This is a modern-English version of Inventions in the Century, originally written by Doolittle, William Henry. It has been thoroughly updated, including changes to sentence structure, words, spelling, and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If you click on a paragraph, you will see the original text that we modified, and you can toggle between the two versions.

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Transcriber’s Notes:

Transcription Notes:

Misspellings in the source text have been corrected.

Misspellings in the source text have been corrected.

Missing page entries for “Wooden shoes” was assigned a page number by the transcriber.

Missing page entries for “Wooden shoes” were assigned a page number by the transcriber.

Index entry for “Stamfield, Jas.” was removed since this name does not occur in the main text.

Index entry for “Stamfield, Jas.” was removed since this name does not appear in the main text.


REV. W. H. WITHROW, M.A., D.D., F.R.S.C.




Expert and Patent Solicitor, Ex-Examiner in the Patent Office and Assistant
Commissioner of Patents at Washington, Writer of Inventions, etc.

Expert and Patent Lawyer, Former Patent Office Examiner and Assistant
Commissioner of Patents in Washington, Writer of Inventions, etc.






Toronto and Philadelphia

London and Edinburgh


Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two, by the Bradley-Garretson Co., Limited, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Entered, according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two, by the Bradley-Garretson Co., Limited, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture.

All Rights Reserved.



Inventions and Discoveries.—Distinctions and Contrast.—The One, Useful Contrivances of Man; the Other, New Things Found in Nature.—Galileo and the Telescope.—Newton and the Law of Gravitation.—Often United as Soul and Body.—Inventions and Discoveries do not Precede or Succeed in Order.—Inventions—Alphabetical Writing; Arabic Notation; The Mariner’s Compass; The Telescope; The Steam Engine.—Discoveries;—Attraction of Gravitation; Planetary Motions; Circulation of Blood; Velocity of Light.—Nineteenth Century Inventions and Discoveries.—Further Definitions.—Law of Development.—Contrivances, not Creations.—Man Always an Inventor.—Prof. Langley on Slow Growth of Inventions.—Inventions of this Century Outgrowth of Past Ones.—Egyptian Crooked Stick, Precursor of Modern Plough.—Hero of Alexandria and James Watt.—David’s Harp and the Grand Piano.—Electrical Science in 1600 and the Present Day.—Evolution and Interrelation of the Arts.—Age of Machine Inventions.—Its Beginning.—The Inducements to Invention.—Necessity not Always the Mother.—Wants of Various Kinds.—Accident.—Governmental Protection the Greatest Incentive.—Origin and Growth of Patent Laws.—Influence of Personal, Political and Intellectual Freedom and Education.—Arts of Civilization Due to the Inventor.—Macaulay’s Estimate.—Will Inventions Continue to Increase or Decrease.—Effect of Economic, Industrial and Social Life upon Inventions.—What Inventions have Done for Humanity.—Thread of the Centuries.—The Roll of Inventions too Vast for Enumeration. 1

The Egyptians the Earliest and Greatest Agriculturists.—Rome and Farming.—Cato, Varro, Virgil.—Columella.—Pliny.—Palladius.—The Decline of Agriculture.—Northern Barbarism.—Lowest Ebb in the Middle Ages.—Revival in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries.—With Invention of Printing.—Publications then, Concerning.—Growth in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.—Jethro Tull.—Arthur Young.—Washington.—Jefferson.—The Art Scientifically Commenced with Sir Humphry Davy’s Lectures on Soils and Plants, 1802-1812.—Societies.—“Book Farming” and Prejudice of Farmers.—A Revisit of Ruth and Cincinnatus at Beginning of Nineteenth Century.—Their Implements still the Common Ones in Use.—The Plough and its History.—Its Essential Parts and their Evolution to Modern Forms.—Originated in Holland.—Growth in England and America.—Small, Jefferson, Newbold.—Lord Kames’ Complaint.—The American Plough.—Cutting Disks.—Steam Ploughs: Implements for Preparing the Soil for Planting.—Various Forms of Harrows. 13

The Sowing of Grain.—The Sower of the Parables.—His Art and its Defects Lasted until Nineteenth Century.—The Problems to be Solved.—Assyrian and Chinese Seeding Implements.—India.—Italy First to Introduce a Grain Sowing Machine, Seventeenth Century.—Zanon’s Work on Agriculture, 1764.—Austria and England.—A Spaniard’s Invention.—Don Lescatello.—The Drill of Jethro Tull.—A Clergyman, Cooke’s Machine.—Washington and Others.—Modern Improvements in Seeders and their Operation and Functions.—Force Feed and Gravity Feed.—Graduated Flow.—Divided Feeds for Separate Grains and Fertilizing Material.—Garden Ploughs and Seeders.—Gangs of Heavy Ones.—Operated by Steam.—Corn Planters.—Walking and Riding.—Objects of Proper Planting.—How Accomplished by Machinery.—Variety of Machines.—Potatoes and the Finest Seeds.—Transplanters.—Cultivators.—Their Purposes and Varieties.—Primitive and Modern Toilers.—Millet.—Tillers of the Soil no Longer “Brothers of the Ox.” 23

Harvesting in Ancient Times.—The Sickle.—Pliny’s Machine.—Now the Clover Header.—Palladius’ Description.—Improved in 1786.—Scotchman’s Grain Cradle in 1794.—The Seven Ancient Wonders and the Seven Modern Wonders.—The Modern Harvester and the Cotton Gin.—Requirements of the Harvester.—Boyce.—Meares.—Plucknett.—Gladstone and the First Front Draft Machine, 1806.—Salonen introduced Vibrating Knives over Stationary Blades, 1807.—Ogle and Reciprocating Knife Bar, 1822.—Rev. Patrick Bell, 1823, Cuts an Acre of Grain in an Hour.—Mowers and Reapers in America in 1820.—Reaper and Thresher combined by Lane, of Maine, 1828.—Manning’s Harvester, 1831.—Schnebly.—Hussey.—McCormick, 1833-34.—Harvesters and Mowers at World’s Fair, London, 1851.—Automatic Binders.—Wire and Twine.—Advances Shown at Centennial Exhibition, 1876.—Inventions Beyond the Wildest Dreams of Former Farmers.—One Invention Generates Another.—Lawn Mowers.—Hay Forks and Stackers.—Corn, Cotton, Potato, Flax Harvesters.—Threshing.—The Old Flail.—Egyptian and Roman Methods.—The First Modern Threshing Machine.—Menzies, Leckie, Meikle.—Combined Harvesters and Threshers.—Flax Threshers and Brakes.—Cotton Gins.—Eli Whitney.—Enormous Importance of this Machine in Cotton Products.—Displacement of Labour. 32

Harvest Ended, Comes the Preparation of Grain and Fruits for Food.—Cleaning.—Separating.—Grinding.—Fanning Mills and Sir Walter Scott.—The Rudimentary Mills.—Egyptian.—Hebrew, Grecian, and Roman Methods, Prevailed until Middle of Eighteenth Century.—The Upper and Nether Mill Stone in Modern Dress.—Modern Mills Invented at Close of Eighteenth Century.—Oliver Evans of America, 1755-1819.—Evans’ System Prevailed for Three Quarters of a Century.—New System.—Middlings.—Low Milling.—High Milling.—Roller Mills.—Middlings Separators.—Dust Explosions and Prevention.—Vegetable Cutters.—Choppers.—Fruit Parers and Slicers.—Great Range of Mechanisms to Treat the Tenderest Pods and Smallest Seeds.—Crushing Sugar Cane.—Pressing and Baling.—Every Product has its own Proper Machine for Picking, Pressing, Packing, or Baling.—Cotton Compress.—Extensive and Enormous Cotton Crops of the World.—Cotton Presses of Various Kinds.—Hay and its Baling.—Bale Ties.—Fruits and Foods.—Machines for Gathering, Packing, Preserving, etc., all Modern.—Drying and Evaporating.—Sealing.—Transporting.—Tobacco.—Its Enormous Production.—The Interdict of James I., and of Popes, Kings, Sultans, etc.—Variety of Machines for its Treatment. 45

Chemistry among the Ancients.—Egyptians.—Phœnicians.—Israelites.—Greeks and Romans.—Chinese.—Became a Science in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.—Libavius.—Van Helmont.—Glauber—Tachenius.—Boyle.—Lémery.—Becher.—Stahl.—Boerhaave.—Black.—Cavendish.—Lavoisier.—Priestley.—Chemistry of Nineteenth Century a New World.—Atomic and Molecular Theories.—Light, Heat, and Electricity.—Correlation and Conservation of Forces.—Spectrum Analysis.—Laws of Chemical Changes.—John Dalton.—Wollaston.—Gay.—Lussac.—Berzelius.—Huygens’ and Newton’s Discoveries in Light in Seventeenth Century.—Unfolded and Developed by Fraunhofer, Kirchoff.—Bunsen in the Nineteenth.—Young of America.—Combination of Spectroscope and Telescope.—Huggins of England, Spectrum Analysis of the Stars.—Heat and other Forces.—Count Rumford.—Davy.—Mayer.—Helmholtz.—Colding.—Joule.—Grove.—Faraday.—Sir William Thomson.—Le Conte and Martin.—French Revolution and Agricultural Chemistry.—Lavoisier, Berthollet.—Guyton.—Fourcroy.—Napoleon.—Sir Humphry Davy.—Liebig.—Fermentation.—Alcohol.—Yeast.—Malt.—Wines.—Beer.—Huxley’s Lecture on Yeast, 1871.—Protein.—Protoplasm.—Evolution from one all-pervading Force.—Alcohol and Pasteur.—Manufacture of Liquors.—Carbonating.—Soils and Fertilisers.—Liquids, Oils, Sugar and Fats.—Bleaching and Dyeing.—Aniline Colours.—Perfumes.—Electro-Chemical Methods.—Applied to the Production of Artificial Light.—Abradants.—Disinfectants.—Pigments.—Mineral Analysis.—Purification of Water and Sewage.—Electroplating Metals.—Chemicals and the Fine Arts.—Redemption of Waste Materials.—Medicines and Surgery.—Their Growth from Empiricism.—Anæsthetics.—Davy.—Morton.—Jackson.—Innumerable Medical Compounds.—Antiseptic Treatment of Wounds.—Vast Variety of Surgical Instruments Invented.—Four Thousand Patents in United States Alone.—Dentistry.—Its Ancient Origin.—Account of Herodotus.—Revolution in, during Nineteenth Century.—Instruments.—Artificial Teeth.—Vast Relief from Pain. 58

Prophecy of Dr. Darwin in Eighteenth Century.—Review of the Art from Hero to James Watt.—Pumping Engines.—Road Carriages.—Watt.—Cugnot.—Rumsey.—Fitch.—Oliver Evans.—Read.—Symington.—Trevithick.—Locomotives.—Blenkinsop.—Griffith.—Bramah.—Horse Engine.—Hancock.—Blackett.—George Stephenson.—Hackworth.—Braithwaite.—Ericsson.—Huskisson First Victim of Railroad Accident.—Seguin.—John C. Stevens.—Horatio Allen.—Peter Cooper.—Symington.—Lord Dundas.—Fulton and Livingston.—The First Successful Steamboat.—Transatlantic Steam Navigation.—Scarborough of Georgia.—Bell of Scotland.—Cunard Line; Paddle Wheels.—Screw Propellers.—The Age of Kinetic Energy.—Professor Thurston.—Variety of Engines and Boilers.—Corliss.—Bicycle and Automobile Engines.—Napoleon’s Stage Trip and Present Locomotion.—Daniel Webster’s Survey of the Art. 73

The Duties of a Civil Engineer.—Great Engineering of the Past.—The Divisions.—Steam.—Mining.—Hydraulic.—Electrical.—Marine.—Bridge Making, Its Development.—First Arched Iron Bridge.—Darby.—Telford.—Leading Bridges of the Century.—Suspension.—Tubular.—Tubular Arch.—Truss.—Cantilever.—Spider’s Web and Suspension.—Sir Samuel Brown.—The Tweed.—Menai Straits and Telford.—M. Chaley and Fribourg.—J. K. Brunel and Isle of Bourbon.—British America and the United States united in 1855—Niagara.—John A. Roebling.—The Brooklyn Bridge.—Caissons and the Caisson Disease.—Tubular Bridge at Menai.—“The Grandest Lift in Engineering.”—Robert Stephenson.—The Tubular Arch at Washington.—Captain Meigs and Captain Eads.—St. Louis Bridge.—Truss System and Vast Modern Bridges.—Cantilever Succeeded the Suspension.—New Niagara and River Forth.—Schneider.—Hayes.—Fowler and Baker.—Milton’s Description.—Lighthouses.—Smeaton.—Douglass.—Bartholdi.—Eiffel.—Excavating, Dredging, Draining.—Road-making.—Railroads.—Canals.—Tunnels.—Excavating.—Desert Lands Reclaimed.—Holland and Florida Swamps.—The Tunnels of the Alps.—Suez Canal.—Engineering, as seen from a Pullman Car.—Cable Transportation.—Pneumatic Lock System.—Grain Elevators—Progress in Civilisation. 93

Theories and Definitions.—Franklin’s and a Modern One.—Varieties of the Force.—Generation.—Dynamic Energy.—Discoveries before the Nineteenth Century.—Magnetism and Electricity.—Fathers of the Science.—Doctor Gilbert.—Otto von Guericke.—Sir Isaac Newton.—Gray.—Dufay.—Professor Muschenbroeck.—Cuneus.—Charles Morrison.—Franklin and Galvani.—Volta.—The Door to Nineteenth Century Inventions then Opened.—Fabroni.—Sir Humphry Davy, Wollaston, Nicholson, and Carlisle.—Ritter Followed—Electrolysis.—Faraday and its Laws.—Davy and the Electric Light.—Batteries.—Daniell.—Grove.—Bunsen.—Brilliant Discoveries from 1800 to 1820.—Oersted, Schweigger.—Magnetising Helix.—Indicators.—Arago and Davy.—Ampère’s Discoveries.—Sturgeon and the first Electro-Magnet, 1825.—Telegraphy.—Gauss, Weber, Schilling.—Professor Barlow’s Demonstration that Telegraphy was Impracticable.—Joseph Henry.—Powerful Magnets.—Modern and Ancient Telegraphy of Various Kinds.—The Third Decade.—George Simon Ohm.—Steinheil.—Telegraph of Morse, Vail, Dana, Gale.—Wheatstone.—U.S. Supreme Court on Morse System.—His Alphabet and Submarine Telegraph.—Michael Faraday and Science of Magnets.—Steam and Magneto-Dynamo Machines.—Chemical Affinity and Electricity.—Helmholtz, Faraday, Henry, and Pixii.—Ruhmkorff Coil.—Page.—Electrical Light.—Decomposition of Water.—Professor Nollet.—First Practical Electric Light Shone on the Sea, 1858.—Faraday and Holmes.—Lighthouse Illumination.—Dr. W. Siemens.—Wilde’s Machine.—Other Powerful Magnetic Machines.—Field Magnets.—Z. Gramme.—The Various Ways and Means of Developing Electric Light.—Geissler Tubes.—First House Lighted in America.—Moses G. Farmer.—Jablochoff’s Candle.—French Regulators.—Outdoor and Indoor Illumination.—Siemens, Farmer, Brush, Maxim, Westinghouse, Edison, Swan, Lane—Fox and Others.—Arc Lamps of Heffner von Alteneck.—Ocean Cables.—Cyrus W. Field.—John Bright’s Expression.—Weak Currents.—Thomson’s Remedy.—Mirror Galvanometer.—Centennial Exhibition and the Telephone.—Alexander Graham Bell, 1875.—The Telephone and Helmholtz’ Theory of Tone.—Scott’s Phonautograph.—Page’s Production of Galvanic Music and Researches of Reis.—Its Slow Growth.—The Ideas of Faraday and Henry still the Basis of the Great Machines.—“Lines of Force.”—Electric Railway.—Storage Batteries.—Dynamos.—First Railway at Berlin, 1879.—Then Saxony, Paris, London, New York.—Telpherage by Professor Jenkin.—Problems Solved.—Electrical Magicians.—Edison and Tesla.—Recent Improvements in Telegraphy.—The Talks Both Ways at Same Time and Multiplied.—Printing Systems by Types and Otherwise.—Electrical Elevators.—Microphone.—Ticks of a Watch and the Tread of a Fly Recorded.—Musical Sounds from Minerals and Other Substances.—Signalling and Other Appliances.—The X Rays.—Wireless Telegraphy. 111

Drudgery of Ancient Times Relieved by Modern Inventions.—The Labour of Men and Beasts now Done by Steam Giants.—Labour-Saving Appliances for Transportation.—Tall Buildings and Elevators.—Evolution Slow until 19th Century.—Carrying of Weights.—The Pyramids.—Modern Methods.—Ship-Loading.—The Six Ordinary Powers Alone Used until the Time of Watt.—Elevator Mills of Oliver Evans.—The Hydraulic Press of Bramah.—The Lifting of Tubular Bridge by Robt. Stephenson.—Compressed Air Elevator of Slade.—Counterbalance Lifts of Van Elvean.—Modern Elevator of Otis, 1859.—Steam-Water.—Compressed Air.—Electricity: Elevators, how Controlled.—Store Service Conveyors.—Pneumatic Transmission: Dodge’s Air Blast Conveyor.—Mode of Switching Conveyors.—“Lazy Tongs” Conveyors.—Buffers.—Endless Cables.—Clutches, Safety.—Labour-Saving Devices and Derangement of Labour.—In One Sense, Inventions Labour-Increasing Devices. 152

Old as the Thirst of Man.—Prehistoric Inventions.—China.—Pliny’s Record.—Egyptian, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman Water Works.—“Pneumatics of Hero.”—Overshot, Undershot, and Breast Wheels, Ancient.—Screw of Archimedes.—Frontinus, a Roman Inspector.—1593, Servière Invents the Rotary Pump.—1586, Stevinus of Holland, Father of the Elementary Science.—Galileo, Torricelli, Pascal, and Sir Isaac Newton in the Seventeenth Century.—Bernoulli, D’Alembert, Euler, Abbé Bossut, Venturi, and Eylewein in the Eighteenth.—Water Distribution then Originated.—Peter Maurice and the London Bridge Pumps.—La Hire’s Double Acting Pump.—Dr. John Allen and David Ramsey of England.—Franklin’s Force Pump.—Water Ram of Whitehurst and Montgolfier.—Nineteenth Century Opens with Bramah’s Pumps.—Water and Steam.—Pumps the Strong Hands of Hydraulics.—Review of Past Inventions: Pascal’s Paradox.—Turbines of Forneyron.—Power of Niagara and Turbines there.—Jonval’s.—Euler’s Old Centrifugal Pumps Revived.—Massachusetts and Appold Systems.—Lowlands of Holland, Marshes of Italy, Swamps of Florida, Drained.—Injectors.—Giffard.—Intensifiers.—Hydraulicising.—Hydraulic Jack and Cleopatra’s Needle.—Flow of Cold Metal.—Lead Pipe Made, and Cold Steel Stretched by Water Pressure.—Cotton Presses, Sir Wm. Armstrong’s Inventions.—Tweddle and Sir Wm. Fairbairn.—Water Motors.—Baths and Closets.—Results of Modern Improvements.—Germ Theory and Filters. 164

The Slow March of the Human Mind.—Burke.—The Age of Mechanical Inventions not until nearly Watt’s Steam Engine.—Review of “Learning” until that Time.—Motor Engines not Produced until Seventeenth Century.—Suggested by the Bellows and the Cannon.—Huygens and Papin.—Van Helmont the Author of the Term “Gas,” 1577-1644.—Robert Boyle and the Air Pump.—Law of Gases.—Mariotte.—Abbé Hauteville, 1682.—The Heart and a Motor.—Sun Burner.—Murdock, 1798, Uses Coal Gas for Illumination.—John Barber and Carburetted Hydrogen.—Street’s Heated Gas.—1801, Lebon Proposes Coal Gas Motor.—Investigations of Dalton and Gay-Lussac, 1810.—Heat engines: Air, Gas, Steam, Vapor, Solar.—Explosive.—Temperature the Tie that Binds them as One Family.—1823-26, Sir Samuel Brown.—Gunpowder and Gas Engine.—Davy and Faraday.—Gas to a Liquid State.—Wright, 1833.—Burdett’s Compressed Air Engine, 1838.—Lenoir’s.—Hugon’s.—Beau de Rohes’ Investigations.—Oil Wells of United States, 1860.—Petroleum Engines.—Brayton, Spiel.—Otto’s Gas Engine and Improvements.—Ammoniacal Gas Engines.—Nobels’ Inventions.—Storm’s Gunpowder Engine.—Gas and Vapour Compared with Steam.—Prof. Jenkins’ Prediction.—Gas to Supplant Steam.—Compressed Air Engines.—Innumerable Applications of Pneumatic Machines.—A Number Mentioned.—Their Universal Application to the Useful and Fine Arts. 182

Prometheus and the Modern Match.—1680, Godfrey Hanckwitz Invented First Phosphorous Match.—Other Forms of Matches.—Promethean Matches in 1820.—John Walker.—Lucifer.—Tons of Chemicals, Hundreds of Pine Trees Yearly Made into Matches.—Splints and Machines.—Reuben Partridge.—Poririer.—Pasteboard Box.—Machines for Assorting and Dipping, Drying and Boxing.—Cooking and Heating Stoves.—History of, from Rome to Ben Franklin.—The Old-Fashioned Fireplace.—Varieties of Coal Stoves.—Stove Fireplace.—Ventilation.—Hot Air Furnaces.—How Heat is Distributed, Retained, and Moistened.—Hot Water Circulation.—Incubators.—Baking Ovens, the Dutch and the Modern.—Vast Number of Stove and Furnace Foundries in United States.—Ventilation.—Parliament Buildings and U. S. Capitol.—Eminent Scientific Men who have Made Ventilation a Study.—Best Modes.—Its Great Importance.—Car Heaters.—Grass and Refuse Burning Stoves.—Oil, Vapour, and Gas Stoves, their Construction and Operation.—Sterilising.—Electric Heating and Cooking.—Refrigeration.—Messrs. Carré of France, 1870.—Artificial Ice.—Sulphuric Acid and Ammonia Processes.—Absorption and Compression Methods Described.—Refrigerating Cars.—Liquid Air. 199

The Antiquity of the Art.—The “Lost Arts” Rediscovered.—The Earliest Forms of Smelting Furnaces.—Ancient Iron and Steel.—India and Africa.—Early Spain and the Catalan Furnace.—The Armour of Don Quixote.—Bell’s History of the Art.—Germany.—Cast Iron Made by Ancients, Disused for 15 Centuries.—Reinvented by Page and Baude in England, 1543.—German Furnaces.—Dud Dudley, the Oxford Graduate and his Furnace, 1619.—Origin of Coke in England.—Use in United States.—Revival of Cast Iron.—Cast Steel in England, Huntsman, 1740.—Henry Cort and Puddling, 1784, and its Subsequent Wonderful Value.—Steam Engine of Watt and Iron.—Refining of Precious Metals.—Amalgamating Process.—Review of the 18th Century.—Herschel’s Distinction of Empirical and Scientific Art.—The Nineteenth Century, Scientific Metallurgy.—Steam, Chemistry, Electricity.—Rogers’ Iron Floor.—Neilson’s Hot Air Blast, 1828, Patent Sustained.—Anthracite Coal.—Colossal Furnaces.—Gas Producers.—Bunsen’s Experiments.—Constituents of Ores.—Squeezing Process.—Burden’s Method.—Mechanical Puddlers.—Rotary.—Henry Bessemer’s Great Process—1855-1860.—Steel from Iron.—Holley’s Apparatus.—Effects of and Changes in Bessemer Process.—Old Methods and Means Revived and Improved.—Eminent Inventors.—New Metals and New Processes Discovered.—Harveyised Steel.—Irresistible Projectiles and Impenetrable Armour Plate.—Krupp’s Works.—Immense Manufactures in United States.—Treatment of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, etc.; Mining Operations, Separation, Reduction.—Chemical Methods: Lixiviation or Leaching.—MacArthur.—Forrest.—Sir Humphry Davy.—Scheele.—Chlorine and Cyanide Processes.—Alloys.—Babbitting.—Metallic Lubricants.—Various Alloys and Uses.—Reduction of Aluminium and other Metals.—Electro-Metallurgy.—Diamonds to be Made.—All Arts have Waited on Development of this Art. 218

Metal Working Tools One of the Glories of 19th Century.—Wood Working and Metal Working.—Ancient and Modern Lathe.—Turning Metal Lathe.—A Lost Art in Use in Egypt and in Solomon’s Time.—Revived in Sixteenth Century.—Forgotten and Revived again in Eighteenth.—Sir Samuel Bentham and Joseph Bramah Laid Foundation of Nineteenth Century Tools.—The Slide Rest and Henry Maudsley.—Nasmyth’s Description.—Vast Rolls, and Most Delicate Watch Mechanisms, cut by the Lathe and its Tools.—Metal Planing.—Eminent Inventors, 1811-1840.—Many Inventions and Modifications Resulting in a Wonderful Evolution.—Metal-Boring Machines.—Modern Vulcan’s Titanic Work-Shop.—Screw Making.—Demand Impossible to Supply under Old Method.—Great Display at London Exhibition, 1851, and Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876.—J. Whitworth & Co., of England, Sellers & Co., of America, and Others.—The Great Revelation.—Hoopes and Townsend and the Flow of Cold, Solid Metal.—Cold Punching, etc.—Machine-Made Horse-Shoes.—The Blacksmith and Modern Inventions.—Making of Great Tubes.—Welding by Electricity, and Tempering and Annealing.—How Armour Plate is Hardened.—Metals Coated.—Electro-Plating and Casting.—Great Domes Gilded.—Moulds for Metal Founding.—Machines and Methods.—Steel Ingots.—Sheet Metal and Personal Ware.—Great Variety of Machines for Making.—Wire Made Articles.—Description of Great Modern Work-Shop. 240

This Art Slow in Growth, but no Art Progressed Faster.—The Incentives to its Development.—The Greatest Instruments in the New Civilisation.—Peace and its Fruits Established by them.—Its History.—Chinese Cannon.—India.—The Moors.—Arabs.—Cannon at Cordova in 1280.—The Spaniards and Gibraltar, 1309.—The Spread of Artillery through Europe.—Description of Ancient Guns.—Breech Loaders and Stone Cannon Balls.—Wrought Iron Cannon and Shells in 15th Century.—Big Cannon of the Hindoos and Russians.—Strange Names.—France under Louis XI.—Improvements of the Sixteenth Century.—Holland’s Mortar Shells and Grenades in the Seventeenth.—Coehorn Mortars and Dutch Howitzers.—Louis XIV.—French Artillery Conquers Italy.—Eighteenth Century.—“Queen Ann’s Pocket Piece.”—Gribeauval the Inventor of the Greatest Improvements in the Eighteenth.—His System Used by Bonaparte at Toulon, the French Revolution, and in Italy.—Marengo, 1800.—Small Arms, their History.—From the Arquebus to the Modern Rifle.—Rifle, the Weapon of the American Settler, and the Revolution.—Puckle’s Celebrated Breech-Loading Cannon Patent, and Christian and Turk Bullets.—1803, Percussion Principle in Fire-arms, Invented by a Clergyman, Forsyth.—1808, Genl. Shrapnel.—Bormann of Belgium.—1814, Shaw and the Cap.—Flint Locks Still in Use, 1847.—Colt’s Revolvers, 1835-1851.—History of Cannon again Reverted to.—Columbiads of Bomford.—Paixhan in 1822.—Shells of the Crimea.—Kearsarge and Alabama.—Requirements of Modern Ordnance.—Rodman One of the Pioneers.—Woodbridge’s Wire Wound Guns, Piezometer, and Shell Sabot.—Sir William Armstrong and Sir Jos. Whitworth.—Krupp’s Cannon and Works.—The Latest Improvements.—Compressed Air Ordnance.—Constructions of Metals and Explosives.—The “Range Finder.”—Small Arms again Considered.—History of the Breech Loader and Metallic Cartridges.—Wooden Walls and Stone Forts disappeared.—Monitor and Merrimac.—Blanchard and Hall.—Gill.—Springfield Rifle.—Machine Guns.—Electric Battery.—Gatling’s, Hotchkiss’.—Explosives.—Torpedoes.—Effect of Modern Weapons. 252

Paper-making Preceded the Art of Printing.—The Wasp Preceded Man.—The Chinese, the Hindoos, Egyptians, and other Orientals had Invented Both Arts.—History of Papyrus.—Parchment.—Twelfth Century Documents Written on Linen Paper still Extant.—Water Marks.—Wall Paper, Substitute for Tapestry, 1640.—Holland in Advance, Seventeenth Century.—Rittenhouse of Holland Introduces Paper-Making in America, Eighteenth Century.—Paper a Dear Commodity.—The Revolution of the Nineteenth Century.—400 Different Materials now Used.—Nineteenth Century Opens with Robert’s Paper-Making Machine.—Messrs. Fourdrinier.—Immense Growth of their System.—Modern Discoveries of Chemists.—Soda Pulp and Sulphite Processes.—Paper Mills.—Paper Bag Machines, etc.—Printing.—Chinese Invented Both Block and Movable Types.—European Inventors.—The Claims of Different Nations.—From Southern Italy to Sweden.—Spread of the Art.—Printing Press and the Reformation.—First Printing Press in New World Set up in Mexico, 1536.—Then in Brazil.—Then in 1639 in Massachusetts.—Types and Presses.—English and American.—Ramage and Franklin.—Blaew of Amsterdam.—Nineteenth Century Opens with Earl of Stanhope’s Hand Press.—Clymer of Philadelphia, 1817.—The First Machine Presses.—Nicholson in Eighteenth.—Konig and Bauer in Nineteenth Century, 1813.—London Times, 1814.—1815, Cowper’s Electrotype plates.—1822, First Power Press in United States.—Treadwell.—Bruce’s Type Casting Machines.—Hoe’s Presses.—John Walter’s.—German and American Presses.—Capacities of Modern Presses.—Mail Marking.—Typewriting.—Suggested in Eighteenth Century.—Revived by French in 1840.—Leading Features Invented in U. S., 1857.—Electro-Magnet Typewriters.—Cahill.—Book-binding.—Review of the Art.—Linotype “Most Remarkable Machine of Century.”—Merganthaler.—Rogers.—Progress and Triumphs of the Art. 273

The Distaff and the Spindle, without a Change from Ancient Days to Middle of Fourteenth Century.—Ancient and Modern Cloth Making.—Woman the Natural Goddess of the Art.—The Ancient and Isolated Weavers of Mexico.—After 40 Centuries of Hand-Weaving Comes John Kay, of England, 1733.—The Spinning Machines of Wyatt and Hargreaves.—1738-1769, Richard Arkwright.—The “Spinning Jenny” and the “Throstle.”—The Steam Engine and Weaving.—1776, Crompton and the “Mule.”—1785, Cartwright and Power Looms.—1793, Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin.—1793-1813, Samuel Slater, Lowell, and Cotton Factories of America.—The Dominion of the Nineteenth Century.—What it Comprises in the Art of Spinning and Weaving.—Description of Operations.—Bobbins of Asa Arnold and the Ring Frame of Jenks.—Spooling Machines.—Warping and Dressing and other Finishing Operations.—Embroidery.—Cloth Finishing.—The Celebrated Jacquard Loom.—Jacquard and Napoleon.—Bonelli’s Electric Loom.—Fancy Woollen Looms of George Crompton.—Bigelow’s Carpet Looms.—Figuring, Colouring, Embossing.—Cloth Pressing and Creasing.—Felting.—Ribbons.—Comparison of Penelopes of Past and Present.—Knitting Days of our Grandmothers and Knitting Machines.—A Mile of Stockings.—Fancy Stocking and Embroidery Machines.—Netting and Turkish Carpets.—Matting.—Spun Glass, etc.—Hand, and the Skilled Labour of Machinery. 292

“Man is a Tool-using Animal, of which Truth, Clothes are but one Example.”—Form of Needle not Changed until 1775.—Weisenthal.—Embroidery Needle.—Saint’s Sewing Machine, 1790.—John Duncan’s Tamboring Machine, 1804.—Eye Pointed Needles for Rope Matting, 1807.—Madersperger’s Sewing Machine, 1814.—France and the Thimonnier Machine, 1830-1848-50, Made of Wood.—Destroyed by Mob.—English Embroidering Machine, 1841.—Concurrent Inventions in Widely Separated Countries.—Thimonnier in France, Hunt in America, 1832, 1834.—Elias Howe, 1846.—Description of Howe’s Inventions.—Recital of his Struggles and final Triumphs.—The Test of Priority.—Leather Sewing Machines of Greenough and Corliss, 1842-43.—Bean’s Running Stitch, 1843.—The Decade of 1849-1859, Greatest in Century in Sewing Machine Inventions.—Hood’s “Song of the Shirt,” a Dying Drudgery.—Improvements after Howe.—Blodgett and Lerow’s Dip Motion.—Wilson’s Four-Motion Feed.—Singer’s Inventions, their Importance, his Rise from Poverty to Great Wealth.—The Grover and Baker.—The Display in 1876 at the Centennial.—Vast Growth of the Industry.—Extraordinary Versatility of Invention in Sewing and Reaping Machines, and Breech-Loading Fire-arms.—Commercial Success due to Division of Labour and Assembling of Parts.—Innumerable Additions to the Art.—Seventy-five Different Stitches.—Passing of the Quilting Party.—Embroidery and Button-hole Machines.—Garment-cutting Machines.—Bonnets and Inventions of Women.—Hat Making.—Its History.—Bonjeau’s Improvements in Plain Cloths, 1834.—Effect of Modern Inventions on Wearing Apparel and Condition of the Poor.—The Epoch of Good Clothes. 310

Inventions Engender Others.—Co-operative Growth.—Broom Making.—Crude Condition until the Modern Lathe, Mandrel, Shuttle and Sewing Machine.—Broom Sewing Machines.—Effect on Labour.—The Brush and Brush Machines.—A Hundred Species of Brushes, each Made by a Special Machine.—First Successful Brush Machine, Woodbury’s, 1870.—Wonderful Operations.—Street-Sweeping Machines, 1831.—Most Effective Form.—Abrading Machines.—Application of Sand Blast.—Nature’s Machine Patented by Tilghman in 1870.—Things Done by the Sand Blast and How.—Emery and Corundum Machines.—Vast Application in Cutting, Grinding, Polishing.—Washing and Ironing Machines.—Their Contribution to Cleanliness and Comfort.—Laundry Appliances.—Old and the New Mangle.—Starch Applying.—Steam Laundry Machinery.—Description of Work done in a Modern Laundry. 328

Contrast of Prehistoric Labour and Implements and Modern Tools.—The Ages of Stone, Bronze, Iron, and the Age of Wood.—The Slow Growth of Wood-working Inventions.—Tools of the Egyptians.—Saw of the Greeks.—Known to Hindoos and Africans.—Accounts of Pliny and Ansonius as to Planes and Marble Sawing.—Saw-mills of France, Germany, Norway, Sweden.—Holland 100 Years ahead of England, and Why.—William Penn Found Saw-mills in America in 1682.—What made Americans Inventors.—Progress Unknown where Saw-mills are not.—Steam and Saw Mills.—Splendid System and Inventions of Samuel Bentham, Bramah and Branch at Close of Eighteenth Century.—First Decade of Nineteenth Century Produces Wonderful Inventor, Thomas Blanchard.—His Life and Inventions.—Machines for Turning Irregular Forms in Wood and Metal.—The Boring Worm and Boring Machine.—Gun-making and Mortising Machines.—Complicated Ornamental Wood-cutting and Carving Machines.—Whatever Made by Hand can be Better Made by Machinery.—Pattern-Cutting Machines.—Xyloplasty.—Art of Hand Carving Revived.—Bending of Wood by Fire and Steam.—The Problems Solved by Wood-working Inventors.—Great Saws at the Vienna Exposition, 1873.—Boring Tools, Augers, Planes, Lathes, etc. How Improved and by Whom.—“The Universal Wood Workers.”—Flexible Shafting.—Shingles and Tiles.—A Great Log, how Turned into Bundles of Shingles.—Veneering.—What Pliny Thought of It.—Brunel’s Machines, 1805-1808.—Homes Made Beautiful by Modern Wood-working.—Objects without and Within a House, Made by Such Machinery.—Array of Wood-working Machinery at International Expositions.—The Art of Forestry. 339

Universal Supply of Convenient and Ornamental Furniture Due to Modern Inventions and Machinery.—The Furniture of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.—Tables.—Modern Improvements.—Combined Tables, Desks, and Chairs.—Special Forms of Each.—Beds: Advance from the Ponderous Bedsteads of Former Times.—Modern, Ornamental, Healthful Styles.—Iron, Brass, Springs, Surgical and Invalid Chairs and Beds.—Kitchen Utensils.—Vast Amount of Drudgery Relieved.—Curtains, Shades, and Screens.—Great Changes Produced by Steaming and Bending Wood.—The Bentwood Ware Factories of Austria, Hungary, Moravia (1870-73), in Vast Beech Forests Followed in other Countries.—Modern Chairs of Various Kinds.—The Dentist and the Theatre.—Bottle Stoppers.—Enormous Demand for Cork Exhausting the Supply.—Modern Substitutes.—Fruit Jars, etc.—Lamplighting, Ancient and Modern.—Revolution Produced by Petroleum.—Wickless and Electric Lamps. 354

Leather and Prehistoric Man.—Earliest Implements and Processes Forerunners of Modern Inventions.—Modern Leather Unknown to the Earliest Races.—Tanning.—Leathers of Different Nations.—Hand Tools and Variety of Operations.—Inventions of Nineteenth Century—Labour-Saving Machinery and New Processes.—Epoch of Modern Machinery.—1780, John Bull and his Scraping Machine, Hide-mill, Pioneer Machine of Century.—Fleshing Machines.—Tanning Apparatus.—Reel Machines.—Tanning Processes and the Chemists.—Machines for Different Operations.—Pendulum Lever Machine.—Leather Splitting, and other Remarkable Machines.—Boots and Shoes, their Character before Modern Inventions.—Randolph’s Riveting Machine of 1809.—Great Civil Engineer, J. M. Brunel’s Machines.—1818, Walker Invents the Wooden Peg.—Peg-making Machines.—1858, Sturtevant’s Great Improvement.—Fifty-five Million Pairs of Boots and Shoes then Annually Pegged.—Metal Wire, and Screw Pegs.—Last-turning Machines of Blanchard.—McKay’s Shoe Sewing Machine.—Revolution in Shoe Making.—Special Machines for Making Every Part.—One Machine Makes 300 Pairs a Day.—Many Millions made Daily.—Vast Increase of Labourers as the Art Advances.—Illustrations of Yankee Enterprise.—Modern and Ancient Harnesses.—Embossed Leather.—Book Covers and the many Useful and Beautiful Leather Articles.—The Vast and Important Leather Manufactures. 361

Ancient Tools and the Art of Building.—The Parthenon.—Aqueducts of Rome.—Tombs of India.—Halls of Alhambra.—Gothic Cathedrals.—Steam First Drew Coal, then Sawed Wood and then Stone.—Stone-cutting Machinery.—Carving.—Dressing.—Drilling.—Tunnels.—Wonderful Work of Stone-Boring Machine on Pillars of Ohio State Capitol.—Stone Drills and Compressed Air.—Hell Gate.—Crushing Stones and Ores.—Blake’s Crusher.—“Road Metal.”—Different Form of Crushers.—Assorting Coal.—Steam and Coal, strong Brothers.—Compressed Air for Mining Machinery.—Mighty Picks Driven by Air.—Electric Motor.—Machines for Screening, Loading, and Weighing.—Ore Mills.—Separators.—Centrifugal Action.—Ore Washing.—Amalgamators: Electric, Lead, Mercury, Plate, Vacuum, Vapour, etc.—The Revolution in Mining.—Well Boring an Ancient Art.—Artesian Wells.—Coal Oil and Coal Wells.—Preceded by Discovery of Paraffine and its Uses.—Reichenbach, Young.—Petroleum Discovery.—New Industry.—Col. Drake and First Oil Well.—Sudden Riches of Farmers.—Boring Water Wells.—Green’s Driven Wells.—The Deserts Made to Bloom as the Rose. 373

Time Measuring Instruments of Antiquity.—Sun-dial.—Clepsydra, Hour-glass, Graduated Candle.—Plato’s Bell.—The Clepsydra of Ctesibius.—Incense Sticks of Chinese.—Sun-dials of Greeks and Romans.—Candles of Alfred the Great.—Wonderful Clocks of the Middle Ages.—Henry de Vick of France, 1370.—Two Hundred Years without Advance.—Astronomers, Brache and Valherius.—1525, Zech’s Fusee.—Progenitors of Modern Watch, 1500.—1582, Swinging Lamp of Galileo.—1639, Galileo’s Book.—Huygens and the Pendulum.—Dr. Hooke’s and David Ramsey’s Inventions.—Hair-Spring Balances.—George the Third’s Small Time-Piece.—Eighteenth Century Division of Time Pieces into Hours, Minutes and Seconds.—Stem Winders.—Astronomical Discoveries and Chronometers.—Dutch, Leading Clockmakers; Germany, Switzerland.—Systems Followed in these Countries.—Minute Sub-divisions of Labour.—Watch and Clock Making in the United States.—American System.—Wonderful Machines for every Part.—Watch factories.—Pope’s Simile.—Revolution in Nineteenth Century.—Electric System.—4000 Patents in U.S. since 1800.—Registering Devices.—“A Mechanical Conscience.”—Cash Registers.—Voting Machines.—Electrical Recorders.—Cyclometers.—Speed Indicators.—Weighing Scales and Machines, History of.—The Fairbanks of Vermont, 1831.—Platform and other Scales.—Spring Weighing.—Automatic Recorders of Weight and Prices.—Testing Machines, English, German, American.—The Emery Scales.—Gages, Dynamometers.—Hydraulic Testing.—Delicate Operations.—Strength of a Horse-hair and Great Steel Beam, Tested by Same Machine.—Effect on Public Works. 384

Musical Instruments Old as Religion.—Abounded before the Lyre of Apollo or the Harp of Orpheus.—Their Evolution.—To Meet Wants and Growing Tastes.—Nineteenth Century and the Laws of Helmholtz.—The Story of the Piano, the Queen, Involves whole History of the Art of Music.—Ancient Harp and Growth.—Psaltery and Dulcimer of Assyrians and Hebrews.—No Inventions by Greeks and Romans in this Art.—Fifteenth Century and the Clavicitherium.—Sixteenth Century, the Virginal and the Spinet.—Seventeenth Century, the Clavichord and Harpsichord.—Italian Cembello.—Bach, Mozart, Handel, Haydn.—Cristofori of Florence, Schreiber of Germany and Modern Piano.—Eighteenth Century, Pianos of Broadwood and Clementi of London, Erard of Strasburg, Petzold of Paris and Others.—Two Thousand Years Taken to Ripen the Modern Piano.—Description of Piano Parts.—Helmholtz’s Great Work, 1862.—Effect on System of Music and Musical Instruments.—The Organ, King in the Realm of Music.—History of, from Earliest Times.—Improvements of the Nineteenth Century.—The Auto-harp.—Self-playing Instruments.—The Science of Acoustics and Practical Applications.—Auricular Tubes.—Telephone, Phonograph, Graphophone, Gramophone.—Their Evolution and their Inventors.—Optical Instruments.—Their Growth.—Lippersheim, Galileo, Lieberkulm, John Dolland.—The Improvements and Inventors of the Nineteenth Century.—Brewster and the Kaleidoscope, Stereoscope.—Lenticular Lenses.—Lighthouse Illumination.—Faraday and Tyndall.—Abbé Moigno’s Troubles.—Ophthalmoscope.—Spectroscope.—Making of Great Lenses.—Solarmeter.—Measuring the Position and Distances of Unseen Objects.—Light Converted into Music.—Daguerre and Photography.—History and Development.—Colour Reproduction.—Pencils.—Painting.—Air Brushes.—Telegraphic Photographs. 400

Safes, how Constructed before this Century.—Classification.—Century Starts out to Make Safes Fireproof.—Scott in 1801.—Marr, 1834.—Result of Great Fire in New York, 1835.—Wilder’s and Herring’s Safes.—Burglar-proof Safes, 1835.—Chubb, Newton, Thompson, Hall, Marvin and Others.—Electricity.—Seal Locks from 1815.—Locks of Various Kinds in Ancient Days.—Of Ponderous Size.—Key of the House of David.—Lock of Penelope’s House.—Locks of the Middle Ages.—Letter Locks of the Dutch, 1650.—Carew’s Verse.—Eighteenth Century Locks.—Tumblers.—Joseph Bramah’s Locks.—Combination, Permutation and Time Locks.—Yale Locks.—Modern Locks Invented for Special Uses.—Master or Secondary Key Locks.—Value of Simple, Cheap, Effective Locks.—Mail Locks and Others.—Greater General Security for Property of all Kinds now Obtained. 420

Review of Conveyances from Time of Ptolemy’s Great Procession, 270 B. C., until Nineteenth Century.—The Old Stage Coaches.—Coaches of the Rich, the Middle Classes and the Poor.—The Past Art Compared with the Art as Exhibited at Centennial Exhibition in 1876 at Philadelphia.—The Varieties of Different Vehicles there Displayed by Different Nations.—Velocipedes and Bicycles.—1800 to 1869.—French, German, English, Scotch.—The “Draisine” of Von Drais, 1816.—Johnson’s “Curricle,” 1818.—Gompertz’s “Dandy” and “Hobby Horse,” 1821.—Michaux’s, 1863.—Lallement’s of France, 1866, Crank and Pedal.—America and Europe Adopts it, 1866, 1869.—Pneumatic Rubber Tire Invented by Thomson, 1845.—Sleeps Forty Years.—Improvements since 1869.—Motor Vehicles and Automobiles.—Traction Engines.—Brakes, Railway, Air and Electric.—Automatic Couplers, Buffers, and Vestibule Trains. 428

“Ships are but Boards.”—“The Great Harry.”—Noah’s Ark the Prototype of the Modern “Whale-back.”—Phœnicians.—Northmen.—Dutch, French, English, and American Types.—Nineteenth Century, the Yankee Clippers.—Donald McKay.—“Great Republic.”—Steam as Motive Power in Ships the Leading Event in the Art.—Lord Dundas and Steam Canal Boats.—Iron Ships in Place of Wood, 1829-30.—John Laird of Birkenhead.—Sir William Fairbairn.—Clyde Works.—Comparison of Wood and Iron.—1844, the Great Britain.—John Ericsson.—Monitor and Merrimac.—Composite Style of Vessels.—Marine Propulsion.—Paddle Wheels.—Screws.—1804, John Stevens.—1807, Fulton.—Screw Propeller of Ericsson.—The Ogden, the Stockton and the Princeton, the First Naval Warship of its Kind.—The Two Revolutions Produced by Ericsson.—Pneumatic Propellers.—Description of a Warship.—The Deutschland.—Torpedo Boats.—Franklin and Oil on the Waves.—Air Ships.—Count Zeppelin’s Boat.—Other Plans of Air Navigation.—The Problems to be Solved. 438

What Artificial Light has done for Man.—Its Condition before the Nineteenth Century.—Experiments of Dr. Clayton, Hon. R. Boyle, Dr. Hales, Bishop Watson, Lord Dundonald, Dr. Rickel, and William Murdock in Eighteenth Century.—1801, Le Bon Makes Gas, Proposes to Light Paris.—1803, English Periodicals Discuss the Subject.—1806, Melville of Newport, U. S., Lights House and Street.—1817, First Lighthouse Lit by Gas.—The Beaver Tail on Atlantic Coast.—Parliament in 1813, London Streets Lit in 1815, Paris, 1820, American Cities 1816-25.—Gas Processes.—Chemistry.—Priestley and Dalton.—Berthollet, Graham, and Others.—Clegg of England and his Gas Machines.—Art Revolutionised by Invention of Water Gas, 1823-1847.—Donovan, Lowe, White.—T. S. C. Lowe, Anthracite Process, 1873.—Competition with Electricity.—Siemens’ Regenerative System.—The Generators, Carburetors, Retorts, Mixers, Purifiers, Meters, Scrubbers, Holders, Condensers, Governors, Indicators, Registers, Chargers, Pressure Regulators, etc.—Portable Gas Apparatus.—Argand Burners.—Acetylene Gas.—Calcium Carbide.—Magnesium.—Bunsen Burner and Welsbach Mantle. 450

Brickmaking from the Earliest Ages to Nineteenth Century.—Pottery, its Origin Unknown.—Its Evolution.—Women the First Inventors in Ceramic and Textile Arts.—Progress of Man Traced in Pottery.—Review of Pottery from Time of Homer to the Wedgwood Ware of Eighteenth Century.—Labour-Saving Devices of Nineteenth.—Operations in Brickmaking and Machinery.—The Celebrated Pug Mill, the Pioneer.—Moulding and Pressing.—Drying and Burning.—The Slow Growth of Methods.—Useful Contrivances never wholly Supplanted.—Modern Heat Distributors.—Hoffman’s Kilns.—Wedgwood’s Pottery in Eighteenth.—Siemens’ Regenerators in Nineteenth, and other Kilns.—Susan Frackelton’s.—The Filter Press.—Chinese and French Porcelains—Battam’s Imitations of Marbles and Plaster Moulds.—Faience.—Porcelain Moulding and Colours.—Atomisers and Backgrounds.—Rookwood Pottery and Miss Fry.—Enamelled Ware.—Artificial Stone.—Modern Cements.—Glass the Sister of Pottery.—The Inventors of Blowing, Cutting, Trimming by Shears and Diamond Cutting, Ancient and Unknown.—Glass Windows and Mirrors Unknown to the Poor Prior to Eighteenth Century.—The Nineteenth Century the Scientific Age of Glass.—Its Commercial Development.—Crystal Palace of 1851.—Description of Modern Discoveries.—Materials.—Colours and Faraday’s Discovery in 1824.—Gaffield’s Extensive Experiments in Producing Colours.—The German Glass Works at Jena of Abbe and Schott.—Methods Followed for Different Varieties.—Machines for Different Purposes.—Cut Glass and other Beautiful Ware.—Cameo Cutting.—Porcelain Electroplating.—Rubber, History of, in Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.—Sketch of Goodyear.—His Inventions and Present State of the Art.—Glass Wool of Volcano of Kilauea and Krupp’s Blast Furnaces. 457


Inventions of the Century.


Introductory—Inventions and Discoveries—Their Development.

In treating of the subject of Inventions it is proper to distinguish them from their scientific kindred—Discoveries.

In discussing the topic of inventions, it's important to differentiate them from their scientific relatives—discoveries.

The history of inventions is the history of new and useful contrivances made by man for practical purposes. The history of scientific discoveries is the record of new things found in Nature, its laws, forces, or materials, and brought to light, as they exist, either singly, or in relation, or in combination.

The history of inventions is the history of innovative and useful devices created by people for practical use. The history of scientific discoveries is the account of new things discovered in nature, its laws, forces, or materials, and revealed as they are, either individually, in relation to each other, or in combination.

Thus Galileo invented the telescope, and Newton discovered the law of gravitation. The practical use of the invention when turned to the heavenly bodies served to confirm the truth of the discovery.

Thus Galileo invented the telescope, and Newton discovered the law of gravitation. The practical use of the invention when applied to the heavenly bodies helped confirm the truth of the discovery.

Discovery and invention may be, and often are, united as the soul is to the body. The union of the two produces one or more inventions. Thus the invented electro-telegraph consists of the combination of discoveries of certain laws of electricity with an apparatus, by which signs are communicated to distances by electrical influence.

Discovery and invention can be, and often are, connected like the soul is to the body. The combination of the two results in one or more inventions. For example, the invented electro-telegraph is made up of the combination of discoveries related to certain laws of electricity and a device that transmits signals over distances through electrical influence.

Inventions and discoveries do not precede or follow each other in order. The instrument may be[Pg 2] made before the laws which govern its operation are discovered. The discovery may long precede its adaptation in physical form, and both the discovery and adaptation may occur together.

Inventions and discoveries don't happen in a specific order. The tool can be[Pg 2] created before the rules that explain how it works are figured out. The discovery can happen long before it's turned into a physical object, and both the discovery and the creation of the object can happen at the same time.

Among the great inventions of the past are alphabetical writing, Arabic notation, the mariner’s compass, the telescope, the printing-press, and the steam-engine. Among the great discoveries of the past are the attraction of gravitation, the laws of planetary motion, the circulation of the blood, and velocity of light. Among the great inventions of the nineteenth century are the spectroscope, the electric telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph, the railways, and the steam-ships. Among the great discoveries of this century are the correlation and conservation of forces, anæsthetics, laws of electrical energy, the germ theory of disease, the molecular theory of gases, the periodic law of Mendeljeff in chemistry, antiseptic surgery, and the vortex theory of matter. This short enumeration will serve to indicate the different roads along which inventions and the discoveries of science progress.

Among the great inventions of the past are alphabetical writing, Arabic numerals, the mariner’s compass, the telescope, the printing press, and the steam engine. Among the great discoveries of the past are the law of gravity, the laws of planetary motion, the circulation of blood, and the speed of light. Among the significant inventions of the nineteenth century are the spectroscope, the electric telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph, the railways, and steamships. Among the major discoveries of this century are the correlation and conservation of energy, anesthetics, laws of electrical energy, germ theory, the molecular theory of gases, Mendeljeff's periodic law in chemistry, antiseptic surgery, and the vortex theory of matter. This brief list highlights the various paths along which inventions and scientific discoveries progress.

By many it is thought that the inventions and discoveries of the nineteenth century exceed in number and importance all the achievements of the kind in all the ages of the past.

By many people, it's believed that the inventions and discoveries of the nineteenth century outnumber and surpass in significance all similar achievements throughout history.

So marvellous have been these developments of this century that, not content with sober definitions, men have defined invent, even when speaking only of mechanical productions, as “creating what had not before existed;” and this period has been described as an age of new creations. The far-off cry of the Royal Preacher, “There is no new thing under the sun: Is there anything whereof it may be said, see this is new, it hath been already[Pg 3] of old time which was before us,” is regarded as a cry of satiety and despair, finding no responsive echo in the array of inventions of this bright age.

The developments of this century have been so amazing that, rather than sticking to straightforward definitions, people have defined invent, even when discussing just mechanical creations, as “making something that never existed before;” and this time is referred to as an era of new creations. The distant cry of the Royal Preacher, “There is nothing new under the sun: Is there anything of which it can be said, look, this is new, it was already[Pg 3] here long ago,” is seen as a cry of fullness and despair, finding no matching response in the wave of inventions of this bright age.

But in one sense the Preacher’s words are ever profoundly true. The forces and materials of Nature always exist, awaiting man’s discovery, and at best he can but vary their relations, re-direct their course, or change their forms. In a still narrower sense the truth of the Preacher’s declaration is apparent:—

But in one way, the Preacher’s words are always deeply true. The forces and materials of Nature are always out there, waiting for humans to discover them, and at most, we can only change how they relate to each other, redirect their path, or alter their forms. In an even more specific way, the truth of the Preacher’s statement is clear:—

In an address before the Anthropological Society of Washington in 1885, the late Prof. F. A. Seely, of the United States Patent Office, set forth that it was one of the established laws of Invention, that,

In a speech to the Anthropological Society of Washington in 1885, the late Prof. F. A. Seely from the United States Patent Office stated that it was one of the established laws of invention that,

“Every human invention has sprung from some prior invention, or from some prior known expedient.”

“Every human invention has come from some earlier invention or from some previously known solution.”

Inventions, he said, do not, like their protectress, Pallas Athene, spring forth full grown from the heads of their authors; that both as to modern inventions and as to those whose history is unrecorded, each exhibits in itself the evidence of a similar sub-structure; and that, “in the process of elimination we go back and back and find no resting place till we reach the rude set of expedients, the original endowment of men and brutes alike.”

Inventions, he said, don’t just appear fully formed like their guardian, Pallas Athene, emerging from the heads of their creators; both modern inventions and those with lost histories show clear signs of a similar foundation. He argued that “as we sift through the layers, we keep going back and back with no solid ground until we reach the basic set of tools, the original gifts shared by both humans and animals.”

Inventions, then, are not creations, but the evolution of man-made contrivances.

Inventions, then, aren't creations, but the evolution of human-made devices.

It may be remarked, however, as was once said by William H. Seward: “The exercise of the inventive faculty is the nearest akin to that of the Creator of any faculty possessed by the human mind; for while it does not create in the same sense that the Creator did, yet it is the nearest approach to it of anything known to man.”

It might be noted, as William H. Seward once said: “The use of our creativity is the closest thing we have to the act of Creation by a higher power; for while it doesn't create in the same way the Creator does, it's the closest anyone has come to it.”

There is no history, rock-record, or other evidence[Pg 4] of his existence as man, which discloses a period when he was not an inventor.

There is no history, rock record, or other evidence[Pg 4] of his existence as a man that shows a time when he wasn't an inventor.

Invention is that divine spark which drove, and still drives him to the production of means to meet his wants, while it illuminates his way. From that inward spark must have soon followed the invention of that outer fire to warm and cheer him, and to melt and mould the earth to his desires. Formed for society, the necessity of communication with his fellows developed the power of speech. Speech developed written characters and alphabets. Common communication developed concert of action, and from concert of action sprung the arts of society.

Invention is that divine spark that motivated, and continues to motivate, people to create tools to satisfy their needs, while lighting their path. From that inner spark, the invention of fire must have quickly followed, providing warmth and comfort, and allowing them to shape the earth according to their desires. Made for society, the need to communicate with others led to the development of speech. Speech then led to written characters and alphabets. Common communication fostered coordinated action, and from that coordinated action emerged the arts of society.

But the evolution of invention has not been uniform. Long periods of slowness and stagnation have alternated with shorter or longer periods of prolific growth, and these with seasons of slumber and repression.

But the development of invention has not been consistent. Lengthy stretches of slow progress and stagnation have alternated with shorter or longer bursts of rapid growth, as well as times of dormancy and suppression.

Thus, Prof. Langley has said that man was thousands of years, and possibly millions, in evolving a cutting edge by rubbing one stone on another; but only a few thousand years to next develop bronze tools, and a still shorter period tools of iron.

Thus, Prof. Langley has said that it took humanity thousands, and possibly millions, of years to develop a cutting edge by rubbing one stone against another; but only a few thousand years to then create bronze tools, and an even shorter time for iron tools.

We cannot say how long the period was from the age of iron tools to the building of the pyramids, but we know that before those stupendous structures arose, the six elementary mechanical powers, the lever, the wheel, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge and the screw, were invented. And without those powers, what mechanical tool or machine has since been developed? The age of inventions in the times of the ancients rested mainly upon simple applications of these mechanical powers. The middle ages slumbered, but on the coming of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the inventions of the ancients were[Pg 5] revived, new ones added, and their growth and development extended with ever-increasing speed to the present time.

We can't say exactly how long it was from the time of iron tools to the building of the pyramids, but we know that before those amazing structures were built, the six basic mechanical powers—the lever, the wheel, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw—were invented. And without those powers, what mechanical tool or machine has been created since? The age of inventions in ancient times mainly relied on simple uses of these mechanical powers. The Middle Ages were stagnant, but with the arrival of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the inventions of the ancients were[Pg 5] revived, new ones were introduced, and their growth and development expanded rapidly to the present day.

The inventions of the nineteenth century, wonderful and innumerable as they are, and marvellous in results produced, are but the fruit of the seed sown in the past, and the blossom of the buds grown upon the stalks of former generations. The early crude stone hatchet has become the keen finished metal implement of to-day, and the latter involves in itself the culmination of a long series of processes for converting the rough ore into the hard and glistening steel.

The inventions of the nineteenth century, amazing and countless as they are, and incredible in the results they’ve produced, are just the outcome of the seeds planted in the past, and the blossoms of the buds that grew on the stems of earlier generations. The simple stone axe has evolved into today's sharp, polished metal tool, and this evolution encompasses a lengthy series of processes that transform raw ore into durable and shiny steel.

The crooked and pointed stick with which the Egyptian turned the sands of the Nile has slowly grown to be the finished plough that is now driven through the sod by steam.

The bent and sharp stick that the Egyptian used to stir the sands of the Nile has gradually transformed into the advanced plow that is now powered by steam.

The steam-operated toys of Hero of Alexandria were revived in principle and incorporated in the engines of Papin and the Marquis of Worcester in the seventeenth century; and the better engines of Savery, Newcomen, and more especially of James Watt in the eighteenth century, left the improvements in steam-engines of the nineteenth century—great as they are—inventions only in matter of detail.

The steam-powered toys created by Hero of Alexandria were reimagined and incorporated into the engines designed by Papin and the Marquis of Worcester in the seventeenth century. The advancements made by Savery, Newcomen, and especially James Watt in the eighteenth century rendered the improvements in nineteenth-century steam engines—though significant—merely as refinements in detail.

It has been said that electrical science began with the labours of Dr. Gilbert, published in 1600. These, with the electrical discoveries and inventions of Gray, Franklin, Galvani, and others in the next century, terminating with the invention of his battery by Volta in 1800, constituted the framework on which was built that world of flashing light and earth-circling messages in which we now live.

It has been said that electrical science started with the work of Dr. Gilbert, published in 1600. These early contributions, along with the electrical discoveries and inventions of Gray, Franklin, Galvani, and others in the following century, culminated in Volta's invention of the battery in 1800, forming the foundation for the world of flashing lights and global communications we live in today.

The study of inventions in any one or all eras can[Pg 6]not proceed intelligently unless account is taken not only of their mode of construction, and of their evolution one from another, but of the evolution of distinct arts, their relation, their interdependence in growth, and their mutual progress.

The study of inventions in any era can't[Pg 6]advance sensibly unless we consider not just how they were built and how they evolved from one another, but also the development of different arts, their relationships, their interdependence in growth, and their shared progress.

The principles adopted by the ancients in weaving and spinning by hand are those still in force; but so great was the advance of inventions from hand-operated mechanisms to machines in these and other arts, and especially in steam, in the last half of the eighteenth century, that it has been claimed that the age of machine production or invention then for the first time really began.

The principles used by ancient people in hand weaving and spinning are still in practice today; however, the leap in technology from manual tools to machines in these and other crafts, particularly with steam power in the late eighteenth century, has led some to argue that the era of machine production and invention truly started at that time.

When the humble lift became the completed elevator of to-day, the “sky-scraper” buildings appeared; but these buildings waited upon the invention of their steel skeletons, and the steel was the child of the Bessemer process.

When the simple lift evolved into the modern elevator of today, the "skyscraper" buildings emerged; however, these buildings were dependent on the invention of their steel frames, and the steel was a result of the Bessemer process.

The harp with which David stirred the dead soul of Saul was the prototype of the sweet clavichord, the romantic virginal, the tinkling harpsichord, and the grand piano. The thrumming of the chords by the fingers was succeeded by the striking keys; and the more perfect rendition of tones awaited the application of new discoveries in the realm of musical sounds. The keys and the levers in the art of musical instruments were transferred to the art of printing, and are found to-day striking a more homely music on the type-writer and on those other and more wonderful printing instruments that mould, and set, and distribute the type. But these results of later days did not reach their perfected operations and forms until many other arts had been discovered and developed, by which to treat and improve the wood, and the wire, and all the other materials of which those[Pg 7] early instruments were composed, and by which the underlying principles of their operations became known.

The harp that David used to stir the dead soul of Saul was the precursor of today’s sweet clavichord, romantic virginal, tinkling harpsichord, and grand piano. The strumming of the strings by his fingers was followed by the pressing of keys; and the more refined expression of sound awaited the application of new discoveries in music. The keys and levers used in musical instruments were adapted to the art of printing, and today they create a more familiar sound on typewriters and those other, more amazing printing devices that shape, set, and distribute type. However, these advancements didn’t reach their perfected forms until many other arts had been discovered and developed, which helped to treat and improve the wood, wire, and all the other materials that made up those early instruments, and clarified the basic principles of how they worked.

Admitting that man possesses the faculty of invention, what are the motives that induce its exercise? Why so prolific in inventions now? And will they continue to increase in number and importance, or decrease?

Admitting that humans have the ability to invent, what drives them to use this skill? Why are there so many inventions now? Will they keep increasing in quantity and significance, or will they start to decline?

An interesting treatise of bulky dimensions might be written in answer to these queries, and the answers might not then be wholly satisfactory. Space permits the submission of but a few observations and suggestions on these points:——

An interesting lengthy essay could be written to answer these questions, and the responses might still not be entirely satisfying. There’s only room to share a few thoughts and suggestions on these matters:——

Necessity is still the mother of inventions, but not of all of them. The pressing needs of man in fighting nakedness and hunger, wild beasts and storms, may have driven him to the production of most of his early contrivances; but as time went on and his wants of every kind multiplied, other factors than mere necessity entered into the problem, and now it is required to account for the multiplicity of inventions under the general head of Wants.

Necessity is still the mother of inventions, but not for all of them. The urgent needs of people to combat nakedness and hunger, wild animals, and storms may have led to the creation of most of their early tools; however, as time passed and their needs increased, other factors beyond just necessity came into play. Now, it's necessary to consider the variety of inventions under the broader category of Wants.

To-day it is the want of the luxuries, as well as of the necessities of life, the want of riches, distinction, power, and place, the wants of philanthropy and the wants of selfishness, and that restless, inherent, unsatisfied, indescribable want which is ever pushing man onward on the road of progress, that must be regarded as the springs of invention.

Today, it's the desire for luxuries, as well as the essentials of life, the pursuit of wealth, status, power, and position, the needs of charity and those of self-interest, and that restless, innate, insatiable yearning that continually drives humans forward on the path of progress that should be seen as the drivers of innovation.

Accident is thought to be the fruitful source of great inventions. It is a factor that cannot be ignored. But accidents are only occasional helps, rarely occurring,—flashes of light suddenly revealing the end of the path along which the inventor has been painfully toiling, and unnoticed except by him[Pg 8] alone. They are sudden discoveries which for the most part simply shorten his journey. The rare complete contrivance revealed by accident is not an invention at all, but a discovery.

Accident is considered a valuable source of great inventions. It's a factor that can’t be overlooked. However, accidents are only infrequent aids, happening rarely—brief moments of insight that suddenly illuminate the end of the path the inventor has been struggling along, unnoticed except by him[Pg 8]. They are unexpected discoveries that primarily just make his journey shorter. The rare, fully formed solution revealed by accident isn’t really an invention, but a discovery.

The greatest incentive in modern times to the production of inventions is governmental protection.

The biggest motivation for creating inventions today is government protection.

When governments began to recognize the right of property in inventions, and to devise and enforce means by which their author should hold and enjoy the same, as he holds his land, his house, or his horse, then inventions sprung forth as from a great unsealed fountain.

When governments started to acknowledge the rights of inventors, creating and enforcing ways for them to own and benefit from their inventions just like they do with their land, house, or horse, that's when inventions started to flourish like a great, unsealed fountain.

This principle first found recognition in England in 1623, when parliament, stung by the abuse of the royal prerogative in the grant of exclusive personal privileges that served to crush the growth of inventions and not to multiply them, by its celebrated Statute of Monopolies, abolished all such privileges, but excepted from its provisions the grant of patents “for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within this realm to the true and first inventor” thereof.

This principle was first recognized in England in 1623, when Parliament, reacting to the misuse of royal power in granting exclusive personal privileges that stifled invention rather than encouraging it, passed the famous Statute of Monopolies. This law abolished all such privileges, but made an exception for the granting of patents "for the sole working or making of any kind of new manufacture within this realm to the true and first inventor" of those inventions.

This statute had little force, however, in encouraging and protecting inventors until the next century, and until after the great inventions of Arkwright in spinning and James Watt in steam-engines had been invaded, and the attention of the courts called more seriously thereby to the property rights of inventors, and to the necessity of a liberal exposition of the law and its proper enforcement.

This law didn't do much to encourage and protect inventors until the next century, and not until after Arkwright's major innovations in spinning and James Watt's advancements in steam engines had been challenged, prompting the courts to take a more serious look at inventors' property rights and the need for a more generous interpretation of the law and its proper enforcement.

Then followed in 1789 the incorporation of that famous provision in the Constitution of the United States, declaring that Congress shall have the power “To promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors[Pg 9] the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

Then came in 1789 the inclusion of that well-known provision in the Constitution of the United States, stating that Congress has the power “To promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors[Pg 9] the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

In 1791 followed the law of the National Assembly of France for the protection of new inventions, setting forth in the preamble, among other things, “that not to regard an industrial invention as the property of its author would be to attack the essential rights of man.”

In 1791, the National Assembly of France passed a law to protect new inventions, stating in the preamble, among other things, “that failing to recognize an industrial invention as the property of its creator would violate the fundamental rights of man.”

These fundamental principles have since been adopted and incorporated in their laws by all the nations of the earth.

These basic principles have since been adopted and included in the laws of all the nations around the world.

Inventions in their nature being for the good of all men and for all time, it has been deemed wise by all nations in their legislation not to permit the inventor to lock up his property in secret, or confine it to his own use; and hence the universal practice is to enact laws giving him, his heirs, and assigns, exclusive ownership to this species of his property for a limited time only, adjudged sufficient to reward him for his efforts in its production, and to encourage others in like productions; while he, in consideration for this protection, is to fully make known his invention, so that the public may be enabled to freely make and use it after its exclusive ownership shall have expired.

Inventions are meant to benefit everyone, now and forever. So, it's been agreed by all nations in their laws that an inventor shouldn't keep their creation a secret or just for their own benefit. Instead, the common practice is to create laws that grant the inventor, their heirs, and assigns exclusive rights to their invention for a limited time, which is considered long enough to reward them for their hard work and encourage others to create similar inventions. In return for this protection, the inventor must fully disclose their invention, allowing the public to freely use it once the exclusive rights have ended.

In addition to the motives and incentives mentioned inducing this modern mighty outflow of inventions, regard must be had to the conditions of personal, political and intellectual freedom, and of education. There is no class of inventors where the mass of men are slaves; and when dense ignorance abounds, invention sleeps.

In addition to the reasons and motivations driving this modern wave of inventions, we must consider the conditions of personal, political, and intellectual freedom, as well as education. There is no group of inventors where the majority of people are oppressed; and when ignorance is widespread, creativity stagnates.

In the days of the greatest intellectual freedom of Greece, Archimedes, Euclid, and Hero, its great inventors, flourished; but when its political status[Pg 10] had reduced the mass of citizens to slaves, when the work of the artisan and the inventor was not appreciated beyond the gift of an occasional crown of laurel, when manual labour and the labourer were scorned, inventions were not born, or, if born, found no nourishment to prolong their lives.

In the time of Greece's greatest intellectual freedom, Archimedes, Euclid, and Hero, its notable inventors, thrived. However, when its political situation had turned the majority of citizens into slaves, when the work of artisans and inventors was only appreciated with an occasional laurel crown, and when manual labor and laborers were looked down upon, new inventions did not emerge, or if they did, they received no support to sustain their development.

In Rome, the labourer found little respect beyond the beasts of burden whose burdens he shared, and the inventor found no provision of fostering care or protection in her mighty jurisprudence. The middle ages carefully repressed the minds of men, and hid away in dark recesses the instruments of learning. When men at length awoke to claim their birthright of freedom, they invented the printing-press and rediscovered gunpowder, with which to destroy the tyranny of both priests and kings. Then arose the modern inventor, and with him came the freedom and the arts of civilisation which we now enjoy.

In Rome, the worker received little respect, akin to the burdens he carried alongside the pack animals, and the inventor found no support or protection in the grand legal system. The Middle Ages stifled people's minds and kept the tools of knowledge hidden away in dark corners. When people finally woke up to reclaim their right to freedom, they invented the printing press and rediscovered gunpowder, which helped them overthrow the tyranny of both priests and kings. Then, the modern inventor emerged, bringing with them the freedom and cultural achievements that we enjoy today.

What the exercise of free and protected invention has brought to this century is thus summarised by Macaulay:

What the use of free and protected invention has brought to this century is summed up by Macaulay:

“It has lengthened life; it has mitigated pain; has extinguished diseases; has increased the fertility of the soil; given new security to the mariner; furnished new arms to the warrior; spanned great rivers and estuaries with bridges of form unknown to our fathers; it has guided the thunderbolt innocuously from heaven to earth; it has lighted up the night with splendour of the day; it has extended the range of human vision; it has multiplied the power of the human muscles; it has accelerated motion; it has annihilated distance; it has facilitated intercourse, correspondence, all friendly offices, all despatch of business; it has enabled man to descend to the depths of the sea, to soar into the air, to penetrate[Pg 11] securely into the noxious recesses of the earth; to traverse the land in carts which whirl along without horses; to cross the ocean in ships which run many knots an hour against the wind. Those are but a part of its fruits, and of its first fruits, for it is a philosophy which never rests, which is never perfect. Its law is progress. A point which yesterday was invisible is its goal to-day, and will be its starting point to-morrow.”

“It has increased life expectancy; it has reduced pain; has eliminated diseases; has improved soil fertility; provided new safety for sailors; equipped warriors with new weapons; connected vast rivers and estuaries with bridges unknown to previous generations; it has safely directed lightning from the sky to the ground; it has illuminated the night with the brightness of day; it has expanded the scope of human vision; it has multiplied human strength; it has sped up movement; it has erased distances; it has made communication, correspondence, and all friendly interactions easier, as well as expedited business; it has allowed people to dive into the ocean, to soar into the sky, to securely penetrate the dangerous depths of the earth; to travel across land in carriages that move swiftly without horses; to sail across the ocean in ships that can travel many knots an hour against the wind. These are just some of its outcomes, and the initial ones at that, for it is a philosophy that never rests, that is never complete. Its principle is progress. A point that was invisible yesterday is its target today, and will be its starting point tomorrow.”

The onward flow of inventions may be interrupted, if not materially stayed, by the cessation of some of the causes and incentives which now give them life. When comfort for all and rest for all, and a suitable division of labour, and an equal distribution of its fruits are reached, in that state of society which is pictured in the visions of the social philosopher, or as fast as such conditions are reached, so soon will cease the pricking of those spurs of invention,—individual rewards, the glorious strife of competition, the harrowing necessities, and the ambitions for place and power. If all are to co-operate and share alike, what need of exclusive protection and fierce and individual struggle? Why not sit down now and break the loaf and share it, and pour the wine, and enjoy things as they are, without a thought for the morrow?

The ongoing stream of inventions could be interrupted, if not significantly stopped, by the end of some of the motivations and incentives that currently drive them. When everyone has comfort, rest, a proper division of labor, and an equal sharing of its benefits, as envisioned by social philosophers, or as these conditions come into play, then the driving forces behind invention—individual rewards, the excitement of competition, urgent needs, and ambitions for status and power—will fade. If we are all to work together and share equally, why would we need exclusive protection or intense individual struggle? Why not just sit down, break the bread, share it, pour the wine, and enjoy life as it is, without worrying about tomorrow?

The same results as to inventions may be reached in different but less pleasant ways: When all the industries are absorbed by huge combinations of capital the strife of competition among individuals, and the making of individual inventions to meet such competition, will greatly disappear. Or, the same results may be effected by stringent laws of labour organisations, in restricting or repressing all individual independent effort, prescribing what shall be[Pg 12] done or what shall not be done along certain lines of manufacture or employment. So that the progress of future inventions depends on the outcome of the great economic, industrial, and social battles which are now looming on the pathway of the future.

The same outcomes regarding inventions can be achieved through different, less favorable methods: When all industries are controlled by massive corporations, the competition between individuals and the creation of individual inventions to address that competition will significantly diminish. Alternatively, similar results can occur through strict labor laws that limit or suppress all independent efforts, dictating what can or cannot be done in specific areas of manufacturing or employment. Therefore, the advancement of future inventions depends on the results of the significant economic, industrial, and social struggles that are currently emerging on the horizon.

But what the inventions of the nineteenth century were and what they have done for Humanity, is a chapter that must be read by all those now living or to come who wish to learn the history of their race. It is a story which gathers up all the threads of previous centuries and weaves them into a fabric which must be used in all the coming ages in the attainment of their comforts, their adornments, and their civilisations.

But what the inventions of the nineteenth century were and what they have done for humanity is a chapter that everyone living now or in the future should read if they want to understand the history of their species. It's a story that brings together all the threads from previous centuries and weaves them into a fabric that will be essential for achieving comfort, beauty, and civilization in all the ages to come.

To enumerate all the inventions of the century would be like calling up a vast army of men and proclaiming the name of each. The best that can be done is to divide the wide field into chapters, and in these chapters give as best one may an idea of the leading inventions that have produced the greatest industries of the World.

To list all the inventions of the century would be like gathering a huge army of people and announcing each name. The most we can do is break this extensive area into sections, and in these sections, try our best to highlight the key inventions that have led to the biggest industries in the world.


Farming and Its Tools.

The Egyptians were the earliest and greatest agriculturists, and from them the art was learned by the Greeks. Greece in the days of her glory greatly improved the art, and some of her ablest men wrote valuable treatises on its different topics. Its farmers thoroughly ploughed and fertilised the soil, used various implements for its cultivation, paid great attention to the raising of fruits,—the apple, pear, cherry, plum, quince, peach, lemon, fig and many other varieties suitable to their climate, and improved the breeds of cattle, horse and sheep. When, however, social pride and luxurious city life became the dominant passions, agriculture was left to menials, and the art gradually faded with the State. Rome in her best days placed farming in high regard. Her best writers wrote voluminously on agricultural subjects, a tract of land was allotted to every citizen, which was carefully cultivated, and these citizen farmers were her worthiest and most honoured sons. The condition and needs of the soil were studied, its strength replenished by careful fertilisation, and it was worked with care. There were ploughs which were made heavy or light as the different soils required, and there were a variety of farm implements, such as spades, hoes, harrows and rakes. Grains, such as wheat, barley, rye and oats, were raised, a variety of fruits and vegetables, and great attention paid to [Pg 14]the breeding of stock. Cato and Varro, Virgil and Columella, Pliny and Palladius delighted to instruct the farmer and praise his occupation.

The Egyptians were the earliest and most skilled farmers, and the Greeks learned this art from them. During Greece's peak, they greatly enhanced agricultural practices, and some of their brightest minds wrote important treatises on various topics related to farming. Their farmers thoroughly plowed and fertilized the land, used different tools for cultivation, and paid close attention to growing fruits like apples, pears, cherries, plums, quinces, peaches, lemons, figs, and many other varieties that thrived in their climate. They also improved the breeds of cattle, horses, and sheep. However, as social pride and luxurious city life became the main focus, agriculture was left to servants, and the practice gradually declined alongside the State. In Rome's prime, farming was highly valued. The best writers produced extensive works on agricultural topics, and every citizen was given a piece of land that was carefully cultivated. These citizen farmers were considered the most respected and honorable members of society. The condition and needs of the soil were carefully studied, its health maintained through diligent fertilization, and it was tended to with care. There were plows made heavier or lighter depending on the soil type, and a variety of farming tools like shovels, hoes, harrows, and rakes were used. They grew grains like wheat, barley, rye, and oats, a variety of fruits and vegetables, and placed great emphasis on livestock breeding. Cato, Varro, Virgil, Columella, Pliny, and Palladius took pleasure in teaching farmers and celebrating their work.

But as the Roman Empire grew, its armies absorbed its intelligent farmers, the tilling of the soil was left to the menial and the slave, and the Empire and agriculture declined together.

But as the Roman Empire expanded, its armies took in its skilled farmers, leaving the farming to low-skilled workers and slaves, and both the Empire and agriculture fell into decline together.

Then came the hordes of northern barbarians pouring in waves over the southern countries and burying from sight their arts and civilisation. The gloom of the middle ages then closed down upon the European world. Whatever good may have been accomplished in other directions by the crusades, agriculture reached its lowest ebb, save in those instances where the culture of the soil received attention from monastic institutions.

Then came the waves of northern barbarians flooding into the southern countries, overwhelming their arts and civilization. The darkness of the Middle Ages then descended upon the European world. Despite any positive outcomes from the crusades in other areas, agriculture hit rock bottom, except in cases where monks focused on farming.

The sixteenth century has been fixed upon as the time when Europe awoke from its long slumber. Then it was after the invention of the printing press had become well established that publications on agriculture began to appear. The Boke of Husbandrie, in 1523, by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert; Thomas Tusser’s Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry; Barnaby Googe’s The Whole Art of Husbandry; The Jewel House of Art and Nature, by Sir Hugh Platt; the English Improver of Walter Blithe, and the writings of Sir Richard Weston on the husbandry of Brabant and Flanders, were the principal torches by which the light on this subject was handed down through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Further awakening was had in the eighteenth century, the chief part of which was given by Jethro Tull, an English agriculturist, who lived, and wrote, and laboured in the cause between 1680 and 1740. Tull’s leading idea was the[Pg 15] thorough pulverisation of the soil, his doctrines being that plants derived their nourishment from minute particles of soil, hence the need of its pulverisation. He invented and introduced a horse hoe, a grain drill, and a threshing machine.

The sixteenth century is seen as the time when Europe finally woke up from its long slumber. It was after the printing press became well-established that publications on agriculture started to emerge. The Boke of Husbandrie, published in 1523 by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert; Thomas Tusser’s Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry; Barnaby Googe’s The Whole Art of Husbandry; The Jewel House of Art and Nature by Sir Hugh Platt; Walter Blithe’s English Improver; and Sir Richard Weston’s writings on farming in Brabant and Flanders were the main sources that passed knowledge on this subject through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The eighteenth century saw further advancements, mainly thanks to Jethro Tull, an English farmer who lived, wrote, and worked in this field from 1680 to 1740. Tull’s main idea was the thorough grinding of the soil, as he believed plants absorbed their nutrients from tiny soil particles, hence the need for pulverization. He invented and introduced a horse hoe, a grain drill, and a threshing machine.

Next appeared Arthur Young, of England, born in 1741, whose life was extended into the 19th century, and to whom the world was greatly indebted for the spread of agricultural knowledge. He devoted frequent and long journeys to obtaining information on agricultural subjects, and his writings attracted the attention and assistance of the learned everywhere. His chief work was the making known widely of the beneficial effects of ammonia and ammoniacal compounds on vegetation. Many other useful branches of the subject, clearly treated by him, are found in his Annals of Agriculture. It was this same Arthur Young with whom Washington corresponded from his quiet retreat at Mount Vernon. After the close of the War of Independence in 1783 and before the adoption of the Constitution in 1789 and his elevation to the Presidency in that year, Washington devoted very much of his time to the cultivation of his large estate in Virginia. He took great interest in every improvement in agriculture and its implements. He invented a plough and a rotary seed drill, improved his harrows and mills, and made many inquiries relative to the efficacy of ploughs and threshing machines made in England and other parts of Europe. It was during this period that he opened an interesting correspondence with Young on improvements in agriculture, which was carried on even while he was President, and he availed himself of the proffer of Young’s services to fill an order for seeds[Pg 16] and two ploughs from a London merchant. He also wrote to Robert Cary & Co., merchants in London, concerning an engine he had heard of as being constructed in Switzerland, for pulling up trees and their stumps by the roots, and ordered one to be sent him if the machine were efficient.

Next came Arthur Young from England, born in 1741, who lived into the 19th century and for whom the world is greatly indebted for spreading agricultural knowledge. He took frequent and long trips to gather information on farming topics, and his writings attracted the attention and support of scholars everywhere. His main contribution was widely publicizing the positive effects of ammonia and ammoniacal compounds on plants. Many other useful topics, clearly addressed by him, can be found in his Annals of Agriculture. This same Arthur Young corresponded with Washington from his peaceful retreat at Mount Vernon. After the end of the War of Independence in 1783 and before the Constitution was adopted in 1789, when he became President that year, Washington dedicated a lot of his time to managing his large estate in Virginia. He was deeply interested in every advancement in agriculture and its tools. He invented a plow and a rotary seed drill, improved his harrows and mills, and sought information about the effectiveness of plows and threshing machines made in England and other parts of Europe. During this time, he engaged in an interesting correspondence with Young about agricultural improvements, which continued even while he was President, and he took advantage of Young’s offer to fulfill an order for seeds[Pg 16] and two plows from a London merchant. He also wrote to Robert Cary & Co., merchants in London, about a machine he had heard was being built in Switzerland that could pull up trees and their stumps by the roots, and he requested one to be sent to him if the machine was effective.

Jefferson, Washington’s great contemporaneous statesman and Virginia planter, and to whom has been ascribed the chief glory of the American patent system, himself also an inventor, enriched his country by the full scientific knowledge he had gained from all Europe of agricultural pursuits and improvements.

Jefferson, Washington’s significant contemporary statesman and Virginia planter, who has been credited with the main achievement of the American patent system, was also an inventor. He contributed to his country with the extensive scientific knowledge he gained from Europe regarding agricultural practices and advancements.

The progress of the art, in a fundamental sense, that is in a knowledge of the constituents, properties, and needs of the soil, commenced with the investigations of Sir Humphry Davy at the close of the 18th century, resulting in his celebrated lectures before the Board of Agriculture from 1802 to 1812, and his practical experiments in the growth of plants and the nature of fertilisers. Agricultural societies and boards were a characteristic product of the eighteenth century in Europe and America. But this birth, or revival of agricultural studies, the enthusiastic interest taken therein by its great and learned men, and all its valuable publications and discoveries, bore comparatively little fruit in that century. The ignorance and prejudice of the great mass of farmers led to a determined, and in many instances violent resistance to the introduction of labour-saving machinery and the practical application of what they called “book-farming.” A fear of driving people out of employment led them to make war upon new agricultural machines and their inventors, as they had upon weaving and spinning inventions. This war[Pg 17] was more marked in England than elsewhere, because there more of the new machines were first introduced, and the number of labourers in those fields was the greatest. In America the ignorance took the milder shape of contempt and prejudice. Farmers refused, for instance, to use cast-iron ploughs as it was feared they would poison the soil.

The progress of agriculture, in a basic sense—that is, in understanding the components, qualities, and requirements of the soil—began with the research of Sir Humphry Davy at the end of the 18th century. This led to his famous lectures for the Board of Agriculture from 1802 to 1812, along with his hands-on experiments in plant growth and the properties of fertilizers. Agricultural societies and boards were a notable outcome of the 18th century in Europe and America. However, this emergence, or resurgence, of agricultural studies, the passionate interest shown by its prominent and knowledgeable figures, and all the valuable publications and discoveries from that time yielded relatively little benefit during that century. The ignorance and bias of most farmers resulted in a strong, often violent resistance to the introduction of labor-saving machinery and the practical application of what they referred to as “book-farming.” Concern about job loss made them oppose new agricultural machines and their inventors, just as they had against weaving and spinning innovations. This backlash[Pg 17] was more pronounced in England than elsewhere, as that’s where more of the new machines were initially introduced, and the number of laborers in those industries was the highest. In America, the ignorance manifested as a milder form of disdain and bias. For example, farmers refused to use cast-iron plows because they feared they would poison the soil.

So slow was the invention and introduction of new devices, that if Ruth had revisited the earth at the beginning of the nineteenth century, she might have seen again in the fields of the husbandmen everywhere the sickle of the reapers behind whom she gleaned in the fields of Boaz, heard again the beating on the threshing floor, and felt the old familiar rush of the winnowing wind. Cincinnatus returning then would have recognised the plough in common use as about the same in form as that which he once abandoned on his farm beyond the Tiber.

So slow was the invention and introduction of new devices that if Ruth had come back to earth at the beginning of the nineteenth century, she might have seen the same sickles that the reapers used when she gleaned in Boaz's fields, heard the familiar sound of threshing, and felt the old rush of the winnowing wind. Cincinnatus returning then would have recognized the plow in common use as being pretty much the same as the one he once left behind on his farm by the Tiber.

But with the spread of publications, the extension of learning, the protection now at last obtained and enforced for inventions, and with the foundations laid and the guide-posts erected in nearly every art and science by previous discoverers, inventors and writers, the century was now ready to start on that career of inventions which has rendered it so glorious.

But with the growth of publications, the expansion of knowledge, the protection finally secured and enforced for inventions, and with the groundwork laid and the signposts established in almost every field of art and science by earlier discoverers, inventors, and authors, the century was now set to embark on a journey of inventions that has made it so remarkable.

As the turning over and loosening of the sod and the soil for the reception of seed was, and still is the first step in the art of agriculture, the plough is the first implement to be considered in this review.

As the turning and loosening of the soil to prepare it for planting seeds was, and still is, the first step in farming, the plough is the first tool to be looked at in this review.

A plough possesses five essential features,—a frame or beam to which the horses are attached and which is provided with handles by which the operator guides the plough, a share to sever the bottom of a slice of land—the furrow—from the land beneath, a mould board following the share to turn the furrow over[Pg 18] to one side, and a landside, the side opposite the mould board and which presses against the unploughed ground and steadies the plough. To these have been commonly added a device called the coulter, which is a knife or sharp disk fastened to the frame in advance of the share and adapted to cut the sod or soil so that the furrow may be more easily turned, an adjustable gauge wheel secured to the beam in advance of the coulter, and which runs upon the surface of the soil to determine by the distance between the perimeter of the wheel at the bottom and the bottom of the plough share the depth of the furrow, and a clevis, which is an adjustable metal strap attached to the end of the beam to which the draught is secured, and by which the pitch of the beam and the depth and width of the furrow are regulated. The general features, the beam, handles, and share, have existed in ploughs from the earliest ages in history. A plough with a metal share was referred to by the prophecy of Isaiah seven centuries before Christ, “They shall beat their swords into plough-shares;” and such a plough with the coulter and gauge wheel added is found in the Caylus collection of Greek antiquities. The inventions of centuries in ploughs have proceeded along the lines of the elements above enumerated.

A plow has five key components: a frame or beam where the horses are harnessed, which has handles that the operator uses to steer the plow; a share that cuts through the bottom of a strip of land—the furrow—separating it from the earth below; a moldboard that follows the share to flip the furrow to one side; and a landside, which is the side opposite the moldboard, pressing against the untouched ground to stabilize the plow. To these, a device called a coulter is often added—a knife or sharp disk attached to the frame in front of the share that cuts through the sod or soil, making it easier to turn the furrow. There's also an adjustable gauge wheel attached to the beam ahead of the coulter, which rides on the soil surface to measure the depth of the furrow by the distance between the edge of the wheel and the bottom of the plow share. Additionally, a clevis is included, which is an adjustable metal strap at the end of the beam that secures the draft and helps regulate the beam's angle as well as the depth and width of the furrow. The basic features, like the beam, handles, and share, have been part of plows since ancient times. A plow with a metal share was mentioned in Isaiah's prophecy seven centuries before Christ: “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares.” A plow with a coulter and gauge wheel is also found in the Caylus collection of Greek antiquities. Over the centuries, the development of plows has followed the principles of these fundamental components.

The leading features of the modern plough with a share and mould board constructed to run in a certain track and turn its furrows one over against the other, appear to have originated in Holland in the 18th century, and from there were made known to England. James Small of Scotland wrote of and made ploughs having a cast-iron mould board and cast and wrought iron shares in 1784-85.

The main characteristics of the modern plow, with a share and moldboard designed to follow a specific path and turn its furrows alternately, seem to have originated in Holland during the 18th century, and from there spread to England. In 1784-85, James Small from Scotland designed and authored plows featuring a cast-iron moldboard and both cast and wrought iron shares.

In America, about the same time, Thos. Jefferson[Pg 19] studied and wrote upon the proper shape to be given to the mould board.

In America, around the same time, Thomas Jefferson[Pg 19] studied and wrote about the appropriate design for the moldboard.

Charles Newbold in 1797 took out the first patent in the United States for a plough—all parts cast in one piece of solid iron except the beam and handles.

Charles Newbold in 1797 received the first patent in the United States for a plow—all parts cast in one piece of solid iron except for the beam and handles.

It is a favourite idea with some writers and with more talkers, that when the necessity really arises for an invention the natural inventive genius of man will at once supply it. Nothing was more needed and sought after for thirty centuries among tillers of the soil than a good plough, and what finally supplied it was not necessity alone, but improved brains. Long were the continued efforts, stimulated no doubt in part by necessity, but stimulated also by other motives, to which allusion has already been made, and among which are the love of progress, the hope of gain, and legislative protection in the possession of inventive property.

Some writers and even more speakers like to think that when there's a real need for an invention, people's natural creativity will come through right away. For thirty centuries, farmers desperately needed a better plough, and what ultimately provided one was not just the need but also enhanced thinking. There were many ongoing efforts—driven not only by necessity but also by other factors, including the desire for progress, the hope of profit, and legal protection for inventive ideas.

The best plans of writers and inventors of the eighteenth century were not fully developed until the nineteenth, and it can be safely said that within the last one hundred years a better plough has been produced than in all of the thousands of years before. The defects which the nineteenth century’s improvements in ploughs were designed to remedy can best be understood by first realising what was the condition of ploughs in common use when the century opened.

The best ideas of writers and inventors in the eighteenth century didn't fully come to life until the nineteenth century. It's safe to say that in the past hundred years, a better plow has been created than in all the thousands of years before that. To truly understand the flaws that the improvements in plows during the nineteenth century aimed to fix, it's important to first recognize the state of plows that were commonly used at the start of that century.

Different parts of the plough, such as the share and coulter, were constructed of iron, but the general practice among farmers was to make the beam and frame, handles and mould board of strong and heavy timber. The beam was straight, long, and heavy, and that and the mould generally hewed from a tree. The mould board on both sides to prevent its wearing out too rapidly was covered with more or less thick[Pg 20] plates of iron. The handles were made from crooked branches of trees. “The beam,” it is said, “was set at any pitch that fancy might dictate, with the handles fastened on almost at right angles with it, thus leaving the ploughman little control over his implement which did its work in a very slow and imperfect manner.” It was some such plough that Lord Kames complained about in the Gentleman Farmer in 1768, as being used in Scotland—two horses and two oxen were necessary to pull it, “the ridges in the fields were high and broad, in fact enormous masses of accumulated earth, that could not admit of cross ploughing or cultivation; shallow ploughing universal; ribbing, by which half the land was left untilled, a general practice over the greater part of Scotland; a continual struggle between the corn and weeds for superiority.” As late as 1820 an American writer was making the same complaint. “Your furrows,” he said, “stand up like the ribs of a lean horse in the month of March. A lazy ploughman may sit on the beam and count every bout of his day’s work; besides the greatest objection to all these ploughs is that they do not perform the work well and the expense is enormous for blacksmith work.” It was complained by another that it took eight or ten oxen to draw it, a man to ride upon the beam to keep it on the ground, and a man followed the plough with a heavy iron hoe to dig up the “baulks.”

Different parts of the plow, like the share and coulter, were made of iron, but most farmers typically built the beam, frame, handles, and moldboard from strong, heavy wood. The beam was straight, long, and heavy, and it and the moldboard were usually cut from a tree. To prevent the moldboard from wearing out too quickly, it was covered with thick plates of iron on both sides. The handles were crafted from twisted tree branches. “The beam,” it is said, “was set at any angle the farmer wanted, with the handles attached almost at right angles to it, which gave the plowman little control over the plow, making it work slowly and inefficiently.” Lord Kames complained about such a plow in the Gentleman Farmer in 1768, saying it was used in Scotland—two horses and two oxen were needed to pull it, “the ridges in the fields were high and broad, in fact, huge piles of dirt that couldn’t allow for cross plowing or cultivation; shallow plowing was universal; ribbing, which left half the land untilled, was common across much of Scotland; and there was a constant battle between the corn and weeds for dominance.” As late as 1820, an American writer made the same complaint. “Your furrows,” he said, “stick up like the ribs of a skinny horse in March. A lazy plowman could sit on the beam and count every round of his day’s work; plus, the biggest issue with all these plows is that they don't do the job well, and the cost for blacksmith work is huge.” Another person complained that it took eight or ten oxen to pull it, a man had to ride on the beam to keep it grounded, and another man followed the plow with a heavy iron hoe to dig up the “baulks.”

The improvements made in the plough during the century have had for their object to lessen the great friction between the wide, heavy, ill-formed share and mould board, and the ground, which has been accomplished by giving to the share a sharp clean tapering form, and to the mould board a shape best calculated to turn the furrow slice; to improve the line[Pg 21] of draught so that the pull of the team may be most advantageously employed, which has been effected after long trials, study and experiment in the arrangement of beam, clevis and draft rod, setting the coulter at a proper angle and giving the landside a plane and parallel surface; to increase the wear and lessen the weight of the parts, which has been accomplished by ingenious processes in treating the metal of which the parts are composed, and lessening the number of parts; to render the plough easily repairable by casting the parts in sets and numbering them, by which any part may be replaced by the manufacturer without resort to the blacksmith. In short there is no part of the plough but what has received the most careful attention of the inventor. This has been evidenced by the fact that in the United States alone nearly eleven thousand patents on ploughs were issued during the nineteenth century. When it is considered that all the applications for these patents were examined as to their novelty, before the grant of the patent, the enormous amount of study and invention expended on this article can be appreciated. Among the century’s improvements in this line is the use of disks in place of the old shovel blades to penetrate the earth and revolve in contact therewith. Cutting disks are harnessed to steam motors and are adapted to break up at one operation a wide strip of ground. The long-studied problem of employing a gang of ploughs to plough back and forth and successfully operated by steam has been solved, and electricity is now being introduced as a motor in place of steam. Thus millions of broad acres which never would have been otherwise turned are now cultivated. The tired muscle-strained ploughman who homeward plodded his weary way at[Pg 22] night may now comfortably ride at his ease upon the plough, while at the same time the beasts that pull it have a lighter load than ever before.

The improvements made in the plow over the century aimed to reduce the significant friction between the wide, heavy, poorly shaped share and moldboard, which has been achieved by giving the share a sharp, clean, tapered design and the moldboard a shape that effectively turns the furrow slice. Enhancements to the line of draft ensure that the team pulls the plow in the most efficient way, achieved through extensive trials, study, and experiments with the arrangement of the beam, clevis, and draft rod, setting the coulter at the right angle, and creating a landside with a flat, parallel surface. To increase durability and reduce the weight of the parts, innovative processes have been used to treat the metal components and reduce the number of parts. The plow is also designed for easy repairs by casting its components in sets and numbering them, allowing any part to be replaced by the manufacturer without needing a blacksmith. In short, every component of the plow has received careful attention from the inventor. This is evident from the fact that in the United States alone, nearly eleven thousand plow patents were issued during the nineteenth century. Considering all applications for these patents were reviewed for their originality before the patent was granted, the vast amount of study and innovation dedicated to this device is clear. Among the century’s advancements is the use of discs instead of traditional shovel blades to penetrate the soil and rotate in contact with it. Cutting discs are now powered by steam engines and can break up wide strips of land in a single pass. The long-standing challenge of using a gang of plows to work back and forth, operated by steam, has been resolved, and electricity is now being introduced as a power source instead of steam. As a result, millions of acres that would not have been tilled are now cultivated. The exhausted, muscle-strained plowman who used to trudge home tired at night can now comfortably ride on the plow, while the animals pulling it carry a lighter load than ever before.

Next to the plough among the implements for breaking, clearing and otherwise preparing the soil for the reception of seed, comes the harrow. From time immemorial it has been customary to arm some sort of a frame with wooden or iron spikes to scratch the earth after the ploughing. But this century has greatly improved the old constructions. Harrows are now found everywhere made in sections to give flexibility to the frame; collected in gangs to increase the extent of operation; made with disks instead of spikes, with which to cut the roots of weeds and separate the soil, instead of merely scratching them. A still later invention, curved spring teeth, has been found far superior to spikes or disks in throwing up, separating and pulverising the soil. A harrow comprising two ranks of oppositely curved trailing teeth is especially popular in some countries. These three distinct classes of harrows, the disk type, the curved spring tooth type, and gangs of sections of concavo-convex disks, particularly distinguish this class of implements from the old forms of previous ages.

Next to the plow among the tools for breaking, clearing, and preparing the soil for planting, there’s the harrow. For ages, it has been common to attach some form of a frame with wooden or iron spikes to scratch the ground after plowing. However, this century has significantly improved the old designs. Harrows are now widely available in sections for frame flexibility; grouped together to cover more area; and made with disks instead of spikes to cut through weed roots and aerate the soil, rather than just scratching it. A newer invention, curved spring teeth, has proven far better than spikes or disks for lifting, separating, and breaking up the soil. A harrow featuring two rows of oppositely curved trailing teeth is particularly popular in some countries. These three distinct types of harrows—the disk type, the curved spring tooth type, and gangs of sections of concavo-convex disks—set this group of tools apart from older designs of past eras.


Farming tools.

It is wonderful for how many generations men were contented to throw grain into the air as the Parable relates:

It’s amazing how many generations were happy to toss grain into the air, just like the Parable describes:

“Behold, a sower went forth to sow, and when he sowed some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: some fell on stony places where they had not much earth, and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth; and when the sun was up they were scorched; and because they had no root they withered away. And some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them. But others fell into good ground and brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.”

“Look, a farmer went out to plant seeds, and as he was planting, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and ate them. Some fell on rocky ground where there wasn’t much soil, and they sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, they were scorched; and because they had no roots, they dried up. Some seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. But others fell on good soil and produced a crop, yielding a hundred times what was sown, sixty times, and thirty times.”

Here are indicated the defects in depositing the seed that only the inventions of the century have fully corrected. The equal distribution of the seed and not its wide scattering, its sowing in regular drills or planting at intervals, at certain and uniform depths, the adaptation of devices to meet the variations in the land to be planted, and in short the substitution of quick, certain, positive mechanisms for the slow, uncertain, variable hand of man. Not only has the increase an hundredfold been obtained, but with the machines of to-day the sowing and planting of a hundredfold more land has been made possible, the employment of armies of men where idleness [Pg 24]would have reigned, and the feeding of millions of people among whom hunger would otherwise have prevailed. Not only did this machinery not exist at the beginning of the century, but the agricultural machines and devices in this line of the character existing fifty years ago are now discarded as useless and worthless.

Here are the issues with seed planting that only today's technology has completely fixed. It’s about evenly distributing the seeds instead of scattering them widely, planting in straight rows or at specific intervals, and ensuring they’re at consistent depths. The tools have adapted to the different types of land being planted, replacing the slow, uncertain, and variable methods of manual planting with fast, reliable, and precise mechanisms. Not only has productivity increased a hundredfold, but today's machines also make it possible to plant a hundredfold more land, employing teams of workers where there would have otherwise been idleness, and feeding millions of people who would otherwise be facing hunger. Not only did this machinery not exist at the start of the century, but the agricultural equipment used fifty years ago is now seen as obsolete and ineffective.

It is true that, as in the case of the ploughs, attempts had been made through the centuries to invent and improve seeding implements. The Assyrians 500 years B. C. had in use a rude plough in which behind the sharp wooden plough point was fixed a bowl-shaped hopper through which seed was dropped into the furrow, and was covered by the falling back of the furrow upon it. The Chinese, probably before that time, had a wheelbarrow arrangement with a seed hopper and separate seed spouts. In India a drilling hopper had been attached to a plough. Italy claims the honour among European nations of first introducing a machine for sowing grain. It was invented about the beginning of the seventeenth century and is described by Zanon in his Work on Agriculture printed at Venice in 1764. It was a machine mounted on two wheels, that had a seed box in the bottom of which was a series of holes opening into a corresponding number of metal tubes or funnels. At their front these tubes at their lower ends were sharpened to make small furrows into which the seed dropped.

It’s true that, like with the ploughs, people have been trying to invent and improve seeding tools for centuries. The Assyrians, 500 years B.C., used a basic plough that had a bowl-shaped hopper behind its sharp wooden point. This hopper let seeds drop into the furrow, which were then covered by the soil falling back over them. The Chinese, likely even earlier, had a wheelbarrow-style tool with a seed hopper and separate seed spouts. In India, they attached a drilling hopper to a plough. Italy holds the distinction among European nations for being the first to introduce a machine for sowing grain. It was invented around the beginning of the seventeenth century and is described by Zanon in his Work on Agriculture, printed in Venice in 1764. This machine was mounted on two wheels and had a seed box with a series of holes leading to an equal number of metal tubes or funnels. The lower ends of these tubes were sharpened to create small furrows where the seeds would drop.

Similar single machines were in the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries devised in Austria and England. The one in Austria was invented by a Spaniard, one Don Joseph de Lescatello, tested in Luxembourg in 1662. The inventor was rewarded by the Emperor, recommended to the King[Pg 25] of Spain, and in 1663 and 1664 his machines were made and sold at Madrid. The knowledge of this Spaniard’s invention was made known in England in 1699 by the Earl of Sandwich and John Evelyn. Jethro Tull in England shortly after invented and introduced a combined system of drilling, ploughing and cultivating. He sowed different seeds from the same machine, and arranged that they might be covered at different depths. Tull’s machines were much improved by James Cooke, a clergyman of Lancashire, England; and also in the last decade of the eighteenth century by Baldwin and Wells of Norfolk, England.

Similar individual machines were developed in Austria and England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The one in Austria was invented by a Spaniard named Don Joseph de Lescatello and tested in Luxembourg in 1662. The inventor was rewarded by the Emperor and recommended to the King of Spain, and in 1663 and 1664, his machines were manufactured and sold in Madrid. The knowledge of this Spaniard’s invention reached England in 1699 through the Earl of Sandwich and John Evelyn. Shortly after, Jethro Tull in England invented and introduced a combined system for drilling, ploughing, and cultivating. He used the same machine to sow different seeds and arranged for them to be covered at varying depths. Tull’s machines were significantly improved by James Cooke, a clergyman from Lancashire, England, as well as Baldwin and Wells from Norfolk, England, during the last decade of the eighteenth century.

Washington and others in America had also commenced to invent and experiment with seeding machines. But as before intimated, the nineteenth century found the great mass of farmers everywhere sowing their wheat and other grains by throwing them into the air by hand, to be met by the gusts of wind and blown into hollows and on ridges, on stones and thorny places,—requiring often a second and third repetition of the same tedious process.

Washington and others in America had also started to create and test out seeding machines. However, as mentioned earlier, the majority of farmers in the nineteenth century were still spreading their wheat and other grains by hand, tossing them into the air to be caught by the wind, which scattered them into dips and on raised areas, as well as onto rocky and thorny spots—often necessitating a tedious repeat of the same process two or three times.

In 1878 Mr. Coffin, a distinguished journalist of Boston, in an address before the Patent Committee of the U. S. Senate, set forth the advantages obtained by the modern improvements in seeders as follows:

In 1878, Mr. Coffin, a respected journalist from Boston, presented an address to the Patent Committee of the U.S. Senate, outlining the benefits of the modern advancements in seeders as follows:

“The seeder covers the soil to a uniform depth. It sows evenly, and sows a specific quantity. You may graduate it so that, after a little experience, you can determine the amount per acre even to a quart of wheat. They sow all kinds of grain,—wheat, clover, and superphosphate, if need be, at once. They harrow at the same time. They make the crop more certain. It is the united testimony of manufacturers and farmers alike that the crop is increased[Pg 26] from one-eighth to one-fourth, especially in the winter wheat. Winter wheat, you are aware, in the freezing and thawing season, is apt to heave out. It is desirable to bury the seed a uniform and proper depth and to throw over the young plant such an amount of soil that it shall not heave with the freezing and thawing. Of the 360,000,000 bushels of wheat raised last year I suppose more than 300,000,000 was winter wheat. One-eighth of this is 37,700,000 bushels.”

“The seeder covers the soil to a consistent depth. It sows evenly and distributes a specific quantity. You can adjust it so that, after some practice, you can figure out the amount per acre down to a quart of wheat. They sow all types of grain—wheat, clover, and superphosphate, if needed, all at once. They also harrow at the same time. This makes the crop more reliable. Both manufacturers and farmers agree that the yield increases[Pg 26] by one-eighth to one-fourth, especially for winter wheat. As you know, winter wheat can be pushed out of the ground during the freezing and thawing seasons. It’s important to bury the seed at a uniform and proper depth and to cover the young plants with enough soil so they don’t get pushed out with the freezing and thawing. Of the 360 million bushels of wheat grown last year, I’d guess more than 300 million were winter wheat. One-eighth of that is 37.7 million bushels.”

It would seem to many that after the adoption of a seed hopper, and spouts with sharpened ends that cut the drill rows in the furrows and deposited the seed therein, that little was left to be done in this class of inventions; but a great many improvements were necessary. Gravity alone could not be depended upon for feeding the seed. Means had to be devised for a continuous and regular discharge from each grain tube; for varying the quantity of the seed fed by varying the escape openings, or by positive mechanical movements variable in speed; for fixing accurately the quantity of seed discharged; for changing the apparatus to feed coarse or fine seed; and for rendering the apparatus efficient on different surfaces—steep hillsides, level plains, irregular lands.

It might seem to many that after the introduction of a seed hopper and spouts with pointed ends that cut through the soil and placed the seed in the furrows, there was little left to improve in this area of invention. However, many enhancements were still needed. We couldn't just rely on gravity to feed the seed. We needed to come up with ways to ensure a continuous and steady flow from each grain tube; to adjust the amount of seed being dispensed by changing the size of the openings or through variable-speed mechanical movements; to accurately control the quantity of seed released; to adapt the equipment for either coarse or fine seeds; and to make the equipment effective on different terrains—steep hills, flat fields, and uneven ground.

An important step was the substitution of what is called the “force feed” for the gravity feed. There is a variety of devices for this purpose, the principle of one of them being a revolving feed wheel located beneath the hopper, and above each spout, the two casings between which the feed wheel revolves forming the outer walls of a complete measuring channel, or throat, through which the grain is carried by the rotary motion of the wheel, thus providing the means[Pg 27] of measuring the seed with as much accuracy as could be done by a small measure. The quantity sown per acre is governed by simply increasing or diminishing the speed of the feed wheel. In one form of device this change of speed is altered by a system of cone gearing. A graduated flow of the seed has also been effected by the employment of a cylinder having a smooth and fluted part working in a cup beneath the hopper with provision for adjustment of the smooth part towards and from the fluted part to cut off or increase the flow.

An important step was replacing what’s known as the “force feed” with gravity feed. There are various devices for this purpose, one of which features a rotating feed wheel positioned beneath the hopper, and above each spout. The two casings between which the feed wheel rotates form the outer walls of a complete measuring channel, or throat, through which the grain is moved by the rotary motion of the wheel, allowing for precise measurement of the seed, similar to what could be achieved with a small measure. The amount sown per acre is controlled by simply adjusting the speed of the feed wheel. In one design, this speed adjustment is done through a system of cone gearing. A consistent flow of seed is also achieved by using a cylinder that has both smooth and fluted sections working in a cup beneath the hopper, with a mechanism to adjust the position of the smooth section in relation to the fluted section to either cut off or increase the flow.

To avoid the use of a separate apparatus for separate sizes of grain and other seed, the seed holder has been divided into parts—one part for containing wheat, barley and other medium-sized grains, and another for corn, peas and the larger seeds. And as these parts are used on separate occasions, the respective apertures are opened or closed by a sliding bottom and by a single movement of the hand.

To eliminate the need for different devices for various sizes of grain and seeds, the seed holder has been split into sections—one section for holding wheat, barley, and other medium-sized grains, and another for corn, peas, and larger seeds. Since these sections are used at different times, the corresponding openings can be opened or closed with a sliding bottom and a simple hand movement.

Rubber tubes for conducting the seed through the hollow holes were introduced in place of the metal spouts that answered both as a spout and a hoe.

Rubber tubes for carrying the seed through the hollow holes were introduced instead of the metal spouts that served as both a spout and a hoe.

In place of the common hoe drill of a form used in the early part of the century, the hoes being forced into the soil by the use of levers and weights, what are known as “shoe drills” have largely succeeded. A series of shoes are pivoted to the frame, extend beneath the seed box, and are provided with springs for depressing or raising them.

Instead of the typical hoe drill used earlier in the century, which involved using levers and weights to push the hoes into the soil, "shoe drills" have mostly taken their place. A set of shoes is attached to the frame, extends below the seed box, and has springs to lower or raise them.

All kinds of seeds and fertilisers, separately or together, may be now sown, and the broadcast sowing of a larger area than that covered by the throw of the hand can now be given by machinery.

All kinds of seeds and fertilizers, whether individually or combined, can now be planted, and machinery can now achieve the broadcast sowing of a larger area than what can be covered by hand.

Corn and cotton seed are thus also planted, mixed or unmixed with the fertilising material.[Pg 28]

Corn and cotton seeds are therefore planted, either mixed or unmixed with the fertilizer.[Pg 28]

Not only have light ploughs been combined with small seed boxes and one or more seed tubes, for easy work in gardens, but the arrangements varied and graded for different uses until is reached that great machine run by steam power, in which is assembled a gang of heavy harrows in front to loosen and pulverise the soil, then the seed and fertilising drill of capacious width for sowing the grain in rows, followed by a lighter broad harrow to cover the seed, and all so arranged that the steam lifts the heavy frames on turning, and all controlled easily by the man who rides upon the machine.

Not only have lightweight plows been combined with small seed boxes and one or more seed tubes for easy use in gardens, but the designs have also varied and been adapted for different purposes. This led to the development of a large machine powered by steam. It features a set of heavy harrows in front to break up and loosen the soil, followed by a wide seed and fertilizer drill for sowing grain in rows, and a lighter broad harrow to cover the seeds. Everything is arranged so that the steam lifts the heavy frames when turning, all easily controlled by the operator riding on the machine.

In planting at intervals or in hills, as corn and potatoes, and other like larger seeds, no longer is the farmer required to trudge across the wide field carrying a heavy load in bag or box, or compel his boys or women folk to drop the seed while he follows on laboriously with the hoe. He may now ride, if he so choose, and the machine which carries him furnishes the motive power for operating the supply and cut-off of the grain at intervals.

In planting at intervals or in hills, like corn and potatoes, and other larger seeds, farmers no longer need to walk across the large field while carrying a heavy bag or box, or make their kids or women drop the seeds as they follow behind struggling with a hoe. They can now ride, if they want, and the machine that carries them provides the power to operate the seed supply and cut-off system at intervals.

The object of the farmer in planting corn is to plant it in straight lines about four feet apart each way, putting from three to five grains into each spot in a scattered and not huddled condition. These objects are together nicely accomplished by a variety of modern machines.

The goal of the farmer when planting corn is to sow it in straight lines about four feet apart from each other, placing three to five grains in each spot, spaced out rather than clumped together. These tasks are effectively done using a range of modern machines.

The planting of great fields of potatoes has been greatly facilitated by machinery that first slices them and then sows the slices continuously in a row, or drops them in separate spots or hills, as may be desired. The finest seeds, such as grass and clover, onion and turnip seed, and delicate seed like rice, are handled and sown by machines without crushing or bruising, and with the utmost exactness. Just[Pg 29] what seed is necessary to be supplied to the machine for a given area is decided upon, and the machine distributes the same with the same nicety that a doctor distributes the proper dose of pellets upon the palm of his patient.

The planting of large potato fields is made much easier with machinery that first cuts the potatoes into slices and then sows them continuously in a row, or drops them in separate spots or mounds, depending on what is needed. The best seeds, like grass and clover, onion and turnip seeds, and delicate seeds like rice, are handled and sown by machines without crushing or damaging them, and with the highest precision. Just[Pg 29] the right amount of seed to be supplied to the machine for a specific area is determined, and the machine distributes it with the same accuracy that a doctor uses to give the correct dose of medicine into the palm of his patient.

Transplanters as well as planters have been devised. These transplanters will dig the plant trench, distribute the fertiliser, set the plant, pack the earth and water the plant, automatically.

Transplanters and planters have been designed. These transplanters will dig the planting trench, spread the fertilizer, place the plant, compact the soil, and water the plant, all automatically.

The class of machines known as cultivators are those only, properly speaking, which are employed to cultivate the plant after the crop is above the ground. The duties which they perform are to loosen the earth, destroy the weeds, and throw the loosened earth around the growing plant.

The type of machines called cultivators are specifically those used to care for the plants once they are above the ground. Their functions include loosening the soil, getting rid of weeds, and tossing the loosened soil around the growing plant.

Here again the laborious hoe has been succeeded by the labour-saving machine.

Here again, the hard work of using a hoe has been replaced by a machine that saves labor.

Cultivators have names which indicate their construction and the crop with which they are adapted to be used. Thus there are “corn cultivators,” “cotton cultivators,” “sugar-cane cultivators,” etc. Riding cultivators are known as “sulky cultivators” where they are provided with two wheels and a seat for the driver.

Cultivators have names that show their design and the type of crop they are meant for. So, you'll find "corn cultivators," "cotton cultivators," "sugar-cane cultivators," and so on. Riding cultivators are referred to as "sulky cultivators" when they come with two wheels and a seat for the driver.

If worked between two rows they are termed single, and when between three rows, double cultivators. A riding cultivator adapted to work three rows has an arched axle to pass over the rows of the growing plants and cultivate both sides of the plants in each row. Double cultivators are constructed so that their outside teeth may be adjusted in and out from the centre of the machine to meet the width of the rows between which they operate. A “walking cultivator” is when the operator walks and guides the machine with the hands as with ploughs.[Pg 30] Ordinary ploughs are converted into cultivators by supplying them with double adjustable mould boards. Ingenious arrangements generally exist for widening or narrowing the cultivator and for throwing the soil from the centre of the furrow to opposite sides and against the plant. The depth to which the shares or cultivator blades work in the ground may be adjusted by a gauge wheel upon the draught beam, or a roller on the back of the frame.

If used between two rows, they're called single cultivators, and when used between three rows, they're called double cultivators. A riding cultivator designed to work three rows has a curved axle that allows it to pass over the rows of growing plants and cultivate both sides of the plants in each row. Double cultivators are built so that their outer teeth can be moved in and out from the center of the machine to fit the width of the rows they're working in. A “walking cultivator” is when the operator walks and steers the machine by hand, similar to ploughs.[Pg 30] Standard ploughs can be converted into cultivators by adding double adjustable mould boards. There are clever designs available for adjusting the width of the cultivator and for moving soil from the center of the furrow to the opposite sides and against the plants. The depth at which the shares or cultivator blades operate in the ground can be adjusted using a gauge wheel on the draft beam or a roller on the back of the frame.

Disk cultivators are those in which disk blades instead of ploughs are used with which to disturb the soil already broken. As with ploughs, so with cultivators, steam-engines are employed to draw a gang of cultivating teeth or blades, their framework, and the operator seated thereon, to and fro across the field between two or more rows, turning and running the machine at the end of the rows.

Disk cultivators are machines that use disk blades instead of plows to work the already loosened soil. Just like plows, steam engines are used to pull a set of cultivating teeth or blades, along with their framework and the operator sitting on them, back and forth across the field between two or more rows, turning and maneuvering the machine at the end of the rows.

Millet’s recent celebrated painting represents a brutal, primitive type of a man leaning heavily on a hoe as ancient and woful in character as the man himself. It is a picture of hopeless drudgery and blank ignorance. Markham, the poet, has seized upon this picture, dwelt eloquently on its horrors, and apostrophised it as if it were a condition now existing. He exclaims,

Millet’s recent famous painting depicts a brutal, primitive man leaning heavily on a hoe that is as ancient and miserable as he is. It showcases a scene of hopeless labor and total ignorance. The poet Markham has taken this image, spoken powerfully about its horrors, and addressed it as if it were a current reality. He exclaims,

“O masters, lords and rulers in all lands How will the future reckon with this man?”

“Oh masters, lords, and rulers of all lands How will the future see this man?

The present has already reckoned with him, and he and his awkward implement of drudgery nowhere exist, except as left-over specimens of ancient and pre-historic misery occasionally found in some benighted region of the world.

The present has already dealt with him, and he and his clumsy tool for toil don't exist anywhere, except as remnants of ancient and prehistoric suffering that are sometimes discovered in some forgotten part of the world.

The plough and the hoe are the chief implements with which man has subdued the earth. Their use[Pg 31] has not been confined to the drudge and the slave, but men, the leaders and ornaments of their race, have stood behind them adding to themselves graces, and crowning labor with dignity. Cincinnatus is only one of a long line of public men in ancient and modern times who have served their country in the ploughfield as well as on the field of battle and in the halls of Legislation. We hear the song of the poet rising with that of the lark as he turns the sod. Burns, lamenting that his share uptears the bed of the “wee modest crimson-tipped flower” and sorrowing that he has turned the “Mousie” from its “bit o’ leaves and stibble” by the cruel coulter. The finest natures, tuned too fine to meet the rude blasts of the world, have shrunk like Cowper to rural scenes, and sought with the hoe among flowers and plants for that balm and strength unfound in crowded marts.

The plow and the hoe are the main tools that humans have used to conquer the earth. They haven't just been used by laborers and slaves; prominent men, the leaders and shining examples of their people, have also worked with them, adding grace to their character and giving dignity to hard work. Cincinnatus is just one of many public figures, from ancient times to today, who have contributed to their country in the fields just as much as they have on the battlefield and in legislative chambers. We hear the poet’s song rise along with the lark’s as he turns the soil. Burns expresses his regret that his work disrupts the bed of the “wee modest crimson-tipped flower” and mourns that he has upturned the “Mousie” from its “bit o’ leaves and stibble” with his harsh plow. The most sensitive souls, too delicate to face the harsh realities of life, have, like Cowper, retreated to peaceful countryside scenes, seeking comfort and strength among flowers and plants that they can't find in busy marketplaces.

But the dignity imparted to the profession of Agriculture by a few has now by the genius of invention become the heritage of all.

But the respect given to the profession of Agriculture by a few has now, through creativity and innovation, become the legacy of everyone.

While prophets have lamented, and artists have painted, and poets sorrowed over the drudgeries of the tillers of the soil, the tillers have steadily and quietly and with infinite patience and toil worked out their own salvation. They no longer find themselves “plundered and profaned and disinherited,” but they have yoked the forces of nature to their service, and the cultivation of the earth, the sowing of the seed, the nourishment of the plant, have become to them things of pleasurable labour.

While prophets have mourned, and artists have painted, and poets have grieved over the struggles of farmers, the farmers have consistently and quietly, with endless patience and hard work, found their own way to succeed. They no longer see themselves as “robbed and mistreated and dispossessed,” but instead, they have harnessed the forces of nature for their benefit, and the farming of the land, planting seeds, and caring for the plants have turned into enjoyable work for them.

With the aid of these inventions which have been turned into their hands by the prolific developments of the century they are, so far as the soil is concerned, no longer “brothers of the ox,” but king of kings and lord of lords.

With the help of these inventions brought to them by the remarkable advancements of the century, they are, in terms of the land, no longer “brothers of the ox,” but kings of kings and lords of lords.


Agri-tech Innovations.

If the farmer, toward the close of the 18th century, tired with the sickle and the scythe for cutting his grass and grain, had looked about for more expeditious means, he would have found nothing better for cutting his grass; and for harvesting his grain he would have been referred to a machine that had existed since the beginning of the Christian era. This machine was described by Pliny, writing about A. D. 60, who says that it was used on the plains of Rhætia. The same machine was described by Palladius in the fourth century. That machine is substantially the machine that is used to-day for cutting and gathering clover heads to obtain the seed. It is now called a header.

If the farmer, toward the end of the 18th century, tired from using a sickle and scythe to cut his grass and grain, had looked for faster methods, he would have found nothing better for cutting grass. And for harvesting grain, he would have been pointed to a machine that had been around since the beginning of the Christian era. This machine was described by Pliny in about A.D. 60, who mentioned that it was used on the plains of Rhætia. The same machine was described by Palladius in the fourth century. That machine is essentially the same one used today for cutting and gathering clover heads to collect the seed. It's now called a header.

A machine that has been in use for eighteen centuries deserves to be described, and its inventor remembered; but the name of the inventor has been lost in oblivion. The description of Palladius is as follows:

A machine that has been in use for eighteen centuries deserves to be described, and its inventor remembered; but the name of the inventor has been lost in oblivion. The description of Palladius is as follows:

“In the plains of Gaul, they use this quick way of reaping, and without reapers cut large fields with an ox in one day. For this purpose a machine is made carried upon two wheels; the square surface has boards erected at the side, which, sloping outward, make a wider space above. The board on the fore part is lower than the others. Upon it there are a great many small teeth, wide set in a row, answering [Pg 33]to the height of the ears of corn (wheat), and turned upward at the ends. On the back part of the machine two short shafts are fixed like the poles of a litter; to these an ox is yoked, with his head to the machine, and the yoke and traces likewise turned the contrary way. When the machine is pushed through the standing corn all the ears are comprehended by the teeth and cut off by them from the straw and drop into the machine. The driver sets it higher or lower as he finds it necessary. By a few goings and returnings the whole field is reaped. This machine does very well in plain and smooth fields.”

“In the plains of Gaul, they have this fast method of harvesting, and without any reapers, they can clear large fields using just an ox in one day. For this, they create a machine that moves on two wheels; the flat surface has boards raised on the sides, which slope outward to create more space above. The front board is lower than the others. On it, there are many small teeth spaced out in a row, matching the height of the ears of corn (wheat), and angled upward at the tips. At the back of the machine, two short shafts are attached like the poles of a litter; an ox is harnessed to these, facing the machine, with the yoke and straps turned the other way. When the machine is pushed through the standing corn, all the ears are caught by the teeth and cut from the stalks, falling into the machine. The driver adjusts the height as needed. With a few passes back and forth, the entire field is harvested. This machine works very well in flat and even fields.”

As late as 1786 improvements were being attempted in England on this old Gallic machine. At that time Pitt, in that country, arranged a cylinder with combs or ripples which tore off the heads of the grain-stalks and discharged them into a box on the machine. From that date until 1800 followed attempts to make a cutting apparatus consisting of blades on a revolving cylinder rotated by the rotary motion of the wheels on which the machine was carried.

As late as 1786, attempts were being made in England to improve this old French machine. At that time, Pitt in that country set up a cylinder with combs or ripples that ripped the heads off the grain stalks and dropped them into a box on the machine. From that point until 1800, there were further efforts to create a cutting device made up of blades on a rotating cylinder, powered by the wheels that carried the machine.

In 1794, a Scotchman invented the grain cradle. Above the blade of a scythe were arranged a set of fingers projecting from a post in the scythe snath. This was considered a wonderful implement. A report of a Scottish Highland Agricultural Society about that time said of this new machine:

In 1794, a Scotsman invented the grain cradle. A set of fingers extended from a post on the scythe handle above the blade. This was regarded as an amazing tool. A report from a Scottish Highland Agricultural Society around that time described this new machine:

“With a common sickle, seven men in ten hours reaped one and one-half acres of wheat,—about one-quarter of an acre each. With the new machine a man can cut one and one-half acres in ten hours, to be raked, bound, and stacked by two others.”

“With a regular sickle, seven men could harvest one and a half acres of wheat in ten hours—about a quarter of an acre each. With the new machine, one person can cut one and a half acres in ten hours, while two others rake, bind, and stack it.”

It was with such crude and imperfect inventions[Pg 34] that the farmers faced the grain and grass fields of the nineteenth century.

It was with such rough and flawed inventions[Pg 34] that the farmers confronted the grain and grass fields of the nineteenth century.

The Seven Wonders of the ancient world have often been compared with the wonders of invention of this present day.

The Seven Wonders of the ancient world have often been compared to the incredible inventions of today.

Senator Platt in an address at the Patent Centennial Celebration in Washington, in 1891, made such a contrast:

Senator Platt, in a speech at the Patent Centennial Celebration in Washington in 1891, made such a contrast:

“The old wonders of the world were the Pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Phidian statue of Jupiter, the Mausoleum, the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria. Two were tombs of kings, one was the playground of a petted queen, one was the habitat of the world’s darkest superstition, one the shrine of a heathen god, another was a crude attempt to produce a work of art solely to excite wonder, and one only, the lighthouse at Alexandria, was of the slightest benefit to mankind. They were created mainly by tyrants; most of them by the unrequited toil of degraded and enslaved labourers. In them was neither improvement nor advancement for the people.” With some excess of patriotic pride, he contrasts these with what he calls “the seven wonders of American invention.” They were the cotton-gin; the adaptation of steam to methods of transportation; the application of electricity to business pursuits; the harvester; the modern printing-press; the ocean cable; and the sewing machine. “How wonderful,” he adds, “in conception, in construction, in purpose, these great inventions are; how they dwarf the Pyramids and all the wonders of antiquity; what a train of blessings each brought with its entrance into social life; how wide, direct and far-reaching their benefits. Each was the herald of a social rev[Pg 35]olution; each was a human benefactor; each was a new Goddess of Liberty; each was a great Emancipator of man from the bondage of labour; each was a new teacher come upon earth; each was a moral force.”

“The ancient wonders of the world were the Pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the statue of Jupiter by Phidias, the Mausoleum, the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Two were tombs for kings, one was a playground for a spoiled queen, one represented the darkest superstitions of the world, one was a shrine for a pagan god, another was a rough attempt at creating a piece of art just to amaze people, and only one, the lighthouse at Alexandria, actually served a useful purpose for humanity. Most were built by tyrants; many through the hard work of degraded and enslaved laborers. They brought no improvement or progress for the people.” With some extra patriotic pride, he compares these to what he calls “the seven wonders of American invention.” They were the cotton gin; the adaptation of steam for transportation; the use of electricity in business; the harvester; the modern printing press; the underwater cable; and the sewing machine. “How amazing,” he adds, “in their ideas, in their construction, in their purpose, these great inventions are; how they overshadow the Pyramids and all the ancient wonders; what a stream of benefits each brought into society; how wide, direct, and far-reaching their advantages have been. Each was a signal of a social revolution; each was a benefactor to humanity; each was a new Goddess of Liberty; each was a great liberator of people from the constraints of labor; each was a new enlightening force on earth; each was a moral influence.”

Of these seven wonders, the harvester and the cotton-gin will only be described in this chapter. “Harvester” has sometimes been used as a broad term to cover both mowers and reapers. In a recent and more restricted sense, it is applied to a machine that cuts grain, separates it into gavels, and binds it.

Of these seven wonders, the harvester and the cotton gin will only be described in this chapter. “Harvester” has sometimes been used as a general term to refer to both mowers and reapers. More recently, it specifically refers to a machine that cuts grain, separates it into bundles, and binds it.

The difficulty that confronted the invention of mowers was the construction, location and operation of the cutting part. To convert the scythe or the sickle, or some other sharp blade into a fast reciprocating cutter, to hang such cutter low so that it would cut near the ground, to protect it from contact with stones by a proper guard, to actuate it by the wheels of the vehicle, to hinge the cutter-bar to the frame so that its outer end might be raised, and to arrange a seat on the machine so that the driver could control the operating parts by means of a lever, or handles, were the main problems to be solved.

The challenge in inventing mowers was figuring out how to build, position, and operate the cutting part. The goal was to turn the scythe or sickle, or another sharp blade, into a fast-moving reciprocating cutter, to mount it low enough so it would cut close to the ground, to shield it from hitting stones with a proper guard, to power it using the vehicle's wheels, to hinge the cutter-bar to the frame so its outer end could be raised, and to set up a seat on the machine so the driver could control the operating parts with a lever or handles. These were the main issues to tackle.

In 1799, Boyce, of England, had a vertical shaft with six rotating scythes beneath the frame of the implement. This died with the century.

In 1799, Boyce from England designed a vertical shaft with six rotating scythes under the frame of the tool. This innovation disappeared with the century.

In 1800, Meares, his countryman, tried to adapt shears. He was followed there, in 1805, by Plucknett, who introduced a horizontal, rotating, circular blade. Others, subsequently, adopted this idea, both in England and America. It had been customary, as in olden times, to push the apparatus forward by a horse or horses hitched behind. But, in 1806, Gladstone had patented a front draft machine,[Pg 36] with a revolving wheel armed with knife-blades cutting at one side of the machine and a segment-bar with fingers which gathered the grain and held the straw while the knife cut it.

In 1800, Meares, his fellow countryman, attempted to improve shears. In 1805, Plucknett followed suit by introducing a horizontal, rotating circular blade. Others soon adopted this concept in both England and America. Traditionally, like in earlier times, the equipment was pushed forward by a horse or horses hitched behind. However, in 1806, Gladstone patented a front-draft machine,[Pg 36] featuring a revolving wheel equipped with knife-blades that cut on one side of the machine and a segment bar with fingers that gathered the grain and held the straw while the knife cut it.

Then, in 1807, Salonen introduced vibrating knifes over stationary blades, fingers to gather grain to the cutters, and a rake to carry the grain off to one side.

Then, in 1807, Salonen introduced vibrating knives over stationary blades, fingers to gather grain to the cutters, and a rake to move the grain off to one side.

In 1822, Ogle, also of England, was the first to invent the reciprocating knife-bar. This is the movement that has been given in all the successful machines since. Ogle’s was a crude machine, but it furnished the ideas of projecting the cutter-bar at the side of a reel to gather the grain to the cutter and of a grain platform which was tilted to drop the sheaf.

In 1822, Ogle, also from England, was the first to invent the reciprocating knife-bar. This is the movement that has been implemented in all successful machines since. Ogle’s machine was basic, but it introduced the concepts of extending the cutter-bar to the side of a reel to collect the grain for cutting and a grain platform that tilted to release the sheaf.

The world is indebted also to the Rev. Patrick Bell, of Scotland, who had invented and built as early as 1823-26, a machine which would cut an acre of grain in an hour, and is thus described by Knight:

The world also owes a debt to Rev. Patrick Bell from Scotland, who invented and built a machine between 1823 and 1826 that could cut an acre of grain in an hour, as described by Knight:

“The machine had a square frame on two wheels which ran loose on the axle, except when clutched thereto to give motion to the cutters. The cutter-bar had fixed triangular cutters between each of which was a movable vibrating cutter, which made a shear cut against the edge of the stationary cutter, on each side. It had a reel with twelve vanes to press the grain toward the cutters, and cause it to fall upon a travelling apron which carried away cut grain and deposited it at the side of the machine. The reel was driven by bevel-gearing.”

“The machine had a square frame on two wheels that ran loosely on the axle, except when engaged to move the cutters. The cutter-bar featured fixed triangular cutters, with a movable vibrating cutter between each one, making a shear cut against the edge of the stationary cutter on both sides. It had a reel with twelve vanes to push the grain toward the cutters and let it fall onto a moving apron that carried away the cut grain and deposited it beside the machine. The reel was powered by bevel gearing.”

It was used but a few years and then revived again at the World’s Fair in London, in 1851.

It was used for only a few years and then brought back at the World’s Fair in London in 1851.

In the United States, inventions in mowers and reapers began to make their appearance about 1820.[Pg 37] In 1822, Bailey was the first to patent a mowing machine. It was a circular revolving scythe on a vertical axis, rotated by gearing from the main axle, and so that the scythe was self-sharpened by passing under a whet-stone fixed on an axis and revolving with the scythe and was pulled by a horse in front. In 1828, Lane, of Maine, combined the reaper and thresher. In 1831, Manning had a row of fingers and a reciprocating knife, and in 1833, Schnebly introduced the idea of a horizontal endless apron on which the grain fell, constructed to travel intermittently so as to divide the grain into separate parts or gavels, and deliver the gavels at one side. Hussey, of Maryland, in 1833, produced the most useful harvester up to that time. It had open guard fingers, a knife made of triangular sections, reciprocating in the guard, and a cutter-bar on a hinged frame.

In the United States, inventions in mowers and reapers started to show up around 1820.[Pg 37] In 1822, Bailey was the first to get a patent for a mowing machine. It featured a circular revolving scythe on a vertical axis, which rotated through gearing connected to the main axle, allowing the scythe to self-sharpen by passing under a whetstone that was fixed on an axis and rotated with the scythe, and it was pulled by a horse in front. In 1828, Lane from Maine combined the reaper and thresher. In 1831, Manning developed a design with a row of fingers and a reciprocating knife, and in 1833, Schnebly introduced the concept of a horizontal endless apron where the grain would fall, designed to move intermittently to separate the grain into individual parts or gavels and deliver the gavels to one side. Hussey, from Maryland, in 1833, created the most effective harvester of that time. It had open guard fingers, a knife made of triangular sections that moved back and forth within the guard, and a cutter-bar on a hinged frame.

Then came the celebrated reaper of McCormick, of Virginia, in 1834, and his improvements of 1845-1847, and by 1850 he had built hundreds of his machines. Other inventors, too numerous to mention, from that time pushed forward with their improvements. Then came many public trials and contests between rival manufacturers and inventors.

Then came the famous reaper by McCormick, from Virginia, in 1834, along with his upgrades in 1845-1847, and by 1850, he had produced hundreds of his machines. Other inventors, too many to name, also advanced their improvements during that time. Following that, there were multiple public trials and competitions between competing manufacturers and inventors.

One of the earliest and most notable was the contest at the World’s Fair, in London, in 1851. This exhibition, the first of the kind the world had seen, giving to the nations taking part such an astonishing revelation of each other’s productions, and stimulating in each such a surprising growth in all the industrial and fine arts, revealed nothing more gratifying to the lover of his kind than those inventions of the preceding half-century that had so greatly lifted the farm labourer from his furrow of drudgery.[Pg 38]

One of the earliest and most significant events was the contest at the World’s Fair in London in 1851. This exhibition, the first of its kind in the world, provided participating nations with an incredible insight into each other’s products and inspired remarkable growth in both industrial and fine arts. It offered no greater satisfaction to those who appreciate humanity than the inventions from the previous fifty years that had greatly improved the lives of farm laborers, elevating them from their exhausting work.[Pg 38]

Among the most conspicuous of such inventions were the harvesters. Bell’s machine, previously described, and Hussey’s and McCormick’s were the principal contesting machines. They were set to work in fields of grain, and to McCormick was finally awarded the medal of honour.

Among the most noticeable of these inventions were the harvesters. Bell’s machine, which was described earlier, along with Hussey’s and McCormick’s, were the main competing machines. They were put to work in grain fields, and McCormick was ultimately awarded the medal of honor.

This contest also opened the eyes of the world to the fact that vast tracts of idle land, exceeding in extent the areas of many states and countries, could now be sown and reaped—a fact impossible with the scythe and the sickle. It was the herald of the admission into the family of nations of new territories and states, which, without these machines, would unto this day be still wild wildernesses and trackless deserts.

This contest also made the world realize that huge areas of unused land, larger than many states and countries, could now be planted and harvested—a possibility that was impossible with just a scythe and a sickle. It signaled the entry of new territories and states into the community of nations, which, without these machines, would still be wild wildernesses and barren deserts to this day.

This great trial also was followed by many others, State and International. In 1852, there was in the United States a general trial of reapers and mowers at Geneva, New York; in 1855, at the French Exposition, at Paris, where again McCormick met with a triumph; in 1857, at Syracuse, New York, and subsequently at all the great State and International Expositions. These contests served to bring out the failures, and the still-existing wants in this line of machinery. The earlier machines were clumsy. They were generally one-wheeled machines, lacked flexibility of parts and were costly. They cut, indeed, vast tracts of grain and grass, but the machines had to be followed by an army of men to bind and gather the fallen grain. This army demanded high wages and materially increased the cost of reaping the crop, and sadly diminished the profits.

This major trial was soon followed by many others, both at the state and international levels. In 1852, the United States held a general trial of reapers and mowers in Geneva, New York; in 1855, at the French Exposition in Paris, where McCormick achieved another victory; in 1857, in Syracuse, New York, and later at all the major state and international expositions. These competitions highlighted the failures and ongoing needs in this type of machinery. The earlier machines were clunky. They were typically one-wheeled, lacked flexible parts, and were expensive. While they could cut vast areas of grain and grass, they needed a large crew of workers to bind and collect the fallen grain. This workforce required high pay, significantly raising the cost of harvesting the crop and unfortunately reducing profits.

When the Vienna Exposition, in 1873, was held, a great advance was shown in this and all other classes of agricultural machinery. Reapers and mowers[Pg 39] were lighter in construction, and far less in cost, and stronger and more effective in every way. The old original machines of McCormick on which he had worked for twenty years prior to the 1851 triumph, had been succeeded by another of his machines, on which an additional twenty years of study, experiment and improvement had been expended. An endless number of inventors had in the meantime entered the lists. The frame, the motive gearing, the hinged cutter-bar and knives, the driver’s seat, the reel, the divider, for separating the swath of grain to be cut from the uncut, the raising and depressing lever, the self-raker, and the material of which all the parts were composed had all received the greatest attention, and now was awaiting the coming of a perfect mechanical binder that would roll the grain on the machine into a bundle, automatically bind it, and drop the bound bundles on the ground. The latter addition came in an incomplete shape to Vienna. The best form was a crude wire binder. In 1876 at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, the mowers and reapers blossomed still more fully, but not into full fruition; for it was not until two or three years thereafter that the celebrated twine binders, which superseded the wire, were fully developed.

When the Vienna Exposition took place in 1873, there was a significant advancement in agricultural machinery. Reapers and mowers[Pg 39] were now lighter, cheaper, stronger, and more effective than ever. The original machines by McCormick, which he had worked on for twenty years before his 1851 success, were replaced by newer versions that benefited from two additional decades of study, experimentation, and improvements. During this time, countless inventors contributed to the advancements. The design of the frame, motive gearing, hinged cutter-bar and knives, driver’s seat, reel, divider for separating cut grain from uncut, the raising and lowering lever, and the self-raker all received significant attention. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of a perfect mechanical binder that would roll the cut grain into bundles, automatically bind them, and drop the bound bundles to the ground. This innovation arrived in a partial form at the Vienna expo, with the best version being a basic wire binder. By 1876, at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, the mowers and reapers showed even more development, but were still not fully realized; it wasn’t until two or three years later that the famous twine binders, which replaced the wire, were completely developed.

Think of the almost miraculous exercise of invention in making a machine to automatically cut the grain, elevate it to a platform, separate and roll it into sheaves, seize a stout cord from a reel, wrap it about the sheaf, tie a knot that no sailor could untie, cut the cord, and throw the bound sheaf to one side upon the ground!

Imagine the almost incredible feat of creating a machine that can automatically cut the grain, lift it onto a platform, separate it, and bundle it into sheaves. It grabs a strong cord from a reel, wraps it around the sheaf, ties a knot that no sailor could ever loosen, cuts the cord, and tosses the tied sheaf to the side on the ground!

So great became the demand for this binders’ twine that great corporations engaged in its manufacture, [Pg 40]and they in turn formed a great trust to control the world’s supply. This one item of twine, alone, amounted to millions of dollars every year, and from its manufacture arose economic questions considered by legislators, and serious litigation requiring the attention of the courts.

So high was the demand for this binders' twine that major corporations got involved in making it, [Pg 40] and they eventually formed a huge trust to control the global supply. Just this one type of twine generated millions of dollars each year, leading to economic issues that lawmakers looked at and serious lawsuits that needed the courts' attention.

At this Centennial Exhibition, besides twenty or more great manufacturing firms of the United States who exhibited reapers and mowers, Canada, far-away Australia, and Russia brought each a fine machine of this wonderful class. And not only these countries, but nearly all of Europe sent agricultural machines and implements in such numbers and superior construction that they surpassed the wildest dreams of the farmer of a quarter of a century before.

At this Centennial Exhibition, in addition to twenty or more major manufacturing companies from the United States showcasing reapers and mowers, Canada, distant Australia, and Russia each presented a remarkable machine of this impressive type. Furthermore, nearly every European country contributed agricultural machines and tools in such abundance and with such high quality that they exceeded the wildest dreams of farmers from a quarter-century ago.

Up to this time, about eleven thousand patents have been granted in the United States, all presumably on separate improvements in mowers and reapers alone. This number includes, of course, many patents issued to inventors of other countries.

Up to now, around eleven thousand patents have been granted in the United States, all presumably for various improvements in mowers and reapers alone. This number also includes many patents issued to inventors from other countries.

Before leaving this branch of the subject the lawn-mower should not be overlooked, with its spiral blades on a revolving cylinder, a hand lever by which it can be pushed over a lawn and the grass cut as smooth as the green rug upon a lady’s chamber.

Before wrapping up this section, we can’t forget about the lawn mower, featuring its spiral blades on a spinning cylinder and a hand lever that allows it to be pushed across the lawn, cutting the grass as smoothly as a green rug in a lady's room.

It is the law of inventions that one invention necessitates and generates another. Thus the vastly increased facilities for cutting grass necessitated new means for taking care of it when cut. And these new means were the hay tedder to stir it, the horse hay-rake, the great hay-forks to load, and the hay-stackers. Harvesters for grass and grain have been supplemented by Corn, Cotton, Potato and Flax Harvesters.

It’s a law of inventions that one invention leads to and creates another. So, the much improved tools for cutting grass required new methods for handling it once it was cut. These new methods included the hay tedder to stir it up, the horse hay-rake, large hay-forks for loading, and hay-stackers. Grass and grain harvesters have been enhanced by Corn, Cotton, Potato, and Flax Harvesters.

The threshing-floor still resounds to the flail as the[Pg 41] grain is beaten from the heads of the stalks. Men and horses still tread it out, the wooden drag and the heavy wain with its gang of wheels, and all the old methods of threshing familiar to the Egyptians and later among the Romans may still be found in use in different portions of the world.

The threshing floor still echoes with the sound of the flail as the[Pg 41] grain is beaten off the stalks. Men and horses still work on it, along with the wooden drag and the heavy wagon with its set of wheels, and all the traditional methods of threshing known to the Egyptians and later used by the Romans are still found in various parts of the world.

Menzies of Scotland, about the middle of the eighteenth century, was the first to invent a threshing machine. It was unsuccessful. Then came Leckie, of Stirlingshire, who improved it. But the type of the modern threshing machine was the invention of a Scotchman, one Meikle, of Tyningham, East Lothian, in 1786. Meikle threw the grain on to an inclined board, from whence it was fed between two fluted rollers to a cylinder armed with blades which beat it, thence to a second beating cylinder operating over a concave grating through which the loosened grain fell to a receptacle beneath; thence the straw was carried over a third beating cylinder which loosened the straw and shook out the remaining grain to the same receptacle, and the beaten straw was then carried out of the machine. Meikle added many improvements, among which was a fan-mill by which the grain was separated and cleaned from both straw and chaff. This machine, completed and perfected about the year 1800, has seen no departure in principle in England, and in the United States the principal change has been the substitution of a spiked drum running at a higher speed for Meikle’s beater drum armed with blades.

Menzies of Scotland, around the middle of the 18th century, was the first to create a threshing machine. It didn’t work well. Then came Leckie from Stirlingshire, who made improvements. However, the modern threshing machine was invented by a Scotsman named Meikle from Tyningham, East Lothian, in 1786. Meikle designed a machine that threw the grain onto an inclined board, which then fed it between two fluted rollers to a cylinder with blades that beat the grain. This led to a second beating cylinder that worked over a grating, allowing the loosened grain to fall into a receptacle below. The straw was then carried over a third beating cylinder that loosened it and shook out any remaining grain into the same receptacle, while the beaten straw was ejected from the machine. Meikle made many enhancements, including a fan-mill to separate and clean the grain from both straw and chaff. This machine, completed and refined around the year 1800, has not changed in principle in England, and in the United States, the main modification has been replacing Meikle’s beater drum with a faster spiked drum.

In countries like California, says the U.S. Commissioner of Patents in his report for 1895, “Where the climate is dry and the grain is ready for threshing as soon as it is cut, there is in general use a type of machine known as a combined harvester and[Pg 42] thresher in which a thresher and a harvester machine of the header type are mounted on a single platform, and the heads of grain are carried directly from the harvester by elevators into the threshing machine, from which the threshed grain is delivered into bags and is then ready for shipment. Some of these machines are drawn by horses and some have a portable engine mounted on the same truck with the harvester propelling the machine, while furnishing power to drive the mechanism at the same time. Combined harvesters and threshers have been known since 1836, but they have been much improved and are now built on a much larger scale.”

In places like California, the U.S. Commissioner of Patents stated in his 1895 report, “Where the climate is dry and the grain is ready for threshing as soon as it’s cut, a type of machine called a combined harvester and[Pg 42] thresher is commonly used. This machine combines a thresher and a header-type harvester on a single platform, allowing the harvested grain to be moved directly from the harvester to the threshing machine via elevators. The threshed grain is then collected in bags and is ready for shipment. Some of these machines are pulled by horses, while others have a portable engine that’s mounted on the same truck as the harvester, providing power for the machine’s operation. Combined harvesters and threshers have been around since 1836, but they’ve seen significant improvements and are now produced on a larger scale.”

Flax-threshers for beating the grain from the bolls of the cured flax plant, removing the bolls, releasing and cleaning the seed, are also a modern invention.

Flax-threshers for beating the grain from the pods of the dried flax plant, taking off the pods, and separating and cleaning the seed are also a modern invention.

Flax and Hemp Brakes, machines by which the woody and cellular portion of the flax is separated from the fibrous portion, produced in practical shape in the century, and flanked by the improved pullers, cutters, threshers, scutchers, hackles, carders, and rovers, have supplanted Egyptian methods of 3,000 years’ standing, for preparing the flax for spinning, as well as the crude improvements of the 18th century.

Flax and hemp brakes are machines that separate the woody and cellular parts of the flax from the fibrous parts. Developed in practical forms during this century and accompanied by improved pullers, cutters, threshers, scutchers, hackles, carders, and rovers, these machines have replaced Egyptian methods that had been in use for 3,000 years for preparing flax for spinning, as well as the basic improvements from the 18th century.

After the foundation of cotton manufacture had been laid “as one of the greatest of the world’s industries,” in the 18th century by those five great English inventors, Kay, who invented the fly-shuttle, Hargreaves, the “Spinning Jenny,” Arkwright, the water-frame, Crompton, the spinning-mule, and Cartwright, the power-loom, came Eli Whitney in 1793, a young school teacher from Massachusetts located in Georgia, who invented the cotton-gin. His crude machine, worked by a single person, could clean more[Pg 43] cotton in a single day than could be done by a man in several months, by hand.

After the foundation of cotton manufacturing was established in the 18th century as one of the greatest industries in the world by five major English inventors—Kay, who created the fly-shuttle; Hargreaves, the “Spinning Jenny”; Arkwright, the water-frame; Crompton, the spinning mule; and Cartwright, the power loom—Eli Whitney, a young school teacher from Massachusetts who had moved to Georgia, invented the cotton-gin in 1793. His basic machine, operated by one person, could clean more[Pg 43] cotton in a single day than a man could do by hand in several months.

The enormous importance of such a machine began to be appreciated at the beginning of the century, and it set cotton up as a King whose dominion has extended across the seas.

The huge importance of this machine started to be recognized at the beginning of the century, elevating cotton to the status of a King whose reign has spread across the seas.

Prior to 1871, inventions in this art were mainly directed to perfecting the structure of this primary gin. By that machine only the long staple fibre was secured, leaving the cotton seed covered with a short fibre, which with the seed was regarded as a waste product. To reclaim this short fibre and secure the seed in condition for use, have been the endeavours of many inventors during the last twenty years. These objects have been attained by a machine known as the delinter, one of the first practical forms of which appeared about 1883.

Before 1871, inventions in this field focused mainly on improving the design of this basic gin. That machine only gathered the long staple fiber, leaving the cotton seed covered with short fiber, which, along with the seed, was seen as waste. For the past twenty years, many inventors have aimed to reclaim this short fiber and prepare the seed for use. These goals have been achieved by a machine called the delinter, one of the first practical versions of which emerged around 1883.

In a bulletin published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1895, entitled, “Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred Years,” the period commences with the introduction of Whitney’s saw gin, and ends with the year mentioned and with the production in that year of the largest crop the world had ever seen. No other agricultural crop commands such universal attention. Millions of people are employed in its production and manufacture. How insignificant compared with the wonder wrought by this one machine seems indeed any of the old seven wonders of the world! Although the displacement of labour occasioned by the introduction of the cotton-gin was not severely felt, as it was slave labour, yet that invention affords a good illustration of the fact that labour-saving machines increase the supply of the article, the increased supply lowers its price, the lower price increases the demand, the increased demand [Pg 44]gives rise to more machines and develops other inventions and arts, all of which results in the employment of ten thousand people to every one thousand at work on the product originally.

In a bulletin released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1895, titled “Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred Years,” the timeline starts with the introduction of Whitney’s saw gin and concludes in that year, which saw the production of the largest cotton crop the world had ever experienced. No other agricultural crop garners such widespread attention. Millions of people work in its production and manufacturing. The impact of this one machine makes the old seven wonders of the world seem utterly trivial by comparison! Although the disruption of labor caused by the introduction of the cotton gin wasn’t heavily felt, since it was slave labor, that invention serves as a great example of how labor-saving machines increase the supply of goods, which then lowers prices, leading to higher demand. The surge in demand creates the need for more machines and advances in other inventions and industries, resulting in ten thousand people employed for every one thousand working on the original product. [Pg 44]



When the harvest is ended and the golden stores of grains and fruits are gathered, then the question arises what shall be next done to prepare them for food and for shipment to the distant consumer.

When the harvest is over and the golden stash of grains and fruits is collected, the question comes up about what to do next to get them ready for food and for shipping to the faraway buyer.

If the cleaning of the grain and separating it from the chaff and dirt are not had in the threshing process, separate machines are employed for fanning and screening.

If the grain isn't cleaned and separated from the chaff and dirt during the threshing process, separate machines are used for fanning and screening.

It was only during the 18th century that fanning mills were introduced; and it is related by Sir Walter Scott in one of his novels that some of his countrymen considered it their religious duty to wait for a natural wind to separate the chaff from the wheat; that they were greatly shocked by an invention which would raise a whirlwind in calm weather, and that they looked upon the use of such a machine as rebellion against God.

It was only in the 18th century that fanning mills were introduced, and Sir Walter Scott mentions in one of his novels that some of his fellow countrymen believed it was their religious duty to wait for a natural wind to separate the chaff from the wheat. They were really shocked by a machine that could create a whirlwind in calm weather, and they viewed the use of such a device as a rebellion against God.

As to the grinding of the grain, the rudimentary means still exist, and are still used by rudimentary peoples, and to meet exceptional necessities; these are the primeval hollowed stone and mortar and pestle, and they too were “the mills of the Gods” in Egyptian, Hebrew and Early Greek days: the quern—that is, the upper running stone and the lower stationary grooved one—was a later Roman invention and can be found described only a century or two before the Christian era.[Pg 46]

As for grinding grain, basic methods still exist and are still used by simple communities and for special needs; these include the ancient hollow stone and mortar and pestle. They were also known as “the mills of the Gods” in ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek times. The quern—which is the upper rotating stone and the lower stationary grooved one—was a later Roman invention and is mentioned only a century or two before the start of the Christian era.[Pg 46]

Crude as these means were they were the chief ones used in milling until within a century and a quarter ago.

Crude as these methods were, they were the main ones used in milling until just over a hundred years ago.

In a very recent bright work published in London, by Richard Bennett and John Elton, on Corn Mills, etc., they say on this point: “The mill of the last century, that, by which, despite its imperfections, the production of flour rose from one of the smallest to one of the greatest and most valuable industries of the world, was essentially a structure of few parts, whether driven by water or wind, and its processes were exceedingly simple. The wheat was cleaned by a rude machine consisting of a couple of cylinders and screens, and an air blast passed through a pair of mill-stones, running very close together, in order that the greatest amount of flour might be produced at one grinding. The meal was then bolted, and the tailings, consisting of bran, middlings and adherent flour, again sifted and re-ground. It seems probable that the miller of the time had a fair notion of the high grade of flour ground from middlings, but no systematic method of procedure for its production was adopted.”

In a recently published book in London by Richard Bennett and John Elton about corn mills, they state: “The mill from the last century, which, despite its flaws, transformed flour production from one of the smallest to one of the largest and most valuable industries in the world, was mainly a simple structure with few parts, whether powered by water or wind, and its processes were remarkably straightforward. The wheat was cleaned using a basic machine made of a couple of cylinders and screens, and an air blast flowed through a set of millstones running very close together to maximize the flour yield in a single grind. The meal was then sifted, and the byproducts, consisting of bran, middlings, and leftover flour, were sifted again and re-ground. It seems likely that the miller of that time understood the high quality of flour produced from middlings, but there was no systematic method in place for its production.”

The upper and the nether mill-stone is still a most useful device. The “dress,” which consists of the grooves which are formed in the meeting faces of the stones, has been changed in many ways to meet the requirements in producing flour in varying degrees of fineness. Machines have been invented to make such grooves. A Swiss machine for this purpose consists of two disks carrying diamonds in their peripheries, which, being put in rapid revolution, cut parallel grooves in the face of the stone.

The upper and lower millstones are still really useful tools. The “dress,” which refers to the grooves created on the surfaces where the stones meet, has been altered in many ways to meet the needs of producing flour with different levels of fineness. Machines have been created to form these grooves. A Swiss machine for this purpose has two disks with diamonds on the edges that, when spun rapidly, cut parallel grooves into the surface of the stone.

A great advance in milling was made both in America and Europe by the inventions of Oliver[Pg 47] Evans. Evans was born in the State of Delaware, U.S., in 1755, and died in 1819. He was a poor boy and an apprentice to a wheelwright, and while thus engaged his inventive powers were developed. He had an idea of a land carriage propelled without animal power. At the age of 22 he invented a machine for making card teeth, which superseded the old method of making them by hand. Later he invented steam-engines and steam-boats, to which attention will hereafter be called. Entering into business with his brothers within the period extending from 1785 to 1800, he produced those inventions in milling which by the opening of the 19th century had revolutionised the art. A description of the most important of these inventions was published by him in 1795 in a book entitled The Young Millwright and Miller’s Grist. Patents were granted Evans by the States of Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania in 1787, and by the U.S. Government in 1790 and 1808.

A significant advancement in milling occurred in both America and Europe due to the inventions of Oliver[Pg 47] Evans. Born in Delaware, U.S., in 1755, and passing away in 1819, he came from a poor background and worked as an apprentice to a wheelwright, which helped him develop his inventive skills. He envisioned a land vehicle that didn't rely on animal power. At 22, he created a machine for manufacturing card teeth, which replaced the traditional handcrafting method. Later, he invented steam engines and steam boats, which will be referenced later. From 1785 to 1800, he went into business with his brothers and produced inventions in milling that transformed the industry by the early 19th century. He published a description of his most significant inventions in 1795 in a book titled The Young Millwright and Miller’s Grist. Patents were granted to Evans by the states of Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania in 1787, and by the U.S. government in 1790 and 1808.

As these inventions formed the basis of the most important subsequent devices of the century, a brief statement of his system is proper:

As these inventions laid the groundwork for the most significant devices of the century, a brief overview of his system is appropriate:

From the time the grain was emptied from the waggon to the final production of the finest flour at the close of the process, all manual labour was dispensed with. The grain was first emptied into a box hung on a scale beam where it was weighed, then run into an elevator which raised it to a chamber over cleaning machines through which it was passed, and reclaimed by the same means if desired; then it was run down into a chamber over the hoppers of the mill-stones; when ground it fell from the mill-stones into conveyors and as carried along subjected to the heated air of a kiln drier; then carried into a meal[Pg 48] elevator to be raised and dropped on to a cooling floor where it was met by what is called a hopper boy, consisting of a central round upright shaft revolving on a pivot, and provided with horizontal arms and sweeps adapted to be raised and lowered and turned, by which means the meal was continually stirred around, lifted and turned on the floor and then gathered on to the bolting hoppers, the bolts being cylindrical sieves of varying degrees of fineness to separate the flour from its coarser impurities, and when not bolted sufficiently, carried by a conveyor called a drill to an elevator to be dumped again into the bolting hoppers and be re-bolted. When not sufficiently ground the same drill was used to carry the meal to the grind stones. It was the design of the process to keep the meal in constant motion from first to last so as to thoroughly dry and cool it, to heat it further in the meantime, and to run the machines so slowly as to prevent the rise and waste of the flour in the form of dust.

From the moment the grain was dumped from the wagon to the final production of the best flour at the end of the process, all manual labor was eliminated. The grain was first emptied into a box hanging on a scale beam where it was weighed, then moved into an elevator that lifted it to a chamber above the cleaning machines, through which it was processed and could be reclaimed by the same means if needed; then it was sent down into a chamber above the hoppers of the millstones. Once ground, it fell from the millstones into conveyors, and as it was transported, it was subjected to the heated air of a kiln drier; it was then taken into a meal elevator to be raised and dropped onto a cooling floor where it was met by what is called a hopper boy, which consists of a central round upright shaft revolving on a pivot, equipped with horizontal arms and sweeps that could be raised and lowered and turned. This mechanism continually stirred the meal around, lifted and turned it on the floor, and then gathered it onto the bolting hoppers. The bolts were cylindrical sieves of various degrees of fineness to separate the flour from its coarser impurities, and when it wasn’t bolted enough, it was carried by a conveyor called a drill to an elevator to be dumped back into the bolting hoppers for re-bolting. If it wasn’t ground finely enough, the same drill was used to take the meal back to the grindstones. The aim of the process was to keep the meal in constant motion from start to finish to thoroughly dry and cool it, heat it further along the way, and operate the machines slowly enough to prevent the rise and waste of the flour as dust.

The Evans system, with minor modifications and improvements, was the prevailing one for three-quarters of a century. New mills, when erected, were provided with this system, and many mills in their quiet retreats everywhere awoke from their drowsy methods and were equipped with the new one.

The Evans system, with a few updates and enhancements, was the dominant standard for 75 years. New mills, when built, were outfitted with this system, and many mills in their quiet locations everywhere woke up from their outdated practices and adopted the new one.

But the whole system of milling has undergone another great change within the last thirty years:

But the entire milling system has experienced another significant change in the last thirty years:

During that time it has been learned that the coarser portion or kernel of wheat which lies next to the skin of the berry and between the skin and the heart is the most valuable and nutritious part, as it consists largely of gluten, while the interior consists of starch, which when dry becomes a pearly powder. Under the old systems this coarser part,[Pg 49] known as middlings, was eliminated, and ground for feed for cattle, or into what was regarded as an inferior grade of flour from which to make coarse bread. It was customary, therefore, under the old method to set the grinding surfaces very close with keen sharp burrs, so that this coarser part was cut off and mixed with the small particles of bran, fine fuzz and other foreign substances, which was separated from the finer part of the kernel by the bolting.

During that time, it was discovered that the coarser part or kernel of wheat that sits next to the skin of the berry and between the skin and the heart is the most valuable and nutritious part, as it contains a lot of gluten, while the interior is mostly starch, which turns into a shiny powder when dry. Under the old systems, this coarser part, [Pg 49] known as middlings, was removed and ground for cattle feed or turned into what was considered a lower grade of flour used for making coarse bread. Therefore, it was common practice under the old method to set the grinding surfaces very close with sharp burrs, so that this coarser part was cut off and mixed with small particles of bran, fine fuzz, and other impurities, which were separated from the finer part of the kernel by bolting.

The new process consists of removing the outer skin and adherent impurities from the middlings, then separating the middlings from the central finer part and then regrinding the middlings into flour.

The new process involves peeling off the outer layer and any stubborn impurities from the middlings, then separating the middlings from the finer central part, and finally regrinding the middlings into flour.

This middlings flour being superior, as stated, to what was called straight grade, it became desirable to obtain as much middlings as possible, and to this end it was necessary to set the grinding surfaces further apart so as to grind high, hence the high milling process as distinguished from low milling. For the better performance of the high rolling process, roller mills were invented. It was found that the cracking process by which the kernel could be cracked and the gluten middlings separated from the starchy heart could best be had by the employment of rollers or cylinders in place of face stones, and at the same time the heating of the product, which injures it, be avoided.

This middlings flour, being better than what was known as straight grade, made it important to get as much middlings as possible. To achieve this, it was necessary to set the grinding surfaces farther apart to grind high, thus creating the high milling process, as opposed to low milling. To improve the high rolling process, roller mills were developed. It was discovered that the cracking process, which allows the kernel to be cracked and the gluten middlings to be separated from the starchy center, works best with rollers or cylinders instead of flat stones, while also preventing the heating of the product, which can cause damage.

The rollers operate in sets, and successive crackings are obtained by passing and repassing, if necessary, the grain through these rollers, set at different distances apart. The operation on grains of different qualities, whether hard or soft, or containing more or less of the gluten middlings, or starchy parts,[Pg 50] and their minute and graded separation, thus are obtained with the greatest nicety.

The rollers work in groups, and we can achieve repeated crackings by running the grain through these rollers multiple times, set at varying distances apart. This process allows for the handling of grains with different qualities, whether they're hard or soft, or have varying amounts of gluten middlings or starchy components, and it enables precise and detailed separation of these parts.[Pg 50]

The Hungarians, the Germans, the Austrians, the Swiss, the English and the Americans have all invented useful forms of these rollers.

The Hungarians, Germans, Austrians, Swiss, English, and Americans have all created useful versions of these rollers.

This process was accompanied by the invention of new forms of middlings separators and purifiers, in which upward drafts of air are made to pass up through flat, graded shaking bolts, in an enclosed case, by which the bran specks and fuzz are lifted and conveyed away from the shaken material. In some countries, such as the great wheat state of Minnesota, U.S., where the wheat had before been of inferior market value owing to the poorer grade of flour obtained by the old processes, that same wheat was made to produce the most superior flour under the new processes, thus increasing the yearly value of the crops by many millions of dollars.

This process was accompanied by the creation of new types of middlings separators and purifiers, where upward drafts of air are directed through flat, graded shaking bolts in a closed case, which lifts and removes bran specks and fuzz from the shaken material. In some countries, like the major wheat state of Minnesota, U.S., where wheat had previously been of low market value due to the poorer quality of flour produced by old methods, that same wheat was turned into high-quality flour using the new processes, significantly boosting the annual value of the crops by millions of dollars.

Disastrous flour dust explosions in some of the great mills at Minneapolis, in 1877-78, developed the invention of dust collectors, by which the suspended particles of flour dust are withdrawn from the machinery and the mill, and the air is cleared for respiration and for the production of the finest flour, while the mill is kept closed and comfortable in cold seasons. One of the latest forms of such a collector has for its essential principle the vertical or rotatory air current, which it is claimed moves and precipitates the finest particles.

Disastrous flour dust explosions in some of the big mills in Minneapolis during 1877-78 led to the invention of dust collectors. These devices remove the flour dust particles suspended in the air from the machinery and the mill, ensuring the air is safe to breathe and allowing for the production of the highest quality flour, while also keeping the mill closed and comfortable during cold seasons. One of the latest designs of such a collector is based on the principle of vertical or rotary air currents, which are said to move and settle the finest particles.

The inventions in the class of mills have so multiplied in these latter days, that nearly every known article that needs to be cleaned and hulled, or ground, or cracked or pulverized, has its own specially designed machine. Wind and water as motive powers have been supplanted by steam and electricity. It[Pg 51] would be impossible in one volume to describe this great variety. Knight, in his Mechanical Dictionary, gives a list under “Mills,” of more than a hundred distinct machines and processes relating to grinding, hulling, crushing, pulverising and mixing products.

The number of inventions in the mill category has skyrocketed lately, so almost every item that needs cleaning, hulling, grinding, cracking, or pulverizing has its own specially designed machine. Wind and water as sources of power have been replaced by steam and electricity. It[Pg 51] would be impossible to cover this vast range in a single volume. Knight, in his Mechanical Dictionary, lists over a hundred distinct machines and processes related to grinding, hulling, crushing, pulverizing, and mixing products under “Mills.”

Vegetable Cutters.—Modern ingenuity has not neglected those more humble devices which save the drudgery of hand work in the preparation of vegetables and roots for food for man and beasts, and for use especially when large quantities are to be prepared. Thus, we find machines armed with blades and worked by springs and a lever, for chopping, others for cutting stalks, other machines for paring and slicing, such as apple and potato parers and slicers, others for grating and pulping, others for seeding fruits, such as cherries and raisins, and an entire range of mechanisms, from those which handle delicately the tenderest pod and smallest seed, to the ponderous machines for cutting and crushing the cane in sugar making.

Vegetable Cutters.—Modern innovation hasn’t overlooked the simpler tools that make the tedious task of preparing vegetables and roots for food for both people and animals easier, especially when large amounts need to be processed. For instance, there are machines equipped with blades and operated by springs and levers for chopping, others for cutting stalks, and various machines for peeling and slicing, like apple and potato peelers and slicers. There are also machines for grating and pulping, and others for removing seeds from fruits, such as cherries and raisins. This includes a whole range of devices, from those that gently handle the most delicate pod and smallest seed to heavy-duty machines for cutting and crushing cane in sugar production.

Pressing and Baling.—The want of pressing loose materials and packing bulky ones, like hay, wool, cotton, hops, etc, and other coarser products, into small, compact bales and bodies, to facilitate their transportation, was immediately felt on the great increase of such products in the century.

Pressing and Baling.—The need to compress loose materials and pack bulky items, like hay, wool, cotton, hops, and other coarser products, into small, compact bales and bundles, to make transportation easier, became urgent with the significant rise in these products during the century.

From this arose pressing and baling machines of a great variety, until nearly every agricultural product that can be pressed, packed or baled has its special machine for that operation. Besides those above indicated relating to agricultural products, we have cane presses, cheese presses, butter presses, cigar and tobacco presses, cork presses, and flour packers, fruit and lard presses, peat presses, sugar presses and[Pg 52] others. Leading mechanical principles in presses are also indicated by name, as screw presses, toggle presses, beater press, revolving press, hydraulic press, rack and pinion press, and rolling pressure press and so on.

From this came a wide range of pressing and baling machines, so that nearly every agricultural product that can be pressed, packed, or baled has its own specific machine for that job. In addition to those mentioned related to agricultural products, we have machines for pressing cane, cheese, butter, cigars and tobacco, cork, and flour, as well as fruit and lard presses, peat presses, sugar presses, and[Pg 52] others. Key mechanical principles in presses are also identified by name, including screw presses, toggle presses, beater presses, revolving presses, hydraulic presses, rack and pinion presses, and rolling pressure presses, among others.

There are the presses also that are used in compressing cotton. When it is remembered that cotton is raised in about twenty different countries, and that the cotton crop of the United States of 1897-98 was 10,897,857 bales, of about 500 lbs. each; of India, (estimated) for the same period, 2,844,000, of 400 lbs each; of China about 1,320,000, of 500 lbs each, and between two and three million bales in the other countries, it is interesting to consider how the world’s production of this enormous mass of elastic fibre, amounting to seventeen or eighteen million bales, of four and five hundred pounds each, is compressed and bound.

There are presses that are used to compress cotton. It's important to note that cotton is grown in around twenty different countries, and the cotton harvest in the United States for 1897-98 was 10,897,857 bales, each weighing about 500 lbs. In India, the estimated harvest for the same period was 2,844,000 bales at 400 lbs each; in China, around 1,320,000 bales at 500 lbs each; and between two and three million bales in other countries. It’s intriguing to think about how the world’s total production of this massive amount of elastic fiber, reaching around seventeen or eighteen million bales, each weighing four to five hundred pounds, is compressed and packaged.

The screw press was the earliest form of machine used, and then came the hydraulic press. Later it has been customary to press the cotton by screw presses or small hydraulic presses at the plantation, bind it with ropes or metal bands and then transport it to some central or seaboard station where an immense establishment exists, provided with a great steam-operated press, in which the bale from the country is placed and reduced to one-fourth or one-third its size, and while under pressure new metallic bands applied, when the bale is ready for shipment. This was a gain of a remarkable amount of room on shipboard and on cars, and solved a commercial problem. But now this process, and the commercial rectangular bale, seem destined to be supplanted by roller presses set up near the plantations themselves, into which the cotton is fed directly from the gin,[Pg 53] rolled upon itself between the rollers and compressed into round bales of greater density than the square bale, thus saving a great amount of cost in dispensing with the steam and hydraulic plants, with great additional advantages in convenience of handling and cost of transportation.

The screw press was the first type of machine used, and then the hydraulic press came along. It became common to press cotton using screw presses or small hydraulic presses at the plantation, bind it with ropes or metal bands, and then transport it to a central or seaboard station where a large facility with a steam-operated press is located. There, the bale from the countryside is placed and compressed to one-fourth or one-third of its original size. While under pressure, new metallic bands are applied, making the bale ready for shipment. This greatly increased space efficiency on ships and trains and solved a commercial challenge. However, now this process, along with the commercial rectangular bale, seems likely to be replaced by roller presses set up close to the plantations themselves. Cotton is fed directly from the gin into these presses, rolled upon itself between the rollers, and compressed into round bales that are denser than square bales, significantly reducing costs by eliminating the need for steam and hydraulic systems, with added benefits in handling convenience and transportation costs.

It is so arranged also that the cotton may be rolled into clean, uniform dense layers, so that the same may be unwound at the mill and directly applied to the machines for its manufacture into fabrics, without the usual tedious and expensive preliminary operations of combing and re-rolling.

It is also set up so that the cotton can be rolled into clean, uniform, dense layers, allowing it to be unwound at the mill and used directly on the machines for fabric production, without the usual tedious and costly preliminary steps of combing and re-rolling.

It has also remained for the developed machine of the century to convert hay into an export commodity to distant countries by the baling process. Bale ties themselves have received great attention from inventors, and the most successful have won fortunes for their owners.

It has also fallen to the advanced machinery of the century to turn hay into an export product for faraway countries through the baling process. The bale ties themselves have garnered significant focus from inventors, and the most effective designs have made their creators wealthy.

Most ingenious machines have been devised for picking cotton in the fields, but none have yet reached that stage of perfection sufficient to supplant the human fingers.

Most clever machines have been created for picking cotton in the fields, but none have yet reached a level of perfection enough to replace human fingers.

Fruits and Foods.—To prepare and transport fruits in their natural state to far distant points, while preserving them from decay for long times, is, in the large way demanded by the world’s great appetites, altogether a success of modern invention.

Fruits and Foods.—Preparing and transporting fruits in their natural state to far-off places while keeping them from spoiling for long periods is, given the enormous demand from the world's appetites, a complete triumph of modern innovation.

To gather the fruit without bruising by mechanical pickers, and then to place the fruit, oranges for instance, in the hands of an intelligent machine which will automatically, but delicately and effectually, wrap the same in a paper covering, and discharge them without harm, are among the recent inventive wonders. In the United States alone 67[Pg 54] patents had been granted up to 1895 for fruit wrapping machines.

To pick the fruit without damaging it using mechanical harvesters, and then to put the fruit, like oranges for example, into the hands of a smart machine that will automatically, yet gently and effectively, wrap it in a paper covering and deliver it safely, are some of the recent amazing inventions. In the United States alone, 67[Pg 54] patents had been granted by 1895 for fruit wrapping machines.

Inventions relating to drying and evaporating fruit, and having for their main object to preserve as much as possible the natural taste and colour of the fruit, have been numerous. Spreading the fruit in the air and letting the sun and air do the rest is now a crude process.

Inventions related to drying and evaporating fruit, aimed at preserving the natural taste and color as much as possible, have been plentiful. Simply laying the fruit out in the air and relying on the sun and air to do the work is now seen as a basic method.

These are the general types of drying and evaporating machines:

These are the main types of drying and evaporating machines:

First, those in which trays of fruit are placed upon stationary ledges within a heated chamber; second, those in which the trays are raised and lowered by mechanical means toward or farther from the source of heat as the drying progresses; third, those in which the fruit is placed in imperforate steam jacketed pans. Many improvements, of course, have been made in detail of form, in ventilation, the supplying and regulating of heat and the moving of trays.

First, there are those that have trays of fruit set on fixed ledges inside a heated room; second, those where the trays are moved up and down by machines closer to or farther from the heat source as they dry; third, those where the fruit is placed in solid steam-jacketed pans. Many improvements, of course, have been made in the specific designs, ventilation, heating regulation, and the movement of trays.

The hermetically sealed glass or earthenware fruit jar, the lids of which can be screwed or locked down upon a rubber band, after the jar is filled and the small remainder of air drawn out by a convenient steam heater, now used by the million, is an illustration of the many useful modern contrivances in this line.

The airtight glass or ceramic fruit jar, which can be screwed or locked down with a rubber band after it's filled and had most of the air removed by a handy steam heater, now widely used, is an example of the many practical modern inventions in this area.

Sterilisation.—In preserving, the desirability of preventing disease and keeping foods in a pure state has developed in the last quarter of a century many devices by which the food is subjected to a steam heat in chambers, and, by devices operated from the outside, the cans or bottles are opened and shut while still within the steam-filled chamber.

Sterilization.—In food preservation, the need to prevent disease and keep foods pure has led to the development of many devices in the last 25 years. These devices expose food to steam heat in chambers, and with mechanisms operated from outside, the cans or bottles are opened and closed while still inside the steam-filled chamber.

Diastase.—By heating starchy matters with substances [Pg 55]containing diastase, a partial transformation is effected, which will materially shorten and aid its digestion, and this fact has been largely made use of in the preparation of soluble foods, especially those designed for infants and invalids, such as malted milk and lactated food.

Diastase.—By heating starchy materials with substances containing diastase, a partial transformation occurs, which significantly shortens and helps with digestion. This fact has been widely utilized in the preparation of soluble foods, especially those intended for infants and invalids, like malted milk and lactated food.

Milkers.—Invention has not only been exercised in the preservation and transportation of milk, but in the task of milking itself. Since 1860 inventors have been seeking patents for milkers, some having tubes operated by air-pumps, others on the same principle in which the vacuum is made to increase and decrease or pulsate, and others for machines in which the tubes are mechanically contracted by pressure plates.

Milkers.—Innovations have not only been focused on preserving and transporting milk but also on the actual process of milking. Since 1860, inventors have been applying for patents for milkers, with some using tubes powered by air pumps, others employing a method that creates a vacuum which can increase, decrease, or pulse, and still others utilizing machines where tubes are mechanically squeezed by pressure plates.

Slaughtering.—Great improvements have been made in the slaughtering of animals, by which a great amount of its repulsiveness and the unhealthfulness of its surroundings have been removed. These improvements relate to the construction of proper buildings and appliances for the handling of the animals, the means for slaughtering, and modes of taking care of the meat and transporting the same. Villages, towns, and even many cities, are now relieved of the formerly unsavoury slaughter-houses, and the work is done from great centres of supply, where meats in every shape are prepared for food and shipment.

Slaughtering.—There have been significant advancements in the slaughtering of animals, which have greatly reduced its unpleasantness and the unhealthy conditions surrounding it. These advancements involve building proper facilities and equipment for handling the animals, methods for slaughtering, and ways to care for and transport the meat. Villages, towns, and even many cities are now free from the old, unsanitary slaughterhouses, and the work is done at major supply centers, where various types of meat are prepared for food and shipping.

It would be impossible in a bulky volume, much less in a single chapter, to satisfactorily enumerate those thousands of inventions which, taking hold of the food products of the earth, have spread them as a feast before the tribes of men.

It would be impossible in a large book, let alone in a single chapter, to adequately list the thousands of inventions that have transformed the food products of the earth into a feast for humanity.

Tobacco.—Some of the best inventive genius of the century has been exercised in providing for man’s[Pg 56] comfort, not a food, but what he believes to be a solace.

Tobacco.—Some of the greatest creative minds of the century have worked hard to offer people’s[Pg 56] comfort, not through food, but rather what they think of as a source of relaxation.

“Sublime Tobacco! which from East to West
Cheers the tar’s labour or the Turkman’s rest.”

"Awesome Tobacco! that goes from East to West
"Satisfies the sailor's hard work or the Turkman's rest."

In the United States alone, in the year 1885, there were 752,520 acres of land devoted to the production of tobacco, the amount in pounds grown being 562,736,000, and the value of which was estimated as $43,265,598. These amounts have been somewhat less in years since then, but the appetite continues, and any deficiency in the supply is made up by enormous importation. Thus, in 1896, there were imported into the United States, 32,924,966 pounds of tobacco, of various kinds, valued at $16,503,130. There are no reliable statistics showing that, man for man, the people of that country are greater lovers of the weed than the people of other countries, but the annual value of tobacco raised and imported by them being thus about $60,000,000, it indicates the strength of the habit and the interest in the nurture of the plant throughout the world. Neither the “Counterblaste to Tobacco” of King James I., and the condemnations of kings, popes, priests and sultans, that followed its early introduction into Europe, served to choke the weed in its infancy or check its after growth. Now it is attended from the day of its planting until it reaches the lips of the consumer by contrivances of consummate skill to fit it for its destined purpose. Besides the ploughs, the cultivators and the weeders of especial forms used to cultivate the plant, there are, after the grown plant is cut in the field, houses of various designs for drying it, machines for rolling the leaves out smoothly in sheets; machines for removing [Pg 57]the stems from the leaves and for crushing the stem; machines for pressing it into shape, and for pressing it, whether solid or in granular form, into boxes, tubs and bags; machines for granulating it and for grinding it into snuff; machines for twisting it into cords; machines for flavouring the leaf with saccharine and other matters; machines for making cigars, and machines of a great variety and of the most ingenious construction for making cigarettes and putting them in packages.

In the United States alone, in 1885, there were 752,520 acres of land used for growing tobacco, producing 562,736,000 pounds, which was valued at $43,265,598. These figures have been slightly lower in the years since, but the demand remains strong, and any shortfall in supply is covered by massive imports. For example, in 1896, the U.S. imported 32,924,966 pounds of various types of tobacco worth $16,503,130. There are no solid statistics showing that Americans love tobacco more than people in other countries, but with the annual value of tobacco grown and imported being around $60,000,000, it indicates a strong habit and interest in cultivating the plant worldwide. Neither King James I's "Counterblaste to Tobacco," nor the condemnations from various kings, popes, priests, and sultans that followed its introduction to Europe, succeeded in stifling its early growth or subsequent popularity. Now, from planting to reaching the consumer, tobacco is handled with advanced techniques to prepare it for its intended use. In addition to the specialized plows, cultivators, and weeders used to grow the plant, there are various types of buildings for drying the harvested tobacco, machines to roll leaves flat into sheets, machines to separate stems from leaves and to crush the stems, machines to shape and pack the tobacco whether solid or granular into boxes, tubs, and bags, machines for granulating and grinding it into snuff, machines for twisting it into cords, machines for flavoring the leaves with sugars and other substances, as well as an array of innovative machines for making cigars and a variety of other machines for producing cigarettes and packaging them.

Samples of pipes made by different ages and by different peoples would form a collection of wonderful art and ingenuity, second only to an exhibition of the means and methods of making them.

Samples of pipes created by various cultures and time periods would make an amazing collection showcasing artistic talent and creativity, second only to an exhibit on how they were made.



Chemistry, having for its field the properties and changes of matter, has excited more or less attention ever since men had the power to observe, to think, and to experiment.

Chemistry, focusing on the properties and changes of matter, has intrigued people to varying degrees ever since humans gained the ability to observe, think, and experiment.

Some knowledge of chemistry must have existed among the ancients to have enabled the Egyptians to smelt ores and work metals, to dye their cloths, to make glass, and to preserve their dead from decomposition; so, too, to this extent among the Phœnicians, the Israelites, the Greeks and the Romans; and perhaps to a greater extent among the Chinese, who added powder to the above named and other chemical products. Aristotle speculated, and the alchemists of the middle ages busied themselves in magic and guess-work. It reached the dignity of a science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by the labours of such men, in the former century, as Libavius, Van Helmont, Glauber, Tachenius, Boyle, Lémery and Becher; Stahl, Boerhaave and Hamberg in both; and of Black, Cavendish, Lavoisier, Priestley and others in the eighteenth.

Some understanding of chemistry must have existed among ancient civilizations, allowing the Egyptians to smelt ores and work with metals, dye their fabrics, create glass, and preserve their dead from decay. This knowledge was also present, to some degree, among the Phoenicians, Israelites, Greeks, and Romans, and likely to a greater extent among the Chinese, who developed gunpowder along with the other mentioned chemical advancements. Aristotle pondered these topics, while medieval alchemists engaged in magic and trial-and-error. Chemistry gained true scientific status in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, thanks to the efforts of individuals like Libavius, Van Helmont, Glauber, Tachenius, Boyle, Lémery, and Becher in the first century, and Stahl, Boerhaave, and Hamberg in both centuries; followed by Black, Cavendish, Lavoisier, Priestley, and others in the eighteenth century.

But so great have been the discoveries and inventions in this science during the nineteenth century that any chemist of any previous age, if permitted to look forward upon them, would have felt

But the discoveries and inventions in this science during the nineteenth century have been so significant that any chemist from any previous era, if allowed to look ahead at them, would have felt

“Like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken.”

"Like someone gazing at the sky" "When a new planet appears."

Indeed, the chemistry of this century is a new world, of which all the previous discoveries in that line were but floating nebulæ.

Indeed, the chemistry of this century is a new world, where all the previous discoveries in that field were just floating clouds of possibility.

So vast and astonishingly fast has been the growth and development of this science that before the century was two-thirds through its course Watts published his Dictionary of Chemistry in five volumes, averaging a thousand closely printed pages, followed soon by a thousand-page supplement; and it would have required such a volume every year since to adequately report the progress of the science. Nomenclatures, formulas, apparatuses and processes have all changed. It was deemed necessary to publish works on The New Chemistry, and Professor J. P. Cooke is the author of an admirable volume under that title.

The growth and rapid development of this science has been so incredible that by the time two-thirds of the century had passed, Watts published his Dictionary of Chemistry in five volumes, each with about a thousand densely printed pages, soon followed by a thousand-page supplement. Since then, it would have taken a volume like that every year to properly document the advances in this field. Terminologies, formulas, equipment, and methods have all evolved. It became essential to release works on The New Chemistry, with Professor J. P. Cooke authoring an excellent volume under that name.

We can, therefore, in this chapter only step from one to another of some of the peaks that rise above the vast surrounding country, and note some of the lesser objects as they appear in the vales below.

We can, therefore, in this chapter, only move from one peak to another that towers above the expansive landscape, and take note of some of the smaller features as they appear in the valleys below.

The leading discoveries of the century which have done so much to aid Chemistry in its giant strides are the atomic and molecular theories, the mechanics of light, heat, and electricity, the correlation and conservation of forces, their invariable quantity, and their indestructibility, spectrum analysis and the laws of chemical changes.

The biggest discoveries of the century that have really helped Chemistry make huge progress are the atomic and molecular theories, the principles of light, heat, and electricity, the connection and conservation of energy, its constant amount, and its indestructibility, spectrum analysis, and the laws of chemical changes.

John Dalton, that humble child of English north-country Quaker stock, self-taught and a teacher all his life, in 1803 gave to the world his atomic theory of chemistry, whereby the existence of matter in ultimate atoms was removed from the region of the speculation of certain ancient philosophers, and established on a sure foundation.

John Dalton, a modest kid from English Quaker roots in the north, was self-taught and worked as a teacher throughout his life. In 1803, he introduced his atomic theory of chemistry to the world, moving the idea of matter existing in ultimate atoms from the realm of speculation by some ancient philosophers and putting it on a solid foundation.

The question asked and answered by Dalton was, what is the relative weight of the atoms composing the elementary bodies?[Pg 60]

The question posed and answered by Dalton was, what is the relative weight of the atoms that make up the basic elements?[Pg 60]

He discovered that one chemical element or compound can combine with another chemical element, to form a new compound, in two different proportions by weight, which stand to each other in the simple ratio of one to two; and at the same time he published a table of the Relative weight of the ultimate particles of Gaseous and other Bodies. Although the details of this table have since been changed, the principles of his discovery remain unchanged. Says Professor Roscoe:

He found that one chemical element or compound can combine with another chemical element to create a new compound in two different weight proportions, maintaining a simple ratio of one to two. At the same time, he published a table of the Relative weight of the ultimate particles of Gaseous and other Bodies. Although the details of this table have been updated over time, the principles of his discovery still hold true. Says Professor Roscoe:

“Chemistry could hardly be said to exist as a science before the establishment of the laws of combination in multiple proportions, and the subsequent progress of chemical science materially depended upon the determination of these combined proportions or atomic weights of the elements first set up by Dalton. So that among the founders of our science, next to the name of the great French Philosopher, Lavoisier, will stand in future ages the name of John Dalton, of Manchester.”

"Chemistry can barely be called a science until the laws of how substances combine in different proportions are established. The progress of chemical science heavily depended on understanding these combined proportions or atomic weights of the elements first outlined by Dalton. So, next to the name of the great French philosopher Lavoisier, future generations will remember John Dalton from Manchester as one of the founders of our science."

Less conspicuous but still eminently useful were his discoveries and labours in other directions, in the expansion of gases, evaporation, steam, etc.

Less obvious but still incredibly useful were his discoveries and work in other areas, like the expansion of gases, evaporation, steam, and so on.

Wollaston and Gay-Lussac, both great chemists, applied Dalton’s discovery to wide and most important fields in the chemical arts.

Wollaston and Gay-Lussac, both renowned chemists, applied Dalton’s discovery to various significant areas in the field of chemistry.

Also contemporaneous with Dalton was the great German chemist, Berzelius, who confirmed and extended the discoveries of Dalton. More than this, it has been said of Berzelius:

Also contemporary with Dalton was the great German chemist, Berzelius, who confirmed and expanded on Dalton's discoveries. Furthermore, it has been said of Berzelius:

“In him were united all the different impulses which have advanced the science since the beginning [Pg 61]of the present epoch. The fruit of his labors is scattered throughout the entire domain of the science. Hardly a substance exists to the knowledge of which he has not in some way contributed. A direct descendant of the school of his countryman, Bergman, he was especially renowned as an analyst. No chemist has determined by direct experiment the composition of a greater number of substances. No one has exerted a greater influence in extending the field of analytical chemistry.”

“He embodied all the different motivations that have pushed science forward since the start of this era. The impact of his work is seen throughout the entire field of science. There’s hardly a substance he hasn’t influenced in some way. A direct heir to the school of his fellow countryman, Bergman, he was especially recognized as an analyst. No chemist has identified the composition of more substances through direct experimentation, and no one has had a bigger influence on the growth of analytical chemistry.”

As to light, the great Huygens, the astronomer and mathematician, the improver of differential calculus and of telescopes, the inventor of the pendulum clock, chronometers, and the balance wheel to the watch, and discoverer of the laws of the double refraction of light and of polarisation, had in the 17th century clearly advanced the idea that light was propagated from luminous bodies, not as a stream of particles through the air but in waves or vibrations of ether, which is a universal medium extending through all space and into all bodies. This fundamental principle now enters into the explanation of all the phenomena of light.

When it comes to light, the great Huygens, the astronomer and mathematician who improved differential calculus and telescopes, invented the pendulum clock, chronometers, and the balance wheel for watches, and discovered the laws of double refraction and polarization of light, clearly proposed in the 17th century that light travels from luminous objects not as a stream of particles through the air, but in waves or vibrations of ether, a universal medium that fills all space and penetrates all materials. This fundamental principle now plays a key role in explaining all light phenomena.

Newton in the next century, with the prism, decomposed light, and in a darkened chamber reproduced all the colours and tints of the rainbow. But there were dark lines in that beam of broken sunlight which Newton did not notice.

Newton, in the next century, used a prism to break down light and, in a dark room, recreated all the colors and shades of the rainbow. However, there were dark lines in that beam of refracted sunlight that Newton didn’t see.

It was left to Joseph von Fraunhofer, a German optician, and to the 19th century, and nearly one hundred years after Newton’s experiments with the prism, to discover, with finer prisms that he had made, some 590 of these black lines crossing the solar spectrum. What they were he did not know, but conjectured [Pg 62]that they were caused by something which existed in the sun and stars and not in our air. But from that time they were called Fraunhofer’s dark lines.

It was left to Joseph von Fraunhofer, a German optician, in the 19th century—nearly one hundred years after Newton’s experiments with prisms—to discover, using the finer prisms he had created, about 590 of these dark lines crossing the solar spectrum. He didn't know what they were, but he speculated[Pg 62]that they were caused by something present in the sun and stars, not in our atmosphere. From that point on, they became known as Fraunhofer’s dark lines.

From the vantage ground of these developments we are now enabled to step to that mountain peak of discovery from which the sun and stars were looked into, their elements portrayed, their very motions determined, and their brotherhood with the earth, in substance, ascertained.

From the perspective of these developments, we can now ascend to that mountain peak of discovery from which we have examined the sun and stars, mapped their elements, determined their movements, and confirmed their connection with the earth in terms of substance.

The great discovery of the cause of Fraunhofer’s dark bands in the broken sunlight was made by Gustave Robert Kirchoff, a German physician, in his laboratory in Heidelberg, in 1860, in conjunction with his fellow worker, Robert Bunsen.

The major discovery of what caused Fraunhofer’s dark bands in the scattered sunlight was made by Gustave Robert Kirchhoff, a German scientist, in his lab in Heidelberg, in 1860, together with his colleague, Robert Bunsen.

Kirchoff happened to let a solar ray pass through a flame coloured with sodium, and through a prism, so that the spectrum of the sun and the flame fell one upon another. It was expected that the well known yellow line of sodium would come out in the solar spectrum, but it was just the opposite that took place. Where the bright yellow line should have fallen appeared a dark line.

Kirchoff happened to let a ray of sunlight pass through a flame colored with sodium and then through a prism, so that the spectrum of the sun and the flame overlapped. It was expected that the well-known yellow line of sodium would appear in the solar spectrum, but the opposite happened. Instead of the bright yellow line showing up, there was a dark line where it should have been.

With this observation was coupled the reflection that heat passes from a body of a higher temperature to one of a lower, and not inversely. Experiments followed: iron, sodium, copper, etc., were heated to incandescence and their colours prismatically separated. These were transversed with the same colours of other heated bodies, and the latter were absorbed and rendered black. Kirchoff then announced his law that all bodies absorb chiefly those colours which they themselves emit. Therefore these vapours of the sun which were rendered in black lines were so produced by crossing terrestrial vapors of the same nature.[Pg 63]

With this observation came the realization that heat travels from hotter objects to cooler ones, not the other way around. Experiments followed: iron, sodium, copper, and others were heated until they glowed, and their colors were separated using a prism. These were then overlaid with the same colors from other heated objects, which were absorbed and turned black. Kirchoff then stated his law that all bodies primarily absorb the colors they emit themselves. Thus, the black lines observed in the sun’s spectrum were created by overlapping terrestrial vapors of the same type.[Pg 63]

Thus by the prism and the blowpipe were the same substances found in the sun, the stars, and the earth. The elements of every substance submitted to the process were analysed, and many secrets in the universe of matter were revealed.

Thus by the prism and the blowpipe, the same substances found in the sun, the stars, and the earth were identified. The elements of every substance put through the process were analyzed, and many secrets in the universe of matter were uncovered.

Young, of America, invented a splendid combination of spectroscope and telescope, and Huggins of England was the first to establish by spectrum analysis the approach and retreat of the stars.

Young, from America, created an impressive combination of a spectroscope and a telescope, and Huggins, from England, was the first to use spectrum analysis to determine how stars are moving closer or farther away.

It was prior to this time that those wonderful discoveries and labours were made which developed the true nature of heat, which demonstrated the kinship and correlation of the forces of Nature, their conservation, or property of being converted one into another, and the indestructibility of matter, of which force is but another name.

It was before this time that those amazing discoveries and efforts were made that revealed the true nature of heat, showed the connections and relationships between the forces of Nature, their conservation, or the ability to be converted from one form to another, and the indestructibility of matter, which is just another way to refer to force.

The first demonstrations as to the nature of heat were given by the American Count Rumford, and then by Sir Humphry Davy, just at the close of the 18th century, and then followed in this the brilliant labours and discoveries of Mayer and Helmholtz of Germany, Colding of Denmark, and Joule, Grove, Faraday, Sir William Thomson of England, of Henry, Le Conte and Martin of America, as to the correlation and convertibility of all the forces.

The first demonstrations about the nature of heat were made by American Count Rumford, followed by Sir Humphry Davy, right at the end of the 18th century. This was followed by the impressive work and discoveries of Mayer and Helmholtz from Germany, Colding from Denmark, and Joule, Grove, Faraday, Sir William Thomson from England, along with Henry, Le Conte, and Martin from America, concerning the interconnection and convertibility of all forces.

The French revolution, and the Napoleonic wars, isolating France and exhausting its resources, its chemists were appealed to devote their genius and researches to practical things; to the munitions of war, the rejuvenation of the soil, the growing of new crops, like the sugar beet, and new manufacturing products.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars isolated France and drained its resources. Chemists were called upon to use their talent and research for practical purposes: developing weapons, revitalizing the soil, cultivating new crops like sugar beets, and creating new industrial products.

Lavoisier had laid deep and broad in France the foundations of chemistry, and given the science nomenclature that lasted a century. So that the suc[Pg 64]ceeding great teachers, Berthollet, Guyton, Fourcroy and their associates, and the institutions of instruction in the sciences fostered by them, and inspired in that direction by Napoleon, bent their energies in material directions, and a tremendous impulse was thus given to the practical application of chemistry to the arts and manufactures of the century.

Lavoisier established a solid foundation for chemistry in France and created a system of naming that lasted for a century. This allowed the next great educators, Berthollet, Guyton, Fourcroy, and their colleagues, along with the educational institutions they supported and those inspired by Napoleon, to focus their efforts on practical applications. This shift led to a significant boost in applying chemistry to the arts and industries of the time.

The same spirit, to a less extent, however, manifested itself in England, and as early as 1802 we find Sir Humphry Davy beginning his celebrated lectures on the Elements of Agricultural Chemistry before a board of agriculture, a work that has passed through many editions in almost every modern language.

The same spirit, though to a lesser degree, was seen in England, and as early as 1802 we see Sir Humphry Davy starting his famous lectures on the Elements of Agricultural Chemistry before an agricultural board, a work that has been published in many editions in almost every modern language.

When the fact is recalled that agricultural chemistry embraces the entire natural science of vegetable and animal production, and includes, besides, much of physics, meteorology and geology, the extent and importance of the subject may be appreciated; and yet such appreciation was not manifested in a practical manner until the 19th century. It was only toward the end of the 18th century that the vague and ancient notions that air, water, oil and salt formed the nutrition of plants, began to be modified. Davy recognized and explained the beneficial fertilizing effects of ammonia, and analysed and explained numerous fertilizers, including guano. It is due to his discoveries and publications, combined with those of the eminent men on the continent, above referred to, that agricultural chemistry arose to the dignity of a science. The most brilliant, eloquent and devoted apostle of that science who followed Davy was Justus von Liebig of Germany, who was born in Darmstadt in 1803, the year after Davy commenced[Pg 65] his lectures in England. It was in response to the British Association for the Advancement of Science that he gave to the world his great publications on Chemistry in its application to Agriculture, Commerce, Physiology, and Pathology, from which great practical good resulted the world over. One of his favorite subjects was that of fermentation, and this calls up the exceedingly interesting discoveries in the nature of alcohol, yeast, mould—aging malt, wines and beer—and their accompanying beneficial results.

When you consider that agricultural chemistry covers the entire field of natural sciences related to plant and animal production, alongside areas like physics, meteorology, and geology, you can truly appreciate the scope and significance of the subject. However, this appreciation didn’t manifest practically until the 19th century. It was only near the end of the 18th century that the vague and ancient ideas that air, water, oil, and salt were the nutrition for plants started to change. Davy recognized and explained the positive fertilizing effects of ammonia and analyzed various fertilizers, including guano. Thanks to his discoveries and publications, along with those of other prominent figures in Europe, agricultural chemistry gained recognition as a legitimate science. The most brilliant, passionate, and dedicated follower of this science after Davy was Justus von Liebig from Germany, who was born in Darmstadt in 1803, the year after Davy started his lectures in England. In response to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, he presented his significant works on Chemistry in its application to Agriculture, Commerce, Physiology, and Pathology, which brought substantial practical benefits worldwide. One of his favorite topics was fermentation, which leads to fascinating discoveries about the nature of alcohol, yeast, mold—aging malt, wines, and beer—and their beneficial outcomes.

In one of Huxley’s charming lectures—such as he delighted to give before a popular audience—delivered in 1871, at Manchester, on the subject of “Yeast,” he tells how any liquid containing sugar, such as a mixture of honey and water, if left to itself undergoes the peculiar change we know as fermentation, and in the process the scum, or thicker muddy part that forms on top, becomes yeast, carbonic acid gas escapes in bubbles from the liquid, and the liquid itself becomes spirits of wine or alcohol. “Alcohol” was a term used until the 17th century to designate a very fine subtle powder, and then became the name of the subtle spirit arising from fermentation. It was Leeuwenhoek of Holland who, two hundred years ago, by the use of a fine microscope he invented, first discovered that the muddy scum was a substance made up of an enormous multitude of very minute grains floating separately, and in lumps and in heaps, in the liquid. Then, in the next century the Frenchman, Cagniard de la Tour, discovered that these bodies grew to a certain size and then budded, and from the buds the plant multiplied; and thus that this yeast was a mass of living plants, which received in science the name[Pg 66] of “torula,” that the yeast plant was a kind of fungus or mould, growing and multiplying. Then came Fabroni, the French chemist, at the end of the 18th century, who discovered that the yeast plant was of bag-like form, or a cell of woody matter, and that the cell contained a substance composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. This was a vegeto-animal substance, having peculiarities of “animal products.”

In one of Huxley’s engaging lectures—like the ones he loved to present to popular audiences—given in 1871 in Manchester on the topic of “Yeast,” he explains how any liquid that has sugar in it, such as a mix of honey and water, if left alone, undergoes the unique process we know as fermentation. During this process, the scum, or the thicker muddy layer that forms on top, turns into yeast, carbon dioxide gas escapes in bubbles from the liquid, and the liquid itself becomes alcoholic spirits. The term “Alcohol” was used until the 17th century to refer to a very fine powder, and then it became the name for the subtle spirit that results from fermentation. It was Leeuwenhoek from Holland, two hundred years ago, who, using a fine microscope he invented, first discovered that the muddy scum was made up of countless tiny grains floating separately, in lumps, and in heaps, in the liquid. Then, in the following century, the French scientist Cagniard de la Tour discovered that these particles grew to a certain size and then budded, creating more plants from those buds; hence, this yeast was actually a collection of living organisms, which were scientifically named[Pg 66] “torula.” The yeast was identified as a type of fungus or mold, thriving and multiplying. Finally, Fabroni, a French chemist, in the late 18th century, found that the yeast organism had a bag-like structure, or a cell made of woody material, and that this cell contained substances made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. This was a vegeto-animal substance, bearing characteristics of “animal products.”

Then came the great chemists of the 19th century, with their delicate methods of analysis, and decided that this plant in its chief part was identical with that element which forms the chief part of our own blood. That it was protein, a substance which forms the foundation of every animal organism. All agreed that it was the yeast plant that fermented or broke up the sugar element, and produced the alcohol. Helmholtz demonstrated that it was the minute particles of the solid part of the plant that produced the fermentation, and that such particles must be growing or alive, to produce it. From whence sprang this wonderful plant—part vegetable, part animal? By a long series of experiments it was found that if substances which could be fermented were kept entirely closed to the outer air, no plant would form and no fermentation take place. It was concluded then, and so ascertained, that the torulae in the plant proceeded from the torulae in the atmosphere, from “gay motes that people the sunbeams.” Concerning just how the torulae broke up or fermented the sugar, great chemists have differed.

Then came the great chemists of the 19th century, with their precise methods of analysis, and determined that this plant largely consisted of the same element that makes up most of our own blood. It was protein, a substance that forms the basis of every animal organism. Everyone agreed that it was the yeast plant that fermented or broke down the sugar, producing alcohol. Helmholtz showed that it was the tiny particles of the solid part of the plant that caused fermentation, and that these particles needed to be alive or growing to do so. From where did this amazing plant—part vegetable, part animal—come? Through a long series of experiments, it was discovered that if substances that could be fermented were completely sealed off from the outside air, no plant would develop and no fermentation would occur. It was concluded, and confirmed, that the torulae in the plant originated from the torulae in the atmosphere, from "tiny specks that dance in the sunlight." Regarding exactly how the torulae broke down or fermented the sugar, great chemists have had differing opinions.

After the discovery that the yeast was a plant having cells formed of the pure matter of wood, and containing a semi-fluid mass identical with the composition which constitutes the flesh of animals, came[Pg 67] the further discovery that all plants, high and low, are made up of the same kind of cells, and their contents. Then this remarkable result came out, that however much a plant may otherwise differ from an animal, yet, in essential constituents the cellular constructure of animal and plant is the same. To this substance of energy and life, common in the minute plant cell and the animal cell, the German botanist, Hugo von Mohl, about fifty years ago gave the name “protoplasm.” Then came this astounding conclusion, that this protoplasm being common to both plant and animal life, the essential difference consisted only in the manner in which the cells are built up and are modified in the building.

After discovering that yeast is a plant made up of cells formed from pure wood matter and containing a semi-fluid mass similar to what makes up animal flesh, came[Pg 67] the additional finding that all plants, big and small, consist of the same type of cells and their contents. This led to the surprising outcome that, no matter how much a plant may differ from an animal overall, the essential components of their cellular structure are the same. To this vital substance of energy and life, found in both plant and animal cells, the German botanist Hugo von Mohl named “protoplasm” about fifty years ago. From this, the incredible conclusion emerged that this protoplasm, being common to both plant and animal life, means the essential difference lies only in how the cells are constructed and modified during development.

And from that part of these great discoveries which revealed the fact that the sugary element was infected, as it were, from the germs of the air, producing fermentation and its results, arose that remarkable theory of many diseases known as the “germ theory.” And, as it was found in the yeast plant that only the solid part or particle of the plant germinated fermentation and reaction, so, too, it has been found by the germ theory that only the solid particle of the contagious matter can germinate or grow the disease.

And from the discoveries that showed how sugar was contaminated by germs in the air, leading to fermentation and its effects, came the impressive theory of many diseases known as the “germ theory.” Just as it was discovered that only the solid part of yeast caused fermentation and reactions, the germ theory also found that only the solid particle of contagious material can cause or spread disease.

In this unfolding of the wonders of chemistry in the nineteenth century, the old empirical walls between forces and organisms, and organic and inorganic chemistry, are breaking down, and celestial and terrestrial bodies and vapours, living beings, and growing plants are discovered to be the evolution of one all-pervading essence and force. One is reminded of the lines of Tennyson:

In this exploration of the wonders of chemistry in the nineteenth century, the traditional barriers between forces and living things, as well as between organic and inorganic chemistry, are coming down. It's revealed that celestial and earthly bodies, vapors, living creatures, and growing plants are all manifestations of one all-encompassing essence and force. One is reminded of the lines of Tennyson:

“Large elements in order brought
And tracts of calm from tempest made,
[Pg 68] And world fluctuation swayed
In vassal tides that followed thought.

One God, one law, one element,
And one far-off divine event
To which the whole creation moves.”

"Major forces in order brought" And places of peace were created from chaos,
[Pg 68] And the world's highs and lows swayed. In supporting waves that came after thought.

One God, one law, one power,
And one far-off divine event "To which all of creation is drawn."

In the class of alcohol and in the field of yeast, the work of Pasteur, begun in France, has been followed by improvements in methods for selecting proper ferments and excluding improper ones, and in improved processes for aging and preserving alcoholic liquors by destroying deleterious ferments. Takamine, in using as ferment, koji, motu and moyashi, different forms of mould, and proposing to do entirely away with malt in the manufacture of beer and whiskey, has made a noteworthy departure. Manufacturing of malt by the pneumatic process, and stirring malt during germination, are among the improvements.

In the field of alcohol and yeast, Pasteur's work in France has led to better methods for choosing the right ferments and getting rid of the wrong ones, as well as enhanced processes for aging and preserving alcoholic drinks by eliminating harmful ferments. Takamine has made a significant change by using koji, motu, and moyashi—different types of molds—as ferments and suggesting to completely eliminate malt in the production of beer and whiskey. Advances like producing malt using a pneumatic process and stirring malt during germination are also part of these improvements.

Carbonating.—The injecting of carbonic acid gas into various waters to render them wholesome, and also into beers and wines during fermentation, and to save delay and prevent impurities, are decided improvements.

Carbonating.—The process of adding carbonic acid gas to different types of water to make them safe to drink, as well as to beers and wines during fermentation, to speed up the process and avoid contamination, are significant advancements.

The immense improvements and discoveries in the character of soils and fertilisers have already been alluded to. Hundreds of instruments have been invented for measuring, analysing, weighing, separating, volatilising and otherwise applying chemical processes to practical purposes.

The huge advancements and discoveries in the nature of soils and fertilizers have already been mentioned. Hundreds of tools have been created for measuring, analyzing, weighing, separating, vaporizing, and otherwise using chemical processes for practical purposes.

To the chemistry of the century the world is indebted for those devices and processes for the utilisation and manufacture of many useful products from the liquids and oils, sugar from cane and beets, revivifying bone-black, centrifugal machinery for refining sugar, in defecating it by chemicals and heat,[Pg 69] in evaporating it in pans, in separating starch and converting it into glucose, etc.

To the chemistry of the century, the world owes a debt for the devices and processes used to create and utilize many valuable products from liquids and oils, producing sugar from cane and beets, revitalizing bone char, using centrifugal machinery to refine sugar, treating it with chemicals and heat, evaporating it in pans, separating starch, and converting it into glucose, etc.[Pg 69]

Oils and Fats.—Up to within this century the vast amount of cotton seed produced with that crop was a waste. Then by the process, first of steaming the seed and expressing the oil, now by the process of extraction by the aid of volatile solvents, and casting off the solvents by distillation, an immensely valuable product has been obtained.

Oils and Fats.—Until this century, the huge amount of cottonseed produced alongside that crop was considered waste. However, through the process of steaming the seeds and extracting the oil, and now also by using volatile solvents for extraction and removing those solvents through distillation, we have obtained an incredibly valuable product.

The utilising of oils in the manufacture of oilcloth and linoleum and rubber, has become of great commercial value. Formerly sulphur was the vulcanising agent, now chloride of sulphur has been substituted for pure sulphur.

The use of oils in making oilcloth, linoleum, and rubber has become highly valuable commercially. In the past, sulfur was the vulcanizing agent, but now sulfur chloride has replaced pure sulfur.

Steam and the distillation processes have been applied with great success to the making of glycerine from fat and from soap underlye and in extracting fat from various waste products.

Steam and distillation processes have been successfully used to produce glycerin from fat and soap residue, as well as to extract fat from various waste materials.

Bleaching and Dyeing.—Of course these arts are very old, but the old methods would not be recognised in the modern processes; and those who lived before the century knew nothing of the magnificent colours, and certain essences, and sweet savours that can be obtained from the black, hand-soiling pieces of coal. In the making of illuminating gas, itself a finished chemical product of the century, a vast amount of once wasted products, especially coal tar, are now extensively used; and from coal tar and the residuum of petroleum oils, now come those splendid aniline dyes which have produced such a revolution in the world of colours. The saturation of sand by a dye and its application to fabrics by an air blast; the circulation of the fluid colors, or of fluids for bleaching or drying, or oxidising, through perforated cylinders or cops on which the cloths are[Pg 70] wound; devices for the running of skeins through dyes, the great improvements in carbon dyes and kindred colours, the processes of making the colours on the fibre, and the perfumes made by the synthetic processes, are among the inventions in this field.

Bleaching and Dyeing.—These techniques are very old, but the traditional methods wouldn’t be recognized in today’s processes; people before this century had no idea about the amazing colors, unique essences, and pleasant scents that can be derived from the soot of coal. In the production of illuminating gas, a refined chemical product of this century, a huge amount of what used to be waste products, especially coal tar, is now widely utilized; and from coal tar and leftover petroleum oils come those incredible aniline dyes that have revolutionized the color world. The process of saturating sand with dye and applying it to fabrics using air blasts; circulating liquid colors, or fluids for bleaching, drying, or oxidizing, through perforated cylinders or cops where the fabrics are[Pg 70] wound; systems for running skeins through dyes, major advancements in carbon dyes and related colors, the methods of applying colors to fibers, and fragrances created through synthetic processes are some of the innovations in this field.

The space that a list of the new chemical products of this age and their description would fill, has already been indicated by reference to the great dictionary of Watts. Some of the electro-chemical products will be hereinafter referred to in the Chapter on Electricity, and the chemistry of Metallurgy will be treated under the latter topic.

The space that a list of the new chemical products of this age and their descriptions would take up has already been mentioned in relation to the comprehensive dictionary by Watts. Some of the electro-chemical products will be discussed in the Chapter on Electricity, and the chemistry of Metallurgy will be covered under that topic.

Electro-chemical Methods.—Space will only permit it to be said that these methods are now employed in the production of a large number of elements, by means of which very many of them which were before mere laboratory specimens, have now become cheap and useful servants of mankind in a hundred different ways; such as aluminium, that light and non-corrosive metal, reduced from many dollars an ounce a generation ago, to 30 and 40 cents a pound now; carborundum, largely superseding emery and diamond dust as an abradant; artificial diamonds; calcium carbide, from which the new illuminating acetylene gas is made; disinfectants of many kinds; pigments, chromium, manganese, and chlorates by the thousand tons. The most useful new chemical processes are those used in purifying water sewage and milk, in electroplating metals and other substances, in the application of chemicals to the fine arts, in extracting grease from wool, and the making of many useful products from the waste materials of the dumps and garbage banks.

Electro-chemical Methods.—There isn't enough space to detail everything, but these methods are now used to produce a wide range of elements, transforming many that were once just lab samples into affordable and useful materials for people in countless ways. For example, aluminum, that lightweight and non-corrosive metal, has dropped from several dollars an ounce a generation ago to 30 or 40 cents a pound today; carborundum is now mainly used instead of emery and diamond dust for abrasion; artificial diamonds have been created; calcium carbide is used to produce the new illuminating acetylene gas; and various disinfectants, pigments, chromium, manganese, and chlorates are produced by the thousands of tons. The most beneficial new chemical processes include those used to purify water, sewage, and milk, in electroplating metals and other materials, in applying chemicals to the fine arts, in extracting grease from wool, and in creating many useful products from the waste materials of dumps and garbage sites.

Medicines and Surgery.—One hundred years ago, the practice of medicine was, in the main, empirical.[Pg 71] Certain effects were known to usually follow the giving of certain drugs, or the application of certain measures, but why or how these effects were produced, was unknown. The great steps forward have been made upon the true scientific foundation established by the discoveries and inventions in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology. The discovery of anaesthetics and their application in surgery and the practice of medicine, no doubt constitutes the leading invention of the century in this field.

Medicines and Surgery.—A hundred years ago, the practice of medicine was mostly based on observation. [Pg 71] Certain effects were commonly known to result from the use of specific drugs or treatments, but the reasons or mechanisms behind these effects were not understood. Significant progress has been made on the solid scientific foundation laid by discoveries and innovations in physics, chemistry, and biology. The discovery of anesthetics and their use in surgery and medical practice undoubtedly stands as the most important invention of the century in this field.

Sir Humphry Davy suggested it in 1800, and Dr. W. T. Morton was the first to apply an anaesthetic to relieve pain in a surgical operation, which he did in a hospital in Boston in 1846. Both its original suggestion and application were also claimed by others.

Sir Humphry Davy proposed it in 1800, and Dr. W. T. Morton was the first to use an anesthetic to relieve pain during a surgical operation, which he did in a hospital in Boston in 1846. Both the original idea and its use were also claimed by others.

Not only relief from intense pain to the patient during the operation, but immense advantages are gained by the long and careful examination afforded of injured or diseased parts, otherwise difficult or impossible in a conscious patient.

Not only does it provide relief from severe pain for the patient during the operation, but it also allows for a thorough examination of injured or diseased areas that would otherwise be hard or even impossible to assess in a conscious patient.

The exquisite pain and suffering endured previous to the use of anaesthetics often caused death by exhaustion. Many delicate operations can now be performed for the relief of long-continued diseases which before would have been hazardous or impossible. How many before suffered unto death long-drawn-out pain and disease rather than submit to the torture of the knife! How many lives have been saved, and how far advanced has become the knowledge of the human body and its painful diseases, by this beneficent remedy!

The intense pain and suffering experienced before the use of anesthetics often led to death from exhaustion. Many delicate surgeries can now be performed to relieve long-term diseases that would have previously been risky or impossible. How many people suffered to the point of death from prolonged pain and illness rather than endure the torment of surgery! How many lives have been saved, and how much has our understanding of the human body and its painful diseases advanced because of this helpful treatment!

Inventions in the field of medicine consist chiefly in those innumerable compositions and compounds which have resulted from chemical discoveries. Gelatine capsules used to conceal unpalatable remedies[Pg 72] may be mentioned as a most acceptable modern invention in this class. Inventions and discoveries in the field of surgery relate not only to instrumentalities but processes. The antiseptic treatment of wounds, by which the long and exhausting suppuration is avoided, is among the most notable of the latter. In instruments vast improvements have been made; special forms adapted for operation in every form of injury; in syringes, especially hypodermic, those used for subcutaneous injections of liquid remedies; inhalers for applying medicated vapours and devices for applying volatile anaesthetics, and devices for atomising and spraying liquids. In the United States alone about four thousand patents have been granted for inventions in surgical instruments.

Inventions in medicine are mainly about the countless compositions and compounds that have come from chemical discoveries. Gelatin capsules used to hide unpleasant medicines[Pg 72] are a great example of a modern invention in this area. Inventions and discoveries in surgery involve not just instruments but also processes. The antiseptic treatment of wounds, which prevents long and exhausting infections, is one of the most significant advancements. There have been huge improvements in instruments as well; there are specialized forms made for all kinds of injuries, hypodermic syringes for subcutaneous injections of liquid medicines, inhalers for delivering medicated vapors, and devices for administering volatile anesthetics, as well as tools for atomizing and spraying liquids. In the United States alone, around four thousand patents have been issued for inventions in surgical instruments.

Dentistry.—This art has been revolutionised during the century. Even in the time of Herodotus, one special set of physicians had the treatment of teeth; and artificial teeth have been known and used for many ages, but all seems crude and barbarous until these later days. In addition to the use of anaesthetics, improvements have been made in nearly every form of dental instruments, such as forceps, dental engines, pluggers, drills, hammers, etc., and in the means and materials for making teeth. Later leading inventions have reference to utilising the roots of destroyed teeth as supports on which to form bridges to which artificial teeth are secured, and to crowns for decayed teeth that still have a solid base.

Dentistry.—This field has changed dramatically over the past century. Even back in Herodotus’s time, there was a specific group of doctors who focused on dental care; artificial teeth have been known and used for a long time, but everything seemed crude and primitive until recently. Besides the introduction of anesthetics, nearly every aspect of dental tools has improved, including forceps, dental drills, pluggers, hammers, and more, along with advancements in the materials used to create teeth. More recent innovations involve using the roots of damaged teeth as support for bridges holding artificial teeth and crowns for decayed teeth that still have a solid foundation.

There exists no longer the dread of the dentist’s chair unless the patient has neglected too long the visit. Pain cannot be all avoided, but it is ameliorated; and the new results in workmanship in the saving and in the making of teeth are vast improvements over the former methods.

There’s no longer a fear of the dentist’s chair unless the patient has put off the visit for too long. While pain can't be completely avoided, it is lessened; and the new techniques in dental work for preserving and creating teeth are major improvements over the old methods.


Steam and steam engines.

“Soon shall thy arm, unconquered steam! afar
Drag the slow barge, or drive the rapid car;
Or in wide waving wings expanded bear
The flying chariot through the field of air.”

"Before long, your unstoppable steam will be far away
Pull the slow barge or push the fast car; Or with broad, extended wings, carry
"The flying chariot in the open sky."

Thus sang the poet prophet, the good Dr. Darwin of Lichfield, in the eighteenth century. Newcomen and Watt had not then demonstrated that steam was not unconquerable, but the hitching it to the slow barge and the rapid car was yet to come. It has come, and although the prophecy is yet to be rounded into fulfilment by the driving of the “flying chariot through the field of air,” that too is to come.

Thus sang the poet prophet, the good Dr. Darwin of Lichfield, in the eighteenth century. Newcomen and Watt had not yet shown that steam was conquerable, but attaching it to the slow barge and the fast train was still in the future. It has arrived, and although the prophecy hasn’t fully come true with the “flying chariot through the field of air,” that too is on the way.

The prophecy of the doctor poet was as suggestive of the practical means of carrying it into effect as were all the means proposed during the first seventeen centuries of the Christian Era for conquering steam and harnessing it as a useful servant to man.

The prediction of the doctor poet was just as practical in suggesting ways to make it happen as all the ideas proposed in the first seventeen centuries of the Christian Era for mastering steam and using it as a helpful tool for humanity.

Toys, speculations, dreams, observations, startling experiments, these often constitute the framework on which is hung the title of Inventor; but the nineteenth century has demanded a better support for that proud title. He alone who first transforms his ideas into actual work and useful service in some field of man’s labor, or clearly teaches others to do so, is now recognised as the true inventor. Tested by this rule there was scarcely an inventor in the[Pg 74] field of steam in all the long stretches of time preceding the seventeenth century. And if there were, they had no recording scribes to embalm their efforts in history.

Toys, ideas, dreams, observations, and surprising experiments often make up the foundation for earning the title of Inventor. However, the nineteenth century required a stronger basis for that esteemed title. Now, only those who first turn their ideas into tangible work and practical contributions in some area of human endeavor, or clearly teach others to do the same, are recognized as true inventors. By this standard, there was hardly an inventor in the[Pg 74] field of steam throughout the long periods leading up to the seventeenth century. And if there were, they lacked the documented records to preserve their achievements for history.

We shall never know how early man learned the wonderful power of the spirit that springs from heated water. It was doubtless from some sad experience in ignorantly attempting to put fetters on it.

We will never know how early humans discovered the amazing power of the spirit that comes from heated water. It was probably a result of some unfortunate experience trying to control it without understanding.

The history of steam as a motor generally commences with reference to that toy called the aeolipile, described by Hero of Alexandria in a treatise on pneumatics about two centuries before Christ, and which was the invention of either himself or Ctesibius, his teacher.

The history of steam as a power source typically starts with a toy known as the aeolipile, described by Hero of Alexandria in a treatise on pneumatics about two centuries before Christ, which was invented either by him or by his teacher Ctesibius.

This toy consisted of a globe pivoted on two supports, one of which was a communicating pipe leading into a heated cauldron of water beneath. The globe was provided with two escape pipes on diametrically opposite sides and bent so as to discharge in opposite directions. Steam admitted into the globe from the cauldron escaped through the side pipes, and its pressure on these pipes caused the globe to rotate.

This toy was made up of a globe mounted on two supports, one of which was a pipe connecting to a heated cauldron of water underneath. The globe had two exit pipes on opposite sides, bent to release steam in different directions. Steam from the cauldron entered the globe and escaped through the side pipes, and the pressure from the steam caused the globe to spin.

Hero thus demonstrated that water can be converted into steam and steam into work.

Hero showed that water can turn into steam and steam can be used to create work.

Since that ancient day Hero’s apparatus has been frequently reinvented by men ignorant of the early effort, and the principle of the invention as well as substantially the same form have been put into many practical uses. Hero in his celebrated treatise described other devices, curious siphons and pumps. Many of them are supposed to have been used in the performance of some of the startling religious rites at the altars of the Greek priests.

Since that ancient day, Hero's device has been reinvented many times by people who are unaware of the original effort, and both the principle of the invention and its overall design have been applied in many practical ways. In his famous treatise, Hero described various devices, including interesting siphons and pumps. Many of them are believed to have been used in some of the impressive religious rituals at the altars of the Greek priests.

From Hero’s day the record drops down to the middle ages, and still it finds progress in this art[Pg 75] confined to a few observations and speculations. William of Malmesbury in 1150 wrote something on the subject and called attention to some crude experiments he had heard of in Germany. Passing from the slumber of the middle ages, we are assured by some Spanish historians that one Blasco de Garay, in 1543, propelled a ship having paddle wheels by steam at Barcelona. But the publication was long after the alleged event, and is regarded as apocryphal.

From Hero’s time, the record moves into the middle ages, where progress in this field is still seen, though limited to a few observations and thoughts. William of Malmesbury wrote something on the topic in 1150 and highlighted some rough experiments he had heard about in Germany. Emerging from the dormancy of the middle ages, some Spanish historians claim that a man named Blasco de Garay, in 1543, moved a ship with paddle wheels using steam in Barcelona. However, the publication came long after the supposed event and is considered doubtful.

Observations became more acute in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, experiments more frequent, and publications more full and numerous.

Observations became more detailed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, experiments became more common, and publications became fuller and more numerous.

Cardan Ramelli and Leonardo da Vinci, learned Italians, and the accomplished Prof. Jacob Besson of Orleans, France, all did much by their writings to make known theoretically the wonderful powers of steam, and to suggest modes of its practical operation, in the latter part of the sixteenth century.

Cardan Ramelli and Leonardo da Vinci, knowledgeable Italians, along with the skilled Prof. Jacob Besson from Orleans, France, significantly contributed through their writings to the theoretical understanding of the amazing powers of steam and proposed ways to put it into practical use in the late sixteenth century.

Giambattista della Porta, a gentleman of Naples, possessing high and varied accomplishments in all the sciences as they were known at that day, 1601, and who invented the magic-lantern and camera obscura, in a work called Spiritalia, described how steam pressure could be employed to raise a column of water, how a vacuum was produced by the condensation of steam in a closed vessel, and how the condensing vessel should be separated from the boiler. Revault in France showed in 1605 how a bombshell might be exploded by steam.

Giambattista della Porta, a gentleman from Naples, was highly skilled and knowledgeable in all the sciences known at the time, 1601. He invented the magic lantern and the camera obscura. In a work called Spiritalia, he explained how steam pressure could be used to lift a column of water, how a vacuum could be created by condensing steam in a closed container, and how to separate the condensing container from the boiler. Revault in France demonstrated in 1605 how steam could explode a bombshell.

Salomon de Caus, engineer and architect to Louis XIII, in 1615 described how water might be raised by the expansion of steam.

Salomon de Caus, engineer and architect to Louis XIII, described in 1615 how steam expansion could be used to raise water.

In 1629 the Italian, Branco, published at Rome an account of the application of a steam jet upon the[Pg 76] vanes of a small wheel to run it, and told how in other ways Hero’s engine might be employed for useful purposes.

In 1629, the Italian Branco published a report in Rome about using a steam jet on the[Pg 76] vanes of a small wheel to make it spin. He also explained how Hero's engine could be used in other practical ways.

The first English publication describing a way of applying steam appeared in 1630 in a patent granted to David Ramseye, for a mode of raising water thereby. This was followed by patents to Grant in 1632 and to one Ford in 1640. During that century these crude machines were called “fire engines.” It seems to have been common in some parts of Europe during the seventeenth century to use a blast of steam to improve the draft of chimneys and of blast furnaces. This application of steam to smoke and smelting has been frequently revived by modern inventors with much flourish of originality.

The first English publication describing a method for using steam was released in 1630 through a patent given to David Ramseye for a way to lift water. This was followed by patents to Grant in 1632 and to a man named Ford in 1640. During that century, these basic machines were known as “fire engines.” It seems to have been common in some parts of Europe during the seventeenth century to use bursts of steam to enhance the airflow in chimneys and blast furnaces. This use of steam for smoke and smelting has been often revisited by modern inventors with a lot of flair for originality.

It is with a certain feeling of delight and relief, after a prolonged search through the centuries for some evidence of harnessing this mighty agent to man’s use, that we come to the efforts of the good Marquis of Worcester—Edward Somerset. He it was who in 1655 wrote of the Inventions of the Sixteenth Century. He afterwards amplified this title by calling his book A Century of Names and Scantlings of such Inventions as at present I call to mind to have tried and perfected, etc.

It’s with a certain sense of joy and relief, after a long search through history for proof of how this powerful force can be used by humans, that we explore the work of the good Marquis of Worcester—Edward Somerset. In 1655, he wrote about the Inventions of the Sixteenth Century. He later expanded this title, calling his book A Century of Names and Scantlings of such Inventions as at present I call to mind to have tried and perfected, etc.

There are about one hundred of these “Scantlings,” and his descriptions of them are very brief but interesting. Some, if revived now and put to use, would throw proposed flying machines into the background, as they involved perpetual motion.

There are around a hundred of these “Scantlings,” and his descriptions of them are quite brief but intriguing. Some, if brought back to life and used today, would overshadow suggested flying machines, as they featured perpetual motion.

But to his honor be it said that he was the first steam-engine builder. A patent was issued to him in 1663. It was about 1668 that he built and put in successful operation at Raglan Castle at Vauxhall, near London, a steam engine to force water upward.[Pg 77] He made separate boilers, which he worked alternately, and conveyed the steam from them to a vessel in which its pressure operated to force the water up. Unfortunately he did not leave a description of his inventions sufficiently full to enable later mechanics to make and use them. He strove in vain to get capital interested and a company formed to manufacture his engines. The age of fear and speculation as to steam ceased when the Marquis set his engine to pumping water, and from that time inventors went on to put the arm of steam to work.

But to his credit, he was the first steam engine builder. He received a patent in 1663. Around 1668, he built and successfully operated a steam engine at Raglan Castle in Vauxhall, near London, to pump water upward.[Pg 77] He created separate boilers that he worked alternately and redirected the steam from them to a vessel where the pressure was used to push the water up. Unfortunately, he didn’t leave a detailed description of his inventions that would allow later engineers to replicate and use them. He tried unsuccessfully to attract investors and form a company to manufacture his engines. The era of fear and speculation about steam ended when the Marquis had his engine pumping water, and from that point on, inventors began to put steam to work.

In 1683 Sir Samuel Morland commenced the construction of the Worcester engines for use and sale; Hautefeuille of France taught the use of gas, described how gas as well as steam engines might be constructed, and was the first to propose the use of the piston. The learned writings of the great Dutch scientist and inventor, Huygens, on heat and light steam and gas, also then came forth, and his assistant, the French physicist and doctor, Denis Papin, in 1690, proposed steam as a universal motive power, invented a steam engine having a piston and a safety valve, and even a crude paddle steamer, which it is said was tried in 1707 on the river Fulda. Then in 1698 came Thomas Savery, who patented a steam engine that was used in draining mines.

In 1683, Sir Samuel Morland began building the Worcester engines for use and sale. Hautefeuille from France introduced the use of gas, explaining how gas and steam engines could be built, and was the first to suggest the use of the piston. The scholarly works of the renowned Dutch scientist and inventor, Huygens, on heat, light, steam, and gas were also published at that time, and his assistant, the French physicist and doctor, Denis Papin, proposed steam as a universal power source in 1690. He invented a steam engine with a piston and a safety valve, and even a basic paddle steamer, which is said to have been tested in 1707 on the River Fulda. Then in 1698, Thomas Savery patented a steam engine that was used for draining mines.

The eighteenth century thus commenced with a practical knowledge of the power of steam and of means for controlling and working it.

The eighteenth century began with a practical understanding of the power of steam and the methods for controlling and using it.

Then followed the combined invention of Newcomen, Cawley and Savery, in 1705, of the most successful pumping engine up to that time. In this engine a cylinder was employed for receiving the steam from a separate boiler. There was a piston in the cylinder driven up by the steam admitted below[Pg 78] it, aided by a counterpoise at one end of an engine beam. The steam was then cut off from the boiler and condensed by the introduction beneath the piston of a jet of water, and the condensed steam and water drawn off by a pipe. Atmospheric pressure forced the piston down. The piston and pump rods were connected to the opposite ends of a working beam of a pumping engine, as in some modern engines. Gauge cocks to indicate the height of water, and a safety valve to regulate the pressure of steam, were employed. Then came the ingenious improvement of the boy Humphrey Potter, connecting the valve gear with the engine beam by cords, so as to do automatically what he was set to do by hand, and the improvement on that of the Beighton plug rod. Still further improved by others, the Newcomen engine came into use through out Europe.

Then came the combined invention of Newcomen, Cawley, and Savery in 1705, creating the most effective pumping engine of that time. This engine used a cylinder to receive steam from a separate boiler. A piston in the cylinder was pushed up by steam entering from below[Pg 78], assisted by a counterbalance at one end of an engine beam. The steam was then cut off from the boiler and condensed by introducing a jet of water beneath the piston, allowing the condensed steam and water to be drained away through a pipe. Atmospheric pressure forced the piston down. The piston and pump rods were linked to opposite ends of a working beam of the pumping engine, similar to some modern engines. Gauge cocks were used to indicate water levels, and a safety valve regulated steam pressure. An innovative improvement by a boy named Humphrey Potter connected the valve gear to the engine beam with cords, automating a task he previously had to do manually, which built on the Beighton plug rod enhancement. With further improvements by others, the Newcomen engine became widely used throughout Europe.

Jonathan Hulls patented in England in 1736 a marine steam engine, and in 1737 published a description of a Newcomen engine applied to his system for towing ships. William Henry, of Pennsylvania, tried a model steamboat on the Conestoga river in 1763.

Jonathan Hulls patented a marine steam engine in England in 1736, and the following year he published a description of a Newcomen engine used in his system for towing ships. In 1763, William Henry from Pennsylvania tested a model steamboat on the Conestoga River.

This was practically the state of the art, in 1763, when James Watt entered the field. His brilliant inventions harnessed steam to more than pumping engines, made it a universal servant in manifold industries, and started it on a career which has revolutionized the trade and manufactures of the world.

This was practically the cutting edge, in 1763, when James Watt entered the scene. His brilliant inventions used steam for more than just pumping engines, turning it into a versatile helper across various industries and kickstarting its impact, which has transformed global trade and manufacturing.

To understand what the nineteenth century has done in steam motive power we must first know what Watt did in the eighteenth century, as he then laid the foundation on which the later inventions have all been built.

To grasp what the nineteenth century achieved in steam power, we first need to understand what Watt accomplished in the eighteenth century, as he established the foundation on which all later inventions were built.

Taking up the crude but successful working en[Pg 79]gine of Newcomen, a model of which had been sent to him for repairs, he began an exhaustive study of the properties of steam and of the means for producing and controlling it. He found it necessary to devise a new system.

Taking on the basic but effective working engine of Newcomen, a model of which had been sent to him for repairs, he started a thorough study of the properties of steam and the methods for producing and controlling it. He realized he needed to come up with a new system.

Watt saw that the alternate heating and cooling of the cylinder made the engine work slowly and caused an excessive consumption of steam. He concluded that “the cylinder should always be as hot as the steam that entered it.” He therefore closed the cylinder and provided a separate condensing vessel into which the steam was led after it raised the piston. He provided an air-tight jacket for the cylinder, to maintain its heat. He added a tight packing in the cylinder-head for the piston-rod to move through, and a steam-tight stuffing-box on the top of the cylinder. He caused the steam to alternately enter below and above the piston and be alternately condensed to drive the piston down as well as up, and this made the engine double-acting, increasing its power and speed. He converted the reciprocating motion of the piston into a rotary motion by the adoption of the crank, and introduced the well-known parallel motion, and many other improvements. In short, he demonstrated for the first time by a practical and efficient engine that the expansive force of steam could be used to drive all ordinary machinery. He then secured his inventions by patents against piracy, and sustained them successfully in many a hard-fought battle. It had taken him the last quarter of the 18th century to do all these things.

Watt noticed that the alternating heating and cooling of the cylinder made the engine run slowly and used too much steam. He concluded that “the cylinder should always be as hot as the steam that entered it.” So, he sealed the cylinder and added a separate condensing vessel for the steam to go into after it lifted the piston. He designed an airtight jacket for the cylinder to keep its heat. He also included a tight packing in the cylinder head for the piston rod to move through and a steam-tight stuffing box at the top of the cylinder. He made the steam enter alternately below and above the piston and be condensed alternately to push the piston down and up, making the engine double-acting, which boosted its power and speed. He transformed the back-and-forth motion of the piston into rotary motion by using a crank, introduced the well-known parallel motion, and made many other improvements. In short, he proved for the first time with a practical and efficient engine that the expansive force of steam could power all standard machinery. He then protected his inventions with patents against theft and defended them successfully in many tough battles. It took him the last quarter of the 18th century to accomplish all of this.

Watt was the proper precursor of the nineteenth century inventions, as in him were combined the power and attainments of a great scientist and the genius of a great mechanic. The last eighteen years[Pg 80] of his life were passed in the 19th century, and he was thus enabled to see his inventions brought within its threshold and applied to those arts which have made this age so glorious in mechanical achievements.

Watt was the true forerunner of the innovations of the nineteenth century, as he combined the power and skills of a great scientist with the talent of an exceptional mechanic. The last eighteen years[Pg 80] of his life were spent in the 19th century, allowing him to witness his inventions enter this era and be used in the fields that have made this age so remarkable in mechanical achievements.

Watt so fitly represents the class of modern great inventors in his character and attainments that the description of him by Sir Walter Scott is here pertinent as a tribute to that class, and as a delineation of the general character of those benefactors of his race of which he was so conspicuous an example:—

Watt perfectly embodies the modern great inventors through his character and achievements, making Sir Walter Scott's description of him relevant as a tribute to that group and as a portrayal of the overall character of those who benefited humanity, of which he was such a prominent example:—

Says Sir Walter:—

Says Sir Walter:—

“Amidst this company stood Mr. Watt, the man whose genius discovered the means of multiplying our national resources to a degree, perhaps, even beyond his own stupendous powers of calculation and combination; bringing the treasures of the abyss to the summit of the earth—giving to the feeble arm of man the momentum of an Afrite—commanding manufactures to rise—affording means of dispensing with that time and tide which wait for no man—and of sailing without that wind which defied the commands and threats of Xerxes himself. This potent commander of the elements—this abridger of time and space—this magician, whose cloudy machinery has produced a change in the world, the effects of which, extraordinary as they are, are perhaps only beginning to be felt—was not only the most profound man of science, the most successful combiner of powers and calculator of numbers, as adapted to practical purposes, was not only one of the most generally well-informed, but one of the best and kindest of human beings.”

“In this group was Mr. Watt, the man whose genius found a way to multiply our national resources to a level that might even outshine his own incredible skills in calculation and innovation; bringing treasures from the depths to the highest heights—giving the weak arm of man the strength of a giant—driving industries to expand—allowing us to navigate life without being held back by time and tide that waits for no one—and sailing without the wind that once disregarded the commands and threats of Xerxes himself. This powerful controller of the elements—this reducer of time and space—this magician, whose complex machinery has transformed the world, with effects that, as remarkable as they are, may only just be beginning to be felt—was not only the most insightful scientist, the most successful unifier of forces and practical mathematician, but also one of the most knowledgeable and kindest individuals.”

The first practical application of steam as a work[Pg 81]ing force was to pumping, as has been stated. After Watt’s system was devised, suggestions and experiments as to road locomotives and carriages were made, and other applications came thick and fast. A French officer, Cugnot, in 1769 and 1770, was the first to try the road carriage engine. Other prominent Frenchmen made encouraging experiments on small steamboats—followed in 1784-86 by James Rumsey and John Fitch in America in the same line. Watt patented a road engine in 1784. About the same time his assistant, Murdock, completed and tried a model locomotive driven by a “grasshopper” engine. Oliver Evans, the great American contemporary of Watt, had in 1779 devised a high-pressure non-condensing steam engine in a form still used. In 1786-7 he obtained in Pennsylvania and Maryland patents for applying steam to driving flour mills and propelling waggons. Also about this time, Symington, the Scotchman, constructed a working model of a steam carriage, which is still preserved in the museum at South Kensington, London. Symington and his fellow Scotchmen, Miller and Taylor, in 1788-89 also constructed working steamboats. In 1796 Richard Trevithick, a Cornish marine captain, was producing a road locomotive. The century thus opened with activity in steam motive power. The “scantlings” of the Marquis of Worcester were now being converted into complete structures. And so great was the activity and the number of inventors that he is a daring man who would now decide priority between them. The earliest applications in this century of steam power were in the line of road engines.

The first practical use of steam as a working force was for pumping, as mentioned earlier. After Watt developed his system, there were plenty of ideas and experiments regarding road locomotives and carriages, with more applications coming in quickly. A French officer, Cugnot, was the first to attempt a road carriage engine in 1769 and 1770. Other notable French innovators also made promising experiments with small steamboats, followed in 1784-86 by James Rumsey and John Fitch in America. Watt patented a road engine in 1784. Around the same time, his assistant, Murdock, completed and tested a model locomotive powered by a “grasshopper” engine. Oliver Evans, a great American contemporary of Watt, designed a high-pressure, non-condensing steam engine in 1779, which is still in use today. In 1786-7, he secured patents in Pennsylvania and Maryland for using steam to drive flour mills and move wagons. Likewise, around this period, Symington, a Scotsman, built a working model of a steam carriage, which is now on display at the museum in South Kensington, London. In 1788-89, Symington and his fellow Scotsmen, Miller and Taylor, also created functioning steamboats. By 1796, Richard Trevithick, a Cornish marine captain, was producing a road locomotive. Thus, the century began with a surge in steam power innovation. The “scantlings” of the Marquis of Worcester were now being transformed into complete structures. There was such a flurry of activity and so many inventors that it would be bold to claim priority among them. The earliest applications of steam power in this century focused on road engines.

On Christmas eve of 1801, Trevithick made the initial trip with the first successful steam road loco[Pg 82]motive through the streets of Camborne in Cornwall, carrying passengers. In one of his trips he passed into the country roads and came to a tollgate through which a frightened keeper hastily passed him without toll, hailing him as the devil.

On Christmas Eve of 1801, Trevithick made the first successful trip with the first steam road locomotive through the streets of Camborne in Cornwall, carrying passengers. During one of his trips, he went onto the country roads and came to a tollgate, where a scared tollkeeper quickly let him pass without charging a toll, calling him the devil.

Persistent efforts continued to be made to introduce a practical steam road carriage in England until 1827. After Trevithick followed Blenkinsop, who made a locomotive which ran ten miles an hour. Then came Julius Griffith, in 1821, of Brompton, who patented a steam carriage which was built by Joseph Bramah, one of the ablest mechanics of his time. Gordon, Brunton and Gurney attempted a curious and amusing steam carriage, resembling a horse in action—having jointed legs and feet, but this animal was not successful. Walter Hancock, in 1827, was one of the most persistent and successful inventors in this line; but bad roads and an unsympathetic public discouraged inventors in their efforts to introduce steam road carriages, and their attention was turned to the locomotive to run on rails or tracks especially prepared for them. Wooden and iron rails had been introduced a century before for heavy cars and wagons in pulling loads from mines and elsewhere, but when at the beginning of the century it had been found that the engines of Watt could be used to drag such loads, it was deemed necessary to make a rail having its top surface roughened with ridges and the wheels of the engine and cars provided with teeth or cogs to prevent anticipated slipping.

Persistent efforts continued to introduce a practical steam road carriage in England until 1827. After Trevithick came Blenkinsop, who created a locomotive that ran at ten miles an hour. Then, in 1821, Julius Griffith from Brompton patented a steam carriage built by Joseph Bramah, one of the most skilled mechanics of his time. Gordon, Brunton, and Gurney tried to create an interesting and entertaining steam carriage that mimicked a horse in motion—complete with jointed legs and feet—but this design wasn't successful. Walter Hancock, in 1827, was one of the most determined and successful inventors in this area; however, poor road conditions and an unsupportive public disheartened inventors, leading them to focus on locomotives that could operate on specially prepared rails or tracks. Wooden and iron rails had been used a century earlier for heavy cars and wagons to transport loads from mines and other locations, but when it was discovered at the beginning of the century that Watt's engines could pull these loads, it became necessary to create a rail with a roughened top surface featuring ridges, and to modify the wheels of the engine and cars with teeth or cogs to prevent slipping.

In England, Blackett and George Stephenson discovered that the adhesion of smooth wheels to smooth rails was sufficient. Without overlooking the fact that William Hendley built and operated a locomotive[Pg 83] called the Puffing Billy in 1803, and Hackworth one a little later, yet to the genius of Stephenson is due chiefly the successful introduction of the modern locomotive. His labours and inventions continued from 1812 for twenty years, and culminated at two great trials: the first one on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1829, when he competed with Hackworth and Braithwaite and Ericsson, and with the Rocket won the race; and the second at the opening of the same road in 1830, when with the Northumbrian, at the head of seven other locomotives and a long train of twenty-eight carriages, in which were seated six hundred passengers, he ran the train successfully between the two towns.

In England, Blackett and George Stephenson found that smooth wheels could grip smooth rails well enough. While it's important to mention that William Hendley built and operated a locomotive[Pg 83] called the Puffing Billy in 1803, and Hackworth built one a bit later, the credit for the successful launch of the modern locomotive primarily goes to Stephenson. His work and innovations lasted from 1812 for twenty years, culminating in two major trials: the first on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1829, where he raced against Hackworth, Braithwaite, and Ericsson with the Rocket and won; and the second at the opening of the same railway in 1830, when he drove the Northumbrian at the front of seven other locomotives and a long train of twenty-eight carriages, carrying six hundred passengers between the two towns.

On this occasion Mr. Huskisson, Home Secretary in the British Cabinet, while the cars were stopping to water the engines, and he was out on the track talking with the Duke of Wellington, was knocked down by one of the engines and had one of his legs crushed. Placed on board of the Northumbrian, it was driven at the rate of thirty-six miles an hour by Stephenson to Eccles. Mr. Huskisson died there that night. This was its first victim, and the greatest speed yet attained by a locomotive.

On this occasion, Mr. Huskisson, the Home Secretary in the British Cabinet, was out on the track talking with the Duke of Wellington while the cars stopped to water the engines. He was knocked down by one of the engines and had one of his legs crushed. He was placed on board the Northumbrian, which was driven at a speed of thirty-six miles an hour by Stephenson to Eccles. Mr. Huskisson died there that night. He was the first victim of this situation, and the fastest speed achieved by a locomotive at that time.

The year 1829 therefore can be regarded as the commencement of the life of the locomotive for transportation of passengers. The steam blast thrown into the smokestack by Hackworth, the tubular boiler of Seguin and the link motion of Stephenson were then, as they now are, the essential features of locomotives.

The year 1829 can be seen as the start of the locomotive era for passenger transportation. The steam blast sent into the smokestack by Hackworth, Seguin's tubular boiler, and Stephenson's link motion were, just like today, the key components of locomotives.

In the meantime America had not been idle. The James Watt of America, Oliver Evans, in 1804 completed a flat-bottomed boat to be used in dredging at the Philadelphia docks, and mounting it on wheels[Pg 84] drove it by its own steam engine through the streets to the river bank. Launching the craft, he propelled it down the river by using the same engine to drive the paddle wheels. He gave to this engine the strange name of Oruktor Amphibolos.

In the meantime, America was busy. Oliver Evans, the James Watt of America, completed a flat-bottomed boat in 1804 for dredging at the Philadelphia docks. He mounted it on wheels[Pg 84] and drove it through the streets to the riverbank using its own steam engine. After launching the craft, he propelled it down the river using the same engine to power the paddle wheels. He gave this engine the unusual name of Oruktor Amphibolos.

John C. Stevens of New Jersey was, in 1812, urging the legislature of the State of New York to build railways, and asserting that he could see nothing to hinder a steam carriage from moving with a velocity of one hundred miles an hour. In 1829 George Stephenson in England had made for American parties a locomotive called The Stourbridge Lion, which in that year was brought to America and used on the Delaware and Hudson R. R. by Horatio Allen. Peter Cooper in the same year constructed a locomotive for short curves, for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

John C. Stevens from New Jersey was, in 1812, encouraging the New York State legislature to build railways, and claimed that he saw no reason a steam engine couldn't travel at one hundred miles per hour. In 1829, George Stephenson in England created a locomotive named The Stourbridge Lion for American interests, which was brought to America that same year and operated on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad by Horatio Allen. Also in that year, Peter Cooper built a locomotive designed for tight curves for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

Returning now to steam navigation:—Symington again entered the field in 1801-2 and constructed for Lord Dundas a steamboat, named after his wife, the Charlotte Dundas, for towing on a canal, which was successfully operated.

Returning now to steam navigation:—Symington again entered the field in 1801-2 and built a steamboat for Lord Dundas, named after his wife, the Charlotte Dundas, for towing on a canal, which was successfully operated.

Robert Fulton, an American artist, and subsequently a civil engineer, built a steamboat on the Seine in 1803, assisted by R. Livingston, then American Minister to France. Then in 1806 Fulton, having returned to the United States, commenced to build another steamboat, in which he was again assisted by Livingston, and in which he placed machinery made by Boulton and Watt in England. This steamboat, named the Clermont, was 130 ft. long, 18 ft. beam, 7 ft. depth and 160 tons burden. It made its first trip on the Hudson, from New York to Albany and return, in August, 1807, and subsequently made regular trips. It was the first com[Pg 85]mercially successful steamboat ever made, as George Stephenson’s was the first commercially successful locomotive. In the meantime Col. John Stevens of New Jersey was also at work on a steamboat, and had in 1804 built such a boat at his shops, having a screw propeller and a flue boiler. Almost simultaneously with Fulton he brought out the Phœnix, a side-wheel steamer having hollow water lines and provided with feathering paddle wheels, and as Fulton and Livingston had a monopoly of the Hudson, Stevens took his boat by sea from New York around to Delaware bay and up the Delaware river. This was in 1808, and was the first sea voyage ever made by a steam vessel.

Robert Fulton, an American artist who later became a civil engineer, built a steamboat on the Seine in 1803, with help from R. Livingston, who was then the American Minister to France. In 1806, after returning to the United States, Fulton started constructing another steamboat, again with support from Livingston. This time, he used machinery made by Boulton and Watt in England. This steamboat, named the Clermont, measured 130 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, 7 ft. deep, and had a capacity of 160 tons. It made its first trip on the Hudson, traveling from New York to Albany and back, in August 1807, and later began regular service. It was the first commercially successful steamboat ever created, just as George Stephenson’s was the first commercially successful locomotive. Meanwhile, Col. John Stevens of New Jersey was also working on a steamboat and had built one at his shop in 1804, which featured a screw propeller and a flue boiler. Almost at the same time as Fulton, he launched the Phœnix, a side-wheel steamer with hollow water lines and feathering paddle wheels. Since Fulton and Livingston had a monopoly on the Hudson River, Stevens took his boat by sea from New York to Delaware Bay and up the Delaware River. This happened in 1808 and marked the first sea voyage ever made by a steam vessel.

Transatlantic steamship navigation was started in 1819. A Mr. Scarborough of Savannah, Ga., in 1818 purchased a ship of about three hundred and fifty tons burden, which was named the Savannah. Equipped with engine and machinery it steamed out of New York Harbour on the 27th day of March, 1819, and successfully reached Savannah, Georgia. On the 20th of May in the same year she left Savannah for Liverpool, making the trip in 22 days. From Liverpool she went to Copenhagen, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Cronstadt and Arundel, and from the latter port returned to Savannah, making the passage in twenty-five days.

Transatlantic steamship navigation began in 1819. A man named Mr. Scarborough from Savannah, Georgia, purchased a ship weighing about three hundred and fifty tons in 1818, and he named it the Savannah. With an engine and machinery, it set sail from New York Harbor on March 27, 1819, and successfully arrived in Savannah, Georgia. On May 20 of the same year, it departed from Savannah for Liverpool, completing the journey in 22 days. From Liverpool, it traveled to Copenhagen, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Cronstadt, and Arundel, and then returned to Savannah, making the passage in twenty-five days.

But Scottish waters, and the waters around other coasts of the British Islands, had been traversed by steamboats before this celebrated trip of the Savannah. Bell’s steamboat between Glasgow and Greenock in 1812 was followed by five others in 1814; and seven steamboats plied on the Thames in 1817.

But Scottish waters, and the waters around other coasts of the British Islands, had been traveled by steamboats before this famous trip of the Savannah. Bell’s steamboat between Glasgow and Greenock in 1812 was followed by five more in 1814; and seven steamboats operated on the Thames in 1817.

So the locomotives and the steamboats and steamships continued to multiply, and when the first forty years of the century had been reached the Iron Horse[Pg 86] was fairly installed on the fields of Europe and America, and the rivers and the oceans were ploughed by its sisters, the steam vessels.

So the trains, steamboats, and steamships kept multiplying, and by the end of the first forty years of the century, the Iron Horse[Pg 86] was well established across Europe and America, while its counterparts, the steamboats, were navigating the rivers and oceans.

It was in 1840 that the famous Cunard line of transatlantic steamers was established, soon followed by the Collins line and others.

It was in 1840 that the well-known Cunard line of transatlantic steamers was created, quickly followed by the Collins line and others.

A few years before, John C. Stevens in America and John Ericsson in England had brought forward the screw propeller; and Ericsson was the first to couple the engine to the propeller shaft. It succeeded the successful paddle wheels of Fulton in America and Bell in England.

A few years earlier, John C. Stevens in America and John Ericsson in England had introduced the screw propeller; and Ericsson was the first to connect the engine to the propeller shaft. It followed the successful paddle wheels of Fulton in America and Bell in England.

The nineteenth century is the age of kinetic energy: the energy of either solid, liquid, gaseous or electrical matter transformed into useful work.

The nineteenth century is the era of kinetic energy: the energy from solid, liquid, gas, or electrical matter turned into useful work.

It has been stated by that eminent specialist in steam engineering, Prof. R. H. Thurston, that “the steam engine is a machine which is especially designed to transform energy originally dormant or potential into active and useful available kinetic energy;” and that the great problem in this branch of science is “to construct a machine which shall in the most perfect manner possible convert the kinetic energy of heat into mechanical power, the heat being derived from the combustion of fuel, and steam being the receiver and conveyor of that heat.”

It has been said by the well-known expert in steam engineering, Prof. R. H. Thurston, that “the steam engine is a machine specifically designed to turn energy that is initially dormant or potential into active and useful kinetic energy;” and that the main challenge in this field of science is “to create a machine that can most efficiently convert the kinetic energy of heat into mechanical power, with the heat coming from burning fuel, and steam acting as the medium to receive and transfer that heat.”

Watt and his contemporaries regarded heat as a material substance called “Phlogiston.” The modern kinetic theory of heat was a subsequent discovery, as elsewhere explained.

Watt and his contemporaries thought of heat as a physical substance called “Phlogiston.” The modern kinetic theory of heat was discovered later, as explained elsewhere.

The inventors of the last part of the eighteenth century and of the nineteenth century have directed their best labours to construct an engine as above defined by Thurston.

The inventors of the late eighteenth century and the nineteenth century focused their best efforts on creating a machine as defined by Thurston.

First as to the boiler: Efforts were made first to[Pg 87] get away from the little old spherical boiler of Hero. In the 18th century Smeaton devised the horizontal lengthened cylindrical boiler traversed by a flue. Oliver Evans followed with two longitudinal flues. Nathan Read of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1791, invented a tubular boiler in which the flues and gases are conducted through tubes passing through the boiler into the smokestack. Such boilers are adapted for portable stationary engines, locomotives, fire and marine engines, and the fire is built within the boiler frame. Then in the 19th century came the use of sectional boilers—a combination of small vessels instead of a large common one, increasing the strength while diminishing capacity—to obtain high pressure of steam. Then came improved weighted and other safety valves to regulate and control this pressure. The compound or double cylinder high-pressure engine of Hornblower of England, in 1781, and the high-pressure non-condensing steam engine devised by Evans in 1779, were reconstructed and improved in the early part of the century.

First, regarding the boiler: Efforts were initially made to[Pg 87]move away from the small, old spherical boiler of Hero. In the 18th century, Smeaton created the horizontal elongated cylindrical boiler with a flue running through it. Oliver Evans then introduced two longitudinal flues. In 1791, Nathan Read from Salem, Massachusetts, invented a tubular boiler where the flues and gases are directed through tubes that go through the boiler to the smokestack. These boilers are suitable for portable stationary engines, locomotives, fire engines, and marine engines, with the fire built within the boiler frame. In the 19th century, sectional boilers came into use—a combination of smaller vessels instead of one large one, increasing strength while reducing capacity to achieve high steam pressure. Then improved weighted and other safety valves were developed to regulate and control this pressure. The compound or double cylinder high-pressure engine by Hornblower in England, from 1781, and the high-pressure non-condensing steam engine designed by Evans in 1779 were reworked and enhanced in the early part of the century.

To give perfect motion and the slightest friction to the piston; to regulate the supply of steam to the engine by proper valves; to determine such supply by many varieties of governors and thus control the speed; to devise valve gear which distributes the steam through its cycles of motion by which to admit the steam alternately to each end of the steam cylinder as the piston moves backward and forward, and exhaust valves to open and close the parts through which the steam escapes; to automatically operate such valves; to condense the escaping steam and to remove the water of condensation; to devise powerful steam brakes—these are some of the important details on which inventors have exercised[Pg 88] their keenest wits. Then again the extensive inventions of the century have given rise to a great classification to designate their forms or their uses: condensing and non-condensing, high-pressure or low-pressure—the former term being applied to engines supplied with steam of 50 lbs. pressure to the square inch and upward, and the latter to engines working under 40 lbs. pressure—and the low pressure are nearly always the condensing and the high pressure the non-condensing; reciprocating and rotary—the latter having a piston attached to a shaft and revolving within a cylinder of which the axis is parallel with the axis of rotation of the piston.

To ensure smooth movement and minimal friction for the piston; to control the steam supply to the engine with appropriate valves; to adjust that supply using various types of governors to manage speed; to create valve mechanisms that distribute steam through its motion cycles, allowing steam to enter alternately at both ends of the cylinder as the piston moves back and forth, and to manage the exhaust valves that open and close to let the steam escape; to automate the operation of these valves; to condense the escaping steam and remove any condensed water; and to design powerful steam brakes—these are some crucial aspects that inventors have focused their best efforts on. Additionally, the numerous inventions of the century have led to a significant classification to identify their forms or uses: condensing and non-condensing, high-pressure or low-pressure—where the term high-pressure applies to engines using steam at 50 lbs. pressure per square inch and above, and low-pressure refers to engines operating under 40 lbs. pressure, with low-pressure engines typically being condensing and high-pressure engines usually being non-condensing; reciprocating and rotary—where rotary engines have a piston connected to a shaft that rotates within a cylinder aligned with the piston’s rotational axis.

Direct acting, where the piston rod acts directly upon the connecting rod and through it upon the crank, without the intervention of a beam or lever; oscillating, in which the piston rods are attached directly to the crank pin and as the crank revolves the cylinder oscillates upon trunnions, one on each side of it, through which the steam enters and leaves the steam chest.

Direct acting, where the piston rod directly pushes against the connecting rod and through it onto the crank, without using a beam or lever; oscillating, where the piston rods are attached directly to the crank pin, and as the crank turns, the cylinder rocks on trunnions, one on each side, through which the steam enters and exits the steam chest.

Then as to their use, engines are known as stationary, pumping, portable, locomotive or marine.

Then regarding their use, engines are known as stationary, pumping, portable, locomotive, or marine.

The best-known engine of the stationary kind is the Corliss, which is very extensively used in the United States and Europe.

The most well-known stationary engine is the Corliss, which is widely used in the United States and Europe.

Among other later improvements is the duplex pumping engine, in which one engine controls the valve of the other; compensating devices for steam pumping, by which power is accumulated by making the first half of the stroke of the steam piston assist in moving the piston the other half of the stroke during the expansion of steam; steam or air hand hammers on which the piston is the hammer and strikes a tool projecting through the head into the cylinder;[Pg 89] rock drilling, in which the movement of the valves is operated by the piston at any portion of its stroke; shaft governors, in which the eccentric for operating the engine valves is moved around or across the main or auxiliary shaft; multiple cylinders, in which several cylinders, either single or double, are arranged to co-operate with a common shaft; impact rotary, known as steam turbines, a revival in some respects of Hero’s engine. And then, finally, the delicate and ingenious bicycle and automobile steam engines.

Among other later improvements is the duplex pumping engine, where one engine controls the valve of the other; compensating devices for steam pumping that accumulate power by having the first half of the stroke of the steam piston assist in moving the piston during the second half of the stroke as steam expands; steam or air hand hammers where the piston acts as the hammer and strikes a tool that projects through the head into the cylinder; rock drilling, where the movement of the valves is controlled by the piston at any part of its stroke; shaft governors, where the eccentric for operating the engine valves is moved around or across the main or auxiliary shaft; multiple cylinders, where several cylinders, either single or double, work together with a common shaft; impact rotary, known as steam turbines, which are a revival in some ways of Hero’s engine. And finally, the delicate and clever steam engines used in bicycles and automobiles.[Pg 89]

Then there are steam sanding devices for locomotives by which sand is automatically fed to the rails at the same time the air brake is applied.

Then there are steam sanding devices for locomotives that automatically deliver sand to the rails at the same time the air brake is applied.

Starting valves used for starting compound locomotives on ascending steep grades, in which both low and high pressure cylinders are supplied with live steam, and when the steam, exhausted from either high or low pressure cylinders into the receivers, has reached a predetermined pressure, the engine works on the compound principle. Single acting compound engines, in which two or more cylinders are arranged tandem, the steam acting only in one direction, and the exhaust steam of one acting upon the piston in the cylinder next of the series, are arranged in pairs, so that while one is acting downward the other is acting upward.

Starting valves are used for starting compound locomotives on steep inclines, where both low and high pressure cylinders are supplied with live steam. When the steam that has been exhausted from either the high or low pressure cylinders into the receivers reaches a certain pressure, the engine operates on the compound principle. Single acting compound engines, which have two or more cylinders set up in tandem, allow steam to act in only one direction, with the exhaust steam from one cylinder pushing the piston in the next cylinder. They are arranged in pairs so that while one cylinder moves down, the other moves up.

Throttle valves automatically closed upon the bursting of a pipe, or the breaking of machinery, are operated by electricity, automatically, or by hand at a distance.

Throttle valves automatically close when a pipe bursts or machinery breaks. They can be operated electrically, automatically, or manually from a distance.

Napoleon, upon his disastrous retreat from Moscow, anxious to reach Paris as soon as possible, left his army on the way, provided himself with a travelling and sleeping carriage, and with relays of fresh horses at different points managed, by extraordi[Pg 90]nary strenuous efforts day and night, to travel from Smorgoni to Paris, a distance of 1000 miles, between the 5th and 10th of December, 1812. This was at the average rate of about two hundred miles a day, or eight or nine miles an hour. It was a most remarkable ride for any age by horse conveyance.

Napoleon, after his disastrous retreat from Moscow, eager to get to Paris as quickly as possible, left his army behind. He arranged for a travel and sleeping carriage and made sure to have fresh horses at various points along the way. Through extraordinary efforts, day and night, he managed to travel from Smorgoni to Paris, a distance of 1,000 miles, between December 5th and 10th, 1812. This meant he covered an average of about 200 miles a day, or eight to nine miles an hour. It was an impressive journey for any time using horse-drawn transport.

Within the span of a man’s life after that event any one could take a trip of that distance in twenty-four hours, with great ease and comfort, eating and sleeping on the car, and with convenient telegraph and telephone stations along the route by which to comunicate by pen, or word of mouth, with distant friends at either end of the journey.

Within a man's lifetime after that event, anyone could travel that distance in twenty-four hours, with ease and comfort, eating and sleeping on the train, and with convenient telegraph and telephone stations along the way to communicate by writing or speaking with friends at either end of the journey.

If Napoleon had deemed it best to have continued his journey across the Atlantic to America he would have been compelled to pass several weeks on an uncomfortable sailing vessel. Now, a floating palace would await him which would carry him across in less than six days.

If Napoleon had thought it best to continue his journey across the Atlantic to America, he would have had to spend several weeks on an uncomfortable sailing ship. Now, a luxury cruise ship would be ready for him, taking less than six days to cross.

Should mankind be seized with a sudden desire to replace all the locomotives in the world by horse power it would be utterly impossible to do it. It was recently estimated that there were one hundred and fifty thousand locomotives in use on the railroads of the world; and as a fair average would give them five hundred horse power each, it will be seen that they are the equivalent of seventy-five million horses.

Should humanity suddenly feel the urge to replace all the trains in the world with horse power, it would be completely impossible to do so. It was recently estimated that there are one hundred and fifty thousand trains in operation on railroads worldwide; and if we take an average of five hundred horse power each, it becomes clear that they are equivalent to seventy-five million horses.

Space and time will not admit of minute descriptions, or hardly a mention, of the almost innumerable improvements of the century in steam. Having seen the principles on which these inventions have been constructed, enumerated the leading ones and glanced at the most prominent facts in their history, we must refer the seeker for more particulars to those publications of modern patent offices, in which each[Pg 91] regiment and company of this vast army is embalmed in its own especial and ponderous volume.

Space and time won't allow for detailed descriptions, or even much mention, of the countless improvements in steam from the last century. After reviewing the principles behind these inventions, listing the main ones, and highlighting the most significant facts in their history, we must direct those looking for more details to the publications of modern patent offices, where each[Pg 91] regiment and company of this vast army is preserved in its own specific and heavy volume.

A survey of the field will call to mind, however, the eloquent words of Daniel Webster:—

A look at the field will remind us of the powerful words of Daniel Webster:—

“And, last of all, with inimitable power, and with a 'whirlwind sound’ comes the potent agency of steam. In comparison with the past, what centuries of improvement has this single agent compressed in the short compass of fifty years! Everywhere practicable, everywhere efficient, it has an arm a thousand times stronger than that of Hercules, and to which human ingenuity is capable of fitting a thousand times as many hands as belonged to Briareus. Steam is found triumphant in operation on the seas; and under the influence of its strong propulsion, the gallant ship,

“And finally, with unmatched strength and a 'whirlwind sound,' we have the remarkable force of steam. In contrast to the past, this single power has achieved centuries' worth of advancements in just fifty years! It’s practical and effective everywhere, with strength a thousand times greater than Hercules, and human creativity can attach a thousand times as many hands to it as Briareus had. Steam is celebrated for its success on the seas; and with its powerful propulsion, the brave ship,

'Against the wind, against the tide
Still steadies with an upright keel.’

'Facing the wind, fighting the current
Still remains steady with a straight keel.’

It is on the rivers, and the boatman may repose upon his oars; it is on highways, and exerts itself along the courses of land conveyances; it is at the bottom of mines, a thousand feet below the earth’s surface; it is in the mills and in the workshops of the trades. It rows, it pumps, it excavates, it carries, it draws, it lifts, it hammers, it spins, it weaves, it prints. It seems to say to men, at least to the class of artisans: 'Leave off your manual labour, give up your bodily toil; bestow but your skill and reason to the directing of my power and I will bear the toil, with no muscle to grow weary, no nerve to relax, no breast to feel faintness!’ What further improvement may still be made in the use of this astonishing power it is impossible to know, and it were vain to conjecture.[Pg 92] What we do know is that it has most essentially altered the face of affairs, and that no visible limit yet appears beyond which its progress is seen to be impossible.”

It’s found on rivers, where the boatman can rest on his oars; it’s on highways, influencing the paths of land vehicles; it’s at the bottom of mines, a thousand feet beneath the earth’s surface; it’s in mills and workshops of various trades. It rows, pumps, excavates, carries, pulls, lifts, pounds, spins, weaves, and prints. It seems to tell people, especially workers: 'Stop your manual labor, give up your physical toil; just use your skill and reasoning to direct my power, and I will handle the hard work, with no muscles to tire, no nerves to relax, no chest to feel weakness!’ It’s impossible to know what further improvements can still be made with this incredible power, and it would be futile to guess.[Pg 92] What we do know is that it has significantly changed how things are done, and there doesn’t seem to be any visible limit to its progress.


Engineering and Transportation.

The field of service of a civil engineer has thus been eloquently stated by a recent writer in Chambers’s Journal:

The role of a civil engineer has been clearly described by a recent writer in Chambers’s Journal:

“His duties call upon him to devise the means for surmounting obstacles of the most formidable kind. He has to work in the water, over the water, and under the water; to cause streams to flow; to check them from overflowing; to raise water to a great height; to build docks and walls that will bear the dashing of waves; to convert dry land into harbours, and low water shores into dry land; to construct lighthouses on lonely rocks; to build lofty aqueducts for the conveyance of water, and viaducts, for the conveyance of railway trains; to burrow into the bowels of the earth with tunnels, shafts, pits and mines; to span torrents and ravines with bridges; to construct chimneys that rival the loftiest spires and pyramids in height; to climb mountains with roads and railways; to sink wells to vast depths in search of water. By untiring patience, skill, energy and invention, he produces in these several ways works which certainly rank among the marvels of human power.”

“His responsibilities require him to come up with ways to overcome some pretty serious challenges. He has to work in the water, above the water, and below the water; to make streams flow; to prevent them from flooding; to raise water to great heights; to create docks and walls that can withstand crashing waves; to transform dry land into harbors, and shallow shorelines into dry land; to build lighthouses on isolated rocks; to construct tall aqueducts for transporting water, and viaducts for trains; to dig into the earth’s surface with tunnels, shafts, pits, and mines; to bridge across torrents and ravines; to build chimneys that rival the tallest spires and pyramids; to create roads and railways that climb mountains; to drill wells deep in search of water. Through relentless patience, skill, energy, and creativity, he accomplishes remarkable feats that truly rank among the wonders of human capability.”

The pyramids of Egypt, the roads, bridges and aqueducts built by the Chinese and by Rome; the great bridges of the Middle Ages, and especially those built by that strange fraternal order known[Pg 94] as the “Brothers of the Bridge”; the ocean-defying lighthouses of a later period—these, and more than these, attest the fact that there were great engineers before the nineteenth century.

The pyramids of Egypt, the roads, bridges, and aqueducts created by the Chinese and the Romans; the impressive bridges of the Middle Ages, especially those constructed by the unusual fraternal group known[Pg 94] as the “Brothers of the Bridge”; the incredible lighthouses that soared over the ocean in later times—these, and many others, prove that there were remarkable engineers long before the nineteenth century.

But the engineering of to-day is the hand-maid of all the Sciences; and as they each have advanced during the century beyond all that was imagined, or dreamed of as possible in former times, so have the labours of engineering correspondingly multiplied. No longer are such labours classified and grouped in one field, called Civil Engineering, but they have been necessarily divided into great additional new and independent fields, known as Steam Engineering, Mining Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Marine Engineering. Within each of these fields are assembled innumerable appliances which are the offspring of the inventive genius of the century just closed.

But today's engineering is the support system for all the sciences; and as each of these has progressed over the past century beyond anything that was ever imagined or dreamed possible in earlier times, the work of engineering has also multiplied significantly. No longer is this work classified and grouped under one category called Civil Engineering; instead, it has been divided into many new and independent fields, including Steam Engineering, Mining Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Marine Engineering. Within each of these areas, there are countless tools and devices that are the result of the inventive genius of the recent century.

We have seen how one discovery, or the development of a certain art, brings in its train and often necessitates other inventions and discoveries. The development and dedication of the steam engine to the transportation of goods and men called for improvements in the roads and rails on which the engine and its load were to travel, and this demand brought forth those modern railway bridges which are the finest examples in the art of bridge making that the world has ever seen.

We’ve observed how one discovery, or the advancement of a particular skill, leads to and often requires other inventions and breakthroughs. The development and use of the steam engine for transporting goods and people required upgrades to the roads and tracks that the engine and its cargo would travel on, and this need resulted in the creation of modern railway bridges, which are the best examples of bridge construction the world has ever seen.

The greatest bridges of former ages were built of stone and solid masonry. Now iron and steel have been substituted, and these light but substantial frameworks span wide rivers and deep ravines with almost the same speed and gracefulness that the spider spins his silken web from limb to limb. These, too, waited for their construction on that next turn[Pg 95] in the wheel of evolution, which brought better processes in the making of iron and steel, and better tools and appliances for working metals, and in handling vast and heavy bodies.

The greatest bridges of past eras were made of stone and solid masonry. Now, iron and steel have taken their place, and these light yet sturdy structures stretch across wide rivers and deep ravines with almost the same speed and elegance that a spider spins its silky web from branch to branch. These, too, awaited their construction on that next turn[Pg 95] in the evolution wheel, which introduced improved methods for making iron and steel, along with better tools and equipment for shaping metals and managing large and heavy objects.

The first arched iron bridge was over the Severn at Coalbrookdale, England, erected by Abraham Darby in 1777. In 1793 one was erected by Telford at Buildwas, and in the same year Burden completed an arch across the weir at Sunderland. The most prominent classes of bridges in which the highest inventive and constructive genius of the engineers of the century are illustrated are known as the suspension, the tubular and the tubular arch, the truss and cantilever.

The first arched iron bridge was built over the Severn River at Coalbrookdale, England, by Abraham Darby in 1777. In 1793, Telford built one at Buildwas, and that same year, Burden finished an arch over the weir at Sunderland. The main types of bridges that showcase the highest levels of creativity and engineering skill from that century are known as suspension, tubular, tubular arch, truss, and cantilever.

Suspension bridges consisting of twisted vines, of iron chains, or of bamboo, or cane, or of ropes, have been known in different parts of the world from time immemorial, but they bear only a primitive and suggestive resemblance to the great iron cable bridges of the nineteenth century. The first notable structure of this kind was constructed by Sir Samuel Brown, across the Tweed at Berwick, England, in 1819. Brown was born in London in 1776 and died in 1852. He entered the navy at the age of 18, was made commander in 1811, and retired as captain in 1842. We have alluded to the spider’s web, and Smiles, in his Self Help, relates as an example of intelligent observation that while Capt Brown was occupied in studying the character of bridges with the view of constructing one of a cheap description to be thrown across the Tweed, near which he lived, he was walking in his garden one dewy autumn morning when he saw a tiny spider’s web suspended across his path. The idea immediately occurred to him of a bridge of iron wires. In 1829 Brown also was the[Pg 96] engineer for suspension bridges built over the Esk at Montrose and over the Thames at Hammersmith. Before that time, a span in a bridge of 100 feet was considered remarkably long. Suspension bridges are best adapted for long spans, and have been constructed with spans more than twice as long as any other form. Sir Samuel Brown’s bridge had a span of 449 feet. This class of bridges is usually constructed with chains or cables passing over towers, with the roadway suspended beneath. The ends of the chains or cables are securely anchored. The cables are then passed over towers, on which they are supported in movable saddles, so that the towers are not overthrown by the strain on the cables. Nice calculations have to be made as to the tension to be placed on the cables, the allowance for deflection, and the equal distribution of weight. The floor-way in the earlier bridges of this type was supported by means of a series of equidistant vertical rods, and was lacking stiffness, but this was remedied by trussing the road bed, using inclined stays extending from the towers and partially supporting the roadway for some distance out from the tower.

Suspension bridges made of twisted vines, iron chains, bamboo, cane, or ropes have existed in various parts of the world for a very long time, but they only somewhat resemble the impressive iron cable bridges of the nineteenth century. The first significant structure of this kind was built by Sir Samuel Brown across the Tweed at Berwick, England, in 1819. Brown was born in London in 1776 and passed away in 1852. He joined the navy at 18, became a commander in 1811, and retired as a captain in 1842. We mentioned the spider’s web, and Smiles, in his Self Help, shares an example of keen observation: while Brown was thinking about the design of bridges to create a cost-effective one across the Tweed, he was walking in his garden one dewy autumn morning when he spotted a tiny spider’s web hanging across his path. The idea of using iron wires for a bridge instantly came to him. In 1829, Brown was also the[Pg 96]engineer for suspension bridges built over the Esk at Montrose and over the Thames at Hammersmith. Before this time, a bridge span of 100 feet was seen as quite significant. Suspension bridges are suited for long spans and have been built with spans more than twice as long as any other type. Sir Samuel Brown’s bridge had a span of 449 feet. This type of bridge is usually constructed with chains or cables that go over towers, with the roadway suspended below. The ends of the chains or cables are firmly anchored. The cables are then passed over towers, which support them in movable saddles, preventing the towers from collapsing under the cable strain. Precise calculations are necessary for the tension on the cables, allowing for deflection, and ensuring that weight is evenly distributed. The floor of earlier bridges of this kind was held up by a series of evenly spaced vertical rods, which lacked stiffness. This issue was resolved by trussing the roadway, using angled stays that extend from the towers and partially support the roadway some distance away from the towers.

The next finest suspension bridge was constructed by Thomas Telford and finished in 1826, across the Menai Strait to connect the island of Anglesea with the mainland of Wales. Telford was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, in 1757, and died in Westminster in 1834. Beginning life as a stone mason, he rose by his own industry to be a master among architects and a prince among builders of iron bridges, aqueducts, canals, tunnels, harbours and docks.

The next best suspension bridge was built by Thomas Telford and completed in 1826, spanning the Menai Strait to link the island of Anglesey with the mainland of Wales. Telford was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, in 1757, and passed away in Westminster in 1834. He started as a stonemason and worked his way up through hard work to become a master architect and a leading figure in the construction of iron bridges, aqueducts, canals, tunnels, harbors, and docks.

The Menai bridge was composed of chains or wire ropes, each nearly a third of a mile in length, and which descended 60 feet into sloping pits or drifts,[Pg 97] where they were screwed to cast-iron frames embedded in the rocks. The span of the suspended central arch was 560 feet, and the platform was 100 feet above high water. Seven stone arches of 52½ feet span make up the rest of the bridge.

The Menai Bridge was made of chains or wire ropes, each nearly a third of a mile long, descending 60 feet into sloping pits or drifts,[Pg 97] where they were attached to cast-iron frames embedded in the rocks. The central arch span was 560 feet, and the platform was 100 feet above high water. The rest of the bridge consists of seven stone arches with a span of 52½ feet.

But a suspension bridge was completed in 1834 by M. Challey of Lyon over the Saane at Fribourg, Switzerland, which greatly surpassed the Menai bridge. The span is 880 feet from pier to pier, and the roadway is 167 feet above the river. It is supported by four iron wire cables, each consisting of 1056 wires. It was tested by placing 15 pieces of artillery, drawn by 50 horses and accompanied by 300 men crowded together as closely as possible, first at the centre, and then at each extreme, causing a depression of 39½ inches, but no sensible oscillation was experienced.

But a suspension bridge was completed in 1834 by M. Challey from Lyon over the Saane at Fribourg, Switzerland, which greatly surpassed the Menai Bridge. The span is 880 feet from pier to pier, and the roadway is 167 feet above the river. It is supported by four iron wire cables, each made up of 1,056 wires. It was tested by placing 15 pieces of artillery, pulled by 50 horses and accompanied by 300 men packed together as closely as possible, first at the center, and then at each end, causing a dip of 39½ inches, but no noticeable swaying was experienced.

Isambard K. Brunel was another great engineer, who constructed a suspension bridge at the Isle of Bourbon in 1823, and the Charing Cross over the Thames at Hungerford in 1845, which was a footbridge, having a span of 675 feet, the longest span of any bridge in England. Then followed finer and larger suspension bridges in other parts of the world. It was across the Niagara in front of the great falls that in 1855 British America and the United States were joined by a magnificent suspension bridge, one of the finest in the world, and the two English speaking countries were then physically and commercially united. At the opening of the bridge, one portion of which was for a railway, the shriek of the locomotive and the roar of the train mingled with the roar of the wild torrent 250 feet below. The bridge, 800 feet long, is a single span, supported by four enormous cables of wire stretching from the Canadian cliff to the opposite United States cliff. The cables pass[Pg 98] over the tops of lofty stone towers arising from these cliffs, and each cable consists of no less than 4,000 distinct wires. The roadway hangs from these cables, suspended by 624 vertical rods.

Isambard K. Brunel was another remarkable engineer who built a suspension bridge at the Isle of Bourbon in 1823 and the Charing Cross over the Thames at Hungerford in 1845, which was a footbridge with a span of 675 feet, the longest span of any bridge in England. This was followed by even more impressive and larger suspension bridges in other parts of the world. In 1855, the magnificent suspension bridge across Niagara, in front of the great falls, connected British America and the United States, making the two English-speaking countries physically and commercially united. At the opening of the bridge, one section of which was for a railway, the sound of the locomotive and the roar of the train blended with the thunderous rush of the waters 250 feet below. The bridge, which is 800 feet long, is a single span supported by four massive wire cables extending from the Canadian cliff to the opposite cliff in the United States. The cables pass over the tops of tall stone towers rising from these cliffs, and each cable is made up of at least 4,000 individual wires. The roadway hangs from these cables, suspended by 624 vertical rods.

The engineer of this bridge was John A. Roebling, a native of Prussia, born there in 1806, and who died in New York in 1869. He was educated at the Polytechnic School in Berlin, and emigrated to America at the age of 25. His labors were first as a canal and railway engineer, then he became the inventor and manufacturer of a new form of wire rope, and then turned his attention to the construction of aqueducts and suspension bridges. After the Niagara bridge, above described, he commenced another bridge of greater dimensions over the same river, which was finished within two or three years. His next work was the splendid suspension bridge at Cincinnati, Ohio, which has a clear span of 1057 feet. In 1869, in connection with his son, Washington A. Roebling, he commenced that magnificent suspension bridge to unite the great cities of New York and Brooklyn, and which, by its completion, resulted in the consolidation of those cities as Greater New York. The Roeblings, father and son, were to the engineering of America what George Stephenson and his son Robert were to the locomotive and railway and bridge engineering of Great Britain.

The engineer of this bridge was John A. Roebling, a native of Prussia, born there in 1806, who died in New York in 1869. He studied at the Polytechnic School in Berlin and moved to America at the age of 25. His early work was as a canal and railway engineer, and he later invented and manufactured a new type of wire rope, then focused on building aqueducts and suspension bridges. After the Niagara bridge mentioned earlier, he started another bridge of larger size over the same river, which was completed within two or three years. His next project was the impressive suspension bridge in Cincinnati, Ohio, with a clear span of 1,057 feet. In 1869, along with his son, Washington A. Roebling, he began work on the magnificent suspension bridge to connect the major cities of New York and Brooklyn, which, when completed, led to the consolidation of those cities as Greater New York. The Roeblings, father and son, were to American engineering what George Stephenson and his son Robert were to locomotive, railway, and bridge engineering in Great Britain.

The Brooklyn bridge, known also as the East River bridge, was formally opened to the public on the 24th of May 1883. Most enormous and unexpected technical difficulties were met and overcome in its construction. Its total length is nearly 6,000 feet. The length of the suspended structure from anchorage to anchorage is 3,454 feet. A statement of the general features of this bridge indicates the[Pg 99] nature of the construction of such bridges as a class, and distinguishes them from the comparatively simple forms of past ages. This structure is supported by two enormous towers, having a height of 276 feet above the surface of the water, carrying at their tops the saddles which support the cables, and having a span between them of 1,595 feet. The towers are each pierced by two archways, 31½ feet wide, and 120½ feet high, through which openings passes the floor of the bridge at the height of 118 feet above high water mark. There are four supporting cables, each 16 inches in diameter, and each composed of about 5,000 single wires. The wire is one-eighth size; 278 single wires are grouped into a rope, and 19 ropes bunched to form a cable. The iron saddles at the top of the lofty towers, and on which the cables rest, are made movable to permit its expansion and compression—and they glide through minute distances on iron rollers in saddle plates embedded and anchored in the towers, in response to strains and changes of temperature. The enormous cables pass from the towers shoreward to their anchorages 930 feet away, and which are solid masses of masonry, each 132 x 119 feet at base and top, 89 feet high, and weighing 60,000 tons. The bridge is divided into five avenues: one central one for foot passengers, two outer ones for vehicles, and the others for the street cars. The cost of the bridge was nearly $15,000,000.

The Brooklyn Bridge, also called the East River Bridge, was officially opened to the public on May 24, 1883. It faced significant and unexpected technical challenges during its construction, all of which were successfully managed. Its total length is nearly 6,000 feet, while the suspended portion stretches 3,454 feet from anchor to anchor. An overview of the bridge's main features highlights the complexity of its design compared to simpler structures from earlier times. This bridge is supported by two massive towers that rise 276 feet above the water's surface, with saddles at the top to hold the cables and a span of 1,595 feet between them. Each tower has two archways that are 31½ feet wide and 120½ feet high, allowing the bridge's deck to sit 118 feet above the high water level. There are four supporting cables, each 16 inches in diameter, made up of around 5,000 individual wires. The wires are one-eighth of an inch thick; 278 wires are grouped together to form a rope, with 19 ropes combined to make a cable. The iron saddles at the top of the tall towers, which support the cables, are designed to move slightly for expansion and contraction. They glide short distances on iron rollers in saddle plates that are anchored in the towers, responding to tension and temperature changes. The massive cables extend from the towers to their anchorages, which are 930 feet away. These anchorages are solid masonry structures, each measuring 132 x 119 feet at the base and top, standing 89 feet tall and weighing 60,000 tons. The bridge is organized into five lanes: one central lane for pedestrians, two outer lanes for vehicles, and the remaining lanes designated for streetcars. The construction cost of the bridge was nearly $15,000,000.

Twenty fatal and many disabling accidents occurred during the construction of the bridge. The great engineer Roebling was the first victim to an accident. He had his foot crushed while laying the foundation of one of the stone piers, and died of lockjaw.[Pg 100]

Twenty deadly and many disabling accidents happened during the bridge's construction. The renowned engineer Roebling was the first victim of an accident. He had his foot crushed while working on the foundation of one of the stone piers and died from lockjaw.[Pg 100]

It was necessary to build up the great piers by the aid of caissons, which are water-tight casings built of timber and metal and sunk to the river bed and sometimes far below it, within which are built the foundations of piers or towers, and into which air is pumped for the workmen. A fire in one of the caissons, which necessitated its flooding by water, and to which the son, Washington Roebling, was exposed, resulted in prostrating him with a peculiar form of caisson disease, which destroyed the nerves of motion without impairing his intellectual faculties. But, although disabled from active work, Mr. Roebling continued to superintend the vast project through the constant mediation of his wife.

It was essential to build the massive piers using caissons, which are waterproof structures made of wood and metal that are sunk to the riverbed and sometimes even deeper. Inside these caissons, the foundations for the piers or towers are constructed, and air is pumped in for the workers. A fire broke out in one of the caissons, leading to it being flooded with water, and this incident affected Washington Roebling, the son, resulting in a unique type of caisson disease that impaired his ability to move but left his mental faculties intact. Even though he couldn't work actively, Mr. Roebling managed to oversee the huge project through the ongoing support of his wife.

Tubular Bridges.—These are bridges formed by a great tube or hollow beam through the center of which a roadway or railway passes. The name would indicate that the bridge was cylindrical in form, and this was the first idea. But it was concluded after experiment that a rectangular form was the best, as it is more rigid than either a cylindrical or elliptical tube. The adoption of this form was due to Fairbairn, the celebrated English inventor and engineer of iron structures. The Menai tubular railway bridge, adjacent to the suspension bridge of Telford across the same strait, and already described, was the first example of this type of bridge. Robert Stephenson was the engineer of this great structure, aided by the suggestions of Fairbairn and other eminent engineers. This bridge was opened for railway traffic in March, 1850. It was built on three towers and shore abutments. The width of the strait is divided by these towers into four spans—two of 460 feet each, and two of 230 feet. In appearance, the bridge looked like one huge, long, narrow iron[Pg 101] box, but it consisted really of four bridges, each made of a pair of rectangular tubes, and through one set of tubes the trains passed in going in one direction, and through the other set in going the opposite direction. These ponderous tubes were composed of wrought-iron plates, from three-eighths to three-fourths of an inch thick, the largest 12 feet in length, riveted together and stiffened by angle irons. They varied in height—the central ones being the highest and those nearest the shore the lowest. The central ones are 30 feet high, and the inner ones about 22 feet. Their width was about 14 feet. They were built upon platforms on the Caernarvon shore, and the great problem was how to lift them and put them in place, especially the central ones, which were 460 feet in length. Each tube weighed 1,800 pounds, and they were to be raised 192 feet. This operation has been described as “the grandest lift ever effected in engineering.” It was accomplished by means of powerful hydraulic presses. Another and still grander example of this style of bridge is the Victoria at Montreal, Canada. This also was designed by Robert Stephenson and built under his direction by James Hodges of Montreal. Work was commenced in 1854 and it was completed in December, 1859, and opened for travel in 1860. It consists of 24 piers, 242 feet apart, except the centre one, from which the span is 330 feet. The tube is in sections and quadrangular in form. Every plate and piece of iron was made and punched in England and brought across the Atlantic. In Canada little remained to be done but to put the parts together and in position. This, however, was in itself a Herculean task. The enormous structure was to be placed sixty feet above the swift current of[Pg 102] the broad St. Lawrence, and wherein huge masses of ice, each block from three to five feet in thickness, accumulated every winter. The work was accomplished by the erection of a vast rigid stage of timber, on which the tubes were built up plate by plate. When all was completed the great staging was removed, and the mighty tube rested alone and secure upon its massive wedge-faced piers rising from the bedrock of the flood below.

Tubular Bridges.—These bridges are created using a large tube or hollow beam that a roadway or railway runs through. The name suggests that the bridge is cylindrical, which was the original idea. However, experiments concluded that a rectangular shape is more effective because it’s more rigid than cylindrical or elliptical tubes. This change in design is credited to Fairbairn, the famous English inventor and engineer known for iron structures. The Menai tubular railway bridge, located near Telford's suspension bridge across the same strait, was the first example of this bridge type. Robert Stephenson was the engineer behind this impressive structure, with input from Fairbairn and other notable engineers. This bridge opened for railway traffic in March 1850. It was built on three towers and shore abutments. The width of the strait is split by these towers into four spans—two measuring 460 feet and two measuring 230 feet each. In appearance, the bridge resembled one massive, long, narrow iron [Pg 101] box, but it actually consisted of four bridges, each made from a pair of rectangular tubes, with trains passing through one set in one direction and the other set in the opposite direction. These heavy tubes were constructed from wrought-iron plates that ranged from three-eighths to three-fourths of an inch thick, the longest measuring 12 feet, riveted together and reinforced with angle irons. Their heights varied—the central tubes were the tallest, reaching 30 feet, while those closest to the shore were about 22 feet high. The width was approximately 14 feet. They were constructed on platforms on the Caernarvon shore, and the major challenge was how to lift them into place, especially the central tubes, which measured 460 feet in length. Each tube weighed 1,800 pounds and needed to be raised 192 feet. This operation was described as “the grandest lift ever achieved in engineering.” It was accomplished using powerful hydraulic presses. An even grander example of this type of bridge is the Victoria in Montreal, Canada. This was also designed by Robert Stephenson and built under the direction of James Hodges from Montreal. Construction began in 1854, and the project was completed in December 1859, opening for travel in 1860. It consists of 24 piers, spaced 242 feet apart, except for the central one, from which the span measures 330 feet. The tube is made in sections and is quadrangular in shape. Every plate and piece of iron was manufactured and punched in England, then shipped across the Atlantic. In Canada, very little work was left to do but assemble the parts and position them. However, this alone was an enormous task. The massive structure had to be placed sixty feet above the swift current of [Pg 102] the broad St. Lawrence River, where large ice blocks, three to five feet thick, accumulated every winter. The work was achieved by creating a vast, sturdy wooden stage on which the tubes were constructed plate by plate. Once everything was finished, the large staging was removed, and the mighty tube stood alone and securely on its massive wedge-faced piers that rose from the bedrock below.

The Tubular Arch Bridge.—This differs from the tubular bridge proper, in that the former consists of a bridge the body of which is supported by a tubular archway of iron and steel, whereas in the latter the body of the bridge itself is a tube. The tubular arch is also properly classed as a girder bridge because the great tube which covers the span is simply an immense beam or girder, which supports the superstructure on which the floor of the bridge is laid. A fine illustration of this style of bridge is seen in what is known as the aqueduct bridge over Rock Creek at Washington, D. C., in which the arch consists of two cast-iron jointed pipes, supporting a double carriage and a double street car way, and through which pipes all the water for the supply of the City of Washington passes. General M. C. Meigs was the engineer.

The Tubular Arch Bridge.—This differs from the tubular bridge itself, as the former consists of a bridge whose structure is supported by a tubular arch made of iron and steel, while in the latter, the bridge's body is a tube. The tubular arch is also properly classified as a girder bridge because the large tube that spans the area acts as a massive beam or girder, which supports the superstructure on which the bridge's floor is placed. A great example of this type of bridge is the aqueduct bridge over Rock Creek in Washington, D.C., where the arch is made of two cast-iron jointed pipes that support a double carriageway and a double streetcar line, through which all the water supply for the City of Washington flows. General M. C. Meigs was the engineer.

Another far grander illustration of such a structure, in combination with the truss system, is that of the Illinois and St. Louis bridge, across the Mississippi, of which Captain James B. Eads was the engineer. There are three great spans, the central one of which has a length of about 520 feet, and the others a few feet less. Four arches form each span, each arch consisting of an upper and lower curved member or rib, extending from pier to pier, and each member composed of two parallel steel tubes.[Pg 103]

Another much grander example of this structure, combined with the truss system, is the Illinois and St. Louis bridge over the Mississippi, designed by Captain James B. Eads. There are three major spans, with the central one measuring about 520 feet, and the others being slightly shorter. Each span is made up of four arches, each consisting of an upper and lower curved member or rib, stretching from pier to pier, and each member made of two parallel steel tubes.[Pg 103]

Truss and truss arched bridges.—These, for the most part, are those quite modern forms of iron or wooden bridges in which a supplementary frame work, consisting of iron rods placed obliquely, vertically or diagonally, and cemented together, and with the main horizontal beams either above or below the same, to produce a stiff and rigid structure, calculated to resist strain from all directions.

Truss and truss arched bridges.—These are mostly the modern types of iron or wooden bridges that feature an additional framework made up of iron rods positioned diagonally, vertically, or obliquely, which are secured together. The main horizontal beams are positioned above or below this framework to create a strong and rigid structure designed to withstand stress from all directions.

Previous to the 19th century, the greatest bridges being constructed mostly of solid masonry piers and arches, no demand for a bridge of this kind existed; but after the use of wrought iron and steel became extensive in bridge making, and as these apparently light and airy frames may be extended, piece by piece across the widest rivers, straits, and arms of the sea, a substitute for the great, expensive, and frequent supporting piers became a want, and was supplied by the system of trusses and truss arches. The truss system has also been applied to the construction of vast modern bridges in places where timber is accessible and cheap. Each different system invented bears the name of its inventor. Thus, we have the Rider, the Fink, the Bollman, the Whipple, the Howe, the Jones, the Linville, the McCallum, Towne’s lattice and other systems.

Before the 19th century, the major bridges were mostly built with solid masonry piers and arches, so there wasn't a need for a different kind of bridge. However, once wrought iron and steel became common in bridge construction, these seemingly light and airy structures could be built piece by piece across the widest rivers, straits, and seas. This created a demand for a replacement for the large, costly, and frequent supporting piers, which was met with the introduction of trusses and truss arches. The truss system has also been used to build large modern bridges in areas where timber is readily available and inexpensive. Each different system created is named after its inventor. As a result, we have the Rider, Fink, Bollman, Whipple, Howe, Jones, Linville, McCallum, Towne’s lattice, and other systems.

What is called the cantilever system has of late years to a great extent superseded the suspension construction. This consists of beams or girders extending out from the opposite piers at an upward diagonal angle, and meeting at the centre over the span, and there solidly connected together, or to horizontal girders, in such manner that the compression load is thrown on to the supporting piers, upward strains received at the centre, and side deflections provided against. It is supposed that greater[Pg 104] rigidity is obtained by this means than by the suspension, and, like the suspension, great widths may be spanned without an under supporting frame work. Two fine examples of this type are found, one in a bridge across the Niagara adjacent to the suspension bridge above described and one across the river Forth at Queens Ferry in Scotland. The Niagara Bridge is a combination of cast steel and iron. It was designed by C. C. Schneider and Edmund Hayes. It was built for a double-track railroad. The total length of the bridge is 910 feet between the centres of the anchorage piers. The cantilevers rest on two gigantic steel towers, standing on massive stone piers 39 feet high. The clear span between the towers is 470 feet, and the height of the bridge, from the mad rush of waters to the car track is 239 feet.

The cantilever system has largely replaced suspension construction in recent years. It consists of beams or girders that extend outward from opposite piers at an upward diagonal angle, meeting at the center over the span and firmly connecting with each other or with horizontal girders. This design allows the compression load to be transferred to the supporting piers, with upward strains handled at the center and side deflections accounted for. It’s believed that this method provides greater rigidity than suspension systems and, like suspension, allows for large widths to be spanned without the need for an under-supporting framework. Two notable examples of this type are found: one in a bridge across Niagara, located near the aforementioned suspension bridge, and another across the Forth River at Queens Ferry in Scotland. The Niagara Bridge combines cast steel and iron and was designed by C. C. Schneider and Edmund Hayes. It was built for a double-track railroad. The total length of the bridge is 910 feet between the centers of the anchorage piers. The cantilevers rest on two gigantic steel towers that stand on massive stone piers 39 feet high. The clear span between the towers is 470 feet, and the height of the bridge from the rushing waters below to the car track is 239 feet.

Messrs Fowler and Baker were the engineers of the Forth railway bridge. It was begun in 1883 and finished in 1890. It is built nearly all of steel, and is one of the most stupendous works of the kind. It crosses two channels formed by the island of Inchgarvie, and each of the channel spans is 1710 feet in the clear and a clear headway of 150 feet under the bridge. Three balanced cantilevers are employed, poised on four gigantic steel tube legs supported on four huge masonry piers. The height of the bridge above the piers is 330 feet. The cantilever portion has the appearance of a vast elongated diamond. Steel lattice work of girders, forms the upper side of the cantilever, while the under side consists of a hollow curve approaching in form a quadrant of a circle drawn from the base of the legs or struts to the ends of the cantilever.

Messrs. Fowler and Baker were the engineers behind the Forth railway bridge. Construction began in 1883 and was completed in 1890. It's made mostly of steel and is one of the most impressive structures of its kind. The bridge spans two channels created by the island of Inchgarvie, with each channel span measuring 1,710 feet clear and having a vertical clearance of 150 feet under the bridge. It employs three balanced cantilevers, resting on four massive steel tube legs supported by four large masonry piers. The bridge stands 330 feet high above the piers. The cantilever section looks like a large, elongated diamond. Steel lattice work of girders forms the top side of the cantilever, while the underside features a hollow curve, resembling a quadrant of a circle drawn from the base of the legs to the ends of the cantilever.

Such is the growth of these great bridges with their tremendous spans across which man is spinning his[Pg 105] iron webs, that when seen at night with a fiery engine pulling its thundering train across in the darkness, one is reminded of Milton’s description, “over the dark abyss whose boiling gulf tamely endured a bridge of wondrous length, from Hell continued, reaching the utmost orb of this frail world.”

Such is the growth of these massive bridges with their incredible spans, across which humans are weaving their[Pg 105] iron networks, that when seen at night with a blazing engine pulling its roaring train through the darkness, it brings to mind Milton’s description, “over the dark abyss whose boiling gulf calmly endured a bridge of astonishing length, from Hell continued, reaching the farthest edge of this fragile world.”

The lighthouses of the century, in masonry, do not greatly excel in general principles those of preceding ones, as at Eddystone, designed by Smeaton. Nicholas Douglass, however, invented a new system of dovetailing, and great improvements have been made in the system of illuminating.

The lighthouses of this century in masonry don't significantly surpass the basic principles of those from earlier times, like the ones at Eddystone designed by Smeaton. However, Nicholas Douglass came up with a new dovetailing system, and there have been major improvements in the lighting system.

Lighthouses are also distinguished from those of preceding centuries by the substitution of iron and cast steel for masonry. The first cast-iron lighthouse was put up at Point Morant, Jamaica, in 1842. Since then they have taken the form of iron skeleton towers.

Lighthouses are also different from those of earlier centuries because they now use iron and cast steel instead of stone. The first cast-iron lighthouse was built at Point Morant, Jamaica, in 1842. Since then, they've been designed as iron skeleton towers.

One of the latest and most picturesque of lighthouses is that of Bartholdi’s statue of Liberty enlightening the world, the gift of the French government to the United States, framed by M. Eiffel, the great French engineer, and set up by the United States at Bedloe’s Island in New York harbor. It consists of copper plates on a network of iron. Although the statue is larger than any in the world of such composite construction, its success as a lighthouse is not as notable as many farther seaward.

One of the newest and most beautiful lighthouses is Bartholdi’s statue of Liberty, which lights up the world. It was a gift from the French government to the United States, designed by the great French engineer M. Eiffel, and placed by the United States on Bedloe’s Island in New York harbor. It’s made of copper plates on a framework of iron. Even though the statue is larger than any other in the world made from such mixed materials, its effectiveness as a lighthouse isn't as impressive as many that are located further out to sea.

In excavating, dredging and draining, the inventions of the century have been very numerous, but, like numerous advances in the arts, such inventions, so far as great works are concerned, have developed from and are closely related to steam engineering.[Pg 106]

In excavating, dredging, and draining, there have been many inventions this century, but like many advances in the arts, these inventions, especially regarding major projects, stem from and are closely linked to steam engineering.[Pg 106]

The making of roads, railroads, canals and tunnels has called forth thousands of ingenious mechanisms for their accomplishment. A half dozen men with a steam-power excavator or dredger can in one day perform a greater extent of work than could a thousand men and a thousand horses in a single day a few generations ago.

The construction of roads, railroads, canals, and tunnels has led to the development of thousands of clever machines to get the job done. A small team of six people using a steam-powered excavator or dredger can accomplish more in a single day than a thousand people and a thousand horses could a few generations ago.

An excavating machine consisting of steel knives to cut the earth, iron scoops, buckets and dippers to scoop it up, endless chains or cranes to lift them, actuated by steam, and operated by a single engineer, will excavate cubic yards of earth by the minute and at a cost of but a few dollars a day.

An excavation machine with steel blades to cut through the ground, iron scoops, buckets, and dippers to gather the dirt, and endless chains or cranes to lift them, powered by steam and controlled by one engineer, can dig up cubic yards of earth every minute at only a few dollars a day.

Dredging machines of a great variety have been constructed. Drags and scoops for elevating, and buckets, scrapers and shovels, and rotating knives to first loosen the earth, suction pumps and pipes, which will suck great quantities of the loosened earth through pipes to places to be filled—these and kindred devices are now constantly employed to dig and excavate, to deepen and widen rivers, to drain lands, to dig canals, to make harbours, to fill up the waste places and to make courses for water in desert lands.

Dredging machines of various types have been built. There are drags and scoops for lifting, as well as buckets, scrapers, shovels, and rotating knives to loosen the soil. Suction pumps and pipes can draw large amounts of the loosened earth through pipes to spots that need filling—these and similar tools are now regularly used to dig and excavate, deepen and widen rivers, drain lands, create canals, build harbors, fill in wastelands, and create water routes in desert areas.

Inventions for the excavating of clay, piling and burning it in a crude state for ballast for railways, are important, especially for those railways which traverse areas where clay is plentiful, and stones and gravel are lacking.

Inventions for digging up clay, piling it, and burning it in a basic form to use as ballast for railways are significant, especially for railways that go through regions where clay is abundant but stones and gravel are scarce.

Sinking shafts through quicksands by artificially freezing the sand, so as to form a firm frozen wall immediately around the area where the shaft is to be sunk, is a recent new idea.

Sinking shafts through quicksand by artificially freezing the sand to create a solid frozen wall right around the area where the shaft will be sunk is a new concept.

Modern countries especially are waking up to the necessity of good roads, not only as a necessary means[Pg 107] of transportation, but as a pre-requisite to decent civilisation in all respects. And, therefore, great activity has been had in the last third of a century in invention of machines for finishing and repairing roads.

Modern countries are increasingly recognizing the importance of good roads, not just as a crucial means of transportation, but also as a foundation for a proper civilization in every way. As a result, there has been significant progress in the last thirty years in inventing machines for paving and repairing roads.

In the matter of sewer construction, regarded now so necessary in all civilised cities and thickly-settled communities as one of the means of proper sanitation, great improvements have been made in deep sewerage, in which the work is largely performed below the surface and with little obstruction to street traffic.

In terms of sewer construction, which is now seen as essential in all civilized cities and densely populated areas for proper sanitation, significant advancements have been made in deep sewer systems, where much of the work is done underground with minimal disruption to street traffic.

In connection with excavating and dredging machines, mention should be made of those great works in the construction of which they bore such important parts, as drainage and land reclamation, such as is seen in the modern extensions of land reclamation in Holland, in the Haarlem lake district in the North part of England, the swamps of Florida and the drainage of the London district; in modern tunnels such as the Hoosac in America and the three great ones through the Alps: the Mont Cenis, St. Gothard, and Arlberg, the work in which developed an entirely new system of engineering, by the application of newly-discovered explosives for blasting, new rock-drilling machinery, new air-compressing machines for driving the drill machines and ventilating the works, and new hydraulic and pumping machinery for sinking shafts and pumping out the water.

When talking about excavating and dredging machines, it's important to highlight their key role in major construction projects like drainage and land reclamation. Examples include the modern land reclamation efforts in Holland, the Haarlem lake district in northern England, the swamps of Florida, and the drainage projects in the London area. Additionally, modern tunnels like the Hoosac in America and the three major tunnels through the Alps—Mont Cenis, St. Gothard, and Arlberg—showcase how these machines contributed to the development of a whole new system of engineering. This progress was driven by the use of newly discovered explosives for blasting, advanced rock-drilling equipment, air-compressing machines for operating drills and ventilating the sites, as well as innovative hydraulic and pumping machinery for digging shafts and removing water.

The great canals, especially the Suez, developed a new system of canal engineering. Thus by modern inventions of devices for digging and blasting, dredging and draining and attendant operations, some of the greatest works of man on earth have been produced, and evinced the exercise of his highest inventive genius.[Pg 108]

The major canals, particularly the Suez Canal, created a new approach to canal engineering. With the help of modern tools for digging, blasting, dredging, and draining, along with various related processes, some of humanity's greatest achievements have been realized, showcasing the peak of human creativity.[Pg 108]

If one wishes an ocular demonstration of the wonders wrought in the 19th century in the several domains of engineering, let him take a Pullman train across the continent from New York to San Francisco. The distance is 3,000 miles and the time is four days and four nights. The car in which the passenger finds himself is a marvel of woodwork and upholstery—a description of the machinery and processes for producing which belongs to other arts. The railroad tracks upon which the vehicle moves are in themselves the results of many inventions. There is the width of the track, and it was only after a long and expensive contest that countries and corporations settled upon a uniform gauge. The common gauge of the leading countries and roads is now 4 feet 8½ inches. A greater width is known as a broad gauge, a less width as a narrow gauge. Then as to the rail: first the wooden, then the iron and now the steel, and all of many shapes and weights. The T-rail invented by Birkensaw in 1820, having two flanges at the top to form a wide berth for the wheels of the rolling stock, the vertical portion gripped by chairs which are spiked to the ties, is the best known. Then the frogs, a V-shaped device by which the wheels are guided from one line of rails to another, when they form angles with each other; the car wheel made with a flange or flanges to fit the rail, and the railway gates, ingenious contrivances that guard railway crossings and are operated automatically by the passing trains, but more commonly by watchmen. The car may be lighted with electricity, and as the train dashes along at the rate of 30 to 80 miles an hour, it may be stopped in less than a minute by the touch of the engineer on an air brake. Is it midwinter and are mountains of snow encountered? They disappear [Pg 109]before the railway snow-plough more quickly than they came. It passes over bridges, through tunnels, across viaducts, around the edges of mountain peaks, every mile revealing the wondrous work of man’s inventive genius for encompassing the earth with speed, safety and comfort. Over one-half million miles of these railway tracks are on the earth’s surface to-day!

If you want a visual demonstration of the amazing advancements made in the 19th century in various fields of engineering, take a Pullman train across the country from New York to San Francisco. The journey covers 3,000 miles and takes four days and four nights. The train car you’re in is a marvel of craftsmanship and design—a detailed description of the machinery and processes that made it is a topic for different industries. The railroad tracks that the train runs on are themselves the result of numerous inventions. Consider the track width; it took a long and costly debate for countries and companies to agree on a standard gauge. The common gauge used by leading countries and lines is now 4 feet 8½ inches. A wider track is known as broad gauge, while a narrower track is called narrow gauge. As for the rails: first, there were wooden ones, then iron, and now steel, all in various shapes and weights. The T-rail, invented by Birkensaw in 1820, features two flanges at the top to create a broad base for the train wheels, with a vertical part secured by chairs that are spiked to the ties—this is the most recognized type. Then there are frogs, V-shaped devices that help guide the wheels from one set of tracks to another when they intersect; car wheels that have flanges to match the rail, and automated railway gates that secure crossings, typically operated by watchmen or triggered by passing trains. The car may be lit by electricity, and as the train speeds along at 30 to 80 miles per hour, it can come to a stop in under a minute with a touch of the engineer’s hand on the air brake. Is it midwinter, and are snow-covered mountains in your path? They vanish before the railway snowplow faster than they appeared. The train travels over bridges, through tunnels, across viaducts, and around mountain peaks, with each mile showcasing humanity’s incredible ingenuity in creating a system for fast, safe, and comfortable travel across the earth. Today, there are over half a million miles of these railway tracks on the planet!

Not only has the railway superseded horse power in the matter of transportation to a vast extent, but other modes of transportation are taking the place of that useful animal. The old-fashioned stage coach, and then the omnibus, were successively succeeded by the street car drawn by horses, and then about twenty years ago the horse began to be withdrawn from that work and the cable substituted.

Not only has the railway replaced horses as the main form of transportation to a large extent, but other forms of transport are also taking the place of that useful animal. The traditional stagecoach was followed by the omnibus, then the horse-drawn streetcar, and about twenty years ago, horses were gradually replaced by cables for that work.

Cable transportation developed from the art of making iron wire and steel wire ropes or cables. And endless cables placed underground, conveyed over rollers and supported on suitable yokes, and driven from a great central power house, came into use, and to which the cars were connected by ingeniously contrived lever grips—operated by the driver on the car. These great cable constructions, expensive as they were, were found more economical than horse power. In fact, there is no modernly discovered practical motive power but what has been found less expensive both as to time and money than horse power. But the cable for this purpose is now in turn everywhere yielding to electricity, the great motor next to steam. The overhead cable system for the transportation of materials of various descriptions in carriers, also run by a central motor, is still very extensively used. The cable plan has also been tried with some success in the propelling of canal boats.[Pg 110]

Cable transportation evolved from the skill of making iron wire and steel wire ropes or cables. Endless cables placed underground, moving over rollers and supported on suitable yokes, powered by a large central powerhouse, became common. The cars were linked to these cables by cleverly designed lever grips operated by the driver in the car. Although these large cable systems were costly, they turned out to be more economical than horse power. In fact, no modern motive power discovered has proven to be cheaper in both time and money than horse power. However, the cables used for this purpose are now giving way to electricity, which is the major power source alongside steam. The overhead cable system for transporting various materials in carriers, also powered by a central motor, is still widely used. The cable method has also been experimented with successfully in moving canal boats.[Pg 110]

Canals, themselves, although finding a most serious and in some localities an entirely destructive rival in the railroad, have grown in size and importance, and in appliances that have been substituted for the old-style locks. The latest form of this device is what is known as the pneumatic balance lock system.

Canals, despite facing serious competition from railroads in some areas, have increased in size and significance, as well as in the technology replacing the old-style locks. The newest version of this technology is called the pneumatic balance lock system.

It has been said by Octave Chanute that “Progress in civilisation may fairly be said to be dependent upon the facilities for men to get about, upon their intercourse with other men and nations, not only in order to supply their mutual needs cheaply, but to learn from each other their wants, their discoveries and their inventions.” Next to the power and means for moving people, come the immense and wonderful inventions for lifting and loading, such as cranes and derricks, means for coaling ships and steamers, for handling and storing the great agricultural products, grain and hay, and that modern wonder, the grain elevator, that dots the coasts of rivers, lakes and seas, receives the vast stores of golden grain from thousands of steam cars that come to it laden from distant plains and discharges it swiftly in mountain loads into vessels and steamers to be carried to the multitudes across the seas, and to satisfy that ever-continuing cry, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

It has been stated by Octave Chanute that “Progress in civilization can be seen as dependent on the ability for people to move around, on their interactions with others and different countries, not just to meet their mutual needs affordably, but to learn from each other about their desires, discoveries, and inventions.” Following the ability to transport people, come the incredible inventions for lifting and loading, such as cranes and derricks, methods for coaling ships and steamers, for managing and storing large agricultural products like grain and hay, and that modern marvel, the grain elevator, which lines the shores of rivers, lakes, and seas, receiving massive amounts of golden grain from thousands of trains that deliver it from faraway plains and quickly unloads it in mountain-like quantities into vessels and steamers to be sent to the masses across the seas, to fulfill the ongoing plea, “Give us this day our daily bread.”



In 1900 the real nature of electricity appears to be as unknown as it was in 1800.

In 1900, the true nature of electricity seems to be just as mysterious as it was in 1800.

Franklin in the eighteenth century defined electricity as consisting of particles of matter incomparably more subtle than air, and which pervaded all bodies. At the close of the nineteenth century electricity defined as “simply a form of energy which imparts to material substances a peculiar state or condition, and that all such substances partake more or less of this condition.”

Franklin in the eighteenth century defined electricity as particles of matter that are much finer than air, and that fill all bodies. By the end of the nineteenth century, electricity was defined as "just a form of energy that gives material substances a specific state or condition, and that all such substances share this condition to a greater or lesser extent."

These theories and the late discovery of Hertz that electrical energy manifests itself in the form of waves, oscillations or vibrations, similar to light, but not so rapid as the vibrations of light, constitute about all that is known about the nature of this force.

These theories and Hertz's later discovery that electrical energy appears as waves, oscillations, or vibrations, like light but not as fast as light's vibrations, represent nearly everything we know about the nature of this force.

Franklin believed it was a single fluid, but others taught that there were two kinds of electricity, positive and negative, that the like kinds were repulsive and the unlike kinds attractive, and that when generated it flowed in currents.

Franklin thought there was just one type of fluid, but others taught that there were two types of electricity: positive and negative. Similar types pushed away from each other, while opposite types attracted each other, and when generated, it flowed in currents.

Such terms are not now regarded as representing actual varieties of this force, but are retained as convenient modes of expression, for want of better ones, as expressing the conditions or states of electricity when produced.

Such terms are no longer seen as actual types of this force but are kept as handy ways to express, due to the lack of better options, the conditions or states of electricity when it's generated.

Electricity produced by friction, that is, developed[Pg 112] upon the surface of a body by rubbing it with a dissimilar body, and called frictional or static electricity, was the only kind produced artificially in the days of Franklin. What is known as galvanism, or animal electricity, also takes its date in the 18th century, to which further reference will be made. Since 1799 there have been discovered additional sources, among which are voltaic electricity, or electricity produced by chemical action, such as is manifested when two dissimilar metals are brought near each other or together, and electrical manifestations produced by a decomposing action, one upon the other through a suitable medium; inductive electricity, or electricity developed or induced in one body by its proximity to another body through which a current is flowing; magnetic electricity, the conversion of the power of a magnet into electric force, and the reverse of this, the production of magnetic force by a current of electricity; and thermal electricity, or that generated by heat. Electricity developed by these, or other means in contra-distinction to that produced by friction, has been called dynamic; but all electric force is now regarded as dynamic, in the sense that forces are always in motion and never at rest.

Electricity generated by friction, which is created[Pg 112] on the surface of an object by rubbing it with a different material, known as frictional or static electricity, was the only type artificially produced in Franklin's time. What we refer to as galvanism, or animal electricity, also emerged in the 18th century, which will be discussed further. Since 1799, additional sources have been discovered, including voltaic electricity, or electricity generated through chemical reactions, such as when two different metals are placed close to or in contact with each other, and electrical phenomena caused by decomposition between them via a suitable medium; inductive electricity, or electricity induced in one object by its closeness to another object carrying a current; magnetic electricity, which involves converting magnetic power into electric force, and vice versa, generating magnetic force from an electric current; and thermal electricity, which is produced by heat. Electricity generated by these or other means, as opposed to that created by friction, has been termed dynamic; however, all electric force is now viewed as dynamic, in the sense that forces are always in motion and never at rest.

Many of the manifestations and experiments in later day fields which, by reason of their production by different means, have been given the names of discovery and invention, had become known to Franklin and others, by means of the old methods in frictional electricity. They are all, however, but different routes leading to the same goal. In the midst of the brilliant discoveries of modern times confronting us on every side we should not forget the honourable efforts of the fathers of the science.[Pg 113]

Many of the developments and experiments in later fields, which have been labeled as discoveries and inventions due to their different methods, were known to Franklin and others through traditional ways in frictional electricity. They are all just various paths leading to the same destination. Amidst the amazing discoveries of modern times all around us, we shouldn't forget the honorable contributions of the pioneers in the field.[Pg 113]

We need not dwell on what the ancients produced in this line. It was a single fact only:—The Greeks discovered that amber, a resinous substance, when rubbed would attract lighter bodies to it.

We don’t need to focus on what the ancients created in this regard. There was just one fact: The Greeks discovered that amber, a resin-like material, would attract lighter objects when it was rubbed.

In 1600 appeared the father of modern electricity—Dr. Gilbert of Colchester, physician to Queen Elizabeth. He revived the one experiment of antiquity, and added to it the further fact that many substances besides amber, when rubbed, would manifest the same electric condition, such as sulphur, sapphire, wax, glass and other bodies. And thus he opened the field of electrodes. He was the first to use the terms, electricity, electric and electrode, which he derived from the word elektron, the Greek name for amber. He observed the actions of magnets, and conjectured the fundamental identity of magnetism and electricity. He arranged an electrometer, consisting of an iron needle poised on a pivot, by which to note the action of the magnet. This was about the time that Otto von Guericke of Magdeburg, Germany, was born. He became a “natural” philosopher, and for thirty-five years was burgomaster of his native town. He invented the air-pump, and he it was who illustrated the force of atmospheric pressure by fitting together two hollow brass hemispheres which, after the air within them had been exhausted, could not be pulled apart. He also invented a barometer, and as an astronomer suggested that the return of comets might be calculated. He invented and constructed the first machine for generating electricity. It consisted of a ball of sulphur rotated on an axis, and which was electrified by friction of the hand, the ball receiving negative electricity while the positive flowed through the person to the earth. With this machine “he heard the first[Pg 114] sound and saw the first light in artificially excited electricity.” The machine was improved by Sir Isaac Newton and others, and before the close of that century was put into substantially its present form of a round glass plate rotated between insulated leather cushions coated with an amalgam of tin and zinc, the positive or vitreous electricity thus developed being accumulated on two large hollow brass cylinders with globular ends, supported on glass pillars. Gray in 1729 discovered the conductive power of certain substances, and that the electrical influence could be conveyed to a distance by means of an insulated wire. This was the first step towards the electric telegraph.

In 1600, the father of modern electricity—Dr. Gilbert of Colchester, who was a physician to Queen Elizabeth—emerged. He revived an ancient experiment and added the important discovery that many substances other than amber, when rubbed, would display the same electric charge, including sulfur, sapphire, wax, glass, and others. This discovery opened the field of electrodes. He was the first to use the terms electricity, electric, and electrode, which he took from the word elektron, the Greek term for amber. He studied magnets and speculated about the fundamental connection between magnetism and electricity. He set up an electrometer, which had an iron needle balanced on a pivot to detect magnetic actions. This was around the time Otto von Guericke was born in Magdeburg, Germany. He became a “natural” philosopher and served as the mayor of his hometown for thirty-five years. He invented the air pump and demonstrated atmospheric pressure by creating two hollow brass hemispheres that couldn’t be pulled apart once the air inside was removed. He also designed a barometer and suggested that the return of comets could be calculated. He created the first machine for generating electricity, which featured a sulfur ball spun on an axis, electrified by friction with his hand. The ball took on a negative charge while positive electricity flowed through him to the ground. With this machine, “he heard the first[Pg 114] sound and saw the first light in artificially generated electricity.” Sir Isaac Newton and others improved the machine, and by the end of that century, it had taken on a form resembling a round glass plate rotated between insulated leather pads coated with a tin and zinc mixture. This process developed positive or vitreous electricity, which was collected on two large hollow brass cylinders with rounded ends, supported by glass pillars. In 1729, Gray discovered that certain materials could conduct electricity and that electrical influence could be transmitted over a distance using insulated wire. This was the first step towards the electric telegraph.

Dufay, the French philosopher and author, who in 1733-1737 wrote the Memoirs of the French Academy, was, it seems, the first to observe electrical attractions and repulsions; that electrified resinous substances repelled like substances while they attracted bodies electrified by contact with glass; and he, therefore, to the latter applied the term vitreous electricity and to the former the term resinous electricity. In 1745 Prof. Muschenbroeck of Leyden University developed the celebrated Leyden jar. This is a glass jar coated both inside and outside with tinfoil for about four-fifths of its height. Its mouth is closed with a cork through which is passed a metallic rod, terminating above in a knob and connected below with the inner coating by a chain or a piece of tinfoil. If the inner coating be connected with an electrical machine and the outer coating with the earth, a current of electricity is established, and the inner coating receives what is called a positive and the outer coating a negative charge. On connecting the two surfaces by means[Pg 115] of a metallic discharger having a non-conducting handle a spark is obtained. Thus the Leyden jar is both a collector and a condenser of electricity. On arranging a series of such jars and joining their outer and inner surfaces, and connecting the series with an electrical machine, a battery is obtained of greater or less power according to the number of jars employed and the extent of supply from the machine.

Dufay, the French philosopher and writer, who from 1733 to 1737 wrote the Memoirs of the French Academy, was apparently the first to notice electrical attractions and repulsions; that electrified resin-based substances repelled other similar substances while they attracted objects electrified by contact with glass. He, therefore, referred to the latter as vitreous electricity and the former as resinous electricity. In 1745, Professor Muschenbroeck from Leyden University created the famous Leyden jar. This is a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil for about four-fifths of its height. Its opening is sealed with a cork, which has a metallic rod passing through it, ending in a knob above and connected below to the inner coating by a chain or a piece of tinfoil. If the inner coating is linked to an electrical machine and the outer coating is grounded, a current of electricity flows, charging the inner coating positively and the outer coating negatively. When the two surfaces are connected using a metallic discharger with a non-conducting handle, a spark is produced. Thus, the Leyden jar acts as both a collector and a condenser of electricity. By arranging a series of these jars and connecting their outer and inner surfaces, and linking the series to an electrical machine, a battery is created that can have greater or lesser power depending on the number of jars used and the amount of output from the machine.

The principle of the Leyden jar was discovered by accident. Cuneus, a pupil of Muschenbroeck, was one day trying to charge some water in a glass bottle with electricity by connecting it with a chain to the sparking knob of an electrical machine. Holding the bottle in one hand he arranged the chain with the other, and received a violent shock. His teacher then tried the experiment himself, with a still livelier and more convincing result, whereupon he declared that he would not repeat the trial for the whole Kingdom of France.

The principle of the Leyden jar was discovered by chance. Cuneus, a student of Muschenbroeck, was one day trying to charge some water in a glass bottle with electricity by connecting it to the sparking knob of an electrical machine with a chain. While holding the bottle in one hand, he adjusted the chain with the other and received a severe shock. His teacher then repeated the experiment himself, achieving an even more impressive result, and declared that he wouldn’t do it again for all the gold in France.

When the science of static electricity was thus far developed, with a machine for generating it and a collector to receive it, many experiments followed. Charles Morrison in 1753, in the Scots Magazine, proposed a telegraph system of insulated wires with a corresponding number of characters to be signalled between two stations. Other schemes were proposed at different times down to the close of the century.

When the science of static electricity reached a certain level, with a machine to generate it and a collector to capture it, many experiments followed. Charles Morrison in 1753, in the Scots Magazine, suggested a telegraph system using insulated wires, with a matching number of characters to be signaled between two stations. Other ideas were proposed at various points until the end of the century.

Franklin records among several other experiments with frictional electricity accumulated by the Leyden jar battery the following results, produced chiefly by himself: The existence of an attractive and a repulsive action of electricity; the restoration of the equilibrium of electrical force between electrified and non-electrified bodies, or between[Pg 116] bodies differently supplied with the force; the electroscope, a body charged with electricity and used to indicate the presence and condition of electricity in another body; the production of work, as the turning of wheels, by which it was proposed a spit for roasting meat might be formed, and the ringing of chimes by a wheel, which was done; the firing of gunpowder, the firing of wood, resin and spirits; the drawing off a charge from electrified bodies at a near distance by pointed rods; the heating and melting of metals; the production of light; the magnetising of needles and of bars of iron, giving rise to the analogy of magnetism and electricity.

Franklin documents several experiments with static electricity collected from the Leyden jar battery, primarily conducted by himself. He discovered that electricity has both attractive and repulsive effects; it can restore the balance of electrical force between electrified and non-electrified objects, or between objects with different levels of charge. He created the electroscope, a device used to detect the presence and state of electricity in another object. He also demonstrated how electricity could perform work, like turning wheels to create a spit for roasting meat and ringing chimes with a wheel. He found that electricity could ignite gunpowder as well as wood, resin, and alcohol; it could discharge from electrified objects at a short distance using pointed rods; it could heat and melt metals; it could produce light; and it could magnetize needles and bars of iron, highlighting the similarities between magnetism and electricity.

Franklin, who had gone thus far, and who also had drawn the lightning from the clouds, identified it as electricity, and taught the mode of its subjection, felt chagrined that more had not been done with this subtle agent in the service of man. He believed, however, that the day-spring of science was opening, and he seemed to have caught some reflection of its coming light. Observing the return to life and activity of some flies long imprisoned in a bottle of Madeira wine and which he restored by exposure to the sun and air, he wrote that he should like to be immersed at death with a few friends in a cask of Madeira, to be recalled to life a hundred years thence to observe the state of his country. It would not have been necessary for him to have been embalmed that length of time to have witnessed some great developments of his favorite science. He died in 1790, and it has been said that there was more real progress in this science in the first decade of the nineteenth century than in all previous centuries put together.[Pg 117]

Franklin, who had come this far and had drawn lightning from the clouds, identifying it as electricity and teaching how to control it, felt disappointed that more hadn't been done with this subtle force for the benefit of humanity. However, he believed that the dawn of scientific discovery was beginning, and he seemed to have glimpsed some reflection of its approaching light. Noticing the revival of some flies that had been trapped in a bottle of Madeira wine and which he revived by exposing them to sunlight and air, he mentioned that he would like to be buried alongside a few friends in a cask of Madeira, to be brought back to life a hundred years later to see the state of his country. He wouldn’t have needed to be preserved for that long to witness significant advancements in his beloved science. He died in 1790, and it has been noted that there was more genuine progress in this field during the first decade of the nineteenth century than in all the centuries that came before it.[Pg 117]

Before opening the door of the 19th century, let us glance at one more experiment in the 18th:

Before we open the door to the 19th century, let's take a look at one more experiment from the 18th:

While the aged Franklin was dying, Dr. Luigi Galvani of Bologna, an Italian physician, medical lecturer, and learned author, was preparing for publication his celebrated work, De viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius, in which he described his discovery made a few years before of the action of the electric current on the legs and spinal column of a frog hung on a copper nail. This discovery at once excited the attention of scientists, but in the absence of any immediate practical results the multitude dubbed him the “frog philosopher.” He proceeded with his experiments on animals and animal matter, and developed the doctrine and theories of what is known as animal or galvanic electricity. His fellow countryman and contemporary, Prof. Volta of Pavia, took decided issue with Galvani and maintained that the pretended animal electricity was nothing but electricity developed by the contact of two different metals. Subsequent investigations and discoveries have established the fact that both theories have truth for their basis, and that electricity is developed both by muscular and nervous energy as well as by chemical action. In 1799 Volta invented his celebrated pile, consisting of alternate disks of copper and zinc separated by a cloth moistened with a dilute acid; and soon after an arrangement of cups—each containing a dilute acid and a copper and a zinc plate placed a little distance apart, and thus dispensing with the cloth. In both instances he connected the end plate of one kind with the opposite end plate of the other kind by a wire, and in both arrangements produced a current of electricity. To the discoveries, experi[Pg 118]ments, and disputes of Galvani and Volta and to those of their respective adherents, the way was opened to the splendid electrical inventions of the century, and the discovery of a new world of light, heat, speech and power. The discoveries of Galvani and Volta at once set leading scientists at work. Fabroni of Florence, and Sir Humphry Davy and Wollaston of England, commenced interesting experiments, showing that rapid oxidation and chemical decomposition of the metals took place in the voltaic pile.

While the elderly Franklin was dying, Dr. Luigi Galvani from Bologna, an Italian doctor, medical lecturer, and knowledgeable author, was getting ready to publish his famous work, De viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius. In this, he described his discovery made a few years earlier about how an electric current affected the legs and spinal column of a frog hanging on a copper nail. This discovery immediately captured the interest of scientists, but because there were no immediate practical applications, the public nicknamed him the “frog philosopher.” He continued with his experiments on animals and animal matter, developing the ideas and theories known as animal or galvanic electricity. His fellow countryman and contemporary, Professor Volta from Pavia, strongly disagreed with Galvani, claiming that the so-called animal electricity was merely electricity produced by the contact of two different metals. Subsequent research and discoveries have shown that both theories are based on truth, with electricity being generated by both muscular and nervous energy as well as by chemical action. In 1799, Volta invented his famous pile, which consisted of alternating disks of copper and zinc separated by cloth soaked in a dilute acid; shortly after, he created an arrangement of cups—each containing a dilute acid with copper and zinc plates set a little distance apart, eliminating the need for cloth. In both cases, he connected the end plate of one type with the opposite end plate of the other type using a wire and generated a current of electricity in both setups. The discoveries, experiments, and debates between Galvani and Volta, along with those of their supporters, paved the way for the incredible electrical inventions of the century and the discovery of a new world of light, heat, communication, and power. The breakthroughs from Galvani and Volta quickly set prominent scientists to work. Fabroni from Florence, along with Sir Humphry Davy and Wollaston from England, began compelling experiments that demonstrated rapid oxidation and chemical decomposition of the metals in the voltaic pile.

By the discoveries of Galvani the physicians and physiologists were greatly excited, and believed that by this new vital power the nature of all kinds of nervous diseases could be explored and the remedy applied. Volta’s discovery excited the chemists. If two dissimilar metals could be decomposed and power at the same time produced they contended that practical work might be done with the force. In 1800 Nicholson and Carlisle decomposed water by passing the electric current through the same; Ritter decomposed copper sulphate, and Davy decomposed the alkalies, potash and soda. Thus the art of electrolysis—the decomposition of substances by the galvanic current, was established. Later Faraday laid down its laws. Naturally inventions sprung up in new forms of batteries. The pile and cup battery of Volta had been succeeded by the trough battery—a long box filled with separated plates set in dilute acid. The trough battery was used by Sir Humphry Davy in his series of great experiments—1806-1808—in which he isolated the metallic bases, calcium, sodium, potassium, etc. It consisted of 2000 double plates of copper and zinc, each having a surface of 32 square inches. With this same[Pg 119] trough battery Davy in 1812 produced the first electric carbon light, the bright herald of later glories.

By Galvani's discoveries, doctors and physiologists were really excited and believed that this new vital power could help them understand all kinds of nervous diseases and find remedies. Volta’s discovery got chemists buzzing too. They argued that if two different metals could be broken down while generating power, they could do practical work with that energy. In 1800, Nicholson and Carlisle split water by passing an electric current through it; Ritter decomposed copper sulfate, and Davy decomposed alkaline substances like potash and soda. This established the art of electrolysis—the breakdown of substances using electric current. Later, Faraday formulated its laws. Unsurprisingly, new battery designs appeared. Volta's pile and cup battery were replaced by the trough battery—a long box filled with separated plates immersed in dilute acid. Sir Humphry Davy used the trough battery in his groundbreaking experiments from 1806 to 1808, where he isolated metallic bases such as calcium, sodium, and potassium. It was made up of 2000 double plates of copper and zinc, each with a surface area of 32 square inches. With the same trough battery, Davy created the first electric carbon light in 1812, heralding future advancements.

Among the most noted new batteries were Daniell’s, Grove’s and Bunsen’s. They are called the “two fluid batteries,” because in place of a single acidulated bath in which the dissimilar metals were before placed, two different liquid solutions were employed.

Among the most notable new batteries were Daniell’s, Grove’s, and Bunsen’s. They’re referred to as the “two fluid batteries” because instead of using a single acid solution where the different metals were previously placed, two different liquid solutions were used.

John Frederick Daniell of London, noted for his great work, Meteorological Essays, and other scientific publications, and as Professor of Chemistry in King’s College, in 1836, described how a powerful and constant current of electricity may be continued for an unlimited period by a battery composed of zinc standing in an acid solution and a sheet of copper in a solution of sulphate of copper.

John Frederick Daniell from London, known for his significant work, Meteorological Essays, along with other scientific publications, and as a Chemistry Professor at King’s College, in 1836, explained how a strong and steady electric current can be sustained indefinitely by a battery made of zinc in an acid solution and a sheet of copper in a copper sulfate solution.

Sir William Robert Grove, first an English physician, then an eminent lawyer, and then a professor of natural philosophy, and the first to announce the great theory of the Correlation of Physical Forces, in 1839 produced his battery, much more powerful than any previous one, and still in general use. In it zinc and platinum are the metals used—the zinc bent into cylindrical form and placed in a glass jar containing a weak solution of sulphuric acid, while the platinum stands in a porous jar holding strong nitric acid and surrounded by the zinc. Among the electrical discoveries of Grove were the decomposition by electricity of water into free oxygen and hydrogen, the electricity of the flame of the blow-pipe, electrical action produced by proximity, without contact, of dissimilar metals, molecular movements induced in metals by the electric current, and the conversion of electricity into mechanical force.[Pg 120]

Sir William Robert Grove was initially an English physician, then became a notable lawyer, and later a professor of natural philosophy. He was the first to introduce the significant theory of the Correlation of Physical Forces. In 1839, he created his battery, which was much more powerful than any previous ones and is still widely used today. It uses zinc and platinum as the metals—the zinc is shaped into a cylinder and placed in a glass jar filled with a weak solution of sulfuric acid, while the platinum is housed in a porous jar containing strong nitric acid and is surrounded by the zinc. Among Grove's electrical discoveries were the decomposition of water into free oxygen and hydrogen using electricity, the production of electricity from the flame of a blowpipe, electrical action generated by the close proximity of different metals without physical contact, molecular movements in metals caused by the electric current, and the transformation of electricity into mechanical energy.[Pg 120]

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, a German chemist and philosopher and scientific writer, who invented some of the most important aids to scientific research of the century, who constructed the best working chemical laboratory on the continent and founded the most celebrated schools of chemistry in Europe, invented a battery, sometimes called the carbon battery, in which the expensive pole of platinum in the Grove battery is replaced by one of carbon. It was found that this combination gave a greater current than that of zinc and platinum.

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, a German chemist, philosopher, and science writer, invented some of the most important tools for scientific research of the century. He built the most efficient chemical laboratory in Europe and established some of the most renowned chemistry schools on the continent. He also created a battery, sometimes referred to as the carbon battery, which replaces the costly platinum pole in the Grove battery with carbon. It was discovered that this combination produced a stronger current than the zinc and platinum setup.

A great variety of useful voltaic batteries have since been devised by others, too numerous to be mentioned here. There is another form of battery having for its object the storing of energy by electrolysis, and liberating it when desired, in the form of an electric current, and known as an accumulator, or secondary, polarization, or storage battery. Prof. Ritter had noticed that the two plates of metal which furnished the electric current, when placed in the acid liquid and united, could in themselves furnish a current, and the inventing of storage batteries was thus produced. The principal ones of this class are Gustave Planté’s of 1860 and M. Camille Faure’s of 1880. These have still further been improved. Still another form are the thermo-electric batteries, in which the electro-motive force is produced by the joining of two different metals, connecting them by a wire and heating their junctions. Thus, an electric current is obtained directly from heat, without going through the intermediate processes of boiling water to produce steam, using this steam to drive an engine, and using this engine to turn a dynamo machine to produce power.

A wide range of practical voltaic batteries has been developed by others, far too many to list here. There's another type of battery designed to store energy through electrolysis and release it when needed as an electric current, known as an accumulator, secondary battery, or storage battery. Professor Ritter observed that the two metal plates supplying the electric current, when placed together in an acidic solution, could generate a current on their own, leading to the invention of storage batteries. The main examples in this category are Gustave Planté's from 1860 and M. Camille Faure's from 1880. These have been further refined. Another type is the thermo-electric batteries, where the electro-motive force is generated by connecting two different metals with a wire and heating their junctions. This way, an electric current is directly obtained from heat, bypassing the steps of boiling water to create steam, using that steam to power an engine, and then using the engine to drive a dynamo machine to generate power.

But let us retrace our steps:—As previously stated,[Pg 121] Franklin had experimented with frictional electricity on needles, and had magnetised and polarised them and noticed their deflection; and Lesage had established an experimental telegraph at Geneva by the same kind of electricity more than a hundred years ago. But frictional electricity could not be transmitted with power over long distances, and was for practical purposes uncontrollable by reason of its great diffusion over surfaces, while voltaic electricity was found to be more intense and could be developed with great power along a wire for any distance. Fine wires had been heated and even melted by Franklin by frictional electricity, and now Ritter, Pfaff and others observed the same effect produced on the conducting wires by a voltaic current; and Curtet, on closing the passage with a piece of charcoal, produced a brilliant light, which was followed by Davy’s light already mentioned.

But let's go back a bit:—As mentioned earlier,[Pg 121] Franklin had worked with frictional electricity on needles, magnetizing and polarizing them and observing their deflection; Lesage had set up an experimental telegraph in Geneva using the same type of electricity over a hundred years ago. However, frictional electricity couldn't be transmitted powerfully over long distances and was practically impossible to control because of its wide dispersion over surfaces, while voltaic electricity was found to be stronger and could be transmitted effectively along a wire for any distance. Franklin had heated and even melted fine wires using frictional electricity, and now Ritter, Pfaff, and others noted the same effect on conducting wires from a voltaic current; and Curtet, by closing the circuit with a piece of charcoal, created a brilliant light, which was followed by Davy’s light mentioned earlier.

As early as 1802 an Italian savant, Gian D. Romagnosi of Trent, learning of Volta’s discovery, observed and announced in a public print the deflection of the magnetic needle when placed near a parallel conductor of the galvanic current. In the years 1819 and 1820 so many brilliant discoveries and inventions were made by eminent men, independently and together, and at such near and distant places, that it is hard telling who and which was first. It was in 1819 that the celebrated Danish physicist, Oersted of Copenhagen, rediscovered the phenomena that the voltaic current would deflect a magnetic needle, and that the needle would turn at right angles to the wire. In 1820 Prof. S. C. Schweigger of Halle discovered that this deflecting force was increased when the wire was wound several times round the needle, and thus he invented[Pg 122] the magnetising helix. He also then invented a galvano-magnetic indicator (a single-wire circuit) by giving the insulated wire a number of turns around an elongated frame longitudinally enclosing the compass needle, thus multiplying the effect of the current upon the sensitive needle, and converting it into a practical measuring instrument—known as the galvanometer, and used to observe the strength of currents. In the same year Arago found that iron filings were attracted by a voltaic charged wire; and Arago and Davy that a piece of soft iron surrounded spirally by a wire through which such a current was passed would become magnetic, attract to it other metals while in that condition, immediately drop them the instant the current ceased, and that such current would permanently magnetise a steel bar. The elements of the electro-magnet had thus been produced. It was in that year that Ampère discovered that magnetism is the circulation of currents of electricity at right angles to the axis of the needle or bar joining the two poles of the magnet. He then laid down the laws of interaction between magnets and electrical currents, and in this same year he proposed an electric-magneto telegraph consisting of the combination of a voltaic battery, conducting wires, and magnetic needles, one needle for each letter of the alphabet.

As early as 1802, an Italian scholar, Gian D. Romagnosi from Trent, learned about Volta’s discovery and publicly announced the deflection of a magnetic needle when it was placed near a parallel conductor carrying an electric current. In 1819 and 1820, many brilliant discoveries and inventions were made by prominent individuals, both independently and collaboratively, in various locations, making it difficult to determine who was first. In 1819, the renowned Danish physicist Oersted from Copenhagen rediscovered that a voltaic current could deflect a magnetic needle, which would turn at right angles to the wire. In 1820, Professor S. C. Schweigger from Halle found that this deflecting force increased when the wire was coiled multiple times around the needle, leading to the invention of[Pg 122] the magnetizing helix. He also invented a galvano-magnetic indicator (a single-wire circuit) by wrapping insulated wire around an elongated frame that enclosed the compass needle longitudinally, thereby amplifying the current's effect on the sensitive needle and turning it into a practical measuring instrument—known as the galvanometer, used to measure current strength. In the same year, Arago discovered that iron filings were attracted to a wire carrying a voltaic current; and together with Davy, he found that a piece of soft iron wrapped in a wire carrying such a current would become magnetic, attracting other metals while in that state, only to release them the moment the current stopped, and that this current could permanently magnetize a steel bar. Thus, the components of the electro-magnet were created. That same year, Ampère discovered that magnetism involves the circulation of electric currents at right angles to the axis of the needle or bar connecting the two poles of the magnet. He also established the laws governing the interaction between magnets and electric currents, and that year he proposed an electromagnetic telegraph comprising a voltaic battery, conducting wires, and magnetic needles, with one needle assigned to each letter of the alphabet.

The discoveries of Ampère as to the laws of electricity have been likened to the discovery of Newton of the law of gravitation.

The discoveries of Ampère regarding the laws of electricity have been compared to Newton's discovery of the law of gravitation.

Still no practical result, that is, no useful machine, had been produced by the electro-magnet.

Still no practical result, meaning no useful machine, had been created by the electromagnet.

In 1825 Sturgeon of England bent a piece of wire into the shape of a horse-shoe, insulated it with a coating of sealing wax, wound a fine copper wire[Pg 123] around it, thus making a helix, passed a galvanic current through the helix, and thus invented the first practical electro-magnet. But Sturgeon’s magnet was weak, and could not transmit power for more than fifty feet. Already, however, it had been urged that Sturgeon’s magnet could be used for telegraphic purposes, and a futile trial was made. In the field during this decade also labored the German professors Gauss and Weber, and Baron Schilling of Russia. In 1829 Prof. Barlow of England published an article in which he summarised what had been done, and scientifically demonstrated to his own satisfaction that an electro-magnetic telegraph was impracticable, and his conclusion was accepted by the scientific world as a fact. This was, however, not the first nor the last time that scientific men had predicted impracticabilities with electricity which afterwards blossomed into full success. But even before Prof. Barlow was thus arriving at his discouraging conclusion, Prof. Joseph Henry at the Albany Institute in the State of New York had commenced experiments which resulted in the complete and successful demonstration of the power of electro-magnetism for not only telegraph purposes but for almost every advancement that has since been had in this branch of physics. In March 1829 he exhibited at his Institute the magnetic “spool” or “bobbin,” that form of coil composed of tightly-wound, silk-covered wire which he had constructed, and which since has been universally employed for nearly every application of electro-magnetism, of induction, or of magneto-electrics. And in the same year and in 1830 he produced those powerful magnets through which the energy of a galvanic battery was used to lift hundreds of tons of weight.[Pg 124]

In 1825, Sturgeon from England shaped a piece of wire into a horseshoe, insulated it with sealing wax, and wrapped a fine copper wire[Pg 123] around it to create a helix. He then passed a galvanic current through this helix, inventing the first practical electromagnet. However, Sturgeon’s magnet was weak and could only transmit power for about fifty feet. It had already been suggested that Sturgeon’s magnet could be used for telegraphy, leading to an unsuccessful trial. During this decade, German professors Gauss and Weber, along with Baron Schilling from Russia, were also working in the field. In 1829, Prof. Barlow from England published an article summarizing the progress and scientifically concluded that an electromagnetic telegraph was impractical, a conclusion that was accepted as fact in the scientific community. This wasn't the first or last time that scientists predicted failures with electricity that later became successful. Before Prof. Barlow reached his discouraging conclusion, Prof. Joseph Henry at the Albany Institute in New York had started experiments that successfully demonstrated the power of electromagnetism, which would lead to significant advancements in this area of physics. In March 1829, he showcased at his Institute the magnetic “spool” or “bobbin,” a coil made of tightly-wound, silk-covered wire that he had built, which has since been widely used in almost every application of electromagnetism, induction, or magneto-electrics. In the same year and in 1830, he created powerful magnets that utilized the energy from a galvanic battery to lift hundreds of tons of weight.[Pg 124]

In view of all the facts now historically established, there can be no doubt that previous to Henry’s experiments the means for developing magnetism in soft iron were imperfectly understood, and that, as found by Prof. Barlow, the electro-magnet which then existed was inapplicable and impracticable for the transmission of power to a distance. Prof. Henry was the first to prove that a galvanic battery of “intensity” must be employed to project the current through a long conductor, and that a magnet of one long wire must be used to receive this current; the first to magnetise a piece of soft iron at a distance and call attention to its applicability to the telegraph; the first to actually sound a bell at a distance by means of the electro-magnet; and the first to show that the principles he developed were applicable and necessary to the practical operation of an effective telegraph system.

Given all the facts that are now historically established, there’s no doubt that before Henry’s experiments, the methods for generating magnetism in soft iron were not clearly understood. As Professor Barlow found, the electro-magnet that existed back then was not suitable or practical for transmitting power over distances. Professor Henry was the first to demonstrate that a galvanic battery of “intensity” needed to be used to send the current through a long conductor and that a magnet made from a single long wire was required to receive this current. He was also the first to magnetize a piece of soft iron from a distance and highlight its potential use in telegraphs; the first to actually ring a bell from afar using an electro-magnet; and the first to prove that the principles he developed were essential and relevant for the practical functioning of an effective telegraph system.

Sturgeon, the parent of the electro-magnet, on learning of Henry’s discoveries and inventions, wrote: “Professor Henry has been enabled to produce a magnetic force which totally eclipses every other in the whole annals of magnetism; and no parallel is to be found since the miraculous suspension of the celebrated oriental impostor in his iron coffin.” (Philosophical Magazine and Annals, 1832.)

Sturgeon, the inventor of the electromagnet, upon hearing about Henry’s discoveries and inventions, wrote: “Professor Henry has been able to produce a magnetic force that completely surpasses every other in the entire history of magnetism; and no comparison can be found since the amazing suspension of the famous eastern fraud in his iron coffin.” (Philosophical Magazine and Annals, 1832.)

The third decade was now prepared for the development of the telegraph. As to the telegraph in its broadest sense, as a means for conveying intelligence to a distance quickly and without a messenger, successful experiments of that kind have existed from the earliest times:—from the signal fires of the ancients; from the flag signals between ships at sea, introduced in the seventeenth century by the Duke[Pg 125] of York, then Admiral of the English fleet, and afterwards James II of England; from the semaphore telegraph of M. Chappe, adopted by the French government in 1794, consisting of bars pivoted to an upright stationary post, and made to swing vertically or horizontally to indicate certain signals; and from many other forms of earlier and later days.

The third decade was now set for the development of the telegraph. In the broadest sense, the telegraph served as a way to quickly send information over long distances without a messenger. Successful experiments of that nature have existed since ancient times, including the signal fires used by early civilizations; the flag signals between ships at sea, introduced in the 17th century by the Duke[Pg 125] of York, who was then Admiral of the English fleet and later became James II of England; the semaphore telegraph created by M. Chappe, which was adopted by the French government in 1794 and involved bars pivoting on a fixed post to swing vertically or horizontally to convey specific signals; and various other forms from both earlier and later periods.

As to electricity as an agent for the transmission of signals, the idea dates, as already stated, from the discovery of Stephen Gray in 1729, that the electrical influence could be conveyed to a distance by the means of an insulated wire. This was followed by the practical suggestions of Franklin and others. But when, as we have seen, voltaic electricity entered the field, electricity became a more powerful and tractable servant, and distant intelligent signals became one of its first labors.

As for electricity as a way to transmit signals, the concept originated, as mentioned earlier, from Stephen Gray's discovery in 1729 that electrical influence could be transmitted over a distance using an insulated wire. This was later followed by practical ideas from Franklin and others. However, when voltaic electricity emerged, as we've seen, electricity transformed into a more powerful and manageable tool, and sending intelligent signals over long distances became one of its initial applications.

The second decade was also made notable by the discovery and establishment by George Simon Ohm, a German professor of Physics, of the fundamental mathematical law of electricity: It has been expressed in the following terms: (a) the current strength is equal to the electro-motive force divided by the resistance; (b) the force is equal to the current strength multiplied by the resistance; (c) the resistance is equal to the force divided by the current strength.

The second decade was also marked by the discovery and establishment by George Simon Ohm, a German physics professor, of the fundamental mathematical law of electricity. It can be expressed in the following ways: (a) the current strength is equal to the electromotive force divided by the resistance; (b) the force is equal to the current strength multiplied by the resistance; (c) the resistance is equal to the force divided by the current strength.

The historical development and evolution of the telegraph may be now summarized:—

The history and evolution of the telegraph can now be summarized:—

1. The discovery of galvanic electricity by Galvani—1786-1790.

1. The discovery of galvanic electricity by Galvani—1786-1790.

2. The galvanic or voltaic battery by Volta in 1800.

2. The galvanic or voltaic battery created by Volta in 1800.

3. The galvanic influence on a magnetic needle by Romagnosi (1802) Oersted (1820).[Pg 126]

3. The galvanic influence on a magnetic needle by Romagnosi (1802) Oersted (1820).[Pg 126]

4. The galvanometer of Schweigger, 1820—the parent of the needle system.

4. The galvanometer by Schweigger, 1820—the predecessor of the needle system.

5. The electro-magnet by Arago and Sturgeon—1820-1825—the parent of the magnet system.

5. The electromagnet by Arago and Sturgeon—1820-1825—the parent of the magnet system.

Then followed in the third decade the important series of steps in the evolution, consisting of:—

Then came in the third decade the significant series of steps in the evolution, which included:—

First, and most vital, Henry’s discovery in 1829 and 1830 of the “intensity” or spool-wound magnet, and its intimate relation to the “intensity” battery, and the subordinate use of an armature as the signalling device.

First, and most importantly, Henry’s discovery in 1829 and 1830 of the “intensity” or spool-wound magnet, its close connection to the “intensity” battery, and the secondary use of an armature as the signaling device.

Second, Gauss’s improvement in 1833 (or probably Schilling’s considerably earlier) of reducing the electric conductors to a single circuit by the ingenious use of a dual sign so combined as to produce a true alphabet.

Second, Gauss’s improvement in 1833 (or possibly Schilling’s much earlier one) of simplifying the electric conductors into a single circuit by the clever use of a dual sign that combines to create a true alphabet.

Third, Weber’s discovery in 1833 that the conducting wires of an electric telegraph could be efficiently carried through the air without any insulation except at their points of support.

Third, Weber’s discovery in 1833 that the wires used in an electric telegraph could effectively transmit signals through the air without needing insulation, except at their support points.

Fourth, Daniell’s invention of a “constant” galvanic battery in 1836.

Fourth, Daniell created a “constant” galvanic battery in 1836.

Fifth, Steinheil’s remarkable discovery in 1837 that the earth may form the returning half of a closed galvanic circuit, so that a single conducting wire is sufficient for all telegraphic purposes.

Fifth, Steinheil’s amazing discovery in 1837 that the earth could serve as the returning half of a closed electrical circuit, meaning that a single wire is enough for all telegraphic needs.

Sixth, Morse’s adaptation of the armature and electro-magnet of Henry as a recording instrument in 1837 in connection with his improvement in 1838 on the Schilling, Gauss and Steinheil alphabets by employing the simple “dot and dash” alphabet in a single line. He was also assisted by the suggestions of Profs. Dana and Gale. To which must be added his adoption of Alfred Vail’s improved alphabet, and Vail’s practical suggestions in respect to the recording and other instrumentalities.[Pg 127]

Sixth, Morse adapted the armature and electromagnet from Henry to create a recording instrument in 1837, along with his enhancements in 1838 to the Schilling, Gauss, and Steinheil alphabets by using the straightforward "dot and dash" system in a single line. He also benefited from the input of Professors Dana and Gale. Additionally, he incorporated Alfred Vail’s improved alphabet and Vail’s practical advice regarding the recording and other tools.[Pg 127]

To these should be added the efforts in England, made almost simultaneously with those of Morse, of Wheatstone and Cook and Davy, who were reaching the same goal by somewhat different routes.

To these should be added the efforts in England, made almost simultaneously with those of Morse, of Wheatstone and Cook and Davy, who were reaching the same goal by somewhat different routes.

Morse in 1837 commenced to put the results of his experiments and investigations in the form of caveats, applications and letters patent in the United States and in Europe. He struggled hard against indifference and poverty to introduce his invention to the world. It was not until 1844 that he reduced it to a commercial practical success. He then laid a telegraph from Washington to Baltimore under the auspices of the United States Government, which after long hesitation appropriated $30,000 for the purpose. It was on the 24th day of May, 1844, that the first formal message was transmitted on this line between the two cities and recorded by the electro-magnet in the dot and dash alphabet, and this was immediately followed by other messages on the same line.

Morse began in 1837 to formalize the results of his experiments and research into caveats, applications, and patents in the United States and Europe. He fought hard against apathy and financial struggles to share his invention with the world. It wasn't until 1844 that he turned it into a commercially viable success. He then set up a telegraph from Washington to Baltimore with the support of the United States Government, which, after much delay, allocated $30,000 for the project. On May 24, 1844, the first official message was sent on this line between the two cities, recorded by the electromagnet using the dot and dash system, followed immediately by other messages on the same line.

Morse gathered freely from all sources of which he could avail himself knowledge of what had gone before. He was not a scientific discoverer, but an inventor, who, adding a few ideas of his own to what had before been discovered, was the first to combine them in a practical useful device. What he did as an inventor, and what anyone may do to constitute himself an inventor, by giving to the world a device which is useful in the daily work of mankind, as distinguished from the scientific discoverer who stops short of successful industrial work, is thus stated by the United States Supreme Court in an opinion sustaining the validity of his patents, after all the previous art had been produced before it:—

Morse freely drew from all sources available to him to learn about what had come before. He wasn't a scientific pioneer, but an inventor who added a few of his own ideas to existing discoveries to create a practical and useful device. What he achieved as an inventor, and what anyone can do to become an inventor, is to introduce a device that benefits everyday work, unlike a scientific discoverer who does not follow through to practical industrial applications. This distinction is clarified by the United States Supreme Court in a ruling that upheld the validity of his patents, even after all earlier inventions had been considered:—

“Neither can the inquiries he made nor the information[Pg 128] or advice he received from men of science in the course of his researches impair his right to the character of an inventor. No invention can possibly be made, consisting of a combination of different elements of power, without a thorough knowledge of the properties of each of them, and the mode in which they operate on each other. And it can make no difference in this respect, whether he derives his information from books, or from conversation with men skilled in the science. If it were otherwise, no patent in which a combination of different elements is used would ever be obtained, for no man ever made such an invention without having first obtained this information, unless it was discovered by some fortunate accident. And it is evident that such an invention as the electro-magnetic telegraph could never have been brought into action without it; for a very high degree of scientific knowledge and the nicest skill in the mechanic arts are combined in it, and were both necessary to bring it into successful operation. The fact that Morse sought and obtained the necessary information and counsel from the best sources, and acted upon it, neither impairs his rights as an inventor nor detracts from his merits.”—O’Reilly vs. Morse, 5 Howard.

“Neither the questions he asked nor the information[Pg 128] or advice he got from scientists during his research affects his status as an inventor. You can't create an invention that involves a combination of different elements of power without fully understanding the properties of each one and how they interact with each other. It doesn't matter whether he got his information from books or from discussions with experts in the field. If it were different, no patent involving a combination of various elements could ever be granted, because no one has ever made such an invention without first gathering this knowledge, unless it happened by sheer luck. It's clear that an invention like the electro-magnetic telegraph could never have functioned without this knowledge; a very high level of scientific understanding and exceptional skill in mechanical arts were both essential to make it work successfully. The fact that Morse sought and obtained the necessary information and advice from the best sources, and acted on it, does not undermine his rights as an inventor or diminish his achievements.” —O’Reilly vs. Morse, 5 Howard.

The combination constituting Morse’s invention comprised a main wire circuit to transmit the current through its whole length whenever closed; a main galvanic battery to supply the current; operating keys to break and close the main circuit; office circuits; a circuit of conductors and batteries at each office to record the message there; receiving spring lever magnets to close an office circuit when a current passes through the main circuit; adjusting screws to vary the force of the main current; marking apparatus,[Pg 129] consisting of pointed pieces of wire, to indent dots and lines upon paper; clockwork to move the paper indented; and magnet sounders to develop the power of the pointer and of the armatures to produce audible distinguishable sounds.

The combination making up Morse’s invention included a main wire circuit to transmit the current along its entire length whenever it was closed; a main battery to provide the current; keys to open and close the main circuit; office circuits; a set of conductors and batteries at each office to record the message; receiving magnets that close an office circuit when current flows through the main circuit; adjustment screws to change the strength of the main current; marking devices, consisting of pointed wires, to create dots and lines on paper; a mechanism to move the indented paper; and sounders to amplify the power of the pointer and armatures to produce clear, audible sounds.[Pg 129]

It was soon learned by operators how to distinguish the signs or letters sent by the length of the “click” of the armature, and by thus reading by sound the reading of the signs on paper was dispensed with, and the device became an electric-magnetic acoustic telegraph.

It didn't take long for operators to figure out how to tell the signs or letters by the length of the "click" of the armature. By reading the sounds, they no longer needed to rely on the paper readouts, and the device evolved into an electromagnetic acoustic telegraph.

What is known as the Morse system has been improved, but its fundamental principles remain, and their world-wide use constitute still the daily evidence of the immense value of the invention to mankind.

What we call the Morse system has been enhanced, but its basic principles are still intact, and its global use continues to demonstrate the immense value of this invention to humanity.

Before the 1844 reduction to practice, Morse had originated and laid the first submarine telegraph. This was in New York harbour in 1842. In a letter to the Secretary of the United States Treasury, August 10, 1843, he also suggested the project of an Atlantic telegraph.

Before the 1844 implementation, Morse had created and laid the first submarine telegraph. This took place in New York Harbor in 1842. In a letter to the Secretary of the United States Treasury on August 10, 1843, he also proposed the idea of an Atlantic telegraph.

While Henry was busy with his great magnets and Morse struggling to introduce his telegraph, Michael Faraday was making those investigations and discoveries which were to result in the application of electricity to the service of man in still wider and grander fields.

While Henry was occupied with his large magnets and Morse was working to launch his telegraph, Michael Faraday was conducting research and making discoveries that would lead to the use of electricity in even broader and more impressive ways for humanity.

Faraday was a chemist, and Davy’s most brilliant pupil and efficient assistant. His earliest experiments were in the line of electrolysis. This was about 1822, but it was not until 1831 that he began to devote his brilliant talents as an experimentalist and lecturer wholly to electrical researches, and for a quarter of a century his patient, wonderful labours[Pg 130] and discoveries continued. It has been said that “although Oersted was the discoverer of electro-magnetism and Ampère its expounder, Faraday made the science of magnets electrically what it is at the present day.”

Faraday was a chemist and Davy's most outstanding student and effective assistant. His earliest experiments focused on electrolysis around 1822, but it wasn't until 1831 that he fully committed his exceptional skills as an experimentalist and lecturer to electrical research. For twenty-five years, his patient and remarkable work[Pg 130] and discoveries continued. It's been said that "although Oersted discovered electromagnetism and Ampère explained it, Faraday shaped the field of electromagnetism into what it is today."

Great magnetic power having been developed by passing a galvanic current around a bar of soft iron, Faraday concluded that it was reasonable to suppose that as mechanical action is accompanied by an equal amount of reaction, electricity ought to be evolved from magnetism.

Great magnetic power was created by passing an electric current around a soft iron bar. Faraday concluded that it made sense to think that just as mechanical action comes with an equal amount of reaction, electricity should be generated from magnetism.

“It was in 1831 that Faraday demonstrated before the Royal Society that if a magnetized bar of steel be introduced into the centre of a helix of insulated wire, there is at the moment of introduction of the magnet a current of electricity set up in a certain direction in the insulated wire forming the helix, while on the withdrawal of the magnet from the helix a current in an opposite direction takes place.

“It was in 1831 that Faraday showed the Royal Society that when a magnetized steel bar is placed in the center of a coil of insulated wire, a current of electricity flows in a specific direction through the insulated wire at the moment the magnet is introduced. Conversely, when the magnet is removed from the coil, a current flows in the opposite direction.”

“He also discovered that the same phenomenon was to be observed if for the magnet was substituted a coil of insulated wire, through which the current from a voltaic element was passing; and further that when an insulated coil of wire was made to revolve before the poles of a permanent magnet, electric currents were induced in the wires of the coil.”—Journal of the Society of Arts.

“He also found that the same thing happened if you replaced the magnet with a coil of insulated wire with current from a battery flowing through it; and moreover, when an insulated coil of wire was rotated in front of the poles of a permanent magnet, electric currents were generated in the wires of the coil.”—Journal of the Society of Arts.

On these discoveries were based the action of all magneto-dynamo electric machines—machines that have enabled the world to convert the energy of a steam engine in its stall, or a distant waterfall, into electric energy for the performance of the herculean labours of lighting a great city, or an ocean-bound lighthouse, or transporting quickly heavy loads of[Pg 131] people or freight up and down and to and fro upon the earth.

On these discoveries were based the function of all magneto-dynamo electric machines—machines that have allowed the world to convert the energy of a stationary steam engine or a distant waterfall into electrical energy for the massive tasks of lighting a big city, an ocean lighthouse, or quickly transporting heavy loads of[Pg 131] people or freight back and forth across the land.

As before stated, Faraday was also the first to proclaim the laws of electrolysis, or electro-chemical decomposition. He expressed conviction that the forces termed chemical affinity and electricity are one and the same. Subsequently the great Helmholtz, having proved by experiment that in the phenomena of electrolysis no other force acts but the mutual attractions of the atomic electric charges, came to the conclusion, “that the very mightiest among the chemical forces are of electric origin.”

As mentioned earlier, Faraday was the first to announce the laws of electrolysis, or electro-chemical decomposition. He believed that the forces known as chemical affinity and electricity are essentially the same. Later, the renowned Helmholtz proved through experimentation that in the process of electrolysis, the only force at work is the mutual attraction of atomic electric charges. He concluded that "the very mightiest among the chemical forces are of electric origin."

Faraday having demonstrated by his experiments that chemical decomposition, electricity, magnetism, heat and light, are all inter-convertible and correlated forces, the inventors of the age were now ready to step forward and put these theories at work in machines in the service of man. Faraday was a leader in the field of discovery. He left to inventors the practical application of his discoveries.

Faraday showed through his experiments that chemical decomposition, electricity, magnetism, heat, and light are all interchangeable and connected forces. Now, the inventors of the time were ready to take these theories and use them in machines to benefit humanity. Faraday was a pioneer in discovery, leaving the practical application of his findings to the inventors.

Prof. Henry in America was, contemporaneously with Faraday, developing electricity by means of magnetic induction.

Prof. Henry in America was, at the same time as Faraday, developing electricity through magnetic induction.

In 1832, Pixii, a philosophical instrument-maker of Paris, and Joseph Saxton, an American then residing in London, invented and constructed magneto-machines on Faraday’s principle of rendering magnetic a core of soft iron surrounded with insulated wire from a permanent magnet, and rapidly reversing its polarity, which machines were used to produce sparks, decompose liquids and metals, and fire combustible bodies. Saxton’s machine was the well-known electric shock machine operated by turning a crank. A similar device is now used for ringing telephone call bells.[Pg 132]

In 1832, Pixii, a philosophical instrument maker from Paris, and Joseph Saxton, an American living in London, invented and built magneto-machines based on Faraday's principle of making a core of soft iron, surrounded by insulated wire, magnetic from a permanent magnet, and quickly switching its polarity. These machines were used to create sparks, break down liquids and metals, and ignite flammable materials. Saxton's machine was the famous electric shock machine that worked by turning a crank. A similar device is now used to ring telephone call bells.[Pg 132]

Prof. C. G. Page of Washington and Ruhmkorff of Paris each made a machine, well known as the Ruhmkorff coil, by which intense electro-magnetic currents by induction were produced. The production of electrical illumination was now talked of more than ever. Scientists and inventors now had two forms of electrical machines to produce light: the voltaic battery and the magneto-electric apparatus. But a period of comparative rest took place in this line until 1850, when Prof. Nollet of Brussels made an effort to produce a powerful magneto-electric machine for decomposing water into its elements of hydrogen and oxygen, which gases were then to be used in producing the lime light; and a company known as “The Alliance” was organized at Paris to make large machines for the production of light.

Prof. C. G. Page from Washington and Ruhmkorff from Paris each created a machine known as the Ruhmkorff coil, which produced intense electromagnetic currents through induction. The conversation around electrical lighting was more vibrant than ever. Scientists and inventors now had two types of electrical machines to generate light: the voltaic battery and the magneto-electric apparatus. However, there was a period of relative stagnation in this area until 1850, when Prof. Nollet from Brussels attempted to create a powerful magneto-electric machine to break down water into its hydrogen and oxygen components, which were intended to be used to generate limelight. A company called “The Alliance” was established in Paris to manufacture large machines for lighting production.

We have seen that Davy produced a brilliant electric light with two pieces of charcoal in the electric circuit of a voltaic battery. Greener and Staite revived this idea in a patent in 1845. Shortly after Nollet’s machine, F. H. Holmes of England improved it and applied the current directly to the production of electric light between carbon points. And Holmes and Faraday in 1857 prepared this machine for use.

We have seen that Davy created a brilliant electric light using two pieces of charcoal in the electric circuit of a voltaic battery. Greener and Staite brought this idea back in a patent in 1845. Shortly after Nollet’s machine, F. H. Holmes from England enhanced it and directly applied the current to produce electric light between carbon points. In 1857, Holmes and Faraday prepared this machine for use.

On the evening of December 8, 1858, the first practical electric light, the work of Faraday and Holmes, flashed over the troubled sea from the South Foreland Lighthouse. On June 6, 1862, this light was also introduced into the lighthouse at Dungeness, England. The same light was introduced in French lighthouses in December, 1863, and also in the work on the docks of Cherbourg. At this time Germany was also awake to the importance of this invention, and Dr. Werner Siemens of Berlin was at work developing [Pg 133]a machine for the purpose into one of less cost and of greater use. Inventors were not yet satisfied with the power developed from either the voltaic battery or the magneto-electric machine, and continued to improve the latter.

On the evening of December 8, 1858, the first practical electric light, created by Faraday and Holmes, illuminated the troubled sea from the South Foreland Lighthouse. On June 6, 1862, this light was also installed in the lighthouse at Dungeness, England. The same light was introduced in French lighthouses in December 1863, as well as in the docks of Cherbourg. Around this time, Germany recognized the significance of this invention, and Dr. Werner Siemens from Berlin was working on developing a machine for this purpose that would be cheaper and more effective. Inventors were still not content with the power generated from either the voltaic battery or the magneto-electric machine, and continued to improve the latter.

In 1867, the same year that Faraday died, and too late for him to witness its glory, came out the most powerful magneto-electric machine that had yet been produced. It was invented by Wilde of London, and consisted of very large electro-magnets, or field magnets, receiving their electric power from the “lines of force” discovered by Faraday, radiating from the poles of a soft iron magnet, combined with a small magneto-electric machine having permanent magnets, and by which the current developed in the smaller machine was sent through the coils of the larger magnets. By this method the magnetic force was vastly multiplied, and electricity was produced in such abundance as to fuse thick iron wire fifteen inches long and one-fourth of an inch in diameter, and to develop a magnificent arc light. Quickly succeeding the Wilde machine came independent inventions in the same direction from Messrs. G. Farmer of Salem, Mass., Alfred Yarley and Prof. Charles Wheatstone of England, and Dr. Siemens of Berlin, and Ladd of America. These inventors conceived and put in practice the great idea of employing the current from an electro-magnetic machine to excite its own electric magnet. They were thus termed “self-exciting.” The idea was that the commutator (an instrument to change the direction, strength or circuit of the current) should be so connected with the coils of the field magnets that all or a part of the current developed in the armature would flow through these coils, so that all permanent magnets might be[Pg 134] dispensed with, and the machine used to excite itself or charge its own field magnets without the aid of any outside charging or feeding mechanism.

In 1867, the same year Faraday died, and too late for him to see its success, the most powerful magneto-electric machine ever created was introduced. It was invented by Wilde from London and featured very large electro-magnets, or field magnets, powered by the "lines of force" Faraday discovered, radiating from the poles of a soft iron magnet. This was combined with a smaller magneto-electric machine that had permanent magnets, allowing the current generated in the smaller machine to flow through the coils of the larger magnets. This technique greatly amplified the magnetic force, producing electricity in such quantities that it could melt thick iron wire fifteen inches long and one-fourth of an inch in diameter and create a stunning arc light. Soon after the Wilde machine, inventors like G. Farmer from Salem, Mass., Alfred Yarley and Prof. Charles Wheatstone from England, Dr. Siemens from Berlin, and Ladd from America introduced their independent inventions along the same lines. These inventors realized and implemented the significant idea of using the current from an electro-magnetic machine to energize its own electric magnet. This made them known as “self-exciting.” The concept was that the commutator (a device used to change the direction, strength, or circuit of the current) should be connected to the coils of the field magnets so that all or part of the current developed in the armature would pass through these coils, allowing all permanent magnets to be discarded, enabling the machine to energize itself or charge its own field magnets without needing any external charging or feeding mechanism.

Mr. Z. Gramme, of France, a little later than Wilde made a great improvement. Previously, machines furnished only momentary currents of varying strength and polarity; and these intermittent currents were hard to control without loss in the strength of current and the frequent production of sparks. Gramme produced a machine in which, although as in other machines the magnetic field of force was created by a powerful magnet, yet the armature was a ring made of soft iron rods, and surrounded by an endless coil of wire, and made to revolve between the poles of the magnet with great rapidity, producing a constant current in one direction. By Faraday’s discovery, when the coil of the closed circuit was moved before the poles of the magnet, the current was carried half the time in one direction and half in the other, constituting what is called an alternating current. Gramme employed the commutator to make the current direct instead of alternating.

Mr. Z. Gramme from France made a significant improvement shortly after Wilde. Before this, machines only provided temporary currents of varying strength and polarity, and these intermittent currents were difficult to control without losing power and often causing sparks. Gramme created a machine where, although the magnetic field was generated by a strong magnet like in other machines, the armature was a ring made of soft iron rods surrounded by a continuous coil of wire. This setup allowed it to rotate quickly between the poles of the magnet, generating a steady current in one direction. Thanks to Faraday’s discovery, when the coil of the closed circuit was moved in front of the magnet poles, the current flowed one way for half the time and the opposite way for the other half, known as alternating current. Gramme used a commutator to convert the alternating current into a direct current.

Dynamo-electric machines for practical work of many kinds had now been born and grown to strength.

Dynamo-electric machines for various practical applications have now been developed and become robust.

In addition to these and many other electrical machines this century has discovered several ways by which the electricity developed by such machines may be converted into light. I. By means of two carbon conductors between which passes a series of intensely brilliant sparks which form a species of flame known as the voltaic arc, and the heat of which is more intense than that from any other known artificial source. II. By means of a rod of carbon or[Pg 135] kaolin, strip of platinum or iridium, a carbon filament, or other substance placed between two conductors, the resistance opposed by such rod, strip, or filament to the passage of the current being so great as to develop heat to the point of incandescence, and produce a steady white and pure light. Attempts also have been made to produce illumination by what is called stratified light produced by the electric discharge passing through tubes containing various gases. These tubes are known as Geissler tubes, from their inventor. Still another method is the production of a continuous light from a vibratory movement of carbon electrodes to and from each other, producing a bright flash at each separation, and maintaining the separations at such a rate that the effect of the light produced is continuous. But these additional methods do not appear as yet to be commercially successful.

In addition to these and many other electrical machines, this century has discovered several ways to convert the electricity generated by such machines into light. I. Using two carbon conductors between which a series of intensely bright sparks passes, creating a type of flame known as the voltaic arc, whose heat is more intense than any other known artificial source. II. By using a rod of carbon or [Pg 135], a strip of platinum or iridium, a carbon filament, or another substance placed between two conductors, where the resistance of that rod, strip, or filament to the current is so high that it generates heat enough to reach incandescence, producing a steady, bright, and pure light. Attempts have also been made to create light using what’s called stratified light produced by electric discharge passing through tubes filled with various gases. These tubes are known as Geissler tubes, named after their inventor. Another method involves generating continuous light from the vibratory movement of carbon electrodes moving toward and away from each other, producing a bright flash with each separation and maintaining the separations at a rate that makes the light appear continuous. However, these additional methods have not yet proven to be commercially successful.

It must not be overlooked that before dynamo-magneto-electric machines were used practically in the production of the electric light for the purposes of illumination, the voltaic battery was used for the same purpose, but not economically.

It should not be overlooked that before dynamo-magneto-electric machines were practically used to produce electric light for illumination, the voltaic battery was used for the same purpose, but not efficiently.

The first private dwelling house ever lighted in America, or doubtless anywhere else, by electricity, was that of Moses G. Farmer, in Salem, Massachusetts, in the year 1859. A voltaic battery furnished the current to conducting wires which led to two electric lamps on the mantel-piece of the drawing-room, and in which strips of platinum constituted the resisting and lighting medium. A soft, mild, agreeable light was produced, which was more delightful to read or sew by than any artificial light ever before known. Either or both lamps could be lighted by turning a button, and they were maintained [Pg 136]for several weeks, but were discontinued for the reason that the cost of maintaining them was much greater than of gas light.

The first private house ever lit by electricity in America, or probably anywhere else, was that of Moses G. Farmer in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1859. A voltaic battery provided the current to wires that connected to two electric lamps on the mantelpiece of the living room, using strips of platinum as the heating and lighting element. The soft, gentle light produced was more pleasant for reading or sewing than any artificial light known at the time. Either lamp could be turned on by pressing a button, and they worked for several weeks, but were eventually turned off because the cost of running them was much higher than using gas light.

It was in connection with the effective dynamo-electric apparatus of M. Gramme above referred to that the electric candle invented by M. Paul Jablochoff became soon thereafter extensively employed for electric lighting in Paris, and elsewhere in Europe. This invention, like the great majority of useful inventions, is noted for its simplicity. It consists of two carbon pencils placed side by side and insulated from each other by means of a thin plate of some refractory material which is a non-conductor at ordinary temperatures, but which becomes a conductor, and consequently a light, when fused by the action of a powerful current. Plaster of Paris was found to be the most suitable material for this purpose, and the light produced was soft, mellow, slightly rose-coloured, and quite agreeable to the eye.

It was in relation to the efficient dynamo-electric equipment of M. Gramme mentioned earlier that the electric candle invented by M. Paul Jablochoff soon became widely used for electric lighting in Paris and elsewhere in Europe. This invention, like most practical inventions, is known for its simplicity. It consists of two carbon rods placed side by side, insulated from each other by a thin plate made of a refractory material that doesn't conduct electricity at normal temperatures but becomes a conductor—and therefore produces light—when melted by a strong current. Plaster of Paris was found to be the most suitable material for this purpose, and the light produced was soft, warm, slightly pinkish, and quite pleasant to the eye.

It having been found that carbon was better adapted for lighting purposes than platinum or other metals, by reason of its greater radiating power for equal temperatures, and still greater infusibility at high temperatures, inventors turned their attention to the production of the best carbon lamp.

It was discovered that carbon was better suited for lighting than platinum or other metals, due to its higher radiating power at the same temperatures and even greater infusibility at high temperatures. As a result, inventors focused on creating the best carbon lamp.

The two pointed pieces of hard conducting carbon used for the separated terminals constitute the voltaic arc light—a light only excelled in intense brilliancy by the sun itself. It is necessary in order to make such a light successful that it should be continuous. But as it is found that both carbons waste away under the consuming action of the intense heat engendered by their resistance to the electric current, and that one electrode, the positive, wastes away twice as fast as the opposite negative electrode, the[Pg 137] distance between the points soon becomes too great for the current longer to leap over it, and the light is then extinguished. Many ingenious contrivances have been devised for correcting this trouble, and maintaining a continuously uniform distance between the carbons by giving to them a self-adjusting automatic action. Such an apparatus is called a regulator, and the variety of regulators is very great. The French were among the first to contrive such regulators,—Duboscq, Foucault, Serrin, Houdin, and Lontin invented most useful forms of such apparatus. Other early inventors were Hart of Scotland, Siemens of Germany, Thompson and Houston of England, and Farmer, Brush, Wallace, Maxim, and Weston and Westinghouse of America. Gramme made his armature of iron rods to prevent its destruction by heat. Weston in 1882 improved this method by making the armature of separate and insulated sheets of iron around which the coil is wound. The arc light is adapted for streets and great buildings, etc.; but for indoor illumination, when a milder, softer light is desirable, the incandescent light was invented, and this consists of a curved filament of carbon about the size of a coarse horsehair, seated in a bulb of glass from which the air has been exhausted. In exhausted air carbon rods or filaments are not consumed, and so great ingenuity was exercised on that line. Among the early noted inventors of incandescent carbon filament lamps were Edison and Maxim of New York, Swan, and Lane-Fox of England.

The two pointed pieces of hard conductive carbon used for the separate terminals create the voltaic arc light—a light that is only surpassed in brightness by the sun itself. To make this light effective, it needs to be continuous. However, both carbon electrodes wear down due to the intense heat generated by their resistance to the electric current, with the positive electrode wearing down twice as fast as the negative one. As a result, the gap between the points eventually becomes too wide for the current to jump across, and the light goes out. Many clever solutions have been developed to fix this issue and keep a consistent distance between the carbons through a self-adjusting automatic mechanism. This type of device is called a regulator, and there are many variations of regulators available. The French were among the first to create such regulators—Duboscq, Foucault, Serrin, Houdin, and Lontin invented several useful designs. Other early inventors included Hart from Scotland, Siemens from Germany, Thompson and Houston from England, and Farmer, Brush, Wallace, Maxim, and Weston and Westinghouse from America. Gramme made his armature from iron rods to prevent it from being damaged by heat. Weston improved this method in 1882 by using separate, insulated sheets of iron around which the coil is wound. The arc light is suitable for streets and large buildings, but for indoor lighting, where a softer glow is wanted, the incandescent light was created. This consists of a curved carbon filament about the size of a thick horsehair, placed in a glass bulb from which the air has been removed. In a vacuum, carbon rods or filaments do not burn up, leading to significant innovation in that area. Early notable inventors of incandescent carbon filament lamps included Edison and Maxim from New York and Swan and Lane-Fox from England.

Another problem to be solved arose in the proposed use of arc lamps upon an extended scale, or in series, as in street lighting, wherein the current to all lamps was supplied by a single wire, and where[Pg 138] it was found that owing to the unequal consumption of the carbons some were burning well, some poorly, and some going out. It was essential, therefore, to make each lamp independent of the resistance of the main circuit and of the action of the other lamps, and to have its regulating mechanism governed entirely by the resistance of its own arc. The solution of this difficult problem was the invention by Heffner von Alteneck of Germany, and his device came into use wherever throughout the world arc lamps were operated. Westinghouse also improved the direct alternating system of lighting by one wire by the introduction of two conducting wires parallel to each other, and passing an interrupted or alternating current through one, thereby inducing a similar and always an alternating current through the other. Brush adopted a three-wire system; and both obtained a uniform consumption of the carbons.

Another problem that needed solving came up with the proposed use of arc lamps on a larger scale, like in street lighting, where the current to all lamps was supplied by a single wire. It turned out that due to the uneven consumption of the carbons, some lamps were burning brightly, some poorly, and some were going out. It was crucial to make each lamp independent of the resistance of the main circuit and the actions of other lamps, and to have its regulating mechanism controlled entirely by the resistance of its own arc. The solution to this challenging problem was the invention by Heffner von Alteneck from Germany, and his device was used wherever arc lamps were operated around the world. Westinghouse also improved the direct alternating system of lighting with one wire by introducing two conductive wires running parallel to each other, passing an interrupted or alternating current through one and thereby inducing a similar and always alternating current in the other. Brush adopted a three-wire system, and both achieved a uniform consumption of the carbons.

In a volume like this, room exists for mention only of those inventions which burn as beacon lights on the tallest hills—and so we must now pass on to others.

In a book like this, there's space to mention only those inventions that stand out like beacons on the highest hills—and so we must now move on to others.

Just as Faraday was bringing his long series of experimental researches to a close in 1856-59, and introducing the fruits of his labours into the lighthouses of England, Cyrus W. Field of New York had commenced his trials in the great scheme of an ocean cable to “moor the new world alongside the old,” as John Bright expressed it. After crossing the ocean from New York to England fifty times, and baffled often by the ocean, which broke his cables, and by the incredulous public of both hemispheres, who laughed at him, and by electricity, which refused to do his bidding, he at last overcame all obstacles, and in 1866 the cable two thousand miles[Pg 139] in length had been successfully stretched and communication perfected. To employ currents of great power, the cable insulation would have been disintegrated and finally destroyed by heat. Therefore only feeble currents could be used. But across that long distance these currents for many reasons grew still weaker. The inventor, Sir William Thomson, was at hand to provide the remedy. First, by his mirror galvanometer. A needle in the shape of a small magnet and connected to the current wires, is attached to the back of a small concave mirror having a hole in its centre; opposite the mirror is placed a graduated scale board, having slits through it, and a lighted lamp behind it. The light is thrown through the slits across to the hole at the center of the mirror and upon the needle. The feeblest imaginable current suffices to deflect the needle in one direction, which throws back the little beam of light upon it to the graduated front of the scale. When the current is reversed the needle and its shadow are deflected in the other direction, and so by a combination of right and left motions, and pauses, of the spots of light to represent letters, the message is spelled out. Second, a more expeditious instrument called the syphon recorder. In this the galvanometer needle is connected to a fine glass syphon tube conducting ink from a reservoir on to a strip of paper which is drawn under the point of the tube with a uniform motion. The irregular movements given the galvanometer needle by the varying current are clearly delineated on the paper. Or in writing very long cables the point of the syphon may not touch the paper, but the ink by electrical attraction from the paper is ejected from the syphon upon the paper in a succession of fine dots. The irregular lines of dots and[Pg 140] dashes were translated into words in accordance with the principles of the Morse telegraph.

Just as Faraday was wrapping up his long series of experimental research between 1856 and 1859 and putting his findings into use in England's lighthouses, Cyrus W. Field from New York started his trials on the ambitious plan to lay an ocean cable to “moor the new world alongside the old,” as John Bright put it. After making fifty crossings of the ocean from New York to England, facing challenges from the ocean that broke his cables, the skeptical public on both sides of the Atlantic who mocked him, and electricity that wouldn't cooperate, he finally overcame all hurdles. In 1866, a two-thousand-mile cable[Pg 139] was successfully laid, and communication was established. To use powerful currents, the cable's insulation would have been damaged and ultimately destroyed by heat, so only weak currents could be utilized. However, over that long distance, these currents weakened for several reasons. The inventor, Sir William Thomson, was on hand to provide a solution. First, with his mirror galvanometer. A needle shaped like a small magnet, connected to the current wires, is attached to the back of a small concave mirror with a hole in the center. Opposite the mirror, there’s a graduated scale board with slits, and behind it, a lighted lamp. The light passes through the slits and hits the hole in the mirror and the needle. Even the weakest current is enough to deflect the needle in one direction, reflecting a small beam of light onto the front of the scale. When the current reverses, the needle and its shadow move in the other direction. By combining right and left motions, along with pauses, the spots of light form letters, spelling out messages. Second, a faster device called the syphon recorder. Here, the galvanometer needle connects to a fine glass syphon tube that conducts ink from a reservoir onto a strip of paper that moves steadily underneath the tube. The irregular movements of the galvanometer needle caused by the fluctuating current are clearly traced on the paper. When sending very long messages, the point of the syphon might not touch the paper, but ink is ejected onto it in a series of fine dots due to electrical attraction. The random lines of dots and[Pg 140] dashes were translated into words following the principles of the Morse telegraph.

An instrument was exhibited at the Centennial International Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876, which was considered by the judges “the greatest marvel hitherto achieved by the electric telegraph.” Such was the language used both by Prof. Joseph Henry and Sir Wm. Thomson, and concurred in by the other eminent judges from America, Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. This instrument was the Telephone. It embodied, for the practical purpose of transmitting articulate speech to distances, the union of the two great forces,—sound and electricity. It consisted of a method and an apparatus. The apparatus or means consisted of an electric battery circuit, a transmitting cone placed at one end of the line into which speech and other vocal sounds were uttered, a diaphragm against which the sounds were projected, an armature secured to or forming a part of the diaphragm, an electro-magnet loosely connected to the armature, a wire connecting this magnet with another precisely similar arrangement of magnet, armature, diaphragm, and cone, at the receiving end. When speech was uttered in the transmitter the sound vibrations were received on the diaphragm, communicated to the electricised armature, from thence by induction to the magnet and the connecting wire current, which, undulating with precisely the same form of sound vibrations, carried them in exactly the same form to the receiving magnet. They were then carried through the receiving armature and reproduced on the receiving diaphragm, with all the same characteristics of pitch, loudness and quality.

An instrument was displayed at the Centennial International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, which was deemed by the judges “the greatest marvel yet achieved by the electric telegraph.” This was the opinion of both Prof. Joseph Henry and Sir Wm. Thomson, and was agreed upon by other distinguished judges from America, Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. This instrument was the Telephone. It represented, for the practical purpose of transmitting spoken words over distances, the combination of two great forces—sound and electricity. It included both a method and an apparatus. The apparatus consisted of an electric battery circuit, a transmitting cone at one end of the line into which speech and other vocal sounds were made, a diaphragm where the sounds were directed, an armature attached to or part of the diaphragm, an electro-magnet loosely linked to the armature, and a wire connecting this magnet to another identical setup of magnet, armature, diaphragm, and cone at the receiving end. When someone spoke into the transmitter, the sound vibrations affected the diaphragm, which transferred the vibrations to the electric armature. From there, it induced the magnet and sent the current through the wire, which, undulating with the same sound vibration pattern, transmitted them unchanged to the receiving magnet. They were then directed through the receiving armature and reproduced on the receiving diaphragm, with all the original characteristics of pitch, loudness, and quality.

The inventor was Alexander Graham Bell, by[Pg 141] nativity a Scotchman, then a resident of Canada, and finally a citizen of the United States. His father was a teacher of vocal physiology at Edinburgh, and he himself became a teacher of deaf mutes. This occupation naturally led him to a thorough investigation of the laws of sound. He acknowledged the aid he received from the great work of Helmholtz on the Theory of Tone. His attention was called to sounds transmitted and reproduced by the electric current, especially by the ease with which telegraph operators read their messages by the duration of the “click” of their instruments. He knew of the old device of a tightly-stretched string or wire between two little boxes. He had read the publication of Prof. C. G. Page, of America, in 1837, on the Production of Galvanic Music, in which was described how musical notes were transmitted and reproduced by an interrupted magnetic circuit. He became acquainted with the experimental musical telephonic and acoustic researches of Reis, and others of Germany, and those of celebrated scientists in France, especially the phonautograph of Scott, a delicate instrument having a cone membrane and pointer, and used to reproduce on smoked glass the waves of sound. He commenced his experiments with magneto instruments in 1874, continued them in 1875, when he succeeded in reproducing speech, but poorly, owing to his imperfect instruments, and then made out his application, and obtained a patent in the United States in July, 1876.

The inventor was Alexander Graham Bell, originally from Scotland, who lived in Canada and later became a citizen of the United States. His father taught vocal physiology in Edinburgh, and he himself became a teacher for the deaf. This work naturally led him to deeply explore the principles of sound. He recognized the influence of Helmholtz's significant work on the Theory of Tone. He focused on how sounds could be transmitted and reproduced using electric current, particularly noting how telegraph operators could easily read their messages based on the duration of the “click” from their instruments. He was aware of the old method using a tight string or wire stretched between two small boxes. He had read about Professor C. G. Page's publication from 1837 on Production of Galvanic Music, which described how musical notes could be transmitted and reproduced through an interrupted magnetic circuit. He familiarized himself with the experimental musical telephonic and acoustic studies conducted by Reis and others in Germany, as well as renowned scientists in France, especially Scott's phonautograph—a sensitive device with a cone membrane and pointer used to reproduce sound waves on smoked glass. He began his experiments with magneto instruments in 1874 and continued in 1875, achieving some success in reproducing speech, albeit imperfectly due to his inadequate instruments. He then prepared his application and obtained a patent in the United States in July 1876.

Like all the other remarkable inventions recorded in these pages, this “marvel” did not spring forth as a sudden creation, but was a slow growth of a plant derived from old ideas, although it blossomed out suddenly one day when audible sounds were accidentally produced upon an apparatus with which he was experimenting.[Pg 142]

Like all the other amazing inventions mentioned here, this "marvel" didn’t just appear out of nowhere; it was a gradual development of a concept based on older ideas, even though it seemed to come to life suddenly one day when sounds were accidentally created with a device he was testing.[Pg 142]

It is impossible here to narrate the tremendous conflict that Bell now encountered to establish his title as first inventor, or to enumerate the multitude of improvements and changes made which go to make up the successful telephone of to-day.

It’s impossible to describe the huge struggle that Bell faced to prove he was the first inventor, or to list all the many improvements and changes that led to the successful telephone we have today.

The messages of the voice are carried on the wings of electricity wherever any messages are carried, except under the widest seas, and this difficulty inventors are now seeking to overcome.

The messages of the voice travel on the wings of electricity wherever messages are sent, except beneath the deepest oceans, and inventors are currently trying to solve this challenge.

The story of the marvellous inventions of the century in electricity is a fascinating one, but in length and details it is also marvellous, and we must hasten unwillingly to a close. Numerous applications of it will be mentioned in chapters relating to other arts.

The story of the amazing inventions in electricity this century is captivating, but it's also extensive and filled with details, so we must reluctantly wrap it up. Many applications will be discussed in chapters about other arts.

In the generation of this mighty force improvements have been made, but those of greatest power still involve the principles discovered by Faraday and Henry seventy years ago. The ideas of Faraday of the “lines of force”—the magnetic power streaming from the poles of the magnet somewhat as the rays of heat issue on all sides from a hot body, forming the magnetic field—and that a magnet behaves like an electric current, producing an electric wave by its approach to or recession from a coil of wire, joined with Henry’s idea of increasing the magnetising effect by increasing the number of coils around the magnet, enter into all powerful dynamo electric machines of to-day. In them the lines of force must flow around the frame and across the path of the armature; and there must be a set of conductors to cut the lines of force twice in every revolution of the cylinder carrying the armature from which the current is taken.

In the development of this powerful technology, advancements have been made, but the most significant ones still rely on the principles discovered by Faraday and Henry seventy years ago. Faraday's concept of “lines of force”—the magnetic energy radiating from the poles of a magnet much like heat waves spreading from a hot object, creating a magnetic field—and the idea that a magnet acts like an electric current, generating an electric wave when it approaches or moves away from a coil of wire, combined with Henry’s notion of enhancing the magnetizing effect by increasing the number of coils around the magnet, are fundamental to all modern dynamo electric machines. In these machines, the lines of force must flow around the framework and across the armature's path; additionally, a set of conductors must cut through the lines of force twice during each complete rotation of the cylinder that holds the armature supplying the current.

When machines had been produced for generating with some economy powerful currents of electricity,[Pg 143] their use for the world’s business purposes rapidly increased. Among such applications, and following closely the electric lighting, came the electric railway. A substitute for the slow animal, horse, and for the dangerous, noisy steam horse and its lumbering locomotive and train, was hailed with delight. Inventors came forward with adaptations of all the old systems they could think of for the purpose, and with many new ones. One plan was to adapt the storage battery—that silent chemical monster which carries its own power and its own machine—and place one on each car to actuate a motor connected to the driving wheels. Another plan was to conduct the current from the dynamo machine at its station along the rails on one side of the track to the motor on the car and the return current on the opposite track; another was to carry the current to the car on a third rail between the track, using both the other rails for the return; another to use an overhead wire for the current from the dynamo, and connect it with the car by a rod, one end of which had a little wheel or trolley running on the overhead wire, to take up the current, the other end being connected by a wire to the car motor; another plan to have a trench made leading from the central station underneath the track the whole length of the line, and put into this trench conducting wires from the dynamo, to one of which the car motor should be connected by a trolley rod or “brush,” extending down through a central slot between the rails of the track to carry the electric supply into the motor. In all these cases a lever was supplied to cut off communication between the conducting wire and the motor, and a brake lever to stop the car.

When machines were created to generate strong electric currents efficiently,[Pg 143] their use for various business purposes quickly grew. Following closely after electric lighting, the electric railway emerged. It was a fantastic alternative to slow horse-drawn carriages and the loud, clunky steam locomotives. Inventors rushed in with adaptations of existing systems and many new ideas. One proposal was to use a storage battery—the quiet chemical device that powers itself—and place one on each train car to drive a motor linked to the wheels. Another plan involved running electrical current from the dynamo at its station along the rails on one side of the track to the motor on the car, with the return current traveling on the opposite track. Another method included using a third rail between the tracks to supply power to the car, utilizing the other rails for the return current. Yet another plan was to have an overhead wire running from the dynamo and connect it to the car using a rod with a small wheel or trolley that rolled on the overhead wire to collect the current, the other end linking to the car’s motor. Another approach involved creating a trench underneath the track the whole length of the line, running conducting wires from the dynamo inside, so one of them could be connected to the car motor with a trolley rod or “brush” extended down through a central slot between the rails for electric supply. In all these designs, a lever was included to disconnect the power between the conducting wire and the motor, along with a brake lever to stop the car.

All of these plans have been tried, and some of[Pg 144] them are still being tried with many improvements in detail, but not in principle.

All of these plans have been attempted, and some of[Pg 144] them are still being pursued with many improvements in detail, but not in principle.

The first electrical railway was constructed and operated at Berlin in 1879, by Messrs Siemens and Halske. It was two thousand seven hundred feet long and built on the third rail system. This was an experiment but a successful one. It was followed very soon by another line near Berlin for actual traffic; then still another in Saxony. At the Paris Exposition in 1881, Sir Wm. Siemens had in operation a road about one thousand six hundred feet in length, on which it is estimated ninety-five thousand passengers were conveyed in seven weeks. Then in the next year in London; and then in the following year one in the United States near New York, constructed by Edison. And thus they spread, until every important town and city in the world seems to have its electric plant, and its electric car system, and of course its lighting, telephone and telegraph systems.

The first electric railway was built and operated in Berlin in 1879 by Siemens and Halske. It was 2,700 feet long and used a third rail system. This was an experiment, but a successful one. It was quickly followed by another line near Berlin for actual use, and then another in Saxony. At the Paris Exposition in 1881, Sir Wm. Siemens operated a line about 1,600 feet long, which carried an estimated 95,000 passengers in seven weeks. Then the next year, one was introduced in London, and the following year, one was built in the United States near New York by Edison. And so they spread, until every major town and city in the world seemed to have its own electric plant, electric car system, as well as its lighting, telephone, and telegraph systems.

In 1882 Prof. Fleeming Jenkin of England invented and has put to use a system called Telpherage, by which cars are suspended on an overhead wire which is both the track and electrical conductor. It has been found to be advantageous in the transportation of freight from mines and other places to central stations.

In 1882, Professor Fleeming Jenkin from England invented and implemented a system called Telpherage, where cars are suspended on an overhead wire that serves as both the track and electrical conductor. This system has proven beneficial for transporting freight from mines and other locations to central stations.

With the coming of the electric railway, the slow, much-abused horse, the puffing steam engine blowing off smoke and cinders through the streets, the great heavy cars, rails and roadbeds, the dangerous collisions and accidents, have disappeared.

With the arrival of the electric railway, the slow, overworked horse, the hissing steam engine releasing smoke and cinders into the streets, the heavy trains, tracks, and roadbeds, along with the risky collisions and accidents, have vanished.

The great problems to solve have related to generation, form, distribution and division of the electric current at the dynamos at the central stations for the[Pg 145] purposes of running the distant motors and for furnishing independent supplies of light, heat, sound and power. These problems have received the attention of the keenest inventors and electrical engineers and have been solved.

The major challenges we needed to tackle involved generating, shaping, distributing, and splitting electric current at the dynamos in central stations to power remote motors and provide independent sources of light, heat, sound, and energy. These issues have caught the interest of the brightest inventors and electrical engineers, and they have been resolved.

The description of the inventions made by such electrical magicians as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla would fill volumes.

The inventions created by electrical innovators like Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla could fill entire volumes.

The original plan of sending but one message over a wire at a time has also been improved; and duplex, quadruplex and multiplex systems have been invented (by Stearns, Farmer, Edison and others) and applied, which have multiplied the capacity of the telegraphs, and by which even the alleged all-talk-at-the-same-time habit of certain members of the great human family can be carried on in opposite directions on the same wire at the same time between their gatherings in different cities and without a break.

The original idea of sending just one message over a wire at a time has also been enhanced; duplex, quadraplex, and multiplex systems have been developed (by Stearns, Farmer, Edison, and others) and implemented, which have increased the capacity of telegraphs. With these systems, even the supposed habit of some people in the great human family to all talk at once can be managed in opposite directions on the same wire simultaneously, connecting their gatherings in different cities without interruption.

To understand the manner of multiplying messages or signals on the same line, and using apparently the same electric current to perform different operations, the mind must revert to the theory already referred to, that a current of electricity does not consist of a stream of matter flowing like water through a conductor in one direction, but of particles of subtle ether, vibrating or oscillating in waves from and around the conductor which excites them; that the vibration of this line of waves proceeds at the rate of many thousand miles per second, almost with the velocity of waves of light, with which they are so closely related; that this wave current is susceptible of being varied in direction and in strength, according to the impulse given by the initial pressure of the transmitting and exciting instrument; and that some[Pg 146] wave currents have power by reason of their form or strength to penetrate or pass others coming from an opposite direction. So that in the multiplex process, for instance, each transmission having a certain direction or strength and its own set of transmitting and receiving instruments, will have power to give its own peculiar and independent signal or message. Apparently there is but one continuous current, but in reality each transmission is separated from the others by an almost inconceivably short interval of time.

To understand how to multiply messages or signals on the same line while seemingly using the same electric current for different operations, we need to think back to the theory mentioned earlier: an electric current isn't just a stream of matter flowing like water in one direction through a conductor. Instead, it's made up of tiny particles of subtle ether that vibrate or oscillate in waves around the conductor that triggers them. These wave vibrations travel at speeds of thousands of miles per second, nearly at the speed of light, with which they're closely linked. This wave current can change direction and strength based on the initial pressure applied by the transmitting and exciting instrument. Some wave currents can even penetrate or pass through others coming from the opposite direction, due to their shape or strength. Therefore, in the multiplex process, for instance, each transmission, with its specific direction and strength and its own set of transmitting and receiving instruments, has the power to convey its unique and independent signal or message. It may seem like there's just one continuous current, but in reality, each transmission is separated by an almost unimaginable short interval of time.

Among the inventions in the class of Telegraphy should also be mentioned the dial and the printing systems. Ever since the electric telegraph was invented, attempts have been made to use the electric influence to operate either a pointer to point out the letters of the message sent on a dial, or to print them on a moving strip of paper; and also to automatically reproduce on paper the handwriting of the sender or writer of the message. The earliest efforts were by Cooke and Prof. Wheatstone of London, in 1836-37; but it was not until 1839, after Prof. Henry had succeeded in perfecting the electromagnet, that dial and printing telegraphs were successfully produced. Dial telegraphs consist of the combination with magnets, armatures and printed dial plate of a clock-work and a pointer, means to set the pointer at the communicating end (which in some instances has been a piano keyboard) to any letter, the current operating automatically to indicate the same letters at the receiving end. These instruments have been modified and improved by Brequet and Froment of France, Dr. Siemens and Kramer, and Siemens and Halske of Germany, Prof. Wheatstone of England, Chester and Hamblet of America, and others. They have been used extensively upon[Pg 147] private and municipal lines both in Europe and the United States.

Among the inventions in the field of telegraphy, we should also mention the dial and printing systems. Since the electric telegraph was invented, there have been attempts to use electric current to operate a pointer that indicates the letters of the message on a dial, or to print them on a moving strip of paper; and also to automatically reproduce on paper the handwriting of the person sending the message. The earliest efforts were made by Cooke and Professor Wheatstone from London in 1836-37; however, it wasn't until 1839, after Professor Henry perfected the electromagnet, that dial and printing telegraphs were successfully created. Dial telegraphs consist of a combination of magnets, armatures, and a printed dial plate, along with a clock mechanism and a pointer. There are means to set the pointer at the sending end (which in some cases has been a piano keyboard) to any letter, with the current automatically indicating the same letters at the receiving end. These devices have been modified and improved by Brequet and Froment from France, Dr. Siemens and Kramer, and Siemens and Halske from Germany, Professor Wheatstone from England, Chester and Hamblet from America, and others. They have been widely used on[Pg 147] private and municipal lines in both Europe and the United States.

The type-printing telegraph was coeval with the dial, and originated with Morse and Vail as early as 1837. The printing of the characters is effected in various ways; sometimes by clockwork mechanism and sometimes by the direct action of an electromagnet. Wheatstone exhibited one in 1841. House of Vermont invented in 1845-1846 the first printing telegraph that was brought into any extensive use in the United States. Then followed that of David E. Hughes of Kentucky in 1855, aided by his co-inventor George M. Phelps of Troy, New York, and which was subsequently adopted by the French government, by the United Kingdom Telegraph Co. of Great Britain, and by the American Telegraph Co in the United States. The system was subsequently greatly improved by Hughes and others. Alexander Bain of Edinburgh in 1845-46 originated the modern automatic chemical telegraph. In this system a kind of punch was used to perforate two rows of holes grouped to represent letters on a strip of paper conducted over a metal cylinder and arranged so as to permit spring levers to drop through the perforations and touch the cylinder, thus forming an electrical contact; and a recording apparatus consisting of a strip of paper carried through a chemical solution of an acid and potash and over a metal roller, and underneath one or two styles, or pens, which pens were connected by live wires with the poles of two batteries at the sending station. The operation is such that colored marks upon the paper were made by the pens corresponding precisely to the perforations in the strip at the sending station. Siemens, Wheatstone and others also improved this[Pg 148] system; but none of these systems have as yet replaced or equalled in extensive use the Morse key and sounder system, and its great acoustic advantage of reading the messages by the click of the instrument. The type-printing system, however, has been recently greatly improved by the inventions of Howe, C. L. Buckingham, Fiske and others in the United States. Special contrivances and adaptations of the telegraph for printing stock reports and for transmitting fire alarm, police, and emergency calls, have been invented.

The type-printing telegraph was developed around the same time as the dial and was created by Morse and Vail as early as 1837. The printing of the characters is done in different ways; sometimes using clockwork and other times by the direct action of an electromagnet. Wheatstone demonstrated one in 1841. House of Vermont invented the first widely used printing telegraph in the U.S. between 1845 and 1846. This was followed by David E. Hughes from Kentucky in 1855, with help from his co-inventor George M. Phelps from Troy, New York, which was later adopted by the French government, the United Kingdom Telegraph Co. of Great Britain, and the American Telegraph Co. in the United States. The system was later improved significantly by Hughes and others. Alexander Bain from Edinburgh developed the modern automatic chemical telegraph in 1845-46. In this system, a punch was used to create two rows of holes that represented letters on a strip of paper fed over a metal cylinder. This setup allowed spring levers to drop through the holes and touch the cylinder, creating an electrical connection. A recording apparatus used a strip of paper passing through a chemical solution made of acid and potash, over a metal roller, with one or two pens connected by live wires to the two poles of batteries at the sending station. The operation results in colored marks on the paper that match the holes in the strip at the sending station. Siemens, Wheatstone, and others also enhanced this system; however, none of these systems have yet replaced or matched the extensive use of the Morse key and sounder system, with its significant acoustic advantage of reading messages by the clicks of the instrument. The type-printing system, however, has recently improved thanks to inventions by Howe, C. L. Buckingham, Fiske, and others in the United States. Special devices and adaptations of the telegraph for printing stock reports and transmitting fire alarms, police notifications, and emergency calls have been created.

The erection of tall office and other buildings, some to the height of more than twenty stories, made practicable by the invention of the elevator system, has in turn brought out most ingenious devices for operating and controlling the elevators to insure safety and at the same time produce economy in the motive power.

The construction of tall office buildings and other structures, some reaching over twenty stories, made possible by the invention of the elevator system, has led to the development of smart devices for operating and controlling elevators to ensure safety while also being efficient with energy use.

The utility of the telephone has been greatly increased by the inventions of Hughes and Edison of the microphone. This consists, in one form, of pieces of carbon in loose contact placed in the circuit of a telephone. The very slightest vibrations communicated to the wood are heard distinctly in the telephone. By these inventions and certain improvements not only every sound and note of an opera or concert has been carried to distant places, but the slightest whispers, the minute movements of a watch, even the tread of a fly, and the pressure of a finger, have been rendered audible.

The usefulness of the telephone has been greatly enhanced by the inventions of Hughes and Edison regarding the microphone. One version consists of pieces of carbon loosely connected within the telephone circuit. Even the tiniest vibrations transferred to the wood can be clearly heard through the telephone. Thanks to these inventions and various improvements, not only has every sound and note from an opera or concert been transmitted to far-off locations, but even the faintest whispers, the minute ticking of a watch, the steps of a fly, and the pressure of a fingertip can be heard as well.

By the aid of the electric current certain rays of light directed upon the mineral selenium, and some other substances, have been discovered to emit musical sounds.

With the help of electric current, specific rays of light aimed at the mineral selenium and a few other substances have been found to produce musical sounds.

So wonderful and mysterious appear these com[Pg 149]munications along the electric wire that each and every force in the universe seems to have a voice awaiting utterance to man. The hope is indulged that by some such means we may indeed yet receive the “touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still.”

So wonderful and mysterious seem these communications along the electric wire that every force in the universe appears to have a voice waiting to be heard by humans. There's hope that through such means, we may indeed receive the “touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still.”

In 1879 that eminent English scientist, Prof. Wm. Crookes, published his extensive researches in electrical discharges as manifested in glass tubes from which the air had been exhausted. These same tubes have already been referred to as Geissler tubes, from the name of a young artist of Bonn who invented them. In these tubes are inclosed various gases through which the sparks from an induction coil can be passed by means of platinum electrodes fused into the glass, and on the passage of the current a soft and delicately-tinted light is produced which streams through the tube from pole to pole.

In 1879, the prominent English scientist Prof. Wm. Crookes published his extensive studies on electrical discharges in glass tubes that had the air removed. These tubes are often called Geissler tubes, named after a young artist from Bonn who invented them. Inside these tubes are different gases through which sparks from an induction coil can pass using platinum electrodes fused into the glass. When the current flows, a soft, delicately colored light is produced that flows through the tube from one end to the other.

In 1895, Wm. Konrad Roentgen, professor of Physics in the Royal University of Würzburg, while experimenting with these Crookes and Geissler tubes, discovered with one of them, which he had covered with a sort of black cardboard, that the rays emanating from the same and impinging on certain objects would render them self-luminous, or fluorescent; and on further investigation that such rays, unlike the rays of sunlight, were not deflected, refracted or condensed; but that they proceeded in straight lines from the point at which they were produced, and penetrated various articles, such as flesh, blood, and muscle, and thicknesses of paper, cloth and leather, and other substances which are opaque to ordinary light; and that thus while penetrating such objects and rendering them luminous, if a portion of the same were of a character too dense to ad[Pg 150]mit of the penetration, the dark shadow of such obstacle would appear in the otherwise luminous mass.

In 1895, Wm. Konrad Roentgen, a professor of Physics at the Royal University of Würzburg, discovered while experimenting with Crookes and Geissler tubes that one tube, which he had covered with a type of black cardboard, emitted rays that made certain objects glow or fluoresce. Upon further investigation, he found that these rays, unlike sunlight, were not deflected, refracted, or focused; instead, they traveled in straight lines from their source and could pass through various materials, such as flesh, blood, muscle, and layers of paper, cloth, and leather, as well as other substances that are normally opaque to regular light. As they penetrated these objects and made them luminous, if any part of the material was too dense to allow penetration, a dark shadow of that obstruction would show up in the otherwise glowing area.

Unable to explain the nature or cause of this wonderful revelation, Roentgen gave to the light an algebraic name for the unknown—the X rays.

Unable to explain the nature or cause of this amazing revelation, Roentgen referred to the light using an algebraic term for the unknown—the X rays.

This wonderful discovery, at first regarded as a figment of scientific magic, soon attracted profound attention. At first the experiments were confined to the gratification of curiosity—the interior of the hand was explored, and on one occasion the little mummified hand of an Egyptian princess folded in death three or four thousand years ago, was held up to this light, and the bones, dried blood, and muscle of the ancient Pharaohs exhibited to the startled eyes of the present generation. But soon surgery and medicine took advantage of the unknown rays for practical purposes. The location of previously unreachable bullets, and the condition of internal injuries, were determined; the cause of concealed disease was traced, the living brain explored, and the pulsations of the living heart were witnessed.

This amazing discovery, initially thought to be some sort of scientific magic, quickly gained a lot of attention. At first, the experiments focused on satisfying curiosity—the inside of the hand was examined, and at one point, the tiny mummified hand of an Egyptian princess, which had been buried for three or four thousand years, was displayed under this light, revealing the bones, dried blood, and muscle of ancient Pharaohs to the astonished eyes of today’s generation. But soon, surgery and medicine began to use the unknown rays for practical purposes. They located previously unreachable bullets, assessed internal injuries, identified the causes of hidden diseases, explored the living brain, and observed the pulsations of the living heart.

Retardation of the strength of the electric current by the inductive influence of neighboring wires and earth currents, together with the theory that the electric energy pervades all space and matter, gave rise to the idea that if the energy once established could be set in motion at such point above the ordinary surface of the earth as would free this upper current from all inductive disturbance, impulses of such power might be conveyed from one high point and communicated to another as to produce signals without the use of a conducting wire, retaining only the usual batteries and the earth connection. On July 30th, 1872, Mahlen Loomis of Washington, D. C., took out a patent for “the utilization of natural[Pg 151] electricity from elevated points” for telegraphic purposes, based on the principle mentioned, and made successful experiments on the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia near Washington, accounts of which were published in Washington papers at the time; but being poor and receiving no aid or encouragement he was compelled to give it up. Marconi of Italy has been more successful in this direction, and has sent electric messages and signals from high stations over the English Channel from the shores of France to England. So that now wireless telegraphy is an established fact.

Retarding the strength of the electric current due to the influence of nearby wires and ground currents, along with the idea that electric energy fills all space and matter, led to the concept that if this energy could be set in motion at a certain height above the normal surface of the earth—freeing it from all interference—powerful impulses could be transmitted from one high point to another, allowing for signals to be sent without a conducting wire, relying only on standard batteries and a connection to the ground. On July 30, 1872, Mahlen Loomis from Washington, D.C., patented the “utilization of natural electric energy from elevated points” for telegraphic use based on this principle. He conducted successful experiments in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, near Washington, which were reported in local newspapers at the time. However, due to financial struggles and a lack of support, he had to abandon his efforts. Marconi from Italy has had more success in this area, sending electric messages and signals from high stations across the English Channel from France to England. Today, wireless telegraphy is an established reality.

It is certainly thrilling to realize that there is a mysterious, silent, invisible and powerful mechanical agent on every side of us, waiting to do our bidding, and to lend a hand in every field of human labour, and yet unable to be so used without excitement to action and direction in its course by some master, intermediate between itself and man. The principal masters for this purpose are steam and water power. A small portion of the power of the resistless Niagara has been taken, diverted to turn the machinery which excites electricity to action, and this energy in turn employed to operate a multitude of the most powerful motors and machines of many descriptions.

It’s definitely exciting to realize that there’s a mysterious, silent, invisible, and powerful force all around us, ready to do our bidding and help in every area of human work. However, it can’t be used effectively without some kind of spark to activate and guide it through a master who acts as a bridge between itself and humanity. The main forces for this are steam and water power. A small portion of the unstoppable force of Niagara has been harnessed, redirected to power the machinery that generates electricity, and this energy is then used to operate a wide range of powerful motors and machines.

So great is the might of this willing agent that at a single turn of the hand of man it rushes forth to do work for him far exceeding in wonder and extent any labour of the gods of mythological renown.

So powerful is this eager force that with just a flick of a human hand, it springs into action to accomplish tasks far more incredible and extensive than any labor of the legendary gods from mythology.


Lifting, Moving, and Storing.

Allusion has been made to the stupendous buildings and works of the ancients and of the middle ages; the immense multitude of workers and great extent of time and labour employed in their construction; and how the awful drudgery involved in such undertakings was relieved by the invention of modern engineering devices—the cranes, the derricks, and the steam giants to operate them, so that vast loads which required large numbers of men and beasts to move, and long periods of time in which to move them, can now be lifted with ease and carried to great heights and distances in a few minutes by the hands of one or of a few men.

Allusion has been made to the incredible buildings and works of the ancients and the Middle Ages; the huge number of workers and the long time and effort put into their construction; and how the terrible labor involved in such projects was eased by the invention of modern engineering tools—the cranes, the derricks, and the steam-powered machines that operate them—so that massive loads that used to require many people and animals and a lot of time to move can now be lifted easily and transported to great heights and distances in just a few minutes by one or a handful of individuals.

But outside of the line of such undertakings there is an immense field of labor-saving appliances adapted for use in transportation of smaller loads from place to place, within and without buildings, and for carrying people and freight from the lower to the upper stories of tall structures. In fact the tall buildings which we see now in almost every great city towering cloudward from the ground to the height of fifteen, twenty and twenty-five stories, would have been extravagant and useless had not the invention of the modern elevator rendered their highest parts as easy of access as their lowest, and at the same time given to the air space above the city[Pg 153] lot as great a commercial value in feet and inches as the stretch of earth itself.

But beyond the scope of such projects, there’s a vast array of labor-saving devices designed for transporting smaller loads from one place to another, both inside and outside buildings, as well as for moving people and freight between the lower and upper levels of tall structures. In fact, the high-rise buildings we see today in almost every major city, reaching heights of fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five stories, would have been extravagant and impractical if it weren't for the invention of the modern elevator, which made accessing their upper floors just as easy as getting to the lower ones. This innovation has also given the air space above the city[Pg 153] significant commercial value in terms of feet and inches, equal to that of the ground itself.

Many of the “sky-scrapers” so called, are splendid monuments of the latest inventions of the century.

Many of the so-called "skyscrapers" are impressive monuments to the latest inventions of the century.

It is by means of the modern elevator that the business of a whole town may be transacted under a single roof.

It’s through the modern elevator that all the business of an entire town can be conducted under one roof.

In the multiplicity of modern human contrivances by which the sweat and drudgery of life are saved, and time economised for worthier objects, we are apt to overlook the painful and laborious steps by which they were reached, and to regard with impatience, or at least with indifference, the story of their evolution; and yet no correct or profound knowledge of the growth of humanity to its higher planes can be obtained without noting to what extent the minor inventions, as well as the startling ones, have aided the upward progress.

In the many modern inventions that save us from the hard work and drudgery of life and free up time for more meaningful activities, we often forget the difficult and labor-intensive journey it took to create them. We tend to view the stories of their development with impatience or indifference; however, we can't gain a true or deep understanding of how humanity has advanced to higher levels without acknowledging the role both the small and groundbreaking inventions have played in this progress.

For instance, consider how few and comparatively awkward were the mechanical means before this century. The innumerable army of men when men were slaves, and when blood and muscle and brain were cheap, who, labouring with the beast, toiled upward for years on inclined ways to lay the stones of the stupendous pyramids, still had their counterpart centuries later in the stream of men carrying on their shoulders the loads of grain and other freight and burdens from the shore to the holds of vessels, from vessels to the shore, from the ground to high buildings and from one part of great warehouses to another. Now look at a vessel moved to a wharf, capable of holding fifty thousand or one hundred thousand bushels of grain and having that amount poured into it in three hours from the spouts of an elevator, to which the grain has been carried in a[Pg 154] myriad buckets on a chain by steam power in about the same time; or to those arrangements of carriers, travelling on ropes, cords, wires, or cables, by which materials are quickly conveyed from one part of some structure or place to another, as hay and grain in barns or mows, ores from mines to cars, merchandise of all kinds from one part of a great store to another; or shot through pipes underground from one section of a city or town to their destination by a current of air.

For example, think about how limited and somewhat clumsy the mechanical methods were before this century. The countless number of men, when labor was cheap and people were treated as slaves, who worked alongside animals for years to build the massive pyramids, still had their modern equivalent in the stream of workers today transporting loads of grain and other goods from the shore to the holds of ships, from ships to the shore, from the ground to tall buildings, and from one part of large warehouses to another. Now consider a ship docked at a wharf that can hold fifty thousand or even a hundred thousand bushels of grain and has that amount poured into it in just three hours through the spouts of an elevator, which has brought the grain up in a myriad of buckets on a chain powered by steam in about the same time; or look at the systems of conveyors, moving on ropes, cords, wires, or cables, which quickly transport materials from one part of a structure to another, like hay and grain in barns, ores from mines to rail cars, and various types of merchandise within a large store; or being pushed through underground pipes from one part of a city or town to their destination by a blast of air.

True, as it has before been stated, the ancients and later generations had the wedge, the pulley, the inclined plane, the screw and the windlass, and by these powers, modified in form and increased in size as the occasion demanded, in the form of cranes, derricks, and operated by animal power, materials were lifted and transported; but down to the time of the practical and successful application of steam by Watt in the latter part of the 18th century, and until a much later period in most places in the world, these simple means actuated alone by men or animals were the best means employed for elevating and conveying loads, and even they were employed to a comparatively limited extent.

Sure, as previously mentioned, ancient civilizations and later generations used tools like the wedge, pulley, inclined plane, screw, and windlass. These tools, modified in shape and made larger as needed—such as cranes and derricks powered by animals—were used to lift and move materials. However, until the practical and effective use of steam by Watt in the late 18th century, and for a long time after that in most parts of the world, these simple methods operated solely by people or animals were the best options available for lifting and transporting loads, and even then, they were used relatively sparingly.

The century was well started before it was common to employ cups on elevator bands in mills, invented by Oliver Evans in 1780, to carry grain to the top of the mill, from whence it was to fall by gravity to the grinding and flouring apparatus below. It was not until 1795 that that powerful modern apparatus—the hydraulic, or hydrostatic, press was patented by Bramah in England. The model he then made is now in the museum of the Commissioner of Patents, London. In this a reservoir for water is provided, on which is placed a pump having a piston[Pg 155] rod worked by a hand lever. The water is conveyed from the reservoir to a cylinder by a pipe, and this cylinder is provided with a piston carrying at its top a table, which rises between guides. The load to be carried is placed on this table, and as the machine was at first designed to compress materials the load is pressed by the rising table against an upper stationary plate. The elevation of the table is proportionate to the quantity of water injected, and the power proportionate to the receptive areas of the pump and the cylinder. The first great application of machines built on this principle was by Robert Stephenson in the elevation of the gigantic tubes for the tubular bridge across the Menai straits, already described in the chapter on Civil Engineering. The century was half through with before it was proposed to use water and steam for passenger elevators.

The century had just begun before it became common to use cups on elevator belts in mills, a system invented by Oliver Evans in 1780, to transport grain to the top of the mill, from where it would then fall by gravity to the grinding and flouring machinery below. It wasn't until 1795 that the powerful modern device—the hydraulic or hydrostatic press—was patented by Bramah in England. The model he created is now in the museum of the Commissioner of Patents in London. This device has a water reservoir with a pump that includes a piston rod operated by a hand lever. Water is pumped from the reservoir to a cylinder via a pipe, and this cylinder contains a piston with a table at its top that rises between guides. The load to be lifted is placed on this table, and since the machine was initially designed to compress materials, the load is pressed by the rising table against an upper stationary plate. The height of the table rise corresponds to the amount of water injected, and the power is proportional to the areas of the pump and the cylinder. The first significant application of machines built on this principle was by Robert Stephenson for raising the massive tubes used in the tubular bridge across the Menai Straits, which is discussed in the chapter on Civil Engineering. The century was halfway through before the idea of using water and steam for passenger elevators was proposed.

In 1852 J. T. Slade in England patented a device consisting of a drum to be actuated by steam, water, or compressed air, around which drum ropes were wound, and to which ropes were attached separate cages in separate wells, to counterbalance each other, the cages moving in guides, and provided with brakes and levers to stop and control the cages and the movement of the drum. Louis T. Van Elvean, also of England, in 1858 invented counterbalance weights for such lifts. Otis, an American, invented and patented in America and England in 1859 the first approach to the modern passenger elevator for hotels, warehouses, and other structures. The motive power was preferably a steam engine; and the elevating means was a large screw placed vertically and made to revolve by suitable gearing, and a cylinder to which the car was attached, having projections to work in the threads of the screw.[Pg 156] Means were provided to start and to stop the car, and to retard its otherwise sudden fall and stoppage.

In 1852, J. T. Slade patented a device in England that featured a drum powered by steam, water, or compressed air, with ropes wound around it. These ropes were connected to separate cages in different shafts, designed to counterbalance each other. The cages moved along guides and were equipped with brakes and levers for stopping and controlling their movement. In 1858, Louis T. Van Elvean, also from England, invented counterbalance weights for lifts like these. Otis, an American, patented the first version of the modern passenger elevator in America and England in 1859, intended for hotels, warehouses, and similar buildings. It was primarily driven by a steam engine, with a large screw positioned vertically, rotated through appropriate gearing, and a cylinder that the car was linked to, featuring projections to engage with the screw threads. Mechanisms were included to start and stop the car, as well as to slow down its sudden falls and abrupt halts.[Pg 156]

Elevators, which are now so largely used to raise passengers and freight from the lower to the upper stories of high edifices, have for their motive power steam, water, compressed air, and electricity. With steam a drum is rotated over which a hoisting wire-rope is wound, to which the elevator car is attached. The car for passengers may be a small but elegantly furnished room, which is carried on guide blocks, and the stationary guides are provided with ratchet teeth with which pawls on the car are adapted to engage should the hoisting rope give way. To the hoisting rope is attached a counterbalance weight to partly meet the weight of the car in order to prevent the car from sticking fast on its passage, and also to prevent a sudden dropping of the car should the rope become slack. A hand rope for the operator is provided, which at its lower end is connected with a starting lever controlling the valves of the cylinders into which steam is admitted to start the piston shaft, which in turn actuates the gear wheels, by which movement the ropes are wound around the drums.

Elevators, which are now widely used to lift passengers and cargo from the lower to the upper floors of tall buildings, operate using steam, water, compressed air, and electricity. With steam, a drum spins, onto which a hoisting wire rope is wrapped, and to this, the elevator car is attached. The car for passengers can be a small but stylishly furnished space, which rides on guide blocks, and the stationary guides have ratchet teeth that the pawls on the car are designed to engage in case the hoisting rope fails. A counterbalance weight is attached to the hoisting rope to help offset the weight of the car, preventing it from getting stuck during its journey and ensuring it doesn’t drop suddenly if the rope becomes loose. There’s a hand rope for the operator, which connects at its lower end to a starting lever that controls the valves of the cylinders where steam flows in to activate the piston shaft, which then drives the gear wheels that wind the ropes around the drums.

In another form of steam elevator the drums are turned in opposite directions, by right and left worms driven by a belt.

In another type of steam elevator, the drums rotate in opposite directions, using right and left worms powered by a belt.

In the hydraulic form of elevator, a motor worked by water is employed to lift the car, although steam power is also employed to raise the water. The car is connected to wire cables passing over large sheaves at the top of the well room to a counterbalancing bucket. This bucket fits closely in a water-tight upright tube, or stand-pipe, about two feet in diameter, extending from the basement to the upper story. Near this stand-pipe in the upper story is placed a[Pg 157] water supply tank. A pipe discharges the water from the tank into the bucket, which moves up and down in the stand pipe. There is a valve in the tank which is opened by stepping on a treadle in the car, and this action admits to the bucket just enough weight of water to overbalance the load on the car. As soon as the bucket is heavier than the car it descends, and of course draws the car upward, thus using the minimum power required to raise each load, rather than, when steam is employed, the full power of the engine each and every time. The speed is controlled by means of brakes or clamps that firmly clasp wrought-iron slides secured to posts on each side of the well room, the operator having control of these brakes by a lever on the car. When the car has ascended as far as desired, the operator steps upon another treadle in the car connected with a valve in the bottom of the bucket and thus discharges the water into the receiving tank below until the car is heavier than the bucket, when it then of course descends. The water is thus taken from the upper tank into the bucket, discharged through the stand-pipe into the receiving tank under the floor of the basement and then pumped back again to the upper tank, so that it is used over and over again without loss.

In the hydraulic elevator system, a water-powered motor is used to lift the car, although steam power can also be used to pump the water. The car is attached to wire cables that run over large pulleys at the top of the elevator shaft to a counterweight bucket. This bucket fits snugly inside a watertight upright tube, or standpipe, about two feet in diameter, extending from the basement to the upper floor. Near this standpipe on the upper floor is a[Pg 157] water supply tank. A pipe releases water from the tank into the bucket, which moves up and down within the standpipe. There’s a valve in the tank that opens when you step on a treadle in the car, allowing just enough water into the bucket to tip the balance against the car’s load. Once the bucket becomes heavier than the car, it descends, pulling the car upwards, thus minimizing the power required to lift each load, rather than using the full power of the engine every time when steam is involved. The speed of the elevator is managed using brakes or clamps that grip iron slides attached to posts on either side of the shaft, and the operator controls these brakes with a lever in the car. When the car reaches the desired height, the operator steps on another treadle in the car that is connected to a valve at the bottom of the bucket, discharging the water into the receiving tank below until the car becomes heavier than the bucket, causing it to descend. The water is transferred from the upper tank into the bucket, discharged through the standpipe into the receiving tank under the basement floor, and then pumped back to the upper tank, allowing it to be reused without waste.

Various modifications have been made in the hydraulic forms. In place of steam, electricity was introduced to control the hydraulic operation. Again, an electric motor has been invented to be placed on the car itself, with connected gearing engaging rack bars in the well.

Various modifications have been made to the hydraulic systems. Instead of steam, electricity has been introduced to manage the hydraulic operations. Additionally, an electric motor has been developed to be installed on the car itself, with connected gearing engaging rack bars in the well.

Elevators have been contrived automatically controlled by switch mechanisms on the landings; and in connection with the electric motor safety devices are used to break the motor circuit and thus stop the car[Pg 158] the moment the elevator door is opened; and there are devices to break the circuit and stop the car at once, should an obstruction, the foot for instance, be accidentally thrust out into the path of the car frame. Columns of water and of air have been so arranged that should the car fall the fall will be broken by the water or air cushion made to yield gradually to the pressure. So many safety devices have been invented that there is now no excuse for accidents. They result by a criminal neglect of builders or engineers to provide themselves with such devices, or by a most ignorant or careless management and operation of simple actuating mechanisms.

Elevators are now automatically controlled by switch mechanisms at the landings, and in conjunction with electric motors, safety devices are used to cut the motor circuit and stop the car as soon as the elevator door is opened. There are also mechanisms that immediately break the circuit and stop the car if something, like a foot, accidentally enters the path of the car frame. Water and air columns are arranged so that if the car falls, the descent will be cushioned by either water or air, which is designed to compress gradually under pressure. With so many safety devices invented, there’s really no reason for accidents to happen. They occur due to criminal negligence on the part of builders or engineers to include these safety devices, or from extremely negligent or careless management and operation of straightforward mechanisms.[Pg 158]

Between 1880 and 1890 there was great activity in the invention of what is known as store service conveyors. One of the earliest forms, and one which had been partly selected from other arts, was to suspend from a rigid frame work connected to the floor, roof, or side of the building, a long platform in the direction through the building it was desired the road to run, giving this platform a slight inclination. On this platform were placed tracks, and from the tracks were suspended trucks, baskets, or other merchandise receptacles, having wheels resting on and adapted to roll on the tracks. Double or single tracks could be provided as desired. The cars ran on these tracks by gravity, and considerable ingenuity was displayed in the feature alone of providing the out-going and returning inclined tracks; in hand straps and levers for raising and lowering the carriage, part or all of it, to or from the tracks, and in buffers to break the force of the blow of the carriages when arriving at their stopping places.

Between 1880 and 1890, there was a lot of activity in inventing what we now call store service conveyors. One of the earliest versions, which was partly inspired by other industries, involved suspending a long platform from a rigid framework attached to the floor, roof, or wall of the building. This platform was slightly inclined in the direction the path was meant to go. Tracks were placed on this platform, and from these tracks hung trucks, baskets, or other containers for merchandise, equipped with wheels that rested on and could roll along the tracks. Depending on the need, either double or single tracks could be used. The carts moved along these tracks using gravity, and a lot of creativity was shown in designing the outgoing and returning inclined tracks, as well as in the hand straps and levers for raising and lowering part or all of the carriage to or from the tracks, and in buffers to lessen the impact when the carriages arrived at their destinations.

Then about 1882-83 it was found by some inventors if moderately fine wires were stretched level,[Pg 159] and as tight as possible, they would afford such little friction and resistance to light and nicely balanced wheels, that no inclination of the tracks was necessary, and that the carriages mounted on such wheels and tracks would run the entire length of a long building and turn corners not too sharp by a single initial push of the hand. In other arrangements a carrier is self-propelled by means of a coiled spring on the carrier, which begins its operation as soon as the carrier is given a start; and to meet the exhausted strength of such spring, coiled springs at different points on the line are arranged to engage and give the carrier an additional push. Before the carrier is stopped its action is such as to automatically rewind its spring.

Then around 1882-83, some inventors discovered that if moderately fine wires were stretched level, [Pg 159] and as tight as possible, they would create very little friction and resistance for lightweight, well-balanced wheels. This meant that no incline on the tracks was needed, and carriages mounted on these wheels and tracks could run the entire length of a long building and turn corners that weren't too sharp with just a gentle push of the hand. In other setups, a carrier is powered by a coiled spring attached to it, which starts working as soon as the carrier gets a little push. To recharge the depleted strength of the spring, additional coiled springs are placed at different points along the route to give the carrier another boost. Before the carrier stops, its movement automatically rewinds its spring.

A system of pneumatic transmission was invented, by which a carrier is caused to travel through a tube by the agency of an air current, created therein by an air compressor, blower, or similar device. The device is so arranged that the air current is caused to take either direction through the tube; and in some instances gravity may be used to assist a vacuum formed behind the carrier. The tube is controlled at each end by one or more sliding gates or valves, and the carrier is made to actuate the gates, and close the one behind it, so that the carrier may be discharged without permitting the escape of the air and consequent reduction of pressure.

A pneumatic transmission system was invented, allowing a carrier to move through a tube using an air current created by an air compressor, blower, or similar device. The setup is designed so that the air current can flow in either direction through the tube; in some cases, gravity can help by creating a vacuum behind the carrier. Each end of the tube is controlled by one or more sliding gates or valves, and the carrier activates the gates, closing the one behind it to discharge the carrier without letting air escape, which would reduce pressure.

An interesting invention has been made by James M. Dodge of Philadelphia in the line of conveyors, whereby pea coal and other quite heavy materials introduced by a hopper into a trough are subjected to a powerful air blast which pushes the material forward; and as the trough is provided with a series of frequently occurring slots or perforations open to the[Pg 160] outer air and inclined opposite the direction of travel, the powerful current from the blower in escaping through such outlets tends to lift or buoy the material and carry it forward in the air current, thereby greatly reducing frictional contact and increasing the impelling operation. The inventor claims that with such an apparatus many tons of material per hour may be conveyed with a comparatively small working air pressure.

An interesting invention has been created by James M. Dodge of Philadelphia in the field of conveyors. It allows pea coal and other heavy materials to be fed by a hopper into a trough, where they are hit by a powerful air blast that pushes the material forward. Since the trough has a series of regularly spaced slots or holes that connect to the outer air and tilt against the direction of travel, the strong current from the blower escapes through these openings, lifting or buoying the material and moving it forward in the air current. This significantly reduces friction and enhances the movement process. The inventor claims that with this system, many tons of material can be moved every hour with relatively low air pressure.

In order that a conveyor carriage may be automatically switched off at a certain place or station on the line, one mode adopted was to arrange at a gate or station a sort of pin or projection or other deflector to engage some recess or corresponding feature on the carriage, so as to arrest and turn the carriage in its new direction at that point. Another mode was the adoption of electro-magnets, which would operate at a certain place to arrest or divert the carriage; and in either case the carriage was so constructed that its engaging features would operate automatically only in conjunction with certain features at a particular place on the line.

To automatically turn off a conveyor carriage at a specific spot or station on the line, one method used was to set up a pin, projection, or other deflector at a gate or station that would connect with a recess or matching feature on the carriage, allowing it to stop and change direction at that point. Another method involved using electromagnets that would activate at a designated location to stop or redirect the carriage; in either case, the carriage was designed so that its engaging features would operate automatically only in conjunction with specific features at a certain point on the line.

Signals have been also adopted, in some cases operated by an electric current, by which the operator can determine whether or not the controlling devices have operated to stop the carrier at the desired place. By electric or mechanical means it is also provided that one or more loop branches may be connected with or disconnected from the main circuit.

Signals have also been adopted, in some cases powered by electric currents, which allow the operator to determine if the control devices have stopped the carrier at the desired location. Using electric or mechanical means, it's also possible to connect or disconnect one or more loop branches from the main circuit.

The “lazy tongs” principle has been introduced, by which a long lazy-tongs is shot forth through a tube or box to carry forward the carriage; and the same principle is employed in fire-escapes to throw up a cage to a great height to a window or other point, which cage is lowered gently and safely[Pg 161] by the same means to the ground. Buffers of all kinds have been devised to effect the stoppage of the carrier without injury thereto under the different degrees of force with which it is moved upon its way, to prevent rebounding, and to enable the carrier to be discharged with facility at the end of its route.

The “lazy tongs” principle has been introduced, where a long lazy-tong mechanism is shot through a tube or box to move the carriage forward. The same principle is used in fire escapes to lift a cage to a high window or other location, which is then lowered gently and safely to the ground using the same method[Pg 161]. Various types of buffers have been created to stop the carrier without damaging it, regardless of the different levels of force it encounters during transit, to prevent bouncing back and to allow for easy discharge of the carrier at the end of its route.

Among the early mechanical means of transporting the carriage was an endless cable moved continuously by an engine, and this adoption of cable principle in store service was co-eval with its adoption for running street cars. Also the system of switching the cars from the main line to a branch, and in different parts of a city, at the same time that all lines are receiving their motive power from the main line, corresponds to the manner of conveying cash to all parts of a building at the same time from many points.

Among the early mechanical ways to move goods, the carriage used a continuously moving endless cable powered by an engine. This use of cables in store operations happened around the same time it was used for streetcars. Additionally, the system for moving cars from the main line to various branches throughout a city, while all lines are getting their power from the main line, is similar to how cash is sent to different areas of a building simultaneously from multiple points.

To the great department store or monstrous building wherein, as we have said, the whole business of a town may be transacted, the assemblage and conjoint use of elevators and conveyors seem to be actually necessary.

To the huge department store or massive building where, as we mentioned, all the business of a town can take place, the combination and collective use of elevators and conveyors appear to be truly essential.

A very useful and important line of inventions consists in means for forming connections between rotary shafts and their pulleys and mechanisms to be operated thereby, by which such mechanism can be started or stopped at once, or their motion reversed or retarded; or by which an actuating shaft may be automatically stopped. These means are known as clutches.

A very useful and important line of inventions involves methods for connecting rotating shafts to their pulleys and the mechanisms they control, allowing those mechanisms to be started or stopped immediately, or to have their motion reversed or slowed down; or enabling an actuating shaft to be automatically stopped. These methods are known as clutches.

They are designed often to afford a yielding connection between the shaft and a machine which shall prevent excessive strain and wear upon starting of the shaft. They are also often provided with a spring connection, which, in the rotation of the shaft[Pg 162] in either direction, will operate to relieve the strain upon the shaft, or shafts, and its driving motor. Safety clutches are numerous, by which the machine is quickly and automatically stopped by the action of electro-magnets should a workman or other obstruction be caught in the machinery.

They are often designed to create a flexible connection between the shaft and a machine that prevents excessive strain and wear when the shaft starts. They often include a spring connection that, during the rotation of the shaft[Pg 162] in either direction, helps to relieve the strain on the shaft or shafts and its driving motor. There are many safety clutches that quickly and automatically stop the machine through the action of electromagnets if a worker or any other obstruction gets caught in the machinery.

Electric auxiliary mechanism has also been devised to start or stop the main machine slowly, and thus prevent injury to small or delicate parts of complicated machines, like printing presses for instance. Clutches are arranged sometimes in the form of weights, resembling the action of the weights in steam governors, whereby centrifugal action is relied upon for swinging the weights outward to effect a clutching and coupling of the shaft, or other mechanism, so that two lines of shafting are coupled, or the machine started, or speeded, at a certain time during the operation. In order to avoid the great mischief arising sometimes from undue strain upon and the breaking of a shaft, a weak coupling composed of a link is sometimes employed between the shaft and the driven machine, whereby, should the force become suddenly too great, the link of weaker metal is broken, and the connection between the shaft thereby destroyed and the machine stopped.

An electric auxiliary mechanism has also been developed to start or stop the main machine slowly, preventing damage to small or delicate parts of complicated machines, like printing presses, for example. Clutches are sometimes arranged like weights, similar to how weights work in steam governors, where centrifugal force is used to swing the weights outward to engage and couple the shaft or other mechanisms, allowing two lines of shafting to connect, the machine to start, or the speed to be adjusted at a specific time during operation. To avoid the significant damage that can occur from excessive strain and the breaking of a shaft, a weak coupling made of a link is sometimes used between the shaft and the driven machine. This way, if the force suddenly becomes too strong, the weaker metal link breaks, disconnecting the shaft and stopping the machine.

To this class of inventions, as well as to many others, the phrase, “labour-saving”, is applied as a descriptive term, and as it is a correct one in most instances, since they save the labour of many human hands, they are regarded by many as detrimental to a great extent, as they result in throwing out of employment a large number of persons.

To this category of inventions, as well as many others, the term "labour-saving" is used as a descriptive term. It is accurate in most cases since they save the effort of many workers. However, many people view them as harmful because they lead to a significant number of people losing their jobs.

This derangement does sometimes occur, but the curtailment of the number of labourers is but temporary after all.[Pg 163]

This disruption does happen sometimes, but the reduction in the number of workers is only temporary after all.[Pg 163]

The increased production of materials, resulting from cheaper and better processes, and from the reduced cost of handling them, necessitates the employment of a larger number of persons to take care of, in many ways, the greater output caused by the increased demand; the new machinery demands the labour of additional numbers in its manufacture; the increase in the size and heights of buildings involves new modes of construction and a greater number of artisans in their erection; new forms of industry springing from every practical invention which produces a new product or results in a new mode of operation, complicates the systems of labour, and creates a demand for a large number of employers and employees in new fields. Hence, it is only necessary to resort to comparative, statistics (too extensive to cite here) to show that the number of unemployed people in proportion to the populations, is less in the present age than in any previous one. In this sense, therefore, inventions should be classed as labour-increasing devices.

The increased production of materials, resulting from cheaper and better processes and lower handling costs, requires hiring more people to manage the higher output driven by greater demand. The new machinery needs more workers for its production. The rise in the size and height of buildings brings about new construction methods and requires more craftsmen for their assembly. New industries emerge from every practical invention that creates a new product or leads to a new way of operating, complicating labor systems and creating a demand for many employers and employees in new areas. Therefore, it’s only necessary to look at comparative statistics (too extensive to cite here) to demonstrate that the number of unemployed individuals as a proportion of the population is lower today than in any past era. In this sense, inventions should be regarded as labor-increasing tools.



The science of Hydraulics appears to be as old as the thirst of man.

The science of hydraulics seems to be as ancient as humanity's need for water.

When prehistoric men had only stone implements, with which to do their work, they built aqueducts, reservoirs and deep wells which rival in extent many great similar works that are the boast of their modern descendants. Modern inventors have also produced with a flourish nice instrumentalities for raising water, agencies which are covered with the moss of untold centuries in China.

When prehistoric humans only had stone tools to work with, they constructed aqueducts, reservoirs, and deep wells that compete in scale with many impressive structures created by modern people. Today's inventors have also developed impressive water-lifting devices, some of which have been around for countless centuries in China.

It was more than an ancient observation that came down to Pliny’s time for record, that water would rise to a level with its source. The observation, however, was put into practical use in his time and long before without a knowledge of its philosophical cause.

It was more than just an ancient observation noted during Pliny's time that water would rise to the same level as its source. However, this observation was practically applied in his time and long before, without an understanding of its philosophical reason.

Nothing in Egyptian sculpture portraying the arts in vogue around the cradle of the human race is older than the long lever rocking upon a cleft stick, one arm of the lever carrying a bracket and the other arm used to raise a bucket from a well. Forty centuries and more have not rendered this device obsolete.

Nothing in Egyptian sculpture depicting the arts popular around the beginning of human civilization is older than the long lever rocking on a split stick, with one arm of the lever holding a bracket and the other arm used to lift a bucket from a well. Forty centuries and more have not made this device outdated.

Among other machines of the Egyptians, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, and the Romans for raising water was the tympanum, a drum-shape wheel divided into radial partitions, chambers, or pockets, which were open to a short depth on the periphery[Pg 165] of the wheel, and inclined toward the axis, and which was driven by animal or manual power. These pockets scooped up the water from the stream or pond in which the wheel was located as the wheel revolved, and directed it toward the axis of the wheel, where it ran out into troughs, pipes, or gutters. The Noria, a chain of pots, and the screw of Archimedes were other forms of ancient pumps. The bucket pumps with some modifications are known in modern times as scoop wheels, and have been used extensively in the drainage of lands, especially by the Dutch, who at first drove them by windmills and later by steam.

Among other machines used by the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans for raising water was the tympanum, a drum-shaped wheel divided into radial sections, chambers, or pockets. These pockets were open to a shallow depth on the outer edge[Pg 165] of the wheel and tilted towards the center. The wheel was powered by animals or by human effort. As the wheel turned, these pockets scooped up water from the stream or pond where the wheel was placed and directed it towards the center, where it flowed out into troughs, pipes, or gutters. The Noria, a chain of pots, and Archimedes' screw were other types of ancient pumps. Modified bucket pumps are known today as scoop wheels and have been used widely for land drainage, particularly by the Dutch, who originally powered them with windmills and later with steam.

The division of water-wheels into overshot, undershot and breast wheels is not a modern system.

The classification of water wheels into overshot, undershot, and breast wheels is not a new system.

In the Pneumatics of Hero, which compilation of inventions appeared in 225 B. C., seventy-nine illustrations are given and described of simple machines, between sixty and seventy of which are hydraulic devices. Among these, are siphon pumps, the force pump of Ctesibius, a “fire-pump,” having two cylinders, and two pistons, valves, and levers. We have in a previous chapter referred to Hero’s steam engine. The fact that a vacuum may be created in a pump into which water will rise by atmospheric pressure appears to have been availed of but not explained or understood.

In the Pneumatics of Hero, a collection of inventions released in 225 B.C., there are seventy-nine illustrations and descriptions of simple machines, around sixty to seventy of which are hydraulic devices. These include siphon pumps, Ctesibius’s force pump, a “fire-pump” featuring two cylinders, two pistons, valves, and levers. We mentioned Hero’s steam engine in an earlier chapter. The idea that a vacuum can be created in a pump, allowing water to rise due to atmospheric pressure, seems to have been used but not fully explained or understood.

The employment of the rope, pulley and windlass to raise water was known to Hero and his countrymen as well as by the Chinese before them. The chain pump and other pumps of simple form have only been improved since Hero’s day in matters of detail. The screw of Archimedes has been extended in application as a carrier of water, and converted into a conveyor of many other materials.[Pg 166]

The use of the rope, pulley, and windlass for lifting water was known to Hero and his people, as well as to the Chinese before them. The chain pump and other simple pumps have only seen improvements in detail since Hero's time. Archimedes' screw has been adapted for transporting water and turned into a conveyor for many other materials.[Pg 166]

Thus, aqueducts, reservoirs, water-wheels (used for grinding grain), simple forms of pumps, fountains, hydraulic organs, and a few other hydraulic devices, were known to ancient peoples, but their limited knowledge of the laws of pneumatics and their little mechanical skill prevented much general progress or extensive general use of such inventions.

Thus, aqueducts, reservoirs, water wheels (used for grinding grain), basic pumps, fountains, hydraulic organs, and a few other hydraulic devices were known to ancient peoples, but their limited understanding of the principles of pneumatics and their minimal mechanical skills hindered significant advancements or widespread use of these inventions.

It is said that Frontinus, a Roman Consul, and inspector of public fountains and aqueducts in the reigns of Nerva and Trajan, and who wrote a book, De Aquaeductibus Urbis Romae Commentarius, describing the great aqueducts of Rome, was the first and the last of the ancients to attempt a scientific investigation of the motions of liquids.

It is said that Frontinus, a Roman Consul and inspector of public fountains and aqueducts during the reigns of Nerva and Trajan, wrote a book, De Aquaeductibus Urbis Romae Commentarius, which describes the great aqueducts of Rome. He was both the first and the last of the ancients to try a scientific investigation of how liquids move.

In 1593 Serviere, a Frenchman, born in Lyons, invented the rotary pump. In this the pistons consisted of two cog wheels, their leaves intermeshing, and rotated in an elliptical shaped chamber. The water entered the chamber from a lower pipe, and the action of the wheels was such as to carry the water around the chamber and force it out through an opposite upper pipe. Subsequent changes involved the rotating of the cylinder instead of the wheels and many modifications in the form of the wheels. The same principle was subsequently adopted in rotary steam engines.

In 1593, a Frenchman named Serviere, who was born in Lyons, invented the rotary pump. In this design, the pistons were made up of two interlocking cog wheels that rotated in an elliptical-shaped chamber. Water entered the chamber through a lower pipe, and the movement of the wheels carried the water around the chamber, forcing it out through an upper pipe on the opposite side. Later developments included rotating the cylinder instead of the wheels, along with many modifications to the wheel design. This same principle was later used in rotary steam engines.

In 1586, a few years before this invention of Serviere, Stevinus, the great engineer of the dikes of Holland, wrote learnedly on the Principles of Statics and Hydrostatics, and Whewell states that his treatment of the subject embraces most of the elementary science of hydraulics and hydrostatics of the present day. This was followed by the investigations and treatises of Galileo, his pupil Torricelli, who discovered the law of air pressure, the[Pg 167] great French genius, Pascal, and Sir Isaac Newton, in the 17th century; and Daniel Bernoulli, d’Alembert, Euler, the great German mathematician and inventor of the centrifugal pump, the Abbé Bossut, Venturi, Eylewein, and others in the 18th century.

In 1586, a few years before Serviere's invention, Stevinus, the renowned engineer of Holland's dikes, wrote extensively about the Principles of Statics and Hydrostatics. Whewell mentions that his work covers most of the basic science of hydraulics and hydrostatics we know today. This was followed by research and writings from Galileo, his student Torricelli, who discovered the law of air pressure, the brilliant French thinker Pascal, and Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century; then came Daniel Bernoulli, d’Alembert, Euler, the great German mathematician and inventor of the centrifugal pump, the Abbé Bossut, Venturi, Eylewein, and others in the 18th century.

It was not until the 17th and 18th centuries that mankind departed much from the practice of supplying their towns and cities with water from distant springs, rivers and lakes, by pipes and aqueducts, and resorted to water distribution systems from towers and elevated reservoirs. Certain cities in Germany and France were the first to do this, followed in the 18th century by England. This seems strange, as to England, as in 1582 one Peter Maurice, a Dutch engineer, erected at London, on the old arched bridge across the Thames, a series of forcing pumps worked by undershot wheels placed in the current of the river, by which he forced a supply of water to the uppermost rooms of lofty buildings adjacent to the bridge. Before the inventions of Newcomen and Watt in the latter part of the 18th century of steam pumps, the lift and force pumps were operated by wheels in currents, by horses, and sometimes by the force of currents of common sewers.

It wasn't until the 17th and 18th centuries that people started moving away from the practice of providing their towns and cities with water from distant springs, rivers, and lakes through pipes and aqueducts, and began using water distribution systems from towers and elevated reservoirs. Some cities in Germany and France were the first to adopt this approach, followed by England in the 18th century. This seems odd for England because, in 1582, a Dutch engineer named Peter Maurice set up a series of forcing pumps on the old arched bridge across the Thames in London. These pumps were powered by undershot wheels placed in the river's current, allowing him to push water to the top floors of tall buildings near the bridge. Before Newcomen and Watt invented steam pumps in the late 18th century, lift and force pumps were powered by wheels in currents, horses, and sometimes by the flow of sewage.

When the waters of rivers adjacent to towns and cities thus began to be pumped for drinking purposes, strainers and filters of various kinds were invented of necessity. The first ones of which there is any printed record made their appearance in 1776.

When towns and cities started pumping water from nearby rivers for drinking, various types of strainers and filters were created out of necessity. The earliest known records of these appeared in 1776.

After the principles of hydraulics had thus been reviewed and discussed by the philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries and applied, to the extent indicated, further application of them was made, and especially for the propelling of vessels. In 1718 La[Pg 168] Hire revived and improved the double-acting pump of Ctesibius, but to what extent he put it into use does not appear. However, it was the double-acting pump having two chambers and two valves, and in which the piston acted to throw the water out at each stroke.

After the principles of hydraulics were reviewed and discussed by the philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries, they were applied as indicated, leading to further use, especially for propelling vessels. In 1718, La[Pg 168] Hire revived and improved the double-acting pump of Ctesibius, though it's unclear how extensively he used it. Nonetheless, it featured a double-acting design with two chambers and two valves, where the piston discharged water with each stroke.

In 1730 Dr. John Allen of England designed a vessel having a tunnel or pipe open at the stern thereof through which water was to be pumped into the air or sea—the reaction thus occasioned driving the vessel forward. He put such a vessel at work in a canal, working the pumps by manual labor, and suggested the employment of a steam engine. A vessel of this kind was patented by David Ramsey of England in 1738. Rumsey of America in 1782 also invented a similar vessel, built one 50 feet long, and ran it experimentally on the Potomac river. Dr. Franklin also planned a boat of this kind in 1785 and illustrated the same by sketches. His plan has since been tried on the Scheldt, but two turbines were substituted for his simple force pump. Further mention will be made later on of a few more elaborate inventions of this kind.

In 1730, Dr. John Allen from England designed a boat with a tunnel or pipe open at the back, through which water would be pumped into the air or sea—the resulting reaction would drive the boat forward. He tested this boat in a canal, using manual labor to operate the pumps, and suggested using a steam engine instead. A boat like this was patented by David Ramsey of England in 1738. Rumsey from America also invented a similar boat in 1782, built one that was 50 feet long, and ran experimental tests on the Potomac River. Dr. Franklin also designed a boat like this in 1785 and illustrated his concept with sketches. His plan was later tested on the Scheldt, but two turbines were used instead of his simple force pump. More detailed inventions of this kind will be discussed later.

It also having been discovered that the fall of a column of water in a tube would cause a portion of it to rise higher than its source by reason of the force of momentum, a machine was devised by which successive impulses of this force were used, in combination with atmospheric pressure, to raise a portion of the water at each impulse. This was the well-known ram, and the first inventor of such a machine was John Whitehurst of Cheapside, England, who constructed one in 1772. From a reservoir, spring, or cistern of water, the water was discharged downward into a long pipe of small diameter, and from thence into a shorter pipe governed by a stop-cock. On the[Pg 169] opening of the stop-cock the water was given a quick momentum, and on closing the cock water was forced by the continuing momentum through another pipe into an air chamber. A valve in the latter-mentioned pipe opened into the air chamber. The air pressure served to overcome the momentum and to close the chamber and at the same time forced the water received into the air chamber up an adjacent pipe. Another impulse was obtained and another injection of water into the chamber by again opening the stop-cock, and thus by successive impulses water was forced into the chamber and pressed by the air up through the discharge pipe and thence through a building or other receptacle. But the fact that the stop-valve had to be opened and closed by hand to obtain the desired number of lifts rendered the machine ineffective.

It was also discovered that when a column of water falls in a tube, it can push a portion of it higher than its source due to the force of momentum. A machine was created to use this force in combination with atmospheric pressure to lift a portion of the water with each boost. This machine is known as the ram, and its first inventor was John Whitehurst from Cheapside, England, who built one in 1772. Water was discharged downward from a reservoir, spring, or cistern into a long, narrow pipe, and then into a shorter pipe controlled by a stop-cock. When the stop-cock was opened, the water gained momentum, and when it was closed, the continued momentum forced water through another pipe into an air chamber. A valve in that pipe opened into the air chamber. The air pressure helped overcome the momentum, sealed the chamber, and pushed the water collected in the chamber up an adjacent pipe. Another impulse was created by opening the stop-cock again, injecting more water into the chamber. This process repeated, forcing water into the chamber and pushing it upwards through the discharge pipe and out into a building or other receptacle. However, the fact that the stop-valve needed to be manually opened and closed to achieve the desired number of lifts made the machine ineffective.

In 1796 Montgolfier, a Frenchman and one of the inventors of the balloon, substituted for the stop-cock of the Whitehurst machine a loose impulse valve in the waste pipe, whereby the valve was raised by the rush of the water, made to set itself, check the outflow and turn the current into the air chamber. This simple alteration changed the character of the machine entirely, rendered it automatic in action and converted it into a highly successful water-raising machine. For this invention Montgolfier obtained a Gold Medal from the French Exposition of 1802. Where a head can be had from four to six feet, water can be raised to the height of 30 feet. Bodies of water greater in amount than is desired to be raised can thus be utilised, and this simple machine has come into very extensive use during the present century.

In 1796, Montgolfier, a Frenchman and one of the inventors of the balloon, replaced the stop-cock of the Whitehurst machine with a loose impulse valve in the waste pipe. This valve was lifted by the rush of the water, allowing it to set itself, stop the outflow, and redirect the current into the air chamber. This simple change completely transformed the machine, making it operate automatically and turning it into a highly effective water-raising device. For this invention, Montgolfier received a Gold Medal from the French Exposition of 1802. When there is a head of four to six feet, water can be raised to a height of 30 feet. Larger bodies of water than needed can thus be used, and this simple machine has become widely used throughout this century.

Allusion was made in the last chapter to the powerful [Pg 170]hydraulic press of Joseph Bramah invented in 1795-1800, its practical introduction in this century and improvements therein of others. After the great improvements in the steam engine made by Watt, water, steam and air pressure joined their forces on the threshold of this century to lift and move the world, as it had never been moved before.

Allusion was made in the last chapter to the powerful [Pg 170] hydraulic press of Joseph Bramah invented in 1795-1800, its practical introduction in this century and improvements made by others. After the significant advancements in the steam engine by Watt, water, steam, and air pressure combined their forces at the beginning of this century to lift and move the world like never before.

The strong hands of hydraulics are pumps. They are divided into classes by names indicating their purpose and mode of operation, such as single, double-acting, lift or force, reciprocating or rotary, etc.

The powerful components of hydraulics are pumps. They are categorized by names that describe their function and way of working, like single, double-acting, lift or force, reciprocating or rotary, and so on.

Knight, in his celebrated Mechanical Dictionary, enumerates 100 differently constructed pumps connected with the various arts. In a broader enumeration, under the head of Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Devices, he gives a list of over 600 species. The number has since increased. About nine-tenths of these contrivances have been invented during the 19th century, although the philosophical principles of the operation of most of them had been previously discovered.

Knight, in his famous Mechanical Dictionary, lists 100 different types of pumps used in various trades. In a more extensive section titled Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Devices, he provides a list of over 600 types. This number has since grown. About 90% of these inventions were created during the 19th century, although the fundamental principles behind most of them had been established earlier.

The important epochs in the invention of pumps, ending with the 18th century, were thus the single-acting pump of Ctesibius, 225 B. C., the double-acting of La Hire in 1718, the hydraulic ram of Whitehurst, 1772, and the hydraulic press of Bramah of 1795-1802.

The key milestones in the development of pumps, leading up to the 18th century, were the single-acting pump created by Ctesibius in 225 B.C., the double-acting pump made by La Hire in 1718, the hydraulic ram invented by Whitehurst in 1772, and the hydraulic press developed by Bramah between 1795 and 1802.

Bramah’s press illustrates how the theories of one age often lie dormant, but if true become the practices of a succeeding age. Pascal, 150 years before Bramah’s time, had written this seeming hydraulic paradox: “If a vessel closed on all sides has two openings, the one a hundred times as large as the other, and if each be supplied with a piston which[Pg 171] fits it exactly, then a man pushing the small piston will equilibrate that of 100 men pushing the piston which is 100 times as large, and will overcome the other 99.” This is the law of the hydraulic press, that intensity of pressure is everywhere the same.

Bramah’s press shows how ideas from one era often stay hidden, but if they are valid, they become the practices of the next era. Pascal, 150 years before Bramah, wrote this intriguing hydraulic paradox: “If a completely sealed container has two openings, one a hundred times larger than the other, and each has a piston that fits perfectly, then a person pushing the smaller piston will match the force of 100 people pushing the larger piston and will overpower the other 99.” This describes the principle of the hydraulic press, which states that pressure intensity is uniform everywhere.

The next important epoch was the invention of Forneyron in 1823, of the water-wheel known as the Turbine and also as the Vortex Wheel. If we will return a moment to the little steam engine of the ancient Hero of Alexandria, called the Eolipile, it will be remembered that the steam admitted into a pivoted vessel and out of it through little opposite pipes, having bent exits turned in contrary directions, caused the vessel to rotate by reason of the reaction of the steam against the pipes. In what is called Barker’s mill, brought out in the 18th century, substantially the same form of engine is seen with water substituted for the steam.

The next significant period was marked by Forneyron's invention in 1823 of the water-wheel known as the Turbine, also called the Vortex Wheel. If we take a moment to revisit the small steam engine from ancient Alexandria, known as the Eolipile, we remember that steam was introduced into a pivoting vessel and released through small oppositely placed pipes with exits bent in opposite directions, causing the vessel to spin due to the steam's reaction against the pipes. In what is referred to as Barker’s mill, created in the 18th century, we see a similar type of engine with water replacing the steam.

A turbine is a wheel usually placed horizontally to the water. The wheel is provided with curved internal buckets against which the water is led by outer curved passages, the guides and the buckets both curved in such manner that the water shall enter the wheel as nearly as possible without shock, and leave it with the least possible velocity, thereby utilising the greatest possible amount of energy.

A turbine is a wheel typically positioned horizontally to the water. The wheel has curved internal buckets that channel water through outer curved passages. Both the guides and the buckets are shaped so that the water enters the wheel smoothly and leaves it with minimal velocity, maximizing energy efficiency.

In the chapter on Electrical inventions reference is made to the mighty power of Niagara used to actuate a great number of electrical and other machines of vast power. This utilisation had long been the dream of engineers. Sir William Siemens had said that the power of all the coal raised in the world would barely represent the power of Niagara. The dream has been realised, and the turbine is the apparatus through which the power of the harnessed[Pg 172] giant is transmitted. A canal is dug from the river a mile above the falls. It conducts water to a power house near the falls. At the power house the canal is furnished with a gate, and with cribs to keep back the obstructions, such as sticks. At the gate is placed a vertical iron tube called a penstock, 7½ feet in diameter and 160 feet deep. At the bottom of the penstock is placed a turbine wheel fixed on a shaft, and to which shaft is connected an electric generator or other power machine. On opening the gate a mass of water 7½ feet in diameter falls upon the turbine wheel 160 feet below. The water rushing through the wheel turns it and its shaft many hundred revolutions a minute. All the machinery is of enormous power and dimensions. One electric generator there is 11 feet 7 inches in diameter and spins around at the rate of 250 revolutions a minute. Means are provided by which the speed of each wheel is regulated automatically. Each turbine in a penstock represents the power of 5,000 horses, and there are now ten or more employed.

In the chapter on electrical inventions, it mentions the incredible power of Niagara used to run various electrical and other high-powered machines. This usage had been a long-standing goal of engineers. Sir William Siemens noted that the energy from all the coal mined globally would hardly match the power of Niagara. That dream has come true, and the turbine is the device that transmits the energy of the captured giant. A canal is dug from the river a mile above the falls, directing water to a power house near the falls. At the power house, the canal has a gate and cribs to keep debris, like sticks, out of the way. There’s a vertical iron tube called a penstock at the gate, which is 7½ feet in diameter and 160 feet deep. At the bottom of the penstock, there’s a turbine wheel attached to a shaft, which connects to an electric generator or another power machine. When the gate opens, a column of water 7½ feet in diameter falls onto the turbine wheel 160 feet below. The rushing water spins the wheel and its shaft at several hundred revolutions per minute. All the machinery is extremely powerful and large. One electric generator measures 11 feet 7 inches in diameter and operates at 250 revolutions per minute. There are systems in place to automatically regulate the speed of each wheel. Each turbine in a penstock produces the power of 5,000 horses, and there are now ten or more in use.

After the water has done its work on the wheels it falls into a tunnel and is carried back to the river below the falls. Not only are the manufactures of various kinds of a large town at the falls thus supplied with power, but electric power is transmitted to distant towns and cities.

After the water has finished powering the wheels, it flows into a tunnel and is directed back to the river beneath the falls. Not only are the various industries in the large town at the falls provided with power, but electric power is also sent to distant towns and cities.

Turbine pumps of the Forneyron type have an outward flow; but another form, invented also by a Frenchman, Jonval, has a downward discharge, and others are oblique, double, combined turbine, rotary, and centrifugal, embodying similar principles. The term rotary, broadly speaking, includes turbine and centrifugal pumps. The centrifugal pump, invented[Pg 173] by Euler in 1754, was taken up in the nineteenth century and greatly improved.

Turbine pumps of the Forneyron type have an outward flow; however, another version, also invented by a Frenchman, Jonval, has a downward discharge, and there are others that are oblique, double, combined turbine, rotary, and centrifugal, all using similar principles. The term rotary generally refers to both turbine and centrifugal pumps. The centrifugal pump, invented[Pg 173] by Euler in 1754, was adopted in the nineteenth century and significantly enhanced.

In the centrifugal pump of the ordinary form the water is received at the centre of the wheel and diverted and carried out in an upward direction, but in most of its modern forms derived from the turbine, the principle is adopted of so shaping the vanes that the water, striking them in the curved direction, shall not have its line of curvature suddenly changed.

In a standard centrifugal pump, water is taken in at the center of the wheel and then directed and pushed upward. However, in many modern designs that come from turbine technology, the vanes are shaped in a way that allows the water to hit them at a curve without suddenly changing its path.

Among modern inventions of this class of pumps was the “Massachusetts” of 1818 and McCarty’s, in 1830, of America, that of some contemporary French engineers, and subsequently in France the Appold system, which latter was brought into prominent notice at the London Exposition of 1851. Improvements of great value were also made by Prof. James Thompson of England.

Among modern inventions of this type of pumps was the “Massachusetts” of 1818 and McCarty’s, in 1830, from America, along with those of some contemporary French engineers. Later in France, the Appold system gained significant attention at the London Exposition of 1851. Valuable improvements were also made by Prof. James Thompson of England.

Centrifugal pumps have been used with great success in lifting large bodies of water to a moderate height, and for draining marshes and other low lands.

Centrifugal pumps have been very successful in lifting large amounts of water to a moderate height and in draining marshes and other low-lying areas.

Holland, Germany, France, England and America have, through some of their ablest hydraulic engineers and inventors, produced most remarkable results in these various forms of pumps. We have noted what has been done at Niagara with the turbines; and the drainage of the marshes of Italy, the lowlands of Holland, the fens of England and the swamps of Florida bear evidence of the value of kindred inventions.

Holland, Germany, France, England, and America have achieved incredible results with various types of pumps thanks to some of their best hydraulic engineers and inventors. We've mentioned the advancements made at Niagara with the turbines, and the drainage of Italy's marshes, Holland's lowlands, England's fens, and Florida's swamps showcase the significance of similar inventions.

That modern form of pump known as the injector, has many uses in the arts and manufactures. One of its most useful functions is to automatically supply steam boilers with water, and regulate the supply. It was the invention of Giffard, patented[Pg 174] in England in 1858, and consists of a steam pipe leading from the boiler and having its nozzle projecting into an annular space which communicates with a feed pipe from a water supply. A jet of steam is discharged with force into this space, producing a vacuum, into which the water from the feed pipe rushes, and the condensed steam and water are driven by the momentum of the jet into a pipe leading into the boiler. This exceedingly useful apparatus has been improved and universally used wherever steam boilers are found. This idea of injecting a stream of steam or water to create or increase the flow of another stream has been applied in intensifiers, to increase the pressure of water in hydraulic mains, pipes, and machines, by additional pressure energy. Thus the water from an ordinary main may be given such an increased pressure that a jet from a hydrant may be carried to the tops of high houses.

That modern type of pump known as the injector has many applications in various industries. One of its most valuable functions is to automatically supply water to steam boilers and control the flow. It was invented by Giffard, patented[Pg 174] in England in 1858, and consists of a steam pipe connected to the boiler, with its nozzle extended into a ring-shaped space that connects to a water supply feed pipe. A powerful jet of steam is released into this space, creating a vacuum that draws water from the feed pipe, and the combined condensed steam and water are propelled by the force of the jet into a pipe leading into the boiler. This highly useful device has been improved and is widely used wherever steam boilers exist. The concept of injecting a stream of steam or water to generate or enhance the flow of another stream has also been utilized in intensifiers to boost water pressure in hydraulic mains, pipes, and machines through added pressure energy. As a result, water from a regular main can be pressurized enough that a jet from a hydrant can reach the tops of tall buildings.

In connection with pumping it may be said that a great deal has been discovered and invented during this century concerning the force and utilisation of jets of water and the force of water flowing through orifices. In the art of mining, a new system called hydraulicising has been introduced, by which jets of water at high pressure have been directed against banks and hills, which have crumbled, been washed away, and made to reveal any precious ore they have concealed.

In relation to pumping, it's important to note that a lot has been discovered and invented this century about the power and use of water jets and the force of water flowing through openings. In mining, a new method called hydraulicising has been introduced, where high-pressure water jets are aimed at banks and hills, causing them to crumble, wash away, and expose any valuable ore they might be hiding.

To assist this operation flexible nozzles have been invented which permit the stream to be easily turned in any desired direction.

To help with this operation, flexible nozzles have been created that allow the stream to be easily directed in any desired direction.

Returning to the idea of raising weights by hydraulic pressure, mention must be made of the recent invention of the hydraulic jack, a portable machine[Pg 175] for raising loads, and which has displaced the older and less efficient screw jack. As an example of the practical utility of the hydraulic jack, about a half century ago it required the aid of 480 men working at capstans to raise the Luxor Obelisk in Paris, whilst within 30 years thereafter Cleopatra’s Needle, a heavier monument, was raised to its present position on the Thames embankment by four men each working one hydraulic jack.

Returning to the idea of lifting weights using hydraulic pressure, we must mention the recent invention of the hydraulic jack, a portable machine[Pg 175] for raising loads, which has replaced the older and less efficient screw jack. For instance, about fifty years ago, it took 480 men operating capstans to lift the Luxor Obelisk in Paris, while just 30 years later, Cleopatra’s Needle, a heavier monument, was lifted to its current spot on the Thames embankment by four men, each using one hydraulic jack.

By the high pressures, or stresses given by the hydraulic press it was learned that cold metals have plasticity and can be moulded or stretched like other plastic bodies. Thus in one modification a machine is had for making lead pipes:—A “container” is filled with molten lead and then allowed to cool. The container is then forced by the pump against an elongated die of the size of the pipe required. A pressure from one to two tons per square inch is exerted, the lead is forced up through the die, and the pipe comes out completed. Wrought iron and cold steel can be forced like wax into different forms, and a rod of steel may be drawn through a die to form a piano wire.

By using high pressures from a hydraulic press, it was discovered that cold metals can be plastic and shaped or stretched like other types of plastic materials. In one application, a machine is used to make lead pipes: a "container" is filled with molten lead and then allowed to cool. The container is then pushed by the pump against an elongated die that matches the size of the needed pipe. A pressure of one to two tons per square inch is applied, forcing the lead through the die to create the finished pipe. Wrought iron and cold steel can be shaped like wax into various forms, and a rod of steel can be drawn through a die to produce piano wire.

By another modification of the hydraulic press pipes and cables are covered with a coating of lead to prevent deterioration from rust and other causes.

By another modification of the hydraulic press, pipes and cables are coated with lead to protect them from rust and other forms of deterioration.

Not only are cotton and other bulky materials pressed into small compass by hydraulic machines, but very valuable oils are pressed from cotton seed and from other materials—the seed being first softened, then made into cakes, and the cakes pressed.

Not only are cotton and other heavy materials compressed into a small size by hydraulic machines, but valuable oils are also extracted from cotton seeds and other substances—the seeds are first softened, then formed into cakes, and the cakes are pressed.

If it is desired to line tunnels or other channels with a metal lining, shield or casing, large segments of iron to compose the casing are put in position, and as fast as the tunnel is excavated the casing is[Pg 176] pressed forward, and when the digging is done the cast-iron tunnel is complete.

If you want to line tunnels or other channels with a metal lining, shield, or casing, large iron segments are put into place to form the casing. As the tunnel is excavated, the casing is[Pg 176] pushed forward, and when the digging is finished, the cast-iron tunnel is complete.

If the iron hoops on great casks are to be tightened the cask is set on the plate of a hydraulic press, the hoops connected to a series of steel arms projecting from an overhanging support, and the cask is pressed upward until the proper degree of tightness is secured.

If the iron hoops on large barrels need to be tightened, the barrel is placed on the plate of a hydraulic press. The hoops are attached to a series of steel arms that extend from an overhead support, and the barrel is pushed upward until the right level of tightness is achieved.

In the application of hydraulic power to machine tools great advances have been made. It has become a system, in which Tweddle of England was a pioneer. The great force of water pressure combined with comparatively slow motion constitutes the basis of the system. Sir William Fairbairn had done with steam what Tweddle and others accomplished with water. Thus the enormous force of men and the fearful clatter formerly displayed in these huge works where the riveting of boilers was carried on can now be dispensed with, and in place of the noisy hammer with its ceaseless blows has come the steam or the hydraulic riveting machine, which noiselessly drives the rivet through any thickness of metal, clinches the same, and smooths the jointed plate. The forging and the rolling of the plates are performed by the same means.

In using hydraulic power for machine tools, there have been significant advancements. It has developed into a system, with Tweddle from England as a pioneer. The powerful force of water pressure combined with relatively slow motion forms the foundation of this system. Sir William Fairbairn achieved with steam what Tweddle and others accomplished with water. As a result, the immense strength of workers and the loud noise previously associated with these large factories, where boilers were riveted, can now be eliminated. Instead of the loud hammer with its continuous banging, we now have the steam or hydraulic riveting machine, which quietly drives the rivet through any thickness of metal, secures it, and smooths the jointed plate. The forging and rolling of the plates are carried out using the same methods.

William George Armstrong of England, afterward Sir William, first a lawyer, but with the strongest bearing toward mechanical subjects, performed a great work in the advancement of hydraulic engineering. It is claimed that he did for hydraulic machinery, in the storage and transmission of power thereby, what Watt did for the steam engine and Bessemer did for steel. In 1838 he produced his first invention, an important improvement in the hydraulic engine. In 1840, in a letter to the Me[Pg 177]chanics’ Magazine, he calls attention to the advantages of water as a mechanical agent and a reservoir of power, and showed how water pumped to an elevated reservoir by a steam engine might have the potential energy thus stored utilised in many advantageous ways. How, for instance, a small engine pumping continuously could thus supply many large engines working intermittently. In illustration of this idea he invented a crane, which was erected on Newcastle quay in 1846; another was constructed on the Albert dock at Liverpool, and others at other places. These cranes, adapted for the lifting and carrying of enormous loads, were worked by hydraulic pressure obtained from elevated tanks or reservoirs, as above indicated. But as a substitute for such tanks or reservoirs he invented the Accumulator. This consists of a large cast-iron cylinder fitted with a plunger, which is made to work water-tight therein by means of suitable packing. To this plunger is attached a weighted case filled with one or many tons of metal or other coarse material. Water is pumped into the cylinder until the plunger is raised to its full height within the cylinder, when the supply of water is cut off by the automatic operation of a valve. When the cranes or other apparatus to be worked thereby are in operation, water is passed from the cylinder through a small pipe which actuates the crane through hydraulic pressure. This pressure of course depends upon the weight of the plunger. Thus a pressure of from 500 to 1,000 pounds per square inch may be obtained. The descending plunger maintains a constant pressure upon the water, and the water is only pumped into the cylinder when it is required to be filled. With sensitive accumulators of this character hydraulic[Pg 178] machinery is much used on board ships for steering them, and for loading, discharging and storing cargoes.

William George Armstrong from England, later known as Sir William, started as a lawyer but had a strong interest in mechanical subjects. He made significant contributions to hydraulic engineering. People claim that he did for hydraulic machinery—specifically in the storage and transmission of power—what Watt did for the steam engine and Bessemer did for steel. In 1838, he created his first invention, an important improvement in hydraulic engines. In 1840, he wrote a letter to the Me[Pg 177]chanics’ Magazine, highlighting the benefits of using water as a mechanical agent and power reservoir. He explained how water pumped to an elevated reservoir by a steam engine could store potential energy that could be used in various beneficial ways. For example, a small engine pumping continuously could supply multiple large engines that operate intermittently. To illustrate this concept, he invented a crane that was installed at Newcastle quay in 1846; another was built at the Albert dock in Liverpool, along with others in different locations. These cranes, designed to lift and transport heavy loads, were powered by hydraulic pressure derived from elevated tanks or reservoirs, as mentioned earlier. Instead of these tanks or reservoirs, he invented the Accumulator. This device consists of a large cast-iron cylinder with a plunger that is made to work water-tight through appropriate packing. A weighted case filled with one or several tons of metal or other coarse material is attached to this plunger. Water is pumped into the cylinder until the plunger reaches its maximum height inside it, at which point the water supply is automatically shut off by a valve. When the cranes or other equipment are in use, water flows from the cylinder through a small pipe that activates the crane using hydraulic pressure. This pressure depends on the plunger's weight. Thus, a pressure of 500 to 1,000 pounds per square inch can be generated. The descending plunger keeps a constant pressure on the water, and water is only pumped into the cylinder when it needs to be filled. With sensitive accumulators like this, hydraulic[Pg 178] machinery is widely used on ships for steering, as well as for loading, unloading, and storing cargo.

Water Pressure Engines or Water Motors of a great variety as to useful details have been invented to take advantage of a natural head of water from falls wherever it exists, or from artificial accumulators or from street mains. They resemble steam engines, in that the water under pressure drives a piston in a cylinder somewhat in the manner of steam. The underlying principle of this class of machinery is the admission of water under pressure to a cylinder which moves the piston and is allowed to escape on the completion of the stroke. They are divided into two great classes, single and double acting engines, accordingly as the water is admitted to one side of the piston only, or to both sides alternately. Both kinds are provided with a regulator in the form of a turn-cock, weight, or spring valve to regulate and control the flow of water and to make it continuous. They are used for furnishing a limited amount of power for working small printing presses, dental engines, organs, sewing machines, and for many other purposes where a light motor is desired.

Water Pressure Engines or Water Motors come in many different designs and details that leverage the natural flow of water from waterfalls, artificial reservoirs, or street mains. They work similarly to steam engines, where pressurized water pushes a piston in a cylinder, much like steam does. The main principle behind this type of machinery is that water is admitted under pressure into a cylinder, moving the piston, and is then released at the end of the stroke. They are categorized into two main types: single and double-acting engines, depending on whether water is admitted to just one side of the piston or to both sides alternately. Both types are equipped with a regulator, such as a turn-cock, weight, or spring valve, to control and manage the water flow to ensure it remains steady. These engines are used to provide a limited amount of power for operating small printing presses, dental tools, organs, sewing machines, and various other applications where a lightweight motor is needed.

The nineteenth century has seen a revolution in baths and accompanying closets. However useful, luxurious, and magnificent may have been the patrician baths of ancient Rome, that system, which modern investigators have found to be so complete to a certain extent, was not nor ever has been in the possession of the poor. It is within the memory of many now living everywhere how wretched was the sanitary accommodations in every populous place a generation or two ago. Now, with the modern water distribu[Pg 179]tion systems and cheap bathing apparatuses which can be brought to the homes of all, with plunger, valved siphon and valved and washout closets, air valve, liquid seal, pipe inlet, and valve seal traps, and with the flushing and other hydraulic cleaning systems for drains and cesspools, little excuse can be had for want of proper sanitary regulations in any intelligent community. The result of the adoption of these modern improvements in this direction on the health of the people has been to banish plagues, curtail epidemics, and prolong for years the average duration of human life.

The nineteenth century has seen a revolution in baths and accompanying closets. No matter how useful, luxurious, or magnificent the patrician baths of ancient Rome were, that system, which modern researchers have found to be quite complete in some ways, was never available to the poor. Many people alive today can remember how terrible the sanitary conditions were in every crowded area just a generation or two ago. Now, with modern water distribution systems and affordable bathing setups that can be brought into homes, including plungers, valved siphons, and washout closets, air valves, liquid seals, pipe inlets, and valve seal traps, along with flushing and other hydraulic cleaning systems for drains and cesspools, there's little excuse for the lack of proper sanitary regulations in any informed community. The impact of adopting these modern improvements on public health has been to eliminate plagues, reduce epidemics, and increase the average lifespan by several years.

How multiplied are the uses to which water is put, and how completely it is being subjected to the use of man!

How many different ways we use water, and how fully it is being put to use by people!

Rivers and pipes have their metres, so that now the velocity and volume of rivers and streams are measured and controlled, and floods prevented. The supplies for cities and for families are estimated, measured and recorded as easily as are the supplies of illuminating gas, or the flow of food from elevators.

Rivers and pipes have their measurements, so now the speed and amount of rivers and streams are measured and managed, and floods are kept at bay. The resources for cities and families are estimated, measured, and recorded as easily as the supply of gas for lighting or the flow of food from elevators.

Among the minor, but very useful inventions, are water scoops for picking up water for a train while in motion, consisting of a curved open pipe on a car, the mouth of which strikes a current of water in an open trough between the tracks and picks up and deposits in a minute a car load of water for the engine. Nozzles to emit jets of great velocity, and ball nozzles terminating in a cup in which a ball is loosely seated, and which has the effect, as it is lifted by the jet, to spread it into an umbrella-shaped spray, are of great value at fires in quenching flame and smoke.

Among the minor but very useful inventions are water scoops that collect water for a train while it’s moving. They consist of a curved open pipe on a car that dips into a current of water in an open trough between the tracks, picking up and depositing a load of water for the engine in no time. Nozzles that release jets of high velocity, as well as ball nozzles that end in a cup where a ball sits loosely, are really valuable for controlling flames and smoke at fires, as the jet lifts the ball and spreads the water into an umbrella-shaped spray.

Next to pure air to breathe we need pure water to[Pg 180] drink, and modern discoveries and inventions have done and are doing much to help us to both. Pasteur and others have discovered and explained the germ theory of disease and to what extent it is due to impure water. Inventors have produced filters, and there is a large class of that character which render the water pure as it enters the dwelling, and fit for all domestic purposes. A specimen of the latter class is one which is attached to the main service pipe as it enters from the street. The water is first led into a cylinder stored with coarse filtering material which clears the water of mud, sediment and coarser impurities, and then is conducted into a second cylinder provided with a mass of fine grained or powdered charcoal, or some other material which has the quality of not only arresting all remaining injurious ingredients, but destroys organisms, neutralises ammonia and other deleterious matter. From thence the water is returned to the service pipe and distributed through the house. The filter may be thoroughly cleansed by reversing the movement of the water, and carrying it off through a drain pipe until it runs clear and sweet, whereupon the water is turned in its normal course through the filter and house.

Next to clean air to breathe, we need clean water to[Pg 180] drink, and modern discoveries and inventions have done a lot to help us with both. Pasteur and others have discovered and explained the germ theory of disease, showing how it relates to contaminated water. Inventors have created filters that make water pure as it enters the home, suitable for all household uses. One example is a filter that connects to the main service pipe as it comes in from the street. The water is first directed into a cylinder filled with coarse filtering material that removes mud, sediment, and larger impurities. It then goes into a second cylinder with fine-grained or powdered charcoal, or another material that not only catches any remaining harmful substances but also kills organisms and neutralizes ammonia and other harmful materials. From there, the water goes back to the service pipe and is distributed throughout the house. The filter can be thoroughly cleaned by reversing the water flow and directing it through a drain pipe until it runs clear and fresh, at which point the water is redirected back through the filter and into the house.

In a very recent report of General J. M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers, U.S.A., the subject of filtration of water, and especially of public water supplies in England, the United States, and on the Continent, is very thoroughly treated, and the conclusion arrived at there is that the system termed “the American,” or mechanical system, is the most successful one.

In a very recent report by General J. M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers, U.S.A., the topic of water filtration, particularly regarding public water supplies in England, the United States, and Europe, is discussed in detail. The conclusion reached is that the system known as "the American" or mechanical system is the most effective one.

This consists, first, in leading the water into one or more reservoirs, then coagulating suspended matter[Pg 181] in the water by the use of the sulphate of alumina, and then allowing the water to flow through a body of coarse sand, by which the coagulated aluminated matter is caught and held in the interstices of the sand, and the bacteria arrested. All objectionable matter is thus arrested by the surface portion of the sand body, which portion is from time to time scraped off, and the whole sand mass occasionally washed out by upward currents of water forced through the same.

This process starts by directing the water into one or more reservoirs, then using aluminum sulfate to coagulate the suspended particles in the water, and finally allowing the water to pass through a layer of coarse sand. This sand traps the coagulated particles and bacteria in its gaps. Any unwanted material is captured by the top layer of sand, which is periodically scraped off, and the entire sand layer is sometimes cleaned out by pushing water up through it.

By this system great rapidity of filtration is obtained, the rate being 120,000,000 gallons a day per acre.

By this system, a high speed of filtration is achieved, with a rate of 120,000,000 gallons a day per acre.

The English system consists more in the use of extended and successive reservoirs or beds of sand alone, or aided by the use of the sulphate. This also is extensively used in many large cities.

The English system relies more on the use of large, connected reservoirs or layers of sand, either by itself or with the help of sulfate. This method is also widely used in many big cities.


Pneumatic systems and machines.

“The march of the human mind is slow,” exclaimed Burke in his great speech on “Conciliation with the Colonies.” It was at the beginning of the last quarter of the 18th century that he was speaking, and he was referring to the slow discovery of the eternal laws of Providence as applied in the field of political administration to distant colonies. The same could then have been said of the march of the human mind in the realms of Nature. How slow had been the apprehension of the forces of that kind but silent Mother whose strong arms are ever ready to lift and carry the burdens of men whenever her aid is diligently sought! The voice of Burke was, however, hardly silent when the human mind suddenly awoke, and its march in the realms of government and of natural science since then cannot be regarded as slow.

“The progress of human thought is slow,” exclaimed Burke in his famous speech on “Conciliation with the Colonies.” He was speaking at the start of the last quarter of the 18th century, referring to the gradual understanding of the eternal laws of Providence as they relate to political administration in far-off colonies. The same could have been said about the slow progress of human thought in the field of Nature at that time. How slowly had we come to understand the forces of that quiet Mother whose strong arms are always ready to lift and carry the burdens of humanity when her help is earnestly sought! However, Burke's voice was hardly unheard when human thought suddenly awakened, and since then, its progress in government and natural science can no longer be considered slow.

More than fifteen centuries before Burke spoke, not only had Greece discovered the principles of political freedom for its citizens and its colonies, but the power of steam had been discovered, and experimental work been done with it.

More than fifteen centuries before Burke spoke, Greece had not only discovered the principles of political freedom for its citizens and colonies, but also the power of steam had been discovered, and experimental work had been conducted with it.

Yet when the famous orator made his speech the Grecian experiment was a toy of Kings, and the steam engine had just developed from this toy into a mighty engine in the hands of Watt. The age of mechanical inventions had just commenced with[Pg 183] the production of machines for spinning and weaving. And yet, in view of the rise of learning, and the appearance from time to time of mighty intellects in the highest walks of science, the growth of the mind in the line of useful machinery had indeed been strangely slow. “Learning” had revived in Italy in the 12th and 13th centuries and spread westward in the 14th. In the 15th, gunpowder and printing had been discovered, and Scaliger, the famous scholar of Italy, and Erasmus, the celebrated Dutch philosopher, were the leading restorers of ancient literature. Science then also revived, and Copernicus, the Pole, gave us the true theory of the solar system. The 16th century produced the great mathematicians and astronomers Tycho Brahe, the Dane, Cardan and Galileo, the illustrious Italians, and Kepler, the German astronomer, whose discovery of the laws of planetary motion supplemented the works of Copernicus and Galileo and illuminated the early years of the 17th century.

Yet when the famous speaker delivered his speech, the Greek experiment was just a plaything for kings, and the steam engine had recently transformed from that toy into a powerful machine in the hands of Watt. The age of mechanical inventions had just begun with[Pg 183] the creation of machines for spinning and weaving. And still, considering the rise of knowledge and the occasional emergence of brilliant minds in the top tiers of science, the advancement of the mind in useful machinery had been remarkably slow. “Learning” had been revived in Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries and spread westward in the 14th. In the 15th, gunpowder and printing were discovered, and Scaliger, the renowned scholar from Italy, along with Erasmus, the famous Dutch philosopher, were key figures in restoring ancient literature. Science also saw a revival then, with Copernicus, the Pole, providing us with the true theory of the solar system. The 16th century brought forth great mathematicians and astronomers like Tycho Brahe, the Dane, Cardan and Galileo, the distinguished Italians, and Kepler, the German astronomer, whose discovery of the laws of planetary motion built upon the work of Copernicus and Galileo and shed light on the early years of the 17th century.

In the 17th century appeared Torricelli, the inventor of the barometer; Guericke, the German, inventor of the air pump; Fahrenheit, the inventor of the mercurial thermometer bearing his name; Leibnitz, eminent in every department of science and philosophy; Huygens, the great Dutch astronomer and philosopher; Pascal of France and Sir Isaac Newton of England, the worthy successors of Kepler, Galileo and Copernicus; and yet, with the exception of philosophical discoveries and a few experiments, the field of invention in the way of motor engines still remained practically closed. But slight as had been the discoveries and experiments referred to, they were the mine from which the inventions of subsequent times were quarried.[Pg 184]

In the 17th century, Torricelli invented the barometer; Guericke, the German, created the air pump; Fahrenheit developed the mercury thermometer that bears his name; Leibniz excelled in every field of science and philosophy; Huygens was the great Dutch astronomer and philosopher; Pascal from France and Sir Isaac Newton from England followed in the footsteps of Kepler, Galileo, and Copernicus. Yet, aside from some philosophical discoveries and a few experiments, the area of invention regarding motor engines remained mostly unexplored. However minimal the discoveries and experiments mentioned were, they served as the foundation for the inventions that would come later.[Pg 184]

One of the earliest, if not the first of pneumatic machines, was the bellows. Its invention followed the discovery of fire and of metals. The bladders of animals suggested it, and their skins were substituted for the bladders.

One of the earliest, if not the very first, pneumatic machines was the bellows. Its invention came after the discovery of fire and metals. The bladders of animals inspired it, and their skins were used instead of the bladders.

The Egyptians have left a record of its use, thirty-four centuries ago, and its use has been continuous ever since.

The Egyptians recorded its use thirty-four centuries ago, and it has been in continuous use ever since.

Mention has been made of the cannon. It was probably the earliest attempt to obtain motive power from heat. The ball was driven out of an iron cylinder by the inflammatory power of powder. Let a piston be substituted for the cannon ball, as was suggested by Huygens in 1680 and by Papin in 1690, and the charge of powder so reduced that when it is exploded the piston will not be thrown entirely out of the cylinder, another small explosive charge introduced on the other side of the piston to force it back, or let the cylinder be vertical and the piston be driven back by gravity, means provided to permit the escape of the gas after it has done its work, and means to keep the cylinder cool, and we have the prototype of the modern heat engines. The gunpowder experiments of Huygens and Papin were not successful, but they were the progenitors of similar inventions made two centuries thereafter.

Mention has been made of the cannon. It was probably the earliest attempt to harness energy from heat. The ball was pushed out of an iron cylinder by the explosive force of gunpowder. If we replace the cannonball with a piston, as suggested by Huygens in 1680 and Papin in 1690, and reduce the amount of powder so that when it explodes, the piston is not completely ejected from the cylinder, we can then introduce a smaller explosive charge on the other side of the piston to push it back, or position the cylinder vertically so gravity drives the piston back. We also need to allow the gas to escape after it does its work and keep the cylinder cool, and we have the prototype of modern heat engines. The gunpowder experiments of Huygens and Papin weren't successful, but they were the forerunners of similar inventions made two centuries later.

Jan Baptista van Helmont, a Flemish physician (1577-1644), was the first to apply the term, gas to the elastic fluids which resemble air in physical properties. Robert Boyle, the celebrated Irish scholar and scientist, and improver of the air pump, and Edwin Mariotte, the French physicist who was first to show that a feather and a coin will drop the same distance at the same time in a reservoir exhausted of air, were the independent discoverers of Boyle’s and Mariotte’s law of gases (1650-1676).[Pg 185] This was that at any given temperature of a gas which is at rest its volume varies inversely with the pressure put upon it. It follows from this law that the density and tension, and therefore the expansive force of a gas, are proportional to the compressing force to which it is subjected. It is said that Abbé Hauteville, the son of a baker of Orleans, about 1678 proposed to raise water by a powder motor; and that in 1682 he described a machine based on the principle of the circulation of the blood, produced by the alternate expansion and contraction of the heart.

Jan Baptista van Helmont, a Flemish physician (1577-1644), was the first to use the term gas to describe the elastic fluids that are similar to air in their physical properties. Robert Boyle, the renowned Irish scholar and scientist who improved the air pump, along with Edwin Mariotte, the French physicist who first demonstrated that a feather and a coin fall the same distance at the same time in a vacuum, independently discovered Boyle’s and Mariotte’s law of gases (1650-1676). This law states that at any given temperature, the volume of a gas at rest varies inversely with the pressure applied to it. From this law, we can infer that the density and tension, and consequently the expansive force of a gas, are proportional to the compressing force it experiences. It is reported that Abbé Hauteville, the son of a baker from Orleans, proposed around 1678 to lift water using a powder motor; and that in 1682, he outlined a machine based on the concept of blood circulation, generated by the heart's alternate expansion and contraction.[Pg 185]

The production of heat by concentrating the rays of the sun, and for burning objects had been known from the time of Archimedes, and been repeated from time to time.

The ability to generate heat by focusing the sun's rays to burn objects has been known since the time of Archimedes and has been demonstrated periodically.

Thus stood this art at the close of the 17th century, and thus it remained until near the close of the 18th.

Thus stood this art at the end of the 17th century, and thus it remained until nearly the end of the 18th.

In England Murdock, the Cornish Steam Engineer, was the first to make and use coal gas for illuminating purposes, which he did in 1792 and 1798. Its utilisation for other practical purposes was then suggested.

In England, Murdock, the Cornish steam engineer, was the first to create and use coal gas for lighting, which he did in 1792 and 1798. Its use for other practical applications was then proposed.

Gas engines as motive powers were first described in the English patent to John Barber, in 1791, and then in one issued to Robert Street in 1794. Barber proposed to introduce a stream of carbonated hydrogen gas through one port, and a quantity of air at another, and explode them against the piston. Street proposed to drive up the piston by the expansive force of a heated gas, and anticipated many modern ideas. Phillipe Lebon, a French engineer, in 1799 and in 1801 anticipated in a theoretical way many ideas since successfully reduced to practice. He proposed to use coal gas to drive a[Pg 186] piston, which in turn should move the shaft that worked the pumps which forced in the gas and air, and thus make the machine double-acting; to introduce a charge of inflammable gas mixed with sufficient air to ignite it; to compress the air and gas before they entered the motor cylinder; to introduce the charge alternately on each side of the piston; and he also suggested the use of the electric spark to fire the mixture. But Lebon was assassinated and did not live to work out his ideas.

Gas engines as a power source were first described in the English patent granted to John Barber in 1791, and then in one issued to Robert Street in 1794. Barber suggested introducing a stream of carbonated hydrogen gas through one port and a quantity of air through another, then igniting them against the piston. Street proposed using the expansive force of heated gas to push the piston and anticipated many modern concepts. Phillipe Lebon, a French engineer, in 1799 and 1801 theorized many ideas that have since been successfully implemented. He proposed using coal gas to drive a[Pg 186] piston, which would then move the shaft that operated the pumps forcing gas and air into the system, making the machine double-acting; to introduce a charge of flammable gas mixed with enough air to ignite; to compress the air and gas before they entered the motor cylinder; to alternately introduce the charge on each side of the piston; and he also suggested using an electric spark to ignite the mixture. Unfortunately, Lebon was assassinated and did not have the chance to develop his ideas further.

At the very beginning of the 19th century John Dalton in England, 1801-1807, and Gay-Lussac in France began their investigations of gases and vapours. Dalton was not only the author of the atomic theory, but the discoverer of the leading ideas in the “Constitution of Mixed Gases.” These features were the diffusion of gases, the action of gases on each other in vacuum—the influence of different temperatures upon them, their chemical constituents and their relative specific gravity.

At the very beginning of the 19th century, John Dalton in England (1801-1807) and Gay-Lussac in France started their studies on gases and vapors. Dalton not only developed the atomic theory but also introduced key concepts in the “Constitution of Mixed Gases.” These concepts included the diffusion of gases, how gases interact with each other in a vacuum, the effect of different temperatures on them, their chemical components, and their relative specific gravity.

Gay-Lussac, continuing his investigations as to expansion of air and gases under increased temperatures, in 1807-10, established the law that when free from moisture they all dilate uniformly and to equal amounts for all equal increments of temperature. He also showed that the gases combine, as to volume, in simple proportions, and that several of them on being compounded contracted always in such simple proportions as one-half, one-third, or one-quarter, of their joint bulk. By these laws all forms of engines which were made to work through the agency of heat are classed as heat engines—so that under this head are included steam engines, air engines, gas engines, vapour engines and solar engines. The tie that binds these engines into[Pg 187] one great family is temperature. It is the heat that does the work. Whether it is a cannon, the power of which is manifested in a flash, or the slower moving steam engine, whose throbbing heart beats not until water is turned to steam, or the sun, the parent of them all, whose rays are grasped and used direct, the question in all cases is, what is the amount of heat produced and how can it be controlled?

Gay-Lussac, continuing his research on how air and gases expand when temperatures rise, established the principle between 1807 and 1810 that when free from moisture, they all expand uniformly and by the same amounts for equal temperature increases. He also demonstrated that gases combine in simple volume ratios, and that when mixed, they always contract in simple fractions of their total volume, like one-half, one-third, or one-quarter. These principles categorize all types of engines that operate using heat as heat engines—including steam engines, air engines, gas engines, vapor engines, and solar engines. The common factor that unites these engines into one big family is temperature. It's the heat that does the work. Whether it's a cannon, which showcases its power in an instant, or the slower-moving steam engine, whose engine only operates once water is turned to steam, or the sun, the source of it all, which provides energy through its rays, the key question in every instance is: what is the amount of heat produced, and how can it be managed?

It, then, can make no difference what the agent is that is employed, whether air, or gas, or steam, or the sun, or gunpowder explosion, but what is the temperature to be attained in the cylinder or vessel in which they work. Power is the measure of work done in a given time. Horse power is the unit of such measurement, and it consists of the amount of power that is required to raise one pound through a vertical distance of one foot. This power is pressure and the pressure is heat. The unit of heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a pound of distilled water one degree—from 39 degrees to 40 degrees F. Its amount or measurement is determined in any instance by a dynamometer.

It doesn't really matter what kind of agent is used—whether it's air, gas, steam, sunlight, or an explosion from gunpowder—but rather what temperature needs to be reached in the cylinder or vessel where they operate. Power is the measure of work done over a certain period. Horsepower is the unit of that measurement, defined as the amount of power needed to lift one pound a vertical distance of one foot. This power is related to pressure, and that pressure translates to heat. The unit of heat is the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of distilled water by one degree, from 39 degrees to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The amount or measure of this is determined using a dynamometer.

These were the discoveries with which Philosophy opened the nineteenth century so brilliantly in the field of Pneumatics.

These were the discoveries that Philosophy introduced so impressively in the field of Pneumatics at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Before that time it seemed impossible that explosive gases would ever be harnessed as steam had been and made to do continual successful work in a cylinder and behind a piston. As yet means were to be found to make the engine efficient as a double-acting one—to start the untamed steed at the proper moment and to stop him at the moment he had done his work.

Before that time, it seemed impossible that explosive gases would ever be controlled like steam had been and made to do consistent and effective work in a cylinder and behind a piston. There were still ways to make the engine work efficiently as a double-acting one—to get the wild horse started at the right moment and to stop it the moment it had completed its task.

As Newcomen had been the first in the previous century to apply the steam engine to practical work—pumping water from mines—so Samuel Brown of[Pg 188] England was the first in this century to invent and use a gas engine upon the water.

As Newcomen was the first in the previous century to use the steam engine for practical purposes—like pumping water out of mines—Samuel Brown of[Pg 188] England was the first in this century to invent and use a gas engine on water.

Brown took out patents in 1823 and 1826. He proposed to use gunpowder gas as the motive power. His engine was also described in the Mechanics’ Magazine published in London at that time. In the making of his engine he followed the idea of a steam engine, but used the flame of an ignited gas jet to create a vacuum within the cylinder instead of steam. He fitted up an experimental boat with such an engine, and means upon the boat to generate the gas. The boat was then operated upon the Thames. He also succeeded experimentally in adapting his engine to a road carriage. But Brown’s machines were cumbrous, complicated, and difficult to work, and therefore did not come into public use.

Brown obtained patents in 1823 and 1826. He proposed using gunpowder gas as the power source. His engine was also described in the Mechanics’ Magazine published in London at that time. In designing his engine, he followed the concept of a steam engine but used the flame from an ignited gas jet to create a vacuum within the cylinder instead of steam. He outfitted an experimental boat with this engine and equipped the boat to generate the gas. The boat was then tested on the Thames. He also had experimental success in adapting his engine for a road carriage. However, Brown’s machines were bulky, complicated, and difficult to operate, which prevented them from being widely used.

About this time (1823), Davy and Faraday reawakened interest in gas engines by their discovery that a number of gases could be reduced to a liquid state, some by great pressure, and others by cold, and that upon the release of the pressure the gases would return to their original volume. In the condensation heat was developed, and in re-expansion it was rendered latent.

About this time (1823), Davy and Faraday reignited interest in gas engines by discovering that several gases could be turned into a liquid state, some by applying high pressure and others by using cold. They found that when the pressure was released, the gases would go back to their original volume. During the condensation, heat was produced, and during re-expansion, it became latent.

Then Wright in 1833 obtained a patent in which he expounded and illustrated the principles of expansion and compression of gas and air, performed in separate cylinders, the production of a vacuum by the explosion and the use of a water jacket around the cylinder for cooling it.

Then Wright in 1833 received a patent where he explained and demonstrated the principles of expanding and compressing gas and air, done in separate cylinders, creating a vacuum through an explosion, and using a water jacket around the cylinder for cooling.

For William Burdett, in 1838, is claimed the honour of having been the first to invent the means of compressing the gas and air previous to the explosion, substantially the same as adopted in gas engines of the present day.[Pg 189]

For William Burdett, in 1838, is said to have the distinction of being the first to create a method for compressing gas and air before an explosion, which is essentially the same as what is used in today's gas engines.[Pg 189]

The defects found in gas engines thus far were want of proper preliminary compression, then in complete expansion, and finally loss of heat through the walls.

The issues discovered in gas engines so far have been a lack of proper initial compression, insufficient expansion, and finally, heat loss through the walls.

Some years later, Lenoir, a Frenchman, invented a gas engine of a successful type, of which three hundred in 1862 were in use in France. It showed what could be accomplished by an engine in which the fuel was introduced and fired directly in the piston cylinder. Its essential features were a cylinder into which a mixture of gas and air was admitted at atmospheric pressure, which was maintained until the piston made half its stroke, when the gas was exploded by an electric spark. A wheel of great weight was hung upon a shaft which was connected to the piston, and which weight absorbed the force suddenly developed by the explosion, and so moderated the speed. Another object of the use of the heavy wheel was to carry the machine over the one-half of the period in which the driving power was absent.

Some years later, Lenoir, a Frenchman, invented a successful gas engine, with three hundred of them in use in France by 1862. It demonstrated what could be achieved with an engine where the fuel was introduced and ignited directly in the piston cylinder. Its key features included a cylinder that admitted a mixture of gas and air at atmospheric pressure, maintained until the piston completed half its stroke, at which point the gas was ignited by an electric spark. A heavy wheel was mounted on a shaft connected to the piston, and this weight absorbed the force generated by the explosion, helping to control the speed. Another purpose of the heavy wheel was to keep the machine running during the half of the cycle when the driving power was off.

Hugon, another eminent French engineer, invented and constructed a gas engine on the same principle as Lenair’s.

Hugon, another prominent French engineer, invented and built a gas engine based on the same principle as Lenair’s.

About this time (1850-60) M. Beau de Rohes, a French engineer, thoroughly investigated the reasons of the uneconomical working of gas motors, and found that it was due to want of sufficient compression of the gas and air previous to explosion, incomplete expansion and loss of heat through the walls of the cylinder, and he was the first to formulate a “cycle” of operations necessary to be followed in order to render a gas engine efficient. They related to the size and dimensions of the cylinder; the maximum speed of the piston; the greatest possible expansion, and the highest pressure obtainable at the[Pg 190] beginning of the act of expansion. The study and application of these conditions created great advancements in gas engines.

Around this time (1850-60), M. Beau de Rohes, a French engineer, thoroughly examined why gas motors were working inefficiently. He discovered that this inefficiency was caused by insufficient compression of the gas and air before ignition, incomplete expansion, and heat loss through the cylinder walls. He was the first to outline a "cycle" of operations needed to make a gas engine efficient. These operations concerned the size and dimensions of the cylinder, the maximum piston speed, the greatest possible expansion, and the highest pressure that could be achieved at the[Pg 190] start of the expansion process. The study and application of these conditions led to significant advancements in gas engines.

With the discovery and development of the oil wells in the United States about 1860 a new fuel was found in the crude petroleum, as well as a source of light. The application of petroleum to engines, either to produce furnace heat, or as introduced directly into the piston cylinder mixed with inflammable gas to produce flame heat and expansion, has given a wonderful impetus to the utilisation of gas engines.

With the discovery and development of oil wells in the United States around 1860, a new fuel was found in crude oil, along with a new source of light. The use of oil in engines, whether for generating heat or mixed with flammable gas directly in the piston cylinder to create flame heat and expansion, has significantly boosted the utilization of gas engines.

G. H. Brayton of the United States in 1873 invented a very efficient engine in which the vapour of petroleum mixed with air constituted the fuel. Adolf Spiel of Berlin has also recently invented a petroleum engine.

G. H. Brayton from the United States invented a highly efficient engine in 1873 that used a mix of petroleum vapor and air as fuel. Adolf Spiel from Berlin has also recently created a petroleum engine.

Principal among those to whom the world is indebted for the revolution in the construction of gas engines and its establishment as a successful rival to the steam engine is Nicolaus A. Otto of Deutz on the Rhine.

Principal among those to whom the world is indebted for the revolution in gas engine construction and its establishment as a successful competitor to the steam engine is Nicolaus A. Otto of Deutz on the Rhine.

In the Lenair and Hugon system the expansive force of the exploded gas was used directly upon the piston, and through this upon the other moving parts. A great noise was produced by these constant explosions. In the Otto system the explosion is used indirectly and only to produce a vacuum below the piston, when atmospheric pressure is used to give the return stroke of the piston and produce the effective work. The Otto engine is noiseless. This is accomplished by his method of mixing and admitting the gases. He employs two different mixtures, one a “feebly explosive mixture,” and the other “a strongly explosive mixture,” used to operate on the piston and thus prolong the explosions.[Pg 191]

In the Lenair and Hugon system, the force from the exploded gas was applied directly to the piston and, through it, to the other moving parts. These constant explosions generated a lot of noise. In the Otto system, the explosion is used indirectly to create a vacuum under the piston, and atmospheric pressure is used to push the piston back down and perform the work. The Otto engine operates quietly. This is achieved through his method of mixing and introducing the gases. He uses two different mixtures: one is a "weakly explosive mixture," and the other is "a strongly explosive mixture," which is used to push the piston and extend the explosions.[Pg 191]

The mode of operation of one of Otto’s most successful engines is as follows: The large fly wheel is started by hand or other means, and as the piston moves forward it draws into the cylinder a light charge of mixed coal gas and air, and the gas inlet is then cut off. As the piston returns it compresses this mixture. At the moment the down stroke is completed the compressed mixture is ignited, and, expanding, drives the piston before it. In the second return stroke the burnt gases are expelled from the cylinder and the whole made ready to start afresh. Work is actually done in the piston only during one-quarter of the time it is in motion. The fly-wheel carries forward the work at the outset and the gearing the rest of the time.

The operation of one of Otto’s most successful engines works like this: The large flywheel is started manually or by other means, and as the piston moves forward, it draws a light mixture of coal gas and air into the cylinder, then the gas inlet is closed. When the piston returns, it compresses this mixture. At the end of the downward stroke, the compressed mixture is ignited, and as it expands, it pushes the piston forward. During the second return stroke, the burned gases are expelled from the cylinder, making it ready to start again. The piston only does work during one-quarter of its movement. The flywheel initially drives the work, while the gearing handles the rest of the time.

Otto was associated with Langen in producing his first machine, and its introduction at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876 excited great attention. Otto and E. W. and W. J. Crossley jointly, and then Otto singly, subsequently patented notable improvements.

Otto worked with Langen to create his first machine, and its debut at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876 drew a lot of attention. Otto, along with E. W. and W. J. Crossley, initially patented significant improvements, and later Otto did so on his own.

Simon Bischof and Clark, Hurd and Clayton in England; Daimler of Deutz on the Rhine, Riker and Wiegand of the United States, and others, have made improvements in the Otto system.

Simon Bischof, along with Clark, Hurd, and Clayton in England; Daimler from Deutz on the Rhine; Riker and Wiegand from the United States; and others have made advancements in the Otto system.

Ammoniacal gas engines have been successfully invented. Aqua ammonia is placed in a generator in which it is heated. The heat separates the ammonia gas from the water, and the gas is then used to operate a suitable engine. The exhaust gas is cooled, passed into the previously weakened solution, reabsorbed and returned to the generator. In 1890 Charles Tellier of France patented an ammoniacal engine, also means for utilising solar heat and exhaust steam for the same purpose; and in the same[Pg 192] year De Susini, also of France, patented an engine operated by the vapour of ether; A. Nobel, another Frenchman, in 1894, patented a machine for propelling torpedoes and other explosive missiles, and for controlling the course of balloons, the motive power of which is a gas developed in a closed reservoir by the chemical reaction of metallic sodium or potassium in a solution of ammonia. These vapour engines are used for vapour launches, bicycles and automobiles.

Ammoniacal gas engines have been successfully developed. Aqua ammonia is put in a generator where it gets heated. The heat separates the ammonia gas from the water, and the gas is then used to run a suitable engine. The exhaust gas is cooled, sent into the previously weakened solution, reabsorbed, and returned to the generator. In 1890, Charles Tellier from France patented an ammoniacal engine, along with methods to use solar heat and exhaust steam for the same purpose. In the same[Pg 192] year, De Susini, also from France, patented an engine powered by ether vapor; A. Nobel, another Frenchman, patented a machine in 1894 for launching torpedoes and other explosive projectiles, and for steering balloons, with the power coming from a gas produced in a closed reservoir by the chemical reaction of metallic sodium or potassium in a solution of ammonia. These vapor engines are used for vapor launches, bicycles, and cars.

In 1851 the ideas of Huygens and Papin of two hundred years before were revived by W. M. Storm, who in that year took out a gunpowder engine patent in the United States, in which the air was compressed by the explosions of small charges of gunpowder. About fifteen other patents have been taken out in America since that time for such engines. In some the engines are fed by cartridges which are exploded by pulling a trigger.

In 1851, the concepts of Huygens and Papin from two hundred years earlier were brought back to life by W. M. Storm, who that year filed a patent for a gunpowder engine in the United States, using the explosions of small amounts of gunpowder to compress air. Since then, about fifteen other patents for similar engines have been filed in America. In some cases, the engines use cartridges that are detonated by pulling a trigger.

As to gas and vapor engines generally, it may now be said, in comparison with steam, that although the steam engine is now regarded as almost perfect in operation, and that it can be started and stopped and otherwise controlled quietly, smoothly, instantaneously, and in the most uniform and satisfactory manner, yet there is the comparatively long delay in generating the steam in the boiler, and the loss of heat and power as it is conducted in pipes to the working cylinder, resulting in the utilisation of only ten per cent of the actual power generated, whereas gas and vapour engines utilise twenty-five per cent of the power generated, and the flame and explosions are now as easily and noiselessly controlled as the flow of oil or water. The world is coming to agree with Prof. Fleeming Jenkins that “Gas engines will ultimately supplant the steam.”[Pg 193]

When it comes to gas and vapor engines, it can now be said that, compared to steam engines, the steam engine is seen as nearly perfect in its operation. It can be started, stopped, and controlled in a quiet, smooth, instant, and consistent way. However, there is a relatively long wait to generate steam in the boiler, and there is a loss of heat and power as it travels through pipes to the working cylinder, resulting in only ten percent of the actual power generated being used. In contrast, gas and vapor engines utilize twenty-five percent of the generated power, and the flames and explosions can now be controlled just as easily and quietly as the flow of oil or water. The world is starting to agree with Prof. Fleeming Jenkins that “Gas engines will ultimately supplant the steam.”[Pg 193]

The smoke and cinder nuisance with them has been solved.

The problem of smoke and ash with them has been resolved.

The sister invention of the gas engine is the air engine. There can be no doubt about the success of this busy body, as it is now a swift and successful motor in a thousand different fields. Machines in which air, either hot or cold, is used in place of steam as the moving power to drive a piston, or to be driven by a piston, are known generally as air, caloric, or hot-air engines, air compressors, or compressed air engines, and are also classed as pneumatic machines, air brakes, or pumps. They are now specifically known by the name of the purpose to which they are applied, as air ship, ventilator, air brake, fan blower, air pistol, air spring, etc.

The sister invention of the gas engine is the air engine. There’s no doubt about the success of this busy device, as it’s now a fast and effective motor in a thousand different fields. Machines that use air, whether hot or cold, instead of steam to move a piston or be moved by a piston are generally called air, caloric, or hot-air engines, air compressors, or compressed air engines, and they are also categorized as pneumatic machines, air brakes, or pumps. They are now specifically referred to by the name of the purpose they serve, such as airship, ventilator, air brake, fan blower, air pistol, air spring, etc.

The attention of inventors was directed towards compressed and heated air as a motor as soon as steam became a known and efficient servant; but the most important and the only successful air machine existing prior to this century was the air pump, invented by Guericke in 1650, and subsequently perfected by Robert Boyle and others. The original pump and the Magdeburg hemispheres are still preserved.

The focus of inventors turned to using compressed and heated air as a power source as soon as steam became a well-known and effective tool; however, the most significant and the only successful air machine before this century was the air pump, invented by Guericke in 1650, and later improved by Robert Boyle and others. The original pump and the Magdeburg hemispheres are still preserved.

It is recorded that Amontons of France, in 1699, had an atmospheric fire wheel or air engine in which a heated column of air was made to drive a wheel.

It is recorded that Amontons of France, in 1699, had an atmospheric fire wheel or air engine in which a heated column of air was made to drive a wheel.

It has already been noted what Papin (1680-1690) proposed and did in steam. His last published work was a Latin essay upon a new system for raising water by the action of fire, published in 1707.

It has already been noted what Papin (1680-1690) proposed and accomplished with steam. His final published work was a Latin essay on a new system for raising water using fire, published in 1707.

The action of confined and compressed steam and gases, and air, is so nearly the same in the machines in which they constitute the motive power that the[Pg 194] history, development, construction, and operation of the machines of one class are closely interwoven with those of the others.

The behavior of contained and compressed steam, gases, and air is almost identical in the machines that use them as the driving force, so the[Pg 194] history, development, design, and functioning of the machines in one category are closely linked to those in the others.

Taking advantage of what had been taught them by Watt and others as to steam and steam engines, and of the principles and laws of gases as expounded by Boyle, Mariotte, Dalton, and Gay-Lussac, that many of the gases, such as air, preserve a permanent expansive gaseous form under all degrees of temperature and compression to which they had as yet been subjected, that when compressed and released they will expand, and exert a pressure in the contrary direction until the gas and outside atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium, that this compressed gas pressure is equal, and transmitted equally in all directions, and that the weight of a column of air resting on every horizontal square inch at the sea level is very nearly 14.6 pounds, the inventors of the nineteenth century were enabled by this supreme illumination to enter with confidence into that work of mechanical contrivances which has rendered the age so marvellous.

Taking advantage of what Watt and others taught them about steam and steam engines, as well as the principles and laws of gases explained by Boyle, Mariotte, Dalton, and Gay-Lussac, many gases, like air, maintain a permanent expansive gaseous form under all temperatures and pressures they had encountered so far. When compressed and released, they expand and create a pressure in the opposite direction until the gas pressure and outside atmospheric pressure balance out. This compressed gas pressure is equal and transmitted equally in all directions, and the weight of a column of air resting on every horizontal square inch at sea level is about 14.6 pounds. With this vital understanding, the inventors of the nineteenth century confidently entered into the mechanical innovations that have made this era so extraordinary.

It was natural that in the first development of mechanical appliances they should be devoted to those pursuits in which men had the greatest practical interest. Thus as to steam it was first applied to the raising of water from mines and then to road vehicles. And so in 1800 Thos. Parkinson of England invented and patented an “hydrostatic engine or machine for the purpose of drawing beer or any other liquid out of a cellar or vault in a public house, which is likewise intended to be applied for raising water out of mines, ships or wells.” By the use of a sort of an air pump he maintained an air pressure on the beer in an air-tight cask situated in the cellar,[Pg 195] which was connected with pipes having air-tight valves, with the upper floor. The liquid was forced from the cellar by the air pressure, and when turned off, the air pressure was resumed in the cask, which “preserved the beer from being thrown into a state of flatness.” Substantially the same device in principle has been reinvented and incorporated in patents numerous times since.

It made sense that the first mechanical devices were focused on the activities that people found most useful. For instance, steam was first used for pumping water from mines and then for vehicles. In 1800, Thos. Parkinson from England invented and patented a “hydrostatic engine or machine for drawing beer or any other liquid from a cellar or vault in a pub, which is also meant to raise water from mines, ships, or wells.” Using a type of air pump, he maintained air pressure on the beer in an airtight barrel located in the cellar,[Pg 195] which was connected to pipes with airtight valves leading to the upper floor. The liquid was pushed from the cellar by the air pressure, and when the pressure was released, it returned to the barrel, which “kept the beer from becoming flat.” Essentially, the same device has been reinvented and included in many patents since.

In the innumerable applications of the pneumatic machines and air tools of the century, especially of air-compressing devices, to the daily uses of life, we may, by turning first to our home, find its inner and outer walls painted by a pneumatic paint-spraying machine, for such have been made that will coat forty-six thousand square feet of surface in six hours; and it is said that paint can be thus applied not only more quickly, but more thoroughly and durably than by the old process. The periodical and fascinating practice of house cleaning is now greatly facilitated by an air brush having a pipe with a thin wide end in which are numerous perforations, and through which the air is forced by a little pump, and with which apparatus a far more efficient cleaning effect upon carpets, mattresses, curtains, clothes, and furniture can be obtained than by the time-honoured broom and duster.

In the countless uses of pneumatic machines and air tools today, especially air-compressing devices, we can start by looking at our homes. The inner and outer walls can be painted using a pneumatic paint-spraying machine, which can cover forty-six thousand square feet in just six hours. It's said that this method applies paint not only faster but also more thoroughly and durably than traditional techniques. The regular and interesting task of house cleaning is now much easier thanks to an air brush that has a pipe with a wide end full of holes. Air is forced through this pipe by a small pump, allowing it to clean carpets, mattresses, curtains, clothes, and furniture much more effectively than the old broom and duster.

Is the home uncomfortable by reason of heat and summer insects? A compressor having tanks or cisterns in the cellar filled with cool or cold air may be set to work to reduce the temperature of the house and fan the inmates with a refreshing breeze.

Is your home uncomfortable because of the heat and summer bugs? A compressor with tanks or cisterns in the basement filled with cool or cold air can be activated to lower the temperature of the house and provide the occupants with a refreshing breeze.

Air engines have been invented which can be used to either heat or cool the air, or do one or the other automatically. The heating when wanted is by fuel in a furnace forced up by a working cylinder, and the[Pg 196] cooling by the circulation of water around small, thin copper tubes through which the air passes to the cylinder.

Air engines have been developed that can either heat or cool the air, or do one automatically. Heating, when needed, is achieved by burning fuel in a furnace that's pushed up by a working cylinder, while cooling is done by circulating water around small, thin copper tubes that the air flows through to the cylinder.

Do the chimes of the distant church bells lead one to the house of worship? The worshipper goes with the comforting assurance that the chimes which send forth such sweet harmonies are operated not by toiling, sweating men at ropes, but by a musician who plays as upon an organ, and works the keys, valves and stops by the aid of compressed air, and sometimes by the additional help of electricity.

Do the sounds of the distant church bells guide someone to the place of worship? The worshiper arrives with the reassuring knowledge that the bells producing such beautiful melodies are not rung by struggling, sweating people pulling ropes, but by a musician who plays them like an organ, using keys, valves, and stops with the help of compressed air, and sometimes with the added assistance of electricity.

Mention has already been made of office and other elevators, in which compressed air is an important factor in operating the same and for preventing accidents.

Mention has already been made of office and other elevators, where compressed air plays a crucial role in their operation and in preventing accidents.

If a waterfall is convenient, air is compressed by the body of descending water, and used to ventilate tunnels, and deep shafts and mines, or drive the drills or other tools.

If a waterfall is handy, air gets compressed by the falling water and is used to ventilate tunnels, deep shafts, and mines, or to power drills and other tools.

The pneumatic mail tube despatch system, by which letters, parcels, etc., are sent from place to place by the force of atmospheric pressure in an air-exhausted tube, is a decidedly modern invention, unknown in use even by those who are still children. Tubes as large as eight inches in diameter are now in use in which cartridge boxes are placed, each holding six hundred or more letters, and when the air is exhausted the cartridge is forced through the tubes to the distance sometimes of three miles and more in a few minutes.

The pneumatic mail tube delivery system, which sends letters, packages, and other items from one location to another using atmospheric pressure in an air-exhausted tube, is a truly modern invention, unfamiliar even to those who are still children. Tubes as wide as eight inches in diameter are currently in use, where cartridge boxes are placed, each containing six hundred or more letters. When the air is removed, the cartridge is pushed through the tubes, traveling distances of three miles or more in just a few minutes.

In travelling by rail the train is now guided in starting or in stopping on to the right track, which may be one out of forty or fifty, by a pneumatic switch, the switches for the whole number of tracks being under the control of a single operator. The[Pg 197] fast-moving train is stopped by an air brake, and the locomotive bell is rung by touching an air cylinder. The “baggage smashing,” a custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance, is prevented by a pneumatic baggage arrangement consisting of an air-containing cylinder, and an arm on which to place the baggage, and which arm is then quickly raised by the cylinder piston and is automatically swung around by a cam action carrying the baggage out of or into the car.

When traveling by train, the journey is now guided smoothly to the correct track, which could be one of forty or fifty, using a pneumatic switch. All the switches for the numerous tracks are operated by a single person. The fast-moving train is stopped using an air brake, and the locomotive bell is sounded by pressing an air cylinder. “Baggage smashing,” a practice often ignored, is avoided thanks to a pneumatic baggage system that includes a cylinder for air and an arm to hold the luggage. This arm is quickly lifted by the cylinder piston and automatically swung around by a cam mechanism to load or unload the baggage from the car.

Bridge building has been so facilitated by the use of pneumatic machines for raising heavy loads of stone and iron, and for riveting and hammering, and other air tools, aided by the development in the art of quick transportation, that a firm of bridge builders in America can build a splendid bridge in Africa within a hundred days after the contract has been entered upon.

Bridge building has become much easier with the use of pneumatic machines for lifting heavy loads of stone and iron, along with riveting and hammering tools, and other air-powered tools, supported by advancements in quick transportation. As a result, a bridge-building company in America can construct a magnificent bridge in Africa within a hundred days after the contract is signed.

Ship building is hastened by these same air drilling and riveting machines.

Shipbuilding is sped up by these same air drilling and riveting machines.

The propelling of cars, road vehicles, boats, balloons, and even ships, by explosive gases and compressed air is an extensive art in itself, yet still in its infancy, and will be more fully described in the chapter on carrying machines.

The operation of cars, road vehicles, boats, balloons, and even ships using explosive gases and compressed air is a broad field on its own, yet it's still just beginning, and will be covered in more detail in the chapter on carrying machines.

The realm of Art has received a notable advancement by the use of a little blow-pipe or atomiser by which the pigments forming the background on beautiful vases are blown with just that graduated force desired by the operator to produce the most exquisitely smooth and blended effects, while the varying colours are made to melt imperceptibly into one another as delicately as the mingled shade and coloured sunlight fall on a forest brook.

The world of Art has seen a significant improvement with the use of a small blowpipe or atomizer, allowing artists to spray the pigments that make up the background on beautiful vases with just the right amount of pressure needed to achieve the most incredibly smooth and blended effects. The different colors are made to seamlessly blend into each other as gently as the combined shades and colored sunlight fall on a forest stream.

But to enumerate the industrial arts to which air[Pg 198] and other pneumatic machines have been adapted would be to catalogue them all. Mention is made of others in chapters in which those special arts are treated.

But listing all the industrial arts that air[Pg 198] and other pneumatic machines have been used for would be to count them all. Other mentions are included in chapters where those specific arts are discussed.


Heating, Ventilating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and Lighting.

That Prometheus stole fire from heaven to give it to man is perhaps as authentic an account of the invention of fire as has been given. It is also reported that he brought it to earth in a hollow tube. If a small stick or twig had then been dipped into the divine fire the suggestion of the modern match may be supposed to have been made.

That Prometheus stole fire from the sky to give to humanity is probably one of the most accurate stories about the invention of fire. It's also said that he brought it to earth in a hollow tube. If a small stick or twig had been dipped into that divine fire, we can imagine that the idea for the modern match might have come from that.

But men went on to reproduce the fire in the old way by rubbing pieces of wood together, or using the flint, the steel and the tinder until 1680, when Godfrey Hanckwitz of London, learning of the recent discovery of phosphorus and its nature, and inspired by the Promethean idea, wrapped the phosphorus in folds of brown paper, rubbed it until it took fire, and then ignited thereat one end of a stick which he had dipped in sulphur; and this is commonly known as the first invented match. There followed the production of a somewhat different form of match, sticks first dipped in sulphur, and then in a composition of chlorate potash, sulphur, colophony, gum of sugar, and cinnabar for coloring. These were arranged in boxes, and were accompanied by a vial containing sulphuric acid, into which the match was dipped and thereby instantly ignited. These were called chemical matches and were sold at first for the high price of fifteen shillings a box.[Pg 200]

But people continued to make fire the old-fashioned way by rubbing wood sticks together or using flint, steel, and tinder until 1680. That’s when Godfrey Hanckwitz from London, inspired by the recent discovery of phosphorus and the Promethean concept, wrapped phosphorus in brown paper, rubbed it until it ignited, and then lit one end of a stick dipped in sulfur. This is commonly known as the first invented match. Following this, a different type of match was created, where sticks were first dipped in sulfur and then in a mix of potassium chlorate, sulfur, rosin, sugar gum, and cinnabar for coloring. These were packaged in boxes and came with a vial of sulfuric acid, into which the match was dipped to ignite instantly. These were called chemical matches and were initially sold at a steep price of fifteen shillings a box.[Pg 200]

They were too costly for common use, and so our fathers went on to the nineteenth century using the flint, the steel and the tinder, and depending on the coal kept alive upon their own or their neighbour’s hearth.

They were too expensive for everyday use, so our ancestors continued into the nineteenth century using flint, steel, and tinder, relying on the coal that they kept burning on their own or their neighbor’s hearth.

Prometheus, however, did reappear about 1820-25, when a match bearing the name “Promethean” was invented. It consisted of a roll of paper treated with sugar and chlorate of potash and a small cell containing sulphuric acid. This cell was broken by a pair of pliers and the acid ignited the composition by contact therewith.

Prometheus, however, did show up again around 1820-25, when a match called “Promethean” was invented. It was made of a roll of paper coated with sugar and chlorate of potash and a small capsule filled with sulfuric acid. This capsule was crushed with pliers, and the acid ignited the mixture upon contact.

It was not until 1827-29 that John Walker, chemist, at Stockton-upon-Tees, improved upon the idea of Prometheus and Hanckwitz of giving fire to men in a hollow tube. He used folded sanded paper—it may have been a tube—and through this he drew a stick coated with chlorate of potash and phosphorus. This successful match was named “Lucifer,” whose other name was Phosphor, the Morning Star, and the King of the Western Land. Faraday, to whom also was given Promethean inspiration, procured some of Walker’s matches and brought them to public notice.

It wasn't until 1827-29 that John Walker, a chemist in Stockton-upon-Tees, improved on the concept of Prometheus and Hanckwitz by giving fire to people using a hollow tube. He used folded sanded paper—it might have been a tube—and through this, he coated a stick with chlorate of potash and phosphorus. This successful match was called "Lucifer," also known as Phosphor, the Morning Star, and the King of the Western Land. Faraday, who was also inspired by Prometheus, obtained some of Walker's matches and brought them to public attention.

In many respects the mode of their manufacture has been improved, but in principle of composition and ignition they remain the same as Walker’s to-day. In 1845, Schrotter of Vienna discovered amorphous or allotropic phosphorus, which rendered the manufacture of matches less dangerous to health and property. Tons of chemicals and hundreds of pine trees are used yearly in the making of matches, and many hundreds of millions of them are daily consumed.

In many ways, the way they're made has improved, but in terms of ingredients and how they ignite, they're still the same as Walker’s today. In 1845, Schrotter from Vienna discovered amorphous or allotropic phosphorus, which made match production safer for both health and property. Tons of chemicals and hundreds of pine trees are used each year to make matches, and hundreds of millions of them are used every day.

But this vast number of matches could not be supplied had it not been for the invention of machines[Pg 201] for making and packing them. Thus in 1842 Reuben Partridge of America patented a machine for making splints. Others for making splints and the matches separately, quickly followed. Together with these came match dipping and match box machines. The splint machines were for slitting a block of wood of the proper height downward nearly the whole way into match splints, leaving their butts in the solid wood. These were square and known as block matches. Other mechanisms cut and divided the block into strips, which were then dipped at one end, dried and tied in bundles. By other means, a swing blade, for instance, the matches were all severed from the block. Matches are made round by one machine by pressing the block against a plate having circular perforations, and the interspaces are beveled so as to form cutting edges.

But this huge number of matches couldn’t have been produced without the invention of machines[Pg 201] for making and packing them. In 1842, Reuben Partridge from America patented a machine for creating splints. Soon after, other machines for making splints and matches separately emerged. Along with these came machines for dipping matches and packing them into boxes. The splint machines were designed to slice a block of wood of the right height almost all the way down into match splints, leaving the ends in the solid wood. These were square and known as block matches. Other machines cut and divided the block into strips, which were then dipped at one end, dried, and tied into bundles. By using other methods, like a swing blade, the matches were fully separated from the block. A round match-making machine forms the matches by pressing the block against a plate with circular openings, and the gaps are beveled to create cutting edges.

Poririer, a Frenchman, invented a machine for making match boxes of pasteboard. Suitable sized rectangular pieces of pasteboard rounded at the angles for making the body of the box are first cut, then these pieces are introduced into the machine, where by the single blow of a plunger they are forced into a matrix or die and pressed, and receive by this single motion their complete and final shape. The lid is made in the same way.

Poririer, a Frenchman, created a machine to make match boxes out of pasteboard. First, appropriately sized rectangular pieces of pasteboard, rounded at the corners to form the box body, are cut. Then, these pieces are placed into the machine, where a single push from a plunger forces them into a mold and presses them, giving them their complete and final shape in one motion. The lid is made in the same way.

By one modern invention matches after they are cut are fed into a machine at the rate of one hundred thousand an hour, on to a horizontal table, each match separated from the other by a thin partition. They are thus laid in rows, one row over another, and while being laid, the matches are pushed out a little way beyond the edge of the table, a distance far enough to expose their ends and to permit them to be dipped. When a number of these rows are completed[Pg 202] they are clamped together in a bundle and then dipped—first, into a vessel of hot sulphur, and then into one of phosphorus, or other equivalent ingredients may be used or added. After the dipping they are subjected to a drying process and then boxed. Processes differ, but all are performed by machinery.

By a modern invention, matches are fed into a machine at a rate of one hundred thousand per hour onto a horizontal table, with each match separated from the others by a thin partition. They are arranged in rows, one on top of another, and as they are laid out, the matches are pushed slightly over the edge of the table, far enough to expose their ends and allow for dipping. Once several of these rows are completed[Pg 202], they are clamped together in a bundle and then dipped—first into a vessel of hot sulfur, and then into one containing phosphorus or other equivalent ingredients that may be used or added. After dipping, they undergo a drying process and are then boxed. The processes vary, but all are carried out by machinery.

In many factories where phosphorus is used without great care workmen have been greatly affected thereby. The fumes of the phosphorus attack the teeth, especially when decayed, and penetrate to the jaw, causing its gradual destruction, but this has been avoided by proper precautions.

In many factories where phosphorus is used carelessly, workers have been seriously affected. The fumes from the phosphorus damage the teeth, especially if they are already decayed, and reach the jaw, leading to its gradual destruction. However, this issue has been prevented through proper precautions.

The greatly-increased facility of kindling a fire by matches gave an impetus to the invention of cooking and heating stoves. Of course stoves, generically speaking, are not a production of the nineteenth century. The Romans had their laconicum or heating stove, which from its name was an invention from Laconia. It probably was made in most cases of brick or marble, but might have been of beaten iron, was cylindrical in shape, with an open cupola at the top, and was heated by the flames of the hypocaust beneath. The hypocaust was a hot-air furnace built in the basement or cellar of the house and from which the heat was conducted by flues to the bath rooms and other apartments. The Chinese ages ago heated their hollow tiled floors by underground furnace fires. We know of the athanor of the alchemists of the middle ages. Knight calls it the “original base-burning furnace.” A furnace of iron or earthenware was provided on one side with an open stack or tower which opened at the bottom into the furnace, and which stack was kept filled with charcoal, or other fuel, which fed itself automatically into the furnace as the fuel on the bed thereof burned away.[Pg 203] Watt introduced an arrangement on the same principle in his steam boiler furnace in 1767, and thousands of stoves are now constructed within England and the United States also embodying the same principle.

The easier ability to start a fire using matches led to the development of cooking and heating stoves. Of course, stoves, in general, are not a creation of the nineteenth century. The Romans had their laconicum or heating stove, which got its name from Laconia. It was typically made of brick or marble, but could also have been made of wrought iron, shaped like a cylinder with an open dome at the top, and was heated by flames from the hypocaust below. The hypocaust was a hot-air furnace built in the basement or cellar of a house, from which heat was distributed through flues to the bathrooms and other rooms. The Chinese, long ago, heated their hollow tiled floors with underground furnace fires. We know about the athanor used by alchemists in the Middle Ages. Knight refers to it as the “original base-burning furnace.” This furnace, made of iron or clay, had an open stack or tower on one side that opened at the bottom into the furnace, and this stack was continuously filled with charcoal or other fuel, which automatically fed into the furnace as the fuel on the bed burned away.[Pg 203] Watt introduced a similar design in his steam boiler furnace in 1767, and thousands of stoves are now made in England and the United States that work on the same principle.

The earthenware and soapstone stoves of continental Europe were used long before the present century.

The clay and soapstone stoves of continental Europe were used long before this century.

In Ben Franklin’s time in the American Colonies there was not much of a demand for stoves outside of the largest cities, where wood was getting a little scarce and high, but the philosopher not only deemed it proper to invent an improvement in chimneys to prevent their smoking and to better heat the room, but also devised an improved form of stove, and both inventions have been in constant use unto this day. Franklin invented and introduced his celebrated stove, which he called the Pennsylvania Fire Place, in 1745, having all the advantages of a cheerful open fireplace, and a heat producer; and which consisted of an iron stove with an open front set well into the room, in which front part the fire was kindled, and the products of combustion conducted up a flue, and thence under a false back and up the chimney. Open heat spaces were left between the two flues. Air inlets and dampers were provided. In his description of this stove at that time Franklin also referred to the iron box stoves used by the Dutch, the iron plates extending from the hearths and sides, etc., chimneys making a double fireplace used by the French, and the German stove of iron plates, and so made that the fuel had to be put into it from another room or from the outside of the house. He dwells upon the pleasure of an open fire, and the destruction of this pleasure by the use of the closed stoves. He also describes[Pg 204] the discomforts of the fireplace in cold weather—of the “cold draught nipping one’s back and heels”—“scorched before and frozen behind”—the sharp draughts of cold from crevices from which many catch cold and from “whence proceed coughs, catarrhs, toothaches, fevers, pleurisies and many other diseases.” Added to the pleasure of seeing the crackling flames, feeling the genial warmth, and the diffusion of a spirit of sociability and hospitality, is the fact of increased purity of the air by reason of the fireplace as a first-class ventilator. Hence it will never be discarded by those who can afford its use; but it alone is inadequate for heating and cooking purposes. It is modernly used as a luxury by those who are able to combine with it other means for heating.

In Ben Franklin’s time in the American Colonies, there wasn't much demand for stoves outside of the biggest cities, where wood was becoming scarce and expensive. However, the philosopher not only thought it was important to invent a better chimney to stop it from smoking and to heat rooms more effectively but also designed an improved stove. Both inventions are still widely used today. Franklin introduced his famous stove, which he called the Pennsylvania Fire Place, in 1745. It had all the benefits of a cheerful open fireplace and produced heat efficiently. It consisted of an iron stove with an open front set deep into the room, where the fire was lit, and the smoke was directed up a flue and then underneath a false back and up the chimney. There were open heat spaces left between the two flues, along with air inlets and dampers. In his description of this stove, Franklin also mentioned the iron box stoves used by the Dutch, the iron plates extending from the hearths and sides, the double fireplaces used by the French, and the German stove made of iron plates, which required fuel to be added from another room or from outside the house. He emphasized the joy of an open fire and how closed stoves took away that pleasure. He also pointed out the discomforts of fireplaces in cold weather—like the “cold draught chilling one’s back and heels”—feeling “scorched in front and frozen behind”—with sharp blasts of cold air coming through crevices that cause people to catch colds and suffer from “coughs, catarrhs, toothaches, fevers, pleurisies, and many other illnesses.” Besides the enjoyment of watching the crackling flames, soaking in the warmth, and fostering a spirit of sociability and hospitality, fireplaces also improve air quality by acting as excellent ventilators. Therefore, they will never be discarded by those who can afford to use them, although they're not sufficient alone for heating and cooking. Today, they're often seen as a luxury for those who can complement them with other heating methods.

The great question for solution in this art at all times has been how to produce through dwelling houses and larger buildings in cold and damp weather a uniform distribution and circulation of pure heated air. The solution of this question has of course been greatly helped in modern times by a better knowledge of the nature of air and other gases, and the laws which govern their motions and combinations at different temperatures.

The main question in this field has always been how to create a consistent flow and distribution of warm, clean air in homes and larger buildings during cold and damp weather. Thankfully, modern advancements in our understanding of air and other gases, along with the laws that control their movements and interactions at various temperatures, have significantly contributed to solving this problem.

The most successful form of heating coal stove of the century has been one that combined in itself the features of base-burning: that is, a covered magazine at the centre or back of the stove open at or near the top of the stove into which the coal is placed, and which then feeds to the bottom of the fire pot as fast as the coal is consumed, a heavy open fire pot placed as low as possible, an ash grate connected with the bottom of the pot which can be shaken and dumped to an ash box beneath without opening the stove, thus[Pg 205] preventing the escape of the dust, an illuminating chamber nearly or entirely surrounding the fire pot, provided with mica windows, through which the fire is reflected and the heat radiated, a chamber above the fire pot and surrounding the fuel chamber and into which the heat and hot gases arise, producing additional radiating surface and permitting the gases to escape through a flue in the chimney, or, leading them first through another chamber to the base of the stove and thence out, and dampers to control and regulate the supply of air to the fuel, and to cut off the escape or control the course of the products of combustion.

The most successful type of coal heating stove of the century has been one that combines the features of base-burning: a covered hopper at the center or back of the stove that opens near the top, where the coal is loaded in and then automatically feeds to the bottom of the fire pot as the coal burns. It has a heavy open fire pot positioned as low as possible, an ash grate connected to the bottom of the pot that can be shaken and emptied into an ash box underneath without opening the stove, which prevents dust from escaping. Additionally, it includes an illuminating chamber that nearly surrounds the fire pot, fitted with mica windows through which the fire is reflected and heat is radiated. There's a chamber above the fire pot that encases the fuel chamber, allowing heat and hot gases to rise, creating extra surface area for radiation and letting the gases escape through a flue in the chimney, or first directing them through another chamber to the base of the stove and then out, along with dampers to control and regulate the air supply to the fuel and manage the escape or direction of combustion products.

The cheerful stove fireplace and stove of Franklin and the French were revived, combined and improved some years ago by Capt. Douglas Galton of the English army for use in barracks, but this stove is also admirably adapted for houses. It consists of an open stove or grate set in or at the front of the fireplace with an air inlet from without, the throat of the fireplace closed and a pipe extending through it from the stove into the chimney. Although a steady flow of heat, desirable regulation of temperature and great economy in the consumption of fuel, by reason of the utilisation of so much of the heat produced, were obtained by the modern stove, yet the necessity of having a stove in nearly every room, the ill-ventilation due to the non-supply of pure outer air to the room, the occasional diffusion of ash dust and noxious gases from the stove, and inability to heat the air along the floor, gave rise to a revival of the hot-air furnace, placed under the floor in the basement or cellar, and many modern and radical improvements therein.

The cheerful fireplace and stove created by Franklin and the French were revived, combined, and improved a few years ago by Captain Douglas Galton of the British Army for use in barracks, but this stove is also great for homes. It features an open stove or grate set at the front of the fireplace with an air inlet from outside, the throat of the fireplace closed, and a pipe that runs from the stove into the chimney. While the modern stove provides a steady flow of heat, allows for good temperature control, and is very efficient in fuel consumption due to its use of so much of the heat it generates, there are still issues. The need for a stove in nearly every room, poor ventilation from the lack of fresh outside air, the occasional spread of ash dust and harmful gases from the stove, and difficulty heating the air near the floor led to a comeback of the hot-air furnace, installed under the floor in the basement or cellar, along with many modern and innovative improvements.

The heat obtained from stoves is effected by radia[Pg 206]tion—the throwing outward of the waves of heat from its source, while the heat obtained from a hot-air furnace is effected by convection—the moving of a body of air to be heated to the source of heat, and then when heated bodily conveyed to the room to be warmed. Hence in stoves and fireplaces only such obstruction is placed between the fire and the room as will serve to convey away the obnoxious smoke and gases, and the greatest facility is offered for radiation, while in hot-air furnaces, although provision is also made to carry away the smoke and impure gases, yet the radiation is confined as closely as possible to chambers around the fire space, which chambers are protected by impervious linings from the outer air, and into which fresh outdoor air is introduced, then heated and conveyed to different apartments by suitable pipes or flues, and admitted or excluded, as desired, by registers operated by hand levers.

The heat from stoves comes from radiation—the outward flow of heat waves from the source—while heat from a hot-air furnace is produced by convection—the movement of air to be heated towards the heat source, and then that heated air is carried into the room to warm it up. In stoves and fireplaces, barriers are only placed between the fire and the room to remove harmful smoke and gases, providing maximum opportunity for radiation. In hot-air furnaces, even though they also include ways to remove smoke and harmful gases, radiation is kept as contained as possible in chambers surrounding the fire area. These chambers are sealed off from the outside air, and fresh outdoor air is brought in, heated, and distributed to different rooms through pipes or ducts, which can be opened or closed as needed using hand-operated registers.

There are stationary furnaces and portable furnaces; the former class enclose the heating apparatus in walls of brick or other masonry, while in the latter the outer casing and the inner parts are metal structures, separable and removable. In both classes an outer current of pure air is made to course around the fire chamber and around among other flues and chambers through which the products of combustion are carried, so that all heat possible is utilised. Vessels of water are supplied at the most convenient place in one of the hot-air chambers to moisten and temper the air, and dampers are placed in the pipes to regulate and guide the supply of heat to the rooms above.

There are stationary furnaces and portable furnaces; the first type surrounds the heating system with walls made of brick or other materials, while the second type is made of metal and has parts that can be separated and removed. In both types, a current of clean air flows around the fire chamber and through various flues and chambers where the combustion gases go, ensuring that all the heat is used efficiently. Water containers are located conveniently in one of the hot-air chambers to humidify and adjust the air, and dampers are installed in the pipes to control and direct the heat supply to the upper rooms.

After Watt had invented his improvements on the steam engine the idea occurred to him of using steam[Pg 207] for heating purposes. Accordingly, in 1784, he made a hollow sheet-iron box of plates, and supplied it with steam from the boiler of the establishment. It had an air-escape cock, and condensed-water-escape pipe; and in 1799 Boulton and Watt constructed a heating apparatus in Lee’s factory, Manchester, in which the steam was conducted through cast-iron pipes, which also served as supports to the floor. Patents were also taken out by others in England for steam-heating apparatuses during the latter part of the 18th century.

After Watt invented his improvements to the steam engine, he had the idea of using steam[Pg 207] for heating. So, in 1784, he created a hollow sheet-iron box made of plates and connected it to the boiler of his facility. It included an air escape valve and a condensed water drain pipe. In 1799, Boulton and Watt built a heating system in Lee’s factory in Manchester, where steam was channeled through cast-iron pipes that also acted as supports for the floor. Additionally, other people in England patented steam heating systems during the late 18th century.

Heating by the circulation of hot water through pipes was also originated or revived during the 18th century, and a short time before Watt’s circulation of steam. It is said that Bonnemain of England, in 1777, desiring to improve the ancient methods of hatching poultry by artificial heat—practised by both ancient and modern Egyptians ages before it became a latter day wonder, and taught the Egyptians by the ostriches—conceived the idea of constructing quite a large incubator building with shelves for the eggs, coops for holding the chickens, and a tube for circulating hot water leading from a boiler below and above each shelf, and through the coops, and back to the boiler. This incubator contains the germs of modern water heaters. In both the steam and water heating systems the band or collection of pipes in each room may be covered with ornamental radiating plates, or otherwise treated or arranged to render them sightly and effective. In one form of the hot-water system, however, the collection of a mass of pipes in the rooms is dispensed with, and the pipes are massed in an air chamber over or adjacent to the furnace, where they are employed to heat a current of air introduced from the outside, and which heated[Pg 208] pure air is conveyed through the house by flues and registers as in the hot-air furnace system.

Heating by circulating hot water through pipes was also developed or revived during the 18th century, shortly before Watt's steam circulation. It’s said that Bonnemain of England, in 1777, wanting to improve the ancient methods of hatching poultry with artificial heat—practiced by both ancient and modern Egyptians long before it became a modern marvel, and learned from the ostriches—came up with the idea of building a large incubator with shelves for eggs, coops for chickens, and a tube for circulating hot water that connected to a boiler below. This incubator holds the roots of modern water heaters. In both the steam and water heating systems, the network of pipes in each room can be covered with decorative radiating plates or arranged in a way that makes them look nice and effective. In one version of the hot-water system, however, the collection of pipes in the rooms is eliminated, and the pipes are grouped in an air chamber above or next to the furnace, where they heat air that comes in from outside. This warmed pure air is then distributed throughout the house via flues and registers, similar to the hot-air furnace system.

The hanging of the crane, the turning of the spit, the roasting in ashes and on hot stones, the heating of and the baking in the big “Dutch” ovens, and some other forms of cooking by our forefathers had their pleasures and advantages, and still are appreciated under certain circumstances, and for certain purposes, but are chiefly honoured in memory alone and reverenced by disuse; while the modern cooking stove with its roasting and hot water chambers, its numerous seats over the fire for pots, pans, and kettles, its easy means of controlling and directing the heat, its rotating grate, and, when desired, its rotating fire chamber, for turning the hot fire on top to the bottom, and the cold choked fire to the top, its cleanliness and thorough heat, its economy in the use of fuel, is adopted everywhere, and all the glowing names with which its makers and users christen it fail to exaggerate its qualities when rightly made and used.

The hanging of the crane, the turning of the spit, the roasting in ashes and on hot stones, the heating and baking in the big “Dutch” ovens, and some other methods of cooking from our ancestors had their pleasures and benefits, and are still valued in certain situations and for specific purposes. However, they are mainly remembered fondly and respected because they’ve fallen out of use. In contrast, the modern cooking stove with its roasting and hot water compartments, its various spots over the fire for pots, pans, and kettles, its simple way of controlling and directing heat, its rotating grate, and, if needed, its rotating fire chamber for switching the hot fire from the top to the bottom and the cold, smothered fire from the bottom to the top, along with its cleanliness, consistent heat, and economical use of fuel, is now widely adopted. All the impressive names given to it by its makers and users don’t exaggerate its qualities when it’s made and used correctly.

It would appear that the field of labour and the number of labourers, chiefly those who toiled with brick and mortar, were greatly reduced when those huge fireplaces were so widely discarded. This must have seemed so especially in those regions where the houses were built up to meet the yearning wants of an outside chimney, but armies of men are engaged in civilised countries in making stoves and furnaces, where three-quarters of a century ago very few were so employed. As in every industrial art old things pass away, but the new things come in greater numbers, demand a greater number of workers, develop new wants, new fields of labour, and the new and increasing supply of consumers refuse to be satisfied with old contrivances.[Pg 209]

It seems that the job market and the number of workers, especially those working with brick and mortar, were significantly reduced when those large fireplaces fell out of favor. This must have felt particularly true in areas where homes were designed to accommodate external chimneys. However, many people are now employed in developed countries to create stoves and furnaces, where just seventy-five years ago, very few held such jobs. As with every industry, old methods fade away, but new technologies emerge in greater quantities, requiring more workers, creating new demands, and new job opportunities, while the growing number of consumers increasingly reject outdated designs.[Pg 209]

In the United States alone there are between four and five hundred stove and furnace foundries, in which about ten thousand people are employed, and more than three million stoves and furnaces produced annually, which require nearly a million tons of iron to make, and the value of which is estimated as at least $100,000,000.

In the United States alone, there are around four to five hundred foundries that produce stoves and furnaces, employing about ten thousand people. These facilities manufacture over three million stoves and furnaces each year, needing nearly a million tons of iron, with a total value estimated at least $100,000,000.

The matter of ventilation is such a material part of heating that it cannot escape attention. There can be no successful heating without a circulation of air currents, and fortunately for man in his house no good fire can be had without an outflow of heat and an inflow of cooler air. The more this circulation is prevented the worse the fire and the ventilation.

The issue of ventilation is such an important aspect of heating that it can't be overlooked. There can be no effective heating without air movement, and luckily for people in their homes, you can't have a good fire without heat escaping and cooler air coming in. The more this air movement is blocked, the poorer the fire and ventilation will be.

It seems to many such a simple thing, this change of air—only to keep open the window a little—to have a fireplace, and convenient door. And yet some of the brightest intellects of the century have been engaged in devising means to accomplish the result, and all are not yet agreed as to which is the best way.

It seems so simple to many, this change of air—just keeping the window open a bit—to have a fireplace and an easy-to-use door. And yet, some of the smartest minds of the century have been working on ways to achieve this, and they still don’t all agree on the best approach.

How to remove the heated, vitiated air and to supply fresh air while maintaining the same uniform temperature is a problem of long standing. The history of the attempts to heat and ventilate the Houses of Parliament since Wren undertook it in 1660 has justly been said to be history of the Art of Ventilation since that time, as the most eminent scientific authorities in the world have been engaged or consulted in it, and the most exhaustive reports on the subject have been rendered by such men as Gay-Lussac, Sir Humphry Davy, Faraday and Dr. Arnott of England and Gen. Morin of France. The same may be said in regard to the Houses of Congress in the United States Capitol for the past thirty-five[Pg 210] years. Prof. Henry, Dr. Billings, the architect, Clark, of that country, and many other bright inventors and men of ability have given the subject devoted attention. Among the means for creating ventilation are underground tunnels leading to the outer air, with fans in them to force the fresh air in or draw the poor air out, holes in the ceiling, fire places, openings over the doors, openings under the eaves, openings in the window frames, shafts from the floor or basement with fires or gas jets to create an upward draught, floors with screened openings to the outer air, steam engines to work a suction pipe in one place and a blow pipe in another, air boxes communicating with the outer air, screens, hoods, and deflectors at these various openings,—all these, separately or in combination, have been used for the purpose of drawing the vitiated air out and letting the pure air in without creating draughts to chill the sensitive, or overheating to excite the nervous.

How to get rid of stale air and bring in fresh air while keeping a consistent temperature has been a long-standing issue. The efforts to heat and ventilate the Houses of Parliament since Wren took it on in 1660 have rightly been called the history of ventilation since then, as the leading scientific experts in the world have been involved or consulted, and exhaustive reports on the topic have been created by notable figures like Gay-Lussac, Sir Humphry Davy, Faraday, Dr. Arnott from England, and Gen. Morin from France. The same can be said for the Houses of Congress in the U.S. Capitol over the past thirty-five[Pg 210] years. Prof. Henry, Dr. Billings, the architect Clark, and many other bright inventors and skilled individuals have focused on this topic. Among the methods for creating ventilation are underground tunnels leading to the outside air, with fans in them to push fresh air in or pull stale air out, holes in the ceiling, fireplaces, openings above doors, openings under eaves, openings in window frames, shafts from the floor or basement with fires or gas jets to create an upward draft, floors with screened openings to the outside air, steam engines to operate a suction pipe in one spot and a blowpipe in another, air boxes connected to the outside air, screens, hoods, and deflectors at these various openings—all of these, either alone or together, have been used to remove stale air and bring in fresh air without creating drafts that chill sensitive individuals or overheating to disturb the nervous.

There seems to have been as many devices invented to keep a house or building closed up tight while highly heating it, as to ventilate the same and preserve an even, moderate temperature.

There appear to be just as many devices created to keep a house or building sealed tightly while heating it up significantly, as there are to ventilate it and maintain a steady, comfortable temperature.

The most approved system of ventilation recognises the fact that air is of the same weight and is possessed of the same constituents in one part of a room as at another, and to create a perfect ventilation a complete change and circulation must take place. It therefore creates a draught, arising from the production of a vacuum by a current of heat or by mechanical means, or by some other way, which draws out of a room the used up, vitiated air through outlets at different places, while pure outer air is admitted naturally, or forced in if need be, through numerous small inlets, such outlets and inlets so located [Pg 211]and distributed and protected as not to give rise to sensible draughts on the occupants.

The best ventilation system acknowledges that air weighs the same and has the same components throughout a room. To achieve perfect ventilation, there needs to be a complete exchange and circulation of air. This system creates a draft, either by generating a vacuum through heat, mechanical methods, or other means, which removes stale, contaminated air from various outlets in the room. At the same time, fresh outdoor air is brought in, either naturally or forcefully when necessary, through multiple small inlets. These outlets and inlets are strategically placed and designed to avoid creating noticeable drafts for the people inside. [Pg 211]

The best system also recognises the fact that all parts of a house, its cellars and attic, its parlours and kitchens, its closets, bathrooms and chambers, should be alike clean and well ventilated, and that if one room is infected all are infected.

The best system also acknowledges that every part of a house—its basements and attics, its living rooms and kitchens, its closets, bathrooms, and bedrooms—should be equally clean and well-ventilated, and if one room is contaminated, all are contaminated.

The laurels bestowed on inventors are no more worthily bestowed than on those who have invented devices which give to our homes, offices, churches and places of amusement a pure and comfortable atmosphere.

The honors given to inventors are no more deserved than those given to those who have created devices that provide our homes, offices, churches, and entertainment venues with a clean and comfortable environment.

Car Heaters.—The passing away of the good old portable foot stove for warming the feet, especially when away from home, and while travelling, is not to be regretted, although in some instances it was not at first succeeded by superior devices. For a long time after the introduction of steam, railroad cars and carriages, in which any heat at all was used, were heated by a stove in each car—generally kept full of red hot coal or wood—an exceedingly dangerous companion in case of accident. Since 1871 systems have been invented and introduced, the most successful of which consists of utilising the heat of the steam from the locomotive for producing a hot-water circulation through pipes along the floor of each car, and in providing an emergency heater in each car for heating the water when steam from the locomotive is not available.

Car Heaters.—The disappearance of the old portable foot stove for warming feet, especially while traveling and away from home, isn't something to mourn, even though it sometimes wasn't quickly replaced by better options. For a long time after steam engines were introduced, railroad cars and carriages that used any heat at all were heated by a stove in each car—often filled with red-hot coal or wood—an extremely hazardous thing to have in case of an accident. Since 1871, systems have been developed and implemented, the most effective of which involves using the steam heat from the locomotive to create a hot-water circulation through pipes along the floor of each car, as well as providing an emergency heater in each car to heat the water when steam from the locomotive isn't available.

Grass-burning Stoves.—There are many places in this world where neither wood nor coal abound, or where the same are very scarce, but where waste grass and weeds, waste hay and straw, and similar combustible refuse are found in great abundance. Stoves have been invented especially designed for the[Pg 212] economical consumption of such fuel. One requisite is that such light material should be held in a compressed state while in the stove to prevent a too rapid combustion. Means for so holding the material under compression appear to have been first invented and patented by Hamilton of America in 1874.

Grass-burning Stoves.—There are many places in this world where wood and coal are hard to find, or where they're very limited, but where there is an abundance of waste grass, weeds, leftover hay, straw, and similar combustible materials. Stoves have been specially designed for the[Pg 212] efficient use of such fuel. One requirement is that this light material should be kept compressed while in the stove to prevent it from burning too quickly. The methods for keeping the material under compression were first invented and patented by Hamilton of America in 1874.

Some means besides the sickle and scythe, hoe and plough, were wanted to destroy obnoxious standing grass and weeds. A weed like the Russian thistle, for instance, will defy all usual means for its extermination. A fire chamber has been invented which when drawn over the ground will burn a swath as it advances, and it is provided with means, such as a wide flange on the end of the chamber, which extinguishes the fire and prevents its spreading beyond the path. A similar stove with jets of flame from vapour burners has been used to soften hard asphalt pavement when it is desired to take it up.

Some tools beyond the sickle, scythe, hoe, and plow are needed to eliminate stubborn grass and weeds. A weed like the Russian thistle, for example, can resist all common methods for getting rid of it. A fire chamber has been created that, when dragged across the ground, will burn a strip as it moves forward. It comes equipped with features, such as a wide flange at the end of the chamber, which puts out the fire and stops it from spreading beyond the path. A similar stove with flame jets from vapor burners has been used to soften hard asphalt pavement when it's necessary to remove it.

The art of heating and cooking by oil, vapour and gas stoves is one that has arisen during the latter half of this century, and has become the subject of a vast number of inventions and extensive industries. Stoves of this character are as efficient and economical as coal stoves, and are in great demand, especially where coal and wood are scarce and high-priced.

The practice of heating and cooking with oil, steam, and gas stoves has developed in the latter half of this century and has sparked countless inventions and large-scale industries. Stoves like these are just as efficient and cost-effective as coal stoves and are highly sought after, especially in places where coal and wood are hard to come by and expensive.

Oil stoves as first invented consisted of almost the ordinary lamp, without the glass shade set in the stove and were similar to gas stoves. But these were objectionable on account of the fumes emitted. By later inventions the lamp has been greatly improved. The wick is arranged within tubular sliding cylinders so as to be separated from the other parts of the stove when it is not lit, and better regulating devices adopted, whereby the oil is prevented from spreading from the wick on to the other parts of the stove,[Pg 213] which give rise to obnoxious fumes by evaporation and heating. Some recent inventors have dispensed with the wick altogether and the oil is burned practically like vapour. Gasoline, and other heavy oily vapours are in many stoves first vapourised by a preliminary heating in a chamber before the gas is ignited for use. These vapours are then conducted by separate jets to different points in the stove where the heat is to be applied. The danger and unpleasant flame and smoke arising from this vapourising in the stove have been obviated by inventions which vapourise the fuel by other means, as by carbonating, or loading the air with the vapour in an elevated chamber and conducting the saturated air to the burners; or by agitation, by means of a quick-acting, small, but powerful fan.

Oil stoves were originally designed to be similar to standard lamps, lacking the glass shade typically found in modern stoves, and were quite comparable to gas stoves. However, they emitted unpleasant fumes, which was a major drawback. Over time, improvements have significantly enhanced the design of these lamps. Now, the wick is positioned inside sliding tubular cylinders, keeping it separated from the other parts of the stove when not in use. Enhanced regulating devices have also been implemented to prevent oil from spreading from the wick to the rest of the stove,[Pg 213] which used to cause bothersome fumes due to evaporation and heating. Recently, some inventors have eliminated the wick entirely, allowing the oil to burn almost like vapor. Gasoline and other heavier oily vapors are now often vaporized through preliminary heating in a chamber before ignition for use. These vapors are then channeled through separate jets to various points in the stove where heat is needed. The risks and unpleasant flame and smoke associated with vaporization inside the stove have been addressed by new inventions that vaporize fuel in alternative ways, either by carbonating or saturating the air with vapor in an elevated chamber, directing the saturated air to the burners, or by using agitation via a quick-acting, small but powerful fan.

Sterilising.—The recent scientific discoveries and investigations of injurious bacteria rendered it desirable to purify water by other means than filtering, especially for the treatment of disease-infected localities; and this gave rise to the invention of a system of heat sterilising and filtering the water, in one process, and out of contact with the germ-laden air, thus destroying the bacteria and delivering the water in as pure and wholesome condition as possible. West in 1892 patented such a system.

Sterilizing.—Recent scientific discoveries and studies of harmful bacteria made it necessary to purify water using methods beyond just filtering, especially for dealing with disease-ridden areas. This led to the invention of a system that heats and filters water in a single process, keeping it away from germ-contaminated air, effectively killing the bacteria and providing the water in the cleanest and healthiest state possible. West patented this system in 1892.

Electric Heating and Cooking.—Reference has already been made in the Chapter on Electricity to the use of that agent in heating and cooking. The use of the electric current for these purposes has been found to be perfectly practical, and for heating cars especially, where electricity is the motive power, a portion of the current is economically employed.

Electric Heating and Cooking.—We've already mentioned in the Chapter on Electricity how that resource is used in heating and cooking. The use of electric current for these purposes has proven to be completely practical, especially for heating cars, where electricity is the power source; a portion of the current is used efficiently.

The art of heating and cooking naturally suggests the other end of the line of temperature—Refrigeration.[Pg 214]

The process of heating and cooking naturally leads to the other extreme of temperature—Refrigeration.[Pg 214]

A refrigeration by which ordinary ice is artificially produced, perishable food of all kinds preserved for long times, and transported for great distances, which has proved an immense advantage to mankind everywhere and is still daily practised to the gratification and comfort of millions of men, must receive at least a passing notice. The Messrs. E. and F. Carré of France invented successful machines about 1870 for making ice by the rapid absorption and evaporation of heat by the ammonia process. The discoveries and inventions of others in the artificial production of cold by means of volatile liquids, whether for the making of ice or other purposes, constituted a great step in the art of refrigeration.

A refrigeration method that artificially creates ice, preserves perishable food for long periods, and transports it over great distances has provided a huge benefit to people everywhere and continues to be used daily for the satisfaction and comfort of millions. The Carré brothers, E. and F., from France, invented effective machines around 1870 for producing ice through the quick absorption and evaporation of heat using the ammonia process. The discoveries and inventions by others in the artificial production of cold using volatile liquids, whether for making ice or other applications, represented a significant advancement in refrigeration technology.

Vaporisation, absorption, compression or reduction of atmospheric pressure are the principal methods of producing cold. By vaporisation, water, ether, sulphuric acid, ammonia, etc., in assuming the vaporous form change sensible heat to latent heat and produce a degree of cold which freezes an adjacent body of water. The principle of making ice by evaporation and absorption may be illustrated by two examples of the Carré methods:—It is well known what a great attraction sulphuric acid has for water. Water to be frozen is placed in a vessel connected by a pipe to a reservoir containing sulphuric acid. A vacuum is produced in this reservoir by the use of an air pump, while the acid is being constantly stirred. Lessening of the atmospheric pressure upon water causes its evaporation, and as the vapour is quietly absorbed by the sulphuric acid the water is quickly congealed. It is known that ammonia can be condensed into liquid form by pressure or cold, and is absorbed by and soluble in water to an extraordinary degree. A generator containing a strong so[Pg 215]lution of ammonia is connected by a pipe to an empty receiver immersed in cold water. The ammonia generator is then heated, its vapour driven off and conducted to a jacket around the centre of the receiver and is there condensed by pressure of an air pump. The central cylindrical space in the receiver is now filled with water, and the operation is reversed. The generator is immersed in cold water and pressure on the liquid ammonia removed. The liquid ammonia now passes into the gaseous state, and is conducted to and reabsorbed by the water in the generator. But in this evaporation great cold is produced and the water in the receiver is soon frozen.

Vaporization, absorption, compression, or reducing atmospheric pressure are the main ways to create cold. Through vaporization, substances like water, ether, sulfuric acid, and ammonia transition into vapor form, changing sensible heat into latent heat and creating a degree of cold that can freeze nearby water. The technique of making ice by evaporation and absorption can be demonstrated with two examples of the Carré methods: It’s well known that sulfuric acid has a strong attraction to water. To freeze water, it is placed in a container connected by a pipe to a tank with sulfuric acid. A vacuum is created in this tank using an air pump while the acid is continuously stirred. Reducing the atmospheric pressure on water leads to its evaporation, and as the vapor is gently absorbed by the sulfuric acid, the water rapidly freezes. It’s also known that ammonia can be turned into liquid form under pressure or cold and is highly soluble in water. A generator holding a strong solution of ammonia is connected by a pipe to an empty container submerged in cold water. The ammonia generator is heated, causing its vapor to escape and flow to a jacket around the center of the container, where it is condensed under pressure from an air pump. The central cylindrical area in the container is filled with water, and the process is reversed. The generator is placed in cold water, and the pressure on the liquid ammonia is released. The liquid ammonia then turns into gas and is absorbed back into the water in the generator. This evaporation creates significant cold, and the water in the container quickly freezes.

Twining’s inventions in the United States in 1853 and 1862 of the compression machine, followed by Pictet of France, and a number of improvements elsewhere have bid fair to displace the absorption method. In dispensing with absorption these machines proceed on the now well-established theory that air and many other gases become heated when compressed; that this heat can then be drawn away, and that when the gas is allowed to re-expand it will absorb a large amount of heat from any solid or fluid with which it is brought in contact, and so freeze it. Accordingly such machines are so constructed that by the operation of a piston, or pistons, in a cylinder, and actuated by steam or other motive power, the air or gas is compressed to the desired temperature, the heat led off and the cold vapour conducted through pipes and around chambers where water is placed and where it is frozen. By the best machines from five hundred to one thousand pounds of ice an hour are produced.

Twining invented compression machines in the United States in 1853 and 1862, followed by Pictet from France, along with several improvements in other places, which are likely to replace the absorption method. These machines eliminate the need for absorption and operate on the now well-established principle that air and many gases heat up when compressed. This heat can then be removed, and when the gas is allowed to expand again, it absorbs a lot of heat from any solid or liquid it touches, causing freezing. These machines are designed so that by using a piston or pistons in a cylinder, powered by steam or other energy sources, the air or gas is compressed to the desired temperature, heat is released, and the cold vapor is routed through pipes and around chambers containing water, leading to freezing. The best machines can produce between five hundred and one thousand pounds of ice per hour.

The art of refrigeration and of modern transpor[Pg 216]tation have brought the fruits of the tropics in great abundance to the doors of the dwellers of the north, and from the shores of the Pacific to the Atlantic and across the Atlantic to Europe. A train of refrigerator cars in California laden with delicious assorted fruits, and provided with fan blowers driven by the car axles to force the air through ice chambers, from whence it is distributed by perforated pipes through the fruit chambers, and wherein the temperature is maintained at about 40° Fah., can be landed in New York four days after starting on its journey of 3,000 miles, with the fruits in perfect condition.

The art of refrigeration and modern transportation has brought a wealth of tropical fruits right to the doors of people in the north. From the Pacific coast to the Atlantic and across the ocean to Europe, a train of refrigerated cars in California, packed with delicious assorted fruits and equipped with fan blowers powered by the car axles, forces air through ice chambers. This cool air is then distributed through perforated pipes into the fruit compartments, keeping the temperature around 40°F. These fruits can arrive in New York just four days after starting their 3,000-mile journey, remaining in perfect condition.

But the public is still excited and wondering over the new king of refrigeration—liquid air.

But the public is still thrilled and curious about the new king of refrigeration—liquid air.

As has been stated, the compression of air to produce cold is a modern discovery applied to practical uses, and prominent among the inventors and discoverers in this line have been Prof. Dewar and Charles E. Tripler.

As mentioned, compressing air to create cold is a modern discovery with practical applications, and leading the way among the inventors and pioneers in this field are Prof. Dewar and Charles E. Tripler.

Air may be compressed and heat generated in the process withdrawn until the temperature of the air is reduced to 312° below zero, at which point the air is visible and to a certain extent assumes a peculiar material form, in which form it can be confined in suitable vessels and used as a refrigerant and as a motor of great power when permitted to re-expand. It is said that it was not so long ago when Prof. Dewar produced the first ounce of liquid air at a cost of $3,000, but that now Mr. Tripler claims that he can produce it by his apparatus for five cents a gallon.

Air can be compressed and heat generated in the process removed until the air's temperature drops to 312° below zero, at which point it becomes visible and takes on a unique material form. In this form, it can be stored in appropriate containers and used as a refrigerant or a powerful motor when it’s allowed to re-expand. It’s reported that not long ago, Prof. Dewar produced the first ounce of liquid air at a cost of $3,000, but now Mr. Tripler claims he can produce it with his equipment for just five cents a gallon.

Refrigeration is at present its most natural and obvious use, and it is claimed that eleven gallons of the material when gradually expanded has the refrig[Pg 217]erating power of one ton of ice. Its use of course for all purposes for which cold can be used is thus assured. It is also to be used as a motor in the running of various kinds of engines. It is to be used as a great alleviator of human suffering in lowering and regulating the temperature of hospitals in hot weather, and in surgical operations as a substitute for anæsthetics and cauterising agents.

Refrigeration is currently its most natural and obvious application, and it’s said that eleven gallons of the substance, when gradually expanded, has the cooling power of one ton of ice. This guarantees its use for all purposes where cold is needed. It's also going to be used as a power source for different types of engines. Additionally, it will serve as a significant relief for human suffering by cooling and regulating temperatures in hospitals during hot weather, and in surgical procedures as a replacement for anesthetics and cauterizing agents.

It was one of the marvellous attractions at the great Paris Exposition of 1900.

It was one of the amazing attractions at the great Paris Exposition of 1900.

Lighting is closely allied to the various subjects herein considered, but consideration of the various modes and kinds of lamps for lighting will be reserved for the Chapter on Furniture for Houses, etc.

Lighting is closely related to the different topics discussed here, but the exploration of the various types and styles of lamps for lighting will be saved for the Chapter on Furniture for Houses, etc.



“Nigh on the plain, in many cells prepared,
That underneath had veins of liquid fire
Sluiced from the lake, a second multitude
With wondrous art founded the massy ore;
Severing each kind, and scumm’d the bullion dross;
A third as soon had formed within the ground
A various mould, and from the boiling cells
By strange conveyance fill’d each hollow nook;
As in an organ, from one blast of wind,
To many a row of pipes the sound board breathes.”

Paradise Lost.

“Near the plain, in many prepared areas,
That below had veins of molten rock
Flowing from the lake, a second group
Expertly crafted the heavy metal; Separating each type and removing the impurities; A third one quickly formed underground. A varied mixture, and from the heated rooms Weirdly filled each empty space;
Like an organ, from a single burst of air,
“To many rows of pipes, the sound board breathes.”

Paradise Lost.

Ever since those perished races of men who left no other record but that engraven in rude emblems on the rocks, or no other signs of their existence but in the broken tools found buried deep among the solid leaves of the crusted earth, ever since Tubal Cain became “an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron,” the art of smelting has been known. The stone age flourished with implements furnished ready-made by nature, or needing little shaping for their use, but the ages of metal which followed required the aid of fire directed by the hand of man to provide the tool of iron or bronze.

Ever since those lost civilizations that left no record except for crude symbols carved into rocks, or no other evidence of their existence except for broken tools found buried deep in the hardened earth, ever since Tubal Cain became “an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron,” the art of smelting has been known. The stone age thrived with tools provided ready-made by nature, or needing minimal shaping for their use, but the metal ages that followed required the help of fire controlled by humans to create tools of iron or bronze.

The Greeks claimed that the discovery of iron was theirs, and was made at the burning of a forest on the mountains of Ida in Crete, about 1500 B. C., when the ore contained in the rocks or soil on which the forest stood was melted, cleansed of its impurities, and then collected and hammered. Archeolo[Pg 219]gists have deprived the Greeks of this gift, and carried back its origin to remoter ages and localities.

The Greeks said they discovered iron when a forest was burned in the mountains of Ida in Crete around 1500 B.C. During the fire, the ore in the rocks or soil beneath the forest melted, was purified, and then collected and hammered. Archaeologists have taken this credit away from the Greeks and traced its origins back to even earlier times and different places.

Man first discovered by observation or accident that certain stones were melted or softened by fire, and that the product could be hammered and shaped. They learned by experience that the melting could be done more effectually when the fuel and the ore were mixed and enclosed by a wall of stone; that the fire and heat could be alone started and maintained by blowing air into the fuel—and they constructed a rude bellows for this purpose. Finding that the melted metal sank through the mass of consumed fuel, they constructed a stone hearth on which to receive it. Thus were the first crude furnace and hearth invented.

Man first found out by watching or by chance that certain stones could be melted or softened by fire, and that the result could be hammered and shaped. They learned from experience that melting was more effective when the fuel and the ore were mixed and surrounded by a wall of stone; that the fire and heat could only be started and kept going by blowing air into the fuel—and they made a simple bellows for this purpose. Discovering that the melted metal fell through the pile of burned fuel, they built a stone hearth to catch it. This is how the first basic furnace and hearth were invented.

As to gold, silver and lead, they doubtless were found first in their native state and mixed with other ores and were hammered into the desired shapes with the hardest stone implements.

As for gold, silver, and lead, they were probably first discovered in their natural state and combined with other ores, then shaped into the desired forms using the toughest stone tools.

That copper and tin combined would make bronze was a more complex proceeding and probably followed instead of preceding, as has sometimes been alleged, the making of iron tools. That bronze relics were found apparently of anterior manufacture to any made of iron, was doubtless due to the destruction of the iron by that great consumer—oxygen.

That copper and tin mixed together would create bronze was a more complicated process and likely happened after, not before, as has sometimes been claimed, the creation of iron tools. The discovery of bronze artifacts that seemed to be made earlier than any iron ones was probably because oxygen, which is a major destroyer, damaged the iron.

What was very anciently called “brass” was no doubt gold-coloured copper; for what is modernly known as brass was not made until after the discovery of zinc in the 16th century and its combination with copper.

What was once very old-fashionedly called "brass" was probably gold-colored copper; because what we now know as brass wasn't created until after zinc was discovered in the 16th century and mixed with copper.

Among the “lost arts” re-discovered in later ages are those which supplied the earliest cities with ornamented vessels of gold and copper, swords of steel that bent and sprung like whalebones, castings that[Pg 220] had known no tool to shape their contour and embellishments, and monuments and tablets of steel and brass which excite the wonder and admiration of the best “artificers in brass and iron” of the present day.

Among the "lost arts" rediscovered in later ages are those that provided the earliest cities with decorative vessels made of gold and copper, flexible steel swords that could bend like whalebones, castings that[Pg 220] had never been shaped by any tools, and monuments and tablets made of steel and brass that amaze and inspire the best “artisans in brass and iron” today.

To understand and appreciate the advancements that have been made in metallurgy in the nineteenth century, it is necessary to know, in outline at least, what before had been developed.

To understand and appreciate the progress made in metallurgy during the nineteenth century, it's important to have a basic understanding of what had been developed before.

The earliest form of a smelting furnace of historic days, such as used by the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and probably by the Hindoos and other ancient peoples, and still used in Asia, is thus described by Dr. Ure:

The earliest type of smelting furnace from history, like those used by ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and likely by Hindus and other ancient cultures, and still in use in Asia today, is described by Dr. Ure:

“The furnace or bloomary in which the ore is smelted is from 4 to 5 feet high; it is somewhat pear-shaped, being about 5 feet wide at bottom and 1 at top. It is built entirely of clay. There is an opening in front about a foot or more in height which is filled with clay at the commencement, and broken down at the end of each smelting operation. The bellows are usually made of two goatskins with bamboo nozzles, which are inserted into tubes of clay that pass into the furnace. The furnace is filled with charcoal, and a lighted coal being introduced before the nozzle, the mass in the interior is soon kindled. As soon as this is accomplished, a small portion of the ore previously moistened with water to prevent it from running through the charcoal, but without any flux whatever, is laid on top of the coals, and covered with charcoal to fill up the furnace. In this manner ore and fuel are supplied and the bellows urged for three or four hours. When the process is stopped and the temporary wall in front broken down the bloom is removed with a pair of tongs from the bottom of the furnace.”[Pg 221]

“The furnace, or bloomery, where the ore is smelted stands about 4 to 5 feet high and has a pear shape, measuring around 5 feet wide at the bottom and 1 foot at the top. It's made entirely of clay. There’s an opening at the front that’s about a foot or more tall, filled with clay at the start and then broken down at the end of each smelting session. The bellows are typically made from two goatskins with bamboo nozzles, which go into clay tubes that lead into the furnace. The furnace is packed with charcoal, and once a lighted coal is placed in front of the nozzle, the material inside quickly catches fire. Once that’s done, a small amount of ore that's been moistened with water to prevent it from passing through the charcoal, but without any flux, is placed on top of the coals and covered with more charcoal to fill the furnace. This way, ore and fuel are added, and the bellows are operated for three or four hours. When the process is finished and the temporary wall at the front is removed, the bloom is taken out using a pair of tongs from the bottom of the furnace.”[Pg 221]

This smelting was then followed by hammering to further separate the slag, and probably after a reheating to increase the malleability.

This smelting was then followed by hammering to further separate the slag, and likely after reheating to improve the malleability.

It will be noticed that in this earliest process pure carbon was used as a fuel, and a blast of air to keep the fire at a great heat was employed. To what extent this carbon and air blast, and the mixing and remixing with other ingredients, and reheating and rehammering, may have been employed in various instances to modify the conditions and render the metal malleable and more or less like modern steel, is not known, but that an excellent quality of iron resembling modern steel was often produced by this simple mode of manufacture by different peoples, is undoubtedly the fact. Steel after all is iron with a little more carbon in it than in the usual iron in the smelting furnace, to render it harder, and a little less carbon than in cast or moulded iron to render it malleable, and in both conditions was produced from time immemorial, either by accident or design.

It can be observed that in this earliest process, pure carbon was used as a fuel, and a blast of air was applied to maintain a high temperature for the fire. The extent to which this carbon and air blast, along with mixing and remixing with other materials, and reheating and hammering, may have been utilized to change the conditions and make the metal malleable, somewhat similar to modern steel, is unclear. However, it is a fact that various cultures often produced high-quality iron that resembled modern steel through this simple manufacturing method. After all, steel is essentially iron with a bit more carbon than what's typically found in the iron from the smelting furnace to make it harder, and a bit less carbon than what's in cast or molded iron to make it malleable, and both forms have been produced for ages, whether by chance or intentionally.

It was with such a furnace probably that India produced her keen-edged weapons that would cut a web of gossamer, and Damascus its flashing blades—the synonym of elastic strength.

It was probably with a furnace like this that India made her sharp weapons that could cut through a delicate web, and Damascus crafted its bright blades—the perfect example of flexibility and strength.

Africa, when its most barbarous tribes were first discovered, was making various useful articles of iron. Its earliest modes of manufacture were doubtless still followed when Dr. Livingstone explored the interior, as they now also are. He thus describes their furnaces and iron: “At every third or fourth village (in the regions near Lake Nyassa) we saw a kiln-looking structure, about 6 feet high and 2½ feet in diameter. It is a clay fire-hardened furnace for smelting iron. No flux is used, whether with specular iron, the yellow hematite, or magnetic ore,[Pg 222] and yet capital metal is produced. Native manufactured iron is so good that the natives declare English iron “rotten” in comparison, and specimens of African hoes were pronounced at Birmingham nearly equal to the best Swedish iron.” The natives of India, the Hottentots, the early Britons, the Chinese, the savages of North and South America, as discovery or research brought their labours to light, or uncovered the monuments of their earliest life, were shown to be acquainted with similar simple forms of smelting furnaces.

Africa, when its most primitive tribes were first discovered, was already creating various useful iron items. The earliest methods of production were likely still being used when Dr. Livingstone explored the interior, just as they are today. He describes their furnaces and iron: “In every third or fourth village (in the areas near Lake Nyassa), we came across a kiln-like structure, about 6 feet tall and 2.5 feet in diameter. It is a clay fire-hardened furnace for smelting iron. No flux is used, whether with specular iron, yellow hematite, or magnetic ore,[Pg 222] yet quality metal is produced. The iron made by the locals is so good that they claim English iron is ‘rotten’ by comparison, and samples of African hoes were found in Birmingham to be nearly equal to the best Swedish iron.” The natives of India, the Hottentots, the early Britons, the Chinese, and the indigenous people of North and South America were shown to be familiar with similar simple types of smelting furnaces as discovery or research revealed their efforts or uncovered the remnants of their earliest existence.

Early Spain produced a furnace which was adopted by the whole of Europe as fast as it became known. It was the Catalan furnace, so named from the province of Catalonia, where it probably first originated, and it is still so known and extensively used. “It consists of a four-sided cavity or hearth, which is always placed within a building and separated from the main wall thereof by a thinner interior wall, which in part constitutes one side of the furnace. The blast pipe comes through the wall, and enters the fire through a flue which slants downward. The bottom is formed of a refractory stone, which is renewable. The furnace has no chimneys. The blast is produced by means of a fall of water usually from 22 to 27 feet high, through a rectangular tube, into a rectangular cistern below, to whose upper part the blast pipe is connected, the water escaping through a pipe below. This apparatus is exterior to the building, and is said to afford a continuous blast of great regularity; the air, when it passes into the furnace, is, however, saturated with moisture.”—Knight.

Early Spain created a furnace that was quickly adopted all over Europe as soon as it was discovered. It’s called the Catalan furnace, named after the province of Catalonia, where it likely originated, and it remains widely used today. “It consists of a four-sided cavity or hearth, which is always located inside a building and separated from its main wall by a thinner interior wall that partly forms one side of the furnace. The blast pipe comes through the wall and enters the fire through a downward-sloping flue. The bottom is made of a renewable refractory stone. The furnace has no chimneys. The blast is generated by water falling from usually 22 to 27 feet high through a rectangular tube into a rectangular cistern below, to which the blast pipe is connected at the top, while the water escapes through a pipe at the bottom. This setup is located outside the building and is said to provide a continuous and consistent blast; however, the air that enters the furnace is saturated with moisture.”—Knight.

No doubt in such a heat was formed the metal from which was shaped the armour of Don Quixote and his prototypes.[Pg 223]

No doubt that in such heat, the metal was forged from which the armor of Don Quixote and his inspirations was shaped.[Pg 223]

Bell in his history of Metallurgy tells us that the manufacture of malleable iron must have fallen into decadence in England, especially before the reign of Elizabeth and Charles I., as no furnaces equal even to the Catalan had for a long time been in use; and the architectural iron column found in ancient Delhi, 16 inches in diameter, about 48 feet long and calculated to weigh about 17 tons, could not have been formed by any means known in England in the sixteenth century. This decadence was in part due to the severe laws enacted against the destruction of forests, and most of the iron was then brought to England from Germany and other countries.

Bell, in his history of metallurgy, tells us that the production of malleable iron had likely declined in England, particularly before the reigns of Elizabeth and Charles I., as no furnaces comparable to even the Catalan had been in use for a long time. The architectural iron column found in ancient Delhi, measuring 16 inches in diameter and about 48 feet long, estimated to weigh around 17 tons, could not have been created using any methods known in England during the sixteenth century. This decline was partly due to strict laws against deforestation, and most of the iron was imported to England from Germany and other countries.

From time immemorial the manufacture of iron and steel has been followed in Germany, and that country yet retains pre-eminence in this art both as to mechanical and chemical processes. It was in the eighteenth century that the celebrated Freiberg Mining Academy was founded, the oldest of all existing mining schools; and based on developing mining and metallurgy on scientific lines, it has stood always on the battle line in the fight of progress.

Since ancient times, Germany has been known for its production of iron and steel, and it still leads in this field regarding both mechanical and chemical processes. The famous Freiberg Mining Academy, which is the oldest mining school still in operation, was established in the eighteenth century. Focused on advancing mining and metallurgy through scientific approaches, it has consistently been at the forefront of progress.

The early smelting furnaces of Germany resembled the Catalan, and were called the “Stückofen,” and in Sweden were known as the “Osmund.” In these very pure iron was made.

The early smelting furnaces in Germany were similar to the Catalan type and were called the “Stückofen,” while in Sweden, they were known as the “Osmund.” These furnaces produced very pure iron.

The art of making cast iron, which differs from the ordinary smelted iron in the fact that it is melted and then run into moulds, although known among the ancients more than forty centuries ago, as shown by the castings of bronze and brass described by their writers and recovered from their ruins, appears to have been forgotten long before the darkness of the middle ages gathered. There is no record of its practice from the time the elder Pliny de[Pg 224]scribed its former use (40-79 A. D.), to the sixteenth century. It is stated that then the lost art was re-invented by Ralph Page and Peter Baude of England in 1543—who in that year made cast-iron in Sussex.

The process of making cast iron, which is different from regular smelted iron because it is melted and then poured into molds, has been known for over forty centuries, as evidenced by the bronze and brass castings mentioned by ancient writers and found in their ruins. However, it seems this technique was forgotten long before the darkness of the Middle Ages set in. There are no records of its use from the time the elder Pliny de[Pg 224]scribed its previous applications (40-79 A.D.) until the sixteenth century. It is said that this lost art was rediscovered by Ralph Page and Peter Baude of England in 1543, the same year they produced cast iron in Sussex.

The “Stückofen” furnace above referred to was succeeded in Germany by higher ones called the “Flossofen,” and these were followed by still higher and larger ones called “Blauofen,” so that by the middle of the eighteenth century the furnaces were very capacious, the blast was good, and it had been learned how to supply the furnaces with ore, coal and lime-stone broken into small fragments. The lime was added as a flux, and acted to unite with itself the sand, clay and other impurities to form a slag or scoria. The melted purified iron falling to the bottom was drawn off through a hole tapped in the furnace, and the molten metal ran into channels in a bed of sand called the “Sow and pigs.” Hence the name, “pig iron.”

The “Stückofen” furnace mentioned earlier was replaced in Germany by taller ones known as the “Flossofen,” which were soon followed by even larger and higher models called “Blauofen.” By the mid-eighteenth century, these furnaces had become quite spacious, the air supply was efficient, and people had figured out how to feed the furnaces with ore, coal, and limestone broken into small pieces. Lime was added as a flux, helping to bond with sand, clay, and other impurities to create slag or scoria. The melted, purified iron collected at the bottom was drained through a hole in the furnace, and the molten metal flowed into channels in a sand bed called the “Sow and pigs.” This is how the term “pig iron” came about.

The smelting of ore by charcoal in those places where carried on extensively required the use of a vast amount of wood, and denuded the surrounding lands of forests. So great was this loss felt that it gave rise to the prohibitory laws and the decadence in England of the manufacture of iron, already alluded to. This turned the attention of iron smelters to coal as a substitute. Patents were granted in England for its use to several unsuccessful inventors. Finally in 1619 Dud Dudley, a graduate of Oxford University, and to whom succeeded his father’s iron furnaces in Worcestershire, obtained a patent and succeeded in producing several tons of iron per week by the use of the pitcoal in a small blast furnace.

The smelting of ore with charcoal in areas where it was done extensively required a huge amount of wood, which stripped the surrounding lands of forests. The impact of this loss was so significant that it led to prohibitory laws and a decline in iron manufacturing in England, as mentioned earlier. This prompted iron smelters to consider coal as an alternative. Patents were granted in England for its use to several inventors who were unsuccessful. Finally, in 1619, Dud Dudley, a graduate of Oxford University who took over his father's iron furnaces in Worcestershire, obtained a patent and managed to produce several tons of iron per week using pit coal in a small blast furnace.

This success inflamed the wood owners and the[Pg 225] charcoal burners and they destroyed Dudley’s works. He met with other disasters common to worthy inventors and discontinued his efforts to improve the art.

This success angered the wood owners and the[Pg 225] charcoal burners, and they destroyed Dudley’s works. He faced other setbacks typical for dedicated inventors and stopped trying to advance the craft.

It is said that in 1664 Sir John Winter of England made coke by burning sea coal in closed pots. But this was not followed up, and the use of charcoal and the destruction of the forests went on until 1735, when Abraham Darby of the Coalbrookdale Iron Works at Shropshire, England, commenced to treat the soft pit coal in the same way as wood is treated in producing charcoal. He proposed to burn the coal in a smouldering fire, to expel the sulphur and other impurities existing in the form of phosphorus, hydrogen and oxygen, etc. while saving the carbon. The attempt was successful, and thus coke was made. It was found cheaper and superior to either coal or charcoal, and produced a quicker fire and a greater heat. This was a wonderful discovery, and was preserved as a trade secret for a long time. It was referred to as a curiosity in the Philosophical Transactions in 1747. In fact it was not introduced in America until a century later, when in 1841 the soft coal abounding around Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania and in the neighbouring regions of Ohio was thus treated. Even its use then was experimental, and did not become a practical art in the United States until about 1860.

It is said that in 1664, Sir John Winter of England made coke by burning sea coal in closed pots. But this wasn’t pursued further, and the use of charcoal and the destruction of forests continued until 1735, when Abraham Darby of the Coalbrookdale Iron Works in Shropshire, England, began to treat soft pit coal in the same way wood is treated to produce charcoal. He proposed to burn the coal in a smoldering fire to remove the sulfur and other impurities like phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen while preserving the carbon. The attempt was successful, and thus coke was created. It was found to be cheaper and better than either coal or charcoal, producing a quicker fire and greater heat. This was an incredible discovery, and it was kept a trade secret for a long time. It was mentioned as a curiosity in the Philosophical Transactions in 1747. In fact, it wasn’t introduced in America until a century later, when in 1841 the soft coal abundant around Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania and the nearby regions of Ohio was treated this way. Even then, its use was experimental and did not become a practical skill in the United States until around 1860.

With the invention of coke came also the revival of cast iron.

With the invention of coke came the resurgence of cast iron.

The process of making cast steel was reinvented in England by Benjamin Huntsman of Attercliff, near Sheffield, about 1740. Between that time and 1770 he practised melting small pieces of “blis[Pg 226]tered” steel (iron bars which had been carbonised by smelting in charcoal) in closed clay crucibles.

The method of producing cast steel was reimagined in England by Benjamin Huntsman from Attercliff, near Sheffield, around 1740. From that time until 1770, he worked on melting small pieces of “blistered” steel (iron bars that had been carbonized by being smelted with charcoal) in sealed clay crucibles.

In 1784 Henry Cort of England introduced the puddling process and grooved rolls. Puddling had been invented, but not successfully used before. The term “puddling” originated in the covering of the hearth of stones at the bottom of the furnace with clay, which was made plastic by mixing the clay in a puddle of water; and on which hearth the ore when melted is received. When in this melted condition Cort and others found that the metal was greatly improved by stirring it with a long iron bar called a “rabble,” and which was introduced through an opening in the furnace. This stirring admitted air to the mass and the oxygen consumed and expelled the carbon, silicon, and other impurities. The process was subsequently aided by the introduction of pig iron broken into pieces and mixed with hammer-slag, cinder, and ore. The mass is stirred from side to side of the furnace until it comes to a boiling point, when the stirring is increased in quickness and violence until a pasty round mass is collected by the puddler. As showing the value of Cort’s discovery and the hard experience inventors sometimes have, Fairbairn states that Cort “expended a fortune of upward of £20,000 in perfecting his invention for puddling iron and rolling it into bars and plates; that he was robbed of the fruits of his discoveries by the villainy of officials in a high department of the government; and that he was ultimately left to starve by the apathy and selfishness of an ungrateful country. His inventions conferred an amount of wealth on the country equivalent to £600,000,000, and have given employment to 600,000 of the working population of[Pg 227] our land for the last three or four generations.” This process of puddling lasted for about an hour and a half and entailed extremely severe labour on the workman.

In 1784, Henry Cort from England introduced the puddling process and grooved rolls. Although the concept of puddling had been invented, it had not been used successfully before. The word “puddling” comes from the way the hearth at the bottom of the furnace was covered with clay, which was made pliable by mixing it in a puddle of water; this is where the melted ore was received. When the ore was in this molten state, Cort and others discovered that the metal quality improved significantly by stirring it with a long iron bar known as a “rabble,” which was inserted through an opening in the furnace. This stirring allowed air to enter the mixture, and the oxygen reacted with and eliminated carbon, silicon, and other impurities. The process was later enhanced by adding pieces of pig iron mixed with hammer-slag, cinder, and ore. The mixture was stirred side to side within the furnace until it reached a boiling point, at which point the stirring became faster and more intense, resulting in a pasty round mass collected by the puddler. Illustrating the significance of Cort's discovery and the difficult reality faced by inventors, Fairbairn reports that Cort “spent over £20,000 perfecting his invention for puddling iron and rolling it into bars and plates; that he was robbed of the rewards of his discoveries by corrupt officials in a high government department; and that he ultimately faced starvation due to the indifference and selfishness of an ungrateful country. His inventions generated wealth for the nation equivalent to £600,000,000 and have provided jobs for 600,000 of the working population of[Pg 227] our land for the last three or four generations.” This puddling process took about an hour and a half and required extremely hard labor from the workers.

The invention of mechanical puddlers, hereinafter referred to, consisting chiefly of rotating furnaces, were among the beneficent developments of the nineteenth century.

The invention of mechanical puddlers, hereafter referred to, which mainly consist of rotating furnaces, was one of the positive advancements of the nineteenth century.

Prior to Cort’s time the plastic lump or ball of metal taken from the furnace was generally beaten by hammers, but Cort’s grooved rollers pressed out the mass into sheets.

Before Cort's time, the plastic lump or ball of metal taken from the furnace was usually hammered, but Cort's grooved rollers shaped the mass into sheets.

The improvements of the steam engine by Watt greatly extended the manufacture of iron toward the close of the 18th century, as powerful air blasts were obtained by the use of such engines in place of the blowers worked by man, the horse, or the ox.

The advancements made to the steam engine by Watt significantly boosted iron production toward the end of the 18th century, as strong air blasts were generated using these engines instead of relying on manual, horse, or ox-driven blowers.

So far as the art of refining the precious metals is concerned, as well as copper, tin and iron, it had not, previous to this century, proceeded much beyond the methods described in the most ancient writings; and these included the refining in furnaces, pots, and covered crucibles, and alloying, or the mixture and fusion with other metals. Furnaces to hold the crucibles, and made of iron cylinders lined with fire brick, whereby the crucibles were subjected to greater heat, were also known.

So far as the art of refining precious metals, along with copper, tin, and iron, is concerned, it had not advanced much beyond the methods described in the earliest writings before this century. These methods included refining in furnaces, pots, and covered crucibles, as well as alloying, which means mixing and fusing with other metals. There were also furnaces designed to hold the crucibles, made of iron cylinders lined with fire brick, which allowed the crucibles to be exposed to higher temperatures.

The amalgamating process was also known to the ancients, and Vitruvius (B. C. 27) and Pliny (A. D. 79), describe how mercury was used for separating gold from its impurities. Its use at gold and silver mines was renewed extensively in the sixteenth century.

The combining process was also known to ancient people, and Vitruvius (B.C. 27) and Pliny (A.D. 79) describe how mercury was used to separate gold from its impurities. Its use in gold and silver mines was widely revived in the sixteenth century.

Thus we find that the eighteenth century closed with the knowledge of the smelting furnaces of[Pg 228] various kinds, of coke as a fuel in place of charcoal, of furious air blasts driven by steam and other power, of cast iron and cast steel, and of refining, amalgamating, and compounding processes.

Thus we find that the eighteenth century closed with the knowledge of smelting furnaces of[Pg 228] various kinds, using coke as a fuel instead of charcoal, with intense air blasts powered by steam and other means, along with cast iron and cast steel, and processes for refining, amalgamating, and compounding.

Looking back, now, from the threshold of the nineteenth century over the path we have thus traced, it will be seen that what had been accomplished in metallurgy was the result of the use of ready means tested by prolonged trials, of experiments more or less lucky in fields in which men were groping, of inventions without the knowledge of the real properties of the materials with which inventors were working or of the unvarying laws which govern their operations. They had accomplished much, but it was the work mainly of empirics. The art preceding the nineteenth century compared with what followed is the difference between experience simply, and experience when combined with hard thinking, which is thus stated by Herschel: “Art is the application of knowledge to a practical end. If the knowledge be merely accumulated experience the art is empirical; but if it is experience reasoned upon and brought under general principles it assumes a higher character and becomes a scientific art.”

Looking back now from the edge of the nineteenth century at the path we've traced, it's clear that what was achieved in metallurgy resulted from using readily available methods that were tested over long periods, along with experiments that were sometimes successful in areas where people were exploring. There were inventions created without a real understanding of the properties of the materials that inventors worked with or the consistent laws that govern their actions. While they accomplished a lot, it was mostly the work of self-taught individuals. The art before the nineteenth century, when compared to what came after, represents the difference between simple experience and experience paired with thoughtful analysis, as Herschel stated: “Art is the application of knowledge to a practical end. If the knowledge is just accumulated experience, the art is empirical; but if it’s experience examined and organized under general principles, it takes on a higher quality and becomes a scientific art.”

With the developments, discoveries and inventions in the lines of steam, chemistry and electricity, as elsewhere told, the impetus they gave to the exercise of brain force in every field of nature at the outset of the century, and with their practical aid, the art of metallurgy soon began to expand to greater usefulness, and finally to its present wonderful domain.

With the advancements, discoveries, and inventions in steam, chemistry, and electricity, as discussed elsewhere, the momentum they provided for utilizing intellectual effort in every area of nature at the beginning of the century, along with their practical support, allowed the field of metallurgy to grow into greater applications, eventually leading to its remarkable current state.

The subject of metallurgy in this century soon became scientifically treated and its operations classified.

The topic of metallurgy in this century was quickly studied scientifically, and its processes were categorized.

Thus the physical character and metallic constit[Pg 229]uents of ores received the first consideration; then the proper treatment to which the ores were to be subjected for the purpose of extracting the metal—which are either mechanical or chemical. The mechanical processes designed to separate the ore from its enclosing rock or other superfluous earthy matter called gangue became known as ore dressing and ore concentrating. These included mills with rollers, and stamps operated by gravity, or steam, for breaking up the ore rocks; abrasion apparatus for comminuting the ore by rubbing the pieces of ore under pressure; and smelting, or an equivalent process, for melting the ore and driving off the impurities by heat, etc. The chemical processes are those by which the metal, whatever it may be, is either dissolved or separated from other constituents by either the application to the ore of certain metallic solutions of certain acids, or by the fusion of different ores or metals in substantially the old styles of furnaces; or its precipitation by amalgamating, or by electrolysis—the art of decomposing metals by electricity.

Thus, the physical characteristics and metallic components of ores were the primary focus; then came the appropriate treatment required to extract the metal, which can be either mechanical or chemical. The mechanical processes aimed at separating the ore from its surrounding rock or excess earthy material, known as gangue, became known as ore dressing and ore concentrating. These processes included mills with rollers and stamps powered by gravity or steam to break up the ore rocks; abrasion equipment for grinding the ore by rubbing the pieces together under pressure; and smelting, or a similar process, to melt the ore and remove impurities through heat, etc. The chemical processes involve dissolving or separating the metal from other components by applying certain metallic solutions or acids to the ore, fusing different ores or metals in traditional furnace styles; or precipitating it through amalgamation or electrolysis—the method of breaking down metals using electricity.

In the early decades of the century, by the help of chemistry and physics, the nature of heat, carbon, and oxygen, and the great affinity iron has for oxygen, became better known; and particularly how in the making of iron its behaviour is influenced by the presence of carbon and other foreign constituents; also how necessary to its perfect separation was the proper elimination of the oxygen and carbon. The use of manganese and other highly oxidisable metals for this purpose was discovered.

In the early decades of the century, thanks to advancements in chemistry and physics, people gained a better understanding of heat, carbon, and oxygen, as well as the strong attraction that iron has for oxygen. It became clear how the presence of carbon and other impurities affects the behavior of iron during its production, and how important it is to properly remove oxygen and carbon for optimal results. It was discovered that using manganese and other highly reactive metals could serve this purpose.

Among the earliest most notable inventions in the century, in the manufacture of iron, was that of Samuel B. Rogers of Glamorganshire, Wales, who[Pg 230] invented the iron floor for furnaces with a refractory lining—a great improvement on Cort’s sand floor, which gave too much silicon to the iron; and the hot air blast by Neilson of Glasgow, Scotland, patented in 1828. The latter consisted in the use of heated air as the blast instead of cold air—whereby ignition of the fuel was quickened, intensity of the heat and the expulsion of oxygen and carbon from the iron increased, and the operation shortened and improved in every way. The patent was infringed and assailed, but finally sustained by the highest courts of England. It produced an immense forward stride in the amount and quality of iron manufactured.

Among the earliest and most significant inventions in the century related to iron production was Samuel B. Rogers from Glamorganshire, Wales, who[Pg 230]invented the iron floor for furnaces with a refractory lining—a major upgrade from Cort’s sand floor, which introduced too much silicon into the iron. There was also the hot air blast created by Neilson from Glasgow, Scotland, patented in 1828. This innovation involved using heated air as the blast instead of cold air, which sped up fuel ignition, increased heat intensity, and enhanced the removal of oxygen and carbon from the iron, ultimately making the process faster and better in every way. Although the patent faced infringement and challenges, it was ultimately upheld by the highest courts in England. This invention led to a tremendous improvement in both the quantity and quality of iron produced.

By the introduction of the hot air blast it became practicable to use the hard anthracite coal as a fuel where such coal abounded; and to use pig iron, scrap iron, and refractory ore and metals with the fuel to produce particular results. Furnaces were enlarged to colossal dimensions, some being a hundred feet high and capable of yielding 80 or 100 tons of metal per day.

With the introduction of hot air blowing, it became possible to use hard anthracite coal as fuel where it was plentiful, and to combine pig iron, scrap iron, and heat-resistant ore and metals with this fuel to achieve specific results. Furnaces were expanded to massive sizes, some reaching a height of a hundred feet and capable of producing 80 to 100 tons of metal each day.

The forms of furnaces and means for lining and cooling the hearth and adjacent parts have received great attention.

The designs of furnaces and the methods for lining and cooling the hearth and nearby areas have been given a lot of focus.

The discovery that the flame escaping from the throat of the blast furnace was nothing else than burning carbon led Faber du Faur at Wasseralfugen in 1837 to invent the successful and highly valuable method of utilising the unburnt gas from the blast furnace for heating purposes, and to heat the blast itself, and drive the steam engine that blew the blast into the furnace, without the consumption of additional fuel. This also led to the invention of separate gas producers. Bunsen in 1838 made his first[Pg 231] experiments at Hesse in collecting the gases from various parts of the furnace, revealing their composition and showing their adaptability for various purposes. Thus, from a scientific knowledge of the constituents of ores and of furnace gases, calculations could be made in advance as to the materials required to make pig iron, cast iron, and steel of particular qualities.

The realization that the flame coming from the blast furnace was actually burning carbon led Faber du Faur at Wasseralfugen to invent a successful and highly valuable method in 1837 for using the unburnt gas from the blast furnace for heating. It also allowed the blast itself to be heated and powered the steam engine that blew air into the furnace, all without needing extra fuel. This innovation also resulted in the development of separate gas producers. In 1838, Bunsen conducted his first[Pg 231] experiments in Hesse, collecting gases from different parts of the furnace, which revealed their composition and demonstrated their versatility for various applications. Consequently, from a scientific understanding of the components of ores and furnace gases, predictions could be made about the materials needed to produce pig iron, cast iron, and steel of specific qualities.

In the process of puddling difficulty had been experienced in handling the bloom or ball after it was formed in the furnace. A sort of squeezing apparatus, or tongs, called the alligator, had been employed.

In the process of puddling, it was difficult to handle the bloom or ball once it was formed in the furnace. A type of squeezing device, or tongs, known as the alligator had been used.

In 1840 Henry Burden of America invented and patented a method and means for treating these balls, whereby the same were taken directly from the furnace and passed between two plain converging metal surfaces, by which the balls were gradually but quickly pressed and squeezed into a cylindrical form, while a large portion of the cinders and other foreign impurities were pressed out.

In 1840, Henry Burden from America invented and patented a method for treating these balls. The balls were taken straight from the furnace and passed between two flat, converging metal surfaces. This process gradually but quickly pressed and squeezed the balls into a cylindrical shape, while a significant amount of cinders and other foreign impurities were pushed out.

We have described how by Cort’s puddling process tremendous labour was imposed on the workmen in stirring the molten metal by hand with “rabbles.” A number of mechanical puddlers were invented to take the place of these hand means, but the most important invention in this direction was the revolving puddlers of Beadlestone, patented in 1857 in England, and of Heaton, Allen and Yates, in 1867-68. The most successful, however, was that of Danks of the United States in 1868-69. The Danks rotary puddler is a barrel-shaped, refractory lined vessel, having a chamber and fire grate and rotated by steam, into which pig iron formed by the ordinary blast furnaces, and then pulverised, is[Pg 232] placed, with the fuel. Molten metal from the furnace is then run in, which together with the fuel is then subjected to a strong blast. Successive charges may be made, and at the proper time the puddler is rotated, slowly at some stages and faster at others, until the operation is completed. A much more thorough and satisfactory result in the production of a pure malleable iron is thus obtained than is possible by hand puddling.

We’ve explained how Cort’s puddling process required a lot of manual labor from workers, who had to stir molten metal by hand using “rabbles.” Several mechanical puddlers were invented to replace these manual methods, but the biggest innovation was Beadlestone’s revolving puddlers, patented in England in 1857, and those by Heaton, Allen, and Yates in 1867-68. However, the most effective design was created by Danks in the United States in 1868-69. The Danks rotary pudder is a barrel-shaped vessel lined with heat-resistant material, featuring a chamber and a fire grate, and it’s rotated using steam. In this setup, pig iron produced by regular blast furnaces is first pulverized and then placed in the vessel along with the fuel. Molten metal from the furnace is then added, and the mixture is subjected to a strong blast. Subsequent charges can be made, and at the right moments, the pudder rotates slowly at some stages and faster at others until the process is finished. This results in a much more thorough and satisfactory production of pure malleable iron compared to hand puddling.

But the greatest improvements in puddling, and in the production of steel from iron, and which have produced greater commercial results than any other inventions of the century relating to metallurgy, were the inventions of Henry Bessemer of Hertfordshire, England, from 1855 to 1860. In place of the puddling “rabbles” to stir the molten metal, or matte, as it is called, while the air blast enters to oxidise it, he first introduced the molten metal from the furnace into an immense egg-shaped vessel lined with quartzose, and hung in an inclined position on trunnions, or melted the metal in such vessel, and then dividing the air blast into streams forced with great pressure each separate stream through an opening in the bottom of the vessel into the molten mass, thus making each stream of driven air a rabble; and they together blew and lifted the white mass into a huge, surging, sun-bright fountain. The effect of this was to burn out the impurities, silicon, carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus, leaving the mass a pure soft iron. If steel was wanted a small amount of carbon, usually in the form of spiegeleisen, was introduced into the converter before the process was complete.

But the biggest advancements in puddling and producing steel from iron, which have led to greater commercial results than any other metallurgy inventions of the century, were made by Henry Bessemer from Hertfordshire, England, between 1855 and 1860. Instead of using the puddling “rabbles” to stir the molten metal, or matte, while air is blasted in to oxidize it, he first poured the molten metal from the furnace into a large egg-shaped vessel lined with quartz, positioned at an angle on trunnions. He either melted the metal in that vessel or introduced the air blast in separate streams, forcing each stream through an opening in the bottom of the vessel into the molten mass, effectively turning each stream of air into a rabble. Together, they blew and lifted the molten mass into a huge, surging, bright fountain. This process burned away impurities like silicon, carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus, resulting in pure soft iron. If steel was needed, a small amount of carbon, usually in the form of spiegeleisen, was added to the converter before the process was fully finished.

A. L. Holley of the United States improved the Bessemer apparatus by enabling a greater number of[Pg 233] charges to be converted into steel within a given time.

A. L. Holley from the United States enhanced the Bessemer apparatus, allowing more [Pg 233] charges to be turned into steel in a specific timeframe.

Sir Henry Bessemer has lived to gain great fortunes by his inventions, to see them afford new fields of labour for armies of men, and to increase the riches of nations, from whom he has received deserved honours.

Sir Henry Bessemer has lived to earn great wealth through his inventions, to see them create new job opportunities for many people, and to boost the wealth of nations, from which he has received well-deserved honors.

The Bessemer process led to renewed investigations and discoveries as to heat and its utilisation, the constituents of different metals and their decomposition, and as to the parts played by carbon, silicon, and phosphorus. The carbon introduced by the charge of pig iron in the Bessemer process was at first supposed to be necessary to produce the greatest heat, but this was found to be a mistake; and phosphorus, which had been regarded as a great enemy of iron, to be eliminated in every way, was found to be a valuable constituent, and was retained or added to make phosphorus steel.

The Bessemer process sparked renewed research and discoveries about heat and how to use it, the properties of different metals and their breakdown, and the roles of carbon, silicon, and phosphorus. Initially, it was believed that the carbon from the pig iron in the Bessemer process was essential for generating the highest heat, but this turned out to be incorrect. Phosphorus, which was thought to be a significant enemy of iron and needed to be removed at all costs, was actually found to be a valuable component and was kept or added to produce phosphorus steel.

The Bessemer process has been modified in various ways: by changing the mode of introducing the blast from the bottom of the converter to the sides thereof, and admitting the blast more slowly at certain stages; by changing the character of the pig iron and fuel to be treated; and by changing the shape and operation of the converters, making them cylindrical and rotary, for instance.

The Bessemer process has been changed in several ways: by altering how the blast is introduced from the bottom of the converter to the sides, and by allowing the blast to come in more slowly at certain stages; by modifying the type of pig iron and fuel used; and by redesigning the converters to be cylindrical and rotary, for example.

The Bessemer process is now largely used in treating copper. By this method the blowing through the molten metal of a blast of air largely removes sulphur and other impurities.

The Bessemer process is now mainly used for processing copper. With this method, blowing a blast of air through the molten metal effectively removes sulfur and other impurities.

The principles of reduction by the old style furnaces and methods we have described have been revived and combined with improvements. For instance, the old Catalan style of furnace has been re[Pg 234]tained to smelt the iron, but in one method the iron is withdrawn before it is reduced completely and introduced into another furnace, where, mixed with further reducing ingredients, a better result by far is produced with less labour.

The principles of reduction from the traditional furnaces and methods we've discussed have been updated and combined with new improvements. For example, the old Catalan-style furnace has been retained to smelt the iron, but in one approach, the iron is taken out before it's fully reduced and put into another furnace, where, combined with additional reducing materials, a much better result is achieved with less effort.

It would be a long list that would name the modern discoverers and inventors of the century in the manufacture of iron and steel. But eminent in the list, in addition to Davy and Bessemer, and others already mentioned, are Mushet, Sir L. Bell, Percy, Blomfield, Beasley, Giers and Snellus of England; Martin, Chennot, Du Motay, Pernot and Gruner of France; Lohage, Dr. C. L. Siemens and Höpfer of Germany; Prof Sarnstrom and Akerman of Sweden; Turner of Austria; and Holley, Slade, Blair, Jones, Sellers, Clapp, Griffiths and Eames of the United States.

It would be a long list to name the modern discoverers and inventors of the century in iron and steel manufacturing. But prominent on the list, alongside Davy and Bessemer, and others already mentioned, are Mushet, Sir L. Bell, Percy, Blomfield, Beasley, Giers, and Snellus from England; Martin, Chennot, Du Motay, Pernot, and Gruner from France; Lohage, Dr. C. L. Siemens, and Höpfer from Germany; Prof Sarnstrom and Akerman from Sweden; Turner from Austria; and Holley, Slade, Blair, Jones, Sellers, Clapp, Griffiths, and Eames from the United States.

Some of the new metals discovered in the last century have in this century been combined with iron to make harder steel. Thus we have nickel, chromium, and tungsten steel. Processes for hardening steel, as the “Harveyized” steel, have given rise to a contest between “irresistible” projectiles and “impenetrable” armour plate.

Some of the new metals found in the last hundred years have been mixed with iron in this century to create tougher steel. This includes nickel, chromium, and tungsten steel. Methods for hardening steel, like the “Harveyized” steel, have sparked a competition between “irresistible” projectiles and “impenetrable” armor plate.

If there are some who regard modern discoveries and inventions in iron and steel as lessening the number of workmen and cheapening the product too much, thus causing trouble due to labour-saving machinery, let them glance, among other great works in the world, at Krupp’s at Essen, where on January 1st, 1899, 41,750 persons were employed, and at which works during the previous year 1,199,610 tons of coal and coke were consumed, or about 4000 tons daily. Workers in iron will not be out of employment in the United States, where 16,000,000 tons of[Pg 235] coke are produced annually, 196,405,953 tons of coal mined, 11,000,000 tons of pig iron and about 9,000,000 tons of steel made. The increase of population within the last hundred years bears no comparison with this enormous increase in iron and fuel. It shows that as inventions multiply, so does the demand for their better and cheaper products increase.

If some people think that modern discoveries and inventions in iron and steel are reducing the number of workers and making products too cheap, leading to problems from labor-saving machinery, they should take a look at Krupp’s in Essen. On January 1st, 1899, they employed 41,750 people, and the year before, they consumed 1,199,610 tons of coal and coke, which is about 4,000 tons every day. Workers in iron won't be out of jobs in the United States, where 16,000,000 tons of coke are produced each year, along with 196,405,953 tons of coal mined, 11,000,000 tons of pig iron, and about 9,000,000 tons of steel manufactured. The population growth in the last hundred years can't compare to this massive increase in iron and fuel. It shows that as inventions grow, so does the demand for their improved and cheaper products.

As the other metals, gold, silver, copper and lead often occur together, and in the same deposits with iron, the same general modes of treatment to extract them are often applied. These are known as the dry and the wet methods, and electro-reduction.

As with other metals, gold, silver, copper, and lead often appear together in the same deposits as iron, so the same general methods for extraction are typically used. These methods are called dry and wet methods, as well as electro-reduction.

Ever since Mammon bowed his head in search for gold, every means that the mind of man could suggest to obtain it have been tried, but the devices of this century have been more numerous and more successful than any before. The ancient methods of simply melting and “skimming the bullion dross” have been superseded. Modern methods may be divided into two general classes, the mechanical and the chemical. Of the former methods, when gold was found loose in sand or gravel, washing was the earliest and most universally practised, and was called panning. In this method mercury is often used to take up and secure the fine gold. Rockers like a child’s cradle, into which the dirt is shovelled and washed over retaining riffles, were used; coarse-haired blankets and hides; sluices and separators, with or without quicksilver linings to catch the gold; and powerful streams of water worked by compressed air to tear down the banks. Where water could not be obtained the ore and soil were pulverised and dried, and then thrown against the wind or a blast of air, and the heavier gold, falling before the lighter dust, was caught on hides or blankets. For[Pg 236] the crushing of the quartz in which gold was found, innumerable inventions in stamp mills, rollers, crushers, abraders, pulverisers and amalgamators have been invented; and so with roasters, and furnaces, and crucibles to melt the precious metal, separate the remaining impurities and convert it to use.

Ever since Mammon lowered his head in pursuit of gold, every method that human ingenuity could think of to acquire it has been attempted, but the techniques of this century have been more abundant and more effective than any before. The old methods of simply melting and “skimming the bullion dross” have been replaced. Modern techniques can be categorized into two main types: mechanical and chemical. Among the mechanical methods, when gold was discovered loose in sand or gravel, washing became the earliest and most widely practiced technique, known as panning. In this process, mercury is often used to capture and secure fine gold. Rockers, resembling a child's cradle, were used to shovel in dirt and wash it over retaining riffles; coarse-haired blankets and hides; sluices and separators, with or without quicksilver linings to catch the gold; and powerful streams of water driven by compressed air to wash down the banks. Where water was unavailable, the ore and dirt were crushed and dried, then blown against the wind or a blast of air, allowing the heavier gold to fall ahead of the lighter dust, which was collected on hides or blankets. For[Pg 236] the crushing of the quartz containing gold, countless inventions for stamp mills, rollers, crushers, abraders, pulverizers, and amalgamators have been created; likewise for roasters, furnaces, and crucibles to melt the precious metal, separate the remaining impurities, and make it usable.

As to chemical methods for the precious metals, the process of lixiviation, or leaching, by which the ore is washed out by a solution of potash, or with dilute sulphuric acid, or boiling with concentrated sulphuric acid, is quite modern. About 1889 came out the great cyanide process, also known as the MacArthur-Forrest process (they being the first to obtain patents and introduce the invention), consisting of the use of cyanide potassium in solution, which dissolves the gold, and which is then precipitated by the employment of zinc. This process is best adapted to what are known as free milling or porous ores, where the gold is free and very fine and is attracted readily by mercury.

Regarding chemical methods for extracting precious metals, the process of lixiviation, or leaching, where ore is washed out using a solution of potash, dilute sulfuric acid, or boiling concentrated sulfuric acid, is quite modern. Around 1889, the significant cyanide process, also called the MacArthur-Forrest process (as they were the first to secure patents and introduce the invention), emerged. This method involves using potassium cyanide in solution to dissolve the gold, which is then extracted using zinc. This process is most effective for what are known as free milling or porous ores, where the gold is free, very fine, and easily attracted by mercury.

In 1807, Sir Humphry Davy discovered the metal potassium by subjecting moistened potash to the action of a powerful voltaic battery; the positive pole gave off oxygen and the metallic globules of pure potassium appeared at the negative pole. It is never found uncombined in nature. Now if potassium is heated in cyanogen gas (a gas procured by heating mercury) or obtained on a large scale by the decomposition of yellow prussiate of potash, a white crystalline body very soluble in water, and exceedingly poisonous, is obtained. When gold, for instance, obtained by pulverising the ore, or found free in sand, is treated to such a solution it is dissolved from its surrounding constituents and precipitated by the zinc, as before stated.[Pg 237]

In 1807, Sir Humphry Davy discovered the metal potassium by exposing moistened potash to the power of a strong voltaic battery; the positive pole released oxygen, and metallic droplets of pure potassium appeared at the negative pole. It is never found in its uncombined form in nature. Now, if potassium is heated in cyanogen gas (a gas produced by heating mercury) or produced on a large scale by breaking down yellow prussiate of potash, a white crystalline substance that is very soluble in water and extremely poisonous is created. When gold, for example, is obtained by crushing the ore or found freely in sand, it is treated with such a solution, causing it to dissolve from its surrounding materials and be precipitated by zinc, as mentioned earlier.[Pg 237]

Chlorine is another metal discovered by Scheele in 1774, but not known as an elementary element until so established by Davy’s investigations in 1810, when he gave it the name it now bears, from the Greek chloras, yellowish green. It is found abundantly in the mineral world in combination with common salt. Now it was found that chlorine is one of the most energetic of bodies, surpassing even oxygen under some circumstances, and that a chlorine solution will readily dissolve gold.

Chlorine is another element discovered by Scheele in 1774, but it wasn't recognized as a basic element until Davy's research in 1810, when he named it after the Greek word chloras, meaning yellowish green. It is plentiful in nature, often in combination with common salt. It turned out that chlorine is one of the most reactive substances, even more so than oxygen in certain situations, and a chlorine solution can easily dissolve gold.

These, the cyanide and chlorination processes, have almost entirely superseded the old washing and amalgamating methods of treating free gold—and the cyanide seems to be now taking the lead.

These, the cyanide and chlorination processes, have almost completely replaced the old washing and amalgamating methods for treating free gold—and cyanide now seems to be in the forefront.

Alloys.—The art of fusing different metals to make new compounds, although always practised, has been greatly advanced by the discoverers and inventors of the century. As we have seen, amalgamating to extract gold and silver, and the making of bronze from tin and copper were very early followed. One of the most notable and useful of modern inventions or improvements of the kind was that of Isaac Babbitt of Boston in 1839, who in that year obtained patents for what ever since has been known as “babbitting.” The great and undesirable friction produced by the rubbing of the ends of journals and shafts in their bearings of the same metal, cast or wrought iron, amounting to one-fifth of the amount of power exerted to turn them, had long been experienced. Lubricants of all kinds had been and are used; but Babbitt’s invention was an anti-friction metal. It is composed of tin, antimony, and copper, and although the proportions and ingredients have since been varied, the whole art is still known as babbitting.[Pg 238]

Alloys.—The practice of combining different metals to create new compounds has been around for a long time, but it has really evolved thanks to the innovators of this century. As we’ve seen, methods like combining metals to extract gold and silver, and creating bronze from tin and copper, were some of the earliest practices. One of the most significant and beneficial modern inventions in this area was made by Isaac Babbitt of Boston in 1839, who that year secured patents for what has since been called “babbitting.” The considerable and unwanted friction caused by the ends of journals and shafts rubbing against bearings made from the same metal—either cast or wrought iron—was a long-standing issue, consuming about one-fifth of the power needed to turn them. Various lubricants had been and still are used; however, Babbitt’s creation was an anti-friction metal. It’s made from tin, antimony, and copper, and while the proportions and materials have been adjusted since then, the entire process is still referred to as babbitting.[Pg 238]

Other successful alloys have been made for gun metal, sheathing of ships, horseshoes, organ pipes, plough shares, roofing, eyelets, projectiles, faucets, and many and various articles of hardware, ornamental ware, and jewelry.

Other successful alloys have been created for gunmetal, ship sheathing, horseshoes, organ pipes, plowshares, roofing, eyelets, projectiles, faucets, and many different types of hardware, decorative items, and jewelry.

Valuable metals, such as were not always rare or scarce, but very hard to reduce, have been rendered far less in cost of production and more extensive in use by modern processes. Thus, aluminium, an abundant element in rocks and clay, discovered by the German chemist Wöhler, in 1827, a precious metal, so light, bright, and tough, non-oxidizing, harder than zinc, more sonorous than silver, malleable and ductile as iron, and more tenacious, has been brought to the front from an expensive and mere laboratory production to common and useful purposes in all the arts by the processes commencing in 1854 with that of St. Clair Deoville, of France, followed by those of H. Rose, Morin, Castner, Tissier, Hall, and others.

Valuable metals, which were not always rare or hard to find but were difficult to produce, have become much cheaper to produce and more widely used due to modern techniques. Aluminum, an abundant element found in rocks and clay, was discovered by German chemist Wöhler in 1827. It is a precious metal that is light, shiny, tough, non-oxidizing, harder than zinc, more resonant than silver, and as malleable and ductile as iron, while being even stronger. It has transitioned from an expensive lab-only product to a commonly used material in various industries, thanks to processes that began in 1854 with St. Clair Deville in France and were later improved upon by H. Rose, Morin, Castner, Tissier, Hall, and others.

Electro-metallurgy, so far, has chiefly to do with the decomposition of metals by the electric current, and the production of very high temperatures for furnaces, by which the most refractory ores, metals, and other substances may be melted, and results produced not obtainable in any other way. By placing certain mixtures of carbon and sand, or of carbon and clay, between the terminals of a powerful current, a material resembling diamonds, but harder, has been produced. It has been named carbonundrum. The production of diamonds themselves is looked for. Steel wire is now tempered and annealed by electricity, as well as welding done, of which mention further on will be made.

Electro-metallurgy primarily involves breaking down metals using electric currents and generating extremely high temperatures in furnaces. This allows the melting of the toughest ores, metals, and other materials, creating results that can't be achieved otherwise. By placing specific mixtures of carbon and sand or carbon and clay between the terminals of a powerful current, a material that resembles diamonds but is even harder has been created. It's called carbonundrum. There are also expectations for the production of actual diamonds. Nowadays, steel wire can be tempered and annealed using electricity, and welding is also done using this method, which will be discussed further on.

Thus we have seen how the birth of ideas of for[Pg 239]mer generations has given rise in the present age to children of a larger growth. Arts have grown only as machinery for the accomplishment of their objects has developed, and machinery has waited on the development of the metals composing it. The civilisation of to-day would not have been possible if the successors of Tubal Cain had not been like him, instructors “of every artificer in brass and iron.”

Thus we have seen how the ideas born from past generations have led to the emergence of more advanced children in today's world. Arts have only advanced as the machinery needed to achieve their goals has evolved, and this machinery has relied on the development of the metals used to create it. Today's civilization would not have been possible if the successors of Tubal Cain had not been, like him, teachers “of every craftsman in brass and iron.”



We referred in the last chapter to the fact that metal when it came from the melting and puddling furnace was formerly rolled into sheets; but, when the manufacturers and consumers got these sheets then came the severe, laborious work by hand of cutting, hammering, boring, shaping and fitting the parts for use and securing them in place.

We mentioned in the last chapter that metal, once it was taken from the melting and puddling furnace, was rolled into sheets. However, when manufacturers and consumers received these sheets, they then faced the tough and laborious task of cutting, hammering, boring, shaping, and fitting the parts for use and securing them in place.

It is one of the glories of this century that metal-working tools and machinery have been invented that take the metal from its inception, mould and adapt it to man’s will in every situation with an infinite saving of time and labour, and with a perfection and uniformity of operation entirely impossible by hand.

It’s one of the great achievements of this century that metalworking tools and machinery have been developed to take raw metal, shape it, and adapt it to human needs in any situation, saving an incredible amount of time and effort, while achieving a level of perfection and consistency that is impossible to achieve by hand.

Although the tools for boring holes in wood, such as the gimlet, auger, and the lathe to hold, turn and guide the article to be operated on by the tool, are common in some respects with those for drilling and turning metal, yet, the adaptation to use with metal constitutes a class of metal-working appliances distinct in themselves, and with some exceptions not interchangeable with wood-working utensils. The metal-working tools and machines forming the subject of this chapter are not those which from time immemorial have been used to pierce, hammer, cut, and shape metals, directed by the eye and hand of man,[Pg 241] but rather those invented to take the place of the hand and eye and be operated by other powers.

Although tools for drilling holes in wood, like the gimlet, auger, and lathe used to hold, turn, and guide the material being worked on, share some similarities with those for drilling and turning metal, the tools designed for metal work create a separate category of equipment. Most of these aren't interchangeable with wood-working tools. The metal-working tools and machines discussed in this chapter aren't the traditional tools that have been used for ages to pierce, hammer, cut, and shape metals under the direction of human hands and eyes, but rather those created to replace manual efforts and be operated by different power sources.[Pg 241]

It needs other than manual power to subdue the metals to the present wants of man, and until those modern motor powers, such as steam, compressed air, gas and electricity, and modern hydraulic machinery, were developed, automatic machine tools to any extent were not invented. So, too, the tools that are designed to operate on hard metal should themselves be of the best metal, and until modern inventors rediscovered the art of making cast steel such tools were not obtainable. The monuments and records of ancient and departed races show that it was known by them how to bore holes in wood, stone and glass by some sharp instruments turned by hand, or it may be by leather cords, as a top is turned.

It requires more than just manual labor to shape metals to meet today’s needs, and it wasn’t until modern power sources like steam, compressed air, gas, electricity, and advanced hydraulic machinery were developed that automatic machine tools were invented to any significant degree. Similarly, tools designed to work on hard metals need to be made from high-quality metal themselves, and it wasn’t until modern inventors rediscovered how to make cast steel that such tools became available. The monuments and records of ancient civilizations show that they knew how to bore holes in wood, stone, and glass using sharp instruments that were turned by hand, or perhaps by leather cords similar to how a top is spun.

The lathe, a machine to hold an object, and at the same time revolve it while it is formed by the hand, or cut by a tool, is as old as the art of pottery, and is illustrated in the oldest Egyptian monuments, in which the god Ptah is shown in the act of moulding man upon the throwing wheel. It is a device as necessary to the industrial growth of man as the axe or the spade. Its use by the Egyptians appears to have been confined to pottery, but the ancient Greeks, Chinese, Africans, and Hindoos used lathes, for wood working in which the work was suspended on horizontal supports, and adapted to be rotated by means of a rope and treadle and a spring bar, impelled by the operator as he held the cutting tool on the object. Joseph Holtzapffel in his learned work on Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, gives a list of old publications describing lathes for turning both wood and metal. Among these is Hartman Schapper’s book published at Frankfort, in[Pg 242] 1548. A lathe on which was formed wood screws is described in a work of Jacques Besson, published at Lyons, France, in 1582.

The lathe is a machine that holds an object and simultaneously spins it while it's shaped by hand or cut by a tool. It dates back as far as pottery does and is depicted in some of the oldest Egyptian monuments, where the god Ptah is shown creating man on a potter's wheel. It is as essential to human industrial development as the axe or the spade. The Egyptians seemed to use it mainly for pottery, but ancient Greeks, Chinese, Africans, and Indians also utilized lathes for woodworking, where the workpiece was suspended on horizontal supports and rotated using a rope and foot pedal, assisted by a spring bar, while the operator held the cutting tool against the piece. Joseph Holtzapffel, in his scholarly work Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, provides a list of historical publications describing lathes for both wood and metal. Among these is Hartman Schapper’s book, published in Frankfort in [Pg 242] 1548. A lathe used for making wood screws is detailed in Jacques Besson's work, published in Lyons, France, in 1582.

It is stated that there is on exhibition in the Abbott museum of the Historical Society, New York, a bronze drinking vessel, five inches in diameter, that was exhumed from an ancient tomb in Thebes, and which bears evidence of having been turned on a lathe. It is thought by those skilled in the art that it was not possible to have constructed the works of metal in Solomon’s Temple without a turning lathe. One of the earliest published descriptions of a metal turning lathe in its leading features is that found in a book published in London, in 1677-83, by Joseph Moxon, “hydographer” to King Charles II., entitled, Mechanical Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy Works. He therein also described a machine for planing metal. Although there is some evidence that these inventions of the learned gentleman were made and put to some use, yet they were soon forgotten and were not revived until a century later, when, as before intimated, the steam engine had been invented and furnished the power for working them.

It’s mentioned that there’s a bronze drinking vessel, five inches in diameter, on display in the Abbott Museum of the Historical Society in New York. This vessel was discovered in an ancient tomb in Thebes and shows signs of having been made on a lathe. Experts believe it wouldn’t have been possible to create the metalwork in Solomon’s Temple without a turning lathe. One of the earliest known descriptions of a metal turning lathe can be found in a book published in London between 1677 and 1683 by Joseph Moxon, the “hydographer” to King Charles II, titled Mechanical Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy Works. In it, he also described a machine for planing metal. While there’s some evidence that these inventions by this learned gentleman were created and used to some extent, they were quickly forgotten and didn’t resurface until a century later, when the steam engine was invented and provided the power to operate them.

Wood-working implements in which the cutting tool was carried by a sliding block were described in the English patents of General Sir Samuel Bentham and Joseph Bramah, in 1793-94. But until this century, and fairly within its borders, man was content generally to use the metal lathe simply as a holding and turning support, while he with such skill and strength as he could command, and with an expenditure of time, labour and patience truly marvellous, held and guided with his hands the cutting tool with which the required form was made upon[Pg 243] or from the slowly turning object before him. The contrivance which was to take the place of the hand and eye of man in holding, applying, directing and impelling a cutting tool to the surface of the metal work was the slide-rest. In its modern successful automatic form Henry Maudsley, an engineer in London, is claimed to be the first inventor, in the early part of the century. The leading feature of his form of this device consists of an iron block which constitutes the rest, cut with grooves so as to adapt it to slide upon its iron supports, means to secure the cutting tool solidly to this block, and two screw handles, one to adjust the tool towards and against the object to be cut in the lathe, and the other to slide the rest and tool lengthwise as the work progresses, which latter motion may be given by the hand, or effected automatically by a connection of the screw handle of the slide and the rotating object on the lathe.

Woodworking tools that used a sliding block to hold the cutting tool were described in English patents by General Sir Samuel Bentham and Joseph Bramah in 1793-94. However, until this century—and even well into it—people generally used the metal lathe just as a support for holding and turning, while they applied their skill, strength, and an astonishing amount of time, effort, and patience to guide the cutting tool by hand to create the desired shape on [Pg 243] or from the slowly rotating object in front of them. The invention that was meant to replace the hand and eye of the craftsman in holding, controlling, and moving a cutting tool against the metal work was the slide-rest. In its modern, successful automatic form, Henry Maudsley, an engineer in London, is credited as the first inventor in the early part of the century. The key feature of his design includes an iron block that serves as the rest, shaped with grooves to slide on its iron supports, a means to securely attach the cutting tool to this block, and two screw handles: one to adjust the tool toward or against the object being cut in the lathe and the other to slide the rest and tool lengthwise as the work progresses. The latter motion can be controlled manually or automatically through a connection between the screw handle of the slide and the rotating object on the lathe.

A vast variety of inventions and operations have been effected by changes in these main features. Of the value of this invention, Nasmyth, a devoted pupil of Maudsley and himself an eminent engineer and inventor, thus writes:—“It was this holding of a tool by means of an iron hand, and constraining it to move along the surface of the work in so certain a manner, and with such definite and precise motion, which formed the great era in the history of mechanics, inasmuch as we thenceforward became possessed, by its means, of the power of operating alike on the most ponderous or delicate pieces of machinery with a degree of minute precision, of which language cannot convey an adequate idea; and in many cases we have, through its agency, equal facility in carrying on the most perfect workmanship in the interior[Pg 244] parts of certain machines where neither the hand nor the eye can reach, and nevertheless we can give to these parts their required form with a degree of accuracy as if we had the power of transforming our-selves into pigmy workmen, and so apply our labour to the innermost holes and corners of our machinery.”

A wide range of inventions and processes has come about because of changes in these key features. About the significance of this invention, Nasmyth, a dedicated student of Maudsley and himself a distinguished engineer and inventor, wrote:—“It was this way of holding a tool with an iron hand and directing it to move along the surface of the work so precisely and steadily that marked a major turning point in the history of mechanics, since it allowed us to operate on both heavy and delicate pieces of machinery with a level of precision that words can't fully capture. In many cases, we can achieve excellent craftsmanship in the internal parts of certain machines, where neither hand nor eye can reach, and yet we can shape these parts with a degree of accuracy as if we could shrink ourselves down to tiny workmen and directly apply our effort to the innermost holes and corners of our machinery.”

The scope of the lathe, slide-rest and operating tool, by its adaptation to cut out from a vast roll of steel a ponderous gun, or by a change in the size of parts to operate in cutting or drilling the most delicate portions of that most delicate of all mechanisms, a watch, reminds one of that other marvel of mechanical adaptation, the steam hammer, which makes the earth tremble with its mighty blows upon a heated mass of iron, or lightly taps and cracks the soft-shelled nut without the slightest touch of violence upon its enclosed and fragile fruit.

The versatility of the lathe, slide-rest, and cutting tool allows it to shape a massive piece of steel into a heavy gun, or shift to work on the tiniest parts of a watch, which is one of the most intricate mechanisms. This is similar to the steam hammer, which can shake the ground with its powerful strikes on a hot iron block, yet also gently taps and cracks open a soft-shelled nut without harming the delicate fruit inside.

The adaptation of the lathe and slide to wood-working tools will be referred to in the chapter relating to wood-working.

The adaptation of the lathe and slide to woodworking tools will be discussed in the chapter about woodworking.

Following the invention of the lathe and the slide-rest, came the metal-planing machines. It is stated in Buchanan’s Practical Essays, published in 1841, that a French engineer in 1751, in constructing the Marly Water Works on the Seine in France, employed a machine for planing out the wrought iron pump-barrels used in that work, and this is thought to be the first instance in which iron was reduced to a plane surface without chipping or filing. But it needed the invention of the slide-rest and its application to metal-turning lathes to suggest and render successful metal-planing machines. These were supplied in England from 1811 to 1840 by the genius of Bramah, Clement, Fox, Roberts, Rennie, Whitworth, Fletcher, and a few others. When it is considered how many[Pg 245] different forms are essential to the completion of metal machines of every description, the usefulness of machinery that will produce them with the greatest accuracy and despatch can be imagined. The many modifications of the planing machine have names that indicate to the workman the purpose for which they are adapted—as the jack, a small portable machine, quick and handy; the jim crow, a machine for planing both ways by reversal of the movement of the bed, and it gets its name because it can “wheel about and turn about and do just so”; the key groove machine, the milling machine with a serrated-faced cutter bar, shaping machine and shaping bar, slotting machine, crank planer, screw cutting, car-wheel turning, bolt and nut screwing, etc.

Following the invention of the lathe and the slide-rest, metal-planing machines emerged. In Buchanan’s *Practical Essays*, published in 1841, it is noted that a French engineer, in 1751, used a machine to plane the wrought iron pump-barrels for the Marly Water Works on the Seine in France. This is believed to be the first time iron was smoothed to a flat surface without chipping or filing. However, it took the invention of the slide-rest and its integration into metal-turning lathes to inspire and enable successful metal-planing machines. From 1811 to 1840, these machines were produced in England by innovators like Bramah, Clement, Fox, Roberts, Rennie, Whitworth, Fletcher, and a few others. Considering the many different forms required to complete metal machines of all kinds, one can appreciate the value of machinery that can produce them with high accuracy and speed. The various modifications of the planing machine have names that inform the worker of their specific purposes—such as the *jack*, a small portable and efficient machine; the *jim crow*, a machine that planes in both directions by reversing the movement of the bed, named for its ability to “wheel about and turn about and do just so”; the key groove machine, the milling machine with a serrated cutter bar, shaping machine and shaping bar, slotting machine, crank planer, screw cutting, car-wheel turning, bolt and nut screwing, and more.

As to the mutual evolution and important results of these combined inventions, the slide-rest and the planer, we again quote Nasmyth:—

As for the shared development and significant outcomes of these combined inventions, the slide rest and the planer, we once more引用 Nasmyth:—

“The first planing machine enabled us to produce the second still better, and that a better still, and then slide rests of the most perfect kind came streaming forth from them, and they again assisted in making better still, so that in a very short time a most important branch of engineering business, namely, tool-making, arose, which had its existence not merely owing to the pre-existing demand for such tools, but in fact raised a demand of its own creating. One has only to go into any of these vast establishments which have sprung up in the last thirty years to find that nine-tenths of all the fine mechanisms in use and in process of production are through the agency, more or less direct, of the slide rest and planing machine.”

“The first planing machine allowed us to make the second one even better, and then another improved version, and soon perfect slide rests were being produced from them. They helped us create even better tools, leading to the rapid development of an important area of engineering: tool-making. This didn't just happen because there was a demand for such tools; it actually created its own demand. If you walk into any of the large factories that have emerged in the last thirty years, you'll see that nine-tenths of all the high-quality mechanisms currently in use or in production are made possible, directly or indirectly, by the slide rest and planing machine.”

Springing out of these inventions, as from a fruitful soil, came the metal-boring machines, one[Pg 246] class for turning the outside of cylinders to make them true, and another class for boring and drilling holes through solid metal plates. The principle of the lathe was applied to those machines in which the shaft carrying the cutting or boring tool was held either in a vertical or in a horizontal position.

Springing from these inventions, like a rich soil, came the metal-boring machines: one type for shaping the outside of cylinders to perfection, and another for drilling holes through solid metal plates. The basic idea of the lathe was used in those machines where the shaft holding the cutting or boring tool was positioned either vertically or horizontally.

Now flowed forth, as from some Vulcan’s titanic workshop, machines for making bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, chains, staples, car wheels, shafts, etc., and other machines for applying them to the objects with which they were to be used.

Now came forth, like from some giant workshop of Vulcan, machines for making bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, chains, staples, car wheels, shafts, and other machines for attaching them to the items they were meant to be used with.

The progress of screw-making had been such that in 1840, by the machines then in use for cutting, slotting, shaving, threading, and heading, twenty men and boys were enabled to manufacture 20,000 screws in a day. Thirty-five years later two girls tending two machines were enabled to manufacture 240,000 screws a day. Since then the process has proceeded at even a greater rate. So great is the consumption of screws that it would be utterly impossible to supply the demand by the processes in vogue sixty years ago.

The advancement in screw-making was so significant that in 1840, with the machines available at the time for cutting, slotting, shaving, threading, and heading, twenty men and boys could produce 20,000 screws in a day. Thirty-five years later, two girls operating two machines were able to produce 240,000 screws each day. Since then, the process has accelerated even more. The demand for screws is so high that it's completely unfeasible to meet the current needs with the methods used sixty years ago.

In England’s first great International Fair, in 1851, a new world of metallurgical products, implements, processes, and metal-working tools, were among the grand results of the half century’s inventions which were exhibited to the assembled nations. The leading exhibitor in the line of self-acting lathes, planing, slotting, drilling and boring machines was J. Whitworth & Co., of Manchester, England. Here were for the first time revealed in a compact form those machines which shaped metal as wood alone had been previously shaped. But another quarter of a century brought still grander results, which were displayed at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, in 1876.[Pg 247]

In England's first major International Fair in 1851, a new world of metal products, tools, processes, and metalworking equipment were showcased as impressive outcomes of fifty years of innovation presented to the nations gathered there. The standout exhibitor in self-operating lathes, planing, slotting, drilling, and boring machines was J. Whitworth & Co. from Manchester, England. For the first time, these machines that shaped metal as easily as wood had previously been formed were displayed together. However, just twenty-five years later, even more remarkable advancements were shown at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876.[Pg 247]

As J. Whitworth & Co. were the leading exhibitors at London in 1851, so were William Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia, the leading exhibitors in the 1876 exhibition. As showing the progress of the century, the official report, made in this class by citizens of other countries than America, set forth that this exhibit of the latter company, “in extent and value, in extraordinary variety and originality, was probably without parallel in the past history of international exhibitions.” Language seemed to be inadequate to enable the committee to describe satisfactorily the extreme refinement in every detail, the superior quality of material and workmanship, the mathematical accuracy, the beautiful outlines, the perfection in strength and form, and the scientific skill displayed in the remarkable assemblage of this class of machinery at that exhibition.

As J. Whitworth & Co. were the top exhibitors in London in 1851, William Sellers & Co. from Philadelphia held the same title at the 1876 exhibition. Highlighting the progress of the century, the official report from representatives of countries outside of America stated that this exhibit from the latter company, “in terms of size and value, as well as its incredible variety and originality, was probably unmatched in the history of international exhibitions.” The language used seemed insufficient to adequately describe the exceptional refinement in every detail, the superior quality of materials and craftsmanship, the precise accuracy, the beautiful shapes, the strength and form perfection, and the scientific skill showcased in the impressive collection of machinery at that exhibition.

An exhibit on that occasion made by Messrs. Hoopes & Townsend of Philadelphia attracted great attention by the fact that the doctrine of the flow of solid metal, so well expounded by that eminent French scientist, M. Tresca, was therein well illustrated. It consisted of a large collection of bolts and screws which had been cold-punched, as well as of elevator and carrier chains, the links of which had been so punched. This punching of the cold metal without cutting, boring, drilling, hammering, or otherwise shaping the metal, was indeed a revelation.

An exhibit on that occasion created by Messrs. Hoopes & Townsend from Philadelphia grabbed a lot of attention because it effectively illustrated the principle of solid metal flow, as explained by the distinguished French scientist, M. Tresca. It featured a large collection of bolts and screws that had been cold-punched, along with elevator and carrier chains, whose links had also been cold-punched. This process of punching the cold metal without cutting, boring, drilling, hammering, or otherwise shaping it was truly groundbreaking.

So also at this Exhibition was a finer collection of machine-made horseshoes than had ever previously been presented to the world. A better and more intelligent and refined treatment of that noble animal, the horse, and especially in the care of his feet, had sprung up during the last half century, conspicuously advocated by Mr. Fleming in England, and followed[Pg 248] promptly in America and elsewhere. Within the last forty years nearly two hundred patents have been taken out in the United States alone for machines for making horseshoes. Prejudices, jealousies and objections of all kinds were raised at first against the machine-made horseshoe, as well as the horseshoe nail, but the horses have won, and the blacksmiths have been benefited despite their early objections. The smiths make larger incomes in buying and applying the machine-made shoes. The shoes are not only hammered into shape on the machine, but there are machines for stamping them out from metal at a single blow; for compressing several thicknesses of raw hide and moulding them in a steel mould, producing a light, elastic shoe, and without calks; furnishing shoes for defective hoofs, flexible shoes for the relief and cure of contracted or flat feet, shoes formed with a joint at the toe, and light, hard shoes made of aluminium.

At this Exhibition, there was a better collection of machine-made horseshoes than had ever been shown before. In the last fifty years, there’s been a more thoughtful and refined approach to caring for the noble horse, especially regarding their feet, largely promoted by Mr. Fleming in England, and quickly adopted in America and elsewhere. In the past forty years, nearly two hundred patents for machines to make horseshoes have been filed in the United States alone. Initially, there were many prejudices, jealousies, and objections to machine-made horseshoes and horseshoe nails, but horses have prevailed, and blacksmiths have benefited despite their early resistance. Blacksmiths now earn more by purchasing and using machine-made shoes. The shoes aren't just shaped on machines; there are also machines that can stamp them out from metal in one go, compress multiple layers of raw hide to mold them in a steel form, resulting in a light, flexible shoe that doesn’t have calks. These machines also produce shoes for flawed hooves, flexible shoes to help with contracted or flat feet, shoes with joints at the toe, and lightweight, durable shoes made of aluminum.

Tube Making.—Instead of heating strips of metal and welding the edges together, tubes may now be made seamless by rolling the heated metal around a solid heated rod; or by placing a hot ingot in a die and forcing a mandrel through the ingot. And as to tube and metal bending, there are wonderful machines which bend sheets of metal into great tubes, funnels, ship masts and cylinders.

Tube Making.—Instead of heating metal strips and welding the edges together, tubes can now be made seamlessly by rolling heated metal around a solid heated rod or by placing a hot ingot in a die and pushing a mandrel through it. And for bending tubes and metal, there are amazing machines that can bend sheets of metal into large tubes, funnels, ship masts, and cylinders.

Welding.—As to welding—the seams, instead of being hammered, are now formed by melting and condensing the edges, or adjoining parts, by the electric current.

Welding.—When it comes to welding, the seams are now created by melting and fusing the edges or neighboring parts using an electric current, instead of being hammered together.

Annealing and Tempering.—Steel wire and plates are now tempered and annealed by electricity. It is found that they can be heated to a high temperature more quickly and evenly by the electric current[Pg 249] passed through them than by combustion, and the process is much used in making clock and watch springs.

Annealing and Tempering.—Steel wire and plates are now tempered and annealed using electricity. It's been discovered that they can be heated to a high temperature faster and more evenly with the electric current[Pg 249] flowing through them than with combustion, and this method is widely used in manufacturing clock and watch springs.

One way of hardening plates, especially armour plates, by what is called the Harveyized process, is by embedding the face of the plate in carbon, protecting the back and sides with sand, heating to about the melting point of cast iron, and then hardening the face by chilling, or otherwise.

One method for hardening plates, especially armor plates, using the Harveyized process, involves embedding the face of the plate in carbon, protecting the back and sides with sand, heating it to about the melting point of cast iron, and then hardening the face by chilling or other means.

Coating with Metal.—Although covering metal with metal has been practised from the earliest times, accomplished by heating and hammering, it was not until this century that electro-plating, and plating by chemical processes, as by dipping the metal into certain chemical solutions, and by the use of automatic machinery, were adopted. It was in the early part of the century that Volta discovered that in the voltaic battery certain metallic salts were reduced to their elements and deposited at the negative pole; and that Wollaston demonstrated how a silver plate in bath of sulphate of copper through which a current was passed became covered with copper. Then in 1838, Spencer applied these principles in making casts, and Jacobi in Russia shortly after electro-gilded a dome of a cathedral in St. Petersburg. Space will not permit the enumeration of the vast variety of processes and machines for coating and gilding that have since followed.

Coating with Metal.—Although covering metal with metal has been done since ancient times, using techniques like heating and hammering, it wasn't until this century that electroplating and chemical plating, such as dipping metal into specific chemical solutions and using automatic machinery, became common. In the early part of the century, Volta discovered that in a voltaic battery, certain metallic salts were reduced to their elements and deposited at the negative pole. Wollaston then demonstrated that a silver plate submerged in a bath of copper sulfate, while a current was passing through it, became coated with copper. In 1838, Spencer applied these principles to make casts, and shortly after, Jacobi in Russia electro-gilded a dome of a cathedral in St. Petersburg. There isn't enough space to list the wide range of processes and machines for coating and gilding that have emerged since then.

Metal Founding.—The treatment of metal after it flows from the furnaces, or is poured from the crucibles into moulds, by the operations of facing, drying, covering, casting and stripping, has given rise to a multitude of machines and methods for casting a great variety of objects. The most interesting inventions in this class have for their object[Pg 250] the chilling, or chill hardening, of the outer surfaces of articles which are subject to the most and hardest wear, as axle boxes, hammers, anvils, etc., which is effected by exposing the red-hot metal to a blast of cold air, or by introducing a piece of iron into a mould containing the molten metal.

Metal Founding.—The processing of metal after it flows from the furnaces or is poured from the crucibles into molds, through steps like facing, drying, covering, casting, and stripping, has led to numerous machines and methods for producing a wide range of objects. The most fascinating inventions in this area aim[Pg 250] to chill or harden the outer surfaces of items that experience the most intense and abrasive wear, such as axle boxes, hammers, anvils, etc. This is achieved by exposing the red-hot metal to a blast of cold air or by placing a piece of iron into a mold filled with molten metal.

In casting steel ingots, in order to produce a uniform compact structure, Giers of England invented “soaking pits of sand” into which the ingot from the mould is placed and then covered, so that the heat radiating outward re-heats the exterior, and the ingot is then rolled without re-heating.

In casting steel ingots, to create a uniform and compact structure, Giers from England came up with “soaking pits of sand.” The ingot from the mold is placed in these pits and then covered, allowing the heat to radiate outward and re-heat the exterior, so the ingot can then be rolled without needing to be re-heated.

Sheet Metal Ware.—Important improvements have been made in this line. Wonderful machines have been made which, receiving within them a piece of flat metal, will, by a single blow of a plunger in a die, stamp out a metal can or box with tightly closed seams, and all ready for the cover, which is made in another similar machine; or by which an endless chain of cans are carried into a machine and there automatically soldered at their seams; and another which solders the heads on filled cans as fast as they can be fed into the machine.

Sheet Metal Ware.—Significant advancements have been made in this field. Amazing machines have been created that take a flat piece of metal and, with a single press of a plunger in a die, stamp out a metal can or box with tightly sealed seams, ready for the lid, which is produced in another similar machine; or an endless chain of cans is transported into a machine where they are automatically soldered at their seams; and another machine solders the tops onto filled cans as quickly as they can be fed into it.

Metal Personal Ware.—Buckles, clasps, hooks and eyelets, shanked buttons, and similar objects are now stamped up and out, without more manual labour than is necessary to supply the machines with the metal, and to take care of the completed articles.

Metal Personal Ware.—Buckles, clasps, hooks and eyelets, shanked buttons, and similar items are now produced with minimal manual labor, only requiring enough effort to supply the machines with metal and manage the finished products.

Wire Working.—Not only unsightly but useful barbed wire fences, and the most ornamental wire work and netting for many purposes, such as fences, screens, cages, etc., are now made by ingenious machines, and not by hand tools.

Wire Working.—Not only unattractive but also practical, barbed wire fences, along with decorative wirework and netting for various uses like fences, screens, cages, etc., are now produced by clever machines instead of hand tools.

In stepping into some one of the great modern works where varied industries are carried on under[Pg 251] one general management, one cannot help realising the vast difference between old systems and the new. In one portion of the establishment the crude ores are received and smelted and treated, with a small force and with ease, until the polished metal is complete and ready for manipulation in the manufacture of a hundred different objects. In another part ponderous or smaller lathes and planing machines are turning forth many varied forms; in quiet corners the boring, drilling, and riveting machines are doing their work without the clang of hammers; in another, an apparently young student is conducting the scientific operation of coating or gilding metals; in another, girls may be seen with light machines, stamping, or burnishing, or assembling the different parts of finished metal ware; and the motive power of all this is the silent but all-powerful electric current received from the smooth-running dynamo giant who works with vast but unseen energy in a den by himself, not a smoky or a dingy den, but light, clean, polished, and beautiful as the workshop of a god.

In exploring one of the great modern factories where various industries operate under[Pg 251] a single management, it's impossible not to notice the vast difference between old systems and the new. In one area of the facility, raw ores are received, smelted, and processed effortlessly by a small team until the polished metal is ready for use in the production of a hundred different items. In another section, heavy or smaller lathes and planing machines are creating diverse shapes; in quiet corners, boring, drilling, and riveting machines are working without the noise of hammers; in another spot, a seemingly young worker is carrying out the scientific process of coating or gilding metals; and elsewhere, women can be seen using light machines to stamp, burnish, or assemble the various components of finished metal goods. The power behind it all comes from the silent yet immensely powerful electric current generated by a smoothly operating dynamo, working alone in a space that's not smoky or dingy, but light, clean, polished, and beautiful—like a workshop of a god.


Weapons and explosives.

Although the progress in the invention of fire-arms of all descriptions seems slow during the ages preceding the 19th century, yet it will be found on investigation that no art progressed faster. No other art was spurred to activity by such strong incentives, and none received the same encouragement and reward for its development. The art of war was the trade of kings and princes, and princely was the reward to the subject who was the first to invent the most destructive weapon. Under such high patronage most of the ideas and principles of ordnance now prevailing were discovered or suggested, but were embodied for the most part in rude and inefficient contrivances.

Although the development of firearms of all kinds seemed slow leading up to the 19th century, a closer look reveals that no other art evolved more quickly. No other art was driven by such strong incentives, and none received the same level of encouragement and rewards for its advancement. Warfare was the domain of kings and princes, and those who invented the most lethal weapons were highly rewarded. With such noble support, most of the concepts and principles of modern ordnance were discovered or proposed, but they were mostly implemented in crude and ineffective designs.

The art waited for its success on the development of other arts, and on the mental expansion and freedom giving rise to scientific investigation and results.

The art relied on the progress of other arts and on the growth of ideas and freedoms that led to scientific exploration and discoveries.

The cannon and musket themselves became the greatest instruments for the advancement of the new civilisation, however much it was intended otherwise by their kingly proprietors, and the new civilisation returned the compliment through its trained intellects by giving to war its present destructive efficiency.

The cannon and musket became the most powerful tools for the progress of the new civilization, despite what their royal owners had in mind, and this new civilization repaid the favor through its educated minds by making war remarkably more destructive.

To this efficiency, great as the paradox may seem, Peace holds what quiet fields it has, or will have, until most men learn to love peace and hate the arts of war.[Pg 253]

To this efficiency, as paradoxical as it may seem, peace keeps whatever quiet spaces it has, or will have, until most people learn to love peace and dislike the ways of war.[Pg 253]

As to the Chinese is given the credit for the invention of gunpowder, so they must also be regarded as the first to throw projectiles by its means. But their inventions in these directions may be classed as fireworks, and have no material bearing on the modern art of Ordnance. It is supposed that the word “cannon,” is derived from the same root as “cane,” originally signifying a hollow reed; and that these hollow reeds or similar tubes closed at one end were used to fire rockets by powder.

As the Chinese are credited with inventing gunpowder, they should also be seen as the first to use it to launch projectiles. However, their inventions in this area can be categorized as fireworks and don’t significantly relate to the modern field of artillery. It is believed that the word "cannon" comes from the same root as "cane," which originally meant a hollow reed; these hollow reeds or similar tubes, closed at one end, were used to fire rockets using gunpowder.

It is also stated that the practice existed among the Chinese as early as 969 A. D. of tying rockets to their arrows to propel them to greater distances, as well as for incendiary purposes.

It is also noted that the practice existed among the Chinese as early as 969 A.D. of attaching rockets to their arrows to shoot them further, as well as for setting things on fire.

This basic idea had percolated from China through India to the Moors and Arabs, and in the course of a few centuries had developed into a crude artillery used by the Moors in the siege of Cordova in 1280. The Spaniards, thus learning the use of the cannon, turned the lesson upon their instructors, when under Ferdinand IV. they took Gibraltar from the Moors in 1309. Then the knowledge of artillery soon spread throughout Europe. The French used it at the siege of Puy Guillaume in 1338, and the English had three small guns at Crecy in 1346. These antique guns were made by welding longitudinal bars of iron together and binding them by iron rings shrunk on while hot. Being shaped internally and externally like an apothecary’s mortar, they were called mortars or bombards. Some were breech-loaders, having a removable chamber at the breech into which the charge of powder was inserted behind the ball. The balls were stone. These early cannon, bombards, and mortars were mounted on heavy solid wooden frames and moved[Pg 254] with great difficulty from place to place. Then in the fifteenth century they commenced to make wrought-iron cannon, and hollow projectiles, containing a bursting charge of powder to be exploded by a fuse lit before the shell was fired. In the next century cannon were cast.

This basic idea made its way from China through India to the Moors and Arabs, and over a few centuries, it developed into a primitive form of artillery used by the Moors during the siege of Cordova in 1280. The Spaniards, learning how to use cannons, applied this knowledge against their instructors when Ferdinand IV led the capture of Gibraltar from the Moors in 1309. Soon after, the knowledge of artillery spread across Europe. The French employed it during the siege of Puy Guillaume in 1338, and the English had three small guns at Crecy in 1346. These early cannons were made by welding iron bars together and binding them with iron rings that were shrunk on while hot. With a shape similar to an apothecary’s mortar, they were referred to as mortars or bombards. Some were breech-loaders, featuring a removable chamber at the back where the powder charge was placed behind the projectile. The projectiles were made of stone. These primitive cannons, bombards, and mortars were mounted on heavy solid wooden frames and were difficult to move from one location to another. Then, in the fifteenth century, they began to produce wrought-iron cannons and hollow projectiles that contained a bursting charge of powder, ignited by a fuse before firing. In the following century, cannons were cast.

The Hindoos, when their acquaintance was made by the Europeans, were as far advanced as the latter in cannon and fire-arms. One cannon was found at Bejapoor, in India, cast of bronze, bearing date 1548, and called the “Master of the Field,” which weighed 89,600 pounds, and others of similar size of later dates. Great cast bronze guns of about the same weight as the Hindoo guns were also produced at St. Petersburg, Russia, in the sixteenth century.

The Hindus, when they first met the Europeans, were just as advanced as them in cannons and firearms. One cannon discovered in Bejapoor, India, was made of bronze, dated 1548, and was called the “Master of the Field.” It weighed 89,600 pounds, along with others of similar size from later dates. Large cast bronze guns of similar weight to the Hindu guns were also produced in St. Petersburg, Russia, in the sixteenth century.

Many and strange were the names given by Europeans to their cannon in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to denote their size and the weight of the ball they carried: such as the Assick, the Bombard, the Basilisk, the cannon Royal, or Carthoun, the Culverin, Demi-culverin, Falcon, Siren, Serpentine, etc.

Many strange names were given by Europeans to their cannons in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to indicate their size and the weight of the ball they fired: such as the Assick, the Bombard, the Basilisk, the Royal cannon, Carthoun, the Culverin, Demi-culverin, Falcon, Siren, Serpentine, etc.

The bombards in the fifteenth century were made so large and heavy, especially in France, that they could not be moved without being taken apart.

The bombards in the fifteenth century were built so large and heavy, especially in France, that they couldn’t be moved without taking them apart.

When the heavy, unwieldy bombards with stone balls were used, artillery was mostly confined to castles, towns, forts, and ships. When used in the field they were dragged about by many yokes of oxen. But in the latter part of the fifteenth century, when France under Louis XI. had learned to cast lighter brass cannon, to mount them on carriages that could be drawn by four or six horses, and which carriages had trunnions in which the cannon were swung so as to be elevated or depressed, and cast-iron projectiles[Pg 255] were used instead of stones, field artillery took its rise, and by its use the maps of the world were changed. Thus with their artillery the French under Charles VIII., the successor of Louis XI., conquered Italy.

When heavy, bulky bombards that fired stone balls were used, artillery was mostly limited to castles, towns, forts, and ships. In the field, they were pulled by teams of oxen. However, by the late 15th century, France under Louis XI had figured out how to make lighter brass cannons that could be mounted on carriages pulled by four or six horses. These carriages had trunnions that allowed the cannons to be raised or lowered, and cast-iron projectiles were used instead of stones. This marked the rise of field artillery, which changed the world's maps. With their artillery, the French under Charles VIII, Louis XI's successor, conquered Italy.

In the sixteenth century Europe was busy in adopting these and other changes. Cannon were made of all sizes and calibres, but were not arranged in battle with much precision. Case shot were invented in Germany but not brought into general use. Shells were invented by the Italians and fired from mortars, but their mode of construction was preserved in great secrecy. The early breech-loaders had been discarded, as it was not known how to make the breech gas-tight, and the explosions rendered the guns more dangerous to their users than to the enemy.

In the sixteenth century, Europe was busy implementing these and other changes. Cannons were made in various sizes and calibers, but they weren't set up in battle with much precision. Case shot was invented in Germany but wasn't widely adopted. Shells were created by the Italians and fired from mortars, but their construction methods were kept very secret. The early breech-loaders were phased out, as there was no way to make the breech gas-tight, and the explosions made the guns more hazardous to their users than to the enemy.

In the seventeenth century Holland began to make useful mortar shells and hand grenades. Maurice and Henry Frederick of Nassau, and Gustave Adolphus, made many improvements in the sizes and construction of cannon. In 1674, Coehorn, an officer in the service of the Prince of Orange, invented the celebrated mortar which bears his name, and the use of which has continued to the present time. The Dutch also invented the howitzer, a short gun in which the projectiles could be introduced by hand. About the same time Comminges of France invented mortars which threw projectiles weighing 550 pounds. In this part of that century also great improvements were made under Louis XIV. Limbers, by which the front part of the gun carriage was made separable from the cannon part and provided with the ammunition chest; the prolonge, a cord and hook by which the gun part could be moved around by hand;[Pg 256] and the elevating screw, by which the muzzle of the gun could be raised or depressed,—were invented.

In the seventeenth century, Holland started creating useful mortar shells and hand grenades. Maurice and Henry Frederick of Nassau, along with Gustave Adolphus, made significant improvements to the sizes and construction of cannons. In 1674, Coehorn, an officer serving the Prince of Orange, invented the famous mortar that carries his name, which is still in use today. The Dutch also created the howitzer, a short gun that allowed projectiles to be loaded by hand. Around the same time, Comminges from France invented mortars that could fire projectiles weighing 550 pounds. During this period of the century, major advancements were made under Louis XIV, including limbers, which made the front part of the gun carriage detachable from the cannon and equipped it with an ammunition chest; the prolonge, a cord and hook that allowed the cannon to be moved by hand; and the elevating screw, which adjusted the angle of the gun's muzzle.[Pg 256]

In the early part of the eighteenth century it was thought by artillerists in England that the longer the gun the farther it would carry. One, called “Queen Ann’s Pocket Piece” still preserved at Dover, is twenty-five feet long and carries a ball only twenty-five pounds in weight. It was only after repeated experiments that it was learned that the shorter guns carried the projectile the greatest distance.

In the early 1700s, artillery experts in England believed that longer guns would shoot farther. One, known as “Queen Ann’s Pocket Piece,” which is still kept in Dover, is twenty-five feet long and fires a ball weighing only twenty-five pounds. It wasn't until after many experiments that they discovered shorter guns actually launched projectiles the farthest.

The greatest improvements in the eighteenth century were made by Gribeauval, the celebrated French artillerist, about 1765. He had guns made of such material and of such size as to adapt them to the different services to which they were to be put, as field, siege, garrison, and sea coast. He gave greater mobility to the system by introducing six-pound howitzers, and making gun carriages lighter; he introduced the system of fixed ammunition, separate compartments in the gun carriages for the projectiles, and the charges of powder in paper or cloth bags or cylinders; improved the construction of the elevating screw, adapted the tangent scale, formed the artillery into horse batteries, and devised new equipments and a new system of tactics.

The biggest advancements in the eighteenth century were made by Gribeauval, the famous French artillery expert, around 1765. He created guns with materials and sizes that made them suitable for various uses, like field, siege, garrison, and coastal operations. He increased the system's mobility by introducing six-pound howitzers and lighter gun carriages; he implemented fixed ammunition, created separate compartments in the gun carriages for projectiles, and used paper or cloth bags and cylinders for powder charges. He also improved the design of the elevating screw, adapted the tangent scale, organized artillery into horse batteries, and developed new equipment and tactics.

It was with Gribeauval’s improved system that “Citizen Bonaparte, young artillery officer,” took Toulon; with which the same young “bronze artillery officer” let go his great guns in the Cul-de-Sac Dauphin against the church of St. Roch; on the Port Royal; at the Theatre de la Republique; “and the thing we specifically call French Revolution is blown into space by it, and became a thing that was.”

It was with Gribeauval’s upgraded system that “Citizen Bonaparte, a young artillery officer,” took Toulon; with which the same young “bronze artillery officer” fired his big guns in the Cul-de-Sac Dauphin against the church of St. Roch; at Port Royal; at the Theatre de la Republique; “and what we specifically refer to as the French Revolution is blown into space by it, and became a thing of the past.”

It was with this system that this same young officer won his first brilliant victories in Italy. When[Pg 257] the fruit of these victories had been lost during his absence he reappeared with his favorite artillery, and on the threshold of the century, in May 1800, as “First Consul of the Republic” re-achieved at Marengo the supremacy of France over Austria.

It was with this system that this young officer achieved his first impressive victories in Italy. When[Pg 257] the benefits of these victories were lost during his absence, he returned with his preferred artillery, and at the beginning of the century, in May 1800, as “First Consul of the Republic,” he re-established France's dominance over Austria at Marengo.

As to small arms, as before suggested, they doubtless had their origin in the practice of the Chinese in throwing fire balls from bamboo barrels by the explosion of light charges of powder, as illustrated to this day in what are known as “Roman Candles.” Fire-crackers and grenades were also known to the Chinese and the Greeks.

As for small arms, as previously mentioned, they definitely originated from the Chinese practice of launching fireballs from bamboo tubes using small explosions of gunpowder, which can still be seen today in what's known as "Roman Candles." Firecrackers and grenades were also familiar to both the Chinese and the Greeks.

Among ancient fire-arms the principal ones were the arquebus, also bombardelle, and the blunderbuss. They were invented in the fourteenth century but were not much used until the fifteenth century. These guns for the most part were so heavy that they had to be rested on some object to be fired. The soldiers carried a sort of tripod for this purpose. The gun was fired by a slow-burning cord, a live coal, a lit stick, or a long rod heated at one end, and called a match. The blunderbuss was invented in Holland. It was a large, short, funnel-shaped muzzle-loader, and loaded with nails, slugs, etc. The injuries and hardships suffered by the men who used it, rather than by the enemy, rendered its name significant. Among the earliest fire-arms of this period one was invented which was a breech-loader and revolver. The breech had four chambers and was rotated by hand on an arbour parallel to the barrel. The extent of its use is not learned. To ignite the powder the “wheel-lock” and “snap-haunce” were invented by the Germans in the sixteenth century. The wheel lock consisted of a furrowed wheel and was turned by the trigger and chain against a fixed piece[Pg 258] of iron on the stock to excite sparks which fell on to the priming. The snap-haunce, a straight piece of furrowed steel, superseded the wheel-lock. The sixteenth century had got well started before the English could be induced to give up the cross-bow and arrow, and adopt the musket. After they had introduced the musket with the snap-haunce and wooden ramrod, it became known, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, as the “Brown Bess.”

Among ancient firearms, the main ones were the arquebus, also known as the bombardelle, and the blunderbuss. They were invented in the 14th century but didn't see much use until the 15th century. These guns were usually so heavy that they had to be propped up against something to be fired. Soldiers carried a kind of tripod for this purpose. The gun was fired using a slow-burning cord, a live coal, a lit stick, or a long rod heated at one end, known as a match. The blunderbuss was invented in Holland. It was a large, short, funnel-shaped muzzle-loader that was loaded with nails, slugs, and other projectiles. The injuries and hardships suffered by the men who used it, rather than the enemy, made its name meaningful. Among the earliest firearms of this period, there was one invented that was a breech-loader and revolver. The breech had four chambers and was rotated by hand on an arbor parallel to the barrel. The extent of its use is unknown. To ignite the powder, the "wheel-lock" and "snap-haunce" were created by the Germans in the 16th century. The wheel lock consisted of a grooved wheel that was turned by the trigger and chain against a fixed piece of iron on the stock to create sparks that ignited the priming. The snap-haunce, a straight piece of grooved steel, replaced the wheel-lock. The 16th century was well underway before the English were convinced to give up the crossbow and arrows in favor of the musket. After they introduced the musket with the snap-haunce and wooden ramrod, it became known, during Queen Elizabeth's reign, as "Brown Bess."

The “old flint-lock” was quite a modern invention, not appearing until the seventeenth century. It was a bright idea to fix a piece of flint into the cock and arrange it to strike a steel cap on the priming pan when the trigger was fired; and it superseded the old match, wheel-lock, and snap-haunce. The flint-lock was used by armies well into the nineteenth century, and is still in private use in remote localities. As the arquebus succeeded the bow and arrow, so the musket, a smooth and single-barrel muzzle-loader with a flint-lock and a wooden ramrod, succeeded the arquebus. Rifles, which were the old flint-lock muskets with their barrels provided with spiral grooves to give the bullet a rotary motion and cause it to keep one point constantly in front during its flight, is claimed as the invention of Augustin Kutler of Germany in 1520, and also of Koster of Birmingham, England, about 1620. Muskets with straight grooves are said to have been used in the fifteenth century.

The “old flint-lock” was actually a modern invention, not appearing until the seventeenth century. It was a clever idea to attach a piece of flint to the hammer and set it up to strike a steel cap on the priming pan when the trigger was pulled; this replaced the older match, wheel-lock, and snap-haunce mechanisms. The flint-lock was used by armies well into the nineteenth century and is still privately used in some remote areas. Just as the arquebus replaced the bow and arrow, the musket—a smooth, single-barrel muzzle-loader equipped with a flint-lock and a wooden ramrod—replaced the arquebus. Rifles, which evolved from the old flint-lock muskets by adding spiral grooves to the barrels to give the bullet a spinning motion for better accuracy in flight, are credited as the invention of Augustin Kutler from Germany in 1520, and also of Koster from Birmingham, England, around 1620. Muskets with straight grooves are said to have been in use during the fifteenth century.

The rifle with a long barrel and its flint-lock was a favourite weapon of the American settler. It was made in America, and he fought the Indian wars and the war of the Revolution with it.

The rifle with a long barrel and its flintlock was a popular weapon among American settlers. It was made in America, and they used it in the Indian wars and the Revolutionary War.

It would not do to conclude this sketch of antique cannon and fire-arms without referring to Puckle’s[Pg 259] celebrated English patent No. 418, of May 15, 1718, for “A Defence.” The patent starts out with the motto:

It wouldn't be right to finish this overview of old cannons and firearms without mentioning Puckle’s[Pg 259] famous English patent No. 418, dated May 15, 1718, for “A Defence.” The patent begins with the motto:

“Defending King George, your Country, and Lawes,
Is defending Yourselves and Protestant Cause.”

"Defending King George, your country, and the law,
"Defending yourselves and the Protestant cause."

It proceeds to describe a “Portable Gun or Machine” having a single barrel, with a set of removable chambers which are charged with bullets before they are placed in the gun, a handle to turn the chambers to bring each chamber in line with the barrel, a tripod on which the gun is mounted and on which it is to be turned, a screw for elevating and turning the gun in different directions, a set of square chambers “for shooting square bullets against Turks,” a set of round chambers “for shooting round bullets against the Christians;” and separate drawings show the square bullets for the Turks and the round bullets for the Christians. History is silent as to whether Mr. Puckle’s patent was put in practice, but it contained the germs of some modern inventions.

It goes on to describe a “Portable Gun or Machine” that has a single barrel, with a set of removable chambers that are loaded with bullets before being inserted into the gun, a handle to rotate the chambers to align each one with the barrel, a tripod on which the gun is mounted and can be turned, a screw for adjusting the elevation and direction of the gun, a set of square chambers “for shooting square bullets at the Turks,” and a set of round chambers “for shooting round bullets at the Christians;” plus separate illustrations show the square bullets for the Turks and the round bullets for the Christians. History doesn’t tell us whether Mr. Puckle’s patent was ever actually used, but it had the elements of some modern inventions.

Among the first inventions of the century was a very important one made by a clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Forsyth, a Scotchman, who in 1803 invented the percussion principle in fire-arms. In 1807 he patented in England detonating powder and pellets which were used for artillery. About 1808 General Shrapnel of the English army invented the celebrated shell known by his name. It then consisted of a comparatively thin shell filled with bullets, having a fuse lit by the firing of the gun, and adapted to explode the shell in front of the object fired at. This fuse was superseded by one invented by General Bormann of Belgium, which greatly added to the value of case shot.[Pg 260]

Among the first inventions of the century was a very important one made by a clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Forsyth, a Scotsman, who in 1803 invented the percussion principle in firearms. In 1807, he patented detonating powder and pellets in England, which were used for artillery. Around 1808, General Shrapnel of the English army invented the famous shell that bears his name. It was made of a relatively thin shell filled with bullets, featuring a fuse ignited by the gunfire, designed to explode the shell in front of the target. This fuse was later improved upon by General Bormann of Belgium, which significantly increased the effectiveness of case shot.[Pg 260]

In 1814 Joshua Shaw of England invented the percussion cap. Thus, by the invention of the percussion principle by Forsyth, and that little copper cylinder of Shaw, having a flake of fulminating powder inside and adapted to fit the nipple of a gun and be exploded by the fall of the hammer, was sounded the death knell of the old flint-locks with which the greatest battles of the world had been and were at that time being fought. The advantages gained by the cap were the certain and instantaneous fire, the saving in time, power, and powder obtained by making smaller the orifice through which the ignition was introduced, and the protection from moisture given by the covering cap. And yet so slow is the growth of inventions sometimes that all Europe continued to make the flint-locks for many years after the percussion cap was invented; and General Scott, in the war between the United States and Mexico in 1847, declined to give the army the percussion cap musket. The cap suggested the necessity and invention of machines for making them quickly and in great quantities.

In 1814, Joshua Shaw from England invented the percussion cap. Thanks to Forsyth's invention of the percussion principle and Shaw's little copper cylinder containing a flake of explosive powder, which fit onto the nipple of a gun and was ignited by the hammer's impact, the old flint-locks, with which some of the world's greatest battles were fought, were marked for obsolescence. The benefits of the cap included reliable and instant ignition, reduced time, force, and gunpowder needed by creating a smaller opening for ignition, and protection from moisture provided by the covering cap. However, the adoption of inventions can be slow; all of Europe continued to produce flint-locks for many years after the percussion cap was created. In the war between the United States and Mexico in 1847, General Scott even chose not to provide the army with percussion cap muskets. The cap also highlighted the need for machines to manufacture them quickly and in large quantities.

The celebrated “Colt’s” revolver was invented by Colonel Samuel Colt of the United States, in 1835. He continued to improve it, and in 1851 exhibited it at the World’s Fair, London, where it excited great surprise and attention. Since then the revolver has become a great weapon in both private and public warfare. The next great inventions in small arms were the readoption and improvement of the breech-loader, the making of metallic cartridges, the magazine gun, smokeless powder and other explosives, to which further reference will be made.

The famous “Colt” revolver was created by Colonel Samuel Colt from the United States in 1835. He kept making improvements, and in 1851, he showcased it at the World’s Fair in London, where it garnered a lot of surprise and attention. Since then, the revolver has become a significant weapon in both private and public conflicts. The next major innovations in small arms included the reintroduction and enhancement of the breech-loader, the production of metallic cartridges, the magazine gun, smokeless powder, and other explosives, which will be discussed further.

To return to cannons:—In 1812 Colonel Bomford, an American officer, invented what is called the[Pg 261] “Columbiad,” a kind of cannon best adapted for sea-coast purposes. They are long-chambered pieces, combining certain qualities of the gun, howitzer and mortar, and capable of projecting shells and solid shot with heavy charges of powder at high angles of elevation, and peculiarly adapted to defend narrow channels and sea-coast defences. A similar gun was invented by General Paixhans of the French army in 1822. The adoption of the Paixhans long-chambered guns, designed to throw heavy shells horizontally as well as at a slight elevation and as easily as solid shot, was attended with great results. Used by the French in 1832, in the quick victorious siege of Antwerp, by the allies at Sebastopol, where the whole Russian fleet was destroyed in about an hour, and in the fight of the Kearsarge and the doomed Alabama off Cherbourg in the American civil war, it forced inventors in the different countries to devise new and better armour for the defence of ships. This was followed by guns of still greater penetrative power. Then as another result effected by these greater guns came the passing away of the old-fashioned brick and stone forts as a means of defence.

To get back to cannons: In 1812, Colonel Bomford, an American officer, created what’s known as the[Pg 261] “Columbiad,” a type of cannon specifically designed for coastal use. These are long-chambered pieces that combine features of guns, howitzers, and mortars, capable of firing shells and solid projectiles with heavy charges of powder at steep angles. They’re particularly effective for defending narrow channels and coastal defenses. A similar gun was invented by General Paixhans of the French army in 1822. The adoption of the Paixhans long-chambered guns, which could launch heavy shells both horizontally and at a slight elevation as easily as solid shot, led to significant outcomes. Used by the French in 1832 during the quick and victorious siege of Antwerp, by the allies at Sebastopol, where the entire Russian fleet was wiped out in about an hour, and in the clash between the Kearsarge and the doomed Alabama off Cherbourg during the American Civil War, it prompted inventors in various countries to create new and better armor for ship defenses. This was followed by guns with even greater penetrating power. Consequently, the rise of these more powerful guns led to the decline of the old-fashioned brick and stone forts as a means of defense.

In an interesting address by Major Clarence E. Dutton of the Ordnance Department, U.S.A., at the Centennial Patent Congress at Washington in 1891, he thus stated what the fundamental improvements were that have characterised the modern ordnance during the century:

In an interesting speech by Major Clarence E. Dutton of the Ordnance Department, U.S.A., at the Centennial Patent Congress in Washington in 1891, he explained what the key improvements have been that define modern ordnance over the past century:

1. The regulation and control of the action of gunpowder in such a manner as to exert less strain upon the gun, and to impart more energy to the projectile.

1. The regulation and control of how gunpowder is used to put less stress on the gun while providing more energy to the projectile.

2. To so construct the gun as to transfer a portion of the strain from the interior parts of the walls which had borne too much of it, to the exterior parts[Pg 262] which had borne too little, thus nearly equalising the strain throughout the entire thickness of the walls.

2. To design the gun in a way that shifts some of the stress from the inner parts of the walls, which had taken on too much, to the outer parts that had taken on too little, thereby nearly balancing the stress across the entire thickness of the walls.[Pg 262]

3. To provide a metal which should be at once stronger and safer than any which had been used before.

3. To create a metal that is both stronger and safer than any that had been used before.

In the United States General Rodman, “one of the pioneers of armed science,” commenced about 1847 a series of investigations and experiments on the power and action of gunpowder and the strains received by every part of the gun by the exploding gases, of very great importance; and in this matter he was assisted greatly by Dr. W. E. Woodbridge, who invented an ingenious apparatus termed a “piezometer,” or a pressure measurer, by which the pressure of the gases at the various parts of the gun was determined with mathematical certainty.

In the United States, General Rodman, “one of the pioneers of armed science,” began around 1847 a series of investigations and experiments on the power and effects of gunpowder and the stresses experienced by each part of the gun due to the exploding gases, which were very important. He received significant assistance from Dr. W. E. Woodbridge, who invented an innovative device called a “piezometer,” or a pressure measurer, that accurately determined the pressure of the gases at different parts of the gun with mathematical precision.

Dr. Woodbridge also added greatly to the success of rifled cannon. The success in rifling small arms, by which an elongated ball is made to retain the same end foremost during its flight, led again to the attempts of rifling cannon for the same purpose, which were finally successful. But this success was due not to the spiral grooves in the cannon bore, but in attachments to the ball compelling it to follow the course of the grooves and giving it the proper initial movement. The trouble with these attachments was that they were either stripped off, or stripped away, by the gun spirals. Woodbridge in 1850 overcame the difficulty by inventing an improved sabot, consisting of a ring composed of metal softer than the projectile or cannon, fixed on the inner end of the projectile and grooved at its rear end, so that when the gun is fired and the ball driven forward these grooves expand, acting valvularly to fill the grooves[Pg 263] in the gun, thus preventing the escape of the gases, while the ring at the same time is forced forward on to the shell so tightly and forcibly that the projectile is invariably given a rotary motion and made to advance strictly in the line of axis of the bore, and in the same line during the course of its flight. This invention in principle has been followed ever since, although other forms have been given the sabot, and it is due to this invention that modern rifled cannon have been so wonderfully accurate in range and efficient in the penetrating and destructive power both on sea and land.

Dr. Woodbridge greatly contributed to the success of rifled cannons. The achievement in rifling small arms, which allows an elongated bullet to maintain the same end facing forward during its flight, led to efforts to rifle cannons for the same reason, which ultimately succeeded. However, this success was not due to the spiral grooves in the cannon itself, but rather to attachments to the bullet that compelled it to follow the path of the grooves and provided the proper initial movement. The issue with these attachments was that they would either be stripped off or torn away by the gun's spirals. In 1850, Woodbridge solved this problem by inventing an improved sabot, which consisted of a ring made of a softer metal than the projectile or cannon, attached to the back of the projectile and grooved at its rear end. When the gun is fired and the bullet is forced forward, these grooves expand, functioning like a valve to fill the grooves[Pg 263] in the gun, thus preventing gas escape. At the same time, the ring is pushed tightly and forcefully onto the shell, giving the projectile a consistent rotary motion and ensuring it travels exactly along the axis of the bore and maintains that line throughout its flight. This invention has served as a foundation ever since, although different designs have been applied to the sabot, and it is thanks to this invention that modern rifled cannons have achieved remarkable accuracy in range and effectiveness in penetrating and destructive power both at sea and on land.

Woodbridge also invented the wire-wound cannon, and a machine for winding the wire upon the gun, thus giving the breach part, especially, immense strength.

Woodbridge also invented the wire-wound cannon and a machine for winding the wire onto the gun, which significantly enhanced the strength of the breach part in particular.

In England, among the first notable and greater inventors in ordnance during the latter half of the century, a period which embraces the reduction to practice of the most wonderful and successful inventions in weapons of war which the world had up to that time seen, are Lancaster, who invented the elliptical bore; Sir William Armstrong, who, commencing in 1885, constructed a gun built of wrought-iron bars twisted into coils and applied over a steel core and bound by one or more wrought-iron rings, all applied at white heat and shrunk on by contraction due to cooling, by which method smooth-bore, muzzle-loading cannon of immense calibre, one weighing one hundred tons, were made. They were followed by Armstrong, inventor of breech-loaders; Blakely, inventor of cannon made of steel tubes and an outer jacket of cast iron; and Sir Joseph Whitworth, inventor of most powerful steel cannon and compressed steel projectiles.[Pg 264]

In England, during the latter half of the century, some of the first notable inventors in ordnance emerged, bringing to life some of the most amazing and successful war weapon innovations the world had ever seen. These included Lancaster, who invented the elliptical bore; Sir William Armstrong, who, starting in 1885, created a gun made from wrought-iron bars twisted into coils, wrapped around a steel core, and secured with one or more wrought-iron rings, all applied at white heat and set in place by cooling contractions, enabling the manufacturing of huge smooth-bore, muzzle-loading cannons, some weighing up to one hundred tons. Others followed, including Armstrong, who invented breech-loaders; Blakely, who developed cannons made of steel tubes with an outer jacket of cast iron; and Sir Joseph Whitworth, known for his powerful steel cannons and compressed steel projectiles.[Pg 264]

In Germany, Friedrich Krupp at Essen, Prussia, invented and introduced such improvements in breech-loading cannon as revolutionised the manufacture of that species of ordnance, and established the foundation of the greatest ordnance works in the world. The first of his great breech-loading steel guns was exhibited at the Paris Exhibition in 1867. A Krupp gun finished at Essen in the 70’s was then the largest steel gun the world had ever seen. It weighed seventy-two tons, and was thirty-two feet long. The charge consisted of 385 pounds of powder, the shell weighed 1,660 pounds, having a bursting charge of powder of 22 pounds, and a velocity of 1,640 feet per second. It was estimated that if the gun were fired at an angle of 43° the shell would be carried a distance of fifteen miles. It was in the Krupp guns, and also in the Armstrong breech-loaders, that a simple feature was for the first time introduced which proved of immense importance in giving great additional expansive force to the explosion of the powder. This was an increase in the size of the powder chamber so as to allow a vacant space in it unfilled with powder.

In Germany, Friedrich Krupp in Essen, Prussia, invented and introduced improvements to breech-loading cannons that transformed the manufacturing of this type of artillery and laid the groundwork for the largest ordnance factories in the world. His first major breech-loading steel gun was showcased at the Paris Exhibition in 1867. A Krupp gun completed in Essen in the 1870s was then the largest steel gun the world had seen. It weighed seventy-two tons and was thirty-two feet long. The charge held 385 pounds of powder, and the shell weighed 1,660 pounds, with a bursting charge of 22 pounds and a speed of 1,640 feet per second. It was estimated that if the gun was fired at a 43° angle, the shell could travel a distance of fifteen miles. It was in the Krupp guns, as well as in the Armstrong breech-loaders, that a simple feature was introduced for the first time, which was crucial in significantly increasing the explosive force of the powder. This involved enlarging the size of the powder chamber to create a vacant space that wasn't filled with powder.

In the United States, Rodman, commencing in 1847, and Dahlgren in 1850, and Parrott in 1860, invented and introduced some noticeable improvements in cast-iron, smooth-bore, and rifled cannon.

In the United States, Rodman started in 1847, followed by Dahlgren in 1850, and Parrott in 1860, creating and launching significant enhancements in cast-iron, smooth-bore, and rifled cannons.

In France General Paixhans and Colonel Treuille de Beaulieu improved the shells and ordnance.

In France, General Paixhans and Colonel Treuille de Beaulieu enhanced the shells and artillery.

The latest improvements in cannon indicate that the old smooth-bore muzzle-loader guns are to be entirely superseded by breech-loaders, just as in small arms the muzzle-loading musket has given way to the breech-loading rifle.

The latest advancements in cannons show that the old smooth-bore muzzle-loading guns are set to be completely replaced by breech-loaders, just like how in small arms, the muzzle-loading musket has given way to the breech-loading rifle.

A single lever is now employed, a single turn of[Pg 265] which will close or open the breech, and when opened expel the shell by the same movement. Formerly breech-loaders were confined to the heaviest ordnance; now they are a part of the lightest field pieces.

A single lever is now used, and a single turn of[Pg 265] will close or open the breech, and when opened, it will expel the shell with the same motion. In the past, breech-loaders were limited to the heaviest artillery; now they are included in the lightest field pieces.

As to the operation of those immense guns above referred to, which constitute principally sea-coast defences and the heavy armament for forts, gun carriages have been invented whereby the huge guns are quickly raised from behind immense embrasures by pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, quickly fired (the range having been before accurately ascertained) and then as quickly lowered out of sight, the latter movement being aided by the recoil action of the gun.

As for the operation of those massive guns mentioned earlier, which mainly serve as coastal defenses and heavy fort armament, innovative gun carriages have been developed that allow these large guns to be quickly raised from behind enormous apertures using pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders. They can be fired rapidly (after the range has been accurately determined) and then just as quickly lowered out of view, with the latter movement assisted by the gun's recoil action.

It is essential that the full force of the gases of explosion shall be exerted against the base of the projectile, and therefore all escape of such gases be prevented. To this end valuable improvements in gas checks have been made,—one kind consisting of an annular canvas sack containing asbestos and tallow placed between the front face of the breech block and a mushroom-shaped piece, against which the explosion impinges.

It is crucial that the entire force of the explosive gases is directed against the base of the projectile, so all escape of these gases must be stopped. To achieve this, significant improvements in gas checks have been developed—one type consists of a circular canvas bag filled with asbestos and tallow, positioned between the front of the breech block and a mushroom-shaped piece that absorbs the impact of the explosion.

As among projectiles and shells for cannon those have been invented which are loaded with dynamite or other high explosive, a new class of Compressed air ordnance has been started, in which air or gas is used for the propelling power in place of powder, whereby the chances of exploding such shells in the bore of the gun are greatly lessened.

As with projectiles and cannon shells, some have been developed that are filled with dynamite or other high explosives. A new type of Compressed air ordnance has been introduced, using air or gas as the propelling force instead of gunpowder, which greatly reduces the risk of these shells exploding inside the gun barrel.

The construction of metals, both for cannon to resist most intense explosives and for plates to resist the penetration of the best projectiles, have received great attention. They are matters pertaining to metallurgy, and are treated of under that head. The[Pg 266] strife still continues between impenetrable armour plate and irresistible projectiles. Within the last decade or so shells have been invented with the design simply to shatter or fracture the plate by which the way is broken for subsequent shots. Other shells have been invented carrying a high explosive and capable of penetrating armour plates of great thickness, and exploding after such penetration has taken place.

The construction of metals for cannons designed to withstand powerful explosives and for plates meant to resist the impact of the most advanced projectiles has received significant attention. These are topics related to metallurgy and are discussed under that category. The[Pg 266] battle continues between impenetrable armor plates and unstoppable projectiles. In the last decade, shells have been developed specifically to shatter or break through armor plates, paving the way for subsequent shots. Additionally, new shells with high explosives have been created that can penetrate thick armor plates and detonate after breaking through.

A great accompaniment to artillery is “The Range Finder,” a telescopic apparatus for ascertaining accurately the location and distance of objects to be fired at.

A great addition to artillery is “The Range Finder,” a telescopic device used to precisely determine the location and distance of targets.

Returning to small arms,—at the time percussion caps were invented in England, 1803-1814, John H. Hall of the United States invented a breech-loading rifle. It was in substance an ordinary musket cut in two at the breech, with the rear piece connected by a hinge and trunnion to the front piece, the bore of the two pieces being in line when clamped, and the ball and cartridge inserted when the chamber was thrown up. A large number were at once manufactured and used in the U.S. Army. A smaller size, called carbines, were used by the mounted troops. After about twenty years’ use these guns began to be regarded as dangerous in some respects, and their manufacture and use stopped, although the carbines continued in use to some extent in the cavalry. A breech-loading rifle was also invented by Colonel Pauly of France in 1812, and improved by Dreyse in 1835; also in Norway in 1838, and in a few years adopted by Sweden as superior to all muzzle-loading arms. About 1841 the celebrated “Needle Gun” was invented in Prussia, and its superiority over all muzzle-loaders was demonstrated in 1848 in the first Schleswig-Holstein war.[Pg 267]

Returning to small arms, during the time that percussion caps were developed in England, from 1803 to 1814, John H. Hall from the United States invented a breech-loading rifle. Essentially, it was an ordinary musket split in half at the breech, with the back half connected by a hinge and trunnion to the front half, allowing the bore of the two parts to align when locked together. The ball and cartridge could be loaded when the chamber was raised. A significant number were quickly manufactured and used in the U.S. Army. A smaller version, called carbines, was used by mounted troops. After about twenty years of use, these guns started to be seen as potentially dangerous, leading to a halt in their production and usage, although carbines continued to be somewhat used in the cavalry. Additionally, a breech-loading rifle was also created by Colonel Pauly in France in 1812 and further refined by Dreyse in 1835; another was developed in Norway in 1838 and soon adopted by Sweden as better than all muzzle-loading firearms. Around 1841, the famous “Needle Gun” was invented in Prussia, and its advantages over all muzzle-loaders were proven in 1848 during the first Schleswig-Holstein war.[Pg 267]

Cartridges, in which the ball and powder were secured together in one package, were old in artillery, as has been shown, but their use for small arms is a later invention. Metallic cartridges, made of sheet metal with a fulminate cap in one end and a rim on the end of the shell by which it could be extracted after the explosion, were invented by numerous persons in Europe and America during the evolution of the breech-loader. Combined metal case and paper patented in England in 1816, and numerous wholly metallic cartridge shells were patented in England, France, and United States between 1840 and 1860. M. Lefaucheux of France, in the later period, devised a metal gas check cartridge which was a great advance.

Cartridges, which packaged the bullet and gunpowder together, have been around for a long time in artillery, as previously discussed, but their application for firearms is a more recent development. Metallic cartridges, constructed from sheet metal with a primer cap on one end and a rim on the shell for extraction after firing, were created by several inventors in Europe and America during the development of breech-loading guns. A combination of a metal case and paper was patented in England in 1816, and many completely metallic cartridge shells were patented in England, France, and the United States between 1840 and 1860. M. Lefaucheux from France later created a metal gas check cartridge, marking a significant improvement.

A number of inventors in the United States besides Hall had produced breech-loading small arms before the Civil War of 1861, but with the exception of Colt’s revolver and Sharp’s carbine, the latter used by the cavalry to a small extent, none were first adopted in that great conflict. Later, the Henry or Winchester breech-loading rifle and the Spencer magazine gun were introduced and did good service. But the whole known system of breech-loading small arms was officially condemned by the U.S. Military authorities previous to that war. The absence of machines to make a suitable cartridge in large quantities and vast immediate necessities compelled the authorities to ignore the tested Prussian and Swedish breech-loaders and those of their own countrymen and to ransack Europe for muskets of ancient pattern. These were worked by the soldiers under the ancient tactics, of load, ram, charge and fire, until a stray bullet struck the ramrod, or the discharge of a few rammed cartridges so over-heated the musket[Pg 268] as to thereby dispense with the soldier and his gun for further service in that field. However, private individuals and companies continued to invent and improve, and the civil war in America revolutionised the systems of warfare and its weapons. The wooden walls of the navies disappeared as a defence after the conflict between the Monitor and the Merrimac, and muzzle-loading muskets became things of the past.

A number of inventors in the United States, apart from Hall, had created breech-loading firearms before the Civil War of 1861. However, aside from Colt’s revolver and Sharp’s carbine—which was used minimally by the cavalry—none were initially adopted in that major conflict. Later on, the Henry or Winchester breech-loading rifle and the Spencer magazine gun were introduced and proved effective. Nevertheless, the entire system of breech-loading small arms was officially rejected by U.S. Military authorities before that war. The lack of machinery to produce a suitable cartridge in large quantities and urgent needs forced the authorities to overlook the tested Prussian and Swedish breech-loaders, as well as those produced by their own inventors, and to scour Europe for old-style muskets. Soldiers operated these using outdated tactics of load, ram, charge, and fire, until a stray bullet hit the ramrod, or the firing of several rammed cartridges overheated the musket[Pg 268], rendering the soldier and his gun ineffective in the field. Despite this, private individuals and companies kept inventing and improving, and the Civil War in America transformed warfare and its weapons. The wooden ships of the navies became obsolete after the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac, and muzzle-loading muskets faded into history.

Torpedoes, both stationary and movable, then became a successful weapon of warfare. Soon after that war, and when the United States had adopted the Springfield breech-loading rifle, the works at Springfield were equipped with nearly forty different machines, each for making a separate part of a gun in great quantities. Many of these had been invented by Thomas Blanchard forty years before. That great inventor of labour-saving machinery had then designed machines for the shaping and making of gun stocks and for forming the accompanying parts. Blanchard was a contemporary of Hall, and Hall, to perfect his breech-loader, was the first to invent machines for making its various parts. His was the first interchangeable system in the making of small arms.

Torpedoes, both stationary and mobile, became a successful weapon in warfare. Shortly after that conflict, when the United States adopted the Springfield breech-loading rifle, the facilities at Springfield were outfitted with nearly forty different machines, each designed to produce a specific part of a gun in large quantities. Many of these machines had been invented by Thomas Blanchard forty years earlier. That great inventor of labor-saving machinery had designed machines for shaping and crafting gun stocks and for creating the accompanying parts. Blanchard was a contemporary of Hall, and Hall, to refine his breech-loader, was the first to invent machines for producing its various components. His system was the first interchangeable process for making small arms.

Army officers had come to regard “the gun as only the casket while the cartridge is the jewel;” and to this end J. G. Gill at the U.S. Arsenal at Frankford, Philadelphia, devised a series of cartridge-making machines which ranked among the highest triumphs of American invention.

Army officers had come to see “the gun as just the casing while the cartridge is the treasure;” and to this end, J. G. Gill at the U.S. Arsenal in Frankford, Philadelphia, created a series of cartridge-making machines that were considered some of the greatest achievements of American innovation.

The single breech-loader is now being succeeded by the magazine gun, by which a supply of cartridges in a chamber is automatically fed into the barrel. The Springfield, has been remodelled as a magazine loader. Among later types of repeating rifles, known from the names of their inventors, are the “Krag-[Pg 269]Jorgensen,” and the “Mauser,” and the crack of these is heard around the world. Modern rifles are rendered more deadly by the fact that they can be loaded and fired in a recumbent position, and with smokeless powder, by which the soldier and his location remain concealed from his foe.

The single breech-loader is now being replaced by the magazine gun, which automatically feeds a supply of cartridges into the barrel from a chamber. The Springfield has been redesigned as a magazine loader. Among the later types of repeating rifles, named after their inventors, are the “Krag-Jorgensen” and the “Mauser,” and their sound is heard all over the world. Modern rifles are more lethal because they can be loaded and fired while lying down, and they use smokeless powder, allowing the soldier to stay hidden from the enemy.

The recoil of the gun in both large and small arms is now utilised to expel the fired cartridge shell, and to withdraw a fresh one from its magazine and place it in position in the chamber. Compressed air and explosive gases have been used for the same purpose. A small electric battery has been placed in the stock to explode the cartridge when the trigger is pulled.

The gun's recoil in both large and small arms is now used to eject the spent cartridge shell and to pull a new one from its magazine and load it into the chamber. Compressed air and explosive gases have also been used for this purpose. A small electric battery has been added to the stock to ignite the cartridge when the trigger is pulled.

Sporting guns have kept pace with other small arms in improvements, and among modern forms are those which discharge in alternative succession the two barrels by a single trigger. Revolvers have been improved and the Smith and Wesson is known throughout the world.

Sporting guns have evolved alongside other small arms, incorporating advancements, and among the modern versions are those that fire both barrels alternately with a single trigger. Revolvers have also seen improvements, and the Smith and Wesson brand is recognized globally.

The idea of Machine Guns, or Mitrailleuses, was not a new one, as we have seen from Puckle’s celebrated patent of 1718. Also history mentions a gun composed of four breech-loading tubes of small calibre, placed on a two-wheeled cart used in Flanders as early as 1347, and of four-tubed guns used by the Scotch during the civil war in 1644. The machine gun invented by Dr. Gatling of the United States during the Civil War and subsequently perfected, has become a part of the armament of every civilised nation. The object of the gun is to combine in one piece the destructive effect of a great many, and to throw a continuous hail of projectiles. The gun is mounted on a tripod; the cartridges are contained in a hopper mounted on the breech of the gun and are fed from locks into the barrels (which are usually[Pg 270] five or ten in number) as the locks and barrels are revolved by a hand crank. As the handle is turned the cartridges are first given a forward motion, which thrusts them into the barrels, closes the breech and fires the cartridges in succession, and then a backward motion which extracts the empty shells. The gun weighs one hundred pounds and firing may be kept up with a ten-barreled gun at one thousand shots a minute.

The concept of Machine Guns, or Mitrailleuses, wasn’t a new one, as we’ve seen from Puckle’s famous patent of 1718. History also mentions a gun made up of four breech-loading tubes of small caliber, mounted on a two-wheeled cart used in Flanders as early as 1347, as well as four-tubed guns used by the Scots during the civil war in 1644. The machine gun invented by Dr. Gatling from the United States during the Civil War and later refined has become part of the arsenal for every civilized nation. The purpose of the gun is to combine in one unit the destructive power of many and to unleash a continuous barrage of projectiles. The gun is mounted on a tripod; the cartridges are housed in a hopper attached to the breech of the gun and are fed into the barrels (which usually number five or ten) as the locks and barrels rotate using a hand crank. As the handle is turned, the cartridges are initially pushed forward, loading them into the barrels, closing the breech, and firing the cartridges in succession, followed by a backward action that ejects the empty shells. The gun weighs one hundred pounds and can maintain a firing rate of one thousand shots per minute with a ten-barreled model.

The Hotchkiss revolving cannon is another celebrated American production named from its inventor, and constructed to throw heavier projectiles than the Gatling. It also has revolving barrels and great solidity in the breech mechanism. It has been found to be of great service in resisting the attacks of torpedo boats. It is adapted to fire long-range shells with great rapidity and powerful effect, and is exceedingly efficient in defence of ditches and entrenchments.

The Hotchkiss revolving cannon is another famous American invention named after its creator, designed to launch heavier projectiles than the Gatling. It features revolving barrels and a robust breech mechanism. It has proven extremely useful in repelling attacks from torpedo boats. It's capable of firing long-range shells very quickly and with significant impact, making it highly effective for defending ditches and entrenchments.

Explosives.—The desire to make the most effective explosives for gunnery led to their invention not only for that purpose but for the more peaceful pursuit of blasting. Gun Cotton, that mixture of nitric acid and cotton, made by Schönbein in 1846, and experimented with for a long time as a substitute for gunpowder in cannon and small arms and finally discarded for that purpose, is now being again revived, but used chiefly for blasting. This was followed by the discovery of nitro-glycerine, a still more powerful explosive agent—too powerful and uncontrollable for guns as originally made. They did not supersede gunpowder, but smokeless powders have come, containing nitro-cellulose, or nitro-glycerine rendered plastic, coherent and homogeneous, and converted into rods or grains of free running powder, to aid the[Pg 271] breech-loaders and magazine guns, while the high explosives, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, dualine, etc., have become the favorite agencies for those fearful offensive and defensive weapons, the Torpedoes. From about the time of the discovery of gunpowder, stationary and floating chambers and mines of powder, to be discharged in early times by fuses (later by percussion or electricity), have existed, but modern inventions have rendered them of more fearful importance than was ever dreamed of before this century. The latest invention in this class is the submarine torpedo boat, which, moving rapidly towards an enemy’s vessel, suddenly disappears from sight beneath the water, and strikes the vessel at its lowest or most vulnerable point.

Explosives.—The goal of creating the most effective explosives for firing led to their development not only for that purpose but also for more peaceful activities like blasting. Gun Cotton, a mix of nitric acid and cotton, was made by Schönbein in 1846. It was experimented with for a long time as a substitute for gunpowder in cannons and small arms but was eventually set aside for that purpose. Now, it’s being revived mainly for blasting. This was followed by the discovery of nitroglycerin, which is an even more powerful explosive—too strong and unpredictable for guns as originally intended. They didn’t replace gunpowder, but smokeless powders have emerged, containing nitrocellulose or nitroglycerin made to be plastic, cohesive, and uniform, formed into rods or grains of free-flowing powder, to assist the[Pg 271] breech-loaders and magazine guns. Meanwhile, high explosives like gun cotton, nitroglycerin, dynamite, and dualine have become the preferred materials for those formidable offensive and defensive weapons, the Torpedoes. Since the discovery of gunpowder, stationary and floating chambers and mines filled with powder, which were initially fired with fuses (later by percussion or electric triggers), have existed. However, modern inventions have made them far more dangerous than anyone ever imagined before this century. The latest innovation in this field is the submarine torpedo boat, which moves quickly towards an enemy vessel, suddenly disappears beneath the water, and strikes the vessel at its lowest or most vulnerable point.

To the inquiry as to whether all this vast array of modern implements of destruction is to lessen the destruction of human life, shorten war, mitigate its horrors and tend toward peace, there can be but one answer. All these desirable results have been accomplished whenever the new inventions of importance have been used. “Warlike Tribes” have been put to flight so easily by civilised armies in modern times that such tribes have been doubted as possessing their boasted or even natural courage. Nations with a glorious past as to bravery but with a poor armament have gone down suddenly before smaller forces armed with modern ordnance. The results would have been reversed, and the derision would have proceeded from the other side, if the conditions had been reversed, and those tribes and brave peoples been armed with the best weapons and the knowledge of their use. The courage of the majority of men on the battle-field is begot of confidence and enthusiasm, but this confidence and enthusiasm, however great[Pg 272] the cause, soon fail, and discretion becomes the better part of valour, if men find that their weapons are weak and useless against vastly superior arms of the enemy. The slaughter and destruction in a few hours with modern weapons may not be more terrible than could be inflicted with the old arms by far greater forces at close quarters in a greater length of time in the past, but the end comes sooner; and the prolongation of the struggle with renewed sacrifices of life, and the long continued and exhausting campaigns, giving rise to diseases more destructive than shot or shell, are thereby greatly lessened, if not altogether avoided.

To the question of whether this huge range of modern weapons is meant to reduce the loss of human life, shorten wars, lessen their horrors, and promote peace, there’s only one answer. All these desirable outcomes have been achieved whenever significant new inventions have been utilized. “Warlike Tribes” have been easily defeated by civilized armies in recent times, leading to doubts about the tribes' claimed or even natural bravery. Nations known for their past valor but poorly equipped have fallen suddenly to smaller forces armed with modern artillery. The outcomes would have been different, and the ridicule would have come from the other side if the roles were reversed, with those tribes and courageous peoples armed with superior weapons and the knowledge to use them. The bravery of most soldiers on the battlefield stems from confidence and enthusiasm, but this confidence and enthusiasm, no matter how strong the cause, quickly fade, and caution becomes the better part of valor when men realize their weapons are ineffective against the enemy's vastly superior arms. The slaughter and devastation caused in just a few hours with modern weapons may not be worse than what could be inflicted with older arms by much larger forces in close combat over a longer period in the past, but the outcome arrives sooner; and the lengthening of the struggle, with renewed sacrifices of life and the prolonged, exhausting campaigns that lead to diseases even more deadly than gunfire or explosions, is significantly reduced, if not entirely avoided.


Paper and printing.

Paper-making.—“The art preservative of all arts”—itself must have means of preservation, and hence the art of paper-making precedes the art of printing.

Paper-making.—“The art that preserves all arts”—must also have ways to be preserved, which is why the art of paper-making came before the art of printing.

It was Pliny who wrote, at the beginning of the Christian era, that “All the usages of civilised life depend in a remarkable degree upon the employment of paper. At all events the remembrance of past events.”

It was Pliny who wrote, at the start of the Christian era, that “All the practices of civilized life rely significantly on the use of paper. In any case, it preserves the memory of past events.”

Naturally to the Chinese, the Hindoo, and the Egyptian, we go with inquiries as to origin, and find that as to both arts they were making the most delicate paper from wood and vegetable fibres and printing with great nicety, long before Europeans had even learned to use papyrus or parchment, or had conceived the idea of type.

Naturally to the Chinese, the Hindus, and the Egyptians, we approach with questions about their origins and discover that regarding both arts, they were producing the finest paper from wood and plant fibers and printing with impressive precision long before Europeans even learned to use papyrus or parchment or even thought of the concept of type.

So far as we know the wasp alone preceded the ancient Orientals in the making of paper. Its gray shingled house made in layers, worked up into paper by a master hand from decayed wood, pulped, and glutinised, waterproofed, with internal tiers of chambers, a fortress, a home, and an airy habitation, is still beyond the power of human invention to reproduce.

As far as we know, the wasp was the only creature before the ancient Orientals to create paper. Its gray, layered nest, crafted by skilled individuals from rotting wood, pulped and glued together, waterproofed, with internal levels of rooms, serves as a fortress, a home, and a light-filled living space. It's still beyond human innovation to recreate something like this.

Papyrus—the paper of the Egyptians: Not only their paper, but its pith one of their articles of food, and its outer portions material for paper, boxes, baskets, boats, mats, medicines, cloths and other articles of merchandise.[Pg 274]

Papyrus—Egyptian paper: It wasn’t just their writing material; the inner part was also a food source for them, and the outer layers were used to make paper, boxes, baskets, boats, mats, medicines, cloth, and other goods.[Pg 274]

Once one of the fruits of the Nile, now no longer growing there. On its fragile leaves were recorded and preserved the ancient literatures—the records of dynasties—the songs of the Hebrew prophets—the early annals of Greece and Rome—the vast, lost tomes of Alexandria. Those which were fortunately preserved and transferred to more enduring forms now constitute the greater part of all we have of the writings of those departed ages.

Once one of the fruits of the Nile, it no longer grows there. Its fragile leaves stored and preserved ancient literature—the records of dynasties—the songs of Hebrew prophets—the early histories of Greece and Rome—the vast, lost books of Alexandria. Those that were fortunately preserved and turned into more lasting forms now make up most of what we have from those past ages.

In making paper from papyrus, the inner portion next to the pith was separated into thin leaves; these were laid in two or more layers, moistened and pressed together to form a leaf; two or more leaves united at their edges if desired, or end to end, beaten smooth with a mallet, polished with a piece of iron or shell, the ends, or sides, or both, of the sheet sometimes neatly ornamented, and then rolled on a wooden cylinder. The Romans and other ancient nations imported most of their papyrus from Egypt, although raising it to considerable extent in their own swamps.

In making paper from papyrus, the inner part next to the pith was separated into thin sheets; these were stacked in two or more layers, moistened, and pressed together to create a sheet. If desired, two or more sheets could be joined at their edges or end to end, pounded smooth with a mallet, polished with a piece of iron or shell, and sometimes the ends or sides of the sheet were neatly decorated before being rolled onto a wooden cylinder. The Romans and other ancient cultures imported most of their papyrus from Egypt, though they also cultivated it to a significant extent in their own wetlands.

In the seventh century, the Saracens conquered Egypt and carried back therefrom, papyrus, and the knowledge of how to make paper from it to Europe.

In the seventh century, the Saracens took over Egypt and brought back papyrus and the knowledge of how to make paper from it to Europe.

Parchment manufactured from the skins of young calves, kids, lambs, sheep, and goats, was an early rival of papyrus, and was known and used in Europe before papyrus was there introduced.

Parchment made from the skins of young calves, kids, lambs, sheep, and goats was an early competitor to papyrus and was known and used in Europe before papyrus was introduced there.

The softening of vegetable and woody fibre of various kinds, flax and raw cotton and rags, and reducing it into pulp, drying, beating, and rolling it into paper, seem to have been suggested to Europe by the introduction of papyrus, for we learn of the first appearance of such paper by the Arabians, Saracens, Spaniards and the French along through the eighth, ninth, and tenth and eleventh centuries. Papyrus[Pg 275] does not, however, appear to have been superseded until the twelfth century.

The process of softening various types of plant and wood fibers, like flax, raw cotton, and rags, turning them into pulp, drying, beating, and rolling them into paper, seems to have been inspired by the introduction of papyrus in Europe. We know that the first instances of such paper appeared among the Arabs, Saracens, Spaniards, and the French during the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries. However, papyrus[Pg 275] doesn't seem to have been completely replaced until the twelfth century.

Public documents are still extant written in the twelfth century on paper made from flax and rags; and paper mills began to put in an appearance in Germany in the fourteenth century, in which the fibre was reduced to pulp by stampers. England began to make paper in the next century. Pulping the fibre by softening it in water and beating the same had then been practised for four centuries. Rollers in the mills for rolling the pulp into sheets were introduced in the fifteenth century, and paper makers began to distinguish their goods from those made by others by water marks impressed in the pulp sheets. The jug and the pot was one favourite water mark in that century, succeeded by a fool’s cap, which name has since adhered to paper of a certain size, with or without the cap. So far was the making of paper advanced in Europe that about 1640 wall paper began to be made as a substitute for tapestry; although as to this fashion the Chinese were still ahead some indefinite number of centuries.

Public documents from the twelfth century still exist, written on paper made from flax and rags. Paper mills started to emerge in Germany in the fourteenth century, where the fiber was turned into pulp using stampers. England began producing paper in the following century. The process of pulping the fiber by soaking it in water and beating it had already been practiced for four centuries by then. Rollers for shaping the pulp into sheets were introduced in the fifteenth century, and paper makers started to mark their products with watermarks to set them apart from others. One popular watermark in that century was a jug and pot, followed by a fool’s cap, which name has since been associated with a particular size of paper, with or without the cap. By around 1640, the production of wallpaper began in Europe as an alternative to tapestry; however, the Chinese had already been ahead in this trend for several centuries.

Holland was far advanced in paper-making in the seventeenth century. The revolution of 1688 having seriously interrupted the art in England, that country imported paper from Holland during that period amounting to £100,000. It was a native of Holland, Rittenhouse, who introduced paper-making in America and erected a mill near Philadelphia in the early years of the eighteenth century, and there made paper from linen rags.

Holland was highly advanced in paper-making in the seventeenth century. The revolution of 1688 had significantly disrupted the craft in England, leading the country to import paper from Holland during that time, totaling £100,000. It was a Dutchman, Rittenhouse, who brought paper-making to America and built a mill near Philadelphia in the early eighteenth century, where he produced paper from linen rags.

The Dutch also had substituted cylinders armed with blades in place of stampers and used their windmills to run them. The Germans and French experimented with wood and straw.[Pg 276]

The Dutch also replaced stampers with cylinders fitted with blades and used their windmills to power them. The Germans and French tried using wood and straw.[Pg 276]

In the latter part of the eighteenth century some manufacturers in Europe had learned to make white paper from white rags, and as good in quality, and some think better, than is made at the present day. The essentials of paper making by hand from rags and raw vegetable fibres, the soaking of fibres in water and boiling them in lyes, the beating, rolling, smoothing, sizing and polishing of the paper, were then known and practised. But the best paper was then a dear commodity. The art of bleaching coloured stock was unknown, and white paper was made alone from stock that came white into the mill. The processes were nearly all hand operations. “Beating” was pounding in a mortar. The pulp was laid by hand upon moulds made of parallel strands of coarse brass wire; and the making of the pulp by grinding wood and treating it chemically to soften it was experimental.

In the late eighteenth century, some manufacturers in Europe figured out how to make white paper from white rags, and it was just as good, if not better, than what we have today. The key steps in making paper by hand from rags and raw vegetable fibers—soaking the fibers in water, boiling them in lye, beating, rolling, smoothing, sizing, and polishing the paper—were already known and practiced. However, the best paper was quite expensive back then. The technique for bleaching colored stock wasn't discovered yet, so white paper was made only from stock that was already white when it arrived at the mill. Most of the processes were done by hand. “Beating” meant pounding the fibers in a mortar. The pulp was laid by hand onto molds made of parallel strands of coarse brass wire, and making the pulp by grinding wood and treating it chemically to soften it was still experimental.

The nineteenth century produced a revolution. It introduced the use of modern machinery, and modern chemical processes, by which all known varieties and sizes of paper, of all colours, as well as paper vessels, are made daily in immense quantities in all civilised countries, from all sorts of fibrous materials.

The nineteenth century brought about a revolution. It introduced the use of modern machinery and chemical processes, enabling the daily production of all known types and sizes of paper, in all colors, as well as paper products, in huge quantities across all developed countries, using various fibrous materials.

Knight, in his Mechanical Dictionary, gives a list of nearly 400 different materials for paper making that had been used or suggested, for the most part within the century and up to twenty years ago, and the number has since increased.

Knight, in his Mechanical Dictionary, provides a list of nearly 400 different materials for making paper that have been used or proposed, mostly within the last century and up to twenty years ago, and that number has since grown.

The modern revolution commenced in 1799, when Louis Robert, an employee of François Didot of Essones, France, invented and patented the first machine for making paper in a long, wide, continuous web. The French government in 1800 granted him a reward of 8,000 francs. The machine was then[Pg 277] exhibited in England and there tested with success. It was there that Messrs. Fourdrinier, a wealthy stationery firm, purchased the patents, expended £60,000 for improvements on the machine, and first gave to the world its practical benefits. This expenditure bankrupted them, as the machines were not at once remunerative, and parliament refused to grant them pecuniary assistance. Gamble, Donkin, Koops, the Fourdriniers, Dickenson, and Wilkes, were the first inventors to improve the Robert machine, and to give it that form which in many essential features remains to-day. They, together with later inventors, gave to the world a new system of paper making.

The modern revolution started in 1799 when Louis Robert, an employee of François Didot in Essones, France, invented and patented the first machine that made paper in a long, wide, continuous sheet. The French government rewarded him with 8,000 francs in 1800. The machine was then[Pg 277] displayed in England and successfully tested there. This is where the Fourdrinier brothers, a wealthy stationery company, bought the patents, invested £60,000 in improvements to the machine, and introduced its practical benefits to the world. This investment ended up bankrupting them, as the machines didn’t generate profits right away and parliament denied them financial support. Gamble, Donkin, Koops, the Fourdriniers, Dickenson, and Wilkes were the first inventors to enhance the Robert machine, giving it a design that still retains many essential features today. Together with later inventors, they created a new system for making paper.

By 1872 two hundred and ninety-nine Fourdrinier machines were running in the United States alone. In the improved Fourdrinier machine or system, rags, or wood, or straw are ground or otherwise reduced to pulp, and then the pulp, when properly soaked and drained, is dumped into a regulating box, passing under a copper gate to regulate the amount and depth of feed, then carried along through strainers, screeners or dressers, to free the mass from clots and reduce it to the proper fineness, over an endless wire apron, spread evenly over this apron by a shaking motion, subjected to the action of a suction box by which the water is drawn off by air-suction pumps, carried between cloth-covered rollers which press and cohere it, carried on to a moving long felt blanket to further free it from moisture, and which continues to hold the sheet of pulp in form; then with the blanket through press rolls adjustable to a desired pressure and provided with means to remove therefrom adhering pulp and to arrest the progress of the paper if necessary; then through another set of[Pg 278] compression rollers, when the condensed and matted pulp, now paper, is carried on to a second blanket, passed through a series of steam cylinders, where the web is partially dried, and again compressed, thence through another series of rollers and drying cylinders, which still further dry and stretch it, and now, finally completed, the sheet is wound on a receiving cylinder. The number of rollers and cylinders and the position and the length of the process to fully dry, compact, stretch and finish the sheet, may be, and are, varied greatly. If it is desired to impress on or into the paper water marks, letters, words, or ornamental matter, the paper in its moist stage, after it passes through the suction boxes, is passed under a “dandy” or fancy scrolled roll provided on its surface with the desired design. When it is desired to give it a smooth, glossy surface, the paper, after its completion, is passed through animal sizing material, and then between drying and smoothing rollers. Or this sizing may be applied to the pulp at the outset of the operation. Colouring material, when desired, is applied to the pulp, before pressing. By the use of machines under this system, a vast amount of material, cast-off rags, etc., before regarded as waste, was utilised for paper making.

By 1872, there were two hundred ninety-nine Fourdrinier machines operating in the United States alone. In the improved Fourdrinier machine or system, rags, wood, or straw are ground or otherwise processed into pulp. Once the pulp is properly soaked and drained, it is fed into a regulating box, passing under a copper gate to control the amount and depth of the feed. It then moves through strainers, screeners, or dressers to remove clots and achieve the right fineness, flowing over an endless wire apron. The pulp is spread evenly over this apron with a shaking motion and subjected to a suction box that uses air-suction pumps to draw off the water. It is then pressed between cloth-covered rollers to solidify it, transferred to a moving long felt blanket to extract more moisture while maintaining the sheet's shape, and then passed through press rolls that can be adjusted for the desired pressure, equipped to remove any excess pulp and halt the paper's progress if necessary. Next, it goes through another set of compression rollers, where the condensed and matted pulp, now paper, is carried to a second blanket and then through a series of steam cylinders for partial drying and further compression. After that, it goes through more rollers and drying cylinders to continue drying and stretching, and finally, the completed sheet is wound onto a receiving cylinder. The number of rollers and cylinders, as well as the length and positioning of the process to fully dry, compact, stretch, and finish the sheet, can vary significantly. If watermarks, letters, words, or decorative elements are to be impressed into the paper, it is done during the moist stage after passing through the suction boxes, under a “dandy” or fancy scrolled roll with the desired design on its surface. To give the paper a smooth, glossy finish, after it's done, it is passed through an animal sizing material and then between drying and smoothing rollers. Alternatively, this sizing can be applied to the pulp at the beginning of the process. If coloring is desired, coloring material is added to the pulp before pressing. This system allows for the use of a vast amount of material, such as cast-off rags previously considered waste, in paper making.

The modern discoveries of the chemists of the century as to the nature of fibres, best modes and materials for reducing them to pulp, and bleaching processes, have brought the art of paper making from wood and other fibrous materials to its present high and prosperous condition.

The recent discoveries by chemists this century about the nature of fibers, the best methods and materials for breaking them down into pulp, and bleaching processes have transformed paper making from wood and other fibrous materials into a highly advanced and successful industry.

What are known as the soda-pulp and the sulphite processes are examples of this. The latter and other acid processes were not successful until cement-lined digesters were invented to withstand their corroding[Pg 279] action. But now it is only necessary to have a convenient forest of almost any kind of wood to justify the establishment of a paper mill.

What are known as the soda-pulp and sulfite processes are examples of this. The latter and other acid processes weren't successful until cement-lined digesters were invented to handle their corrosive[Pg 279] effects. Now, it’s enough to have a suitable forest of almost any type of wood to make setting up a paper mill worthwhile.

It was the scarcity of rags, especially of linen rags, that forced inventors to find other paper-producing materials.

It was the lack of rags, especially linen rags, that pushed inventors to look for other materials to make paper.

It would be impossible and uninteresting in a work of this character to enumerate the mechanical details constituting the improvements of the century in paper-making machinery of all kinds. Thousands of patents have been granted for such inventions. With one modern Fourdrinier machine, and a few beating engines, a small paper mill will now turn out daily as much paper as could be made by twelve mills a hundred years ago.

It would be pointless and dull in a work like this to list all the mechanical details about the century's advancements in paper-making machinery of all kinds. Thousands of patents have been issued for these inventions. With just one modern Fourdrinier machine and a few beating engines, a small paper mill can now produce as much paper in a day as twelve mills could a hundred years ago.

In moulding pulp into articles of manufacture, satisfactory machines have been invented, not only for the mere forming them into shape, but for water-proofing and indurating the same. From the making of a ponderous paper car wheel to a lady’s delicate work basket, success has been attained.

In shaping pulp into products, effective machines have been developed, not just for simply forming them into shape, but also for waterproofing and hardening them. From creating a heavy paper car wheel to a woman's delicate sewing basket, success has been achieved.

Paper bag machines, machines for making paper boxes, applying and staying corners of such boxes, for making cell cases used in packing eggs and fruit, and for wrapping fruit; machines for affixing various forms of labels and addresses, are among the wonders of modern inventions relating to paper. It is wonderful how art and ingenuity united about thirty years ago to produce attractive wall papers. Previous to that time they were dull and conventional in appearance. Now beautiful designs are rolled out from machines.

Paper bag machines, which make paper boxes, apply and secure corners of those boxes, create cell cases used for packaging eggs and fruit, and wrap fruit; machines that attach various labels and addresses, are just a few of the amazing modern inventions related to paper. It's incredible how creativity and innovation came together around thirty years ago to create attractive wallpapers. Before that, they were plain and traditional in look. Now, beautiful designs are produced by machines.

Printing.—We have already seen how paper making and printing grew up together an indefinite number of centuries ago in the Far East. Both block[Pg 280] printing and movable types were the production of the Chinese, with which on their little pages of many-coloured paper they printed myriads of volumes of their strange literature in stranger characters during centuries when Europeans were painfully inscribing their thoughts with the stylus and crude pens upon papyrus and the dried skins of animals.

Printing.—We've already seen how paper making and printing developed together an unknown number of centuries ago in the Far East. Both block[Pg 280] printing and movable type were created by the Chinese, who used their colorful paper to print countless volumes of their unique literature in unusual characters during centuries when Europeans were awkwardly writing their thoughts with styluses and rough pens on papyrus and animal skin.

But the European and his descendants delight to honour most the early inventors of their own countries. Italy refers with pride to the printing from blocks practised by the Venetians, and at Ravenna, from 1280 to 1300; from type at Subiaco in the Roman territory in 1465, and to the first Roman book printed in 1470; the Dutch to Laurens Coster, whom they allege invented movable type in 1423. Some of the Dutch have doubted this, and pin their faith on Jacob Bellaert, as the first printer, and Gerard Leeu, his workman, who made the types at Haarlem, in 1483. The Germans rely with confidence on John Guttenberg, who at Strasburg, as early as 1436, had wooden blocks, and wooden movable types, and who, two or three years after, printed several works; on the partnership of Faust and Guttenberg in 1450 at Mentz, and their Bible in Latin printed in 1456 on vellum with types imitating manuscript in form, and illustrated by hand; and, finally, on Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim, who then made matrices in which were cast the letters singly, and who thereby so pleased his master, Faust, that the latter gave him his daughter, Christina, in marriage.

But Europeans and their descendants love to honor the early inventors from their own countries the most. Italy proudly points to the block printing done by the Venetians and in Ravenna from 1280 to 1300, the type printing in Subiaco, in the Roman area, in 1465, and the first Roman book printed in 1470. The Dutch celebrate Laurens Coster, whom they claim invented movable type in 1423. Some in the Netherlands have questioned this and believe that Jacob Bellaert was the first printer, along with his worker Gerard Leeu, who created the type in Haarlem in 1483. The Germans confidently back John Gutenberg, who, as early as 1436 in Strasbourg, had wooden blocks and wooden movable types, and who, two or three years later, printed several works; they also support the partnership of Faust and Gutenberg in 1450 in Mainz, including their Latin Bible printed in 1456 on vellum with types resembling manuscript form, illustrated by hand; and finally, they recognize Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim, who made matrices that cast individual letters, pleasing his master Faust so much that he gave him his daughter, Christina, in marriage.

From Germany the art spread to Paris and thence to England. About 1474 Caxton was printing his black-letter books in England. Spain followed, and it is stated that in 1500 there were two hundred[Pg 281] printing offices in Europe. The religious and political turmoils in Germany in the sixteenth century gave an immense impetus to printing there. The printing press was the handmaid of the Reformation. In America the first printing press was set up in Mexico in 1536, and in Lima, Brazil, in 1586. In 1639, nineteen years after the landing of the Pilgrims on the bleak rock at Plymouth, they set up a printing press at Cambridge, Mass.

From Germany, the art spread to Paris and then to England. Around 1474, Caxton was printing his black-letter books in England. Spain followed, and it’s said that by 1500 there were two hundred[Pg 281] printing offices in Europe. The religious and political upheavals in Germany during the sixteenth century greatly boosted printing there. The printing press supported the Reformation. In America, the first printing press was established in Mexico in 1536 and in Lima, Brazil, in 1586. In 1639, nineteen years after the Pilgrims landed on the harsh rock at Plymouth, they set up a printing press in Cambridge, Mass.

The art of printing soon resolved itself into two classes: first, composition, the arranging of the type in the proper order into words and pages; and second, press work; the taking of impressions from the types, or from casts of types in plates—being a facsimile of a type bed. This was stereotyping—the invention of William Ged, of Edinburgh, in 1731.

The art of printing quickly divided into two categories: first, composition, which involves arranging the type in the correct order to form words and pages; and second, press work, which is the process of taking impressions from the types, or from casts of types in plates—essentially a facsimile of a type bed. This was stereotyping—the invention of William Ged, from Edinburgh, in 1731.

Types soon came to be made everywhere of uniform height; that of England and America being 92-100 of an inch, and became universally classified by names according to their sizes, as pica, small pica, long primer, minion, nonpareil, etc.

Types soon started to be produced with a standard height everywhere, with those in England and America measuring 92-100 points. They became universally categorized by names based on their sizes, such as pica, small pica, long primer, minion, nonpareil, etc.

After movable types came the invention of Presses. The earliest were composed of a wooden frame on which were placed the simple screw and a lever to force a plate down upon a sheet of paper placed on the bed of type which had been set in the press, with a spring to automatically raise the screw and plate after the delivery of the impression. This was invented by Blaew of Amsterdam in 1620. Such, also, was the Ramage press, and on such a one Benjamin Franklin worked at his trade as a printer, both in America and in London. His London press, on which he worked in 1725, was carried to the United States, and is now on exhibition in Washington. This was substantially the state of the art at the beginning of the century.[Pg 282]

After movable type came the invention of Presses. The earliest ones had a wooden frame with a simple screw and a lever to push a plate down onto a sheet of paper resting on the type set in the press, with a spring to automatically lift the screw and plate after the impression was made. This was invented by Blaew of Amsterdam in 1620. Similarly, the Ramage press was designed this way, and Benjamin Franklin used one of these presses in his printing career, both in America and London. His London press, which he used in 1725, was brought to the United States and is currently on display in Washington. This was basically the state of the art at the beginning of the century.[Pg 282]

Then Earl Stanhope in England invented a press entirely of iron, and the power consisted of the combination of a toggle joint and lever. The first American improvement was invented by George Clymer, of Philadelphia, in 1817, the power being an improved lever consisting of three simple levers of the second order. This was superseded by the “Washington” press invented by Samuel Rust in 1829. It has as essential parts the toggle joint and lever, and in the frame work, as in the Stanhope, type bed, rails on which the bed was moved in and out, means to move the bed, the platen, the tympan on which the sheet is placed, the frisket, a perforated sheet of paper, to preserve the printed sheet, an inking roller and frame. In this was subsequently introduced an automatic device for inking the roller, as it was moved back from over the bed of type on to an inking table. This, substantially, has been the hand press ever since.

Then Earl Stanhope in England created a press totally made of iron, using a combination of a toggle joint and lever for power. The first American enhancement was developed by George Clymer from Philadelphia in 1817, featuring an improved lever that included three simple levers of the second order. This was replaced by the “Washington” press, invented by Samuel Rust in 1829. Its key components were the toggle joint and lever, and like the Stanhope, it included a type bed, rails for moving the bed in and out, mechanisms to move the bed, the platen, the tympan where the sheet is placed, and the frisket, a perforated sheet of paper used to protect the printed sheet, along with an inking roller and frame. An automatic inking device was later added that inked the roller as it was pulled back from over the bed of type onto an inking table. This has essentially remained the design of the hand press ever since.

With one of these hand-presses and the aid of two men about two hundred and fifty sheets an hour could be printed on one side. The increase in the circulation of newspapers before the opening of the 19th century demanded greater rapidity of production and turned the attention of inventors to the construction of power or machine presses. Like the paper-making machine, the power press was conceived in the last decade of the eighteenth century, and like that art was also not developed until the nineteenth century. William Nicholson of England is believed to have been the first inventor of a machine printing press. He obtained an English patent for it in 1720. The type were to be placed on the face of one cylinder, which was designed to be in gear, revolved with, and press upon another cylinder covered with[Pg 283] soft leather, the type cylinder to be inked by a third cylinder to which the inking apparatus, was applied, and the paper to be printed by being passed between the type and the impression cylinder. These ideas were incorporated into the best printing machines that have since been made. But the first successful machine printing press was the invention of two Saxons, König and Bauer, in 1813, who introduced their ideas from Germany, constructed the machine in London, and on which on the 28th of November, 1814, an issue of the London Times was printed. The Times announced to its readers that day that they were for the first time perusing a paper printed upon a machine driven by steam power. What a union of mighty forces was heralded in this simple announcement! The union of the steam engine, the printing press, and a great and powerful journal! An Archimedean lever had been found at last with which to move the world.

With one of these hand presses and the help of two men, about two hundred and fifty sheets could be printed on one side each hour. The rising demand for newspapers before the 19th century called for faster production, leading inventors to focus on creating power or machine presses. Similar to the paper-making machine, the power press was conceived in the last decade of the 18th century but wasn't fully developed until the 19th century. William Nicholson from England is thought to be the first inventor of a machine printing press, receiving an English patent for it in 1720. The type was set on the face of one cylinder that turned and pressed against another cylinder covered with [Pg 283] soft leather, while the type cylinder was inked by a third cylinder that had the inking device attached, and the paper was printed by being passed between the type and the impression cylinders. These concepts were integrated into the best printing machines created later on. However, the first successful machine printing press was invented by two Saxons, König and Bauer, in 1813. They brought their ideas from Germany, built the machine in London, and on November 28, 1814, an issue of the London Times was printed on it. The Times informed its readers that day that they were reading a paper for the first time printed by a machine powered by steam. What an incredible combination of powerful forces was celebrated in this simple announcement! The fusion of the steam engine, the printing press, and a significant and influential journal! An Archimedean lever had finally been discovered to move the world.

The production of printed sheets per hour over the hand-press was at once quadrupled, and very shortly 1800 sheets per hour were printed. This machine was of that class known as cylinder presses. In this machine ordinary type was used, and the type-form was flat and passed beneath a large impression cylinder on which the paper was held by tapes. The type-form was reciprocated beneath an inking apparatus and the paper cylinder alternately. The inking apparatus consisted of a series of rollers, to the first of which the ink was ejected from a trough and distributed to the others. In 1815 Cowper patented in England electrotype plates to be affixed to a cylinder. Applegath and Cowper improved the König machine in the matter of the ink distributing rollers, and in the adaptation of four printing cylinders to[Pg 284] the reciprocating type bed, whereby, with some other minor changes, 5000 impressions on one side were produced per hour. Again Applegath greatly changed the arrangement of cylinders and multiplied their number, and the number of the other parts, so that in 1848 the sheets printed on one side were first 8000 and then 12,000 an hour.

The production of printed sheets per hour with the hand-press was instantly increased fourfold, and soon after, 1800 sheets per hour were printed. This machine belonged to the category known as cylinder presses. It used standard type, which was flat and moved beneath a large impression cylinder that held the paper with tapes. The type-form moved back and forth beneath an inking system and the paper cylinder alternately. The inking system consisted of a series of rollers, with the first roller receiving ink from a trough and distributing it to the others. In 1815, Cowper patented electrotype plates in England to be attached to a cylinder. Applegath and Cowper enhanced the König machine by improving the ink distributing rollers and adapting four printing cylinders to the reciprocating type bed, resulting in a capacity of 5000 impressions on one side per hour, along with some other minor changes. Applegath further revamped the arrangement of the cylinders and increased their number, along with the other components, so that by 1848, the sheets printed on one side reached 8000 and then 12,000 per hour.

In the United States, Daniel Treadwell of Boston invented the first power printing machine in 1822. Two of these machines were at that time set up in New York city. It was a flat bed press and was long used in Washington in printing for the government. David Bruce of New York, in 1838, invented the first successful type-casting machine, which, when shortly afterward it was perfected, became the model for type-casting machines for Europe and America. Previous to that time type were generally made by casting them in hand-moulds—the metal being poured in with a spoon.

In the United States, Daniel Treadwell from Boston created the first power printing machine in 1822. At that time, two of these machines were set up in New York City. It was a flatbed press and was used for a long time in Washington to print for the government. In 1838, David Bruce from New York invented the first successful type-casting machine, which, after being perfected shortly afterward, became the standard for type-casting machines in Europe and America. Before that, type was generally made by casting it in hand molds, with the metal being poured in using a spoon.

Robert Hoe, an English inventor, went to New York in 1803, and turned his attention to the making of printing presses. His son, Richard March Hoe, inherited his father’s inventive genius. While in England in 1837-1840, obtaining a patent on and introducing a circular saw, he became interested in the printing presses of the London Times. Returning home, he invented and perfected a rotary machine which received the name of the “Lightning Press.” It first had four and then ten cylinders arranged in a circle. As finally completed, it printed from a continuous roll of paper several miles in length, and on both sides at the same time, cutting off and folding ready for delivery, 15,000 to 20,000 newspapers an hour, the paper being drawn through the press at the rate of 1,000 feet in a minute. Before [Pg 285]it was in this final, completed shape, it was adopted by the London Times. John Walter of London in the meantime invented a machine of a similar class. He also used a sheet of paper miles long. It was first damped, passed through blotting rolls, and then to the printing cylinders. It gave out 11,000 perfected sheets, or 22,000 impressions an hour, and as each sheet was printed, it was cut by a knife on the cylinder, and the sheets piled on the paper boards. It was adopted by the London Times and the New York Times.

Robert Hoe, an English inventor, moved to New York in 1803 and focused on making printing presses. His son, Richard March Hoe, inherited his father’s creativity. While in England from 1837 to 1840, getting a patent for and introducing a circular saw, he became interested in the printing presses of the London Times. After returning home, he invented and refined a rotary machine known as the “Lightning Press.” It initially had four cylinders and later ten, arranged in a circle. When it was finally completed, it printed from a continuous roll of paper several miles long, printing on both sides simultaneously, cutting, and folding 15,000 to 20,000 newspapers per hour, with the paper being pulled through the press at a speed of 1,000 feet per minute. Before [Pg 285] it took this final form, it was adopted by the London Times. Meanwhile, John Walter of London invented a similar machine that also used a paper roll miles long. This paper was first dampened, passed through blotting rolls, and then to the printing cylinders. It produced 11,000 finished sheets, or 22,000 impressions per hour, and as each sheet was printed, it was cut by a knife on the cylinder and stacked on the paper boards. It was adopted by the London Times and the New York Times.

A German press at Augsburg, and the Campbell presses of the United States, have also become celebrated as web perfecting presses, in which the web is printed, the sheets cut, associated, folded, and delivered at high speed. One of the latest quadruple stereotype perfecting presses made by Hoe & Co. of New York has a running capacity of 48,000 papers per hour. On another, a New York paper has turned off nearly six hundred thousand copies in a single day, requiring for their printing ninety-four tons of paper. Among other celebrated inventors of printing presses in the United States were Isaac Adams, Taylor, Gordon, Potter, Hawkins, Bullock, Cottrell, Campbell, Babcock, and Firm.

A German press in Augsburg and the Campbell presses in the United States are now famous for their web perfecting presses, which print the web, cut the sheets, collate, fold, and deliver at high speed. One of the newest quadruple stereotype perfecting presses made by Hoe & Co. in New York can produce 48,000 papers per hour. On another press, a New York paper managed to print nearly six hundred thousand copies in just one day, using ninety-four tons of paper. Other notable inventors of printing presses in the United States include Isaac Adams, Taylor, Gordon, Potter, Hawkins, Bullock, Cottrell, Campbell, Babcock, and Firm.

Mail-marking Machines, in which provision is made for holding the printing mechanism out of operative position in case a letter is not in position to be stamped; address-printing machines, including machines for printing addresses by means of a stencil; machines for automatically setting and distributing the type, including those in which the individual types are caused to enter the proper receptacle by means of nicks in the type, which engage corresponding projections on a stationary guard[Pg 286] plate, and automatic type justifying machines. All such have been invented, developed, and perfected in the last half century.

Mail-marking Machines that have features to keep the printing mechanism from working when a letter isn't correctly in place for stamping; address-printing machines, which include machines that print addresses using a stencil; machines that automatically set and sort the type, including those where individual types are directed into the right slot through nicks in the type that interact with matching projections on a stationary guard[Pg 286] plate, as well as automatic type justifying machines. All of these have been invented, developed, and refined in the last fifty years.

Another invention which has added wonderfully to push the century along, is the Typewriter. It has long been said that “The pen is mightier than the sword,” but from present indications, it is proper to add that the typewriter is mightier than the pen.

Another invention that has significantly advanced the century is the Typewriter. It has long been said that “The pen is mightier than the sword,” but based on current evidence, it’s fair to say that the typewriter is mightier than the pen.

A machine in which movable types are caused to yield impressions on paper to form letters by means of key levers operated by hand, has been one of slow growth from its conception to its present practical and successful form.

A machine that uses movable types to print letters on paper through key levers operated by hand has developed slowly from its original idea to its current practical and successful design.

Some one suggested the idea in England in a patent in 1714. The idea rested until 1840, when a French inventor revived it in a patent. At the same time patents began to come out in England and the United States; and about forty patents in each of these two countries were granted from that time until 1875. Since that date about 1400 patents more have been issued in the United States, and a large number in other countries. It was, however, only that year and before 1880, that the first popular commercially successful machines were made and introduced.

Someone suggested the idea in England in a patent in 1714. The idea was put on hold until 1840, when a French inventor brought it back to life with a new patent. Around the same time, patents began to be issued in England and the United States; about forty patents were granted in each of these two countries from that point until 1875. Since then, around 1,400 more patents have been issued in the United States, along with a significant number in other countries. However, it wasn't until that year and before 1880 that the first popular commercially successful machines were created and launched.

The leading generic idea of all subsequent successful devices of this kind was clearly set forth in the patent of S. W. Francis of the United States in 1857. This feature is the arranging of a row of hammers in a circle so that when put in motion they will all strike the same place, which is the centre of that circle. The arrangement of a row of pivoted hammers or type levers, each operated by a separate key lever to strike an inked ribbon in front of a sheet of paper, means to automatically move the carriage carrying the paper roll from right to left as the letters [Pg 287]are successfully printed, leaving a space between each letter and word, and sounding a signal when the end of a line is reached, so that the carriage may be returned to its former position—all these and some other minor but necessary operations may seem simple enough when stated, but their accomplishment required the careful study of many inventors for years.

The main idea behind all later successful devices of this type was clearly laid out in the patent by S. W. Francis from the United States in 1857. This feature involves arranging a row of hammers in a circle so that when set in motion, they all hit the same spot, which is the center of the circle. The setup includes a row of pivoting hammers or type levers, each controlled by a separate key lever to strike an inked ribbon in front of a sheet of paper. This design automatically moves the carriage holding the paper roll from right to left as the letters [Pg 287] are printed, leaving a space between each letter and word, and sounds a signal when the end of a line is reached, so the carriage can return to its starting position. All these and a few other minor but essential tasks may seem straightforward when described, but achieving them required years of careful work by many inventors.

One of the most modern of typewriters has a single electro-magnet to actuate all the type bars of a set, and to throw each type from its normal position to the printing centre. By an extremely light touch given to each key lever the circuit is closed and causes the lever to strike without the necessity of pressing the key down its whole extent and releasing it before the next key strikes. By this device, the operator is relieved of fatigue, as his fingers may glide quickly from one key to another, the printing is made uniform, and far greater speed attained by reason of the quick and delicate action. Mr. Thaddeus Cahill of Washington appears to be the first to have invented the most successful of this type of machines.

One of the most advanced typewriters has a single electro-magnet that activates all the type bars at once and moves each type from its usual position to the printing center. With just a light touch on each key lever, the circuit is closed, allowing the lever to strike without needing to press the key all the way down and release it before the next key is struck. This innovation reduces fatigue for the operator, enabling fingers to glide quickly from one key to another, ensuring uniform printing, and achieving much greater speed due to the quick and sensitive action. Mr. Thaddeus Cahill from Washington seems to be the first to have invented the most successful version of this type of machine.

Book-binding Machinery is another new production of the century. It may be that the old hand methods would give to a book a stronger binding than is found on most books to-day, but the modern public demands and has obtained machinery that will take the loose sheets and bind them ready for delivery, at the rate of ten or fifteen thousand volumes a day.

Book-binding Machinery is another new development of the century. It’s possible that the old hand methods provided a stronger binding for books than what is typical today, but the modern public wants and has access to machinery that can take loose sheets and bind them for delivery at a rate of ten to fifteen thousand volumes a day.

The “quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore,” the Latin folios in oak or ivory boards with brass clasps, or bound in velvet, or in crimson satin, ornamented with finest needlework or precious[Pg 288] stones, or the more humble beech boards, and calf and sheep skins with metal edges and iron clasps, in all of which the sheets were stoutly sewed together and glued, when glue was known, to the covers, are now but relics of the past. Machinery came to the front quite rapidly after 1825, at which time cloth had been introduced as cheaper than leather, and as cheap and a more enduring binder than paper. The processes in book-binding are enumerated as follows; and for each process a machine has been invented within the last sixty years to do the work:

The “charming and interesting books of forgotten knowledge,” the Latin volumes in oak or ivory covers with brass clasps, or covered in velvet or crimson satin, decorated with exquisite needlework or precious[Pg 288] stones, or the simpler beech covers, and calf and sheep skins with metal edges and iron clasps, where the pages were securely sewn together and glued, when glue was available, to the covers, are now just remnants of a bygone era. Machinery began to emerge quickly after 1825, when cloth was introduced as a cheaper alternative to leather and as a more affordable and durable binder than paper. The processes in bookbinding are listed as follows; and for each process, a machine has been invented in the last sixty years to perform the task:

Folding the sheets;
Gathering the consecutive sheets;
Rolling the backs of folded sheets;
Saw cutting the backs for the combs;
Rounding the back of the sewed sheets.
Edge cutting;
Binding, securing the books to the sides, covering with muslin, leather or paper. Tooling and lettering.
Edge gilting.

Folding the sheets; Gathering the stacked sheets; Rolling the backs of the folded sheets; Cutting the backs for the combs; Sewing; Shaping the back of the stitched sheets.
Trimming the edges; Binding involves attaching books to their covers and wrapping them with muslin, leather, or paper. This includes stamping and lettering.
Gold trim.

One of the best modern illustrations of human thought and complicated manual operations contained in automatic machinery is the Linotype.

One of the best modern examples of human thought and complex manual operations in automatic machinery is the Linotype.

It is a great step from the humble invention of Schoeffer five hundred and fifty years ago of cast movable type to that of another German, Mergenthaler, in 1890-92.

It is a significant leap from the simple invention of Schoeffer five hundred and fifty years ago, which was cast movable type, to that of another German, Mergenthaler, in 1890-92.

The Linotype (a line of type) was pronounced by the London Engineering “as the most remarkable machine of this century.” It was the outcome of twelve years of continuous experiment and invention, and the expenditure of more than a million dollars. A brief description of this invention is given in the report of the United States commissioner of patents for 1895 as follows: “In the present Mergenthaler[Pg 289] construction there is a magazine containing a series of tubes for the letter or character moulds, each of which moulds is provided with a single character. There are a number of duplicates of each character, and the moulds containing the same character are all arranged in one tube. The machine is provided with a series of finger keys, which, when pressed like the keys of a typewriter, cause the letter moulds to assemble in a line in their proper order for print. A line mould and a melting pot are then brought into proper relation to the assembled line of letter moulds and a cast is taken, called the linotype, which represents the entire line, a column wide, of the matter to be printed. The letter moulds are then automatically returned to their proper magazine tube. The Mergenthaler machine is largely in use in the principal newspaper offices, with the result that a single operator does at least the work of four average compositors.”

The Linotype (a line of type) was called by the London Engineering “the most impressive machine of this century.” It was the result of twelve years of ongoing experimentation and innovation, costing over a million dollars. A brief description of this invention is provided in the report of the United States commissioner of patents for 1895 as follows: “In the current Mergenthaler[Pg 289] design, there is a magazine containing a series of tubes for the letter or character molds, each of which molds holds a single character. There are multiple duplicates of each character, and the molds containing the same character are all set up in one tube. The machine has a series of finger keys that, when pressed like a typewriter, cause the letter molds to line up in the correct order for printing. A line mold and a melting pot are then positioned properly with respect to the assembled line of letter molds, and a cast is taken, called the linotype, which represents the entire line, a column wide, of the content to be printed. The letter molds are then automatically returned to their corresponding magazine tube. The Mergenthaler machine is widely used in major newspaper offices, resulting in a single operator performing at least the work of four average compositors.”

Mr Rogers obtained a United States patent, September 23, 1890, for a machine for casting lines of type, the principal feature of which is that the letter moulds are strung on wires secured on a hinged frame. “When the frame is in one position, the letter moulds are released by the keys, slide down the wires by gravity and are assembled in line at the casting point. After the cast is taken, the lower ends of the guide wires are elevated, which causes the letter moulds to slide back on the wires to their original position, when the operation is repeated for the next line.” Operated by a single person, the Mergenthaler produces and assembles linotypes ready for the press or stereotyping table at the rate of from 3,600 to 7,000 ems (type characters) per hour. It permits the face or style of type to be changed at will[Pg 290] and it permits the operator to read and correct his matter as he proceeds.

Mr. Rogers received a United States patent on September 23, 1890, for a machine that casts lines of type. The key feature of this machine is that the letter molds are strung on wires attached to a hinged frame. “When the frame is in one position, the letter molds are released by the keys, slide down the wires by gravity, and line up at the casting point. After the cast is made, the lower ends of the guide wires are raised, which makes the letter molds slide back on the wires to their original position, allowing the process to be repeated for the next line.” Operated by one person, the Mergenthaler produces and assembles linotypes ready for the press or stereotyping table at a rate of 3,600 to 7,000 ems (type characters) per hour. It allows for the typeface or style to be changed at will[Pg 290] and enables the operator to read and correct the text as they work.

To the aid of the ordinary printing press came electrotyping, stenographic colour printing, engraving, and smaller job and card presses, all entirely new creations within the century, and of infinite variety, each in itself forming a new class in typographic art, and a valuable addition to the marvellous transformation.

To help the standard printing press, there came electrotyping, color printing using steno techniques, engraving, and smaller job and card presses— all completely new inventions for the century, with endless variations, each creating a new category in typographic art and adding significant value to the incredible transformation.

The introduction of the linotype and other modern machines into printing offices has without doubt many times reduced and displaced manual labour, and caused at those times at least temporary suffering among employees. But statistics do not show that as a whole there are fewer printers in the land. On the contrary, the force seems to increase, just as the number of printing establishments increase, with the multiplication of new inventions. As in other arts, the distress caused by the displacement of hand-labour by machinery is local and temporary. The whole art rests for its development on the demand for reading matter, and the demand never seems to let up. It increases as fast as the means of the consumers increase for procuring it. One hundred years ago a decent private library, consisting of a hundred or so volumes, one or two weekly newspapers, and an occasional periodical, was the badge and possession alone of the wealthy few. Now nearly every reading citizen of every village has piled up in some corner of his house a better supply than that, of bound or unbound literature, and of a far superior quality. Besides the tons of reading matter of all kinds turned out daily by the city presses, every village wants its own paper and its town library, and every one of its business men has[Pg 291] recourse to the typewriter and the printer for his letters, his cards, and his advertisements.

The introduction of the linotype and other modern machines into printing shops has definitely reduced and replaced manual labor many times, causing temporary struggles for employees. However, statistics show that overall, there aren't fewer printers in the country. In fact, the number seems to be growing, just as the number of printing companies increases with the rise of new inventions. Like in other fields, the hardship caused by machines replacing manual work is often local and temporary. The entire industry relies on the demand for reading material, which never seems to diminish. It grows as consumers have more resources to obtain it. A hundred years ago, a decent private library, comprising around a hundred books, one or two weekly newspapers, and the occasional magazine, was a luxury only for the wealthy elite. Now, almost every literate person in every village has amassed in a corner of their home a better collection than that, with both bound and unbound literature of much higher quality. Along with the tons of reading material produced daily by city presses, every village wants its own newspaper and town library, and every local businessperson turns to the typewriter and printer for their letters, cards, and ads.

To supply the present demand for printed matter with the implements of a hundred years ago, it would be necessary to draw upon and exhaust the supply of labourers in nearly every other occupation. Printing would become the one universal profession.

To meet today’s demand for printed materials using the tools from a hundred years ago, we would need to tap into and deplete the workforce in almost every other field. Printing would turn into the only universal profession.

The roar of the guns at Waterloo and the click of the first power printing press in London were nearly simultaneous. The military Colossus then tumbled, and the Press began to lead mankind. Wars still continue, and will, until men are civilised; but the vanguard of civilisation are the printers, and not the warriors. The marvellous glory of the nineteenth century has proceeded from the intelligence of the people, awakened, stimulated, and guided by the press. But the press itself, and its servitors and messengers, speeding on the wings of electricity, are the children of the inventors.

The roar of the cannons at Waterloo and the sound of the first printing press in London happened almost at the same time. The military giant then fell, and the press began to lead humanity. Wars still happen and will continue until people are civilized; but the pioneers of civilization are the printers, not the soldiers. The amazing achievements of the nineteenth century have come from the awareness of the people, inspired, energized, and directed by the press. But the press itself, along with its workers and messengers, flying on the wings of electricity, are the creations of the inventors.

These inventions have made the book and the newspaper the poor man’s University. They are mirrors which throw into his humble home reflections of the scenes of busy life everywhere. By them knowledge is spread, thought aroused, and universal education established.

These inventions have turned books and newspapers into the university for the less fortunate. They are mirrors that bring reflections of the bustling world into their modest homes. Through them, knowledge is shared, thoughts are sparked, and education for all is established.



Spinning:—A bunch of combed fibre fixed in the forked end of a stick called a distaff, held under the left arm, while with the right forefinger and thumb the housewife or maiden deftly drew out and twisted a thread of yarn of the fibre and wound it upon a stick called a spindle, was the art of spinning that came down to Europe from Ancient Egypt or India without a change through all the centuries to at least the middle of the fourteenth century, and in England to the time of Henry VIII. Then the spinning wheel was introduced, which is said to have also been long in use in India. By the use of the wheel the spindle was no longer held in the hand, but, set upon a frame and connected by a cord or belt to the wheel, was made to whirl by turning the wheel by hand, or by a treadle. The spindle was connected to the bunch of cotton by a cord, or by a single roving of cotton or wool attached to the spindle, which was held between the finger and thumb, and as the spindle revolved the thread was drawn out and twisted and wound by the spindle upon itself.

Spinning:—A bundle of combed fiber is secured at the forked end of a stick called a distaff, held under the left arm. With the right index finger and thumb, the housewife or maiden skillfully draws out and twists a thread of yarn from the fiber, winding it onto a stick known as a spindle. This art of spinning has been passed down to Europe from Ancient Egypt or India without change for centuries, at least until the middle of the fourteenth century, and in England until the time of Henry VIII. Then, the spinning wheel was introduced, which is also said to have been in use in India for a long time. With the spinning wheel, the spindle was no longer held in hand; instead, it was mounted on a frame and connected by a cord or belt to the wheel, allowing it to spin by turning the wheel by hand or with a treadle. The spindle was linked to the bundle of cotton by a cord or by a single strand of cotton or wool attached to the spindle, held between the fingers. As the spindle turned, the thread was drawn out, twisted, and wound onto itself by the spindle.

In the cloth of the ancient East the warp and weft were both of cotton. In England the warp was linen and the weft was cotton. The warp was made by the cloth and linen manufacturers, and the weft yarns furnished by the woman spinsters throughout the country. By both these methods only a single thread[Pg 293] at a time was spun. The principle of the spinning operation, the drawing out and twisting a thread or cord from a bunch or roll of fibre, has remained the same through all time.

In the fabric of the ancient East, both the warp and the weft were made of cotton. In England, the warp was made from linen, while the weft was cotton. The cloth and linen manufacturers produced the warp, and women spinsters across the country provided the weft yarns. In both cases, only one thread[Pg 293] was spun at a time. The basic principle of the spinning process—pulling out and twisting a thread or cord from a bundle or roll of fiber—has remained unchanged over time.

The light and delicate work, the pure and soft material, and the beauty and usefulness of raiments produced, have all through time made woman the natural goddess, the priestess, the patroness, and the votary of this art. The object of all modern machinery, however complicated or wonderful, has simply been to increase the speed and efficiency of the ancient mode of operation and to multiply its results. The loom, that antique frame on which the threads were laid in one direction to form the warp, and crossed by the yarns in the opposite direction, carried through the warp by the shuttle thrown by hand, to form the woof, or weft, comprised a device as old as, if not older than, the distaff and spindle.

The light and delicate work, the soft and pure materials, and the beauty and practicality of the garments created have historically made women the natural goddesses, priestesses, patrons, and devotees of this craft. The purpose of all modern machinery, no matter how complex or impressive, has simply been to enhance the speed and efficiency of the traditional methods and to increase their output. The loom, that ancient framework where the threads were arranged in one direction to create the warp and crossed by yarns in the opposite direction, facilitated by a hand-thrown shuttle to form the woof or weft, is a device as old as, if not older than, the distaff and spindle.

The ancient and isolated races of Mexico had also learned the art of spinning and weaving. When the Spaniards first entered that country they found the natives clothed in cotton, woven plain, or in many colours.

The ancient and isolated peoples of Mexico had also mastered the skills of spinning and weaving. When the Spaniards first arrived in that land, they discovered the locals wearing clothing made of cotton, either woven simply or in vibrant colors.

After forty centuries of unchanged life, it occurred to John Kay of Bury, England, that the weaving process might be improved. In 1733 he had succeeded in inventing the picker motion, “picker peg,” or “fly.” This consisted of mechanical means for throwing the shuttle across the web by a sudden jerk of a bar—one at each side—operated by pulling a cord. He could thus throw the shuttle farther and quicker than by hand—make wider cloth, and do as much work in the same time as two men had done before. This improvement put weaving ahead of spinning, and the weavers were continually calling[Pg 294] on the spindlers for more weft yarns. This set the wits of inventors at work to better the spinning means.

After four thousand years of unchanged life, John Kay from Bury, England, realized that the weaving process could be improved. In 1733, he successfully invented the picker motion, or “picker peg,” also known as the “fly.” This involved a mechanical system that threw the shuttle across the fabric with a quick jerk of a bar—one on each side—activated by pulling a cord. As a result, he could throw the shuttle farther and faster than by hand, allowing for wider cloth and enabling the same amount of work in the same time as two men had previously done. This advancement advanced weaving beyond spinning, and weavers were constantly asking[Pg 294] the spinners for more weft yarns. This sparked the creativity of inventors to improve the spinning methods.

At the same time that Kay was struggling with his invention of the flying shuttle, another poor man, but with less success, had conceived another idea, as to spinning. John Wyatt of Lichfield thought it would be a good thing to draw out the sliver of cotton or wool between two sets of rollers, one end of the sliver being held and fed by one set of rollers, while the opposite end was being drawn by the other set of rollers moving at a greater speed. His invention, although not then used, was patented in 1738 by Lewis Paul, who in time won a fortune by it, while Wyatt died poor, and it was claimed that Paul and not Wyatt was the true inventor.

At the same time that Kay was working on his flying shuttle, another struggling inventor had come up with a different idea for spinning but had less success. John Wyatt from Lichfield thought it would be effective to pull the sliver of cotton or wool through two sets of rollers: one set would hold and feed one end of the sliver, while the other end would be pulled by a second set of rollers moving faster. Though his invention wasn't used at the time, it was patented in 1738 by Lewis Paul, who eventually made a fortune from it, while Wyatt died poor. It was claimed that Paul, not Wyatt, was the true inventor.

About 1764 a little accident occurring in the home of James Hargreaves, an English weaver of Blackburn, suggested to that observant person an invention that was as important as that of Kay. He was studying hard how to get up a machine to meet the weavers’ demands for cotton yarns. One day while Hargreaves was spinning, surrounded by his children, one of them upset the spinning wheel, probably in a children’s frolic, and after it fell and while lying in a horizontal position, with the spindle in a vertical position, and the wheel and the spindle still running, the idea flashed into Hargreaves’ mind that a number of spindles might be placed upright and run from the same power. Thus prompted he commenced work, working in secret and at odd hours, and finally, after two or three years, completed a crude machine, which he called the spinning jenny, some say after his wife, and others that the name came from “gin,” the common abbreviated[Pg 295] name of an engine. This machine had eight or ten spindles driven by cords or belts from the same wheel, and operated by hand or foot. The rovings at one end were attached to the spindles and their opposite portions held together and drawn out by a clasp held in the hand. When the thread yarn was drawn out sufficiently it was wound upon the spindles by a reverse movement of the wheel. Thus finally were means provided to supply the demand for the weft yarns. One person with one of Hargreaves’ machines could in the same time spin as much as twenty or thirty persons with their wheels. But those who were to be most benefited by the invention were the most alarmed, for fear of the destruction of their business, and they arose in their wrath, and demolished Hargreaves’ labours. It was a hard time for inventors. The law of England then was that patents were invalid if the invention was made known before the patent was applied for, and part of the public insisted on demolishing the invention if it was so made known, so that to avoid the law and the lawless the harassed inventors kept and worked their inventions in secret as long as they could. Hargreaves fled to Nottingham, where works were soon started with his spinning jennys. The ideas of Kay, Wyatt and Hargreaves are said to have been anticipated in Italy. There were makers of cloths at Florence, and also in Spain and the Netherlands, who were far in advance of the English and French in this art, but the descriptions of machinery employed by them are too vague and scanty to sustain the allegation.

Around 1764, a small incident in the home of James Hargreaves, an English weaver from Blackburn, inspired him to create an invention that was just as significant as that of Kay. He was intensely focused on designing a machine to meet the weavers' needs for cotton yarns. One day, while Hargreaves was spinning and surrounded by his children, one of them accidentally knocked over the spinning wheel, likely during a playful moment. When it fell and lay flat, with the spindle standing upright and both the wheel and spindle still turning, the idea struck Hargreaves that multiple spindles could be set upright and powered by the same mechanism. Prompted by this, he began working in secret during spare moments, and after two or three years, he finished a rough prototype, which he named the spinning jenny—some say it was named after his wife, while others claim it was derived from “gin,” a common shorthand for an engine. This machine had eight or ten spindles that were driven by cords or belts from a single wheel, and it could be operated by hand or foot. The rovings at one end were attached to the spindles, and the opposite ends were held and pulled by a clasp in hand. Once the yarn was pulled out enough, it was wound onto the spindles by reversing the wheel’s movement. This innovation finally provided a way to meet the growing demand for weft yarns. One person using Hargreaves' machine could spin as much as twenty or thirty people with their wheels could manage in the same amount of time. However, those who stood to gain the most from the invention were the ones who felt most threatened by it, fearing for the future of their livelihoods. Angered, they destroyed Hargreaves' work. It was a tough time for inventors. The law in England at the time stated that patents were invalid if the invention was disclosed before a patent application was made. Some members of the public insisted on destroying any invention that was revealed, which led harried inventors to keep their creations secret for as long as possible. Hargreaves eventually fled to Nottingham, where production soon began using his spinning jennies. It is said that the ideas of Kay, Wyatt, and Hargreaves were already known in Italy. There were fabric makers in Florence, as well as in Spain and the Netherlands, who were significantly ahead of the English and French in this craft, but the descriptions of their machinery are too vague and limited to support this claim.

And now the long ice age of hand working was breaking up, and the age of machine production was fast setting in. Hargreaves was in the midst of his[Pg 296] troubles and his early triumphs, in 1765-1769, when Richard Arkwright entered the field. Arkwright, first a barber, and then a travelling buyer of hair, and finally a knight, learned, as he travelled through Lancashire, Lichfield, Blackburn and Nottingham, of the inventions and labours of Wyatt, Kay and Hargreaves. Possessed as he was of some mechanical skill and inventive genius, and realising that the harvest was ripe and the labourers few, entered the field of inventions, and with the help of Kay, revived the old ideas of John Wyatt and Lewis Paul of spinning by rollers, which had now slumbered for thirty years. Kay and Arkwright constructed a working model, and on this Arkwright by hard pushing and hard work obtained capital, and improved, completed and patented his machine. The machine was first used by him in a mill erected at Nottingham and worked by horses; then at Cromford, and in this mill the power used to drive the spinning machine was a water wheel. His invention was therefore given the name of the water frame, which it retained long after steam had been substituted for water as the driving power. It was also named the throstle, from the fact that it gave a humming or singing sound while at work; but it is commonly known as the drawing frame. Arkwright patented useful improvements. He had to contend with mobs and with the courts, which combined to destroy his machines and his patent, but he finally succeeded in establishing mills, and in earning from the Government, manufacturers, and the public a great and well-merited munificence.

And now the long ice age of hand crafting was coming to an end, and the era of machine production was rapidly beginning. Hargreaves was in the middle of his[Pg 296] struggles and early successes from 1765 to 1769 when Richard Arkwright entered the scene. Arkwright, who started as a barber, then became a traveling buyer of hair, and eventually became a knight, learned about the inventions and efforts of Wyatt, Kay, and Hargreaves as he traveled through Lancashire, Lichfield, Blackburn, and Nottingham. Having some mechanical skill and inventive talent, and seeing that the time was right and the workers were few, he jumped into the field of inventions. With Kay's help, he revived the old ideas of John Wyatt and Lewis Paul on spinning with rollers, which had been dormant for thirty years. Kay and Arkwright created a working model, and through hard work and determination, Arkwright secured funding, improved, completed, and patented his machine. He first used the machine in a mill he built in Nottingham that was powered by horses; then at Cromford, where he used a water wheel to power the spinning machine. His invention was called the water frame, a name it kept long after steam replaced water as the driving force. It was also referred to as the throstle because it made a humming or singing sound while operating; however, it is commonly known as the drawing frame. Arkwright patented several useful improvements. He faced mobs and legal challenges that aimed to destroy his machines and his patent, but he ultimately succeeded in establishing mills and earned significant recognition and support from the government, manufacturers, and the public.

It is a remarkable coincidence that Watt’s steam engine patent and Arkwright’s first patent for his spinning machine were issued in the same year[Pg 297]—1769. The new era of invention was dawning fast.

It’s an impressive coincidence that Watt’s steam engine patent and Arkwright’s first patent for his spinning machine were both issued in the same year[Pg 297]—1769. A new era of invention was rapidly approaching.

Then, in 1776, came Samuel Crompton of Bolton, who invented a combination of the jenny of Hargreaves and the roller water frame of Arkwright, and to distinguish his invention from the others he named it the “mule.” The mule was a carriage on wheels to which the spindles were attached. When the mule was drawn out one way on its frame the rovings were drawn from bobbins through rollers on a stationary frame, stretched and twisted into threads, and then as the mule was run back the spun threads were wound on spools on the spindles. The mule entirely superseded the use of the jenny. Notwithstanding the advantage in names the mule did more delicate work than the jenny. It avoided the continuous stretch on the thread of the jenny by first completing the thread and then winding it. Crompton’s mule was moved back and forth by hand. Roberts subsequently made it self-acting. Next, followed in England the Rev. Edward Cartwright, who, turning his attention to looms, invented the first loom run by machinery, the first power loom, 1784-85. Then the rioters turned on him, and he experienced the same attentions received by Hargreaves and Arkwright. The ignorance of ages died in this branch of human progress, as it often dies in others, with a violent wrench. But the age of steam had at last come, and with it the spinning machine, the power loom, the printing press, and the discovery among men of the powers of the mind, their freedom to exercise such powers, and their right to possess the fruits of their labours.

Then, in 1776, Samuel Crompton from Bolton invented a combination of Hargreaves' jenny and Arkwright's roller water frame, calling it the “mule” to set it apart from the others. The mule was a wheeled carriage with spindles attached. When the mule was pulled out on its frame, the rovings were drawn from bobbins through rollers on a stationary frame, stretched, and twisted into threads. As the mule was pushed back, the spun threads were wound onto spools on the spindles. The mule completely replaced the jenny. Despite having a simpler name, the mule produced more delicate work than the jenny. It eliminated the continuous stretching of the thread that the jenny caused by completing the thread first and then winding it. Crompton's mule was operated manually, but Roberts later made it automatic. Following him in England was Rev. Edward Cartwright, who focused on looms and invented the first machine-operated loom, the first power loom, between 1784 and 1785. Then the rioters turned on him, and he received the same treatment as Hargreaves and Arkwright. The ignorance of past ages in this area of progress often ended violently, just as it has in other fields. But the age of steam had finally arrived, bringing with it the spinning machine, the power loom, the printing press, and a new awareness among people of their mental abilities, their freedom to use those abilities, and their right to enjoy the rewards of their work.

The completed inventions of Arkwright and others, combined with Watt’s steam engine, revolutionised[Pg 298] trade, and resulted in the establishment of mills and factories. A thousand spindles whirled where one hummed before. The factory life which drew the women and girls from their country homes to heated, and closely occupied, ill ventilated buildings within town limits, was, however, not regarded as an improvement in the matter of health; and it was a long time before mills were constructed and operated with the view to the correction of this evil.

The inventions completed by Arkwright and others, along with Watt’s steam engine, transformed[Pg 298] trade and led to the creation of mills and factories. A thousand spindles spun where one had turned before. However, the factory life that brought women and girls from their rural homes into heated, crowded, poorly ventilated buildings within city limits was not seen as a health improvement; it took a long time before mills were built and run with the intention of addressing this issue.

The great increase in demand for cotton produced by these machine inventions could not have been met had it not been for Eli Whitney’s invention of the saw gin in America in 1793. The cleaning of the seed from the cotton accomplished by this machine produced as great a revolution in the culture of cotton in America as the inventions of Arkwright and others accomplished in spinning and weaving in England. America had also learned of Arkwright’s machinery. Samuel Slater, a former employee of Arkwright, introduced it to Rhode Island in 1789, and built a great cotton mill there in 1793. Others followed in Massachusetts. Within twenty years after the introduction of Arkwright’s machines in the United States there were a hundred mills there with a hundred thousand spindles.

The huge rise in demand for cotton created by these machine inventions couldn't have been met without Eli Whitney’s invention of the saw gin in America in 1793. The way this machine cleaned the seeds from the cotton brought about a transformation in cotton farming in America, just as Arkwright's inventions did for spinning and weaving in England. America also learned about Arkwright’s equipment. Samuel Slater, a former worker of Arkwright, brought it to Rhode Island in 1789 and built a large cotton mill there in 1793. Others followed in Massachusetts. Within twenty years of Arkwright’s machines being introduced in the United States, there were a hundred mills with a hundred thousand spindles.

As has been said, it was customary for weavers to make the warp on their looms at one place, and the spinners to furnish the yarns for the weft from their homes, and even after the spinning machines were invented the spinning and weaving were done at separate places. It remained for Francis C. Lowell of Boston, who had been studying the art of spinning and weaving in England and Scotland and the inventions of Arkwright and Crompton, to establish in 1813 at Waltham, Mass., with the aid of Paul[Pg 299] Moody, machinist, the first factory in the world wherein were combined under one roof all the processes for converting cotton into cloth.

As has been said, it was common for weavers to create the warp on their looms in one place, while spinners provided the yarns for the weft from their homes. Even after spinning machines were invented, spinning and weaving took place in different locations. It was Francis C. Lowell from Boston, who had been studying the techniques of spinning and weaving in England and Scotland, along with the inventions of Arkwright and Crompton, who established in 1813 at Waltham, Mass., with the help of Paul[Pg 299] Moody, machinist, the first factory in the world that combined all the processes for turning cotton into cloth under one roof.

The task of the century in this art has been to greatly extend the dominion of machinery in the treatment of cotton and wool in all stages, from the reception of the raw material at the door of the factory to its final completion in the form of the choicest cloth, and to increase the capacity of machines sufficiently to meet an ever-increasing and enormous consumption. There are from twenty to forty separate and distinct operations performed both in spinning and weaving and the completion of a piece of cloth from cotton or wool, and nearly all of these operations are accomplished by machinery.

The challenge of this century in this field has been to significantly expand the use of machines in processing cotton and wool at every stage, from when the raw material arrives at the factory to its final form as high-quality cloth, and to boost machine capacity enough to handle the constantly growing and huge demand. There are about twenty to forty different operations involved in both spinning and weaving to complete a piece of cloth made from cotton or wool, and nearly all of these tasks are done by machines.

The century’s improvements and inventions in machines for treating and spinning cotton comprise machines for first opening and tearing the matted mass apart as it is taken from the bales, then cleaning, carding, drawing, roving, stretching, spinning, winding, doubling, dressing, warping, weaving, etc. Formerly, the opening machines were simply cylinders armed with spikes, to which the cotton was led through nipping rollers, and then delivered in a loose, fluffy condition. When such a machine was associated with a blowing machine to blow out the dust and cleanse the fibre, the loose and scattered condition in which the cotton was left gave rise to a great danger from fire, and destructive fires often occurred. The object of the later opening machinery is to confine the cotton within a casing in its passage through the machine, during which passage it is thoroughly stretched, beaten and blown and then rolled into a continuous sheet or lap. At the same time, by nice devices, it is evened, that is, freed from[Pg 300] all knots, and made of uniform thickness, while a certain quantity only of cotton of known weight is allowed to pass through to constitute the required lap. Finally the lap is wound upon a roller, which when filled is removed to the carder. Although the cotton is now a white, soft, clean, downy sheet, still the fibres cross each other in every direction, and they require to be straightened and laid parallel before the spinning. This is done by carding. Paul, Hargreaves, Robert Peel, and Arkwright had worked in constructing a machine to take the place of hand carding, and it was finally reduced by Arkwright, towards the close of the 18th century, to its present form and principle.

The improvements and inventions of the century in machines for treating and spinning cotton include machines that first open and tear apart the compressed mass taken from the bales, followed by processes like cleaning, carding, drawing, roving, stretching, spinning, winding, doubling, dressing, warping, and weaving. In the past, opening machines were just cylinders equipped with spikes that pulled the cotton through nipping rollers, delivering it in a loose, fluffy state. When this type of machine was paired with a blowing machine to blow out dust and clean the fiber, the loose and scattered state of the cotton posed a significant fire risk, leading to frequent destructive fires. The newer opening machinery focuses on containing the cotton within a casing as it moves through the machine, during which it is thoroughly stretched, beaten, blown, and then rolled into a continuous sheet or lap. Additionally, through precise mechanisms, it is evened out, meaning all knots are removed, and the thickness is uniform, while only a specific quantity of cotton with a known weight is allowed to pass through to create the required lap. Ultimately, the lap is wound onto a roller, which is replaced with the carder once it's filled. Although the cotton emerges as a white, soft, clean, fluffy sheet, the fibers still cross in every direction, needing to be straightened and aligned before spinning. This is achieved through carding. Paul, Hargreaves, Robert Peel, and Arkwright worked on developing a machine to replace hand carding, which Arkwright ultimately refined into its current form and principle by the late 18th century.

But to make those narrow, ribbon-like, clean, long lines of rolled cotton, known as slivers, by machinery with greater precision and uniformity than is possible by hand, and with a thousand times greater rapidity, has been the work of many inventors at different times and in different countries. The machine cards are cylinders clothed with leather and provided with separate sets of slender, sharp, bent fingers. The different cards are arranged to move past each other in opposite directions, so as to catch and disentangle the fibres. Flat, overhead stationary cards are also used through which the cotton is carried. As one operation of carding is not sufficient for most purposes the cotton is subjected to one or more successive cardings. So ingenious is the structure in some of its parts that as the stream of cotton passes on, any existing knots do not fail to excite the attention of the machine, which at once arrests them and holds them until disentangled. In connection with the cards, combers and strippers are used to assist in further cleaning and straightening the fibre, which[Pg 301] is finally removed from the cards and the combs by the doffer. The cotton is stripped from the doffer by the doffer knife and in the form of delicate, flat narrow ribbons, which are drawn through a small funnel to consolidate them, and finally delivered in a coiled form into a tall tin can. The material is then carried to a drawing frame, which takes the spongy slivers, and, carrying them through successive sets of rollers moving at increased speed, elongates, equalises, straightens and “doubles” them, and finally condenses them into two or more rolls by passing the same through a trumpet-shaped funnel. As the yarns still need to be twisted, they are passed through a roving frame similar to a drawing frame. An ingenious device connected with the winding of the roving yarns upon bobbins may be here noted. Formerly the bobbins on which the yarns were wound increased in speed as they were filled, thus endangering and often breaking the thread, and at all times increasing the tension. In 1823 Asa Arnold of Rhode Island invented “a differential motion” by which the velocity of the bobbin is kept uniform. The roving having been reduced to proper size for the intended number of yarns, now goes to the spinning machine, to still further draw out the threads and give to them a more uniform twist and tenuity. The spinning machine is simply an improved form of Crompton’s mule, already described.

But to create those narrow, ribbon-like, clean, long lines of rolled cotton, known as slivers, using machines with greater precision and uniformity than what can be done by hand, and at a speed that's a thousand times faster, has been the effort of numerous inventors over time and across various countries. The machine cards are cylinders covered with leather and equipped with separate sets of slender, sharp, bent fingers. The different cards move past each other in opposite directions to catch and untangle the fibers. There are also flat, overhead stationary cards through which the cotton is fed. Since one round of carding isn't enough for most needs, the cotton undergoes one or more additional cardings. The design is so clever in some parts that as the cotton stream moves along, any knots present catch the machine's attention, which immediately stops them and holds them until they're untangled. Alongside the cards, combers and strippers help further clean and straighten the fiber, which[Pg 301] is ultimately removed from the cards and combs by the doffer. The doffer strips the cotton with a doffer knife, resulting in delicate, flat, narrow ribbons that are funneled through a small opening to consolidate them, and finally delivered in a coiled shape into a tall tin can. The material then goes to a drawing frame, which takes the fluffy slivers and passes them through successive sets of rollers moving at increasing speeds to elongate, equalize, straighten, and “double” them, ultimately condensing them into two or more rolls by feeding them through a trumpet-shaped funnel. Since the yarns still need to be twisted, they go through a roving frame similar to the drawing frame. A clever mechanism linked to the winding of the roving yarns on bobbins is worth mentioning here. Previously, the bobbins on which the yarns were wound sped up as they filled, often risking thread breaks and increasing tension. In 1823, Asa Arnold of Rhode Island invented “a differential motion” that keeps the bobbin speed consistent. After the roving has been reduced to the right size for the intended number of yarns, it heads to the spinning machine for further drawing out of the threads, giving them a more uniform twist and thinness. The spinning machine is simply an improved version of Crompton’s mule, as previously described.

Great as have been the improvements in many matters in spindle structure, the drawing, the stretching and the twisting still remain fundamentally the same in principle as in the singing throstle of Arkwright and the steady mule of Crompton. And yet so great and rapid has been the advancement of inventions as to details and to meet the great demand, that the machinery [Pg 302]of half a century ago has been almost entirely discarded and supplanted by different types. A great improvement on the spinning frame of the 18th century is the ring frame invented by Jenks. In this the spindles, arranged vertically in the frame, are driven by bands from a central cylinder, and project through apertures in a horizontal bar. A flanged ridge around each aperture forms a ring and affords a track for a little steel hoop called a traveller, which is sprung over the ring. The traveller guides the thread on to the spool. As the spindles revolve, the thread passing through the traveller revolves it rapidly, and the horizontal bar rising and falling has the effect of winding the yarn alternately and regularly upon the spools.

While there have been significant improvements in many aspects of spindle design, the basic principles of drawing, stretching, and twisting remain fundamentally the same as they were in Arkwright's singing throstle and Crompton's steady mule. However, the rapid advancement in inventions addressing details and meeting high demand means that the machinery from half a century ago has mostly been replaced by newer types. A major advancement over the 18th-century spinning frame is the ring frame invented by Jenks. In this design, the spindles are arranged vertically in the frame and driven by belts from a central cylinder, projecting through openings in a horizontal bar. A flanged edge around each opening creates a ring that provides a track for a small steel hoop called a traveler, which is mounted over the ring. The traveler directs the thread onto the spool. As the spindles spin, the thread moving through the traveler rotates it quickly, and the rising and falling of the horizontal bar effectively winds the yarn on the spools in an alternating, regular manner.

The bobbins of the spindle frame were found not large enough to contain a sufficient amount of yarn to permit of a long continuous operation when the warp came to be applied, and besides there were occasional defects in the thread which could not be detected until it broke, if the yarn was used directly from the bobbins. So to save much time and trouble spooling machines were invented which wind the yarn from the bobbins holding 1200 to 1800 yards, to large spools, each holding 18,000 to 20,000 yards; and then by passing the yarn through fine slots in guides which lead to the spool, lumps or weak places, which would break the yarns at the guide, could at once be discovered and the yarn retied firmly, so that there would be no further breaking in the warper. After the yarn is finally spooled it is found that its surface is still rough and covered with fuzz. It is desirable, therefore, that it shall be smoothed out and be given somewhat of a lustre before weaving. These final operations are performed[Pg 303] by the warping and dressing machines. In the warping machine the threads are drawn between rollers, the tension of which can be regulated, and then through a “reed,” a comb-shaped device which separates the threads, and then finally wound upon a large cylinder. In this machine a device is also arranged which operates to stop the machine at once if any thread is broken. When the cylinder is filled it is then taken to the dresser, which in its modern and useful form is known as the “slusher,” by which the yarns are drawn through hot starch, the superfluous starch squeezed out, and the yarns, kept separated all the time, dried by passing them around large drying cylinders, or through a closed box heated by steam pipes, and then wound upon the loom beam or cylinder.

The bobbins on the spindle frame were too small to hold enough yarn for a long, continuous operation when the warp was applied. Additionally, there were occasional defects in the thread that couldn’t be detected until it broke, especially if the yarn was used directly from the bobbins. To save time and hassle, spooling machines were invented to wind the yarn from the bobbins, which held 1,200 to 1,800 yards, onto large spools that could hold 18,000 to 20,000 yards. By passing the yarn through fine slots in guides that lead to the spool, lumps or weak spots that could break the yarn at the guide could be quickly identified, and the yarn could be retied securely to prevent further breakage in the warper. After the yarn is finally spooled, its surface is still rough and covered with fuzz. Therefore, it’s necessary to smooth it out and give it a bit of shine before weaving. These final processes are done by the warping and dressing machines. In the warping machine, the threads are pulled between rollers with adjustable tension, then through a “reed,” a comb-like device that separates the threads, and finally wound onto a large cylinder. This machine also has a device that stops it immediately if any thread breaks. Once the cylinder is full, it’s taken to the dresser, which in its modern form is known as the “slusher.” Here, the yarns are drawn through hot starch, excess starch is squeezed out, and while kept separated, the yarns are dried by passing around large drying cylinders or through a closed box heated by steam pipes, and then they are wound onto the loom beam or cylinder.

In weaving, as in spinning, however advanced, complicated and improved the means may be beyond the hand methods and simple looms of past ages, the general principles in the process are still the same. These means, generally and broadly speaking, consist of a frame for two sets of threads, a roller, called the warp beam, for receiving and holding the threads which form the warp, a cloth beam upon which the cloth is wound as it is woven, the warp threads, being first laid parallel, carried from the warp beam and attached to the cloth beam; means called heddles, which with their moving frames constitute “a harness,” consisting of a set of vertical strings or rods having central loops through which the threads are passed, two or more sets of which receive alternate threads, and by the reciprocation of which the threads are separated into sets, decussated, forming between them what is called a shed through which the shuttle is thrown; means for throwing the[Pg 304] shuttle; and means, called the batten, lay or lathe, for forcing or packing the weft tight into the angle formed by the opened warp and so rendering the fabric tight and compact, and then the motive power for turning the cloth beam and winding the cloth as fast as completed. It is along these lines that the inventors have wrought their marvellous changes from hand to power looms.

In weaving, just like in spinning, no matter how advanced, complex, or improved the tools may be compared to the hand methods and simple looms of earlier times, the basic principles in the process remain the same. These tools generally consist of a frame for two sets of threads, a roller called the warp beam for receiving and holding the threads that make up the warp, and a cloth beam where the woven fabric is rolled up. The warp threads are first laid out in parallel, attached to the cloth beam, and taken from the warp beam. Heddles, which are part of a moving frame known as “a harness,” consist of a set of vertical strings or rods with central loops through which the threads are passed. Two or more sets of these heddles receive alternate threads, and by moving back and forth, they separate the threads into groups, creating a space called a shed through which the shuttle is passed. There are also tools for throwing the shuttle and a component called the batten, lay, or lathe, that pushes the weft tightly into the space made by the opened warp, making the fabric tight and compact. Finally, there’s a power source that turns the cloth beam and winds the fabric as it's finished. It’s through these mechanisms that inventors have made incredible advancements from hand looms to power looms.

Prior to 1800, in the weaving of figures into cloths, it was customary to employ boys to pull the cords in the loom harness in order to arrange the coloured threads in their relative positions. In that year appeared at the front Joseph Marie Jacquard, a French mechanician and native of Lyons, whose parents were weavers, a prolific inventor in his youth, a wayward wanderer after fortune and a wife, a soldier in the Revolution, losing a son fighting by his side, eking out a poor living with his wife’s help at straw weaving, finally employed by a silk manufacturer, and while thus engaged, producing that loom which has ever since been known by his name. This loom was personally inspected by Napoleon, who rewarded the inventor with honours and a pension. It was then demolished by a mob and its inventor reviled, but it afterward became the pride of Lyons and the means of its renown and wealth in the weaving of silks of rich designs.

Before 1800, in the process of weaving patterns into fabrics, it was common to have boys pull the cords in the loom harness to position the colored threads correctly. In that year, Joseph Marie Jacquard, a French mechanic from Lyons whose parents were weavers, emerged as a key figure. He was a prolific inventor in his youth, a restless seeker of fortune and love, and a soldier in the Revolution, where he lost a son fighting alongside him. He struggled to make a living with the help of his wife through straw weaving, ultimately finding employment with a silk manufacturer, where he invented the loom that now bears his name. This loom was personally examined by Napoleon, who recognized the inventor with honors and a pension. Later, it was destroyed by a mob, and Jacquard was scorned, but it eventually became a source of pride for Lyons and a key factor in its fame and wealth for producing richly designed silks.

The leading feature of the Jacquard loom consists of a chain of perforated pattern cards made to pass over a drum, through which cards certain needles pass, causing certain threads of the warp to rise and fall, according to the holes in the cards, and thus admitting at certain places in the warp coloured weft threads thrown by the shuttle, and reproducing the pattern which is perforated in the cards. The[Pg 305] Jacquard device could be applied to any loom, and it worked a revolution in the manufacture of figured goods. The complexity and expensiveness of Jacquard’s loom were greatly reduced by subsequent improvements. In 1854 M. Bonelli constructed an electric loom in which the cards of the Jacquard apparatus are superseded by an endless band of tin-foiled paper, which serves as an electrical conductor to operate the warp thread needles, which before had each been actuated by a spiral spring. The Jacquard loom was also greatly improved by the English inventors, Barlow, Taylor, Martain and others.

The main feature of the Jacquard loom is a series of punched pattern cards that pass over a drum. As these cards move through, certain needles trigger specific threads in the warp to rise and fall based on the holes in the cards. This allows colored weft threads thrown by the shuttle to be incorporated at certain points in the warp, reproducing the pattern from the cards. The[Pg 305] Jacquard device could be used with any loom and revolutionized the production of patterned textiles. Various improvements significantly reduced the complexity and cost of Jacquard’s loom. In 1854, M. Bonelli invented an electric loom that replaced the Jacquard cards with an endless strip of tin-foiled paper, which acts as an electrical conductor to operate the warp thread needles that were previously triggered by individual spiral springs. The Jacquard loom was also greatly enhanced by English inventors like Barlow, Taylor, Martain, and others.

Radcliffe and Johnson, also of England, had invented and introduced the machines for dressing the yarns in one operation before the weaving; Horrocks and Marsland of Stockport greatly improved the adaptation of steam to the driving of looms, and Roberts of Manchester made striking advances in their mechanical parts and in bringing them to their present state of wonderful efficiency.

Radcliffe and Johnson, also from England, invented and introduced machines that prepare the yarns in one step before weaving. Horrocks and Marsland from Stockport significantly improved the use of steam to power looms, while Roberts from Manchester made impressive advances in their mechanical components, bringing them to their current level of remarkable efficiency.

In America, in 1836, George Crompton of Taunton, Massachusetts, commenced a series of inventions in power looms for the manufacture of fancy woollen goods, and in the details of such looms generally, particularly in increasing the speed of the shuttle, which vastly increased the production of such goods and gave to his looms a world-wide reputation.

In America, in 1836, George Crompton from Taunton, Massachusetts, started a series of inventions for power looms used in making fancy woolen products. He focused on improving various details of these looms, especially by speeding up the shuttle, which greatly boosted the production of these goods and earned his looms a global reputation.

E. B. Bigelow of Massachusetts in 1848 invented a power loom, which was exhibited at the Exhibition at London in 1851, and astonished the world by his exhibition of carpets superior to any woven by hand. By the later improvements, and the aid of steam power, a single American Bigelow carpet loom can turn out now one hundred yards of Brussels carpet in a day, far superior in quality to any carpet which[Pg 306] could possibly be made by hand, when a man toiled painfully to produce five yards a day. Mr. Bigelow was also a pioneer inventor of power machines for weaving coach lace, and cotton checks and ginghams. James Lyall of New York invented a power loom applicable either to the weaving of very wide and heavy fabrics, such as jute canvas for the foundation of floor oil cloth, or to fabrics made of the finest and most delicate yarns.

E. B. Bigelow from Massachusetts invented a power loom in 1848, which he showcased at the London Exhibition in 1851. His display of carpets was so impressive that it amazed the world, as they were superior to any hand-woven carpets. Thanks to later improvements and steam power, a single American Bigelow carpet loom can now produce one hundred yards of Brussels carpet in a day, which is far better in quality than any carpet that [Pg 306] could be made by hand, where a person could only manage five yards a day with great difficulty. Mr. Bigelow was also a trailblazer in inventing power machines for weaving coach lace, cotton checks, and ginghams. James Lyall from New York developed a power loom designed for weaving both very wide and heavy fabrics, like jute canvas for floor oil cloth, as well as the finest and most delicate yarns.

It would be interesting, if space permitted, to describe the great variety of machines that have been invented for dressing, finishing and treating cloths after they are woven: The teasling machine, by which the nap of woollen cloth is raised; the cloth drying machine, with heated rollers, over which the cloth is passed to drive off the moisture acquired in dyeing, washing, etc., the cloth printing, figuring, colouring and embossing machines, with engraved cylinders; cloth pressing and creasing machines, and the cloth cutting machines for cutting the cloth into strips of all lengths, or for cutting piles of cloth in a single operation into parts of garments corresponding to the prearranged pattern; machines for making felt cloth, and stamping or moulding different articles of apparel from felt, etc., etc.

It would be interesting, if space allowed, to describe the great variety of machines that have been invented for dressing, finishing, and treating fabrics after they are woven: The teasling machine, which raises the nap of woolen fabric; the cloth drying machine, with heated rollers that the fabric passes over to remove the moisture from dyeing, washing, etc.; the cloth printing, figuring, coloring, and embossing machines, featuring engraved cylinders; cloth pressing and creasing machines; and the cloth cutting machines that cut the fabric into strips of various lengths, or that cut stacks of fabric in a single operation into parts of garments according to the planned pattern; machines for making felt fabric, and for stamping or molding different apparel items from felt, etc., etc.

For the making of ribbons and other kind of narrow ware, the needle power loom has been invented, in which the fine weft thread is carried through the web by a needle instead of a shuttle. This adaptation of the needle to looms has placed ribbons within the reach of the poor as well as the rich girl.

For making ribbons and other types of narrow fabrics, the needle power loom has been created, where a fine weft thread is threaded through the material by a needle instead of a shuttle. This adaptation of the needle for looms has made ribbons accessible to both poor and rich girls.

What a comparison between the work of the virtuous Penelopes and the weavers of a century ago and to-day! Then with her wheel, and by walking to and from it as the yarn was drawn out, and wound up, a[Pg 307] maiden could spin twelve skeins of thread in ten hours, producing a thread a little more than three miles in length, while the length of her walk to and fro was about five miles. Now one Penelope can attend to six or eight hundred spindles, each of which spins five thousand yards of thread a day, or, with the eight hundred spindles, four million yards, or nearly twenty-one hundred miles of thread in a day, while she need not walk at all.

What a difference between the work of the virtuous Penelopes and the weavers of a century ago and today! Back then, with her spinning wheel, a maiden would walk back and forth as the yarn was drawn out and wound up. In ten hours, she could spin twelve skeins of thread, producing a length of just over three miles, while her total walking distance was about five miles. Now, one Penelope can manage six to eight hundred spindles, each spinning five thousand yards of thread a day. With eight hundred spindles, that totals four million yards, or nearly two thousand one hundred miles of thread in a single day, and she doesn’t have to walk at all.

It was when the weaver threw the shuttle through the warp by hand that Job’s exclamation, “My days are like a weaver’s shuttle” was an appropriate text on the brevity of human life. It may be just as appropriate now, but far more striking, when it is realised that machines now throw the shuttle one hundred and eighty times a minute, or three times a second. Flying as fast as it does, when the shuttle becomes exhausted of yarn a late invention presents a new bobbin and a new supply of yarn to the shuttle without stopping the machine.

It was when the weaver manually threw the shuttle through the threads that Job’s saying, “My days are like a weaver’s shuttle,” was a fitting reflection on how short human life is. It might still be just as relevant today, but it feels even more striking when you consider that machines now throw the shuttle one hundred and eighty times a minute, or three times a second. Moving at such speed, when the shuttle runs out of yarn, a modern invention automatically adds a new bobbin and a fresh supply of yarn to the shuttle without stopping the machine.

As to knitting, the century has seen the day pass when all hosiery was knit by hand. First, machines were invented for knitting the leg or the foot of the stocking, which were then joined by hand, and then came machines that made the stocking complete. The social industry so quietly but slowly followed by the good women in their chimney corners with their knitting needles, by which a woman might possibly knit a pair a day, was succeeded a quarter of a century ago by machines, twelve of which could be attended to by a boy, which would knit and complete five thousand pairs a week. Such a machine commences with the stocking at the top, knits down, widening and narrowing, changes the stitch as it goes on to the heel, shapes the heel, and finishes at the end[Pg 308] of the toe, all one thread, and then it recommences the operation and goes on with another and another. Fancy stockings, with numerous colours blended, are so knit, and if the yarn holds out a mile of stockings may be thus knit, without a break and without an attendant. By these machines the astounding result was reached of making the stockings at the cost of one-sixth of a mill per pair.

As for knitting, the century has moved past the days when all hosiery was handmade. First, machines were created to knit the leg or foot of the stocking, which were then stitched together by hand, and eventually machines were developed that knit the entire stocking. The quiet social work once done by women in their homes with knitting needles, who might create a pair each day, was replaced about twenty-five years ago by machines that could be operated by a single worker, capable of producing five thousand pairs a week. These machines start at the top of the stocking, knit down while adjusting the width, change the stitch at the heel, shape the heel, and finish at the toe, all using one continuous thread, before starting the process over with another pair. Fancy stockings, with various colors mixed together, are made this way, and if the yarn permits, a mile's worth of stockings can be produced without interruption or supervision. Thanks to these machines, the incredible cost of making stockings was reduced to one-sixth of a mill per pair.

The wonderful reduction in the cost of all kinds of textile fabrics due to the perfection of spinning and loom mechanisms, and its power to meet the resulting enormous increase in demand, has enabled the poor of to-day to be clad better and with a far greater variety of apparel than it was possible for the rich a hundred years ago; and the increased consumption and demand have brought into these fields of labour, and into other fields of labour created by these, great armies of men and women, notwithstanding the labour-saving devices.

The amazing drop in the cost of all types of textile fabrics because of advances in spinning and loom technology, along with its ability to handle the huge rise in demand, has allowed today's poor to dress better and have a much wider variety of clothing than what was available to the rich a hundred years ago. The increased consumption and demand have brought large numbers of men and women into these jobs, as well as into other jobs created by this industry, despite the labor-saving devices.

The wants of the world can no longer be supplied by skilled hand labour. And it is better that machines do the skilled labour, if the product is increased while made better and cheaper, and the number of labourers in the end increased by the development and demands of the art.

The needs of the world can no longer be met by skilled manual labor. It's better for machines to handle skilled work if it leads to improved and cheaper products, ultimately increasing the number of workers due to the growth and demands of the industry.

Among the recent devices is one which dispenses with the expensive and skilful work by hand of drawing the warp threads into the eyes of the heddles and through the reed of the loom.

Among the recent devices is one that eliminates the costly and skilled labor of manually threading the warp threads into the heddles and through the reed of the loom.

Cane-backed and bottomed chairs and lounges only a few years ago were a luxury of the rich and made slowly by hand. Now the open mesh cane fabric, having diagonal strands, and other varieties, are made rapidly by machinery. Turkish carpets are woven, and floors the world over are carpeted with[Pg 309] those rich materials the sight of which would have astonished the ordinary beholder a half century ago. Matting is woven; wire, cane, straw, spun glass; in fact, everything that can be woven by hand into useful articles now finds its especially constructed machine for weaving it.

Cane-backed and bottomed chairs and lounges, which were just a few years ago a luxury for the wealthy and handcrafted slowly, are now produced quickly by machines with open mesh cane fabric that has diagonal strands and other variations. Turkish carpets are woven, and floors around the world are covered with[Pg 309] those luxurious materials that would have amazed the average person fifty years ago. Matting is woven; wire, cane, straw, spun glass; everything that can be woven by hand into useful items now has a specially designed machine for making it.



“Man is a tool-using animal. Weak in himself, and of small stature, he stands on a basis, at most for the flattest-soled, of some half square foot, insecurely enough; has to straddle out his legs lest the very wind supplant him. Feeblest of bipeds! Three quintals are a crushing load for him; the steer of the meadow tosses him aloft, like a waste rag. Nevertheless he can use tools, can devise tools; with these the granite mountain melts into light dust before him; he kneads glowing iron as if it were paste; seas are his smooth highway, winds and fire his unwearying steeds. Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.... Man is a tool-using animal, of which truth, clothes are but one example.”—Sartor Resartus.

“Humans are tool-using beings. Weak and small in stature, they stand on a base, at most for the flattest-soled, of about half a square foot, and that’s pretty insecure; they have to spread their legs to keep from being blown over by the slightest wind. The weakest of bipeds! Three hundred pounds is a crushing load for them; the bull in the meadow can toss them around like a rag. Yet, they can use tools and create them; with these, the granite mountain turns to light dust before them; they mold glowing iron as if it were dough; oceans become their smooth highways, and winds and fire are their tireless steeds. You’ll never find them without tools; without tools, they’re nothing, with tools, they’re everything... Humans are tool-using beings, and clothing is just one example of this truth.”—Sartor Resartus.

In looking through the records of man’s achievements to find the beginnings of inventions, we discover the glimmering of a change in the form of the immemorial needle, in an English patent granted to Charles F. Weisenthal, June 24, 1775. It was a needle with a centrally located eye, and with both ends pointed, designed for embroidery work by hand, and the object of the two points was to prevent the turning of the needle end for end after its passage through the cloth. But it was not until the 19th[Pg 311] century that the idea was reduced to practice in sewing machines.

In reviewing the history of human achievements to trace the origins of inventions, we find the emergence of a change in the ancient needle, documented in an English patent granted to Charles F. Weisenthal on June 24, 1775. This needle featured an eye in the center and pointed ends, intended for hand embroidery. The purpose of the two pointed ends was to stop the needle from flipping over after passing through the fabric. However, it wasn't until the 19th[Pg 311] century that this concept was actually implemented in sewing machines.

To Thomas Saint, a cabinet maker by trade, of Greenhills Rents, in the Parish of St. Sepulchre, Middlesex County, England, the world is indebted for the first clear conception of a sewing machine. Saint’s attention was attracted to the slow way of sewing boots and shoes and other leather work, so he determined to improve the method. He took out a patent September 17, 1790, and although the germs of some of the leading parts of the modern sewing machine are there described, it does not appear that his patent was applied to practice. In fact, it slumbered in the archives of the British patent office for two generations, and after the leading sewing machines of the century had been invented and introduced, before it was rediscovered, and its contents appreciated in the light of more recent developments. Probably Saint’s machine, if constructed in accordance with his plans, would not have done much good work, certainly not with woven cloth, as he proposed to employ a hooked needle to carry a loop through the material, which would have been snarled by the cloth threads; but from his drawings and description it is clearly established that he was first to conceive of a vertically reciprocating needle for forming a seam from a continuous thread drawn from a spool; a seam in which each loop is locked, or enchained with a subsequent loop, to form what is known as the chain, or single thread stitch; and a horizontal sliding plate, to support the material to be sewed, and by which the material was also moved sideways after each stitch.

To Thomas Saint, a cabinet maker from Greenhills Rents in the Parish of St. Sepulchre, Middlesex County, England, we owe the first clear idea of a sewing machine. Saint noticed how slow it was to sew boots, shoes, and other leather goods, so he decided to improve the method. He filed a patent on September 17, 1790, and while some key features of modern sewing machines are described, it seems his patent was never put into practice. In fact, it sat in the archives of the British patent office for two generations, only to be rediscovered after many of the leading sewing machines of the century had already been invented and introduced. It's likely that if Saint's machine had been built according to his plans, it wouldn't have performed well, especially not with woven fabric, since he intended to use a hooked needle to carry a loop through the material, which would have gotten tangled in the cloth threads. However, his drawings and description clearly show that he was the first to come up with the idea of a vertically moving needle to create a seam from a continuous thread drawn from a spool; a seam where each loop is secured with the next loop, forming what is known as the chain or single thread stitch; and a horizontal sliding plate to support the material being sewn, which also moved the material sideways after each stitch.

May 30, 1804, John Duncan received an English patent for “tamboring on cloth.” He proposed to employ [Pg 312]a series of hooked needles attached in a straight line to a horizontal bar, which, when threaded, were first thrust forward and their hooked ends carried through the cloth, where each needle hook was supplied with a thread by a thread carrier. Then the motion of the bar was reversed, which drew the thread back through the cloth in the form of loops, and through the loops first formed, thus producing a chain stitch. The cloth was automatically shifted to correspond to the pattern to be produced, and thus was chain stitch embroidery first manufactured. From this point of time successful embroidery machines were made.

On May 30, 1804, John Duncan received an English patent for “tamboring on cloth.” He suggested using a series of hooked needles attached in a straight line to a horizontal bar. When threaded, the needles were pushed forward with their hooked ends going through the cloth, where each needle hook was provided with a thread by a thread carrier. Then, the motion of the bar was reversed, pulling the thread back through the cloth in loops, and through the loops that were first created, producing a chain stitch. The cloth was automatically shifted to match the pattern being created, marking the beginning of chain stitch embroidery manufacturing. From this point on, successful embroidery machines were developed.

In 1807 another Englishman patented a machine for making a sort of rope matting, in which he describes two eye-pointed, thread-carrying, perforating needles, each held in a reciprocating needle bar, and designed to unite several small ropes laid parallel, by a reciprocating movement.

In 1807, another Englishman patented a machine for creating a type of rope matting. He described two pointed needles that carried thread and pierced through materials, each held in a moving needle bar, and designed to connect several small ropes laid out parallel by a back-and-forth motion.

A German publication, the Kunst and Generbe Blatt, for 1817, and Karmarsch’s History of Technology, made mention of a sewing machine invented by one Mr. Joseph Madersperger of Vienna, formerly from Kuefstein in the Tyrol, and for which he received royal letters patent in 1814. From these descriptions it appears Madersperger used a needle pointed at both ends, and the eye in the centre, invented many years before by Weisenthal, as above stated, which was moved vertically up and down, piercing alternately the top and bottom of the stuff, and which carried a short thread, enough to make about one hundred and thirty stitches, which machine was driven by a crank and handle, on which sewing was made of many different shaped forms, by slight changes, and which sewed with far greater accuracy [Pg 313]and rapidity than hand work. The inventor was striving to simplify the machine, but to what extent it had been used or had been improved, or what finally became of it, does not appear. Yet it is a bit of evidence showing that Germany came next to England in the earlier ideas, conceptions of, and struggles after a sewing machine.

A German publication, the Kunst and Generbe Blatt, for 1817, and Karmarsch’s History of Technology, mentioned a sewing machine invented by Mr. Joseph Madersperger of Vienna, who was originally from Kuefstein in the Tyrol. He received royal letters patent for it in 1814. From these descriptions, it seems Madersperger used a needle that was pointed at both ends, with the eye in the center, which was invented many years earlier by Weisenthal, as mentioned above. This needle moved vertically up and down, alternately piercing the top and bottom of the fabric and carrying a short thread, enough to make about one hundred and thirty stitches. The machine was driven by a crank and handle, allowing it to sew various shapes with slight adjustments, doing so with greater accuracy and speed than hand sewing. The inventor aimed to simplify the machine, but it’s unclear how widely it was used, how it was improved, or what ultimately happened to it. Still, this serves as evidence that Germany was close behind England in the early development, ideas, and efforts related to the sewing machine. [Pg 313]

France then entered the list, and it was in 1830 that Barthelmy Thimonnier there produced and patented a sewing machine, which he continued to improve and to further patent in 1848 and in 1850 in France, England, and the United States. The Thimonnier resembled in some prominent respects the machine that had been described in the Saint patent, but unlike Saint’s, it was reduced to successful practice, and possessed some points in common with more modern machines. These were the flat cloth plate, vertical post, overhung arm, vertically reciprocating needle, and continuous thread. The crochet or barbed needle was worked by a treadle, and upon pushing the needle down through the cloth, it there caught a thread from a carrier, carried the loop to and laid it upon the upper surface of the cloth. Again descending, it brought up another loop, enchained it with the one last made, making a chain stitch, consisting of a series of loops on the upper side.

France then made the list, and in 1830, Barthelmy Thimonnier created and patented a sewing machine, which he continued to improve and patent again in 1848 and 1850 in France, England, and the United States. Thimonnier's machine had some key similarities to the one described in the Saint patent, but unlike Saint’s, it was successfully put into practice and shared features with more modern machines. These included a flat cloth plate, vertical post, overhung arm, vertically moving needle, and continuous thread. The crochet or barbed needle was operated by a treadle, and when the needle was pushed down through the fabric, it caught a thread from a carrier, brought the loop up, and laid it on the upper surface of the fabric. As it descended again, it created another loop, linking it with the previous one, forming a chain stitch that consisted of a series of loops on the upper side.

Thimonnier made quite a large number of machines, constructed mostly of wood, and which were used to make army clothing at Paris. They were best adapted to work on leather and in embroidering. They were so far successful as to arouse the jealousy and fear of the workmen and working women, and, as in the case of Hargreaves, Jacquard, and others, a mob broke into his shop, destroyed his machines, ruined his business, and he died penniless in 1857.[Pg 314]

Thimonnier created a significant number of machines, primarily made of wood, which were used to produce military uniforms in Paris. They were particularly well-suited for working with leather and for embroidery. Their success sparked jealousy and fear among the workers, and, similar to what happened with Hargreaves, Jacquard, and others, a mob invaded his shop, destroyed his machines, and dismantled his business. He died broke in 1857.[Pg 314]

In the meantime an English patent, No. 8948, of May 4, 1841, had been issued to Newton and Archbold for a machine for embroidering the backs of gloves, having an eye-pointed needle, worked by a vibrating lever, and adapted to carry a thread through the back of the glove, held on a frame—the frame and glove moving together after each stitch.

In the meantime, an English patent, No. 8948, dated May 4, 1841, was granted to Newton and Archbold for a machine that embroiders the backs of gloves. It features an eye-pointed needle operated by a vibrating lever and is designed to thread through the back of the glove, which is held in a frame—the frame and glove move together after each stitch.

The germs of inventions often develop and fructify simultaneously in distant places, without, so far as any one can ascertain, the slightest mutual knowledge or co-operation on the part of the separate inventors. Between 1832 and 1834, while Thimonnier was in the midst of his early struggles in Paris, Walter Hunt was inventing a sewing machine in New York, which he completed at that time and on which he sewed one or two garments. But as it was experimental in form, and Hunt was full of other inventions and schemes, he put it aside, and it probably would never have been heard of had not Elias Howe of Massachusetts, ten years after Hunt had abandoned his invention, but without knowledge of Hunt’s efforts, made the first practical successful sewing machine for commercial purposes the world had ever seen, obtained his patent, and made claims therein which covered not only his special form of improvements, but Hunt’s old device as well.

The ideas for inventions often arise and develop at the same time in different locations, without any apparent knowledge or collaboration among the individual inventors. Between 1832 and 1834, while Thimonnier was struggling in Paris, Walter Hunt was inventing a sewing machine in New York, which he finished and used to sew a couple of garments. However, since it was still in the experimental stage and Hunt was focused on other inventions and projects, he set it aside. It likely would have been forgotten if not for Elias Howe from Massachusetts, who, ten years after Hunt had abandoned his invention and without any awareness of Hunt's work, created the first practical sewing machine for commercial use the world had ever seen, obtained a patent for it, and made claims that included not only his specific improvements but also Hunt's earlier design.

Howe’s patent was issued September 10, 1846. In that he claimed to be the first and original inventor of “A sewing machine, constructed and operated to form a seam, substantially as described.”

Howe's patent was issued on September 10, 1846. In it, he claimed to be the first and original inventor of "a sewing machine, designed and operated to create a seam, essentially as described."

Also “The combination of a needle and a shuttle, or equivalent, and holding surfaces, constructed and operating substantially as described.”

Also “The combination of a needle and a shuttle, or something similar, and holding surfaces, built and functioning mostly as described.”

Also “The combination of holding surfaces with[Pg 315] a baster plate or equivalent, constructed and operating substantially as described.”

Also “The combination of holding surfaces with[Pg 315] a baster plate or something similar, built and working pretty much as described.”

Also “A grooved and eye-pointed needle, constructed and adapted for rapid machine sewing substantially as described.”

Also “A needle with grooves and a pointed tip, designed and made for quick machine sewing basically as described.”

When the machine commenced to be a practical success this patent was infringed, and when Howe sued upon it a few years after its issue, it woke up Hunt and all other alleged prior inventors; and all prior patents and publications the world over, relating to sewing machines, were raked up to defeat Howe’s claims.

When the machine started to be a practical success, this patent was violated, and when Howe sued a few years after it was issued, it got Hunt and all other supposed prior inventors involved; and all prior patents and publications around the world related to sewing machines were dug up to challenge Howe’s claims.

But the courts, after long deliberation, held that although, so far as Hunt was concerned he had without doubt made a machine in many respects like Howe’s machine, that it had a curved, eye-pointed needle similar to Howe’s operated by a vibrating arm and going through the cloth, a shuttle carrying the thread that passed through the loop made by the needle thread, thus making a lock stitch by drawing it up to one side of the cloth, and that this machine did, to a certain extent, sew, yet that it ended in an experiment, was laid aside, destroyed, and never perfected nor used so as to give to the public the knowledge and benefit of a completed invention, and was not therefore an anticipation in the eye of the law of Howe’s completed, more successful and patented machine.

But the courts, after much discussion, concluded that even though Hunt had undoubtedly created a machine that was similar to Howe’s in many ways—having a curved, eye-pointed needle like Howe’s, operated by a vibrating arm that pierced the fabric, with a shuttle carrying the thread that passed through the loop made by the needle thread, thereby forming a lock stitch by drawing it to one side of the fabric—and while this machine did sew to some extent, it ultimately ended up being an experiment, was put aside, destroyed, and was never perfected or used in a way that benefited the public with a completed invention. Therefore, it was not considered as a prior version in the eyes of the law compared to Howe’s completed, more successful, and patented machine.

Public successful use is the fact in many cases which alone establishes the title of an inventor, when all other tests fail. And this is right in one sense, as the laws of all countries in respect to protection by patents for inventions are based upon the primary condition of benefit to society. This benefit is not derived from the inventor who hides his completed[Pg 316] invention for years in his closet, or throws it on a dust heap. As to previous patents and publications, some were not published before Howe’s inventions were made, and others were insufficient in showing substantially the same machine and mode of operation. And as to prior use abroad, it was not regarded under the law of his country as competent evidence.

Public successful use is often the key factor that establishes an inventor's title when all other tests fail. This makes sense, since the patent laws in all countries focus on the primary condition of benefiting society. This benefit doesn’t come from an inventor who keeps their completed[Pg 316] invention hidden away for years or eventually discards it. Regarding previous patents and publications, some weren't released before Howe's inventions were created, and others didn’t adequately demonstrate the same machine and how it worked. Additionally, prior use abroad was not considered valid evidence under the law of his country.

Seldom have the lives of great inventors presented a more striking example of the vicissitudes, the despair, and the final triumphs of fortune, which are commonly their lot, than is shown in the case of Howe. A machinist with a wife and children to support, his health too feeble to earn hardly a scanty living, he watches his faithful wife ply her constant needle, and wonders why a machine cannot be made to do the work. The idea cannot be put aside, and with such poor aids as he can command he commences his task.

Seldom have the lives of great inventors shown a more striking example of the ups and downs, despair, and ultimate triumphs that are usually their fate than in the case of Howe. A machinist with a wife and kids to support, his health too weak to earn even a meager living, he watches his devoted wife work tirelessly with her needle and wonders why a machine can't be made to do the job. The idea won't leave his mind, and with whatever limited resources he can find, he begins his work.

At last, amid the trials of bitter poverty, he brings his invention to that stage in which he induces a friend to advance some money, by the promise of a share in the future patent, and thereby gains a temporary home for his family and a garret for his workshop. Day after day and night after night he labours, and finally, in April, 1845, the rather crude machine is completed, and two woollen suits of clothing are sewed thereon, one for a friend, and one for himself.

At last, after dealing with the struggles of extreme poverty, he gets his invention to a point where he convinces a friend to lend him some money in exchange for a share in the upcoming patent. This allows him to secure a temporary home for his family and a small space for his workshop. Day after day and night after night, he works hard, and finally, in April 1845, the rather basic machine is finished, and he sews two woolen suits onto it, one for a friend and one for himself.

Then came the effort to make more machines and place them on the market. People admired the machines as a curiosity, but none were induced to buy them or help him pecuniarily. Finally, in September, 1846, he obtained his patent, but by that time his best friends had become discouraged, and he was compelled to return with his family to his father’s[Pg 317] house in Cambridge, Mass. To earn his bread he sought and found employment on a railway locomotive. By some means his brother sold one of his machines to Mr. William Thomas, a corset maker of London, and Howe was induced to go there to make stays, and his machines. He took his wife and children with him. The arrangement made with his employer was not such as to enable him to keep his family there, and he soon sent them home.

Then came the effort to create more machines and sell them on the market. People were fascinated by the machines as a novelty, but none were convinced to buy them or support him financially. Finally, in September 1846, he got his patent, but by that time, his closest friends had lost hope, and he had to return with his family to his father's[Pg 317] house in Cambridge, Mass. To make a living, he looked for and found work on a railway locomotive. Somehow, his brother managed to sell one of his machines to Mr. William Thomas, a corset maker from London, and Howe was persuaded to go there to produce stays and his machines. He took his wife and kids with him. The agreement he made with his employer didn’t allow him to keep his family there, so he soon sent them back home.

Unable to sell his machines, he was soon reduced to want. He pawned his patent and his last machine, and procured money to return to New York, where he arrived penniless in 1849. He then learned that his wife was dying of consumption at Cambridge. He was compelled to wait until money could be sent him to pay his passage home, and reached there just before his wife’s death.

Unable to sell his machines, he quickly fell into poverty. He pawned his patent and his last machine to get enough cash to return to New York, arriving broke in 1849. He then found out that his wife was dying of tuberculosis in Cambridge. He had to wait until someone could send him money to cover his trip home and arrived just before his wife passed away.

He then learned that during his absence his patent and machine had attracted attention, that others had taken the matter up, added their improvements to his machines, and that many in various places were being made and sold which were infringements of his patent. A great demand for sewing machines had sprung up. He induced friends to again help him. Suits were commenced which, although bitterly fought for six years, were finally successful.

He then found out that while he was away, his patent and machine had gained attention, that others had started working on it, made their own improvements to his machines, and that many were being manufactured and sold in different places, which were violations of his patent. A huge demand for sewing machines had emerged. He persuaded friends to help him again. Lawsuits were initiated that, despite being fiercely contested for six years, ultimately ended in success.

Now fortune turned her smiling face upon him. Medals and diplomas, the Cross of the Legion of Honour, and millions of money became his. When the great civil war broke out in 1861, he entered the army as a private soldier, and advanced the money to pay the regiment to which he belonged, when the Government paymaster had been long delayed. His life was saddened by the fact that his wife had not lived to share his fortune. He died in Brooklyn,[Pg 318] New York, October 3, 1867, in the midst of life, riches, and honour, at the comparatively early age of forty-eight.

Now fortune smiled upon him. Medals and diplomas, the Cross of the Legion of Honour, and millions of dollars came his way. When the great civil war began in 1861, he joined the army as a private soldier and loaned money to pay his regiment when the Government paymaster was delayed for a long time. His life was marked by sadness because his wife didn't live to enjoy his success. He died in Brooklyn,[Pg 318] New York, on October 3, 1867, in the midst of life, wealth, and honor, at the relatively young age of forty-eight.

In referring to the early inventors of sewing machines in America who entered the field about the same time with Howe, mention should be made of J. J. Greenough and George Corliss, who had machines patented respectively in 1842 and 1843, for sewing leather, with double pointed needles; and the running stitch sewing machine used for basting, made and patented by B. W. Bean in 1843. About this time, both in England and America, machines had been devised for sewing lengths of calico and other cloths together, previous to bleaching, dyeing or printing. The edges of the cloths were first crimped or fluted and then sewed by a running stitch.

In discussing the early inventors of sewing machines in America who entered the industry around the same time as Howe, we should mention J. J. Greenough and George Corliss, who patented their machines in 1842 and 1843, respectively, for sewing leather with double-pointed needles. There's also the running stitch sewing machine for basting, made and patented by B. W. Bean in 1843. At that time, both in England and America, machines had been developed to sew lengths of calico and other fabrics together before bleaching, dyeing, or printing. The edges of the fabrics were first crimped or fluted and then sewn together with a running stitch.

The decade of 1849-1859, immediately following the development of the Howe machine, was the greatest in the century for producing those successful sewing machines which were the foundation of the art, established a new industrial epoch, and converted Hood’s “Song of the Shirt” into a lament commemorative of the miseries of a slavish but dying industry.

The years from 1849 to 1859, right after the invention of the Howe machine, were the most significant in the century for creating successful sewing machines that became the basis of the craft, marked a new industrial era, and turned Hood’s “Song of the Shirt” into a mournful reminder of the hardships of a struggling yet fading industry.

It was during that decade that, in the United States, Batcheller invented the perpetual feed for moving the cloth horizontally under and past the needle. In Howe’s the cloth could be sewed but a certain distance at a time, and then the machine must be readjusted for a new length. Then Blodgett and Lerow imparted to the eye-pointed needle what is called the “dip motion,”—the needle being made to descend completely through the material, then to rise a little to form a loop; the shuttle then[Pg 319] entered the loop, the needle descended again a short distance, while the shuttle passed through the loop of the needle thread, and then the needle was raised above the cloth.

It was during that decade that, in the United States, Batcheller invented the continuous feed for moving the cloth horizontally under and past the needle. In Howe’s machine, the cloth could only be sewn a certain distance at a time, and then the machine had to be readjusted for a new length. Then Blodgett and Lerow added what’s known as the “dip motion” to the eye-pointed needle — the needle was designed to go all the way down through the material, then rise slightly to create a loop; the shuttle then[Pg 319] entered the loop, the needle went down again a short distance while the shuttle passed through the loop of the needle thread, and then the needle was lifted above the cloth.

It was then that Allen B. Wilson invented the still more famous “four-motion feed” for feeding the cloth forward. He employed a bar having saw like teeth on one edge which projected up through a slotted plate and engaged the cloth. He then first moved the bar forward carrying the cloth; second, dropped the bar; third, moved it back under the plate; and fourth, raised it to its first position to again engage the cloth. These motions were so timed with the movement of the needle and so quickly done that the cloth was carried forward while the needle was raised, the passage and quick action of the needle was not interfered with, and the feeding and the sewing seem to be simultaneous. The intermittent grasp and feed of the cloth were hardly perceptible, and yet it permitted the cloth to be turned to make a curved seam. Wilson also invented the rotating hook which catches the loop of the upper thread, and drops a disk bobbin through it to form the stitch. The shuttle was thus dispensed with, and an entirely new departure was made in the art. These with other improvements made up the celebrated “Wheeler and Wilson” machine.

It was at this time that Allen B. Wilson invented the even more famous “four-motion feed” to move the fabric forward. He used a bar with saw-like teeth along one edge that poked up through a slotted plate to grab the fabric. First, he moved the bar forward to pull the fabric along; second, he dropped the bar; third, he moved it back under the plate; and fourth, he raised it back to its original position to re-engage the fabric. These movements were perfectly timed with the needle's movement and were performed so quickly that the fabric advanced while the needle was lifted, ensuring the needle's motion wasn’t interrupted, making feeding and sewing appear to happen at the same time. The way the fabric was grasped and fed was nearly unnoticeable, yet it allowed the fabric to be turned for making curved seams. Wilson also came up with the rotating hook that catches the loop of the upper thread and drops a disk bobbin through it to create the stitch. This eliminated the need for a shuttle and marked a significant change in the craft. These innovations, along with other enhancements, formed the renowned “Wheeler and Wilson” machine.

Now also appeared “the Singer,” consisting chiefly of the invention of T. M. Singer. He improved the operation of the needle bar, devised a roughened feed wheel, as a substitute for Wilson’s serrated bar, introduced a spring presser foot, alongside the needle, to hold the work down in proper position while permitting it to be moved forward or in any other direction. A “friction pad” was also placed[Pg 320] between the cloth seam and the spool, to prevent the thread from kinking or twisting under the point of the descending needle. He was the first to give the shuttle an additional forward movement after it had once stopped, to draw the stitch tight,—such operation being taken while the feed moved the cloth in the reverse direction, and while, the needle completed its upward motion, so that the two threads were simultaneously drawn, and finally a spring guide upon the shuttle to control the slack of the thread, and prevent its catching by the needle.

Now also came “the Singer,” mainly the invention of T. M. Singer. He enhanced the way the needle bar worked, created a textured feed wheel instead of Wilson’s serrated bar, and introduced a spring presser foot next to the needle to hold the fabric down properly while allowing it to move forward or in any other direction. A “friction pad” was also placed[Pg 320] between the fabric seam and the spool to stop the thread from kinking or twisting under the descending needle. He was the first to give the shuttle an extra forward movement after it had stopped once, to pull the stitch tight—this happened while the feed moved the fabric in the opposite direction, and while the needle finished its upward movement, so both threads were drawn simultaneously. Finally, he added a spring guide on the shuttle to manage the slack of the thread and prevent it from getting caught by the needle.

By reason of these improvements it is thought by many that Singer was the first to furnish the people with a successful operating and practical sewing machine. At any rate, the world at last so highly appreciated his machines, that it lifted him from poverty to an estate which was valued at between eight and ten millions of dollars at the time of his death in 1875. Singer was also the first to invent the “ruffler,” a machine for ruffling or gathering cloth, and a device which laid an embroidering thread upon the surface of the cloth under the needle thread.

Because of these improvements, many believe that Singer was the first to provide people with a successful and practical sewing machine. In any case, the world eventually appreciated his machines so much that they lifted him from poverty to a fortune valued at between eight and ten million dollars at the time of his death in 1875. Singer was also the first to invent the “ruffler,” a machine used for ruffling or gathering fabric, as well as a device that placed an embroidery thread on the surface of the fabric under the needle thread.

The “Grover and Baker” another celebrated American machine, was invented by William O. Grover and William E. Baker in 1851. By certain changes they made in the thread carrier and connections, they were enabled to make a double looped stitch. This required more thread, but the stitch made was unexcelled in strength.

The “Grover and Baker,” another famous American machine, was invented by William O. Grover and William E. Baker in 1851. Through specific modifications they made to the thread carrier and its connections, they were able to create a double-looped stitch. This used more thread, but the stitch was unmatched in strength.

And so the work went on, from step to step, and from the completion of one machine after another, until when the Centennial Exhibition came to be held in Philadelphia in 1876, a fine array of excellent sewing machines was had, from the United[Pg 321] States, principally, but also those of inventors and manufacturers in Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark.

And so the work continued, progressing from one step to the next, and from finishing one machine after another, until the Centennial Exhibition took place in Philadelphia in 1876, featuring a great selection of outstanding sewing machines, mostly from the United[Pg 321] States, but also from inventors and manufacturers in Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark.

Up to that time about twenty-two hundred patents had been granted in the United States, all of which, with the exception of a very few, were for inventions made within the preceding quarter of a century. And during the last quarter of the century about five thousand more United States patents have been issued for devices in this art. This number includes many, of course, to inventors of other countries. When it is remembered that these patents were issued only after an examination in each case as to its novelty, and although slight as may have been the changes or additions, yet substantially different they must have been in nearly all respects, it may to some extent be realized how great and incessant has been the exercise of invention in this useful class of machines.

Up until that point, about 2,200 patents had been granted in the United States, and almost all of them, except for a very few, were for inventions created within the last 25 years. During the last quarter of the century, around 5,000 more U.S. patents have been issued for devices in this field. This number includes many patents granted to inventors from other countries. When you consider that these patents were only granted after each one was examined for its novelty, and even though the changes or additions might seem minor, they had to be significantly different in almost every way. This gives some idea of how extensive and ongoing the activity of invention has been in this important category of machines.

On this point of the exercise of invention in sewing machines, as well as on some others growing out of the subject, Knight, writing in his Mechanical Dictionary, about twenty years ago, remarks: “If required to name the three subjects on which the most extraordinary versatility of invention has been expended, the answer would be without hesitation, the sewing machine, reaping machine and breech-loading firearm. Each of these has thousands of patents, and although each is the growth of the last forty years, it is only during the last twenty-five years that they have filled any notable place in the world. It was then only by a combination of talents that any of these three important inventions was enabled to achieve remarkable success. The sewing machine previous to 1851,[Pg 322] made without the admirable division of labour which is a feature in all well conducted factories, was hard to make, and comparatively hard to run. The system of assembling, first introduced in the artillery service of France by General Gribeauval in 1765 and brought to proximate perfection by Colonel Colt in the manufacture of the revolver at Hartford, Connecticut, has economised material and time, improved the quality as well as cheapened the product. There is to-day, and in fact has been for some years, more actual invention in the special machines for making sewing machines than in the machines themselves. The assembling system, that is, making the component parts of an article in distinct pieces of pattern, so as to be interchangeable, and the putting them together, is the only system of order. How else should the Providence Tool Company execute their order for 600,000 rifles for the Turkish Government? How otherwise could the Champion Harvesting Machine Company of Springfield, Ohio, turn out an equipped machine every four minutes each working day of ten hours? Or, to draw the illustration from the subject in hand, how by any other than the nicest arrangement of detail can the Singer Sewing Machine Company make 6,000 machines per week at Elizabethport, New Jersey?”

On the topic of invention in sewing machines, and related subjects, Knight noted in his Mechanical Dictionary about twenty years ago: “If I had to name the three areas where the most incredible creativity has been applied, I would confidently say the sewing machine, reaping machine, and breech-loading firearm. Each of these has thousands of patents, and although they’ve developed over the past forty years, they’ve only made a significant impact in the last twenty-five. Remarkable success in any of these three critical inventions was only possible through a combination of skills. Before 1851,[Pg 322] the sewing machine, lacking the excellent division of labor that characterizes efficient factories, was difficult to produce and comparatively challenging to operate. The assembly system, first introduced in the French artillery by General Gribeauval in 1765 and perfected by Colonel Colt in the production of revolvers in Hartford, Connecticut, has saved materials and time, enhanced quality, and lowered costs. Today, and for some time now, there’s been more genuine innovation in the specific machines for making sewing machines than in the sewing machines themselves. The assembly system, which creates interchangeable, distinct parts, and then puts them together, is the only systematic approach. How else could the Providence Tool Company fulfill their order for 600,000 rifles for the Turkish Government? How could the Champion Harvesting Machine Company in Springfield, Ohio, produce a complete machine every four minutes during a ten-hour workday? Or, to use our current context, how can the Singer Sewing Machine Company manage to produce 6,000 machines a week in Elizabethport, New Jersey, without meticulous planning?”

When sewing machines were so far completed as to be easily run by a hand crank, or treadle, the application of power to run them singly, or in series, and to run machines of a larger and more powerful description, soon naturally followed—so that garment-making factories of all kinds, whether of cloth or leather, have been established in many countries—in which steam or electric power is utilised as[Pg 323] the motor, and thus human strain and labour saved, while the amount of production is increased.

When sewing machines were advanced enough to be easily operated by a hand crank or foot pedal, it was only natural that power sources were then used to run them individually or in groups. This led to the creation of garment-making factories, whether for fabric or leather, in many countries. Here, steam or electric power serves as the driving force, reducing human effort and labor while increasing production capacity.[Pg 323]

No radical changes in the principle or mode of operation of sewing machines have been made in the last twenty-five years; but the efforts of inventors have been directed to improve the previously established types, and to devise attachments of all kinds, by the aid of which anything that can be sewed, can be sewed upon a machine. Tucking, ruffling, braiding, cording, hemming, turning, plaiting, gaging, and other attachment devices are numerous. Inventors have rivalled one another in originating new forms of stitches. About seventy-five distinct stitches have been devised, each of which must of course be produced by a change in mechanism.

No significant changes in the basic design or operation of sewing machines have occurred in the last twenty-five years; however, inventors have focused on refining existing models and creating various attachments that enable the machine to sew virtually anything. There are many types of attachments for tucking, ruffling, braiding, cording, hemming, turning, plaiting, gaging, and more. Inventors have competed with each other to create new types of stitches. About seventy-five different stitches have been developed, each requiring a modification in the machine's mechanism.

When sewing machines were in their infancy, and confined to sewing straight seams and other plain sewing, it was predicted that it was not possible to take from the hands of women the making of fine embroidery from intricate patterns, or the working of button-holes, and the destruction of the quilting party was not apprehended. Nor was it expected that human hands could be dispensed with in the cutting out of garments. And yet these things have followed. Machines, by a beautiful but complex system of needles, working to some extent on the Jacquard system of perforated card boards, and by the help of pneumatic or electrical power, will work out on most delicate cloths embroidery of exquisite patterns.

When sewing machines were just starting out and only capable of making straight seams and simple stitches, people thought it would never be possible to take away from women the art of creating fine embroidery with complex designs, or making buttonholes, and there was no fear of eliminating quilting gatherings. No one anticipated that machines could replace human hands in cutting out clothes. And yet, those things have happened. Machines, using a beautiful yet intricate system of needles and employing a method similar to the Jacquard system with perforated cards, along with pneumatic or electric power, can now create exquisite embroidery on the most delicate fabrics.

The button-hole machines will take the garment, cut the button-hole at the desired point, and either, as in one class of machines, by moving the fabric about the stitch-forming mechanism, or, as in another class, moving the stitch-forming mechanism about the[Pg 324] button-hole, complete the delicate task in the nicest and most effective manner.

The buttonhole machines will handle the garment, cut the buttonhole at the chosen spot, and either, as in one type of machine, move the fabric around the stitch-forming mechanism, or, as in another type, move the stitch-forming mechanism around the[Pg 324] buttonhole, completing the delicate task in the most precise and efficient way.

Quilting machines have their own bees, consisting of a guide which regulates the spaces between the seams, and adjusts them to any width, and a single needle, or gang of needles, the latter under the control of cams which force the needles to quilt certain desired patterns.

Quilting machines have their own setups, featuring a guide that controls the spaces between the seams and adjusts them to any width, along with a single needle or a group of needles. The latter is operated by cams that make the needles stitch specific patterns.

And as to cutting, it is only necessary to place the number of pieces of fabric desired to be cut in cutting dies, or upon a table, and over them an “over-board” cutter, which comprises a reciprocating band-saw, or a rotary knife, all quick, keen and delicate, in an apparatus guided by hand, in order to produce in the operation a great pile of the parts formerly so slowly produced, one at a time, by scissors or shears.

And for cutting, you just need to stack the number of fabric pieces you want to cut in cutting dies or on a table, and use an “over-board” cutter, which features a moving band-saw or a rotary knife—both fast, sharp, and precise—in a hand-guided machine. This way, you can quickly create a big pile of parts that used to be made slowly, one at a time, with scissors or shears.

If men were contented with that single useful garment of some savages, a blanket with a slit cut in it for the passage of the head and neck, not only would a vast portion of the joys and sorrows of social philosophy have been avoided, but an immense strain and trouble on the part of inventors of the century would have been obviated.

If men were satisfied with just that one practical piece of clothing worn by some savages—a blanket with a slit for the head and neck—countless joys and challenges of social philosophy could have been avoided, and a huge burden on the inventors of this century would have been eliminated.

But man’s propensity for wearing clothes has led to the invention of every variety of tools for making them faster, cheaper, and better.

But people's tendency to wear clothes has resulted in the creation of all kinds of tools to make them faster, cheaper, and better.

No machine has yet been invented that will take the place of the deft fingers of women in certain lines of ornamentation, as in final completion and trimming of their hats. The airy and erratic demands of fashion are too nimble to be supplied by the slow processes of machinery, although the crude ground-work, the frame, has been shaped, moulded and sewed by machines; and women themselves have invented and patented bonnet frames and patterns.[Pg 325]

No machine has been invented yet that can replace the skillful hands of women in certain areas of decoration, like the final touches and trimming of their hats. The light and unpredictable demands of fashion are too quick for the slow processes of machines, even though the basic structure, the frame, has been shaped, molded, and sewn by machines; and women themselves have created and patented bonnet frames and patterns.[Pg 325]

But no such difficulty in invention has occurred in hat-making for men. From the treating and cutting of the raw material, from the outer bound edge, and the band about the body, to the tip of the crown, a machine may be found for performing each separate step. Especially is this the case with the hard felt and the high silk hats.

But no such challenges in creativity have happened in hat-making for men. From handling and cutting the raw material, to the outer edge and the band around the base, all the way to the tip of the crown, there’s a machine available for each individual step. This is particularly true for hard felt and high silk hats.

Seventy-five years ago the making of hats was by hand processes. Now in all hat factories machines are employed, and the ingenuity displayed in the construction of some of them is marvellous. It is exceedingly difficult to find many of the old hand implements existing even as relics.

Seventy-five years ago, hats were made by hand. Now, all hat factories use machines, and the creativity shown in the design of some of them is incredible. It’s really hard to find many of the old hand tools left, even as collectibles.

Wool and fur each has its special machines for turning it into a hat. The operations of cleaning and preparing the material, felting the fur, when fur is used, shaping the hat body, and then the brim, washing, dying, hardening and stiffening it, stretching, smoothing, finishing, sizing, lining, trimming, all are now done by machines devised for each special purpose. A description of these processes would be interesting, but even in an abbreviated form would fill a book.

Wool and fur each have their specific machines for making hats. The tasks of cleaning and preparing the material, felting the fur when used, shaping the hat body and then the brim, washing, dyeing, hardening and stiffening, stretching, smoothing, finishing, sizing, lining, and trimming are all now performed by machines designed for each specific purpose. A description of these processes would be fascinating, but even in a shorter version, it would fill a book.

The wonderful things done in the manufacture of boots and shoes and rubber goods will be referred to in subsequent chapters.

The amazing things done in the production of boots, shoes, and rubber products will be discussed in later chapters.

Although it was old from time immemorial to colour cotton goods, and the calico power printing cylinder was invented and introduced into England in the latter part of the 18th century and began to turn out at once immense quantities of decorated calicoes and chintz, yet figured woven goods were a novelty sixty years ago.

Although it has been a long-standing practice to dye cotton fabrics, and the printing cylinder for calico was invented and brought to England in the late 18th century, quickly producing large amounts of decorated calicoes and chintz, figured woven fabrics were still a novelty sixty years ago.

In 1834, Mr. Bonjeau, a prominent wool manufacturer in Sedan, France, and an élève of the Polytechnic [Pg 326]School, conceived the idea of modifying the plain cloths, universally made, by the union of different tints and patterns. This he was enabled to do by the Jacquard loom. The manufacture of fancy woven cloths, cassimeres, worsted coatings, etc., of great beauty, combined with strength of fabrication, followed in all civilised countries, but their universal adoption as wearing apparel was due in part to the lessening of the expense in the making them into garments by the sewing machine.

In 1834, Mr. Bonjeau, a well-known wool manufacturer in Sedan, France, and a student of the Polytechnic School, came up with the idea of changing the standard cloths that were commonly produced by combining different colors and patterns. He was able to achieve this with the Jacquard loom. The production of beautifully designed woven fabrics, such as cashmeres and worsted coatings, spread to all civilized countries, but their widespread acceptance as clothing was partly due to the reduced costs of turning them into garments thanks to the sewing machine.

As to the effect of modern inventions on wearing apparel, it is not apparent that they were necessary to supply the wardrobes of the rich. The Solomons and the Queen of Sheba of ancient days, and all their small and great successors in the halls of Fortune, have had their rich robes, their purple and their fine linen, whether made in one way or another; but modern inventions have banished the day when the poor man’s hard labour of a long day will not suffice to bring his wife a yard of cheapest cloth. Toil, then, as hard as he and his poor wife and children might, their united labours would hardly suffice to clothe them in more than the poorly-dressed skins of animals and the coarsest of homespun wool.

As for the impact of modern inventions on clothing, it's clear that they weren't essential for filling the wardrobes of the wealthy. Ancient figures like Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, along with their many successors in the lap of luxury, had their lavish garments, their purple fabrics, and their fine linens, regardless of how they were made. However, modern inventions have eliminated the time when a poor man's long hours of hard work couldn't even afford his wife a yard of the cheapest fabric. Despite their best efforts, he, his wife, and their children would struggle to have more than rudimentary animal hides and the roughest homespun wool for clothing.

Now, cottons and calicoes are made and sold at a profit for three cents a yard; and the poorest woman in the land may appear in neat, comfortable and tasteful dress, the entire cost of material and labor of which need not exceed fifty cents. The comfort, respectability and dignity of a large family, which depend so much on clothes, may be ensured at the cost of a few dollars.

Now, cottons and calicoes are produced and sold at a profit for three cents a yard, allowing even the poorest woman in the country to wear neat, comfortable, and stylish clothing, with the total cost of materials and labor not exceeding fifty cents. The comfort, respectability, and dignity of a large family, which rely heavily on clothing, can be secured for just a few dollars.

And as to the condition of the sewing woman, trying and poor as it is in many instances, yet she can earn more money with less physical exhaustion than under the old system.[Pg 327]

And regarding the situation of the seamstress, challenging and often difficult as it may be in many cases, she can earn more money with less physical strain than under the previous system.[Pg 327]

The epoch of good clothes for the people, with all that it means in the fight upward from degradation, began in this century, and it was due to the inventions which have been above outlined.

The era of stylish clothing for everyone, along with everything that signifies in the struggle to rise above degradation, started in this century, and it was thanks to the inventions mentioned above.


Industrial Equipment.

One invention engenders another, or co-operates with another. None lives, or stands, or dies, alone.

One invention leads to another, or works together with another. None exists, or stands alone, or dies in isolation.

So, in the humble but extensive art of broom-making, men and women worked along through ages binding with their hands the supple twigs of trees or bushes, or of corn, by thongs, or cords, or wire, upon the rudely-formed collar of a hand-smoothed stick, until the modern lathe and hollow mandrel armed with cutters, the power-driven shuttle, and the sewing machine, were invented.

So, in the simple yet vast craft of broom-making, men and women worked together for ages, using their hands to bind flexible twigs from trees, bushes, or corn with strips, cords, or wire onto the roughly shaped collar of a hand-smoothed stick, until the modern lathe and hollow mandrel equipped with cutters, the power-driven shuttle, and the sewing machine were invented.

The lathe and mandrel to hold the stick while it was cut was used before, but it was long within the century that a hollow mandrel was first invented, which was provided internally with cutting bevelled knives, and into which the stick was placed, carried through longitudinally, and during its passage cut smooth and finished. As broom corn became the chief product from which brooms are made, it became desirable to have a machine, after the corn had been scraped of its seed, to size and prepare the stems in regular lengths for the various sizes of brooms, and accordingly such a machine was invented. Then a machine was needed and invented to wind the corn-brush with the cord or wire and tie it in a round bunch, preparatory to flattening and sewing it.

The lathe and mandrel used to hold the stick while it was cut had been around for a while, but it wasn't until much later in the century that a hollow mandrel was first made. This mandrel had internal cutting bevel knives, and the stick was placed inside it, moving through lengthwise, getting cut smooth and finished as it went. As broom corn became the main material for making brooms, it became important to have a machine to size and prepare the stems into uniform lengths after scraping the seeds off the corn. So, a machine designed for that purpose was created. Then, another machine was needed and invented to wind the corn-brush with cord or wire and bind it into a round bundle, ready for flattening and sewing.

Then followed different forms of broom-sewing[Pg 329] machines. Among the pioneers was one which received the round bunch between two compressing jaws, and pressed it flat. While so held a needle with its coarse thread was forced through the broom above the binding and the cord twined around it. Then a shuttle, also carrying a stout thread, was thrown over the cord, the needle receded and was then forced through the broom again under the binding cord. Thus in conjunction with the shuttle the stitches were formed alternately above and below the binding twine, the holding jaws being raised intermittently for that purpose. As each stitch was formed the machine fed the broom along laterally and intermittently. By another ingenious device the cord was tied and cut, when the sewing was completed.

Then came various types of broom-sewing[Pg 329] machines. Among the first was one that held the round bunch between two compressing jaws and pressed it flat. While it was held, a needle with thick thread was pushed through the broom above the binding, and the cord wrapped around it. Then a shuttle, which also carried a strong thread, was thrown over the cord, the needle pulled back, and then forced through the broom again under the binding cord. This way, using the shuttle, the stitches were sewn alternately above and below the binding twine, with the holding jaws raised intermittently for that purpose. As each stitch formed, the machine moved the broom along from side to side at intervals. With another clever mechanism, the cord was tied and cut when the sewing was finished.

It is only by such machines which treat the entire article from the first to the last step, that the immense number of brooms now necessary to supply the market are made. True it is that at first labour was displaced. At one time seventeen skilled workmen would manufacture five hundred dozen brooms per week.

It is only through these machines that handle the entire process from start to finish that the huge quantity of brooms now needed to meet market demand are produced. It’s true that initially, jobs were lost. At one point, seventeen skilled workers would produce five hundred dozen brooms each week.

They had reduced the force of earlier times by making larger quantities by better processes. Then when the broom-sewing machines and other inventions got fairly to work, nine men would turn out twelve hundred dozen brooms per week. Thus, while the force was reduced nearly one-half, the quantity of product was more than doubled. But as the cost of labour decreased and the product increased, the product became more plentiful and cheaper, the demand and use became greater, more broom-corn was raised, more broom-factories started, and soon the temporary displacement of labour was succeeded by a permanent increase in manufacture[Pg 330] and in labourers, an increase in their wages, and an improvement in their condition.

They had reduced the workforce from earlier times by producing larger quantities through better methods. Then, when the broom-sewing machines and other inventions kicked in, nine men could produce twelve hundred dozen brooms each week. So, while the workforce was cut nearly in half, the amount of product more than doubled. However, as labor costs went down and production increased, the products became more abundant and cheaper. This led to greater demand and usage, more broom-corn being grown, and more broom factories opening up. Eventually, the temporary job loss was replaced by a lasting increase in manufacturing and labor, along with higher wages and improved conditions for workers.[Pg 330]

Useful and extensive as is its use, the broom does not compare in variety and wide application to the brush. The human body, cloth, leather, metals, wood and grains, everything that needs rubbing, cleaning, painting and polishing, meets the acquaintance of the brush. Nearly a hundred species of brushes might be enumerated, each having an especial construction for a particular use.

Useful and widespread as the broom is, it doesn't match the variety and versatility of the brush. The human body, fabric, leather, metals, wood, and grains—everything that needs rubbing, cleaning, painting, or polishing—will encounter the brush. There are nearly a hundred types of brushes that could be listed, each designed with a specific purpose in mind.

Although the majority of brushes are still made by hand, yet a few most ingenious machines have been made which greatly facilitate and speed the operation, and many mechanical appliances have been invented in aid of hand-work. These machines and appliances, together with those which cut, turn, bore, smooth, and polish the handles and backs, to which the brush part is secured, have greatly changed and improved the art of brush-making during the last fifty years.

Although most brushes are still made by hand, some clever machines have been developed that significantly speed up the process, and many tools have been created to assist with handwork. These machines and tools, along with those that cut, shape, drill, smooth, and polish the handles and backs to which the brush part is attached, have greatly changed and improved the art of brush-making over the past fifty years.

The first machine which attracted general attention was invented by Oscar D. and E. C. Woodbury of New York, and patented in 1870. As in hand-making and before subjected to the action of the machine, the bristles are sorted as to length and color. A brush-back, bored with holes by a gang of bits, which holes do not extend, however, all the way through the back, is placed in the machine under a cone-jointed plunger, adapted to enter the hole in the brush-back. A comb-shaped slitted plate in the machine has then each slit filled with bristles, sufficient in number to form a single tuft. When the machine is started, the bristles in a slit are forced out therefrom through a twisted guideway, which forms them into a round tuft, and which is laid horizontally beneath a[Pg 331] plunger, which, descending, first doubles the tuft, and as the plunger continues to descend, forces the double end down into the hole. The plunger is supplied with a wire from a reel, turns as it descends, and twists the wire around the lower end of the tuft, the wire being directed in that way by a spiral groove within the plunger. The continuing action of the plunger is such as to screw the wire into the back. The wire is cut when the rotary plunger commences its descent, and when the tuft is thus secured the plunger ascends, the block is moved for another hole, and another set of bristles is presented for manipulation. Brushes with 70 holes can be turned out by this machine at the rate of one a minute.

The first machine that gained widespread attention was invented by Oscar D. and E. C. Woodbury from New York and patented in 1870. Just like in hand-making, the bristles are sorted by length and color before being fed into the machine. A brush-back, drilled with holes by a set of bits (which do not go all the way through the back), is placed in the machine under a cone-jointed plunger designed to fit into the hole in the brush-back. A comb-shaped slitted plate in the machine fills each slit with bristles, enough to form a single tuft. When the machine starts, the bristles in a slit are pushed out through a twisted guideway that shapes them into a round tuft, laying it horizontally beneath a[Pg 331] plunger. As the plunger descends, it first doubles the tuft, and then, as it continues down, forces the doubled end into the hole. The plunger is connected to a wire from a reel, rotates as it descends, and twists the wire around the bottom of the tuft, with the wire guided by a spiral groove within the plunger. The ongoing action of the plunger screws the wire into the back. The wire is cut when the rotary plunger begins its descent, and once the tuft is secured, the plunger rises, the block shifts for another hole, and another set of bristles is prepared for processing. This machine can produce brushes with 70 holes at a rate of one per minute.

Another most ingenious machine for this purpose is that of Kennedy, Diss, and Cannan, patented in the United States in 1892. In this, brush blocks of varying sizes, but of the same pattern, are bored by the same machine which receives the bristles, and the tufts are inserted as fast as the holes are bored. Both machines are automatic in operation.

Another highly clever machine for this purpose is the one designed by Kennedy, Diss, and Cannan, patented in the United States in 1892. In this machine, brush blocks of different sizes but the same design are drilled by the same device that holds the bristles, and the tufts are added as quickly as the holes are drilled. Both machines operate automatically.

Street-sweeping machines began to appear about 1831 in England, shortly after in France, and then in cities in other countries.

Street-sweeping machines started showing up around 1831 in England, soon after in France, and then in cities in other countries.

The simplest form and most effective sweeper comprises a large cylinder armed with spiral rows of splints and hung diagonally on the under side and across a frame having two or four wheels. This cylinder is connected by bevelled gearing with the wheels, and in revolving throws the dirt from the street into a ridge on one side thereof, where it is swept into heaps by hand sweepers, and is then carted off. King of the United States was the inventor.

The simplest and most effective street sweeper consists of a large cylinder with spiral rows of bristles, mounted diagonally on the underside of a frame with two or four wheels. This cylinder is linked to the wheels through beveled gearing, and as it rotates, it brushes dirt from the street into a pile on one side, where hand sweepers gather it into heaps before it's taken away. The inventor was the King of the United States.

A more recent improvement consists in the use of[Pg 332] pneumatic means for removing the dust that is caused by the use of revolving brooms or brushes, such removal being effected by means of a hood that covers the area of the street beneath the body of the machine, and incloses an air exhaust, the sweepings being drawn through the exhaust mechanism and deposited in a receptacle for the purpose, or in some instances deposited in a furnace carried by the machine and there burned.

A newer enhancement involves using[Pg 332] pneumatic tools to remove dust created by rotating brooms or brushes. This removal is achieved with a hood that covers the area of the street beneath the machine and includes an air exhaust. The debris is pulled through the exhaust system and collected in a designated container, or in some cases, it's placed into a furnace installed on the machine to be burned.

In cities having hard, smooth, paved streets and sufficient municipal funds, the most effective, but most expensive way, has been found to keep a large force of men constantly at work with hoes, shovels, brooms, bags and carts, removing the dirt as fast as it accumulates.

In cities with hard, smooth, paved streets and enough municipal funds, the most effective, yet most costly, method has been to keep a large group of workers constantly busy with hoes, shovels, brooms, bags, and carts, clearing away dirt as quickly as it builds up.

Abrading Machines.

One of the most striking inventions of the century is the application of the sand-blast to industrial and artistic purposes.

One of the most impressive inventions of the century is the use of sandblasting for industrial and artistic purposes.

For ages the sands of the desert and wild mountain plains, lifted and driven by the whirling winds, had sheared and polished the edges and faces of rocks, and cut them into fantastic shapes, and the sands of the shore, tossed by the winds of the sea, had long scratched and bleared the windows of the fisherman’s hut, before it occurred to the mind of man that here were a force and an agent which could be harnessed into his service.

For a long time, the desert sands and rugged mountain plains, blown and shaped by swirling winds, had worn down and smoothed the edges and surfaces of rocks, transforming them into strange formations. The sea's sandy shores, tossed by ocean winds, had for ages scratched and dimmed the windows of the fisherman’s hut, before it dawned on humanity that these elements were forces and resources that could be utilized for their own benefit.

It was due finally to the inventive genius of B. F. Tilghman of Philadelphia, Pa., who, in 1870, patented a process by which common sand, powdered quartz, emery, or other comminuted sharp cutting material, may be blown or driven with such force[Pg 333] upon the surface of the hardest materials, as to cut, clean, engrave, and otherwise abrade them, in the most wonderful and satisfactory manner.

It was ultimately due to the creative brilliance of B. F. Tilghman from Philadelphia, Pa., who, in 1870, patented a method that allows common sand, powdered quartz, emery, or other finely ground sharp cutting materials to be blown or propelled with such force[Pg 333] onto the surfaces of the hardest materials, enabling them to be cut, cleaned, engraved, and otherwise abraded in an incredibly effective and impressive way.

Diamonds are abraded; glass depolished, or engraved, or bored; metal castings cleaned; lithographic zinc plates grained; silverware frosted; stone and glass for jewelry shaped and figured; the inscriptions and ornaments of monuments and tombstones cut thereon; engravings and photographs copied; steel files cleaned and sharpened, and stones and marble carved into forms of beauty with more exactness and in far less time than by the chisel of the artisan.

Diamonds are polished; glass is smoothed or engraved or drilled; metal castings are cleaned; lithographic zinc plates are treated; silverware is frosted; stone and glass for jewelry are shaped and designed; inscriptions and decorations on monuments and tombstones are cut into them; engravings and photographs are replicated; steel files are cleaned and sharpened, and stones and marble are carved into beautiful shapes with more precision and in much less time than with a craftsman's chisel.

The gist of the process is the employment of a jet of sand or other hard abrading material, driven at a high velocity by a blast of air or steam, under a certain pressure, in accordance with the character of the work to be done. The sand is placed in a box-like receptacle into which the air or steam is forced, and the sand flowing into the same chamber is driven through a narrow slit or slits in the form of a thin sheet, directly on to the object to be abraded.

The essence of the process involves using a jet of sand or another hard abrasive material, propelled at high speed by a blast of air or steam, under specific pressure levels based on the type of work being performed. The sand is stored in a box-like container where air or steam is pumped in, and the sand flows into the same chamber and is pushed through a narrow opening or openings in the form of a thin sheet, aimed directly at the object being abraded.

By one method the surface of the object is first coated with tinfoil on which the artist traces his design, and this is then coated with melted transparent wax. Then when the wax is hardened it is cut away along the lines already indicated, and seen through the wax. The object now is subjected to the blast, and as the sand will not penetrate a softened material sufficient to abrade a surface beneath, the exposed portions alone will be cut away. The sand after it strikes is carried off by a blast to some receptacle, from which it is returned to its former place for further use. Other means may be used in the place of a slitted box, as a small or larger blow-pipe;[Pg 334] but the driving of the sand, or similar abrading material, with great force by the steam or air blast, is the essential feature of the process.

By one method, the surface of the object is first covered with tinfoil, on which the artist outlines the design. This is then coated with melted transparent wax. Once the wax hardens, it is cut away along the already indicated lines and viewed through the wax. The object is then subjected to a blast, and since the sand cannot penetrate a softened material enough to wear down the surface underneath, only the exposed areas will be cut away. After hitting the surface, the sand is removed by a blast to a container, from which it is returned to its original place for further use. Other methods can be employed instead of a slitted box, such as a small or larger blowpipe; however, the key aspect of the process is the forceful driving of the sand or similar abrasive material by steam or air blast.[Pg 334]

Emery, that variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of crystalline alumina, resembling in appearance dark, fine-grained iron ore, ranking next to the diamond in hardness, and a sister of the sapphire and the ruby, has long been used as an abradant. The Eastern nations have used corundum for this purpose for ages. Turkey and Greece once had a monopoly of it. Knight says: “The corundum stone used by the Hindoos and Chinese is composed of corundum powdered, two parts; lac resin, one part. The two are intimately mixed in an earthen vessel, kneaded and flattened, shaped and polished. A hole in the stone for the axis is made by a heated copper rod.”

Emery, a type of the mineral corundum, made up of crystalline alumina and looking like dark, finely grained iron ore, is just below diamond in hardness and is a relative of sapphire and ruby. It has been used for a long time as an abrasive. Eastern cultures have utilized corundum for this purpose for centuries. Turkey and Greece once had control over it. Knight states: “The corundum stone used by the Hindoos and Chinese consists of two parts corundum powder and one part lac resin. The two are mixed thoroughly in an earthen vessel, kneaded and flattened, shaped, and polished. A hole for the axis is created by using a heated copper rod.”

However ancient the use of artificial stones for grinding and polishing, nevertheless it is true that the solid emery wheel in the form that has made it generally useful, in machines known as emery grinders, is a modern invention, and of American origin.

However ancient the use of artificial stones for grinding and polishing, it’s still true that the solid emery wheel, in the form that has made it widely useful in machines known as emery grinders, is a modern invention and comes from America.

In the manufacture of such machines great attention and the highest scientific skill has been paid, first, to the material composing the wheel, and to the cementing substances by which the emery is compacted and bound in the strongest manner, to prevent bursting when driven at great speed; secondly, to the construction of machines and wheels of a composition varying from the finest to the coarsest; and thirdly, to the proper balancing of the wheels in the machines, an operation of great nicety, in order that the wheel may be used on delicate tools, when driven at high speed, without producing uneven work, marking [Pg 335]the objects, or endangering the breaking, or bursting of the wheel.

In building these machines, a lot of focus and top-notch scientific skill has been dedicated, first to the materials used for the wheel and the adhesives that compact and secure the emery effectively to avoid bursting at high speeds; second, to the design of machines and wheels that range from the finest to the coarsest; and third, to ensuring the wheels are properly balanced in the machines, a process requiring precision, so that the wheel can operate on delicate tools at high speeds without causing uneven work, leaving marks on the objects, or risking the wheel breaking or bursting. [Pg 335]

Such machines, when properly constructed, although not adapted to take the place of the file, other steel-cutting tools, and the grindstone for many purposes, yet have very extensively displaced those tools for cutting edges, and the grinding and polishing of hardened metals, by reason chiefly of their greater convenience, speed, and general adaptability. Not only tools of all sizes are ground and polished, but ploughshares, stove and wrought-iron plates, iron castings, the inner surfaces of hollow ironware, the bearings of spindles, arbours, and the surfaces of steel, chilled or cast-iron rolls, etc.

Such machines, when built correctly, aren’t meant to replace files, other steel-cutting tools, or grindstones for many tasks, but they have largely taken over those tools for cutting edges, grinding, and polishing hardened metals, mainly because they are more convenient, faster, and generally more adaptable. Not only are tools of all sizes ground and polished, but also ploughshares, stove and wrought-iron plates, iron castings, the inner surfaces of hollow ironware, the bearings of spindles and axles, and the surfaces of steel, chilled, or cast-iron rolls, etc.

In the great class of Industrial Mechanics, no machines of the century have contributed more to the comfort and cleanliness of mankind than those by which wearing apparel in its vast quantities is washed and ironed more thoroughly, speedily, and satisfactorily in every way than is possible by the old hand systems. When it is remembered how under the old system such a large part of humanity, and this the weaker part, devoted such immense time and labour to the universal washing and ironing days, the invention of these machines and appliances must be regarded as among the great labour-saving blessings of the century.

In the important field of Industrial Mechanics, no machines of this century have done more for the comfort and cleanliness of people than those that wash and iron our clothes in large quantities more thoroughly, quickly, and effectively than was ever possible with the old hand methods. When we think about how much time and effort a significant portion of humanity, particularly those who are more vulnerable, spent on the exhausting routine of washing and ironing, the creation of these machines and tools should be seen as one of the greatest labor-saving advancements of our time.

True, the individual washerwoman and washerman, and ironers, have by no means disappeared, and are still in evidence everywhere, yet the universal and general devotion of one-half the human race to the wash-tub and ironing-table for two or more days in the week is no longer necessary. And even for the individual worker, the convenient appliances and helps that have been invented have greatly relieved the occupation of pain and drudgery.[Pg 336]

True, individual washerwomen, washermen, and ironers definitely still exist and can be found everywhere, but the widespread commitment of half the population to the wash-tub and ironing-board for two or more days a week is no longer needed. Even for individual workers, the convenient tools and aids that have been invented have significantly eased the burdens of their work.[Pg 336]

Among modern devices in the laundry, worked by hand, is, first, the washing-machine, in which the principle is adapted of rolling over or kneading the clothes. By moving a lever by hand up and down, the clothes are thoroughly rubbed, squeezed and lifted at each stroke. Then comes the wringer, a common form of which consists of two parallel rolls of vulcanized and otherwise specially treated rubber, fitted to shafts which, by an arrangement of cog-wheels, gearing and springs in the framework at the ends of rolls, and a crank handle, are made to roll on each other. The clothes are passed between the rollers, the springs permit the rollers to yield and part more or less, according to the thickness of the clothes.

Among modern laundry devices that are operated by hand is the washing machine, which functions by rolling over or kneading the clothes. By manually moving a lever up and down, the clothes are thoroughly rubbed, squeezed, and lifted with each stroke. Next is the wringer, a common design that features two parallel rolls made of vulcanized and specially treated rubber, mounted on shafts. These are connected through a system of cog-wheels, gearing, and springs in the framework at the ends of the rolls, with a crank handle that makes the rolls turn against each other. The clothes are fed between the rollers, and the springs allow the rollers to adjust and separate based on the thickness of the clothes.

Then the old-fashioned, or the new-fashioned mangle is brought into play. The old-style mangle had a box, weighted with stone, which was reciprocated on rollers, and was run back and forth upon the clothes spread upon a polished table beneath. One of the more modern styles is on the principle of the wringer above described, or a series of rollers arranged around a central drum, and each having a rubber spring attached, by which means the clothes are not subjected to undue pressure at one or two points, as in the first mentioned kind.

Then the old-fashioned or the modern mangle comes into action. The traditional mangle had a box weighted with stones that moved back and forth on rollers, pressing down on the clothes laid out on a polished table underneath. One of the more contemporary styles works on the principle of the wringer mentioned earlier, featuring a series of rollers arranged around a central drum, each equipped with a rubber spring. This design ensures that the clothes aren't subjected to excessive pressure at just one or two points, as with the earlier model.

Starch is also applied by a similar machine. The cloth is dipped into a body of starch, or the same is applied by hand, and then the superfluous starch squeezed out as the clothes are passed through the rollers.

Starch is also used by a similar machine. The cloth is dipped into a vat of starch, or it can be applied by hand, and then the excess starch is squeezed out as the clothes go through the rollers.

But for hotels and other large institutions washing is now done by steam-power machinery.

But now, hotels and other large institutions use steam-powered machines for laundry.

It is an attractive sight to step into a modern laundry, operated with the latest machinery on the largest scale. The first thing necessary in many localities is[Pg 337] to clarify the water. This is done by attaching to the service pipe tanks filled with filtering material, through which the water flows before reaching the boiler. The driving engine and shafting are compactly placed at one end or side of the room, with boilers and kettles conveniently adjacent. The water and clothes are supplied to the washing-machine, and operated by the engine. Steam may be used in addition to the engine to keep it boiling hot, or steam may be substituted entirely for the water.

It’s a great sight to walk into a modern laundry, equipped with the latest machinery on a large scale. The first thing needed in many places is[Pg 337] to clear the water. This is done by connecting tanks filled with filtering material to the service pipe, allowing the water to flow through before it reaches the boiler. The driving engine and shafting are neatly arranged at one end or side of the room, with the boilers and kettles conveniently nearby. Water and clothes are supplied to the washing machine, which is powered by the engine. Steam can also be used alongside the engine to keep it boiling hot, or it can completely replace the water.

The machine may be one of several types selected especially for the particular class of goods to be washed. There is the dash-wheel, constructed on the principle of the cylinder churn; the outer case being stationary and the revolving dash-wheel water-tight, or perforated, which is the preferred form for collars and cuffs. In place of the dash-wheel cylinders are sometimes used, having from sixty to seventy revolutions a minute. Another form has vibrating arms or beaters, giving between four hundred and five hundred strokes a minute, and by which the clothes are squeezed between rubbing corrugated boards. The rubbing boards also roll the clothes over and over until they are thoroughly washed. In another form a rotating cylinder for the clothes is provided with an arrangement of pipes by which either steam, water or blueing can be introduced as desired, into the cylinder, through its hollow journals, so that the clothes can be washed, rinsed, and blued without removal from the machine.

The machine can come in various types specially chosen for the specific category of items being washed. There's the dash-wheel, built like a cylinder churn; the outer casing stays still while the dash-wheel rotates, either being watertight or perforated, which is preferred for collars and cuffs. Instead of the dash-wheel, cylinders are sometimes used, spinning at about sixty to seventy revolutions per minute. Another version features vibrating arms or beaters that provide between four hundred and five hundred strokes per minute, squeezing the clothes between ribbed boards. These rubbing boards also tumble the clothes repeatedly until they are completely cleaned. In another design, a rotating cylinder for the clothes has a set of pipes that allow steam, water, or bluing to be added as needed into the cylinder through its hollow bearings, so the clothes can be washed, rinsed, and blued without having to take them out of the machine.

Another type has perforated, reciprocating pistons, between which the clothes are alternately squeezed and released, a supply of fresh water being constantly introduced through one of the hollow cylinder journals, while the used water is discharged[Pg 338] through the opposite journal; and in still another the clothes are placed in a perforated cylinder within an outer casing, and propeller blades, assisted by other spiral blades, force a continuous current of water through the clothes.

Another type uses perforated, back-and-forth pistons that alternately squeeze and release the clothes, while a steady flow of fresh water is constantly introduced through one of the hollow cylinder journals, and the used water is expelled[Pg 338] through the opposite journal. In yet another design, the clothes are placed in a perforated cylinder inside an outer casing, and propeller blades, supported by additional spiral blades, create a continuous flow of water through the clothes.

In ironing, hollow polishing rolls of various sizes are used, heated either by steam or gas. The articles to be ironed are placed in proper position upon a table and carried under and in contact with the rolls. Or the goods are ironed between a heated cylinder and a revolving drum covered with felting, and the polishing effected by the cylinder revolving faster than the drum. Ingenious forms of hand-operated ironing machines for turning over and ironing the edges of collars, and other articles, are in successful use.

In ironing, hollow polishing rolls of different sizes are used, heated by either steam or gas. The items to be ironed are positioned correctly on a table and passed under the rolls. Alternatively, the garments are ironed between a heated cylinder and a rotating drum covered with felt, with the polishing done by the cylinder spinning faster than the drum. Clever designs of hand-operated ironing machines for turning over and ironing the edges of collars and other items are successfully in use.



In surveying the wonderful road along which have travelled the toiling inventors, until the splendid fields of the present century have been reached, the mind indulges in contrasts and reverts to the far gone period of man’s deprivations, when man, the animal, was fighting for food and shelter.

In looking back at the incredible journey of hardworking inventors that has brought us to the amazing advancements of today, it’s easy to reflect on the stark differences and think about the long-ago time when humans faced hardships, struggling for food and shelter.

“Poor naked wretches, wheresoe’er you are,
That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,
How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,
Your loop’d and window’d raggedness, defend you
From seasons such as these?”

King Lear III, IV.

“Poor, naked people, wherever you are,
Who faces the unending battering of this harsh storm,
How will your homeless minds and hungry souls,
Your ripped and tattered clothes protect you. From seasons like these?
King Lear Act III, Scene IV.

When the implements of labour and the weapons of war were chiefly made of stone, or bronze, or iron, such periods became the “age” of stone, or bronze, or iron; and we sometimes hear of the ages of steam, steel and electricity. But the age of wood has always existed, wherever forests abounded. It was, doubtless, the earliest “age” in the industries of man, but is not likely to be the latest, as the class of inventions we are about to consider, although giving complete dominion to man over the forests, are hastening their destruction.

When tools for work and weapons for battle were mainly made from stone, bronze, or iron, those times were called the “age” of stone, bronze, or iron; and we sometimes talk about the ages of steam, steel, and electricity. However, the age of wood has always been present wherever there were forests. It was probably the first “age” in human industries, but it’s unlikely to be the last, as the kinds of inventions we’re going to discuss, while giving humans full control over the forests, are speeding up their destruction.

As in every other class of inventions, there had been inventions in the class of wood-working through the ages preceding this century, in tools, implements and machines; but not until near the close of the eighteenth century had there been much of a[Pg 340] break in the universal toil by hand. The implements produced were, for the most part, the result of the slow growth of experience and mechanical skill, rather than the product of inventive genius.

As with every other type of invention, there have been advancements in woodworking tools, equipment, and machines throughout history leading up to this century. However, it wasn't until the late eighteenth century that there was a significant[Pg 340] shift away from manual labor. Most of the tools developed were primarily due to the gradual accumulation of experience and mechanical skill, rather than coming from inventive brilliance.

True, the turning-lathe, the axe, the hammer, the chisel, the saw, the auger, the plane, the screw, and cutting and other wood-shaping instruments in simple forms existed in abundance. The Egyptians used their saws of bronze. The Greeks deified their supposed inventor of the saw, Talus, or Perdix, and they claimed Theodore of Lamos as the inventor of the turning-lathe; although the main idea of pivoting an object between two supports, so that it could be turned while the hands were free to apply a tool to its shaping, was old in the potter’s wheel of the Egyptians, which was turned while the vessel resting upon it was shaped and ornamented by the hand and tools. It appears also to have been known by the Hindoos and the Africans.

Sure, here’s the modernized text: It's true that tools like the lathe, axe, hammer, chisel, saw, auger, plane, screw, and other simple wood-shaping instruments were widely available. The Egyptians used bronze saws. The Greeks worshipped their supposed inventor of the saw, Talus, or Perdix, and they credited Theodore of Lamos with inventing the lathe. However, the basic idea of pivoting an object between two supports to allow shaping with both hands free was already old, as seen in the Egyptian potter’s wheel, which was turned while the vessel on it was shaped and decorated by hand and tools. This technique also seems to have been known to the Hindoos and Africans.

Pliny refers to the curled chips raised by the plane, and Ansonius refers to mills driven by the waters of the Moselle for sawing marble into slabs. Early records mention saw-mills run by water-power in the thirteenth century in France, Germany and Norway; and Sweden had them in the next century. Holland had them one hundred years at least before they were introduced into England.

Pliny talks about the curled chips created by the plane, and Ansonius mentions water-powered mills on the Moselle River used for cutting marble into slabs. Early records note water-powered sawmills in France, Germany, and Norway during the thirteenth century; Sweden had them by the following century. Holland had these mills at least a hundred years before they were brought to England.

Fearful of the entire destruction of the forests by the wood used in the manufacture of iron, and incited by the opposition and jealousy of hand sawyers, England passed some rigid laws on the subject in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which, although preserving the forests, gave for a long time the almost exclusive manufacture of iron and lumber to Germany and Holland. Even as late as 1768,[Pg 341] a saw-mill, built at Limehouse, under the encouragement of the Society of Arts, by James Stansfield, was destroyed by a mob. Saw-mills designed to be run by water-power had been introduced into the American colonies by the Dutch more than a century before they made their appearance in England. William Penn found that they had long been at work on the Delaware when he reached its shores in 1682.

Worried about the complete destruction of forests from the wood used in iron manufacturing, and fueled by the rivalry and jealousy of hand sawyers, England implemented strict laws on this issue in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. While these laws helped preserve the forests, they also resulted in Germany and Holland holding the majority of iron and lumber production for a long time. Even as late as 1768,[Pg 341] a sawmill built in Limehouse, with support from the Society of Arts by James Stansfield, was destroyed by a mob. Water-powered sawmills had been brought to the American colonies by the Dutch more than a century before they appeared in England. William Penn discovered that they had already been operating on the Delaware when he arrived in 1682.

It was nothing indigenous to the climate or race that rendered the Americans inventors. The early colonists, drawn from the most civilised countries of Europe, carried to the new world knowledge of the latest and best appliances known to their respective countries in the various arts. With three thousand miles of water between them and the source of such appliances, and between them and the source of arbitrary power and laws to hamper efforts and enterprise, with stern necessity on every hand prompting them to avail themselves of every means to meet their daily wants, all known inventions were put to use, and brains were constantly exercised in devising new means to aid, or take the place of, manual labour, which was scarce. Surrounded, too, by vast forests, from which their houses, their churches and their schools must be constructed, these pioneers naturally turned their thoughts toward wood-working machinery. The attention to this art necessarily created interest in and developed other arts. Thus constant devotion to pursuits strenuously demanding labour-saving devices evolved a race of keen inventors and mechanics. So that when Watt had developed his wonderful application of steam to industrial purposes, America was ready to substitute steam for water-power in the running of saw-mills.[Pg 342]

It wasn't anything specific to the climate or people that made Americans inventors. The early colonists, coming from the most civilized countries in Europe, brought with them knowledge of the latest and best tools and techniques from their home countries. With three thousand miles of ocean separating them from these resources and from the sources of arbitrary power and laws that could hinder their efforts, they faced a serious need to utilize every available means to meet their daily needs. All known inventions were put to work, and their minds were continuously engaged in creating new ways to assist or replace scarce manual labor. Additionally, surrounded by vast forests that provided the materials for their homes, churches, and schools, these pioneers naturally focused on wood-working machinery. This focus on woodworking spurred interest and growth in other crafts. Their constant commitment to activities that required labor-saving devices gave rise to a generation of sharp inventors and mechanics. By the time Watt had developed his remarkable use of steam for industrial purposes, America was ready to replace water power with steam in the operation of sawmills.[Pg 342]

Steam saw-mills commenced to buzz with the opening of the century.

Steam sawmills started to operate with the arrival of the new century.

As to the relation of that humble machine, the saw-mill, to the progress of civilisation, it was once said: “The axe produces the log hut, but not until the saw-mill is introduced do framed dwellings and villages arise; it is civilisation’s pioneer machine; the precursor of the carpenter, wheelwright and turner, the painter, the joiner, and legions of other professions. Progress is unknown where it is not. Its comparative absence in the Southern American continent was not the least cause of the trifling advancement made there during three centuries and a half. Surrounded by forests of the most valuable and variegated timber, with water-power in mountain streams, equally neglected, the masses of the people lived in shanties and mud hovels, not more commodious than those of the aborigines, nor more durable than the annual structures of birds. Wherever man has not fixed and comfortable homes, he is, as regards civilisation, stationary; improvement under such circumstances has never taken place, nor can it.”

Regarding the connection between the simple machine known as the sawmill and the advancement of civilization, it's been said: “The axe creates the log cabin, but it’s not until the sawmill is introduced that framed houses and towns come into existence; it’s the pioneering machine of civilization; the forerunner of carpenters, wheelwrights, and turners, painters, joiners, and countless other trades. Progress doesn’t happen without it. Its lack of presence in South America was a significant reason for the minimal progress made there over three and a half centuries. Surrounded by forests of valuable and diverse timber, with water power from mountain streams, equally ignored, the majority of the population lived in shacks and mud huts, no more comfortable than those of the indigenous people, nor more durable than the seasonal nests of birds. Wherever people lack permanent and comfortable homes, they remain stagnant in terms of civilization; improvement in such situations has never occurred, nor can it.”

Miller, in England, in 1777, had described in his patent a circular saw, and Hatton, in 1776, had vaguely described a planing machine; but the inception of the marvellous growth in wood-working machinery in the nineteenth century occurred in England during the last decade of the eighteenth. It was due to the splendid efforts of General Samuel Bentham, and of Bramah and Branch, both as to metal-working and wood-working machinery.

Miller, in England, in 1777, described a circular saw in his patent, and Hatton, in 1776, vaguely defined a planing machine. However, the amazing growth of wood-working machinery in the nineteenth century began in England during the last decade of the eighteenth. This was thanks to the great efforts of General Samuel Bentham, as well as Bramah and Branch, in both metal-working and wood-working machinery.

General Bentham, a brother of the celebrated jurist, Jeremy Bentham, had his attention drawn to the slow, laborious, and crude methods of working in wood, while making a tour of Europe, and[Pg 343] especially in Russia, and engaged in inspecting the art of ship-building in those countries, in behalf of the British Admiralty. On his return, 1791-1792, he converted his home into a shop for making wood-working machines. These included “Planing, moulding, rabbeting, grooving, mortising, and sawing, both in coarse and fine work, in curved, winding, and transverse directions, and shaping wood in complicated forms.”

General Bentham, brother of the famous jurist Jeremy Bentham, noticed the slow, laborious, and crude methods of working with wood during his tour of Europe, particularly in Russia, where he was inspecting the ship-building techniques for the British Admiralty. Upon his return in 1791-1792, he transformed his home into a workshop for creating woodworking machines. These included machines for "planing, molding, rabbeting, grooving, mortising, and sawing, suitable for both coarse and fine work, in curved, winding, and transverse directions, as well as shaping wood into complicated forms."

Of the amount of bills presented to and paid for by the Admiralty for these machines, General Bentham received about £20,000.

Of the total bills submitted to and paid by the Admiralty for these machines, General Bentham received around £20,000.

These machines were developed and in use just as the new century approached. Thus, with the exception of the saw-mill, it may be again said that prior to this century the means mankind had to aid them in their work in metals and in wood were confined to hand tools, and these were for the most part of a simple and crude description.

These machines were created and started being used right as the new century was coming in. So, except for the sawmill, it can be said again that before this century, the tools people had to help them work with metals and wood were limited to hand tools, which were mostly simple and rough in design.

The ground-work now being laid, the century advanced into a region of invention in tools and machinery for wood-working of every description, far beyond the wildest dreams of all former carpenters and joiners. Not only were the machines themselves invented, but they gave rise in turn to a host of inventions in metal-working for making them.

The foundation is now being set, and the century moved into a new era of invention in tools and machinery for woodworking of all kinds, far beyond what any previous carpenters and joiners could have imagined. Not only were the machines created, but they also led to a wave of new inventions in metalworking to produce them.

In the same line of inventions there appeared in the first decade of the century one of the most ingenious of men, and a most fitting type of that great class of Yankee inventors who have carved their way to renown with all implements, from the jack-knife to the electrically-driven universal shaping machine.

In the same line of inventions, one of the most clever men emerged in the first decade of the century, representing the great group of Yankee inventors who have gained fame with all sorts of tools, from the jackknife to the electrically-powered universal shaping machine.

Thomas Blanchard, born in Massachusetts in 1788, while a boy, was accustomed to astonish his companions by the miniature wind-wheels and water-wheels[Pg 344] that he whittled out with his knife. While attending the parties of young people who gathered on winter evenings at different homes in the country to pare apples, the idea of a paring machine occurred to him, and when only thirteen years of age, he invented and made the first apple-paring machine, with which more apples could be pared in a given time than any twelve of his girl acquaintances could pare with a knife.

Thomas Blanchard, born in Massachusetts in 1788, amazed his friends as a kid with the tiny windmills and waterwheels he carved with his knife. While attending gatherings of young people at different homes in the countryside during winter evenings to pare apples, he came up with the idea for a paring machine. By the time he was just thirteen, he invented and built the first apple-paring machine, which could peel more apples in a given time than any twelve of his female friends could with a knife.

At eighteen, while working in a shop, driving the heads down on tacks, on an anvil, with a hammer, he invented the first tack-forming machine, which, when perfected by him, made five hundred tacks a minute, and which has never since been improved in principle. He improved the steam engine, and invented one of the first envelope machines. He made the first metal lathe for cutting out the butts of gun-barrels. But his greatest triumphs were in wood-working machinery.

At eighteen, while working in a shop, driving the heads down on tacks with a hammer on an anvil, he invented the first tack-forming machine, which, when perfected by him, produced five hundred tacks a minute and hasn’t been improved on in principle since. He enhanced the steam engine and created one of the first envelope machines. He also made the first metal lathe for cutting out the butts of gun barrels. However, his biggest achievements were in wood-working machinery.

Challenged to make a machine that would make a gun stock, always before that time regarded an impossible task, its every part being so irregular in form, he secluded himself in his workshop for six months, and after constant labour and experiments he at the end of that time had produced a machine that more than astonished the entire world, and which worked a revolution in the making of all irregular forms from wood. This was in 1819. This machine would not only make a perfect gun-stock, but shoe lasts, and ships’ tackle-blocks, axe-handles, and a multitude of irregular-shaped blocks which before had always required the most expert hand operatives to produce. This machine became the subject of parliamentary inquiry on the part of England, and so great were the doubts concerning it,[Pg 345] that successive commissions were appointed to examine and report upon it. Finally the English government ordered eight or ten of such machines for the making of gun-stocks for its army, and paid Blanchard about $40,000 for them. He was once jestingly asked at the navy department at Washington if he could turn a seventy-four? He at once replied, “Yes, if you will furnish me the block.” Of course infringers appeared, but he maintained his rights and title as first and original inventor after the most searching trials in court.

Challenged to create a machine that could make a gun stock, something that had always been considered impossible due to its irregular shape, he isolated himself in his workshop for six months. After relentless work and experimentation, he eventually produced a machine that astonished the world and transformed how irregular wooden shapes were made. This was in 1819. The machine could not only produce a perfect gun stock but also shoe lasts, tackle blocks for ships, axe handles, and various other irregularly shaped items that previously required highly skilled labor to create. This invention became the subject of inquiry by the English Parliament, and there were so many doubts about it that multiple commissions were set up to investigate and report on it. Eventually, the English government ordered eight or ten of these machines for making gun stocks for its army, paying Blanchard around $40,000 for them. He was once jokingly asked at the navy department in Washington if he could turn a seventy-four, to which he promptly replied, “Yes, if you provide me with the block.” Naturally, there were infringers, but he asserted his rights as the original inventor after extensive legal battles.

The generic idea of Blanchard’s lathe for turning irregular forms consists in the use of a pattern of the device which is to be shaped from the rough material, placing such pattern in a lathe, alongside of the rough block, and having a guide wheel which has an arm having cutters, and which guide follows all the lines of the pattern, and which cutters, extending to the rough material, chip it away to the depth and in the direction imparted by the pattern lines to the guide, thus producing from the rough block a perfect representation of the pattern.

The basic concept of Blanchard’s lathe for shaping irregular forms involves using a model of the object that needs to be shaped from raw material. This model is placed in a lathe beside the rough block, and there’s a guide wheel with an arm that has cutters on it. The guide follows all the contours of the model, and the cutters reach out to the rough material, removing it according to the depth and direction dictated by the model lines on the guide. This process results in the rough block being transformed into an exact replica of the model.

In the midst of his studies in the construction of his inventions Blanchard’s attention was drawn to the operations of a boring worm upon an old oak log. Closely examining and watching the same by the aid of a microscope, he gained valuable ideas from the work of his humble teacher, which he incorporated into his new cutting and boring machines.

In the middle of studying how to build his inventions, Blanchard noticed a boring worm working on an old oak log. By closely observing it with a microscope, he gathered useful insights from this simple creature, which he used in his new cutting and boring machines.

His series of machines in gun-making were designed to make and shape automatically every part of the gun, whether of wood or metal. His machines, and subsequent improvements by others, for boring, mortising and turning, display wonderful ingenuity. A modern mortising machine, for instance, is adapted[Pg 346] to quickly and accurately cut a square or oblong hole to any desired depth, width, and length by cutting blades; to automatically reciprocate the cutters both vertically and horizontally in order to cut the mortise, both as to length and depth, at one time, and to automatically withdraw the cutters when they have finished cutting the mortise. They are provided with simple means for setting and feeding the cutters to do this work, and while giving the cutters a positive action, ample clearance is provided for the removal of the chips as fast as they are cut.

His series of machines for gun-making were built to automatically create and shape every part of the gun, whether it's made of wood or metal. His machines, along with further enhancements by others, for boring, mortising, and turning show incredible creativity. A modern mortising machine, for example, is designed[Pg 346] to quickly and accurately cut a square or rectangular hole to any desired depth, width, and length using cutting blades; it automatically moves the cutters back and forth both vertically and horizontally to cut the mortise, handling both length and depth in one go, and it automatically retracts the cutters once they finish cutting the mortise. They come with straightforward ways to set and feed the cutters for this task, and while ensuring the cutters have proper motion, there's plenty of clearance to remove the chips as they are cut.

From what such inventions will produce in the way of complicated and ornamental workmanship we may conclude that it is a law of invention that whatever can be made by hand may be made by a machine, and made better.

From what these inventions will create in terms of intricate and decorative work, we can conclude that there’s a rule of invention: anything that can be made by hand can also be made by a machine, and usually made better.

Carving Machines made their appearance early in the century. In 1800 a Mr. Watt of London produced one, on which he carved medallions and figures in ivory and ebony. Also subsequently, John Hawkins of the same city, and a Mr. Cheverton, invented machines for the same purpose. Another Englishman, Braithwaite, in 1840, invented a most attractive carving process in which, instead of cutting tools, he employed burning as his agent. Heated casts of previously carved models were pressed into or on to wet wood, and the charcoal surfaces then brushed off with hard brushes.

Carving Machines first appeared early in the century. In 1800, a Mr. Watt from London created one that he used to carve medallions and figures in ivory and ebony. Later, John Hawkins from the same city and a Mr. Cheverton also invented machines for the same purpose. Another Englishman, Braithwaite, invented a very appealing carving process in 1840, where instead of using cutting tools, he used burning as his technique. Heated casts of previously carved models were pressed into or onto wet wood, and the charcoal surfaces were then brushed off with stiff brushes.

After Blanchard’s turning-lathes and boring apparatus, appeared machines in which a series of cutters were employed, guided by a tracing lever attached to a carved model, and actuating the cutter to reproduce on material placed upon an adjusting table a copy of the model.

After Blanchard's lathes and boring machines, devices were developed that used a series of cutters. These were directed by a tracing lever connected to a carved model, which controlled the cutter to recreate a copy of the model on material placed on an adjustable table.

Machines have been invented which consist of hard[Pg 347] iron or steel rollers on the surface of which are cut beautiful patterns, and between which wood previously softened by steam is passed, and designs thus impressed thereon. A similar process of embossing, was devised in Paris and called Xyloplasty, by which steam-softened wood is compressed in carved moulds, which give it bas-relief impressions.

Machines have been created that have hard[Pg 347] iron or steel rollers with beautiful patterns cut into their surfaces. Wood that's been softened by steam is passed between these rollers, leaving designs pressed into it. A similar method of embossing was developed in Paris and is called Xyloplasty, where steam-softened wood is compressed in carved molds to create bas-relief impressions.

But in the carving of wood by hand, a beautiful art, which has been revived within the past generation, there are touches of sentiment, taste and human toil, which, like the touches of the painter and the master of music, appeal to cultivated minds in a higher than mechanical sense. The mills of the modern gods, the inventors, grind with exceeding and exact fineness, but the work of a human hand upon a manufactured article still appeals to human sympathy.

But in hand-carving wood, a beautiful craft that has seen a revival in the last generation, there are elements of sentiment, taste, and human effort that, like the strokes of a painter or the notes of a musician, resonate with cultured minds on a level beyond just mechanics. The modern inventors and machines operate with incredible precision, but the work done by a human hand on a crafted item still touches the human spirit.

The bending of wood when heated by fire or steam had been known and practised to a limited extent, but Blanchard invented a clamping machine, to which improvements have been added, and by which ship timbers, furniture, ploughs, piano frames, carriage bows, stair and house banisters and balusters, wheel rims, staves, etc., etc., are bent to the desired forms, and without breaking. Bending to a certain extent does not weaken wood, but stretching the same has been found to impair and destroy its strength.

The bending of wood using heat from fire or steam has been known and practiced to some extent, but Blanchard invented a clamping machine, which has since been improved. This machine allows ship timbers, furniture, ploughs, piano frames, carriage bows, stair and house banisters and balusters, wheel rims, staves, and more to be bent into the desired shapes without breaking. Bending wood to a certain degree does not weaken it, but stretching it has been found to reduce and compromise its strength.

The principal problems which the inventors of the century have solved in the class of wood-working have been the adaptation to rapid-working machinery of the saw and other blades, to sever; the plane to smooth, the auger, the bit and the gimlet to bore, the hammer to drive, and a combination of all or a part of these to shape and finish the completed article.[Pg 348]

The main challenges that inventors of this century have tackled in woodworking involve adapting saws and other blades for fast-working machinery to cut, planes for smoothing, augers, bits, and gimlets for boring, hammers for driving, and combining some or all of these tools to shape and finish the final product.[Pg 348]

It was a great step from the reciprocating hand saw, worked painfully by one or two men, to the band saw, invented by a London mechanic, William Newbury, in 1808. This was an endless steel belt serrated on one edge, mounted on pulleys, and driven continuously by the power of steam through the hardest and the heaviest work. Pliable, to conform to the faces of the wheels over which it is carried, it will bend with all the sinuosities of long timber, no time is lost in its operation, and no labour of human hands is necessary to guide it or the object on which it works.

It was a significant leap from the manual hand saw, awkwardly operated by one or two people, to the band saw, invented by a London mechanic, William Newbury, in 1808. This was a continuous steel belt with a serrated edge, mounted on pulleys and driven constantly by steam power to tackle the toughest and heaviest tasks. Flexible enough to fit the contours of the wheels it moves over, it can navigate the curves of long timber, requires no time wasted in operation, and doesn’t need any human effort to guide it or the materials it processes.

At the Vienna Exposition in 1873, the first mammoth saw of this description was exhibited. The saw itself was made by the celebrated firm of Perin & Co., of Paris, upon machinery the drawings of which were made by Mr. Van Pelt of New York, and constructed by Richards, Loudon and Kelly of Philadelphia. The saw was fifty-five feet long, and sawed planks from a pine log three feet thick, at the rate of sixty superficial feet per minute. The difficulty of securing a perfectly reliable weld in the endless steel band was overcome by M. Perin, who received at the Paris Exhibition in 1867 the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. Now gangs of such saws may be found in America and elsewhere, and circular saws have also been added. Saws that both cut, form, and plane the boards at the same time are now known.

At the Vienna Exposition in 1873, the first mammoth saw of this type was showcased. The saw was crafted by the famous firm Perin & Co. from Paris, using designs created by Mr. Van Pelt from New York, and built by Richards, Loudon, and Kelly from Philadelphia. The saw measured fifty-five feet long and could cut planks from a pine log three feet thick at a speed of sixty square feet per minute. M. Perin solved the challenge of achieving a perfectly reliable weld in the endless steel band, earning the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour at the Paris Exhibition in 1867. Today, groups of such saws can be found in America and elsewhere, and circular saws have also been added. There are now saws that can cut, shape, and plane the boards simultaneously.

Boring tools, both for hand and machinery, demanded improvement. Formerly augers and similar boring tools had merely a curved sharpened end and a concavity to hold the chips, and the whole tool had to be withdrawn to empty the chips. It was known as a pod auger. In 1809, L’Hommedieu, a Frenchman, invented an auger with two pods and cutting lips, a[Pg 349] central screw and a twisted shank. About the same time Lilley of Connecticut made a twisted auger, and these screw-form, twisted, cutting tools of various kinds, with their cutting lips, and by which the shavings or chips were withdrawn continuously from the hole as the cutting proceeded, became so improved in the United States that they were known as the American augers and bits. The planing machines of General Bentham were improved by Bramah, and he and Maudsley also greatly improved other wood-working machines and tools in England—1802-1810.

Boring tools, both hand-operated and machine-based, needed enhancements. Previously, augers and similar boring tools only featured a curved sharpened tip and a concave area to collect the chips, requiring the entire tool to be pulled out to clear them. This design was called a pod auger. In 1809, L’Hommedieu, a French inventor, created an auger with two pods and cutting edges, a[Pg 349] central screw, and a twisted handle. Around the same time, Lilley from Connecticut developed a twisted auger; these screw-shaped, twisted, cutting tools of different designs, equipped with cutting edges that allowed for continuous removal of shavings or chips from the hole during cutting, evolved so much in the United States that they became known as American augers and bits. General Bentham's planing machines were refined by Bramah, and he, along with Maudsley, also made significant improvements to various wood-working machines and tools in England from 1802 to 1810.

We have before, in the chapter on metal-working, shown the importance of the slide-rest, planer and lathe, when combined, and which also are extensively adapted to wood-working. In Bramah’s machine, a vertical spindle carried at its lower extremity a horizontal wheel having twenty-eight cutter blades, followed by a plane also attached to a wheel. A board was by these means perfectly trimmed and smoothed from end to end, as it was carried against the cutters by suitable moving means. William Woodworth of New York, in 1828, patented a celebrated planing machine which became so popular and its use was regarded so necessary in the wood-working trades, that the patent was looked upon as an odious monopoly. It consisted of a combination of rollers armed with cutters, attached to a horizontal shaft revolving at a great speed, and of means for feeding the boards to the cutters. With Bentham’s, Bramah’s, Blanchard’s, and Woodworth’s ideas for a basis, those innumerable improvements have been made in machinery, by which wood is converted with almost lightning rapidity into all the forms in which we see it, whether ornamental or useful, in modern homes and other structures.[Pg 350]

We discussed earlier in the chapter on metalworking the importance of the slide-rest, planer, and lathe, especially when used together, and how these tools are also widely adapted for woodworking. In Bramah’s machine, a vertical spindle held a horizontal wheel at the bottom, which had twenty-eight cutter blades, and a plane was also attached to a wheel. This setup perfectly trimmed and smoothed a board from end to end as it was moved against the cutters by appropriate mechanisms. In 1828, William Woodworth from New York patented a notable planing machine that became so popular and essential in woodworking that his patent was viewed as an unfair monopoly. It featured a combination of rollers with cutters attached to a fast-spinning horizontal shaft, along with a mechanism for feeding the boards to the cutters. Building on the ideas of Bentham, Bramah, Blanchard, and Woodworth, countless improvements have been made in machinery, allowing wood to be processed into virtually any shape we see today—whether decorative or functional—in modern homes and other buildings.[Pg 350]

Some machines are known as “Universal Wood Workers.” In these a single machine is provided with various tools, and adapted to perform a great variety of work by shifting the position of the material and the tools. The following operations can be performed on such a machine:—Planing, bevelling, tapering, tenoning, tongueing and grooving (grooves straight, circular or angular), making of joints, twisting and a number of other operations.

Some machines are called "Universal Wood Workers." These machines have different tools and are designed to handle a wide range of tasks by changing the position of the material and the tools. The following operations can be done on such a machine: planing, bevelling, tapering, tenoning, tongue and groove (creating grooves that are straight, circular, or angled), making joints, twisting, and several other tasks.

The later invention by Stow of Philadelphia of a flexible shaft, made up of a series of coils of steel wire, given a leather covering, and to which can be attached augers, bits, or metal drills, the tool applied to its work from any direction, and its direction varied while at work, has excited great attention.

The later invention by Stow of Philadelphia of a flexible shaft, made up of a series of coils of steel wire, covered with leather, and that can be attached to augers, bits, or metal drills, allows the tool to be applied to its work from any direction, with the direction adjustable while in use, has captured significant interest.

Shingles are as old in the art as the framework of buildings. Rome was roofed with shingles for centuries, made of oak or pine.

Shingles have been used in construction as long as buildings have existed. For centuries, Roman roofs were covered with shingles made from oak or pine.

Tiles, plain and fancy, and slates, have to a certain extent superseded wood shingling, but the wood will always be used where it can be found in plenty, as machines will now turn them out complete faster than they can be hauled away. A shingle is a thin piece of wood, thicker at one end than at the other, having parallel sides, about three times as long as it is wide, having generally smooth surfaces and edges. All these features are now given to the shingle by modern machines.

Tiles, both simple and decorative, along with slates, have somewhat replaced wooden shingles, but wood will always be used where it is abundant since machines can now produce them quickly, faster than they can be removed. A shingle is a thin piece of wood, thicker on one end than the other, with parallel sides, about three times as long as it is wide, and usually has smooth surfaces and edges. All these characteristics are now achieved by modern machines.

A great log is rolled into a mill at one end and soon comes out at the other in bundles of shingles; the logs sawed into blocks, the blocks split or sawed again into shingle sizes, tapered, planed in the direction of the grain of the wood, the complete shingles collected and bound in bundles, each operation by a special machine, or by a series of mechanisms.[Pg 351]

A big log is pushed into a mill at one end and quickly comes out the other side in bundles of shingles. The logs are cut into blocks, and then those blocks are either split or cut again into shingle sizes. They are tapered and planed with the grain of the wood. The finished shingles are gathered and tied into bundles, with each step handled by a specific machine or a series of machines.[Pg 351]

Veneering, that art of covering cheap or ordinary wood with a thin covering of more ornamental and valuable wood, known from the days of the Egyptians, has been vastly extended by modern machinery. The practice, however, so emphatically denounced centuries ago by Pliny, as “the monstrous invention of paint and dyes applied to the woods or veneers, to imitate other woods,” has yet its practitioners and admirers.

Veneering, the technique of covering inexpensive or ordinary wood with a thin layer of more decorative and valuable wood, has been around since the days of the Egyptians and has greatly expanded with modern machinery. However, the practice, which Pliny condemned centuries ago as “the outrageous invention of paint and dyes applied to wood or veneers to mimic other woods,” still has its supporters and enthusiasts.

T. M. Brunel, in 1805-1808, devised a set of circular saws run by a steam engine, which cut sheets of rosewood and mahogany, one-fourteenth of an inch thick, with great speed and accuracy. Since that day the veneer planing machine, for delicately smoothing the sheets, the straightening machine, for straightening scrolls that have been cut from logs, the polishing machines for giving the sheets their bright and glossy appearance, the pressing machine for applying them to the surfaces to which they are to be attached, the hammering machine for forcing out superfluous glue from between a veneer and the piece to which it is applied; all of these and numerous modifications of the same have been invented, and resulted in placing in the homes everywhere many beautiful ornamental articles of furniture, which before the very rich only could afford to have.

T. M. Brunel, between 1805 and 1808, created a series of circular saws powered by a steam engine that quickly and accurately cut sheets of rosewood and mahogany, each just a quarter of an inch thick. Since then, machines for veneer planing, which smoothly finish the sheets, straightening machines for aligning scrolls cut from logs, polishing machines for giving the sheets a shiny appearance, pressing machines for applying them to surfaces, and hammering machines for squeezing out excess glue between the veneer and its base have all been developed. These innovations, along with many variations, have made it possible for beautiful decorative furniture pieces to be found in homes everywhere, items that were once only affordable for the wealthy.

Special forms of machinery for making various articles of wood are about as numerous as the articles themselves.

Special types of machines for creating different wood products are just about as numerous as the products themselves.

We appear before the house and know before entering that its doors and sills, clapboards and window frames, its sashes and blinds, its cornices, its embrasures and pillars, and shingles, each or all have had a special machine invented for its manufacture. We enter the house and find it is so with objects[Pg 352] within—the flooring may be adorned with the beautiful art of marquetry and parquetry, wood mosaic work, the wainscoting and the frescoes and ceilings, the stairs and staircases, its carved and ornamental supporting frames and balusters, the charming mantel frames around the hospitable fireplaces, and every article of furniture we see in which wood is a part. So, too, it is with every useful wooden implement and article within and without the house,—the trays, the buckets, the barrels, the tubs, the clothes-pins, the broom-handles, the mops, the ironing and bread boards; and outside the house, the fences, railings and posts—many of these objects entirely unknown to the poor of former generations, uncommon with the rich, and the machinery for making them unknown to all.

We arrive at the house and know before we go in that its doors, sills, clapboards, window frames, sashes, blinds, cornices, embrasures, pillars, and shingles were all made with a special machine designed for each one. We step inside and see it's the same with the items inside—the flooring might showcase beautiful marquetry and parquetry, wood mosaics, the wainscoting, frescoes, and ceilings, the stairs and staircases, the carved and decorative support frames and balusters, the lovely mantel frames around welcoming fireplaces, and every piece of furniture made from wood. It’s also true for every useful wooden tool and item inside and outside the house—the trays, buckets, barrels, tubs, clothes pins, broom handles, mops, ironing boards, and bread boards; even outside, the fences, railings, and posts—many of these things were completely unknown to the less fortunate in the past, rare for the wealthy, and the machinery to make them was unfamiliar to everyone.

It was a noble array of woodwork and machinery with which the nations surprised and greeted the world, at each of its notable international Expositions during the century. Each occasion surpassed its predecessor in the beauty of construction of the machines displayed and efficiency of their work. The names of the members of this array were hard and uncouth, such as the axe, the adze, and the bit, the auger, bark-cutting and grinding machines, blind-slat boring, and tenoning, dovetail, mortising, matching and planing, wood splitting, turning, wheeling and planing, wood-bending, rim-boring dowelling, felly-jointing, etc., etc. These names and the clamour of the machines were painful to the ear, but to the thoughtful, they were converted into sweeter music, when reflection brought to mind the hard toil of human hands they had saved, the before unknown comforts and blessings of civilisation they had brought and were bringing to the human race, and the enduring forms of beauty they had produced.[Pg 353]

It was an impressive collection of woodworking tools and machinery that the nations showcased to the world at their major international Expositions throughout the century. Each event outshone the last in the elegance of the machines and their efficiency. The names of these tools were rough and unfamiliar, like the axe, adze, and bit, along with augers, bark-cutting and grinding machines, blind-slat boring, tenoning, dovetailing, mortising, matching, planing, wood splitting, turning, wheeling, wood-bending, rim-boring, doweling, felly-jointing, and more. These names, along with the loud sounds of the machines, could be harsh to the ears, but for those who thought deeply, they became a sweeter melody, reminding them of the hard work done by human hands that these machines had spared, the newfound comforts and advantages of civilization they had introduced and continued to provide to humanity, and the lasting beauty they had created.[Pg 353]

To the invention of wood-working machinery we are also indebted for the awakening of interest in the qualities of wood for a vast number of artistic purposes. It was a revelation, at the great Philadelphia Exposition of 1876, to behold the specimens of different woods from all the forests of the earth, selected and assembled to display their wonderful grain and other qualities, and showing how well nature was storing up for us in its silent shades those growths which were waiting the genius of invention to convert into forms of use and beauty for every home.

To the invention of woodworking machines, we owe the revival of interest in the qualities of wood for many artistic purposes. It was a revelation at the great Philadelphia Exposition of 1876 to see the samples of different woods from forests around the world, chosen and displayed to showcase their amazing grain and other properties, demonstrating how well nature was preparing for us in its quiet spaces those resources that were waiting for creativity to transform them into useful and beautiful forms for every home.



So far as machinery is concerned for converting wood into furniture, the same has been anticipated in the previous chapter, but much remains to be said about the articles of furniture themselves.

As far as the machinery for turning wood into furniture goes, that has been covered in the previous chapter, but there’s still a lot more to discuss about the furniture items themselves.

Although from ancient days the most ancient countries provided by hand elaborate and beautiful articles of furniture of many descriptions, yet it has been left for modern advances in machinery and kindred arts to yield that universal supply of convenient and ornamental furniture which now prevails.

Although since ancient times the earliest civilizations created intricate and beautiful pieces of furniture by hand, it has taken modern advancements in machinery and related arts to produce the wide-ranging supply of practical and decorative furniture that is common today.

The Egyptians used chairs and tables of a more modern form than the Greeks or Romans, who lolled about on couches even at their meals; but the Egyptians did not have the convenient section tables built in sliding sections, which permit the table to be enlarged to accommodate an increased number of guests. And now recently this modern form of table has been improved, by arranging the sections and leaves so that when the sections are slid out the leaves are automatically raised and placed in position, which is done either by lazy-tongs mechanism, or by a series of parallel links: Tables constructed with folding detachable and adjustable legs, tables constructed for special purposes as sewing machines, and typewriting machine tables, by which the machine head may be dropped beneath the table top when[Pg 355] not in use; tables combined with desks wherein the table part may be slid into the desk part when not in use and the sliding cover pulled down to cover and lock from sight both the table and desk; surgical tables, adapted to be raised or lowered at either end or at either side and to be extended; “knock down” tables, adapted to be taken all apart for shipment or storage; tables combined with chairs to be folded down by the side of the chair when not in use; and many other useful forms have been added to the list.

The Egyptians had chairs and tables that were more modern in design compared to the Greeks and Romans, who lounged on couches even during meals. However, the Egyptians lacked the handy expandable tables with sliding sections that allow for an increase in size to fit more guests. Recently, this modern table design has been enhanced, with sections and leaves arranged so that when the sections are pulled out, the leaves automatically lift into place, using either a lazy-tongs mechanism or a set of parallel links. We now have tables with folding, detachable, and adjustable legs, tables specifically designed for purposes like sewing machines, and tables for typewriters that let the machine head drop below the tabletop when not in use; tables combined with desks where the table section can slide into the desk when not needed, and a sliding cover can be pulled down to conceal both the table and desk; surgical tables that can be raised or lowered at either end or side and extended; "knock down" tables that can be completely disassembled for shipping or storage; tables that fold down beside chairs when not in use; and many other practical designs have been added to the collection.

Much ingenuity has been displayed in the construction of desks, to save and economise space. Mention has been made of a combined folding desk and extensible table. Another form is an arrangement of desk drawers, whereby when one drawer is locked or unlocked all the rest are locked or unlocked automatically. Whatever shape or function anyone desires in a desk may be met, except, perhaps, the performance of the actual work of the occupant.

Much creativity has gone into designing desks that save space. There's been talk about a desk that folds up and also doubles as an expandable table. Another option is a system of desk drawers that allows for one drawer to lock or unlock all the others automatically. Any shape or function you want in a desk can be found, except, maybe, actually doing the work of the person using it.

In the matter of beds, the principal developments have been due to the advancement of wood-working machinery, and the manufacture of iron, steel, and brass. The old-fashioned ponderous bedsteads, put together by heavy screws, have given way to those mortised and tenoned, joined and matched, and by which they can easily be put up and taken down; and to iron and brass bedsteads, which are both ornamental and more healthful. No bed may be without an inexpensive steel spring frame or mattress for the support of the bedding. Folding beds made to economise space, and when folded upright become an ornamental bureau; and invalid bedsteads, designed for shifting the position of the invalid, are among the many modern improvements.[Pg 356]

In the case of beds, the main changes have come from advancements in woodworking machinery and the production of iron, steel, and brass. The old, heavy bedsteads that were assembled with bulky screws have been replaced by those that are mortised and tenoned, allowing for easy setup and takedown; and by iron and brass bedsteads, which are both decorative and healthier. No bed is complete without an affordable steel spring frame or mattress to support the bedding. There are also folding beds designed to save space, which double as a stylish bureau when folded up; and adjustable beds made for changing the position of someone who is unwell, among many other modern innovations.[Pg 356]

Kitchen Utensils.—A vast amount of drudgery in the kitchen has been relieved by the convenient inventions in labor-saving appliances: coffee and spice mills, can-openers, stationary washtubs, stopper extractors, superseding the old style of hand-corkscrews where large numbers of bottles are to be uncorked; refrigerators and provision safes, attaching and lifting devices and convenient culinary dishes and utensils of great variety.

Kitchen Utensils.—A huge amount of hard work in the kitchen has been eased by the handy inventions of labor-saving appliances: coffee and spice grinders, can openers, stationary wash tubs, bottle openers that work with a stopper, replacing the old hand corkscrews for uncorking lots of bottles; refrigerators and food storage containers, lifting devices, and a wide variety of useful cooking dishes and utensils.

Curtains, shades and screens have been wonderfully improved and their use made widely possible by modern inventions and new adaptation of old methods. Wood, cotton, silk, paper, combined or uncombined with other materials, in many novel ways unknown to our ancestors, have rendered these articles available in thousands of homes where their use was unknown and impossible a century ago. Among the most convenient attachments to shades is the spring roller, invented by Hartshorn of America, in 1864, whereby the shade is automatically rolled upon its stick to raise or lower it.

Curtains, shades, and screens have been greatly improved, and their use has become widespread thanks to modern inventions and new adaptations of traditional methods. Wood, cotton, silk, and paper, used alone or in combination with other materials in many innovative ways previously unknown to our ancestors, have made these items accessible in thousands of homes where they were unheard of and impossible to use a century ago. One of the most convenient additions to shades is the spring roller, invented by Hartshorn in America in 1864, which allows the shade to be automatically rolled up or down on its stick.

Window screens for the purpose of excluding flies, mosquitoes, and other insects, while freely admitting the air, are now made extensible and adjustable in different ways to fit different sizes of windows. Curtains and shades are provided with neat and most attractive supporting rods, to which they are attached by brass or wooden rings, and provided with easily manipulated devices to raise and securely hold them in any desired position.

Window screens designed to keep out flies, mosquitoes, and other insects while allowing fresh air in are now made to be extendable and adjustable in various ways to fit different window sizes. Curtains and shades come with stylish and attractive support rods, to which they are attached using brass or wooden rings, and feature easy-to-use mechanisms to raise and securely hold them in any position you want.

The art of steaming wood and bending it, by iron pattern forms adjustable to the forms desired, as particularly devised in principle by Blanchard in America in 1828-1840, referred to in Wood-working, has produced great changes in the art of furniture [Pg 357]making, especially in chairs. A particularly interesting illustration of the results of this art occurred in Austria. About forty years ago the manufacture in Germany and Austria of furniture by machinery, especially of bent wood-ware, became well established there; and by the time of the Vienna Exposition in 1873, factories on a most extensive scale for the construction of bed furniture were in operation among the vast mountain beech forests of Moravia and Hungary. The greatest of these works were located in Great Urgroez, Hungary, and Bisritz, Moravia, with twenty or more auxiliary establishments. Between five and six thousand work people were employed, the greater part of whom were females, and it was necessary to use steam and water motors, to the extent of many hundred horse power.

The technique of steaming wood and shaping it using adjustable iron forms, initially developed by Blanchard in America between 1828 and 1840, as noted in woodworking, has greatly transformed the furniture-making industry, especially in chairs. A particularly fascinating example of this technique was seen in Austria. Around forty years ago, Germany and Austria established a strong machinery-based furniture manufacturing sector, especially for bent wood products. By the time of the Vienna Exposition in 1873, large-scale factories for producing bed furniture were operating amid the vast beech forests of Moravia and Hungary. The largest factories were in Great Urgroez, Hungary, and Bisritz, Moravia, with twenty or more supporting establishments. Between five and six thousand workers were employed, the majority of whom were women, and the use of steam and water motors required several hundred horsepower.

The forests were felled, and the tree-tops removed and made into charcoal for use in the glass works of Bohemia. The trunks were hauled to the mills and sawed into planks of suitable thickness by gang-saws. The planks in turn were cut with circular saws into square pieces for turning, and then the pieces turned and cut on lathes, to give them the size required and the rounded shape; the pieces then steamed while in their green state for twenty-four hours in suitable boilers, then taken out and bent to the desired shape on a cast-iron frame by hand, then subjected, with the desired pattern, to the pattern-turning table, and cut; then kept locked in the pattern’s iron embrace until the pieces were dried and permanently set in shape, then clamped to a bench, filed, rasped, stained, and French polished by the deft hands of the women; then assembled in proper position in frames of the form of the[Pg 358] chair or other article to be made, their contact surface sawed to fit at the joints, and then finally the parts glued together and further secured by the addition of a few screws or balls.

The forests were cut down, and the tree tops were removed and turned into charcoal for the glassworks in Bohemia. The trunks were transported to the mills and sawed into planks of the right thickness with gang saws. Then the planks were cut with circular saws into square pieces for turning. The pieces were turned and shaped on lathes to achieve the right size and rounded shape. They were then steamed while still green for twenty-four hours in appropriate boilers, taken out, and bent to the desired shape on a cast-iron frame by hand. Next, they went to the pattern-turning table to be shaped with the chosen pattern and cut. The pieces were kept locked in the pattern’s iron hold until they dried and held their shape. Then, they were clamped to a bench, filed, rasped, stained, and French polished by skilled women. Finally, the pieces were assembled in the correct position within the frame of the chair or other item being made, their contact surfaces were sawed to fit at the joints, and the parts were glued together, secured further with a few screws or dowels.

Chairs, lounges and lighter furniture were thus made from bent pieces of wood with very few joints, having a neat and attractive appearance, and possessing great strength. The art has spread to other forests and other countries, and the turned, bent, highly polished and beautiful furniture of this generation would have been but a dream of beauty to the householder of a century ago.

Chairs, lounges, and lighter furniture were made from bent pieces of wood with very few joints, giving them a clean and attractive look while being really strong. This craft has spread to other forests and countries, and the turned, bent, highly polished, and beautiful furniture of today would have seemed like a dream of beauty to homeowners a hundred years ago.

Children’s chairs are made so that the seat may be raised or lowered, or the chair converted into a perambulator. Dentist’s chairs have been developed until it is only necessary for the operator to turn a valve governing a fluid, generally oil, under pressure to raise or lower the chair and the patient. In the more agreeable situation at the theatre or concert one may hang his hat on the bottom of the chair, upturned to afford access to it through a crowded row, and turning down the chair, sit with pleasure, as the curtain is rolled up by compressed air, or electricity, at the touch of a button.

Children's chairs are designed so that the seat can be adjusted up or down, or the chair can be transformed into a stroller. Dentist chairs have evolved to the point where the operator just needs to turn a valve that controls fluid, usually oil, under pressure to move the chair and the patient up or down. In the more enjoyable setting of a theater or concert, you can hang your hat on the bottom of the chair, flipped up for easy access through a crowded row, and when you turn the chair down, you can sit back comfortably as the curtain rises thanks to compressed air or electricity with just the push of a button.

To the unthinking and unobserving, the subject of bottle stoppers is not entrancing, but those acquainted with the art know with what long, continuous, earnest efforts, thousands of inventors have sought for the best and cheapest bottle stopper to take the place of corks—the enormous demand for which was exhausting the supply and rendering their price almost prohibitive.

To those who don't think deeply or pay attention, the topic of bottle stoppers isn't captivating, but those familiar with the craft understand the long, ongoing, serious efforts that thousands of inventors have made to find the best and most affordable bottle stopper to replace corks—the massive demand for which was draining the supply and making their price nearly unaffordable.

One of the most successful types is a stopper of rubber combined with a metal disk, and hung by a wire on the neck of the bottle, so that the stopper[Pg 359] can be used over and over again; another form composed of glass, or porcelain, and cork; another is a thin disk of cork placed in a thin metal cap which is crimped over a shoulder on the neck of the bottle, and still another is a thin disk of pasteboard adapted for milk bottles and pressed tightly within a rim on the inside of the neck of the bottle.

One of the most effective types is a rubber stopper combined with a metal disk, hung by a wire on the neck of the bottle, allowing the stopper[Pg 359] to be reused multiple times; another version is made of glass or porcelain with cork; another type features a thin disk of cork placed inside a thin metal cap that is crimped over the shoulder on the neck of the bottle, and yet another is a thin disk of cardboard designed for milk bottles, pressed tightly within a rim on the inside of the neck of the bottle.

In this connection should be mentioned that self-sealing fruit jar, known from its inventor as “Mason’s fruit jar,” which came into such universal use—that combination of screw cap, screw-threaded jar-neck and the rubber ring, or gasket, on which the cap was screwed so tightly as to seal the jar hermetically.

In this context, it's worth mentioning the self-sealing fruit jar, known from its inventor as “Mason’s fruit jar,” which became widely used. This jar features a combination of a screw cap, a screw-threaded neck, and a rubber ring, or gasket, that allowed the cap to be screwed on tightly to seal the jar completely.

In lamplighting, what a wonderful change from the old oil lamps of former ages! The modern lamp may be said to be an improved means of grace, as it will hold out much longer, and shed a far more attractive light for the sinner, whose return, by its genial light, is, even to the end, so greatly desired.

In lamplighting, what a wonderful shift from the old oil lamps of the past! The modern lamp can be seen as a better source of light, as it lasts much longer and provides a much more inviting glow for the sinner, whose return, guided by its warm light, is, even to the end, so greatly hoped for.

The discovery of petroleum and its introduction as a light produced a revolution in the construction of lamps. Wicks were not discarded, but changed in shape from round to flat, and owing to the coarseness and disagreeable odour of coal oil, especially in its early unrefined days, devices first had for their object the easy feeding of the wick, and perfect combustion. To this end the burner portion through which the wick passed was perforated at its base to create a proper draft, and later the cap over the base was also perforated. But with refined oil the disagreeable odour continued. It was found that this was mainly due to the fact that both in lamps and stoves the oil would ooze out of the wick on to the adjacent parts of the lamps or stove, and when the wick[Pg 360] was lit the heat would burn or heat the oil and thus produce the odour. Inventors therefore contrived to separate the oil reservoir and wick part when the lamp or stove were not in use; and finally, in stoves, to dispense with the wick altogether. As wickless oil stoves are now in successful use the wickless lamp may be expected to follow.

The discovery of petroleum and its introduction as a light sparked a revolution in lamp construction. Wicks were not eliminated but transformed from round to flat. Due to the rough texture and unpleasant smell of coal oil, especially in its early unrefined state, the first designs aimed to ensure the wick was fed easily and that combustion was efficient. To achieve this, the burner section where the wick passed was perforated at its base to create proper airflow, and later, the cap over the base was also perforated. However, with refined oil, the unpleasant smell persisted. It was discovered that this was mainly because oil leaked from the wick onto nearby parts of the lamps or stove, and when the wick was lit, the heat would burn or warm the oil, causing the odor. Inventors then created designs that separated the oil reservoir and the wick when the lamp or stove wasn’t in use; and eventually, in stoves, they eliminated the wick altogether. As wickless oil stoves are now successfully in use, we can expect wickless lamps to follow.

The lamp, however, that throws all others into the shade is that odourless, heatless, magic, mellow, tempered light of electricity, that springs out from the little filament, in its hermetically sealed glass cage, and shines with unsurpassed loveliness on all those fortunate enough to possess it.

The lamp that truly outshines all others is the odorless, heatless, magical, soft, and warm light of electricity. It comes from a tiny filament inside its sealed glass casing and radiates an unmatched beauty to everyone lucky enough to have it.



It is interesting to speculate how prehistoric man came to use the skin of the beasts of the field for warmth and shelter. Originally no doubt, and for untold centuries, the use was confined to the hairy, undressed, fresh, or dried skins, known as pelts. Then came the use of better tools. The garments have perished, but the tools of stone and of bronze survived, which, when compared with those employed among the earliest historic tribes of men, were found to be adapted to cut and strip the hairy covering from the bodies of animals, and clean, pound, scrape and otherwise adapt them to use.

It’s fascinating to think about how early humans started using animal skins for warmth and shelter. At first, for countless years, people only used the hairy, undressed, fresh, or dried skins, known as pelts. Then, with the development of better tools, the way they used these materials evolved. While those garments have long since vanished, the stone and bronze tools have endured. When we compare them to the tools used by the earliest known human tribes, we see that they were designed to cut and strip the fur from animals, as well as clean, pound, scrape, and otherwise prepare the skins for use.

And ever since the story of man began to be preserved in lasting records from farthest Oriental to the northernmost limits of Europe and America, memorials of the early implements of labour in the preparation of hides for human wear have been found. The aborigines knew how to sharpen bones of the animals they killed to scrape, clean, soften or roughen their skins. They knew how to sweat, dry, and smoke the skins, and this crude seasoning process was the forerunner of modern tanning. But leather as we know it now, that soft, flexible, insoluble combination of the gelatine and fibrine of the skin with tannic acid, producing a durable and imputrescible article, that will withstand decay from[Pg 362] the joint attack of moisture, warmth and air, was unknown to the earlier races of men, for its production was due to thorough tanning, and thorough tanning was a later art.

And ever since the story of humanity began to be recorded, from the farthest East to the northernmost parts of Europe and America, evidence of early tools used for processing hides for clothing has been discovered. Indigenous people knew how to sharpen animal bones to scrape, clean, soften, or roughen their skins. They understood how to sweat, dry, and smoke the hides, and this basic seasoning process was the precursor to modern tanning. However, leather as we recognize it today—this soft, flexible, water-resistant mix of gelatin and fibrin from the skin combined with tannic acid, creating a long-lasting and decay-resistant material that can endure moisture, heat, and air—was not known to earlier humans, because its creation required advanced tanning techniques, which were developed later.

When men were skin-dressed animals they knew little or nothing of tanning. Tannic acid is found in nearly every plant that grows, and its combination with the fresh skins spread or thrown thereon, may have given rise to the observation of the beneficial result and subsequent practice. But whether discovered by chance, accident or experience, or invented from necessity, the art of tanning should have rendered the name of the discoverer immortal. The earliest records, however, describe the art, but not the inventor.

When people were wearing animal skins, they knew almost nothing about tanning. Tannic acid is present in almost every plant, and its interaction with fresh skins placed on it might have led to the realization of the positive effects and eventual practice. But whether it was discovered by chance, accident, experience, or out of necessity, the skill of tanning should have made the name of the person who found it famous. The earliest records talk about the craft but don’t mention the inventor.

From the time the Hebrews covered the altars of their tabernacles with rams’ skins dyed red, as recorded in Exodus; when they and the Egyptians worked their leather, currying and stretching it with their knives, awls, stones, and other implements, making leather water buckets, resembling very much those now made by machinery, covering their harps and shields with leather, ornamental and embossed; from the days of the early Africans, famous for their yellow, red and black morocco; from the days of the old national dress of the Persians with their leather trousers, aprons, helmets, belts and shirts; from the time that the ancient Scythians utilised the skins of their enemies, and Herodotus described the beauty and other good qualities of the human hide; from the early days of that peculiar fine and agreeable leather of the Russians, fragrant with the oil of the birch; from the days of the white leather of the Hungarians, the olive-tanned leather of the Saracens; from the time of the celebrated Cordovan [Pg 363]leather of the Spaniards; from the ancient cold periods of the Esquimaux and the Scandinavians, who, clad in the warm skins of the Arctic bears, stretched tough-tanned sealskin over the frame work of their boats; from the time of the introduction of the art of the leather worker to the naked Briton, down to almost the nineteenth century, substantially the same hand tools, hard hand labour, and the old elbow lubricant were known and practised.

From the time the Hebrews covered the altars of their tabernacles with red-dyed rams' skins, as mentioned in Exodus; when they and the Egyptians worked with leather, currying and stretching it using knives, awls, stones, and other tools, making leather water buckets that looked very much like those made by machines today, covering their harps and shields with decorative and embossed leather; from the days of the early Africans, known for their yellow, red, and black morocco; from the days of the traditional Persians with their leather trousers, aprons, helmets, belts, and shirts; from the time that the ancient Scythians used the skins of their enemies, and Herodotus talked about the beauty and other qualities of human skin; from the early days of that unique fine and pleasant leather of the Russians, scented with birch oil; from the days of the white leather of the Hungarians and the olive-tanned leather of the Saracens; from the time of the famous Cordovan leather of the Spaniards; from the ancient cold periods of the Eskimos and the Scandinavians, who dressed in warm skins of Arctic bears and stretched tough-tanned sealskin over the frames of their boats; from the time of introducing leatherworking to the naked Briton, right up to almost the nineteenth century, largely the same hand tools, hard manual labor, and the use of elbow grease were known and practiced.

Hand tools have improved, of course, as other arts in wood and iron making have developed, but the operations are about the same. There were and must be fleshing knives to scrape from off the hide the adherent flesh and lime,—for this the hide is placed over the convex edge of an inclined beam and the work is called beaming; the curriers’ knife for removing the hair; skiving, or the cutting off the rough edges and fleshy parts on the border of the hide; shaving and flattening; the cutting away of the inequalities left after skiving; stoning, the rubbing of the leather by a scouring stone to render it smooth; slicking, to remove the water and grease; or to smooth and polish, by a rectangular sharpened stone, steel or glass tool; whitening, to shave off thin strips of the flesh, leaving the leather thinner, whiter and more pliable; stuffing, to soften the scraped and pounded hides and make them porous; graining, the giving to the hair or grain side a granular appearance by rubbing with a grooved or roughened piece of wood; bruising or boarding to make the leather supple and pliable by bringing the two flesh sides together and rubbing with a graining board; scouring, by aid of a stream of water to whiten the leather by rubbing with a slicking stone or steel.

Hand tools have definitely gotten better, just like other crafts in woodworking and metalworking have evolved, but the processes are mostly the same. There have always been fleshing knives used to scrape the extra flesh and lime off the hide. For this, the hide is placed over the curved edge of a slanted beam, and this process is called beaming. Then there’s the currier's knife for removing the hair, skiving to cut off the rough edges and fleshy bits on the sides of the hide, and shaving or flattening to trim down the uneven areas left after skiving. Stoning involves rubbing the leather with a scouring stone to make it smooth; is about removing water and grease or smoothing and polishing with a flat sharpened stone, steel, or glass tool. Whitening means shaving off thin strips of flesh to leave the leather thinner, whiter, and more flexible; stuffing softens the scraped and pounded hides and makes them porous; graining gives the hair or grain side a textured appearance by rubbing with a grooved or rough piece of wood; bruising or boarding makes the leather soft and flexible by bringing the two flesh sides together and rubbing them with a graining board; and scouring uses a stream of water to whiten the leather by rubbing it with a slicking stone or steel.

The inventions of the century consist in labour-saving [Pg 364]machinery for these purposes, new tanning and dressing processes, and innumerable machines for making special articles of leather.

The inventions of the century include labor-saving [Pg 364] machinery for these tasks, new tanning and finishing methods, and countless machines for producing specialized leather goods.

As before stated, the epoch of modern machinery commenced with the practical application of water power to other than grinding mills, and of steam in place of water, contemporaneously with the invention of spinning and weaving machinery in the last half of the eighteenth century. These got fairly to work at the beginning of the century, and the uses of machinery spread to the treatment of leather. John Bull was the appropriate name of the man who first patented a scraping machine in England, about 1780, and Joseph Weeks the next one, some years later.

As mentioned earlier, the era of modern machinery began with the practical use of water power beyond just grinding mills, and steam power instead of water, happening at the same time as the invention of spinning and weaving machines in the late 1700s. These machines started working effectively at the start of the century, and machinery usage expanded to include leather processing. John Bull was the fitting name of the man who first patented a scraping machine in England around 1780, followed by Joseph Weeks who patented another one a few years later.

One of the earliest machines of the century was the hide mill, which, after the hand tools had scraped and stoned, shaved and hardened the hides, was used to rub and dub them, and soften and swell them for tanning. Pegged rollers were the earliest form for this purpose, and later corrugated rollers and power-worked hammers were employed. Hundreds of hides could be softened daily by these means.

One of the earliest machines of the century was the hide mill. After hand tools scraped, stoned, shaved, and hardened the hides, this machine was used to rub, dub, soften, and swell them for tanning. Pegged rollers were the original form for this purpose, and later, corrugated rollers and power-operated hammers were used. These methods could soften hundreds of hides each day.

Then came ingenious machines to take the place of the previous operations of the hand tools,—the fleshing machine, in one form of which the hides are placed on a curved bed, and the fleshy parts scraped off or removed by revolving glass blades, or by curved teeth of steel and wood in a roller under which a table is given a to-and-fro movement; tanning apparatus of a great variety, by which hides, after they are thoroughly washed and softened, and the pores opened by swelling, are subjected to movements in the tanning liquor vats, such as rocking or oscillating, rotary, or vertical; or treated by an air[Pg 365] exhaust, known as the vacuum process; in all of which the object is to thoroughly impregnate in the shortest time all the interstices and pores of the skin with the tannic acid, by which the fibrous and gelatinous matter is made to combine to form leather, and by which process, also, the hide is greatly increased in weight.

Then came clever machines to replace the earlier hand tool operations—the fleshing machine, in one version of which hides are placed on a curved bed, and the excess flesh is scraped off or removed by spinning glass blades, or by curved steel and wooden teeth in a roller that moves back and forth under a table; various tanning devices that let hides, after being thoroughly washed and softened and having their pores opened by swelling, undergo movements in the tanning liquor vats, like rocking or oscillating, rotary, or vertical; or are treated using an air exhaust, known as the vacuum process; in all of these methods, the goal is to completely soak all the interstices and pores of the skin with tannic acid in the shortest amount of time, which causes the fibrous and gelatinous matter to combine to create leather, and through this process, the weight of the hide is significantly increased.

Reel machines are then employed to transfer the hides from one vat to another, thus subjecting them to liquors of increasing strength. Soaking in vats formerly occupied twelve or eighteen months, but under the new methods the time has been greatly reduced. And now since 1880, the chemists are pushing aside the vegetable processes, and substituting mineral processes, by which tanning is still further shortened and cheapened. The new processes depend chiefly on the use of chromium compounds.

Reel machines are now used to move the hides from one vat to another, exposing them to stronger and stronger chemicals. Soaking in vats used to take twelve to eighteen months, but with the new methods, this time has been significantly reduced. Since 1880, chemists have been moving away from plant-based processes and replacing them with mineral processes, which further shorten and reduce the cost of tanning. The new methods primarily rely on chromium compounds.

Then came scouring machines, in which a rapidly revolving stiff brush is used to scour the grain or hair side, removing the superfluous colouring matter, called the bloom, and softening and cleansing the hide; the slicking or polishing machines to clean, stretch and smooth the leather by glass, stone, or copper blades on a rapidly-moving belt carried over pulleys; whitening, buffing, skiving, fleshing and shaving machines, all for cutting off certain portions and inequalities of the leather, and reducing its thickness.

Then came the scouring machines, which use a quickly spinning stiff brush to clean the grain or hair side, getting rid of the extra coloring matter called bloom and softening and cleaning the hide. There are also slicking or polishing machines that clean, stretch, and smooth the leather using glass, stone, or copper blades on a fast-moving belt that runs over pulleys. Additionally, there are whitening, buffing, skiving, fleshing, and shaving machines, all designed to cut off certain parts and imperfections of the leather and lower its thickness.

In one form of this class of machines an oscillating pendulum lever is employed, carrying at its end a revolving cylinder having thirty or more spiral blades. The pendulum swings to and fro at the rate of ninety movements a minute, while the cylinder rolls over the leather at the rate of 2780 revolutions per minute. Scarfing, skiving, chamfering, bevelling,[Pg 366] feather-edging, appear to be synonymous terms for a variety of machines for cutting the edges of leather obliquely, for the purpose chiefly of making lap seams, scarf-joints, and reducing the thickness and stiffness of leather at those and certain other points.

In one type of this class of machines, there's an oscillating pendulum lever that carries a revolving cylinder with thirty or more spiral blades at its end. The pendulum swings back and forth at a rate of ninety movements per minute, while the cylinder rolls over the leather at 2780 revolutions per minute. Scarfing, skiving, chamfering, bevelling, feather-edging, [Pg 366] are all terms used for different machines that cut the edges of leather at an angle, mainly to create lap seams, scarf-joints, and to reduce the thickness and stiffness of leather at those points and others.

Then there are leather-splitting machines, consisting of one or more rollers and a pressure bar, which draw and press the leather against a horizontally arranged and adjustable knife, which nicely splits the leather in two parts, and thus doubles the quantity. This thin split leather is much used in making a cheap quality of boots and shoes and other articles.

Then there are leather-splitting machines, which have one or more rollers and a pressure bar that pull and press the leather against a horizontally positioned and adjustable knife, effectively splitting the leather into two pieces, thereby doubling the amount. This thin split leather is commonly used to make low-quality boots, shoes, and other items.

There are also corrugating, creasing, fluting, pebbling, piercing and punching machines; machines for grinding the bark and also for grinding the leather; machines for gluing sections of leather together, and machines for sewing them; machines for rounding flat strips of leather, for the making of whips and tubes; machines for scalloping the edges; and a very ingenious machine for assorting leather strips or strings according to their size or thickness.

There are also machines for corrugating, creasing, fluting, pebbling, piercing, and punching; machines for grinding bark and leather; machines for gluing leather sections together, and machines for sewing them; machines for rounding flat leather strips for making whips and tubes; machines for scalloping edges; and a very clever machine for sorting leather strips or strings by their size or thickness.

The most important improvements of the century in leather working relate to the manufacture of boots and shoes. It could well be said of boots and shoes, especially those made for the great mass of humanity, before the modern improvements in means and processes had been invented: “Their feet through faithless leather met the dirt.”

The biggest advancements of the century in leatherworking involve the production of boots and shoes. It could definitely be said about boots and shoes, especially those made for the vast majority of people, before the modern improvements in methods and processes were developed: “Their feet through untrustworthy leather met the dirt.”

It is true that in the eighteenth century, both in Europe and America, the art of leather and boot and shoe making had so far advanced that good durable foot wear was produced by long and tedious processes of tanning, and by careful making up of the leather into boots and shoes by hand; the knife, the awl, the[Pg 367] waxed thread, the nails and hammer and other hand tools of the character above referred to being employed. But the process was a tedious and costly one and the articles produced were beyond the limits of the poor man’s purse. Hence the wooden shoes, and those made of coarse hide and dressed and undressed skins, and of coarse cloth, mixed or unmixed with leather.

It's true that in the 18th century, both in Europe and America, the art of making leather, boots, and shoes had advanced to the point where quality, durable footwear was produced through long and labor-intensive tanning processes, along with careful handcrafting of leather into boots and shoes. Tools like knives, awls, waxed thread, nails, hammers, and other similar hand tools were used. However, this process was tedious and expensive, making the final products unaffordable for poorer individuals. As a result, wooden shoes and those made from rough leather, dressed or undressed skins, and coarse cloth, whether mixed with leather or not, became more common.

In 1809, David Mead Randolph of England patented machinery for riveting soles and heels to the uppers instead of sewing them together.

In 1809, David Mead Randolph from England patented machinery for attaching soles and heels to the uppers with rivets instead of sewing them together.

The celebrated civil engineer, Isambard M. Brunel, shortly thereafter added several machines of his own invention to Randolph’s method, and he established a large manufactory for the making chiefly of army shoes. The various separate processes performed by his machines involved the cutting out of the leather, hardening it by rolling, securing the welt on to the inner sole by small nails, and studding the outer sole with larger nails. Divisions of men were employed to work each separate step, and the shoes were passed from one process to another until complete.

The famous civil engineer, Isambard M. Brunel, soon after added several machines of his own design to Randolph’s method and set up a large factory mainly for producing army shoes. The different steps carried out by his machines included cutting the leather, hardening it by rolling, attaching the welt to the inner sole with small nails, and adding larger nails to the outer sole. Teams of workers were assigned to each step, and the shoes moved from one process to the next until they were finished.

Large quantities of shoes were made at reduced prices, but complaints were made as to the nails penetrating into the shoe and hurting the feet. The demand for army shoes fell off, and the system was abandoned; but it had incited invention in the direction of machine-made shoes and the day of exclusive hand labour was doomed.

Large numbers of shoes were produced at lower prices, but people complained about the nails poking through and causing pain in their feet. The demand for army shoes decreased, and the system was dropped; however, it had sparked innovation towards machine-made shoes, signaling the end of solely handmade footwear.

About 1818 Joseph Walker of Hopkinston, Massachusetts invented the wooden peg. Making and applying pegs by hand was too slow work, and machines were at once contrived for making them. As one invention necessitates and begets others, so[Pg 368] special forms of machines for sawing and working up wood into pegs were devised.

About 1818, Joseph Walker from Hopkinston, Massachusetts, invented the wooden peg. Making and applying pegs by hand was too slow, so machines were quickly created to produce them. As one invention leads to another, special types of machines for cutting and processing wood into pegs were developed.

Such machinery was for first sawing the selected log of wood into slices across the grain a little thicker than the length of a peg and cutting out knots in the wood; then planing the head of the block smooth; grooving the block with a V-shaped cutting tool; splitting the pegs apart, and then bleaching, drying, polishing and winnowing them.

Such machinery was for initially sawing the chosen log of wood into slices across the grain a bit thicker than the length of a peg and removing knots from the wood; then planing the top of the block smooth; grooving the block with a V-shaped cutting tool; splitting the pegs apart, and finally bleaching, drying, polishing, and winnowing them.

It took forty or fifty years to perfect these and kindred machines, but at the end of that time there was a factory at Burlington, Vermont, which from four cords of wood, made every day four hundred bushels of shoe pegs.

It took forty or fifty years to perfect these and similar machines, but by the end of that period, there was a factory in Burlington, Vermont, that produced four hundred bushels of shoe pegs every day from four cords of wood.

About 1858 B. F. Sturtevant of Massachusetts made a great improvement in this line. He was a very poor man, getting a living by pegging on the soles of a few pair of shoes each day. He devised a pegging machine, and out of his scanty earnings and at odd hours, with much pain and labour, and by borrowing money, he finally completed it. The machine made what was called “peg wood,” a long ribbon strip of seasoned wood, sharpened on one edge and designed to be fed into the machine for pegging shoes. The shoes were punctured by awls driven by machinery, and then as the peg strip was carried to it the machine severed the strip into chisel-edged pegs, and peg-driving mechanism drove them into the holes. Nine hundred pegs a minute were driven. It soon almost supplanted all other peg-driving machines, and after the machines were quite generally introduced, there were made in one year alone in New England fifty-five million pairs of boots and shoes pegged by the Sturtevant machines.

About 1858, B. F. Sturtevant from Massachusetts made a significant improvement in this area. He was very poor, earning a living by attaching the soles to a few pairs of shoes each day. He invented a pegging machine, and despite his limited income, working odd hours, facing a lot of hardship, and borrowing money, he finally finished it. The machine created what was known as “peg wood,” a long strip of seasoned wood, sharpened on one edge to be fed into the machine for pegging shoes. The shoes were punctured by awls powered by machinery, and as the peg strip moved through, the machine cut the strip into chisel-edged pegs, which were then driven into the holes by a peg-driving mechanism. It drove nine hundred pegs a minute. It quickly nearly replaced all other peg-driving machines, and once the machines were widely adopted, New England produced fifty-five million pairs of pegged boots and shoes in just one year using the Sturtevant machines.

Other forms of pegs followed, such as the metal[Pg 369] screw pegs, and machines to cut them off from a continuous spiral wire from which they were made. Lasts on which the shoes were made had been manufactured by the hundred thousand on the wood-turning lathes invented by Blanchard, described in the chapter on Wood-Working.

Other types of pegs came next, like the metal screw pegs, and machines designed to cut them off from a continuous spiral wire used to make them. The lasts for making the shoes had been produced by the hundreds of thousands on the wood-turning lathes developed by Blanchard, as detailed in the chapter on Wood-Working.

In 1858 also, about the same time the Sturtevant pegging machine was introduced, the shoe-sewing machine was developed. The McKay Shoe-Sewing Machine Co. of Massachusetts after an expenditure of $130,000, and three years’ time in experiments, were enabled to put their machines in practical operation. The pegging machines and sewing machines worked a revolution in shoemaking.

In 1858, around the same time the Sturtevant pegging machine was introduced, the shoe-sewing machine was developed. The McKay Shoe-Sewing Machine Co. of Massachusetts spent $130,000 and three years experimenting before they were able to put their machines into practical use. The pegging machines and sewing machines brought about a revolution in shoemaking.

A revolution in the art of shoemaking thus started was followed up by wondrous machines invented to meet every part of the manufacture. Lasting machines for drawing and fitting the leather over lasts, in which the outer edges of the leather are drawn over the bottom of the last and tacked thereto by the hands and fingers of the machine instead of those of the human hand, were invented.

A revolution in shoemaking began, followed by amazing machines designed to assist in every aspect of production. Lasting machines were created to stretch and fit the leather over lasts, where the outer edges of the leather are pulled over the bottom of the last and secured by the machine's hands and fingers instead of by human hands.

Indenting machines:—The welt is known as that strip of leather around the shoe between the upper and the sole, and machines were invented for cutting and placing this, indenting it for the purpose of rendering it flexible and separating the stitches, all a work until recently entirely done by hand. Machines for twining the seams in the uppers, and forming the scallops; machines especially adapted to the making of the heel, as heel trimming and compressing, rounding and polishing, and for nailing the finished heel to the boot or shoe; machines for treating the sole in every way, rolling it, in place of the good old way of pounding it on a lap stone; trimming,[Pg 370] rounding, smoothing, and polishing it; machines for cutting out gores; machines for marking the uppers so that at one operation every shoe will be stamped by its size, number, name of manufacture, number of case, and any other convenient symbols; machines for setting the buttons and eyelets; all these are simply members in the long line of inventions in this art.

Indenting machines:—The welt is that strip of leather around the shoe that's between the upper and the sole. Machines were created to cut and place this, indenting it to make it flexible and to separate the stitches, which until recently was all done by hand. There are machines for stitching the seams in the uppers and creating the scallops; machines specifically designed for making the heel, including trimming, compressing, rounding, polishing, and nailing the finished heel to the boot or shoe; machines for treating the sole in all ways, rolling it instead of the old method of pounding it on a lap stone; trimming,[Pg 370] rounding, smoothing, and polishing it; machines for cutting out gores; machines for marking the uppers so that in one step every shoe gets stamped with its size, number, manufacturer name, case number, and any other relevant symbols; machines for setting the buttons and eyelets; all of these are just parts of the ongoing innovation in this field.

The old style of boot has given way to the modern shoe and gaiter, but for the benefit of those who still wear them, special machines for shaping the leg, called boot trees, have been contrived.

The old style of boots has been replaced by modern shoes and gaiters, but for those who still wear them, special machines for shaping the leg, known as boot trees, have been created.

So far had the art advanced that twenty years ago one workingman with much of this improved machinery combined in one machine called the “bootmaker,” could make three hundred pairs of boots or shoes a day. Upward of three thousand such machines were then at work throughout the world; and one hundred and fifty million pairs of boots were then being made annually thereon. Now the number of machines and pairs of boots and shoes has been quadrupled.

So much progress had been made that twenty years ago, one skilled worker using this improved machinery, in a machine called the “bootmaker,” could produce three hundred pairs of boots or shoes a day. More than three thousand of these machines were operating around the world, and one hundred and fifty million pairs of boots were being made each year. Now, the number of machines and pairs of boots and shoes has quadrupled.

And the world is having its feet clothed far more extensively, better and at less cost than was ever possible by the hand system. The number of workers in the art, both men and women, has vastly increased instead of being diminished, while their wages have greatly advanced over the old rates.

And the world is getting its feet covered much more widely, in better quality, and at a lower cost than ever possible with hand-produced methods. The number of workers in this field, both men and women, has significantly increased instead of decreasing, while their wages have improved greatly compared to the old rates.

As an illustration of how rapidly modern enterprise and invention proceeds in Yankeeland, it has been related that some years ago in Massachusetts, after many of these shoe-making machines had got into use, a factory which was turning out 2400 pairs of shoes every day was completely destroyed by fire on a Wednesday night. On Thursday the manufacturer hired a neighbouring building and set carpenters [Pg 371]at work fitting it up. On Friday he ordered a new and complete outfit of machinery from Boston; on Saturday the machinery arrived and the men set it up; on Monday work was started, and on Tuesday the manufacturer was filling his orders to the full number of 2400 pairs a day.

To show how quickly modern business and innovation move in Yankee territory, it's been said that a few years ago in Massachusetts, after many shoe-making machines were already in use, a factory producing 2,400 pairs of shoes daily was completely destroyed by fire on a Wednesday night. By Thursday, the manufacturer rented a nearby building and had carpenters [Pg 371]start the renovations. On Friday, he ordered an entirely new set of machinery from Boston; by Saturday, the machinery arrived, and the workers set it up. On Monday, they began operations, and by Tuesday, the manufacturer was back to fulfilling his orders at the full rate of 2,400 pairs a day.

There are very many people in the world who still prefer the hand-made shoe, and there is nothing to prevent the world generally from going back to that system if they choose; but St. Crispin’s gentle art has blossomed into a vaster field of blessings for mankind under the fruitful impetus of invention than if left to vegetate under the simple processes of primitive man.

There are still a lot of people in the world who prefer handmade shoes, and nothing stops the world from returning to that way if they want to; however, St. Crispin’s skilled craft has grown into a much greater source of benefits for humanity because of the creative drive of invention than if it had been left to stagnate with the basic methods of early humans.

Horses, no less than man, have shared in the improvement in leather manufacture. The harnesses of the farmer’s and labouring man’s horses a century ago, when they were fortunate enough to own horses, were of the crudest description. Ropes, cords, coarse bands of leather were the common provisions. Now the strength and cheapness of harnesses enable the poor man to equip his horse with a working suit impossible to have been produced a hundred years ago.

Horses, just like humans, have benefited from advancements in leather production. A hundred years ago, if farmers and laborers were lucky enough to have horses, their harnesses were very basic. They used ropes, cords, and rough leather straps. Now, the strength and affordability of harnesses allow even low-income individuals to outfit their horses with working gear that would have been unimaginable a century ago.

To the beautiful effects produced by the use of modern embossing machines on paper and wood have been added many charming patterns in embossed leather. Books and leather cases, saddlery and household ornamentation of various descriptions have been either moulded into forms of beauty, or stamped or rolled by cameo and intaglio designs cut into the surface of fast-moving cylinders.

To the stunning effects created by modern embossing machines on paper and wood, a variety of delightful patterns in embossed leather have also been added. Books and leather cases, saddles, and various household decorations have been shaped into beautiful forms or stamped and rolled with cameo and intaglio designs carved into the surface of fast-moving cylinders.

The leather manufactures have become so vastly important and valuable in some countries, especially in the United States—second, almost to agricultural[Pg 372] products—that it would be very interesting to extend the description to many processes and machines, and to facts displaying the enormous traffic in leather, now necessarily omitted for want of space.

The leather industry has become incredibly important and valuable in some countries, especially in the United States—just behind agricultural products. It would be really interesting to expand on the different processes and machines involved, as well as the facts showing the huge trade in leather, which we have to leave out due to space limitations.[Pg 372]


Minerals - Wells.

Dost thou hear the hammer of Thor,
Wielded in his gloves of iron?

Do you hear Thor's hammer? Worn with his iron gloves?

As with leather, so with stone, the hand tools and hard labour have not changed in principle since the ancient days. The hammer for breaking, the lever for lifting, the saw for cutting, rubbing-stones and irons for smoothing and polishing, sand and water for the same purpose, the mallet and chisel, and other implements for ornamenting, the square, the level, and the plumb for their respective purposes, all are as old as the art of building.

As with leather, the same goes for stone; the hand tools and hard work have remained fundamentally the same since ancient times. The hammer for breaking, the lever for lifting, the saw for cutting, rubbing stones and irons for smoothing and polishing, sand and water for the same tasks, the mallet and chisel, and other tools for decoration, along with the square, the level, and the plumb for their specific uses, are all as old as the craft of building.

And as for buildings and sculpture of stone and marble made by hand tools, we have yet to excel the pyramids, the Parthenon of Athens, which “Earth proudly wears as the best gem upon her zone,” the palaces, coliseums, and aqueducts of Rome, the grand and polished tombs of India, the exquisite halls of the Alhambra, and the Gothic cathedrals.

And when it comes to buildings and stone and marble sculptures made with hand tools, we still haven't surpassed the pyramids, the Parthenon in Athens, which “Earth proudly wears as the best gem upon her belt,” the palaces, coliseums, and aqueducts of Rome, the magnificent and polished tombs of India, the beautiful halls of the Alhambra, and the Gothic cathedrals.

But the time came when human blood and toil became too dear to be the possession solely of the rulers and the wealthy, and to be used alone to perpetuate and commemorate riches, power and glory.

But the time came when human blood and hard work became too precious to be the exclusive property of the rulers and the rich, only used to sustain and celebrate wealth, power, and glory.

Close on the expansion of men’s minds came the expansion of steam and the development of modern inventions. The first application of the steam engine in fields of human labour was the drawing of[Pg 374] water from the coal mines of England; then in drawing the coal itself.

Close on the growth of men's minds came the rise of steam and the development of modern inventions. The first use of the steam engine in human labor was to pump[Pg 374] water out of the coal mines in England; then it was used to extract the coal itself.

It was only a step for the steam engine into a new field of labour when General Bentham introduced his system of wood-sawing machinery in 1800; and from sawing wood to sawing stone was only one more step. We find that taken in 1803 in Pennsylvania, when Oliver Evans of Philadelphia drove with a high-pressure steam engine, “twelve saws in heavy frames, sawing at the rate of one hundred feet of marble in twelve hours.” How long would it have taken hand sawyers of marble at ancient Paros and Naxos to have done the same?

It was just a small leap for the steam engine to move into a new area of work when General Bentham launched his wood-sawing machinery in 1800; and going from sawing wood to sawing stone was just one more step. We see that happening in 1803 in Pennsylvania, when Oliver Evans from Philadelphia used a high-pressure steam engine to power “twelve saws in heavy frames, cutting at the rate of one hundred feet of marble in twelve hours.” How long would it have taken marble sawyers from ancient Paros and Naxos to accomplish the same task?

Stone-cutting machines of other forms than sawing then followed.

Stone-cutting machines of types other than sawing then came next.

It was desired to divide large blocks generally at the quarries to facilitate transportation. Machines for this purpose are called stone-channelling machines. They consist of a gang of chisels bound together and set on a framework which travels on a track adjacent to the stone to be cut, and so arranged that the cutters may be set to the stone at desired angles, moved automatically forward and back in the grooves they are cutting, be fed in or out, raised or lowered, detached, and otherwise manipulated in the operation.

It was necessary to split large blocks at the quarries to make transportation easier. The machines used for this are called stone-channelling machines. They consist of a group of chisels connected together and mounted on a framework that moves along a track next to the stone being cut. The setup allows the cutters to be adjusted to the stone at various angles, moved automatically back and forth in the grooves they are creating, pushed in or out, raised or lowered, detached, and otherwise controlled during the operation.

Other stone-cutting machines had for their objects the cutting and moulding the edges of tables, mantels and slabs; and the cutting of circular and other curved work. In the later style of machine the cutter fixed on the end of a spindle is guided in the desired directions on the surface of the stone by a pointer, which, attached to the cutter spindle, moves in the grooves of a pattern also connected to the rotating support carrying the cutter.

Other stone-cutting machines were designed to cut and shape the edges of tables, mantels, and slabs, as well as to create circular and other curved shapes. In the later style of machine, the cutter fixed at the end of a spindle is directed on the surface of the stone by a pointer. This pointer, attached to the cutter spindle, moves along the grooves of a pattern that is also connected to the rotating support holding the cutter.

Other forms of most ingenious stone-dressing and[Pg 375] carving machines have been devised for cutting mouldings, and ornamental figures and devices, in accordance with a model or pattern fixed to the under side of the table which carries the stone or marble to be dressed; and in which, by means of a guide moving in the pattern, the diamond cutter or cutters, carried in a circular frame above the work and adjusted to its surface, are moved in the varying directions determined by the pattern. A stream of water is directed on the stone to clear it of the dust during the operations. The carving of stone by machinery is now a sister branch of wood carving. Monuments, ornamentation, and intricate forms of figures and characters are wrought with great accuracy by cutting and dressing tools guided by the patterns, or directed by the hand of the operator.

Other types of highly innovative stone-cutting and carving machines have been created for shaping moldings and decorative figures according to a model or pattern attached to the underside of the table that holds the stone or marble being worked on. A guide moves along the pattern, allowing diamond cutters, suspended in a circular frame above the work and adjusted to the surface, to move in the various directions dictated by the design. A stream of water is directed at the stone to keep it clear of dust during the process. Today, machine stone carving is akin to wood carving. Monuments, decorative elements, and detailed shapes and characters are crafted with great precision using tools that follow the patterns or are guided by the operator's hands.

For the dressing of the faces of grindstones, special forms of cutting machines have been devised.

For shaping the surfaces of grindstones, specific types of cutting machines have been created.

It was a slow and tedious task to drill holes through stone by hand tools; and it was indeed a revolution in this branch of the art when steam engines were employed to rotate a rod armed at its end with diamond or other cutters against the hardest stone. This mode of drilling also effected a revolution in the art of blasting. Then, neither height, nor depth, nor thickness of the stone could prevent the progress of the drill rod. Tunnels through mountain walls, and wells through solid quartz are cut to the depth of thousands of feet.

Drilling holes through stone with hand tools was a slow and tedious job; it was truly revolutionary for this field when steam engines were used to rotate a rod with diamond or other cutters at the end against the hardest stone. This method of drilling also changed the game for blasting. No longer could height, depth, or thickness of the stone stop the drill rod's progress. Tunnels through mountain walls and wells through solid quartz can now be cut to depths of thousands of feet.

One instance is related of the wonderful efficiency on a smaller scale of such a machine: The immense columns of the State Capitol at Columbus, Ohio, were considered too heavy for the foundation on which they rested. The American Diamond Rock Boring Company of Providence, Rhode Island, bored[Pg 376] out a twenty-four inch core from each of the great pillars, and thus relieved the danger.

One example of the incredible efficiency of such a machine on a smaller scale is the case of the massive columns of the State Capitol in Columbus, Ohio, which were deemed too heavy for the foundation they stood on. The American Diamond Rock Boring Company from Providence, Rhode Island, drilled out a twenty-four-inch core from each of the large pillars, successfully reducing the risk.

In the most economical and successful stone drills compressed air is employed as the motive power to drive the drills, which may be used singly or in gangs, and which may be adjusted against the rock or quarry in any direction. When in position and ready for work a few moments will suffice to bore the holes, apply the explosive and blast the ledge. The cleaning away of submarine ledges in harbours, such as the great work at Hell Gate in the harbour of New York, has thus been effected.

In the most efficient and effective stone drills, compressed air is used as the power source to operate the drills, which can be used individually or in groups, and can be positioned against the rock or quarry from any angle. Once set up and ready to go, it takes only a few moments to drill the holes, place the explosives, and blast the ledge. The removal of underwater ledges in harbors, like the major project at Hell Gate in New York Harbor, has been accomplished this way.

Crushing:—Among the most useful inventions relating to stone working are machines for crushing stones and ores, and assorting them. The old way of hammering by hand was first succeeded by powerful stamp hammers worked by steam. Both methods of course are still followed, but they demand too great an expenditure of force and time.

Crushing:—Some of the most helpful inventions for stoneworking are machines for crushing stones and ores and sorting them. The traditional method of hand-hammering was eventually replaced by powerful steam-operated stamp hammers. While both methods are still used today, they require too much effort and time.

About a third of a century ago, Eli Whitney Blake of New Haven, Connecticut, was a pioneer inventor of a new and most successful type of stone breaking machine, which ever since has been known as the “Blake Crusher.” This crusher consists of two ponderous upright jaws, one fixed and the other movable, between which the stones or ores to be crushed are fed. Each of the jaws is lined with the hardest kind of chilled steel. The movable jaw is inclined from its lower end from the fixed jaw and at its upper end is pivoted to swing on a heavy round iron bar. The movable jaw is forced toward the fixed jaw by two opposite toggle levers set, in one form of the crusher, at their inner ends in steel bearings of a vertical vibrating, rocking lever, one of the toggles bearing at its outer end against the movable[Pg 377] jaw and the outer toggle against a solid frame-work. The rocking lever is operated through a crank by a steam engine, and as it is vibrated, the toggle joint forces the lever end of the movable jaw towards the fixed jaw with immense force, breaking the hardest stone like an eggshell.

About thirty years ago, Eli Whitney Blake from New Haven, Connecticut, invented a new and highly effective stone-breaking machine, which has been known ever since as the “Blake Crusher.” This crusher has two heavy upright jaws, one fixed and the other movable, between which the stones or ores to be crushed are fed. Each jaw is lined with the toughest kind of chilled steel. The movable jaw is angled away from the fixed jaw at its lower end and is pivoted at the upper end to swing on a heavy round iron bar. The movable jaw is pushed toward the fixed jaw by two opposite toggle levers, which, in one version of the crusher, are set at their inner ends in steel bearings of a vertical vibrating rocking lever. One toggle pushes against the movable jaw, while the other pushes against a sturdy frame. The rocking lever is operated by a crank connected to a steam engine, and as it vibrates, the toggle joint forces the movable jaw toward the fixed jaw with tremendous power, breaking the hardest stone like an eggshell.

The setting of the movable jaw at an incline enables the large stone to be first cracked, the movable jaw then opens, and as the stone falls lower between the more contracted jaws, it is broken finer, until it is finally crushed or pulverized and falls through at the bottom. The movable jaw is adjustable and can be set to crush stones to a certain size.

The angle of the movable jaw allows the large stone to be cracked first. Then, the movable jaw opens, and as the stone drops lower between the tighter jaws, it gets broken down further until it's finally crushed or ground into powder and falls out the bottom. The movable jaw is adjustable and can be set to crush stones to a specific size.

As the rock drill made a revolution in blasting and tunnelling, so the Blake crusher revolutionised the art of road making. “Road metal,” as the supply of broken stones for roads is now called, is the fruit of the crusher. Hundreds of tons of stone per day can be crushed to just the size desired, and the machine may be moved from place to place where most convenient to use.

As the rock drill changed the game in blasting and tunneling, the Blake crusher transformed the process of road building. "Road metal," which is what we now call the supply of crushed stones for roads, is produced by the crusher. Hundreds of tons of stone can be crushed daily to the exact size needed, and the machine can be easily relocated to wherever it's most convenient to use.

Other crushers have been invented, formed on the principle of abrasion. The stones, or ore, fall between two great revolving disks, having corrugated steel faces, which are set the desired distance apart, and between which the stones are crushed by the rubbing action. In this style of machine the principle of a gradual breaking from a coarse to a finer grade, is maintained by setting the disks farther apart at the centre where the stone enters, and nearer together at their peripheries where the broken stone is discharged. Large smooth or corrugated rollers, conical disks, concentric rollers armed with teeth of varying sizes, and yet so arranged as to preserve the feature of the narrowing throat at the bottom or place of discharge, have also been devised and extensively used.[Pg 378]

Other crushers have been created based on the principle of abrasion. The stones or ore drop between two large revolving disks with ridged steel surfaces, which are set apart at a certain distance. This setup allows the stones to be crushed through the rubbing action. In this type of machine, the process gradually breaks the material from a coarse to a finer grade by setting the disks farther apart at the center where the stone enters and closer together at their edges where the crushed stone is released. Large smooth or ridged rollers, cone-shaped disks, and concentric rollers with teeth of different sizes, arranged to maintain a narrowing opening at the bottom for discharge, have also been designed and widely used.[Pg 378]

A long line of inventions has appeared especially adapted to break up and separate coal into different sizes. To view the various monstrous heaps of assorted coals at the mouth of a coal mine creates an impression that some great witch had imposed on a poor victim the gigantic and seemingly impossible task of breaking and assorting a vast heap of coal into these separate piles within a certain time—a task which also seems to have been miraculously and successfully performed within such an exceedingly short time as to either satisfy or confuse the presiding evil genius.

A long line of inventions has been created specifically to break up and sort coal into different sizes. Seeing the various massive piles of mixed coal at the entrance of a coal mine gives the impression that some great witch forced a poor victim to tackle the huge and seemingly impossible job of sorting a giant heap of coal into these separate stacks within a set time— a task that also seems to have been done miraculously and successfully in such a short period that it either satisfies or confuses the overseeing evil spirit.

Modern civilisation has been developed mostly from steam and coal, and they have been to each other as strong brothers, growing more and more mutually dependent to meet the demands made upon them.

Modern civilization has developed mainly from steam and coal, and they have been like strong brothers to each other, becoming increasingly dependent on one another to meet the demands placed on them.

The mining of coal, and its subsequent treatment for burning, before the invention of the steam engine, were long, painful, and laborious tasks, and the steam engine could never have had its modern wants supplied if its power had not been used to supplement, with a hundredfold increased effect, the labour of human hands.

The mining of coal and its preparation for burning, before the invention of the steam engine, were long, difficult, and exhausting tasks. The steam engine could never have met its current demands if its power hadn't been used to significantly enhance the work done by human hands.

It being impracticable to carry steam or the steam engine to the bottom of the mine for work there, compressed air is there employed, which is compressed by a steam engine up at the mouth. By this compressed air operated in a cylinder to drive a piston, and a connecting rod and a pick, a massive steel pick attached to the rod may be driven in any direction against the wall of coal at the rate of from ninety to one hundred and twenty blows per minute; and at the same time the discharged compressed, cold, pure, fresh air flows into and through the mine, affording ventilation when and where most needed.[Pg 379]

It’s not practical to bring steam or a steam engine to the bottom of the mine for work, so they use compressed air instead, which is generated by a steam engine located at the entrance. This compressed air is used in a cylinder to push a piston, which is connected to a rod and a heavy steel pick. This pick can strike the coal wall at a rate of ninety to one hundred and twenty blows per minute in any direction. Meanwhile, the released compressed, cold, pure, fresh air flows into and through the mine, providing ventilation where it's most needed.[Pg 379]

In addition to these great drills, more recent inventors have brought out small machines for single operators, worked by the electric motor.

In addition to these great drills, newer inventors have developed small machines for individual operators that are powered by electric motors.

After the coal is lifted out, broken and assorted, it needs to be washed free of the adhering dust and dirt; and for this purpose machines are provided, as well as for screening, loading and weighing. The operations of breaking, assorting and washing are often combined in one machine, while an intermediate hand process for separating the pieces of slate from the coal may be employed; but additional automatic means for separating the coal and slate are provided, consisting in forcing with great power water through the coal as it falls into a chamber, which carries the lighter slate to the top of the chamber, where it is at once drawn off.

After the coal is taken out, broken apart, and sorted, it needs to be cleaned of the dust and dirt that stick to it. For this, machines are used, as well as for screening, loading, and weighing. The processes of breaking, sorting, and washing are often combined in a single machine, although there may be a manual step to separate the pieces of slate from the coal. However, there are also automated methods for separating coal and slate, which involve forcing water through the coal as it falls into a chamber, pushing the lighter slate to the top of the chamber, where it is immediately removed.

The chief of machines with ores is the ore mill, which not only breaks up the ore but grinds or pulverises it.

The main machine for handling ores is the ore mill, which not only crushes the ore but also grinds or powders it.

Some chemical and other processes for reducing ores have been referred to in the Chapter on Metallurgy.

Some chemical and other methods for reducing ores have been mentioned in the chapter on metallurgy.

Other mechanical processes consist of separators of various descriptions—a prominent one of which acts on the principal of centrifugal force. The crushed material from a spout being led to the centre of a rapidly rotating disk is thrown off by centrifugal force; and as the lighter portions are thrown farther from the disk, and the heavier portions nearer to the same, the material is automatically assorted as to size and weight. As the disk revolves these assorted portions fall through properly graded apertures into separate channels of a circular trough, from whence they are swept out by brushes secured to a support revolving with the disk.[Pg 380]

Other mechanical processes include separators of various types, one of which operates on the principle of centrifugal force. The crushed material from a chute is directed to the center of a rapidly spinning disk, where it is flung off by centrifugal force. The lighter pieces are thrown farther from the disk, while the heavier pieces stay closer, allowing the material to be sorted automatically by size and weight. As the disk spins, these sorted pieces fall through specifically sized openings into separate channels of a circular trough, from which they are brushed out by brushes attached to a support that rotates with the disk.[Pg 380]

Many forms of ore washing machines have been invented to treat the ore after it has been reduced to powder. These are known by various names, as jiggers, rifflers, concentrators, washing frames, etc. A stream of water is directed on, into, and through the mass of pulverised ore and dirt, the dirt and kindred materials, lighter than the ore, are raised and floated towards the top of the receptacle and carried away, while the ore settles.

Many types of ore washing machines have been created to process the ore after it’s been ground into a powder. They go by different names, such as jiggers, rifflers, concentrators, and washing frames. A stream of water is directed onto, into, and through the mass of crushed ore and dirt; the dirt and lighter materials float to the top of the container and get carried away, while the ore settles at the bottom.

This operation is frequently carried on in connection with amalgamated surfaces over which the metal is passed to still further attract and concentrate the ore. An endless apron travelling over cylinders is sometimes employed, composed of slats the surface of each of which is coated with an amalgam, and on this belt the powdered ore is spread thinly and carried forward. The vibrations of the belt tend to shake and distribute the ore particles, the amalgam attracts them, the refuse is thrown off as the belt passes down over the cylinder, while the ore particles are retained and brushed off into a proper receptacle. Amalgamators themselves form a large class of inventions. They are known as electric, lead, mercury, plate, vacuum, vapour, etc.

This process is often carried out in conjunction with merged surfaces over which the metal is passed to further attract and concentrate the ore. An endless conveyor belt moving over cylinders is sometimes used, made up of slats coated with an amalgam, and the powdered ore is spread thinly on this conveyor and moved forward. The vibrations of the belt help to shake and distribute the ore particles; the amalgam attracts them, and the waste is discarded as the belt goes down over the cylinder, while the ore particles are kept and brushed off into a designated container. Amalgamators themselves represent a large category of inventions. They include electric, lead, mercury, plate, vacuum, vapor, and more.

By the help of these and a vast number of other kindred inventions, the business of mining in all its branches has been revolutionised and transformed, even within the last half century. With the vast increase in the output of coal, and of ores, and the incalculable saving of hand labour, the number of operators has been increased in the same proportion, their wages increased, their hours of labour shortened, and their comforts multiplied in variety and quantity, with a diminished cost. The whole business of mining has been raised from ceaseless [Pg 381] darkness and drudgery to light and dignity. Opportunity has been created for miners to become men of standing in the community in which they live; and means provided for educating their children and for obtaining comfortable homes adorned with the refinements of civilisation.

With the help of these and many other related inventions, the mining industry in all its forms has been completely transformed over the last fifty years. With the huge increase in coal and ore production, and the incredible reduction in manual labor, the number of workers has grown proportionately, their pay has increased, their work hours have been shortened, and their overall comfort has improved in both variety and quality, all at a lower cost. The entire mining profession has been elevated from constant darkness and hard work to one of light and respect. Opportunities have been created for miners to gain recognition in their communities, with resources available for educating their children and securing comfortable homes equipped with the comforts of modern life.

Well boring is an ancient art—known to the Egyptians and the Chinese. Wells were coeval with Abraham when his servant had the celebrated interview with Rebecca. “Jacob’s well at Sychar—the ancient Shechim—has been visited by travellers in all ages and has been minutely described. It is nine feet in diameter and one hundred and five feet deep, made entirely through rock. When visited by Maundrel it contained fifteen feet of water.”—Knight. Some kind of a drill must have been used to have cut so great a depth through rock. The Chinese method of boring wells from time immemorial has been by the use of a sharp chisel-like piece of hard iron on the end of a heavy iron and wood frame weighing four or five hundred pounds, lifted by a lever and turned by a rattan cord operated by hand, and by which wells from fifteen hundred to eighteen hundred feet in depth and five or six inches in diameter have been bored.

Well boring is an ancient practice—known to the Egyptians and the Chinese. Wells date back to the time of Abraham, when his servant had the famous meeting with Rebecca. “Jacob’s well at Sychar—the ancient Shechem—has been visited by travelers throughout history and has been described in detail. It is nine feet in diameter and one hundred and five feet deep, entirely carved through rock. When Maundrel visited it, it contained fifteen feet of water.” —Knight. Some kind of drill must have been used to cut such a great depth through rock. The Chinese method of boring wells for centuries has involved a sharp chisel-like piece of hard iron at the end of a heavy iron and wood frame weighing four or five hundred pounds, lifted by a lever and turned by a rattan cord operated by hand, allowing them to bore wells from fifteen hundred to eighteen hundred feet deep and five or six inches in diameter.

This method has lately been improved by attaching the chisel part, which is made very heavy, to a rope of peculiar manufacture, which gives the chisel a turn as it strikes, combined with an air pump to suck up from the hole the accumulating dirt and water.

This method has recently been enhanced by connecting a heavily weighted chisel to a specially designed rope that allows the chisel to rotate as it strikes. This is paired with an air pump to remove the dirt and water that builds up in the hole.

Artesian wells appear to have first been known in Europe in the province of Artois, France, in the thirteenth century. Hence their name. The previous state of the art in Egypt, China and elsewhere was not then known.[Pg 382]

Artesian wells seem to have first been recognized in Europe in the region of Artois, France, during the thirteenth century. That's where they got their name. The earlier techniques used in Egypt, China, and other places were not known at that time.[Pg 382]

Other modern inventions in well-making machinery have consisted in innumerable devices to supplant manual labour and to meet new conditions.

Other modern inventions in well-making machinery have included countless devices to replace manual labor and adapt to new conditions.

Coal Oil:—Reichenbach, the German chemist, discovered paraffine. Young, soon after, in 1850, patented paraffine oil made from coal. These discoveries, added to the long observed fact of coal oil floating on streams in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, led to the search for its natural source. The discovery of the reservoirs of petroleum in Pennsylvania in 1855-1860, and subsequently of gas, which nature had concealed for so long a time, gave a great impetus to inventions to obtain and control these riches. With earth-augurs, drills, and drill cleaning and clearing and “fishing” apparatus, and devices for creating a new flow of oil, and tubing, new forms of packing, etc., inventors created a new industry.

Coal Oil:—Reichenbach, the German chemist, discovered paraffin. Shortly after, in 1850, Young patented paraffin oil made from coal. These discoveries, along with the long-noted phenomenon of coal oil floating on streams in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, sparked the search for its natural source. The discovery of petroleum reservoirs in Pennsylvania between 1855 and 1860, followed by the finding of gas that nature had kept hidden for so long, significantly boosted inventions aimed at extracting and managing these resources. With earth augers, drills, and tools for cleaning and clearing, as well as equipment to establish new oil flows and various types of tubing and packing, inventors launched a new industry.

Colonel E. Drake sank the first oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859. Since then, 125,000 oil wells have been drilled in that and neighbouring localities. The world has seldom seen such excitement, except in California on the discovery of gold, as attended the coal oil discovery. The first wells sunk gushed thousands of barrels a day. Farmers and other labouring men went to bed poor and woke up rich. Rocky wildernesses and barren fields suddenly became Eldorados. The burning rivers of oil were a reflection of the golden treasures which flowed into the hands and pockets of thousands as from a perpetual fountain touched by some great magician’s wand.

Colonel E. Drake drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859. Since then, 125,000 oil wells have been dug in that area and nearby places. The excitement was rarely seen anywhere else in the world, except during the gold rush in California, as people celebrated the discovery of oil. The first wells were so productive that they gushed thousands of barrels a day. Farmers and laborers went to bed with little money and woke up wealthy. Rocky wilderness areas and barren fields suddenly turned into treasure lands. The rivers of flowing oil mirrored the golden fortunes that poured into the hands and pockets of thousands, as if from an endless fountain touched by a powerful magician’s wand.

Old methods of boring wells were too slow, and although the underlying principle was the same, the new methods and means invented enabled wells to be bored with one-tenth the labour, in one-tenth the[Pg 383] time, and at one-tenth the cost. Many great cities and plains and deserts have been provided with these wells owing to the ease with which they can now be sunk.

Old ways of drilling wells were too slow, and even though the basic idea was the same, the new techniques and tools developed made it possible to drill wells with only a fraction of the effort, in a fraction of the[Pg 383] time, and at a fraction of the cost. Many major cities, plains, and deserts now have these wells thanks to how easy it is to drill them.

Another ingenious method of sinking wells was invented by Colonel N. W. Greene at Cortland, New York, in 1862. It became known as the “driven well,” and consisted of a pointed tube provided with holes above the pointed end, and an inclosed tube to prevent the passage of sand or gravel through the holes in the outer tube. When the pointed tube was driven until water was reached the inner tube was withdrawn and a pump mechanism inserted. This well, so simple, so cheap and effective, has been used in all countries by thousands of farmers on dry plains and by soldiers in many desert lands. With these and modern forms of artesian wells the deserts have literally been made to blossom as the rose.

Another clever way to create wells was developed by Colonel N. W. Greene in Cortland, New York, in 1862. It became known as the “driven well” and involved a pointed tube with holes above its pointed end, along with an inner tube to stop sand or gravel from getting through the holes in the outer tube. When the pointed tube was driven down until it hit water, the inner tube was removed and a pump mechanism was added. This well, which is simple, affordable, and effective, has been used by thousands of farmers in dry areas and by soldiers in various deserts worldwide. Thanks to these and modern types of artesian wells, deserts have truly been transformed into blooming landscapes.


Watches and precision instruments.

“Time measures all things, but I measure it.”

"Time tracks everything, but I keep track of it."

So far as we at present know there were four forms of time-measuring instruments known to antiquity—the sun-dial, the clepsydra or water clock, the hour-glass, and the graduated candle.

As far as we currently know, there were four types of time-measuring devices known in ancient times: the sundial, the clepsydra or water clock, the hourglass, and the graduated candle.

The sun-dial, by which time was measured by the shadow cast from a pin, rod or pillar upon a graduated horizontal plate—the graduations consisting of twelve equal parts, in which the hours of the day were divided, were, both as to the instrument and the division of the day into hours, invented by the Babylonians or other Oriental race, set up on the plains of Chaldea, constructed by the Chinese and Hindoos—put into various forms by these nations, and adapted, but unimproved, by the learned Greeks and conquering Romans. It appears to have been unknown to the Assyrians and Egyptians, or if known, its knowledge confined to their wise men, as it does not appear in any of their monuments.

The sundial, which measured time by the shadow cast by a pin, rod, or pillar on a marked horizontal plate—the markings divided into twelve equal sections representing the hours of the day—was invented by the Babylonians or another Eastern civilization. It was established on the plains of Chaldea, constructed by the Chinese and Indians, and later modified by these cultures. The learned Greeks and conquering Romans adapted it but did not improve it. It seems to have been unknown to the Assyrians and Egyptians, or if they did know of it, that knowledge was limited to their scholars, as there is no record of it in their monuments.

The clepsydra, an instrument by which in its earliest form a portion of time was measured by the escape of water from a small orifice in the bottom of a shell or vase, or by which the empty vase, placed in another vessel filled with water, was gradually filled through the orifice and which sank within a certain[Pg 385] time, is supposed by many to have preceded the invention of the sun-dial. At any rate they were used contemporaneously by the same peoples.

The clepsydra, a device that initially measured time by the flow of water from a small opening at the bottom of a shell or vase, or by how a hollow vase, placed in another container filled with water, gradually filled up through the opening and sank over a certain[Pg 385] period, is believed by many to have come before the invention of the sundial. In any case, they were used at the same time by the same cultures.

In its later form, when the day and night were each divided into twelve hours, the vessel was correspondingly graduated, and a float raised by the inflowing water impelled a pointer attached to the float against the graduations.

In its later form, when day and night were each split into twelve hours, the vessel was marked accordingly, and a float lifted by the incoming water pushed a pointer connected to the float against the markings.

Plato, it is said, contrived a bell so connected with the pointer that it was struck at each hour of the night. But the best of ancient clepsydras was invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria about the middle of the third century B. C. He was the pupil of Archimedes, and adopting his master’s idea of geared wheels, he mounted a toothed wheel on a shaft extending through the vessel and carrying at one end outside of the vessel a pointer adapted to move around the face of a dial graduated with the 24 hours. The vertical toothed rod or rack, adapted to be raised or lowered by a float in a vessel gradually filled with water, engaged a pinion fixed on another horizontal shaft, which pinion in turn engaged the larger wheel. It was not difficult to proportion the parts and control the supply of water to make the point complete its circuit regularly. Then the same inventor dispensed with the wheel, rack, and pinion, and substituted a cord to which a float was attached, passing the cord over a grooved pulley and securing a weight at its other end. The pulley was fixed on the shaft which carried the hour hand. The float was a counterbalance to the weight, and as it was lifted by the water the weight stretched the cord and turned the pulley, which caused the pointer to move on the dial and indicate the hour. The water thus acted as an escapement to control the motive[Pg 386] power. In one form the water dropped on wheels which had their motion communicated to a small statue that gradually rose and pointed with a rod to the hour upon the dial.

Plato reportedly created a bell that rang every hour of the night. However, the most advanced ancient water clock was designed by Ctesibius of Alexandria around the middle of the third century B.C. He was a student of Archimedes, and by using his teacher's idea of geared wheels, he attached a toothed wheel to a shaft that extended through the vessel, with a pointer on one end that moved around a dial marked with 24 hours. A vertical toothed rod or rack, which could be raised or lowered by a float in water gradually filling the vessel, engaged a pinion fixed on another horizontal shaft, which then connected to the larger wheel. It wasn't hard to adjust the parts and manage the water supply to ensure the pointer completed its cycle consistently. The same inventor later eliminated the wheel, rack, and pinion, replacing them with a cord attached to a float that passed over a grooved pulley with a weight at its other end. The pulley was fixed to the shaft that held the hour hand. The float acted as a counterbalance to the weight, and as it was raised by the water, the weight pulled the cord, turning the pulley and moving the pointer on the dial to indicate the hour. Thus, the water served as an escapement to regulate the power. In one version, the water dripped onto wheels that, in turn, moved a small statue that gradually lifted and pointed with a rod to show the hour on the dial.

Thus the essential parts of a clock—an escapement, which is a device to control the power in a clock or watch so that it shall act intermittently on the time index, a motive power, which was then water or a weight, a dial to display the hours, and an index to point them out—were invented at this early age. But the art advanced practically no further for many centuries.

Thus the essential parts of a clock—an escapement, which is a device to control the power in a clock or watch so that it acts intermittently on the time indicator, a power source, which was then water or a weight, a dial to show the hours, and a pointer to indicate them—were invented at this early age. But the craft didn't really progress for many centuries.

The hour-glass is too familiar to need description.

The hourglass is so familiar that it doesn’t need a description.

The incense sticks of the Chinese, the combustion of which proceeded so slowly and regularly as to render them available for time measures, were the precursors of the graduated candles.

The incense sticks used by the Chinese burned so slowly and evenly that they could be used to measure time, making them the forerunners of graduated candles.

With the ungraduated sun-dial the Greeks fixed their times for bathing and eating. When the shadow was six feet long it was time to bathe, when twice that length it was time to sup. The clepsydra became in Greece a useful instrument to enforce the law in restricting loquacious orators and lawyers to reasonable limits in their addresses. And in Rome the sun-dials, the clepsydras and the hour-glass were used for the same purpose, and more generally than in Greece, to regulate the hours of business and pleasure.

With the simple sun-dial, the Greeks set their times for bathing and eating. When the shadow was six feet long, it was time to bathe; when it was twice that length, it was time to have dinner. The clepsydra became a useful tool in Greece for enforcing the law by keeping chatty speakers and lawyers within reasonable limits during their speeches. In Rome, sun-dials, clepsydras, and hourglasses were used for the same purpose, and more commonly than in Greece, to manage the hours for work and leisure.

The graduated candles are chiefly notable as to their use, if not invention, by Alfred the Great in about 883. They were 12 inches long, divided into 12 parts, of which three would burn in one hour. In use they were shielded from the wind by thin pieces of horn, and thus the “horn lantern” originated. With them he divided the day into three equal parts,[Pg 387] one for religion, one for public affairs, and one for rest and recreation.

The graduated candles are mainly recognized for their use, if not their invention, by Alfred the Great around 883. They were 12 inches long, divided into 12 sections, with three sections burning in one hour. To protect them from the wind, they were covered with thin pieces of horn, which led to the creation of the “horn lantern.” With these candles, he divided the day into three equal parts,[Pg 387] one for religious activities, one for public affairs, and one for rest and recreation.

Useful clocks of wondrous make were described in the annals of the middle ages, especially in Germany, made by monks and others for Kings, monasteries and churches. The old Saxon and Teutonic words cligga, and glocke, signifying the striking of a bell, and from which the name clock is derived, indicates the early combination of striking and time-keeping mechanism. The records are scant as to the particulars of inventions in horology during the middle ages and down to the sixteenth century, but we know that weights, and trains of wheels and springs, and some say pendulums, were used in clockwork, and that the tones of hourly bells floated forth from the dim religious light of old cathedrals. They all appear to have involved in different forms the principle of the old clepsydra, using either weights or water as the motive power to drive a set of wheels and to move a pointer over the face of a dial.

Useful clocks of amazing design were mentioned in the records of the Middle Ages, particularly in Germany, created by monks and others for kings, monasteries, and churches. The old Saxon and Teutonic words cligga and glocke, which mean the striking of a bell and are the source of the name clock, show the early combination of striking and timekeeping mechanisms. The records are limited regarding the details of clock inventions during the Middle Ages and up to the sixteenth century, but we know that weights, systems of wheels and springs, and some say pendulums, were used in clockwork, and that the sounds of hourly bells echoed from the dimly lit interiors of old cathedrals. They all seem to have incorporated, in various forms, the principle of the old water clock, using either weights or water as the power source to drive a set of wheels and to move a hand over the face of a dial.

Henry de Vick of France about 1370 constructed a celebrated clock for Charles V., the first nearest approach to modern weight clocks. The weight was used to unwind a cord from a barrel. The barrel was connected to a ratchet and there were combined therewith a train of toothed wheels and pinions, an escapement consisting of a crown wheel controlled by two pallets, which in turn were operated alternately by two weights on a balanced rod. An hour hand was carried by a shaft of the great wheel, and a dial plate divided into hours. This was a great advance, as a more accurate division of time was had by improving the isochronous properties of the vibrating escapement. But the world was still wanting a time-keeper to record smaller portions of the day than the hour and a more accurate machine than Vick’s.[Pg 388]

Henry de Vick from France around 1370 built a famous clock for Charles V., which was the first significant step towards modern weight-driven clocks. The weight was used to unwind a cord from a barrel. The barrel was linked to a ratchet, and there was a system of interlocking wheels and gears, along with an escapement that featured a crown wheel controlled by two pallets, which were alternately activated by two weights on a balanced rod. An hour hand was mounted on a shaft attached to the large wheel, and a dial plate was marked with hours. This was a major improvement, as it allowed for a more precise measurement of time by enhancing the consistent timing of the vibrating escapement. However, the world still needed a clock that could measure smaller parts of the day than just the hour and a more precise machine than Vick's.[Pg 388]

Two hundred years, nearly, elapsed before the next important advance in horology. By this time great astronomers like Tycho Brahe and Valherius had divided the time-recording dials into minutes and seconds.

Two hundred years passed before the next significant breakthrough in timekeeping. By this time, renowned astronomers like Tycho Brahe and Valherius had divided time-recording dials into minutes and seconds.

About 1525 Jacob Zech of Prague invented the fusee, which was re-invented and improved by the celebrated Dr. Hooke, 125 years later.

About 1525, Jacob Zech of Prague invented the fusee, which was re-invented and improved by the renowned Dr. Hooke, 125 years later.

Small portable clocks, the progenitors of the modern watch, commenced to appear about 1500. It was then that Peter Hele of Nuremberg substituted for weights as the motive power a ribbon of steel, which he wound around a central spindle, connecting one end to a train of wheels to which it gave motion as it unwound.

Small portable clocks, the ancestors of the modern watch, started to emerge around 1500. It was at that time that Peter Hele from Nuremberg replaced weights with a steel ribbon as the power source, which he wound around a central spindle, connecting one end to a series of wheels that it set in motion as it unwound.

Then followed the famous observation of the swinging lamp by the then young Galileo, about 1582, while lounging in the cathedral of Pisa. The isochronism of the vibrations of the pendulum inferred from this observation was not published or put to practical application in clocks for nearly sixty years afterward. In 1639 Galileo, then old and blind, dictated to his son one of his books in which he discussed the isochronal properties of oscillating bodies, and their adaptation as time measures. He and others had used the pendulum for dividing time, but moved it by hand and counted its vibrations. But Huygens, the great Dutch scientist, about 1556 was the first to explain the principles and properties of the pendulum as a time measurer and to apply it most successfully to clocks. His application of it was to the old clock of Vick’s.

Then came the famous moment when a young Galileo observed the swinging lamp in the Pisa cathedral around 1582. The concept of the pendulum's isochronism, which he inferred from this observation, wasn’t published or practically used in clocks for almost sixty years afterward. In 1639, an older and blind Galileo dictated to his son a book where he discussed the isochronal properties of oscillating bodies and how they could be used for measuring time. He and others had utilized the pendulum to divide time, but they moved it by hand and counted its vibrations. However, the great Dutch scientist Huygens, around 1556, was the first to explain the principles and properties of the pendulum as a timekeeper and successfully applied it to clocks. His application was to Vick’s old clock.

The seventeenth century thus opened up a new era in clock and watch making. The investigations, discoveries, and inventions of Huygens and other Dutch[Pg 389] clock-makers, of Dr. Hooke and David Ramsey of England, Hautefeuille of France, and a few others placed the art of clock and watch making on the scientific basis on which it has ever since rested.

The seventeenth century marked the beginning of a new era in clock and watchmaking. The research, discoveries, and inventions of Huygens and other Dutch clockmakers, as well as Dr. Hooke and David Ramsey from England, Hautefeuille from France, and a few others, established the art of clock and watchmaking on the scientific foundation that it still relies on today.

The pendulum and watch-springs needed to have their movements controlled and balanced by better escapements. Huygens thought that the pendulum should be long and swing in a cycloidal course, but Dr. Hooke found the better way to produce perfect isochronous movements was to cause the pendulum to swing in short arcs, which he accomplished by his invention of the anchor escapement.

The pendulum and watch springs needed better escapements to control and balance their movements. Huygens believed that the pendulum should be long and swing in a cycloidal path, but Dr. Hooke discovered that the best way to achieve perfect isochronous movements was to make the pendulum swing in shorter arcs, which he achieved with his invention of the anchor escapement.

The fusee which Dr. Hooke re-invented consists of a conical spirally-grooved pulley, around which a chain is wound, and which is connected at one end to a barrel, in which the main actuating spring is tightly coiled. The fusee is thus interposed between the wheel train and the spring to equalise the power of the latter.

The fusee that Dr. Hooke reinvented is made up of a conical pulley with spiral grooves, around which a chain is wrapped. One end of the chain is attached to a barrel that holds the main spring tightly coiled. The fusee is placed between the wheel train and the spring to balance the power from the spring.

To Dr. Hooke must also be credited the invention of that delicate but efficient device, the hair-spring balance for watches. His inventions in this line were directed to the best means of utilising and controlling the force of springs, his motto being “ut tensio sic vis,” (as the tension is so is the force.) Repeating watches to strike the hours, half-hours and quarters, made their appearance in the seventeenth century. In the next century Arnold made one for George III., as small as an English sixpence. This repeated the hours, halves and quarters, and in it for the first time in the art a jewel was used as a bearing for the arbors, and this particular one was a ruby made into a minute cylinder.

To Dr. Hooke we owe the invention of the delicate yet effective device, the hair-spring balance for watches. His innovations focused on the best ways to utilize and control the force of springs, with his motto being “ut tensio sic vis,” (as the tension is, so is the force). Repeating watches that chimed the hours, half-hours, and quarters appeared in the seventeenth century. In the following century, Arnold crafted one for George III that was as small as an English sixpence. This watch chimed the hours, halves, and quarters, and for the first time in watchmaking, a jewel was used as a bearing for the arbors, specifically a ruby shaped into a tiny cylinder.

After the discovery and practical application of weights, springs, wheels, levers and escapements to[Pg 390] time mechanisms, subsequent inventions, numerous as they have been, have consisted chiefly, not in the discovery of new principles, but in new methods in the application of old ones. Prior to the eighteenth century, however, clocks were cumbrous and expensive, and the watches rightly regarded as costly toys; and as to their accuracy in time-measuring, the cheaper ones were hardly as satisfactory as the ancient sun-dials.

After the discovery and practical use of weights, springs, wheels, levers, and escapements for[Pg 390] time mechanisms, later inventions, no matter how numerous, have mainly focused not on discovering new principles but on finding new ways to apply the old ones. Before the eighteenth century, though, clocks were bulky and expensive, and watches were rightly seen as pricy toys; regarding their accuracy in timekeeping, the cheaper ones were barely better than the ancient sundials.

With the coming of the machine inventions and the new industrial and social ideas of the eighteenth century came an almost sudden new appreciation of the value of time. Hours, minutes and seconds began to be carefully prized, both by the trades and professions, and the demand from the common people for accurate time records became great. This demand it has been the office of the nineteenth century to supply, and to place clocks and watches within the reach of the poor as well as the rich. While thus lessening the cost of time-keepers their value has been enhanced by increasing their accuracy and durability.

With the arrival of machine inventions and the new industrial and social ideas of the eighteenth century came a sudden new appreciation for the value of time. Hours, minutes, and seconds started to be carefully valued by both trades and professions, and the demand from everyday people for accurate timekeeping became significant. The nineteenth century has worked to meet this demand, making clocks and watches accessible to both the poor and the rich. While reducing the cost of timepieces, their value has increased due to improvements in accuracy and durability.

Among the other ideas for which the eighteenth century was famous in watch-making was that of dispensing with the key for winding, thus saving the losing of keys and preventing access of dust, an idea which, however, was perfected only in the last half of the nineteenth century.

Among the other ideas for which the eighteenth century was famous in watch-making was that of doing away with the key for winding, which saved the hassle of losing keys and kept dust out. However, this idea was perfected only in the last half of the nineteenth century.

The eighteenth century was chiefly distinguished by its scientific improvements in time-keepers, to adapt them for astronomical observations and for use at sea, in not only accurately determining the time, but the degrees of longitude. Chronometers were invented, distinguished from watches and clocks, by means by which the fluctuation of the parts caused[Pg 391] by the variations in temperature are obviated or compensated. In clocks what are known as the mercurial and gridiron pendulums were invented respectively toward the close of the eighteenth century by Graham and Harrison, and the latter also subsequently invented the expanding and contracting balance wheel for watches. The principle in these appliances is the employment of two different metals which expand unequally, and thus maintain an uniformity of operation.

The eighteenth century was mainly marked by advances in timekeeping devices, making them suitable for astronomical observations and use at sea, not only to accurately tell time but also to determine degrees of longitude. Chronometers were invented, setting them apart from watches and clocks, with mechanisms that countered or adjusted for the fluctuations caused by temperature changes.[Pg 391] In clocks, what are known as the mercurial and gridiron pendulums were developed toward the end of the eighteenth century by Graham and Harrison, with the latter also inventing the expanding and contracting balance wheel for watches. The principle behind these devices involves using two different metals that expand at different rates, ensuring consistent performance.

The Dutch, with Huygens in the lead, were long among the leading clock-makers. Germany ranked next. It was in the seventeenth century that a wonderful industry in clock-making there commenced, which lasted for two centuries. The Black Forest region of South Germany became a famous locality for the manufacture of cheap wooden clocks. The system adopted was a minute division of labour. From fourteen to twenty thousand hands twenty years ago were employed in the Schwarzwald district. Labour-saving machines were ignored almost entirely. The annual production finally reached nearly two million clocks, of the value of about five million dollars.

The Dutch, led by Huygens, were for a long time among the top clockmakers. Germany was next in line. In the seventeenth century, a fantastic clock-making industry began there, lasting for two centuries. The Black Forest region of South Germany became well-known for producing inexpensive wooden clocks. They used a highly specialized division of labor. About fourteen to twenty thousand workers were employed in the Schwarzwald district twenty years ago. They nearly completely ignored labor-saving machines. The annual production eventually reached almost two million clocks, worth around five million dollars.

Switzerland in watch-making followed precisely the example of Germany in clock-making. It commenced there in the seventeenth and culminated in the nineteenth century. Many thousands of its population were engaged in the business and it flourished under the fostering care of the government—by the establishment of astronomical observations for testing the adjustment of the best watches, the giving of prizes, and the establishment and encouragement of schools of horology conducted on thorough scientific methods. A quarter of a century ago it was estimated [Pg 392]that in Switzerland 40,000 persons out of a population of 150,000 were engaged in watch-making, and that the annual production sometimes reached 1,600,000 completed movements. The whole world was their market. The United States alone was in 1875 importing 134,000 watches annually from that country.

Switzerland's approach to watch-making closely mirrored Germany's clock-making techniques. It started in the seventeenth century and peaked in the nineteenth. Thousands of people were involved in the industry, which thrived with government support—through astronomical observations to test the accuracy of high-quality watches, the awarding of prizes, and the establishment and promotion of scientifically rigorous horology schools. About twenty-five years ago, it was estimated that in Switzerland, 40,000 out of a population of 150,000 were working in watch-making, with annual production sometimes reaching 1,600,000 finished movements. They sold their products all over the world, with the United States alone importing 134,000 watches from Switzerland every year in 1875.

As in Germany, so one characteristic of the Swiss system was a minute sub-division of the labour. Individuals and entire families had certain parts only to make. It is said that the Swiss watch passed through the hands of one hundred and thirty different workmen before it was put upon the market. The use of machines was also, as in Germany, ignored. By this national devotion to a single trade and its sub-division of labour, the successful production of complicated watches became great and their prices comparatively low.

As in Germany, one key feature of the Swiss system was the detailed division of labor. Individuals and entire families were assigned specific parts to create. It's said that a Swiss watch went through the hands of one hundred and thirty different workers before it hit the market. The use of machines was also largely overlooked, just like in Germany. This national commitment to specializing in a single trade and its division of labor allowed for the successful production of complex watches, which made their prices relatively low.

The United States in the commencement of its career and at the opening of the century had no clocks or watches of its own manufacture. But it soon followed the example of Germany and Switzerland and established cheap clock manufactories, first of wood, and then of metal, which became famous and of world-wide use. But it could make no headway against the cheap labour of Europe in watch-making, and the country was flooded with watches of all qualities, principally from Switzerland and England. Finally, at the half-way mark in the century, the inquiry arose among Americans, why could not the system of the minute sub-division of human labour followed in watch-making countries so cheaply and profitably, be accomplished by machinery? The field was open, the prize was great, and the government stood ready to grant exclusive patents to every inventor who would devise a new and[Pg 393] useful machine. The problem was great, as the fields abroad had been filled for generations by skilled artisans who had reduced the complicated mechanism of watch-making to a fine art. Fortunately the habit had been established in America in several of the leading industries, principally in that of fire-arms, of fabricating separate machinery for the independent making of numerous parts of the same implement, whereby uniformity and interchangeability were established. Under such a practice, which was known as the American system, a duplicate of the smallest part of a complicated machine, lost or worn out thousands of miles from the factory, could soon be furnished by simply sending the number or name of such required part to the manufacturer, or to the nearest dealer in such machines.

At the start of its journey and at the beginning of the century, the United States didn’t have any clocks or watches made domestically. However, it quickly followed Germany and Switzerland's lead and started producing inexpensive clocks, first made of wood and then of metal, which gained fame and became popular worldwide. But it struggled to compete with Europe’s cheap labor in watch-making, leading to a flood of watches of all sorts, mainly from Switzerland and England. Eventually, halfway through the century, Americans began to wonder why the efficient, minute division of labor used in watch-making abroad, which was both cheap and profitable, couldn’t be replicated through machinery. The opportunity was there, the reward was significant, and the government was eager to grant exclusive patents to any inventor who could create a new and useful machine. The challenge was formidable since skillful artisans in other countries had perfected the intricate mechanics of watch-making over generations. Fortunately, a practice had already taken root in America in several key industries, particularly in firearms, which involved creating separate machinery for independently manufacturing various parts of the same item, ensuring uniformity and interchangeability. This approach, known as the American system, meant that a replacement for the smallest component of a complex machine, lost or worn out thousands of miles away from the factory, could be quickly provided simply by sending the part's number or name to the manufacturer or the nearest dealer in such machines.

With such encouragement and example the scheme of watch-making was commenced. Soon large factories were built, and by the time of the Centennial Exhibition in 1876, the American Watch Company of Waltham, Massachusetts, were enabled to present an exhibit of watch movements made by machinery, which astonished the world. Other great companies in different parts of the country soon followed with the same general system. Machines, working with the apparent intelligence and facility of human minds and hands, and with greater mathematical accuracy than was possible with the hands, appeared:—for cutting out the finest teeth from blank wheels stamped out from steel or brass; for making and cutting the smallest, finest threaded screws by the thousands per hour and with greatest uniformity and accuracy; for jewel-making; for cutting and polishing by diamonds, or sapphire-armed tools, the rough, unpolished diamond and ruby, crysolite,[Pg 394] garnet, or aqua-marine, and for boring, finishing and setting the same; for the formation of the most delicate pins or arbors; for the making of the escapements, including forks, pallets, rollers, and scape wheels; for making springs and balances, including the main-springs and hair-springs; for making and setting the stem-winding parts; for making the cases, and engraving the same, etc. The list would be too long to simply name all the ingenious machines there exhibited and subsequently invented for every important operation.

With such encouragement and example, the watch-making industry began. Soon, large factories were established, and by the time of the Centennial Exhibition in 1876, the American Watch Company in Waltham, Massachusetts, was able to showcase an exhibit of watch movements made by machines, which amazed the world. Other major companies across the country quickly followed suit with the same general approach. Machines, operating with a level of efficiency and skill that mimicked human intelligence, and with greater mathematical precision than manual methods allowed, emerged: for cutting the finest teeth from blank wheels made of steel or brass; for producing and cutting the tiniest, finest threaded screws by the thousands per hour with unmatched consistency and accuracy; for making jewels; for cutting and polishing raw, unrefined diamonds, rubies, chrysolite, garnets, and aquamarines using diamond or sapphire-tipped tools; for boring, finishing, and setting these stones; for creating delicate pins or arbors; for manufacturing escapements, including forks, pallets, rollers, and escape wheels; for creating springs and balances, including mainsprings and hairsprings; for producing and setting stem-winding parts; for crafting cases, and engraving them, etc. The list of all the innovative machines displayed and later invented for every significant process would be too extensive to mention.

It was the aim of these manufacturers to locate every great factory in some quiet and attractive spot, free from the dust of town, and city, and divide it into many departments, from the blacksmithing to the packing and transportation of the completed article; and to conduct every department with the best mechanical and mathematical skill that money and brains could provide.

It was the goal of these manufacturers to place every major factory in a peaceful and appealing location, away from the grime of towns and cities. They aimed to organize it into various departments, ranging from blacksmithing to packing and transporting the finished product, and to run each department with the highest level of mechanical and mathematical expertise that money and intellect could offer.

The same system was followed with equal success in producing the first-class pocket-chronometer for the nicest work to which chronometers can be put.

The same method was used with equal success in creating the top-quality pocket chronometer for the most precise tasks that chronometers can handle.

Thus with every watch and its every part made the exact duplicate of its fellow, uniformity in time-keeping has been established; and the simile of Pope is no longer so correct, “’Tis with our judgments as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own.” A simple statement of this system illustrates with greater force than an entire volume the revolution the nineteenth century has produced in the useful art of horology. And yet the story should not omit reference to the application of the electric system to clocks, whereby clocks at distant points of a city or country are connected, automatically corrected and set to standard time from a central observatory or other time station.[Pg 395]

Thus, with every watch and each part made as an exact replica of its counterpart, consistency in timekeeping has been achieved; and Pope's comparison isn't as accurate anymore: “It’s like our judgments and our watches, none are exactly the same, yet everyone believes theirs is.” A simple explanation of this system conveys more clearly than an entire book the transformation that the nineteenth century has brought to the useful art of watchmaking. However, the account should also acknowledge the use of electric systems in clocks, where clocks in various locations of a city or country are interconnected, automatically adjusted, and set to a standard time from a central observatory or other time station.[Pg 395]

Great as were the advances in horology during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the number of inventions that have been made in the nineteenth century is evidenced by the fact that in the United States alone about 4,000 patents have been granted since 1800, which, however, represent not only American inventors but very many of other countries.

Great as the advancements in watchmaking were during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the number of inventions made in the nineteenth century is shown by the fact that in the United States alone, about 4,000 patents have been granted since 1800. These patents represent not only American inventors but also many from other countries.

Registering Devices.—Devices for recording fares and money have employed the keenest wits of many inventors and is an art of quite recent origin. Attention was first directed to fare registers in public vehicles, the object of which is to accurately report to the proper office of the company at the end of a trip, or of the day, the number of passengers carried and the fares received. Portable registers, to be carried by the conductor and operated in front of the passenger have been almost universally succeeded by stationary ones set up at one end of the vehicle in open view of all the passengers and operated by a strap and lever by the conductor. These fare registers have been called “A mechanical conscience for street car conductors.”

Registering Devices.—Devices for recording fares and payments have challenged the creativity of many inventors and are a relatively new technology. The focus was initially on fare registers in public transportation, which aim to accurately report to the company's office at the end of a trip or day the number of passengers carried and the fares collected. Portable registers, carried by the conductor and used in front of the passengers, have largely been replaced by stationary ones positioned at one end of the vehicle, visible to all passengers and operated by a strap and lever by the conductor. These fare registers have been referred to as "a mechanical conscience for streetcar conductors."

Cash Registers, intended to compel honesty on the part of retail salesmen, are required to be operated by them, and when the proper lever, or levers, or it may be a crank handle, is or are touched, the machine automatically records the amount of the sale, the amount of change given, and the total amount of all the sales and money received and paid out.

Cash Registers, designed to encourage honesty among retail salespeople, must be operated by them. When the correct button, or buttons, or possibly a crank handle is engaged, the machine automatically records the sale amount, the change given, and the total of all sales and money received and paid out.

Voting Machines—designed to overcome the difficulties, expenditure of time, and the commission of errors and frauds experienced in the reading and counting of votes—have received great attention from inventors, and are not yet in a satisfactory condition. The problem involves the dispensing of printing the[Pg 396] ballots, the prevention of fraudulent deposition of ballots, the automatic correct counting of the same, and a display of the result as soon as the balloting is closed.

Voting Machines—created to address the challenges, time consumption, and mistakes and fraud encountered in counting and reading votes—have attracted significant interest from inventors, and they are still not in a satisfactory state. The issue includes eliminating the need for printing ballots, preventing the fraudulent submission of ballots, ensuring accurate automatic counting, and presenting the results as soon as voting ends.

Successful electrical devices have been made for recording the votes of a great number of persons in a large assembly by the touch of an “aye” or “nay” button at the seat of the voter and the recording of the same on paper at a central desk.

Successful electrical devices have been created for recording the votes of many people in a large assembly by the touch of an “aye” or “nay” button at the voter’s seat, with the results recorded on paper at a central desk.

The invention and extensive use of bicycles, automobiles, etc., have given rise to the invention of cyclometers, which are small devices connected to some part of the vehicle to indicate to the rider or driver the rate at which he is riding, and the number of miles ridden.

The invention and widespread use of bicycles, cars, and so on have led to the creation of cyclometers, which are small devices attached to some part of the vehicle that show the rider or driver how fast they are going and the total distance traveled.

Speed Indicators.—Many municipalities having adopted ordinances limiting the rate of speed for street and steam cars, bicycles, automobiles, and other vehicles, a want was created, which has been met, for devices to indicate to the passengers, drivers or conductors the rate at which the vehicle is travelling, and to sound an alarm in case of excess of speed, so that brakes can be applied and the speed reduced. Or to relieve persons of anxiety and trouble in this respect, ingenious devices have been contrived which automatically reduce the speed when the prescribed limit has been exceeded.

Speed Indicators.—Many cities have passed laws limiting the speed of streetcars, bicycles, cars, and other vehicles. This created a need for devices that show passengers, drivers, or conductors how fast the vehicle is going and sound an alarm if the speed limit is exceeded, allowing the brakes to be applied to slow down. To ease concerns and stress about this issue, clever devices have been developed that automatically slow down the vehicle when it exceeds the set speed limit.

Weighing Scales and Machines.—“Just balances and just weights” have been required from the day of the declaration, “a false weight is an abomination unto the Lord.” And therefore strict accuracy must always be the measure of merit of a weighing machine. To this standard the inventions of the century in weighing scales have come. Until this century the ordinary balance with equal even arms suspended [Pg 397]from a central point, and each carrying means for suspending articles to be weighed, or compared in weights, and the later steelyard with its unequal arms, with its graduated long arms and a sliding weight and holding pan, were the principal forms of weighing machines. Platform scales were described in an English patent to one Salman in 1796, but their use is not recorded. The compound lever scale on the principle of the steelyard, but arranged to be used with a platform, was invented and came into use in the United States about 1831. Thaddeus and Erastus Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, were the inventors, and it was found to meet the want of farmers in weighing hemp, hay, etc., by more convenient means than the ordinary steelyard. They converted the steelyard into platform scales. The leading characteristics of such machines are, first, a convenient platform nicely balanced on knife edges of steel levers, and second, a graduated horizontal beam, a sliding weight thereon connected by an upright rod at one end to the beam, and at its opposite end to the balance frame beneath the platform.

Weighing Scales and Machines.—“Fair balances and accurate weights” have been necessary since the declaration, “a false weight is an abomination unto the Lord.” Therefore, strict accuracy must always be the benchmark for evaluating a weighing machine. The inventions of this century in weighing scales have met this standard. Until now, the typical balance with equal arms suspended from a central point, each designed to hold items for weighing or comparing weights, along with the steelyard featuring uneven arms, graduated long arms, a sliding weight, and a holding pan, were the main types of weighing machines. Platform scales were mentioned in an English patent to one Salman in 1796, but their actual use isn’t documented. The compound lever scale, based on the steelyard but designed to work with a platform, was invented and began being used in the United States around 1831. Thaddeus and Erastus Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, were the inventors, and it was found to serve farmers better for weighing hemp, hay, and more, through a more convenient method than the traditional steelyard. They transformed the steelyard into platform scales. The key features of these machines are, first, a convenient platform well-balanced on the knife edges of steel levers, and second, a graduated horizontal beam with a sliding weight connected by an upright rod at one end to the beam and at the other end to the balance frame beneath the platform.

The modification in size and adaptation of this machine for the weighing of different commodities amounted to some 400 different varieties—running from the delicately-constructed apparatus for weighing the fraction of a grain, to the ponderous machines for weighing and recording the loaded freight car of fifty or sixty tons, or the canal-boat or other vessel with its load of five or six hundred tons. The adaptation of a balance platform on which to place a light load, or to drive thereon with heavy loads, whether of horses, steam, or water vehicles, was a great blessing to mankind. No wonder that they were soon sold[Pg 398] all over the world, and that monarchs and people hastened to heap honors on the inventors.

The size modification and adaptation of this machine for weighing different goods resulted in about 400 different types—ranging from a finely crafted device for measuring tiny amounts to heavy machines for weighing and recording the loaded freight cars of fifty or sixty tons, or canal boats and other vessels carrying loads of five or six hundred tons. The addition of a balance platform for placing light loads or supporting heavy loads, whether from horses, steam, or water vehicles, was a significant benefit to humanity. It’s no surprise that these machines were quickly sold all over the world, and that kings and people rushed to honor the inventors.[Pg 398]

Spring weighing scales have recently been invented, which will accurately and automatically show not only the weight but the total price of the goods weighed, the price per unit being known and fixed.

Spring weighing scales have been recently invented, which will accurately and automatically show not only the weight but also the total price of the goods weighed, with the price per unit being known and set.

In the weighing of large masses of coarse material, such as grain, coal, cotton seed, and the like, machines have been constructed which automatically weigh such materials and at the same time register the weight.

In weighing large amounts of rough materials, like grain, coal, cottonseed, and similar items, machines have been built that automatically weigh these materials while also recording the weight.

Previous to this century no method was known, except the exercise of good judgment in the light of experience, of accurately testing the strength of materials. Wood and metals were used in unnecessarily cumbrous forms for the purpose to which they were put, in order to ensure safety, or else the strength of the parts failed where it was most needed.

Before this century, there was no method for accurately testing the strength of materials except relying on good judgment based on experience. Wood and metals were used in unnecessarily heavy forms for their intended purposes to ensure safety, or the strength of the components failed where it was most needed.

The idea of testing the tensile, transverse, and cubical resisting strength of materials has been applied to many other objects than beams and bars of wood and metals; to belts, cloths, cables, wires, fibres, paper, twine, yarn, cement, and to liquids. Kiraldy, Kennedy, and others of England, Thomasset of France, Riehle of Germany, and Fairbanks, Thurston and Emery of the United States, are among the noted inventors of such machines.

The concept of testing the tensile, transverse, and cubic strength of materials has been used on many objects beyond wooden and metal beams and bars; it applies to belts, fabrics, cables, wires, fibers, paper, twine, yarn, cement, and even liquids. Kiraldy, Kennedy, and other inventors from England, Thomasset from France, Riehle from Germany, along with Fairbanks, Thurston, and Emery from the United States, are among the prominent creators of these machines.

In the Emery system of machines, consisting of scales, gages, and dynamometers, the power exerted on the material tested is transmitted from the load to an indicating device by means of liquid acting on diaphragms. The same principle is employed in his weighing machines.[Pg 399]

In the Emery system of machines, which includes scales, gauges, and dynamometers, the power applied to the material being tested is sent from the load to an indicating device using liquid that acts on diaphragms. The same principle is used in his weighing machines.[Pg 399]

By one of these hydraulic testing machines the tensile strength of forged links has been ascertained by the exertion of a power amounting to over 700,000 pounds before breaking a link, the chain breaking with a loud report.

By one of these hydraulic testing machines, the tensile strength of forged links has been tested using a force exceeding 700,000 pounds before breaking a link, resulting in a loud snap when the chain broke.

The most delicate materials are tested by the same machine—the tensile strength of a horsehair, some of which are found to stand the strain of one and two pounds. Eggs and nuts are cracked without being crushed, and the power exerted and the strain endured automatically recorded. Steel beams and rods have been subjected to a strain of a million pounds before breaking.

The most delicate materials are tested using the same machine—the tensile strength of a horsehair, some of which can handle a strain of one to two pounds. Eggs and nuts are cracked without getting crushed, and the force applied and the strain experienced are recorded automatically. Steel beams and rods have been put under a strain of a million pounds before they break.

Governments, municipalities, and the people generally are thus provided with means by which they can proceed with the greatest confidence in the safe and economical construction and completion of their buildings and public works.

Governments, cities, and the public are therefore given the tools to move forward with full confidence in the safe and cost-effective construction and completion of their buildings and public projects.


Music, Sound, Light, Fine Arts.

Neither the historic nor prehistoric records find man without musical instruments of some sort. They are as old as religion, and have been found wherever evidence of religious rites of any description have been found, as they constituted part of the instrumentalities of such rites. They are found as relics of worship and the dance, ages after the worshippers and the dancers have become part of the earth’s strata. They have been found wherever the earliest civilisations have been discovered; and they appear to have been regarded as desirable and necessary as the weapons and the labour implements of those civilisations. They abounded in China, in India, and in Egypt before the lyre of Apollo was invented, or the charming harp of Orpheus was conceived.

Neither historical nor prehistoric records show humans without some kind of musical instruments. They are as ancient as religion itself and have been found wherever there's evidence of any religious ceremonies, as they were part of the tools used in those rituals. Instruments survive as remnants of worship and dance, long after the worshippers and dancers have become part of the earth. They've been discovered in all the earliest civilizations and seem to have been seen as essential and as desirable as weapons and farming tools. They were plentiful in China, India, and Egypt long before the lyre of Apollo was created or the enchanting harp of Orpheus was imagined.

There was little melody according to modern standards, but the musical instruments, like all other inventions, the fruit of the brain of man, were slowly evolved as he wanted them, and to meet the conditions surrounding him.

There wasn't much melody by today's standards, but the musical instruments, like all other inventions created by humans, were slowly developed as people wanted them to be and in response to their environment.

There were the conch shell trumpet, the stone, bone, wood and metal dance rattles, the beaks of birds, and the horns and teeth of beasts, for the same rattling purpose. The simple reed pipes, the hollow wooden drums, the skin drum-heads, the stretched strings of fibre and of tendons, the flutes, the harps, the guitars,[Pg 401] the psalteries, and hundreds of other forms of musical instruments, varied as the skill and fancy of man varied, and in accordance with their taste and wants, along the entire gamut of noises and rude melodies. The ancient races had the instruments, but their voices, except as they existed in the traditions of their gods, were not harmonious.

There were conch shell trumpets, stone, bone, wood, and metal dance rattles, bird beaks, and the horns and teeth of animals, all used for similar noisy purposes. There were simple reed pipes, hollow wooden drums, skin drumheads, stretched strings made of fibers and tendons, flutes, harps, guitars,[Pg 401] psalteries, and countless other musical instruments, as diverse as people's skills and imaginations, created to suit their tastes and needs, covering a wide range of sounds and raw melodies. The ancient cultures had these instruments, but their voices, except as reflected in the legends of their gods, lacked harmony.

As modern wants and tastes developed and music became a science the demands of the nineteenth century were met by a Helmholtz, who discovered and explained the laws of harmony, and by many ingenious manufacturers, who so revolutionised the pianoforte action, and the action of musical instruments constructed on these principles, that their predecessors would hardly be recognised as prototypes.

As contemporary preferences evolved and music turned into a science, the needs of the nineteenth century were addressed by Helmholtz, who uncovered and clarified the principles of harmony, and by numerous innovative manufacturers who transformed the pianoforte action and the mechanisms of musical instruments built on these concepts so dramatically that their earlier versions would barely be identifiable as ancestors.

The story of the piano, that queen of musical instruments, involves the whole history of the art of music. Its evolution from the ancient harp, gleaned by man from the wind, “that grand old harper, who smote his thunder harp of pines,” is too long a story to here recite in detail. It must suffice to say, it started with the harp, in its simplest form, composed of a frame with animal tendons stretched tight thereon and twanged by the fingers. Then followed strings of varied length, size, and tension, to obtain different tones, soon accompanied by an instrument called the plectrum—a bone or ivory stick with which to vibrate the strings, to save the fingers. This was the harp of the Egyptians, and of Jubal, “the father of all such as handle the harp and the organ,” and half-brother of Tubal Cain, the great teacher “of every artificer in brass and iron.” Then the harp was laid prostrate, its strings stretched over a sounding board, and each held and adapted to be[Pg 402] tightened by pegs, and played upon by little hammers having soft pellets or corks at their ends. This was the psaltery and the dulcimer of the Assyrians and the Hebrews.

The story of the piano, the queen of musical instruments, is intertwined with the entire history of music. Its evolution from the ancient harp, taken from the wind, “that grand old harper, who struck his thunder harp of pines,” is too lengthy to retell in detail here. It’s enough to say it began with the harp, in its simplest form, made of a frame with animal tendons stretched tight and plucked by the fingers. Next came strings of different lengths, sizes, and tensions to create a variety of tones, soon joined by an instrument called the plectrum—a bone or ivory stick used to pluck the strings and spare the fingers. This was the harp of the Egyptians, and of Jubal, “the father of all such as handle the harp and the organ,” and half-brother of Tubal Cain, the great instructor “of every craftsman in brass and iron.” Then the harp was laid flat, its strings stretched over a sounding board, each held and adjusted to be[Pg 402] tightened by pegs and played with small hammers that had soft pellets or corks at their ends. This was the psaltery and the dulcimer of the Assyrians and the Hebrews.

The Greeks derived their musical instruments from the Egyptians, and the Romans borrowed theirs from the Greeks, but neither the Greeks nor the Romans invented any.

The Greeks got their musical instruments from the Egyptians, and the Romans took theirs from the Greeks, but neither the Greeks nor the Romans actually invented any.

Then, after fourteen or fifteen centuries, we find the harp, both in a horizontal and an upright position, with its strings played upon by keys. This was the clavicitherium. In the sixteenth century came the virginal, and the spinet, those soft, tinkling instruments favoured by Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, and which, recently brought from obscurity, have been made to revive the ancient Elizabethan melodies, to the delight of modern hearers. These were followed in the seventeenth century by the clavichord, the favourite instrument of Bach. Then appeared the harpsichord, a still nearer approach to the piano, having a hand or knee-worked pedal, and on which Mozart and Handel and Haydn brought out their grand productions. The ancient Italian cembello was another spinet.

Then, after fourteen or fifteen centuries, we see the harp, both in a horizontal and an upright position, with its strings being played by keys. This was the clavicitherium. In the sixteenth century, the virginal and the spinet emerged, those soft, tinkling instruments favored by Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, which, recently brought back into the spotlight, have revived the ancient Elizabethan melodies, delighting modern audiences. Following these in the seventeenth century was the clavichord, Bach’s favorite instrument. Then came the harpsichord, an even closer version of the piano, featuring a hand or knee-operated pedal, where Mozart, Handel, and Haydn created their grand compositions. The ancient Italian cembello was another type of spinet.

Thus, through the centuries these instruments had slowly grown. By 1711 in Italy, under the inventive genius of Bartolommeo Cristofori of Florence, they had culminated in the modern piano. The piano as devised by him differed from the instruments preceding it chiefly in this, that in the latter the strings were vibrated by striking and pulling on them by pieces of quills attached to levers and operated by keys, whereas, in the piano there were applied hammers in place of quills.

Thus, over the centuries, these instruments gradually evolved. By 1711 in Italy, thanks to the inventive genius of Bartolommeo Cristofori from Florence, they reached their peak in the modern piano. The piano he created was different from earlier instruments mainly because, in those, the strings were made to vibrate by being struck and pulled by quills attached to levers operated by keys, while in the piano, hammers were used instead of quills.

In the 1876 exhibition at Philadelphia, a piano [Pg 403] was displayed which had been made by Johannes Christian Schreiber of Germany in 1741.

In the 1876 exhibition in Philadelphia, a piano [Pg 403] was showcased that had been created by Johannes Christian Schreiber from Germany in 1741.

Then in the latter part of the eighteenth century Broadwood and Clementi of London and Erard of Strasburg and Petzold of Paris commenced the manufacture of their fine instruments. Erard particularly made many improvements in that and in the nineteenth century in the piano, its hammers and keys, and Southwell of Dublin in the dampers.

Then in the late eighteenth century, Broadwood and Clementi from London, Erard from Strasburg, and Petzold from Paris began producing their high-quality instruments. Erard, in particular, made several enhancements to the piano, its hammers, and keys, while Southwell from Dublin improved the dampers in the nineteenth century.

By them and the Collards of London, Bechstein of Berlin, and Chickering, Steinway, Weber, Schomacher, Decker and Knabe of America, was the piano “ripened after the lapse of more than 2,000 years into the perfectness of the magnificent instruments of modern times, with their better materials, more exact appliances, finer adjustments, greater strength of parts, increase of compass and power, elastic responsiveness of touch, enlarged sonority, satisfying delicacy, and singing character in tone.”

By them and the Collards of London, Bechstein of Berlin, and Chickering, Steinway, Weber, Schomacher, Decker, and Knabe of America, the piano has evolved over the course of more than 2,000 years into the perfection of the magnificent instruments we have today, featuring improved materials, more precise mechanisms, better adjustments, greater strength of components, a wider range and power, responsive touch, richer sound, satisfying delicacy, and a singing quality in tone.

A piano comprises five principal parts: first, the framing; second, the sounding board; third, the stringing; fourth, the key mechanism, or action, and fifth, the ornamental case. To supply these several parts separate classes of skilled artisans have arisen, the forests have been ransacked for their choicest woods, the mines have been made to yield their choicest stores, and the forge to weld its finest work. Science has given to music the ardent devotion of a lover, and resolved a confused mass of more or less pleasant noises into liquid harmonies. In 1862 appeared Helmholtz’s great work on the “Law and Tones and the Theory of Music.” He it was who invented the method of analysing sound. By the use of hollow bodies called resonators he found that every sound as it generally occurs in nature and as it is[Pg 404] produced by most of our musical instruments, or the human voice, is not a single simple sound, but a compound of several tones of different intensity and pitch; all of which different tones combined are heard as one; and that the difference of quality or timbre of the sounds of different musical instruments resides in the different composition of these sounds; that different compound sounds contain the same fundamental tone but differently mixed with other tones. He explained how these fundamental and compound tones might be fully developed to produce either harmonious or dissonant sensations. His researches were carried farther and added to by Prof. Mayer of New Jersey. These theories were practically applied in the pianos produced by the celebrated firm of Steinway and Sons of New York; and their inventions and improvements in the iron framing, in laying of strings in relation to the centre of the sounding-board, in “resonators” in upright frames, and in other features, from 1866 to 1876, produced a revolution in the art of piano making.

A piano consists of five main parts: first, the frame; second, the soundboard; third, the strings; fourth, the keyboard mechanism, or action; and fifth, the decorative case. To create these parts, different types of skilled craftsmen have emerged, the forests have been searched for the best woods, the mines have been tapped for their finest metals, and the forge has produced its best work. Science has infused music with the passion of a lover, transforming a chaotic mix of sounds into beautiful melodies. In 1862, Helmholtz published his significant work on “The Law of Tones and the Theory of Music.” He was the one who developed the method for analyzing sound. Using hollow objects called resonators, he discovered that every sound we typically hear in nature, as well as those made by most musical instruments or the human voice, is not a simple sound but a combination of multiple tones with varying intensity and pitch; all of these different tones are heard as one. He also found that the unique quality, or timbre, of sounds from different musical instruments is due to the different makeup of those sounds; these compound sounds contain the same fundamental tone but are mixed with other tones in different ways. He explained how these fundamental and compound tones could be developed fully to create harmonious or dissonant effects. His research was further explored and expanded upon by Prof. Mayer of New Jersey. These theories were practically implemented in the pianos made by the famous Steinway and Sons in New York; their innovations and advancements in iron framing, string placement relative to the soundboard center, “resonators” in upright pianos, and other aspects from 1866 to 1876 caused a revolution in piano manufacturing.

If the piano is properly the queen of musical instruments, the organ may be rightly regarded, as it has been named, “King in the realm of music.” It is an instrument, the notes of which are produced by the rush of air through pipes of different lengths, the air being supplied by bellows or other means, and controlled by valves which are operated by keys, and by which the supply of air is admitted or cut off.

If the piano is truly the queen of musical instruments, the organ can rightly be considered, as it has been called, the “king of the music world.” It’s an instrument where the notes are created by air flowing through pipes of various lengths, with the air provided by bellows or other methods, and controlled by valves that are operated by keys, regulating the flow of air in and out.

The earliest description appears to be that in the “Spiritalia” of Hero of Alexandria (150-200 B. C.) and Ctesibius of Alexandria was the inventor. A series of pipes of varying lengths were filled by an air-pump which was operated by a wind-mill. Organs were again originated in the early Christian[Pg 405] centuries; and a Greek epigram of the fourth century refers to one as provided with “reeds of a new species agitated by blasts of wind that rush from a leathern cavern beneath their roots, while a robust mortal, running with swift fingers over the concordant keys, makes them smoothly dance and emit harmonious sounds.”

The earliest description seems to be from the “Spiritalia” of Hero of Alexandria (150-200 B.C.), with Ctesibius of Alexandria as the inventor. A series of pipes of different lengths were filled using an air pump powered by a windmill. Organs were also developed in the early Christian[Pg 405] centuries; a Greek epigram from the fourth century mentions one equipped with “reeds of a new kind stirred by gusts of wind that rush from a leather chamber below their roots, while a strong person, quickly running their fingers over the matching keys, makes them play smoothly and produce harmonious sounds.”

The same in principle to-day, but more complicated in structure, “yet of easy control under the hands of experts, fertile in varied symphonious effects, giving with equal and satisfying success the gentlest and most sympathetic tones as well as complete and sublimely full utterances of musical inspiration.”

The same in principle today, but more complicated in structure, "yet easy to control by experts, producing a variety of harmonious effects, offering both gentle, sympathetic tones and complete, profoundly rich expressions of musical inspiration."

The improvements of the century have consisted in adding a great variety of stops; in connections and couplers of the great keyboard and pipes; in the pedal part; in the construction of the pipes and wind chests; and principally in the adaptation of steam, water, air, and electricity, in place of the muscles of men, as powers in furnishing the supply of air. Some of the great organs of the century, having three or four thousand pipes, with all the modern improvements, and combining great power with the utmost brilliancy and delicacy of utterance, and with a blended effect which is grand, solemn and most impressive, render indeed this noble instrument the “king” in the realm of music.

The advancements of the century have included a wide range of stops, connections, and couplers for the main keyboard and pipes, as well as improvements to the pedal section and the design of the pipes and wind chests. Most notably, the use of steam, water, air, and electricity has replaced human muscle as the means of providing air. Some of the major organs of the century have three or four thousand pipes, featuring all the latest enhancements, combining immense power with incredible brilliance and subtlety of sound, creating a rich effect that is grand, solemn, and truly impressive. This truly makes the organ the “king” in the world of music.

In the report of 1895 of the United States Commissioner of patents it is stated that “the autoharp has been developed within the past few years, having bars arranged transversely across the strings and provided with dampers which, when depressed, silence all the strings except those producing the desired chords.[Pg 406]

In the 1895 report by the United States Commissioner of Patents, it is stated that “the autoharp has been developed in recent years, featuring bars arranged across the strings and equipped with dampers that, when pressed, mute all the strings except for those creating the desired chords.[Pg 406]

“An ingenious musical instrument of the class having keyboards like the piano or organ has been recently invented. All keyboard instruments in ordinary use produce tones that are only approximately correct in pitch, because these must be limited in number to twelve, to the octave, while the tones of the violin are absolute or untempered. The improved instrument produces untempered tones without requiring extraordinary variations from the usual arrangement of the keys.”

“An innovative musical instrument with a keyboard like a piano or organ has recently been invented. All commonly used keyboard instruments create tones that are only roughly in tune because they are limited to twelve notes per octave, while the tones of a violin are precise and not modified. The improved instrument produces exact tones without needing any significant changes to the usual layout of the keys.”

Self-playing musical instruments have been known for more than forty years, but it is within the past twenty-five years that devices have been invented for controlling tones by pneumatic or electrical appliances to produce expressions. Examples of the later of these three kinds of musical instruments may be found in the United States patents of Zimmermann in 1882, Tanaka, 1890, and Gally, 1879.

Self-playing musical instruments have been around for over forty years, but it’s in the last twenty-five years that devices have been created to control tones using pneumatic or electrical mechanisms to produce expressive sounds. Examples of the latter type of musical instruments can be found in U.S. patents by Zimmermann in 1882, Tanaka in 1890, and Gally in 1879.

The science of acoustics and its practical applications have greatly advanced, chiefly due to the researches of Helmholtz, referred to above.

The science of acoustics and its practical applications have made significant progress, mainly because of the research conducted by Helmholtz, as mentioned earlier.

When the nature and laws of the waves of sound became fully known a great field of inventions was opened. Then came the telephone, phonograph, graphophone and gramophone.

When we fully understood the nature and laws of sound waves, a vast area for inventions emerged. That's when the telephone, phonograph, graphophone, and gramophone were invented.

The telephone depends upon a combination of electricity and the waves of the human voice. The phonograph and its modifications depend alone on sound waves—the recording of the waves from one vibrating membrane and their exact reproduction on another vibrating membrane.

The telephone relies on a mix of electricity and the waves produced by the human voice. The phonograph and its variations rely solely on sound waves—the capturing of waves from one vibrating membrane and their precise reproduction on another vibrating membrane.

The acoustic properties of churches and other buildings were improved by the adaptation of banks of fine wires to prevent the re-echoing of sounds. Auricular tubes adapted to be applied to the ears and[Pg 407] concealed by the hair, and other forms of aural instruments, were devised.

The sound qualities of churches and other buildings were enhanced by using fine wires to stop echoes. Ear tubes designed to fit in the ears and[Pg 407]hidden by hair, along with other types of hearing devices, were created.

The Megaphone of Edison appeared, consisting of two large funnels having elastic conducting tubes from their apices to the aural orifice. Conversation in moderate tones has been heard and understood by their use at a distance of one and a half miles. The megaphone has been found very useful in speaking to large outdoor crowds.

The Megaphone of Edison came out, featuring two big funnels connected by flexible tubes from their tips to the ear. Conversations at a moderate volume can be heard and understood from as far as one and a half miles away with it. The megaphone is very helpful for addressing large crowds outdoors.

But let us go back a little: In 1845, Chas. Bourseuil of France published the idea that the vibrations of speech uttered against a diaphragm might break or make an electric contact, and the electric pulsations thereby produced might set another diaphragm vibrating which should produce the transmitted sound waves. In 1857, another Frenchman, Leon Scott, patented in France his Phonautograph—an instrument consisting of a large barrel-like mouth-piece into which words were spoken, a membrane therein against which the voice vibrations were received, a stylus attached to this vibrating membrane, and a rotating cylinder covered with blackened paper, against which the stylus bore and on which it recorded the sound waves in exact form received on the vibrating diaphragm. Then came the researches and publications of Helmholtz and König on acoustic science, 1862-1866. Then young Philip Reis of Frankfort, Germany, attempted to put all these theories into an apparatus to reproduce speech, but did not quite succeed. Then in 1874-1875, Bell took up the matter, and at the Philadelphia exhibition, 1876, astonished the world by the revelations of the telephone. In April, 1877, Charles Cros, a Frenchman, in a communication to the Academy of Sciences in Paris, after describing an apparatus like[Pg 408] the Scott phonautograph, set forth how traced undulating lines of voice vibrations might be reproduced in intaglio or in relief, and reproduced upon a vibrating membrane by a pointed stylus attached thereto and following the line of the original pulsations. The communication seems to have been pigeon-holed, and not read in open session until December, 1877, and until after Thomas A. Edison had actually completed and used his phonograph in the United States. Cros rested on the suggestion. Edison, without knowing of Cros’ suggestion, was first to make and actually use the same invention. Edison’s cylinder, on which the sounds were recorded and from which they were reproduced, was covered by tin foil. A great advance was made by Dr. Chichester A. Bell and Mr. C. S. Tainter, who in 1886 patented in the United States means of cutting or engraving the sound waves in a solid body. The solid body they employed was a thin pasteboard cylinder covered with wax. This apparatus they called the graphophone. Two years thereafter, Mr. Emile Berliner of Washington had invented the gramophone, which consists in etching on a metallic plate the record of voice waves. He has termed his invention, “the art of etching the human voice.” He prepares a polished metal plate, generally zinc, with an extremely thin coating of film or fatty milk, which dries upon and adheres to the plate. The stylus penetrates this film, meeting from it the slightest possible resistance, and traces thereon the message. The record plate is then subjected to a particularly constituted acid bath, which, entering the groove or grooves formed by the stylus, cuts or etches the same into the plate. The groove thus formed may be deepened by another acid solution. When[Pg 409] thus produced, as many copies of the record as desired may be made by the electrotyper or print plater.

But let’s rewind a bit: In 1845, Chas. Bourseuil from France proposed that speech vibrations against a diaphragm could create or break an electric contact, and the resulting electric pulses could make another diaphragm vibrate to transmit sound waves. In 1857, another Frenchman, Leon Scott, patented his Phonautograph in France—an instrument with a large, barrel-like mouthpiece where words were spoken, a membrane that captured the voice vibrations, a stylus attached to this membrane, and a rotating cylinder covered with blackened paper, where the stylus traced and recorded the sound waves in exact form as received by the diaphragm. Then came the research and publications by Helmholtz and König on acoustic science from 1862 to 1866. Next, young Philip Reis from Frankfurt, Germany, tried to combine these theories into a device to reproduce speech but didn’t fully succeed. Then in 1874-1875, Bell took over the project, and at the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1876, he shocked the world with the revelations of the telephone. In April 1877, Charles Cros, a Frenchman, communicated to the Academy of Sciences in Paris that, after describing a device similar to Scott's phonautograph, he proposed how the traced undulating lines of voice vibrations could be reproduced in relief or intaglio on a vibrating membrane with a pointed stylus that followed the original pulsations. This communication seemed to have been filed away and wasn’t read publicly until December 1877, after Thomas A. Edison had already completed and used his phonograph in the United States. Cros suggested the idea, but Edison, unaware of Cros’ suggestion, was the first to create and actually use the same invention. Edison’s cylinder, where sounds were recorded and from which they were reproduced, was covered in tin foil. A significant advancement came from Dr. Chichester A. Bell and Mr. C. S. Tainter, who patented a method in the United States in 1886 for cutting or engraving sound waves into a solid medium. The medium they used was a thin pasteboard cylinder coated in wax, which they called the graphophone. Two years later, Mr. Emile Berliner from Washington invented the gramophone, which etched voice wave records onto a metal plate. He referred to his invention as “the art of etching the human voice.” He prepared a polished metal plate, usually zinc, with a very thin layer of film or fatty milk that dried and adhered to the plate. The stylus would penetrate this film with minimal resistance, tracing the message. The record plate was then put through a specially designed acid bath, which would enter the grooves created by the stylus, cutting or etching them into the plate. The grooves could be deepened using another acid solution. Once produced, as many copies of the record as needed could be made by the electrotyper or print plater.

The public is now familiar with the different forms of this wonderful instrument, and like the telephone, they no longer seem marvellous. Yet it is only within the age of a youth or a maiden when the allegations or predictions that the human voice would soon be carried over the land, and reproduced across a continent, or be preserved or engraven on tablets and reproduced at pleasure anywhere, in this or any subsequent generation, were themselves regarded as strange messages of dreamers and madmen.

The public is now familiar with the various forms of this amazing instrument, and like the telephone, they no longer seem extraordinary. Yet it is only during the youth of a young man or woman when the claims or predictions that the human voice would soon travel across the land, be reproduced continent-wide, or be preserved or recorded on devices and played back anytime, in this or any future generation, were considered strange messages from dreamers and lunatics.

Optical Instruments.—There were practical inventions in optical instruments long before this century. Achromatic and other lenses were known, and the microscope, the telescope and spectacles.

Optical Instruments.—There were practical inventions in optical instruments long before this century. Achromatic and other lenses were known, along with the microscope, the telescope, and glasses.

The inventive genius of this century in the field of optics has not eclipsed the telescope and microscope of former ages. They were the fruits of the efforts of many ages and of many minds, although Hans Lippersheim of Holland in 1608 appears to have made the first successful instrument “for seeing things at a distance.” Galileo soon thereafter greatly improved and increased its capacity, and was the first to direct it towards the heavens. And as to the microscope, Dr. Lieberkulm, of Berlin, in 1740, made the first successful solar microscope. As well known, it consisted essentially of two lenses and a mirror, by which the sun’s rays are reflected on the first lens, concentrated on the object and further magnified by the second lens.

The creative genius of this century in the field of optics hasn't overshadowed the telescopes and microscopes of earlier times. They were the result of many ages and many minds coming together, although Hans Lippersheim from Holland seems to have created the first successful device "for seeing things at a distance" in 1608. Galileo then significantly improved it and was the first to point it toward the sky. As for the microscope, Dr. Lieberkulm from Berlin developed the first successful solar microscope in 1740. It's well-known that it mainly consisted of two lenses and a mirror, which reflects sunlight onto the first lens, focuses it on the object, and further magnifies it with the second lens.

The depths of the stars and the minutest mote that floats in the sun beam reflect the glory of those inventions.[Pg 410]

The vastness of the stars and the tiniest speck that drifts in the sunlight both showcase the brilliance of those inventions.[Pg 410]

The invention of John Dolland of London, about 1758, of the achromatic lens should be borne in mind in connection with telescopes, microscopes, etc. He it was who invented the combination of two lenses, one concave and the other convex, one of flint glass and the other of crown glass, which, refracting in contrary ways, neutralised the dispersion of colour rays and produced a clear, colourless light.

The invention by John Dolland of London around 1758 of the achromatic lens is important to remember when discussing telescopes, microscopes, and similar devices. He created a combination of two lenses—one concave and the other convex, one made of flint glass and the other of crown glass—that, by refracting in opposite ways, canceled out the dispersion of color rays and produced a clear, colorless light.

Many improvements and discoveries in optics and optical instruments have been made during the century, due to the researches of such scientists as Arago, Brewster, Young, Fresnel, Airy, Hamilton, Lloyd, Cauchy and others, and of the labours of the army of skilled experts and mechanicians who have followed their lead.

Many advancements and discoveries in optics and optical instruments have occurred over the past century, thanks to the research of scientists like Arago, Brewster, Young, Fresnel, Airy, Hamilton, Lloyd, Cauchy, and others, as well as the efforts of the many skilled experts and engineers who have followed in their footsteps.

Sir David Brewster, born in Scotland in 1781, made (1810-1840) many improvements in the construction of the microscope and telescope, invented the kaleidoscope, introduced in the stereoscope the principles and leading features which those beautiful instruments still embody, and rendered it popular among scientists and artists.

Sir David Brewster, born in Scotland in 1781, made many advancements in the design of the microscope and telescope from 1810 to 1840. He invented the kaleidoscope and introduced principles and key features into the stereoscope that those amazing instruments still have today, making them popular among scientists and artists.

It is said that Prof. Eliot of Edinburgh in 1834 was the first to conceive of the idea of a stereoscope, by which two different pictures of the same object, taken by photography, to correspond to the two different positions of an object as viewed by the two eyes, are combined into one view by two reflecting mirrors set at an angle of about 45°, and conveying to the eyes a single reflection of the object as a solid body. But Sir Charles Wheaton in 1838 constructed the first instrument, and in 1849 Brewster introduced the present form of lenticular lenses.

It is said that Prof. Eliot of Edinburgh in 1834 was the first to come up with the idea of a stereoscope, which combines two different photographs of the same object, corresponding to the two different positions of an object as seen by each eye, into one image using two angled mirrors set at about 45°. This setup creates a single image of the object that appears three-dimensional. However, it was Sir Charles Wheaton who built the first actual instrument in 1838, and in 1849, Brewster introduced the current design of lenticular lenses.

Brewster also demonstrated the utility of dioptric lenses, and zones in lighthouse illumination; and in[Pg 411] which field Faraday and Tyndall also subsequently worked with the addition of electrical appliances. The labours of these three men have illuminated the wildest waters of the sea and preserved a thousand fleets of commerce and of war from awful shipwreck.

Brewster also showed how useful dioptric lenses and zones are in lighthouse lighting; and in[Pg 411] that area, Faraday and Tyndall later contributed with the use of electrical devices. The work of these three men has brightened the roughest seas and protected countless commercial and military ships from devastating shipwrecks.

As illustrating the difficulties sometimes encountered in introducing an invention into use, the American Journal of Chemistry some years ago related that the Abbé Moigno, in introducing the stereoscope to the savants of France, first took it to Arago, but Arago had a defect of vision which made him see double, and he could only see in it a medley of four pictures; then the Abbé went to Savart, but unfortunately Savart had but one eye and was quite incapable of appreciating the thing. Then Becquerel was next visited, but he was nearly blind and could see nothing in the new optical toy. Not discouraged, the Abbé then called upon Puillet of the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. Puillet was much interested, but he was troubled with a squint which presented to his anxious gaze but a blurred mixture of images. Lastly Brot was tried. Brot believed in the corpuscular theory of light, and was opposed to the undulatory theory, and the good Abbé not being able to assure him that the instrument did not contradict his theory, Brot refused to have anything to do with it. In spite, however, of the physical disabilities of scientists, the stereoscope finally made its way in France.

As an example of the challenges that can come with getting an invention into use, the American Journal of Chemistry reported some years ago that Abbé Moigno, while trying to introduce the stereoscope to the scholars of France, first showed it to Arago. However, Arago had a vision problem that caused him to see double, so he could only perceive a jumble of four images. The Abbé then visited Savart, but unfortunately, Savart had only one eye and couldn't fully appreciate the device. Next, he went to see Becquerel, but he was almost blind and couldn't see anything in the new optical gadget. Undeterred, the Abbé approached Puillet from the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. Puillet was intrigued, but he had a squint that made him see a blurred mix of images. Lastly, he tried Brot. Brot believed in the particle theory of light and was against the wave theory, and since the Abbé couldn't assure him that the instrument didn't contradict his theory, Brot refused to engage with it. Despite the physical limitations of these scientists, the stereoscope eventually gained acceptance in France.

Besides increasing the power of the eye to discover the secrets and beauties of nature, modern invention has turned upon the eye itself and displayed the wonders existing there, behind its dark glass doors. It was Helmholtz who in 1851 described his Ophthalmoscope[Pg 412]. He arranged a candle so that its rays of light, falling on an inclined reflector, were thrown through the pupil of the patient’s eye, whose retina reflected the image received on the retina back to the mirror where it could be viewed by the observer. This image was the background of the eye, and its delicate blood vessels and tissues could thus be observed. This instrument was improved and it gave rise to the contrivance of many delicate surgical instruments for operating on the eye.

In addition to enhancing our ability to uncover the secrets and beauty of nature, modern inventions have turned their focus on the eye itself, revealing the wonders hidden behind its dark glass doors. In 1851, Helmholtz introduced his Ophthalmoscope[Pg 412]. He positioned a candle so that its light rays hit an angled reflector, projecting them through the pupil of the patient’s eye. The retina then reflected the image back to the mirror, allowing the observer to see it. This image represented the back of the eye, revealing its delicate blood vessels and tissues. The instrument was further refined, leading to the development of many intricate surgical tools for eye operations.

The Spectroscope is an instrument by which the colours of the solar rays are separated and viewed, as well as those of other incandescent bodies. By it, not only the elements of the heavenly bodies have been determined, but remarkable results have been had in analysing well-known metals and discovering new ones. Its powers and its principles have been so developed during the century by the discoveries, inventions and investigations of Herschel, Wollaston, Fraunhofer, Bronsen and Kirchoff, Steinheil, Tyndall, Huggins, Draper and others, that spectrum analysis has grown from the separation of light into its colours by the prism of Newton, to what Dr. Huggins has aptly termed “a new sense.”

The Spectroscope is an instrument that separates and displays the colors of sunlight, as well as those of other glowing bodies. With it, we’ve not only identified the elements of celestial bodies, but we’ve also made significant advancements in analyzing well-known metals and discovering new ones. During the past century, the instrument’s capabilities and principles have expanded thanks to the discoveries, inventions, and research of Herschel, Wollaston, Fraunhofer, Bronsen, Kirchoff, Steinheil, Tyndall, Huggins, Draper, and others. Spectrum analysis has evolved from Newton's basic separation of light into its colors using a prism to what Dr. Huggins has cleverly described as “a new sense.”

We have further referred to this wonderful discovery in the Chapter on Chemistry.

We have also talked about this amazing discovery in the Chapter on Chemistry.

The inventions and improvements in optical instruments gave rise to great advances in the making of lenses, based on scientific principles, and not resting alone on hard work and experience. Alvan Clark a son of America, and Prof. Ernst Abbe of Germany, have within the last third of the century produced a revolution in the manufacture of lenses, and thereby extended the realms of knowledge to new worlds of matter in the heavens and on earth.[Pg 413]

The inventions and improvements in optical instruments led to significant advancements in lens-making, grounded in scientific principles rather than just hard work and experience. Alvan Clark, an American, and Professor Ernst Abbe from Germany have, in the last third of the century, revolutionized lens manufacturing, thereby expanding our understanding to new realms of matter both in the sky and on Earth.[Pg 413]

Solarmeter.—In 1895 a United States patent was granted to Mr. Bechler for an instrument called a solarmeter. It is designed for taking observations of heavenly bodies and recording mechanically the parts of the astronomical triangle used in navigation and like work. Its chief purpose is to determine the position of the compass error of a ship at sea independently of the visibility of the sea horizon. If the horizon is clouded, and the sun or a known star is visible, a ship’s position can still be determined by the solarmeter.

Solarmeter.—In 1895, the United States issued a patent to Mr. Bechler for a device called a solarmeter. It’s designed to observe celestial bodies and mechanically record the components of the astronomical triangle used in navigation and similar tasks. Its main purpose is to find out the compass error of a ship at sea without relying on the visibility of the sea horizon. If the horizon is obscured by clouds but the sun or a known star is visible, a ship's position can still be determined using the solarmeter.

Instruments for Measuring the Position and Distances of Unseen Objects.—Some of the latest of such instruments will enable one to see and shoot at an object around a corner, or at least out of sight. Thus a United States patent was granted to Fiske in 1889, wherein it is set forth that by stationing observers at points distant from a gun, which points are at the extremities of a known base line, and which command a view of the area within the range of the gun, the observers discover the position and range of the object by triangulation and set certain pointers. By means of electrical connection between those pointers and pointers at the gun station based on the system of the Wheatstone bridge, the latter pointers, or the guns themselves serving as pointers, may be placed in position to indicate the line of fire. By a nice arrangement of mirror and lenses attached to a firearm the same object may be accomplished. Similar apparatuses in which the reflectory surfaces of mirrors mounted on an elevated frame-work, and known as Polemoscopes and Altiscopes and Range-Finders, have also been invented, and used with artillery. But such devices may be profitably used for more peaceful and amusing purposes.[Pg 414]

Instruments for Measuring the Position and Distances of Unseen Objects.—Some of the latest instruments now allow you to see and aim at an object around a corner, or at least out of sight. In 1889, a United States patent was granted to Fiske, which explains that by positioning observers at points far from a gun, located at the ends of a known baseline, and giving them a view of the area within the gun’s range, the observers can determine the position and distance of the object through triangulation and set pointers accordingly. By using an electrical connection between those pointers and pointers at the gun station based on the Wheatstone bridge system, the latter pointers, or the guns themselves acting as pointers, can be adjusted to indicate the line of fire. A clever setup of mirrors and lenses attached to a firearm can achieve the same result. Similar devices, using reflective surfaces of mirrors mounted on elevated frameworks, known as Polemoscopes, Altiscopes, and Range-Finders, have also been invented and used with artillery. However, these devices can also be effectively utilized for more peaceful and entertaining purposes.[Pg 414]

Born with the ear attuned to music and the eye to observe beauty, the hand of Art was to trace and make permanent the fleeting forms which melody and the eye impressed upon the soul of man.

Born with an ear for music and an eye for beauty, the hand of Art was meant to capture and make lasting the fleeting forms that melody and sight imprinted on the soul of humanity.

In fact modern science has demonstrated that tones and colours are inseparable. Bell and Tainter with their photophone have converted the undulatory waves of light into the sweetest music. Reversing the process, beautiful flashes of light have been produced from musical vibrations by the phonophote of M. Coulon and the phonoscope of Henry Edmunds.

In fact, modern science has shown that tones and colors are connected. Bell and Tainter, with their photophone, have turned light waves into delightful music. By reversing the process, stunning flashes of light have been created from musical vibrations using M. Coulon's phonophote and Henry Edmunds' phonoscope.

Entrancing as the story is, we can only here allude to a few of those discoveries and inventions that have become the handmaidens of the art which guided the chisel of Phidias and inspired the brush of Raphael.

Entrancing as the story is, we can only here mention a few of those discoveries and inventions that have become essential to the art that guided the chisel of Phidias and inspired the brush of Raphael.

Photography.—The art of producing permanent images of the “human face divine,” natural scenes, and other objects, by the agency of light, is due more to the discoveries of the chemist than to the inventions of the mechanic; and to the chemists of this century. At the same time a mechanical invention of old times became a necessary appliance in the reduction of the theories of the chemists to practice:—The Camera Obscura, that dark box in which a mirror is placed, provided also with a piece of ground glass or white cardboard paper, and having a projecting part at one end in which a lens is placed, whereby when the lens part is directed to an object an image of the same is thrown by the rays of light focused by the lens upon the mirror, and reflected by the mirror to the glass or paper board, was invented by Roger Bacon about 1297, or by Alberta in 1437, described by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500 as an imitation of the structure of the eye, again by Baptista Porta in 1589, and remodelled by Sir Isaac Newton in 1700. Until[Pg 415] the 19th century it was used only in the taking of sketches and scenes on or from the card or glass on which the reflection was thrown.

Photography.—The art of creating permanent images of the "divine human face," natural landscapes, and other subjects using light is more attributed to the discoveries of chemists than to mechanical inventions. This is especially true for the chemists of this century. At the same time, an old mechanical invention became essential in putting the chemists' theories into practice: the Camera Obscura. This dark box contains a mirror and is equipped with a piece of ground glass or white cardboard. It has a projecting part at one end that holds a lens. When the lens is pointed at an object, the rays of light focused by the lens create an image that is reflected off the mirror onto the glass or paper. The Camera Obscura was invented by Roger Bacon around 1297 or by Alberta in 1437, and was described by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500 as resembling the structure of the eye. It was revisited by Baptista Porta in 1589 and reworked by Sir Isaac Newton in 1700. Until[Pg 415] the 19th century, it was used only for creating sketches and scenes on or from the surface where the reflection was cast.

Celebrated chemists such as Sheele of the 18th century, and Ritter, Wollaston, Sir Humphry Davy, Young, Gay-Lussac, Thenard, and others in the early part of the 19th century, began to turn their attention to the chemical and molecular changes which the sunlight and its separate rays effected in certain substances, and especially upon certain compounds of silver. In sensitising the receiving paper, glass, or metal with such a compound it must necessarily be protected from exposure to sunlight, and this fact, together with the desire to sensitise the image produced by the camera, not only suggested but seemed to render that instrument indispensable to photography. Nevertheless the experiments of chemists fell short of the high mark, and it was reserved for an artist to unite the efforts of the sun and the chemists in a successful instrument.

Famous chemists like Sheele in the 18th century, along with Ritter, Wollaston, Sir Humphry Davy, Young, Gay-Lussac, Thenard, and others in the early 19th century, began focusing on the chemical and molecular changes that sunlight and its individual rays caused in certain substances, particularly in certain silver compounds. When preparing the receiving paper, glass, or metal with such a compound, it had to be kept away from sunlight. This requirement, combined with the goal of sensitizing the image created by the camera, not only suggested but also made that device essential for photography. However, the chemists' experiments did not achieve great success, and it took an artist to successfully combine the efforts of the sun and the chemists in one effective instrument.

It was Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, born at Corneilles, France, in 1789, and who died in 1851, who was the first to reduce to practice the invention called after his name. He was a brilliant scene painter, and especially successful in painting panoramas. In 1822, assisted by Bouton, he had invented the diorama, by which coloured lights representing the various changes of the day and season were thrown upon the canvasses in his beautiful panoramas of Rome, London, Naples and other great cities. Several years previous to 1839 he and Joseph N. Niepce, learning of the efforts of chemists in that line, began independently, and then together, to develop the art of obtaining permanent copies of objects produced by the chemical action of the sun.[Pg 416] Niepce died while they were thus engaged. Daguerre prosecuted his researches alone, and toward the close of 1838 his success was such that he made known his invention to Arago, and Arago announced it in an eloquent and enthusiastic address to the French Academy of Sciences in January 1839. It at once excited great attention, which was heightened by the pictures produced by the new process. The French Government, in consideration of the details of the invention and its improvements being made public and on request of Daguerre, granted him an annuity and one also to Niepce’s son.

It was Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, born in Corneilles, France, in 1789 and who passed away in 1851, who was the first to bring to life the invention that bears his name. He was a talented scene painter and particularly known for his impressive panoramas. In 1822, with help from Bouton, he invented the diorama, which projected colored lights representing the various changes of the day and seasons onto canvases of his stunning panoramas of cities like Rome, London, Naples, and others. Several years before 1839, he and Joseph N. Niepce, having learned about chemists' efforts in this area, started to independently—and then collaboratively—develop the technique for creating permanent images through the chemical action of sunlight.[Pg 416] Niepce passed away while they were working together. Daguerre continued his research alone, and by the end of 1838, he had made enough progress to share his invention with Arago, who then presented it in an eloquent and enthusiastic speech to the French Academy of Sciences in January 1839. This announcement sparked significant interest, amplified by the striking images produced by the new method. The French Government, considering the details of the invention and the desire to publicize its improvements at Daguerre's request, granted him a pension, as well as one for Niepce’s son.

At first only pictures of natural objects were taken; but in learning of Daguerre’s process Dr. John William Draper of New York, a native of England and adopted son of America, the brilliant author of The Intellectual Development of Europe, and other great works, in the same year, 1839, took portraits of persons by photography, and he was the first to do this. Draper was also the first in America to reveal the wonders of the spectroscope; and he was first to show that each colour of the spectrum had its own peculiar chemical effect. This was in 1847.

At first, only photos of natural objects were taken; but after learning about Daguerre’s process, Dr. John William Draper from New York, a native of England and adopted son of America, the brilliant author of The Intellectual Development of Europe and other significant works, took portraits of people using photography in the same year, 1839, making him the first to do so. Draper was also the first in America to showcase the wonders of the spectroscope, demonstrating in 1847 that each color of the spectrum had its own unique chemical effect.

The sun was now fairly harnessed in the service of man in the new great art of Photography. Natural philosophers, chemists, inventors, mechanics, all now pressed forward, and still press forward to improve the art, to establish new growths from the old art, and extend its domains. Those domains have the generic term of Photo-Processes. Daguerreotypy, while the father of them all, is now hardly practised as Daguerre practised it, and has become a small subordinate sub-division of the great class. Yet more faithful likenesses are not yet produced than by this now old process. Among the children of the[Pg 417] Photo-Process family are the Calotype, Ambrotype, Ferreotype, Collodion and Silver Printing, Carbon Printing, Heliotype, Heliogravure, Photoengraving (relief intaglio-Woodburytype), Photolithography; Alberttype; Photozincograph, Photogelatine-printing; Photomicrography (to depict microscopic objects), Kinetographs, and Photosculpture. A world of mechanical contrivances have been invented:—Octnometers, Baths, Burnishing tools, Cameras and Camera stands, Magazine and Roll holders; Dark rooms and Focussing devices, Heaters and Driers; Exposure Meters, etc. etc.

The sun is now effectively harnessed for human use in the exciting field of photography. Natural philosophers, chemists, inventors, and mechanics are all actively working to enhance the art, develop new techniques from the traditional methods, and expand its reach. These areas are collectively known as Photo-Processes. Although daguerreotypy is considered the ancestor of all, it's now rarely used in the same way Daguerre practiced it and has become a minor part of the broader category. However, no other method has yet produced more accurate likenesses than this now outdated process. Among the various techniques in the [Pg 417] Photo-Process family are the Calotype, Ambrotype, Ferreotype, Collodion, Silver Printing, Carbon Printing, Heliotype, Heliogravure, Photoengraving (relief intaglio-Woodburytype), Photolithography; Alberttype; Photozincograph, Photogelatine-printing; Photomicrography (to illustrate microscopic objects), Kinetographs, and Photosculpture. A variety of mechanical devices have been created: Octnometers, Baths, Burnishing tools, Cameras and Camera stands, Magazine and Roll holders; Dark rooms and Focusing devices, Heaters and Driers; Exposure Meters, and so on.

The Kinetograph, for taking a series of pictures of rapidly moving objects, and by which the living object, person or persons, are made to appear moving before us as they moved when the picture was taken, is a marvellous invention; and yet simple when the process is understood. Photography and printing have combined to revolutionise the art of illustration. Exact copies of an original, whether of a painting or a photograph, are now produced on paper with all the original shades and colours. The long-sought-for problem of photographing in colours has in a measure been solved. The “three colour processes” is the name given to the new offspring of the inventors which reproduces by the camera the natural colours of objects.

The Kinetograph captures a series of images of quickly moving objects, allowing us to see people or things in motion just like they were when the picture was taken. It's an amazing invention, and surprisingly simple once you understand how it works. Photography and printing have come together to completely change illustration. We can now create exact copies of originals, whether they’re paintings or photographs, on paper with all the original shades and colors. The long-desired goal of capturing images in color has partly been achieved. The “three color processes” is the term for the new technology that captures the natural colors of objects through the camera.

The scientists Maxwell Young and Helmholtz established the theory that the three colours, red, green, and blue, were the primary colours, and from a mixture of these, secondary colours are produced. Henry Collen in 1865 laid down the lines on which the practical reduction should take place; and within the last decade F. E. Ives of Philadelphia has invented the Photochromoscope for producing pictures[Pg 418] in their natural colours. The process consists in blending in one picture the separate photographic views taken on separate negative plates, each sensitised to receive one of the primary colours, which are then exposed and blended simultaneously in a triple camera.

The scientists Maxwell Young and Helmholtz established the theory that the three colors—red, green, and blue—are the primary colors, and that secondary colors are created by mixing them. In 1865, Henry Collen outlined the methods for practical reduction, and in the last decade, F. E. Ives from Philadelphia invented the Photochromoscope for producing pictures[Pg 418] in their natural colors. The process involves combining separate photographic views taken on different negative plates, each sensitized to capture one of the primary colors, which are then exposed and blended simultaneously in a triple camera.

Plates and films and many other articles and processes have helped to establish the Art of Photography on its new basis.

Plates, films, and various other tools and techniques have contributed to establishing the Art of Photography on a new foundation.

Among the minor inventions relating to Art, mention may be made of that very useful article the lead pencil, which all have employed so much time in sharpening to the detriment of time and clean hands. Within a decade, pencils in which the lead or crayon is covered instead of with wood, with slitted, perforated or creased paper, spirally rolled thereon, and on which by unrolling a portion at a time a new point is exposed; or that other style in which a number of short, sharpened marking leads, or crayons, are arranged in series and adapted to be projected one after the other as fast as worn away.

Among the minor inventions related to art, we should mention the very useful item, the lead pencil, which everyone spends so much time sharpening, to the detriment of their time and clean hands. In the last decade, there have been pencils where the lead or crayon is covered not with wood but with slitted, perforated, or creased paper that is spirally rolled on it. By unrolling a section at a time, a new point is revealed; or another style where several short, sharpened marking leads or crayons are lined up and can be pushed out one after the other as they wear down.

In Painting modern inventions and discoveries have simply added to the instrumentalities of genius but have created no royal road to the art made glorious by Titian and Raphael. It has given to the artists, through its chemists, a world of new colours, and through its mechanics new and convenient appliances.

In Painting, modern inventions and discoveries have just expanded the tools available to talented artists but haven't created an easy path to the art that was made famous by Titian and Raphael. It has provided artists, through its chemists, a variety of new colors, and through its mechanics, new and convenient tools.

Air Brushes have proved a great help by which the paint or other colouring matter is sprayed in heavy, light, or almost invisible showers to produce backgrounds by the force of air blown upon the pigments held in drops at the end of a fine spraying tube. Made of larger proportions, this brush has been used for fresco painting, and for painting large objects,[Pg 419] such as buildings, which it admits of doing with great rapidity.

Air brushes have been really helpful for spraying paint or other coloring materials in heavy, light, or nearly invisible bursts to create backgrounds using air blown onto the pigments held in droplets at the end of a fine spray tube. Made in larger sizes, this brush is used for fresco painting and for painting large objects, [Pg 419] like buildings, which allows for very quick work.

A description of modern methods of applying colours to porcelain and pottery is given in the chapter treating of those subjects.

A description of modern methods for applying colors to porcelain and pottery is provided in the chapter covering those topics.

Telegraphic pictures:—Perhaps it is appropriate in closing this chapter that reference be made to that process by which the likeness of the distant reader may be taken telegraphically. A picture in relief is first made by the swelled gelatine or other process; a tracing point is then moved in the lines across the undulating surface of the pictures, and the movements of this tracer are imparted by suitable electrical apparatus to a cutter or engraving tool at the opposite end of the line and there reproduced upon a suitable substance.

Telegraphic pictures:—Maybe it's fitting to mention the process that allows for a distant reader's likeness to be captured telegraphically as we wrap up this chapter. First, a raised image is created using swollen gelatin or another method. Then, a tracing point moves along the wavy surface of the pictures, and the motions of this tracer are transmitted via appropriate electrical equipment to a cutter or engraving tool at the other end of the line, where it is reproduced on a suitable material.


Safes and locks.

Prior to the century safes were not constructed to withstand the test of intense heat. Efforts were numerous, however, to render them safe against the entrance of thieves, but the ingenuity of the thieves advanced more rapidly than the ingenuity of safe-makers. And the race between these two classes of inventors still continues. For with the exercise of a vast amount of ingenuity in intricate locks, aided by all the advancement of science as to the nature of metals, their tough manufacture and their resistance to explosives, thieves still manage to break in and steal. The only sure protection against burglars at the close of the nineteenth century appears to consist of what it was at the close of any previous century—the preponderance of physical force and the best weapons. Among the latest inventions are electrical connections with the safe, whereby tampering therewith alarms one or more watchmen at a near station.

Before the century, safes weren't built to handle extreme heat. There were many attempts to make them secure against thieves, but the creativity of thieves evolved faster than that of safe manufacturers. This competition between these two types of inventors continues today. Despite the complex locks designed with advanced scientific knowledge about metals, their durability, and resistance to explosives, thieves still find ways to break in and steal. At the end of the nineteenth century, the most reliable protection against burglars seems to be what it has always been at the end of any previous century—the advantage of physical strength and the best weapons. One of the latest innovations includes electrical connections to the safe that alert one or more nearby watchmen if tampering occurs.

A classification of safes embraces, Fire-proof, Burglar-proof, Safe Bolt Works, Express and Deposit Safes and Boxes, Circular Doors, Pressure Mechanism, and Water and Air Protective Devices.

A classification of safes includes, Fire-proof, Burglar-proof, Safe Bolt Works, Express and Deposit Safes and Boxes, Circular Doors, Pressure Mechanism, and Water and Air Protective Devices.

The attention of the earliest inventors of the century were directed toward making safes fire-proof. In England the first patent granted for a fire-proof safe was to Richard Scott in 1801. It had two casings, [Pg 421]an inner and outer one, including the door, and the interspace was filled in with charcoal, or wood, and treated with a solution of alkaline salt.

The focus of the earliest inventors of the century was on creating fireproof safes. In England, the first patent for a fireproof safe was granted to Richard Scott in 1801. It featured two casings, [Pg 421] an inner and an outer one, including the door, and the space between them was filled with charcoal or wood and treated with a solution of alkaline salt.

This idea of interspacing filled in with non-combustible material has been generally followed ever since. The particular inventions in that line consist in the discovery and appliance of new lining materials, variations in the form of the interspacing, and new methods in the construction of the casings, and the selection of the best metals for such construction.

This concept of using non-flammable materials to fill the gaps has been widely adopted ever since. The specific innovations in this area include discovering and using new lining materials, altering the shape of the gaps, developing new construction methods for the casings, and choosing the best metals for that construction.

In 1834 William Marr of England patented a lining for a double metallic chest, filled with non-combustible materials such as mica, or talc clay, lime, and graphite. Asbestos commenced to be used about the same time.

In 1834, William Marr from England patented a lining for a double metal chest, filled with non-flammable materials like mica, talc clay, lime, and graphite. Asbestos started to be used around the same time.

The great fire in New York City in 1835, destroying hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of property of every description, gave a great impetus to the invention of fire-proof safes in America.

The massive fire in New York City in 1835, which wiped out hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of property of all types, significantly boosted the invention of fireproof safes in America.

B. G. Wilder there patented in 1843 his celebrated safe, now extensively used throughout the world. It consisted of a double box of wrought-iron plates strengthened at the edges with bar iron, with a bar across the middle; and as a filling for the interspaces he used hydrated gypsum, hydraulic cement, plaster of paris, steatite, alum, and the dried residuum of soda water.

B. G. Wilder patented his famous safe in 1843, which is now widely used around the world. It was made of a double box of wrought-iron plates reinforced at the edges with bar iron, featuring a bar across the middle. For the spaces in between, he used hydrated gypsum, hydraulic cement, plaster of Paris, steatite, alum, and the leftover residue from soda water.

Herring was another American who invented celebrated safes, made with a boiler-iron exterior, a hardened steel inner safe, with the interior filled with a casting of franklinite around rods of soft steel. Thus the earth, air and water were ransacked for lining materials, in some cases more for the purpose of obtaining a patent than to accomplish [Pg 422]any real advance in the art. Water itself was introduced as a lining, made to flow through the safes, sometimes from the city mains, and so retained that when the temperature in case of fire reached 212° F. it became steam; and an arrangement for introducing steam in place of water was contrived. Among other lining materials found suitable were soapstone, alumina, ammonia, copperas, starch, Epsom salts, and gypsum, paper, pulp, and alum, and a mixture of various other materials.

Herring was another American who created famous safes, featuring a boiler-iron exterior and a hardened steel inner safe, with the inside filled with a casting of franklinite around soft steel rods. This way, earth, air, and water were scoured for lining materials, sometimes more to secure a patent than to truly advance the technology. Water was even used as a lining, flowing through the safes, sometimes sourced from the city's mains, and retained so that when the temperature in case of fire hit 212° F, it turned into steam; there was also a mechanism for substituting steam for water. Other suitable lining materials included soapstone, alumina, ammonia, copperas, starch, Epsom salts, gypsum, paper, pulp, alum, and a mix of various other substances.

After safes were produced that would come out of fiery furnaces where they had been buried for days without even the smell of fire or smoke upon their contents, inventors commenced to direct their attention to burglar-proof safes.

After safes were made that could come out of raging fires where they had been buried for days without any trace of fire or smoke on their contents, inventors started to focus on creating burglar-proof safes.

Chubb, in 1835, patented a process of rendering wooden safes burglar proof by lining them with steel, or case-hardened iron plate. Newton in 1853 produced one made of an outer shell of cast iron, an interior network of wrought iron rods, and fluid iron poured between these, so that a compound mass was formed of different degrees of resistance to turn aside the burglar’s tools. Chubb again, in 1857, and in subsequent years, and Chartwood, Glocker, and Thompson and Tann and others in England invented new forms to prevent the insertion of wedges and the drilling by tools. Hall and Marvin of the United States also invented safes for the same purpose. Hall had thick steel plates dovetailed together; and angle irons tenoned at the corners. Marvin’s safe was globeshaped, to present no salient points for the action of tools, made of chrome steel, mounted in this shape on a platform, or enclosed in a fire-proof safe. Herring also invented a safe in which he hinged and[Pg 423] grooved the doors with double casings, and which he hung with a lever-hinge, provided the doors with separate locks and packed all the joints with rubber to prevent the operation of the air pump—which had become a dangerous device of burglars with which to introduce explosives to blow open the doors.

Chubb, in 1835, patented a method to make wooden safes burglar-proof by lining them with steel or hardened iron plates. In 1853, Newton created one with an outer shell of cast iron, an interior framework of wrought iron rods, and liquid iron poured between them, forming a composite mass with varying levels of resistance against burglars' tools. Chubb again in 1857, along with Chartwood, Glocker, Thompson, Tann, and others in England, developed new designs to stop the insertion of wedges and drilling with tools. Hall and Marvin from the United States also designed safes for the same purpose. Hall used thick steel plates joined together and angle irons at the corners. Marvin's safe was globe-shaped to avoid any protruding points that tools could grip, made of chrome steel, and either mounted on a platform or housed in a fireproof safe. Herring invented a safe with hinged, grooved doors featuring double casings that were hung with a lever hinge, equipped the doors with separate locks, and sealed all joints with rubber to stop the air pump's operation—a dangerous device burglars used to introduce explosives to blast open the doors.

Still later and more elaborate means have been used to frustrate the burglars. Electricity has been converted into an automatic warder to guard the castle and the safe and to give an alarm to convenient stations when the locks or doors are meddled with and the proper manipulation not used. Express safes for railroad cars have been made of parts telescoped or crowded together by hydraulic power, requiring heavy machinery for locking and unlocking, and this machinery is located in machine shops along the route and not accessible to burglars.

Still later and more advanced methods have been used to thwart the burglars. Electricity has been turned into an automated guard to protect the castle and the safe, alerting nearby stations when the locks or doors are tampered with and not handled correctly. Express safes for train cars have been constructed with parts fitted tightly together using hydraulic power, requiring heavy machinery for locking and unlocking. This machinery is housed in machine shops along the route, making it inaccessible to burglars.

About 1815 inventors commenced to produce devices to show with certainty if a lock had been tampered with. The keyhole was closed by a revolving metallic curtain, and paper was secured over the keyhole. As a further means of detection photographs of some irregular object are made, one of which is placed over the keyhole and the other is retained. This prevents the substitution of one piece of paper for another piece without detection. A large number of patents have been taken out on glass coverings for locks which have to be broken before the lock can be turned. These are called seal locks.

About 1815, inventors started creating devices to reliably show if a lock had been tampered with. The keyhole was covered by a rotating metal curtain, and paper was secured over it. To enhance detection, photographs of some irregular object were taken, with one placed over the keyhole and the other kept aside. This makes it impossible to swap one piece of paper for another without detection. A lot of patents have been issued for glass coverings on locks that must be broken before the lock can be turned. These are referred to as seal locks.

Locks of various kinds, consisting at least of the two general features of a bolt and a key to move the bolt, have existed from very ancient days. The Egyptians, the Hebrews and the Chinese, and Oriental nations generally had locks and keys of ponderous size. Isaiah speaks of the key of the house[Pg 424] of David; and Homer writes sonorously of the lock in the house of Penelope with its brazen key, the respondent wards, the flying bars and valves which,

Locks of different types, which basically include a bolt and a key to operate the bolt, have been around since ancient times. The Egyptians, Hebrews, Chinese, and generally all Oriental nations used to have locks and keys that were quite large. Isaiah mentions the key to the house[Pg 424] of David; and Homer poetically describes the lock in Penelope's house with its bronze key, the responsive wards, the sliding bars, and valves that,

“Loud as a bull makes hills and valley ring,
So roared the lock when it released the spring.”

"As loud as a bull makes the hills and valleys resonate,
So the lock made a loud noise when it released the spring.

The castles, churches and convents of the middle ages had their often highly ornamental locks and their warders to guard and open them. Later, locks were invented with complex wards. These are carved pieces of metal in the lock which fit into clefts or grooves in the key and prevent the lock from being opened except by its own proper key.

The castles, churches, and convents of the Middle Ages had their often elaborate locks and their guards to protect and open them. Later on, locks were created with intricate wards. These are carved metal pieces inside the lock that fit into slots or grooves in the key, preventing the lock from opening except with the correct key.

As early as 1650 the Dutch had invented the Letter lock, the progenitor of the modern permutation lock, consisting of a lock the bolt of which is surrounded by several rings on which were cut the letters of the alphabet, which by a prearrangement on the part of the owner were made to spell a certain word or number of words before the lock could be opened. Carew, in verses written in 1621, refers to one of these locks as follows:—

As early as 1650, the Dutch invented the letter lock, the ancestor of the modern permutation lock. This lock has a bolt surrounded by several rings with the letters of the alphabet cut into them. The owner would prearrange them to spell a specific word or set of words to unlock it. Carew, in verses written in 1621, mentions one of these locks as follows:—

“As doth a lock that goes with letters; for, till every one be known,
The lock’s as fast as though you had found none.”

"Like a lock that matches letters; because, until everyone is recognized,
"The lock is just as secure as if you hadn't found any."

The art had also advanced in the eighteenth century to the use of tumblers in locks, the lever or latch or plate which falls into a notch of the bolt and prevents it from being shot until it has been raised or released by the action of the key. Barron in England in 1778 obtained a patent for such a lock.

The art also progressed in the eighteenth century to include the use of tumblers in locks, which refer to the lever, latch, or plate that falls into a notch of the bolt, preventing it from being shot until it is lifted or released by the action of the key. Barron in England received a patent for such a lock in 1778.

Joseph Bramah, who has before been referred to in connection with the hydraulic press he invented, also in 1784 invented and patented in England a lock which obtained a world-wide reputation and a[Pg 425] century’s extensive use. It was the first, or among the first of locks which troubled modern burglars’ picks. Its leading features were a key with longitudinal slots, a barrel enclosing a spring, plates, called sliders, notched unequally and resting against the spring, a plate with a central perforation and slits leading therefrom to engage the notches of the slides simultaneously and allow the frame to be turned by the key so as to actuate the bolt. Chubb and Hobbs of England made important improvements in tumbler locks, which for a long time were regarded as unpickable.

Joseph Bramah, previously mentioned for inventing the hydraulic press, also invented and patented a lock in England in 1784 that gained worldwide recognition and was widely used for a century. It was one of the first locks that posed challenges for modern burglars’ picks. Its main features included a key with long slots, a barrel with a spring, and plates called sliders that were notched unevenly and rested against the spring. There was also a plate with a central hole and slits leading to it, designed to engage the notches of the sliders simultaneously and allow the frame to turn with the key, thereby moving the bolt. Chubb and Hobbs of England made significant improvements to tumbler locks, which were considered unpickable for a long time.

Most important advances have been made during the century in Combination or Permutation Locks and Time Locks. For a long time permutation or combination locks consisted of modifications of one general principle, and that was the Dutch letter lock already referred to, or the wheel lock, composed of a series of disks with letters around their edges. The interior arrangement is such as to prevent the bolt being shot until a series of letters were in line, forming a combination known only to the operator. Time locks are constructed on the principle of clockwork, so that they cannot be opened even with the proper key until a regulated interval of time has elapsed.

Most significant advancements have been made over the past century in Combination or Permutation Locks and Time Locks. For a long time, permutation or combination locks were variations of one main concept, which was the Dutch letter lock mentioned earlier, or the wheel lock, made up of a series of disks with letters around their edges. The internal setup is designed to prevent the bolt from being shot until a specific sequence of letters is aligned, creating a combination known only to the user. Time locks are built on the clockwork principle, so they can't be opened—even with the correct key—until a designated period of time has passed.

Among the most celebrated combination and time locks of the century are those known as the Yale locks, chiefly the inventions of Louis Yale, Jr., of Philadelphia. The Yale double dial lock is a double combination bank or safe lock having two dials, each operating its own set of tumblers and bolts, so that two persons, each in possession of his own combination, must be present at a certain time in order to unlock it. If this double security is not desired, one person alone may be possessed of both combinations,[Pg 426] or the combinations may be set as one. In their time locks a safe can be set so as to not only render it impossible to unlock except at a predetermined time each day, but the arrangement is such that on intervening Sundays the time mechanism will entirely prevent the operation of the lock or the opening of the door on that day.

Among the most famous combination and time locks of the century are the Yale locks, mainly invented by Louis Yale, Jr., from Philadelphia. The Yale double dial lock is a double combination lock used in banks or safes, featuring two dials, each controlling its own set of tumblers and bolts. This means that two people, each with their own combination, need to be present at a specific time to unlock it. If this double security isn’t needed, one person can hold both combinations, [Pg 426] or the combinations can be set as a single one. With their time locks, a safe can be programmed to only unlock at a predetermined time each day, and the setup is such that on intervening Sundays, the time mechanism will completely stop the lock from operating or the door from opening on that day.

Another feature of the lock is the thin, flat keys with bevel-edged notchings, or with longitudinal sinuous corrugations to fit a narrow slit of a cylinder lock. To make locks for use with the corrugated keys machines of as great ingenuity as the locks were devised. In such a lock the keyhole, which is a little very narrow slit, is formed sinuously to correspond to the sinuosities of the key. No other key will fit it, nor can it be picked by a tool, as the tool must be an exact duplicate of the key in order to enter and move in the keyhole.

Another feature of the lock is the thin, flat keys with beveled notches or with wavy grooves designed to fit a narrow slot of a cylinder lock. To create locks compatible with these grooved keys, machines as innovative as the locks themselves were developed. In such a lock, the keyhole, which is a very narrow slit, is shaped curvily to match the curves of the key. No other key will fit it, nor can it be picked with a tool, as the tool must be an exact replica of the key to be able to enter and operate in the keyhole.

Of late years numerous locks have been invented for the special uses to which they are to be applied. Thus, one type of lock is that for safety deposit vaults and boxes, in which a primary key in the keeping of a janitor operates alone the tumblers or guard mechanism to set the lock, while the box owner may use a secondary key to completely unlock the box or vault.

In recent years, many locks have been designed for specific uses. One type of lock is for safety deposit vaults and boxes, where a main key kept by a janitor operates the tumblers or guard mechanism to set the lock, while the box owner uses a secondary key to fully unlock the box or vault.

Master, or secondary key locks, are now in common use in hotels and apartment-houses, by which the key of the door held by a guest will unlock only his door, but the master key held by the manager or janitor will unlock all the doors. This saves the duplication and multiplicity of a vast number of extra keys.

Master or secondary key locks are now commonly used in hotels and apartment buildings. The key a guest has will only unlock their own door, while the master key held by the manager or janitor can unlock all doors. This eliminates the need for a huge number of extra keys.

The value of a simple, cheap, safe, effective lock in a place where its advantages are appreciated by all[Pg 427] classes of people everywhere is illustrated in the application of the modern rotary registering lock to the single article of mail bags. Formerly it was not unusual that losses by theft of mail matter were due in part to the extraction of a portion of the mail matter by unlocking or removing the lock and then restoring it in place.

The importance of a basic, affordable, secure, and effective lock in a place where everyone values its benefits is shown in how the modern rotary registering lock is applied to mail bags. In the past, it was common for thefts of mail to happen because someone would unlock or take off the lock, extract some of the mail, and then put it back in place.[Pg 427]

The United States, with its 76,000,000 of people, found it necessary to use in its mail service hundreds of thousands of mail pouches, having locks for securing packages of valuable matter. But these locks are of such character that it is impossible for anyone to break into the bag and conceal the evidence of his crime. The unfortunate thief is reduced to the necessity of stealing the whole pouch. Losses under this system have grown so small “as to be almost incapable of mathematical calculation.”

The United States, with its 76,000,000 people, found it necessary to use hundreds of thousands of locked mail pouches for its mail service to secure packages of valuable items. However, these locks are designed in a way that makes it impossible for anyone to break into the bag and hide the evidence of their crime. The unfortunate thief is left with no choice but to steal the entire pouch. Losses under this system have become so minimal that they are "almost incapable of mathematical calculation."

Safe and convenient locks for so very many purposes are now so common, even to prevent the unauthorised use of an umbrella, or the unfriendly taking away of a bicycle or other vehicle, that notwithstanding the nineteenth century dynamite with which burglars still continue to blow open the best constructed safes and vaults, still a universal sense of greater security in such matters is beginning to manifest itself; and not only the loss of valuables by fire and theft is becoming the exception, but the temptation to steal is being gradually removed.

Safe and convenient locks for various purposes are now incredibly common, even to stop unauthorized use of an umbrella or the unwelcome taking of a bike or other vehicle. Despite the fact that burglars still use dynamite in the 19th century to blast open even the best safes and vaults, there is a growing sense of security in these matters. Not only is the loss of valuables due to fire and theft becoming less common, but the temptation to steal is slowly being reduced.


Carrying equipment.

The reflecting observer delights occasionally to shift the scenes of the present stage and bring to the front the processions of the past. That famous triumphal one, for instance, of Ptolemy of Philadelphus, at Alexandria, about 270 B. C., then in the midst of his power and glory, in which there were chariots and cumbrous wagons drawn by elephants and goats, antelopes, oryxes, buffaloes, ostriches, gnus and zebras; then a tribe of the Scythians, when with many scores of oxen they were shifting their light, big round houses, made of felt cloth and mounted on road carts, to a new camping place; next a wild, mad dash of the Roman charioteers around the amphitheatre, or a triumphal march with chariots of carved ivory bearing aloft the ensigns of victory; and now an army of the ancient Britons driving through these same charioteers of Cæsar with their own rude chariots, having sharp hooks and crooked iron blades extending from their axles; now a “Lady’s Chair” of the fourteenth century—the state carriage of the time—with a long, wooden-roofed and windowed body, having a door at each end, resting on a cumbrous frame without springs, and the axles united rigidly to a long reach; next comes a line of imposing clumsy state coaches of the sixteenth century, with bodies provided with pillars to support the roof, and adorned with curtains of cloth and leather,[Pg 429] but still destitute of springs; and here in stately approach comes a line of more curious and more comfortable “royal coaches” of the seventeenth century, when springs were for the first time introduced; and now rumbles forward a line of those famous old English stage coaches originated in the seventeenth century, which were two days flying from Oxford to London, a distance of fifty-five miles; but a scene in the next century shows these ponderous vehicles greatly improved, and the modern English stage mail-coaches of Palmer in line. Referring to Palmer’s coaches, Knight says: “Palmer, according to De Quincey, was twice as great a man as Galileo, because he not only invented mail-coaches (of more general practical utility than Jupiter’s satellites), but married the daughter of a duke, and succeeded in getting the post-office to use them. This revolutionised the whole business.” The coaches were built with steel springs, windows of great strength and lightness combined, boots for the baggage, seats for a few outside passengers, and a guard with a grand uniform, to protect the mail and stand for the dignity of his majesty’s government.

The reflective observer sometimes enjoys shifting the scenes of the present stage to highlight the processions of the past. Take, for example, the famous triumphal procession of Ptolemy of Philadelphus in Alexandria around 270 B.C., during the height of his power and glory. It featured chariots and heavy wagons pulled by elephants, goats, antelopes, oryxes, buffaloes, ostriches, gnu, and zebras. Then there were the Scythians, transporting their large round felt houses on carts, moving with many scores of oxen to a new campsite. Next, there’s the wild dash of Roman charioteers racing around the amphitheater, or their triumphant march with ivory-carved chariots carrying victory symbols. Now, we see an army of ancient Britons clashing with Caesar’s charioteers using their own crude chariots equipped with sharp hooks and crooked iron blades extending from their axles. Then we have a “Lady’s Chair” from the fourteenth century—the state carriage of the time—featuring a long wooden body with a roof, windows, and doors at each end, sitting on a heavy frame without springs, with the axles rigidly connected to a long reach. Following that are the bulky state coaches of the sixteenth century, supported by pillars to hold the roof and decorated with cloth and leather curtains, yet still lacking springs. Coming next is a line of more intricate and comfortable “royal coaches” from the seventeenth century, marking the first introduction of springs. And now, we see those iconic old English stagecoaches from the seventeenth century, which took two days to travel from Oxford to London, a distance of fifty-five miles. However, by the next century, these heavy vehicles had seen significant improvements, with modern English stage mail-coaches from Palmer lining the streets. Knight notes about Palmer’s coaches: “Palmer, according to De Quincey, was twice as great a man as Galileo because he not only invented mail-coaches (which were more generally useful than Jupiter’s satellites), but he also married a duke’s daughter and got the post office to use them. This revolutionized the whole business.” The coaches were built with steel springs, strong yet lightweight windows, compartments for baggage, seats for a few outside passengers, and a guard in a grand uniform to protect the mail and uphold the dignity of his majesty’s government.

By the system of changing horses frequently great speed was attained, and the distance from Edinburgh to London, 400 miles, was made in 40 hours. Other lines of coaches, arranged to carry double the number of passengers outside than in, fourteen to six, were made heavier, and took the road more leisurely.

By frequently changing horses, they achieved great speed, and the distance from Edinburgh to London, which is 400 miles, was covered in 40 hours. Other coach routes, designed to carry double the number of passengers outside compared to inside—fourteen to six—were heavier and traveled the road at a more relaxed pace.

The carts and conveyances of the poor were cumbrous, heavy contrivances, without springs, mostly two-wheel, heavy carts.

The carts and vehicles of the poor were cumbersome, heavy devices, without springs, mostly two-wheeled, heavy carts.

The middle classes at that time were not seen riding in coaches of their own, but generally on horseback, as the coaches of the rich were too expensive,[Pg 430] and the conveyances of the poor were too rude in construction, and too painful in operation.

The middle classes back then weren't seen riding in their own coaches; they mostly traveled on horseback since the rich people's coaches were too costly,[Pg 430] while the poor's vehicles were too poorly made and uncomfortable to use.

Let the observer now pass to the largest and most varied exhibition of the best types of modern vehicles of every description that the world had ever seen, the International Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876, and behold what wonderful changes art, science, invention, and mechanical skill had wrought in this domain. Here were the carriages of the rich, constructed of the finest and most appropriate woods that science and experience had found best adapted for the various parts, requiring the combination of strength and lightness, the best steel for the springs, embodying in themselves a world of invention and discovery, and splendid finish and polish in all parts unknown to former generations.

Let’s turn our attention to the largest and most diverse display of the finest modern vehicles of every kind that the world had ever witnessed: the International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. Look at the amazing transformations that art, science, innovation, and engineering have brought to this field. Here were the luxurious carriages, crafted from the finest and most suitable woods identified by science and experience for various components, balancing strength and lightness, using the best steel for the springs, incorporating a universe of creativity and breakthroughs, with a stunning finish and polish in every detail that previous generations could not have imagined.

Here, too, were found vehicles of a great variety for the comfort and convenience of every family, from the smallest to the largest means.

Here, too, were found vehicles of many types for the comfort and convenience of every family, from the smallest to the largest budget.

The farmer and the truckman were especially provided for. One establishment making an exhibition at that time, employed some six hundred or seven hundred hands, four hundred horse-power of steam, turning out sixty wagons a day, or one in every ten minutes of each working day in the year.

The farmer and the truck driver were well taken care of. One company that was exhibiting at that time hired around six hundred or seven hundred people, used four hundred horsepower of steam, and produced sixty wagons a day, or one every ten minutes during each working day of the year.

Here England showed her victoria, her broughams, landaus, phætons, sporting-carts, wagonettes, drays and dog-carts; Canada her splendid sleighs; France her superb barouches, carriages, double-top sociables, the celebrated Collinge patent axle-trees and springs; Germany the best carriage axles, springs and gears; Russia its famous low-wheeled fast-running carriages; Norway its carryalls, or sulkies, and sleighs strongly built, and made of wood from those vast forests that ever abound in strength[Pg 431] and beauty. One ancient sleigh there was, demurely standing by its modern companions, said to have been built in 1625, and it was still good. America stood foremost in carriage wheels of best materials and beautiful workmanship, bent rims, turned and finished spokes, mortised hubs, steel tires, business and farm wagons, carts and baby carriages. Each trade and field of labour had its own especially adapted complete and finished vehicle. There were hay wagons and hearses; beer wagons and ice carts; doctors’ buggies, express wagons, drays, package delivery wagons; peddlers’ wagons with all the shelves and compartments of a miniature store, skeleton wagons, and sportsmen’s, and light and graceful two and four “wheelers.” Beautiful displays of bent and polished woods, a splendid array of artistic, elegant, and useful harnesses, and all the traps that go to make modern means of conveyance by animal power so cheap, convenient, strong and attractive that civilisation seemed to have reached a stop in principles of construction of vehicles and in their materials, and since contents itself in improving details.

Here, England showcased her carriages, including broughams, landaus, phaetons, sporting carts, wagonettes, drays, and dog carts; Canada displayed its impressive sleighs; France presented its elegant barouches, carriages, double-top sociables, and the renowned Collinge patent axle trees and springs; Germany offered the finest carriage axles, springs, and gears; Russia exhibited its famous low-wheeled, fast-running carriages; Norway featured its sturdy carryalls, sulkies, and sleighs made from strong wood from the abundant forests. One old sleigh, quietly standing among its modern counterparts, was said to have been built in 1625 and was still in good condition. America led in carriage wheels made of the best materials and crafted beautifully, with bent rims, turned and finished spokes, mortised hubs, steel tires, as well as business and farm wagons, carts, and baby carriages. Each profession and field had its specifically designed, complete vehicle. There were hay wagons and hearses; beer wagons and ice carts; doctors' buggies, express wagons, drays, package delivery wagons; peddlers' wagons with shelves and compartments like a miniature store, skeleton wagons, and light, graceful two- and four-wheelers. Stunning displays of bent and polished woods, an impressive range of artistic and practical harnesses, and all the gear that contributes to making modern animal-powered transportation affordable, convenient, sturdy, and attractive made it feel like civilization had reached a standstill in vehicle construction principles and materials, content to focus on refining the details.

To this century is due the development of that class of carriages, the generic term for which is Velocipedes—a word which would imply a vehicle propelled by the feet, although it has been applied to vehicles propelled by the hands and steered by the feet. This name originated with the French, and several Frenchmen patented velocipedes from 1800 to 1821.

To this century, we owe the creation of a type of carriage known as Velocipedes—a term that suggests a vehicle powered by the feet, though it has also been used for vehicles powered by the hands and steered by the feet. This name comes from the French, and several French inventors patented velocipedes between 1800 and 1821.

Tricycles having three wheels, propelled by the hands and steered with the feet, were also invented in the early part of the century.

Tricycles with three wheels, powered by the hands and steered with the feet, were also created in the early part of the century.

The term Bicycle does not appear to have been used until about 1869.[Pg 432]

The word Bicycle doesn’t seem to have been used until around 1869.[Pg 432]

Although such structures had been referred to in publications before, yet the modern bicycle appears to have been first practically constructed in Germany. In 1816 Baron von Drais of Manheim made a vehicle consisting of two wheels arranged one before the other, and connected by a bar, the forward wheel axled in a fork which was swiveled to the front end of the bar and had handles to guide the machine, with a seat on the bar midway between the two wheels, and arranged so that the driver should bestride the bar. But there was no support for the rider’s feet, and the vehicle was propelled by thrusting his feet alternately against the ground. This machine was called the “Draisine” and undoubtedly was the progenitor of the modern bicycle. Denis Johnson patented in England in 1818 a similar vehicle which he named the “Pedestrian Curricle.” Another style was called the “Dandy Horse.” Another form was that of Gompertz in England in 1821, who contrived a segmental rack connected with a frame over the front wheel and engaging a pinion on the wheel axle. With some improvements added by others, the vehicle came into quite extensive and popular use in some of the cities in Europe and America. It was also named the “Dandy” and the “Hobby Horse.” Treadles were subsequently applied, but after a time the machine fell into disuse and was apparently forgotten. In 1863, however, the idea was revived by a Frenchman, Michaux, who added the crank to the front wheel axle of the “Draisine” (also called the “célérifèré.”) In 1866 Pierre Lallement of France, having adapted the idea of the crank and pedal movement and obtained a patent, went to America, where after two years of public indifference the machine suddenly sprung[Pg 433] into favour. In 1869 a popular wave in its favour also spread over part of Europe, and all classes of people were riding it.

Although similar designs had been mentioned in earlier publications, the modern bicycle seems to have been first practically created in Germany. In 1816, Baron von Drais of Manheim made a vehicle with two wheels arranged one in front of the other, connected by a bar. The front wheel was mounted in a fork that swiveled at the front end of the bar, and there were handles for steering. A seat was positioned on the bar between the two wheels, allowing the rider to straddle it. However, there were no footrests, so the rider propelled the vehicle by pushing their feet alternately against the ground. This invention was called the “Draisine” and was undoubtedly the ancestor of the modern bicycle. In 1818, Denis Johnson patented a similar vehicle in England, naming it the “Pedestrian Curricle.” Another version was known as the “Dandy Horse.” In 1821, Gompertz in England developed a segmented rack connected to a frame over the front wheel that engaged a pinion on the axle. With some additional improvements from others, this vehicle gained considerable popularity in various cities across Europe and America. It was also referred to as the “Dandy” and the “Hobby Horse.” Treadles were later added, but eventually, the machine fell out of use and seemed to have been forgotten. However, in 1863, a Frenchman named Michaux revived the concept, adding a crank to the front wheel axle of the “Draisine” (also known as the “célérifèré”). In 1866, Pierre Lallement of France adapted the crank and pedal mechanism and obtained a patent. He then went to America, where, after two years of public indifference, the machine suddenly became popular. By 1869, a wave of enthusiasm for it also spread across parts of Europe, and people from all walks of life began to ride it.

But the wheels had hard tires, the roads and many of the streets were not smooth, the vehicle got the name of the “bone-breaker” and its use ceased. During the few years following some new styles of frames were invented. Thus some very high wheels, with a small wheel in front, or one behind, wheels with levers in addition to the crank, etc., and then for a time the art rested again.

But the wheels had hard tires, and the roads and many of the streets were rough, so the vehicle earned the nickname “bone-breaker” and usage stopped. In the next few years, some new frame designs were created. There were very tall wheels, with a small wheel in front or one in back, wheels with levers in addition to the crank, and so on, then for a while, the innovation slowed down again.

Some one then recalled the fact that McMillan, a Scotchman, about 1838-1841, had used two low wheels like the “Draisine” with a driving gear, and that Dalzell, also of Scotland, had in 1845 made a similar machine. Parts of these old machines were found and the wheel reconstructed. Then in the seventies the entire field was thrown open to women by the invention in England of the “drop frame,” which removed completely the difficulty as to arrangement of the skirts and thus doubled the interest in and desire for a comfortable riding machine. But they were still, to a great degree, “bone-breakers.”

Someone then pointed out that McMillan, a Scotsman, around 1838-1841, had used two low wheels like the “Draisine” with a driving mechanism, and that Dalzell, also from Scotland, had created a similar machine in 1845. Parts of these old machines were discovered, and the wheel was rebuilt. Then in the seventies, the whole field was opened up to women by the invention of the “drop frame” in England, which completely solved the issue of arranging skirts and significantly increased interest in and desire for a comfortable riding machine. However, they were still, for the most part, “bone-breakers.”

Then J. B. Dunlop, a veterinary surgeon of Belfast, Ireland, in order to meet the complaints of his son that the wheel was too hard, thought of the pneumatic rubber tire, and applied it with great success. This was a very notable and original re-invention. A re-invention, because a man “born before his time” had invented and patented the pneumatic tire more than forty years before. It was not wanted then and everybody had forgotten it. This man was Robert William Thomson, a civil engineer of Adelphi, Middlesex county, England. In 1845 he obtained a patent in England, and shortly after in the[Pg 434] United States. In both patents he describes how he proposed to make a tire for all kinds of vehicles consisting of a hollow rubber tube, with an inner mixed canvas and rubber lining, a tube and a screw cup by which to inflate it, and several ways for preventing punctures. To obviate the bad results of punctures he proposed also to make his tire in sectional compartments, so that if one compartment was punctured the others would still hold good. He also proposed to use vulcanised rubber, thus utilising the then very recent discovery of Goodyear of mixing sulphur with soft rubber, and to apply the same to the canvas lining.

Then J. B. Dunlop, a veterinary surgeon from Belfast, Ireland, wanted to address his son's complaints that the wheel felt too hard, so he came up with the idea of the pneumatic rubber tire and implemented it with great success. This was a very significant and original re-invention. It was a re-invention because a man “before his time,” Robert William Thomson, a civil engineer from Adelphi, Middlesex County, England, had invented and patented the pneumatic tire over forty years earlier. At that time, it wasn't needed and everyone had forgotten about it. In 1845, he secured a patent in England and soon after in the [Pg 434] United States. In both patents, he outlines his proposal for creating a tire for all types of vehicles, consisting of a hollow rubber tube with a mixed inner canvas and rubber lining, a tube for inflation, and various methods to prevent punctures. To mitigate the negative effects of punctures, he also suggested making his tire in sectional compartments, so that if one compartment got punctured, the others would still be functional. He proposed using vulcanized rubber, taking advantage of Goodyear's recent discovery of mixing sulfur with soft rubber, and applying it to the canvas lining.

And, now, when the last decade of the century had been reached, and after a century’s hard work by the inventors, the present wonderful vehicle, known as the “safety bicycle,” had obtained a successful and permanent foothold among the vehicles of mankind. Proper proportions, low wheels, chain-gearing, treadles, pedals and cranks, cushion and pneumatic tires, drop frames, steel spokes like a spider’s web, ball-bearings for the crank and axle parts, a spring-supported cushioned seat which could be raised or lowered, adjustable handles, and the clearest-brained scientific mechanics to construct all parts from the best materials and with mathematical exactness—all this has been done. To these accomplishments have been added a great variety of tires to prevent wear and puncturing, among which are self-healing tires, having a lining of viscous or plastic rubber to close up automatically the air holes. Many ways of clamping the tire to the rim have been contrived. So have brakes of various descriptions, some consisting of disks on the driving shaft, brought into frictional contact by a touch of the toe on the pedal, as a substitute for[Pg 435] those applied to the surface of the tire, known as “spoon brakes”; saddles, speed-gearings, men’s machines in which by the removal of the upper bar the machine is converted into one for the use of women; the substitution of the direct action, consisting of beveled gearing for the sprocket chain, etc., etc.

And now, as we enter the last decade of the century, after a hundred years of hard work by inventors, the amazing vehicle known as the “safety bicycle” has successfully established itself as a permanent part of human transportation. It features proper proportions, low wheels, chain gearing, treadles, pedals, and cranks, along with cushion and pneumatic tires, drop frames, and steel spokes like a spider's web. It has ball bearings for the crank and axle parts, a spring-supported cushioned seat that can be adjusted in height, and adjustable handlebars. All of these components are constructed by skilled scientific mechanics using the best materials with mathematical precision. Additionally, a wide variety of tires have been developed to prevent wear and punctures, including self-healing tires that have a lining of viscous or plastic rubber to automatically seal air holes. Various methods for clamping the tire to the rim have also been invented. Brakes of different types have been designed as well, some consisting of disks on the drive shaft that engage through a toe touch on the pedal, replacing the older “spoon brakes” that applied friction to the tire surface. There are also saddles, speed gearings, men's bikes that can be converted for women by removing the top bar, and direct action mechanisms that use beveled gearing instead of a sprocket chain, and so on.

The ideas of William Thomson as to pneumatic and cushioned tires are now, after a lapse of fifty years, generally adopted. Even sportsmen were glad to seize upon them, and wheels of sulkies, provided with the pneumatic tires, have enabled them to lower the record of trotting horses. Their use on many other vehicles has accomplished his objects, “of lessening the power required to draw carriages, rendering the motion easier, and diminishing the noise.”

The ideas of William Thomson about pneumatic and cushioned tires are now, after fifty years, widely accepted. Even athletes were eager to adopt them, and wheels on sulkies equipped with pneumatic tires have allowed them to improve the record for trotting horses. Their use on many other vehicles has achieved his goals of reducing the effort needed to pull carriages, making the ride smoother, and decreasing the noise.

It is impossible to overlook the fact in connection with this subject that the processes and machinery especially invented to make the various parts of a bicycle are as wonderful as the wheel itself. Counting the spokes there are, it is estimated, more than 300 different parts in such a wheel. The best and latest inventions and discoveries in the making of metals, wood, rubber and leather have been drawn upon in supplying these useful carriers. And what a revolution they have produced in the making of good roads, the saving of time, the dispatch of business, and more than all else, in the increase of the pleasure, the health and the amusement of mankind!

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that the processes and machinery specifically designed to create the various parts of a bicycle are as remarkable as the wheel itself. If you count the spokes, there are estimated to be over 300 different parts in such a wheel. The best and most recent inventions and discoveries in metals, wood, rubber, and leather have been utilized in creating these useful carriers. Just think about the revolution they’ve sparked in building better roads, saving time, streamlining business, and, most importantly, enhancing the pleasure, health, and enjoyment of people!

It was quite natural that when the rubber cushion and pneumatic tires rounded the pleasure of easy and noiseless riding in vehicles that Motor vehicles should be revived and improved. So we have the Automobiles in great variety. Invention has been and is still being greatly exercised as to the best motive [Pg 436]power, in the adaption of electric motors, oil and gasoline or vapour engines, springs and air pumps, in attempts to reduce the number of complicated parts, and to render less strenuous the mental and muscular strain of the operator.

It was completely natural that once the rubber cushion and pneumatic tires made riding in vehicles easier and quieter, motor vehicles would be revived and improved. So now we have automobiles in a wide range of styles. Innovation has been, and continues to be, heavily focused on finding the best power sources, including electric motors, oil and gasoline engines, and steam engines, as well as springs and air pumps, all in an effort to simplify the number of complicated parts and reduce the mental and physical strain on the driver.

Traction Engines.—The old road engines that antedated the locomotives are being revived, and new ideas springing from other arts are being incorporated in these useful machines to render them more available than in former generations. Many of the principles and features of motor vehicles, but on a heavier scale, are being introduced to adapt them to the drawing of far heavier loads. Late devices comprise a spring link between the power and the traction wheel to prevent too sudden a start, and permit a yielding motion; steering devices by which the power of the engine is used to steer the machine; and application of convenient and easily-worked brakes.

Traction Engines.—The old road engines that came before locomotives are making a comeback, and fresh ideas from other fields are being added to these practical machines to make them more useful than before. Many concepts and features from motor vehicles, but on a larger scale, are being integrated to enable them to pull much heavier loads. Recent innovations include a spring link between the power source and the traction wheel to prevent abrupt starts and allow for a smoother motion; steering systems that utilize the engine's power to navigate the machine; and the introduction of user-friendly, efficient brakes.

An example of a modern traction engine may be found attached to one or more heavy cars adapted for street work, and on which may be found apparatus for making the mixed materials of which the roadbed is to be constructed, and all of which is moved along as the road or street surface is completed. When these fine roads become the possession of a country light traction engines for passenger traffic will be found largely supplanting the horse and the steam railroad engines.

An example of a modern traction engine can be seen connected to one or more heavy cars designed for street work, equipped with machinery for creating the mixed materials needed for roadbed construction, all of which moves along as the road or street surface is finished. When these smooth roads become part of a region, lighter traction engines for passenger transport will largely replace horses and steam locomotives.

Brakes, railway and electric, have already been referred to in the proper chapters. In the latest system of railroading greater attention has been paid to the lives and limbs of those employed as workmen on the trains, especially to those of brakemen. And if corporations have been slow to adopt such merciful devices, legislatures have stepped in to[Pg 437] help the matter. One great source of accidents in this respect has been due to the necessity of the brakemen entering between the cars while they are in motion to couple them by hand. This is now being abolished by automatic couplers, by which, when the locking means have been withdrawn from connection or thrown up, they will be so held until the cars meet again, when the locking parts on the respective cars will be automatically thrown and locked, as easily and on the same principle as the hand of one man may clasp the hand of another.

Brakes, both railway and electric, have already been discussed in the relevant chapters. In the latest railroading systems, there is now more focus on the safety of workers on the trains, particularly for brakemen. While companies have been slow to adopt these safety devices, legislatures have intervened to[Pg 437] improve the situation. One major cause of accidents has been the need for brakemen to enter between moving cars to couple them by hand. This is now being phased out with the introduction of automatic couplers. With these, when the locking mechanisms are disengaged or raised, they will stay that way until the cars come together again, at which point the locking parts on each car will automatically engage and lock, just as one person can easily clasp another’s hand.

The comfort of passengers and the safety of freight have also been greatly increased by the invention of Buffers on railroad cars and trains to prevent sudden and violent concussion. Fluid pressure car buffers, in which a constant supply of fluid under pressure is provided by a pump or train pipe connected to the engine is one of a great variety.

The comfort of passengers and the safety of freight have also improved significantly thanks to the invention of buffers on railway cars and trains, which help prevent sudden and severe impacts. Fluid pressure car buffers, which maintain a steady supply of pressurized fluid using a pump or train pipe linked to the engine, are just one example from a wide range of options.

Another notable improvement in this line is the splendid vestibule trains, in which the cars are connected to one another by enclosed passages and which at their meeting ends are provided with yieldingly supported door-like frames engaging one another by frictional contact, usually, whereby the shock and rocking of cars are prevented in starting and stopping, and their oscillation reduced to a minimum.

Another significant improvement in this line is the impressive vestibule trains, where the cars are linked together by enclosed passages. At their connecting ends, they feature flexibly supported door-like frames that engage each other through friction, which helps prevent the jolt and rocking of the cars when they start and stop, and minimizes their swaying.

As collisions and accidents cannot always be prevented, car frames are now built in which the frames are trussed, and made of rolled steel plates, angles, and channels, whereby a car body of great resistance to telescoping or crushing is obtained.

As collisions and accidents can't always be avoided, car frames are now designed to be reinforced and made from rolled steel plates, angles, and channels, resulting in a car body that has high resistance to telescoping or crushing.


Ships and shipbuilding.

“Far as the breeze can bear, the billows foam,
Survey our empire, and behold our home.”

"As far as the wind can reach, the waves stir,
"Take a look at our land and see our home."

“Ships are but boards,” soliloquised the crafty Shylock, and were this still true, yet this present period has seen wonderful changes in construction.

“Ships are just boards,” thought the clever Shylock, and even if that were still true, this current time has seen amazing changes in their construction.

The high castellated bows and sterns and long prows of The Great Harry, of the seventeenth century, and its successors in the eighteenth, with some moderation of cumbersome matter, gave way to lighter, speedier forms, first appearing in the quick-gliding Yankee clippers, during the first decade of the nineteenth century.

The tall castle-like bows and sterns, along with the long prows of The Great Harry from the seventeenth century, and its later versions in the eighteenth, gradually shifted toward lighter and faster designs. This evolution began with the sleek, fast Yankee clippers that emerged in the early years of the nineteenth century.

Eminent naval architects have regarded the proportions of Noah’s ark, 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad and 30 cubits high, in which the length was six times the breadth, and the depth three-fifths of the breadth, as the best combination of the elements of strength, capacity and stability.

Eminent naval architects have viewed the dimensions of Noah’s ark—300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high, which means the length was six times the width and the depth was three-fifths of the width—as the ideal mix of strength, capacity, and stability.

Even that most modern mercantile vessel known as the “whale-back” with its nearly flat bottom, vertical sides, arched top or deck, skegged or spoon-shaped at bow and stern, straight deck lines, the upper deck cabins and steering gear raised on hollow turrets, with machinery and cargo in the main hull, has not departed much from the safe rule of proportions of its ancient prototype.

Even the most modern trade ship called the “whale-back,” which has a nearly flat bottom, vertical sides, a curved top or deck, a skeg or spoon shape at the front and back, straight deck lines, upper deck cabins, and steering equipment mounted on hollow towers, with machinery and cargo in the main hull, hasn't strayed too far from the tried-and-true design of its ancient counterpart.

But in other respects the ideas of Noah and of the[Pg 439] Phœnicians, the best of ancient ship-builders, as well as the Northmen, the Dutch, the French, and the English, the best ship-builders of later centuries, were decidedly improved upon by the Americans, who, as above intimated, were revolutionizing the art and building the finest vessels in the early part of the century, and these rivalled in speed the steam vessels for some years after steamships were ploughing the rivers and the ocean.

But in other ways, the ideas of Noah and the[Pg 439] Phoenicians, who were the best ancient shipbuilders, along with the Northmen, the Dutch, the French, and the English, who excelled in shipbuilding in later centuries, were definitely improved by the Americans. As mentioned earlier, they were transforming the craft and constructing the finest vessels in the early part of the century, which competed in speed with steamships for several years after steam-powered boats started navigating the rivers and oceans.

Discarding the lofty decks fore and aft and ponderous topsides, the principal characteristics of the American “clippers” were their fine sharp lines, built long and low, broad of beam before the centre, sharp above the water, and deep aft. A typical vessel of this sort was the clipper ship Great Republic, built by Donald McKay of Boston during the first half of the century. She was 325 feet long, 53 feet wide, 37 feet deep, with a capacity of about 4000 tons. She had four masts, each provided with a lightning rod. A single suit of her sails consisted of 15,563 yards of canvas. Her keel rose for 60 feet forward, gradually curved into the arc of a circle as it blended with the stern. Vessels of her type ran seventeen and eighteen miles an hour at a time when steam vessels were making only twelve or fourteen miles an hour, the latter speed being one which it was predicted by naval engineers could not with safety be exceeded with ocean steamships.

Discarding the tall decks at the front and back and heavy upper structures, the main features of the American “clippers” were their sleek, sharp lines, designed to be long and low, wide before the center, pointed above the waterline, and deep at the back. A typical vessel of this kind was the clipper ship Great Republic, constructed by Donald McKay in Boston during the first half of the century. She measured 325 feet in length, 53 feet in width, and 37 feet in depth, with a capacity of around 4000 tons. She had four masts, each fitted with a lightning rod. A single set of her sails included 15,563 yards of canvas. Her keel rose for 60 feet at the front, gradually curving into a circular arc as it connected with the stern. Ships like hers could travel at speeds of seventeen to eighteen miles an hour at a time when steamships were only reaching twelve or fourteen miles an hour, the latter being a speed that naval engineers predicted could not safely be surpassed by ocean-going steamships.

These vessels directed the attention of ship-builders to two prominent features, the shape of the bow and the length of the vessel. For the old convex form of bow and stern, the principal of an elongated wedge was substituted, the wedge slightly hollowed on its face, by which the waters were more easily parted and thrown aside.[Pg 440]

These ships focused shipbuilders' attention on two key aspects: the shape of the bow and the vessel's length. The traditional curved design of the bow and stern was replaced with a more elongated wedge shape, which had a slight hollow on its surface, allowing the water to part and flow aside more easily.[Pg 440]

A departure was early made in the matter of strengthening the “ribs of oak” to better meet the strains from the rough seas. In 1810 Sir Robert Seppings, surveyor of the English navy, devised and introduced the system of diagonal bracing. This was an arrangement of timbers crossing the ribs on the inside of the ship at angles of about 45°, and braced by diagonals and struts.

A departure was made early on in strengthening the “ribs of oak” to better handle the stresses from rough seas. In 1810, Sir Robert Seppings, a surveyor for the English navy, designed and implemented the system of diagonal bracing. This involved an arrangement of timber crossing the ribs on the inside of the ship at about 45° angles, supported by diagonals and struts.

Of course the great and leading event of the nineteenth century in the matter of inventions relating to ships was the introduction of steam as the motive power. Of this we have treated in the chapter on steam engineering. The giant, steam, demanded and received the obeisance of every art before devoting his inexhaustible strength to their service. Systems of wood-working and metal manufacture must be revolutionised to give him room to work, and to withstand the strokes of his mighty arm. Lord Dundas at the beginning of the century had an iron boat built for the Forth and Clyde Canal, which was propelled by steam.

Of course, the biggest event of the nineteenth century in ship inventions was the introduction of steam as the main power source. We've covered this in the chapter on steam engineering. The giant steam demanded respect from every industry before using its incredible strength for their benefit. Woodworking and metal manufacturing systems had to be completely changed to accommodate its use and handle the force of its powerful motion. Lord Dundas had an iron boat built at the start of the century for the Forth and Clyde Canal, which was powered by steam.

But the departure from the adage that “ships are but boards” did not take place, however, until about 1829-30, when the substitution of iron for wood in the construction of vessels had passed beyond the experimental stage. In those years the firm of John Laird of Birkenhead began the building of practical iron vessels, and he was followed soon by Sir William Fairbairn at Manchester, and Randolph, Elder & Co., and the Fairfield Works on the Clyde.

But the shift from the saying that “ships are just wooden boards” didn't really happen until around 1829-30, when using iron instead of wood in shipbuilding moved beyond just being an experiment. During those years, the company John Laird of Birkenhead started building practical iron ships, and shortly after, Sir William Fairbairn in Manchester and Randolph, Elder & Co., along with the Fairfield Works on the Clyde, joined in.

The advantage of iron over wood in strength, and in power to withstand tremendous shocks, was early illustrated in the Great Britain built about 1844, the first large, successful, seagoing vessel constructed. Not long thereafter this same vessel lay[Pg 441] helpless upon the coast of Ireland, driven there by a great storm, and beaten by the tremendous waves of the Atlantic with a force that would have in a few hours or days broken up and pulverised a “ship of boards,” and yet the Great Britain lay there several weeks, was finally brought off, and again restored to successful service.

The advantage of iron over wood in terms of strength and its ability to withstand immense shocks was early demonstrated in the Great Britain, built around 1844, the first large, successful seagoing vessel made from metal. Soon after, this same ship found itself[Pg 441] stranded on the coast of Ireland, driven there by a massive storm and battered by the powerful waves of the Atlantic, which would have destroyed a wooden ship in just a few hours or days. Yet, the Great Britain remained there for several weeks, was eventually freed, and returned to successful service.

Wood and iron both have their peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Wood is not only lighter, but easily procured and worked, and cheaper, in many small and private ship-yards where an iron frame and parts would be difficult and expensive to produce. It is thought that as to the fouling of ships’ bottoms a wooden hull covered with copper fouls less, and consequently impedes the speed less; that the damage done by shocks or the penetration of shot is not so great or difficult to repair, and that the danger of variation of the compass by reason of local attraction of the metal is less.

Wood and iron each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Wood is not only lighter but also easier to obtain, work with, and cheaper, especially in smaller private shipyards where creating iron frames and parts can be challenging and costly. It's believed that when it comes to fouling on ship bottoms, a wooden hull that's covered with copper fouls less, which means it slows down less. Additionally, the damage caused by impacts or shots is less severe and easier to fix, and there's a lower risk of compass inaccuracies due to the local magnetic effects of the metal.

But the advantages of iron and steel far outnumber those of wood. Its strength, its adaptability for all sizes and forms and lines, its increased cheapness, its resistance to shot penetration, its durability, and now its easy procurement, constitute qualities which have established iron ship-building as a great new and modern art. In this modern revolution in iron-clad ships, their adaptation to naval warfare was due to the genius of John Ericsson, and dates practically from the celebrated battle between the iron-clads the Merrimac and the Monitor in Hampton Roads on the Virginia coast in the Civil war in America in April, 1862.

But the advantages of iron and steel far outweigh those of wood. Its strength, versatility for different sizes and shapes, lower cost, resistance to projectile penetration, durability, and now its easy availability, are qualities that have established iron shipbuilding as a significant new and modern art. In this modern shift to ironclad ships, their suitability for naval warfare was thanks to the brilliance of John Ericsson, and it essentially began with the famous battle between the ironclads, the Merrimac and the Monitor, in Hampton Roads on the Virginia coast during the Civil War in America in April 1862.

Although the tendency at first in building iron and steel vessels, especially for the navy, was towards an entire metal structure, later experience resulted [Pg 442]in a more composite style, using wood in some parts, where found best adapted by its capacity of lightness, non-absorption of heat and less electrical conductivity, etc., and at the same time protecting such interior portions by an iron shell or frame-work.

Although the initial approach to constructing iron and steel ships, especially for the navy, was to use an entirely metal structure, later experience led to a more mixed design. This included using wood in certain areas because it was better suited due to its lightness, heat resistance, and lower electrical conductivity. At the same time, the interior parts were protected by an iron shell or framework.

One great improvement in ship-building, whether in wood or metal, thought of and practised to some extent in former times, but after all a child of this century, is the building of the hull and hold in compartments, water-tight, and sometimes fire-proof, so that in case of a leakage or a fire in one or more compartments, the fire or water may be confined there and the extension of the danger to the entire ship prevented.

One major advancement in shipbuilding, whether in wood or metal, that was considered and partly used in the past but really belongs to this century, is constructing the hull and hold in watertight compartments, which are sometimes also fireproof. This way, if there’s a leak or a fire in one or more compartments, the fire or water can be contained there, preventing the danger from spreading to the whole ship.

In the matter of Marine Propulsion, when the steam engine was made a practical and useful servant by Watt, and men began to think of driving boats and ships with it, the problem was how to adapt it to use with propelling means already known. Paddle-wheels and other wheels to move boats in place of oars had been suggested, and to some extent used from time to time, since the days of the Romans; and they were among the first devices used in steam vessels. Their whirl may still be heard on many waters. Learned men saw no reason why the screw of Archimedes should not be used for the same purpose, and the idea was occasionally advocated by French and English philosophers from at least 1680, by Franklin and Watt less than a century later, and finally, in 1794, Lyttleton of England obtained a patent for his “aquatic propeller,” consisting of threads formed on a cylinder and revolving in a frame at the head, stern, or side of a vessel.

In the case of Marine Propulsion, when Watt made the steam engine a practical and useful tool, people started thinking about using it to power boats and ships. The challenge was figuring out how to adapt it to existing propulsion methods. Paddle-wheels and other mechanisms to move boats instead of oars had been suggested and used from the Roman era; they were among the first devices in steam vessels. Their sounds can still be heard on many waters today. Scholars saw no reason why Archimedes' screw couldn't be used for the same purpose, and the idea was occasionally promoted by French and English thinkers since at least 1680, with Franklin and Watt following less than a century later. Finally, in 1794, Lyttleton from England received a patent for his “aquatic propeller,” which featured threads formed on a cylinder rotating in a frame at the front, back, or side of a vessel.

Other means had been also suggested prior to[Pg 443] 1800, and by the same set of philosophers, and experimentally used by practical builders, such as steam-pumps for receiving the water forward, or amidships, and forcing it out astern, thus creating a propulsive movement. The latter part of the eighteenth century teemed with these suggestions and experiments, but it remained for the nineteenth to see their embodiment and adaptation to successful commercial use.

Other methods had also been suggested before [Pg 443] 1800, by the same group of philosophers, and were tested by practical builders, such as steam pumps that brought water in from the front or middle and pushed it out the back, creating a propulsive movement. The latter part of the eighteenth century was full of these suggestions and experiments, but it was in the nineteenth century that they were fully realized and adapted for successful commercial use.

The earliest, most successful demonstrations of screw propellers and paddle wheels in steam vessels in the century were the construction and use of a boat with twin screws by Col. John Stevens of Hoboken, N. J., in 1804 and the paddle-wheel steamboat trial of Fulton on the Hudson in 1807.

The earliest and most successful examples of screw propellers and paddle wheels in steam vessels during that century were the building and use of a boat with twin screws by Col. John Stevens from Hoboken, N.J., in 1804, and the paddle-wheel steamboat test by Fulton on the Hudson River in 1807.

But it was left to John Ericsson, that great Swedish inventor, going to England in 1826 with his brain full of ideas as to steam and solar engines, to first perfect the screw-propeller. He there patented in 1836 his celebrated propeller, consisting of several blades or segments of a screw, and based on such correct principles of twist that they were at once adopted and applied to steam vessels.

But it was up to John Ericsson, the great Swedish inventor, who went to England in 1826 with his mind full of ideas about steam and solar engines, to first perfect the screw propeller. He patented his famous propeller in 1836, which had multiple blades or segments of a screw, and was based on such correct principles of twist that they were immediately adopted and used in steam vessels.

In 1837-1839 the knowledge of his inventions had preceded him to America, where his propeller was at once introduced and used in the vessels Frances B. Ogden and the Robert E. Stockton (the latter built by the Lairds of Birkenhead and launched in 1837). In 1839 or 1840 Ericsson went to America, and in 1841 he was engaged in the construction of the U.S. ship of war Princeton, the first naval screw warship built having propelling machinery under the water line and out of reach of shot.

In 1837-1839, news of his inventions had reached America before he did, where his propeller was quickly adopted and utilized in the vessels Frances B. Ogden and Robert E. Stockton (the latter was built by the Lairds of Birkenhead and launched in 1837). In 1839 or 1840, Ericsson traveled to America, and by 1841, he was working on the construction of the U.S. warship Princeton, the first naval screw warship designed with propelling machinery located below the waterline and out of reach of enemy fire.

The idea that steamships could not be safely run at a greater speed than ten or twelve miles an hour was now abandoned.[Pg 444]

The belief that steamships couldn't be safely operated at speeds over ten or twelve miles per hour was now dropped.[Pg 444]

Twice Ericsson revolutionised the naval construction of the world by his inventions in America: first by the introduction of his screw-propeller in the Princeton; and second, by building the iron-clad Monitor.

Twice, Ericsson changed naval shipbuilding worldwide with his inventions in America: first, by introducing his screw-propeller on the Princeton; and second, by constructing the ironclad Monitor.

Since Ericsson’s day other inventors have made themselves also famous by giving new twists to the tail of this famous fish and new forms to its iron-ribbed body.

Since Ericsson’s time, other inventors have also made a name for themselves by adding new twists to the tail of this famous fish and new shapes to its iron-ribbed body.

Pneumatic Propellers operated by the expulsion of air or gas against the surrounding body of water, and chain-propellers, consisting of a revolving chain provided with paddles or floats, have also been invented and tested, with more or less successful results.

Pneumatic Propellers work by pushing air or gas against the surrounding body of water, while chain propellers, which are made up of a rotating chain with paddles or floats, have also been created and tested, with varying degrees of success.

A great warship as she lies in some one of the vast modern ship-yards of the world, resting securely on her long steel backbone, from which great ribs of steel rise and curve on either side and far overhead, like a monstrous skeleton of some huge animal that the sea alone can produce, clothed with a skin, also of steel; her huge interior, lined at bottom with an armoured deck that stretches across the entire breadth of the vessel, and built upon this deck, capacious steel compartments enclosing the engines and boilers, the coal, the magazines, the electric plant for supplying power to various motors for lighting the ship and for furnishing the current to powerful search-lights; having compartments for the sick, the apothecary shop, and the surgeon’s hospital, the men’s and the officers’ quarters; above these the conning tower and the armoured pilot-house, then the great guns interspersed among these various parts, looking like the sunken eyes, or protruding like the bony prominences of some awful sea monster, is a structure that gives one an idea of the immense departure[Pg 445] which has occurred during the last half century, not only from the wooden walls of the navies of all the past, but from all its mechanical arts.

A massive warship sits in one of the vast modern shipyards of the world, resting securely on her long steel backbone, with great ribs of steel rising and curving on either side and high overhead, like the giant skeleton of some enormous creature that only the sea can create, covered in a skin made of steel. Her enormous interior features an armored deck that spans the entire width of the vessel, and built on this deck are spacious steel compartments that house the engines and boilers, the coal, the magazines, the electric plant that provides power to various motors for lighting the ship and supplying current to powerful searchlights; there are compartments for the sick, the pharmacy, and the surgeon’s hospital, as well as quarters for the crew and the officers; above all this stands the conning tower and the armored pilot house, and then the huge cannons scattered among these various sections, looking like sunken eyes or protruding like the bony ridges of a terrifying sea monster. It’s a structure that reflects the immense evolution that has taken place over the last fifty years, not just from the wooden ships of all the past navies, but from all the mechanical innovations. [Pg 445]

What a great ocean liner contains and what the contributions are to modern ship-building from other modern arts is set forth in the following extract from McClure’s Magazine for September, 1900, in describing the Deutschland. “The Deutschland, for instance has a complete refrigerating plant, four hospitals, a safety deposit vault for the immense quantities of gold and silver which pass between the banks of Europe and America, eight kitchens, a complete post-office with German and American clerks, thirty electrical motors, thirty-six pumps, most of them of American and English make, no fewer than seventy-two steam engines, a complete drug store, a complete fire department, with pumps, hose and other fire-fighting machinery, a library, 2600 electric lights, two barber shops, room for an orchestra and brass band, a telegraph system, a telephone system, a complete printing establishment, a photographic dark room, a cigar store, an electric fire-alarm system, and a special refrigerator for flowers.”

What a fantastic ocean liner comprises and the contributions from other modern arts to contemporary shipbuilding are outlined in the following excerpt from McClure’s Magazine for September 1900, discussing the Deutschland. “The Deutschland, for example, features a full refrigeration system, four hospitals, a safe deposit box for the large amounts of gold and silver transferred between banks in Europe and America, eight kitchens, a complete post office with German and American staff, thirty electric motors, thirty-six pumps, most of which are American and English made, at least seventy-two steam engines, a fully stocked pharmacy, a complete fire department with pumps, hoses, and other firefighting equipment, a library, 2,600 electric lights, two barbershops, space for an orchestra and brass band, a telegraph system, a telephone system, a fully equipped printing office, a photographic darkroom, a cigar shop, an electric fire alarm system, and a special refrigerator for flowers.”

We have seen, in treating of safes and locks, how burglars keep pace with the latest inventions to protect property by the use of dynamite and nitro-glycerine explosions. The reverse of this practice prevails when those policemen of the seas, the torpedo boats, guard the treasures of the shore. It is there the defenders are armed with the irresistible explosives. These explosives are either planted in harbours and discharged by electricity from the shore, or carried by very swift armoured boats, or by boats capable of being submerged, directed, and propelled[Pg 446] by mechanisms contained there and controlled from the shore, or from another vessel; or by boats containing all instrumentalities, crew, and commander, and capable of submerging and raising itself, and of attacking and exploding the torpedo when and where desired. The latter are now considered as the most formidable and efficient class of destroyers.

We have observed that when discussing safes and locks, burglars keep up with the newest inventions designed to protect property, using dynamite and nitroglycerin explosives. Conversely, when the sea "policemen," the torpedo boats, defend the shore's treasures, it’s the defenders who are equipped with powerful explosives. These explosives can be planted in harbors and detonated electrically from the shore, or they can be transported by very fast armored boats, or by boats that can submerge, navigate, and move using mechanisms on board and controlled from the shore or another vessel; or by boats that hold all the necessary equipment, crew, and commander, capable of diving and surfacing, and of launching attacks and exploding the torpedoes whenever and wherever needed. The latter group is now viewed as the most formidable and efficient type of destroyers.

No matter how staunch, sound and grand in dimensions man may build his ships, old Neptune can still toss them. But Franklin, a century and a half ago, called attention to his experiments of oiling his locks when in a tempestuous mood, and thus rendering the temper of the Old Man of the Sea as placid as a summer pond. Ships that had become unmanageable were thus enabled, by spreading oil on the waves from the windward side, to be brought under control, and dangerous surfs subdued, so that boats could land. Franklin’s idea of pouring oil on the troubled waters has been revived during the last quarter of the century and various means for doing it vigorously patented. The means have varied in many instances, but chiefly consist of bags and other receptacles to hold and distribute the oil upon the surrounding water with economy and uniformity.

No matter how strong, sturdy, and large a ship is built, old Neptune can still toss it around. But Franklin, a century and a half ago, pointed out his experiments with oiling his hair when he was in a stormy mood, making the temper of the Old Man of the Sea as calm as a summer pond. Ships that had become uncontrollable could then be managed by spreading oil on the waves from the windward side, allowing them to regain control and calm dangerous surf so boats could safely land. Franklin’s idea of pouring oil on troubled waters has been revived in the last quarter of a century, and various methods for doing it have been vigorously patented. These methods have varied, but mainly consist of bags and other containers designed to hold and spread the oil on the surrounding water efficiently and evenly.

At the close of the century the world was still waiting for the successful Air-ship.

At the end of the century, the world was still waiting for the successful airship.

A few successful experiments in balloon navigation by the aid of small engines of different forms have been made since 1855. Some believe that Count Zeppelin, an officer of the German army has solved the great problem, especially since the ascent of his ship made on July 2, 1900, at Lake Constance.

A few successful experiments in balloon navigation using small engines of various designs have taken place since 1855. Some people think that Count Zeppelin, an officer in the German army, has figured out the big challenge, especially after the launch of his airship on July 2, 1900, at Lake Constance.

It has been asserted that no vessel has yet been[Pg 447] made to successfully fly unless made on the balloon principle, and Count Zeppelin’s boat is on that principle. According to the description of Eugen Wolf, an aeronaut who took part in the ascent referred to and who published an account of the same in the November number of McClure’s, 1900, it is not composed of one balloon, but of a row of them, and these are not exposed when inflated to every breeze that blows, but enclosed and combined in an enormous cylindrical shell, 420 feet in length, about 38 feet in diameter, with a volume of 14,780 cubic yards and with ends pointed like a cigar. This shell is a framework made up of aluminium trellis work, and divided into seventeen compartments, each having its own gas bag. The frame is further strengthened and the balloons stayed by a network of aluminium wire, and the entire frame covered with a soft ramie fibre. Over this is placed a water-tight covering of pegamoid, and the lower part covered with light silk. An air space of two feet is left between the cover and the balloons. Beneath the balloons extends a walking bridge 226 feet long, and from this bridge is suspended two aluminium cars, at front and rear of the centre, adapted to hold all the operative machinery and the operator and other passengers.

It has been said that no vessel has successfully flown without being based on the balloon principle, and Count Zeppelin's craft follows that principle. According to Eugen Wolf, an aeronaut who participated in the ascent mentioned and published an account in the November issue of McClure’s, 1900, it isn’t made from just one balloon, but instead consists of a series of them. These are not exposed to every gust of wind when inflated; rather, they are enclosed and combined within a massive cylindrical shell that is 420 feet long and about 38 feet in diameter, with a volume of 14,780 cubic yards and ends shaped like a cigar. This shell is a framework made of aluminum lattice and is divided into seventeen compartments, each containing its own gas bag. The frame is further reinforced and the balloons secured by a network of aluminum wire, with the entire structure covered in soft ramie fiber. On top of this, there's a waterproof covering of pegamoid, and the lower part is covered with lightweight silk. An air space of two feet is left between the cover and the balloons. Below the balloons is a walking bridge that's 226 feet long, from which two aluminum cars are suspended at the front and rear of the center, designed to hold all the operational machinery, the operator, and other passengers.

The balloons, provided with proper valves, served to lift the structure; large four-winged screws, one on each side of the ship, their shafts mounted on a light framework extending from the body of the ship, and driven backward and forward by two light benzine engines, one on each car, constituted the propelling force. Dirigibility (steering) was provided for by an apparatus consisting of a double pair of rudders, one pair forward and one aft, reaching out like great fins, and controlled by light metal cords[Pg 448] from the cars. A ballast of water was carried in a compartment under each car. To give the ship an upward or a downward movement the plane on which the ship rests was provided with a weight adapted to slip back and forth on a cable underneath the balloon shell. When the weight was far aft the tip of the ship was upward and the movement was upward, when at the forward end the movement was downward, and when at the centre the ship was poised and travelled in a horizontal plane. The trip was made over the lake on a quiet evening. A distance of three and three-quarter miles, at a height of 1300 feet, was made in seventeen minutes. Evolutions from a straight course were accomplished. The ship was lowered to the lake, on which it settled easily and rode smoothly.

The balloons, equipped with proper valves, helped lift the structure; large four-winged screws, one on each side of the ship, with their shafts mounted on a lightweight framework extending from the ship's body, were powered back and forth by two small gasoline engines, one on each car, which provided the thrust. Steering was managed by an apparatus featuring a double set of rudders, one set at the front and one at the back, extending like large fins and controlled by lightweight metal cords[Pg 448] from the cars. Each car carried a water ballast in a compartment underneath. To move the ship upward or downward, the platform where the ship rested had a weight that could slide back and forth on a cable beneath the balloon shell. When the weight was positioned far at the back, the front of the ship tilted upward, causing an upward movement; when it was towards the front, the movement was downward, and when it was at the center, the ship was level and traveled horizontally. The journey took place over the lake on a calm evening. They covered three and three-quarter miles at an altitude of 1,300 feet in seventeen minutes. The ship could also maneuver away from a straight path. It was lowered to the lake, where it settled gently and floated smoothly.

The other great plan of air navigation receiving the attention of scientists and aeronauts is the aeroplane system. Although the cohesive force of the air is so exceedingly small that it cannot be relied upon as a sufficient resisting medium through which propulsion may be accomplished alone by a counter-resisting agent like propeller blades, yet it is known what weight the air has and it has been ascertained what expanse of a thin plane is necessary without other means to support the weight of a man in the air.

The other significant approach to air navigation that scientists and aviators are focusing on is the airplane system. Even though the cohesive force of the air is so minimal that it can't be depended on as a reliable resisting medium for propulsion through a counter-resisting agent like propeller blades, we do know the weight of the air, and it has been determined how much surface area of a thin plane is needed to support a person's weight while airborne.

To this idea must be added the means of flight, of starting and maintaining a stable flight and of directing its course. Careful observation of the manner of the flight of large heavy birds, especially in starting, has led to some successful experiments. They do not rise at once, but require an initiative force for soaring which they obtain by running on the ground before spreading their wings. The action of[Pg 449] the wings in folding and unfolding for maintaining the flight and controlling its direction, is then to be noted.

To this idea, we need to add how to achieve flight, including how to take off, keep a steady flight, and steer it. Careful observation of how large, heavy birds fly, especially when taking off, has led to some successful experiments. They don’t take off immediately; instead, they need a bit of power to lift off, which they gain by running on the ground before spreading their wings. It’s important to note the way their wings fold and unfold to maintain flight and control direction.

It is along these lines that inventions in this system are now working. An initiative mechanism to start the ship along the earth or water, to raise it at an angle, to spread planes of sufficient extent to support the weight of the machine and its operators on the body of the air column, light engines to give the wing-planes an opening and closing action, rudders to steer by, means for maintaining equilibrium, and means when landing to float upon the water or roll upon the land, these are the principal problems that navigators of the great seas above us are now at work upon.

It’s in this way that inventions in this system are currently being developed. A mechanism to launch the ship on land or water, to tilt it upwards, to extend wings that can support the weight of the machine and its pilots in the air, lightweight engines to enable the wings to open and close, rudders for steering, systems to maintain balance, and methods for landing that allow it to float on water or roll on land—these are the main challenges that pilots of the vast skies above us are now tackling.


Gas lighting.

“How wonderful that sunbeams absorbed by vegetation in the primordial ages of the earth and buried in its depths as vegetable fossils through immeasurable eras of time, until system upon system of slowly formed rocks have been piled above, should come forth at last, at the disenchanting touch of science, and turn the light of civilised man into day.”—Prof. E. L. Youmans.

“It’s incredible that sunlight, gathered by plants in the early days of the earth and preserved as fossilized plants over countless years, until layers of rock formed above it, should finally be revealed, thanks to the enlightening power of science, and brighten the lives of civilized humans.” —Prof. E. L. Youmans.

“The invention of artificial light has extended the available term of human life, by giving the night to man’s use; it has, by the social intercourse it encourages, polished his manners and refined his tastes, and perhaps as much as anything else, has aided his intellectual progress.”—Draper.

"The invention of artificial light has extended human life by making the night useful; it has enhanced our social interactions, polished our manners and tastes, and perhaps most importantly, has fostered our intellectual growth." —Draper.

If one desires to know what the condition of cities, towns and peoples was before the nineteenth century had lightened and enlightened them, let him step into some poor country town in some out-of-the-way region (and such may yet be found) at night, pick his way along rough pavements, and no pavements, by the light of a smoky lamp placed here and there at corners, and of weeping lamps and limp candles in the windows of shops and houses, and meet people armed with tin lanterns throwing a dubious light across the pathways. Let him be prepared to be assailed by the odours of undrained gutters, ditches, and roads called streets, and escape, if[Pg 451] he can, stumbling and falling into them. Let him take care also that he avoid in the darkness the drippings from the overhanging eaves or windows, and falling upon the slippery steps of the dim doorway he may be about to enter. Within, let him overlook, if he can, in the hospitable reception, the dim and smoky atmosphere, and observe that the brightest and best as well as the most cheerful illuminant flashes from the wide open fireplace. Occasionally a glowing grate might be met. The eighteenth century did have its glowing grates, and its still more glowing furnaces of coal in which the ore was melted and by the light of which the castings were made.

If you want to understand what life was like for cities, towns, and people before the nineteenth century brought them some light and understanding, visit a poor town in a remote area (and there are still some around) at night. Navigate the uneven pavements, or no pavements at all, by the flickering light of smoky lamps placed at corners, along with dim lamps and tired candles in the windows of shops and houses. You’ll encounter people with tin lanterns casting a feeble glow on the paths. Be ready to face the unpleasant smells from unsewered gutters, ditches, and streets that barely qualify as roads, and try to avoid tripping into them if you can. Watch out for drips from the eaves or windows in the darkness, and be careful when stepping onto the slippery steps of a dim doorway you might be approaching. Inside, do your best to ignore the dim and smoky ambiance of the friendly welcome, and notice that the brightest and most inviting light comes from the open fireplace. Once in a while, you'll find a glowing grate. The eighteenth century did feature its glowing grates and even brighter coal furnaces, where the ore was melted, providing light for casting metal.

It is very strange that year after year for successive generations men saw the hard black coal break under the influence of heat and burst into flames which lit up every corner, without learning, beyond sundry accidents and experiments, that this gast, or geest, or spirit, or vapour, or gas, as it was variously called, could be led away from its source, ignited at a distance, and made to give light and heat at other places than just where it was generated.

It’s really strange that year after year, for generations, people saw hard black coal break under heat and burst into flames that lit up every corner, yet they didn’t learn much beyond a few accidents and experiments. They didn’t understand that this gast, or geest, or spirit, or vapour, or gas, as it was called in different ways, could be taken away from its source, ignited from a distance, and used to provide light and heat in places far from where it was produced.

Thus Dr. Clayton, Dean of Kildare, Ireland, in 1688 distilled gas from coal and lit and burned it, and told his learned friend, the Hon. Robert Boyle, about it, who announced it with interest to the Royal Society, and again it finds mention in the Philosophical Transactions fifty years later. Then, in 1726, Dr. Hales told how many cubic inches of gas a certain number of grains of coal would produce. Then Bishop Watson in 1750 passed some gas through water and carried it in pipes from one place to another; and then Lord Dundonald in 1786 built some ovens, distilled coal and tar, burned the gas, and got a patent. In the same year, Dr. Rickel of[Pg 452] Würzburg lighted his laboratory with gas made by the dry distillation of bones; but all these were experiments. Finally, William Murdock, the owner of large workshops at Redruth, in Cornwall, a practical man and mechanic, and a keen observer, using soft coal to a large extent in his shops, tried with success in 1792 to collect the escaping gas and with it lit up the shops. Whether he continued steadily to so use the gas or only at intervals, at any rate it seems to have been experimental and failed to attract attention. It appears that he repeated the experiment at the celebrated steam engine works of Boulton and Watt at Soho, near Birmingham, in 1798, and again illuminated the works in 1802, on occasion of a peace jubilee.

Thus, Dr. Clayton, the Dean of Kildare, Ireland, in 1688, distilled gas from coal and lit it, sharing this with his learned friend, the Hon. Robert Boyle, who excitedly announced it to the Royal Society. It was later mentioned again in the Philosophical Transactions fifty years later. Then, in 1726, Dr. Hales documented how many cubic inches of gas a certain number of grains of coal could produce. In 1750, Bishop Watson passed some gas through water and transported it in pipes from one location to another. Later, in 1786, Lord Dundonald built some ovens, distilled coal and tar, burned the gas, and secured a patent. That same year, Dr. Rickel from Würzburg lit his laboratory with gas produced from the dry distillation of bones, but these were all just experiments. Eventually, William Murdock, who owned large workshops in Redruth, Cornwall, and was a practical man, mechanic, and keen observer, extensively used soft coal in his shops. In 1792, he successfully attempted to collect the escaping gas and used it to light the shops. It’s unclear whether he consistently used the gas or only occasionally, but it appears to have been experimental and didn’t garner much attention. He seemingly repeated the experiment at the famous steam engine works of Boulton and Watt at Soho, near Birmingham, in 1798, yet again illuminating the works in 1802 during a peace jubilee.

In the meantime, in 1801, Le Bon, a Frenchman at Paris, had succeeded in making illuminating gas from wood, lit his house therewith, and proposed to light the whole city of Paris.

In 1801, a Frenchman named Le Bon in Paris successfully created illuminating gas from wood, used it to light his house, and suggested lighting the entire city of Paris.

Thus it may be said that illuminating gas and the new century were born together—the former preceding the latter a little and lighting the way.

Thus it can be said that illuminating gas and the new century were born together—the former arriving just before the latter and lighting the way.

Then in 1803 the English periodicals began to take the matter up and discuss the whole subject. One magazine objected to its use in houses on the ground that the curtains and furniture would be ruined by the saturation produced by the oxygen and hydrogen, and that the curtains would have to be wrung out the next morning after the illumination. There doubtless was good cause for objection to the smoky, unpleasant smelling light then produced.

Then in 1803, English magazines started to address the issue and discuss the entire topic. One magazine argued against using it in homes, claiming that the curtains and furniture would be damaged by the moisture from the oxygen and hydrogen, and that the curtains would need to be wrung out the next morning after the lights were on. There were certainly valid reasons to object to the smoky, unpleasant-smelling light that was produced at the time.

In America in 1806 David Melville of Newport, Rhode Island, lighted with gas his own house and the street in front of it. In 1813 he took out a patent and lighted several factories. In 1817 his process[Pg 453] was applied to Beaver Tail Lighthouse on the Atlantic coast—the first use of illuminating gas in lighthouses. Coal oil and electricity have since been found better illuminants for this purpose.

In America in 1806, David Melville from Newport, Rhode Island, lit his own house and the street in front of it with gas. In 1813, he obtained a patent and illuminated several factories. In 1817, his process[Pg 453] was applied to Beaver Tail Lighthouse on the Atlantic coast—the first use of gas lighting in lighthouses. Coal oil and electricity have since proven to be better lighting options for this purpose.

Murdoch, Winser, Clegg and others continued to illuminate the public works and buildings of England. Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament were lighted in 1813, and the streets of London in 1815. Paris was lighted in 1820, and the largest American cities from 1816 to 1825. But it required the work of the chemists as well as the mechanics to produce the best gas. The rod of Science had touched the rock again and from the earth had sprung another servant with power to serve mankind, and waited the skilled brain and hand to direct its course.

Murdoch, Winser, Clegg, and others kept shining a light on the public works and buildings of England. Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament were lit up in 1813, and the streets of London in 1815. Paris had lighting by 1820, and the biggest American cities followed suit from 1816 to 1825. But getting the best gas required the expertise of both chemists and mechanics. The rod of Science had struck the rock once more, and from the earth emerged another tool with the power to benefit humanity, waiting for skilled minds and hands to guide its use.

Produced almost entirely from bituminous coal, it was found to be composed chiefly of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen; but various other gases were mixed therewith. To determine the proper proportions of these gases, to know which should be increased or wholly or partly eliminated, required the careful labours of patient chemists. They taught also how the gas should be distilled, condensed, cleaned, scrubbed, confined in retorts, and its flow measured and controlled.

Produced mostly from bituminous coal, it was mainly made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; however, various other gases were mixed in. Figuring out the right amounts of these gases and knowing which ones should be increased or completely or partially removed required the diligent efforts of careful chemists. They also taught how to distill, condense, clean, scrub, store in retorts, and measure and control the flow of the gas.

Fortunately the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth had produced chemists whose investigations and discoveries paved the way for success in this revolution in the world of light. Priestley had discovered oxygen. Dalton had divided matter into atoms, and shown that in its every form, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, these atoms had their own independent, characteristic, unalterable weight, and that gases diffused themselves in certain proportions.[Pg 454]

Fortunately, the later part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth produced chemists whose research and discoveries set the stage for success in this revolution in the world of light. Priestley discovered oxygen. Dalton divided matter into atoms and demonstrated that in every form—solid, liquid, or gas—these atoms had their own independent, distinctive, unchanging weight, and that gases mixed themselves in specific proportions.[Pg 454]

Berthollet, Graham, and a host of others in England, France, and Germany, advanced the art. The highest skilled mechanics, like Clegg of England, supplied the apparatus. He it was who invented a gas purifier, liquid gas meter, and other useful contrivances.

Berthollet, Graham, and many others in England, France, and Germany improved the field. The most skilled mechanics, like Clegg from England, provided the equipment. He was the one who invented a gas purifier, liquid gas meter, and other practical devices.

As the character of the gas as an illuminator depends on the quantity of hydro-carbon, or olefiant elements it contains, great efforts were made to invent processes and means of carbureting it.

As the quality of gas as a source of light depends on the amount of hydrocarbon or olefiant elements it has, significant efforts were made to develop processes and methods for adding carbon to it.

The manufacture of gas was revolutionised by the invention of water gas. The main principle of this process is the mixture of hydrogen with the vapour of some hydro-carbon: Hydrogen burns with very little light and the purpose of the hydro-carbon is to increase the brilliancy of the flame. The hydrogen gas is so obtained by the decomposition of water, effected by passing steam through highly heated coals.

The production of gas was transformed by the invention of water gas. The key idea behind this process is mixing hydrogen with the vapor of a hydrocarbon. Hydrogen burns with minimal light, and the hydrocarbon's role is to enhance the brightness of the flame. Hydrogen gas is produced by breaking down water through passing steam over hot coals.

Patents began to be taken out in this line in England in 1823-24; by Donovan in 1830; Geo. Lowe in 1832, and White in 1847. But in England water gas could not compete with coal gas in cheapness. On the contrary, in America, especially after the petroleum wells were opened up, and nature supplied the hydro-carbon in roaring wells and fountains, water gas came to the front.

Patents started being issued in this area in England in 1823-24; by Donovan in 1830; Geo. Lowe in 1832; and White in 1847. However, in England, water gas couldn't compete with coal gas in terms of cost. In contrast, in America, especially after petroleum wells were opened up and nature provided hydrocarbon from booming wells and fountains, water gas became popular.

The leading invention there in this line was that of T. S. C. Lowe of Morristown, Pennsylvania, in 1873. In Lowe’s process anthracite coal might be used, which was raised in a suitable retort to a great heat, then superheated steam admitted over this hot bed and decomposed into hydrogen and carbonic oxide; then a small stream of naphtha or crude petroleum was thrown upon the surface of the burning coal, and from these decompositions and mixtures a rich[Pg 455] olefiant product and other light-giving gases were produced.

The key invention in this area was by T. S. C. Lowe from Morristown, Pennsylvania, in 1873. In Lowe’s method, anthracite coal could be used, heated in a special retort to a high temperature, then superheated steam was introduced over this hot layer and broke down into hydrogen and carbon monoxide. After that, a small amount of naphtha or crude oil was added to the surface of the burning coal, resulting in a rich[Pg 455] olefin product and other illuminating gases.

The Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1886 awarded Lowe, or his representatives, a grand medal of honour, his being the invention exhibited that year which in their opinion contributed most to the welfare of mankind.

The Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1886 awarded Lowe, or his representatives, a grand medal of honor, as his invention exhibited that year was considered the most beneficial to the welfare of mankind.

A number of inventors have followed in the direction set by Lowe. The largest part of gas manufacture, which has become so extensive, embodies the basic idea of the Lowe process.

A number of inventors have followed the path established by Lowe. The majority of gas production, which has become so widespread, incorporates the fundamental concept of the Lowe process.

The competition set up by the electricians, especially in the production of the beautiful incandescent light for indoor illumination, has spurred inventors of gas processes to renewed efforts—much to the benefit of that great multitude who sit in darkness until corporations furnish them with light.

The competition created by electricians, especially in making beautiful incandescent lights for indoor lighting, has motivated gas process inventors to work harder—greatly benefiting the many people who sit in darkness until companies provide them with light.

It was found by Siemens, the great German inventor of modern gas regenerative furnace systems, that the quality of the gas was much improved, and a greater intensity of light obtained, by heating the gases and air before combustion—a plan particularly adapted in lighting large spaces.

It was discovered by Siemens, the renowned German inventor of modern gas regenerative furnace systems, that the quality of the gas significantly improved, and a greater intensity of light was achieved, by heating the gases and air before combustion—a method especially suited for lighting large areas.

To describe in detail the large number of inventions relating to the manufacture of gas would require a huge volume—the generators, carburetors, retorts, mixers, purifiers, metres, scrubbers, holders, condensers, governors, indicators, registers, chargers, pressure regulators, etc., etc.

To give a detailed account of the many inventions related to gas manufacturing would need a massive book—the generators, carburetors, retorts, mixers, purifiers, meters, scrubbers, holders, condensers, governors, indicators, registers, chargers, pressure regulators, and so on.

It was a great convenience outside of towns and cities, where gas mains could not be laid, to have domestic plants and portable gas apparatus, worked on the same principles, but in miniature form, adapted to a single house, but the exercise of great ingenuity was required to render such adaptation successful.[Pg 456]

It was really convenient outside of towns and cities, where gas mains couldn't be installed, to have home gas plants and portable gas equipment, which operated on the same principles but in a smaller scale, designed for individual homes. However, a lot of creativity was needed to make such adaptations work successfully.[Pg 456]

In the use of liquid illuminants, which need a wick to feed them, the Argand burner—that arrangement of concentric tubes between which the wick is confined—although invented by Argand in 1784, yet has occupied a vast field of usefulness in connection with the lamps of the nineteenth century.

In the use of liquid fuels that require a wick to function, the Argand burner—a setup of concentric tubes that hold the wick—was invented by Argand in 1784 and has been widely used with lamps throughout the nineteenth century.

A dangerous but very extensively used illuminating liquid before coal oil was discovered was camphene, distilled from turpentine. It gave a good light but was not a safe domestic companion.

A dangerous but widely used lighting fluid before kerosene was discovered was camphene, which was distilled from turpentine. It provided a strong light but wasn't a safe choice for home use.

Great attention has recently been paid to the production of acetylene gas, produced by the reaction between calcium carbide and water. The making of the calcium carbide by the decomposition of mixed pulverised lime and coal by the use of a powerful electric battery, is a preliminary step in the production of this gas, and was a subsequent discovery.

Great attention has recently been given to the production of acetylene gas, which is created by the reaction between calcium carbide and water. The creation of calcium carbide involves breaking down a mix of crushed lime and coal using a strong electric battery, and this was a crucial step in the production of this gas that was discovered later.

The electric light, acetylene, magnesium, and other modern sources of light, although they may be more brilliant and intense than coal gas, cannot compete in cheapness of production with the latter. Thus far illuminating coal gas is still the queen of artificial lights.

The electric light, acetylene, magnesium, and other modern light sources, while they might be brighter and more intense than coal gas, can't match it in production cost. So far, illuminating coal gas remains the queen of artificial lights.

After gas was fairly started in lighting streets and buildings its adaptation to lamps followed; and among the most noted of gas lamps is that of Von Welsbach, who combined a bunsen gas flame and a glass chimney with a “mantle” located therein. This mantle is a gauze-like structure made of refractory quartz, or of certain oxides, which when heated by the gas flame produce an incandescent glow of intense brilliancy, with a reduced consumption of gas.

After gas was successfully used to light streets and buildings, it was then adapted for lamps; one of the most well-known gas lamps is that of Von Welsbach, who combined a Bunsen gas flame and a glass chimney with a “mantle” inside it. This mantle is a gauze-like structure made of heat-resistant quartz or certain oxides, which, when heated by the gas flame, produces an incandescent glow of intense brightness while using less gas.



When the nineteenth century dawned, men were making brick in the same way for the most part that they were fifty centuries before. It is recorded in the eleventh chapter of Genesis that when “the whole earth was of one language and one speech, it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there, and they said to one another, Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly, And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.” Then commenced the building of Babel. Who taught the trade to the brick-makers of Shinar?

When the nineteenth century began, people were mostly making bricks the same way they did fifty centuries earlier. The eleventh chapter of Genesis notes that when “the whole earth was of one language and one speech, it happened as they traveled from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they settled there, and they said to each other, ‘Come on, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ And they had bricks for stone, and tar for mortar.” That’s when the building of Babel started. Who taught the brick-makers of Shinar their craft?

The journey from the east continued, and with it went brick making to Greece and Rome, across the continent of Europe, across the English channel, until the brick work of Cæsar, stamped by the trade mark of his legions, was found on the banks of the Thames, and through the fields of Caerleon and York.

The journey from the east went on, bringing brick making to Greece and Rome, traveling across Europe and the English Channel, until the brickwork of Caesar, marked by the logo of his legions, was discovered along the banks of the Thames and through the fields of Caerleon and York.

Alfred the Great encouraged the trade, and the manufacture flourished finely under Henry VIII., Elizabeth and Charles I.

Alfred the Great promoted trade, and manufacturing thrived remarkably under Henry VIII, Elizabeth, and Charles I.

As to Pottery:—Could we only know who among the peoples of the earth first discovered, used, or invented fire, we might know who were the first makers of baked earthenware. Doubtless the art of pottery arose before men learned to bake the plastic clay, in[Pg 458] that groping time when men, kneading the soft clay with their fingers, or imprinting their footsteps in the yielding surface and learning that the sun’s heat stiffened and dried those forms into durability, applied the discovery to the making of crude vessels, as children unto this day make dishes from the tenacious mud. But the artificial burning of the vessels was no doubt a later imitation of Nature.

As for pottery:—If we only knew who among the people of the world first discovered, used, or created fire, we might know who the first makers of baked earthenware were. Surely, the craft of pottery came about before people figured out how to bake the plastic clay, during that uncertain time when people, kneading the soft clay with their fingers or leaving their footprints in the pliable surface, discovered that the sun’s heat hardened and dried those shapes into something lasting. They then applied this knowledge to create basic vessels, just as children today make dishes from the sticky mud. However, the artificial firing of the vessels was likely a later imitation of Nature.

Alongside the rudest and earliest chipped stone implements have been found the hollow clay dish for holding fire, or food, or water. “As the fragment of a speech or song, a waking or a sleeping vision, the dream of a vanished hand, a draught of water from a familiar spring, the almost perished fragrance of a pressed flower call back the singer, the loved and lost, the loved and won, the home of childhood, or the parting hour, so in the same manner there linger in this crowning decade of the crowning century bits of ancient ingenuity which recall to a whole people the fragrance and beauty of its past.” Prof. O. T. Mason. The same gifted writer, adds: “Who has not read, with almost breaking heart, the story of Palissy, the Huguenot potter? But what have our witnesses to say of that long line of humble creatures that conjured out of prophetic clay, without wheels or furnace, forms and decorations of imperishable beauty, which are now being copied in glorified material in the best factories of the world? In ceramic as well as textile art the first inventors were women. They quarried the clay, manipulated it, constructed and decorated the ware, burned it in a rude furnace and wore it out in a hundred uses.”

Alongside the earliest and rudest chipped stone tools, archaeologists have discovered hollow clay dishes used for holding fire, food, or water. “Just like a snippet of a song or speech, a waking or dreaming vision, the memory of a lost hand, drinking from a familiar spring, or the faint scent of a pressed flower can evoke the singer, the loved ones lost, the cherished and won, the childhood home, or the moment of parting, in the same way, fragments of ancient creativity linger in this defining decade of the defining century, reminding an entire people of the fragrance and beauty of their past.” Prof. O. T. Mason. The same talented writer adds: “Who hasn’t read, with a heavy heart, the story of Palissy, the Huguenot potter? But what do our sources say about the long line of humble artisans who created enduring beauty from raw clay, without wheels or kilns, producing forms and designs that are now being replicated in high-quality materials in the best factories worldwide? In both ceramics and textiles, the first innovators were women. They mined the clay, shaped it, created and decorated the pieces, fired them in simple kilns, and used them in countless ways.”

From the early dawn of human history to its present noonday civilisation the progress of man may be traced in his pottery. Before printing was an art, he[Pg 459] inscribed on it his literature. Poets and painters have adorned it; and in its manufacture have been embodied through all ages the choicest discoveries of the chemist, the inventor and the mechanic.

From the early dawn of human history to our current advanced civilization, we can track human progress through pottery. Before printing became an art, he[Pg 459] recorded his literature on it. Poets and painters have beautified it, and throughout all ages, the finest discoveries of chemists, inventors, and mechanics have been integrated into its production.

It would be pleasant to trace the history of pottery from at least the time of Homer, who draws a metaphor from the potter seated before his wheel and twirling it with both hands, as he shapes the plastic clay upon it; to dwell upon the clay tablets and many-coloured vases, covered with Egyptian scenes and history; to re-excite wonder over the arts of China, in her porcelain, the production of its delicacy and bright colours wrapped in such mystery, and stagnant for so many ages, but revived and rejuvenated in Japan; to recall to mind the styles and composition of the Phœnician vases with mythological legends burned immortally therein; the splendid work of the Greek potteries; to lift the Samian enwreathed bowl, “filled with Samian wine”; to look upon the Roman pottery, statues and statuettes of Rome’s earlier and better days; the celebrated Faience (enamelled pottery) at its home in Faenza, Italy, and from the hands of its master, Luca della Robia; to trace the history of the rare Italian majolica; to tread with light steps the bright tiles of the Saracens; to rehearse the story of Bernard Palissy, the father of the beautiful French enamelled ware; to bring to view the splendid old ware of Nuremberg, the raised white figures on the deep blue plaques of Florence, the honest Delft ware of Holland; and finally to relate the revolution in the production of pottery throughout all Europe caused by the discoveries and inventions of Wedgwood of England in the eighteenth century. All this would be interesting, but we must hasten on to the equally[Pg 460] splendid and more practical works of the busy nineteenth century, in which many toilsome methods of the past have been superseded by labour-saving contrivances.

It would be enjoyable to trace the history of pottery starting from at least the time of Homer, who used the image of a potter at his wheel, shaping the soft clay with both hands; to reflect on the clay tablets and colorful vases adorned with Egyptian scenes and history; to reawaken awe for Chinese arts in its porcelain, which boasts delicacy and vibrant colors wrapped in mystery, having remained stagnant for so long, yet revived and refreshed in Japan; to recall the designs and shapes of the Phoenician vases with immortal mythological stories inscribed upon them; the remarkable works of Greek pottery; to lift the Samian bowl, "filled with Samian wine"; to appreciate Roman pottery, statues, and statuettes from Rome's earlier and better times; the famous Faience (enamelled pottery) from its origin in Faenza, Italy, crafted by its master, Luca della Robbia; to explore the history of the rare Italian majolica; to walk lightly on the bright tiles of the Saracens; to recount the story of Bernard Palissy, the father of beautiful French enamelled ware; to showcase the exquisite old ware from Nuremberg, the raised white figures on the deep blue plaques from Florence, and the authentic Delft ware from Holland; and finally to discuss the revolution in pottery production across Europe prompted by the discoveries and inventions of England’s Wedgwood in the eighteenth century. All of this would be fascinating, but we must move quickly to the equally[Pg 460] impressive and more practical works of the industrious nineteenth century, where many labor-intensive techniques from the past have been replaced by time-saving devices.

The application of machinery to the manufacture of brick began to receive attention during the latter part of the eighteenth century, after Watt had harnessed steam, and a few patents were issued in England and America at that time for such machinery of that character, but little was practically done.

The use of machinery for making bricks started to gain attention in the late eighteenth century, after Watt harnessed steam. A few patents for this type of machinery were issued in England and America during that time, but not much was actually done.

The operations in brickmaking, to the accomplishment of which by machines the inventors of the nineteenth century have devoted great talent, relate:

The processes involved in brickmaking, which the inventors of the nineteenth century have dedicated considerable skill to accomplishing with machines, involve:

First, to the preparation of the clay.—In ancient Egypt, in places where water abounded, it appears that the clay was lifted from the bottoms of ponds and lakes on the end of poles, was formed into bricks, then sun-dried, modernly called adobes. The clay for making these required a stiffening material. For this straw was used, mixed with the clay; and stubble was also used in the different courses. Hence the old metaphor of worthlessness of “bricks without straw,” but of course in burning, and in modern processes of pressing unburnt bricks, straw is no longer used. Sand should abound in the clay in a certain proportion, or be mixed therewith, otherwise the clay, whether burned or unburned, will crumble. Stones, gravel and sticks must be removed, otherwise the contraction of the clay and expansion of the stones on burning, produce a weak and crumbling structure.

First, let's talk about preparing the clay. In ancient Egypt, where water was plentiful, clay was taken from the bottoms of ponds and lakes using poles, shaped into bricks, and then sun-dried, which we now call adobes. Making these bricks needed a stiffening material, so straw was mixed in with the clay, along with stubble in different layers. This is where the old saying about the worthlessness of “bricks without straw” comes from. However, in the process of burning and in modern methods of pressing unfired bricks, straw is no longer used. The clay should have a certain amount of sand mixed in; otherwise, whether burned or unburned, it will fall apart. Stones, gravel, and sticks need to be removed, or else the shrinking of the clay and the expansion of the stones when heated will create a weak and crumbling structure.

Brick clay generally is coloured by the oxide of iron, and in proportion as this abounds the burned brick is of a lighter or a deeper red. It may be desired to add colouring matter or mix different forms[Pg 461] of clay, or add sand or other ingredients. Clay treated by hand was for ages kneaded as dough is kneaded, by the hand or feet, and the clay was often long subjected, sometimes for years, to exposure to the air, frost and sun to disintegrate and ripen it. As the clay must be first disintegrated, ground or pulverised, as grain is first ground to flour to make and mould the bread, so the use of a grinding mill was long ago suggested. The first machine used to do all this work goes by the humble name of pug mill.

Brick clay is usually colored by iron oxide, and the amount of this oxide affects whether the fired brick turns out a lighter or darker red. Sometimes, it might be necessary to add colorants or mix different types of clay, or include sand and other materials. For a long time, clay that was worked by hand was kneaded like dough, using hands or feet. It was also often left exposed to air, frost, and sunlight for extended periods, sometimes even for years, to break it down and prepare it. Before clay can be molded, it has to be broken down, ground, or pulverized, much like how grain is ground into flour for baking bread. This is why the idea of using a grinding mill was proposed long ago. The first machine designed to do all this is called a pug mill.[Pg 461]

Many ages ago the Chilians of South America hung two ponderous solid wood or stone wheels on an axis turned by a vertical shaft and operated by animal power; the wheels were made to run round on a deep basin in which ores, or stones, or grain were placed to be crushed. This Chilian mill, in principle, was adopted a century or so ago in Europe to the grinding of clay. The pug mill has assumed many different forms in this age; and separate preliminary mills, consisting of rollers of different forms for grinding, alone are often used before the mixing operation. In one modern form the pug mill consists of an inverted conical-shaped cylinder provided with a set of interior revolving blades arranged horizontally, and below this a spiral arrangement of blades on a vertical axis, by which the clay is thoroughly cut up and crushed against the surrounding walls of the mill, in the meantime softened with water or steam if desired, and mixed with sand if necessary, and when thus ground and tempered is finally pressed down through the lower opening of the cylinder and directly into suitable brick moulds beneath.

Many years ago, the Chilians of South America hung two heavy solid wood or stone wheels on an axis turned by a vertical shaft powered by animals. The wheels were designed to rotate in a deep basin where ores, stones, or grain were placed to be crushed. This Chilian mill, in principle, was adopted in Europe about a century ago for grinding clay. The pug mill has taken on many different forms today, and separate preliminary mills with various roller designs for grinding are often used before the mixing process. In one modern version, the pug mill features an inverted conical-shaped cylinder equipped with a set of horizontal interior revolving blades, along with a spiral arrangement of blades on a vertical axis below. This setup thoroughly cuts and crushes the clay against the walls of the mill, while it is softened with water or steam as needed and mixed with sand if required. When the clay is ground and tempered, it is finally pressed down through the lower opening of the cylinder and directly into the appropriate brick molds underneath.

Second.—The next operation is for moulding and pressing the brick. To take the place of that ancient[Pg 462] and still used mode of filling a mould of a certain size by the hands with a lump of soft clay, scraping off the surplus, and then dumping the mould upon a drying floor, a great variety of machines have been invented.

Second.—The next step is to mold and press the brick. Instead of the old [Pg 462] method of filling a mold of a specific size by hand with a clump of soft clay, scraping off the excess, and then flipping the mold onto a drying floor, many different machines have been developed.

In some the pug mill is arranged horizontally to feed out the clay in the form of a long horizontal slab, which is cut up into proper lengths to form the bricks. Some machines are in the form of a large horizontal revolving wheel, having the moulds arranged in its top face, each mould charged with clay as the wheel presents it under the discharging spout of the grinding mill, and then the clay is pressed by pistons or plungers worked by a rocking beam, and adapted to descend and fit into the mould at stated intervals; or the moulds, carried in a circular direction, may have movable bottom plates, which may be pressed upwards successively by pistons attached to them and raised by inclines on which they travel, forcing the clay against a large circular top plate, and in the last part of the movement carrying the pressed brick through an aperture to the top of the plate, where it is met by and carried away on an endless apron.

In some cases, the pug mill is set up horizontally to dispense the clay as a long flat slab, which is then cut into the right lengths to create the bricks. Some machines look like a large horizontal revolving wheel, with molds placed on its top surface. Each mold is filled with clay as the wheel brings it under the discharge spout of the grinding mill. Then, pistons or plungers, operated by a rocking beam, press the clay into the molds at regular intervals. Alternatively, the molds can move in a circular path and have movable bottom plates. These plates can be pushed up by pistons connected to them and elevated by inclines they travel on, forcing the clay against a large circular top plate. In the final stage of the process, the pressed brick is pushed through an opening to the top of the plate, where it's collected and carried away on a continuous conveyor belt.

In some machines two great wheels mesh together, one carrying the moulds in its face, and the other the presser plate plungers, working in the former, the bricks being finally forced out on to a moving belt by the action of cam followers, or by other means.

In some machines, two large wheels interlock, with one holding the molds on its surface and the other having the pressing plate plungers that operate in the first. The bricks are then pushed out onto a moving conveyor belt by cam followers or other mechanisms.

In others the moulds are passed, each beneath a gravity-descending or cam-forced plunger, the clay being thus stamped by impact into form; or in other forms the clay in the moulds may be subjected to successive pressure from the cam-operated pistons arranged horizontally and on a line with the discharging belt.[Pg 463]

In some cases, the molds are pressed under a gravity-fed or cam-driven plunger, with the clay being stamped into shape by impact; in other instances, the clay in the molds may undergo repeated pressure from horizontally arranged, cam-operated pistons aligned with the discharge belt.[Pg 463]

Third, the drying and burning of the brick.—The old methods were painfully slow and tedious. A long time was occupied in seasoning the clay, and then after the bricks were moulded, another long time was necessary to dry them, and a final lengthy period was employed to burn them in crude kilns. These old methods were too slow for modern wants. But they still are in vogue alongside of modern inventions, as in all ages the use of old arts and implements have continued along by the side of later inventions and discoveries.

Third, the drying and burning of the brick.—The old methods were really slow and tedious. A long time was spent seasoning the clay, and then after the bricks were shaped, it took even longer to dry them, followed by another lengthy period for firing them in basic kilns. These outdated methods were too slow for today's needs. However, they still coexist with modern techniques, just like in every age where traditional methods and tools have persisted alongside newer inventions and discoveries.

No useful contrivances are suddenly or apparently ever entirely supplanted. The implements of the stone age are still found in use by some whose environment has deprived them of the knowledge of or desire to use better tools. The single ox pulling the crooked stick plough, or other similar ancient earth stirrer, and Ruth with her sickle and sheaves, may be found not far from the steam plough and the automatic binder.

No useful tools are ever completely replaced overnight. The tools from the Stone Age are still used by some people who lack the knowledge or desire to use better ones. The single ox pulling a simple plow or other similar ancient farming tools, along with Ruth using her sickle and gathering sheaves, can be seen alongside modern steam plows and automatic binders.

But the use of antiquated machinery is not followed by those who lead the procession in this industrial age. Consequently other means than the slow processes of nature to dry brick and other ceramics, and the crude kilns are giving way to modern heat distributing structures.

But the use of outdated machinery isn't how those leading the way in this industrial age operate. As a result, methods other than the slow natural processes for drying bricks and other ceramics, along with the basic kilns, are being replaced by modern heat distribution systems.

Air and heat are driven by fans through chambers, in which the brick are openly piled on cars, the surplus heat and steam from an engine-room being often used for this purpose, and the cars so laden are slowly pushed on the tracks through heated chambers. Passages and pipes and chimneys for heat and air controlled by valves are provided, and the waste moisture drawn off through bottom drains or up chimneys, the draft of which is increased by a hot blast, or blasts[Pg 464] of heated air are driven in one direction through a chamber while the brick are moved through in the opposite direction, or a series of drying chambers are separated from each other by iron folding-doors, the temperature increasing as cars are moved on tracks from one chamber to another.

Air and heat are moved by fans through chambers, where bricks are stacked openly on cars. Often, excess heat and steam from the engine room are used for this purpose, and the loaded cars are gradually pushed along the tracks through heated chambers. Passages, pipes, and chimneys for managing heat and air are controlled by valves, and excess moisture is removed through bottom drains or up chimneys. The draft is enhanced by hot blasts of air, which are directed through a chamber while the bricks move in the opposite direction. Alternatively, a series of drying chambers are separated by iron folding doors, and the temperature increases as the cars move along the tracks from one chamber to the next.

Dr. Hoffmann of Berlin invented different forms of drying and burning chambers which attracted great attention. In his kiln the bricks are stacked in an annular chamber, and the fire made to progress from one section of the chamber to another, burning the brick as the heat advances; and as fast as one section of green brick is dried, or burned, it is withdrawn, and a green section presented. Austria introduced most successful and thorough systems of drying brick about 1870. In some great kilns fires are never allowed to cease. One kiln had been kept thus heated for fifteen years. Thus great quantities of green brick can at any time be pushed into the kiln on tracks, and when burned pushed out, and thus the process may go on continuously day and night.

Dr. Hoffmann from Berlin invented various types of drying and burning chambers that gained a lot of attention. In his kiln, the bricks are arranged in an annular chamber, and the fire is designed to move from one section of the chamber to another, burning the bricks as the heat advances. As soon as one section of wet bricks is dried or burned, it is removed, and a new section of wet bricks is added. Austria introduced very effective and comprehensive systems for drying bricks around 1870. In some large kilns, fires are never allowed to go out. One kiln had been continuously heated for fifteen years. This allows large amounts of wet bricks to be pushed into the kiln on tracks at any time, and once they are burned, they can be pushed out, allowing the process to continue non-stop, day and night.

To return to pottery: As before stated, Wedgwood of England revolutionised the art of pottery in the eighteenth century. He was aided by Flaxman. Before their time all earthenware pottery was what is now called “soft pottery.” That is, it was unglazed, simply baked clay; lustrous or semi-glazed and enamelled having a harder surface. Wedgwood invented the hard porcelain surface, and very many beautiful designs. To improve such earthenware and to best decorate it, are the objects around which modern inventions have mostly clustered.

To get back to pottery: As mentioned earlier, Wedgwood from England changed the game of pottery in the eighteenth century. He was supported by Flaxman. Before their era, all earthenware pottery was what we now call “soft pottery.” This means it was unglazed, just baked clay; shiny or semi-glazed and enamelled with a harder surface. Wedgwood created the hard porcelain surface and many beautiful designs. The goal of enhancing such earthenware and decorating it well is what modern inventions have largely focused on.

The “regenerative” principle of heating above referred to employed in some kilns, and so successfully [Pg 465]incorporated in the regenerators invented since 1850 by Siemens, Frank, Boetius, Bicheroux, Pousard and others, consisting in using the intensely hot wasted gases from laboratories or combustion chambers to heat the incoming air, and carrying the mingled products of combustion into chambers and passages to heat, dry or burn materials placed therein, has been of great service in the production of modern pottery; not only in a great saving in the amount of fuel, but in reduction in loss of pieces of ware spoiled in the firing.

The “regenerative” principle of heating mentioned earlier is used in some kilns and has been effectively incorporated in the regenerators developed since 1850 by Siemens, Frank, Boetius, Bicheroux, Pousard, and others. This process involves using the extremely hot waste gases from laboratories or combustion chambers to heat the incoming air and directing the combined products of combustion into chambers and passages to heat, dry, or burn the materials placed inside. This method has greatly benefited the production of modern pottery, not just by significantly reducing fuel consumption, but also by decreasing the number of pieces of ware damaged during firing.

The old method of burning wood, or soft coal, or charcoal at the bottom of a small old-fashioned cylindrical fire brick kiln attended to by hand, and heating the articles of pottery arranged on shelves in the chamber above, is done away with to a great extent in large manufactories for the making of stone and earthenware—although still followed in many porcelain kilns.

The old way of burning wood, soft coal, or charcoal at the bottom of a small, traditional cylindrical fire brick kiln, managed by hand, and heating the pottery placed on shelves in the chamber above, has mostly been replaced in large factories that produce stone and earthenware—though it’s still practiced in many porcelain kilns.

Inventions in the line of pottery kilns have received the aid of woman. Susan Frackelton of the United States invented a portable kiln for firing pottery and porcelain, for which she obtained a patent in 1886.

Inventions related to pottery kilns have gotten support from women. Susan Frackelton from the United States created a portable kiln for firing pottery and porcelain, for which she received a patent in 1886.

As in drying clay for brick, so in drying clay for porcelain and pottery generally, great improvements have been made in the drying of the clay, and other materials to be mixed therewith. A great step was taken to aid drying by the invention of the filter press, in which the materials, after they are mixed and while still wet, are subjected to such pressure that all surplus water is removed and all air squeezed out, by which the inclosure of air bubbles in the clay is prevented.

As with drying clay for bricks, there have been significant advancements in drying clay for porcelain and pottery in general. A major development that improved the drying process was the invention of the filter press, which applies pressure to the materials after they are mixed and while they are still wet. This process removes excess water and eliminates air, preventing the entrapment of air bubbles in the clay.

Despairing of excelling the China porcelain, although [Pg 466]French investigators having alleged their discovery of such methods, modern inventors have contented themselves in inventing new methods and compositions. Charles Aoisseau, the potter of Tours, born in 1796, rediscovered and revived the art of Palissy. About 1842, Thomas Battam of England invented the method of imitating marble and other statuary by a composition of silica, alumina, soda, and traces of lime, magnesia, and iron, reducing it to liquid form and pouring it into plaster moulds, forming the figure or group. His plaster casts soon became famous. In the use of materials the aid of chemists was had in finding the proper ingredients to fuse with sand to produce the best forms of common and fine Faience.

Despairing of surpassing Chinese porcelain, although [Pg 466]French researchers claimed they discovered such techniques, modern inventors focused on creating new methods and materials. Charles Aoisseau, the potter from Tours, born in 1796, rediscovered and revived the art of Palissy. Around 1842, Thomas Battam from England developed a method to imitate marble and other sculptures using a mixture of silica, alumina, soda, and small amounts of lime, magnesia, and iron, which he reduced to a liquid and poured into plaster molds to shape the figure or group. His plaster casts quickly gained popularity. By utilizing different materials, chemists helped find the right ingredients to combine with sand to create the best types of common and fine Faience.

Porcelain Moulding, and its accompanying ornamentation and the use of apparatus for moulding by compression and by exhaustion of the air has become since that time a great industry.

Porcelain Molding, along with its decorative elements and the use of tools for molding through compression and air removal, has turned into a huge industry since then.

Porcelain Colours.—Chemists also aided in discovering what metallic ingredients could best be used when mixed with the clay and sand to produce the desired colours. As soon as a new metal was discovered, it was tested to find, among other things, what vitrifiable colour it would produce. In the production of metallic glazes, the oxides generally are employed. The colours are usually applied to ware when it is in its unglazed or biscuit form. In the biscuit or bisque form pottery is bibulous, the prepared glaze sinks into its pores and when burned forms a vitreous coating.

Porcelain Colors.—Chemists also helped figure out which metallic ingredients could be mixed with clay and sand to create the desired colors. Whenever a new metal was discovered, it was tested to determine, among other things, what kind of glass-like color it could create. In making metallic glazes, oxides are typically used. The colors are usually applied to the pottery when it is in its unglazed or biscuit form. In the biscuit or bisque stage, pottery is absorbent, allowing the applied glaze to seep into its pores, which then forms a glassy coating when fired.

The application of oil colours and designs to ware before baking by the “bat” system of printing originated in the eighteenth and was perfected in the nineteenth century. It consists of impressing oil[Pg 467] pictures on a bat of glue and then pressing the bat on to the porous unbaked clay or porcelain which transferred the colours. This was another revolution in the art.

The use of oil paints and designs on pottery before firing, using the “bat” printing method, started in the eighteenth century and was refined in the nineteenth century. This technique involves applying oil pictures onto a glue bat and then pressing the bat onto the porous unbaked clay or porcelain, transferring the colors. This was another breakthrough in the art.

One manner for ages of applying colours to ware is first to reduce the mixture to a liquid form, called “slip,” and then, if the Chinese method is followed, to dip the colour up on the end of a hollow bamboo rod, which end is covered with wire gauze, then by blowing through the rod the colour was sprayed or deposited on the ware. Another method is the use of a brush and comb. The brush being dipped into the coloured matter, the comb is passed over the brush in such manner as to cause the paint to spatter the object with fine drops or particles. A very recent method, by which the beautiful background and blended colours of the celebrated Rookwood pottery of Cincinnati, Ohio, have become distinguished, consists in laying the colour upon the ware in a cloud or sheet of almost imperceptible mist by the use of an air atomiser blown by the operator. By the use of this simple instrument, the laying on a single colour, or the delicate blending and shadings of two or more colours in very beautiful effects is easily produced.

One way of applying colors to pottery for ages has been to first turn the mixture into a liquid form called “slip.” If you follow the Chinese method, you dip the color onto the end of a hollow bamboo stick, which is covered with wire mesh, then by blowing through the stick, the color gets sprayed or deposited onto the pottery. Another method involves using a brush and comb. You dip the brush into the color, and then pass the comb over it in a way that makes the paint spatter onto the object in fine drops or particles. A very recent technique, which has made the beautiful background and blended colors of the famous Rookwood pottery from Cincinnati, Ohio stand out, involves applying the color onto the pottery in a cloud or sheet of nearly invisible mist using an air atomizer operated by the artist. With this simple tool, it's easy to apply a single color or to create delicate blends and shades of two or more colors with stunning effects.

This use of the atomiser commenced in 1884, and was claimed as the invention of a lady, Miss Laura Fry, who obtained a patent for thus blowing the atomised spray colouring matter on pottery in 1889; but it was held by the courts that she was anticipated by experiments of others, and by descriptions in previous patents of the spraying of paint on other objects by compressed air apparatus known as the air brush. However, this introduction of the use of the atomiser caused quite a revolution in the art of applying colours to pottery in the forming of backgrounds.[Pg 468]

This use of the atomizer started in 1884, and it was claimed to be invented by a woman, Miss Laura Fry, who got a patent in 1889 for blowing atomized spray coloring onto pottery. However, the courts decided that her idea was already anticipated by earlier experiments and descriptions in previous patents for spraying paint on other objects using compressed air tools known as airbrushes. Still, this introduction of the atomizer significantly changed the way colors were applied to pottery, particularly for creating backgrounds.[Pg 468]

Enamelled ware is no longer confined to pottery. About 1878 Niedringhaus in the United States began to enamel sheet iron by the application of glaze and iron oxide, giving such articles a granite appearance; and since then metallic cooking vessels, bath tubs, etc., have been converted in appearance into the finest earthenware and porcelain, and far more durable, beautiful and useful than the plain metal alone for such purposes.

Enamelware isn't just limited to pottery anymore. Around 1878, Niedringhaus in the United States started to enamel sheet iron by applying glaze and iron oxide, giving these items a granite look. Since then, metal cooking pots, bathtubs, and more have been transformed to look like high-quality earthenware and porcelain, while actually being much more durable, attractive, and practical than plain metal for these uses.

When we remember that for many centuries, wood and pewter, and to some extent crude earthenware, were the materials from which the dishes of the great bulk of the human family were made, as well as their table and mantel ornaments, and compare them in character and plenteousness with the table and other ware of even the poorest character of to-day, we can appreciate how much has been done in this direction to help the human family by modern inventions.

When we think about how for many centuries, wood, pewter, and to some extent rough earthenware were the materials used to make most dishes for the majority of people, as well as their table and mantel decorations, and compare those with the quality and abundance of even the cheapest tableware today, we can understand how much progress modern inventions have made to benefit humanity.

Artificial Stone.—The world as yet has not so far exhausted its supply of stone and marble as to compel a resort to artificial productions on a great scale, and yet to meet the demands of those localities wherein the natural supplies of good building stones and marble are very scarce, necessitating when used a long and expensive transportation, methods have been adopted by which, at comparatively small cost, fine imitations of the best stones and marbles have been produced, having all the durable and artistic qualities of the originals, as for the most part, they are composed of the same materials as the stone and marbles themselves.

Artificial Stone.—The world has not completely run out of stone and marble to the point where we need to rely heavily on artificial alternatives. However, in areas where natural supplies of quality building stones and marble are very limited, requiring long and costly transportation when used, techniques have been developed that allow for the creation of fine imitations of the best stones and marbles at a relatively low cost. These imitations maintain all the durability and artistic qualities of the originals, as they are largely made from the same materials as the actual stone and marble.

The characteristic backgrounds, the veins and shadowings, and the soft colours of various marbles have been quite successfully imitated by treating dehydrated [Pg 469]gypsum with various colouring solutions. Sand stones have been moulded or pressed from the same ingredients, and with either smooth or undressed faces. When necessary the mixture is coloured, to resemble precisely the original stones.

The unique backgrounds, veins, and shading, along with the soft colors of different marbles, have been effectively recreated by using dehydrated [Pg 469] gypsum mixed with various coloring solutions. Sandstones have been shaped or pressed from the same materials, featuring either smooth or rough surfaces. When needed, the mixture is dyed to closely match the original stones.

One of the improvements in the manufacture and use of modern cements and artificial stones consists in their application to the making of streets and sidewalks. Neat, smooth, hard, beautiful pavements are now taking the place everywhere of the unsatisfactory gravel, wood, and brick pavements of former days. We know that the Romans and other ancient peoples had their hydraulic cements, and the plaster on some of their walls stands to-day to attest its good quality. Modern inventors have turned their attention in recent years to the production of machines to grind, crush, mix and set the materials, and to apply them to large wall surfaces, in place of hand labour. Ready-made plaster of a fine quality is now manufactured in great quantities. It needs only the addition of a little water to reduce it to a condition for use; and a machine operated by compressed air may be had for spreading it quickly over the lath work of wood or sheet metal, slats, or over rough cement ceilings and walls.

One of the advancements in the production and use of modern cements and artificial stones is their use in making streets and sidewalks. Clean, smooth, hard, and attractive pavements are now replacing the unsatisfactory gravel, wood, and brick pavements of the past. We know that the Romans and other ancient cultures used hydraulic cements, and the plaster on some of their walls still stands today as proof of its quality. In recent years, modern inventors have focused on creating machines to grind, crush, mix, and set the materials, allowing them to be applied to large wall surfaces instead of relying on manual labor. High-quality ready-made plaster is now produced in large quantities. It only requires adding a bit of water to become usable, and a machine powered by compressed air can be used to spread it quickly over wooden or sheet metal lath, slats, or rough cement ceilings and walls.

Glass.—The Sister of Pottery is Glass. It may have been an accidental discovery, occurring when men made fire upon a sandy knoll or beach, that fire could melt and fuse sand and ashes, or sand and lime, or sand and soda or some other alkali, and with which may also have been mixed some particles of iron, or lead, or manganese, or alumina to produce that hard, lustrous, vitreous, brittle article that we call glass.

Glass.—The sibling of pottery is glass. It might have been discovered by chance when people made a fire on a sandy hill or beach, realizing that fire could melt and combine sand and ashes, or sand and lime, or sand and soda, or some other alkali. They might have also mixed in some particles of iron, lead, manganese, or alumina to create that hard, shiny, glassy, brittle material we know as glass.

But who invented the method of blowing the viscid[Pg 470] mass into form on the end of a hollow tube? Who invented the scissors and shears for cutting and trimming it when soft? Or the use of the diamond, or its dust, for polishing it when hard? History is silent on these points. The tablets of the most ancient days of Egypt, yet recovered, show glass blowers at work at their trade—and the names of the first and original inventors are buried in oblivion. Each age has handed down to us from many countries specimens of glass ware which will compare favourably in beauty and finish with any that can be made to-day.

But who came up with the technique of shaping the gooey[Pg 470] material at the end of a hollow tube? Who created the scissors and shears used for cutting and trimming it when it’s soft? Or the use of diamonds or diamond dust for polishing it when it's hard? History doesn’t provide answers to these questions. The oldest tablets from ancient Egypt that have been found show glassblowers working at their craft—and the names of the original inventors are lost to time. Each era has passed down various pieces of glassware from different countries that still compare favorably in beauty and quality to anything that can be made today.

Yet with the knowledge of making glass of the finest description existing for centuries, it is strange that its manufacture was not extended to supply the wants of mankind, to which its use now seems so indispensable. And yet as late as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries glass windows were found only in the houses of the wealthy, in the churches and palaces, and glass mirrors were unknown except to the rich, as curiosities, and as aids to the scientists in the early days of telescopy. Poor people used oiled paper, isinglass, thinly shaved leather, resembling parchment, and thin sheets of soft pale crystalised stone known as talc, and soapstone.

Yet, despite the fact that people have been making high-quality glass for centuries, it's surprising that its production wasn't expanded to meet the needs of society, where its use now seems so essential. Even as recently as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, glass windows were only found in the homes of the wealthy, as well as in churches and palaces, and glass mirrors were unfamiliar to everyone except the rich, regarded as curiosities and tools for early scientists in telescopy. Poor people used oiled paper, isinglass, thin slices of leather that looked like parchment, and thin sheets of soft, pale stone known as talc and soapstone.

The nineteenth century has been characterised as the scientific century of glass, and the term commercial, may well be added to that designation.

The nineteenth century is often referred to as the scientific century of glass, and the term commercial can definitely be added to that label.

Its commercial importance and the advancement in its manufacture during the first half of the century is illustrated in the fact that the Crystal Palace of the London Industrial Exhibition of 1851, although containing nearly 900,000 square feet of glass, was furnished by a single firm, Messrs. Chance & Co. of London, without materially delaying their[Pg 471] other orders. In addition to scientific discoveries, the manufacture of glass in England received a great impetus by the removal of onerous excise duties which had been imposed on its manufacture.

Its commercial significance and the progress in its production during the first half of the century are highlighted by the fact that the Crystal Palace of the London Industrial Exhibition in 1851, which had almost 900,000 square feet of glass, was supplied by a single company, Messrs. Chance & Co. of London, without substantially delaying their[Pg 471] other orders. Besides scientific advancements, the glass manufacturing industry in England got a significant boost from the elimination of heavy excise duties that had been placed on its production.

The principal improvements in the art of glass-making effected during the nineteenth century may be summarised as follows:

The main advancements in glass-making that took place during the nineteenth century can be summarized as follows:

First, Materials.—By the investigations of chemists and practical trials it was learned what particular effect was produced by the old ingredients employed, and it was found that the colours and qualities of glass, such as clearness, strength, tenacity, purity, etc., could be greatly modified and improved by the addition to the sand of certain new ingredients. By analysis it was learned what different metallic oxides should be employed to produce different colours. This knowledge before was either preserved in secrecy, or accidentally or empirically practised, or unknown. Thus it was learned and established that lime hardens the glass and adds to its lustre; that the use of ordinary ingredients, the silicates of lime, magnesia, iron, soda and potash, in their impure form, will produce the coarser kinds of glass, such as that of which green bottles are made; that silicates of soda and lime give the common window glass and French plate; that the beautiful varieties of Bohemian glass are chiefly a silicate of potash and lime; that crystal or flint glass, so called because formerly pulverised flints were used in making it, can be made of a suitable combination of potassia plumbic silicate; that the plumbic oxide greatly increases its transparency, brilliancy, and refractive power; that paste—that form of glass from which imitations of diamonds are cut, may be produced by adding a large proportion of the oxide[Pg 472] of lead; that by the addition of a trace of ferric oxide or uranic acid the yellow topaz can be had; that by substituting cobaltic oxide the brilliant blue sapphire is produced; that cuperic oxide will give the emerald, gold oxide the ruby, manganic oxide the royal purple, and a mixture of cobaltic and manganic oxides the rich black onyx.

First, Materials.—Through the research of chemists and practical experiments, it was discovered what specific effects the old ingredients had. It was found that the colors and qualities of glass, like clarity, strength, durability, and purity, could be significantly changed and improved by adding certain new ingredients to the sand. Analysis showed which metallic oxides to use for different colors. Previously, this knowledge was either kept secret, accidentally or empirically used, or unknown. It became clear that lime strengthens glass and enhances its shine; that using common ingredients like silicates of lime, magnesia, iron, soda, and potash in their impure forms creates coarser glass types, like those used for green bottles; that silicates of soda and lime produce standard window glass and French plate; that the beautiful varieties of Bohemian glass mostly consist of silicate of potash and lime; that crystal or flint glass, named for the pulverized flints once used to make it, can be created from a suitable mix of potash and lead silicate; that lead oxide greatly enhances transparency, brilliance, and refractive qualities; that paste—the type of glass used to create diamond imitations—can be made by adding a large amount of lead oxide; that adding a trace of ferric oxide or uranic acid allows for the production of yellow topaz; that using cobaltic oxide creates brilliant blue sapphire; that cupric oxide yields emerald, gold oxide makes ruby, manganic oxide results in royal purple, and a blend of cobaltic and manganic oxides creates rich black onyx.[Pg 472]

Professor Faraday as early as 1824 had noticed a change in colour gradually produced in glass containing oxide of manganese by exposure to the rays of the sun. This observation induced an American gentleman, Mr. Thomas Gaffield, a merchant of Boston, to further experiment in this direction. His experiments commenced in 1863, and he subjected eighty different kinds of glass, coloured and uncoloured, and manufactured in many different countries, to this exposure of the sun’s rays. He found that not only glass having manganese as an element, but nearly every species of glass, was so affected, some in shorter and some in longer times; that this discoloration was not due to the heat rays of the sun, but to its actinic rays; and that the original colour of the glass could be reproduced by reheating the same.

Professor Faraday noticed as early as 1824 that glass containing manganese oxide changed color when exposed to sunlight. This observation led an American merchant from Boston, Mr. Thomas Gaffield, to conduct further experiments. His experiments began in 1863, where he subjected eighty different types of glass, both colored and uncolored, and made in various countries, to sunlight. He discovered that not only glass with manganese but nearly all types of glass were affected, some changing faster than others. He concluded that the discoloration was caused by the sun's actinic rays, not its heat rays, and that the original color of the glass could be restored by reheating it.

Mr. Gaffield also extended his experiments to ascertain the power of different coloured glasses to transmit the actinic or chemical rays, and found that blue would transmit the most and red and orange the least.

Mr. Gaffield also expanded his experiments to determine how different colored glasses transmit actinic or chemical rays, and he found that blue transmitted the most, while red and orange transmitted the least.

Others proceeded on lines of investigation in ascertaining the best materials to be employed in glass-making in producing the clearest and most permanent uncoloured light; the best coloured lights for desired purposes; glasses having the best effects on the growth of plants; and the best class for refracting,[Pg 473] dispersing and transmitting both natural lights and those great modern artificial lights, gas and electricity.

Others continued their investigations to determine the best materials for glass-making that would produce the clearest and most durable colorless light; the best colored lights for specific purposes; glasses that would most positively impact plant growth; and the best types for refracting, [Pg 473] dispersing, and transmitting both natural light and the significant modern artificial lights, gas and electricity.

Another illustration of modern scientific investigation and success in glass-making materials is seen at the celebrated German glass works at Jena under the management of Professors Ernst Abbe and Dr. Schott, commenced in 1881. They, too, found that many substances had each its own peculiar effect in the refraction and dispersion of light, and introduced no fewer than twenty-eight new substances in glass making. Their special work was the production of glass for the finest scientific and optical purposes, and the highest grades of commercial glass. They have originated over one hundred new kinds of glass. Their lenses for telescopes and microscopes and photographic cameras, and glass and prisms, and for all chemical and other scientific work, have a worldwide reputation.

Another example of modern scientific research and achievements in glass-making materials can be found at the well-known German glassworks in Jena, managed by Professors Ernst Abbe and Dr. Schott since 1881. They discovered that many substances each had their unique effect on the refraction and dispersion of light, introducing no fewer than twenty-eight new materials in glass production. Their primary focus was creating glass for the best scientific and optical uses, as well as high-quality commercial glass. They have developed over one hundred new types of glass. Their lenses for telescopes, microscopes, and cameras, along with their glass and prisms for all types of chemical and scientific applications, enjoy a global reputation.

So that in materials of composition the old days in which there were substantially but two varieties of glass—the old-fashioned standard crown, and flint glass—have passed away.

So now in terms of materials, the old days when there were basically just two types of glass—the traditional standard crown and flint glass—are gone.

Methods.—The revolution in the production of glass has been greatly aided also by new methods of treatment of the old as well as the new materials. For instance, the application of the Siemens regenerative furnace, already alluded to in referring to pottery, in place of old-fashioned kilns, and by which the amount of smoke is greatly diminished, fuel saved, and the colour of the glass improved. Pots are used containing the materials to be melted and not heated in the presence of the burning fuel, but by the heated gases in separate compartments.

Methods.—The revolution in glass production has been significantly enhanced by new treatment methods for both old and new materials. For example, the use of the Siemens regenerative furnace, which was mentioned earlier in relation to pottery, replaces traditional kilns. This leads to a substantial reduction in smoke, conservation of fuel, and improved color of the glass. Instead of heating the materials directly with burning fuel, pots are used to contain the materials to be melted, which are heated by hot gases in separate compartments.

Another process is that of M. de la Bastie, added[Pg 474] to by others, of toughening glass by plunging it while hot and pasty and after it has been shaped, annealed, and reheated, into a bath of grease, whereby the rapid cooling and the grease changes its molecular condition so that it is less dense, resists breaking to a greater degree, and presents no sharp edges when broken.

Another process is that of M. de la Bastie, added[Pg 474] to by others, which toughens glass by plunging it while it's hot and malleable, after it has been shaped, annealed, and reheated, into a bath of grease. This rapid cooling and the grease alter its molecular structure, making it less dense, more resistant to breaking, and ensuring it has no sharp edges when broken.

Another process is that of making plate glass by the cylinder process—rolling it into large sheets.

Another process is making plate glass using the cylinder method—rolling it into large sheets.

Other processes are those for producing hollow ware by pressing in moulds; for decorating; for surface enamelling of sheet glass whereby beautiful lace patterns are transferred from the woven or netted fabric itself by using it as a stencil to distribute upon the surface the pulverised enamel, which is afterwards burned on; of producing iridescent glass in which is exhibited the lights and shadows of delicate soap bubble colours by the throwing against the surface of hydrochloric acid under pressure, or the fumes of other materials volatilised in a reheating furnace.

Other processes include making hollow items by pressing them into molds; decorating; surface enameling of sheet glass, where beautiful lace patterns are transferred from the woven or netted fabric itself by using it as a stencil to apply the pulverized enamel, which is then burned on; and creating iridescent glass that displays the lights and shadows of delicate soap bubble colors by applying hydrochloric acid under pressure against the surface or using the fumes of other materials vaporized in a reheating furnace.

Then there is Dode’s process for platinising glass, by which a reflecting mirror is produced without silvering or otherwise coating its back, by first applying a thin coating of platinic choride mixed with an oil to the surface of the glass and heating the same, by which the mirror reflects from its front face. The platinum film is so thin that the pencil and hand of a draughtsman may be seen through it, the object to be copied being seen by reflection.

Then there’s Dode’s method for platinizing glass, which creates a reflective mirror without using silver or any other coating on the back. It starts by applying a thin layer of platinic chloride mixed with oil to the surface of the glass and then heating it. As a result, the mirror reflects from its front face. The platinum film is so thin that a draftsman’s pencil and hand can be seen through it, with the object being copied visible through reflection.

Again there is the process of making glass wool or silk—which is glass drawn out into such extremely fine threads that it may be used for all purposes of silk threads in the making of fabrics for decorative purposes and in some more useful purposes, such as the filtration of water and other liquids.[Pg 475]

Again there is the process of making glass wool or silk—which is glass drawn out into such extremely fine threads that it can be used for all the same purposes as silk threads in creating fabrics for decorative purposes and in some more practical applications, like filtering water and other liquids.[Pg 475]

We have already had occasion to refer to Tilghman’s sand blast in describing pneumatic apparatus. In glass manufacture the process is used in etching on glass designs of every kind, both simple and intricate. The sand forced by steam, or by compressed air on the exposed portions of the glass on which the design rests, will cut the same deeply, or most delicately, as the hand and eye of the operator may direct.

We have already mentioned Tilghman’s sand blast when discussing pneumatic equipment. In glass manufacturing, this technique is used to etch various designs onto glass, whether they are simple or complex. Sand, propelled by steam or compressed air, is directed at the exposed areas of the glass where the design is located, allowing it to cut deeply or delicately, depending on the skill of the operator.

Machines.—In addition to the new styles of furnaces, moulds and melting, and rolling mills to which we have alluded, mention may be made of annealing and cooling ovens, by which latter the glass is greatly improved by being allowed to gradually cool. A large number of instruments have been invented for special purposes, such as for making the beautiful expensive cut glass, which is flint glass ground by wheels of iron, stone, and emery into the desired designs, while water is being applied, and then polished by wheels of wood, and pumice, or rottenstone; for grinding and polishing glass for lenses; and for polishing and finishing plate glass; for applying glass lining to metal pipes, tubes, etc.; for the delicate engraving of glass by small revolving copper disks, varying in size from the diameter of a cent down to one-fifteenth of an inch, cutting the finest blade of grass, a tiny bud, the downy wing of an insect, or the faint shadow of an exquisite eyebrow.

Machines.—Along with the new types of furnaces, molds, melting, and rolling mills we’ve mentioned, we should also note annealing and cooling ovens, which significantly enhance glass by allowing it to cool gradually. A wide range of specialized tools has been created for specific tasks, such as crafting beautiful, high-end cut glass. This involves flint glass that is ground by iron, stone, and emery wheels into the desired patterns while water is applied, then polished using wood wheels and pumice or rottenstone. There are also tools for grinding and polishing glass for lenses, finishing plate glass, applying glass linings to metal pipes and tubes, and delicately engraving glass with small rotating copper disks that range in size from the diameter of a penny to one-fifteenth of an inch, able to cut the thinnest blade of grass, a tiny bud, the fine wing of an insect, or the subtle outline of a delicate eyebrow.

Cameo cutting and incrustation; porcelain electroplating and moulding apparatus, and apparatus for making porcelain plates before drying and burning, may be added to the list.

Cameo cutting and inlay work; porcelain electroplating and molding equipment, and equipment for making porcelain plates before they dry and fire, can be added to the list.

It would be a much longer list to enumerate the various objects made of glass unknown or not in common [Pg 476]use in former generations. The reader must call to mind or imagine any article which he thinks desirable to be made from or covered with this lustrous indestructible material, or any practicable form of instrument for the transmission of light, and it is quite likely he will find it already at hand in shops or instruments in factories ready for its making.

It would take a much longer list to detail the different glass items that either aren't known or aren't common in past generations. The reader should think of or visualize any product they wish could be made from or covered with this shiny, durable material, or any useful type of device for transmitting light, and it's very likely they'll find it already available in stores or in factories ready for production.


The rubber tree, whether in India with its immense trunk towering above all its fellows and wearing a lofty crown, hundreds of feet in circumference, of mixed green and yellow blossoms; or in South America, more slender and shorter but still beautiful in clustered leaves and flowers on its long, loosely pendent branches; or in Africa, still more slender and growing as a giant creeper upon the highest trees along the water courses, hiding its struggling support and festooning the whole forest with its glossy dark green leaves, sweetly scented, pure white, star-like flowers, and its orange-like fruit—yields from its veins a milk which man has converted into one of the most useful articles of the century.

The rubber tree, whether in India with its massive trunk standing tall above all its peers and sporting a lofty crown, hundreds of feet around, adorned with a mix of green and yellow flowers; or in South America, more slender and shorter yet still lovely with clusters of leaves and flowers hanging from its long, loosely drooping branches; or in Africa, even more slender and growing like a giant vine on the tallest trees along the waterways, discreetly supporting itself while draping the entire forest with its glossy dark green leaves, sweet-smelling, pure white, star-like flowers, and its orange-like fruit—produces a latex that has been turned by humans into one of the most useful products of the century.

The modes of treating this milky juice varies among the natives of the several countries where the trees abound. In Africa they cut or strip the bark, and as the milk oozes out the natives catch and smear it thickly over their limbs and bodies, and when it dries pull it off and cut it into blocks for transportation. In Brazil the juice is collected in clay vessels and smoked and dried in a smouldering fire of palm nuts, which gives the material its dark brown appearance. They mould the softened rubber over clay patterns in the form of shoes, jars, vases,[Pg 477] tubes, etc., and as they are sticky they carry them separated on poles to the large towns and sea ports and sell them in this condition. It was some such articles that first attracted the attention of Europeans, who during the eighteenth century called the attention of their countrymen to them.

The ways of processing this milky substance differ among the locals in the various countries where the trees grow. In Africa, they cut or strip the bark, and as the milk seeps out, the locals catch it and spread it thickly over their arms and bodies. Once it dries, they peel it off and cut it into blocks for transport. In Brazil, the juice is collected in clay containers and smoked and dried over a smoldering fire of palm nuts, which gives it a dark brown color. They mold the softened rubber over clay shapes like shoes, jars, vases,[Pg 477] tubes, etc., and since it is sticky, they carry the pieces on poles to the larger towns and seaports to sell them in that state. It was these kinds of items that first caught the attention of Europeans, who in the eighteenth century alerted their fellow countrymen to them.

It was in 1736 that La Condamine described rubber to the French Academy. He afterward resided in the valley of the Amazon ten years, and then he and MM. Herissent, Macquer, and Grossat, again by their writings and experiments interested the scientific and commercial world in the matter.

It was in 1736 that La Condamine introduced rubber to the French Academy. He then lived in the Amazon Valley for ten years, and alongside MM. Herissent, Macquer, and Grossat, they sparked the interest of the scientific and commercial world through their writings and experiments.

In 1770 Dr. Priestley published the fact that this rubber had become notable for rubbing out pencil marks, bits of it being sold for a high price for that purpose. About 1797, some Englishman began to make water-proof varnish from it, and to take out patents for the same. This was as far as the art had advanced in caoutchouc, or rubber, in the eighteenth century.

In 1770, Dr. Priestley published that this rubber was recognized for erasing pencil marks, with pieces of it being sold at a high price for that purpose. Around 1797, some Englishmen started making waterproof varnish from it and obtaining patents for it. This was the extent of the advancements in rubber, or caoutchouc, during the eighteenth century.

In 1819 Mr. Mackintosh, of Glasgow, began experimenting with the oil of naphtha obtained from gas works as a solvent for India rubber; and so successfully that he made a water-proof varnish which was applied to fabrics, took out his patent in England in 1823, and thus was started the celebrated “Mackintoshes.”

In 1819, Mr. Mackintosh from Glasgow started experimenting with naphtha oil from gas works as a solvent for India rubber. He was so successful that he created a waterproof varnish that was used on fabrics. He secured his patent in England in 1823, which led to the creation of the famous “Mackintoshes.”

In 1825 Thomas C. Wales, a merchant of Boston, conceived the idea of sending American boot and shoe lasts to Brazil for use in place of their clay models. This soon resulted in sending great quantities of rubber overshoes to Europe and America.

In 1825, Thomas C. Wales, a Boston merchant, came up with the idea of sending American boot and shoe molds to Brazil to replace their clay models. This quickly led to the shipment of large amounts of rubber overshoes to Europe and America.

The importation of rubber and the manufacture of water-proof garments and articles therefrom now rapidly increased in those countries. But nothing[Pg 478] that could be done would prevent the rubber from getting soft in summer and hard and brittle in the winter. Something was needed to render the rubber insensible to the changes of temperature.

The importation of rubber and the production of waterproof clothing and items made from it quickly grew in those countries. But nothing[Pg 478] could stop the rubber from becoming soft in the summer and hard and brittle in the winter. Something was needed to make the rubber unaffected by temperature changes.

For fifty years, ever since the manufacturers and inventors of Europe and America had learned of the water-proof character of rubber, they had been striving to find something to overcome this difficulty. Finally it became the lot of one man to supply the want. His name was Charles Goodyear.

For fifty years, ever since the manufacturers and inventors of Europe and America discovered that rubber was waterproof, they had been trying to find a solution to this challenge. In the end, one man was destined to provide the answer. His name was Charles Goodyear.

Born with the century, in New Haven, Connecticut, and receiving but a public school education, he engaged with his father in the hardware business in Philadelphia. This proving a failure, he, in 1830, turned his attention to the improvement of rubber goods. He became almost a fanatic on the subject—going from place to place clad in rubber fabrics, talking about it to merchants, mechanics, scientists, chemists, anybody that would listen, making his experiments constantly; deeply in debt on account of his own and his father’s business failures, thrown into jail for debt for months, continuing his experiments there with philosophical, good-natured persistence; out of jail steeped to his lips in poverty; his family suffering for the necessaries of life; selling the school books of his children for material to continue his work, and taking a patent in 1835 for a rubber cement, which did not help him much. Finding that nitric acid improved the quality of the rubber by removing its adhesiveness, he introduced this process, which met with great favour, was applied generally to the manufacture of overshoes, and helped his condition. But his trials and troubles continued. Finally one Nathaniel Haywood suggested the use of sulphurous acid gas, and this[Pg 479] was found an improvement; but still the rubber would get hard in winter, and although not so soft in summer, yet the odour was offensive. Yet by the use of this improvement he was enabled to raise more money to get Haywood a patent for it, while he became its owner. In the midst of his further troubles, and while experimenting with the sulphur mixed with rubber he found by accidental burning or partly melting of the two together on a stove, that the part in which the sulphur was embedded was hard and inelastic, and that the part least impregnated with the sulphur was proportionately softer and more elastic. At last the great secret was discovered!

Born at the start of the century in New Haven, Connecticut, and having only a public school education, he teamed up with his father in the hardware business in Philadelphia. When that venture failed, he shifted his focus to improving rubber products in 1830. He became almost obsessed with the topic—traveling around in rubber clothing, talking to merchants, mechanics, scientists, chemists—anyone who would listen—constantly conducting experiments. Deeply in debt from his own and his father's business failures, he spent months in jail for debt, yet he continued his experiments there with philosophical and good-natured determination. After getting out of jail, he found himself in extreme poverty, with his family struggling for basic necessities. He even sold his children's school books to fund his work and took out a patent in 1835 for a rubber cement, though it didn’t offer much help. Discovering that nitric acid improved the quality of rubber by making it less sticky, he introduced this process, which was well-received and widely adopted in the production of overshoes, improving his situation. However, his difficulties continued. Eventually, a man named Nathaniel Haywood suggested using sulphurous acid gas, which turned out to be a better solution. Still, the rubber would harden in winter and, although it wasn't as soft in summer, the smell was unpleasant. Thanks to this improvement, he managed to raise enough money to get Haywood a patent while becoming its owner. In the midst of his ongoing struggles, while experimenting with sulphur mixed with rubber, he accidentally discovered that burning or partially melting the two together on a stove resulted in a part with embedded sulphur that was hard and inelastic, and a part with less sulphur that was softer and more elastic. Finally, the great secret was revealed!

And now at this later day, when $50,000,000 worth of rubber goods are made annually in the United States alone, the whole immense business is still divided into but two classes—hard and soft—hard or vulcanized like that called “ebonite,” or soft, it may be, as a delicate wafer. And these qualities depend on and vary as a greater or less amount of sulphur is used, as described in the patents of Goodyear, commencing with his French patent of 1844.

And now, in today's world, when $50,000,000 worth of rubber products are produced every year in the United States alone, the entire massive industry is still divided into just two categories—hard and soft. Hard, or vulcanized, like what’s known as “ebonite,” or soft, which can be as delicate as a wafer. These characteristics depend on and change based on the amount of sulfur used, as detailed in Goodyear's patents, starting with his French patent from 1844.

Then of course the pirates began their attacks, and he was kept poor in defending his patents, and died comparatively so in 1860; but happy in his great discovery. He had received, however, the whole world’s honours—the great council medal at the Nations Fair in London in 1851 the Cross of the Legion of Honour by Napoleon III., and lesser tributes from other nations.

Then, of course, the pirates started their attacks, and he struggled financially to defend his patents, ultimately dying relatively poor in 1860; but he was happy with his great discovery. However, he had received the world's honors—the great council medal at the Nations Fair in London in 1851, the Cross of the Legion of Honour from Napoleon III., and lesser accolades from other countries.

It can be imagined the riches that flowed into the laps of Goodyear’s successors; the wide field opened for new inventions in machines and processes; and the vast added comforts to mankind resulting from[Pg 480] Goodyear’s introduction of a new and useful material to man.—A material which, takes its place and stands in line with wood, and leather, and glass, and iron, and steel!

It’s easy to picture the wealth that came to Goodyear’s successors; the broad opportunities for new inventions in machines and processes; and the great added comforts for humanity that resulted from[Pg 480] Goodyear’s introduction of a new and useful material. —A material that stands alongside wood, leather, glass, iron, and steel!

But rubber and steel as we now know them are not the only new fabrics given to mankind by the inventors of the Nineteenth Century.

But rubber and steel, as we know them today, are not the only new materials introduced to humanity by the inventors of the Nineteenth Century.

The work of the silk worm has been rivalled; and a wool as white and soft as that clipped from the cleanest lamb has been drawn by the hands of these magicians from the hot and furious slag that bursts from a blast furnace.

The silk worm's work has been matched; and a wool as white and soft as that sheared from the cleanest lamb has been created by these magicians from the hot and intense slag that erupts from a blast furnace.

The silk referred to is made from a solution of that inflammable material of tremendous force known as gun-cotton, or pyroxylin. Dr. Chardonnet was the inventor of the leading form of the article, which he introduced and patented about 1888. The solution made is of a viscous character, allowed to escape from a vessel through small orifices in fine streams; and as the solvent part evaporates rapidly these fine streams become hard, flexible fibres, which glisten with a beautiful lustre and can be used as a substitute for some purposes for the fine threads spun by that mysterious master of his craft—the silk worm.

The silk mentioned is made from a solution of the highly flammable substance known as gun-cotton or pyroxylin. Dr. Chardonnet invented the main form of this material, which he introduced and patented around 1888. The solution is thick and is released from a container through small openings in fine streams; as the solvent evaporates quickly, these streams harden into flexible fibers that shine beautifully and can serve as a substitute for certain applications for the fine threads spun by the silk worm, that enigmatic master of its craft.

The gusts of wind that drove against the molten lava thrown from the crater of Kilauea, producing as it did, a fall of white, metallic, hairy-like material resembling wool, suggested to man an industrial application of the same method. And at the great works of Krupp at Essen, Prussia, for instance, may be witnessed a fine stream of molten slag flowing from an iron furnace, and as it falls is met by a strong blast of cold air which transforms it into a silky mass as white and fine as cotton.

The strong winds that pushed against the molten lava ejected from the crater of Kilauea created a fall of white, metallic, hairy-like material that looked like wool. This inspired people to think of an industrial use for the same process. At the large Krupp works in Essen, Prussia, you can see a steady stream of molten slag flowing from an iron furnace. As it falls, it’s hit by a powerful blast of cold air that turns it into a silky mass as white and fine as cotton.



Abbe, Prof. Ernst, 412, 473.

Abbott Museum, N.Y., 242.

Abrading machines, 332.

Acetylene, 70, 456.

Accumulators, 177.

Achromatic lens, 410.

Acoustics, 406.

Addressing machines, 285.

Aeolipile, 74.

Affixers, 285.

African inventions, 340, 476.

Agriculture, Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Agricultural chemistry, 64.

Agricultural societies, 16.

Aeronautics. (See Air Ships and Balloons, 169, 445, 448.)

Air Atomizers, 467.

Air brakes, 89, 108, 193.

Air Brushes, 195, 418.

Air Compressors and propellers, 195.

Air Drills, 194.

Air Engines, 89, 193, 194.

Air propellers. (See Pneumatics.)

Air Pumps, 55, 113, 194, 195, 196, 197, 404.

Air Ships, 446, 449.

Airy, 410.

“Alabama,” The, 261.

Alarm Locks. (See Locks.)

Alchemistry and alchemists. (See Chemistry.)

Alcohol, 65.

Alfred the Great, 386, 457.

Alembert, D., 167.

Alhambra, 373.

Allen, Horatio, 83.

Allen, Dr. John, 168.

Allotropic phosphorus. (See Matches.)

Allen and Yates. (See Puddling.)

Alloys, 237, 238.

Altiscope, 413.

Aluminium, 238.

Amalgamators, 380.

American Inventions, 341.

Ammonia, 191, 215.

Ammoniacal gas engines, 191.

Ampère, 122, 130.

Amontons air engines, 193.

Ancient smelting. (See Metallurgy.)

Anæsthetics, 2, 71.

Aniline dyes, 69.

Annealing and tempering, 248.

Antiseptics, 2, 72.

Antwerp, Siege of, 261. (See Ordnance.)

Aoisseau, Chas., 466.

Apollo, 400.

Applegath, 283, 284.

Aqueducts, 93, 166, 167.

Arabs, 253, 274.

Arabic notation, 2.

Arago, 122, 410, 411, 416.

Arc Lamps, 137.

Archimedes, 9, 165, 185, 442.

Aristotle, 58.

Argand burner, 456.

Arkwright, Richard, 42, 296, 298, 301.

Arlberg tunnel, 107.

Armor, plate, 262, 264, 265, 266.

Arnold, Asa, 301.

Arnold, watchmaker, 389.

Armstrong, Sir William G., 176, 263, 264.

Arquebus. (See Ordnance.)

Artesian Wells, 38.

Artificial Stone. (See Pottery.)

Artificial Silk. (See Glass.)

Arts, Fine, 197, 347, 353, 371, 400, 414, 418.

Art, Scientific, 228.

Artificial Teeth. (See Dentistry.)

Artillery. (See Ordnance.)

Asbestos, 421.

Assembling machines and system. (See Sewing machines, Watch, and Ordnance.)

Assyrians, 24.

Astronomical inventions, 390. (See Horology and Optics.)

Athens. (See Greece.)

Athanor, Alchemist’s stone. (See Chemistry.)

Atmospheric and Gas pressure, 194.

Atoms—atomic theory, 59, 60, 453.

Atomizer, 197, 467.

Attraction of Gravitation, 2.

Augurs, 348, 349.

Auricular instruments, 406.

Australia, 40.

Austria, 24, 50, 358.

Autoharps, 405.

Automobiles, 89, 435.

Axes, 340.


Babbitt, Isaac, metal, 237.

Babylonians, 384.

Bach. (See Pianos.)

Bacon, Roger, 214.

Bacteria, 213.

Bailey, 1822; 37.

Bain, Alex., 147.

Baling and Bale ties, 51, 52, 53.

Balloons, 169, 446.

Band Saw, 348.

Barber, John, 185.

Barker’s Mill, 171.

Barlow looms, 305.

Barlow, Prof., 123.

Barrel making. (See Wood Working.)

Bartholdi, 105.

Bastie, 473.

Batcheller, 318.

Baths—closets, 178.

Bath system, Porcelain, 466.

Battam, Thomas, artificial marble, 466.

Baude, Peter, 224.

Beadlestone, metallurgist, 231.

Bean, B. W., 318.

Beaulieu, Col. (Ordnance), 264.

Beating engines. (See Paper.)

Becher, 58.

Bechler, 413.

Becquerel, 44.

Beds, 355.

Bed—printing, 282.

Beer. (See Chemistry.)

Bellaert, Jacob, 280.

Bell, Alex. Graham, 140, 141, 142, 407, 414.

Bell, C. A., 408.

Bell, Sir L., metallurgy, 223.

Bell’s history of metallurgy, 223.

Bell, Rev. Patrick, 36, 38.

Bells and Bell making—Metallurgy.

Bending wood, 349, 357. (See Woodworking.)

Bennett, Richard, 46.

Bentham, Sir Sam’l, 242, 342, 349, 374.

Bergman, 61.

Berliner, Emile, 408.

Bernoulli, D., 167.

Berthollet, 64, 454.

Berzelius, 60.

Bessemer, Henry, and process, 176, 232, 233.

Besson, Prof. J., 75, 242.

Bicheroux, potter, 465.

Bicycles, 431.

Bigelow, E. B., 305.

Billings, Dr., 210.

Binding books. (See Printing.)

Binders, grain and twine, 39.

Bicycles, 431 to 435.

Bischof, Simon, 191.

Blacksmithing. (See Metallurgy.)

Blaew of Amsterdam, 281.

Black, chemist, 58.

Blair, iron and steel, 234.

Blakely Gun. (See Ordnance.)

Blake, Eli. W., Blake crusher, 376, 377.

Blanchard, Thos., 268, 343, 344, 350, 356, 369.

Blasting, 107.

Blast, steel. (See Bessemer.)

Blauofen furnace. (See Metallurgy.)

Bleaching and Dyeing, 69.

Blenkinsop, 82.

Blithe, Walter, 14.

Block Printing. (See Printing.)

Blodgett & Lerow, sewing machines, 318.

Bloomaries. (See Metallurgy.)

Blunderbuss, 257.

Bobbins—spinning, 302.

Boerhaave, 58.

Boetius, 365.

Bohemia, 357.

Boilers. (See Steam Engineering.)

“Boke of Husbandry,” 1523, 14.

Bollman bridge, 103.

Bolting. (See Milling.)

Bolt making. (See Metal Working.)

Bombards, 254.

Bombs. (See Ordnance.)

Bomford, Col., 260.

Bonaparte, 89, 90, 256.

Bonnets and ladies’ hats, 324.

Bonjeau, M., 325.

Bonelli, M., 305.

Book making and binding, 287, 288.

Boots and shoes, 366 to 371.

Boring machines, 345, 348.

Boring square holes, 346.

Bormann, Genl., 259.

Bottle stoppers, 358.

Boulton and Watt, 84, 452.

Bouton, 415.

Bourseuil, Chas., 407.

Boyce, 1799, 35.

Boyle, Robert, 58, 184, 193, 194.

Box making. (See Woodworking Machinery.)

Braiding. (See Sewing Machines.)

Braithwaite, 83.

Brakes, bicycle, 433-436.

Brakes, steam, Railway and Electric, 87, 436.

Brakes and gins, 297.

Bramah, Jos., 82, 154, 170, 242, 244, 342, 349, 424.

Branch, 342.

Branco, 75.

Brahe, Tycho, 183, 388.

Brass, 219.

Brayton, G. H., 190.

Brazil, 281, 476, 477.

Breech-loaders, 257, 263, 264, 265, 269. (See Ordnance.)

Brewster, Sir David, 410.

Brickmaking machines, kilns and processes, 457, 464.

Bridges and Bridge Building, 93 to 104, 197.

Bright, John, 138.

Broadwood piano, 403.

Bronsen, 412.

Broom-making, 328, 329.

Brot, 411.

Brothers of the Bridge, 94.

Bronze, 218, 219.

Brooklyn bridge, 98, 99.

Brown, Sir Saml., 95, 187, 188.

“Brown Bess,” 258.

Bruce, David, 284.

Brunel, I. K., 97.

Brunel, I. M., 351, 367.

Brunton, 82.

Brush—Brush light, 137.

Brushes and Brush making, 330.

Buchanan’s Practical Essays, 244.

Buckingham, C. L., 148.

Buffing machines, 365.

Builders’ hardware, 250.

Buildings, tall, 152, 153.

Buffers, 437. (See Railways, Elevator, etc., 160, 161.)

Bunsen, Robt. W., 119, 120, 230.

Bunsen light, 456.

Burden, Henry, 95.

Burdett, Wm., 188.

Burke, Edmund, 182.

Burns, Robert, 31.

Butter, 54, 55.

Button-hole machines, 323.

Bunsen. (See Chemistry.)


Cable transportation, 109.

Cæsar, 457.

Cahill, Thaddeus, 287.

Caissons, 100.

Calcium-carbide, 70, 456.

Calico making and printing, 325, 326.

California, 382.

Cameo cutting, 475.

Camera obscura, 414.

Campbell printing press, 285.

Canada, 40, 430.

Canals, and boats for, 84, 106, 107, 109, 110, 440.

Canal locks, 110.

Cane woven goods, 308.

Cannons and firearms, 252-272.

Cantilever bridges, 103, 104.

Caoutchouc. (See Rubber, 476.)

Caps,—gun, 259.

Car heating, 211.

Cars, sleeping, 431. (See Railways.)

Car tracks, 108.

Car rails, 108.

Car wheels, 108.

Carbines, 266. (See Ordnance.)


Carbonating, 68.

Carborundum, 70.

Cardan, 183.

Carding, 298, 300.

Cardova. (See Leather.)

Carlyle, 310.

Carnot. (See Ordnance.)

Carpentry, 339, 352.

Carpets and Looms, 305.

Carré Brothers, 214.

Carriages and carrying machines, 82, 428-437.

Carthagenians, 164.

Carts. (See Coaches and Waggons.)

Cartridges, 267.

Cartwright, Rev. Edwd., 297.

Carving machinery, 346.

Case-shot. (See Ordnance.)

Cash registers, 395.

Cast iron, 223.

Catalan furnace, 222. (See Metallurgy.)

Cauchy, 410.

Caus, Salomon de, 75.

Cavendish, 58.

Caxton, 280.

Centennial Exhibition. 1876; 38, 39, 40, 140, 246, 320, 352, 353, 393, 402, 430.

Centrifugal machines (pumps), 172, 173.

Charcoal. (See Metallurgy.)

Chairs. (See Furniture.)

Chaff separator. (See Milling.)

Chain wheels—hydraulics, 156.

Chairs, tables, desks, etc. (See Furniture, 351, 358.)

Challey, M., 97.

“Champion harvesters”—Harvesters.

Chance & Co., Glass makers, 470.

Channelling shoes. (See Leather.)

Chanute, Octave, 110.

Chappe, M., 125.

Charles I. (See Ordnance;
    Charles II., 242;
    Charles V., 387;
    Charles VIII., 265.)

Chemistry, 58, 70.

Chemical Telegraph. (See Telegraphy.)

Chester-dial telegraph, 146.

Chili, 461.

Chill hardening, 250.

Chickering pianos, 403.

Chimes, 196.

China and Chinese inventions, 24, 52, 165, 222, 241, 253, 257, 273, 275, 280, 384, 386, 400, 423, 465.

Chlorates, 70.

Chlorine, 237.

Chlorination, 237.

Chromium, 70.

Chronometers, 390, 394.

Chubb-safes, 422, 425.

Cigar and cigarette machines, 56, 57.

Cincinnati Bridge. (See Engineering.)

Cincinnatus, 17, 31.

Circulation of blood, 2.

Civil Engineering, 93-110.

Clark, Alvan, 412.

Clavichord, 402.

Clayton, Dr., 1688, 451.

Clay, Treatment of. (See Brick and Pottery making.)

Cleaning grain, etc. (See Mills.)

Clement, metal worker, 244.

Clementi, pianist, 403.

Clepsydra, 384, 385, 386.

“Clermont.” (See Steam Ships.)

Clippers, Ships, 439.

Clocks, 384. (See Horology.)

Clocks, Essential parts of, 386.

Closets. (See Baths.)

Cloth, Making, Finishing, 306;
    Drying, 306;
    Printing, 306;
    Creasing and pressing, 306;
    Cutting, 306-324;
    Fancy woven, 205-306.

Clothes. (See Garments.)

Clover Header, 32.

Clutches, 161-162.

Clymer, of Philadelphia, press, 282.

Coaches, stages, mail, etc., 428-431.

Coach lace, 306.

Coal, 225, 378, 380;
    Coal breakers and cleaners, 378-380.

Coal gas, 450;
    Coal tar colors. (See Chemistry.)

Coal mining. (See Ores.)

Coaling Ships, 110.

Coehorn, shell, 255.

Coffin, journalist, 25.

Coke. (See Metallurgy.)

Cold metal punching, working and rolling, 246-247.

Colding of Denmark, 63.

Collards, pianos, 403.

Collen, Henry, 417.

Collins line. (See Steam Ships.)

Collinge, 430.

Coloring cloth, 325.

Colors and coloring, 464-467.

Color process. (See Photography, 417, Printing, 290.)

Colt, revolvers, 260, 267, 322.

Columbiad, 261.

Colossus of Rhodes, 34.

Comminges of France, 255.

Comminuting machines. (See Grinding.)

Compartment vessels, 442.

Compass, 2.

Compensating devices, 391.

Compound engines, 87-89.

Compressed air drills, 376.

Compressed air and steam, 193, 194, 378.

Compressed air ordnance, 265, 269.

Condensers, 87.

Condamine, 477.

Conservation of forces, 2.

Constitution, U.S., 8.

Convertibility of forces, 2.

Containers, 175.

Conveyors, transportation, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160.

Cook, Telegraphy, 127, 146.

Cooke, Prof. J. P., 59.

Cooke, James, 25.

Cooking. (See Stoves.)

Cooper, Peter, 84.

Coopering. (See Wood Working.)

Copernicus, 183.

Copper, 218, 219, etc.

Corliss, 88.

    Cultivators, 29-30;
    Mills, 46;
    Planters, 28.

Correlation of forces, 2.

Cort, Henry, 226-231.

Corundum, 70, 334.

Coster, 280.

Cotton, 42, 43;
    Gin, 42, 43, 297;
    Harvester, 40.

Cotton seed oil, 69.

Cotton and wool machinery, 298. (See Textiles.)

“Counterblast to Tobacco,” 155.

Couplers, 437.

Cowper, 31.

Cowper, printer, 283.

Cowley, 77.

Cradle, grain, 33.

Cranes and derricks, 110, 152, 153, 171.

Crecy, (1346). (See Ordnance.)

Cristofori, pianist, 402.

Crompton, Saml., 42, 297, 298, 301.

Crompton, George, 305.

Crookes, Prof. Wm., 149.

Crooke tubes, 149.

Cros, Charles, 407.

Crushers, stone and ore, 376.

Crystal Palace, 470.

Ctesibius, 74, 165, 168, 385.

Cultivators, 29, 30.

Curtet, 121.

Cugnot, 1769, 81.

Culverin. (See Cannon.)

Cunard line, 86.

Cuneus, 115.

Curtains Shades and Screens, 356.

Cyanide. Cyanide process, 236.

Cyclometers, 396.


Daguerre, 415-416.

Daguerreotype, 415.

Dahlgren, Cannon, 264.

Danks, Rotary puddler, 231.

Dalton, John, 59-60, 186, 194, 453.

Damascus Steel, 221. (See Metallurgy.)

Dana, Prof., 126.

Daniell’s battery, 119, 126.

Darby, Abraham, 1777, 95, 225.

Darwin, Dr., 18th cent., 73.

Davy, Humphry, Sir, 16, 63, 64, 70, 118, 122, 125, 188, 209, 236, 415.

David’s harp, 6.

Decker, piano, 403.

Delinter, 43.

Dentistry, 72.

Dental Chairs, 72, 358;
    Drills, 72;
    Engines, 72;
    Hammers, 72;
    Pluggers, 72.

Deoville, St. Clair, 238.

Derricks, 110.

“Deutschland,” The, 445.

Desks, 355.

De Susine, 192.

Dewar, Prof., 216.

Dial Telegraphs. (See Telegraphy.)

Diamonds. (See Milling; Polishing; Artificial, 70.)

Diamond Drill, 375.

Diana, Temple of, 34.

Diastase, 54.

Didot, Francois, 1800, 276.

Dickenson, 277.

Digesters. (See Chemistry.)

Differential motion, 301.

Dioptric Lens, 410.

Diorama, 415.

Direct Acting Engines, 88.

Direct Feed Engines, 88.

Discoveries, distinct from inventions, 1, 2.

Disk Plows, 21, 30.

Distaff and Spindle. (See Textiles, 292.)

Dodge, James M., 159.

Doffers, 301.

Dog Carts. (See Carriages.)

Dollond, John, 410.

Donkin, 277.

Donovan, 454.

Don Quixote, 222.

Douglass, Nicholas, 105.

Draining, 105, 106, 107.

Drags and Drays. (See Waggons, 430-431.)

Drais, Baron Von, 432.

Drake, E. S., Col., 382.

Draper, J. W., Prof., 412, 416, 450.

Drawing Machines, Spinning, 296, 298, 301.

Dredging, 105, 106, 107.

    of thread and cloths, 299, 302;
    of skins. (See Leather.)

Drills, seeders, 20, 27.

Drills, stone ore and iron, 375, 378.

Drying apparatus. (See Kilns.)

Dreyse, 266.

Dualine, 270.

Duboscq, 137.

Dudley, Dud, 224.

Duncan, John, 311.

Dundas, Charlotte, 84.

Dundonald, Lord, 451.

Dundas, Lord, 83, 440.

Dunlop, J. B., Bicycles, 433.

Duplex Engines, 88.

Dulcimer. (See Music.)

Dust Explosions and Collectors, 50.

Dutch Paper, 277;
    Printing, 280.

Dutch Canals, 107.

Dutch Clocks, 388, 391.

Dutch Furnaces and Stoves, 203.

Dutch Locks, 424.

Dutch Ships, 439.

Dutch Ware, 459.

Dutton, Maj. C. E., 261.

Dynamometer, 187, 398.

Dynamite, 270.

Dynamo Electric Machines, 130, 134, 251.


Eads, James B., 102.

Eames of U. S., 234.

East River Bridge, 98, 99.

Eddystone Lighthouse, 105.

Edison, 137, 144, 145, 148, 407, 408.

Egyptian agriculture, arts and inventions, 5, 13, 42, 45, 58, 164, 184, 220, 241, 273, 292, 340, 354, 400, 402, 423, 457, 460, 470.

Eiffel, M., 105.

Electricity, 5, 111-151.

Electric Alarms. (See Locks.)

Electric Batteries, 117-132.

Electric Cable, 138.

Electric Heating, 213.

Electric Lighting, 108, 119, 121 to 137, 360, 456.

Electro-Chemistry, 70.

Electro-magnets, 120-133.

Electro Metallurgy, 70, 238, 249.

Electrodes, 113, 135.

Electrolysis, 129, 131.

Electrometer, 113, 122.

Electrical Music, 148.

Electro Plating, 249.

Electric Railway, 143, 144.

Electric Signals and Stops, 160, 162.

Electric Telegraphy, 2, 114, 122, 123, 145, 146, 147.

Electrotyping, 283, 290.

Electric Type Printing, 147, 148.

Electric Type Writer, 287.

Electric Voters, 396.

Elevators, 6, 148, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157.

Eliot, Prof., 410.

Elizabeth, Queen, 402.

Elton, John, 46.

Elvean, Louis T. van, 155.

Embossing, 346, 347.

Embossing, weaving, 306.

Embroidery, 310, 313.

Emery, abrading, 70, 334.

Emery, testing machines, 398.

England, 8, 17, 25, 50, 188.

Engraving Machines, 290.

Enamelling. (See Pottery.)

Enamelled Ware, 459, 468.

Engineering. (See Civil.)
    Electric, 143;
    Hydraulic, 168;
    Marine, 442;
    Mining, 373;
    Steam, 2.

Eolipile. (See Hero.)

Erard, pianist, 403.

Erasmus, 183.

Ericsson, John, 83, 86, 441, 443, 444.

Euclid, 9.

Euler, 167, 173.

Evans, Oliver, 1755-1819; 46, 47, 48, 81, 83, 87, 154, 374.

Evaporating, 52.

Evelyn, John, 1699; 25.

Evolution of modern inventions, 153.

Excavating, 105, 106.

Explosives, 270.

Eylewein, 167.


Fabroni, 66, 118.

Faience, 459, 466.

Fairbairn, Sir Wm., 100, 176, 226, 440.

Fairbanks, scales and testing, 397.

Fahrenheit, 183.

Fanning Mills, 45.

Faraday, Michael, 63, 118, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 138, 188, 209, 411, 472.

Fan mills, 41.

Fare registers, 395.

Farmer, Moses G., 133, 135, 145.

Factory life, 298.

Faure, M. Camille, 120.

Faur, Faber du, 230.

Faust, 280.

Felt making, 325.

Fermentation, 65, 66, 67.

Fertilizers—machines and compositions. (See Agriculture.)

Field, Cyrus W., 138.

Filament-carbon, 360. (See Electric Lighting.)

Filters, filtering, 167, 180, 181.

Filter Press, 465.

Fink bridge, 103.

Fire-arms, 252-272.

Fire crackers, 252.

Fire engines, 76.

Fire place, 205.

Fiske, range finder, 266.

Fiske, 148, 413.

Fitch, John, 1784, 81.

Fitzherbert, Sir A., 1523, 14.

Fireproof safes. (See Locks.)

Flax machines, 42.

Flax brakes, 42.

Flaxman, 464.

Flax-threshers, 41, 42.

Fleming, 247.

Fleshing machines, 364.

Fletcher, 244.

Flexible shafts, 350.

Florence, 459.

Flour. (See Mills.)

Fly Shuttle. (See Spinning and Weaving.)

Foods, preparation of, 53, 54.

Force feed-seeders, 26.

Forneyron, 171, 172.

Forsythe, Rev. Mr., 259, 260.

Foucault, 137.

Fourcroy, 64.

Fourdrinier, 277. (See Paper making.)

Frackelton, Susan, portable kiln, 465.

France, 63, 203, 253, 274, 275, 313.

Francis, S. W., 286.

Frank, pottery, 463.

Franklin, Benj., 5, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 121, 125, 168, 203, 281, 446.

Franklin Institute, 455.

Fraunhofer, von, Jos., 61, 412.

Frederick, Henry, 255.

Freiberg Mining Academy, Metallurgy, 223.

Fresnel, 410.

Frictional Electricity, 111.

Frieburg Bridge. (See Bridges.)

Frogs, R. R., 108.

Flintlock, firearms, 258.

Froment, 146.

Frontinus, on Roman aqueducts, 166.

Fruits, Preparation of, 51, 53.

Fruit jars, 359.

Fry, Laura, 467.

Fulton, Robt., 84-85.

Furnaces, hot air; hot water, 206, 207.

Furniture, 351, 354, 359.

Furniture machinery, 351, 352.

Fuses, 259.


Gaffield, Thos., glass, 472.

Gale, Prof., 126.

Galileo, 1, 166, 183, 388, 409.

Gally, self-playing pianos, 406.

Galton, Capt. Douglas, 205.

Galvani, 5, 117, 118, 125.

Galvanism, 112,121.

Galvanic batteries, 121, 122.

Galvanic music, 148, 406.

Galvanometer, 122, 139.

Gamble, 277.

Garay, Blasco de, 75.

Garments, 310-327.

Gas, 450;
    illuminating, 69, 185, 450-456.

Gases, motors, 188, 190.

Gas checks, 266.

Gas engines, 76, 18, 184-194.

Gasoline and stoves, 213.

Gas pumps, 190.

Gatling, Dr., gun, 269.

Gaul, 32, 33.

Gauss, 126.

Gay-Lussac, 60, 185, 194, 209.

Ged, Wm., 281.

Geissler tubes, 135, 149.

Generator, Electric, 113.

Gentleman Farmer, 1768, 20.

George III., 389.

German inventions, 50, 203, 255, 313, 387, 391, 430, 473.

Germ theory, 67.

German clock and watch making, 387.

Gibraltar, 253.

Giffard-injector, 173.

Gilbert, Dr., 1600, 5, 113.

Gill, J. G., 268.

Giers, 234, 250.

Gin-cotton, 297.

Gladstone, inventor, 1806, 35.

Glass, 469, 474.

Glass, wool, and silk, 474, 480.

Glazes, 475. (See Porcelain.)

Glauber, 58.

Glycerine, 69.

Gold. (See Metallurgy.)

Goodyear, Chas., 434, 476, 478, 479, 480.

Googe, Barnaby, 14.

Gompertz, 432.

Gordon, 82.

Gothic architecture, 373.

Governors, 87.

Graham (chemist), 391.

Graham. (See Horology.)

Grain Binder. (See Harvesters.)

Grain cradles, drills, and seeders. (See Agriculture.)

Grain elevator, 110.

Grain Separators, 49.

Gramme, Z., 134, 136, 137.

Gramophone, 406, 408.

Graphophone, 406, 408.

Grass burning stoves, 211.

Gray, Elisha. (See Electricity.)

Gray, S., 1729, 114, 125.

“Great Britain,” The, 440.

“Great Republic,” The, 439.

Great Urgroez, 357.

Greece and Greek antiquities and inventions, 9, 13, 18, 45, 74, 113, 164, 182, 218, 257, 340, 386, 457, 459.

Grenades, 255.

Green, N. W., driven well, 383.

Greenough, J. J., 318.

Gribeauval, 256.

Griffith, Julius, 82.

Griffiths of U. S., 234.

Grinding by stones, 45 to 49.

Grinding glass, 475.

Grindstones, 375.

Grossat, 477.

Grover and Baker sewing mach., 320.

Grooving, 245.

Grove, Sir Wm. Robert, 119.

Gruner, 234.

Gun carriages. (See Ordnance.)

Gun cotton, 270.

Gun making, 345.

Gunpowder, 253, 262, 263, 270.

Gunpowder eng., 192.

Gun-stock, 345.

Guericke, Otto von, 113, 183, 193.

Guillaume, Puy, 253.

Gurney, 82.

Guttenberg, John, 280.


Hales, Dr., 451.

Hall, John H., 267.

Hall safes, 422.

Hamberg, 58.

Hamblet, 146.

Hamilton (stove inventor), 212.

Hammers, steam and air, 88, 244.

Hanckwitz, Godfrey, 1680, 199.

Hancock, Walter, 82.

Handel, 402.

Hanging Gardens, 34.

Hardening metals, 249.

Hardware. (See Metal Working.)

Hargreaves, Jas., 42, 294, 297.

Harnesses, 431.

Harp, The, and the Harpsichord, 6, 402.

Harvesters, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 322.

Hartshorn, spring roller shades, 356.

Harveyized steel, 234, 249.

Harrows, 22, 28.

Hautefeuille, 77.

Hauteville, Abbé, 185, 389.

Hat making, 325.

Haydn, 402.

Hay, rakes and tedders, 15, 40.

Headers, 32.

Heat as power, 186, 187.

Heating, 86, 199, 210.

Hebrews, 45, 362, 423.

Hele, P., 388.

Helmont, J. van, 58, 184.

Hell Gate, 107.

Helmholtz, 66, 131, 141, 403, 406, 407, 411, 417.

Hendley, Wm., 82.

Henry, Joseph, 63, 123, 124, 126, 131, 146, 210.

Henry, rifle, 267.

Henry, Wm., 78.

Herissent, M., 477.

Hermetical sealing, 359.

Herodotus, 362.

Hero of Alexander, 5, 9, 74, 76, 87, 89, 165, 171, 404.

Herring, safes, 421.

Herschel, 228, 412.

Hides, treatment of. (See Leather.)

Hide mills, 364.

High and low pressure engines, 87, 88.

Hindoos, 220, 241, 254, 273, 292, 340, 384.

Hodges, James, of Montreal, 101.

Hoe, Robert, and son, R. M., 284.

Hoe drill-seeders, 27.

Hoes, 29, 30.

Hoffman, Dr., 464.

Hoisting, conveying, and storing, 152-163.

Holland, 18, 255, 257, 275.

Holley, A. L., 232.

Holtzapffel, J., 241.

Homer, 459.

Hooke, Dr., 388, 389.

Hoopes and Townsend, 247.

Hoppers. (See Mills.)

Hopper boy. (See Mills.)

Hoosac tunnel, 107.

Hornblower, 1781, 87.

Horrocks, 305.

Horse power, 187.

Horseshoes, 248.

Horology, 384-395.

Hot air engines, 185.

Hot air blast, 231.

Hot furnaces. (See Heating.)

Hot water circulation. (See Heating.)

Hotchkiss gun, 270.

Houdin regulator, 137.

Houses, their construction, 351, 352.

Houston. (See Telegraphy.)

Howe, Elias, 314-318.

Howe bridge, 103.

Howitzer. (See Ordnance.)

Hunt, Walter, 314, 315.

Hungary, 357.

Huggins, Dr., 63, 412.

Hughes, D. E., 147.

Hugon, 189.

Hulls, Jonathan, 78.

Huntsman, Benj., 225.

“Husbandry, The whole art of.” (See Agriculture.)

Huskisson, 83.

Hussey, 1833, 37, 38.

Huxley, 65.

Huygens, 61, 77, 183, 184, 192, 388, 391.

Hydraulicising, 174.

Hydraulic elevators, 156, 157, 164, 165, 166.

Hydraulic jacks, 174.

Hydraulic motors, 164-181;
    pumps, rams, 166, 168;
    press, 52, 53, 154, 155, 168, 171, 175;
    testing, 398, 399.

Hydrogen gas, 454.

Hydrostatic engines and presses, 166, 190, 194.


Ida, mountains of, iron, 218.

Illuminating gas. (See Gas.)

Impulse pump. (See Ram.)

Incandescent light, 135, 456.

Incubators, 207.

India, 373, 400.

Industrial mechanics, 328-338.

Injectors, 173.

Intensifiers, 174.

International Exposition, London, 246, 352.

Invention, what it is, how induced, distinctions, growth, protection of, 1-8.

Iron, 218.

Iron Ships. (See Ships.)

Iridescent glass, 474.

Ironing machines, 338.

Italy, 255, 280.

Ives. F. E. (three-color process), 417.


Jablochoff, M. Paul, 136.

Jacks, 245.

Jacobi, of Russia, 249.

Jackson, C. T., Dr., 71.

Jacquard Loom, The, 304, 323, 326.

Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 304, 305.

Jenk’s ring frame, 302.

Jenkins, Prof. F., 192.

Jefferson, Thos., 16,18.

Jenkin, Prof. Fleeming, 144.

Jewelry, 333.

“Jimcrow,” 245.

Johnson, Denis. (See Bicycle.)

Jones, iron and steel, 234.

Jonval, 172.

Joule, 2.

Jupiter, statue of, 34.


Kaleidoscope, 410.

Karnes, Lord, 1768, 20.

Kaolin. (See Lighting.)

Kay, John, 293, 295.

“Kearsarge,” The, 261.

Kepler, 183.

Kennedy, Diss and Cannan, 331.

Kilns, 463, 464, 465.

Kinetic energy, Age of, 86.

Kinetograph, 417.

Kirchoff, G. R., 62, 412.

Kitchen and table utensils, 356.

Knabe piano, 403.

Knight, Edward, 36, 51, 170, 202, 232, 276, 321, 429.

Knitting, 307, 308.

König and Bauer, 283.

König, acoustics, 407.

Koops, 277.

Koster, 1620, rifle, 258.

Krag-Jorgensen rifle, 268.

Kramer, 146.

Krupp, steel, 234.

Krupp, Fredk., guns, 264.

Krupp, glass, 480.

Kutler, Augustin, 258.


La Condamine, 477.

Labor organizations, 11.

Labor, how affected by inventions; reducing, and increasing, 152, 153, 162, 163, 293, 308, 380, 381, 460.

Lace making, 306.

Laconium, 202.

Ladd electric machine, 133.

La Hire, 167, 170.

Laird, John, 440, 443.

Lallement, P. (See Bicycle.)

Lamps and lamp lighting, 359, 450.

Lancaster, cannon, 263.

Land reclamation, 107.

Lane, 1828, 37.

Lane-Fox light, 137.

Langen and Otto. (See Gas Engine.)

Langley, Prof., 4.

L’Hommedieu, 348.

Lapping-cotton, 299, 300.

Lasts, making of, 344, 345.

Lathes, 241-243, 340, 345, 349;
    for turning irregular forms of wood, 344.

Lattice work bridges, 103.

Laundry, 335.

Lavoisier, 58, 60, 63.

Lawn mowers, 40.

Lazy tongs mechanism, 160.

Le Bon, 1801, 185, 452.

Leaching, 236.

Lead, 219. (See Metallurgy.)

Leather, 361-372.

Leeuwenhoek of Holland, 65.

Leeu, 280.

Leckie, 41.

Le Conte, 63.

Lefaucheux, M., 267.

Leibnitz, 183.

Lenoir, 189.

Lesage, 121.

Lescatello, 1662, 24.

Leyden jar, 114.

Libavius, 58.

Liebig, 64.

Lieberkulm, Dr., 409.

Light, 2.

Lighting. (See Lamps and Gas.)

Light Houses, illumination, 105, 410.

Linotype, 288, 289, 290.

Linville bridge, 103.

Lippersheim, 409.

Liquid air, 216, 217.

Livingstone, Dr., 221.

Livingston, Robt., 84, 85.

Lixiviation, 236.

Locks, 420-427.

Locomotives, 82, 83, 84, 88.

Looms, 293, 297, 302. (See Textiles.)

Loomis, Mahlen, 150.

“London Engineering,” 288.

London exhibition, 1851, 470.

London Times, 283, 285.

Lontin regulator, 137.

Lost arts, 219.

Louis XI., XIV., 254, 255.

Lowell, Francis C., 298.

Lowe, T. S. C., gas, 454, 455.

Lubricants, 237.

Lyall, James, 306.

Lyttleton, 442.


MacArthur-Forrest, cyanide process, 236.

Macaulay, Lord, 10.

Mackintosh, of Glasgow, 477.

Machine guns, 269.

Madersperger, Jos., 312.

Magdeburg, 193.

Magic lantern. (See Optics.)

Magnets and Magnetic Electricity, 112, 122, 123, 124, 130, 133.

Mail bags and locks, 427.

Mail service, 427.

Mail marking, 285.

Majolica. (See Pottery.)

Malt, 65, 66.

Man a tool-using animal, 310.

Manning, 1831, 37.

Marble, artificial, 468, 469.

Marine propulsion, 442.

Marconi, 151.

Mariotte’s law of gases, 184, 194.

Markers and cutters, 324.

Markham, 30.

Marsland, looms, 301.

Marr, Wm., 421.

Martin, Prof., 63.

Marvin’s safes, 421.

McClure’s Magazine, 445, 447.

McCormick reaper, 37, 38.

McCallum bridge, 103.

McKay, ships, 439.

McKay, shoe machines, 369.

McMillan bicycle, 433.

Mary, Queen, 402.

Mason, Prof. O. T., 458.

Massachusetts, mills, 298, 369.

Massachusetts, shoe making, 370.

Master locks, 423, 426.

Matches, 199, 200, 201.

Matting, 309, 312.

Maudsley, Henry, 243, 349.

Maurice of Nassau, 255.

Maurice, Peter, 167.

Mauser rifle, 269.

Mausoleum, 34.

Maxim electric light, 137.

Maxwell, 417.

Mayer, Prof., 404.

Meares, 1800, 35.

Meat, Preparation of, 55.

Mechanical powers, 4.

Medicine and surgery, 70, 71, 72.

Meigs, General M. C., 102.

Meikle, 1786, 41.

Megaphone, 407.

Melville, David, 452.

Menai Straits bridges, 96.

Mendeljeff, 2.

Menzies of Scotland, 41.

Mergenthaler, 288.

Merrimac and Monitor, 268, 441.

Metals and Metallurgy, 218-239.

Metal founding, 249.

Metal working and turning, 240;
    boring, planing, 251;
    hammering, shaping, 240;
    modern metal     working plant, 250.

Metal, personal ware, buckles, clasps, hooks, buttons, etc., 250.

Meters, gas and water, 178.

Mexico, 281, 292.

Microphone, 148.

Microscope, 409.

Middlings purifier, 49, 50.

Milk, milkers, 54, 55.

Millet, 30.

Mills, 45 to 51.

Milling, high, low, 49.

Miller, wood working, 342.

Miller and Taylor, 81.

Millwright, The Young, 47.

Milton, 105, 218.

Mineral wool, minerals and mining, 373-383.

Minneapolis mills, 50.

Mitrailleuses, 269.

Modern machinery, its commencement, 364.

Mohl, von, Hugo, 67.

Moigno, Abbé, 411.

Mold, aging. (See Chemistry.)

Moulding. (See Wood-working and Glass making.)

Monks, 387.

“Monitor,” The, 268, 441.

Montgolfier, 169.

Moody, Paul, 298.

Moors, 253.

Morin, Genl., 209, 238.

Morland, Sir Sam’l, 77.

Morrison, Chas., 115.

Morse, S. B. F., 126, 127, 128, 129.

Mortars, 253.

Mortise making, 345.

Morton, Dr. W. T. G., 71.

Motor vehicles, 435.

Mont Cenis Tunnel, 107.

Mowers, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.

Moxon, Jos., 242.

Mozart, 402.

Murdock, Wm., 185, 452.

Music, 400-406.

Musical instruments, 6, 400.

Musical electrical apparatus, 406.

Muschenbroeck, Prof., 1745, 114, 115.

Mushet, iron and steel, 234.

Muskets. (See Ordnance.)

Muzzle loaders, 263, 264.


National Assembly, France, 9.

Napoleon. (See Bonaparte.)

Naphtha, 454.

Nasmyth, 243, 245.

Needle, 310, 313.

Needle gun, 266.

Niedringhaus, 468.

Netting. (See Spinning.)

Newcomen, 5, 77, 78, 79, 167, 187.

Newbold, Chas., 19.

Newbury, Wm., 348.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 9, 11, 61, 114, 167, 183, 414.

Niagara bridges, 97, 98, 104.

Niagara power, 171, 172.

Nicholson and Carlisle, 118.

Nicholson, Wm., of England, 282.

Nickel. (See Metallurgy.)

Niepce, Jas. N., 415.

Nitro-glycerine, 270.

Noah’s Ark, 438.

Nobel, A., 192.

Nollet, Prof., 132.

Noria, The, 165.

Norway, 266, 430, 439.

Nozzles, flexible, 174;
    water, 179.


Oersted, 121, 130.

Ogle, 1822, 36.

Ohm, G. S., 125.

Oils and fats, 69.

Oil cloth, 306.

Oil lamps, 359.

Oil stoves and furnaces, 190, 212.

Oiling waves, 446.

Oil wells, 190, 382.

Omnibus. (See Stages and Carriers.)

Opening and blowing machines, cotton, 299.

Opthalmoscope, 411.

Optical instruments, 409-412.

Ordnance, arms, explosives, 252 to 272.

Ores, treatment of, 229, 250, 251, 373 to 380.

Ore separators, 379. (See Metallurgy.)

Organs, 404.

Ornamental iron work. (See Metal Working.)

Ornamental wood work. (See Wood Working.)

Oscillating engines. (See Steam.)

Osmund furnaces. (See Metallurgy.)

Otis elevators, 155.

Otto, Nicolaus A., Otto engine, 190, 191.

Oxygen, 58, 453. (See Priestley.)


Paddle wheels and vessels, 443.

Paints, 466.

Painting, 418, 419, 459.

Painting machines, 193, 418, 467.

Paixhans, Genl., 261, 264.

Page, Prof. C. G., 132, 141.

Page, Ralph, 224.

Palissy, Bernard, 458.

Palmer, stage-coaches, 429.

Palladius, 32.

Panoramas, 415.

Paper and printing, 273-291.

Paper bag machinery, 279.

Papin, 5, 77, 184, 192, 193.

Papyrus, 273, 274.

Paraffine. (See Oils.)

Parchment, 274.

Parkinson, Thos., 194.

Parliament, House of, 209.

Parquetry. (See Wood-working.)

Parrott, gun, 264.

Parthenon, 373.

Partridge, Reuben, matches, 200.

Pascal, 166, 168, 170, 183.

Pasteur, 68.

Patents, their origin and purpose, 8, 21.

Pattern making. (See Wood, Metal, and Textiles.)

Pauley, Col., 266.

Pegs, 367, 368.

Pencils, 418.

Pendulum. (See Horology.)

Pendulum machines, 365.

Penelope, 306.

Pennsylvania fireplace, 203.

Percussion caps, 259, 260.

Percy. (See Metallurgy.)

Permutation locks, 425.

Pernot, 234.

Perin & Co., saws, 348.

Persians, 362.

Petroleum, 359, 382.

Petzold, 403.

Pfaff, 121.

Pharos of Alexandria, 34.

Phelps, G. M., 147.

Phœnicians, 439, 459.

“Phœnix,” The. (See Ships.)

Phonautograph, 141, 407.

Phonograph, 2, 406.

Phonophone, 414.

Phonoscope, 414.

Photophone, 414.

Phosphorus matches, 200.

Photochromoscope, 417.

Photography, 410, 414, 416, 418.

Photo-processes, 417.

Piano, 6, 401-404.

Picking machine, 298, 299.

Picker-motion, looms, 297.

Piezometer, 262.

Pigments, 70.

Pitt, inventor, 1786, 33.

Pixii, 131.

Planes, 340, 350. (See Wood-working.)

Planing machines, 245, 349, 350. (See Wood-working.)

Planté, G., 120.

Planters. (See Chap. III.)

Plaster, 469.

Plato, 385.

Platt, Sir Hugh, 14.

Platt, Senator, 35.

Pliny, 32, 164, 223, 227, 273, 340.

Ploughs, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Plucknett, 1808, 35.

Pneumatics, 165, 182 to 198.

Pneumatic machines, 195, 197, 198.

Pneumatic propellers, 444.

Pneumatic tires, 433.

Pneumatic tubes and transmission, 159, 196.

Polemoscope, 413.

Polishing glass, 475.

Pope, Alexander, 394.

Porcelain, 465, 466.

Poririer (match machine), 201.

Porta Baptista, 414.

Porta G. della, 75.

Portable engines, 88.

Potato planters, 28.

Potassium, 236.

Potter, Humphrey, 78.

Pottery, 457-469.

Pousard, 465.

Powder, 253.

Power, measure of, 187.

Prehistoric inventions. (See beginning of each Chapter.)

Pressing machines, 51, 52, 53.

Priestley, 58, 453, 477.

“Princeton,” The, 443.

Printing press, 2, 6, 273-291.

Prince of Orange, 255.

Projectiles, 253-270.

Prometheus, 199, 200.

Protoplasm, 67.

Prussia, 266.

Providence, R. I., Tool Co., 322.

Psalteries, 401.

Ptah, 241.

Puckle’s patent breech loader, 258, 259.

Puddling, 226, 227, 231.

Pug mills, 461.

Pullman car, 107.

Pulp, 275-279.

Pumps, 187.

Ptolemy, 428.

Puillet, 411.

Puy Guillaume, battle of, 1338, 253.

Pyramids, 34, 93.


Quadruplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy.)

“Queen Ann’s Pocket Piece,” 256.

Queen of Sheba, 326.

Quern, 45.

Quilting machine, 324.


Radcliffe, 305.

Radiation and radiators, 205, 206.

Railways, rails and tracks, 106, 108;
    cars, 108, 109;
    frogs, 108.

Railway cars, 436, 437.

Rakes. (See Agriculture.)

Ramage Press, 281.

Ramseye, David, 1630, 76.

Ramelli, Cardan, 75.

Ramsey, David, 1738, 168, 389.

Ram, water. (See Pumps.)

Randolph, David M., 367.

Randolph, Elder and Co., 440.

Ranges. (See Stoves.)

Range finder, 413.

Raphael, 418.

Rawhides. (See Leather.)

Read, Nathan, 1791, 87.

Reapers. (See Harvesters, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38.)

Reichenbach, 382.

Reis, Prof., 141, 407.

Refining metals, 227.

Refrigeration, 213, 214, 216.

Regenerators, 465.

Regenerative furnace. (See Metallurgy, also, 464.)

Registers, 395.

Regulators, Electric, 137;
    time, 137.

Rennie, 244.

Repeating watches, 389.

Reservoirs, 166, 180.

Resonators, 404.

Revault, 1605, 75.

Revolvers. (See Fire Arms.)

Rhode Island, 298.

Ribbon making, 306.

Rickel, Dr., 451.

Rider bridge, 103.

Riehle, testing mach., 398.

Rifles, 258, 259, 260.

Rifled cannon, 262, 263.

Ring frame-spinning, 302.

Ritter, 118, 121.

Riveting, 176.

Road carriage, steam, 83.

Roads, 106, 107.

Road making, 106.

Robia, Luca della, 459.

Robert, Louis, 276.

Roberts, 244.

Rock drilling, 107.

Rockers, ore, 235.

Rockets, 253.

Rodman, General, gun, 264.

Roebling, John A., engineer, 98, 99.

Roebling, Washington, 98, 100.

Roentgen, X rays, 149.

Rohes, M. Beau de, 189.

Rogers, Saml. B., metallurgist, 229, 230.

Rogers, type maker, 289.

Roller press, 283, 284.

Roman arts, inventions, etc., 10, 13, 14, 45, 93, 164, 166, 178, 202, 274, 457, 459.

Rookwood pottery, 467.

Romagnosi, G. D., 121.

Roscoe, Prof. (See Chemistry.)

Rose, H., 238.

Rotary engines. (See Steam.)

Rotary printing press, 284. (See Printing.)

Rotary pumps. (See Water and Steam Eng.)

Roving, spinning, 298, 299.

Rubber, 69, 434.

Ruhmkorff coil, 132.

Rumford, Count, 63.

Rumsey, James, 81, 168.

Russia, 40, 254, 430.

Russian leather, 362.

Rust, Saml., 282.

Ruth, 16.


Sabot, projectiles, 262, 263.

Safes and locks, 420-427.

Safety valves, 87.

Saint, Thomas, sewing machine, 311.

Salman, scales maker, 396.

Salonen, 1807, mower, 36.

Samians and Samos, 459.

Sand blast, 332, 334, 475.

Sand filters. (See Filters.)

Sandwich, Earl, 1699, 25.

Saracens, 274.

Sarnstrom, Prof., 234.

Savery, Thos., 5, 77.

Saws, 340, 341, 342, 348, 351.

Saw mills, 341, 342.

Saxton, Jos., 131.

Scales, 395.

Scaliger, 183.

Scandinavians, 363.

Scarborough, 85.

Schilling, Baron, 126.

Schönbein, 270.

Schapper, Hartman, 241.

Schoeffer, Peter, 270.

Schreiber, 403.

Schrotter (matches), 200.

Schweigger, S. C., 126.

Scoops, 178.

Scotland, 19, 20, 33.

Scott, phonautograph, 141, 407.

Scott, Sir Walter, 45, 80.

Scott, Gen. W., 260.

Scott, Rich’d, 420.

Scouring machines. (See Leather and Cloth, and Grain.)

Screw, Archimedean. (See Ships and Propeller.)

Screw, press, 52.

Screw propeller, 85, 443.

Screw making, 245, 246.

Scythians, 362, 428.

Scythes, 32, 33, 35.

Seed drills, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Seely, F. A., 3.

Self-playing Instruments, 406.

Seguin, 83.

Sellers, Wm., 234, 247.

Separators, Grain, 48, 49;
    milk, 54;
    ore, 379. (See Mills.)

Seppings, Sir Robert, 440.

Serrin, 137.

Serviere, 166.

Seward, Wm. H., 3.

Seven Wonders, The, 34, 35.

Sewing machines, 311-323.

Sewer construction, 107.

Shades and screens, 356.

Shaping machines, 245.

Sharp’s carbine, 267.

Shaw, Joshua, 260.

Sheele, 415.

Sheet metal ware, 250.

Shells, 264.

Shingle making, 350.

Shinar, Brick making in, 457.

Ships, war, and others, 261, 343, 438-449.

Shoes and machinery, 365-371.

Sholes, inventor, type writing, 286.

Shrapnel, 259.

Shuttles, 293. (See Textiles.)

Sickle, 32, 33.

Side wheel steamboats, 85.

Siemens, Dr. Werner, 133.

Siemens, Wm., Sir., 144, 171.

Siemens and Halske, 144, 146.

Siemens, C. L., 147, 234, 465.

Silk making. (See Spinning.)

Silk, artificial. (See Glass.)

Silver, 219.

Singer, sewing machine, 319, 320.

Sinking shafts, Mode of, 106, 107.

Skiving. (See Leather.)

Slade, J. T., 155.

Slater, Thomas, 298.

Slaughtering, 55.

Sleighs, 430, 431.

Slide, rest, 243, 349.

Slotting machines, 245.

Small arms, 266. (See Ordnance.)

Small, Jas., 1784, 18.

Smeaton, 87, 105.

Smelting, 220. (See Metallurgy.)

Smiles, Self Help, 95.

Smith & Wesson, revolvers, 269.

Snellus, 234.

Snow ploughs, 109.

Soda, pulp, 278.

Solarmeter, 413.

Solomon’s temple, 242.

Somerset, Marquis of Worcester. (See Steam.)

Sound, 406. (See Acoustics.)

Sowing, 23.

Spanish inventions, 25, 75, 253, 274, 280, 292.

Spectacles. (See Optics.)

Spectrum, analysis, 60, 61, 62, 63, 412.

Spectroscope, 2, 412.

Speed Indicators, 396.

Spencer, gun, 267.

Spencer, metal coating, 249.

Spinet, 402.

Spinning, 6, 292, 296, 300. (See Textiles.)

“Spinning Jenny,” 297.

Spinning Mule, 297, 300.

“Spiritalia,” 404.

Splitting, leather, 366.

Spooling, 302.

Springfield musket, 268.

Spun glass. (See Spinning and 474.)

Stamp mills and metal working, 236, 250.

Standard time, 394.

Stanhope, Earl, 282.

St. Gothard tunnel, 107.

St. Louis bridge, 102.

Steam engines, 2, 5, 73 to 95;
    boilers, 86;
    heating, 207;
    pumps, 79, 81, 88.

Steam ships, 2, 84, 85, 440.

Stearns, 145.

Steel, manufacture of. (See Metallurgy.)

Steinheil, 126, 412.

Steinway, pianos, 403.

Stenographing, 290.

Stereoscope, 410, 411.

Stereotyping, 281.

Sterilisation, 54, 213.

Stephenson, Geo., 82, 83, 84, 85, 98.

Stephenson, Robert, 98, 100, 101, 155.

Stevens, John C., 84, 85, 86, 443.

Stevinus, 166.

Stitching machines. (See Sewing.)

Stocking making, 307.

Stone cutting, carving and dressing, 374, 375.

Stone crushing, 376.

Stone, artificial, 468.

Storage battery, 120.

Storm, W. M. (Gunpowder Engine,) 192.

Store service, 152, 153, 158, 159.

Stoves, 200-206.

Street, Robert, 185.

Street sweeping, 331.

Stow, 350.

Stückofen, metallurgy, 224.

Sturgeon, inventor, 122, 123, 124.

Sturtevant, B. F. (shoes), 368.

Submarine blasting, etc., 107.

Suez canal, 107.

Sugar, 69.

Sun-dial, 384.

Subdivision of labor, 392. (See Ordnance and Sewing Machines.)

Surgery and instruments, 70.

Suspension bridges, 95, 96-100.

Swan, light, 137.

Sweden, 266.

Sweeping machines, 331.

Swiss manufactures, (See Watches, etc.)

Switzerland, 16, 46, 391.

Symington, 81, 83, 85.

Syphon recorder, 139.


T-rail, 108.

Tables, 354. (See Furniture.)

Tachenius, 58.

Tack making, 344.

Tainter, C. S., 408, 414.

Takamine, 68.

Talus, or Perdix, saw inventor, 340.

Tanning. (See Leather.)

Tapestry, 275.

Teasling, 306.

Tedders, 40.

Telegraph, 124-128, 139, 140.

Telegraphic pictures, 419.

Telephone, 2, 140, 141, 142, 406.

Telescope, 2, 409.

Telpherage, 144.

Telford, 95, 96.

Tennyson, 67.

Tesla, 145.

Testing machines, 398.

Textiles, 292-309.

Thermo-electricity, 112, 120.

Theodore of Samos, 340.

Thimonnier, 313.

Thomson, Sir Wm., 63, 139.

Thompson, Robt. Wm., 433, 435.

Thompson & Houston, 137.

“Three color process,” 417.

Thread making. (See Spinning.)

Threshing machines, 40, 41.

Throstle, 296.

Thurston, Prof. R. H., 86.

Tiles, 350.

Tilghman, B. F., sand blast, 332, 475.

Time locks, 425.

Time measuring of the ancients, 384.

Tissier, 238.

Tobacco and machinery, 55, 56, 57.

Tools, primitive, 310, 328, 339.

Torpedo vessels, 271, 445.

Torpedoes, 271.

Torricelli, 166, 183.

Tour, Cagniard de la, 65.

Towne’s lattice bridge, 103.

Traction railways and engines, 436.

Transplanters, 29.

Transportation, 107, 109.

Treadwell, Daniel, 284.

Tresca, M., 247.

Trevithick, Richard, 81, 82.

Tripler, C. E., liquid air, 216.

Trolley lines. (See Electric, etc.)

Trough batteries. (See Electricity.)

Truss bridges, 102, 103.

Tubal Cain, 218, 239.

Tubes and tubing, making, 248.

Tubular bridges, 100, 102.

Tull, Jethro, 1680-1740, 14, 25.

Tungsten. (See Metals.)

Tunnels, 106, 107.

Turbines, 89, 168, 171, 172.

Turning, Art of, 242, 339, 344.

Tusser, Thomas, 14.

Tweddle, 176.

Twine binders. (See Harvesters.)

Twinings (inventor, refrigerator), 215.

Tympanum, 164.

Tyndall, John, 411, 412.

Type, 280, 281.

Type Distributor, 279.

Type setter, 278, 279.

Type writers, 6, 286.


Vail, Alfred, 126.

Valerius, 388.

Valves, valve gear, 87, 89.

Vapor engines, 190-192.

Vapor stoves, 200-206, 212.

Varley, Alfred, 133.

Varro, 32.

Vegetable cutters, 51.

Velocipedes, 431.

Venetians, 280.

Ventilation, 209.

Veneering, 351.

Vestibule cars, 437.

Vick, Henry de, clockmaker, 387.

Victoria bridge. (See Bridges.)

Vienna, 38.

Vienna exposition, 348.

Vince, Leonardo de, 75.

Virgil, 32.

Virginal, 6, 402.

Vitruvius, 227.

Volta, voltaic electricity, 112, 117, 118, 112 to 120, 125, 133, 134, 249.

Von Alteneck, H., 138.

Von Drais, 432.

Vortex theory, 2;
    Vortex wheel, 171.

Voting machines, 395.

Vulcan, 246.

Vulcanisation. (See Rubber.)


Waggons, 431.

Walker, John (matches), 200.

Walker, Joseph, 367.

Wales, Thos. C., 477.

Wallace and Maxim, 137.

Wall paper, 275, 279.

Walter, John, 285.

Watches, 391. (See Clocks.)

Waltham watches, 393.

War, effect on by inventions, 271, 272.

Washington, 15, 16.

Washing and ironing machines, 335-338.

Wasp, first paper maker, 273.

Watches. (See Horology.)

Water. (See Hydraulics.)

Water clocks, 385, 386.

Water closets, 178.

Water distribution, 167, 178;
    gas, 454.

Water wheels, 165;
    mills, 167;
    engines, 178.

Water frame. (See Spinning.)

Water metres, 178;
    scoops, 178.

Watts’ Dictionary of Chemistry, 59.

Watt, James, 5, 8, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 154, 167, 170, 176, 182, 203, 206, 296, 341, 460.

Watson, Bishop, 451.

Weaving, 6, 292, 304. (See Textiles.)

Weaver’s shuttle, 307.

Weber piano, 403.

Webster, Daniel, 91.

Wedgwood, 459, 460, 464.

Weeks, Jos., 364.

Weighing, scales, etc., 396, 397, 398.

Weisenthal, C. F., 310, 312.

Welding, 248.

Wellington, Duke of, 83.

Wells, making and boring of, 373, 379-383;
    driven, 382;
    Artesian, 381.

Welsbach lamp, 456.

Westinghouse, electric light, 137, 138.

Weston, Sir Richard, 14.

Weston, electrician, 137.

West (destroyer of bacteria), 213.

Whaleback ships, 438.

Wheat, its cultivation, 25, 26.

Wheatstone, Chas., 127, 133, 146, 147, 410.

Wheeler and Wilson, 319.

Wheelbarrow, seeder, 24.

Whewell, 166.

Whitehurst, Geo., 168.

Whitney, Eli, cotton gin, 42, 43, 297.

Whitworth, Sir J., 244, 246, 263.

Wilde, electric magnet, 133.

Wilder, safes, 421.

Wilkes, 277.

William of Malmesbury, 75.

Wilson, A. B., sewing machinery, 319.

Wilson, Genl. John M., 180.

Winchester rifle, 267.

Wind mills, wheels, etc., 404. (See Mills.)

Window glass, window screens, 359.

Wine making. (See Chemistry.)

Winter, Sir John, 225.

Wire working, 250.

Wire wound gun, 263.

Wireless telegraphy, 150, 151.

Wolf, aeronaut, 447.

Wöhler, chemist, 238.

Wollaston, 60, 249, 412.

Woodbridge, Dr. W. E., 262, 263.

Woodbury, Oscar D. and E. C., 330.

Woodworth, Wm., planing machinery, 349.

Wood, lathe turning, 344.

Wood, bending and trenting of, 347, 352, 356.

Wood working machinery, 242, 339, 352, 369.

Woods, variety and beauty, 352.

Wood carving, 346.

Wool. (See Spinning, Weaving, Textiles.)

Wool, mineral, 474, 480.

Wooden shoes, making of, 367.

Worcester, Marquis of, 5, 75, 77, 81.

Work shop, a modern, 251.

World’s fair, 1851, 36, 38.

Woven goods, variety of, 308, 309.

Wright (gas engine), 188.

Wren, architect, 209.

Wyatt of Lichfield, 294, 295.


X rays, 149, 150.

Xyloplasty, 347.


Yale, Linus, Jr., locks, 425.

Yankee clippers, 438.

Yarn. (See Weaving, etc.)

Yeast, 65.

York, Duke of, 124, 125.

Young of America, 63, 417.

Young, Arthur, 1741-1800, 14, 15.

Youmans, Prof., 450.


Zanon, 1764, 24.

Zech, Jacob, 388.

Zeppelin, Count, 446.

Zimmermann, self-playing pianos, 406.

Zinc, 236.

Zinc batteries. (See Electricity.)


Abbe, Prof. Ernst, 412, 473.

Abbott Museum, N.Y., 242.

Abrading machines, 332.

Acetylene, 70, 456.

Accumulators, 177.

Achromatic lens, 410.

Acoustics, 406.

Addressing machines, 285.

Aeolipile, 74.

Affixers, 285.

African inventions, 340, 476.

Agriculture, Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Agricultural chemistry, 64.

Agricultural societies, 16.

Aeronautics. (See Air Ships and Balloons, 169, 445, 448.)

Air Atomizers, 467.

Air brakes, 89, 108, 193.

Air Brushes, 195, 418.

Air Compressors and propellers, 195.

Air Drills, 194.

Air Engines, 89, 193, 194.

Air propellers. (See Pneumatics.)

Air Pumps, 55, 113, 194, 195, 196, 197, 404.

Air Ships, 446, 449.

Airy, 410.

“Alabama,” The, 261.

Alarm Locks. (See Locks.)

Alchemistry and alchemists. (See Chemistry.)

Alcohol, 65.

Alfred the Great, 386, 457.

Alembert, D., 167.

Alhambra, 373.

Allen, Horatio, 83.

Allen, Dr. John, 168.

Allotropic phosphorus. (See Matches.)

Allen and Yates. (See Puddling.)

Alloys, 237, 238.

Altiscope, 413.

Aluminium, 238.

Amalgamators, 380.

American Inventions, 341.

Ammonia, 191, 215.

Ammoniacal gas engines, 191.

Ampère, 122, 130.

Amontons air engines, 193.

Ancient smelting. (See Metallurgy.)

Anæsthetics, 2, 71.

Aniline dyes, 69.

Annealing and tempering, 248.

Antiseptics, 2, 72.

Antwerp, Siege of, 261. (See Ordnance.)

Aoisseau, Chas., 466.

Apollo, 400.

Applegath, 283, 284.

Aqueducts, 93, 166, 167.

Arabs, 253, 274.

Arabic notation, 2.

Arago, 122, 410, 411, 416.

Arc Lamps, 137.

Archimedes, 9, 165, 185, 442.

Aristotle, 58.

Argand burner, 456.

Arkwright, Richard, 42, 296, 298, 301.

Arlberg tunnel, 107.

Armor, plate, 262, 264, 265, 266.

Arnold, Asa, 301.

Arnold, watchmaker, 389.

Armstrong, Sir William G., 176, 263, 264.

Arquebus. (See Ordnance.)

Artesian Wells, 38.

Artificial Stone. (See Pottery.)

Artificial Silk. (See Glass.)

Arts, Fine, 197, 347, 353, 371, 400, 414, 418.

Art, Scientific, 228.

Artificial Teeth. (See Dentistry.)

Artillery. (See Ordnance.)

Asbestos, 421.

Assembling machines and system. (See Sewing machines, Watch, and Ordnance.)

Assyrians, 24.

Astronomical inventions, 390. (See Horology and Optics.)

Athens. (See Greece.)

Athanor, Alchemist’s stone. (See Chemistry.)

Atmospheric and Gas pressure, 194.

Atoms—atomic theory, 59, 60, 453.

Atomizer, 197, 467.

Attraction of Gravitation, 2.

Augurs, 348, 349.

Auricular instruments, 406.

Australia, 40.

Austria, 24, 50, 358.

Autoharps, 405.

Automobiles, 89, 435.

Axes, 340.


Babbitt, Isaac, metal, 237.

Babylonians, 384.

Bach. (See Pianos.)

Bacon, Roger, 214.

Bacteria, 213.

Bailey, 1822; 37.

Bain, Alex., 147.

Baling and Bale ties, 51, 52, 53.

Balloons, 169, 446.

Band Saw, 348.

Barber, John, 185.

Barker’s Mill, 171.

Barlow looms, 305.

Barlow, Prof., 123.

Barrel making. (See Wood Working.)

Bartholdi, 105.

Bastie, 473.

Batcheller, 318.

Baths—closets, 178.

Bath system, Porcelain, 466.

Battam, Thomas, artificial marble, 466.

Baude, Peter, 224.

Beadlestone, metallurgist, 231.

Bean, B. W., 318.

Beaulieu, Col. (Ordnance), 264.

Beating engines. (See Paper.)

Becher, 58.

Bechler, 413.

Becquerel, 44.

Beds, 355.

Bed—printing, 282.

Beer. (See Chemistry.)

Bellaert, Jacob, 280.

Bell, Alex. Graham, 140, 141, 142, 407, 414.

Bell, C. A., 408.

Bell, Sir L., metallurgy, 223.

Bell’s history of metallurgy, 223.

Bell, Rev. Patrick, 36, 38.

Bells and Bell making—Metallurgy.

Bending wood, 349, 357. (See Woodworking.)

Bennett, Richard, 46.

Bentham, Sir Sam’l, 242, 342, 349, 374.

Bergman, 61.

Berliner, Emile, 408.

Bernoulli, D., 167.

Berthollet, 64, 454.

Berzelius, 60.

Bessemer, Henry, and process, 176, 232, 233.

Besson, Prof. J., 75, 242.

Bicheroux, potter, 465.

Bicycles, 431.

Bigelow, E. B., 305.

Billings, Dr., 210.

Binding books. (See Printing.)

Binders, grain and twine, 39.

Bicycles, 431 to 435.

Bischof, Simon, 191.

Blacksmithing. (See Metallurgy.)

Blaew of Amsterdam, 281.

Black, chemist, 58.

Blair, iron and steel, 234.

Blakely Gun. (See Ordnance.)

Blake, Eli. W., Blake crusher, 376, 377.

Blanchard, Thos., 268, 343, 344, 350, 356, 369.

Blasting, 107.

Blast, steel. (See Bessemer.)

Blauofen furnace. (See Metallurgy.)

Bleaching and Dyeing, 69.

Blenkinsop, 82.

Blithe, Walter, 14.

Block Printing. (See Printing.)

Blodgett & Lerow, sewing machines, 318.

Bloomaries. (See Metallurgy.)

Blunderbuss, 257.

Bobbins—spinning, 302.

Boerhaave, 58.

Boetius, 365.

Bohemia, 357.

Boilers. (See Steam Engineering.)

“Boke of Husbandry,” 1523, 14.

Bollman bridge, 103.

Bolting. (See Milling.)

Bolt making. (See Metal Working.)

Bombards, 254.

Bombs. (See Ordnance.)

Bomford, Col., 260.

Bonaparte, 89, 90, 256.

Bonnets and ladies’ hats, 324.

Bonjeau, M., 325.

Bonelli, M., 305.

Book making and binding, 287, 288.

Boots and shoes, 366 to 371.

Boring machines, 345, 348.

Boring square holes, 346.

Bormann, Genl., 259.

Bottle stoppers, 358.

Boulton and Watt, 84, 452.

Bouton, 415.

Bourseuil, Chas., 407.

Boyce, 1799, 35.

Boyle, Robert, 58, 184, 193, 194.

Box making. (See Woodworking Machinery.)

Braiding. (See Sewing Machines.)

Braithwaite, 83.

Brakes, bicycle, 433-436.

Brakes, steam, Railway and Electric, 87, 436.

Brakes and gins, 297.

Bramah, Jos., 82, 154, 170, 242, 244, 342, 349, 424.

Branch, 342.

Branco, 75.

Brahe, Tycho, 183, 388.

Brass, 219.

Brayton, G. H., 190.

Brazil, 281, 476, 477.

Breech-loaders, 257, 263, 264, 265, 269. (See Ordnance.)

Brewster, Sir David, 410.

Brickmaking machines, kilns and processes, 457, 464.

Bridges and Bridge Building, 93 to 104, 197.

Bright, John, 138.

Broadwood piano, 403.

Bronsen, 412.

Broom-making, 328, 329.

Brot, 411.

Brothers of the Bridge, 94.

Bronze, 218, 219.

Brooklyn bridge, 98, 99.

Brown, Sir Saml., 95, 187, 188.

“Brown Bess,” 258.

Bruce, David, 284.

Brunel, I. K., 97.

Brunel, I. M., 351, 367.

Brunton, 82.

Brush—Brush light, 137.

Brushes and Brush making, 330.

Buchanan’s Practical Essays, 244.

Buckingham, C. L., 148.

Buffing machines, 365.

Builders’ hardware, 250.

Buildings, tall, 152, 153.

Buffers, 437. (See Railways, Elevator, etc., 160, 161.)

Bunsen, Robt. W., 119, 120, 230.

Bunsen light, 456.

Burden, Henry, 95.

Burdett, Wm., 188.

Burke, Edmund, 182.

Burns, Robert, 31.

Butter, 54, 55.

Button-hole machines, 323.

Bunsen. (See Chemistry.)


Cable transportation, 109.

Cæsar, 457.

Cahill, Thaddeus, 287.

Caissons, 100.

Calcium-carbide, 70, 456.

Calico making and printing, 325, 326.

California, 382.

Cameo cutting, 475.

Camera obscura, 414.

Campbell printing press, 285.

Canada, 40, 430.

Canals, and boats for, 84, 106, 107, 109, 110, 440.

Canal locks, 110.

Cane woven goods, 308.

Cannons and firearms, 252-272.

Cantilever bridges, 103, 104.

Caoutchouc. (See Rubber, 476.)

Caps,—gun, 259.

Car heating, 211.

Cars, sleeping, 431. (See Railways.)

Car tracks, 108.

Car rails, 108.

Car wheels, 108.

Carbines, 266. (See Ordnance.)


Carbonating, 68.

Carborundum, 70.

Cardan, 183.

Carding, 298, 300.

Cardova. (See Leather.)

Carlyle, 310.

Carnot. (See Ordnance.)

Carpentry, 339, 352.

Carpets and Looms, 305.

Carré Brothers, 214.

Carriages and carrying machines, 82, 428-437.

Carthagenians, 164.

Carts. (See Coaches and Waggons.)

Cartridges, 267.

Cartwright, Rev. Edwd., 297.

Carving machinery, 346.

Case-shot. (See Ordnance.)

Cash registers, 395.

Cast iron, 223.

Catalan furnace, 222. (See Metallurgy.)

Cauchy, 410.

Caus, Salomon de, 75.

Cavendish, 58.

Caxton, 280.

Centennial Exhibition. 1876; 38, 39, 40, 140, 246, 320, 352, 353, 393, 402, 430.

Centrifugal machines (pumps), 172, 173.

Charcoal. (See Metallurgy.)

Chairs. (See Furniture.)

Chaff separator. (See Milling.)

Chain wheels—hydraulics, 156.

Chairs, tables, desks, etc. (See Furniture, 351, 358.)

Challey, M., 97.

“Champion harvesters”—Harvesters.

Chance & Co., Glass makers, 470.

Channelling shoes. (See Leather.)

Chanute, Octave, 110.

Chappe, M., 125.

Charles I. (See Ordnance;
    Charles II., 242;
    Charles V., 387;
    Charles VIII., 265.)

Chemistry, 58, 70.

Chemical Telegraph. (See Telegraphy.)

Chester-dial telegraph, 146.

Chili, 461.

Chill hardening, 250.

Chickering pianos, 403.

Chimes, 196.

China and Chinese inventions, 24, 52, 165, 222, 241, 253, 257, 273, 275, 280, 384, 386, 400, 423, 465.

Chlorates, 70.

Chlorine, 237.

Chlorination, 237.

Chromium, 70.

Chronometers, 390, 394.

Chubb-safes, 422, 425.

Cigar and cigarette machines, 56, 57.

Cincinnati Bridge. (See Engineering.)

Cincinnatus, 17, 31.

Circulation of blood, 2.

Civil Engineering, 93-110.

Clark, Alvan, 412.

Clavichord, 402.

Clayton, Dr., 1688, 451.

Clay, Treatment of. (See Brick and Pottery making.)

Cleaning grain, etc. (See Mills.)

Clement, metal worker, 244.

Clementi, pianist, 403.

Clepsydra, 384, 385, 386.

“Clermont.” (See Steam Ships.)

Clippers, Ships, 439.

Clocks, 384. (See Horology.)

Clocks, Essential parts of, 386.

Closets. (See Baths.)

Cloth, Making, Finishing, 306;
    Drying, 306;
    Printing, 306;
    Creasing and pressing, 306;
    Cutting, 306-324;
    Fancy woven, 205-306.

Clothes. (See Garments.)

Clover Header, 32.

Clutches, 161-162.

Clymer, of Philadelphia, press, 282.

Coaches, stages, mail, etc., 428-431.

Coach lace, 306.

Coal, 225, 378, 380;
    Coal breakers and cleaners, 378-380.

Coal gas, 450;
    Coal tar colors. (See Chemistry.)

Coal mining. (See Ores.)

Coaling Ships, 110.

Coehorn, shell, 255.

Coffin, journalist, 25.

Coke. (See Metallurgy.)

Cold metal punching, working and rolling, 246-247.

Colding of Denmark, 63.

Collards, pianos, 403.

Collen, Henry, 417.

Collins line. (See Steam Ships.)

Collinge, 430.

Coloring cloth, 325.

Colors and coloring, 464-467.

Color process. (See Photography, 417, Printing, 290.)

Colt, revolvers, 260, 267, 322.

Columbiad, 261.

Colossus of Rhodes, 34.

Comminges of France, 255.

Comminuting machines. (See Grinding.)

Compartment vessels, 442.

Compass, 2.

Compensating devices, 391.

Compound engines, 87-89.

Compressed air drills, 376.

Compressed air and steam, 193, 194, 378.

Compressed air ordnance, 265, 269.

Condensers, 87.

Condamine, 477.

Conservation of forces, 2.

Constitution, U.S., 8.

Convertibility of forces, 2.

Containers, 175.

Conveyors, transportation, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160.

Cook, Telegraphy, 127, 146.

Cooke, Prof. J. P., 59.

Cooke, James, 25.

Cooking. (See Stoves.)

Cooper, Peter, 84.

Coopering. (See Wood Working.)

Copernicus, 183.

Copper, 218, 219, etc.

Corliss, 88.

    Cultivators, 29-30;
    Mills, 46;
    Planters, 28.

Correlation of forces, 2.

Cort, Henry, 226-231.

Corundum, 70, 334.

Coster, 280.

Cotton, 42, 43;
    Gin, 42, 43, 297;
    Harvester, 40.

Cotton seed oil, 69.

Cotton and wool machinery, 298. (See Textiles.)

“Counterblast to Tobacco,” 155.

Couplers, 437.

Cowper, 31.

Cowper, printer, 283.

Cowley, 77.

Cradle, grain, 33.

Cranes and derricks, 110, 152, 153, 171.

Crecy, (1346). (See Ordnance.)

Cristofori, pianist, 402.

Crompton, Saml., 42, 297, 298, 301.

Crompton, George, 305.

Crookes, Prof. Wm., 149.

Crooke tubes, 149.

Cros, Charles, 407.

Crushers, stone and ore, 376.

Crystal Palace, 470.

Ctesibius, 74, 165, 168, 385.

Cultivators, 29, 30.

Curtet, 121.

Cugnot, 1769, 81.

Culverin. (See Cannon.)

Cunard line, 86.

Cuneus, 115.

Curtains Shades and Screens, 356.

Cyanide. Cyanide process, 236.

Cyclometers, 396.


Daguerre, 415-416.

Daguerreotype, 415.

Dahlgren, Cannon, 264.

Danks, Rotary puddler, 231.

Dalton, John, 59-60, 186, 194, 453.

Damascus Steel, 221. (See Metallurgy.)

Dana, Prof., 126.

Daniell’s battery, 119, 126.

Darby, Abraham, 1777, 95, 225.

Darwin, Dr., 18th cent., 73.

Davy, Humphry, Sir, 16, 63, 64, 70, 118, 122, 125, 188, 209, 236, 415.

David’s harp, 6.

Decker, piano, 403.

Delinter, 43.

Dentistry, 72.

Dental Chairs, 72, 358;
    Drills, 72;
    Engines, 72;
    Hammers, 72;
    Pluggers, 72.

Deoville, St. Clair, 238.

Derricks, 110.

“Deutschland,” The, 445.

Desks, 355.

De Susine, 192.

Dewar, Prof., 216.

Dial Telegraphs. (See Telegraphy.)

Diamonds. (See Milling; Polishing; Artificial, 70.)

Diamond Drill, 375.

Diana, Temple of, 34.

Diastase, 54.

Didot, Francois, 1800, 276.

Dickenson, 277.

Digesters. (See Chemistry.)

Differential motion, 301.

Dioptric Lens, 410.

Diorama, 415.

Direct Acting Engines, 88.

Direct Feed Engines, 88.

Discoveries, distinct from inventions, 1, 2.

Disk Plows, 21, 30.

Distaff and Spindle. (See Textiles, 292.)

Dodge, James M., 159.

Doffers, 301.

Dog Carts. (See Carriages.)

Dollond, John, 410.

Donkin, 277.

Donovan, 454.

Don Quixote, 222.

Douglass, Nicholas, 105.

Draining, 105, 106, 107.

Drags and Drays. (See Waggons, 430-431.)

Drais, Baron Von, 432.

Drake, E. S., Col., 382.

Draper, J. W., Prof., 412, 416, 450.

Drawing Machines, Spinning, 296, 298, 301.

Dredging, 105, 106, 107.

    of thread and cloths, 299, 302;
    of skins. (See Leather.)

Drills, seeders, 20, 27.

Drills, stone ore and iron, 375, 378.

Drying apparatus. (See Kilns.)

Dreyse, 266.

Dualine, 270.

Duboscq, 137.

Dudley, Dud, 224.

Duncan, John, 311.

Dundas, Charlotte, 84.

Dundonald, Lord, 451.

Dundas, Lord, 83, 440.

Dunlop, J. B., Bicycles, 433.

Duplex Engines, 88.

Dulcimer. (See Music.)

Dust Explosions and Collectors, 50.

Dutch Paper, 277;
    Printing, 280.

Dutch Canals, 107.

Dutch Clocks, 388, 391.

Dutch Furnaces and Stoves, 203.

Dutch Locks, 424.

Dutch Ships, 439.

Dutch Ware, 459.

Dutton, Maj. C. E., 261.

Dynamometer, 187, 398.

Dynamite, 270.

Dynamo Electric Machines, 130, 134, 251.


Eads, James B., 102.

Eames of U. S., 234.

East River Bridge, 98, 99.

Eddystone Lighthouse, 105.

Edison, 137, 144, 145, 148, 407, 408.

Egyptian agriculture, arts and inventions, 5, 13, 42, 45, 58, 164, 184, 220, 241, 273, 292, 340, 354, 400, 402, 423, 457, 460, 470.

Eiffel, M., 105.

Electricity, 5, 111-151.

Electric Alarms. (See Locks.)

Electric Batteries, 117-132.

Electric Cable, 138.

Electric Heating, 213.

Electric Lighting, 108, 119, 121 to 137, 360, 456.

Electro-Chemistry, 70.

Electro-magnets, 120-133.

Electro Metallurgy, 70, 238, 249.

Electrodes, 113, 135.

Electrolysis, 129, 131.

Electrometer, 113, 122.

Electrical Music, 148.

Electro Plating, 249.

Electric Railway, 143, 144.

Electric Signals and Stops, 160, 162.

Electric Telegraphy, 2, 114, 122, 123, 145, 146, 147.

Electrotyping, 283, 290.

Electric Type Printing, 147, 148.

Electric Type Writer, 287.

Electric Voters, 396.

Elevators, 6, 148, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157.

Eliot, Prof., 410.

Elizabeth, Queen, 402.

Elton, John, 46.

Elvean, Louis T. van, 155.

Embossing, 346, 347.

Embossing, weaving, 306.

Embroidery, 310, 313.

Emery, abrading, 70, 334.

Emery, testing machines, 398.

England, 8, 17, 25, 50, 188.

Engraving Machines, 290.

Enamelling. (See Pottery.)

Enamelled Ware, 459, 468.

Engineering. (See Civil.)
    Electric, 143;
    Hydraulic, 168;
    Marine, 442;
    Mining, 373;
    Steam, 2.

Eolipile. (See Hero.)

Erard, pianist, 403.

Erasmus, 183.

Ericsson, John, 83, 86, 441, 443, 444.

Euclid, 9.

Euler, 167, 173.

Evans, Oliver, 1755-1819; 46, 47, 48, 81, 83, 87, 154, 374.

Evaporating, 52.

Evelyn, John, 1699; 25.

Evolution of modern inventions, 153.

Excavating, 105, 106.

Explosives, 270.

Eylewein, 167.


Fabroni, 66, 118.

Faience, 459, 466.

Fairbairn, Sir Wm., 100, 176, 226, 440.

Fairbanks, scales and testing, 397.

Fahrenheit, 183.

Fanning Mills, 45.

Faraday, Michael, 63, 118, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 138, 188, 209, 411, 472.

Fan mills, 41.

Fare registers, 395.

Farmer, Moses G., 133, 135, 145.

Factory life, 298.

Faure, M. Camille, 120.

Faur, Faber du, 230.

Faust, 280.

Felt making, 325.

Fermentation, 65, 66, 67.

Fertilizers—machines and compositions. (See Agriculture.)

Field, Cyrus W., 138.

Filament-carbon, 360. (See Electric Lighting.)

Filters, filtering, 167, 180, 181.

Filter Press, 465.

Fink bridge, 103.

Fire-arms, 252-272.

Fire crackers, 252.

Fire engines, 76.

Fire place, 205.

Fiske, range finder, 266.

Fiske, 148, 413.

Fitch, John, 1784, 81.

Fitzherbert, Sir A., 1523, 14.

Fireproof safes. (See Locks.)

Flax machines, 42.

Flax brakes, 42.

Flaxman, 464.

Flax-threshers, 41, 42.

Fleming, 247.

Fleshing machines, 364.

Fletcher, 244.

Flexible shafts, 350.

Florence, 459.

Flour. (See Mills.)

Fly Shuttle. (See Spinning and Weaving.)

Foods, preparation of, 53, 54.

Force feed-seeders, 26.

Forneyron, 171, 172.

Forsythe, Rev. Mr., 259, 260.

Foucault, 137.

Fourcroy, 64.

Fourdrinier, 277. (See Paper making.)

Frackelton, Susan, portable kiln, 465.

France, 63, 203, 253, 274, 275, 313.

Francis, S. W., 286.

Frank, pottery, 463.

Franklin, Benj., 5, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 121, 125, 168, 203, 281, 446.

Franklin Institute, 455.

Fraunhofer, von, Jos., 61, 412.

Frederick, Henry, 255.

Freiberg Mining Academy, Metallurgy, 223.

Fresnel, 410.

Frictional Electricity, 111.

Frieburg Bridge. (See Bridges.)

Frogs, R. R., 108.

Flintlock, firearms, 258.

Froment, 146.

Frontinus, on Roman aqueducts, 166.

Fruits, Preparation of, 51, 53.

Fruit jars, 359.

Fry, Laura, 467.

Fulton, Robt., 84-85.

Furnaces, hot air; hot water, 206, 207.

Furniture, 351, 354, 359.

Furniture machinery, 351, 352.

Fuses, 259.


Gaffield, Thos., glass, 472.

Gale, Prof., 126.

Galileo, 1, 166, 183, 388, 409.

Gally, self-playing pianos, 406.

Galton, Capt. Douglas, 205.

Galvani, 5, 117, 118, 125.

Galvanism, 112,121.

Galvanic batteries, 121, 122.

Galvanic music, 148, 406.

Galvanometer, 122, 139.

Gamble, 277.

Garay, Blasco de, 75.

Garments, 310-327.

Gas, 450;
    illuminating, 69, 185, 450-456.

Gases, motors, 188, 190.

Gas checks, 266.

Gas engines, 76, 18, 184-194.

Gasoline and stoves, 213.

Gas pumps, 190.

Gatling, Dr., gun, 269.

Gaul, 32, 33.

Gauss, 126.

Gay-Lussac, 60, 185, 194, 209.

Ged, Wm., 281.

Geissler tubes, 135, 149.

Generator, Electric, 113.

Gentleman Farmer, 1768, 20.

George III., 389.

German inventions, 50, 203, 255, 313, 387, 391, 430,


Price 5s. each net.

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Religious Progress in the Century. By W. H. Withrow, M. A., D. D., F. R. S. C.
Literature of the Century. By Professor A. B. de Mille, M. A.
Progress of South Africa in the Century. By George McCall Theal, D. Lit., LL. D.
Medicine, Surgery, and Hygiene in the Century. By Ezra Hurlburt Stafford, M. D.
Progress of India, Japan, and China in the Century. By Sir Richard Temple, Bart., LL. D., &c.
Progress of the United States of America in the Century. By Prof. Wm. Peterfield Trent, M. A., LL. D.
Continental Rulers in the Century. By Percy M. Thornton, LL. B., M. P.
British Sovereigns in the Century. By T. H. S. Escott, M. A.
Progress of British Empire in the Century. By James Stanley Little.
Progress of Canada in the Century. By J. Castell Hopkins, F. S. S.
Progress of Australasia in the Century. By T. A. Coghlan, F. S. S., and Thomas T. Ewing.
Progress of New Zealand in the Century. By R. F. Irvine, M. A., and O. T. J. Alpers, M. A.
Political Progress of the Century. By Thomas Macknight.
Discoveries and Explorations of the Century. By Professor C. G. D. Roberts, M. A.
Economic and Industrial Progress of the Century. By H. de Beltgens Gibbins, D. Lit., M. A., F. R. G. S.
Inventions of the Century. By William H. Doolittle.
Wars of the Century, and the Development of Military Science. By Professor Oscar Browning, M. A.
Naval Battles of the Century. By Rear-Admiral Francis John Higginson.
Naval Development of the Century. By Sir Nathaniel Barnaby, K. C. B.
Presidents of the United States in the Century (from Jefferson to Fillmore). By Francis Bellamy.
Presidents of the United States in the Century (from Pierce to McKinley). Francis Knowles.
The Fine Arts in the Century. By William Sharp.
Progress of Education in the Century. By James Laughlin Hughes and Louis R. Klemm, Ph. D.
Temperance and Social Progress of the Century. By the Hon. John G. Woolley, M. A.
Progress of Science in the Century. By Professor J. Arthur Thomson, M. A.


Edinburgh: Printed by W. & R. Chambers, Limited.

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