mahomet. In an instant Don Juan sprang to his feet, dashed chess-board and chess-men aside, and, drawing his sword, dealt, says the curate of los Palacios, such a “fermosa cuchillada” (such a handsome slash) across the head of the blaspheming Moor as felled him to the earth. The renegado, seeing his comrade fall, fled for his life, making the halls and galleries ring with his outcries. Guards, pages, and attendants rushed in, but Don Juan kept them at bay until the appearance of the king restored order. On inquiring into the cause of the affray he acted with proper discrimination. Don Juan was held sacred as an ambassador, and the renegado was severely punished for having compromised the hospitality of the royal palace.
The Muslim courtier left feeling somewhat unsettled by this Catholic but not very polite response and reported it to a renegade from Antiquera. The latter, eager like all renegades to show loyalty to his newly-adopted faith, offered to go back with the courtier and have a word battle with the cranky diplomat. They found Don Juan playing chess with the alcayde of the Alhambra and took the chance to make playful remarks about some of the mysteries of the Christian faith. The anger of this devout knight and discreet ambassador began to rise, but he held it back with dignified seriousness. “You should stop talking about things you don’t understand,” he said. This only led to light teasing from the jesters until one of them dared to make a degrading and obscene comparison between the Blessed Virgin and Amina, the mother of Muhammad. In an instant, Don Juan jumped to his feet, knocked the chessboard and pieces aside, and, drawing his sword, struck what the curate of los Palacios describes as such a "beautiful slash" across the head of the blaspheming Moor that it knocked him to the ground. The renegade, seeing his friend fall, ran for his life, making the halls and galleries echo with his cries. Guards, pages, and attendants rushed in, but Don Juan kept them back until the king appeared to restore order. When the king asked about the cause of the fight, he acted with appropriate discernment. Don Juan was regarded as sacred as an ambassador, and the renegade was severely punished for compromising the hospitality of the royal palace.
The tumult in the Alhambra, however, soon caused a more dangerous tumult in the city. It was rumored that Christians had been introduced into the palace with some treasonable design. The populace caught up arms and ascended in throngs to the Gate of Justice, demanding the death of all Christian spies and those who had introduced them. This was no time to reason with an infuriate mob, when the noise of their clamors might bring the garrison of the Albaycin to back them. Nothing was left for El Zagal but to furnish Don Juan with a disguise, a swift horse, and an escort, and to let him out of the Alhambra by a private gate. It was a sore grievance to the stately cavalier to have to submit to these expedients, but there was no alternative. In Moorish disguise he passed through crowds that were clamoring for his head, and, once out of the gate of the city, gave reins to his horse, nor ceased spurring until he found himself safe under the banners of Don Fadrique.
The chaos in the Alhambra quickly led to a more dangerous uproar in the city. Rumors spread that Christians had infiltrated the palace with a treasonous plan. The crowd armed themselves and surged toward the Gate of Justice, demanding the execution of all Christian spies and those who had brought them in. This was not the time to reason with a furious mob, as their shouting could draw the garrison from the Albaycin to support them. El Zagal had no choice but to provide Don Juan with a disguise, a fast horse, and an escort, allowing him to leave the Alhambra through a private gate. It was a bitter pill for the noble knight to have to resort to such measures, but there was no other option. In Moorish disguise, he navigated through crowds screaming for his blood, and once he was out of the city gate, he urged his horse onward, not stopping until he was safely under the banners of Don Fadrique.
Thus ended the second embassy of Don Juan de Vera, less stately but more perilous than the first. Don Fadrique extolled his prowess, whatever he may have thought of his discretion, and rewarded him with a superb horse, while at the same time he wrote a letter to El Zagal thanking him for the courtesy and protection he had observed to his ambassador. Queen Isabella also was particularly delighted with the piety of Don Juan and his promptness in vindicating the immaculate character of the Blessed Virgin, and, besides conferring on him various honorable distinctions, made him a royal present of three hundred thousand maravedis.*
Thus ended the second mission of Don Juan de Vera, less grand but more dangerous than the first. Don Fadrique praised his bravery, no matter what he might have thought of his judgment, and rewarded him with a magnificent horse. At the same time, he wrote a letter to El Zagal thanking him for the kindness and protection he showed to his ambassador. Queen Isabella was particularly pleased with Don Juan's devotion and his quick defense of the pure character of the Blessed Virgin. Besides giving him several honors, she also gifted him a royal sum of three hundred thousand maravedis.*
* Alcantara, Hist. Granad., vol. 3, c. 17, apud De Harro, Nobiliario Genealogico, lib. 5, cap. 15.
* Alcantara, Hist. Granad., vol. 3, c. 17, apud De Harro, Nobiliario Genealogico, lib. 5, cap. 15.
The report brought by this cavalier of affairs in Granada, together with the preceding skirmishings between the Moorish factions before the walls, convinced Don Fadrique that there was no collusion between the monarchs: on returning to his frontier post, therefore, he sent Boabdil a reinforcement of Christian foot-soldiers and arquebusiers, under Fernan Alvarez de Sotomayor, alcayde of Colomera. This was as a firebrand thrown in to light up anew the flames of war in the city, which remained raging between the Moorish inhabitants for the space of fifty days.
The report brought by this envoy from Granada, along with the earlier clashes between the Moorish factions outside the walls, convinced Don Fadrique that there was no conspiracy between the kings. Upon returning to his post at the border, he sent Boabdil a reinforcement of Christian foot soldiers and arquebusiers, led by Fernan Alvarez de Sotomayor, the governor of Colomera. This was like throwing a match into the fire, reigniting the flames of war in the city, which continued to rage among the Moorish residents for fifty days.
Hitherto the events of this renowned war have been little else than a succession of brilliant but brief exploits, such as sudden forays, wild skirmishes among the mountains, and the surprisals of castles, fortresses, and frontier towns. We approach now to more important and prolonged operations, in which ancient and mighty cities, the bulwarks of Granada, were invested by powerful armies, subdued by slow and regular sieges, and thus the capital left naked and alone.
Up until now, the events of this famous war have mainly been a series of impressive but short-lived actions, like quick raids, chaotic battles in the mountains, and surprise attacks on castles, fortresses, and border towns. We're now heading into more significant and extended operations, where ancient and powerful cities, the strongholds of Granada, were besieged by large armies, conquered through slow and methodical sieges, leaving the capital vulnerable and isolated.
The glorious triumphs of the Christian sovereigns (says Fray Antonio Agapida) had resounded throughout the East and filled all heathenesse with alarm. The Grand Turk, Bajazet II., and his deadly foe, the grand soldan of Egypt, suspending for a time their bloody feuds, entered into a league to protect the religion of Mahomet and the kingdom of Granada from the hostilities of the Christians. It was concerted between them that Bajazet should send a powerful armada against the island of Sicily, then appertaining to the Spanish Crown, for the purpose of distracting the attention of the Castilian sovereigns, while at the same time great bodies of troops should be poured into Granada from the opposite coast of Africa.
The impressive victories of the Christian rulers (says Fray Antonio Agapida) were heard throughout the East and caused panic among all non-believers. The Grand Turk, Bajazet II, and his fierce rival, the Grand Sultan of Egypt, paused their bloody conflicts to form an alliance to defend the religion of Muhammad and the kingdom of Granada from Christian attacks. They agreed that Bajazet would send a strong fleet against the island of Sicily, which was then part of the Spanish Crown, to distract the attention of the Castilian rulers, while at the same time, large numbers of troops would be sent into Granada from the opposite coast of Africa.
Ferdinand and Isabella received timely intelligence of these designs. They resolved at once to carry the war into the sea-board of Granada, to possess themselves of its ports, and thus, as it were, to bar the gates of the kingdom against all external aid. Malaga was to be the main object of attack: it was the principal seaport of the kingdom, and almost necessary to its existence. It had long been the seat of opulent commerce, sending many ships to the coasts of Syria and Egypt. It was also the great channel of communication with Africa, through which were introduced supplies of money, troops, arms, and steeds from Tunis, Tripoli, Fez, Tremezan, and other Barbary powers. It was emphatically called, therefore, “the hand and mouth of Granada.” Before laying siege to this redoubtable city, however, it was deemed necessary to secure the neighboring city of Velez Malaga and its dependent places, which might otherwise harass the besieging army.
Ferdinand and Isabella received urgent information about these plans. They decided right away to take the war to the coastline of Granada, aiming to capture its ports and effectively block the kingdom from any outside support. Malaga was to be the main target of their attack; it was the key seaport of the kingdom and almost crucial for its survival. For a long time, it had been a hub of wealthy trade, sending many ships to the shores of Syria and Egypt. It was also the primary route for communication with Africa, through which money, troops, weapons, and horses were brought in from Tunis, Tripoli, Fez, Tremezan, and other North African powers. It was therefore often referred to as “the hand and mouth of Granada.” However, before laying siege to this formidable city, it was considered necessary to secure the nearby city of Velez Malaga and its surrounding areas, as they could potentially disrupt the besieging army.
For this important campaign the nobles of the kingdom were again summoned to take the field with their forces in the spring of 1487. The menaced invasion of the infidel powers of the East had awakened new ardor in the bosoms of all true Christian knights, and so zealously did they respond to the summons of the sovereigns that an army of twenty thousand cavalry and fifty thousand foot, the flower of Spanish warriors, led by the bravest of Spanish cavaliers, thronged the renowned city of Cordova at the appointed time.
For this crucial campaign, the nobles of the kingdom were once again called to join their forces in the spring of 1487. The threatened invasion by the infidel powers from the East had ignited new passion in the hearts of all true Christian knights, and they responded so eagerly to the call of their leaders that an army of twenty thousand cavalry and fifty thousand foot soldiers, the best of Spanish warriors, gathered in the famous city of Cordova at the designated time.
On the night before this mighty host set forth upon its march an earthquake shook the city. The inhabitants, awakened by the shaking of the walls and rocking of the towers, fled to the courts and squares, fearing to be overwhelmed by the ruins of their dwellings. The earthquake was most violent in the quarter of the royal residence, the site of the ancient palace of the Moorish kings. Many looked upon this as an omen of some impending evil; but Fray Antonio Agapida, in that infallible spirit of divination which succeeds an event, plainly reads in it a presage that the empire of the Moors was about to be shaken to its centre.
On the night before this huge army set out on its march, an earthquake shook the city. The residents, jolted awake by the trembling walls and swaying towers, rushed to the courtyards and plazas, terrified of being crushed by the collapsing buildings. The earthquake was strongest in the area of the royal residence, where the ancient palace of the Moorish kings once stood. Many viewed this as a sign of some upcoming disaster; however, Fray Antonio Agapida, with that unmistakable insight that comes after an event, clearly interpreted it as a warning that the Moorish empire was about to be shaken to its core.
It was on Saturday, the eve of the Sunday of Palms (says a worthy and loyal chronicler of the time), that the most Catholic monarch departed with his army to render service to Heaven and make war upon the Moors.* Heavy rains had swelled all the streams and rendered the roads deep and difficult. The king, therefore, divided his host into two bodies. In one he put all the artillery, guarded by a strong body of horse, and commanded by the master of Alcantara and Martin Alonso, senior of Montemayor. This division was to proceed by the road through the valleys, where pasturage abounded for the oxen which drew the ordnance.
It was Saturday, the day before Palm Sunday (according to a reliable chronicler of that time), when the most Catholic king left with his army to serve Heaven and wage war against the Moors.* Heavy rains had swollen all the streams, making the roads muddy and difficult. So, the king split his forces into two groups. In one, he placed all the artillery, protected by a strong cavalry, and led by the master of Alcantara and Martin Alonso, senior of Montemayor. This group was set to take the route through the valleys, where there was plenty of grazing for the oxen pulling the cannon.
* Pulgar, Cronica de los Reyes Catholicos.
* Pulgar, Chronicle of the Catholic Monarchs.
The main body of the army was led by the king in person. It was divided into numerous battalions, each commanded by some distinguished cavalier. The king took the rough and perilous road of the mountains, and few mountains are more rugged and difficult than those of Andalusia. The roads are mere mule-paths straggling amidst rocks and along the verge of precipices, clambering vast craggy heights, or descending into frightful chasms and ravines, with scanty and uncertain foothold for either man or steed. Four thousand pioneers were sent in advance, under the alcayde de los Donceles, to conquer in some degree the asperities of the road. Some had pickaxes and crowbars to break the rocks, others had implements to construct bridges over the mountain-torrents, while it was the duty of others to lay stepping-stones in the smaller streams. As the country was inhabited by fierce Moorish mountaineers, Don Diego de Castrillo was despatched with a body of horse and foot to take possession of the heights and passes. Notwithstanding every precaution, the royal army suffered excessively on its march. At one time there was no place to encamp for five leagues of the most toilsome and mountainous country, and many of the beasts of burden sank down and perished on the road.
The main part of the army was led by the king himself. It was divided into several battalions, each led by a notable knight. The king took the tough and dangerous path through the mountains, and few mountains are as rugged and challenging as those in Andalusia. The roads were just narrow mule-paths winding through rocks and alongside steep cliffs, climbing up craggy heights or dropping into deep chasms and ravines, with little and uncertain footing for both people and horses. Four thousand pioneers were sent ahead, under the command of the alcayde de los Donceles, to manage the difficulties of the road. Some had pickaxes and crowbars to break the rocks, others had tools to build bridges over the mountain streams, while it was the responsibility of others to lay down stepping-stones in the smaller streams. Since the area was home to fierce Moorish mountain dwellers, Don Diego de Castrillo was sent with a group of cavalry and infantry to secure the heights and passes. Despite all precautions, the royal army suffered greatly during their march. At one point, there was no place to camp for five leagues in the most arduous and mountainous terrain, and many of the pack animals collapsed and died along the way.
It was with the greatest joy, therefore, that the royal army emerged from these stern and frightful defiles, and came to where they looked down upon the vega of Velez Malaga. The region before them was one of the most delectable to the eye that ever was ravaged by an army. Sheltered from every rude blast by a screen of mountains, and sloping and expanding to the south, this lovely valley was quickened by the most generous sunshine, watered by the silver meanderings of the Velez, and refreshed by cooling breezes from the Mediterranean. The sloping hills were covered with vineyards and olive trees; the distant fields waved with grain or were verdant with pasturage; while round the city were delightful gardens, the favorite retreats of the Moors, where their white pavilions gleamed among groves of oranges, citrons, and pomegranates, and were surrounded by stately palms—those plants of southern growth bespeaking a generous climate and a cloudless sky.
It was with great joy that the royal army came out of those harsh and terrifying passes and looked down at the vega of Velez Malaga. The area before them was one of the most beautiful that had ever been devastated by an army. Protected from strong winds by a range of mountains and stretching out to the south, this stunning valley was filled with bright sunshine, watered by the silver winding river Velez, and cooled by refreshing breezes from the Mediterranean. The rolling hills were dotted with vineyards and olive trees; the distant fields swayed with grain or were lush with grasslands, while around the city were charming gardens, the favorite retreats of the Moors, where their white pavilions shone among groves of oranges, lemons, and pomegranates, surrounded by tall palm trees—those tropical plants symbolizing a rich climate and a clear sky.
In the upper part of this delightful valley the city of Velez Malaga reared its warrior battlements in stern contrast to the landscape. It was built on the declivity of a steep and insulated hill, and strongly fortified by walls and towers. The crest of the hill rose high above the town into a mere crag, inaccessible on every other side, and crowned by a powerful castle, which domineered over the surrounding country. Two suburbs swept down into the valley from the skirts of the town, and were defended by bulwarks and deep ditches. The vast ranges of gray mountains, often capped with clouds, which rose to the north, were inhabited by a hardy and warlike race, whose strong fortresses of Comares, Canillas, Competa, and Benamargosa frowned down from cragged heights.
In the upper part of this lovely valley, the city of Velez Malaga stood with its imposing fortifications, sharply contrasting with the landscape. It was built on the slope of a steep, isolated hill and was strongly defended by walls and towers. The top of the hill rose high above the town into a rocky outcrop, which was inaccessible on all sides and topped by a powerful castle that overlooked the surrounding area. Two suburbs extended into the valley from the edges of the town and were protected by strong walls and deep ditches. The vast ranges of gray mountains, often shrouded in clouds, to the north were home to a tough and combative people, whose strongholds in Comares, Canillas, Competa, and Benamargosa loomed from rugged heights.
When the Christian host arrived in sight of this valley, a squadron was hovering on the smooth sea before it displaying the banner of Castile. This was commanded by the count of Trevento, and consisted of four armed galleys, convoying a number of caravels laden with supplies for the army.
When the Christian troops reached the edge of this valley, a squadron was hovering on the calm sea in front of it, showing the banner of Castile. This was led by the count of Trevento and included four armed galleys, escorting several caravels filled with supplies for the army.
After surveying the ground, King Ferdinand encamped on the side of a mountain which advanced close to the city, and was the last of a rugged sierra, or chain of heights, that extended quite to Granada. On the summit of this mountain, and overlooking the camp, was a Moorish town, powerfully fortified, called Bentomiz, considered capable of yielding great assistance to Velez Malaga. Several of the generals remonstrated with the king for choosing a post so exposed to assaults from the mountaineers, but he replied that he should thus cut off all communication between Bentomiz and the city, and that, as to the danger, his soldiers must keep the more vigilant guard against surprise.
After assessing the area, King Ferdinand set up camp on the side of a mountain that was close to the city and was the last of a rugged range that stretched all the way to Granada. At the top of this mountain, overlooking the camp, was a well-fortified Moorish town called Bentomiz, which was believed to be a significant resource for Velez Malaga. Several of the generals protested to the king about picking a location so vulnerable to attacks from the mountain people, but he responded that this would block all communication between Bentomiz and the city, and that regarding the danger, his soldiers needed to remain especially alert for any surprises.
King Ferdinand rode about, attended by several cavaliers and a small number of cuirassiers, appointing the various stations of the camp. Having directed a body of foot-soldiers to possess themselves, as an advanced guard, of an important height which overlooked the city, he retired to a tent to take refreshment. While at table he was startled by a sudden uproar, and, looking forth, beheld his soldiers flying before a superior force of the enemy. The king had on no other armor but a cuirass: seizing a lance, however, he sprang upon his horse and galloped to protect the fugitives, followed by his handful of knights and cuirassiers. When the soldiers saw the king hastening to their aid, they turned upon their pursuers. Ferdinand in his eagerness threw himself into the midst of the foe. One of his grooms was killed beside him, but before the Moor who slew him could escape the king transfixed him with his lance. He then sought to draw his sword, which hung at his saddle-bow, but in vain. Never had he been exposed to such peril; he was surrounded by the enemy without a weapon wherewith to defend himself.
King Ferdinand rode around with several knights and a few cuirassiers, organizing the camp’s various positions. After directing a group of foot soldiers to take an important hill overlooking the city as an advanced guard, he went to a tent to have something to eat. While he was at the table, he was startled by a sudden commotion and, looking out, saw his soldiers fleeing from a larger enemy force. The king was wearing only a cuirass; however, he grabbed a lance, jumped on his horse, and raced to help the fleeing soldiers, followed by his small group of knights and cuirassiers. When the soldiers saw the king rushing to their aid, they turned back to fight their pursuers. In his eagerness, Ferdinand plunged into the midst of the enemy. One of his grooms was killed beside him, but before the Moor who killed him could escape, the king impaled him with his lance. He then tried to draw his sword, which was hanging at his saddle, but he couldn’t. He had never faced such danger before; he was surrounded by the enemy with no weapon to defend himself.
In this moment of awful jeopardy the marques of Cadiz, the count de Cabra, the adelantado of Murcia, with two other cavaliers, named Garcilasso de la Vega and Diego de Atayde, came galloping to the scene of action, and, surrounding the king, made a rampart of their bodies against the assaults of the Moors. The horse of the marques was pierced by an arrow, and that worthy cavalier exposed to imminent danger; but with the aid of his valorous companions he quickly put the enemy to flight, and pursued them with slaughter to the very gates of the city.
In this moment of great danger, the Marquis of Cadiz, the Count of Cabra, the Adelantado of Murcia, and two other knights named Garcilasso de la Vega and Diego de Atayde rode in quickly to the scene. They surrounded the king, forming a barrier with their bodies against the attacks from the Moors. The Marquis's horse was struck by an arrow, putting him in serious peril; however, with the help of his brave companions, he swiftly drove the enemy away and chased them down, continuing the fight right to the city gates.
When those loyal warriors returned from the pursuit they remonstrated with the king for exposing his life in personal conflict, seeing that he had so many valiant captains whose business it was to fight. They reminded him that the life of a prince was the life of his people, and that many a brave army was lost by the loss of its commander. They entreated him, therefore, in future to protect them with the force of his mind in the cabinet, rather than of his arm in the field.
When the loyal warriors came back from the pursuit, they argued with the king for putting his life at risk in personal combat, considering he had so many brave captains whose job it was to fight. They pointed out that the life of a prince is tied to the life of his people and that many a courageous army has been lost because of the loss of its leader. They urged him to protect them in the future with his intellect in decision-making rather than his strength on the battlefield.
Ferdinand acknowledged the wisdom of their advice, but declared that he could not see his people in peril without venturing his person to assist them—a reply (say the old chroniclers) which delighted the whole army, inasmuch as they saw that he not only governed them as a good king, but protected them as a valiant captain. He, however, was conscious of the extreme peril to which he had been exposed, and made a vow never again to venture into battle without having his sword girt to his side.*
Ferdinand recognized the wisdom of their advice but insisted that he couldn't watch his people in danger without putting himself at risk to help them—a response (as the old chroniclers say) that thrilled the entire army, since they realized he not only ruled them as a good king but also defended them as a brave leader. However, he was aware of the serious danger he had faced and vowed never to go into battle again without having his sword at his side.*
* Illescas, Hist. Pontif., lib. 6, c. 20; Vedmar, Hist. Velez Malaga.
* Illescas, Hist. Pontif., lib. 6, c. 20; Vedmar, Hist. Velez Malaga.
When this achievement of the king was related to Isabella, she trembled amidst her joy at his safety, and afterward, in memorial of the event, granted to Velez Malaga, as the arms of the city, the figure of the king on horseback, with a groom lying dead at his feet and the Moors flying.*
When Isabella heard about this achievement of the king, she felt a mix of joy and fear for his safety. Later, to commemorate the event, she gave Velez Malaga the emblem of the king on horseback, with a dead groom at his feet and the Moors fleeing.*
* Ibid.
* Same source.
The camp was formed, but the artillery was yet on the road, advancing with infinite labor at the rate of merely a league a day, for heavy rains had converted the streams of the valleys into raging torrents and completely broken up the roads. In the mean time, King Ferdinand ordered an assault on the suburbs of the city. They were carried after a sanguinary conflict of six hours, in which many Christian cavaliers were killed and wounded, and among the latter Don Alvaro of Portugal, son of the duke of Braganza. The suburbs were then fortified toward the city with trenches and palisades, and garrisoned by a chosen force under Don Fadrique de Toledo. Other trenches were digged round the city and from the suburbs to the royal camp, so as to cut off all communication with the surrounding country.
The camp was set up, but the artillery was still on its way, moving slowly at just a league a day due to heavy rains that had turned the streams in the valleys into rushing torrents and completely destroyed the roads. In the meantime, King Ferdinand ordered an attack on the suburbs of the city. They were taken after a bloody struggle that lasted six hours, during which many Christian knights were killed and wounded, including Don Alvaro of Portugal, the son of the Duke of Braganza. The suburbs were then fortified towards the city with trenches and barricades, and were garrisoned by an elite force led by Don Fadrique de Toledo. Additional trenches were dug around the city and from the suburbs to the royal camp to cut off all communication with the surrounding areas.
Bodies of troops were also sent to take possession of the mountain-passes by which the supplies for the army had to be brought. The mountains, however, were so steep and rugged, and so full of defiles and lurking-places, that the Moors could sally forth and retreat in perfect security, frequently swooping down upon Christian convoys and bearing off both booty and prisoners to their strongholds. Sometimes the Moors would light fires at night on the sides of the mountains, which would be answered by fires from the watch-towers and fortresses. By these signals they would concert assaults upon the Christian camp, which in consequence was obliged to be continually on the alert.
Troops were also sent to take control of the mountain passes that were necessary for bringing supplies to the army. However, the mountains were so steep and rugged, filled with narrow paths and hiding spots, that the Moors could easily come out and retreat without any danger, often descending on Christian supply convoys and taking both loot and prisoners back to their strongholds. Sometimes at night, the Moors would light fires on the mountainsides, which would be replied to by fires from the watchtowers and fortresses. Through these signals, they would plan attacks on the Christian camp, forcing it to stay constantly vigilant.
King Ferdinand flattered himself that the manifestation of his force had struck sufficient terror into the city, and that by offers of clemency it might be induced to capitulate. He wrote a letter, therefore, to the commanders, promising, in case of immediate surrender, that all the inhabitants should be permitted to depart with their effects, but threatening them with fire and sword if they persisted in defence. This letter was despatched by a cavalier named Carvajal, who, putting it on the end of a lance, reached it to the Moors on the walls of the city. Abul Cacim Vanegas, son of Reduan, and alcayde of the fortress, replied that the king was too noble and magnanimous to put such a threat in execution, and that he should not surrender, as he knew the artillery could not be brought to the camp, and he was promised succor by the king of Granada.
King Ferdinand believed that the display of his power had instilled enough fear in the city, and that by offering mercy, they might agree to surrender. He wrote a letter to the commanders, promising that if they surrendered immediately, all residents would be allowed to leave with their belongings, but warned them of fire and destruction if they continued to resist. This letter was sent by a knight named Carvajal, who delivered it on the end of a lance to the Moors on the city walls. Abul Cacim Vanegas, son of Reduan and leader of the fortress, responded that the king was too noble and generous to carry out such a threat and that he would not surrender, knowing that the artillery couldn’t be moved to the camp and that he was promised support from the king of Granada.
At the same time that he received this reply the king learnt that at the strong town of Comares, upon a height about two leagues distant from the camp, a large number of warriors had assembled from the Axarquia, the same mountains in which the Christian cavaliers had been massacred in the beginning of the war, and that others were daily expected, for this rugged sierra was capable of furnishing fifteen thousand fighting-men.
At the same time he got this response, the king found out that in the strong town of Comares, located about two leagues from the camp, a large group of warriors had gathered from the Axarquia, the very mountains where the Christian knights had been killed at the start of the war, and that more were expected to arrive daily, since this rough sierra could provide up to fifteen thousand fighters.
King Ferdinand felt that his army, thus disjoined and enclosed in an enemy’s country, was in a perilous situation, and that the utmost discipline and vigilance were necessary. He put the camp under the strictest regulations, forbidding all gaming, blasphemy, or brawl, and expelling all loose women and their attendant bully ruffians, the usual fomenters of riot and contention among soldiery. He ordered that none should sally forth to skirmish without permission from their commanders; that none should set fire to the woods on the neighboring mountains; and that all word of security given to Moorish places or individuals should be inviolably observed. These regulations were enforced by severe penalties, and had such salutary effect that, though a vast host of various people was collected together, not an opprobrious epithet was heard nor a weapon drawn in quarrel.
King Ferdinand realized that his army, scattered and trapped in enemy territory, was in a dangerous situation and that they needed strict discipline and alertness. He imposed the strictest rules in the camp, banning all gambling, swearing, or fighting, and expelling all loose women and their aggressive companions, who typically stirred up trouble among the soldiers. He ordered that no one should go out to fight without approval from their leaders; that no one should set fire to the woods on the nearby mountains; and that all promises of safety made to Moorish places or individuals should be strictly kept. These rules were enforced with harsh penalties, and they had such a positive effect that, despite the large and diverse crowd gathered, not a single insult was heard nor a weapon drawn in anger.
In the mean time the cloud of war continued to gather about the summits of the mountains, and multitudes of the fierce warriors of the sierra descended to the lower heights of Bentomiz, which overhung the camp, intending to force their way to the city. A detachment was sent against them, which, after sharp fighting, drove them to the higher cliffs, where it was impossible to pursue them.
In the meantime, the threat of war kept growing around the mountain peaks, and crowds of fierce fighters from the sierras came down to the lower slopes of Bentomiz, overlooking the camp, ready to push their way to the city. A group was sent to face them, and after intense fighting, they pushed them back to the higher cliffs, where it was impossible to chase them.
Ten days had elapsed since the encampment of the army, yet still the artillery had not arrived. The lombards and other heavy ordnance were left in despair at Antiquera; the rest came groaning slowly through the narrow valleys, which were filled with long trains of artillery and cars laden with munitions. At length part of the smaller ordnance arrived within half a league of the camp, and the Christians were animated with the hopes of soon being able to make a regular attack upon the fortifications of the city.
Ten days had passed since the army set up camp, but the artillery still hadn't arrived. The heavy cannons and other big guns were left in despair at Antiquera; the rest were slowly making their way through the narrow valleys, filled with long lines of artillery and trucks loaded with supplies. Finally, part of the smaller cannons arrived within half a league of the camp, and the Christians were filled with hope that they would soon be able to launch a proper attack on the city's defenses.
While the standard of the cross waved on the hills before Velez Malaga, and every height and cliff bristled with hostile arms, the civil war between the factions of the Alhambra and the Albaycin, or rather between El Zagal and El Chico, continued to convulse the city of Granada. The tidings of the investment of Velez Malaga at length roused the attention of the old men and the alfaquis, whose heads were not heated by the daily broils, and they endeavored to arouse the people to a sense of their common danger.
While the standard of the cross waved on the hills before Velez Malaga, and every height and cliff was filled with hostile weapons, the civil war between the factions of the Alhambra and the Albaycin, or rather between El Zagal and El Chico, kept shaking the city of Granada. The news of the siege of Velez Malaga finally caught the attention of the elders and the alfaquis, whose minds weren't clouded by the daily conflicts, and they tried to awaken the people to the reality of their shared danger.
“Why,” said they, “continue these brawls between brethren and kindred? What battles are these where even triumph is ignominious, and the victor blushes and conceals his scars? Behold the Christians ravaging the land won by the valor and blood of your forefathers, dwelling in the houses they built, sitting under the trees they planted, while your brethren wander about houseless and desolate. Do you wish to seek your real foe?—he is encamped on the mountain of Bentomiz. Do you want a field for the display of your valor?—you will find it before the walls of Velez Malaga.”
“Why,” they said, “do we keep fighting among ourselves, family and kin? What are these battles where even winning feels shameful, and the victor is left embarrassed, hiding his wounds? Look at the Christians destroying the land that your ancestors won through their bravery and blood, living in the houses they built, resting under the trees they planted, while your people roam around homeless and alone. Do you want to find your true enemy?—he is camped on the mountain of Bentomiz. Do you want a place to show your courage?—you’ll find it at the walls of Velez Malaga.”
When they had roused the spirit of the people they made their way to the rival kings, and addressed them with like remonstrances. Hamet Aben Zarraz, the inspired santon, reproached El Zagal with his blind and senseless ambition. “You are striving to be king,” said he, bitterly, “yet suffer the kingdom to be lost!”
When they had stirred up the people's spirit, they went to the rival kings and confronted them with similar complaints. Hamet Aben Zarraz, the inspired holy man, criticized El Zagal for his foolish and reckless ambition. “You want to be king,” he said bitterly, “yet you let the kingdom slip away!”
El Zagal found himself in a perplexing dilemma. He had a double war to wage—with the enemy without and the enemy within. Should the Christians gain possession of the sea-coast, it would be ruinous to the kingdom; should he leave Granada to oppose them, his vacant throne might be seized on by his nephew. He made a merit of necessity, and, pretending to yield to the remonstrances of the alfaquis, endeavored to compromise with Boabdil. He expressed deep concern at the daily losses of the country caused by the dissensions of the capital: an opportunity now presented to retrieve all by a blow. The Christians had in a manner put themselves in a tomb between the mountains—nothing remained but to throw the earth upon them. He offered to resign the title of king, to submit to the government of his nephew, and fight under his standard; all he desired was to hasten to the relief of Velez Malaga and to take full vengeance on the Christians.
El Zagal found himself in a tough situation. He was fighting a two-front war—against the enemy outside and the one inside. If the Christians took the coastline, it would be disastrous for the kingdom; if he left Granada to fight them, his empty throne could be taken by his nephew. He turned necessity into an advantage and, pretending to agree with the alfaquis' objections, tried to reach a compromise with Boabdil. He showed deep concern for the daily losses the country suffered due to the conflicts in the capital: now was the chance to make things right with a decisive attack. The Christians had effectively trapped themselves in a valley between the mountains—now all that was left was to bury them. He offered to give up his title as king, to accept his nephew's rule, and to fight under his banner; all he wanted was to rush to the aid of Velez Malaga and take full revenge on the Christians.
Boabdil spurned his proposition as the artifice of a hypocrite and a traitor. “How shall I trust a man,” said he, “who has murdered my father and my kindred by treachery, and has repeatedly sought my own life both by violence and stratagem?”
Boabdil rejected his proposal as the trickery of a hypocrite and a traitor. “How can I trust a man,” he said, “who has killed my father and my family through betrayal, and has tried to take my life multiple times, both through violence and deceit?”
El Zagal boiled with rage and vexation, but there was no time to be lost. He was beset by the alfaquis and the nobles of his count; the youthful cavaliers were hot for action, the common people loud in their complaints that the richest cities were abandoned to the mercy of the enemy. The old warrior was naturally fond of fighting; he saw also that to remain inactive would endanger both crown and kingdom, whereas a successful blow might secure his popularity in Granada. He had a much more powerful force than his nephew, having lately received reinforcements from Baza, Guadix, and Almeria; he could march with a large force, therefore, to the relief of Velez Malaga, and yet leave a strong garrison in the Alhambra. He took his measures accordingly, and departed suddenly in the night at the head of one thousand horse and twenty thousand foot, and urged his way rapidly by the most unfrequented roads along the chain of mountains extending from Granada to the heights above Velez Malaga.
El Zagal was boiling with anger and frustration, but there was no time to waste. He was surrounded by the alfaquis and the nobles of his county; the young knights were eager for action, and the common people were loudly complaining that the richest cities were left vulnerable to the enemy. The old warrior had always loved to fight; he also realized that staying inactive would put both the crown and the kingdom at risk, while a successful strike could boost his popularity in Granada. He had a much stronger force than his nephew, having recently received reinforcements from Baza, Guadix, and Almeria; he could march with a large army to support Velez Malaga and still leave a strong garrison in the Alhambra. He made his plans accordingly and left suddenly at night with one thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry, taking the little-used paths along the mountain range that stretched from Granada to the heights above Velez Malaga.
The Christians were alarmed one evening by the sudden blazing of great fires on the mountains about the fortress of Bentomiz. By the ruddy light they beheld the flash of weapons and the array of troops, and they heard the distant sound of Moorish drums and trumpets. The fires of Bentomiz were answered by fires on the towers of Velez Malaga. The shouts of “El Zagal! El Zagal!” echoed along the cliffs and resounded from the city, and the Christians found that the old warrior-king of Granada was on the mountain above the camp.
The Christians were startled one evening by the sudden blaze of huge fires on the mountains surrounding the fortress of Bentomiz. By the glowing light, they saw the flash of weapons and the formation of troops, and they could hear the distant sound of Moorish drums and trumpets. The fires at Bentomiz were matched by flames on the towers of Velez Malaga. The cries of “El Zagal! El Zagal!” echoed along the cliffs and rang out from the city, and the Christians realized that the old warrior-king of Granada was on the mountain above the camp.
The spirits of the Moors were suddenly raised to a pitch of the greatest exultation, while the Christians were astonished to see the storm of war ready to burst upon their heads. The count de Cabra, with his accustomed eagerness when there was a king in the field, would fain have scaled the heights and attacked El Zagal before he had time to form his camp; but Ferdinand, more cool and wary, restrained him. To attack the height would be to abandon the siege. He ordered every one, therefore, to keep a vigilant watch at his post and stand ready to defend it to the utmost, but on no account to sally forth and attack the enemy.
The spirits of the Moors were suddenly lifted to a level of pure joy, while the Christians were shocked to see the battle looming over them. Count de Cabra, always eager when there was a king in the field, wanted to climb the heights and strike El Zagal before he could set up his camp; but Ferdinand, more calm and cautious, held him back. To attack the heights would mean giving up the siege. He instructed everyone to stay alert at their posts and be ready to defend them with everything they had, but under no circumstances to rush out and attack the enemy.
All night the signal-fires kept blazing along the mountains, rousing and animating the whole country. The morning sun rose over the lofty summit of Bentomiz on a scene of martial splendor. As its rays glanced down the mountain they lighted up the white tents of the Christian cavaliers cresting its lower prominences, their pennons and ensigns fluttering in the morning breeze. The sumptuous pavilions of the king, with the holy standard of the cross and the royal banners of Castile and Aragon, dominated the encampment. Beyond lay the city, its lofty castle and numerous towers glistening with arms, while above all, and just on the profile of the height, in the full blaze of the rising sun, were descried the tents of the Moor, his troops clustering about them and his infidel banners floating against the sky. Columns of smoke rose where the night-fires had blazed, and the clash of the Moorish cymbal, the bray of trumpet, and the neigh of steed were faintly heard from the airy heights. So pure and transparent is the atmosphere in this region that every object can be distinctly seen at a great distance, and the Christians were able to behold the formidable hosts of fires gathering on the summits of the surrounding mountains.
All night, the signal fires blazed along the mountains, energizing the entire region. The morning sun rose over the tall peak of Bentomiz, revealing a scene of military grandeur. As its rays swept down the mountain, they illuminated the white tents of the Christian knights at the lower ridges, their flags and standards fluttering in the morning breeze. The extravagant pavilions of the king, with the holy cross and the royal banners of Castile and Aragon, towered over the camp. Beyond lay the city, its tall castle and numerous towers shining with weapons, while above all, outlined against the heights, in the full glow of the rising sun, could be seen the tents of the Moors, their troops gathered around them and their infidel banners flying in the sky. Columns of smoke rose where the nighttime fires had burned, and the sounds of Moorish cymbals, trumpet blasts, and horse neighs echoed faintly from the heights. The atmosphere in this area is so clear and transparent that every object can be seen clearly from a great distance, allowing the Christians to spot the formidable clusters of fires gathering on the summits of the surrounding mountains.
One of the first measures of the Moorish king was to detach a large force, under Reduan de Vanegas, alcayde of Granada, to fall upon the convoy of ordnance, which stretched for a great distance through the mountain-defiles. Ferdinand had anticipated this attempt, and sent the commander of Leon with a body of horse and foot to reinforce the master of Alcantara. El Zagal from his mountain-height beheld the detachment issue from the camp, and immediately recalled Reduan. The armies now remained quiet for a time, the Moor looking grimly down upon the Christian camp, like a tiger meditating a bound upon his prey. The Christians were in fearful jeopardy—a hostile city below them, a powerful army above them, and on every side mountains filled with implacable foes.
One of the first actions of the Moorish king was to send a large force, led by Reduan de Vanegas, the governor of Granada, to attack the convoy of weapons, which stretched for a long distance through the mountain passes. Ferdinand had anticipated this move and dispatched the commander of Leon with a group of cavalry and infantry to support the master of Alcantara. From his vantage point in the mountains, El Zagal saw the detachment leave the camp and quickly called Reduan back. The armies remained still for a while, with the Moor looking down ominously at the Christian camp like a tiger planning to pounce on its prey. The Christians were in grave danger—an enemy city below them, a strong army above them, and mountains all around filled with relentless foes.
After El Zagal had maturely considered the situation of the Christian camp, and informed himself of all the passes of the mountain, he conceived a plan to surprise the enemy which he flattered himself would ensure their ruin and perhaps the capture of King Ferdinand. He wrote a letter to the alcayde of the city, commanding him in the dead of the night, on a signal-fire being made from the mountain, to sally forth with all his troops and fall furiously upon the Christian camp. The king would, at the same time, rush down with his army from the mountain, and assail it on the opposite side, thus overwhelming it at the hour of deep repose. This letter he despatched by a renegado Christian, who knew all the secret roads of the country, and if taken could pass himself for a Christian who had escaped from captivity.
After El Zagal carefully thought about the situation of the Christian camp and learned about all the mountain passes, he came up with a plan to surprise the enemy, believing it would lead to their downfall and possibly the capture of King Ferdinand. He wrote a letter to the alcayde of the city, ordering him to go out with all his troops in the dead of night, as soon as a signal fire was lit from the mountain, and mount a fierce attack on the Christian camp. Meanwhile, the king would charge down with his army from the mountain and hit the camp from the opposite side, overwhelming them in their deep sleep. He sent this letter with a renegade Christian who knew all the hidden paths of the area and, if caught, could pass as a Christian who had escaped captivity.
El Zagal, confident in his stratagem, looked down upon the Christians as his devoted victims. As the sun went down and the long shadows of the mountains stretched across the vega, he pointed with exultation to the camp below, apparently unconscious of the impending danger. “Behold,” said he, “the unbelievers are delivered into our hands; their king and choicest chivalry will soon be at our mercy. Now is the time to show the courage of men, and by one glorious victory retrieve all that we have lost. Happy he who falls fighting in the cause of the Prophet! he will at once be transported to the paradise of the faithful and surrounded by immortal houris. Happy he who shall survive victorious! he will behold Granada—an earthly paradise!—once more delivered from its foes and restored to all its glory.” The words of El Zagal were received with acclamations by his troops, who waited impatiently for the appointed hour to pour down from their mountain-hold upon the Christians.
El Zagal, sure of his plan, looked down at the Christians as his devoted victims. As the sun set and the long shadows of the mountains stretched across the valley, he pointed with excitement to the camp below, seemingly unaware of the approaching danger. “Look,” he said, “the unbelievers are in our grasp; their king and best knights will soon be at our mercy. Now is the time to show real courage, and with one glorious victory, we can regain everything we’ve lost. Happy is the one who falls fighting for the Prophet! They will be taken straight to the paradise of the faithful, surrounded by immortal companions. Happy is the one who survives victorious! They will see Granada—an earthly paradise!—once again freed from its enemies and restored to all its glory.” El Zagal's words were met with cheers from his troops, who eagerly awaited the right moment to descend from their mountain stronghold onto the Christians.
Queen Isabella and her court had remained at Cordova in great anxiety for the result of the royal expedition. Every day brought tidings of the difficulties which attended the transportation of the ordnance and munitions and of the critical state of the army.
Queen Isabella and her court stayed in Cordova, very anxious about the outcome of the royal expedition. Each day brought news of the challenges faced in transporting the artillery and supplies, as well as the precarious condition of the army.
While in this state of anxious suspense couriers arrived with all speed from the frontiers, bringing tidings of the sudden sally of El Zagal from Granada to surprise the camp. All Cordova was in consternation. The destruction of the Andalusian chivalry among the mountains of this very neighborhood was called to mind; it was feared that similar ruin was about to burst forth from rocks and precipices upon Ferdinand and his army.
While in this state of anxious suspense, messengers arrived quickly from the frontiers, bringing news of El Zagal’s sudden attack from Granada to catch the camp by surprise. All of Cordova was in shock. Memories of the destruction of the Andalusian knights in the mountains nearby resurfaced; there were fears that a similar disaster was about to descend from the cliffs and steep slopes onto Ferdinand and his army.
Queen Isabella shared in the public alarm, but it served to rouse all the energies of her heroic mind. Instead of uttering idle apprehensions, she sought only how to avert the danger. She called upon all the men of Andalusia under the age of seventy to arm and hasten to the relief of their sovereign, and she prepared to set out with the first levies. The grand cardinal of Spain, old Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, in whom the piety of the saint and the wisdom of the counsellor were mingled with the fire of the cavalier, offered high pay to all horsemen who would follow him to aid their king and the Christian cause, and, buckling on armor, prepared to lead them to the scene of danger.
Queen Isabella felt the public's fear, but it motivated all the strength of her courageous spirit. Instead of expressing pointless worries, she focused on how to prevent the threat. She called on all men in Andalusia under seventy to arm themselves and quickly come to the aid of their ruler, and she got ready to leave with the first group of soldiers. The grand cardinal of Spain, old Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, whose deep faith and wise counsel were combined with the spirit of a knight, offered generous pay to all horsemen willing to join him in supporting their king and the Christian cause, and as he put on his armor, he readied himself to lead them into danger.
The summons of the queen roused the quick Andalusian spirit. Warriors who had long since given up fighting and had sent their sons to battle now seized the sword and lance rusting on the wall, and marshalled forth their gray-headed domestics and their grandchildren for the field. The great dread was, that all aid would arrive too late; El Zagal and his host had passed like a storm through the mountains, and it was feared the tempest had already burst upon the Christian camp.
The queen's call stirred the lively Andalusian spirit. Warriors who had long stopped fighting and had sent their sons to war now grabbed the sword and lance gathering dust on the wall, rallying their elderly servants and grandchildren for battle. The biggest worry was that help would arrive too late; El Zagal and his army had swept through the mountains like a storm, and there was a real fear that the storm had already hit the Christian camp.
In the mean time, the night had closed which had been appointed by El Zagal for the execution of his plan. He had watched the last light of day expire, and all the Spanish camp remained tranquil. As the hours wore away the camp-fires were gradually extinguished. No drum nor trumpet sounded from below. Nothing was heard but now and then the dull heavy tread of troops or the echoing tramp of horses—the usual patrols of the camp—and the changes of the guards. El Zagal restrained his own impatience and that of his troops until the night should be advanced and the camp sunk in that heavy sleep from which men are with difficulty awakened, and when awakened prone to be bewildered and dismayed.
In the meantime, night had fallen, the time El Zagal had set for his plan to unfold. He watched the last light of day fade, and the Spanish camp remained calm. As the hours passed, the campfires slowly went out. No drums or trumpets sounded from below. The only sounds were occasionally the dull, heavy footsteps of troops or the echoing clatter of horses—the standard patrols of the camp—and the changing of the guards. El Zagal held back his own frustration and that of his troops until later in the night when the camp would be deep in a heavy sleep, making it hard to wake them, and when they were awakened, likely to be confused and disoriented.
At length the appointed hour arrived. By order of the Moorish king a bright flame sprang up from the height of Bentomiz, but El Zagal looked in vain for the responding light from the city. His impatience would brook no longer delay; he ordered the advance of the army to descend the mountain-defile and attack the camp. The defile was narrow and overhung by rocks; as the troops proceeded they came suddenly, in a shadowy hollow, upon a dark mass of warriors who, with a loud shout, rushed to assail them. Surprised and disconcerted, they retreated in confusion to the height. When El Zagal heard of a Christian force in the defile, he doubted some counter-plan of the enemy, and gave orders to light the mountain-fires. On a signal given bright flames sprang up on every height from pyres of wood prepared for the purpose: cliff blazed out after cliff until the whole atmosphere was in a glow of furnace light.
At last, the appointed hour arrived. By command of the Moorish king, a bright flame erupted from the top of Bentomiz, but El Zagal looked in vain for a responding light from the city. His impatience could not tolerate any more delay; he ordered the army to advance down the mountain pass and attack the camp. The pass was narrow and surrounded by rocks; as the troops moved forward, they suddenly stumbled upon a dark group of warriors in a shadowy hollow, who shouted loudly and charged at them. Caught off guard and rattled, they retreated in confusion to the heights. When El Zagal learned of a Christian force in the pass, he suspected some sort of counter-strategy from the enemy and ordered the mountain fires to be lit. Upon receiving the signal, bright flames ignited on every peak from prepared piles of wood: cliffs blazed one after another until the entire atmosphere glowed with furnace light.
The ruddy glare lit up the glens and passes, and fell strongly upon the Christian camp, revealing all its tents and every post and bulwark. Wherever El Zagal turned his eyes he beheld the light of his fires flashed back from cuirass and helm and sparkling lance; he beheld a grove of spears planted in every pass, every assailable point bristling with arms, and squadrons of horse and foot in battle array awaiting his attack.
The red glow lit up the valleys and paths, shining brightly on the Christian camp and revealing all its tents, posts, and defenses. Everywhere El Zagal looked, he saw the light from his fires reflecting off armor and helmets and glimmering lances; he saw a bunch of spears planted in every path, every vulnerable spot crowded with weapons, and groups of cavalry and infantry ready for battle, waiting for his assault.
In fact, his letter to the alcayde of Velez Malaga had been intercepted by the vigilant Ferdinand, the renegado messenger hanged, and secret measures taken after nightfall to give the Moors a warm reception. El Zagal saw that his plan of surprise was discovered and foiled; furious with disappointment, he ordered his troops forward to the attack. They rushed down the defile, but were again encountered by the mass of Christian warriors, being the advance guard of the army commanded by Don Hurtado de Mendoza, brother of the grand cardinal. The Moors were again repulsed, and retreated up the height. Don Hurtado would have followed them, but the ascent was steep and rugged and easily defended. A sharp action was kept up through the night with crossbows, darts, and arquebuses. The cliffs echoed with deafening uproar, while the fires blazing upon the mountains threw a lurid and uncertain light upon the scene.
In fact, his letter to the leader of Velez Malaga had been intercepted by the watchful Ferdinand, the traitor messenger hanged, and secret measures were taken after dark to give the Moors a warm welcome. El Zagal realized that his surprise plan was discovered and ruined; furious with disappointment, he ordered his troops to attack. They charged down the narrow passage but were met again by a mass of Christian warriors, who were the advance guard of the army led by Don Hurtado de Mendoza, brother of the grand cardinal. The Moors were pushed back once more and retreated up the hill. Don Hurtado would have pursued them, but the climb was steep and rough and easily defended. A fierce battle continued through the night with crossbows, darts, and guns. The cliffs echoed with deafening noise, while the fires blazing on the mountains cast a fierce and uncertain light over the scene.
When the day dawned and the Moors saw that there was no co-operation from the city, they slackened in their ardor: they beheld also every pass of the mountain filled with Christian troops, and began to apprehend an assault in return. Just then King Ferdinand sent the marques of Cadiz with horse and foot to seize upon a height occupied by a battalion of the enemy. The marques assailed the Moors with his usual intrepidity, and soon put them to flight. The others, who were above, seeing their comrades fly, threw down their arms and retreated. One of those unaccountable panics which now and then seize upon great bodies of people, and to which the light-spirited Moors were prone, now spread throughout the camp. They were terrified, they knew not why nor at what, and, throwing away swords, lances, breast-plates, crossbows, everything that could impede their motions, scattered themselves wildly in every direction. They fled without pursuers—from the glimpse of each other’s arms, from the sound of each other’s footsteps. Reduan de Vanegas, the brave alcayde of Granada, alone succeeded in collecting a body of the fugitives; he made a circuit with them through the passes of the mountain, and, forcing his way across a weak part of the Christian lines, galloped toward Velez Malaga. The rest of the Moorish host was completely scattered. In vain did El Zagal and his knights attempt to rally them; they were left almost alone, and had to consult their own security by flight.
When the day broke and the Moors realized that the city wasn’t helping them, they lost their enthusiasm. They also noticed that the mountain passes were filled with Christian troops and started to fear a counterattack. Just then, King Ferdinand sent the Marquis of Cadiz with cavalry and infantry to take a position held by a group of the enemy. The Marquis attacked the Moors with his usual bravery and quickly sent them running. The others, who were up higher, saw their comrades flee, dropped their weapons, and retreated. An inexplicable panic, which occasionally grips large crowds and which the light-hearted Moors were particularly susceptible to, spread throughout the camp. They were terrified for reasons unknown to them and, discarding swords, lances, breastplates, crossbows—anything that could slow them down—scattered in every direction. They ran without being chased—from the sight of each other’s weapons, from the sound of each other’s footsteps. Reduan de Vanegas, the brave alcayde of Granada, was the only one to manage to gather a group of the fleeing soldiers; he took them through the mountain passes and, forcing his way through a weak spot in the Christian lines, raced toward Velez Malaga. The rest of the Moorish forces were completely dispersed. El Zagal and his knights tried in vain to regroup them; they were left almost alone and had to think of their own safety by fleeing.
The marques of Cadiz, finding no opposition, ascended from height to height, cautiously reconnoitring and fearful of some stratagem or ambush. All, however, was quiet. He reached with his men the place which the Moorish army had occupied: the heights were abandoned and strewed with cuirasses, scimetars, crossbows, and other weapons. His force was too small to pursue the enemy, but returned to the royal camp laden with spoils.
The Marquis of Cadiz, seeing no resistance, climbed from one elevation to another, carefully scouting the area and wary of any traps or ambushes. Everything was quiet, though. He and his men arrived at the position once held by the Moorish army: the heights were deserted and scattered with armor, swords, crossbows, and other weapons. His troops were too few to chase after the enemy, so they returned to the royal camp loaded with treasures.
Ferdinand at first could not credit so signal and miraculous a defeat, but suspected some lurking stratagem. He ordered, therefore, that a strict watch should be maintained throughout the camp and every one be ready for instant action. The following night a thousand cavaliers and hidalgos kept guard about the royal tent, as they had done for several preceding nights; nor did the king relax this vigilance until he received certain intelligence that the enemy was completely scattered and El Zagal flying in confusion.
Ferdinand at first couldn’t believe such a remarkable and miraculous defeat, but he suspected some hidden trick. He ordered that a strict watch be kept throughout the camp and that everyone be ready for immediate action. The following night, a thousand knights and noblemen kept watch around the royal tent, just like they had for several nights before; and the king didn’t let up on this vigilance until he got reliable information that the enemy was completely scattered and El Zagal was retreating in chaos.
The tidings of this rout and of the safety of the Christian army arrived at Cordova just as reinforcements were on the point of setting out. The anxiety and alarm of the queen and the public were turned to transports of joy and gratitude. The forces were disbanded, solemn processions were made, and “Te Deums” chanted in the churches for so signal a victory.
The news of this defeat and the safety of the Christian army reached Cordova just as reinforcements were about to leave. The queen's and the public's anxiety and fear turned into overwhelming joy and gratitude. The troops were dismissed, solemn processions took place, and “Te Deums” were sung in the churches for such a significant victory.
The daring spirit of Muley Abdallah el Zagal in sallying forth to defend his territories while he left an armed rival in his capital struck the people of Granada with admiration. They recalled his former exploits, and again anticipated some hardy achievement from his valor. Couriers from the army reported its formidable position on the height of Bentomiz. For a time there was a pause in the bloody commotions of the city; all attention was turned to the blow about to be struck at the Christian camp. The same considerations which diffused anxiety and terror through Cordova swelled every bosom with exulting confidence in Granada. The Moors expected to hear of another massacre like that in the mountains of Malaga. “El Zagal has again entrapped the enemy!” was the cry. “The power of the unbelievers is about to be struck to the heart. We shall soon see the Christian king led captive to the capital.” Thus was the name of El Zagal on every tongue. He was extolled as the savior of the country, the only one worthy of wearing the Moorish crown. Boabdil was reviled as basely remaining passive while his country was invaded and so violent became the clamor of the populace that his adherents trembled for his safety.
The bold spirit of Muley Abdallah el Zagal, stepping out to defend his land while leaving an armed rival in his capital, filled the people of Granada with admiration. They remembered his past achievements and anticipated another brave act from his courage. Couriers from the army reported its strong position on the height of Bentomiz. For a while, there was a pause in the violent turmoil of the city; everyone focused on the blow about to be dealt to the Christian camp. The same feelings that spread anxiety and fear through Cordova filled every heart in Granada with confident excitement. The Moors expected to hear about another massacre like that in the mountains of Malaga. “El Zagal has once again trapped the enemy!” was the rallying cry. “The power of the unbelievers is about to be hit hard. We will soon see the Christian king captured and brought to the capital.” Thus, El Zagal's name was on everyone's lips. He was praised as the savior of the country, the only one deserving of the Moorish crown. Boabdil was criticized for passively allowing his country to be invaded, and the uproar from the people became so intense that his supporters feared for his safety.
While the people of Granada were impatiently looking out for tidings of the anticipated victory scattered horsemen came spurring across the Vega. They were fugitives from the Moorish army, and brought the first incoherent account of its defeat. Every one who attempted to tell the tale of this unaccountable panic and dispersion was as if bewildered by the broken recollection of some frightful dream. He knew not how or why it came to pass. He talked of a battle in the night, among rocks and precipices, by the glare of bale-fires; of multitudes of armed foes in every pass, seen by gleams and flashes; of the sudden horror that seized upon the army at daybreak, its headlong flight, and total dispersion. Hour after hour the arrival of other fugitives confirmed the story of ruin and disgrace.
While the people of Granada eagerly awaited news of the expected victory, scattered horsemen raced across the Vega. They were escapees from the Moorish army, bringing the first jumbled report of its defeat. Anyone who tried to recount the tale of this inexplicable panic and scattering seemed dazed, as if recalling a terrifying dream. They couldn’t figure out how or why it happened. They spoke of a battle in the night, amidst rocks and cliffs, lit by bonfires; of crowds of armed enemies in every pathway, seen in glimpses and flashes; of the sudden terror that overtook the army at dawn, leading to its frantic flight and complete disbandment. Hour after hour, the arrival of more escapees confirmed the story of destruction and disgrace.
In proportion to their recent vaunting was the humiliation that now fell upon the people of Granada. There was a universal burst, not of grief, but indignation. They confounded the leader with the army—the deserted with those who had abandoned him, and El Zagal, from being their idol, became suddenly the object of their execration. He had sacrificed the army; he had disgraced the nation; he had betrayed the country. He was a dastard, a traitor; he was unworthy to reign.
In line with their recent bragging, the people of Granada now faced a deep humiliation. There was a widespread outcry, not of sorrow, but of anger. They confused the leader with the army—the abandoned with those who had left him, and El Zagal, once their hero, quickly became the target of their hatred. He had sacrificed the army; he had shamed the nation; he had betrayed the country. He was a coward, a traitor; he was unfit to rule.
On a sudden one among the multitude shouted, “Long live Boabdil el Chico!” The cry was echoed on all sides, and every one shouted, “Long live Boabdil el Chico! long live the legitimate king of Granada! and death to all usurpers!” In the excitement of the moment they thronged to the Albaycin, and those who had lately besieged Boabdil with arms now surrounded his palace with acclamations. The keys of the city and of all the fortresses were laid at his feet; he was borne in state to the Alhambra, and once more seated with all due ceremony on the throne of his ancestors.
Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted, “Long live Boabdil el Chico!” The cry was echoed all around, and everyone shouted, “Long live Boabdil el Chico! Long live the rightful king of Granada! And death to all usurpers!” In the excitement of the moment, they rushed to the Albaycin, and those who had recently besieged Boabdil with weapons now surrounded his palace with cheers. The keys to the city and all the forts were laid at his feet; he was carried in procession to the Alhambra and once again seated ceremoniously on the throne of his ancestors.
Boabdil had by this time become so accustomed to be crowned and uncrowned by the multitude that he put no great faith in the duration of their loyalty. He knew that he was surrounded by hollow hearts, and that most of the courtiers of the Alhambra were secretly devoted to his uncle. He ascended the throne as the rightful sovereign who had been dispossessed of it by usurpation, and he ordered the heads of four of the principal nobles to be struck off who had been most zealous in support of the (9) usurper. Executions of the kind were matters of course on any change in Moorish government, and Boabdil was lauded for his moderation and humanity in being content with so small a sacrifice. The factions were awed into obedience; the populace, delighted with any change, extolled Boabdil to the skies; and the name of Muley Abdallah el Zagal was for a time a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city.
Boabdil had become so used to being crowned and then uncrowned by the masses that he didn't put much trust in their loyalty lasting. He knew he was surrounded by people with empty hearts, and that most of the courtiers in the Alhambra secretly supported his uncle. He took the throne as the rightful ruler who had been wrongfully ousted and ordered the execution of four of the main nobles who had most fervently backed the usurper. Such executions were standard with any change in Moorish rule, and Boabdil was praised for his moderation and humanity in being satisfied with such a small sacrifice. The factions were intimidated into submission; the people, eager for any change, praised Boabdil to the heavens; and the name Muley Abdallah el Zagal became a term of scorn and contempt throughout the city for a time.
Never was any commander more astonished and confounded by a sudden reverse of fortune than El Zagal. The evening had seen him with a powerful army at his command, his enemy within his grasp, and victory about to cover him with glory and to consolidate his power: the morning beheld him a fugitive among the mountains, his army, his prosperity, his power, all dispelled, he knew not how—gone like a dream of the night. In vain had he tried to stem the headlong flight of the army. He saw his squadrons breaking and dispersing among the cliffs of the mountains, until of all his host only a handful of cavaliers remained faithful. With these he made a gloomy retreat toward Granada, but with a heart full of foreboding. As he drew near to the city he paused on the banks of the Xenil and sent forth scouts to collect intelligence. They returned with dejected countenances. “The gates of Granada,” said they, “are closed against you. The banner of Boabdil floats on the tower of the Alhambra.”
Never was any commander more shocked and confused by a sudden turn of fate than El Zagal. That evening, he had a powerful army at his command, his enemy within reach, and victory about to bring him glory and strengthen his power. By morning, he found himself a fugitive in the mountains, his army, his success, his power—all vanished, he knew not how—gone like a fleeting dream. He tried in vain to stop the rapid retreat of his troops. He watched as his battalions broke apart and scattered among the cliffs of the mountains, leaving only a handful of loyal knights. With them, he made a somber retreat toward Granada, his heart heavy with dread. As he approached the city, he paused by the banks of the Xenil and sent out scouts to gather information. They returned with downcast faces. “The gates of Granada,” they said, “are closed to you. The banner of Boabdil waves over the tower of the Alhambra.”
El Zagal turned his steed and departed in silence. He retreated to the town of Almunecar, and thence to Almeria, which places still remained faithful to him. Restless and uneasy at being so distant from the capital, he again changed his abode, and repaired to the city of Guadix, within a few leagues of Granada. Here he remained, endeavoring to rally his forces and preparing to avail himself of any sudden change in the fluctuating politics of the metropolis.
El Zagal turned his horse and left quietly. He went back to the town of Almunecar, then to Almeria, which still remained loyal to him. Feeling restless and uneasy about being so far from the capital, he moved again and went to the city of Guadix, just a few miles from Granada. He stayed there, trying to gather his forces and get ready to take advantage of any sudden shifts in the ever-changing politics of the capital.
The people of Velez Malaga had beheld the camp of Muley Abdallah covering the summit of Bentomiz and glittering in the last rays of the setting sun. During the night they had been alarmed and perplexed by signal-fires on the mountain and by the sound of distant battle. When the morning broke the Moorish army had vanished as if by enchantment. While the inhabitants were lost in wonder and conjecture, a body of cavalry, the fragment of the army saved by Reduan de Vanegas, the brave alcayde of Granada, came galloping to the gates. The tidings of the strange discomfiture of the host filled the city with consternation, but Reduan exhorted the people to continue their resistance. He was devoted to El Zagal and confident in his skill and prowess, and felt assured that he would soon collect his scattered forces and return with fresh troops from Granada. The people were comforted by the words and encouraged by the presence of Reduan, and they had still a lingering hope that the heavy artillery of the Christians might be locked up in the impassable defiles of the mountains. This hope was soon at an end. The very next day they beheld long laborious lines of ordnance slowly moving into the Spanish camp—lombards, ribadoquines, catapults, and cars laden with munitions—while the escort, under the brave master of Alcantara, wheeled in great battalions into the camp to augment the force of the besiegers.
The people of Velez Malaga had seen the camp of Muley Abdallah covering the top of Bentomiz, shining in the last light of the setting sun. Throughout the night, they were alarmed and confused by signal fires on the mountain and the sound of distant fighting. When morning came, the Moorish army had disappeared as if by magic. While the locals were in a state of wonder and speculation, a group of cavalry, the remnants of the army saved by Reduan de Vanegas, the brave alcayde of Granada, rushed to the gates. The news of the unexpected defeat of the army filled the city with panic, but Reduan urged the people to keep resisting. He was devoted to El Zagal and confident in his abilities, believing that he would soon gather his scattered troops and return with reinforcements from Granada. The people found comfort in his words and were encouraged by his presence, still holding onto a faint hope that the heavy artillery of the Christians might be stuck in the impassable mountain passes. That hope didn't last long. The very next day, they saw long, laborious lines of artillery slowly entering the Spanish camp—lombards, ribadoquines, catapults, and wagons loaded with supplies—while the escort, led by the brave master of Alcantara, marched in great formations into the camp to strengthen the besiegers.
The intelligence that Granada had shut its gates against El Zagal, and that no reinforcements were to be expected, completed the despair of the inhabitants; even Reduan himself lost confidence and advised capitulation.
The news that Granada had closed its gates to El Zagal and that no reinforcements were coming shattered the hopes of the residents; even Reduan himself lost faith and suggested surrender.
Ferdinand granted favorable conditions, for he was eager to proceed against Malaga. The inhabitants were permitted to depart with their effects except their arms, and to reside, if they chose it, in Spain in any place distant from the sea. One hundred and twenty Christians of both sexes were rescued from captivity by the surrender, and were sent to Cordova, where they were received with great tenderness by the queen and her daughter the infanta Isabella in the famous cathedral in the midst of public rejoicings for the victory.
Ferdinand offered generous terms because he wanted to move forward with the attack on Malaga. The locals were allowed to leave with their belongings, except for their weapons, and could choose to live anywhere in Spain as long as it was away from the coast. One hundred and twenty Christians, both men and women, were freed from captivity due to the surrender and were taken to Cordova, where the queen and her daughter, the infanta Isabella, welcomed them warmly in the famous cathedral during the public celebrations for the victory.
The capture of Velez Malaga was followed by the surrender of Bentomiz, Comares, and all the towns and fortresses of the Axarquia, which were strongly garrisoned, and discreet and valiant cavaliers appointed as their alcaydes. The inhabitants of nearly forty towns of the Alpuxarras mountains also sent deputations to the Castilian sovereigns, taking the oath of allegiance as mudexares or Moslem vassals.
The capture of Vélez-Málaga was followed by the surrender of Bentomiz, Comares, and all the towns and fortresses of the Axarquia, which had strong garrisons and had appointed discreet and brave knights as their commanders. The residents of nearly forty towns in the Alpujarras mountains also sent representatives to the Castilian monarchs, pledging their loyalty as mudéjares or Muslim vassals.
About the same time came letters from Boabdil el Chico announcing to the sovereigns the revolution of Granada in his favor. He solicited kindness and protection for the inhabitants who had returned to their allegiance, and for those of all other places which should renounce adherence to his uncle. By this means (he observed) the whole kingdom of Granada would soon be induced to acknowledge his sway, and would be held by him in faithful vassalage to the Castilian Crown.
About the same time, letters arrived from Boabdil el Chico informing the sovereigns about the uprising in Granada supporting him. He requested kindness and protection for the inhabitants who had returned to their loyalty, and for those in all other areas who would break their allegiance to his uncle. He noted that this way, the entire kingdom of Granada would soon be encouraged to recognize his rule and would remain loyal vassals to the Castilian Crown.
The Catholic sovereigns complied with his request. Protection was immediately extended to the inhabitants of Granada, permitting them to cultivate their fields in peace and to trade with the Christian territories in all articles excepting arms, being provided with letters of surety from some Christian captain or alcayde. The same favor was promised to all other places which within six months should renounce El Zagal and come under allegiance to the younger king. Should they not do so within that time, the sovereigns threatened to make war upon them and conquer them for themselves. This measure had a great effect in inducing many to return to the standard of Boabdil.
The Catholic monarchs agreed to his request. They quickly extended protection to the people of Granada, allowing them to farm their land peacefully and trade with Christian territories for everything except weapons, as long as they were provided with letters of guarantee from a Christian captain or alcayde. The same benefit was offered to all other places that, within six months, would reject El Zagal and pledge loyalty to the younger king. If they failed to do so in that time, the monarchs threatened to go to war against them and take control for themselves. This approach had a significant impact in encouraging many to return to Boabdil’s side.
Having made every necessary arrangement for the government and security of the newly-conquered territory, Ferdinand turned his attention to the great object of his campaign, the reduction of Malaga.
Having made all the necessary arrangements for the government and security of the newly-conquered territory, Ferdinand focused on the main goal of his campaign: the capture of Malaga.
The city of Malaga lies in the lap of a fertile valley, surrounded by mountains, excepting on the part which lies open to the sea. As it was one of the most important, so it was one of the strongest, cities of the Moorish kingdom. It was fortified by walls of prodigious strength studded with a great number of huge towers. On the land side it was protected by a natural barrier of mountains, and on the other the waves of the Mediterranean beat against the foundations of its massive bulwarks.
The city of Malaga is nestled in a fertile valley, surrounded by mountains, except for the side that opens to the sea. Being one of the most important, it was also one of the strongest cities in the Moorish kingdom. It was defended by incredibly strong walls equipped with many large towers. On the land side, it was shielded by a natural barrier of mountains, while on the other side, the waves of the Mediterranean crashed against the bases of its massive fortifications.
At one end of the city, near the sea, on a high mound, stood the Alcazaba, or citadel, a fortress of great strength. Immediately above this rose a steep and rocky mount, on the top of which in old times had been a pharos or lighthouse, from which the height derived its name of Gibralfaro.* It was at present crowned by an immense castle, which, from its lofty and cragged situation, its vast walls, and mighty towers, was deemed impregnable. It communicated with the Alcazaba by a covered way six paces broad, leading down between two walls along the profile or ridge of the rock. The castle of Gibralfaro commanded both citadel and city, and was capable, if both were taken, of maintaining a siege. Two large suburbs adjoined the city: in the one toward the sea were the dwelling-houses of the most opulent inhabitants, adorned with hanging gardens; the other, on the land side, was thickly peopled and surrounded by strong walls and towers.
At one end of the city, near the sea, on a high mound, stood the Alcazaba, or citadel, a very strong fortress. Right above this was a steep and rocky hill, where a lighthouse had once been located, and that’s how the height got its name, Gibralfaro.* Today, it was topped by a massive castle that, because of its high and rugged location, huge walls, and powerful towers, was considered impossible to conquer. It was connected to the Alcazaba by a covered walkway six paces wide, leading down between two walls along the edge of the rock. The castle of Gibralfaro overlooked both the citadel and the city, and could maintain a siege if either was captured. There were two large suburbs next to the city: the one by the sea featured the homes of the wealthiest residents, complete with hanging gardens; the other, on the land side, was densely populated and surrounded by strong walls and towers.
* A corruption of “Gibel-faro,” the hill of the lighthouse.
* A corruption of “Gibel-faro,” the hill of the lighthouse.
Malaga possessed a brave and numerous garrison, and the common people were active, hardy, and resolute; but the city was rich and commercial, and under the habitual control of numerous opulent merchants, who dreaded the ruinous consequences of a siege. They were little zealous for the warlike renown of their city, and longed rather to participate in the enviable security of property and the lucrative privileges of safe traffic with the Christian territories granted to all places which declared for Boabdil. At the head of these gainful citizens was Ali Dordux, a mighty merchant of uncounted wealth, connected, it is said, with the royal family of Granada, whose ships traded to every part of the Levant and whose word was as a law in Malaga. Ali Dordux assembled the most opulent and important of his commercial brethren, and they repaired in a body to the Alcazaba, where they were received by the alcayde, Aben Comixa, with that deference generally shown to men of their great local dignity and power of purse. Ali Dordux was ample and stately in his form and fluent and emphatic in his discourse; his eloquence had an effect, therefore, upon the alcayde as he represented the hopelessness of a defence of Malaga, the misery that must attend a siege, and the ruin that must follow a capture by force of arms. On the other hand, he set forth the grace that might be obtained from the Castilian sovereigns by an early and voluntary acknowledgment of Boabdil as king, the peaceful possession of their property, and the profitable commerce with the Christian ports that would be allowed them. He was seconded by his weighty and important coadjutors; and the alcadye, accustomed to regard them as the arbiters of the affairs of the place, yielded to their united counsels. He departed, therefore, with all speed to the Christian camp, empowered to arrange a capitulation with the Castilian monarch, and in the mean time his brother remained in command of the Alcazaba.
Malaga had a brave and large garrison, and the common people were active, tough, and determined; however, the city was wealthy and commercial, often dominated by a number of rich merchants who feared the damaging effects of a siege. They weren't too enthusiastic about the martial reputation of their city and instead wanted to enjoy the enviable security of their property and the profitable benefits of safe trade with the Christian territories that were granted to any place that supported Boabdil. Leading these profit-minded citizens was Ali Dordux, a powerful merchant with immense wealth, said to be connected to the royal family of Granada, whose ships traded throughout the Levant and whose word was law in Malaga. Ali Dordux gathered the wealthiest and most important of his fellow merchants, and they collectively went to the Alcazaba, where the alcayde, Aben Comixa, welcomed them with the respect usually given to men of their significant local standing and financial influence. Ali Dordux was large and impressive in stature and articulate and persuasive in his speech; his eloquence had an impact on the alcayde as he described the hopelessness of defending Malaga, the suffering that would come with a siege, and the destruction that would follow if they were captured by force. On the other hand, he highlighted the favor they could gain from the Castilian rulers by acknowledging Boabdil as king early and voluntarily, allowing them to keep their property peacefully and engage in profitable trade with Christian ports. He had strong support from his influential allies, and the alcayde, who viewed them as the decision-makers of the local affairs, agreed to their combined advice. He then hurried to the Christian camp, authorized to negotiate a surrender with the Castilian monarch, while his brother stayed in charge of the Alcazaba.
There was at this time as alcayde in the old crag-built castle of Gibralfaro a warlike and fiery Moor, an implacable enemy of the Christians. This was no other than Hamet Zeli, surnamed El Zegri, the once-formidable alcayde of Ronda and the terror of its mountains. He had never forgiven the capture of his favorite fortress, and panted for vengeance on the Christians. Notwithstanding his reverses, he had retained the favor of El Zagal, who knew how to appreciate a bold warrior of the kind, and had placed him in command of this important fortress of Gibralfaro.
At this time, there was a fierce and aggressive Moor named Hamet Zeli, known as El Zegri, serving as the commander in the old castle of Gibralfaro, built on a rocky cliff. He was a relentless enemy of the Christians. Once a powerful leader in Ronda, he had never gotten over the loss of his favorite fortress and was eager for revenge against the Christians. Despite his setbacks, he had maintained the support of El Zagal, who recognized the value of a brave warrior like him and had put him in charge of the important fortress of Gibralfaro.
Hamet el Zegri had gathered round him the remnant of his band of Gomeres, with others of the same tribe recently arrived from Morocco. These fierce warriors were nestled like so many war-hawks about their lofty cliff. They looked down with martial contempt upon the commercial city of Malaga, which they were placed to protect; or, rather, they esteemed it only for its military importance and its capability of defence. They held no communion with its trading, gainful inhabitants, and even considered the garrison of the Alcazaba as their inferiors. War was their pursuit and passion; they rejoiced in its turbulent and perilous scenes; and, confident in the strength of the city, and, above all, of their castle, they set at defiance the menace of Christian invasion. There were among them also many apostate Moors, who had once embraced Christianity, but had since recanted and fled from the vengeance of the Inquisition.* These were desperadoes who had no mercy to expect should they again fall into the hands of the enemy.
Hamet el Zegri had gathered the remaining members of his group of Gomeres, along with others from the same tribe who had recently arrived from Morocco. These fierce warriors were settled like war-hawks around their high cliff. They looked down with disdain at the commercial city of Malaga, which they were positioned to protect; they regarded it mainly for its military significance and defensive capability. They had no interaction with its trading, profit-seeking residents, and even viewed the garrison of the Alcazaba as beneath them. War was their focus and passion; they thrived in its chaotic and dangerous scenarios; and, confident in the strength of the city, especially their castle, they dismissed the threat of Christian invasion. Among them were also many apostate Moors, who had once been Christians but had since returned to their previous faith and escaped the retribution of the Inquisition. These were outlaws who could expect no mercy if they were captured by the enemy again.
* Zurita, lib. 30, cap. 71.
* Zurita, lib. 30, cap. 71.
Such were the fierce elements of the garrison of Gibralfaro, and its rage may easily be conceived at hearing that Malaga was to be given up without a blow; that they were to sink into Christian vassals under the intermediate sway of Boabdil el Chico; and that the alcayde of the Alcazaba had departed to arrange the terms of capitulation.
Such were the fierce members of the Gibralfaro garrison, and it’s easy to imagine their anger at the news that Malaga would be surrendered without a fight; that they would become Christian subjects under the rule of Boabdil el Chico; and that the leader of the Alcazaba had left to negotiate the terms of surrender.
Hamet determined to avert by desperate means the threatened degradation. He knew that there was a large party in the city faithful to El Zagal, being composed of warlike men who had taken refuge from the various mountain-towns which had been captured; their feelings were desperate as their fortunes, and, like Hamet, they panted for revenge upon the Christians. With these he had a secret conference, and received assurances of their adherence to him in any measures of defence. As to the counsel of the peaceful inhabitants, he considered it unworthy the consideration of a soldier, and he spurned at the interference of the wealthy merchant Ali Dordux in matters of warfare.
Hamet was determined to avoid the impending disgrace by any means necessary. He knew there was a significant group in the city loyal to El Zagal, made up of fierce men who had fled from various mountain towns that had been captured. Their situation was as desperate as their spirits, and like Hamet, they were eager for revenge against the Christians. He had a covert meeting with them and received their promises to support him in whatever defensive actions he would take. As for the advice of the peaceful residents, he dismissed it as unworthy of a soldier's consideration, and he rejected the involvement of the wealthy merchant Ali Dordux in military matters.
“Still,” said Hamet el Zegri, “let us proceed regularly.” So he descended with his Gomeres to the citadel, entered it suddenly, put to death the brother of the alcayde and such of the garrison as made any demur, and then summoned the principal inhabitants of Malaga to deliberate on measures for the welfare of the city.* The wealthy merchants again mounted to the citadel, excepting Ali Dordux, who refused to obey the summons. They entered with hearts filled with awe, for they found Hamet surrounded by his grim African guard and all the stern array of military power, and they beheld the bloody traces of the recent massacre.
“Still,” said Hamet el Zegri, “let’s proceed steadily.” So he went down with his Gomeres to the citadel, burst in unexpectedly, executed the brother of the alcayde and any members of the garrison who resisted, and then called the key citizens of Malaga to discuss plans for the city’s welfare.* The wealthy merchants returned to the citadel, except for Ali Dordux, who refused to comply. They entered feeling a sense of dread, as they found Hamet surrounded by his stern African guards and the full display of military force, and they saw the bloody evidence of the recent massacre.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 82.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 82.
Hamet rolled a dark and searching eye upon the assembly. “Who,” said he, “is loyal and devoted to Muley Abdallah el Zagal?” Every one present asserted his loyalty. “Good!” said Hamet; “and who is ready to prove his devotion to his sovereign by defending this his important city to the last extremity?” Every one present declared his readiness. “Enough!” observed Hamet. “The alcayde Aben Comixa has proved himself a traitor to his sovereign and to you all, for he has conspired to deliver the place to the Christians. It behooves you to choose some other commander capable of defending your city against the approaching enemy.” The assembly declared unanimously that no one was so worthy of the command as himself. So Hamet was appointed alcayde of Malaga, and immediately proceeded to man the forts and towers with his partisans and to make every preparation for a desperate resistance.
Hamet scanned the crowd with a piercing gaze. “Who,” he asked, “is loyal and devoted to Muley Abdallah el Zagal?” Everyone present affirmed their loyalty. “Good!” Hamet responded; “and who is ready to show their devotion to our sovereign by defending this important city to the very end?” Everyone present expressed their readiness. “That’s enough!” Hamet remarked. “The alcayde Aben Comixa has betrayed his sovereign and all of you by plotting to hand this city over to the Christians. It’s time for you to choose another leader who can defend your city against the approaching enemy.” The assembly unanimously declared that no one was more deserving of the command than him. So Hamet was appointed alcayde of Malaga and immediately began to fortify the forts and towers with his supporters and to prepare for a fierce defense.
Intelligence of these occurrences put an end to the negotiations between King Ferdinand and the superseded alcayde Aben Comixa, and it was supposed there was no alternative but to lay siege to the place. The marques of Cadiz, however, found at Velez a Moorish cavalier of some note, a native of Malaga, who offered to tamper with Hamet el Zegri for the surrender of the city, or at least of the castle of Gibralfaro. The marques communicated this to the king. “I put this business and the key of my treasury into your hands,” said Ferdinand; “act, stipulate, and disburse in my name as you think proper.”
The information about these events ended the negotiations between King Ferdinand and the former alcayde Aben Comixa, and it was believed that there was no choice but to lay siege to the city. However, the Marquis of Cadiz found a notable Moorish knight from Malaga in Velez, who offered to negotiate with Hamet el Zegri for the surrender of the city, or at least the castle of Gibralfaro. The Marquis informed the king about this. “I entrust this matter and the key to my treasury to you,” Ferdinand said; “take action, make agreements, and spend in my name as you see fit.”
The marques armed the Moor with his own lance, cuirass, and target and mounted him on one of his own horses. He equipped in similar style also another Moor, his companion and relative. They bore secret letters to Hamet from the marques offering him the town of Coin in perpetual inheritance and four thousand doblas in gold if he would deliver up Gibralfaro, together with a farm and two thousand doblas for his lieutenant, Ibrahim Zenete, and large sums to be distributed among his officers and soldiers; and he offered unlimited rewards for the surrender of the city.
The marquis equipped the Moor with his own lance, breastplate, and shield, and put him on one of his own horses. He also outfitted another Moor, who was his companion and relative, in the same way. They carried secret letters to Hamet from the marquis, offering him the town of Coin as a permanent inheritance and four thousand gold doblas if he would hand over Gibralfaro, along with a farm and two thousand doblas for his lieutenant, Ibrahim Zenete, and large amounts of money to be distributed among his officers and soldiers. He also promised generous rewards for the city's surrender.
Hamet had a warrior’s admiration of the marques of Cadiz, and received his messengers with courtesy in his fortress of Gibralfaro. He even listened to their propositions with patience, and dismissed them in safety, though with an absolute refusal. The marques thought his reply was not so peremptory as to discourage another effort. The emissaries were despatched, therefore, a second time, with further propositions. They approached Malaga in the night, but found the guards doubled, patrols abroad, and the whole place on the alert. They were discovered, pursued, and only saved themselves by the fleetness of their steeds and their knowledge of the passes of the mountains.*
Hamet admired the Marquis of Cadiz like a true warrior and welcomed his messengers with respect at his fortress of Gibralfaro. He patiently listened to their proposals and sent them away safely, but with a firm rejection. The Marquis believed his response wasn’t so definitive as to discourage another attempt. So, the emissaries were sent out again with more proposals. They approached Malaga at night, only to find the guards doubled, patrols active, and the entire area on high alert. They were discovered, pursued, and only escaped thanks to the speed of their horses and their knowledge of the mountain passes.*
* Cura de los Palacios, MS., c. 82.
* Cura de los Palacios, MS., c. 82.
Finding all attempts to tamper with the faith of Hamet utterly futile, King Ferdinand publicly summoned the city to surrender, offering the most favorable terms in case of immediate compliance, but threatening captivity to all the inhabitants in case of resistance.
Finding all attempts to undermine Hamet's faith completely pointless, King Ferdinand publicly called on the city to surrender, offering the best terms for immediate compliance, but warning of imprisonment for all the residents if they resisted.
It required a man of nerve to undertake the delivery of such a summons in the present heated and turbulent state of the Moorish community. Such a one stepped forward in the person of a cavalier of the royal guards, Hernan Perez del Pulgar by name, a youth of noble descent, who had already signalized himself by his romantic valor and daring enterprise. Furnished with official papers for Hamet el Zegri and a private letter from the king to Ali Dordux, he entered the gates of Malaga under the protection of a flag, and boldly delivered his summons in presence of the principal inhabitants. The language of the summons or the tone in which it was delivered exasperated the fiery spirit of the Moors, and it required all the energy of Hamet and the influence of several of the alfaquis to prevent an outrage to the person of the ambassador. The reply of Hamet was haughty and decided. “The city of Malaga has been confided to me,” said he—“not to be surrendered, but defended, and the king shall witness how I acquit myself of my charge.” *
It took a brave person to deliver such a summons in the current heated and chaotic state of the Moorish community. That person was Hernan Perez del Pulgar, a young member of the royal guards and of noble lineage, who had already made a name for himself with his romantic bravery and bold exploits. Armed with official documents for Hamet el Zegri and a private letter from the king to Ali Dordux, he entered the gates of Malaga under the protection of a flag and confidently delivered his summons in front of the main residents. The wording of the summons and the way it was delivered stirred up the passionate nature of the Moors, and it took all the effort of Hamet and the influence of several of the alfaquis to prevent an attack on the ambassador. Hamet's response was proud and firm. “The city of Malaga has been entrusted to me,” he said—“to be defended, not surrendered, and the king will see how well I fulfill my duty.”
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 74.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 74.
His mission at an end, Hernan del Pulgar rode slowly and deliberately through the city, utterly regardless of the scowls and menaces and scarcely restrained turbulence of the multitude, and bore to Ferdinand at Velez the haughty answer of the Moor, but at the same time gave him a formidable account of the force of the garrison, the strength of the fortifications, and the determined spirit of the commander and his men. The king immediately sent orders to have the heavy artillery forwarded from Antiquera, and on the 7th of May marched with his army toward Malaga.
His mission complete, Hernan del Pulgar rode slowly and deliberately through the city, completely unbothered by the scowls, threats, and barely contained chaos of the crowd. He took the Moor's arrogant response back to Ferdinand at Velez, but also reported on the strength of the garrison, the robustness of the fortifications, and the determined spirit of the commander and his men. The king quickly sent orders to have the heavy artillery brought from Antiquera, and on May 7th, he marched with his army toward Malaga.
The army of Ferdinand advanced in lengthened line, glittering along the foot of the mountains which border the Mediterranean, while a fleet of vessels, freighted with heavy artillery and warlike munitions, kept pace with it at a short distance from the land, covering the sea with a thousand gleaming sails. When Hamet el Zegri saw this force approaching, he set fire to the houses of the suburbs which adjoined the walls and sent forth three battalions to encounter the advance guard of the enemy.
The army of Ferdinand marched in a long line, shining at the base of the mountains along the Mediterranean, while a fleet of ships loaded with heavy artillery and weapons followed closely offshore, filling the sea with thousands of sparkling sails. When Hamet el Zegri noticed this force coming, he set fire to the houses in the nearby suburbs next to the walls and sent out three battalions to challenge the enemy's advance guard.
The Christian army drew near to the city at that end where the castle and rocky height of Gibralfaro defended the seaboard. Immediately opposite, at about two bow-shots’ distance, stood the castle, and between it and the high chain of mountains was a steep and rocky hill, at present called the hill of St. Christobal, commanding a pass through which the Christians must march to penetrate to the vega and surround the city. Hamet ordered the three battalions to take their stations—one on this hill, another in the pass near the castle, and a third on the side of the mountain near the sea.
The Christian army approached the city from the side where the Gibralfaro castle and rocky height protected the coastline. Directly across from them, about two bowshots away, was the castle, and between it and the tall mountain range was a steep, rocky hill now known as St. Christobal Hill, which oversaw a passage that the Christians needed to cross to reach the vega and encircle the city. Hamet instructed the three battalions to take their positions—one on this hill, another in the pass near the castle, and the third on the mountainside near the sea.
A body of Spanish foot-soldiers of the advance guard, sturdy mountaineers of Galicia, sprang forward to climb the side of the height next the sea, at the same time a number of cavaliers and hidalgos of the royal household attacked the Moors who guarded the pass below. The Moors defended their posts with obstinate valor. The Galicians were repeatedly overpowered and driven down the hill, but as often rallied, and, being reinforced by the hidalgos and cavaliers, returned to the assault. This obstinate struggle lasted for six hours: the strife was of a deadly kind, not merely with crossbows and arquebuses, but hand to hand with swords and daggers; no quarter was claimed or given on either side—they fought not to make captives, but to slay. It was but the advance of the Christian army that was engaged; so narrow was the pass along the coast that the army could proceed only in file: horse and foot and beasts of burden were crowded one upon another, impeding each other and blocking up the narrow and rugged defile. The soldiers heard the uproar of the battle, the sound of trumpets, and the war-cries of the Moors, but tried in vain to press forward to the assistance of their companions.
A group of Spanish foot soldiers from the advance guard, strong mountaineers from Galicia, rushed to climb the slope by the sea, while a number of knights and nobles from the royal household attacked the Moors guarding the pass below. The Moors defended their positions with fierce determination. The Galicians were repeatedly overwhelmed and pushed down the hill, but they rallied each time and, reinforced by the nobles and knights, charged back into battle. This stubborn fight lasted for six hours: it was brutal, not just with crossbows and guns, but also up close with swords and daggers; neither side asked for mercy nor gave any—they fought not to capture but to kill. It was only the advance of the Christian army that was engaged; the pass along the coast was so narrow that the army could only move in single file: horses, foot soldiers, and pack animals were crammed together, blocking each other and clogging the narrow, rugged path. The soldiers could hear the uproar of the battle, the sound of trumpets, and the war cries of the Moors, but they struggled in vain to push forward to help their comrades.
At length a body of foot-soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood climbed with great difficulty the steep side of the mountain which overhung the pass, and advanced with seven banners displayed. The Moors, seeing this force above them, abandoned the pass in despair. The battle was still raging on the height; the Galicians, though supported by Castilian troops under Don Hurtado de Mendoza and Garcilasso de la Vega, were severely pressed and roughly handled by the Moors: at length a brave standard-bearer, Luys Mazeda by name, threw himself into the midst of the enemy and planted his banner on the summit. The Galicians and Castilians, stimulated by this noble self-devotion, followed him, fighting desperately, and the Moors were at length driven to their castle of Gibralfaro.*
At last, a group of foot soldiers from the Holy Brotherhood struggled to climb the steep side of the mountain overlooking the pass and advanced with seven banners flying. The Moors, seeing this force above them, gave up on the pass in despair. The battle was still fierce on the height; the Galicians, although backed by Castilian troops under Don Hurtado de Mendoza and Garcilasso de la Vega, were under severe pressure and were being roughly handled by the Moors. Finally, a brave standard-bearer named Luys Mazeda charged into the enemy's ranks and planted his banner at the top. Inspired by his courageous act, the Galicians and Castilians followed him, fighting fiercely, and the Moors were eventually driven back to their castle at Gibralfaro.*
* Pulgar, Cronica.
* Pulgar, Chronicle.
This important height being taken, the pass lay open to the army, but by this time evening was advancing, and the host was too weary and exhausted to seek proper situations for the encampment. The king, attended by several grandees and cavaliers, went the rounds at night, stationing outposts toward the city and guards and patrols to give the alarm on the least movement of the enemy. All night the Christians lay upon their arms, lest there should be some attempt to sally forth and attack them.
This crucial height secured, the pass was open to the army, but by then evening was creeping in, and the soldiers were too tired and worn out to find suitable spots for camping. The king, accompanied by several nobles and knights, made his rounds at night, setting up outposts toward the city and placing guards and patrols to sound the alarm at the slightest sign of enemy movement. All night, the Christians stayed alert, ready in case the enemy made any attempt to come out and attack them.
When the morning dawned the king gazed with admiration at this city which he hoped soon to add to his dominions. It was surrounded on one side by vineyards, gardens, and orchards, which covered the hills with verdure; on the other side its walls were bathed by the smooth and tranquil sea. Its vast and lofty towers and prodigious castles, hoary with age, yet unimpaired in strength, showed the labors of magnanimous men in former times to protect their favorite abode. Hanging gardens, groves of oranges, citrons, and pomegranates, with tall cedars and stately palms, were mingled with the stern battlements and towers, bespeaking the opulence and luxury that reigned within.
When morning broke, the king looked with admiration at the city he hoped to add to his realm soon. One side was surrounded by vineyards, gardens, and orchards that covered the hills with greenery; on the other side, its walls were washed by the calm and peaceful sea. Its tall, massive towers and ancient castles, still strong despite their age, reflected the efforts of noble men from the past to protect their beloved home. Hanging gardens, orange and lemon groves, and pomegranate trees, along with towering cedars and elegant palms, were interwoven with the strong battlements and towers, showcasing the wealth and luxury that thrived within.
In the mean time, the Christian army poured through the pass, and, throwing out its columns and extending its lines, took possession of every vantage-ground around the city. King Ferdinand surveyed the ground and appointed the stations of the different commanders.
In the meantime, the Christian army flooded through the pass, spreading out its units and widening its lines, taking control of every strategic point around the city. King Ferdinand assessed the area and assigned positions to the various commanders.
The important mount of St. Christobal, which had cost so violent a struggle and faced the powerful fortress of Gibralfaro, was given in charge to Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, who in all sieges claimed the post of danger. He had several noble cavaliers with their retainers in his encampment, which consisted of fifteen hundred horse and fourteen thousand foot, and extended from the summit of the mount to the margin of the sea, completely blocking up the approach to the city on that side. From this post a line of encampments extended quite round the city to the seaboard, fortified by bulwarks and deep ditches, while a fleet of armed ships and galleys stretched before the harbor, so that the place was completely invested by sea and land. The various parts of the valley now resounded with the din of preparation, and was filled with artificers preparing warlike engines and munitions; armorers and smiths with glowing forges and deafening hammers; carpenters and engineers constructing machines wherewith to assail the walls; stone-cutters shaping stone balls for the ordnance; and burners of charcoal preparing fuel for the furnaces and forges.
The important mountain of St. Christobal, which had been taken after a fierce struggle and overlooked the powerful fortress of Gibralfaro, was assigned to Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz, who always took on the most dangerous positions in sieges. He had several noble knights with their retainers in his camp, which consisted of fifteen hundred cavalry and fourteen thousand infantry, stretching from the summit of the mountain to the edge of the sea, completely blocking access to the city from that side. From this position, a line of camps extended all around the city to the coastline, fortified with walls and deep ditches, while a fleet of armed ships and galleys lined the harbor, completely surrounding the place by both sea and land. The various parts of the valley were filled with the sounds of preparation, bustling with artisans preparing war machines and supplies; armorers and blacksmiths working at glowing forges with ringing hammers; carpenters and engineers building siege engines to attack the walls; stone-cutters crafting stone projectiles for the artillery; and charcoal burners getting fuel ready for the furnaces and forges.
When the encampment was formed the heavy ordnance was landed from the ships and mounted in various parts of the camp. Five huge lombards were placed on the mount commanded by the marques of Cadiz, so as to bear upon the castle of Gibralfaro.
When the camp was set up, the heavy artillery was unloaded from the ships and positioned in different areas of the camp. Five large cannons were set up on the hill overseen by the Marquis of Cadiz, aimed at the castle of Gibralfaro.
The Moors made strenuous efforts to impede these preparations. They kept up a heavy fire from their ordnance upon the men employed in digging trenches or constructing batteries, so that the latter had to work principally in the night. The royal tents had been stationed conspicuously and within reach of the Moorish batteries, but were so warmly assailed that they had to be removed behind a hill.
The Moors worked hard to disrupt these preparations. They maintained a heavy bombardment on the men digging trenches or building batteries, forcing them to work mainly at night. The royal tents were set up in a visible location and within firing range of the Moorish batteries, but they came under such intense attack that they had to be moved behind a hill.
When the works were completed the Christian batteries opened in return, and kept up a tremendous cannonade, while the fleet, approaching the land, assailed the city vigorously on the opposite side.
When the work was finished, the Christian artillery fired back and kept up a massive bombardment, while the fleet, coming closer to shore, attacked the city forcefully from the other side.
“It was a glorious and delectable sight,” observes Fray Antonio Agapida, “to behold this infidel city thus surrounded by sea and land by a mighty Christian force. Every mound in its circuit was, as it were, a little city of tents bearing the standard of some renowned Catholic warrior. Besides the warlike ships and galleys which lay before the place, the sea was covered with innumerable sails, passing and repassing, appearing and disappearing, being engaged in bringing supplies for the subsistence of the army. It seemed a vast spectacle contrived to recreate the eye, did not the volleying bursts of flame and smoke from the ships, which seemed to lie asleep on the quiet sea, and the thunder of ordnance from camp and city, from tower and battlement, tell the deadly warfare that was waging.
“It was an amazing and beautiful sight,” notes Fray Antonio Agapida, “to see this enemy city surrounded by both sea and land by a powerful Christian army. Every hill around it was like a small city of tents displaying the banner of some famous Catholic hero. Along with the warships and galleys positioned in front of the city, the sea was filled with countless sails, coming and going, showing up and disappearing, all busy bringing supplies for the army's needs. It looked like a grand spectacle meant to please the eye, if not for the explosive bursts of fire and smoke from the ships, which appeared to be resting on the calm sea, and the booming sounds of cannons from the camp and city, from towers and battlements, revealing the deadly battle that was underway.
“At night the scene was far more direful than in the day. The cheerful light of the sun was gone; there was nothing but the flashes of artillery or the baleful gleams of combustibles thrown into the city, and the conflagration of the houses. The fire kept up from the Christian batteries was incessant: there were seven great lombards in particular, called the Seven Sisters of Ximenes, which did tremendous execution. The Moorish ordnance replied in thunder from the walls; Gibralfaro was wrapped in volumes of smoke rolling about its base; and Hamet and his Gomeres looked out with triumph upon the tempest of war they had awaked. Truly they were so many demons incarnate,” concludes the pious Fray Antonio Agapida, “who were permitted by Heaven to enter into and possess this infidel city for its perdition.”
“At night, the scene was much more grim than during the day. The cheerful sunlight was gone; all that remained were the flashes of artillery and the ominous glows of fires set in the city, along with the burning houses. The fire from the Christian batteries was relentless: there were seven large cannons in particular, known as the Seven Sisters of Ximenes, which caused devastating damage. The Moorish cannons responded with thunder from the walls; Gibralfaro was engulfed in clouds of smoke rolling around its base, and Hamet and his Gomeres watched triumphantly from the heights at the chaos of war they had stirred up. Truly, they were like demons incarnate,” concludes the devout Fray Antonio Agapida, “who were allowed by Heaven to enter and take over this infidel city for its destruction.”
The attack on Malaga by sea and land was kept up for several days with tremendous violence, but without producing any great impression, so strong were the ancient bulwarks of the city. The count de Cifuentes was the first to signalize himself by any noted achievement. A main tower, protecting what is at present called the suburb of Santa Ana, had been shattered by the ordnance and the battlements demolished, so as to yield no shelter to its defenders. Seeing this, the count assembled a gallant band of cavaliers of the royal household and advanced to take it by storm. They applied scaling-ladders and mounted sword in hand. The Moors, having no longer battlements to protect them, descended to a lower floor, and made furious resistance from the windows and loopholes. They poured down boiling pitch and rosin, and hurled stones and darts and arrows on the assailants. Many of the Christians were slain, their ladders were destroyed by flaming combustibles, and the count was obliged to retreat from before the tower. On the following day he renewed the attack with superior force, and after a severe combat succeeded in planting his victorious banner on the tower.
The attack on Malaga by land and sea continued for several days with tremendous force, but it didn’t make a significant impact due to the strength of the city's ancient defenses. The Count de Cifuentes was the first to distinguish himself with a notable achievement. A main tower, which now protects the area known as the suburb of Santa Ana, had been damaged by cannon fire, and the battlements were destroyed, leaving no cover for its defenders. Seeing this, the count gathered a brave group of royal household knights and moved to storm the tower. They set up scaling ladders and climbed up with swords drawn. The Moors, no longer having battlements for protection, retreated to a lower level and fiercely resisted from the windows and openings. They poured boiling pitch and rosin down and threw stones, darts, and arrows at the attackers. Many Christians were killed, their ladders were set ablaze, and the count was forced to pull back from the tower. The next day, he launched another attack with greater force, and after a fierce battle, he managed to raise his victorious banner on the tower.
The Moors now assailed the tower in their turn. They undermined the part toward the city, placed props of wood under the foundation, and, setting fire to them, drew off to a distance. In a little while the props gave way, the foundation sunk, and the tower was rent; part of its wall fell with a tremendous noise; many of the Christians were thrown out headlong, and the rest were laid open to the missiles of the enemy.
The Moors then attacked the tower. They dug underneath the section facing the city, put wooden supports under the foundation, and then set them on fire before moving back. Soon enough, the supports collapsed, the foundation gave in, and the tower split; part of the wall fell with a huge crash, sending many Christians tumbling out and leaving the others exposed to the enemy's missiles.
By this time, however, a breach had been made in the wall of the suburb adjoining the tower, and troops poured in to the assistance of their comrades. A continued battle was kept up for two days and a night by reinforcements from camp and city. The parties fought backward and forward through the breach of the wall and in the narrow and winding streets adjacent with alternate success, and the vicinity of the tower was strewn with the dead and wounded. At length the Moors gradually gave way, disputing every inch of ground, until they were driven into the city, and the Christians remained masters of the greater part of the suburb.
By this time, though, a breach had been made in the wall of the suburb next to the tower, and troops rushed in to help their comrades. A continuous battle went on for two days and a night with reinforcements arriving from camp and the city. The two sides fought back and forth through the wall breach and in the narrow, winding streets nearby, achieving alternating success, while the area around the tower was filled with the dead and wounded. Finally, the Moors began to retreat, fighting for every inch of ground, until they were pushed back into the city, and the Christians gained control of most of the suburb.
This partial success, though gained with great toil and bloodshed, gave temporary animation to the Christians; they soon found, however, that the attack on the main works of the city was a much more arduous task. The garrison contained veterans who had served in many of the towns captured by the Christians. They were no longer confounded and dismayed by the battering ordnance and other strange engines of foreign invention, and had become expert in parrying their effects, in repairing breaches, and erecting counter-works.
This partial success, achieved with a lot of hard work and bloodshed, briefly energized the Christians; however, they soon realized that attacking the main defenses of the city was a much tougher challenge. The garrison included veterans who had fought in many of the towns taken by the Christians. They were no longer confused or intimidated by the heavy artillery and other foreign machines, and they had become skilled at mitigating their impacts, repairing breaches, and building counter-defenses.
The Christians, accustomed of late to speedy conquests of Moorish fortresses, became impatient of the slow progress of the siege. Many were apprehensive of a scarcity of provisions from the difficulty of subsisting so numerous a host in the heart of the enemy’s country, where it was necessary to transport supplies across rugged and hostile mountains or subjected to the uncertainties of the sea. Many also were alarmed at a pestilence which broke out in the neighboring villages, and some were so overcome by these apprehensions as to abandon the camp and return to their homes.
The Christians, who had recently gotten used to quickly taking over Moorish forts, grew impatient with the slow progress of the siege. Many worried about running low on supplies due to the challenge of feeding such a large group in the heart of enemy territory, where they had to move provisions over rough, hostile mountains or deal with unpredictable sea conditions. Others were also concerned about a disease that erupted in nearby villages, and some were so overwhelmed by these fears that they left the camp and went back home.
Several of the loose and worthless hangers-on that infest all great armies, hearing these murmurs, thought that the siege would soon be raised, and deserted to the enemy, hoping to make their fortunes. They gave exaggerated accounts of the alarms and discontents of the army, and represented the troops as daily returning home in bands. Above all, they declared that the gunpowder was nearly exhausted, so that the artillery would soon be useless. They assured the Moors, therefore, that if they persisted a little longer in their defence, the king would be obliged to draw off his forces and abandon the siege.
Several of the idle and worthless hangers-on that plague all large armies, hearing these whispers, believed that the siege would be lifted soon and switched sides to the enemy, hoping to make a fortune. They exaggerated the army's fears and discontent, claiming that troops were leaving in groups every day. Most importantly, they insisted that the gunpowder was almost gone, meaning the artillery would soon be ineffective. They assured the Moors that if they held out a little longer, the king would have to pull back his forces and abandon the siege.
The reports of these renegados gave fresh courage to the garrison; they made vigorous sallies upon the camp, harassing it by night and day, and obliging every part to be guarded with the most painful vigilance. They fortified the weak parts of their walls with ditches and palisadoes, and gave every manifestation of a determined and unyielding spirit.
The reports from these renegades boosted the garrison's morale; they made aggressive attacks on the camp, troubling it day and night and forcing every section to be watched with intense vigilance. They reinforced the vulnerable areas of their walls with ditches and wooden stakes and showed every sign of a strong and relentless spirit.
Ferdinand soon received intelligence of the reports which had been carried to the Moors: he understood that they had been informed, likewise, that the queen was alarmed for the safety of the camp, and had written repeatedly urging him to abandon the siege. As the best means of disproving all these falsehoods and destroying the vain hopes of the enemy, he wrote to the queen entreating her to come and take up her residence in the camp.
Ferdinand soon learned about the reports that had been sent to the Moors. He realized that they had also been told that the queen was worried about the safety of the camp and had written to him several times urging him to abandon the siege. To counter these lies and crush the enemy's false hopes, he wrote to the queen asking her to come and stay in the camp.
Great was the enthusiasm of the army when they beheld their patriot queen advancing in state to share the toils and dangers of her people. Isabella entered the camp attended by the dignitaries and the whole retinue of her court to manifest that this was no temporary visit. On one side of her was her daughter, the infanta; on the other, the grand cardinal of Spain: Hernando de Talavera, the prior of Prado, confessor to the queen, followed, with a great train of prelates, courtiers, cavaliers, and ladies of distinction. The cavalcade moved in calm and stately order through the camp, softening the iron aspect of war by this array of courtly grace and female beauty.
The army was filled with excitement as they saw their patriot queen making her way to join her people in their struggles and dangers. Isabella approached the camp surrounded by dignitaries and her entire court, showing that this was not a short visit. On one side of her was her daughter, the infanta, and on the other was the grand cardinal of Spain. Hernando de Talavera, the prior of Prado and the queen's confessor, followed closely behind, along with a large group of bishops, courtiers, knights, and ladies of distinction. The procession moved smoothly and with dignity through the camp, softening the harshness of war with the elegance of courtly charm and feminine beauty.
Isabella had commanded that on her coming to the camp the horrors of war should be suspended and fresh offers of peace made to the enemy. On her arrival, therefore, there had been a general cessation of firing throughout the camp. A messenger was at the same time despatched to the besieged, informing them of her being in the camp, and of the determination of the sovereigns to make it their settled residence until the city should be taken. The same terms were offered in case of immediate surrender that had been granted to Velez Malaga, but the inhabitants were threatened with captivity and the sword should they persist in their defence.
Isabella had ordered that when she arrived at the camp, the horrors of war should stop and new offers of peace should be made to the enemy. Therefore, when she arrived, there was a complete halt in firing throughout the camp. A messenger was also sent to the besieged, informing them of her presence in the camp and of the rulers' decision to make it their permanent residence until the city was captured. The same terms that were offered for immediate surrender to Velez Malaga were extended to them, but the inhabitants were warned of captivity and death if they continued to resist.
Hamet el Zegri received this message with haughty contempt, and dismissed the messenger without deigning a reply, and accompanied by an escort to prevent his holding any communication with the inhabitants in the streets. “The Christian sovereigns,” said Hamet to those about him, “have made this offer in consequence of their despair. The silence of their batteries proves the truth of what has been told us, that their powder is exhausted. They have no longer the means of demolishing our walls, and if they remain much longer the autumnal rains will interrupt their convoys and fill their camp with famine and disease. The first storm will disperse their fleet, which has no neighboring port of shelter: Africa will then be open to us to procure reinforcements and supplies.”
Hamet el Zegri received this message with arrogant disdain and dismissed the messenger without even responding, sending him away with an escort to prevent any communication with the people in the streets. “The Christian rulers,” Hamet told those around him, “have made this offer out of desperation. The silence of their cannons confirms what we’ve heard: their gunpowder is gone. They no longer have the means to tear down our walls, and if they stay much longer, the autumn rains will disrupt their supply lines and leave their camp with hunger and sickness. The first storm will scatter their fleet, which has no nearby port for shelter: then Africa will be open to us to gather reinforcements and supplies.”
The words of Hamet el Zegri were hailed as oracular by his adherents. Many of the peaceful part of the community, however, ventured to remonstrate, and to implore him to accept the proffered mercy. The stern Hamet silenced them with a terrific threat: he declared that whoever should talk of capitulating or should hold any communication with the Christians should be put to death. The Gomeres, like true men of the sword, acted upon the menace of their chieftain as upon a written law, and, having detected several of the inhabitants in secret correspondence with the enemy, set upon and slew them and confiscated their effects. This struck such terror into the citizens that those who had been loudest in their murmurs became suddenly mute, and were remarked as evincing the greatest bustle and alacrity in the defence of the city.
The words of Hamet el Zegri were seen as prophetic by his supporters. However, many in the peaceful part of the community tried to persuade him to accept the offered mercy. The stern Hamet silenced them with a terrifying threat: he declared that anyone who talked about surrendering or communicated with the Christians would be executed. The Gomeres, true men of the sword, followed their leader's threat as if it were law, and upon discovering several residents secretly corresponding with the enemy, they attacked and killed them, confiscating their belongings. This instilled such fear in the citizens that those who had been the loudest in their complaints suddenly fell silent and were observed to be showing the greatest energy and eagerness in defending the city.
When the messenger returned to the camp and reported the contemptuous reception of the royal message, King Ferdinand was exceedingly indignant. Finding the cessation of firing on the queen’s arrival had encouraged a belief among the enemy that there was a scarcity of powder in the camp, he ordered a general discharge from all the batteries. The sudden burst of war from every quarter soon convinced the Moors of their error and completed the confusion of the citizens, who knew not which most to dread, their assailants or their defenders, the Christians or the Gomeres.
When the messenger got back to camp and reported how rudely the royal message was received, King Ferdinand was extremely angry. Noticing that the pause in firing during the queen’s arrival had led the enemy to think there was a shortage of gunpowder in the camp, he ordered all the batteries to fire at once. The sudden explosion of gunfire from every direction quickly made the Moors realize their mistake and added to the chaos for the citizens, who didn’t know whether to fear their attackers or their protectors, the Christians or the Gomeres.
That evening the sovereigns visited the encampment of the marques of Cadiz, which commanded a view over a great part of the city, the camp, and the sea with its flotillas. The tent of the marques was of great magnitude, furnished with hangings of rich brocade and French cloth of the rarest texture. It was in the Oriental style, and, as it crowned the height, with the surrounding tents of other cavaliers, all sumptuously furnished, presented a gay and silken contrast to the opposite towers of Gibralfaro. Here a splendid collation was served up to the sovereigns, and the courtly revel that prevailed in this chivalrous encampment, the glitter of pageantry, and the bursts of festive music made more striking the gloom and silence that reigned over the Moorish castle.
That evening, the rulers visited the camp of the Marquis of Cadiz, which overlooked a large part of the city, the camp, and the sea with its flotillas. The Marquis's tent was huge, decorated with rich brocade and the finest French fabrics. It was designed in the Oriental style and, sitting atop the hill alongside the surrounding tents of other knights, all lavishly furnished, it created a vibrant and luxurious contrast to the towers of Gibralfaro. Here, a magnificent meal was prepared for the rulers, and the lively celebration that filled this chivalrous camp, with its dazzling displays and bursts of festive music, highlighted the gloom and silence that hung over the Moorish castle.
The marques of Cadiz while it was yet light conducted his royal visitors to every point that commanded a view of the warlike scene below. He caused the heavy lombards also to be discharged, that the queen and ladies of the court might witness the effect of those tremendous engines. The fair dames were filled with awe and admiration as the mountain shook beneath their feet with the thunder of the artillery and they beheld great fragments of the Moorish walls tumbling down the rocks and precipices.
The Marquis of Cadiz, while it was still light out, led his royal guests to every spot that overlooked the battle unfolding below. He also had the heavy cannons fired so that the queen and the ladies of the court could see the impact of those powerful weapons. The beautiful women were filled with awe and admiration as the mountain shook under their feet with the thunder of the artillery, and they watched large pieces of the Moorish walls crash down the rocks and cliffs.
While the good marques was displaying these things to his royal guests he lifted up his eyes, and to his astonishment beheld his own banner hanging out from the nearest tower of Gibralfaro. The blood mantled in his cheek, for it was a banner which he had lost at the time of the memorable massacre of the heights of Malaga.* To make this taunt more evident, several of the Gomeres displayed themselves upon the battlements arrayed in the helmets and cuirasses of some of the cavaliers slain or captured on that occasion. The marques of Cadiz restrained his indignation and held his peace, but several of, his cavaliers vowed loudly to revenge this cruel bravado on the ferocious garrison of Gibralfaro.
While the noble marquis was showing these things to his royal guests, he looked up and was shocked to see his own banner hanging from the nearest tower of Gibralfaro. Blood rushed to his face because it was a banner he had lost during the infamous massacre at the heights of Malaga.* To add to this insult, several of the Gomeres appeared on the battlements wearing the helmets and armor of some of the knights who had been killed or captured that day. The marquis of Cadiz held back his anger and stayed silent, but several of his knights loudly vowed to take revenge on the brutal garrison of Gibralfaro.
* Diego de Valera, Cronica, MS.
* Diego de Valera, Cronica, MS.
The marques of Cadiz was not a cavalier that readily forgave an injury or an insult. On the morning after the royal banquet his batteries opened a tremendous fire upon Gibralfaro. All day the encampment was wrapped in wreaths of smoke, nor did the assault cease with the day, but throughout the night there was an incessant flashing and thundering of the lombards, and the following morning the assault rather increased than slackened in fury. The Moorish bulwarks were no proof against those formidable engines. In a few days the lofty tower on which the taunting banner had been displayed was shattered, a smaller tower in its vicinity reduced to ruins, and a great breach made in the intervening walls.
The Marquis of Cadiz wasn't someone who easily forgave a wrong or insult. The morning after the royal banquet, his forces unleashed a massive barrage on Gibralfaro. All day, the camp was shrouded in clouds of smoke, and the attack didn’t stop with the day; throughout the night, there was a continuous flashing and booming from the cannons, and the next morning, the assault intensified instead of letting up. The Moorish defenses couldn’t withstand those powerful weapons. In just a few days, the tall tower with the mocking banner was destroyed, a smaller nearby tower was brought down, and a large breach was made in the walls between them.
Several of the hot-spirited cavaliers were eager for storming the breach sword in hand; others, more cool and wary, pointed out the rashness of such an attempt, for the Moors had worked indefatigably in the night; they had digged a deep ditch within the breach, and had fortified it with palisadoes and a high breastwork. All, however, agreed that the camp might safely be advanced near to the ruined walls, and that it ought to be done in return for the insolent defiance of the enemy.
Several of the fiery knights were eager to charge the breach with swords drawn; others, more cautious and prudent, highlighted the foolishness of such a move, since the Moors had worked tirelessly through the night. They had dug a deep trench at the breach and reinforced it with stakes and a tall barricade. Nonetheless, everyone agreed that the camp could be safely moved closer to the crumbling walls, and that it should be done in response to the enemy's insulting challenge.
The marques of Cadiz felt the temerity of the measure, but was unwilling to dampen the zeal of these high-spirited cavaliers, and, having chosen the post of danger in the camp, it did not become him to decline any service merely because it might appear perilous. He ordered his outposts, therefore, to be advanced within a stone’s-throw of the breach, but exhorted the soldiers to maintain the utmost vigilance.
The Marquis of Cadiz recognized the boldness of the decision but didn't want to discourage the enthusiasm of these spirited knights. Since he chose to be in a dangerous position in the camp, it wasn't appropriate for him to refuse any task just because it might seem risky. He therefore commanded his lookouts to move closer to the breach, but urged the soldiers to stay extremely alert.
The thunder of the batteries had ceased; the troops, exhausted by two nights’ fatigue and watchfulness, and apprehending no danger from the dismantled walls, were half of them asleep; the rest were scattered about in negligent security. On a sudden upward of two thousand Moors sallied forth from the castle, led on by Ibrahim Zenete, the principal captain under Hamet. They fell with fearful havoc upon the advanced guard, slaying many of them in their sleep and putting the rest to headlong flight.
The sound of the cannons had stopped; the soldiers, worn out from two nights of exhaustion and vigilance, and thinking there was no danger from the broken walls, were mostly asleep; the others were spread out in relaxed security. Suddenly, over two thousand Moors charged out from the castle, led by Ibrahim Zenete, the main captain under Hamet. They launched a devastating attack on the front line, killing many of them while they were asleep and causing the others to flee in panic.
The marques was in his tent, about a bow-shot distant, when he heard the tumult of the onset and beheld his men dying in confusion. He rushed forth, followed by his standard-bearer. “Turn again, cavaliers!” exclaimed he; “I am here, Ponce de Leon! To the foe! to the foe!” The flying troops stopped at hearing his well-known voice, rallied under his banner, and turned upon the enemy. The encampment by this time was roused; several cavaliers from the adjoining stations had hastened to the scene of action, with a number of Galicians and soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood. An obstinate and bloody contest ensued; the ruggedness of the place, the rocks, chasms, and declivities broke it into numerous combats: Christian and Moor fought hand to hand with swords and daggers, and often, grappling and struggling, rolled together down the precipices.
The marquis was in his tent about a bow-shot away when he heard the chaos of the attack and saw his men dying in disarray. He rushed out, followed by his standard-bearer. “Turn back, knights!” he shouted; “I am here, Ponce de Leon! To the enemy! To the enemy!” The retreating troops stopped when they heard his familiar voice, rallied under his banner, and charged the enemy. By this time, the camp was stirred up; several knights from nearby camps had rushed to the battlefield, along with a number of Galicians and soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood. A fierce and bloody fight broke out; the rough terrain, with its rocks, crevices, and slopes, turned it into multiple battles: Christians and Moors fought together face-to-face with swords and daggers, often grappling and tumbling down the cliffs.
The banner of the marques was in danger of being taken: he hastened to its rescue, followed by some of his bravest cavaliers. They were surrounded by the enemy, and several of them cut down. Don Diego Ponce de Leon, brother to the marques, was wounded by an arrow, and his son-in-law, Luis Ponce, was likewise wounded: they succeeded, however, in rescuing the banner and bearing it off in safety. The battle lasted for an hour; the height was covered with killed and wounded and the blood flowed in streams down the rocks; at length, Ibrahim Zenete being disabled by the thrust of a lance, the Moors gave way and retreated to the castle.
The marques's banner was at risk of being captured, so he rushed to save it, accompanied by some of his bravest knights. They were surrounded by the enemy, and several of them were killed. Don Diego Ponce de Leon, the marques's brother, was struck by an arrow, and his son-in-law, Luis Ponce, was also injured. Nevertheless, they managed to rescue the banner and carry it away safely. The battle lasted about an hour; the area was filled with the dead and wounded, and blood streamed down the rocks. Eventually, when Ibrahim Zenete was incapacitated by a lance thrust, the Moors retreated to the castle.
They now opened a galling fire from their battlements and towers, approaching the breaches so as to discharge their crossbows and arquebuses into the advanced guard of the encampment. The marques was singled out: the shot fell thick about him, and one passed through his buckler and struck upon his cuirass, but without doing him any injury. Every one now saw the danger and inutility of approaching the camp thus near to the castle, and those who had counselled it were now urgent that it should be withdrawn. It was accordingly removed back to its original ground, from which the marques had most reluctantly advanced it. Nothing but his valor and timely aid had prevented this attack on his outpost from ending in a total rout of all that part of the army.
They now opened a harsh fire from their battlements and towers, getting close to the breaches to shoot their crossbows and arquebuses into the front guard of the camp. The marques was targeted: the shots fell heavily around him, and one went through his shield and hit his armor, but it didn't injure him. Everyone now recognized the danger and futility of getting so close to the camp near the castle, and those who had advised it were now insisting that it should be pulled back. It was then moved back to its original position, which the marques had reluctantly left. Only his bravery and quick support had stopped this attack on his outpost from resulting in a complete disaster for that part of the army.
Many cavaliers of distinction fell in this contest, but the loss of none was felt more deeply than that of Ortega del Prado, captain of escaladors. He was one of the bravest men in the service, the same who had devised the first successful blow of the war, the storming of Alhama, where he was the first to plant and mount the scaling-ladders. He had always been high in the favor and confidence of the noble Ponce de Leon, who knew how to appreciate and avail himself of the merits of all able and valiant men.*
Many distinguished knights lost their lives in this battle, but none was mourned more than Ortega del Prado, captain of the escaladors. He was one of the bravest men in service, the same one who had planned the first successful strike of the war, the assault on Alhama, where he was the first to set up and climb the scaling ladders. He had always held a special place in the favor and trust of the noble Ponce de Leon, who knew how to recognize and make use of the skills of all capable and courageous men.*
* Zurita, Mariana, Abarca.
* Zurita, Mariana, Abarca.
Great were the exertions now made, both by the besiegers and the besieged, to carry on the contest with the utmost vigor. Hamet went the rounds of the walls and towers, doubling the guards and putting everything in the best posture of defence. The garrison was divided into parties of a hundred, to each of which a captain was appointed. Some were to patrol, others to sally forth and skirmish with the enemy, and others to hold themselves armed and in reserve. Six albatozas, or floating batteries, were manned and armed with pieces of artillery to attack the fleet.
Great efforts were being made by both the attackers and the defenders to keep the fight going with maximum intensity. Hamet inspected the walls and towers, increasing the number of guards and ensuring everything was in top defensive shape. The garrison was split into groups of a hundred, each led by a captain. Some were assigned to patrol, others to go out and engage in skirmishes with the enemy, and others were kept armed and ready in reserve. Six floating batteries were staffed and equipped with cannons to target the fleet.
On the other hand, the Castilian sovereigns kept open a communication by sea with various parts of Spain, from which they received provisions of all kinds; they ordered supplies of powder also from Valencia, Barcelona, Sicily, and Portugal. They made great preparations also for storming the city. Towers of wood were constructed to move on wheels, each capable of holding one hundred men; they were furnished with ladders to be thrown from their summits to the tops of the walls, and within those ladders others were encased, to be let down for the descent of the troops into the city. There were gallipagos, or tortoises, also being great wooden shields, covered with hides, to protect the assailants and those who undermined the walls.
On the other hand, the Castilian kings kept a sea route open to various parts of Spain, from which they received all kinds of supplies; they also ordered gunpowder from Valencia, Barcelona, Sicily, and Portugal. They made extensive preparations to storm the city. Wooden towers were built on wheels, each capable of holding a hundred men; they were equipped with ladders that could be lowered from the tops to reach the walls, and within those ladders, additional ladders were enclosed to allow troops to descend into the city. There were also gallipagos, or tortoises, which were large wooden shields covered with hides to protect the attackers and those digging under the walls.
Secret mines were commenced in various places: some were intended to reach to the foundations of the walls, which were to be propped up with wood, ready to be set on fire; others were to pass under the walls, and remain ready to be broken open so as to give entrance to the besiegers. At these mines the army worked day and night, and during these secret preparations the ordnance kept up a fire upon the city to divert the attention of the besieged.
Secret mines were started in various locations: some were meant to reach the foundations of the walls, which were to be supported with wood and then set on fire; others were meant to go under the walls, ready to be broken open to allow the attackers inside. The army worked on these mines day and night, and during these covert preparations, the artillery kept firing at the city to distract the defenders.
In the mean time, Hamet displayed wonderful vigor and ingenuity in defending the city and in repairing or fortifying by deep ditches the breaches made by the enemy. He noted also every place where the camp might be assailed with advantage, and gave the besieging army no repose night or day. While his troops sallied on the land, his floating batteries attacked the besiegers on the sea, so that there was incessant skirmishing. The tents called the Queen’s Hospital were crowded with wounded, and the whole army suffered from constant watchfulness and fatigue. To guard against the sudden assaults of the Moors, the trenches were deepened and palisadoes erected in front of the camp; and in that part facing Gibralfaro, where the rocky heights did not admit of such defences, a high rampart of earth was thrown up. The cavaliers Garcilasso de la Vega, Juan de Zuniga, and Diego de Atayde were appointed to go the rounds and keep vigilant watch that these fortifications were maintained in good order.
In the meantime, Hamet showed incredible energy and creativity in defending the city and in repairing or strengthening the breaches made by the enemy with deep ditches. He also identified every spot where the camp could be attacked effectively, giving the besieging army no rest, day or night. While his troops launched attacks on land, his floating batteries targeted the besiegers at sea, resulting in constant skirmishes. The tents known as the Queen’s Hospital were filled with wounded soldiers, and the entire army was strained from ongoing vigilance and exhaustion. To prepare for sudden assaults from the Moors, the trenches were deepened and wooden palisades were constructed in front of the camp; in the section facing Gibralfaro, where the rocky heights couldn’t be defended in the same way, a tall earthen rampart was built. The knights Garcilasso de la Vega, Juan de Zuniga, and Diego de Atayde were assigned to patrol and ensure that these fortifications were properly maintained.
In a little while Hamet discovered the mines secretly commenced by the Christians: he immediately ordered counter-mines. The soldiers mutually worked until they met and fought hand to hand in these subterranean passages. The Christians were driven out of one of their mines; fire was set to the wooden framework and the mine destroyed. Encouraged by this success, the Moors attempted a general attack upon the camp, the mines, and the besieging fleet. The battle lasted for six hours on land and water, above and below ground, on bulwark, and in trench and mine; the Moors displayed wonderful intrepidity, but were finally repulsed at all points, and obliged to retire into the city, where they were closely invested, without the means of receiving any assistance from abroad.
In a little while, Hamet discovered the mines secretly started by the Christians: he immediately ordered counter-mines. The soldiers worked together until they met and fought hand-to-hand in these underground passages. The Christians were driven out of one of their mines; fire was set to the wooden framework, and the mine was destroyed. Encouraged by this success, the Moors attempted a full-scale attack on the camp, the mines, and the besieging fleet. The battle lasted for six hours on land and water, above and below ground, on walls, and in trenches and mines; the Moors showed remarkable bravery but were eventually pushed back at all points, forcing them to retreat into the city, where they were closely surrounded, without any means of receiving help from outside.
The horrors of famine were now added to the other miseries of Malaga. Hamet, with the spirit of a man bred up to war, considered everything as subservient to the wants of the soldier, and ordered all the grain in the city to be gathered and garnered up for the sole use of those who fought. Even this was dealt out sparingly, and each soldier received four ounces of bread in the morning and two in the evening for his daily allowance.
The horrors of famine were now added to the other miseries of Malaga. Hamet, the kind of person who had been raised in war, saw everything as just a means to support the needs of the soldiers and ordered all the grain in the city to be collected and stored for the exclusive use of those who fought. Even then, it was distributed sparingly, with each soldier receiving four ounces of bread in the morning and two ounces in the evening for their daily allowance.
The wealthy inhabitants and all those peacefully inclined mourned over a resistance which brought destruction upon their houses, death into their families, and which they saw must end in their ruin and captivity; still, none of them dared to speak openly of capitulation, or even to manifest their grief, lest they should awaken the wrath of their fierce defenders. They surrounded their civic champion, Ali Dordux, the great and opulent merchant, who had buckled on shield and cuirass and taken spear in hand for the defence of his native city, and with a large body of the braver citizens had charge of one of the gates and a considerable portion of the walls. Drawing Ali Dordux aside, they poured forth their griefs to him in secret. “Why,” said they, “should we suffer our native city to be made a mere bulwark and fighting-place for foreign barbarians and desperate men? They have no families to care for, no property to lose, no love for the soil, and no value for their lives. They fight to gratify a thirst for blood or a desire for revenge, and will fight on until Malaga becomes a ruin and its people slaves. Let us think and act for ourselves, our wives, and our children. Let us make private terms with the Christians before it is too late, and save ourselves from destruction.”
The wealthy residents and all those who preferred peace lamented over a resistance that brought destruction to their homes, death to their families, and which they realized would lead to their downfall and captivity; yet, none of them dared to openly discuss surrender or even show their sorrow, fearing it would provoke the anger of their fierce defenders. They gathered around their civic leader, Ali Dordux, the wealthy merchant, who had armed himself with a shield and armor and taken up a spear to defend his city. With a large group of brave citizens, he was responsible for one of the gates and a significant portion of the walls. Pulling Ali Dordux aside, they expressed their concerns to him in private. “Why,” they asked, “should we allow our city to become nothing more than a fortress and battleground for foreign invaders and desperate men? They have no families to fight for, no property to protect, no connection to the land, and no regard for their own lives. They are driven by a thirst for blood or a desire for revenge, and will continue to fight until Malaga is in ruins and its people are enslaved. We need to think and act for ourselves, our wives, and our children. Let’s come to a private agreement with the Christians before it’s too late, and save ourselves from destruction.”
The bowels of Ali Dordux yearned toward his fellow citizens; he bethought him also of the sweet security of peace and the bloodless yet gratifying triumphs of gainful traffic. The idea also of a secret negotiation or bargain with the Castilian sovereigns for the redemption of his native city was more conformable to his accustomed habits than this violent appeal to arms, for, though he had for a time assumed the warrior, he had not forgotten the merchant. Ali Dordux communed, therefore, with the citizen-soldiers under his command, and they readily conformed to his opinion. Concerting together, they wrote a proposition to the Castilian sovereigns, offering to admit the army into the part of the city entrusted to their care on receiving assurance of protection for the lives and properties of the inhabitants. This writing they delivered to a trusty emissary to take to the Christian camp, appointing the hour and place of his return that they might be ready to admit him unperceived.
The heart of Ali Dordux longed for his fellow citizens; he also thought about the sweet comfort of peace and the satisfying victories that came from successful trade. The idea of secretly negotiating or striking a deal with the Castilian rulers to save his hometown felt more natural to him than a forceful call to arms, because even though he had taken on the role of a warrior for a while, he hadn’t forgotten his merchant roots. So, Ali Dordux spoke with the citizen-soldiers under his command, and they quickly agreed with his view. Together, they drafted a proposal to the Castilian rulers, offering to let their army enter the part of the city they were guarding in exchange for guarantees of safety for the lives and property of the residents. They sent this writing with a trusted messenger to the Christian camp, scheduling the time and place for his return so they could welcome him discreetly.
The Moor made his way in safety to the camp, and was admitted to the presence of the sovereigns. Eager to gain the city without further cost of blood or treasure, they gave a written promise to grant the condition, and the Moor set out joyfully on his return. As he approached the walls where Ali Dordux and his confederates were waiting to receive him, he was descried by a patrolling band of Gomeres, and considered a spy coming from the camp of the besiegers. They issued forth and seized him in sight of his employers, who gave themselves up for lost. The Gomeres had conducted him nearly to the gate, when he escaped from their grasp and fled. They endeavored to overtake him, but were encumbered with armor; he was lightly clad, and he fled for his life. One of the Gomeres paused, and, levelling his crossbow, let fly a bolt which pierced the fugitive between the shoulders; he fell and was nearly within their grasp, but rose again and with a desperate effort attained the Christian camp. The Gomeres gave over the pursuit, and the citizens returned thanks to Allah for their deliverance from this fearful peril. As to the faithful messenger, he died of his wound shortly after reaching the camp, consoled with the idea that he had preserved the secret and the lives of his employers.*
The Moor safely made his way to the camp and was brought before the kings. Eager to capture the city without wasting more blood or treasure, they gave a written promise to agree to the terms, and the Moor joyfully set out on his way back. As he got close to the walls where Ali Dordux and his allies were waiting for him, a patrolling group of Gomeres spotted him and thought he was a spy coming from the besieging camp. They rushed out and captured him in front of his employers, who thought they were doomed. The Gomeres were almost at the gate with him when he broke free from their grip and ran. They tried to catch him, but they were weighed down by their armor; he was lightly dressed and was running for his life. One of the Gomeres stopped, aimed his crossbow, and shot a bolt that struck the fugitive between the shoulders; he fell and was nearly caught, but he got back up and, with a desperate effort, reached the Christian camp. The Gomeres gave up the chase, and the citizens thanked Allah for their escape from this terrifying danger. As for the brave messenger, he died from his wound shortly after arriving at the camp, comforted by the thought that he had kept their secret and saved the lives of his employers.*
* Pulgar, Cronica, p. 3, c. 80.
* Pulgar, Cronica, p. 3, c. 80.
The sufferings of Malaga spread sorrow and anxiety among the Moors, and they dreaded lest this beautiful city, once the bulwark of the kingdom, should fall into the hands of the unbelievers. The old warrior-king, Abdallah el Zagal, was still sheltered in Guadix, where he was slowly gathering together his shattered forces. When the people of Guadix heard of the danger and distress of Malaga, they urged to be led to its relief, and the alfaquis admonished El Zagal not to desert so righteous and loyal a city in its extremity. His own warlike nature made him feel a sympathy for a place that made so gallant a resistance, and he despatched as powerful a reinforcement as he could spare under conduct of a chosen captain, with orders to throw themselves into the city.
The suffering in Malaga caused sadness and anxiety among the Moors, and they feared that this beautiful city, once the stronghold of the kingdom, might fall into the hands of the unbelievers. The old warrior-king, Abdallah el Zagal, was still taking refuge in Guadix, where he was gradually gathering his broken forces. When the people of Guadix learned about the danger and troubles in Malaga, they urged him to lead them in its defense, and the alfaquis reminded El Zagal not to abandon such a righteous and loyal city in its time of need. His own warrior spirit made him sympathize with a place that was putting up such brave resistance, and he sent the strongest reinforcements he could spare under the command of a chosen captain, with orders to rush to the city's aid.
Intelligence of this reinforcement reached Boabdil el Chico in his royal palace of the Alhambra. Filled with hostility against his uncle, and desirous of proving his loyalty to the Castilian sovereigns, he immediately sent forth a superior force of horse and foot under an able commander to intercept the detachment. A sharp conflict ensued; the troops of El Zagal were routed with great loss and fled back in confusion to Guadix.
The news of this reinforcement reached Boabdil el Chico in his royal palace at the Alhambra. Filled with anger toward his uncle and eager to show his loyalty to the Castilian kings, he quickly sent out a stronger force of cavalry and infantry led by a skilled commander to intercept the detachment. A fierce battle broke out; El Zagal's troops were defeated with heavy losses and retreated in chaos to Guadix.
Boabdil, not being accustomed to victories, was flushed with this melancholy triumph. He sent tidings of it to the Castilian sovereigns, accompanied with rich silks, boxes of Arabian perfume, a cup of gold richly wrought, and a female captive of Ubeda as presents to the queen, and four Arabian steeds magnificently caparisoned, a sword and dagger richly mounted, and several albornozes and other robes sumptuously embroidered for the king. He entreated them at the same time always to look upon him with favor as their devoted vassal.
Boabdil, unfamiliar with victories, was overwhelmed by this bittersweet success. He sent news of it to the Castilian monarchs, accompanied by luxurious silks, boxes of Arabian perfume, a beautifully crafted gold cup, and a female captive from Ubeda as gifts for the queen. He also included four splendidly adorned Arabian horses, a finely decorated sword and dagger, and several embroidered cloaks and robes for the king. At the same time, he pleaded with them to always view him favorably as their loyal vassal.
Boabdil was fated to be unfortunate, even in his victories. His defeat of the forces of his uncle destined to the relief of unhappy Malaga shocked the feelings and cooled the loyalty of many of his best adherents. The mere men of traffic might rejoice in their golden interval of peace, but the chivalrous spirits of Granada spurned a security purchased by such sacrifices of pride and affection. The people at large, having gratified their love of change, began to question whether they had acted generously by their old fighting monarch. “El Zagal,” said they, “was fierce and bloody, but then he was faithful to his country; he was an usurper, it is true, but then he maintained the glory of the crown which he usurped. If his sceptre was a rod of iron to his subjects, it was a sword of steel against their enemies. This Boabdil sacrifices religion, friends, country, everything, to a mere shadow of royalty, and is content to hold a rush for a sceptre.”
Boabdil was destined to be unlucky, even in his victories. His defeat of his uncle's forces, aimed at helping the troubled city of Malaga, shocked many of his loyal supporters and made them less trustworthy. While the merchants might celebrate their brief time of peace, the noble warriors of Granada rejected a security that came at such a cost to their pride and loyalty. The general public, having indulged their desire for change, started to wonder if they had treated their former warrior king fairly. “El Zagal,” they said, “was fierce and brutal, but he was loyal to his country; he was an usurper, that’s true, but he upheld the glory of the crown he took. While his rule was harsh for his subjects, it was a strong defense against their enemies. This Boabdil gives up religion, friends, country, and everything else for just a mere illusion of power, and he seems satisfied to hold a reed instead of a scepter.”
These factious murmurs soon reached the ears of Boabdil, and he apprehended another of his customary reverses. He sent in all haste to the Castilian sovereigns beseeching military aid to keep him on his throne. Ferdinand graciously complied with a request so much in unison with his policy. A detachment of one thousand cavalry and two thousand infantry was sent under the command of Don Fernandez Gonsalvo of Cordova, subsequently renowned as the grand captain. With this succor Boabdil expelled from the city all those who were hostile to him and in favor of his uncle. He felt secure in these troops, from their being distinct in manners, language, and religion from his subjects, and compromised with his pride in thus exhibiting that most unnatural and humiliating of all regal spectacles, a monarch supported on his throne by foreign weapons and by soldiers hostile to his people. Nor was Boabdil el Chico the only Moorish sovereign that sought protection from Ferdinand and Isabella. A splendid galley with latine sails and several banks of oars, displaying the standard of the Crescent, but likewise a white flag in sign of amity, came one day into the harbor. An ambassador landed from it within the Christian lines. He came from the king of Tremezan, and brought presents similar to those of Boabdil, consisting of Arabian coursers, with bits, stirrups, and other furniture of gold, together with costly Moorish mantles: for the queen there were sumptuous shawls, robes, and silken stuffs, ornaments of gold, and exquisite Oriental perfumes.
These disruptive whispers quickly made their way to Boabdil, and he feared yet another one of his usual setbacks. He urgently contacted the Castilian monarchs, pleading for military support to help him retain his throne. Ferdinand willingly agreed to a request that aligned perfectly with his strategy. A contingent of one thousand cavalry and two thousand infantry was dispatched under the leadership of Don Fernandez Gonsalvo of Cordova, who later became famous as the grand captain. With this reinforcement, Boabdil drove out anyone in the city who opposed him and supported his uncle. He felt secure with these troops because they were different in culture, language, and religion from his subjects, even though it humiliated him to showcase the unnatural spectacle of a ruler propped up by foreign power and soldiers who were at odds with his people. Boabdil el Chico wasn't the only Moorish king seeking help from Ferdinand and Isabella. One day, a magnificent ship with Latin sails and multiple banks of oars, flying both the Crescent banner and a white flag as a sign of friendship, entered the harbor. An ambassador disembarked within the Christian lines. He came from the king of Tremezan and brought gifts similar to those of Boabdil, which included Arabian horses, complete with bits, stirrups, and other gold equipment, as well as luxurious Moorish cloaks. For the queen, there were lavish shawls, robes, silk fabrics, gold jewelry, and exquisite Eastern perfumes.
The king of Tremezan had been alarmed at the rapid conquests of the Spanish arms, and startled by the descent of several Spanish cruisers on the coast of Africa. He craved to be considered a vassal to the Castilian sovereigns, and that they would extend such favor and security to his ships and subjects as had been shown to other Moors who had submitted to their sway. He requested a painting of their arms, that he and his subjects might recognize and respect their standard whenever they encountered it. At the same time he implored their clemency toward unhappy Malaga, and that its inhabitants might experience the same favor that had been shown toward the Moors of other captured cities.
The king of Tremezan was worried about the swift victories of the Spanish forces and alarmed by the arrival of several Spanish ships on the coast of Africa. He wanted to be seen as a vassal to the Castilian rulers and hoped they would offer the same protection and support to his ships and people as they had given to other Moors who had surrendered to them. He asked for a painting of their emblem so that he and his subjects could recognize and honor their flag whenever they saw it. At the same time, he pleaded for mercy toward the unfortunate city of Malaga, wishing that its people might receive the same kindness shown to the Moors in other conquered cities.
The embassy was graciously received by the Christian sovereigns. They granted the protection required, ordering their commanders to respect the flag of Tremezan unless it should be found rendering assistance to the enemy. They sent also to the Barbary monarch their royal arms moulded in escutcheons of gold, a hand’s-breadth in size.*
The embassy was warmly welcomed by the Christian rulers. They provided the necessary protection, instructing their commanders to respect the flag of Tremezan unless it was found aiding the enemy. They also sent the Barbary king their royal arms crafted in gold shields, each about a hand's breadth in size.*
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 84; Pulgar, part 3, c. 68.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 84; Pulgar, part 3, c. 68.
While thus the chances of assistance from without daily decreased, famine raged in the city. The inhabitants were compelled to eat the flesh of horses, and many died of hunger. What made the sufferings of the citizens the more intolerable was to behold the sea covered with ships daily arriving with provisions for the besiegers. Day after day also they saw herds of fat cattle and flocks of sheep driven into the camp. Wheat and flour were piled in huge mounds in the centre of the encampments, glaring in the sunshine, and tantalizing the wretched citizens, who, while they and their children were perishing with hunger, beheld prodigal abundance reigning within a bow-shot of their walls.
While the chances of outside help decreased every day, famine raged in the city. The residents were forced to eat horse meat, and many died from starvation. What made the citizens' suffering even worse was seeing the sea filled with ships arriving daily with supplies for the attackers. Day after day, they watched as herds of fat cattle and flocks of sheep were driven into the enemy camp. Wheat and flour were stacked in huge mounds in the center of the encampment, shining in the sunlight and taunting the miserable citizens who, while they and their children were dying of hunger, could see a wealth of food just a stone's throw from their walls.
There lived at this time in a hamlet in the neighborhood of Guadix an ancient Moor of the name of Ibrahim el Guerbi. He was a native of the island of Guerbes, in the kingdom of Tunis, and had for several years led the life of a santon or hermit. The hot sun of Africa had dried his blood, and rendered him of an exalted yet melancholy temperament. He passed most of his time in caves of the mountains in meditation, prayer, and rigorous abstinence, until his body was wasted and his mind bewildered, and he fancied himself favored with divine revelations and visited by angels sent by Mahomet. The Moors, who had a great reverence for all enthusiasts of the kind, believed in his being inspired, listened to all his ravings as veritable prophecies, and denominated him “el santo,” or the saint.
There lived at this time in a village near Guadix an elderly Moor named Ibrahim el Guerbi. He was originally from the island of Guerbes, in the kingdom of Tunis, and had spent several years living as a hermit. The hot sun of Africa had dried his blood, giving him a lofty yet melancholic temperament. He spent most of his time in mountain caves, engaged in meditation, prayer, and strict fasting, until his body was weakened and his mind confused. He believed he was receiving divine revelations and being visited by angels sent by Mahomet. The Moors, who had a deep respect for such enthusiasts, believed he was truly inspired, listened to all his ramblings as genuine prophecies, and called him “el santo,” or the saint.
The woes of the kingdom of Granada had long exasperated the gloomy spirit of this man, and he had beheld with indignation this beautiful country wrested from the dominion of the faithful and becoming a prey to the unbelievers. He had implored the blessings of Allah on the troops which issued forth from Guadix for the relief of Malaga, but when he saw them return routed and scattered by their own countrymen, he retired to his cell, shut himself up from the world, and was plunged for a time in the blackest melancholy.
The troubles of the kingdom of Granada had long frustrated this man, and he had watched in anger as this beautiful land was taken from the faithful and fell into the hands of the unbelievers. He had prayed for Allah's blessings on the troops that marched out from Guadix to relieve Malaga, but when he saw them come back defeated and scattered by their own people, he retreated to his cell, shut himself away from the world, and fell into a deep depression for a time.
On a sudden he made his appearance again in the streets of Guadix, his face haggard, his form emaciated, but his eyes beaming with fire. He said that Allah had sent an angel to him in the solitude of his cell, revealing to him a mode of delivering Malaga from its perils and striking horror and confusion into the camp of the unbelievers. The Moors listened with eager credulity to his words: four hundred of them offered to follow him even to the death and to obey implicitly his commands. Of this number many were Gomeres, anxious to relieve their countrymen who formed part of the garrison of Malaga.
Out of nowhere, he reappeared on the streets of Guadix, looking worn-out and skinny, but his eyes were full of fire. He claimed that Allah had sent him an angel in the solitude of his cell, revealing a way to save Malaga from its dangers and instill fear and confusion in the camp of the unbelievers. The Moors listened eagerly to his words, and four hundred of them offered to follow him even to their deaths and to obey his commands without question. Among them were many Gomeres, eager to help their fellow countrymen who were part of the garrison in Malaga.
They traversed the kingdom by the wild and lonely passes of the mountains, concealing themselves in the day and travelling only in the night to elude the Christian scouts. At length they arrived at the mountains which tower above Malaga, and, looking down, beheld the city completely invested, a chain of encampments extending round it from shore to shore and a line of ships blockading it by sea, while the continual thunder of artillery and the smoke rising in various parts showed that the siege was pressed with great activity. The hermit scanned the encampments warily from his lofty height. He saw that the part of the encampment of the marques of Cadiz which was at the foot of the height and on the margin of the sea was most assailable, the rocky soil not admitting ditches or palisadoes. Remaining concealed all day, he descended with his followers at night to the sea-coast and approached silently to the outworks. He had given them their instructions: they were to rush suddenly upon the camp, fight their way through, and throw themselves into the city.
They traveled through the kingdom by the wild and remote mountain passes, hiding during the day and only moving at night to avoid the Christian scouts. Eventually, they reached the mountains overlooking Malaga and saw the city completely surrounded; a line of encampments stretched from shore to shore, with ships blockading it by sea. The constant roar of artillery and smoke rising from various areas indicated that the siege was being carried out with great effort. The hermit carefully observed the camps from his elevated position. He noticed that the section of the marques of Cadiz’s camp at the base of the hill and by the sea was the most vulnerable, as the rocky ground didn’t allow for ditches or barricades. Remaining hidden all day, he and his followers descended at night to the coast and quietly approached the fortifications. He had given them their orders: they were to rush suddenly into the camp, fight their way through, and enter the city.
It was just at the gray of the dawning, when objects are obscurely visible, that they made this desperate attempt. Some sprang suddenly upon the sentinels, others rushed into the sea and got round the works, others clambered over the breastworks. There was sharp skirmishing; a great part of the Moors were cut to pieces, but about two hundred succeeded in getting into the gates of Malaga.
It was just at dawn, when things were still somewhat unclear, that they made this desperate attempt. Some suddenly attacked the guards, others dashed into the sea and made their way around the defenses, and some climbed over the barricades. There was intense fighting; many of the Moors were killed, but around two hundred managed to get through the gates of Malaga.
The santon took no part in the conflict, nor did he endeavor to enter the city. His plans were of a different nature. Drawing apart from the battle, he threw himself on his knees on a rising ground, and, lifting his hands to heaven, appeared to be absorbed in prayer. The Christians, as they were searching for fugitives in the clefts of the rocks, found him at his devotions. He stirred not at their approach, but remained fixed as a statue, without changing color or moving a muscle. Filled with surprise, not unmingled with awe, they took him to the marques of Cadiz. He was wrapped in a coarse albornoz, or Moorish mantle, his beard was long and grizzled, and there was something wild and melancholy in his look that inspired curiosity. On being examined, he gave himself out as a saint to whom Allah had revealed the events that were to take place in that siege. The marques demanded when and how Malaga was to be taken. He replied that he knew full well, but he was forbidden to reveal those important secrets except to the king and queen. The good marques was not more given to superstitious fancies than other commanders of his time, yet there seemed something singular and mysterious about this man; he might have some important intelligence to communicate; so he was persuaded to send him to the king and queen. He was conducted to the royal tent, surrounded by a curious multitude exclaiming “El Moro Santo!” for the news had spread through the camp that they had taken a Moorish prophet.
The santon did not get involved in the conflict, nor did he try to enter the city. His intentions were different. Moving away from the battle, he knelt on a hill and, raising his hands to the sky, seemed lost in prayer. When the Christians were searching for escapees in the cracks of the rocks, they found him deep in his devotion. He did not react to their presence, remaining as still as a statue, without changing color or moving a muscle. Filled with surprise and a hint of awe, they took him to the marquis of Cadiz. He was wrapped in a rough Moorish mantle, his beard long and grizzled, and his wild, sad appearance sparked curiosity. When questioned, he claimed to be a saint to whom Allah had revealed the events to unfold during the siege. The marquis asked when and how Malaga would be captured. He replied that he knew but was forbidden to share those important secrets except with the king and queen. The good marquis was no more superstitious than other commanders of his time, yet there was something unique and mysterious about this man; he might have crucial information to share, so he decided to send him to the king and queen. He was taken to the royal tent, surrounded by a curious crowd chanting “El Moro Santo!” because word had spread through the camp that they had captured a Moorish prophet.
The king, having dined, was taking his siesta, or afternoon’s sleep, in his tent, and the queen, though curious to see this singular man, yet from a natural delicacy and reserve delayed until the king should be present. He was taken, therefore, to an adjoining tent, in which were Dona Beatrix de Bovadilla, marchioness of Moya, and Don Alvaro of Portugal, son of the duke of Braganza, with two or three attendants. The Moor, ignorant of the Spanish tongue, had not understood the conversation of the guards, and supposed, from the magnificence of the furniture and the silken hangings, that this was the royal tent. From the respect paid by the attendants to Don Alvaro and the marchioness he concluded that they were the king and queen.
The king had just finished eating and was taking his afternoon nap in his tent. The queen, although eager to meet this unique man, hesitated out of natural modesty and restraint until the king would be there. So, he was taken to a nearby tent, where Dona Beatrix de Bovadilla, marchioness of Moya, and Don Alvaro of Portugal, the son of the duke of Braganza, were with two or three attendants. The Moor, not knowing Spanish, didn’t understand the guards' conversation and, impressed by the lavish furniture and the silk drapes, assumed this was the royal tent. From the way the attendants treated Don Alvaro and the marchioness, he thought they were the king and queen.
He now asked for a draught of water: a jar was brought to him, and the guard released his arm to enable him to drink. The marchioness perceived a sudden change in his countenance and something sinister in the expression of his eye, and shifted her position to a more remote part of the tent. Pretending to raise the water to his lips, the Moor unfolded his albornoz, so as to grasp a scimetar which he wore concealed beneath; then, dashing down the jar, he drew his weapon and gave Don Alvaro a blow on the head that struck him to the earth and nearly deprived him of life. Turning then upon the marchioness, he made a violent blow at her; but in his eagerness and agitation his scimetar caught in the drapery of the tent; the force of the blow was broken, and the weapon struck harmless upon some golden ornaments of her head-dress.*
He now asked for a drink of water: a jar was brought to him, and the guard let go of his arm so he could drink. The marchioness noticed a sudden change in his face and something threatening in the look in his eye, so she moved to a farther corner of the tent. Pretending to bring the water to his lips, the Moor opened his cloak to grab a scimitar he had hidden underneath; then, slamming the jar down, he drew his weapon and struck Don Alvaro on the head, knocking him to the ground and almost killing him. Turning then toward the marchioness, he swung violently at her; but in his rush and agitation, his scimitar got caught in the tent's drapery; the force of the swing was lessened, and the weapon hit harmlessly against some golden ornaments in her headdress.*
* Pietro Martyr, Epist. 62.
* Pietro Martyr, Epist. 62.
Ruy Lopez de Toledo, treasurer to the queen, and Juan de Belalcazar, a sturdy friar, who were present, grappled and struggled with the desperado, and immediately the guards who had conducted him from the marques de Cadiz fell upon him and cut him to pieces.*
Ruy Lopez de Toledo, the queen's treasurer, and Juan de Belalcazar, a tough friar, who were there, fought and struggled with the outlaw, and right away the guards who had brought him from the marques de Cadiz attacked him and hacked him to pieces.*
* Cura de los Palacios
Cura de los Palacios
The king and queen, brought out of their tents by the noise, were filled with horror when they learned the imminent peril from which they had escaped. The mangled body of the Moor was taken by the people to the camp and thrown into the city from a catapult. The Gomeres gathered up the body with deep reverence as the remains of a saint; they washed and perfumed it and buried it with great honor and loud lamentations. In revenge of his death they slew one of their principal Christian captives, and, having tied his body upon an ass, they drove the animal forth into the camp.
The king and queen, awakened by the commotion, were horrified to learn about the imminent danger they had narrowly avoided. The mutilated body of the Moor was brought to the camp by the people and launched into the city from a catapult. The Gomeres collected the body with great respect, treating it like the remains of a saint; they washed and perfumed it before burying it with high honors and loud mourning. In retaliation for his death, they killed one of their main Christian captives and tied his body to a donkey, driving the animal into the camp.
From this time there was appointed an additional guard around the tents of the king and queen, composed of four hundred cavaliers of rank of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. No person was admitted to the royal presence armed; no Moor was allowed to enter the camp without a previous knowledge of his character and business; and on no account was any Moor to be introduced into the presence of the sovereigns.
From this point on, an extra guard was set up around the tents of the king and queen, made up of four hundred knights of rank from the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. No one was permitted to approach the royal presence while armed; no Moor could enter the camp without prior verification of their identity and purpose; and under no circumstances was any Moor allowed to be brought before the sovereigns.
An act of treachery of such ferocious nature gave rise to a train of gloomy apprehensions. There were many cabins and sheds about the camp constructed of branches of trees which had become dry and combustible, and fears were entertained that they might be set on fire by the mudexares, or Moorish vassals, who visited the army. Some even dreaded that attempts might be made to poison the wells and fountains. To quiet these dismal alarms all mudexares were ordered to leave the camp, and all loose, idle loiterers who could not give a good account of themselves were taken into custody.
An act of betrayal so brutal led to a wave of dark worries. There were many cabins and sheds around the camp made from dry, flammable tree branches, and there were concerns that the mudexares, or Moorish vassals, who came to the army, might set them on fire. Some even feared that there could be attempts to poison the wells and fountains. To ease these gloomy fears, all mudexares were ordered to leave the camp, and any loose, idle bystanders who couldn't explain themselves were taken into custody.
Among those followers of the santon that had effected their entrance into the city was a dark African of the tribe of the Gomeres, who was likewise a hermit or dervise and passed among the Moors for a holy and inspired man. No sooner were the mangled remains of his predecessor buried with the honors of martyrdom than this dervise elevated himself in his place and professed to be gifted with the spirit of prophecy. He displayed a white banner, which he assured the Moors was sacred, that he had retained it for twenty years for some signal purpose, and that Allah had revealed to him that under that banner the inhabitants of Malaga should sally forth upon the camp of the unbelievers, put it to utter rout, and banquet upon the provisions in which it abounded.* The hungry and credulous Moors were elated at this prediction, and cried out to be led forth at once to the attack; but the dervise told them the time was not yet arrived, for every event had its allotted day in the decrees of fate: they must wait patiently, therefore, until the appointed time should be revealed to him by Heaven. Hamet el Zegri listened to the dervise with profound reverence, and his example had great effect in increasing the awe and deference of his followers. He took the holy man up into his stronghold of Gibralfaro, consulted him on all occasions, and hung out his white banner on the loftiest tower as a signal of encouragement to the people of the city.
Among the followers of the santon who managed to enter the city was a dark-skinned African from the Gomeres tribe, who was also a hermit or dervish and was regarded by the Moors as a holy and inspired man. As soon as the mangled remains of his predecessor were buried with the honors of martyrdom, this dervish took his place and claimed to be gifted with the spirit of prophecy. He displayed a white banner, which he assured the Moors was sacred, stating that he had kept it for twenty years for a significant purpose, and that Allah had revealed to him that under this banner, the people of Malaga would charge the camp of the unbelievers, utterly defeating them and feasting on the abundant provisions they had. The hungry and gullible Moors were thrilled by this prediction and called out to be led into battle immediately; however, the dervish told them it was not the right time yet, as every event has its designated day in the decrees of fate. They had to wait patiently until Heaven revealed the appointed time to him. Hamet el Zegri listened to the dervish with deep respect, and his example greatly increased the awe and reverence of his followers. He took the holy man to his stronghold of Gibralfaro, consulted him on all occasions, and hung the white banner on the tallest tower as a sign of encouragement to the people of the city.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
In the mean time, the prime chivalry of Spain was gradually assembling before the walls of Malaga. The army which had commenced the siege had been worn out by extreme hardships, having had to construct immense works, to dig trenches and mines, to mount guard by sea and land, to patrol the mountains, and to sustain incessant conflicts. The sovereigns were obliged, therefore, to call upon various distant cities for reinforcements of horse and foot. Many nobles also assembled their vassals and repaired of their own accord to the royal camp.
In the meantime, the top knights of Spain were slowly gathering outside the walls of Malaga. The army that had started the siege was exhausted from extreme hardships, having to build massive structures, dig trenches and tunnels, keep watch by land and sea, patrol the mountains, and endure constant battles. Because of this, the rulers had to reach out to several distant cities for reinforcements of cavalry and infantry. Many nobles also gathered their followers and independently made their way to the royal camp.
Every little while some stately galley or gallant caravel would stand into the harbor, displaying the well-known banner of some Spanish cavalier and thundering from its artillery a salutation to the sovereigns and a defiance to the Moors. On the land side also reinforcements would be seen winding down from the mountains to the sound of drum and trumpet, and marching into the camp with glistening arms as yet unsullied by the toils of war.
Every so often, a grand ship or a sleek caravel would sail into the harbor, flying the familiar banner of a Spanish noble and booming a salute to the rulers and a challenge to the Moors. On the land side, reinforcements could also be seen making their way down from the mountains to the beat of drums and trumpets, marching into the camp with shining weapons that were still untouched by the hardships of battle.
One morning the whole sea was whitened by the sails and vexed by the oars of ships and galleys bearing toward the port. One hundred vessels of various kinds and sizes arrived, some armed for warlike service, others deep freighted with provisions. At the same time the clangor of drum and trumpet bespoke the arrival of a powerful force by land, which came pouring in lengthening columns into the camp. This mighty reinforcement was furnished by the duke of Medina Sidonia, who reigned like a petty monarch over his vast possessions. He came with this princely force a volunteer to the royal standard, not having been summoned by the sovereigns, and he brought, moreover, a loan of twenty thousand doblas of gold.
One morning, the entire sea was filled with the white sails and the noise of the oars of ships and galleys heading toward the port. One hundred vessels of different types and sizes arrived, some ready for battle while others were heavily loaded with supplies. At the same time, the sound of drums and trumpets announced the arrival of a strong land force, marching in extended columns into the camp. This impressive reinforcement was provided by the Duke of Medina Sidonia, who ruled over his extensive lands like a minor king. He came to support the royal banner as a volunteer, not having been called by the monarchs, and he also brought a loan of twenty thousand gold doubloons.
When the camp was thus powerfully reinforced Isabella advised that new offers of an indulgent kind should be made to the inhabitants, for she was anxious to prevent the miseries of a protracted siege or the effusion of blood that must attend a general attack. A fresh summons was therefore sent for the city to surrender, with a promise of life, liberty, and property in case of immediate compliance, but denouncing all the horrors of war if the defence were obstinately continued.
When the camp was strongly reinforced, Isabella suggested that new offers of a more lenient nature should be made to the people, as she wanted to avoid the hardships of a long siege or the bloodshed that would come with an all-out attack. Consequently, a new request was sent to the city to surrender, promising safety, freedom, and property in exchange for immediate compliance, but warning of the terrible consequences of war if they continued to resist stubbornly.
Hamet again rejected the offer with scorn. His main fortifications as yet were but little impaired, and were capable of holding out much longer; he trusted to the thousand evils and accidents that beset a besieging army and to the inclemencies of the approaching season; and it is said that he, as well as his followers, had an infatuated belief in the predictions of the dervise.
Hamet once again dismissed the offer with contempt. His main defenses were still mostly intact and could hold out for a much longer time; he relied on the countless challenges and mishaps that could trouble a besieging army and the harshness of the upcoming season. It’s said that he and his followers had a misguided faith in the predictions of the dervish.
The worthy Fray Antonio Agapida does not scruple to affirm that the pretended prophet of the city was an arch nigromancer, or Moorish magician, “of which there be countless many,” says he, “in the filthy sect of Mahomet,” and that he was leagued with the prince of the powers of the air to endeavor to work the confusion and defeat of the Christian army. The worthy father asserts also that Hamet employed him in a high tower of the Gibralfaro, which commanded a wide view over sea and land, where he wrought spells and incantations with astrolabes and other diabolical instruments to defeat the Christian ships and forces whenever they were engaged with the Moors.
The esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida confidently claims that the so-called prophet of the city was a master sorcerer, or Moorish magician, “of which there are countless,” he says, “in the corrupt sect of Mohammad,” and that he was allied with the ruler of the air to try to create chaos and defeat the Christian army. The respected father also states that Hamet had him working in a tall tower of the Gibralfaro, which had a commanding view over both sea and land, where he performed spells and incantations using astrolabes and other wicked instruments to overcome the Christian ships and forces whenever they clashed with the Moors.
To the potent spells of this sorcerer he ascribes the perils and losses sustained by a party of cavaliers of the royal household in a desperate combat to gain two towers of the suburb near the gate of the city called la Puerto de Granada. The Christians, led on by Ruy Lopez de Toledo, the valiant treasurer of the queen, took and lost and retook the towers, which were finally set on fire by the Moors and abandoned to the flames by both parties. To the same malignant influence he attributes the damage done to the Christian fleet, which was so vigorously assailed by the albatozas, or floating batteries, of the Moors that one ship, belonging to the duke of Medina Sidonia, was sunk and the rest were obliged to retire.
To the powerful spells of this sorcerer, he blames the dangers and losses faced by a group of royal household knights in a fierce battle to capture two towers in the suburb near the city gate called la Puerto de Granada. The Christians, led by Ruy Lopez de Toledo, the brave treasurer of the queen, captured, lost, and recaptured the towers, which the Moors ultimately set on fire, leaving them abandoned to the flames by both sides. He also attributes the damage to the Christian fleet to the same evil influence, as it was aggressively attacked by the albatozas, or floating batteries, of the Moors, resulting in one ship belonging to the duke of Medina Sidonia being sunk, while the others were forced to retreat.
“Hamet el Zegri,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “stood on the top of the high tower of Gibralfaro and beheld this injury wrought upon the Christian force, and his proud heart was puffed up. And the Moorish nigromancer stood beside him. And he pointed out to him the Christian host below, encamped on every eminence around the city and covering its fertile valley, and the many ships floating upon the tranquil sea, and he bade him be strong of heart, for that in a few days all this mighty fleet would be scattered by the winds of heaven, and that he should sally forth under the guidance of the sacred banner and attack this host, and utterly defeat it, and make spoil of those sumptuous tents; and Malaga should be triumphantly revenged upon her assailants. So the heart of Hamet was hardened like that of Pharaoh, and he persisted in setting at defiance the Catholic sovereigns and their army of saintly warriors.”
“Hamet el Zegri,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “stood atop the high tower of Gibralfaro and watched the damage done to the Christian forces, and his pride swelled. Beside him was the Moorish sorcerer, who pointed out the Christian army below, camped on every hill around the city and filling its lush valley, along with the many ships floating on the calm sea. He urged Hamet to be strong of heart because in a few days, this mighty fleet would be scattered by the winds, and he should charge out under the guidance of the sacred banner, attack this host, completely defeat it, and plunder those luxurious tents; Malaga would take glorious revenge on its attackers. So, Hamet’s heart hardened like Pharaoh's, and he continued to defy the Catholic monarchs and their army of holy warriors.”
Seeing the infatuated obstinacy of the besieged, the Christians now approached their works to the walls, gaining one position after another preparatory to a general assault. Near the barrier of the city was a bridge with four arches, defended at each end by a strong and lofty tower, by which a part of the army would have to pass in making an attack. The commander-in-chief of the artillery, Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, was ordered to take possession of this bridge. The approach to it was perilous in the extreme, from the exposed situation of the assailants and the number of Moors that garrisoned the towers. Francisco Ramirez therefore secretly excavated a mine leading beneath the first tower, and placed a piece of ordnance with its mouth upward immediately under the foundation, with a train of powder to produce an explosion at the necessary moment.
Seeing the stubbornness of the besieged, the Christians moved closer to the walls, capturing one position after another in preparation for a general assault. Near the city's barrier was a bridge with four arches, protected at each end by a tall, strong tower, which part of the army would have to cross to launch an attack. The commander of the artillery, Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, was instructed to take control of this bridge. The approach was extremely dangerous due to the exposed position of the attackers and the number of Moors stationed in the towers. Therefore, Francisco Ramirez secretly dug a mine leading under the first tower and set up a piece of artillery pointed upward directly beneath the foundation, with a fuse to trigger an explosion at the right moment.
When this was arranged he advanced slowly with his forces in face of the towers, erecting bulwarks at every step, and gradually gaining ground until he arrived near to the bridge. He then planted several pieces of artillery in his works and began to batter the tower. The Moors replied bravely from their battlements, but in the heat of the combat the piece of ordnance under the foundation was discharged. The earth was rent open, a part of the tower overthrown, and several of the Moors were torn to pieces; the rest took to flight, overwhelmed with terror at this thundering explosion bursting beneath their feet and at beholding the earth vomiting flames and smoke, for never before had they witnessed such a stratagem in warfare. The Christians rushed forward and took possession of the abandoned post, and immediately commenced an attack upon the other tower at the opposite end of the bridge, to which the Moors had retired. An incessant fire of crossbows and arquebuses was kept up between the rival towers, volleys of stones were discharged, and no one dared to venture upon the intermediate bridge.
When this was set up, he moved slowly with his troops towards the towers, building defenses at each step and gradually gaining ground until he got close to the bridge. He then positioned several cannons in his fortifications and started attacking the tower. The Moors bravely responded from their battlements, but during the fight, the cannon below the foundation was fired. The ground cracked open, part of the tower collapsed, and several Moors were killed; the rest fled, overwhelmed by fear at the thunderous explosion erupting beneath them and witnessing the earth spewing flames and smoke, for they had never seen such a tactic in battle before. The Christians rushed in and took over the abandoned position, immediately launching an assault on the other tower at the opposite end of the bridge, where the Moors had retreated. An ongoing barrage of crossbow and gunfire kept happening between the rival towers, stones were hurled, and no one dared to cross the bridge in between.
Francisco de Ramirez at length renewed his former mode of approach, making bulwarks step by step, while the Moors, stationed at the other end, swept the bridge with their artillery. The combat was long and bloody—furious on the part of the Moors, patient and persevering on the part of the Christians. By slow degrees they accomplished their advance across the bridge, drove the enemy before them, and remained masters of this important pass.
Francisco de Ramirez finally went back to his previous approach, building defenses step by step, while the Moors at the other end fired at the bridge with their artillery. The battle was long and brutal—fierce on the Moors' side, and steady and determined on the Christians' side. Gradually, they managed to move across the bridge, pushed the enemy back, and took control of this crucial passage.
For this valiant and skilful achievement King Ferdinand after the surrender of the city conferred the dignity of knighthood upon Francisco Ramirez in the tower which he had so gloriously gained.* The worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida indulges in more than a page of extravagant eulogy upon this invention of blowing up the foundation of the tower by a piece of ordnance; which, in fact, is said to be the first instance on record of gunpowder being used in a mine.
For this brave and skillful act, King Ferdinand honored Francisco Ramirez with the title of knight in the tower that he had so gloriously captured.* The esteemed Padre Fray Antonio Agapida spends more than a page praising this idea of blowing up the tower's foundation with a piece of artillery, which is actually recorded as the first time gunpowder was used in mining.
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 91.
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 91.
While the dervise was deluding the garrison of Malaga with vain hopes the famine increased to a terrible degree. The Gomeres ranged about the city as though it had been a conquered place, taking by force whatever they found eatable in the houses of the peaceful citizens, and breaking open vaults and cellars and demolishing walls wherever they thought provisions might be concealed.
While the dervish was misleading the garrison of Malaga with empty promises, the famine grew to a horrifying extent. The Gomeres roamed the city as if it were theirs, forcefully taking anything edible they found in the homes of the peaceful citizens, breaking into vaults and cellars, and tearing down walls wherever they suspected food might be hidden.
The wretched inhabitants had no longer bread to eat; the horse-flesh also now failed them, and they were fain to devour skins and hides toasted at the fire, and to assuage the hunger of their children with vine-leaves cut up and fried in oil. Many perished of famine or of the unwholesome food with which they endeavored to relieve it, and many took refuge in the Christian camp, preferring captivity to the horrors which surrounded them.
The miserable inhabitants no longer had bread to eat; the horse meat had run out too, and they were forced to eat roasted skins and hides, trying to satisfy their children's hunger with vine leaves that were chopped up and fried in oil. Many died from starvation or from the unhealthy food they tried to eat, and many sought refuge in the Christian camp, choosing captivity over the horrors they faced.
At length the sufferings of the inhabitants became so great as to conquer even their fears of Hamet and his Gomeres. They assembled before the house of Ali Dordux, the wealthy merchant, whose stately mansion was at the foot of the hill of the Alcazaba, and they urged him to stand forth as their leader and to intercede with Hamet for a surrender. Ali Dordux was a man of courage as well as policy; he perceived also that hunger was giving boldness to the citizens, while he trusted it was subduing the fierceness of the soldiery. He armed himself, therefore, cap-a-pie, and undertook this dangerous parley with the alcayde. He associated with him an alfaqui named Abraham Alhariz and an important inhabitant named Amar ben Amar, and they ascended to the fortress of Gibralfaro, followed by several of the trembling merchants.
Eventually, the suffering of the residents became so intense that it overpowered their fears of Hamet and his Gomeres. They gathered in front of the house of Ali Dordux, the wealthy merchant, whose impressive mansion was at the base of the Alcazaba hill, and they urged him to step up as their leader and negotiate with Hamet for a surrender. Ali Dordux was a man of both courage and strategy; he also realized that hunger was giving the citizens a newfound boldness while he hoped it was softening the aggression of the soldiers. So, he armed himself from head to toe and decided to take on this risky negotiation with the alcayde. He brought along a scholar named Abraham Alhariz and a prominent resident named Amar ben Amar, and they made their way up to the Gibralfaro fortress, followed by several anxious merchants.
They found Hamet el Zegri, not, as before, surrounded by ferocious guards and all the implements of war, but in a chamber of one of the lofty towers, at a table of stone covered with scrolls traced with strange characters and mystic diagrams, while instruments of singular and unknown form lay about the room. Beside Hamet stood the prophetic dervise, who appeared to have been explaining to him the mysterious inscriptions of the scrolls. His presence filled the citizens with awe, for even Ali Dordux considered him a man inspired.
They found Hamet el Zegri, not, as before, surrounded by fierce guards and all the weapons of war, but in a room in one of the tall towers, at a stone table covered with scrolls marked with strange symbols and mystical diagrams, while odd and unfamiliar instruments were scattered around the room. Beside Hamet stood the prophetic dervish, who seemed to have been explaining the mysterious writings on the scrolls to him. His presence filled the people with wonder, for even Ali Dordux saw him as a man touched by inspiration.
The alfaqui, Abraham Alhariz, whose sacred character gave him boldness to speak, now lifted up his voice and addressed Hamet el Zegri. “We implore thee,” said he, solemnly, “in the name of the most powerful God, no longer to persist in a vain resistance which must end in our destruction, but deliver up the city while clemency is yet to be obtained. Think how many of our warriors have fallen by the sword; do not suffer those who survive to perish by famine. Our wives and children cry to us for bread, and we have none to give them. We see them expire in lingering agony before our eyes, while the enemy mocks our misery by displaying the abundance of his camp. Of what avail is our defence? Are our walls, peradventure, more strong than the walls of Ronda? Are our warriors more brave than the defenders of Loxa? The walls of Ronda were thrown down and the warriors of Loxa had to surrender. Do we hope for succor?—whence are we to receive it? The time for hope is gone by. Granada has lost its power; it no longer possesses chivalry, commanders, nor a king. Boabdil sits a vassal in the degraded halls of the Alhambra; El Zagal is a fugitive, shut up within the walls of Guadix. The kingdom is divided against itself—its strength is gone, its pride fallen, its very existence at an end. In the name of Allah we conjure thee, who art our captain, be not our direst enemy, but surrender these ruins of our once-happy Malaga and deliver us from these overwhelming horrors.”
The alfaqui, Abraham Alhariz, whose sacred status gave him the courage to speak, now raised his voice to address Hamet el Zegri. “We beg you,” he said solemnly, “in the name of the most powerful God, to stop your futile resistance that will lead to our destruction. Surrender the city while we can still hope for mercy. Think of how many of our warriors have fallen; do not let those who survive perish from starvation. Our wives and children cry out to us for food, and we have none to give. We watch them suffer in pain before our eyes, while the enemy taunts us with the plenty in his camp. What good is our defense? Are our walls any stronger than those of Ronda? Are our warriors braver than those who defended Loxa? The walls of Ronda were brought down, and the warriors of Loxa had to surrender. Do we expect help? From where would it come? The time for hope has passed. Granada has lost its strength; it no longer has chivalry, commanders, or a king. Boabdil is a vassal in the fallen halls of the Alhambra; El Zagal is a fugitive, trapped within the walls of Guadix. The kingdom is divided against itself—its strength is gone, its pride fallen, its very existence at an end. In the name of Allah, we urge you, our leader, don't be our worst enemy; surrender these ruins of our once-happy Malaga and free us from this overwhelming horror.”
Such was the supplication forced from the inhabitants by the extremity of their sufferings. Hamet listened to the alfaqui without anger, for he respected the sanctity of his office. His heart too was at that moment lifted up with a vain confidence. “Yet a few days of patience,” said he, “and all these evils will suddenly have an end. I have been conferring with this holy man, and find that the time of our deliverance is at hand. The decrees of fate are inevitable; it is written in the book of destiny that we shall sally forth and destroy the camp of the unbelievers, and banquet upon those mountains of grain which are piled up in the midst of it. So Allah hath promised by the mouth of this his prophet. Allah Akbar! God is great! Let no man oppose the decrees of Heaven!”
Such was the plea forced from the people by their extreme suffering. Hamet listened to the religious leader without anger, as he respected the importance of his role. His heart, at that moment, was filled with a false sense of hope. “Just a few more days of patience,” he said, “and all these troubles will come to an end. I have been talking with this holy man, and I find that our time of freedom is near. The decrees of fate are unavoidable; it is written in the book of destiny that we will go out and defeat the camp of the non-believers, and feast on those mountains of grain piled in the middle of it. So Allah has promised through His prophet. Allah Akbar! God is great! Let no one stand against the will of Heaven!”
The citizens bowed with profound reverence, for no true Moslem pretends to struggle against whatever is written in the book of fate. Ali Dordux, who had come prepared to champion the city and to brave the ire of Hamet, humbled himself before this holy man and gave faith to his prophecies as the revelations of Allah. So the deputies returned to the citizens, and exhorted them to be of good cheer. “A few days longer,” said they, “and our sufferings are to terminate. When the white banner is removed from the tower, then look out for deliverance, for the hour of sallying forth will have arrived.” The people retired to their homes with sorrowful hearts; they tried in vain to quiet the cries of their famishing children, and day by day and hour by hour their anxious eyes were turned to the sacred banner, which still continued to wave on the tower of Gibralfaro.
The citizens bowed deeply, for no true Muslim tries to fight against what's written in the book of fate. Ali Dordux, who had come ready to defend the city and face Hamet's wrath, humbled himself before this holy man and believed in his prophecies as the revelations of Allah. So the representatives went back to the citizens and encouraged them to stay positive. “Just a few more days,” they said, “and our suffering will end. When the white banner is taken down from the tower, get ready for freedom, because the time to act will have come.” The people went home with heavy hearts; they struggled to calm the cries of their starving children, and day by day, hour by hour, their worried eyes were fixed on the sacred banner, which still waved on the Gibralfaro tower.
“The Moorish nigromancer,” observes the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, “remained shut up in a tower of the Gibralfaro devising devilish means to work mischief and discomfiture upon the Christians. He was daily consulted by Hamet, who had great faith in those black and magic arts which he had brought with him from the bosom of heathen Africa.”
“The Moorish sorcerer,” notes the respected Fray Antonio Agapida, “was locked away in a tower of the Gibralfaro, plotting wicked ways to cause trouble and defeat the Christians. He was consulted daily by Hamet, who had a lot of faith in the dark and magical arts he had brought with him from the heart of pagan Africa.”
From the account given of this dervise and his incantations by the worthy father it would appear that he was an astrologer, and was studying the stars and endeavoring to calculate the day and hour when a successful attack might be made upon the Christian camp.
From the description provided about this dervish and his rituals by the respected father, it seems he was an astrologer, studying the stars and trying to figure out the day and time when a successful attack could be launched on the Christian camp.
Famine had now increased to such a degree as to distress even the garrison of Gibralfaro, although the Gomeres had seized upon all the provisions they could find in the city. Their passions were sharpened by hunger, and they became restless and turbulent and impatient for action.
Famine had now risen to such a level that it even troubled the garrison of Gibralfaro, although the Gomeres had taken all the supplies they could find in the city. Their feelings were heightened by hunger, making them restless, agitated, and eager for action.
Hamet was one day in council with his captains, perplexed by the pressure of events, when the dervise entered among them. “The hour of victory,” exclaimed he, “is at hand. Allah has commanded that to-morrow morning ye shall sally forth to the fight. I will bear before you the sacred banner and deliver your enemies into your hands. Remember, however, that ye are but instruments in the hands of Allah to take vengeance on the enemies of the faith. Go into battle, therefore, with pure hearts, forgiving each other all past offences, for those who are charitable toward each other will be victorious over the foe.” The words of the dervise were received with rapture; all Gibralfaro and the Alcazaba resounded immediately with the din of arms, and Hamet sent throughout the towers and fortifications of the city and selected the choicest troops and most distinguished captains for this eventful combat.
Hamet was meeting with his captains one day, feeling overwhelmed by the situation, when a dervish came in. “The time for victory,” he declared, “is near. Allah has commanded that tomorrow morning you will go out to battle. I will carry the sacred banner before you and hand your enemies over to you. Remember, though, that you are merely instruments in Allah's hands, tasked with taking vengeance on the enemies of the faith. So, enter the battle with pure hearts, forgiving one another for past offenses, because those who are kind to each other will prevail over the enemy.” The dervish's words were met with excitement; the sounds of arms filled Gibralfaro and the Alcazaba as Hamet dispatched messages throughout the city's towers and fortifications, gathering the finest troops and most esteemed captains for this crucial fight.
In the morning early the rumor went throughout the city that the sacred banner had disappeared from the tower of Gibralfaro, and all Malaga was roused to witness the sally that was to destroy the unbelievers. Hamet descended from his stronghold, accompanied by his principal captain, Ibrahim Zenete, and followed by his Gomeres. The dervise led the way, displaying the white banner, the sacred pledge of victory. The multitude shouted “Allah Akbar!” and prostrated themselves before the banner as it passed. Even the dreaded Hamet was hailed with praises, for in their hopes of speedy relief through the prowess of his arm the populace forgot everything but his bravery. Every bosom in Malaga was agitated by hope and fear: the old men, the women, and children, and all who went not forth to battle mounted on tower and battlement and roof to watch a combat that was to decide their fate.
In the early morning, news spread through the city that the sacred banner was missing from the tower of Gibralfaro, and all of Malaga was stirred up to witness the attack that would defeat the unbelievers. Hamet came down from his stronghold, accompanied by his chief captain, Ibrahim Zenete, and followed by his Gomeres. The dervish led the way, holding up the white banner, the sacred symbol of victory. The crowd shouted “Allah Akbar!” and bowed down before the banner as it passed. Even the feared Hamet received praise, as the people, hopeful for swift rescue through his strength, forgot everything except his bravery. Every heart in Malaga was filled with hope and fear: the old men, women, and children, along with all who didn’t go into battle, climbed onto towers, battlements, and roofs to watch a fight that would determine their fate.
Before sallying forth from the city the dervise addressed the troops, reminding them of the holy nature of this enterprise, and warning them not to forfeit the protection of the sacred banner by any unworthy act. They were not to pause to make spoil nor to take prisoners: they were to press forward, fighting valiantly, and granting no quarter. The gate was then thrown open, and the dervise issued forth, followed by the army. They directed their assaults upon the encampments of the master of Santiago and the master of Alcantara, and came upon them so suddenly that they killed and wounded several of the guards. Ibrahim Zenete made his way into one of the tents, where he beheld several Christian striplings just starting from their slumber. The heart of the Moor was suddenly touched with pity for their youth, or perhaps he scorned the weakness of the foe.
Before leaving the city, the dervish addressed the troops, reminding them of the sacred mission they were on and warning them not to lose the protection of the holy banner through any disgraceful actions. They were not to stop to loot or take prisoners; they were to push forward, fighting bravely, and giving no mercy. The gate was then opened, and the dervish led the army out. They attacked the camps of the master of Santiago and the master of Alcantara, catching them off guard and killing or wounding several guards. Ibrahim Zenete entered one of the tents, where he saw several young Christian boys just waking up. The heart of the Moor was suddenly filled with pity for their youth, or perhaps he looked down on the weakness of the enemy.
He smote them with the flat instead of the edge of the sword. “Away, imps!” cried he, “away to your mothers!” The fanatic dervise reproached him with his clemency. “I did not kill them,” replied Zenete, “because I saw no beards!”*
He hit them with the flat side instead of the blade of the sword. “Leave, you little demons!” he shouted, “go back to your mothers!” The zealous dervish criticized him for being too merciful. “I didn’t kill them,” Zenete replied, “because I saw no beards!”
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 84.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 84.
The alarm was given in the camp, and the Christians rushed from all quarters to defend the gates of the bulwarks. Don Pedro Puerto Carrero, senior of Moguer, and his brother, Don Alonzo Pacheco, planted themselves with their followers in the gateway of the encampment of the master of Santiago, and bore the whole brunt of battle until they were reinforced. The gate of the encampment of the master of Calatrava was in like manner defended by Lorenzo Saurez de Mendoza. Hamet was furious at being thus checked where he had expected a miraculous victory. He led his troops repeatedly to the attack, hoping to force the gates before succor should arrive: they fought with vehement ardor, but were as often repulsed, and every time they returned to the assault they found their enemies doubled in number. The Christians opened a cross-fire of all kinds of missiles from their bulwarks; the Moors could effect but little damage upon a foe thus protected behind their works, while they themselves were exposed from head to foot. The Christians singled out the most conspicuous cavaliers, the greater part of whom were either slain or wounded. Still, the Moors, infatuated by the predictions of the prophet, fought desperately and devotedly, and they were furious to revenge the slaughter of their leaders. They rushed upon certain death, endeavoring madly to scale the bulwarks or force the gates, and fell amidst showers of darts and lances, filling the ditches with their mangled bodies.
The alarm sounded in the camp, and the Christians rushed in from all directions to defend the gates of the fortifications. Don Pedro Puerto Carrero, leader from Moguer, and his brother, Don Alonzo Pacheco, positioned themselves with their followers at the entrance of the encampment of the master of Santiago, enduring the full force of battle until reinforcements arrived. Similarly, the gate of the master of Calatrava's encampment was defended by Lorenzo Saurez de Mendoza. Hamet was furious at being stopped when he had expected an easy victory. He led his troops in multiple attacks, trying to breach the gates before help could arrive: they fought with fierce determination but were repeatedly pushed back, and each time they returned to the assault, they found their opponents had doubled in number. The Christians unleashed a barrage of various projectiles from their fortifications; the Moors could inflict little damage on an enemy so well-protected, while they remained exposed from head to toe. The Christians targeted the most prominent knights, most of whom were either killed or injured. Nevertheless, the Moors, driven by the prophet's predictions, fought hard and with passion, desperate to avenge the deaths of their leaders. They charged toward almost certain death, crazily attempting to scale the walls or force the gates, only to fall amidst a rain of arrows and spears, filling the ditches with their lifeless bodies.
Hamet el Zegri raged along the front of the bulwarks seeking an opening for attack. He gnashed his teeth with fury as he saw so many of his chosen warriors slain around him. He seemed to have a charmed life, for, though constantly in the hottest of the fight amidst showers of missiles, he still escaped uninjured. Blindly confiding in the prophecy of victory, he continued to urge on his devoted troops. The dervise too ran like a maniac through the ranks, waving his white banner and inciting the Moors by howlings rather than by shouts. “Fear not! the victory is ours, for so it is written!” cried he. In the midst of his frenzy a stone from a catapult struck him in the head and dashed out his bewildered brains.*
Hamet el Zegri stormed along the front of the defenses, looking for a chance to attack. He ground his teeth in rage as he watched so many of his chosen warriors fall around him. He seemed to have a lucky charm, for even though he was constantly in the thick of the fight amidst a rain of missiles, he still emerged unhurt. Blindly trusting in the prophecy of victory, he kept pushing his loyal troops forward. The dervish also ran like a madman through the ranks, waving his white banner and rousing the Moors with howls instead of shouts. “Don’t be afraid! Victory is ours, for it is written!” he yelled. In the midst of his frenzy, a stone from a catapult struck him in the head and knocked him unconscious.
* Garibay, lib. 18, c. 33.
* Garibay, lib. 18, c. 33.
When the Moors beheld their prophet slain and his banner in the dust, they were seized with despair and fled in confusion to the city. Hamet el Zegri made some effort to rally them, but was himself confounded by the fall of the dervise. He covered the flight of his broken forces, turning repeatedly upon their pursuers and slowly making his retreat into the city.
When the Moors saw their prophet dead and his banner in the dirt, they were overwhelmed with despair and ran in chaos to the city. Hamet el Zegri tried to regroup them, but he was also shocked by the dervise's death. He covered the retreat of his defeated troops, frequently turning to face their attackers while slowly making his way back into the city.
The inhabitants of Malaga witnessed from their walls with trembling anxiety the whole of this disastrous conflict. At the first onset, when they beheld the guards of the camp put to flight, they exclaimed, “Allah has given us the victory!” and they sent up shouts of triumph. Their exultation, however, was soon turned into doubt when they beheld their troops repulsed in repeated attacks. They could see from time to time some distinguished warrior laid low and others brought back bleeding to the city. When at length the sacred banner fell and the routed troops came flying to the gates, pursued and cut down by the foe, horror and despair seized upon the populace.
The people of Malaga watched from their walls with trembling anxiety as the entire disastrous conflict unfolded. At first, when they saw the camp guards routed, they shouted, “Allah has granted us victory!” and cheered in triumph. However, their excitement quickly turned to doubt as they watched their troops pushed back in repeated attacks. They could see now and then a notable warrior struck down and others returning to the city wounded and bleeding. When the sacred banner finally fell and the defeated troops fled to the gates, pursued and cut down by the enemy, terror and despair gripped the populace.
As Hamet entered the gates he heard nothing but loud lamentations: mothers whose sons had been slain shrieked curses after him as he passed; some in the anguish of their hearts threw down their famishing babes before him, exclaiming, “Trample on them with thy horse’s feet, for we have no food to give them, and we cannot endure their cries.” All heaped execrations on his head as the cause of the woes of Malaga.
As Hamet walked through the gates, all he could hear was loud crying: mothers whose sons had been killed shouted curses at him as he went by; some, in their deep sorrow, threw their starving babies in front of him, screaming, “Trample on them with your horse's feet, because we have no food to give them, and we can't stand their cries.” Everyone directed their curses at him, blaming him for the suffering in Malaga.
The warlike part of the citizens also, and many warriors who with their wives and children had taken refuge in Malaga from the mountain-fortresses, now joined in the popular clamor, for their hearts were overcome by the sufferings of their families.
The aggressive portion of the citizens, along with many fighters who had sought safety in Malaga with their wives and children from the mountain fortresses, now joined in the public outcry, as their hearts were filled with concern for their families' suffering.
Hamet el Zegri found it impossible to withstand this torrent of lamentations, curses, and reproaches. His military ascendancy was at an end, for most of his officers and the prime warriors of his African band had fallen in this disastrous sally. Turning his back, therefore, upon the city and abandoning it to its own counsels, he retired with the remnant of his Gomeres to his stronghold in the Gibralfaro.
Hamet el Zegri found it impossible to endure this flood of cries, curses, and blame. His military dominance was over, as most of his officers and the top warriors from his African group had been lost in this disastrous attack. So, turning away from the city and leaving it to its own fate, he retreated with the few remaining Gomeres to his fortress in Gibralfaro.
The people of Malaga, being no longer overawed by Hamet el Zegri and his Gomeres, turned to Ali Dordux, the magnanimous merchant, and put the fate of the city into his hands. He had already gained the alcaydes of the castle of the Genoese and of the citadel into his party, and in the late confusion had gained the sway over those important fortresses. He now associated himself with the alfaqui Abraham Alhariz and four of the principal inhabitants, and, forming a provisional junta, they sent heralds to the Christian sovereigns offering to surrender the city on certain terms protecting the persons and property of the inhabitants, permitting them to reside as mudexares or tributary vassals either in Malaga or elsewhere.
The people of Malaga, no longer intimidated by Hamet el Zegri and his Gomeres, turned to Ali Dordux, the generous merchant, and entrusted the city's fate to him. He had already won over the alcaydes of the Genoese castle and the citadel, gaining control over those crucial fortresses during the recent chaos. He then teamed up with the alfaqui Abraham Alhariz and four leading residents, and together they formed a temporary council. They sent messengers to the Christian rulers, offering to surrender the city under specific conditions that would protect the residents' lives and property, allowing them to live as mudexares or tributary vassals either in Malaga or elsewhere.
When the herald arrived at the camp and made known their mission to King Ferdinand, his anger was kindled. “Return to your fellow-citizens,” said he, “and tell them that the day of grace is gone by. They have persisted in a fruitless defence until they are driven by necessity to capitulate; they must surrender unconditionally and abide the fate of the vanquished. Those who merit death shall suffer death; those who merit captivity shall be made captives.”
When the messenger arrived at the camp and explained their mission to King Ferdinand, he was furious. “Go back to your people,” he said, “and tell them that their time of mercy has passed. They have stubbornly defended themselves without success until they are now forced to surrender; they must give up without conditions and accept the consequences of defeat. Those who deserve death will be executed; those who deserve captivity will be taken as prisoners.”
This stern reply spread consternation among the people of Malaga, but Ali Dordux comforted them, and undertook to go in person and pray for favorable terms. When the people beheld this great and wealthy merchant, who was so eminent in their city, departing with his associates on this mission, they plucked up heart, for they said, “Surely the Christian king will not turn a deaf ear to such a man as Ali Dordux.”
This serious response worried the people of Malaga, but Ali Dordux reassured them and decided to go personally to pray for better terms. When the people saw this prominent and wealthy merchant, who was so well-known in their city, leaving with his associates for this task, they felt encouraged, saying, “Surely the Christian king won’t ignore someone like Ali Dordux.”
Ferdinand, however, would not even admit the ambassadors to his presence. “Send them to the devil!” said he in a great passion to the commander of Leon; “I’ll not see them. Let them get back to their city. They shall all surrender to my mercy as vanquished enemies.” *
Ferdinand, however, wouldn't even let the ambassadors see him. “Send them to hell!” he said angrily to the commander of Leon; “I won’t see them. Let them return to their city. They will all submit to my mercy as defeated foes.” *
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
To give emphasis to this reply he ordered a general discharge from all the artillery and batteries, and there was a great shout throughout the camp, and all the lombards and catapults and other engines of war thundered furiously upon the city, doing great damage.
To emphasize this response, he ordered a total discharge from all the artillery and batteries, resulting in a loud cheer throughout the camp, and all the cannons, catapults, and other war machines rumbled violently against the city, causing significant destruction.
Ali Dordux and his companions returned to the city with downcast countenances, and could scarce make the reply of the Christian sovereign be heard for the roaring of the artillery, the tumbling of the walls, and the cries of women and children. The citizens were greatly astonished and dismayed when they found the little respect paid to their most eminent man; but the warriors who were in the city exclaimed, “What has this merchant to do with questions between men of battle? Let us not address the enemy as abject suppliants who have no power to injure, but as valiant men who have weapons in their hands.”
Ali Dordux and his companions returned to the city with heavy hearts, barely able to hear the response of the Christian ruler over the deafening sound of artillery, the crashing of walls, and the cries of women and children. The citizens were greatly shocked and unsettled when they saw how little respect was shown to their most distinguished leader; however, the warriors in the city shouted, “What does this merchant have to do with matters between fighters? Let’s not speak to the enemy as pitiful beggars who can't hurt us, but as brave men who have weapons in their hands.”
So they despatched another message to the Christian sovereigns, offering to yield up the city and all their effects on condition of being secured in their personal liberty. Should this be denied, they declared they would hang from the battlements fifteen hundred Christian captives, male and female—that they would put all their old men, their women, and children into the citadel, set fire to the city, and sally forth, sword in hand, to fight until the last gasp. “In this way,” said they, “the Spanish sovereigns shall gain a bloody victory, and the fall of Malaga be renowned while the world endures.”
So they sent another message to the Christian rulers, offering to hand over the city and everything in it if they could be assured of their personal freedom. If this was refused, they declared they would hang fifteen hundred Christian captives, both men and women, from the battlements—that they would place all their elderly, women, and children in the citadel, set fire to the city, and charge out with swords drawn to fight until the very end. “In this way,” they said, “the Spanish rulers will achieve a bloody victory, and the fall of Malaga will be remembered for all time.”
To this fierce and swelling message Ferdinand replied that if a single Christian captive were injured, not a Moor in Malaga but should be put to the edge of the sword.
To this intense and escalating message, Ferdinand responded that if even one Christian captive was harmed, not a single Moor in Malaga would escape the sword.
A great conflict of counsels now arose in Malaga. The warriors were for following up their menace by some desperate act of vengeance or of self-devotion. Those who had families looked with anguish upon their wives and daughters, and thought it better to die than live to see them captives. By degrees, however, the transports of passion and despair subsided, the love of life resumed its sway, and they turned once more to Ali Dordux as the man most prudent in council and able in negotiation. By his advice fourteen of the principal inhabitants were chosen from the fourteen districts of the city, and sent to the camp bearing a long letter couched in terms of the most humble supplication.
A major conflict of opinions erupted in Malaga. The warriors wanted to follow through on their threat with some desperate act of revenge or sacrifice. Those with families looked at their wives and daughters with pain, thinking it was better to die than live to see them taken captive. Gradually, though, the intense emotions of anger and despair faded, the instinct to survive took over, and they once again turned to Ali Dordux as the wisest in counsel and skilled in negotiation. Following his advice, fourteen of the key citizens were selected from the fourteen districts of the city and sent to the camp with a long letter written in the most humble terms of supplication.
Various debates now took place in the Christian camp. Many of the cavaliers were exasperated against Malaga for its long resistance, which had caused the death of many of their relatives and favorite companions. It had long been a stronghold also for Moorish depredators and the mart where most of the warriors captured in the Axarquia had been exposed in triumph and sold to slavery. They represented, moreover, that there were many Moorish cities yet to be besieged, and that an example ought to be made of Malaga to prevent all obstinate resistance thereafter. They advised, therefore, that all the inhabitants should be put to the sword.*
Various debates were now happening in the Christian camp. Many of the knights were frustrated with Malaga for its prolonged resistance, which had led to the deaths of many of their relatives and close friends. It had long been a stronghold for Moorish raiders and the market where most of the warriors captured in the Axarquia had been displayed in triumph and sold into slavery. They also argued that there were many Moorish cities still to be besieged, and that an example needed to be made of Malaga to discourage any future stubborn resistance. Therefore, they suggested that all the inhabitants should be killed.*
* Pulgar.
* Thumb.
The humane heart of Isabella revolted at such sanguinary counsels: she insisted that their triumph should not be disgraced by cruelty. Ferdinand, however, was inflexible in refusing to grant any preliminary terms, insisting on an unconditional surrender.
The compassionate heart of Isabella rejected such bloody advice: she insisted that their victory should not be tainted by cruelty. Ferdinand, however, was stubbornly refusing to agree to any preliminary terms, demanding an unconditional surrender.
The people of Malaga now abandoned themselves to paroxysms of despair; on one side they saw famine and death, on the other slavery and chains. The mere men of the sword, who had no families to protect, were loud for signalizing their fall by some illustrious action. “Let us sacrifice our Christian captives, and then destroy ourselves,” cried some. “Let us put all the women and children to death, set fire to the city, fall on the Christian camp, and die sword in hand,” cried others.
The people of Malaga were now overwhelmed with despair; on one side there was starvation and death, and on the other, slavery and chains. The soldiers, who had no families to defend, were eager to mark their downfall with some great act. “Let’s sacrifice our Christian captives and then end our own lives,” shouted some. “Let’s kill all the women and children, burn the city, attack the Christian camp, and fight to the death,” yelled others.
Ali Dordux gradually made his voice be heard amidst the general clamor. He addressed himself to the principal inhabitants and to those who had children. “Let those who live by the sword die by the sword,” cried he, “but let us not follow their desperate counsels. Who knows what sparks of pity may be awakened in the bosoms of the Christian sovereigns when they behold our unoffending wives and daughters and our helpless little ones? The Christian queen, they say, is full of mercy.”
Ali Dordux gradually raised his voice above the noise. He spoke to the main residents and those with children. “Let those who live by the sword die by the sword,” he shouted, “but let's not follow their desperate advice. Who knows what feelings of compassion might be stirred in the hearts of the Christian rulers when they see our innocent wives and daughters and our defenseless children? They say the Christian queen is full of mercy.”
At these words the hearts of the unhappy people of Malaga yearned over their families, and they empowered Ali Dordux to deliver up their city to the mercy of the Castilian sovereigns.
At these words, the hearts of the distressed people of Malaga ached for their families, and they authorized Ali Dordux to surrender their city to the mercy of the Castilian rulers.
The merchant now went to and fro, and had several communications with Ferdinand and Isabella, and interested several principal cavaliers in his cause; and he sent rich presents to the king and queen of Oriental merchandise and silks and stuffs of gold and jewels and precious stones and spices and perfumes, and many other sumptuous things, which he had accumulated in his great tradings with the East; and he gradually found favor in the eyes of the sovereigns.* Finding that there was nothing to be obtained for the city, he now, like a prudent man and able merchant, began to negotiate for himself and his immediate friends. He represented that from the first they had been desirous of yielding up the city, but had been prevented by warlike and high-handed men, who had threatened their lives; he entreated, therefore, that mercy might be extended to them, and that they might not be confounded with the guilty.
The merchant moved back and forth, engaging in numerous discussions with Ferdinand and Isabella, and he got several key knights interested in his cause. He sent lavish gifts to the king and queen, including exotic goods, silks, gold, jewels, precious stones, spices, perfumes, and many other luxurious items he had collected through his extensive trade with the East. As a result, he gradually earned the favor of the monarchs. Realizing that there was nothing to gain for the city, he, being a wise and capable merchant, began to negotiate for himself and his close friends. He explained that from the beginning, they had wanted to surrender the city but had been held back by aggressive and powerful individuals who had threatened their lives. He therefore pleaded for mercy to be shown to them and that they should not be punished alongside the guilty.
* MS. Chron. of Valera.
* MS. Chron. of Valera.
The sovereigns had accepted the presents of Ali Dordux—how could they then turn a deaf ear to his petition? So they granted a pardon to him and to forty families which he named, and it was agreed that they should be protected in their liberties and property, and permitted to reside in Malaga as mudexares or Moslem vassals, and to follow their customary pursuits.* All this being arranged, Ali Dordux delivered up twenty of the principal inhabitants to remain as hostages until the whole city should be placed in the possession of the Christians.
The rulers had accepted the gifts from Ali Dordux—how could they ignore his request? So they granted a pardon to him and to forty families he mentioned. They agreed to protect their freedoms and property, allowing them to live in Malaga as mudexares or Muslim vassals, and to continue their usual activities.* With everything settled, Ali Dordux handed over twenty of the key residents to stay as hostages until the entire city was under Christian control.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, senior commander of Leon, now entered the city armed cap-a-pie, on horseback, and took possession in the name of the Castilian sovereigns. He was followed by his retainers and by the captains and cavaliers of the army, and in a little while the standards of the cross and of the blessed Santiago and of the Catholic sovereigns were elevated on the principal tower of the Alcazaba. When these standards were beheld from the camp, the queen and the princess and the ladies of the court and all the royal retinue knelt down and gave thanks and praises to the Holy Virgin and to Santiago for this great triumph of the faith; and the bishops and other clergy who were present and the choristers of the royal chapel chanted “Te Deum Laudamus” and “Gloria in Excelsis.”
Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, the senior commander of Leon, rode into the city fully armed, on horseback, and took possession in the name of the Castilian monarchs. He was followed by his attendants, as well as the captains and knights of the army, and soon the flags of the cross, the blessed Santiago, and the Catholic monarchs were raised on the main tower of the Alcazaba. When the camp saw these flags, the queen, the princess, the ladies of the court, and all the royal entourage knelt and gave thanks and praise to the Holy Virgin and Santiago for this significant victory of the faith; and the bishops and other clergy present, along with the choir of the royal chapel, sang “Te Deum Laudamus” and “Gloria in Excelsis.”
No sooner was the city delivered up than the wretched inhabitants implored permission to purchase bread for themselves and their children from the heaps of grain which they had so often gazed at wistfully from their walls. Their prayer was granted, and they issued forth with the famished eagerness of starving men. It was piteous to behold the struggles of those unhappy people as they contended who first should have their necessities relieved.
No sooner was the city handed over than the miserable residents begged to be allowed to buy bread for themselves and their children from the piles of grain they had often looked at longingly from their walls. Their request was granted, and they rushed out with the desperate hunger of starving people. It was heartbreaking to see the struggles of those unfortunate individuals as they fought to be the first to have their needs met.
“Thus,” says the pious Fray Antonio Agapida,—“thus are the predictions of false prophets sometimes permitted to be verified, but always to the confusion of those who trust in them; for the words of the Moorish nigromancer came to pass that the people of Malaga should eat of those heaps of bread, but they ate in humiliation and defeat and with sorrow and bitterness of heart.”
“Thus,” says the devout Fray Antonio Agapida, “this is how the predictions of false prophets are sometimes allowed to come true, but always to the embarrassment of those who believe in them; for the words of the Moorish sorcerer turned out to be true that the people of Malaga would feast on those piles of bread, but they did so in shame and defeat, with sadness and bitterness in their hearts.”
Dark and fierce were the feelings of Hamet el Zegri as he looked down from the castle of Gibralfaro and beheld the Christian legions pouring into the city and the standard of the cross supplanting the crescent on the citadel. “The people of Malaga,” said he, “have trusted to a man of trade, and he has trafficked them away; but let us not suffer ourselves to be bound hand and foot and delivered up as part of his bargain. We have yet strong walls around us and trusty weapons in our hands. Let us fight until buried beneath the last tumbling tower of Gibralfaro, or, rushing down from among its ruins, carry havoc among the unbelievers as they throng the streets of Malaga.”
Dark and intense were Hamet el Zegri's feelings as he looked down from the castle of Gibralfaro and saw the Christian legions streaming into the city and the cross replacing the crescent on the citadel. “The people of Malaga,” he said, “have placed their trust in a trader, and he has sold them out; but we must not let ourselves be bound and handed over as part of his deal. We still have strong walls around us and reliable weapons in our hands. Let’s fight until we're buried beneath the last crumbling tower of Gibralfaro, or, bursting out from its ruins, wreak havoc among the unbelievers as they crowd the streets of Malaga.”
The fierceness of the Gomeres, however, was broken. They could have died in the breach had their castle been assailed, but the slow advances of famine subdued their strength without rousing their passions, and sapped the force of both soul and body. They were almost unanimous for a surrender.
The ferocity of the Gomeres, however, was weakened. They could have perished in the fight if their castle had been attacked, but the gradual onset of hunger drained their strength without igniting their emotions, exhausting both mind and body. They were nearly all in favor of surrendering.
It was a hard struggle for the proud spirit of Hamet to bow itself to ask for terms. Still, he trusted that the valor of his defence would gain him respect in the eyes of a chivalrous foe. “Ali,” said he, “has negotiated like a merchant; I will capitulate as a soldier.” He sent a herald, therefore, to Ferdinand, offering to yield up his castle, but demanding a separate treaty. (15) The Castilian sovereign made a laconic and stern reply: “He shall receive no terms but such as have been granted to the community of Malaga.”
It was a tough battle for Hamet's proud spirit to lower itself and ask for terms. Still, he believed that the bravery he showed in defense would earn him respect from a noble enemy. “Ali,” he said, “has bargained like a merchant; I will surrender like a soldier.” So, he sent a messenger to Ferdinand, offering to give up his castle but insisting on a separate agreement. (15) The Castilian king gave a short and severe response: “He will receive no terms other than those given to the community of Malaga.”
For two days Hamet el Zegri remained brooding in his castle after the city was in possession of the Christians; at length the clamors of his followers compelled him to surrender. When the remnant of this fierce African garrison descended from their cragged fortress, they were so worn by watchfulness, famine, and battle, yet carried such a lurking fury in their eyes, that they looked more like fiends than men. They were all condemned to slavery, excepting Ibrahim Zenete. The instance of clemency which he had shown in refraining to harm the Spanish striplings on the last sally from Malaga won him favorable terms. It was cited as a magnanimous act by the Spanish cavaliers, and all admitted that, though a Moor in blood, he possessed the Christian heart of a Castilian hidalgo.*
For two days, Hamet el Zegri sat brooding in his castle after the Christians took over the city; finally, the cries of his followers forced him to give up. When the remaining members of this fierce African garrison came down from their rugged fortress, they were so exhausted from vigilance, hunger, and fighting, yet had such a simmering rage in their eyes, that they seemed more like demons than humans. They were all sentenced to slavery, except Ibrahim Zenete. The act of mercy he showed by sparing the Spanish youths during the last attack from Malaga earned him better treatment. It was recognized as a noble deed by the Spanish knights, and everyone agreed that, although he was a Moor by blood, he had the Christian spirit of a Castilian nobleman.*
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 84.
As to Hamet el Zegri, on being asked what moved him to such hardened obstinacy, he replied, “When I undertook my command, I pledged myself to fight in defence of my faith, my city, and my sovereign until slain or made prisoner; and, depend upon it, had I had men to stand by me, I should have died fighting, instead of thus tamely surrendering myself without a weapon in my hand.”
As for Hamet el Zegri, when asked what drove him to such stubbornness, he responded, “When I took on my command, I promised to fight for my faith, my city, and my ruler until I was either killed or captured; and believe me, if I had had men to support me, I would have died fighting, instead of surrendering so passively without a weapon in my hand.”
“Such,” says the pious Fray Antonio Agapida, “was the diabolical hatred and stiff-necked opposition of this infidel to our holy cause. But he was justly served by our most Catholic and high-minded sovereign for his pertinacious defence of the city, for Ferdinand ordered that he should be loaded with chains and thrown into a dungeon.” He was subsequently retained in rigorous confinement at Carmona.*
“Such,” says the devout Father Antonio Agapida, “was the intense hatred and stubborn resistance of this unbeliever to our sacred cause. But he got what he deserved from our most Catholic and noble king for his relentless defense of the city, as Ferdinand ordered him to be shackled and imprisoned.” He was then kept in harsh confinement at Carmona.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 93; Pietro Martyr, lib. 1, cap. 69; Alcantara, Hist. Granada, vol. 4, c. 18.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 93; Pietro Martyr, lib. 1, cap. 69; Alcantara, Hist. Granada, vol. 4, c. 18.
One of the first cares of the conquerors on entering Malaga was to search for Christian captives. Nearly sixteen hundred men and women were found, and among them were persons of distinction. Some of them had been ten, fifteen, and twenty years in captivity. Many had been servants to the Moors or laborers on public works, and some had passed their time in chains and dungeons. Preparations were made to celebrate their deliverance as a Christian triumph. A tent was erected not far from the city, and furnished with an altar and all the solemn decorations of a chapel. Here the king and queen waited to receive the Christian captives. They were assembled in the city and marshalled forth in piteous procession. Many of them had still the chains and shackles on their legs; they were wasted with famine, their hair and beards overgrown and matted, and their faces pale and haggard from long confinement. When they found themselves restored to liberty and surrounded by their countrymen, some stared wildly about as if in a dream, others gave way to frantic transports, but most of them wept for joy. All present were moved to tears by so touching a spectacle. When the procession arrived at what is called the Gate of Granada, it was met by a great concourse from the camp with crosses and pennons, who turned and followed the captives, singing hymns of praise and thanksgiving. When they came in presence of the king and queen, they threw themselves on their knees, and would have kissed their feet as their saviors and deliverers, but the sovereigns prevented such humiliation and graciously extended to them their hands. They then prostrated themselves before the altar, and all present joined them in giving thanks to God for their liberation from this cruel bondage. By orders of the king and queen their chains were then taken off, and they were clad in decent raiment and food was set before them. After they had ate and drunk, and were refreshed and invigorated, they were provided with money and all things necessary for their journey, and sent joyfully to their homes.
One of the first priorities of the conquerors upon entering Malaga was to search for Christian captives. They found nearly sixteen hundred men and women, including some notable individuals. Some had been in captivity for ten, fifteen, even twenty years. Many had served the Moors or worked on public projects, while others had spent their time in chains and dungeons. Preparations were made to celebrate their rescue as a Christian victory. A tent was set up not far from the city, equipped with an altar and all the formal decorations of a chapel. Here, the king and queen waited to welcome the Christian captives. They were gathered in the city and led out in a somber procession. Many still had chains on their legs; they were emaciated from hunger, their hair and beards unkempt, and their faces pale and gaunt from prolonged confinement. When they realized they were free and surrounded by their fellow countrymen, some gazed around as if in a dream, others erupted in wild joy, but most of them cried tears of happiness. Everyone present was moved to tears by such an emotional scene. When the procession reached what is called the Gate of Granada, they were met by a large crowd from the camp carrying crosses and flags, who turned and followed the captives, singing songs of praise and gratitude. When they came before the king and queen, they knelt down and tried to kiss their feet as their saviors and liberators, but the monarchs stopped such an act of humility and graciously offered their hands instead. They then humbled themselves before the altar, and everyone present joined them in thanking God for their release from such brutal captivity. By the king and queen's orders, their chains were removed, they were dressed in clean clothes, and food was provided for them. After they ate and drank to revitalize themselves, they were given money and everything else they needed for their journey and happily sent on their way home.
While the old chroniclers dwell with becoming enthusiasm on this pure and affecting triumph of humanity, they go on in a strain of equal eulogy to describe a spectacle of a far different nature. It so happened that there were found in the city twelve of those renegado Christians who had deserted to the Moors and conveyed false intelligence during the siege: a barbarous species of punishment was inflicted upon them, borrowed, it is said, from the Moors and peculiar to these wars. They were tied to stakes in a public place, and horsemen exercised their skill in transpiercing them with pointed reeds, hurled at them while careering at full speed, until the miserable victims expired beneath their wounds. Several apostate Moors also, who, having embraced Christianity, had afterward relapsed into their early faith, and had taken refuge in Malaga from the vengeance of the Inquisition, were publicly burnt. “These,” says an old Jesuit historian exultingly,—“these were the tilts of reeds and the illuminations most pleasing for this victorious festival and for the Catholic piety of our sovereigns.” *
While the old chroniclers express fitting enthusiasm for this pure and moving victory of humanity, they continue in a similar tone to describe an event of a very different kind. It turned out that twelve renegade Christians who had defected to the Moors and provided false information during the siege were found in the city. A brutal form of punishment was inflicted on them, supposedly borrowed from the Moors and specific to these wars. They were tied to stakes in a public area, and horsemen showcased their skill by piercing them with pointed reeds thrown at full speed until the unfortunate victims died from their injuries. Several apostate Moors, who had converted to Christianity and then returned to their original faith, also sought refuge in Malaga from the Inquisition’s revenge and were publicly burned. “These,” exclaims an old Jesuit historian triumphantly, “these were the tilts of reeds and the illuminations most pleasing for this victorious festival and for the Catholic piety of our sovereigns.” *
* “Los renegados fuernon acanavareados: y los conversos quemados; y estos fueron las canas, y luminarias mas alegres, por la fiesta de la vitoria, para la piedad Catholica de nuestros Reyes.”—Abarca, “Anales de Aragon,” tom. 2, Rey xxx. c. 3.
"Those who reneged were punished, and the converted were burned; they were the most joyous decorations and lights, celebrating the victory for the Catholic compassion of our Kings."—Abarca, "Anales de Aragon," vol. 2, King xxx. ch. 3.
When the city was cleansed from the impurities and offensive odors which had collected during the siege, the bishops and other clergy who accompanied the court, and the choir of the royal chapel, walked in procession to the principal mosque, which was consecrated and entitled Santa Maria de la Incarnacion. This done, the king and queen entered the city, accompanied by the grand cardinal of Spain and the principal nobles and cavaliers of the army, and heard a solemn mass. The church was then elevated into a cathedral, and Malaga was made a bishopric, and many of the neighboring towns were comprehended in its diocese. The queen took up her residence in the Alcazaba, in the apartments of her valiant treasurer, Ruy Lopez, whence she had a view of the whole city, but the king established his quarters in the warrior castle of Gibralfaro.
When the city was cleared of the filth and bad smells that had built up during the siege, the bishops and other clergy who came with the court, along with the choir of the royal chapel, walked in a procession to the main mosque, which was consecrated and named Santa Maria de la Incarnacion. After this, the king and queen entered the city, joined by the grand cardinal of Spain and the main nobles and knights of the army, and attended a solemn mass. The church was then elevated to a cathedral, and Malaga was established as a bishopric, including many nearby towns within its diocese. The queen settled in the Alcazaba, in the quarters of her brave treasurer, Ruy Lopez, from where she could see the entire city, while the king set up his base in the warrior castle of Gibralfaro.
And now came to be considered the disposition of the Moorish prisoners. All those who were strangers in the city, and had either taken refuge there or had entered to defend it, were at once considered slaves. They were divided into three lots: one was set apart for the service of God in redeeming Christian captives from bondage, either in the kingdom of Granada or in Africa; the second lot was divided among those who had aided either in field or cabinet in the present siege, according to their rank; the third was appropriated to defray by their sale the great expenses incurred in the reduction of the place. A hundred of the Gomeres were sent as presents to Pope Innocent VIII., and were led in triumph through the streets of Rome, and afterward converted to Christianity. Fifty Moorish maidens were sent to the queen Joanna of Naples, sister to King Ferdinand, and thirty to the queen of Portugal. Isabella made presents of others to the ladies of her household and of the noble families of Spain.
And now it was time to decide what to do with the Moorish prisoners. All those who were foreigners in the city, whether they had taken refuge there or had come to defend it, were immediately considered slaves. They were divided into three groups: one was set aside for serving God by redeeming Christian captives from slavery, either in the kingdom of Granada or in Africa; the second group was distributed among those who had helped, either in battle or behind the scenes, during the siege, based on their rank; the third was designated to cover the significant costs incurred in conquering the area. A hundred of the Gomeres were sent as gifts to Pope Innocent VIII, paraded through the streets of Rome, and later converted to Christianity. Fifty Moorish maidens were sent to Queen Joanna of Naples, sister to King Ferdinand, and thirty to the queen of Portugal. Isabella gifted others to the ladies of her household and to noble families in Spain.
Among the inhabitants of Malaga were four hundred and fifty Moorish Jews, for the most part women, speaking the Arabic language and dressed in the Moresco fashion. These were ransomed by a wealthy Jew of Castile, farmer-general of the royal revenues derived from the Jews of Spain. He agreed to make up within a certain time the sum of twenty thousand doblas, or pistoles of gold, all the money and jewels of the captives being taken in part payment. They were sent to Castile in two armed galleys. As to Ali Dordux, such favors and honors were heaped upon him by the Spanish sovereigns for his considerate mediation in the surrender that the disinterestedness of his conduct has often been called in question. He was appointed chief justice and alcayde of the (10) mudexares or Moorish subjects, and was presented with twenty houses, one public bakery, and several orchards, vineyards, and tracts of open country. He retired to Antiquera, where he died several years afterward, leaving his estate and name to his son, Mohamed Dordux. The latter embraced the Christian faith, as did his wife, the daughter of a Moorish noble. On being baptized he received the name of Don Fernando de Malaga, his wife that of Isabella, after the queen. They were incorporated with the nobility of Castile, and their descendants still bear the name of Malaga.*
Among the residents of Malaga were four hundred and fifty Moorish Jews, mostly women, who spoke Arabic and wore traditional Moresco clothing. A wealthy Jew from Castile, who managed the royal revenue collected from the Jews of Spain, ransomed them. He agreed to make up the amount of twenty thousand doblas, or gold pistoles, within a certain time, with the money and jewels of the captives used as partial payment. They were taken to Castile in two armed galleys. As for Ali Dordux, he received numerous favors and honors from the Spanish sovereigns for his considerate role in the surrender, so much so that the sincerity of his actions has often been questioned. He was appointed chief justice and alcayde of the (10) mudexares or Moorish subjects, and was given twenty houses, one public bakery, several orchards, vineyards, and plots of land. He moved to Antiquera, where he died several years later, leaving his estate and name to his son, Mohamed Dordux. The latter converted to Christianity, along with his wife, the daughter of a Moorish noble. After being baptized, he was given the name Don Fernando de Malaga, and his wife was named Isabella, after the queen. They became part of the Castilian nobility, and their descendants still carry the name of Malaga.*
* Conversaciones Malaguenas, 26, as cited by Alcantara in his History of Granada, vol. 4, c. 18.
* Conversaciones Malaguenas, 26, as cited by Alcantara in his History of Granada, vol. 4, c. 18.
As to the great mass of Moorish inhabitants, they implored that they might not be scattered and sold into captivity, but might be permitted to ransom themselves by an amount paid within a certain time. Upon this King Ferdinand took the advice of certain of his ablest counsellors. They said to him: “If you hold out a prospect of hopeless captivity, the infidels will throw all their gold and jewels into wells and pits, and you will lose the greater part of the spoil; but if you fix a general rate of ransom, and receive their money and jewels in part payment, nothing will be destroyed.” The king relished greatly this advice, and it was arranged that all the inhabitants should be ransomed at the general rate of thirty doblas or pistoles in gold for each individual, male or female, large or small; that all their gold, jewels, and other valuables should be received immediately in part payment of the general amount, and that the residue should be paid within eight months—that if any of the number, actually living, should die in the interim, their ransom should nevertheless be paid. If, however, the whole of the amount were not paid at the expiration of the eight months, they should all be considered and treated as slaves.
As for the large population of Moorish residents, they begged not to be scattered and sold into slavery, but to be allowed to buy their freedom by paying a certain amount within a specific timeframe. King Ferdinand then sought the advice of some of his most capable advisors. They told him, “If you promise them hopeless slavery, the infidels will throw all their gold and jewels into wells and pits, and you will lose most of the treasure; but if you set a general ransom rate and accept their money and jewels as part of the payment, nothing will be destroyed.” The king was very pleased with this advice, and it was decided that all inhabitants would be ransomed at a standard rate of thirty doblas or pistoles in gold for each person, regardless of age or gender; all their gold, jewels, and other valuables would be accepted immediately as part of the payment, and the remaining balance would be due within eight months. If any of the individuals died during that time, their ransom would still be paid. However, if the total amount was not paid by the end of the eight months, they would all be treated as slaves.
The unfortunate Moors were eager to catch at the least hope of future liberty, and consented to these hard conditions. The most rigorous precautions were taken to exact them to the uttermost. The inhabitants were numbered by houses and families, and their names taken down; their most precious effects were made up into parcels, and sealed and inscribed with their names, and they were ordered to repair with them to certain large corrales or enclosures adjoining the Alcazaba, which were surrounded by high walls and overlooked by watch-towers, to which places the cavalgadas of Christian captives had usually been driven to be confined until the time of sale like cattle in a market. The Moors were obliged to leave their houses one by one: all their money, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets of gold, pearl, coral, and precious stones were taken from them at the threshold, and their persons so rigorously searched that they carried off nothing concealed.
The unfortunate Moors were desperate to grasp even the slightest chance of future freedom and agreed to these harsh conditions. The strictest measures were put in place to enforce them to the fullest extent. The residents were counted by households and families, and their names were recorded; their most valuable belongings were packed into parcels, sealed, and labeled with their names. They were instructed to go with their items to designated large enclosures near the Alcazaba, which were surrounded by high walls and monitored by watchtowers. These enclosures were where Christian captives were typically herded for confinement until they were sold like livestock at a market. The Moors had to leave their homes one by one; all their money, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets made of gold, pearls, coral, and precious stones were taken from them at the doorstep, and they were searched so thoroughly that they could conceal nothing.
Then might be seen old men and helpless women and tender maidens, some of high birth and gentle condition, passing through the streets, heavily burdened, toward the Alcazaba. As they left their homes they smote their breasts and wrung their hands, and raised their weeping eyes to heaven in anguish; and this is recorded as their plaint: “O Malaga! city so renowned and beautiful! where now is the strength of thy castle, where the grandeur of thy towers? Of what avail have been thy mighty walls for the protection of thy children? Behold them driven from thy pleasant abodes, doomed to drag out a life of bondage in a foreign land, and to die far from the home of their infancy! What will become of thy old men and matrons when their gray hairs shall be no longer reverenced? What will become of thy maidens, so delicately reared and tenderly cherished, when reduced to hard and menial servitude? Behold thy once happy families scattered asunder, never again to be united—sons separated from their fathers, husbands from their wives, and tender children from their mothers: they will bewail each other in foreign lands, but their lamentations will be the scoff of the stranger. O Malaga! city of our birth! who can behold thy desolation and not shed tears of bitterness?” *
Then you could see old men, helpless women, and tender young girls—some from noble backgrounds and gentle lives—walking through the streets, weighed down, heading toward the Alcazaba. As they left their homes, they struck their chests and wrung their hands, raising their tearful eyes to the heavens in anguish, and this is what they cried out: “Oh Malaga! famous and beautiful city! Where is the strength of your castle now, where is the grandeur of your towers? What good have your mighty walls been for your children’s protection? Look at them driven from your lovely homes, doomed to live a life of bondage in a foreign land, to die far from the place of their childhood! What will happen to your old men and women when their gray hairs are no longer respected? What will happen to your young girls, so delicately raised and tenderly cared for, when they are reduced to hard, menial work? Look at your once happy families scattered apart, never to be united again—sons separated from their fathers, husbands from their wives, and young children from their mothers: they will mourn for each other in foreign lands, but their cries will just be a joke to outsiders. Oh Malaga! city of our birth! Who can see your devastation and not cry tears of sorrow?”
* Pulgar, Reyes Catolicos, c. 93.
* Pulgar, Reyes Catolicos, c. 93.
When Malaga was completely secured a detachment was sent against two fortresses near the sea, called Mixas and Osuna, which had frequently harassed the Christian camp. The inhabitants were threatened with the sword unless they instantly surrendered. They claimed the same terms that had been granted to Malaga, imagining them to be freedom of person and security of property. Their claim was granted: they were transported to Malaga with all their riches, and on arriving there were overwhelmed with consternation at finding themselves captives. “Ferdinand,” observes Fray Antonio Agapida, “was a man of his word; they were shut up in the enclosure at the Alcazaba with the people of Malaga and shared their fate.”
When Malaga was fully secured, a group was sent against two fortresses by the sea, called Mixas and Osuna, which had often troubled the Christian camp. The residents were threatened with violence unless they surrendered immediately. They demanded the same terms that had been granted to Malaga, believing it would ensure their freedom and the safety of their property. Their demands were accepted: they were taken to Malaga with all their wealth, and upon arriving, they were filled with panic at finding themselves as prisoners. “Ferdinand,” notes Fray Antonio Agapida, “kept his promises; they were confined in the enclosure at the Alcazaba with the people of Malaga and faced the same fate.”
The unhappy captives remained thus crowded in the courtyards of the Alcazaba, like sheep in a fold, until they could be sent by sea and land to Seville. They were then distributed about in city and country, each Christian family having one or more to feed and maintain as servants until the term fixed for the payment of the residue of the ransom should expire. The captives had obtained permission that several of their number should go about among the Moorish towns of the kingdom of Granada collecting contributions to aid in the purchase of their liberties, but these towns were too much impoverished by the war and engrossed by their own distresses to lend a listening ear; so the time expired without the residue of the ransom being paid, and all the captives of Malaga, to the number, as some say, of eleven, and others of fifteen, thousand, became slaves. “Never,” exclaims the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida in one of his usual bursts of zeal and loyalty,—“never has there been recorded a more adroit and sagacious arrangement than this made by the Catholic monarch, by which he not only secured all the property and half of the ransom of these infidels, but finally got possession of their persons into the bargain. This truly may be considered one of the greatest triumphs of the pious and politic Ferdinand, and as raising him above the generality of conquerors, who have merely the valor to gain victories, but lack the prudence and management necessary to turn them to account.” *
The unhappy captives were packed tightly in the courtyards of the Alcazaba, like sheep in a pen, until they could be sent by sea and land to Seville. Afterward, they were distributed between the city and the countryside, with each Christian family taking in one or more as servants to feed and support until the deadline for paying off the remainder of the ransom expired. The captives were allowed to send some of their group to the Moorish towns in the Granada kingdom to gather contributions to help buy their freedom, but these towns were too devastated by the war and overwhelmed with their own troubles to help; so the time passed without the ransom being paid, and all the captives from Malaga, numbering, as some say, eleven or even fifteen thousand, ended up as slaves. “Never,” exclaims the devoted Fray Antonio Agapida in one of his usual passionate outbursts, “has there been recorded a more clever and shrewd plan than this by the Catholic monarch, through which he not only secured all the property and half of the ransom of these infidels, but also ultimately gained control over their lives into the bargain. This can truly be seen as one of the greatest accomplishments of the pious and strategic Ferdinand, setting him apart from most conquerors, who may have the bravery to achieve victories but lack the wisdom and skill to make the most of them.”
* The detestable policy of Ferdinand in regard to the Moorish captives of Malaga is recorded at length by the curate of Los Palacios (c. 87), a contemporary, a zealous admirer of the king, and one of the most honest of chroniclers, who really thought he was recording a notable instance of sagacious piety.
* The awful policy of Ferdinand regarding the Moorish captives of Malaga is detailed by the curate of Los Palacios (c. 87), a contemporary, a passionate supporter of the king, and one of the most trustworthy chroniclers, who genuinely believed he was documenting a significant example of wise devotion.
The western part of the kingdom of Granada had now been conquered by the Christian arms. The seaport of Malaga was captured; the fierce and warlike inhabitants of Serrania de Ronda and the other mountain-holds of the frontier were all disarmed and reduced to peaceful and laborious vassalage; their haughty fortresses, which had so long overawed the valleys of Andalusia, now displayed the standard of Castile and Aragon; the watch-towers which crowned every height, whence the infidels had kept a vulture eye over the Christian territories, were now either dismantled or garrisoned with Catholic troops. “What signalized and sanctified this great triumph,” adds the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, “were the emblems of ecclesiastical domination which everywhere appeared. In every direction rose stately convents and monasteries, those fortresses of the faith garrisoned by its spiritual soldiery of monks and friars. The sacred melody of Christian bells was again heard among the mountains, calling to early matins or sounding the Angelus at the solemn hour of evening.” *
The western part of the kingdom of Granada had now been conquered by the Christian forces. The seaport of Malaga was taken; the fierce and warlike inhabitants of Serrania de Ronda and other mountain strongholds on the frontier were all disarmed and turned into peaceful and hard-working subjects; their proud fortresses, which had long intimidated the valleys of Andalusia, now displayed the flags of Castile and Aragon; the watchtowers that crowned every height, from which the infidels had kept a watchful eye on Christian territories, were now either dismantled or occupied by Catholic troops. “What marked and validated this great victory,” adds the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, “were the symbols of religious authority that appeared everywhere. In every direction, impressive convents and monasteries arose, those strongholds of the faith manned by its spiritual soldiers of monks and friars. The sacred sound of Christian bells was once again heard among the mountains, calling to early morning prayers or ringing the Angelus at the solemn hour of evening.” *
* The worthy curate of Los Palacios intimates in his chronicle that this melody, so grateful to the ears of pious Christians, was a source of perpetual torment to the ears of infidels.
* The esteemed curate of Los Palacios suggests in his account that this melody, so pleasing to the ears of devout Christians, was a constant source of torment to the ears of nonbelievers.
While this part of the kingdom was thus reduced by the Christian sword, the central part, round the city of Granada, forming the heart of the Moorish territory, was held in vassalage of the Castilian monarch by Boabdil, surnamed El Chico. That unfortunate prince lost no occasion to propitiate the conquerors of his country by acts of homage and by professions that must have been foreign to his heart. No sooner had he heard of the capture of Malaga than he sent congratulations to the Catholic sovereigns, accompanied with presents of horses richly caparisoned for the king, and precious cloth of gold and Oriental perfumes for the queen. His congratulations and his presents were received with the utmost graciousness, and the short-sighted prince, lulled by the temporary and politic forbearance of Ferdinand, flattered himself that he was securing the lasting friendship of that monarch.
While this part of the kingdom was being taken over by the Christian sword, the central area around the city of Granada, which was the heart of the Moorish territory, was under the control of the Castilian king through Boabdil, known as El Chico. That unfortunate prince did everything he could to win over the conquerors of his land with displays of loyalty and professions that probably didn’t reflect his true feelings. As soon as he heard about the capture of Malaga, he promptly sent congratulations to the Catholic monarchs, along with gifts of richly adorned horses for the king and luxurious cloth of gold and exotic perfumes for the queen. His congratulations and gifts were received with great kindness, and the shortsighted prince, pacified by the temporary and strategic leniency of Ferdinand, convinced himself that he was securing the enduring friendship of that king.
The policy of Boabdil had its transient and superficial advantages. The portion of Moorish territory under his immediate sway had a respite from the calamities of war, the husbandmen cultivated their luxuriant fields in security, and the Vega of Granada once more blossomed like the rose. The merchants again carried on a gainful traffic: the gates of the city were thronged with beasts of burden, bringing the rich products of every clime. Yet, while the people of Granada rejoiced in their teeming fields and crowded marts, they secretly despised the policy which had procured them these advantages, and held Boabdil for little better than an apostate and an unbeliever. Muley Abdallah el Zagal was now the hope of the unconquered part of the kingdom, and every Moor whose spirit was not quite subdued with his fortunes lauded the valor of the old monarch and his fidelity to the faith, and wished success to his standard.
The approach of Boabdil had its temporary and surface-level benefits. The part of Moorish land under his control enjoyed a break from the hardships of war, farmers worked their fertile fields in safety, and the Vega of Granada bloomed once again. Merchants resumed profitable trade: the city gates were busy with pack animals carrying valuable goods from all over. However, while the people of Granada celebrated their bountiful fields and bustling markets, they secretly looked down on the strategy that had brought them these benefits, viewing Boabdil as little more than a traitor and a nonbeliever. Muley Abdallah el Zagal was now the symbol of hope for the unconquered region of the kingdom, and every Moor whose spirit wasn't completely crushed by his misfortune praised the bravery of the old king and his loyalty to the faith, wishing success for his cause.
El Zagal, though he no longer sat enthroned in the Alhambra, yet reigned over more considerable domains than his nephew. His territories extended from the frontier of Jaen along the borders of Murcia to the Mediterranean, and reached into the centre of the kingdom. On the northeast he held the cities of Baza and Guadix, situated in the midst of fertile regions. He had the important seaport of Almeria also, which at one time rivalled Granada itself in wealth and population. Besides these, his territories included a great part of the Alpuxarras mountains, which extend across the kingdom and shoot out branches toward the sea-coast. This mountainous region was a stronghold of wealth and power. Its stern and rocky heights, rising to the clouds, seemed to set invasion at defiance, yet within their rugged embraces were sheltered delightful valleys of the happiest temperature and richest fertility. The cool springs and limpid rills which gushed out in all parts of the mountains, and the abundant streams which for a great part of the year were supplied by the Sierra Nevada, spread a perpetual verdure over the skirts and slopes of the hills, and, collecting in silver rivers in the valleys, wound along among plantations of mulberry trees and groves of oranges and citrons, of almonds, figs, and pomegranates. Here was produced the finest silk of Spain, which gave employment to thousands of manufacturers. The sunburnt sides of the hills also were covered with vineyards; the abundant herbage of the mountain-ravines and the rich pasturage of the valleys fed vast flocks and herds; and even the arid and rocky bosoms of the heights teemed with wealth from the mines of various metals with which they were impregnated. In a word, the Alpuxarras mountains had ever been the great source of revenue to the monarchs of Granada. Their inhabitants also were hardy and warlike, and a sudden summons from the Moorish king could at any time call forth fifty thousand fighting-men from their rocky fastnesses.
El Zagal, while no longer sitting on the throne in the Alhambra, ruled over larger territories than his nephew. His lands stretched from the Jaen border along the Murcia coastline to the Mediterranean and reached deep into the heart of the kingdom. In the northeast, he controlled the cities of Baza and Guadix, located in lush areas. He also had the significant seaport of Almeria, which once rivaled Granada in wealth and population. Additionally, his territories included a large portion of the Alpuxarras mountains, which extend across the kingdom and send out branches toward the coast. This mountainous region was a stronghold of wealth and power. Its steep rocky peaks, soaring into the clouds, seemed to defy invasions, yet within their rugged embrace were lovely valleys with a perfect climate and rich soil. The cool springs and clear streams that flowed from all over the mountains, along with the plentiful rivers fed for much of the year by the Sierra Nevada, kept the hillsides lush and green. They gathered into silver rivers in the valleys, winding through mulberry plantations and groves of orange and citron trees, as well as almond, fig, and pomegranate orchards. Here, the finest silk in Spain was produced, providing jobs for thousands of workers. The sun-drenched hillsides were covered with vineyards; the abundant grass in the mountain ravines and the fertile valleys supported huge flocks and herds. Even the dry and rocky slopes held wealth from various metal mines. In short, the Alpuxarras mountains had always been a major source of income for the kings of Granada. Their people were also tough and warlike, and a sudden call from the Moorish king could summon fifty thousand warriors from their rocky strongholds at any time.
Such was the rich but rugged fragment of an empire which remained under the sway of the old warrior-monarch El Zagal. The mountain-barriers by which it was locked up had protected it from most of the ravages of the present war. El Zagal prepared himself by strengthening every fortress to battle fiercely for its maintenance.
Such was the rich but rugged piece of an empire that remained under the control of the old warrior-monarch El Zagal. The mountain barriers that surrounded it had shielded it from most of the damage caused by the current war. El Zagal got ready by reinforcing every fortress to fiercely defend it.
The Catholic sovereigns saw that fresh troubles and toils awaited them. The war had to be carried into a new quarter, demanding immense expenditure, and new ways and means must be devised to replenish their exhausted coffers. “As this was a holy war, however,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “and peculiarly redounded to the prosperity of the Church, the clergy were full of zeal, and contributed vast sums of money and large bodies of troops. A pious fund was also produced from the first fruits of that glorious institution, the Inquisition.”
The Catholic monarchs recognized that new challenges and hardships were ahead. The war needed to move to a different front, requiring huge amounts of money, and they had to come up with new strategies to refill their drained treasury. “Since this was a holy war, though,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “and particularly beneficial for the Church's success, the clergy were very enthusiastic, contributing large sums of money and significant numbers of troops. A religious fund was also created from the initial revenues of that noble institution, the Inquisition.”
It so happened that about this time there were many families of wealth and dignity in the kingdoms of Aragon and Valencia and the principality of Catalonia whose forefathers had been Jews, but had been converted to Christianity. Notwithstanding the outward piety of these families, it was surmised, and soon came to be strongly suspected, that many of then had a secret hankering after Judaism, and it was even whispered that some of them practised Jewish rites in private.
It so happened that around this time there were many wealthy and respected families in the kingdoms of Aragon and Valencia and the principality of Catalonia whose ancestors had been Jews but had converted to Christianity. Despite the outward devotion of these families, it was suspected—and soon strongly believed—that many of them secretly longed for Judaism, and it was even rumored that some practiced Jewish rituals in secret.
The Catholic monarch (continues Agapida) had a righteous abhorrence of all kinds of heresy and a fervent zeal for the faith; he ordered, therefore, a strict investigation of the conduct of these pseudo-Christians. Inquisitors were sent into the provinces for the purpose, who proceeded with their accustomed zeal. The consequence was, that many families were convicted of apostasy from the Christian faith and of the private practice of Judaism. Some, who had grace and policy sufficient to reform in time, were again received into the Christian fold after being severely mulcted and condemned to heavy penance; others were burnt at “auto de fes” for the edification of the public, and their property was confiscated for the good of the state.
The Catholic king (Agapida continues) had a strong dislike for all types of heresy and a passionate commitment to the faith; he therefore ordered a thorough investigation into the behavior of these false Christians. Inquisitors were sent into the regions for this purpose, and they approached their task with their usual fervor. As a result, many families were found guilty of abandoning the Christian faith and secretly practicing Judaism. Some, who had enough grace and strategy to change in time, were welcomed back into the Christian community after facing severe penalties and heavy penance; others were executed at “auto de fes” for the public's benefit, and their belongings were seized for the good of the state.
As these Hebrews were of great wealth and had an hereditary passion for jewelry, there was found abundant store in their possession of gold and silver, of rings and necklaces, and strings of pearl and coral, and precious stones—treasures easy of transportation and wonderfully adapted for the emergencies of war. “In this way,” concludes the pious Agapida, “these backsliders, by the all-seeing contrivances of Providence, were made to serve the righteous cause which they had so treacherously deserted; and their apostate wealth was sanctified by being devoted to the service of Heaven and the Crown in this holy crusade against the infidels.”
As these Hebrews were quite wealthy and had a long-standing love for jewelry, they possessed a large collection of gold and silver, rings and necklaces, and strings of pearls and coral, along with precious stones—treasures that were easy to carry and perfect for the challenges of war. “In this way,” concludes the devout Agapida, “these turncoats, through the all-seeing plans of Providence, were made to support the righteous cause they had so dishonorably abandoned; and their fallen wealth was redeemed by being used for the service of Heaven and the Crown in this holy crusade against the infidels.”
It must be added, however, that these pious financial expedients received some check from the interference of Queen Isabella. Her penetrating eyes discovered that many enormities had been committed under color of religious zeal, and many innocent persons accused by false witnesses of apostasy, either through malice or a hope of obtaining their wealth: she caused strict investigation, therefore, into the proceedings which had been held, many of which were reversed, and suborners punished in proportion to their guilt.*
It should be noted, however, that these devout financial maneuvers were held back somewhat by Queen Isabella's intervention. Her keen observation revealed that many abuses had been carried out under the guise of religious fervor, and many innocent people were falsely accused of abandoning their faith, either out of spite or in hopes of seizing their riches. She initiated a thorough investigation into the actions taken, many of which were overturned, and those who had instigated these lies were punished according to their level of guilt.*
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 100.
* Pulgar, part 3, c. 100.
“Muley Abdallah el Zagal,” says the venerable Jesuit father Pedro Abarca, “was the most venomous Mahometan in all Morisma;” and the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida most devoutly echoes his opinion. “Certainly,” adds the latter, “none ever opposed a more heathenish and diabolical obstinacy to the holy inroads of the cross and sword.”
“Muley Abdallah el Zagal,” says the respected Jesuit Father Pedro Abarca, “was the most malicious Muslim in all of Morisma;” and the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida fervently agrees. “Without a doubt,” the latter adds, “no one ever resisted the sacred advances of the cross and sword with more wicked and devilish stubbornness.”
El Zagal felt that it was necessary to do something to quicken his popularity with the people, and that nothing was more effectual than a successful inroad. The Moors loved the stirring call to arms and a wild foray among the mountains, and delighted more in a hasty spoil, wrested with hard fighting from the Christians, than in all the steady and certain gains secured by peaceful traffic.
El Zagal thought it was essential to do something to boost his popularity with the people, and he believed that nothing was more effective than a successful raid. The Moors loved the exciting call to arms and a wild adventure in the mountains, and they preferred the thrill of a quick victory, won through tough battles against the Christians, over all the steady profits gained from peaceful trade.
There reigned at this time a careless security along the frontier of Jaen. The alcaydes of the Christian fortresses were confident of the friendship of Boabdil el Chico, and they fancied his uncle too distant and too much engrossed by his own perplexities to think of molesting them. On a sudden El Zagal issued out of Guadix with a chosen band, passed rapidly through the mountains which extend behind Granada, and fell like a thunderbolt upon the territories in the neighborhood of Alcala la Real. Before the alarm could be spread and the frontier roused he had made a wide career of destruction through the country, sacking and burning villages, sweeping off flocks and herds, and carrying away captives. The warriors of the frontier assembled, but El Zagal was already far on his return through the mountains, and he re-entered the gates of Guadix in triumph, his army laden with Christian spoil and conducting an immense cavalgada. Such was one of El Zagal’s preparatives for the expected invasion of the Christian king, exciting the warlike spirit of his people, and gaining for himself a transient popularity.
At this time, there was a careless sense of security along the Jaen frontier. The leaders of the Christian fortresses were confident in their friendship with Boabdil el Chico, believing his uncle was too far away and too caught up in his own troubles to bother them. Suddenly, El Zagal emerged from Guadix with a select group, quickly moved through the mountains behind Granada, and struck like a bolt from the blue on the lands near Alcala la Real. Before anyone could raise the alarm and rally the frontier defenses, he had carved a path of destruction through the area, looting and burning villages, taking away livestock, and capturing people. The frontier warriors gathered, but El Zagal was already far along his return through the mountains, re-entering Guadix in triumph, his army loaded with Christian plunder and leading a massive caravan. This was one of El Zagal’s preparations for the anticipated invasion by the Christian king, stirring up the warrior spirit of his people and earning himself a brief surge in popularity.
King Ferdinand assembled his army at Murcia in the spring of 1488. He left that city on the fifth of June with a flying camp of four thousand horse and fourteen thousand foot. The marques of Cadiz led the van, followed by the adelantado of Murcia. The army entered the Moorish frontier by the sea-coast, spreading terror through the land: wherever it appeared, the towns surrendered without a blow, so great was the dread of experiencing the woes which had desolated the opposite frontier. In this way Vera, Velez el Rubio, Velez el Blanco, and many towns of inferior note to the number of sixty yielded at the first summons.
King Ferdinand gathered his army in Murcia in the spring of 1488. He left the city on June 5th with a mobile camp of four thousand cavalry and fourteen thousand infantry. The Marquis of Cadiz led the front, followed by the Governor of Murcia. The army entered the Moorish territory along the coast, spreading fear throughout the region: wherever they went, towns surrendered without a fight, so intense was the fear of suffering the same fate as those on the other side. In this way, Vera, Velez el Rubio, Velez el Blanco, and many smaller towns, totaling sixty, capitulated at the first call.
It was not until it approached Almeria that the army met with resistance. This important city was commanded by the prince Zelim, a relation of El Zagal. He led forth his Moors bravely to the encounter, and skirmished fiercely with the advance guard in the gardens near the city. King Ferdinand came up with the main body of the army and called off his troops from the skirmish. He saw that to attack the place with his present force was fruitless. Having reconnoitred the city and its environs, therefore, against a future campaign, he retired with his army and marched toward Baza.
It wasn't until they got close to Almeria that the army faced any resistance. This key city was led by Prince Zelim, a relative of El Zagal. He bravely rallied his Moors to confront the enemy and fought fiercely with the advance guard in the gardens near the city. King Ferdinand arrived with the main part of the army and pulled his troops back from the skirmish. He realized that attacking the city with his current forces would be pointless. After surveying the city and its surroundings for a future campaign, he retreated with his army and headed toward Baza.
The old warrior El Zagal was himself drawn up in the city of Baza with a powerful garrison. He felt confidence in the strength of the place, and rejoiced when he heard that the Christian king was approaching. In the valley in front of Baza there extended a great tract of gardens, like a continued grove, intersected by canals and water courses. In this he stationed an ambuscade of arquebusiers and crossbowmen. The vanguard of the Christian army came marching gayly up the valley with great sound of drum and trumpet, and led on by the marques of Cadiz and the adelantado of Murcia. As they drew near El Zagal sallied forth with horse and foot and attacked them for a time with great spirit. Gradually falling back, as if pressed by their superior valor, he drew the exulting Christians among the gardens. Suddenly the Moors in ambuscade burst from their concealment, and opened such a fire in flank and rear that many of the Christians were slain and the rest thrown into confusion. King Ferdinand arrived in time to see the disastrous situation of his troops, and gave signal for the vanguard to retire.
The old warrior El Zagal was stationed in the city of Baza with a strong garrison. He felt confident in the fortress's strength and celebrated when he heard that the Christian king was coming. In the valley in front of Baza lay a vast area of gardens, resembling an extended grove, intersected by canals and waterways. Here, he set up an ambush with arquebusiers and crossbowmen. The vanguard of the Christian army marched cheerfully up the valley, accompanied by the loud sounds of drums and trumpets, and led by the Marques of Cadiz and the Adelantado of Murcia. As they approached, El Zagal charged out with cavalry and infantry, attacking them fiercely for a while. Gradually, he fell back, as if overwhelmed by their superior courage, luring the overconfident Christians into the gardens. Suddenly, the Moors in ambush sprang from their hiding spots and unleashed such a barrage from the sides and rear that many Christians were killed, and the rest were thrown into chaos. King Ferdinand arrived just in time to witness the disastrous situation of his troops and signaled for the vanguard to retreat.
El Zagal did not permit the foe to draw off unmolested. Ordering out fresh squadrons, he fell upon the rear of the retreating troops with triumphant shouts, driving them before him with dreadful havoc. The old war-cry of “El Zagal! El Zagal!” was again put up by the Moors, and echoed with transport from the walls of the city. The Christians were in imminent peril of a complete rout, when, fortunately, the adelantado of Murcia threw himself with a large body of horse and foot between the pursuers and the pursued, covering the retreat of the latter and giving them time to rally. The Moors were now attacked so vigorously in turn that they gave over the contest and drew back slowly into the city. Many valiant cavaliers were slain in this skirmish; among the number was Don Philip of Aragon, master of the chivalry of St. George of Montesor: he was illegitimate son of the king’s illegitimate brother Don Carlos, and his death was greatly bewailed by Ferdinand. He had formerly been archbishop of Palermo, but had doffed the cassock for the cuirass, and, according to Fray Antonio Agapida, had gained a glorious crown of martyrdom by falling in this holy war.
El Zagal didn’t let the enemy escape without a fight. He called out fresh troops and charged at the back of the retreating soldiers with triumphant shouts, causing chaos in their ranks. The old battle cry of “El Zagal! El Zagal!” was raised again by the Moors, echoing with excitement from the city walls. The Christians were on the verge of a complete defeat when, luckily, the adelantado of Murcia threw a large group of cavalry and infantry between the attackers and the fleeing troops, helping cover their retreat and giving them time to regroup. The Moors were then hit back so hard that they decided to stop fighting and slowly fell back into the city. Many brave knights were killed in this skirmish, including Don Philip of Aragon, the master of the chivalry of St. George of Montesor. He was the illegitimate son of the king's illegitimate brother Don Carlos, and Ferdinand mourned his death deeply. He had previously been the archbishop of Palermo but traded his robes for armor and, according to Fray Antonio Agapida, earned a glorious crown of martyrdom by dying in this holy war.
The warm reception of his advance guard brought King Ferdinand to a pause: he encamped on the banks of the neighboring river Guadalquiton, and began to consider whether he had acted wisely in undertaking this campaign with his present force. His late successes had probably rendered him over-confident: El Zagal had again schooled him into his characteristic caution. He saw that the old warrior was too formidably ensconced in Baza to be dislodged by anything except a powerful army and battering artillery, and he feared that should he persist in his invasion some disaster might befall his army, either from the enterprise of the foe or from a pestilence which prevailed in various parts of the country. He retired, therefore, from before Baza, as he had on a former occasion from before Loxa, all the wiser for a wholesome lesson in warfare, but by no means grateful to those who had given it, and with a solemn determination to have his revenge upon his teachers.
The warm welcome from his advance guard made King Ferdinand stop and think. He set up camp by the nearby Guadalquiton River and started to question whether it was smart to undertake this campaign with his current forces. His recent victories had likely made him overly confident, and El Zagal had reminded him of the need for caution. He realized that the old warrior was too well-protected in Baza to be driven out without a strong army and heavy artillery, and he worried that if he continued with his invasion, something disastrous might happen to his army, whether from the enemy's actions or from a disease that was spreading in different areas. So, he withdrew from before Baza, just like he had previously done before Loxa, having learned an important lesson in warfare, but not feeling grateful to those who taught it, and with a serious intention to seek revenge on his teachers.
He now took measures for the security of the places gained in the campaign, placing in them strong garrisons, well armed and supplied, charging their alcaydes to be vigilant on their posts and to give no rest to the enemy. The whole of the frontier was under the command of Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. As it was evident from the warlike character of El Zagal that there would be abundance of active service and hard fighting, many hidalgos and young cavaliers eager for distinction remained with Puerto Carrero.
He took steps to secure the areas gained in the campaign, placing strong, well-armed, and supplied garrisons there, instructing their commanders to stay alert and not give the enemy any rest. The entire frontier was under the command of Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero. Given El Zagal's aggressive nature, it was clear there would be plenty of active duty and tough battles ahead, so many nobles and young knights looking for glory chose to stay with Puerto Carrero.
All these dispositions being made, King Ferdinand closed the dubious campaign of this year, not, as usual, by returning in triumph at the head of his army to some important city of his dominions, but by disbanding the troops and repairing to pray at the cross of Caravaca.
All these arrangements being made, King Ferdinand ended this year's uncertain campaign, not as usual by returning triumphantly at the head of his army to some key city in his kingdom, but by disbanding the troops and going to pray at the cross of Caravaca.
“While the pious king Ferdinand,” observes Fray Antonio Agapida, “was humbling himself before the cross and devoutly praying for the destruction of his enemies, that fierce pagan, El Zagal, depending merely on arm of flesh and sword of steel, pursued his diabolical outrages upon the Christians.” No sooner was the invading army disbanded than he sallied forth from his stronghold, and carried fire and sword into all those parts which had submitted to the Spanish yoke. The castle of Nixar, being carelessly guarded, was taken by surprise and its garrison put to the sword. The old warrior raged with sanguinary fury about the whole frontier, attacking convoys, slaying, wounding, and making prisoners, and coming by surprise upon the Christians wherever they were off their guard.
“While the devout King Ferdinand,” notes Fray Antonio Agapida, “was humbling himself before the cross and earnestly praying for the downfall of his enemies, that fierce pagan, El Zagal, relying solely on brute strength and sharp blades, continued his vicious assaults on the Christians.” As soon as the invading army was disbanded, he emerged from his fortress and unleashed destruction upon all those areas that had submitted to Spanish rule. The castle of Nixar, being poorly defended, was taken by surprise, and its defenders were slaughtered. The old warrior raged with bloody fury throughout the entire border, attacking convoys, killing, injuring, and capturing prisoners, and ambushing the Christians whenever they were unprepared.
Carlos de Biedma, alcayde of the fortress of Culla, confiding in the strength of its walls and towers and in its difficult situation, being built on the summit of a lofty hill and surrounded by precipices, ventured to absent himself from his post. He was engaged to be married to a fair and noble lady of Baeza, and repaired to that city to celebrate his nuptials, escorted by a brilliant array of the best horsemen of his garrison. Apprised of his absence, the vigilant El Zagal suddenly appeared before Culla with a powerful force, stormed the town sword in hand, fought the Christians from street to street, and drove them with great slaughter to the citadel. Here a veteran captain, by the name of Juan de Avalos, a gray-headed warrior scarred in many a battle, assumed the command and made an obstinate defence. Neither the multitude of the enemy nor the vehemence of their attacks, though led on by the terrible El Zagal himself, had power to shake the fortitude of this doughty old soldier.
Carlos de Biedma, the captain of the fortress of Culla, confident in the strength of its walls and towers and its challenging location atop a high hill surrounded by cliffs, decided to leave his post. He was set to marry a beautiful and noble lady from Baeza, and he went to that city to celebrate his wedding, accompanied by a distinguished group of the finest horsemen from his garrison. Noticing his absence, the watchful El Zagal suddenly showed up before Culla with a strong force, stormed the town armed with swords, fought the Christians from street to street, and pushed them back with heavy casualties to the citadel. There, a seasoned captain named Juan de Avalos, an old warrior marked by many battles, took command and mounted a fierce defense. Neither the large enemy force nor the intensity of their attacks, even led by the fearsome El Zagal himself, could shake the resolve of this brave old soldier.
The Moors undermined the outer walls and one of the towers of the fortress, and made their way into the exterior court. The alcayde manned the tops of his towers, pouring down melted pitch and showering darts, arrows, stones, and all kinds of missiles upon the assailants. The Moors were driven out of the court, but, being reinforced with fresh troops, returned repeatedly to the assault. For five days the combat was kept up: the Christians were nearly exhausted, but were sustained by the cheerings of their stanch old alcayde and the fear of death from El Zagal should they surrender. At length the approach of a powerful force under Don Luis Puerto Carrero relieved them from this fearful peril. El Zagal abandoned the assault, but set fire to the town in his rage and disappointment, and retired to his stronghold of Guadix.
The Moors weakened the outer walls and one of the towers of the fortress, making their way into the courtyard. The alcayde stationed men at the tops of his towers, pouring down hot pitch and raining down darts, arrows, stones, and all sorts of projectiles on the attackers. The Moors were pushed out of the courtyard, but after being reinforced with new troops, they kept coming back to attack. For five days, the fighting continued: the Christians were nearly worn out but were encouraged by their determined old alcayde and the fear of death from El Zagal if they surrendered. Finally, the arrival of a strong force under Don Luis Puerto Carrero freed them from this terrible threat. El Zagal called off the assault but, in his rage and disappointment, set fire to the town and retreated to his stronghold in Guadix.
The example of El Zagal roused his adherents to action. Two bold Moorish alcaydes, Ali Aliatar and Yzan Aliatar, commanding the fortresses of Alhenden and Salobrena, laid waste the country of the subjects of Boabdil and the places which had recently submitted to the Christians: they swept off the cattle, carried off captives, and harassed the whole of the newly-conquered frontier.
The example of El Zagal inspired his supporters to take action. Two brave Moorish leaders, Ali Aliatar and Yzan Aliatar, who commanded the fortresses of Alhenden and Salobrena, devastated the lands of Boabdil's subjects and the areas that had recently surrendered to the Christians: they drove away the cattle, took captives, and troubled the entire newly-conquered border.
The Moors also of Almeria and Tavernas and Purchena made inroads into Murcia, and carried fire and sword into its most fertile regions. On the opposite frontier also, among the wild valleys and rugged recesses of the Sierra Bermeja, or Red Mountains, many of the Moors who had lately submitted again flew to arms. The marques of Cadiz suppressed by timely vigilance the rebellion of the mountain-town of Gausin, situated on a high peak almost among the clouds; but others of the Moors fortified themselves in rock-built towers and castles, inhabited solely by warriors, whence they carried on a continual war of forage and depredation, sweeping down into the valleys and carrying off flocks and herds and all kinds of booty to these eagle-nests, to which it was perilous and fruitless to pursue them.
The Moors from Almeria, Tavernas, and Purchena invaded Murcia, bringing destruction to its most fertile areas. On the other side, in the wild valleys and rugged recesses of the Sierra Bermeja, or Red Mountains, many of the Moors who had recently surrendered took up arms again. The Marquis of Cadiz quickly suppressed the rebellion in the mountain town of Gausin, which is perched high up almost in the clouds; however, other Moors fortified themselves in rock-built towers and castles, inhabited only by warriors. From these strongholds, they waged a continuous war of looting, descending into the valleys to steal flocks, herds, and all kinds of valuables to take back to their eagle-nests, where it was dangerous and pointless to chase after them.
The worthy Fray Antonio Agapida closes his history of this checkered year in quite a different strain from those triumphant periods with which he is accustomed to wind up the victorious campaigns of the sovereigns. “Great and mighty,” says this venerable chronicler, “were the floods and tempests which prevailed throughout the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon about this time. It seemed as though the windows of heaven were again opened and a second deluge overwhelming the face of nature. The clouds burst as it were in cataracts upon the earth; torrents rushed down from the mountains, overflowing the valleys; brooks were swelled into raging rivers; houses were undermined; mills were swept away by their own streams; the affrighted shepherds saw their flocks drowned in the midst of the pasture, and were fain to take refuge for their lives in towers and high places. The Guadalquivir for a time became a roaring and tumultuous sea, inundating the immense plain of the Tablada and filling the fair city of Seville with affright.
The respected Fray Antonio Agapida wraps up his account of this tumultuous year in a tone quite different from the triumphant endings he's used to when discussing the victorious campaigns of the rulers. “Great and mighty,” says this esteemed chronicler, “were the floods and storms that swept through the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon during this time. It felt as though the heavens had opened again and a second flood was overwhelming the land. The clouds poured down like waterfalls on the earth; torrents rushed down from the mountains, flooding the valleys; streams turned into raging rivers; houses were damaged; mills were carried away by their own currents; terrified shepherds watched as their flocks drowned in the pastures and had to seek safety in towers and elevated places. The Guadalquivir temporarily became a roaring, turbulent sea, flooding the vast plain of the Tablada and filling the beautiful city of Seville with fear.
“A vast black cloud moved over the land, accompanied by a hurricane and a trembling of the earth. Houses were unroofed, the walls and battlements of fortresses shaken, and lofty towers rocked to their foundations. Ships riding at anchor were either stranded or swallowed up; others, under sail, were tossed to and fro upon mountain waves and cast upon the land, where the whirlwind rent them in pieces and scattered them in fragments in the air. Doleful was the ruin and great the terror where this baleful cloud passed by, and it left a long track of desolation over sea and land. Some of the faint-hearted,” adds Antonio Agapida, “looked upon this torment of the elements as a prodigious event, out of the course of nature. In the weakness of their fears they connected it with those troubles which occurred in various places, considering it a portent of some great calamity about to be wrought by the violence of the bloody-handed El Zagal and his fierce adherents.” *
“A huge black cloud moved across the land, accompanied by a hurricane and the shaking of the ground. Houses had their roofs blown off, fortress walls and battlements were shaken, and tall towers rocked on their foundations. Ships anchored were either left stranded or swallowed up; others, under sail, were tossed around on massive waves and thrown onto the shore, where the whirlwind tore them apart and scattered the pieces in the air. The destruction was dismal and the fear immense wherever this ominous cloud passed, leaving a long trail of devastation over both sea and land. Some of the timid,” adds Antonio Agapida, “viewed this torment of the elements as an extraordinary event, outside the bounds of nature. In their fear, they linked it to the troubles occurring in various places, considering it a warning of some great disaster that would be caused by the violent El Zagal and his ruthless followers.”
* See Cura de los Palacios, cap. 91; Palencia, De Bello Granad., lib. 8.
* See Cura de los Palacios, cap. 91; Palencia, De Bello Granad., lib. 8.
The stormy winter had passed away, and the spring of 1489 was advancing, yet the heavy rains had broken up the roads, the mountain-brooks were swollen to raging torrents, and the late shallow and peaceful rivers were deep, turbulent, and dangerous. The Christian troops had been summoned to assemble in early spring on the frontiers of Jaen, but were slow in arriving at the appointed place. They were entangled in the miry defiles of the mountains or fretted impatiently on the banks of impassable floods. It was late in the month of May before they assembled in sufficient force to attempt the proposed invasion, when at length a valiant army of thirteen thousand horse and forty thousand foot marched merrily over the border. The queen remained at the city of Jaen with the prince-royal and the princesses her children, accompanied and supported by the venerable cardinal of Spain and those reverend prelates who assisted in her councils throughout this holy war.
The stormy winter had passed, and spring in 1489 was coming on, but the heavy rains had ruined the roads, the mountain streams were swollen into raging torrents, and the once shallow and calm rivers were now deep, turbulent, and dangerous. The Christian troops had been called to gather in early spring on the borders of Jaen, but they were slow to arrive at the meeting point. They got stuck in the muddy mountain passes or impatiently waited on the banks of impassable floods. It was late May before they gathered enough strength to attempt the planned invasion, and finally, a brave army of thirteen thousand cavalry and forty thousand infantry marched merrily over the border. The queen stayed in the city of Jaen with the prince-royal and her princesses, joined and supported by the respected cardinal of Spain and the reverend clergy who assisted her in this holy war.
The plan of King Ferdinand was to lay siege to the city of Baza, the key of the remaining possessions of the Moor. That important fortress taken, Guadix and Almeria must soon follow, and then the power of El Zagal would be at an end. As the Catholic king advanced he had first to secure various castles and strongholds in the vicinity of Baza which might otherwise harass his army. Some of these made obstinate resistance, especially the town of Zujar. The Christians assailed the walls with various machines to sap them and batter them down. The brave alcayde, Hubec Abdilbar, opposed force to force and engine to engine. He manned his towers with his bravest warriors, who rained down an iron shower upon the enemy, and he linked caldrons together by strong chains and cast fire from them, consuming the wooden engines of their assailants and those who managed them.
The plan of King Ferdinand was to besiege the city of Baza, the key to the remaining Moorish territory. Once that crucial fortress was captured, Guadix and Almeria would soon follow, and the power of El Zagal would be finished. As the Catholic king advanced, he first had to secure various castles and strongholds around Baza that could otherwise attack his army. Some of these put up stubborn resistance, especially the town of Zujar. The Christians attacked the walls with different machines to weaken and bring them down. The brave commander, Hubec Abdilbar, responded with force against force and machine against machine. He filled his towers with his bravest warriors, who unleashed a barrage of iron on the enemy, and he connected cauldrons with strong chains to pour fire from them, destroying the wooden engines of their attackers and those who operated them.
The siege was protracted for several days: the bravery of the alcayde could not save his fortress from an overwhelming foe, but it gained him honorable terms. Ferdinand permitted the garrison and the inhabitants to repair with their effects to Baza, and the valiant Hubec marched forth with the remnant of his force and took he way to that devoted city.
The siege lasted for many days: the courage of the leader couldn't save his fortress from a powerful enemy, but it earned him honorable terms. Ferdinand allowed the soldiers and the people to leave with their belongings for Baza, and the brave Hubec led the rest of his troops and headed for that doomed city.
The delays caused to the invading army by these various circumstances had been diligently improved by El Zagal, who felt that he was now making his last stand for empire, and that this campaign would decide whether he should continue a king or sink into a vassal. He was but a few leagues from Baza, at the city of Guadix. This last was the most important point of his remaining territories, being a kind of bulwark between them and the hostile city of Granada, the seat of his nephew’s power. Though he heard of the tide of war, therefore, collecting and rolling toward the city of Baza, he dared not go in person to its assistance. He dreaded that should he leave Guadix, Boabdil would attack him in the rear while the Christian army was battling with him in front. El Zagal trusted in the great strength of Baza to defy any violent assault, and profited by the delays of the Christian army to supply it with all possible means of defence. He sent thither all the troops he could spare from his garrison of Guadix, and despatched missives throughout his territories calling upon all true Moslems to hasten to Baza and make a devoted stand in defence of their homes, their liberties, and their religion. The cities of Tavernas and Purchena and the surrounding heights and valleys responded to his orders and sent forth their fighting-men to the field. The rocky fastnesses of the Alpuxarras resounded with the din of arms: troops of horse and bodies of foot-soldiers were seen winding down the rugged cliffs and defiles of those marble mountains and hastening toward Baza. Many brave cavaliers of Granada also, spurning the quiet and security of Christian vassalage, secretly left the city and hastened to join their fighting countrymen. The great dependence of El Zagal, however, was upon the valor and loyalty of his cousin and brother-in-law, Cid Hiaya Alnagar,* who was alcayde of Almeria—a cavalier experienced in warfare and redoubtable in the field. He wrote to him to leave Almeria and repair with all speed at the head of his troops to Baza. Cid Hiaya departed immediately with ten thousand of the bravest Moors in the kingdom. These were for the most part hardy mountaineers, tempered to sun and storm and tried in many a combat. None equalled them for a sally or a skirmish. They were adroit in executing a thousand stratagems, ambuscadoes, and evolutions. Impetuous in their assaults, yet governed in their utmost fury by a word or sign from their commander, at the sound of a trumpet they would check themselves in the midst of their career, wheel off and disperse, and at another sound of a trumpet they would as suddenly reassemble and return to the attack. They were upon the enemy when least expected, coming like a rushing blast, spreading havoc and consternation, and then passing away in an instant; so that when one recovered from the shock and looked around, behold, nothing was to be seen or heard of this tempest of war but a cloud of dust and the clatter of retreating hoofs.**
The delays faced by the invading army due to various circumstances had been skillfully capitalized on by El Zagal, who realized he was now making his last stand for his empire, and that this campaign would determine whether he would remain a king or become a vassal. He was only a few leagues away from Baza, at the city of Guadix. This city was the most crucial point in his remaining territories, acting as a buffer between them and the enemy city of Granada, the stronghold of his nephew's power. Even though he heard about the advancing war toward Baza, he couldn’t personally assist. He feared that if he left Guadix, Boabdil would attack him from behind while the Christian army confronted him in front. El Zagal relied on the strong defenses of Baza to withstand any assault and took advantage of the Christian army's delays to equip it with all possible means of defense. He sent all the troops he could spare from his Guadix garrison and sent out messages throughout his territories urging all loyal Muslims to rush to Baza and defend their homes, freedoms, and faith. The cities of Tavernas and Purchena, along with the surrounding heights and valleys, answered his call and dispatched their warriors to the battlefield. The rocky strongholds of the Alpuxarras echoed with the noise of arms: troops on horseback and foot soldiers were seen navigating down the steep cliffs and paths of those marble mountains, racing toward Baza. Many brave knights from Granada, rejecting the peace and stability of Christian vassalage, quietly left the city to join their fellow fighters. However, El Zagal's main reliance was on the bravery and loyalty of his cousin and brother-in-law, Cid Hiaya Alnagar, who was the commander of Almeria—a knight seasoned in battle and formidable on the field. He wrote to him, asking him to leave Almeria and quickly bring his troops to Baza. Cid Hiaya set off immediately with ten thousand of the bravest Moors in the kingdom. Most of these were tough mountain warriors, accustomed to sun and storms and battle-tested in many confrontations. No one matched them for a sudden raid or skirmish. They were skilled at executing countless tactics, ambushes, and maneuvers. Though fierce in their attacks, they were controlled by a signal or command from their leader; at the sound of a trumpet, they could stop in their tracks, change direction, and scatter, and at another trumpet call, they would just as quickly regroup and charge again. They would catch the enemy off guard, striking like a sudden gust of wind, creating chaos and fear, and then disappearing in an instant; so that when one recovered from the shock and looked around, all that remained of this storm of war was a cloud of dust and the sound of retreating hooves.
* This name has generally been written Cidi Yahye. The present mode is adopted on the authority of Alcantara in his History of Granada, who appears to have derived it from Arabic manuscripts existing in the archives of the marques de Corvera, descendant of Cid Hiaya. The latter (Cid Hiaya) was son of Aben Zelim, a deceased prince of Almeria, and was a lineal descendant from the celebrated Aben Hud, surnamed the Just. The wife of Cid Hiaya was sister of the two Moorish generals, Abul Cacim and Reduan Vanegas, and, like them, the fruit of the union of a Christian knight, Don Pedro Vanegas, with Cetimerien, a Moorish princess.
* This name has generally been written as Cidi Yahye. The current spelling is based on the authority of Alcantara in his History of Granada, who seems to have taken it from Arabic manuscripts in the archives of the Marques de Corvera, a descendant of Cid Hiaya. The latter (Cid Hiaya) was the son of Aben Zelim, a deceased prince of Almeria, and was a direct descendant of the famous Aben Hud, known as the Just. Cid Hiaya's wife was the sister of the two Moorish generals, Abul Cacim and Reduan Vanegas, and, like them, was the child of a union between a Christian knight, Don Pedro Vanegas, and Cetimerien, a Moorish princess.
* *Pulgar, part 3, c. 106.
* *Pulgar, part 3, c. 106.
When Cid Hiaya led his train of ten thousand valiant warriors into the gates of Baza, the city rang with acclamations and for a time the inhabitants thought themselves secure. El Zagal also felt a glow of confidence, notwithstanding his own absence from the city. “Cid Hiaya,” said he, “is my cousin and my brother-in-law; related to me by blood and marriage, he is a second self: happy is that monarch who has his kindred to command his armies.”
When Cid Hiaya brought his army of ten thousand brave warriors to the gates of Baza, the city erupted with cheers, and for a moment, the residents felt safe. El Zagal, despite being away from the city, also felt a surge of confidence. “Cid Hiaya,” he said, “is my cousin and my brother-in-law; connected to me by both blood and marriage, he is like a second self: fortunate is the ruler who has family to lead his armies.”
With all these reinforcements the garrison of Baza amounted to above twenty thousand men. There were at this time three principal leaders in the city: Mohammed Ibn Hassan, surnamed the Veteran, who was military governor or alcayde, an old Moor of great experience and discretion; the second was Hamet Abu Zali, who was captain of the troops stationed in the place; and the third was Hubec Abdilbar, late alcayde of Zujar, who had repaired hither with the remains of his garrison. Over all these Cid Hiaya exercised a supreme command in consequence of his being of the blood-royal and in the especial confidence of Muley Abdallah el Zagal. He was eloquent and ardent in council, and fond of striking and splendid achievements, but he was a little prone to be carried away by the excitement of the moment and the warmth of his imagination. The councils of war of these commanders, therefore, were more frequently controlled by the opinions of the old alcayde Mohammed Ibn Hassan, for whose shrewdness, caution, and experience Cid Hiaya himself felt the greatest deference.
With all these reinforcements, the garrison of Baza totaled over twenty thousand men. At this time, there were three main leaders in the city: Mohammed Ibn Hassan, nicknamed the Veteran, who was the military governor or alcayde, an older Moor with a lot of experience and good judgment; the second was Hamet Abu Zali, who was the captain of the troops stationed there; and the third was Hubec Abdilbar, the former alcayde of Zujar, who had come here with what was left of his garrison. Over all of them, Cid Hiaya had supreme command because of his royal blood and his special trust from Muley Abdallah el Zagal. He was articulate and passionate in council, and he loved bold and impressive achievements, but he was also a bit prone to getting swept up in the excitement of the moment and the heat of his imagination. Consequently, the war councils of these commanders were often dominated by the views of the old alcayde Mohammed Ibn Hassan, whose shrewdness, caution, and experience earned him the greatest respect even from Cid Hiaya.
The city of Baza was situated in a great valley, eight leagues in length and three in breadth, called the Hoya, or Basin, of Baza. It was surrounded by a range of mountains called the Sierra of Xabalcohol, the streams of which, collecting themselves into two rivers, watered and fertilized the country. The city was built in the plain, one part of it protected by the rocky precipices of the mountain and by a powerful citadel, the other by massive walls studded with immense towers. It had suburbs toward the plain imperfectly fortified by earthen walls. In front of these suburbs extended a tract of orchards and gardens nearly a league in length, so thickly planted as to resemble a continued forest. Here every citizen who could afford it had his little plantation and his garden of fruits and flowers and vegetables, watered by canals and rivulets and dominated by a small tower for recreation or defence. This wilderness of groves and gardens, intersected in all parts by canals and runs of water, and studded by above a thousand small towers, formed a kind of protection to this side of the city, rendering all approach extremely difficult and perplexed.
The city of Baza was located in a vast valley, eight leagues long and three leagues wide, known as the Hoya, or Basin, of Baza. It was surrounded by a range of mountains called the Sierra of Xabalcohol, whose streams merged into two rivers that irrigated and nourished the land. The city was built on the plain, with one part shielded by the rocky cliffs of the mountain and a strong citadel, while the other was protected by thick walls topped with massive towers. It had suburbs toward the plain that were only partially fortified with earthen walls. In front of these suburbs was a stretch of orchards and gardens nearly a league long, so densely planted that it looked like a continuous forest. Here, every citizen who could afford it had a small plot of land, growing fruits, flowers, and vegetables, watered by canals and small streams, and featuring a small tower for leisure or defense. This wilderness of groves and gardens, crisscrossed by canals and waterways, and dotted with over a thousand small towers, created a sort of barrier for this side of the city, making any approach very difficult and confusing.
While the Christian army had been detained before the frontier posts, the city of Baza had been a scene of hurried and unremitting preparation. All the grain of the surrounding valley, though yet unripe, was hastily reaped and borne into the city to prevent it from yielding sustenance to the enemy. The country was drained of all its supplies; flocks and herds were driven, bleating and bellowing, into the gates: long trains of beasts of burden, some laden with food, others with lances, darts, and arms of all kinds, kept pouring into the place. Already were munitions collected sufficient for a siege of fifteen months: still, the eager and hasty preparation was going on when the army of Ferdinand came in sight.
While the Christian army was held up at the frontier, the city of Baza was bustling with frantic preparations. All the grain from the surrounding valley, although not yet ripe, was quickly harvested and brought into the city to stop it from feeding the enemy. The area was stripped of its supplies; flocks and herds were driven, bleating and mooing, through the gates. Long lines of pack animals, some carrying food and others loaded with weapons like lances and darts, kept arriving in the city. They had already gathered enough supplies for a fifteen-month siege, yet the urgent and swift preparations continued when Ferdinand's army came into view.
On one side might be seen scattered parties of foot and horse spurring to the gates, and muleteers hurrying forward their burdened animals, all anxious to get under shelter before the gathering storm; on the other side, the cloud of war came sweeping down the valley, the roll of drum or clang of trumpet resounding occasionally from its deep bosom, or the bright glance of arms flashing forth like vivid lightning from its columns. King Ferdinand pitched his tents in the valley beyond the green labyrinth of gardens. He sent his heralds to summon the city to surrender, promising the most favorable terms in case of immediate compliance, and avowing in the most solemn terms his resolution never to abandon the siege until he had possession of the place.
On one side, you could see groups of foot soldiers and cavalry rushing to the gates, along with mule drivers hurrying their loaded animals, all eager to find shelter before the approaching storm; on the other side, the fog of war swept down the valley, the sound of drums or trumpets occasionally echoing from its depths, or the bright flash of armor shining like vivid lightning from its ranks. King Ferdinand set up his tents in the valley beyond the lush maze of gardens. He sent his messengers to demand the city's surrender, promising the best terms if they complied immediately, and declaring in the most serious way his determination never to abandon the siege until he had captured the place.
Upon receiving this summons the Moorish commanders held a council of war. The prince Cid Hiaya, indignant at the menaces of the king, was for retorting by a declaration that the garrison never would surrender, but would fight until buried under the ruins of the walls. “Of what avail,” said the veteran Mohammed, “is a declaration of the kind, which we may falsify by our deeds? Let us threaten what we know we can perform, and let us endeavor to perform more than we threaten.”
Upon receiving this summons, the Moorish commanders held a meeting to discuss their strategy. The prince Cid Hiaya, angry at the king's threats, wanted to respond with a declaration that the garrison would never surrender and would fight until they were buried under the walls. “What good,” said the veteran Mohammed, “is a declaration like that, which we could contradict with our actions? Let's threaten what we know we can accomplish, and let's strive to achieve more than we threaten.”
In conformity to his advice, therefore, a laconic reply was sent to the Christian monarch, thanking him for his offer of favorable terms, but informing him that they were placed in the city to defend, not to surrender it.
In line with his advice, a brief response was sent to the Christian king, thanking him for his generous offer, but letting him know that they were in the city to defend it, not to give it up.
When the reply of the Moorish commanders was brought to King Ferdinand, he prepared to press the siege with the utmost vigor. Finding the camp too far from the city, and that the intervening orchards afforded shelter for the sallies of the Moors, he determined to advance it beyond the gardens, in the space between them and the suburbs, where his batteries would have full play upon the city walls. A detachment was sent in advance to take possession of the gardens and keep a check upon the suburbs, opposing any sally while the encampment should be formed and fortified. The various commanders entered the orchards at different points. The young cavaliers marched fearlessly forward, but the experienced veterans foresaw infinite peril in the mazes of this verdant labyrinth. The master of St. Jago, as he led his troops into the centre of the gardens, exhorted them to keep by one another, and to press forward in defiance of all difficulty or danger, assuring them that God would give them the victory if they attacked hardily and persisted resolutely.
When the response from the Moorish commanders reached King Ferdinand, he got ready to intensify the siege with all his strength. Noticing that the camp was too far from the city and that the nearby orchards provided cover for the Moors' surprise attacks, he decided to move it closer, into the area between the gardens and the suburbs, where his artillery could effectively target the city walls. A team was sent ahead to secure the gardens and monitor the suburbs, blocking any attacks while the camp was set up and fortified. The different commanders entered the orchards at various points. The young knights advanced boldly, but the seasoned veterans anticipated great risks in the twists and turns of this green maze. The master of St. Jago, leading his troops into the heart of the gardens, urged them to stick together and push forward despite any challenges or dangers, assuring them that God would grant them victory if they attacked bravely and remained steadfast.
Scarce had they entered the verge of the orchards when a din of drums and trumpets, mingled with war-cries, was heard from the suburbs, and a legion of Moorish warriors on foot poured forth. They were led on by the prince Cid Hiaya. He saw the imminent danger of the city should the Christians gain possession of the orchards. “Soldiers,” he cried, “we fight for life and liberty, for our families, our country, our religion;* nothing is left for us to depend upon but the strength of our hands, the courage of our hearts, and the almighty protection of Allah.” The Moors answered him with shouts of war and rushed to the encounter. The two hosts met in the midst of the gardens. A chance-medley combat ensued with lances, arquebuses, crossbows, and scimetars; the perplexed nature of the ground, cut up and intersected by canals and streams, the closeness of the trees, the multiplicity of towers and petty edifices, gave greater advantages to the Moors, who were on foot, than to the Christians, who were on horseback. The Moors, too, knew the ground, with all its alleys and passes, and were thus enabled to lurk, to sally forth, attack, and retreat almost without injury.
As soon as they entered the edge of the orchards, the sound of drums and trumpets mixed with war cries rang out from the suburbs, and a legion of Moorish warriors on foot rushed forward. They were led by Prince Cid Hiaya. He recognized the threat to the city if the Christians took control of the orchards. “Soldiers,” he shouted, “we're fighting for our lives and freedom, for our families, our country, and our faith;* all we have left is the strength of our hands, the courage in our hearts, and the protection of Allah.” The Moors responded with war cries and charged into battle. The two forces clashed in the middle of the gardens. A chaotic battle broke out with lances, guns, crossbows, and scimitars; the complicated terrain, filled with canals and streams and surrounded by trees and numerous towers and small buildings, gave the Moors, who were on foot, an advantage over the Christians, who were on horseback. The Moors also knew the area well, with all its paths and shortcuts, allowing them to hide, launch surprise attacks, and retreat with minimal losses.
* “Illi (Mauri) pro fortunis, pro libertate, pro laribus patriis, pro vita denique certabant.”—Pietro Martyr, “Epist. 70.”
* “They (the Moors) fought for their fortunes, for their freedom, for their homeland, and ultimately for their lives.” —Pietro Martyr, “Epist. 70.”
The Christian commanders, seeing this, ordered many of the horsemen to dismount and fight on foot. The battle then became fierce and deadly, each disregarding his own life, provided he could slay his enemy. It was not so much a general battle as a multitude of petty actions, for every orchard and garden had its distinct contest. No one could see farther than the little scene of fury and bloodshed around him, nor know how the general battle fared. In vain the captains exerted their voices, in vain the trumpets brayed forth signals and commands: all was confounded and unheard in the universal din and uproar. No one kept to his standard, but fought as his own fury or fear dictated. In some places the Christians had the advantage, in others the Moors; often a victorious party, pursuing the vanquished, came upon a superior and triumphant force of the enemy, and the fugitives turned back upon them in an overwhelming wave. Some broken remnants, in their terror and confusion, fled from their own countrymen and sought refuge among their enemies, not knowing friend from foe in the obscurity of the groves. The Moors were more adroit in these wild skirmishings from their flexibility, lightness, and agility, and the rapidity with which they would disperse, rally, and return again to the charge.*
The Christian leaders, seeing this, ordered many of the horsemen to get off their horses and fight on foot. The battle then became intense and deadly, with everyone disregarding their own lives as long as they could take down their enemy. It wasn’t so much a general battle as a series of small fights, with each orchard and garden having its own distinct struggle. No one could see beyond the chaos and bloodshed around them, nor did they know how the overall battle was going. The captains' shouts and the trumpets sounding commands were useless, drowned out in the noise and confusion. No one stuck to their flag; they fought based on their own anger or fear. In some areas, the Christians had the upper hand, while in others, the Moors did; often a victorious group chasing the defeated would run into a stronger and triumphant enemy force, causing the retreating fighters to turn back and overwhelm them. Some scattered remnants, in their fear and confusion, fled from their fellow countrymen and sought safety among their enemies, unable to tell friend from foe in the thick shadows of the groves. The Moors were more adept in these chaotic skirmishes due to their flexibility, lightness, and agility, and the speed with which they would scatter, regroup, and charge again.
* Mariana, lib. 25, cap. 13.
* Mariana, lib. 25, cap. 13.
The hardest fighting was about the small garden-towers and pavilions, which served as so many petty fortresses. Each party by turns gained them, defended them fiercely, and were driven out; many of the towers were set on fire, and increased the horrors of the fight by the wreaths of smoke and flame in which they wrapped the groves and by the shrieks of those who were burning.
The toughest battles were around the small garden towers and pavilions, which acted like little fortresses. Both sides took turns capturing them, defending them fiercely, and being forced out. Many of the towers were set on fire, adding to the chaos of the fight with the clouds of smoke and flames that engulfed the groves, as well as the cries of those caught in the blaze.
Several of the Christian cavaliers, bewildered by the uproar and confusion and shocked at the carnage which prevailed, would have led their men out of the action, but they were entangled in a labyrinth and knew not which way to retreat. While in this perplexity Juan Perea, the standard-bearer of one of the squadrons of the grand cardinal, had his arm carried off by a cannon-ball; the standard was wellnigh falling into the hands of the enemy, when Rodrigo de Mendoza, an intrepid youth, natural son of the grand cardinal, rushed to its rescue through a shower of balls, lances, and arrows, and, bearing it aloft, dashed forward with it into the hottest of the combat, followed by his shouting soldiery.
Several Christian knights, confused by the chaos and horrified by the slaughter all around them, would have pulled their men back from the fight, but they were caught in a maze and didn’t know which way to retreat. During this confusion, Juan Perea, the standard-bearer for one of the grand cardinal's squadrons, had his arm blown off by a cannonball; the standard was almost captured by the enemy when Rodrigo de Mendoza, a brave young man and the grand cardinal's illegitimate son, darted forward to save it through a barrage of cannon fire, spears, and arrows. He lifted the standard high and charged straight into the thick of the battle, with his yelling soldiers trailing behind him.
King Ferdinand, who remained in the skirts of the orchard, was in extreme anxiety. It was impossible to see much of the action for the multiplicity of trees and towers and the wreaths of smoke, and those who were driven out defeated or came out wounded and exhausted gave different accounts, according to the fate of the partial conflicts in which they had been engaged. Ferdinand exerted himself to the utmost to animate and encourage his troops to this blind encounter, sending reinforcements of horse and foot to those points where the battle was most sanguinary and doubtful.
King Ferdinand, who stayed at the edge of the orchard, was extremely anxious. It was hard to see much of the action because of the many trees and towers and the clouds of smoke. Those who were driven out, either defeated or wounded and exhausted, offered different accounts based on the outcomes of the skirmishes they had been involved in. Ferdinand did everything he could to motivate and encourage his troops in this chaotic battle, sending reinforcements of cavalry and infantry to the areas where the fighting was the fiercest and most uncertain.
Among those who were brought forth mortally wounded was Don Juan de Luna, a youth of uncommon merit, greatly prized by the king, beloved by the army, and recently married to Dona Catalina de Urrea, a young lady of distinguished beauty.* They laid him at the foot of a tree, and endeavored to stanch and bind up his wounds with a scarf which his bride had wrought for him; but his life-blood flowed too profusely, and while a holy friar was yet administering to him the last sacred offices of the Church, he expired, almost at the feet of his sovereign.
Among those who were brought in mortally wounded was Don Juan de Luna, a young man of exceptional value, highly regarded by the king, loved by the army, and recently married to Dona Catalina de Urrea, a young woman of remarkable beauty.* They laid him at the base of a tree and tried to stop his bleeding and bandage his wounds with a scarf that his bride had made for him; however, his blood flowed too freely, and while a holy friar was still giving him the last rites of the Church, he died almost at the feet of his king.
* Mariana, P. Martyr, Zurita.
* Mariana P. Martyr, Zurita.
On the other hand, the veteran alcayde Mohammed Ibn Hassan, surrounded by a little band of chieftains, kept an anxious eye upon the scene of combat from the walls of the city. For nearly twelve hours the battle raged without intermission. The thickness of the foliage hid all the particulars from their sight, but they could see the flash of swords and glance of helmets among the trees. Columns of smoke rose in every direction, while the clash of arms, the thundering of ribadoquines and arquebuses, the shouts and cries of the combatants, and the groans and supplications of the wounded bespoke the deadly conflict waging in the bosom of the groves. They were harassed, too, by the shrieks and lamentations of the Moorish women and children as their wounded relatives were brought bleeding from the scene of action, and were stunned by a general outcry of woe on the part of the inhabitants as the body of Reduan Zafarjal, a renegado Christian and one of the bravest of their generals, was borne breathless into the city.
On the other hand, the veteran leader Mohammed Ibn Hassan, surrounded by a small group of chieftains, anxiously watched the battle from the city walls. For nearly twelve hours, the fight continued without
At length the din of battle approached nearer to the skirts of the orchards. They beheld their warriors driven out from among the groves by fresh squadrons of the enemy, and, after disputing the ground inch by inch, obliged to retire to a place between the orchards and the suburbs which was fortified with palisadoes.
At last, the noise of battle got closer to the edges of the orchards. They saw their fighters being pushed out from the groves by new enemy troops, and, after fighting hard for every bit of ground, they had to fall back to a spot between the orchards and the suburbs that was protected by fences.
The Christians immediately planted opposing palisadoes, and established strong outposts near to the retreat of the Moors, while at the same time King Ferdinand ordered that his encampment should be pitched within the hard-won orchards.
The Christians quickly set up defensive barriers and established strong outposts close to where the Moors had retreated, while at the same time, King Ferdinand ordered that his camp be set up in the orchards they had fought hard to take.
Mohammed Ibn Hassan sallied forth to the aid of the prince Cid Hiaya, and made a desperate attempt to dislodge the enemy from this formidable position, but the night had closed, and the darkness rendered it impossible to make any impression. The Moors, however, kept up constant assaults and alarms throughout the night, and the weary Christians, exhausted by the toils and sufferings of the day, were not allowed a moment of repose.*
Mohammed Ibn Hassan set out to help Prince Cid Hiaya and made a desperate attempt to drive the enemy from their strong position, but night had fallen, and the darkness made it impossible to make any progress. The Moors, however, continued to launch constant attacks and create chaos throughout the night, while the exhausted Christians, worn out from the day’s struggles and hardships, were given no chance to rest.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 106, 107; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 92; Zurita, lib. 20, cap 31.
* Pulgar, part 3, chap. 106, 107; Cura de los Palacios, chap. 92; Zurita, book 20, chap. 31.
The morning sun rose upon a piteous scene before the walls of Baza. The Christian outposts, harassed throughout the night, were pale and haggard, while the multitudes of slain which lay before their palisadoes showed the fierce attacks they had sustained and the bravery of their defence.
The morning sun rose over a heartbreaking scene outside the walls of Baza. The Christian outposts, worn out from being harassed all night, looked pale and exhausted, while the countless dead lying before their barricades highlighted the brutal assaults they had endured and the courage of their defense.
Beyond them lay the groves and gardens of Baza, once favorite resorts for recreation and delight, now a scene of horror and desolation. The towers and pavilions were smoking ruins; the canals and water-courses were discolored with blood and choked with the bodies of the slain. Here and there the ground, deep dinted with the tramp of man and steed and plashed and slippery with gore, showed where had been some fierce and mortal conflict, while the bodies of Moors and Christians, ghastly in death, lay half concealed among the matted and trampled shrubs and flowers and herbage.
Beyond them were the groves and gardens of Baza, once popular spots for relaxation and enjoyment, now a scene of horror and devastation. The towers and pavilions were smoking ruins; the canals and waterways were stained with blood and filled with the bodies of the dead. Here and there, the ground, deeply marked by the footsteps of people and horses and slick with blood, revealed where fierce battles had taken place, while the bodies of Moors and Christians, horrifying in death, lay partially hidden among the crushed shrubs, flowers, and grass.
Amidst these sanguinary scenes rose the Christian tents, hastily pitched among the gardens in the preceding evening. The experience of the night, however, and the forlorn aspect of everything in the morning convinced King Ferdinand of the perils and hardships to which his camp must be exposed in its present situation, and after a consultation with his principal cavaliers he resolved to abandon the orchards.
Amidst these bloody scenes stood the Christian tents, quickly set up in the gardens the night before. However, the events of the night and the bleak look of everything in the morning made King Ferdinand realize the dangers and difficulties his camp would face in its current position. After discussing with his main knights, he decided to leave the orchards.
It was a dangerous movement, to extricate his army from so entangled a situation in the face of so alert and daring an enemy. A bold front was therefore kept up toward the city; additional troops were ordered to the advanced posts, and works begun as if for a settled encampment. Not a tent was struck in the gardens, but in the mean time the most active and unremitting exertions were made to remove all the baggage and furniture of the camp back to the original station.
It was a risky maneuver to pull his army out of such a complicated situation right in front of a watchful and daring enemy. So, they maintained a strong presence toward the city; more troops were sent to the forward positions, and preparations were started as if they planned to stay put. Not a single tent was taken down in the gardens, but in the meantime, they were working tirelessly and without pause to move all the baggage and equipment of the camp back to the original location.
All day the Moors beheld a formidable show of war maintained in front of the gardens, while in the rear the tops of the Christian tents and the pennons of the different commanders were seen rising above the groves. Suddenly, toward evening the tents sank and disappeared, the outposts broke up their stations and withdrew, and the whole shadow of an encampment was fast vanishing from their eyes.
All day the Moors watched a powerful display of warfare in front of the gardens, while in the back, the tops of the Christian tents and the flags of the various commanders could be seen rising above the trees. Suddenly, as evening approached, the tents collapsed and disappeared, the outposts disbanded and retreated, and the entire presence of the encampment was quickly fading from view.
The Moors saw too late the subtle manoeuvre of King Ferdinand. Cid Hiaya again sallied forth with a large force of horse and foot, and pressed furiously upon the Christians. The latter; however, experienced in Moorish attack, retired in close order, sometimes turning upon the enemy and driving them to their barricadoes, and then pursuing their retreat. In this way the army was extricated without much further loss from the perilous labyrinths of the gardens.
The Moors realized too late the clever move made by King Ferdinand. Cid Hiaya once again charged out with a large group of soldiers on horseback and foot, and fiercely attacked the Christians. However, the Christians, experienced in Moorish tactics, fell back in a tight formation, sometimes turning to counterattack and pushing the enemy back to their barricades, then chasing after them. This way, the army managed to escape from the dangerous maze of the gardens with minimal additional losses.
The camp was now out of danger, but it was also too distant from the city to do mischief, while the Moors could sally forth and return without hindrance. The king called a council of war to consider in what manner to proceed. The marques of Cadiz was for abandoning the siege for the present, the place being too strong, too well garrisoned and provided, and too extensive for their limited forces either to carry it by assault or invest and reduce it by famine, while in lingering before it the army would be exposed to the usual maladies and sufferings of besieging armies, and when the rainy season came on would be shut up by the swelling of the rivers. He recommended, instead, that the king should throw garrisons of horse and foot into all the towns captured in the neighborhood, and leave them to keep up a predatory war upon Baza, while he should overrun and ravage all the country, so that in the following year Almeria and Guadix, having all their subject towns and territories taken from them, might be starved into submission.
The camp was now safe, but it was also too far from the city to cause any trouble, while the Moors could come and go without any issues. The king called a war council to discuss how to move forward. The Marquis of Cadiz suggested abandoning the siege for now since the area was too strong, well-garrisoned, and expansive for their limited forces to successfully attack or starve it out. He pointed out that lingering there would expose the army to the usual diseases and hardships of besieging forces, and when the rainy season hit, they would be cut off by the rising rivers. Instead, he advised that the king should place troops in all the towns that had been captured in the area and let them wage a guerrilla war against Baza, while he could sweep through and devastate the countryside. This way, by the next year, Almeria and Guadix, having lost all their surrounding towns and territories, could be forced into submission through starvation.
Don Gutierre de Cardenas, senior commander of Leon, on the other hand, maintained that to abandon the siege would be construed by the enemy into a sign of weakness and irresolution. It would give new spirits to the partisans of El Zagal, and would gain to his standard many of the wavering subjects of Boabdil, if it did not encourage the fickle populace of Granada to open rebellion. He advised, therefore, that the siege should be prosecuted with vigor.
Don Gutierre de Cardenas, the senior commander of Leon, argued that giving up the siege would be seen by the enemy as a sign of weakness and uncertainty. It would boost the morale of El Zagal's supporters and potentially win over many of Boabdil's undecided subjects, not to mention it could inspire the unpredictable people of Granada to rebel. Therefore, he recommended that they continue the siege with determination.
The pride of Ferdinand pleaded in favor of the last opinion, for it would be doubly humiliating again to return from a campaign in this part of the Moorish kingdom without effecting a blow. But when he reflected on all that his army had suffered, and on all that it must suffer should the siege continue—especially from the difficulty of obtaining a regular supply of provisions for so numerous a host across a great extent of rugged and mountainous country—he determined to consult the safety of his people and to adopt the advice of the marques of Cadiz.
The pride of Ferdinand pushed him towards the last opinion, as it would be even more humiliating to come back from a campaign in this part of the Moorish kingdom without achieving anything. However, when he considered all that his army had endured, and what they would continue to face if the siege dragged on—especially the challenges of getting enough food for such a large group across a vast and difficult mountainous terrain—he decided to prioritize the safety of his people and follow the advice of the marques of Cadiz.
When the soldiery heard that the king was about to raise the siege in mere consideration of their sufferings, they were filled with generous enthusiasm, and entreated as with one voice that the siege might never be abandoned until the city surrendered.
When the soldiers heard that the king was about to lift the siege just because of their struggles, they were filled with noble passion and begged unanimously that the siege should never be abandoned until the city surrendered.
Perplexed by conflicting counsels, the king despatched messengers to the queen at Jaen, requesting her advice. Posts had been stationed between them in such manner that missives from the camp could reach the queen within ten hours. Isabella sent instantly her reply. She left the policy of raising or continuing the siege to the decision of the king and his captains, but, should they determine to persevere, she pledged herself, with the aid of God, to forward them men, money, provisions and all other supplies until the city should be taken.
Confused by differing advice, the king sent messengers to the queen in Jaen, asking for her opinion. They had set up posts between them so that messages from the camp could reach the queen in ten hours. Isabella quickly replied. She left the decision on whether to continue the siege to the king and his captains, but if they chose to go ahead, she promised, with God's help, to send them troops, money, food, and any other supplies until the city was captured.
The reply of the queen determined Ferdinand to persevere, and when his determination was made known to the army, it was hailed with as much joy as if it had been tidings of a victory.
The queen's response motivated Ferdinand to keep going, and when his decision was shared with the army, it was received with as much enthusiasm as if it were news of a victory.
The Moorish prince Cid Hiaya had received tidings of the doubts and discussions in the Christian camp, and flattered himself with hopes that the besieging army would soon retire in despair, though the veteran Mohammed shook his head with incredulity. A sudden movement one morning in the Christian camp seemed to confirm the sanguine hopes of the prince. The tents were struck, the artillery and baggage were conveyed away, and bodies of soldiers began to march along the valley. The momentary gleam of triumph was soon dispelled. The Catholic king had merely divided his host into two camps, the more effectually to distress the city.
The Moorish prince Cid Hiaya had heard about the doubts and debates in the Christian camp and was hopeful that the besieging army would soon pull back in despair, even though the veteran Mohammed shook his head in disbelief. One morning, a sudden movement in the Christian camp seemed to confirm the prince's optimistic hopes. The tents were taken down, the artillery and supplies were moved away, and groups of soldiers started marching down the valley. However, this momentary feeling of triumph was quickly shattered. The Catholic king had simply split his forces into two camps to better pressure the city.
One, consisting of four thousand horse and eight thousand foot, with all the artillery and battering engines, took post on the side of the city toward the mountain. This was commanded by the marques of Cadiz, with whom were Don Alonso de Aguilar, Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, and many other distinguished cavaliers.
One group, made up of four thousand cavalry and eight thousand infantry, along with all the artillery and siege engines, positioned themselves on the side of the city facing the mountain. This was led by the Marquis of Cadiz, accompanied by Don Alonso de Aguilar, Luis Fernandez Puerto Carrero, and many other notable knights.
The other camp was commanded by the king, having six thousand horse and a great host of foot-soldiers, the hardy mountaineers of Biscay, Guipuscoa, Galicia, and the Asturias. Among the cavaliers who were with the king were the brave count de Tendilla, Don Rodrigo de Mendoza, and Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of Santiago.
The other camp was led by the king, who had six thousand cavalry and a large number of infantry, the tough mountain warriors from Biscay, Guipuscoa, Galicia, and Asturias. Among the knights accompanying the king were the brave Count de Tendilla, Don Rodrigo de Mendoza, and Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of Santiago.
The two camps were wide asunder, on opposite sides of the city, and between them lay the thick wilderness of orchards. Both camps were therefore fortified by great trenches, breastworks, and palisadoes. The veteran Mohammed, as he saw these two formidable camps glittering on either side of the city, and noted the well-known pennons of renowned commanders fluttering above them, still comforted his companions. “These camps,” said he, “are too far removed from each other for mutual succor and cooperation, and the forest of orchards is as a gulf between them.” This consolation was but of short continuance. Scarcely were the Christian camps fortified when the ears of the Moorish garrison were startled by the sound of innumerable axes and the crash of falling trees. They looked with anxiety from their highest towers, and beheld their favorite groves sinking beneath the blows of the Christian pioneers. The Moors sallied forth with fiery zeal to protect their beloved gardens and the orchards in which they so much delighted. The Christians, however, were too well supported to be driven from their work. Day after day the gardens became the scene of incessant and bloody skirmishings; yet still the devastation of the groves went on, for King Ferdinand was too well aware of the necessity of clearing away this screen of woods not to bend all his forces to the undertaking. It was a work, however, of gigantic toil and patience. The trees were of such magnitude, and so closely set together, and spread over so wide an extent, that, notwithstanding four thousand men were employed, they could scarcely clear a strip of land ten paces broad within a day; and such were the interruptions from the incessant assaults of the Moors that it was full forty days before the orchards were completely levelled.
The two camps were far apart, on opposite sides of the city, with the thick wilderness of orchards in between. Both camps were fortified with deep trenches, barricades, and wooden fences. The veteran Mohammed, seeing the two impressive camps shining on either side of the city and noticing the familiar banners of famous commanders fluttering above them, tried to comfort his companions. “These camps,” he said, “are too far apart for mutual aid and cooperation, and the forest of orchards acts like a barrier between them.” This reassurance, however, didn’t last long. Hardly had the Christian camps been fortified when the Moorish garrison was startled by the sound of countless axes and the crashing of falling trees. They anxiously looked from their tallest towers and saw their beloved groves falling to the blows of the Christian workers. The Moors rushed out with great enthusiasm to protect their cherished gardens and the orchards they loved so much. The Christians, though, were too well supported to be pushed away from their task. Day after day, the gardens became the site of constant and bloody skirmishes; yet the destruction of the groves continued, as King Ferdinand knew the importance of clearing away this cover and directed all his forces to the task. It was, however, a massive undertaking that required great effort and patience. The trees were so large, so closely packed together, and spread over such a vast area that, even with four thousand men working, they could barely clear a strip of land ten paces wide in a single day. The constant attacks from the Moors caused further delays, making it take a full forty days to completely level the orchards.
The devoted city of Baza now lay stripped of its beautiful covering of groves and gardens, at once its ornament, its delight, and its protection. The besiegers went on slowly and surely, with almost incredible labors, to invest and isolate the city. They connected their camps by a deep trench across the plain a league in length, into which they diverted the waters of the mountain-streams. They protected this trench by palisadoes, fortified by fifteen castles at regular distances. They dug a deep trench also, two leagues in length, across the mountain in the rear of the city, reaching from camp to camp, and fortified it on each side with walls of earth and stone and wood. Thus the Moors were enclosed on all sides by trenches, palisadoes, walls, and castles, so that it was impossible for them to sally beyond this great line of circumvallation, nor could any force enter to their succor. Ferdinand made an attempt likewise to cut off the supply of water from the city; “for water,” observes the worthy Agapida, “is more necessary to these infidels than bread, making use of it in repeated daily ablutions enjoined by their damnable religion, and employing it in baths and in a thousand other idle and extravagant modes of which we Spaniards and Christians make but little account.”
The dedicated city of Baza now lay stripped of its beautiful cover of groves and gardens, which had been its decoration, joy, and protection. The besiegers continued their work slowly and steadily, undertaking almost unbelievable efforts to encircle and isolate the city. They linked their camps with a deep trench across the plain that was a league long, into which they redirected the mountain-stream waters. They fortified this trench with palisades and protected it with fifteen fortresses at regular intervals. They also dug a deep trench, two leagues long, in the mountains at the back of the city, connecting the camps, and reinforced it on both sides with walls made of earth, stone, and wood. This way, the Moors were completely surrounded by trenches, palisades, walls, and castles, making it impossible for them to venture beyond this extensive line of encirclement, nor could any force come to their aid. Ferdinand also tried to cut off the city's water supply; “for water,” notes the esteemed Agapida, “is more essential to these infidels than bread, as they use it for the daily washings required by their misguided religion, and for baths and a thousand other frivolous and extravagant purposes that we Spaniards and Christians hardly value.”
There was a noble fountain of pure water which gushed out at the foot of the hill Albohacen just behind the city. The Moors had almost a superstitious fondness for this fountain, and chiefly depended upon it for their supplies. Receiving intimation from some deserters of the plan of King Ferdinand to get possession of this precious fountain, they sallied forth at night and threw up such powerful works upon the impending hill as to set all attempts of the Christian assailants at defiance.
There was a beautiful fountain of clean water that flowed at the base of the hill Albohacen, just behind the city. The Moors had a strong, almost superstitious attachment to this fountain and primarily relied on it for their water supply. After learning from some deserters about King Ferdinand's plan to take this valuable fountain, they ventured out at night and built strong defenses on the nearby hill, making it impossible for the Christian attackers to succeed.
The siege of Baza, while it displayed the skill and science of the Christian commanders, gave but little scope for the adventurous spirit and fiery valor of the young Spanish cavaliers. They repined at the tedious monotony and dull security of their fortified camp, and longed for some soul-stirring exploit of difficulty and danger. Two of the most spirited of these youthful cavaliers were Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva, the latter of whom was son to the duke of Albuquerque. As they were one day seated on the ramparts of the camp, and venting their impatience at this life of inaction, they were overheard by a veteran adalid, one of those scouts or guides who were acquainted with all parts of the country. “Seniors,” said he, “if you wish for a service of peril and profit, if you are willing to pluck the fiery old Moor by the beard, I can lead you to where you may put your mettle to the proof. Hard by the city of Guadix are certain hamlets rich in booty. I can conduct you by a way in which you may come upon them by surprise, and if you are as cool in the head as you are hot in the spur, you may bear off your spoils from under the very eyes of old El Zagal.”
The siege of Baza, while it showed the skill and strategy of the Christian commanders, offered little opportunity for the adventurous spirit and fiery courage of the young Spanish knights. They were frustrated by the tedious routine and dull safety of their fortified camp, craving some thrilling challenge filled with difficulty and danger. Two of the most spirited of these young knights were Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva, the latter being the son of the Duke of Albuquerque. One day, while they were sitting on the ramparts of the camp, expressing their impatience with this life of inaction, they were overheard by a veteran adalid, one of those scouts or guides familiar with the area's terrain. “Gentlemen,” he said, “if you’re looking for a daring and rewarding mission, and if you’re ready to take on the fiery old Moor, I can show you a way to put your skills to the test. Near the city of Guadix, there are some villages rich with loot. I can lead you through a route where you can surprise them, and if you keep your cool while still being eager, you might just walk away with your treasures right under the nose of old El Zagal.”
The idea of thus making booty at the very gates of Guadix pleased the hot-spirited youths. These predatory excursions were frequent about this time, and the Moors of Padul, Alhenden, and other towns of the Alpuxarras had recently harassed the Christian territories by expeditions of the kind. Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva soon found other young cavaliers of their age eager to join in the adventure, and in a little while they had nearly three hundred horse and two hundred foot ready equipped and eager for the foray.
The idea of raiding right at the gates of Guadix excited the hot-blooded young men. These kinds of predatory trips were common around this time, and the Moors from Padul, Alhenden, and other towns in the Alpuxarras had recently troubled the Christian lands with similar attacks. Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva quickly gathered other young knights their age who were eager to join the adventure, and before long they had nearly three hundred horsemen and two hundred foot soldiers all set and ready for the raid.
Keeping their destination secret, they sallied out of the camp on the edge of an evening, and, guided by the adalid, made their way by starlight through the most secret roads of the mountains. In this way they pressed on rapidly day and night, until early one morning, before cock-crowing, they fell suddenly upon the hamlets, made prisoners of the inhabitants, sacked the houses, ravaged the fields, and, sweeping through the meadows, gathered together all the flocks and herds. Without giving themselves time to rest, they set out upon their return, making with all speed for the mountains before the alarm should be given and the country roused.
Keeping their destination a secret, they left the camp at dusk and, led by the guide, traveled by starlight along the most hidden paths of the mountains. They pushed on quickly day and night until one morning, before the rooster crowed, they suddenly came upon the villages, captured the residents, looted the homes, devastated the fields, and, sweeping through the meadows, gathered all the livestock. Without taking a moment to rest, they headed back, hurrying to the mountains before the alarm was raised and the area was alerted.
Several of the herdsmen, however, had fled to Guadix, and carried tidings of the ravage to El Zagal. The beard of old Muley trembled with rage: he immediately sent out six hundred of his choicest horse and foot, with orders to recover the booty and to bring those insolent marauders captive to Guadix.
Several of the herdsmen, though, had escaped to Guadix and reported the destruction to El Zagal. The old Muley's beard shook with anger: he quickly dispatched six hundred of his best horsemen and foot soldiers, instructing them to reclaim the stolen goods and capture those arrogant raiders to bring back to Guadix.
The Christian cavaliers were urging their cavalgada of cattle and sheep up a mountain as fast as their own weariness would permit, when, looking back, they beheld a great cloud of dust, and presently descried the turbaned host hot upon their traces.
The Christian knights were pushing their herd of cattle and sheep up a mountain as quickly as their exhaustion allowed when they looked back and saw a huge cloud of dust, and soon spotted the turbaned group close behind them.
They saw that the Moors were superior in number; they were fresh also, both man and steed, whereas both they and their horses were fatigued by two days and two nights of hard marching. Several of the horsemen therefore gathered round the commanders and proposed that they should relinquish their spoil and save themselves by flight. The captains, Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva, spurned at such craven counsel. “What?” cried they, “abandon, our prey without striking a blow? Leave our foot-soldiers too in the lurch, to be overwhelmed by the enemy? If any one gives such counsel through fear, he mistakes the course of safety, for there is less danger in presenting a bold front to the foe than in turning a dastard back, and fewer men are killed in a brave advance than in a cowardly retreat.”
They noticed that the Moors had them outnumbered; both the men and their horses were fresh, while they were exhausted from two days and two nights of hard marching. So, several of the horsemen gathered around the commanders and suggested that they should give up their spoils and escape. The captains, Francisco de Bazan and Antonio de Cueva, rejected such cowardly advice. “What?” they exclaimed, “abandon our prize without even fighting? Leave our foot soldiers to be overwhelmed by the enemy? If anyone suggests that out of fear, they misunderstand what safety really is, because standing boldly against the enemy is less dangerous than running away, and fewer men are killed when they charge forward bravely than when they retreat in fear.”
Some of the cavaliers were touched by these words, and declared that they would stand by the foot-soldiers like true companions-in-arms: the great mass of the party, however, were volunteers, brought together by chance, who received no pay nor had any common tie to keep them together in time of danger. The pleasure of the expedition being over, each thought but of his own safety, regardless of his companions. As the enemy approached the tumult of opinions increased and everything was in confusion. The captains, to put an end to the dispute, ordered the standard-bearer to advance against the Moors, well knowing that no true cavalier would hesitate to follow and defend his banner. The standard-bearer hesitated: the troops were on the point of taking to flight.
Some of the knights were moved by these words and said they would stand by the foot-soldiers as true allies: however, the majority of the group were volunteers who had come together by chance, receiving no pay and having no common bond to hold them together in times of danger. Once the excitement of the expedition was over, each person only thought about their own safety, ignoring their companions. As the enemy got closer, the disagreements grew and everything became chaotic. The captains, to end the argument, ordered the standard-bearer to move forward against the Moors, fully aware that no true knight would hesitate to follow and defend their flag. The standard-bearer hesitated: the troops were about to flee.
Upon this a cavalier of the royal guards rode to the front. It was Hernan Perez del Pulgar, alcayde of the fortress of Salar, the same dauntless ambassador who once bore to the turbulent people of Malaga the king’s summons to surrender. Taking off a handkerchief which he wore round his head after the Andalusian fashion, he tied it to the end of a lance and elevated it in the air. “Cavaliers,” cried he, “why do ye take weapons in your hands if you depend upon your feet for safety? This day will determine who is the brave man and who the coward. He who is disposed to fight shall not want a standard: let him follow this handkerchief.” So saying, he waved his banner and spurred bravely against the Moors. His example shamed some and filled others with generous emulation: all turned with one accord, and, following Pulgar, rushed with shouts upon the enemy. The Moors scarcely waited to receive the shock of their encounter. Seized with a panic, they took to flight, and were pursued for a considerable distance with great slaughter. Three hundred of their dead strewed the road, and were stripped and despoiled by the conquerors; many were taken prisoners, and the Christian cavaliers returned in triumph to the camp with a long cavalgada of sheep and cattle and mules laden with booty, and bearing before them the singular standard which had conducted them to victory.
A cavalryman from the royal guard rode to the front. It was Hernan Perez del Pulgar, the commander of the fortress of Salar, the same fearless ambassador who once delivered the king's demand for surrender to the unruly people of Malaga. Removing the handkerchief he wore around his head in the Andalusian style, he tied it to the end of a lance and raised it high. “Knights,” he shouted, “why do you take up arms if you're relying on your feet for safety? Today will show who is brave and who is a coward. Anyone willing to fight should follow this standard: let him follow this handkerchief.” With that, he waved his banner and galloped bravely into battle against the Moors. His courage inspired some and filled others with a spirit of determination: they all turned in unison and, following Pulgar, charged at the enemy with shouts. The Moors barely had time to brace for impact. Overcome with fear, they fled, and were pursued for a considerable distance with heavy losses. Three hundred of their dead littered the road, and the victors stripped and plundered them; many were taken captive, and the Christian knights returned in triumph to the camp with a long procession of sheep, cattle, and mules loaded with spoils, carrying before them the remarkable standard that had led them to victory.
King Ferdinand was so pleased with the gallant action of Hernan Perez del Pulgar that he immediately conferred on him the honor of knighthood, using in the ceremony the sword of Diego de Aguero, the captain of the royal guards; the duke of Esculona girded one of his own gilt spurs upon his heel, and the grand master of Santiago, the count de Cabra, and Gonsalvo of Cordova officiated as witnesses. Furthermore, to perpetuate in his family the memory of his achievement, the sovereigns authorized him to emblazon on his escutcheon a golden lion in an azure field, bearing a lance with a handkerchief at the end of it. Round the border of the escutcheon were depicted the eleven alcaydes vanquished in the battle.* The foregoing is but one of many hardy and heroic deeds done by this brave cavalier in the wars against the Moors, by which he gained great renown and the distinguished appellation of “El de las hazanas,” or “He of the exploits.” **
King Ferdinand was so impressed with the brave actions of Hernan Perez del Pulgar that he immediately knighted him, using the sword of Diego de Aguero, the captain of the royal guards, during the ceremony. The duke of Esculona placed one of his own gilt spurs on Hernan's heel, and the grand master of Santiago, the count de Cabra, and Gonsalvo of Cordova served as witnesses. Additionally, to ensure that his achievement would be remembered in his family, the kings allowed him to add a golden lion on a blue background to his coat of arms, holding a lance with a handkerchief at the end. The border of the coat of arms featured the eleven alcaydes defeated in the battle.* This is just one of many brave and heroic acts performed by this courageous knight in the wars against the Moors, through which he gained great fame and the distinguished title of “El de las hazanas,” or “He of the exploits.” **
* Alcantara, Hist. de Granada, tomo iv. cap. 18; Pulgar, Cron., part iii.
* Alcantara, Hist. de Granada, vol. iv, ch. 18; Pulgar, Cron., part iii.
* *Hernan or Hernando del Pulgar, the historian, secretary to Queen Isabella, is confounded with this cavalier by some writers. He was also present at the siege of Baza, and has recounted this transaction in his Chronicle of the Catholic sovereigns, Ferdinand and Isabella.
* *Hernan or Hernando del Pulgar, the historian and secretary to Queen Isabella, is sometimes confused with this knight by different writers. He was also there during the siege of Baza and has described this event in his Chronicle of the Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella.
The Moorish king, El Zagal, mounted a tower and looked out eagerly to enjoy the sight of the Christian marauders brought captive into the gates of Guadix, but his spirits fell when he beheld his own troops stealing back in the dusk of the evening in broken and dejected parties.
The Moorish king, El Zagal, climbed a tower and eagerly looked out to see the Christian raiders being brought captive through the gates of Guadix, but his mood sank when he saw his own troops retreating in the evening darkness in small, defeated groups.
The fortune of war bore hard against the old monarch; his mind was harassed by disastrous tidings brought each day from Baza, of the sufferings of the inhabitants, and the numbers of the garrison slain in the frequent skirmishes. He dared not go in person to the relief of the place, for his presence was necessary in Guadix to keep a check upon his nephew in Granada. He sent reinforcements and supplies, but they were intercepted and either captured or driven back. Still, his situation was in some respects preferable to that of his nephew Boabdil. He was battling like a warrior on the last step of his throne; El Chico remained a kind of pensioned vassal in the luxurious abode of the Alhambra. The chivalrous part of the inhabitants of Granada could not but compare the generous stand made by the warriors of Baza for their country and their faith with their own time-serving submission to the yoke of an unbeliever. Every account they received of the woes of Baza wrung their hearts with agony; every account of the exploits of its devoted defenders brought blushes to their cheeks. Many stole forth secretly with their weapons and hastened to join the besieged, and the partisans of El Zagal wrought upon the patriotism and passions of the remainder until another of those conspiracies was formed that were continually menacing the unsteady throne of Granada. It was concerted by the conspirators to assail the Alhambra on a sudden, slay Boabdil, assemble the troops, and march to Guadix, where, being reinforced by the garrison of that place and led on by the old warrior monarch, they might fall with overwhelming power upon the Christian army before Baza.
The fortunes of war were harsh on the old king; he was tormented daily by terrible news from Baza about the suffering of its people and the many soldiers killed in the constant skirmishes. He couldn’t go himself to help them because he needed to keep an eye on his nephew in Granada. He sent reinforcements and supplies, but they were intercepted and either captured or turned back. Still, his situation was in some ways better than that of his nephew Boabdil. He was fighting like a warrior at the very end of his reign; El Chico lived as a sort of pampered vassal in the luxurious Alhambra. The noble people of Granada couldn’t help but compare the brave stand taken by the warriors of Baza for their country and faith with their own opportunistic submission to an unbeliever. Every report of Baza’s suffering broke their hearts; every story of its loyal defenders made them feel ashamed. Many secretly took up their weapons and hurried to join those under siege, and the supporters of El Zagal stirred the patriotism and emotions of the rest until yet another conspiracy was formed that threatened the unstable throne of Granada. The conspirators planned to launch a sudden attack on the Alhambra, kill Boabdil, gather the troops, and march to Guadix, where, bolstered by its garrison and led by the old warrior king, they could strike the Christian army before Baza with overwhelming force.
Fortunately for Boabdil, he discovered the conspiracy in time, and the heads of the leaders were struck off and placed upon the walls of the Alhambra—an act of severity unusual with this mild and wavering monarch, which struck terror into the disaffected, and produced a kind of mute tranquillity throughout the city.
Fortunately for Boabdil, he found out about the conspiracy in time, and the leaders' heads were cut off and displayed on the walls of the Alhambra—an unusually harsh action for this gentle and indecisive king, which instilled fear among the dissidents and brought a sort of silent calm to the city.
Ferdinand had full information of all the movements and measures for the relief of Baza, and took precautions to prevent them. Bodies of horsemen held watch in the mountain-passes to prevent supplies and intercept any generous volunteers from Granada, and watch-towers were erected or scouts placed on every commanding height to give the alarm at the least sign of a hostile turban.
Ferdinand was completely aware of all the actions and plans to support Baza, and he took steps to stop them. Groups of horsemen kept an eye on the mountain passes to block supplies and intercept any willing volunteers from Granada. Watchtowers were built and scouts were positioned on every high point to raise the alarm at the first sign of an enemy presence.
The prince Cid Hiaya and his brave companions-in-arms were thus gradually walled up, as it were, from the rest of the world. A line of towers, the battlements of which bristled with troops, girded their city, and behind the intervening bulwarks and palisadoes passed and repassed continual squadrons of troops. Week after week and month after month passed away, but Ferdinand waited in vain for the garrison to be either terrified or starved into surrender. Every day they sallied forth with the spirit and alacrity of troops high fed and flushed with confidence. “The Christian monarch,” said the veteran Mohammed Ibn Hassan, “builds his hopes upon our growing faint and desponding—we must manifest unusual cheerfulness and vigor. What would be rashness in other service becomes prudence with us.” The prince Cid Hiaya agreed with him in opinion, and sallied forth with his troops upon all kinds of hare-brained exploits. They laid ambushes, concerted surprises, and made the most desperate assaults. The great extent of the Christian works rendered them weak in many parts: against these the Moors directed their attacks, suddenly breaking into them, making a hasty ravage, and bearing off their booty in triumph to the city. Sometimes they would sally forth by passes and clefts of the mountain in the rear of the city which it was difficult to guard, and, hurrying down into the plain, sweep off all cattle and sheep that were grazing near the suburbs and all stragglers from the camp.
The prince Cid Hiaya and his brave companions were gradually cut off from the rest of the world. A line of towers, filled with troops, surrounded their city, and behind the walls and fences, squads of soldiers constantly moved back and forth. Week after week and month after month went by, but Ferdinand waited in vain for the garrison to either be terrified or starved into surrender. Every day, they charged out with the energy and confidence of well-fed troops. “The Christian king,” said the veteran Mohammed Ibn Hassan, “rests his hopes on our growing despair—we must show remarkable cheer and strength. What would be reckless in other situations is wise for us.” The prince Cid Hiaya agreed and led his troops on all kinds of risky adventures. They set up ambushes, planned surprises, and launched desperate attacks. The large size of the Christian defenses made them weak in many areas: the Moors targeted these spots, suddenly breaking in, causing havoc, and proudly carrying their plunder back to the city. Sometimes they would sneak out through gaps and crevices in the mountains behind the city, which were hard to guard, and rush down into the plains to steal all the cattle and sheep grazing near the outskirts and any stragglers from the camp.
These partisan sallies brought on many sharp and bloody encounters, in some of which Don Alonso de Aguilar and the alcayde de los Donceles distinguished themselves greatly. During one of these hot skirmishes, which happened on the skirts of the mountain about twilight, a cavalier named Martin Galindo beheld a powerful Moor dealing deadly blows about him and making great havoc among the Christians. Galindo pressed forward and challenged him to single combat. The Moor was not slow in answering the call.
These political skirmishes led to many intense and bloody clashes, where Don Alonso de Aguilar and the alcayde de los Donceles really stood out. During one of these heated battles, which took place on the edge of the mountain at dusk, a knight named Martin Galindo saw a strong Moor inflicting serious damage around him and causing chaos among the Christians. Galindo moved in and challenged him to a duel. The Moor quickly responded to the challenge.
Couching their lances, they rushed furiously upon each other. At the first shock the Moor was wounded in the face and borne out of his saddle. Before Galindo could check his steed and turn from his career the Moor sprang upon his feet, recovered his lance, and, rushing upon him, wounded him in the head and the arm. Though Galindo was on horseback and the Moor on foot, yet such was the prowess and address of the latter that the Christian knight, being disabled in the arm, was in the utmost peril when his comrades hastened to his assistance. At their approach the valiant pagan retreated slowly up the rocks, keeping them at bay until he found himself among his companions.
Crouching their lances, they charged at each other fiercely. Upon impact, the Moor was hit in the face and knocked out of his saddle. Before Galindo could rein in his horse and change direction, the Moor got back on his feet, grabbed his lance, and charged at him, injuring him in the head and arm. Even though Galindo was on horseback and the Moor was on foot, the latter's skill and agility put the Christian knight in serious danger as he struggled with his injured arm. Just then, Galindo's friends rushed to help him. When they arrived, the brave Moor slowly retreated up the rocks, keeping them at a distance until he was safe with his companions.
Several of the young Spanish cavaliers, stung by the triumph of this Moslem knight, would have challenged others of the Moors to single combat, but King Ferdinand prohibited all vaunting encounters of the kind. He forbade his troops also to provoke skirmishes, well knowing that the Moors were more dextrous than most people in this irregular mode of fighting, and were better acquainted with the ground.
Several of the young Spanish knights, frustrated by the victory of this Muslim knight, wanted to challenge other Moors to one-on-one duels, but King Ferdinand banned all such bragging contests. He also prevented his troops from instigating skirmishes, well aware that the Moors were more skilled than most in this kind of irregular fighting and were more familiar with the terrain.
While the holy Christian army (says Fray Antonio Agapida) was thus beleaguering this infidel city of Baza there rode into the camp one day two reverend friars of the order of St. Francis. One was of portly person and authoritative air: he bestrode a goodly steed, well conditioned and well caparisoned, while his companion rode beside him upon a humble hack, poorly accoutred, and, as he rode, he scarcely raised his eyes from the ground, but maintained a meek and lowly air.
While the holy Christian army (says Fray Antonio Agapida) was surrounding the infidel city of Baza, two respected friars from the order of St. Francis rode into the camp one day. One was plump and had an authoritative presence; he rode a fine horse, well cared for and well adorned, while his companion rode alongside him on a modest little horse, poorly equipped, and he kept his gaze mostly on the ground, displaying a humble and unassuming demeanor.
The arrival of two friars in the camp was not a matter of much note, for in these holy wars the Church militant continually mingled in the affray, and helmet and cowl were always seen together; but it was soon discovered that these worthy saints-errant were from a far country and on a mission of great import.
The arrival of two friars in the camp didn’t attract much attention, as in these holy wars the fighting Church regularly got involved, and you often saw helmets and cowls side by side; however, it soon became clear that these noble wandering saints were from a distant land and had a mission of great significance.
They were, in truth, just arrived from the Holy Land, being two of the saintly men who kept vigil over the sepulchre of our Blessed Lord at Jerusalem. He of the tall and portly form and commanding presence was Fray Antonio Millan, prior of the Franciscan convent in the Holy City. He had a full and florid countenance, a sonorous voice, and was round and swelling and copious in his periods, like one accustomed to harangue and to be listened to with deference. His companion was small and spare in form, pale of visage, and soft and silken and almost whispering in speech. “He had a humble and lowly way,” says Agapida, “evermore bowing the head, as became one of his calling.” Yet he was one of the most active, zealous, and effective brothers of the convent, and when he raised his small black eye from the earth there was a keen glance out of the corner which showed that, though harmless as a dove, he was nevertheless as wise as a serpent.
They had just arrived from the Holy Land, being two of the saintly men who kept watch over the tomb of our Blessed Lord in Jerusalem. The taller, more commanding figure was Fray Antonio Millan, the prior of the Franciscan convent in the Holy City. He had a full, rosy face, a deep voice, and spoke in a grand and flowing manner, like someone used to speaking to an audience that listened with respect. His companion was small and thin, pale in appearance, and spoke softly and almost in whispers. “He had a humble and modest way,” says Agapida, “always bowing his head, as suited someone of his position.” Yet he was one of the most active, devoted, and effective brothers in the convent, and when he lifted his small black eyes from the ground, there was a sharp glint in the corner that showed that, although harmless like a dove, he was still as wise as a serpent.
These holy men had come on a momentous embassy from the grand soldan of Egypt, or, as Agapida terms him in the language of the day, the soldan of Babylon. The league which had been made between that potentate and his arch-foe the Grand Turk, Bajazet II., to unite in arms for the salvation of Granada, as has been mentioned in a previous chapter of this chronicle, had come to naught. The infidel princes had again taken up arms against each other, and had relapsed into their ancient hostility. Still, the grand soldan, as head of the whole Moslem religion, considered himself bound to preserve the kingdom of Granada from the grasp of unbelievers. He despatched, therefore, these two holy friars with letters to the Castilian sovereigns, as well as to the pope and to the king of Naples, remonstrating against the evils done to the Moors of the kingdom of Granada, who were of his faith and kindred whereas it was well known that great numbers of Christians were indulged and protected in the full enjoyment of their property, their liberty, and their faith in his dominions. He insisted, therefore, that this war should cease—that the Moors of Granada should be reinstated in the territory of which they had been dispossessed: otherwise he threatened to put to death all the Christians beneath his sway, to demolish their convents and temples, and to destroy the Holy Sepulchre.
These holy men had come on an important mission from the grand sultan of Egypt, or, as Agapida calls him in today's language, the sultan of Babylon. The alliance that had been formed between that ruler and his main enemy, the Grand Turk, Bajazet II, to join forces for the defense of Granada, as mentioned in a previous chapter of this chronicle, had fallen apart. The infidel princes had once again taken up arms against each other and had returned to their old hostilities. Still, the grand sultan, as the leader of the entire Muslim religion, felt obligated to protect the kingdom of Granada from the control of non-believers. He sent these two holy friars with letters to the Castilian monarchs, as well as to the pope and the king of Naples, protesting against the injustices done to the Moors of Granada, who shared his faith and heritage, while it was well known that many Christians were granted indulgence and protection in fully enjoying their property, freedom, and faith in his lands. He insisted that this war should end—that the Moors of Granada should be restored to the territory they had lost; otherwise, he threatened to execute all the Christians in his domain, destroy their monasteries and temples, and obliterate the Holy Sepulchre.
This fearful menace had spread consternation among the Christians of Palestine, and when the intrepid Fray Antonio Millan and his lowly companion departed on their mission they were accompanied far from the gates of Jerusalem by an anxious throng of brethren and disciples, who remained watching them with tearful eyes as long as they were in sight. These holy ambassadors were received with great distinction by King Ferdinand, for men of their cloth had ever high honor and consideration in his court. He had long and frequent conversations with them about the Holy Land, the state of the Christian Church in the dominions of the grand soldan, and of the policy and conduct of that arch-infidel toward it. The portly prior of the Franciscan convent was full and round and oratorical in his replies, and the king expressed himself much pleased with the eloquence of his periods; but the politic monarch was observed to lend a close and attentive ear to the whispering voice of the lowly companion, “whose discourse,” adds Agapida, “though modest and low, was clear and fluent and full of subtle wisdom.” These holy friars had visited Rome in their journeying, where they had delivered the letter of the soldan to the sovereign pontiff. His Holiness had written by them to the Castilian sovereigns, requesting to know what reply they had to offer to this demand of the Oriental potentate.
This frightening threat had caused a lot of worry among the Christians of Palestine, and when the brave Fray Antonio Millan and his humble companion set out on their mission, they were sent off far from the gates of Jerusalem by a crowd of concerned brothers and disciples, who watched them with tearful eyes for as long as they could see them. These holy messengers were received with great respect by King Ferdinand, as men of their faith always held high honor and esteem in his court. He engaged in long and frequent conversations with them about the Holy Land, the condition of the Christian Church under the rule of the grand soldan, and the policies and actions of that arch-infidel towards it. The robust prior of the Franciscan convent was articulate and expressive in his responses, and the king expressed his pleasure with the eloquence of his speech; however, the shrewd monarch was seen to pay close attention to the quiet voice of the humble companion, “whose discourse,” adds Agapida, “though modest and low, was clear and fluent and full of subtle wisdom.” These holy friars had visited Rome during their travels, where they delivered the letter from the soldan to the sovereign pontiff. His Holiness had written through them to the Castilian rulers, asking what response they had to offer regarding this demand from the Eastern king.
The king of Naples also wrote to them on the subject, but in wary terms. He inquired into the cause of this war with the Moors of Granada, and expressed great marvel at its events, as if (says Agapida) both were not notorious throughout all the Christian world. “Nay,” adds the worthy friar with becoming indignation, “he uttered opinions savoring of little better than damnable heresy; for he observed that, although the Moors were of a different sect, they ought not to be maltreated without just cause; and hinted that if the Castilian sovereigns did not suffer any crying injury from the Moors, it would be improper to do anything which might draw great damage upon the Christians—as if, when once the sword of the faith was drawn, it ought ever to be sheathed until this scum of heathendom were utterly destroyed or driven from the land. But this monarch,” he continues, “was more kindly disposed toward the infidels than was honest and lawful in a Christian prince, and was at that very time in league with the soldan against their common enemy the Grand Turk.”
The king of Naples also reached out to them about this issue, but he was cautious in his wording. He asked about the reason for the war with the Moors of Granada and expressed great surprise at what was happening, as if, according to Agapida, this was not already well-known throughout the Christian world. “On the contrary,” the respected friar added with justified anger, “he shared views that leaned toward nothing less than shameful heresy; he noted that, even though the Moors followed a different religion, they shouldn’t be mistreated without a good reason. He suggested that if the Castilian rulers weren’t suffering any significant harm from the Moors, it would be wrong to act in a way that could cause serious damage to the Christians—implying that once the sword of faith was unsheathed, it should never return until these heathens were completely destroyed or driven from the land. Yet, this monarch,” he continued, “was more lenient toward the infidels than was right and proper for a Christian king, and at that very moment, he was allied with the soldan against their common foe, the Grand Turk.”
These pious sentiments of the truly Catholic Agapida are echoed by Padre Mariana in his history;* but the worthy chronicler Pedro Abarca attributes the interference of the king of Naples not to lack of orthodoxy in religion, but to an excess of worldly policy, he being apprehensive that should Ferdinand conquer the Moors of Granada he might have time and means to assert a claim of the house of Aragon to the crown of Naples.
These devout feelings of the genuinely Catholic Agapida are reflected in Padre Mariana's history;* however, the respected chronicler Pedro Abarca believes that the king of Naples's interference was not due to a lack of religious orthodoxy, but rather an overabundance of worldly strategy. He worried that if Ferdinand defeated the Moors of Granada, he might gain the time and resources to press a claim from the house of Aragon to the crown of Naples.
* Mariana, lib. 25, cap. 15.
* Mariana, lib. 25, cap. 15.
“King Ferdinand,” continues the worthy father Pedro Abarca, “was no less master of dissimulation than his cousin of Naples; so he replied to him with the utmost suavity of manner, going into a minute and patient vindication of the war, and taking great apparent pains to inform him of those things which all the world knew, but of which the other pretended to be ignorant.” * At the same time he soothed his solicitude about the fate of the Christians in the empire of the grand soldan, assuring him that the great revenue extorted from them in rents and tributes would be a certain protection against the threatened violence.
“King Ferdinand,” continues the esteemed Father Pedro Abarca, “was just as skilled at hiding his true feelings as his cousin in Naples; so he responded to him with the utmost charm, going into a detailed and patient explanation of the war, and making a great show of trying to inform him about things that everyone already knew, but that the other person pretended not to understand.” * At the same time, he reassured him about the safety of the Christians under the grand sultan's rule, promising that the large amounts of money taken from them in rents and taxes would effectively protect them against the looming threats.
* Abarca, Anales de Aragon, Rey xxx. cap. 3.
* Abarca, Annals of Aragon, King xxx. ch. 3.
To the pope he made the usual vindication of the war—that it was for the recovery of ancient territory usurped by the Moors, for the punishment of wars and violences inflicted upon the Christians, and, finally, that it was a holy crusade for the glory and advancement of the Church.
To the pope, he gave the usual justification for the war—that it was to reclaim ancient land taken by the Moors, to punish the wars and violence inflicted on Christians, and, ultimately, that it was a holy crusade for the glory and growth of the Church.
“It was a truly edifying sight,” says Agapida, “to behold these friars, after they had had their audience of the king, moving about the camp always surrounded by nobles and cavaliers of high and martial renown. These were insatiable in their questions about the Holy Land, the state of the sepulchre of our Lord, and the sufferings of the devoted brethren who guarded it and the pious pilgrims who resorted there to pay their vows. The portly prior of the convent would stand with lofty and shining countenance in the midst of these iron warriors and declaim with resounding eloquence on the history of the sepulchre, but the humbler brother would ever and anon sigh deeply, and in low tones utter some tale of suffering and outrage, at which his steel-clad hearers would grasp the hilts of their swords and mutter between their clenched teeth prayers for another crusade.”
“It was a truly enlightening sight,” says Agapida, “to see these friars, after their meeting with the king, moving around the camp always surrounded by nobles and knights of great honor and skill. They were relentless in their questions about the Holy Land, the condition of our Lord’s tomb, and the struggles of the dedicated brothers who protected it and the devoted pilgrims who came to fulfill their vows. The stout prior of the convent would stand confidently among these armored warriors and passionately speak about the history of the tomb, while the quieter brother would often sigh deeply and quietly share stories of suffering and injustice, causing his steel-clad listeners to grip their swords and mutter silent prayers for another crusade.”
The pious friars, having finished their mission to the king and been treated with all due distinction, took their leave, and wended their way to Jaen, to visit the most Catholic of queens. Isabella, whose heart was the seat of piety, received them as sacred men invested with more than human dignity. During their residence at Jaen they were continually in the royal presence: the respectable prior of the convent moved and melted the ladies of the court by his florid rhetoric, but his lowly companion was observed to have continual access to the royal ear. That saintly and soft-spoken messenger (says Agapida) received the reward of his humility; for the queen, moved by his frequent representations, made in all modesty and lowliness of spirit, granted a yearly sum in perpetuity of one thousand ducats in gold for the support of the monks of the Convent of the Holy Sepulchre.*
The devout friars, after completing their mission to the king and being treated with all due respect, took their leave and headed to Jaen to visit the most Catholic of queens. Isabella, whose heart was full of piety, welcomed them as holy men with a dignity greater than human. During their stay in Jaen, they were frequently in the royal presence: the esteemed prior of the convent moved and impressed the ladies of the court with his eloquent speech, but his humble companion was noticed to have ongoing access to the queen. That saintly and gentle messenger (says Agapida) was rewarded for his humility; for the queen, touched by his frequent appeals, made with modesty and a humble spirit, granted a yearly amount of one thousand ducats in gold for the support of the monks of the Convent of the Holy Sepulchre.*
* “La Reyna dio a los Frayles mil ducados de renta cado ano para el sustento de los religiosos del santo sepulcro, que es la mejor limosna y sustento que hasta nuestros dias ha quedado a estos religiosos de Gerusalem: para donde les dio la Reyna un velo labrado por sus manos, para poner encima de la santa sepultura del Senor.”—Garibay, “Compend Hist.,” lib. 18, cap. 36.
* “The Queen gave the Friars one thousand ducados each year for the support of the religious of the holy sepulcher, which is the best donation and sustenance that has remained for these religious from Jerusalem to this day: for which the Queen gave them a veil she embroidered by hand, to place over the holy burial of the Lord.” —Garibay, “Compend Hist.,” lib. 18, cap. 36.
Moreover, on the departure of these holy ambassadors, the excellent and most Catholic queen delivered to them a veil devoutly embroidered with her own royal hands, to be placed over the Holy Sepulchre;—a precious and inestimable present, which called forth a most eloquent tribute of thanks from the portly prior, but which brought tears into the eyes of his lowly companion.*
Moreover, when these holy ambassadors were about to leave, the outstanding and very Catholic queen gave them a beautifully embroidered veil she had made with her own royal hands, to be placed over the Holy Sepulchre;—a priceless and invaluable gift, which prompted a very eloquent expression of gratitude from the plump prior, but which brought tears to the eyes of his humble companion.*
* It is proper to mention the result of this mission of the two friars, and which the worthy Agapida has neglected to record. At a subsequent period the Catholic sovereigns sent the distinguished historian, Pietro Martyr of Angleria, as ambassador to the grand soldan. That able man made such representations as were perfectly satisfactory to the Oriental potentate. He also obtained from him the remission of many exactions and extortions heretofore practised upon Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Sepulchre; which, it is presumed, had been gently but cogently detailed to the monarch by the lowly friar. Pietro Martyr wrote an account of his embassy to the grand soldan—a work greatly esteemed by the learned and containing much curious information. It is entitled “De Legatione Babylonica.”
* It's important to mention the outcome of the mission by the two friars, which the esteemed Agapida has overlooked. Later on, the Catholic monarchs sent the notable historian, Pietro Martyr of Angleria, as an ambassador to the grand sultan. This skilled man made representations that were very satisfying to the Eastern ruler. He also secured the cancellation of many charges and abuses that had been imposed on Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Sepulchre; it is believed that these issues were subtly but effectively highlighted to the monarch by the humble friar. Pietro Martyr wrote an account of his mission to the grand sultan—a work highly regarded by scholars and filled with intriguing information. It is titled “De Legatione Babylonica.”
It has been the custom to laud the conduct and address of King Ferdinand in this most arduous and protracted war, but the sage Agapida is more disposed to give credit to the counsels and measures of the queen, who, he observes, though less ostensible in action, was in truth the very soul, the vital principle, of this great enterprise. While King Ferdinand was bustling in his camp and making a glittering display with his gallant chivalry, she, surrounded by her saintly counsellors in the episcopal palace of Jaen, was devising ways and means to keep the king and his army in existence. She had pledged herself to keep up a supply of men and money and provisions until the city should be taken. The hardships of the siege caused a fearful waste of life, but the supply of men was the least difficult part of her undertaking. So beloved was the queen by the chivalry of Spain that on her calling on them for assistance not a grandee or cavalier that yet lingered at home but either repaired in person or sent forces to the camp; the ancient and warlike families vied with each other in marshalling forth their vassals, and thus the besieged Moors beheld each day fresh troops arriving before their city, and new ensigns and pennons displayed emblazoned with arms well known to the veteran warriors.
It has been common to praise King Ferdinand's actions and leadership during this long and challenging war, but the wise Agapida believes that more credit should go to the queen's advice and strategies. He points out that, although she was less visible in her efforts, she was truly the heart and driving force behind this significant mission. While King Ferdinand was busy in his camp, showing off with his brave knights, she was in the episcopal palace of Jaen, surrounded by her devoted advisors, figuring out how to support the king and his army. She committed to providing men, money, and supplies until the city was captured. The hardships of the siege resulted in a terrible loss of life, but supplying men was the easiest part of her task. The queen was so cherished by the nobility of Spain that when she called for help, not a single grandee or knight who was still at home failed to either come in person or send troops to the camp. The ancient and noble families competed to rally their followers, and so the besieged Moors saw fresh troops arriving each day, along with new flags and pennants displaying familiar crests recognized by the experienced warriors.
But the most arduous task was to keep up a regular supply of provisions. It was not the army alone that had to be supported, but also the captured towns and their garrisons; for the whole country around them had been ravaged, and the conquerors were in danger of starving in the midst of the land they had desolated. To transport the daily supplies for such immense numbers was a gigantic undertaking in a country where there was neither water conveyance nor roads for carriages. Everything had to be borne by beasts of burden over rugged and broken paths of mountains and through dangerous defiles exposed to the attacks and plunderings of the Moors.
But the toughest job was maintaining a steady supply of food. It wasn't just the army that needed support, but also the captured towns and their garrisons; the entire surrounding region had been devastated, and the conquerors were at risk of starving right in the middle of the land they had destroyed. Transporting daily supplies for such a huge number of people was a massive challenge in an area lacking waterways and roads for vehicles. Everything had to be carried by pack animals over rough mountain trails and through treacherous passes that were vulnerable to attacks and looting by the Moors.
The wary and calculating merchants accustomed to supply the army shrank from engaging at their own risk in so hazardous an undertaking. The queen therefore hired fourteen thousand beasts of burden, and ordered all the wheat and barley to be brought up in Andalusia and in the domains of the knights of Santiago and Calatrava. She entrusted the administration of these supplies to able and confidential persons. Some were employed to collect the grain; others to take it to the mills; others to superintend the grinding and delivery; and others to convey it to the camp. To every two hundred animals a muleteer was allotted to take charge of them on the route. Thus great lines of convoys were in constant movement, traversing to and fro, guarded by large bodies of troops to defend them from hovering parties of the Moors. Not a single day’s intermission was allowed, for the army depended upon the constant arrival of the supplies for daily food. The grain when brought into the camp was deposited in an immense granary, and sold to the army at a fixed price, which was never either raised or lowered.
The cautious and strategic merchants who usually supplied the army were hesitant to take on such a risky venture. So, the queen hired fourteen thousand pack animals and ordered all the wheat and barley to be transported from Andalusia and the lands of the knights of Santiago and Calatrava. She assigned capable and trustworthy people to manage these supplies. Some were tasked with collecting the grain, others with transporting it to the mills, some with overseeing the grinding and delivery, and others with bringing it to the camp. For every two hundred animals, a muleteer was assigned to take care of them along the route. This created long lines of convoys that were constantly on the move, protected by large groups of soldiers to guard against roaming bands of Moors. Not a single day off was allowed, as the army relied on the steady arrival of supplies for their daily meals. Once the grain reached the camp, it was stored in a huge granary and sold to the army at a set price, which was never increased or decreased.
Incredible were the expenses incurred in these supplies, but the queen had ghostly advisers thoroughly versed in the art of getting at the resources of the country. Many worthy prelates opened the deep purses of the Church, and furnished loans from the revenues of their dioceses and convents, and their pious contributions were eventually rewarded by Providence a hundred-fold. Merchants and other wealthy individuals, confident of the punctual faith of the queen, advanced large sums on the security of her word; many noble families lent their plate without waiting to be asked. The queen also sold certain annual rents in inheritance at great sacrifices, assigning the revenues of towns and cities for the payment. Finding all this insufficient to satisfy the enormous expenditure, she sent her gold and plate and all her jewels to the cities of Valencia and Barcelona, where they were pledged for a great amount of money, which was immediately appropriated to keep up the supplies of the army.
The expenses for these supplies were massive, but the queen had ghostly advisers who were experts at tapping into the country’s resources. Many respected church leaders opened their deep pockets, providing loans from the revenues of their dioceses and convents, and their generous contributions were eventually rewarded by Providence a hundredfold. Merchants and other wealthy individuals, trusting in the queen's reliability, lent large sums based on her word alone; many noble families offered their silverware without even being asked. The queen also sold off some annual income from her inheritance at significant losses, pledging the revenues from towns and cities to cover the payments. When all of this still wasn't enough to cover the enormous expenses, she sent her gold, silver, and all her jewels to the cities of Valencia and Barcelona, where they were pledged for a large sum of money, immediately used to supply the army.
Thus through the wonderful activity, judgment, and enterprise of this heroic and magnanimous woman a great host, encamped in the heart of the warlike country accessible only over mountain-roads, was maintained in continual abundance. Nor was it supplied merely with the necessaries and comforts of life. The powerful escorts drew merchants and artificers from all parts to repair, as if in caravans, to this great military market. In a little while the camp abounded with tradesmen and artists of all kinds to administer to the luxury and ostentation of the youthful chivalry. Here might be seen cunning artificers in steel and accomplished armorers achieving those rare and sumptuous helmets and cuirasses, richly gilt, inlaid, and embossed, in which the Spanish cavaliers delighted. Saddlers and harness-makers and horse-milliners also were there, whose tents glittered with gorgeous housings and caparisons. The merchants spread forth their sumptuous silks, cloths, brocades, fine linen, and tapestry. The tents of the nobility were prodigally decorated with all kinds of the richest stuffs and dazzled the eye with their magnificence, nor could the grave looks and grave speeches of King Ferdinand prevent his youthful cavaliers from vying with each other in the splendor of their dresses and caparisons on all occasions of parade and ceremony.
Through the remarkable efforts, judgment, and courage of this heroic and generous woman, a large group stationed in the heart of a warlike region, accessible only via mountain roads, was kept continually supplied. Not only did they receive the basic necessities and comforts of life, but the strong escorts also attracted merchants and craftsmen from all over to travel, almost like caravans, to this major military market. Before long, the camp was bustling with tradespeople and artists of every kind catering to the luxury and showiness of the young knights. There were skilled metalworkers and talented armorers creating exquisite and lavish helmets and breastplates, richly gilded, inlaid, and embossed, which the Spanish knights adored. Saddlers and harness-makers, along with horse outfitters, also set up, their tents shining with stunning horse gear and decorations. Merchants displayed their luxurious silks, fabrics, brocades, fine linens, and tapestries. The noble tents were extravagantly decorated with the finest materials and dazzled the eye with their opulence. Even King Ferdinand’s serious demeanor and solemn speeches couldn’t stop his young knights from competing with one another in the splendor of their clothing and gear during every parade and ceremony.
While the Christian camp, thus gay and gorgeous, spread itself out like a holiday pageant before the walls of Baza, while a long line of beasts of burden laden with provisions and luxuries were seen descending the valley from morning till night, and pouring into the camp a continued stream of abundance, the unfortunate garrison found their resources rapidly wasting away, and famine already began to pinch the peaceful part of the community.
While the lively and vibrant Christian camp spread out like a festive scene before the walls of Baza, a long line of pack animals carrying supplies and luxuries descended the valley from morning till night, constantly bringing an abundance into the camp. Meanwhile, the unfortunate garrison saw their resources quickly dwindling, and hunger was already starting to affect the peaceful members of the community.
Cid Hiaya had acted with great spirit and valor as long as there was any prospect of success; but he began to lose his usual fire and animation, and was observed to pace the walls of Baza with a pensive air, casting many a wistful look toward the Christian camp, and sinking into profound reveries and cogitations. The veteran alcayde, Mohammed Ibn Hassan, noticed these desponding moods, and endeavored to rally the spirits of the prince. “The rainy season is at hand,” would he cry; “the floods will soon pour down from the mountains; the rivers will overflow their banks and inundate the valleys. The Christian king already begins to waver; he dare not linger and encounter such a season in a plain cut up by canals and rivulets. A single wintry storm from our mountains would wash away his canvas city and sweep off those gay pavilions like wreaths of snow before the blast.”
Cid Hiaya had shown great energy and courage as long as there was any chance of success; but he started to lose his usual passion and enthusiasm, and was seen walking the walls of Baza with a thoughtful look, often gazing longingly at the Christian camp, drifting into deep thoughts and reflections. The experienced leader, Mohammed Ibn Hassan, noticed these gloomy moods and tried to uplift the prince's spirits. “The rainy season is coming,” he would say; “the floods will soon come down from the mountains; the rivers will overflow their banks and flood the valleys. The Christian king is already starting to waver; he can't afford to stay and face such a season in a plain crisscrossed with canals and streams. A single winter storm from our mountains could wash away his tent city and blow those fancy pavilions away like snowflakes in a storm.”
The prince Cid Hiaya took heart at these words, and counted the days as they passed until the stormy season should commence. As he watched the Christian camp he beheld it one morning in universal commotion: there was an unusual sound of hammers in every part, as if some new engines of war were constructing. At length, to his astonishment, the walls and roofs of houses began to appear above the bulwarks. In a little while there were above a thousand edifices of wood and plaster erected, covered with tiles taken from the demolished towers of the orchards and bearing the pennons of various commanders and cavaliers, while the common soldiery constructed huts of clay and branches of trees thatched with straw. Thus, to the dismay of the Moors, within four days the light tents and gay pavilions which had whitened their hills and plains passed away like summer clouds, and the unsubstantial camp assumed the solid appearance of a city laid out into streets and squares. In the centre rose a large edifice which overlooked the whole, and the royal standard of Aragon and Castile, proudly floating above it, showed it to be the palace of the king.*
The prince Cid Hiaya took heart at these words and counted the days as they passed until the stormy season would begin. As he watched the Christian camp, he saw it in a frenzy one morning: there was a surprising sound of hammers all around, as if new war machines were being built. To his astonishment, the walls and roofs of houses started to appear above the ramparts. Soon, there were over a thousand wooden and plaster buildings erected, covered with tiles taken from the ruined towers of the orchards, displaying the flags of various commanders and knights. Meanwhile, the regular soldiers built huts from clay and branches thatched with straw. Thus, to the dismay of the Moors, within four days, the light tents and colorful pavilions that had dotted their hills and plains disappeared like summer clouds, and the temporary camp took on the solid look of a city organized into streets and squares. In the center stood a large building that overlooked everything, with the royal standards of Aragon and Castile proudly flying above it, marking it as the king's palace.*
* Cura de los Palacios, Pulgar, etc.
* Cura de los Palacios, Pulgar, etc.
Ferdinand had taken the sudden resolution thus to turn his camp into a city, partly to provide against the approaching season, and partly to convince the Moors of his fixed determination to continue the siege. In their haste to erect their dwellings, however, the Spanish cavaliers had not properly considered the nature of the climate. For the greater part of the year there scarcely falls a drop of rain on the thirsty soil of Andalusia. The ramblas, or dry channels of the torrents, remain deep and arid gashes and clefts in the sides of the mountains; the perennial streams shrink up to mere threads of water, which, trickling down the bottoms of the deep barrancas, or ravines, scarce feed and keep alive the rivers of the valleys. The rivers, almost lost in their wide and naked beds, seem like thirsty rills winding in serpentine mazes through deserts of sand and stones, and so shallow and tranquil in their course as to be forded in safety in almost every part. One autumnal tempest, however, changes the whole face of nature: the clouds break in deluges among the vast congregation of mountains; the ramblas are suddenly filled with raging floods; the tinkling rivulets swell to thundering torrents that come roaring down from the mountains, tumbling great masses of rocks in their career. The late meandering river spreads over its once-naked bed, lashes its surges against the banks, and rushes like a wide and foaming inundation through the valley.
Ferdinand suddenly decided to turn his camp into a city, partly to prepare for the coming season and partly to show the Moors that he was determined to continue the siege. However, in their rush to set up their homes, the Spanish knights didn’t fully think about the nature of the climate. For most of the year, hardly any rain falls on the parched soil of Andalusia. The ramblas, or dry riverbeds from the floods, remain deep and dry cuts in the sides of the mountains; the constant streams shrink down to mere threads of water, which barely trickle down the bottoms of the deep ravines and hardly sustain the rivers of the valleys. The rivers, almost lost in their wide and barren beds, look like thirsty streams winding in serpentine paths through deserts of sand and stones, so shallow and calm that they can be crossed safely in almost any place. However, a single autumn storm can change everything: the clouds unleash downpours among the vast mountains; the ramblas suddenly fill with raging floods; the tiny streams swell into roaring torrents that crash down from the mountains, carrying large rocks with them. The previously winding river spreads over its once-bare bed, slamming its waves against the banks and rushing like a wide and foaming flood through the valley.
Scarcely had the Christians finished their slightly built edifices when an autumnal tempest of the kind came scouring from the mountains. The camp was immediately overflowed. Many of the houses, undermined by the floods or beaten by the rain, crumbled away and fell to the earth, burying man and beast beneath their ruins. Several valuable lives were lost, and great numbers of horses and other animals perished. To add to the distress and confusion of the camp, the daily supply of provisions suddenly ceased, for the rain had broken up the roads and rendered the rivers impassable. A panic seized upon the army, for the cessation of a single day’s supply produced a scarcity of bread and provender. Fortunately, the rain was but transient: the torrents rushed by and ceased; the rivers shrank back again to their narrow channels, and the convoys which had been detained upon their banks arrived safely in the camp.
As soon as the Christians finished their small buildings, a storm typical for autumn swept down from the mountains. The camp quickly flooded. Many of the houses, either washed away by the floods or damaged by the rain, collapsed and buried people and animals under the debris. Several valuable lives were lost, and many horses and other animals died. To make matters worse, the daily food supply suddenly stopped because the rain had destroyed the roads and made the rivers impassable. A panic spread through the army, as just one day's lack of supplies led to a shortage of bread and feed. Fortunately, the rain was brief: the torrents rushed by and then stopped; the rivers receded back to their narrow banks, and the convoys that had been stuck along the banks made it safely to the camp.
No sooner did Queen Isabella hear of this interruption of her supplies than, with her usual vigilance and activity, she provided against its recurrence. She despatched six thousand foot-soldiers, under the command of experienced officers, to repair the roads and to make causeways and bridges for the distance of seven Spanish leagues. The troops also who had been stationed in the mountains by the king to guard the defiles made two paths, one for the convoys going to the camp, and the other for those returning, that they might not meet and impede each other. The edifices which had been demolished by the late floods were rebuilt in a firmer manner, and precautions were taken to protect the camp from future inundations.
No sooner did Queen Isabella hear about the disruption of her supplies than, with her usual vigilance and energy, she took steps to prevent it from happening again. She sent six thousand foot soldiers, led by experienced officers, to fix the roads and build causeways and bridges for a distance of seven Spanish leagues. The troops stationed in the mountains by the king to guard the narrow passages created two paths—one for convoys heading to the camp and the other for those returning—so they wouldn’t cross paths and cause delays. The buildings that had been destroyed by the recent floods were rebuilt more sturdily, and measures were taken to protect the camp from future floods.
When King Ferdinand beheld the ravage and confusion produced by a single autumnal storm, and bethought him of all the maladies to which a besieging camp is exposed in inclement seasons, he began to feel his compassion kindling for the suffering people of Baza, and an inclination to grant them more favorable terms. He sent, therefore, several messages to the alcayde Mohammed Ibn Hassan offering liberty of person and security of property for the inhabitants and large rewards for himself if he would surrender the city.
When King Ferdinand saw the destruction and chaos caused by a single autumn storm, and thought about all the hardships a besieged camp faces during harsh weather, he started to feel compassion for the suffering people of Baza and a desire to offer them better terms. He sent several messages to the alcayde Mohammed Ibn Hassan, offering personal freedom and safety for the residents, along with big rewards for himself if he would surrender the city.
The veteran was not to be dazzled by the splendid offers of the monarch: he had received exaggerated accounts of the damage done to the Christian camp by the late storm, and of the sufferings and discontents of the army in consequence of the transient interruption of supplies: he considered the overtures of Ferdinand as proofs of the desperate state of his affairs. “A little more patience, a little more patience,” said the shrewd old warrior, “and we shall see this cloud of Christian locusts driven away before the winter storms. When they once turn their backs, it will be our turn to strike; and, with the help of Allah, the blow shall be decisive.” He sent a firm though courteous refusal to the Castilian monarch, and in the mean time animated his companions to sally forth with more spirit than ever to attack the Spanish outposts and those laboring in the trenches. The consequence was a daily occurrence of daring and bloody skirmishes that cost the lives of many of the bravest and most adventurous cavaliers of either army.
The veteran wasn’t going to be impressed by the king’s flashy offers: he had heard exaggerated stories about the damage caused to the Christian camp by the recent storm, and of the army’s suffering and frustrations due to the temporary disruption of supplies. He saw Ferdinand’s proposals as signs of how desperate their situation was. “A little more patience, a little more patience,” said the wise old warrior, “and we’ll see this swarm of Christian locusts driven away before the winter storms. Once they turn their backs, it’ll be our turn to strike; and, with Allah’s help, our blow will be decisive.” He sent a firm but polite refusal to the Castilian king and, in the meantime, encouraged his companions to charge forward with even more spirit to attack the Spanish outposts and those working in the trenches. This led to daily skirmishes that were daring and bloody, costing the lives of many of the bravest and most daring knights from both armies.
In one of these sallies nearly three hundred horse and two thousand foot mounted the heights behind the city to capture the Christians who were employed upon the works. They came by surprise upon a body of guards, esquires of the count de Urena, killed some, put the rest to flight, and pursued them down the mountain until they came in sight of a small force under the count de Tendilla and Gonsalvo of Cordova. The Moors came rushing down with such fury that many of the men of the count de Tendilla took to flight. The count braced his buckler, grasped his trusty weapon, and stood his ground with his accustomed prowess. Gonsalvo of Cordova ranged himself by his side, and, marshalling the troops which remained with them, they made a valiant front to the Moors.
In one of these attacks, nearly three hundred cavalry and two thousand infantry charged up the heights behind the city to capture the Christians working on the fortifications. They surprised a group of guards, attendants of Count de Urena, killing some and scattering the rest, pursuing them down the mountain until they spotted a small force led by Count de Tendilla and Gonsalvo of Cordova. The Moors came rushing down with such intensity that many of Count de Tendilla's men fled. The count readied his shield, gripped his trusted weapon, and stood his ground with his usual bravery. Gonsalvo of Cordova positioned himself beside him, and by organizing the remaining troops, they presented a strong defense against the Moors.
The infidels pressed them hard, and were gaining the advantage when Alonso de Aguilar, hearing of the danger of his brother Gonsalvo, flew to his assistance, accompanied by the count of Urena and a body of their troops. A fight ensued from cliff to cliff and glen to glen. The Moors were fewer in number, but excelled in the dexterity and lightness requisite for scrambling skirmishes. They were at length driven from their vantage-ground, and pursued by Alonso de Aguilar and his brother Gonsalvo to the very suburbs of the city, leaving many of their bravest men upon the field.
The enemies attacked them fiercely and were gaining the upper hand when Alonso de Aguilar, hearing about the danger his brother Gonsalvo was in, rushed to help, joined by the Count of Urena and a group of their troops. A battle broke out from cliff to cliff and valley to valley. The Moors were outnumbered but skilled in the agility and speed needed for quick skirmishes. Eventually, they were pushed off their stronghold and chased by Alonso de Aguilar and his brother Gonsalvo all the way to the outskirts of the city, leaving many of their bravest warriors on the battlefield.
Such was one of innumerable rough encounters daily taking place, in which many brave cavaliers were slain without apparent benefit to either party. The Moors, notwithstanding repeated defeats and losses, continued to sally forth daily with astonishing spirit and vigor, and the obstinacy of their defence seemed to increase with their sufferings.
Such was one of countless tough battles happening every day, where many brave knights were killed without any clear advantage for either side. The Moors, despite suffering repeated defeats and losses, still charged out every day with incredible energy and determination, and their stubbornness in defense seemed to grow with their hardships.
The prince Cid Hiaya was ever foremost in these sallies, but grew daily more despairing of success. All the money in the military chest was expended, and there was no longer wherewithal to pay the hired troops. Still, the veteran Mohammed undertook to provide for this emergency. Summoning the principal inhabitants, he represented the necessity of some exertion and sacrifice on their part to maintain the defence of the city. “The enemy,” said he, “dreads the approach of winter, and our perseverance drives him to despair. A little longer, and he will leave you in quiet enjoyment of your homes and families. But our troops must be paid to keep them in good heart. Our money is exhausted and all our supplies are cut off. It is impossible to continue our defence without your aid.”
The prince Cid Hiaya was always at the front during these raids but was becoming increasingly hopeless about achieving success. All the money in the military fund had been spent, and there was no longer any way to pay the hired soldiers. Still, the veteran Mohammed took it upon himself to handle this crisis. He called together the main citizens and explained the need for some effort and sacrifice on their part to defend the city. “The enemy,” he said, “fears the coming winter, and our determination is pushing him to despair. Just a little longer, and he will let you live peacefully in your homes and with your families. But we need to pay our troops to keep their spirits up. Our funds have run out, and all our supplies are blocked. It’s impossible to keep defending ourselves without your help.”
Upon this the citizens consulted together, and collected all their vessels of gold and silver and brought them to Mohammed. “Take these,” said they, “and coin or sell or pledge them for money wherewith to pay the troops.” The women of Baza also were seized with generous emulation. “Shall we deck ourselves with gorgeous apparel,” said they, “when our country is desolate and its defenders in want of bread?” So they took their collars and bracelets and anklets and other ornaments of gold, and all their jewels, and put them in the hands of the veteran alcayde. “Take these spoils of our vanity,” said they, “and let them contribute to the defence of our homes and families. If Baza be delivered, we need no jewels to grace our rejoicing; and if Baza fall, of what avail are ornaments to the captive?”
The citizens gathered together and collected all their gold and silver items to give to Mohammed. “Take these,” they said, “and either coin them, sell them, or pledge them for money to pay the troops.” The women of Baza were also inspired to act. “Should we adorn ourselves with beautiful clothes,” they said, “while our country is in ruins and its defenders are hungry?” So they took their necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and other gold ornaments, along with all their jewels, and handed them to the experienced leader. “Take these symbols of our vanity,” they said, “and let them help defend our homes and families. If Baza is saved, we won’t need jewels to celebrate; and if Baza falls, what good are ornaments to the captured?”
By these contributions was Mohammed enabled to pay the soldiery and carry on the defence of the city with unabated spirit.
Through these contributions, Mohammed was able to pay the soldiers and continue defending the city with relentless determination.
Tidings were speedily conveyed to King Ferdinand of this generous devotion on the part of the people of Baza, and the hopes which the Moorish commanders gave them that the Christian army would soon abandon the siege in despair. “They shall have a convincing proof of the fallacy of such hopes,” said the politic monarch: so he wrote forthwith to Queen Isabella praying her to come to the camp in state, with all her train and retinue, and publicly to take up her residence there for the winter. By this means the Moors would be convinced of the settled determination of the sovereigns to persist in the siege until the city should surrender, and he trusted they would be brought to speedy capitulation.
News quickly reached King Ferdinand about the people's generous loyalty in Baza and the optimism expressed by the Moorish leaders that the Christian army would soon give up the siege in frustration. “They will see how wrong those hopes are,” said the shrewd king. So, he immediately wrote to Queen Isabella, asking her to come to the camp in full ceremonial style, along with her entire entourage, and to establish her residence there for the winter. This way, the Moors would understand the unwavering commitment of the rulers to continue the siege until the city surrendered, and he hoped they would be led to a quick surrender.
Mohammed Ibn Hassan still encouraged his companions with hopes that the royal army would soon relinquish the siege, when they heard one day shouts of joy from the Christian camp and thundering salvos of artillery. Word was brought at the same time, from the sentinels on the watch-towers, that a Christian army was approaching down the valley. Mohammed and his fellow-commanders ascended one of the highest towers of the walls, and beheld in truth a numerous force in shining array descending the hills, and heard the distant clangor of the trumpet and the faint swell of triumphant music.
Mohammed Ibn Hassan continued to inspire his companions with optimism that the royal army would soon lift the siege. One day, they heard joyful shouts coming from the Christian camp, accompanied by booming artillery fire. At the same time, sentinels on the watchtowers reported that a Christian army was approaching down the valley. Mohammed and his fellow commanders climbed to one of the highest towers of the walls and indeed saw a large force in shining armor coming down the hills, while the distant sound of trumpets and the faint rise of triumphant music reached their ears.
As the host drew nearer they descried a stately dame magnificently attired, whom they soon discovered to be the queen. She was riding on a mule the sumptuous trappings of which were resplendent with gold and reached to the ground. On her right hand rode her daughter, the princess Isabella, equally splendid in her array, and on her left the venerable grand cardinal of Spain. A noble train of ladies and cavaliers followed, together with pages and esquires, and a numerous guard of hidalgos of high rank arrayed in superb armor. When the veteran Mohammed beheld the queen thus arriving in state to take up her residence in the camp, he shook his head mournfully, and, turning to his captains, “Cavaliers,” said he, “the fate of Baza is decided.”
As the host got closer, they saw a majestic lady dressed in fine attire, who they soon realized was the queen. She was riding a mule adorned with lavish golden trappings that touched the ground. On her right was her daughter, Princess Isabella, equally stunning in her outfit, and on her left was the esteemed Grand Cardinal of Spain. A noble group of ladies and gentlemen followed, along with pages and squires, and a large guard of high-ranking hidalgos in magnificent armor. When the veteran Mohammed saw the queen arriving in such grandeur to settle in the camp, he shook his head sadly and turned to his captains, saying, "Gentlemen, the fate of Baza is sealed."
The Moorish commanders remained gazing with a mingled feeling of grief and admiration at this magnificent pageant, which foreboded the fall of their city. Some of the troops would have sallied forth on one of their desperate skirmishes to attack the royal guard, but the prince Cid Hiaya forbade them; nor would he allow any artillery to be discharged or any molestation or insult offered; for the character of Isabella was venerated even by the Moors, and most of the commanders possessed that high and chivalrous courtesy which belongs to heroic spirits, for they were among the noblest and bravest of the Moorish cavaliers.
The Moorish commanders watched with a mix of sadness and admiration at this stunning spectacle, which signaled the downfall of their city. Some of the troops wanted to charge out for a desperate skirmish against the royal guard, but Prince Cid Hiaya stopped them; he also wouldn't allow any artillery to be fired or any harassment or insults; Isabella's character was respected even by the Moors, and many of the commanders had the noble and chivalrous courtesy typical of heroic spirits, as they were among the finest and bravest of the Moorish knights.
The inhabitants of Baza eagerly sought every eminence that could command a view of the plain, and every battlement and tower and mosque was covered with turbaned heads gazing at the glorious spectacle. They beheld King Ferdinand issue forth in royal state, attended by the marques of Cadiz, the master of Santiago, the duke of Alva, the admiral of Castile, and many other nobles of renown, while the whole chivalry of the camp, sumptuously arrayed, followed in his train, and the populace rent the air with acclamations at the sight of the patriotic queen.
The people of Baza eagerly climbed every high point that had a view of the plain, and every battlement, tower, and mosque was filled with people in turbans watching the magnificent scene. They saw King Ferdinand make his grand entrance, surrounded by the Marquis of Cadiz, the Master of Santiago, the Duke of Alva, the Admiral of Castile, and many other renowned nobles, while all the knights from the camp, dressed in their finest, followed him. The crowd erupted with cheers at the sight of the patriotic queen.
When the sovereigns had met and embraced, the two hosts mingled together and entered the camp in martial pomp, and the eyes of the infidel beholders were dazzled by the flash of armor, the splendor of golden caparisons, the gorgeous display of silks, brocades, and velvets, of tossing plumes and fluttering banners. There was at the same time a triumphant sound of drums and trumpets, clarions and sackbuts, mingled with the sweet melody of the dulcimer, which came swelling in bursts of harmony that seemed to rise up to the heavens.*
When the rulers met and embraced, the two groups mixed together and entered the camp in a grand display, and the eyes of the unbelieving spectators were dazzled by the gleam of armor, the luster of golden decorations, and the stunning showcase of silks, brocades, and velvets, along with swaying feathers and fluttering flags. At the same time, there was a triumphant sound of drums and trumpets, clarions and sackbuts, mixed with the sweet tune of the dulcimer, which rose in bursts of harmony that seemed to ascend to the heavens.*
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 92.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 92.
On the arrival of the queen (says the historian Hernando del Pulgar, who was present at the time) it was marvellous to behold how all at once the rigor and turbulence of war were softened and the storm of passion sank into a calm. The sword was sheathed, the crossbow no longer launched its deadly shafts, and the artillery, which had hitherto kept up an incessant uproar, now ceased its thundering. On both sides there was still a vigilant guard kept up; the sentinels bristled the walls of Baza with their lances, and the guards patrolled the Christian camp, but there was no sallying forth to skirmish nor any wanton violence or carnage.*
Upon the queen's arrival (says the historian Hernando del Pulgar, who was there at the time), it was astonishing to see how suddenly the harshness and chaos of war softened, and the storm of emotions calmed. The sword was put away, the crossbow stopped shooting its deadly arrows, and the artillery, which had previously created constant chaos, fell silent. Both sides maintained a watchful guard; sentinels lined the walls of Baza with their lances, and the guards patrolled the Christian camp, but there was no rush to fight or any unnecessary violence or bloodshed.
* Many particulars of the scenes and occurrences at the siege of Baza are also furnished in the letters of the learned Peter Martyr, who was present and an admiring eye-witness.
* Many details of the events and happenings during the siege of Baza are also provided in the letters of the knowledgeable Peter Martyr, who was there and a fascinated witness.
Prince Cid Hiaya saw by the arrival of the queen that the Christians were determined to continue the siege, and he knew that the city would have to capitulate. He had been prodigal of the lives of his soldiers as long as he thought a military good was to be gained by the sacrifice; but he was sparing of their blood in a hopeless cause, and weary of exasperating the enemy by an obstinate yet hopeless defence.
Prince Cid Hiaya noticed with the queen's arrival that the Christians were set on continuing the siege, and he realized the city would have to surrender. He had been reckless with the lives of his soldiers as long as he believed that their sacrifice would achieve a military advantage; however, he was now reluctant to waste their blood in a losing battle and tired of frustrating the enemy with a stubborn yet futile defense.
At the request of the prince a parley was granted, and the master commander of Leon, Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, was appointed to confer with the veteran alcayde Mohammed. They met at an appointed place, within view of both camp and city, attended by cavaliers of either army. Their meeting was highly courteous, for they had learnt, from rough encounters in the field, to admire each other’s prowess. The commander of Leon in an earnest speech pointed out the hopelessness of any further defence, and warned Mohammed of the ills which Malaga had incurred by its obstinacy. “I promise in the name of my sovereigns,” said he, “that if you surrender immediately the inhabitants shall be treated as subjects and protected in property, liberty, and religion. If you refuse, you, who are now renowned as an able and judicious commander, will be chargeable with the confiscations, captivities, and deaths which may be suffered by the people of Baza.”
At the prince's request, a meeting was arranged, and Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, the master commander of Leon, was chosen to negotiate with the seasoned alcayde Mohammed. They met at a designated spot, where both the camp and the city were in view, accompanied by knights from both armies. Their meeting was very respectful, as they had come to appreciate each other's skills from tough battles in the field. The commander of Leon, in a serious address, highlighted the futility of further defenses and warned Mohammed about the consequences Malaga faced due to its stubbornness. “I promise on behalf of my sovereigns,” he said, “that if you surrender immediately, the residents will be treated as subjects and will be protected in their property, freedom, and faith. If you refuse, you, who are currently known as a skilled and wise commander, will be held responsible for the confiscations, captures, and deaths that might affect the people of Baza.”
The commander ceased, and Mohammed returned to the city to consult with his companions. It was evident that all further resistance was hopeless, but the Moorish commanders felt that a cloud might rest upon their names should they, of their own discretion, surrender so important a place without its having sustained an assault. Prince Cid Hiaya requested permission, therefore, to send an envoy to Guadix, with a letter to the old monarch, El Zagal, treating of the surrender: the request was granted, a safe conduct assured to the envoy, and Mohammed Ibn Hassan departed upon this momentous mission.
The commander stopped, and Mohammed went back to the city to talk with his friends. It was clear that any further resistance was pointless, but the Moorish commanders were concerned that surrendering such a significant place without it being attacked would tarnish their reputations. Prince Cid Hiaya asked for permission to send a messenger to Guadix with a letter to the old king, El Zagal, about the surrender. The request was approved, safe passage was assured for the messenger, and Mohammed Ibn Hassan set off on this important mission.
The old warrior-king was seated in an inner chamber of the castle of Guadix, much cast down in spirit and ruminating on his gloomy fortunes, when an envoy from Baza was announced, and the veteran alcayde Mohammed stood before him. El Zagal saw disastrous tidings written in his countenance. “How fares it with Baza,” said he, summoning up his spirits to the question. “Let this inform thee,” replied Mohammed, and he delivered into his hands the letter from the prince Cid Hiaya.
The old warrior-king was sitting in a private room of the castle of Guadix, feeling pretty down and thinking about his bad luck, when an envoy from Baza was announced, and the veteran alcayde Mohammed appeared before him. El Zagal could see bad news on his face. “How's it going with Baza?” he asked, trying to muster some courage for the question. “Let me tell you,” replied Mohammed, as he handed him the letter from Prince Cid Hiaya.
This letter spoke of the desperate situation of Baza, the impossibility of holding out longer without assistance from El Zagal, and the favorable terms held out by the Castilian sovereigns. Had it been written by any other person, El Zagal might have received it with distrust and indignation; but he confided in Cid Hiaya as in a second self, and the words of his letter sank deep in his heart. When he had finished reading it, he sighed deeply, and remained for some time lost in thought, with his head drooping upon his bosom. Recovering himself at length, he called together the alfaquis and the old men of Guadix and solicited their advice. It was sign of sore trouble of mind and dejection of heart when El Zagal sought the advice of others, but his fierce courage was tamed, for he saw the end of his power approaching. The alfaquis and the old men did but increase the distraction of his mind by a variety of counsel, none of which appeared of any avail, for unless Baza were succored it was impossible that it should hold out; and every attempt to succor it had proved ineffectual. El Zagal dismissed his council in despair, and summoned the veteran Mohammed before him. “God is great,” exclaimed he; “there is but one God, and Mahomet is his prophet! Return to my cousin, Cid Hiaya; tell him it is out of my power to aid him; he must do as seems to him for the best. The people of Baza have performed deeds worthy of immortal fame; I cannot ask them to encounter further ills and perils in maintaining a hopeless defence.”
This letter talked about the desperate situation in Baza, the impossibility of holding out much longer without help from El Zagal, and the favorable terms offered by the Castilian rulers. If it had been written by anyone else, El Zagal might have received it with suspicion and outrage; but he trusted Cid Hiaya like a brother, and the words of the letter struck him deeply. After finishing it, he sighed heavily and sat for a while lost in thought, his head resting on his chest. Finally, he composed himself, called together the alfaquis and the elders of Guadix, and asked for their advice. It was a clear sign of deep distress and sadness that El Zagal sought counsel from others, but his fierce courage was subdued, as he realized the end of his power was near. The alfaquis and elders only added to his confusion with various suggestions, none of which seemed useful since unless Baza was supported, it couldn’t hold out; and every attempt to provide support had failed. In despair, El Zagal dismissed his council and summoned the veteran Mohammed. “God is great,” he declared; “there is only one God, and Mahomet is his prophet! Go back to my cousin, Cid Hiaya; tell him I cannot help him; he must do what he thinks is best. The people of Baza have performed deeds worthy of eternal glory; I cannot ask them to face more suffering and danger to continue a hopeless defense.”
The reply of El Zagal determined the fate of the city. Cid Hiaya and his fellow-commanders capitulated, and were granted the most favorable terms. The cavaliers and soldiers who had come from other parts to the defence of the place were permitted to depart with their arms, horses, and effects. The inhabitants had their choice either to depart with their property or dwell in the suburbs in the enjoyment of their religion and laws, taking an oath of fealty to the sovereigns and paying the same tribute they had paid to the Moorish kings. The city and citadel were to be delivered up in six days, within which period the inhabitants were to remove all their effects; and in the mean time they were to place as hostages fifteen Moorish youths, sons of the principal inhabitants, in the hands of the commander of Leon. When Cid Hiaya and the alcayde Mohammed came to deliver up the hostages, among whom were the sons of the latter, they paid homage to the king and queen, who received them with the utmost courtesy and kindness, and ordered magnificent presents to be given to them, and likewise to the other Moorish cavaliers, consisting of money, robes, horses, and other things of great value.
The response from El Zagal decided the fate of the city. Cid Hiaya and his fellow commanders surrendered and received the best possible terms. The knights and soldiers who had come from elsewhere to defend the city were allowed to leave with their weapons, horses, and belongings. The residents could either leave with their property or stay in the outskirts, practicing their religion and laws, while pledging loyalty to the rulers and paying the same taxes they had paid to the Moorish kings. The city and fortress had to be handed over in six days, during which the residents were to remove all their belongings. In the meantime, they were to provide fifteen Moorish youths, sons of the leading citizens, as hostages to the commander of Leon. When Cid Hiaya and the alcayde Mohammed brought the hostages, including the sons of the latter, they paid their respects to the king and queen, who welcomed them with great courtesy and kindness, ordering lavish gifts to be presented to them and the other Moorish knights, which included money, robes, horses, and other valuable items.
The prince Cid Hiaya was so captivated by the grace, the dignity, and generosity of Isabella and the princely courtesy of Ferdinand that he vowed never again to draw his sword against such magnanimous sovereigns. The queen, charmed with his gallant bearing and his animated professions of devotion, assured him that, having him on her side, she already considered the war terminated which had desolated the kingdom of Granada.
The prince Cid Hiaya was so taken by the grace, dignity, and generosity of Isabella, along with Ferdinand's royal courtesy, that he promised never to raise his sword against such noble rulers again. The queen, impressed by his chivalrous demeanor and passionate promises of loyalty, told him that with him on her side, she already viewed the war that had ravaged the kingdom of Granada as over.
Mighty and irresistible are words of praise from the lips of sovereigns. Cid Hiaya was entirely subdued by this fair speech from the illustrious Isabella. His heart burned with a sudden flame of loyalty toward the sovereigns. He begged to be enrolled amongst the most devoted of their subjects, and in the fervor of his sudden zeal engaged not merely to dedicate his sword to their service, but to exert all his influence, which was great, in persuading his cousin, Muley Abdallah el Zagal, to surrender the cities of Guadix and Almeria and to give up all further hostilities. Nay, so powerful was the effect produced upon his mind by his conversation with the sovereigns that it extended even to his religion; for he became immediately enlightened as to the heathenish abominations of the vile sect of Mahomet, and struck with the truths of Christianity as illustrated by such powerful monarchs. He consented, therefore, to be baptized and to be gathered into the fold of the Church. The pious Agapida indulges in a triumphant strain of exultation on the sudden and surprising conversion of this princely infidel: he considers it one of the greatest achievements of the Catholic sovereigns, and indeed one of the marvellous occurrences of this holy war. “But it is given to saints and pious monarchs,” says he, “to work miracles in the cause of the faith; and such did the most Catholic Ferdinand in the conversion of the prince Cid Hiaya.”
Mighty and irresistible are the words of praise from the lips of rulers. Cid Hiaya was completely moved by the kind words from the esteemed Isabella. His heart ignited with a sudden loyalty to the rulers. He asked to be included among their most devoted subjects, and in the heat of his newfound enthusiasm, he committed not only to dedicate his sword to their service but to use all his significant influence to persuade his cousin, Muley Abdallah el Zagal, to surrender the cities of Guadix and Almeria and to end all further hostilities. In fact, the impact of his conversation with the rulers was so strong that it even affected his faith; he quickly became aware of the pagan practices of the vile sect of Mahomet and was struck by the truths of Christianity as demonstrated by such powerful monarchs. Therefore, he agreed to be baptized and to join the Church. The devout Agapida celebrates the sudden and surprising conversion of this princely infidel: he views it as one of the greatest accomplishments of the Catholic monarchs and indeed one of the remarkable events of this holy war. “But it is given to saints and devoted rulers,” he says, “to perform miracles for the sake of the faith; and such did the most Catholic Ferdinand in converting the prince Cid Hiaya.”
Some of the Arabian writers have sought to lessen the wonder of this miracle by alluding to great revenues granted to the prince and his heirs by the Castilian monarchs, together with a territory in Marchena, with towns, lands, and vassals; but in this (says Agapida) we only see a wise precaution of King Ferdinand to clinch and secure the conversion of his proselyte. The policy of the Catholic monarch was at all times equal to his piety. Instead also of vaunting of this great conversion and making a public parade of the entry of the prince into the Church, King Ferdinand ordered that the baptism should be performed in private and kept a profound secret. He feared that Cid Hiaya might otherwise be denounced as an apostate and abhorred and abandoned by the Moors, and thus his influence destroyed in bringing the war to a speedy termination.*
Some Arabian writers have tried to downplay the wonder of this miracle by mentioning the big benefits given to the prince and his heirs by the Castilian kings, along with land in Marchena, including towns, lands, and vassals. But as Agapida points out, this is simply a smart move by King Ferdinand to secure and assure the conversion of his convert. The policy of the Catholic monarch was always as strong as his faith. Instead of boasting about this significant conversion and making a show of the prince’s entry into the Church, King Ferdinand had the baptism done privately and kept it completely secret. He was worried that Cid Hiaya might be labeled an apostate and rejected by the Moors, which would ruin his ability to help end the war quickly.*
* Conde, tom. 3, cap. 40.
* Conde, tom. 3, cap. 40.
The veteran Mohammed Ibn Hassan was likewise won by the magnanimity and munificence of the Castilian sovereigns, and entreated to be received into their service; and his example was followed by many other Moorish cavaliers, whose services were generously accepted and magnificently rewarded.
The veteran Mohammed Ibn Hassan was also impressed by the generosity and kindness of the Castilian kings and asked to join their service; his example was followed by many other Moorish knights, whose contributions were graciously accepted and richly rewarded.
Thus; after a siege of six months and twenty days, the city of Baza surrendered on the 4th of December, 1489, the festival of the glorious Santa Barbara, who is said in the Catholic calendar to preside over thunder and lightning, fire and gunpowder, and all kinds of combustious explosions. The king and queen made their solemn and triumphant entry on the following day, and the public joy was heightened by the sight of upward of five hundred Christian captives, men, women, and children, delivered from the Moorish dungeons.
Thus, after a siege of six months and twenty days, the city of Baza surrendered on December 4, 1489, the feast of the glorious Santa Barbara, who is said in the Catholic calendar to oversee thunder and lightning, fire and gunpowder, and all sorts of explosive events. The king and queen made their grand and triumphant entry the next day, and the public celebration was intensified by the sight of over five hundred Christian captives—men, women, and children—freed from the Moorish dungeons.
The loss of the Christians in this siege amounted to twenty thousand men, of whom seventeen thousand died of disease, and not a few of mere cold—a kind of death (says the historian Mariana) peculiarly uncomfortable; but (adds the venerable Jesuit) as these latter were chiefly people of ignoble rank, baggage-carriers and such-like, the loss was not of great importance.
The loss of the Christians in this siege totaled twenty thousand men, with seventeen thousand dying from disease and quite a few from the cold—a type of death (says the historian Mariana) that is especially uncomfortable; but (adds the respected Jesuit) since these were mainly people of low status, like baggage-carriers and the like, the loss wasn’t that significant.
The surrender of Baza was followed by that of Almunecar, Tavernas, and most of the fortresses of the Alpuxarras mountains; the inhabitants hoped by prompt and voluntary submission to secure equally favorable terms with those granted to the captured city, and the alcaydes to receive similar rewards to those lavished on its commanders; nor were either of them disappointed. The inhabitants were permitted to remain as mudexares in the quiet enjoyment of their property and religion; and as to the alcaydes, when they came to the camp to render up their charges they were received by Ferdinand with distinguished favor, and rewarded with presents of money in proportion to the importance of the places they had commanded. Care was taken by the politic monarch, however, not to wound their pride nor shock their delicacy; so these sums were paid under color of arrears due to them for their services to the former government. Ferdinand had conquered by dint of sword in the earlier part of the war, but he found gold as potent as steel in this campaign of Baza.
The surrender of Baza was followed by the surrender of Almunecar, Tavernas, and most of the fortresses in the Alpuxarras mountains. The residents hoped that by quickly and willingly surrendering, they could secure the same favorable terms given to the captured city, and the local leaders expected similar rewards as those given to its commanders; neither group was disappointed. The residents were allowed to stay as mudexares and continue enjoying their property and religion. As for the local leaders, when they came to the camp to hand over their charges, Ferdinand welcomed them warmly and rewarded them with cash gifts based on the significance of the places they had commanded. The shrewd monarch made sure not to hurt their pride or offend their sensibilities; so these payments were presented as overdue wages for their services to the previous government. Ferdinand had won through battle in the earlier part of the war, but during the Baza campaign, he discovered that gold was just as powerful as steel.
With several of these mercenary chieftains came one named Ali Aben Fahar, a seasoned warrior who had held many important commands. He was a Moor of a lofty, stern, and melancholy aspect, and stood silent and apart while his companions surrendered their several fortresses and retired laden with treasure. When it came to his turn to speak, he addressed the sovereigns with the frankness of a soldier, but with the tone of dejection and despair.
With several of these mercenary leaders came a man named Ali Aben Fahar, a seasoned warrior who had held many important positions. He was a Moor with a tall, serious, and somber appearance, and he remained silent and apart while his companions surrendered their various fortresses and left with loot. When it was his turn to speak, he addressed the rulers with the straightforwardness of a soldier but with a tone of sadness and hopelessness.
“I am a Moor,” said he, “and of Moorish lineage, and am alcayde of the fair towns and castles of Purchena and Paterna. These were entrusted to me to defend, but those who should have stood by me have lost all strength and courage and seek only for security. These fortresses, therefore, most potent sovereigns, are yours whenever you will send to take possession of them.”
“I am a Moor,” he said, “and I come from Moorish heritage. I am the governor of the beautiful towns and castles of Purchena and Paterna. I was given the responsibility to defend these places, but those who should have supported me have lost all their strength and courage and only seek safety now. So, these fortresses, most powerful sovereigns, are yours whenever you decide to take possession of them.”
Large sums of gold were immediately ordered by Ferdinand to be delivered to the alcayde as a recompense for so important a surrender. The Moor, however, put back the gift with a firm and dignified demeanor. “I came not,” said he, “to sell what is not mine, but to yield what fortune has made yours; and Your Majesties may rest assured that had I been properly seconded death would have been the price at which I would have sold my fortresses, and not the gold you offer me.”
Large amounts of gold were quickly ordered by Ferdinand to be given to the alcayde as a reward for such an important surrender. The Moor, however, rejected the gift with a strong and dignified attitude. “I did not come,” he said, “to sell what isn't mine, but to give up what fate has made yours; and Your Majesties can be assured that had I been properly supported, death would have been the cost at which I would have sold my fortresses, not the gold you offer me.”
The Castilian monarchs were struck with the lofty and loyal spirit of the Moor, and desired to engage a man of such fidelity in their service; but the proud Moslem could not be induced to serve the enemies of his nation and his faith.
The Castilian kings were impressed by the noble and loyal nature of the Moor and wanted to recruit a man of such loyalty for their cause; however, the proud Muslim refused to serve the enemies of his country and his faith.
“Is there nothing, then,” said Queen Isabella, “that we can do to gratify thee, and to prove to thee our regard?”—“Yes,” replied the Moor; “I have left behind me, in the towns and valleys which I have surrendered, many of my unhappy countrymen, with their wives and children, who cannot tear themselves from their native abodes. Give me your royal word that they shall be protected in the peaceable enjoyment of their religion and their homes.”—“We promise it,” said Isabella; “they shall dwell in peace and security. But for thyself—what dost thou ask for thyself?”—“Nothing,” replied Ali, “but permission to pass unmolested with my horses and effects into Africa.”
“Is there nothing we can do to please you and show you our respect?” said Queen Isabella. “Yes,” the Moor replied. “I left behind many of my unfortunate countrymen, along with their wives and children, in the towns and valleys I surrendered. Give me your royal word that they will be protected in the peaceful practice of their religion and in their homes.” “We promise it,” Isabella said. “They will live in peace and security. But what do you ask for yourself?” “Nothing,” Ali replied, “except permission to travel without harm with my horses and belongings into Africa.”
The Castilian monarchs would fain have forced upon him gold and silver and superb horses richly caparisoned, not as rewards, but as marks of personal esteem; but Ali Aben Fahar declined all presents and distinctions, as if he thought it criminal to flourish individually during a time of public distress, and disdained all prosperity that seemed to grow out of the ruins of his country.
The Castilian kings would have loved to give him gold and silver and magnificent, well-decorated horses, not as rewards, but as gestures of personal respect. However, Ali Aben Fahar turned down all gifts and honors, as if he believed it was wrong to stand out during a time of public suffering, and he rejected any success that seemed to come from the downfall of his country.
Having received a royal passport, he gathered together his horses and servants, his armor and weapons, and all his warlike effects, bade adieu to his weeping countrymen with a brow stamped with anguish, but without shedding a tear, and, mounting his Barbary steed, turned his back upon the delightful valleys of his conquered country, departing on his lonely way to seek a soldier’s fortune amidst the burning sands of Africa.*
Having received a royal passport, he assembled his horses and servants, his armor and weapons, and all his battle gear, said goodbye to his sorrowful countrymen with a face marked by pain, but without shedding a tear, and, climbing onto his Barbary horse, turned away from the beautiful valleys of his conquered homeland, setting off on his solitary journey to pursue a soldier’s fortune in the scorching sands of Africa.*
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 124; Garibay, lib. 40, cap. 40; Cura de los Palacios.
* Pulgar, part 3, cap. 124; Garibay, lib. 40, cap. 40; Cura de los Palacios.
Evil tidings never fail by the way through lack of messengers: they are wafted on the wings of the wind, and it is as if the very birds of the air would bear them to the ear of the unfortunate. The old king El Zagal buried himself in the recesses of his castle to hide himself from the light of day, which no longer shone prosperously upon him, but every hour brought missives thundering at the gate with the tale of some new disaster. Fortress after fortress had laid its keys at the feet of the Christian sovereigns: strip after strip of warrior mountain and green fruitful valleys was torn from his domains and added to the territories of the conquerors. Scarcely a remnant remained to him, except a tract of the Alpuxarras and the noble cities of Guadix and Almeria. No one any longer stood in awe of the fierce old monarch; the terror of his frown had declined with his power. He had arrived at that state of adversity when a man’s friends feel emboldened to tell him hard truths and to give him unpalatable advice, and when his spirit is bowed down to listen quietly if not meekly.
Bad news always finds a way to get to people, and it seems like even the birds carry it on the wind to reach the ears of the unfortunate. The old king El Zagal retreated into the depths of his castle to escape the sunlight, which no longer shined favorably on him, but every hour brought loud messages at the gate with tales of new disasters. Fortress after fortress had surrendered to the Christian rulers: strip after strip of warrior mountains and lush, fertile valleys was taken from his land and added to the territories of the conquerors. Hardly anything was left to him, except for a stretch of the Alpuxarras and the prominent cities of Guadix and Almeria. No one feared the fierce old king anymore; the dread of his frown had faded along with his power. He had reached that point in his downfall where his friends felt bold enough to tell him uncomfortable truths and offer unwelcome advice, and where his spirit was too beaten down to do anything but listen quietly, if not submissively.
El Zagal was seated on his divan, his whole spirit absorbed in rumination on the transitory nature of human glory, when his kinsman and brother-in-law, the prince Cid Hiaya, was announced. That illustrious convert to the true faith and the interests of the conquerors of his country had hastened to Guadix with all the fervor of a new proselyte, eager to prove his zeal in the service of Heaven and the Castilian sovereigns by persuading the old monarch to abjure his faith and surrender his possessions.
El Zagal was sitting on his couch, completely lost in thought about how fleeting human glory is, when his relative and brother-in-law, Prince Cid Hiaya, was announced. That renowned convert to the true faith and the interests of the conquerors of his homeland had rushed to Guadix with all the enthusiasm of a new believer, eager to show his dedication to God and the Castilian kings by convincing the old king to give up his faith and hand over his lands.
Cid Hiaya still bore the guise of a Moslem, for his conversion was as yet a secret. The stern heart of El Zagal softened at beholding the face of a kinsman in this hour of adversity. He folded his cousin to his bosom, and gave thanks to Allah that amidst all his troubles he had still a friend and counsellor on whom he might rely.
Cid Hiaya still wore the disguise of a Muslim, as his conversion was still a secret. The tough heart of El Zagal lightened at seeing the face of a relative in this time of trouble. He embraced his cousin and thanked Allah that despite all his struggles, he still had a friend and advisor he could count on.
Cid Hiaya soon entered upon the real purpose of his mission. He represented to El Zagal the desperate state of affairs and the irretrievable decline of Moorish power in the kingdom of Granada. “Fate,” said he, “is against our arms; our ruin is written in the heavens. Remember the prediction of the astrologers at the birth of your nephew Boabdil. We hoped that their prediction was accomplished by his capture at Lucena; but it is now evident that the stars portended not a temporary and passing reverse of the kingdom, but a final overthrow. The constant succession of disasters which have attended our efforts show that the sceptre of Granada is doomed to pass into the hands of the Christian monarchs. Such,” concluded the prince emphatically, and with a profound and pious reverence,—“such is the almighty will of God.”
Cid Hiaya quickly got to the true purpose of his mission. He told El Zagal about the dire situation and the irreversible decline of Moorish power in the kingdom of Granada. “Fate,” he said, “is against us; our downfall is written in the stars. Remember the astrologers' prediction at your nephew Boabdil's birth. We thought their prediction was fulfilled with his capture at Lucena, but it’s clear now that the stars indicated not a temporary setback for the kingdom, but a complete defeat. The ongoing series of disasters that have followed our attempts show that the scepter of Granada is destined to fall into the hands of the Christian monarchs. Such,” the prince concluded emphatically, with deep and sincere reverence, “is the will of God.”
El Zagal listened to these words in mute attention, without so much as moving a muscle of his face or winking an eyelid. When the prince had concluded he remained for a long time silent and pensive; at length, heaving a profound sigh from the very bottom of his heart, “Alahuma subahana hu!” exclaimed he—“the will of God be done! Yes, my cousin, it is but too evident that such is the will of Allah; and what he wills he fails not to accomplish. Had not he decreed the fall of Granada, this arm and this scimetar would have maintained it.” *
El Zagal listened to these words in complete silence, not even flinching or blinking. Once the prince finished, he stayed quiet and thoughtful for a long time. Finally, he let out a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart and said, “Alahuma subahana hu!”—“may the will of God be done! Yes, my cousin, it’s clear that this is what Allah wants; and what He wants, He makes happen. If He hadn't decided the fall of Granada, this arm and this sword would have defended it.”
* Conde, tom. 3, c. 40.
* Conde, tom. 3, c. 40.
“What then remains,” said Cid Hiaya, “but to draw the most advantage from the wreck of empire left to you? To persist in a war is to bring complete desolation upon the land and ruin and death upon its faithful inhabitants. Are you disposed to yield up your remaining towns to your nephew El Chico, that they may augment his power and derive protection from his alliance with the Christian sovereigns?”
“What else is there,” said Cid Hiaya, “but to make the most of the fallen empire left to you? Continuing this war will bring total devastation to the land and destruction and death to its loyal people. Are you willing to hand over your remaining towns to your nephew El Chico, so he can strengthen his power and gain protection from his alliance with the Christian rulers?”
The eye of El Zagal flashed fire at this suggestion. He grasped the hilt of his scimetar and gnashed his teeth in fury. “Never,” cried he, “will I make terms with that recreant and slave. Sooner would I see the banners of the Christian monarchs floating above my walls than they should add to the possessions of the vassal Boabdil!”
The eye of El Zagal burned with anger at this suggestion. He grabbed the hilt of his scimetar and clenched his teeth in rage. “Never,” he shouted, “will I negotiate with that coward and slave. I would rather see the banners of the Christian kings flying above my walls than allow them to add to the holdings of the vassal Boabdil!”
Cid Hiaya immediately seized upon this idea, and urged El Zagal to make a frank and entire surrender. “Trust,” said he, “to the magnanimity of the Castilian sovereigns; they will doubtless grant you high and honorable terms. It is better to yield to them as friends what they must infallibly and before long wrest from you as enemies; for such, my cousin, is the almighty will of God.”
Cid Hiaya quickly grabbed onto this idea and encouraged El Zagal to surrender completely and openly. “Trust,” he said, “in the generosity of the Castilian rulers; they will surely offer you respectful and honorable terms. It’s better to give in to them as friends than to have them take it from you as enemies, because that is, my cousin, the undeniable will of God.”
“Alahuma subahana hu!” repeated El Zagal—“the will of God be done!” So the old monarch bowed his haughty neck and agreed to surrender his territories to the enemies of his faith, rather than suffer them to augment the Moslem power under the sway of his nephew.
“Alahuma subahana hu!” repeated El Zagal—“may God's will be done!” So the old king bowed his proud head and agreed to give up his lands to the enemies of his faith, rather than let them strengthen the Muslim power under his nephew's rule.
Cid Hiaya now returned to Baza, empowered by El Zagal to treat on his behalf with the Christian sovereigns. The prince felt a species of exultation as he expatiated on the rich relics of empire which he was authorized to cede. There was a great part of that line of mountains extending from the metropolis to the Mediterranean Sea, with their series of beautiful green valleys like precious emeralds set in a golden chain. Above all, there were Guadix and Almeria, two of the most inestimable jewels in the crown of Granada.
Cid Hiaya returned to Baza, authorized by El Zagal to negotiate on his behalf with the Christian rulers. The prince felt a sense of excitement as he discussed the valuable territories he was allowed to give up. There was a large stretch of mountains that ran from the capital to the Mediterranean Sea, featuring stunning green valleys like precious emeralds linked by a golden chain. Most importantly, there were Guadix and Almeria, two of the most priceless jewels in the crown of Granada.
In return for these possessions and for the claim of El Zagal to the rest of the kingdom the sovereigns received him into their friendship and alliance, and gave him in perpetual inheritance the territory of Andarax and the valley of Alhaurin in the Alpuxarras, with the fourth part of the salinas or salt-pits of Malaha. He was to enjoy the title of king of Andarax, with two thousand mudexares, or conquered Moors, for subjects, and his revenues were to be made up to the sum of four millions of maravedis. All these he was to hold as a vassal of the Castilian Crown.
In exchange for these possessions and for El Zagal's claim to the rest of the kingdom, the monarchs welcomed him into their friendship and alliance, granting him permanent ownership of the territory of Andarax and the valley of Alhaurin in the Alpuxarras, along with a quarter of the salt flats of Malaha. He was to have the title of king of Andarax, ruling over two thousand mudexares, or conquered Moors, as his subjects, and his income was to be supplemented to a total of four million maravedis. All of this was to be held as a vassal of the Castilian Crown.
These arrangements being made, Cid Hiaya returned with them to Muley Abdallah, and it was concerted that the ceremony of surrender and homage should take place at the city of Almeria.
These plans being set, Cid Hiaya returned with them to Muley Abdallah, and it was agreed that the ceremony of surrender and tribute would happen in the city of Almeria.
On the 17th of December, King Ferdinand departed for that city. Cid Hiaya and his principal officers, incorporated with a division commanded by the count de Tendilla, marched in the van-guard. The king was with the centre of the army, and the queen with the rear-guard. In this martial state Ferdinand passed by several of the newly-acquired towns, exulting in these trophies of his policy rather than his valor. In traversing the mountainous region which extends toward the Mediterranean the army suffered exceedingly from raging vandavales, or south-west gales, accompanied by snow-storms. Several of the soldiers and many horses and beasts perished with the cold. One of the divisions under the marques of Cadiz found it impossible to traverse in one day the frozen summits of Filabres, and had to pass the night in those inclement regions. The marques caused two immense fires to be kindled in the vicinity of his encampment to guide and enlighten those lost and wandering among the defiles, and to warm those who were benumbed and almost frozen.
On December 17th, King Ferdinand set out for that city. Cid Hiaya and his main officers, along with a unit led by Count de Tendilla, marched in the vanguard. The king was at the center of the army, while the queen was with the rear guard. During this military journey, Ferdinand passed through several of the newly acquired towns, taking pride in these achievements of his strategy rather than his bravery. As the army moved through the mountainous region leading to the Mediterranean, they struggled significantly against fierce south-west winds and snowstorms. Many soldiers and numerous horses and animals succumbed to the freezing temperatures. One of the divisions under the Marquis of Cadiz found it impossible to cross the icy peaks of Filabres in one day and had to spend the night in those harsh conditions. The marquis ordered two large fires to be lit near his camp to help guide and warm those who were lost and wandering in the passes and to provide heat for those who were frozen and nearly incapacitated.
The king halted at Tavernas, to collect his scattered troops and give them time to breathe after the hardships of the mountains. The queen was travelling a day’s march in the rear.
The king stopped at Tavernas to gather his scattered troops and allow them to rest after the tough journey through the mountains. The queen was a day's march behind.
On the 21st of December the king arrived and encamped in the vicinity of Almeria. Understanding that El Zagal was sallying forth to pay him homage according to appointment, he mounted on horseback and rode forth to receive him, attended by Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of Santiago, on his right hand, and the marques of Cadiz on his left, and despatched in the advance Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, commander of Leon, and other cavaliers to meet and form an honorable escort to the Moorish monarch. With this escort went that curious eye-witness, Peter Martyr, from whom we have many of these particulars.
On December 21st, the king arrived and set up camp near Almeria. Knowing that El Zagal was coming out to greet him as planned, he got on his horse and rode out to meet him, accompanied by Don Alonso de Cardenas, the master of Santiago, on his right, and the Marquis of Cadiz on his left. He sent ahead Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, the commander of Leon, and other knights to meet and create an honorable escort for the Moorish king. Along with this escort was the interesting eyewitness, Peter Martyr, from whom we have many of these details.
El Zagal was accompanied by twelve cavaliers on horseback, among whom was his cousin, the prince Cid Hiaya (who had no doubt joined him from the Spanish camp), and the brave Reduan Vanegas. Peter Martyr declares that the appearance of El Zagal touched him with compassion, for, though a “lawless barbarian, he was a king and had given signal proofs of heroism.” The historian Palencia gives us a particular description of his appearance. He was, says he, of elevated stature and well proportioned, neither robust nor meagre; the natural fairness of his countenance was increased by an extreme paleness which gave it a melancholy expression. His aspect was grave; his movements were quiet, noble, and dignified. He was modestly attired in a garb of mourning—a sayo, or loose surcoat, of dark cloth, a simple albornoz or Moorish mantle, and a turban of dazzling whiteness.
El Zagal was accompanied by twelve riders on horseback, including his cousin, Prince Cid Hiaya (who had no doubt joined him from the Spanish camp), and the brave Reduan Vanegas. Peter Martyr notes that seeing El Zagal moved him with compassion because, although a “lawless barbarian,” he was a king and had shown remarkable heroism. Historian Palencia provides a specific description of his appearance. He was, according to him, tall and well-built, neither overly muscular nor thin; the natural lightness of his face was accentuated by an extreme paleness that gave it a melancholic look. His demeanor was serious; his movements were calm, noble, and dignified. He was modestly dressed in mourning attire—a sayo, or loose surcoat, made of dark cloth, a simple albornoz or Moorish cloak, and a turban of bright white.
On being met by the commander, Gutierrez de Cardenas, El Zagal saluted him courteously, as well as the cavaliers who accompanied him, and rode on, conversing with him through the medium of interpreters. Beholding King Ferdinand and his splendid train at a distance, he alighted and advanced toward him on foot. The punctilious Ferdinand, supposing this voluntary act of humiliation had been imposed by Don Gutierrez, told that cavalier, with some asperity, that it was an act of great discourtesy to cause a vanquished king to alight before another king who was victorious. At the same time he made him signs to remount his horse and place himself by his side. El Zagal, persisting in his act of homage, offered to kiss the king’s hand, but, being prevented by that monarch, he kissed his own hand, as the Moorish cavaliers were accustomed to do in presence of their sovereigns, and accompanied the gesture by a few words expressive of obedience and fealty. Ferdinand replied in a gracious and amiable manner, and, causing him to remount and place himself on his left hand, they proceeded, followed by the whole train, to the royal pavilion pitched in the most conspicuous part of the camp.
Upon meeting Commander Gutierrez de Cardenas, El Zagal greeted him politely, along with the knights accompanying him, and continued on his way, speaking with him through interpreters. Seeing King Ferdinand and his impressive entourage from a distance, he got down from his horse and walked toward him. The meticulous Ferdinand, thinking this voluntary act of humility was forced by Don Gutierrez, told him somewhat sharply that it was very disrespectful to make a defeated king dismount before a victorious king. He then gestured for El Zagal to get back on his horse and ride beside him. El Zagal, continuing his gesture of respect, offered to kiss the king’s hand, but the king prevented him. Instead, El Zagal kissed his own hand, as was customary for Moorish knights in the presence of their rulers, and added a few words showing obedience and loyalty. Ferdinand responded kindly and amenably, then had El Zagal remount and position himself to his left, and they proceeded, followed by the entire entourage, to the royal tent set up in the most prominent part of the camp.
There a banquet was served up to the two kings according to the rigorous style and etiquette of the Spanish court. They were seated in two chairs of state under the same canopy, El Zagal on the left hand of Ferdinand. The cavaliers and courtiers admitted to the royal pavilion remained standing. The count de Tendilla served the viands to King Ferdinand in golden dishes, and the count Cifuentes gave him to drink out of cups of the same precious metal; Don Alvaro Bazan and Garcilasso de la Vega performed the same offices, in similar style and with vessels of equal richness, to the Moorish monarch.
There, a banquet was served to the two kings following the strict style and etiquette of the Spanish court. They were seated in two thrones under the same canopy, with El Zagal on Ferdinand's left. The knights and courtiers allowed in the royal pavilion stood by. The Count de Tendilla served King Ferdinand food on gold dishes, and the Count Cifuentes poured him drinks from cups of the same precious metal; Don Alvaro Bazan and Garcilasso de la Vega did the same for the Moorish king, using equally rich vessels.
The banquet ended, El Zagal took courteous leave of Ferdinand, and sallied from the pavilion attended by the cavaliers who had been present. Each of these now made himself known to the old monarch by his name, title, or dignity, and each received an affable gesture in reply. They would all have escorted the old king back to the gates of Almeria, but he insisted on their remaining in the camp, and with difficulty could be persuaded upon to accept the honorable attendance of the marques of Villena, the commander, Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, the count de Cifuentes, and Don Luis Puerto Carrero.
The banquet wrapped up, and El Zagal politely said goodbye to Ferdinand before leaving the pavilion with the knights who had been there. Each of them introduced themselves to the old king by their name, title, or rank, and he responded warmly to each one. They all wanted to accompany the old king back to the gates of Almeria, but he insisted they stay in the camp. It took a lot of convincing for him to agree to the honorable company of the Marquis of Villena, the commander Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, the Count de Cifuentes, and Don Luis Puerto Carrero.
On the following morning (22d December) the troops were all drawn out in splendid array in front of the camp, awaiting the signal of the formal surrender of the city. This was given at mid-day, when the gates were thrown open and a corps marched in, led by Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, who had been appointed governor. In a little while the gleam of Christian warriors was seen on the walls and bulwarks; the blessed cross was planted in place of the standard of Mahomet, and the banner of the sovereigns floated triumphantly above the Alcazar. At the same time a numerous deputation of alfaquis and the noblest and wealthiest inhabitants of the place sallied forth to pay homage to King Ferdinand.
On the following morning (December 22nd), the troops were all lined up in an impressive formation in front of the camp, waiting for the signal for the official surrender of the city. This happened at noon when the gates were opened and a regiment marched in, led by Don Gutierrez de Cardenas, who had been named governor. Soon, the shining armor of Christian warriors could be seen on the walls and fortifications; the blessed cross was raised in place of the standard of Muhammad, and the banner of the sovereigns proudly flew above the Alcazar. At the same time, a large delegation of scholars and the noblest and wealthiest citizens of the city came out to pay their respects to King Ferdinand.
On the 23d of December the king himself entered the city with grand military and religious pomp, and repaired to the mosque of the castle, which had previously been purified and sanctified and converted into a Christian temple: here grand mass was performed in solemn celebration of this great triumph of the faith.
On December 23rd, the king himself entered the city with impressive military and religious ceremony, and went to the castle mosque, which had been cleaned, consecrated, and converted into a Christian church: here, a grand mass was held in solemn celebration of this significant victory of the faith.
These ceremonies were scarcely completed when joyful notice was given of the approach of the queen Isabella with the rear-guard of the army. She came accompanied by the princess Isabella, and attended by her ghostly counsellor the cardinal Mendoza and her confessor Talavera. The king sallied forth to meet her, accompanied by El Zagal, and it is said the reception of the latter by the queen was characterized by the deference and considerate delicacy which belonged to her magnanimous nature.
These ceremonies were barely finished when exciting news came that Queen Isabella was arriving with the army's rear guard. She was accompanied by Princess Isabella, along with her spiritual advisor, Cardinal Mendoza, and her confessor, Talavera. The king went out to meet her with El Zagal, and it’s said that the queen received El Zagal with the respect and thoughtful kindness that reflected her generous spirit.
The surrender of Almeria was followed by that of Almunecar, Salobrena, and other fortified places of the coast and the interior, and detachments of Christian troops took quiet possession of the Alpuxarras mountains and their secluded and fertile valleys.*
The surrender of Almeria was followed by that of Almunecar, Salobrena, and other fortified locations along the coast and inland, and groups of Christian troops quietly took over the Alpuxarras mountains and their hidden, fertile valleys.*
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 93, 94; Pulgar, Cron., part 3, cap. 124; Garibay, Comp. Hist., lib. 18, cap. 37, etc. etc.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 93, 94; Pulgar, Cron., part 3, cap. 124; Garibay, Comp. Hist., lib. 18, cap. 37, etc. etc.
Who can tell when to rejoice in this fluctuating world? Every wave of prosperity has its reacting surge, and we are often overwhelmed by the very billow on which we thought to be wafted into the haven of our hopes. When Yusef Aben Comixa, the vizier of Boabdil, surnamed El Chico, entered the royal saloon of the Alhambra and announced the capitulation of El Zagal, the heart of the youthful monarch leaped for joy. His great wish was accomplished; his uncle was defeated and dethroned, and he reigned without a rival, sole monarch of Granada. At length he was about to enjoy the fruits of his humiliation and vassalage. He beheld his throne fortified by the friendship and alliance of the Castilian monarchs; there could be no question, therefore, of its stability. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” exclaimed he. “Rejoice with me, O Yusef; the stars have ceased their persecution. Henceforth let no man call me El Zogoybi.”
Who can say when to celebrate in this unpredictable world? Every wave of good fortune has its counter wave, and we are often overwhelmed by the very tide that we thought would carry us safely to our dreams. When Yusef Aben Comixa, the vizier of Boabdil, known as El Chico, entered the royal hall of the Alhambra and announced El Zagal's surrender, the young king's heart leaped with joy. His greatest wish was fulfilled; his uncle was defeated and dethroned, and he ruled without a rival, the sole king of Granada. Finally, he was about to enjoy the benefits of his previous humiliation and subservience. He saw his throne strengthened by the friendship and alliance of the Castilian monarchs; there could be no doubt about its stability. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” he exclaimed. “Celebrate with me, O Yusef; the stars have stopped their torment. From now on, let no man call me El Zogoybi.”
In the first moment of his exultation Boabdil would have ordered public rejoicings, but the shrewd Yusef shook his head. “The tempest has ceased from one point of the heavens,” said he, “but it may begin to rage from another. A troubled sea is beneath us, and we are surrounded by rocks and quicksands: let my lord the king defer rejoicings until all has settled into a calm.” El Chico, however, could not remain tranquil in this day of exultation: he ordered his steed to be sumptuously caparisoned, and, issuing out of the gate of the Alhambra, descended, with glittering retinue, along the avenue of trees and fountains, into the city to receive the acclamations of the populace. As he entered the great square of the Vivarrambla he beheld crowds of people in violent agitation, but as he approached what was his surprise to hear groans and murmurs and bursts of execration! The tidings had spread through Granada that Muley Abdallah el Zagal had been driven to capitulate, and that all his territories had fallen into the hands of the Christians. No one had inquired into the particulars, but all Granada had been thrown into a ferment of grief and indignation. In the heat of the moment old Muley was extolled to the skies as a patriot prince who had fought to the last for the salvation of his country—as a mirror of monarchs, scorning to compromise the dignity of his crown by any act of vassalage. Boabdil, on the contrary, had looked on exultingly at the hopeless yet heroic struggle of his uncle; he had rejoiced in the defeat of the faithful and the triumph of unbelievers; he had aided in the dismemberment and downfall of the empire. When they beheld him riding forth in gorgeous state on what they considered a day of humiliation for all true Moslems, they could not contain their rage, and amidst the clamors that met his ears Boabdil more than once heard his name coupled with the epithets of traitor and renegado.
In the first moment of his excitement, Boabdil wanted to order public celebrations, but the astute Yusef shook his head. “The storm has stopped in one part of the sky,” he said, “but it could start raging in another. There’s a troubled sea beneath us, and we’re surrounded by rocks and quicksand: let my lord the king hold off on the celebrations until everything has calmed down.” However, El Chico couldn’t stay calm on this day of joy: he ordered his horse to be lavishly dressed and, stepping out of the gate of the Alhambra, he rode down the avenue of trees and fountains into the city to receive the cheers of the crowd. As he entered the main square of the Vivarrambla, he saw crowds of people in a frenzy, but to his surprise, he heard groans, murmurs, and shouts of anger! News had spread through Granada that Muley Abdallah el Zagal had been forced to surrender, and that all his lands were now in the hands of the Christians. No one had looked into the details, but all of Granada was filled with grief and outrage. In that heated moment, old Muley was praised as a heroic prince who fought to the end for the freedom of his country—as a model king, refusing to compromise the dignity of his crown with any act of submission. In contrast, Boabdil had looked on eagerly at his uncle's desperate yet brave struggle; he had taken pleasure in the defeat of the faithful and the victory of the non-believers; he had played a part in the destruction and collapse of the empire. When the crowd saw him riding out in grand style on what they viewed as a day of humiliation for all true Muslims, they couldn’t contain their anger, and among the shouts that reached his ears, Boabdil heard his name repeatedly associated with the labels of traitor and renegade.
Shocked and discomfited, the youthful monarch returned in confusion to the Alhambra, shut himself up within its innermost courts, and remained a kind of voluntary prisoner until the first burst of popular feeling should subside. He trusted that it would soon pass away—that the people would be too sensible of the sweets of peace to repine at the price at which it was obtained; at any rate, he trusted to the strong friendship of the Christian sovereigns to secure him even against the factions of his subjects.
Shocked and unsettled, the young king returned to the Alhambra in confusion, locked himself away in its deepest chambers, and stayed a sort of voluntary prisoner until the initial wave of public sentiment calmed down. He hoped it would soon fade—that the people would value the benefits of peace too much to complain about how it was achieved; at least, he relied on the strong friendship of the Christian rulers to protect him even from the factions among his own people.
The first missives from the politic Ferdinand showed Boabdil the value of his friendship. The Christian monarch reminded him of a treaty which he had made when captured in the city of Loxa. By this he had engaged that in case the Catholic sovereigns should capture the cities of Guadix, Baza, and Almeria he would surrender Granada into their hands within a limited time, and accept in exchange certain Moorish towns to be held by him as their vassal. Guadix, Baza, and Almeria had now fallen; Ferdinand called upon him, therefore, to fulfil his engagement.
The first letters from Ferdinand, the politician, showed Boabdil how valuable their friendship was. The Christian king reminded him of a deal he had made when he was captured in the city of Loxa. In this agreement, he promised that if the Catholic monarchs captured the cities of Guadix, Baza, and Almeria, he would hand over Granada to them within a set period and accept certain Moorish towns to govern as their vassal. Now that Guadix, Baza, and Almeria had fallen, Ferdinand asked him to honor his commitment.
If the unfortunate Boabdil had possessed the will, he had not the power to comply with this demand. He was shut up in the Alhambra, while a tempest of popular fury raged without. Granada was thronged by refugees from the captured towns, many of them disbanded soldiers, and others broken-down citizens rendered fierce and desperate by ruin. All railed at him as the real cause of their misfortunes. How was he to venture forth in such a storm? Above all, how was he to talk to such men of surrender? In his reply to Ferdinand he represented the difficulties of his situation, and that, so far from having control over his subjects, his very life was in danger from their turbulence. He entreated the king, therefore, to rest satisfied for the present with his recent conquests, promising that should he be able to regain full empire over his capital and its inhabitants, it would be but to rule over them as vassal to the Castilian Crown.
If the unfortunate Boabdil had wanted to, he didn't have the power to meet this demand. He was trapped in the Alhambra while a storm of public anger raged outside. Granada was crowded with refugees from the captured towns, many of whom were disbanded soldiers or broken-down citizens driven to desperation by their losses. They all blamed him as the root of their troubles. How could he step out into such a chaotic situation? More importantly, how could he discuss surrender with such angry men? In his reply to Ferdinand, he explained the difficulties he faced, saying that not only did he lack control over his subjects, but his very life was at risk from their unrest. He urged the king to be satisfied for now with his recent victories, promising that if he managed to regain full control over his capital and its people, it would only be to govern them as a vassal to the Castilian Crown.
Ferdinand was not to be satisfied with such a reply. The time was come to bring his game of policy to a close, and to consummate his conquest by seating himself on the throne of the Alhambra. Professing to consider Boabdil as a faithless ally who had broken his plighted word, he discarded him from his friendship, and addressed a second letter, not to him, but to the commanders and council of the city. He demanded a complete surrender of the place, with all the arms in the possession either of the citizens or of others who had recently taken refuge within its walls. If the inhabitants should comply with this summons, he promised them the indulgent terms granted to Baza, Guadix, and Almeria; if they should refuse, he threatened them with the fate of Malaga.*
Ferdinand wasn't satisfied with that answer. The time had come to wrap up his strategy and complete his takeover by placing himself on the throne of the Alhambra. He claimed to see Boabdil as a disloyal ally who had broken his promise, so he cut ties with him and wrote a second letter, this time addressing the city's commanders and council. He demanded the complete surrender of the city, along with all the weapons in the hands of the citizens or anyone who had recently sought refuge within its walls. If the residents agreed to this, he promised them the lenient terms given to Baza, Guadix, and Almeria; if they refused, he warned them of the same fate that befell Malaga.*
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 96.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 96.
This message produced the greatest commotion in the city. The inhabitants of the Alcaiceria, that busy hive of traffic, and all others who had tasted the sweets of gainful commerce during the late cessation of hostilities, were for securing their golden advantages by timely submission: others, who had wives and children, looked on them with tenderness and solicitude, and dreaded by resistance to bring upon them the horrors of slavery.
This message caused a huge uproar in the city. The people of the Alcaiceria, that bustling center of trade, along with everyone else who had enjoyed the benefits of profitable business during the recent peace, wanted to protect their wealth by submitting quickly. Those with wives and children felt a deep sense of care and concern for their families and feared that resisting might lead them into the terrors of slavery.
On the other hand, Granada was crowded with men from all parts, ruined by the war, exasperated by their sufferings, and eager only for revenge—with others who had been reared amidst hostilities, who had lived by the sword, and whom a return of peace would leave without home or hope. Besides these, there were others no less fiery and warlike in disposition, but animated by a loftier spirit. These were valiant and haughty cavaliers of the old chivalrous lineages, who had inherited a deadly hatred to the Christians from a long line of warrior ancestors, and to whom the idea was worse than death that Granada—illustrious Granada, for ages the seat of Moorish grandeur and delight—should become the abode of unbelievers.
On the other hand, Granada was packed with men from everywhere, broken by the war, frustrated by their suffering, and hungry only for revenge—alongside others who had grown up in conflict, who had lived by the sword, and for whom the return of peace would mean having no home or hope. Also among them were those just as fiery and warlike, but driven by a higher purpose. These were brave and proud knights from noble lineages, who had inherited a deep-seated hatred for Christians from generations of warrior ancestors, and the thought that Granada—famous Granada, once a center of Moorish greatness and beauty—should become a home for non-believers was more than they could bear.
Among these cavaliers the most eminent was Muza Abul Gazan. He was of royal lineage, of a proud and generous nature, and a form combining manly strength and beauty. None could excel him in the management of the horse and dextrous use of all kinds of weapons: his gracefulness and skill in the tourney were the theme of praise among the Moorish dames, and his prowess in the field had made him the terror of the enemy. He had long repined at the timid policy of Boabdil, and endeavored to counteract its enervating effects and keep alive the martial spirit of Granada. For this reason he had promoted jousts and tiltings with the reed, and all those other public games which bear the semblance of war. He endeavored also to inculcate into his companions-in-arms those high chivalrous sentiments which lead to valiant and magnanimous deeds, but which are apt to decline with the independence of a nation. The generous efforts of Muza had been in a great measure successful: he was the idol of the youthful cavaliers; they regarded him as a mirror of chivalry and endeavored to imitate his lofty and heroic virtues.
Among these knights, the most distinguished was Muza Abul Gazan. He came from royal blood, had a proud and generous spirit, and combined both strength and beauty in his appearance. No one could match his skill in horse riding or his expert use of various weapons; his grace and talent in tournaments were widely praised by the Moorish ladies, and his bravery in battle had made him a fearsome opponent. He had long been frustrated with Boabdil's cautious approach and worked to counter its weakening effects, striving to keep the fighting spirit of Granada alive. To this end, he organized jousts and tournaments with reeds, as well as other public events resembling warfare. He also aimed to instill in his fellow soldiers the noble chivalric values that inspire brave and generous actions, which often fade when a nation loses its independence. Muza's noble efforts were largely successful: he became the idol of young knights, who saw him as a model of chivalry and sought to emulate his high and heroic virtues.
When Muza heard the demand of Ferdinand that they should deliver up their arms, his eye flashed fire. “Does the Christian king think that we are old men,” said he, “and that staffs will suffice us? or that we are women, and can be contented with distaffs? Let him know that a Moor is born to the spear and scimetar—to career the steed, bend the bow, and launch the javelin: deprive him of these, and you deprive him of his nature. If the Christian king desires our arms, let him come and win them, but let him win them dearly. For my part, sweeter were a grave beneath the walls of Granada, on the spot I had died to defend, than the richest couch within her palaces earned by submission to the unbeliever.”
When Muza heard Ferdinand’s demand that they hand over their weapons, his eyes blazed with anger. “Does the Christian king think we’re old men,” he said, “and that walking sticks will be enough for us? Or that we’re women who can be satisfied with spinning wheels? Let him know that a Moor is born to the spear and sword—to ride a horse, shoot a bow, and throw a javelin: take those away from him, and you take away his very essence. If the Christian king wants our weapons, he should come and earn them, but he should pay a heavy price for them. Personally, I’d rather die beneath the walls of Granada, where I’d fought to defend it, than enjoy the finest bed in its palaces bought at the cost of submitting to the unbeliever.”
The words of Muza were received with enthusiastic shouts by the warlike part of the populace. Granada once more awoke, as a warrior shaking off a disgraceful lethargy. The commanders and council partook of the public excitement, and despatched a reply to the Christian sovereigns, declaring that they would suffer death rather than surrender their city.
The words of Muza were met with enthusiastic cheers from the fighting members of the crowd. Granada came alive again, like a warrior shaking off a humiliating stupor. The leaders and council joined in the public excitement and sent a message back to the Christian rulers, stating that they would rather die than give up their city.
When King Ferdinand received the defiance of the Moors, he made preparations for bitter hostilities. The winter season did not admit of an immediate campaign; he contented himself, therefore, with throwing strong garrisons into all his towns and fortresses in the neighborhood of Granada, and gave the command of all the frontier of Jaen to Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, count of Tendilla, who had shown such consummate vigilance and address in maintaining the dangerous post of Alhama. This renowned veteran established his head-quarters in the mountain-city of Alcala la Real, within eight leagues of the city of Granada and commanding the most important passes of that rugged frontier.
When King Ferdinand received the challenge from the Moors, he prepared for fierce conflict. The winter wouldn't allow for an immediate campaign, so he focused on placing strong garrisons in all his towns and fortresses near Granada, and he entrusted the command of the entire Jaen frontier to Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, the count of Tendilla, who had proven himself highly skilled in maintaining the precarious position in Alhama. This famous veteran set up his headquarters in the mountain city of Alcala la Real, just eight leagues from Granada and controlling the most crucial routes of that rough border.
In the mean time, Granada resounded with the stir of war. The chivalry of the nation had again control of its councils, and the populace, having once more resumed their weapons, were anxious to wipe out the disgrace of their late passive submission by signal and daring exploits.
In the meantime, Granada was filled with the noise of war. The knights of the nation had taken charge of its leadership again, and the people, having picked up their weapons once more, were eager to erase the shame of their recent passive surrender with bold and memorable actions.
Muza Abul Gazan was the soul of action. He commanded the cavalry, which he had disciplined with uncommon skill; he was surrounded by the noblest youths of Granada, who had caught his own generous and martial fire and panted for the field, while the common soldiers, devoted to his person, were ready to follow him in the most desperate enterprises. He did not allow their courage to cool for want of action. The gates of Granada once more poured forth legions of light scouring cavalry, which skirred the country up to the very gates of the Christian fortresses, sweeping off flocks and herds. The name of Muza became formidable throughout the frontier; he had many encounters with the enemy in the rough passes of the mountains, in which the superior lightness and dexterity of his cavalry gave him the advantage. The sight of his glistening legion returning across the Vega with long cavalgadas of booty was hailed by the Moors as a revival of their ancient triumphs; but when they beheld Christian banners borne into their gates as trophies, the exultation of the light-minded populace was beyond all bounds.
Muza Abul Gazan was the driving force behind every action. He led the cavalry, which he had trained with exceptional skill; he was accompanied by the finest young men of Granada, who had been inspired by his own noble and combative spirit and were eager to fight, while the common soldiers, devoted to him, were ready to follow him into the most challenging missions. He made sure their bravery didn't fade due to inactivity. The gates of Granada once again opened wide, releasing waves of fast-moving cavalry that swept across the land right up to the gates of the Christian fortresses, taking away livestock and flocks. The name Muza became a source of fear along the border; he fought many battles with the enemy in the rugged mountain passes, where the superior speed and agility of his cavalry gave him the upper hand. The sight of his gleaming troops returning across the Vega with long lines of plunder was celebrated by the Moors as a return to their former glory; but when they saw Christian flags carried into their gates as trophies, the excitement of the easily pleased crowd soared to unbelievable heights.
The winter passed away, the spring advanced, yet Ferdinand delayed to take the field. He knew the city of Granada to be too strong and populous to be taken by assault, and too full of provisions to be speedily reduced by siege. “We must have patience and perseverance,” said the politic monarch; “by ravaging the country this year we shall produce a scarcity the next, and then the city may be invested with effect.”
The winter ended and spring arrived, yet Ferdinand still hesitated to take action. He understood that the city of Granada was too powerful and populated to be captured in an attack, and it had enough supplies to withstand a quick siege. “We need to be patient and persistent,” said the clever king; “by raiding the area this year, we’ll create a shortage next year, and then we can effectively surround the city.”
An interval of peace, aided by the quick vegetation of a prolific soil and happy climate, had restored the Vega to all its luxuriance and beauty; the green pastures on the borders of the Xenil were covered with flocks and herds; the blooming orchards gave promise of abundant fruit, and the open plain was waving with ripening corn. The time was at hand to put in the sickle and reap the golden harvest, when suddenly a torrent of war came sweeping down from the mountains, and Ferdinand, with an army of five thousand horse and twenty thousand foot, appeared before the walls of Granada. He had left the queen and princess at the fortress of Moclin, and came attended by the duke of Medina Sidonia, the marques of Cadiz, the marques de Villena, the counts of Urena and Cabra, Don Alonso de Aguilar, and other renowned cavaliers. On this occasion he for the first time led his son, Prince Juan, into the field, and bestowed upon him the dignity of knighthood. As if to stimulate him to grand achievements, the ceremony took place on the banks of the grand canal almost beneath the embattled walls of that warlike city, the object of such daring enterprises, and in the midst of that famous Vega, the field of so many chivalrous exploits. Above them shone resplendent the red towers of the Alhambra, rising from amidst delicious groves, with the standard of Mahomet waving defiance to the Christian arms.
A period of peace, supported by the quick growth of fertile soil and a pleasant climate, had returned the Vega to all its richness and beauty; the green pastures along the borders of the Xenil were filled with flocks and herds; the blooming orchards promised a bountiful harvest, and the open fields waved with ripening corn. It was time to take the sickle and reap the golden harvest when suddenly a wave of war surged down from the mountains, and Ferdinand, with an army of five thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry, appeared at the walls of Granada. He had left the queen and princess at the fortress of Moclin and was joined by the duke of Medina Sidonia, the marquis of Cadiz, the marquis de Villena, the counts of Urena and Cabra, Don Alonso de Aguilar, and other distinguished knights. On this occasion, he led his son, Prince Juan, into battle for the first time and conferred knighthood upon him. To inspire him for great achievements, the ceremony took place on the banks of the grand canal, almost beneath the fortified walls of that warlike city, the target of such bold ventures, and in the midst of that famous Vega, the scene of so many chivalrous feats. Above them shone the red towers of the Alhambra, rising from lush groves, with the flag of Mahomet waving defiantly against the Christian forces.
The duke of Medina Sidonia and Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, were sponsors, and all the chivalry of the camp was assembled on the occasion. The prince, after he was knighted, bestowed the same honor on several youthful cavaliers of high rank, just entering, like himself, on the career of arms.
The Duke of Medina Sidonia and Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz, were the sponsors, and all the knights in the camp gathered for the event. After being knighted, the prince honored several young nobles of high status, who, like him, were just starting their journey in the world of arms.
Ferdinand did not loiter in carrying his desolating plans into execution. He detached parties in every direction to lay waste the country: villages were sacked, burnt, and destroyed, and the lovely Vega was once more laid waste with fire and sword. The ravage was carried so close to Granada that the city was wrapped in the smoke of its gardens and hamlets. The dismal cloud rolled up the hill and hung about the towers of the Alhambra, where the unfortunate Boabdil still remained shut up from the indignation of his subjects. The hapless monarch smote his breast as he looked down from his mountain-palace on the desolation effected by his late ally. He dared not even show himself in arms among the populace, for they cursed him as the cause of the miseries once more brought to their doors.
Ferdinand didn't waste any time putting his destructive plans into action. He sent out groups in every direction to ravage the countryside: villages were looted, burned, and destroyed, and the beautiful Vega was once again devastated by fire and sword. The destruction spread so close to Granada that the city was engulfed in the smoke from its gardens and hamlets. The dark cloud rolled up the hill and lingered around the towers of the Alhambra, where the unfortunate Boabdil remained isolated from the anger of his subjects. The unfortunate king struck his chest as he looked down from his mountain palace at the devastation caused by his former ally. He didn't even dare to show himself among the people, as they cursed him for the suffering brought back to their homes.
The Moors, however, did not suffer the Christians to carry on their ravages unmolested, as in former years. Muza incited them to incessant sallies. He divided his cavalry into small squadrons, each led by a daring commander. They were taught to hover round the Christian camp; to harass it from various and opposite quarters, cutting off convoys and straggling detachments; to waylay the army in its ravaging expeditions, lurking among rocks and passes of the mountains or in hollows and thickets of the plain, and practising a thousand stratagems and surprises.
The Moors, however, did not allow the Christians to wreak havoc unchecked like they had in previous years. Muza urged them to launch constant attacks. He split his cavalry into small groups, each led by a bold commander. They were trained to circle around the Christian camp, attacking it from different sides, intercepting supply lines and isolated units, ambushing the army during its raids, hiding among rocks and mountain passes or in low areas and dense vegetation, and using a variety of tactics and surprises.
The Christian army had one day spread itself out rather unguardedly in its foraging about the Vega. As the troops commanded by the marques of Villena approached the skirts of the mountains, they beheld a number of Moorish peasants hastily driving a herd of cattle into a narrow glen. The soldiers, eager for booty, pressed in pursuit of them. Scarcely had they entered the glen when shouts arose from every side, and they were furiously attacked by an ambuscade of horse and foot. Some of the Christians took to flight; others stood their ground and fought valiantly. The Moors had the vantage-ground; some showered darts and arrows from the cliffs of the rocks, others fought hand to hand on the plain, while their cavalry carried havoc and confusion into the midst of the Christian forces.
The Christian army had one day spread out quite carelessly while foraging in the Vega. As the troops led by the Marques of Villena neared the foothills, they saw a group of Moorish peasants quickly herding cattle into a narrow valley. The soldiers, eager for loot, chased after them. Just as they entered the valley, shouts erupted from all sides, and they were violently ambushed by both horsemen and foot soldiers. Some of the Christians fled; others held their ground and fought bravely. The Moors had the upper hand; some rained down darts and arrows from the cliffs, while others engaged in hand-to-hand combat on the plain, and their cavalry wreaked havoc and chaos among the Christian troops.
The marques de Villena, with his brother, Don Alonso de Pacheco, at the first onset of the Moors spurred into the hottest of the fight. They had scarce entered when Don Alonso was struck lifeless from his horse before the eyes of his brother. Estevan Luzon, a gallant captain, fell fighting bravely by the side of the marques, who remained, with his chamberlain Soler and a handful of knights, surrounded by the enemy. Several cavaliers from other parts of the army hastened to their assistance, when King Ferdinand, seeing that the Moors had the vantage-ground and that the Christians were suffering severely, gave signal for retreat. The marques obeyed slowly and reluctantly, for his heart was full of grief and rage at the death of his brother. As he was retiring he beheld his faithful chamberlain Soler defending himself valiantly against six Moors. The marques turned and rushed to his rescue; he killed two of the enemy with his own hand and put the rest to flight. One of the Moors, however, in retreating, rose in his stirrups, and, hurling his lance at the marques, wounded him in the right arm and crippled him for life.*
The marquis of Villena, along with his brother, Don Alonso de Pacheco, rushed into the heat of battle at the first attack from the Moors. They had barely entered the fray when Don Alonso was struck dead from his horse right in front of his brother. Estevan Luzon, a brave captain, fell fighting courageously beside the marquis, who was left with his chamberlain Soler and a small group of knights, surrounded by the enemy. Several knights from other parts of the army hurried to help them when King Ferdinand saw that the Moors had the upper hand and the Christians were suffering badly, and he signaled for a retreat. The marquis obeyed slowly and reluctantly, filled with grief and anger at his brother's death. As he was pulling back, he saw his loyal chamberlain Soler defending himself valiantly against six Moors. The marquis turned and rushed to save him; he killed two of the enemy himself and drove the others off. However, one of the Moors, while retreating, rose in his stirrups and hurled his lance at the marquis, wounding him in the right arm and crippling him for life.*
* In consequence of this wound the marques was ever after obliged to write his signature with his left hand, though capable of managing his lance with his right. The queen one day demanded of him why he had adventured his life for that of a domestic? “Does not Your Majesty think,” replied he, “that I ought to risk one life for him who would have adventured three for me had he possessed them?” The queen was charmed with the magnanimity of the reply, and often quoted the marques as setting an heroic example to the chivalry of the age.—Mariana, lib. 25, c. 15.
* Because of this injury, the marquis was always forced to sign his name with his left hand, even though he could handle his lance with his right. One day, the queen asked him why he risked his life for a servant. “Does Your Majesty not think,” he replied, “that I should risk one life for someone who would have risked three for me if he had them?” The queen was taken by the nobility of his response and often referred to the marquis as a heroic example for the knights of the time.—Mariana, lib. 25, c. 15.
Such was one of the many ambuscadoes concerted by Muza; nor did he hesitate at times to present a bold front to the Christian forces and defy them in the open field. Ferdinand soon perceived, however, that the Moors seldom provoked a battle without having the advantage of the ground, and that, though the Christians generally appeared to have the victory, they suffered the greatest loss; for retreating was a part of the Moorish system by which they would draw their pursuers into confusion, and then turn upon them with a more violent and fatal attack. He commanded his captains, therefore, to decline all challenges to skirmish, and pursue a secure system of destruction, ravaging the country and doing all possible injury to the enemy with slight risk to themselves.
One of the many ambushes planned by Muza was like this; he didn't hesitate to stand up to the Christian forces and challenge them in open battle. However, Ferdinand quickly realized that the Moors rarely sought a fight without a strategic advantage, and even though the Christians often appeared to win, they actually suffered the highest losses. Retreating was a part of the Moorish tactic to lead their attackers into chaos before launching a more powerful and deadly counterattack. Therefore, he instructed his captains to avoid all skirmish challenges and to follow a safer strategy of destruction, plundering the land and inflicting as much damage as possible on the enemy with minimal risk to themselves.
About two leagues from Granada, on an eminence commanding an extensive view of the Vega, stood the strong Moorish castle of Roma. Hither the neighboring peasantry drove their flocks and herds and hurried with their most precious effects on the irruption of a Christian force, and any foraging or skirmishing party from Granada, on being intercepted in their return, threw themselves into Roma, manned its embattled towers, and set the enemy at defiance. The garrison were accustomed to have parties of Moors clattering up to their gates so hotly pursued that there was barely time to throw open the portal, receive them within, and shut out their pursuers; while the Christian cavaliers had many a time reined up their panting steeds at the very entrance of the barbican, and retired, cursing the strong walls of Roma that robbed them of their prey.
About two leagues from Granada, on a hill with a wide view of the Vega, stood the strong Moorish castle of Roma. Nearby villagers drove their flocks and herds there and rushed to protect their most valuable belongings at the threat of a Christian invasion. Any foraging or skirmishing group from Granada, if intercepted on their way back, would rush into Roma, man the castle’s towers, and challenge the enemy. The garrison was used to having parties of Moors dash up to their gates, pursued so closely that there was barely time to open the door, let them in, and shut out their pursuers. Meanwhile, the Christian knights often stopped their exhausted horses right at the entrance of the barbican, only to leave in frustration, cursing the strong walls of Roma that kept them from their quarry.
The late ravages of Ferdinand and the continual skirmishings in the Vega had roused the vigilance of the castle. One morning early, as the sentinels kept watch upon the battlements, they beheld a cloud of dust advancing rapidly from a distance: turbans and Moorish weapons soon caught their eyes, and as the whole approached they descried a drove of cattle urged on in great haste and convoyed by one hundred and fifty Moors, who led with them two Christian captives in chains.
The recent attacks by Ferdinand and the ongoing skirmishes in the Vega had made the castle vigilant. One early morning, while the sentinels were watching from the battlements, they saw a cloud of dust rapidly approaching from a distance: turbans and Moorish weapons soon came into view, and as it got closer, they spotted a herd of cattle being driven along quickly, accompanied by one hundred and fifty Moors, who were also bringing two Christian captives in chains.
When the cavalgada arrived near the castle, a Moorish cavalier of noble and commanding mien and splendid attire rode up to the foot of the tower and entreated admittance. He stated that they were returning with rich booty from a foray into the lands of the Christians, but that the enemy was on their traces, and they feared to be overtaken before they could reach Granada. The sentinels descended in all haste and flung open the gates. The long cavalgada defiled into the courts of the castle, which were soon filled with bleating and lowing flocks and herds, with neighing and stamping steeds, and with fierce-looking Moors from the mountains. The cavalier who had asked admission was the chief of the party; he was somewhat advanced in life, of a lofty and gallant bearing, and had with him a son, a young man of great spirit and fire. Close by them followed the two Christian captives, with looks cast down and disconsolate.
When the cavalcade arrived near the castle, a proud and well-dressed Moorish knight rode up to the foot of the tower and asked for entry. He explained that they were coming back with valuable treasures from a raid into Christian lands, but that the enemy was on their tail, and they were afraid they would be caught before they could get to Granada. The guards hurried down and opened the gates wide. The long cavalcade entered the castle courts, which quickly filled with bleating sheep and lowing cattle, neighing and stomping horses, and fierce-looking Moors from the mountains. The knight who had requested entry was the leader of the group; he was somewhat older, with a dignified and brave demeanor, and he had with him a son, a young man filled with passion and energy. Close behind them were the two Christian captives, looking downcast and hopeless.
The soldiers of the garrison had roused themselves from their sleep, and were busily occupied attending to the cattle which crowded the courts, while the foraging party distributed themselves about the castle to seek refreshment or repose. Suddenly a shout arose that was echoed from courtyard and hall and battlement. The garrison, astonished and bewildered, would have rushed to their arms, but found themselves, almost before they could make resistance, completely in the power of an enemy.
The soldiers at the garrison had woken up from their sleep and were busy taking care of the cattle that filled the courtyard, while the foraging party spread out around the castle to find something to eat or a place to rest. Suddenly, a shout rang out, echoing through the courtyard, hall, and battlements. The garrison, shocked and confused, would have grabbed their weapons, but found themselves, almost before they could react, completely at the mercy of an enemy.
The pretended foraging party consisted of mudexares, or Moors tributary to the Christians, and the commanders were the prince Cid Hiaya and his son Alnayar. They had hastened from the mountains with this small force to aid the Catholic sovereigns during the summer’s campaign, and had concerted to surprise this important castle and present it to King Ferdinand as a gage of their faith and the first fruits of their devotion.
The supposed foraging party was made up of mudexares, or Moors loyal to the Christians, and was led by Prince Cid Hiaya and his son Alnayar. They had quickly come down from the mountains with this small group to support the Catholic rulers during the summer campaign, and had planned to surprise this important castle and present it to King Ferdinand as a sign of their loyalty and the first reward of their commitment.
The politic monarch overwhelmed his new converts and allies with favors and distinctions in return for this important acquisition, but he took care to despatch a strong force of veteran and genuine Christian troops to man the fortress.
The political monarch showered his new converts and allies with favors and honors in exchange for this significant gain, but he made sure to send a strong contingent of experienced and true Christian soldiers to guard the fortress.
As to the Moors who had composed the garrison, Cid Hiaya remembered that they were his countrymen, and could not prevail upon himself to deliver them into Christian bondage. He set them at liberty, and permitted them to repair to Granada—“a proof,” says the pious Agapida, “that his conversion was not entirely consummated, but that there were still some lingerings of the infidel in his heart.” His lenity was far from procuring him indulgence in the opinions of his countrymen; on the contrary, the inhabitants of Granada, when they learnt from the liberated garrison the stratagem by which Roma had been captured, cursed Cid Hiaya for a traitor, and the garrison joined in the malediction.*
As for the Moors who made up the garrison, Cid Hiaya remembered they were his fellow countrymen and couldn't bring himself to hand them over to Christian slavery. He set them free and allowed them to return to Granada—“a proof,” says the devout Agapida, “that his conversion was not entirely complete, but that there were still some remnants of the infidel in his heart.” His mercy didn't earn him any leniency in the eyes of his fellow countrymen; instead, the people of Granada, upon learning from the freed garrison the trick that led to Roma's capture, cursed Cid Hiaya as a traitor, and the garrison echoed their condemnation.*
* Pulgar, Cron., part 3, cap. 130; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 90.
* Pulgar, Cron., part 3, cap. 130; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 90.
But the indignation of the people of Granada was destined to be roused to tenfold violence. The old warrior Muley Abdallah el Zagal had retired to his little mountain-territory, and for a short time endeavored to console himself with his petty title of king of Andarax. He soon grew impatient, however, of the quiet and inaction of his mimic kingdom. His fierce spirit was exasperated by being shut up within such narrow limits, and his hatred rose to downright fury against Boabdil, whom he considered as the cause of his downfall. When tidings were brought him that King Ferdinand was laying waste the Vega, he took a sudden resolution. Assembling the whole disposable force of his kingdom, which amounted but to two hundred men, he descended from the Alpuxarras and sought the Christian camp, content to serve as a vassal the enemy of his faith and his nation, so that he might see Granada wrested from the sway of his nephew.
But the people of Granada were about to become even angrier. The old warrior Muley Abdallah el Zagal had retreated to his small mountain territory and for a brief time tried to console himself with his small title of king of Andarax. However, he quickly grew impatient with the quiet and inactivity of his little kingdom. His fierce spirit was frustrated by being confined to such tight limits, and his hatred turned into outright fury against Boabdil, whom he blamed for his downfall. When he heard that King Ferdinand was ravaging the Vega, he made a sudden decision. Gathering the entire available force of his kingdom, which was only about two hundred men, he came down from the Alpuxarras and sought out the Christian camp, willing to serve as a vassal to the enemy of his faith and his nation, just to see Granada taken from the control of his nephew.
In his blind passion the old wrathful monarch injured his cause and strengthened the cause of his adversary. The Moors of Granada had been clamorous in his praise, extolling him as a victim to his patriotism, and had refused to believe all reports of his treaty with the Christians; but when they beheld from the walls of the city his banner mingling with the banners of the unbelievers and arrayed against his late people and the capital he had commanded, they broke forth into revilings and heaped curses upon his name.
In his blind rage, the old angry king hurt his own cause and boosted his enemy's position. The Moors of Granada had been loudly praising him, viewing him as a martyr for his patriotism, and had refused to accept any rumors about his deal with the Christians. But when they saw from the city walls his flag mixed with those of the unbelievers, standing against his former people and the capital he had once led, they erupted in insults and cursed his name.
Their next emotion, of course, was in favor of Boabdil. They gathered under the walls of the Alhambra and hailed him as their only hope, as the sole dependence of the country. Boabdil could scarcely believe his senses when he heard his name mingled with praises and greeted with acclamations. Encouraged by this unexpected gleam of popularity, he ventured forth from his retreat and was received with rapture. All his past errors were attributed to the hardships of his fortune and the usurpation of his tyrant uncle, and whatever breath the populace could spare from uttering curses on El Zagal was expended in shouts in honor of El Chico.
Their next feeling, of course, was in support of Boabdil. They gathered under the walls of the Alhambra and celebrated him as their only hope, the sole reliance of the country. Boabdil could hardly believe his senses when he heard his name mixed with praises and greeted with cheers. Boosted by this unexpected surge of popularity, he stepped out from his hiding place and was welcomed with enthusiasm. All his past mistakes were blamed on the difficulties of his circumstances and the oppression of his tyrant uncle, and any breath the crowd could spare from shouting curses at El Zagal was used to cheer for El Chico.
For thirty days had the Vega been overrun by the Christian forces, and that vast plain, late so luxuriant and beautiful, was one wide scene of desolation. The destroying army, having accomplished its task, passed over the bridge of Pinos and wound up into the mountains on the way to Cordova, bearing away the spoils of towns and villages and driving off flocks and herds in long dusty columns. The sound of the last Christian trumpet died away along the side of the mountain of Elvira, and not a hostile squadron was seen glistening on the mournful fields of the Vega.
For thirty days, the Vega had been taken over by Christian forces, and that once lush and beautiful plain was now a scene of complete devastation. The invading army, having finished their work, crossed over the Pinos bridge and made their way into the mountains toward Cordova, carrying off the riches of towns and villages and driving away livestock in long, dusty lines. The echo of the last Christian trumpet faded along the slopes of Elvira, and there was not a single hostile group visible on the desolate fields of the Vega.
The eyes of Boabdil el Chico were at length opened to the real policy of King Ferdinand, and he saw that he had no longer anything to depend upon but the valor of his arm. No time was to be lost in hastening to counteract the effect of the late Christian ravage and
The eyes of Boabdil el Chico were finally opened to the true intentions of King Ferdinand, and he realized that he could no longer rely on anything except the strength of his own arm. There was no time to waste in rushing to counteract the impact of the recent Christian destruction and
in opening the channel for distant supplies to Granada.
in opening the channel for distant supplies to Granada.
Scarcely had the retiring squadrons of Ferdinand disappeared among the mountains when Boabdil buckled on his armor, sallied forth from the Alhambra, and prepared to take the field. When the populace beheld him actually in arms against his late ally, both parties thronged with zeal to his standard. The hardy inhabitants also of the Sierra Nevada, or chain of snow-capped mountains which rise above Granada, descended from their heights and hastened into the city gates to proffer their devotion to their youthful king. The great square of the Vivarrambla shone with legions of cavalry decked with the colors and devices of the most ancient Moorish families, and marshalled forth by the patriot Muza to follow the king to battle.
As soon as Ferdinand's retreating forces vanished into the mountains, Boabdil put on his armor, left the Alhambra, and got ready to take the field. When the crowd saw him armed and ready to fight against his former ally, both sides rushed to support him. The brave people from the Sierra Nevada, the range of snow-covered mountains above Granada, came down from their heights and hurried to the city gates to show their loyalty to their young king. The main square of the Vivarrambla sparkled with armies of cavalry adorned with the colors and symbols of the oldest Moorish families, rallied by the patriot Muza to follow the king into battle.
It was on the 15th of June that Boabdil once more issued forth from the gates of Granada on martial enterprise. A few leagues from the city, within full view of it, and at the entrance of the Alpuxarras mountains, stood the powerful castle of Alhendin. It was built on an eminence rising from the midst of a small town, and commanding a great part of the Vega and the main road to the rich valleys of the Alpuxarras. The castle was commanded by a valiant Christian cavalier named Mendo de Quexada, and garrisoned by two hundred and fifty men, all seasoned and experienced warriors. It was a continual thorn in the side of Granada: the laborers of the Vega were swept off from their fields by its hardy soldiers; convoys were cut off in the passes of the mountains; and, as the garrison commanded a full view of the gates of the city, no band of merchants could venture forth on their needful journeys without being swooped up by the war-hawks of Alhendin.
It was on June 15th that Boabdil once again left the gates of Granada for a military campaign. A few miles from the city, in full view of it, and at the entrance to the Alpuxarras mountains, stood the powerful castle of Alhendin. It was built on a rise in the middle of a small town and overlooked a large part of the Vega and the main road to the wealthy valleys of the Alpuxarras. The castle was held by a brave Christian knight named Mendo de Quexada, and it was defended by two hundred and fifty men, all seasoned and skilled fighters. It was a constant source of trouble for Granada: the laborers of the Vega were driven from their fields by its tough soldiers; supply routes were intercepted in the mountain passes; and because the garrison had a clear view of the city gates, no group of merchants could set out on their necessary journeys without being captured by the warriors of Alhendin.
It was against this important fortress that Boabdil first led his troops, and for six days and nights it was closely besieged. The alcayde and his veteran garrison defended themselves valiantly, but were exhausted by fatigue and constant watchfulness; for the Moors, being continually relieved by fresh troops from Granada, kept up an unremitted and vigorous attack. Twice the barbican was forced, and twice the assailants were driven forth headlong with excessive loss. The garrison, however, was diminished in number by the killed and wounded; there were no longer soldiers sufficient to man the walls and gateway; and the brave alcayde was compelled to retire with his surviving force to the keep of the castle, in which he continued to make a desperate resistance.
It was against this crucial fortress that Boabdil first led his troops, and for six days and nights, it was under tight siege. The alcayde and his experienced garrison fought bravely, but they were worn out from fatigue and constant vigilance; the Moors, constantly replaced by fresh troops from Granada, maintained an unyielding and intense attack. The barbican was breached twice, and both times, the attackers were driven back with heavy losses. However, the garrison’s numbers were reduced due to the killed and wounded; there weren’t enough soldiers left to man the walls and the gateway; and the brave alcayde had to retreat with his remaining forces to the castle’s keep, where he continued to resist fiercely.
The Moors now approached the foot of the tower under shelter of wooden screens covered with wet hides to ward off missiles and combustibles. They went to work vigorously to undermine the tower, placing props of wood under the foundations, to be afterward set on fire, so as to give the besiegers time to escape before the edifice should fall. Some of the Moors plied their crossbows and arquebuses to defend the workmen and drive the Christians from the walls, while the latter showered down stones and darts and melted pitch and flaming combustibles on the miners.
The Moors now reached the base of the tower, protected by wooden screens covered with wet hides to block missiles and fire. They began to dig under the tower vigorously, putting wooden supports under the foundations, which they would later set on fire to give the besiegers time to escape before the structure collapsed. Some of the Moors used their crossbows and guns to protect the workers and push the Christians off the walls, while the Christians retaliated by throwing down stones, darts, and molten pitch along with flaming projectiles on the miners.
The brave Mendo de Quexada had cast many an anxious eye across the Vega in hopes of seeing some Christian force hastening to his assistance. Not a gleam of spear or helm was to be descried, for no one had dreamt of this sudden irruption of the Moors. The alcayde beheld his bravest men dead or wounded around him, while the remainder were sinking with watchfulness and fatigue. In defiance of all opposition, the Moors had accomplished their mine; the fire was brought before the walls that was to be applied to the stanchions in case the garrison persisted in defence. In a little while the tower would crumble beneath him, and be rent and hurled a ruin to the plain. At the very last moment the brave alcayde made the signal of surrender. He marched forth with the remnant of his veteran garrison, who were all made prisoners. Boabdil immediately ordered the walls of the fortress to be razed and fire to be applied to the stanchions, that the place might never again become a stronghold to the Christians and a scourge to Granada. The alcayde and his fellow-captives were led in dejected convoy across the Vega, when they heard a tremendous crash behind them. They turned to look upon their late fortress, but beheld nothing but a heap of tumbling ruins and a vast column of smoke and dust where once had stood the lofty tower of Alhendin.
The brave Mendo de Quexada had anxiously scanned the Vega, hoping to see some Christian forces rushing to his aid. Not a glimmer of a spear or helmet was visible, as no one expected the Moors to invade so suddenly. The alcayde saw his bravest men either dead or wounded around him, while the rest were succumbing to exhaustion and fatigue. Despite all resistance, the Moors had completed their tunnel; the fire was brought to the walls to be used on the supports if the garrison continued to fight back. Soon, the tower would collapse under him, reduced to rubble on the plain. At the very last moment, the brave alcayde signaled his surrender. He marched out with the remaining veterans of his garrison, all of whom were taken prisoner. Boabdil immediately ordered the fortress walls to be demolished and fire set to the supports, ensuring the place would never again serve as a stronghold for Christians or a threat to Granada. The alcayde and his fellow captives were led in a despondent procession across the Vega when they heard a tremendous crash behind them. They turned to look at their former fortress, only to see a heap of wreckage and a massive cloud of smoke and dust where the tall tower of Alhendin had once stood.
Boabdil el Chico followed up his success by capturing the two fortresses of Marchena and Albolodny, belonging to Cid Hiaya; he also sent his alfaquis in every direction to proclaim a holy war and to summon all true Moslems of town or castle, mountain or valley, to saddle steed and buckle on armor and hasten to the standard of the faith. The tidings spread far and wide that Boabdil el Chico was once more in the field and was victorious. The Moors of various places, dazzled by this gleam of success, hastened to throw off their sworn allegiance to the Castilian Crown and to elevate the standard of Boabdil, and the youthful monarch flattered himself that the whole kingdom was on the point of returning to its allegiance.
Boabdil el Chico built on his success by taking the two fortresses of Marchena and Alboloduy, which belonged to Cid Hiaya. He also sent his alfaquis in every direction to announce a holy war and call on all true Muslims from towns or castles, mountains or valleys, to saddle their horses, put on armor, and rush to support the faith. News spread far and wide that Boabdil el Chico was back in the field and winning. The Moors from various areas, dazzled by this surge of success, quickly renounced their loyalty to the Castilian Crown and rallied to Boabdil's banner. The young king fancied that the entire kingdom was about to return to his side.
The fiery cavaliers of Granada, eager to renew those forays into the Christian lands in which they had formerly delighted, concerted an irruption to the north, into the territory of Jaen, to harass the country about Quezada. They had heard of a rich convoy of merchants and wealthy travellers on the way to the city of Baza, and anticipated a glorious conclusion to their foray in capturing this convoy.
The fiery horsemen of Granada, eager to revisit the raids into Christian lands they once relished, planned an invasion to the north, into the area of Jaen, to trouble the region around Quezada. They had heard about a wealthy group of merchants and rich travelers heading to the city of Baza and expected a triumphant end to their raid by capturing this convoy.
Assembling a number of horsemen, lightly armed and fleetly mounted, and one hundred foot-soldiers, they issued forth by night from Granada, made their way in silence through the defiles of the mountains, crossed the frontier without opposition, and suddenly appeared, as if fallen from the clouds, in the very heart of the Christian country.
Assembling a group of horsemen, lightly armed and quickly mounted, along with one hundred foot soldiers, they set out at night from Granada, quietly navigating through the mountain passes, crossed the border without any resistance, and suddenly appeared, as if they had dropped from the sky, in the very center of Christian territory.
The mountainous frontier which separates Granada from Jaen was at this time under the command of the count de Tendilla, the same veteran who had distinguished himself by his vigilance and sagacity when commanding the fortress of Alhama. He held his head-quarters at the city of Alcala la Real, in its impregnable fortress perched high among the mountains, about six leagues from Granada, and dominating all the frontier. From this cloud-capt hold he kept an eagle eye upon Granada, and had his scouts and spies in all directions, so that a crow could not fly over the border without his knowledge. His fortress was a place of refuge for the Christian captives who escaped by night from the Moorish dungeons of Granada. Often, however, they missed their way in the defiles of the mountains, and, wandering about bewildered, either repaired by mistake to some Moorish town or were discovered and retaken at daylight by the enemy. To prevent these accidents, the count had a tower built at his own expense on the top of one of the heights near Alcala, which commanded a view of the Vega and the surrounding country. Here he kept a light blazing throughout the night as a beacon for all Christian fugitives to guide them to a place of safety.
The mountain border that separates Granada from Jaen was at this time under the command of Count de Tendilla, the same veteran who had proven his watchfulness and wisdom while commanding the fortress of Alhama. He set up his headquarters in the city of Alcalá la Real, in its strong fortress situated high in the mountains, about six leagues from Granada, overseeing the entire border. From this lofty stronghold, he kept a close watch on Granada, with scouts and spies in every direction, ensuring that not even a crow could cross the border without him knowing. His fortress served as a refuge for Christian captives who escaped by night from the Moorish prisons of Granada. However, they often lost their way in the mountain passes and, lost and confused, either mistakenly went to a Moorish town or were caught again by the enemy at dawn. To prevent these incidents, the count had a tower built at his own expense on top of one of the heights near Alcalá, which overlooked the Vega and the surrounding area. He kept a light burning throughout the night as a beacon for all Christian fugitives to guide them to safety.
The count was aroused one night from his repose by shouts and cries which came up from the town and approached the castle walls. “To arms! to arms! the Moor is over the border!” was the cry. A Christian soldier, pale and emaciated, who still bore traces of Moorish chains, was brought before the count. He had been taken as guide by the Moorish cavaliers who had sallied from Granada, but had escaped from them among the mountains, and after much wandering had found his way to Alcala by the signal-fire.
The count was awakened one night by shouts and cries that came from the town and drew closer to the castle walls. “To arms! To arms! The Moor has crossed the border!” was the shout. A Christian soldier, pale and thin, who still showed signs of Moorish chains, was brought before the count. He had been captured as a guide by the Moorish knights who had come out from Granada but managed to escape from them in the mountains and, after a lot of wandering, had found his way to Alcala by following the signal fire.
Notwithstanding the bustle and agitation of the moment, the count de Tendilla listened calmly and attentively to the account of the fugitive, and questioned him minutely as to the time of departure of the Moors and the rapidity and direction of their march. He saw that it was too late to prevent their incursion and ravage, but he determined to await them and give them a warm reception on their return. His soldiers were always on the alert and ready to take the field at a moment’s warning. Choosing one hundred and fifty lances, hardy and valiant men, well disciplined and well seasoned—as indeed were all his troops—he issued forth quietly before break of day, and, descending through the defiles of the mountains, stationed his little force in ambush in a deep barranca, or dry channel of a torrent near Barzina, but three leagues from Granada, on the road by which the marauders would have to return. In the mean time he sent out scouts to post themselves upon different heights and look out for the approach of the enemy.
Despite the chaos and urgency of the moment, Count de Tendilla listened calmly and attentively to the fugitive’s story, asking him detailed questions about when the Moors had left and how quickly and in what direction they were moving. He realized it was too late to stop their attack and devastation, but he decided to wait for them and give them a warm welcome on their return. His soldiers were always alert and prepared to mobilize at a moment's notice. He selected one hundred and fifty experienced and brave men, well-trained and battle-hardened—just like all his troops—and quietly set out before dawn. Descending through the mountain passes, he positioned his small force in ambush in a deep ravine, or dry creek bed, near Barzina, only three leagues from Granada, along the route the raiders would return. In the meantime, he sent out scouts to different heights to lookout for the enemy’s approach.
All day they remained concealed in the ravine and for a great part of the following night; not a Moor, however, was to be seen, excepting now and then a peasant returning from his labor or a solitary muleteer hastening toward Granada. The cavaliers of the count began to grow restless and impatient, fearing that the enemy might have taken some other route or might have received intelligence of their ambuscade. They urged the count to abandon the enterprise and return to Alcala. “We are here,” said they, “almost at the gates of the Moorish capital, our movements may have been descried, and before we are aware Granada may pour forth its legions of swift cavalry and crush us with an overwhelming force.” The count, however, persisted in remaining until his scouts should come in. About two hours before daybreak there were signal-fires on certain Moorish watch-towers of the mountains. While they were regarding these with anxiety the scouts came hurrying into the ravine. “The Moors are approaching,” said they; “we have reconnoitred them near at hand. They are between one and two hundred strong, but encumbered with many prisoners and much booty.” The Christian cavaliers laid their ears to the ground and heard the distant tramp of horses and the tread of foot-soldiers. They mounted their horses, braced their shields, couched their lances, and drew near to the entrance of the ravine where it opened upon the road.
All day they stayed hidden in the ravine and for much of the following night; not a Moor was in sight, except for an occasional peasant returning from work or a lone muleteer hurrying toward Granada. The count's knights began to feel restless and impatient, worried that the enemy might have taken another path or learned about their ambush. They urged the count to give up the mission and head back to Alcala. "We’re right here," they said, "almost at the gates of the Moorish capital. Our movements might have been spotted, and before we know it, Granada could send out its cavalry and overwhelm us." However, the count insisted on waiting until his scouts returned. About two hours before dawn, they saw signal fires on some Moorish watchtowers in the mountains. While they watched anxiously, the scouts rushed into the ravine. "The Moors are coming," they reported; "we’ve spotted them nearby. There are between one and two hundred of them, but they’re weighed down with prisoners and plunder." The Christian knights listened closely to the ground and heard the distant sound of horses and foot soldiers. They mounted their horses, readied their shields, positioned their lances, and moved to the entrance of the ravine where it opened onto the road.
The Moors had succeeded in waylaying and surprising the Christian convoy on its way to Baza. They had captured a great number of prisoners, male and female, with great store of gold and jewels and sumpter mules laden with rich merchandise. With these they had made a forced march over the dangerous parts of the mountains, but now, finding themselves so near to Granada, fancied themselves in perfect security. They loitered along the road, therefore, irregularly and slowly, some singing, others laughing and exulting at having eluded the boasted vigilance of the count de Tendilla, while ever and anon was heard the plaint of some female captive bewailing the jeopardy of her honor or the heavy sighing of the merchant at beholding his property in the grasp of ruthless spoilers.
The Moors had managed to ambush and surprise the Christian convoy on its way to Baza. They captured many prisoners, both men and women, along with a lot of gold, jewels, and pack mules loaded with valuable goods. They made a hurried journey through the treacherous parts of the mountains, but now, feeling so close to Granada, they believed they were completely safe. So, they meandered along the road, casually and slowly, some singing, others laughing and celebrating their escape from the supposedly watchful eye of Count de Tendilla. Meanwhile, the cries of some female captive lamenting her honor and the heavy sighs of the merchant, seeing his possessions in the hands of merciless thieves, could be heard now and then.
The count waited until some of the escort had passed the ravine; then, giving the signal for assault, his cavaliers set up great shouts and cries and charged into the centre of the foe. The obscurity of the place and the hour added to the terrors of the surprise. The Moors were thrown into confusion; some rallied, fought desperately, and fell covered with wounds. Thirty-six were killed and fifty-five were made prisoners; the rest under cover of the darkness made their escape to the rocks and defiles of the mountains.
The count waited until some of his escort had crossed the ravine; then, giving the signal to attack, his knights let out loud shouts and charged into the heart of the enemy. The darkness of the location and the time of night heightened the fear of the surprise. The Moors were thrown into chaos; some regrouped, fought fiercely, and fell heavily wounded. Thirty-six were killed, and fifty-five were taken captive; the others, using the cover of darkness, managed to escape to the rocky areas and passes of the mountains.
The good count unbound the prisoners, gladdening the hearts of the merchants by restoring to them their merchandise. To the female captives also he restored the jewels of which they had been despoiled, excepting such as had been lost beyond recovery. Forty-five saddle horses of the choice Barbary breed remained as captured spoils of the Moors, together with costly armor and booty of various kinds. Having collected everything in haste and arranged his cavalgada, the count urged his way with all speed for Alcala la Real, lest he should be pursued and overtaken by the Moors of Granada. As he wound up the steep ascent to his mountain-city the inhabitants poured forth to meet him with shouts of joy. His triumph was doubly enhanced by being received at the gates of the city by his wife, the daughter of the marques of Villena, a lady of distinguished merit, whom he had not seen for two years, during which he had been separated from his home by the arduous duties of these iron wars.
The good count freed the prisoners, making the merchants happy by returning their goods. He also gave back the jewelry to the female captives that had been taken from them, except for what was lost beyond recovery. He captured forty-five fine saddle horses of the Barbary breed from the Moors, along with expensive armor and various loot. After quickly gathering everything and organizing his convoy, the count hurried towards Alcala la Real to avoid being chased and caught by the Moors of Granada. As he climbed the steep path to his mountain city, the townspeople rushed out to welcome him with cheers of joy. His victory was even more special as he was greeted at the city gates by his wife, the daughter of the marquis of Villena, a truly remarkable woman, whom he hadn’t seen in two years due to the demanding responsibilities of these brutal wars.
We have yet another act to relate of this good count de Tendilla, who was in truth a mirror of knightly virtue. One day a Christian soldier, just escaped from captivity in Granada, brought word to the count that an illustrious damsel named Fatima, niece of the alcayde Aben Comixa, was to leave the city on a certain day, escorted by a numerous party of relatives and friends of distinguished rank, on a journey to Almunecar, there to embark for the African coast to celebrate her nuptials with the alcayde of Tetuan. This was too brilliant a prize to be neglected. The count accordingly sallied forth with a light company of cavalry, and, descending the defiles of the mountains, stationed himself behind the rocky sierra of Elvira, not far from the eventful bridge of Pinos, within a few short miles of Granada. Hence he detached Alonso de Cardenas Ulloa, with fifty light horsemen, to post himself in ambush by the road the bridal party had to travel. After a time the latter came in sight, proving less numerous than had been expected, for the damsel was escorted merely by four armed domestics and accompanied by a few relatives and two female attendants. The whole party was surrounded and captured almost without resistance, and carried off to the count at the bridge of Pinos. The good count conveyed his beautiful captive to his stronghold at Alcala, where he treated her and her companions with all the delicacy and respect due to their rank and to his own character as a courteous cavalier.
We have another story to share about the good Count de Tendilla, who truly embodied the virtues of knighthood. One day, a Christian soldier, just escaped from captivity in Granada, informed the count that a renowned lady named Fatima, the niece of the alcayde Aben Comixa, was set to leave the city soon, accompanied by a large group of distinguished relatives and friends, on her way to Almunecar to board a ship for the African coast to marry the alcayde of Tetuan. This was too valuable an opportunity to ignore. The count quickly assembled a small group of cavalry and, making his way down the mountain paths, positioned himself behind the rocky Sierra of Elvira, not far from the famous bridge of Pinos, just a few miles from Granada. He then sent Alonso de Cardenas Ulloa, along with fifty light horsemen, to set up an ambush along the route the bridal party would take. Eventually, the party appeared, but they turned out to be less numerous than expected, as the lady was only accompanied by four armed servants, a few relatives, and two female attendants. The entire group was surrounded and captured almost without effort, and taken to the count at the bridge of Pinos. The good count brought his beautiful captive to his stronghold in Alcala, where he treated her and her companions with the utmost care and respect befitting their status and his own reputation as a chivalrous gentleman.
The tidings of the capture of his niece gave poignant affliction to the vizier Aben Comixa. His royal master, Boabdil, of whom he was the prime favorite and confidential adviser, sympathized in his distress. With his own hand he wrote a letter to the count, offering in exchange for the fair Fatima one hundred Christian captives to be chosen from those detained in Granada. This royal letter was sent by Don Francisco de Zuniga, an Aragonese cavalier, whom Aben Comixa held in captivity, and who was set at liberty for the purpose.
The news of his niece's capture deeply saddened the vizier Aben Comixa. His royal master, Boabdil, who was his closest favorite and trusted advisor, shared in his grief. Personally, he wrote a letter to the count, offering a hundred Christian captives in exchange for the beautiful Fatima, to be selected from those held in Granada. This royal letter was delivered by Don Francisco de Zuniga, an Aragonese knight whom Aben Comixa had imprisoned and who was freed for this mission.
On receiving the letter of Boabdil the count de Tendilla at once gave freedom to the Moorish maid, making her a magnificent present of jewels, and sending her and her companions under honorable escort to the very gates of Granada.
On receiving Boabdil's letter, Count de Tendilla immediately freed the Moorish maid, giving her a stunning gift of jewels, and sending her and her companions under a respectful escort to the very gates of Granada.
Boabdil, exceeding his promises, immediately set free twenty captive priests, one hundred and thirty Castilian and Aragonian cavaliers, and a number of peasant-women. His favorite and vizier, Aben Comixa, was so rejoiced at the liberation of his niece, and so struck with the chivalrous conduct of her captor, that he maintained from that day a constant and amicable correspondence with the count de Tendilla, and became in the hands of the latter one of the most efficacious agents in bringing the war of Granada to a triumphant close.*
Boabdil, true to his word, quickly freed twenty captive priests, one hundred and thirty knights from Castile and Aragon, and several peasant women. His favorite and advisor, Aben Comixa, was so thrilled about the release of his niece and so impressed by the noble behavior of her captor that he maintained a steady and friendly correspondence with Count de Tendilla from that day on, becoming one of the most effective agents for bringing the war in Granada to a successful end.*
* This interesting anecdote of the count de Tendilla, which is a key to the subsequent conduct of the vizier Aben Comixa, and had a singular influence on the fortunes of Boabdil and his kingdom, is originally given in a manuscript history of the counts of Tendilla, written about the middle of the sixteenth century by Gabriel Rodriguez de Ardila, a Granadine clergyman. It has been brought to light recently by the researches of Alcantara for his History of Granada (vol. 4, cap. 18).
* This intriguing story about Count de Tendilla, which is essential for understanding the later actions of Vizier Aben Comixa and had a unique impact on the fate of Boabdil and his kingdom, is originally found in a manuscript history of the Counts of Tendilla, written around the mid-sixteenth century by Gabriel Rodriguez de Ardila, a clergyman from Granada. It has recently been uncovered by Alcantara's research for his History of Granada (vol. 4, cap. 18).
King Boabdil found that his diminished territory was too closely dominated by Christian fortresses like Alcala la Real, and too strictly watched by vigilant alcaydes like the count of Tendilla, to be able to maintain itself by internal resources. His foraging expeditions were liable to be intercepted and defeated, while the ravage of the Vega had swept off everything on which the city depended for future sustenance. He felt the want of a seaport through which, as formerly, he might keep open a communication with Africa and obtain reinforcements and supplies from beyond the sea. All the ports and harbors were in the hands of the Christians, and Granada and its remnant of dependent territory were completely landlocked.
King Boabdil realized that his reduced territory was too heavily controlled by Christian fortresses like Alcala la Real and too closely monitored by watchful leaders like the count of Tendilla to rely on internal resources. His supply missions could easily be intercepted and defeated, and the devastation of the Vega had taken away everything the city needed for future support. He longed for a seaport through which, as in the past, he could maintain communication with Africa and receive reinforcements and supplies from across the sea. All the ports and harbors were under Christian control, leaving Granada and its remaining territory completely landlocked.
In this emergency the attention of Boabdil was called by circumstances to the seaport of Salobrena. This redoubtable town has already been mentioned in this chronicle as a place deemed impregnable by the Moors, insomuch that their kings were accustomed in time of peril to keep their treasures in its citadel. It was situated on a high rocky hill dividing one of those rich little vegas or plains which lie open to the Mediterranean, but run like deep green bays into the stern bosoms of the mountains. The vega was covered with beautiful vegetation, with rice and cotton, with groves of oranges, citrons, figs, and mulberries, and with gardens enclosed by hedges of reeds, of aloes, and the Indian fig. Running streams of cool water from the springs and snows of the Sierra Nevada kept this delightful valley continually fresh and verdant, while it was almost locked up by mountain-barriers and lofty promontories stretching far into the sea.
In this emergency, Boabdil found himself drawn to the seaport of Salobrena. This formidable town has already been mentioned in this chronicle as a place the Moors considered impregnable, to the extent that their kings were used to storing their treasures in its citadel during times of danger. It was located on a high rocky hill that separated one of those rich little valleys or plains open to the Mediterranean, which extend like deep green bays into the rugged mountains. The valley was lush with beautiful vegetation, including rice and cotton fields, groves of orange, citron, fig, and mulberry trees, as well as gardens enclosed by hedges of reeds, aloes, and prickly pear cacti. Fresh, cool streams of water from the springs and the snowmelt of the Sierra Nevada kept this delightful valley constantly vibrant and green, while it was nearly surrounded by mountain barriers and towering promontories that stretched far into the sea.
Through the centre of this rich vega the rock of Salobrena reared its rugged back, nearly dividing the plain and advancing to the margin of the sea, with just a strip of sandy beach at its foot laved by the blue waves of the Mediterranean.
Through the center of this fertile valley, the rock of Salobrena stood tall, almost splitting the plain and reaching out to the edge of the sea, with only a narrow strip of sandy beach at its base washed by the blue waves of the Mediterranean.
The town covered the ridge and sides of the rocky hill, and was fortified by strong walls and towers, while on the highest and most precipitate part stood the citadel, a huge castle that seemed to form a part of the living rock, the massive ruins of which at the present day attract the gaze of the traveller as he winds his way far below along the road through the vega.
The town sprawled over the ridge and the rocky hillsides, protected by sturdy walls and towers. At the highest and steepest point stood the citadel, a massive castle that appeared to be a part of the living rock. The impressive ruins of this structure still catch the eye of travelers as they navigate the road far below through the valley.
This important fortress had been entrusted to the command of Don Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, captain-general of the artillery and the most scientific of all the Spanish leaders. That experienced veteran, however, was with the king at Cordova, having left a valiant cavalier as alcayde of the place.
This important fortress had been put under the command of Don Francisco Ramirez de Madrid, the captain-general of the artillery and the most knowledgeable of all the Spanish leaders. However, that experienced veteran was with the king in Cordova, having left a brave knight as the governor of the place.
Boabdil had full information of the state of the garrison and the absence of its commander. Putting himself at the head of a powerful force, therefore, he departed from Granada, and made a rapid march through the mountains, hoping to seize upon Salobrena before King Ferdinand could come to its assistance.
Boabdil was well aware of the garrison's condition and that its commander was missing. So, he took command of a strong force and left Granada, quickly marching through the mountains, hoping to capture Salobrena before King Ferdinand could come to help.
The inhabitants of Salobrena were mudexares, or Moors who had sworn allegiance to the Christians. Still, when they heard the sound of the Moorish drums and trumpets, and beheld the squadrons of their countrymen advancing across the vega, their hearts yearned toward the standard of their nation and their faith. A tumult arose in the place; the populace shouted the name of Boabdil el Chico and, throwing open the gates, admitted him within the walls.
The people of Salobrena were mudexares, or Moors who had pledged loyalty to the Christians. However, when they heard the sound of the Moorish drums and trumpets, and saw their fellow countrymen advancing across the plain, their hearts longed for the banner of their nation and their faith. A commotion broke out in the place; the crowd shouted the name of Boabdil el Chico and, throwing open the gates, welcomed him inside the walls.
The Christian garrison was too few in number to contend for the possession of the town: they retreated to the citadel and shut themselves within its massive walls, which were considered impregnable. Here they maintained a desperate defence, hoping to hold out until succor should arrive from the neighboring fortresses.
The Christian garrison was too small in number to fight for control of the town: they retreated to the citadel and locked themselves inside its massive walls, which were thought to be invulnerable. Here they put up a fierce defense, hoping to last until help arrived from the nearby fortresses.
The tidings that Salobrena was invested by the Moorish king spread along the sea-coast and filled the Christians with alarm. Don Francisco Enriquez, uncle of the king, commanded the city of Velez Malaga, about twelve leagues distant, but separated by ranges of those vast rocky mountains which are piled along the Mediterranean and tower in steep promontories and precipices above its waves.
The news that Salobrena was taken over by the Moorish king spread along the coast and filled the Christians with fear. Don Francisco Enriquez, the king's uncle, was in charge of the city of Velez Malaga, which was about twelve leagues away, but separated by ranges of the huge rocky mountains that rise along the Mediterranean, towering in steep cliffs and drops above the water.
Don Francisco summoned the alcaydes of his district to hasten with him to the relief of this important fortress. A number of cavaliers and their retainers answered to his call, among whom was Hernan Perez del Pulgar, surnamed “El de las hazanas” (He of the exploits)—the same who had signalized himself in a foray by elevating a handkerchief on a lance for a banner and leading on his disheartened comrades to victory. As soon as Don Francisco beheld a little band collected round him, he set out with all speed for Salobrena. The march was rugged and severe, climbing and descending immense mountains, and sometimes winding along the edge of giddy precipices, with the surges of the sea raging far below. When Don Francisco arrived with his followers at the lofty promontory that stretches along one side of the little vega of Salobrena, he looked down with sorrow and anxiety upon a Moorish army of great force encamped at the foot of the fortress, while Moorish banners on various parts of the walls proved that the town was already in possession of the infidels. A solitary Christian standard alone floated on the top of the castle-keep, showing that the brave garrison were hemmed up in their rock-built citadel. They were, in fact, reduced to great extremity through want of water and provisions.
Don Francisco called the local leaders of his district to hurry with him to help protect this important fortress. A number of knights and their followers responded to his call, including Hernan Perez del Pulgar, nicknamed “El de las hazanas” (He of the exploits)—the same one who had distinguished himself in a raid by raising a handkerchief on a lance as a banner and leading his discouraged comrades to victory. As soon as Don Francisco saw a small group gathered around him, he set off quickly for Salobrena. The journey was tough and challenging, climbing and descending massive mountains, sometimes winding along the edges of sheer cliffs, with the waves of the sea crashing far below. When Don Francisco and his followers reached the high promontory that juts out on one side of the small valley of Salobrena, he looked down with sadness and concern at a large Moorish army camped at the foot of the fortress, while Moorish flags on different parts of the walls indicated that the town was already under enemy control. Only one Christian flag flew at the top of the castle keep, showing that the brave garrison was trapped in their rock-built stronghold. They were, in fact, in a desperate situation due to a lack of water and food.
Don Francisco found it impossible, with his small force, to make any impression on the camp of the Moors or to get to the relief of the castle. He stationed his little band upon a rocky height near the sea, where they were safe from the assaults of the enemy. The sight of his friendly banner waving in their neighborhood cheered the heart of the garrison, and gave them assurance of speedy succor from the king, while the hostile menaces of Don Francisco served to check the attacks of the Moors upon the citadel.
Don Francisco found it impossible, with his small team, to make any impact on the Moorish camp or to reach the castle in time. He positioned his little group on a rocky hill by the sea, where they were safe from enemy attacks. The sight of his friendly banner waving nearby lifted the spirits of the garrison and assured them of quick help from the king, while Don Francisco's threatening presence deterred the Moors from attacking the fortress.
In the mean time, Hernan Perez del Pulgar, who always burned to distinguish himself by bold and striking exploits, had discovered in the course of his prowlings a postern gate of the castle opening upon the steep part of the rocky hill looking toward the mountains. The thought occurred to him that by a bold dash at a favorable moment this postern might be attained and succor thrown into the castle. He pointed the place out to his comrades. “Who will follow my banner,” said he, “and make a dash for yonder postern?” A bold proposition in time of warfare never wants for bold spirits to accept it. Seventy resolute men stepped forward to second him. Pulgar chose the early daybreak for his enterprise, when the Moors, just aroused from sleep, were changing guard and making the various arrangements of the morning. Favored by these movements and the drowsiness of the hour, Pulgar approached the Moorish line silently and steadily, most of his followers armed with crossbows and espingardas, or muskets. Then, suddenly making an onset, they broke through a weak part of the camp before the alarm had spread through the army, and succeeded in fighting their way up to the gate, which was eagerly thrown open to receive them.
In the meantime, Hernan Perez del Pulgar, who was always eager to stand out with bold and impressive actions, discovered a back gate of the castle that opened onto the steep part of the rocky hill facing the mountains during his explorations. He had the idea that with a daring move at the right moment, they could reach this gate and bring help into the castle. He pointed the spot out to his comrades. “Who will follow me,” he asked, “and rush for that back gate?” A daring proposal during wartime never lacks for brave souls willing to take it on. Seventy determined men stepped up to support him. Pulgar chose the early dawn for his mission, when the Moors, just waking up, were changing the guard and handling their morning tasks. Taking advantage of these movements and the sluggishness of the hour, Pulgar approached the Moorish camp quietly and steadily, most of his followers armed with crossbows and muskets. Then, suddenly launching an attack, they broke through a weak spot in the camp before the alarm could spread through the army, successfully fighting their way to the gate, which was eagerly opened to welcome them.
The garrison, roused to new spirit by this unlooked-for reinforcement, was enabled to make a more vigorous resistance. The Moors, however, who knew there was a great scarcity of water in the castle, exulted in the idea that this additional number of warriors would soon exhaust the cisterns and compel a surrender. Pulgar, hearing of this hope, caused a bucket of water to be lowered from the battlements and threw a silver cup in bravado to the Moors.
The garrison, energized by this unexpected reinforcement, was able to put up a stronger fight. However, the Moors, aware of the severe water shortage in the castle, took pleasure in the thought that this extra group of fighters would soon drain the cisterns and force a surrender. Pulgar, hearing about this optimism, had a bucket of water lowered from the battlements and defiantly threw a silver cup to the Moors.
The garrison, in truth, suffered intensely from thirst, while, to tantalize them in their sufferings, they beheld limpid streams winding in abundance through the green plain below them. They began to fear that all succor would arrive too late, when one day they beheld a little squadron of vessels far at sea, but standing toward the shore. There was some doubt at first whether it might not be a hostile armament from Africa, but as it approached they descried, to their great joy, the banner of Castile.
The garrison was seriously suffering from thirst, and to make things worse, they could see clear streams flowing abundantly through the green plain below them. They started to worry that help would arrive too late. Then one day, they spotted a small fleet of ships far out at sea, heading towards the shore. At first, there was some uncertainty about whether it might be a hostile force from Africa, but as it got closer, they happily recognized the banner of Castile.
It was a reinforcement, brought in all haste by the governor of the fortress, Don Francisco Ramirez. The squadron anchored at a steep rocky island which rises from the very margin of the smooth sandy beach directly in front of the rock of Salobrena and stretches out into the sea. On this island Ramirez landed his men, and was as strongly posted as if in a fortress. His force was too scanty to attempt a battle, but he assisted to harass and distract the besiegers. Whenever King Boabdil made an attack upon the fortress his camp was assailed on one side by the troops of Ramirez, who landed from their island, and on another by those of Don Francisco Enriquez, who swept down from their rock, while Hernan del Pulgar kept up a brave defence from every tower and battlement of the castle.
It was a backup force, sent in quickly by the governor of the fortress, Don Francisco Ramirez. The squadron anchored at a steep rocky island that rises right from the edge of the smooth sandy beach directly in front of the rock of Salobrena and extends out into the sea. On this island, Ramirez landed his men, positioning them as strongly as if they were in a fortress. His numbers were too limited to try for a full battle, but he helped to harass and distract the attackers. Whenever King Boabdil launched an assault on the fortress, his camp was attacked on one side by Ramirez's troops, who came from their island, and on another side by Don Francisco Enriquez's forces, who charged down from their rock, while Hernan del Pulgar mounted a courageous defense from every tower and battlement of the castle.
The attention of the Moorish king was diverted also, for a time, by an ineffectual attempt to relieve the little port of Adra, which had recently declared in his favor, but which had been recaptured for the Christians by Cid Hiaya and his son Alnayar. Thus, the unlucky Boabdil, bewildered on every hand, lost all the advantage that he had gained by his rapid march from Granada. While he was yet besieging the obstinate citadel, tidings were brought him that King Ferdinand was in full march with a powerful host to its assistance. There was no time for further delay: he made a furious attack with all his forces upon the castle, but was again repulsed by Pulgar and his coadjutors, when, abandoning the siege in despair, he retreated with his army, lest King Ferdinand should get between him and his capital. On his way back to Granada, however, he in some sort consoled himself for his late disappointment by overrunning a part of the territories and possessions lately assigned to his uncle El Zagal and to Cid Hiaya. He defeated their alcaydes, destroyed several of their fortresses, burnt their villages, and, leaving the country behind him reeking and smoking with his vengeance, returned with considerable booty to repose himself within the walls of the Alhambra.*
The Moorish king's attention was also temporarily diverted by an attempt to save the small port of Adra, which had recently sided with him but had been taken back by the Christians under Cid Hiaya and his son Alnayar. Thus, the unfortunate Boabdil, confused on all sides, lost all the benefits he had gained from his rapid march from Granada. While he was still laying siege to the stubborn citadel, he received news that King Ferdinand was marching with a powerful army to its aid. There was no time to waste: he launched a furious attack with all his forces on the castle but was pushed back again by Pulgar and his allies. In despair, he abandoned the siege and retreated with his army to avoid King Ferdinand getting between him and his capital. On his way back to Granada, however, he somewhat consoled himself for his recent setback by raiding parts of the lands and possessions that had recently been granted to his uncle El Zagal and Cid Hiaya. He defeated their commanders, destroyed several of their fortresses, burned their villages, and, leaving the region behind him smoldering from his revenge, returned with a significant amount of loot to rest within the walls of the Alhambra.*
* Pulgar, Cron., p. 3, c.131; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 97.
* Pulgar, Cron., p. 3, c.131; Cura de los Palacios, cap. 97.
Scarcely had Boabdil (11) ensconced himself in his capital when King Ferdinand, at the head of seven thousand horse and twenty thousand foot, again appeared in the Vega. He had set out in all haste from Cordova to the relief of Salobrena, but hearing on his march that the siege was raised, he turned to make a second ravage round the walls of devoted Granada. His present forage lasted fifteen days, in the course of which almost everything that had escaped his former desolating visit was destroyed, and scarce a green thing or a living animal was left on the face of the land. The Moors sallied frequently and fought desperately in defence of their fields, but the work of destruction was accomplished, and Granada, once the queen of gardens, was left surrounded by a desert.
Scarcely had Boabdil (11) settled into his capital when King Ferdinand, leading seven thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry, reappeared in the Vega. He had rushed from Cordova to assist Salobrena, but upon hearing that the siege was lifted, he decided to ravage the walls of Granada again. This new foray lasted fifteen days, during which nearly everything that had survived his previous destructive visit was wiped out, leaving hardly a green thing or a living animal in sight. The Moors often charged out and fought fiercely to protect their fields, but the destruction was unavoidable, and Granada, once a lush paradise, was left surrounded by a wasteland.
Ferdinand next hastened to crush a conspiracy in the cities of Guadix, Baza, and Almeria. These recently conquered places had entered into secret correspondence with Boabdil, inviting him to march to their gates, promising to rise upon the Christian garrisons, seize upon the citadels, and surrender them into his power. The marques of Villena had received notice of the conspiracy, and suddenly thrown himself with a large force into Guadix. Under pretence of a review of the inhabitants he made them sally forth into the fields before the city. When the whole Moorish population capable of bearing arms was thus without the walls, he ordered the gates to be closed. He then permitted them to enter two by two and three by three, and take forth their wives, children, and effects. The houseless Moors were fain to make themselves temporary hovels in the gardens and orchards about the city; they were clamorous in their complaints at being thus excluded from their homes, but were told they must wait with patience until the charges against them could be investigated and the pleasure of the king be known.*
Ferdinand quickly moved to put down a conspiracy in the cities of Guadix, Baza, and Almeria. These recently conquered places had secretly communicated with Boabdil, inviting him to come to their gates and promising to rise up against the Christian garrisons, take control of the citadels, and hand them over to him. The Marquis of Villena had been informed about the conspiracy and had suddenly rushed a large force into Guadix. Under the pretense of reviewing the inhabitants, he made them come out into the fields outside the city. Once the entire Moorish population capable of bearing arms was outside the walls, he ordered the gates to be closed. He then allowed them to enter two by two and three by three to take out their wives, children, and belongings. The homeless Moors were forced to make temporary shelters in the gardens and orchards around the city; they complained loudly about being barred from their homes but were told to wait patiently until the charges against them could be looked into and the king’s decision was known.*
* Zurita, lib.—, c. 85; Cura de los Palacios, c. 97.
* Zurita, vol. —, ch. 85; Cura de los Palacios, ch. 97.
When Ferdinand arrived at Guadix, he found the unhappy Moors in their cabins among the orchards. They complained bitterly of the deception practised upon them, and implored permission to return into the city and live peaceably in their dwellings, as had been promised them in their articles of capitulation.
When Ferdinand got to Guadix, he found the distressed Moors in their huts among the orchards. They lamented deeply about the betrayal they had experienced and begged for permission to go back into the city and live peacefully in their homes, as had been promised in their agreement.
King Ferdinand listened graciously to their complaints. “My friends,” said he in reply, “I have been informed that there has been a conspiracy among you to kill my alcayde and garrison and to take part with my enemy, the king of Granada. I shall make a thorough investigation of this conspiracy. Those among you who shall be proved innocent shall be restored to their dwellings, but the guilty shall incur the penalty of their offences. As I wish, however, to proceed with mercy as well as justice, I now give you your choice—either to depart at once without further question, going wherever you please, and taking with you your families and effects under an assurance of safety, or to deliver up those who are guilty, not one of whom, I give you my royal word, shall escape punishment.”
King Ferdinand listened attentively to their complaints. “My friends,” he said in response, “I’ve been informed that there’s been a plot among you to kill my alcayde and soldiers and to side with my enemy, the king of Granada. I will conduct a thorough investigation into this plot. Those of you who are found innocent will be allowed to return to your homes, but those guilty will face the consequences of their actions. However, as I want to be merciful as well as just, I am giving you a choice—either leave immediately without any further questions, going wherever you please and taking your families and belongings with an assurance of safety, or turn over those who are guilty. I promise you, on my royal word, that not one of them will escape punishment.”
When the people of Guadix heard these words they communed among themselves; and, as most of them (says the worthy Agapida) were either culpable or feared to be considered so, they accepted the alternative and departed sorrowfully, they and their wives and their little ones. “Thus,” in the words of that excellent and contemporary historian Andres Bernaldez, commonly called the curate of Los Palacios,—“thus did the king deliver Guadix from the hands of the enemies of our holy faith after seven hundred and seventy years that it had been in their possession, ever since the time of Roderick the Goth; and this was one of the mysteries of our Lord, who would not consent that the city should remain longer in the power of the Moors”—a pious and sage remark which is quoted with peculiar approbation by the worthy Agapida.
When the people of Guadix heard these words, they talked among themselves. Since most of them (according to the respected Agapida) were either guilty or worried about being seen that way, they accepted the situation and left sadly, along with their wives and children. “Thus,” as the notable contemporary historian Andres Bernaldez, known as the curate of Los Palacios, states—“the king freed Guadix from the hands of the enemies of our holy faith after seven hundred and seventy years of their control, ever since the time of Roderick the Goth; and this was one of the mysteries of our Lord, who would not allow the city to remain longer in the power of the Moors”—a pious and wise observation that the esteemed Agapida quotes with special approval.
King Ferdinand offered similar alternatives to the Moors of Baza, Almeria, and other cities accused of participation in this conspiracy, who generally preferred to abandon their homes rather than incur the risk of an investigation. Most of them relinquished Spain as a country where they could no longer live in security and independence, and departed with their families for Africa; such as remained were suffered to live in villages and hamlets and other unwalled places.*
King Ferdinand gave similar options to the Moors of Baza, Almeria, and other cities accused of being part of this conspiracy, who mostly chose to leave their homes instead of facing the risk of an investigation. Most of them left Spain, feeling it was no longer a place where they could live safely and freely, and headed to Africa with their families; those who stayed were allowed to live in villages, hamlets, and other unfortified areas.*
* Garibay, lib. 13, cap. 39; Pulgar, part 3, cap. 132.
* Garibay, lib. 13, cap. 39; Pulgar, part 3, cap. 132.
While Ferdinand was thus occupied at Guadix, dispensing justice and mercy and receiving cities in exchange, the old monarch, Muley Abdallah, surnamed El Zagal, appeared before him. He was haggard with care and almost crazed with passion. He had found his little territory of Andarax and his two thousand subjects as difficult to govern as had been the distracted kingdom of Granada. The charm which had bound the Moors to him was broken when he appeared in arms under the banner of Ferdinand. He had returned from his inglorious campaign with his petty army of two hundred men, followed by the execrations of the people of Granada and the secret repining of those he had led into the field. No sooner had his subjects heard of the successes of Boabdil el Chico than they had seized their arms, assembled tumultuously, declared for the young monarch, and threatened the life of El Zagal.* The unfortunate old king had with difficulty evaded their fury; and this last lesson seemed entirely to have cured him of his passion for sovereignty. He now entreated Ferdinand to purchase the towns and castles and other possessions which had been granted to him, offering them at a low rate, and begging safe passage for himself and his followers to Africa. King Ferdinand graciously complied with his wishes. He purchased of him three-and-twenty towns and villages in the valleys of Andarax and Alhaurin, for which he gave him five millions of maravedis. El Zagal relinquished his right to one-half of the salinas or salt-pits of Malaha in favor of his brother-in-law, Cid Hiaya. Having thus disposed of his petty empire and possessions, he packed up all his treasure, of which he had a great amount, and, followed by many Moorish families, passed over to Africa.**
While Ferdinand was busy at Guadix, administering justice and mercy and receiving cities in return, the old monarch, Muley Abdallah, known as El Zagal, came before him. He looked worn out from worry and nearly driven mad with emotion. He found governing his small territory of Andarax and his two thousand subjects as challenging as managing the troubled kingdom of Granada. The bond that had tied the Moors to him was shattered when he appeared in arms under Ferdinand's banner. He returned from his shameful campaign with a meager army of two hundred men, met with the curses of the people of Granada and the quiet resentment of those he led into battle. As soon as his subjects learned of Boabdil el Chico's successes, they grabbed their weapons, gathered in a frenzy, declared support for the young monarch, and threatened El Zagal's life. The unfortunate old king narrowly escaped their wrath; this last experience seemed to completely rid him of his desire for power. He now pleaded with Ferdinand to buy the towns, castles, and other properties that had been granted to him, offering them for a low price and asking for safe passage for himself and his followers to Africa. King Ferdinand kindly agreed to his requests. He bought twenty-three towns and villages in the valleys of Andarax and Alhaurin for five million maravedis. El Zagal gave up his claim to half of the salt pits of Malaha in favor of his brother-in-law, Cid Hiaya. After disposing of his small empire and possessions, he gathered all his wealth, which was substantial, and, followed by many Moorish families, crossed over to Africa.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 97.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 97.
* *Conde, part 4, cap. 41.
* *Conde, part 4, cap. 41.
And here let us cast an eye beyond the present period of our chronicle, and trace the remaining career of El Zagal. His short and turbulent reign and disastrous end would afford a wholesome lesson to unprincipled ambition, were not all ambition of the kind fated to be blind to precept and example. When he arrived in Africa, instead of meeting with kindness and sympathy, he was seized and thrown into prison by the caliph of Fez, Benimerin, as though he had been his vassal. He was accused of being the cause of the dissensions and downfall of the kingdom of Granada, and, the accusation being proved to the satisfaction of the king of Fez, he condemned the unhappy El Zagal to perpetual darkness. A basin of glowing copper was passed before his eyes, which effectually destroyed his sight. His wealth, which had probably been the secret cause of these cruel measures, was confiscated and seized upon by his oppressor, and El Zagal was thrust forth, blind, helpless, and destitute, upon the world. In this wretched condition the late Moorish monarch groped his way through the regions of Tingitania until he reached the city of Velez de la Gomera. The emir of Velez had formerly been his ally, and felt some movement of compassion at his present altered and abject state. He gave him food and raiment and suffered him to remain unmolested in his dominions. Death, which so often hurries off the prosperous and happy from the midst of untasted pleasures, spares, on the other hand, the miserable to drain the last drop of his cup of bitterness. El Zagal dragged out a wretched existence of many years in the city of Velez. He wandered about blind and disconsolate, an object of mingled scorn and pity, and bearing above his raiment a parchment on which was written in Arabic, “This is the unfortunate king of Andalusia.” *
And now let's take a look beyond this current part of our story and follow the rest of El Zagal's journey. His brief and tumultuous reign and tragic end should serve as a stark warning to those with unprincipled ambition, even though such ambition is often blind to lessons and examples. When he arrived in Africa, rather than receiving kindness and support, he was captured and imprisoned by the caliph of Fez, Benimerin, as if he were a servant. He was accused of causing the conflicts and downfall of the kingdom of Granada, and when the accusations were deemed credible by the king of Fez, he sentenced the unfortunate El Zagal to perpetual darkness. A basin of molten copper was held before him, effectively destroying his sight. His wealth, likely a hidden motive behind these cruel actions, was seized by his oppressor, leaving El Zagal blind, helpless, and destitute in the world. In this miserable state, the former Moorish king felt his way through Tingitania until he reached the city of Velez de la Gomera. The emir of Velez, who had once been his ally, felt a pang of compassion for his current, pitiful condition. He provided him with food and clothing and allowed him to stay undisturbed in his territory. While death often snatches away the prosperous and happy in the midst of unfulfilled pleasures, it allows the wretched to suffer until the very last drop of their bitterness. El Zagal lived in misery for many years in the city of Velez. He wandered around, blind and heartbroken, a figure of both scorn and pity, wearing above his clothing a parchment that said in Arabic, “This is the unfortunate king of Andalusia.”
* Marmol, De Rebelione Maur., lib. 1, cap. 16; Padraza, Hist. Granad., part 3, c. 4; Suarez, Hist. Obisp. de Guadix y Baza, cap. 10.
* Marmol, De Rebelione Maur., book 1, chapter 16; Padraza, Hist. Granad., part 3, chapter 4; Suarez, Hist. Bishop of Guadix and Baza, chapter 10.
How is thy strength departed, O Granada! how is thy beauty withered and despoiled, O city of groves and fountains! The commerce that once thronged thy streets is at an end; the merchant no longer hastens to thy gates with the luxuries of foreign lands. The cities which once paid thee tribute are wrested from thy sway; the chivalry which filled thy Vivarrambla with sumptuous pageantry have fallen in many battles. The Alhambra still rears its ruddy towers from the midst of groves, but melancholy reigns in its marble halls, and the monarch looks down from his lofty balconies upon a naked waste where once extended the blooming glories of the Vega!
How has your strength faded, O Granada! How has your beauty withered and been stripped away, O city of groves and fountains! The trade that once filled your streets is gone; merchants no longer rush to your gates with luxuries from foreign lands. The cities that once paid you tribute have been taken from your control; the knights who filled your Vivarrambla with grand displays have fallen in many battles. The Alhambra still stands with its red towers amid the groves, but sadness fills its marble halls, and the ruler looks down from his high balconies at a barren wasteland where the blooming wonders of the Vega once thrived!
Such is the lament of the Moorish writers over the lamentable state of Granada, now a mere phantom of former greatness. The two ravages of the Vega, following so closely upon each other, had swept off all the produce of the year, and the husbandman had no longer the heart to till the field, seeing the ripening harvest only brought the spoiler to his door.
Such is the sorrow of the Moorish writers about the sad state of Granada, now just a shadow of its former glory. The two disasters that struck the Vega, so close together, wiped out all the produce of the year, and the farmer no longer had the motivation to work the fields, knowing that the ripening harvest would only bring trouble to his door.
During the winter season Ferdinand made diligent preparations for the campaign that was to decide the fate of Granada. As this war was waged purely for the promotion of the Christian faith, he thought it meet that its enemies should bear the expenses. He levied, therefore, a general contribution upon the Jews throughout his kingdom by synagogues and districts, and obliged them to render in the proceeds at the city of Seville.*
During the winter, Ferdinand carefully got ready for the campaign that would determine the fate of Granada. Since this war was fought solely to support the Christian faith, he felt it was right that its enemies should cover the costs. He imposed a general tax on the Jews across his kingdom through synagogues and neighborhoods, requiring them to deliver the proceeds in the city of Seville.*
* Garibay, lib. 18, c. 39.
* Garibay, lib. 18, c. 39.
On the 11th of April, Ferdinand and Isabella departed for the Moorish frontier, with the solemn determination to lay close siege to Granada and never quit its walls until they had planted the standard of the faith on the towers of the Alhambra. Many of the nobles of the kingdom, particularly those from parts remote from the scene of action, wearied by the toils of war and foreseeing that this would be a tedious siege, requiring patience and vigilance rather than hardy deeds of arms, contented themselves with sending their vassals, while they stayed at home to attend to their domains. Many cities furnished soldiers at their cost, and the king took the field with an army of forty thousand infantry and ten thousand horse. The principal captains who followed him in this campaign were Roderigo Ponce de Leon, the marques of Cadiz, the master of Santiago, the marques of Villena, the counts of Tendilla, Cifuentes, Cabra, and Urena, and Don Alonso de Aguilar.
On April 11th, Ferdinand and Isabella set out for the Moorish frontier, determined to lay siege to Granada and not leave until they had raised the standard of their faith on the towers of the Alhambra. Many nobles in the kingdom, especially those from far-off regions, tired from the hardships of war and realizing that this would be a long siege needing patience and vigilance over acts of bravery, chose to send their vassals while they stayed home to manage their estates. Many cities provided soldiers at their own expense, and the king led an army of forty thousand infantry and ten thousand cavalry. The main leaders accompanying him in this campaign were Roderigo Ponce de Leon, the Marquis of Cadiz, the Master of Santiago, the Marquis of Villena, and the Counts of Tendilla, Cifuentes, Cabra, and Urena, along with Don Alonso de Aguilar.
Queen Isabella, accompanied by her son the prince Juan and the princesses Juana, Maria, and Cathalina, her daughters, proceeded to Alcala la Real, the mountain-fortress and stronghold of the count de Tendilla. Here she remained to forward supplies to the army, and to be ready to repair to the camp whenever her presence might be required.
Queen Isabella, along with her son Prince Juan and her daughters Princesses Juana, Maria, and Cathalina, made her way to Alcala la Real, the mountain fortress and stronghold of Count de Tendilla. She stayed there to send supplies to the army and to be prepared to go to the camp whenever her presence was needed.
The army of Ferdinand poured into the Vega by various defiles of the mountains, and on the 23d of April the royal tent was pitched at a village called Los Ojos de Huescar, about a league and a half from Granada. At the approach of this formidable force the harassed inhabitants turned pale, and even many of the warriors trembled, for they felt that the last desperate struggle was at hand.
The army of Ferdinand entered the Vega through several mountain passes, and on April 23rd, the royal tent was set up in a village called Los Ojos de Huescar, about a mile and a half from Granada. At the sight of this powerful force, the weary residents went pale, and even many of the fighters were shaken, as they sensed that the final desperate battle was approaching.
Boabdil el Chico assembled his council in the Alhambra, from the windows of which they could behold the Christian squadrons glistening through clouds of dust as they poured along the Vega. The utmost confusion and consternation reigned in the council. Many of the members, terrified with the horrors impending over their families, advised Boabdil to throw himself upon the generosity of the Christian monarch: even several of the bravest suggested the possibility of obtaining honorable terms.
Boabdil el Chico gathered his council in the Alhambra, where they could see the Christian troops shining through clouds of dust as they moved across the Vega. There was total chaos and panic in the council. Many of the members, scared for the safety of their families, urged Boabdil to appeal to the kindness of the Christian king; even some of the bravest proposed that they could negotiate for honorable terms.
The wazir of the city, Abul Casim Abdel Melic was called upon to report the state of the public means for sustenance and defence. There were sufficient provisions, he said, for a few months’ supply, independent of what might exist in the possession of merchants and other rich inhabitants. “But of what avail,” said he, “is a supply for a few months against the sieges of the Castilian monarch, which are interminable?”
The city's adviser, Abul Casim Abdel Melic, was asked to update everyone on the state of public resources for food and defense. He reported that there were enough supplies for a few months, not counting what merchants and wealthy residents might have. “But what good,” he said, “is a few months' supply against the endless sieges from the Castilian king?”
He produced also the lists of men capable of bearing arms. “The number,” said he, “is great, but what can be expected from mere citizen soldiers? They vaunt and menace in time of safety; none are so arrogant when the enemy is at a distance; but when the din of war thunders at the gates they hide themselves in terror.”
He also put together the lists of men who were able to fight. “The number,” he said, “is large, but what can we expect from regular soldiers? They brag and threaten when things are calm; no one is more confident when the enemy is far away; but when the noise of battle roars at the gates, they cower in fear.”
When Muza heard these words he rose with generous warmth. “What reason have we,” said he, “to despair? The blood of those illustrious Moors, the conquerors of Spain, still flows in our veins. Let us be true to ourselves, and fortune will again be with us. We have a veteran force, both horse and foot, the flower of our chivalry, seasoned in war and scarred in a thousand battles. As to the multitude of our citizens, spoken of so slightly, why should we doubt their valor? There are twenty thousand young men, in the fire of youth, whom I will engage that in the defence of their homes they will rival the most valiant veterans. Do we want provisions? Our horses are fleet and our horsemen daring in the foray. Let them scour and scourge the country of those apostate Moslems who have surrendered to the Christians. Let them make inroads into the lands of our enemies. We shall soon see them returning with cavalgadas to our gates, and to a soldier there is no morsel so sweet as that wrested with hard fighting from the foe.”
When Muza heard these words, he stood up with enthusiasm. “Why should we despair?” he said. “The blood of those great Moors, the conquerors of Spain, still runs in our veins. If we stay true to ourselves, luck will be on our side again. We have a seasoned army, both cavalry and infantry, the best of our knights who have fought in many battles and bear the scars of war. And as for the citizens we doubt so easily, why question their courage? There are twenty thousand young men, full of passion, who I bet will fight just as fiercely as our bravest veterans to defend their homes. Do we need supplies? Our horses are swift, and our riders are bold in raids. Let them sweep through the land of those traitorous Muslims who have given in to the Christians. Let them invade our enemies' territories. Soon, we'll see them coming back with plunder to our gates, and for a soldier, there's no reward sweeter than what’s earned through hard fighting against the enemy.”
Boabdil, though he wanted firm and durable courage, was readily excited to sudden emotions of bravery. He caught a glow of resolution from the noble ardor of Muza. “Do what is needful,” said he to his commanders; “into your hands I confide the common safety. You are the protectors of the kingdom, and, with the aid of Allah, will revenge the insults of our religion, the deaths of our friends and relations, and the sorrows and sufferings heaped upon our land.” *
Boabdil, even though he desired steady and lasting courage, was easily stirred by sudden bursts of bravery. He felt a surge of determination from the noble passion of Muza. “Do what needs to be done,” he told his commanders; “I trust you with the safety of our people. You are the defenders of the kingdom, and with Allah's help, you will avenge the insults to our faith, the deaths of our friends and family, and the pain and suffering inflicted upon our land.”
* Conde.
* Count.
To every one was now assigned his separate duty. The wazir had charge of the arms and provisions and the enrolling of the people. Muza was to command the cavalry, to defend the gates, and to take the lead in all sallies and skirmishings. Naim Reduan and Muhammed Aben Zayde were his adjutants. Abdel Kerim Zegri and the other captains were to guard the walls, and the alcaydes of the Alcazaba and of the Red Towers had command of the fortresses.
To everyone was now assigned their specific duty. The minister was responsible for the weapons and supplies and for enlisting people. Muza was in charge of the cavalry, defending the gates, and leading all raids and skirmishes. Naim Reduan and Muhammed Aben Zayde were his assistants. Abdel Kerim Zegri and the other captains were tasked with guarding the walls, while the leaders of the Alcazaba and the Red Towers were in charge of the fortifications.
Nothing now was heard but the din of arms and the bustle of preparation. The Moorish spirit, quick to catch fire, was immediately in a flame, and the populace in the excitement of the moment set at naught the power of the Christians. Muza was in all parts of the city, infusing his own generous zeal into the bosoms of the soldiery. The young cavaliers rallied round him as their model; the veteran warriors regarded him with a soldier’s admiration; the vulgar throng followed him with shouts; and the helpless part of the inhabitants, the old men and the women, hailed him with blessings as their protector.
Nothing could be heard now except the noise of weapons and the hustle of preparation. The Moorish spirit, easily ignited, was ablaze, and the crowd, caught up in the excitement, disregarded the power of the Christians. Muza was everywhere in the city, inspiring his own passionate enthusiasm in the hearts of the soldiers. The young knights gathered around him as their role model; the seasoned warriors looked at him with a soldier's respect; the common people cheered for him; and the helpless residents, the elderly and the women, greeted him with blessings as their protector.
On the first appearance of the Christian army the principal gates of the city had been closed and secured with bars and bolts and heavy chains: Muza now ordered them to be thrown open. “To me and my cavaliers,” said he, “is entrusted the defence of the gates; our bodies shall be their barriers.” He stationed at each gate a strong guard chosen from his bravest men. His horsemen were always completely armed and ready to mount at a moment’s warning: their steeds stood saddled and caparisoned in the stables, with lance and buckler beside them. On the least approach of the enemy a squadron of horse gathered within the gate, ready to launch forth like the bolt from the thunder-cloud. Muza made no empty bravado nor haughty threat; he was more terrible in deeds than in words, and executed daring exploits beyond even the vaunt of the vainglorious. Such was the present champion of the Moors. Had they possessed many such warriors, or had Muza risen to power at an earlier period of the war, the fate of Granada might have been deferred, and the Moor for a long time have maintained his throne within the walls of the Alhambra.
On the first sighting of the Christian army, the main gates of the city were shut tight and secured with bars, bolts, and heavy chains. Muza then ordered them to be opened. “The defense of the gates is entrusted to me and my knights; our bodies will be their barriers,” he declared. He placed a strong guard at each gate, chosen from his bravest men. His horsemen were always fully armed and ready to ride at a moment's notice; their horses were saddled and equipped in the stables, with lance and shield beside them. At the slightest hint of the enemy, a squadron of horse would gather at the gate, ready to charge out like a bolt from a thundercloud. Muza wasn't one for empty bravado or arrogant threats; he was more fearsome in action than in words, accomplishing daring feats that surpassed even the boasts of the arrogant. This was the current champion of the Moors. If they had many more warriors like him, or if Muza had risen to power sooner in the war, the fate of Granada could have been delayed, and the Moors might have held onto their throne within the walls of the Alhambra for a long time.
Though Granada was shorn of its glories and nearly cut off from all external aid, still its mighty castles and massive bulwarks seemed to set all attack at defiance. Being the last retreat of Moorish power, it had assembled within its walls the remnants of the armies which had contended, step by step, with the invaders in their gradual conquest of the land. All that remained of high-born and high-bred chivalry was here; all that was loyal and patriotic was roused to activity by the common danger; and Granada, so long lulled into inaction by vain hopes of security, now assumed a formidable aspect in the hour of its despair.
Though Granada had lost its glory and was almost completely cut off from outside help, its powerful castles and strong fortifications appeared ready to withstand any attack. Being the last stronghold of Moorish power, it had gathered within its walls the remnants of the armies that had fought, step by step, against the invaders in their gradual takeover of the land. All that was left of noble and elite chivalry was here; all that was loyal and patriotic was stirred to action by the common threat; and Granada, which had long been in a state of inaction due to false hopes of safety, now took on a daunting presence in its moment of despair.
Ferdinand saw that any attempt to subdue the city by main force would be perilous and bloody. Cautious in his policy, and fond of conquests gained by art rather than valor, he resorted to the plan so successful with Baza, and determined to reduce the place by famine. For this purpose his armies penetrated into the very heart of the Alpuxarras, and ravaged the valleys and sacked and burnt the towns upon which the city depended for its supplies. Scouting parties also ranged the mountains behind Granada and captured every casual convoy of provisions. The Moors became more daring as their situation became more hopeless. Never had Ferdinand experienced such vigorous sallies and assaults. Muza at the head of his cavalry harassed the borders of the camp, and even penetrated into the interior, making sudden spoil and ravage, and leaving his course to be traced by the slain and wounded. To protect his camp from these assaults, Ferdinand fortified it with deep trenches and strong bulwarks. It was of a quadrangular form, divided into streets like a city, the troops being quartered in tents and in booths constructed of bushes and branches of trees. When it was completed Queen Isabella came in state, with all her court and the prince and princesses, to be present at the siege. This was intended, as on former occasions, to reduce the besieged to despair by showing the determination of the sovereigns to reside in the camp until the city should surrender. Immediately after her arrival the queen rode forth to survey the camp and its environs: wherever she went she was attended by a splendid retinue, and all the commanders vied with each other in the pomp and ceremony with which they received her. Nothing was heard from morning until night but shouts and acclamations and bursts of martial music; so that it appeared to the Moors as if a continual festival and triumph reigned in the Christian camp.
Ferdinand realized that trying to conquer the city through brute force would be dangerous and bloody. Being cautious in his approach and preferring victories achieved through strategy rather than sheer courage, he decided to use a tactic that had worked well in Baza, planning to bring the city to its knees through famine. To do this, his armies moved deep into the Alpuxarras, ravaging the valleys and destroying the towns that supplied the city. Scouting parties also roamed the mountains near Granada, capturing any random supply convoys. As their situation grew more desperate, the Moors became bolder. Ferdinand had never faced such aggressive attacks before. Muza, leading his cavalry, harassed the edges of the camp and even infiltrated deeper, causing chaos and destruction, leaving a trail of dead and wounded in his wake. To defend against these attacks, Ferdinand reinforced his camp with deep trenches and strong walls. The camp was shaped like a square and designed with streets, resembling a city, with soldiers living in tents and makeshift structures made from branches and bushes. Once it was finished, Queen Isabella arrived in grand style, along with her court and the prince and princesses, to observe the siege. As before, this was meant to intimidate the besieged by demonstrating the monarchs' determination to remain in the camp until the city surrendered. Right after her arrival, the queen rode out to inspect the camp and surrounding area. Wherever she went, she was accompanied by a magnificent entourage, and all the commanders competed to greet her with grandeur. From morning until night, the air was filled with cheers, applause, and bursts of military music, making it seem to the Moors like there was a constant celebration and triumph in the Christian camp.
The arrival of the queen, however and the menaced obstinacy of the siege, had no effect in damping the fire of the Moorish chivalry. Muza inspired the youthful warriors with the most devoted heroism. “We have nothing left to fight for,” said he, “but the ground we stand on; when this is lost we cease to have a country and a name.”
The arrival of the queen and the impending stubbornness of the siege didn’t dampen the spirit of the Moorish knights. Muza fired up the young warriors with unwavering heroism. “We have nothing left to fight for,” he said, “except the ground beneath our feet; once we lose this, we no longer have a country or a name.”
Finding the Christian king forbore to make an attack, Muza incited his cavaliers to challenge the youthful chivalry of the Christian army to single combat or partial skirmishes. Scarce a day passed without gallant conflicts of the kind in sight of the city and the camp. The combatants rivalled each other in the splendor of their armor and array, as well as in the prowess of their deeds. Their contests were more like the stately ceremonials of tilts and tournaments than the rude conflicts of the field. Ferdinand soon perceived that they animated the fiery Moors with fresh zeal and courage, while they cost the lives of many of his bravest cavaliers: he again, therefore, forbade the acceptance of any individual challenges, and ordered that all partial encounters should be avoided. The cool and stern policy of the Catholic sovereign bore hard upon the generous spirits of either army, but roused the indignation of the Moors when they found that they were to be subdued in this inglorious manner: “Of what avail,” said they, “are chivalry and heroic valor? The crafty monarch of the Christians has no magnanimity in warfare; he seeks to subdue us through the weakness of our bodies, but shuns to encounter the courage of our souls.”
Finding that the Christian king held back from attacking, Muza urged his knights to challenge the young warriors of the Christian army to one-on-one duels or smaller skirmishes. Hardly a day went by without exciting battles taking place in sight of the city and the camp. The fighters competed in the brilliance of their armor and gear, as well as in their heroic actions. Their contests resembled the grand ceremonies of jousts and tournaments more than the rough fights of the battlefield. Ferdinand soon realized that these challenges inspired the fiery Moors with renewed enthusiasm and courage, while costing many of his bravest knights their lives. Therefore, he once again prohibited any individual challenges and ordered that all smaller encounters be avoided. The cool and stern policy of the Catholic monarch weighed heavily on the noble spirits of both armies, but it ignited the anger of the Moors when they saw they were to be defeated in such a dishonorable way: “What is the use,” they said, “of chivalry and heroic bravery? The cunning Christian king shows no honor in battle; he seeks to conquer us through the weakness of our bodies but avoids facing the strength of our spirits.”
When the Moorish knights beheld that all courteous challenges were unavailing, they sought various means to provoke the Christian warriors to the field. Sometimes a body of them, fleetly mounted, would gallop up to the skirts of the camp and try who should hurl his lance farthest within the barriers, having his name inscribed upon it or a label affixed containing some taunting defiance. These bravadoes caused great irritation; still, the Spanish warriors were restrained by the prohibition of the king.
When the Moorish knights saw that all polite challenges were ignored, they looked for different ways to provoke the Christian warriors to fight. Sometimes, a group of them, riding quickly, would charge up to the edges of the camp and see who could throw their lance the farthest within the barriers, with their name written on it or a label attached that included some mocking challenge. These acts of bravado caused a lot of frustration; however, the Spanish warriors held back due to the king's ban.
Among the Moorish cavaliers was one named Tarfe, renowned for strength and daring spirit, but whose courage partook of fierce audacity rather than chivalric heroism. In one of these sallies, when skirting the Christian camp, this arrogant Moor outstripped his companions, overleaped the barriers, and, galloping close to the royal quarters, launched his lance so far within that it remained quivering in the earth close by the pavilions of the sovereigns. The royal guards rushed forth in pursuit, but the Moorish horsemen were already beyond the camp and scouring in a cloud of dust for the city. Upon wresting the lance from the earth a label was found upon it importing that it was intended for the queen.
Among the Moorish knights was one named Tarfe, famous for his strength and boldness, but whose bravery leaned more towards reckless daring than noble heroism. During one of their raids, while skirting the Christian camp, this arrogant Moor outpaced his companions, jumped over the barriers, and rode close to the royal quarters, throwing his lance so far that it stuck in the ground near the sovereigns' tents. The royal guards rushed out in pursuit, but the Moorish horsemen were already beyond the camp, kicking up a cloud of dust as they raced back to the city. When they pulled the lance from the ground, they found a message attached that indicated it was meant for the queen.
Nothing could equal the indignation of the Christian warriors at the insolence of the bravado and the discourteous insult offered to the queen. Hernan Perez del Pulgar, surnamed “He of the exploits,” was present, and resolved not to be outbraved by this daring infidel. “Who will stand by me,” said he, “in an enterprise of desperate peril?” The Christian cavaliers well knew the harebrained valor of Hernan, yet not one hesitated to step forward. He chose fifteen companions, all of powerful arm and dauntless heart.
Nothing could match the outrage of the Christian warriors at the disrespectful audacity and the rude insult directed at the queen. Hernan Perez del Pulgar, known as “He of the exploits,” was there and was determined not to be outdone by this bold infidel. “Who will stand with me,” he asked, “in a mission of extreme danger?” The Christian knights were fully aware of Hernan's reckless bravery, yet none hesitated to step forward. He chose fifteen companions, all strong and fearless.
His project was to penetrate Granada in the dead of the night by a secret pass made known to him by a Moorish renegade of the city, whom he had christened Pedro Pulgar, and who was to act as guide. They were to set fire to the Alcaiceria and other principal edifices, and then effect their retreat as best they might. At the hour appointed the adventurous troops set forth provided with combustibles. The renegade led them silently to a drain or channel of the river Darro, up which they proceeded cautiously, single file, until they halted under a bridge near the royal gate. Here dismounting, Pulgar stationed six of his companions to remain silent and motionless and keep guard, while, followed by the rest and still guided by the renegade, he continued up the drain or channel of the Darro, which passes under a part of the city, and was thus enabled to make his way undiscovered into the streets. All was dark and silent. At the command of Pulgar the renegade led him to the principal mosque. Here the cavalier, pious as brave, threw himself on his knees, and, drawing forth a parchment scroll on which was inscribed in large letters “AVE MARIA,” nailed it to the door of the mosque, thus converting the heathen edifice into a Christian chapel and dedicating it to the Blessed Virgin. This done, he hastened to the Alcaiceria to set it in a blaze. The combustibles were all placed, but Tristan de Montemayor, who had charge of the firebrand, had carelessly left it at the door of the mosque. It was too late to return there. Pulgar was endeavoring to strike fire with flint and steel into the ravelled end of a cord when he was startled by the approach of the Moorish guards going the rounds. His hand was on his sword in an instant. Seconded by his brave companions, he assailed the astonished Moors and put them to flight. In a little while the whole city resounded with alarms, soldiers were hurrying through the streets in every direction; but Pulgar, guided by the renegade, made good his retreat by the channel of the Darro to his companions at the bridge, and all, mounting their horses, spurred back to the camp. The Moors were at a loss to imagine the meaning of this wild and apparently fruitless assault, but great was their exasperation on the following day when the trophy of hardihood and prowess, the “AVE MARIA,” was discovered thus elevated in bravado in the very centre of the city. The mosque thus boldly sanctified by Hernan del Pulgar was actually consecrated into a cathedral after the capture of Granada.*
His plan was to sneak into Granada at night through a secret route revealed to him by a Moorish defector from the city, whom he had named Pedro Pulgar, and who would serve as their guide. They intended to set fire to the Alcaiceria and other main buildings, then escape as best as they could. At the agreed hour, the daring group set out with flammable materials. The defector led them quietly to a drain or channel of the river Darro, where they proceeded cautiously, one behind the other, until they stopped under a bridge near the royal gate. Here, Pulgar ordered six of his companions to stay silent and still to keep watch, while he, with the rest still following the defector, continued up the drain under part of the city, allowing them to enter the streets unnoticed. It was dark and quiet. At Pulgar's command, the defector took him to the main mosque. The knight, both devout and brave, knelt down and pulled out a parchment scroll inscribed with the words “AVE MARIA,” which he nailed to the mosque's door, thereby transforming the heathen structure into a Christian chapel and dedicating it to the Blessed Virgin. Once this was done, he hurried to set the Alcaiceria ablaze. The flammable materials were all ready, but Tristan de Montemayor, who was supposed to carry the torch, had carelessly left it at the mosque's door. It was too late to go back. Pulgar was trying to create a spark with flint and steel on a frayed end of a cord when he was startled by the approach of the Moorish guards on patrol. His hand was on his sword in an instant. With the help of his brave companions, he attacked the surprised Moors and chased them away. Soon the entire city was filled with alarms, soldiers rushing through the streets in every direction; but Pulgar, following the defector, managed to retreat through the channel of the Darro to his companions at the bridge, and they all mounted their horses and raced back to the camp. The Moors couldn't understand the reason behind this chaotic and seemingly pointless attack, but their frustration grew the next day when they found the bold trophy of defiance, the “AVE MARIA,” displayed in the very heart of the city. The mosque, thus audaciously sanctified by Hernan del Pulgar, was eventually consecrated as a cathedral after Granada was captured.*
* The account here given of the exploit of Hernan del Pulgar differs from that given in the first edition, and is conformable to the record of the fact in a manuscript called “The House of Salar,” existing in the library of Salazar and cited by Alcantara in his History of Granada.
* The story described here about the actions of Hernan del Pulgar is different from the one in the first edition and aligns with the record found in a manuscript titled “The House of Salar,” which is held in the Salazar library and referenced by Alcantara in his History of Granada.
In commemoration of this daring feat of Pulgar, the emperor Charles V. in after years conferred on that cavalier and on his descendants, the marqueses of Salar, the privilege of sitting in the choir during high mass, and assigned as the place of sepulture of Pulgar himself the identical spot where he kneeled to affix the sacred scroll; and his tomb is still held in great veneration. This Hernan Perez del Pulgar was a man of letters, as well as art, and inscribed to Charles V. a summary of the achievements of Gonsalvo of Cordova, surnamed the Great Captain, who had been one of his comrades-in-arms. He is often confounded with Hernando del Pulgar, historian and secretary to Queen Isabella. (See note to Pulgar’s Chron. of the Catholic Sovereigns, part 3, c. iii., edit. Valencia, 1780.)
In honor of Pulgar's brave accomplishment, Emperor Charles V later granted him and his descendants, the marquises of Salar, the privilege of sitting in the choir during high mass. He designated the exact spot where Pulgar knelt to place the sacred scroll as his burial site, and his tomb is still highly revered. Hernan Perez del Pulgar was not only a skilled warrior but also a man of letters, who wrote a summary of the achievements of Gonsalvo of Cordova, known as the Great Captain, a fellow soldier. He is often mistaken for Hernando del Pulgar, the historian and secretary to Queen Isabella. (See note to Pulgar’s Chron. of the Catholic Sovereigns, part 3, c. iii., edit. Valencia, 1780.)
The royal encampment lay so distant from Granada that the general aspect of the city only could be seen as it rose gracefully from the Vega, covering the sides of the hills with palaces and towers. Queen Isabella had expressed an earnest desire to behold nearer at hand a city whose beauty was so renowned throughout the world; and the marques of Cadiz, with his accustomed courtesy, prepared a great military escort and guard to protect her and the ladies of the court while they enjoyed this perilous gratification.
The royal camp was so far from Granada that you could only see the city rising beautifully from the plains, with its palaces and towers dotting the hills. Queen Isabella had a strong desire to see up close a city famous for its beauty all over the world; and the Marquis of Cadiz, always polite, arranged a large military escort and guard to ensure her and the ladies of the court were safe while they indulged in this risky pleasure.
On the morning of June the 18th a magnificent and powerful train issued from the Christian camp. The advanced guard was composed of legions of cavalry, heavily armed, looking like moving masses of polished steel. Then came the king and queen, with the prince and princess and the ladies of the court, surrounded by the royal body-guard, sumptuously arrayed, composed of the sons of the most illustrious houses of Spain; after these was the rear-guard, a powerful force of horse and foot, for the flower of the army sallied forth that day. The Moors gazed with fearful admiration at this glorious pageant, wherein the pomp of the court was mingled with the terrors of the camp. It moved along in radiant line across the Vega to the melodious thunders of martial music, while banner and plume and silken scarf and rich brocade gave a gay and gorgeous relief to the grim visage of iron war that lurked beneath.
On the morning of June 18th, a magnificent and powerful train set out from the Christian camp. The advance guard was made up of legions of cavalry, heavily armed, looking like moving masses of polished steel. Following them were the king and queen, along with the prince and princess and the ladies of the court, surrounded by a royal bodyguard, dressed in extravagant outfits, consisting of the sons of the most distinguished families of Spain. Behind them was the rear guard, a strong force of mounted and foot soldiers, as the best of the army marched out that day. The Moors watched with a mix of fear and admiration at this glorious display, where the splendor of the court blended with the harshness of the camp. It moved in a radiant line across the Vega to the melodious sounds of martial music, while banners, plumes, silken scarves, and rich brocade provided a bright and gorgeous contrast to the grim face of iron war lurking beneath.
The army moved toward the hamlet of Zubia, built on the skirts of the mountain to the left of Granada, and commanding a view of the Alhambra and the most beautiful quarter of the city. As they approached the hamlet the marques of Villena, the count Urena, and Don Alonso de Aguilar fled off with their battalions, and were soon seen glittering along the side of the mountain above the village. In the mean time, the marques of Cadiz, the count de Tendilla, the count de Cabra, and Don Alonso Fernandez, senior of Alcaudrete and Montemayor, drew up their forces in battle array on the plain below the hamlet, presenting a living barrier of loyal chivalry between the sovereigns and the city.
The army moved towards the village of Zubia, located on the slopes of the mountain to the left of Granada, offering a view of the Alhambra and the most beautiful part of the city. As they got closer to the village, the Marquis of Villena, Count Urena, and Don Alonso de Aguilar fled with their battalions, soon visible glimmering along the mountainside above the village. Meanwhile, the Marquis of Cadiz, Count de Tendilla, Count de Cabra, and Don Alonso Fernandez, the elder of Alcaudrete and Montemayor, arranged their forces in a battle formation on the plain below the village, creating a living barrier of loyal knights between the monarchs and the city.
Thus securely guarded, the royal party alighted, and, entering one of the houses of the hamlet which had been prepared for their reception, enjoyed a full view of the city from its terraced roof. The ladies of the court gazed with delight at the red towers of the Alhambra rising from amid shady groves, anticipating the time when the Catholic sovereigns should be enthroned within its walls and its courts shine with the splendor of Spanish chivalry. “The reverend prelates and holy friars who always surrounded the queen looked with serene satisfaction,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “at this modern Babylon, enjoying the triumph that awaited them when those mosques and minarets should be converted into churches, and goodly priests and bishops should succeed to the infidel alfaquis.”
Thus securely protected, the royal party got down, and, entering one of the houses in the village that had been prepared for them, enjoyed a full view of the city from its rooftop. The ladies of the court gazed with delight at the red towers of the Alhambra rising from among shady groves, looking forward to the time when the Catholic monarchs would be enthroned within its walls and its courts would shine with the glory of Spanish chivalry. “The revered prelates and holy friars who always surrounded the queen looked on with calm satisfaction,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “at this modern Babylon, relishing the triumph that awaited them when those mosques and minarets would be turned into churches, and good priests and bishops would take the place of the infidel alfaquis.”
When the Moors beheld the Christians thus drawn forth in full array in the plain, they supposed it was to offer battle, and hesitated not to accept it. In a little while the queen beheld a body of Moorish cavalry pouring into the Vega, the riders managing their fleet and fiery steeds with admirable address. They were richly armed and clothed in the most brilliant colors, and the caparisons of their steeds flamed with gold and embroidery. This was the favorite squadron of Muza, composed of the flower of the youthful cavaliers of Granada. Others succeeded, some heavily armed, others “a la gineta” with lance and buckler, and lastly came the legions of foot-soldiers with arquebuse and crossbow and spear and scimetar.
When the Moors saw the Christians lined up in formation on the plain, they thought it was for a battle and didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge. Soon, the queen spotted a group of Moorish cavalry rushing into the Vega, the riders skillfully handling their swift and fiery horses. They were dressed in rich armor and vibrant colors, and the adornments on their horses shone with gold and intricate designs. This was Muza's favorite squadron, made up of the best young knights from Granada. Following them were others, some heavily armored, others lightly equipped with lance and shield, and finally, the infantry troops with muskets, crossbows, spears, and sabers.
When the queen saw this army issuing from the city she sent to the marques of Cadiz, and forbade any attack upon the enemy or the acceptance of any challenge to a skirmish, for she was loth that her curiosity should cost the life of a single human being.
When the queen saw the army coming out of the city, she sent a message to the Marquis of Cadiz, instructing him not to launch any attacks against the enemy or accept any challenges to fight, as she didn't want her curiosity to cost the life of even one person.
The marques promised to obey, though sorely against his will, and it grieved the spirit of the Spanish cavaliers to be obliged to remain with sheathed sword’s while bearded by the foe. The Moors could not comprehend the meaning of this inaction of the Christians after having apparently invited a battle. They sallied several times from their ranks, and approached near enough to discharge their arrows, but the Christians were immovable. Many of the Moorish horsemen galloped close to the Christian ranks, brandishing their lances and scimetars and defying various cavaliers to single combat; but Ferdinand had rigorously prohibited all duels of the kind, and they dared not transgress his orders under his very eye.
The marquis agreed to comply, even though it was very much against his wishes, and it frustrated the Spanish knights to be forced to stand with their swords sheathed while facing the enemy. The Moors couldn’t understand why the Christians were inactive after seemingly inviting a battle. They charged out several times from their ranks and got close enough to shoot their arrows, but the Christians stayed motionless. Many of the Moorish horsemen rode up to the Christian lines, waving their lances and scimitars and challenging various knights to single combat; however, Ferdinand had strictly banned all such duels, and they didn’t dare disobey his orders right in front of him.
Here, however, the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, in his enthusiasm for the triumphs of the faith, records the following incident, which we fear is not sustained by any grave chronicler of the times, but rests merely on tradition or the authority of certain poets and dramatic writers who have perpetuated the tradition in their works: While this grim and reluctant tranquillity prevailed along the Christian line, says Agapida, there rose a mingled shout and sound of laughter near the gate of the city. A Moorish horseman, armed at all points, issued forth, followed by a rabble who drew back as he approached the scene of danger. The Moor was more robust and brawny than was common with his countrymen. His visor was closed; he bore a huge buckler and a ponderous lance; his scimetar was of a Damascus blade, and his richly ornamented dagger was wrought by an artificer of Fez. He was known by his device to be Tarfe, the most insolent yet valiant of the Moslem warriors—the same who had hurled into the royal camp his lance inscribed to the queen. As he rode slowly along in front of the army his very steed, prancing with fiery eye and distended nostril, seemed to breathe defiance to the Christians.
Here, however, the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida, excited by the victories of the faith, recounts the following incident, which we fear is not supported by any serious historian of the times but is based only on tradition or the authority of certain poets and playwrights who have kept the story alive in their works: While this grim and reluctant calm prevailed along the Christian line, Agapida says, a mixture of shouts and laughter erupted near the city gate. A Moorish horseman, fully armed, rode out, followed by a crowd that stepped back as he approached the scene of danger. The Moor was more muscular and stocky than was typical for his countrymen. His visor was down; he carried a large shield and a heavy lance; his scimitar had a Damascus blade, and his beautifully designed dagger was crafted by an artist from Fez. He was recognizable by his emblem as Tarfe, the most arrogant yet courageous of the Muslim warriors—the same one who had thrown his lance into the royal camp, addressed to the queen. As he rode slowly in front of the army, even his horse, prancing with fiery eyes and flared nostrils, seemed to challenge the Christians.
But what were the feelings of the Spanish cavaliers when they beheld, tied to the tail of his steed and dragged in the dust, the very inscription—“AVE MARIA”—which Hernan Perez del Pulgar had affixed to the door of the mosque! A burst of horror and indignation broke forth from the army. Hernan was not at hand to maintain his previous achievement, but one of his young companions-in-arms, Garcilasso de la Vega by name, putting spurs to his horse, galloped to the hamlet of Zubia, threw himself on his knees before the king, and besought permission to accept the defiance of this insolent infidel and to revenge the insult offered to our Blessed Lady. The request was too pious to be refused. Garcilasso remounted his steed, closed his helmet, graced by four sable plumes, grasped his buckler of Flemish workmanship and his lance of matchless temper, and defied the haughty Moor in the midst of his career. A combat took place in view of the two armies and of the Castilian court. The Moor was powerful in wielding his weapons and dextrous in managing his steed. He was of larger frame than Garcilasso, and more completely armed, and the Christians trembled for their champion. The shock of their encounter was dreadful; their lances were shivered, and sent up splinters in the air. Garcilasso was thrown back in his saddle: his horse made a wide career before he could recover, gather up the reins, and return to the conflict. They now encountered each other with swords. The Moor circled round his opponent as a hawk circles where about to make a swoop; his steed obeyed his rider with matchless quickness; at every attack of the infidel it seemed as if the Christian knight must sink beneath his flashing scimetar. But if Garcilasso was inferior to him in power, he was superior in agility: many of his blows he parried; others he received upon his Flemish shield, which was proof against the Damascus blade. The blood streamed from numerous wounds received by either warrior. The Moor, seeing his antagonist exhausted, availed himself of his superior force, and, grappling, endeavored to wrest him from his saddle. They both fell to earth: the Moor placed his knee upon the breast of his victim, and, brandishing his dagger, aimed a blow at his throat. A cry of despair was uttered by the Christian warriors, when suddenly they beheld the Moor rolling lifeless in the dust. Garcilasso had shortened his sword, and as his adversary raised his arm to strike had pierced him to the heart. “It was a singular and miraculous victory,” says Fray Antonio Agapida; “but the Christian knight was armed by the sacred nature of his cause, and the Holy Virgin gave him strength, like another David, to slay this gigantic champion of the Gentiles.”
But what were the feelings of the Spanish knights when they saw, tied to the back of his horse and dragged through the dirt, the very inscription—“AVE MARIA”—that Hernan Perez del Pulgar had put on the door of the mosque! A wave of horror and anger erupted from the army. Hernan wasn’t there to defend his earlier triumph, but one of his young fellow soldiers, Garcilasso de la Vega, spurred his horse and rode to the village of Zubia, knelt before the king, and asked for permission to accept the challenge from this arrogant infidel and to avenge the insult to our Blessed Lady. The request was too righteous to deny. Garcilasso got back on his horse, closed his helmet adorned with four black plumes, grabbed his beautifully crafted Flemish shield and his unmatched lance, and defied the proud Moor right in the middle of the field. A battle broke out in front of both armies and the Castilian court. The Moor was strong with his weapons and skillful on his horse. He was larger than Garcilasso and better armored, making the Christians worry for their champion. The impact of their clash was terrifying; their lances splintered and sent shards flying into the air. Garcilasso was knocked back in his saddle, and his horse took off before he could regain control, grab the reins, and return to the fight. They now faced each other with swords. The Moor circled his opponent like a hawk preparing to swoop down; his horse responded to him with incredible speed. With every attack from the infidel, it seemed the Christian knight would fall to his flashing scimitar. But if Garcilasso was weaker, he was quicker: he dodged many of the Moor’s strikes and absorbed others on his Flemish shield, which could withstand the Damascus blade. Blood flowed from numerous wounds on both warriors. The Moor, noticing his opponent was wearing down, used his superior strength and tried to throw him from his saddle. They both fell to the ground: the Moor knelt on Garcilasso's chest and, raising his dagger, aimed for his throat. A cry of despair erupted from the Christian warriors when suddenly they saw the Moor falling lifeless in the dust. Garcilasso had shortened his sword, and as his adversary lifted his arm to strike, he drove it into his heart. “It was a remarkable and miraculous victory,” says Fray Antonio Agapida; “but the Christian knight was empowered by the sacred nature of his cause, and the Holy Virgin gave him strength, like another David, to slay this giant champion of the Gentiles.”
The laws of chivalry were observed throughout the combat—no one interfered on either side. Garcilasso now despoiled his adversary; then, rescuing the holy inscription of “AVE MARIA” from its degrading situation, he elevated it on the point of his sword, and bore it on as a signal of triumph amid the rapturous shouts of the Christian army.*
The rules of chivalry were followed during the battle—no one intervened on either side. Garcilasso now stripped his opponent of his armor; then, lifting the sacred inscription of “AVE MARIA” from its shameful place, he raised it on the tip of his sword and carried it as a sign of victory amid the joyous cheers of the Christian army.*
* The above incident has been commemorated in old Spanish ballads, and made the subject of a scene in an old Spanish drama ascribed by some to Lope de Vega.
* The above incident has been remembered in old Spanish ballads and has become the focus of a scene in an old Spanish play attributed by some to Lope de Vega.
The sun had now reached the meridian, and the hot blood of the Moors was inflamed by its rays and by the sight of the defeat of their champion. Muza ordered two pieces of ordnance to open a fire upon the Christians. A confusion was produced in one part of their ranks: Muza called to the chiefs of the army, “Let us waste no more time in empty challenges—let us charge upon the enemy: he who assaults has always an advantage in the combat.” So saying, he rushed forward, followed by a large body of horse and foot, and charged so furiously upon the advance guard of the Christians that he drove it in upon the battalion of the marques of Cadiz.
The sun was now at its peak, and the intense heat was getting the Moors worked up, especially after seeing their champion get defeated. Muza ordered two cannons to fire on the Christians. This created chaos in one part of their ranks. Muza called out to the army leaders, “Let’s stop wasting time with pointless challenges—let’s charge the enemy: the one who attacks first always has the advantage in battle.” With that, he charged forward, leading a large group of cavalry and infantry, and attacked so fiercely that he pushed back the Christians' front line into the battalion of the Marquis of Cadiz.
The gallant marques now considered himself absolved from all further obedience to the queen’s commands. He gave the signal to attack, “Santiago!” was shouted along the line, and he pressed forward to the encounter with his battalion of twelve hundred lances. The other cavaliers followed his example, and the battle instantly became general.
The brave marquis now saw himself free from any further obedience to the queen’s orders. He raised the signal to attack, “Santiago!” was shouted along the line, and he moved forward to engage with his battalion of twelve hundred lances. The other knights followed his lead, and the battle quickly turned into a full-scale conflict.
When the king and queen beheld the armies thus rushing to the combat, they threw themselves on their knees and implored the Holy Virgin to protect her faithful warriors. The prince and princess, the ladies of the court, and the prelates and friars who were present did the same, and the effect of the prayers of these illustrious and saintly persons was immediately apparent. The fierceness with which the Moors had rushed to the attack was suddenly cooled; they were bold and adroit for a skirmish, but unequal to the veteran Spaniards in the open field. A panic seized upon the foot-soldiers; they turned and took to flight. Muza and his cavaliers in vain endeavored to rally them. Some took refuge in the mountains, but the greater part fled to the city in such confusion that they overturned and trampled upon each other. The Christians pursued them to the very gates. Upward of two thousand were either killed, wounded, or taken prisoners, and the two pieces of ordnance were brought off as trophies of the victory. Not a Christian lance but was bathed that day in the blood of an infidel.*
When the king and queen saw the armies charging into battle, they fell to their knees and begged the Holy Virgin to protect her loyal warriors. The prince and princess, the ladies of the court, and the prelates and friars present did the same, and the impact of the prayers from these distinguished and holy figures was immediately noticeable. The intensity with which the Moors had launched their attack was suddenly dampened; they were bold and skilled for skirmishes, but not a match for the seasoned Spaniards in open combat. Panic struck the foot soldiers; they turned and fled. Muza and his knights tried in vain to regroup them. Some took cover in the mountains, but most fled to the city in such chaos that they tripped over each other. The Christians chased them all the way to the gates. Over two thousand were either killed, wounded, or captured, and two cannons were seized as trophies of the victory. Every Christian lance was stained that day with the blood of an infidel.*
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 101; Zurita, lib. 20, c. 88.
* Cura de los Palacios, cap. 101; Zurita, lib. 20, c. 88.
Such was the brief but bloody action which was known among the Christian warriors by the name of “the Queen’s Skirmish;” for when the marques of Cadiz waited upon Her Majesty to apologize for breaking her commands, he attributed the victory entirely to her presence. The queen, however, insisted that it was all owing to her troops being led on by so valiant a commander. Her Majesty had not yet recovered from her agitation at beholding so terrible a scene of bloodshed, though certain veterans present pronounced it as gay and gentle a skirmish as they had ever witnessed.
Such was the brief but bloody battle known among the Christian warriors as “the Queen’s Skirmish.” When the Marquis of Cadiz met with Her Majesty to apologize for breaking her orders, he credited the victory entirely to her presence. However, the queen insisted that it was due to her troops being led by such a brave commander. Her Majesty had not yet recovered from her shock at witnessing such a terrible scene of bloodshed, although some veterans present claimed it was as lively and gentle a skirmish as they had ever seen.
The gayety of this gentle pass at arms, however, was somewhat marred by a rough reverse in the evening. Certain of the Christian cavaliers, among whom were the count de Urena, Don Alonso Aguilar, his brother Gonsalvo of Cordova, Diego Castrillo, commander of Calatrava, and others to the number of fifty, remained in ambush near Armilla, expecting the Moors would sally forth at night to visit the scene of battle and to bury their dead. They were discovered by a Moor who had climbed an elm tree to reconnoitre, and who hastened into the city to give notice of their ambush. Scarce had night fallen when the cavaliers found themselves surrounded by a host which in the darkness seemed innumerable. The Moors attacked them with sanguinary fury to revenge the disgrace of the morning. The cavaliers fought to every disadvantage, overwhelmed by numbers, ignorant of the ground, perplexed by thickets and by the water-courses of the gardens, the sluices of which were all thrown open. Even retreat was difficult. The count de Urena was surrounded and in imminent peril, from which he was saved by two of his faithful followers at the sacrifice of their lives. Several cavaliers lost their horses, and were themselves put to death in the water-courses. Gonsalvo of Cordova came near having his own illustrious career cut short in this obscure skirmish. He had fallen into a water-course, whence he extricated himself, covered with mud and so encumbered with his armor that he could not retreat. Inigo de Mendoza, a relative of his brother Alonso, seeing his peril, offered him his horse. “Take it, senor,” said he, “for you cannot save yourself on foot, and I can; but should I fall take care of my wife and daughters.”
The fun of this gentle showdown was somewhat overshadowed by a rough setback later that evening. Some Christian knights, including Count de Urena, Don Alonso Aguilar, his brother Gonsalvo of Cordova, Diego Castrillo, commander of Calatrava, and about fifty others, lay in wait near Armilla, expecting the Moors to come out at night to visit the battlefield and bury their dead. They were spotted by a Moor who had climbed an elm tree to scout out the area, and he rushed back to the city to warn of their ambush. Just as night fell, the knights found themselves surrounded by a seemingly endless number of Moors in the darkness. The Moors attacked them with fierce anger to avenge the humiliation of the morning. The knights fought under terrible conditions, overwhelmed by numbers, lost in unfamiliar terrain, hindered by dense bushes and the open water channels of the gardens. Even escaping was tough. Count de Urena was encircled and in serious danger, and he was rescued by two loyal followers who sacrificed their lives. Several knights lost their horses and were killed in the water channels. Gonsalvo of Cordova nearly had his outstanding career cut short in this minor skirmish. He had fallen into a water channel, from which he managed to pull himself out, covered in mud and so weighed down by his armor that he couldn’t retreat. Inigo de Mendoza, a relative of his brother Alonso, saw his trouble and offered him his horse. “Take it, sir,” he said, “because you can’t save yourself on foot, but I can; just promise me you’ll look after my wife and daughters if I don’t make it.”
Gonsalvo accepted the devoted offer, mounted the horse, and had made but few paces when a lamentable cry caused him to turn his head, and he beheld the faithful Mendoza transfixed by Moorish lances. The four principal cavaliers already named, with several of their followers, effected their retreat and reached the camp in safety; but this nocturnal reverse obscured the morning’s triumph. Gonsalvo remembered the last words of the devoted Mendoza, and bestowed a pension on his widow and marriage portions on his daughters.*
Gonsalvo accepted the loyal offer, mounted the horse, and had taken only a few steps when a tragic cry made him turn his head, and he saw the faithful Mendoza pinned down by Moorish lances. The four main knights previously mentioned, along with several of their men, managed to retreat and reached the camp safely; however, this nighttime setback overshadowed the morning’s victory. Gonsalvo recalled Mendoza’s last words and provided a pension for his widow and dowries for his daughters.*
* The account of this nocturnal affair is from Peter Martyr, lib. 4, Epist. 90, and Pulgar, Hazanas del Gran Capitan, page 188, as cited by Alcantara, Hist. Granada, tom. 4, cap. 18.
* The account of this nighttime event comes from Peter Martyr, book 4, letter 90, and Pulgar, The Exploits of the Great Captain, page 188, as referenced by Alcantara, History of Granada, volume 4, chapter 18.
To commemorate the victory of which she had been an eye-witness, Queen Isabella afterward erected a monastery in the village of Zubia dedicated to St. Francisco, which still exists, and in its garden is a laurel planted by her hands.*
To celebrate the victory she witnessed, Queen Isabella later built a monastery in the village of Zubia dedicated to St. Francisco, which still stands today, and in its garden is a laurel tree planted by her own hands.*
* The house whence the king and queen contemplated the battle is likewise to be seen at the present day. It is in the first street to the right on entering the village from the Vega, and the royal arms are painted on the ceilings. It is inhabited by a worthy farmer, Francisco Garcia, who in showing the house to the writer refused all compensation with true Spanish pride, offering, on the contrary, the hospitalities of his mansion. His children are versed in the old Spanish ballads about the exploits of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Garcilasso de la Vega.
* The house where the king and queen watched the battle can still be seen today. It’s on the first street to the right when you enter the village from the Vega, and the royal coat of arms is painted on the ceilings. A respectable farmer named Francisco Garcia lives there, and when he showed the house to the writer, he declined any payment with genuine Spanish pride, instead offering the hospitality of his home. His children are familiar with the old Spanish ballads about the exploits of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Garcilasso de la Vega.
The ravages of war had as yet spared a little portion of the Vega of Granada. A green belt of gardens and orchards still flourished round the city, extending along the banks of the Xenil and the Darro. They had been the solace and delight of the inhabitants in their happier days, and contributed to their sustenance in this time of scarcity. Ferdinand determined to make a final and exterminating ravage to the very walls of the city, so that there should not remain a single green thing for the sustenance of man or beast. The eighth of July was the day appointed for this act of desolation. Boabdil was informed by his spies of the intention of the Christian king, and prepared to make a desperate defence. Hernando de Baeza, a Christian who resided with the royal family in the Alhambra as interpreter, gives in a manuscript memoir an account of the parting of Boabdil from his family as he went forth to battle. At an early hour on the appointed day, the eighth of July, he bathed and perfumed himself, as the Moors of high rank were accustomed to do when they went forth to peril their lives. Arrayed in complete armor, he took leave of his mother, his wife, and his sister in the antechamber of the Tower of Comares. Ayxa la Horra, with her usual dignity, bestowed on him her benediction and gave him her hand to kiss. It was a harder parting with his son and his daughter, who hung round him with sobs and tears: the duenas and doncellas too of the royal household made the halls of the Alhambra resound with their lamentations. He then mounted his horse and put himself in front of his squadrons.*
The devastation of war had so far left a small part of the Vega of Granada untouched. A green belt of gardens and orchards still thrived around the city, stretching along the banks of the Xenil and the Darro. They had been a source of comfort and joy for the people in better times and were vital for their survival during this period of scarcity. Ferdinand decided to carry out a final and total destruction of the city’s walls, ensuring that nothing green would remain for the sustenance of people or animals. July 8 was set for this act of devastation. Boabdil learned from his spies about the Christian king's plans and prepared to defend himself fiercely. Hernando de Baeza, a Christian living with the royal family in the Alhambra as an interpreter, recorded in a manuscript memoir the moment Boabdil said goodbye to his family before going into battle. On the morning of July 8, he bathed and perfumed himself, as high-ranking Moors typically did before risking their lives. Dressed in full armor, he said farewell to his mother, wife, and sister in the antechamber of the Tower of Comares. Ayxa la Horra, maintaining her usual dignity, offered him her blessing and extended her hand for him to kiss. The goodbye to his son and daughter was much harder, as they clung to him sobbing and crying: the ladies and maidens of the royal household filled the halls of the Alhambra with their wailing. He then mounted his horse and took his place at the front of his troops.*
* Hernando de Baeza, as cited by Alcantara, Hist. Gran., t. 4, c. 18.
* Hernando de Baeza, as mentioned by Alcantara, Hist. Gran., t. 4, c. 18.
The Christian army approached close to the city, and were laying waste the gardens and orchards when Boabdil sallied forth, surrounded by all that was left of the flower and chivalry of Granada. There is one place where even the coward becomes brave—that sacred spot called home. What, then, must have been the valor of the Moors, a people always of chivalrous spirit, when the war was thus brought to their thresholds! They fought among the scenes of their loves and pleasures, the scenes of their infancy, and the haunts of their domestic life. They fought under the eyes of their wives and children, their old men and their maidens—of all that was helpless and all that was dear to them; for all Granada, crowded on tower and battlement, watched with trembling heart the fate of this eventful day.
The Christian army got close to the city and started destroying the gardens and orchards when Boabdil charged out, surrounded by the remnants of Granada’s nobility and warriors. There’s a place where even the timid find courage—that sacred place called home. So, imagine the bravery of the Moors, a people known for their noble spirit, when the war reached their doorsteps! They fought in the places of their love and joy, where they grew up, and in the familiar spots of their daily lives. They fought in front of their wives and children, their elders and young women—everything they cherished and everything that was vulnerable; all of Granada gathered on the towers and walls, anxiously watching the fate of this significant day.
There was not so much one battle as a variety of battles: every garden and orchard became a scene of deadly contest; every inch of ground was disputed with an agony of grief and valor by the Moors; every inch of ground that the Christians advanced they valiantly maintained, but never did they advance with severer fighting or greater loss of blood.
There wasn’t just one battle but many different ones: every garden and orchard turned into a deadly contest; every inch of land was fiercely fought over with a mix of grief and bravery by the Moors; every inch of ground that the Christians gained, they held onto with courage, yet they never advanced without intense fighting and heavy casualties.
The cavalry of Muza was in every part of the field; wherever it came it gave fresh ardor to the fight. The Moorish soldier, fainting with heat, fatigue, and wounds, was roused to new life at the approach of Muza; and even he who lay gasping in the agonies of death turned his face toward him and faintly uttered cheers and blessings as he passed.
The cavalry of Muza was everywhere on the battlefield; wherever they appeared, they brought fresh energy to the fight. The Moorish soldier, exhausted from the heat, fatigue, and injuries, felt rejuvenated at the sight of Muza; even the man lying on the verge of death turned his face toward him and weakly shouted cheers and blessings as he went by.
The Christians had by this time gained possession of various towers near the city, whence they had been annoyed by crossbows and arquebuses. The Moors, scattered in various actions, were severely pressed. Boabdil, at the head of the cavaliers of his guard, mingling in the fight in various parts of the field, endeavored to inspirit the foot-soldiers to the combat. But the Moorish infantry was never to be depended upon. In the heat of the action a panic seized upon them; they fled, leaving their sovereign exposed with his handful of cavaliers to an overwhelming force. Boabdil was on the point of falling into the hands of the Christians, when, wheeling round, he and his followers threw the reins on the necks of their steeds and took refuge by dint of hoof within the walls of the city.*
The Christians had by now taken control of several towers near the city, from which they were being attacked by crossbows and guns. The Moors, scattered in various skirmishes, were under serious pressure. Boabdil, leading his guard, joined the fight in different parts of the battlefield, trying to rally the foot soldiers to engage in combat. But the Moorish infantry was never reliable. In the heat of the battle, they panicked and fled, leaving their king vulnerable with just a few knights against a much larger force. Boabdil was about to be captured by the Christians when he and his men quickly turned their horses and retreated into the city walls.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 88.
* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 88.
Muza endeavored to retrieve the fortune of the field. He threw himself before the retreating infantry, calling upon them to turn and fight for their homes, their families, for everything sacred and dear to them. All in vain: totally broken and dismayed, they fled tumultuously for the gates. Muza would fain have kept the field with his cavalry; but this devoted band, having stood the brunt of war throughout this desperate campaign, was fearfully reduced in numbers, and many of the survivors were crippled and enfeebled by their wounds. Slowly and reluctantly, therefore, he retreated to the city, his bosom swelling with indignation and despair. Entering the gates, he ordered them to be closed and secured with bolts and bars; for he refused to place any further confidence in the archers and arquebusiers stationed to defend them, and vowed never more to sally with foot-soldiers to the field.
Muza tried to recapture the wealth of the land. He threw himself in front of the retreating infantry, urging them to turn back and fight for their homes, their families, for everything that mattered to them. It was all in vain: utterly broken and demoralized, they rushed towards the gates in chaos. Muza wished he could hold the field with his cavalry; however, this loyal group, having endured the hardships of war throughout this grueling campaign, had been severely diminished in numbers, and many of the survivors were injured and weakened by their wounds. Reluctantly, he retreated to the city, his heart heavy with anger and despair. As he entered the gates, he ordered them to be closed and secured with bolts and bars; he had lost all faith in the archers and gunmen stationed to defend them and vowed never to lead foot-soldiers into battle again.
In the mean time, the artillery thundered from the walls and checked all further advance of the Christians. King Ferdinand therefore called off his troops, and returned in triumph to his camp, leaving the beautiful city of Granada wrapped in the smoke of her fields and gardens and surrounded by the bodies of her slaughtered children.
In the meantime, the cannons roared from the walls and halted any further advance of the Christians. King Ferdinand then withdrew his troops and triumphantly returned to his camp, leaving the beautiful city of Granada shrouded in the smoke of its fields and gardens and surrounded by the bodies of its fallen children.
Such was the last sally of the Moors in defence of their favorite city. The French ambassador, who witnessed it, was filled with wonder at the prowess, the dexterity, and the daring of the Moslems.
Such was the last effort of the Moors to defend their beloved city. The French ambassador, who saw it happen, was amazed by the skill, agility, and bravery of the Muslims.
In truth, this whole war was an instance, memorable in history, of the most persevering resolution. For nearly ten years had the war endured—an almost uninterrupted series of disasters to the Moorish arms. Their towns had been taken, one after another, and their brethren slain or led into captivity. Yet they disputed every city and town and fortress and castle, nay, every rock itself, as if they had been inspirited by victories. Wherever they could plant foot to fight, or find wall or cliff whence to launch an arrow, they disputed their beloved country; and now, when their capital was cut off from all relief and a whole nation thundered at its gates, they still maintained defence, as if they hoped some miracle to interpose in their behalf. Their obstinate resistance (says an ancient chronicler) shows the grief with which they yielded up the Vega, which was to them a paradise and heaven. Exerting all the strength of their arms, they embraced, as it were, that most beloved soil, from which neither wounds nor defeats, nor death itself, could part them. They stood firm, battling for it with the united force of love and grief, never drawing back the foot while they had hands to fight or fortune to befriend them.*
In reality, this entire war was a remarkable moment in history, showcasing incredible determination. For nearly ten years, the conflict lasted—an almost continuous series of setbacks for the Moorish forces. Their towns were captured one by one, and their people were killed or taken prisoner. Yet they fought for every city, town, fortress, and castle, even to the very rocks, as if fueled by past victories. Wherever they could stand to fight or find a wall or cliff to shoot from, they defended their cherished land; and now, as their capital was cut off from help and a whole nation battered at its gates, they still held strong, as if hoping for a miracle to save them. Their stubborn resistance, as an old chronicle mentions, reveals the sorrow with which they surrendered the Vega, a place they considered a paradise. With all their strength, they clung to that beloved soil, from which neither wounds, defeats, nor death could separate them. They stood resolute, fighting for it with a powerful blend of love and sorrow, never backing down as long as they had hands to fight or luck on their side.
* Abarca, Reyes de Aragon, R. 30, c. 3.
* Abarca, Reyes de Aragon, R. 30, c. 3.
The moors now shut themselves up gloomily within their walls; there were no longer any daring sallies from their gates, and even the martial clangor of the drum and trumpet, which had continually resounded within the warrior city, was now seldom heard from its battlements. In the midst of this deep despondency a single disaster in the Christian camp for a moment lit up a ray of hope in the bosom of the Moors.
The moors now closed themselves off sadly within their walls; there were no more bold outings from their gates, and even the lively sounds of drums and trumpets that had constantly echoed in the warrior city were rarely heard from its ramparts. In the midst of this deep despair, a single setback in the Christian camp briefly sparked a glimmer of hope in the hearts of the Moors.
The setting sun of a hot summer’s day, on the 10th of July, shone splendidly upon the Christian camp, which was in a bustle of preparation for the next day’s service, when an attack was meditated on the city. The camp made a glorious appearance. The various tents of the royal family and the attendant nobles were adorned with rich hangings and sumptuous devices and costly furniture, forming, as it were, a little city of silk and brocade, where the pinnacles of pavilions of various gay colors, surmounted with waving standards and fluttering pennons, might vie with the domes and minarets of the capital they were besieging.
The setting sun on a hot summer day, July 10th, shone brilliantly on the Christian camp, which was bustling with preparation for the next day's service, when an attack on the city was planned. The camp looked magnificent. The different tents of the royal family and the accompanying nobles were decorated with rich fabrics and lavish designs and expensive furnishings, creating what felt like a small city of silk and brocade, where the peaks of pavilions in various bright colors, topped with waving flags and fluttering banners, could compete with the domes and minarets of the capital they were laying siege to.
In the midst of this little gaudy metropolis the lofty tent of the queen domineered over the rest like a stately palace. The marques of Cadiz had courteously surrendered his own tent to the queen: it was the most complete and sumptuous in Christendom, and had been carried about with him throughout the war. In the centre rose a stately alfaneque, or pavilion, in Oriental taste, the rich hangings being supported by columns of lances and ornamented with martial devices. This central pavilion, or silken tower, was surrounded by other compartments, some of painted linen lined with silk, and all separated from each other by curtains. It was one of those camp palaces which are raised and demolished in an instant like the city of canvas which surrounds them.
In the middle of this flashy city, the queen's tall tent towered over everything like a grand palace. The Marquis of Cadiz had graciously given his tent to the queen; it was the most elaborate and luxurious in all of Christendom and had traveled with him throughout the war. In the center stood a magnificent pavilion in an Eastern style, with rich drapes held up by lance columns and decorated with military symbols. This central pavilion, or silken tower, was surrounded by other areas, some made of painted fabric lined with silk, all divided by curtains. It was one of those temporary camp palaces that can be set up and taken down in an instant, just like the canvas city that encircles them.
As the evening advanced the bustle in the camp subsided. Every one sought repose, preparatory to the next day’s trial. The king retired early, that he might be up with the crowing of the cock to head the destroying army in person. All stir of military preparation was hushed in the royal quarters: the very sound of minstrelsy was mute, and not the tinkling of a guitar was to be heard from the tents of the fair ladies of the court.
As the evening went on, the activity in the camp died down. Everyone looked for rest in preparation for the next day's challenges. The king went to bed early so he could rise with the crowing of the rooster to personally lead the army into battle. All military preparations fell silent in the royal quarters: even the music had stopped, and not a single note from a guitar could be heard from the tents of the court's ladies.
The queen had retired to the innermost part of her pavilion, where she was performing her orisons before a private altar: perhaps the peril to which the king might be exposed in the next day’s foray inspired her with more than usual devotion. While thus at her prayers she was suddenly aroused by a glare of light and wreaths of suffocating smoke. In an instant the whole tent was in a blaze: there was a high gusty wind, which whirled the light flames from tent to tent and wrapped the whole in one conflagration.
The queen had moved to the back of her pavilion, where she was praying at a private altar. Maybe the danger the king could face in the next day’s raid fueled her devotion more than usual. While she was praying, she was suddenly jolted by a flash of light and clouds of choking smoke. In an instant, the entire tent was on fire; a strong, gusty wind swept the bright flames from one tent to another, engulfing them all in one huge blaze.
Isabella had barely time to save herself by instant flight. Her first thought on being extricated from her tent was for the safety of the king. She rushed to his tent, but the vigilant Ferdinand was already at the entrance of it. Starting from bed on the first alarm and fancying it an assault of the enemy, he had seized his sword and buckler and sallied forth undressed with his cuirass upon his arm.
Isabella barely had time to escape in an instant. Her first thought upon being pulled from her tent was for the king's safety. She rushed to his tent, but the alert Ferdinand was already at its entrance. Waking up at the first sign of alarm and thinking it was an enemy attack, he grabbed his sword and shield and rushed out dressed only in his armor, with his breastplate in his arm.
The late gorgeous camp was now a scene of wild confusion. The flames kept spreading from one pavilion to another, glaring upon the rich armor and golden and silver vessels, which seemed melting in the fervent heat. Many of the soldiers had erected booths and bowers of branches, which, being dry, crackled and blazed and added to the rapid conflagration. The ladies of the court fled, shrieking and half dressed, from their tents. There was an alarm of drum and trumpet, and a distracted hurry about the camp of men half armed. The prince Juan had been snatched out of bed by an attendant and conveyed to the quarters of the count de Cabra, which were at the entrance of the camp. The loyal count immediately summoned his people and those of his cousin Don Alonso de Montemayor, and formed a guard round the tent in which the prince was sheltered.
The once beautiful camp was now a chaotic mess. The flames kept spreading from one pavilion to another, glaring on the rich armor and golden and silver vessels that seemed to melt in the intense heat. Many soldiers had set up booths and shelters made of branches, which were dry, crackling, and blazing, contributing to the rapid fire. The ladies of the court ran away, screaming and half-dressed, from their tents. There was an alarm of drums and trumpets, and a frantic rush in the camp with men who were only partially armed. Prince Juan had been pulled out of bed by an attendant and taken to the quarters of Count de Cabra, located at the entrance of the camp. The loyal count immediately called his people, along with those of his cousin Don Alonso de Montemayor, and formed a guard around the tent where the prince was being sheltered.
The idea that this was a stratagem of the Moors soon subsided, but it was feared they might take advantage of it to assault the camp. The marques of Cadiz, therefore, sallied forth with three thousand horse to check any advance from the city. As they passed along the whole camp was a scene of hurry and consternation—some hastening to their posts at the call of drum and trumpet; some attempting to save rich effects and glittering armor from the tents; others dragging along terrified and restive horses.
The thought that this was a trick by the Moors quickly faded, but there were concerns they might use it to attack the camp. So, the Marquess of Cadiz led three thousand cavalry to prevent any movement from the city. As they moved through, the entire camp was a scene of chaos and panic—some rushing to their positions at the sound of drums and trumpets; some trying to salvage valuable belongings and shiny armor from the tents; others pulling along scared and reluctant horses.
When they emerged from the camp they found the whole firmament illuminated. The flames whirled up in long light spires, and the air was filled with sparks and cinders. A bright glare was thrown upon the city, revealing every battlement and tower. Turbaned heads were seen gazing from every roof, and armor gleamed along the walls, yet not a single warrior sallied from the gates: the Moors suspected some stratagem on the part of the Christians and kept quietly within their walls. By degrees the flames expired; the city faded from sight; all again became dark and quiet, and the marques of Cadiz returned with his cavalry to the camp.
When they came out of the camp, they found the entire sky lit up. The flames swirled into tall, bright columns, and the air was filled with sparks and embers. A strong light illuminated the city, showing every battlement and tower. People in turbans were seen watching from every rooftop, and armor sparkled along the walls, yet not a single warrior came out from the gates: the Moors suspected some trickery from the Christians and stayed quietly behind their walls. Gradually, the flames died down; the city disappeared from view; everything again became dark and quiet, and the Marquis of Cadiz returned with his cavalry to the camp.
When the day dawned on the Christian camp nothing remained of that beautiful assemblage of stately pavilions but heaps of smouldering rubbish, with helms and corselets and other furniture of war, and masses of melted gold and silver glittering among the ashes. The wardrobe of the queen was entirely destroyed, and there was an immense loss in plate, jewels, costly stuffs, and sumptuous armor of the luxurious nobles. The fire at first had been attributed to treachery, but on investigation it proved to be entirely accidental. The queen on retiring to her prayers had ordered her lady in attendance to remove a light burning near her couch, lest it should prevent her sleeping. Through heedlessness, the taper was placed in another part of the tent near the hangings, which, being blown against it by a gust of wind, immediately took fire.
When the day broke over the Christian camp, all that was left of that beautiful collection of grand tents was piles of smoldering debris, along with helmets, breastplates, and other war gear, and heaps of melted gold and silver shimmering in the ashes. The queen's wardrobe was completely destroyed, resulting in a huge loss of silverware, jewels, expensive fabrics, and lavish armor belonging to the wealthy nobles. Initially, the fire was thought to be an act of betrayal, but after investigation, it turned out to be purely accidental. The queen, as she went to her prayers, had instructed her lady-in-waiting to move a light burning near her bed, so it wouldn’t disturb her sleep. Unfortunately, the candle was carelessly placed in another part of the tent near the drapes, which caught fire after being blown into it by a gust of wind.
The wary Ferdinand knew the sanguine temperament of the Moors, and hastened to prevent their deriving confidence from the night’s disaster. At break of day the drums and trumpets sounded to arms, and the Christian army issued forth from among the smoking ruins of their camp in shining squadrons, with flaunting banners and bursts of martial melody, as though the preceding night had been a time of high festivity instead of terror.
The cautious Ferdinand understood the optimistic nature of the Moors and rushed to keep them from gaining confidence after the night's disaster. At dawn, the drums and trumpets called for arms, and the Christian army marched out from the smoldering remains of their camp in bright formations, carrying colorful banners and playing triumphant music, as if the previous night had been a celebration rather than a time of fear.
The Moors had beheld the conflagration with wonder and perplexity. When the day broke and they looked toward the Christian camp, they saw nothing but a dark smoking mass. Their scouts came in with the joyful intelligence that the whole camp was a scene of ruin. In the exultation of the moment they flattered themselves with hopes that the catastrophe would discourage the besiegers—that, as in former years, their invasion would end with the summer and they would withdraw before the autumnal rains.
The Moors had watched the fire with amazement and confusion. When morning came and they looked toward the Christian camp, all they saw was a dark cloud of smoke. Their scouts returned with the happy news that the entire camp was in ruins. In their excitement, they convinced themselves that this disaster would dishearten the attackers—that, just like in previous years, their invasion would wrap up with the summer and they would leave before the autumn rains came.
The measures of Ferdinand and Isabella soon crushed these hopes. They gave orders to build a regular city upon the site of their camp, to convince the Moors that the siege was to endure until the surrender of Granada. Nine of the principal cities of Spain were charged with the stupendous undertaking, and they emulated each other with a zeal worthy of the cause. “It verily seems,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “as though some miracle operated to aid this pious work, so rapidly did arise a formidable city, with solid edifices and powerful walls and mighty towers, where lately had been seen nothing but tents and light pavilions. The city was traversed by two principal streets in form of a cross, terminating in four gates facing the four winds, and in the centre was a vast square where the whole army might be assembled. To this city it was proposed to give the name of Isabella, so dear to the army and the nation, but that pious princess,” adds Antonio Agapida, “calling to mind the holy cause in which it was erected, gave it the name of Santa Fe (or the City of the Holy Faith), and it remains to this day a monument of the piety and glory of the Catholic sovereigns.”
The actions of Ferdinand and Isabella quickly dashed these hopes. They ordered the construction of a proper city on the site of their camp to show the Moors that the siege would continue until Granada surrendered. Nine of Spain's main cities took on this massive task, competing with each other with a passion worthy of the cause. “It really seems,” says Fray Antonio Agapida, “as if some miracle helped this noble endeavor, for a formidable city sprang up quickly, complete with sturdy buildings, strong walls, and mighty towers, where just a short time ago there had been only tents and flimsy pavilions. The city featured two main streets forming a cross, ending in four gates facing the four directions, and in the center, there was a large square where the entire army could gather. They intended to name this city Isabella, beloved by the army and the nation, but that pious princess,” adds Antonio Agapida, “remembering the holy purpose for which it was built, named it Santa Fe (or the City of the Holy Faith), and it still stands today as a testament to the devotion and glory of the Catholic monarchs.”
Hither the merchants soon resorted from all points. Long trains of mules were seen every day entering and departing from its gates; the streets were crowded with magazines filled with all kinds of costly and luxurious merchandise; a scene of bustling commerce and prosperity took place, while unhappy Granada remained shut up and desolate.
The merchants quickly gathered here from all directions. Long lines of mules could be seen every day coming in and out of its gates; the streets were packed with shops filled with all sorts of expensive and luxurious goods; a bustling scene of commerce and prosperity unfolded, while the unfortunate Granada stayed closed off and empty.
The besieged city now began to suffer the distress of famine. Its supplies were all cut off; a cavalgada of flocks and herds and mules laden with money, coming to the relief of the city from the mountains of the Alpuxarras, was taken by the marques of Cadiz and led in triumph to the camp in sight of the suffering Moors. Autumn arrived, but the harvests had been swept from the face of the country; a rigorous winter was approaching and the city was almost destitute of provisions. The people sank into deep despondency. They called to mind all that had been predicted by astrologers at the birth of their ill-starred sovereign, and all that had been foretold of the fate of Granada at the time of the capture of Zahara.
The besieged city was now facing the agony of famine. All its supplies were cut off; a convoy of flocks, herds, and mules loaded with money, heading to help the city from the mountains of the Alpuxarras, was captured by the Marquis of Cadiz and brought in triumph to the camp, visible to the suffering Moors. Autumn came, but the harvests had been wiped out across the land; a harsh winter was on the way, and the city was nearly out of food. The people fell into deep despair. They remembered everything that had been predicted by astrologers at the birth of their unfortunate ruler and all that had been foretold about Granada's fate when Zahara was captured.
Boabdil was alarmed by the gathering dangers from without and by the clamors of his starving people. He summoned a council, composed of the principal officers of the army, the alcaydes of the fortresses, the xequis or sages of the city, and the alfaquis or doctors of the faith. They assembled in the great Hall of Audience of the Alhambra, and despair was painted in their countenances. Boabdil demanded of them what was to be done in the present extremity, and their answer was, “Surrender.” The venerable Abul Casim, governor of the city, represented its unhappy state: “Our granaries are nearly exhausted, and no further supplies are to be expected. The provender for the war-horses is required as sustenance for the soldiery; the very horses themselves are killed for food; of seven thousand steeds which once could be sent into the field, three hundred only remain. Our city contains two hundred thousand inhabitants, old and young, with each a mouth that calls piteously for bread.”
Boabdil was worried about the growing dangers from outside and the cries of his starving people. He called a council made up of the main army officers, the leaders of the fortresses, the wise men of the city, and the religious scholars. They gathered in the grand Hall of Audience at the Alhambra, and despair was visible on their faces. Boabdil asked them what should be done in this critical situation, and their answer was, “Surrender.” The respected Abul Casim, the governor of the city, described its terrible condition: “Our granaries are almost empty, and we can't expect any more supplies. The feed for the war-horses is needed to feed the soldiers; we’ve even resorted to killing the horses for food. Out of the seven thousand horses that once could be sent into the field, only three hundred remain. Our city has two hundred thousand residents, young and old, and each one is crying out for bread.”
The xequis and principal citizens declared that the people could no longer sustain the labors and sufferings of a defence. “And of what avail is our defence,” said they, “when the enemy is determined to persist in the siege? What alternative remains but to surrender or to die?”
The leaders and important citizens announced that the people could no longer handle the hard work and suffering of defense. "What’s the point of our defense," they said, "when the enemy is set on continuing the siege? What other options do we have but to give up or to die?"
The heart of Boabdil was touched by this appeal, and he maintained a gloomy silence. He had cherished some faint hope of relief from the soldan of Egypt or the Barbary powers, but it was now at an end; even if such assistance were to be sent, he had no longer a seaport where it might debark. The counsellors saw that the resolution of the king was shaken, and they united their voices in urging him to capitulate.
The heart of Boabdil was moved by this plea, and he kept a heavy silence. He had held onto a glimmer of hope for help from the sultan of Egypt or the Barbary states, but that was now over; even if aid were to arrive, he no longer had a port where it could land. The advisors noticed that the king's resolve was weakening, and they all urged him to surrender.
Muza alone rose in opposition. “It is yet too early,” said he, “to talk of surrender. Our means are not exhausted; we have yet one source of strength remaining, terrible in its effects, and which often has achieved the most signal victories—it is our despair. Let us rouse the mass of the people—let us put weapons in their hands—let us fight the enemy to the very utmost until we rush upon the points of their lances. I am ready to lead the way into the thickest of their squadrons; and much rather would I be numbered among those who fell in the defence of Granada than of those who survived to capitulate for her surrender.”
Muza stood up against the idea. “It’s still too early,” he said, “to discuss giving up. We haven’t run out of options; we still have one powerful force left, one that often brings about the most significant victories—it’s our despair. Let’s rally the people—let’s put weapons in their hands—let’s fight the enemy to the very end, even if it means charging straight into their spears. I’m ready to lead the charge into the heart of their ranks; I’d much rather be counted among those who died defending Granada than those who lived to surrender her.”
The words of Muza were without effect, for they were addressed to broken-spirited and heartless men, or men, perhaps, to whom sad experience had taught discretion. They were arrived at that state of public depression when heroes and heroism are no longer regarded, and when old men and their counsels rise into importance. Boabdil el Chico yielded to the general voice: it was determined to capitulate with the Christian sovereigns, and the venerable Abul Casim was sent forth to the camp empowered to treat for terms.
The words of Muza had no impact because they were directed at dispirited and unfeeling men, or perhaps men who had learned caution from painful experiences. They had reached a level of public despair where heroes and heroism were no longer valued, and where the advice of elders gained significance. Boabdil el Chico submitted to the prevailing opinion: it was decided to surrender to the Christian monarchs, and the respected Abul Casim was sent to the camp with the authority to negotiate terms.
The old governor Abul Casim was received with great courtesy by Ferdinand and Isabella, who, being informed of the purport of his embassy, granted the besieged a truce of sixty days from the 5th of October, and appointed Gonsalvo of Cordova and Hernando de Zafra, the secretary of the king, to treat about the terms of surrender with such commissioners as might be named by Boabdil. The latter on his part named Abul Casim, Aben Comixa the vizier, and the grand cadi. As a pledge of good faith Boabdil gave his son in hostage, who was taken to Moclin, where he was treated with the greatest respect and attention by the good count de Tendilla as general of the frontier.
The old governor Abul Casim was received with great respect by Ferdinand and Isabella, who, after learning the purpose of his mission, granted the besieged a truce of sixty days starting from October 5th. They appointed Gonsalvo of Cordova and Hernando de Zafra, the king's secretary, to negotiate the terms of surrender with commissioners chosen by Boabdil. Boabdil, in turn, selected Abul Casim, Aben Comixa the vizier, and the grand cadi. As a sign of good faith, Boabdil gave his son as a hostage, who was taken to Moclin, where he was treated with utmost respect and care by the good Count de Tendilla, the general of the frontier.
The commissioners on both parts held repeated conferences in secret in the dead of the night at the village of Churriana, those who first arrived at the place of meeting giving notice to the others by signal-fires or by means of spies. After many debates and much difficulty the capitulation was signed on the 25th of November. According to this, the city was to be delivered up, with all its gates, towers and fortresses, within sixty days.
The commissioners from both sides held multiple secret meetings in the dead of night at the village of Churriana, with those who arrived first signaling the others using signal fires or spies. After many discussions and a lot of challenges, the agreement was signed on November 25th. According to this agreement, the city was to be surrendered, along with all its gates, towers, and fortresses, within sixty days.
All Christian captives should be liberated without ransom.
All Christian captives should be freed without any ransom.
Boabdil and his principal cavaliers should perform the act of homage and take an oath of fealty to the Castilian Crown.
Boabdil and his main knights should pay homage and swear loyalty to the Castilian Crown.
The Moors of Granada should become subjects of the Spanish sovereigns, retaining their possessions, their arms and horses, and yielding up nothing but their artillery. They should be protected in the exercise of their religion, and governed by their own laws, administered by cadis of their own faith under governors appointed by the sovereigns. They should be exempted from tribute for three years, after which term they should pay the same that they had been accustomed to render to their native monarchs.
The Moors of Granada should become subjects of the Spanish rulers, keeping their property, arms, and horses, and only surrendering their artillery. They should be allowed to practice their religion freely and be governed by their own laws, managed by judges of their faith, appointed by the rulers. They should be exempt from taxes for three years, after which they will pay the same amount they used to pay their former kings.
Those who chose to depart for Africa within three years should be provided with a passage for themselves and their effects, free of charge, from whatever port they should prefer.
Those who decide to leave for Africa within three years should be given a free passage for themselves and their belongings from any port they prefer.
For the fulfilment of these articles five hundred hostages from the principal families were required previous to the surrender, who should be treated with great respect and distinction by the Christians, and subsequently restored. The son of the king of Granada and all other hostages in possession of the Castilian sovereigns were to be restored at the same time.
For the execution of these agreements, five hundred hostages from the leading families were needed before the surrender, who would be treated with great respect and distinction by the Christians and later returned. The son of the king of Granada and all other hostages held by the Castilian rulers were to be returned at the same time.
Such are the main articles affecting the public weal which were agreed upon, after much discussion, by the mixed commission. There were other articles, however, secretly arranged, which concerned the royal family. These secured to Boabdil, to his wife Morayma, his mother Ayza, his brothers, and to Zoraya, the widow of Muley Abul Hassan, all the landed possessions, houses, mills, baths, and other hereditaments which formed the royal patrimony, with the power of selling them, personally or by agent, at any and all times. To Boabdil was secured, moreover, his wealthy estates both in and out of Granada, and to him and his descendants in perpetuity the lordships of various town and lands and fertile valleys in the Alpuxarras, forming a petty sovereignty. In addition to all which it was stipulated that on the day of surrender he should receive thirty thousand castelanos of gold.*
These are the main articles that impact the public good, which were agreed upon after a lot of discussion by the mixed commission. However, there were other articles arranged secretly that involved the royal family. These secured for Boabdil, his wife Morayma, his mother Ayza, his brothers, and Zoraya, the widow of Muley Abul Hassan, all the land, houses, mills, baths, and other properties that made up the royal inheritance, with the right to sell them, either personally or through an agent, at any time. Boabdil was also granted his wealthy estates inside and outside Granada, and to him and his descendants forever, the lordships of various towns, lands, and fertile valleys in the Alpuxarras, creating a small sovereignty. Additionally, it was agreed that on the day of surrender, he would receive thirty thousand castelanos of gold.*
* Alcantara, t. 4, c. 18.
* Alcantara, t. 4, c. 18.
The conditions of surrender being finally agreed upon by the commissioners, Abul Casim proceeded to the royal camp at Santa Fe, where they were signed by Ferdinand and Isabella; he then returned to Granada, accompanied by Hernando de Zafra, the royal secretary, to have the same ratified also by the Moorish king. Boabdil assembled his council, and with a dejected countenance laid before it the articles of capitulation as the best that could be obtained from the besieging foe.
The terms of surrender were finally agreed upon by the commissioners, so Abul Casim went to the royal camp in Santa Fe, where they were signed by Ferdinand and Isabella. He then returned to Granada, accompanied by Hernando de Zafra, the royal secretary, to have the same ratified by the Moorish king as well. Boabdil gathered his council and, looking defeated, presented the articles of capitulation as the best deal he could get from the enemy.
When the members of the council found the awful moment arrived when they were to sign and seal the perdition of their empire and blot themselves out as a nation, all firmness deserted them, and many gave way to tears. Muza alone retained an unaltered mien. “Leave, seniors,” cried he, “this idle lamentation to helpless women and children: we are men—we have hearts, not to shed tender tears, but drops of blood. I see the spirit of the people so cast down that it is impossible to save the kingdom. Yet there still remains an alternative for noble minds—a glorious death! Let us die defending our liberty and avenging the woes of Granada. Our mother earth will receive her children into her bosom, safe from the chains and oppressions of the conqueror, or, should any fail a sepulchre to hide his remains, he will not want a sky to cover him. Allah forbid it should be said the nobles of Granada feared to die in her defence!”
When the council members realized that the terrible moment had come for them to sign away their empire and erase their nation, all their confidence faded, and many broke down in tears. Only Muza remained calm. “Enough, elders,” he shouted, “let's leave this pointless crying to helpless women and children: we are men—we have hearts, not for shedding tender tears, but for spilling blood. I see the spirit of our people so crushed that saving the kingdom is impossible. Yet there’s still an option for noble souls—a glorious death! Let’s die fighting for our freedom and avenging the suffering of Granada. Our mother earth will embrace her children, free from the conqueror's chains and oppression, or if someone lacks a grave to conceal his body, he won’t be short of a sky to cover him. God forbid it should be said that the nobles of Granada were afraid to die in her defense!”
Muza ceased to speak, and a dead silence reigned in the assembly. Boabdil looked anxiously round and scanned every face, but he read in all the anxiety of careworn men, in whose hearts enthusiasm was dead and who had grown callous to every chivalrous appeal. “Allah Akbar!” exclaimed he; “there is no God but God, and Mahomet is his prophet! We have no longer forces in the city and the kingdom to resist our powerful enemies. It is in vain to struggle against the will of Heaven. Too surely was it written in the book of fate that I should be unfortunate and the kingdom expire under my rule.”
Muza stopped speaking, and a heavy silence fell over the gathering. Boabdil looked around nervously and examined every face, but all he saw was the worry of tired men, who had lost their enthusiasm and grown indifferent to any noble call to action. “God is great!” he exclaimed; “there is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet! We no longer have the strength in the city or the kingdom to fight against our powerful enemies. It's pointless to resist the will of Heaven. It was clearly written in the book of fate that I would be unfortunate and that the kingdom would fall under my leadership.”
“Allah Akbar!” echoed the viziers and alfaquis; “the will of God be done!” So they all agreed with the king that these evils were preordained, that it was hopeless to contend with them, and that the terms offered by the Castilian monarchs were as favorable as could be expected.
“God is Great!” echoed the advisers and scholars; “may God's will be done!” So they all agreed with the king that these troubles were predetermined, that it was pointless to fight against them, and that the terms offered by the Castilian kings were as good as could be expected.
When Muza heard them assent to the treaty of surrender he rose in violent indignation. “Do not deceive yourselves,” cried he, “nor think the Christians will be faithful to their promises, or their king as magnanimous in conquest as he has been victorious in war. Death is the least we have to fear. It is the plundering and sacking of our city, the profanation of our mosques, the ruin of our homes, the violation of our wives and daughters, cruel oppression, bigoted intolerance, whips and chains, the dungeon, the fagot, and the stake: such are the miseries and indignities we shall see and suffer; at least those grovelling souls will see and suffer them who now shrink from an honorable death. For my part, by Allah, I will never witness them!”
When Muza heard them agree to the surrender treaty, he stood up in furious anger. “Don’t fool yourselves,” he exclaimed, “or think the Christians will keep their promises, or that their king will be as noble in victory as he has been in battle. Death is the least of our worries. It’s the looting and destruction of our city, the desecration of our mosques, the devastation of our homes, the violation of our wives and daughters, brutal oppression, bigoted intolerance, whips and chains, the dungeon, the fire, and the stake: these are the sufferings and humiliations we will face; at least those cowardly souls will see and endure them who now shrink from a noble death. As for me, by Allah, I will never witness that!”
With these words he left the council-chamber, and passed gloomily through the Court of Lions and the outer halls of the Alhambra without deigning to speak to the obsequious courtiers who attended in them. He repaired to his dwelling, armed himself at all points, mounted his favorite warhorse, and, issuing from the city by the gate of Elvira, was never seen or heard of more.*
With those words, he exited the council chamber and walked through the Court of Lions and the outer halls of the Alhambra in a gloomy mood, ignoring the fawning courtiers around him. He went home, geared up completely, got on his favorite warhorse, and left the city through the Elvira gate, never to be seen or heard from again.*
* Conde, part 4.
* Conde, part 4.
The capitulation for the surrender of Granada was signed on the 25th of November, 1481, and produced a sudden cessation of those hostilities which had raged for so many years. Christian and Moor might now be seen mingling courteously on the banks of the Xenil and the Darro, where to have met a few days previous would have produced a scene of sanguinary contest. Still, as the Moors might be suddenly roused to the defence if within the allotted term of sixty days succors should arrive from abroad, and as they were at all times a rash, inflammable people, the wary Ferdinand maintained a vigilant watch upon the city and permitted no supplies of any kind to enter. His garrisons in the seaports and his cruisers in the Straits of Gibraltar were ordered likewise to guard against any relief from the grand soldan of Egypt or the princes of Barbary. There was no need of such precautions. Those powers were either too much engrossed by their own wars or too much daunted by the success of the Spanish arms to interfere in a desperate cause, and the unfortunate Moors of Granada were abandoned to their fate.
The agreement to surrender Granada was signed on November 25, 1481, leading to an immediate end to the fighting that had lasted for so many years. Christians and Moors could now be seen mingling politely on the banks of the Xenil and the Darro, where just days before, such a meeting would have resulted in bloody conflict. However, because the Moors could be quickly stirred to defend themselves if support arrived from abroad within the sixty days allowed, and since they were always a quick-tempered and impulsive people, the cautious Ferdinand kept a close watch on the city and made sure no supplies were allowed in. His troops in the seaports and his ships in the Straits of Gibraltar were also ordered to prevent any assistance from the great Sultan of Egypt or the princes of Barbary. Such precautions weren’t really necessary. Those powers were either too focused on their own wars or too intimidated by the successes of the Spanish military to get involved in a losing battle, leaving the unfortunate Moors of Granada to their fate.
The month of December had nearly passed away: the famine became extreme, and there was no hope of any favorable event within the term specified in the capitulation. Boabdil saw that to hold out to the end of the allotted time would but be to protract the miseries of his people. With the consent of his council he determined to surrender the city on the sixth of January. He accordingly sent his grand vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, to King Ferdinand to make known his intention, bearing him, at the same time, a present of a magnificent scimetar and two Arabian steeds superbly caparisoned.
The month of December was almost over: the famine had become severe, and there was no hope for any positive change before the deadline set in the agreement. Boabdil realized that waiting until the end of the specified time would only prolong the suffering of his people. With his council's approval, he decided to surrender the city on the sixth of January. He then sent his grand vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, to King Ferdinand to inform him of his decision, bringing with him a magnificent sword and two beautifully adorned Arabian horses as a gift.
The unfortunate Boabdil was doomed to meet with trouble to the end of his career. The very next day the santon or dervise, Hamet Aben Zarrax, the same who had uttered prophecies and excited commotions on former occasions, suddenly made his appearance. Whence he came no one knew: it was rumored that he had been in the mountains of the Alpuxarras and on the coast of Barbary endeavoring to rouse the Moslems to the relief of Granada. He was reduced to a skeleton; his eyes glowed like coals in their sockets, and his speech was little better than frantic raving. He harangued the populace in the streets and squares, inveighed against the capitulation, denounced the king and nobles as Moslems only in name, and called upon the people to sally forth against the unbelievers, for that Allah had decreed them a signal victory.
The unfortunate Boabdil was destined to face trouble until the end of his career. The very next day, the santon or dervise, Hamet Aben Zarrax, the same man who had made prophecies and stirred up unrest in the past, suddenly appeared. No one knew where he had come from; it was said he had been in the mountains of the Alpuxarras and on the Barbary coast trying to rally the Muslims to help Granada. He looked like a skeleton; his eyes burned like coals in their sockets, and his speech was barely coherent, resembling frantic raving. He addressed the crowd in the streets and squares, condemned the surrender, accused the king and nobles of being Muslims only in name, and urged the people to rise up against the unbelievers, claiming that Allah had promised them a decisive victory.
Upward of twenty thousand of the populace seized their arms and paraded the streets with shouts and outcries. The shops and houses were shut up; the king himself did not dare to venture forth, but remained a kind of prisoner in the Alhambra.
More than twenty thousand people grabbed their weapons and marched through the streets with loud cheers and cries. The shops and homes were closed; the king himself didn't dare to go out and stayed somewhat of a prisoner in the Alhambra.
The turbulent multitude continued roaming and shouting and howling about the city during the day and a part of the night. Hunger and a wintry tempest tamed their frenzy, and when morning came the enthusiast who had led them on had disappeared. Whether he had been disposed of by the emissaries of the king or by the leading men of the city is not known: his disappearance remains a mystery.*
The chaotic crowd kept wandering and yelling throughout the city during the day and part of the night. Hunger and a winter storm calmed their chaos, and when morning came, the leader who had inspired them was gone. It's unclear whether he was taken out by the king's agents or the city's leaders; his disappearance is still a mystery.*
* Mariana.
* Mariana.
Boabdil now issued from the Alhambra, attended by his principal nobles, and harangued the populace. He set forth the necessity of complying with the capitulation, from the famine that reigned in the city, the futility of defence, and from the hostages having already been delivered into the hands of the besiegers.
Boabdil now came out of the Alhambra, accompanied by his top nobles, and addressed the crowd. He explained the need to follow the terms of the surrender due to the famine in the city, the uselessness of resistance, and the fact that hostages had already been handed over to the besiegers.
In the dejection of his spirits the unfortunate Boabdil attributed to himself the miseries of the country. “It was my crime in ascending the throne in rebellion against my father,” said he, mournfully, “which has brought these woes upon the kingdom; but Allah has grievously visited my sins upon my head. For your sake, my people, I have now made this treaty, to protect you from the sword, your little ones from famine, your wives and daughters from outrage, and to secure you in the enjoyment of your properties, your liberties, your laws, and your religion under a sovereign of happier destinies than the ill-starred Boabdil.”
In his deep sorrow, the unfortunate Boabdil blamed himself for the country's suffering. “It was my fault for taking the throne in rebellion against my father,” he said sadly, “that has brought these troubles upon the kingdom; but Allah has harshly punished my sins. For your sake, my people, I have made this treaty now, to protect you from the sword, to shield your little ones from famine, to safeguard your wives and daughters from harm, and to ensure that you enjoy your properties, your freedoms, your laws, and your religion under a ruler with a brighter fate than the ill-fated Boabdil.”
The versatile population were touched by the humility of their sovereign: they agreed to adhere to the capitulation, and there was even a faint shout of “Long live Boabdil the Unfortunate!” and they all returned to their homes in perfect tranquillity.
The diverse crowd was moved by their leader's humility: they agreed to follow the terms of surrender, and there was even a faint cheer of “Long live Boabdil the Unfortunate!” as they all went back to their homes in complete peace.
Boabdil immediately sent missives to King Ferdinand apprising him of these events, and of his fears lest further delay should produce new tumults. The vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, was again the agent between the monarchs. He was received with unusual courtesy and attention by Ferdinand and Isabella, and it was arranged between them that the surrender should take place on the second day of January, instead of the sixth. A new difficulty now arose in regard to the ceremonial of surrender. The haughty Ayxa la Horra, whose pride rose with the decline of her fortunes, declared that as sultana-mother she would never consent that her son should stoop to the humiliation of kissing the hand of his conquerors, and unless this part of the ceremonial were modified she would find means to resist a surrender accompanied by such indignities.
Boabdil quickly sent messages to King Ferdinand to inform him of these events and his worries that further delays could lead to new unrest. The vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, was once again the messenger between the kings. Ferdinand and Isabella welcomed him with unusual kindness and discussed that the surrender would happen on January 2nd, instead of the 6th. A new issue then arose regarding the surrender ceremony. The proud Ayxa la Horra, whose stature grew as her fortunes dwindled, insisted that as the sultana-mother, she would never allow her son to humiliate himself by kissing the hands of his conquerors. She declared that unless this part of the ceremony was changed, she would find a way to resist a surrender that included such indignities.
Aben Comixa was sorely troubled by this opposition. He knew the high spirit of the indomitable Ayxa and her influence over her less heroic son, and wrote an urgent letter on the subject to his friend, the count de Tendilla. The latter imparted the circumstance to the Christian sovereigns; a council was called on the matter. Spanish pride and etiquette were obliged to bend in some degree to the haughty spirit of a woman. It was agreed that Boabdil should sally forth on horseback—that on approaching the Spanish sovereigns he should make a slight movement, as if about to draw his foot from the stirrup and dismount, but would be prevented from doing so by Ferdinand, who should treat him with a respect due to his dignity and elevated birth. The count de Tendilla despatched a messenger with this arrangement, and the haughty scruples of Ayxa la Horra were satisfied.*
Aben Comixa was deeply troubled by this opposition. He knew the strong will of the unyielding Ayxa and her influence over her less heroic son, and he wrote an urgent letter about it to his friend, Count de Tendilla. The count shared this situation with the Christian rulers, prompting a council to be called on the matter. Spanish pride and traditions had to yield somewhat to the proud nature of a woman. They decided that Boabdil should ride out on horseback, and when he approached the Spanish rulers, he should make a slight gesture as if he was about to lift his foot from the stirrup to dismount, but Ferdinand would stop him, treating him with the respect his rank and noble birth deserved. The Count de Tendilla sent a messenger with this plan, thus satisfying the lofty demands of Ayxa la Horra.*
* Salazar de Mendoza, Chron. del Gran Cardinal, lib. 1, c. 69, p. 1; Mondajar, His. MS., as cited by Alcantara, t. 4, c. 18.
* Salazar de Mendoza, Chron. del Gran Cardinal, book 1, chapter 69, page 1; Mondajar, His. MS., as referenced by Alcantara, volume 4, chapter 18.
The night preceding the surrender was a night of doleful lamentings within the walls of the Alhambra, for the household of Boabdil were preparing to take a last farewell of that delightful abode. All the royal treasures and most precious effects were hastily packed upon mules; the beautiful apartments were despoiled, with tears and wailings, by their own inhabitants. Before the dawn of day a mournful cavalcade moved obscurely out of a postern gate of the Alhambra and departed through one of the most retired quarters of the city. It was composed of the family of the unfortunate Boabdil, which he sent off thus privately, that they might not be exposed to the eyes of scoffers or the exultation of the enemy. The mother of Boabdil, the sultana Ayxa la Horra, rode on in silence, with dejected yet dignified demeanor; but his wife Morayma and all the females of his household gave way to loud lamentations as they looked back upon their favorite abode, now a mass of gloomy towers behind them. They were attended by the ancient domestics of the household, and by a small guard of veteran Moors loyally attached to the fallen monarch, and who would have sold their lives dearly in defence of his family. The city was yet buried in sleep as they passed through its silent streets. The guards at the gate shed tears as they opened it for their departure. They paused not, but proceeded along the banks of the Xenil on the road that leads to the Alpuxarras, until they arrived at a hamlet at some distance from the city, where they halted and waited until they should be joined by King Boabdil. The night which had passed so gloomily in the sumptuous halls of the Alhambra had been one of joyful anticipation in the Christian camp. In the evening proclamation had been made that Granada was to be surrendered on the following day, and the troops were all ordered to assemble at an early hour under their several banners. The cavaliers, pages, and esquires were all charged to array themselves in their richest and most splendid style for the occasion, and even the royal family determined to lay by the mourning they had recently assumed for the sudden death of the prince of Portugal, the husband of the princess Isabella. In a clause of the capitulation it had been stipulated that the troops destined to take possession should not traverse the city, but should ascend to the Alhambra by a road opened for the purpose outside of the walls. This was to spare the feelings of the afflicted inhabitants, and to prevent any angry collision between them and their conquerors. So rigorous was Ferdinand in enforcing this precaution that the soldiers were prohibited under pain of death from leaving the ranks to enter into the city.
The night before the surrender was filled with sorrowful cries within the walls of the Alhambra, as Boabdil's family prepared to say their final goodbye to their beloved home. All the royal treasures and most valuable belongings were quickly packed onto mules; the beautiful rooms were stripped bare, accompanied by tears and wailing from their inhabitants. Before dawn, a sad procession quietly slipped out of a small gate of the Alhambra and moved through one of the more secluded parts of the city. It consisted of the family of the unfortunate Boabdil, whom he sent off discreetly to avoid the scornful gazes of onlookers or the joy of the enemy. Boabdil's mother, the sultana Ayxa la Horra, rode silently, carrying herself with a mix of sorrow and dignity; however, his wife Morayma and the other women of the household burst into loud wails as they looked back at their cherished home, now just a dark silhouette of towers behind them. They were accompanied by loyal old servants and a small group of veteran Moors who remained devoted to the fallen king, ready to defend his family with their lives if necessary. The city was still asleep as they traveled through its quiet streets. The guards at the gate were tearful as they opened it for their departure. They did not stop, continuing along the banks of the Xenil on the road leading to the Alpuxarras, until they reached a nearby village where they paused to wait for King Boabdil. While the night had been somber in the lavish halls of the Alhambra, it was one of joyful anticipation in the Christian camp. An announcement had been made in the evening that Granada would surrender the next day, and the troops were ordered to gather early under their banners. The knights, pages, and squires were instructed to dress in their finest attire for the occasion, and even the royal family decided to set aside their mourning for the recent death of the prince of Portugal, who was married to Princess Isabella. One of the terms of the capitulation stated that the troops assigned to take possession would not enter the city but instead approach the Alhambra via a designated route outside the walls. This was to spare the feelings of the grieving residents and to prevent any conflict between them and their conquerors. Ferdinand was so strict in enforcing this measure that soldiers were forbidden, under penalty of death, from leaving the ranks to enter the city.
The rising sun had scarce shed his rosy beams upon the snowy summits of the Sierra Nevada when three signal guns boomed heavily from the lofty fortress of the Alhambra. It was the concerted sign that all was ready for the surrender. The Christian army forthwith poured out of the city, or rather camp, of Santa Fe, and advanced across the Vega. The king and queen, with the prince and princess, the dignitaries and ladies of the court, took the lead, accompanied by the different orders of monks and friars, and surrounded by the royal guards splendidly arrayed. The procession moved slowly forward, and paused at the village of Armilla, at the distance of half a league from the city.
The rising sun had just begun to shine its rosy light on the snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada when three loud cannon shots echoed from the impressive fortress of the Alhambra. It was the agreed signal that everything was ready for the surrender. The Christian army immediately poured out of the city, or rather camp, of Santa Fe, and moved across the Vega. The king and queen, along with the prince and princess, the dignitaries, and the ladies of the court, led the way, accompanied by various orders of monks and friars, surrounded by the royal guards dressed in their finest. The procession slowly moved forward and stopped at the village of Armilla, about half a league from the city.
In the mean time, the grand cardinal of Spain, Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, escorted by three thousand foot and a troop of cavalry, and accompanied by the commander Don Gutierrez de Cardenas and a number of prelates and hidalgos, crossed the Xenil and proceeded in the advance to ascend to the Alhambra and take possession of that royal palace and fortress. The road which had been opened for the purpose led by the Puerta de los Molinos, or Gate of Mills, up a defile to the esplanade on the summit of the Hill of Martyrs. At the approach of this detachment the Moorish king sallied forth from a postern gate of the Alhambra, having left his vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, to deliver up the palace. The gate by which he sallied passed through a lofty tower of the outer wall, called the Tower of the Seven Floors (de los siete suelos). He was accompanied by fifty cavaliers, and approached the grand cardinal on foot. The latter immediately alighted, and advanced to meet him with the utmost respect. They stepped aside a few paces, and held a brief conversation in an under tone, when Boabdil, raising his voice, exclaimed, “Go, senor, and take possession of those fortresses in the name of the powerful sovereigns to whom God has been pleased to deliver them in reward of their great merits and in punishment of the sins of the Moors.” The grand cardinal sought to console him in his reverses, and offered him the use of his own tent during any time he might sojourn in the camp. Boabdil thanked him for the courteous offer, adding some words of melancholy import, and then, taking leave of him gracefully, passed mournfully on to meet the Catholic sovereigns, descending to the Vega by the same road by which the cardinal had come. The latter, with the prelates and cavaliers who attended him, entered the Alhambra, the gates of which were thrown wide open by the alcayde Aben Comixa. At the same time the Moorish guards yielded up their arms, and the towers and battlements were taken possession of by the Christian troops.
Meanwhile, the grand cardinal of Spain, Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza, accompanied by three thousand infantry and a cavalry unit, along with Commander Don Gutierrez de Cardenas and several prelates and nobles, crossed the Xenil River and moved forward to ascend to the Alhambra and take control of that royal palace and fortress. The route that had been cleared for this purpose went past the Puerta de los Molinos, or Gate of Mills, up a narrow path to the esplanade at the top of the Hill of Martyrs. As this group approached, the Moorish king came out from a secret gate of the Alhambra, having left his vizier, Yusef Aben Comixa, to surrender the palace. The gate he exited passed through a tall tower of the outer wall known as the Tower of the Seven Floors. He was accompanied by fifty knights and walked toward the grand cardinal on foot. The cardinal immediately dismounted and approached him with great respect. They stepped aside a few paces and had a quiet conversation, when Boabdil, raising his voice, said, “Go, sir, and take possession of those fortresses in the name of the powerful monarchs to whom God has delivered them as a reward for their great merits and as punishment for the sins of the Moors.” The grand cardinal tried to console him in his defeat and offered him the use of his own tent while he stayed in the camp. Boabdil thanked him for the kind offer, adding some words of sadness, and then, with a graceful farewell, sorrowfully walked on to meet the Catholic monarchs, descending to the Vega by the same road the cardinal had taken. The cardinal, along with the prelates and nobles who were with him, entered the Alhambra, the gates of which were swung wide open by the alcayde Aben Comixa. At the same time, the Moorish guards surrendered their weapons, and the towers and battlements were taken over by the Christian troops.
While these transactions were passing in the Alhambra and its vicinity the sovereigns remained with their retinue and guards near the village of Armilla, their eyes fixed on the towers of the royal fortress, watching for the appointed signal of possession. The time that had elapsed since the departure of the detachment seemed to them more than necessary for the purpose, and the anxious mind of Ferdinand began to entertain doubts of some commotion in the city. At length they saw the silver cross, the great standard of this crusade, elevated on the Torre de la Vela, or Great Watch-tower, and sparkling in the sunbeams. This was done by Hernando de Talavera, bishop of Avila. Beside it was planted the pennon of the glorious apostle St. James, and a great shout of “Santiago! Santiago!” rose throughout the army. Lastly was reared the royal standard by the king-at-arms, with the shout of “Castile! Castile! for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella!” The words were echoed by the whole army, with acclamations that resounded across the Vega. At sight of these signals of possession the sovereigns sank upon their knees, giving thanks to God for this great triumph; the whole assembled host followed their example, and the choristers of the royal chapel broke forth into the solemn anthem of “Te Deum laudamus.”
While these transactions were happening in the Alhambra and its surroundings, the sovereigns stayed with their entourage and guards near the village of Armilla, their eyes fixed on the towers of the royal fortress, waiting for the designated signal of possession. The time that had passed since the departure of the detachment felt longer than necessary for the purpose, and Ferdinand's anxious mind started to doubt that there was some disturbance in the city. Finally, they spotted the silver cross, the main standard of this crusade, raised on the Torre de la Vela, or Great Watch-tower, shimmering in the sunlight. This was done by Hernando de Talavera, bishop of Avila. Next to it was the banner of the glorious apostle St. James, and a great shout of “Santiago! Santiago!” erupted throughout the army. Lastly, the royal standard was raised by the king-at-arms, accompanied by the shout of “Castile! Castile! for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella!” The words were echoed by the entire army, with cheers that resonated across the Vega. Upon seeing these signals of possession, the sovereigns knelt down, thanking God for this great victory; the whole assembled host followed their lead, and the choristers of the royal chapel burst into the solemn anthem of “Te Deum laudamus.”
The king now advanced with a splendid escort of cavalry and the sound of trumpets, until he came to a small mosque near the banks of the Xenil, and not far from the foot of the Hill of Martyrs, which edifice remains to the present day consecrated as the hermitage of St. Sebastian. Here he beheld the unfortunate king of Granada approaching on horseback at the head of his slender retinue. Boabdil as he drew near made a movement to dismount, but, as had previously been concerted, Ferdinand prevented him. He then offered to kiss the king’s hand, which according to arrangement was likewise declined, whereupon he leaned forward and kissed the king’s right arm; at the same time he delivered the keys of the city with an air of mingled melancholy and resignation. “These keys,” said he, “are the last relics of the Arabian empire in Spain: thine, O king, are our trophies, our kingdom, and our person. Such is the will of God! Receive them with the clemency thou hast promised, and which we look for at thy hands.” *
The king now approached with a grand escort of cavalry and the sound of trumpets, until he reached a small mosque near the banks of the Xenil, not far from the foot of the Hill of Martyrs, which is still recognized today as the hermitage of St. Sebastian. Here, he saw the unfortunate king of Granada riding on horseback at the head of his small group. As Boabdil came closer, he moved to get down from his horse, but, as agreed beforehand, Ferdinand stopped him. He then attempted to kiss the king’s hand, which was also declined as planned, so he leaned forward and kissed the king’s right arm; at the same time, he handed over the keys of the city with a mix of sadness and acceptance. “These keys,” he said, “are the last remnants of the Arabian empire in Spain: yours, O king, are our trophies, our kingdom, and our very lives. Such is God’s will! Accept them with the mercy you have promised, and which we hope to receive from you.”
* Abarca, Anales de Aragon, Rey 30, c. 3.
* Abarca, Annals of Aragon, King 30, c. 3.
King Ferdinand restrained his exultation into an air of serene magnanimity. “Doubt not our promises,” replied he, “nor that thou shalt regain from our friendship the prosperity of which the fortune of war has deprived thee.”
King Ferdinand kept his excitement in check, projecting an air of calm generosity. “Don’t doubt our promises,” he replied, “nor that you will regain, through our friendship, the success that the luck of war has taken from you.”
Being informed that Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, the good count of Tendilla, was to be governor of the city, Boabdil drew from his finger a gold ring set with a precious stone and presented it to the count. “With this ring,” said he, “Granada has been governed; take it and govern with it, and God make you more fortunate than I!”*
Being told that Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, the honorable count of Tendilla, was going to be the governor of the city, Boabdil took off a gold ring with a gem from his finger and gave it to the count. “With this ring,” he said, “Granada has been ruled; take it and govern with it, and may God grant you more success than I had!”*
* This ring remained in the possession of the descendants of the count until the death of the marques Don Inigo, the last male heir, who died in Malaga, without children, in 1656. The ring was then lost through inadvertence and ignorance of its value, Dona Maria, the sister of the marques, being absent in Madrid—“Alcantara,” 1. 4, c.18.
* This ring stayed with the count's descendants until the death of the marquis Don Inigo, the last male heir, who died childless in Malaga in 1656. The ring was then lost due to carelessness and a lack of understanding of its worth, as Dona Maria, the marquis's sister, was away in Madrid—“Alcantara,” 1. 4, c.18.
He then proceeded to the village of Armilla, where the queen Isabella remained with her escort and attendants. The queen, like her husband, declined all acts of homage, and received him with her accustomed grace and benignity. She at the same time delivered to him his son, who had been held as a hostage for the fulfilment of the capitulation. Boabdil pressed his child to his bosom with tender emotion, and they seemed mutually endeared to each other by their misfortunes.*
He then went to the village of Armilla, where Queen Isabella was with her escort and attendants. The queen, like her husband, refused all gestures of homage and welcomed him with her usual grace and kindness. At the same time, she handed over his son, who had been held as a hostage to ensure the terms of the agreement were met. Boabdil hugged his child tightly with deep emotion, and they both seemed to feel a special bond due to their shared hardships.
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, lib. 20, cap. 92.
* Zurita, Anales de Aragon, book 20, chapter 92.
Having rejoined his family, the unfortunate Boabdil continued on toward the Alpuxarras, that he might not behold the entrance of the Christians into his capital. His devoted band of cavaliers followed him in gloomy silence, but heavy sighs burst from their bosoms as shouts of joy and strains of triumphant music were borne on the breeze from the victorious army.
Having reunited with his family, the unfortunate Boabdil moved toward the Alpuxarras so he wouldn't have to see the Christians entering his capital. His loyal group of knights followed him in heavy silence, but deep sighs escaped from their chests as cheers and triumphant music drifted through the air from the victorious army.
Having rejoined his family, Boabdil set forth with a heavy heart for his allotted residence in the valley of Purchena. At two leagues’ distance the cavalcade, winding into the skirts of the Alpuxarras, ascended an eminence commanding the last view of Granada. As they arrived at this spot the Moors paused involuntarily to take a farewell gaze at their beloved city, which a few steps more would shut from their sight for ever. Never had it appeared so lovely in their eyes. The sunshine, so bright in that transparent climate, lit up each tower and minaret, and rested gloriously upon the crowning battlements of the Alhambra, while the Vega spread its enamelled bosom of verdure below, glistening with the silver windings of the Xenil. The Moorish cavaliers gazed with a silent agony of tenderness and grief upon that delicious abode, the scene of their loves and pleasures. While they yet looked a light cloud of smoke burst forth from the citadel, and presently a peal of artillery, faintly heard, told that the city was taken possession of, and the throne of the Moslem kings was lost for ever. The heart of Boabdil, softened by misfortunes and overcharged with grief, could no longer contain itself. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” said he but the words of resignation died upon his lips and he burst into tears.
Having reunited with his family, Boabdil set off with a heavy heart for his assigned home in the valley of Purchena. Two leagues away, the procession, winding into the foothills of the Alpuxarras, climbed to a viewpoint that offered a final look at Granada. When they reached this spot, the Moors instinctively paused to take a last glimpse of their cherished city, which would soon be out of sight forever. It had never looked so beautiful to them. The bright sunshine in that clear atmosphere illuminated each tower and minaret, gloriously resting on the Alhambra's highest battlements, while the Vega spread its green landscape below, twinkling with the silver curves of the Xenil. The Moorish knights gazed with a silent mix of love and sorrow at that beautiful place, the backdrop for their joys and passions. As they continued to look, a thin cloud of smoke billowed from the citadel, and soon a distant cannon shot echoed, signaling that the city had been taken and the throne of the Muslim kings was lost forever. Boabdil’s heart, weighed down by misfortunes and overwhelming grief, could hold back no longer. “Allah Akbar! God is great!” he exclaimed, but the words of resignation faded before he could finish, and he burst into tears.
The mother, the intrepid Ayxa, was indignant at his weakness. “You do well,” said she, “to weep like a woman for what you failed to defend like a man.”
The mother, the fearless Ayxa, was furious at his weakness. “You’re doing well,” she said, “to cry like a woman for what you couldn’t protect like a man.”
The vizier Aben Comixa endeavored to console his royal master. “Consider, senor,” said he, “that the most signal misfortunes often render men as renowned as the most prosperous achievements, provided they sustain them with magnanimity.”
The vizier Aben Comixa tried to comfort his royal master. “Think about it, sir,” he said, “the biggest misfortunes can often make people just as famous as their greatest successes, as long as they handle them with bravery.”
The unhappy monarch, however, was not to be consoled; his tears continued to flow. “Allah Akbar!” exclaimed he, “when did misfortune ever equal mine?”
The unhappy king, however, couldn't be comforted; his tears kept falling. “God is great!” he exclaimed, “when has anyone ever faced misfortune as bad as mine?”
From this circumstance the hill, which is not far from Padul, took the name of Feg Allah Akbar, but the point of view commanding the last prospect of Granada is known among Spaniards by the name of “El ultimo suspiro del Moro,” or “The last sigh of the Moor.”
From this situation, the hill near Padul got the name Feg Allah Akbar, but the viewpoint that overlooks the final view of Granada is called by Spaniards “El ultimo suspiro del Moro,” or “The last sigh of the Moor.”
Queen Isabella having joined the king, the royal pair, followed by a triumphant host, passed up the road by the Hill of Martyrs, and thence to the main entrance of the Alhambra. The grand cardinal awaited them under the lofty arch of the great Gate of Justice, accompanied by Don Gutierrez de Cardenas and Aben Comixa. Here King Ferdinand gave the keys which had been delivered up to him into the hands of the queen; they were passed successively into the hands of the prince Juan, the grand cardinal, and finally into those of the count de Tendilla, in whose custody they remained, that brave cavalier having been named alcayde of the Alhambra and captain-general of Granada.
Queen Isabella joined the king, and the royal couple, accompanied by a triumphant crowd, made their way up the road by the Hill of Martyrs and then to the main entrance of the Alhambra. The grand cardinal waited for them under the tall arch of the great Gate of Justice, along with Don Gutierrez de Cardenas and Aben Comixa. Here, King Ferdinand handed over the keys that had been given to him to the queen; they were then passed successively to Prince Juan, the grand cardinal, and finally to Count de Tendilla, who took custody of them, having been appointed alcayde of the Alhambra and captain-general of Granada.
The sovereigns did not remain long in the Alhambra on this first visit, but, leaving a strong garrison there under the count de Tendilla to maintain tranquillity in the palace and the subjacent city, returned to the camp at Santa Fe.
The rulers didn’t stay long in the Alhambra on this first visit, but after leaving a solid garrison there under Count de Tendilla to keep peace in the palace and the surrounding city, they went back to the camp at Santa Fe.
We must not omit to mention a circumstance attending the surrender of the city which spoke eloquently to the hearts of the victors. As the royal army had advanced in all the pomp of courtly and chivalrous array, a procession of a different kind came forth to meet it. This was composed of more than five hundred Christian captives, many of whom had languished for years in Moorish dungeons. Pale and emaciated, they came clanking their chains in triumph and shedding tears of joy. They were received with tenderness by the sovereigns. The king hailed them as good Spaniards, as men loyal and brave, as martyrs to the holy cause; the queen distributed liberal relief among them with her own hands, and they passed on before the squadrons of the army singing hymns of jubilee.
We should not forget to mention a moment during the city's surrender that touched the hearts of the victors. While the royal army advanced in all its glorious courtly and chivalrous style, a very different procession came out to meet them. This group consisted of more than five hundred Christian captives, many of whom had suffered for years in Moorish prisons. Looking pale and emaciated, they approached, clanking their chains in triumph and shedding tears of joy. The sovereigns welcomed them with compassion. The king greeted them as loyal and brave Spaniards, as martyrs for the holy cause; the queen personally distributed generous aid among them, and they moved past the army's squadrons, singing joyful hymns.
* Abarca, lib. sup.; Zurita, etc.
* Abarca, lib. sup.; Zurita, etc.
The sovereigns forebore to enter the city until it should be fully occupied by their troops and public tranquillity ensured. All this was done under the vigilant superintendence of the count de Tendilla, assisted by the marques of Villena, and the glistening of Christian helms and lances along the walls and bulwarks, and the standards of the faith and of the realm daunting from the towers, told that the subjugation of the city was complete. The proselyte prince, Cid Hiaya, now known by the Christian appellation of Don Pedro de Granada Vanegas,* was appointed chief alguazil of the city, and had charge of the Moorish inhabitants, and his son, lately the prince Alnayar, now Alonso de Granada Vanegas, was appointed admiral of the fleet.
The rulers held back from entering the city until their troops had fully taken control and peace was guaranteed. This was all overseen by Count de Tendilla, with help from the Marquis of Villena. The shining Christian helmets and lances along the walls and defenses, along with the flags of the faith and the kingdom flying from the towers, signified that the city had been completely subdued. The converted prince, Cid Hiaya, now known by the Christian name Don Pedro de Granada Vanegas,* was appointed chief constable of the city and was responsible for the Moorish residents. His son, who was formerly Prince Alnayar, is now Alonso de Granada Vanegas and was named admiral of the fleet.
* Cid Hiaya was made cavalier of the order of Santiago. He and his son intermarried with the Spanish nobility, and the marqueses of Compotejar are among their descendants. Their portraits and the portraits of their grandsons are to be seen in one of the rooms of the Generalife at Granada.
* Cid Hiaya was made a knight of the order of Santiago. He and his son married into the Spanish nobility, and the marquises of Compotejar are among their descendants. You can see their portraits and those of their grandsons in one of the rooms of the Generalife at Granada.
It was on the sixth of January, the Day of Kings and festival of the Epiphany, that the sovereigns made their triumphant entry with grand military parade. First advanced, we are told, a splendid escort of cavaliers in burnished armor and superbly mounted. Then followed the prince Juan, glittering with jewels and diamonds; on each side of him, mounted on mules, rode the grand cardinal, clothed in purple, Fray Hernando de Talavera, bishop of Airla and the archbishop-elect of Granada. To these succeeded the queen and her ladies, and the king, managing in galliard style, say the Spanish chroniclers, a proud and mettlesome steed (un caballo arrogante). Then followed the army in shining columns, with flaunting banners and the inspiring clamor of military music. The king and queen (says the worthy Fray Antonio Agapida) looked on this occasion as more than mortal: the venerable ecclesiastics, to whose advice and zeal this glorious conquest ought in a great measure be attributed, moved along with hearts swelling with holy exultation, but with chastened and downcast looks of edifying humility; while the hardy warriors, in tossing plumes and shining steel, seemed elevated with a stern joy at finding themselves in possession of this object of so many toils and perils. As the streets resounded with the tramp of steeds and swelling peals of music the Moors buried themselves in the deepest recesses of their dwellings. There they bewailed in secret the fallen glory of their race, but suppressed their groans, lest they should be heard by their enemies and increase their triumph.
It was on January 6th, the Day of Kings and the festival of the Epiphany, that the rulers made their grand entrance with a huge military parade. First, a magnificent escort of knights in polished armor and beautifully mounted horses moved forward. Then came Prince Juan, sparkling with jewels and diamonds; on each side of him, riding mules, were the grand cardinal, dressed in purple, Fray Hernando de Talavera, the bishop of Airla and the archbishop-elect of Granada. Following them were the queen and her ladies, and the king, riding a proud and spirited horse, as described by Spanish chroniclers. Next came the army in shiny formations, with waving banners and the inspiring sounds of military music. The king and queen (according to the esteemed Fray Antonio Agapida) appeared more than human on this occasion: the respected clergymen, whose advice and dedication largely contributed to this glorious conquest, moved along with hearts full of holy joy but with humble and downcast expressions; while the brave warriors, adorned with feathers and gleaming armor, seemed uplifted with a fierce joy at having achieved this long-sought goal. As the streets echoed with the sound of hooves and powerful music, the Moors retreated to the deepest parts of their homes. There, they mourned in secret the lost glory of their people, but held back their groans, fearing they might be heard by their enemies and add to their celebration.
The royal procession advanced to the principal mosque, which had been consecrated as a cathedral. Here the sovereigns offered up prayers and thanksgivings, and the choir of the royal chapel chanted a triumphant anthem, in which they were joined by all the courtiers and cavaliers. Nothing (says Fray Antonio Agapida) could exceed the thankfulness to God of the pious king Ferdinand for having enabled him to eradicate from Spain the empire and name of that accursed heathen race, and for the elevation of the cross in that city wherein the impious doctrines of Mahomet had so long been cherished. In the fervor of his spirit he supplicated from heaven a continuance of its grace and that this glorious triumph might be perpetuated.* The prayer of the pious monarch was responded to by the people, and even his enemies were for once convinced of his sincerity.
The royal procession moved toward the main mosque, which had been transformed into a cathedral. Here, the rulers offered prayers and gratitude, and the choir of the royal chapel sang a victorious anthem, joined by all the courtiers and knights. Nothing (says Fray Antonio Agapida) could match King Ferdinand’s gratitude to God for allowing him to remove the empire and name of that cursed pagan race from Spain and for raising the cross in the city where the false teachings of Muhammad had long been accepted. In the intensity of his spirit, he pleaded with heaven for continued grace and that this glorious victory might endure. The prayer of the devout monarch was echoed by the people, and even his adversaries were convinced of his sincerity for once.
* The words of Fray Antonio Agapida are little more than an echo of those of the worthy Jesuit father Mariana (1. 25, c. 18).
* The words of Fray Antonio Agapida are barely more than a reflection of those of the respected Jesuit father Mariana (1. 25, c. 18).
When the religious ceremonies were concluded the court ascended to the stately palace of the Alhambra and entered by the great Gate of Justice. The halls lately occupied by turbaned infidels now rustled with stately dames and Christian courtiers, who wandered with eager curiosity over this far-famed palace, admiring its verdant courts and gushing fountains, its halls decorated with elegant arabesques and storied with inscriptions, and the splendor of its gilded and brilliantly painted ceilings.
When the religious ceremonies wrapped up, the court made its way to the grand palace of the Alhambra and entered through the large Gate of Justice. The halls that were recently occupied by turbaned outsiders now buzzed with distinguished ladies and Christian courtiers, who explored this famous palace with keen interest, admiring its lush courtyards and flowing fountains, its elegantly decorated halls with intricate designs and inscriptions, and the beauty of its gilded and vividly painted ceilings.
It had been a last request of the unfortunate Boabdil—and one which showed how deeply he felt the transition of his fate—that no person might be permitted to enter or depart by the gate of the Alhambra through which he had sallied forth to surrender his capital. His request was granted; the portal was closed up, and remains so to the present day—a mute memorial of that event.*
It was a final wish of the unfortunate Boabdil—and one that showed how profoundly he felt the change in his destiny—that no one should be allowed to enter or leave through the gate of the Alhambra that he had used to surrender his city. His request was honored; the gate was sealed off, and it still stands that way today—a silent reminder of that moment.*
* Garibay, Compend. Hist., lib. 40, c. 42. The existence of this gateway and the story connected with it are perhaps known to few, but were identified in the researches made to verify this history. The gateway is at the bottom of a tower at some distance from the main body of the Alhambra. The tower had been rent and ruined by gunpowder at the time when the fortress was evacuated by the French. Great masses lie around half covered by vines and fig trees. A poor man, by the name of Mateo Ximenes, who lives in one of the halls among the ruins of the Alhambra, where his family has resided for many generations, pointed out to the author the gateway, still closed up with stones. He remembered to have heard his father and grandfather say that it had always been stopped up, and that out of it King Boabdil had gone when he surrendered Granada. The route of the unfortunate king may be traced thence across the garden of the convent of Los Martyros, and down a ravine beyond, through a street of gypsy caves and hovels, by the gate of Los Molinos, and so on to the Hermitage of St. Sebastian. None but an antiquarian, however, will be able to trace it unless aided by the humble historian of the place, Mateo Ximenes.
* Garibay, Compend. Hist., lib. 40, c. 42. The existence of this gateway and the story associated with it are probably known to only a few, but they were uncovered during research to verify this history. The gateway is located at the base of a tower, some distance from the main part of the Alhambra. The tower had been damaged and destroyed by gunpowder when the fortress was abandoned by the French. Large chunks lie scattered around, partially covered by vines and fig trees. A poor man named Mateo Ximenes, who lives in one of the halls among the ruins of the Alhambra, where his family has lived for many generations, showed the author the gateway, still blocked with stones. He recalled hearing his father and grandfather say that it had always been sealed off and that King Boabdil had exited from it when he surrendered Granada. The path of the unfortunate king can be traced from there across the garden of the convent of Los Martyros, down a ravine, through a street of gypsy caves and shacks, by the gate of Los Molinos, and on to the Hermitage of St. Sebastian. However, only an antiquarian will be able to follow it without the help of the humble local historian, Mateo Ximenes.
The Spanish sovereigns fixed their throne in the presence-chamber of the palace, so long the seat of Moorish royalty. Hither the principal inhabitants of Granada repaired to pay them homage and kiss their hands in token of vassalage, and their example was followed by deputies from all the towns and fortresses of the Alpuxarras which had not hitherto submitted.
The Spanish rulers set up their throne in the audience room of the palace, long the seat of Moorish royalty. Here, the leading residents of Granada came to pay their respects and kiss their hands as a sign of loyalty, and their example was followed by representatives from all the towns and fortresses of the Alpuxarras that had not yet submitted.
Thus terminated the war of Granada, after ten years of incessant fighting, equalling (says Fray Antonio Agapida) the far-famed siege of Troy in duration, and ending, like that, in the capture of the city. Thus ended also the dominion of the Moors in Spain, having endured seven hundred and seventy-eight years from the memorable defeat of Roderick, the last of the Goths, on the banks of the Guadalete. The authentic Agapida is uncommonly particular in fixing the epoch of this event. This great triumph of our holy Catholic faith, according to his computation, took place in the beginning of January in the year of our Lord 1492, being 3655 years from the population of Spain by the patriarch Tubal, 3797 from the general deluge, 5453 from the creation of the world, according to Hebrew calculation, and in the month Rabic, in the eight hundred and ninety-seventh year of the Hegira, or flight of Mahomet, whom may God confound! saith the pious Agapida.
Thus ended the war of Granada after ten years of continuous fighting, matching (according to Fray Antonio Agapida) the legendary siege of Troy in length and concluding, just like that, with the city's capture. This also marked the end of Moorish rule in Spain, which had lasted seven hundred and seventy-eight years since the notable defeat of Roderick, the last of the Goths, on the banks of the Guadalete. The precise Agapida pays special attention to pinpointing the date of this event. According to his calculations, this great victory for our holy Catholic faith occurred in early January of the year 1492, which is 3655 years since Spain was populated by the patriarch Tubal, 3797 years since the great flood, 5453 years since the creation of the world, according to the Hebrew calendar, and in the month of Rabic, in the eight hundred and ninety-seventh year of the Hegira, or flight of Muhammad, whom may God confound! says the devout Agapida.
The Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada is finished, but the reader may be desirous of knowing the subsequent fortunes of some of the principal personages.
The Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada is complete, but the reader might want to know what happened next to some of the key figures.
The unfortunate Boabdil retired with his mother, his wife, his son, his sister, his vizier and bosom-counsellor Aben Comixa, and many other relatives and friends, to the valley of Purchena, where a small but fertile territory had been allotted him, comprising several towns of the Alpuxarras, with all their rights and revenues. Here, surrounded by obedient vassals, devoted friends, and a loving family, and possessed of wealth sufficient to enable him to indulge in his habitual luxury and magnificence, he for a time led a tranquil life, and may have looked back upon his regal career as a troubled dream from which he had happily awaked. Still, he appears to have pleased himself with a shadow of royalty, making occasionally progresses about his little domains, visiting the different towns, receiving the homage of the inhabitants, and bestowing largesses with a princely hand. His great delight, however, was in sylvan sports and exercises, with horses, hawks, and hounds, being passionately fond of hunting and falconry, so as to pass weeks together in sporting campaigns among the mountains. The jealous suspicions of Ferdinand followed him into his retreat. No exertions were spared by the politically pious monarch to induce him to embrace the Christian religion as a means of severing him in feelings and sympathies from his late subjects; but he remained true to the faith of his fathers, and it must have added not a little to his humiliation to live a vassal under Christian sovereigns.
The unfortunate Boabdil withdrew with his mother, wife, son, sister, his trusted advisor Aben Comixa, and many other relatives and friends to the valley of Purchena, where he was given a small but fertile area that included several towns in the Alpuxarras, along with all their rights and revenues. There, surrounded by loyal vassals, dedicated friends, and a loving family, and with enough wealth to indulge in his usual luxury and grandeur, he lived a peaceful life for a while and might have viewed his royal past as a troubled dream from which he had happily awakened. Still, he seemed to enjoy a semblance of royalty, occasionally traveling around his small domains, visiting different towns, receiving the respect of the locals, and generously giving gifts with a princely flair. His greatest pleasure, however, was in outdoor sports and activities with horses, hawks, and hounds, as he was deeply passionate about hunting and falconry, spending weeks at a time engaged in sporting adventures among the mountains. The jealous suspicions of Ferdinand followed him into this retreat. The pious monarch made every effort to persuade him to adopt the Christian faith as a way to distance him emotionally and socially from his former subjects; however, he remained loyal to the religion of his ancestors, and it must have added to his humiliation to live as a vassal under Christian rulers.
His obstinacy in this respect aggravated the distrust of Ferdinand, who, looking back upon the past inconstancy of the Moors, could not feel perfectly secure in his newly-conquered territories while there was one within their bounds who might revive pretensions to the throne and rear the standard of an opposite faith in their behalf. He caused, therefore, a vigilant watch to be kept upon the dethroned monarch in his retirement, and beset him with spies who were to report all his words and actions. The reader will probably be surprised to learn that the foremost of these spies was Aben Comixa! Ever since the capture and release of the niece of the vizier by the count de Tendilla, Aben Comixa had kept up a friendly correspondence with that nobleman, and through this channel had gradually been brought over to the views of Ferdinand. Documents which have gradually come to light leave little doubt that the vizier had been corrupted by the bribes and promises of the Spanish king, and had greatly promoted his views in the capitulation of Granada. It is certain that he subsequently received great estates from the Christian sovereigns. While residing in confidential friendship with Boabdil in his retirement Aben Comixa communicated secretly with Hernando de Zafra, the secretary of Ferdinand, who resided at Granada, giving him information of all Boabdil’s movements, which the secretary reported by letter to the king. Some of the letters of the secretary still exist in the archives of Samancas, and have been recently published in the collection of unedited documents.*
His stubbornness in this matter increased Ferdinand's distrust, who, reflecting on the past unpredictability of the Moors, couldn't feel completely safe in his newly-conquered lands while there was anyone within their borders who could assert claims to the throne and raise the flag of a rival faith on their behalf. Therefore, he had a close watch kept on the dethroned king in his exile and surrounded him with spies who were to report all of his words and actions. The reader may be surprised to learn that the chief of these spies was Aben Comixa! Ever since the count de Tendilla captured and then released the vizier's niece, Aben Comixa had maintained a friendly correspondence with that nobleman, which gradually led him to adopt Ferdinand's views. Documents that have surfaced over time provide strong evidence that the vizier had been swayed by the bribes and promises of the Spanish king, significantly aiding his agenda during the capitulation of Granada. It is certain that he later received large estates from the Christian monarchs. While living in close friendship with Boabdil in his exile, Aben Comixa secretly communicated with Hernando de Zafra, Ferdinand's secretary, who lived in Granada, keeping him informed about all of Boabdil's actions, which the secretary reported to the king via letter. Some of the secretary's letters still exist in the archives of Samancas and have recently been published in the collection of unedited documents.*
* El rey Muley Babdali (Boabdil) y sus criados andan continuamente a casa con glagos y azores, y alla esta agora en al campo de Dalias y en Verja, aunque su casa tiene en Andarax, y dican que estara alla por todo este mes.—“Carta Secreta de Hernando de Zafra,” Decembre, 1492
* King Muley Babdali (Boabdil) and his attendants are constantly going back and forth with banners and hawks, and now he is out in the Dalias field and in Verja, although his house is in Andarax, and they say he will be there for the whole month.—“Secret Letter from Hernando de Zafra,” December, 1492
The jealous doubts of Ferdinand were quickened by the letters of his spies. He saw in the hunting campaigns and royal progresses of the ex-king a mode of keeping up a military spirit and a concerted intelligence among the Moors of the Alpuxarras that might prepare them for future rebellion. By degrees the very residence of Boabdil within the kingdom became incompatible with Ferdinand’s ideas of security. He gave his agents, therefore, secret instructions to work upon the mind of the deposed monarch, and induce him, like El Zagal, to relinquish his Spanish estates for valuable considerations and retire to Africa. Boabdil, however, was not to be persuaded: to the urgent suggestions of these perfidious counsellors he replied that he had given up a kingdom to live in peace, and had no idea of going to a foreign land to encounter new troubles and to be under the control of alarabes.*
The jealous doubts of Ferdinand were fueled by the letters from his spies. He saw the hunting trips and royal outings of the former king as a way to maintain military spirit and coordinated intelligence among the Moors of the Alpuxarras, which could lead to future rebellion. Gradually, Boabdil's very presence within the kingdom became incompatible with Ferdinand’s sense of security. He secretly instructed his agents to influence the deposed monarch's mindset and persuade him, like El Zagal, to give up his Spanish lands for a substantial sum and retreat to Africa. However, Boabdil was not easily swayed: in response to the urgent suggestions of these treacherous advisors, he replied that he had given up a kingdom to live in peace and had no intention of going to a foreign land to face new troubles and be under the control of outsiders.*
* Letter of Hernando de Zafra to the sovereigns, Dec. 9, 1493.
* Letter of Hernando de Zafra to the sovereigns, Dec. 9, 1493.
Ferdinand persisted in his endeavors, and found means more effectual of operating on the mind of Boabdil and gradually disposing him to enter into negotiations. It would appear that Aben Comixa was secretly active in this matter in the interests of the Spanish monarch, and was with him at Barcelona as the vizier and agent of Boabdil. The latter, however, finding that his residence in the Alpuxarras was a cause of suspicion and uneasiness to Ferdinand, determined to go himself to Barcelona, have a conference with the sovereigns, and conduct all his negotiations with them in person. Zafra, the secretary of Ferdinand, who was ever on the alert, wrote a letter from Granada apprising the king of Boabdil’s intention, and that he was making preparations for the journey. He received a letter in reply, charging him by subtle management to prevent, or at least delay, the coming of Boabdil to court.* The crafty monarch trusted to effect through Aben Comixa as vizier and agent of Boabdil an arrangement which it might be impossible to obtain from Boabdil himself. The politic plan was carried into effect. Boabdil was detained at Andarax by the management of Zafra. In the mean time a scandalous bargain was made on the 17th March, 1493, between Ferdinand and Aben Comixa, in which the latter, as vizier and agent of Boabdil, though without any license or authority from him, made a sale of his territory and the patrimonial property of the princesses for eighty thousand ducats of gold, and engaged that he should depart for Africa, taking care, at the same time, to make conditions highly advantageous for himself.**
Ferdinand continued his efforts and found more effective ways to influence Boabdil's mind, gradually encouraging him to negotiate. It seems that Aben Comixa was secretly working on this issue for the Spanish king and was in Barcelona as Boabdil’s vizier and representative. However, Boabdil realized that staying in the Alpuxarras raised suspicion and concern for Ferdinand, so he decided to go to Barcelona himself to meet with the monarchs and handle the negotiations in person. Zafra, Ferdinand's secretary, who was always alert, sent a letter from Granada informing the king of Boabdil’s plans and his preparations for the journey. In response, he received a letter instructing him to cleverly prevent or at least delay Boabdil’s arrival at court. The cunning king hoped to arrange matters through Aben Comixa as Boabdil’s vizier and agent in a way that might not be achievable directly from Boabdil. This strategic plan was put into action. Boabdil was held back at Andarax due to Zafra's schemes. Meanwhile, a scandalous deal was struck on March 17, 1493, between Ferdinand and Aben Comixa. The latter, acting as Boabdil's vizier and agent without any permission or authority from him, sold his territory and the ancestral property of the princesses for eighty thousand gold ducats, ensuring he made highly advantageous conditions for himself before heading to Africa.
* Letter of the sovereigns to Hernando de Zafra from Barcelona, Feb., 1493.
* Letter from the rulers to Hernando de Zafra in Barcelona, Feb., 1493.
* *Alcantara, Hist. Granad., iv. c. 18.
* *Alcantara, Hist. Granad., iv. c. 18.
This bargain being hastily concluded, Yusef Aben Comixa loaded the treasure upon mules and departed for the Alpuxarras. Here, spreading the money before Boabdil, “Senior,” said he, “I have observed that as long as you live here you are exposed to constant peril. The Moors are rash and irritable; they may make some sudden insurrection, elevate your standard as a pretext, and thus overwhelm you and your friends with utter ruin. I have observed also that you pine away with grief, being continually reminded in this country that you were once its sovereign, but never more must hope to reign. I have put an end to these evils. Your territory is sold—behold the price of it! With this gold you may buy far greater possessions in Africa, where you may live in honor and security.”
This deal wrapped up quickly, Yusef Aben Comixa loaded the treasure onto mules and headed for the Alpuxarras. Once there, he laid the money before Boabdil and said, “I’ve noticed that as long as you stay here, you’re in constant danger. The Moors are reckless and quick to anger; they could spark a sudden uprising, use your banner as an excuse, and bring total ruin to you and your allies. I’ve also seen that you’re wasting away with sorrow, constantly reminded in this land that you were once its ruler but can no longer hope to reign. I’ve put an end to these troubles. Your land is sold—here’s the price for it! With this money, you can buy much greater property in Africa, where you can live with honor and safety.”
When Boabdil heard these words he burst into a sudden transport of rage, and, drawing his scimetar, would have sacrificed the officious Yusef on the spot had not the attendants interfered and hurried the vizier from his presence.*
When Boabdil heard these words, he suddenly exploded in anger, and, drawing his sword, would have killed the meddling Yusef right there if the attendants hadn’t intervened and rushed the vizier away from him.*
* Marmol, Rebel. 1. 1, c. 22.
* Marmol, Rebel. 1. 1, c. 22.
The rage of Boabdil gradually subsided: he saw that he had been duped and betrayed, but he knew the spirit of Ferdinand too well to hope that he would retract the bargain, however illegitimately effected. He contented himself, therefore, with obtaining certain advantageous modifications, and then prepared to bid a final adieu to his late kingdom and his native land.
The anger of Boabdil slowly faded: he realized he had been tricked and betrayed, but he understood Ferdinand too well to think that he would take back the deal, no matter how unfair it was. So, he settled for getting some beneficial changes, and then got ready to say a final goodbye to his former kingdom and homeland.
It took some months to make the necessary arrangements, or, rather, his departure was delayed by a severe domestic affliction. Morayma, his gentle and affectionate wife, worn out by agitations and alarms, was gradually sinking into the grave, a prey to devouring melancholy. Her death took place toward the end of August. Hernando de Zafra apprised King Ferdinand of the event as one propitious to his purposes, removing an obstacle to the embarkation, which was now fixed for the month of September. Zafra was instructed to accompany the exiles until he saw them landed on the African coast.
It took several months to make the necessary arrangements, or rather, his departure was postponed due to a serious family crisis. Morayma, his loving and kind wife, was gradually succumbing to the toll of anxiety and distress, slowly slipping away because of overwhelming sadness. She passed away toward the end of August. Hernando de Zafra informed King Ferdinand of her death, seeing it as a favorable occurrence for his plans, as it removed a barrier to the departure, which was now set for September. Zafra was instructed to accompany the exiles until he saw them safely landed on the African coast.
The embarkation, however, did not take place until some time in the month of October. A caracca had been prepared at the port of Adra for Boabdil and his immediate family and friends. Another caracca and two galliots received a number of faithful adherents, amounting, it is said, to eleven hundred and thirty, who followed their prince into exile.
The departure, however, didn't happen until sometime in October. A caracca was readied at the port of Adra for Boabdil and his close family and friends. Another caracca and two galliots took on a loyal following, reportedly numbering eleven hundred and thirty, who accompanied their prince into exile.
A crowd of his former subjects witnessed his embarkation. As the sails were unfurled and swelled to the breeze, and the vessel bearing Boabdil parted from the land, the spectators would fain have given him a farewell cheering; but the humbled state of their once proud sovereign forced itself upon their minds, and the ominous surname of his youth rose involuntarily to their tongues: “Farewell, Boabdil! Allah preserve thee, ‘El Zogoybi!’” burst spontaneously from their lips. The unlucky appellation sank into the heart of the expatriated monarch, and tears dimmed his eyes as the snowy summits of the mountains of Granada gradually faded from his view.
A crowd of his former subjects watched him leave. As the sails were unfurled and caught the wind, and the ship carrying Boabdil pulled away from the shore, the spectators wanted to cheer him off, but the sight of their once proud king brought a heavy sadness to their hearts. The ominous nickname from his youth slipped out without thinking: “Goodbye, Boabdil! May Allah protect you, ‘El Zogoybi!’” they exclaimed. That unfortunate name pierced the heart of the exiled king, and tears filled his eyes as the snowy peaks of the mountains of Granada slowly disappeared from his view.
He was received with welcome at the court of his relative, Muley Ahmed, caliph of Fez, the same who had treated El Zagal with such cruelty in his exile. For thirty-four years he resided in this court, treated with great consideration, and built a palace or alcazar at Fez, in which, it is said, he endeavored to emulate the beauties and delights of the Alhambra.
He was welcomed at the court of his relative, Muley Ahmed, the caliph of Fez, who had once treated El Zagal with such cruelty during his exile. He lived in this court for thirty-four years, receiving great respect, and built a palace or alcazar in Fez, where, it is said, he tried to replicate the beauty and charm of the Alhambra.
The last we find recorded of him is in the year 1536, when he followed the caliph to the field to repel the invasion of two brothers of the famous line of the Xerifes, who at the head of Berber troops had taken the city of Morocco and threatened Fez. The armies came in sight of each other on the banks of the Guadal Hawit, or river of slaves, at the ford of Balcuba. The river was deep, the banks were high and broken, and the ford could only be passed in single file; for three days the armies remained firing at each other across the stream, neither venturing to attempt the dangerous ford. At length the caliph divided his army into three battalions: the command of the first he gave to his brother-in-law and to Aliatar, son of the old alcayde of Loxa; another division he commanded himself; and the third, composed of his best marksmen, he put under the command of his son, the prince of Fez, and Boabdil, now a gray-haired veteran. The last mentioned column took the lead, dashed boldly across the ford, scrambled up the opposite bank, and attempted to keep the enemy employed until the other battalions should have time to cross. The rebel army, however, attacked them with such fury that the son of the king of Fez and several of the bravest alcaydes were slain upon the spot; multitudes were driven back into the river, which was already crowded with passing troops. A dreadful confusion took place; the horse trampled upon the foot; the enemy pressed on them with fearful slaughter; those who escaped the sword perished by the stream; the river was choked by the dead bodies of men and horses and by the scattered baggage of the army. In this scene of horrible carnage fell Boabdil, truly called El Zogoybi, or the Unlucky—an instance, says the ancient chronicler, of the scornful caprice of fortune, dying in defence of the kingdom of another after wanting spirit to die in defence of his own.*
The last record we have of him is from the year 1536, when he accompanied the caliph to the battlefield to fend off the invasion by two brothers from the well-known line of the Xerifes, who, leading Berber troops, had captured the city of Morocco and were threatening Fez. The armies set eyes on each other along the banks of the Guadal Hawit, or the river of slaves, at the ford of Balcuba. The river was deep, the banks were steep and uneven, and the ford could only be crossed in single file. For three days, the armies remained firing at each other across the river, neither daring to try the perilous ford. Finally, the caliph split his army into three battalions: he entrusted command of the first to his brother-in-law and to Aliatar, the son of the old alcayde of Loxa; another division he commanded personally; and the third, made up of his best marksmen, he gave to his son, the prince of Fez, and Boabdil, now an old, gray-haired veteran. The last column took the lead, bravely charged across the ford, scrambled up the opposite bank, and tried to distract the enemy until the other battalions could cross. However, the rebel army attacked them with such intensity that the son of the king of Fez and several of the bravest alcaydes were killed on the spot; many were forced back into the river, which was already jam-packed with crossing troops. A horrible chaos ensued; cavalry trampled infantry; the enemy relentlessly rained down deadly blows; those who managed to escape the sword drowned in the river; the river was cluttered with the corpses of men and horses and the scattered baggage of the army. In this scene of dreadful slaughter, Boabdil, aptly named El Zogoybi, or the Unlucky—an example, as the ancient chronicler notes, of fate's cruel whims, dying while defending another's kingdom after lacking the will to fight for his own.*
* Marmol, Descrip. de Africa, p. 1, 1. 2, c. 40; idem, Hist. Reb. de los Moros, lib. 1, c. 21.
* Marmol, Descrip. de Africa, p. 1, 1. 2, c. 40; idem, Hist. Reb. de los Moros, lib. 1, c. 21.
The aspersion of the chronicler is more caustic than correct. Boabdil never showed a want of courage in the defence of Granada, but he wanted firmness and decision: he was beset from the first by perplexities, and ultimately by the artifices of Ferdinand and the treachery of those in whom he most confided.*
The chronicler's criticism is more harsh than accurate. Boabdil never lacked courage in defending Granada, but he did lack firmness and decisiveness. He was troubled from the beginning and ultimately fell victim to Ferdinand's strategies and the betrayal of those he trusted the most.*
* In revising this account of the ultimate fortunes of Boabdil the author has availed himself of facts recently brought out in Alcantara’s History of Granada, which throw strong lights on certain parts of the subject hitherto covered with obscurity.
* In updating this account of Boabdil's final fate, the author has used facts recently uncovered in Alcantara’s History of Granada, which shed new light on certain aspects of the topic that were previously unclear.
Zoraya, the Morning Star.
Notwithstanding the deadly rivalship of this youthful sultana with Ayxa la Horra, the virtuous mother of Boabdil, and the disasters to which her ambitious intrigues gave rise, the placable spirit of Boabdil bore her no lasting enmity. After the death of his father he treated her with respect and kindness, and evinced a brotherly feeling toward her sons Cad and Nazar. In the capitulations for the surrender of Granada he took care of her interests, and the possessions which he obtained for her were in his neighborhood in the valleys of the Alpuxarras. Zoraya, however, under the influence of Queen Isabella, returned to the Christian faith, the religion of her infancy, and resumed her Spanish name of Isabella. Her two sons, Cad and Nazar, were baptized under the names of Don Fernando and Don Juan de Granada, and were permitted to take the titles of infantas or princes. They intermarried with noble Spanish families, and the dukes of Granada, resident in Valladolid, are descendants of Don Juan (once Nazar), and preserve to the present day the blazon of their royal ancestor, Muley Abul Hassan, and his motto, Le Galib ile Ala, God alone is conqueror.
Despite the intense rivalry between this young sultana and Ayxa la Horra, the honorable mother of Boabdil, and the troubles her ambitious schemes caused, Boabdil held no lasting grudge against her. After his father's death, he treated her with respect and kindness, showing a brotherly affection toward her sons, Cad and Nazar. In the agreements for the surrender of Granada, he looked out for her interests, securing her properties nearby in the Alpuxarras valleys. However, influenced by Queen Isabella, Zoraya returned to the Christian faith of her childhood and took back her Spanish name, Isabella. Her two sons, Cad and Nazar, were baptized as Don Fernando and Don Juan de Granada and were granted the titles of infantas or princes. They married into noble Spanish families, and the dukes of Granada, living in Valladolid, are descendants of Don Juan (formerly Nazar), and continue to carry the insignia of their royal ancestor, Muley Abul Hassan, along with his motto, Le Galib ile Ala, God alone is conqueror.
Fate of Aben Comixa.
An ancient chronicle which has long remained in manuscript, but has been published of late years in the collection of Spanish historical documents,* informs us of the subsequent fortunes of the perfidious Aben Comixa. Discarded and despised by Boabdil for his treachery, he repaired to the Spanish court, and obtained favor in the eyes of the devout queen Isabella by embracing the Christian religion, being baptized under her auspices with the name of Don Juan de Granada. He even carried his zeal for his newly-adopted creed so far as to become a Franciscan friar. By degrees his affected piety grew cool and the friar’s garb became irksome. Taking occasion of the sailing of some Venetian galleys from Almeria, he threw off his religious habit, embarked on board of one of them, and crossed to Africa, where he landed in the dress of a Spanish cavalier.
An old chronicle that has long been in manuscript form but was recently published in a collection of Spanish historical documents* tells us about the later fortunes of the treacherous Aben Comixa. Rejected and scorned by Boabdil for his betrayal, he went to the Spanish court and gained the favor of the devout Queen Isabella by converting to Christianity, being baptized under her guidance with the name Don Juan de Granada. He even took his enthusiasm for his new faith so far that he became a Franciscan friar. Gradually, his feigned piety faded and the friar's attire became burdensome. Seizing the opportunity presented by the departure of some Venetian galleys from Almeria, he shed his religious robes, boarded one of the ships, and sailed to Africa, where he arrived dressed as a Spanish nobleman.
* Padilla, Cronica de Felipe el Hermosa, cap. 18, y 19, as cited by Alcantara.
* Padilla, Chronicle of Philip the Handsome, ch. 18 and 19, as referenced by Alcantara.
In a private interview with Abderraman, the Moorish king of Bujia, he related his whole history, and declared that he had always been and still was at heart a true Mahometan. Such skill had he in inspiring confidence that the Moorish king took him into favor and appointed him governor of Algiers. While enjoying his new dignity a Spanish squadron of four galleys, under the celebrated count Pedro de Navarro, anchored in the harbor in 1509. Aben Comixa paid the squadron a visit of ceremony in his capacity of governor, gave the count repeated fetes, and in secret conversations with him laid open all the affairs of the king of Bujia, and offered, if the count should return with sufficient force, to deliver the city into his hands and aid him in conquering the whole territory. The count hastened back to Spain and made known the proposed treachery to the Cardinal Ximenes, then prime minister of Spain. In the following month of January he was sent with thirty vessels and four thousand soldiers to achieve the enterprise. The expedition of Navarro was successful. He made himself master of Bujia and seized in triumph on the royal palace, but he found there the base Aben Comixa weltering in his blood and expiring under numerous wounds. His treachery had been discovered, and the vengeance of the king of Bujia had closed his perfidious career.
In a private meeting with Abderraman, the Moorish king of Bujia, he shared his entire history and claimed that he had always been, and still was at heart, a true Muslim. His ability to inspire confidence was so remarkable that the Moorish king made him his favorite and appointed him governor of Algiers. While enjoying his new position, a Spanish squadron of four galleys, led by the famous Count Pedro de Navarro, anchored in the harbor in 1509. Aben Comixa paid a ceremonial visit to the squadron as governor, hosted the count with multiple feasts, and in private talks with him revealed all the matters concerning the king of Bujia. He offered that if the count returned with enough force, he would hand the city over to him and assist him in conquering the entire region. The count quickly returned to Spain and informed Cardinal Ximenes, the prime minister of Spain, about the planned betrayal. The following January, he was sent with thirty ships and four thousand soldiers to carry out the mission. Navarro's expedition was successful. He seized control of Bujia and took the royal palace triumphantly, only to find the treacherous Aben Comixa lying in a pool of his own blood, dying from multiple wounds. His betrayal had been discovered, and the vengeance of the king of Bujia had ended his deceitful life.
The renowned Roderigo Ponce de Leon, marques-duke of Cadiz, was unquestionably the most distinguished among the cavaliers of Spain for his zeal, enterprise, and heroism in the great crusade of Granada. He began the war by the capture of Alhama; he was engaged in almost every inroad and siege of importance during its continuance; and was present at the surrender of the capital, the closing scene of the conquest. The renown thus acquired was sealed by his death, which happened in the forty-eighth year of his age, almost immediately at the close of his triumphs and before a leaf of his laurels had time to wither. He died at his palace in the city of Seville on the 27th day of August, 1492, but a few months after the surrender of Granada, and of an illness caused by exposures and fatigues undergone in this memorable war. That honest chronicler, Andres Bernaldez, the curate of Los Palacios, who was a contemporary of the marques, draws his portrait from actual knowledge and observation. He was universally cited (says he) as the most perfect model of chivalrous virtue of the age. He was temperate, chaste, and rigidly devout, a benignant commander, a valiant defender of his vassals, a great lover of justice, and an enemy to all flatterers, liars, robbers, traitors, and poltroons.
The famous Roderigo Ponce de Leon, Marques-Duke of Cadiz, was undoubtedly the most outstanding among the knights of Spain for his dedication, initiative, and bravery in the great campaign of Granada. He kicked off the war by capturing Alhama and was involved in nearly every important raid and siege throughout its duration. He was present at the surrender of the capital, the final act of the conquest. The fame he gained was solidified by his death, which occurred at the age of forty-eight, just after his victories and before any of his accolades had the chance to fade. He died at his palace in Seville on August 27, 1492, just a few months after the surrender of Granada, due to an illness brought on by the hardships and exhaustion he faced in this historic war. That honest chronicler, Andres Bernaldez, the curate of Los Palacios, who lived at the same time as the marquis, describes him from personal knowledge and observation. He was widely regarded (as he says) as the perfect example of chivalrous virtue of his time. He was moderate, pure, and strictly devout, a kind commander, a brave protector of his subjects, a great advocate for justice, and an enemy of all flatterers, liars, thieves, traitors, and cowards.
His ambition was of a lofty kind: he sought to distinguish himself and his family by heroic and resounding deeds, and to increase the patrimony of his ancestors by the acquisition of castles, domains, vassals, and other princely possessions. His recreations were all of a warlike nature; he delighted in geometry as applied to fortifications, and spent much time and treasure in erecting and repairing fortresses. He relished music, but of a military kind—the sound of clarions and sackbuts, of drums and trumpets. Like a true cavalier, he was a protector of the sex on all occasions, and an injured woman never applied to him in vain for redress. His prowess was so well known, and his courtesy to the fair, that the ladies of the court, when they accompanied the queen to the wars, rejoiced to find themselves under his protection; for wherever his banner was displayed the Moors dreaded to adventure. He was a faithful and devoted friend, but a formidable enemy; for he was slow to forgive, and his vengeance was persevering and terrible.
His ambition was ambitious in a big way: he wanted to make a name for himself and his family through heroic and impressive actions, and to increase his ancestors' wealth by acquiring castles, lands, vassals, and other royal possessions. His hobbies were all about war; he enjoyed studying geometry as it related to fortifications and spent a lot of time and money building and repairing forts. He liked music, but only the military kind—the sounds of trumpets, drums, and horns. Like a true knight, he was always a champion for women, and a wronged woman could always count on him for help. His strength was well known, and his politeness toward women meant that the ladies at court were happy to have him by their side when accompanying the queen to battle; wherever his banner flew, the Moors were careful to stay away. He was a loyal and devoted friend but a fierce enemy; he took a long time to forgive, and his revenge was relentless and brutal.
The death of this good and well-beloved cavalier spread grief and lamentation throughout all ranks. His relations, dependants, and companions-in-arms put on mourning for his loss, and so numerous were they that half of Seville was clad in black. None, however, deplored his death more deeply and sincerely than his friend and chosen companion Don Alonso de Aguilar.
The death of this beloved knight brought sadness and mourning across all levels of society. His family, friends, and fellow soldiers wore black to honor him, and there were so many of them that half of Seville was dressed in mourning. However, none mourned his death more profoundly and genuinely than his close friend Don Alonso de Aguilar.
The funeral ceremonies were of the most solemn and sumptuous kind. The body of the marques was arrayed in a costly shirt, a doublet of brocade, a sayo or long robe of black velvet, a marlota or Moorish tunic of brocade reaching to the feet, and scarlet stockings. His sword, superbly gilt, was girded to his side, as he used to wear it when in the field. Thus magnificently attired, the body was enclosed in a coffin which was covered with black velvet and decorated with a cross of white damask. It was then placed on a sumptuous bier in the centre of the great hall of the palace. Here the duchess made great lamentation over the body of her lord, in which she was joined by her train of damsels and attendants, as well as by the pages and esquires and innumerable vassals.
The funeral ceremonies were incredibly solemn and lavish. The marquis's body was dressed in an expensive shirt, a brocade doublet, a long black velvet robe, a Moorish brocade tunic that reached his feet, and scarlet stockings. His beautifully gilded sword was fastened to his side, just as he wore it in the field. Magnificently dressed, the body was placed in a coffin covered with black velvet and adorned with a white damask cross. It was then set on an elaborate bier in the center of the palace's grand hall. Here, the duchess lamented greatly over her lord's body, joined by her entourage of ladies, attendants, pages, squires, and countless vassals.
In the close of the evening, just before the Ave Maria, the funeral train issued from the palace. Ten banners were borne around the bier, the particular trophies of the marques won from the Moors by his valor in individual enterprises before King Ferdinand had commenced the war of Granada. The procession was swelled by an immense train of bishops, priests, and friars of different orders, together with the civil and military authorities and all the chivalry of Seville, headed by the count of Cifuentes, at that time intendente or commander of the city. It moved slowly and solemnly through the streets, stopping occasionally and chanting litanies and responses. Two hundred and forty waxen tapers shed a light like the day about the bier. The balconies and windows were crowded with ladies, who shed tears as the funeral train passed by, while the women of the lower classes were loud in their lamentations, as if bewailing the loss of a father or a brother. On approaching the convent of St. Augustine the monks came forth with the cross and tapers and eight censers and conducted the body into the church, where it lay in state until all the vigils were performed by the different orders, after which it was deposited in the family tomb of the Ponces in the same church, and the ten banners were suspended over the sepulchre.*
In the evening, just before the Ave Maria, the funeral procession left the palace. Ten banners, representing the specific honors the marquis earned from the Moors through his bravery in individual battles before King Ferdinand began the war of Granada, were carried around the coffin. The procession was joined by a large group of bishops, priests, and friars of various orders, along with civil and military officials and all the chivalry of Seville, led by the count of Cifuentes, who was the city’s commander at that time. It moved slowly and solemnly through the streets, pausing occasionally to chant prayers and responses. Two hundred and forty wax candles provided a light as bright as day around the coffin. Balconies and windows were filled with women who cried as the funeral procession went by, while the working-class women wailed loudly as if mourning the loss of a father or brother. As they approached the convent of St. Augustine, the monks came out with the cross, candles, and eight incense burners, leading the body into the church, where it lay in state until all the vigils were completed by the different orders. It was then laid to rest in the Ponces family tomb within the same church, with the ten banners hung above the grave.*
* Cura de los Palacios, c.104.
* Cura de los Palacios, c.104.
The tomb of the valiant Roderigo Ponce de Leon, with his banners mouldering above it, remained for ages an object of veneration with all who had read or heard of his virtues and achievements. In the year 1810, however, the chapel was sacked by the French, its altars were overturned, and the sepulchres of the family of the Ponces shattered to pieces. The present duchess of Benevente, the worthy descendant of this illustrious and heroic line, has since piously collected the ashes of her ancestors, restored the altar, and repaired the chapel. The sepulchres, however, were utterly destroyed: an inscription in gold letters on the wall of the chapel to the right of the altar is all that denotes the place of sepulture of the brave Ponce de Leon.
The tomb of the brave Roderigo Ponce de Leon, with his banners deteriorating above it, remained a place of respect for everyone who had read or heard about his bravery and accomplishments. In 1810, though, the chapel was looted by the French, its altars were toppled, and the graves of the Ponce family were smashed to pieces. The current duchess of Benevente, a worthy descendant of this distinguished and heroic lineage, has since respectfully gathered her ancestors' ashes, restored the altar, and fixed up the chapel. Unfortunately, the graves were completely destroyed: a golden inscription on the wall of the chapel to the right of the altar is all that marks the burial place of the brave Ponce de Leon.
To such as feel an interest in the fortune of the valiant Don Alonso de Aguilar, the chosen friend and companion-in-arms of Ponce de Leon, marques of Cadiz, and one of the most distinguished heroes of the war of Granada, a few particulars of his remarkable fate will not be unacceptable.
To those who care about the fate of the brave Don Alonso de Aguilar, the chosen friend and comrade of Ponce de Leon, Marquis of Cadiz, and one of the most notable heroes of the Granada War, a few details about his extraordinary story will be welcome.
For several years after the conquest of Granada the country remained feverish and unquiet. The zealous efforts of the Catholic clergy to effect the conversion of the infidels, and the coercion used for that purpose by government, exasperated the stubborn Moors of the mountains. Several missionaries were maltreated, and in the town of Dayrin two of them were seized and exhorted, with many menaces, to embrace the Moslem faith; on their resolutely refusing they were killed with staves and stones by the Moorish women and children, and their bodies burnt to ashes.*
For several years after the conquest of Granada, the country was restless and agitated. The passionate efforts of the Catholic clergy to convert non-believers, along with the pressure from the government to do so, angered the stubborn Moors in the mountains. Several missionaries faced violence, and in the town of Dayrin, two of them were captured and threatened to adopt the Muslim faith; when they resolutely refused, they were killed with clubs and stones by Moorish women and children, and their bodies were burned to ashes.*
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 165.
* Cura de los Palacios, c. 165.
Upon this event a body of Christian cavaliers assembled in Andalusia to the number of eight hundred, and, without waiting for orders from the king, revenged the death of these martyrs by plundering and laying waste the Moorish towns and villages. The Moors fled to the mountains, and their cause was espoused by many of their nation who inhabited those rugged regions. The storm of rebellion began to gather and mutter its thunders in the Alpuxarras. They were echoed from the Serrania of Ronda, ever ready for rebellion, but the strongest hold of the insurgents was in the Sierra (12) Bermeja, or chain of Red Mountains, which lie near the sea, the savage rocks and precipices of which may be seen from Gibraltar.
After this event, a group of Christian knights gathered in Andalusia, totaling around eight hundred. Without waiting for orders from the king, they avenged the deaths of these martyrs by raiding and destroying Moorish towns and villages. The Moors retreated to the mountains, and many from their communities living in those harsh areas joined their cause. A storm of rebellion began to brew and rumble in the Alpuxarras. The echoes could be heard from the Serrania of Ronda, always eager for revolt, but the strongest base of the rebels was in the Sierra (12) Bermeja, or the Red Mountain range, which is located near the sea and whose rugged cliffs and steep drops can be seen from Gibraltar.
When King Ferdinand heard of these tumults he issued a proclamation ordering all the Moors of the insurgent regions to leave them within ten days and repair to Castile; giving secret instructions, however, that those who should voluntarily embrace the Christian faith might be permitted to remain. At the same time he ordered Don Alonso de Aguilar and the counts of Urena and Cifuentes to march against the rebels.
When King Ferdinand heard about these disturbances, he issued a proclamation ordering all the Moors in the rebellious areas to leave within ten days and go to Castile. He secretly instructed that those who chose to convert to Christianity could stay. At the same time, he commanded Don Alonso de Aguilar and the counts of Urena and Cifuentes to march against the rebels.
Don Alonso de Aguilar was at Cordova when he received the commands of the king. “What force is allotted us for this expedition?” said he. On being told, he perceived that the number of troops was far from adequate. “When a man is dead,” said he, “we send four men into his house to bring forth the body. We are now sent to chastise these Moors, who are alive, vigorous, in open rebellion, and ensconced in their castles; yet they do not give us man to man.” These words of the brave Alonso de Aguilar were afterward frequently repeated, but, though he saw the desperate nature of the enterprise, he did not hesitate to undertake it.
Don Alonso de Aguilar was in Cordova when he got the orders from the king. “What troops are we getting for this mission?” he asked. When he found out, he realized the number of soldiers was nowhere near enough. “When someone is dead,” he said, “we send four men to their home to carry out the body. We’re being sent to punish these Moors, who are alive, strong, in open rebellion, and holed up in their castles; yet we aren't given enough men.” These words from the brave Alonso de Aguilar were often quoted later, but even though he recognized the risky nature of the mission, he didn’t hesitate to take it on.
Don Alonso was at that time in the fifty-first year of his age—a warrior in whom the fire of youth was yet unquenched, though tempered by experience. The greater part of his life had been spent in camp and field until danger was as his habitual element. His muscular frame had acquired the firmness of iron without the rigidity of age. His armor and weapons seemed to have become a part of his nature, and he sat like a man of steel on his powerful war-horse.
Don Alonso was then fifty-one years old—a warrior whose youthful spirit was still alive, though shaped by experience. Most of his life had been spent in camps and on battlefields, where danger felt like his second home. His strong physique was as tough as iron but without the stiffness of old age. His armor and weapons appeared to be an extension of himself, and he sat like a steel figure on his mighty war horse.
He took with him on this expedition his son, Don Pedro de Cordova, a youth of bold and generous spirit, in the freshness of his days, and armed and arrayed with the bravery of a young Spanish cavalier. When the populace of Cordova beheld the veteran father, the warrior of a thousand battles, leading forth his son to the field, they bethought themselves of the family appellation. “Behold,” cried they, “the eagle teaching his young to fly! Long live the valiant line of Aguilar!”*
He brought along his son, Don Pedro de Cordova, a young man with a bold and generous spirit, full of youthful energy, equipped and dressed like a brave young Spanish knight. When the people of Cordova saw the seasoned father, a warrior of many battles, taking his son into the field, they were reminded of their family name. “Look,” they shouted, “the eagle teaching its young to soar! Long live the brave line of Aguilar!”*
* “Aguilar,” the Spanish for eagle.
* “Aguilar,” the Spanish word for eagle.
The prowess of Don Alonso and of his companions-in-arms was renowned throughout the Moorish towns. At their approach, therefore, numbers of the Moors submitted, and hastened to Ronda to embrace Christianity. Among the mountaineers, however, were many of the Gandules, a tribe from Africa, too proud of spirit to bend their necks to the yoke. At their head was a Moor named El Feri of Ben Estepar, renowned for strength and courage. At his instigation his followers gathered together their families and most precious effects, placed them on mules, and, driving before them their flocks and herds, abandoned their valleys and retired up the craggy passes of the Sierra (13) Bermeja. On the summit was a fertile plain surrounded by rocks and precipices, which formed a natural fortress. Here El Feri placed all the women and children and all the property. By his orders his followers piled great stones on the rocks and cliffs which commanded the defiles and the steep sides of the mountain, and prepared to defend every pass that led to his place of refuge.
The skills of Don Alonso and his fellow warriors were famous throughout the Moorish towns. As they approached, many Moors converted to Christianity and rushed to Ronda. However, among the mountain people were many of the Gandules, a proud African tribe unwilling to submit. Leading them was a Moor named El Feri of Ben Estepar, known for his strength and bravery. At his urging, his followers gathered their families and precious belongings, loaded them onto mules, and drove their flocks and herds as they abandoned their valleys and retreated up the rocky paths of the Sierra (13) Bermeja. At the top, they found a fertile plain surrounded by rocks and cliffs, creating a natural fortress. Here, El Feri placed all the women, children, and their possessions. Following his orders, his followers stacked large stones on the cliffs and rocks overlooking the narrow passes and steep mountain sides, preparing to defend every route to their refuge.
The Christian commanders arrived, and pitched their camp before the town of Monarda, a strong place, curiously fortified, and situated at the foot of the highest part of the Sierra (14) Bermeja. Here they remained for several days, unable to compel a surrender. They were separated from the skirt of the mountain by a deep barranca, or ravine, at the bottom of which flowed a small stream. The Moors commanded by El Feri drew down from their mountain-height, and remained on the opposite side of the brook to defend a pass which led up to their stronghold.
The Christian leaders arrived and set up their camp in front of the town of Monarda, a heavily fortified place located at the foot of the tallest part of the Sierra (14) Bermeja. They stayed there for several days, unable to force a surrender. A deep ravine separated them from the edge of the mountain, and a small stream flowed at the bottom. The Moors, led by El Feri, came down from their mountain and positioned themselves on the other side of the stream to guard a path that led up to their stronghold.
One afternoon a number of Christian soldiers in mere bravado seized a banner, crossed the brook, and, scrambling up the opposite bank, attacked the Moors. They were followed by numbers of their companions, some in aid, some in emulation, but most in hope of booty. A sharp action ensued on the mountain-side. The Moors were greatly superior in number, and had the vantage-ground. When the counts of Urena and Cifuentes beheld the skirmish, they asked Don Alonso de Aguilar his opinion. “My opinion,” said he, “was given at Cordova, and remains the same: this is a desperate enterprise. However, the Moors are at hand, and if they suspect weakness in us it will increase their courage and our peril. Forward then to the attack, and I trust in God we shall gain a victory.” So saying, he led his troops into the battle.*
One afternoon, a group of Christian soldiers, fueled by bravado, grabbed a banner, crossed the stream, and climbed up the other side to attack the Moors. They were followed by many of their comrades—some to help, some to compete, and most hoping for loot. A fierce battle broke out on the mountainside. The Moors had a significant numerical advantage and held the higher ground. When the counts of Urena and Cifuentes saw the fight, they asked Don Alonso de Aguilar for his thoughts. “My thoughts were shared in Cordova, and they haven't changed: this is a risky mission. However, the Moors are close, and if they sense any weakness in us, it will boost their confidence and put us in more danger. So let's charge into the fight, and I trust that with God's help, we will achieve victory.” With that, he led his troops into battle.*
* Bleda, 1. 5, c. 26.
* Bleda, 1. 5, c. 26.
On the skirts of the mountain were several level places, like terraces; here the Christians pressed valiantly upon the Moors, and had the advantage; but the latter retreated to the steep and craggy heights, whence they hurled darts and rocks upon their assailants. They defended their passes and defiles with valor, but were driven from height to height until they reached the plain on the summit of the mountain where their wives and children were sheltered. Here they would have made a stand, but Alonso de Aguilar, with his son Don Pedro, charged upon them at the head of three hundred men and put them to flight with great carnage. While they were pursuing the flying enemy the rest of the army, thinking the victory achieved, dispersed themselves over the little plain in search of plunder. They pursued the shrieking females, tearing off their necklaces, bracelets, and anklets of gold, and they found so much treasure of various kinds collected in this spot that they threw by their armor and weapons to load themselves with booty.
On the sides of the mountain were several flat areas, like terraces; here the Christians bravely attacked the Moors and had the upper hand. But the Moors fell back to the steep and rocky heights, where they launched darts and rocks at their attackers. They defended their passages and narrow ways courageously but were pushed back from one height to another until they reached the plateau at the top of the mountain, where their wives and children were safe. They were ready to hold their ground, but Alonso de Aguilar, along with his son Don Pedro, charged at them with three hundred men, forcing them to flee with significant loss. While they were chasing the retreating enemy, the rest of the army, thinking victory was secured, scattered across the small plain looking for loot. They chased after the screaming women, ripping off their gold necklaces, bracelets, and anklets, and found so much treasure gathered in this place that they discarded their armor and weapons to load up on the spoils.
Evening was closing. The Christians, intent upon spoil, had ceased to pursue the Moors, and the latter were arrested in their flight by the cries of their wives and children. Their leader, El Feri, threw himself before them. “Friends, soldiers,” cried he, “whither do you fly? Whither can you seek refuge where the enemy cannot follow you? Your wives, your children, are behind you—turn and defend them; you have no chance for safety but from the weapons in your hands.”
Evening was falling. The Christians, focused on the spoils, had stopped chasing the Moors, and the latter were halted in their escape by the cries of their wives and children. Their leader, El Feri, threw himself in front of them. “Friends, soldiers,” he shouted, “where are you fleeing to? Where can you find safety that the enemy can't reach you? Your wives, your children, are behind you—turn around and protect them; your only chance for survival is with the weapons in your hands.”
The Moors turned at his words. They beheld the Christians scattered about the plain, many of them without armor, and all encumbered with spoil. “Now is the time!” shouted El Feri: “charge upon them while laden with your plunder. I will open a path for you.” He rushed to the attack, followed by his Moors, with shouts and cries that echoed through the mountains. The scattered Christians were seized with panic, and, throwing down their booty, began to fly in all directions. Don Alonso de Aguilar advanced his banner and endeavored to rally them. Finding his horse of no avail in these rocky heights, he dismounted, and caused his men to do the same: he had a small band of tried followers, with which he opposed a bold front to the Moors, calling on the scattered troops to rally in the rear.
The Moors turned at his words. They saw the Christians spread out across the plain, many of them unarmed, and all weighed down with their loot. “This is our chance!” shouted El Feri. “Charge at them while they’re loaded down with their plunder. I’ll clear a way for you.” He rushed into the attack, followed by his Moors, with shouts and cries echoing through the mountains. The scattered Christians were hit by panic, and, dropping their loot, began to flee in all directions. Don Alonso de Aguilar raised his banner and tried to gather them together. Finding his horse useless on these rocky heights, he got off and made his men do the same. He had a small group of loyal followers with him, and he stood his ground against the Moors, calling on the scattered troops to regroup behind him.
Night had completely closed. It prevented the Moors from seeing the smallness of the force with which they were contending, and Don Alonso and his cavaliers dealt their blows so vigorously that, aided by the darkness, they seemed multiplied to ten times their number. Unfortunately, a small cask of gunpowder blew up near to the scene of action. It shed a momentary but brilliant light over all the plain and on every rock and cliff. The Moors beheld, with surprise, that they were opposed by a mere handful of men, and that the greater part of the Christians were flying from the field. They put up loud shouts of triumph. While some continued the conflict with redoubled ardor, others pursued the fugitives, hurling after them stones and darts and discharging showers of arrows. Many of the Christians in their terror and their ignorance of the mountains, rushed headlong from the brinks of precipices and were dashed in pieces.
Night had completely fallen. It stopped the Moors from seeing how small the force they were fighting against really was, and Don Alonso and his knights struck with such force that, thanks to the darkness, they seemed to be ten times their actual number. Unfortunately, a small barrel of gunpowder exploded near the battle. It cast a brief but brilliant light across the plain and illuminated every rock and cliff. The Moors were shocked to see they were up against just a handful of men and that most of the Christians were retreating. They erupted in loud cheers of victory. While some kept fighting with renewed energy, others chased the fleeing men, throwing stones and darts and shooting volleys of arrows. Many Christians, in their panic and confusion in the mountains, plunged off the edges of cliffs and were crushed.
Don Alonso still maintained his ground, but, while some of the Moors assailed him in front, others galled him with all kinds of missiles from the impending cliffs. Some of the cavaliers, seeing the hopeless nature of the conflict, proposed to abandon the height and retreat down the mountain. “No,” said Don Alonso proudly; “never did the banner of the house of Aguilar retreat one foot in the field of battle.” He had scarcely uttered these words when his son Pedro was stretched at his feet. A stone hurled from a cliff had struck out two of his teeth, and a lance passed quivering through his thigh. The youth attempted to rise, and, with one knee on the ground, to fight by the side of his father. Don Alonso, finding him wounded, urged him to quit the field. “Fly, my son,” said he; “let us not put everything at venture upon one hazard. Conduct thyself as a good Christian, and live to comfort and honor thy mother.”
Don Alonso still held his ground, but while some of the Moors attacked him from the front, others troubled him with various missiles from the cliffs above. Some of the knights, realizing the hopelessness of the battle, suggested they abandon the high ground and retreat down the mountain. “No,” Don Alonso replied proudly; “the banner of the house of Aguilar has never backed down an inch on the battlefield.” He had barely finished speaking when his son Pedro fell at his feet. A stone thrown from the cliff had knocked out two of his teeth, and a lance had pierced his thigh. The young man tried to get up and, with one knee on the ground, attempted to fight alongside his father. Seeing him injured, Don Alonso urged him to leave the battlefield. “Run, my son,” he said; “let’s not risk everything on one chance. Act as a good Christian, and live to comfort and honor your mother.”
Don Pedro still refused to leave his side. Whereupon Don Alonso ordered several of his followers to bear him off by force. His friend Don Francisco Alvarez of Cordova, taking him in his arms, conveyed him to the quarters of the count of Urena, who had halted on the height at some distance from the scene of battle for the purpose of rallying and succoring the fugitives. Almost at the same moment the count beheld his own son, Don Pedro Giron, brought in grievously wounded.
Don Pedro still wouldn’t leave his side. So, Don Alonso ordered several of his followers to carry him away by force. His friend Don Francisco Alvarez of Cordova, picked him up in his arms and took him to the quarters of the Count of Urena, who had stopped on a hill a bit away from the battlefield to regroup and help the fleeing soldiers. Almost at the same moment, the count saw his own son, Don Pedro Giron, being brought in badly wounded.
In the mean time, Don Alonso, with two hundred cavaliers, maintained the unequal contest. Surrounded by foes, they fell, one after another, like so many stags encircled by the hunters. Don Alonso was the last survivor, without horse and almost without armor, his corselet unlaced and his bosom gashed with wounds. Still, he kept a brave front to the enemy, and, retiring between two rocks, defended himself with such valor that the slain lay in a heap before him.
In the meantime, Don Alonso, with two hundred knights, struggled against overwhelming odds. Surrounded by enemies, they fell one by one, like deer caught by hunters. Don Alonso was the last one standing, without a horse and almost without armor, his breastplate unfastened and his body wounded. Still, he faced the enemy bravely, retreating between two rocks, defending himself with such courage that the fallen lay in a pile in front of him.
He was assailed in this retreat by a Moor of surpassing strength and fierceness. The contest was for some time doubtful, but Don Alonso received a wound in the head, and another in the breast, which made him stagger. Closing and grappling with his foe, they had a desperate struggle, until the Christian cavalier, exhausted by his wounds, fell upon his back. He still retained his grasp upon his enemy. “Think not,” cried he, “thou hast an easy prize; know that I am Don Alonso, he of Aguilar!”—“If thou art Don Alonso,” replied the Moor, “know that I am El Feri of Ben Estepar.” They continued their deadly struggle, and both drew their daggers, but Don Alonso was exhausted by seven ghastly wounds: while he was yet struggling his heroic soul departed from his body, and he expired in the grasp of the Moor.
He was attacked during this retreat by a Moor who was exceptionally strong and fierce. For a while, the fight was uncertain, but Don Alonso took a blow to the head and another to the chest, which made him stagger. As they closed in and grappled with each other, they had a fierce struggle until the Christian knight, worn out from his injuries, fell on his back. He still held onto his enemy. “Don’t think,” he shouted, “that you have an easy victory; know that I am Don Alonso, from Aguilar!”—“If you are Don Alonso,” the Moor replied, “then know that I am El Feri from Ben Estepar.” They continued their deadly fight, both drawing their daggers, but Don Alonso was weakened by seven serious wounds: while he was still fighting, his brave spirit left his body, and he died in the Moor's grasp.
Thus fell Alonso de Aguilar, the mirror of Andalusian chivalry—one of the most powerful grandees of Spain for person, blood, estate, and office. For forty years he had made successful war upon the Moors—in childhood by his household and retainers, in manhood by the prowess of his arm and in the wisdom and valor of his spirit. His pennon had always been foremost in danger; he had been general of armies, viceroy of Andalusia, and the author of glorious enterprises in which kings were vanquished and mighty alcaydes and warriors laid low. He had slain many Moslem chiefs with his own arm, and among others the renowned Ali Atar of Loxa, fighting foot to foot, on the banks of the Xenil. His judgment, discretion, magnanimity, and justice vied with his prowess. He was the fifth lord of his warlike house that fell in battle with the Moors.
Thus fell Alonso de Aguilar, the embodiment of Andalusian chivalry—one of the most powerful nobles in Spain in terms of stature, lineage, wealth, and position. For forty years, he had fought successfully against the Moors—in his childhood with the help of his household and retainers, and in his adulthood with the strength of his arm and the wisdom and bravery of his spirit. His banner had always been at the front during battles; he had served as a general of armies, viceroy of Andalusia, and had led glorious campaigns where kings were defeated and powerful leaders and warriors were brought down. He had personally killed many Muslim leaders, including the famous Ali Atar of Loxa, fighting man to man on the banks of the Xenil. His judgment, discretion, generosity, and sense of justice matched his fighting skill. He was the fifth lord from his military family to die in battle against the Moors.
“His soul,” observes the worthy Padre Abarca, “it is believed, ascended to heaven to receive the reward of so Christian a captain; for that very day he had armed himself with the sacraments of confession and communion.” *
“His soul,” notes the esteemed Padre Abarca, “is believed to have ascended to heaven to receive the reward of such a Christian leader; for on that very day he had prepared himself with the sacraments of confession and communion.”
* Abarca, Anales de Aragon, Rey xxx. cap. ii.
* Abarca, Annals of Aragon, King xxx. chapter ii.
The Moors, elated with their success, pursued the fugitive Christians down the defiles and sides of the mountains. It was with the utmost difficulty that the count de Urena could bring off a remnant of his forces from that disastrous height. Fortunately, on the lower slope of the mountain they found the rear-guard of the army, led by the count de Cifuentes, who had crossed the brook and the ravine to come to their assistance. As the fugitives came flying in headlong terror down the mountain it was with difficulty the count kept his own troops from giving way in panic and retreating in confusion across the brook. He succeeded, however, in maintaining order, in rallying the fugitives, and checking the fury of the Moors; then, taking his station on a rocky eminence, he maintained his post until morning, sometimes sustaining violent attacks, at other times rushing forth and making assaults upon the enemy. When morning dawned the Moors ceased to combat, and drew up to the summit of the mountain.
The Moors, thrilled with their victory, chased the fleeing Christians down the gorges and slopes of the mountains. Count de Urena had a tough time getting a part of his forces off that disastrous height. Luckily, on the lower slope of the mountain, they found the rear guard of the army, led by Count de Cifuentes, who had crossed the stream and ravine to help them. As the fugitives rushed down the mountain in a panic, it was hard for the count to keep his own troops from breaking down in fear and retreating in chaos across the stream. However, he managed to maintain order, rally the fleeing soldiers, and hold back the furious Moors. Positioning himself on a rocky outcrop, he held his ground until morning, sometimes fending off fierce attacks and other times charging out and attacking the enemy. When morning came, the Moors stopped fighting and gathered at the top of the mountain.
It was then that the Christians had time to breathe and to ascertain the sad loss they had sustained. Among the many valiant cavaliers who had fallen was Don Francisco Ramirez of Madrid, who had been captain-general of artillery throughout the war of Granada, and contributed greatly by his valor and ingenuity to that renowned conquest. But all other griefs and cares were forgotten in anxiety for the fate of Don Alonso de Aguilar. His son, Don Pedro de Cordova, had been brought off with great difficulty from the battle, and afterward lived to be marques of Priego; but of Don Alonso nothing was known, except that he was left with a handful of cavaliers fighting valiantly against an overwhelming force.
It was at that moment that the Christians had a chance to catch their breath and realize the heavy loss they had endured. Among the many brave knights who had fallen was Don Francisco Ramirez of Madrid, who had served as the captain-general of artillery throughout the war in Granada and played a significant role in that famous conquest with his bravery and creativity. But all other sorrows and concerns were put aside as they worried about the fate of Don Alonso de Aguilar. His son, Don Pedro de Cordova, was rescued from the battle with great difficulty and later became the marquis of Priego; however, nothing was known about Don Alonso, except that he had been left with a small group of knights fighting bravely against a much larger force.
As the rising sun lighted up the red cliffs of the mountains the soldiers watched with anxious eyes if perchance his pennon might be descried fluttering from any precipice or defile, but nothing of the kind was to be seen. The trumpet-call was repeatedly sounded, but empty echoes alone replied. A silence reigned about the mountain-summit which showed that the deadly strife was over. Now and then a wounded warrior came dragging his feeble steps from among the cliffs and rocks, but on being questioned he shook his head mournfully and could tell nothing of the fate of his commander.
As the rising sun lit up the red cliffs of the mountains, the soldiers watched anxiously, hoping to spot their flag fluttering from any peak or pass, but nothing was visible. The trumpet call sounded repeatedly, but only empty echoes answered. A silence hung over the mountaintop that indicated the brutal battle was finished. Occasionally, a wounded soldier limped out from the cliffs and rocks, but when asked, he shook his head sadly and had no information about the fate of his commander.
The tidings of this disastrous defeat and of the perilous situation of the survivors reached King Ferdinand at Granada: he immediately marched at the head of all the chivalry of his court to the mountains of Ronda. His presence with a powerful force soon put an end to the rebellion. A part of the Moors were suffered to ransom themselves and embark for Africa; others were made to embrace Christianity; and those of the town where the Christian missionaries had been massacred were sold as slaves. From the conquered Moors the mournful but heroic end of Alonso de Aguilar was ascertained.
The news of this disastrous defeat and the dangerous situation of the survivors reached King Ferdinand in Granada. He immediately led his knights to the mountains of Ronda. His presence, along with a strong force, quickly ended the rebellion. Some of the Moors were allowed to pay a ransom and leave for Africa; others were forced to convert to Christianity; and those from the town where the Christian missionaries were killed were sold into slavery. From the defeated Moors, the tragic but heroic fate of Alonso de Aguilar was confirmed.
On the morning after the battle, when the Moors came to strip and bury the dead, the body of Don Alonso was found among those of more than two hundred of his followers, many of them alcaydes and cavaliers of distinction. Though the person of Don Alonso was well known to the Moors, being so distinguished among them both in peace and war, yet it was so covered and disfigured with wounds that it could with difficulty be recognized. They preserved it with great care, and on making their submission delivered it up to King Ferdinand. It was conveyed with great state to Cordova, amidst the tears and lamentations of all Andalusia. When the funeral train entered Cordova, and the inhabitants saw the coffin containing the remains of their favorite hero, and the war-horse led in mournful trappings on which they had so lately seen him sally forth from their gates, there was a general burst of grief throughout the city. The body was interred with great pomp and solemnity in the church of St. Hypolito.
On the morning after the battle, when the Moors came to collect and bury the dead, they found Don Alonso's body among more than two hundred of his followers, many of whom were distinguished alcaydes and knights. Although Don Alonso was well-known among the Moors for his prominence in both peace and war, his body was so covered and disfigured by wounds that it was hard to recognize him. They treated it with great care and, upon submitting, handed it over to King Ferdinand. It was transported with great ceremony to Cordova, amid the tears and mourning of all Andalusia. When the funeral procession entered Cordova, and the people saw the coffin containing their beloved hero’s remains, along with his war-horse draped in mourning gear—on which they had recently seen him ride out of their gates—there was an overwhelming outpouring of grief throughout the city. The body was laid to rest with great pomp and solemnity in the church of St. Hypolito.
Many years afterward his granddaughter, Dona Catalina of Aguilar and Cordova, marchioness of Priego, caused his tomb to be altered. On examining the body the head of a lance was found among the bones, received without doubt among the wounds of his last mortal combat. The name of this accomplished and Christian cavalier has ever remained a popular theme of the chronicler and poet, and is endeared to the public memory by many of the historical ballads and songs of his country. For a long time the people of Cordova were indignant at the brave count de Urena, who they thought had abandoned Don Alonso in his extremity; but the Castilian monarch acquitted him of all charge of the kind and continued him in honor and office. It was proved that neither he nor his people could succor Don Alonso, or even know his peril, from the darkness of the night. There is a mournful little Spanish ballad or romance which breathes the public grief on this occasion, and the populace on the return of the count de Urena to Cordova assailed him with one of its plaintive and reproachful verses:
Many years later, his granddaughter, Dona Catalina of Aguilar and Cordova, marchioness of Priego, had his tomb changed. When they examined the body, they found a head of a lance among the bones, likely received during the injuries from his final battle. The name of this skilled and devout knight has always been a popular topic for chroniclers and poets and is fondly remembered in many historical ballads and songs from his country. For a long time, the people of Cordova were angry at the brave Count de Urena, as they believed he had abandoned Don Alonso in his time of need; however, the Castilian king cleared him of any blame and maintained him in his honor and position. It was shown that neither he nor his men could assist Don Alonso or even be aware of his danger because of the darkness of the night. There is a sorrowful little Spanish ballad or romance that expresses the public's sadness over this event, and when Count de Urena returned to Cordova, the people confronted him with one of its mournful and accusatory verses:
Count Urena! Count Urena! Tell us, where is Don Alonso! (Dezid conde Urena! Don Alonso, donde queda?)
Count Urena! Count Urena! Tell us, where’s Don Alonso! (Dezid conde Urena! Don Alonso, donde queda?)
* Bleda, 1. 5, c. 26.
* Bleda, 1. 5, c. 26.
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