This is a modern-English version of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, "Franciscans" to "French Language": Volume 11, Slice 1, originally written by Various. It has been thoroughly updated, including changes to sentence structure, words, spelling, and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If you click on a paragraph, you will see the original text that we modified, and you can toggle between the two versions.

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Britannica Encyclopedia



11th Edition

FIRST edition, published in three volumes, 1768-1771.
SECOND ten 1777-1784.
THIRD eighteen 1788-1797.
FOURTH twenty 1801-1810.
FIFTH twenty 1815-1817.
SIXTH twenty 1823-1824.
SEVENTH twenty-one 1830-1842.
EIGHTH twenty-two 1853-1860.
NINTH twenty-five 1875-1889.
TENTH ninth edition and eleven supplementary volumes, 1902-1903.
ELEVENTH published in twenty-nine volumes, 1910-1911.




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Franciscans to French Language


Articles in This Slice

Articles in This Section

FRANCK FREDERICK II. (king of Prussia)
FRANCKEN FREDERICK I. (elector of the Rhine)
FRANCO-GERMAN WAR FREDERICK II. (elector of the Rhine)
FRANCONIA FREDERICK IV. (elector of the Rhine)
FRANCS-ARCHERS FREDERICK V. (elector of the Rhine)
FRANK, JAKOB FREDERICK III. (elector of Saxony)
FRANKLIN (district of Canada) FREEBENCH
FRANKLIN (freeman) FREEHOLD (New Jersey, U.S.A.)
FREDERICK II. (king of Denmark and Norway) FRENCH GUINEA
FREDERICK III. (king of Denmark and Norway) FRENCH LANGUAGE
FREDERICK VIII. (king of Denmark)  



A. B. R. Alfred Barton Rendle, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.L.S.
Keeper, Department of Botany, British Museum. Author of Text Book on Classification of Flowering Plants; &c.
A. B. W. K. Sir Alexander Blackie William Kennedy, LL.D., F.R.S.
Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University College, London. Consulting Engineer to Board of Ordnance.
A. Ca. Arthur Cayley, PhD, FRS
See the biographical article, Cayley, Arthur.
A. E. H. L. Augustus Edward Hough Love, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Oxford. Hon. Fellow of Queen’s College; formerly Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. Secretary to the London Mathematical Society.

Function: Functions of Real Variables.

Function: Real Variable Functions.

A. E. S. Arthur Everett Shipley, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Master of Christ’s College, Cambridge. Reader in Zoology, Cambridge University. Joint-editor of the Cambridge Natural History.
A. Ge. Sir Archibald Geikie, PhD.
See the biographical article, Geikie, Sir A.
A. Go.* Rev. Alexander Gordon, Master's degree.
Lecturer on Church History in the University of Manchester.

Franck, Sebastian;

Franck, Sebastian;



A. G. B.* Hon. Archibald Graeme Bell, MInstCE
Director of Public Works and Inspector of Mines, Trinidad. Member of Executive and Legislative Councils, Inst.C.E.

Georgetown, British Guiana.

Georgetown, Guyana.

A. G. D. Arthur George Doughty, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D., F.R., Hist.S.
Dominion Archivist of Canada. Member of the Geographical Board of Canada. Author of The Cradle of New France; &c. Joint-editor of Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada.

Frontenac et Palluau.

Frontenac and Palluau.

A. H. Sm. Arthur Hamilton Smith, M.A., F.S.A.
Keeper of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum. Member of the Imperial German Archaeological Institute. Author of Catalogue of Greek Sculpture in the British Museum; &c.

Gem: II. (in part).

Gem: II. (partially).

A. M.* Rev. Allen Menzies, Ph.D.
Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, University of St Andrews. Author of History of Religion; &c. Editor of Review of Theology and Philosophy.

Free Church of Scotland (in part).

Free Church of Scotland (partly).

A. M. C. Agnes Mary Clerke.
See the biographical article, Clerke, Agnes M.
A. N. Alfred Newton, Fellow of the Royal Society
See the biographical article, Newton, Alfred.


Frigate Bird





Gare Fowl.

Gare Fowl.

A. N. B. Alfred Neave Brayshaw, JD
Author of Bible Notes on the Hebrew Prophets.

Friends, Society of.

Friends, Society.

A. N. W. Alfred North Whitehead, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics, Trinity College, Cambridge. Author of A Treatise on Universal Algebra; &c.

Geometry: VI. (in part) and VII.

Geometry: VI. (partially) and VII.

A. R. C. Alexander Ross Clarke, C.B., F.R.S.
Colonel, Royal Engineers. Royal Medallist, Royal Society, 1887. In charge of the trigonometrical operations of the Ordnance Survey, 1854-1881.

Geodesy (in part).

Geodesy (partially).

A. S. M. Alexander Stuart Murray, Ph.D.
See the biographical article, Murray, Alexander Stuart.

Gem: II. (in part).

Gem: II. (partially).

A. W. H.* Arthur W. Holland.
Formerly Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford. Bacon Scholar of Gray’s Inn, 1900.

Frederick II., Roman Emperor;

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor;

French Revolution: Republican Calendar;

French Revolution: Revolutionary Calendar;

Germany: History (in part) and Bibliography.

Germany: History (partially) and Bibliography.

A. W. W. Adolphus William Ward, Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Laws.
See the biographical article, Ward, A. W.

Garrick, David (in part).

David Garrick (in part).

B. A. W. R. Hon. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, M.A., F.R.S.
Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Author of Foundations of Geometry; Principles of Mathematics; &c.

Geometry: VI. (in part).

Geometry: VI. (partially).

B. S. P. Bertha Surtees Philpotts, M.A. (Dublin).
Formerly Librarian of Girton College, Cambridge.

Germany: Archaeology.

Germany: Archaeology.

C. B.* Charles Bémont, Ph.D. (Oxon.).
See the biographical article, Bémont, C.

Fustel De Coulanges;

Fustel de Coulanges



C. D. W. Hon. Carroll Davidson Wright.
See the biographical article, Wright, Hon. Carroll Davidson.

Friendly Societies: United States.

Friendly Societies: US.

C. E.* Charles Everitt, M.A., F.C.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S.
Sometime Scholar of Magdalen College, Oxford.

Geometry: History.

Geometry: History.

C. F. A. Charles Atkinson.
Formerly Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. Captain, 1st City of London (Royal Fusiliers). Author of The Wilderness and Cold Harbour.

Franco-German War (in part);

Franco-German War (partly);

French Revolutionary Wars: Military Operations;

French Revolutionary Wars: Military Actions;

Germany: Army;

Germany: Army

Gibraltar: History.

Gibraltar: History.

C. H. Ha. Carlton Huntley Hayes, M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History in Columbia University, New York City. Member of the American Historical Association.
Gelasius II.
C. K. S. Clement King Shorter.
Editor of The Sphere. Author of Sixty Years of Victorian Literature; Immortal Memories; The Brontës, Life and Letters; &c.
Gaskell, Elizabeth.
C. Mi. Chedomile Mijatovich.
Senator of the Kingdom of Servia. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the King of Servia to the Court of St James’s, 1895-1900 and 1902-1903.
C. M. K. Sir Charles Malcolm Kennedy, K.C.M.G., C.B. (1831-1908).
Head of Commercial Department, Foreign Office, 1872-1893. Lecturer on International Law, University College, Bristol. Commissioner in the Levant, 1870-1871, at Paris, 1872-1886. Plenipotentiary, Treaty of the Hague, 1882. Editor of Kennedy’s Ethnological and Linguistic Essays; Diplomacy and International Law.
Free Ports.
C. Pf. Christian Pfister, D. of L.
Professor at the Sorbonne, Paris. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Author of Études sur le règne de Robert le Pieux; Le Duché mérovingien d’Alsace et la legende de Sainte-Odile.





Germanic Laws, Early.

Early Germanic Laws.

C. R. B. Charles Raymond Beazley, M.A., D.Litt., F.R.G.S., F.R.Hist.S.
Professor of Modern History in the University of Birmingham. Formerly Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and University Lecturer in the History of Geography. Lothian Prizeman, Oxford, 1889. Lowell Lecturer, Boston, 1908. Author of Henry the Navigator; The Dawn of Modern Geography; &c.

Gerard of Cremona.

Gerard of Cremona.

C. R. C. Claude Regnier Conder, PhD.
Colonel, Royal Engineers. Formerly in command of Survey of Palestine. Author of The City of Jerusalem; The Bible and the East; The Hittites and their Language; &c.

Galilee (in part);

Galilee (partly);

Galilee, Sea of (in part).

Galilee Sea (in part).

C. T.* Rev. Charles Taylor, M.A., D.D., LL.D. (1840-1908).
Formerly Master of St John’s College, Cambridge. Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge University, 1887-1888. Author of Geometrical Conies; &c.

Geometrical Continuity.

Geometric Continuity.

C. We. Cecil Weatherly.
Formerly Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law.
C. W. W. Sir Charles William Wilson, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. (1836-1907).
Major-General, Royal Engineers. Secretary to the North American Boundary Commission, 1858-1862. British Commissioner on the Servian Boundary Commission. Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, 1886-1894. Director-General of Military Education, 1895-1898. Author of From Korti to Khartoum; Life of Lord Clive; &c.

Galilee, Sea of (in part).

Sea of Galilee (in part).

D. C. Dugald Clerk, MInstCE, FRS
Director of the National Gas Engine Co., Ltd. Inventor of the Clerk Cycle Gas Engine.
Gas Engine.
D. F. T. Donald Tovey.
Balliol College, Oxford. Author of Essays in Musical Analysis, comprising The Classical Concerto, The Goldberg Variations, and analyses of many other classical works.
D. H. David Hannay.
Formerly British Vice-consul at Barcelona. Author of Short History of Royal Navy, 1217-1688; Life of Emilio Castelar; &c.

French Revolutionary Wars: Naval Operations.

French Revolutionary Wars: Naval Warfare.

E. Br. Ernest Barker, M.A.
Fellow of, and Lecturer in Modern History at, St John’s College, Oxford. Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Merton College. Craven Scholar, 1895.

Fulk, King of Jerusalem.

Fulk, King of Jerusalem.

E. B. El. Edwin Bailey Elliott, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S.
Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics, and Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Formerly Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford. President of London Mathematical Society, 1896-1898. Author of Algebra of Quantics; &c.
Geometry, IV.
E. C. B. Right Rev. Edward Cuthbert Butler, O.S.B., D.Litt. (Dublin).
Abbot of Downside Abbey, Bath. Author of “The Lausiac History of Palladius” in Cambridge Texts and Studies.
Franciscans; Friar.
E. E. Lady Eastlake.
See the biographical article, Eastlake, Sir C. L.
Gibson, John.
E. G. Edmund Gosse, Ph.D.
See the biographical article, Gosse, Edmund.

Fryxell; Garland, John.

Fryxell; John Garland.

E. J. D. Edward Joseph Dent, M.A., B.Mus.
Formerly Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge.
E. O.* Edmund Owen, M.B., F.R.C.S., LL.D., D.Sc.
Consulting Surgeon to St Mary’s Hospital, London, and to the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street; late Examiner in Surgery at the Universities of Cambridge, Durham and London. Author of A Manual of Anatomy for Senior Students.
Gastric Ulcer.
E. Pr. Edgar Prestage.
Special Lecturer in Portuguese Literature in the University of Manchester. Commendador Portuguese Order of S. Thiago. Corresponding Member of Lisbon Royal Academy of Sciences and Lisbon Geographical Society; &c.
Garção; Garrett.
E. W. B. Sir Edward William Brabrook, C.B., F.S.A.
Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn. Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, 1891-1904. Author of Building Societies; Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare; Institutions of Thrift; &c.

Friendly Societies.

Mutual Aid Groups.

F. C. C. Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare, M.A., D.Th. (Geissen).
Fellow of the British Academy. Formerly Fellow of University College, Oxford. Author of The Ancient Armenian Texts of Aristotle; Myth, Magic and Morals; &c.
Funeral Rites.
F. C. M. Francis Charles Montague, M.A.
Astor Professor of European History, University College, London. Formerly Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Author of Limits of Individual Liberty; chapters in Cambridge Modern History; &c.

French Revolution.

French Revolution.

F. F.* Sir James Fortescue-Flannery, Baronet, Member of Parliament, and Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Ex-President of the Institute of Marine Engineers. M.P. for the Maldon Division of Essex, 1910. M.P. for the Shipley Division of Yorkshire, 1895-1906.

Fuel: Liquid.

Fuel: Liquid Fuel.

F. G. M. B. Frederick George Meeson Beck, M.A.
Fellow and Lecturer in Classics, Clare College, Cambridge.

Germany: Ethnography and Early History.

Germany: Ethnography and Early History.

F. H. B. Francis Henry Butler, Master's degree
Worcester College, Oxford. Associate of Royal School of Mines.

Frankincense; Galls.

Frankincense; Galls.

F. J. H. Francis John Haverfield, M.A., LL.D., F.S.A.
Camden Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford. Fellow of Brasenose College. Fellow of the British Academy. Formerly Censor, Student, Tutor and Librarian of Christ Church, Oxford. Ford’s Lecturer, 1906-1907. Author of Monographs on Roman History, especially Roman Britain; &c.
F. N. M. Colonel Frederic Natusch Maude, C.B.
Lecturer in Military History, Manchester University. Author of War and the World’s Policy; The Leipzig Campaign; The Jena Campaign.

Franco-German War (in part).

Franco-German War (partially).

F. R. C. Frank R. Cana.
Author of South Africa from the Great Trek to the Union.

French Congo;

French Congo

German East Africa;

German East Africa;

German South-West Africa.

German Namibia.

F. R. H. Friedrich Robert Helmert, Ph.D., D.Eng.
Professor of Geodesy, University of Berlin.

Geodesy (in part).

Geodesy (partially).

F. S. Francis Storr.
Editor of the Journal of Education, London. Officer d’Académie (Paris).

Games, Classical.

Classical Games.

F. W. R.* Frederick William Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S.
Curator and Librarian of the Museum of Practical Geology, London, 1879-1902. President of the Geologists’ Association, 1887-1889.
Gem: I.
G. E. Rev. George Edmundson, M.A., F.R.Hist.S.
Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. Ford’s Lecturer, 1909.

Gelderland (Duchy).

Gelderland (Duchy).

G. L. Georg Lunge.
See the biographical article. Lunge, G.

Fuel: Gaseous;

Fuel: Gas;

Gas: Manufacture, II.

Gas: Manufacture, II.

G. Sa. George Saintsbury, D.C.L., LL.D.
See the biographical article, Saintsbury, G.

French Literature;

French Lit;



G. W. T. Rev. Griffiths Wheeler Thatcher, M.A., B.D.
Warden of Camden College, Sydney, N.S.W. Formerly Tutor in Hebrew and Old Testament History at Mansfield College, Oxford.
H. B. Hilary Bauermann, F.G.S. (d. 1909).
Formerly Lecturer on Metallurgy at the Ordnance College, Woolwich. Author of A Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron.

Fuel: Solid.

Fuel: Solid.

H. B. W. Horace Bolingbroke Woodward, F.R.S., F.G.S.
Late Assistant Director, Geological Survey of England and Wales. Wollaston Medallist, Geological Society. Author of The History of the Geological Society of London; &c.
H. Ch. Hugh Chisholm, M.A.
Formerly Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Editor of the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; Co-editor of the 10th edition.



Garnett, Richard;

Garnett, Richard;

George IV. (in part).

George IV. (partially).

H. C. L. Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge.
See the biographical article, Lodge, Henry Cabot.
H. F. Ba. Henry Frederick Baker, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Fellow and Lecturer of St John’s College, Cambridge. Cayley Lecturer in Mathematics in the University. Author of Abel’s Theorem and the Allied Theory; &c.

Function: Functions of Complex Variables.

Function: Complex Variables Functions.

H. L. C. Hugh Longbourne Callendar, F.R.S., LL.D.
Professor of Physics, Royal College of Science, London. Formerly Professor of Physics in MacGill College, Montreal, and in University College, London.
H. M.* Hugh Mitchell.
Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple.

Gibraltar (in part).

Gibraltar (partly).

H. M. W. H. Marshall Ward, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. (d. 1905).
Formerly Professor of Botany, Cambridge. President of the British Mycological Society. Author of Timber and Some of its Diseases; The Oak; Sach’s Lectures on the Physiology of Plants; Diseases in Plants; &c.

Fungi (in part).

Fungi (in part).

H. N. Henry Nicol.

French Language (in part).

French (in part).

H. R. M. Hugh Robert Mill, Ph.D., LL.D.
Director of British Rainfall Organization. Editor of British Rainfall. Formerly President of the Royal Meteorological Society. Hon. Member of Vienna Geographical Society. Hon. Corresponding Member of Geographical Societies of Paris, Berlin, Budapest, St Petersburg, Amsterdam, &c. Author of The Realm of Nature; The International Geography; &c.
H. W. C. D. Henry William Carless Davis, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford. Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, 1895-1902. Author of England under the Normans and Angevins; Charlemagne.

Geoffrey, Archbishop of York;

Geoffrey, Archbishop of York;

Geoffrey of Monmouth;

Geoffrey of Monmouth



Gervase of Canterbury;

Gervase of Canterbury;

Gervase of Tilbury.

Gervase of Tilbury.

H. W. S. H. Wickham Steed.
Correspondent of The Times at Rome (1897-1902) and Vienna.
I. A. Israel Abrahams, M.A.
Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature in the University of Cambridge. Formerly President, Jewish Historical Society of England. Author of A Short History of Jewish Literature; Jewish Life in the Middle Ages; Judaism; &c.

Frank, Jakob;

Frank, Jakob;

Frankel, Zecharias;

Frankel, Zecharias;

Frankl, Ludwig A.;

Frankl, Ludwig A.

Friedmann, Meir;

Friedmann, Meir;

Gaon; Geiger (in part);

Gaon; Geiger (partially);



J. A. F. John Ambrose Fleming, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Pender Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of London. Fellow of University College, London. Formerly Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge, and Lecturer on Applied Mechanics in the University. Author of Magnets and Electric Currents.
J. A. H. John Allen Howe, B.Sc.
Curator and Librarian of the Museum of Practical Geology, London. Author of The Geology of Building Stones.

Fuller’s Earth.

Fuller's Earth.

J. B. B. John Bagnall Bury, LL.D., D.C.L.
See the biographical article, Bury, J. B.

Gibbon, Edward.

Edward Gibbon.

J. B. McM. John Bach McMaster, Ph.D.
Professor of American History in the University of Pennsylvania. Author of A History of the People of the United States; &c.

Garfield, James Abram.

James Abram Garfield.

J. Ga. James Gairdner, LL.D., C.B.
See the biographical article, Gairdner, J.

Gardiner, Stephen.

Gardiner, Stephen.

J. G. C. A. John George Clark Anderson, M.A.
Censor and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford. Formerly Fellow of Lincoln College; Craven Fellow, Oxford, 1896. Conington Prizeman, 1893.
J. G. R. John George Robertson, M.A., Ph.D.
Professor of German, University of London. Author of History of German Literature; Schiller after a Century; &c.



German Literature.

German Literature.

J. Hn. Justus Hashagen, Ph.D.
Privat-dozent in Medieval and Modern History, University of Bonn. Author of Das Rheinland und die französische Herrschaft.

Frederick Augustus I. and II.;

Frederick Augustus I and II

Frederick William I.

Frederick William I.

J. H. Gr. John Hilton Grace, M.A., F.R.S.
Lecturer in Mathematics at Peterhouse and Pembroke College, Cambridge. Fellow of Peterhouse.

Geometry, V.

Geometry, Volume.

J. H. H. John Henry Hessels, M.A.
Author of Gutenberg: an Historical Investigation.
J. H. R. John Horace Round, M.A., LL.D. (Edin.).
Author of Feudal England; Studies in Peerage and Family History; Peerage and Pedigree; &c.

Geoffrey De Montbray.

Geoffrey De Montbray.

J. Hl. R. John Holland Rose, M.A., Ph.D.
Christ’s College, Cambridge. Lecturer on Modern History to the Cambridge University Local Lectures Syndicate. Author of Life of Napoleon I.; Napoleonic Studies; The Development of the European Nations; The Life of Pitt; &c.
J. Mt. James Moffatt, M.A., D.D.
Jowett Lecturer, London, 1907. Author of Historical New Testament; &c.

Galatians, Epistle to the.

Letter to the Galatians.

J. P.-B. James George Joseph Penderel-Brodhurst.
Editor of the Guardian (London).
J. Si. James Sime, M.A. (1843-1895).
Author of A History of Germany; &c.

Frederick the Great (in part).

Frederick the Great (partially).

J. S. Bl. John Sutherland Black, M.A., LL.D.
Assistant Editor 9th edition Encyclopaedia Britannica. Joint-editor of the Encyclopaedia Biblica.

Free Church of Scotland (in part).

Free Church of Scotland (partly).

J. S. F. John Smith Flett, D.Sc., F.G.S.
Petrographer to the Geological Survey. Formerly Lecturer on Petrology in Edinburgh University. Neill Medallist of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Bigsby Medallist of the Geological Society of London.





J. T. Be. John T. Bealby.
Joint-author of Stanford’s Europe. Formerly Editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine. Translator of Sven Hedin’s Through Asia, Central Asia and Tibet; &c.

Georgia (Russia), (in part).

Georgia (Russia), (partially).

J. T. C. Joseph Thomas Cunningham, M.A., F.Z.S.
Lecturer on Zoology at the South-Western Polytechnic, London. Formerly Fellow of University College, Oxford. Assistant Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. Naturalist to the Marine Biological Association.
J. V. B. James Vernon Bartlet, M.A., D.D. (St. Andrews).
Professor of Church History, Mansfield College, Oxford. Author of The Apostolic Age; &c.
J. Ws. John Weathers, F.R.H.S.
Lecturer on Horticulture to the Middlesex County Council. Author of Practical Guide to Garden Plants; French Market Gardening; &c.

Fruit and Flower Farming (in part).

Fruit and Flower Farming (partly).

J. W. He. James Wycliffe Headlam, M.A.
Staff Inspector of Secondary Schools under the Board of Education. Formerly Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Professor of Greek and Ancient History at Queen’s College, London. Author of Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire; &c.

Frederick III. of Prussia;

Frederick III of Prussia;

Germany: History (in part).

Germany: History (partially).

K. S. Kathleen Schlesinger.
Author of The Instruments of the Orchestra; &c. Editor of the Portfolio of Musical Archaeology.

Free Reed Vibrator;

Free Reed Vibe;



L. D. Louis Duchesne.
See the biographical article, Duchesne, L. M. O.

Gelasius I.

Gelasius I

L. H.* Louis Halphen, D. ès L.
Principal of the course of the Faculty of Letters in the University of Bordeaux. Author of Le Comté d’Anjou au XIe siècle; Recueil des actes angevines; &c.

Fulk Nerra;

Fulk Nerra;

Geoffrey, Count of Anjou;

Geoffrey, Count of Anjou

Geoffrey Plantaganet.

Geoffrey Plantagenet.

L. J. S. Leonard James Spencer, M.A.
Assistant in Department of Mineralogy, British Museum. Formerly Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and Harkness Scholar. Editor of the Mineralogical Magazine.
L. V. Linda Mary Villari.
See the biographical article, Villari, Pasquale.

Frederick III. King of Sicily.

Frederick III, King of Sicily.

M. G. Moses Gaster, PhD
Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic communities of England. Vice-President, Zionist Congress, 1898, 1899, 1900. Ilchester Lecturer at Oxford on Slavonic and Byzantine Literature, 1886 and 1891. President, Folk-lore Society of England. Vice-President, Anglo-Jewish Association. Author of History of Rumanian Popular Literature; A New Hebrew Fragment of Ben-Sira; The Hebrew Version of the Secretum Secretorum of Aristotle.
M. N. T. Marcus Niebuhr Tod, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College, Oxford. University Lecturer in Epigraphy. Joint-author of Catalogue of the Sparta Museum.
O. Ba. Oswald Barron, F.S.A.
Editor of The Ancestor, 1902-1905. Hon. Genealogist to Standing Council of the Honourable Society of the Baronetage.

Genealogy: Modern.

Genealogy: Modern

O. H. Olaus Magnus Friedrich Henrici, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
Professor of Mechanics and Mathematics in the Central Technical College of the City and Guilds of London Institute. Author of Vectors and Rotors; Congruent Figures; &c.

Geometry, I., II., and III.

Geometry I, II, and III.

P. A. Paul Daniel Alphandéry.
Professor of the History of Dogma, École pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne, Paris. Author of Les Idées morales chez les hétérodoxes latines au début du XIIIe siècle.
P. A. A. Philip A. Ashworth, M.A., Ph.D.
New College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. Translator of H. R. von Gneist’s History of the English Constitution.

Germany: Geography.

Germany: Geography.

P. Gi. Peter Giles, M.A., LL.D., Litt.D.
Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and University Reader in Comparative Philology. Formerly Secretary of the Cambridge Philological Society. Author of Manual of Comparative Philology; &c.
P. La. Philip Lake, M.A., F.G.S.
Lecturer on Physical and Regional Geography in Cambridge University. Formerly of the Geological Survey of India. Author of Monograph of British Cambrian Trilobites. Translator and editor of Kayser’s Comparative Geology.

Germany: Geology.

Germany: Geology.

P. M. Paul Meyer.
See the biographical article, Meyer, M. P. H.

French Language (in part).

French (in part).

R. Ad. Robert Adamson, PhD.
See the biographical article. Adamson, Robert.

Gassendi (in part).

Gassendi (in part).

R. A. S. M. Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister, M.A., F.S.A.
St John’s College, Cambridge. Director of Excavations for the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Gadara; Galilee (in part);

Gadara; Galilee (partially);

Galilee, Sea of (in part);

Galilee Sea (in part);

Gerasa; Gerizim;

Gerasa; Gerizim;

Gezer; Gibeon.

Gezer; Gibeon.

R. Ca. Robert Carruthers, Ph.D. (1799-1878).
Editor of the Inverness Courier, 1828-1878. Part-editor of Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature; Lecturer at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh. Author of History of Huntingdon; Life of Pope.

Garrick, David (in part).

David Garrick (partly).

R. H. Q. Rev. Robert Hebert Quick, M.A., (1831-1891).
Formerly Lecturer on Education, University of Cambridge. Author of Essays on Educational Reformers.
R. L.* Richard Lydekker, F.R.S., F.Z.S., F.G.S.
Member of the Staff of the Geological Survey of India, 1874-1882. Author of Catalogues of Fossil Mammals, Reptiles and Birds in British Museum; The Deer of all Lands; &c.

Galago; Galeopithecus;

Galago; Flying lemur;

Ganodonta; Gelada;

Ganodonta; Gelada;



R. N. B. Robert Nisbet Bain (d. 1909).
Assistant Librarian, British Museum, 1883-1909. Author of Scandinavia, the Political History of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, 1513-1900; The First Romanovs, 1613 to 1725; Slavonic Europe, the Political History of Poland and Russia from 1469 to 1796; &c.

Frederick II. and III. of Denmark and Norway.

Frederick II and III of Denmark and Norway.



R. Pr. Dr. Robert Priebsch
Professor of German Philology, University of London. Author of Deutsche Handschriften in England; &c.

German Language.

German language.

R. P. S. R. Phené Spiers, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A.
Formerly Master of the Architectural School, Royal Academy, London. Past President of Architectural Association. Associate and Fellow of King’s College, London. Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Editor of Fergusson’s History of Architecture. Author of Architecture: East and West; &c.
Garnier, J.
R. We. Richard Webster, M.A. (Princeton).
Formerly Fellow in Classics, Princeton University. Editor of The Elegies of Maximianus; &c.

Franklin, Benjamin.

Benjamin Franklin.

S. A. C. Stanley Arthur Cook, M.A.
Editor for Palestine Exploration Fund. Lecturer in Hebrew and Syriac, and formerly Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Examiner in Hebrew and Aramaic, London University, 1904-1908. Council of Royal Asiatic Society, 1904-1905. Author of Glossary of Aramaic Inscriptions; The Laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi; Critical Notes on Old Testament History; Religion of Ancient Palestine, &c.

Genealogy: Biblical;

Genealogy: Bible;



St. C. Viscount St. Cyres.
See the biographical article, Iddesleigh, 1st Earl of.
S. R. G. Samuel Rawson Gardiner, PhD, DSc.
See the biographical article, Gardiner, S. R.

George I., II., III.;

George I, II, III;

George IV. (in part).

George IV. (partly).

T. As. Thomas Ashby, M.A., D.Litt. (Oxon.).
Director of British School of Archaeology at Rome. Formerly Scholar at Christ Church, Oxford. Craven Fellow, 1897, Conington Prizeman, 1906. Member of the Imperial German Archaeological Institute.

Frascati Fregellae;

Frascati Fregellae

Frascati; Fregellae;

Frascati; Fregellae;

Fucino, Lago Di; Fulginiae;

Lake Fucino; Fulginiae;

Fusaro, Lago; Gabii;

Fusaro, Lake; Gabii;

Gaeta; Gallipoli (Italy);

Gaeta; Gallipoli (Italy);

Gela; Genoa.

Gela; Genoa.

T. Ba. Sir Thomas Barclay, MP
Member of the Institute of International Law. Member of the Supreme Council of the Congo Free State. Officer of the Legion of Honour. Author of Problems of International Practice and Diplomacy; &c. M.P. for Blackburn, 1910.

Geneva Convention.

Geneva Convention.

T. C. H. Thomas Callan Hodson.
Registrar, East London College, University of London. Late Indian Civil Service. Author of The Metheis; &c.
T. E. H. Thomas Erskine Holland, K.C., D.C.L., LL.D.
Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Professor of International Law and Diplomacy in the University of Oxford, 1874-1910. Fellow of the British Academy. Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn. Author of Studies in International Law; The Elements of Jurisprudence; Alberici Gentilis de jure belli; The Laws of War on Land; Neutral Duties in a Maritime War; &c.
T. G. S. Thomas Gaskell Shearman (d. 1900).
Author of The Single Tax; Natural Taxation; Distribution of Wealth; &c.
George, Henry.
T. H. H.* Colonel Sir Thomas Hungerford Holdich, K.C.M.G., K.C.I.E., D.Sc.
Superintendent Frontier Surveys, India, 1892-1898. Gold Medallist, R.G.S. (London), 1887. Author of The Indian Borderland; The Countries of the King’s Award; India; Tibet; &c.
T. M. L. Rev. Thomas Martin Lindsay, Ph.D.
Principal and Professor of Church History, United Free Church College, Glasgow. Author of Life of Luther; &c.

Gerson (in part).

Gerson (partially).

V. B. L. Vivian Byam Lewes, F.I.C., F.C.S.
Professor of Chemistry, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Chief Superintending Gas Examiner to City of London.

Gas: Manufacture, I.

Gas: Production, I.

V. H. B. Vernon Herbert Blackman, M.A., D.Sc.
Professor of Botany in the University of Leeds. Formerly Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge.

Fungi (in part).

Fungi (in part).

W. A. B. C. Rev. William Augustus Brevoort Coolidge, M.A., F.R.G.S., Ph.D. (Bern).
Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Professor of English History, St David’s College, Lampeter, 1880-1881. Author of Guide du Haut Dauphiné; The Range of the Tödi; Guide to Grindelwald; Guide to Switzerland; The Alps in Nature and in History; &c. Editor of The Alpine Journal, 1880-1881; &c.

Frauenfeld; Frejus;

Frauenfeld; Frejus;



Gap; Garda, Lake of;

Gap; Garda Lake;

Gemmi Pass; Geneva;

Gemmi Pass; Geneva;

Geneva, Lake of.

Lake Geneva.

W. A. P. Walter Alison Phillips, M.A.
Formerly Exhibitioner of Merton College and Senior Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford. Author of Modern Europe; &c.

Frederick II. of Prussia (in part);

Frederick II of Prussia (partially);



Gentz, Friedrich;

Friedrich Gentz;

Germany: History (in part).

Germany: History (partially).

W. Ba. William Bacher, PhD
Professor of Biblical Science at the Rabbinical Seminary, Budapest.
W. Be. Sir Walter Besant.
See the biographical article, Besant, Sir W.
W. C. Sir William Crookes, F.R.S.
See the biographical article, Crookes, Sir William.

Gem, Artificial.

Fake Gem.

W. Cu. The Ven. William Cunningham, M.A., D.D.
Archdeacon of Ely. Birkbeck Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History, Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow of the British Academy. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Author of Growth of English Industry and Commerce; &c.

Free Trade.

Free Trade.

W. E. D. William Ernest Dalby, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E.
Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the City and Guilds of London Institute Central Technical College, South Kensington. Formerly University Demonstrator in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University. Author of The Balancing of Engines; Valves and Valve Gear Mechanism; &c.

Friction (in part).

Friction (in part).

W. Fr. William Fream, Doctor of Laws. (d. 1906).
Formerly Lecturer on Agricultural Entomology, University of Edinburgh, and Agricultural Correspondent of The Times.

Fruit and Flower Farming (in part).

Fruit and Flower Farming (partially).

W. F. C. William Feilden Craies, M.A.
Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. Lecturer on Criminal Law, King’s College, London. Editor of Archbold’s Criminal Pleading (23rd edition).

Game Laws;

Game Regulations;

Gaming and Wagering.

Gaming and Betting.

W. Hu. Rev. William Hunt, M.A., Litt.D.
President of the Royal Historical Society 1905-1909. Author of History of English Church, 597-1066; The Church of England in the Middle Ages; Political History of England, 1760-1801; &c.

Freeman, Edward A.;

Freeman, Edward A.;



Gardiner, Samuel Rawson.

Samuel Rawson Gardiner.

W. J. H.* William James Hughan.
Past S.G.D. of the Grand Lodge of England. Author of Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry.
W. L. F. Walter Lynwood Fleming, M.A., Ph.D.
Professor of History in Louisiana State University. Author of Documentary History of Reconstruction; &c.

Freedmen’s Bureau.

Freedmen's Bureau.

W. L. G. William Lawson Grant, M.A.
Professor of Colonial History, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Formerly Beit Lecturer in Colonial History, Oxford University. Editor of Acts of the Privy Council (Canadian Series).

Gait, Sir Alexander T.

Gait, Sir Alexander T.

W. M. R. William Michael Rossetti.
See the biographical article, Rossetti, Dante G.

Fuseli; Gaddi;

Fuseli; Gaddi;



Ghirlandajo, Domenico;

Ghirlandaio, Domenico;

Ghirlandajo, Ridolfo.

Ridolfo Ghirlandajo.

W. R. B.* William Raimond Baird, J.D.
Author of Manual of American College Fraternities; &c. Editor of The Beta Theta Pi.

Fraternities, College.

Fraternities, College.

W. S. P. Walter Sutherland Parker.
Deputy Chairman, Fur Section, London Chamber of Commerce.

1 A complete list, showing all individual contributors, appears in the final volume.

1 A full list of all individual contributors is included in the final volume.





Franz Josef Land.

Franz Josef Land.

Free Church Federation.

Free Church Federation.

French Guinea.

French Guinea.

French West Africa.

French West Africa.



Frisian Islands.

Friesland Islands.



Fronde, The.

The Fronde.





Galapagos Islands.

Galápagos Islands.
















Gentian family.

George, Saint.

Saint George.

George Junior Republic.

George Junior Republic.

Georgia (U.S.A.).

Georgia (USA).


Geranium family.



German Baptist Brethren.

German Baptist Church.

German Catholics.

Catholics in Germany.

















FRANCISCANS (otherwise called Friars Minor, or Minorites; also the Seraphic Order; and in England Grey Friars, from the colour of the habit, which, however, is now brown rather than grey), a religious order founded by St Francis of Assisi (q.v.). It was in 1206 that St Francis left his father’s house and devoted himself to a life of poverty and to the service of the poor, the sick and the lepers; and in 1209 that he felt the call to add preaching to his other ministrations, and to lead a life in the closest imitation of Christ’s life. Within a few weeks disciples began to join themselves to him; the condition was that they should dispose of all their possessions. When their number was twelve Francis led the little flock to Rome to obtain the pope’s sanction for their undertaking. Innocent III. received them kindly, but with some misgivings as to the feasibility of the proposed manner of life; these difficulties were overcome, and the pope accorded a provisional approval by word of mouth: they were to become clerics and to elect a superior. Francis was elected and made a promise of obedience to the pope, and the others promised obedience to Francis.

FRANCISCANS (also known as Friars Minor, or Minorites; also referred to as the Seraphic Order; in England, they are called Grey Friars due to the color of their habit, which is now brown instead of grey), is a religious order founded by St. Francis of Assisi (q.v.). In 1206, St. Francis left his father's home to dedicate his life to poverty and serving the poor, the sick, and the lepers. In 1209, he felt the call to add preaching to his duties and to live a life that closely mirrored Christ's life. Within a few weeks, disciples began to join him; the condition was that they had to give up all their possessions. When their number reached twelve, Francis took the small group to Rome to seek the pope's approval for their mission. Innocent III welcomed them, though he had some concerns about the practicality of their proposed lifestyle; these concerns were eventually resolved, and the pope gave a verbal provisional approval: they were to become clerics and to elect a leader. Francis was elected and promised obedience to the pope, while the others pledged their obedience to Francis.

This formal inauguration of the institute was in 1209 or (as seems more probable) 1210. Francis and his associates were first known as “Penitents of Assisi,” and then Francis chose the title of “Minors.” On their return to Assisi they obtained from the Benedictine abbey on Mount Subasio the use of the little chapel of St Mary of the Angels, called the Portiuncula, in the plain below Assisi, which became the cradle and headquarters of the order. Around the Portiuncula they built themselves huts of branches and twigs, but they had no fixed abode; they wandered in pairs over the country, dressed in the ordinary clothes of the peasants, working in the fields to earn their daily bread, sleeping in barns or in the hedgerows or in the porches of the churches, mixing with the labourers and the poor, with the lepers and the outcasts, ever joyous—the “joculatores” or “jongleurs” of God—ever carrying out their mission of preaching to the lowly and to the wretched religion and repentance and the kingdom of God. The key-note of the movement was the imitation of the public life of Christ, especially the poverty of Christ. Francis and his disciples were to aim at possessing nothing, absolutely nothing, so far as was compatible with life; they were to earn their bread from day to day by the work of their hands, and only when they could not do so were they to beg; they were to make no provision for the morrow, lay by no store, accumulate no capital, possess no land; their clothes should be the poorest and their dwellings the meanest; they were forbidden to receive or to handle money. On the other hand they were bound only to the fast observed in those days by pious Christians, and were allowed to eat meat—the rule said they should eat whatever was set before them; no austerities were imposed, beyond those inseparable from the manner of life they lived.

This formal opening of the institute was in 1209 or, more likely, 1210. Francis and his companions were initially known as the “Penitents of Assisi,” and later Francis chose the name “Minors.” Upon returning to Assisi, they got permission from the Benedictine abbey on Mount Subasio to use the small chapel of St. Mary of the Angels, called the Portiuncula, in the plain below Assisi, which became the birthplace and main base of the order. They built huts made of branches and twigs around the Portiuncula, but they had no permanent home; they traveled in pairs across the countryside, dressed in ordinary peasant clothes, working in the fields to earn their daily bread, sleeping in barns, in hedgerows, or on church porches, mingling with laborers and the poor, as well as with lepers and outcasts—always joyful—known as the “joculatores” or “jongleurs” of God—constantly fulfilling their mission of preaching religion, repentance, and the kingdom of God to the lowly and the wretched. The core idea of the movement was to imitate Christ's public life, especially His poverty. Francis and his followers aimed to own nothing, absolutely nothing, as far as life would allow; they were to earn their bread daily through honest work, and only if they couldn’t do so, were they to beg; they were not to make plans for the future, save up anything, accumulate wealth, or own land; their clothing should be the poorest, and their homes the simplest; they were forbidden to accept or handle money. On the other hand, they were only required to follow the fasts observed by devout Christians of that time, and they could eat meat—the rule stated they should eat whatever was offered to them; no harsh rules were enforced beyond those that came with the lifestyle they chose.

Thus the institute in its original conception was quite different from the monastic institute, Benedictine or Canon Regular. It was a confraternity rather than an order, and there was no formal novitiate, no organization. But the number of brothers increased with extraordinary rapidity, and the field of work soon extended itself beyond the neighbourhood of Assisi and even beyond Umbria—within three or four years there were settlements in Perugia, Cortona, Pisa, Florence and elsewhere, and missions to the Saracens and Moors were attempted by Francis himself. About 1217 Franciscan missions set out for Germany, France, Spain, Hungary and the Holy Land; and in 1219 a number of provinces were formed, each governed by a provincial minister. These developments, whereby the little band of Umbrian apostles had grown into an institute spread all over Europe and even penetrating to the East, and numbering thousands of members, rendered impossible the continuance of the original free organization whereby Francis’s word and example were the sufficient practical rule of life for all: it was necessary as a condition of efficiency and even of existence and permanence that some kind of organization should be provided. From an early date yearly meetings or chapters had been held at the Portiuncula, at first attended by the whole body of friars; but as the institute extended this became unworkable, and after 1219 the chapter consisted only of the officials, provincial ministers and others. During Francis’s absence in the East (1219-1220) a deliberate movement was initiated by the two vicars whom he had left in charge of the order, towards assimilating it to the monastic orders. Francis hurried back, bringing with him Elias of Cortona, the provincial minister of Syria, and immediately summoned an extraordinary general chapter (September 1220). Before it met he had an interview on the situation with Cardinal Hugolino of Ostia (afterwards Gregory IX.), the great friend and supporter of both Francis and Dominic, 2 and he went to Honorius III. at Orvieto and begged that Hugolino should be appointed the official protector of the order. The request was granted, and a bull was issued formally approving the order of Friars Minor, and decreeing that before admission every one must pass a year’s novitiate, and that after profession it was not lawful to leave the order. By this bull the Friars Minor were constituted an order in the technical sense of the word. When the chapter assembled, Francis, no doubt from a genuine feeling that he was not able to govern a great world-wide order, practically abdicated the post of minister-general by appointing a vicar, and the policy of turning the Friars Minor into a great religious order was consistently pursued, especially by Elias, who a year later became Francis’s vicar.

Thus, the institute in its original form was quite different from the monastic institutes, whether Benedictine or Canon Regular. It was a confraternity rather than an order, and there was no formal novitiate or organization. However, the number of brothers grew extraordinarily fast, and their work soon expanded beyond the neighborhood of Assisi and even beyond Umbria—within three or four years, there were settlements in Perugia, Cortona, Pisa, Florence, and other places, and missions to the Saracens and Moors were attempted by Francis himself. By around 1217, Franciscan missions were launched for Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, and the Holy Land; in 1219, several provinces were established, each governed by a provincial minister. These developments, in which the small group of Umbrian apostles had transformed into an institute spread all over Europe and reaching the East, with thousands of members, made it impossible to maintain the original free organization where Francis’s word and example were sufficient as a practical rule of life for all: it became necessary for efficiency and even for survival that some kind of organization be put in place. From an early date, annual meetings or chapters had been held at the Portiuncula, initially attended by the entire body of friars; but as the institute expanded, this became unmanageable, and after 1219, the chapter included only the officials, provincial ministers, and others. During Francis’s absence in the East (1219–1220), a deliberate movement was initiated by the two vicars he left in charge of the order to align it more closely with monastic orders. Francis quickly returned, bringing with him Elias of Cortona, the provincial minister of Syria, and immediately called for an extraordinary general chapter (September 1220). Before it convened, he discussed the situation with Cardinal Hugolino of Ostia (who later became Gregory IX), a great friend and supporter of both Francis and Dominic, 2 and he went to Honorius III. in Orvieto, asking that Hugolino be appointed the official protector of the order. The request was granted, and a bull was issued formally approving the order of Friars Minor, stating that before admission, everyone must undergo a year’s novitiate, and that after profession, leaving the order was not allowed. By this bull, the Friars Minor were established as an order in the technical sense. When the chapter gathered, Francis, feeling sincerely that he couldn't manage a large worldwide order, practically stepped down from the role of minister-general by appointing a vicar, and the policy of transforming the Friars Minor into a significant religious order was consistently pursued, especially by Elias, who became Francis’s vicar a year later.

St Francis’s attitude towards this change is of primary importance for the interpretation of Franciscan history. There can be little doubt that his affections never altered from his first love, and that he looked back regretfully on the “Umbrian idyll” that had passed away; on the other hand, there seems to be no reason for doubting that he saw that the methods of the early days were now no longer possible, and that he acquiesced in the inevitable. This seems to be Professor Goetz’s view, who holds that Sabatier’s picture of Francis’s agonized sadness at witnessing the destruction of his great creation going on under his eyes, has no counterpart in fact, and who rejects the view that the changes were forced on Francis against his better judgment by Hugolino and Elias (see “Note on Sources” at end of article Francis of Assisi; also Elias of Cortona); Goetz holds that the only conflict was the inevitable one between an unrealizable ideal and its practical working among average men. But there does seem to be evidence that Francis deplored tendencies towards a departure from the severe simplicity of life and from the strict observance of poverty which he considered the ground-idea of his institute. In the final redaction of his Rule made in 1223 and in his Testament, made after it, he again clearly asserts his mind on these subjects, especially on poverty; and in the Testament he forbids any glosses in the interpretation of the Rule, declaring that it is to be taken simply as it stands. Sabatier’s view as to the difference between the “First Rule” and that of 1223 is part of his general theory, and is, to say the least, a grave exaggeration. No doubt the First Rule, which is fully four times as long, gives a better picture of St Francis’s mind and character; the later Rule has been formed from the earlier by the elimination of the frequent scripture texts and the edificatory element; but the greater portion of it stood almost verbally in the earlier.

St. Francis's attitude towards this change is crucial for understanding Franciscan history. There's little doubt that his feelings never shifted from his first love, and he looked back with regret on the "Umbrian idyll" that had faded away. On the other hand, it seems clear that he recognized the methods of the early days were no longer feasible, and he accepted this unavoidable change. This appears to be Professor Goetz’s perspective, who believes that Sabatier’s portrayal of Francis’s agonizing sadness at witnessing the destruction of his great creation happening right before him isn’t supported by the facts. Goetz also rejects the idea that the changes were imposed on Francis against his better judgment by Hugolino and Elias (see “Note on Sources” at end of article Francis of Assisi; also Elias of Cortona); he argues that the only conflict was the inevitable one between an unrealistic ideal and its practical implementation among ordinary people. However, there is evidence that Francis lamented tendencies toward straying from the strict simplicity of life and the rigorous adherence to poverty, which he saw as the foundational principle of his order. In the final version of his Rule made in 1223 and in his Testament, created afterwards, he clearly reiterates his views on these matters, especially regarding poverty; and in the Testament, he prohibits any interpretations of the Rule that deviate from its straightforward wording. Sabatier’s take on the differences between the "First Rule" and the one from 1223 is part of his broader theory and is, to say the least, a significant exaggeration. No doubt the First Rule, which is four times longer, provides a better representation of St. Francis's thoughts and character; the later Rule was shaped from the earlier by removing the frequent scripture quotations and the didactic elements; yet, much of it remains almost verbatim from the earlier version.

On Francis’s death in 1226 the government of the order rested in the hands of Elias until the chapter of 1227. At this chapter Elias was not elected minister-general; the building of the great basilica and monastery at Assisi was so manifest a violation of St Francis’s ideas and precepts that it produced a reaction, and John Parenti became St Francis’s first successor. He held fast to St Francis’s ideas, but was not a strong man. At the chapter of 1230 a discussion arose concerning the binding force of St Francis’s Testament, and the interpretation of certain portions of the Rule, especially concerning poverty, and it was determined to submit the questions to Pope Gregory IX., who had been St Francis’s friend and had helped in the final redaction of the Rule. He issued a bull, Quo elongati, which declared that as the Testament had not received the sanction of the general chapter it was not binding on the order, and also allowed trustees to hold and administer money for the order. John Parenti and those who wished to maintain St Francis’s institute intact were greatly disturbed by these relaxations; but a majority of the chapter of 1232, by a sort of coup d’etat, proclaimed Elias minister-general, and John retired, though in those days the office was for life. Under Elias the order entered on a period of extraordinary extension and prosperity: the number of friars in all parts of the world increased wonderfully, new provinces were formed, new missions to the heathen organized, the Franciscans entered the universities and vied with the Dominicans as teachers of theology and canon law, and as a body they became influential in church and state. With all this side of Elias’s policy the great bulk of the order sympathized; but his rule was despotic and tyrannical and his private life was lax—at least according to any Franciscan standard, for no charge of grave irregularity was ever brought against him. And so a widespread movement against his government arose, the backbone of which was the university element at Paris and Oxford, and at a dramatic scene in a chapter held in the presence of Gregory IX. Elias was deposed (1239).

On Francis's death in 1226, the leadership of the order was in Elias's hands until the chapter of 1227. At that chapter, Elias was not elected minister-general; the construction of the grand basilica and monastery at Assisi was such a clear violation of St. Francis's ideas and principles that it sparked a backlash, leading to John Parenti becoming St. Francis's first successor. He remained committed to St. Francis's teachings, but he wasn't a strong leader. During the chapter of 1230, a debate emerged about the binding nature of St. Francis's Testament and the interpretation of certain parts of the Rule, particularly regarding poverty. It was decided to present these issues to Pope Gregory IX., who had been a friend of St. Francis and had assisted in finalizing the Rule. He issued a bull, Quo elongati, which stated that since the Testament hadn't been approved by the general chapter, it wasn't binding on the order, and it also permitted trustees to hold and manage money for the order. John Parenti and those who wanted to keep St. Francis's vision intact were quite upset by these relaxations; however, a majority of the chapter in 1232 effectively staged a coup d’etat and declared Elias minister-general, prompting John to step down, even though at that time the position was for life. Under Elias, the order experienced remarkable growth and prosperity: the number of friars around the world skyrocketed, new provinces were established, new missions to non-Christians were organized, the Franciscans entered universities and competed with the Dominicans in teaching theology and canon law, becoming a significant influence in both church and state. While the majority of the order supported Elias's approach, his leadership was described as despotic and tyrannical, and his personal life was seen as loose—at least by Franciscan standards, as no serious charges of misconduct were ever made against him. This led to a widespread movement against his leadership, primarily driven by university members from Paris and Oxford, culminating in a dramatic chapter meeting held in the presence of Gregory IX., where Elias was deposed in 1239.

The story of these first years after St Francis’s death is best told by Ed. Lempp, Frère Élie de Cortone (1901) (but see the warning at the end of the article Elias of Cortona).

The story of these early years after St. Francis’s death is best narrated by Ed. Lempp, Frère Élie de Cortone (1901) (but check the warning at the end of the article Elias of Cortona).

At this time the Franciscans were divided into three parties: there were the Zealots, or Spirituals, who called for a literal observance of St Francis’s Rule and Testament; they deplored all the developments since 1219, and protested against turning the institute into an order, the frequentation of the universities and the pursuit of learning; in a word, they wished to restore the life to what it had been during the first few years—the hermitages and the huts of twigs, and the care of the lepers and the nomadic preaching. The Zealots were few in number but of great consequence from the fact that to them belonged most of the first disciples and the most intimate companions of St Francis. They had been grievously persecuted under Elias—Br. Leo and others had been scourged, several had been imprisoned, one while trying to escape was accidentally killed, and Br. Bernard, the “first disciple,” passed a year in hiding in the forests and mountains hunted like a wild beast. At the other extreme was a party of relaxation, that abandoned any serious effort to practise Franciscan poverty and simplicity of life. Between these two stood the great middle party of moderates, who desired indeed that the Franciscans should be really poor and simple in their manner of life, and really pious, but on the other hand approved of the development of the Order on the lines of other orders, of the acquisition of influence, of the cultivation of theology and other sciences, and of the frequenting of the universities.

At this time, the Franciscans were split into three groups: there were the Zealots, or Spirituals, who pushed for a strict adherence to St. Francis’s Rule and Testament; they lamented all the changes since 1219 and opposed turning the movement into an order, the frequenting of universities, and the pursuit of higher learning. Essentially, they wanted to revert to the lifestyle of the early years—living in huts made of twigs, caring for lepers, and preaching on the move. The Zealots were few in number but significant because most of St. Francis's first disciples and close companions belonged to this group. They faced severe persecution under Elias—Br. Leo and others were whipped, several were imprisoned, one was accidentally killed while trying to escape, and Br. Bernard, the "first disciple," spent a year hiding in forests and mountains, hunted like an animal. On the opposite end was a group that relaxed the standards of Franciscan poverty and simplicity. In between these extremes was a large moderate group, who genuinely wanted the Franciscans to live a truly poor and simple life, and to be devout, but also supported the growth of the Order along the lines of other orders, gaining influence, studying theology and other sciences, and attending universities.

The questions of principle at issue in these controversies is reasonably and clearly stated, from the modern Capuchin standpoint, in the “Introductory Essay” to The Friars and how they came to England, by Fr. Cuthbert (1903).

The key principles at stake in these debates are explained reasonably and clearly from the modern Capuchin perspective in the “Introductory Essay” to The Friars and how they came to England, by Fr. Cuthbert (1903).

The moderate party was by far the largest, and embraced nearly all the friars of France, England and Germany. It was the Moderates and not the Zealots that brought about Elias’s deposition, and the next general ministers belonged to this party. Further relaxations of the law of poverty, however, caused a reaction, and John of Parma, one of the Zealots, became minister-general, 1247-1257. Under him the more extreme of the Zealots took up and exaggerated the theories of the Eternal Gospel of the Calabrian Cistercian abbot Joachim of Fiore (Floris); some of their writings were condemned as heretical, and John of Parma, who was implicated in these apocalyptic tendencies, had to resign. He was succeeded by St Bonaventura (1257-1274), one of the best type of the middle party. He was a man of high character, a theologian, a mystic, a holy man and a strong ruler. He set himself with determination to effect a working compromise, and proceeded with firmness against the extremists on both sides. But controversy and recrimination and persecution had stiffened the more ardent among the Zealots into obstinate fanatics—some of them threw themselves into a movement that may best be briefly described as a recrudescence of Montanism (see Émile Gebhart’s Italie mystique, 1899, cc. v. and vi.), and developed into a number of sects, some on the fringe of Catholic Christianity and others beyond its pale. But the majority of the Zealot party, or Spirituals, did not go so far, and adopted as the principle of Franciscan poverty the formula “a poor and scanty use” (usus pauper et tenuis) of earthly goods, as opposed to the “moderate use” advocated by the less strict party. The question thus posed came before the Council of Vienne, 1312, and was determined, on the whole, decidedly in favour of the stricter view. Some of the French Zealots were not satisfied and formed a semi-schismatical body in Provence; twenty-five of them were tried before the Inquisition, and four were burned alive at Marseilles as obstinate heretics, 1318. After this the schism in the Order subsided. But the disintegrating forces produced by the Great Schism and by the other disorders of the 14th century caused among the Franciscans the same relaxations and corruptions, and also the same reactions and reform movements, as among the other orders.

The moderate party was by far the largest and included nearly all the friars from France, England, and Germany. It was the Moderates, not the Zealots, who led to Elias’s removal, and the next general ministers came from this group. However, further relaxations of the law of poverty caused a backlash, and John of Parma, one of the Zealots, became minister-general from 1247 to 1257. Under him, the more extreme Zealots embraced and exaggerated the theories of the Eternal Gospel from the Calabrian Cistercian abbot Joachim of Fiore (Floris); some of their writings were labeled heretical, and John of Parma, who was involved in these apocalyptic ideas, had to resign. He was succeeded by St. Bonaventura (1257-1274), a prime example of the middle party. He was a person of strong character, a theologian, a mystic, a holy man, and a firm leader. He was determined to create a working compromise and took a strong stance against the extremists on both sides. However, controversy, accusations, and persecution hardened many of the passionate Zealots into stubborn fanatics—some of them became involved in what can best be described as a revival of Montanism (see Émile Gebhart’s Italie mystique, 1899, cc. v. and vi.), which led to the formation of several sects, some on the outskirts of Catholic Christianity and others entirely outside it. But the majority of the Zealot faction, or Spirituals, did not go that far and adopted the principle of Franciscan poverty as “a poor and scanty use” (usus pauper et tenuis) of material goods, in contrast to the “moderate use” promoted by the less strict party. This issue came before the Council of Vienne in 1312 and was largely decided in favor of the stricter interpretation. Some French Zealots were not satisfied and formed a semi-schismatic group in Provence; twenty-five of them were tried by the Inquisition, and four were burned alive in Marseilles as stubborn heretics in 1318. After this, the schism within the Order lessened. However, the disintegrating forces caused by the Great Schism and other upheavals in the 14th century led to similar relaxations and corruptions among the Franciscans, along with the same reactions and reform movements seen in other orders.

The chief of these reforms was that of the Observants, which began at Foligno about 1370. The Observant reform was on the basis of the “poor and scanty use” of worldly goods, but it was organized as an order and its members freely pursued 3 theological studies; thus it did not represent the position of the original Zealot party, nor was it the continuation of it. The Observant reform spread widely throughout Italy and into France, Spain and Germany. The great promoters of the movement were St Bernardine of Siena and St John Capistran. The council of Constance, 1415, allowed the French Observant friaries to be ruled by a vicar of their own, under the minister-general, and the same privilege was soon accorded to other countries. By the end of the middle ages the Observants had some 1400 houses divided into 50 provinces. This movement produced a “half-reform” among the Conventuals or friars of the mitigated observance; it also called forth a number of lesser imitations or congregations of strict observance.

The main reform was that of the Observants, which started in Foligno around 1370. The Observant reform was based on the “poor and limited use” of worldly goods, but it was set up as an order, and its members actively engaged in theological studies; therefore, it didn't reflect the stance of the original Zealot party, nor was it a continuation of it. The Observant reform spread widely throughout Italy and into France, Spain, and Germany. The key figures promoting the movement were St. Bernardine of Siena and St. John Capistran. The council of Constance in 1415 allowed the French Observant friaries to be led by their own vicar, under the minister-general, and the same privilege was quickly extended to other countries. By the end of the Middle Ages, the Observants had about 1400 houses divided into 50 provinces. This movement led to a “half-reform” among the Conventuals or friars of the mitigated observance; it also inspired several smaller imitations or congregations focused on strict observance.

After many attempts had been made to bring about a working union among the many observances, in 1517 Leo X. divided the Franciscan order into two distinct and independent bodies, each with its own minister-general, its own provinces and provincials and its own general chapter: (1) The Conventuals, who were authorized to use the various papal dispensations in regard to the observance of poverty, and were allowed to possess property and fixed income, corporately, like the monastic orders; (2) The Observants, who were bound to as close an observance of St Francis’s Rule in regard to poverty and all else as was practically possible.

After many attempts to create a unified practice among the various observances, in 1517 Leo X divided the Franciscan order into two distinct and independent groups, each with its own minister-general, provinces, provincial leaders, and general chapter: (1) The Conventuals, who were allowed to use various papal exemptions concerning poverty and were permitted to own property and have a fixed income, similar to monastic orders; (2) The Observants, who were committed to following St. Francis’s Rule regarding poverty and all other aspects as closely as practically possible.

At this time a great number of the Conventuals went over to the Observants, who have ever since been by far the more numerous and influential branch of the order. Among the Observants in the course of the sixteenth century arose various reforms, each striving to approach more and more nearly to St Francis’s ideal; the chief of these reforms were the Alcantarines in Spain (St Peter of Alcantara, St Teresa’s friend, d. 1562), the Riformati in Italy and the Recollects in France: all of these were semi-independent congregations. The Capuchins (q.v.), established c. 1525, who claim to be the reform which approaches nearest in its conception to the original type, became a distinct order of Franciscans in 1619. Finally Leo XIII. grouped the Franciscans into three bodies or orders—the Conventuals; the Observants, embracing all branches of the strict observance, except the Capuchins; and the Capuchins—which together constitute the “First Order.” For the “Second Order,” or the nuns, see Clara, St, and Clares, Poor; and for the “Third Order” see Tertiaries. Many of the Tertiaries live a fully monastic life in community under the usual vows, and are formed into Congregations of Regular Tertiaries, both men and women. They have been and are still very numerous, and give themselves up to education, to the care of the sick and of orphans and to good works of all kinds.

At this time, a large number of the Conventuals joined the Observants, who have since become the more numerous and influential branch of the order. During the sixteenth century, various reforms emerged among the Observants, each aiming to get closer to St. Francis's ideal. The main reforms included the Alcantarines in Spain (St. Peter of Alcantara, a friend of St. Teresa, died in 1562), the Riformati in Italy, and the Recollects in France; all of these were semi-independent congregations. The Capuchins (q.v.), established around 1525 and claiming to be the reform that closely resembles the original type, became a distinct order of Franciscans in 1619. Ultimately, Leo XIII grouped the Franciscans into three bodies or orders—the Conventuals; the Observants, which includes all branches of strict observance except the Capuchins; and the Capuchins—together known as the "First Order." For the "Second Order," or the nuns, see Clara, St, and Clares, Poor; and for the "Third Order" see Tertiaries. Many of the Tertiaries live a fully monastic life in community under the usual vows and are organized into Congregations of Regular Tertiaries, both men and women. They have been, and continue to be, numerous, dedicating themselves to education, caring for the sick and orphans, and engaging in all kinds of good works.

No order has had so stormy an internal history as the Franciscans; yet in spite of all the troubles and dissensions and strivings that have marred Franciscan history, the Friars Minor of every kind have in each age faithfully and zealously carried on St Francis’s great work of ministering to the spiritual needs of the poor. Always recruited in large measure from among the poor, they have ever been the order of the poor, and in their preaching and missions and ministrations they have ever laid themselves out to meet the needs of the poor. Another great work of the Franciscans throughout the whole course of their history has been their missions to the Mahommedans, both in western Asia and in North Africa, and to the heathens in China, Japan and India, and North and South America; a great number of the friars were martyred. The news of the martyrdom of five of his friars in Morocco was one of the joys of St Francis’s closing years. Many of these missions exist to this day. In the Universities, too, the Franciscans made themselves felt alongside of the Dominicans, and created a rival school of theology, wherein, as contrasted with the Aristotelianism of the Dominican school, the Platonism of the early Christian doctors has been perpetuated.

No order has had such a tumultuous internal history as the Franciscans; yet despite all the troubles, disagreements, and struggles that have affected Franciscan history, the Friars Minor of every kind have consistently and passionately continued St. Francis’s important work of meeting the spiritual needs of the poor. Always largely made up of individuals from the poor, they have been the order of the poor, and in their preaching, missions, and ministries, they have always aimed to address the needs of the poor. Another significant part of the Franciscans' work throughout their history has been their missions to the Muslims in Western Asia and North Africa, as well as to non-believers in China, Japan, India, and both North and South America; many friars lost their lives as martyrs. The news of the martyrdom of five of his friars in Morocco brought St. Francis joy in his later years. Many of these missions are still active today. In the universities, the Franciscans also made an impact alongside the Dominicans, establishing a competing school of theology that, in contrast to the Aristotelianism of the Dominican school, has preserved the Platonism of the early Christian doctors.

The Franciscans came to England in 1224 and immediately made foundations in Canterbury, London and Oxford; by the middle of the century there were fifty friaries and over 1200 friars in England; at the Dissolution there were some 66 Franciscan friaries, whereof some six belonged to the Observants (for list see Catholic Dictionary and F. A. Gasquet’s English Monastic Life, 1904). Though nearly all the English houses belonged to what has been called the “middle party,” as a matter of fact they practised great poverty, and the commissioners of Henry VIII. often remark that the Franciscan Friary was the poorest of the religious houses of a town. The English province was one of the most remarkable in the order, especially in intellectual achievement; it produced Friar Roger Bacon, and, with the single exception of St Bonaventure, all the greatest doctors of the Franciscan theological school—Alexander Hales, Duns Scotus and Occam.

The Franciscans arrived in England in 1224 and quickly established foundations in Canterbury, London, and Oxford. By the middle of the century, there were fifty friaries and over 1,200 friars in England. At the time of the Dissolution, there were around 66 Franciscan friaries, with about six belonging to the Observants (for the list, see Catholic Dictionary and F. A. Gasquet’s English Monastic Life, 1904). Although nearly all the English houses were part of what’s known as the “middle party,” they actually practiced great poverty, and the commissioners of Henry VIII often noted that the Franciscan Friary was the poorest of the religious houses in a town. The English province was one of the most notable in the order, particularly for its intellectual achievements; it produced Friar Roger Bacon, and all the greatest doctors of the Franciscan theological school, except St. Bonaventure—Alexander Hales, Duns Scotus, and Occam.

The Franciscans have always been the most numerous by far of the religious orders; it is estimated that about the period of the Reformation the Friars Minor must have numbered nearly 100,000. At the present day the statistics are roughly (including lay-brothers): Observants, 15,000, Conventuals, 1500; to these should be added 9500 Capuchins, making the total number of Franciscan friars about 26,000. There are various houses of Observants and Capuchins in England and Ireland; and the old Irish Conventuals survived the penal times and still exist.

The Franciscans have always been by far the largest religious order; it's estimated that around the time of the Reformation, the Friars Minor numbered nearly 100,000. Today, the stats are roughly (including lay brothers): Observants, 15,000; Conventuals, 1,500; plus 9,500 Capuchins, bringing the total number of Franciscan friars to about 26,000. There are various houses of Observants and Capuchins in England and Ireland, and the old Irish Conventuals survived the penal times and still exist.

There have been four Franciscan popes: Nicholas IV. (1288-1292), Sixtus IV. (1471-1484), Sixtus V. (1585-1590), Clement XIV. (1769-1774); the three last were Conventuals.

There have been four Franciscan popes: Nicholas IV (1288-1292), Sixtus IV (1471-1484), Sixtus V (1585-1590), and Clement XIV (1769-1774); the last three were Conventuals.

The great source for Franciscan history is Wadding’s Annales; it has been many times continued, and now extends in 25 vols. fol. to the year 1622. The story is also told by Helyot, Hist. des ordres religieux (1714), vol. vii. Abridgments, with references to recent literature, will be found in Max Heimbucher, Orden und Kongregationen (1896), i. §§ 37-51; in Wetzer und Welte, Kirchenlexicon (2nd ed.), articles “Armut (III.),” “Franciscaner orden” (this article contains the best account of the inner history and the polity of the order up to 1886); in Herzog, Realencyklopädie (3rd ed.), articles “Franz von Assisi” (fullest references to literature up to 1899), “Fraticellen.” Of modern critical studies on Franciscan origins, K. Müller’s Anfänge des Minoritenordens und der Bussbruderschaften (1885), and various articles by F. Ehrle in Archiv für Litteratur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters and Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie, deserve special mention. Eccleston’s charming chronicle of “The Coming of the Friars Minor into England” has been translated into English by the Capuchin Fr. Cuthbert, who has prefixed an Introductory Essay giving by far the best account in English of “the Spirit and Genius of the Franciscan Friars” (The Friars and how they came to England, 1903). Fuller information on the English Franciscans will be found in A. G. Little’s Grey Friars in Oxford (Oxford Hist. Soc., 1892).

The main source for Franciscan history is Wadding’s Annales; it has been continued multiple times and now spans 25 volumes up to the year 1622. Helyot also recounts the story in Hist. des ordres religieux (1714), vol. vii. Summaries, along with references to recent literature, can be found in Max Heimbucher’s Orden und Kongregationen (1896), i. §§ 37-51; in Wetzer and Welte’s Kirchenlexicon (2nd ed.), articles “Armut (III.)” and “Franciscaner orden” (this article offers the best account of the order's inner history and governance up to 1886); and in Herzog’s Realencyklopädie (3rd ed.), articles “Franz von Assisi” (with the most comprehensive literature references up to 1899) and “Fraticellen.” For modern critical studies on the origins of the Franciscans, K. Müller’s Anfänge des Minoritenordens und der Bussbruderschaften (1885), along with various articles by F. Ehrle in Archiv für Litteratur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters and Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie, are particularly noteworthy. Eccleston’s engaging chronicle “The Coming of the Friars Minor into England” has been translated into English by Capuchin Fr. Cuthbert, who includes an Introductory Essay that provides the best account in English of “the Spirit and Genius of the Franciscan Friars” (The Friars and how they came to England, 1903). More information on the English Franciscans can be found in A. G. Little’s Grey Friars in Oxford (Oxford Hist. Soc., 1892).

(E. C. B.)

FRANCK. The name of Franck has been given indiscriminately but improperly to painters of the school of Antwerp who belong to the families of Francken (q.v.) and Vrancx (q.v.). One artist truly entitled to be called Franck is Gabriel, who entered the gild of Antwerp in 1605, became its president in 1636 and died in 1639. But his works cannot now be traced.

FRANCK. The name Franck has been used carelessly but incorrectly to refer to painters from the Antwerp school who are part of the Francken (q.v.) and Vrancx (q.v.) families. One artist who can genuinely be called Franck is Gabriel, who joined the guild of Antwerp in 1605, became its president in 1636, and died in 1639. However, his works cannot be found today.

FRANCK, CÉSAR (1822-1890), French musical composer, a Belgian by birth, who came of German stock, was born at Liége on the 10th of December 1822. Though one of the most remarkable of modern composers, César Franck laboured for many years in comparative obscurity. After some preliminary studies at Liége he came to Paris in 1837 and entered the conservatoire. He at once obtained the first prize for piano, transposing a fugue at sight to the astonishment of the professors, for he was only fifteen. He won the prize for the organ in 1841, after which he settled down in the French capital as teacher of the piano. His earliest compositions date from this period, and include four trios for piano and strings, besides several piano pieces. Ruth, a biblical cantata was produced with success at the Conservatoire in 1846. An opera entitled Le Valet de ferme was written about this time, but has never been performed. For many years Franck led a retired life, devoting himself to teaching and to his duties as organist, first at Saint-Jean-Saint-François, then at Ste Clotilde, where he acquired a great reputation as an improviser. He also wrote a mass, heard in 1861, and a quantity of motets, organ pieces and other works of a religious character.

FRANCK, CÉSAR (1822-1890), French composer, originally from Belgium and of German descent, was born in Liège on December 10, 1822. Despite being one of the most outstanding modern composers, César Franck spent many years in relative obscurity. After some initial studies in Liège, he moved to Paris in 1837 and enrolled in the conservatory. He quickly won the first prize for piano, impressing the professors by transposing a fugue at sight when he was only fifteen. He won the organ prize in 1841 and then settled in Paris as a piano teacher. His earliest compositions from this time include four trios for piano and strings, along with several piano pieces. The biblical cantata Ruth was successfully performed at the Conservatoire in 1846. He also wrote an opera titled Le Valet de ferme around this time, but it has never been staged. For many years, Franck lived a quiet life, focusing on teaching and his role as an organist, first at Saint-Jean-Saint-François and then at Ste Clotilde, where he became well-known for his improvisation skills. He also composed a mass, premiered in 1861, and a number of motets, organ pieces, and various other works with religious themes.

Franck was appointed professor of the organ at the Paris conservatoire, in succession to Benoist, his old master, in 1872, and the following year he was naturalized a Frenchman. Until then he was esteemed as a clever and conscientious musician, 4 but he was now about to prove his title to something more. A revival of his early oratorio, Ruth, had brought his name again before the public, and this was followed by the production of Rédemption, a work for solo, chorus and orchestra, given under the direction of M. Colonne on the 10th of April 1873. The unconventionality of the music rather disconcerted the general public, but the work nevertheless made its mark, and Franck became the central figure of an enthusiastic circle of pupils and adherents whose devotion atoned for the comparative indifference of the masses. His creative power now manifested itself in a series of works of varied kinds, and the name of Franck began gradually to emerge from its obscurity. The following is an enumeration of his subsequent compositions: Rebecca (1881), a biblical idyll for solo, chorus and orchestra; Les Béatitudes, an oratorio composed between 1870 and 1880, perhaps his greatest work; the symphonic poems, Les Éolides (1876), Le Chasseur maudit (1883), Les Djinns (1884), for piano and orchestra; Psyche (1888), for orchestra and chorus; symphonic variations for piano and orchestra (1885); symphony in D (1889); quintet for piano and strings (1880); sonata for piano and violin (1886); string quartet (1889); prelude, choral and fugue for piano (1884); prelude, aria and finale for piano (1889); various songs, notably “La Procession” and “Les Cloches du Soir.” Franck also composed two four-act operas, Hulda and Ghiselle, both of which were produced at Monte Carlo after his death, which took place in Paris on the 8th of November 1890. The second of these was left by the master in an unfinished state, and the instrumentation was completed by several of his pupils.

Franck was appointed professor of the organ at the Paris conservatoire, succeeding his old teacher Benoist, in 1872, and the following year he became a French citizen. Until then, he was known as a skilled and dedicated musician, 4 but he was about to demonstrate his capability for something greater. A revival of his early oratorio, Ruth, had brought his name back to the public eye, and this was followed by the premiere of Rédemption, a work for solo, chorus, and orchestra, conducted by M. Colonne on April 10, 1873. The unconventional nature of the music surprised the general audience, but the work nevertheless made an impact, and Franck became the focal point of an enthusiastic group of students and supporters whose dedication made up for the apathy of the general public. His creative abilities soon began to show through a range of works, and Franck’s name gradually started to come out of obscurity. The following is a list of his later compositions: Rebecca (1881), a biblical idyll for solo, chorus, and orchestra; Les Béatitudes, an oratorio composed between 1870 and 1880, perhaps his greatest work; the symphonic poems, Les Éolides (1876), Le Chasseur maudit (1883), Les Djinns (1884), for piano and orchestra; Psyche (1888), for orchestra and chorus; symphonic variations for piano and orchestra (1885); symphony in D (1889); quintet for piano and strings (1880); sonata for piano and violin (1886); string quartet (1889); prelude, choral, and fugue for piano (1884); prelude, aria, and finale for piano (1889); various songs, notably “La Procession” and “Les Cloches du Soir.” Franck also wrote two four-act operas, Hulda and Ghiselle, both of which were produced in Monte Carlo after his death, which occurred in Paris on November 8, 1890. The second of these was left unfinished by the master, and several of his students completed the orchestration.

César Franck’s influence on younger French composers has been very great. Yet his music is German in character rather than French. A more sincere, modest, self-respecting composer probably never existed. In the centre of the brilliant French capital he was able to lead a laborious existence consecrated to his threefold career of organist, teacher and composer. He never sought to gain the suffrages of the public by unworthy concessions, but kept straight on his path, ever mindful of an ideal to be reached and never swerving therefrom. A statue was erected to the memory of César Franck in Paris on the 22nd of October 1904, the occasion producing a panegyric from Alfred Bruneau, in which he speaks of the composer’s works as “cathedrals in sound.”

César Franck’s impact on younger French composers has been significant. However, his music has a more German character than French. It’s hard to find a composer who was as sincere, modest, and proud as he was. In the vibrant city of Paris, he managed to lead a dedicated life focused on his roles as an organist, teacher, and composer. He never tried to win public approval through disgraceful compromises but instead stayed true to his path, always focused on an ideal he aimed to achieve and never straying from it. A statue was unveiled in honor of César Franck in Paris on October 22, 1904, marking the occasion with a tribute from Alfred Bruneau, who described the composer’s works as “cathedrals in sound.”

FRANCK, or Frank [latinized Francus], SEBASTIAN (c. 1499-c. 1543), German freethinker, was born about 1499 at Donauwörth, whence he constantly styled himself Franck von Wörd. He entered the university of Ingoldstadt (March 26, 1515), and proceeded thence to the Dominican College, incorporated with the university, at Heidelberg. Here he met his subsequent antagonists, Bucer and Frecht, with whom he seems to have attended the Augsburg conference (October 1518) at which Luther declared himself a true son of the Church. He afterwards reckoned the Leipzig disputation (June-July 1519) and the burning of the papal bull (December 1520) as the beginning of the Reformation. Having taken priest’s orders, he held in 1524 a cure in the neighbourhood of Augsburg, but soon (1525) went over to the Reformed party at Nuremberg and became preacher at Gustenfelden. His first work (finished September 1527) was a German translation with additions (1528) of the first part of the Diallage, or Conciliatio locorum Scripturae, directed against Sacramentarians and Anabaptists by Andrew Althamer, then deacon of St Sebald’s at Nuremberg. On the 17th of March 1528 he married Ottilie Beham, a gifted lady, whose brothers, pupils of Albrecht Dürer, had got into trouble through Anabaptist leanings. In the same year he wrote a very popular treatise against drunkenness. In 1529 he produced a free version (Klagbrief der armen Dürftigen in England) of the famous Supplycacyon of the Beggers, written abroad (1528?) by Simon Fish. Franck, in his preface, says the original was in English; elsewhere he says it was in Latin; the theory that his German was really the original is unwarrantable. Advance in his religious ideas led him to seek the freer atmosphere of Strassburg in the autumn of 1529. To his translation (1530) of a Latin Chronicle and Description of Turkey, by a Transylvanian captive, which had been prefaced by Luther, he added an appendix holding up the Turks as in many respects an example to Christians, and presenting, in lieu of the restrictions of Lutheran, Zwinglian and Anabaptist sects, the vision of an invisible spiritual church, universal in its scope. To this ideal he remained faithful. At Strassburg began his intimacy with Caspar Schwenkfeld, a congenial spirit. Here, too, he published, in 1531, his most important work, the Chronica, Zeitbuch und Geschichtsbibel, largely a compilation on the basis of the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), and in its treatment of social and religious questions connected with the Reformation, exhibiting a strong sympathy with heretics, and an unexampled fairness to all kinds of freedom in opinion. It is too much to call him “the first of German historians”; he is a forerunner of Gottfried Arnold, with more vigour and directness of purpose. Driven from Strassburg by the authorities, after a short imprisonment in December 1531, he tried to make a living in 1532 as a soapboiler at Esslingen, removing in 1533 for a better market to Ulm, where (October 28, 1534) he was admitted as a burgess.

FRANCK or Frank [latinized France], SEBASTIAN (c. 1499-c. 1543), was a German freethinker born around 1499 in Donauwörth, which is why he often referred to himself as Franck von Wörd. He started studying at the university of Ingolstadt (March 26, 1515) and then moved on to the Dominican College, affiliated with the university, in Heidelberg. There, he encountered his future opponents, Bucer and Frecht, and seems to have attended the Augsburg conference (October 1518) where Luther declared he was a true son of the Church. He later considered the Leipzig disputation (June-July 1519) and the burning of the papal bull (December 1520) as the kickoff for the Reformation. After becoming a priest, he held a position in 1524 near Augsburg but switched to the Reformed side in Nuremberg in 1525, becoming a preacher in Gustenfelden. His first significant work, completed in September 1527, was a German translation with additions (1528) of the first part of the Diallage, or Conciliatio locorum Scripturae, targeting the Sacramentarians and Anabaptists, written by Andrew Althamer, then deacon of St Sebald’s in Nuremberg. On March 17, 1528, he married Ottilie Beham, a talented woman whose brothers, students of Albrecht Dürer, faced trouble due to their Anabaptist views. That same year, he wrote a very popular treatise against drunkenness. In 1529, he produced a free version (Klagbrief der armen Dürftigen in England) of the well-known Supplycacyon of the Beggers, which had been written abroad (1528?) by Simon Fish. Franck stated in his preface that the original was in English; elsewhere he claimed it was in Latin, and the idea that his German version was the original is unfounded. His evolving religious ideas prompted him to seek a more liberal environment in Strassburg in the autumn of 1529. In 1530, he translated a Latin Chronicle and Description of Turkey, authored by a Transylvanian captive and prefaced by Luther, to which he added an appendix praising the Turks as examples for Christians in many ways and offering, instead of the restrictions posed by Lutheran, Zwinglian, and Anabaptist groups, a vision of an invisible spiritual church that was universally inclusive. He remained committed to this ideal. In Strassburg, he developed a friendship with Caspar Schwenkfeld, a like-minded individual. Here, he also published, in 1531, his most significant work, the Chronica, Zeitbuch und Geschichtsbibel, largely a compilation based on the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), which, in its approach to social and religious issues tied to the Reformation, showed strong sympathy for heretics and an unparalleled fairness to a variety of perspectives. It's excessive to label him “the first of German historians”; he is more accurately a precursor to Gottfried Arnold, exhibiting greater energy and purpose. After being expelled from Strassburg by the authorities following a brief imprisonment in December 1531, he attempted to support himself in 1532 as a soap maker in Esslingen, relocating in 1533 to Ulm for better opportunities, where he was accepted as a citizen on October 28, 1534.

His Weltbuch, a supplement to his Chronica, was printed at Tübingen in 1534; the publication, in the same year, of his Paradoxa at Ulm brought him into trouble with the authorities. An order for his banishment was withdrawn on his promise to submit future works for censure. Not interpreting this as applying to works printed outside Ulm, he published in 1538 at Augsburg his Guldin Arch (with pagan parallels to Christian sentiments) and at Frankfort his Germaniae chronicon, with the result that he had to leave Ulm in January 1539. He seems henceforth to have had no settled abode. At Basel he found work as a printer, and here, probably, it was that he died in the winter of 1542-1543. He had published in 1539 his Kriegbüchlein des Friedens (pseudonymous), his Schrifftliche und ganz gründliche Auslegung des 64 Psalms, and his Das verbütschierte mit sieben Siegeln verschlossene Buch (a biblical index, exhibiting the dissonance of Scripture); in 1541 his Spruchwörter (a collection of proverbs, several times reprinted with variations); in 1542 a new edition of his Paradoxa; and some smaller works.

His Weltbuch, a supplement to his Chronica, was printed in Tübingen in 1534. The release of his Paradoxa in the same year at Ulm got him into trouble with the authorities. An order for his banishment was lifted after he promised to submit future works for approval. Misunderstanding this to mean only works printed in Ulm, he published his Guldin Arch (with pagan parallels to Christian sentiments) in Augsburg in 1538 and his Germaniae chronicon in Frankfurt, which led to him being forced to leave Ulm in January 1539. From then on, he seemed to roam without a permanent home. In Basel, he found a job as a printer, and it was likely here that he died in the winter of 1542-1543. In 1539, he published his Kriegbüchlein des Friedens (under a pseudonym), his Schrifftliche und ganz gründliche Auslegung des 64 Psalms, and his Das verbütschierte mit sieben Siegeln verschlossene Buch (a biblical index, highlighting the inconsistencies in Scripture); in 1541, he released his Spruchwörter (a collection of proverbs, reprinted multiple times with variations); in 1542, a new edition of his Paradoxa; and some smaller works.

Franck combined the humanist’s passion for freedom with the mystic’s devotion to the religion of the spirit. His breadth of human sympathy led him to positions which the comparative study of religions has made familiar, but for which his age was unprepared. Luther contemptuously dismissed him as a “devil’s mouth.” Pastor Frecht of Nuremberg pursued him with bitter zeal. But his courage did not fail him, and in his last year, in a public Latin letter, he exhorted his friend John Campanus to maintain freedom of thought in face of the charge of heresy.

Franck merged the humanist's love for freedom with the mystic's commitment to spiritual beliefs. His wide-ranging compassion for humanity led him to viewpoints that the modern study of religions recognizes, but which his time was not ready for. Luther scornfully called him a “devil’s mouth.” Pastor Frecht from Nuremberg relentlessly attacked him with great intensity. However, he remained courageous, and in his final year, he wrote a public Latin letter encouraging his friend John Campanus to uphold freedom of thought despite accusations of heresy.

See Hegler, in Hauck’s Realencyklopädie (1899); C. A. Hase, Sebastian Franck von Wörd (1869); J. F. Smith, in Theological Review (April 1874); E. Tausch, Sebastian Franck von Donauwörth und seine Lehrer (1893).

See Hegler, in Hauck’s Realencyklopädie (1899); C. A. Hase, Sebastian Franck von Wörd (1869); J. F. Smith, in Theological Review (April 1874); E. Tausch, Sebastian Franck von Donauwörth und seine Lehrer (1893).

(A. Go.*)

FRANCKE, AUGUST HERMANN (1663-1727), German Protestant divine, was born on the 22nd of March 1663 at Lübeck. He was educated at the gymnasium in Gotha, and afterwards at the universities of Erfurt, Kiel, where he came under the influence of the pietist Christian Kortholt (1633-1694), and Leipzig. During his student career he made a special study of Hebrew and Greek; and in order to learn Hebrew more thoroughly, he for some time put himself under the instructions of Rabbi Ezra Edzardi at Hamburg. He graduated at Leipzig, where in 1685 he became a Privatdozent. A year later, by the help of his friend P. Anton, and with the approval and encouragement of P. J. Spener, he founded the Collegium Philobiblicum, at which a number of graduates were accustomed to meet for the systematic study of the Bible, philologically and practically. He next passed some months at Lüneburg as assistant or curate to the learned superintendent, C. H. Sandhagen (1639-1697), and there his religious life was remarkably quickened and deepened. On leaving Lüneburg he spent some time in Hamburg, where he became a teacher in a private school, and made the acquaintance of Nikolaus Lange (1659-1720). After a long visit to Spener, 5 who was at that time a court preacher in Dresden, he returned to Leipzig in the spring of 1689, and began to give Bible lectures of an exegetical and practical kind, at the same time resuming the Collegium Philobiblicum of earlier days. He soon became popular as a lecturer; but the peculiarities of his teaching almost immediately aroused a violent opposition on the part of the university authorities; and before the end of the year he was interdicted from lecturing on the ground of his alleged pietism. Thus it was that Francke’s name first came to be publicly associated with that of Spener, and with pietism. Prohibited from lecturing in Leipzig, Francke in 1690 found work at Erfurt as “deacon” of one of the city churches. Here his evangelistic fervour attracted multitudes to his preaching, including Roman Catholics, but at the same time excited the anger of his opponents; and the result of their opposition was that after a ministry of fifteen months he was commanded by the civil authorities (27th of September 1691) to leave Erfurt within forty-eight hours. The same year witnessed the expulsion of Spener from Dresden.

FRANCKE, AUGUST HERMANN (1663-1727), was a German Protestant theologian born on March 22, 1663, in Lübeck. He studied at the gymnasium in Gotha and later attended the universities of Erfurt, Kiel, where he was influenced by the pietist Christian Kortholt (1633-1694), and Leipzig. During his studies, he focused on Hebrew and Greek; to improve his Hebrew, he studied under Rabbi Ezra Edzardi in Hamburg for a while. He graduated from Leipzig, becoming a Privatdozent in 1685. A year later, with help from his friend P. Anton and support from P. J. Spener, he founded the Collegium Philobiblicum, where graduates met to systematically study the Bible, both in terms of language and application. He spent several months in Lüneburg as an assistant or curate to the learned superintendent, C. H. Sandhagen (1639-1697), where his spiritual life was significantly deepened. After leaving Lüneburg, he worked as a teacher in a private school in Hamburg, where he met Nikolaus Lange (1659-1720). Following a long visit with Spener, then the court preacher in Dresden, he returned to Leipzig in the spring of 1689 and began giving Bible lectures focusing on interpretation and application, while also reviving the Collegium Philobiblicum. His popularity as a lecturer grew quickly, but the unique aspects of his teaching sparked strong opposition from university authorities, leading to his prohibition from lecturing later that year due to accusations of pietism. This was when Francke’s name became publicly linked with Spener and pietism. After being barred from lecturing in Leipzig, Francke found work in 1690 as the “deacon” of a city church in Erfurt. His passionate preaching drew large crowds, including Roman Catholics, but also provoked the ire of his critics, resulting in a command from the civil authorities (September 27, 1691) for him to leave Erfurt within forty-eight hours. That same year, Spener was expelled from Dresden.

In December, through Spener’s influence, Francke accepted an invitation to fill the chair of Greek and oriental languages in the new university of Halle, which was at that time being organized by the elector Frederick III. of Brandenburg; and at the same time, the chair having no salary attached to it, he was appointed pastor of Glaucha in the immediate neighbourhood of the town. He afterwards became professor of theology. Here, for the next thirty-six years, until his death on the 8th of June 1727, he continued to discharge the twofold office of pastor and professor with rare energy and success. At the very outset of his labours he had been profoundly impressed with a sense of his responsibility towards the numerous outcast children who were growing up around him in ignorance and crime. After a number of tentative plans, he resolved in 1695 to institute what is often called a “ragged school,” supported by public charity. A single room was at first sufficient, but within a year it was found necessary to purchase a house, to which another was added in 1697. In 1698 there were 100 orphans under his charge to be clothed and fed, besides 500 children who were taught as day scholars. The schools grew in importance and are still known as the Francke’sche Stiftungen. The education given was strictly religious. Hebrew was included, while the Greek and Latin classics were neglected; the Homilies of Macarius took the place of Thucydides. The same principle was consistently applied in his university teaching. Even as professor of Greek he had given great prominence in his lectures to the study of the Scriptures; but he found a much more congenial sphere when, in 1698, he was appointed to the chair of theology. Yet his first courses of lectures in that department were readings and expositions of the Old and New Testament; and to this, as also to hermeneutics, he always attached special importance, believing that for theology a sound exegesis was the one indispensable requisite. “Theologus nascitur in scripturis,” he used to say; but during his occupancy of the theological chair he lectured at various times upon other branches of theology also. Amongst his colleagues were Paul Anton (1661-1730), Joachim J. Breithaupt (1658-1732) and Joachim Lange (1670-1744),—men like-minded with himself. Through their influence upon the students, Halle became a centre from which pietism (q.v.) became very widely diffused over Germany.

In December, thanks to Spener’s influence, Francke accepted an invitation to take the position of Greek and Oriental languages professor at the new university of Halle, which was being established by Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg at that time. Since the position had no salary, he was also appointed pastor of Glaucha, located nearby. Later, he became a professor of theology. For the next thirty-six years, until his death on June 8, 1727, he energetically and successfully fulfilled the dual roles of pastor and professor. From the beginning of his work, he felt a deep sense of responsibility for the many neglected children around him who were growing up in ignorance and crime. After trying out several plans, he decided in 1695 to start what is now referred to as a “ragged school,” funded by public charity. Initially, one room was enough, but within a year, it became necessary to buy a house, and another was added in 1697. By 1698, there were 100 orphans in his care that needed clothing and food, in addition to 500 children who were educated as day students. The schools expanded in importance and are still known as the Francke’sche Stiftungen. The education provided was strictly religious. Hebrew was included, while the Greek and Latin classics were overlooked; the Homilies of Macarius replaced Thucydides. This same approach was consistently applied in his university teaching. Even as a professor of Greek, he placed great emphasis in his lectures on the study of the Scriptures; however, he found a much more suitable environment when he became the theology professor in 1698. His initial lecture series in that department focused on readings and interpretations of the Old and New Testaments; he always emphasized these, as well as hermeneutics, believing that sound exegesis was essential for theology. “Theologus nascitur in scripturis,” he would say; but during his time in the theological chair, he also lectured at various times on other theological topics. Among his colleagues were Paul Anton (1661-1730), Joachim J. Breithaupt (1658-1732), and Joachim Lange (1670-1744)—men who shared his values. Through their influence on the students, Halle became a center from which pietism (q.v.) spread widely throughout Germany.

His principal contributions to theological literature were: Manuductio ad lectionem Scripturae Sacrae (1693); Praelectiones hermeneuticae (1717); Commentatio de scopo librorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti (1724); and Lectiones paraeneticae (1726-1736). The Manuductio was translated into English in 1813, under the title A Guide to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures. An account of his orphanage, entitled Segensvolle Fussstapfen, &c. (1709), which subsequently passed through several editions, has also been partially translated, under the title The Footsteps of Divine Providence: or, The bountiful Hand of Heaven defraying the Expenses of Faith. See H. E. F. Guericke’s A. H. Francke (1827), which has been translated into English (The Life of A. H. Francke, 1837); Gustave Kramer’s Beiträge zur Geschichte A. H. Francke’s (1861), and Neue Beiträge (1875); A. Stein, A. H. Francke (3rd ed., 1894); article in Herzog-Hauck’s Realencyklopädie (ed. 1899); Knuth, Die Francke’schen Stiftungen (2nd ed., 1903).

His main contributions to theological literature were: Manuductio ad lectionem Scripturae Sacrae (1693); Praelectiones hermeneuticae (1717); Commentatio de scopo librorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti (1724); and Lectiones paraeneticae (1726-1736). The Manuductio was translated into English in 1813, with the title A Guide to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures. An account of his orphanage, titled Segensvolle Fussstapfen, &c. (1709), which later went through several editions, has also been partially translated as The Footsteps of Divine Providence: or, The Bountiful Hand of Heaven Defraying the Expenses of Faith. See H. E. F. Guericke’s A. H. Francke (1827), which has been translated into English as The Life of A. H. Francke (1837); Gustave Kramer’s Beiträge zur Geschichte A. H. Francke’s (1861), and Neue Beiträge (1875); A. Stein, A. H. Francke (3rd ed., 1894); article in Herzog-Hauck’s Realencyklopädie (ed. 1899); Knuth, Die Francke’schen Stiftungen (2nd ed., 1903).

FRANCKEN. Eleven painters of this family cultivated their art in Antwerp during the 16th and 17th centuries. Several of these were related to each other, whilst many bore the same Christian name in succession. Hence unavoidable confusion in the subsequent classification of paintings not widely differing in style or execution. When Franz Francken the first found a rival in Franz Francken the second, he described himself as the “elder,” in contradistinction to his son, who signed himself the “younger.” But when Franz the second was threatened with competition from Franz the third, he took the name of “the elder,” whilst Franz the third adopted that of Franz “the younger.”

FRANCKEN. Eleven painters from this family developed their art in Antwerp during the 16th and 17th centuries. Some of them were related, and many shared the same first name over generations. This led to inevitable confusion in the later classification of paintings that were not significantly different in style or technique. When Franz Francken the First had to compete with Franz Francken the Second, he called himself the “elder” to distinguish himself from his son, who identified as the “younger.” However, when Franz the Second faced competition from Franz the Third, he adopted the title of “the elder,” while Franz the Third took on the name of Franz “the younger.”

It is possible, though not by any means easy, to sift the works of these artists. The eldest of the Franckens, Nicholas of Herenthals, died at Antwerp in 1596, with nothing but the reputation of having been a painter. None of his works remain. He bequeathed his art to three children. Jerom Francken, the eldest son, after leaving his father’s house, studied under Franz Floris, whom he afterwards served as an assistant, and wandered, about 1560, to Paris. In 1566 he was one of the masters employed to decorate the palace of Fontainebleau, and in 1574 he obtained the appointment of court painter from Henry III., who had just returned from Poland and visited Titian at Venice. In 1603, when Van Mander wrote his biography of Flemish artists, Jerom Francken was still in Paris living in the then aristocratic Faubourg St Germain. Among his earliest works we should distinguish a “Nativity” in the Dresden museum, executed in co-operation with Franz Floris. Another of his important pieces is the “Abdication of Charles V.” in the Amsterdam museum. Equally interesting is a “Portrait of a Falconer,” dated 1558, in the Brunswick gallery. In style these pieces all recall Franz Floris. Franz, the second son of Nicholas of Herenthals, is to be kept in memory as Franz Francken the first. He was born about 1544, matriculated at Antwerp in 1567, and died there in 1616. He, too, studied under Floris, and never settled abroad, or lost the hard and gaudy style which he inherited from his master. Several of his pictures are in the museum of Antwerp; one dated 1597 in the Dresden museum represents “Christ on the Road to Golgotha,” and is signed by him as D. õ (Den ouden) F. Franck. Ambrose, the third son of Nicholas of Herenthals, has bequeathed to us more specimens of his skill than Jerom or Franz the first. He first started as a partner with Jerom at Fontainebleau, then he returned to Antwerp, where he passed for his gild in 1573, and he lived at Antwerp till 1618. His best works are the “Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes” and the “Martyrdom of St Crispin,” both large and ambitious compositions in the Antwerp museum. In both these pieces a fair amount of power is displayed, but marred by want of atmosphere and shadow or by hardness of line and gaudiness of tone. There is not a trace in the three painters named of the influence of the revival which took place under the lead of Rubens. Franz Francken the first trained three sons to his profession, the eldest of whom, though he practised as a master of gild at Antwerp from 1600 to 1610, left no visible trace of his labours behind. Jerom the second took service with his uncle Ambrose. He was born in 1578, passed for his gild in 1607, and in 1620 produced that curious picture of “Horatius Cocles defending the Sublician Bridge” which still hangs in the Antwerp museum. The third son of Franz Francken the first is Franz Francken the second, who signed himself in pictures till 1616 “the younger,” from 1630 till his death “the elder” F. Francken. These pictures are usually of a small size, and are found in considerable numbers in continental collections. Franz Francken the second was born in 1581. In 1605 he entered the gild, of which he subsequently became the president, and in 1642 he died. His earliest composition is the “Crucifixion” in the Belvedere at Vienna, dated 1606. His latest compositions as “the younger” F. Francken are the “Adoration of the Virgin” (1616) in the gallery of Amsterdam, and the “Woman taken in Adultery” (1628) in Dresden. From 1616 to 1630 many of his pieces are signed F. Francken; then come the “Seven Works of Charity” (1630) at Munich, signed “the elder F. F.,” the “Prodigal Son” 6 (1633) at the Louvre, and other almost countless examples. It is in F. Francken the second’s style that we first have evidence of the struggle which necessarily arose when the old customs, hardened by Van Orley and Floris, or Breughel and De Vos, were swept away by Rubens. But F. Francken the second, as before observed, always clung to small surfaces; and though he gained some of the freedom of the moderns, he lost but little of the dryness or gaudiness of the earlier Italo-Flemish revivalists. F. Francken the third, the last of his name who deserves to be recorded, passed in the Antwerp gild in 1639 and died at Antwerp in 1667. His practice was chiefly confined to adding figures to the architectural or landscape pieces of other artists. As Franz Pourbus sometimes put in the portrait figures for Franz Francken the second, so Franz Francken the third often introduced the necessary personages into the works of Pieter Neefs the younger (museums of St Petersburg, Dresden and the Hague). In a “Moses striking the Rock,” dated 1654, of the Augsburg gallery, this last of the Franckens signs D. õ (Den ouden) F. Franck. In the pictures of this artist we most clearly discern the effects of Rubens’s example.

It’s possible, though definitely not easy, to sift through the works of these artists. The oldest of the Franckens, Nicholas of Herenthals, died in Antwerp in 1596, having gained a reputation solely as a painter. None of his works survive. He passed on his artistic legacy to his three children. Jerom Francken, the eldest son, left his father's household to study under Franz Floris, whom he later assisted and around 1560 traveled to Paris. In 1566, he was one of the artists hired to decorate the palace of Fontainebleau, and in 1574, he was appointed court painter by Henry III, who had just returned from Poland and visited Titian in Venice. In 1603, when Van Mander wrote his biography of Flemish artists, Jerom Francken was still based in Paris, living in the aristocratic Faubourg St Germain. Among his earliest works, we should highlight a “Nativity” in the Dresden museum, created in collaboration with Franz Floris. Another significant piece is the “Abdication of Charles V.” in the Amsterdam museum. Equally notable is a “Portrait of a Falconer,” dated 1558, in the Brunswick gallery. All these pieces reflect Franz Floris's style. Franz, the second son of Nicholas of Herenthals, is remembered as Franz Francken the First. He was born around 1544, enrolled in Antwerp in 1567, and died there in 1616. He also studied under Floris and never moved abroad or lost the bold and vivid style he inherited from his teacher. Several of his paintings are in the Antwerp museum; one, dated 1597 in the Dresden museum, depicts “Christ on the Road to Golgotha,” and is signed by him as D. õ (Den ouden) F. Franck. Ambrose, the third son of Nicholas of Herenthals, has left us more examples of his talent than Jerom or Franz the First. He initially partnered with Jerom at Fontainebleau, then returned to Antwerp, where he became a guild member in 1573, living there until 1618. His best works include “The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes” and “The Martyrdom of St Crispin,” both large and impressive compositions in the Antwerp museum. Both pieces show considerable power but are lacking in atmosphere and shadow, or suffer from hard lines and overly bright colors. None of the three painters exhibit the influence of the revival led by Rubens. Franz Francken the First trained three sons in his craft, the oldest of whom practiced as a master of the guild in Antwerp from 1600 to 1610 but left no notable works behind. Jerom the Second worked with his uncle Ambrose. He was born in 1578, became a guild member in 1607, and in 1620 created the remarkable painting of “Horatius Cocles Defending the Sublician Bridge,” which is still displayed in the Antwerp museum. The third son of Franz Francken the First is Franz Francken the Second, who signed his works as “the younger” until 1616 and as “the elder” F. Francken from 1630 until his death. His paintings are generally smaller in size and are found in significant numbers in collections across Europe. Franz Francken the Second was born in 1581. In 1605, he joined the guild, where he later became president, and he died in 1642. His earliest work is the “Crucifixion” in the Belvedere in Vienna, dated 1606. His later works as “the younger” F. Francken include the “Adoration of the Virgin” (1616) in the Amsterdam gallery, and the “Woman Taken in Adultery” (1628) in Dresden. From 1616 to 1630, many of his pieces were signed F. Francken; then came the “Seven Works of Charity” (1630) in Munich, signed “the elder F. F.,” the “Prodigal Son” 6 (1633) at the Louvre, and countless other examples. It’s in Franz Francken the Second’s style that we first see evidence of the struggle that arose when the old traditions, shaped by Van Orley and Floris, or Breughel and De Vos, were overtaken by Rubens. However, as previously mentioned, Franz Francken the Second always preferred smaller formats; despite gaining some freedom of the modern style, he retained much of the dryness and boldness of the earlier Italo-Flemish revivalists. Franz Francken the Third, the last of his name worth mentioning, became a guild member in Antwerp in 1639 and passed away there in 1667. He mainly focused on adding figures to the architectural or landscape works of other artists. Just as Franz Pourbus sometimes painted the portrait figures for Franz Francken the Second, Franz Francken the Third often integrated figures into the works of Pieter Neefs the Younger (museums in St Petersburg, Dresden, and The Hague). In a “Moses Striking the Rock,” dated 1654, in the Augsburg gallery, the last of the Franckens signs D. õ (Den ouden) F. Franck. In this artist's works, we can clearly see the influence of Rubens’s style.

FRANCO-GERMAN WAR (1870-1871). The victories of Prussia in 1866 over the Austrians and their German allies (see Seven Weeks’ War) rendered it evident to the statesmen and soldiers of France that a struggle between the two nations could only be a question of time. Army reforms were at once undertaken, and measures were initiated in France to place the armament and equipment of the troops on a level with the requirements of the times. The chassepot, a new breech-loading rifle, immensely superior to the Prussian needle-gun, was issued; the artillery trains were thoroughly overhauled, and a new machine-gun, the mitrailleuse, from which much was expected, introduced. Wide schemes of reorganization (due mainly to Marshal Niel) were set in motion, and, since these required time to mature, recourse was had to foreign alliances in the hope of delaying the impending rupture. In the first week of June 1870, General Lebrun, as a confidential agent of the emperor Napoleon III., was sent to Vienna to concert a plan of joint operations with Austria against Prussia. Italy was also to be included in the alliance, and it was agreed that in case of hostilities the French armies should concentrate in northern Bavaria, where the Austrians and Italians were to join them, and the whole immense army thus formed should march via Jena on Berlin. To what extent Austria and Italy committed themselves to this scheme remains uncertain, but that the emperor Napoleon believed in their bona fides is beyond doubt.

FRANCO-GERMAN WAR (1870-1871). Prussia's victories in 1866 over Austria and its German allies (see Seven Weeks’ War) made it clear to French leaders and military officials that a conflict with Prussia was only a matter of time. Army reforms were immediately initiated, and steps were taken in France to modernize the armament and equipment of its troops. The chassepot, a new breech-loading rifle significantly better than the Prussian needle-gun, was issued; the artillery units were completely revamped, and a new machine gun, the mitrailleuse, which held great promise, was introduced. Extensive reorganization plans (largely driven by Marshal Niel) were set in motion, and since these needed time to be fully implemented, France sought foreign alliances to postpone the anticipated conflict. In the first week of June 1870, General Lebrun, acting as a confidential envoy for Emperor Napoleon III, was sent to Vienna to coordinate a strategy for joint operations with Austria against Prussia. Italy was also to be part of the alliance, and it was agreed that if hostilities broke out, the French forces would gather in northern Bavaria, where the Austrians and Italians would join them, and the entire large army formed would march through Jena toward Berlin. The extent of Austria and Italy's commitment to this plan remains uncertain, but it's clear that Emperor Napoleon believed in their goodwill.

Whether the plan was betrayed to Prussia is also uncertain, and almost immaterial, for Moltke’s plans were based on an accurate estimate of the time it would take Austria to mobilize and on the effect of a series of victories on French soil. At any rate Moltke was not taken into Bismarck’s confidence in the affair of Ems in July 1870, and it is to be presumed that the chancellor had already satisfied himself that the schemes of operations prepared by the chief of the General Staff fully provided against all eventualities. These schemes were founded on Clausewitz’s view of the objects to be pursued in a war against France—in the first place the defeat of the French field armies and in the second the occupation of Paris. On these lines plans for the strategic deployment of the Prussian army were prepared by the General Staff and kept up to date year by year as fresh circumstances (e.g. the co-operation of the minor German armies) arose and new means of communication came into existence. The campaign was actually opened on a revise of 1868-1869, to which was added, on the 6th of May 1870, a secret memorandum for the General Staff.

Whether the plan was leaked to Prussia is also uncertain and probably not important, as Moltke’s plans were based on an accurate assessment of how long it would take Austria to mobilize and the impact of a series of victories on French soil. In any case, Moltke was not brought into Bismarck’s confidence regarding the Ems affair in July 1870, and it can be assumed that the chancellor had already assured himself that the operational plans created by the chief of the General Staff covered all possible scenarios. These plans were based on Clausewitz’s perspective on the goals to be pursued in a war against France—first, the defeat of the French field armies, and second, the occupation of Paris. The General Staff prepared strategic deployment plans for the Prussian army and updated them yearly as new circumstances arose (e.g., the cooperation of the smaller German armies) and new means of communication were developed. The campaign actually began with revisions from 1868-1869, to which was added, on May 6, 1870, a secret memorandum for the General Staff.

Under the German organization then existing the preliminary to all active operations was of necessity full and complete mobilization. Then followed transport by road and rail to the line selected for the “strategic deployment,” and it was essential that no part of these operations should be disturbed by action on the part of the enemy. But no such delay imposed itself of necessity upon the French, and a vigorous offensive was so much Strategic deployment of the German armies. in harmony with their traditions that the German plan had to be framed so as to meet such emergencies. On the whole, Moltke concluded that the enemy could not undertake this offensive before the eighth day after mobilization. At that date about five French army corps (150,000 men) could be collected near Metz, and two corps (70,000) near Strassburg; and as it was six days’ march from Metz to the Rhine, no serious attack could be delivered before the fourteenth day, by which day it could be met by superior forces near Kirchheimbolanden. Since, however, the transport of the bulk of the Prussian forces could not begin till the ninth day, their ultimate line of detrainment need not be fixed until the French plans were disclosed, and, as it was important to strike at the earliest moment possible, the deployment was provisionally fixed to be beyond the Rhine on the line Wittlich-Neunkirchen-Landau. Of the thirteen North German corps three had to be left behind to guard the eastern frontier and the coast, one other, the VIII., was practically on the ground already and could concentrate by road, and the remaining nine were distributed to the nine through railway lines available. These ten corps were grouped in three armies, and as the French might violate Belgian neutrality or endeavour to break into southern Germany, two corps (Prussian Guard and Saxon XII. corps) were temporarily held back at a central position around Mainz, whence they could move rapidly up or down the Rhine valley. If Belgian neutrality remained unmolested, the reserve would join the III. army on the left wing, giving it a two to one superiority over its adversary; all three armies would then wheel to the right and combine in an effort to force the French army into a decisive battle on the Saar on or about the twenty-third day. As in this wheel the army on the right formed the pivot and was required only to stand fast, two corps only were allotted to it; two corps for the present formed the III. army, and the remaining five were assigned to the II. army in the centre.

Under the German organization at the time, the first step for any active operations was a complete mobilization. This was followed by transportation by road and rail to the designated area for "strategic deployment," and it was crucial that none of these operations be interrupted by enemy actions. However, the French were not bound by such delays, and an aggressive offensive was so aligned with their traditions that the German strategy had to account for this possibility. Overall, Moltke concluded that the enemy wouldn't launch this offensive until the eighth day after mobilization. By that time, about five French army corps (150,000 troops) could be assembled near Metz, and two corps (70,000) near Strassburg; since it would take six days to march from Metz to the Rhine, no significant attack could be made before the fourteenth day, when it could be countered by stronger forces near Kirchheimbolanden. However, since the bulk of the Prussian forces couldn't start moving until the ninth day, their final unloading point could be determined only once the French plans were known. As it was essential to strike as soon as possible, the deployment was tentatively set across the Rhine along the line of Wittlich-Neunkirchen-Landau. Of the thirteen North German corps, three had to stay back to protect the eastern frontier and the coast, one (the VIII corps) was already on the ground and could concentrate by road, and the remaining nine were assigned to the available railway lines. These ten corps were organized into three armies, and because the French might breach Belgian neutrality or attempt to invade southern Germany, two corps (the Prussian Guard and Saxon XII corps) were temporarily held in a central location around Mainz, allowing them to move swiftly up or down the Rhine Valley. If Belgian neutrality remained intact, the reserve would join the III army on the left flank, giving it a two-to-one advantage over its opponent; all three armies would then pivot to the right and work together to push the French army into a decisive battle on the Saar around the twenty-third day. In this maneuver, the army on the right served as the pivot and only needed to hold its position, so only two corps were assigned to it; two corps made up the III army for now, and the remaining five were allocated to the II army in the center.

When (16th-17th July) the South German states decided to throw in their lot with the rest, their three corps were allotted to the III. army, the Guards and Saxons to the II. army, whilst the three corps originally left behind were finally distributed one to each army, so that up to the investment of Metz the order of battle was as follows:

When the South German states decided to join the rest on July 16th-17th, their three corps were assigned to the III army, while the Guards and Saxons went to the II army. Meanwhile, the three corps that were originally left behind were finally distributed, with one going to each army. Therefore, up until the siege of Metz, the order of battle was as follows:

The king of Prussia (General v. Moltke, chief of staff).
I. Army:
General v. Steinmetz
(C. of S., v. Sperling)
(I. corps, v. Manteuffel)
VII.   ” v. Zastrow
VIII.   ” v. Goeben
(1st) and 3rd cavalry divisions
    Total 85,000
II. Army:
Prince Frederick Charles
(C. of S., v. Stiehle)
Guard Pr. August of Württemberg
(II. corps, v. Fransecky)
III.   ”   v. Alvensleben II.
IV.   ”   v. Alvensleben I.
IX.   ”   v. Manstein
X.   ”   v. Voigts-Rhetz
XII.   ”   (Saxons) crown prince of Saxony
5th and 6th cavalry divisions
    Total 210,000
III. Army:
crown prince of Prussia
(C. of S., v. Blumenthal)
V. corps, v. Kirchbach
(VI.)   ”   v. Tümpling
XI.   ”   v. Bose
I. Bavarian, v. der Tann
II.   ”   v. Hartmann
Württemberg div. v. Werder
Baden div.
(2nd) and 4th cavalry divisions
    Total 180,000
    Grand Total 475,000
(The units within brackets were those at first retained in Germany.)

On the French side no such plan of operations was in existence when on the night of the 15th of July Krieg mobil was telegraphed all over Prussia. An outline scheme had indeed been prepared as a basis for agreement with Austria and Positions of the French forces. Italy, but practically no details were fixed, and the troops were without transport and supplies. Nevertheless, since speed was the essence of the contract, the troops 7 were hurried up without waiting for their reserves, and delivered, as Moltke had foreseen, just where the lie of the railways and convenience of temporary supply dictated, and the Prussian Intelligence Department was able to inform Moltke on the 22nd of July (seventh day of mobilization) that the French stood from right to left in the following order, on or near the frontier:

On the French side, there wasn't a solid operational plan in place when the night of July 15th came and Krieg mobil was sent out across Prussia. A rough outline had been created as a starting point for cooperation with Austria and Italy, but details were nearly non-existent, and the troops lacked transport and supplies. Still, since speed was crucial, the troops were rushed forward without waiting for their reserves, and as Moltke had predicted, they were positioned exactly where the railways and temporary supply lines allowed for it. On July 22nd, the Prussian Intelligence Department informed Moltke (seven days into mobilization) that the French forces were arranged from right to left in the following order, close to the border:

1st corps Marshal MacMahon, duke of Magenta, Strassburg
5th corps General de Failly, Saargemünd and Bitche
2nd corps General Frossard, St Avold
4th corps General de Ladmirault, Thionville
     With, behind them:
3rd corps Marshal Bazaine, Metz
Guard General Bourbaki, Nancy
6th corps Marshal Canrobert, Châlons
7th corps General Félix Douay, Belfort

If therefore they began a forward movement on the 23rd (eighth day) the case foreseen by Moltke had arisen, and it became necessary to detrain the II. army upon the Rhine. Without waiting for further confirmation of this intelligence, Moltke, with the consent of the king, altered the arrangements accordingly, a decision which, though foreseen, exercised the gravest influence on the course of events. As it happened this decision was premature, for the French could not yet move. Supply trains had to be organized by requisition from the inhabitants, and even arms and ammunition procured for such reserves as had succeeded in joining. Nevertheless, by almost superhuman exertions on the part of the railways and administrative services, all essential deficiencies were made good, and by the 28th of July (13th day) the troops had received all that was absolutely indispensable and might well have been led against the enemy, who, thanks to Moltke’s premature action, were for the moment at a very serious disadvantage. But the French generals were unequal to their responsibilities. It is now clear that, had the great Napoleon and his marshals been in command, they would have made light of the want of cooking pots, cholera belts, &c., and, by a series of rapid marches, would have concentrated odds of at least three to one upon the heads of the Prussian columns as they struggled through the defiles of the Hardt, and won a victory whose political results might well have proved decisive.

If they started moving forward on the 23rd (the eighth day), the situation predicted by Moltke had occurred, and it became necessary to unload the II. army on the Rhine. Without waiting for further confirmation of this information, Moltke, with the king’s approval, adjusted the plans accordingly, a choice that, while anticipated, heavily influenced the outcome of events. As it turned out, this decision was premature, as the French were not ready to move. Supply trains had to be organized by requisitioning from the locals, and even weapons and ammunition had to be sourced for the reserves that had managed to join up. However, thanks to almost superhuman efforts from the railways and administrative services, all critical shortages were addressed, and by July 28th (the 13th day), the troops had received everything they absolutely needed and could have advanced against the enemy, who, due to Moltke's hasty action, were at a significant disadvantage at that moment. But the French generals were not up to the challenge. It’s now clear that if the great Napoleon and his marshals had been in charge, they would have easily managed the lack of cooking pots, cholera belts, etc., and, through a series of quick marches, would have concentrated forces of at least three to one against the Prussian columns as they struggled through the narrow passes of the Hardt, winning a battle that could have had decisive political consequences.

To meet this pressing danger, which came to his knowledge during the course of the 29th, Moltke sent a confidential staff officer, Colonel v. Verdy du Vernois, to the III. army to impress upon the crown prince the necessity of an immediate advance to distract the enemy’s attention from the I. and II. armies; but, like the French generals, the crown prince pleaded that he could not move until his trains were complete. Fortunately for the Germans, the French intelligence service not only failed to inform the staff of this extraordinary opportunity, but it allowed itself to be hypnotized by the most amazing rumours. In imagination they saw armies of 100,000 men behind every forest, and, to guard against these dangers, the French troops were marched and counter-marched along the frontiers in the vain hope of discovering an ideal defensive position which should afford full scope to the power of their new weapons.

To address this urgent threat, which he became aware of on the 29th, Moltke sent a trusted staff officer, Colonel v. Verdy du Vernois, to the III army to communicate to the crown prince the need for an immediate push to divert the enemy’s focus from the I and II armies. However, similar to the French generals, the crown prince argued that he couldn’t move until his supply trains were ready. Thankfully for the Germans, the French intelligence service not only failed to inform their staff about this significant opportunity but also got caught up in the most unbelievable rumors. They imagined vast armies of 100,000 men hiding in every forest, and to protect against these imagined threats, the French troops were moved back and forth along the borders in a futile attempt to find an ideal defensive position that would fully leverage the capabilities of their new weapons.

As these delays were exerting a most unfavourable effect on public opinion not only in France but throughout Europe, the emperor decided on the 1st of August to initiate a movement towards the Saar, chiefly as a guarantee of good faith to the Austrians and Italians.

As these delays were having a very negative impact on public opinion not just in France but across Europe, the emperor decided on August 1st to start a movement toward the Saar, mainly to assure the Austrians and Italians of his good intentions.

On this day the French corps held the following positions from right to left:

On this day, the French corps held the following positions from right to left:

1st corps Hagenau
2nd corps Forbach
3rd corps St Avold
4th corps Bouzonville
5th corps Bitche
6th corps Châlons
7th corps Belfort and Colmar
Guard near Metz

The French 2nd corps was directed to advance on the following morning direct on Saarbrücken, supported on the flanks by two divisions from the 5th and 3rd corps. The order was duly carried out, and the Prussians (one battalion, two squadrons and a Action of Saarbrücken. battery), seeing the overwhelming numbers opposed to them, fell back fighting and vanished to the northward, having given a very excellent example of steadiness and discipline to their enemy.1 The latter contented themselves by occupying Saarbrücken and its suburb St Johann, and here, as far as the troops were concerned, the incident closed. Its effect, however, proved far-reaching. The Prussian staff could not conceive that nothing lay behind this display of five whole divisions, and immediately took steps to meet the expected danger. In their excitement, although they had announced the beginning of the action to the king’s headquarters at Mainz, they forgot to notify the close and its results, so that Moltke was not in possession of the facts till noon on the 3rd of August. Meanwhile, Steinmetz, left without instructions and fearing for the safety of the II. army, the heads of whose columns were still in the defiles of the Hardt, moved the I. army from the neighbourhood of Merzig obliquely to his left front, so as to strike the flank of the French army if it continued its march towards Kaiserslautern, in which direction it appeared to be heading.

The French 2nd corps was ordered to advance the next morning straight towards Saarbrücken, supported on the sides by two divisions from the 5th and 3rd corps. The order was carried out, and the Prussians (one battalion, two squadrons, and a Saarbrücken Action. battery), seeing the overwhelming numbers against them, fought back and retreated northward, having given an excellent example of steadiness and discipline to their enemy. The latter settled for occupying Saarbrücken and its suburb St. Johann, and as far as the troops were concerned, the incident ended there. However, its impact was significant. The Prussian staff couldn’t believe that nothing was behind this display of five whole divisions, so they quickly took steps to prepare for the expected danger. In their excitement, even though they had informed the king’s headquarters in Mainz about the start of the action, they forgot to update them on the developments and results, meaning Moltke didn’t have the facts until noon on August 3rd. In the meantime, Steinmetz, lacking instructions and worried about the safety of the II army, whose columns were still in the Hardt passes, moved the I army from near Merzig diagonally to his left front to potentially strike the flank of the French army if it continued its march towards Kaiserslautern, which it appeared to be doing.

Whilst this order was in process of execution, Moltke, aware that the II. army was behind time in its march, issued instructions to Steinmetz for the 4th of August which entailed a withdrawal to the rear, the idea being that both Moltke, Prince Frederick Charles and Steinmetz. armies should, if the French advanced, fight a defensive battle in a selected position farther back. Steinmetz obeyed, though bitterly resenting the idea of retreat. This movement, further, drew his left across the roads reserved for the right column of the II. army, and on receipt of a peremptory order from Prince Frederick Charles to evacuate the road, Steinmetz telegraphed for instructions direct to the king, over Moltke’s head. In reply he received a telegram from Moltke, ordering him to clear the road at once, and couched in terms which he considered as a severe reprimand. An explanatory letter, meant to soften the rebuke, was delayed in transmission and did not reach him till too late to modify the orders he had already issued. It must be remembered that Steinmetz at the front was in a better position to judge the apparent situation than was Moltke at Mainz, and that all through the day of the 5th of August he had received intelligence indicating a change of attitude in the French army.

While this order was being carried out, Moltke, noticing that the II Army was lagging behind in its march, sent instructions to Steinmetz for August 4th that required a retreat. The idea was for both armies to be ready to fight a defensive battle in a better position further back if the French advanced. Steinmetz followed the orders, but he strongly resented the idea of retreating. This movement also shifted his left across the roads designated for the right column of the II Army, and upon receiving a firm order from Prince Frederick Charles to clear the road, Steinmetz sent a telegram requesting instructions directly to the king, bypassing Moltke. In response, he received a telegram from Moltke ordering him to clear the road immediately, which he felt was a harsh reprimand. An explanatory letter meant to ease the reprimand was delayed and didn't reach him until it was too late to change the orders he had already issued. It's important to note that Steinmetz at the front had a better understanding of the actual situation than Moltke at Mainz and that throughout August 5th, he had been receiving information showing a change in the French army's stance.

The news of the German victory at Weissenburg on the 4th (see below) had in fact completely paralysed the French headquarters, and orders were issued by them during the course of the 5th to concentrate the whole army of the Battle of Spicheren. Rhine on the selected position of Cadenbronn. As a preliminary, Frossard’s corps withdrew from Saarbrücken and began to entrench a position on the Spicheren heights, 3000 yds. to the southward. Steinmetz, therefore, being quite unaware of the scheme for a great battle on the Saar about the 12th of August, felt that the situation would best be met, and the letter of his instructions strictly obeyed, by moving his whole command forward to the line of the Saar, and orders to this effect were issued on the evening of the 5th. In pursuance of these orders, the advance guard of the 14th division (Lieutenant General von Kameke) reached Saarbrücken about 9 A.M. on the 6th, where the Germans found to their amazement that the bridges were intact. To secure this advantage was the obvious duty of the commander on the spot, and he at once ordered his troops to occupy a line of low heights beyond the town to serve as a bridge-head. As the leading troops deployed on the heights Frossard’s guns on the Spicheren Plateau opened fire, and the advanced guard battery replied. The sound of these guns unchained the whole fighting instinct carefully developed by a long course of Prussian manœuvre training. Everywhere, generals and troops hurried towards the cannon thunder. Kameke, even more in the dark than Steinmetz as to Moltke’s intentions and the strength of his adversaries, attacked at once, precisely as he would have done at manœuvres, and in half an hour his men were committed beyond recall. As each fresh unit reached the field it was hurried into action where its services 8 were most needed, and each fresh general as he arrived took a new view of the combat and issued new orders. On the other side, Frossard, knowing the strength of his position, called on his neighbours for support, and determined to hold his ground. Victory seemed certain. There were sufficient troops within easy reach to have ensured a crushing numerical superiority. But the other generals had not been trained to mutual support, and thought only of their own immediate security, and their staffs were too inexperienced to act upon even good intentions; and, finding himself in the course of the afternoon left to his own devices, Frossard began gradually to withdraw, even before the pressure of the 13th German division on his left flank (about 8 P.M.) compelled his retirement. When darkness ended the battle the Prussians were scarcely aware of their victory. Steinmetz, who had reached the field about 6 P.M., rode back to his headquarters without issuing any orders, while the troops bivouacked where they stood, the units of three army corps being mixed up in almost inextricable confusion. But whereas out of 42,900 Prussians with 120 guns, who in the morning lay within striking distance of the enemy, no fewer than 27,000, with 78 guns were actually engaged; of the French, out of 64,000 with 210 guns only 24,000 with 90 guns took part in the action.

The news of the German victory at Weissenburg on the 4th (see below) completely paralyzed the French headquarters. On the 5th, they issued orders to concentrate the entire Rhine army at the chosen position of Cadenbronn. As a first step, Frossard’s corps pulled back from Saarbrücken and started to dig in on the Spicheren heights, 3000 yards to the south. Steinmetz, unaware of the plan for a major battle on the Saar around August 12th, believed the best response was to move his entire command forward to the Saar line, and orders to this effect were issued on the evening of the 5th. Following these orders, the advance guard of the 14th division (Lieutenant General von Kameke) arrived in Saarbrücken around 9 A.M. on the 6th, where the Germans were surprised to find the bridges intact. Securing this advantage was clearly the commander’s duty, so he immediately ordered his troops to occupy a line of low heights beyond the town to act as a bridgehead. As the leading troops positioned themselves on the heights, Frossard’s guns on the Spicheren Plateau opened fire, and the advance guard battery responded. The sound of these guns triggered the fighting instincts developed through a long series of Prussian maneuvers. Generals and troops rushed toward the sound of the cannons. Kameke, even less informed than Steinmetz about Moltke’s plans and the strength of the enemy, attacked immediately, just as he would have at practice exercises, and within half an hour his men were committed beyond recall. As each new unit arrived on the field, it was quickly sent into action where it was most needed, and each new general who arrived had a different perspective on the battle and issued new orders. On the other side, Frossard, aware of his strong position, sought support from his neighbors and decided to hold his ground. Victory seemed certain. There were enough troops nearby to ensure a crushing numerical advantage. However, the other generals weren’t trained to support each other and only thought of their own immediate security, and their staffs were too inexperienced to act on even good intentions. By the afternoon, finding himself left to his own devices, Frossard began to withdraw even before the pressure from the 13th German division on his left flank (around 8 P.M.) forced his retreat. When darkness fell and ended the battle, the Prussians were hardly aware of their victory. Steinmetz, who arrived at the field around 6 P.M., returned to his headquarters without issuing any orders, while the troops set up camp where they stood, with units from three army corps getting mixed up in almost unresolvable confusion. Out of 42,900 Prussians with 120 guns, who in the morning were within striking distance of the enemy, no less than 27,000, with 78 guns, were actually engaged; while of the French, out of 64,000 with 210 guns, only 24,000 with 90 guns participated in the action.

Meanwhile on the German left wing the III. army had begun its advance. Early on the 4th of August it crossed the frontier and fell upon a French detachment under Abel Douay, which had been placed near Weissenburg, partly to Action of Weissenburg. cover the Pigeonnier pass, but principally to consume the supplies accumulated in the little dismantled fortress, as these could not easily be moved. Against this force of under 4000 men of all arms, the Germans brought into action successively portions of three corps, in all over 25,000 men with 90 guns. After six hours’ fighting, in which the Germans lost some 1500 men, the gallant remnant of the French withdrew deliberately and in good order, notwithstanding the death of their leader at the critical moment. The Germans were so elated by their victory over the enemy, whose strength they naturally overestimated, that they forgot to send cavalry in pursuit, and thus entirely lost touch with the enemy.

Meanwhile, on the German left flank, the III army had started its advance. Early on August 4th, it crossed the border and attacked a French detachment under Abel Douay, which had been stationed near Weissenburg, partly to secure the Pigeonnier pass, but mainly to use the supplies stored in the small, dismantled fortress, as those supplies couldn’t be easily relocated. Against this force of just under 4,000 soldiers, the Germans deployed portions of three corps, totaling over 25,000 troops and 90 guns. After six hours of fighting, during which the Germans lost around 1,500 men, the brave remaining French soldiers withdrew in an orderly manner, despite the death of their leader at a critical moment. The Germans were so thrilled by their victory over an enemy they had misjudged in strength that they neglected to send cavalry to pursue, completely losing track of the enemy.

Next day the advance was resumed, the two Bavarian corps moving via Mattstall through the foothills of the Vosges, the V. corps on their left towards Preuschdorf, and the XI. farther to the left again, through the wooded plain of the Rhine valley. The 4th cavalry division scouted in advance, and army headquarters moved to Sulz. About noon the advanced patrols discovered MacMahon’s corps in position on the left bank of the Sauer (see Wörth: Battle of). As his army was dispersed over a wide area, the crown prince determined to devote the 6th to concentrating the troops, and, probably to avoid alarming the enemy, ordered the cavalry to stand fast.

The next day, the advance continued, with the two Bavarian corps moving through Mattstall in the foothills of the Vosges. The V. corps was on their left heading toward Preuschdorf, and the XI. was further left, traversing the wooded plain of the Rhine valley. The 4th cavalry division scouted ahead, and army headquarters relocated to Sulz. Around noon, the advanced patrols found MacMahon’s corps stationed on the left bank of the Sauer (see Wörth: Battle of). Since his army was spread over a large area, the crown prince decided to spend the 6th concentrating the troops and, likely to avoid alarming the enemy, ordered the cavalry to hold their position.

At night the outposts of the I. Bavarians and V. corps on the Sauer saw the fires of the French encampment and heard the noise of railway traffic, and rightly conjectured the approach of reinforcements. MacMahon had in fact determined to stand in the very formidable position he had selected, and he counted on receiving support both from the 7th corps (two divisions of which were being railed up from Colmar) and from the 5th corps, which lay around Bitche. It was also quite possible, and the soundest strategy, to withdraw the bulk of the troops then facing the German I. and II. armies to his support, and these would reach him by the 8th. He was therefore justified in accepting battle, though it was to his interest to delay it as long as possible.

At night, the outposts of the I. Bavarians and V. corps on the Sauer saw the fires of the French camp and heard the sounds of railway traffic, leading them to correctly guess that reinforcements were coming. In fact, MacMahon had decided to hold his very strong position, and he was counting on getting support from both the 7th corps (two divisions of which were being transported from Colmar) and the 5th corps, which was stationed around Bitche. It was also quite possible, and the best strategy, to pull back most of the troops currently facing the German I. and II. armies to assist him, and they could arrive by the 8th. Therefore, he was justified in accepting battle, although it was in his best interest to delay it for as long as he could.

At dawn on the 6th of August the commander of the V. corps outposts noticed certain movements in the French lines, and to clear up the situation brought his guns into action. As at Spicheren, the sound of the guns set the whole Battle of Wörth. machinery of battle in motion. The French artillery immediately accepted the Prussian challenge. The I. Bavarians, having been ordered to be ready to move if they heard artillery fire, immediately advanced against the French left, encountering presently such a stubborn resistance that parts of their line began to give way. The Prussians of the V. corps felt that they could not abandon their allies, and von Kirchbach, calling on the XI. corps for support, attacked with the troops at hand. When the crown prince tried to break off the fight it was too late. Both sides were feeding troops into the firing line, as and where they could lay hands on them. Up to 2 P.M. the French fairly held their own, but shortly afterwards their right yielded to the overwhelming pressure of the XI. corps, and by 3.30 it was in full retreat. The centre held on for another hour, but in its turn was compelled to yield, and by 4.30 all organized resistance was at an end. The débris of the French army was hotly pursued by the German divisional squadrons towards Reichshofen, where serious panic showed itself. When at this stage the supports sent by de Failly from Bitche came on the ground they saw the hopelessness of intervention, and retired whence they had come. Fortunately for the French, the German 4th cavalry division, on which the pursuit should have devolved, had been forgotten by the German staff, and did not reach the front before darkness fell. Out of a total of 82,000 within reach of the battlefield, the Germans succeeded in bringing into action 77,500. The French, who might have had 50,000 on the field, deployed only 37,000, and these suffered a collective loss of no less than 20,100; some regiments losing up to 90% and still retaining some semblance of discipline and order.

At dawn on August 6th, the commander of the V. corps outposts noticed movement in the French lines, and to clarify the situation, he brought his guns into action. Just like at Spicheren, the sound of the guns set the entire machinery of battle into motion. The French artillery quickly responded to the Prussian challenge. The I. Bavarians, having been ordered to be ready to move if they heard artillery fire, promptly advanced against the French left, facing such strong resistance that parts of their line began to give way. The Prussians of the V. corps felt they could not abandon their allies, and von Kirchbach, calling on the XI. corps for support, attacked with the troops available. When the crown prince tried to end the fighting, it was already too late. Both sides were pushing troops into the front line wherever they could find them. Up until 2 PM, the French managed to hold their ground, but shortly after, their right gave way under the overwhelming pressure from the XI. corps, and by 3:30, they were in full retreat. The center held on for another hour but was eventually forced to give way, and by 4:30, all organized resistance had ended. The remnants of the French army were aggressively pursued by the German divisional squadrons toward Reichshofen, where panic set in. When support sent by de Failly from Bitche arrived, they recognized the hopelessness of the situation and withdrew. Fortunately for the French, the German 4th cavalry division, which should have taken over the pursuit, had been overlooked by the German staff and did not reach the front before nightfall. Out of a total of 82,000 in reach of the battlefield, the Germans managed to mobilize 77,500. The French might have had 50,000 on the field but deployed only 37,000, who suffered a collective loss of no less than 20,100; some regiments losing up to 90% while still managing to maintain some level of discipline and order.

Under cover of darkness the remnants of the French army escaped. When at length the 4th cavalry division had succeeded in forcing a way through the confusion of the battlefield, all touch with the enemy had been lost, and being without firearms the troopers were checked by the French stragglers in the woods and the villages, and thus failed to establish the true line of retreat of the French. Ultimately the latter, having gained the railway near Lunéville, disappeared from the German front altogether, and all trace of them was lost until they were discovered, about the 26th of August, forming part of the army of Châlons, whither they had been conveyed by rail via Paris. This is a remarkable example of the strategical value of railways to an army operating in its own country.

Under the cover of darkness, the remnants of the French army escaped. By the time the 4th cavalry division managed to navigate through the chaos of the battlefield, all contact with the enemy had been lost. Without firearms, the soldiers were halted by French stragglers in the woods and villages, failing to identify the true route of retreat for the French. Eventually, the French forces, having reached the railway near Lunéville, vanished from the German front entirely, leaving no trace of their presence until they were found around August 26th, becoming part of the army of Châlons, which had been transported by rail via Paris. This highlights the strategic importance of railways for an army operating within its own territory.

In the absence of all resistance, the III. army now proceeded to carry out the original programme of marches laid down in Moltke’s memorandum of the 6th of May, and marching on a broad front through a fertile district it reached the line of the Moselle in excellent order about the 17th of August, where it halted to await the result of the great battle of Gravelotte-St Privat.

In the absence of any opposition, the III army moved ahead with the original plan of marches set out in Moltke’s memo from May 6th. It advanced on a wide front through a fertile area and reached the Moselle line in excellent condition around August 17th, where it paused to wait for the outcome of the major battle of Gravelotte-St Privat.

We return now to the I. army at Saarbrücken. Its position on the morning of the 7th of August gave cause for the gravest anxiety. At daylight a dense fog lay over the country, and through the mist sounds of heavy firing came Movements on the Saar. from the direction of Forbach, where French stragglers had rallied during the night. The confusion on the battlefield was appalling, and the troops in no condition to go forward. Except the 3rd, 5th and 6th cavalry divisions no closed troops were within a day’s march; hence Steinmetz decided to spend the day in reorganizing his infantry, under cover of his available cavalry. But the German cavalry and staff were quite new to their task. The 6th cavalry division, which had bivouacked on the battlefield, sent on only one brigade towards Forbach, retaining the remainder in reserve. The 5th, thinking that the 6th had already undertaken all that was necessary, withdrew behind the Saar, and the 3rd, also behind the Saar, reported that the country in its front was unsuited to cavalry movements, and only sent out a few officers’ patrols. These were well led, but were too few in number, and their reports were consequently unconvincing.

We now return to the I. army at Saarbrücken. Its situation on the morning of August 7th raised serious concerns. At dawn, a thick fog covered the area, and through the mist, the sounds of heavy gunfire came from the direction of Forbach, where French stragglers had gathered overnight. The chaos on the battlefield was overwhelming, and the troops were unprepared to advance. Aside from the 3rd, 5th, and 6th cavalry divisions, no organized troops were within a day's march; therefore, Steinmetz decided to spend the day reorganizing his infantry, with the support of his available cavalry. However, the German cavalry and staff were still unfamiliar with their roles. The 6th cavalry division, which had camped on the battlefield, sent only one brigade toward Forbach, keeping the rest in reserve. The 5th division, believing that the 6th had taken care of everything necessary, withdrew behind the Saar, while the 3rd division, also behind the Saar, reported that the terrain in front of them was not suitable for cavalry movements, sending out only a few officer patrols. These patrols were well-led but too few in number, making their reports unconvincing.

In the course of the day Steinmetz became very uneasy, and ultimately he decided to concentrate his army by retiring the VII. and VIII. corps behind the river on to the I. (which had arrived near Saarlouis), thus clearing the Saarbrücken-Metz road for the use of the II. army. But at this moment Prince Frederick Charles suddenly modified his views. During the 6th of August his scouts had reported considerable French forces near Bitche (these were the 5th, de Failly’s corps), and early in the morning of the 7th he received a telegram from Moltke 9 informing him that MacMahon’s beaten army was retreating on the same place (the troops observed were in fact those which had marched to MacMahon’s assistance). The prince forthwith deflected the march of the Guards, IV. and X. corps, towards Rohrbach, whilst the IX. and XII. closed up to supporting distance behind them. Thus, as Steinmetz moved away to the west and north, Frederick Charles was diverging to the south and east, and a great gap was opening in the very centre of the German front. This was closed only by the III. corps, still on the battle-field, and by portions of the X. near Saargemünd,2 whilst within striking distance lay 130,000 French troops, prevented only by the incapacity of their chiefs from delivering a decisive counter-stroke.

During the day, Steinmetz became increasingly uneasy, and eventually he decided to concentrate his army by pulling the VII and VIII corps back behind the river and onto the I (which had arrived near Saarlouis), thereby clearing the Saarbrücken-Metz road for the II army. However, at that moment, Prince Frederick Charles suddenly changed his plans. On August 6, his scouts had reported significant French forces near Bitche (these were the 5th, de Failly’s corps), and early on the morning of August 7, he received a telegram from Moltke informing him that MacMahon’s defeated army was retreating to the same area (the troops observed were actually those that had marched to assist MacMahon). The prince quickly redirected the march of the Guards, IV, and X corps towards Rohrbach, while the IX and XII closed in to provide support behind them. Thus, as Steinmetz moved west and north, Frederick Charles was moving south and east, creating a large gap right in the center of the German front. This gap was only closed by the III corps, still on the battlefield, and by parts of the X near Saargemünd, while 130,000 French troops were within striking distance, hindered only by their leaders' inability to launch a decisive counterattack.

Fortunately for the Prussians, Moltke at Mainz took a different view. Receiving absolutely no intelligence from the front during the 7th, he telegraphed orders to the I. and II. armies (10.25 P.M.) to halt on the 8th, and impressed on Steinmetz the necessity of employing his cavalry to clear up the situation. The I. army had already begun the marches ordered by Steinmetz. It was now led back practically to its old bivouacs amongst the unburied dead. Prince Frederick Charles only conformed to Moltke’s order with the III. and X. corps; the remainder executed their concentration towards the south and east.

Fortunately for the Prussians, Moltke in Mainz had a different perspective. Not receiving any updates from the front on the 7th, he sent orders via telegram to the I. and II. armies (10:25 PM) to stop on the 8th, and stressed to Steinmetz the importance of using his cavalry to clarify the situation. The I. army had already started the movements that Steinmetz had ordered. It was now essentially taken back to its previous camp among the unburied dead. Prince Frederick Charles only complied with Moltke’s order regarding the III. and X. corps; the rest concentrated to the south and east.

During the night of the 7th of August Moltke decided that the French army must be in retreat towards the Moselle and forthwith busied himself with the preparation of fresh tables of march for the two armies, his object being to swing up the left wing to outflank the enemy from the south. This work, and the transfer of headquarters to Homburg, needed time, hence no fresh orders were issued to either army, and neither commander would incur the responsibility of moving without any. The I. army therefore spent a fourth night in bivouac on the battlefield. But Constantin von Alvensleben, commanding the III. corps, a man of very different stamp from his colleagues, hearing at first hand that the French had evacuated St Avold, set his corps in motion early in the morning of the 10th August down the St Avold-Metz road, reached St Avold and obtained conclusive evidence that the French were retreating.

During the night of August 7th, Moltke concluded that the French army must be retreating towards the Moselle and immediately began preparing new march plans for the two armies, aiming to move the left wing to outflank the enemy from the south. This task, along with relocating headquarters to Homburg, required time, so no new orders were given to either army, and neither commander wanted to take the risk of moving without them. As a result, the I. army spent a fourth night camping on the battlefield. However, Constantin von Alvensleben, in charge of the III. corps and different from his peers, learned directly that the French had vacated St Avold and set his corps in motion early on the morning of August 10th down the St Avold-Metz road. He reached St Avold and gathered clear evidence that the French were in retreat.

During the 9th the orders for the advance to the Moselle were issued. These were based, not on an exact knowledge of where the French army actually stood, but on the opinion Advance to the Moselle. Moltke had formed as to where it ought to have been on military grounds solely, overlooking the fact that the French staff were not free to form military decisions but were compelled to bow to political expediency.

During the 9th, the orders to advance to the Moselle were given. These were based, not on a clear understanding of the actual position of the French army, but on Moltke's judgment of where it should have been according to military logic, ignoring the reality that the French command was forced to make decisions based on political necessity rather than purely military considerations. Head to the Moselle.

Actually on the 7th of August the emperor had decided to attack the Germans on the 8th with the whole Rhine Army, but this decision was upset by alarmist reports from the beaten army of MacMahon. He then decided to retreat to the Moselle, as Moltke had foreseen, and there to draw to himself the remnants of MacMahon’s army (now near Lunéville). At the same time he assigned the executive command over the whole Rhine Army to Marshal Bazaine. This retreat was begun during the course of the 8th and 9th of August; but on the night of the 9th urgent telegrams from Paris induced the emperor to suspend the movement, and during the 10th the whole army took up a strong position on the French Nied.

Actually, on August 7th, the emperor had planned to attack the Germans on the 8th with the entire Rhine Army, but this decision was thrown off by alarmist reports from MacMahon's defeated army. He then decided to retreat to the Moselle, as Moltke had anticipated, and to gather the remnants of MacMahon’s army (now near Lunéville). At the same time, he put Marshal Bazaine in charge of the whole Rhine Army. This retreat began on August 8th and 9th, but on the night of the 9th, urgent messages from Paris led the emperor to halt the movement, and on the 10th, the entire army took up a strong position on the French Nied.

Meanwhile the II. German army had received its orders to march in a line of army corps on a broad front in the general direction of Pont-à-Mousson, well to the south of Metz. The I. army was to follow by short marches in échelon on the right; only the III. corps was directed on Falkenberg, a day’s march farther towards Metz along the St Avold-Metz road. The movement was begun on the 10th, and towards evening the French army was located on the right front of the III. corps. This entirely upset Moltke’s hypothesis, and called for a complete modification of his plans, as the III. corps alone could not be expected to resist the impact of Bazaine’s five corps. The III. corps therefore received orders to stand fast for the moment, and the remainder of the II. army was instructed to wheel to the right and concentrate for a great battle to the east of Metz on the 16th or 17th.

Meanwhile, the II. German army received orders to advance in a line of army corps across a wide front toward Pont-à-Mousson, south of Metz. The I. army was to follow with short marches on the right; only the III. corps was directed to Falkenberg, a day’s march farther toward Metz along the St Avold-Metz road. The movement started on the 10th, and by evening the French army was situated to the right front of the III. corps. This completely disrupted Moltke’s plan and required a major change in strategy, as the III. corps alone could not withstand the force of Bazaine’s five corps. Therefore, the III. corps was ordered to hold its position for the time being, while the rest of the II. army was instructed to turn right and concentrate for a significant battle east of Metz on the 16th or 17th.

Before, however, these orders had been received the sudden retreat of the French completely changed the situation. The Germans therefore continued their movement towards the Moselle. On the 13th the French took up a fresh position 5 m. to the east of Metz, where they were located by the cavalry and the advanced guards of the I. army.

Before these orders were received, the unexpected retreat of the French completely changed everything. The Germans continued their advance toward the Moselle. On the 13th, the French established a new position 5 miles east of Metz, where they were located by the cavalry and the forward units of the I. army.

Again Moltke ordered the I. army to observe and hold the enemy, whilst the II. was to swing round to the north. The cavalry was to scout beyond the Moselle and intercept all communication with the heart of France (see Metz). Battle of Colombey-Borny. By this time the whole German army had imbibed the idea that the French were in full retreat and endeavouring to evade a decisive struggle. When therefore during the morning of the 14th their outposts observed signs of retreat in the French position, their impatience could no longer be restrained; as at Wörth and Spicheren, an outpost commander brought up his guns, and at the sound of their fire, every unit within reach spontaneously got under arms (battle of Colombey-Borny). In a short time, with or without orders, the I., VII., VIII. and IX. corps were in full march to the battle-field. But the French too turned back to fight, and an obstinate engagement ensued, at the close of which the Germans barely held the ground and the French withdrew under cover of the Metz forts.

Again, Moltke ordered the I. army to keep an eye on and contain the enemy, while the II. was to move around to the north. The cavalry was to scout beyond the Moselle and intercept all communication with the heart of France (see Metz). Battle of Colombey-Borny. By this time, the entire German army was convinced that the French were in full retreat and trying to avoid a decisive battle. So, when their outposts noticed signs of the French pulling back on the morning of the 14th, their impatience could no longer be contained; just like at Wörth and Spicheren, an outpost commander brought up his artillery, and at the sound of their fire, every nearby unit sprang into action (battle of Colombey-Borny). Soon enough, whether following orders or not, the I., VII., VIII., and IX. corps were on the move to the battlefield. But the French also turned back to fight, leading to a fierce engagement, at the end of which the Germans barely held their ground while the French withdrew under the protection of the Metz forts.

Still, though the fighting had been indecisive, the conviction of victory remained with the Germans, and the idea of a French retreat became an obsession. To this idea Moltke gave expression in his orders issued early on the 15th, in which he laid down that the “fruits of the victory” of the previous evening could only be reaped by a vigorous pursuit towards the passages of the Meuse, where it was hoped the French might yet be overtaken. This order, however, did not allow for the hopeless inability of the French staff to regulate the movement of congested masses of men, horses and vehicles, such as were now accumulated in the streets and environs of Metz. Whilst Bazaine had come to no definite decision whether to stand and fight or continue to retreat, and was merely drifting under the impressions of the moment, the Prussian leaders, in particular Prince Frederick Charles, saw in imagination the French columns in rapid orderly movement towards the west, and calculated that at best they could not be overtaken short of Verdun.

Still, even though the fighting had been inconclusive, the Germans remained confident of victory, and the idea of a French retreat became an obsession. Moltke expressed this idea in his orders issued early on the 15th, stating that the “fruits of the victory” from the previous evening could only be enjoyed through a strong pursuit towards the crossings of the Meuse, where it was hoped the French could still be caught. However, this order didn’t take into account the French staff’s hopeless inability to manage the movement of the congested masses of men, horses, and vehicles that were now piled up in the streets and surroundings of Metz. While Bazaine had not made a clear decision on whether to stand and fight or continue to retreat, merely drifting with the moment's impressions, the Prussian leaders, especially Prince Frederick Charles, imagined the French columns moving swiftly and orderly towards the west, estimating that at best they wouldn’t be caught before reaching Verdun.

In this order of ideas the whole of the II. army, followed on its right rear by two-thirds of the I. army (the I. corps being detached to observe the eastern side of the fortress), were pushed on towards the Moselle, the cavalry far in advance towards the Meuse, whilst only the 5th cavalry division was ordered to scout towards the Metz-Verdun road, and even that was disseminated over far too wide an area.

In this context, the entire II army, with two-thirds of the I army following behind on its right (since the I corps was assigned to watch the eastern side of the fortress), was moved towards the Moselle. The cavalry was sent ahead toward the Meuse, while only the 5th cavalry division was instructed to scout along the Metz-Verdun road, and even that was spread out over too large of an area.

Later in the day (15th) Frederick Charles sent orders to the III. corps, which was on the right flank of his long line of columns and approaching the Moselle at Corny and Novéant, to march via Gorze to Mars-la-Tour on the Metz-Verdun road; to the X. corps, strung out along the road from Thiaucourt to Pont-à-Mousson, to move to Jarny; and for the remainder to push on westward to seize the Meuse crossings. No definite information as to the French army reached him in time to modify these instructions.

Later in the day (15th), Frederick Charles sent orders to the III corps, which was on the right flank of his long line of troops and approaching the Moselle at Corny and Novéant, to march via Gorze to Mars-la-Tour on the Metz-Verdun road; to the X corps, spread out along the road from Thiaucourt to Pont-à-Mousson, to move to Jarny; and for the rest to push westward to take control of the Meuse crossings. He didn’t receive any clear information about the French army in time to change these instructions.

Meanwhile the 5th (Rheinbaben’s) cavalry division, at about 3 P.M. in the afternoon, had come into contact with the French cavalry in the vicinity of Mars-la-Tour, and gleaned intelligence enough to show that no French infantry had as yet reached Rezonville. The commander of the X. corps at Thiaucourt, informed of this, became anxious for the security of his flank during the next day’s march and decided to push out a strong flanking detachment under von Caprivi, to support von Rheinbaben and maintain touch with the III. corps marching on his right rear.

Meanwhile, the 5th (Rheinbaben’s) cavalry division, around 3 P.M., had engaged with the French cavalry near Mars-la-Tour and gathered enough intelligence to determine that no French infantry had arrived in Rezonville yet. The commander of the X. corps at Thiaucourt, upon receiving this information, grew concerned about the safety of his flank during the next day's march and decided to send out a strong flanking detachment under von Caprivi to support von Rheinbaben and maintain contact with the III. corps moving on his right rear.

Von Alvensleben, to whom the 6th cavalry division had meanwhile been assigned, seems to have received no local intelligence whatsoever; and at daybreak on the 16th he began his march 10 in two columns, the 6th division on Mars-la-Tour, the 5th Battle of Vionville-Mars-la-Tour. towards the Rezonville-Vionville plateau. And shortly after 9.15 A.M. he suddenly discovered the truth. The entire French army lay on his right flank, and his nearest supports were almost a day’s march distant. In this crisis he made up his mind at once to attack with every available man, and to continue to attack, in the conviction that his audacity would serve to conceal his weakness. All day long, therefore, the Brandenburgers of the III. corps, supported ultimately by the X. corps and part of the IX., attacked again and again. The enemy was thrice their strength, but very differently led, and made no adequate use of his superiority (battle of Vionville-Mars-la Tour).

Von Alvensleben, who had been assigned to the 6th cavalry division, seemed to have no local information at all; and at daybreak on the 16th, he began his march 10 in two columns, with the 6th division heading toward Mars-la-Tour and the 5th Battle of Vionville-Mars-la-Tour. moving towards the Rezonville-Vionville plateau. Shortly after 9:15 A.M., he suddenly realized the situation. The entire French army was on his right flank, and his nearest support was almost a day’s march away. In this critical moment, he decided immediately to attack with every available man and to keep attacking, believing that his boldness would mask his weakness. Therefore, all day long, the Brandenburgers of the III. corps, ultimately supported by the X. corps and part of the IX., attacked again and again. The enemy was three times their strength, but led very differently and did not effectively use their superiority (battle of Vionville-Mars-la Tour).

Meanwhile Prince Frederick Charles, at Pont-à-Mousson, was still confident in the French retreat to the Meuse, and had even issued orders for the 17th on that assumption. Firing had been heard since 9.15 A.M., and about noon Alvensleben’s first report had reached him, but it was not till after 2 that he realized the situation. Then, mounting his horse, he covered the 15 m. to Flavigny over crowded and difficult roads within the hour, and on his arrival abundantly atoned for his strategic errors by his unconquerable determination and tactical skill. When darkness put a stop to the fighting, he considered the position. Cancelling all previous orders, he called all troops within reach to the battle-field and resigned himself to wait for them. The situation was indeed critical. The whole French army of five corps, only half of which had been engaged, lay in front of him. His own army lay scattered over an area of 30 m. by 20, and only some 20,000 fresh troops—of the IX. corps—could The 17th of August. reach the field during the forenoon of the 17th. He did not then know that Moltke had already intervened and had ordered the VII., VIII. and II. corps3 to his assistance. Daylight revealed the extreme exhaustion of both men and horses. The men lay around in hopeless confusion amongst the killed and wounded, each where sleep had overtaken him, and thus the extent of the actual losses, heavy enough, could not be estimated. Across the valley, bugle sounds revealed the French already alert, and presently a long line of skirmishers approached the Prussian position. But they halted just beyond rifle range, and it was soon evident that they were only intended to cover a further withdrawal. Presently came the welcome intelligence that the reinforcements were well on their way.

Meanwhile, Prince Frederick Charles, at Pont-à-Mousson, was still confident about the French retreat to the Meuse and had even issued orders for the 17th based on that assumption. Firing had been heard since 9:15 A.M., and around noon, Alvensleben’s first report reached him, but it wasn't until after 2 that he fully understood the situation. Then, mounting his horse, he traveled the 15 miles to Flavigny over crowded and difficult roads within the hour. Upon his arrival, he made up for his strategic errors with his unyielding determination and tactical skill. When darkness halted the fighting, he assessed the position. Cancelling all previous orders, he summoned all troops within reach to the battlefield and decided to wait for them. The situation was indeed critical. The entire French army of five corps, only half of which had been engaged, lay in front of him. His own army was scattered over an area of 30 miles by 20, and only about 20,000 fresh troops from the IX corps could reach the field during the morning of the 17th. He didn’t yet know that Moltke had already intervened and ordered the VII, VIII, and II corps to assist him. Daylight revealed the extreme exhaustion of both men and horses. The soldiers lay around in hopeless confusion among the dead and wounded, each where sleep had overtaken him, making it impossible to estimate the extent of the actual losses, which were heavy enough. Across the valley, bugle sounds indicated that the French were already alert, and soon a long line of skirmishers approached the Prussian position. However, they stopped just beyond rifle range, and it quickly became clear that they were only meant to cover a further withdrawal. Soon came the welcome news that the reinforcements were well on their way.

About noon the king and Moltke drove up to the ground, and there was an animated discussion as to what the French would do next. Aware of their withdrawal from his immediate front, Prince Frederick Charles reverted to his previous idea and insisted that they were in full retreat towards the north, and that their entrenchments near Point du Jour and St Hubert (see map in article Metz) were at most a rearguard position. Moltke was inclined to the same view, but considered the alternative possibility of a withdrawal towards Metz, and about 2 P.M. orders were issued to meet these divergent opinions. The whole army was to be drawn up at 6 A.M. on the 18th in an échelon facing north, so as to be ready for action in either direction. The king and Moltke then drove to Pont-à-Mousson, and the troops bivouacked in a state of readiness. The rest of the 17th was spent in restoring order in the shattered III. and X. corps, and by nightfall both corps were reported fit for action. Strangely enough, there were no organized cavalry reconnaissances, and no intelligence of importance was collected during the night of the 17th-18th.

About noon, the king and Moltke arrived at the location, and an animated discussion broke out regarding what the French would do next. Aware of their withdrawal from his immediate front, Prince Frederick Charles returned to his earlier belief and insisted that they were in full retreat to the north, and that their entrenchments near Point du Jour and St Hubert (see map in article Metz) were just a rearguard position at most. Moltke shared a similar perspective but considered the possibility of a withdrawal towards Metz. Around 2 PM, orders were issued to address these differing opinions. The entire army was to be assembled at 6 AM on the 18th in an echelon facing north, so they would be ready for action in either direction. The king and Moltke then headed to Pont-à-Mousson, while the troops set up camp in a state of readiness. The rest of the 17th was spent restoring order in the shattered III. and X. corps, and by nightfall, both corps were reported ready for action. Strangely, there were no organized cavalry reconnaissance efforts, and no significant intelligence was gathered during the night of the 17th-18th.

Early on the 18th the troops began to move into position in the following order from left to right: XII. (Saxons), Guards, IX., VIII. and VII. The X. and III. were retained in reserve.

Early on the 18th, the troops started to take their positions in this order from left to right: XII. (Saxons), Guards, IX., VIII., and VII. The X. and III. were kept in reserve.

The idea of the French retreat was still uppermost in the prince’s mind, and the whole army therefore moved north. But between 10 and 11 A.M. part of the truth—viz. that the French had their backs to Metz and stood in battle order Battle of Gravelotte-Saint Privat. from St Hubert northwards—became evident, and the II. army, pivoting on the I., wheeled to the right and moved eastward. Suddenly the IX. corps fell right on the centre of the French line (Amanvillers), and a most desperate encounter began, superior control, as before, ceasing after the guns had opened fire. Prince Frederick Charles, however, a little farther north, again asserted his tactical ability, and about 7 P.M. he brought into position no less than five army corps for the final attack. The sudden collapse of French resistance, due to the frontal attack of the Guards (St Privat) and the turning movement of the Saxons (Roncourt), rendered the use of this mass unnecessary, but the resolution to use it was there. On the German right (I. army), about Gravelotte, all superior leading ceased quite early in the afternoon, and at night the French still showed an unbroken front. Until midnight, when the prince’s victory was reported, the suspense at headquarters was terrible. The I. army was exhausted, no steps had been taken to ensure support from the III. army, and the IV. corps (II. army) lay inactive 30 m. away.

The idea of the French retreat was still at the forefront of the prince’s thoughts, so the entire army moved north. However, between 10 and 11 A.M., part of the truth—specifically, that the French were facing Metz and were ready for battle Battle of Gravelotte-Saint Privat. from St Hubert northward—became clear. The II. army, pivoting on the I., turned right and moved eastward. Suddenly, the IX. corps struck directly at the center of the French line (Amanvillers), leading to a fierce confrontation, with superior control dissipating after the artillery opened fire. Prince Frederick Charles, a bit further north, once again showcased his tactical skills, and around 7 PM, he positioned five army corps for the final assault. The sudden breakdown of French resistance, caused by the frontal attack of the Guards (St Privat) and the flanking maneuver of the Saxons (Roncourt), made the use of this force unnecessary, but the intention to deploy it was there. On the German right (I. army), around Gravelotte, effective leadership diminished early in the afternoon, and at night the French still maintained an intact front. Until midnight, when the prince's victory was reported, the tension at headquarters was unbearable. The I. army was worn out, no actions had been taken to secure support from the III. army, and the IV. corps (II. army) remained inactive just 30 m. away.

This seems a fitting place to discuss the much-disputed point of Bazaine’s conduct in allowing himself to be driven back into Metz when fortune had thrown into his hands the great opportunity of the 16th and 17th of August. He Bazaine in Metz. had been appointed to command on the 10th, but the presence of the emperor, who only left the front early on the 16th, and their dislike of Bazaine, exercised a disturbing influence on the headquarters staff officers. During the retreat to Metz the marshal had satisfied himself as to the inability of his corps commanders to handle their troops, and also as to the ill-will of the staff. In the circumstances he felt that a battle in the open field could only end in disaster; and, since it was proved that the Germans could outmarch him, his army was sure to be overtaken and annihilated if he ventured beyond the shelter of the fortress. But near Metz he could at least inflict very severe punishment on his assailants, and in any case his presence in Metz would neutralize a far superior force of the enemy for weeks or months. What use the French government might choose to make of the breathing space thus secured was their business, not his; and subsequent events showed that, had they not forced MacMahon’s hand, the existence of the latter’s nucleus army of trained troops might have prevented the investment of Paris. Bazaine was condemned by court-martial after the war, but if the case were reheard to-day it is certain that no charge of treachery could be sustained.

This seems like a good place to discuss the highly debated issue of Bazaine’s actions in letting himself be pushed back into Metz when fate had presented him with a huge opportunity on August 16th and 17th. He had been appointed to command on the 10th, but the presence of the emperor, who only left the front on the morning of the 16th, along with the headquarters staff’s dislike of Bazaine, created a tense atmosphere. During the retreat to Metz, the marshal realized that his corps commanders were unable to effectively manage their troops, and he sensed the staff's lack of support. Given these conditions, he believed that a battle in the open would likely lead to disaster; plus, it was clear that the Germans could outpace him, so his army would surely be caught and destroyed if he left the fortress's protection. However, near Metz, he could at least deal significant damage to his attackers, and his presence there would keep a much larger enemy force tied up for weeks or months. What the French government chose to do with the time he provided was their concern, not his; and later events indicated that if they hadn’t pressured MacMahon, the existence of his core army of trained troops might have prevented Paris from being besieged. Bazaine was court-martialed after the war, but if the case were revisited today, it’s clear that no treachery charges could hold up.

On the German side the victory at St Privat was at once followed up by the headquarters. Early on the 19th the investment of Bazaine’s army in Metz was commenced. A new army, the Army of the Meuse (often called the IV.), was as soon as possible formed of all troops not required for the maintenance of the investment, and marched off under the command of the crown prince of Saxony to discover and destroy the remainder of the French field army, which at this moment was known to be at Châlons.

On the German side, the victory at St Privat was quickly followed up by the headquarters. Early on the 19th, they began surrounding Bazaine’s army in Metz. A new army, the Army of the Meuse (often referred to as the IV.), was quickly formed from all the troops not needed to maintain the siege and marched off under the command of the crown prince of Saxony to find and eliminate the rest of the French field army, which was known to be in Châlons at that time.

The operations which led to the capture of MacMahon’s army in Sedan call for little explanation. Given seven corps, each capable of averaging 15 m. a day for a week in succession, opposed to four corps only, shaken by defeat Campaign of Sedan. and unable as a whole to cover more than 5 m. a day, the result could hardly be doubtful. But Moltke’s method of conducting operations left his opponent many openings which could only be closed by excessive demands on the marching power of the men. Trusting only to his cavalry screen to secure information, he was always without any definite fixed point about which to manœuvre, for whilst the reports of the screen and orders based thereon were being transmitted, the enemy was free to move, and generally their movements were dictated by political expediency, not by calculable military motives.

The operations that led to the capture of MacMahon’s army in Sedan require little explanation. With seven corps, each capable of averaging 15 miles a day for a week, facing only four corps that were weakened by defeat and could barely cover more than 5 miles a day, the outcome was nearly certain. However, Moltke’s approach to conducting operations left his opponent with many opportunities that could only be addressed by putting excessive demands on the soldiers' marching ability. Relying solely on his cavalry to gather information, he lacked any definite fixed point around which to maneuver. While the cavalry's reports and the orders based on them were being communicated, the enemy had the freedom to move, and their movements were typically guided by political considerations rather than calculated military strategy.

Thus whilst the German army, on a front of nearly 50 m., was marching due west on Paris, MacMahon, under political pressure, was moving parallel to them, but on a northerly route, to attempt the relief of Metz.

Thus, while the German army was marching due west toward Paris along a front of nearly 50 miles, MacMahon, facing political pressure, was moving parallel to them but on a northern route in an attempt to relieve Metz.



So unexpected was this move and so uncertain the information which called attention to it, that Moltke did not venture to change at once the direction of march of the whole army, but he directed the Army of the Meuse northward on Damvillers and ordered Prince Frederick Charles to detach two corps from the forces investing Metz to reinforce it. For the moment, therefore, MacMahon’s move had succeeded, and the opportunity existed for Bazaine to break out. But at the critical moment the hopeless want of real efficiency in MacMahon’s army compelled the latter so to delay his advance that it became evident to the Germans that there was no longer any necessity for the III. army to maintain the direction towards Paris, and that the probable point of contact between the Meuse army and the French lay nearer to the right wing of the III. army than to Prince Frederick Charles’s investing force before Metz.

So unexpected was this move and so uncertain the information that pointed it out, that Moltke didn’t immediately change the entire army’s direction. Instead, he sent the Army of the Meuse north to Damvillers and instructed Prince Frederick Charles to pull two corps from the troops surrounding Metz to support it. For the moment, MacMahon’s move had worked, and Bazaine had the chance to break out. But at this critical time, the complete lack of real effectiveness in MacMahon’s army forced him to delay his advance, making it clear to the Germans that there was no longer a need for the III. army to keep heading towards Paris. The likely point of contact between the Meuse army and the French was closer to the right flank of the III. army than to Prince Frederick Charles’s forces around Metz.

The detachment from the II. army was therefore countermanded, and the whole III. army changed front to the north, while the Meuse army headed the French off from the east. The latter came into contact with the head of the French columns, during the 29th, about Nouart, and on the 30th at Buzancy (battle of Beaumont); and the French, yielding to the force of numbers combined with superior moral, were driven north-westward upon Sedan (q.v.), right across the front of the III. army, which was now rapidly coming up from the south.

The detachment from the II army was therefore canceled, and the entire III army turned to face north, while the Meuse army blocked the French from the east. On the 29th, they encountered the front of the French columns near Nouart, and on the 30th at Buzancy (battle of Beaumont). The French, overwhelmed by the numbers combined with higher morale, were pushed northwest toward Sedan (q.v.), right across the path of the III army, which was now quickly advancing from the south.

During the 31st the retreat practically became a rout, and the morning of the 1st of September found the French crowded around the little fortress of Sedan, with only one line of retreat to the north-west still open. By 11 A.M. the XI. corps (III. army) had already closed that line, and about noon the Saxons (Army of the Meuse) moving round between the town and the Belgian frontier joined hands with the XI., and the circle of investment was complete. The battle of Sedan was closed about 4.15 P.M. by the hoisting of the white flag. Terms were agreed upon during the night, and the whole French army, with the emperor, passed into captivity.

During the 31st, the retreat practically turned into a rout, and on the morning of September 1st, the French were crowded around the small fortress of Sedan, with only one escape route to the northwest still available. By 11 A.M., the XI corps (III. army) had already blocked that escape route, and around noon, the Saxons (Army of the Meuse) moved around between the town and the Belgian border and joined forces with the XI, completing the encirclement. The battle of Sedan ended around 4:15 PM when the white flag was raised. Terms were agreed upon during the night, and the entire French army, along with the emperor, surrendered.

(F. N. M.)

Thus in five weeks one of the French field armies was imprisoned in Metz, the other destroyed, and the Germans were free to march upon Paris. This seemed easy. There could be no organized opposition to their progress,4 and Paris, Later operations. if not so defenceless as in 1814, was more populous. Starvation was the best method of attacking an overcrowded fortress, and the Parisians were not thought to be proof against the deprivation of their accustomed luxuries. Even Moltke hoped that by the end of October he would be “shooting hares at Creisau,” and with this confidence the German III. and IV. armies left the vicinity of Sedan on the 4th of September. The march called for no more than good staff arrangements, and the two armies arrived before Paris a fortnight later and gradually encircled the place—the III. army on the south, the IV. on the north side—in the last days of September. Headquarters were established at Versailles. Meanwhile the Third Empire had fallen, giving place on the 4th of September to a republican Government of National Defence, which made its appeal to, and evoked, the spirit of 1792. Henceforward the French nation, which had left the conduct of the war to the regular army and had been little more than an excited spectator, took the burden upon itself.

In just five weeks, one of the French field armies was trapped in Metz, the other was destroyed, and the Germans were free to advance on Paris. This seemed straightforward. There was no organized resistance to their advance, and Paris, while not as defenseless as it was in 1814, was more populated. Starvation was seen as the best way to attack an overcrowded fortress, and the Parisians were believed to be vulnerable to losing their usual luxuries. Even Moltke anticipated that by the end of October he would be “shooting hares at Creisau,” and with this belief, the German III and IV armies left the area around Sedan on September 4th. The march required nothing more than effective planning, and the two armies reached Paris two weeks later, gradually surrounding the city—the III army to the south and the IV to the north—by the end of September. Headquarters were set up in Versailles. Meanwhile, the Third Empire had collapsed, giving way on September 4th to a republican Government of National Defence, which appealed to and revived the spirit of 1792. From that point on, the French nation, which had previously left the war to the regular army and had mostly been a mere spectator, took on the responsibility itself.

The regular army, indeed, still contained more than 500,000 men (chiefly recruits and reservists), and 50,000 sailors, marines, douaniers, &c., were also available. But the Garde Mobile, framed by Marshal Niel in 1868, doubled this figure, and the addition of the Garde Nationale, called into existence on the 15th of September, and including all able-bodied men of from 31 to 60 years of age, more than trebled it. The German staff had of course to reckon on the Garde Mobile, and did so beforehand, but they wholly underestimated both its effective members and its willingness, while, possessing themselves a system in which all the military elements of the German nation stood close behind the troops of the active army, they ignored the potentialities of the Garde Nationale.

The regular army had over 500,000 soldiers (mostly recruits and reservists), and there were 50,000 sailors, marines, customs officers, etc., also available. However, the Garde Mobile, created by Marshal Niel in 1868, doubled this number, and the addition of the Garde Nationale, established on September 15th and including all able-bodied men aged 31 to 60, more than tripled it. The German staff had to factor in the Garde Mobile and did so in advance, but they completely underestimated both its effective members and their willingness to fight. While they had a system where all military elements of the German nation were readily available to support the active army, they overlooked the capabilities of the Garde Nationale.

Meanwhile, both as a contrast to the events that centred on Paris and because in point of time they were decided for the most part in the weeks immediately following Sedan, we must briefly allude to the sieges conducted by the Germans—Paris (q.v.), Metz (q.v.) and Belfort (q.v.) excepted. Old and ruined as many of them were, the French fortresses possessed considerable importance in the eyes of the Germans. Strassburg, in particular, the key of Alsace, the standing menace to South Germany and the most conspicuous of the spoils of Louis XIV.’s Raubkriege, was an obvious target. Operations were begun on the 9th of August, three days after Wörth, General v. Werder’s corps (Baden troops and Prussian Landwehr) making the siege. The French commandant, General Uhrich, surrendered after a stubborn resistance on the 28th of September. Of the smaller fortresses many, being practically unarmed and without garrisons, capitulated at once. Toul, defended by Major Huck with 2000 mobiles, resisted for forty days, and drew upon itself the efforts of 13,000 men and 100 guns. Verdun, commanded by General Guérin de Waldersbach, held out till after the fall of Metz. Some of the fortresses lying to the north of the Prussian line of advance on Paris, e.g. Mézières, resisted up to January 1871, though of course this was very largely due to the diminution of pressure caused by the appearance of new French field armies in October. On the 9th of September a strange incident took place at the surrender of Laon. A powder magazine was blown up by the soldiers in charge and 300 French and a few German soldiers were killed by the explosion. But as the Germans advanced, their lines of communication were thoroughly organized, and the belt of country between Paris and the Prussian frontier subdued and garrisoned. Most of these fortresses were small town enceintes, dating from Vauban’s time, and open, under the new conditions of warfare, to concentric bombardment from positions formerly out of range, upon which the besieger could place as many guns as he chose to employ. In addition they were usually deficient in armament and stores and garrisoned by newly-raised troops. Belfort, where the defenders strained every nerve to keep the besiegers out of bombarding range, and Paris formed the only exceptions to this general rule.

Meanwhile, as a contrast to the events centered around Paris and because they mostly took place in the weeks right after Sedan, we should briefly mention the sieges carried out by the Germans—excluding Paris (q.v.), Metz (q.v.), and Belfort (q.v.). Even though many of these fortresses were old and damaged, they were still seen as significant by the Germans. Strassburg, in particular, the key to Alsace, a constant threat to South Germany, and the most notable of the spoils from Louis XIV’s Raubkriege, was a clear target. Operations began on August 9th, three days after Wörth, with General v. Werder’s corps (Baden troops and Prussian Landwehr) leading the siege. The French commander, General Uhrich, surrendered after a fierce resistance on September 28th. Many of the smaller fortresses, being virtually unarmed and without garrisons, surrendered immediately. Toul, defended by Major Huck with 2,000 mobile soldiers, held out for forty days, attracting the efforts of 13,000 men and 100 guns. Verdun, commanded by General Guérin de Waldersbach, held until after the fall of Metz. Some of the fortresses north of the Prussian advance line on Paris, such as Mézières, resisted until January 1871, largely due to the reduced pressure from the arrival of new French field armies in October. On September 9th, a strange incident happened during the surrender of Laon. A powder magazine was blown up by the soldiers in charge, killing 300 French soldiers and a few German soldiers in the explosion. However, as the Germans advanced, their lines of communication were well organized, and the area between Paris and the Prussian border was secured and garrisoned. Most of these fortresses were small town defenses from Vauban’s era, which, under the new conditions of warfare, were vulnerable to concentric bombardment from positions that were previously out of range, allowing the besieger to use as many guns as they wanted. Additionally, they usually lacked proper armament and supplies and were manned by newly raised troops. Belfort, where the defenders made every effort to keep the besiegers out of bombardment range, and Paris were the only exceptions to this general rule.

The policy of the new French government was defined by Jules Favre on the 6th of September. “It is for the king of Prussia, who has declared that he is making war on the Empire and not on France, to stay his hand; we The “Défense Nationale.” shall not cede an inch of our territory or a stone of our fortresses.” These proud words, so often ridiculed as empty bombast, were the prelude of a national effort which re-established France in the eyes of Europe as a great power, even though provinces and fortresses were ceded in the peace that that effort proved unable to avert. They were translated into action by Léon Gambetta, who escaped from Paris in a balloon on the 7th of October, and established the headquarters of the defence at Tours, where already the “Delegation” of the central government—which had decided to remain in Paris—had concentrated the machinery of government. Thenceforward Gambetta and his principal assistant de Freycinet directed the whole war in the open country, co-ordinating it, as best they could with the precarious means of communication at their disposal, with Trochu’s military operations in and round the capital. His critics—Gambetta’s personality was such as to ensure him numerous enemies among the higher civil and military officials, over whom, in the interests of La Patrie, he rode rough-shod—have acknowledged the fact, which is patent enough in any case, that nothing but Gambetta’s driving energy enabled France in a few weeks to create and to equip twelve army corps, representing thirty-six divisions (600,000 rifles and 1400 guns), after all her organized regular field troops had been destroyed or neutralized. But it is claimed that by undue interference with the generals at the front, by presuming to dictate their plans of campaign, and by forcing them to act when the troops were unready, Gambetta and de Freycinet nullified the efforts of themselves and the rest of the nation and subjected France 12 to a humiliating treaty of peace. We cannot here discuss the justice or injustice of such a general condemnation, or even whether in individual instances Gambetta trespassed too far into the special domain of the soldier. But even the brief narrative given below must at least suggest to the reader the existence amongst the generals and higher officials of a dead weight of passive resistance to the Delegation’s orders, of unnecessary distrust of the qualities of the improvised troops, and above all of the utter fear of responsibility that twenty years of literal obedience had bred. The closest study of the war cannot lead to any other conclusion than this, that whether or not Gambetta as a strategist took the right course in general or in particular cases, no one else would have taken any course whatever.

The policy of the new French government was outlined by Jules Favre on September 6th. “It is up to the king of Prussia, who claims he is waging war on the Empire and not on France, to step back; we will not give up an inch of our territory or a single stone of our fortresses.” These proud words, often dismissed as mere rhetoric, marked the beginning of a national effort that restored France's reputation as a great power in Europe, even though provinces and fortresses were surrendered in the peace that this effort ultimately failed to prevent. This was put into action by Léon Gambetta, who escaped Paris in a balloon on October 7th and set up the defense headquarters in Tours, where the “Delegation” of the central government—deciding to stay in Paris—had gathered the government machinery. From then on, Gambetta and his main assistant de Freycinet directed the entire war in the countryside, trying their best to coordinate with the limited communication methods available with Trochu’s military operations in and around the capital. His critics—Gambetta’s personality ensured he had many enemies among higher civil and military officials, over whom he was quite domineering for the sake of La Patrie—have acknowledged the obvious fact that only Gambetta’s relentless energy allowed France to create and equip twelve army corps, representing thirty-six divisions (600,000 rifles and 1,400 guns), in just a few weeks, after all its organized regular field troops had been destroyed or neutralized. However, it is argued that by interfering too much with the generals at the front, trying to dictate their campaign plans, and forcing them to act when the troops were unprepared, Gambetta and de Freycinet undermined their own efforts and those of the nation, leading France to a humiliating peace treaty. We cannot dive into whether such a broad condemnation is justified or if Gambetta overstepped into the military’s domain in certain cases. However, even the brief account provided below must hint at the existence of a significant amount of passive resistance among the generals and higher officials to the Delegation’s orders, unnecessary distrust of the improvised troops' capabilities, and a profound fear of responsibility that two decades of strict obedience had fostered. A close examination of the war leads to the unavoidable conclusion that, regardless of whether Gambetta was right or wrong in his strategic decisions, no one else would have taken any action at all.

On the approach of the enemy Paris hastened its preparations for defence to the utmost, while in the provinces, out of reach of the German cavalry, new army corps were rapidly organized out of the few constituted regular units not involved in the previous catastrophes, the depot troops and the mobile national guard. The first-fruits of these efforts were seen in Beauce, where early in October important masses of French troops prepared not only to bar the further progress of the invader but actually to relieve Paris. The so-called “fog of war”—the armed inhabitants, francs-tireurs, sedentary national guard and volunteers—prevented the German cavalry from venturing far out from the infantry camps around Paris, and behind this screen the new 15th army corps assembled on the Loire. But an untimely demonstration of force alarmed the Germans, all of whom, from Moltke downwards, had hitherto disbelieved in the existence of the French new formations, and the still unready 15th corps found itself the target of an expedition of the I. Bavarian corps, which drove the defenders out of Orleans after a sharp struggle, while at the same time another expedition swept the western part of Beauce, sacked Châteaudun as a punishment for its brave defence, and returned via Chartres, which was occupied.

As the enemy approached, Paris quickly ramped up its defense preparations to the max, while in the provinces, safely out of reach of the German cavalry, new army corps were rapidly formed from the few remaining regular units that hadn’t been caught up in the earlier disasters, along with the depot troops and the mobile national guard. The first signs of these efforts appeared in Beauce, where, in early October, significant numbers of French troops were getting ready not just to block the enemy’s advance but actually to relieve Paris. The so-called “fog of war”—the armed locals, francs-tireurs, stationary national guard, and volunteers—kept the German cavalry from moving far from the infantry camps around Paris, and behind this protection, the new 15th army corps gathered on the Loire. However, an untimely display of force startled the Germans, all of whom, from Moltke down, had previously doubted the existence of these new French formations, and the still-unprepared 15th corps became the target of an operation by the I. Bavarian corps, which pushed the defenders out of Orleans after a fierce fight, while at the same time, another operation swept through the western part of Beauce, looted Châteaudun as punishment for its brave defense, and returned via Chartres, which was occupied.

After these events the French forces disappeared from German eyes for some weeks. D’Aurelle de Paladines, the commander of the “Army of the Loire” (15th and 16th corps), improvised a camp of instruction at Salbris in Sologne, several marches out of reach, and subjected his raw troops to a stern régime of drill and discipline. At the same time an “Army of the West” began to gather on the side of Le Mans. This army was almost imaginary, yet rumours of its existence and numbers led the German commanders into the gravest errors, for they soon came to suspect that the main army lay on that side and not on the Loire, and this mistaken impression governed the German dispositions up to the very eve of the decisive events around Orleans in December. Thus when at last D’Aurelle took the offensive from Tours (whither he had transported his forces, now 100,000 strong) against the position of the I. Bavarian corps near Orleans, he found his task easy. The Bavarians, outnumbered and unsupported, were defeated with heavy losses in the battle of Coulmiers (November 9), and, had it not been for the inexperience, want of combination, and other technical weaknesses of the French, they would have been annihilated. What the results of such a victory as Coulmiers might have been, had it been won by a fully organized, smoothly working army of the same strength, it is difficult to overestimate. As it was, the retirement of the Bavarians rang the alarm bell all along the line of the German positions, and that was all.

After these events, the French forces vanished from German sight for a few weeks. D’Aurelle de Paladines, the commander of the “Army of the Loire” (15th and 16th corps), set up a training camp at Salbris in Sologne, several marches away, and put his inexperienced troops through a tough regimen of drill and discipline. At the same time, an “Army of the West” began to form near Le Mans. This army was mostly a fiction, yet rumors about its existence and size led the German commanders into serious mistakes, as they soon started to believe that the main army was on that side and not on the Loire. This false impression influenced the German strategies right up to the eve of the decisive events around Orleans in December. Thus, when D’Aurelle finally went on the offensive from Tours (where he had moved his forces, now 100,000 strong) against the position of the I. Bavarian corps near Orleans, he found his task manageable. The Bavarians, outnumbered and without support, were defeated with significant losses in the battle of Coulmiers (November 9), and if it weren't for the inexperience, lack of coordination, and other technical weaknesses of the French, they would have been crushed. It's hard to overstate what the outcome of a victory like Coulmiers might have been if it had been won by a fully organized, smoothly operating army of the same strength. As it stood, the retreat of the Bavarians raised alarm bells all along the line of the German positions, and that was about it.

Then once again, instead of following up its success, the French army disappeared from view. The victory had emboldened the “fog of war” to make renewed efforts, and resistance to the pressure of the German cavalry grew day by day. The Bavarians were reinforced by two Prussian divisions and by all available cavalry commands, and constituted as an “army detachment” under the grand-duke Friedrich Franz of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to deal with the Army of the Loire, the strength of which was far from being accurately known. Meantime the capitulation of Metz on the 28th of October had set free the veterans of Prince Frederick Charles, the best troops in the German army, for field operations. The latter were at first misdirected to the upper Seine, and yet another opportunity arose for the French to raise the siege of Paris. But D’Aurelle utilized the time he had gained in strengthening the army and in imparting drill and discipline to the new units which gathered round the original nucleus of the 15th and 16th corps. All this was, however, unknown and even unsuspected at the German headquarters, and the invaders, feeling the approaching crisis, became more than uneasy as to their prospects of maintaining the siege of Paris.

Then once again, instead of building on its success, the French army vanished from sight. The victory had encouraged the chaos of war to make renewed efforts, and resistance to the pressure from the German cavalry increased day by day. The Bavarians were bolstered by two Prussian divisions and all available cavalry units, forming an “army detachment” under Grand Duke Friedrich Franz of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to confront the Army of the Loire, whose strength was still far from accurately known. Meanwhile, the surrender of Metz on October 28 had released the veterans of Prince Frederick Charles, the best troops in the German army, for field operations. Initially, they were misdirected to the upper Seine, and yet another chance opened up for the French to lift the siege of Paris. However, D’Aurelle used the time he gained to strengthen the army and to drill and discipline the new units gathering around the original core of the 15th and 16th corps. All of this, though, was unknown and even unsuspected at the German headquarters, and the invaders, sensing the impending crisis, grew increasingly uneasy about their chances of maintaining the siege of Paris.

At this moment, in the middle of November, the general situation was as follows: the German III. and Meuse armies, investing Paris, had had to throw off important detachments to protect the enterprise, which they had The Orleans campaign. undertaken on the assumption that no further field armies of the enemy were to be encountered. The maintenance of their communications with Germany, relatively unimportant when the struggle took place in the circumstances of field warfare, had become supremely necessary, now that the army had come to a standstill and undertaken a great siege, which required heavy guns and constant replenishment of ammunition and stores. The rapidity of the German invasion had left no time for the proper organization and full garrisoning of these communications, which were now threatened, not merely by the Army of the Loire, but by other forces assembling on the area protected by Langres and Belfort. The latter, under General Cambriels, were held in check and no more by the Baden troops and reserve units (XIV. German corps) under General Werder, and eventually without arousing attention they were able to send 40,000 men to the Army of the Loire. This army, still around Orleans, thus came to number perhaps 150,000 men, and opposed to it, about the 14th of November, the Germans had only the Army Detachment of about 40,000, the II. army being still distant. It was under these conditions that the famous Orleans campaign took place. After many vicissitudes of fortune, and with many misunderstandings between Prince Frederick Charles, Moltke and the grand-duke, the Germans were ultimately victorious, thanks principally to the brilliant fighting of the X. corps at Beaune-la-Rolande (28th of November), which was followed by the battle of Loigny-Poupry on the 2nd of December and the second capture of Orleans after heavy fighting on the 4th of December.

At this moment, in the middle of November, the general situation was as follows: the German III and Meuse armies, surrounding Paris, had to detach significant forces to protect their operation, which they had undertaken with the assumption that they wouldn’t encounter any additional enemy field armies. Maintaining their communication lines with Germany, which had seemed relatively unimportant during the field warfare, had become crucial now that the army had stalled and was engaged in a major siege that required heavy artillery and a continuous supply of ammunition and resources. The speed of the German invasion had left no time to properly organize and fully secure these communication lines, which were now at risk, not just from the Army of the Loire, but also from other forces gathering in the area defended by Langres and Belfort. The latter, under General Cambriels, were held back, albeit just barely, by the Baden troops and reserve units (XIV German corps) under General Werder, and eventually, without drawing attention, they managed to send 40,000 men to the Army of the Loire. This army, still around Orleans, thus grew to around 150,000 men, while the Germans could only muster about 40,000 as their Army Detachment, with the II army still far away. It was under these conditions that the famous Orleans campaign took place. After many twists of fate, and with numerous misunderstandings between Prince Frederick Charles, Moltke, and the grand-duke, the Germans ultimately triumphed, thanks mainly to the brilliant fighting of the X corps at Beaune-la-Rolande on the 28th of November, followed by the battle of Loigny-Poupry on the 2nd of December and the second capture of Orleans after intense fighting on the 4th of December.

The result of the capture of Orleans was the severance of the two wings of the French army, henceforward commanded respectively by Chanzy and Bourbaki. The latter fell back at once and hastily, though not closely pursued, to Bourges. But Chanzy, opposing the Detachment between Beaugency and the Forest of Marchenoir, was of sterner metal, and in the five days’ general engagement around Beaugency (December 7-11) the Germans gained little or no real advantage. Indeed their solitary material success, the capture of Beaugency, was due chiefly to the fact that the French there were subjected to conflicting orders from the military and the governmental authorities. Chanzy then abandoned little but the field of battle, and on the grand-duke’s representations Prince Frederick Charles, leaving a mere screen to impose upon Bourbaki (who allowed himself to be deceived and remained inactive), hurried thither with the II. army. After that Chanzy was rapidly driven north-westward, though always presenting a stubborn front. The Delegation left Tours and betook itself to Bordeaux, whence it directed the government for the rest of the war. But all this continuous marching and fighting, and the growing severity of the weather, compelled Prince Frederick Charles to call a halt for a few days. About the 19th of December, therefore, the Germans (II. army and Detachment) were closed up in the region of Chartres, Orleans, Auxerre and Fontainebleau, Chanzy along the river Sarthe about Le Mans and Bourbaki still passive towards Bourges.

The capture of Orleans resulted in the split of the two wings of the French army, which were now led by Chanzy and Bourbaki. The latter quickly retreated, although he wasn't closely pursued, to Bourges. Chanzy, who faced the Detachment between Beaugency and the Forest of Marchenoir, was more determined, and during the five-day engagement around Beaugency (December 7-11), the Germans made little to no significant gains. Their only material success, capturing Beaugency, was mainly due to the confusion caused by contradictory orders from military and government authorities. Chanzy then left behind mostly just the battlefield, and on the Grand Duke’s advice, Prince Frederick Charles, leaving only a small force to mislead Bourbaki (who was fooled and stayed inactive), quickly moved with the II army. After that, Chanzy was pushed rapidly northwest, though he always put up a strong defense. The Delegation left Tours and moved to Bordeaux, where it managed the government for the duration of the war. However, all this constant marching and fighting, along with the worsening weather, forced Prince Frederick Charles to pause for a few days. By around December 19, the Germans (II army and Detachment) were concentrated in the area of Chartres, Orleans, Auxerre, and Fontainebleau, while Chanzy was positioned along the Sarthe River near Le Mans and Bourbaki remained inactive near Bourges.

During this, as during other halts, the French government and its generals occupied themselves with fresh plans of campaign, the former with an eager desire for results, the latter (Chanzy excepted) with many misgivings. Ultimately, and 13 fatally, it was decided that Bourbaki, whom nothing could move towards Orleans, should depart for the south-east, with a view to relieving Belfort and striking perpendicularly against the long line of the Germans’ communications. This movement, bold to the point of extreme rashness judged by any theoretical rules of strategy, seems to have been suggested by de Freycinet. As the execution of it fell actually into incapable hands, it is difficult to judge what would have been the result had a Chanzy or a Faidherbe been in command of the French. At any rate it was vicious in so far as immediate advantages were sacrificed to hopes of ultimate success which Gambetta and de Freycinet did wrong to base on Bourbaki’s powers of generalship. Late in December, for good or evil, Bourbaki marched off into Franche-Comté and ceased to be a factor in the Loire campaign. A mere calculation of time and space sufficed to show the German headquarters that the moment had arrived to demolish the stubborn Chanzy.

During this time, like at other stops, the French government and its generals were busy making new plans for the campaign. The government was eager for results, while the generals (except for Chanzy) were filled with doubts. Ultimately, and disastrously, they decided that Bourbaki, who wouldn’t budge toward Orleans, should head southeast to relieve Belfort and strike perpendicularly against the long line of German communications. This move, incredibly risky according to any standard strategic principles, seems to have been suggested by de Freycinet. Since the execution fell into incapable hands, it’s hard to say what might have happened if Chanzy or Faidherbe had been in charge of the French forces. In any case, the strategy was flawed because immediate gains were sacrificed for hopes of future success, which Gambetta and de Freycinet wrongly based on Bourbaki’s abilities as a general. Late in December, for better or worse, Bourbaki marched off to Franche-Comté and stopped being a factor in the Loire campaign. A simple calculation of time and distance revealed to the German headquarters that the moment had come to take down the stubborn Chanzy.

Prince Frederick Charles resumed the interrupted offensive, pushing westward with four corps and four cavalry divisions which converged on Le Mans. There on the 10th, 11th and 12th of January 1871 a stubbornly contested Le Mans. battle ended with the retreat of the French, who owed their defeat solely to the misbehaviour of the Breton mobiles. These, after deserting their post on the battlefield at a mere threat of the enemy’s infantry, fled in disorder and infected with their terrors the men in the reserve camps of instruction, which broke up in turn. But Chanzy, resolute as ever, drew off his field army intact towards Laval, where a freshly raised corps joined him. The prince’s army was far too exhausted to deliver another effective blow, and the main body of it gradually drew back into better quarters, while the grand duke departed for the north to aid in opposing Faidherbe. Some idea of the strain to which the invaders had been subjected may be gathered from the fact that army corps, originally 30,000 strong, were in some cases reduced to 10,000 and even fewer bayonets. And at this moment Bourbaki was at the head of 120,000 men! Indeed, so threatening seemed the situation on the Loire, though the French south of that river between Gien and Blois were mere isolated brigades, that the prince hurried back from Le Mans to Orleans to take personal command. A fresh French corps, bearing the number 25, and being the twenty-first actually raised during the war, appeared in the field towards Blois. Chanzy was again at the head of 156,000 men. He was about to take the offensive against the 40,000 Germans left near Le Mans when to his bitter disappointment he received the news of the armistice. “We have still France,” he had said to his staff, undeterred by the news of the capitulation of Paris, but now he had to submit, for even if his improvised army was still cheerful, there were many significant tokens that the people at large had sunk into apathy and hoped to avoid worse terms of peace by discontinuing the contest at once.

Prince Frederick Charles resumed the halted offensive, moving west with four corps and four cavalry divisions that focused on Le Mans. There, on January 10th, 11th, and 12th, 1871, a fiercely contested battle concluded with the French retreat, which was primarily due to the failure of the Breton mobiles. These troops, after abandoning their position on the battlefield at the slightest threat from the enemy’s infantry, fled in chaos, spreading their panic to those in the reserve camps, which then disbanded as well. However, Chanzy, as determined as ever, managed to withdraw his field army intact toward Laval, where a newly formed corps joined him. The prince's army was far too worn out to launch another effective attack, and its main body gradually retreated to better quarters, while the grand duke headed north to assist in countering Faidherbe. The pressure on the invaders can be illustrated by the fact that army corps, once 30,000 strong, were in some cases reduced to 10,000 or even fewer soldiers. At that moment, Bourbaki was leading 120,000 men! The situation on the Loire seemed so dire, despite the French south of that river being just scattered brigades, that the prince rushed back from Le Mans to Orleans to take personal command. A new French corps, designated as number 25 and being the twenty-first raised during the war, joined the field near Blois. Chanzy was again commanding 156,000 men. He was poised to go on the offensive against the 40,000 Germans left near Le Mans when, to his deep frustration, he learned of the armistice. “We still have France,” he had told his staff, undeterred by the news of Paris’s capitulation, but now he had to comply, for even though his makeshift army remained in good spirits, there were many signs that the general population had fallen into apathy and sought to avoid harsher peace terms by ending the fight immediately.

So ended the critical period of the “Défense nationale.” It may be taken to have lasted from the day of Coulmiers to the last day of Le Mans, and its central point was the battle of Beaune-la-Rolande. Its characteristics were, on the German side, inadequacy of the system of strategy practised, which became palpable as soon as the organs of reconnaissance met with serious resistance, misjudgment of and indeed contempt for the fighting powers of “new formations,” and the rise of a spirit of ferocity in the man in the ranks, born of his resentment at the continuance of the war and the ceaseless sniping of the franc-tireur’s rifle and the peasant’s shot-gun. On the French side the continual efforts of the statesmen to stimulate the generals to decisive efforts, coupled with actual suggestions as to the plans of the campaign to be followed (in default, be it said, of the generals themselves producing such plans), and the professional soldiers’ distrust of half-trained troops, acted and reacted upon one another in such a way as to neutralize the powerful, if disconnected and erratic, forces that the war and the Republic had unchained. As for the soldiers themselves, their most conspicuous qualities were their uncomplaining endurance of fatigues and wet bivouacs, and in action their capacity for a single great effort and no more. But they were unreliable in the hands of the veteran regular general, because they were heterogeneous in recruiting, and unequal in experience and military qualities, and the French staff in those days was wholly incapable of moving masses of troops with the rapidity demanded by the enemy’s methods of war, so that on the whole it is difficult to know whether to wonder more at their missing success or at their so nearly achieving it.

So ended the critical period of the “Défense nationale.” It can be considered to have lasted from the day of Coulmiers to the last day of Le Mans, with the battle of Beaune-la-Rolande as its focal point. On the German side, the shortcomings of their strategic system became evident as soon as their reconnaissance forces faced serious opposition. They misjudged and even underestimated the combat abilities of “new formations,” leading to a fierce spirit among the soldiers, driven by their frustration with the ongoing war and the relentless attacks from franc-tireurs and farmers. On the French side, there were constant efforts from politicians to urge the generals into decisive actions, along with actual suggestions for campaign strategies—especially since the generals themselves failed to provide such plans. The professional soldiers' suspicion of the less-trained troops mirrored these tensions and ultimately neutralized the powerful, even if inconsistent and erratic, forces that the war and the Republic had unleashed. As for the soldiers, their most notable traits were their patient endurance during exhausting and wet bivouacs, and in battle, their ability to make a single significant effort. However, they were unreliable in the hands of veteran regulars because of their mixed backgrounds, varied experience, and differing military skills. The French staff of that time was completely incapable of moving large numbers of troops with the speed that the enemy’s warfare required, making it hard to determine whether to be more amazed by their missed opportunities or by how close they came to success.

The decision, as we have said, was fought out on the Loire and the Sarthe. Nevertheless the glorious story of the “Défense nationale” includes two other important campaigns—that of Faidherbe in the north and that of Bourbaki in the east.

The decision, as we mentioned, was battled on the Loire and the Sarthe. Still, the remarkable tale of the “Défense nationale” includes two other significant campaigns—Faidherbe's in the north and Bourbaki's in the east.

In the north the organization of the new formations was begun by Dr Testelin and General Farre. Bourbaki held the command for a short time in November before proceeding to Tours, but the active command in field Faidherbe’s campaign. operations came into the hands of Faidherbe, a general whose natural powers, so far from being cramped by years of peace routine and court repression, had been developed by a career of pioneer warfare and colonial administration. General Farre was his capable chief of staff. Troops were raised from fugitives from Metz and Sedan, as well as from depot troops and the Garde Mobile, and several minor successes were won by the national troops in the Seine valley, for here, as on the side of the Loire, mere detachments of the investing army round Paris were almost powerless. But the capitulation of Metz came too soon for the full development of these sources of military strength, and the German I. army under Manteuffel, released from duty at Metz, marched north-eastward, capturing the minor fortresses on its way. Before Faidherbe assumed command, Farre had fought several severe actions near Amiens, but, greatly outnumbered, had been defeated and forced to retire behind the Somme. Another French general, Briand, had also engaged the enemy without success near Rouen. Faidherbe assumed the command on the 3rd of December, and promptly moved forward. A general engagement on the little river Hallue (December 23), east-north-east of Amiens, was fought with no decisive results, but Faidherbe, feeling that his troops were only capable of winning victories in the first rush, drew them off on the 24th. His next effort, at Bapaûme (January 2-3, 1871), was more successful, but its effects were counterbalanced by the surrender of the fortress of Péronne (January 9) and the consequent establishment of the Germans on the line of the Somme. Meanwhile the Rouen troops had been contained by a strong German detachment, and there was no further chance of succouring Paris from the north. But Faidherbe, like Chanzy, was far from despair, and in spite of the deficiencies of his troops in equipment (50,000 pairs of shoes, supplied by English contractors, proved to have paper soles), he risked a third great battle at St Quentin (January 19). This time he was severely defeated, though his loss in killed and wounded was about equal to that of the Germans, who were commanded by Goeben. Still the attempt of the Germans to surround him failed and he drew off his forces with his artillery and trains unharmed. The Germans, who had been greatly impressed by the solidity of his army, did not pursue him far, and Faidherbe was preparing for a fresh effort when he received orders to suspend hostilities.

In the north, the organization of the new formations was started by Dr. Testelin and General Farre. Bourbaki held command for a brief period in November before moving to Tours, but the active command of field operations fell to Faidherbe, a general whose natural abilities, rather than being stifled by years of peacetime routine and court restrictions, had been honed through a career of pioneering warfare and colonial administration. General Farre was his capable chief of staff. Troops were recruited from refugees fleeing Metz and Sedan, as well as from depot troops and the Garde Mobile, and several minor victories were achieved by the national forces in the Seine valley, where, as on the Loire side, small detachments of the army surrounding Paris were mostly ineffective. However, the surrender of Metz came too quickly for the full development of these military resources, and the German I. army under Manteuffel, released from Metz, marched northeast, capturing smaller fortresses along the way. Before Faidherbe took command, Farre had engaged in several intense battles near Amiens but, heavily outnumbered, had been defeated and forced to retreat behind the Somme. Another French general, Briand, also faced the enemy unsuccessfully near Rouen. Faidherbe took command on December 3 and quickly moved forward. A general engagement on the Hallue River (December 23), to the east-northeast of Amiens, resulted in no decisive outcome, but Faidherbe, realizing his troops were only able to secure victories in their initial assaults, withdrew them on the 24th. His next attempt, at Bapaume (January 2-3, 1871), was more successful, but its impact was offset by the surrender of the fortress of Péronne (January 9) and the subsequent positioning of the Germans along the Somme. Meanwhile, the troops at Rouen had been contained by a strong German detachment, eliminating any chance of relieving Paris from the north. However, Faidherbe, like Chanzy, remained hopeful, and despite his troops being poorly equipped (50,000 pairs of shoes provided by English contractors turned out to have paper soles), he risked a third major battle at St. Quentin (January 19). This time, he suffered a heavy defeat, although his casualties in killed and wounded were about equal to those of the Germans, who were led by Goeben. Still, the Germans' attempt to encircle him failed, and he managed to withdraw his forces along with his artillery and supply trains unscathed. The Germans, impressed by the strength of his army, did not pursue him far, and Faidherbe was preparing for another attempt when he received orders to halt hostilities.

The last episode is Bourbaki’s campaign in the east, with its mournful close at Pontarlier. Before the crisis of the last week of November, the French forces under General Crémer, Cambriels’ successor, had been so far successful in minor enterprises that, as mentioned above, the right wing of the Loire army, severed from the left by the battle of Orleans and subsequently held inactive at Bourges and Nevers, was ordered to Franche Comté to take the offensive against the XIV. corps and other German troops there, to relieve Belfort and to strike a blow across the invaders’ line of communications. But there were many delays in execution. The staff work, which was at no time satisfactory in the French armies of 1870, was complicated by the snow, the bad state of the roads, and the mountainous nature of the country, and Bourbaki, a brave general of division in action, 14 but irresolute and pretentious as a commander in chief, was not the man to cope with the situation. Only the furious courage and patient endurance of hardships of the rank and file, and the good qualities of some of the generals, such as Clinchant, Crémer and Billot, and junior staff officers such as Major Brugère (afterwards generalissimo of the French army), secured what success was attained.

The final episode is Bourbaki’s campaign in the east, ending sadly at Pontarlier. Before the crisis in the last week of November, the French forces under General Crémer, who took over from Cambriels, had been relatively successful in smaller operations so that, as noted earlier, the right wing of the Loire army, cut off from the left due to the battle of Orleans and later kept inactive at Bourges and Nevers, was ordered to Franche Comté to go on the offensive against the XIV corps and other German troops there, to relieve Belfort and to strike at the invaders’ supply lines. However, execution faced many delays. The planning, which was never very effective in the French armies of 1870, was made worse by the snow, poor road conditions, and the mountainous terrain, and Bourbaki, a brave division general in action but uncertain and pompous as a commander in chief, was not the right person to handle the situation. Only the fierce bravery and patient endurance of the troops, along with the good qualities of some of the generals, like Clinchant, Crémer, and Billot, and junior staff officers like Major Brugère (who later became generalissimo of the French army), managed to achieve whatever success was reached.

Werder, the German commander, warned of the imposing concentration of the French, evacuated Dijon and Dôle just in time to avoid the blow and rapidly drew together his forces behind the Ognon above Vesoul. A furious The campaign in the East. attack on one of his divisions at Villersexel (January 9) cost him 2000 prisoners as well as his killed and wounded, and Bourbaki, heading for Belfort, was actually nearer to the fortress than the Germans. But at the crisis more time was wasted, Werder (who had almost lost hope of maintaining himself and had received both encouragement and stringent instructions to do so) slipped in front of the French, and took up a long weak line of defence on the river Lisaine, almost within cannon shot of Belfort. The cumbrous French army moved up and attacked him there with 150,000 against 60,000 (January 15-17, 1871). It was at last repulsed, thanks chiefly to Bourbaki’s inability to handle his forces, and, to the bitter disappointment of officers and men alike, he ordered a retreat, leaving Belfort to its fate.

Werder, the German commander, cautioned against the large concentration of French forces, evacuated Dijon and Dôle just in time to avoid a blow, and quickly gathered his troops behind the Ognon River above Vesoul. A fierce attack on one of his divisions at Villersexel (January 9) resulted in 2,000 prisoners along with his killed and wounded, and Bourbaki, who was heading for Belfort, was actually closer to the fortress than the Germans. However, at a critical moment, more time was wasted; Werder, who had nearly lost hope of holding his position and had received both encouragement and strict orders to do so, moved in front of the French and established a long, weak line of defense on the Lisaine River, almost in cannon range of Belfort. The cumbersome French army advanced and attacked him there with 150,000 troops against 60,000 (January 15-17, 1871). Finally, they were repulsed, mainly due to Bourbaki's inability to manage his forces, and to the bitter disappointment of both officers and men, he ordered a retreat, leaving Belfort to its fate.

Ere this, so urgent was the necessity of assisting Werder, Manteuffel had been placed at the head of a new Army of the South. Bringing two corps from the I. army opposing Faidherbe and calling up a third from the armies around Paris, and a fourth from the II. army, Manteuffel hurried southward by Langres to the Saône. Then, hearing of Werder’s victory on the Lisaine, he deflected the march so as to cut off Bourbaki’s retreat, drawing off the left flank guard of the latter (commanded with much éclat and little real effect by Garibaldi) by a sharp feint attack on Dijon. The pressure of Werder in front and Manteuffel in flank gradually forced the now thoroughly disheartened French forces towards the Swiss frontier, and Bourbaki, realizing at once the ruin of his army and his own incapacity to re-establish its efficiency, shot himself, though not fatally, on the 26th of January. Clinchant, his successor, acted promptly enough to remove the immediate danger, but on the 29th he was informed of the armistice without at the same time being told that Belfort and the eastern theatre of war had been on Jules Favre’s demand expressly excepted from its operation.5 Thus the French, the leaders distracted by doubts and the worn-out soldiers fully aware that the war was practically over, stood still, while Manteuffel completed his preparations for hemming them in. On the 1st of February General Clinchant led his troops into Switzerland, where they were disarmed, interned and well cared for by the authorities of the neutral state. The rearguard fought a last action with the advancing Germans before passing the frontier. On the 16th, by order of the French government, Belfort capitulated, but it was not until the 11th of March that the Germans took possession of Bitche, the little fortress on the Vosges, where in the early days of the war de Failly had illustrated so signally the want of concerted action and the neglect of opportunities which had throughout proved the bane of the French armies.

Before this, the need to support Werder was so urgent that Manteuffel was put in charge of a new Army of the South. He brought two corps from the I. army facing Faidherbe and called up a third from the armies around Paris, plus a fourth from the II. army. Manteuffel quickly moved south via Langres to the Saône. Then, upon hearing about Werder’s victory at Lisaine, he changed his route to cut off Bourbaki’s retreat. He distracted the left flank guard of Bourbaki (commanded with much flair but little real impact by Garibaldi) with a sharp feint attack on Dijon. The pressure from Werder in front and Manteuffel on the flank gradually pushed the now completely demoralized French forces towards the Swiss border. Realizing the destruction of his army and his inability to restore its effectiveness, Bourbaki shot himself, though not fatally, on January 26th. Clinchant, his successor, acted quickly enough to mitigate the immediate danger, but on the 29th, he was informed of the armistice without being told that Belfort and the eastern theater of war had been specifically excluded from it at Jules Favre’s request. Thus, the French, with their leaders plagued by doubt and the exhausted soldiers fully aware that the war was essentially over, stood still while Manteuffel finished his plans to encircle them. On February 1st, General Clinchant led his troops into Switzerland, where they were disarmed, interned, and well-treated by the authorities of the neutral state. The rear guard fought one last battle with the advancing Germans before crossing the border. On the 16th, under orders from the French government, Belfort surrendered, but it wasn’t until March 11th that the Germans took control of Bitche, the small fortress in the Vosges, where early in the war de Failly had notably demonstrated the lack of coordinated action and missed opportunities that had consistently troubled the French armies.

The losses of the Germans during the whole war were 28,000 dead and 101,000 wounded and disabled, those of the French, 156,000 dead (17,000 of whom died, of sickness and wounds, as prisoners in German hands) and 143,000 wounded and disabled. 720,000 men surrendered to the Germans or to the authorities of neutral states, and at the close of the war there were still 250,000 troops on foot, with further resources not immediately available to the number of 280,000 more. In this connexion, and as evidence of the respective numerical yields of the German system working normally and of the French improvised for the emergency, we quote from Berndt (Zahl im Kriege) the following comparative figures:—

The total losses for the Germans in the entire war were 28,000 dead and 101,000 wounded and disabled. For the French, the numbers were 156,000 dead (17,000 of whom died from illness and injuries while being held as prisoners by the Germans) and 143,000 wounded and disabled. A total of 720,000 men surrendered to the Germans or to the authorities of neutral countries, and by the end of the war, there were still 250,000 soldiers active, with an additional 280,000 resources not immediately available. In this context, and as evidence of the output from the German system functioning normally compared to the French one improvised for the situation, we reference Berndt (Zahl im Kriege) for the following comparative figures:—

End of July French 250,000, Germans 384,000 under arms.
Middle of November 600,000 425,000
After the surrender of Paris and the
  disarmament of Bourbaki’s army
534,000 835,000

The date of the armistice was the 28th of January, and that of the ratification of the treaty of Frankfurt the 23rd of May 1871.

The armistice was on January 28th, and the ratification of the Treaty of Frankfurt was on May 23rd, 1871.

Bibliography.—The literature of the war is ever increasing in volume, and the following list only includes a very short selection made amongst the most important works.

References.—The literature about the war continues to grow, and the following list includes just a brief selection of some of the most significant works.

General.—German official history, Der deutsch-französische Krieg (Berlin, 1872-1881; English and French translations); monographs of the German general staff (Kriegsgesch. Einzelschriften); Moltke, Gesch. des deutsch-französ. Krieges (Berlin, 1891; English translation) and Gesammelte Schriften des G. F. M. Grafen v. Moltke (Berlin, 1900-  ); French official history, La Guerre de 1870-1871 (Paris, 1902-  ) (the fullest and most accurate account); P. Lehautcourt (General Palat), Hist. de la guerre de 1870-1871 (Paris, 1901-1907); v. Verdy du Vernois, Studien über den Krieg ... auf Grundlage 1870-1871 (Berlin, 1892-1896); G. Cardinal von Widdern, Kritische Tage 1870-1871 (French translation, Journées critiques). Events preceding the war are dealt with in v. Bernhardi, Zwischen zwei Kriegen; Baron Stoffel, Rapports militaires 1866-1870 (Paris, 1871; English translation); G. Lehmann, Die Mobilmachung 1870-1871 (Berlin, 1905).

General.—German official history, Der deutsch-französische Krieg (Berlin, 1872-1881; English and French translations); monographs of the German general staff (Kriegsgesch. Einzelschriften); Moltke, Gesch. des deutsch-französ. Krieges (Berlin, 1891; English translation) and Gesammelte Schriften des G. F. M. Grafen v. Moltke (Berlin, 1900-  ); French official history, La Guerre de 1870-1871 (Paris, 1902-  ) (the fullest and most accurate account); P. Lehautcourt (General Palat), Hist. de la guerre de 1870-1871 (Paris, 1901-1907); v. Verdy du Vernois, Studien über den Krieg ... auf Grundlage 1870-1871 (Berlin, 1892-1896); G. Cardinal von Widdern, Kritische Tage 1870-1871 (French translation, Journées critiques). Events preceding the war are discussed in v. Bernhardi, Zwischen zwei Kriegen; Baron Stoffel, Rapports militaires 1866-1870 (Paris, 1871; English translation); G. Lehmann, Die Mobilmachung 1870-1871 (Berlin, 1905).

For the war in Lorraine: Prince Kraft of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Briefe über Strategie (English translation, Letters on Strategy); F. Foch, Conduite de la guerre, pt. ii.; H. Bonnal, Manœuvre de Saint Privat (Paris, 1904-1906); Maistre, Spicheren (Paris, 1908); v. Schell, Die Operationen der I. Armee unter Gen. von Steinmetz (Berlin, 1872; English translation); F. Hoenig, Taktik der Zukunft (English translation), and 24 Stunden Moltke’schen Strategie (Berlin, 1892; English and French translations).

For the war in Lorraine: Prince Kraft of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Letters on Strategy; F. Foch, Conduct of War, pt. ii.; H. Bonnal, Saint Privat Maneuver (Paris, 1904-1906); Maistre, Spicheren (Paris, 1908); v. Schell, The Operations of the 1st Army under Gen. von Steinmetz (Berlin, 1872; English translation); F. Hoenig, Tactics of the Future (English translation), and 24 Hours of Moltke's Strategy (Berlin, 1892; English and French translations).

For the war in Alsace and Champagne: H. Kunz, Schlacht von Wörth (Berlin, 1891), and later works by the same author; H. Bonnal, Fröschweiler (Paris, 1899); Hahnke, Die Operationen des III. Armee bis Sedan (Berlin, 1873; French translation).

For the war in Alsace and Champagne: H. Kunz, Battle of Wörth (Berlin, 1891), and later works by the same author; H. Bonnal, Fröschweiler (Paris, 1899); Hahnke, The Operations of the III Army up to Sedan (Berlin, 1873; French translation).

For the war in the Provinces: v. der Goltz, Léon Gambetta und seine Armeen (Berlin, 1877); Die Operationen der II. Armee an die Loire (Berlin, 1875); Die sieben Tage von Le Mans (Berlin, 1873); Kunz, Die Zusammensetzung der französ. Provinzialheeren; de Freycinet, La Guerre en province (Paris, 1871); L. A. Hale, The People’s War (London, 1904); Hoenig, Volkskrieg an die Loire (Berlin, 1892); Blume, Operationen v. Sedan bis zum Ende d. Kriegs (Berlin, 1872; English translation); v. Schell, Die Operationen der I. Armee unter Gen. v. Goeben (Berlin, 1873; English translation); Count Wartensleben, Feldzug der Nordarmee unter Gen. v. Manteuffel (Berlin, 1872), Operationen der Sudarmee (Berlin, 1872; English translation); Faidherbe, Campagne de l’armée du nord (Paris, 1872).

For the war in the Provinces: v. der Goltz, Léon Gambetta and His Armies (Berlin, 1877); The Operations of the II Army at the Loire (Berlin, 1875); The Seven Days of Le Mans (Berlin, 1873); Kunz, The Composition of the French Provincial Armies; de Freycinet, The War in the Provinces (Paris, 1871); L. A. Hale, The People’s War (London, 1904); Hoenig, People's War at the Loire (Berlin, 1892); Blume, Operations from Sedan to the End of the War (Berlin, 1872; English translation); v. Schell, The Operations of the I Army under Gen. v. Goeben (Berlin, 1873; English translation); Count Wartensleben, Campaign of the Northern Army under Gen. v. Manteuffel (Berlin, 1872), Operations of the Southern Army (Berlin, 1872; English translation); Faidherbe, Campaign of the Northern Army (Paris, 1872).

For the sieges: Frobenius, Kriegsgesch. Beispiele d. Festungskriegs aus d. deutsch.-franz. Kg. (Berlin, 1899-1900); Goetze, Tätigkeit der deutschen Ingenieuren (Berlin, 1871; English translation).

For the sieges: Frobenius, War History. Examples of Fortress Warfare from the German-French War (Berlin, 1899-1900); Goetze, Activities of the German Engineers (Berlin, 1871; English translation).

The most useful bibliography is that of General Palat (“P. Lehautcourt”).

The most useful bibliography is that of General Palat (“P. Lehautcourt”).

(C. F. A.)

1 This was the celebrated “baptême de feu” of the prince imperial.

1 This was the famous "baptism of fire" of the imperial prince.

2 The II. corps had not yet arrived from Germany.

2 The II. Corps hadn't arrived from Germany yet.

3 Of the I. army the I. corps was retained on the east side of Metz. The II. corps belonged to the II. army, but had not yet reached the front.

3 Of the I. army, the I. corps stayed on the east side of Metz. The II. corps was part of the II. army but hadn't arrived at the front yet.

4 The 13th corps (Vinoy), which had followed MacMahon’s army at some distance, was not involved in the catastrophe of Sedan, and by good luck as well as good management evaded the German pursuit and returned safely to Paris.

4 The 13th corps (Vinoy), which had been trailing MacMahon’s army at a distance, avoided the disaster at Sedan and, thanks to a mix of good luck and smart tactics, escaped the German pursuit and made it back safely to Paris.

5 Jules Favre, it appears, neglected to inform Gambetta of the exception.

5 Jules Favre seemingly forgot to tell Gambetta about the exception.

FRANÇOIS DE NEUFCHÂTEAU, NICOLAS LOUIS, Count (1750-1828), French statesman and poet, was born at Saffais near Rozières in Lorraine on the 17th of April 1750, the son of a school-teacher. He studied at the Jesuit college of Neufchâteau in the Vosges, and at the age of fourteen published a volume of poetry which obtained the approbation of Rousseau and of Voltaire. Neufchâteau conferred on him its name, and he was elected member of some of the principal academies of France. In 1783 he was named procureur-général to the council of Santo Domingo. He had previously been engaged on a translation of Ariosto, which he finished before his return to France five years afterwards, but it perished during the shipwreck which occurred during his voyage home. After the Revolution he was elected deputy suppléant to the National Assembly, was charged with the organization of the Department of the Vosges, and was elected later to the Legislative Assembly, of which he first became secretary and then president. In 1793 he was imprisoned on account of the political sentiments, in reality very innocent, of his drama Pamela ou la vertu récompensée (Théâtre de la Nation, 1st August 1793), but was set free a few days afterwards at the revolution of the 9th Thermidor. In 1797 he became minister of the interior, in which office he distinguished himself by the thoroughness of his administration in all departments. It is to him that France owes its system of inland navigation. He inaugurated the museum of the Louvre, 15 and was one of the promoters of the first universal exhibition of industrial products. From 1804 to 1806 he was president of the Senate, and in that capacity the duty devolved upon him of soliciting Napoleon to assume the title of emperor. In 1808 he received the dignity of count. Retiring from public life in 1814, he occupied himself chiefly in the study of agriculture, until his death on the 10th of January 1828.

FRANÇOIS DE NEUFCHÂTEAU, NICOLAS LOUIS, Count (1750-1828), French statesman and poet, was born in Saffais near Rozières in Lorraine on April 17, 1750, the son of a school teacher. He studied at the Jesuit college of Neufchâteau in the Vosges, and at fourteen, he published a volume of poetry that was praised by Rousseau and Voltaire. Neufchâteau gave him its name, and he was elected to some of the leading academies in France. In 1783, he was appointed procureur-général to the council of Santo Domingo. He had previously been working on a translation of Ariosto, which he completed before returning to France five years later, but it was lost during a shipwreck on his journey home. After the Revolution, he was elected as a deputy suppléant to the National Assembly, was tasked with organizing the Department of the Vosges, and was later elected to the Legislative Assembly, where he first served as secretary and then as president. In 1793, he was imprisoned due to the political views reflected in his play Pamela ou la vertu récompensée (Théâtre de la Nation, August 1, 1793), which were actually quite innocent, but he was released a few days later during the revolution of the 9th Thermidor. In 1797, he became minister of the interior, distinguishing himself with his thorough management across all departments. France owes its system of inland navigation to him. He inaugurated the Louvre museum, 15 and was one of the promoters of the first universal exhibition of industrial products. From 1804 to 1806, he was president of the Senate, and in that role, he was responsible for urging Napoleon to take the title of emperor. In 1808, he was granted the title of count. After retiring from public life in 1814, he focused mainly on studying agriculture until his death on January 10, 1828.

François de Neufchâteau had very multifarious accomplishments, and interested himself in a great variety of subjects, but his fame rests chiefly on what he did as a statesman for the encouragement and development of the industries of France. His maturer poetical productions did not fulfil the promise of those of his early years, for though some of his verses have a superficial elegance, his poetry generally lacks force and originality. He had considerable qualifications as a grammarian and critic, as is witnessed by his editions of the Provinciales and Pensées of Pascal (Paris, 1822 and 1826) and Gil Blas (Paris, 1820). His principal poetical works are Poésies diverses (1765); Ode sur les parlements (1771); Nouveaux Contes moraux (1781); Les Vosges (1796); Fables et contes (1814); and Les Tropes, ou les figures de mots (1817). He was also the author of a large number of works on agriculture.

François de Neufchâteau had a wide range of skills and engaged with many subjects, but he is primarily known for his contributions as a statesman in promoting and developing industries in France. His later poetry did not live up to the promise of his earlier works; while some of his verses have a certain elegance, his poetry typically lacks strength and originality. He was well-qualified as a grammarian and critic, as shown by his editions of the Provinciales and Pensées of Pascal (Paris, 1822 and 1826) and Gil Blas (Paris, 1820). His major poetic works include Poésies diverses (1765); Ode sur les parlements (1771); Nouveaux Contes moraux (1781); Les Vosges (1796); Fables et contes (1814); and Les Tropes, ou les figures de mots (1817). He also wrote a significant number of works on agriculture.

See Recueil des lettres, circulaires, discours et autres actes publics émanés du Çte. François pendant ses deux exercices du ministère de l’intérieur (Paris, An. vii.-viii., 2 vols.); Notice biographique sur M. le comte François de Neufchâteau (1828), by A. F. de Sillery; H. Bonnelier, Mémoires sur François de Neufchâteau (Paris, 1829); J. Lamoureux, Notice historique et littéraire sur la vie et les écrits de François de Neufchâteau (Paris, 1843); E. Meaume, Étude historique et biographique sur les Lorrains révolutionnaires: Palissot, Grégoire, François de Neufchâteau (Nancy, 1882); Ch. Simian, François de Neufchâteau et les expositions (Paris, 1889).

See Collection of Letters, Circulars, Speeches, and Other Public Acts from Count François during his Two Terms as Minister of the Interior (Paris, Year VII-VIII, 2 vols.); Biographical Note on Count François de Neufchâteau (1828), by A. F. de Sillery; H. Bonnelier, Memoirs on François de Neufchâteau (Paris, 1829); J. Lamoureux, Historical and Literary Note on the Life and Writings of François de Neufchâteau (Paris, 1843); E. Meaume, Historical and Biographical Study on the Revolutionary Lorrainers: Palissot, Grégoire, François de Neufchâteau (Nancy, 1882); Ch. Simian, François de Neufchâteau and the Exhibitions (Paris, 1889).

FRANCONIA (Ger. Franken), the name of one of the stem-duchies of medieval Germany. It stretched along the valley of the Main from the Rhine to Bohemia, and was bounded on the north by Saxony and Thuringia, and on the south by Swabia and Bavaria. It also included a district around Mainz, Spires and Worms, on the left bank of the Rhine. The word Franconia, first used in a Latin charter of 1053, was applied like the words France, Francia and Franken, to a portion of the land occupied by the Franks.

FRANCONIA (Ger. Franken), the name of one of the main duchies of medieval Germany. It extended along the Main River valley from the Rhine to Bohemia, bordered to the north by Saxony and Thuringia, and to the south by Swabia and Bavaria. It also included an area around Mainz, Speyer, and Worms, located on the left bank of the Rhine. The term Franconia, first used in a Latin charter from 1053, was used similarly to the terms France, Francia, and Franken, to refer to a part of the land inhabited by the Franks.

About the close of the 5th century this territory was conquered by Clovis, king of the Salian Franks, was afterwards incorporated with the kingdom of Austrasia, and at a later period came under the rule of Charlemagne. After the treaty of Verdun in 843 it became the centre of the East Frankish or German kingdom, and in theory remained so for a long period, and was for a time the most important of the duchies which arose on the ruins of the Carolingian empire. The land was divided into counties, or gauen, which were ruled by counts, prominent among whom were members of the families of Conradine and Babenberg, by whose feuds it was frequently devastated. Conrad, a member of the former family, who took the title of “duke in Franconia” about the year 900, was chosen German king in 911 as the representative of the foremost of the German races. Conrad handed over the chief authority in Franconia to his brother Eberhard, who remained on good terms with Conrad’s successor Henry I. the Fowler, but rose against the succeeding king, Otto the Great, and was killed in battle in 939, when his territories were divided. The influence of Franconia began to decline under the kings of the Saxon house. It lacked political unity, had no opportunities for extension, and soon became divided into Rhenish Franconia (Francia rhenensis, Ger. Rheinfranken) and Eastern Franconia (Francia orientalis, Ger. Ostfranken). The most influential family in Rhenish Franconia was that of the Salians, the head of which early in the 10th century was Conrad the Red, duke of Lorraine, and son-in-law of Otto the Great. This Conrad, his son Otto and his grandson Conrad are sometimes called dukes of Franconia, and in 1024 his great-grandson Conrad, also duke of Franconia, was elected German king as Conrad II. and founded the line of Franconian or Salian emperors. Rhenish Franconia gradually became a land of free towns and lesser nobles, and under the earlier Franconian emperors sections passed to the count palatine of the Rhine, the archbishop of Mainz, the bishops of Worms and Spires and other clerical and lay nobles; and the name Franconia, or Francia orientalis as it was then called, was confined to the eastern portion of the duchy. Clerical authority was becoming predominant in this region. A series of charters dating from 822 to 1025 had granted considerable powers to the bishops of Würzburg, who, by the time of the emperor Henry II., possessed judicial authority over the whole of eastern Franconia. The duchy was nominally retained by the emperors in their own hands until 1115, when the emperor Henry V., wishing to curb the episcopal influence in this neighbourhood, appointed his nephew Conrad of Hohenstaufen as duke of Franconia. Conrad’s son Frederick took the title of duke of Rothenburg instead of duke of Franconia, but in 1196, on the death of Conrad of Hohenstaufen, son of the emperor Frederick I., the title fell into disuse. Meanwhile the bishop of Würzburg had regained his former power in the duchy, and this was confirmed in 1168 by the emperor Frederick I.

Toward the end of the 5th century, Clovis, the king of the Salian Franks, conquered this territory. It was later merged into the kingdom of Austrasia and eventually came under Charlemagne's rule. After the Treaty of Verdun in 843, it became the center of the East Frankish or German kingdom, theoretically remaining so for a long time. For a while, it was the most significant among the duchies that emerged from the ruins of the Carolingian empire. The area was divided into counties, or gauen, ruled by counts, many of whom were from the Conradine and Babenberg families, whose feuds often devastated the region. Around 900, Conrad, from the Conradine family, took the title "duke in Franconia" and was elected German king in 911 as a representative of the leading Germanic tribes. Conrad handed over chief authority in Franconia to his brother Eberhard, who got along well with Conrad’s successor, Henry I. the Fowler, but later rebelled against the next king, Otto the Great, and was killed in battle in 939, leading to the division of his territories. Franconia's influence started to wane under the kings from the Saxon dynasty. Lacking political unity and opportunities for expansion, it soon split into Rhenish Franconia (Francia rhenensis, Ger. Rheinfranken) and Eastern Franconia (Francia orientalis, Ger. Ostfranken). The most powerful family in Rhenish Franconia was the Salians, led by Conrad the Red, duke of Lorraine, and son-in-law of Otto the Great in the early 10th century. This Conrad, along with his son Otto and grandson Conrad, are sometimes referred to as dukes of Franconia. In 1024, Conrad II, great-grandson of Conrad the Red and also duke of Franconia, was elected German king and started the line of Franconian or Salian emperors. Rhenish Franconia gradually transformed into a land of free towns and minor nobles, and under the earlier Franconian emperors, various sections were passed to the Count Palatine of the Rhine, the archbishop of Mainz, and the bishops of Worms and Spires, as well as other clerical and lay nobles. The name Franconia, or Francia orientalis as it was then called, became associated only with the eastern part of the duchy. Clerical authority was becoming dominant in the region. A series of charters from 822 to 1025 had granted significant powers to the bishops of Würzburg, who, by the time of Emperor Henry II, held judicial authority over all of eastern Franconia. The duchy was nominally kept by the emperors until 1115 when Emperor Henry V, wanting to reduce episcopal influence in the area, appointed his nephew Conrad of Hohenstaufen as duke of Franconia. Conrad's son Frederick took the title duke of Rothenburg instead of duke of Franconia, but in 1196, after the death of Conrad of Hohenstaufen, the son of Emperor Frederick I, the title fell out of use. Meanwhile, the bishop of Würzburg had regained his previous power in the duchy, which was confirmed in 1168 by Emperor Frederick I.

The title remained in abeyance until the early years of the 15th century, when it was assumed by John II., bishop of Würzburg, and retained by his successors until the bishopric was secularized in 1802. The greater part of the lands were united with Bavaria, and the name Franconia again fell into abeyance. It was revived in 1837, when Louis I., king of Bavaria, gave to three northern portions of his kingdom the names of Upper, Middle and Lower Franconia. In 1633 Bernhard, duke of Saxe-Weimar, hoping to create a principality for himself out of the ecclesiastical lands, had taken the title of duke of Franconia, but his hopes were destroyed by his defeat at Nördlingen in 1634. When Germany was divided into circles by the emperor Maximilian I. in 1500, the name Franconia was given to that circle which included the eastern part of the old duchy. The lands formerly comprised in the duchy of Franconia are now divided between the kingdoms of Bavaria and Württemberg, the grand-duchies of Baden and Hesse, and the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau.

The title was on hold until the early 15th century, when John II, the bishop of Würzburg, took it on, and his successors kept it until the bishopric was secularized in 1802. Most of the lands were merged with Bavaria, and the name Franconia was again put on hold. It was brought back in 1837 when Louis I, king of Bavaria, named three northern parts of his kingdom Upper, Middle, and Lower Franconia. In 1633, Bernhard, duke of Saxe-Weimar, aimed to create a principality for himself from the ecclesiastical lands and took the title duke of Franconia, but his ambitions were crushed by his defeat at Nördlingen in 1634. When Germany was divided into circles by Emperor Maximilian I in 1500, the name Franconia was given to the circle that included the eastern part of the old duchy. The lands that were once part of the duchy of Franconia are now split between the kingdoms of Bavaria and Württemberg, the grand-duchies of Baden and Hesse, and the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau.

See J. G. ab Eckhart, Commentarii de rebus Franciae orientalis et episcopatus Wirceburgensis (Würzburg, 1729); F. Stein, Geschichte Frankens (Schweinfurt, 1885-1886); T. Henner, Die herzogliche Gewalt der Bischöfe von Würzburg (Würzburg, 1874).

See J. G. ab Eckhart, Commentarii de rebus Franciae orientalis et episcopatus Wirceburgensis (Würzburg, 1729); F. Stein, Geschichte Frankens (Schweinfurt, 1885-1886); T. Henner, Die herzogliche Gewalt der Bischöfe von Würzburg (Würzburg, 1874).

FRANCS-ARCHERS. The institution of the francs-archers was the first attempt at the formation of regular infantry in France. They were created by the ordinance of Montils-les-Tours on the 28th of August 1448, which prescribed that in each parish an archer should be chosen from among the most apt in the use of arms; this archer to be exempt from the taille and certain obligations, to practise shooting with the bow on Sundays and feast-days, and to hold himself ready to march fully equipped at the first signal. Under Charles VII. the francs-archers distinguished themselves in numerous battles with the English, and assisted the king to drive them from France. During the succeeding reigns the institution languished, and finally disappeared in the middle of the 16th century. The francs-archers were also called francs-taupins.

FRANCS-ARCHERS. The institution of the francs-archers was the first effort to establish regular infantry in France. They were created by the ordinance of Montils-les-Tours on August 28, 1448, which required that an archer be chosen from each parish based on their skill with weapons; this archer would be exempt from the taille and certain duties, practice shooting with the bow on Sundays and feast days, and be ready to march fully equipped at a moment's notice. Under Charles VII, the francs-archers proved themselves in many battles against the English and helped the king drive them out of France. During the following reigns, the institution dwindled and eventually disappeared in the mid-16th century. The francs-archers were also known as francs-taupins.

See Daniel, Histoire de la milice française (1721); and E. Boutaric, Institutions militaires de la France avant les armées permanentes (1863).

See Daniel, Histoire de la milice française (1721); and E. Boutaric, Institutions militaires de la France avant les armées permanentes (1863).

FRANCS-TIREURS (“Free-Shooters”), irregular troops, almost exclusively infantry, employed by the French in the war of 1870-1871. They were originally rifle clubs or unofficial military societies formed in the east of France at the time of the Luxemburg crisis of 1867. The members were chiefly concerned with the practice of rifle-shooting, and were expected in war to act as light troops. As under the then system of conscription the greater part of the nation’s military energy was allowed to run to waste, the francs-tireurs were not only popular, but efficient workers in their sphere of action. As they wore no uniforms, were armed with the best existing rifles and elected their own officers, the government made repeated attempts to bring the societies, which were at once a valuable asset to the armed strength of France and a possible menace to internal order, under military discipline. This was strenuously resisted by the societies, to their sorrow as it turned out, for the Germans treated 16 captured francs-tireurs as irresponsible non-combatants found with arms in their hands and usually exacted the death penalty. In July 1870, at the outbreak of the war, the societies were brought under the control of the minister of war and organized for field service, but it was not until the 4th of November—by which time the levée en masse was in force—that they were placed under the orders of the generals in the field. After that they were sometimes organized in large bodies and incorporated in the mass of the armies, but more usually they continued to work in small bands, blowing up culverts on the invaders’ lines of communication, cutting off small reconnoitring parties, surprising small posts, &c. It is now acknowledged, even by the Germans, that though the francs-tireurs did relatively little active mischief, they paralysed large detachments of the enemy, contested every step of his advance (as in the Loire campaign), and prevented him from gaining information, and that their soldierly qualities improved with experience. Their most celebrated feats were the blowing up of the Moselle railway bridge at Fontenoy on the 22nd of January 1871 (see Les Chasseurs des Vosges by Lieut.-Colonel St Étienne, Toul, 1906), and the heroic defence of Châteaudun by Lipowski’s Paris corps and the francs-tireurs of Cannes and Nantes (October 18, 1870). It cannot be denied that the original members of the rifle clubs were joined by many bad characters, but the patriotism of the majority was unquestionable, for little mercy was shown by the Germans to those francs-tireurs who fell into their hands. The severity of the German reprisals is itself the best testimony to the fear and anxiety inspired by the presence of active bands of francs-tireurs on the flanks and in rear of the invaders.

FRANCS-TIREURS (“Free-Shooters”), irregular troops, mostly infantry, used by the French during the war of 1870-1871. They started out as rifle clubs or unofficial military groups formed in eastern France during the Luxembourg crisis of 1867. The members mainly focused on practicing their shooting skills and were expected to work as light troops in combat. Since the traditional system of conscription let much of the country's military capability go to waste, the francs-tireurs became not only popular but also effective in their roles. Because they didn’t wear uniforms, were armed with top-quality rifles, and elected their own leaders, the government made several attempts to bring these groups, which were both a valuable asset to France’s military strength and a potential threat to internal order, under military control. These attempts were firmly resisted by the groups, which turned out to be a mistake, as the Germans treated 16 captured francs-tireurs as irresponsible non-combatants caught with weapons and usually imposed the death penalty. In July 1870, at the start of the war, the groups were placed under the control of the minister of war and organized for field service, but it wasn’t until November 4—by which point the levée en masse was active—that they were put under the orders of the field generals. After that, they were sometimes organized into larger units and incorporated into the armies, but most of the time they continued to operate in small teams, sabotaging bridges along the invaders’ supply lines, ambushing small reconnaissance parties, launching surprise attacks on small posts, etc. It is now recognized, even by the Germans, that although the francs-tireurs didn’t cause a lot of direct damage, they disrupted large enemy detachments, challenged every step of the enemy's advance (as seen in the Loire campaign), and hindered their access to information, with their military skills getting better with experience. Their most famous actions included destroying the Moselle railway bridge at Fontenoy on January 22, 1871 (see Les Chasseurs des Vosges by Lieut.-Colonel St Étienne, Toul, 1906), and the heroic defense of Châteaudun by Lipowski’s Paris corps along with the francs-tireurs from Cannes and Nantes (October 18, 1870). It’s undeniable that many unsavory characters joined the original rifle clubs, but the patriotism of the majority was clear, as the Germans showed little mercy to those francs-tireurs who were captured. The harshness of the German reprisals itself serves as the best evidence of the fear and concern that the active bands of francs-tireurs inspired on the flanks and in the rear of the invaders.

FRANEKER, a town in the province of Friesland, Holland, 5 m. E. of Harlingen on the railway and canal to Leeuwarden. Pop. (1900) 7187. It was at one time a favourite residence of the Frisian nobility, many of whom had their castles here, and it possessed a celebrated university, founded by the Frisian estates in 1585. This was suppressed by Napoleon I. in 1811, and the endowments were diverted four years later to the support of an athenaeum, and afterwards of a gymnasium, with which a physiological cabinet and a botanical garden are connected. Franeker also possesses a town hall (1591), which contains a planetarium, made by one Eise Eisinga in 1774-1881. The fine observatory was founded about 1780. The church of St Martin (1420) contains several fine tombs of the 15th-17th centuries. The industries of the town include silk-weaving, woollen-spinning, shipbuilding and pottery-making. It is also a considerable market for agricultural produce.

FRANEKER, a town in the province of Friesland, Holland, 5 miles east of Harlingen on the railway and canal to Leeuwarden. Population (1900) 7,187. It was once a popular residence for Frisian nobility, many of whom had their castles here, and it had a renowned university, established by the Frisian estates in 1585. This was shut down by Napoleon I. in 1811, and the funding was redirected four years later to support an athenaeum, and later a gymnasium, which is connected to a physiological cabinet and a botanical garden. Franeker also has a town hall (1591), which houses a planetarium created by Eise Eisinga between 1774 and 1881. The impressive observatory was founded around 1780. The church of St. Martin (1420) features several notable tombs from the 15th to 17th centuries. The town's industries include silk weaving, woolen spinning, shipbuilding, and pottery production. It is also a significant market for agricultural products.

FRANK, JAKOB (1726-1791), a Jewish theologian, who founded in Poland, in the middle of the 18th century, a sect which emanated from Judaism but ended by merging with Christianity. The sect was the outcome of the Messianic mysticism of Sabbetai Zebi. It was an antinomian movement in which the authority of the Jewish law was held to be superseded by personal freedom. The Jewish authorities, alarmed at the moral laxity which resulted from the emotional rites of the Frankists, did their utmost to suppress the sect. But the latter, posing as an anti-Talmudic protest in behalf of a spiritual religion, won a certain amount of public sympathy. There was, however, no deep sincerity in the tenets of the Frankists, for though in 1759 they were baptized en masse, amid much pomp, the Church soon became convinced that Frank was not a genuine convert. He was imprisoned on a charge of heresy, but on his release in 1763 the empress Maria Theresa patronized him, regarding him as a propagandist of Christianity among the Jews. He thenceforth lived in state as baron of Offenbach, and on his death (1791) his daughter Eva succeeded him as head of the sect. The Frankists gradually merged in the general Christian body, the movement leaving no permanent trace in the synagogue.

FRANK, JAKOB (1726-1791), a Jewish theologian, founded a sect in Poland in the mid-18th century that originated from Judaism but eventually merged with Christianity. This sect arose from the Messianic mysticism of Sabbetai Zebi and was characterized as an antinomian movement where personal freedom was considered superior to the authority of Jewish law. Jewish authorities, concerned about the moral laxity resulting from the emotional practices of the Frankists, tried hard to suppress the sect. However, the Frankists presented themselves as an anti-Talmudic movement advocating for a spiritual religion, gaining some public sympathy. There was, though, a lack of genuine commitment in the Frankist beliefs, as in 1759 they were baptized en masse with great fanfare, but the Church soon doubted Frank's authenticity as a convert. He was imprisoned for heresy, but upon his release in 1763, Empress Maria Theresa supported him, viewing him as a promoter of Christianity among Jews. He then lived in luxury as the baron of Offenbach, and after his death in 1791, his daughter Eva took over as the sect's leader. The Frankists gradually blended into the wider Christian community, leaving no lasting impact on the synagogue.

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FRANK-ALMOIGN (libera eleemosyna, free alms), in the English law of real property, a species of spiritual tenure, whereby a religious corporation, aggregate or sole, holds lands of the donor to them and their successors for ever. It was a tenure dating from Saxon times, held not on the ordinary feudal conditions, but discharged of all services except the trinoda necessitas. But “they which hold in frank-almoign are bound of right before God to make orisons, prayers, masses and other divine services for the souls of their grantor or feoffor, and for the souls of their heirs which are dead, and for the prosperity and good life and good health of their heirs which are alive. And therefore they shall do no fealty to their lord, because that this divine service is better for them before God than any doing of fealty” (Litt. s. 135). It was the tenure by which the greater number of the monasteries and religious houses held their lands; it was expressly exempted from the statute 12 Car. II. c. 24 (1660), by which the other ancient tenures were abolished, and it is the tenure by which the parochial clergy and many ecclesiastical and eleemosynary foundations hold their lands at the present day. As a form of donation, however, it came to an end by the passing of the statute Quia Emptores, for by that statute no new tenure of frank-almoign could be created, except by the crown.

FRANK-ALMS (libera eleemosyna, free alms), in the English law of real property, is a type of spiritual tenure where a religious body, whether collective or individual, holds land from a donor and their successors forever. This tenure dates back to Saxon times and is not held under typical feudal conditions, but is free from all obligations except the trinoda necessitas. However, “those who hold in frank-almoign are obligated by God to offer prayers, masses, and other divine services for the souls of their donor or feoffor, for the souls of their deceased heirs, and for the wellbeing and health of their living heirs. Therefore, they do not owe any fealty to their lord, since this divine service is considered more valuable to them before God than any act of fealty” (Litt. s. 135). This was the tenure by which most monasteries and religious houses held their land; it was specifically excluded from the statute 12 Car. II. c. 24 (1660), which abolished other ancient tenures, and it remains the form of tenure by which parochial clergy and many ecclesiastical and charitable foundations hold their lands today. However, as a form of donation, it effectively ended with the enactment of the statute Quia Emptores, as that statute prohibited the creation of new frank-almoign tenures, except by the crown.

See Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, where the history of frank-almoign is given at length.

See Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, where the history of frank-almoign is explained in detail.

FRANKEL, ZECHARIAS (1801-1875), Jewish theologian, one of the founders of the Breslau school of “historical Judaism.” This school attempts to harmonize critical treatment of the documents of religion with fidelity to traditional beliefs and observances. For a time at least, the compromise succeeded in staying the disintegrating effects of the liberal movement in Judaism. Frankel was the author of several valuable works, among them Septuagint Studies, an Introduction to the Mishnah (1859), and a similar work on the Palestinian Talmud (1870). He also edited the Monatsschrift, devoted to Jewish learning on modern lines. But his chief claim to fame rests on his headship of the Breslau Seminary. This was founded in 1854 for the training of rabbis who should combine their rabbinic studies with secular courses at the university. The whole character of the rabbinate has been modified under the influence of this, the first seminary of the kind.

FRANKEL, ZECHARIAS (1801-1875) was a Jewish theologian and one of the founders of the Breslau school of “historical Judaism.” This school aims to balance a critical approach to religious texts with a commitment to traditional beliefs and practices. For a while, this compromise helped mitigate the destabilizing effects of the liberal movement within Judaism. Frankel wrote several important works, including Septuagint Studies, an Introduction to the Mishnah (1859), and a similar work on the Palestinian Talmud (1870). He also edited the Monatsschrift, which focused on modern Jewish scholarship. However, his most significant achievement is his leadership of the Breslau Seminary, established in 1854 to train rabbis who would integrate their rabbinic studies with university-level secular courses. The entire nature of the rabbinate has been reshaped under the influence of this pioneering seminary.

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FRANKENBERG, a manufacturing town of Germany, in the kingdom of Saxony, on the Zschopau, 7 m. N.E. of Chemnitz, on the railway Niederwiesa-Rosswein. Pop. (1905) 13,303. The principal buildings are the large Evangelical parish church, restored in 1874-1875, and the town-hall. Its industries include I extensive woollen, cotton and silk weaving, dyeing, the manufacture of brushes, furniture and cigars, iron-founding and machine building. It is well provided with schools, including one of weaving.

FRANKENBERG, is a manufacturing town in Germany, located in the kingdom of Saxony, on the Zschopau River, 7 miles northeast of Chemnitz, along the Niederwiesa-Rosswein railway. Population (1905) was 13,303. The main buildings include a large Evangelical parish church, which was restored in 1874-1875, and the town hall. Its industries consist of extensive wool, cotton, and silk weaving, dyeing, brush manufacturing, furniture, and cigar production, as well as iron founding and machine building. The town has a good number of schools, including one that specializes in weaving.

FRANKENHAUSEN, a town of Germany, in the principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, on an artificial arm of the Wipper, a tributary of the Saale, 36 m. N.N.E. of Gotha. Pop. (1905) 6534. It consists of an old and a new town, the latter mostly rebuilt since a destructive fire in 1833, and has an old château of the princes of Schwarzburg, three Protestant churches, a seminary for teachers, a hospital and a modern town-hall. Its industries include the manufacture of sugar, cigars and buttons, and there are brine springs, with baths, in the vicinity. At Frankenhausen a battle was fought on the 15th of May 1525, in which the insurgent peasants under Thomas Münzer were defeated by the allied princes of Saxony and Hesse.

FRANKENHAUSEN, is a town in Germany, located in the principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, on an artificial arm of the Wipper, a tributary of the Saale, about 36 miles north-northeast of Gotha. The population was 6,534 in 1905. It features an old and a new town, the latter largely rebuilt after a devastating fire in 1833. There's an old château belonging to the princes of Schwarzburg, three Protestant churches, a teacher training seminary, a hospital, and a modern town hall. Local industries include the production of sugar, cigars, and buttons, along with nearby brine springs that offer baths. A battle took place in Frankenhausen on May 15, 1525, where the rebellious peasants led by Thomas Münzer were defeated by the allied princes of Saxony and Hesse.

FRANKENSTEIN, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Silesia, on the Pausebach, 35 m. S. by W. of Breslau. Pop. (1905) 7890. It is still surrounded by its medieval walls, has two Evangelical and three Roman Catholic churches, among the latter the parish church with a curious overhanging tower, and a monastery. The industries include the manufacture of artificial manures, bricks, beer and straw hats. There are also mills for grinding the magnesite found in the neighbourhood.

FRANKENSTEIN, is a town in Germany, located in the Prussian province of Silesia, along the Pausebach River, 35 miles south-west of Breslau. Its population was 7,890 in 1905. The town is still surrounded by its medieval walls and has two Evangelical churches and three Roman Catholic churches, including the parish church featuring a unique overhanging tower, as well as a monastery. The local industries include the production of artificial fertilizers, bricks, beer, and straw hats. There are also mills that grind the magnesite found in the area.

FRANKENTHAL, a town of Germany, in the Bavarian Palatinate, on the Isenach, connected with the Rhine by a canal 3 m. in length, 6 m. N.W. from Mannheim, and on the railways Neunkirchen-Worms and Frankenthal-Grosskarlbach. Pop. (1905) 18,191. It has two Evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, a fine medieval town-hall, two interesting old gates, remains of its former environing walls, several public monuments, including one to the veterans of the Napoleonic wars, and a museum. Its industries include the manufacture 17 of machinery, casks, corks, soap, dolls and furniture, iron-founding and bell-founding—the famous “Kaiserglocke” of the Cologne cathedral was cast here. Frankenthal was formerly famous for its porcelain factory, established here in 1755 by Paul Anton Hannong of Strassburg, who sold it in 1762 to the elector palatine Charles Theodore. Its fame is mainly due to the modellers Konrad Link (1732-1802) and Johann Peter Melchior (d. 1796) (who worked at Frankenthal between 1779 and 1793). The best products of this factory are figures and groups representing contemporary life, or allegorical subjects in the rococo taste of the period, and they are surpassed only by those of the more famous factory at Meissen. In 1795 the factory was sold to Peter von Reccum, who removed it to Grünstadt.

FRANKENTHAL, a town in Germany, located in the Bavarian Palatinate along the Isenach River, connected to the Rhine by a 3-mile canal. It's 6 miles northwest of Mannheim and is served by the Neunkirchen-Worms and Frankenthal-Grosskarlbach railways. Population (1905) was 18,191. The town features two Evangelical churches and a Roman Catholic church, an impressive medieval town hall, two notable old gates, remnants of its former city walls, various public monuments—including one honoring veterans of the Napoleonic Wars—and a museum. Its industries include the production of machinery, barrels, corks, soap, dolls, furniture, iron casting, and bell founding—the famous “Kaiserglocke” of Cologne Cathedral was cast here. Frankenthal gained historical significance for its porcelain factory, founded in 1755 by Paul Anton Hannong from Strassburg, who sold it in 1762 to Elector Palatine Charles Theodore. The town is particularly known for the work of modellers Konrad Link (1732-1802) and Johann Peter Melchior (d. 1796), who were active in Frankenthal between 1779 and 1793. The finest products from this factory are figures and groups depicting contemporary life or allegorical themes in the Rococo style of the time, only surpassed by those from the more renowned factory at Meissen. In 1795, the factory was sold to Peter von Reccum, who moved it to Grünstadt.

Frankenthal (Franconodal) is mentioned as a village in the 8th century. A house of Augustinian canons established here in 1119 by Erkenbert, chamberlain of Worms, was suppressed in 1562 by the elector palatine Frederick III., who gave its possessions to Protestant refugees from the Netherlands. In 1577 this colony received town rights from the elector John Casimir, whose successor fortified the place. From 1623 until 1652, save for two years, it was occupied by the Spaniards, and in 1688-1689 it was stormed and burned by the French, the fortifications being razed. In 1697 it was reconstituted as a town, and under the elector Charles Theodore it became the capital of the Palatinate. From 1798 to 1814 it was incorporated in the French department of Mont Tonnerre.

Frankenthal (Franconodal) is cited as a village in the 8th century. An Augustinian canons house was established here in 1119 by Erkenbert, the chamberlain of Worms, but it was shut down in 1562 by Elector Palatine Frederick III., who gave its property to Protestant refugees from the Netherlands. In 1577, this colony was granted town rights by Elector John Casimir, whose successor fortified the area. From 1623 to 1652, except for two years, it was occupied by the Spaniards, and in 1688-1689, it was stormed and burned by the French, with its fortifications destroyed. In 1697, it was reestablished as a town, and under Elector Charles Theodore, it became the capital of the Palatinate. From 1798 to 1814, it was part of the French department of Mont Tonnerre.

See Wille, Stadt u. Festung Frankenthal während des dreissigjährigen Krieges (Heidelberg, 1877); Hildenbrand, Gesch. der Stadt Frankenthal (1893). For the porcelain see Heuser, Frankenthaler Gruppen und Figuren (Spires, 1899).

See Wille, Stadt u. Festung Frankenthal während des dreissigjährigen Krieges (Heidelberg, 1877); Hildenbrand, Gesch. der Stadt Frankenthal (1893). For the porcelain, see Heuser, Frankenthaler Gruppen und Figuren (Spires, 1899).

FRANKENWALD, a mountainous district of Germany, forming the geological connexion between the Fichtelgebirge and the Thuringian Forest. It is a broad well-wooded plateau, running for about 30 m. in a north-westerly direction, descending gently on the north and eastern sides towards the Saale, but more precipitously to the Bavarian plain in the west, and attaining its highest elevation in the Kieferle near Steinheid (2900 ft.). Along the centre lies the watershed between the basins of the Main and the Saale, belonging to the systems of the Rhine and Elbe respectively. The principal tributaries of the Main from the Frankenwald are the Rodach and Hasslach, and of the Saale, the Selbitz.

FRANKENWALD, is a mountainous region in Germany that connects the Fichtelgebirge and the Thuringian Forest. It features a wide, well-wooded plateau that stretches about 30 miles northwest, gently sloping down on the northern and eastern sides towards the Saale River, but dropping more steeply to the Bavarian plain in the west, reaching its highest point at Kieferle near Steinheid (2900 ft.). The main divide runs through the center of the area, separating the watersheds of the Main and Saale rivers, which are part of the Rhine and Elbe systems, respectively. The primary tributaries of the Main from Frankenwald are the Rodach and Hasslach, while the Selbitz feeds into the Saale.

See H. Schmid, Führer durch den Frankenwald (Bamberg, 1894); Meyer, Thüringen und der Frankenwald (15th ed., Leipzig, 1900), and Gümbel, Geognostische Beschreibung des Fichtelgebirges mit dem Frankenwald (Gotha, 1879).

See H. Schmid, Guide to the Frankenwald (Bamberg, 1894); Meyer, Thuringia and the Frankenwald (15th ed., Leipzig, 1900), and Gümbel, Geological Description of the Fichtel Mountains with the Frankenwald (Gotha, 1879).

FRANKFORT, a city and the county-seat of Clinton county, Indiana, U.S.A., 40 m. N.W. of Indianapolis. Pop. (1890) 5919; (1900) 7100 (144 foreign-born); (1910) 8634. Frankfort is served by the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville, the Lake Erie & Western, the Vandalia, and the Toledo, St Louis & Western railways, and by the Indianapolis & North-Western Traction Interurban railway (electric). The city is a division point on the Toledo, St Louis & Western railway, which has large shops here. Frankfort is a trade centre for an agricultural and lumbering region; among its manufactures are handles, agricultural implements and foundry products. The first settlement in the neighbourhood was made in 1826; in 1830 the town was founded, and in 1875 it was chartered as a city. The city limits were considerably extended immediately after 1900.

FRANKFORT, is a city and the county seat of Clinton County, Indiana, USA, located 40 miles northwest of Indianapolis. Population (1890) 5,919; (1900) 7,100 (144 foreign-born); (1910) 8,634. Frankfort is served by the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville, Lake Erie & Western, Vandalia, and Toledo, St. Louis & Western railways, as well as the Indianapolis & North-Western Traction Interurban railway (electric). The city serves as a division point on the Toledo, St. Louis & Western railway, which has large shops located here. Frankfort is a trade center for an agricultural and lumbering region; its manufacturing includes handles, agricultural tools, and foundry products. The first settlement in the area was established in 1826; the town was founded in 1830, and it was chartered as a city in 1875. The city limits were significantly expanded right after 1900.

FRANKFORT, the capital city of Kentucky, U.S.A., and the county-seat of Franklin county, on the Kentucky river, about 55 m. E. of Louisville. Pop. (1890) 7892; (1900) 9487, of whom 3316 were negroes; (1910 census) 10,465. The city is served by the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Louisville & Nashville, and the Frankfort & Cincinnati railways, by the Central Kentucky Traction Co. (electric), and by steamboat lines to Cincinnati, Louisville and other river ports. It is built among picturesque hills on both sides of the river, and is in the midst of the famous Kentucky “blue grass region” and of a rich lumber-producing region. The most prominent building is the Capitol, about 400 ft. long and 185 ft. wide, built of granite and white limestone in the Italian Renaissance style, with 70 large Ionic columns, and a dome 205 ft. above the terrace line, supported by 24 other columns. The Capitol was built in 1905-1907 at a cost of more than $2,000,000; in it are housed the state library and the library of the Kentucky State Historical Society. At Frankfort, also, are the state arsenal, the state penitentiary and the state home for feeble-minded children, and just outside the city limits is the state coloured normal school. The old capitol (first occupied in 1829) is still standing. In Franklin cemetery rest the remains of Daniel Boone and of Theodore O’Hara (1820-1867), a lawyer, soldier, journalist and poet, who served in the U.S. army in 1846-1848 during the Mexican War, took part in filibustering expeditions to Cuba, served in the Confederate army, and is best known as the author of “The Bivouac of the Dead,” a poem written for the burial in Frankfort of some soldiers who had lost their lives at Buena Vista. Here also are the graves of Richard M. Johnson, vice-president of the United States in 1837-1841, and the sculptor Joel T. Hart (1810-1877). The city has a considerable trade with the surrounding country, in which large quantities of tobacco and hemp are produced; its manufactures include lumber, brooms, chairs, shoes, hemp twine, canned vegetables and glass bottles. The total value of the city’s factory product in 1905 was $1,747,338, being 31.6% more than in 1900. Frankfort (said to have been named after Stephen Frank, one of an early pioneer party ambushed here by Indians) was founded in 1786 by General James Wilkinson, then deeply interested in trade with the Spanish at New Orleans, and in the midst of his Spanish intrigues. In 1792 the city was made the capital of the state. In 1862, during the famous campaign in Kentucky of General Braxton Bragg (Confederate) and General D. C. Buell (Federal), Frankfort was occupied for a short time by Bragg, who, just before being forced out by Buell, took part in the inauguration of Richard J. Hawes, chosen governor by the Confederates of the state. Hawes, however, never discharged the duties of his office. During the bitter contest for the governorship in 1900 between William Goebel (Democrat) and William S. Taylor (Republican), each of whom claimed the election, Goebel was assassinated at Frankfort. (See also Kentucky.) Frankfort received a city charter in 1839.

FRANKFORT, the capital city of Kentucky, U.S.A., and the county seat of Franklin County, is located on the Kentucky River, about 55 miles east of Louisville. Population (1890) 7,892; (1900) 9,487, of whom 3,316 were Black; (1910 census) 10,465. The city is served by the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Louisville & Nashville, and the Frankfort & Cincinnati railways, the Central Kentucky Traction Co. (electric), and by steamboat lines to Cincinnati, Louisville, and other river ports. It’s built among scenic hills on both sides of the river, right in the famous Kentucky “bluegrass region” and a rich lumber-producing area. The most prominent building is the Capitol, about 400 ft. long and 185 ft. wide, made of granite and white limestone in the Italian Renaissance style, featuring 70 large Ionic columns and a dome that rises 205 ft. above the terrace line, supported by 24 additional columns. The Capitol was constructed from 1905 to 1907 at a cost of over $2,000,000; it houses the state library and the library of the Kentucky State Historical Society. Also located in Frankfort are the state arsenal, the state penitentiary, and the state home for children with disabilities, and just outside the city limits is the state colored normal school. The old capitol (first occupied in 1829) is still standing. In Franklin Cemetery lie the remains of Daniel Boone and Theodore O’Hara (1820-1867), a lawyer, soldier, journalist, and poet who served in the U.S. army from 1846 to 1848 during the Mexican War, participated in filibustering expeditions to Cuba, served in the Confederate army, and is best known as the author of “The Bivouac of the Dead,” a poem written for the burial in Frankfort of soldiers who lost their lives at Buena Vista. Here also are the graves of Richard M. Johnson, vice president of the United States from 1837 to 1841, and the sculptor Joel T. Hart (1810-1877). The city has substantial trade with the surrounding area, where large quantities of tobacco and hemp are produced; its manufacturers produce items like lumber, brooms, chairs, shoes, hemp twine, canned vegetables, and glass bottles. The total value of the city’s factory output in 1905 was $1,747,338, which is 31.6% more than in 1900. Frankfort (believed to be named after Stephen Frank, one of an early pioneer group ambushed by Indians here) was founded in 1786 by General James Wilkinson, who was deeply involved in trade with the Spanish in New Orleans, amid his intrigues with them. In 1792, the city became the state capital. In 1862, during the famous campaign in Kentucky involving General Braxton Bragg (Confederate) and General D. C. Buell (Federal), Frankfort was briefly occupied by Bragg, who, just before being forced out by Buell, took part in the inauguration of Richard J. Hawes, selected as governor by the Confederates of the state. However, Hawes never fulfilled the duties of his office. During the intense contest for the governorship in 1900 between William Goebel (Democrat) and William S. Taylor (Republican), both of whom claimed victory, Goebel was assassinated in Frankfort. (See also Kentucky.) Frankfort was granted a city charter in 1839.

FRANKFORT-ON-MAIN (Ger. Frankfurt am Main), a city of Germany, in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau, principally on the right bank of the Main, 24 m. above its confluence with the Rhine at Mainz, and 16 m. N. from Darmstadt. Always a place of great trading importance, long the place of election for the German kings, and until 1866, together with Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck, one of the four free cities of Germany, it still retains its position as one of the leading commercial centres of the German empire. Its situation in the broad and fertile valley of the Main, the northern horizon formed by the soft outlines of the Taunus range, is one of great natural beauty, the surrounding country being richly clad with orchard and forest.

FRANKFURT MAIN (Ger. Frankfurt am Main), a city in Germany, located in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau, mainly on the right bank of the Main River, 24 miles upstream from where it meets the Rhine at Mainz, and 16 miles north of Darmstadt. Always a major trading hub, historically the site for electing German kings, and until 1866, along with Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck, one of the four free cities of Germany, it continues to be one of the main commercial centers of the German empire. Its location in the wide and fertile valley of the Main, with the gentle outlines of the Taunus range forming the northern skyline, is exceptionally beautiful, and the surrounding area is richly covered in orchards and forests.

Frankfort is one of the most interesting, as it is also one of the wealthiest, of German cities. Apart from its commercial importance, its position, close to the fashionable watering-places of Homburg, Nauheim and Wiesbaden, has rendered it “cosmopolitan” in the best sense of the term. The various stages in the development of the city are clearly indicated in its general plan and the surviving names of many of its streets. The line of the original 12th century walls and moat is marked by the streets of which the names end in -graben, from the Hirschgraben on the W. to the Wollgraben on the E. The space enclosed by these and by the river on the S. is known as the “old town” (Altstadt). The so-called “new town” (Neustadt), added in 1333, extends to the Anlagen, the beautiful gardens and promenades laid out (1806-1812) on the site of the 17th century fortifications, of which they faithfully preserve the general ground plan. Of the medieval fortifications the picturesque Eschenheimer Tor, a round tower 155 ft. high, dating from 1400 to 1428, the Rententurm (1456) on the Main and the Kuhhirtenturm (c. 1490) in Sachsenhausen, are the sole remains. Since the demolition of the fortifications the city has greatly expanded. Sachsenhausen on the south bank of the river, formerly the seat of a commandery 18 of the Teutonic Order (by treaty with Austria in 1842 all property and rights of the order in Frankfort territory were sold to the city, except the church and house), is now a quarter of the city. In other directions also the expansion has been rapid; the village of Bornheim was incorporated in Frankfort in 1877, the former Hessian town of Bockenheim in 1895, and the suburbs of Niederrad, Oberrad and Seckbach in 1900.

Frankfurt is one of the most fascinating and also one of the richest cities in Germany. Besides its commercial significance, its location near the trendy spa towns of Homburg, Nauheim, and Wiesbaden has made it "cosmopolitan" in the best sense of the word. The different stages in the city's development are clearly shown in its overall layout and the surviving names of many of its streets. The line of the original 12th-century walls and moat is marked by the streets whose names end in -graben, from the Hirschgraben in the west to the Wollgraben in the east. The area enclosed by these and the river to the south is known as the “old town” (Altstadt). The so-called “new town” (Neustadt), added in 1333, extends to the Anlagen, the beautiful gardens and walkways created (1806-1812) on the site of the 17th-century fortifications, of which they effectively preserve the general layout. Of the medieval fortifications, the picturesque Eschenheimer Tor, a round tower 155 ft. high, built between 1400 and 1428, the Rententurm (1456) on the Main, and the Kuhhirtenturm (around 1490) in Sachsenhausen are the only remaining structures. Since the demolition of the fortifications, the city has expanded significantly. Sachsenhausen, on the south bank of the river, was once the site of a commandery of the Teutonic Order (by treaty with Austria in 1842, all property and rights of the order in Frankfurt were sold to the city, except for the church and house), and is now a part of the city. The expansion has also been rapid in other directions; the village of Bornheim was annexed by Frankfurt in 1877, the former Hessian town of Bockenheim in 1895, and the suburbs of Niederrad, Oberrad, and Seckbach in 1900.

The main development of the city has been to the north of the river, which is crossed by numerous bridges and flanked by fine quays and promenades. The Altstadt, though several broad streets have been opened through it, still preserves many of its narrow alleys and other medieval features. The Judengasse (Ghetto), down to 1806 the sole Jews’ quarter, has been pulled down, with the exception of the ancestral house of the Rothschild family—No. 148—which has been restored and retains its ancient façade. As the Altstadt is mainly occupied by artisans and petty tradesmen, so the Neustadt is the principal business quarter of the city, containing the chief public buildings and the principal hotels. The main arteries of the city are the Zeil, a broad street running from the Friedberger Anlage to the Rossmarkt and thence continued, by the Kaiserstrasse, through the fine new quarter built after 1872, to the magnificent principal railway station; and the Steinweg and Goethestrasse, which lead by the Bockenheimer Tor to the Bockenheimer Landstrasse, a broad boulevard intersecting the fashionable residential suburb to the N.W.

The main growth of the city has occurred to the north of the river, which is crossed by several bridges and lined with beautiful quays and promenades. The Altstadt, despite several wide streets being cut through it, still keeps many of its narrow alleys and other medieval characteristics. The Judengasse (Ghetto), which was the only Jewish quarter until 1806, has been demolished, except for the ancestral home of the Rothschild family—No. 148—which has been restored and still shows its historic façade. While the Altstadt is mostly occupied by craftsmen and small traders, the Neustadt is the main business district, housing the main public buildings and major hotels. The key streets of the city are the Zeil, a wide avenue stretching from the Friedberger Anlage to the Rossmarkt and continuing through the Kaiserstrasse to the impressive main railway station built after 1872; and the Steinweg and Goethestrasse, which lead from the Bockenheimer Tor to the Bockenheimer Landstrasse, a broad boulevard cutting through the trendy residential neighborhood to the northwest.

Churches.—The principal ecclesiastical building in Frankfort is the cathedral (Dom). Built of red sandstone, with a massive tower terminating in a richly ornamented cupola and 300 ft. in height, it is the most conspicuous object in the city. This building, in which the Roman emperors were formerly elected and, since 1562, crowned, was founded in 852 by King Louis the German, and was later known as the Salvator Kirche. After its reconstruction (1235-1239), it was dedicated to St Bartholomew. From this period date the nave and the side aisles; the choir was completed in 1315-1338 and the long transepts in 1346-1354. The cloisters were rebuilt in 1348-1447, and the electoral chapel, on the south of the choir, was completed in 1355. The tower was begun in 1415, but remained unfinished. On the 15th of August 1867 the tower and roof were destroyed by fire and considerable damage was done to the rest of the edifice. The restoration was immediately taken in hand, and the whole work was finished in 1881, including the completion of the tower, according to the plans of the 15th century architect, Hans von Ingelheim. In the interior is the tomb of the German king Günther of Schwarzburg, who died in Frankfort in 1349, and that of Rudolph, the last knight of Sachsenhausen, who died in 1371. Among the other Roman Catholic churches are the Leonhardskirche, the Liebfrauenkirche (church of Our Lady) and the Deutschordenskirche (14th century) in Sachsenhausen. The Leonhardskirche (restored in 1882) was begun in 1219, it is said on the site of the palace of Charlemagne. It was originally a three-aisled basilica, but is now a five-aisled Hallenkirche; the choir was added in 1314. It has two Romanesque towers. The Liebfrauenkirche is first mentioned in 1314 as a collegiate church; the nave was consecrated in 1340. The choir was added in 1506-1509 and the whole church thoroughly restored in the second half of the 18th century, when the tower was built (1770). Of the Protestant churches the oldest is the Nikolaikirche, which dates from the 13th century; the fine cast-iron spire erected in 1843 had to be taken down in 1901. The Paulskirche, the principal Evangelical (Lutheran) church, built between 1786 and 1833, is a red sandstone edifice of no architectural pretensions, but interesting as the seat of the national parliament of 1848-1849. The Katharinenkirche, built 1678-1681 on the site of an older building, is famous in Frankfort history as the place where the first Protestant sermon was preached in 1522. Among the more noteworthy of the newer Protestant churches are the Peterskirche (1892-1895) in the North German Renaissance style, with a tower 256 ft. high, standing north from the Zeil, the Christuskirche (1883) and the Lutherkirche (1889-1893). An English church, in Early English Gothic style, situated adjacent to the Bockenheimer Landstrasse, was completed and consecrated in 1906.

Churches.—The main church in Frankfort is the cathedral (Dom). Made of red sandstone, with a huge tower topped by a beautifully decorated dome and standing 300 ft. tall, it’s the most prominent structure in the city. This building, where Roman emperors were once elected and crowned since 1562, was established in 852 by King Louis the German and was later known as the Salvator Kirche. After it was reconstructed (1235-1239), it was dedicated to St Bartholomew. The nave and side aisles date from this time; the choir was finished between 1315 and 1338, and the long transepts were completed from 1346 to 1354. The cloisters were rebuilt from 1348 to 1447, and the electoral chapel, located to the south of the choir, was completed in 1355. The tower was started in 1415 but was never finished. On August 15, 1867, the tower and roof were destroyed by fire, causing significant damage to the rest of the building. Restoration began immediately, and the entire project was completed in 1881, including finishing the tower based on the designs of 15th-century architect Hans von Ingelheim. Inside, you’ll find the tomb of German king Günther of Schwarzburg, who died in Frankfort in 1349, along with that of Rudolph, the last knight of Sachsenhausen, who died in 1371. Other Roman Catholic churches include the Leonhardskirche, the Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), and the Deutschordenskirche (14th century) in Sachsenhausen. The Leonhardskirche, restored in 1882, was started in 1219, on what is said to be the site of Charlemagne's palace. Originally a three-aisled basilica, it is now a five-aisled Hallenkirche, with the choir added in 1314. It features two Romanesque towers. The Liebfrauenkirche was first mentioned in 1314 as a collegiate church; the nave was consecrated in 1340. The choir was added between 1506 and 1509, and the church underwent extensive restoration in the late 18th century, when the tower was built (1770). Among Protestant churches, the oldest is the Nikolaikirche, dating from the 13th century; its fine cast-iron spire erected in 1843 had to be removed in 1901. The Paulskirche, the main Evangelical (Lutheran) church, built between 1786 and 1833, is a simple red sandstone structure, notable for being the seat of the national parliament in 1848-1849. The Katharinenkirche, built from 1678 to 1681 on an older site, is significant in Frankfort's history as the place where the first Protestant sermon was delivered in 1522. Among the newer Protestant churches, the Peterskirche (1892-1895) in North German Renaissance style features a tower 256 ft. high, located north of the Zeil, along with Christuskirche (1883) and Lutherkirche (1889-1893). An English church, designed in Early English Gothic style, located next to Bockenheimer Landstrasse, was completed and consecrated in 1906.

Of the five synagogues, the chief (or Hauptsynagoge), lying in the Börnestrasse, is an attractive building of red sandstone in the Moorish-Byzantine style.

Of the five synagogues, the main one (or Hauptsynagoge), located on Börnestrasse, is a striking building made of red sandstone in the Moorish-Byzantine style.

Public Buildings.—Of the secular buildings in Frankfort, the Römer, for almost five hundred years the Rathaus (town hall) of the city, is of prime historical interest. It lies on the Römerberg, a square flanked by curious medieval houses. It is first mentioned in 1322, was bought with the adjacent hostelry in 1405 by the city and rearranged as a town hall, and has since, from time to time, been enlarged by the purchase of adjoining patrician houses, forming a complex of buildings of various styles and dates surmounted by a clock tower. The façade was rebuilt (1896-1898) in late Gothic style. It was here, in the Wahlzimmer (or election-chamber) that the electors or their plenipotentiaries chose the German kings, and here in the Kaisersaal (emperors’ hall) that the coronation festival was held, at which the new king or emperor dined with the electors after having shown himself from the balcony to the people. The Kaisersaal retained its antique appearance until 1843, when, as also again in 1904, it was restored and redecorated; it is now furnished with a series of modern paintings representing the German kings and Roman emperors from Charlemagne to Francis II., in all fifty-two, and a statue of the first German emperor, William I. New municipal buildings adjoining the “Römer” on the north side were erected in 1900-1903 in German Renaissance style, with a handsome tower 220 ft. high; beneath it is a public wine-cellar, and on the first storey a grand municipal hall. The palace of the princes of Thurn and Taxis in the Eschenheimer Gasse was built (1732-1741) from the designs of Robert de Cotte, chief architect to Louis XIV. of France. From 1806 to 1810 it was the residence of Karl von Dalberg, prince-primate of the Confederation of the Rhine, with whose dominions Frankfort had been incorporated by Napoleon. From 1816 to 1866 it was the seat of the German federal diet. It is now annexed to the principal post office (built 1892-1894), which lies close to it on the Zeil. The Saalhof, built on the site of the palace erected by Louis the Pious in 822, overlooking the Main, has a chapel of the 12th century, the substructure dating from Carolingian times. This is the oldest building in Frankfort. The façade of the Saalhof in the Saalgasse dates from 1604, the southern wing with the two gables from 1715 to 1717. Of numerous other medieval buildings may be mentioned the Leinwandhaus (linendrapers’ hall), a 15th century building reconstructed in 1892 as a municipal museum. In the Grosser Hirschgraben is the Goethehaus, a 16th century building which came into the possession of the Goethe family in 1733. Here Goethe lived from his birth in 1749 until 1775. In 1863 the house was acquired by the Freies deutsche Hochstift and was opened to the public. It has been restored, from Goethe’s account of it in Dichtung und Wahrheit, as nearly as possible to its condition in the poet’s day, and is now connected with a Goethemuseum (1897), with archives and a library of 25,000 volumes representative of the Goethe period of German literature.

Public Buildings.—Among the secular buildings in Frankfurt, the Römer, which has served as the town hall for nearly five hundred years, holds significant historical value. It is located in the Römerberg, a square surrounded by interesting medieval houses. It was first mentioned in 1322 and was purchased along with the nearby inn by the city in 1405, after which it was renovated to function as a town hall. Since then, it has been expanded multiple times by acquiring neighboring patrician houses, resulting in a complex of buildings featuring various architectural styles and dates, topped with a clock tower. The façade was rebuilt in the late Gothic style between 1896 and 1898. It was here, in the Wahlzimmer (election chamber), that the electors or their delegates selected the German kings, and in the Kaisersaal (emperor's hall), the coronation festivities took place, during which the new king or emperor dined with the electors after appearing on the balcony to greet the crowd. The Kaisersaal maintained its historical look until 1843 when it was restored and redecorated again in 1904; it now showcases a series of modern paintings depicting the German kings and Roman emperors from Charlemagne to Francis II, totaling fifty-two, along with a statue of the first German emperor, William I. New municipal buildings were constructed adjacent to the “Römer” on the north side between 1900 and 1903 in the German Renaissance style, featuring an impressive 220 ft. high tower; beneath it is a public wine cellar, and on the first floor, there is a grand municipal hall. The palace of the princes of Thurn and Taxis on Eschenheimer Gasse was built from 1732 to 1741 according to the designs of Robert de Cotte, chief architect to Louis XIV of France. From 1806 to 1810, it served as the residence of Karl von Dalberg, the prince-primate of the Confederation of the Rhine, after Frankfurt was incorporated into his territories by Napoleon. From 1816 to 1866, the building housed the German federal diet. It is now connected to the main post office (constructed from 1892 to 1894), which is located nearby on the Zeil. The Saalhof, built on the site of a palace established by Louis the Pious in 822, overlooks the Main River and features a chapel from the 12th century, with a substructure dating back to Carolingian times. This is the oldest building in Frankfurt. The façade of the Saalhof on Saalgasse is from 1604, and the southern wing with two gables was constructed between 1715 and 1717. Among several other medieval buildings, the Leinwandhaus (linendrapers' hall), a 15th-century structure, was reconstructed in 1892 to serve as a municipal museum. Located in Grosser Hirschgraben is the Goethehaus, a 16th-century building that became the Goethe family's home in 1733. Goethe lived here from his birth in 1749 until 1775. In 1863, the house was acquired by the Freies deutsche Hochstift and opened to the public. It has been restored as closely as possible to its state during Goethe's time, based on his descriptions in Dichtung und Wahrheit, and is now connected to a Goethemuseum (1897), which includes archives and a library of 25,000 volumes reflecting the Goethe period of German literature.

Literary and Scientific Institutions.—Few cities of the same size as Frankfort are so richly endowed with literary, scientific and artistic institutions, or possess so many handsome buildings appropriated to their service. The opera-house, erected near the Bockenheimer Tor in 1873-1880, is a magnificent edifice in the style of the Italian Renaissance and ranks among the finest theatres in Europe. There are also a theatre (Schauspielhaus) in modern Renaissance style (1899-1902), devoted especially to drama, a splendid concert hall (Saalbau), opened in 1861, and numerous minor places of theatrical entertainment. The public picture gallery in the Saalhof possesses works by Hans Holbein, Grünewald, Van Dyck, Teniers, Van der Neer, Hans von Kulmbach, Lucas Cranach and other masters. The Städel Art Institute (Städel’sches Kunstinstitut) in Sachsenhausen, founded by the banker J. F. Städel in 1816, contains a picture gallery and a cabinet of engravings extremely rich in works of German art. The municipal library, with 300,000 volumes, 19 boasts among its rarer treasures a Gutenberg Bible printed at Mainz between 1450 and 1455, another on parchment dated 1462, the Institutiones Justiniani (Mainz, 1468), the Theuerdank, with woodcuts by Hans Schäufelein, and numerous valuable autographs. It also contains a fine collection of coins. The Bethmann Museum owes its celebrity principally to Dannecker’s “Ariadne,” but it also possesses the original plaster model of Thorwaldsen’s “Entrance of Alexander the Great into Babylon.” There may also be mentioned the Industrial Art Exhibition of the Polytechnic Association and two conservatories of music. Among the scientific institutions the first place belongs to the Senckenberg’sches naturhistorische Museum, containing valuable collections of birds and shells. Next must be mentioned the Kunstgewerbe (museum of arts and crafts) and the Musical Museum, with valuable MSS. and portraits. Besides the municipal library (Stadtbibliothek) mentioned above there are three others of importance, the Rothschild, the Senckenberg and the Jewish library (with a well-appointed reading-room). There are numerous high-grade schools, musical and other learned societies and excellent hospitals. The last include the large municipal infirmary and the Senckenberg’sches Stift, a hospital and almshouses founded by a doctor, Johann C. Senckenberg (d. 1772). The Royal Institute for experimental therapeutics (Königl. Institut für experimentelle Therapie), moved to Frankfort in 1899, attracts numerous foreign students, and is especially concerned with the study of bacteriology and serums.

Literary and Scientific Institutions.—Few cities of the same size as Frankfurt are as rich in literary, scientific, and artistic institutions, or have so many beautiful buildings dedicated to them. The opera house, built near the Bockenheimer Tor from 1873 to 1880, is a stunning structure in the Italian Renaissance style and is considered one of the finest theaters in Europe. There's also a theater (Schauspielhaus) in a modern Renaissance style (1899-1902), which focuses mainly on drama, a magnificent concert hall (Saalbau), opened in 1861, and many smaller venues for theatrical performances. The public art gallery in the Saalhof features works by Hans Holbein, Grünewald, Van Dyck, Teniers, Van der Neer, Hans von Kulmbach, Lucas Cranach, and other masters. The Städel Art Institute (Städel’sches Kunstinstitut) in Sachsenhausen, established by banker J. F. Städel in 1816, includes a picture gallery and a collection of engravings that is exceptionally rich in German art. The municipal library, housing 300,000 volumes, 19 boasts among its rarer treasures a Gutenberg Bible printed in Mainz between 1450 and 1455, another on parchment from 1462, the Institutiones Justiniani (Mainz, 1468), the Theuerdank with woodcuts by Hans Schäufelein, and numerous valuable autographs. It also has a fine collection of coins. The Bethmann Museum is known mainly for Dannecker’s “Ariadne,” but it also has the original plaster model of Thorwaldsen’s “Entrance of Alexander the Great into Babylon.” Other notable mentions include the Industrial Art Exhibition of the Polytechnic Association and two music conservatories. Among the scientific institutions, the top spot goes to the Senckenberg’sches naturhistorische Museum, which has valuable collections of birds and shells. Next in line are the Kunstgewerbe (museum of arts and crafts) and the Musical Museum, with valuable manuscripts and portraits. In addition to the previously mentioned municipal library (Stadtbibliothek), there are three other important libraries: the Rothschild, the Senckenberg, and the Jewish library (which has a well-equipped reading room). There are many high-quality schools, musical and scholarly societies, and excellent hospitals. The latter include the large municipal infirmary and the Senckenberg’sches Stift, a hospital and almshouses founded by a doctor, Johann C. Senckenberg (d. 1772). The Royal Institute for Experimental Therapeutics (Königl. Institut für experimentelle Therapie), which moved to Frankfurt in 1899, attracts many foreign students and focuses especially on bacteriology and serums.

Bridges.—Seven bridges (of which two are railway) cross the Main. The most interesting of these is the Alte Mainbrücke, a red sandstone structure of fourteen arches, 815 ft. long, dating from the 14th century. On it are a mill, a statue of Charlemagne and an iron crucifix surmounted by a gilded cock. The latter commemorates, according to tradition, the fowl which was the first living being to cross the bridge and thus fell a prey to the devil, who in hope of a nobler victim had sold his assistance to the architect. Antiquaries, however, assert that it probably marks the spot where criminals were in olden times flung into the river. Other bridges are the Obermainbrücke of five iron arches, opened in 1878; an iron foot (suspension) bridge, the Untermainbrücke; the Wilhelmsbrücke, a fine structure, which from 1849 to 1890 served as a railway bridge and was then opened as a road bridge; and two new iron bridges at Gutleuthof and Niederrad (below the city), which carry the railway traffic from the south to the north bank of the Main, where all lines converge in a central station of the Prussian state railways. This station, which was built in 1883-1888 and has replaced the three stations belonging to private companies, which formerly stood in juxtaposition on the Anlagen (or promenades) near the Mainzer Tor, lies some half-mile to the west. The intervening ground upon which the railway lines and buildings stood was sold for building sites, the sum obtained being more than sufficient to cover the cost of the majestic central terminus (the third largest in the world), which, in addition to spacious and handsome halls for passenger accommodation, has three glass-covered spans of 180 ft. width each. Yet the exigencies of traffic demand further extensions, and another large station was in 1909 in process of construction at the east end of the city, devised to receive the local traffic of lines running eastward, while a through station for the north to south traffic was projected on a site farther west of the central terminus.

Bridges.—Seven bridges (including two for trains) cross the Main River. The most notable of these is the Alte Mainbrücke, a red sandstone bridge with fourteen arches, measuring 815 ft. long, built in the 14th century. It features a mill, a statue of Charlemagne, and an iron crucifix topped with a gilded rooster. According to legend, this rooster was the first living thing to cross the bridge, and it became the devil's prey, who had given his help to the architect hoping for a more noble victim. However, historians suggest it likely marks the spot where criminals were thrown into the river in earlier times. Other bridges include the Obermainbrücke, which has five iron arches and was opened in 1878; an iron foot suspension bridge called the Untermainbrücke; and the Wilhelmsbrücke, an impressive structure that served as a railway bridge from 1849 to 1890 before being reopened as a road bridge. There are also two new iron bridges at Gutleuthof and Niederrad (below the city) that carry train traffic from the south to the north bank of the Main, where all lines converge at the central station of the Prussian state railways. This station, built between 1883 and 1888, replaced three stations that belonged to private companies, which used to sit close together on the promenades near the Mainzer Tor, and is located about half a mile to the west. The land where the old railway lines and buildings stood was sold for construction, raising enough money to cover the costs of the grand central terminus (the third largest in the world), which features spacious and beautiful halls for passengers and three glass-covered spans, each 180 ft. wide. However, the demands of traffic require further expansions, and as of 1909, another large station was under construction at the eastern end of the city to accommodate local traffic heading east, while a through station for north-south traffic was planned to be built further west of the central terminus.

Frankfort lies at the junction of lines of railway connecting it directly with all the important cities of south and central Germany. Here cross and unite the lines from Berlin to Basel, from Cologne to Würzburg and Vienna, from Hamburg and Cassel, and from Dresden and Leipzig to France and Switzerland. The river Main has been dredged so as to afford heavy barge traffic with the towns of the upper Main and with the Rhine, and cargo boats load and unload alongside its busy quays. A well-devised system of electric tramways provides for local communication within the city and with the outlying suburbs.

Frankfurt is located where several railway lines connect it directly to all the key cities in southern and central Germany. The lines from Berlin to Basel, from Cologne to Würzburg and Vienna, from Hamburg and Kassel, and from Dresden and Leipzig to France and Switzerland all intersect here. The Main River has been dredged to support heavy barge traffic with the towns along the upper Main and the Rhine, and cargo boats load and unload at its bustling quays. A well-designed electric tram system enables local transportation within the city and to the surrounding suburbs.

Trade, Commerce and Industries.—Frankfort has always been more of a commercial than an industrial town, and though of late years it has somewhat lost its pre-eminent position as a banking centre it has counterbalanced the loss in increased industrial development. The suburbs of Sachsenhausen and Bockenheim have particularly developed considerable industrial activity, especially in publishing and printing, brewing and the manufacture of quinine. Other sources of employment are the cutting of hair for making hats, the production of fancy goods, type, machinery, soap and perfumery, ready-made clothing, chemicals, electro-technical apparatus, jewelry and metal wares. Market gardening is extensively carried on in the neighbourhood and cider largely manufactured. There are two great fairs held in the town,—the Ostermesse, or spring fair, and the Herbstmesse, or autumn fair. The former, which was the original nucleus of all the commercial prosperity of the city, begins on the second Wednesday before Easter; and the latter on the second Wednesday before the 8th of September. They last three weeks, and the last day save one, called the Nickelchestag, is distinguished by the influx of people from the neighbouring country. The trade in leather is of great and growing importance. A horse fair has been held twice a year since 1862 under the patronage of the agricultural society; and the wool market was reinstituted in 1872 by the German Trade Society (Deutscher Handelsverein). Frankfort has long been famous as one of the principal banking centres of Europe, and is now only second to Berlin, in this respect, among German cities, and it is remarkable for the large business that is done in government stock. In the 17th century the town was the seat of a great book-trade; but it has long been distanced in this department by Leipzig. The Frankfurter Journal was founded in 1615, the Postzeitung in 1616, the Neue Frankfurter Zeitung in 1859, and the Frankfurter Presse in 1866.

Trade, Commerce and Industries.—Frankfort has always been more of a commercial city than an industrial one, and although it has lost some of its top status as a banking center in recent years, it has compensated for that loss with increased industrial development. The suburbs of Sachsenhausen and Bockenheim have particularly seen a growth in industrial activity, especially in publishing and printing, brewing, and the production of quinine. Other job sources include hair cutting for hat-making, the creation of fancy goods, type, machinery, soap and perfume, ready-made clothing, chemicals, electro-technical equipment, jewelry, and metal goods. Market gardening is widely practiced in the area, and cider is produced in large quantities. Two major fairs are held in the city—the Ostermesse, or spring fair, and the Herbstmesse, or autumn fair. The former, which was the original foundation of the city's commercial prosperity, starts on the second Wednesday before Easter; the latter begins on the second Wednesday before September 8th. They run for three weeks, and the day before the last day, known as Nickelchestag, is marked by a large influx of people from neighboring areas. The leather trade is increasingly important. A horse fair has been held twice a year since 1862 under the auspices of the agricultural society, and the wool market was reestablished in 1872 by the German Trade Society (Deutscher Handelsverein). Frankfort has long been recognized as one of the main banking centers in Europe and is now second only to Berlin among German cities in this regard, noted for the substantial business in government stocks. In the 17th century, the city was a major hub for the book trade; however, it has since been surpassed in this area by Leipzig. The Frankfurter Journal was established in 1615, the Postzeitung in 1616, the Neue Frankfurter Zeitung in 1859, and the Frankfurter Presse in 1866.

Of memorial monuments the largest and most elaborate in Frankfort is that erected in 1858 in honour of the early German printers. It was modelled by Ed. von der Launitz and executed by Herr von Kreis. The statues of Gutenberg, Fust and Schöffer form a group on the top; an ornamented frieze presents medallions of a number of famous printers; below these are figures representing the towns of Mainz, Strassburg, Venice and Frankfort; and on the corners of the pedestal are allegorical statues of theology, poetry, science and industry. The statue of Goethe (1844) in the Goetheplatz is by Ludwig von Schwanthaler. The Schiller statue, erected in 1863, is the work of a Frankfort artist, Johann Dielmann. A monument in the Bockenheim Anlage, dated 1837, preserves the memory of Guiollett, the burgomaster, to whom the town is mainly indebted for the beautiful promenades which occupy the site of the old fortifications; and similar monuments have been reared to Senckenberg (1863), Schopenhauer, Klemens Brentano the poet and Samuel Thomas Sömmerring (1755-1830), the anatomist and inventor of an electric telegraph. In the Opernplatz is an equestrian statue of the emperor Wilhelm I. by Buscher.

Of the memorial monuments in Frankfurt, the largest and most impressive is the one built in 1858 to honor the early German printers. It was designed by Ed. von der Launitz and created by Herr von Kreis. The statues of Gutenberg, Fust, and Schöffer form a group at the top; an ornate frieze features medallions of several famous printers; below these are figures representing the cities of Mainz, Strasbourg, Venice, and Frankfurt; and on the corners of the pedestal are allegorical statues of theology, poetry, science, and industry. The statue of Goethe (1844) in Goetheplatz is by Ludwig von Schwanthaler. The Schiller statue, erected in 1863, was created by a Frankfurt artist, Johann Dielmann. A monument in the Bockenheim Anlage, dated 1837, honors Guiollett, the mayor, to whom the city largely owes the beautiful promenades that now occupy the site of the old fortifications; similar monuments have been erected for Senckenberg (1863), Schopenhauer, poet Klemens Brentano, and Samuel Thomas Sömmerring (1755-1830), the anatomist and inventor of the electric telegraph. In Opernplatz, there's an equestrian statue of Emperor Wilhelm I by Buscher.

Cemeteries.—The new cemetery (opened in 1828) contains the graves of Arthur Schopenhauer and Feuerbach, of Passavant the biographer of Raphael, Ballenberger the artist, Hessemer the architect, Sömmerring, and Johann Friedrich Böhmer the historian. The Bethmann vault attracts attention by three bas-reliefs from the chisel of Thorwaldsen; and the Reichenbach mausoleum is a vast pile designed by Hessemer at the command of William II. of Hesse, and adorned with sculptures by Zwerger and von der Lausitz. In the Jewish section, which is walled off from the rest of the burying-ground, the most remarkable tombs are those of the Rothschild family.

Cemeteries.—The new cemetery (opened in 1828) holds the graves of Arthur Schopenhauer and Feuerbach, Passavant the biographer of Raphael, artist Ballenberger, architect Hessemer, Sömmerring, and historian Johann Friedrich Böhmer. The Bethmann vault stands out with three bas-reliefs created by Thorwaldsen; and the Reichenbach mausoleum is a large structure designed by Hessemer on the orders of William II of Hesse, decorated with sculptures by Zwerger and von der Lausitz. In the Jewish section, which is separated from the rest of the graveyard, the most notable tombs belong to the Rothschild family.

Parks.—In addition to the park in the south-western district, Frankfort possesses two delightful pleasure grounds, which attract large numbers of visitors, the Palmengarten in the west and the zoological garden in the east of the city. The former is remarkable for the collection of palms purchased in 1868 from the deposed duke Adolph of Nassau.

Parks.—Besides the park in the southwest part of the city, Frankfort has two lovely recreational areas that draw many visitors: the Palmengarten in the west and the zoo in the east. The Palmengarten is especially noted for its collection of palms bought in 1868 from the ousted Duke Adolph of Nassau.

Government.—The present municipal constitution of the city dates from 1867 and presents some points of difference from the ordinary Prussian system. Bismarck was desirous of giving the city, in view of its former freedom, a more liberal constitution than is usual in ordinary cases. Formerly fifty-four representatives were elected, but provision was made (in the 20 constitution) for increasing the number, and they at present number sixty-four, elected for six years. Every two years a third of the number retire, but they are eligible for re-election. These sixty-four representatives elect twenty town-councillors, ten of whom receive a salary and ten do not. The chief burgomaster (Oberbürgermeister) is nominated by the emperor for twelve years, and the second burgomaster must receive the emperor’s approval.

Government.—The current city government structure dates back to 1867 and differs in some ways from the typical Prussian system. Bismarck wanted to give the city, considering its past autonomy, a more progressive constitution than what is usually seen. Previously, fifty-four representatives were elected, but the 20 constitution allowed for an increase in their number, which now stands at sixty-four, elected for six years. Every two years, a third of them step down, but they can run for re-election. These sixty-four representatives choose twenty town-councillors, with ten receiving a salary and ten not. The chief mayor (Oberbürgermeister) is appointed by the emperor for a twelve-year term, and the second mayor must have the emperor’s approval.

Since 1885 the city has been supplied with water of excellent quality from the Stadtwald, Goldstein and Hinkelstein, and the favourable sanitary condition of the town is seen in the low death rate.

Since 1885, the city has been provided with high-quality water from the Stadtwald, Goldstein, and Hinkelstein, and the town's good sanitary condition is reflected in the low death rate.

Population.—The population of Frankfort has steadily increased since the beginning of the 19th century; it amounted in 1817 to 41,458; (1840) 55,269; (1864) 77,372; (1871) 59,265; (1875) 103,136; (1890) 179,985; and (1905), including the incorporated suburban districts, 334,951, of whom 175,909 were Protestants, 88,457 Roman Catholics and 21,974 Jews.

Population.—The population of Frankfort has consistently grown since the start of the 19th century; it was 41,458 in 1817; (1840) 55,269; (1864) 77,372; (1871) 59,265; (1875) 103,136; (1890) 179,985; and (1905), including the incorporated suburban areas, 334,951, of which 175,909 were Protestants, 88,457 Roman Catholics, and 21,974 Jews.

History.—Excavations around the cathedral have incontestably proved that Frankfort-on-Main (Trajectum ad Moenum) was a settlement in Roman times and was probably founded in the 1st century of the Christian era. It may thus be accounted one of the earliest German—the so-called “Roman”—towns. Numerous places in the valley of the Main are mentioned in chronicles anterior to the time that Frankfort is first noticed. Disregarding popular tradition, which connects the origin of the town with a legend that Charlemagne, when retreating before the Saxons, was safely conducted across the river by a doe, it may be asserted that the first genuine historical notice of the town occurs in 793, when Einhard, Charlemagne’s biographer, tells us that he spent the winter in the villa Frankonovurd. Next year there is mention more than once of a royal palace here, and the early importance of the place is indicated by the fact that in this year it was chosen as the seat of the ecclesiastical council by which image-worship was condemned. The name Frankfort is also found in several official documents of Charlemagne’s reign; and from the notices that occur in the early chronicles and charters it would appear that the place was the most populous at least of the numerous villages of the Main district. During the Carolingian period it was the seat of no fewer than 16 imperial councils or colloquies. The town was probably at first built on an island in the river. It was originally governed by the royal officer or actor dominicus, and down even to the close of the Empire it remained a purely imperial or royal town. It gradually acquired various privileges, and by the close of the 14th century the only mark of dependence was the payment of a yearly tax. Louis the Pious dwelt more frequently at Frankfort than his father Charlemagne had done, and about 823 he built himself a new palace, the basis of the later Saalhof. In 822 and 823 two great diets were held in the palace, and at the former there were present deputies from the eastern Slavs, the Avars and the Normans. The place continued to be a favourite residence with Louis the German, who died there in 876, and was the capital of the East Frankish kingdom. By the rest of the Carolingian kings it was less frequently visited, and this neglect was naturally greater during the period of the Saxon and Salic emperors from 919 to 1137. Diets, however, were held in the town in 951, 1015, 1069 and 1109, and councils in 1000 and 1006. From a privilege of Henry IV., in 1074, granting the city of Worms freedom from tax in their trade with several royal cities, it appears that Frankfort was even then a place of some commercial importance.

History.—Excavations around the cathedral have undoubtedly shown that Frankfort-on-Main (Trajectum ad Moenum) was a settlement during Roman times and was likely established in the 1st century AD. Therefore, it can be considered one of the earliest German towns—the so-called “Roman” towns. Many locations in the Main valley are mentioned in historical records that predate the earliest mentions of Frankfort. Ignoring popular legend, which claims the town started when Charlemagne was safely guided across the river by a doe while fleeing the Saxons, it can be said that the first true historical reference to the town is from 793, when Einhard, Charlemagne’s biographer, notes that he spent the winter at the villa Frankonovurd. The following year, there are multiple mentions of a royal palace here, and the importance of the place is highlighted by its selection as the site of the ecclesiastical council that condemned image-worship. The name Frankfort appears in several official documents from Charlemagne’s reign; and from early chronicles and charters, it seems the town was the most populous among the many villages in the Main area. During the Carolingian period, it was the site of no fewer than 16 imperial councils or meetings. The town was likely initially built on an island in the river. It was originally governed by a royal officer or actor dominicus, and even until the end of the Empire, it remained a purely imperial or royal town. It gradually gained various privileges, and by the late 14th century, the only sign of dependence was the payment of an annual tax. Louis the Pious spent more time in Frankfort than his father Charlemagne did, and around 823, he constructed a new palace, which later became the basis for the Saalhof. In 822 and 823, two significant diets were held at the palace, the first of which included deputies from the eastern Slavs, the Avars, and the Normans. The town remained a preferred residence for Louis the German, who died there in 876, and was the capital of the East Frankish kingdom. The other Carolingian kings visited it less frequently, and this neglect increased during the Saxon and Salic emperors' reign from 919 to 1137. Diets were still held in the town in 951, 1015, 1069, and 1109, and councils in 1000 and 1006. A privilege granted by Henry IV. in 1074, which allowed the city of Worms to trade tax-free with several royal cities, indicates that Frankfort was already a place of some commercial significance.

Under the Hohenstaufens many brilliant diets were held within its walls. That of 1147 saw, also, the first election of a German king at Frankfort, in the person of Henry, son of Conrad III. But as the father outlived the son, it was Frederick I., Barbarossa, who was actually the first reigning king to be elected here (in 1152). With the beginning of the 13th century the municipal constitution appears to have taken definite shape. The chief official was the royal bailiff (Schultheiss), who is first mentioned in 1193, and whose powers were subsequently enlarged by the abolition, in 1219, of the office of the royal Vogt or advocatus. About this time a body of Schöffen (scabini, jurats), fourteen in number, was formed to assist in the control of municipal affairs, and with their appointment the first step was taken towards civic representative government. Soon, however, the activity of the Schöffen became specifically confined to the determination of legal disputes, and in their place a new body (Collegium) of counsellors—Ratmannen—also fourteen in number, was appointed for the general administration of local matters. In 1311, the two burgomasters, now chiefs of the municipality, take the place of the royal Schultheiss. In the 13th century, the Frankfort Fair, which is first mentioned in 1150, and the origin of which must have been long anterior to that date, is referred to as being largely frequented. No fewer than 10 new churches were erected in the years from 1220 to 1270. It was about the same period, probably in 1240, that the Jews first settled in the town. In the contest which Louis the Bavarian maintained with the papacy Frankfort sided with the emperor, and it was consequently placed under an interdict for 20 years from 1329 to 1349. On Louis’ death it refused to accept the papal conditions of pardon, and only yielded to Charles IV., the papal nominee, when Günther of Schwarzburg thought it more prudent to abdicate in his favour. Charles granted the city a full amnesty, and confirmed its liberties and privileges.

Under the Hohenstaufens, many significant assemblies took place within its walls. The one in 1147 also marked the first election of a German king in Frankfurt, with Henry, the son of Conrad III. However, since the father outlived the son, it was Frederick I, Barbarossa, who actually became the first reigning king to be elected here in 1152. By the early 13th century, the municipal constitution seemed to take on a clear structure. The main official was the royal bailiff (Schultheiss), first mentioned in 1193, whose powers were later expanded by the abolition of the royal Vogt or advocatus in 1219. Around this time, a group of Schöffen (scabini, jurats), made up of fourteen members, was established to help manage municipal affairs, marking the initial move towards civic representative government. However, the role of the Schöffen soon became focused solely on resolving legal disputes, leading to the formation of a new group of advisers—Ratmannen—also consisting of fourteen members, for the administration of local issues. In 1311, the two burgomasters, now heads of the municipality, replaced the royal Schultheiss. In the 13th century, the Frankfurt Fair, first mentioned in 1150, was noted for its large attendance, and at least 10 new churches were built between 1220 and 1270. During this time, likely around 1240, Jews first settled in the town. In the conflict between Louis the Bavarian and the papacy, Frankfurt supported the emperor, resulting in the city being placed under an interdict for 20 years from 1329 to 1349. After Louis's death, the city refused to accept the papal conditions for pardon and only agreed to terms with Charles IV, the papal nominee, after Günther of Schwarzburg decided it was wiser to step down in his favor. Charles granted the city a full amnesty and confirmed its rights and privileges.

By the famous Golden Bull of 1356 Frankfort was declared the seat of the imperial elections, and it still preserves an official contemporaneous copy of the original document as the most precious of the eight imperial bulls in its possession. From the date of the bull to the close of the Empire Frankfort retained the position of “Wahlstadt,” and only five of the two-and-twenty monarchs who ruled during that period were elected elsewhere. In 1388-1389 Frankfort assisted the South German towns in their wars with the princes and nobles (the Städtekrieg), and in a consequent battle with the troops of the Palatinate, the town banner was lost and carried to Kronberg, where it was long preserved as a trophy. On peace being concluded in 1391, the town had to pay 12,562 florins, and this brought it into great financial difficulties. In the course of the next 50 years debt was contracted to the amount of 126,772 florins. The diet at Worms in 1495 chose Frankfort as the seat of the newly instituted imperial chamber, or “Reichskammergericht,” and it was not till 1527 that the chamber was removed to Spires. At the Reformation Frankfort heartily joined the Protestant party, and in consequence it was hardly treated both by the emperor Charles V. and by the archbishop of Mainz. It refused to subscribe the Augsburg Recess, but at the same time it was not till 1536 that it was persuaded to join the League of Schmalkalden. On the failure of this confederation it opened its gates to the imperial general Büren on the 29th of December 1546, although he had passed by the city, which he considered too strong for the forces under his command. The emperor was merciful enough to leave it in possession of its privileges, but he inflicted a fine of 80,000 gold gulden, and until October 1547 the citizens had to endure the presence of from 8000 to 10,000 soldiers. This resulted in a pestilence which not only lessened the population, but threatened to give the death-blow to the great annual fairs; and at the close of the war it was found that it had cost the city no less than 228,931 gulden. In 1552 Frankfort was invested for three weeks by Maurice of Saxony, who was still in arms against the emperor Charles V., but it continued to hold out till peace was concluded between the principal combatants. Between 1612 and 1616 occurred the great Fettmilch insurrection, perhaps the most remarkable episode in the internal history of Frankfort. The magistracy had been acquiring more and more the character of an oligarchy; all power was practically in the hands of a few closely-related families; and the gravest peculation and malversation took place without hindrance. The ordinary citizens were roused to assert their rights, and they found a leader in Vincenz Fettmilch, who carried the contest to dangerous excesses, but lacked ability to bring it to a successful issue. An imperial commission was ultimately appointed, and the three principal culprits and several of their associates were executed in 1616. It was not till 21 1801 that the last mouldering head of the Fettmilch company dropped unnoticed from the Rententurm, the old tower near the bridge. In the words of Dr Kriegk, Geschichte von Frankfurt, (1871), the insurrection completely destroyed the political power of the gilds, gave new strength to the supremacy of the patriciate, and brought no further advantage to the rest of the citizens than a few improvements in the organization and administration of the magistracy. The Jews, who had been attacked by the popular party, were solemnly reinstated by imperial command in all their previous privileges, and received full compensation for their losses.

By the famous Golden Bull of 1356, Frankfurt was declared the site of the imperial elections, and it still keeps an official contemporary copy of the original document as the most treasured of the eight imperial bulls it holds. From the issuance of the bull until the end of the Empire, Frankfurt maintained its status as the "Wahlstadt," and only five of the twenty-two monarchs who ruled during this time were elected elsewhere. In 1388-1389, Frankfurt assisted the South German towns in their conflicts with the princes and nobles (the Städtekrieg), and during a subsequent battle with the troops of the Palatinate, the town banner was lost and taken to Kronberg, where it was preserved as a trophy for a long time. When peace was finalized in 1391, the town had to pay 12,562 florins, leading to significant financial troubles. Over the next 50 years, debt accumulated to the amount of 126,772 florins. The diet at Worms in 1495 designated Frankfurt as the seat of the newly established imperial chamber, or "Reichskammergericht," and it wasn't until 1527 that the chamber was moved to Spires. During the Reformation, Frankfurt fully aligned with the Protestant movement, which led to harsh treatment from Emperor Charles V and the Archbishop of Mainz. It refused to agree to the Augsburg Recess, but eventually joined the League of Schmalkalden in 1536. Following the collapse of this confederation, it opened its gates to the imperial general Büren on December 29, 1546, even though he had previously bypassed the city, considering it too strongly defended for his forces. The emperor was gracious enough to allow Frankfurt to keep its privileges, but he imposed a fine of 80,000 gold gulden, and until October 1547, the citizens had to tolerate the presence of 8,000 to 10,000 soldiers. This led to a plague that not only reduced the population but also threatened the survival of the major annual fairs; by the close of the war, it was determined that the conflict had cost the city a staggering 228,931 gulden. In 1552, Frankfurt was besieged for three weeks by Maurice of Saxony, who was still fighting against Emperor Charles V, but it managed to hold out until peace was reached between the main combatants. Between 1612 and 1616, the significant Fettmilch insurrection took place, perhaps the most notable event in Frankfurt's internal history. The magistracy was increasingly taking on the nature of an oligarchy; all authority lay practically in the hands of a few connected families, and serious corruption and misconduct occurred without consequences. Ordinary citizens were stirred to claim their rights, finding leadership in Vincenz Fettmilch, who pushed the struggle to dangerous extremes but lacked the skill to successfully see it through. An imperial commission was eventually established, and in 1616, three principal offenders and several of their associates were executed. It wasn't until 21 1801 that the last remnants of the Fettmilch group quietly fell from the Rententurm, the old tower by the bridge. According to Dr. Kriegk in Geschichte von Frankfurt (1871), the insurrection completely dismantled the political power of the guilds, strengthened the dominance of the patricians, and yielded no substantial benefits for the other citizens aside from some improvements in the organization and administration of the magistracy. The Jews, who had been targeted by the popular faction, were formally reinstated by imperial order in all their previous privileges and received full compensation for their losses.

During the Thirty Years’ War Frankfort did not escape. In 1631 Gustavus Adolphus garrisoned it with 600 men, who remained in possession till they were expelled four years later by the imperial general Lamboy. In 1792 the citizens had to pay 2,000,000 gulden to the French general Custine; and in 1796 Kléber exacted 8,000,000 francs. The independence of Frankfort was brought to an end in 1806, on the formation of the Confederation of the Rhine; and in 1810 it was made the capital of the grand-duchy of Frankfort, which had an area of 3215 sq. m. with 302,100 inhabitants, and was divided into the four districts of Frankfort, Aschaffenburg, Fulda and Hanau. On the reconstitution of Germany in 1815 it again became a free city, and in the following year it was declared the seat of the German Confederation. In April 1833 occurred what is known as the Frankfort Insurrection (Frankfurter Attentat), in which a number of insurgents led by Georg Bunsen attempted to break up the diet. The city joined the German Zollverein in 1836. During the revolutionary period of 1848 the people of Frankfort, where the united German parliament held its sessions, took a chief part in political movements, and the streets of the town were more than once the scene of conflict. In the war of 1866 they were on the Austrian side. On the 16th of July the Prussian troops, under General Vogel von Falkenstein, entered the town, and on the 18th of October it was formally incorporated with the Prussian state. A fine of 6,000,000 florins was exacted. In 1871 the treaty which concluded the Franco-German War was signed in the Swan Hotel by Prince Bismarck and Jules Favre, and it is consequently known as the peace of Frankfort.

During the Thirty Years’ War, Frankfort was not spared. In 1631, Gustavus Adolphus stationed 600 soldiers there, who held the city until they were removed four years later by the imperial general Lamboy. In 1792, the citizens had to pay 2,000,000 gulden to the French general Custine, and in 1796, Kléber demanded 8,000,000 francs. Frankfort's independence ended in 1806 with the formation of the Confederation of the Rhine, and in 1810, it became the capital of the grand-duchy of Frankfort, which covered an area of 3,215 sq. miles and had 302,100 residents, divided into the four districts of Frankfort, Aschaffenburg, Fulda, and Hanau. When Germany was reconstituted in 1815, it became a free city again, and the following year, it was named the seat of the German Confederation. In April 1833, what is known as the Frankfort Insurrection (Frankfurter Attentat) took place, where a group of insurgents led by Georg Bunsen tried to disband the diet. The city joined the German Zollverein in 1836. During the revolutionary period of 1848, the people of Frankfort, where the united German parliament held its sessions, played a major role in political movements, and the city streets were frequently scenes of conflict. In the war of 1866, they sided with Austria. On July 16, the Prussian troops, led by General Vogel von Falkenstein, entered the city, and on October 18, it was officially integrated into the Prussian state. A fine of 6,000,000 florins was imposed. In 1871, the treaty concluding the Franco-German War was signed at the Swan Hotel by Prince Bismarck and Jules Favre, and it is therefore known as the Peace of Frankfort.

Authorities.—F. Rittweger, Frankfurt im Jahre 1848 (1898); R. Jung, Das historische Archiv der Stadt Frankfurt (1897); A. Horne, Geschichte von Frankfurt (4th ed., 1903); H. Grotefend, Quellen zur Frankfürter Geschichte (Frankfort, 1884-1888); J. C. von Fichard, Die Entstehung der Reichsstadt Frankfurt (Frankfort, 1819); G. L. Kriegk, Geschichte von Frankfurt (Frankfort, 1871); J. F. Böhmer, Urkundenbuch der Reichsstadt Frankfurt (new ed., 1901); B. Weber, Zur Reformationsgeschichte der freien Reichsstadt Frankfurt (1895); O. Speyer, Die Frankfurter Revolution 1612-1616 (1883); and L. Woerl, Guide to Frankfort (Leipzig, 1898).

Authorities.—F. Rittweger, Frankfurt in 1848 (1898); R. Jung, The Historical Archive of the City of Frankfurt (1897); A. Horne, History of Frankfurt (4th ed., 1903); H. Grotefend, Sources for Frankfurt History (Frankfort, 1884-1888); J. C. von Fichard, The Origins of the Imperial City of Frankfurt (Frankfort, 1819); G. L. Kriegk, History of Frankfurt (Frankfort, 1871); J. F. Böhmer, Document Book of the Imperial City of Frankfurt (new ed., 1901); B. Weber, On the History of the Reformation in the Free Imperial City of Frankfurt (1895); O. Speyer, The Frankfurt Revolution 1612-1616 (1883); and L. Woerl, Guide to Frankfurt (Leipzig, 1898).

FRANKFORT-ON-ODER, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Brandenburg, 50 m. S.E. from Berlin on the main line of railway to Breslau and at the junction of lines to Cüstrin, Posen and Grossenhain. Pop. (1905) 64,943. The town proper lies on the left bank of the river Oder and is connected by a stone bridge (replacing the old historical wooden structure) 900 ft. long, with the suburb of Damm. The town is agreeably situated and has broad and handsome streets, among them the “Linden,” a spacious avenue. Above, on the western side, and partly lying on the site of the old ramparts, is the residential quarter, consisting mainly of villas and commanding a fine prospect of the Oder valley. Between this suburb and the town lies the park, in which is a monument to the poet Ewald Christian von Kleist, who died here of wounds received in the battle of Kunersdorf. Among the more important public buildings must be noticed the Evangelical Marienkirche (Oberkirche), a handsome brick edifice of the 13th century with five aisles, the Roman Catholic church, the Rathhaus dating from 1607, and bearing on its southern gable the device of a member of the Hanseatic League, the government offices and the theatre. The university of Frankfort, founded in 1506 by Joachim I., elector of Brandenburg, was removed to Breslau in 1811, and the academical buildings are now occupied by a school. To compensate it for the loss of its university, Frankfort-on-Oder was long the seat of the court of appeal for the province, but of this it was deprived in 1879. There are several handsome public monuments, notably that to Duke Leopold of Brunswick, who was drowned in the Oder while attempting to save life, on the 27th of April 1785. The town has a large garrison, consisting of nearly all arms. Its industries are considerable, including the manufacture of machinery, metal ware, chemicals, paper, leather and sugar. Situated on the high road from Berlin to Silesia, and having an extensive system of water communication by means of the Oder and its canals to the Vistula and the Elbe, and being an important railway centre, it has a lively export trade, which is further fostered by its three annual fairs, held respectively at Reminiscere (the second Sunday in Lent), St Margaret’s day and at Martinmas. In the neighbourhood are extensive coal fields.

FRANKFORT-ON-ODER is a town in Germany, located in the Prussian province of Brandenburg, 50 miles southeast of Berlin on the main railway line to Breslau and at the junction of lines to Cüstrin, Posen, and Grossenhain. Population (1905): 64,943. The town itself lies on the left bank of the river Oder and is connected to the suburb of Damm by a 900-foot-long stone bridge, which replaced the old historical wooden structure. The town is nicely situated and features wide, attractive streets, including "Linden," a spacious avenue. On the western side, partly on the site of the old ramparts, is the residential area, mainly consisting of villas that offer a great view of the Oder valley. Between this suburb and the town lies a park that contains a monument to the poet Ewald Christian von Kleist, who died here from wounds received in the battle of Kunersdorf. Among the notable public buildings are the Evangelical Marienkirche (Oberkirche), a beautiful brick structure from the 13th century with five aisles, the Roman Catholic church, the Rathhaus from 1607 which features the emblem of a member of the Hanseatic League on its southern gable, the government offices, and the theater. The university of Frankfort, established in 1506 by Joachim I., elector of Brandenburg, was moved to Breslau in 1811, and its former academic buildings are now used by a school. To make up for losing its university, Frankfort-on-Oder was the site of the court of appeal for the province for a long time, but it lost that status in 1879. There are several notable public monuments, especially one dedicated to Duke Leopold of Brunswick, who drowned in the Oder while trying to save someone on April 27, 1785. The town has a large garrison, encompassing nearly all branches of the military. Its industries are significant, including machinery, metal goods, chemicals, paper, leather, and sugar production. Located on the main road from Berlin to Silesia and having a vast network of water routes via the Oder and its canals to the Vistula and Elbe, along with being an important railway hub, it enjoys a vibrant export trade, which is further enhanced by its three annual fairs held during Reminiscere (the second Sunday in Lent), St Margaret’s Day, and Martinmas. Nearby are extensive coal fields.

Frankfort-on-the-Oder owes its origin and name to a settlement of Franconian merchants here, in the 13th century, on land conquered by the margrave of Brandenburg from the Wends. In 1253 it was raised to the rank of a town by the margrave John I. and borrowed from Berlin the Magdeburg civic constitution. In 1379 it received from King Sigismund, then margrave of Brandenburg, the right to free navigation of the Oder; and from 1368 to about 1450 it belonged to the Hanseatic League. The university, which is referred to above, was opened by the elector Joachim I. in 1506, was removed in 1516 to Kottbus and restored again to Frankfort in 1539, at which date the Reformation was introduced. It was dispersed during the Thirty Years’ War and again restored by the Great Elector, but finally transferred to Breslau in 1811.

Frankfort-on-the-Oder was established in the 13th century by a settlement of Franconian merchants on land that the margrave of Brandenburg had taken from the Wends. In 1253, it was granted town status by Margrave John I, who adopted the Magdeburg civic constitution from Berlin. In 1379, King Sigismund, then the margrave of Brandenburg, granted it the right to free navigation on the Oder River. From 1368 until about 1450, it was part of the Hanseatic League. The university mentioned earlier was founded by Elector Joachim I in 1506, moved to Kottbus in 1516, and returned to Frankfort in 1539, coinciding with the introduction of the Reformation. It was closed during the Thirty Years’ War, later reopened by the Great Elector, but ultimately relocated to Breslau in 1811.

Frankfort has suffered much from the vicissitudes of war. In the 15th century it successfully withstood sieges by the Hussites (1429 and 1432), by the Poles (1450) and by the duke of Sagan (1477). In the Thirty Years’ War it was successively taken by Gustavus Adolphus (1631), by Wallenstein (1633), by the elector of Brandenburg (1634), and again by the Swedes, who held it from 1640 to 1644. During the Seven Years’ War it was taken by the Russians (1759). In 1812 it was occupied by the French, who remained till March 1813, when the Russians marched in.

Frankfort has faced a lot of challenges because of war. In the 15th century, it successfully resisted sieges by the Hussites (1429 and 1432), the Poles (1450), and the duke of Sagan (1477). During the Thirty Years’ War, it was captured multiple times—first by Gustavus Adolphus (1631), then by Wallenstein (1633), followed by the elector of Brandenburg (1634), and again by the Swedes, who occupied it from 1640 to 1644. In the Seven Years’ War, the Russians took control in 1759. In 1812, the French occupied it and stayed until March 1813, when the Russians took over.

See K. R. Hausen, Geschichte der Universität und Stadt Frankfurt (1806), and Bieder und Gurnik, Bilder aus der Geschichte der Stadt Frankfurt-an-der-Oder (1898).

See K. R. Hausen, History of the University and City of Frankfurt (1806), and Bieder and Gurnik, Images from the History of the City of Frankfurt-on-the-Oder (1898).

FRANKINCENSE,1 or Olibanum2 (Gr. λιβανωτός, later θύος; Lat., tus or thus; Heb., lebonah;3 Ar., lubān;4 Turk., ghyunluk; Hind., ganda-birosa5), a gum-resin obtained from certain species of trees of the genus Boswellia, and natural order Burseraceae. The members of the genus are possessed of the following characters:—Bark often papyraceous; leaves deciduous, compound, alternate and imparipinnate, with leaflets serrate or entire; flowers in racemes or panicles, white, green, yellowish or pink, having a small persistent, 5-dentate calyx, 5 petals, 10 stamens, a sessile 3 to 5-chambered ovary, a long style, and a 3-lobed stigma; fruit trigonal or pentagonal; and seed compressed. Sir George Birdwood (Trans. Lin. Soc. xxvii., 22 1871) distinguishes five species of Boswellia: (A) B. thurifera, Colebr. (B. glabra and B. serrata, Roxb.), indigenous to the mountainous tracts of central India and the Coromandel coast, and B. papyrifera (Plösslea floribunda, Endl.) of Abyssinia, which, though both thuriferous, are not known to yield any of the olibanum of commerce; and (B) B. Frereana (see Elemi, vol. x. p. 259), B. Bhua-Dajiana, and B. Carterii, the “Yegaar,” “Mohr Add,” and “Mohr Madow” of the Somali country, in East Africa, the last species including a variety, the “Maghrayt d’Sheehaz” of Hadramaut, Arabia, all of which are sources of true frankincense or olibanum. The trees on the Somali coast are described by Captain G. B. Kempthorne as growing, without soil, out of polished marble rocks, to which they are attached by a thick oval mass of substance resembling a mixture of lime and mortar: the purer the marble the finer appears to be the growth of the tree. The young trees, he states, furnish the most valuable gum, the older yielding merely a clear glutinous fluid resembling copal varnish.6 To obtain the frankincense a deep incision is made in the trunk of the tree, and below it a narrow strip of bark 5 in. in length is peeled off. When the milk-like juice (“spuma pinguis,” Pliny) which exudes has hardened by exposure to the atmosphere, the incision is deepened. In about three months the resin has attained the required degree of consistency. The season for gathering lasts from May until the first rains in September. The large clear globules are scraped off into baskets, and the inferior quality that has run down the tree is collected separately. The coast of south Arabia is yearly visited by parties of Somalis, who pay the Arabs for the privilege of collecting frankincense.7 In the interior of the country about the plain of Dhofār,8 during the south-west monsoon, frankincense and other gums are gathered by the Beni Gurrah Bedouins, and might be obtained by them in much larger quantities; their lawlessness, however, and the lack of a safe place of exchange or sale are obstacles to the development of trade. (See C. Y. Ward, The Gulf of Aden Pilot, p. 117, 1863.) Much as formerly in the region of Sakhalites in Arabia (the tract between Ras Makalla and Ras Agab),9 described by Arrian, so now on the sea-coast of the Somali country, the frankincense when collected is stored in heaps at various stations. Thence, packed in sheep- and goat-skins, in quantities of 20 to 40 ℔, it is carried on camels to Berbera, for shipment either to Aden, Makalla and other Arabian ports, or directly to Bombay.10 At Bombay, like gum-acacia, it is assorted, and is then packed for re-exportation to Europe, China and elsewhere.11 Arrian relates that it was an import of Barbarike on the Sinthus (Indus). The idea held by several writers, including Niebuhr, that frankincense was a product of India, would seem to have originated in a confusion of that drug with benzoin and other odoriferous substances, and also in the sale of imported frankincense with the native products of India. The gum resin of Boswellia thurifera was described by Colebrooke (in Asiatick Researches, ix. 381), and after him by Dr J. Fleming (Ib. xi. 158), as true frankincense, or olibanum; from this, however, it differs in its softness, and tendency to melt into a mass12 (Birdwood, loc. cit., p. 146). It is sold in the village bazaars of Khandeish in India under the name of Dup-Salai, i.e. incense of the “Salai tree”; and according to Mr F. Porter Smith, M.B. (Contrib. towards the Mat. Med. and Nat. Hist, of China, p. 162, Shanghai, 1871), is used as incense in China. The last authority also mentions olibanum as a reputed natural product of China. Bernhard von Breydenbach,13 Ausonius, Florus and others, arguing, it would seem, from its Hebrew and Greek names, concluded that olibanum came from Mount Lebanon; and Chardin (Voyage en Perse, &c., 1711) makes the statement that the frankincense tree grows in the mountains of Persia, particularly Caramania.

FRANKINCENSE, or Frankincense (Gr. frankincense, later θύος; Lat., tus or thus; Heb., lebonah; Ar., lubān; Turk., ghyunluk; Hind., ganda-birosa), is a gum-resin obtained from certain species of trees in the genus Boswellia, which belongs to the natural order Burseraceae. The trees in this genus have the following features: their bark is often paper-like; the leaves are deciduous, compound, arranged alternately, and have an odd number of leaflets, which can be serrated or smooth; the flowers grow in clusters or groups and are white, green, yellowish, or pink, featuring a small, persistent calyx with 5 teeth, 5 petals, 10 stamens, a sessile ovary that has 3 to 5 chambers, a long style, and a 3-lobed stigma; the fruit is triangular or pentagonal, and the seeds are compressed. Sir George Birdwood (Trans. Lin. Soc. xxvii., 22 1871) identifies five species of Boswellia: (A) B. thurifera, Colebr. (B. glabra and B. serrata, Roxb.), which are native to the mountainous regions of central India and the Coromandel coast, and B. papyrifera (Plösslea floribunda, Endl.) from Abyssinia, both of which yield no commercial olibanum; (B) B. Frereana (see Elemi, vol. x. p. 259), B. Bhua-Dajiana, and B. Carterii, known as “Yegaar,” “Mohr Add,” and “Mohr Madow” in the Somali region of East Africa, the latter species including a variety known as “Maghrayt d’Sheehaz” from Hadramaut, Arabia, all of which are sources of true frankincense or olibanum. Captain G. B. Kempthorne describes the trees along the Somali coast as growing out of polished marble rocks, held in place by a thick oval mass resembling a mix of lime and mortar: the purer the marble, the better the growth of the tree appears. He notes that the younger trees produce the most valuable gum, while older ones yield just a clear, sticky fluid similar to copal varnish. To collect frankincense, a deep cut is made in the tree trunk, and a narrow 5-inch strip of bark is peeled away. Once the milk-like juice (“spuma pinguis,” Pliny) that oozes out has hardened in the air, the incision is deepened. In about three months, the resin reaches the desired consistency. The collection season runs from May until the first rains in September. The large, clear droplets are scraped into baskets, while the lower quality resin that ran down the tree is collected separately. Every year, groups of Somalis visit the southern Arabian coast, paying the Arabs for the right to gather frankincense. In the interior near the Dhofār plain, during the south-west monsoon, the Beni Gurrah Bedouins also collect frankincense and other gums and could gather much larger amounts, but their lawlessness and the absence of a safe marketplace hinder trade development. (See C. Y. Ward, The Gulf of Aden Pilot, p. 117, 1863.) As in the ancient Sakhalites region of Arabia (the area between Ras Makalla and Ras Agab), noted by Arrian, frankincense collected along the Somali coastline is stored in piles at various stations. From there, it is packed into sheep- and goat-skins, usually weighing 20 to 40 pounds, and transported by camels to Berbera for shipment to Aden, Makalla, and other Arabian ports, or directly to Bombay. At Bombay, similar to gum-acacia, it is sorted and then packaged for export to Europe, China, and other places. Arrian mentions that frankincense was imported to Barbarike on the Sinthus (Indus). The belief held by several writers, including Niebuhr, that frankincense was a product of India, seems to stem from a mix-up with benzoin and other fragrant substances as well as the sale of imported frankincense alongside local Indian products. The gum resin of Boswellia thurifera was described by Colebrooke (in Asiatick Researches, ix. 381), and later by Dr. J. Fleming (Ib. xi. 158), as true frankincense or olibanum; however, it is softer and tends to melt into a lump (Birdwood, loc. cit., p. 146). It is sold in village markets in Khandeish, India, under the name of Dup-Salai, meaning incense from the “Salai tree”; according to Mr. F. Porter Smith, M.B. (Contrib. towards the Mat. Med. and Nat. Hist, of China, p. 162, Shanghai, 1871), it is used as incense in China. This authority also mentions olibanum as a supposedly natural product of China. Bernhard von Breydenbach, Ausonius, Florus, and others, arguing seemingly from its Hebrew and Greek names, concluded that olibanum originated from Mount Lebanon; and Chardin (Voyage en Perse, &c., 1711) claims that the frankincense tree grows in the mountains of Persia, especially Caramania.

Frankincense, or olibanum, occurs in commerce in semi-opaque, round, ovate or oblong tears or irregular lumps, which are covered externally with a white dust, the result of their friction against one another. It has an amorphous internal structure, a dull fracture; is of a yellow to yellowish-brown hue, the purer varieties being almost colourless, or possessing a greenish tinge, and has a somewhat bitter aromatic taste, and a balsamic odour, which is developed by heating. Immersed in alcohol it becomes opaque, and with water it yields an emulsion. It contains about 72% of resin soluble in alcohol (Kurbatow); a large proportion of gum soluble in water, and apparently identical with gum arabic; and a small quantity of a colourless inflammable essential oil, one of the constituents of which is the body oliben, C10H16. Frankincense burns with a bright white flame, leaving an ash consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, the remainder being calcium phosphate, and the sulphate, chloride and carbonate of potassium (Braconnot).14 Good frankincense, Pliny tells us, is recognized by its whiteness, size, brittleness and ready inflammability. That which occurs in globular drops is, he says, termed “male frankincense”; the most esteemed, he further remarks, is in breast-shaped drops, formed each by the union of two tears.15 The best frankincense, as we learn from Arrian,16 was formerly exported from the neighbourhood of Cape Elephant in Africa (the modern Ras Fiel); and A. von Kremer, in his description of the commerce of the Red Sea (Aegypten, &c., p. 185, ii. Theil, Leipzig, 1863), observes that the African frankincense, called by the Arabs “asli,” is of twice the value of the Arabian “luban.” Captain S. B. Miles (loc. cit., p. 64) states that the best kind of frankincense, known to the Somali as “bedwi” or “sheheri,” comes from the trees “Mohr Add” and “Mohr Madow” (vide supra), and from a taller species of Boswellia, the “Boido,” and is sent to Bombay for exportation to Europe; and that an inferior “mayeti,” the produce of the “Yegaar,” is exported chiefly to Jeddah and Yemen ports.17 The latter may possibly be what Niebuhr alludes to as “Indian frankincense.”18 Garcias da Horta, in asserting the Arabian origin of the drug, remarks that the term “Indian” is often applied by the Arabs to a dark-coloured variety.19

Frankincense, also known as olibanum, is sold in semi-opaque, round, oval, or oblong tears or uneven chunks, which are covered with a white dust from rubbing against each other. It has a shapeless internal structure and a dull fracture, ranging in color from yellow to yellowish-brown, with the purest types being nearly colorless or slightly greenish. It has a somewhat bitter, aromatic flavor and a balsamic scent that gets stronger when heated. When immersed in alcohol, it turns opaque, and when mixed with water, it forms an emulsion. It contains about 72% of resin that dissolves in alcohol, a large amount of gum that dissolves in water (similar to gum arabic), and a small quantity of a colorless flammable essential oil, one ingredient of which is oliben, C10H16. Frankincense burns with a bright white flame, leaving behind ash mostly made of calcium carbonate, along with some calcium phosphate and the sulfates, chlorides, and carbonates of potassium. Good frankincense, according to Pliny, is identified by its whiteness, size, brittleness, and ease of igniting. He mentions that the globular drops are called “male frankincense,” and the most valued comes in breast-shaped drops formed by the merging of two tears. The best frankincense, as noted by Arrian, was once exported from the area near Cape Elephant in Africa (now known as Ras Fiel). A. von Kremer, in his account of the Red Sea trade, points out that African frankincense, referred to as “asli” by the Arabs, is worth twice as much as Arabian “luban.” Captain S. B. Miles notes that the finest frankincense, known as “bedwi” or “sheheri” by the Somali, comes from the “Mohr Add” and “Mohr Madow” trees, as well as a taller type of Boswellia called “Boido,” and is sent to Bombay for export to Europe. An inferior type, known as “mayeti,” harvested from the “Yegaar,” is mainly exported to the ports of Jeddah and Yemen. The latter may be what Niebuhr refers to as “Indian frankincense.” Garcias da Horta, discussing the Arabian origin of the product, notes that the term “Indian” is often used by Arabs to describe a dark-colored variety.

According to Pliny (Nat. Hist. xiv. 1; cf. Ovid, Fasti i. 337 23 sq.), frankincense was not sacrificially employed in Trojan times. It was used by the ancient Egyptians in their religious rites, but, as Herodotus tells us (ii. 86), not in embalming. It constituted a fourth part of the Jewish incense of the sanctuary (Ex. xxx. 34), and is frequently mentioned in the Pentateuch. With other spices it was stored in a great chamber of the house of God at Jerusalem (1 Chron. ix. 29, Neh. xiii. 5-9). On the sacrificial use and import of frankincense and similar substances see Incense.

According to Pliny (Nat. Hist. xiv. 1; cf. Ovid, Fasti i. 337 23 sq.), frankincense wasn't used in sacrifices during the Trojan era. The ancient Egyptians incorporated it into their religious ceremonies, but, as Herodotus notes (ii. 86), not for embalming. It made up a quarter of the Jewish incense used in the sanctuary (Ex. xxx. 34) and is often referenced in the Pentateuch. Along with other spices, it was stored in a large chamber of the house of God in Jerusalem (1 Chron. ix. 29, Neh. xiii. 5-9). For information on the sacrificial use and significance of frankincense and similar substances, see Incense.

In the Red Sea regions frankincense is valued not only for its sweet odour when burnt, but as a masticatory; and blazing lumps of it are not infrequently used for illumination instead of oil lamps. Its fumes are an excellent insectifuge. As a medicine it was in former times in high repute. Pliny (Nat. Hist. xxv. 82) mentions it as an antidote to hemlock. Avicenna (ed. Plempii, lib. ii. p. 161, Lovanii, 1658, fol.) recommends it for tumours, ulcers of the head and ears, affections of the breast, vomiting, dysentery and fevers. In the East frankincense has been found efficacious as an external application in carbuncles, blind boils and gangrenous sores, and as an internal agent is given in gonorrhoea. In China it was an old internal remedy for leprosy and struma, and is accredited with stimulant, tonic, sedative, astringent and vulnerary properties. It is not used in modern medicine, being destitute of any special virtues. (See Waring, Pharm. of India, p. 443, &c.; and F. Porter Smith, op. cit., p. 162.)

In the Red Sea regions, frankincense is valued not just for its pleasant scent when burned, but also as something to chew on; large pieces of it are often used for lighting instead of oil lamps. Its smoke is great for repelling insects. In the past, it was well-regarded as a medicine. Pliny (Nat. Hist. xxv. 82) mentions it as an antidote for hemlock. Avicenna (ed. Plempii, lib. ii. p. 161, Lovanii, 1658, fol.) recommends it for tumors, ulcers of the head and ears, breast issues, vomiting, dysentery, and fevers. In the East, frankincense has been found effective as a topical treatment for carbuncles, blind boils, and gangrenous sores, and it’s used internally for gonorrhea. In China, it was an old treatment for leprosy and struma, and is thought to have stimulant, tonic, sedative, astringent, and wound-healing properties. It is not used in modern medicine, as it lacks any special benefits. (See Waring, Pharm. of India, p. 443, &c.; and F. Porter Smith, op. cit., p. 162.)

Common frankincense or thus, Abietis resina, is the term applied to a resin which exudes from fissures in the bark of the Norway spruce fir, Abies excelsa, D.C.; when melted in hot water and strained it constitutes “Burgundy pitch,” Pix abietina. The concreted turpentine obtained in the United States by making incisions in the trunk of a species of pine, Pinus australis, is also so designated. It is commercially known as “scrape,” and is similar to the French “galipot” or “barras.” Common frankincense is an ingredient in some ointments and plasters, and on account of its pleasant odour when burned has been used in incense as a substitute for olibanum. (See Flückiger and Hanbury, Pharmacographia.) The “black frankincense oil” of the Turks is stated by Hanbury (Science Papers, p. 142, 1876) to be liquid storax.

Common frankincense, or thus, Abietis resina, refers to a resin that seeps from cracks in the bark of the Norway spruce fir, Abies excelsa, D.C. When melted in hot water and strained, it becomes “Burgundy pitch,” Pix abietina. The solidified turpentine produced in the United States by making cuts in the trunk of a type of pine, Pinus australis, is also called this. It is sold commercially as “scrape,” and it's similar to the French “galipot” or “barras.” Common frankincense is used in some ointments and plasters, and because of its pleasant smell when burned, it has been used in incense as a substitute for olibanum. (See Flückiger and Hanbury, Pharmacographia.) The “black frankincense oil” from the Turks is said by Hanbury (Science Papers, p. 142, 1876) to be liquid storax.

(F. H. B.)

1 Stephen Skinner, M.D. (Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae, Lond., 1671), gives the derivation: “Frankincense, Thus, q.d. Incensum (i.e. Thus Libere) seu Liberaliter, ut in sacris officiis par est, adolendum.”

1 Stephen Skinner, M.D. (Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae, Lond., 1671), provides the origin: “Frankincense, Thus, meaning Incense (i.e. Thus Libere) or Liberally, as is proper in sacred ceremonies, to be burned.”

2 “Sic olibanum dixere pro thure ex Graeco ὁ λίβανος” (Salmasius, C. S. Plinianae exercitationes, t. ii. p. 926, b. F., Traj. ad Rhen., 1689 fol.). So also Fuchs (Op. didact. pars. ii. p. 42, 1604 fol.), “Officinis non sine risu eruditorum, Graeco articulo adjecto, Olibanus vocatur.” The term olibano was used in ecclesiastical Latin as early as the pontificate of Benedict IX., in the 11th century. (See Ferd. Ughellus, Italia sacra, tom. i. 108, D., Ven., 1717 fol.)

2 “They called it olibanum for incense from the Greek the Lebanon” (Salmasius, C. S. Plinianae exercitationes, vol. ii, p. 926, b. F., Traj. ad Rhen., 1689 fol.). Similarly, Fuchs stated (Op. didact. pars. ii, p. 42, 1604 fol.), “In workshops, not without the laughter of scholars, it is called Olibanus with the Greek article added.” The term olibano was used in church Latin as early as the papacy of Benedict IX in the 11th century. (See Ferd. Ughellus, Italia sacra, vol. i, 108, D., Ven., 1717 fol.)

3 So designated from its whiteness (J. G. Stuckius, Sacror. et sacrific. gent. descrip., p. 79, Lugd. Bat., 1695, fol.; Kitto, Cycl. Bibl. Lit. ii. p. 806, 1870); cf. Laben, the Somali name for cream (R. F. Burton, First Footsteps in E. Africa, p. 178, 1856).

3 Named for its whiteness (J. G. Stuckius, Sacror. et sacrific. gent. descrip., p. 79, Lugd. Bat., 1695, fol.; Kitto, Cycl. Bibl. Lit. ii. p. 806, 1870); see Laben, the Somali word for cream (R. F. Burton, First Footsteps in E. Africa, p. 178, 1856).

4 Written Louan by Garcias da Horta (Aromat. et simpl. medicament. hist., C. Clusii Atrebatis Exoticorum lib. sept., p. 157, 1605, fol.), and stated to have been derived by the Arabs from the Greek name, the term less commonly used by them being Conder: cf. Sanskrit Kunda. According to Colebrooke (in Asiatick Res. ix. p. 379, 1807), the Hindu writers on Materia Medica use for the resin of Boswellia thurifera the designation Cunduru.

4 Written Louan by Garcias da Horta (Aromat. et simpl. medicament. hist., C. Clusii Atrebatis Exoticorum lib. sept., p. 157, 1605, fol.), and said to have been derived by the Arabs from the Greek name, the term they use less often is Conder: cf. Sanskrit Kunda. According to Colebrooke (in Asiatick Res. ix. p. 379, 1807), Hindu writers on Materia Medica refer to the resin of Boswellia thurifera as Cunduru.

5 A term applied also to the resinous exudation of Pinus longifolia (see Dr E. J. Waring, Pharmacopoeia of India, p. 52, Lond., 1868).

5 A term also used for the resin that comes from Pinus longifolia (see Dr E. J. Waring, Pharmacopoeia of India, p. 52, Lond., 1868).

6 See “Appendix,” vol. i. p. 419 of Sir W. C. Harris’s Highland of Aethiopia (2nd ed., Lond., 1844); and Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc. xiii. (1857), p. 136.

6 See “Appendix,” vol. i. p. 419 of Sir W. C. Harris’s Highland of Aethiopia (2nd ed., Lond., 1844); and Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc. xiii. (1857), p. 136.

7 Cruttenden, Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc. vii. (1846), p. 121; S. B. Miles, J. Geog. Soc. (1872).

7 Cruttenden, Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc. vii. (1846), p. 121; S. B. Miles, J. Geog. Soc. (1872).

8 Or Dhafār. The incense of “Dofar” is alluded to by Camoens, Os Lusiadas, x. 201.

8 Or Dhafār. The scent of “Dofar” is mentioned by Camoens, Os Lusiadas, x. 201.

9 H. J. Carter, “Comparative Geog. of the South-East Coast of Arabia,” in J. Bombay Branch of R. Asiatic Soc. iii. (Jan. 1851), p. 296; and Müller, Geog. Graeci Minores, i. p. 278 (Paris, 1855).

9 H. J. Carter, “Comparative Geography of the South-East Coast of Arabia,” in Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society iii. (Jan. 1851), p. 296; and Müller, Geography of Minor Greek Authors, i. p. 278 (Paris, 1855).

10 J. Vaughan, Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) pp. 227-229; and Ward, op. cit. p. 97.

10 J. Vaughan, Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) pp. 227-229; and Ward, op. cit. p. 97.

11 Pereira, Elem. of Mat. Med. ii. pt. 2, p. 380 (4th ed., 1847).

11 Pereira, Elements of Materia Medica ii. pt. 2, p. 380 (4th ed., 1847).

12Boswellia thurifera,” ... says Waring (Pharm. of India, p. 52), “has been thought to yield East Indian olibanum, but there is no reliable evidence of its so doing.”

12Boswellia thurifera,” ... says Waring (Pharm. of India, p. 52), “has been believed to produce East Indian olibanum, but there is no trustworthy evidence to support that.”

13 “Libanus igitur est mons redolentie & summe aromaticitatis. nam ibi herbe odorifere crescunt. ibi etiam arbores thurifere coalescunt quarum gummi electum olibanum a medicis nuncupatur.”—Perigrinatio, p. 53 (1502, fol.).

13 “Lebanon is a mountain known for its fragrance and rich aromatic qualities. Here, fragrant herbs grow. It's also where trees that produce incense thrive, and their resin is called frankincense by doctors.”—Peregrination, p. 53 (1502, fol.).

14 See, on the chemistry of frankincense, Braconnot, Ann. de chimie, lxviii. (1808) pp. 60-69; Johnston, Phil. Trans. (1839), pp. 301-305; J. Stenhouse, Ann. der Chem. und Pharm. xxxv. (1840) p. 306; and A. Kurbatow, Zeitsch. für Chem. (1871), p. 201.

14 Check out the chemistry of frankincense by Braconnot, Ann. de chimie, lxviii. (1808) pp. 60-69; Johnston, Phil. Trans. (1839), pp. 301-305; J. Stenhouse, Ann. der Chem. und Pharm. xxxv. (1840) p. 306; and A. Kurbatow, Zeitsch. für Chem. (1871), p. 201.

15 “Praecipua autem gratia est mammoso, cum haerente lacryma priore consecuta alia miscuit se” (Nat. Hist. xii. 32). One of the Chinese names for frankincense, Jú-hiang, “milk-perfume,” is explained by the Pen Ts’au (xxxiv. 45), a Chinese work, as being derived from the nipple-like form of its drops. (See E. Bretschneider, On the Knowledge possessed by the Ancient Chinese of the Arabs, &c., p. 19, Lond., 1871.)

15 “But the main quality is its thick, milky appearance, with a tear-like drop mixed in” (Nat. Hist. xii. 32). One of the Chinese names for frankincense, Jú-hiang, meaning “milk-perfume,” is explained in the Pen Ts’au (xxxiv. 45), a Chinese text, as being named for the nipple-like shape of its drops. (See E. Bretschneider, On the Knowledge possessed by the Ancient Chinese of the Arabs, &c., p. 19, Lond., 1871.)

16 The Voyage of Nearchus, loc. cit.

16 The Voyage of Nearchus, loc. cit.

17 Vaughan (Pharm. Journ. xii. 1853) speaks of the Arabian Lubān, commonly called Morbat or Shaharree Luban, as realizing higher prices in the market than any of the qualities exported from Africa. The incense of “Esher,” i.e. Shihr or Shehr, is mentioned by Marco Polo, as also by Barbosa. (See Yule, op. cit. ii. p. 377.) J. Raymond Wellsted (Travels to the City of the Caliphs, p. 173, Lond., 1840) distinguishes two kinds of frankincense—“Meaty,” selling at $4 per cwt., and an inferior article fetching 20% less.

17 Vaughan (Pharm. Journ. xii. 1853) talks about the Arabian Lubān, often referred to as Morbat or Shaharree Luban, which sells for higher prices in the market than any qualities exported from Africa. The incense of “Esher,” i.e. Shihr or Shehr, is mentioned by Marco Polo and Barbosa. (See Yule, op. cit. ii. p. 377.) J. Raymond Wellsted (Travels to the City of the Caliphs, p. 173, Lond., 1840) identifies two types of frankincense—“Meaty,” priced at $4 per cwt., and a lower quality that sells for 20% less.

18 “Es scheint, dass selber die Araber ihr eignes Räuchwerk nicht hoch schätzen; denn die Vornehmen in Jemen brauchen gemeiniglich indianisches Räuchwerk, ja eine grosse Menge Mastix von der Insel Scio” (Beschreibung von Arabien, p. 143, Kopenh., 1772).

18 “It seems that even the Arabs don’t value their own incense highly; the nobles in Yemen usually prefer Indian incense and a large amount of mastic from the island of Chios” (Beschreibung von Arabien, p. 143, Kopenh., 1772).

19 “De Arabibus minus mirum, qui nigricantem colorem, quo Thus Indicum praeditum esse vult Dioscorides [lib. i. c. 70], Indum plerumque vocent, ut ex Myrobalano nigro quem Indum appellant, patet” (op. sup. cit. p. 157).

19 “It's less surprising about the Arabs, who call the black color of the Indian plant Dioscorides describes [lib. i. c. 70], generally referring to it as Indian, as seen in the black myrobalan they call Indian.” (op. sup. cit. p. 157).

FRANKING, a term used for the right of sending letters or postal packages free (Fr. franc) of charge. The privilege was claimed by the House of Commons in 1660 in “a Bill for erecting and establishing a Post Office,” their demand being that all letters addressed to or sent by members during the session should be carried free. The clause embodying this claim was struck out by the Lords, but with the proviso in the Act as passed for the free carriage of all letters to and from the king and the great officers of state, and also the single inland letters of the members of that present parliament during that session only. It seems, however, that the practice was tolerated until 1764, when by an act dealing with postage it was legalized, every peer and each member of the House of Commons being allowed to send free ten letters a day, not exceeding an ounce in weight, to any part of the United Kingdom, and to receive fifteen. The act did not restrict the privilege to letters either actually written by or to the member, and thus the right was very easily abused, members sending and receiving letters for friends, all that was necessary being the signature of the peer or M.P. in the corner of the envelope. Wholesale franking grew usual, and M.P.’s supplied their friends with envelopes already signed to be used at any time. In 1837 the scandal had become so great that stricter regulations came into force. The franker had to write the full address, to which he had to add his name, the post-town and the day of the month; the letter had to be posted on the day written or the following day at the latest, and in a post-town not more than 20 m. from the place where the peer or M.P. was then living. On the 10th of January 1840 parliamentary franking was abolished on the introduction of the uniform penny rate.

FRANKING, a term referring to the right to send letters or postal packages without charge (Fr. franc). The House of Commons claimed this privilege in 1660 in “a Bill for erecting and establishing a Post Office,” insisting that all letters sent to or from members during the session should be delivered for free. However, the clause that supported this demand was removed by the Lords, although the passed Act included a provision for free delivery of all letters to and from the king and high state officials, as well as the individual inland letters of the members during that current session only. It appears that the practice was tolerated until 1764, when an act regarding postage made it legal, allowing each peer and member of the House of Commons to send ten letters a day, weighing no more than an ounce, to anywhere in the United Kingdom, and to receive fifteen. The act didn’t limit this privilege to letters actually written by or to the member, leading to widespread misuse, as members would send and receive letters for friends, simply requiring the peer or M.P.'s signature on the envelope. Large-scale franking became common, with M.P.s providing their friends with pre-signed envelopes for later use. By 1837, the scandal had escalated, prompting stricter regulations. The franking member had to write the full address, along with their name, the post-town, and the date; the letter needed to be posted on the day it was written or the next at the latest, and in a post-town no more than 20 miles from where the peer or M.P. was currently residing. On January 10, 1840, parliamentary franking was abolished with the introduction of the uniform penny rate.

In the United States the franking privilege was first granted in January 1776 to the soldiers engaged in the American War of Independence. The right was gradually extended till it included nearly all officials and members of the public service. By special acts the privilege was bestowed on presidents and their widows. By an act of the 3rd of March 1845, franking was limited to the president, vice-president, members and delegates in Congress and postmasters, other officers being required to keep quarterly accounts of postage and pay it from their contingent funds. In 1851 free exchange of newspapers was re-established. By an act of the 3rd of March 1863 the privilege was granted the president and his private secretary, the vice-president, chiefs of executive departments, such heads of bureaus and chief clerks as might be designated by the postmaster-general for official letters only; senators and representatives in Congress for all correspondence, senders of petitions to either branch of the legislature, and to publishers of newspapers for their exchanges. There was a limit as to weight. Members of Congress could also frank, in matters concerning the federal department of agriculture, “seeds, roots and cuttings,” the weight to be fixed by the postmaster-general. This act remained in force till the 31st of January 1873, when franking was abolished. Since 1875, by sundry acts, franking for official correspondence, government publications, seeds, &c., has been allowed to congressmen, ex-congressmen (for 9 months after the close of their term), congressmen-elect and other government officials. By special acts of 1881, 1886, 1902, 1909, respectively, the franking privilege was granted to the widows of Presidents Garfield, Grant, McKinley and Cleveland.

In the United States, the franking privilege was first granted in January 1776 to soldiers fighting in the American War of Independence. This right was gradually expanded to include nearly all officials and public service members. Special acts gave the privilege to presidents and their widows. An act on March 3, 1845, limited franking to the president, vice president, members and delegates in Congress, and postmasters, requiring other officials to keep quarterly accounts of postage and pay from their funds. In 1851, the free exchange of newspapers was reinstated. By an act on March 3, 1863, the privilege was granted to the president and his private secretary, the vice president, heads of executive departments, and designated bureau chiefs and chief clerks for official letters only; senators and representatives in Congress for all correspondence; those sending petitions to either branch of the legislature; and newspaper publishers for exchanges. There was a weight limit. Members of Congress could also frank "seeds, roots, and cuttings" related to the federal Department of Agriculture, with the weight determined by the postmaster general. This act remained in effect until January 31, 1873, when franking was abolished. Since 1875, through various acts, franking for official correspondence, government publications, seeds, etc., has been allowed for congressmen, ex-congressmen (for 9 months after their term ends), congressmen-elect, and other government officials. Special acts in 1881, 1886, 1902, and 1909 granted the franking privilege to the widows of Presidents Garfield, Grant, McKinley, and Cleveland.

FRANKL, LUDWIG AUGUST (1810-1894), Austrian poet. He took part in the revolution of 1848, and his poems on liberty had considerable vogue. His lyrics are among his best work. He was secretary of the Jewish community in Vienna, and did a lasting service to education by his visit to the Orient in 1856. He founded the first modern Jewish school (the Von Lämmel Schule) in Jerusalem. His brilliant volumes Nach Jerusalem describing his eastern tour have been translated into English, as is the case with many of his poems. His collected poems appeared in three volumes in 1880.

FRANKL, LUDWIG AUGUST (1810-1894), Austrian poet. He participated in the 1848 revolution, and his poems about freedom became quite popular. His lyrics are among his best work. He served as the secretary of the Jewish community in Vienna and made a lasting impact on education during his trip to the East in 1856. He established the first modern Jewish school (the Von Lämmel Schule) in Jerusalem. His acclaimed volumes Nach Jerusalem, which detail his eastern journey, have been translated into English, like many of his poems. His collected poems were published in three volumes in 1880.

(I. A.)

FRANKLAND, SIR EDWARD (1825-1899), English chemist, was born at Churchtown, near Lancaster, on the 18th of January 1825. After attending the grammar school at Lancaster he spent six years as an apprentice to a druggist in that town. In 1845 he went to London and entered Lyon Playfair’s laboratory, subsequently working under R. W. Bunsen at Marburg. In 1847 he was appointed science-master at Queenwood school, Hampshire, where he first met J. Tyndall, and in 1851 first professor of chemistry at Owens College, Manchester. Returning to London six years later he became lecturer in chemistry at St Bartholomew’s hospital, and in 1863 professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution. From an early age he engaged in original research with great success.

FRANKLAND, SIR EDWARD (1825-1899), English chemist, was born in Churchtown, near Lancaster, on January 18, 1825. After attending the grammar school in Lancaster, he spent six years as an apprentice to a pharmacist in that town. In 1845, he moved to London and joined Lyon Playfair’s laboratory, later working under R. W. Bunsen in Marburg. In 1847, he was appointed science master at Queenwood School in Hampshire, where he first met J. Tyndall, and in 1851, he became the first professor of chemistry at Owens College, Manchester. He returned to London six years later and became a chemistry lecturer at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, and in 1863, he was appointed professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution. From a young age, he engaged in original research with great success.

Analytical problems, such as the isolation of certain organic radicals, attracted his attention to begin with, but he soon turned to synthetical studies, and he was only about twenty-five years of age when an investigation, doubtless suggested by the work of his master, Bunsen, on cacodyl, yielded the interesting discovery of the organo-metallic compounds. The theoretical deductions which he drew from the consideration of these bodies were even more interesting and important than the bodies themselves. Perceiving a molecular isonomy between them and the inorganic compounds of the metals from which they may be formed, he saw their true molecular type in the oxygen, sulphur or chlorine compounds of those metals, from which he held them to be derived by the substitution of an organic group for the oxygen, sulphur, &c. In this way they enabled him to overthrow the theory of conjugate compounds, and they further led him in 1852 to publish the conception that the atoms of each elementary substance have a definite saturation capacity, so that they can only combine with a certain limited number of the atoms of other elements. The theory of valency thus founded has dominated the subsequent development of chemical doctrine, and forms the groundwork upon which the fabric of modern structural chemistry reposes.

Analytical problems, like isolating specific organic radicals, initially caught his attention, but he quickly shifted to synthetic studies. By the age of about twenty-five, an investigation, likely inspired by his mentor Bunsen's work on cacodyl, led to the fascinating discovery of organo-metallic compounds. The theoretical insights he gained from examining these compounds were even more intriguing and significant than the compounds themselves. Recognizing a molecular similarity between them and the inorganic compounds of the metals from which they can be formed, he identified their true molecular type in the oxygen, sulfur, or chlorine compounds of those metals, considering them to be derived by replacing an organic group for the oxygen, sulfur, etc. This understanding allowed him to challenge the theory of conjugate compounds, and in 1852, it led him to propose that the atoms of each elemental substance have a specific saturation capacity, meaning they can only combine with a limited number of the atoms of other elements. The theory of valency that emerged from this has shaped the ongoing evolution of chemical theory and serves as the foundation of modern structural chemistry.

In applied chemistry Frankland’s great work was in connexion with water-supply. Appointed a member of the second royal commission on the pollution of rivers in 1868, he was provided 24 by the government with a completely-equipped laboratory, in which, for a period of six years, he carried on the inquiries necessary for the purposes of that body, and was thus the means of bringing to light an enormous amount of valuable information respecting the contamination of rivers by sewage, trade-refuse, &c., and the purification of water for domestic use. In 1865, when he succeeded A. W. von Hofmann at the School of Mines, he undertook the duty of making monthly reports to the registrar-general on the character of the water supplied to London, and these he continued down to the end of his life. At one time he was an unsparing critic of its quality, but in later years he became strongly convinced of its general excellence and wholesomeness. His analyses were both chemical and bacteriological, and his dissatisfaction with the processes in vogue for the former at the time of his appointment caused him to spend two years in devising new and more accurate methods. In 1859 he passed a night on the very top of Mont Blanc in company with John Tyndall. One of the purposes of the expedition was to discover whether the rate of combustion of a candle varies with the density of the atmosphere in which it is burnt, a question which was answered in the negative. Other observations made by Frankland at the time formed the starting-point of a series of experiments which yielded far-reaching results. He noticed that at the summit the candle gave a very poor light, and was thereby led to investigate the effect produced on luminous flames by varying the pressure of the atmosphere in which they are burning. He found that pressure increases luminosity, so that hydrogen, for example, the flame of which in normal circumstances gives no light, burns with a luminous flame under a pressure of ten or twenty atmospheres, and the inference he drew was that the presence of solid particles is not the only factor that determines the light-giving power of a flame. Further, he showed that the spectrum of a dense ignited gas resembles that of an incandescent liquid or solid, and he traced a gradual change in the spectrum of an incandescent gas under increasing pressure, the sharp lines observable when it is extremely attenuated broadening out to nebulous bands as the pressure rises, till they merge in the continuous spectrum as the gas approaches a density comparable with that of the liquid state. An application of these results to solar physics in conjunction with Sir Norman Lockyer led to the view that at least the external layers of the sun cannot consist of matter in the liquid or solid forms, but must be composed of gases or vapours. Frankland and Lockyer were also the discoverers of helium. In 1868 they noticed in the solar spectrum a bright yellow line which did not correspond to any substance then known, and which they therefore attributed to the then hypothetical element, helium.

In applied chemistry, Frankland's significant contribution was related to water supply. Appointed as a member of the second royal commission on river pollution in 1868, he was given a fully-equipped laboratory by the government, where he conducted essential investigations for six years. This work uncovered a wealth of valuable information about the contamination of rivers by sewage, industrial waste, and more, as well as methods for purifying water for home use. In 1865, after succeeding A. W. von Hofmann at the School of Mines, he began producing monthly reports for the registrar-general on the quality of London's water, continuing this duty until his death. Initially, he was a harsh critic of its quality, but over time he grew strongly convinced of its overall excellence and safety. His analyses included both chemical and bacteriological aspects, and his dissatisfaction with the existing processes for chemical analysis at the time led him to spend two years developing new, more accurate methods. In 1859, he spent a night atop Mont Blanc with John Tyndall. One goal of their expedition was to find out if a candle's burn rate changes with atmospheric density, which they found it did not. Other observations Frankland made during this time sparked a series of experiments that had significant outcomes. He observed that at the summit, the candle's light was very dim, prompting him to explore how varying atmospheric pressure affects luminous flames. He discovered that increased pressure enhances luminosity; for instance, hydrogen, which typically burns without light, produces a luminous flame at pressures of ten or twenty atmospheres. He concluded that the presence of solid particles isn’t the only factor influencing a flame’s light emission. Moreover, he demonstrated that the spectrum of a dense ignited gas resembles that of an incandescing liquid or solid, tracing a gradual change in the gas spectrum as pressure increases, where sharp lines in a highly diluted gas broaden into fuzzy bands with rising pressure, eventually merging into a continuous spectrum as the gas density approaches that of the liquid state. He and Sir Norman Lockyer applied these findings to solar physics, leading to the conclusion that at least the outer layers of the sun cannot be made up of liquid or solid matter, but must consist of gases or vapors. Frankland and Lockyer also discovered helium. In 1868, they observed a bright yellow line in the solar spectrum that didn't correspond to any known substances, attributing it to the then-hypothetical element, helium.

Sir Edward Frankland, who was made a K.C.B. in 1897, died on the 9th of August 1899 while on a holiday at Golaa, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway.

Sir Edward Frankland, who was made a K.C.B. in 1897, died on August 9, 1899, while on a holiday in Golaa, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway.

A memorial lecture delivered by Professor H. E. Armstrong before the London Chemical Society on the 31st of October 1901 contained many personal details of Frankland’s life, together with a full discussion of his scientific work; and a volume of Autobiographical Sketches was printed for private circulation in 1902. His original papers, down to 1877, were collected and published in that year as Experimental Researches in Pure, Applied and Physical Chemistry.

A memorial lecture given by Professor H. E. Armstrong to the London Chemical Society on October 31, 1901, included a lot of personal details about Frankland's life, along with a thorough discussion of his scientific work; and a book of Autobiographical Sketches was printed for private distribution in 1902. His original papers, up to 1877, were compiled and published that year as Experimental Researches in Pure, Applied and Physical Chemistry.

FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (1706-1790), American diplomat, statesman and scientist, was born on the 17th of January 1706 in a house in Milk Street, opposite the Old South church, Boston, Massachusetts. He was the tenth son of Josiah Franklin, and the eighth child and youngest son of ten children borne by Abiah Folger, his father’s second wife. The elder Franklin was born at Ecton in Northamptonshire, England, where the strongly Protestant Franklin family may be traced back for nearly four centuries. He had married young and had migrated from Banbury to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1685. Benjamin could not remember when he did not know how to read, and when eight years old he was sent to the Boston grammar school, being destined by his father for the church as a tithe of his sons. He spent a year there and a year in a school for writing and arithmetic, and then at the age of ten he was taken from school to assist his father in the business of a tallow-chandler and soapboiler. In his thirteenth year he was apprenticed to his half-brother James, who was establishing himself in the printing business, and who in 1721 started the New England Courant, one of the earliest newspapers in America.

FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (1706-1790), American diplomat, statesman, and scientist, was born on January 17, 1706, in a house on Milk Street, across from the Old South church, Boston, Massachusetts. He was the tenth son of Josiah Franklin and the eighth child and youngest son of ten children born to Abiah Folger, his father’s second wife. The elder Franklin was born in Ecton, Northamptonshire, England, where the strongly Protestant Franklin family can be traced back for nearly four centuries. He married young and moved from Banbury to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1685. Benjamin couldn't remember a time when he didn't know how to read, and at eight years old, he was sent to the Boston grammar school, as his father intended him for the church like a tithe of his sons. He spent a year there and then another year in a school for writing and arithmetic, and at age ten, he left school to help his father in the tallow-chandler and soapboiling business. In his thirteenth year, he was apprenticed to his half-brother James, who was starting a printing business and, in 1721, launched the New England Courant, one of the earliest newspapers in America.

Benjamin’s tastes had at first been for the sea rather than the pulpit; now they inclined rather to intellectual than to other pleasures. At an early age he had made himself familiar with The Pilgrim’s Progress, with Locke, On the Human Understanding, and with a volume of The Spectator. Thanks to his father’s excellent advice, he gave up writing doggerel verse (much of which had been printed by his brother and sold on the streets) and turned to prose composition. His success in reproducing articles he had read in The Spectator led him to write an article for his brother’s paper, which he slipped under the door of the printing shop with no name attached, and which was printed and attracted some attention. After repeated successes of the same sort Benjamin threw off his disguise and contributed regularly to the Courant. When, after various journalistic indiscretions, James Franklin in 1722 was forbidden to publish the Courant, it appeared with Benjamin’s name as that of the publisher and was received with much favour, chiefly because of the cleverness of his articles signed “Dr Janus,” which, like those previously signed “Mistress Silence Dogood,” gave promise of “Poor Richard.” But Benjamin’s management of the paper, and particularly his free-thinking, displeased the authorities; the relations of the two brothers gradually grew unfriendly, possibly, as Benjamin thought, because of his brother’s jealousy of his superior ability; and Benjamin determined to quit his brother’s employ and to leave New England. He made his way first to New York City, and then (October 1723) to Philadelphia, where he got employment with a printer named Samuel Keimer.1

Benjamin had originally preferred the sea to the pulpit; now, he leaned more towards intellectual pleasures than anything else. From a young age, he had become acquainted with The Pilgrim’s Progress, Locke’s On Human Understanding, and a volume of The Spectator. Thanks to his father’s great advice, he stopped writing crude poetry (much of which his brother had printed and sold on the streets) and switched to prose. His success in recreating articles he’d read in The Spectator inspired him to write an article for his brother’s paper, which he slid under the door of the printing shop without attaching his name, and it was published, drawing some attention. After several similar successes, Benjamin revealed his identity and began contributing regularly to the Courant. When James Franklin was banned from publishing the Courant in 1722 due to various journalistic missteps, it began to run with Benjamin’s name as the publisher and was well-received, mainly because of the cleverness of his articles signed “Dr. Janus,” which mirrored the promise of those previously signed “Mistress Silence Dogood” and hinted at what would become “Poor Richard.” However, Benjamin’s management of the paper, especially his free-thinking views, angered the authorities; the relationship between the two brothers grew increasingly strained, possibly due to Benjamin’s belief that his brother was jealous of his greater talent. Ultimately, Benjamin decided to leave his brother’s employment and New England altogether. He first traveled to New York City and then, in October 1723, to Philadelphia, where he got a job with a printer named Samuel Keimer.1

A rapid composer and a workman full of resource, Franklin was soon recognized as the master spirit of the shop. Sir William Keith (1680-1749), governor of the province, urged him to start in business for himself, and when Franklin had unsuccessfully appealed to his father for the means to do so, Keith promised to furnish him with what he needed for the equipment of a new printing office and sent him to England to buy the materials. Keith had repeatedly promised to send a letter of credit by the ship on which Franklin sailed, but when the Channel was reached and the ship’s mails were examined no such letter was found. Franklin reached London in December 1724, and found employment first at Palmer’s, a famous printing house in Bartholomew Close, and afterwards at Watts’s Printing House. At Palmer’s he had set up a second edition of Wollaston’s Religion of Nature Delineated. To refute this book and to prove that there could be no such thing as religion, he wrote and printed a small pamphlet, A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which brought him some curious acquaintances, and of which he soon became thoroughly ashamed. After a year and a half in London, Franklin was persuaded by a friend named Denham, a Quaker merchant, to return with him to America and engage in mercantile business; he accordingly gave up printing, but a few days before sailing he received a tempting offer to remain and give lessons in swimming—his feats as a swimmer having given him considerable reputation—and he says that he might have consented “had the overtures been sooner made.” He reached Philadelphia in October 1726, but a few months later Denham died, and Franklin was induced by large wages to return to his old employer Keimer; with Keimer he quarrelled repeatedly, thinking himself ill used and kept only to train apprentices until they could in some degree take his place. 25 In 1728 Franklin and Hugh Meredith, a fellow-worker at Keimer’s, set up in business for themselves; the capital being furnished by Meredith’s father. In 1730 the partnership was dissolved, and Franklin, through the financial assistance of two friends, secured the sole management of the printing house. In September 1729 he bought at a merely nominal price The Pennsylvania Gazette, a weekly newspaper which Keimer had started nine months before to defeat a similar project of Franklin’s, and which Franklin conducted until 1765. Franklin’s superior management of the paper, his new type, “some spirited remarks” on the controversy between the Massachusetts assembly and Governor Burnet, brought his paper into immediate notice, and his success both as a printer and as a journalist was assured and complete. In 1731 he established in Philadelphia one of the earliest circulating libraries in America (often said to have been the earliest), and in 1732 he published the first of his Almanacks, under the pseudonym of Richard Saunders. These “Poor Richard’s Almanacks” were issued for the next twenty-five years with remarkable success, the annual sale averaging 10,000 copies, and far exceeding the sale of any other publication in the colonies.

A quick thinker and a resourceful worker, Franklin quickly became known as the driving force of the shop. Sir William Keith (1680-1749), the governor of the province, encouraged him to start his own business. When Franklin unsuccessfully asked his father for the funds to do so, Keith offered to provide him with everything he needed to set up a new printing office and sent him to England to buy the materials. Although Keith had promised multiple times to send a letter of credit on the ship Franklin took, once they reached the Channel and the ship's mail was checked, no such letter was found. Franklin arrived in London in December 1724 and initially found work at Palmer’s, a well-known printing house in Bartholomew Close, and later at Watts’s Printing House. At Palmer’s, he set up a second edition of Wollaston’s Religion of Nature Delineated. To counter this book and argue that religion couldn’t exist, he wrote and printed a small pamphlet titled A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which led him to some interesting acquaintances, though he quickly became quite embarrassed about it. After a year and a half in London, a friend named Denham, a Quaker merchant, convinced him to return to America and get involved in business; so he left printing behind. However, just days before setting sail, he received an enticing offer to stay and teach swimming—his skills as a swimmer had earned him quite a reputation—and he said he might have agreed “if the offer had come earlier.” He arrived in Philadelphia in October 1726, but a few months later, Denham died, and Franklin was lured back to his previous employer, Keimer, with a high salary. He argued with Keimer often, feeling mistreated and only kept around to train apprentices until they could take over his role. 25 In 1728, Franklin and Hugh Meredith, a co-worker at Keimer’s, started their own business with capital from Meredith’s father. In 1730, the partnership ended, and with financial help from two friends, Franklin gained full control of the printing house. In September 1729, he bought The Pennsylvania Gazette, a weekly newspaper that Keimer had launched nine months earlier to undermine Franklin’s similar venture, and Franklin managed it until 1765. His effective management, new typeface, and “some spirited remarks” on the clash between the Massachusetts assembly and Governor Burnet quickly brought the paper into the spotlight, and his success as both a printer and a journalist was solid and complete. In 1731, he founded one of America’s earliest circulating libraries in Philadelphia (often claimed to be the first), and in 1732, he published the first of his almanacs under the name Richard Saunders. These “Poor Richard’s Almanacks” were released for the next twenty-five years with tremendous success, averaging an annual sale of 10,000 copies, far surpassing any other publication in the colonies.

Beginning in 1733 Franklin taught himself enough French, Italian, Spanish and Latin to read these languages with some ease. In 1736 he was chosen clerk of the General Assembly, and served in this capacity until 1751. In 1737 he had been appointed postmaster at Philadelphia, and about the same time he organized the first police force and fire company in the colonies; in 1749, after he had written Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, he and twenty-three other citizens of Philadelphia formed themselves into an association for the purpose of establishing an academy, which was opened in 1751, was chartered in 1753, and eventually became the University of Pennsylvania; in 1727 he organized a debating club, the “Junto,” in Philadelphia, and later he was one of the founders of the American Philosophical Society (1743; incorporated 1780); he took the lead in the organization of a militia force, and in the paving of the city streets, improved the method of street lighting, and assisted in the founding of a city hospital (1751); in brief, he gave the impulse to nearly every measure or project for the welfare and prosperity of Philadelphia undertaken in his day. In 1751 he became a member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, in which he served for thirteen years. In 1753 he and William Hunter were put in charge of the post service of the colonies, which he brought in the next ten years to a high state of efficiency and made a financial success; this position he held until 1774. He visited nearly every post office in the colonies and increased the mail service between New York and Philadelphia from once to three times a week in summer, and from twice a month to once a week in winter. When war with France appeared imminent in 1754, Franklin was sent to the Albany Convention, where he submitted his plan for colonial union (see Albany, N.Y.). When the home government sent over General Edward Braddock2 with two regiments of British troops, Franklin undertook to secure the requisite number of horses and waggons for the march against Ft. Duquesne, and became personally responsible for payment to the Pennsylvanians who furnished them. Notwithstanding the alarm occasioned by Braddock’s defeat, the old quarrel between the proprietors of Pennsylvania and the assembly prevented any adequate preparations for defence; “with incredible meanness” the proprietors had instructed their governors to approve no act for levying the necessary taxes, unless the vast estates of the proprietors were by the same act exempted. So great was the confidence in Franklin in this emergency that early in 1756 the governor of Pennsylvania placed him in charge of the north-western frontier of the province, with power to raise troops, issue commissions and erect blockhouses; and Franklin remained in the wilderness for over a month, superintending the building of forts and watching the Indians. In February 1757 the assembly, “finding the proprietary obstinately persisted in manacling their deputies with instructions inconsistent not only with the privileges of the people, but with the service of the crown, resolv’d to petition the king against them,” and appointed Franklin as their agent to present the petition. He arrived in London on the 27th of July 1757, and shortly afterwards, when, at a conference with Earl Granville, president of the council, the latter declared that “the King is the legislator of the colonies,” Franklin in reply declared that the laws of the colonies were to be made by their assemblies, to be passed upon by the king, and when once approved were no longer subject to repeal or amendment by the crown. As the assemblies, said he, could not make permanent laws without the king’s consent, “neither could he make a law for them without theirs.” This opposition of views distinctly raised the issue between the home government and the colonies. As to the proprietors Franklin succeeded in 1760 in securing an understanding that the assembly should pass an act exempting from taxation the unsurveyed waste lands of the Penn estate, the surveyed waste lands being assessed at the usual rate for other property of that description. Thus the proprietors finally acknowledged the right of the assembly to tax their estates.

Beginning in 1733, Franklin taught himself enough French, Italian, Spanish, and Latin to read these languages with relative ease. In 1736, he was chosen as the clerk of the General Assembly and held that position until 1751. In 1737, he was appointed postmaster of Philadelphia, and around that time, he organized the first police force and fire company in the colonies. In 1749, after writing Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, he and twenty-three other Philadelphia citizens formed an association to establish an academy, which opened in 1751, was chartered in 1753, and eventually became the University of Pennsylvania. In 1727, he organized a debating club called the “Junto” in Philadelphia and later became one of the founders of the American Philosophical Society (1743; incorporated 1780). He took the lead in organizing a militia force, improving street paving, enhancing street lighting, and helping to establish a city hospital (1751). In short, he motivated nearly every initiative for the welfare and prosperity of Philadelphia during his time. In 1751, he became a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, where he served for thirteen years. In 1753, he and William Hunter were assigned to oversee the postal service of the colonies, which he raised to a high level of efficiency and financial success over the next ten years. He held this position until 1774. He visited nearly every post office in the colonies and increased the mail service between New York and Philadelphia from once a week in summer to three times a week and from twice a month to once a week in winter. When war with France seemed imminent in 1754, Franklin attended the Albany Convention, where he presented his plan for colonial union (see Albany, N.Y.). When the home government sent General Edward Braddock2 with two regiments of British troops, Franklin worked to secure the necessary number of horses and wagons for the march against Fort Duquesne, taking personal responsibility for payments to the Pennsylvanians who provided them. Despite the panic caused by Braddock’s defeat, the long-standing conflict between the proprietors of Pennsylvania and the assembly hindered proper defense preparations; the proprietors "incredibly meanly" instructed their governors not to approve any act for levying necessary taxes unless their vast estates were exempted by the same act. Franklin's reputation was so strong in this crisis that early in 1756, the governor of Pennsylvania appointed him to oversee the northwestern frontier of the province, giving him the authority to raise troops, issue commissions, and build blockhouses. He spent over a month in the wilderness supervising the construction of forts and monitoring the Indians. In February 1757, the assembly, "finding the proprietors stubbornly persisted in restricting their deputies with instructions that were incompatible not only with the people's rights but with the crown's service, decided to petition the king against them," appointing Franklin as their agent to present the petition. He arrived in London on July 27, 1757, and shortly after, during a conference with Earl Granville, the president of the council, when Granville stated that "the King is the legislator of the colonies," Franklin responded by asserting that the laws of the colonies were to be made by their assemblies, subject to royal approval, and once approved were no longer subject to repeal or modification by the crown. He argued that since the assemblies could not create permanent laws without the king's consent, "neither could he make a law for them without theirs." This disagreement clearly highlighted the conflict between the home government and the colonies. Regarding the proprietors, Franklin successfully secured in 1760 an understanding that the assembly would pass a law exempting the unsurveyed waste lands of the Penn estate from taxation, while the surveyed waste lands would be taxed at the usual rate for similar properties. Thus, the proprietors finally recognized the assembly's right to tax their estates.

The success of Franklin’s first foreign mission was, therefore, substantial and satisfactory. During this sojourn of five years in England he had made many valuable friends outside of court and political circles, among whom Hume, Robertson and Adam Smith were conspicuous. In 1759, for his literary and more particularly his scientific attainments, he received the freedom of the city of Edinburgh and the degree of doctor of laws from the university of St Andrews. He had been made a Master of Arts at Harvard and at Yale in 1753, and at the college of William and Mary in 1756; and in 1762 he received the degree of D.C.L. at Oxford. While in England he had made active use of his remarkable talent for pamphleteering. In the clamour for peace following the death of George II. (25th of October 1760), he was for a vigorous prosecution of the war with France; he had written what purported to be a chapter from an old book written by a Spanish Jesuit, On the Meanes of Disposing the Enemie to Peace, which had a great effect; and in the spring of 1760 there had been published a more elaborate paper written by Franklin with the assistance of Richard Jackson, agent of Massachusetts and Connecticut in London, entitled The Interest of Great Britain Considered with Regard to Her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadeloupe (1760). This pamphlet answered the argument that it would be unsafe to keep Canada because of the added strength that would thus be given to any possible movement for independence in the English colonies, by urging that so long as Canada remained French there could be no safety for the English colonies in North America, nor any permanent peace in Europe. Tradition reports that this pamphlet had considerable weight in determining the ministry to retain Canada.

The success of Franklin’s first foreign mission was significant and satisfying. During his five-year stay in England, he formed many important friendships outside the court and political circles, including notable figures like Hume, Robertson, and Adam Smith. In 1759, for his literary and especially his scientific achievements, he received the freedom of the city of Edinburgh and the degree of doctor of laws from the University of St Andrews. He had also been awarded a Master of Arts degree from Harvard and Yale in 1753, and from the College of William and Mary in 1756; in 1762, he earned a D.C.L. degree from Oxford. While in England, he actively utilized his exceptional talent for pamphleteering. In the calls for peace following the death of George II. on October 25, 1760, he advocated for a strong continuation of the war with France. He wrote what claimed to be a chapter from an old book by a Spanish Jesuit, On the Means of Disposing the Enemy to Peace, which had a significant impact. In the spring of 1760, a more detailed paper co-written by Franklin and Richard Jackson, the agent for Massachusetts and Connecticut in London, was published, titled The Interest of Great Britain Considered with Regard to Her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadeloupe (1760). This pamphlet countered the argument that keeping Canada would be risky due to the added strength it would give any potential independence movement in the English colonies, asserting that as long as Canada remained French, there could be no safety for the English colonies in North America, nor any lasting peace in Europe. It's said that this pamphlet significantly influenced the ministry's decision to keep Canada.

Franklin sailed again for America in August 1762, hoping to be able to settle down in quiet and devote the remainder of his life to experiments in physics. This quiet was interrupted, however, by the “Paxton Massacre” (Dec. 14, 1763)—the slaughter of a score of Indians (children, women and old men) at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by some young rowdies from the town of Paxton, who then marched upon Philadelphia to kill a few Christian Indians there. Franklin, appealed to by the governor, raised a troop sufficient to frighten away the “Paxton boys,” and for the moment there seemed a possibility of an understanding between Franklin and the proprietors. But the question of taxing the estates of the proprietors came up in a new form, and a petition from the assembly was drawn by Franklin, requesting the king “to resume the government” of Pennsylvania. In the autumn election of 1764 the influence of the proprietors was exerted against Franklin, and by an adverse majority of 25 votes in 4000 he failed to be re-elected to the assembly. The new assembly sent Franklin again to England as its special agent to take charge of another petition for a change 26 of government, which, however, came to nothing. Matters of much greater consequence soon demanded Franklin’s attention.

Franklin sailed back to America in August 1762, hoping to settle down peacefully and spend the rest of his life working on physics experiments. However, this peace was shattered by the “Paxton Massacre” (Dec. 14, 1763)—the killing of around twenty Indians (children, women, and old men) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by some young troublemakers from Paxton, who then marched to Philadelphia to attack a few Christian Indians there. Franklin was called upon by the governor and gathered a force to scare off the “Paxton boys,” and for a moment, it seemed like there might be a resolution between Franklin and the proprietors. But then the issue of taxing the proprietors' estates arose again, and Franklin drafted a petition from the assembly asking the king “to resume the government” of Pennsylvania. In the autumn election of 1764, the proprietors worked against Franklin, and he lost re-election to the assembly by a margin of 25 votes out of 4000. The new assembly sent Franklin back to England as its special agent to handle another petition for a change of government, which ultimately went nowhere. Soon, far more significant issues demanded Franklin’s attention.

Early in 1764 Lord Grenville had informed the London agents of the American colonies that he proposed to lay a portion of the burden left by the war with France upon the shoulders of the colonists by means of a stamp duty, unless some other tax equally productive and less inconvenient were proposed. The natural objection of the colonies, as voiced, for example, by the assembly of Pennsylvania, was that it was a cruel thing to tax colonies already taxed beyond their strength, and surrounded by enemies and exposed to constant expenditures for defence, and that it was an indignity that they should be taxed by a parliament in which they were not represented; at the same time the Pennsylvania assembly recognized it as “their duty to grant aid to the crown, according to their abilities, whenever required of them in the usual manner.” To prevent the introduction of the Stamp Act, which he characterized as “the mother of mischief,” Franklin used every effort, but the bill was easily passed, and it was thought that the colonists would soon be reconciled to it. Because he, too, thought so, and because he recommended John Hughes, a merchant of Philadelphia, for the office of distributor of stamps, Franklin himself was denounced—he was even accused of having planned the Stamp Act—and his family in Philadelphia was in danger of being mobbed. Of Franklin’s examination, in February 1766, by the House in Committee of the Whole, as to the effects of the Stamp Act, Burke said that the scene reminded him of a master examined by a parcel of schoolboys, and George Whitefield said: “Dr Franklin has gained immortal honour by his behaviour at the bar of the House. His answer was always found equal to the questioner. He stood unappalled, gave pleasure to his friends and did honour to his country.”3 Franklin compared the position of the colonies to that of Scotland in the days before the union, and in the same year (1766) audaciously urged a similar union with the colonies before it was too late. The knowledge of colonial affairs gained from Franklin’s testimony, probably more than all other causes combined, determined the immediate repeal of the Stamp Act. For Franklin this was a great triumph, and the news of it filled the colonists with delight and restored him to their confidence and affection. Another bill (the Declaratory Act), however, was almost immediately passed by the king’s party, asserting absolute supremacy of parliament over the colonies, and in the succeeding parliament, by the Townshend Acts of 1767, duties were imposed on paper, paints and glass imported by the colonists; a tax was imposed on tea also. The imposition of these taxes was bitterly resented in the colonies, where it quickly crystallized public opinion round the principle of “No taxation without representation.” In spite of the opposition in the colonies to the Declaratory Act, the Townshend Acts and the tea tax, Franklin continued to assure the British ministry and the British public of the loyalty of the colonists. He tried to find some middle ground of reconciliation, and kept up his quiet work of informing England as to the opinions and conditions of the colonies, and of moderating the attitude of the colonies toward the home government; so that, as he said, he was accused in America of being too much an Englishman, and in England of being too much an American. He was agent now, not only of Pennsylvania, but also of New Jersey, of Georgia and of Massachusetts. Hillsborough, who became secretary of state for the colonies in 1768, refused to recognize Franklin as agent of Massachusetts, because the governor of Massachusetts had not approved the appointment, which was by resolution of the assembly. Franklin contended that the governor, as a mere agent of the king, could have nothing to do with the assembly’s appointment of its agent to the king; that “the King, and not the King, Lords, and Commons collectively, is their sovereign; and that the King, with their respective Parliaments, is their only legislator.” Franklin’s influence helped to oust Hillsborough, and Dartmouth, whose name Franklin suggested, was made secretary In 1772 and promptly recognized Franklin as the agent of Massachusetts.

Early in 1764, Lord Grenville informed the London agents of the American colonies that he intended to impose part of the burden from the war with France on the colonists through a stamp duty, unless another equally productive and less burdensome tax was suggested. The colonies naturally objected, as expressed, for instance, by the Pennsylvania assembly, arguing it was unfair to tax colonies already stretched thin, surrounded by enemies and facing ongoing defense costs. They also felt it was an affront to be taxed by a parliament where they had no representation. At the same time, the Pennsylvania assembly acknowledged it was “their duty to grant aid to the crown, according to their abilities, whenever it was requested in the usual manner.” To prevent the Stamp Act, which he called “the mother of mischief,” Franklin did everything he could, but the bill was easily passed, and many thought the colonists would soon accept it. Because he also believed this and recommended John Hughes, a Philadelphia merchant, for the distributor of stamps position, Franklin was denounced—accused even of having devised the Stamp Act—and his family in Philadelphia faced the threat of mob violence. During Franklin’s examination in February 1766 by the House in Committee of the Whole about the effects of the Stamp Act, Burke remarked that it reminded him of a master questioned by a bunch of schoolboys, and George Whitefield said, “Dr. Franklin has gained immortal honor by his behavior at the bar of the House. His answers were always equal to the questions. He stood unfazed, pleased his friends, and did honor to his country.” Franklin compared the colonies’ situation to Scotland before the union and audaciously advocated for a similar union with the colonies that same year (1766) before it was too late. The insights on colonial matters from Franklin’s testimony likely played a significant role in the immediate repeal of the Stamp Act. For Franklin, this was a great victory, and the news delighted the colonists, restoring their trust and affection for him. However, shortly after, another bill (the Declaratory Act) was passed by the king's supporters, claiming complete parliamentary supremacy over the colonies, and in the next parliament, the Townshend Acts of 1767 imposed duties on paper, paint, and glass imported by the colonists, as well as a tax on tea. The imposition of these taxes was met with strong resistance in the colonies, quickly rallying public opinion around the principle of “No taxation without representation.” Despite the opposition in the colonies to the Declaratory Act, the Townshend Acts, and the tea tax, Franklin continued to assure the British ministry and public of the colonists' loyalty. He sought a middle ground for reconciliation while quietly working to inform England about the opinions and conditions in the colonies, trying to temper colonial attitudes toward the home government; as he said, he was criticized in America for being too much of an Englishman and in England for being too much of an American. He served as the agent not just for Pennsylvania but also for New Jersey, Georgia, and Massachusetts. Hillsborough, who became Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1768, refused to recognize Franklin as Massachusetts' agent because the governor of Massachusetts had not approved the appointment, which was made by a resolution of the assembly. Franklin argued that the governor, as merely the king's agent, had no role in the assembly's appointment of its agent to the king, asserting that “the King, and not the King, Lords, and Commons collectively, is their sovereign; and that the King, with their respective Parliaments, is their only legislator.” Franklin's influence helped to remove Hillsborough, and Dartmouth, whose name Franklin suggested, became Secretary in 1772 and quickly recognized Franklin as the Massachusetts agent.

In 1773 there appeared in the Public Advertiser one of Franklin’s cleverest hoaxes, “An Edict of the King of Prussia,” proclaiming that the island of Britain was a colony of Prussia, having been settled by Angles and Saxons, having been protected by Prussia, having been defended by Prussia against France in the war just past, and never having been definitely freed from Prussia’s rule; and that, therefore, Great Britain should now submit to certain taxes laid by Prussia—the taxes being identical with those laid upon the American colonies by Great Britain. In the same year occurred the famous episode of the Hutchinson Letters. These were written by Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of Massachusetts, Andrew Oliver (1706-1774), his lieutenant-governor, and others to William Whately, a member of Parliament, and private secretary to George Grenville, suggesting an increase of the power of the governor at the expense of the assembly, “an abridgement of what are called English liberties,” and other measures more extreme than those undertaken by the government. The correspondence was shown to Franklin by a mysterious “member of parliament” to back up the contention that the quartering of troops in Boston was suggested, not by the British ministry, but by Americans and Bostonians. Upon his promise not to publish the letters Franklin received permission to send them to Massachusetts, where they were much passed about and were printed, and they were soon republished in English newspapers. The Massachusetts assembly on receiving the letters resolved to petition the crown for the removal of both Hutchinson and Oliver. The petition was refused and was condemned as scandalous, and Franklin, who took upon himself the responsibility for the publication of the letters, in the hearing before the privy council at the Cockpit on the 29th of January 1774 was insulted and was called a thief by Alexander Wedderburn (the solicitor-general, who appeared for Hutchinson and Oliver), and was removed from his position as head of the post office in the American colonies.

In 1773, the Public Advertiser published one of Franklin's smartest hoaxes, "An Edict of the King of Prussia," which claimed that the island of Britain was a colony of Prussia. It suggested that Britain was settled by Angles and Saxons, protected by Prussia, defended by Prussia against France in the recent war, and never truly freed from Prussia’s control. Therefore, it stated that Great Britain should now accept certain taxes imposed by Prussia—taxes that were identical to those imposed on the American colonies by Great Britain. That same year, the notorious Hutchinson Letters came to light. These letters were written by Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of Massachusetts, Andrew Oliver (1706-1774), his lieutenant-governor, and others to William Whately, a member of Parliament and private secretary to George Grenville. They suggested increasing the governor's power at the expense of the assembly, which was "an abridgment of what are called English liberties," alongside other measures that were even more extreme than those proposed by the government. A mysterious “member of parliament” showed these letters to Franklin to support the claim that the quartering of troops in Boston was initiated not by the British government, but by Americans and Bostonians. Franklin was promised that he wouldn’t be allowed to publish the letters and was given permission to send them to Massachusetts, where they were widely circulated and printed, later being republished in English newspapers. Upon receiving the letters, the Massachusetts assembly decided to petition the crown for the removal of both Hutchinson and Oliver. This petition was denied and labeled as scandalous. Franklin, who took responsibility for the publication of the letters, was insulted and called a thief by Alexander Wedderburn (the solicitor-general representing Hutchinson and Oliver) during a hearing before the privy council at the Cockpit on January 29, 1774, and was dismissed from his role as head of the post office in the American colonies.

Satisfied that his usefulness in England was at an end, Franklin entrusted his agencies to the care of Arthur Lee, and on the 21st of March 1775 again set sail for Philadelphia. During the last years of his stay in England there had been repeated attempts to win him (probably with an under-secretaryship) to the British service, and in these same years he had done a great work for the colonies by gaining friends for them among the opposition, and by impressing France with his ability and the excellence of his case. Upon reaching America, he heard of the fighting at Lexington and Concord, and with the news of an actual outbreak of hostilities his feeling toward England seems to have changed completely. He was no longer a peacemaker, but an ardent war-maker. On the 6th of May, the day after his arrival in Philadelphia, he was elected by the assembly of Pennsylvania a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. In October he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania assembly, but, as members of this body were still required to take an oath of allegiance to the crown, he refused to serve. In the Congress he served on as many as ten committees, and upon the organization of a continental postal system, he was made postmaster-general, a position he held for one year, when (in 1776) he was succeeded by his son-in-law, Richard Bache, who had been his deputy. With Benjamin Harrison, John Dickinson, Thomas Johnson and John Jay he was appointed in November 1775 to a committee to carry on a secret correspondence with the friends of America “in Great Britain, Ireland and other parts of the world.” He planned an appeal to the king of France for aid, and wrote the instructions of Silas Deane who was to convey it. In April 1776 he went to Montreal with Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase and John Carroll, as a member of the commission which conferred with General Arnold, and attempted without success to gain the co-operation of Canada. Immediately after his return from Montreal he was a member of the committee of five appointed to draw up the Declaration of Independence, but he took no actual part himself in drafting that instrument, aside from suggesting the change or insertion of a few 27 words in Jefferson’s draft. From July 16 to September 28 he acted as president of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania.

Satisfied that his time in England was over, Franklin handed over his responsibilities to Arthur Lee and set sail for Philadelphia again on March 21, 1775. During his last years in England, there were many attempts to recruit him—likely for a minor government position—in the British service. During this time, he had accomplished a lot for the colonies by building relationships with the opposition and impressing France with his skills and the strength of their case. Once he arrived in America, he learned about the battles at Lexington and Concord, and with the news of actual fighting, his feelings toward England seemed to shift completely. He was no longer a peacemaker but became a strong supporter of war. On May 6, the day after his arrival in Philadelphia, he was elected by the Pennsylvania assembly as a delegate to the Continental Congress. In October, he was elected to the Pennsylvania assembly, but since members had to swear allegiance to the crown, he refused to serve. In Congress, he served on up to ten committees and when a continental postal system was established, he was appointed postmaster-general, a position he held for one year until his son-in-law, Richard Bache, who had been his deputy, succeeded him in 1776. In November 1775, he, along with Benjamin Harrison, John Dickinson, Thomas Johnson, and John Jay, was appointed to a committee to conduct secret correspondence with supporters of America “in Great Britain, Ireland, and other parts of the world.” He planned to appeal to the king of France for assistance and wrote instructions for Silas Deane who was to deliver it. In April 1776, he went to Montreal with Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, and John Carroll as part of a commission that conferred with General Arnold and unsuccessfully sought the cooperation of Canada. Soon after he returned from Montreal, he was part of the committee of five tasked with drafting the Declaration of Independence, but he did not take an active role in creating that document aside from suggesting a few changes to Jefferson's draft. From July 16 to September 28, he served as the president of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania.

With John Adams and Edward Rutledge he was selected by Congress to discuss with Admiral Howe (September 1776, at Staten Island) the terms of peace proposed by Howe, who had arrived in New York harbour in July 1776, and who had been an intimate friend of Franklin; but the discussion was fruitless, as the American commissioners refused to treat “back of this step of independency.” On the 26th of September in the same year Franklin was chosen as commissioner to France to join Arthur Lee, who was in London, and Silas Deane, who had arrived in France in June 1776. He collected all the money he could command, between £3000 and £4000, lent it to Congress before he set sail, and arrived at Paris on the 22nd of December. He found quarters at Passy,4 then a suburb of Paris, in a house belonging to Le Ray de Chaumont, an active friend of the American cause, who had influential relations with the court, and through whom he was enabled to be in the fullest communication with the French government without compromising it in the eyes of Great Britain.

With John Adams and Edward Rutledge, he was appointed by Congress to meet with Admiral Howe (September 1776, at Staten Island) to discuss the peace terms proposed by Howe, who had arrived in New York Harbor in July 1776 and was a close friend of Franklin. However, the discussion was unproductive, as the American commissioners refused to negotiate “back of this step of independency.” On September 26 of the same year, Franklin was chosen as the commissioner to France to join Arthur Lee, who was in London, and Silas Deane, who had arrived in France in June 1776. He gathered all the funds he could manage, between £3000 and £4000, lent it to Congress before he set sail, and arrived in Paris on December 22. He found accommodations at Passy,4 then a suburb of Paris, in a house belonging to Le Ray de Chaumont, a devoted supporter of the American cause, who had influential connections with the court. This allowed him to maintain open communications with the French government without compromising it in the eyes of Great Britain.

At the time of Franklin’s arrival in Paris he was already one of the most talked about men in the world. He was a member of every important learned society in Europe; he was a member, and one of the managers, of the Royal Society, and was one of eight foreign members of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris. Three editions of his scientific works had already appeared in Paris, and a new edition had recently appeared in London. To all these advantages he added a political purpose—the dismemberment of the British empire—which was entirely congenial to every citizen of France. “Franklin’s reputation,” wrote John Adams with characteristic extravagance, “was more universal than that of Leibnitz or Newton, Frederick or Voltaire; and his character more esteemed and beloved than all of them.... If a collection could be made of all the gazettes of Europe, for the latter half of the 18th century, a greater number of panegyrical paragraphs upon le grand Franklin would appear, it is believed, than upon any other man that ever lived.” “Franklin’s appearance in the French salons, even before he began to negotiate,” says Friedrich Christoph Schlosser, “was an event of great importance to the whole of Europe.... His dress, the simplicity of his external appearance, the friendly meekness of the old man, and the apparent humility of the Quaker, procured for Freedom a mass of votaries among the court circles who used to be alarmed at its coarseness and unsophisticated truths. Such was the number of portraits,5 busts and medallions of him in circulation before he left Paris that he would have been recognized from them by any adult citizen in any part of the civilized world.”

At the time Franklin arrived in Paris, he was already one of the most famous people in the world. He was a member of every important learned society in Europe; he was part of the Royal Society as well as one of its managers, and he was one of eight foreign members of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris. Three editions of his scientific works had already been published in Paris, and a new edition had recently come out in London. On top of these accomplishments, he had a political goal—the dismemberment of the British Empire—which was welcomed by every citizen of France. “Franklin’s reputation,” wrote John Adams with characteristic flair, “was more universal than that of Leibnitz or Newton, Frederick or Voltaire; and his character more respected and loved than all of them.... If a collection could be made of all the newspapers in Europe from the latter half of the 18th century, it’s believed that there would be more praise-filled paragraphs about le grand Franklin than about any other man who ever lived.” “Franklin’s appearance in the French salons, even before he began to negotiate,” says Friedrich Christoph Schlosser, “was a significant event for all of Europe.... His clothing, the simplicity of his appearance, the friendly humility of the old man, and the evident modesty of the Quaker gained Freedom many supporters among court circles that were usually put off by its roughness and straightforward truths. The number of portraits, busts, and medallions of him in existence before he left Paris was so great that he could have been recognized by any adult citizen anywhere in the civilized world.”

Franklin’s position in France was a difficult one from the start, because of the delicacy of the task of getting French aid at a time when France was unready openly to take sides against Great Britain. But on the 6th of February 1778, after the news of the defeat and surrender of Burgoyne had reached Europe, a treaty of alliance and a treaty of amity and commerce between France and the United States were signed at Paris by Franklin, Deane and Lee. On the 28th of October this commission was discharged and Franklin was appointed sole plenipotentiary to the French court. Lee, from the beginning of the mission to Paris, seems to have been possessed of a mania of jealousy toward Franklin, or of misunderstanding of his acts, and he tried to undermine his influence with the Continental Congress. John Adams, when he succeeded Deane (recalled from Paris through Lee’s machinations) joined in the chorus of fault-finding against Franklin, dilated upon his social habits, his personal slothfulness and his complete lack of business-like system; but Adams soon came to see that, although careless of details, Franklin was doing what no other man could have done, and he ceased his harsher criticism. Even greater than his diplomatic difficulties were Franklin’s financial straits. Drafts were being drawn on him by all the American agents in Europe, and by the Continental Congress at home. Acting as American naval agent for the many successful privateers who harried the English Channel, and for whom he skilfully got every bit of assistance possible, open and covert, from the French government, he was continually called upon for funds in these ventures. Of the vessels to be sent to Paris with American cargoes which were to be sold for the liquidation of French loans to the colonies made through Beaumarchais, few arrived; those that did come did not cover Beaumarchais’s advances, and hardly a vessel came from America without word of fresh drafts on Franklin. After bold and repeated overtures for an exchange of prisoners—an important matter, both because the American frigates had no place in which to stow away their prisoners, and because of the maltreatment of American captives in such prisons as Dartmoor—exchanges began at the end of March 1779, although there were annoying delays, and immediately after November 1781 there was a long break in the agreement; and the Americans discharged from English prisons were constantly in need of money. Franklin, besides, was constantly called upon to meet the indebtedness of Lee and of Ralph Izard (1742-1804), and of John Jay, who in Madrid was being drawn on by the American Congress. In spite of the poor condition in Europe of the credit of the struggling colonies, and of the fact that France was almost bankrupt (and in the later years was at war), and although Necker strenuously resisted the making of any loans to the colonies, France, largely because of Franklin’s appeals, expended, by loan or gift to the colonies, or in sustenance of the French arms in America, a sum estimated at $60,000,000.

Franklin’s position in France was tough from the start because it was delicate to secure French support when France wasn’t ready to openly side with the American colonies against Great Britain. But on February 6, 1778, after news of Burgoyne's defeat and surrender reached Europe, a treaty of alliance and a treaty of friendship and trade between France and the United States were signed in Paris by Franklin, Deane, and Lee. On October 28, this commission was dismissed, and Franklin was appointed the sole representative to the French court. From the beginning of the mission to Paris, Lee seemed to be consumed with jealousy towards Franklin or misunderstood his actions, trying to undermine Franklin’s influence with the Continental Congress. John Adams, when he replaced Deane (who was recalled from Paris due to Lee’s schemes), joined in the criticism of Franklin, commenting on his social habits, laziness, and lack of organization; however, Adams soon realized that despite being careless about details, Franklin was accomplishing what no one else could, and he toned down his harsher critiques. Even greater than his diplomatic challenges were Franklin’s financial troubles. American agents in Europe and the Continental Congress back home were constantly drawing on him for funds. As the American naval agent for numerous successful privateers operating in the English Channel, Franklin skillfully secured every possible source of assistance, both open and secret, from the French government, but he frequently faced demands for funds for these operations. Few of the ships sent to Paris with American cargoes intended to pay off French loans to the colonies through Beaumarchais arrived, and those that did often didn’t cover Beaumarchais’s advances, with hardly a ship arriving from America that didn’t come with requests for additional drafts on Franklin. After repeated appeals for a prisoner exchange—vital due to the American frigates lacking space for captives and the mistreatment of American prisoners in places like Dartmoor—the exchanges finally began at the end of March 1779, although there were frustrating delays, and right after November 1781, there was a long pause in the agreement; American prisoners released from English jails were often in need of funds. Besides that, Franklin was regularly asked to help pay the debts of Lee, Ralph Izard (1742-1804), and John Jay, who was receiving demands for money from the American Congress while in Madrid. Despite the dire credit situation in Europe for the struggling colonies and the fact that France was nearly bankrupt (and later involved in war), and although Necker strongly opposed lending to the colonies, France, largely due to Franklin’s appeals, provided an estimated $60,000,000 through loans or gifts to the colonies or in support of the French military efforts in America.

In 1781 Franklin, with John Adams, John Jay, Jefferson, who remained in America, and Henry Laurens, then a prisoner in England, was appointed on a commission to make peace with Great Britain. In the spring of 1782 Franklin had been informally negotiating with Shelburne, secretary of state for the home department, through the medium of Richard Oswald, a Scotch merchant, and had suggested that England should cede Canada to the United States in return for the recognition of loyalist claims by the states. When the formal negotiations began Franklin held closely to the instructions of Congress to its commissioners, that they should maintain confidential relations with the French ministers and that they were “to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge and concurrence,” and were ultimately to be governed by “their advice and opinion.” Jay and Adams disagreed with him on this point, believing that France intended to curtail the territorial aspirations of the Americans for her own benefit and for that of her ally, Spain. At last, after the British government had authorized its agents to treat with the commissioners as representatives of an independent power, thus recognizing American independence before the treaty was made, Franklin acquiesced in the policy of Jay. The preliminary treaty was signed by the commissioners on the 30th of November 1782, the final treaty on the 3rd of September 1783. Franklin had repeatedly petitioned Congress for his recall, but his letters were unanswered or his appeals refused until the 7th of March 1785, when Congress resolved that he be allowed to return to America; on the 10th of March Thomas Jefferson, who had joined him in August of the year before, was appointed to his place. Jefferson, when asked if he replaced Franklin, replied, “No one can replace him, sir; I am only his successor.” Before Franklin left Paris on the 12th of July 1785 he had made commercial treaties with Sweden (1783) and Prussia (1785; signed after Franklin’s departure by Jefferson and John Adams). Franklin arrived in Philadelphia on the 13th of September, disembarking at the same wharf as when he had first entered the city. He was immediately elected a member of the municipal council of Philadelphia, becoming its chairman; and was chosen president of the Supreme Executive Council (the chief executive officer) of Pennsylvania, and was re-elected in 1786 and 1787, 28 serving from October 1785 to October 1788. In May 1787 he was elected a delegate to the Convention which drew up the Federal Constitution, this body thus having a member upon whom all could agree as chairman, should Washington be absent. He opposed over-centralization of government and favoured the Connecticut Compromise, and after the work of the Convention was done used his influence to secure the adoption of the Constitution.6 As president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Franklin signed a petition to Congress (12th February 1790) for immediate abolition of slavery, and six weeks later in his most brilliant manner parodied the attack on the petition made by James Jackson (1757-1806) of Georgia, taking off Jackson’s quotations of Scripture with pretended texts from the Koran cited by a member of the Divan of Algiers in opposition to a petition asking for the prohibition of holding Christians in slavery. These were his last public acts. His last days were marked by a fine serenity and calm; he died in his own house in Philadelphia on the 17th of April 1790, the immediate cause being an abscess in the lungs. He was buried with his wife in the graveyard (Fifth and Arch Streets) of Christ Church, Philadelphia.

In 1781, Franklin, along with John Adams, John Jay, Jefferson—who stayed in America—and Henry Laurens, who was then a prisoner in England, was appointed to a commission to negotiate peace with Great Britain. In the spring of 1782, Franklin had been informally negotiating with Shelburne, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, through Richard Oswald, a Scottish merchant. He suggested that England should give Canada to the United States in exchange for the states recognizing loyalist claims. When formal negotiations began, Franklin closely followed Congress's instructions to its commissioners, maintaining confidential relations with the French ministers, and ensuring they "should undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge and concurrence," ultimately being guided by "their advice and opinion." Jay and Adams disagreed with him, believing that France aimed to limit American territorial ambitions for its own benefit and that of its ally, Spain. Eventually, after the British government authorized its agents to treat with the commissioners as representatives of an independent power, recognizing American independence before the treaty was finalized, Franklin agreed to Jay's approach. The preliminary treaty was signed by the commissioners on November 30, 1782, and the final treaty on September 3, 1783. Franklin had repeatedly asked Congress for his recall, but his letters went unanswered or were denied until March 7, 1785, when Congress decided he could return to America; on March 10, Thomas Jefferson, who had joined him the previous August, was appointed to take his place. When Jefferson was asked if he replaced Franklin, he replied, "No one can replace him, sir; I am only his successor." Before leaving Paris on July 12, 1785, Franklin had made commercial treaties with Sweden (1783) and Prussia (1785; signed after Franklin's departure by Jefferson and John Adams). He arrived in Philadelphia on September 13, disembarking at the same wharf where he had first entered the city. He was immediately elected to the municipal council of Philadelphia, becoming its chairman; he was also chosen president of the Supreme Executive Council (the chief executive officer) of Pennsylvania and was re-elected in 1786 and 1787, serving from October 1785 to October 1788. In May 1787, he was elected a delegate to the Convention that drafted the Federal Constitution, providing a member whom everyone could agree on as chairman in Washington's absence. He opposed over-centralization of government and supported the Connecticut Compromise, using his influence to help secure the adoption of the Constitution after the Convention's work was done. As president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Franklin signed a petition to Congress on February 12, 1790, for the immediate abolition of slavery, and six weeks later, in his most brilliant manner, parodied James Jackson's (1757-1806) attack on the petition by mocking Jackson's Biblical quotations with fabricated quotes from the Koran that a member of the Divan of Algiers supposedly used to oppose a petition aimed at prohibiting the enslavement of Christians. These were his last public acts. His final days were marked by a sense of peace and calm; he died in his home in Philadelphia on April 17, 1790, with the immediate cause being an abscess in the lungs. He was buried with his wife in Christ Church's graveyard (Fifth and Arch Streets) in Philadelphia.

Physically Franklin was large, about 5 ft. 10 in. tall, with a well-rounded, powerful figure; he inherited an excellent constitution from his parents—“I never knew,” says he, “either my father or mother to have any sickness but that of which they dy’d, he at 89, and she at 85 years of age”—but injured it somewhat by excesses; in early life he had severe attacks of pleurisy, from one of which, in 1727, it was not expected that he would recover, and in his later years he was the victim of stone and gout. When he was sixteen he became a vegetarian for a time, rather to save money for books than for any other reason, and he always preached moderation in eating, though he was less consistent in his practice in this particular than as regards moderate drinking. He was always enthusiastically fond of swimming, and was a great believer in fresh air, taking a cold air bath regularly in the morning, when he sat naked in his bedroom beguiling himself with a book or with writing for a half-hour or more. He insisted that fresh, cold air was not the cause of colds, and preached zealously the “gospel of ventilation.” He was a charming talker, with a gay humour and a quiet sarcasm and a telling use of anecdote for argument. Henri Martin, the French historian, speaks of him as “of a mind altogether French in its grace and elasticity.” In 1730 he married Deborah Read, in whose father’s house he had lived when he had first come to Philadelphia, to whom he had been engaged before his first departure from Philadelphia for London, and who in his absence had married a ne’er-do-well, one Rogers, who had deserted her. The marriage to Franklin is presumed to have been a common law marriage, for there was no proof that Miss Read’s former husband was dead, nor that, as was suspected, a former wife, alive when Rogers married Miss Read, was still alive, and that therefore his marriage to Deborah was void. His “Debby,” or his “dear child,” as Franklin usually addressed her in his letters, received into the family, soon after her marriage, Franklin’s illegitimate son, William Franklin (1729-1813),7 with whom she afterwards quarrelled, and whose mother, tradition says, was Barbara, a servant in the Franklin household. Another illegitimate child became the wife of John Foxcroft of Philadelphia. Deborah, who was “as much dispos’d to industry and frugality as” her husband, was illiterate and shared none of her husband’s tastes for literature and science; her dread of an ocean voyage kept her in Philadelphia during Franklin’s missions to England, and she died in 1774, while Franklin was in London. She bore him two children, one a son, Francis Folger, “whom I have seldom since seen equal’d in everything, and whom to this day [thirty-six years after the child’s death] I cannot think of without a sigh,” who died (1736) when four years old of small-pox, not having been inoculated; the other was Sarah (1744-1808), who married Richard Bache (1737-1811), Franklin’s successor in 1776-1782 as postmaster-general. Franklin’s gallant relations with women after his wife’s death were probably innocent enough. Best known of his French amies were Mme Helvétius, widow of the philosopher, and the young Mme Brillon, who corrected her “Papa’s” French and tried to bring him safely into the Roman Catholic Church. With him in France were his grandsons, William Temple Franklin, William Franklin’s natural son, who acted as private secretary to his grandfather, and Benjamin Franklin Bache (1769-1798), Sarah’s son, whom he sent to Geneva to be educated, for whom he later asked public office of Washington, and who became editor of the Aurora, one of the leading journals in the Republican attacks on Washington.

Physically, Franklin was tall, about 5 ft. 10 in., with a strong and well-built body. He inherited good health from his parents—“I never knew,” he said, “either my father or mother to have any sickness except for what led to their deaths, he at 89 and she at 85 years old”—but he affected it somewhat through indulgences. In his youth, he suffered serious bouts of pleurisy, and in 1727, it was thought he might not recover. In his later years, he dealt with kidney stones and gout. When he was sixteen, he briefly became a vegetarian, mainly to save money for books rather than for health reasons, and he always advocated for moderation in eating, though he wasn't as disciplined about it compared to his moderate drinking habits. He was passionate about swimming and believed strongly in fresh air, taking a cold air bath every morning while sitting naked in his bedroom, reading or writing for half an hour or more. He argued that fresh, cold air didn’t cause colds and vigorously promoted the “gospel of ventilation.” He was a delightful conversationalist with a cheerful sense of humor, a subtle sarcasm, and a knack for using anecdotes to support his arguments. French historian Henri Martin described him as “of a mind altogether French in its grace and elasticity.” In 1730, he married Deborah Read, with whom he had lived when he first arrived in Philadelphia. They had been engaged before he left for London, but during his absence, she married a man named Rogers, who later abandoned her. Their marriage is considered to be a common law marriage since there was no evidence that Miss Read's first husband had died or that a previous wife, believed to be alive when Rogers married Miss Read, had actually still been living, making Franklin's marriage to Deborah potentially invalid. Franklin often called her “Debby” or “my dear child” in his letters. Shortly after their marriage, she accepted Franklin's illegitimate son, William Franklin (1729-1813), into their family, with whom she later had disagreements, and tradition suggests his mother was Barbara, a servant in the Franklin household. Another illegitimate child married John Foxcroft of Philadelphia. Deborah, who was “as much disposed to industry and frugality as” her husband, was illiterate and did not share his interests in literature and science. Her fear of ocean travel kept her in Philadelphia during Franklin's missions to England, and she passed away in 1774 while Franklin was in London. They had two children: one was a son named Francis Folger, “whom I have seldom seen equaled in everything, and whom to this day [thirty-six years after his death] I cannot think of without a sigh,” who died of smallpox at four years old without having been inoculated; the other was Sarah (1744-1808), who married Richard Bache (1737-1811), Franklin's successor as postmaster-general from 1776-1782. After his wife’s death, Franklin’s relationships with women were likely aboveboard. His most notable French companions included Mme Helvétius, the widow of a philosopher, and the young Mme Brillon, who revised her “Papa’s” French and tried to help him safely convert to Roman Catholicism. In France, he was accompanied by his grandsons, William Temple Franklin, William Franklin’s illegitimate son, who served as his private secretary, and Benjamin Franklin Bache (1769-1798), Sarah’s son, whom he sent to Geneva for education. Franklin later sought a public position for him from Washington, and Bache became the editor of the Aurora, a prominent paper critical of Washington.

Franklin early rebelled against New England Puritanism and spent his Sundays in reading and in study instead of attending church. His free-thinking ran its extreme course at the time of his publication in London of A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain (1725), which he recognized as one of the great errata of his life. He later called himself a deist, or theist, not discriminating between the terms. To his favourite sister he wrote: “There are some things in your New England doctrine and worship which I do not agree with; but I do not therefore condemn them, or desire to shake your belief or practice of them.” Such was his general attitude. He did not believe in the divinity of Christ, but thought “his system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw, or is like to see.” His intense practical-mindedness drew him away from religion, but drove him to a morality of his own (the “art of virtue,” he called it), based on thirteen virtues each accompanied by a short precept; the virtues were Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity and Humility, the precept accompanying the last-named virtue being “Imitate Jesus and Socrates.” He made a business-like little notebook, ruled off spaces for the thirteen virtues and the seven days of the week, “determined to give a week’s strict attention to each of the virtues successively ... [going] thro’ a course compleate in thirteen weeks and four courses in a year,” marking for each day a record of his adherence to each of the precepts. “And conceiving God to be the fountain of wisdom,” he “thought it right and necessary to solicit His assistance for obtaining it,” and drew up the following prayer for daily use: “O powerful Goodness! bountiful Father! merciful Guide! Increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest. Strengthen my resolution to perform what that wisdom dictates. Accept my kind offices to Thy other children, as the only return in my power for Thy continual favours to me.” He was by no means prone to overmuch introspection, his great interest in the conduct of others being shown in the wise maxims of Poor Richard, which were possibly too utilitarian but were wonderfully successful in instructing American morals. His Art of Virtue on which he worked for years was never completed or published in any form.

Franklin rebelled against New England Puritanism early on and spent his Sundays reading and studying instead of going to church. His free-thinking reached its peak when he published A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain in London in 1725, which he later recognized as one of the major mistakes of his life. He referred to himself as a deist or theist, not really distinguishing between the two. In a letter to his favorite sister, he wrote, “There are some aspects of your New England beliefs and worship that I don’t agree with; but I don’t condemn them, nor do I want to change your beliefs or practices.” That reflects his overall attitude. He didn’t believe in the divinity of Christ but thought “his system of morals and the religion he left us is the best the world has ever seen or is likely to see.” His strong practical mindset pulled him away from religion, but led him to develop his own set of morals (which he called the “art of virtue”), based on thirteen virtues, each paired with a brief guideline. These virtues were Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility, with the precept for the last virtue being “Imitate Jesus and Socrates.” He created a practical little notebook with spaces for the thirteen virtues and the seven days of the week, “determined to focus on each virtue for a week in succession ... [going] through a complete cycle in thirteen weeks and repeating it four times a year,” keeping track of each day’s adherence to the guidelines. “Believing that God is the source of wisdom,” he “thought it right and necessary to ask for His help in gaining it,” and wrote this prayer for daily use: “O powerful Goodness! Bountiful Father! Merciful Guide! Increase in me that wisdom that reveals my true interests. Strengthen my resolve to do what that wisdom advises. Accept my good deeds towards Your other children as the only way I can repay You for Your constant blessings on me.” He wasn’t overly introspective; his strong interest in the behavior of others was evident in the wise sayings of Poor Richard, which, although possibly too practical, were immensely effective in shaping American morals. His Art of Virtue, which he worked on for years, was never finished or published in any form.

“Benjamin Franklin, Printer,” was Franklin’s own favourite description of himself. He was an excellent compositor and pressman; his workmanship, clear impressions, black ink and comparative freedom from errata did much to get him the public printing in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and the printing of the paper money8 and other public matters in Delaware. The first book with his imprint is The Psalms of David Imitated in 29 the Language of the New Testament and apply’d to the Christian State and Worship. By I. Watts ..., Philadelphia: Printed by B. F. and H. M. for Thomas Godfrey, and Sold at his Shop, 1729. The first novel printed in America was Franklin’s reprint in 1744 of Pamela; and the first American translation from the classics which was printed in America was a version by James Logan (1674-1751) of Cato’s Moral Distichs (1735). In 1744 he published another translation of Logan’s, Cicero On Old Age, which Franklin thought typographically the finest book he had ever printed. In 1733 he had established a press in Charleston, South Carolina, and soon after did the same in Lancaster, Pa., in New Haven, Conn., in New York, in Antigua, in Kingston, Jamaica, and in other places. Personally he had little connexion with the Philadelphia printing office after 1748, when David Hall became his partner and took charge of it. But in 1753 he was eagerly engaged in having several of his improvements incorporated in a new press, and more than twenty years after was actively interested in John Walter’s scheme of “logography.” In France he had a private press in his house in Passy, on which he printed “bagatelles.” Franklin’s work as a publisher is for the most part closely connected with his work in issuing the Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanack (a summary of the proverbs from which appeared in the number for 1758, and has often been reprinted—under such titles as Father Abraham’s Speech, and The Way to Wealth).9

“Benjamin Franklin, Printer” was Franklin’s favorite way to describe himself. He was an excellent typesetter and press operator; his skillful work, clear prints, bold ink, and relatively few errors helped him secure the public printing jobs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, along with the printing of paper money and other government documents in Delaware. The first book with his name on it is The Psalms of David Imitated in 29 the Language of the New Testament and applied to the Christian State and Worship. By I. Watts ..., Philadelphia: Printed by B. F. and H. M. for Thomas Godfrey, and Sold at his Shop, 1729. The first novel printed in America was Franklin’s reprint in 1744 of Pamela; and the first American translation from the classics published in America was a version by James Logan (1674-1751) of Cato’s Moral Distichs (1735). In 1744, he published another translation by Logan, Cicero On Old Age, which Franklin considered to be the most beautifully printed book he had ever produced. In 1733, he set up a press in Charleston, South Carolina, and soon after established presses in Lancaster, Pa., New Haven, Conn., New York, Antigua, Kingston, Jamaica, and other locations. Personally, he was less involved with the Philadelphia printing office after 1748, when David Hall became his partner and took over its management. However, in 1753, he was actively working to incorporate several of his innovations into a new press, and over twenty years later, he was involved in John Walter’s project of “logography.” In France, he had a private press in his home in Passy, where he printed “bagatelles.” Franklin’s publishing work is mostly tied to his efforts in producing the Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanack (a summary of proverbs from which appeared in the 1758 issue, often reprinted under such titles as Father Abraham’s Speech and The Way to Wealth).9

Of much of Franklin’s work as an author something has already been said. Judged as literature, the first place belongs to his Autobiography, which unquestionably ranks among the few great autobiographies ever written. His style in its simplicity, facility and clearness owed something to De Foe, something to Cotton Mather, something to Plutarch, more to Bunyan and to his early attempts to reproduce the manner of the third volume of the Spectator; and not the least to his own careful study of word usage. From Xenophon’s Memorabilia he learned when a boy the Socratic method of argument. Swift he resembled in the occasional broadness of his humour, in his brilliantly successful use of sarcasm and irony,10 and in his mastery of the hoax. Balzac said of him that he “invented the lightning-rod, the hoax (’le canard’) and the republic.” Among his more famous hoaxes were the “Edict of the King of Prussia” (1773), already described; the fictitious supplement to the Boston Chronicle, printed on his private press at Passy in 1782, and containing a letter with an invoice of eight packs of 954 cured, dried, hooped and painted scalps of rebels, men, women and children, taken by Indians in the British employ; and another fictitious Letter from the Count de Schaumberg to the Baron Hohendorf commanding the Hessian Troops in America (1777)—the count’s only anxiety is that not enough men will be killed to bring him in moneys he needs, and he urges his officer in command in America “to prolong the war ... for I have made arrangements for a grand Italian opera, and I do not wish to be obliged to give it up.”11

Much of Franklin’s writing has already been discussed. When it comes to literature, his Autobiography stands out as one of the great autobiographies ever written. His style, with its simplicity, ease, and clarity, was influenced by Defoe, Cotton Mather, Plutarch, and especially Bunyan, as well as his early efforts to mimic the style of the third volume of the Spectator. He also devoted careful attention to the use of words. As a boy, he learned the Socratic method of argument from Xenophon’s Memorabilia. He shared a resemblance with Swift in his occasionally bold humor, his effective use of sarcasm and irony, and his knack for playing practical jokes. Balzac noted that he “invented the lightning rod, the hoax (’le canard’), and the republic.” Some of his more well-known hoaxes include the “Edict of the King of Prussia” (1773), already mentioned; a made-up supplement to the Boston Chronicle, printed on his private press in Passy in 1782, which included a letter with an invoice for eight packs of 954 cured, dried, hooped, and painted scalps of rebels—men, women, and children—taken by Indians working for the British; and another fictitious Letter from the Count de Schaumberg to the Baron Hohendorf commanding the Hessian Troops in America (1777) in which the count worries that not enough men will be killed to earn him the money he needs, urging his officer in America “to prolong the war ... for I have made arrangements for a grand Italian opera, and I do not wish to be obliged to give it up.”

Closely related to Franklin’s political pamphlets are his writings on economics, which, though undertaken with a political or practical purpose and not in a purely scientific spirit, rank him as the first American economist. He wrote in 1729 A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency, which argued that a plentiful currency will make rates of interest low and will promote immigration and home manufactures, and which did much to secure the further issue of paper money in Pennsylvania. After the British Act of 1750 forbidding the erection or the operating of iron or steel mills in the colonies, Franklin wrote Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind and the Peopling of Countries (1751); its thesis was that manufactures come to be common only with a high degree of social development and with great density of population, and that Great Britain need not, therefore, fear the industrial competition of the colonies, but it is better known for the estimate (adopted by Adam Smith) that the population of the colonies would double every quarter-century; and for the likeness to Malthus’s12 “preventive check” of its statement: “The greater the common fashionable expense of any rank of people the more cautious they are of marriage.” His Positions to be examined concerning National Wealth (1769) shows that he was greatly influenced by the French physiocrats after his visit to France in 1767. His Wail of a Protected Manufacturer voices a protest against protection as raising the cost of living; and he held that free trade was based on a natural right. He knew Kames, Hume and Adam Smith, and corresponded with Mirabeau, “the friend of Man.” Some of the more important of his economic theses, as summarized by W. A. Wetzel, are: that money as coin may have more than its bullion value; that natural interest is determined by the rent of land valued at the sum of money loaned—an anticipation of Turgot; that high wages are not inconsistent with a large foreign trade; that the value of an article is determined by the amount of labour necessary to produce the food consumed in making the article; that manufactures are advantageous but agriculture only is truly productive; and that when practicable (as he did not think it practicable at the end of the War of Independence) state revenue should be raised by direct tax.

Closely related to Franklin's political pamphlets are his writings on economics, which, while aimed at political or practical goals rather than a purely scientific approach, establish him as the first American economist. In 1729, he wrote *A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency*, arguing that a plentiful currency would lower interest rates and encourage immigration and domestic manufacturing, significantly influencing the further issuance of paper money in Pennsylvania. After the British Act of 1750, which prohibited the establishment or operation of iron or steel mills in the colonies, Franklin penned *Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind and the Peopling of Countries* (1751). Its main argument was that manufacturing only becomes widespread with a high level of social development and a dense population, meaning Great Britain shouldn't worry about industrial competition from the colonies; it is also noted for the estimate (adopted by Adam Smith) that the colonial population would double every 25 years, and for its similarity to Malthus’s "preventive check" statement: “The greater the common fashionable expense of any rank of people, the more cautious they are of marriage.” His *Positions to be examined concerning National Wealth* (1769) indicates he was heavily influenced by the French physiocrats after his visit to France in 1767. His *Wail of a Protected Manufacturer* expresses opposition to protectionism, claiming it raises the cost of living, and he believed that free trade is based on a natural right. He was familiar with Kames, Hume, and Adam Smith, and corresponded with Mirabeau, “the friend of Man.” Some of his key economic ideas, as summarized by W. A. Wetzel, include: that money as coin can be worth more than its bullion value; that natural interest is determined by the rent of land valued at the total amount of money loaned—an idea ahead of Turgot; that high wages can coexist with a substantial foreign trade; that an article's value is dictated by the labor required to produce the food consumed in making it; that while manufacturing is beneficial, only agriculture is truly productive; and that when feasible (which he did not think possible at the end of the War of Independence), state revenue should be raised through direct taxation.

Franklin as a scientist13 and as an inventor has been decried by experts as an amateur and a dabbler; but it should be remembered that it was always his hope to retire from public life and devote himself to science. In the American Philosophical Society (founded 1743) scientific subjects were much discussed. Franklin wrote a paper on the causes of earthquakes for his Gazette of the 15th of December 1737; and he eagerly collected material to uphold his theory that waterspouts and whirlwinds resulted from the same causes. In 1743, from the circumstance that an eclipse not visible in Philadelphia because of a storm had been observed in Boston, where the storm although north-easterly did not occur until an hour after the eclipse, he surmised that storms move against the wind along the Atlantic coast. In the year before (1742) he had planned the “Pennsylvania fire-place,” better known as the “Franklin stove,” which saved fuel, heated all the room, and had the same principle as the hot-air furnace; the stove was never patented by Franklin, but was described in his pamphlet dated 1744. He was much engaged at the same time in remedying smoking chimneys, and as late as 1785 wrote to Jan Ingenhousz, physician to the emperor of Austria, on chimneys and draughts; smoking street lamps he remedied by a simple contrivance. The study of electricity he took up in 1746 when he first saw a Leyden jar, in the manipulation of which he became expert and which he improved by the use of granulated lead in the place of water for the interior armatures; he recognized that condensation is due to the dielectric and not to the metal coatings. A note in his diary, dated the 7th of November 1749, shows that he had then 30 conjectured that thunder and lightning were electrical manifestations; in the same year he planned the lightning-rod (long known as “Franklin’s rod”), which he described and recommended to the public in 1753, when the Copley medal of the Royal Society was awarded him for his discoveries. The famous experiment with the kite, proving lightning an electrical phenomenon, was performed by Franklin in June 1752. He overthrew entirely the “friction” theory of electricity and conceived the idea of plus and minus charges (1753); he thought the sea the source of electricity. On light Franklin wrote to David Rittenhouse in June 1784; the sum of his own conjectures was that the corpuscular theory of Newton was wrong, and that light was due to the vibration of an elastic aether. He studied with some care the temperature of the Gulf Stream. In navigation he suggested many new contrivances, such as water-tight compartments, floating anchors to lay a ship to in a storm, and dishes that would not upset during a gale; and beginning in 1757 made repeated experiments with oil on stormy waters. As a mathematician he devised various elaborate magic squares and novel magic circles, of which he speaks apologetically, because they are of no practical use. Always much interested in agriculture, he made an especial effort (like Robert R. Livingston) to promote the use of plaster of Paris as a fertiliser. He took a prominent part in aeronautic experiments during his stay in France. He made an excellent clock, which because of a slight improvement introduced by James Ferguson in 1757 was long known as Ferguson’s clock. In medicine Franklin was considered important enough to be elected to the Royal Medical Society of Paris in 1777, and an honorary member of the Medical Society of London in 1787. In 1784 he was on the committee which investigated Mesmer, and the report is a document of lasting scientific value. Franklin’s advocacy of vegetarianism, of sparing and simple diet, and of temperance in the use of liquors, and of proper ventilation has already been referred to. His most direct contribution to medicine was the invention for his own use of bifocal eyeglasses.

Franklin as a scientist and inventor has often been dismissed by experts as an amateur and a dabbler; however, it should be noted that he always hoped to retire from public life and focus on science. The American Philosophical Society, founded in 1743, engaged in many scientific discussions. Franklin wrote a paper on the causes of earthquakes for his Gazette on December 15, 1737, and he eagerly gathered evidence to support his theory that waterspouts and whirlwinds had the same causes. In 1743, noting that an eclipse not visible in Philadelphia due to a storm had been observed in Boston, where the storm did not occur until an hour after the eclipse, he theorized that storms move against the wind along the Atlantic coast. The year before (1742), he designed the “Pennsylvania fireplace,” better known as the “Franklin stove,” which conserved fuel, heated the entire room, and operated on the same principle as a hot-air furnace; Franklin never patented the stove but described it in a pamphlet from 1744. At the same time, he worked on fixing smoking chimneys, and as late as 1785, he wrote to Jan Ingenhousz, physician to the emperor of Austria, about chimneys and drafts; he also solved the issue of smoking street lamps with a simple device. He began studying electricity in 1746 when he first encountered a Leyden jar, in which he became skilled, improving it by using granulated lead instead of water for the interior components; he understood that condensation was caused by the dielectric and not the metal coatings. A note in his diary dated November 7, 1749, shows that he had conjectured that thunder and lightning were electrical phenomena; that same year, he designed the lightning rod (long known as “Franklin’s rod”), which he described and recommended to the public in 1753, when he received the Copley medal from the Royal Society for his discoveries. The famous kite experiment, demonstrating that lightning is an electrical phenomenon, was conducted by Franklin in June 1752. He completely debunked the “friction” theory of electricity and came up with the concept of positive and negative charges (1753); he believed the sea was the source of electricity. Regarding light, Franklin wrote to David Rittenhouse in June 1784, concluding that Newton's corpuscular theory was incorrect and that light resulted from the vibration of an elastic ether. He studied the temperature of the Gulf Stream with care. In navigation, he proposed several new devices, such as watertight compartments, floating anchors to secure a ship in a storm, and dishes that wouldn’t tip over during strong winds; starting in 1757, he conducted multiple experiments with oil on rough waters. As a mathematician, he created various detailed magic squares and unique magic circles, which he mentioned with some embarrassment since they had no practical use. Always interested in agriculture, he made a special effort (like Robert R. Livingston) to promote the use of plaster of Paris as a fertilizer. He played a notable role in aeronautical experiments while in France. He invented an excellent clock, which due to a minor enhancement by James Ferguson in 1757 became widely known as Ferguson’s clock. In medicine, Franklin was considered significant enough to be elected a member of the Royal Medical Society of Paris in 1777 and an honorary member of the Medical Society of London in 1787. In 1784, he served on the committee that investigated Mesmer, and their report remains a document of lasting scientific importance. Franklin’s support for vegetarianism, a simple diet, moderation in alcohol consumption, and proper ventilation has also been noted. His most direct contribution to medicine was creating bifocal eyeglasses for his own use.

A summary of so versatile a genius is impossible. His services to America in England and France rank him as one of the heroes of the American War of Independence and as the greatest of American diplomats. Almost the only American scientist of his day, he displayed remarkably deep as well as remarkably varied abilities in science and deserved the honours enthusiastically given him by the savants of Europe.

A summary of such a versatile genius is impossible. His contributions to America in England and France make him one of the heroes of the American War of Independence and the greatest of American diplomats. Almost the only American scientist of his time, he showed impressively deep and diverse skills in science and deserved the accolades passionately given to him by the savants of Europe.

Bibliography.—Franklin’s works were not collected in his own lifetime, and he made no effort to publish his writings. Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769) was translated into French by Barbeu Dubourg (Paris, 1773); Vaughan attempted a more complete edition, Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces (London, 1779); an edition in three volumes appeared after Franklin’s death (London, 1806); what seemed the authentic Works, as it was under the care of Temple Franklin, was published at London (6 vols., 1817-1819; 3 vols., 1818) and with some additional matter at Philadelphia (6 vols., 1818). Sparks’s edition (10 vols., Boston, 1836-1842; revised, Philadelphia, 1858) also contained fresh matter; and there are further additions in the edition of John Bigelow (Philadelphia, 1887-1888; 5th ed., 1905) and in that by Albert Henry Smyth (10 vols., New York, 1905-1907). There are important Frankliniana, about 13,000 papers, in the possession of the American Philosophical Society, to which they were conveyed by the son of Temple Franklin’s executor, George Fox. Other papers which had been left to Fox lay for years in barrels in a stable garret; they were finally cleared out, their owner, Mary Fox, intending to send them to a paper mill. One barrel went to the mill. The others, it was found, contained papers belonging to Franklin, and this important collection was bought and presented to the university of Pennsylvania. The valuable Frankliniana collected by Henry Stevens were purchased by Congress in 1885. These MS. collections were first carefully gone over for the edition of the Works by A. H. Smyth. Franklin’s Autobiography was begun in 1771 as a private chronicle for his son, Governor William Franklin; the papers, bringing the story of his father’s life down to 1730, were lost by the governor during the War of Independence, and in 1783 came into the possession of Abel James, who restored them to Franklin and urged him to complete the sketch. He wrote a little in 1784, more in 1788, when he furnished a copy to his friend le Veillard, and a little more in 1790. The original manuscript was long in the possession of Temple Franklin, who spent years rearranging the matter in it and making over into politer English his grandfather’s plain-spokenness. So long was the publication delayed that it was generally believed that Temple Franklin had sold all the papers to the British government; a French version, Mémoires de la vie privée (Paris, 1791), was retranslated into English twice in 1793 (London), and from one of these versions (by Robinson) still another French version was made (Paris, 1798). Temple Franklin, deciding to print, got from le Veillard the copy sent to him in 1788 (sending in return the original with autograph alterations and the final addition), and from the copy published (London, 1817) an edition supposed to be authentic and complete. The complete autograph of the biography, acquired by John Bigelow in 1867 from its French owners, upon collation with Temple Franklin’s edition showed that the latter contained 1200 emasculations and that it omitted entirely what had been written in 1790. Bigelow published the complete Autobiography with additions from Franklin’s correspondence and other writings in 1868; a second edition (3 vols., Philadelphia, 1888) was published under the title, The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself.

References.—Franklin’s works were never compiled during his lifetime, and he made no effort to publish his writings. Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769) was translated into French by Barbeu Dubourg (Paris, 1773); Vaughan tried to create a more complete edition, Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces (London, 1779); a three-volume edition was published after Franklin’s death (London, 1806); what appeared to be the authentic Works, under the supervision of Temple Franklin, was published in London (6 vols., 1817-1819; 3 vols., 1818) and with some additional content in Philadelphia (6 vols., 1818). Sparks’s edition (10 vols., Boston, 1836-1842; revised, Philadelphia, 1858) also included new material; further additions appeared in the edition by John Bigelow (Philadelphia, 1887-1888; 5th ed., 1905) and in that by Albert Henry Smyth (10 vols., New York, 1905-1907). There are significant Frankliniana, about 13,000 papers, held by the American Philosophical Society, conveyed by the son of Temple Franklin’s executor, George Fox. Other papers left to Fox sat for years in barrels in a stable attic; they were finally cleared out as their owner, Mary Fox, planned to send them to a paper mill. One barrel went to the mill, while the others turned out to contain Franklin’s papers, leading to this important collection being purchased and given to the university of Pennsylvania. The valuable Frankliniana gathered by Henry Stevens were bought by Congress in 1885. These MS. collections were first thoroughly reviewed for the edition of the Works by A. H. Smyth. Franklin’s Autobiography began in 1771 as a private record for his son, Governor William Franklin; the papers, covering his father’s life up to 1730, were lost by the governor during the War of Independence and were in 1783 acquired by Abel James, who returned them to Franklin and encouraged him to finish the sketch. He wrote a bit in 1784, more in 1788 when he provided a copy to his friend le Veillard, and a little more in 1790. The original manuscript was with Temple Franklin for a long time, who spent years reorganizing it and rephrasing his grandfather’s straightforwardness into more refined English. The publication was delayed for so long that people generally believed Temple Franklin had sold all the papers to the British government; a French version, Mémoires de la vie privée (Paris, 1791), was retranslated into English twice in 1793 (London), and from one of those versions (by Robinson) another French version was created (Paris, 1798). Deciding to publish, Temple Franklin got the copy sent to him by le Veillard in 1788 (in exchange for the original with his handwritten alterations and final addition), and from the published copy (London, 1817) he produced an edition that was thought to be authentic and complete. The complete autograph of the biography, obtained by John Bigelow in 1867 from its French owners, compared with Temple Franklin’s edition, revealed that it had 1200 edits and entirely omitted what had been written in 1790. Bigelow published the full Autobiography with additions from Franklin’s correspondence and other writings in 1868; a second edition (3 vols., Philadelphia, 1888) was released under the title, The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself.

In addition to the Autobiography see James Parton, Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin (2 vols., New York, 1864); John T. Morse, Jr., Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1889, in the American Statesmen series); J. B. McMaster, Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters (Boston, 1887, in American Men of Letters series); Paul L. Ford, The Many-Sided Franklin (New York, 1899) and Franklin Bibliography (Brooklyn, 1889); E. E. Hale and E. E. Hale, Jr., Franklin in France (2 vols., Boston, 1888); J. H. A. Doniol, Histoire de la participation de la France a l’établissement des États-Unis d’Amérique (Paris, 6 vols., 1886-1900); S. G. Fisher, The True Benjamin Franklin (Philadelphia, 1899); E. Robins, Benjamin Franklin (New York, 1898, in the American Men of Energy series); W. A. Wetzel, “Benjamin Franklin as an Economist,” No. 9, in series 13 of Johns Hopkins Studies in Historical and Political Science; and the prefaces and biographical matter in A. H. Smyth’s edition of the Works (New York, 10 vols., 1905-1907).

In addition to the Autobiography, check out James Parton's Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin (2 vols., New York, 1864); John T. Morse, Jr.'s Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1889, in the American Statesmen series); J. B. McMaster's Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters (Boston, 1887, in the American Men of Letters series); Paul L. Ford's The Many-Sided Franklin (New York, 1899) and Franklin Bibliography (Brooklyn, 1889); E. E. Hale and E. E. Hale, Jr.'s Franklin in France (2 vols., Boston, 1888); J. H. A. Doniol's Histoire de la participation de la France à l’établissement des États-Unis d’Amérique (Paris, 6 vols., 1886-1900); S. G. Fisher's The True Benjamin Franklin (Philadelphia, 1899); E. Robins's Benjamin Franklin (New York, 1898, in the American Men of Energy series); W. A. Wetzel's “Benjamin Franklin as an Economist,” No. 9, in series 13 of Johns Hopkins Studies in Historical and Political Science; and the prefaces and biographical material in A. H. Smyth’s edition of the Works (New York, 10 vols., 1905-1907).

(R. We.)

1 Keimer and his sister had come the year before from London, where he had learned his trade; both were ardent members of the fanatic band of “French prophets.” He proposed founding a new sect with the help of Franklin, who after leaving his shop ridiculed him for his long square beard and for keeping the seventh day. Keimer settled in the Barbadoes about 1730; and in 1731 began to publish at Bridgetown the semi-weekly Barbadoes Gazette. Selections from it called Caribbeana (1741) and A Brand Plucked from the Burning, Exemplified in the Unparalleled Case of Samuel Keimer (1718) are from his pen. He died about 1738.

1 Keimer and his sister had come over the previous year from London, where he had learned his trade; both were passionate members of the extremist group known as the “French prophets.” He planned to start a new sect with Franklin’s assistance, who, after leaving his shop, mocked him for his long square beard and for observing the Sabbath on the seventh day. Keimer moved to Barbados around 1730, and in 1731 began publishing the semi-weekly Barbadoes Gazette in Bridgetown. Selections from it called Caribbeana (1741) and A Brand Plucked from the Burning, Exemplified in the Unparalleled Case of Samuel Keimer (1718) were written by him. He passed away around 1738.

2 The meeting between Franklin, the type of the shrewd, cool provincial, and Braddock, a blustering, blundering, drinking British soldier, is dramatically portrayed by Thackeray in the 9th chapter of The Virginians.

2 The meeting between Franklin, the clever, calm local guy, and Braddock, a loud, clumsy, heavy-drinking British soldier, is vividly depicted by Thackeray in the 9th chapter of The Virginians.

3 Many questions (about 20 of the first 25) were put by his friends to draw out what he wished to be known.

3 Many questions (about 20 of the first 25) were asked by his friends to reveal what he wanted to share.

4 The house is familiar from the drawing of it by Victor Hugo.

4 The house is recognizable from the drawing by Victor Hugo.

5 Many of these portraits bore inscriptions, the most famous of which was Turgot’s line, “Eripuit fulmen coelo sceptrumque tyrannis.”

5 Many of these portraits had inscriptions, the most famous of which was Turgot’s line, “He snatched lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants.”

6 Notably in a pamphlet comparing the Jews and the Anti-Federalists.

6 Especially in a pamphlet that contrasts the Jews and the Anti-Federalists.

7 William Franklin served on the Canadian frontier with Pennsylvania troops, becoming captain in 1750; was in the post-office in 1754-1756; went to England with his father in 1758; was admitted to legal practice in 1758; in 1763, recommended by Lord Fairfax, became governor of New Jersey; he left the Whig for the Tory party; and in the War of Independence was a faithful loyalist, much to the pain and regret of his father, who, however, was reconciled to him in part in 1784. He was held as a prisoner from 1776 until exchanged in 1778; and lived four years in New York, and during the remainder of his life in England with an annual pension of £800 from the crown.

7 William Franklin served on the Canadian frontier with Pennsylvania troops, becoming a captain in 1750. He was in the post office from 1754 to 1756, went to England with his father in 1758, and was admitted to legal practice that same year. In 1763, recommended by Lord Fairfax, he became the governor of New Jersey. He switched from the Whig to the Tory party and was a loyalist during the War of Independence, which caused his father much pain and regret. However, they reconciled somewhat in 1784. He was a prisoner from 1776 until he was exchanged in 1778, then lived four years in New York, and spent the rest of his life in England with an annual pension of £800 from the crown.

8 For the prevention of counterfeiting continental paper money Franklin long afterwards suggested the use on the different denominations of different leaves, having noted the infinite variety of leaf venation.

8 To prevent counterfeiting of continental paper money, Franklin later suggested using different leaf designs for the various denominations, having observed the endless variety of leaf patterns.

9 “Seventy-five editions of it have been printed in English, fifty-six in French, eleven in German and nine in Italian. It has been translated into Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Welsh, Polish, Gaelic, Russian, Bohemian, Dutch, Catalan, Chinese, modern Greek and phonetic writing. It has been printed at least four hundred times, and is to-day as popular as ever.”—P. L. Ford, in The Many-Sided Franklin (1899).

9 “Seventy-five editions have been published in English, fifty-six in French, eleven in German, and nine in Italian. It has also been translated into Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Welsh, Polish, Gaelic, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Catalan, Chinese, modern Greek, and phonetic writing. It has been printed at least four hundred times and is still as popular as ever.” —P. L. Ford, in The Many-Sided Franklin (1899).

10 Both Swift and Franklin made sport of the typical astrologer almanack-maker.

10 Both Swift and Franklin poked fun at the usual astrologer who makes almanacs.

11 Another hoax was Franklin’s parable against religious persecution thrown into Scriptural form and quoted by him as the fifty-first chapter of Genesis. In a paper on a “Proposed New Version of the Bible” he paraphrased a few verses of the first chapter of Job, making them a satiric attack on royal government; but the version may well rank with these hoaxes, and even modern writers have been taken in by it, regarding it as a serious proposal for a “modernized” version and decrying it as poor taste. Matthew Arnold, for example, declared this an instance in which Franklin was lacking in his “imperturbable common sense”; and J. B. McMaster, though devoting several pages to its discussion, very ingenuously declares it “beneath criticism.”

11 Another hoax was Franklin’s story against religious persecution, framed in a Biblical style and quoted by him as the fifty-first chapter of Genesis. In a paper on a “Proposed New Version of the Bible,” he paraphrased a few verses from the first chapter of Job, turning it into a satirical critique of royal government; however, this version can easily be included with these hoaxes, and even contemporary writers have fallen for it, seeing it as a serious suggestion for a “modernized” version and criticizing it as bad taste. For instance, Matthew Arnold stated this was a case where Franklin lacked his “steady common sense”; and J. B. McMaster, despite dedicating several pages to discussing it, candidly claims it is “beneath criticism.”

12 Malthus quoted Franklin in his first edition, but it was not until the second that he introduced the theory of the “preventive check.” Franklin noted the phenomenon with disapproval in his advocacy of increased population; Malthus with approval in his search for means to decrease population.

12 Malthus referenced Franklin in his first edition, but it was in the second edition that he introduced the idea of the “preventive check.” Franklin observed the phenomenon disapprovingly while promoting population growth; Malthus, on the other hand, viewed it positively as he sought ways to reduce population.

13 The title of philosopher as used in Franklin’s lifetime referred neither in England nor in France to him as author of moral maxims, but to him as a scientist—a “natural philosopher.”

13 During Franklin's time, the term philosopher in both England and France did not refer to him as a writer of moral principles, but rather as a scientist—a “natural philosopher.”

FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN (1786-1847), English rear-admiral and explorer, was born at Spilsby, Lincolnshire, on the 16th of April 1786. His family was descended from a line of free-holders or “franklins” from whom some centuries earlier they had derived their surname; but the small family estate was sold by his father, who went into business. John, who was the fifth and youngest son and ninth child, was destined for the church. At the age of ten he was sent to school at St Ives, and soon afterwards was transferred to Louth grammar school, which he attended for two years. About this time his imagination was deeply impressed by a holiday walk of 12 m. which he made with a companion to look at the sea, and he determined to be a sailor. In the hope of dispelling this fancy his father sent him on a trial voyage to Lisbon in a merchantman; but it being found on his return that his wishes were unchanged he was entered as a midshipman on board the “Polyphemus,” and shortly afterwards took part in her in the hard-fought battle of Copenhagen (2nd of April 1801). Two months later he joined the “Investigator,” a discovery-ship commanded by his cousin Captain Matthew Flinders, and under the training of that able scientific officer was employed in the exploration and mapping of the coasts of Australia, where he acquired a correctness of astronomical observation and a skill in surveying which proved of eminent utility in his future career. He was on board the “Porpoise” when that ship and the “Cato” were wrecked (18th of August 1803) on a coral reef off the coast of Australia, and after this misfortune proceeded to China. Thence he obtained a passage to England in the “Earl Camden,” East Indiaman, commanded by Captain (afterwards Sir) Nathaniel Dance, and performed the duty of signal midshipman in the famous action of the 15th of February 1804 when Captain Dance repulsed a strong French squadron led by the redoubtable Admiral Linois. On reaching England he joined the “Bellerophon,” 74, and was in charge of the signals on board that ship during the battle of Trafalgar. Two years later he joined the “Bedford,” attaining the rank of lieutenant the year after, and served in her on the Brazil station (whither the “Bedford” went as part of the convoy which escorted the royal family of Portugal to Rio de Janeiro in 1808), in the blockade of Flushing, and finally in the disastrous expedition against New Orleans (1814), in which campaign he displayed such zeal and intelligence as to merit special mention in despatches.

FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN (1786-1847), English rear-admiral and explorer, was born in Spilsby, Lincolnshire, on April 16, 1786. His family was descended from a line of freeholders or “franklins” from whom they had derived their surname centuries earlier; however, his father sold their small family estate and went into business. John, the fifth and youngest son and the ninth child, was meant for the church. At the age of ten, he was sent to school at St Ives and shortly after moved to Louth grammar school, where he studied for two years. Around this time, his imagination was sparked during a twelve-mile holiday walk with a friend to see the sea, leading him to decide to become a sailor. To try to change his mind, his father sent him on a trial voyage to Lisbon on a merchant ship; but upon his return, it was clear that his dreams hadn't changed, so he was enlisted as a midshipman on the “Polyphemus.” Soon after, he participated in the tough battle of Copenhagen on April 2, 1801. Two months later, he joined the “Investigator,” a discovery ship captained by his cousin Matthew Flinders, where under the guidance of that skilled scientific officer, he helped explore and map the coasts of Australia. This experience taught him a keen sense of astronomical observation and surveying skills that would be extremely useful in his later career. He was on the “Porpoise” when it and the “Cato” were wrecked on August 18, 1803, on a coral reef off the coast of Australia, and after this setback, he went to China. From there, he secured a passage back to England on the “Earl Camden,” an East Indiaman commanded by Captain (later Sir) Nathaniel Dance, and served as the signal midshipman in the famous battle on February 15, 1804, when Captain Dance successfully fended off a powerful French squadron led by the formidable Admiral Linois. Once in England, he joined the “Bellerophon,” a 74-gun ship, and was in charge of signals during the Battle of Trafalgar. Two years later, he joined the “Bedford,” becoming a lieutenant the following year, and served on her in Brazil (where the “Bedford” was part of the convoy that escorted the Portuguese royal family to Rio de Janeiro in 1808), during the blockade of Flushing, and ultimately in the ill-fated campaign against New Orleans in 1814, where he demonstrated such dedication and intelligence that he received special mention in reports.

On peace being established, Franklin turned his attention once more to the scientific branch of his profession, and sedulously extended his knowledge of surveying. In 1818 the discovery of a North-West Passage to the Pacific became again, after a 31 long interval, an object of national interest, and Lieutenant Franklin was given the command of the “Trent” in the Arctic expedition, under the orders of Captain Buchan in the “Dorothea”. During a heavy storm the “Dorothea” was so much damaged by the pack-ice that her reaching England became doubtful, and, much to the chagrin of young Franklin, the “Trent” was compelled to convoy her home instead of being allowed to prosecute the voyage alone. This voyage, however, had brought Franklin into personal intercourse with the leading scientific men of London, and they were not slow in ascertaining his peculiar fitness for the command of such an enterprise. To calmness in danger, promptness and fertility of resource, and excellent seamanship, he added an ardent desire to promote science for its own sake, together with a love of truth that led him to do full justice to the merits of his subordinate officers, without wishing to claim their discoveries as a captain’s right. Furthermore, he possessed a cheerful buoyancy of mind, sustained by deep religious principle, which was not depressed in the most gloomy times. It was therefore with full confidence in his ability and exertions that, in 1819, he was placed in command of an expedition appointed to proceed overland from the Hudson Bay to the shores of the Arctic Sea, and to determine the trendings of that coast eastward of the Coppermine river. At this period the northern coast of the American continent was known at two isolated points only,—this, the mouth of the Coppermine river (which, as Franklin discovered, was erroneously placed four degrees of latitude too much to the north), and the mouth of the Mackenzie far to the west of it. Lieutenant Franklin and his party, consisting of Dr Richardson, Midshipmen George Back and Richard Hood, and a few ordinary boatmen, arrived at the depot of the Hudson’s Bay Company at the end of August 1819, and making an autumnal journey of 700 m. spent the first winter on the Saskatchewan. Owing to the supplies which had been promised by the North-West and Hudson’s Bay Companies not being forthcoming the following year, it was not until the summer of 1821 that the Coppermine was ascended to its mouth, and a considerable extent of sea-coast to the eastward surveyed. The return journey led over the region known as the Barren Ground, and was marked by the most terrible sufferings and privations and the tragic death of Lieutenant Hood. The survivors of the expedition reached York Factory in the month of June 1822, having accomplished altogether 5550 m. of travel. While engaged on this service Franklin was promoted to the rank of commander (1st of January 1821), and upon his return to England at the end of 1822 he obtained the post rank of captain and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. The narrative of this expedition was published in the following year and became at once a classic of travel, and soon after he married Eleanor, the youngest daughter of William Porden, an eminent architect.

Once peace was established, Franklin focused again on the scientific side of his work and diligently expanded his knowledge of surveying. In 1818, the possibility of a North-West Passage to the Pacific became a topic of national interest once more, and Lieutenant Franklin was given command of the “Trent” in the Arctic expedition, under Captain Buchan on the “Dorothea.” During a severe storm, the “Dorothea” was so damaged by the pack-ice that her return to England became uncertain. Much to young Franklin's frustration, the “Trent” had to escort her home instead of continuing the voyage alone. However, this trip allowed Franklin to interact personally with leading scientists in London, who quickly recognized his unique qualifications to lead such an endeavor. Alongside his calmness in danger, quick thinking, and excellent seamanship, he had a strong desire to advance science for its own sake and a commitment to truth that led him to give full credit to his subordinate officers without claiming their discoveries as his own. Additionally, he maintained an optimistic mindset, grounded in deep religious belief, which did not falter even in the bleakest times. Thus, in 1819, he was confidently placed in charge of an expedition set to travel overland from Hudson Bay to the shores of the Arctic Sea and to map the coast east of the Coppermine River. At that time, the northern coast of the American continent was known only at two isolated points: the mouth of the Coppermine River (which Franklin discovered was incorrectly positioned four degrees too far north) and the mouth of the Mackenzie River, which was located far to the west. Lieutenant Franklin and his team, which included Dr. Richardson, Midshipmen George Back and Richard Hood, and several ordinary boatmen, arrived at the Hudson’s Bay Company depot at the end of August 1819. After an autumn journey of 700 miles, they spent their first winter on the Saskatchewan River. Due to the lack of promised supplies from the North-West and Hudson’s Bay Companies, they didn’t reach the mouth of the Coppermine River until the summer of 1821, where they surveyed a significant stretch of coastline to the east. The return journey took them over the area known as the Barren Grounds and was characterized by extreme suffering and hardship, culminating in the tragic death of Lieutenant Hood. The surviving members of the expedition reached York Factory in June 1822, having traveled a total of 5550 miles. While on this mission, Franklin was promoted to commander on January 1, 1821. Upon returning to England at the end of 1822, he was given the rank of captain and elected as a fellow of the Royal Society. The account of this expedition was published the following year and quickly became a classic travel narrative, shortly after which he married Eleanor, the youngest daughter of the prominent architect William Porden.

Early in 1825 he was entrusted with the command of a second overland expedition, and upon the earnest entreaty of his dying wife, who encouraged him to place his duty to his country before his love for her, he set sail without waiting to witness her end. Accompanied as before by Dr (afterwards Sir) John Richardson and Lieutenant (afterwards Sir) George Back, he descended the Mackenzie river in the season of 1826 and traced the North American coast as far as 149° 37′ W. long., whilst Richardson at the head of a separate party connected the mouths of the Coppermine and Mackenzie rivers. Thus between the years 1819 and 1827 he had added 1200 m. of coast-line to the American continent, or one-third of the whole distance from the Atlantic to the Pacific. These exertions were fully appreciated at home and abroad. He was knighted in 1829, received the honorary degree of D.C.L. from the university of Oxford, was awarded the gold medal of the Geographical Society of Paris, and was elected corresponding member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. The results of these expeditions are described by Franklin and Dr Richardson in two magnificent works published in 1824-1829. In 1828 he married his second wife, Jane, second daughter of John Griffin. His next official employment was on the Mediterranean station, in command of the “Rainbow,” and his ship soon became proverbial in the squadron for the happiness and comfort of her officers and crew. As an acknowledgment of the essential service which he rendered off Patras in the Greek War of Independence, he received the cross of the Redeemer of Greece from King Otto, and after his return to England he was created knight commander of the Guelphic order of Hanover.

Early in 1825, he was given command of a second overland expedition. At the heartfelt request of his dying wife, who urged him to prioritize his duty to his country over his love for her, he set off without waiting to see her pass. Along with Dr. (later Sir) John Richardson and Lieutenant (later Sir) George Back, he traveled down the Mackenzie River in 1826 and explored the North American coast up to 149° 37′ W longitude, while Richardson led a separate party to connect the mouths of the Coppermine and Mackenzie rivers. Between 1819 and 1827, he added 1,200 miles of coastline to the American continent, representing one-third of the total distance from the Atlantic to the Pacific. His efforts were greatly recognized both at home and abroad. He was knighted in 1829, received an honorary D.C.L. degree from the University of Oxford, was awarded the gold medal from the Geographical Society of Paris, and was elected a corresponding member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. The results of these expeditions are detailed by Franklin and Dr. Richardson in two remarkable works published between 1824 and 1829. In 1828, he married his second wife, Jane, the second daughter of John Griffin. His next official role was on the Mediterranean station, commanding the "Rainbow," which quickly became known in the squadron for the happiness and comfort of its officers and crew. In recognition of the vital service he provided off Patras during the Greek War of Independence, he was awarded the Cross of the Redeemer of Greece by King Otto, and after returning to England, he was appointed knight commander of the Guelphic Order of Hanover.

In 1836 he accepted the lieutenant-governorship of Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania), and held that post till the end of 1843. His government was marked by several events of much interest, one of his most popular measures being the opening of the doors of the legislative council to the public. He also founded a college, endowing it largely from his private funds, and in 1838 established a scientific society at Hobart Town (now called the Royal Society of Tasmania), the meetings of which were held in Government House and its papers printed at his expense. In his time also the colony of Victoria was founded by settlers from Tasmania; and towards its close, transportation to New South Wales having been abolished, the convicts from every part of the British empire were sent to Tasmania. On an increase of the lieutenant-governor’s salary being voted by the colonial legislature, Sir John declined to derive any advantage from it personally, while he secured the augmentation to his successors. He welcomed eagerly the various expeditions for exploration and surveying which visited Hobart Town, conspicuous among these, and of especial interest to himself, being the French and English Antarctic expeditions of Dumont d’Urville and Sir James C. Ross—the latter commanding the “Erebus” and “Terror,” with which Franklin’s own name was afterwards to be so pathetically connected. A magnetic observatory fixed at Hobart Town, as a dependency of the central establishment under Colonel Sabine, was also an object of deep interest up to the moment of his leaving the colony. That his unflinching efforts for the social and political advancement of the colony were appreciated was abundantly proved by the affection and respect shown him by every section of the community on his departure; and several years afterwards the colonists showed their remembrance of his virtues and services by sending Lady Franklin a subscription of £1700 in aid of her efforts for the search and relief of her husband, and later still by a unanimous vote of the legislature for the erection of a statue in honour of him at Hobart Town.

In 1836, he accepted the role of lieutenant-governor of Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania) and held that position until the end of 1843. His time in government featured several notable events, with one of his most popular initiatives being the opening of the legislative council’s doors to the public. He also founded a college, significantly funding it from his own money, and in 1838, he established a scientific society in Hobart Town (now known as the Royal Society of Tasmania), which met at Government House, with its papers published at his expense. During his tenure, the colony of Victoria was founded by settlers from Tasmania; as transportation to New South Wales was abolished, convicts from all over the British Empire were sent to Tasmania. When the colonial legislature voted to increase the lieutenant-governor’s salary, Sir John chose not to benefit from it personally but ensured that his successors would. He enthusiastically welcomed various exploration and surveying expeditions that came to Hobart Town, notably the French and English Antarctic expeditions led by Dumont d’Urville and Sir James C. Ross, the latter commanding the "Erebus" and "Terror," which would later be poignantly linked to Franklin's name. A magnetic observatory established in Hobart Town as a branch of the central facility under Colonel Sabine was also a point of great interest for him until he left the colony. His unwavering efforts for the social and political betterment of the colony were clearly appreciated, as shown by the affection and respect he received from all parts of the community upon his departure. Years later, the colonists expressed their gratitude for his virtues and contributions by sending Lady Franklin a subscription of £1700 to support her search and relief efforts for her husband, and later still, by a unanimous vote of the legislature to erect a statue in his honor in Hobart Town.

Sir John found on reaching England that there was about to be a renewal of polar research, and that the confidence of the admiralty in him was undiminished, as was shown by his being offered the command of an expedition for the discovery of a North-West Passage to the Pacific. This offer he accepted. The prestige of Arctic service and of his former experiences attracted a crowd of volunteers of all classes, from whom were selected a body of officers conspicuous for talent and energy. Captain Crozier, who was second in command, had been three voyages with Sir Edward Parry, and had commanded the “Terror” in Ross’s Antarctic expedition. Captain Fitzjames, who was commander on board the “Erebus,” had been five times gazetted for brilliant conduct in the operations of the first China war, and in a letter which he wrote from Greenland has bequeathed some good-natured but masterly sketches of his brother officers and messmates on this expedition. Thus supported, with crews carefully chosen (some of whom had been engaged in the whaling service), victualled for three years, and furnished with every appliance then known, Franklin’s expedition, consisting of the “Erebus” and “Terror” (129 officers and men), with a transport ship to convey additional stores as far as Disco in Greenland, sailed from Greenhithe on the 19th of May 1845. The letters which Franklin despatched from Greenland were couched in language of cheerful anticipation of success, while those received from his officers expressed their glowing hope, their admiration of the seamanlike qualities of their commander, and the happiness they had in serving under him. The ships were last seen by a whaler near the entrance of Lancaster Sound, on the 26th of July, and the deep gloom which settled down upon their subsequent movements was not finally raised till fourteen years later.

Sir John discovered upon arriving in England that polar research was about to be renewed, and the admiralty's confidence in him remained strong, as evidenced by the offer to command an expedition to find a North-West Passage to the Pacific. He accepted the offer. The prestige of Arctic service and his previous experiences attracted a diverse group of volunteers, from which a talented and energetic team of officers was selected. Captain Crozier, who was second in command, had completed three voyages with Sir Edward Parry and had commanded the "Terror" in Ross’s Antarctic expedition. Captain Fitzjames, who commanded the "Erebus," had been recognized five times for his outstanding conduct during the first China war and left a letter from Greenland with skillful and humorous sketches of his fellow officers and messmates on the expedition. Supported by this strong team, with crews carefully chosen (some of whom had worked in whaling), provisioned for three years, and equipped with every known tool of the time, Franklin’s expedition, which included the "Erebus" and "Terror" (129 officers and men), along with a transport ship to carry extra supplies as far as Disco in Greenland, set sail from Greenhithe on May 19, 1845. The letters Franklin sent from Greenland expressed optimistic anticipation of success, while those from his officers showed their enthusiasm, admiration for their commander’s seamanship, and the joy they felt serving under him. The ships were last seen by a whaler near the entrance of Lancaster Sound on July 26, and a deep gloom fell over their later movements, which wasn't fully lifted until fourteen years later.



Franklin’s instructions were framed in conjunction with Sir John Barrow and upon his own suggestions. The experience of Parry had established the navigability of Lancaster Sound (leading westwards out of Baffin Bay), whilst Franklin’s own surveys had long before satisfied him that a navigable passage existed along the north coast of America from the Fish river to Bering Strait. He was therefore directed to push through Lancaster Sound and its continuation, Barrow Strait, without loss of time, until he reached the portion of land on which Cape Walker is situated, or about long. 98° W., and from that point to pursue a course southward towards the American coast. An explicit prohibition was given against a westerly course beyond the longitude of 98° W., but he was allowed the single alternative of previously examining Wellington Channel (which leads out of Barrow Strait) for a northward route, if the navigation here were open.

Franklin’s instructions were created with Sir John Barrow and based on his own suggestions. The experience of Parry had shown that Lancaster Sound (leading west out of Baffin Bay) was navigable, while Franklin’s own surveys had long before assured him that there was a navigable passage along the north coast of America from the Fish River to Bering Strait. He was therefore instructed to proceed through Lancaster Sound and its continuation, Barrow Strait, as quickly as possible, until he reached the land where Cape Walker is located, around longitude 98° W., and from there to head south toward the American coast. He was explicitly prohibited from going west past the longitude of 98° W., but he was given the option to first check Wellington Channel (which leads out of Barrow Strait) for a northward route, if navigation there was open.

In 1847, though there was no real public anxiety as to the fate of the expedition, preparations began to be made for the possible necessity of sending relief. As time passed, however, and no tidings reached England, the search began in earnest, and from 1848 onwards expedition after expedition was despatched in quest of the missing explorers. The work of these expeditions forms a story of achievement which has no parallel in maritime annals, and resulted in the discovery and exploration of thousands of miles of new land within the grim Arctic regions, the development of the system of sledge travelling, and the discovery of a second North-West Passage in 1850 (see Polar Regions). Here it is only necessary to mention the results so far as the search for Franklin was concerned. In this great national undertaking Lady Franklin’s exertions were unwearied, and she exhausted her private funds in sending out auxiliary vessels to quarters not comprised in the public search, and by her pathetic appeals roused the sympathy of the whole civilized world.

In 1847, even though there wasn’t much public concern about the fate of the expedition, preparations started for the potential need to send help. However, as time went on and no news came back to England, the search intensified, and from 1848 onward, one expedition after another was sent out to find the missing explorers. The achievements of these expeditions are unmatched in maritime history and led to the discovery and exploration of thousands of miles of new land in the harsh Arctic regions, the development of sledge travel, and the discovery of a second North-West Passage in 1850 (see Polar Regions). Here, it’s important to mention the outcomes related to the search for Franklin. In this significant national effort, Lady Franklin worked tirelessly, spending her own money to send out additional ships to areas not included in the public search, and through her heartfelt appeals, she garnered the support of the entire civilized world.

The first traces of the missing ships, consisting of a few scattered articles, besides three graves, were discovered at Franklin’s winter quarters (1845-1846) on Beechey Island, by Captain (afterwards Sir) Erasmus Ommanney of the “Assistance,” in August 1851, and were brought home by the “Prince Albert,” which had been fitted out by Lady Franklin. No further tidings were obtained until the spring of 1854, when Dr John Rae, then conducting a sledging expedition of the Hudson’s Bay Company from Repulse Bay, was told by the Eskimo that (as was inferred) in 1850 white men, to the number of about forty, had been seen dragging a boat southward along the west shore of King William’s Island, and that later in the same season the bodies of the whole party were found by the natives at a point a short distance to the north-west of Back’s Great Fish river, where they had perished from the united effects of cold and famine. The latter statement was afterwards disproved by the discovery of skeletons upon the presumed line of route; but indisputable proof was given that the Eskimo had communicated with members of the missing expedition, by the various articles obtained from them and brought home by Dr Rae. In consequence of the information obtained by Dr Rae, a party in canoes, under Messrs Anderson and Stewart, was sent by government down the Great Fish river in 1855, and succeeded in obtaining from the Eskimo at the mouth of the river a considerable number of articles which had evidently belonged to the Franklin expedition; while others were picked up on Montreal Island a day’s march to the northward. It was clear, therefore, that a party from the “Erebus” and “Terror” had endeavoured to reach the settlements of the Hudson’s Bay Company by the Fish river route, and that in making a southerly course it had been arrested within the channel into which the Great Fish river empties itself. The admiralty now decided to take no further steps to determine the exact fate of the expedition, and granted to Dr Rae the reward of £10,000 which had been offered in 1849 to whosoever should first succeed in obtaining authentic news of the missing men. It was therefore reserved for the latest effort of Lady Franklin to develop, not only the fate of her husband’s expedition but also the steps of its progress up to the very verge of success, mingled indeed with almost unprecedented disaster. With all her available means, and aided, as she had been before, by the subscriptions of sympathizing friends, she purchased and fitted out the little yacht “Fox,” which sailed from Aberdeen in July 1857. The command was accepted by Captain (afterwards Sir) Leopold M’Clintock, whose high reputation had been won in three of the government expeditions sent out in search of Franklin. Having been compelled to pass the first winter in Baffin Bay, it was not till the autumn of 1858 that the “Fox” passed down Prince Regent’s Inlet, and put into winter quarters at Port Kennedy at the eastern end of Bellot Strait, between North Somerset and Boothia Felix. In the spring of 1859 three sledging parties went out, Captain (afterwards Sir) Allen Young to examine Prince of Wales Island, Lieutenant (afterwards Captain) Hobson the north and west coasts of King William’s Island, and M’Clintock the east and south coasts of the latter, the west coast of Boothia, and the region about the mouth of Great Fish river. This splendid and exhaustive search added 800 m. of new coast-line to the knowledge of the Arctic regions, and brought to light the course and fate of the expedition. From the Eskimo in Boothia many relics were obtained, and reports as to the fate of the ships and men; and on the west and south coast of King William’s Island were discovered skeletons and remains of articles that told a terrible tale of disaster. Above all, in a cairn at Point Victory a precious record was discovered by Lieutenant Hobson that briefly told the history of the expedition up to April 25, 1848, three years after it set out full of hope. In 1845-1846 the “Erebus” and “Terror” wintered at Beechey Island on the S.W. coast of North Devon, in lat. 74° 43′ 28″ N., long. 91° 39′ 15″ W., after having ascended Wellington Channel to lat. 77° and returned by the west side of Cornwallis Island. This statement was signed by Graham Gore, lieutenant, and Charles F. des Voeux, mate, and bore date May 28, 1847. These two officers and six men, it was further told, left the ships on May 24, 1847 (no doubt for an exploring journey), at which time all was well.

The first signs of the missing ships, which included a few scattered items and three graves, were found at Franklin’s winter quarters (1845-1846) on Beechey Island by Captain (later Sir) Erasmus Ommanney of the “Assistance” in August 1851. These findings were brought back by the “Prince Albert,” which had been outfitted by Lady Franklin. No further information emerged until the spring of 1854, when Dr. John Rae, who was leading a sledging expedition for the Hudson’s Bay Company from Repulse Bay, was told by the Eskimos that about forty white men had been seen dragging a boat southward along the western shore of King William’s Island in 1850. Later that same season, the native people found the bodies of the whole party at a spot just northwest of Back’s Great Fish River, where they had died from a combination of cold and starvation. This latter claim was later disproven by the discovery of skeletons along the assumed route; however, it was undeniable that the Eskimos had interacted with members of the missing expedition, evidenced by various items that Dr. Rae collected and brought back. Based on Dr. Rae's findings, the government sent a team in canoes, led by Messrs. Anderson and Stewart, down the Great Fish River in 1855, successfully obtaining a significant number of items that clearly belonged to the Franklin expedition from the Eskimos at the river's mouth; others were found on Montreal Island a day's journey to the north. It was evident that a party from the “Erebus” and “Terror” had tried to reach the Hudson’s Bay Company settlements via the Fish River route, but had been halted within the channel where the Great Fish River flows. The Admiralty then decided not to take any further steps to find out the exact fate of the expedition, awarding Dr. Rae the £10,000 reward that had been offered in 1849 for anyone who could first provide credible news of the missing men. Thus, it was left to Lady Franklin’s latest effort to uncover not only the fate of her husband’s expedition but also the steps it took near the brink of success, marred by almost unprecedented disaster. With all the resources she could muster, and with support from sympathetic friends, she bought and outfitted the small yacht “Fox,” which set sail from Aberdeen in July 1857. The command was taken by Captain (later Sir) Leopold M’Clintock, who had built a strong reputation during three government expeditions sent to search for Franklin. After being forced to spend the first winter in Baffin Bay, the “Fox” made its way down Prince Regent’s Inlet in the autumn of 1858 and wintered at Port Kennedy at the eastern end of Bellot Strait, nestled between North Somerset and Boothia Felix. In spring 1859, three sledging parties were dispatched: Captain (later Sir) Allen Young headed to explore Prince of Wales Island; Lieutenant (later Captain) Hobson covered the north and west coasts of King William’s Island; and M’Clintock examined the east and south coasts of the same island, the west coast of Boothia, and the area around the mouth of Great Fish River. This thorough and impressive search expanded the known Arctic coastline by 800 miles and revealed the path and fate of the expedition. Many relics were obtained from the Eskimos in Boothia, along with reports regarding the ships and crew's fate; skeletons and items found on the west and south coasts of King William’s Island told a grim story of disaster. Most importantly, Lieutenant Hobson discovered a valuable record in a cairn at Point Victory that briefly outlined the expedition's history up until April 25, 1848, three years after its hopeful departure. In 1845-1846, the “Erebus” and “Terror” spent the winter at Beechey Island off the southwest coast of North Devon, at latitude 74° 43′ 28″ N. and longitude 91° 39′ 15″ W., after navigating up Wellington Channel to latitude 77° and returning by the west side of Cornwallis Island. This account was signed by Graham Gore, lieutenant, and Charles F. des Voeux, mate, and was dated May 28, 1847. These two officers and six men were reported to have departed the ships on May 24, 1847 (presumably for an exploration), at which time everything was still in good order.

Such an amount of successful work has seldom been accomplished by an Arctic expedition within any one season. The alternative course permitted Franklin by his instructions had been attempted but not pursued, and in the autumn of 1846 he had followed that route which was specially commended to him. But after successfully navigating Peel and Franklin Straits on his way southward, his progress had been suddenly and finally arrested by the obstruction of heavy (“palaeocrystic”) ice, which presses down from the north-west through M‘Clintock Channel (not then known to exist) upon King William’s Island. It must be remembered that in the chart which Franklin carried King William’s Island was laid down as a part of the mainland of Boothia, and he therefore could pursue his way only down its western coast. Upon the margin of the printed admiralty form on which this brief record was written was an addendum dated the 25th of April 1848, which extinguished all further hopes of a successful termination of this grand enterprise. The facts are best conveyed in the terse and expressive words in which they were written, and are therefore given verbatim: “April 25th, 1848. H.M. Ships ‘Terror’ and ‘Erebus’ were deserted on 22nd April, five leagues N.N.W. of this, having been beset since 12th September 1846. The officers and crews, consisting of 105 souls under the command of Captain F. R. M. Crozier, landed in lat. 69° 37′ 42″ N., long. 98° 41′ W. This paper was found by Lieut. Irving ... where it had been deposited by the late Commander Gore in June 1847. Sir John Franklin died on the 11th June 1847; and the total loss by deaths in the expedition has been to this date 9 officers and 15 men.” The handwriting is that of Captain Fitzjames, to whose signature is appended that of Captain Crozier, who also adds the words of chief importance, namely, that they would “start on to-morrow 26th April 1848 for Back’s Fish river.” A briefer record has never been told of so tragic a story.

Such a significant amount of successful work has rarely been achieved by an Arctic expedition in just one season. The alternative route that Franklin could have taken, according to his instructions, was attempted but not fully pursued, and in the autumn of 1846, he decided to follow the route that was specifically recommended to him. However, after successfully navigating Peel and Franklin Straits while heading south, his journey was abruptly halted by heavy (“palaeocrystic”) ice that flowed down from the northwest through M‘Clintock Channel (which was not known to exist at the time) onto King William’s Island. It’s important to note that in the chart Franklin had, King William’s Island was shown as part of the mainland of Boothia, so he could only travel down the western coast. On the margin of the printed admiralty form where this brief record was written, there was a note dated April 25, 1848, which dashed any hopes for a successful conclusion to this grand venture. The facts are best expressed in the concise and impactful words they were written, and they are therefore provided verbatim: “April 25th, 1848. H.M. Ships ‘Terror’ and ‘Erebus’ were abandoned on April 22nd, five leagues N.N.W. of this, having been trapped since September 12, 1846. The officers and crew, totaling 105 people under Captain F. R. M. Crozier, landed at lat. 69° 37′ 42″ N., long. 98° 41′ W. This document was found by Lieut. Irving... where it had been left by the late Commander Gore in June 1847. Sir John Franklin died on June 11, 1847; and so far, the total loss of life in the expedition has been 9 officers and 15 men.” The handwriting belongs to Captain Fitzjames, with Captain Crozier’s signature added, who also notes the crucial detail that they would “set out tomorrow, April 26, 1848, for Back’s Fish River.” A more concise record of such a tragic story has never been told.

All the party had without doubt been greatly reduced through want of sufficient food, and the injurious effects of three winters in these regions. They had attempted to drag with them two boats, besides heavily laden sledges, and doubtless had soon 33 been compelled to abandon much of their burden, and leave one boat on the shore of King William’s Island, where it was found by M’Clintock, near the middle of the west coast, containing two skeletons. The route adopted was the shortest possible, but their strength and supplies had failed, and at that season of the year the snow-covered land afforded no subsistence. An old Eskimo woman stated that these heroic men “fell down and died as they walked,” and, as Sir John Richardson has well said, they “forged the last link of the North-West Passage with their lives.” From all that can be gathered, one of the ships must have been crushed in the ice and sunk in deep water, and the other, stranded on the shore of King William’s Island, lay there for years, forming a mine of wealth for the neighbouring Eskimo.

The group had definitely suffered a significant loss due to a lack of sufficient food and the negative effects of three winters in this area. They had tried to bring along two boats, as well as heavily loaded sledges, but inevitably had to abandon much of their load and left one boat on the shore of King William’s Island, which was later discovered by M’Clintock, near the center of the west coast, containing two skeletons. They chose the shortest route possible, but their strength and supplies had run out, and at that time of year, the snow-covered land provided no food. An old Eskimo woman mentioned that these brave men “fell down and died as they walked,” and, as Sir John Richardson noted, they “forged the last link of the North-West Passage with their lives.” From what can be inferred, one of the ships must have been crushed by the ice and sunk in deep water, while the other, stranded on the shore of King William’s Island, remained there for years, becoming a source of wealth for the nearby Eskimo.

This is all we know of the fate of Franklin and his brave men. His memory is cherished as one of the most conspicuous of the naval heroes of Britain, and as one of the most successful and daring of her explorers. He is certainly entitled to the honour of being the first discoverer of the North-West Passage; the point reached by the ships having brought him to within a few miles of the known waters of America, and on the monument erected to him by his country, in Waterloo Place, London, this honour is justly awarded to him and his companions,—a fact which was also affirmed by the president of the Royal Geographical Society, when presenting their gold medal to Lady Franklin in 1860. On the 26th of October 1852 Franklin had been promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. He left an only daughter by his first marriage. Lady Franklin died in 1875 at the age of eighty-three, and a fortnight after her death a fine monument was unveiled in Westminster Abbey, commemorating the heroic deeds and fate of Sir John Franklin, and the inseparable connexion of Lady Franklin’s name with the fame of her husband. Most of the relics brought home by M‘Clintock were presented by Lady Franklin to the United Service Museum, while those given by Dr Rae to the admiralty are deposited in Greenwich hospital. In 1864-1869 the American explorer Captain Hall made two journeys in endeavouring to trace the remnant of Franklin’s party, bringing back a number of additional relics and some information confirmatory of that given by M’Clintock, and in 1878 Lieutenant F. Schwatka of the United States army and a companion made a final land search, but although accomplishing a remarkable record of travel discovered nothing which threw any fresh light on the history of the expedition.

This is all we know about the fate of Franklin and his brave men. His memory is honored as one of Britain's most prominent naval heroes and one of her most successful and daring explorers. He is definitely deserving of the recognition as the first discoverer of the North-West Passage; the ships he commanded brought him within a few miles of the known waters of America. This honor is rightfully awarded to him and his crew on the monument erected in his name by his country in Waterloo Place, London. This was also confirmed by the president of the Royal Geographical Society when he presented their gold medal to Lady Franklin in 1860. On October 26, 1852, Franklin was promoted to rear-admiral. He had one daughter from his first marriage. Lady Franklin passed away in 1875 at the age of eighty-three, and two weeks after her death, a beautiful monument was unveiled in Westminster Abbey, commemorating the heroic deeds and fate of Sir John Franklin, along with the enduring connection of Lady Franklin’s name to her husband’s legacy. Most of the artifacts brought back by M'Clintock were given by Lady Franklin to the United Service Museum, while those presented by Dr. Rae to the admiralty are located in Greenwich Hospital. From 1864 to 1869, the American explorer Captain Hall made two expeditions trying to trace the remnants of Franklin’s party, returning with more relics and some information supporting what M'Clintock had found. In 1878, Lieutenant F. Schwatka of the United States Army and a companion conducted a final land search, but despite achieving an impressive distance traveled, they found nothing that shed new light on the history of the expedition.

See H. D. Traill, Life of Sir John Franklin (1896).

See H. D. Traill, Life of Sir John Franklin (1896).

FRANKLIN, WILLIAM BUEL (1823-1903), Federal general in the American Civil War, was born at York, Pennsylvania, on the 27th of February 1823. He graduated at West Point, at the head of his class, in 1843, was commissioned in the Engineer Corps, U.S.A., and served with distinction in the Mexican War, receiving the brevet of first lieutenant for his good conduct at Buena Vista, in which action he was on the staff of General Taylor. After the war he was engaged in miscellaneous engineering work, becoming a first lieutenant in 1853 and a captain in 1857. Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 he was made colonel of a regular infantry regiment, and a few days later brigadier-general of volunteers. He led a brigade in the first battle of Bull Run, and on the organization by McClellan of the Army of the Potomac he received a divisional command. He commanded first a division and then the VI. Corps in the operations before Richmond in 1862, earning the brevet of brigadier-general in the U.S. Army; was promoted major-general, U.S.V., in July 1862; commanded the VI. corps at South Mountain and Antietam; and at Fredericksburg commanded the “Left Grand Division” of two corps (I. and VI.). His part in the last battle led to charges of disobedience and negligence being preferred against him by the commanding general, General A. E. Burnside, on which the congressional committee on the conduct of the war reported unfavourably to Franklin, largely, it seems, because Burnside’s orders to Franklin were not put in evidence. Burnside had issued on the 23rd of January 1863 an order relieving Franklin from duty, and Franklin’s only other service in the war was as commander of the XIX. corps in the abortive Red River Expedition of 1864. In this expedition he received a severe wound at the action of Sabine Cross Roads (April 8, 1864), in consequence of which he took no further active part in the war. He served for a time on the retiring board, and was captured by the Confederates on the 11th of July 1864, but escaped the same night. In 1865 he was brevetted major-general in the regular army, and in 1866 he was retired. After the war General Franklin was vice-president of the Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company, was president of the commission to lay out Long Island City, N.Y. (1871-1872), of the commission on the building of the Connecticut state house (1872-1873), and, from 1880 to 1899, of the board of managers of the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers; as a commissioner of the United States to the Paris Exposition of 1889 he was made a grand officer of the Legion of Honour; and he was for a time a director of the Panama railway. He died at Hartford, Connecticut, on the 8th of March 1903. He wrote a pamphlet, The Gatling Gun for Service Ashore and Afloat (1874).

FRANKLIN, WILLIAM BUEL (1823-1903), a Federal general in the American Civil War, was born in York, Pennsylvania, on February 27, 1823. He graduated first in his class from West Point in 1843, was commissioned in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and served with distinction in the Mexican War, earning the brevet of first lieutenant for his commendable actions at Buena Vista, where he was on General Taylor’s staff. After the war, he worked on various engineering projects, becoming a first lieutenant in 1853 and a captain in 1857. Shortly after the Civil War began in 1861, he was appointed colonel of a regular infantry regiment, and just days later he became a brigadier general of volunteers. He led a brigade in the first battle of Bull Run, and when McClellan organized the Army of the Potomac, he received a divisional command. He initially commanded a division and then the VI Corps during the operations before Richmond in 1862, earning the brevet of brigadier general in the U.S. Army; he was promoted to major general of volunteers in July 1862; he commanded the VI Corps at South Mountain and Antietam, and at Fredericksburg he led the "Left Grand Division" comprising two corps (I and VI). His role in the last battle resulted in charges of disobedience and negligence filed against him by the commanding general, General A. E. Burnside, leading to an unfavorable report by the congressional committee on the conduct of the war, largely because Burnside’s orders to Franklin were not presented as evidence. Burnside issued an order on January 23, 1863, relieving Franklin from duty, and his only other service in the war was as commander of the XIX Corps during the unsuccessful Red River Expedition of 1864. During this expedition, he sustained a serious wound at the Battle of Sabine Cross Roads (April 8, 1864), which prevented him from taking any further active role in the war. He served for a time on the retiring board and was captured by the Confederates on July 11, 1864, but escaped that same night. In 1865, he was brevetted major general in the regular army, and in 1866 he was retired. After the war, General Franklin served as vice president of Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company, was president of the commission to develop Long Island City, NY (1871-1872), of the commission for building the Connecticut state house (1872-1873), and from 1880 to 1899, of the board of managers for the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers; as a U.S. commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1889, he was honored as a grand officer of the Legion of Honor; and he also served as a director of the Panama Railway. He died in Hartford, Connecticut, on March 8, 1903. He wrote a pamphlet titled The Gatling Gun for Service Ashore and Afloat (1874).

See A Reply of Major-General William B. Franklin to the Report of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Conduct of the War (New York, 1863; 2nd ed., 1867), and Jacob L. Greene, Gen. W. B. Franklin and the Operations of the Left Wing at the Battle of Fredericksburg (Hartford, 1900).

See A Reply of Major-General William B. Franklin to the Report of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Conduct of the War (New York, 1863; 2nd ed., 1867), and Jacob L. Greene, Gen. W. B. Franklin and the Operations of the Left Wing at the Battle of Fredericksburg (Hartford, 1900).

FRANKLIN, an organized district of Canada, extending from the Arctic Circle to the North Pole. It was formed by order-in-council on the 2nd of October 1895, and includes numerous islands and peninsulas, such as Banks, Prince Albert, Victoria, Wollaston, King Edward and Baffin Land, Melville, Bathurst, Prince of Wales and Cockburn Islands. Of these, Baffin Land alone extends south of the Arctic Circle. The area is estimated at 500,000 sq. m., but the inhabitants consist of a few Indians, Eskimo and fur-traders. Musk-oxen, polar bears, foxes and other valuable fur-bearing animals are found in large numbers. The district is named after Sir John Franklin.

FRANKLIN is an organized district of Canada that stretches from the Arctic Circle to the North Pole. It was established by order-in-council on October 2, 1895, and includes many islands and peninsulas, such as Banks, Prince Albert, Victoria, Wollaston, King Edward, Baffin Land, Melville, Bathurst, Prince of Wales, and Cockburn Islands. Of these, Baffin Land is the only one that lies south of the Arctic Circle. The area is estimated to be 500,000 square miles, but the population consists of a few Indigenous people, Eskimos, and fur traders. Musk-oxen, polar bears, foxes, and other valuable fur-bearing animals are found in large numbers. The district is named after Sir John Franklin.

FRANKLIN, a township of Norfolk county, Massachusetts, U.S.A., with an area of 29 sq. m. of rolling surface. Pop. (1900) 5017, of whom 1250 were foreign-born; (1905, state census) 5244; (1910 census) 5641. The principal village, also named Franklin, is about 27 m. S.W. of Boston, and is served by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway. Franklin has a public library (housed in the Ray memorial building and containing 7700 volumes in 1910) and is the seat of Dean Academy (Universalist; founded in 1865), a secondary school for boys and girls. Straw goods, felt, cotton and woollen goods, pianos and printing presses are manufactured here. The township was incorporated in 1778, previous to which it was a part of Wrentham (1673). It was the first of the many places in the United States named in honour of Benjamin Franklin (who later contributed books for the public library). Horace Mann was born here.

FRANKLIN is a town in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., covering an area of 29 square miles of rolling terrain. Population (1900) was 5,017, with 1,250 being foreign-born; (1905, state census) 5,244; (1910 census) 5,641. The main village, also called Franklin, is about 27 miles southwest of Boston and is served by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway. Franklin has a public library (located in the Ray Memorial Building, which held 7,700 volumes in 1910) and is home to Dean Academy (Universalist; founded in 1865), a secondary school for boys and girls. The town manufactures straw goods, felt, cotton and woolen products, pianos, and printing presses. It was incorporated in 1778, having previously been part of Wrentham (since 1673). It was the first of several places in the United States named in honor of Benjamin Franklin, who later donated books to the public library. Horace Mann was born here.

FRANKLIN, a city of Merrimack county, New Hampshire, U.S.A., at the confluence of the Pemigewasset and Winnepesaukee rivers to form the Merrimac; about 95 m. N.N.W. of Boston. Pop. (1890) 4085; (1900) 5846 (1323 foreign-born); (1910) 6132; area, about 14.4 sq. m. Franklin is served by the Concord Division of the Boston & Maine railway, with a branch to Bristol (13 m. N.W.) and another connecting at Tilton (about 5 m. E.) with the White Mountains Division. It contains the villages of Franklin, Franklin Falls, Webster Place and Lake City, the last a summer resort. The rivers furnish good water power, which is used in the manufacture of a variety of commodities, including foundry products, paper and pulp, woollen goods, hosiery, saws, needles and knitting machines. The water-works are owned and operated by the municipality. Here, in what was then a part of the town of Salisbury, Daniel Webster was born, and on the Webster farm is the New Hampshire orphans’ home, established in 1871. The town of Franklin was formed in 1828 by the union of portions of Salisbury, Sanbornton, Andover and Northfield. The earliest settlement within its limits was made in 1748 in the portion taken from Salisbury. Franklin was incorporated as a city in 1895.

FRANKLIN is a city in Merrimack County, New Hampshire, U.S.A., located where the Pemigewasset and Winnepesaukee rivers meet to form the Merrimac; it's about 95 miles N.N.W. of Boston. The population was 4,085 in 1890, 5,846 in 1900 (1,323 of whom were foreign-born), and 6,132 in 1910, with an area of about 14.4 square miles. Franklin is served by the Concord Division of the Boston & Maine railway, which has a branch to Bristol (13 miles N.W.) and another connection at Tilton (about 5 miles E.) leading to the White Mountains Division. It includes the villages of Franklin, Franklin Falls, Webster Place, and Lake City, the latter being a summer resort. The rivers provide good water power, which is used to manufacture a range of products, including foundry goods, paper and pulp, woolen items, hosiery, saws, needles, and knitting machines. The municipality owns and operates the water works. Here, in what was then part of Salisbury, Daniel Webster was born, and on the Webster farm, you'll find the New Hampshire Orphans’ Home, established in 1871. The town of Franklin was created in 1828 by merging parts of Salisbury, Sanbornton, Andover, and Northfield. The first settlement within its boundaries was established in 1748 in the section taken from Salisbury. Franklin became a city in 1895.



FRANKLIN, a city and the county-seat of Venango county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., at the confluence of French Creek and Allegheny river, about 55 m. S. by E. of Erie, in the N.W. part of the state. Pop. (1890) 6221; (1900) 7317 (489 being foreign-born); (1910) 9767. Franklin is served by the Erie, the Pennsylvania, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and the Franklin & Clearfield railways. Its streets are broad and well paved and shaded, and there are two public parks, a public library and many handsome residences. Franklin is the centre of the chief oil region of the state, and from it great quantities of refined oil are shipped. Natural gas also abounds. The city’s manufacture include oil-well supplies, boilers, engines, steel castings, iron goods, lumber, bricks, asbestos goods, manifolding paper and flour. On the site of the present city the French built in 1754 a fortification, Fort Machault, which after the capture of Fort Duquesne by the English was a rallying place for Indians allied with the French. In 1759 the French abandoned and completely destroyed the fort; and in the following year the English built in the vicinity Fort Venango, which was captured by the Indians in 1763 during the Conspiracy of Pontiac, the whole garrison being massacred. In 1787 the United States built Fort Franklin (about 1 m. above the mouth of French Creek) as a protection against the Indians; in 1796 the troops were removed to a strongly built and well-fortified wooden building, known as “Old Garrison,” at the mouth of French Creek, and in 1803 they were permanently withdrawn from the neighbourhood. Franklin was laid out as a town in 1795, was incorporated as a borough in 1828, and was chartered as a city in 1868. Most of its growth dates from the discovery of oil in 1860.

FRANKLIN is a city and the county seat of Venango County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., located at the confluence of French Creek and the Allegheny River, about 55 miles southeast of Erie, in the northwestern part of the state. Population (1890) 6,221; (1900) 7,317 (489 being foreign-born); (1910) 9,767. Franklin is served by the Erie, Pennsylvania, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and Franklin & Clearfield railways. Its streets are wide, well-paved, and shaded, and there are two public parks, a public library, and many attractive homes. Franklin is the center of the main oil region of the state, and large quantities of refined oil are shipped from there. Natural gas is also plentiful. The city's manufacturing includes oil-well supplies, boilers, engines, steel castings, iron products, lumber, bricks, asbestos products, manifolding paper, and flour. On the site of the current city, the French built a fortification, Fort Machault, in 1754, which became a gathering place for Indians allied with the French after the English captured Fort Duquesne. The French abandoned and destroyed the fort in 1759, and the following year the English built Fort Venango nearby, which was captured by the Indians in 1763 during the Conspiracy of Pontiac, resulting in the massacre of the entire garrison. In 1787, the United States built Fort Franklin (about 1 mile above the mouth of French Creek) for protection against the Indians; in 1796 the troops were moved to a sturdy, well-fortified wooden structure known as “Old Garrison” at the mouth of French Creek, and in 1803 they were permanently withdrawn from the area. Franklin was established as a town in 1795, incorporated as a borough in 1828, and chartered as a city in 1868. Most of its growth began with the discovery of oil in 1860.

FRANKLIN, a town and the county-seat of Williamson county, Tennessee, U.S.A., in the central part of the state, on the Harpeth river, and about 20 m. S.W. of Nashville. Pop. (1900) 2180; (1910) 2924. Franklin is served by the Louisville & Nashville railway. It is the seat of the Tennessee Female College and the Battle Ground Academy, and its chief objects of interest are the battle-ground, the Confederate cemetery and the Confederate monument. During the Civil War Franklin was the scene of a minor engagement on the 10th of April 1863, and of a battle, celebrated as one of the most desperately fought of the war, which took place on the 30th of November 1864. The Union general Schofield, who was slowly withdrawing to Nashville before the advance of General J. B. Hood’s army, which he was ordered to hold in check in order to give Thomas time to prepare for battle (see American Civil War, § 32), was unable immediately to cross the Harpeth river and was compelled to entrench his forces south of the town until his wagon trains and artillery could be sent over the stream by means of two small bridges. In the afternoon Schofield’s outposts and advanced lines were attacked by the Confederates in full strength, and instead of withdrawing as ordered they made a determined stand. Thus the assailants, carrying the advanced works by storm, rushed upon the main defences on the heels of the broken advanced guard, and a general engagement was brought on which lasted from 3.30 until nine o’clock in the evening. Against, it is said, thirteen separate assaults, all delivered with exceptional fury, Schofield managed to hold his position, and shortly before midnight he withdrew across the river in good order. The engagement was indecisive in its results, but the Union commander’s purpose, to hold Hood momentarily in check, was gained, and Hood’s effort to crush Schofield was unavailing. The losses were very heavy; Hood’s effective forces in the engagement numbered about 27,000, Schofield’s about 28,000; the Confederate losses (excluding cavalry) were about 6500, excluding the slightly wounded; six general officers were killed (including Major-General P. R. Cleburne, a brave Irishman who had been a corporal in the British army), six wounded, and one captured; the Union losses (excluding cavalry) were 2326. In two of the Confederate brigades all the general and field officers were killed or wounded.

FRANKLIN, a town and the county seat of Williamson County, Tennessee, U.S.A., located in the central part of the state on the Harpeth River, about 20 miles southwest of Nashville. Population: (1900) 2,180; (1910) 2,924. Franklin is served by the Louisville & Nashville Railway. It is home to the Tennessee Female College and the Battle Ground Academy, with its main points of interest being the battlefield, the Confederate cemetery, and the Confederate monument. During the Civil War, Franklin was the site of a minor engagement on April 10, 1863, and a battle known for being one of the fiercest of the war, which occurred on November 30, 1864. Union General Schofield, who was gradually retreating to Nashville in response to General J. B. Hood's advancing army—which he was ordered to hold back to give Thomas time to prepare for battle (see American Civil War, § 32)—was unable to immediately cross the Harpeth River and had to entrench his troops south of the town until his wagon trains and artillery could be moved across using two small bridges. In the afternoon, Schofield’s outposts and forward lines were attacked by the Confederates at full strength, and instead of retreating as ordered, they made a strong stand. Consequently, the attackers, having captured the forward works, rushed toward the main defenses, following the retreat of the broken advanced guard, leading to a general engagement that lasted from 3:30 PM until 9 PM. Despite facing what is reported to be thirteen separate assaults, all with exceptional intensity, Schofield managed to maintain his position and withdrew across the river in good order shortly before midnight. The battle’s outcome was inconclusive, but Schofield's goal of temporarily holding Hood was achieved, and Hood’s attempt to defeat Schofield was unsuccessful. The losses were significant; Hood's effective forces in the battle numbered about 27,000, while Schofield's were approximately 28,000. The Confederate losses (excluding cavalry) were about 6,500, not counting the slightly wounded; six general officers were killed (including Major-General P. R. Cleburne, a courageous Irishman who had been a corporal in the British army), six wounded, and one captured; the Union losses (excluding cavalry) totaled 2,326. In two of the Confederate brigades, all the general and field officers were either killed or injured.

See J. D. Cox, The Battle of Franklin (New York, 1897).

See J. D. Cox, The Battle of Franklin (New York, 1897).

FRANKLIN, a word derived from the Late Lat. francus, free, and meaning primarily a freeman. Subsequently it was used in England to denote a land-holder who was of free but not of noble birth. Some of the older English writers occasionally use it to mean a liberal host. The Latin form of the word is franchilanus.

FRANKLIN, a word that comes from the Late Latin francus, meaning "free," primarily refers to a freeman. Later, in England, it described a landowner who was free but not of noble birth. Some older English writers also used it to refer to a generous host. The Latin form of the word is franchilanus.

FRANKLINITE, a member of the spinel group of minerals, consisting of oxides of iron, manganese and zinc in varying proportions, (Fe, Zn, Mn)′(Fe, Mn)2″′O4. It occurs as large octahedral crystals often with rounded edges, and as granular masses. The colour is iron-black and the lustre metallic; hardness 6, specific gravity 5.2. It thus resembles magnetite in external characters, but is readily distinguished from this by the fact that it is only slightly magnetic. It is found in considerable amount, associated with zinc minerals (zincite and willemite) in crystalline limestone, at Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, where it is mined as an ore of zinc (containing 5 to 20% of the metal); after the extraction of the zinc, the residue is used in the manufacture of spiegeleisen (the mineral containing 15 to 20% of manganese oxides). Associated with franklinite at Franklin Furnace, and found also at some other localities, is another member of the spinel group, namely, gahnite or zinc-spinel, which is a zinc aluminate, ZnAl2O4, with a little of the zinc replaced by iron and manganese.

FRANKLINITE is part of the spinel group of minerals made up of oxides of iron, manganese, and zinc in different proportions, (Fe, Zn, Mn)′(Fe, Mn)2″′O4. It appears as large octahedral crystals, often with rounded edges, and as granular masses. Its color is iron-black with a metallic luster; it has a hardness of 6 and a specific gravity of 5.2. It looks similar to magnetite but can be easily identified because it is only slightly magnetic. It is found in substantial quantities alongside zinc minerals (zincite and willemite) in crystalline limestone at Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, where it is mined as a zinc ore (containing 5 to 20% of the metal); after extracting the zinc, the leftover material is used to make spiegeleisen (the mineral containing 15 to 20% manganese oxides). Found with franklinite at Franklin Furnace and also at some other sites is another member of the spinel group called gahnite or zinc-spinel, which is a zinc aluminate, ZnAl2O4, with some of the zinc replaced by iron and manganese.

FRANK-MARRIAGE (liberum maritagium), in real property law, a species of estate tail, now obsolete. When a man was seized of land in fee simple, and gave it to a daughter on marriage, the daughter and her husband were termed the donees in frank-marriage, because they held the land granted to them and the heirs of their two bodies free from all manner of service, except fealty, to the donor or his heirs until the fourth degree of consanguinity from the donor was passed. This right of a freeholder so to give away his land at will was first recognized in the reign of Henry II., and became up to the reign of Elizabeth the most usual kind of settlement.

FRANK-MARRIAGE (liberum maritagium), in real property law, is a type of estate tail that is no longer in use. When a man owned land in fee simple and gave it to his daughter upon her marriage, the daughter and her husband were called the donees in frank-marriage. They held the land granted to them and the heirs of their two bodies free from all kinds of service, except for loyalty to the donor or his heirs, until reaching the fourth degree of blood relation from the donor. This right for a freeholder to give away his land as he wished was first recognized during the reign of Henry II and became the most common type of settlement until the reign of Elizabeth.

FRANKPLEDGE (Lat. francum plegium), an early English institution, consisting (as defined by Stubbs) of an association for mutual security whose members, according to Hallam, “were perpetual bail for each other.” The custom whereby the Inhabitants of a district were responsible for any crime or injury committed by one of their number is old and widespread; it prevailed in England before the Norman Conquest, and is an outcome of the earlier principle whereby this responsibility rested on kinship. Thus a law of Edgar (d. 975) says “and let every man so order that he have a borh (or surety), and let the borh then bring and hold him to every justice; and if any one then do wrong and run away, let the borh bear that which he ought to bear”; and a law of Canute about 1030 says “and that every one be brought into a hundred and in borh, and let the borh hold and lead him to every plea.” About this time these societies, each having its headman, were called frithborhs, or peace-borhs, and the Normans translated the Anglo-Saxon word by frankpledge. But the history of the frankpledge proper begins not earlier than the time of the Norman Conquest. The laws, which although called the laws of Edward the Confessor were not drawn up until about 1130, contain a clause about frithborhs which decrees that in every place societies of ten men shall be formed for mutual security and reparation. And before this date William the Conqueror had ordered that “every one who wishes to be regarded as free must be in a pledge, and that the pledge must hold and bring him to justice if he commits any offence”; and the laws of Henry I. ordered every person of substance over twelve years of age to be enrolled in a frankpledge. This association of ten, or as it often was at a later date of twelve men, was also called a tithing, or decima, and in the north of England was known as tenmanne tale.

FRANKPLEDGE (Lat. francum plegium), an early English institution, was defined by Stubbs as a group for mutual security where members, according to Hallam, “were perpetual bail for each other.” The practice in which the residents of an area were responsible for any crime or harm caused by one of their own is ancient and widespread; it existed in England before the Norman Conquest and stems from an earlier principle where this responsibility was based on kinship. For instance, a law from Edgar (d. 975) states, “and let every man arrange to have a borh (or surety), and let the borh then present and hold him for every justice; and if anyone wrongs and flees, let the borh bear what it ought to bear”; while a law from Canute around 1030 says, “and that everyone should be brought into a hundred and in borh, and let the borh hold and lead him to every plea.” Around this time, these groups, each led by a headman, were called frithborhs, or peace-borhs, and the Normans translated the Anglo-Saxon term as frankpledge. However, the specific history of frankpledge doesn't start until after the Norman Conquest. The laws that, although named after Edward the Confessor, weren't compiled until about 1130, include a clause about frithborhs that mandates forming groups of ten men for mutual security and accountability. Before this, William the Conqueror had decreed that “everyone who wishes to be considered free must be in a pledge, and that the pledge must hold and bring him to justice if he commits any offense”; and the laws of Henry I required every person of substantial means over twelve years old to be registered in a frankpledge. This group of ten, or often later a group of twelve men, was also called a tithing or decima, and in northern England was referred to as tenmanne tale.

The view of frankpledge (visus franciplegii), or the duty of ascertaining that the law with regard to frankpledges was complied with, was in the hands of the sheriffs, who held an itinerant court called the “sheriff’s tourn” for this and other purposes. This court was held twice a year, but in 1217 it was ordered that the view of frankpledge should only be taken once—at Michaelmas. Introduced at or before the time of Henry I., the view was regulated by the Assize of Clarendon of 1166 and 35 by Magna Carta as reissued in 1217. Although the former of these lays stress upon the fact that the sheriff’s supervisory powers are universal many men did not attend his tourn. Some lords of manors and of hundreds held a court of their own for view of frankpledge, and in the 13th century it may be fairly said “of all the franchises, the royal rights in private hands, view of frankpledge is perhaps the commonest.” At the end of the same century the court for the view of frankpledge was generally known as the court leet, and was usually a manorial court in private hands. However, the principle of the frankpledge was still enforced. Thus Bracton says “every male of the age of twelve years, be he free be he serf, ought to be in frankpledge,” but he allows for certain exceptions.

The view of frankpledge (visus franciplegii), or the responsibility of ensuring that the law regarding frankpledges was followed, was managed by the sheriffs, who held a traveling court called the “sheriff’s tourn” for this and other purposes. This court took place twice a year, but in 1217 it was decided that the view of frankpledge should only occur once—at Michaelmas. Introduced at or before the time of Henry I, the view was regulated by the Assize of Clarendon in 1166 and by Magna Carta as reissued in 1217. Although the former emphasizes that the sheriff’s supervisory powers are universal, many people did not attend his tourn. Some lords of manors and hundreds ran their own courts for the view of frankpledge, and by the 13th century, it could be fairly said that “of all the franchises, the royal rights in private hands, the view of frankpledge is perhaps the most common.” By the end of the same century, the court for the view of frankpledge was generally known as the court leet, and it was usually a manorial court in private hands. However, the principle of frankpledge was still enforced. Thus, Bracton states, “every male of the age of twelve years, whether he is free or a serf, ought to be in frankpledge,” but he does allow for certain exceptions.

As the word frankpledge denotes, these societies were originally concerned only with freemen; but the unfree were afterwards admitted, and during the 13th century the frankpledges were composed chiefly of villains. From petitions presented to parliament in 1376 it seems that the view of frankpledge was in active operation at this time, but it soon began to fall into disuse, and its complete decay coincides with the new ideas of government introduced by the Tudors. In a formal fashion courts leet for the view of frankpledge were held in the time of the jurist Selden, and a few of these have survived until the present day. Sir F. Palgrave has asserted that the view of frankpledge was unknown in that part of the country which had been included in the kingdom of Northumbria. This statement is open to question, but it is highly probable that the system was not so deeply rooted in this part of England as elsewhere. The machinery of the frankpledge was probably used by Henry II. when he introduced the jury of presentment; and commenting on this connexion F. W. Maitland says “the duty of producing one’s neighbour to answer accusations (the duty of the frankpledges) could well be converted into the duty of telling tales against him.” The system of frankpledge prevailed in some English boroughs. Sometimes a court for view of frankpledge, called in some places a mickleton, whereat the mayor or the bailiffs presided, was held for the whole borough; in other cases the borough was divided into wards, or into leets, each of which had its separate court.

As the term frankpledge suggests, these societies were originally only for freemen; however, over time, unfree individuals were also included, and by the 13th century, the frankpledges mainly consisted of serfs. Petitions submitted to parliament in 1376 indicate that the system of frankpledge was actively functioning at that time, but it soon began to fade away, and its complete decline coincided with the new government ideas introduced by the Tudors. Formally, courts leet for the view of frankpledge were held during the time of the jurist Selden, and a few of these have survived to this day. Sir F. Palgrave claimed that the view of frankpledge was unknown in the area that was part of the kingdom of Northumbria. This claim is questionable, but it is quite likely that the system wasn’t as established in this part of England as in others. The mechanics of the frankpledge were probably utilized by Henry II when he introduced the jury of presentment; and commenting on this connection, F. W. Maitland notes that “the duty of bringing one’s neighbor to answer accusations (the duty of the frankpledges) could easily turn into the obligation of reporting against him.” The system of frankpledge was present in some English boroughs. Sometimes, a court for the view of frankpledge, known in some places as a mickleton, presided over by the mayor or the bailiffs, was held for the whole borough; in other instances, the borough was divided into wards or leets, each having its own separate court.

See Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law (1895); G. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, Band i. (1880); and W. Stubbs, Constitutional History, vol. i. (1897).

See Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law (1895); G. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, Band i. (1880); and W. Stubbs, Constitutional History, vol. i. (1897).

FRANKS, SIR AUGUSTUS WOLLASTON (1826-1897), English antiquary, was born on the 20th of March 1826, and was educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He early showed inclination for antiquarian pursuits, and in 1851 was appointed assistant in the Antiquities Department of the British Museum. Here, and as director of the Society of Antiquaries, an appointment he received in 1858, he made himself the first authority in England upon medieval antiquities of all descriptions, upon porcelain, glass, the manufactures of savage nations, and in general upon all Oriental curiosities and works of art later than the Classical period. In 1866 the British and medieval antiquities, with the ethnographical collections, were formed into a distinct department under his superintendence; and the Christy collection of ethnography in Victoria Street, London, prior to its amalgamation with the British Museum collections, was also under his care. He became vice-president and ultimately president of the Society of Antiquaries, and in 1878 declined the principal librarianship of the museum. He retired on his seventieth birthday, 1896, and died on the 21st of May 1897. His ample fortune was largely devoted to the collection of ceramics and precious objects of medieval art, most of which became the property of the nation, either by donation in his lifetime or by bequest at his death. Although chiefly a medieval antiquary, Franks was also an authority on classical art, especially Roman remains in Britain: he was also greatly interested in book-marks and playing-cards, of both of which he formed important collections. He edited Kemble’s Horae Ferales, and wrote numerous memoirs on archaeological subjects. Perhaps his most important work of this class is the catalogue of his own collection of porcelain.

FRANKS, SIR AUGUSTUS WOLLASTON (1826-1897), English antiquarian, was born on March 20, 1826, and was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. He showed an early interest in antiquarian studies and, in 1851, was appointed assistant in the Antiquities Department of the British Museum. There, and as the director of the Society of Antiquaries, a role he took on in 1858, he became the leading expert in England on medieval antiques of all kinds, as well as on porcelain, glass, artifacts from indigenous cultures, and generally all Oriental curiosities and art from the post-Classical period. In 1866, the British and medieval antiquities and ethnographic collections were organized into a separate department under his management; he also oversaw the Christy collection of ethnography in Victoria Street, London, before it merged with the British Museum collections. He served as vice-president and later president of the Society of Antiquaries, and in 1878 he declined the principal librarian position at the museum. He retired on his seventieth birthday, in 1896, and passed away on May 21, 1897. He generously dedicated much of his wealth to collecting ceramics and valuable medieval art, most of which became public property through donations during his lifetime or bequests after his death. While primarily a medieval specialist, Franks was also knowledgeable about classical art, particularly Roman artifacts found in Britain. Additionally, he had a keen interest in bookmarks and playing cards, both of which he collected extensively. He edited Kemble’s Horae Ferales and wrote numerous essays on archaeological topics. Perhaps his most significant work in this field is the catalog of his porcelain collection.

FRANKS. The name Franks seems to have been given in the 4th century to a group of Germanic peoples dwelling north of the Main and reaching as far as the shores of the North Sea; south of the Main was the home of the Alamanni. The names of some of these tribes have come down to us. On the Tabula Peutingeriana appear the “Chamavi qui et Pranci,” which should doubtless read “qui et Franci”; these Chamavi apparently dwelt between the Yssel and the Ems. Later, we find them a little farther south, on the banks of the Rhine, in the district called Hamalant, and it is their customs which were brought together in the 9th century in the document known as the Lex Francorum Chamavorum. After the Chamavi we may mention the Attuarii or Chattuarii, who are referred to by Ammianus Marcellinus (xx. 10, 2): “Rheno exinde transmisso, regionem pervasit (Julianus) Francorum quos Atthuarios vocant.” Later, the pagus Attuariorum corresponds to the district of Emmerich and Xanten. It should be noted that this name occurs again in the middle ages in Burgundy, not far from Dijon; in all probability a detachment of this people had settled in that spot in the 5th or 6th century. The Bructeri, Ampsivarii and Chatti may also be classed among the Frankish tribes. They are mentioned in a celebrated passage of Sulpicius Alexander, which is cited by Gregory of Tours (Historia Francorum, ii. 9). Sulpicius shows the general Arbogast, a barbarian in the service of Rome, seeking to take vengeance on the Franks (392): “Collecto exercitu, transgressus Rhenum, Bricteros ripae proximos, pagum etiam quem Chamavi incolunt depopulatus est, nullo unquam occursante, nisi quod pauci ex Ampsivariis et Catthis Marcomere duce in ulterioribus collium jugis apparuere.” It is evidently this Marcomeres, the chief of these tribes, who is regarded by later historians as the father of the legendary Faramund (Pharamund) although in fact Marcomeres has nothing to do with the Salian Franks.

FRANKS. The name Franks seems to have been given in the 4th century to a group of Germanic peoples living north of the Main River and reaching as far as the North Sea; south of the Main was the home of the Alamanni. Some of these tribes have names that have come down to us. On the Tabula Peutingeriana, there are the “Chamavi qui et Pranci,” which should likely read “qui et Franci”; these Chamavi apparently lived between the Yssel and the Ems rivers. Later, we find them a little farther south, on the banks of the Rhine, in the area called Hamalant, and their customs were compiled in the 9th century in the document known as the Lex Francorum Chamavorum. After the Chamavi, we should mention the Attuarii or Chattuarii, referred to by Ammianus Marcellinus (xx. 10, 2): “After crossing the Rhine, Julianus traveled through the region of the Franks, whom they call Atthuarios.” Later, the pagus Attuariorum corresponds to the district of Emmerich and Xanten. It's worth noting that this name appears again in the Middle Ages in Burgundy, not far from Dijon; most likely, a group from this people settled there in the 5th or 6th century. The Bructeri, Ampsivarii, and Chatti can also be categorized as Frankish tribes. They are mentioned in a well-known passage by Sulpicius Alexander, which is cited by Gregory of Tours (Historia Francorum, ii. 9). Sulpicius shows the general Arbogast, a barbarian serving Rome, seeking revenge on the Franks (392): “Gathering an army, he crossed the Rhine, plundering the Bructeri nearby and also the district inhabited by the Chamavi, with no one ever opposing him, except for a few from the Ampsivari and Chatti, who appeared under their leader Marcomer in the remote hills.” It is clearly this Marcomer, the leader of these tribes, who is considered by later historians to be the father of the legendary Faramund (Pharamund), although in reality, Marcomer has nothing to do with the Salian Franks.

The earliest mention in history of the name Franks is the entry on the Tabula Peutingeriana, at least if we assume that the term “et Franci” is not a later emendation. The earliest occurrence of the name in any author is in the Vita Aureliani of Vopiscus (ch. vii.). When, in 241, Aurelian, who was then only a tribune, had just defeated some Franks in the neighbourhood of Mainz and was marching against the Persians, his troops sang the following refrain:

The first recorded mention of the name Franks is found in the Tabula Peutingeriana, assuming that the term “et Franci” hasn’t been added later. The earliest appearance of the name in any text is in the Vita Aureliani by Vopiscus (ch. vii.). In 241, when Aurelian, who was then just a tribune, had recently defeated some Franks near Mainz and was heading toward the Persians, his soldiers sang this refrain:

Mille Sarmatas, mille Francos, semel et semel occidimus;

Mille Sarmatas, mille Francos, again and again we have killed;

Mille Persas, quaerimus.

We seek a thousand Persians.

All these Germanic tribes, which were known from the 3rd century onwards by the generic name of Franks, doubtless spoke a similar dialect and were governed by customs which must scarcely have differed from one another; but this was all they had in common. Each tribe was politically independent; they formed no confederations. Sometimes two or three tribes joined forces to wage a war; but, the struggle over, the bond was broken, and each tribe resumed its isolated life. Waitz holds with some show of probability that the Franks represent the ancient Istaevones of Tacitus, the Alamanni and the Saxons representing the Herminones and the Ingaevones.

All these Germanic tribes, known as the Franks from the 3rd century onward, likely spoke a similar dialect and followed customs that were probably quite alike; but that was all they had in common. Each tribe was politically independent and did not form any confederations. Sometimes two or three tribes united to fight a war; however, once the conflict was over, the alliance ended, and each tribe returned to its isolated existence. Waitz suggests, with some likelihood, that the Franks are the ancient Istaevones mentioned by Tacitus, while the Alamanni and the Saxons correspond to the Herminones and the Ingaevones.

Of all these Frankish tribes one especially was to become prominent, the tribe of the Salians. They are mentioned for the first time in 358, by Ammianus Marcellinus (xvii. 8, 3), who says that the Caesar Julian “petit primos omnium Francos, videlicet eos quos consuetudo Salios appellavit.” As to the origin of the name, it was long held to be derived from the river Yssel or Saal. It is more probable, however, that it arose from the fact that the Salians for a long period occupied the shores of the salt sea.1 The Salians inhabited the sea-coast, whereas the Ripuarians dwelt on the banks of the river Rhine.

Of all these Frankish tribes, one in particular became prominent: the Salian tribe. They were first mentioned in 358 by Ammianus Marcellinus (xvii. 8, 3), who wrote that Caesar Julian "targets the foremost of all the Franks, specifically those whom custom called the Salians." The origin of the name was believed for a long time to come from the river Yssel or Saal. However, it’s more likely that it comes from the fact that the Salians occupied the shores of the salt sea for an extended period. The Salians lived along the coastline, while the Ripuarians resided on the banks of the Rhine River.1

The Salians, at the time when they are mentioned by Ammianus, occupied Toxandria, i.e. the region south of the Meuse, between that river and the Scheldt. Julian defeated them completely, but allowed them to remain in Toxandria, not, as of old, as conquerors, but as foederati of the Romans. They perhaps paid tribute, and they certainly furnished Rome with 36 soldiers; Salii seniores and Salii juniores are mentioned in the Notitia dignitatum, and Salii appear among the auxilia palatina.

The Salians, when Ammianus talked about them, lived in Toxandria, which is the area south of the Meuse River, between that river and the Scheldt. Julian completely defeated them but let them stay in Toxandria, not as conquerors like before, but as allies of the Romans. They might have paid tribute and definitely provided Rome with 36 soldiers; the Salii seniores and Salii juniores are mentioned in the Notitia dignitatum, and Salii are listed among the auxilia palatina.

At the end of the 4th century and at the beginning of the 5th, when the Roman legions withdrew from the banks of the Rhine, the Salians installed themselves in the district as an independent people. The place-names became entirely Germanic; the Latin language disappeared; and the Christian religion suffered a check, for the Franks were to a man pagans. The Salians were subdivided into a certain number of tribes, each tribe placing at its head a king, distinguished by his long hair and chosen from the most noble family (Historia Francorum, ii. 9).

At the end of the 4th century and the start of the 5th, when the Roman legions pulled back from the Rhine, the Salians settled in the area as an independent group. The place names became completely Germanic; the Latin language faded away; and Christianity faced setbacks, as all the Franks were pagans. The Salians were divided into several tribes, each led by a king, recognized by his long hair and chosen from the most noble family (Historia Francorum, ii. 9).

The most ancient of these kings, reigning over the principal tribe, who is known to us is Chlodio.2 According to Gregory of Tours Chlodio dwelt at a place called Dispargum, which it is impossible to identify. Towards 431 he crossed the great Roman road from Bavay to Cologne, which was protected by numerous forts and had long arrested the invasions of the barbarians. He then invaded the territory of Arras, but was severely defeated at Hesdin-le-Vieux by Aetius, the commander of the Roman army in Gaul. Chlodio, however, soon took his revenge. He explored the region of Cambrai, seized that town, and occupied all the country as far as the Somme. At this time Tournai became the capital of the Salian Franks.

The oldest of these kings known to us, who ruled over the main tribe, is Chlodio.2 According to Gregory of Tours, Chlodio lived in a place called Dispargum, which we can't currently identify. Around 431, he crossed the major Roman road from Bavay to Cologne, which was guarded by many forts and had long stopped the invasions of the barbarians. He then invaded the territory of Arras but was severely defeated at Hesdin-le-Vieux by Aetius, the commander of the Roman army in Gaul. However, Chlodio soon got his revenge. He explored the Cambrai area, seized the town, and took control of all the land as far as the Somme. During this time, Tournai became the capital of the Salian Franks.

After Chlodio a certain Meroveus (Merowech) was king of the Salian Franks. We do not know if he was the son of Chlodio; Gregory of Tours simply says that he belonged to Chlodio’s stock—“de hujus stirpe quidam Merovechum regem fuisse adserunt,”—and then only gives the fact at second hand. Perhaps the remarks of the Byzantine historian Priscus may refer to Meroveus. A king of the Franks having died, his two sons disputed the power. The elder journeyed into Pannonia to obtain support from Attila; the younger betook himself to the imperial court at Rome. “I have seen him,” writes Priscus; “he was still very young, and we all remarked his fair hair which fell upon his shoulders.” Aetius welcomed him warmly and sent him back a friend and foederatus. In any case, eventually, Franks fought (451) in the Roman ranks at the great battle of Mauriac (the Catalaunian Fields), which arrested the progress of Attila into Gaul; and in the Vita Lupi, which, though undoubtedly of later date, is a recension of an earlier document, the name of Meroveus appears among the combatants. Towards 457 Meroveus was succeeded by his son Childeric. At first Childeric was a faithful foederatus of the Romans, fighting for them against the Visigoths and the Saxons south of the Loire; but he soon sought to make himself independent and to extend his conquests. He died in 481 and was succeeded by his son Clovis, who conquered the whole of Gaul with the exception of the kingdom of Burgundy and Provence. Clovis made his authority recognized over the other Salian tribes (whose kings dwelt at Cambrai and other cities), and put an end to the domination of the Ripuarian Franks.

After Chlodio, a man named Meroveus (Merowech) became king of the Salian Franks. It's unclear whether he was Chlodio's son; Gregory of Tours mentions that he was from Chlodio’s lineage—“de hujus stirpe quidam Merovechum regem fuisse adserunt”—and this is only a secondary account. The Byzantine historian Priscus might refer to Meroveus. When a king of the Franks died, his two sons fought for power. The older son traveled to Pannonia to seek support from Attila, while the younger went to the imperial court in Rome. “I have seen him,” Priscus writes; “he was still very young, and we all noticed his fair hair that fell over his shoulders.” Aetius warmly welcomed him and sent him back as a friend and foederatus. Eventually, the Franks fought (451) in the Roman ranks at the significant battle of Mauriac (the Catalaunian Fields), which halted Attila's advance into Gaul; in the Vita Lupi, which is likely a later version of an earlier document, Meroveus's name shows up among the fighters. Around 457, Meroveus was succeeded by his son Childeric. Initially, Childeric was a loyal foederatus of the Romans, fighting alongside them against the Visigoths and the Saxons south of the Loire; however, he soon aimed to gain independence and expand his conquests. He died in 481 and was succeeded by his son Clovis, who conquered all of Gaul except for the kingdoms of Burgundy and Provence. Clovis established his authority over the other Salian tribes (whose kings lived in Cambrai and other cities) and ended the dominance of the Ripuarian Franks.

These Ripuarians must have comprised a certain number of Frankish tribes, such as the Ampsivarii and the Bructeri. They settled in the 5th century in compact masses on the left bank of the Rhine, but their progress was slow. It was not until the Christian writer Salvian (who was born about 400) had already reached a fairly advanced age that they were able to seize Cologne. The town, however, was recaptured and was not definitely in their possession until 463. The Ripuarians subsequently occupied all the country from Cologne to Trier. Aix-la-Chapelle, Bonn and Zülpich were their principal centres, and they even advanced southward as far as Metz, which appears to have resisted their attacks. The Roman civilization and the Latin language disappeared from the countries which they occupied; indeed it seems that the actual boundaries of the German and French languages nearly coincide with those of their dominion. In their southward progress the Ripuarians encountered the Alamanni, who, already masters of Alsace, were endeavouring to extend their conquests in all directions. There were numerous battles between the Ripuarians and the Alamanni; and the memory of one fought at Zülpich has come down to us. In this battle Sigebert, the king of the Ripuarians, was wounded in the knee and limped during the remainder of his life—hence his surname Claudus (the Lame). The Ripuarians long remained allies of Clovis, Sigebert’s son Chloderic fighting under the king of the Salian Franks at Vouillé in 507. Clovis, however, persuaded Chloderic to assassinate his father, and then posed as Sigebert’s avenger, with the result that Chloderic was himself assassinated and the Ripuarians raised Clovis on the shield and chose him as king. Thus the Salian Franks united under their rule all the Franks on the left bank of the Rhine. During the reigns of Clovis’s sons they again turned their eyes on Germany, and imposed their suzerainty upon the Franks on the right bank. This country, north of the Main and the first residence of the Franks, then received the name of Francia Orientalis, and became the origin of one of the duchies into which Germany was divided in the 10th century—the duchy of Franconia (Franken).

These Ripuarians must have included a number of Frankish tribes, like the Ampsivarii and the Bructeri. They settled in the 5th century in large groups on the left bank of the Rhine, but their progress was slow. It wasn’t until the Christian writer Salvian, who was born around 400, was already quite old that they managed to take Cologne. However, the town was recaptured and didn't permanently fall into their hands until 463. The Ripuarians then occupied all the land from Cologne to Trier. Aix-la-Chapelle, Bonn, and Zülpich were their main centers, and they even moved southward as far as Metz, which seemed to have resisted their incursions. The Roman culture and the Latin language disappeared from the areas they occupied; in fact, it seems that the actual boundaries of the German and French languages closely align with the extent of their territory. During their southern expansion, the Ripuarians encountered the Alamanni, who were already in control of Alsace and were trying to extend their conquests in all directions. There were numerous battles between the Ripuarians and the Alamanni; one famous battle fought at Zülpich has been remembered. In this battle, Sigebert, the king of the Ripuarians, was injured in the knee and walked with a limp for the rest of his life—leading to his nickname Claudus (the Lame). The Ripuarians remained allies of Clovis, and Sigebert’s son Chloderic fought alongside the king of the Salian Franks at Vouillé in 507. However, Clovis convinced Chloderic to assassinate his father and then claimed to be Sigebert’s avenger, resulting in Chloderic’s own assassination, after which the Ripuarians elevated Clovis and chose him as their king. Thus, the Salian Franks united all the Franks on the left bank of the Rhine under their rule. During the reigns of Clovis's sons, they turned their attention back to Germany and asserted their dominance over the Franks on the right bank. This territory, north of the Main and the first settlement of the Franks, then became known as Francia Orientalis, which later formed one of the duchies into which Germany was divided in the 10th century—the duchy of Franconia (Franken).

The Franks were redoubtable warriors, and were generally of great stature. Their fair or red hair was brought forward from the crown of the head towards the forehead, leaving the nape of the neck uncovered; they shaved the face except the upper lip. They wore fairly close breeches reaching to the knee and a tunic fastened by brooches. Round the waist over the tunic was worn a leathern girdle having a broad iron buckle damascened with silver. From the girdle hung the single-edged missile axe or francisca, the scramasax or short knife, a poniard and such articles of toilet as scissors, a comb (of wood or bone), &c. The Franks also used a weapon called the framea (an iron lance set firmly in a wooden shaft), and bows and arrows. They protected themselves in battle with a large wooden or wicker shield, the centre of which was ornamented with an iron boss (umbo). Frankish arms and armour have been found in the cemeteries which abound throughout northern France, the warriors being buried fully armed.

The Franks were fierce warriors and were generally tall. Their fair or red hair was styled forward from the crown of their head toward their forehead, leaving the back of their neck exposed; they shaved their faces except for their upper lips. They wore tight-fitting breeches that reached the knee and a tunic fastened with brooches. Around their waists, over the tunic, they wore a leather belt with a large iron buckle decorated with silver. From the belt hung a single-edged throwing axe or francisca, the scramasax or short knife, a dagger, and personal grooming items like scissors and a comb (made of wood or bone), etc. The Franks also used a weapon called the framea (an iron spear attached to a wooden shaft), as well as bows and arrows. They defended themselves in battle with a large wooden or wicker shield, the center of which was decorated with an iron boss (umbo). Frankish weapons and armor have been found in cemeteries that are common throughout northern France, where warriors were buried fully armed.

See J. Grimm, Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer (Göttingen, 1828); K. Müllenhoff, Deutsche Altertumskunde (Berlin, 1883-1900); E. von Wietersheim, Geschichte der Völkerwanderung, 2nd ed., ed. by F. Dahn (Leipzig, 1880-1881); G. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, vol. i. (4th ed. revised by Zeumer); R. Schröder, “Die Ausbreitung der salischen Franken,” in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, vol. xix.; K. Lamprecht, Fränkische Wanderungen und Ansiedelungen (Aix-la-Chapelle, 1882); W. Schultz, Deutsche Geschichte von der Urzeit bis zu den Karolingern, vol. ii. (Stuttgart, 1896); Fustel de Coulanges, Histoire des institutions politiques de l’ancienne France—l’invasion germanique (Paris, 1891). Also the articles Salic Law and Germanic Laws, Early.

See J. Grimm, German Legal Antiquities (Göttingen, 1828); K. Müllenhoff, German Antiquities (Berlin, 1883-1900); E. von Wietersheim, History of the Migration of Peoples, 2nd ed., edited by F. Dahn (Leipzig, 1880-1881); G. Waitz, History of the German Constitution, vol. i. (4th ed. revised by Zeumer); R. Schröder, “The Spread of the Salian Franks,” in Research on German History, vol. xix.; K. Lamprecht, Frankish Migrations and Settlements (Aix-la-Chapelle, 1882); W. Schultz, German History from Prehistory to the Carolingians, vol. ii. (Stuttgart, 1896); Fustel de Coulanges, History of the Political Institutions of Ancient France—The German Invasion (Paris, 1891). Also the articles Salic Law and Germanic Laws, Early.

(C. Pf.)

1 Their legends are connected with the sea, the name Meroveus signifying “sea-born.”

1 Their stories are linked to the ocean, with the name Meroveus meaning “born of the sea.”

2 The chronicler Fredegarius and the author of the Liber historiae Francorum make Sunno and Marcomeres his predecessors, but in reality they were chiefs of other Frankish tribes. The author of the Liber also claims that Chlodio was the son of Pharamund, but this personage is quite legendary. In the Chronicon of Fredegarius it is already affirmed that the Franks are descended from the Trojans.

2 The chronicler Fredegarius and the author of the Liber historiae Francorum mention Sunno and Marcomeres as his predecessors, but in reality, they were leaders of different Frankish tribes. The author of the Liber also states that Chlodio was the son of Pharamund, but that figure is largely legendary. In Fredegarius's Chronicon, it’s already claimed that the Franks are descended from the Trojans.

FRANZ, ROBERT (1815-1892), German composer, was born at Halle on the 28th of June 1815. One of the most gifted of German song writers, he suffered in early life, as many musicians have suffered, from the hostility of his parents to a musical career. He was twenty years old when, his father’s animosity conquered, he was allowed to live in Dessau to study organ-playing under Schneider. The two years of dry study under that famous teacher were advantageous chiefly in making him uncommonly intimate with the works of Bach and Handel, his knowledge of which he showed in his editions of the Matthäus Passion, Magnificat, ten cantatas, and of the Messiah and L’Allegro, though some of these editions have long been a subject of controversy among musicians. In 1843 he published his first book of songs, which ultimately was followed by some fifty more books, containing in all about 250 songs. At Halle, Franz filled various public offices, including those of organist to the city, conductor of the Sing-akademie and of the Symphony concerts, and he was also a royal music-director and master of the music at the university. The first book of songs was warmly praised by Schumann and Liszt, the latter of whom wrote a lengthy review of it in Schumann’s paper, Die neue Zeitschrift, which later was published separately. Deafness had begun to make itself apparent as early as 1841, and Franz suffered also from a nervous disorder, which in 1868 compelled him to resign his 37 offices. His future was then provided for by Liszt, Dr Joachim, Frau Magnus and others, who gave him the receipts of a concert tour, amounting to some 100,000 marks. Franz died on the 24th of October 1892. On his seventieth birthday he published his first and only pianoforte piece. It is easy to find here and there among his songs gems that are hardly less brilliant than the best of Schumann’s. Certainly no musician was ever more thoughtful and more painstaking. In addition to songs he wrote a setting for double choir of the 117th Psalm, and a four-part Kyrie; he also edited Astorga’s Stabat Mater and Durante’s Magnificat.

FRANZ, ROBERT (1815-1892), a German composer, was born in Halle on June 28, 1815. He was one of the most talented songwriters in Germany, but like many musicians, he faced resistance from his parents regarding his desire for a musical career. At twenty years old, after his father's objections were overcome, he moved to Dessau to study organ playing under Schneider. The two years of intense study with that renowned teacher mainly helped him become deeply familiar with the works of Bach and Handel, insights he showcased in his editions of the Matthäus Passion, Magnificat, ten cantatas, as well as the Messiah and L’Allegro. However, some of these editions have sparked ongoing debates among musicians. In 1843, he released his first book of songs, which eventually led to about fifty more books, totaling around 250 songs. While in Halle, Franz held several public positions, including organist for the city, conductor of the Sing-akademie and the Symphony concerts, in addition to being a royal music director and music master at the university. His first songbook received high praise from Schumann and Liszt, with Liszt writing an extensive review in Schumann's publication, Die neue Zeitschrift, which was later published on its own. By 1841, he began to lose his hearing, and he also dealt with a nervous disorder that forced him to resign from his posts in 1868. His future was secured by Liszt, Dr. Joachim, Frau Magnus, and others, who provided him with funds from a concert tour totaling around 100,000 marks. Franz passed away on October 24, 1892. On his seventieth birthday, he published his first and only piano piece. Throughout his songs, one can find gems that rival the finest works of Schumann. No musician was ever more dedicated and meticulous. Besides songs, he composed a double choir setting of the 117th Psalm and a four-part Kyrie; he also edited Astorga's Stabat Mater and Durante’s Magnificat.

FRANZÉN, FRANS MIKAEL (1772-1847), Swedish poet, was born at Uleåborg in Finland on the 9th of February 1772. At thirteen he entered the university of Åbo, where he attended the lectures of H. G. Porthan (1739-1804), a pioneer in the study of Finnish history and legend. He graduated in 1789, and became “eloquentiae docens” in 1792. Three years later he started on a tour through Denmark, Germany, France and England, returning in 1796 to accept the office of university librarian at Åbo. In 1801 he became professor of history and ethics, and in 1808 was elected a member of the Swedish Academy. On the cession of Finland to Russia, Franzén removed to Sweden, where he was successively appointed parish priest of Kumla in the diocese of Strengnäs (1810), minister of the Clara Church in Stockholm (1824) and bishop of Hernösand (1831). He died at Säbrå parsonage on the 14th of August 1847. From the autumn of 1793, when his Till en ung Flicka and Menniskans anlete were inserted by Kellgren in the Stockholmspost, Franzén grew in popular favour by means of many minor poems of singular simplicity and truth, as Till Selma, Den gamle knekten, Riddar St Göran, De Små blommorna, Modren vid vaggan, Nyårsmorgonen and Stjernhimmelen. His songs Goda gosse glaset töm, Sörj ej den gryende dagen förut, Champagnevinet and Beväringssång were widely sung, and in 1797 he won the prize of the Swedish Academy by his Sång öfver grefve Filip Creutz. Henceforth his muse, touched with the academic spirit, grew more reflective and didactic. His longer works, as Emili eller en afton i Lappland, and the epics Svante Sture eller mötet vid Alvastra, Kolumbus eller Amerikas upptäckt and Gustaf Adolf i Tyskland (the last two incomplete), though rich in beauties of detail, are far inferior to his shorter pieces.

FRANZÉN, FRANS MIKAEL (1772-1847), Swedish poet, was born in Uleåborg, Finland, on February 9, 1772. At thirteen, he entered the University of Åbo, where he attended lectures by H. G. Porthan (1739-1804), a pioneer in studying Finnish history and legend. He graduated in 1789 and became “eloquentiae docens” in 1792. Three years later, he began a tour through Denmark, Germany, France, and England, returning in 1796 to take on the role of university librarian at Åbo. In 1801, he became a professor of history and ethics, and in 1808 he was elected a member of the Swedish Academy. After Finland was ceded to Russia, Franzén moved to Sweden, where he was successively appointed parish priest of Kumla in the diocese of Strengnäs (1810), minister of the Clara Church in Stockholm (1824), and bishop of Hernösand (1831). He died at Säbrå parsonage on August 14, 1847. From the autumn of 1793, when Kellgren included his Till en ung Flicka and Menniskans anlete in the Stockholmspost, Franzén gained popularity through many minor poems of unique simplicity and truth, such as Till Selma, Den gamle knekten, Riddar St Göran, De Små blommorna, Modren vid vaggan, Nyårsmorgonen, and Stjernhimmelen. His songs Goda gosse glaset töm, Sörj ej den gryende dagen förut, Champagnevinet, and Beväringssång were widely sung, and in 1797 he won the Swedish Academy's prize for his Sång öfver grefve Filip Creutz. From then on, his muse, influenced by the academic spirit, became more reflective and didactic. His longer works, like Emili eller en afton i Lappland and the epics Svante Sture eller mötet vid Alvastra, Kolumbus eller Amerikas upptäck, and Gustaf Adolf i Tyskland (the last two incomplete), while rich in detail, are significantly inferior to his shorter pieces.

The poetical works of Franzén are collected under the title Skaldestycken (7 vols., 1824-1861); new ed., Samlade dikter, with a biography by A. A. Grafström (1867-1869); also a selection (Valda dikter) in 2 vols. (1871). His prose writings, Om svenska drottningar (Åbo, 1798; Örebro, 1823), Skrifter i obunden stil, vol. i. (1835), Predikningar (5 vols., 1841-1845) and Minnesteckningar, prepared for the Academy (3 vols., 1848-1860), are marked by faithful portraiture and purity of style. See B. E. Malmström, in the Handlingar of the Swedish Academy (1852, new series 1887), vol. ii.; S. A. Hollander, Minne af F. M. Franzén (Örebro, 1868); F. Cygnaeus, Teckningar ur F. M. Franzéns lefnad (Helsingfors, 1872); and Gustaf Ljunggren, Svenska vitterhetens häfder efter Gustaf III.’s död, vol. ii. (1876).

The collected works of Franzén are published under the title Skaldestycken (7 volumes, 1824-1861); a new edition, Samlade dikter, featuring a biography by A. A. Grafström (1867-1869); and a selection (Valda dikter) in 2 volumes (1871). His prose works include Om svenska drottningar (Åbo, 1798; Örebro, 1823), Skrifter i obunden stil, vol. i. (1835), Predikningar (5 volumes, 1841-1845), and Minnesteckningar, prepared for the Academy (3 volumes, 1848-1860), which are known for their accurate portrayal and clean style. See B. E. Malmström in the Handlingar of the Swedish Academy (1852, new series 1887), vol. ii.; S. A. Hollander, Minne af F. M. Franzén (Örebro, 1868); F. Cygnaeus, Teckningar ur F. M. Franzéns lefnad (Helsingfors, 1872); and Gustaf Ljunggren, Svenska vitterhetens häfder efter Gustaf III.’s död, vol. ii. (1876).

FRANZENSBAD, or Kaiser-Franzensbad, a town and watering-place of Bohemia, Austria, 152 m. W.N.W. of Prague by rail. Pop. (1900) 2330. It is situated at an altitude of about 1500 ft. between the spurs of the Fichtelgebirge, the Böhmerwald and the Erzgebirge, and lies 4 m. N.W. of Eger. It possesses a large kursaal, several bathing establishments, a hospital for poor patients and several parks. There are altogether 12 mineral springs with saline, alkaline and ferruginous waters, of which the oldest and most important is the Franzensquelle. One of the springs gives off carbonic acid gas and another contains a considerable proportion of lithia salts. The waters, which have an average temperature between 50.2° F. and 54.5° F., are used both internally and externally, and are efficacious in cases of anaemia, nervous disorders, sexual diseases, specially for women, and heart diseases. Franzensbad is frequently resorted to as an after-cure by patients from Carlsbad and Marienbad. Another important part of the cure is the so-called moor or mud-baths, prepared from the peat of the Franzensbad marsh, which is very rich in mineral substances, like sulphates of iron, of soda and of potash, organic acids, salt, &c.

FRANZENSBAD, or Kaiser Franzensbad, is a town and spa in Bohemia, Austria, located 152 miles W.N.W. of Prague by train. Population (1900) was 2330. It sits at an elevation of about 1500 feet, nestled between the foothills of the Fichtelgebirge, the Böhmerwald, and the Erzgebirge, and is 4 miles N.W. of Eger. The town features a large spa building, multiple bathing facilities, a hospital for low-income patients, and several parks. There are a total of 12 mineral springs with saline, alkaline, and iron-rich waters, the oldest and most significant being the Franzensquelle. One spring releases carbonic acid gas, and another has a high concentration of lithium salts. The waters, which range in temperature from 50.2° F. to 54.5° F., are used both internally and externally, proving effective in treating anemia, nervous disorders, sexual health issues—especially in women—and heart diseases. Franzensbad is often visited by patients seeking aftercare following treatment in Carlsbad and Marienbad. An essential part of the treatment involves the so-called moor or mud baths, made from peat sourced from the Franzensbad marsh, which is rich in minerals like iron, soda, potash, organic acids, and salt.

The first information about the springs dates from the 16th century, and an analysis of the waters was made in 1565. They were first used for bathing purposes in 1707. But the foundation of Franzensbad as a watering-place really dates from 1793, when Dr Adler built here the first Kurhaus, and the place received its name after the emperor Francis I.

The first information about the springs goes back to the 16th century, and an analysis of the waters was done in 1565. They were first used for bathing in 1707. However, the establishment of Franzensbad as a spa truly began in 1793, when Dr. Adler built the first Kurhaus here, and the place was named after Emperor Francis I.

See Dr Loimann, Franzensbad (3rd ed., Vienna, 1900).

See Dr. Loimann, Franzensbad (3rd ed., Vienna, 1900).

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, an arctic archipelago lying E. of Spitsbergen and N. of Novaya Zemlya, extending northward from about 80° to 82° N., and between 42° and 64° E. It is described as a lofty glacier-covered land, reaching an extreme elevation of about 2400 ft. The glaciers front, with a perpendicular ice-wall, a shore of debris on which a few low plants are found to grow—poppies, mosses and the like. The islands are volcanic, the main geological formation being Tertiary or Jurassic basalt, which occasionally protrudes through the ice-cap in high isolated blocks near the shore. A connecting island-chain between Franz Josef Land and Spitzbergen is probable. The bear and fox are the only land mammals; insects are rare; but the avifauna is of interest, and the Jackson expedition distinguished several new species.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND is an Arctic archipelago located east of Spitsbergen and north of Novaya Zemlya, stretching from about 80° to 82° N. and between 42° and 64° E. It's known for its high glacier-covered terrain, reaching an elevation of around 2400 ft. The glaciers end in a steep ice wall, facing a shore made of debris where a few low plants can grow—like poppies and mosses. The islands are volcanic, primarily made of Tertiary or Jurassic basalt, which sometimes breaks through the ice cap in high, isolated blocks near the coast. It's likely that there’s a chain of islands connecting Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen. The only land mammals are bears and foxes; insects are scarce, but the birdlife is interesting, with the Jackson expedition identifying several new species.

August Petermann expressed the opinion that Baffin may have sighted the west of Franz Josef Land in 1614, but the first actual discovery is due to Julius Payer, a lieutenant in the Austrian army, who was associated with Weyprecht in the second polar expedition fitted out by Count Wilczek on the ship “Tegetthof” in 1872. On the 13th of August 1873, the “Tegetthof” being then beset, high land was seen to the north-west. Later in the season Payer led expeditions to Hochstetter and Wilczek islands, and after a second winter in the ice-bound ship, a difficult journey was made northward through Austria Sound, which was reported to separate two large masses of land, Wilczek Land on the east from Zichy Land on the west, to Cape Fligely, in 82° 5′ N., where Rawlinson Sound branched away to the north-east. Cape Fligely was the highest latitude attained by Payer, and remained the highest attained in the Old World till 1895. Payer reported that from Cape Fligely land (Rudolf Land) stretched north-east to a cape (Cape Sherard Osborn), and mountain ranges were visible to the north, indicating lands beyond the 83rd parallel, to which the names King Oscar Land and Petermann Land were given. In 1879 De Bruyne sighted high land in the Franz Josef Land region, but otherwise it remained untouched until Leigh Smith, in the yacht “Eira,” explored the whole southern coast from 42° to 54° E. in 1881 and 1882, discovering many islands and sounds, and ascertaining that the coast of Alexandra Land, in the extreme west, trended to north-west and north.

August Petermann suggested that Baffin might have seen the west of Franz Josef Land in 1614, but the first real discovery is credited to Julius Payer, a lieutenant in the Austrian army, who worked with Weyprecht on the second polar expedition organized by Count Wilczek aboard the ship “Tegetthof” in 1872. On August 13, 1873, while the “Tegetthof” was stuck in ice, they spotted high land to the northwest. Later in the season, Payer led expeditions to Hochstetter and Wilczek islands, and after spending a second winter trapped in the ice, they made a challenging journey northward through Austria Sound, which was reported to divide two large land masses: Wilczek Land to the east and Zichy Land to the west, leading to Cape Fligely at 82° 5′ N., where Rawlinson Sound diverged to the northeast. Cape Fligely was the furthest north Payer reached and remained the highest latitude achieved in the Old World until 1895. Payer noted that from Cape Fligely, land (Rudolf Land) extended northeast to a cape (Cape Sherard Osborn), with mountain ranges visible to the north, suggesting lands beyond the 83rd parallel, which were named King Oscar Land and Petermann Land. In 1879, De Bruyne spotted high land in the Franz Josef Land area, but it remained largely unexplored until Leigh Smith, sailing on the yacht “Eira,” mapped the entire southern coast from 42° to 54° E. in 1881 and 1882, discovering many islands and sounds, and confirming that the coast of Alexandra Land, in the far west, trended northwest and north.

After Leigh Smith came another pause, and no further mention is made of Franz Josef Land till 1894. In that year Mr Alfred Harmsworth (afterwards Lord Northcliffe) fitted out an expedition in the ship “Windward” under the leadership of Mr F. G. Jackson, with the object of establishing a permanent base from which systematic exploration should be carried on for successive years and, if practicable, a journey should be made to the Pole. Mr Jackson and his party landed at “Elmwood” (which was named from Lord Northcliffe’s seat in the Isle of Thanet), near Cape Flora, at the western extremity of Northbrook Island, on the 7th of September. After a preliminary reconnaissance to the north, which afterwards turned out to be vitally important, the summer of 1895 was spent in exploring the coast to the north-west by a boating expedition. This expedition visited many of the points seen by Leigh Smith, and discovered land, which it has been suggested may be the Gillies Land reported by the Dutch captain Gillies in 1707. In 1896 the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition worked northwards through an archipelago for about 70 m. and reached Cape Richthofen, a promontory 700 ft. high, whence an expanse of open water was seen to the northward, which received the name of Queen Victoria Sea. To the west, on the opposite side of a wide opening which was called the British Channel, appeared glacier-covered land, and an island lay to the northward. The island was probably the King Oscar Land of Payer. To north and north-east was the land which had been visited in the reconnaissance of the previous year, but beyond it a water-sky appeared in the 38 supposed position of Petermann Land. Thus Zichy Land itself was resolved into a group of islands, and the outlying land sighted by Payer was found to be islands also. Meanwhile Nansen, on his southward journey, had approached Franz Josef Land from the north-east, finding only sea at the north end of Wilczek Land, and seeing nothing of Payer’s Rawlinson Sound, or of the north end of Austria Sound. Nansen wintered near Cape Norway, only a few miles from the spot reached by Jackson in 1895. He had finally proved that a deep oceanic basin lies to the north. On the 17th of June 1896 the dramatic meeting of Jackson and Nansen took place, and in the same year the “Windward” revisited “Elmwood” and brought Nansen home, the work of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition being continued for another year. As the non-existence of land to the north had been proved, the attempt to penetrate northwards was abandoned, and the last season was devoted to a survey and scientific examination of the archipelago, especially to the west; this was carried out by Messrs Jackson, Armitage, R. Koettlitz, H. Fisher and W. S. Bruce.

After Leigh Smith, there was another break, and Franz Josef Land wasn't mentioned again until 1894. That year, Mr. Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe) organized an expedition on the ship “Windward,” led by Mr. F. G. Jackson. The goal was to set up a permanent base for ongoing systematic exploration and, if possible, to make a journey to the Pole. Mr. Jackson and his team landed at “Elmwood” (named after Lord Northcliffe’s estate in the Isle of Thanet), near Cape Flora, at the far west of Northbrook Island, on September 7th. After a preliminary reconnaissance to the north, which later proved to be crucial, the summer of 1895 was spent exploring the coast to the northwest by boat. This expedition visited many of the locations noted by Leigh Smith and discovered land that might be the Gillies Land reported by the Dutch captain Gillies in 1707. In 1896, the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition traveled north through an archipelago for about 70 miles and reached Cape Richthofen, a 700 ft. high promontory, where they saw an expanse of open water to the north, which was named Queen Victoria Sea. To the west, across a wide opening called the British Channel, there appeared glacier-covered land, and an island was sighted to the north. This island was likely the King Oscar Land of Payer. North and northeast lay the land explored during the previous year's reconnaissance, but beyond it, a water-sky appeared in the supposed location of Petermann Land. Thus, Zichy Land turned out to be a group of islands, and the land spotted by Payer was also found to be islands. Meanwhile, Nansen, while traveling south, approached Franz Josef Land from the northeast, only finding sea at the north end of Wilczek Land and seeing nothing of Payer’s Rawlinson Sound or the northern tip of Austria Sound. Nansen wintered near Cape Norway, just a few miles from where Jackson reached in 1895, and he confirmed that a deep oceanic basin lies to the north. On June 17, 1896, the dramatic meeting between Jackson and Nansen occurred, and in the same year, the “Windward” returned to “Elmwood” and brought Nansen home, while the work of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition continued for another year. Since it had been established that there was no land to the north, the plan to explore further north was abandoned, and the final season focused on surveying and scientifically examining the archipelago, especially to the west, carried out by Messrs. Jackson, Armitage, R. Koettlitz, H. Fisher, and W. S. Bruce.

Further light was thrown on the relations of Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen during 1897 by the discoveries of Captain Robertson of Dundee, and Wyche’s Land was circumnavigated by Mr Arnold Pike and Sir Savile Crossley. The latter voyage was repeated in the following year by a German expedition under Dr Th. Lerner and Captain Rüdiger. In August 1898 an expedition under Mr Walter Wellman, an American, landed at Cape Tegetthof. Beginning a northward journey with sledges at the end of the winter, Wellman met with an accident which compelled him to return, but not before some exploration had been accomplished, and the eastern extension of the archipelago fairly well defined. In June 1899 H.R.H. the duke of Abruzzi started from Christiania in his yacht, the “Stella Polare,” to make the first attempt to force a ship into the newly discovered ocean north of Franz Josef Land. The “Stella Polare” succeeded in making her way through the British Channel to Crown Prince Rudolf Land, and wintered in Teplitz Bay, in 81° 33′ N. lat. The ship was nearly wrecked in the autumn, and the party had to spend most of the winter on shore, the duke of Abruzzi suffering severely from frost-bite. In March 1900 a sledge party of thirteen, under Captain Cagni, started northwards. They found no trace of Petermann Land, but with great difficulty crossed the ice to 86° 33′ N. lat., 20 m. beyond Nansen’s farthest, and 240 m. from the Pole. The party, with the exception of three, returned to the ship after an absence of 104 days, and the “Stella Polare” returned to Tromsö in September 1900. In 1901-1902 the Baldwin-Ziegler expedition also attempted a northward journey from Franz Josef Land.

Further insight was gained into the relationship between Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen in 1897 through the discoveries made by Captain Robertson from Dundee. Mr. Arnold Pike and Sir Savile Crossley circumnavigated Wyche’s Land. This journey was repeated the following year by a German expedition led by Dr. Th. Lerner and Captain Rüdiger. In August 1898, an American expedition under Mr. Walter Wellman landed at Cape Tegetthof. They began a northward trek with sledges at the end of winter, but Wellman suffered an accident that forced him to turn back, although not before completing some exploration and mapping out the eastern extension of the archipelago. In June 1899, H.R.H. the Duke of Abruzzi set off from Christiania on his yacht, the “Stella Polare,” to attempt the first voyage through the newly discovered ocean north of Franz Josef Land. The “Stella Polare” successfully navigated through the British Channel to Crown Prince Rudolf Land and spent the winter in Teplitz Bay at 81° 33′ N. latitude. The ship nearly capsized in the fall, and the crew had to spend most of the winter on land, with the Duke of Abruzzi suffering severely from frostbite. In March 1900, a sledging party of thirteen led by Captain Cagni headed north. They found no sign of Petermann Land but managed to cross the ice with great difficulty to reach 86° 33′ N. latitude, which was 20 miles beyond Nansen’s farthest point and 240 miles from the Pole. The party returned to the ship after being away for 104 days, while the “Stella Polare” made its way back to Tromsö in September 1900. During 1901-1902, the Baldwin-Ziegler expedition also attempted a northward journey from Franz Josef Land.

See Geographical Journal, vol. xi., February 1898; F. G. Jackson, A Thousand Days in the Arctic (1899).

See Geographical Journal, vol. 11, February 1898; F. G. Jackson, A Thousand Days in the Arctic (1899).

FRANZOS, KARL EMIL (1848-1904), German novelist, was born of Jewish parentage on the 25th of October 1848 in Russian Podolia, and spent his early years at Czortków in Galicia. His father, a district physician, died early, and the boy, after attending the gymnasium of Czernowitz, was obliged to teach in order to support himself and prepare for academic study. He studied law at the universities of Vienna and Graz, but after passing the examination for employment in the state judicial service abandoned this career and, becoming a journalist, travelled extensively in south-east Europe, and visited Asia Minor and Egypt. In 1877 he returned to Vienna, where from 1884 to 1886 he edited the Neue illustrierte Zeitung. In 1887 he removed to Berlin and founded the fortnightly review Deutsche Dichtung. Franzos died on the 28th of January 1904. His earliest collections of stories and sketches, Aus Halb-Asien, Land und Leute des östlichen Europas (1876) and Die Juden von Barnow (1877) depict graphically the life and manners of the races of south-eastern Europe. Among other of his works may be mentioned the short stories, Junge Liebe (1878), Stille Geschichten (1880), and the novels Moschko von Parma (1880), Ein Kampf ums Recht (1882), Der Präsident (1884), Judith Trachtenberg (1890), Der Wahrheitsucher (1894).

FRANZOS, KARL EMIL (1848-1904), a German novelist, was born to Jewish parents on October 25, 1848, in Russian Podolia and spent his early years in Czortków, Galicia. His father, a district doctor, passed away when he was young, and the boy had to teach to support himself while preparing for higher education. He studied law at the universities of Vienna and Graz, but after passing the exam for a position in the state judicial system, he chose to leave that path and became a journalist. He traveled extensively in southeastern Europe and visited Asia Minor and Egypt. In 1877, he returned to Vienna, where he edited the Neue illustrierte Zeitung from 1884 to 1886. In 1887, he moved to Berlin and started the biweekly review Deutsche Dichtung. Franzos passed away on January 28, 1904. His earliest collections of stories and sketches, Aus Halb-Asien, Land und Leute des östlichen Europas (1876), and Die Juden von Barnow (1877), vividly portray the life and customs of the people in southeastern Europe. Other notable works include the short stories Junge Liebe (1878), Stille Geschichten (1880), and the novels Moschko von Parma (1880), Ein Kampf ums Recht (1882), Der Präsident (1884), Judith Trachtenberg (1890), and Der Wahrheitsucher (1894).

FRASCATI, a town and episcopal see of Italy, in the province of Rome, 15 m. S.E. of Rome by rail, and also reached by electric tramway via Grottaferrata. Pop. (1901) 8453. The town is situated 1056 ft. above the sea-level, on the N. slopes of the outer crater ring of the Alban Hills, and commands a very fine view of the Campagna of Rome. The cathedral contains a memorial tablet to Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, whose body for some while rested here; his brother, Henry, Cardinal York, owned a villa at Frascati. The villas of the Roman nobility, with their beautiful gardens and fountains, are the chief attraction of Frascati. The earliest in date is the Villa Falconieri, planned by Cardinal Ruffini before 1550; the most important of the rest are the Villa Torlonia (formerly Conti), Lancelotti (formerly Piccolomini), Ruffinella (now belonging to Prince Lancellotti), Aldobrandini, Borghese and Mondragone (now a Jesuit school). The surrounding country, covered with remains of ancient villas, is fertile and noted for its wine. Frascati seems to have arisen on the site of a very large ancient villa, which, under Domitian at any rate, belonged to the imperial house about the 9th century in which period we find in the Liber Pontificalis the names of four churches in Frascata. The medieval stronghold of the counts of Tusculum (q.v.), which occupied the site of the ancient city, was dismantled by the Romans in 1191, and the inhabitants put to the sword or mutilated. Many of the fugitives naturally took refuge in Frascati. The see of Tusculum had, however, always had its cathedral church in Frascati. For the greater part of the middle ages Frascati belonged to the papacy.

FRASCATI is a town and bishopric in Italy, located in the province of Rome, 15 miles southeast of Rome by train, and also accessible by electric tram through Grottaferrata. The population was 8,453 in 1901. This town sits at an elevation of 1,056 feet above sea level on the northern slopes of the outer crater ring of the Alban Hills, offering a stunning view of the Roman Campagna. The cathedral has a memorial plaque for Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, whose remains were here for a time; his brother, Henry, Cardinal York, owned a villa in Frascati. The villas of the Roman nobility, with their beautiful gardens and fountains, are the main attractions in Frascati. The earliest villa is the Villa Falconieri, designed by Cardinal Ruffini before 1550; noteworthy others include Villa Torlonia (formerly Conti), Lancelotti (formerly Piccolomini), Ruffinella (now belonging to Prince Lancellotti), Aldobrandini, Borghese, and Mondragone (now a Jesuit school). The surrounding area, rich with the ruins of ancient villas, is fertile and known for its wine. Frascati seems to have developed on the site of a large ancient villa that, at least during Domitian's reign, was part of the imperial estate around the 9th century, during which the Liber Pontificalis mentions four churches in Frascata. The medieval stronghold of the counts of Tusculum (q.v.), which was on the site of the ancient city, was destroyed by the Romans in 1191, and the residents were either killed or mutilated. Many of the survivors sought refuge in Frascati. Nevertheless, the bishopric of Tusculum has always had its cathedral in Frascati. For most of the Middle Ages, Frascati was under papal control.

See G. Tomassetti, La Via Latina nel medio evo (Rome, 1886), 170 seq.; T. Ashby in Papers of the British School at Rome, iv. (London, 1907).

See G. Tomassetti, La Via Latina nel medio evo (Rome, 1886), 170 seq.; T. Ashby in Papers of the British School at Rome, iv. (London, 1907).

(T. As.)

FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL (1819-  ), Scottish philosopher, was born at Ardchattan, Argyllshire, on the 3rd of September 1819. He was educated at Glasgow and Edinburgh, where, from 1846 to 1856, he was professor of Logic at New College. He edited the North British Review from 1850 to 1857, and in 1856, having previously been a Free Church minister, he succeeded Sir William Hamilton as professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Edinburgh University. In 1859 he became dean of the faculty of arts. He devoted himself to the study of English philosophers, especially Berkeley, and published a Collected Edition of the Works of Bishop Berkeley with Annotations, &c. (1871; enlarged 1901), a Biography of Berkeley (1881), an Annotated Edition of Locke’s Essay (1894), the Philosophy of Theism (1896) and the Biography of Thomas Reid (1898). He contributed the article on John Locke to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In 1904 he published an autobiography entitled Biographia philosophica, in which he sketched the progress of his intellectual development. From this work and from his Gifford lectures we learn objectively what had previously been inferred from his critical works. After a childhood spent in an austerity which stigmatized as unholy even the novels of Sir Walter Scott, he began his college career at the age of fourteen at a time when Christopher North and Dr Ritchie were lecturing on Moral Philosophy and Logic. His first philosophical advance was stimulated by Thomas Brown’s Cause and Effect, which introduced him to the problems which were to occupy his thought. From this point he fell into the scepticism of Hume. In 1836 Sir William Hamilton was appointed to the chair of Logic and Metaphysics, and Fraser became his pupil. He himself says, “I owe more to Hamilton than to any other influence.” It was about this time also that he began his study of Berkeley and Coleridge, and deserted his early phenomenalism for the conception of a spiritual will as the universal cause. In the Biographia this “Theistic faith” appears in its full development (see the concluding chapter), and is especially important as perhaps the nearest approach to Kantian ethics made by original English philosophy. Apart from the philosophical interest of the Biographia, the work contains valuable pictures of the Land of Lorne and Argyllshire society in the early 19th century, of university life in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and a history of the North British Review.

FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL (1819-  ), Scottish philosopher, was born in Ardchattan, Argyllshire, on September 3, 1819. He studied at Glasgow and Edinburgh, where, from 1846 to 1856, he was a professor of Logic at New College. He edited the North British Review from 1850 to 1857, and in 1856, having previously been a Free Church minister, he took over from Sir William Hamilton as professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Edinburgh University. In 1859, he became dean of the faculty of arts. He dedicated himself to studying English philosophers, especially Berkeley, and published a Collected Edition of the Works of Bishop Berkeley with Annotations, &c. (1871; enlarged 1901), a Biography of Berkeley (1881), an Annotated Edition of Locke’s Essay (1894), the Philosophy of Theism (1896), and the Biography of Thomas Reid (1898). He contributed an article on John Locke to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In 1904, he published an autobiography titled Biographia philosophica, which outlined the progress of his intellectual development. From this work and his Gifford lectures, we learn objective details about things that had been inferred from his critical works before. After a childhood spent in an environment that deemed even the novels of Sir Walter Scott as sinful, he began his college career at age fourteen while Christopher North and Dr. Ritchie were lecturing on Moral Philosophy and Logic. His first philosophical breakthrough was inspired by Thomas Brown’s Cause and Effect, which introduced him to the problems that would occupy his thoughts. From that point, he fell into the skepticism of Hume. In 1836, Sir William Hamilton was appointed to the chair of Logic and Metaphysics, and Fraser became his student. He stated, “I owe more to Hamilton than to any other influence.” Around this time, he also began studying Berkeley and Coleridge, moving away from his early phenomenalism to the idea of a spiritual will as the universal cause. In the Biographia, this “Theistic faith” appears fully developed (see the concluding chapter) and is particularly significant as possibly the closest attempt at Kantian ethics made by original English philosophy. Aside from its philosophical insights, the Biographia contains valuable depictions of life in the Land of Lorne and Argyllshire in the early 19th century, as well as university life in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and a history of the North British Review.



FRASER, JAMES (1818-1885), English bishop, was born at Prestbury, in Gloucestershire, on the 18th of August 1818, and was educated at Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, and Lincoln College, Oxford. In 1839 he was Ireland scholar, and took a first class. In 1840 he gained an Oriel fellowship, and was for some time tutor of the college, but did not take orders until 1846. He was successively vicar of Cholderton, in Wiltshire, and rector of Ufton Nervet, in Berkshire; but his subsequent importance was largely due to W. K. Hamilton, bishop of Salisbury, who recommended him as an assistant commissioner of education. His report on the educational condition of thirteen poor-law unions, made in May 1859, was described by Thomas Hughes as “a superb, almost a unique piece of work.” In 1865 he was commissioned to report on the state of education in the United States and Canada, and his able performance of this task brought him an offer of the bishopric of Calcutta, which he declined, but in January 1870 he accepted the see of Manchester. The task before him was an arduous one, for although his predecessor, James Prince Lee, had consecrated no fewer than 130 churches, the enormous population was still greatly in advance of the ecclesiastical machinery. Fraser worked with the utmost energy, and did even more for the church by the liberality and geniality which earned him the title of “the bishop of all denominations.” He was prominent in secular as well as religious works, interesting himself in every movement that promoted health, morality, or education; and especially serviceable as the friendly, unofficious counsellor of all classes. His theology was that of a liberal high-churchman, and his sympathies were broad. In convocation he seconded a motion for the disuse of the Athanasian Creed, and in the House of Lords he voted for the abolition of university tests. He died suddenly on the 22nd of October 1885.

FRASER, JAMES (1818-1885), an English bishop, was born in Prestbury, Gloucestershire, on August 18, 1818, and was educated at Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, and Lincoln College, Oxford. In 1839, he became the Ireland scholar and graduated with First Class honors. In 1840, he earned an Oriel fellowship and worked as a tutor at the college for a while but didn't get ordained until 1846. He was vicar of Cholderton in Wiltshire and rector of Ufton Nervet in Berkshire; however, his later prominence was largely thanks to W. K. Hamilton, bishop of Salisbury, who appointed him as an assistant commissioner of education. His report on the educational conditions of thirteen poor-law unions, completed in May 1859, was praised by Thomas Hughes as “a superb, almost unique piece of work.” In 1865, he was tasked with reporting on the state of education in the United States and Canada, and his proficient handling of this assignment led to an offer for the bishopric of Calcutta, which he turned down, but in January 1870, he accepted the see of Manchester. The challenge ahead was significant, as his predecessor, James Prince Lee, had consecrated over 130 churches, yet the massive population still far exceeded the church's capacity to serve. Fraser worked tirelessly and contributed even more to the church through his generosity and warmth, earning him the nickname “the bishop of all denominations.” He was active in both secular and religious initiatives, involving himself in every cause that promoted health, morality, or education, and was especially helpful as a friendly, informal adviser to people from all walks of life. His theology aligned with that of a liberal high-churchman, and he had wide-ranging sympathies. In convocation, he supported a motion to stop using the Athanasian Creed, and in the House of Lords, he voted for the abolition of university tests. He passed away unexpectedly on October 22, 1885.

A biography by Thomas Hughes was published in 1887, and an account of his Lancashire life by J. W. Diggle (1889), who also edited 2 vols. of University and Parochial Sermons (1887).

A biography by Thomas Hughes was published in 1887, and a description of his life in Lancashire by J. W. Diggle (1889), who also edited 2 volumes of University and Parochial Sermons (1887).

FRASER, JAMES BAILLIE (1783-1856), Scottish traveller and author, was born at Reelick in the county of Inverness on the 11th of June 1783. He was the eldest of the four sons of Edward Satchell Fraser of Reelick, all of whom found their way to the East, and gave proof of their ability. In early life he went to the West Indies and thence to India. In 1815 he made a tour of exploration in the Himalayas, accompanied by his brother William (d. 1835). When Reza Kuli Mirza and Nejeff Kuli Mirza, the exiled Persian princes, visited England, he was appointed to look after them during their stay, and on their return he accompanied them as far as Constantinople. He was afterwards sent to Persia on a diplomatic mission by Lord Glenelg, and effected a most remarkable journey on horseback through Asia Minor to Teheran. His health, however, was impaired by the exposure. In 1823 he married a daughter of Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, a sister of the historian Patrick Fraser Tytler. He died at Reelick in January 1856. Fraser is said to have displayed great skill in water-colours, and several of his drawings have been engraved; and the astronomical observations which he took during some of his journeys did considerable service to the cartography of Asia. The works by which he attained his literary reputation were accounts of his travels and fictitious tales illustrative of Eastern life. In both he employed a vigorous and impassioned style, which was on the whole wonderfully effective in spite of minor faults in taste and flaws in structure.

FRASER, JAMES BAILLIE (1783-1856), Scottish traveler and author, was born in Reelick, Inverness on June 11, 1783. He was the oldest of four sons of Edward Satchell Fraser of Reelick, all of whom made their way to the East and proved their talent. Early in his life, he went to the West Indies and then to India. In 1815, he embarked on an exploration tour in the Himalayas, accompanied by his brother William (d. 1835). When Reza Kuli Mirza and Nejeff Kuli Mirza, the exiled Persian princes, visited England, he was appointed to take care of them during their stay, and upon their return, he traveled with them as far as Constantinople. He was later sent to Persia on a diplomatic mission by Lord Glenelg and undertook a remarkable journey on horseback through Asia Minor to Teheran. However, his health was affected by the exposure. In 1823, he married a daughter of Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, who was the sister of the historian Patrick Fraser Tytler. He died in Reelick in January 1856. Fraser was noted for his skill in watercolors, and several of his drawings have been engraved. The astronomical observations he made during his journeys significantly contributed to the cartography of Asia. The works that earned him his literary reputation were accounts of his travels and fictional stories that illustrated Eastern life. In both, he used a vigorous and passionate style, which was generally very effective despite some minor taste issues and structural flaws.

Fraser’s earliest writings are: Journal of a Tour through Part of the Himālā Mountains and to the Sources of the Jumna and the Ganges (1820); A Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan in the Years 1821 and 1822, including some Account of the Countries to the North-East of Persia (1825); and Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea (1826). His romances include The Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan (1828), and its sequel, The Persian Adventurer (1830); Allee Neemroo (1842); and The Dark Falcon (1844). He also wrote An Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia (1834); A Winter’s Journey (Tâtar) from Constantinople to Teheran (1838); Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &c. (1840); Mesopotamia and Assyria (1842); and Military Memoirs of Col. James Skinner (1851).

Fraser’s earliest writings are: Journal of a Tour through Part of the Himālā Mountains and to the Sources of the Jumna and the Ganges (1820); A Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan in the Years 1821 and 1822, including some Account of the Countries to the North-East of Persia (1825); and Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea (1826). His novels include The Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan (1828), and its sequel, The Persian Adventurer (1830); Allee Neemroo (1842); and The Dark Falcon (1844). He also wrote An Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia (1834); A Winter’s Journey (Tâtar) from Constantinople to Teheran (1838); Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &c. (1840); Mesopotamia and Assyria (1842); and Military Memoirs of Col. James Skinner (1851).

FRASER, SIR WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Bart. (1826-1898), English politician, author and collector, was born on the 10th of February 1826, the son of Sir James John Fraser, 3rd baronet, a colonel of the 7th Hussars, who had served on Wellington’s staff at Waterloo. He was educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford, entered the 1st Life Guards in 1847, but retired with a captain’s rank in 1852. He then set about entering parliament, and the ups and downs of his political career were rather remarkable. He was returned for Barnstaple in 1852, but the election was declared void on account of bribery, and the constituency was disfranchised for two years. At the election of 1857 Sir William, who had meantime been defeated at Harwich, was again returned at Barnstaple. He was, however, defeated in 1859, but was elected in 1863 at Ludlow. This seat he held for only two years, when he was again defeated and did not re-enter parliament until 1874, when be was returned for Kidderminster, a constituency he represented for six years, when he retired. He was a familiar figure at the Carlton Club, always ready with a copious collection of anecdotes of Wellington, Disraeli and Napoleon III. He died on the 17th of August 1898. He was an assiduous collector of relics; and his library was sold for some £20,000. His own books comprise Words on Wellington (1889), Disraeli and his Day (1891), Hic et Ubique (1893), Napoleon III. (1896) and the Waterloo Ball (1897).

FRASER, SIR WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Bart. (1826-1898), was an English politician, author, and collector, born on February 10, 1826. He was the son of Sir James John Fraser, 3rd baronet, a colonel in the 7th Hussars who served on Wellington’s staff at Waterloo. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and joined the 1st Life Guards in 1847, retiring with the rank of captain in 1852. He then pursued a career in parliament, experiencing many ups and downs. He was elected for Barnstaple in 1852, but the election was later annulled due to bribery, resulting in the constituency being disfranchised for two years. In the 1857 election, after being defeated at Harwich, Sir William was reelected in Barnstaple. However, he lost again in 1859 but won a seat in Ludlow in 1863. He only held that seat for two years before being defeated again and didn’t return to parliament until 1874, when he was elected for Kidderminster, a position he held for six years before retiring. He was a well-known figure at the Carlton Club, often sharing a wealth of anecdotes about Wellington, Disraeli, and Napoleon III. He passed away on August 17, 1898. He was a dedicated collector of relics, and his library was sold for around £20,000. His published works include Words on Wellington (1889), Disraeli and his Day (1891), Hic et Ubique (1893), Napoleon III. (1896), and The Waterloo Ball (1897).

FRASER, the chief river of British Columbia, Canada, rising in two branches among the Rocky Mountains near 52° 45′ N., 118° 30′ W. Length 740 m. It first flows N.W. for about 160 m., then rounds the head of the Cariboo Mountains, and flows directly S. for over 400 m. to Hope, where it again turns abruptly and flows W. for 80 m., falling into the Gulf of Georgia at New Westminster. After the junction of the two forks near its northern extremity, the first important tributary on its southern course is the Stuart, draining Lakes Stuart, Fraser and François. One hundred miles lower down the Quesnel, draining a large lake of the same name, flows in from the east at a town also so named. Farther on the Fraser receives from the west the Chilcotin, and at Lytton, about 180 m. from the sea, the Thompson, its largest tributary, flows in from the east, draining a series of mountain lakes, and receiving at Kamloops the North Thompson, which flows through deep and impassable canyons. Below Hope the Lillooet flows in from the north. The Fraser is a typical mountain stream, rapid and impetuous through all its length, and like most of its tributaries is in many parts not navigable even by canoes. On its southern course between Lytton and Yale, while bursting its way through the Coast Range, it flows through majestic canyons, which, like those of the Thompson, were the scene of many tragedies during the days of the gold-rush to the Cariboo district. At Yale, about 80 m. from its mouth, it becomes navigable, though its course is still very rapid. In the Cariboo district, comprised within the great bend of the river, near Tête Jaune Cache, are many valuable gold deposits. With its tributaries the Fraser drains the whole province from 54° to 49° N., except the extreme south-eastern corner, which is within the basin of the Columbia and its tributary the Kootenay.

FRASER, the main river of British Columbia, Canada, starts in two branches from the Rocky Mountains near 52° 45′ N., 118° 30′ W. It is 740 miles long. The river first flows northwest for about 160 miles, then curves around the Cariboo Mountains and heads directly south for over 400 miles to Hope, where it suddenly turns west for another 80 miles, emptying into the Gulf of Georgia at New Westminster. After the two forks join near its northern end, the first major tributary along its southern flow is the Stuart River, which drains Lakes Stuart, Fraser, and François. One hundred miles downstream, the Quesnel River, draining a large lake of the same name, joins from the east at a town by the same name. Further downstream, the Fraser collects the Chilcotin River from the west, and at Lytton, about 180 miles from the ocean, the Thompson River, its largest tributary, flows in from the east, draining a series of mountain lakes and receiving the North Thompson at Kamloops, which runs through deep, impassable canyons. Below Hope, the Lillooet River flows in from the north. The Fraser is a typical mountain river, fast and turbulent throughout its length, and like most of its tributaries, parts of it are not navigable even by canoes. Between Lytton and Yale, where it cuts through the Coast Range, the river flows through majestic canyons, which, similar to those of the Thompson, were the site of many tragedies during the gold rush to the Cariboo region. At Yale, around 80 miles from its mouth, the river becomes navigable, though it is still quite swift. In the Cariboo area, located within the large bend of the river near Tête Jaune Cache, there are many valuable gold deposits. Together with its tributaries, the Fraser drains the entire province from 54° to 49° N., except for the far southeastern corner, which falls within the Columbia basin and its tributary, the Kootenay.

FRASERBURGH, a police burgh and seaport, on the N. coast of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Pop. (1891), 7466; (1901), 9105. It is situated 47¼ m. by rail N. of Aberdeen, from which there is a branch line, of which it is the terminus, of the Great North of Scotland railway. It takes its name from Sir Alexander Fraser, the ancestor of Lord Saltoun, whose seat, Philorth House, lies 2 m. to the south. Sir Alexander obtained for it in 1613 a charter as a burgh of royalty, and also in 1592 a charter for the founding of a university. This latter project, however, was not carried out, and all that remains of the building intended for the college is a three-storeyed tower. The old castle of the Frasers on Kinnaird Head now contains a lighthouse, and close by is the Wine Tower, with a cave below. The town cross is a fine structure standing upon a huge hexagon, surmounted by a stone pillar 12 ft. high, ornamented by the royal and Fraser arms. The port is one of the leading stations of the herring fishery in the north of Scotland and the head 40 of a fishery district. During the herring season (June to September) the population is increased by upwards of 10,000 persons. The fleet numbers more than 700 boats, and the annual value of the catch exceeds £200,000. The harbour, originally constructed as a refuge for British ships of war, is one of the best on the east coast, and has been improved by the widening of the piers and the extension of the breakwaters. It has an area of upwards of eight acres, is easy of access, and affords anchorage for vessels of every size.

FRASERBURGH is a police burgh and seaport located on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Population: (1891) 7,466; (1901) 9,105. It is situated 47¼ miles by rail north of Aberdeen, which has a branch line that ends here, part of the Great North of Scotland railway. The town is named after Sir Alexander Fraser, the forefather of Lord Saltoun, whose residence, Philorth House, is 2 miles to the south. Sir Alexander received a charter in 1613 designating it as a burgh of royalty and also secured a charter in 1592 for establishing a university. However, this university was never built, and the only remnant of the intended college is a three-story tower. The old Fraser castle at Kinnaird Head now houses a lighthouse, and nearby is the Wine Tower, which has a cave below it. The town cross is a striking structure placed on a large hexagon and topped by a 12-foot tall stone pillar, decorated with the royal and Fraser coats of arms. The port is one of the main centers for the herring fishery in northern Scotland and serves as the head of a fishery district. During the herring season (June to September), the population swells by more than 10,000 people. The fleet comprises over 700 boats, with the annual catch valued at over £200,000. The harbor, originally built as a safe haven for British warships, is considered one of the best on the east coast and has been enhanced by widening the piers and extending the breakwaters. It covers an area of more than eight acres, is easily accessible, and provides anchorage for vessels of all sizes.

FRASERVILLE (formerly Rivière du Loup en Bas), a town and watering-place in Temiscouata county, Quebec, Canada, 107 m. (by water) north-east of Quebec, on the south shore of the St Lawrence river, and at the mouth of the Rivière du Loup, at the junction of the Intercolonial and Temiscouata railways. It contains a convent, boys’ college, hospital, several mills, and is a favourite summer resort on account of the angling and shooting, and the magnificent scenery. Pop. (1901) 4569.

FRASERVILLE (formerly Rivière du Loup en Bas) is a town and resort in Temiscouata county, Quebec, Canada, located 107 miles (by water) northeast of Quebec, on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, and at the mouth of the Rivière du Loup, where the Intercolonial and Temiscouata railways meet. It features a convent, a boys’ college, a hospital, several mills, and is a popular summer destination due to its fishing, hunting, and stunning scenery. Population (1901) 4,569.

FRATER, Frater House or Fratery, a term in architecture for the hall where the members of a monastery or friary met for meals or refreshment. The word is by origin the same as “refectory.” The older forms, such as freitur, fraytor and the like, show the word to be an adaptation of the O. Fr. fraitour, a shortened form of refraitour, from the Med. Lat. rejectorium. The word has been confused with frater, a brother or friar, and hence sometimes confined in meaning to the dining-hall of a friary, while “refectory” is used of a monastery.

FRAT, Frater House or Brotherhood, is an architectural term for the hall where members of a monastery or friary gathered for meals or refreshments. The term originally relates to “refectory.” Older forms like freitur, fraytor, and similar variations indicate that the word is adapted from the Old French fraitour, a shortened form of refraitour, which comes from the Medieval Latin rejectorium. The term has sometimes been mixed up with frater, meaning brother or friar, leading to its meaning being limited to the dining hall of a friary, while “refectory” refers to that of a monastery.

FRATERNITIES, COLLEGE, a class of student societies peculiar to the colleges and universities of the United States and Canada, with certain common characteristics, and mostly named from two or three letters of the Greek alphabet; hence they are frequently called “Greek Letter Societies.” They are organized on the lodge system, and each fraternity comprises a number of affiliated lodges of which only one of any one fraternity is connected with the same institution. The lodges, called “chapters,” in memory of the convocations of monks of medieval times, are usually designated by Greek letters also. They are nominally secret, with one exception (Delta Upsilon). Each chapter admits members from the lowest or freshman class, and of course loses its members as the students depart from college, consequently each chapter has in it at the same time members of all the four college classes and frequently those pursuing postgraduate studies. Where the attendance at a college is large the material from which fraternity members may be drawn is correspondingly abundant, and in some of the large colleges (e.g. at Cornell University and the University of Michigan) there are chapters of over twenty fraternities. All the fraternities aim to be select and to pick their members from the mass of incoming students. Where, however, the material to select from is not abundant and the rival fraternities are numerous, care in selection is impossible, and the chapters at any one college are apt to secure much the same general type of men. Many of the fraternities have, however, on account of a persistent selection of men of about the same tastes at different colleges, acquired a distinct character and individuality; for instance, Alpha Delta Phi is literary.

Fraternities, college, are a type of student organization unique to colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, sharing certain common traits and mostly named after two or three letters from the Greek alphabet; therefore, they are often referred to as "Greek Letter Societies." They are organized like lodges, with each fraternity consisting of several affiliated lodges, but only one lodge from any particular fraternity is linked to the same institution. These lodges, called "chapters," are named to honor the gatherings of monks from medieval times and are usually designated by Greek letters as well. They are generally secret, with one exception (Delta Upsilon). Each chapter recruits members from the lowest or freshman class and, as students graduate, the chapter loses its members; consequently, each chapter includes members from all four college classes and often those pursuing postgraduate studies. In colleges with large enrollments, there is a rich pool of potential fraternity members, and at some large colleges (e.g., Cornell University and the University of Michigan), there are chapters of over twenty fraternities. All fraternities strive to be selective in choosing their members from the influx of new students. However, when the pool is limited and many rival fraternities exist, careful selection becomes challenging, leading chapters at any one college to attract a similar type of members. Nonetheless, many fraternities have developed distinct identities due to ongoing selections of individuals with similar interests at different colleges; for example, Alpha Delta Phi is known for its literary focus.

The first of these fraternities was the Phi Beta Kappa, founded at the College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1776. It was a little social club of five students: John Heath, Richard Booker, Thomas Smith, Armistead Smith and John Jones. Its badge was a square silver medal displaying the Greek letters of its name and a few symbols. In 1779 it authorized Elisha Parmelee, one of its members, to establish “meetings” or chapters at Yale and Harvard, these chapters being authorized to establish subordinate branches in their respective states. In 1781 the College of William and Mary was closed, its buildings being occupied in turn by the British, French and American troops, and the society ceased to exist. The two branches, however, were established—that at Yale in 1780 and that at Harvard in 1781. Chapters were established at Dartmouth in 1787, at Union in 1817, at Bowdoin in 1824 and at Brown in 1830. This society changed its character in 1826 and became non-secret and purely honorary in character, admitting to membership a certain proportion of the scholars of highest standing in each class (only in classical courses, usually and with few exceptions only in graduating classes). More recent honorary societies of similar character among schools of science and engineering are Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi.

The first of these fraternities was the Phi Beta Kappa, founded at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1776. It started as a small social club with five students: John Heath, Richard Booker, Thomas Smith, Armistead Smith, and John Jones. Its badge was a square silver medal featuring the Greek letters of its name and several symbols. In 1779, it authorized Elisha Parmelee, one of its members, to set up “meetings” or chapters at Yale and Harvard, with these chapters given the power to create subordinate branches in their respective states. In 1781, the College of William and Mary closed, its buildings being occupied by British, French, and American troops, which led to the society's end. However, the two branches were established—Yale in 1780 and Harvard in 1781. Chapters were later formed at Dartmouth in 1787, Union in 1817, Bowdoin in 1824, and Brown in 1830. This society changed its nature in 1826, becoming non-secret and purely honorary, admitting a certain percentage of the highest-ranking scholars in each class (usually in classical courses and generally only among graduating classes). More recent honorary societies with a similar focus among science and engineering schools are Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi.

In 1825, at Union College, Kappa Alpha was organized, copying in style of badge, membership restrictions and the like, its predecessor. In 1827 two other similar societies, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi, were founded at the same place. In 1831 Sigma Phi placed a branch at Hamilton College and in 1832 Alpha Delta Phi originated there. In 1833 Psi Upsilon, a fourth society, was organized at Union. In 1835 Alpha Delta Phi placed a chapter at Miami University, and in 1839 Beta Theta Pi originated there, and so the system spread. These fraternities, it will be observed, were all undergraduate societies among the male students. In 1910 the total number of men’s general fraternities was 32, with 1068 living chapters, and owning property worth many millions of dollars. In 1864 Theta Xi, the first professional fraternity restricting its membership to students intending to engage in the same profession, was organized. There were in 1910 about 50 of these organizations with some 400 chapters. In addition there are about 100 local societies or chapters acting as independent units. Some of the older of these, such as Kappa Kappa Kappa at Dartmouth, IKA at Trinity, Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan and Delta Psi at Vermont, are permanent in character, but the majority of them are purely temporary, designed to maintain an organization until the society becomes a chapter of one of the general fraternities. In 1870 the first women’s society or “sorority,” the Kappa Alpha Theta, was organized at De Pauw University. There were in 1910, 17 general sororities with some 300 active chapters.

In 1825, at Union College, Kappa Alpha was established, emulating its predecessor in badge design, membership limitations, and similar aspects. In 1827, two other similar groups, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi, were founded at the same location. By 1831, Sigma Phi had set up a branch at Hamilton College, and in 1832, Alpha Delta Phi was founded there. In 1833, a fourth organization, Psi Upsilon, was formed at Union. In 1835, Alpha Delta Phi established a chapter at Miami University, and in 1839, Beta Theta Pi was founded there, leading to the expansion of this system. It is important to note that these fraternities were all undergraduate groups for male students. By 1910, there were 32 men’s fraternities with 1,068 active chapters and collectively owning property worth millions. In 1864, Theta Xi, the first professional fraternity limiting its membership to students pursuing the same profession, was created. In 1910, there were about 50 of these organizations with roughly 400 chapters. Additionally, around 100 local societies or chapters acted independently. Some of the older ones, like Kappa Kappa Kappa at Dartmouth, IKA at Trinity, Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan, and Delta Psi at Vermont, are established, but most are temporary, meant to uphold an organization until it becomes a chapter of a general fraternity. In 1870, the first women’s group or “sorority,” Kappa Alpha Theta, was formed at De Pauw University. By 1910, there were 17 general sororities with around 300 active chapters.

It is no exaggeration to say that these apparently insignificant organizations of irresponsible students have modified the college life of America and have had a wide influence. Members join in the impressionable years of their youth; they retain for their organizations a peculiar loyalty and affection, and freely contribute with money and influence to their advancement.

It’s not an overstatement to say that these seemingly unimportant groups of carefree students have changed college life in America and have had a significant impact. Members join during their formative years; they feel a strong loyalty and attachment to their organizations and willingly contribute money and influence to support their growth.

Almost universally the members of any particular chapter (or part of them) live together in a lodge or chapter house. The men’s fraternities own hundreds of houses and rent as many more. The fraternities form a little aristocracy within the college community. Sometimes the line of separation is invisible, sometimes sharply marked. Sometimes this condition militates against the college discipline and sometimes it assists it. Conflicts not infrequently occur between the fraternity and non-fraternity element in a college.

Almost all members of any specific chapter (or some of them) live together in a lodge or chapter house. The men’s fraternities own hundreds of houses and rent many more. The fraternities create a sort of elite group within the college community. Sometimes the distinction is unclear, and other times it's very obvious. This situation can sometimes undermine college discipline, and other times it can support it. Conflicts often arise between fraternity and non-fraternity members in a college.

It can readily be understood how young men living together in the intimate relationship of daily contact in the same house, having much the same tastes, culture and aspirations would form among themselves enduring friendships. In addition each fraternity has a reputation to maintain, and this engenders an esprit du corps which at times places loyalty to fraternity interests above loyalty to college interest or the real advantage of the individual. At commencements and upon other occasions the former members of the chapters return to their chapter houses and help to foster the pride and loyalty of the undergraduates. The chapter houses are commonly owned by corporations made up of the alumni. This brings the undergraduates into contact with men of mature age and often of national fame, who treat their membership as a serious privilege.

It's easy to see how young men living together in close quarters with daily interactions, sharing similar tastes, culture, and goals, would develop lasting friendships. Additionally, each fraternity has a reputation to uphold, which creates a sense of camaraderie that sometimes prioritizes loyalty to the fraternity over loyalty to college interests or the individual’s best interests. At graduations and other events, former members return to their chapter houses, helping to strengthen the pride and loyalty of the current students. The chapter houses are usually owned by corporations made up of alumni. This connects the undergraduates with older men, often well-known on a national level, who regard their membership as a serious privilege.

The development of this collegiate aristocracy has led to jealousy and bitter animosity among those not selected for membership. Some of the states, notably South Carolina and Arkansas, have by legislation, either abolished the fraternities at state-controlled institutions or seriously limited the privileges of their members. The constitutionality of such legislation has never been tested. Litigation has occasionally arisen out of attempts on the part of college authorities to prohibit the fraternities at their several institutions. This, it has been held, may lawfully be done at a college maintained by private endowment but not at an institution supported by public funds. In 41 the latter case all classes of the public are equally entitled to the same educational privileges and members of the fraternities may not be discriminated against.

The rise of this college elite has caused jealousy and resentment among those not chosen for membership. Some states, particularly South Carolina and Arkansas, have passed laws that either eliminate fraternities at state-run schools or severely restrict their members' privileges. The constitutionality of these laws has never been challenged. There have been some legal disputes arising from attempts by college authorities to ban fraternities at their schools. It has been determined that this can be legally done at a college funded by private donations, but not at a school that receives public funding. In 41 the latter case, all members of the public are equally entitled to the same educational opportunities, and fraternity members cannot be treated differently.

The fraternities are admirably organized. The usual system comprises a legislative body made up of delegates from the different chapters and an executive or administrative body elected by the delegates. Few of the fraternities have any judiciary. None is needed. The financial systems are sound, and the conventions of delegates meet in various parts of the United States, several hundred in number, spend thousands of dollars in travel and entertainment, and attract much public attention. Most of the fraternities have an inspection system by which chapters are periodically visited and kept up to a certain level of excellence.

The fraternities are really well organized. The typical setup includes a legislative group made up of delegates from different chapters and an executive or administrative team elected by those delegates. Not many of the fraternities have a judiciary, and there’s really no need for one. Their financial systems are solid, and the conventions of delegates gather in various locations across the United States, numbering in the hundreds, spending thousands on travel and entertainment, and drawing a lot of public attention. Most fraternities have an inspection system that ensures chapters are visited regularly and maintain a certain level of quality.

The leading fraternities publish journals usually from four to eight times during the college year. The earliest of these was the Beta Theta Pi, first issued in 1872. All publish catalogues of their members and the most prosperous have issued histories. They also publish song books, music and many ephemeral and local publications.

The main fraternities usually release journals four to eight times a year during college. The first of these was the Beta Theta Pi, which came out in 1872. They all publish member directories, and the most successful ones have also produced histories. Additionally, they release songbooks, music, and many temporary and local publications.

The alumni of the fraternities are organized into clubs or associations having headquarters at centres of population. These organizations are somewhat loose, but nevertheless are capable of much exertion and influence should occasion arise.

The alumni of the fraternities are organized into clubs or associations with headquarters in major cities. These organizations are somewhat informal, but they can still exert a lot of effort and influence when necessary.

The college fraternity system has no parallel among the students of colleges outside of America. One of the curious things about it, however, is that while it is practically uniform throughout the United States, at the three prominent universities of Harvard, Yale and Princeton it differs in many respects from its character elsewhere. At Harvard, although there are chapters of a few of the fraternities, their influence is insignificant, their place being taken by a group of local societies, some of them class organizations. At Yale, the regular system of fraternities obtains in the engineering or technical department (the Sheffield Scientific School), but in the classical department the fraternity chapters are called “junior” societies, because they limit their membership to the three upper classes and allow the juniors each year practically to control the chapter affairs. Certain senior societies, of which the oldest is the Skull and Bones, which are inter-fraternity societies admitting freely members of the fraternities, are more prominent at Yale than the fraternities themselves. Princeton has two (secret) literary and fraternal societies, the American Whig and the Cliosophic, and various local social clubs, with no relationship to organizations in other colleges and not having Greek letter names.

The college fraternity system has no equal among college students outside of America. However, one interesting aspect of it is that while it is almost identical across the United States, it varies significantly at the three leading universities: Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. At Harvard, although a few fraternities have chapters, their influence is minimal, and they are mostly replaced by a group of local societies, some of which are class organizations. At Yale, the typical fraternity system exists in the engineering or technical department (the Sheffield Scientific School), but in the classical department, the fraternity chapters are referred to as “junior” societies because they limit their membership to the three upper classes and allow juniors to largely control chapter affairs each year. Certain senior societies, the oldest being Skull and Bones, which are inter-fraternity societies that openly admit fraternity members, are more prominent at Yale than the fraternities themselves. Princeton has two (secret) literary and fraternal societies, the American Whig and the Cliosophic, along with various local social clubs that have no connection to organizations at other colleges and do not use Greek letter names.

At a few universities (for instance, Michigan, Cornell and Virginia), senior societies or other inter-fraternity societies exert great influence and have modified the strength of the fraternity system.

At some universities, like Michigan, Cornell, and Virginia, senior societies or other inter-fraternity groups have a lot of influence and have changed the power of the fraternity system.

Of late years, numerous societies bearing Greek names and imitating the externals of the college fraternities have sprung up in the high schools and academies of the country, but have excited the earnest and apparently united opposition of the authorities of such schools.

In recent years, many organizations with Greek names and mimicking the appearance of college fraternities have emerged in high schools and academies across the country, but they have faced strong and seemingly unanimous opposition from the authorities of those schools.

See William Raimond Baird, American College Fraternities (6th ed., New York, 1905); Albert C. Stevens, Cyclopedia of Fraternities (Paterson, N. J., 1899); Henry D. Sheldon, Student Life and Customs (New York, 1901); Homer L. Patterson, Patterson’s College and School Directory (Chicago, 1904); H. K. Kellogg, College Secret Societies (Chicago, 1874); Albert P. Jacobs, Greek Letter Societies (Detroit, 1879).

See William Raimond Baird, American College Fraternities (6th ed., New York, 1905); Albert C. Stevens, Cyclopedia of Fraternities (Paterson, NJ, 1899); Henry D. Sheldon, Student Life and Customs (New York, 1901); Homer L. Patterson, Patterson’s College and School Directory (Chicago, 1904); H. K. Kellogg, College Secret Societies (Chicago, 1874); Albert P. Jacobs, Greek Letter Societies (Detroit, 1879).

(W. R. B.*)

FRATICELLI (plural diminutive of Ital. frate, brother), the name given during the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries to a number of religious groups in Italy, differing widely from each other, but all derived more or less directly from the Franciscan movement. Fra Salimbene says in his Chronicle (Parma ed., p. 108): “All who wished to found a new rule borrowed something from the Franciscan order, the sandals or the habit.” As early as 1238 Gregory IX., in his bull Quoniam abundavit iniquitas, condemned and denounced as forgers (tanquam falsarios) all who begged or preached in a habit resembling that of the mendicant orders, and this condemnation was repeated by him or his successors. The term Fraticelli was used contemptuously to denote, not any particular sect, but the members of orders formed on the fringe of the church. Thus Giovanni Villani, speaking of the heretic Dolcino, says in his Chronicle (bk. viii. ch. 84): “He is not a brother of an ordered rule, but a fraticello without an order.” Similarly, John XXII., in his bull Sancta Romana et Universalis Ecclesia (28th of December 1317), condemns vaguely those “profanae multitudinis viri commonly called Fraticelli, or Brethren of the Poor Life, or Bizocchi, or Beguines, or by all manner of other names.”

FRATICELLI (the plural diminutive of Italian frate, meaning brother) is the name given during the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries to several religious groups in Italy. These groups varied widely from each other but were all more or less directly connected to the Franciscan movement. Fra Salimbene mentions in his Chronicle (Parma ed., p. 108): “Anyone who wanted to establish a new rule took inspiration from the Franciscan order, whether it was the sandals or the habit.” As early as 1238, Gregory IX, in his bull Quoniam abundavit iniquitas, condemned and labelled as forgers (tanquam falsarios) anyone who begged or preached while wearing a habit similar to that of the mendicant orders, and this condemnation was reiterated by him or his successors. The term Fraticelli was used in a derogatory sense to refer not to a specific sect, but to the members of orders that existed on the fringes of the church. For instance, Giovanni Villani, discussing the heretic Dolcino, states in his Chronicle (bk. viii. ch. 84): “He is not a brother of an ordered rule, but a fraticello without any order.” In a similar way, John XXII, in his bull Sancta Romana et Universalis Ecclesia (December 28, 1317), vaguely condemns those “profanae multitudinis viri commonly called Fraticelli, or Brethren of the Poor Life, or Bizocchi, or Beguines, or by all sorts of other names.”

Some historians, in their zeal for rigid classification, have regarded the Fraticelli as a distinct sect, and have attempted to discover its dogmas and its founder. Some of the contemporaries of these religious groups fell into the same error, and in this way the vague term Fraticelli has sometimes been applied to the disciples of Armanno Pongilupo of Ferrara (d. 1269), who was undoubtedly a Cathar, and to the followers of Gerard Segarelli and Dolcino, who were always known among themselves as Apostolic Brethren (Apostolici). Furthermore, it seems absurd to classify both the Dolcinists and the Spiritual Franciscans as Fraticelli, since, as has been pointed out by Ehrle (Arch. f. Lit. u. Kirchengesch. des Mittelalters, ii. 107, &c.), Angelo of Clarino, in his De septem tribulationibus, written to the glory of the Spirituals, does not scruple to stigmatize the Dolcinists as “disciples of the devil.” It is equally absurd to include in the same category the ignorant Bizocchi and Segarellists and such learned disciples of Michael of Cesena and Louis of Bavaria as William of Occam and Bonagratia of Bergamo, who have often been placed under this comprehensive rubric.

Some historians, in their eagerness for strict classification, have seen the Fraticelli as a separate sect and have tried to identify its beliefs and founder. Some contemporaries of these religious groups made the same mistake, leading to the vague term Fraticelli sometimes being used for the followers of Armanno Pongilupo of Ferrara (d. 1269), who was definitely a Cathar, as well as for the followers of Gerard Segarelli and Dolcino, who always referred to themselves as Apostolic Brethren (Apostolici). Moreover, it seems unreasonable to categorize both the Dolcinists and the Spiritual Franciscans as Fraticelli, since, as noted by Ehrle (Arch. f. Lit. u. Kirchengesch. des Mittelalters, ii. 107, &c.), Angelo of Clarino, in his De septem tribulationibus, written to praise the Spirituals, does not hesitate to label the Dolcinists as “disciples of the devil.” It is equally unreasonable to group together the uneducated Bizocchi and Segarellists with the learned followers of Michael of Cesena and Louis of Bavaria, like William of Occam and Bonagratia of Bergamo, who have often been placed under this broad classification.

The name Fraticelli may more justly be applied to the most exalted fraction of Franciscanism. In 1322 some prisoners declared to the inquisitor Bernard Gui at Toulouse that the Franciscan order was divided into three sections—the Conventuals, who were allowed to retain their real and personal property; the Spirituals or Beguines, who were at that time the objects of persecution; and the Fraticelli of Sicily, whose leader was Henry of Ceva (see Gui’s Practica Inquisitionis, v.). It is this fraction of the order which John XXII. condemned in his bull Gloriosam Ecclesiam (23rd of January 1318), but without calling them Fraticelli. Henry of Ceva had taken refuge in Sicily at the time of Pope Boniface VIII.’s persecution of the Spirituals, and thanks to the good offices of Frederick of Sicily, a little colony of Franciscans who rejected all property had soon established itself in the island. Under Pope Clement V., and more especially under Pope John XXII., fresh Spirituals joined them; and this group of exalted and isolated ascetics soon began to regard itself as the sole legitimate order of the Minorites and then as the sole Catholic Church. After being excommunicated as “schismatics and rebels, founders of a superstitious sect, and propagators of false and pestiferous doctrines,” they proceeded to elect a general (for Michael of Cesena had disavowed them) and then a pope called Celestine (L. Wadding, Annales, at date 1313). The rebels continued to carry on an active propaganda. In Tuscany particularly the Inquisition made persistent efforts to suppress them; Florence afflicted them with severe laws, but failed to rouse the populace against them. The papacy dreaded their social even more than their dogmatic influence. At first in Sicily and afterwards throughout Italy the Ghibellines gave them a warm welcome; the rigorists and the malcontents who had either left the church or were on the point of leaving it, were attracted by these communities of needy rebels; and the tribune Rienzi was at one time disposed to join them. To overcome these ascetics it was necessary to have recourse to other ascetics, and from the outset the reformed Franciscans, or Franciscans of the Strict Observance, under the direction of their first leaders, Paoluccio da Trinci (d. 1390), Giovanni Stronconi (d. 1405), and St Bernardine of Siena, had been at great pains to restore the Fraticelli to orthodoxy. These early efforts, however, had little success. Alarmed by the number of the sectaries and the extent of their influence, Pope Martin V., who had encouraged the Observants, and particularly Bernardine of Siena, fulminated two bulls (1418 and 1421) against the heretics, and entrusted different legates with the task of hunting them down. These measures failing, he decided, in 42 1426, to appoint two Observants as inquisitors without territorial limitation to make a special crusade against the heresy of the Fraticelli. These two inquisitors, who pursued their duties under three popes (Martin V., Eugenius IV. and Nicholas V.) were Giovanni da Capistrano and Giacomo della Marca. The latter’s valuable Dialogus contra Fraticellos (Baluze and Mansi, Miscellanea, iv. 595-610) gives an account of the doctrines of these heretics and of the activity of the two inquisitors, and shows that the Fraticelli not only constituted a distinct church but a distinct society. They had a pope called Rinaldo, who was elected in 1429 and was succeeded by a brother named Gabriel. This supreme head of their church they styled “bishop of Philadelphia,” Philadelphia being the mystic name of their community; under him were bishops, e.g. the bishops of Florence, Venice, &c.; and, furthermore, a member of the community named Guglielmo Majoretto bore the title of “Emperor of the Christians.” This organization, at least in so far as concerns the heretical church, had already been observed among the Fraticelli in Sicily, and in 1423 the general council of Siena affirmed with horror that at Peniscola there was an heretical pope surrounded with a college of cardinals who made no attempt at concealment. From 1426 to 1449 the Fraticelli were unremittingly pursued, imprisoned and burned. The sect gradually died out after losing the protection of the common people, whose sympathy was now transferred to the austere Observants and their miracle-worker Capistrano. From 1466 to 1471 there were sporadic burnings of Fraticelli, and in 1471 Tommaso di Scarlino was sent to Piombino and the littoral of Tuscany to track out some Fraticelli who had been discovered in those parts. After that date the name disappears from history.

The name Fraticelli can more accurately be applied to the most prominent faction of Franciscanism. In 1322, some prisoners told the inquisitor Bernard Gui in Toulouse that the Franciscan order was divided into three groups—the Conventuals, who were allowed to keep their property; the Spirituals or Beguines, who were being persecuted at that time; and the Fraticelli of Sicily, whose leader was Henry of Ceva (see Gui’s Practica Inquisitionis, v.). It is this faction of the order that John XXII condemned in his bull Gloriosam Ecclesiam (January 23, 1318), although he did not refer to them as Fraticelli. Henry of Ceva had taken refuge in Sicily during Pope Boniface VIII’s persecution of the Spirituals, and thanks to the support of Frederick of Sicily, a small colony of Franciscans who rejected all property quickly settled on the island. Under Pope Clement V and especially under Pope John XXII, more Spirituals joined them; and this group of highly devoted and isolated ascetics soon began to see themselves as the only legitimate order of the Minorites and then as the sole Catholic Church. After being excommunicated as “schismatics and rebels, founders of a superstitious sect, and spreaders of false and dangerous doctrines,” they elected a general (since Michael of Cesena had disowned them) and then a pope named Celestine (L. Wadding, Annales, 1313). The rebels continued their active campaigning. In Tuscany, in particular, the Inquisition made continued efforts to suppress them; Florence imposed harsh laws against them but could not incite the public against them. The papacy feared their social influence even more than their theological impact. Initially welcomed in Sicily and later throughout Italy by the Ghibellines, the rigorists and discontented who had either left the church or were about to do so were drawn to these communities of desperate rebels; even the tribune Rienzi once considered joining them. To counter these ascetics, it was necessary to rely on other ascetics, and from the beginning, the reformed Franciscans, or Franciscans of the Strict Observance, led by their early figures Paoluccio da Trinci (d. 1390), Giovanni Stronconi (d. 1405), and St. Bernardine of Siena, worked hard to bring the Fraticelli back to orthodoxy. However, these initial attempts had limited success. Alarmed by the number of sectarians and the extent of their influence, Pope Martin V, who had supported the Observants, especially Bernardine of Siena, issued two bulls (1418 and 1421) against the heretics and assigned different legates the job of tracking them down. After these measures failed, he decided, in 42 1426, to appoint two Observants as inquisitors without territorial limits to lead a special crusade against the heresy of the Fraticelli. These two inquisitors, who carried out their duties under three popes (Martin V, Eugenius IV, and Nicholas V), were Giovanni da Capistrano and Giacomo della Marca. The latter’s important Dialogus contra Fraticellos (Baluze and Mansi, Miscellanea, iv. 595-610) describes the beliefs of these heretics and the activities of the two inquisitors, demonstrating that the Fraticelli not only formed a separate church but also a distinct society. They had a pope named Rinaldo, elected in 1429 and succeeded by a brother named Gabriel. This leader of their church was called “bishop of Philadelphia,” with Philadelphia being the symbolic name of their community; under him were bishops, such as the bishops of Florence, Venice, etc.; and, additionally, a community member named Guglielmo Majoretto called himself “Emperor of the Christians.” This kind of organization, at least concerning the heretical church, had already been observed among the Fraticelli in Sicily, and in 1423 a general council in Siena expressed horror that at Peniscola there was an heretical pope surrounded by a college of cardinals who made no attempt at secrecy. From 1426 to 1449, the Fraticelli were relentlessly hunted, imprisoned, and burned. The sect gradually faded out after losing the support of the common people, whose sympathy had shifted to the austere Observants and their miracle worker Capistrano. From 1466 to 1471, there were sporadic burnings of Fraticelli, and in 1471, Tommaso di Scarlino was sent to Piombino and the coast of Tuscany to track down some Fraticelli who had been found in that area. After that, the name disappeared from history.

See F. Ehrle, “Die Spiritualen, ihr Verhältnis zum Franziskanerorden und zu den Fraticellen” and “Zur Vorgeschichte des Concils von Vienne,” in Archiv für Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, vols. i., ii., iii.; Wetzer and Welte, Kirchenlexikon, s.v. “Fraticellen”; H. C. Lea, History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, iii. 129-180 (London, 1888).

See F. Ehrle, “The Spirituals, Their Relationship with the Franciscan Order and the Fraticelli” and “On the Background of the Council of Vienne,” in Archive for Literature and Church History of the Middle Ages, vols. i., ii., iii.; Wetzer and Welte, Church Encyclopedia, s.v. “Fraticelli”; H. C. Lea, History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, iii. 129-180 (London, 1888).

(P. A.)

FRAUD (Lat. fraus, deceit), in its widest sense, a term which has never been exhaustively defined by an English court of law, and for legal purposes probably cannot usefully be defined. But as denoting a cause of action for which damages can be recovered in civil proceedings it now has a clear and settled meaning. In actions in which damages are claimed for fraud, the difficulties and obscurities which commonly arise are due rather to the complexity of modern commerce and the ingenuity of modern swindlers than to any uncertainty or technicality in the modern law. To succeed in such an action, the person aggrieved must first prove a representation of fact, made either by words, by writing or by conduct, which is in fact untrue. Mere concealment is not actionable unless it amounts not only to suppressio veri, but to suggestio falsi. An expression of opinion or of intention is not enough, unless it can be shown that the opinion was not really held, or that the intention was not really entertained, in which case it must be borne in mind, to use the phrase of Lord Bowen, that the state of a man’s mind is as much a matter of fact as the state of his digestion. Next, it must be proved that the representation was made without any honest belief in its truth, that is, either with actual knowledge of its falsity or with a reckless disregard whether it is true or false. It was finally established, after much controversy, in the case of Derry v. Peek in 1889, that a merely negligent misstatement is not actionable. Further, the person aggrieved must prove that the offender made the representation with the intention that he should act on it, though not necessarily directly to him, and that he did in fact act in reliance on it. Lastly, the complainant must prove that, as the direct consequence, he has suffered actual damage capable of pecuniary measurement.

FRAUD (Lat. fraus, deceit) is a term that has never been fully defined by an English court and probably cannot be clearly defined for legal purposes. However, when referring to a cause of action for which damages can be recovered in civil cases, it now has a clear and established meaning. In cases where damages are sought for fraud, the challenges and complexities usually stem from the intricacies of modern business and the cleverness of current con artists, rather than from any uncertainty or technicality in today's law. To win such a case, the aggrieved party must first demonstrate that a false representation of fact was made, whether through words, writing, or actions. Simple concealment isn't enough unless it amounts to not just suppressio veri but also suggestio falsi. A statement of opinion or intent is insufficient unless it can be shown that the opinion wasn’t genuinely held, or that the intention wasn’t truly considered, keeping in mind, as Lord Bowen put it, that a person's state of mind is just as much a fact as the state of their digestion. Next, it must be proven that the representation was made without any honest belief in its truth—meaning either with actual knowledge of its falsehood or with reckless disregard for whether it was true or false. It was ultimately established, after much debate, in the case of Derry v. Peek in 1889, that mere negligent misstatements aren’t actionable. Additionally, the aggrieved person must show that the offender made the representation with the intent for them to act on it, although not necessarily directed specifically at them, and that they did indeed rely on it. Finally, the complainant must demonstrate that, as a direct result, they have suffered actual damages that can be measured financially.

As soon as the case of Derry v. Peek had established, as the general rule of law, that a merely negligent misstatement is not actionable, a statutory exception was made to the rule in the case of directors and promoters of companies who publish prospectuses and similar documents. By the Directors’ Liability Act 1890, such persons are liable for damage caused by untrue statements in such documents, unless they can prove that they had reasonable grounds for believing the statements to be true. It is also to be observed that, though damages cannot be recovered in an action for a misrepresentation made with an honest belief in its truth, still any person induced to enter into a contract by a misrepresentation, whether fraudulent or innocent, is entitled to avoid the contract and to obtain a declaration that it is not binding upon him. This is in accordance with the rule of equity, which since the Judicature Act prevails in all the courts. Whether the representation is fraudulent or innocent, the contract is not void, but voidable. The party misled must exercise his option to avoid the contract without delay, and before it has become impossible to restore the other party to the position in which he stood before the contract was made. If he is too late, he can only rely on his claim for damages, and in order to assert this claim it is necessary to prove that the misrepresentation was fraudulent. Fraud, in its wider sense of dishonest dealing, though not a distinct cause of action, is often material as preventing the acquisition of a right, for which good faith is a necessary condition. Also a combination or conspiracy by two or more persons to defraud gives rise to liabilities not very clearly or completely defined.

As soon as the case of Derry v. Peek established that a simple negligent misstatement isn't grounds for a lawsuit, a legal exception was created for directors and promoters of companies who publish prospectuses and similar documents. According to the Directors’ Liability Act 1890, these individuals can be held responsible for damages resulting from false statements in such documents unless they can prove they had reasonable grounds to believe the statements were true. It's also important to note that, while damages can't be recovered for a misrepresentation made with a genuine belief in its truth, anyone persuaded to enter a contract based on a misrepresentation—whether it was fraudulent or innocent—has the right to void the contract and get a declaration that it isn’t binding. This aligns with equity principles that, since the Judicature Act, apply in all courts. Whether the misrepresentation is fraudulent or innocent, the contract isn’t void but rather voidable. The misled party must choose to void the contract without delay, and before it becomes impossible to restore the other party to their original position before the contract was made. If they wait too long, they can only pursue damages, and to do so, they must prove the misrepresentation was fraudulent. Fraud, in the broader sense of dishonest behavior, while not a separate legal claim, often plays a significant role in preventing the acquisition of a right that requires good faith. Additionally, a conspiracy between two or more people to commit fraud leads to liabilities that aren't entirely clear or well-defined.

FRAUENBURG, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Prussia, on the Frische Haff, at the mouth of the Bande, 41 m. S.W. from Königsberg on the railway to Elbing. Pop. 2500. The cathedral (founded 1329), with six towers, stands on a commanding eminence adjoining the town and surrounded by castellated walls and bastions. This is known as Dom-Frauenburg, and is the seat of the Roman Catholic bishop of Ermeland. Within the cathedral is a monument to the astronomer Copernicus bearing the inscription Astronomo celeberrimo, cujus nomen et gloria utrumque implevit orbem. There is a small port with inconsiderable trade. Frauenburg was founded in 1287 and received the rights of a town in 1310.

FRAUENBURG, a town in Germany, in the kingdom of Prussia, located on the Frische Haff, at the mouth of the Bande, 41 miles southwest of Königsberg on the railway to Elbing. Population: 2,500. The cathedral (founded in 1329), featuring six towers, is situated on a prominent hill next to the town and is surrounded by castle-like walls and bastions. This is known as Dom-Frauenburg and serves as the seat of the Roman Catholic bishop of Ermeland. Inside the cathedral, there’s a monument to the astronomer Copernicus with the inscription Astronomo celeberrimo, cujus nomen et gloria utrumque implevit orbem. There’s a small port with minimal trade. Frauenburg was established in 1287 and gained town rights in 1310.

FRAUENFELD, the capital of the Swiss canton of Thurgau, 27 m. by rail N.E. of Zürich or 14½ m. W. of Romanshorn. It is built on the Murg stream a little above its junction with the Thur. It is a prosperous commercial town, being situated at the meeting point of several routes, while it possesses several industrial establishments, chiefly concerned with different branches of the iron trade. In 1900 its population (including the neighbouring villages) was 7761, mainly German-speaking, while there were 5563 Protestants to 2188 Romanists. Frauenfeld is the artillery depôt for North-East Switzerland. The upper town is the older part, and centres round the castle, of which the tower dates from the 10th century, though the rest is of a later period. Both stood on land belonging to the abbot of Reichenau, who, with the count of Kyburg, founded the town, which is first mentioned in 1255. The abbot retained all manorial rights till 1803, while the political powers of the Kyburgers (who were the “protectors” of Reichenau) passed to the Habsburgs in 1273, and were seized by the Swiss in 1460 with the rest of the Thurgau. In 1712 the town succeeded Baden in Aargau as the meeting-place of the Federal Diet, and continued to be the capital of the Confederation till its transformation in 1798. In 1799 it was successively occupied by the Austrians and the French. The old Capuchin convent (1591-1848) is now occupied as a vicarage by the Romanist priest.

FRAUENFELD, the capital of the Swiss canton of Thurgau, is located 27 km by train northeast of Zürich and 14.5 km west of Romanshorn. The town is positioned along the Murg stream, just above where it meets the Thur. It's a thriving commercial town, situated at the intersection of several routes, and has various industries primarily focused on different aspects of the iron trade. In 1900, its population (including surrounding villages) was 7,761, mostly German-speaking, with 5,563 Protestants and 2,188 Catholics. Frauenfeld serves as the artillery depot for northeast Switzerland. The upper town, which is the older section, centers around the castle, whose tower dates back to the 10th century, although the rest of the structure is from a later time. Both the castle and town were founded on land that belonged to the abbot of Reichenau, who, along with the Count of Kyburg, established the town, first mentioned in 1255. The abbot held all manorial rights until 1803, while the political powers of the Kyburgers (who were the “protectors” of Reichenau) passed to the Habsburgs in 1273 and were taken by the Swiss in 1460 along with the rest of Thurgau. In 1712, the town replaced Baden in Aargau as the meeting place of the Federal Diet and remained the capital of the Confederation until its transformation in 1798. In 1799, it was occupied in succession by the Austrians and the French. The old Capuchin convent (1591-1848) is now used as a vicarage by the Catholic priest.

(W. A. B. C.)

FRAUENLOB, the name by which Heinrich von Meissen, a German poet of the 13th century, is generally known. He seems to have acquired the sobriquet because in a famous Liederstreit with his rival Regenbogen he defended the use of the word Frau (i.e. frouwe, = lady) instead of Weib (wîp = woman). Frauenlob was born about 1250 of a humble burgher family. His youth was spent in straitened circumstances, but he gradually acquired a reputation as a singer at the various courts of the German princes. In 1278 we find him with Rudolph I. in the Marchfeld, in 1286 he was at Prague at the knighting of Wenceslaus (Wenzel) II., and in 1311 he was present at a knightly festival celebrated by Waldemar of Brandenburg before Rostock. After this he settled in Mainz, and there according to the popular account, founded the first school of Meistersingers (q.v.). He died in 1318, and was buried in the cloisters of the cathedral at 43 Mainz. His grave is still marked by a copy made in 1783 of the original tombstone of 1318; and in 1842 a monument by Schwanthaler was erected in the cloisters. Frauenlob’s poems make a great display of learning; he delights in far-fetched metaphors, and his versification abounds in tricks of form and rhyme.

FRAUENLOB, is the name generally associated with Heinrich of Meissen, a German poet from the 13th century. He seems to have earned this nickname due to a well-known Liederstreit with his rival, Regenbogen, where he defended using the word Frau (meaning frouwe, or lady) instead of Weib (which means wîp, or woman). Frauenlob was born around 1250 into a modest burgher family. He spent his youth in difficult circumstances, but over time, he gained a reputation as a singer at various courts of German princes. In 1278, he was with Rudolph I. in the Marchfeld; in 1286, he was in Prague for the knighting of Wenceslaus (Wenzel) II., and in 1311, he attended a knightly festival hosted by Waldemar of Brandenburg near Rostock. After this, he settled in Mainz and, according to popular lore, founded the first school of Meistersingers (q.v.). He passed away in 1318 and was buried in the cloisters of the cathedral at 43 Mainz. His grave is still marked by a replica made in 1783 of the original tombstone from 1318; and in 1842, a monument by Schwanthaler was erected in the cloisters. Frauenlob’s poems showcase a significant amount of learning; he enjoys using elaborate metaphors, and his verse is rich with formal and rhyming techniques.

Frauenlob’s poetry was edited by L. Ettmüller in 1843; a selection will be found in K. Bartsch, Deutsche Liederdichter des 12. bis 14. Jahrhunderts (3rd ed., 1893). An English translation of Frauenlob’s Cantica canticorum, by A. E. Kroeger, with notes, appeared in 1877 at St Louis, U.S.A. See A. Boerkel, Frauenlob (2nd ed., 1881).

Frauenlob’s poetry was edited by L. Ettmüller in 1843; you can find a selection in K. Bartsch, Deutsche Liederdichter des 12. bis 14. Jahrhunderts (3rd ed., 1893). An English translation of Frauenlob’s Cantica canticorum, by A. E. Kroeger, with notes, was published in 1877 in St Louis, U.S.A. See A. Boerkel, Frauenlob (2nd ed., 1881).

FRAUNCE, ABRAHAM (c. 1558-1633), English poet, a native of Shropshire, was born between 1558 and 1560. His name was registered as a pupil of Shrewsbury School in January 1571/2, and he joined St John’s College, Cambridge, in 1576, becoming a fellow in 1580/81. His Latin comedy of Victoria, dedicated to Sidney, was probably written at Cambridge, where he remained until he had taken his M.A. degree in 1583. He was called to the bar at Gray’s Inn in 1588, and then apparently practised as a barrister in the court of the Welsh marches. After the death of his patron Sir Philip Sidney, Fraunce was protected by Sidney’s sister Mary, countess of Pembroke. His last work was published in 1592, and we have no further knowledge of him until 1633, when he is said to have written an Epithalamium in honour of the marriage of Lady Magdalen Egerton, 7th daughter of the earl of Bridgwater, whose service he may possibly have entered.

FRAUNCE, ABRAHAM (c. 1558-1633), English poet, originally from Shropshire, was born between 1558 and 1560. His name was registered as a student at Shrewsbury School in January 1571/2, and he entered St John’s College, Cambridge, in 1576, becoming a fellow in 1580/81. His Latin comedy Victoria, dedicated to Sidney, was likely written at Cambridge, where he stayed until he earned his M.A. degree in 1583. He was called to the bar at Gray’s Inn in 1588 and then apparently practiced as a barrister in the court of the Welsh marches. Following the death of his patron Sir Philip Sidney, Fraunce was supported by Sidney’s sister Mary, countess of Pembroke. His last work was published in 1592, and we have no further information about him until 1633, when it’s said that he wrote an Epithalamium in honor of the marriage of Lady Magdalen Egerton, the 7th daughter of the earl of Bridgwater, whose household he may have possibly joined.

His works are: The Lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phyllis (1587), a version in English hexameters of his friend’s, Thomas Watson’s, Latin Amyntas; The Lawiers Logike, exemplifying the praecepts of Logike by the practise of the common Lawe (1588); Arcadian Rhetorike (1588); Abrahami Fransi Insignium, Armorum ... explicatio (1588); The Countess of Pembroke’s Yvychurch (1591/2), containing a translation of Tasso’s Aminta, a reprint of his earlier version of Watson, “The Lamentation of Corydon for the love of Alexis” (Virgil, eclogue ii.), a short translation from Heliodorus, and, in the third part (1592) “Aminta’s Dale,” a collection of “conceited” tales supposed to be related by the nymphs of Ivychurch; The Countess of Pembroke’s Emanuell (1591); The Third Part of the Countess of Pembroke’s Ivychurch, entituled Aminta’s Dale (1592). His Arcadian Rhetorike owes much to earlier critical treatises, but has a special interest from its references to Spenser, and Fraunce quotes from the Faerie Queene a year before the publication of the first books. In “Colin Clout’s come home again,” Spenser speaks of Fraunce as Corydon, on account of his translations of Virgil’s second eclogue. His poems are written in classical metres, and he was regarded by his contemporaries as the best exponent of Gabriel Harvey’s theory. Even Thomas Nashe had a good word for “sweete Master France.”

His works are: The Lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phyllis (1587), an English hexameter version of his friend Thomas Watson’s Latin Amyntas; The Lawiers Logike, exemplifying the praecepts of Logike by the practise of the common Lawe (1588); Arcadian Rhetorike (1588); Abrahami Fransi Insignium, Armorum ... explicatio (1588); The Countess of Pembroke’s Yvychurch (1591/2), which includes a translation of Tasso’s Aminta, a reprint of his earlier version of Watson, “The Lamentation of Corydon for the love of Alexis” (Virgil, eclogue ii.), a brief translation from Heliodorus, and in the third part (1592) “Aminta’s Dale,” a collection of “conceited” tales supposedly told by the nymphs of Ivychurch; The Countess of Pembroke’s Emanuell (1591); The Third Part of the Countess of Pembroke’s Ivychurch, entituled Aminta’s Dale (1592). His Arcadian Rhetorike builds on earlier critical treatises but is especially interesting for its references to Spenser, with Fraunce quoting from the Faerie Queene a year before the first books were published. In “Colin Clout’s come home again,” Spenser mentions Fraunce as Corydon due to his translations of Virgil’s second eclogue. His poems are written in classical meters, and he was seen by his contemporaries as the best interpreter of Gabriel Harvey’s theory. Even Thomas Nashe had nice things to say about “sweet Master France.”

The Countess of Pembroke’s Emanuell, hexameters on the nativity and passion of Christ, with versions of some psalms, were reprinted by Dr A. B. Grosart in the third volume of his Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies Library (1872). Joseph Hunter in his Chorus Vatum stated that five of Fraunce’s songs were included in Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella, but it is probable that these should be attributed not to Fraunce, but to Thomas Campion. See a life prefixed to the transcription of a MS. Latin comedy by Fraunce, Victoria, by Professor G. C. Moore Smith, published in Bang’s Materialien zur Kunde des alteren englischen Dramas, vol. xiv., 1906.

The Countess of Pembroke’s Emanuell, hexameter verses about the birth and suffering of Christ, along with some translations of psalms, were reprinted by Dr. A. B. Grosart in the third volume of his Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies Library (1872). Joseph Hunter mentioned in his Chorus Vatum that five of Fraunce’s songs were included in Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella, but it's likely these should actually be credited to Thomas Campion instead. For more information, see the biography included in the transcription of a manuscript Latin comedy by Fraunce, Victoria, by Professor G. C. Moore Smith, published in Bang’s Materialien zur Kunde des alteren englischen Dramas, vol. xiv., 1906.

FRAUNHOFER, JOSEPH VON (1787-1826), German optician and physicist, was born at Straubing in Bavaria on the 6th of March 1787, the son of a glazier who died in 1798. He was apprenticed in 1799 to Weichselberger, a glass-polisher and looking-glass maker. On the 21st of July 1801 he nearly lost his life by the fall of the house in which he lodged, and the elector of Bavaria, Maximilian Joseph, who was present at his extrication from the ruins, gave him 18 ducats. With a portion of this sum he obtained release from the last six months of his apprenticeship, and with the rest he purchased a glass-polishing machine. He now employed himself in making optical glasses, and in engraving on metal, devoting his spare time to the perusal of works on mathematics and optics. In 1806 he obtained the place of optician in the mathematical institute which in 1804 had been founded at Munich by Joseph von Utzschneider, G. Reichenbach and J. Liebherr; and in 1807 arrangements were made by Utzschneider for his instruction by Pierre Louis Guinand, a skilled optician, in the fabrication of flint and crown glass, in which he soon became an adept (see R. Wolf, Gesch. der Wissensch. in Deutschl. bd. xvi. p. 586). With Reichenbach and Utzschneider, Fraunhofer established in 1809 an optical institute at Benedictbeuern, near Munich, of which he in 1818 became sole manager. The institute was in 1819 removed to Munich, and on Fraunhofer’s death came under the direction of G. Merz.

FRAUNHOFER, JOSEPH VON (1787-1826), a German optician and physicist, was born in Straubing, Bavaria, on March 6, 1787, the son of a glazier who passed away in 1798. He started his apprenticeship in 1799 with Weichselberger, a glass-polisher and mirror maker. On July 21, 1801, he nearly lost his life when the house he was staying in collapsed, and the elector of Bavaria, Maximilian Joseph, who was there as he was rescued from the wreckage, gave him 18 ducats. With part of this money, he paid off the last six months of his apprenticeship, and with the remainder, he bought a glass-polishing machine. He began making optical glass and engraving metal, while using his free time to read about mathematics and optics. In 1806, he secured a position as an optician at the mathematical institute founded in 1804 in Munich by Joseph von Utzschneider, G. Reichenbach, and J. Liebherr; and in 1807, Utzschneider arranged for him to be trained by Pierre Louis Guinand, a talented optician, in making flint and crown glass, in which he quickly excelled (see R. Wolf, Gesch. der Wissensch. in Deutschl. bd. xvi. p. 586). In 1809, Fraunhofer, along with Reichenbach and Utzschneider, established an optical institute at Benedictbeuern, near Munich, which he became the sole manager of in 1818. The institute was moved to Munich in 1819, and after Fraunhofer's death, it came under the direction of G. Merz.

Amongst the earliest mechanical contrivances of Fraunhofer was a machine for polishing mathematically uniform spherical surfaces. He was the inventor of the stage-micrometer, and of a form of heliometer; and in 1816 he succeeded in constructing for the microscope achromatic glasses of long focus, consisting of a single lens, the constituent glasses of which were in juxtaposition, but not cemented together. The great reflecting telescope at Dorpat was manufactured by him, and so great was the skill he attained in the making of lenses for achromatic telescopes that, in a letter to Sir David Brewster, he expressed his willingness to furnish an achromatic glass of 18 in. diameter. Fraunhofer is especially known for the researches, published in the Denkschriften der Münchener Akademie for 1814-1815, by which he laid the foundation of solar and stellar chemistry. The dark lines of the spectrum of sunlight, earliest noted by Dr W. H. Wollaston (Phil. Trans., 1802, p. 378), were independently discovered, and, by means of the telescope of a theodolite, between which and a distant slit admitting the light a prism was interposed, were for the first time carefully observed by Fraunhofer, and have on that account been designated “Fraunhofer’s lines.” He constructed a map of as many as 576 of these lines, the principal of which he denoted by the letters of the alphabet from A to G; and by ascertaining their refractive indices he determined that their relative positions are constant, whether in spectra produced by the direct rays of the sun, or by the reflected light of the moon and planets. The spectra of the stars he obtained by using, outside the object-glass of his telescope, a large prism, through which the light passed to be brought to a focus in front of the eye-piece. He showed that in the spectra of the fixed stars many of the dark lines were different from those of the solar spectrum, whilst other well-known solar lines were wanting; and he concluded that it was not by any action of the terrestrial atmosphere upon the light passing through it that the lines were produced. He further expressed the belief that the dark lines D of the solar spectrum coincide with the bright lines of the sodium flame. He was also the inventor of the diffraction grating.

Among the earliest mechanical devices created by Fraunhofer was a machine for polishing perfectly uniform spherical surfaces. He invented the stage micrometer and a type of heliometer. In 1816, he successfully built achromatic lenses with a long focus for microscopes, which consisted of a single lens made of juxtaposed glasses that were not glued together. He manufactured the large reflecting telescope at Dorpat, and he became so skilled in making lenses for achromatic telescopes that he offered, in a letter to Sir David Brewster, to provide an achromatic lens with an 18-inch diameter. Fraunhofer is particularly renowned for his research published in the Denkschriften der Münchener Akademie for 1814-1815, through which he laid the groundwork for solar and stellar chemistry. The dark lines in sunlight's spectrum, first noted by Dr. W. H. Wollaston (Phil. Trans., 1802, p. 378), were independently discovered by Fraunhofer. Using a telescope from a theodolite with a prism placed between it and a distant slit allowing light to enter, he carefully observed these lines for the first time, leading to their designation as “Fraunhofer’s lines.” He created a map of 576 of these lines, identified the main ones with letters from A to G, and determined their refractive indices, showing that their relative positions remain constant in spectra created by direct sunlight or the reflected light of the moon and planets. He obtained the spectra of stars by placing a large prism outside the objective lens of his telescope, through which the light passed before being focused at the eyepiece. He demonstrated that many dark lines in the spectra of fixed stars differed from those in the solar spectrum, while some well-known solar lines were absent, leading him to conclude that these lines were not created by the terrestrial atmosphere's influence on the incoming light. He also believed that the dark lines D in the solar spectrum correspond with the bright lines of the sodium flame. Additionally, he invented the diffraction grating.

In 1823 he was appointed conservator of the physical cabinet at Munich, and in the following year he received from the king of Bavaria the civil order of merit. He died at Munich on the 7th of June 1826, and was buried near Reichenbach, whose decease had taken place eight years previously. On his tomb is the inscription “Approximavit sidera.”

In 1823, he was appointed curator of the natural history museum in Munich, and the following year, he received the civil order of merit from the king of Bavaria. He passed away in Munich on June 7, 1826, and was buried near Reichenbach, who had died eight years earlier. His tomb bears the inscription “Approximavit sidera.”

See J. von Utzschneider, Kurzer Umriss der Lebensgeschichte des Herrn Dr J. von Fraunhofer (Munich, 1826); and G. Merz, Das Leben und Wirken Fraunhofers (Landshut, 1865).

See J. von Utzschneider, Brief Overview of the Life of Dr. J. von Fraunhofer (Munich, 1826); and G. Merz, The Life and Work of Fraunhofer (Landshut, 1865).

FRAUSTADT (Polish, Wszowa), a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Posen, in a flat sandy country dotted with windmills, 50 m. S.S.W. of Posen, on the railway Lissa-Sagan. Pop. (including a garrison) 7500. It has three Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, a classical school and a teachers’ seminary; the manufactures include woollen and cotton goods, hats, morocco leather and gloves, and there is a considerable trade in corn, cattle and wool. Fraustadt was founded by Silesians in 1348, and afterwards belonged to the principality of Glogau. Near the town the Swedes under Charles XII. defeated the Saxons on the 13th of February 1706.

FRAUSTADT (Polish, Wszowa), a town in Germany, located in the Prussian province of Posen, in a flat sandy area filled with windmills, 50 km S.S.W. of Posen, along the railway line connecting Lissa and Sagan. Population (including a military garrison) is 7,500. The town has three Evangelical churches and two Roman Catholic churches, a classical school, and a teachers’ seminary. Its industries include the production of wool and cotton goods, hats, morocco leather, and gloves, along with significant trade in grain, cattle, and wool. Fraustadt was established by Silesians in 1348 and later became part of the principality of Glogau. Nearby, the Swedes under Charles XII defeated the Saxons on February 13, 1706.

FRAYSSINOUS, DENIS ANTOINE LUC, Comte de (1765-1841), French prelate and statesman, distinguished as an orator and as a controversial writer, was born of humble parentage at Curières, in the department of Aveyron, on the 9th of May 1765. He owes his reputation mainly to the lectures on dogmatic theology, known as the “conferences” of Saint Sulpice, delivered in the church of Saint Sulpice, Paris, from 1803 to 44 1809, to which admiring crowds were attracted by his lucid exposition and by his graceful oratory. The freedom of his language in 1809, when Napoleon had arrested the pope and declared the annexation of Rome to France, led to a prohibition of his lectures; and the dispersion of the congregation of Saint Sulpice in 1811 was followed by his temporary retirement from the capital. He returned with the Bourbons, and resumed his lectures in 1814; but the events of the Hundred Days again compelled him to withdraw into private life, from which he did not emerge until February 1816. As court preacher and almoner to Louis XVIII., he now entered upon the period of his greatest public activity and influence. In connexion with the controversy raised by the signing of the reactionary concordat of 1817, he published in 1818 a treatise entitled Vrais Principes de l’église Gallicane sur la puissance ecclésiastique, which though unfavourably criticized by Lamennais, was received with favour by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities. The consecration of Frayssinous as bishop of Hermopolis “in partibus,” his election to the French Academy, and his appointment to the grand-mastership of the university, followed in rapid succession. In 1824, on the accession of Charles X., he became minister of public instruction and of ecclesiastical affairs under the administration of Villèle; and about the same time he was created a peer of France with the title of count. His term of office was chiefly marked by the recall of the Jesuits. In 1825 he published his lectures under the title Défense du christianisme. The work passed through 15 editions within 18 years, and was translated into several European languages. In 1828 he, along with his colleagues in the Villèle ministry, was compelled to resign office, and the subsequent revolution of July 1830 led to his retirement to Rome. Shortly afterwards he became tutor to the duke of Bordeaux (Comte de Chambord) at Prague, where he continued to live until 1838. He died at St Géniez on the 12th of December 1841.

FRAYSSINOUS, DENIS ANTOINE LUC, Count of (1765-1841), French clergyman and politician, known for his speaking skills and controversial writings, was born to humble parents in Curières, Aveyron, on May 9, 1765. He earned his reputation primarily from the lectures on dogmatic theology, referred to as the “conferences” of Saint Sulpice, which he delivered at the church of Saint Sulpice in Paris from 1803 to 44 1809, drawing large crowds with his clear explanations and elegant speaking style. His outspoken remarks in 1809, during a time when Napoleon had imprisoned the pope and declared Rome's annexation to France, resulted in a ban on his lectures. The disbanding of the congregation of Saint Sulpice in 1811 led to his temporary withdrawal from Paris. He returned with the Bourbons and resumed his lectures in 1814; however, the events of the Hundred Days forced him back into private life, from which he didn't return until February 1816. As court preacher and almoner to Louis XVIII, he began a phase of significant public involvement and influence. In connection with the controversy surrounding the signing of the conservative concordat of 1817, he published a treatise in 1818 titled True Principles of the Gallican Church on Ecclesiastical Power, which, despite being criticized by Lamennais, was well-received by both civil and religious authorities. His consecration as bishop of Hermopolis “in partibus,” his election to the French Academy, and his appointment as grand-master of the university followed quickly one after the other. In 1824, with the rise of Charles X, he became the minister of public instruction and ecclesiastical affairs under Villèle's administration; around the same time, he was made a peer of France with the title of count. His time in office was particularly marked by the reinstatement of the Jesuits. In 1825, he published his lectures under the title Defense of Christianity. The work went through 15 editions in 18 years and was translated into several European languages. In 1828, he, along with his colleagues in the Villèle ministry, had to resign, and the subsequent revolution of July 1830 led to his retirement in Rome. Shortly afterward, he became a tutor to the Duke of Bordeaux (Count of Chambord) in Prague, where he lived until 1838. He passed away in St Géniez on December 12, 1841.

See Bertrand, Bibl. Sulpicienne (t. ii. 135 sq.; iii. 253) for bibliography, and G. A. Henrion (Paris, 2 vols., 1844) for biography.

See Bertrand, Bibl. Sulpicienne (vol. ii, pp. 135 sq.; vol. iii, p. 253) for bibliography, and G. A. Henrion (Paris, 2 vols., 1844) for biography.

FRÉCHETTE, LOUIS HONORÉ (1839-1908), French-Canadian poet, was born at Levis, Quebec, on the 16th of November 1839, the son of a contractor. He was educated in his native province, and called to the Canadian bar in 1864. He started the Journal de Lévis, and his revolutionary doctrines compelled him to leave Canada for the United States. After some years spent in journalism at Chicago, he was in 1874 elected as the Liberal candidate to represent Levis in the Canadian parliament. At the elections of 1878 and 1882 he was defeated, and thereafter confined himself to literature. He edited La Patrie and other French papers in the Dominion; and in 1889 was appointed clerk of the Quebec legislative council. He was long a warm advocate of the political union of Canada and the United States, but in later life became less ardent, and in 1897 accepted the honour of C.M.G. from Queen Victoria. He was president of the Royal Society of Canada, and of the Canadian Society of Arts, and received numerous honorary degrees. His works include: Mes Loisirs (1863); La Voix d’un exilé (1867), a satire against the Canadian government; Pêle-mêle (1877); Les Fleurs boréales, and Les Oiseaux de neige (1880), crowned by the French academy; La Légende d’un peuple (1887); two historical dramas, Papineau (1880) and Felix Poutré (1880); La Noël au Canada (1900), and several prose works and translations. An exponent of local French sentiment, he won the title of the “Canadian Laureate.” He died on the 1st of June 1908.

FRÉCHETTE, LOUIS HONORÉ (1839-1908), French-Canadian poet, was born in Lévis, Quebec, on November 16, 1839, to a contractor. He was educated in his home province and called to the Canadian bar in 1864. He launched the Journal de Lévis, and his revolutionary ideas forced him to leave Canada for the United States. After spending some years in journalism in Chicago, he was elected in 1874 as the Liberal candidate to represent Lévis in the Canadian parliament. He lost in the elections of 1878 and 1882, after which he focused on literature. He edited La Patrie and other French newspapers in the Dominion, and in 1889 he was appointed clerk of the Quebec legislative council. He was a strong supporter of the political union of Canada and the United States for many years, but he became less passionate about it later in life and accepted the honor of C.M.G. from Queen Victoria in 1897. He served as president of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Society of Arts, receiving numerous honorary degrees. His works include: Mes Loisirs (1863); La Voix d’un exilé (1867), a satire against the Canadian government; Pêle-mêle (1877); Les Fleurs boréales, and Les Oiseaux de neige (1880), both awarded by the French academy; La Légende d’un peuple (1887); two historical dramas, Papineau (1880) and Felix Poutré (1880); La Noël au Canada (1900), as well as several prose works and translations. As a representative of local French sentiment, he earned the title of the “Canadian Laureate.” He passed away on June 1, 1908.

FREDEGOND (Fredigundis) (d. 597), Frankish queen. Originally a serving-woman, she inspired the Frankish king, Chilperic I., with a violent passion. At her instigation he repudiated his first wife Audovera, and strangled his second, Galswintha, Queen Brunhilda’s sister. A few days after this murder Chilperic married Fredegond (567). This woman exercised a most pernicious influence over him. She forced him into war against Austrasia, in the course of which she procured the assassination of the victorious king Sigebert (575); she carried on a malignant struggle against Chilperic’s sons by his first wife, Theodebert, Merwich and Clovis, who all died tragic deaths; and she persistently endeavoured to secure the throne for her own children. Her first son Thierry, however, to whom Bishop Ragnemod of Paris stood godfather, died soon after birth, and Fredegond tortured a number of women whom she accused of having bewitched the child. Her second son also died in infancy. Finally, she gave birth to a child who afterwards became king as Clotaire II. Shortly after the birth of this third son, Chilperic himself perished in mysterious circumstances (584). Fredegond has been accused of complicity in his murder, but with little show of probability, since in her husband she lost her principal supporter.

FREDEGOND (Fredigundis) (d. 597), Frankish queen. Originally a servant, she aroused a powerful passion in King Chilperic I of the Franks. At her urging, he divorced his first wife, Audovera, and strangled his second wife, Galswintha, who was Queen Brunhilda’s sister. Just a few days after this murder, Chilperic married Fredegond (567). She had a very negative influence over him. She pushed him into war against Austrasia, during which she arranged for the assassination of the victorious King Sigebert (575); she carried out a vicious campaign against Chilperic’s sons from his first marriage, Theodebert, Merwich, and Clovis, all of whom died tragic deaths; and she continually tried to secure the throne for her own children. Her first son, Thierry, to whom Bishop Ragnemod of Paris was the godfather, died soon after birth, and Fredegond tortured several women she accused of casting spells on the child. Her second son also died in infancy. Finally, she gave birth to a child who later became King Clotaire II. Shortly after the birth of this third son, Chilperic himself died under mysterious circumstances (584). Fredegond has been accused of being involved in his murder, but there's little evidence for this, since she lost her main supporter in her husband.

Henceforth Fredegond did all in her power to gain the kingdom for her child. Taking refuge at the church of Notre Dame at Paris, she appealed to King Guntram of Burgundy, who took Clotaire under his protection and defended him against his other nephew, Childebert II., king of Austrasia. From that time until her death Fredegond governed the western kingdom. She endeavoured to prevent the alliance between King Guntram and Childebert, which was cemented by the pact of Andelot; and made several attempts to assassinate Childebert by sending against him hired bravoes armed with poisoned scramasaxes (heavy single-edged knives). After the death of Childebert in 595 she resolved to augment the kingdom of Neustria at the expense of Austrasia, and to this end seized some cities near Paris and defeated Theudebert at the battle of Laffaux, near Soissons. Her triumph, however, was short-lived, as she died quietly in her bed in 597 soon after her victory.

From that point on, Fredegond did everything she could to secure the kingdom for her child. Taking refuge at the Notre Dame church in Paris, she appealed to King Guntram of Burgundy, who took Clotaire under his wing and defended him against his other nephew, Childebert II, king of Austrasia. From that time until her death, Fredegond ruled the western kingdom. She tried to prevent the alliance between King Guntram and Childebert, which was solidified by the pact of Andelot, and made several attempts to assassinate Childebert by sending hired thugs armed with poisoned scramasaxes (heavy single-edged knives) against him. After Childebert's death in 595, she decided to expand the kingdom of Neustria at the expense of Austrasia, and to do this, she seized some cities near Paris and defeated Theudebert at the battle of Laffaux, near Soissons. However, her triumph was short-lived, as she passed away quietly in her bed in 597 soon after her victory.

See V. N. Augustin Thierry, Récits des temps mérovingiens (Brussels, 1840); Ulysse Chevalier, Bio-bibliographie (2nd ed.), s.v. “Frédégonde.”

See V. N. Augustin Thierry, Récits des temps mérovingiens (Brussels, 1840); Ulysse Chevalier, Bio-bibliographie (2nd ed.), s.v. “Frédégonde.”

(C. Pf.)

FREDERIC, HAROLD (1856-1898), Anglo-American novelist, was born on the 19th of August 1856 at Utica, N.Y., was educated there, and took to journalism. He went to live in England as London correspondent of the New York Times in 1884, and was soon recognized for his ability both as a writer and as a talker. He wrote several clever early stories, but it was not till he published Illumination (1896), followed by Gloria Mundi (1898), that his remarkable gifts as a novelist were fully realized. He died in England on the 19th of October 1898.

FREDERIC, HAROLD (1856-1898), Anglo-American novelist, was born on August 19, 1856, in Utica, N.Y. He was educated there and began his career in journalism. In 1884, he moved to England to serve as the London correspondent for the New York Times, quickly gaining recognition for his skills as both a writer and conversationalist. He penned several clever early stories, but it wasn't until he published Illumination (1896), followed by Gloria Mundi (1898), that his exceptional talent as a novelist was fully acknowledged. He passed away in England on October 19, 1898.

FREDERICIA (Friedericia), a seaport of Denmark, near the S.E. corner of Jutland, on the west shore of the Little Belt opposite the island of Fünen. Pop. (1901) 12,714. It has railway communication with both south and north, and a steam ferry connects with Middelfart, a seaside resort and railway station on Fünen. There is a considerable shipping trade, and the industries comprise the manufacture of tobacco, salt and chicory, and of cotton goods and hats. A small fort was erected on the site of Fredericia by Christian IV. of Denmark, and his successor, Frederick III., determined about 1650 to make it a powerful fortress. Free exercise of religion was offered to all who should settle in the new town, which at first bore the name of Frederiksodde, and only received its present designation in 1664. In 1657 it was taken by storm by the Swedish general Wrangel, and in 1659, after the fortress had been dismantled, it was occupied by Frederick William of Brandenburg. It was not till 1709-1710 that the works were again put in a state of defence. In 1848 no attempt was made by the Danes to oppose the Prussians, who entered on the 2nd of May, and maintained their position against the Danish gunboats. During the armistice of 1848-1849 the fortress was strengthened, and soon afterwards it stood a siege of two months, which was brought to a glorious close by a successful sortie on the 6th of July 1849. In memory of the victory several monuments have been erected in the town and its vicinity, of which the most noticeable are the bronze statue of the Danish Land Soldier by Bissen (one of Thorvaldsen’s pupils), and the great barrow over 500 Danes in the cemetery of the Holy Trinity Church, with a bas-relief by the same sculptor. On the outbreak of the war of 1864, the fortress was again strengthened by new works and an entrenched camp; but the Danes suddenly evacuated it on the 28th of April after a siege of six weeks. The Austro-Prussian army partly destroyed the fortifications, and kept possession of the town till the conclusion of peace.

FREDERICIA (Fredericia) is a seaport in Denmark, located near the southeast corner of Jutland, on the west shore of the Little Belt opposite the island of Fünen. Its population in 1901 was 12,714. The town is connected by rail to both the south and north, and there is a steam ferry that links it to Middelfart, a beach resort and railway station on Fünen. Fredericia has a significant shipping industry, and its local industries include the production of tobacco, salt, chicory, as well as cotton goods and hats. A small fort was built at the site of Fredericia by Christian IV of Denmark, and his successor, Frederick III, decided around 1650 to transform it into a strong fortress. The town initially offered religious freedom to anyone who settled there, originally named Frederiksodde, and it was only in 1664 that it received its current name. In 1657, it was captured by the Swedish general Wrangel, and in 1659, after the fortifications were taken down, Frederick William of Brandenburg took over. It wasn't until 1709-1710 that the defenses were restored. In 1848, the Danes didn’t resist the Prussians when they entered on May 2nd and held their position against Danish gunboats. During the truce of 1848-1849, the fortress was reinforced, and shortly after, it endured a two-month siege, which ended successfully with a bold attack on July 6, 1849. To commemorate the victory, several monuments were erected in the town and around it, including a bronze statue of the Danish Land Soldier by Bissen (one of Thorvaldsen’s students) and a large burial mound for over 500 Danes in the cemetery of the Holy Trinity Church, featuring a bas-relief by the same sculptor. At the start of the war in 1864, the fortress was once again fortified with new structures and an entrenched camp; however, the Danes abruptly evacuated it on April 28 after a six-week siege. The Austro-Prussian army partially destroyed the fortifications and occupied the town until peace was established.



FREDERICK (Mod. Ger. Friedrich; Ital. Federigo; Fr. Frédéric and Fédéric; M.H.G. Friderîch; O.H.G. Fridurîh, “king or lord of peace,” from O.H.G. fridu, A.S. frith, “peace,” and rîh “rich,” “a ruler,” for derivation of which see Henry), a Christian name borne by many European sovereigns and princes, the more important of whom are given below in the following order:—(1) Roman emperors and German kings; (2) other kings in the alphabetical order of their states; (3) other reigning princes in the same order.

FREDERICK (Mod. Ger. Friedrich; Ital. Federigo; Fr. Frédéric and Fédéric; M.H.G. Friderîch; O.H.G. Fridurîh, “king or lord of peace,” from O.H.G. fridu, A.S. frith, “peace,” and rîh “rich,” “a ruler,” for derivation of which see Henry), a Christian name used by many European rulers and princes, with the most notable ones listed below in this order:—(1) Roman emperors and German kings; (2) other kings in alphabetical order of their states; (3) other reigning princes in the same order.

FREDERICK I. (c. 1123-1190), Roman emperor, surnamed “Barbarossa” by the Italians, was the son of Frederick II. of Hohenstaufen, duke of Swabia, and Judith, daughter of Henry IX. the Black, duke of Bavaria. The precise date and place of his birth, together with details of his early life, are wanting; but in 1143 he assisted his maternal uncle, Count Welf VI., in his attempts to conquer Bavaria, and by his conduct in several local feuds earned the reputation of a brave and skilful warrior. When his father died in 1147 Frederick became duke of Swabia, and immediately afterwards accompanied his uncle, the German king Conrad III., on his disastrous crusade, during which he greatly distinguished himself and won the complete confidence of the king. Abandoning the cause of the Welfs, he fought for Conrad against them, and in 1152 the dying king advised the princes to choose Frederick as his successor to the exclusion of his own young son. Energetically pressing his candidature, he was chosen German king at Frankfort on the 4th or 5th of March 1152, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 9th of the same month, owing his election partly to his personal qualities, and partly to the fact that he united in himself the blood of the rival families of Welf and Waiblingen.

FREDERICK I. (c. 1123-1190), Roman emperor, known as “Barbarossa” by the Italians, was the son of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, duke of Swabia, and Judith, daughter of Henry IX the Black, duke of Bavaria. The exact date and place of his birth, as well as details of his early life, are not known; however, in 1143 he supported his maternal uncle, Count Welf VI, in his attempts to take over Bavaria, and through his actions in several local feuds, he earned a reputation as a brave and skilled warrior. After his father died in 1147, Frederick became duke of Swabia, and shortly afterward joined his uncle, German king Conrad III, on his ill-fated crusade, during which he distinguished himself and gained the king’s full trust. Shifting his allegiance from the Welfs, he fought for Conrad against them, and in 1152, the dying king encouraged the princes to select Frederick as his successor, bypassing his own young son. Actively campaigning for his candidacy, he was elected German king at Frankfort on March 4th or 5th, 1152, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 9th of the same month, partially due to his personal qualities and because he combined the bloodlines of the rival families of Welf and Waiblingen.

The new king was anxious to restore the Empire to the position it had occupied under Charlemagne and Otto the Great, and saw clearly that the restoration of order in Germany was a necessary preliminary to the enforcement of the imperial rights in Italy. Issuing a general order for peace, he was prodigal in his concessions to the nobles. Count Welf was made duke of Spoleto and margrave of Tuscany; Berthold VI., duke of Zähringen, was entrusted with extensive rights in Burgundy; and the king’s nephew, Frederick, received the duchy of Swabia. Abroad Frederick decided a quarrel for the Danish throne in favour of Svend, or Peter as he is sometimes called, who did homage for his kingdom, and negotiations were begun with the East Roman emperor, Manuel Comnenus. It was probably about this time that the king obtained a divorce from his wife Adela, daughter of Dietpold, margrave of Vohburg and Cham, on the ground of consanguinity, and made a vain effort to obtain a bride from the court of Constantinople. On his accession Frederick had communicated the news of his election to Pope Eugenius III., but neglected to ask for the papal confirmation. In spite of this omission, however, and of some trouble arising from a double election to the archbishopric of Magdeburg, a treaty was concluded between king and pope at Constance in March 1153, by which Frederick promised in return for his coronation to make no peace with Roger I. king of Sicily, or with the rebellious Romans, without the consent of Eugenius, and generally to help and defend the papacy.

The new king was eager to restore the Empire to the status it had under Charlemagne and Otto the Great, realizing that bringing order back to Germany was essential before enforcing imperial rights in Italy. He issued a general order for peace and generously made concessions to the nobles. Count Welf was appointed duke of Spoleto and margrave of Tuscany; Berthold VI, duke of Zähringen, was given extensive rights in Burgundy; and the king's nephew, Frederick, received the duchy of Swabia. Internationally, Frederick resolved a dispute for the Danish throne in favor of Svend (or Peter, as he’s sometimes called), who acknowledged his rule over the kingdom, and negotiations began with the Eastern Roman emperor, Manuel Comnenus. It was likely around this time that the king divorced his wife Adela, daughter of Dietpold, margrave of Vohburg and Cham, due to consanguinity, and attempted unsuccessfully to find a bride from the court of Constantinople. When Frederick became king, he informed Pope Eugenius III of his election but forgot to request papal confirmation. Despite this oversight, and some issues from a double election for the archbishopric of Magdeburg, a treaty was reached between the king and the pope in Constance in March 1153. Under this agreement, Frederick promised, in exchange for his coronation, not to make peace with Roger I, king of Sicily, or with the rebellious Romans without Eugenius's consent, and generally to support and defend the papacy.

The journey to Italy made by the king in 1154 was the precursor of five other expeditions which engaged his main energies for thirty years, during which the subjugation of the peninsula was the central and abiding aim of his policy. Meeting the new pope, Adrian IV., near Nepi, Frederick at first refused to hold his stirrup; but after some negotiations he consented and received the kiss of peace, which was followed by his coronation as emperor at Rome on the 18th of June 1155. As his slender forces were inadequate to encounter the fierce hostility which he aroused, he left Italy in the autumn of 1155 to prepare for a new and more formidable campaign. Disorder was again rampant in Germany, especially in Bavaria, but general peace was restored by Frederick’s vigorous measures. Bavaria was transferred from Henry II. Jasomirgott, margrave of Austria, to Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony; and the former was pacified by the erection of his margraviate into a duchy, while Frederick’s step-brother Conrad was invested with the Palatinate of the Rhine. On the 9th of June 1156 the king was married at Würzburg to Beatrix, daughter and heiress of the dead count of Upper Burgundy, Renaud III., when Upper Burgundy or Franche Comté, as it is sometimes called, was added to his possessions. An expedition into Poland reduced Duke Boleslaus IV. to an abject submission, after which Frederick received the homage of the Burgundian nobles at a diet held at Besançon in October 1157, which was marked by a quarrel between pope and emperor. A Swedish archbishop, returning from Rome, had been seized by robbers, and as Frederick had not punished the offenders Adrian sent two legates to remonstrate. The papal letter when translated referred to the imperial crown as a benefice conferred by the pope, and its reading aroused great indignation. The emperor had to protect the legates from the fury of the nobles; and afterwards issued a manifesto to his subjects declaring that he held the Empire from God alone, to which Adrian replied that he had used the ambiguous word beneficia as meaning benefits, and not in its feudal sense.

The king's trip to Italy in 1154 was the first of five other expeditions that occupied his main efforts for thirty years, during which the goal of conquering the peninsula remained his central focus. When he met the new pope, Adrian IV, near Nepi, Frederick initially refused to hold his stirrup; however, after some talks, he agreed and received the kiss of peace, which led to his coronation as emperor in Rome on June 18, 1155. Because his small forces were not enough to handle the fierce opposition he faced, he left Italy in the autumn of 1155 to prepare for a new and stronger campaign. Disorder erupted again in Germany, especially in Bavaria, but Frederick’s strong actions restored general peace. Bavaria was taken from Henry II. Jasomirgott, margrave of Austria, and given to Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony; the former was appeased by upgrading his margraviate to a duchy, while Frederick’s step-brother Conrad was appointed the Palatinate of the Rhine. On June 9, 1156, the king married Beatrix, the daughter and heiress of the late count of Upper Burgundy, Renaud III, in Würzburg, when Upper Burgundy, or Franche Comté as it’s sometimes called, was added to his lands. An expedition into Poland forced Duke Boleslaus IV into complete submission, after which Frederick received the loyalty of the Burgundian nobles at a diet held in Besançon in October 1157, which was marked by a conflict between the pope and the emperor. A Swedish archbishop returning from Rome had been attacked by robbers, and since Frederick had not punished them, Adrian sent two legates to complain. The papal letter, when translated, referred to the imperial crown as a benefice granted by the pope, and its reading sparked outrage. The emperor had to protect the legates from the nobles' anger and later issued a statement to his subjects declaring that he held the Empire from God alone, to which Adrian replied that he had used the ambiguous term beneficia to mean benefits, not in the feudal sense.

In June 1158 Frederick set out upon his second Italian expedition, which was signalized by the establishment of imperial officers called podestas in the cities of northern Italy, the revolt and capture of Milan, and the beginning of the long struggle with pope Alexander III., who excommunicated the emperor on the 2nd of March 1160. During this visit Frederick summoned the doctors of Bologna to the diet held near Roncaglia in November 1158, and as a result of their inquiries into the rights belonging to the kingdom of Italy he obtained a large amount of wealth. Returning to Germany towards the close of 1162, Frederick prevented a conflict between Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, and a number of neighbouring princes, and severely punished the citizens of Mainz for their rebellion against Archbishop Arnold. A further visit to Italy in 1163 saw his plans for the conquest of Sicily checked by the formation of a powerful league against him, brought together mainly by the exactions of the podestas and the enforcement of the rights declared by the doctors of Bologna. Frederick had supported an anti-pope Victor IV. against Alexander, and on Victor’s death in 1163 a new anti-pope called Paschal III. was chosen to succeed him. Having tried in vain to secure the general recognition of Victor and Paschal in Europe, the emperor held a diet at Würzburg in May 1165; and by taking an oath, followed by many of the clergy and nobles, to remain true to Paschal and his successors, brought about a schism in the German church. A temporary alliance with Henry II., king of England, the magnificent celebration of the canonization of Charlemagne at Aix-la-Chapelle, and the restoration of peace in the Rhineland, occupied Frederick’s attention until October 1166, when he made his fourth journey to Italy. Having captured Ancona, he marched to Rome, stormed the Leonine city, and procured the enthronement of Paschal, and the coronation of his wife Beatrix; but his victorious career was stopped by the sudden outbreak of a pestilence which destroyed the German army and drove the emperor as a fugitive to Germany, where he remained for the ensuing six years. Henry the Lion was again saved from a threatening combination; conflicting claims to various bishoprics were decided; and the imperial authority was asserted over Bohemia, Poland and Hungary. Friendly relations were entered into with the emperor Manuel, and attempts made to come to a better understanding with Henry II., king of England, and Louis VII., king of France.

In June 1158, Frederick embarked on his second Italian campaign, which was marked by the establishment of imperial officials called podestas in the cities of northern Italy, the uprising and capture of Milan, and the beginning of a long conflict with Pope Alexander III, who excommunicated the emperor on March 2, 1160. During this visit, Frederick called the scholars of Bologna to the assembly held near Roncaglia in November 1158, and as a result of their inquiries into the rights of the Kingdom of Italy, he gained a significant amount of wealth. Returning to Germany towards the end of 1162, Frederick prevented a conflict between Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, and several neighboring princes, and severely punished the citizens of Mainz for rebelling against Archbishop Arnold. A further visit to Italy in 1163 saw his plans for conquering Sicily halted by the formation of a powerful alliance against him, primarily brought together by the demands of the podestas and the enforcement of the rights declared by the scholars of Bologna. Frederick had supported an anti-pope, Victor IV, against Alexander, and after Victor’s death in 1163, a new anti-pope named Paschal III was elected to succeed him. After unsuccessfully trying to secure general recognition of Victor and Paschal in Europe, the emperor held an assembly in Würzburg in May 1165; by taking an oath that many clergy and nobles followed, pledging loyalty to Paschal and his successors, he caused a schism in the German church. A temporary alliance with Henry II, King of England, the grand celebration of Charlemagne's canonization at Aix-la-Chapelle, and restoring peace in the Rhineland occupied Frederick’s attention until October 1166, when he made his fourth trip to Italy. After capturing Ancona, he marched to Rome, stormed the Leonine city, and secured the enthronement of Paschal and the coronation of his wife Beatrix; however, his victorious campaign was halted by the sudden outbreak of a plague that decimated the German army and forced the emperor to flee back to Germany, where he remained for the next six years. Henry the Lion was once again saved from a threatening coalition; conflicting claims to various bishoprics were resolved; and imperial authority was asserted over Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary. Friendly relations were established with Emperor Manuel, and attempts were made to improve understanding with Henry II, King of England, and Louis VII, King of France.

In 1174, when Frederick made his fifth expedition to Italy, the Lombard league had been formed, and the fortress of Alessandria raised to check his progress. The campaign was a complete failure. The refusal of Henry the Lion to bring help into Italy was followed by the defeat of the emperor at Legnano on the 29th of May 1176, when he was wounded and believed to be dead. Reaching Pavia, he began negotiations for peace with Alexander, which ripened into the treaty of Venice in August 1177, and at the same time a truce with the Lombard league was arranged for six years. Frederick, loosed from the papal ban, recognized Alexander as the rightful pope, and in July 1177 knelt before him and kissed his feet. The possession of the vast 46 estates left by Matilda, marchioness of Tuscany, and claimed by both pope and emperor, was to be decided by arbitration, and in October 1178 the emperor was again in Germany. Various small feuds were suppressed; Henry the Lion was deprived of his duchy, which was dismembered, and sent into exile; a treaty was made with the Lombard league at Constance in June 1183; and most important of all, Frederick’s son Henry was betrothed in 1184 to Constance, daughter of Roger I., king of Sicily, and aunt and heiress of the reigning king, William II. This betrothal, which threatened to unite Sicily with the Empire, made it difficult for Frederick, when during his last Italian expedition in 1184 he met Pope Lucius III. at Verona, to establish friendly relations with the papacy. Further causes of trouble arose, moreover, and when the potentates separated the question of Matilda’s estates was undecided; and Lucius had refused to crown Henry or to recognize the German clergy who had been ordained during the schism. Frederick then formed an alliance with Milan, where the citizens witnessed a great festival on the 27th of January 1186. The emperor, who had been crowned king of Burgundy, or Arles, at Arles on the 30th of July 1178, had this ceremony repeated; while his son Henry was crowned king of Italy and married to Constance, who was crowned queen of Germany.

In 1174, when Frederick made his fifth trip to Italy, the Lombard League had formed, and the fortress of Alessandria was built to stop his advancement. The campaign was a total failure. Henry the Lion’s refusal to provide help in Italy led to the emperor's defeat at Legnano on May 29, 1176, where he was wounded and thought to be dead. Upon reaching Pavia, he started peace talks with Alexander, which resulted in the Treaty of Venice in August 1177, alongside a six-year truce with the Lombard League. Freed from the papal ban, Frederick recognized Alexander as the legitimate pope, and in July 1177, he knelt before him and kissed his feet. The vast estates left by Matilda, marchioness of Tuscany, claimed by both the pope and the emperor, would be settled through arbitration, and by October 1178, the emperor was back in Germany. Various smaller disputes were resolved; Henry the Lion lost his duchy, which was divided, and he was exiled; a treaty with the Lombard League was established in Constance in June 1183; and most importantly, Frederick’s son Henry was betrothed in 1184 to Constance, daughter of Roger I, king of Sicily, and aunt and heiress of the reigning king, William II. This engagement, which threatened to join Sicily with the Empire, complicated Frederick's efforts to build friendly relations with the papacy when he met Pope Lucius III in Verona during his last Italian expedition in 1184. Additional issues arose, and when the leaders parted, the matter of Matilda’s estates was unresolved; Lucius had also refused to crown Henry or recognize the German clergy ordained during the schism. Frederick then allied with Milan, where the citizens celebrated a grand festival on January 27, 1186. The emperor, who had been crowned king of Burgundy, or Arles, in Arles on July 30, 1178, had this ceremony repeated; meanwhile, his son Henry was crowned king of Italy and married to Constance, who was crowned queen of Germany.

The quarrel with the papacy was continued with the new pope Urban III., and open warfare was begun. But Frederick was soon recalled to Germany by the news of a revolt raised by Philip of Heinsberg, archbishop of Cologne, in alliance with the pope. The German clergy remained loyal to the emperor, and hostilities were checked by the death of Urban and the election of a new pope as Gregory VIII., who adopted a more friendly policy towards the emperor. In 1188 Philip submitted, and immediately afterwards Frederick took the cross in order to stop the victorious career of Saladin, who had just taken Jerusalem. After extensive preparations he left Regensburg in May 1189 at the head of a splendid army, and having overcome the hostility of the East Roman emperor Isaac Angelus, marched into Asia Minor. On the 10th of June 1190 Frederick was either bathing or crossing the river Calycadnus (Geuksu), near Seleucia (Selefke) in Cilicia, when he was carried away by the stream and drowned. The place of his burial is unknown, and the legend which says he still sits in a cavern in the Kyffhäuser mountain in Thuringia waiting until the need of his country shall call him, is now thought to refer, at least in its earlier form, to his grandson, the emperor Frederick II. He left by his wife, Beatrix, five sons, of whom the eldest afterwards became emperor as Henry VI.

The conflict with the papacy continued under the new pope Urban III., leading to open warfare. However, Frederick was soon called back to Germany due to news of a revolt initiated by Philip of Heinsberg, the archbishop of Cologne, in alliance with the pope. The German clergy stayed loyal to the emperor, and hostilities were halted by the death of Urban and the election of a new pope, Gregory VIII., who took a more friendly approach towards the emperor. In 1188, Philip surrendered, and shortly after, Frederick took the cross to stop the victorious advance of Saladin, who had just captured Jerusalem. After extensive preparations, he left Regensburg in May 1189 at the head of a magnificent army, and after overcoming the resistance of the East Roman emperor Isaac Angelus, he marched into Asia Minor. On June 10, 1190, Frederick was either bathing or crossing the river Calycadnus (Geuksu) near Seleucia (Selefke) in Cilicia when he was swept away by the current and drowned. The location of his burial remains unknown, and the legend that claims he still sits in a cave in the Kyffhäuser mountain in Thuringia waiting for the time when his country needs him is now believed, at least in its earlier versions, to refer to his grandson, Emperor Frederick II. He left behind five sons with his wife, Beatrix, the eldest of whom later became emperor as Henry VI.

Frederick’s reign, on the whole, was a happy and prosperous time for Germany. He encouraged the growth of towns, easily suppressed the few risings against his authority, and took strong and successful measures to establish order. Even after the severe reverses which he experienced in Italy, his position in Germany was never seriously weakened; and in 1181, when, almost without striking a blow, he deprived Henry the Lion of his duchy, he seemed stronger than ever. This power rested upon his earnest and commanding personality, and also upon the support which he received from the German church, the possession of a valuable private domain, and the care with which he exacted feudal dues from his dependents.

Frederick’s reign was overall a happy and prosperous time for Germany. He promoted the growth of towns, easily put down the few rebellions against his rule, and took effective steps to maintain order. Even after the major setbacks he faced in Italy, his standing in Germany was never seriously compromised; and in 1181, when he almost effortlessly stripped Henry the Lion of his duchy, he appeared stronger than ever. This power was based on his strong and authoritative personality, as well as the support he received from the German church, ownership of a valuable private estate, and the diligent way he collected feudal dues from those under him.

Frederick I. is said to have taken Charlemagne as his model; but the contest in which he engaged was entirely different both in character and results from that in which his great predecessor achieved such a wonderful temporary success. Though Frederick failed to subdue the republics, the failure can scarcely be said to reflect either on his prudence as a statesman or his skill as a general, for his ascendancy was finally overthrown rather by the ravages of pestilence than by the might of human arms. In Germany his resolute will and sagacious administration subdued or disarmed all discontent, and he not only succeeded in welding the various rival interests into a unity of devotion to himself against which papal intrigues were comparatively powerless, but won for the empire a prestige such as it had not possessed since the time of Otto the Great. The wide contrast between his German and Italian rule is strikingly exemplified in the fact that, while he endeavoured to overthrow the republics in Italy, he held in check the power of the nobles in Germany, by conferring municipal franchises and independent rights on the principal cities. Even in Italy, though his general course of action was warped by wrong prepossessions, he in many instances manifested exceptional practical sagacity in dealing with immediate difficulties and emergencies. Possessing frank and open manners, untiring and unresting energy, and a prowess which found its native element in difficulty and danger, he seemed the embodiment of the chivalrous and warlike spirit of his age, and was the model of all the qualities which then won highest admiration. Stern and ambitious he certainly was, but his aims can scarcely be said to have exceeded his prerogatives as emperor; and though he had sometimes recourse when in straits to expedients almost diabolically ingenious in their cruelty, yet his general conduct was marked by a clemency which in that age was exceptional. His quarrel with the papacy was an inherited conflict, not reflecting at all on his religious faith, but the inevitable consequence of inconsistent theories of government, which had been created and could be dissipated only by a long series of events. His interference in the quarrels of the republics was not only quite justifiable from the relation in which he stood to them, but seemed absolutely necessary. From the beginning, however, he treated the Italians, as indeed was only natural, less as rebellious subjects than as conquered aliens; and it must be admitted that in regard to them the only effective portion of his procedure was, not his energetic measures of repression nor his brilliant victories, but, after the battle of Legnano, his quiet and cheerful acceptance of the inevitable, and the consequent complete change in his policy, by which if he did not obtain the great object of his ambition, he at least did much to render innoxious for the Empire his previous mistakes.

Frederick I is said to have taken Charlemagne as his model, but the struggle he faced was completely different in nature and outcome from that of his great predecessor, who achieved remarkable temporary success. Although Frederick was unable to conquer the republics, this defeat hardly reflects on his judgment as a statesman or his abilities as a general, since his dominance was ultimately undermined more by the ravages of disease than by military force. In Germany, his strong will and wise administration quelled discontent, and he not only managed to unify various competing interests into a loyalty to himself, which made papal plots relatively powerless, but also brought the empire a prestige it hadn't seen since the time of Otto the Great. The stark contrast between his rule in Germany and Italy is highlighted by the fact that while he tried to overthrow the republics in Italy, he contained the power of the nobles in Germany by granting municipal rights and independence to the major cities. Even in Italy, although his overall strategy was distorted by misguided beliefs, he often showed exceptional practical wisdom in handling immediate challenges and crises. With his open demeanor, tireless energy, and skill in navigating difficulties and dangers, he seemed to embody the chivalric and martial spirit of his time and was the model of all the qualities that were most admired. He was indeed stern and ambitious, but his goals hardly exceeded his rights as emperor; and while he sometimes resorted to almost cruelly clever tactics when in tight situations, his overall conduct was marked by a kindness that was rare for that period. His conflict with the papacy was an inherited struggle, not a reflection of his religious beliefs, but rather an inevitable result of conflicting theories of governance, which had formed over time and could only be resolved through a long series of events. His involvement in the disputes of the republics was not only justifiable given his relationship with them, but also seemed absolutely necessary. However, from the start, he treated the Italians—naturally—as conquered outsiders rather than rebellious subjects; and it must be acknowledged that the most effective aspect of his approach to them was not his strong repressive measures or his impressive victories, but rather, after the battle of Legnano, his calm and positive acceptance of the inevitable, leading to a complete shift in his policy. Through this, even if he didn't achieve the grand goal he aimed for, he at least did much to mitigate the negative impact of his previous errors on the empire.

In appearance Frederick was a man of well-proportioned, medium stature, with flowing yellow hair and a reddish beard. He delighted in hunting and the reading of history, was zealous in his attention to public business, and his private life was unimpeachable. Carlyle’s tribute to him is interesting: “No king so furnished out with apparatus and arena, with personal faculty to rule and scene to do it in, has appeared elsewhere. A magnificent, magnanimous man; holding the reins of the world, not quite in the imaginary sense; scourging anarchy down, and urging noble effort up, really on a grand scale. A terror to evil-doers and a praise to well-doers in this world, probably beyond what was ever seen since.”

In appearance, Frederick was a well-built man of average height, with long yellow hair and a reddish beard. He enjoyed hunting and reading history, was dedicated to his public duties, and led an impeccable private life. Carlyle’s tribute to him is noteworthy: “No king so equipped with resources and a platform, with the personal ability to lead and the stage to do it on, has appeared anywhere else. A magnificent, generous man; holding the reins of the world, not just in a fictional sense; bringing order to chaos and inspiring noble efforts, truly on a grand scale. A terror to wrongdoers and a source of praise for those doing good in this world, probably more than has ever been seen since.”

The principal contemporary authority for the earlier part of the reign of Frederick is the Gesta Friderici imperatoris, mainly the work of Otto, bishop of Freising. This is continued from 1156 to 1160 by Rahewin, a canon of Freising, and from 1160 to 1170 by an anonymous author. The various annals and chronicles of the period, among which may be mentioned the Chronica regia Coloniensis and the Annales Magdeburgenses, are also important. Other authorities for the different periods in Frederick’s reign are Tageno of Passau, Descriptio expeditionis asiaticae Friderici I.; Burchard, Historia Friderici imperatoris magni; Godfrey of Viterbo, Carmen de gestis Friderici I., which are all found in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892); Otto Morena of Lodi, Historia rerum Laudensium, continued by his son, Acerbus, also in the Monumenta; Ansbert, Historia de expeditione Friderici, 1187-1196, published in the Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Scriptores (Vienna, 1855 fol.). Many valuable documents are found in the Monumenta Germaniae selecta, Band iv., edited by M. Doeberl (Munich, 1889-1890).

The main modern source for the early part of Frederick's reign is the Gesta Friderici imperatoris, largely written by Otto, the bishop of Freising. This work is continued from 1156 to 1160 by Rahewin, a canon of Freising, and from 1160 to 1170 by an anonymous author. The various annals and chronicles from that time, including the Chronica regia Coloniensis and the Annales Magdeburgenses, are also significant. Other sources for different periods of Frederick’s reign include Tageno of Passau, Descriptio expeditionis asiaticae Friderici I.; Burchard, Historia Friderici imperatoris magni; and Godfrey of Viterbo, Carmen de gestis Friderici I., all of which can be found in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892); Otto Morena of Lodi, Historia rerum Laudensium, continued by his son, Acerbus, also in the Monumenta; and Ansbert, Historia de expeditione Friderici, 1187-1196, published in the Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Scriptores (Vienna, 1855 fol.). Many valuable documents can be found in the Monumenta Germaniae selecta, Band iv., edited by M. Doeberl (Munich, 1889-1890).

The best modern authorities are J. Jastrow, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen (Berlin, 1893); W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Band iv. (Brunswick, 1877); H. von Bünau, Leben und Thaten Friedrichs I. (Leipzig, 1872); H. Prutz, Kaiser Friedrich I. (Dantzig, 1871-1874); C. Peters, Die Wahl Kaiser Friedrichs I. in the Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Band xx. (Göttingen, 1862-1886); W. Gundlach, Barbarossalieder (Innsbruck, 1899). For a complete bibliography see Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte (Göttingen, 1894), and U. Chevalier, Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge, tome iii. (Paris, 1904).

The best contemporary sources are J. Jastrow, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen (Berlin, 1893); W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Volume iv. (Brunswick, 1877); H. von Bünau, Leben und Thaten Friedrichs I. (Leipzig, 1872); H. Prutz, Kaiser Friedrich I. (Dantzig, 1871-1874); C. Peters, Die Wahl Kaiser Friedrichs I. in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Volume xx. (Göttingen, 1862-1886); W. Gundlach, Barbarossalieder (Innsbruck, 1899). For a complete bibliography, see Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte (Göttingen, 1894), and U. Chevalier, Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge, Volume iii. (Paris, 1904).

FREDERICK II. (1194-1250), Roman emperor, king of Sicily and Jerusalem, was the son of the emperor Henry VI. and Constance, daughter of Roger I., king of Sicily, and therefore grandson of the emperor Frederick I. and a member of the Hohenstaufen 47 family. Born at Jesi near Ancona on the 26th of December 1194, he was baptized by the name of Frederick Roger, chosen German king at Frankfort in 1196, and after his father’s death crowned king of Sicily at Palermo on the 17th of May 1198. His mother, who assumed the government, died in November 1198, leaving Pope Innocent III. as regent of Sicily and guardian of her son. The young king passed his early years amid the terrible anarchy in his island kingdom, which Innocent was powerless to check; but his education was not neglected, and his character and habits were formed by contact with men of varied nationalities and interests, while the darker traits of his nature were developed in the atmosphere of lawlessness in which he lived. In 1208 he was declared of age, and soon afterwards Innocent arranged a marriage, which was celebrated the following year, between him and Constance, daughter of Alphonso II. king of Aragon, and widow of Emerich or Imre, king of Hungary.

FREDERICK II. (1194-1250), Roman emperor, king of Sicily and Jerusalem, was the son of Emperor Henry VI and Constance, the daughter of Roger I, king of Sicily. This made him the grandson of Emperor Frederick I and a member of the Hohenstaufen 47 family. Born in Jesi near Ancona on December 26, 1194, he was baptized Frederick Roger. He was elected German king in Frankfort in 1196 and, following his father's death, crowned king of Sicily in Palermo on May 17, 1198. His mother took over the government but died in November 1198, leaving Pope Innocent III as regent of Sicily and guardian of her son. The young king spent his early years amid the chaos in his island kingdom, which Innocent was unable to control. However, his education was prioritized, and his character and habits were shaped by interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and interests, while the more negative aspects of his nature were influenced by the lawless environment in which he lived. In 1208, he was declared of age, and shortly after, Innocent arranged a marriage for him, which took place the following year, with Constance, daughter of Alphonso II, king of Aragon, and widow of Emerich or Imre, king of Hungary.

The dissatisfaction felt in Germany with the emperor Otto IV. came to a climax in September 1211, when a number of influential princes met at Nuremberg, declared Otto deposed, and invited Frederick to come and occupy the vacant throne. In spite of the reluctance of his wife, and the opposition of the Sicilian nobles, he accepted the invitation; and having recognized the papal supremacy over Sicily, and procured the coronation of his son Henry as its king, reached Germany after an adventurous journey in the autumn of 1212. This step was taken with the approval of the pope, who was anxious to strike a blow at Otto IV.

The discontent in Germany with Emperor Otto IV reached a peak in September 1211, when several powerful princes gathered in Nuremberg, declared Otto deposed, and invited Frederick to take the empty throne. Despite his wife's hesitations and the resistance from the Sicilian nobles, he accepted the invitation; after recognizing the pope's authority over Sicily and having his son Henry crowned as its king, he made his way to Germany following an eventful journey in the autumn of 1212. This move was supported by the pope, who wanted to weaken Otto IV.

Frederick was welcomed in Swabia, and the renown of the Hohenstaufen name and a liberal distribution of promises made his progress easy. Having arranged a treaty against Otto with Louis, son of Philip Augustus, king of France, whom he met at Vaucouleurs, he was chosen German king a second time at Frankfort on the 5th of December 1212, and crowned four days later at Mainz. Anxious to retain the support of the pope, Frederick promulgated a bull at Eger on the 12th of July 1213, by which he renounced all lands claimed by the pope since the death of the emperor Henry VI. in 1197, gave up the right of spoils and all interference in episcopal elections, and acknowledged the right of appeal to Rome. He again affirmed the papal supremacy over Sicily, and promised to root out heresy in Germany. The victory of his French allies at Bouvines on the 27th of July 1214 greatly strengthened his position, and a large part of the Rhineland having fallen into his power, he was crowned German king at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 25th of July 1215. His cause continued to prosper, fresh supporters gathered round his standard, and in May 1218 the death of Otto freed him from his rival and left him undisputed ruler of Germany. A further attempt to allay the pope’s apprehension lest Sicily should be united with the Empire had been made early in 1216, when Frederick, in a letter to Innocent, promised after his own coronation as emperor to recognize his son Henry as king of Sicily, and to place him under the suzerainty of Rome. Henry nevertheless was brought to Germany and chosen German king at Frankfort in April 1220, though Frederick assured the new pope, Honorius III., that this step had been taken without his consent. The truth, however, seems to be that he had taken great trouble to secure this election, and for the purpose had won the support of the spiritual princes by extensive concessions. In August 1220 Frederick set out for Italy, and was crowned emperor at Rome on the 22nd of November 1220; after which he repeated the undertaking he had entered into at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1215 to go on crusade, and made lavish promises to the Church. The clergy were freed from taxation and from lay jurisdiction, the ban of the Empire was to follow the ban of the Church, and heretics were to be severely punished.

Frederick was welcomed in Swabia, and the reputation of the Hohenstaufen name along with a generous distribution of promises made his journey smooth. After arranging a treaty against Otto with Louis, the son of Philip Augustus, king of France, whom he met at Vaucouleurs, he was elected German king for the second time in Frankfurt on December 5, 1212, and crowned four days later in Mainz. Eager to maintain the support of the pope, Frederick issued a decree in Eger on July 12, 1213, in which he renounced all lands claimed by the pope since the death of Emperor Henry VI in 1197, gave up the right of spoils and any interference in episcopal elections, and recognized the right of appeal to Rome. He also reaffirmed papal supremacy over Sicily and promised to eliminate heresy in Germany. The victory of his French allies at Bouvines on July 27, 1214, greatly strengthened his position, and after much of the Rhineland fell under his control, he was crowned German king in Aachen on July 25, 1215. His cause continued to flourish, new supporters rallied around him, and in May 1218, Otto's death liberated him from his rival, leaving him as the undisputed ruler of Germany. Earlier in 1216, he made another effort to ease the pope’s concerns about Sicily becoming part of the Empire when he wrote to Innocent, promising that after his own coronation as emperor he would recognize his son Henry as king of Sicily and place him under the authority of Rome. Nevertheless, Henry was brought to Germany and elected German king in Frankfurt in April 1220, although Frederick assured the new pope, Honorius III, that this move was made without his approval. The reality, however, seems to be that he had worked hard to secure this election, and to achieve this, he garnered the support of the spiritual princes through extensive concessions. In August 1220, Frederick set off for Italy and was crowned emperor in Rome on November 22, 1220; afterward, he reiterated his commitment made in Aachen in 1215 to go on crusade and made generous promises to the Church. The clergy were exempt from taxes and lay jurisdiction, the ban of the Empire was to align with the ban of the Church, and heretics were to be strictly punished.

Neglecting his promise to lead a crusade, Frederick was occupied until 1225 in restoring order in Sicily. The island was seething with disorder, but by stern and sometimes cruel measures the emperor suppressed the anarchy of the barons, curbed the power of the cities, and subdued the rebellious Saracens, many of whom, transferred to the mainland and settled at Nocera, afterwards rendered him valuable military service. Meanwhile the crusade was postponed again and again; until under a threat of excommunication, after the fall of Damietta in 1221, Frederick definitely undertook by a treaty made at San Germano in 1225 to set out in August 1227 or to submit to this penalty. His own interests turned more strongly to the East, when on the 9th of November 1225, after having been a widower since 1222, he married Iolande (Yolande or Isabella), daughter of John, count of Brienne, titular king of Jerusalem. John appears to have expected that this alliance would restore him to his kingdom, but his hopes were dashed to the ground when Frederick himself assumed the title of king of Jerusalem. The emperor’s next step was an attempt to restore the imperial authority in northern Italy, and for the purpose a diet was called at Cremona. But the cities, watchful and suspicious, renewed the Lombard league and took up a hostile attitude. Frederick’s reply was to annul the treaty of Constance and place the cities under the imperial ban; but he was forced by lack of military strength to accept the mediation of Pope Honorius and the maintenance of the status quo.

Neglecting his promise to lead a crusade, Frederick was busy until 1225 restoring order in Sicily. The island was full of chaos, but through strict and sometimes harsh measures, the emperor put an end to the barons' anarchy, reduced the power of the cities, and subdued the rebellious Saracens, many of whom were moved to the mainland and settled in Nocera, later providing him valuable military service. Meanwhile, the crusade was delayed over and over; until under threat of excommunication, after the fall of Damietta in 1221, Frederick finally agreed in a treaty made at San Germano in 1225 to set out in August 1227 or face this penalty. His own interests shifted more towards the East when on November 9, 1225, after being a widower since 1222, he married Iolande (Yolande or Isabella), the daughter of John, count of Brienne, the nominal king of Jerusalem. John seemed to believe that this alliance would restore him to his kingdom, but his hopes were crushed when Frederick himself took on the title of king of Jerusalem. The emperor’s next move was to try to restore imperial authority in northern Italy, for which a diet was called at Cremona. However, the cities, alert and distrustful, reformed the Lombard league and adopted a hostile stance. Frederick's response was to cancel the treaty of Constance and put the cities under the imperial ban; but he was compelled by a lack of military strength to accept the mediation of Pope Honorius and maintain the status quo.

After these events, which occurred early in 1227, preparations for the crusade were pressed on, and the emperor sailed from Brindisi on the 8th of September. A pestilence, however, which attacked his forces compelled him to land in Italy three days later, and on the 29th of the same month he was excommunicated by the new pope, Gregory IX. The greater part of the succeeding year was spent by pope and emperor in a violent quarrel. Alarmed at the increase in his opponent’s power, Gregory denounced him in a public letter, to which Frederick replied in a clever document addressed to the princes of Europe. The reading of this manifesto, drawing attention to the absolute power claimed by the popes, was received in Rome with such evidences of approval that Gregory was compelled to fly to Viterbo. Having lost his wife Isabella on the 8th of May 1228, Frederick again set sail for Palestine, where he met with considerable success, the result of diplomatic rather than of military skill. By a treaty made in February 1229 he secured possession of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth and the surrounding neighbourhood. Entering Jerusalem, he crowned himself king of that city on the 18th of March 1229. These successes had been won in spite of the hostility of Gregory, which deprived Frederick of the assistance of many members of the military orders and of the clergy of Palestine. But although the emperor’s possessions on the Italian mainland had been attacked in his absence by the papal troops and their allies, Gregory’s efforts had failed to arouse serious opposition in Germany and Sicily; so that when Frederick returned unexpectedly to Italy in June 1229 he had no difficulty in driving back his enemies, and compelling the pope to sue for peace. The result was the treaty of San Germano, arranged in July 1230, by which the emperor, loosed from the ban, promised to respect the papal territory, and to allow freedom of election and other privileges to the Sicilian clergy. Frederick was next engaged in completing the pacification of Sicily. In 1231 a series of laws were published at Melfi which destroyed the ascendancy of the feudal nobles. Royal officials were appointed for administrative purposes, large estates were recovered for the crown, and fortresses were destroyed, while the church was placed under the royal jurisdiction and all gifts to it were prohibited. At the same time certain privileges of self-government were granted to the towns, representatives from which were summoned to sit in the diet. In short, by means of a centralized system of government, the king established an almost absolute monarchical power.

After these events, which took place early in 1227, preparations for the crusade were pushed forward, and the emperor set sail from Brindisi on September 8th. However, a plague that struck his troops forced him to land in Italy three days later, and on the 29th of that same month, he was excommunicated by the new pope, Gregory IX. The following year was spent in a fierce argument between the pope and the emperor. Concerned about his opponent’s growing power, Gregory publicly condemned him in a letter, to which Frederick cleverly responded with a document addressed to the princes of Europe. The reading of this manifesto, which highlighted the absolute power claimed by the popes, was met with such approval in Rome that Gregory had to flee to Viterbo. After losing his wife Isabella on May 8th, 1228, Frederick set sail again for Palestine, where he achieved significant success, mainly through diplomacy rather than military action. By a treaty made in February 1229, he gained control of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and the surrounding area. Entering Jerusalem, he crowned himself king of the city on March 18th, 1229. These successes were achieved despite Gregory's hostility, which kept Frederick from the support of many members of the military orders and the clergy in Palestine. Although the emperor's lands on the Italian mainland were attacked during his absence by papal troops and their allies, Gregory’s efforts did not spark serious resistance in Germany and Sicily. So when Frederick returned unexpectedly to Italy in June 1229, he easily pushed back his enemies and forced the pope to seek peace. This led to the treaty of San Germano, arranged in July 1230, where the emperor, released from the ban, agreed to respect the papal territory and to allow freedom of election and other privileges to the Sicilian clergy. Frederick then focused on completing the pacification of Sicily. In 1231, a series of laws were published at Melfi, which diminished the power of the feudal nobles. Royal officials were appointed for administration, large estates were reclaimed for the crown, and fortresses were destroyed, while the church was brought under royal control and all donations to it were banned. At the same time, certain self-government privileges were granted to the towns, with representatives summoned to sit in the diet. In short, through a centralized system of government, the king established almost absolute monarchical power.

In Germany, on the other hand, an entirely different policy was pursued. The concessions granted by Frederick in 1220, together with the Privilege of Worms, dated the 1st of May 1231, made the German princes virtually independent. All jurisdiction over their lands was vested in them, no new mints or toll-centres were to be erected on their domains, and the imperial authority was restricted to a small and dwindling area. A fierce attack was also made on the rights of the cities. Compelled to restore all their lands, their jurisdiction was bounded by their city-walls; they were forbidden to receive the dependents of the princes; all trade gilds were declared abolished; and all official appointments made without the consent of the archbishop or bishop were 48 annulled. A further attack on the Lombard cities at the diet of Ravenna in 1231 was answered by a renewal of their league, and was soon connected with unrest in Germany. About 1231 a breach took place between Frederick and his elder son Henry, who appears to have opposed the Privilege of Worms and to have favoured the towns against the princes. After refusing to travel to Italy, Henry changed his mind and submitted to his father at Aquileia in 1232; and a temporary peace was made with the Lombard cities in June 1233. But on his return to Germany Henry again raised the standard of revolt, and made a league with the Lombards in December 1234. Frederick, meanwhile, having helped Pope Gregory against the rebellious Romans and having secured the friendship of France and England, appeared in Germany early in 1235 and put down this rising without difficulty. Henry was imprisoned, but his associates were treated leniently. In August 1235 a splendid diet was held at Mainz, during which the marriage of the emperor with Isabella (1214-1241), daughter of John, king of England, was celebrated. A general peace (Landfrieden), which became the basis of all such peaces in the future, was sworn to; a new office, that of imperial justiciar, was created, and a permanent judicial record was first instituted. Otto of Brunswick, grandson of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, was made duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; and war was declared against the Lombards.

In Germany, on the other hand, a completely different approach was taken. The concessions given by Frederick in 1220, along with the Privilege of Worms, dated May 1, 1231, made the German princes nearly independent. They had full control over their lands, no new mints or toll centers could be established on their territories, and imperial authority was limited to a small and shrinking area. A strong attack was also launched on the rights of the cities. They were forced to return all their lands, their jurisdiction was limited to within their city walls; they were not allowed to accept the princes' dependents; all trade guilds were declared abolished; and any official appointments made without the consent of the archbishop or bishop were 48 nullified. A further assault on the Lombard cities at the diet of Ravenna in 1231 was met with a revival of their league, soon tied to unrest in Germany. Around 1231, a rift developed between Frederick and his elder son Henry, who seemed to oppose the Privilege of Worms and supported the towns against the princes. After initially refusing to go to Italy, Henry changed his mind and submitted to his father in Aquileia in 1232; a temporary peace was established with the Lombard cities in June 1233. However, upon returning to Germany, Henry once again raised the banner of revolt and formed an alliance with the Lombards in December 1234. Meanwhile, Frederick, having assisted Pope Gregory against the rebellious Romans and secured the support of France and England, returned to Germany in early 1235 and quelled the uprising with ease. Henry was imprisoned, but his followers were treated more kindly. In August 1235, a grand diet was held at Mainz, during which the marriage of the emperor to Isabella (1214-1241), daughter of John, King of England, was celebrated. A general peace (Landfrieden

Frederick was now at the height of his power. His second son, Conrad, was invested with the duchy of Swabia, and the claim of Wenceslaus, king of Bohemia, to some lands which had belonged to the German king Philip was bought off. The attitude of Frederick II. (the Quarrelsome), duke of Austria, had been considered by the emperor so suspicious that during a visit paid by Frederick to Italy a war against him was begun. Compelled to return by the ill-fortune which attended this campaign, the emperor took command of his troops, seized Austria, Styria and Carinthia, and declared these territories to be immediately dependent on the Empire. In January 1237 he secured the election of his son Conrad as German king at Vienna; and in September went to Italy to prosecute the war which had broken out with the Lombards in the preceding year. Pope Gregory attempted to mediate, but the cities refused to accept the insulting terms offered by Frederick. The emperor gained a great victory over their forces at Cortenuova in November 1237; but though he met with some further successes, his failure to take Brescia in October 1238, together with the changed attitude of Gregory, turned the fortune of war. The pope had become alarmed when the emperor brought about a marriage between the heiress of Sardinia, Adelasia, and his natural son Enzio, who afterwards assumed the title of king of Sardinia. But as his warnings had been disregarded, he issued a document after the emperor’s retreat from Brescia, teeming with complaints against Frederick, and followed it up by an open alliance with the Lombards, and by the excommunication of the emperor on the 20th of March 1239. A violent war of words ensued. Frederick, accused of heresy, blasphemy and other crimes, called upon all kings and princes to unite against the pope, who on his side made vigorous efforts to arouse opposition in Germany, where his emissaries, a crowd of wandering friars, were actively preaching rebellion. It was, however, impossible to find an anti-king. In Italy, Spoleto and Ancona were declared part of the imperial dominions, and Rome itself, faithful on this occasion to the pope, was threatened. A number of ecclesiastics proceeding to a council called by Gregory were captured by Enzio at the sea-fight of Meloria, and the emperor was about to undertake the siege of Rome, when the pope died (August 1241). Germany was at this time menaced by the Mongols; but Frederick contented himself with issuing directions for a campaign against them, until in 1242 he was able to pay a short visit to Germany, where he gained some support from the towns by grants of extensive privileges.

Frederick was now at the peak of his power. His second son, Conrad, was given the duchy of Swabia, and they managed to pay off Wenceslaus, the king of Bohemia, regarding some lands that had once belonged to the German king Philip. The emperor found the attitude of Frederick II (the Quarrelsome), the duke of Austria, so suspicious that during a visit Frederick made to Italy, a war was launched against him. Forced to return due to the misfortunes of this campaign, the emperor took command of his troops, seized Austria, Styria, and Carinthia, and declared these territories to be under the immediate control of the Empire. In January 1237, he secured the election of his son Conrad as German king in Vienna; and in September, he went to Italy to continue the war that had started with the Lombards the previous year. Pope Gregory tried to mediate, but the cities rejected the insulting terms Frederick proposed. The emperor achieved a significant victory over their forces at Cortenuova in November 1237; however, despite having some further successes, his inability to capture Brescia in October 1238, along with Gregory’s changed stance, shifted the tide of war. The pope became concerned when Frederick arranged a marriage between the heiress of Sardinia, Adelasia, and his illegitimate son Enzio, who later took the title of king of Sardinia. But since his warnings were ignored, he issued a document filled with complaints against Frederick after the emperor’s retreat from Brescia and followed it up by openly allying with the Lombards and excommunicating the emperor on March 20, 1239. A heated war of words erupted. Frederick, accused of heresy, blasphemy, and various other crimes, called upon all kings and princes to unite against the pope, who, in turn, made strong efforts to stir up opposition in Germany, where his agents, a band of roaming friars, were actively preaching rebellion. However, it was impossible to find an anti-king. In Italy, Spoleto and Ancona were declared part of the imperial realms, and Rome itself, loyal to the pope in this instance, was threatened. Several clergy heading to a council called by Gregory were captured by Enzio during the naval battle of Meloria, and the emperor was preparing to lay siege to Rome when the pope died in August 1241. At this time, Germany was threatened by the Mongols; but Frederick was satisfied with issuing orders for a campaign against them until he could make a brief visit to Germany in 1242, where he gained some support from the towns by granting them extensive privileges.

The successor of Gregory was Pope Celestine IX. But this pontiff died soon after his election; and after a delay of eighteen months, during which Frederick marched against Rome on two occasions and devastated the lands of his opponents, one of his partisans, Sinibaldo Fiesco, was chosen pope, and took the name of Innocent IV. Negotiations for peace were begun, but the relations of the Lombard cities to the Empire could not be adjusted, and when the emperor began again to ravage the papal territories Innocent fled to Lyons. Hither he summoned a general council, which met in June 1245; but although Frederick sent his justiciar, Thaddeus of Suessa, to represent him, and expressed his willingness to treat, sentence of excommunication and deposition was pronounced against him. Once more an interchange of recriminations began, charged with all the violent hyperbole characteristic of the controversial style of the age. Accused of violating treaties, breaking oaths, persecuting the church and abetting heresy, Frederick replied by an open letter rebutting these charges, and in equally unmeasured terms denounced the arrogance and want of faith of the clergy from the pope downwards. The source of all the evil was, he declared, the excessive wealth of the church, which, in retaliation for the sentence of excommunication, he threatened to confiscate. In vain the mediation of the saintly king of France, Louis IX., was invoked. Innocent surpassed his predecessors in the ferocity and unscrupulousness of his attacks on the emperor (see Innocent IV.). War soon became general in Germany and Italy. Henry Raspe, landgrave of Thuringia, was chosen German king in opposition to Frederick in May 1246, but neither he nor his successor, William II., count of Holland, was successful in driving the Hohenstaufen from Germany. In Italy, during the emperor’s absence, his cause had been upheld by Enzio and by the ferocious Eccelino da Romano. In 1246 a formidable conspiracy of the discontented Apulian barons against the emperor’s power and life, fomented by papal emissaries, was discovered and crushed with ruthless cruelty. The emperor’s power seemed more firmly established than ever, when suddenly the news reached him that Parma, a stronghold of the imperial authority in the north, had been surprised, while the garrison was off its guard, by the Guelphs. To recover the city was a matter of prime importance, and in 1247 Frederick concentrated his forces round it, building over against it a wooden town which, in anticipation of the success that astrologers had predicted, he named Vittoria. The siege, however, was protracted, and finally, in February 1248, during the absence of the emperor on a hunting expedition, was brought to an end by a sudden sortie of the men of Parma, who stormed the imperial camp. The disaster was complete. The emperor’s forces were destroyed or scattered; the treasury, with the imperial insignia, together with Frederick’s harem and some of the most trusted of his ministers, fell into the hands of the victors. Thaddeus of Suessa was hacked to pieces by the mob; the imperial crown was placed in mockery on the head of a hunch-backed beggar, who was carried back in triumph into the city.

The successor to Gregory was Pope Celestine IX. However, this pope died shortly after his election; and after an eighteen-month delay, during which Frederick attacked Rome twice and devastated his opponents' lands, one of his supporters, Sinibaldo Fiesco, was chosen as pope and took the name Innocent IV. Peace negotiations started, but the relationship between the Lombard cities and the Empire couldn't be resolved, and when the emperor began ravaging the papal territories again, Innocent fled to Lyons. There, he called a general council that met in June 1245; but although Frederick sent his justiciar, Thaddeus of Suessa, to represent him and expressed his willingness to negotiate, a sentence of excommunication and deposition was declared against him. Once again, accusations flew back and forth, full of the intense exaggeration typical of the controversial style of the time. Accused of violating treaties, breaking oaths, persecuting the church, and supporting heresy, Frederick responded with an open letter denying these charges and equally harshly condemned the arrogance and lack of faith of the clergy, including the pope. He claimed the root of all the problems was the church's excessive wealth, which he threatened to confiscate in retaliation for the excommunication. The intervention of the saintly King Louis IX of France was in vain. Innocent was more aggressive and ruthless in his attacks on the emperor than his predecessors (see Innocent IV.). War soon broke out across Germany and Italy. Henry Raspe, landgrave of Thuringia, was chosen as German king in opposition to Frederick in May 1246, but neither he nor his successor, William II, count of Holland, managed to drive the Hohenstaufen from Germany. In Italy, during the emperor’s absence, his cause was defended by Enzio and the fierce Eccelino da Romano. In 1246, a significant conspiracy of discontented Apulian barons against the emperor’s power and life, stirred up by papal agents, was discovered and brutally crushed. The emperor’s power seemed more solid than ever, when suddenly he received news that Parma, a key stronghold of imperial authority in the north, had been taken by surprise and captured by the Guelphs while the garrison was unprepared. Recovering the city was extremely important, and in 1247 Frederick gathered his forces around it, building a wooden town across from it, which he named Vittoria, anticipating the success predicted by astrologers. However, the siege dragged on, and finally, in February 1248, while the emperor was away on a hunting trip, the men of Parma suddenly launched an attack and overran the imperial camp. The defeat was total. The emperor’s forces were either destroyed or scattered; the treasury, along with the imperial insignia, Frederick’s harem, and some of his most trusted ministers, were captured by the victors. Thaddeus of Suessa was killed by the mob, and the imperial crown was mockingly placed on the head of a hunchbacked beggar, who was triumphantly paraded back into the city.

Frederick struggled hard to retrieve his fortunes, and for a while with success. But his old confidence had left him; he had grown moody and suspicious, and his temper gave a ready handle to his enemies. Pier della Vigna, accused of treasonable designs, was disgraced; and the once all-powerful favourite and minister, blinded now and in rags, was dragged in the emperor’s train, as a warning to traitors, till in despair he dashed out his brains. Then, in May 1248, came the tidings of Enzio’s capture by the Bolognese, and of his hopeless imprisonment, the captors refusing all offers of ransom. This disaster to his favourite son broke the emperor’s spirit. He retired to southern Italy, and after a short illness died at Fiorentino on the 13th of December 1250, after having been loosed from the ban by the archbishop of Palermo. He was buried in the cathedral of that city, where his splendid tomb may still be seen. By his will he appointed his son Conrad to succeed him in Germany and Sicily, and Henry, his son by Isabella of England, to be king of Jerusalem or Arles, neither of which kingdoms, however, he obtained. Frederick left several illegitimate children: Enzio has already been referred to; Frederick, who was made the imperial vicar in Tuscany; and Manfred, his son by the beloved Bianca Lancia or Lanzia, who was legitimatized just before his father’s death, and was appointed by his will prince of Tarento and regent of Sicily.

Frederick worked hard to regain his fortunes, and for a time, he succeeded. However, his old confidence was gone; he had become moody and suspicious, and his temper gave his enemies an easy target. Pier della Vigna, accused of treason, was disgraced; the once all-powerful favorite and minister, now blind and in rags, was dragged along by the emperor as a warning to traitors until, in despair, he took his own life. Then, in May 1248, news arrived of Enzio’s capture by the Bolognese and his hopeless imprisonment, with his captors refusing any ransom offers. This loss of his favorite son shattered the emperor’s spirit. He retreated to southern Italy and died after a short illness in Fiorentino on December 13, 1250, having been released from his ban by the archbishop of Palermo. He was buried in the cathedral of that city, where his magnificent tomb can still be seen. In his will, he appointed his son Conrad to succeed him in Germany and Sicily and Henry, his son by Isabella of England, to be king of Jerusalem or Arles, although neither kingdom was obtained. Frederick had several illegitimate children: Enzio has already been mentioned; Frederick, who became the imperial vicar in Tuscany; and Manfred, his son with the beloved Bianca Lancia or Lanzia, who was legitimized shortly before his father’s death and was named by his will as prince of Tarento and regent of Sicily.



The character of Frederick is one of extraordinary interest and versatility, and contemporary opinion is expressed in the words stupor mundi et immutator mirabilis. Licentious and luxurious in his manners, cultured and catholic in his tastes, he united in his person the most diverse qualities. His Sicilian court was a centre of intellectual activity. Michael Scott, the translator of some treatises of Aristotle and of the commentaries of Averroes, Leonard of Pisa, who introduced Arabic numerals and algebra to the West, and other scholars, Jewish and Mahommedan as well as Christian, were welcome at his court. Frederick himself had a knowledge of six languages, was acquainted with mathematics, philosophy and natural history, and took an interest in medicine and architecture. In 1224 he founded the university of Naples, and he was a liberal patron of the medical school at Salerno. He formed a menagerie of strange animals, and wrote a treatise on falconry (De arte venandi cum avibus) which is remarkable for its accurate observation of the habits of birds.1 It was at his court, too, that—as Dante points out—Italian poetry had its birth. Pier della Vigna there wrote the first sonnet, and Italian lyrics by Frederick himself are preserved to us. His wives were kept secluded in oriental fashion; a harem was maintained at Lucera, and eunuchs were a prominent feature of his household. His religious ideas have been the subject of much controversy. The theory of M. Huillard-Bréholles that he wished to unite to the functions of emperor those of a spiritual pontiff, and aspired to be the founder of a new religion, is insufficiently supported by evidence to be credible. Although at times he persecuted heretics with great cruelty, he tolerated Mahommedans and Jews, and both acts appear rather to have been the outcome of political considerations than of religious belief. His jests, which were used by his enemies as a charge against him, seem to have originated in religious indifference, or perhaps in a spirit of inquiry which anticipated the ideas of a later age. Frederick’s rule in Germany and Italy was a failure, but this fact may be accounted for by the conditions of the time and the inevitable conflict with the papacy. In Germany the enactments of 1220 and 1231 contributed to the disintegration of the Empire and the fall of the Hohenstaufen, while conflicting interests made the government of Italy a problem of exceptional difficulty. In Sicily Frederick was more successful. He quelled disorder, and under his rule the island was prosperous and contented. His ideas of government were those of an absolute monarch, and he probably wished to surround himself with some of the pomp which had encircled the older emperors of Rome. His chief claim to fame, perhaps, is as a lawgiver. The code of laws which he gave to Sicily in 1231 bears the impress of his personality, and has been described as “the fullest and most adequate body of legislation promulgated by any western ruler since Charlemagne.” Without being a great soldier, Frederick was not unskilful in warfare, but was better acquainted with the arts of diplomacy. In person he is said to have been “red, bald and short-sighted,” but with good features and a pleasing countenance. It was seriously believed in Germany for about a century after his death that Frederick was still alive, and many impostors attempted to personate him. A legend, afterwards transferred to Frederick Barbarossa, told how he sat in a cavern in the Kyffhäusser before a stone table through which his beard had grown, waiting for the time for him to awake and restore to the Empire the golden age of peace.

The character of Frederick is incredibly interesting and versatile, and contemporary opinion reflects this in the phrase stupor mundi et immutator mirabilis. He was indulgent and extravagant in his behaviors, yet cultured and open-minded in his tastes, embodying a wide range of qualities. His Sicilian court was a hub of intellectual activity. Scholars like Michael Scott, who translated some of Aristotle's works and Averroes' commentaries, and Leonard of Pisa, who brought Arabic numerals and algebra to the West, along with other Jewish, Muslim, and Christian scholars were all welcomed there. Frederick himself knew six languages, was educated in mathematics, philosophy, and natural history, and showed interest in medicine and architecture. In 1224, he founded the University of Naples and generously supported the medical school at Salerno. He created a menagerie of exotic animals and wrote a notable treatise on falconry (De arte venandi cum avibus) that accurately observed bird behaviors.1 It was at his court that, as Dante notes, Italian poetry was born. Pier della Vigna wrote the first sonnet there, and some of Frederick's own Italian lyrics have been preserved. His wives were kept secluded in an Eastern style; he maintained a harem in Lucera, and eunuchs were a significant part of his household. His religious beliefs have been widely debated. The theory by M. Huillard-Bréholles that he intended to combine his role as emperor with that of a spiritual leader, aiming to establish a new religion, lacks sufficient evidence to be credible. Although he sometimes persecuted heretics harshly, he tolerated Muslims and Jews, and these actions seemed more politically motivated than based on religious convictions. His humor, which his enemies used against him, appears to stem from a sense of religious indifference or a spirit of inquiry that anticipated later ideas. Frederick's rule in Germany and Italy was a failure, likely due to the conditions of the time and the inevitable clash with the papacy. In Germany, the laws enacted in 1220 and 1231 contributed to the Empire's disintegration and the decline of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, while conflicting interests complicated governance in Italy. In Sicily, Frederick was more effective; he restored order, and under his leadership, the island thrived and was content. His governance reflected the ideals of an absolute monarch, and he likely sought to emulate some of the grandeur that surrounded earlier Roman emperors. His most notable achievement might be as a lawgiver. The legal code he established for Sicily in 1231 bears his unique mark and has been described as “the most extensive and comprehensive body of legislation enacted by any Western ruler since Charlemagne.” While he wasn't a great soldier, Frederick was adept in warfare and had a strong grasp of diplomacy. He was reportedly “red, bald, and short-sighted,” yet had attractive features and a pleasant demeanor. For about a century after his death, people in Germany seriously believed that Frederick was still alive, leading many impostors to attempt to impersonate him. A legend, later attributed to Frederick Barbarossa, told of him sitting in a cavern in the Kyffhäuser before a stone table that his beard had grown through, waiting for the moment he would awaken and restore the Empire to its golden age of peace.

The contemporary documents relating to the reign of Frederick II. are very numerous. Among the most important are: Richard of San Germano, Chronica regni Siciliae; Annales Placentini, Gibellini; Albert of Stade, Annales; Matthew Paris, Historia major Angliae; Burchard, Chronicon Urspergense. All these are in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892). The Rerum Italicarum scriptores, edited by L. A. Muratori (Milan, 1723-1751), contains Annales Mediolanenses; Nicholas of Jamsilla, Historia de rebus gestis Friderici II., and Vita Gregorii IX. pontificis. There are also the Epistolarum libri of Peter della Vigna, edited by J. R. Iselin (Basel, 1740); and Salimbene of Parma’s Chronik, published at Parma (1857). Many of the documents concerning the history of the time are found in the Historia diplomatica Friderici II., edited by M. Huillard-Bréholles (Paris, 1852-1861); Acta imperii selecta. Urkunden deutscher Könige und Kaiser, edited by J. F. Böhmer and J. Ficker (Innsbruck, 1870); Acta imperii inedita seculi XIII. Urkunden und Briefe zur Geschichte des Kaiserreichs und des Königreichs Sicilien, edited by E. Winkelmann (Innsbruck, 1880); Epistolae saeculi XIII. selecta e regestis pontificum Romanorum, edited by C. Rodenberg, tome i. (Berlin, 1883); P. Pressutti, Regesta Honorii papae III. (Rome, 1888); L. Auvray, Les Registres de Grégoire IX. (Paris, 1890).

The modern documents related to the reign of Frederick II are quite numerous. Some of the most important include: Richard of San Germano, Chronica regni Siciliae; Annales Placentini, Gibellini; Albert of Stade, Annales; Matthew Paris, Historia major Angliae; and Burchard, Chronicon Urspergense. All of these are in the Monumenta Germania historica. Scriptores (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892). The Rerum Italicarum scriptores, edited by L. A. Muratori (Milan, 1723-1751), includes Annales Mediolanenses; Nicholas of Jamsilla, Historia de rebus gestis Friderici II., and Vita Gregorii IX. pontificis. There are also the Epistolarum libri of Peter della Vigna, edited by J. R. Iselin (Basel, 1740); and Salimbene of Parma’s Chronik, published in Parma (1857). Many of the documents related to this period's history can be found in the Historia diplomatica Friderici II., edited by M. Huillard-Bréholles (Paris, 1852-1861); Acta imperii selecta. Urkunden deutscher Könige und Kaiser, edited by J. F. Böhmer and J. Ficker (Innsbruck, 1870); Acta imperii inedita seculi XIII. Urkunden und Briefe zur Geschichte des Kaiserreichs und des Königreichs Sicilien, edited by E. Winkelmann (Innsbruck, 1880); Epistolae saeculi XIII. selecta e regestis pontificum Romanorum, edited by C. Rodenberg, tome i. (Berlin, 1883); P. Pressutti, Regesta Honorii papae III. (Rome, 1888); L. Auvray, Les Registres de Grégoire IX. (Paris, 1890).

The best modern authorities are W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Band v. (Leipzig, 1888); J. Jastrow, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen (Berlin, 1893); F. W. Schirrmacher, Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite (Göttingen, 1859-1865); “Beiträge zur Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs II.” in the Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Band xi. (Göttingen, 1862-1886), and Die letzten Hohenstaufen (Göttingen, 1871); E. Winkelmann, Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs II und seiner Reiche (Berlin, 1865) and Kaiser Friedrich II. (Leipzig, 1889); G. Blondel, Étude sur la politique de l’empereur Frédéric II. en Allemagne (Paris, 1892); M. Halbe, Friedrich II. und der päpstliche Stuhl (Berlin, 1888); R. Röhricht, Die Kreuzfahrt des Kaisers Friedrich II. (Berlin, 1874); C. Köhler, Das Verhältnis Kaiser Friedrichs II. zu den Päpsten seiner Zeit (Breslau, 1888); J. Feiten, Papst Gregor IX. (Freiburg, 1886); C. Rodenberg, Innocenz IV. und das Königreich Sicilien (Halle, 1892); K. Lamprecht, Deutsche Geschichte, Band iii. (Berlin, 1891); M. Huillard-Bréholles, Vie et correspondance de Pierre de la Vigne (Paris, 1865); A. del Vecchio, La legislazione de Federico II (Turin, 1874); and K. Hampe, Kaiser Friedrich II. (Munich, 1899).

The best modern sources are W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Volume v. (Leipzig, 1888); J. Jastrow, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen (Berlin, 1893); F. W. Schirrmacher, Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite (Göttingen, 1859-1865); “Beiträge zur Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs II.” in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Volume xi. (Göttingen, 1862-1886), and Die letzten Hohenstaufen (Göttingen, 1871); E. Winkelmann, Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs II und seiner Reiche (Berlin, 1865) and Kaiser Friedrich II. (Leipzig, 1889); G. Blondel, Étude sur la politique de l’empereur Frédéric II. en Allemagne (Paris, 1892); M. Halbe, Friedrich II. und der päpstliche Stuhl (Berlin, 1888); R. Röhricht, Die Kreuzfahrt des Kaisers Friedrich II. (Berlin, 1874); C. Köhler, Das Verhältnis Kaiser Friedrichs II. zu den Päpsten seiner Zeit (Breslau, 1888); J. Feiten, Papst Gregor IX. (Freiburg, 1886); C. Rodenberg, Innocenz IV. und das Königreich Sicilien (Halle, 1892); K. Lamprecht, Deutsche Geschichte, Volume iii. (Berlin, 1891); M. Huillard-Bréholles, Vie et correspondance de Pierre de la Vigne (Paris, 1865); A. del Vecchio, La legislazione de Federico II (Turin, 1874); and K. Hampe, Kaiser Friedrich II. (Munich, 1899).

(A. W. H.*)

1 First printed at Augsburg in 1596; a German edition was published at Berlin in 1896.

1 First published in Augsburg in 1596; a German edition came out in Berlin in 1896.

FREDERICK III. (1415-1493), Roman emperor,—as Frederick IV., German king, and as Frederick V., archduke of Austria,—son of Ernest of Habsburg, duke of Styria and Carinthia, was born at Innsbruck on the 21st of September 1415. After his father’s death in 1424 he passed his time at the court of his uncle and guardian, Frederick IV., count of Tirol. In 1435, together with his brother, Albert the Prodigal, he undertook the government of Styria and Carinthia, but the peace of these lands was disturbed by constant feuds between the brothers, which lasted until Albert’s death in 1463. In 1439 the deaths of the German king Albert II. and of Frederick of Tirol left Frederick the senior member of the Habsburg family, and guardian of Sigismund, count of Tirol. In the following year he also became guardian of Ladislaus, the posthumous son of Albert II., and heir to Bohemia, Hungary and Austria, but these responsibilities brought only trouble and humiliation in their train. On the 2nd of February 1440 Frederick was chosen German king at Frankfort, but, owing to his absence from Germany, the coronation was delayed until the 17th of June 1442, when it took place at Aix-la-Chapelle.

FREDERICK III. (1415-1493), Roman emperor—also known as Frederick IV., German king, and Frederick V., archduke of Austria—was born to Ernest of Habsburg, duke of Styria and Carinthia, in Innsbruck on September 21, 1415. After his father died in 1424, he spent his time at the court of his uncle and guardian, Frederick IV., count of Tirol. In 1435, along with his brother, Albert the Prodigal, he took over the administration of Styria and Carinthia, but the peace of these regions was disrupted by ongoing conflicts between the brothers, lasting until Albert’s death in 1463. In 1439, following the deaths of the German king Albert II. and Frederick of Tirol, Frederick became the senior member of the Habsburg family and guardian of Sigismund, count of Tirol. The next year, he also became guardian of Ladislaus, the posthumous son of Albert II., and heir to Bohemia, Hungary, and Austria, but these responsibilities only brought him trouble and embarrassment. On February 2, 1440, Frederick was elected German king in Frankfurt, but due to his absence from Germany, the coronation was postponed until June 17, 1442, when it finally occurred at Aix-la-Chapelle.

Disregarding the neutral attitude of the German electors towards the papal schism, and acting under the influence of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, afterwards Pope Pius II., Frederick in 1445 made a secret treaty with Pope Eugenius IV. This developed into the Concordat of Vienna, signed in 1448 with the succeeding pope, Nicholas V., by which the king, in return for a sum of money and a promise of the imperial crown, pledged the obedience of the German people to Rome, and so checked for a time the rising tide of liberty in the German church. Taking up the quarrel between the Habsburgs and the Swiss cantons, Frederick invited the Armagnacs to attack his enemies, but after meeting with a stubborn resistance at St Jacob on the 26th of August 1444, these allies proved faithless, and the king soon lost every vestige of authority in Switzerland. In 1451 Frederick, disregarding the revolts in Austria and Hungary, travelled to Rome, where, on the 16th of March 1452, his marriage with Leonora, daughter of Edward, king of Portugal, was celebrated, and three days later he was crowned emperor by pope Nicholas. On his return he found Germany seething with indignation. His capitulation to the pope was not forgotten; his refusal to attend the diets, and his apathy in the face of Turkish aggressions, constituted a serious danger; and plans for his deposition failed only because the electors could not unite upon a rival king. In 1457 Ladislaus, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and archduke of Austria, died; Frederick failed to secure either kingdom, but obtained lower Austria, from which, however, he was soon driven by his brother Albert, who occupied Vienna. On Albert’s death in 1463 the emperor united upper and lower Austria under his rule, but these possessions were constantly ravaged by George 50 Podĕbrad, king of Bohemia, and by Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary. A visit to Rome in 1468 to discuss measures against the Turks with Pope Paul II. had no result, and in 1470 Frederick began negotiations for a marriage between his son Maximilian and Mary, daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. The emperor met the duke at Treves in 1473, when Frederick, disliking to bestow the title of king upon Charles, left the city secretly, but brought about the marriage after the duke’s death in 1477. Again attacked by Matthias, the emperor was driven from Vienna, and soon handed over the government of his lands to Maximilian, whose election as king of the Romans he vainly opposed in 1486. Frederick then retired to Linz, where he passed his time in the study of botany, alchemy and astronomy, until his death on the 19th of August 1493.

Disregarding the neutral stance of the German electors towards the papal schism, and influenced by Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, who later became Pope Pius II, Frederick secretly made a deal with Pope Eugenius IV in 1445. This led to the Concordat of Vienna, signed in 1448 with the next pope, Nicholas V. In exchange for money and a promise of the imperial crown, the king pledged the obedience of the German people to Rome, temporarily halting the rising demand for freedom in the German church. Taking sides in the conflict between the Habsburgs and the Swiss cantons, Frederick invited the Armagnacs to attack his foes, but after facing strong resistance at St. Jacob on August 26, 1444, these allies proved untrustworthy, and the king quickly lost all authority in Switzerland. In 1451, ignoring the uprisings in Austria and Hungary, he traveled to Rome, where his marriage to Leonora, the daughter of Edward, king of Portugal, was celebrated on March 16, 1452, and three days later he was crowned emperor by Pope Nicholas. Upon his return, he found Germany engulfed in anger. His submission to the pope was not forgotten; his refusal to attend the diets and his indifference to Turkish threats posed a serious risk, and plans for his removal only failed because the electors could not agree on an alternative king. In 1457, Ladislaus, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and archduke of Austria, died; Frederick could not secure either kingdom, but managed to obtain lower Austria, from which he was soon expelled by his brother Albert, who took over Vienna. After Albert’s death in 1463, the emperor united upper and lower Austria under his rule, but these lands were constantly attacked by George Podĕbrad, king of Bohemia, and Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary. A visit to Rome in 1468 to discuss strategies against the Turks with Pope Paul II proved fruitless, and by 1470, Frederick began negotiations for a marriage between his son Maximilian and Mary, the daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. The emperor met the duke at Treves in 1473, but since Frederick was reluctant to grant Charles the title of king, he left the city secretly, though he managed to arrange the marriage after the duke's death in 1477. Once again attacked by Matthias, the emperor was forced out of Vienna and soon handed over the governance of his lands to Maximilian, whose election as king of the Romans he unsuccessfully contested in 1486. Frederick then retreated to Linz, where he spent his time studying botany, alchemy, and astronomy, until his death on August 19, 1493.

Frederick was a listless and incapable ruler, lacking alike the qualities of the soldier and of the diplomatist, but possessing a certain cleverness in evading difficulties. With a fine presence, he had many excellent personal qualities, is spoken of as mild and just, and had a real love of learning. He had a great belief in the future greatness of his family, to which he contributed largely by arranging the marriage of Maximilian with Mary of Burgundy, and delighted to inscribe his books and other articles of value with the letters A.E.I.O.U. (Austriae est imperare orbi universo; or in German, Alles Erdreich ist Oesterreich unterthan). His personality counts for very little in German history. One chronicler says: “He was a useless emperor, and the nation during his long reign forgot that she had a king.” His tomb, a magnificent work in red and white marble, is in the cathedral of St Stephen at Vienna.

Frederick was a lazy and ineffective ruler, lacking both the traits of a soldier and a diplomat, but he was somewhat clever at avoiding challenges. He had a strong presence and many admirable personal qualities; people described him as gentle and fair, and he genuinely loved learning. He had a strong belief in the future greatness of his family, which he helped promote by arranging the marriage of Maximilian to Mary of Burgundy. He enjoyed marking his books and valuable possessions with the letters A.E.I.O.U. (Austriae est imperare orbi universo; or in German, Alles Erdreich ist Oesterreich unterthan). His role in German history is minimal. One chronicler remarks, "He was a worthless emperor, and during his long reign, the nation forgot it had a king." His tomb, an impressive structure made of red and white marble, is located in the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna.

See Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, De rebus et gestis Friderici III. (trans. Th. Ilgen, Leipzig, 1889); J. Chmel, Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs IV. und seines Sohnes Maximilians I. (Hamburg, 1840); A. Bachmann, Deutsche Reichsgeschichte im Zeitalter Friedrichs III. und Maximilians I. (Leipzig, 1884); A. Huber, Geschichte Österreichs (Gotha, 1885-1892); and E. M. Fürst von Lichnowsky, Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg (Vienna, 1836-1844).

See Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, De rebus et gestis Friderici III. (trans. Th. Ilgen, Leipzig, 1889); J. Chmel, Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs IV. und seines Sohnes Maximilians I. (Hamburg, 1840); A. Bachmann, Deutsche Reichsgeschichte im Zeitalter Friedrichs III. und Maximilians I. (Leipzig, 1884); A. Huber, Geschichte Österreichs (Gotha, 1885-1892); and E. M. Fürst von Lichnowsky, Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg (Vienna, 1836-1844).

FREDERICK III. (c. 1286-1330), surnamed “the Fair,” German king and duke of Austria, was the second son of the German king, Albert I., and consequently a member of the Habsburg family. In 1298, when his father was chosen German king, Frederick was invested with some of the family lands, and in 1306, when his elder brother Rudolph became king of Bohemia, he succeeded to the duchy of Austria. In 1307 Rudolph died, and Frederick sought to obtain the Bohemian throne; but an expedition into that country was a failure, and his father’s murder in May 1308 deprived him of considerable support. He was equally unsuccessful in his efforts to procure the German crown at this time, and the relations between the new king, Henry VII., and the Habsburgs were far from friendly. Frederick asked not only to be confirmed in the possession of Austria, but to be invested with Moravia, a demand to which Henry refused to accede; but an arrangement was subsequently made by which the duke agreed to renounce Moravia in return for a payment of 50,000 marks. Frederick then became involved in a quarrel with his cousin Louis IV., duke of Upper Bavaria (afterwards the emperor Louis IV.), over the guardianship of Henry II., duke of Lower Bavaria. Hostilities broke out, and on the 9th of November 1313 he was defeated by Louis at the battle of Gammelsdorf and compelled to renounce his claim.

FREDERICK III. (c. 1286-1330), known as “the Fair,” German king and duke of Austria, was the second son of the German king, Albert I, and therefore a member of the Habsburg family. In 1298, when his father was elected German king, Frederick received some of the family lands, and in 1306, when his older brother Rudolph became king of Bohemia, he took over the duchy of Austria. In 1307, after Rudolph's death, Frederick tried to claim the Bohemian throne, but his attempt to invade that country failed, and his father's murder in May 1308 left him with significant loss of support. He was also unsuccessful in trying to secure the German crown at that time, as the relationship between the new king, Henry VII, and the Habsburgs was quite tense. Frederick requested not only to be confirmed in his possession of Austria but also to be granted Moravia, which Henry refused. Eventually, they reached a deal where the duke agreed to give up Moravia in exchange for a payment of 50,000 marks. Frederick then got into a conflict with his cousin Louis IV, duke of Upper Bavaria (later Emperor Louis IV), over the guardianship of Henry II, duke of Lower Bavaria. Fighting broke out, and on November 9, 1313, he was defeated by Louis at the battle of Gammelsdorf and was forced to abandon his claim.

Meanwhile the emperor Henry VII. had died in Italy, and a stubborn contest ensued for the vacant throne. After a long delay Frederick was chosen German king at Frankfort by a minority of the electors on the 19th of October 1314, while a majority elected Louis of Bavaria. Six days later Frederick was crowned at Bonn by the archbishop of Cologne, and war broke out at once between the rivals. During this contest, which was carried on in a desultory fashion, Frederick drew his chief strength from southern and eastern Germany, and was supported by the full power of the Habsburgs. The defeat of his brother Leopold by the Swiss at Morgarten in November 1315 was a heavy blow to him, but he prolonged the struggle for seven years. On the 28th of September 1322 a decisive battle was fought at Mühldorf; Frederick was defeated and sent as a prisoner to Trausnitz. Here he was retained until three years later a series of events induced Louis to come to terms. By the treaty of Trausnitz, signed on the 13th of March 1325, Frederick acknowledged the kingship of Louis in return for freedom, and promised to return to captivity unless he could induce his brother Leopold to make a similar acknowledgment. As Leopold refused to take this step, Frederick, although released from his oath by Pope John XXII., travelled back to Bavaria, where he was treated by Louis rather as a friend than as a prisoner. A suggestion was then made that the kings should rule jointly, but as this plan aroused some opposition it was agreed that Frederick should govern Germany while Louis went to Italy for the imperial crown. But this arrangement did not prove generally acceptable, and the death of Leopold in 1326 deprived Frederick of a powerful supporter. In these circumstances he returned to Austria broken down in mind and body, and on the 13th of January 1330 he died at Gutenstein, and was buried at Mauerbach, whence his remains were removed in 1783 to the cathedral of St Stephen at Vienna. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James I., king of Aragon, and left two daughters. His voluntary return into captivity is used by Schiller in his poem Deutsche Treue, and by J. L. Uhland in the drama Ludwig der Bayer.

Meanwhile, Emperor Henry VII had died in Italy, leading to a fierce struggle for the vacant throne. After a long delay, Frederick was chosen as the German king by a minority of the electors in Frankfurt on October 19, 1314, while a majority elected Louis of Bavaria. Six days later, Frederick was crowned in Bonn by the Archbishop of Cologne, and war broke out right away between the two rivals. During this conflict, which was carried out sporadically, Frederick drew most of his support from southern and eastern Germany and was backed by the full strength of the Habsburgs. The defeat of his brother Leopold by the Swiss at Morgarten in November 1315 was a significant blow to him, but he continued to fight for seven more years. On September 28, 1322, a decisive battle took place at Mühldorf; Frederick was defeated and taken prisoner to Trausnitz. He remained there until three years later, when a series of events prompted Louis to reach an agreement. By the Treaty of Trausnitz, signed on March 13, 1325, Frederick acknowledged Louis's kingship in exchange for his freedom and promised to return to captivity unless he could get his brother Leopold to make a similar acknowledgment. Since Leopold refused to do so, Frederick, although released from his oath by Pope John XXII, went back to Bavaria, where he was treated more like a friend than a prisoner by Louis. There was then a suggestion that the kings should rule together, but since this idea faced some resistance, it was decided that Frederick would govern Germany while Louis went to Italy for the imperial crown. However, this arrangement was not widely accepted, and the death of Leopold in 1326 took away a powerful ally for Frederick. Under these circumstances, he returned to Austria feeling defeated in mind and body, and on January 13, 1330, he died at Gutenstein and was buried at Mauerbach, from where his remains were moved in 1783 to St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James I, king of Aragon, and left two daughters. His voluntary return to captivity is referenced by Schiller in his poem Deutsche Treue, and by J. L. Uhland in the play Ludwig der Bayer.

The authorities for the life of Frederick are found in the Fontes rerum Germanicarum, Band i., edited by J. F. Böhmer (Stuttgart, 1843-1868), and in the Fontes rerum Austriacarum, part i. (Vienna, 1855). Modern works which may be consulted are: E. M. Fürst von Lichnowsky, Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg (Vienna, 1836-1844); Th. Lindner, Deutsche Geschichte unter den Habsburgern und Luxemburgern (Stuttgart, 1888-1893). R. Döbner, Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Ludwig IV. dem Bayer und Friedrich dem Schönen von Österreich (Göttingen, 1875); F. Kurz, Österreich unter König Friedrich dem Schönen (Linz, 1818); F. Krones, Handbuch der Geschichte Österreichs (Berlin, 1876-1879); H. Schrohe, Der Kampf der Gegenkönige Ludwig und Friedrich (Berlin, 1902); W. Friedensburg, Ludwig IV. der Bayer und Friedrich von Österreich (Göttingen, 1877); B. Gebhardt, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte (Berlin, 1901).

The information about Frederick's life can be found in the Fontes rerum Germanicarum, Band i., edited by J. F. Böhmer (Stuttgart, 1843-1868), and in the Fontes rerum Austriacarum, part i. (Vienna, 1855). Modern sources to reference include: E. M. Fürst von Lichnowsky, Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg (Vienna, 1836-1844); Th. Lindner, Deutsche Geschichte unter den Habsburgern und Luxemburgern (Stuttgart, 1888-1893); R. Döbner, Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Ludwig IV. dem Bayer und Friedrich dem Schönen von Österreich (Göttingen, 1875); F. Kurz, Österreich unter König Friedrich dem Schönen (Linz, 1818); F. Krones, Handbuch der Geschichte Österreichs (Berlin, 1876-1879); H. Schrohe, Der Kampf der Gegenkönige Ludwig und Friedrich (Berlin, 1902); W. Friedensburg, Ludwig IV. der Bayer und Friedrich von Österreich (Göttingen, 1877); B. Gebhardt, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte (Berlin, 1901).

FREDERICK II. (1534-1588), king of Denmark and Norway, son of Christian III., was born at Hadersleben on the 1st of July 1534. His mother, Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg, was the elder sister of Catherine, the first wife of Gustavus Vasa and the mother of Eric XIV. The two little cousins, born the same year, were destined to be lifelong rivals. At the age of two Frederick was proclaimed successor to the throne at the Rigsdag of Copenhagen (October 30th, 1536), and homage was done to him at Oslo for Norway in 1548. The choice of his governor, the patriotic historiographer Hans Svaning, was so far fortunate that it ensured the devotion of the future king of Denmark to everything Danish; but Svaning was a poor pedagogue, and the wild and wayward lad suffered all his life from the defects of his early training. Frederick’s youthful, innocent attachment to the daughter of his former tutor, Anna Hardenberg, indisposed him towards matrimony at the beginning of his reign (1558). After the hands of Elizabeth of England, Mary of Scotland and Renata of Lorraine had successively been sought for him, the council of state grew anxious about the succession, but he finally married his cousin, Sophia of Mecklenburg, on the 20th of July 1572.

FREDERICK II. (1534-1588), king of Denmark and Norway, son of Christian III., was born in Hadersleben on July 1, 1534. His mother, Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg, was the older sister of Catherine, the first wife of Gustavus Vasa and the mother of Eric XIV. The two little cousins, born the same year, were destined to be lifelong rivals. At the age of two, Frederick was named successor to the throne at the Rigsdag in Copenhagen (October 30, 1536), and he was recognized in Oslo for Norway in 1548. His choice of governor, the patriotic historian Hans Svaning, was fortunate because it ensured the future king's dedication to everything Danish; however, Svaning was not a great teacher, and the wild and unruly boy struggled all his life because of his poor early education. Frederick’s youthful, innocent affection for the daughter of his former tutor, Anna Hardenberg, made him reluctant to marry at the start of his reign (1558). After proposals for Elizabeth of England, Mary of Scotland, and Renata of Lorraine were successively made for him, the council of state became worried about the succession, but he eventually married his cousin, Sophia of Mecklenburg, on July 20, 1572.

The reign of Frederick II. falls into two well-defined divisions: (1) a period of war, 1559-1570; and (2) a period of peace, 1570-1588. The period of war began with the Ditmarsh expedition, when the independent peasant-republic of the Ditmarshers of West Holstein, which had stoutly maintained its independence for centuries against the counts of Holstein and the Danish kings, was subdued by a Dano-Holstein army of 20,000 men in 1559, Frederick and his uncles John and Adolphus, dukes of Holstein, dividing the land between them. Equally triumphant was Frederick in his war with Sweden, though here the contest was much more severe, lasting as it did for seven years; whence it is generally described in northern history as the Scandinavian Seven Years’ War. The tension which had prevailed between the two kingdoms during the last years of Gustavus Vasa reached breaking point on the accession of Gustavus’s eldest son Eric XIV. There were many causes of quarrel between the two ambitious young monarchs, but the detention at Copenhagen in 1563 of a splendid matrimonial embassy on its way to Germany, 51 to negotiate a match between Eric and Christina of Hesse, which King Frederick for political reasons was determined to prevent, precipitated hostilities. During the war, which was marked by extraordinary ferocity throughout, the Danes were generally victorious on land owing to the genius of Daniel Rantzau, but at sea the Swedes were almost uniformly triumphant. By 1570 the strife had degenerated into a barbarous devastation of border provinces; and in July of the same year both countries accepted the mediation of the Emperor, and peace was finally concluded at Stettin on Dec. 13, 1570. During the course of this Seven Years’ War Frederick II. had narrowly escaped the fate of his deposed cousin Eric XIV. The war was very unpopular in Denmark, and the closing of the Sound against foreign shipping, in order to starve out Sweden, had exasperated the maritime powers and all the Baltic states. On New Year’s Day 1570 Frederick’s difficulties seemed so overwhelming that he threatened to abdicate; but the peace of Stettin came in time to reconcile all parties, and though Frederick had now to relinquish his ambitious dream of re-establishing the Union of Kalmar, he had at least succeeded in maintaining the supremacy of Denmark in the north. After the peace Frederick’s policy became still more imperial. He aspired to the dominion of all the seas which washed the Scandinavian coasts, and before he died he succeeded in suppressing the pirates who so long had haunted the Baltic and the German Ocean. He also erected the stately fortress of Kronborg, to guard the narrow channel of the Sound. Frederick possessed the truly royal gift of discovering and employing great men, irrespective of personal preferences and even of personal injuries. With infinite tact and admirable self-denial he gave free scope to ministers whose superiority in their various departments he frankly recognized, rarely interfering personally unless absolutely called upon to do so. His influence, always great, was increased by his genial and unaffected manners as a host. He is also remarkable as one of the few kings of the house of Oldenburg who had no illicit liaison. He died at Antvorskov on the 4th of April 1588. No other Danish king was ever so beloved by his people.

The reign of Frederick II is divided into two clear parts: (1) a period of war from 1559 to 1570, and (2) a time of peace from 1570 to 1588. The war period started with the Ditmarsh expedition when the independent peasant republic of the Ditmarshers in West Holstein, which had successfully maintained its independence for centuries against the counts of Holstein and the Danish kings, was conquered by a Dano-Holstein army of 20,000 men in 1559. Frederick and his uncles, John and Adolphus, dukes of Holstein, split the land among themselves. Frederick also achieved victory in his war with Sweden, although this conflict was much more intense, lasting seven years and is generally referred to in northern history as the Scandinavian Seven Years’ War. The tensions that had built up between the two kingdoms during the final years of Gustavus Vasa escalated when Gustavus’s eldest son, Eric XIV, took the throne. There were many disputes between the two ambitious young kings, but the arrest in Copenhagen in 1563 of a lavish matrimonial delegation headed to Germany to arrange a marriage between Eric and Christina of Hesse, which King Frederick wanted to stop for political reasons, triggered hostilities. The war, known for its extreme brutality, saw the Danes usually victorious on land due to the brilliance of Daniel Rantzau, while at sea, the Swedes were mostly successful. By 1570, the conflict had turned into a savage destruction of border areas; in July of that year, both nations accepted the Emperor’s mediation, and peace was finally achieved in Stettin on December 13, 1570. Throughout the Seven Years’ War, Frederick II narrowly avoided the same fate as his deposed cousin Eric XIV. The war was highly unpopular in Denmark, and the closing of the Sound to foreign shipping to starve out Sweden had angered maritime powers and all the Baltic states. On New Year’s Day 1570, Frederick’s challenges seemed so insurmountable that he threatened to abdicate; however, the peace of Stettin came just in time to bring everyone together, and although Frederick had to give up his ambitious dream of re-establishing the Union of Kalmar, he at least succeeded in maintaining Denmark’s supremacy in the north. After peace was made, Frederick’s policy became even more ambitious. He aimed to control all the seas surrounding the Scandinavian coasts, and by the end of his life, he had managed to eliminate the pirates that had plagued the Baltic and the German Ocean. He also built the impressive fortress of Kronborg to guard the narrow channel of the Sound. Frederick had the royal ability to find and use great talent, regardless of personal preferences or grievances. With incredible tact and admirable selflessness, he allowed talented ministers to take charge of their departments, rarely intervening unless it was absolutely necessary. His influence, already significant, grew due to his friendly and genuine hospitality. He is also notable as one of the few kings of the house of Oldenburg who had no illicit affairs. He died at Antvorskov on April 4, 1588. No other Danish king was ever as beloved by his people.

See Lund (Troels), Danmarks og Norges Historie i Slutningen af det XVI. Aarh. (Copenhagen, 1879); Danmarks Riges Historie (Copenhagen, 1897-1905), vol. 3; Robert Nisbet Bain, Scandinavia, cap. 4 (Cambridge, 1905).

See Lund (Troels), Denmark and Norway's History at the End of the 16th Century (Copenhagen, 1879); The History of the Danish Realm (Copenhagen, 1897-1905), vol. 3; Robert Nisbet Bain, Scandinavia, ch. 4 (Cambridge, 1905).

(R. N. B.)

FREDERICK III. (1609-1670), king of Denmark and Norway, son of Christian IV. and Anne Catherine of Brandenburg, was born on the 18th of March 1609 at Hadersleben. His position as a younger son profoundly influenced his future career. In his youth and early manhood there was no prospect of his ascending the Danish throne, and he consequently became the instrument of his father’s schemes of aggrandizement in Germany. While still a lad he became successively bishop of Bremen, bishop of Verden and coadjutor of Halberstadt, while at the age of eighteen he was the chief commandant of the fortress of Stade. Thus from an early age he had considerable experience as an administrator, while his general education was very careful and thorough. He had always a pronounced liking for literary and scientific studies. On the 1st of October 1643 Frederick wedded Sophia Amelia of Brunswick Lüneburg, whose energetic, passionate and ambitious character was profoundly to affect not only Frederick’s destiny but the destiny of Denmark. During the disastrous Swedish War of 1643-1645 Frederick was appointed generalissimo of the duchies by his father, but the laurels he won were scanty, chiefly owing to his quarrels with the Earl-Marshal Anders Bille, who commanded the Danish forces. This was Frederick’s first collision with the Danish nobility, who ever afterwards regarded him with extreme distrust. The death of his elder brother Christian in June 1647 first opened to him the prospect of succeeding to the Danish throne, but the question was still unsettled when Christian IV. died on the 28th of February 1648. Not till the 6th of July in the same year did Frederick III. receive the homage of his subjects, and only after he had signed a Haandfaestning or charter, by which the already diminished royal prerogative was still further curtailed. It had been doubtful at first whether he would be allowed to inherit his ancestral throne at all; but Frederick removed the last scruples of the Rigsraad by unhesitatingly accepting the conditions imposed upon him.

FREDERICK III. (1609-1670), king of Denmark and Norway, son of Christian IV and Anne Catherine of Brandenburg, was born on March 18, 1609, in Hadersleben. His status as a younger son greatly affected his future career. In his youth and early adulthood, there was no chance of him becoming the Danish king, so he ended up being a key player in his father's plans for expansion in Germany. As a young boy, he became bishop of Bremen, bishop of Verden, and coadjutor of Halberstadt, and by the age of eighteen, he was the main commander of the fortress of Stade. This gave him significant administrative experience from an early age, and his education was thorough and well-rounded. He always had a strong interest in literature and science. On October 1, 1643, Frederick married Sophia Amelia of Brunswick Lüneburg, whose dynamic, passionate, and ambitious nature would greatly influence not just Frederick’s fate but also that of Denmark. During the unfortunate Swedish War of 1643-1645, Frederick was appointed generalissimo of the duchies by his father, but his achievements were minimal, largely due to conflicts with the Earl-Marshal Anders Bille, who led the Danish forces. This marked Frederick's first clash with the Danish nobility, who thereafter viewed him with deep suspicion. The death of his older brother Christian in June 1647 created the first real opportunity for him to take the Danish throne, but the situation remained uncertain when Christian IV passed away on February 28, 1648. It wasn't until July 6 of that year that Frederick III received the allegiance of his subjects, and only after he had signed a Haandfaestning or charter, which further limited the already reduced royal powers. Initially, it was unclear whether he would even be allowed to inherit his family's throne, but Frederick dispelled the last doubts of the Rigsraad by readily accepting the conditions set for him.

The new monarch was a reserved, enigmatical prince, who seldom laughed, spoke little and wrote less—a striking contrast to Christian IV. But if he lacked the brilliant qualities of his impulsive, jovial father, he possessed in a high degree the compensating virtues of moderation, sobriety and self-control. But with all his good qualities Frederick was not the man to take a clear view of the political horizon, or even to recognize his own and his country’s limitations. He rightly regarded the accession of Charles X. of Sweden (June 6th, 1654) as a source of danger to Denmark. He felt that temperament and policy would combine to make Charles an aggressive warrior-king: the only uncertainty was in which direction he would turn his arms first. Charles’s invasion of Poland (July 1654) came as a distinct relief to the Danes, though even the Polish War was full of latent peril to Denmark. Frederick was resolved upon a rupture with Sweden at the first convenient opportunity. The Rigsdag which assembled on the 23rd of February 1657 willingly granted considerable subsidies for mobilization and other military expenses; on the 15th of April Frederick III. desired, and on the 23rd of April he received, the assent of the majority of the Rigsraad to attack Sweden’s German provinces; in the beginning of May the still pending negotiations with that power were broken off, and on the 1st of June Frederick signed the manifesto justifying a war which was never formally declared. The Swedish king traversed all the plans of his enemies by his passage of the frozen Belts, in January and February 1658 (see Charles X. of Sweden). The effect of this unheard-of achievement on the Danish government was crushing. Frederick III. at once sued for peace; and, yielding to the persuasions of the English and French ministers, Charles finally agreed to be content with mutilating instead of annihilating the Danish monarchy (treaties of Taastrup, February 18th, and of Roskilde, February 26th, 1658). The conclusion of peace was followed by a remarkable episode. Frederick expressed the desire to make the personal acquaintance of his conqueror; and Charles X. consented to be his guest for three days (March 3-5) at the castle of Fredriksborg. Splendid banquets lasting far into the night, private and intimate conversations between the princes who had only just emerged from a mortal struggle, seemed to point to nothing but peace and friendship in the future. But Charles’s insatiable lust for conquest, and his ineradicable suspicion of Denmark, induced him, on the 17th of July, without any reasonable cause, without a declaration of war, in defiance of all international equity, to endeavour to despatch an inconvenient neighbour.

The new king was a private, mysterious prince who rarely laughed, said little, and wrote even less—a stark contrast to Christian IV. However, while he lacked the vibrant qualities of his impulsive, cheerful father, he had strong virtues of moderation, sobriety, and self-control. Despite his good traits, Frederick wasn't the type to clearly see the political landscape or recognize his own and his country's limitations. He rightly viewed the rise of Charles X of Sweden (June 6, 1654) as a threat to Denmark. He sensed that temperament and policy would make Charles an aggressive warrior-king; the only question was which way he would first direct his attacks. Charles's invasion of Poland (July 1654) offered some relief to the Danes, though the Polish War still posed hidden dangers for Denmark. Frederick was determined to break off relations with Sweden at the first opportunity. The Rigsdag that met on February 23, 1657, readily approved significant funds for mobilization and other military costs; on April 15, Frederick III wanted, and on April 23 he received, the majority's approval from the Rigsraad to strike against Sweden’s German territories; by early May, negotiations with Sweden were halted, and on June 1, Frederick signed the manifesto justifying a war that was never officially declared. The Swedish king thwarted all enemy plans by crossing the frozen Belts in January and February 1658 (see Charles X. of Sweden). This unprecedented feat had a crushing impact on the Danish government. Frederick III immediately sought peace, and, after pressure from the English and French ministers, Charles eventually agreed to settle for significant reductions rather than the total destruction of the Danish monarchy (treaties of Taastrup, February 18, and Roskilde, February 26, 1658). The peace agreement was followed by a remarkable event. Frederick wanted to meet his conqueror in person; Charles X agreed to stay with him for three days (March 3-5) at the Fredriksborg castle. Lavish banquets that lasted late into the night and personal conversations between the princes who had just come out of a brutal conflict seemed to indicate a future of peace and friendship. But Charles’s endless thirst for conquest and deep-rooted suspicion of Denmark led him, on July 17, to attempt to eliminate an unwanted neighbor, without any reasonable justification or a declaration of war, blatantly ignoring international law.

Terror was the first feeling produced at Copenhagen by the landing of the main Swedish army at Korsör in Zealand. None had anticipated the possibility of such a sudden and brutal attack, and every one knew that the Danish capital was very inadequately fortified and garrisoned. Fortunately Frederick had never been deficient in courage. “I will die in my nest” were the memorable words with which he rebuked those counsellors who advised him to seek safety in flight. On the 8th of August representatives from every class in the capital urged the necessity of a vigorous resistance; and the citizens of Copenhagen, headed by the great burgomaster Hans Nansen (q.v.), protested their unshakable loyalty to the king, and their determination to defend Copenhagen to the uttermost. The Danes had only three days’ warning of the approaching danger; and the vast and dilapidated line of defence had at first but 2000 regular defenders. But the government and the people displayed a memorable and exemplary energy, under the constant supervision of the king, the queen, and burgomaster Nansen. By the beginning of September all the breaches were repaired, the walls bristled with cannon, and 7000 men were under arms. So strong was the city by this time that Charles X., abandoning his original intention of carrying the place by assault, began a regular siege; but this also he was forced to abandon when, on the 29th of October, an auxiliary Dutch fleet, after reinforcing and reprovisioning the garrison, defeated, in conjunction with the Danish fleet, the 52 Swedish navy of 44 liners in the Sound. Thus the Danish capital had saved the Danish monarchy. But it was Frederick III. who profited most by his spirited defence of the common interests of the country and the dynasty. The traditional loyalty of the Danish middle classes was transformed into a boundless enthusiasm for the king personally, and for a brief period Frederick found himself the most popular man in his kingdom. He made use of his popularity by realizing the dream of a lifetime and converting an elective into an absolute monarchy by the Revolution of 1660 (see Denmark: History). Frederick III. died on the 6th of February 1670 at the castle of Copenhagen.

Terror was the first feeling experienced in Copenhagen when the main Swedish army landed at Korsör in Zealand. No one had expected such a sudden and brutal attack, and everyone knew that the Danish capital was poorly fortified and defended. Luckily, Frederick was never short on courage. “I will die in my nest” were the memorable words he used to dismiss the advisors who urged him to flee for safety. On August 8th, representatives from every class in the capital emphasized the need for strong resistance; and the citizens of Copenhagen, led by the great burgomaster Hans Nansen (q.v.), declared their unwavering loyalty to the king and their determination to defend Copenhagen to the end. The Danes had only three days' notice of the looming threat, and the extensive, crumbling defenses initially had only 2,000 regular defenders. However, both the government and the people exhibited remarkable and inspiring energy, constantly supported by the king, the queen, and burgomaster Nansen. By early September, all the breaches were repaired, the walls were lined with cannons, and 7,000 men were ready to fight. The city had become so fortified that Charles X., abandoning his original plan for a direct assault, initiated a formal siege; but he was also forced to pull back when, on October 29th, a Dutch auxiliary fleet, after resupplying and reinforcing the garrison, defeated the Swedish navy of 44 ships alongside the Danish fleet in the Sound. Thus, the Danish capital had saved the Danish monarchy. But it was Frederick III. who benefited the most from his spirited defense of the country's and the dynasty's shared interests. The traditional loyalty of the Danish middle classes transformed into limitless enthusiasm for the king personally, and for a brief time, Frederick found himself the most popular man in his kingdom. He harnessed this popularity to fulfill a lifelong dream by converting an elective monarchy into an absolute one during the Revolution of 1660 (see Denmark: History). Frederick III. died on February 6, 1670, at the castle of Copenhagen.

See R. Nisbet Bain, Scandinavia, caps. ix. and x. (Cambridge, 1905).

See R. Nisbet Bain, Scandinavia, ch. 9 and ch. 10 (Cambridge, 1905).

(R. N. B.)

FREDERICK VIII. (1843-  ), king of Denmark, eldest son of King Christian IX., was born at Copenhagen on the 3rd of June 1843. As crown prince of Denmark he took part in the war of 1864 against Austria and Prussia, and subsequently assisted his father in the duties of government, becoming king on Christian’s death in January 1906. In 1869 Frederick married Louise (b. 1851), daughter of Charles XV., king of Sweden, by whom he had a family of four sons and four daughters. His eldest son Christian, crown prince of Denmark (b. 1870), was married in 1898 to Alexandrina (b. 1879), daughter of Frederick Francis III., grand-duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; and his second son, Charles (b. 1872), who married his cousin Maud, daughter of Edward VII. of Great Britain, became king of Norway as Haakon VII. in 1905.

FREDERICK VIII. (1843-  ), king of Denmark, was born in Copenhagen on June 3, 1843, as the eldest son of King Christian IX. As the crown prince of Denmark, he participated in the 1864 war against Austria and Prussia and later assisted his father with government responsibilities. He became king after Christian’s death in January 1906. In 1869, Frederick married Louise (b. 1851), the daughter of Charles XV, king of Sweden, and they had four sons and four daughters. His eldest son, Christian, the crown prince of Denmark (b. 1870), married Alexandrina (b. 1879), the daughter of Frederick Francis III, grand duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in 1898. His second son, Charles (b. 1872), who married his cousin Maud, the daughter of Edward VII of Great Britain, became king of Norway as Haakon VII in 1905.

FREDERICK I. (1657-1713), king of Prussia, and (as Frederick III.) elector of Brandenburg, was the second son of the great elector, Frederick William, by his first marriage with Louise Henriette, daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange. Born at Königsberg on the 11th of July 1657, he was educated and greatly influenced by Eberhard Danckelmann, and became heir to the throne of Brandenburg through the death of his elder brother, Charles Emil, in 1674. He appears to have taken some part in public business before the death of his father; and the court at Berlin was soon disturbed by quarrels between the young prince and his stepmother, Dorothea of Holstein-Glücksburg. In 1686 Dorothea persuaded her husband to bequeath outlying portions of his lands to her four sons; and Frederick, fearing he would be poisoned, left Brandenburg determined to prevent any diminution of his inheritance. By promising to restore Schwiebus to Silesia after his accession he won the support of the emperor Leopold I.; but eventually he gained his end in a peaceable fashion. Having become elector of Brandenburg in May 1688, he came to terms with his half-brothers and their mother. In return for a sum of money these princes renounced their rights under their father’s will, and the new elector thus secured the whole of Frederick William’s territories. After much delay and grumbling he fulfilled his bargain with Leopold and gave up Schwiebus in 1695. At home and abroad Frederick continued the policy of the great elector. He helped William of Orange to make his descent on England; added various places, including the principality of Neuchâtel, to his lands; and exercised some influence on the course of European politics by placing his large and efficient army at the disposal of the emperor and his allies (see Brandenburg). He was present in person at the siege of Bonn in 1689, but was not often in command of his troops. The elector was very fond of pomp, and, striving to model his court upon that of Louis XIV., he directed his main energies towards obtaining for himself the title of king. In spite of the assistance he had given to the emperor his efforts met with no success for some years; but towards 1700 Leopold, faced with the prospect of a new struggle with France, was inclined to view the idea more favourably. Having insisted upon various conditions, prominent among them being military aid for the approaching war, he gave the imperial sanction to Frederick’s request in November 1700; whereupon the elector, hurrying at once to Königsberg, crowned himself with great ceremony king of Prussia on the 18th of January 1701. According to his promise the king sent help to the emperor; and during the War of the Spanish Succession the troops of Brandenburg-Prussia rendered great assistance to the allies, fighting with distinction at Blenheim and elsewhere. Frederick, who was deformed through an injury to his spine, died on the 25th of February 1713. By his extravagance the king exhausted the treasure amassed by his father, burdened his country with heavy taxes, and reduced its finances to chaos. His constant obligations to the emperor drained Brandenburg of money which might have been employed more profitably at home, and prevented her sovereign from interfering in the politics of northern Europe. Frederick, however, was not an unpopular ruler, and by making Prussia into a kingdom he undoubtedly advanced it several stages towards its future greatness. He founded the university of Halle, and the Academy of Sciences at Berlin; welcomed and protected Protestant refugees from France and elsewhere; and lavished money on the erection of public buildings.

FREDERICK I. (1657-1713), king of Prussia, and (as Frederick III.) elector of Brandenburg, was the second son of the great elector, Frederick William, through his first marriage with Louise Henriette, daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange. Born in Königsberg on July 11, 1657, he was educated and significantly influenced by Eberhard Danckelmann, and became heir to the throne of Brandenburg after the death of his elder brother, Charles Emil, in 1674. He seems to have been involved in public affairs before his father's death, and the court in Berlin was soon disrupted by conflicts between the young prince and his stepmother, Dorothea of Holstein-Glücksburg. In 1686, Dorothea convinced her husband to leave parts of his lands to her four sons; fearing he would be poisoned, Frederick left Brandenburg determined to protect his inheritance. By promising to return Schwiebus to Silesia after he ascended the throne, he gained the support of Emperor Leopold I.; however, he eventually achieved his goals peacefully. After becoming elector of Brandenburg in May 1688, he reached an agreement with his half-brothers and their mother. In exchange for a sum of money, these princes renounced their rights under their father’s will, allowing the new elector to secure all of Frederick William’s territories. After much delay and complaining, he fulfilled his agreement with Leopold and surrendered Schwiebus in 1695. At home and abroad, Frederick continued the policies of the great elector. He assisted William of Orange in launching his invasion of England, added various territories, including the principality of Neuchâtel, to his lands, and exerted some influence on European politics by offering his large and efficient army to the emperor and his allies (see Brandenburg). He personally participated in the siege of Bonn in 1689 but was not often in command of his troops. The elector was quite fond of grandiosity and, striving to model his court after that of Louis XIV, focused his main efforts on obtaining the title of king. Despite the help he provided to the emperor, his attempts were unsuccessful for several years, but around 1700, Leopold, facing a new conflict with France, became more open to the idea. After insisting on various conditions, particularly military assistance for the upcoming war, he granted Frederick's request for imperial approval in November 1700; consequently, the elector quickly went to Königsberg and crowned himself king of Prussia in a grand ceremony on January 18, 1701. According to his promise, the king assisted the emperor, and during the War of the Spanish Succession, Brandenburg-Prussia's troops provided significant support to the allies, fighting valiantly at Blenheim and elsewhere. Frederick, who had a spinal deformity due to an injury, died on February 25, 1713. His extravagant spending depleted the wealth amassed by his father, imposed heavy taxes on his country, and led to financial chaos. His ongoing obligations to the emperor drained Brandenburg of funds that could have been better utilized domestically and hindered its ruler from engaging in northern European politics. However, Frederick was not an unpopular leader, and by establishing Prussia as a kingdom, he undoubtedly advanced it significantly towards its future prominence. He founded the university of Halle and the Academy of Sciences in Berlin; welcomed and protected Protestant refugees from France and elsewhere; and generously funded the construction of public buildings.

The king was married three times. His second wife, Sophie Charlotte (1668-1705), sister of the English king George I., was the friend of Leibnitz and one of the most cultured princesses of the age; she bore him his only son, his successor, King Frederick William I.

The king was married three times. His second wife, Sophie Charlotte (1668-1705), the sister of the English king George I, was a friend of Leibnitz and one of the most cultured princesses of her time; she gave him his only son, his successor, King Frederick William I.

See W. Hahn, Friedrich I., König in Preussen (Berlin, 1876); J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, Band iv. (Leipzig, 1872); E. Heyck, Friedrich I. und die Begründung des preussischen Königtums (Bielefeld, 1901): C. Graf von Dohna, Mémoires originaux sur le règne et la cour de Frédéric Ier (Berlin, 1883); Aus dem Briefwechsel König Friedrichs I. von Preussen und seiner Familie (Berlin, 1901); and T. Carlyle, History of Frederick the Great, vol. i. (London, 1872).

See W. Hahn, Friedrich I., König in Preussen (Berlin, 1876); J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, Band iv. (Leipzig, 1872); E. Heyck, Friedrich I. und die Begründung des preussischen König­tums (Bielefeld, 1901); C. Graf von Dohna, Mémoires originaux sur le règne et la cour de Frédéric Ier (Berlin, 1883); Aus dem Briefwechsel König Friedrichs I. von Preussen und seiner Familie (Berlin, 1901); and T. Carlyle, History of Frederick the Great, vol. i. (London, 1872).

FREDERICK II., known as “the Great” (1712-1786), king of Prussia, born on the 24th of January 1712, was the eldest son of Frederick William I. He was brought up with extreme rigour, his father devising a scheme of education which was intended to make him a hardy soldier, and prescribing for him every detail of his conduct. So great was Frederick William’s horror of everything which did not seem to him practical, that he strictly excluded Latin from the list of his son’s studies. Frederick, however, had free and generous impulses which could not be restrained by the sternest system. Encouraged by his mother, and under the influence of his governess Madame de Roucoulle, and of his first tutor Duhan, a French refugee, he acquired an excellent knowledge of French and a taste for literature and music. He even received secret lessons in Latin, which his father invested with all the charms of forbidden fruit. As he grew up he became extremely dissatisfied with the dull and monotonous life he was compelled to lead; and his discontent was heartily shared by his sister, Wilhelmina, a bright and intelligent young princess for whom Frederick had a warm affection.

FREDERICK II., known as “the Great” (1712-1786), king of Prussia, born on January 24, 1712, was the eldest son of Frederick William I. He was raised with strict discipline, as his father created a training regimen aimed at shaping him into a tough soldier, dictating every aspect of his behavior. Frederick William was so alarmed by anything he deemed impractical that he completely removed Latin from his son’s curriculum. However, Frederick had free and generous inclinations that could not be suppressed by such a rigid system. Encouraged by his mother and influenced by his governess Madame de Roucoulle and his first tutor Duhan, a French refugee, he developed a strong grasp of French and a love for literature and music. He even secretly took Latin lessons, which his father made feel like tempting forbidden fruit. As he grew older, he became very unhappy with the dull and tiresome life he was forced to lead; his discontent was fully shared by his sister, Wilhelmina, a lively and intelligent young princess whom Frederick held dear.

Frederick William, seeing his son apparently absorbed in frivolous and effeminate amusements, gradually conceived for him an intense dislike, which had its share in causing him to break off the negotiations for a double marriage between the prince of Wales and Wilhelmina, and the princess Amelia, daughter of George II., and Frederick; for Frederick had been so indiscreet as to carry on a separate correspondence with the English court and to vow that he would marry Amelia or no one. Frederick William’s hatred of his son, openly avowed, displayed itself in violent outbursts and public insults, and so harsh was his treatment that Frederick frequently thought of running away and taking refuge at the English court. He at last resolved to do so during a journey which he made with the king to south Germany in 1730, when he was eighteen years of age. He was helped by his two friends, Lieutenant Katte and Lieutenant Keith; but by the imprudence of the former the secret was found out. Frederick was placed under arrest, deprived of his rank as crown prince, tried by court-martial, and imprisoned in the fortress of Cüstrin. Warned by Frederick, Keith escaped; but Katte delayed his flight too long, and a court-martial decided that he should be punished with two years’ fortress arrest. But the king was determined by a terrible example to wake Frederick once for all to a consciousness of the heavy responsibility of his position. He changed the sentence on Katte to one of death and ordered the execution to take place in Frederick’s presence, 53 himself arranging its every detail; Frederick’s own fate would depend upon the effect of this terrible object-lesson and the response he should make to the exhortations of the chaplain sent to reason with him. On the morning of the 7th of November Katte was beheaded before Frederick’s window, after the crown prince had asked his pardon and received the answer that there was nothing to forgive. On Frederick himself lay the terror of death, and the chaplain was able to send to the king a favourable report of his orthodoxy and his changed disposition. Frederick William, whose temper was by no means so ruthlessly Spartan as tradition has painted it,was overjoyed, and commissioned the clergyman to receive from the prince an oath of filial obedience, and in exchange for this proof of “his intention to improve in real earnest” his arrest was to be lightened, pending the earning of a full pardon. “The whole town shall be his prison,” wrote the king; “I will give him employment, from morning to night, in the departments of war, and agriculture, and of the government. He shall work at financial matters, receive accounts, read minutes and make extracts.... But if he kicks or rears again, he shall forfeit the succession to the crown, and even, according to circumstances, life itself.”

Frederick William, noticing that his son seemed completely absorbed in trivial and effeminate activities, gradually developed a strong dislike for him. This contributed to his decision to end the negotiations for a double marriage between the Prince of Wales and Wilhelmina, and Princess Amelia, the daughter of George II, and Frederick. Frederick had been foolish enough to engage in secret correspondence with the English court, insisting he would marry Amelia or no one at all. Frederick William's openly expressed hatred for his son resulted in violent outbursts and public insults. His treatment was so harsh that Frederick often considered running away to seek refuge at the English court. He ultimately made the decision to do so during a trip he took with the king to southern Germany in 1730, when he was eighteen. He was assisted by his two friends, Lieutenant Katte and Lieutenant Keith; however, due to the former's indiscretion, their plan was uncovered. Frederick was arrested, stripped of his title as crown prince, tried by court-martial, and imprisoned in the Cüstrin fortress. Keith escaped after being warned by Frederick, but Katte took too long to flee, and the court-martial sentenced him to two years of confinement in the fortress. The king, determined to teach Frederick a harsh lesson about the heavy responsibilities of his position, changed Katte's sentence to death and ordered the execution to happen in front of Frederick, personally arranging every detail. Frederick's own future hinged on how this grim lesson would affect him and the response he gave to the chaplain sent to counsel him. On the morning of November 7, Katte was executed in front of Frederick’s window, after the crown prince had asked for his forgiveness and was told there was nothing to forgive. The threat of death loomed over Frederick, and the chaplain reported back to the king on Frederick’s newfound orthodoxy and changed attitude. Frederick William, whose nature was not as ruthlessly harsh as tradition suggests, was thrilled and instructed the clergyman to have the prince swear an oath of obedience. In return for this commitment to genuinely improve, his imprisonment would be eased while he worked toward earning a full pardon. “The whole town shall be his prison,” wrote the king; “I will keep him busy from morning to night in the departments of war, agriculture, and government. He will deal with financial matters, review accounts, read minutes, and make extracts... But if he misbehaves again, he shall lose his claim to the throne, and possibly even his life, depending on the circumstances.”

For about fifteen months Frederick lived in Custrin, busy according to the royal programme with the details of the Prussian administrative system. He was very careful not to “kick or rear,” and his good conduct earned him a further stage in the restoration to favour. During this period of probation he had been deprived of his status as a soldier and refused the right to wear uniform, while officers and soldiers were forbidden to give him the military salute; in 1732 he was made colonel in command of the regiment at Neuruppin. In the following year he married, in obedience to the king’s orders, the princess Elizabeth Christina, daughter of the duke of Brunswick-Bevern. He was given the estate of Rheinsberg in the neighbourhood of Neuruppin, and there he lived until he succeeded to the throne. These years were perhaps the happiest of his life. He discharged his duties with so much spirit and so conscientiously that he ultimately gained the esteem of Frederick William, who no longer feared that he would leave the crown to one unworthy of wearing it. At the same time the crown prince was able to indulge to the full his personal tastes. He carried on a lively correspondence with Voltaire and other French men of letters, and was a diligent student of philosophy, history and poetry. Two of his best-known works were written at this time—Considérations sur l’état present du corps politique de l’Europe and his Anti-Macchiavel. In the former he calls attention to the growing strength of Austria and France, and insists on the necessity of some third power, by which he clearly means Prussia, counterbalancing their excessive influence. The second treatise, which was issued by Voltaire in Hague in 1740, contains a generous exposition of some of the favourite ideas of the 18th-century philosophers respecting the duties of sovereigns, which may be summed up in the famous sentence: “the prince is not the absolute master, but only the first servant of his people.”

For about fifteen months, Frederick lived in Custrin, focused on the details of the Prussian administrative system according to the royal plan. He was very careful not to "rock the boat," and his good behavior earned him another step toward being back in favor. During this time of probation, he had lost his status as a soldier and was not allowed to wear a uniform. Officers and soldiers were also prohibited from saluting him. In 1732, he was appointed colonel in command of the regiment at Neuruppin. The following year, he married Princess Elizabeth Christina, daughter of the duke of Brunswick-Bevern, as ordered by the king. He received the estate of Rheinsberg near Neuruppin, where he lived until he became king. These years were probably the happiest of his life. He performed his duties with so much enthusiasm and diligence that he eventually earned the respect of Frederick William, who no longer feared that he would leave the crown to someone unworthy. At the same time, the crown prince could fully enjoy his personal interests. He maintained an active correspondence with Voltaire and other French intellectuals and was a dedicated student of philosophy, history, and poetry. Two of his most famous works were written during this time—Considérations sur l’état présent du corps politique de l’Europe and Anti-Macchiavel. In the former, he pointed out the growing power of Austria and France, emphasizing the need for a third power, which he clearly meant to be Prussia, to counterbalance their excessive influence. The second treatise, published by Voltaire in The Hague in 1740, provides a generous explanation of some of the preferred ideas of 18th-century philosophers regarding the duties of rulers, which can be summed up in the famous line: “the prince is not the absolute master, but only the first servant of his people.”

On the 31st of May 1740 he became king. He maintained all the forms of government established by his father, but ruled in a far more enlightened spirit; he tolerated every form of religious opinion, abolished the use of torture, was most careful to secure an exact and impartial administration of justice, and, while keeping the reins of government strictly in his own hands, allowed every one with a genuine grievance free access to his presence. The Potsdam regiment of giants was disbanded, but the real interests of the army were carefully studied, for Frederick realized that the two pillars of the Prussian state were sound finances and a strong army. On the 20th of October 1740 the emperor Charles VI. died. Frederick at once began to make extensive military preparations, and it was soon clear to all the world that he intended to enter upon some serious enterprise. He had made up his mind to assert the ancient claim of the house of Brandenburg to the three Silesian duchies, which the Austrian rulers of Bohemia had ever denied, but the Hohenzollerns had never abandoned. Projects for the assertion of this claim by force of arms had been formed by more than one of Frederick’s predecessors, and the extinction of the male line of the house of Habsburg may well have seemed to him a unique opportunity for realizing an ambition traditional in his family. For this resolution he is often abused still by historians, and at the time he had the approval of hardly any one out of Prussia. He himself, writing of the scheme in his Mémoires, laid no claim to lofty motives, but candidly confessed that “it was a means of acquiring reputation and of increasing the power of the state.” He firmly believed, however, in the lawfulness of his claims; and although his father had recognized the Pragmatic Sanction, whereby the hereditary dominions of Charles VI. were to descend to his daughter, Maria Theresa, Frederick insisted that this sanction could refer only to lands which rightfully belonged to the house of Austria. He could also urge that, as Charles VI. had not fulfilled the engagements by which Frederick William’s recognition of the Pragmatic Sanction had been secured, Prussia was freed from her obligation.

On May 31, 1740, he became king. He kept all the government structures established by his father but ruled with a much more progressive mindset; he accepted all forms of religious belief, abolished torture, ensured an accurate and fair administration of justice, and while he held complete control of the government, he allowed anyone with a genuine complaint to approach him freely. The Potsdam regiment of giants was disbanded, but he carefully studied the army's real interests, as Frederick knew that the two foundations of the Prussian state were solid finances and a strong military. On October 20, 1740, Emperor Charles VI died. Frederick immediately started extensive military preparations, and it quickly became clear to everyone that he intended to embark on a serious venture. He had decided to assert the long-standing claim of the House of Brandenburg to the three Silesian duchies, which the Austrian rulers of Bohemia had always denied, though the Hohenzollerns had never given up on it. Plans to back this claim with military force had been made by several of Frederick's predecessors, and the extinction of the male line of the House of Habsburg likely seemed to him a unique chance to fulfill an ambition long held by his family. This decision is still criticized by historians today, and at the time, he had the support of barely anyone outside of Prussia. In his writings in his Mémoires, he did not claim any noble motives but honestly admitted that “it was a way to gain reputation and increase the power of the state.” However, he firmly believed that his claims were lawful; even though his father had recognized the Pragmatic Sanction, which stipulated that Charles VI's hereditary domains would go to his daughter, Maria Theresa, Frederick argued that this sanction could only pertain to lands that rightfully belonged to the House of Austria. He could also argue that since Charles VI had not met the conditions for which Frederick William had recognized the Pragmatic Sanction, Prussia was released from its obligation.

Frederick sent an ambassador to Vienna, offering, in the event of his rights in Silesia being conceded, to aid Maria Theresa against her enemies. The queen of Hungary, who regarded the proposal as that of a mere robber, haughtily declined; whereupon Frederick immediately invaded Silesia with an army of 30,000 men. His first victory was gained at Mollwitz on the 10th of April 1741. Under the impression, in consequence of a furious charge of Austrian cavalry, that the battle was lost, he rode rapidly away at an early stage of the struggle—a mistake which gave rise for a time to the groundless idea that he lacked personal courage. A second Prussian victory was gained at Chotusitz, near Caslau, on the 17th May 1742; by this time Frederick was master of all the fortified places of Silesia. Maria Theresa, in the heat of her struggle with France and the elector of Bavaria, now Charles VII., and pressed by England to rid herself of Frederick, concluded with him, on the 11th of June 1742, the peace of Breslau, conceding to Prussia, Upper and Lower Silesia as far as the Oppa, together with the county of Glatz. Frederick made good use of the next two years, fortifying his new territory, and repairing the evils inflicted upon it by the war. By the death of the prince of East Friesland without heirs, he also gained possession of that country (1744). He knew well that Maria Theresa would not, if she could help it, allow him to remain in Silesia; accordingly, in 1744, alarmed by her victories, he arrived at a secret understanding with France, and pledged himself, with Hesse-Cassel and the palatinate, to maintain the imperial rights of Charles VII., and to defend his hereditary Bavarian lands. Frederick began the second Silesian War by entering Bohemia in August 1744 and taking Prague. By this brilliant but rash venture he put himself in great danger, and soon had to retreat; but in 1745 he gained the battles of Hohenfriedberg, Soor and Hennersdorf; and Leopold of Dessau (“Der alte Dessauer”) won for him the victory of Kesselsdorf in Saxony. The latter victory was decisive, and the peace of Dresden (December 25, 1745) assured to Frederick a second time the possession of Silesia. (See Austrian Succession, War of the.)

Frederick sent an envoy to Vienna, offering to support Maria Theresa against her enemies if his claims to Silesia were approved. The Queen of Hungary, seeing this as the proposal of a common thief, arrogantly refused; in response, Frederick swiftly invaded Silesia with an army of 30,000 soldiers. His first victory came at Mollwitz on April 10, 1741. Believing that he was losing the battle due to a fierce charge from Austrian cavalry, he quickly rode away early in the fight—a mistake that led to the unfounded belief that he lacked courage. A second Prussian victory occurred at Chotusitz, near Caslau, on May 17, 1742; by this time, Frederick controlled all the fortified areas of Silesia. While struggling against France and Charles VII, the Elector of Bavaria, and under pressure from England to deal with Frederick, Maria Theresa signed the peace of Breslau with him on June 11, 1742, granting Prussia Upper and Lower Silesia up to the Oppa River, along with the county of Glatz. Frederick took advantage of the next two years to fortify his new territory and address the damages caused by the war. Following the death of the prince of East Friesland without heirs, he also acquired that region (1744). He understood that Maria Theresa would do anything to prevent him from staying in Silesia; thus, in 1744, worried about her victories, he secretly allied with France and committed, along with Hesse-Cassel and the Palatinate, to uphold the imperial rights of Charles VII and defend his hereditary Bavarian lands. Frederick initiated the second Silesian War by entering Bohemia in August 1744 and capturing Prague. This bold yet reckless move put him in significant danger, and he soon had to retreat; however, in 1745, he won the battles of Hohenfriedberg, Soor, and Hennersdorf, while Leopold of Dessau (“Der alte Dessauer”) secured the victory at Kesselsdorf in Saxony for him. This last victory was crucial, and the peace of Dresden (December 25, 1745) once again guaranteed Frederick's control over Silesia. (See Austrian Succession, War of the.)

Frederick had thus, at the age of thirty-three, raised himself to a great position in Europe, and henceforth he was the most conspicuous sovereign of his time. He was a thoroughly absolute ruler, his so-called ministers being mere clerks whose business was to give effect to his will. To use his own famous phrase, however, he regarded himself as but “the first servant of the state”; and during the next eleven years he proved that the words expressed his inmost conviction and feeling. All kinds of questions were submitted to him, important and unimportant; and he is frequently censured for having troubled himself so much with mere details. But in so far as these details related to expenditure he was fully justified, for it was absolutely essential for him to have a large army, and with a small state this was impossible unless he carefully prevented unnecessary outlay. Being a keen judge of character, he filled the public offices with faithful, capable, energetic men, who were kept up to a high standard of duty by the consciousness that their work might at any time come under his strict supervision. The Academy of Sciences, which had fallen into contempt during 54 his father’s reign, he restored, infusing into it vigorous life; and he did more to promote elementary education than any of his predecessors. He did much too for the economic development of Prussia, especially for agriculture; he established colonies, peopling them with immigrants, extended the canal system, drained and diked the great marshes of the Oderbruch, turning them into rich pasturage, encouraged the planting of fruit trees and of root crops; and, though in accordance with his ideas of discipline he maintained serfdom, he did much to lighten the burdens of the peasants. All kinds of manufacture, too, particularly that of silk, owed much to his encouragement. To the army he gave unremitting attention, reviewing it at regular intervals, and sternly punishing negligence on the part of the officers. Its numbers were raised to 160,000 men, while fortresses and magazines were always kept in a state of readiness for war. The influence of the king’s example was felt far beyond the limits of his immediate circle. The nation was proud of his genius, and displayed something of his energy in all departments of life. Lessing, who as a youth of twenty came to Berlin in 1749, composed enthusiastic odes in his honour, and Gleim, the Halberstadt poet, wrote of him as of a kind of demi-god. These may be taken as fair illustrations of the popular feeling long before the Seven Years’ War.

Frederick had, by the age of thirty-three, elevated himself to a prominent position in Europe, becoming the most notable ruler of his time. He was a completely absolute leader, with his so-called ministers acting merely as clerks to implement his decisions. To use his own famous phrase, he saw himself as simply “the first servant of the state”; and over the next eleven years, he proved that this belief was his true conviction. He faced all kinds of issues, both major and minor, and he often faced criticism for getting too involved in trivial matters. However, when it came to expenses, he was entirely justified, as maintaining a large army was crucial, and this would be impossible with a small state unless he carefully managed unnecessary costs. Being a sharp judge of character, he filled public positions with loyal, capable, and energetic individuals, who maintained a high standard of duty knowing that their work could be closely monitored by him at any moment. He revived the Academy of Sciences, which had lost its reputation during his father’s reign, breathing new life into it; he also did more for basic education than any of his predecessors. He significantly advanced the economic development of Prussia, particularly in agriculture; he founded colonies, populated them with immigrants, expanded the canal system, drained and diked the vast marshes of the Oderbruch to turn them into fertile grazing land, and encouraged the planting of fruit trees and root crops. Although he maintained serfdom according to his views on discipline, he worked to ease the burdens on the peasants. Various industries, especially silk production, greatly benefited from his support. He consistently focused on the army, regularly reviewing it and strictly penalizing any negligence from the officers. The army grew to 160,000 men, with fortresses and supplies always kept ready for war. The king’s influence reached far beyond his immediate surroundings. The nation took pride in his abilities, reflecting his energy in many aspects of life. Lessing, who arrived in Berlin at twenty in 1749, wrote enthusiastic odes in his honor, while Gleim, the poet from Halberstadt, referred to him almost as a demi-god. These examples illustrate the popular sentiment long before the Seven Years’ War.

He despised German as the language of boors, although it is remarkable that at a later period, in a French essay on German literature, he predicted for it a great future. He habitually wrote and spoke French, and had a strong ambition to rank as a distinguished French author. Nobody can now read his verses, but his prose writings have a certain calm simplicity and dignity, without, however, giving evidence of the splendid mental qualities which he revealed in practical life. To this period belong his Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de Brandebourg and his poem L’Art de la guerre. The latter, judged as literature, is intolerably dull; but the former is valuable, throwing as it does considerable light on his personal sympathies as well as on the motives of important epochs in his career. He continued to correspond with French writers, and induced a number of them to settle in Berlin, Maupertuis being president of the Academy. In 1752 Voltaire, who had repeatedly visited him, came at Frederick’s urgent entreaty, and received a truly royal welcome. The famous Hirsch trial, and Voltaire’s vanity and caprice, greatly lowered him in the esteem of the king, who, on his side, irritated his guest by often requiring him to correct bad verses, and by making him the object of rude banter. The publication of Doctor Akakia, which brought down upon the president of the Academy a storm of ridicule, finally alienated Frederick; while Voltaire’s wrongs culminated in the famous arrest at Frankfort, the most disagreeable elements of which were due to the misunderstanding of an order by a subordinate official.

He looked down on German as a language for uncultured people, though it's interesting that later, in a French essay on German literature, he anticipated a bright future for it. He consistently wrote and spoke in French and had a strong desire to be considered a notable French author. Nobody reads his poetry anymore, but his prose has a certain calm simplicity and dignity, even if it doesn’t showcase the remarkable mental abilities he displayed in real life. This period includes his Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de Brandebourg and his poem L’Art de la guerre. The latter, when judged as literature, is extremely tedious; however, the former is valuable because it provides significant insight into his personal feelings as well as the motivations behind important phases in his career. He continued to exchange letters with French writers and encouraged several of them to move to Berlin, with Maupertuis serving as president of the Academy. In 1752, Voltaire, who had visited him multiple times, came at Frederick’s urgent request and received a truly royal welcome. The famous Hirsch trial, along with Voltaire’s vanity and whims, significantly diminished the king's regard for him, while Frederick irritated his guest by frequently asking him to fix bad verses and making him the target of rude jokes. The publication of Doctor Akakia, which led to a wave of mockery against the president of the Academy, ultimately estranged Frederick; meanwhile, Voltaire’s troubles peaked with his well-known arrest in Frankfurt, a situation heavily complicated by a subordinate's misunderstanding of an order.

The king lived as much as possible in a retired mansion, to which he gave the name of Sanssouci—not the palace so called, which was built after the Seven Years’ War, and was never a favourite residence. He rose regularly in summer at five, in winter at six, devoting himself to public business till about eleven. During part of this time, after coffee, he would aid his reflections by playing on the flute, of which he was passionately fond, being a really skilful performer. At eleven came parade, and an hour afterwards, punctually, dinner, which continued till two, or later, if conversation happened to be particularly attractive. After dinner he glanced through and signed cabinet orders written in accordance with his morning instructions, often adding marginal notes and postscripts, many of which were in a caustic tone. These disposed of, he amused himself for a couple of hours with literary work; between six and seven he would converse with his friends or listen to his reader (a post held for some time by La Mettrie); at seven there was a concert; and at half-past eight he sat down to supper, which might go on till midnight. He liked good eating and drinking, although even here the cost was sharply looked after, the expenses of his kitchen mounting to no higher figure than £1800 a year. At supper he was always surrounded by a number of his most intimate friends, mainly Frenchmen; and he insisted on the conversation being perfectly free. His wit, however, was often cruel, and any one who responded with too much spirit was soon made to feel that the licence of talk was to be complete only on one side.

The king mostly lived in a secluded mansion he named Sanssouci—not the palace by the same name built after the Seven Years’ War, which was never a favorite of his. He usually got up at five in the summer and six in the winter, dedicating himself to public affairs until about eleven. During part of that time, after his coffee, he played the flute, which he was passionate about, and he was quite skilled at it. At eleven, he had his parade, and an hour later, precisely, it was time for dinner, which lasted until two, or longer if the conversation was particularly engaging. After dinner, he would review and sign cabinet orders based on his morning instructions, often adding comments and postscripts, many of which had a sharp tone. Once that was done, he spent a couple of hours on literary work; between six and seven, he would talk with friends or listen to his reader (a position held for a time by La Mettrie); at seven, there was a concert; and by half-past eight, he sat down for supper, which could last until midnight. He enjoyed good food and drink, though he kept a close eye on costs, with his kitchen expenses not exceeding £1800 a year. At supper, he was always surrounded by a few close friends, mainly French, and he insisted that the conversation be completely free. However, his wit was often harsh, and anyone who engaged too vigorously soon realized that the freedom of speech was really one-sided.

At Frederick’s court ladies were seldom seen, a circumstance that gave occasion to much scandal for which there seems to have been no foundation. The queen he visited only on rare occasions. She had been forced upon him by his father, and he had never loved her; but he always treated her with marked respect, and provided her with a generous income, half of which she gave away in charity. Although without charm, she was a woman of many noble qualities; and, like her husband, she wrote French books, some of which attracted a certain attention in their day. She survived him by eleven years, dying in 1797.

At Frederick’s court, ladies were rarely seen, which led to a lot of gossip despite there being no real reason for it. He only visited the queen on rare occasions. She had been imposed on him by his father, and he had never loved her; however, he always treated her with great respect and ensured she had a generous income, half of which she donated to charity. Although she lacked charm, she had many noble qualities, and like her husband, she wrote French books, some of which gained a bit of attention in their time. She outlived him by eleven years, passing away in 1797.

Maria Theresa had never given up hope that she would recover Silesia; and as all the neighbouring sovereigns were bitterly jealous of Frederick, and somewhat afraid of him, she had no difficulty in inducing several of them to form a scheme for his ruin. Russia and Saxony entered into it heartily, and France, laying aside her ancient enmity towards Austria, joined the empress against the common object of dislike. Frederick, meanwhile, had turned towards England, which saw in him a possible ally of great importance against the French. A convention between Prussia and Great Britain was signed in January 1756, and it proved of incalculable value to both countries, leading as it did to a close alliance during the administration of Pitt. Through the treachery of a clerk in the Saxon foreign office Frederick was made aware of the future which was being prepared for him. Seeing the importance of taking the initiative, and if possible, of securing Saxony, he suddenly, on the 24th of August 1756, crossed the frontier of that country, and shut in the Saxon army between Pirna and Königstein, ultimately compelling it, after a victory gained over the Austrians at Lobositz, to surrender. Thus began the Seven Years’ War, in which, supported by England, Brunswick and Hesse-Cassel, he had for a long time to oppose Austria, France, Russia, Saxony and Sweden. Virtually the whole Continent was in arms against a small state which, a few years before, had been regarded by most men as beneath serious notice. But it happened that this small state was led by a man of high military genius, capable of infusing into others his own undaunted spirit, while his subjects had learned both from him and his predecessors habits of patience, perseverance and discipline. In 1757, after defeating the Austrians at Prague, he was himself defeated by them at Kolin; and by the shameful convention of Closter-Seven, he was freely exposed to the attack of the French. In November 1757, however, when Europe looked upon him as ruined, he rid himself of the French by his splendid victory over them at Rossbach, and in about a month afterwards, by the still more splendid victory at Leuthen, he drove the Austrians from Silesia. From this time the French were kept well employed in the west by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, who defeated them at Crefeld in 1758, and at Minden in 1759. In the former year Frederick triumphed, at a heavy cost, over the Russians at Zorndorf; and although, through lack of his usual foresight, he lost the battle of Hochkirch, he prevented the Austrians from deriving any real advantage from their triumph, Silesia still remaining in his hands at the end of the year. The battle of Kunersdorf, fought on the 12th of August 1759, was the most disastrous to him in the course of the war. He had here to contend both with the Russians and the Austrians; and although at first he had some success, his army was in the end completely broken. “All is lost save the royal family,” he wrote to his minister Friesenstein; “the consequences of this battle will be worse than the battle itself. I shall not survive the ruin of the Fatherland. Adieu for ever!” But he soon recovered from his despair, and in 1760 gained the important victories of Liegnitz and Torgau. He had now, however, to act on the defensive, and fortunately for him, the Russians, on the death of the empress Elizabeth, not only withdrew in 1762 from the compact against him, but for a time became his allies. On the 29th of October of that year he gained his last victory over the Austrians at Freiberg. Europe was by that time sick of war, every power being more or less exhausted. 55 The result was that, on the 15th of February 1763, a few days after the conclusion of the peace of Paris, the treaty of Hubertusburg was signed, Austria confirming Prussia in the possession of Silesia. (See Seven Years’ War.)

Maria Theresa had never lost hope of getting Silesia back; since all the neighboring rulers were intensely jealous of Frederick and somewhat intimidated by him, she easily persuaded several of them to devise a plan for his downfall. Russia and Saxony eagerly joined in, and France, putting aside its long-standing rivalry with Austria, allied with the empress against a common enemy. Meanwhile, Frederick turned to England, which saw him as a significant potential ally against the French. A treaty between Prussia and Great Britain was signed in January 1756, proving invaluable to both nations and paving the way for a strong alliance during Pitt’s administration. Through the betrayal of a clerk in the Saxon foreign office, Frederick learned of the impending threat against him. Recognizing the need to take action and secure Saxony, he swiftly crossed its border on August 24, 1756, cornering the Saxon army between Pirna and Königstein, and ultimately forcing it to surrender after defeating the Austrians at Lobositz. Thus began the Seven Years' War, where, bolstered by support from England, Brunswick, and Hesse-Cassel, he had to fend off Austria, France, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden for an extended period. Nearly the entire continent was mobilized against the once-overlooked small state. However, this state was led by a man of remarkable military talent, who could instill his fearless spirit in others, while his subjects had learned patience, perseverance, and discipline from him and his predecessors. In 1757, after defeating the Austrians in Prague, he faced defeat at Kolin; and with the humiliating convention of Closter-Seven, he became vulnerable to the French. Yet, in November 1757, when Europe viewed him as finished, he dealt a stunning defeat to the French at Rossbach, and about a month later, achieved an even more impressive victory at Leuthen, driving the Austrians from Silesia. From that point, the French were kept busy in the west by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, who defeated them at Crefeld in 1758 and at Minden in 1759. In that same year, Frederick won, albeit at a great cost, against the Russians at Zorndorf; and although he suffered a loss at Hochkirch due to a lack of his usual foresight, he successfully prevented the Austrians from gaining any significant benefits from their victory, keeping Silesia under his control by the year’s end. The Battle of Kunersdorf, fought on August 12, 1759, was the most catastrophic for him during the war. He faced both the Russians and the Austrians, and despite some early success, his army was ultimately decimated. “All is lost save the royal family,” he wrote to his minister Friesenstein; “the repercussions of this battle will be worse than the battle itself. I will not survive the ruin of my country. Goodbye forever!” However, he quickly recovered from his despair, achieving significant victories at Liegnitz and Torgau in 1760. By this time, he had to adopt a defensive strategy, and fortunately for him, the Russians, following the death of Empress Elizabeth, withdrew from the coalition against him in 1762 and for a while became his allies. On October 29 of that year, he scored his final victory against the Austrians at Freiberg. By this time, Europe was weary of war, with every power more or less drained. 55 As a result, on February 15, 1763, just days after the peace of Paris was signed, the Treaty of Hubertusburg was finalized, with Austria conceding Prussia’s control of Silesia. (See Seven Years’ War.)

It would be difficult to overrate the importance of the contribution thus made by Frederick to the politics of Europe. Prussia was now universally recognized as one of the great powers of the Continent, and she definitely took her place in Germany as the rival of Austria. From this time it was inevitable that there should be a final struggle between the two nations for predominance, and that the smaller German states should group themselves around one or the other. Frederick himself acquired both in Germany and Europe the indefinable influence which springs from the recognition of great gifts that have been proved by great deeds.

It’s hard to overstate how important Frederick's contribution was to European politics. Prussia was now widely acknowledged as one of the major powers on the continent and solidified its position in Germany as Austria's rival. From this point on, it was clear that a final showdown between the two nations for dominance was inevitable, and the smaller German states would align themselves with one side or the other. Frederick himself gained an intangible influence both in Germany and Europe, stemming from the acknowledgment of his remarkable talents demonstrated through significant achievements.

His first care after the war was, as far as possible, to enable the country to recover from the terrific blows by which it had been almost destroyed; and he was never, either before or after, seen to better advantage than in the measures he adopted for this end. Although his resources had been so completely drained that he had been forced to melt the silver in his palaces and to debase the coinage, his energy soon brought back the national prosperity. Pomerania and Neumark were freed from taxation for two years, Silesia for six months. Many nobles whose lands had been wasted received corn for seed; his war horses were within a few months to be found on farms all over Prussia; and money was freely spent in the re-erection of houses which had been destroyed. The coinage was gradually restored to its proper value, and trade received a favourable impulse by the foundation of the Bank of Berlin. All these matters were carefully looked into by Frederick himself, who, while acting as generously as his circumstances would allow, insisted on everything being done in the most efficient manner at the least possible cost. Unfortunately, he adopted the French ideas of excise, and the French methods of imposing and collecting taxes—a system known as the Regie. This system secured for him a large revenue, but it led to a vast amount of petty tyranny, which was all the more intolerable because it was carried out by French officials. It was continued to the end of Frederick’s reign, and nothing did so much to injure his otherwise immense popularity. He was quite aware of the discontent the system excited, and the good-nature with which he tolerated the criticisms directed against it and him is illustrated by a well-known incident. Riding along the Jäger Strasse one day, he saw a crowd of people. “See what it is,” he said to the groom who was attending him. “They have something posted up about your Majesty,” said the groom, returning. Frederick, riding forward, saw a caricature of himself: “King in very melancholy guise,” says Preuss (as translated by Carlyle), “seated on a stool, a coffee-mill between his knees, diligently grinding with the one hand, and with the other picking up any bean that might have fallen. ‘Hang it lower,’ said the king, beckoning his groom with a wave of the finger; ‘lower, that they may not have to hurt their necks about it.’ No sooner were the words spoken, which spread instantly, than there rose from the whole crowd one universal huzzah of joy. They tore the caricature into a thousand pieces, and rolled after the king with loud ‘Lebe Hoch, our Frederick for ever,’ as he rode slowly away.” There are scores of anecdotes about Frederick, but not many so well authenticated as this.

His first priority after the war was to help the country recover from the severe damage it had suffered; he was never seen in a better light than during the efforts he made for this purpose. Despite having drained his resources to the point of melting down silver from his palaces and debasing the coinage, his determination quickly restored national prosperity. Pomerania and Neumark were exempt from taxes for two years, and Silesia for six months. Many nobles whose lands had been devastated received grain for planting; within months, his war horses were being found on farms throughout Prussia; and money was spent generously to rebuild homes that had been destroyed. The coinage was gradually reinstated to its proper value, and trade got a boost with the establishment of the Bank of Berlin. Frederick himself carefully supervised all these efforts, acting as generously as he could while insisting everything be done efficiently and at minimal cost. Unfortunately, he adopted the French ideas on excise taxes and the French methods of imposing and collecting taxes, known as the Regie. This approach secured him a significant income but resulted in widespread minor tyranny, which was particularly unbearable because it was enforced by French officials. It continued until the end of Frederick's reign and was a major factor in damaging his otherwise great popularity. He was well aware of the dissatisfaction the system caused, and his good-natured tolerance of the criticisms aimed at him is illustrated by a well-known incident. One day, while riding down Jäger Strasse, he noticed a crowd of people. “Find out what’s going on,” he said to his attendant. “They have something posted about Your Majesty,” the groom reported back. Frederick moved closer and saw a caricature of himself: "King in a very melancholy guise,” as Preuss (translated by Carlyle) described it, “seated on a stool, a coffee grinder between his knees, diligently grinding with one hand, and picking up any fallen beans with the other. ‘Hang it lower,’ the king said, waving his finger to his groom; ‘lower, so they don’t have to strain their necks to see it.’ No sooner were the words out than the crowd erupted into a single cheer of joy. They tore the caricature into a thousand pieces and followed the king, loudly shouting ‘Lebe Hoch, our Frederick forever,’ as he rode slowly away.” There are countless anecdotes about Frederick, but few are as well-documented as this one.

There was nothing about which Frederick took so much trouble as the proper administration of justice. He disliked the formalities of the law, and in one instance, “the miller Arnold case,” in connexion with which he thought injustice had been done to a poor man, he dismissed the judges, condemned them to a year’s fortress arrest, and compelled them to make good out of their own pockets the loss sustained by their supposed victim—not a wise proceeding, but one springing from a generous motive. He once defined himself as “l’avocat du pauvre,” and few things gave him more pleasure than the famous answer of the miller whose windmill stood on ground which was wanted for the king’s garden. The miller sturdily refused to sell it. “Not at any price?” said the king’s agent; “could not the king take it from you for nothing, if he chose?” “Have we not the Kammergericht at Berlin?” was the answer, which became a popular saying in Germany. Soon after he came to the throne Frederick began to make preparations for a new code. In 1747 appeared the Codex Fridericianus, by which the Prussian judicial body was established. But a greater monument of Frederick’s interest in legal reform was the Allgemeines preussisches Landrecht, completed by the grand chancellor Count Johann H. C. von Carmer (1721-1801) on the basis of the Project des Corporis Juris Fridericiani, completed in the year 1749-1751 by the eminent jurist Samuel von Cocceji (1679-1755). The Landrecht, a work of vast labour and erudition, combines the two systems of German and Roman law supplemented by the law of nature; it was the first German code, but only came into force in 1794, after Frederick’s death.

There was nothing Frederick cared more about than properly administering justice. He didn’t like the formalities of the law, and in one case, “the miller Arnold case,” where he believed a poor man had been wronged, he dismissed the judges, sentenced them to a year in a fortress, and made them pay back the losses to the supposed victim out of their own pockets—not a wise move, but one motivated by generosity. He once described himself as “the lawyer for the poor,” and few things made him happier than the famous response from the miller whose windmill sat on land needed for the king’s garden. The miller firmly refused to sell it. “Not at any price?” asked the king’s agent; “Couldn’t the king take it from you for free if he wanted?” “Don’t we have the Kammergericht in Berlin?” was the reply, which became a popular saying in Germany. Shortly after becoming king, Frederick began preparations for a new legal code. In 1747, the Codex Fridericianus was published, establishing the Prussian judicial system. But an even greater testament to Frederick’s commitment to legal reform was the Allgemeines preussisches Landrecht, completed by the grand chancellor Count Johann H. C. von Carmer (1721-1801) based on the Project des Corporis Juris Fridericiani, finished between 1749-1751 by the prominent jurist Samuel von Cocceji (1679-1755). The Landrecht, a massive work of labor and scholarship, combines German and Roman law with natural law; it was the first German code but only took effect in 1794, after Frederick’s death.

Looking ahead after the Seven Years’ War, Frederick saw no means of securing himself so effectually as by cultivating the goodwill of Russia. In 1764 he accordingly concluded a treaty of alliance with the empress Catherine for eight years. Six years afterwards, unfortunately for his fame, he joined in the first partition of Poland, by which he received Polish Prussia, without Danzig and Thorn, and Great Poland as far as the river Netze. Prussia was then for the first time made continuous with Brandenburg and Pomerania.

Looking ahead after the Seven Years' War, Frederick realized that the best way to secure his position was to build a good relationship with Russia. In 1764, he signed a treaty of alliance with Empress Catherine for a period of eight years. Unfortunately for his reputation, six years later, he took part in the first partition of Poland, through which he gained Polish Prussia, minus Danzig and Thorn, and Great Poland up to the river Netze. This was the first time Prussia was connected continuously with Brandenburg and Pomerania.

The emperor Joseph II. greatly admired Frederick, and visited him at Neisse, in Silesia, in 1769, a visit which Frederick returned, in Moravia, in the following year. The young emperor was frank and cordial; Frederick was more cautious, for he detected under the respectful manner of Joseph a keen ambition that might one day become dangerous to Prussia. Ever after these interviews a portrait of the emperor hung conspicuously in the rooms in which Frederick lived, a circumstance on which some one remarked. “Ah yes,” said Frederick, “I am obliged to keep that young gentleman in my eye.” Nothing came of these suspicions till 1777, when, after the death of Maximilian Joseph, elector of Bavaria, without children, the emperor took possession of the greater part of his lands. The elector palatine, who lawfully inherited Bavaria, came to an arrangement, which was not admitted by his heir, Charles, duke of Zweibrücken. Under these circumstances the latter appealed to Frederick, who, resolved that Austria should gain no unnecessary advantage, took his part, and brought pressure to bear upon the emperor. Ultimately, greatly against his will, Frederick felt compelled to draw the sword, and in July 1778 crossed the Bohemian frontier at the head of a powerful army. No general engagement was fought, and after a great many delays the treaty of Teschen was signed on the 13th of May 1779. Austria received the circle of Burgau, and consented that the king of Prussia should take the Franconian principalities. Frederick never abandoned his jealousy of Austria, whose ambition he regarded as the chief danger against which Europe had to guard. He seems to have had no suspicion that evil days were coming in France. It was Austria which had given trouble in his time; and if her pride were curbed, he fancied that Prussia at least would be safe. Hence one of the last important acts of his life was to form, in 1785, a league of princes (the “Fürstenbund”) for the defence of the imperial constitution, believed to be imperilled by Joseph’s restless activity. The league came to an end after Frederick’s death; but it is of considerable historical interest, as the first open attempt of Prussia to take the lead in Germany.

The emperor Joseph II admired Frederick a lot and visited him in Neisse, Silesia, in 1769, which Frederick returned the next year in Moravia. The young emperor was straightforward and friendly; Frederick was more careful, as he sensed a strong ambition behind Joseph's respectful demeanor that could pose a threat to Prussia someday. After these meetings, a portrait of the emperor hung prominently in the rooms where Frederick lived, which someone commented on. “Ah yes,” Frederick said, “I have to keep an eye on that young gentleman.” Those suspicions didn’t materialize until 1777, when, after the death of Maximilian Joseph, elector of Bavaria, who left no children, the emperor took most of his lands. The elector palatine, who was the rightful heir to Bavaria, made an arrangement that his heir, Charles, duke of Zweibrücken, did not accept. In this situation, the duke turned to Frederick, who was determined to prevent Austria from gaining any unnecessary advantage. He supported the duke and pressured the emperor. Ultimately, Frederick reluctantly felt compelled to take military action and crossed the Bohemian border with a strong army in July 1778. No full battle took place, and after numerous delays, the Treaty of Teschen was signed on May 13, 1779. Austria received the Burgau region and agreed that the king of Prussia could take the Franconian principalities. Frederick never let go of his distrust of Austria, seeing its ambition as the main threat Europe needed to guard against. He didn’t seem to have any indication that trouble was brewing in France. Austria had been the source of trouble in his time, and he believed that if her pride was restrained, Prussia would be safe. Thus, one of the last significant actions of his life was to establish a league of princes (the “Fürstenbund”) in 1785 to defend the imperial constitution, which he believed was threatened by Joseph’s ambitious activity. The league ended after Frederick’s death, but it holds significant historical importance as Prussia's first open attempt to take the lead in Germany.

Frederick’s chief trust was always in his treasury and his army. By continual economy he left in the former the immense sum of 70 million thalers; the latter, at the time of his death, numbered 200,000 men, disciplined with all the strictness to which he had throughout life accustomed his troops. He died at Sanssouci on the 17th of August 1786; his death being hastened by exposure to a storm of rain, stoically borne, during a military review. He passed away on the eve of tremendous events, which for a time obscured his fame; but now that he can be impartially estimated, he is seen to have been in many respects one of the greatest figures in modern history.

Frederick's main confidence was always in his treasury and his army. Through constant frugality, he amassed an enormous sum of 70 million thalers in the former; the latter, at the time of his death, consisted of 200,000 men, trained with the strict discipline he had instilled in his troops throughout his life. He died at Sanssouci on August 17, 1786; his death was accelerated by exposure to a rainstorm, which he stoically endured during a military review. He passed away just before significant events that temporarily overshadowed his legacy; however, with a more objective view now, he is recognized as one of the greatest figures in modern history in many respects.

He was rather below the middle size, in youth inclined to 56 stoutness, lean in old age, but of vigorous and active habits. An expression of keen intelligence lighted up his features, and his large, sparkling grey eyes darted penetrating glances at every one who approached him. In his later years an old blue uniform with red facings was his usual dress, and on his breast was generally some Spanish snuff, of which he consumed large quantities. He shared many of the chief intellectual tendencies of his age, having no feeling for the highest aspirations of human nature, but submitting all things to a searching critical analysis. Of Christianity he always spoke in the mocking tone of the “enlightened” philosophers, regarding it as the invention of priests; but it is noteworthy that after the Seven Years’ War, the trials of which steadied his character, he sought to strengthen the church for the sake of its elevating moral influence. In his judgments of mankind he often talked as a misanthrope. He was once conversing with Sulzer, who was a school inspector, about education. Sulzer expressed the opinion that education had of late years greatly improved. “In former times, your Majesty,” he said, “the notion being that mankind were naturally inclined to evil, a system of severity prevailed in schools; but now, when we recognize that the inborn inclination of men is rather to good than to evil, schoolmasters have adopted a more generous procedure.” “Ah, my dear Sulzer,” replied the king, “you don’t know this damned race” (“Ach, mein lieber Sulzer, er kennt nicht diese verdammte Race”). This fearful saying unquestionably expressed a frequent mood of Frederick’s; and he sometimes acted with great harshness, and seemed to take a malicious pleasure in tormenting his acquaintances. Yet he was capable of genuine attachments. He was beautifully loyal to his mother and his sister Wilhelmina; his letters to the duchess of Gotha are full of a certain tender reverence; the two Keiths found him a devoted friend. But the true evidence that beneath his misanthropical moods there was an enduring sentiment of humanity is afforded by the spirit in which he exercised his kingly functions. Taking his reign as a whole, it must be said that he looked upon his power rather as a trust than as a source of personal advantage; and the trust was faithfully discharged according to the best lights of his day. He has often been condemned for doing nothing to encourage German literature; and it is true that he was supremely indifferent to it. Before he died a tide of intellectual life was rising all about him; yet he failed to recognize it, declined to give Lessing even the small post of royal librarian, and thought Götz von Berlichingen a vulgar imitation of vulgar English models. But when his taste was formed, German literature did not exist; the choice was between Racine and Voltaire on the one hand and Gottsched and Gellert on the other. He survived into the era of Kant, Goethe and Schiller, but he was not of it, and it would have been unreasonable to expect that he should in old age pass beyond the limits of his own epoch. As Germans now generally admit, it was better that he let their literature alone, since, left to itself, it became a thoroughly independent product. Indirectly he powerfully promoted it by deepening the national life from which it sprang. At a time when there was no real bond of cohesion between the different states, he stirred among them a common enthusiasm; and in making Prussia great he laid the foundation of a genuinely united empire.

He was a bit shorter than average, robust in his youth but lean in old age, and he had a vigorous and active lifestyle. A look of sharp intelligence lit up his features, and his large, sparkling gray eyes quickly assessed everyone who approached him. In his later years, he typically wore an old blue uniform with red trim, and he often had some Spanish snuff on his chest, which he consumed in large amounts. He shared many of the main intellectual trends of his time, lacking appreciation for the highest ideals of human nature, instead applying rigorous critical analysis to everything. He spoke about Christianity in a mocking tone like the “enlightened” philosophers, viewing it as a priestly invention; however, it’s notable that after the Seven Years’ War, which steadied his character, he sought to strengthen the church for its uplifting moral influence. In his views on humanity, he often came across as a misanthrope. During a conversation with Sulzer, a school inspector, about education, Sulzer remarked that education had greatly improved in recent years. “In the past, your Majesty,” he said, “people believed that mankind had a natural inclination toward evil, so schools used a system of strictness; but now that we understand that people are more inclined to good than to evil, teachers have adopted a more generous approach.” “Ah, my dear Sulzer,” replied the king, “you don’t know this damned race” (“Ach, mein lieber Sulzer, er kennt nicht diese verdammte Race”). This harsh saying undoubtedly reflected a common feeling of Frederick’s; he sometimes acted with significant harshness and appeared to take some delight in tormenting his acquaintances. Yet, he was capable of genuine loyalty. He was devoted to his mother and his sister Wilhelmina; his letters to the Duchess of Gotha are filled with a certain tender respect; the two Keiths found him to be a loyal friend. The true evidence that beneath his misanthropic moods lay a lasting sense of humanity is shown in how he carried out his royal duties. Overall, he regarded his power more as a responsibility than a personal benefit, and he fulfilled that responsibility according to the best understanding of his time. He has often been criticized for doing nothing to promote German literature, and it's true that he was completely indifferent to it. Before he died, a wave of intellectual life was emerging around him; yet he failed to recognize it, refused to appoint Lessing to even the minor role of royal librarian, and thought Götz von Berlichingen was a crude imitation of poor English models. But when his taste was formed, German literature didn’t exist; the choice was between Racine and Voltaire on one side and Gottsched and Gellert on the other. He lived into the era of Kant, Goethe, and Schiller, but he wasn’t part of it, and it would have been unreasonable to expect him to expand beyond the confines of his own era in his old age. As Germans now generally agree, it was better that he stayed away from their literature, as left to itself, it became a truly independent creation. Indirectly, he greatly advanced it by enriching the national spirit from which it emerged. At a time when there was no real connection among the different states, he stirred a common enthusiasm among them; and by making Prussia strong, he laid the groundwork for a genuinely united empire.

Bibliographical Note.—The main sources for the biography of Frederick the Great are his own works, which, in the words of Leopold von Ranke, “deal with the politics and wars of the period with the greatest possible objectivity, i.e. truthfulness, and form an imperishable monument of his life and opinions.” A magnificent edition of Frederick’s complete works was issued (1846-1857), at the instance of Frederick William IV., under the supervision of the historian Johann D. E. Preuss (1785-1868). It is in thirty volumes, of which six contain verse, seven are historical, two philosophical, and three military, twelve being made up of correspondence. So long as the various state archives remained largely inaccessible historians relied upon this as their chief authority. Among works belonging to this period may be mentioned Thomas Carlyle, History of Frederick II. of Prussia (6 vols., London, 1858-1865); J. G. Droysen, Friedrich der Grosse (2 vols., Leipzig, 1874-1876, forming part V. of his Geschichte der preussischen Politik); Ranke, Friedrich II., König von Preussen (Werke, vols. li. and lii.). A great stimulus to the study of Frederick’s history has since been given by the publication of collections of documents preserved in various archives. Of these the most important is the great official edition of Frederick’s political correspondence (Berlin, 1879), of which the thirty-first vol. appeared in 1906. Of later works, based on modern research, may be mentioned R. Koser, König Friedrich der Grosse, Bd. 2 (Stuttgart, 1893 and 1903; 3rd ed., 1905); Bourdeau, Le Grand Frédéric (2 vols., Paris, 1900-1902); L. Paul-Dubois, Frédéric le Grand, d’après sa correspondance politique (Paris, 1903); W. F. Reddaway, Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia (London, 1904). Of the numerous special studies may be noticed E. Zeller, Friedrich der Grosse als Philosoph (Berlin, 1886); H. Pigge, Die Staatstheorie Friedrichs des Grossen (Münster, 1904); T. von Bernhardi, Friedrich der Grosse als Feldherr (2 vols., Berlin, 1881); Ernest Lavisse, La Jeunesse du Grand Frédéric (Paris, 1891, 3rd ed., 1899; Eng. transl., London, 1891); R. Brode, Friedrich der Grosse und der Konflikt mit seinem Vater (Leipzig, 1904); W. von Bremen, Friedrich der Grosse (Bd. ii. of Erzieher des preussischen Heeres, Berlin, 1905); G. Winter, Friedrich der Grosse (3 vols. in Geisteshelden series, Berlin, 1906); Dreissig Jahre am Hofe Friedrichs des Grossen. Aus den Tagebüchern des Reichsgrafen Ahasuerus Heinrich von Lehndorff, Kammerherrn der Königin Elisabett Christine von Preussen (Gotha, 1907). The great work on the wars of Frederick is that issued by the Prussian General Staff: Die Kriege Friedrichs des Grossen (12 vols. in three parts, Berlin, 1890-1904). For a full list of other works see Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde (Leipzig, 1906).

References Note.—The main sources for the biography of Frederick the Great are his own writings, which, as Leopold von Ranke noted, “address the politics and wars of the time with the utmost objectivity, i.e. truthfulness, and create an enduring monument of his life and views.” A stunning edition of Frederick’s complete works was published (1846-1857) at the request of Frederick William IV., under the guidance of historian Johann D. E. Preuss (1785-1868). This edition consists of thirty volumes—six of poetry, seven historical, two philosophical, three military, and twelve made up of correspondence. For a long time, since many state archives were mostly inaccessible, historians relied on this collection as their primary source. Works from this period include Thomas Carlyle's History of Frederick II. of Prussia (6 vols., London, 1858-1865); J. G. Droysen's Friedrich der Grosse (2 vols., Leipzig, 1874-1876, part of his Geschichte der preussischen Politik); and Ranke's Friedrich II., König von Preussen (Werke, vols. li. and lii.). The release of collections of documents from various archives has greatly encouraged the study of Frederick’s history. Among these, the most significant is the official edition of Frederick’s political correspondence (Berlin, 1879), with the thirty-first volume published in 1906. More recent works based on modern research include R. Koser’s König Friedrich der Grosse, Bd. 2 (Stuttgart, 1893 and 1903; 3rd ed., 1905); Bourdeau’s Le Grand Frédéric (2 vols., Paris, 1900-1902); L. Paul-Dubois’s Frédéric le Grand, d’après sa correspondance politique (Paris, 1903); and W. F. Reddaway’s Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia (London, 1904). Numerous specialized studies include E. Zeller’s Friedrich der Grosse als Philosoph (Berlin, 1886); H. Pigge’s Die Staatstheorie Friedrichs des Grossen (Münster, 1904); T. von Bernhardi’s Friedrich der Grosse als Feldherr (2 vols., Berlin, 1881); Ernest Lavisse’s La Jeunesse du Grand Frédéric (Paris, 1891, 3rd ed., 1899; Eng. transl., London, 1891); R. Brode’s Friedrich der Grosse und der Konflikt mit seinem Vater (Leipzig, 1904); W. von Bremen’s Friedrich der Grosse (Bd. ii. of Erzieher des preussischen Heeres, Berlin, 1905); G. Winter’s Friedrich der Grosse (3 vols. in Geisteshelden series, Berlin, 1906); Dreissig Jahre am Hofe Friedrichs des Grossen. Aus den Tagebüchern des Reichsgrafen Ahasuerus Heinrich von Lehndorff, Kammerherrn der Königin Elisabett Christine von Preussen (Gotha, 1907). The extensive work on Frederick’s wars is by the Prussian General Staff: Die Kriege Friedrichs des Grossen (12 vols. in three parts, Berlin, 1890-1904). For a complete list of other works, see Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde (Leipzig, 1906).

(J. Si.; W. A. P.)

FREDERICK III. (1831-1888), king of Prussia and German emperor, was born at Potsdam on the 18th of October 1831, being the eldest son of Prince William of Prussia, afterwards first German emperor, and the princess Augusta. He was carefully educated, and in 1849-1850 studied at the university of Bonn. The next years were spent in military duties and in travels, in which he was accompanied by Moltke. In 1851 he visited England on the occasion of the Great Exhibition, and in 1855 became engaged to Victoria, princess royal of Great Britain, to whom he was married in London on the 25th of January 1858. On the death of his uncle in 1861 and the accession of his father, Prince Frederick William, as he was then always called, became crown prince of Prussia. His education, the influence of his mother, and perhaps still more that of his wife’s father, the Prince Consort, had made him a strong Liberal, and he was much distressed at the course of events in Prussia after the appointment of Bismarck as minister. He was urged by the Liberals to put himself into open opposition to the government; this he refused to do, but he remonstrated privately with the king. In June 1863, however, he publicly dissociated himself from the press ordinances which had just been published. He ceased to attend meetings of the council of state, and was much away from Berlin. The opposition of the crown prince to the ministers was increased during the following year, for he was a warm friend of the prince of Augustenburg, whose claims to Schleswig-Holstein Bismarck refused to support. During the war with Denmark he had his first military experience, being attached to the staff of Marshal von Wrangel; he performed valuable service in arranging the difficulties caused by the disputes between the field marshal and the other officers, and was eventually given a control over him. After the war he continued to support the prince of Augustenburg and was strongly opposed to the war with Austria. During the campaign of 1866 he received the command of an army consisting of four army corps; he was assisted by General von Blumenthal, as chief of the staff, but took a very active part in directing the difficult operations by which his army fought its way through the mountains from Silesia to Bohemia, fighting four engagements in three days, and showed that he possessed genuine military capacity. In the decisive battle of Königgrätz the arrival of his army on the field of battle, after a march of nearly 20 m., secured the victory. During the negotiations which ended the war he gave valuable assistance by persuading the king to accept Bismarck’s policy as regards peace with Austria. From this time he was very anxious to see the king of Prussia unite the whole of Germany, with the title of emperor, and was impatient of the caution with which Bismarck proceeded. In 1869 he paid a visit to Italy, and in the same year was present at the opening of the Suez Canal; on his way he visited the Holy Land.

FREDERICK III. (1831-1888), king of Prussia and German emperor, was born in Potsdam on October 18, 1831, as the eldest son of Prince William of Prussia, who later became the first German emperor, and Princess Augusta. He received a careful education and studied at the University of Bonn from 1849 to 1850. The following years were spent fulfilling military duties and traveling, accompanied by Moltke. In 1851, he visited England for the Great Exhibition, and in 1855, he became engaged to Victoria, the Princess Royal of Great Britain, marrying her in London on January 25, 1858. After his uncle’s death in 1861 and his father’s ascension to the throne, Prince Frederick William, as he was then known, became crown prince of Prussia. His education, along with the influence of his mother and particularly that of his father-in-law, the Prince Consort, shaped him into a strong Liberal. He was distressed by the events in Prussia following Bismarck’s appointment as minister. Although the Liberals urged him to publicly oppose the government, he chose not to do so openly but expressed his concerns privately to the king. In June 1863, he publicly distanced himself from the newly enacted press ordinances. He stopped attending meetings of the council of state and spent much time away from Berlin. His opposition to the ministers grew in the following year as he was a close ally of the Prince of Augustenburg, whose claims to Schleswig-Holstein Bismarck refused to support. During the war with Denmark, he gained his first military experience by joining the staff of Marshal von Wrangel, where he played a key role in resolving conflicts between the field marshal and other officers and eventually had control over him. After the war, he continued to support the Prince of Augustenburg and strongly opposed the war with Austria. During the 1866 campaign, he commanded an army composed of four corps, with General von Blumenthal as his chief of staff, actively directing the complex operations that enabled his army to navigate through the mountains from Silesia to Bohemia, engaging in four battles within three days, demonstrating his genuine military skill. In the decisive battle of Königgrätz, the arrival of his army after a nearly 20-mile march ensured victory. During the negotiations that concluded the war, he played a crucial role by convincing the king to accept Bismarck’s peace policy with Austria. From that point on, he was eager for the King of Prussia to unify all of Germany under the title of emperor and grew impatient with the cautious approach Bismarck was taking. In 1869, he visited Italy and attended the opening of the Suez Canal; along the way, he toured the Holy Land.

He played a conspicuous part in the year 1870-1871, being appointed to command the armies of the Southern States, 57 General Blumenthal again being his chief of the staff; his troops won the victory of Wörth, took an important part in the battle of Sedan, and later in the siege of Paris. The popularity he won was of political service in preparing the way for the union of North and South Germany, and he was the foremost advocate of the imperial idea at the Prussian court. During the years that followed, little opportunity for political activity was open to him. He and the crown princess took a great interest in art and industry, especially in the royal museums; and the excavations conducted at Olympia and Pergamon with such great results were chiefly due to him. The crown princess was a keen advocate of the higher education of women, and it was owing to her exertions that the Victoria Lyceum at Berlin (which was named after her) was founded. In 1878, when the emperor was incapacitated by the shot of an assassin, the prince acted for some months as regent. His palace was the centre of all that was best in the literary and learned society of the capital. He publicly expressed his disapproval of the attacks on the Jews in 1878; and the coalition of Liberal parties founded in 1884 was popularly known as the “crown prince’s party,” but he scrupulously refrained from any act that might embarrass his father’s government. For many reasons the accession of the prince was looked forward to with great hope by a large part of the nation. Unfortunately he was attacked by cancer in the throat; he spent the winter of 1887-1888 at San Remo; in January 1888 the operation of tracheotomy had to be performed. On the death of his father, which took place on the 9th of March, he at once journeyed to Berlin; but his days were numbered, and he came to the throne only to die. In these circumstances his accession could not have the political importance which would otherwise have attached to it, though it was disfigured by a vicious outburst of party passion in which the names of the emperor and the empress were constantly misused. While the Liberals hoped the emperor would use his power for some signal declaration of policy, the adherents of Bismarck did not scruple to make bitter attacks on the empress. The emperor’s most important act was a severe reprimand addressed to Herr von Puttkamer, the reactionary minister of the interior, which caused his resignation; in the distribution of honours he chose many who belonged to classes and parties hitherto excluded from court favour. A serious difference of opinion with the chancellor regarding the proposal for a marriage between Prince Alexander of Battenberg and the princess Victoria of Prussia was arranged by the intervention of Queen Victoria, who visited Berlin to see her dying son-in-law. He expired at Potsdam on the 15th of June 1888, after a reign of ninety-nine days.

He played a significant role in the years 1870-1871, being appointed to lead the armies of the Southern States, 57 with General Blumenthal as his chief of staff; his troops won the battle of Wörth, played a key role in the battle of Sedan, and later participated in the siege of Paris. The popularity he gained helped pave the way for the unification of North and South Germany, and he was a leading supporter of the imperial idea at the Prussian court. In the following years, he had few chances for political activity. He and the crown princess had a strong interest in art and industry, especially in the royal museums; the successful excavations at Olympia and Pergamon were largely due to his efforts. The crown princess was a strong advocate for the higher education of women, and her work led to the founding of the Victoria Lyceum in Berlin, named after her. In 1878, when the emperor was incapacitated after being shot by an assassin, the prince served as regent for several months. His palace became the hub of the best literary and academic life in the capital. He publicly condemned the attacks on Jews in 1878; the coalition of Liberal parties formed in 1884 was popularly referred to as the “crown prince’s party,” but he carefully avoided any actions that might complicate his father’s government. For many reasons, a large part of the nation looked forward to his accession with great hope. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with throat cancer; he spent the winter of 1887-1888 in San Remo, and in January 1888, he had to undergo a tracheotomy. Following his father's death on March 9, he traveled to Berlin immediately; however, his time was limited, and he took the throne only to pass away. Under these circumstances, his accession lacked the political significance it would have otherwise had, though it was marred by a harsh outburst of party rivalry, often misusing the names of the emperor and empress. While the Liberals hoped the emperor would reveal a bold policy, Bismarck's supporters did not hesitate to launch vicious attacks on the empress. The emperor’s most notable action was a stern reprimand directed at Herr von Puttkamer, the conservative interior minister, which led to his resignation; in the allocation of honors, he selected many from groups and parties previously excluded from court favor. A serious disagreement with the chancellor over a proposal for a marriage between Prince Alexander of Battenberg and Princess Victoria of Prussia was resolved through the intervention of Queen Victoria, who visited Berlin to see her dying son-in-law. He passed away in Potsdam on June 15, 1888, after a reign of ninety-nine days.

After the emperor’s death Professor Geffcken, a personal friend, published in the Deutsche Rundschau extracts from the diary of the crown prince containing passages which illustrated his differences with Bismarck during the war of 1870. The object was to injure Bismarck’s reputation, and a very unseemly dispute ensued. Bismarck at first, in a letter addressed to the new emperor, denied the authenticity of the extracts on the ground that they were unworthy of the crown prince. Geffcken was then arrested and imprisoned. He had undoubtedly shown that he was an injudicious friend, for the diary proved that the prince, in his enthusiasm for German unity, had allowed himself to consider projects which would have seriously compromised the relations of Prussia and Bavaria. The treatment of the crown prince’s illness also gave rise to an acrimonious controversy. It arose from the fact that as early as May 1887 the German physicians recognized the presence of cancer in the throat, but Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist who was also consulted, disputed the correctness of this diagnosis, and advised that the operation for removal of the larynx, which they had recommended, should not be undertaken. His advice was followed, and the differences between the medical men were made the occasion for a considerable display of national and political animosity.

After the emperor died, Professor Geffcken, a personal friend, published in the Deutsche Rundschau excerpts from the crown prince's diary that included passages illustrating his disagreements with Bismarck during the 1870 war. The intention was to damage Bismarck’s reputation, leading to a very ugly dispute. Initially, in a letter to the new emperor, Bismarck denied the authenticity of the excerpts, claiming they were unworthy of the crown prince. Geffcken was then arrested and imprisoned. He clearly showed that he was an imprudent friend, as the diary revealed that the prince, in his enthusiasm for German unity, had considered plans that could have seriously jeopardized the relationship between Prussia and Bavaria. The handling of the crown prince's illness also sparked a bitter controversy. This stemmed from the fact that as early as May 1887, German doctors diagnosed him with throat cancer, but Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist consulted, disputed this diagnosis and advised against the recommended larynx removal surgery. His advice was followed, and the disagreement between the doctors led to significant expressions of national and political hostility.

The empress Victoria, who, after the death of her husband, was known as the empress Frederick, died on the 5th of August 1901 at the castle of Friedrichskron, Cronberg, near Homburg v. d. H., where she spent her last years. Of the emperor’s children two, Prince Sigismund (1864-1866) and Prince Waldemar (1869-1879), died in childhood. He left two sons, William, his successor as emperor, and Henry, who adopted a naval career. Of his daughters, the princess Charlotte was married to Bernard, hereditary prince of Meiningen; the princess Victoria to Prince Adolf of Schaumburg-Lippe; the princess Sophie to the duke of Sparta, crown prince of Greece; and the princess Margaretha to Prince Friedrich Karl of Hesse.

The empress Victoria, who was known as empress Frederick after her husband's death, passed away on August 5, 1901, at Friedrichskron Castle in Cronberg, near Homburg v. d. H., where she spent her final years. Of the emperor's children, two—Prince Sigismund (1864-1866) and Prince Waldemar (1869-1879)—died in childhood. He left behind two sons, William, who became emperor, and Henry, who chose a naval career. Among his daughters, Princess Charlotte married Bernard, the hereditary prince of Meiningen; Princess Victoria married Prince Adolf of Schaumburg-Lippe; Princess Sophie married the duke of Sparta, the crown prince of Greece; and Princess Margaretha married Prince Friedrich Karl of Hesse.

Authorities.—M. von Poschinger, Kaiser Friedrich (3 vols., Berlin, 1898-1900). Adapted into English by Sidney Whitman, Life of the Emperor Frederick (1901). See also Bismarck, Reflections and Reminiscences; Rennell Rodd, Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor (1888); Gustav Freytag, Der Kronprinz und die deutsche Kaiserkrone (1889; English translation, 1890); Otto Richter, Kaiser Friedrich III. (2nd ed., Berlin, 1903). For his illness, the official publications, published both in English and German: Die Krankheit Kaiser Friedrichs III. (Berlin, 1888), and Morell Mackenzie, The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble (1888). Most of the copies of the Deutsche Rundschau containing the extracts from the crown prince’s diary were confiscated, but there is an English edition, published in 1889.

Officials.—M. von Poschinger, Kaiser Friedrich (3 vols., Berlin, 1898-1900). Adapted into English by Sidney Whitman, Life of the Emperor Frederick (1901). See also Bismarck, Reflections and Reminiscences; Rennell Rodd, Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor (1888); Gustav Freytag, Der Kronprinz und die deutsche Kaiserkrone (1889; English translation, 1890); Otto Richter, Kaiser Friedrich III. (2nd ed., Berlin, 1903). For his illness, the official publications, available in both English and German: Die Krankheit Kaiser Friedrichs III. (Berlin, 1888), and Morell Mackenzie, The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble (1888). Most copies of the Deutsche Rundschau containing excerpts from the crown prince’s diary were confiscated, but there is an English edition published in 1889.

(J. W. He.)

FREDERICK III. (1272-1337), king of Sicily, third son of King Peter of Aragon and Sicily, and of Constance, daughter of Manfred. Peter died in 1285, leaving Aragon to his eldest son Alphonso, and Sicily to his second son James. When Alphonso died in 1291 James became king of Aragon, and left his brother Frederick as regent of Sicily. The war between the Angevins and the Aragonese for the possession of Sicily was still in progress, and although the Aragonese were successful in Italy, James’s position in Spain became very insecure to internal troubles and French attacks. Peace negotiations were begun with Charles II. of Anjou, but were interrupted by the successive deaths of two popes; at last under the auspices of Boniface VIII. James concluded a shameful treaty, by which, in exchange for being left undisturbed in Aragon and promised possession of Sardinia and Corsica, he gave up Sicily to the Church, for whom it was to be held by the Angevins (1295). The Sicilians refused to be made over once more to the hated French whom they had expelled in 1282, and found a national leader in the regent Frederick. In vain the pope tried to bribe him with promises and dignities; he was determined to stand by his subjects, and was crowned king by the nobles at Palermo in 1296. Young, brave and handsome, he won the love and devotion of his people, and guided them through the long years of storm and stress with wisdom and ability. Although the second Frederick of Sicily, he called himself third, being the third son of King Peter. He reformed the administration and extended the powers of the Sicilian parliament, which was composed of the barons, the prelates and the representatives of the towns.

FREDERICK III. (1272-1337), king of Sicily, was the third son of King Peter of Aragon and Sicily, and Constance, the daughter of Manfred. Peter passed away in 1285, leaving Aragon to his eldest son, Alphonso, and Sicily to his second son, James. When Alphonso died in 1291, James became the king of Aragon and appointed his brother Frederick as regent of Sicily. The conflict between the Angevins and the Aragonese over Sicily was still ongoing, and while the Aragonese were faring well in Italy, James’s position in Spain was compromised by internal issues and French invasions. Peace talks began with Charles II of Anjou, but were disrupted by the successive deaths of two popes; eventually, with the help of Boniface VIII, James concluded a disreputable treaty, by which, in return for being left in peace in Aragon and receiving promises of Sardinia and Corsica, he surrendered Sicily to the Church, which was to be governed by the Angevins (1295). The Sicilians resisted being handed back to the despised French, whom they had driven out in 1282, and rallied around their national leader, regent Frederick. The pope's attempts to bribe him with promises and titles were in vain; he was resolute in his loyalty to his people, and was crowned king by the nobles in Palermo in 1296. Young, courageous, and attractive, he earned the love and loyalty of his citizens, leading them through many years of turmoil with wisdom and skill. Although he was the second Frederick of Sicily, he referred to himself as the third, being the third son of King Peter. He reformed the administration and strengthened the powers of the Sicilian parliament, which included barons, clergy, and town representatives.

His refusal to comply with the pope’s injunctions led to a renewal of the war. Frederick landed in Calabria, where he seized several towns, encouraged revolt in Naples, negotiated with the Ghibellines of Tuscany and Lombardy, and assisted the house of Colonna against Pope Boniface. In the meanwhile James, who received many favours from the Church, married his sister Yolanda to Robert, the third son of Charles II. Unfortunately for Frederick, a part of the Aragonese nobles of Sicily favoured King James, and both John of Procida and Ruggiero di Lauria, the heroes of the war of the Vespers, went over to the Angevins, and the latter completely defeated the Sicilian fleet off Cape Orlando. Charles’s sons Robert and Philip landed in Sicily, but after capturing Catania were defeated by Frederick, Philip being taken prisoner (1299), while several Calabrian towns were captured by the Sicilians. For two years more the fighting continued with varying success, until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to sue for peace, his army being decimated by the plague, and in August 1302 the treaty of Caltabellotta was signed, by which Frederick was recognized king of Trinacria (the name Sicily was not to be used) for his lifetime, and was to marry Eleonora, the daughter of Charles II.; at his death the kingdom was to revert to the Angevins (this clause was inserted chiefly to save Charles’s face), and his children would receive 58 compensation elsewhere. Boniface tried to induce King Charles to break the treaty, but the latter was only too anxious for peace, and finally in May 1303 the pope ratified it, Frederick agreeing to pay him a tribute.

His refusal to follow the pope’s orders led to a renewal of the war. Frederick landed in Calabria, where he took control of several towns, incited rebellion in Naples, negotiated with the Ghibellines of Tuscany and Lombardy, and supported the house of Colonna against Pope Boniface. Meanwhile, James, who received many favors from the Church, married his sister Yolanda to Robert, the third son of Charles II. Unfortunately for Frederick, some of the Aragonese nobles in Sicily backed King James, and both John of Procida and Ruggiero di Lauria, the heroes of the war of the Vespers, switched sides to the Angevins, who completely defeated the Sicilian fleet off Cape Orlando. Charles’s sons Robert and Philip landed in Sicily, but after capturing Catania, they were defeated by Frederick, with Philip being taken prisoner (1299), while several towns in Calabria were captured by the Sicilians. The fighting continued for two more years with mixed results until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to seek peace as his army was decimated by the plague. In August 1302, the treaty of Caltabellotta was signed, which recognized Frederick as king of Trinacria (the name Sicily was not to be used) for his lifetime, and he was to marry Eleonora, the daughter of Charles II.; at his death, the kingdom would revert to the Angevins (this clause was mainly included to protect Charles’s reputation), and his children would receive compensation elsewhere. Boniface tried to persuade King Charles to break the treaty, but Charles was more than eager for peace, and finally, in May 1303, the pope ratified it, with Frederick agreeing to pay him a tribute.

For a few years Sicily enjoyed peace, and the kingdom was reorganized. But on the descent of the emperor Henry VII., Frederick entered into an alliance with him, and in violation of the pact of Caltabellotta made war on the Angevins again (1313) and captured Reggio. He set sail for Tuscany to cooperate with the emperor, but on the latter’s death (1314) he returned to Sicily. Robert, who had succeeded Charles II. in 1309, made several raids into the island, which suffered much material injury. A truce was concluded in 1317, but as the Sicilians helped the north Italian Ghibellines in the attack on Genoa, and Frederick seized some Church revenues for military purposes, the pope (John XXII.) excommunicated him and placed the island under an interdict (1321) which lasted until 1335. An Angevin fleet and army, under Robert’s son Charles, was defeated at Palermo by Giovanni da Chiaramonte in 1325, and in 1326 and 1327 there were further Angevin raids on the island, until the descent into Italy of the emperor Louis the Bavarian distracted their attention. The election of Pope Benedict XII. (1334), who was friendly to Frederick, promised a respite; but after fruitless negotiations the war broke out once more, and Chiaramonte went over to Robert, owing to a private feud. In 1337 Frederick died at Paternione, and in spite of the peace of Caltabellotta his son Peter succeeded. Frederick’s great merit was that during his reign the Aragonese dynasty became thoroughly national and helped to weld the Sicilians into a united people.

For a few years, Sicily had peace, and the kingdom was reorganized. But when Emperor Henry VII came down, Frederick formed an alliance with him and, breaking the pact of Caltabellotta, went to war against the Angevins again in 1313 and captured Reggio. He sailed to Tuscany to work with the emperor, but after the emperor died in 1314, he returned to Sicily. Robert, who took over from Charles II in 1309, made several raids on the island, which suffered a lot of damage. A truce was signed in 1317, but since the Sicilians supported the north Italian Ghibellines in their attack on Genoa and Frederick seized some church funds for military use, Pope John XXII excommunicated him and put the island under an interdict in 1321, lasting until 1335. An Angevin fleet and army led by Robert's son Charles was defeated at Palermo by Giovanni da Chiaramonte in 1325, and in 1326 and 1327 there were more Angevin raids on the island until Emperor Louis the Bavarian’s arrival in Italy diverted their focus. The election of Pope Benedict XII in 1334, who was friendly to Frederick, promised a break; but after unsuccessful negotiations, war broke out again, and Chiaramonte switched sides to Robert due to a personal feud. Frederick died in 1337 at Paternione, and despite the peace of Caltabellotta, his son Peter took over. Frederick’s significant achievement was that during his reign, the Aragonese dynasty became truly national and helped unite the Sicilians into one people.

Bibliography.—G. M. Mira, Bibliografia Siciliana (Palermo, 1875); of the contemporary authorities N. Speciale’s “Historia Sicula” (in Muratori’s Script. rer. ital. x.) is the most important; for the first years of Frederick’s reign see M. Amari, La Guerra del Vespro Siciliano (Florence, 1876), and F. Lanzani, Storia dei Comuni italiani (Milan, 1882); for the latter years C. Cipolla, Storia delle signorie italiane (Milan, 1881); also Testa, Vita di Federigo di Sicilia.

References.—G. M. Mira, Bibliografia Siciliana (Palermo, 1875); among contemporary authorities, N. Speciale’s “Historia Sicula” (in Muratori’s Script. rer. ital. x.) is the most significant; for the early years of Frederick’s reign, see M. Amari, La Guerra del Vespro Siciliano (Florence, 1876), and F. Lanzani, Storia dei Comuni italiani (Milan, 1882); for the later years, C. Cipolla, Storia delle signorie italiane (Milan, 1881); also, Testa, Vita di Federigo di Sicilia.

(L. V.)

FREDERICK I. (c. 1371-1440), elector of Brandenburg, founder of the greatness of the House of Hohenzollern, was a son of Frederick V., burgrave of Nuremberg, and first came into prominence by saving the life of Sigismund, king of Hungary, at the battle of Nicopolis in 1396. In 1397 he became burgrave of Nuremberg, and after his father’s death in 1398 he shared Ansbach, Bayreuth, and the smaller possessions of the family, with his only brother John, but became sole ruler after his brother’s death in 1420. Loyal at first to King Wenceslaus, the king’s neglect of Germany drove Frederick to take part in his deposition in 1400, and in the election of Rupert III., count palatine of the Rhine, whom he accompanied to Italy in the following year. In 1401 he married Elizabeth, or Elsa, daughter of Frederick, duke of Bavaria-Landshut (d. 1393), and after spending some time in family and other feuds, took service again with King Sigismund in 1409, whom he assisted in his struggle with the Hungarian rebels. The double election to the German throne in 1410 first brought Frederick into relation with Brandenburg. Sigismund, anxious to obtain another vote in the electoral college, appointed Frederick to exercise the Brandenburg vote on his behalf, and it was largely through his efforts that Sigismund was chosen German king. Frederick then passed some time as administrator of Brandenburg, where he restored a certain degree of order, and was formally invested with the electorate and margraviate by Sigismund at Constance on the 18th of April 1417 (see Brandenburg). He took part in the war against the Hussites, but became estranged from Sigismund when in 1423 the king invested Frederick of Wettin, margrave of Meissen, with the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg. In 1427 he sold his rights as burgrave to the town of Nuremberg, and he was a prominent member of the band of electors who sought to impose reforms upon Sigismund. After having been an unsuccessful candidate for the German throne in 1438, Frederick was chosen king of Bohemia in 1440, but declined the proffered honour. He took part in the election of Frederick III. as German king in 1440, and died at Radolzburg on the 21st of September in the same year. In 1902 a bronze statue was erected to his memory at Friesack, and there is also a marble one of the elector in the “Siegesallee” at Berlin.

FREDERICK I. (c. 1371-1440), elector of Brandenburg, founder of the greatness of the House of Hohenzollern, was a son of Frederick V., the burgrave of Nuremberg. He first gained prominence by saving the life of Sigismund, king of Hungary, during the battle of Nicopolis in 1396. In 1397, he became burgrave of Nuremberg. After his father's death in 1398, he shared Ansbach, Bayreuth, and the smaller family estates with his only brother John but became the sole ruler after John's death in 1420. Initially loyal to King Wenceslaus, Frederick joined in the king’s deposition in 1400 due to Wenceslaus's neglect of Germany, and he supported the election of Rupert III., the count palatine of the Rhine, whom he accompanied to Italy the following year. In 1401, he married Elizabeth, or Elsa, the daughter of Frederick, duke of Bavaria-Landshut (d. 1393). After dealing with family and other feuds, he resumed service under King Sigismund in 1409, assisting him against the Hungarian rebels. The double election to the German throne in 1410 connected Frederick with Brandenburg. Sigismund, looking to secure another vote in the electoral college, appointed Frederick to cast the Brandenburg vote for him, and thanks to Frederick’s efforts, Sigismund was chosen as German king. Frederick then served as the administrator of Brandenburg, restoring some order, and was formally invested with the electorate and margraviate by Sigismund at Constance on April 18, 1417 (see Brandenburg). He participated in the war against the Hussites but grew distant from Sigismund when the king invested Frederick of Wettin, margrave of Meissen, with the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg in 1423. In 1427, he sold his rights as burgrave to the town of Nuremberg and became a key figure among the electors pushing for reforms from Sigismund. After an unsuccessful bid for the German throne in 1438, Frederick was elected king of Bohemia in 1440 but turned down the honor. He took part in the election of Frederick III. as German king in 1440 and passed away in Radolzburg on September 21 of the same year. A bronze statue was erected in his memory at Friesack in 1902, and there is also a marble statue of the elector in the “Siegesallee” at Berlin.

See A. F. Riedel, Zehn Jahre aus der Geschichte der Ahnherren des preussischen Königshauses (Berlin, 1851); E. Brandenburg, König Sigmund und Kurfürst Friedrich I. von Brandenburg (Berlin, 1891); and O. Franklin, Die deutsche Politik Friedrichs I. Kurfürsten von Brandenburg (Berlin, 1851).

See A. F. Riedel, Ten Years in the History of the Ancestors of the Prussian Royal House (Berlin, 1851); E. Brandenburg, King Sigmund and Elector Friedrich I of Brandenburg (Berlin, 1891); and O. Franklin, The German Politics of Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (Berlin, 1851).

FREDERICK I. (1425-1476), elector palatine of the Rhine, surnamed “the Victorious,” and called by his enemies “wicked Fritz,” second son of the elector palatine Louis III., was born on the 1st of August 1425. He inherited a part of the Palatinate on his father’s death in 1439, but soon surrendered this inheritance to his elder brother, the elector Louis IV. On his brother’s death in 1449, however, he became guardian of the young elector Philip, and ruler of the land. In 1451 he persuaded the nobles to recognize him as elector, on condition that Philip should be his successor, a scheme which was disliked by the emperor Frederick III. The elector was successful in various wars with neighbouring rulers, and was a leading member of the band of princes who formed plans to secure a more efficient government for Germany, and even discussed the deposition of Frederick III. Frederick himself was mentioned as a candidate for the German throne, but the jealousies of the princes prevented any decisive action, and soon became so acute that in 1459 they began to fight among themselves. In alliance with Louis IX., duke of Bavaria-Landshut, Frederick gained several victories during the struggle, and in 1462 won a decisive battle at Seckenheim over Ulrich V., count of Württemberg. In 1472 the elector married Clara Tott, or Dett, the daughter of an Augsburg citizen, and by her he had two sons, Frederick, who died during his father’s lifetime, and Louis (d. 1524), who founded the line of the counts of Löwenstein. He died at Heidelberg on the 12th of December 1476, and was succeeded, according to the compact, by his nephew Philip. Frederick was a cultured prince, and, in spite of his warlike career, a wise and intelligent ruler. He added largely to the area of the Palatinate, and did not neglect to further its internal prosperity.

FREDERICK I. (1425-1476), elector palatine of the Rhine, nicknamed “the Victorious,” and called “wicked Fritz” by his enemies, was born on August 1, 1425, as the second son of elector palatine Louis III. After his father passed away in 1439, he inherited part of the Palatinate but quickly gave up this inheritance to his older brother, elector Louis IV. However, following his brother’s death in 1449, he became the guardian of the young elector Philip and ruled the land. In 1451, he convinced the nobles to recognize him as elector, with the agreement that Philip would be his successor, a plan that was opposed by Emperor Frederick III. The elector achieved success in various wars against neighboring rulers and was a key player among the princes who worked to establish a more efficient government for Germany, even discussing the possibility of deposing Frederick III. Frederick was also considered as a candidate for the German throne, but rivalries among the princes hindered decisive action, leading to outright conflicts among themselves by 1459. In alliance with Louis IX, duke of Bavaria-Landshut, Frederick claimed several victories during this period, and in 1462 he secured a decisive win at Seckenheim against Ulrich V, count of Württemberg. In 1472, the elector married Clara Tott, or Dett, the daughter of a citizen from Augsburg, and they had two sons together: Frederick, who passed away during his father’s lifetime, and Louis (d. 1524), who established the line of the counts of Löwenstein. He died in Heidelberg on December 12, 1476, and was succeeded, as agreed, by his nephew Philip. Frederick was a cultured prince and, despite his military pursuits, a wise and intelligent ruler. He significantly expanded the area of the Palatinate and made sure to promote its internal prosperity.

See N. Feeser, Friedrich der Siegreiche, Kurfürst von der Pfalz (Neuburg, 1880); C. J. Kremer, Geschichte des Kurfürsten Friedrichs I. von der Pfalz (Leipzig, 1765); and K. Menzel, Kurfürst Friedrich der Siegreiche von der Pfalz (Munich, 1861).

See N. Feeser, Friedrich der Siegreiche, Kurfürst von der Pfalz (Neuburg, 1880); C. J. Kremer, Geschichte des Kurfürsten Friedrichs I. von der Pfalz (Leipzig, 1765); and K. Menzel, Kurfürst Friedrich der Siegreiche von der Pfalz (Munich, 1861).

FREDERICK II. (1482-1556), surnamed “the Wise,” elector palatine of the Rhine, fourth son of the elector Philip, was bom on the 9th of December 1482. Of an active and adventurous temperament, he fought under the emperor Maximilian I. in 1508, and afterwards served the Habsburgs loyally in other ways. He worked to secure the election of Charles, afterwards the emperor Charles V., as the successor of Maximilian in 1519; fought in two campaigns against the Turks; and being disappointed in his hope of obtaining the hand of one of the emperor’s sisters, married in 1535 Dorothea (d. 1580), daughter of Christian II., who had been driven from the Danish throne. The Habsburgs promised their aid in securing this crown for Frederick, but, like many previous promises made to him, this came to nothing. Having spent his time in various parts of Europe, and incurred heavy debts on account of his expensive tastes, Frederick became elector palatine by the death of his brother, Louis V., in March 1544. With regard to the religious troubles of Germany, he took up at first the rôle of a mediator, but in 1545 he joined the league of Schmalkalden, and in 1546 broke definitely with the older faith. He gave a little assistance to the league in its war with Charles, but soon submitted to the emperor, accepted the Interim issued from Augsburg in May 1548, and afterwards acted in harmony with Charles. The elector died on the 26th of February 1556, and as he left no children was succeeded by his nephew, Otto Henry (1502-1559). He was a great benefactor to the university of Heidelberg.

FREDERICK II. (1482-1556), known as “the Wise,” was the elector palatine of the Rhine and the fourth son of elector Philip. He was born on December 9, 1482. With an active and adventurous spirit, he fought under Emperor Maximilian I. in 1508 and later served the Habsburgs loyally in other capacities. He worked to ensure the election of Charles, who later became Emperor Charles V., as Maximilian's successor in 1519; fought in two campaigns against the Turks; and, after being disappointed in his hopes of marrying one of the emperor’s sisters, married Dorothea (d. 1580), the daughter of Christian II., who had been ousted from the Danish throne, in 1535. The Habsburgs promised to help him secure this crown, but, like many earlier promises made to him, this fell through. After spending time in various parts of Europe and accruing heavy debts due to his lavish tastes, Frederick became elector palatine following the death of his brother, Louis V., in March 1544. Regarding the religious conflicts in Germany, he initially took on the role of a mediator but joined the Schmalkaldic League in 1545 and definitively broke away from the traditional faith in 1546. He provided some support to the league during its war with Charles but soon submitted to the emperor, accepted the Interim issued from Augsburg in May 1548, and subsequently acted in agreement with Charles. The elector died on February 26, 1556, and since he had no children, he was succeeded by his nephew, Otto Henry (1502-1559). He was a significant benefactor to the University of Heidelberg.

Frederick’s life, Annales de vita et rebus gestis Friderici II. electoris palatini (Frankfort, 1624), was written by his secretary Hubert Thomas Leodius; this has been translated into German by E. von Bülow (Breslau, 1849). See also Rott, Friedrich II. von der Pfalz und die Reformation (Heidelberg, 1904).

Frederick's life, Annales de vita et rebus gestis Friderici II. electoris palatini (Frankfort, 1624), was written by his secretary Hubert Thomas Leodius; this has been translated into German by E. von Bülow (Breslau, 1849). See also Rott, Friedrich II. von der Pfalz und die Reformation (Heidelberg, 1904).



FREDERICK III. (1515-1576), called “the Pious,” elector palatine of the Rhine, eldest son of John II., count palatine of Simmern, was born at Simmern on the 14th of February 1515. In 1537 he married Maria (d. 1567), daughter of Casimir, prince of Bayreuth, and in 1546, mainly as a result of this union, adopted the reformed doctrines, which had already made considerable progress in the Palatinate. He lived in comparative obscurity and poverty until 1557, when he became count palatine of Simmern by his father’s death, succeeding his kinsman, Otto Henry (1502-1559), as elector palatine two years later. Although inclined to the views of Calvin rather than to those of Luther, the new elector showed great anxiety to unite the Protestants; but when these efforts failed, and the breach between the followers of the two reformers became wider, he definitely adopted Calvinism. This form of faith was quickly established in the Palatinate; in its interests the “Heidelberg Catechism” was drawn up in 1563; and Catholics and Lutherans were persecuted alike, while the churches were denuded of all their ornaments. The Lutheran princes wished to root out Calvinism in the Palatinate, but were not willing to exclude the elector from the benefits of the religious peace of Augsburg, which were confined to the adherents of the confession of Augsburg, and the matter came before the diet in 1566. Boldly defending his position, Frederick refused to give way an inch, and as the Lutherans were unwilling to proceed to extremities the emperor Maximilian II. could only warn him to mend his ways. The elector was an ardent supporter of the Protestants abroad, whom, rather than the German Lutherans, he regarded as his co-religionists. He aided the Huguenots in France and the insurgents in the Netherlands with men and money; one of his sons, John Casimir (1543-1592), took a prominent part in the French wars of religion, while another, Christopher, was killed in 1574 fighting for the Dutch at Mooker Heath. In his later years Frederick failed in his efforts to prevent the election of a member of the Habsburg family as Roman king, to secure the abrogation of the “ecclesiastical reservation” clause in the peace of Augsburg, or to obtain security for Protestants in the territories of the spiritual princes. He was assiduous in caring for the material, moral and educational welfare of his electorate, and was a benefactor to the university of Heidelberg. The elector died at Heidelberg on the 26th of October 1576, and was succeeded by his elder surviving son, Louis (1539-1583), who had offended his father by adopting Lutheranism.

FREDERICK III. (1515-1576), known as “the Pious,” was the elector palatine of the Rhine and the eldest son of John II, count palatine of Simmern. He was born in Simmern on February 14, 1515. In 1537, he married Maria (d. 1567), the daughter of Casimir, prince of Bayreuth. In 1546, largely due to this marriage, he adopted the reformed doctrines that were already gaining traction in the Palatinate. He lived relatively quietly and in poverty until 1557, when he became count palatine of Simmern after his father's death. He succeeded his relative, Otto Henry (1502-1559), as elector palatine two years later. Although he leaned more towards Calvin's views than Luther's, Frederick was eager to unite the Protestants. However, when these attempts failed and the divide between the supporters of the two reformers widened, he fully embraced Calvinism. This faith quickly took root in the Palatinate; in its favor, the “Heidelberg Catechism” was created in 1563. Both Catholics and Lutherans faced persecution, and churches were stripped of all their decorations. The Lutheran princes wanted to eliminate Calvinism in the Palatinate but didn't want to deny the elector the benefits of the religious peace of Augsburg, which was limited to followers of the Augsburg confession, and this issue was brought before the diet in 1566. Standing firm, Frederick refused to back down, and since the Lutherans were reluctant to escalate the situation, Emperor Maximilian II could only caution him to change his ways. Frederick was a strong supporter of Protestants abroad, viewing those outside Germany, rather than the local Lutherans, as his fellow believers. He provided support to the Huguenots in France and the rebels in the Netherlands with men and funds; one of his sons, John Casimir (1543-1592), played a significant role in the French wars of religion, while another son, Christopher, was killed in 1574 fighting for the Dutch at Mooker Heath. In his later years, Frederick struggled to prevent the election of a member of the Habsburg family as Roman king, to abolish the "ecclesiastical reservation" clause in the peace of Augsburg, or to secure protections for Protestants in the territories of the spiritual princes. He was diligent in looking after the material, moral, and educational welfare of his electorate and generously supported the university of Heidelberg. The elector died in Heidelberg on October 26, 1576, and was succeeded by his elder surviving son, Louis (1539-1583), who had upset his father by embracing Lutheranism.

See A. Kluckhohn, Friedrich der Fromme (Nördlingen, 1877-1879); and Briefe Friedrichs des Frommen, edited by Kluckhohn (Brunswick, 1868-1872).

See A. Kluckhohn, Friedrich der Fromme (Nördlingen, 1877-1879); and Briefe Friedrichs des Frommen, edited by Kluckhohn (Brunswick, 1868-1872).

FREDERICK IV. (1574-1610), elector palatine of the Rhine, only surviving son of the elector Louis VI., was born at Amberg on the 5th of March 1574. His father died in October 1583, when the young elector came under the guardianship of his uncle John Casimir, an ardent Calvinist, who, in spite of the wishes of the late elector, a Lutheran, had his nephew educated in his own form of faith. In January 1592, on the death of John Casimir, Frederick undertook the government of the Palatinate, and continued the policy of his uncle, hostility to the Catholic Church and the Habsburgs, and co-operation with foreign Protestants. He was often in communication with Henry of Navarre, afterwards Henry IV. of France, and like him was unremitting in his efforts to conclude a league among the German Protestants, while he sought to weaken the Habsburgs by refusing aid for the Turkish War. After many delays and disappointments the Union of Evangelical Estates was actually formed in May 1608, under the leadership of the elector, and he took a prominent part in directing the operations of the union until his death, which occurred on the 19th of September 1610. Frederick was very extravagant, and liked to surround himself with pomp and luxury. He married in 1593 Louise, daughter of William the Silent, prince of Orange, and was succeeded by Frederick, the elder of his two sons.

FREDERICK IV. (1574-1610), elector palatine of the Rhine, the only surviving son of elector Louis VI., was born in Amberg on March 5, 1574. His father passed away in October 1583, and the young elector fell under the guardianship of his uncle John Casimir, a passionate Calvinist. Despite the wishes of the late elector, who was a Lutheran, John Casimir had his nephew educated in his own faith. In January 1592, after John Casimir's death, Frederick took over the governance of the Palatinate and continued his uncle's policy of opposing the Catholic Church and the Habsburgs, as well as collaborating with foreign Protestants. He frequently communicated with Henry of Navarre, who later became Henry IV of France, and like him, was relentless in his efforts to form an alliance among the German Protestants, all while attempting to weaken the Habsburgs by withholding support for the Turkish War. After numerous delays and setbacks, the Union of Evangelical Estates was established in May 1608 under his leadership, and he played a key role in directing the union's activities until his death on September 19, 1610. Frederick was quite extravagant and enjoyed surrounding himself with grandeur and luxury. He married Louise, daughter of William the Silent, Prince of Orange, in 1593, and was succeeded by Frederick, the elder of his two sons.

See M. Ritter, Geschichte der deutschen Union (Schaffhausen, 1867-1873); and L. Häusser, Geschichte der rheinischen Pfalz (Heidelberg, 1856).

See M. Ritter, History of the German Union (Schaffhausen, 1867-1873); and L. Häusser, History of the Rhenish Palatinate (Heidelberg, 1856).

FREDERICK V. (1596-1632), elector palatine of the Rhine and king of Bohemia, son of the elector Frederick IV. by his wife, Louisa Juliana, daughter of William the Silent, prince of Orange, was born at Amberg on the 26th of August 1596. He became elector on his father’s death in September 1610, and was under the guardianship of his kinsman, John II., count palatine of Zweibrücken (d. 1635), until he was declared of age in July 1614. Having received a good education, Frederick had married Elizabeth, daughter of the English king James I., in February 1613, and was the recognized head of the Evangelical Union founded by his father to protect the interests of the Protestants. In 1619 he stepped into a larger arena. Before this date the estates of Bohemia, Protestant in sympathy and dissatisfied with the rule of the Habsburgs, had been in frequent communication with the elector palatine, and in August 1619, a few months after the death of the emperor Matthias, they declared his successor, Ferdinand, afterwards the emperor Ferdinand II., deposed, and chose Frederick as their king. After some hesitation the elector yielded to the entreaties of Christian I., prince of Anhalt (1568-1630), and other sanguine supporters, and was crowned king of Bohemia at Prague on the 4th of November 1619. By this time the emperor Ferdinand was able to take the aggressive, while Frederick, disappointed at receiving no assistance either from England or from the Union, had few soldiers and little money. Consequently on the 8th of November, four days after his coronation, his forces were easily routed by the imperial army under Tilly at the White Hill, near Prague, and his short reign in Bohemia ended abruptly. Soon afterwards the Palatinate was overrun by the Spaniards and Bavarians, and after a futile attempt to dislodge them, Frederick, called in derision the “Winter King,” sought refuge in the Netherlands. Having been placed under the imperial ban his electorate was given in 1623 to Maximilian I. of Bavaria, who also received the electoral dignity.

FREDERICK V. (1596-1632), elector palatine of the Rhine and king of Bohemia, was born on August 26, 1596, in Amberg. He was the son of elector Frederick IV and Louisa Juliana, the daughter of William the Silent, prince of Orange. Frederick became elector after his father's death in September 1610, and his relative, John II, count palatine of Zweibrücken (d. 1635), was his guardian until he came of age in July 1614. He received a solid education and married Elizabeth, the daughter of English king James I, in February 1613. He was also the recognized leader of the Evangelical Union, which his father had founded to support Protestant interests. In 1619, he entered a larger political arena. Before this, the largely Protestant estates of Bohemia, unhappy with Habsburg rule, had been in frequent contact with the elector palatine. In August 1619, shortly after emperor Matthias's death, they declared his successor, Ferdinand, who later became emperor Ferdinand II, deposed and chose Frederick as their king. After some initial reluctance, Frederick agreed to the pleas of Christian I, prince of Anhalt (1568-1630), and other optimistic supporters, and was crowned king of Bohemia in Prague on November 4, 1619. By then, Emperor Ferdinand was prepared to take action, while Frederick, disappointed by a lack of support from England or the Union, had few troops and limited funds. As a result, just four days after his coronation, his forces were easily defeated by the imperial army led by Tilly at the White Hill, near Prague, bringing his brief reign in Bohemia to a quick end. Shortly after, the Palatinate was invaded by Spanish and Bavarian forces, and after a failed attempt to drive them out, Frederick, mockingly referred to as the “Winter King,” sought refuge in the Netherlands. After being placed under imperial ban, his electorate was given to Maximilian I of Bavaria in 1623, who also received the electoral title.

The remainder of Frederick’s life was spent in comparative obscurity, although his restoration was a constant subject of discussion among European diplomatists. He died at Mainz on the 29th of November 1632, having had a large family, among his children being Charles Louis (1617-1680), who regained the Palatinate at the peace of Westphalia in 1648, and Sophia, who married Ernest Augustus, afterwards elector of Hanover, and was the mother of George I., king of Great Britain. His third son was Prince Rupert, the hero of the English civil war, and another son was Prince Maurice (1620-1652), who also assisted his uncle Charles I. during the civil war. Having sailed with Rupert to the West Indies, Maurice was lost at sea in September 1652.

The rest of Frederick's life was spent largely in obscurity, though his return was a frequent topic of conversation among European diplomats. He died in Mainz on November 29, 1632, leaving behind a large family, including his son Charles Louis (1617-1680), who reclaimed the Palatinate at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, and Sophia, who married Ernest Augustus, later the elector of Hanover, and became the mother of George I, king of Great Britain. His third son was Prince Rupert, the hero of the English Civil War, and another son was Prince Maurice (1620-1652), who also supported his uncle Charles I during the Civil War. After sailing with Rupert to the West Indies, Maurice was lost at sea in September 1652.

In addition to the numerous works which treat of the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War see A. Gindely, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz (Prague, 1884); J. Krebs, Die Politik der evangelischen Union im Jahre 1618 (Breslau, 1890-1901); M. Ritter, “Friedrich V.,” in the Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, Band vii. (Leipzig, 1878); and Deutsche Lieder auf den Winterkönig, edited by R. Wolkan (Prague, 1899).

In addition to the many works that discuss the start of the Thirty Years’ War, see A. Gindely, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz (Prague, 1884); J. Krebs, Die Politik der evangelischen Union im Jahre 1618 (Breslau, 1890-1901); M. Ritter, “Friedrich V.,” in the Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, Band vii. (Leipzig, 1878); and Deutsche Lieder auf den Winterkönig, edited by R. Wolkan (Prague, 1899).

FREDERICK I. (1369-1428), surnamed “the Warlike,” elector and duke of Saxony, was the eldest son of Frederick “the Stern,” count of Osterland, and Catherine, daughter and heiress of Henry VIII., count of Coburg. He was born at Altenburg on the 29th of March 1369, and was a member of the family of Wettin. When his father died in 1381 some trouble arose over the family possessions, and in the following year an arrangement was made by which Frederick and his brothers shared Meissen and Thuringia with their uncles Balthasar and William. Frederick’s brother George died in 1402, and his uncle William in 1407. A further dispute then arose, but in 1410 a treaty was made at Naumburg, when Frederick and his brother William added the northern part of Meissen to their lands; and in 1425 the death of William left Frederick sole ruler. In the German town war of 1388 he assisted Frederick V. of Hohenzollern, burgrave of Nuremberg, and in 1391 did the same for the Teutonic Order against Ladislaus V., king of Poland and prince of Lithuania. He supported Rupert III., elector palatine of the Rhine, in his struggle with King Wenceslaus for the German 60 throne, probably because Wenceslaus refused to fulfil a promise to give him his sister Anna in marriage. The danger to Germany from the Hussites induced Frederick to ally himself with the German and Bohemian king Sigismund; and he took a leading part in the war against them, during the earlier years of which he met with considerable success. In the prosecution of this enterprise Frederick spent large sums of money, for which he received various places in Bohemia and elsewhere in pledge from Sigismund, who further rewarded him in January 1423 with the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg; and Frederick’s formal investiture followed at Ofen on the 1st of August 1425. Thus spurred to renewed efforts against the Hussites, the elector was endeavouring to rouse the German princes to aid him in prosecuting this war when the Saxon army was almost annihilated at Aussig on the 16th of August 1426. Returning to Saxony, Frederick died at Altenburg on the 4th of January 1428, and was buried in the cathedral at Meissen. In 1402 he married Catherine of Brunswick, by whom he left four sons and two daughters. In 1409, in conjunction with his brother William, he founded the university of Leipzig, for the benefit of German students who had just left the university of Prague. Frederick’s importance as an historical figure arises from his having obtained the electorate of Saxe-Wittenberg for the house of Wettin, and transformed the margraviate of Meissen into the territory which afterwards became the kingdom of Saxony. In addition to the king of Saxony, the sovereigns of England and of the Belgians are his direct descendants.

FREDERICK I. (1369-1428), known as “the Warlike,” elector and duke of Saxony, was the eldest son of Frederick “the Stern,” count of Osterland, and Catherine, the daughter and heiress of Henry VIII., count of Coburg. He was born in Altenburg on March 29, 1369, and belonged to the Wettin family. After his father passed away in 1381, some issues arose regarding the family inheritance, leading to an agreement in the following year where Frederick and his brothers shared Meissen and Thuringia with their uncles Balthasar and William. Frederick’s brother George died in 1402, and his uncle William in 1407. A new dispute occurred, but in 1410 a treaty was established at Naumburg, allowing Frederick and his brother William to expand their territory by adding the northern part of Meissen; in 1425, when William died, Frederick became the sole ruler. During the German town war of 1388, he supported Frederick V. of Hohenzollern, burgrave of Nuremberg, and in 1391, he assisted the Teutonic Order against Ladislaus V., king of Poland and prince of Lithuania. He backed Rupert III., elector palatine of the Rhine, in his conflict with King Wenceslaus for the German throne, likely due to Wenceslaus’s failure to promise him his sister Anna in marriage. The threat posed by the Hussites led Frederick to ally with King Sigismund of Germany and Bohemia; he played a significant role in the war against them, achieving considerable success during the early years. Frederick invested substantial amounts of money for this campaign, receiving various positions in Bohemia and other regions as collateral from Sigismund, who further awarded him the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg in January 1423; Frederick was formally invested on August 1, 1425, in Ofen. Motivated to take fresh action against the Hussites, the elector sought to rally the German princes for support when the Saxon army suffered near-total defeat at Aussig on August 16, 1426. Upon returning to Saxony, Frederick died in Altenburg on January 4, 1428, and was buried in the cathedral at Meissen. In 1402, he married Catherine of Brunswick, with whom he had four sons and two daughters. In 1409, along with his brother William, he established the University of Leipzig to benefit German students who had recently left the University of Prague. Frederick's significance as a historical figure stems from securing the electorate of Saxe-Wittenberg for the Wettin house and transforming the margraviate of Meissen into what later became the kingdom of Saxony. The kings of Saxony, as well as the sovereigns of England and Belgium, are his direct descendants.

There is a life of Frederick by G. Spalatin in the Scriptores rerum Germanicarum praecipue Saxonicarum, Band ii., edited by J. B. Mencke (Leipzig, 1728-1730). See also C. W. Böttiger and Th. Flathe, Geschichte des Kurstaates und Königreichs Sachsen (Gotha, 1867-1873); and J. G. Horn, Lebens- und Heldengeschichte Friedrichs des Streitbaren (Leipzig, 1733).

There is a biography of Frederick by G. Spalatin in the Scriptores rerum Germanicarum praecipue Saxonicarum, Band ii., edited by J. B. Mencke (Leipzig, 1728-1730). Also, check out C. W. Böttiger and Th. Flathe's Geschichte des Kurstaates und Königreichs Sachsen (Gotha, 1867-1873); and J. G. Horn's Lebens- und Heldengeschichte Friedrichs des Streitbaren (Leipzig, 1733).

FREDERICK II. (1411-1464), called “the Mild,” elector and duke of Saxony, eldest son of the elector Frederick I., was born on the 22nd of August 1411. He succeeded his father as elector in 1428, but shared the family lands with his three brothers, and was at once engaged in defending Saxony against the attacks of the Hussites. Freed from these enemies about 1432, and turning his attention to increasing his possessions, he obtained the burgraviate of Meissen in 1439, and some part of Lower Lusatia after a struggle with Brandenburg about the same time. In 1438 it was decided that Frederick, and not his rival, Bernard IV., duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, was entitled to exercise the Saxon electoral vote at the elections for the German throne; and the elector then aided Albert II. to secure this dignity, performing a similar service for his own brother-in-law, Frederick, afterwards the emperor Frederick III., two years later. Family affairs, meanwhile, occupied Frederick’s attention. One brother, Henry, having died in 1435, and another, Sigismund (d. 1463), having entered the church and become bishop of Würzburg, Frederick and his brother William (d. 1482) were the heirs of their childless cousin, Frederick “the Peaceful,” who ruled Thuringia and other parts of the lands of the Wettins. On his death in 1440 the brothers divided Frederick’s territory, but this arrangement was not satisfactory, and war broke out between them in 1446. Both combatants obtained extraneous aid, but after a desolating struggle peace was made in January 1451, when William received Thuringia, and Frederick Altenburg and other districts. The remainder of the elector’s reign was uneventful, and he died at Leipzig on the 7th of September 1464. By his wife, Margaret (d. 1486), daughter of Ernest, duke of Styria, he left two sons and four daughters. In July 1455 occurred the celebrated Prinzenraub, the attempt of a knight named Kunz von Kaufungen (d. 1455) to abduct Frederick’s two sons, Ernest and Albert. Having carried them off from Altenburg, Kunz was making his way to Bohemia when the plot was accidentally discovered and the princes restored.

FREDERICK II. (1411-1464), known as “the Mild,” was the elector and duke of Saxony and the eldest son of elector Frederick I. He was born on August 22, 1411. He took over as elector in 1428 but shared the family territory with his three brothers and was immediately involved in defending Saxony against the Hussites' attacks. After getting rid of these enemies around 1432 and focusing on expanding his holdings, he secured the burgraviate of Meissen in 1439 and gained part of Lower Lusatia after a conflict with Brandenburg around the same time. In 1438, it was determined that Frederick, not his competitor Bernard IV, duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, had the right to cast the Saxon electoral vote in the elections for the German throne; subsequently, the elector supported Albert II in achieving this title and did the same for his brother-in-law Frederick, who later became emperor Frederick III, two years later. Meanwhile, family matters took up Frederick's focus. One brother, Henry, passed away in 1435, and another, Sigismund (d. 1463), entered the church and became bishop of Würzburg. Frederick and his brother William (d. 1482) were heirs to their childless cousin Frederick “the Peaceful,” who ruled Thuringia and other parts of the Wettin lands. After he died in 1440, the brothers split Frederick’s territory, but this arrangement proved unsatisfactory, leading to a war between them in 1446. Both sides received outside support, but after a destructive conflict, peace was established in January 1451, with William getting Thuringia and Frederick taking Altenburg and other areas. The rest of the elector’s reign was fairly quiet, and he died in Leipzig on September 7, 1464. He left behind two sons and four daughters from his marriage to Margaret (d. 1486), daughter of Ernest, duke of Styria. In July 1455, the infamous Prinzenraub took place, when a knight named Kunz von Kaufungen (d. 1455) attempted to kidnap Frederick’s two sons, Ernest and Albert. After abducting them from Altenburg, Kunz was on his way to Bohemia when the plot was unexpectedly uncovered, leading to the princes' return.

See W. Schäfer, Der Montag vor Kiliani (1855); J. Gersdorf, Einige Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des sächsischen Prinzenraubes (1855); and T. Carlyle, Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. iv. (London, 1899).

See W. Schäfer, Der Montag vor Kiliani (1855); J. Gersdorf, Einige Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des sächsischen Prinzenraubes (1855); and T. Carlyle, Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. iv. (London, 1899).

FREDERICK III. (1463-1525), called “the Wise,” elector of Saxony, eldest son of Ernest, elector of Saxony, and Elizabeth, daughter of Albert, duke of Bavaria-Munich (d. 1508), was born at Torgau, and succeeded his father as elector in 1486. Retaining the government of Saxony in his own hands, he shared the other possessions of his family with his brother John, called “the Stedfast” (1468-1532). Frederick was among the princes who pressed the need of reform upon the German king Maximilian I. in 1495, and in 1500 he became president of the newly-formed council of regency (Reichsregiment). He took a genuine interest in learning; was a friend of Georg Spalatin; and in 1502 founded the university of Wittenberg, where he appointed Luther and Melanchthon to professorships. In 1493 he had gone as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, and had been made a knight of the Holy Sepulchre; but, although he remained throughout life an adherent of the older faith, he seems to have been drawn into sympathy with the reformers, probably through his connexion with the university of Wittenberg. In 1520 he refused to put into execution the papal bull which ordered Luther’s writings to be burned and the reformer to be put under restraint or sent to Rome; and in 1521, after Luther had been placed under the imperial ban by the diet at Worms, the elector caused him to be conveyed to his castle at the Wartburg, and afterwards protected him while he attacked the enemies of the Reformation. In 1519, Frederick, who alone among the electors refused to be bribed by the rival candidates for the imperial throne, declined to be a candidate for this high dignity himself, and assisted to secure the election of Charles V. He died unmarried at Langau, near Annaberg, on the 5th of May 1525.

FREDERICK III. (1463-1525), known as “the Wise,” was the elector of Saxony, the eldest son of Ernest, elector of Saxony, and Elizabeth, daughter of Albert, duke of Bavaria-Munich (d. 1508). He was born in Torgau and took over as elector in 1486. While he kept the government of Saxony under his control, he shared the other family properties with his brother John, known as “the Stedfast” (1468-1532). Frederick was among the princes advocating for reform with the German king Maximilian I in 1495, and in 1500, he became the president of the newly established council of regency (Reichsregiment). He had a real interest in education, was friends with Georg Spalatin, and in 1502, he founded the University of Wittenberg, where he appointed Luther and Melanchthon as professors. In 1493, he went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and became a knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Although he remained loyal to the traditional faith throughout his life, he seemed to develop a sympathy for the reformers, likely due to his association with the University of Wittenberg. In 1520, he refused to enforce the papal bull that ordered Luther’s writings to be burned and for the reformer to be restrained or sent to Rome. In 1521, after Luther had been placed under the imperial ban by the diet at Worms, the elector arranged for him to stay at his castle in Wartburg and later protected him as he opposed the enemies of the Reformation. In 1519, Frederick, who was the only elector not bribed by the competing candidates for the imperial throne, chose not to run for this prestigious position himself, instead helping to secure the election of Charles V. He passed away unmarried in Langau, near Annaberg, on May 5, 1525.

See G. Spalatin, Das Leben und die Zeitgeschichte Friedrichs des Weisen, edited by C. G. Neudecker and L. Preller (Jena, 1851); M. M. Tutzschmann, Friedrich der Weise, Kurfürst von Sachsen (Grimma, 1848); and T. Kolde, Friedrich der Weise und die Anfänge der Reformation (Erlangen, 1881).

See G. Spalatin, The Life and Historical Context of Frederick the Wise, edited by C. G. Neudecker and L. Preller (Jena, 1851); M. M. Tutzschmann, Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony (Grimma, 1848); and T. Kolde, Frederick the Wise and the Beginnings of the Reformation (Erlangen, 1881).

FREDERICK, a city and the county-seat of Frederick county, Maryland, U.S.A., on Carroll’s Creek, a tributary of the Monocacy, 61 m. by rail W. by N. from Baltimore and 45 m. N.W. from Washington. Pop. (1890) 8193; (1900) 9296, of whom 1535 were negroes; (1910 census) 10,411. It is served by the Baltimore & Ohio and the Northern Central railways, and by two interurban electric lines. Immediately surrounding it is the rich farming land of the Monocacy valley, but from a distance it appears to be completely shut in by picturesque hills and mountains; to the E., the Linga ore Hills; to the W., Catoctin Mountain; and to the S., Sugar Loaf Mountain. It is built for the most part of brick and stone. Frederick is the seat of the Maryland school for the deaf and dumb and of the Woman’s College of Frederick (1893; formerly the Frederick Female Seminary, opened in 1843), which in 1907-1908 had 212 students, 121 of whom were in the Conservatory of Music. Francis Scott Key and Roger Brooke Taney were buried here, and a beautiful monument erected to the memory of Key stands at the entrance to Mount Olivet cemetery. Frederick has a considerable agricultural trade and is an important manufacturing centre, its industries including the canning of fruits and vegetables, and the manufacture of flour, bricks, brushes, leather goods and hosiery. The total value of the factory product in 1905 was $1,937,921, being 34.7% more than in 1900. The municipality owns and operates its water-works and electric-lighting plant. Frederick, so named in honour of Frederick Calvert, son and afterward successor of Charles, Lord Baltimore, was settled by Germans in 1733, and was laid out as a town in 1745, but was not incorporated until 1817. Here in 1755 General Braddock prepared for his disastrous expedition against the French at Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg). During the Civil War the city was occupied on different occasions by Unionists and Confederates, and was made famous by Whittier’s poem “Barbara Frietchie.”

FREDERICK is a city and the county seat of Frederick County, Maryland, U.S.A., located on Carroll’s Creek, a tributary of the Monocacy, 61 miles by rail west-northwest of Baltimore and 45 miles northwest of Washington. The population was 8,193 in 1890; 9,296 in 1900, with 1,535 of them being Black; and according to the 1910 census, it was 10,411. The city is served by the Baltimore & Ohio and Northern Central railways, along with two interurban electric lines. The area surrounding Frederick is rich agricultural land in the Monocacy Valley, but from afar, it looks completely enclosed by scenic hills and mountains: to the east are the Linga Ore Hills, to the west is Catoctin Mountain, and to the south is Sugar Loaf Mountain. Most of the buildings are made of brick and stone. Frederick is home to the Maryland School for the Deaf and Dumb and the Woman’s College of Frederick (established in 1893; originally the Frederick Female Seminary, opened in 1843), which had 212 students in the 1907-1908 academic year, 121 of whom were in the Conservatory of Music. Notable figures Francis Scott Key and Roger Brooke Taney are buried here, with a beautiful monument in Key's honor at the entrance of Mount Olivet Cemetery. Frederick has a significant agricultural trade and is an important manufacturing hub, with industries that include canning fruits and vegetables and producing flour, bricks, brushes, leather goods, and hosiery. The total value of factory products in 1905 was $1,937,921, representing a 34.7% increase from 1900. The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and electric lighting plant. Frederick is named after Frederick Calvert, son and later successor of Charles, Lord Baltimore, and was settled by Germans in 1733. It was laid out as a town in 1745 but wasn't incorporated until 1817. In 1755, General Braddock prepared here for his unsuccessful expedition against the French at Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh). During the Civil War, the city was occupied at different times by Union and Confederate forces and is made famous by Whittier’s poem “Barbara Frietchie.”

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS I. (1750-1827), king of Saxony, son of the elector Frederick Christian, was born at Dresden on the 23rd of December 1750. He succeeded his father under the guardianship of Prince Xavier in 1763, and was declared of age in 1768. In the following year (January 17, 1769) he married Princess Maria Amelia, daughter of Duke Frederick of Zweibrücken, by whom he had only one child, Princess Augusta (born June 21, 1782). One of his chief aims was the reduction 61 of taxes and imposts and of the army. He was always extremely methodical and conscientious, and a good example to all his officials, whence his surname “the Just.” On account of the claims of his mother on the inheritance of her brother, the elector of Bavaria, he sided with Frederick the Great in the short Bavarian succession war of 1778 against Austria. At the peace of Teschen, which concluded the war, he received 6 million florins, which he employed partly in regaining those parts of his kingdom which had been lost, and partly in favour of his relatives. In 1785 he joined the league of German princes (Deutscher Fürstenbund) formed by Prussia, but without prejudice to his neutrality. Thus he remained neutral during the quarrel between Austria and Prussia in 1790. In the following year he declined the crown of Poland. He refused to join the league against France (February 7, 1792), but when war was declared his duty to the Empire necessitated his taking part in it. Even after the peace of Basel (April 5, 1795) he continued the war. But when the French army, during the following year, advanced into the heart of Germany, he was compelled by General Jourdan to retreat (August 13, 1796). He maintained his neutrality during the war between France and Austria in 1805, but in the following year he joined Prussia against France. After the disastrous battle of Jena he concluded a treaty of peace with Napoleon at Posen (December 11, 1806), and, assuming the title of king, he joined the Confederation of the Rhine. But he did not alter the constitution and administration of his new kingdom. After the peace of Tilsit (July 9, 1807) he was created by Napoleon grand-duke of Warsaw, but his sovereignty of Poland was little more than nominal. There was a kind of friendship between Frederick Augustus and Napoleon. In 1809 Frederick Augustus fought with him against Austria. On several occasions (1807, 1812, 1813) Napoleon was entertained at Dresden, and when, on his return from his disastrous Russian campaign, he passed through Saxony by Dresden (December 16, 1812), Frederick Augustus remained true to his friend and ally. It was only during April 1813 that he made overtures to Austria, but he soon afterwards returned to the side of the French. He returned to Dresden on the 10th of May and was present at the terrible battle of August 26 and 27, in which Napoleon’s army and his own were defeated. He fell into the hands of the Allies after their entry into Leipzig on the 19th of October 1813; and, although he regained his freedom after the congress of Vienna, he was compelled to give up the northern part—three-fifths—of his kingdom to Prussia (May 21, 1814). He entered Dresden on the 7th of July, and was enthusiastically welcomed by his people. The remainder of his life was spent in repairing the damages caused by the Napoleonic wars, in developing the agricultural, commercial and industrial resources of his kingdom, reforming the administration of justice, establishing hospitals and other charitable institutions, encouraging art and science and promoting education. He had a special interest in botany, and originated the beautiful park at Pillnitz. His reign throughout was characterized by justice, probity, moderation and prudence. He died on the 5th of May 1827.

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS I. (1750-1827), king of Saxony, son of the elector Frederick Christian, was born in Dresden on December 23, 1750. He took over from his father under the guardianship of Prince Xavier in 1763 and was declared of age in 1768. The following year (January 17, 1769), he married Princess Maria Amelia, daughter of Duke Frederick of Zweibrücken, and they had one child, Princess Augusta (born June 21, 1782). One of his main goals was to reduce taxes, tariffs, and the military. He was always very methodical and conscientious, setting a good example for all his officials, earning him the nickname “the Just.” Due to his mother’s claims on her brother's inheritance, the elector of Bavaria, he sided with Frederick the Great during the short Bavarian succession war against Austria in 1778. After the peace of Teschen ended the war, he received 6 million florins, which he partially used to regain lost parts of his kingdom and to support his relatives. In 1785, he joined the league of German princes (Deutscher Fürstenbund) formed by Prussia, but he remained neutral. He kept his neutrality during the dispute between Austria and Prussia in 1790 and declined the Polish crown the following year. He refused to join the alliance against France (February 7, 1792), but when war was declared, he felt obligated to participate. Even after the peace of Basel (April 5, 1795), he continued the war. However, when the French army advanced into central Germany the following year, he was forced to retreat by General Jourdan (August 13, 1796). He maintained his neutrality during the war between France and Austria in 1805 but joined Prussia against France in the following year. After the disastrous battle of Jena, he signed a peace treaty with Napoleon at Posen (December 11, 1806) and, taking the title of king, he joined the Confederation of the Rhine. However, he did not change the constitution or administration of his new kingdom. After the peace of Tilsit (July 9, 1807), Napoleon made him grand-duke of Warsaw, but his control over Poland was mostly symbolic. There was a sort of friendship between Frederick Augustus and Napoleon. In 1809, Frederick Augustus fought alongside him against Austria. On several occasions (1807, 1812, 1813), Napoleon was hosted in Dresden, and when he returned from his disastrous Russian campaign, passing through Saxony by Dresden (December 16, 1812), Frederick Augustus stayed loyal to his friend and ally. It wasn’t until April 1813 that he reached out to Austria, but he quickly went back to supporting the French. He returned to Dresden on May 10 and was present at the devastating battle of August 26 and 27, where Napoleon’s army, along with his, was defeated. He was captured by the Allies when they entered Leipzig on October 19, 1813. Although he regained his freedom after the Congress of Vienna, he was forced to give up the northern part—three-fifths—of his kingdom to Prussia (May 21, 1814). He entered Dresden on July 7 and received a warm welcome from his people. He spent the rest of his life repairing the damage caused by the Napoleonic wars, developing the agricultural, commercial, and industrial resources of his kingdom, reforming the justice system, establishing hospitals and other charities, promoting art and science, and encouraging education. He had a special interest in botany and created the beautiful park at Pillnitz. His reign was marked by justice, integrity, moderation, and careful consideration. He died on May 5, 1827.

Bibliography.—The earlier lives, by C. E. Weisse (1811), A. L. Herrmann (1827), Pölitz (1830), are mere panegyrics. On the other side see Flathe in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, and Böttiger-Flathe, History of Saxony (2nd ed., 1867 ff.), vols. ii. and iii.; A. Bonnefons, Un Allié de Napoléon, Frédéric Auguste, premier roi de Saxe ... (Paris, 1902); Fritz Friedrich, Politik Sachsens 1801-1803 (1898); P. Rühlmann, Öffentliche Meinung ... 1806-1813 (1902). There are many pamphlets bearing on the Saxon question and on Frederick Augustus during the years 1814 and 1815.

References.—The earlier biographies by C. E. Weisse (1811), A. L. Herrmann (1827), and Pölitz (1830) are simply praises. On the other hand, see Flathe in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, and Böttiger-Flathe, History of Saxony (2nd ed., 1867 ff.), vols. ii. and iii.; A. Bonnefons, Un Allié de Napoléon, Frédéric Auguste, premier roi de Saxe ... (Paris, 1902); Fritz Friedrich, Politik Sachsens 1801-1803 (1898); P. Rühlmann, Öffentliche Meinung ... 1806-1813 (1902). There are many pamphlets related to the Saxon issue and Frederick Augustus during the years 1814 and 1815.

(J. Hn.)

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS II. (1797-1854), king of Saxony, eldest son of Prince Maximilian and of Caroline Maria Theresa of Parma, was born on the 18th of May 1797. The unsettled times in which his youth was passed necessitated his frequent change of residence, but care was nevertheless taken that his education should not be interrupted, and he also acquired, through his journeys in foreign states (Switzerland 1818, Montenegro 1838, England and Scotland 1844) and his intercourse with men of eminence, a special taste for art and for natural science. He was himself a good landscape-painter and had a fine collection of engravings on copper. He was twice married—in 1819 (October 7) to the duchess Caroline, fourth daughter of the emperor Francis I. of Austria (d. May 22, 1832), and in 1833 (April 4) to Maria, daughter of Maximilian I. of Bavaria. There were no children of either marriage. During the government of his uncles (Frederick Augustus I. and Anthony) he took no part in the administration of the country, though he was the sole heir to the crown. In 1830 a rising in Dresden led to his being named joint regent of the kingdom along with King Anthony on the 13th of September; and in this position his popularity and his wise and liberal reforms (for instance, in arranging public audiences) speedily quelled all discontent. On the 6th of June 1836 he succeeded his uncle. Though he administered the affairs of his kingdom with enlightened liberality Saxony did not escape the political storms which broke upon Germany in 1848. He elected Liberal ministers, and he was at first in favour of the programme of German unity put forward at Frankfort, but he refused to acknowledge the democratic constitution of the German parliament. This attitude led to the insurrection at Dresden in May 1849, which was suppressed by the help of Prussian troops. From that time onward his reign was tranquil and prosperous. Later Count Beust, leader of the Austrian and feudal party in Saxony, became his principal minister and guided his policy on most occasions. His death occurred accidentally through the upsetting of his carriage near Brennbühel, between Imst and Wenns in Tirol (August 9, 1854). Frederick Augustus devoted his leisure hours chiefly to the study of botany. He made botanical excursions into different countries, and Flora Marienbadensis, oder Pflanzen und Gebirgsarten, gesammelt und beschrieben, written by him, was published at Prague by Kedler, 1837.

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS II. (1797-1854), king of Saxony, the eldest son of Prince Maximilian and Caroline Maria Theresa of Parma, was born on May 18, 1797. The chaotic times of his youth required him to move frequently, but efforts were made to ensure that his education continued uninterrupted. Through his travels to foreign countries (Switzerland 1818, Montenegro 1838, England and Scotland 1844) and interactions with notable individuals, he developed a strong appreciation for art and natural science. He was a decent landscape painter and had a great collection of copper engravings. He married twice—in 1819 (October 7) to Duchess Caroline, the fourth daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria (who died on May 22, 1832), and in 1833 (April 4) to Maria, daughter of Maximilian I of Bavaria. Neither marriage produced any children. During the reigns of his uncles (Frederick Augustus I and Anthony), he did not play a role in the country's administration, even though he was the sole heir to the crown. In 1830, a revolt in Dresden led to him being appointed joint regent alongside King Anthony on September 13; in this role, his popularity and wise, progressive reforms (such as organizing public audiences) quickly stabilized any discontent. On June 6, 1836, he succeeded his uncle. Although he governed his kingdom with enlightened liberalism, Saxony was not spared the political upheaval that swept across Germany in 1848. He chose liberal ministers and initially supported the German unity agenda proposed in Frankfurt but refused to accept the democratic constitution of the German parliament. This stance contributed to the uprising in Dresden in May 1849, which was quelled with the help of Prussian troops. After that, his reign was calm and successful. Later, Count Beust, the leader of the Austrian and feudal party in Saxony, became his chief minister and often directed his policies. He died accidentally when his carriage overturned near Brennbühel, between Imst and Wenns in Tirol, on August 9, 1854. Frederick Augustus spent his free time mainly studying botany. He took botanical trips to various countries, and his work Flora Marienbadensis, oder Pflanzen und Gebirgsarten, gesammelt und beschrieben, was published in Prague by Kedler in 1837.

See Böttiger-Flathe, History of Saxony, vol. iii.; R. Freiherr von Friesen, Erinnerungen (2 vols., Dresden, 1881); F. F. Graf von Beust, Aus drei-viertel Jahrhunderten (2 vols., 1887); Flathe, in Allg. deutsche Biogr.

See Böttiger-Flathe, History of Saxony, vol. iii.; R. Freiherr von Friesen, Memories (2 vols., Dresden, 1881); F. F. Graf von Beust, from Three-Quarter Centuries (2 vols., 1887); Flathe, in General German Biography.

(J. Hn.)

FREDERICK CHARLES (FRIEDRICH KARL NIKOLAUS), Prince (1828-1885), Prussian general field marshal, son of Prince Charles of Prussia and grandson of King Frederick William III., was born in Berlin on the 20th of March 1828. He was educated for the army, which he entered on his tenth birthday as second lieutenant in the 14th Foot Guards. He became first lieutenant in 1844, and in 1846 entered the university of Bonn, where he stayed for two years, being accompanied throughout by Major von Roon, afterwards the famous war minister. In 1848 he became a company commander in his regiment, and soon afterwards served in the Schleswig-Holstein War on the staff of Marshal von Wrangel, being present at the battle of Schleswig (April 23, 1848). Later in 1848 he became Rittmeister in the Garde du Corps cavalry regiment, and in 1849 major in the Guard Hussars. In this year the prince took part in the campaign against the Baden insurgents, and was wounded at the action of Wiesenthal while leading a desperate charge against entrenched infantry. After this experience the wild courage of his youth gave place to the unshakable resolution which afterwards characterized the prince’s generalship. In 1852 he became colonel, and in 1854 major-general and commander of a cavalry brigade. In this capacity he was brought closely in touch with General von Reyher, the chief of the general staff, and with Moltke. He married, in the same year, Princess Marie Anne of Anhalt. In 1857 he became commander of the 1st Guard Infantry division, but very shortly afterwards, on account of disputes concerned with the training methods then in force, he resigned the appointment.

FREDERICK CHARLES (FRIEDRICH KARL NIKOLAUS), Prince (1828-1885), was a Prussian general field marshal, the son of Prince Charles of Prussia and the grandson of King Frederick William III. He was born in Berlin on March 20, 1828. He was prepared for a military career, joining the army on his tenth birthday as a second lieutenant in the 14th Foot Guards. He became a first lieutenant in 1844, and in 1846, he entered the University of Bonn, where he studied for two years, always accompanied by Major von Roon, who later became the famous war minister. In 1848, he rose to the rank of company commander in his regiment and soon served on the staff of Marshal von Wrangel during the Schleswig-Holstein War, participating in the Battle of Schleswig (April 23, 1848). Later that same year, he became Rittmeister in the Garde du Corps cavalry regiment, and in 1849, he became a major in the Guard Hussars. During this time, the prince fought in the campaign against the Baden insurgents and was wounded at the Battle of Wiesenthal while leading a daring charge against entrenched infantry. After this experience, the youthful bravery of his early years transformed into the steadfast determination that would later define his leadership in the army. In 1852, he was promoted to colonel, and in 1854, he became a major-general and commander of a cavalry brigade. In this role, he worked closely with General von Reyher, the chief of staff, and with Moltke. He married Princess Marie Anne of Anhalt in the same year. In 1857, he took command of the 1st Guard Infantry division, but soon after, due to disagreements over training methods, he resigned from the position.

In 1858 he visited France, where he minutely investigated the state of the French army, but it was not long before he was recalled, for in 1859, in consequence of the Franco-Austrian War, Prussia mobilized her forces, and Frederick Charles was made a divisional commander in the II. army corps. In this post he was given the liberty of action which had previously been denied to him. About this time (1860) the prince gave a lecture to the officers of his command on the French army and its methods, the substance of which (Eine militärische Denkschrift 62 von P.F.K., Frankfort on Main, 1860) was circulated more widely than the author intended, and in the French translation gave rise to much indignation in France. In 1861 Frederick Charles became general of cavalry. He was then commander of the III. (Brandenburg) army corps. This post he held from 1860 to 1870, except during the campaigns of 1864 and 1866, and in it he displayed his real qualities as a troop leader. His self-imposed task was to raise the military spirit of his troops to the highest possible level, and ten years of his continuous and thorough training brought the III. corps to a pitch of real efficiency which the Guard corps alone, in virtue of its special recruiting powers, slightly surpassed. Prince Frederick Charles’ work was tested to the full when von Alvensleben and the III. corps engaged the whole French army on the 16th of August 1870. In 1864 the prince once more fought against the Danes under his old leader “Papa” Wrangel. The Prussian contingent under Frederick Charles formed a corps of the allied army, and half of it was drawn from the III. corps. After the storming of the Düppel lines the prince succeeded Wrangel in the supreme command, with Lieutenant-General Freiherr von Moltke as his chief of staff. These two great soldiers then planned and brilliantly carried out the capture of the island of Alsen, after which the war came to an end.

In 1858, he traveled to France, where he thoroughly examined the state of the French army. However, he was soon recalled because in 1859, due to the Franco-Austrian War, Prussia mobilized its forces, and Frederick Charles was appointed as a divisional commander in the II army corps. In this role, he was given the freedom of action that he hadn't had before. Around this time (1860), the prince gave a lecture to his officers about the French army and its methods. The main points of this talk (Eine militärische Denkschrift62 von P.F.K., Frankfort on Main, 1860) ended up spreading more widely than he had intended, and the French translation caused quite a stir in France. In 1861, Frederick Charles became the general of cavalry and then took command of the III (Brandenburg) army corps. He held this position from 1860 to 1870, except during the campaigns of 1864 and 1866, and he showed his true abilities as a troop leader in this role. His objective was to elevate the military spirit of his troops to the highest level possible, and after ten years of dedicated and thorough training, the III corps achieved a level of real efficiency that was only slightly surpassed by the Guard corps, thanks to its special recruiting powers. Prince Frederick Charles' capabilities were put to the test when von Alvensleben and the III corps faced the entire French army on August 16, 1870. In 1864, the prince again fought against the Danes alongside his former leader “Papa” Wrangel. The Prussian contingent under Frederick Charles formed part of the allied army, with half of it coming from the III corps. After successfully storming the Düppel lines, the prince succeeded Wrangel in the overall command, with Lieutenant-General Freiherr von Moltke as his chief of staff. These two great leaders then planned and successfully executed the capture of the island of Alsen, bringing the war to a close.

In 1860 came the Seven Weeks’ War with Austria. Prince Frederick Charles was appointed to command the I. Army, which he led through the mountains into Bohemia, driving before him the Austrians and Saxons to the upper Elbe, where on the 3rd of July took place the decisive battle of Königgrätz or Sadowa. This was brought on by the initiative of the leader of the I. Army, which had to bear the brunt of the fighting until the advance of the II. Army turned the Austrian flank. After the peace he returned to the III. army corps, which he finally left, in July 1870, when appointed to command the II. German Army in the war with France. In the early days of the advance the prince’s ruthless energy led to much friction between the I. and II. Armies (see Franco-German War), while his strategical mistakes seriously embarrassed the great headquarters staff. The advance of the II. Army beyond the Saar to the Moselle and from that river to the Meuse displayed more energy than careful strategy, but herein at least the “Red Prince” (as he was called from the colour of his favourite hussar uniform) was in thorough sympathy with the king’s headquarters on the one hand and the feelings of the troops on the other. Then came the discovery that the French were not in front, but to the right rear of the II. Army (August 16). Alvensleben with the III. corps held the French to their ground at Vionville while the prince hurried together his scattered forces. He himself directed with superb tactical skill the last efforts of the Germans at Vionville, and the victory of St Privat on the 18th was due to his leadership (see Metz), which shone all the more by contrast with the failures of the I. Army at Gravelotte. The prince was left in command of the forces which blockaded Bazaine in Metz, and received the surrender of that place and of the last remaining field army of the enemy. He was promoted at once to the rank of general field marshal, and shortly afterwards the II. Army was despatched to aid in crushing the newly organized army of the French republic on the Loire. Here again he retrieved strategical errors by energy and tactical skill, and his work was in the end crowned by the victory of Le Mans on the 12th of January 1871. Of all the subordinate leaders on the German side none enjoyed a greater and a better deserved reputation than the Red Prince.

In 1860, the Seven Weeks’ War with Austria began. Prince Frederick Charles was appointed to lead the I Army, which he took through the mountains into Bohemia, pushing back the Austrians and Saxons to the upper Elbe, where the decisive battle of Königgrätz or Sadowa took place on July 3rd. This battle was initiated by the I Army's leader, who had to endure the toughest fighting until the II Army maneuvered to outflank the Austrians. After the peace, he returned to the III army corps, from which he finally departed in July 1870 to command the II German Army in the war with France. In the early stages of the advance, the prince’s relentless energy caused significant friction between the I and II Armies (see Franco-German War), while his strategic mistakes created serious issues for the high command. The advance of the II Army from the Saar to the Moselle, and then to the Meuse, displayed more energy than careful strategy, but at least the “Red Prince” (named for the color of his favorite hussar uniform) was fully in sync with the king’s headquarters and the troops' sentiments. Then came the realization that the French were not ahead, but positioned to the right rear of the II Army (August 16). Alvensleben with the III corps kept the French at bay at Vionville while the prince hurried to gather his scattered forces. He directed the final German efforts at Vionville with impressive tactical skill, and the victory at St Privat on the 18th was largely attributed to his leadership (see Metz), which stood out particularly in contrast to the I Army's failures at Gravelotte. The prince remained in command of the forces that besieged Bazaine in Metz and oversaw the surrender of the city and the last remaining enemy field army. He was immediately promoted to general field marshal, and shortly after, the II Army was sent to help defeat the newly organized army of the French republic on the Loire. Once again, he overcame strategic mistakes through energy and tactical skill, culminating in the victory of Le Mans on January 12, 1871. Among all the subordinate leaders on the German side, none had a greater or more deserved reputation than the Red Prince.

He now became inspector-general of the 3rd “army inspection,” and a little later inspector of cavalry, and in the latter post he was largely instrumental in bringing the German cavalry to the degree of perfection in manœuvre and general training which it gradually attained in the years after the war. He never ceased to improve his own soldierly qualities by further study and by the conduct of manœvres on a large scale. His sternness of character kept him aloof from the court and from his own family, and he spent his leisure months chiefly on his various country estates. In 1872 and in 1882 he travelled in the Mediterranean and the Near East. He died on the 15th of June 1885 at Klein-Glienicke near Berlin, and was buried at the adjacent church of Nikolskoe. His third daughter, Princess Louise Margareta, was married, in March 1879, to the duke of Connaught.

He later became the inspector-general of the 3rd “army inspection,” and soon after, the inspector of cavalry. In that role, he played a key part in advancing the German cavalry to a high level of efficiency in maneuvers and overall training in the years following the war. He consistently worked on improving his own military skills through further study and by organizing large-scale maneuvers. His stern character kept him distant from the court and his own family, and he mostly spent his free time at his various country estates. In 1872 and 1882, he traveled through the Mediterranean and the Near East. He passed away on June 15, 1885, at Klein-Glienicke near Berlin and was buried at the nearby church of Nikolskoe. His third daughter, Princess Louise Margareta, married the Duke of Connaught in March 1879.

FREDERICK HENRY (1584-1647), prince of Orange, the youngest child of William the Silent, was born at Delft about six months before his father’s assassination on the 29th of January 1584. His mother, Louise de Coligny, was daughter of the famous Huguenot leader, Admiral de Coligny, and was the fourth wife of William the Silent. The boy was trained to arms by his elder brother, Maurice of Nassau, one of the first generals of his age. On the death of Maurice in 1625, Frederick Henry succeeded him in his paternal dignities and estates, and also in the stadtholderates of the five provinces of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overysel and Gelderland, and in the important posts of captain and admiral-general of the Union. Frederick Henry proved himself scarcely inferior to his brother as a general, and a far more capable statesman and politician. During twenty-two years he remained at the head of affairs in the United Provinces, and in his time the power of the stadtholderate reached its highest point. The “Period of Frederick Henry,” as it is usually styled by Dutch writers, is generally accounted the golden age of the republic. It was marked by great military and naval triumphs, by world-wide maritime and commercial expansion, and by a wonderful outburst of activity in the domains of art and literature. The chief military exploits of Frederick Henry were the sieges and captures of Hertogenbosch in 1629, of Maastricht in 1632, of Breda in 1637, of Sas van Ghent in 1644, and of Hulst in 1645. During the greater part of his administration the alliance with France against Spain had been the pivot of Frederick Henry’s foreign policy, but in his last years he sacrificed the French alliance for the sake of concluding a separate peace with Spain, by which the United Provinces obtained from that power all the advantages for which they had for eighty years been contending. Frederick Henry died on the 14th of March 1647, and was buried with great pomp beside his father and brother at Delft. The treaty of Münster, ending the long struggle between the Dutch and the Spaniards, was not actually signed until the 30th of January 1648, the illness and death of the stadtholder having caused a delay in the negotiations. Frederick Henry was married in 1625 to Amalia von Solms, and left one son, William II. of Orange, and four daughters.

FREDERICK HENRY (1584-1647), prince of Orange, the youngest child of William the Silent, was born in Delft about six months before his father's assassination on January 29, 1584. His mother, Louise de Coligny, was the daughter of the famous Huguenot leader, Admiral de Coligny, and was William the Silent's fourth wife. The boy was trained in military skills by his older brother, Maurice of Nassau, one of the leading generals of his time. After Maurice died in 1625, Frederick Henry took over his father's titles and estates and also became the stadtholder of the five provinces of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overysel, and Gelderland, as well as captain and admiral-general of the Union. Frederick Henry proved to be almost as skilled as his brother in military matters, but was a much better statesman and politician. For twenty-two years, he led the affairs in the United Provinces, and during his rule, the power of the stadtholderate reached its peak. The “Period of Frederick Henry,” as described by Dutch historians, is often regarded as the golden age of the republic. It was marked by significant military and naval victories, extensive maritime and commercial growth, and an incredible surge in art and literature. The major military achievements of Frederick Henry included the sieges and captures of Hertogenbosch in 1629, Maastricht in 1632, Breda in 1637, Sas van Ghent in 1644, and Hulst in 1645. For most of his time in power, the alliance with France against Spain was central to Frederick Henry's foreign policy, but in his later years, he chose to sacrifice the French alliance to reach a separate peace with Spain, which granted the United Provinces all the benefits they had been fighting for over the past eighty years. Frederick Henry died on March 14, 1647, and was buried with great honors alongside his father and brother in Delft. The treaty of Münster, which ended the long conflict between the Dutch and the Spaniards, wasn’t actually signed until January 30, 1648, due to the stadtholder's illness and death delaying the negotiations. Frederick Henry married Amalia von Solms in 1625 and had one son, William II of Orange, and four daughters.

Frederick Henry left an account of his campaigns in his Mémoires de Frédéric Henri (Amsterdam, 1743). See Cambridge Mod. Hist. vol. iv. chap. 24, and the bibliography on p. 931.

Frederick Henry documented his campaigns in his Mémoires de Frédéric Henri (Amsterdam, 1743). See Cambridge Mod. Hist. vol. iv. chap. 24, and the bibliography on p. 931.

FREDERICK LOUIS (1707-1751), prince of Wales, eldest son of George II., was born at Hanover on the 20th of January 1707. After his grandfather, George I., became king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714, Frederick was known as duke of Gloucester1 and made a knight of the Garter, having previously been betrothed to Wilhelmina Sophia Dorothea (1709-1758), daughter of Frederick William I., king of Prussia, and sister of Frederick the Great. Although he was anxious to marry this lady, the match was rendered impossible by the dislike of George II. and Frederick William for each other. Soon after his father became king in 1727 Frederick took up his residence in England and in 1729 was created prince of Wales; but the relations between George II. and his son were very unfriendly, and there existed between them the jealousy which Stubbs calls the “incurable bane of royalty.” The faults were not all on one side. The prince’s character was not attractive, and the king refused to make him an adequate allowance. In 1735 Frederick wrote, or inspired the writing of, the Histoire du prince Titi, a book containing offensive caricatures of both king and queen; and losing no opportunity of irritating his father, “he made,” says Lecky, “his court the special centre of opposition to the government, and he exerted all his influence for the ruin of Walpole.” After a marriage between the prince and Lady Diana Spencer, afterwards the wife of John, 4th duke of Bedford, had been frustrated by Walpole, Frederick was married in April 1736 to 63 Augusta (1719-1772), daughter of Frederick II., duke of Saxe-Gotha, a union which was welcomed by his parents, but which led to further trouble between father and son. George proposed to allow the prince £50,000 a year; but this sum was regarded as insufficient by the latter, whose appeal to parliament was unsuccessful. After the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to quit St James’ Palace, and the foreign ambassadors were requested to refrain from visiting him. The relations between the two were now worse than before. In 1745 George II. refused to allow his son to command the British army against the Jacobites. On the 20th of March 1751 the prince died in London, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He left five sons and two daughters. The sons were George (afterwards King George III.), Edward Augustus, duke of York and Albany (1739-1767), William Henry, duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1743-1805), Henry Frederick, duke of Cumberland (1745-1790), and Frederick William (1750-1765); the daughters were Augusta (1737-1813), wife of Charles William Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, and Caroline Matilda (1751-1775), wife of Christian VII., king of Denmark.

FREDERICK LOUIS (1707-1751), Prince of Wales, and the eldest son of George II, was born in Hanover on January 20, 1707. After his grandfather, George I, became king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714, Frederick was known as Duke of Gloucester1 and became a Knight of the Garter. He had previously been betrothed to Wilhelmina Sophia Dorothea (1709-1758), daughter of Frederick William I, King of Prussia, and sister of Frederick the Great. Although he wanted to marry her, the relationship was impossible due to the animosity between George II and Frederick William. Soon after his father became king in 1727, Frederick moved to England and was made Prince of Wales in 1729. However, the relationship between George II and his son was very tense, marked by the jealousy that Stubbs refers to as the “incurable bane of royalty.” The issues were not one-sided; Frederick’s character was not appealing, and the king refused to give him a sufficient allowance. In 1735, Frederick wrote, or instigated the writing of, the Histoire du prince Titi, which included offensive caricatures of both the king and queen. He took every chance to annoy his father, and “he made,” according to Lecky, “his court the special center of opposition to the government, and he used all his influence to undermine Walpole.” After a marriage proposal to Lady Diana Spencer, who later became the wife of John, 4th Duke of Bedford, was blocked by Walpole, Frederick married Augusta (1719-1772), the daughter of Frederick II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha, in April 1736. This marriage, which his parents welcomed, caused more conflict between father and son. George offered the prince £50,000 a year, but Frederick considered this amount inadequate, and his plea to Parliament was unsuccessful. Following the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to leave St James’ Palace, and foreign ambassadors were asked not to visit him. Their relationship deteriorated further. In 1745, George II denied his son the opportunity to lead the British army against the Jacobites. The prince died in London on March 20, 1751, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He had five sons and two daughters. The sons were George (who later became King George III), Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany (1739-1767), William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1743-1805), Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland (1745-1790), and Frederick William (1750-1765). The daughters were Augusta (1737-1813), who married Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, and Caroline Matilda (1751-1775), who married Christian VII, King of Denmark.

See Lord Hervey of Ickworth, Memoirs of the Reign of George II., edited by J. W. Croker (London, 1884); Horace Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of George II. (London, 1847); and Sir N. W. Wraxall, Memoirs, edited by H. B. Wheatley, vol. i. (London, 1884).

See Lord Hervey of Ickworth, Memoirs of the Reign of George II., edited by J. W. Croker (London, 1884); Horace Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of George II. (London, 1847); and Sir N. W. Wraxall, Memoirs, edited by H. B. Wheatley, vol. i. (London, 1884).

1 Frederick was never actually created duke of Gloucester, and when he was raised to the peerage in 1736 it was as duke of Edinburgh only. See G. E. C(okayne), Complete Peerage, sub “Gloucester.”

1 Frederick was never actually made duke of Gloucester, and when he was elevated to the peerage in 1736, it was as duke of Edinburgh only. See G. E. C(okayne), Complete Peerage, sub “Gloucester.”

FREDERICK WILLIAM I. (1688-1740), king of Prussia, son of Frederick I. by his second marriage was born on the 15th of August 1688. He spent a considerable time in early youth at the court of his grandfather, the elector Ernest Augustus of Hanover. On his return to Berlin he was placed under General von Dohna and Count Finkenstein, who trained him to the energetic and regular habits which ever afterwards characterized him. He was soon imbued with a passion for military life, and this was deepened by acquaintance with the duke of Marlborough (1709), Prince Eugene, whom he visited during the siege of Tournai, and Prince Leopold of Anhalt (the “Old Dessauer”). In nearly every respect he was the opposite of his father, having frugal, simple tastes, a passionate temper and a determined will. Throughout his life he was always the protector of the church and of religion. But he detested religious quarrels and was very tolerant towards his Catholic subjects, except the Jesuits. His life was simple and puritanical, being founded on the teaching of the Bible. He was, however, fond of hunting and somewhat given to drinking. He intensely disliked the French, and highly disapproved of the imitation of their manners by his father and his court. When he came to the throne (February 25, 1713) his first act was to dismiss from the palace every unnecessary official and to regulate the royal household on principles of the strictest parsimony. The greater part of the beautiful furniture was sold. His importance for Prussia is twofold: in internal politics he laid down principles which continued to be followed long after his death. This was a province peculiarly suited to his genius; he was one of the greatest administrators who have ever worn the Prussian crown. His foreign policy was less successful, though under his rule the kingdom acquired some extension of territory.

FREDERICK WILLIAM I. (1688-1740), king of Prussia, was born on August 15, 1688, to Frederick I from his second marriage. He spent a significant part of his youth at the court of his grandfather, Elector Ernest Augustus of Hanover. After returning to Berlin, he was trained by General von Dohna and Count Finkenstein, who instilled in him the energetic and disciplined habits that defined him for the rest of his life. He developed a strong passion for military life, which was further fueled by his encounters with Duke Marlborough (1709), Prince Eugene during the siege of Tournai, and Prince Leopold of Anhalt (the “Old Dessauer”). In many ways, he was the complete opposite of his father, embracing frugal, simple tastes, a fiery temper, and a strong will. Throughout his life, he was a steadfast supporter of the church and religion but despised religious conflicts and showed tolerance toward his Catholic subjects, with the exception of the Jesuits. His lifestyle was straightforward and puritanical, grounded in biblical teachings. However, he had a penchant for hunting and occasionally indulged in drinking. He harbored a deep dislike for the French and strongly disapproved of his father's and court's mimicry of French customs. Upon ascending the throne on February 25, 1713, his first act was to remove every unnecessary official from the palace and to streamline the royal household with strict frugality. A large portion of the fine furniture was sold off. His legacy for Prussia is twofold: in internal politics, he established principles that continued long after his death, showcasing his talent as one of the greatest administrators to ever wear the Prussian crown. His foreign policy was less effective, although under his reign, the kingdom did gain some territory.

Thus at the peace of Utrecht (April 11, 1713), after the War of the Spanish Succession, he acquired the greater part of the duchy of Gelderland. By the treaty of Schwedt, concluded with Russia on the 6th of October, he was assured of an important influence in the solution of the Baltic question, which during the long absence of Charles XII. had become burning; and Swedish Pomerania, as far as the Peene, was occupied by Prussia. But Charles XII. on his return turned against the king, though without success, for the Pomeranian campaign of 1715 ended in favour of Prussia (fall of Stralsund, December 22). This enabled Frederick William I. to maintain a more independent attitude towards the tsar; he refused, for example, to provide him with troops for a campaign (in Schonen) against the Swedes. When on the 28th of May 1718, in view of the disturbances in Mecklenburg, he signed at Havelberg the alliance with Russia, he confined himself to taking up a defensive attitude, and, on the other hand, on the 14th of August 1719 he also entered into relations with his former enemies, England and Hanover. And so, by the treaty of Stockholm (February 1, 1720), Frederick William succeeded in obtaining the consent of Sweden to the cession of that part of Pomerania which he had occupied (Usedom, Wollin, Stettin, Hither Pomerania, east of the Peene) in return for a payment of 2,000,000 thalers.

Thus, at the Treaty of Utrecht (April 11, 1713), after the War of the Spanish Succession, he gained most of the duchy of Gelderland. By the Treaty of Schwedt, finalized with Russia on October 6, he secured significant influence in the Baltic issue, which had become urgent during Charles XII's long absence; Swedish Pomerania, up to the Peene River, was occupied by Prussia. However, upon his return, Charles XII turned against the king, but it was unsuccessful, as the Pomeranian campaign of 1715 ended in favor of Prussia (fall of Stralsund, December 22). This allowed Frederick William I to adopt a more independent stance towards the tsar; for instance, he refused to send troops for a campaign (in Schonen) against the Swedes. When, on May 28, 1718, in light of the disturbances in Mecklenburg, he signed the alliance with Russia at Havelberg, he limited himself to a defensive position, and on August 14, 1719, he also established relations with his former enemies, England and Hanover. Thus, by the Treaty of Stockholm (February 1, 1720), Frederick William managed to obtain Sweden's agreement to the cession of the portion of Pomerania he had occupied (Usedom, Wollin, Stettin, Hither Pomerania, east of the Peene) in exchange for a payment of 2,000,000 thalers.

While Frederick William I. succeeded in carrying his wishes into effect in this direction, he was unable to realize another project which he had much at heart, namely, the Prussian succession to the Lower Rhine duchies of Jülich and Berg. The treaty concluded in 1725 at Vienna between the emperor and Spain brought the whole of this question up again, for both sides had pledged themselves to support the Palatinate-Sulzbach succession (in the event of the Palatinate-Neuberg line becoming extinct). Frederick William turned for help to the western powers, England and France, and secured it by the treaty of alliance signed at Herrenhausen on the 3rd of September 1725 (League of Hanover). But since the western powers soon sought to use the military strength of Prussia for their own ends, Frederick again turned towards the east, strengthened above all his relations with Russia, which had continued to be good, and finally, by the treaty of Wüsterhausen (October 12, 1726; ratified at Berlin, December 23, 1728), even allied himself with his former adversary, the court of Vienna; though this treaty only imperfectly safeguarded Prussian interests, inasmuch as Frederick William consented to renounce his claims to Jülich. But as in the following years the European situation became more and more favourable to the house of Habsburg, the latter began to try to withdraw part of the concessions which it had made to Frederick William. As early as 1728 Düsseldorf, the capital, was excluded from the guarantee of Berg. Nevertheless, in the War of the Polish Succession against France (1734-1735), Frederick William remained faithful to the emperor’s cause, and sent an auxiliary force of 10,000 men. The peace of Vienna, which terminated the war, led to a reconciliation between France and Austria, and so to a further estrangement between Frederick William and the emperor. Moreover, in 1738 the western powers, together with the emperor, insisted in identical notes on the recognition of the emperor’s right to decide the question of the succession in the Lower Rhine duchies. A breach with the emperor was now inevitable, and this explains why in a last treaty (April 5, 1739) Frederick William obtained from France a guarantee of a part, at least, of Berg (excluding Düsseldorf).

While Frederick William I succeeded in achieving his objectives in this area, he struggled to accomplish another important goal: securing Prussian succession to the Lower Rhine duchies of Jülich and Berg. The treaty signed in 1725 in Vienna between the emperor and Spain brought this issue back into focus because both sides had committed to support the Palatinate-Sulzbach succession if the Palatinate-Neuberg line went extinct. Frederick William sought assistance from the western powers, England and France, and obtained it through the alliance treaty signed at Herrenhausen on September 3, 1725 (League of Hanover). However, as the western powers quickly aimed to use Prussia's military strength for their own interests, Frederick again looked eastward and focused on strengthening his ties with Russia, which had remained positive. Ultimately, through the treaty of Wüsterhausen (October 12, 1726; ratified in Berlin on December 23, 1728), he even allied himself with his former opponent, the court of Vienna, although this treaty did not fully protect Prussian interests since Frederick William agreed to give up his claims to Jülich. However, as the European landscape became increasingly favorable to the Habsburg family in the following years, they began to retract some of the concessions made to Frederick William. As early as 1728, Düsseldorf, the capital, was excluded from the guarantee of Berg. Despite this, during the War of the Polish Succession against France (1734-1735), Frederick William stayed loyal to the emperor’s cause and sent an auxiliary force of 10,000 troops. The peace of Vienna that ended the war resulted in a reconciliation between France and Austria, further straining Frederick William's relationship with the emperor. Additionally, in 1738, the western powers, along with the emperor, demanded in identical notes that the emperor's right to decide the succession question in the Lower Rhine duchies be recognized. A break with the emperor was now unavoidable, which is why, in a final treaty on April 5, 1739, Frederick William secured a guarantee from France for at least part of Berg (excluding Düsseldorf).

But Frederick William’s failures in foreign policy were more than compensated for by his splendid services in the internal administration of Prussia. He saw the necessity of rigid economy not only in his private life but in the whole administration of the state. During his reign Prussia obtained for the first time a centralized and uniform financial administration. It was the king himself who composed and wrote in the year 1722 the famous instruction for the general directory (Generaldirektorium) of war, finance and domains. When he died the income of the state was about seven million thalers (£1,050,000). The consequence was that he paid off the debts incurred by his father, and left to his successor a well filled treasury. In the administration of the domains he made three innovations: (1) the private estates of the king were turned into domains of the crown (August 13, 1713); (2) the freeing of the serfs on the royal domains (March 22, 1719); (3) the conversion of the hereditary lease into a short-term lease on the basis of productiveness. His industrial policy was inspired by the mercantile spirit. On this account he forbade the importation of foreign manufactures and the export of raw materials from home, a policy which had a very good effect on the growth of Prussian industries.

But Frederick William’s failures in foreign policy were more than balanced out by his impressive achievements in managing Prussia's internal affairs. He recognized the need for strict budgeting, both in his personal life and throughout the state's administration. Under his rule, Prussia established a centralized and uniform financial system for the first time. It was the king himself who drafted the famous instruction for the general directory (Generaldirektorium) of war, finance, and domains in 1722. When he passed away, the state’s income was around seven million thalers (£1,050,000). As a result, he paid off the debts that his father had incurred and left his successor a well-stocked treasury. In managing the domains, he introduced three major changes: (1) transforming the king's private estates into crown domains (August 13, 1713); (2) freeing the serfs on the royal domains (March 22, 1719); (3) changing the hereditary lease system to a short-term lease based on productivity. His industrial policy was driven by a mercantile mindset, which led him to prohibit the import of foreign goods and the export of raw materials, a strategy that positively impacted the growth of Prussian industries.

The work of internal colonization he carried on with especial zeal. Most notable of all was his rétablissement of East Prussia, to which he devoted six million thalers (c. £900,000). His policy in respect of the towns was motived largely by fiscal considerations, but at the same time he tried also to improve their municipal administration; for example, in the matter of buildings, of the letting of domain lands and of the collection of the excise in towns. Frederick William had many opponents among the nobles because he pressed on the abolition of the old feudal rights, introduced in East Prussia and Lithuania a general land tax (the Generalhufenschoss), 64 and finally in 1739 attacked in a special edict the Legen, i.e. the expropriation of the peasant proprietors. He did nothing for the higher learning, and even banished the philosopher Christian Wolff at forty-eight hours’ notice “on pain of the halter,” for teaching, as he believed, fatalist doctrines. Afterwards he modified his judgment in favour of Wolff, and even, in 1739, recommended the study of his works. He established many village schools, which he often visited in person; and after the year 1717 (October 23) all Prussian parents were obliged to send their children to school (Schulzwang). He was the especial friend of the Franckische Stiftungen at Halle on the Saale. Under him the people flourished; and although it stood in awe of his vehement spirit it respected him for his firmness, his honesty of purpose and his love of justice. He was devoted also to his army, the number of which he raised from 38,000 to 83,500, so that under him Prussia became the third military power in the world, coming next after Russia and France. There was not a more thoroughly drilled or better appointed force. The Potsdam guard, made up of giants collected from all parts of Europe, sometimes kidnapped, was a sort of toy with which he amused himself. The reviewing of his troops was his chief pleasure. But he was also fond of meeting his friends in the evening in what he called his Tobacco-College, where amid clouds of tobacco smoke he not only discussed affairs of state but heard the newest “guard-room jokes.” He died on the 31st of May 1740, leaving behind him his widow, Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, whom he had married on the 26th of November 1706. His son was Frederick the Great, who was the opposite of Frederick William. This opposition became so strong in 1730 that the crown prince fled from the court, and was later arrested and brought before a court-martial. A reconciliation was brought about, at first gradually. In later years the relations between father and son came to be of the best (see Frederick II., king of Prussia).

The internal colonization efforts he pursued with particular enthusiasm. Most notably, he invested six million thalers (about £900,000) into the restoration of East Prussia. His policies regarding the towns were largely driven by financial motives, but he also aimed to improve their local governance; for instance, in areas like construction, leasing land, and collecting taxes in the towns. Frederick William faced significant opposition from the nobility because he pushed to abolish old feudal rights, introduced a general land tax (the Generalhufenschoss) in East Prussia and Lithuania, and in 1739 specifically targeted the Legen, or the expropriation of peasant landowners. He did nothing for higher education and even banished the philosopher Christian Wolff on short notice, threatening him with execution for teaching what he considered fatalist ideas. Later, he softened his stance on Wolff and even recommended studying his works in 1739. He established many village schools, which he frequently visited, and after October 23, 1717, all Prussian parents had to send their children to school (Schulzwang). He was a close friend of the Franckische Stiftungen in Halle. Under his rule, the people thrived; though they feared his intense demeanor, they respected him for his determination, integrity, and sense of justice. He was also dedicated to his army, increasing its size from 38,000 to 83,500, making Prussia the third largest military power in the world, behind Russia and France. No other force was as well-drilled or equipped. The Potsdam Guard, composed of giants gathered from across Europe—sometimes even kidnapped—was a sort of novelty he enjoyed. His primary pleasure was reviewing his troops. Additionally, he liked to meet friends in the evening in his Tobacco-College, where amidst clouds of smoke, they discussed state matters and shared the latest military jokes. He passed away on May 31, 1740, leaving behind his widow, Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, whom he had married on November 26, 1706. His son was Frederick the Great, who was the opposite of Frederick William. Their differences became so pronounced in 1730 that the crown prince fled the court, only to be arrested and brought before a court-martial. A gradual reconciliation followed, and in later years, their relationship improved significantly (see Frederick II., king of Prussia).

Bibliography.—D. Fassmann, Leben und Thaten Friedrich Wilhelms (2 vols., Hamburg and Breslau, 1735, 1741); F. Förster, Friedrich Wilhelm I. (3 vols., Potsdam, 1834 and 1835); C. v. Noorden, Historische Vorträge (Leipzig, 1884); O. Krauske, “Vom Hofe Friedrich Wilhelms I.,” Hohenzollernjahrbuch, v. (1902); R. Koser, Friedrich der Grosse als Kronprinz (2nd ed., Stuttgart, 1901); W. Oncken, “Sir Charles Hotham und Friedrich Wilhelm I. im Jahre 1730,” Forschungen zur brandenburgischen Geschichte, vol. vii. et seq.; J. G. Droysen in the Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, vii. (1878), and in Geschichte der preussischen Politik, section iv., vols. ii.-iv. (2nd ed., 1868 et seq.); L. v. Ranke, Zwölf Bücher preussischer Geschichte (1874 et seq.); Stenzel, Geschichte des preussischen Staates, iii. (1841); F. Holke, “Strafrechtspflege unter Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Beiträge zur brandenburgischen Rechtsgeschichte, iii. (1894); V. Loewe, “Allodifikation der Leben unter Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Forschungen zur brandenburgischen Geschichte, xi.; G. Schmoller, “Epochen der preuss. Finanzpolitik,” Umrisse und Untersuchungen (Leipzig, 1898), “Innere Verwaltung unter Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Preuss. Jahrbücher, xxvi., “Städtewesen unter Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Zeitschrift für preussische Geschichte, x. et seq.; B. Reuter, “König Friedrich Wilhelm I. und das General-Direktorium,” ibid. xii.; V. Loewe, “Zur Grundungsgeschichte des General-Direktoriums,” Forschungen, &c., xiii.; R. Stadelmann, Preussens Könige in ihrer Tätigkeit für die Landeskultur, vol. i. “Friedrich Wilhelm I.” (1878); M. Beheim-Schwarzbach, Hohenzollern’sche Kolonizationen (Leipzig, 1874); W. Naude, “Die merkantilistische Wirtschaftspolitik Friedrich Wilhelms I.,” Historische Zeitschrift, xc.; M. Lehmann, “Werbung, &c., im Heere Friedrich Wilhelms I.,” ibid. lxvii.; Isaacson, “Erbpachtsystem in der preussischen Domänenverwaltung,” Zeitschrift für preuss. Gesch. xi. Cf. also Hohenzollernjahrbuch, viii. (1905), for particulars of his education and death; letters to Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau in the Acta Borussica (1905). English readers will find a picturesque account of him in Thomas Carlyle’s Frederick the Great.

References.—D. Fassmann, The Life and Deeds of Friedrich Wilhelm (2 vols., Hamburg and Breslau, 1735, 1741); F. Förster, Friedrich Wilhelm I. (3 vols., Potsdam, 1834 and 1835); C. v. Noorden, Historical Lectures (Leipzig, 1884); O. Krauske, “At the Court of Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Hohenzollern Yearbook, v. (1902); R. Koser, Friedrich the Great as Crown Prince (2nd ed., Stuttgart, 1901); W. Oncken, “Sir Charles Hotham and Friedrich Wilhelm I. in the Year 1730,” Researches on Brandenburg History, vol. vii. et seq.; J. G. Droysen in the General German Biography, vii. (1878), and in History of Prussian Politics, section iv., vols. ii.-iv. (2nd ed., 1868 et seq.); L. v. Ranke, Twelve Books on Prussian History (1874 et seq.); Stenzel, History of the Prussian State, iii. (1841); F. Holke, “Criminal Justice under Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Contributions to Brandenburg Legal History, iii. (1894); V. Loewe, “Allodification of Life under Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Researches on Brandenburg History, xi.; G. Schmoller, “Epochs of Prussian Financial Policy,” Outlines and Studies (Leipzig, 1898), “Internal Administration under Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Prussian Yearbooks, xxvi., “Urban Development under Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Journal of Prussian History, x. et seq.; B. Reuter, “King Friedrich Wilhelm I. and the General Directorate,” ibid. xii.; V. Loewe, “On the Founding History of the General Directorate,” Researches, &c., xiii.; R. Stadelmann, Prussia's Kings and Their Contribution to Land Culture, vol. i. “Friedrich Wilhelm I.” (1878); M. Beheim-Schwarzbach, Hohenzollern Colonizations (Leipzig, 1874); W. Naude, “The Mercantilist Economic Policy of Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” Historical Journal, xc.; M. Lehmann, “Recruitment, &c., in the Army of Friedrich Wilhelm I.,” ibid. lxvii.; Isaacson, “Hereditary Lease System in Prussian Domain Administration,” Journal of Prussian History xi. Cf. also Hohenzollern Yearbook, viii. (1905), for details of his education and death; letters to Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau in the Acta Borussica (1905). English readers will find a vivid account of him in Thomas Carlyle’s Frederick the Great.

(J. Hn.)

FREDERICK WILLIAM II. (1744-1797), king of Prussia, son of Augustus William, second son of King Frederick William I. and of Louise Amalie of Brunswick, sister of the wife of Frederick the Great, was born at Berlin on the 25th of September 1744, and became heir to the throne on his father’s death in 1757. The boy was of an easy-going and pleasure-loving disposition, averse from sustained effort of any kind, and sensual by nature. His marriage with Elisabeth Christine, daughter of Duke Charles of Brunswick, contracted in 1765, was dissolved in 1769, and he soon afterwards married Frederika Louisa, daughter of the landgrave Louis IX. of Hesse-Darmstadt. Although he had a numerous family by his wife, he was completely under the influence of his mistress, Wilhelmine Enke, afterwards created Countess Lichtenau, a woman of strong intellect and much ambition. He was a man of singularly handsome presence, not without mental qualities of a high order; he was devoted to the arts—Beethoven and Mozart enjoyed his patronage and his private orchestra had a European reputation. But an artistic temperament was hardly that required of a king of Prussia on the eve of the Revolution; and Frederick the Great, who had employed him in various services—notably in an abortive confidential mission to the court of Russia in 1780—openly expressed his misgivings as to the character of the prince and his surroundings.

FREDERICK WILLIAM II. (1744-1797), king of Prussia, son of Augustus William, the second son of King Frederick William I and Louise Amalie of Brunswick, who was the sister of Frederick the Great's wife, was born in Berlin on September 25, 1744, and became the heir to the throne after his father died in 1757. He was an easy-going and pleasure-loving person who avoided sustained effort and was naturally sensual. His marriage to Elisabeth Christine, the daughter of Duke Charles of Brunswick, was arranged in 1765 but ended in divorce in 1769. Shortly after, he married Frederika Louisa, the daughter of Landgrave Louis IX of Hesse-Darmstadt. Despite having a large family with his wife, he was completely influenced by his mistress, Wilhelmine Enke, who was later titled Countess Lichtenau. She was a strong-willed and ambitious woman. Frederick was notably handsome and possessed high mental qualities; he was passionate about the arts—Beethoven and Mozart were among his patrons, and his private orchestra had a European reputation. However, his artistic temperament was hardly what was needed in a king of Prussia on the brink of the Revolution, and Frederick the Great, who had used him for various tasks, especially an unsuccessful secret mission to the Russian court in 1780, openly shared his concerns regarding the prince's character and his circle.

The misgivings were justified by the event. Frederick William’s accession to the throne (August 17, 1786) was, indeed, followed by a series of measures for lightening the burdens of the people, reforming the oppressive French system of tax-collecting introduced by Frederick, and encouraging trade by the diminution of customs dues and the making of roads and canals. This gave the new king much popularity with the mass of the people; while the educated classes were pleased by his removal of Frederick’s ban on the German language by the admission of German writers to the Prussian Academy, and by the active encouragement given to schools and universities. But these reforms were vitiated in their source. In 1781 Frederick William, then prince of Prussia, inclined, like many sensual natures, to mysticism, had joined the Rosicrucians, and had fallen under the influence of Johann Christof Wöllner (1732-1800), and by him the royal policy was inspired. Wöllner, whom Frederick the Great had described as a “treacherous and intriguing priest,” had started life as a poor tutor in the family of General von Itzenplitz, a noble of the mark of Brandenburg, had, after the general’s death and to the scandal of king and nobility, married the general’s daughter, and with his mother-in-law’s assistance settled down on a small estate. By his practical experiments and by his writings he gained a considerable reputation as an economist; but his ambition was not content with this, and he sought to extend his influence by joining first the Freemasons and afterwards (1779) the Rosicrucians. Wöllner, with his impressive personality and easy if superficial eloquence, was just the man to lead a movement of this kind. Under his influence the order spread rapidly, and he soon found himself the supreme director (Oberhauptdirektor) of some 26 “circles,” which included in their membership princes, officers and high officials. As a Rosicrucian Wöllner dabbled in alchemy and other mystic arts, but he also affected to be zealous for Christian orthodoxy, imperilled by Frederick II.’s patronage of “enlightenment,” and a few months before Frederick’s death wrote to his friend the Rosicrucian Johann Rudolph von Bischoffswerder (1741-1803) that his highest ambition was to be placed at the head of the religious department of the state “as an unworthy instrument in the hand of Ormesus” (the prince of Prussia’s Rosicrucian name) “for the purpose of saving millions of souls from perdition and bringing back the whole country to the faith of Jesus Christ.”

The concerns were valid based on what happened next. Frederick William’s rise to the throne on August 17, 1786, was indeed followed by a series of actions aimed at easing the people's burdens, reforming the harsh French tax-collecting system introduced by Frederick, and promoting trade by reducing customs fees and building roads and canals. This earned the new king a lot of support from the general public, while the educated classes appreciated his lifting of Frederick’s ban on the German language, allowing German writers into the Prussian Academy, and actively promoting schools and universities. However, these reforms had tainted roots. In 1781, Frederick William, then the prince of Prussia, had become inclined, like many hedonistic individuals, towards mysticism, joined the Rosicrucians, and fell under the influence of Johann Christof Wöllner (1732-1800), who inspired the royal policy. Wöllner, whom Frederick the Great called a “treacherous and scheming priest,” started as a poor tutor in General von Itzenplitz's family, a noble from the Brandenburg region. After the general's death and to the shock of the king and nobility, he married the general’s daughter and, with help from his mother-in-law, settled on a small estate. He gained a good reputation as an economist through practical experiments and writings, but his ambition drove him to extend his influence, first by joining the Freemasons and later (in 1779) the Rosicrucians. Wöllner, with his charismatic personality and easy yet superficial eloquence, was the perfect person to lead such a movement. Under his influence, the order expanded rapidly, and he soon became the supreme director (Oberhauptdirektor) of around 26 “circles,” which included members who were princes, officers, and high-ranking officials. As a Rosicrucian, Wöllner dabbled in alchemy and other mystical practices, but he also pretended to be committed to Christian orthodoxy, which he believed was threatened by Frederick II’s support of “enlightenment.” A few months before Frederick’s death, he wrote to his friend, the Rosicrucian Johann Rudolph von Bischoffswerder (1741-1803), expressing that his greatest ambition was to lead the religious department of the state “as an unworthy instrument in the hand of Ormesus” (the prince of Prussia’s Rosicrucian name) “to save millions of souls from damnation and bring the entire country back to the faith of Jesus Christ.”

Such was the man whom Frederick William II., immediately after his accession, called to his counsels. On the 26th of August 1786 he was appointed privy councillor for finance (Geheimer Oberfinanzrath), and on the 2nd of October was ennobled. Though not in name, in fact he was prime minister; in all internal affairs it was he who decided; and the fiscal and economic reforms of the new reign were the application of his theories. Bischoffswerder, too, still a simple major, was called into the king’s counsels; by 1789 he was already an adjutant-general. These were the two men who enmeshed the king in a web of Rosicrucian mystery and intrigue, which hampered whatever healthy development of his policy might have been possible, and led ultimately to disaster. The opposition to Wöllner was, indeed, at the outset strong enough to prevent his being entrusted with the department of religion; but this too in time was overcome, and on the 3rd of July 1788 he was appointed active privy councillor of state and of justice and head of the spiritual 65 department for Lutheran and Catholic affairs. War was at once declared on what—to use a later term—we may call the “modernists.” The king, so long as Wöllner was content to condone his immorality (which Bischoffswerder, to do him justice, condemned), was eager to help the orthodox crusade. On the 9th of July was issued the famous religious edict, which forbade Evangelical ministers to teach anything not contained in the letter of their official books, proclaimed the necessity of protecting the Christian religion against the “enlighteners” (Aufklärer), and placed educational establishments under the supervision of the orthodox clergy. On the 18th of December a new censorship law was issued, to secure the orthodoxy of all published books; and finally, in 1791, a sort of Protestant Inquisition was established at Berlin (Immediat-Examinations-commission) to watch over all ecclesiastical and scholastic appointments. In his zeal for orthodoxy, indeed, Frederick William outstripped his minister; he even blamed Wöllner’s “idleness and vanity” for the inevitable failure of the attempt to regulate opinion from above, and in 1794 deprived him of one of his secular offices in order that he might have more time “to devote himself to the things of God”; in edict after edict the king continued to the end of his reign to make regulations “in order to maintain in his states a true and active Christianity, as the path to genuine fear of God.”

Such was the man whom Frederick William II., right after he became king, brought into his inner circle. On August 26, 1786, he was appointed privy councillor for finance (Geheimer Oberfinanzrath), and on October 2, he was granted nobility. Although he didn't hold the title, he was effectively the prime minister; he was the one who made decisions in all internal matters, and the fiscal and economic reforms of the new reign were based on his ideas. Bischoffswerder, who was still just a major, was also invited into the king’s advisory group; by 1789, he had already risen to the position of adjutant-general. These two men ensnared the king in a tangled web of Rosicrucian mystery and intrigue, which hindered any potential healthy development of his policies and ultimately led to disaster. The opposition to Wöllner was initially strong enough to prevent him from being put in charge of the religion department, but this resistance was eventually overcome. On July 3, 1788, he was appointed active privy councillor of state and justice, as well as head of the spiritual department for Lutheran and Catholic affairs. A war was quickly declared on what we might later call the “modernists.” The king, as long as Wöllner allowed him to indulge his immoral behavior (which Bischoffswerder, to his credit, condemned), was eager to support the orthodox campaign. On July 9, the famous religious edict was issued, which prohibited Evangelical ministers from teaching anything not found in their official texts, proclaimed the necessity of protecting the Christian faith against the “enlighteners” (Aufklärer), and placed educational institutions under the supervision of orthodox clergy. On December 18, a new censorship law was enacted to ensure the orthodoxy of all published books; and finally, in 1791, a sort of Protestant Inquisition was established in Berlin (Immediat-Examinations-commission) to oversee all church and school appointments. In his zeal for orthodoxy, Frederick William even surpassed his minister; he criticized Wöllner’s “idleness and vanity” as responsible for the inevitable failure of attempts to regulate opinion from the top. In 1794, he removed one of Wöllner’s secular roles to give him more time “to devote himself to the things of God.” Through decree after decree, the king continued throughout his reign to issue regulations “to maintain in his states a true and active Christianity, as the path to genuine fear of God.”

The effects of this policy of blind obscurantism far outweighed any good that resulted from the king’s well-meant efforts at economic and financial reform; and even this reform was but spasmodic and partial, and awoke ultimately more discontent than it allayed. But far more fateful for Prussia was the king’s attitude towards the army and foreign policy. The army was the very foundation of the Prussian state, a truth which both Frederick William I. and the great Frederick had fully realized; the army had been their first care, and its efficiency had been maintained by their constant personal supervision. Frederick William, who had no taste for military matters, put his authority as “War-Lord” into commission under a supreme college of war (Oberkriegs-Collegium) under the duke of Brunswick and General von Möllendorf. It was the beginning of the process that ended in 1806 at Jena.

The impact of this policy of blindly ignoring the issues far outweighed any benefits from the king's sincere attempts at economic and financial reform; and even that reform was inconsistent and incomplete, ultimately creating more discontent than it resolved. But the king's approach to the army and foreign policy was even more critical for Prussia. The army was the cornerstone of the Prussian state, a fact both Frederick William I and the great Frederick fully understood; the army was their top priority, and its effectiveness was ensured through their ongoing personal oversight. Frederick William, who wasn’t interested in military affairs, delegated his authority as "War-Lord" to a supreme council of war (Oberkriegs-Collegium) headed by the duke of Brunswick and General von Möllendorf. This marked the beginning of a process that culminated in 1806 at Jena.

In the circumstances Frederick William’s intervention in European affairs was not likely to prove of benefit to Prussia. The Dutch campaign of 1787, entered on for purely family reasons, was indeed successful; but Prussia received not even the cost of her intervention. An attempt to intervene in the war of Russia and Austria against Turkey failed of its object; Prussia did not succeed in obtaining any concessions of territory from the alarms of the Allies, and the dismissal of Hertzberg in 1791 marked the final abandonment of the anti-Austrian tradition of Frederick the Great. For, meanwhile, the French Revolution had entered upon alarming phases, and in August 1791 Frederick William, at the meeting at Pillnitz, arranged with the emperor Leopold to join in supporting the cause of Louis XVI. But neither the king’s character, nor the confusion of the Prussian finances due to his extravagance, gave promise of any effective action. A formal alliance was indeed signed on the 7th of February 1792, and Frederick William took part personally in the campaigns of 1792 and 1793. He was hampered, however, by want of funds, and his counsels were distracted by the affairs of Poland, which promised a richer booty than was likely to be gained by the anti-revolutionary crusade into France. A subsidy treaty with the sea powers (April 19, 1794) filled his coffers; but the insurrection in Poland that followed the partition of 1793, and the threat of the isolated intervention of Russia, hurried him into the separate treaty of Basel with the French Republic (April 5, 1795), which was regarded by the great monarchies as a betrayal, and left Prussia morally isolated in Europe on the eve of the titanic struggle between the monarchical principle and the new political creed of the Revolution. Prussia had paid a heavy price for the territories acquired at the expense of Poland in 1793 and 1795, and when, on the 16th of November 1797, Frederick William died, he left the state in bankruptcy and confusion, the army decayed and the monarchy discredited.

In the situation, Frederick William’s involvement in European affairs was unlikely to benefit Prussia. The Dutch campaign of 1787, undertaken for purely family reasons, was indeed successful; however, Prussia didn’t even recoup the costs of its involvement. An attempt to intervene in the war between Russia and Austria against Turkey failed to achieve its aims; Prussia was unable to secure any territorial concessions from the Allies’ fears, and the dismissal of Hertzberg in 1791 marked the end of the anti-Austrian stance of Frederick the Great. Meanwhile, the French Revolution had entered alarming stages, and in August 1791, Frederick William, at the meeting in Pillnitz, agreed with Emperor Leopold to support the cause of Louis XVI. But neither the king's character nor the chaos of the Prussian finances due to his extravagance promised any effective action. A formal alliance was indeed signed on February 7, 1792, and Frederick William personally participated in the campaigns of 1792 and 1793. However, he was hindered by a lack of funds, and his focus was divided due to the affairs of Poland, which seemed to promise greater rewards than the anti-revolutionary campaign in France. A subsidy treaty with the naval powers on April 19, 1794, filled his coffers; but the uprising in Poland following the partition of 1793, along with the threat of isolated Russian intervention, pushed him into a separate treaty of Basel with the French Republic on April 5, 1795, which the great monarchies viewed as a betrayal and left Prussia morally isolated in Europe on the brink of the epic struggle between monarchy and the new political ideals of the Revolution. Prussia had paid a heavy price for the territories gained at Poland's expense in 1793 and 1795, and when Frederick William died on November 16, 1797, he left the state in bankruptcy and chaos, the army in decline, and the monarchy discredited.

Frederick William II. was twice married: (1) in 1765 to Elizabeth of Brunswick (d. 1841), by whom he had a daughter, Frederika, afterwards duchess of York, and from whom he was divorced in 1769; (2) in 1769 to Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt, by whom he had four sons, Frederick William III., Louis (d. 1796), Henry and William, and two daughters, Wilhelmina, wife of William of Orange, afterwards William I., king of the Netherlands, and Augusta, wife of William II., elector of Hesse. Besides his relations with his maîtresse en titre, the countess Lichtenau, the king—who was a frank polygamist—contracted two “marriages of the left hand” with Fräulein von Voss and the countess Dönhoff.

Frederick William II was married twice: (1) in 1765 to Elizabeth of Brunswick (d. 1841), with whom he had a daughter, Frederika, who later became the duchess of York, and from whom he divorced in 1769; (2) in 1769 to Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt, with whom he had four sons, Frederick William III, Louis (d. 1796), Henry, and William, and two daughters, Wilhelmina, who married William of Orange, later known as William I, king of the Netherlands, and Augusta, who married William II, elector of Hesse. In addition to his relationship with his official mistress, Countess Lichtenau, the king—who was openly a polygamist—entered into two “left-hand marriages” with Fräulein von Voss and Countess Dönhoff.

See article by von Hartmann in Allgem. deutsche Biog. (Leipzig, 1878); Stadelmann, Preussens Könige in ihrer Tätigkeit für die Landeskultur, vol. iii. “Friedrich Wilhelm II.” (Leipzig, 1885); Paulig, Friedrich Wilhelm II., sein Privatleben u. seine Regierung (Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, 1896).

See the article by von Hartmann in Allgem. deutsche Biog. (Leipzig, 1878); Stadelmann, Preussens Könige in ihrer Tätigkeit für die Landeskultur, vol. iii. “Friedrich Wilhelm II.” (Leipzig, 1885); Paulig, Friedrich Wilhelm II., sein Privatleben u. seine Regierung (Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, 1896).

FREDERICK WILLIAM III. (1770-1840), king of Prussia, eldest son of King Frederick William II., was born at Potsdam on the 3rd of August 1770. His father, then prince of Prussia, was out of favour with Frederick the Great and entirely under the influence of his mistress; and the boy, handed over to tutors appointed by the king, lived a solitary and repressed life which tended to increase the innate weakness of his character. But though his natural defects of intellect and will-power were not improved by the pedantic tutoring to which he was submitted, he grew up pious, honest and well-meaning; and had fate cast him in any but the most stormy times of his country’s history he might well have left the reputation of a model king. As a soldier he received the usual training of a Prussian prince, obtained his lieutenancy in 1784, became a colonel commanding in 1790, and took part in the campaigns of 1792-94. In 1793 he married Louise, daughter of Prince Charles of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, whom he had met and fallen in love with at Frankfort (see Louise, queen of Prussia). He succeeded to the throne on the 16th of November 1797 and at once gave earnest of his good intentions by cutting down the expenses of the royal establishment, dismissing his father’s ministers, and reforming the most oppressive abuses of the late reign. Unfortunately, however, he had all the Hohenzollern tenacity of personal power without the Hohenzollern genius for using it. Too distrustful to delegate his responsibility to his ministers, he was too infirm of will to strike out and follow a consistent course for himself.

FREDERICK WILLIAM III. (1770-1840), king of Prussia, the eldest son of King Frederick William II, was born in Potsdam on August 3, 1770. His father, then the prince of Prussia, was out of favor with Frederick the Great and completely under the influence of his mistress. The boy, assigned to tutors chosen by the king, led a lonely and restricted life that intensified his character's natural weaknesses. Although his inherent flaws in intellect and willpower weren't improved by the overly strict education he received, he grew up to be pious, honest, and well-meaning. Had he lived during a less tumultuous period in his country’s history, he might have gained a reputation as an ideal king. As a soldier, he went through the standard training of a Prussian prince, achieving the rank of lieutenant in 1784, becoming a colonel in 1790, and participating in the campaigns of 1792-94. In 1793, he married Louise, the daughter of Prince Charles of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, whom he met and fell in love with in Frankfurt (see Louise, queen of Prussia). He ascended to the throne on November 16, 1797, and immediately showed his good intentions by reducing the royal household's expenses, dismissing his father’s ministers, and reforming the most oppressive practices of the previous reign. Unfortunately, he possessed the Hohenzollern stubbornness for personal power without the corresponding Hohenzollern skill to wield it effectively. Too suspicious to hand over his responsibilities to his ministers, he was also too weak-willed to forge a clear and consistent path for himself.

The results of this infirmity of purpose are written large on the history of Prussia from the treaty of Lunéville in 1801 to the downfall that followed the campaign of Jena in 1806. By the treaty of Tilsit (July 9th, 1807) Frederick William had to surrender half his dominions, and what remained to him was exhausted by French exactions and liable at any moment to be crushed out of existence by some new whim of Napoleon. In the dark years that followed it was the indomitable courage of Queen Louise that helped the weak king not to despair of the state. She seconded the reforming efforts of Stein and the work of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in reorganizing the army, by which the resurrection of Prussia became a possibility. When Stein was dismissed at the instance of Napoleon, Hardenberg succeeded him as chancellor (June 1810). In the following month Queen Louise died, and the king was left alone to deal with circumstances of ever-increasing difficulty. He was forced to join Napoleon in the war against Russia; and even when the disastrous campaign of 1812 had for the time broken the French power, it was not his own resolution, but the loyal disloyalty of General York in concluding with Russia the convention of Tauroggen that forced him into line with the patriotic fervour of his people.

The effects of this lack of determination are evident in the history of Prussia from the Treaty of Lunéville in 1801 to the downfall that followed the Jena campaign in 1806. By the Treaty of Tilsit (July 9th, 1807), Frederick William had to give up half of his territories, and what he had left was drained by French demands and could be wiped out at any moment by some new whim of Napoleon. During the dark years that followed, it was the unyielding strength of Queen Louise that helped the weak king not to lose hope for the state. She supported the reform efforts of Stein and the initiatives of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in reorganizing the army, which made the revival of Prussia possible. When Stein was dismissed at Napoleon's request, Hardenberg took over as chancellor (June 1810). The following month, Queen Louise passed away, leaving the king to handle increasingly challenging circumstances on his own. He was compelled to ally with Napoleon in the war against Russia; and even when the disastrous campaign of 1812 temporarily weakened French power, it wasn't his own resolve but the loyalty of General York in negotiating the convention of Tauroggen with Russia that forced him to align with the patriotic passion of his people.

Once committed to the Russian alliance, however, he became the faithful henchman of the emperor Alexander, whose fascinating personality exercised over him to the last a singular power, and began that influence of Russia at the court of Berlin which was to last till Frederick William IV.’s supposed Liberalism was to shatter the cordiality of the entente. That during and after the settlement of 1815 Frederick William played a very secondary part in European affairs is explicable as well by his character as 66 by the absorbing character of the internal problems of Prussia. He was one of the original co-signatories of the Holy Alliance, though, in common with most, he signed it with reluctance; and in the counsels of the Grand Alliance he allowed himself to be practically subordinated to Alexander and later to Metternich. In a ruler of his character it is not surprising that the Revolution and its developments had produced an unconquerable suspicion of constitutional principles and methods, which the Liberal agitations in Germany tended to increase. At the various congresses, from Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) to Verona (1822), therefore, he showed himself heartily in sympathy with the repressive policy formulated in the Troppau Protocol. The promise of a constitution, which in the excitement of the War of Liberation he had made to his people, remained unfulfilled partly owing to this mental attitude, partly, however, to the all but insuperable difficulties in the way of its execution. But though reluctant to play the part of a constitutional king, Frederick William maintained to the full the traditional character of “first servant of the state.” Though he chastised Liberal professors and turbulent students, it was in the spirit of a benevolent Landesvater; and he laboured assiduously at the enormous task of administrative reconstruction necessitated by the problem of welding the heterogeneous elements of the new Prussian kingdom into a united whole. He was sincerely religious; but his well-meant efforts to unite the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, in celebration of the tercentenary of the Reformation (1817), revealed the limits of his paternal power; eleven years passed in vain attempts to devise common formulae; a stubborn Lutheran minority had to be coerced by military force, the confiscation of their churches and the imprisonment or exile of their pastors; not till 1834 was outward union secured on the basis of common worship but separate symbols, the opponents of the measure being forbidden to form communities of their own. With the Roman Church, too, the king came into conflict on the vexed question of “mixed marriages,” a conflict in which the Vatican gained an easy victory (see Bunsen, C. C. J., Baron von).

Once he committed to the Russian alliance, he became a loyal supporter of Emperor Alexander, whose captivating personality held a unique influence over him until the end. This marked the beginning of Russia's influence at the court of Berlin, which lasted until Frederick William IV’s supposed Liberalism disrupted the friendly relations of the entente. The fact that Frederick William played a minor role in European affairs during and after the 1815 settlement can be understood both from his character and the pressing internal issues in Prussia. He was one of the original signers of the Holy Alliance, but like most others, he did so reluctantly; in the discussions of the Grand Alliance, he effectively allowed himself to be overshadowed by Alexander and later by Metternich. Given his character, it’s not surprising that the Revolution and its aftermath created an overwhelming distrust of constitutional ideas and methods, which the Liberal movements in Germany only intensified. Therefore, at the various congresses from Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) to Verona (1822), he expressed strong support for the repressive policies outlined in the Troppau Protocol. The promise of a constitution he made to his people in the fervor of the War of Liberation went unfulfilled, partly due to his mindset and partly because of the nearly insurmountable challenges to implementing it. Although hesitant to act as a constitutional king, Frederick William fully embraced his role as the “first servant of the state.” While he disciplined liberal professors and unruly students, he did so with a benevolent Landesvater spirit; he worked diligently on the massive task of reorganizing the administration to unify the diverse elements of the new Prussian kingdom into one cohesive entity. He was genuinely religious; however, his well-intended efforts to unite the Lutheran and Reformed Churches to celebrate the tercentenary of the Reformation (1817) demonstrated the limits of his paternal authority. Eleven years were spent in futile attempts to create common agreements; a stubborn Lutheran minority had to be forced into compliance through military action, the confiscation of their churches, and the imprisonment or exile of their pastors. Only in 1834 was a superficial union achieved based on joint worship but separate symbols, with those opposed to the measure prohibited from forming their own communities. The king also faced conflict with the Roman Church over the contentious issue of “mixed marriages,” where the Vatican easily triumphed (see Bunsen, C. C. J., Baron von).

The revolutions of 1830 strengthened Frederick William in his reactionary tendencies; the question of the constitution was indefinitely shelved; and in 1831 Prussian troops concentrated on the frontier helped the task of the Russians in reducing the military rising in Poland. Yet, in spite of all, Frederick William was beloved by his subjects, who valued him for the simplicity of his manners, the goodness of his heart and the memories of the dark days after 1806. He died on the 7th of June 1840. In 1824 he had contracted a morganatic marriage with the countess Auguste von Harrach, whom he created Princess von Liegnitz. He wrote Luther in Bezug auf die Kirchenagenda von 1822 und 1823 (Berlin, 1827), Reminiszenzen aus der Kampagne 1792 in Frankreich, and Journal meiner Brigade in der Kampagne am Rhein 1793.

The revolutions of 1830 reinforced Frederick William's conservative tendencies; the issue of the constitution was put on hold indefinitely; and in 1831, Prussian troops stationed at the border supported the Russians in quelling the military uprising in Poland. Nevertheless, Frederick William was cherished by his people, who appreciated his down-to-earth nature, his kind heart, and the memories of the tough times after 1806. He passed away on June 7, 1840. In 1824, he entered into a morganatic marriage with Countess Auguste von Harrach, whom he made Princess von Liegnitz. He wrote Luther in Bezug auf die Kirchenagenda von 1822 und 1823 (Berlin, 1827), Reminiszenzen aus der Kampagne 1792 in Frankreich, and Journal meiner Brigade in der Kampagne am Rhein 1793.

The correspondence (Briefwechsel) of King Frederick William III. and Queen Louise with the emperor Alexander I. has been published (Leipzig, 1900) and also that between the king and queen (ib. 1903), both edited by P. Bailleu. See W. Hahn, Friedrich Wilhelm III. und Luise (3rd ed., Leipzig, 1877); M. W. Duncker, Aus der Zeit Friedrichs des Grossen und Friedrich Wilhelms III. (Leipzig, 1876); Bishop R. F. Eylert, Charakterzüge aus dem Leben des Königs von Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm III. (3 vols., Magdeburg, 1843-1846).

The letters (Briefwechsel) between King Frederick William III and Queen Louise and Emperor Alexander I have been published (Leipzig, 1900), along with the correspondence between the king and queen (ib. 1903), both edited by P. Bailleu. See W. Hahn, Friedrich Wilhelm III. und Luise (3rd ed., Leipzig, 1877); M. W. Duncker, Aus der Zeit Friedrichs des Grossen und Friedrich Wilhelms III. (Leipzig, 1876); Bishop R. F. Eylert, Charakterzüge aus dem Leben des Königs von Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm III. (3 vols., Magdeburg, 1843-1846).

FREDERICK WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), king of Prussia, eldest son of Frederick William III., was born on the 15th of October 1795. From his first tutor, Johann Delbrück, he imbibed a love of culture and art, and possibly also the dash of Liberalism which formed an element of his complex habit of mind. But after a time Delbrück, suspected of inspiring his charge with a dislike of the Prussian military caste and even of belonging to a political secret society, was dismissed, his place being taken by the pastor and historian Friedrich Ancillon, while a military governor was also appointed. By Ancillon he was grounded in religion, in history and political science, his natural taste for the antique and the picturesque making it easy for his tutor to impress upon him his own hatred of the Revolution and its principles. This hatred was confirmed by the sufferings of his country and family in the terrible years after 1806, and his first experience of active soldiering was in the campaigns that ended in the occupation of Paris by the Allies in 1814. In action his reckless bravery had earned him rebuke, and in Paris he was remarked for the exact performance of his military duties, though he found time to whet his appetite for art in the matchless collections gathered by Napoleon as the spoil of all Europe. On his return to Berlin he studied art under the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch and the painter and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841), proving himself in the end a good draughtsman, a born architect and an excellent landscape gardener. At the same time he was being tutored in law by Savigny and in finance by a series of distinguished masters. In 1823 he married the princess Elizabeth of Bavaria, who adopted the Lutheran creed. The union, though childless, was very happy. A long tour in Italy in 1828 was the beginning of his intimacy with Bunsen and did much to develop his knowledge of art and love of antiquity.

FREDERICK WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), king of Prussia, the eldest son of Frederick William III, was born on October 15, 1795. From his first tutor, Johann Delbrück, he gained a passion for culture and art, and probably also a hint of Liberalism that shaped his complex mindset. However, after some time, Delbrück was dismissed due to suspicions that he was instilling a dislike for the Prussian military elite in his student and possibly had ties to a political secret society. He was replaced by the pastor and historian Friedrich Ancillon, alongside the appointment of a military governor. Under Ancillon, he was educated in religion, history, and political science, and his natural affinity for the antique and picturesque made it easy for his tutor to instill in him a strong dislike for the Revolution and its ideals. This aversion was reinforced by the hardships faced by his country and family during the grim years after 1806, and his first hands-on experience with military action came during the campaigns that led to the Allies occupying Paris in 1814. His daring bravery in battle often got him into trouble, and while in Paris, he was noted for his precise execution of military duties, all while finding time to indulge his interest in art by exploring the incredible collections amassed by Napoleon from across Europe. Upon returning to Berlin, he studied art with sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch and painter-architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841), ultimately becoming a skilled draftsman, a natural architect, and an excellent landscape gardener. At the same time, he received legal education from Savigny and finance instruction from a series of esteemed mentors. In 1823, he married Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria, who converted to Lutheranism. The marriage, although without children, was very happy. A lengthy trip to Italy in 1828 marked the beginning of his close friendship with Bunsen and greatly enhanced his appreciation for art and love of antiquity.

On his accession to the throne in 1840 much was expected of a prince so variously gifted and of so amiable a temper, and his first acts did not belie popular hopes. He reversed the unfortunate ecclesiastical policy of his father, allowing a wide liberty of dissent, and releasing the imprisoned archbishop of Cologne; he modified the strictness of the press censorship; above all he undertook, in the presence of the deputations of the provincial diets assembled to greet him on his accession, to carry out the long-deferred project of creating a central constitution, which he admitted to be required alike by the royal promises, the needs of the country and the temper of the times. The story of the evolution of the Prussian parliament belongs to the history of Prussia. Here it must suffice to notice Frederick William’s personal share in the question, which was determined by his general attitude of mind. He was an idealist; but his idealism was of a type the exact reverse of that which the Revolution in arms had sought to impose upon Europe. The idea of the sovereignty of the people was to him utterly abhorrent, and even any delegation of sovereign power on his own part would have seemed a betrayal of a God-given trust. “I will never,” he declared, “allow to come between Almighty God and this country a blotted parchment, to rule us with paragraphs, and to replace the ancient, sacred bond of loyalty.” His vision of the ideal state was that of a patriarchial monarchy, surrounded and advised by the traditional estates of the realm—nobles, peasants, burghers—and cemented by the bonds of evangelical religion; but in which there should be no question of the sovereign power being vested in any other hands than those of the king by divine right. In Prussia, with its traditional loyalty and its old-world caste divisions, he believed that such a conception could be realized, and he took up an attitude half-way between those who would have rejected the proposal for a central diet altogether as a dangerous “thin end of the wedge,” and those who would have approximated it more to the modern conception of a parliament. With a charter, or a representative system based on population, he would have nothing to do. The united diet which was opened on the 3rd of February 1847 was no more than a congregation of the diets instituted by Frederick William III. in the eight provinces of Prussia. Unrepresentative though it was—for the industrial working-classes had no share in it—it at once gave voice to the demand for a constitutional system.

On his ascension to the throne in 1840, a lot was expected of a prince who had such diverse talents and a friendly nature, and his initial actions did not let people down. He reversed his father's unfortunate church policies, granting greater freedom of dissent and freeing the imprisoned archbishop of Cologne; he eased the strict press censorship; most importantly, he committed, in front of the delegations from the provincial diets that had gathered to welcome him, to finally implement the long-awaited plan of creating a central constitution, which he acknowledged was necessary according to the royal promises, the country's needs, and the spirit of the times. The story of how the Prussian parliament developed is part of Prussia's history. Here, it's enough to highlight Frederick William’s personal involvement in the matter, which was shaped by his overall mindset. He was an idealist; however, his type of idealism was completely opposite to what the Revolution in arms tried to impose on Europe. The concept of popular sovereignty was entirely against his principles, and even the idea of delegating any sovereign power would have felt like a betrayal of a divine trust. “I will never,” he proclaimed, “allow any flawed document to come between Almighty God and this country, to govern us with legal terms and replace the ancient, sacred bond of loyalty.” His vision of the perfect state was that of a patriarchal monarchy, advised by the traditional estates of the realm—nobles, peasants, burghers—and unified by the ties of evangelical faith; but in which the sovereign power was solely in the hands of the king by divine right. In Prussia, with its longstanding loyalty and old-school class divisions, he believed this idea could be realized, and he took a position that was halfway between those who would completely reject the idea of a central diet as a risky “thin end of the wedge” and those who would align it more closely with the modern notion of a parliament. He wanted nothing to do with a charter or a representative system based on population. The united diet that opened on February 3, 1847, was merely a gathering of the diets established by Frederick William III in the eight provinces of Prussia. Although it was unrepresentative, as the industrial working class had no part in it, it quickly voiced the demand for a constitutional system.

This demand gained overwhelmingly in force with the revolutionary outbreaks of 1848. To Frederick William these came as a complete surprise, and, rudely awakened from his medieval dreamings, he even allowed himself to be carried away for a while by the popular tide. The loyalty of the Prussian army remained inviolate; but the king was too tender-hearted to use military force against his “beloved Berliners,” and when the victory of the populace was thus assured his impressionable temper yielded to the general enthusiasm. He paraded the streets of Berlin wrapped in a scarf of the German black and gold, symbol of his intention to be the leader of the united Germany; and he even wrote to the indignant tsar in praise of “the glorious German revolution.” The change of sentiment was, however, apparent rather than real. The shadow of venerable institutions, past or 67 passing, still darkened his counsels. The united Germany which he was prepared to champion was not the democratic state which the theorists of the Frankfort national parliament were evolving on paper with interminable debate, but the old Holy Roman Empire, the heritage of the house of Habsburg, of which he was prepared to constitute himself the guardian so long as its lawful possessors should not have mastered the forces of disorder by which they were held captive. Finally, when Austria had been excluded from the new empire, he replied to the parliamentary deputation that came to offer him the imperial crown that he might have accepted it had it been freely offered to him by the German princes, but that he would never stoop “to pick up a crown out of the gutter.”

This demand gained significant momentum with the revolutionary outbreaks of 1848. For Frederick William, these events came as a total surprise, and, abruptly pulled from his old-fashioned thinking, he even allowed himself to be swept up by the popular movement for a time. The loyalty of the Prussian army remained intact; however, the king was too compassionate to use military force against his “beloved Berliners,” and when the victory of the people was clear, his impressionable nature gave in to the widespread excitement. He walked the streets of Berlin wrapped in a scarf of the German black and gold, a symbol of his intention to be the leader of a united Germany; he even wrote to the outraged tsar praising “the glorious German revolution.” The shift in sentiment was, though, more appearance than reality. The shadow of long-established institutions, whether past or present, still loomed over his decisions. The united Germany he was willing to support was not the democratic state that the theorists of the Frankfurt national parliament were drafting amid endless debates, but rather the old Holy Roman Empire, the legacy of the Habsburg dynasty, of which he was ready to see himself as the protector as long as its rightful rulers had not regained control of the chaos that held them captive. Finally, after Austria was excluded from the new empire, he told the parliamentary delegation that came to offer him the imperial crown that he might have accepted it if it had been freely offered by the German princes, but he would never lower himself “to pick up a crown out of the gutter.”

Whatever may be thought of the manner of this refusal, or of its immediate motives, it was in itself wise, for the German empire would have lost immeasurably had it been the cause rather than the result of the inevitable struggle with Austria, and Bismarck was probably right when he said that, to weld the heterogeneous elements of Germany into a united whole, what was needed was, not speeches and resolutions, but a policy of “blood and iron.” In any case Frederick William, uneasy enough as a constitutional king, would have been impossible as a constitutional emperor. As it was, his refusal to play this part gave the deathblow to the parliament and to all hope of the immediate creation of a united Germany. For Frederick William the position of leader of Germany now meant the employment of the military force of Prussia to crush the scattered elements of revolution that survived the collapse of the national movement. His establishment of the northern confederacy was a reversion to the traditional policy of Prussia in opposition to Austria, which, after the emperor Nicholas had crushed the insurrection in Hungary, was once more free to assert her claims to dominance in Germany. But Prussia was not ripe for a struggle with Austria, even had Frederick William found it in his conscience to turn his arms against his ancient ally, and the result was the humiliating convention of Olmütz (November 29th, 1850), by which Prussia agreed to surrender her separatist plans and to restore the old constitution of the confederation. Yet Frederick William had so far profited by the lessons of 1848 that he consented to establish (1850) a national parliament, though with a restricted franchise and limited powers. The House of Lords (Herrenhaus) justified the king’s insistence in calling it into being by its support of Bismarck against the more popular House during the next reign.

Whatever people think about the way this refusal was handled or its immediate reasons, it was a wise decision. The German Empire would have suffered greatly if it had been the cause instead of the result of the inevitable conflict with Austria. Bismarck was likely correct when he stated that to unify the diverse elements of Germany into a single entity, what was needed was not speeches or resolutions, but a policy of “blood and iron.” In any case, Frederick William, who was already uneasy as a constitutional king, would have been impossible as a constitutional emperor. His refusal to take on that role ultimately dealt a fatal blow to the parliament and any hope of quickly creating a united Germany. For Frederick William, being the leader of Germany now meant using the military power of Prussia to suppress the scattered remnants of revolution that remained after the national movement collapsed. Establishing the northern confederacy was a return to Prussia's traditional policy against Austria, which, after Emperor Nicholas had crushed the uprising in Hungary, was once again free to assert its dominance in Germany. However, Prussia was not prepared for a fight with Austria, even if Frederick William felt it was right to turn against his long-time ally. The outcome was the humiliating convention of Olmütz (November 29th, 1850), where Prussia agreed to abandon its separatist ambitions and restore the old constitution of the confederation. Nonetheless, Frederick William had learned enough from the lessons of 1848 that he agreed to establish a national parliament (1850), albeit with a limited franchise and restricted powers. The House of Lords (Herrenhaus) justified the king’s insistence on its creation by supporting Bismarck against the more popular House during the next reign.

In religious matters Frederick William was also largely swayed by his love for the ancient and picturesque. In concert with his friend Bunsen he laboured to bring about a rapprochement between the Lutheran and Anglican churches, the first-fruits of which was the establishment of the Jerusalem bishopric under the joint patronage of Great Britain and Prussia; but the only result of his efforts was to precipitate the secession of J. H. Newman and his followers to the Church of Rome. In general it may be said that Frederick William, in spite of his talents and his wide knowledge, lived in a dream-land of his own, out of touch with actuality. The style of his letters reveals a mind enthusiastic and ill-balanced. In the summer of 1857 he had a stroke of paralysis, and a second in October. From this time, with the exception of brief intervals, his mind was completely clouded, and the duties of government were undertaken by his brother William (afterwards emperor), who on the 7th of October 1858 was formally recognized as regent. Frederick William died on the 2nd of January 1861.

In religious matters, Frederick William was also greatly influenced by his love for the ancient and picturesque. Alongside his friend Bunsen, he worked to foster a rapprochement between the Lutheran and Anglican churches, which first resulted in the establishment of the Jerusalem bishopric under the joint patronage of Great Britain and Prussia. However, the only outcome of his efforts was the departure of J. H. Newman and his followers to the Church of Rome. Overall, it can be said that Frederick William, despite his talents and extensive knowledge, lived in a dream world of his own, disconnected from reality. The style of his letters reveals a mind that was enthusiastic yet unbalanced. In the summer of 1857, he suffered a stroke, followed by a second in October. From that point on, except for brief periods, his mind was completely clouded, and the responsibilities of government were taken over by his brother William (later emperor), who was officially recognized as regent on October 7, 1858. Frederick William passed away on January 2, 1861.

Selections from the correspondence (Briefwechsel) of Frederick William IV. and Bunsen were edited by Ranke (Leipzig, 1873); his proclamations, speeches, &c., from the 6th of March 1848 to the 31st of May 1851 have been published (Berlin, 1851); also his correspondence with Bettina von Arnim, Bettina von Arnim und Friedrich Wilhelm IV., ungedruckte Briefe und Aktenstücke, ed. L. Geiger (Frankfort-on-Main, 1902). See L. von Ranke, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., König von Preussen (works 51, 52 also in Allgem. deutsche Biog. vol. vii.), especially for the king’s education and the inner history of the debates leading up to the united diet of 1847; H. von Petersdorff, König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (Stuttgart, 1900); F. Rachfahl, Deutschland, König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. und die Berliner Märzrevolution (Halle, 1901); H. von Poschinger (ed.), Unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Denkwürdigkeiten des Ministers Otto Frhr. von Manteuffel, 1848-1858 (3 vols., Berlin, 1900-1901); and Preussens auswärtige Politik, 1850-1858 (3 vols., ib., 1902), documents selected from those left by Manteuffel; E. Friedberg, Die Grundlagen der preussischen Kirchenpolitik unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (Leipzig, 1882).

Selections from the correspondence (Briefwechsel) of Frederick William IV and Bunsen were edited by Ranke (Leipzig, 1873); his proclamations, speeches, etc., from March 6, 1848, to May 31, 1851, have been published (Berlin, 1851); also his correspondence with Bettina von Arnim, Bettina von Arnim und Friedrich Wilhelm IV., ungedruckte Briefe und Aktenstücke, ed. L. Geiger (Frankfort-on-Main, 1902). See L. von Ranke, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., König von Preussen (works 51, 52 also in Allgem. deutsche Biog. vol. vii.), especially for the king’s education and the inner history of the debates leading up to the united diet of 1847; H. von Petersdorff, König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (Stuttgart, 1900); F. Rachfahl, Deutschland, König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. und die Berliner Märzrevolution (Halle, 1901); H. von Poschinger (ed.), Unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Denkwürdigkeiten des Ministers Otto Frhr. von Manteuffel, 1848-1858 (3 vols., Berlin, 1900-1901); and Preussens auswärtige Politik, 1850-1858 (3 vols., ib., 1902), documents selected from those left by Manteuffel; E. Friedberg, Die Grundlagen der preussischen Kirchenpolitik unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (Leipzig, 1882).

FREDERICK WILLIAM (1620-1688), elector of Brandenburg, usually called the “Great Elector,” was born in Berlin on the 16th of February 1620. His father was the elector George William, and his mother was Elizabeth Charlotte, daughter of Frederick IV., elector palatine of the Rhine. Owing to the disorders which were prevalent in Brandenburg he passed part of his youth in the Netherlands, studying at the university of Leiden and learning something of war and statecraft under Frederick Henry, prince of Orange. During his boyhood a marriage had been suggested between him and Christina, afterwards queen of Sweden; but although the idea was revived during the peace negotiations between Sweden and Brandenburg, it came to nothing, and in 1646 he married Louise Henriette (d. 1667), daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange, a lady whose counsel was very helpful to him and who seconded his efforts for the welfare of his country.

FREDERICK WILLIAM (1620-1688), the elector of Brandenburg, commonly known as the “Great Elector,” was born in Berlin on February 16, 1620. His father was the elector George William, and his mother was Elizabeth Charlotte, the daughter of Frederick IV, elector palatine of the Rhine. Due to the chaos in Brandenburg at the time, he spent part of his youth in the Netherlands, studying at the University of Leiden and learning about warfare and governance under Frederick Henry, prince of Orange. During his childhood, there were talks of a marriage between him and Christina, who later became queen of Sweden; however, even though the idea was brought up again during peace talks between Sweden and Brandenburg, it never happened. In 1646, he married Louise Henriette (d. 1667), the daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange, a woman whose advice was very valuable to him and who supported his efforts for the betterment of his country.

Having become ruler of Brandenburg and Prussia by his father’s death in December 1640, Frederick William set to work at once to repair the extensive damage wrought during the Thirty Years’ War, still in progress. After some difficulty he secured his investiture as duke of Prussia from Wladislaus, king of Poland, in October 1641, but was not equally successful in crushing the independent tendencies of the estates of Cleves. It was in Brandenburg, however, that he showed his supreme skill as a diplomatist and administrator. His disorderly troops were replaced by an efficient and disciplined force; his patience and perseverance freed his dominions from the Swedish soldiers; and the restoration of law and order was followed by a revival of trade and an increase of material prosperity. After a tedious struggle he succeeded in centralizing the administration, and controlling and increasing the revenue, while no department of public life escaped his sedulous care (see Brandenburg). The area of his dominions was largely increased at the peace of Westphalia in 1648, and this treaty and the treaty of Oliva in 1660 alike added to his power and prestige. By a clever but unscrupulous use of his intermediate position between Sweden and Poland he procured his recognition as independent duke of Prussia from both powers, and eventually succeeded in crushing the stubborn and lengthened opposition which was offered to his authority by the estates of the duchy (see Prussia). After two checks he made his position respected in Cleves, and in 1666 his title to Cleves, Jülich and Ravensberg was definitely recognized. His efforts, however, to annex the western part of the duchy of Pomerania, which he had conquered from the Swedes, failed owing to the insistence of Louis XIV. at the treaty of St Germain-en-Laye in 1679, and he was unable to obtain the Silesian duchies of Liegnitz, Brieg and Wohlau from the emperor Leopold I. after they had been left without a ruler in 1675.

After becoming the ruler of Brandenburg and Prussia following his father's death in December 1640, Frederick William immediately began working to fix the extensive damage caused by the ongoing Thirty Years’ War. After some challenges, he obtained his investiture as duke of Prussia from Wladislaus, the king of Poland, in October 1641, but he was less successful in suppressing the independent tendencies of the estates of Cleves. However, it was in Brandenburg where he demonstrated his exceptional skills as a diplomat and administrator. He replaced his disorganized troops with an efficient and disciplined army; his patience and persistence drove out the Swedish soldiers; and the restoration of law and order led to a revival of trade and increased material prosperity. After a long struggle, he managed to centralize the administration and control and boost revenue, with no area of public life escaping his diligent attention (see Brandenburg). The area of his territories significantly expanded with the peace of Westphalia in 1648, and both this treaty and the treaty of Oliva in 1660 enhanced his power and prestige. By skillfully but unscrupulously leveraging his position between Sweden and Poland, he secured his recognition as the independent duke of Prussia from both powers and ultimately defeated the persistent opposition from the estates of the duchy (see Prussia). After facing two setbacks, he earned respect in Cleves, and in 1666, his claim to Cleves, Jülich, and Ravensberg was officially acknowledged. However, his attempts to annex the western part of the duchy of Pomerania, which he had taken from the Swedes, failed due to Louis XIV's insistence at the treaty of St Germain-en-Laye in 1679, and he could not secure the Silesian duchies of Liegnitz, Brieg, and Wohlau from Emperor Leopold I after they were left rulerless in 1675.

Frederick William played an important part in European politics. Although found once or twice on the side of France, he was generally loyal to the interests of the empire and the Habsburgs, probably because his political acumen scented danger to Brandenburg from the aggressive policy of Louis XIV. He was a Protestant in religion, but he supported Protestant interests abroad on political rather than on religious grounds, and sought, but without much success, to strengthen Brandenburg by allaying the fierce hostility between Lutherans and Calvinists. His success in founding and organizing the army of Brandenburg-Prussia was amply demonstrated by the great victory which he gained over the Swedes at Fehrbellin in June 1675, and by the eagerness with which foreign powers sought his support. He was also the founder of the Prussian navy. The elector assisted trade in every possible way. He made the canal which still bears his name between the Oder and the Spree; established a trading company; and founded colonies on the west coast of Africa. He encouraged Flemings to settle in Brandenburg, 68 and both before and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 welcomed large numbers of Huguenots, who added greatly to the welfare of the country. Education was not neglected; and if in this direction some of his plans were abortive, it was from lack of means and opportunity rather than effort and inclination. It is difficult to overestimate the services of the great elector to Brandenburg and Prussia. They can only be properly appreciated by those who compare the condition of his country in 1640 with its condition in 1688. Both actually and relatively its importance had increased enormously; poverty had given place to comparative wealth, and anarchy to a system of government which afterwards made Prussia the most centralized state in Europe. He had scant sympathy with local privileges, and in fighting them his conduct was doubtless despotic. His aim was to make himself an absolute ruler, as he regarded this as the best guarantee for the internal and external welfare of the state.

Frederick William played a significant role in European politics. While he sided with France occasionally, he generally remained loyal to the interests of the empire and the Habsburgs, likely because he recognized the threat to Brandenburg from Louis XIV's aggressive policies. He was a Protestant, but he backed Protestant interests abroad for political reasons rather than religious ones, and he tried, though with limited success, to strengthen Brandenburg by easing the intense conflict between Lutherans and Calvinists. His success in establishing and organizing the Brandenburg-Prussian army was clearly shown by the major victory he achieved over the Swedes at Fehrbellin in June 1675, as well as the eagerness of foreign powers to seek his support. He also established the Prussian navy. The elector supported trade in every way he could. He created the canal that still bears his name between the Oder and the Spree, established a trading company, and founded colonies on the west coast of Africa. He encouraged Flemish settlers to come to Brandenburg, and both before and after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, he welcomed many Huguenots, who greatly contributed to the country’s welfare. Education wasn’t overlooked, and even though some of his plans in this area fell short, it was due to a lack of resources and opportunities, not for lack of effort or desire. The contributions of the great elector to Brandenburg and Prussia are hard to overstate. They can only be fully appreciated by comparing the state of his country in 1640 with its condition in 1688. Its importance had grown tremendously, both in absolute terms and comparatively; poverty had shifted to relative wealth, and chaos had turned into a system of government that eventually made Prussia the most centralized state in Europe. He had little sympathy for local privileges, and in opposing them, his actions were undoubtedly authoritarian. His goal was to establish himself as an absolute ruler, as he believed this was the best way to ensure both internal and external stability for the state.

The great elector died at Potsdam from dropsy on the 9th of May 1688, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, Frederick. His personal appearance was imposing, and although he was absolutely without scruples when working for the interests of Brandenburg, he did not lack a sense of justice and generosity. At all events he deserves the eulogy passed upon him by Frederick the Great, “Messieurs; celui-ci a fait de grandes choses.” His second wife, whom he married in 1668, was Dorothea (d. 1689), daughter of Philip, duke of Holstein-Glücksburg, and widow of Christian Louis, duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; she bore him four sons and three daughters. His concluding years were troubled by differences between his wife and her step-son, Frederick; and influenced by Dorothea he bequeathed portions of Brandenburg to her four sons, a bequest which was annulled under his successor.

The great elector died in Potsdam from dropsy on May 9, 1688, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, Frederick. He had an impressive presence, and although he was completely ruthless when it came to pursuing the interests of Brandenburg, he had a sense of justice and generosity. Regardless, he deserves the praise given to him by Frederick the Great, “Messieurs; celui-ci a fait de grandes choses.” His second wife, whom he married in 1668, was Dorothea (d. 1689), the daughter of Philip, duke of Holstein-Glücksburg, and the widow of Christian Louis, duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; she gave him four sons and three daughters. His last years were marked by conflicts between his wife and her stepson, Frederick; influenced by Dorothea, he left portions of Brandenburg to her four sons, a decision that was overturned by his successor.

See S. de Pufendorf, De rebus gestis Friderici Wilhelmi Magni (Leipzig and Berlin, 1733); L. von Orlich, Friedrich Wilhelm der grosse Kurfürst (Berlin, 1836); K. H. S. Rödenbeck, Zur Geschichte Friedrich Wilhelms des grossen Kurfürsten (Berlin, 1851); B. Erdmannsdörffer, Der grosse Kurfürst (Leipzig, 1879); J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik (Berlin, 1855-1886); M. Philippson, Der grosse Kurfürst (Berlin, 1897-1903); E. Heyck, Der grosse Kurfürst (Bielefeld, 1902); Spahn, Der grosse Kurfürst (Mainz, 1902); H. Landwehr, Die Kirchenpolitik des grossen Kurfürsten (Berlin, 1894); H. Prutz, Aus des grossen Kurfürsten letzten Jahren (Berlin, 1897). Also Urkunden und Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Kurfürsten Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg (Berlin, 1864-1902); T. Carlyle, History of Frederick the Great, vol. i. (London, 1858); and A. Waddington, Le Grand Électeur et Louis XIV (Paris, 1905).

See S. de Pufendorf, De rebus gestis Friderici Wilhelmi Magni (Leipzig and Berlin, 1733); L. von Orlich, Friedrich Wilhelm der grosse Kurfürst (Berlin, 1836); K. H. S. Rödenbeck, Zur Geschichte Friedrich Wilhelms des grossen Kurfürsten (Berlin, 1851); B. Erdmannsdörffer, Der grosse Kurfürst (Leipzig, 1879); J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik (Berlin, 1855-1886); M. Philippson, Der grosse Kurfürst (Berlin, 1897-1903); E. Heyck, Der grosse Kurfürst (Bielefeld, 1902); Spahn, Der grosse Kurfürst (Mainz, 1902); H. Landwehr, Die Kirchenpolitik des grossen Kurfürsten (Berlin, 1894); H. Prutz, Aus des grossen Kurfürsten letzten Jahren (Berlin, 1897). Also Urkunden und Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Kurfürsten Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg (Berlin, 1864-1902); T. Carlyle, History of Frederick the Great, vol. i. (London, 1858); and A. Waddington, Le Grand Électeur et Louis XIV (Paris, 1905).

FRÉDÉRICK-LEMAÎTRE, ANTOINE LOUIS PROSPER (1800-1876) French actor, the son of an architect, was born at Havre on the 28th of July 1800. He spent two years at the Conservatoire, and made his first appearance at a variety performance in one of the basement restaurants at the Palais Royal. At the Ambigu on the 12th of July 1823 he played the part of Robert Macaire in L’Auberge des Adréts. The melodrama was played seriously on the first night and was received with little favour, but it was changed on the second night to burlesque, and thanks to him had a great success. All Paris came to see it, and from that day he was famous. He created a number of parts that added to his popularity, especially Cardillac, Cagliostro and Cartouche. His success in the last led to an engagement at the Porte St Martin, where in 1827 he produced Trente ans, ou la vie d’un joueur, in which his vivid acting made a profound impression. Afterwards at the Odéon and other theatres he passed from one success to another, until he put the final touch to his reputation as an artist by creating the part of Ruy Blas in Victor Hugo’s play. On his return to the Porte St Martin he created the title-rôle in Balzac’s Vautrin, which was forbidden a second presentation, on account, it is said, of the resemblance of the actor’s wig to the well-known toupet worn by Louis Philippe. His last appearance was at this theatre in 1873 as the old Jew in Marie Tudor, and he died at Paris on the 26th of January 1876.

FRÉDÉRICK-LEMAÎTRE, ANTOINE LOUIS PROSPER (1800-1876) French actor, the son of an architect, was born in Le Havre on July 28, 1800. He spent two years at the Conservatoire and made his first appearance at a variety show in one of the basement restaurants at the Palais Royal. On July 12, 1823, he played the role of Robert Macaire in L’Auberge des Adréts at the Ambigu. The melodrama was performed seriously on opening night and did not receive much acclaim, but it was transformed into a burlesque on the second night, and thanks to him, it became a huge hit. Everyone in Paris came to see it, and from that day on, he was famous. He created several roles that boosted his popularity, especially Cardillac, Cagliostro, and Cartouche. His success in the last led to a contract at the Porte St Martin, where in 1827 he staged Trente ans, ou la vie d’un joueur, in which his dynamic acting made a strong impression. After that, at the Odéon and other theaters, he continued to enjoy success until he solidified his reputation as an artist by playing the role of Ruy Blas in Victor Hugo’s play. Upon returning to the Porte St Martin, he took on the title role in Balzac’s Vautrin, which was banned from a second performance, reportedly because of the resemblance of the actor’s wig to the famous toupet worn by Louis Philippe. His last performance at this theater was in 1873 as the old Jew in Marie Tudor, and he passed away in Paris on January 26, 1876.

FREDERICKSBURG, a city of Spottsylvania county, Virginia, U.S.A., on the Rappahannock river, at the head of tide-water navigation, about 60 m. N. of Richmond and about 55 m. S.S.W. of Washington. Pop. (1890) 4528; (1900) 5068 (1621 negroes); (1910) 5874. It is served by the Potomac, Fredericksburg & Piedmont, and the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac railways, and by several coasting steamship lines. The city is built on a series of terraces between the river and hills of considerable height. The river is here spanned by iron bridges, and just above the city is a dam 900 ft. long and 18 ft. high. By means of this dam and a canal good water-power is furnished, and the city’s manufactures include flour, leather, shoes, woollens, silks, wagons, agricultural implements and excelsior (fine wood-shavings for packing or stuffing). The water-works, gas and electric-lighting plants are owned and operated by the municipality. At Fredericksburg are Fredericksburg College (founded in 1893; co-educational), which includes the Kenmore school for girls and the Saunders memorial school for boys (both preparatory); a Confederate and a National cemetery (the latter on Marye’s Heights), a monument (erected in 1906) to General Hugh Mercer (c. 1720-1777), whose home for several years was here and who fell in the battle of Princeton; and a monument to the memory of Washington’s mother, who died here in 1789 and whose home is still standing. Other buildings of interest are the old Rising Sun Hotel, a popular resort during Washington’s time, and “Kenmore,” the home of Colonel Fielding Lewis, who married a sister of Washington. The city was named in honour of Frederick, father of George III., and was incorporated in 1727, long after its first settlement; in 1871 it was re-chartered by act of the General Assembly of Virginia.

FREDERICKSBURG, is a city in Spottsylvania County, Virginia, U.S.A., located on the Rappahannock River at the head of tide-water navigation, about 60 miles north of Richmond and about 55 miles south-southwest of Washington, D.C. The population was 4,528 in 1890; 5,068 in 1900 (with 1,621 African Americans); and 5,874 in 1910. It is served by the Potomac, Fredericksburg & Piedmont, and Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac railways, along with several coastal steamship lines. The city is built on a series of terraces between the river and tall hills. Iron bridges cross the river, and just north of the city is a dam that is 900 feet long and 18 feet high. This dam, along with a canal, provides significant water power, and the city's manufacturing includes flour, leather, shoes, woolen goods, silk, wagons, agricultural tools, and excelsior (fine wood shavings used for packing or stuffing). The municipal government owns and operates the waterworks, gas, and electric lighting plants. Fredericksburg is home to Fredericksburg College (founded in 1893, co-educational), which includes the Kenmore School for girls and the Saunders Memorial School for boys (both preparatory); a Confederate and a National cemetery (the latter located on Marye’s Heights); a monument (erected in 1906) to General Hugh Mercer (circa 1720-1777), who lived here for several years and died in the Battle of Princeton; and a monument in memory of Washington’s mother, who passed away here in 1789 and whose home still stands. Other notable buildings include the old Rising Sun Hotel, a popular resort during Washington’s era, and “Kenmore,” the home of Colonel Fielding Lewis, who married Washington's sister. The city got its name in honor of Frederick, the father of George III, and was incorporated in 1727, long after its initial settlement; it was re-chartered in 1871 by the Virginia General Assembly.

The battle of Fredericksburg in the American Civil War was fought on the 13th of December 1862 between the Union forces (Army of the Potomac) under Major-General A. E. Burnside and the Confederates (Army of Northern Virginia) under General R. E. Lee. In the middle of November, Burnside, newly appointed to command the Army of the Potomac, had manœuvred from the neighbourhood of Warrenton with a view to beginning an offensive move from Fredericksburg and, as a preliminary, to seizing a foothold beyond the Rappahannock at or near that place. On arriving near Falmouth, however, he found that the means of crossing that he had asked for had not been forwarded from Washington, and he sat down to wait for them, while, on the other side, the Confederate army gradually assembled south of the Rappahannock in a strong position with the left on the river above Fredericksburg and the right near Hamilton’s Crossing on the Richmond railway. On the 10th of December Burnside, having by now received his pontoons, prepared to cross the river and to attack the Confederate entrenched position on the heights beyond the town. The respective forces were Union 122,000, Confederate 79,000. Major-General E. V. Sumner, commanding the Federal right wing (II. and IX. corps), was to cross at Fredericksburg, Major-General W. B. Franklin with the left (I. and VI. corps) some miles below, while the centre (III. and V. corps) under Major-General Joseph Hooker was to connect the two attacks and to reinforce either at need. The Union artillery took position along the heights of the north bank to cover the crossing, and no opposition was encountered opposite Franklin’s command, which formed up on the other side during the 11th and 12th. Opposite Sumner, however, the Confederate riflemen, hidden in the gardens and houses of Fredericksburg, caused much trouble and considerable losses to the Union pioneers, and a forlorn hope of volunteers from the infantry had to be rowed across under fire before the enemy’s skirmishers could be dislodged. Sumner’s two corps crossed on the 12th. The battle took place next morning.

The Battle of Fredericksburg during the American Civil War was fought on December 13, 1862, between the Union forces (Army of the Potomac) led by Major-General A. E. Burnside and the Confederates (Army of Northern Virginia) commanded by General R. E. Lee. In mid-November, Burnside, who had just been appointed to lead the Army of the Potomac, moved from the area around Warrenton to plan an offensive from Fredericksburg, aiming to secure a foothold across the Rappahannock River at or near the town. However, upon reaching Falmouth, he discovered that the supplies he requested to help with the crossing had not arrived from Washington, so he had to wait for them while the Confederate army gradually gathered south of the Rappahannock in a strong position, with the left flank along the river above Fredericksburg and the right near Hamilton's Crossing on the Richmond railway. By December 10, after receiving the pontoons, Burnside prepared to cross the river and confront the Confederate stronghold on the heights beyond the town. The forces involved were Union 122,000 and Confederate 79,000. Major-General E. V. Sumner, in charge of the Federal right wing (II and IX corps), was set to cross at Fredericksburg, while Major-General W. B. Franklin led the left (I and VI corps) a few miles downriver, and the center (III and V corps) under Major-General Joseph Hooker was to connect the two and reinforce as necessary. The Union artillery positioned itself along the heights of the north bank to support the crossing, and no resistance was faced by Franklin’s command, which organized on the opposite shore on the 11th and 12th. However, Sumner faced significant trouble from Confederate riflemen hiding in the gardens and houses of Fredericksburg, who inflicted serious losses on the Union engineers, forcing a desperate group of infantry volunteers to row across under fire to clear the enemy skirmishers. Sumner’s two corps crossed on the 12th, and the battle began the following morning.

Controversy has raged round Burnside’s plan of action and in particular round his orders to Franklin, as to which it can only be said that whatever chance of success there was in so formidable an undertaking as attacking the well-posted enemy was thrown away through misunderstandings, and that nothing but misunderstandings could be expected from the vague and bewildering orders issued by the general in command. The actual battle can be described in a few words. Jackson held the right of Lee’s line, Longstreet the left, both entrenched. Franklin, tied by 69 his instructions, attacked with one division only, which a little later he supported by two more (I. corps, Major-General J. F. Reynolds) out of eight or nine available. His left flank was harassed by the Confederate horse artillery under the young and brilliant Captain John Pelham, and after breaking the first line of Stonewall Jackson’s corps the assailants were in the end driven back with heavy losses. On the other flank, where part of Longstreet’s corps held the low ridge opposite Fredericksburg called Marye’s Heights, Burnside ordered in the II. corps under Major-General D. N. Couch about 11 A.M., and thenceforward division after division, on a front of little more than 800 yds., was sent forward to assault with the bayonet. The “Stone Wall” along the foot of Marye’s was lined with every rifle of Longstreet’s corps that could find room to fire, and above them the Confederate guns fired heavily on the assailants, whose artillery, on the height beyond the river, was too far off to assist them. Not a man of the Federals reached the wall, though the bravest were killed a few paces from it, and Sumner’s and most of Hooker’s brigades were broken one after the other as often as they tried to assault. At night the wrecks of the right wing were withdrawn. Burnside proposed next day to lead the IX. corps, which he had formerly commanded, in one mass to the assault of the Stone Wall, but his subordinates dissuaded him, and on the night of the 15th the Army of the Potomac withdrew to its camps about Falmouth. The losses of the Federals were 12,650 men, those of the Confederates 4200, little more than a third of which fell on Longstreet’s corps.

Controversy has surrounded Burnside's plan of action, particularly his orders to Franklin. It can only be said that any chance of success in such a daunting task as attacking a well-prepared enemy was lost due to misunderstandings, and nothing but misunderstandings could be expected from the unclear and confusing orders given by the commanding general. The actual battle can be summarized briefly. Jackson held the right side of Lee’s line, and Longstreet the left, both well-entrenched. Franklin, constrained by his orders, attacked with only one division at first, which he later reinforced with two more (I. corps, Major-General J. F. Reynolds) out of eight or nine available divisions. His left flank was bothered by the Confederate horse artillery led by the young and talented Captain John Pelham. After breaking through the first line of Stonewall Jackson’s corps, the attackers were ultimately driven back with heavy losses. On the other flank, where part of Longstreet’s corps held the low ridge known as Marye’s Heights opposite Fredericksburg, Burnside ordered the II. corps under Major-General D. N. Couch to move in around 11 AM. From that point on, division after division was sent forward to attack with bayonets across a front of just over 800 yards. The "Stone Wall" at the foot of Marye’s was lined with every rifle from Longstreet’s corps that could find space to fire, and above them, the Confederate artillery heavily targeted the attackers. The Federal artillery, positioned on the height beyond the river, was too far away to provide effective support. Not a single Federal soldier reached the wall, although some of the bravest were killed just a few steps away, and Sumner’s and most of Hooker’s brigades were broken repeatedly each time they tried to assault. At night, the remnants of the right wing were pulled back. The next day, Burnside proposed to lead the IX. corps, which he had previously commanded, in a full assault on the Stone Wall, but his subordinates advised against it. On the night of the 15th, the Army of the Potomac retreated to its camps near Falmouth. The Federal losses amounted to 12,650 men, while the Confederates lost 4,200, little more than a third of which came from Longstreet’s corps.

See F. W. Palfrey, Antietam and Fredericksburg (New York, 1881); G. W. Redway, Fredericksburg (London, 1906); and G. F. R. Henderson, Fredericksburg (London, 1889).

See F. W. Palfrey, Antietam and Fredericksburg (New York, 1881); G. W. Redway, Fredericksburg (London, 1906); and G. F. R. Henderson, Fredericksburg (London, 1889).

FREDERICTON, a city and port of entry of New Brunswick, Canada, capital of the province, situated on the St John river, 84 m. from its mouth, and on the Canadian Pacific railway. It stands on a plain bounded on one side by the river, which is here ¾ m. broad, and on the other by a range of hills which almost encircle the town. It is regularly built with long and straight streets, and contains the parliament buildings, government house, the Anglican cathedral, the provincial university and several other educational establishments. Fredericton is the chief commercial centre in the interior of the province, and has also a large trade in lumber. Its industries include canneries, tanneries and wooden ware factories. The river is navigable for large steamers up to the city, and above it by vessels of lighter draught. Two bridges, passenger and railway, unite the city with the towns of St Marye’s and Gibson on the east side of the river, at its junction with the Nashwaak. The city was founded in 1785 by Sir Guy Carleton, and made the capital of the province, in spite of the jealousy of St John, on account of its superior strategical position. Pop. (1901) 7117.

FREDERICTON, is a city and port of entry in New Brunswick, Canada, and the capital of the province. It’s located on the St. John River, 84 miles from its mouth, and along the Canadian Pacific Railway. The city is set on a flat area bordered by the river, which is ¾ mile wide at this point, and by a series of hills that nearly surround the town. Fredericton is neatly laid out with long, straight streets and features the parliament buildings, government house, the Anglican cathedral, the provincial university, and several other educational institutions. It serves as the main commercial hub in the interior of the province and has a significant lumber trade. The local industries include canneries, tanneries, and wooden product factories. The river is navigable for large steamers right up to the city, and lighter vessels can navigate upstream. Two bridges, one for pedestrians and one for trains, connect Fredericton with the towns of St. Mary’s and Gibson on the east side of the river, where it meets the Nashwaak. The city was established in 1785 by Sir Guy Carleton and became the capital of the province despite St. John's rival claims, due to its better strategic location. Population (1901) 7117.

FREDONIA, a village of Chautauqua county, New York, U.S.A., about 45 m. S.W. of Buffalo, and 3 m. from Lake Erie. Pop. (1900) 4127; (1905, state census) 5148; (1910 census) 5285. Fredonia is served by the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg railway, which connects at Dunkirk, 3 m. to the N., with the Erie, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the New York, Chicago & St Louis, and the Pennsylvania railways; and by electric railway to Erie, Buffalo and Dunkirk. It is the seat of a State Normal School. The Darwin R. Barker public library contained 9700 volumes in 1908. Fredonia is situated in the grape-growing region of western New York, is an important shipping point for grapes, and has large grape-vine and general nurseries. The making of wine and of unfermented grape-juice are important industries of the village. Among other manufactures are canned goods, coal dealers’ supplies, and patent medicines. The first settlement here was made in 1804, and the place was called Canandaway until 1817, when the present name was adopted. The village was incorporated in 1829. Fredonia was one of the first places in the United States, if not the first, to make use of natural gas for public purposes. Within the village limits, near a creek, whose waters showed the presence of gas, a well was sunk in 1821, and the supply of gas thus tapped was sufficient to light the streets of the village. Another well was sunk within the village limits in 1858. About 1905 natural gas was again obtained by deep drilling near Fredonia and came into general use for heat, light and power. In the Fredonia Baptist church on the 14th of December 1873 a Woman’s Temperance Union was organized, and from this is sometimes dated the beginning of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union movement.

FREDONIA, is a village in Chautauqua County, New York, U.S.A., about 45 miles southwest of Buffalo and 3 miles from Lake Erie. Population: (1900) 4,127; (1905, state census) 5,148; (1910 census) 5,285. Fredonia is connected by the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg railway, which links at Dunkirk, 3 miles to the north, with the Erie, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, New York, Chicago & St. Louis, and Pennsylvania railways; and has electric railways to Erie, Buffalo, and Dunkirk. It is home to a State Normal School. The Darwin R. Barker public library had 9,700 volumes in 1908. Located in the grape-growing region of western New York, Fredonia is a key shipping point for grapes and has large grapevine and general nurseries. The production of wine and unfermented grape juice are important industries in the village. Other industries include canned goods, supplies for coal dealers, and patent medicines. The first settlement here was established in 1804, and the area was called Canandaway until 1817, when the current name was chosen. The village was incorporated in 1829. Fredonia was one of the first places in the United States, if not the first, to use natural gas for public purposes. Within the village, near a creek that showed signs of gas, a well was drilled in 1821, providing enough gas to light the village streets. Another well was drilled in the village in 1858. Around 1905, natural gas was found again through deep drilling near Fredonia and became widely used for heat, light, and power. On December 14, 1873, a Woman’s Temperance Union was formed at the Fredonia Baptist Church, which is sometimes considered the start of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union movement.

FREDRIKSHALD (Frederickshald, Friederichshall), a seaport and garrison town of Norway, in Smaalenene amt (county), 85 m. by rail S. by E. of Christiania. Pop. (1900) 11,948. It is picturesquely situated on both banks of the Tistedal river at its outflow to the Ide fjord, surrounded by several rocky eminences. The chief of these is occupied by the famous fortress Fredriksten, protected on three sides by precipices, founded by Frederick III. (1661), and mainly showing, in its present form, the works of Frederick V. (1766) and Christian VII. (1808). Between it and the smaller Gyldenlöve fort a monument marks the spot where Charles XII. was shot in the trenches while besieging the town (1718). The siege, which was then raised, is further commemorated by a monument to the brave defence of the brothers Peter and Hans Kolbjörnsen. Fredrikshald is close to the Swedish frontier, and had previously (1660) withstood invasion, after which its name was changed from Halden to the present form in 1665 in honour of Frederick III. The town was almost totally destroyed by fire in 1759 and 1826. The castle surrendered to the Swedish crown prince Bernadotte in 1814, and its capture was speedily followed by the conquest of the kingdom and its union with Sweden. Fredrikshald is one of the principal ports of the kingdom for the export of timber. Marble of very fine quality and grain is extensively quarried and exported for architectural ornamentation and for furniture-making. Wood-pulp is also exported. The industries embrace granite quarries, wood-pulp factories, and factories for sugar, tobacco, curtains, travelling-bags, boots, &c. There are railway communications with Gothenburg and all parts of Sweden and regular coastal and steamer services.

FREDRIKSHALD (Frederikshald, Friederichshall), a seaport and military town in Norway, located in Smaalenene amt (county), 85 miles by rail southeast of Oslo. Population (1900) 11,948. It is beautifully located on both sides of the Tistedal River at its exit to the Ide Fjord, surrounded by several rocky hills. The most prominent of these is home to the famous fortress Fredriksten, which is protected on three sides by cliffs, founded by Frederick III. (1661), and mainly showing, in its current form, the work of Frederick V. (1766) and Christian VII. (1808). Between it and the smaller Gyldenlöve fort, there is a monument marking the spot where Charles XII was shot in the trenches while besieging the town (1718). The siege, which was later lifted, is further memorialized by a monument honoring the brave defense by brothers Peter and Hans Kolbjörnsen. Fredrikshald is close to the Swedish border and had previously withstood invasion in 1660, after which its name was changed from Halden to its current name in 1665 in honor of Frederick III. The town was nearly completely destroyed by fire in 1759 and 1826. The castle surrendered to the Swedish crown prince Bernadotte in 1814, and its capture quickly led to the conquest of the kingdom and its union with Sweden. Fredrikshald is one of the main ports of the kingdom for exporting timber. High-quality marble is extensively quarried and exported for architectural decoration and furniture-making. Wood pulp is also exported. The industries include granite quarries, wood pulp factories, and factories producing sugar, tobacco, curtains, travel bags, boots, etc. There are railway connections to Gothenburg and all parts of Sweden, along with regular coastal and steamer services.

FREDRIKSTAD (Frederikstad), a seaport and manufacturing town of Norway in Smaalenene amt (county), 58 m. S. by E. of Christiania by the Christiania-Gothenburg railway. Pop. (1900) 14,553. It lies at the mouth and on the eastern shore of Christiania fjord, occupying both banks of the great river Glommen, which, descending from the richly-wooded district of Österdal, floats down vast quantities of timber. The new town on the right bank is therefore a centre of the timber export trade, this place being the principal port in Norway for the export of pit-props, planed boards, and other varieties of timber. There is also a great industry in the making of red bricks, owing to the expansion of Christiania, Gothenburg and other towns. Granite is quarried and exported. Besides the large number of saw and planing mills, there are shipbuilding yards, engine and boiler works, cotton and woollen mills, and factories for acetic acid and naphtha. The harbour, which can be entered by vessels drawing 14 ft., is kept open in winter by an ice-breaker. In the vicinity is the island Hankö, the most fashionable Norwegian seaside resort. The old town on the left bank was founded by Frederick II. in 1567. It was for a long time strongly fortified, and in 1716 Charles XII. of Sweden made a vain attempt to capture it.

FREDRIKSTAD (Frederikstad) is a seaport and manufacturing town in Norway, located in Smaalenene amt (county), 58 miles southeast of Christiania by the Christiania-Gothenburg railway. Its population was 14,553 in 1900. The town sits at the mouth and on the eastern shore of Christiania fjord, spanning both banks of the Glommen River, which flows down from the lush Österdal area, bringing with it large amounts of timber. The new part of the town on the right bank is a hub for the timber export trade, making it the main port in Norway for shipping pit-props, planed boards, and various other types of timber. There is also a significant industry in producing red bricks due to the growth of Christiania, Gothenburg, and other cities. Granite is quarried and exported as well. In addition to numerous saw and planing mills, there are shipbuilding yards, engine and boiler factories, and cotton and woollen mills, along with facilities for producing acetic acid and naphtha. The harbor, which can accommodate vessels with a draft of 14 feet, is kept clear of ice in the winter by an ice-breaker. Nearby is Hankø Island, the most popular seaside resort in Norway. The old part of town on the left bank was established by Frederick II in 1567. It was heavily fortified for many years, and in 1716, Charles XII of Sweden made an unsuccessful attempt to capture it.

FREE BAPTISTS, formerly called (but no longer officially) Freewill Baptists, an American denomination holding anti-paedobaptist and anti-Calvinistic doctrines, and practically identical in creed with the General Baptists of Great Britain. Many of the early Baptist churches in Rhode Island and throughout the South were believers in “general redemption” (hence called “general” Baptists); and there was a largely attended conference of this Arminian branch of the church at Newport in 1729. But the denomination known as “Free-willers” had its rise in 1779-1780, when anti-Calvinists in Loudon, Barrington and Canterbury, New Hampshire, seceded and were organized by Benjamin Randall (1749-1808), a native of New Hampshire. Randall was an itinerant missionary, who had been preaching for two years before his ordination in 1780; in the same year he was censured for “heterodox” teaching. The work of the church suffered a relapse after his death, and a movement to join 70 the Freewill Baptists with the “Christians,” who were led by Elias Smith (1769-1846) and had been bitterly opposed by Randall, was nearly successful. Between 1820 and 1830 the denomination made considerable progress, especially in New England and the Middle West. The Freewill Baptists were joined in 1841 by many “open-communion Baptists”—those in the Carolinas who did not join the larger body distinguishing themselves by the name of Original Freewill Baptists—and soon afterwards by some of the General Baptists of North Carolina and some of the Six Principle Baptists of Rhode Island (who had added the “laying on of hands” to the Five Principles hitherto held); and the abbreviation of the denominational name to “Free Baptists” suggests their liberal policy—indeed open communion is the main if not the only hindrance to union with the “regular” Baptist Church.

FREE BAPTISTS, previously known as (but no longer officially) Free Will Baptists, is an American denomination that rejects infant baptism and Calvinist beliefs, and is nearly identical in creed to the General Baptists of Great Britain. Many early Baptist churches in Rhode Island and the South supported “general redemption” (hence the term “general” Baptists); there was a well-attended conference of this Arminian branch of the church in Newport in 1729. However, the denomination known as “Free-willers” emerged in 1779-1780 when anti-Calvinists in Loudon, Barrington, and Canterbury, New Hampshire, broke away and were organized by Benjamin Randall (1749-1808), who was from New Hampshire. Randall was an itinerant missionary who had been preaching for two years prior to his ordination in 1780; that same year he was reprimanded for “heterodox” teachings. The church’s efforts declined after his death, and an attempt to merge the Freewill Baptists with the “Christians,” led by Elias Smith (1769-1846) and who had been strongly opposed by Randall, nearly succeeded. Between 1820 and 1830, the denomination saw significant growth, particularly in New England and the Midwest. In 1841, many “open-communion Baptists” from the Carolinas, who did not join the larger body and distinguished themselves as Original Freewill Baptists, joined the Freewill Baptists; shortly after, some of the General Baptists from North Carolina and some Six Principle Baptists from Rhode Island (who had added the “laying on of hands” to the Five Principles they previously held) also joined. The shortening of the denominational name to “Free Baptists” reflects their inclusive policy—in fact, open communion is the main, if not the only, obstacle to uniting with the “regular” Baptist Church.

Colleges founded by the denomination, all co-educational, are: Hillsdale College, opened at Spring Harbor as Michigan Central College in 1844, and established at Hillsdale, Michigan, in 1855; Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, 1863, now non-sectarian; Rio Grande College, Rio Grande, Ohio, 1876; and Parker College, Winnebago City, Minnesota, opened in 1888. At the close of 1909 there were 1294 ministers, 1303 churches, and 73,536 members of the denomination in the United States. The Morning Star of Boston, established in 1826, is the most prominent journal published by the church. In British North America, according to a Canadian census bulletin of 1902, there were, in 1901, 24,229 Free Baptists, of whom 15,502 were inhabitants of New Brunswick, 8355 of Nova Scotia, 246 of Ontario, and 87 of Quebec. The United Societies of Free Baptist Young People, an international organization founded in 1888, had in 1907 about 15,000 members. At the close of 1907 the “Original Freewill Baptists” had 120 ministers, 167 churches, and 12,000 members, practically all in the Carolinas.

Colleges established by the denomination, all co-educational, include: Hillsdale College, which opened as Michigan Central College in Spring Arbor in 1844 and was established in Hillsdale, Michigan, in 1855; Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, founded in 1863 and now non-sectarian; Rio Grande College in Rio Grande, Ohio, started in 1876; and Parker College in Winnebago City, Minnesota, which opened in 1888. By the end of 1909, there were 1,294 ministers, 1,303 churches, and 73,536 members of the denomination in the United States. The Morning Star, published in Boston and established in 1826, is the most prominent journal of the church. In British North America, according to a Canadian census bulletin from 1902, there were 24,229 Free Baptists in 1901, with 15,502 residing in New Brunswick, 8,355 in Nova Scotia, 246 in Ontario, and 87 in Quebec. The United Societies of Free Baptist Young People, an international organization founded in 1888, had around 15,000 members by 1907. At the end of 1907, the "Original Freewill Baptists" had 120 ministers, 167 churches, and 12,000 members, nearly all located in the Carolinas.

See I. D. Stewart, History of the Free Will Baptists (Dover, N. H., 1862) for 1780-1830, and his edition of the Minutes of the General Conference of the Free Will Baptist Connection (Boston, 1887); James B. Taylor, The Centennial Record of the Free Will Baptists (Dover, 1881); John Buzzell, Memoir of Elder Benjamin Randall (Parsonfield, Maine, 1827); and P. Richardson, “Randall and the Free Will Baptists,” in The Christian Review, vol. xxiii. (Baltimore, 1858).

See I. D. Stewart, History of the Free Will Baptists (Dover, N. H., 1862) for 1780-1830, and his edition of the Minutes of the General Conference of the Free Will Baptist Connection (Boston, 1887); James B. Taylor, The Centennial Record of the Free Will Baptists (Dover, 1881); John Buzzell, Memoir of Elder Benjamin Randall (Parsonfield, Maine, 1827); and P. Richardson, “Randall and the Free Will Baptists,” in The Christian Review, vol. xxiii. (Baltimore, 1858).

FREEBENCH, in English law, the interest which a widow has in the copyhold lands of her husband, corresponding to dower in the case of freeholds. It depends upon the custom of the manor, but as a general rule the widow takes a third for her life of the lands of which her husband dies seised, but it may be an estate greater or less than a third. If the husband surrenders his copyhold and the surrenderee is admitted, or if he contracts for a sale, it will defeat the widow’s freebench. As freebench is regarded as a continuation of the husband’s estate, the widow does not (except by special custom) require to be admitted.

FREEBENCH, in English law, refers to the interest a widow has in her husband's copyhold lands, similar to dower in the case of freeholds. This interest depends on the customs of the manor, but generally, the widow is entitled to one-third of the lands her husband owned at the time of his death for her lifetime, though it can be more or less than a third. If the husband surrenders his copyhold and the new owner is admitted, or if he makes a sale agreement, it will invalidate the widow’s freebench. Since freebench is considered an extension of the husband’s estate, the widow doesn’t need to be formally admitted, unless specified by custom.

FREE CHURCH FEDERATION, a voluntary association of British Nonconformist churches for co-operation in religious, social and civil work. It was the outcome of a unifying tendency displayed during the latter part of the 19th century. About 1890 the proposal that there should be a Nonconformist Church Congress analogous to the Anglican Church Congress was seriously considered, and the first was held in Manchester on the 7th of November 1892. In the following year it was resolved that the basis of representation should be neither personal (as in the Anglican Church Congress) nor denominational, but territorial. England and Wales have since been completely covered with a network of local councils, each of which elects its due proportion of representatives to the national gathering. This territorial arrangement eliminated all sectarian distinctions, and also the possibility of committing the different churches as such to any particular policy. The representatives of the local councils attend not as denominationalists but as Evangelical Free Churchmen. The name of the organization was changed from Congress to National Council as soon as the assembly ceased to be a fortuitous concourse of atoms, and consisted of duly appointed representatives from the local councils of every part of England. The local councils consist of representatives of the Congregational and Baptist Churches, the Methodist Churches, the Presbyterian Church of England, the Free Episcopal Churches, the Society of Friends, and such other Evangelical Churches as the National Council may at any time admit. The constitution states the following as the objects of the National Council: (a) To facilitate fraternal intercourse and co-operation among the Evangelical Free Churches; (b) to assist in the organization of local councils; (c) to encourage devotional fellowship and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the Churches; (d) to advocate the New Testament doctrine of the Church, and to defend the rights of the associated Churches; (e) to promote the application of the law of Christ in every relation of human life. Although the objects of the Free Church councils are thus in their nature and spirit religious rather than political, there are occasions on which action is taken on great national affairs. Thus a thorough-going opposition was offered to the Education Act of 1902, and whole-hearted support accorded to candidates at the general election of 1906 who pledged themselves to altering that measure.

FREE CHURCH FEDERATION, is a voluntary association of British Nonconformist churches that work together in religious, social, and civic efforts. It emerged from a unifying movement seen in the late 19th century. Around 1890, there was serious consideration for establishing a Nonconformist Church Congress similar to the Anglican Church Congress, and the first one took place in Manchester on November 7, 1892. The following year, it was decided that representation would be based on territory rather than being personal (as in the Anglican Church Congress) or by denomination. Since then, England and Wales have developed a comprehensive network of local councils, each electing its share of representatives to the national gathering. This territorial system eliminated all sectarian divides and the possibility of binding the different churches to any specific policy. The representatives from local councils participate not as members of specific denominations but as Evangelical Free Church members. The organization's name was changed from Congress to National Council once the assembly transitioned from a random gathering of individuals to one comprising officially appointed representatives from local councils across England. Local councils consist of representatives from the Congregational and Baptist Churches, the Methodist Churches, the Presbyterian Church of England, the Free Episcopal Churches, the Society of Friends, and other Evangelical Churches that the National Council may admit in the future. The constitution outlines the following objectives for the National Council: (a) to promote fellowship and cooperation among the Evangelical Free Churches; (b) to help organize local councils; (c) to foster devotional connections and mutual guidance regarding the spiritual well-being and religious activities of the Churches; (d) to support the New Testament doctrine of the Church and defend the rights of the associated Churches; (e) to encourage the implementation of Christ’s teachings in all aspects of human life. Although the aims of the Free Church councils are predominantly religious rather than political, there are moments when they take a stand on significant national issues. For example, strong opposition was expressed against the Education Act of 1902, and full support was given to candidates in the 1906 general election who committed to amending that legislation.

A striking feature of the movement is the adoption of the parochial system for the purpose of local work. Each of the associated churches is requested to look after a parish, not of course with any attempt to exclude other churches, but as having a special responsibility for those in that area who are not already connected with some existing church. Throughout the United Kingdom local councils are formed into federations, some fifty in number, which are intermediate between them and the national council. The local councils do what is possible to prevent overlapping and excessive competition between the churches. They also combine the forces of the local churches for evangelistic and general devotional work, open-air services, efforts on behalf of Sunday observance, and the prevention of gambling. Services are arranged in connexion with workhouses, hospitals and other public institutions. Social work of a varied character forms a large part of the operations of the local councils, and the Free Church Girls’ Guild has a function similar to that of the Anglican Girls’ Friendly Society. The national council engages in mission work on a large scale, and a considerable number of periodicals, hymn-books for special occasions, and works of different kinds explaining the history and ideals of the Evangelical Free Churches have been published. The churches represented in the National Council have 9966 ministers, 55,828 local preachers, 407,991 Sunday-school teachers, 3,416,377 Sunday scholars, 2,178,221 communicants, and sitting accommodation for 8,555,460.

A notable aspect of the movement is the use of the parochial system for local outreach. Each of the partner churches is asked to take responsibility for a parish, not to exclude other churches, but to take special care of those in the area who aren't already part of another church. Across the United Kingdom, local councils have been organized into federations, numbering around fifty, which act as a link between them and the national council. The local councils work to prevent overlaps and excessive competition among the churches. They also unite the local churches for evangelistic and general worship activities, outdoor services, promoting Sunday observance, and preventing gambling. Services are organized in connection with workhouses, hospitals, and other public institutions. Various social initiatives make up a significant portion of the local councils' operations, and the Free Church Girls’ Guild functions similarly to the Anglican Girls’ Friendly Society. The national council carries out large-scale mission work, and numerous periodicals, hymnals for special events, and various publications detailing the history and ideals of the Evangelical Free Churches have been released. The churches represented in the National Council have 9,966 ministers, 55,828 local preachers, 407,991 Sunday school teachers, 3,416,377 Sunday school students, 2,178,221 communion members, and seating for 8,555,460.

A remarkable manifestation of this unprecedented reunion was the fact that a committee of the associated churches prepared and published a catechism expressing the positive and fundamental agreement of all the Evangelical Free Churches on the essential doctrines of Christianity (see The Contemporary Review, January 1899). The catechism represents substantially the creed of not less than 80,000,000 Protestants. It has been widely circulated throughout Great Britain, the British Colonies and the United States of America, and has also been translated into Welsh, French and Italian.

A notable result of this unprecedented reunion was that a committee from the associated churches created and published a catechism that reflects the shared and foundational agreement among all the Evangelical Free Churches on the core doctrines of Christianity (see The Contemporary Review, January 1899). The catechism essentially represents the beliefs of at least 80,000,000 Protestants. It has been widely distributed across Great Britain, the British Colonies, and the United States, and has also been translated into Welsh, French, and Italian.

The movement has spread to all parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jamaica, the United States of America and India. It is perhaps necessary to add that it differs essentially from the Evangelical Alliance, inasmuch as its unit is not an individual, private Christian, but a definitely organized and visible Church. The essential doctrine of the movement is a particular doctrine of churchmanship which, as explained in the catechism, regards the Lord Jesus Christ as the sole and Divine Head of every branch of the Holy Catholic Church throughout the world. For this reason those who do not accept the deity of Christ are necessarily excluded from the national council and its local constituent councils.

The movement has spread to all parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jamaica, the United States, and India. It's important to note that it fundamentally differs from the Evangelical Alliance because its unit is not an individual private Christian, but a clearly organized and visible Church. The core belief of the movement is a specific understanding of church leadership which, as detailed in the catechism, sees the Lord Jesus Christ as the sole and Divine Head of every branch of the Holy Catholic Church worldwide. Because of this, those who do not accept the divinity of Christ are automatically excluded from the national council and its local branches.

FREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, a Protestant episcopal church “essentially one with the established church of England, but free to go into any parish, to use a revised edition of the Book of Common Prayer, to associate the laity with the clergy in the government and work of the church, and to hold communion with Christians of other denominations.” It was founded in 1844 71 in opposition to the Tractarian movement, and embodies the distinctively evangelical elements of the Reformation. It preserves and maintains to the letter all that is Protestant and evangelical in the liturgy and services of the Anglican church, while its free constitution and revised formularies meet the needs of members of that communion who resent sacerdotal and ritualistic tendencies. There are two dioceses (northern and southern) each with a bishop, about 30 churches and ministers, and about 1300 members.

FREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, is a Protestant episcopal church that is “basically the same as the established Church of England, but free to enter any parish, use a revised version of the Book of Common Prayer, include laypeople in the management and work of the church, and have communion with Christians from other denominations.” It was founded in 1844 71 in response to the Tractarian movement and represents the distinctive evangelical aspects of the Reformation. It upholds all that is Protestant and evangelical in the liturgy and services of the Anglican church, while its independent structure and updated texts address the needs of members who object to sacerdotal and ritualistic practices. There are two dioceses (northern and southern), each with a bishop, around 30 churches and ministers, and about 1300 members.

FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. In one sense the Free Church of Scotland dated its existence from the Disruption of 1843, in another it claimed to be the rightful representative of the National Church of Scotland (see Scotland, Church of) as it was reformed in 1560.1 In the ecclesiastical history of Scotland the Free Churchman sees three great reforming periods. In his view these deserve to be called reforming on many accounts, but most especially because in them the independence of the church, her inherent scriptural right to exercise a spiritual jurisdiction in which she is responsible to her Divine Head alone, was both earnestly asserted and practically maintained. The first reformation extended from 1560, when the church freely held her first General Assembly, and of her own authority acted on the First Book of Discipline, to 1592, when her Presbyterian order was finally and fully ratified by the parliament. The second period began in 1638, when, after 20 years of suspended animation, the Assembly once more shook off Episcopacy, and terminated in 1649, when the parliament of Scotland confirmed the church in her liberties in a larger and ampler sense than before. The third period began in 1834, when the Assembly made use of what the church believed to be her rights in passing the Veto and Chapel Acts. It culminated in the Disruption of 1843.

FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. In one way, the Free Church of Scotland began its existence with the Disruption of 1843, but it also claimed to be the true representative of the National Church of Scotland (see Scotland, Church of) as it was reformed in 1560.1 In the church history of Scotland, the Free Churchman identifies three significant periods of reform. He believes these should be considered reforming for various reasons, especially because during these times, the independence of the church and her inherent scriptural right to exercise spiritual authority—answerable only to her Divine Head—were earnestly defended and practically upheld. The first reformation lasted from 1560, when the church held her first General Assembly freely and acted on the First Book of Discipline by her authority, to 1592, when her Presbyterian order was fully ratified by parliament. The second period began in 1638, when, after two decades of inactivity, the Assembly once again rejected Episcopacy, ending in 1649, when the parliament of Scotland reaffirmed the church's liberties in a broader and more comprehensive way than before. The third period started in 1834, when the Assembly asserted what the church believed were her rights by passing the Veto and Chapel Acts, culminating in the Disruption of 1843.

The fact that the Church, as led first by John Knox and afterwards by Andrew Melville, claimed an inherent right to exercise a spiritual jurisdiction is notorious. More apt to be overlooked is the comparative freedom with which that right was actually used by the church irrespective of state recognition. That recognition was not given until after the queen’s resignation in 1567;2 but, for several years before it came, the church had been holding her Assemblies and settling all questions of discipline, worship, and administration as they arose, in accordance with the first book of polity or discipline which had been drawn up in 1560. Further, in 1581 she, of her own motion, adopted a second book of a similar character, in which she expressly claimed an independent and exclusive jurisdiction or power in all matters ecclesiastical, “which flows directly from God and the Mediator Jesus Christ, and is spiritual, not having a temporal head on earth, but only Christ, the only king and governor of his church”; and this claim, though directly negatived in 1584 by the “Black Acts,” which included an Act of Supremacy over estates spiritual and temporal, continued to be asserted by the Assemblies, until at last it also was practically allowed in the act of 1592.3 This legislation of 1592, however, did not long remain in force. An act of parliament in 1606, which “reponed, restored and reintegrated” the estate of bishops to their ancient dignities, prerogatives and privileges, was followed by several acts of various subservient assemblies, which, culminating in that of 1618, practically amounted to a complete surrender of jurisdiction by the church itself. For twenty years no Assemblies whatever were held. This interval must necessarily be regarded from the Presbyterian point of view as having been one of very deep depression. But a second reformation, characterized by great energy and vigour, began in 1638. The proceedings of the Assembly of that year, afterwards tardily and reluctantly acquiesced in by the state, finally issued in the acts of parliament of 1649, by which the Westminster standards were ratified, lay-patronage was abolished, and the coronation oath itself framed in accordance with the principles of Presbyterian church government. Another period of intense reaction soon set in. No Assemblies were permitted by Cromwell after 1653; and, soon after the Restoration, Presbytery was temporarily overthrown by a series of rescissory acts. Nor was the Revolution Settlement of 1690 so entirely favourable to the freedom of the church as the legislation of 1649 had been. Prelacy was abolished, and various obnoxious statutes were repealed, but the acts rescissory were not cancelled; presbyterianism was re-established, but the statutory recognition of the Confession of Faith took no notice of certain qualifications under which that document had originally been approved by the Assembly of 1647;4 the old rights of patrons were again discontinued, but the large powers which had been conferred on congregations by the act of 1649 were not wholly restored. Nevertheless the great principle of a distinct ecclesiastical jurisdiction, embodied in the Confession of Faith, was accepted without reservation, and a Presbyterian polity effectively confirmed both then and at the ratification of the treaty of Union. This settlement, however, did not long subsist unimpaired. In 1712 the act of Queen Anne, restoring patronage to its ancient footing, was passed in spite of the earnest remonstrances of the Scottish people. For many years afterwards (until 1784) the Assembly continued to instruct each succeeding commission to make application to the king and the parliament for redress of the grievance. But meanwhile a new phase of Scottish ecclesiastical politics commonly known as Moderatism had been inaugurated, during the prevalence of which the church became even more indifferent than the lay patrons themselves to the rights of her congregations with regard to the “calling” of ministers. From the Free Church point of view, the period from which the secessions under Ebenezer Erskine and Thomas Gillespie are dated was also characterized by numerous other abuses on the Church’s part which amounted to a practical surrender of the most important and distinctive principles of her ancient Presbyterian polity.5 Towards the beginning of the present century there were many circumstances, both within and without the church, which conspired to bring about an evangelical and popular reaction against this reign of “Moderatism.” The result was a protracted struggle, which is commonly referred to as the Ten Years’ Conflict, and which has been aptly described as the last battle in the long war which for nearly 300 years had been waged within the church itself, between the friends and the foes of the doctrine of an exclusive ecclesiastical jurisdiction. That final struggle may be said to have begun with the passing in 1834 of the “Veto” Act, by which it was declared to be a fundamental law of the church that no pastor should be intruded on a congregation contrary to the will of the people,6 and by which it was provided that the simple dissent of a majority of heads of families in a parish should be enough to warrant a presbytery in rejecting a presentee. The question of the legality of this measure soon came to be tried in the civil courts; and it was ultimately answered in a sense unfavourable to the church by the decision (1838) of the court of session in the Auchterarder case, to the effect that a presbytery had no right to reject a presentee simply because the parishioners protested against his settlement, but was bound to disregard the veto (see Chalmers, Thomas). This decision elicited from the Assembly 72 of that year a new declaration of the doctrine of the spiritual independence of the church. The “exclusive jurisdiction of the civil courts in regard to the civil rights and emoluments secured by law to the church and the ministers thereof” was acknowledged without qualification; and continued implicit obedience to their decisions with reference to these rights and emoluments was pledged. At the same time it was insisted on “that, as is declared in the Confession of Faith of this National Established Church, ‘the Lord Jesus Christ, as King and Head of the church, hath therein appointed a government in the hand of church officers distinct from the civil magistrate’; and that in all matters touching the doctrine, discipline and government of the church her judicatories possess an exclusive jurisdiction, founded on the Word of God, which power ecclesiastical” (in the words of the Second Book of Discipline) “flows immediately from God and the Mediator the Lord Jesus Christ, and is spiritual, not having a temporal head on earth, but only Christ, the only spiritual King and Governor of His Kirk.” And it was resolved to assert, and at all hazards defend, this spiritual jurisdiction, and firmly to enforce obedience to the same upon the office-bearers and members of the church. The decision of the court of session having been confirmed by the House of Lords early in 1839, it was decided in the Assembly of that year that the church, while acquiescing in the loss of the temporalities at Auchterarder, should reaffirm the principle of non-intrusion as an integral part of the constitution of the Reformed Church of Scotland, and that a committee should be appointed to confer with the government with a view to the prevention, if possible, of any further collision between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities. While the conference with the government had no better result than an unsuccessful attempt at compromise by means of Lord Aberdeen’s Bill, which embodied the principle of a dissent with reasons, still graver complications were arising out of the Marnoch and other cases.7 In the circumstances it was resolved by the Assembly of 1842 to transmit to the queen, by the hands of the lord high commissioner, a “claim, declaration, and protest,” complaining of the encroachments of the court of session,8 and also an address praying for the abolition of patronage. The home secretary’s answer (received in January 1843) gave no hope of redress. Meanwhile the position of the evangelical party had been further hampered by the decision of the court of session declaring the ministers of chapels of ease to be unqualified to sit in any church court. A final appeal to parliament by petition was made in March 1843, when, by a majority of 135 (211 against 76), the House of Commons declined to attempt any redress of the grievances of the Scottish Church.9 At the first session of the following General Assembly (18th May 1843) the reply of the non-intrusion party was made in a protest, signed by upwards of 200 commissioners, to the effect that since, in their opinion, the recent decisions of the civil courts, and the still more recent sanction of these decisions by the legislature, had made it impossible at that time to hold a free Assembly of the church as by law established, they therefore “protest that it shall be lawful for us, and such other commissioners as may concur with us, to withdraw to a separate place of meeting, for the purpose of taking steps for ourselves and all who adhere to us—maintaining with us the Confession of Faith and standards of the Church of Scotland as heretofore understood—for separating in an orderly way from the Establishment, and thereupon adopting such measures as may be competent to us, in humble dependence on God’s grace and the aid of His Holy Spirit, for the advancement of His glory, the extension of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour, and the administration of the affairs of Christ’s house according to His holy word.” The reading of this document was followed by the withdrawal of the entire non-intrusion party to another place of meeting, where the first Assembly of the Free Church was constituted, with Dr Thomas Chalmers as moderator. This Assembly sat from the 18th to the 30th of May, and transacted a large amount of important business. On Tuesday the 23rd, 39610 ministers and professors publicly adhibited their names to the Act of Separation and deed of demission by which they renounced all claim to the benefices they had held in connexion with the Establishment, declaring them to be vacant, and consenting to their being dealt with as such. By this impressive proceeding the signatories voluntarily surrendered an annual income amounting to fully £100,000.

The fact that the Church, first led by John Knox and later by Andrew Melville, claimed a fundamental right to exercise spiritual authority is well-known. What is often overlooked is how freely this right was actually exercised by the Church without state recognition. That recognition wasn't granted until after the queen resigned in 1567; however, for several years before that, the Church was holding its Assemblies and addressing all matters of discipline, worship, and management as they came up, following the first book of polity or discipline drafted in 1560. Furthermore, in 1581, the Church independently adopted a second book of a similar nature, in which it explicitly claimed independent and exclusive authority in all ecclesiastical matters, “which flows directly from God and the Mediator Jesus Christ, and is spiritual, not having a temporal head on earth, but only Christ, the only king and governor of his church”; and this claim, although directly denied in 1584 by the “Black Acts,” which included an Act of Supremacy over spiritual and temporal estates, continued to be asserted by the Assemblies until it was eventually acknowledged in the act of 1592. However, the legislation of 1592 didn’t last long. An act of parliament in 1606, which “reponed, restored, and reintegrated” bishops to their ancient dignities, prerogatives, and privileges, was followed by several acts from various compliant assemblies that, culminating in the act of 1618, effectively amounted to a complete surrender of authority by the Church itself. For twenty years, no Assemblies were held. This period must be seen from the Presbyterian viewpoint as one of significant depression. However, a second reformation, marked by great energy and enthusiasm, began in 1638. The actions of the Assembly that year, which the state eventually accepted with reluctance, led to the acts of parliament of 1649, through which the Westminster standards were approved, lay patronage was abolished, and the coronation oath was structured according to the principles of Presbyterian church governance. Soon after, a period of intense backlash began. No Assemblies were allowed by Cromwell after 1653; and shortly after the Restoration, Presbytery was temporarily dismantled through a series of rescindable acts. The Revolution Settlement of 1690 wasn’t as favorable to the Church’s freedom as the legislation of 1649 had been. Prelacy was abolished, and various disliked statutes were repealed, but the rescindable acts were not annulled; Presbyterianism was restored, but the statutory acknowledgment of the Confession of Faith ignored certain conditions under which that document had initially been approved by the Assembly of 1647; the old rights of patrons were again discarded, but the extensive powers granted to congregations by the act of 1649 were not entirely reinstated. Nevertheless, the key principle of distinct ecclesiastical authority, embodied in the Confession of Faith, was accepted without reservation, and a Presbyterian structure was effectively confirmed both then and during the ratification of the treaty of Union. However, this settlement didn’t last long. In 1712, an act by Queen Anne restored patronage to its previous status, despite the strong objections of the Scottish people. For many years afterward (until 1784), the Assembly continued to instruct each subsequent commission to appeal to the king and parliament for redress of the issue. In the meantime, a new phase of Scottish church politics, commonly known as Moderatism, emerged, during which the Church became even more indifferent than lay patrons themselves towards the rights of congregations regarding the “calling” of ministers. From the perspective of the Free Church, the period marked by the secessions under Ebenezer Erskine and Thomas Gillespie was also defined by numerous other abuses by the Church that effectively amounted to a practical surrender of the most important and distinctive principles of its ancient Presbyterian governance. Towards the beginning of the current century, several factors, both internal and external to the Church, combined to provoke an evangelical and popular backlash against this era of “Moderatism.” This resulted in a lengthy struggle commonly referred to as the Ten Years’ Conflict, which has been aptly described as the last battle in the long war waged within the Church for nearly 300 years, between supporters and opponents of the idea of exclusive ecclesiastical authority. That final struggle began with the passage in 1834 of the “Veto” Act, which declared it a fundamental law of the Church that no pastor should be imposed on a congregation against the will of the people, and provided that the simple dissent of a majority of heads of families in a parish would be sufficient grounds for a presbytery to reject a presentee. The legality of this measure was soon challenged in the civil courts, and it was ultimately ruled against the Church by the decision (1838) of the court of session in the Auchterarder case, which stated that a presbytery had no right to reject a presentee merely because parishioners protested against his appointment, and was obliged to ignore the veto. This decision prompted the Assembly of that year to issue a new declaration of the doctrine of the Church's spiritual independence. The “exclusive authority of the civil courts over the civil rights and benefits guaranteed by law to the Church and its ministers” was acknowledged without reservation; and continued implicit obedience to their rulings regarding these rights and benefits was promised. At the same time, it was asserted “that, as stated in the Confession of Faith of this National Established Church, ‘the Lord Jesus Christ, as King and Head of the church, has appointed a governance in the hands of church officers distinct from civil authority’; and that in all matters concerning the doctrine, discipline, and governance of the Church, its judicatories possess exclusive authority, based on the Word of God, which ecclesiastical power” (as noted in the Second Book of Discipline) “flows directly from God and the Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ, and is spiritual, having no temporal head on earth, but only Christ, the only spiritual King and Governor of His Church.” And it was resolved to assert, and defend at all costs, this spiritual authority, and firmly enforce obedience to it upon the office-bearers and members of the Church. The court of session's decision was upheld by the House of Lords early in 1839, and it was determined in the Assembly of that year that the Church, while acquiescing to the loss of the temporalities at Auchterarder, would reaffirm the principle of non-intrusion as a fundamental part of the constitution of the Reformed Church of Scotland, and that a committee would be established to confer with the government in an effort to prevent, if possible, any further conflict between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities. While the talks with the government ended with an unsuccessful compromise attempt through Lord Aberdeen’s Bill, which included the principle of dissent with reasons, more serious complications arose from the Marnoch and other cases. Given the situation, the Assembly of 1842 resolved to send to the queen, via the lord high commissioner, a “claim, declaration, and protest,” addressing the encroachments of the court of session, and also an appeal to abolish patronage. The home secretary's response (received in January 1843) offered no hope for relief. Meanwhile, the evangelical party's position became further complicated by the court of session's ruling that the ministers of chapels of ease were unqualified to participate in any church court. A final appeal to parliament by petition was made in March 1843, when the House of Commons, by a majority of 135 (211 against 76), refused to attempt any redress for the grievances of the Scottish Church. At the first session of the subsequent General Assembly (May 18, 1843), the non-intrusion party responded with a protest, signed by over 200 commissioners, stating that since, in their view, the recent decisions of the civil courts, and the even more recent endorsement of these decisions by the legislature, had made it impossible at that time to conduct a free Assembly of the Church as legally established, they “protest that it shall be lawful for us, and any other commissioners who agree with us, to withdraw to a separate meeting place, for the purpose of taking action for ourselves and all who adhere to us—upholding the Confession of Faith and standards of the Church of Scotland as understood before—separating in an orderly manner from the Establishment, and thereafter adopting appropriate measures, in humble dependence on God’s grace and the aid of His Holy Spirit, to advance His glory, spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior, and manage the affairs of Christ’s house according to His holy word.” The reading of this document was followed by the complete withdrawal of the non-intrusion party to another meeting place, where the first Assembly of the Free Church was formed, with Dr. Thomas Chalmers as moderator. This Assembly met from May 18 to 30 and handled a significant amount of important business. On Tuesday the 23rd, 396 ministers and professors publicly attached their names to the Act of Separation and deed of demission, through which they renounced all claims to the benefits they had held in connection with the Establishment, declaring those benefits to be vacant and consenting to their treatment as such. By this powerful act, the signatories voluntarily renounced an annual income totaling over £100,000.

The first care of the voluntarily disestablished church was to provide incomes for her clergy and places of worship for her people. As early as 1841 indeed the leading principle of a “sustentation fund” for the support of the ministry had been announced by Dr Robert Smith Candlish; and at “Convocation,” a private unofficial meeting of the members of the evangelical or non-intrusion party held in November 1842, Dr Chalmers was prepared with a carefully matured scheme according to which “each congregation should do its part in sustaining the whole, and the whole should sustain each congregation.” Between November 1842 and May 1843, 647 associations had been formed; and at the first Assembly it was announced that upwards of £17,000 had already been contributed. At the close of the first financial year (1843-1844) it was reported that the fund had exceeded £61,000. It was participated in by 583 ministers; and 470 drew the full equal dividend of £105. Each successive year showed a steady increase in the gross amount of the fund; but owing to an almost equally rapid increase of the number of new ministerial charges participating in its benefits, the stipend payable to each minister did not for many years reach the sum of £150 which had been aimed at as a minimum. Thus in 1844-1845 the fund had risen to £76,180, but the ministers had also increased to 627, and the equal dividend therefore was only £122. During the first ten years the annual income averaged £84,057; during the next decade £108,643; and during the third £130,246. The minimum of £150 was reached at last in 1868; and subsequently the balance remaining after that minimum had been provided was treated as a surplus fund, and distributed among those ministers whose congregations have contributed at certain specified rates per member. In 1878 the total amount received for this fund was upwards of £177,000; in this 1075 ministers participated. The full equal dividend of £157 was paid to 766 ministers; and additional grants of £36 and £18 73 were paid out of the surplus fund to 632 and 129 ministers respectively.

The first priority of the voluntarily disestablished church was to provide salaries for its clergy and places of worship for its community. As early as 1841, Dr. Robert Smith Candlish announced the main idea behind a “sustentation fund” to support the ministry; and at “Convocation,” an unofficial private meeting of members from the evangelical or non-intrusion party held in November 1842, Dr. Chalmers presented a well-thought-out plan stating that “each congregation should contribute to the support of the whole, and the whole should support each congregation.” Between November 1842 and May 1843, 647 associations were formed, and at the first Assembly, it was reported that more than £17,000 had already been contributed. By the end of the first financial year (1843-1844), it was reported that the fund had surpassed £61,000. A total of 583 ministers participated, and 470 received the full equal dividend of £105. Each year showed a consistent increase in the total amount of the fund, but due to a nearly equal rapid rise in the number of new ministerial roles benefiting from it, the stipend given to each minister did not reach the sought-after minimum of £150 for many years. In 1844-1845, the fund had grown to £76,180, but the number of ministers had also increased to 627, meaning the equal dividend was only £122. Over the first ten years, the average annual income was £84,057; in the next decade, it rose to £108,643; and in the third decade, it reached £130,246. The minimum of £150 was finally achieved in 1868; after that, any leftover balance was regarded as a surplus fund and distributed among ministers whose congregations contributed at specific rates per member. In 1878, the total amount received for this fund exceeded £177,000; 1075 ministers participated. The full equal dividend of £157 was given to 766 ministers, and additional grants of £36 and £18 were distributed from the surplus fund to 632 and 129 ministers, respectively. 73

To provide for the erection of the buildings which, it was foreseen, would be necessary, a general building fund, in which all should share alike, was also organized, and local building funds were as far as possible established in each parish, with the result that at the first Assembly a sum of £104,776 was reported as already available. By May 1844 a further sum of £123,060 had been collected, and 470 churches were reported as completed or nearly so. In the following year £131,737 was raised and 60 additional churches were built. At the end of four years considerably more than 700 churches had been provided.

To set up the buildings that were anticipated to be necessary, a general building fund was created, where everyone would contribute equally. Local building funds were also established in each parish as much as possible, resulting in a reported total of £104,776 available at the first Assembly. By May 1844, an additional £123,060 had been collected, and 470 churches were reported as completed or close to completion. The following year, £131,737 was raised, and 60 more churches were constructed. By the end of four years, significantly more than 700 churches had been established.

During the winter session 1843-1844 the divinity students who had joined the Free Church continued their studies under Dr Chalmers and Dr David Welsh (1793-1845); and at the Assembly of 1844 arrangements were made for the erection of suitable collegiate buildings. The New College, Edinburgh, was built in 1847 at a cost of £46,506; and divinity halls were subsequently set up also in Glasgow and Aberdeen. In 1878 there were 13 professors of theology, with an aggregate of 230 students,—the numbers at Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen respectively being 129, 69 and 32.

During the winter session of 1843-1844, the theology students who joined the Free Church continued their studies under Dr. Chalmers and Dr. David Welsh (1793-1845). At the Assembly of 1844, plans were made to build appropriate college buildings. The New College in Edinburgh was constructed in 1847 at a cost of £46,506, and divinity halls were later established in Glasgow and Aberdeen. By 1878, there were 13 theology professors and a total of 230 students, with the numbers at Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen being 129, 69, and 32, respectively.

A somewhat unforeseen result of the Disruption was the necessity for a duplicate system of elementary schools. At the 1843 Assembly it was for the first time announced by Dr Welsh that “schools to a certain extent must be opened to afford a suitable sphere of occupation for parochial and still more for private teachers of schools, who are threatened with deprivation of their present office on account of their opinions upon the church question.” The suggestion was taken up with very great energy, with the result that in May 1845, 280 schools had been set up, while in May 1847 this number had risen to 513, with an attendance of upwards of 44,000 scholars. In 1869 it was stated in an authoritative document laid before members of parliament that at that time there were connected with and supported by the Free Church 598 schools (including two normal schools), with 633 teachers and 64,115 scholars. The school buildings had been erected at a cost of £220,000, of which the committee of privy council had contributed £35,000, while the remainder had been raised by voluntary effort. Annual payments made to teachers, &c., as at 1869, amounted to £16,000. In accordance with certain provisions of the Education Act of 1872 most of the schools of the Free Church were voluntarily transferred, without compensation, to the local school boards. The normal schools are now transferred to the state.

A somewhat unexpected outcome of the Disruption was the need for a duplicate system of elementary schools. At the 1843 Assembly, Dr. Welsh announced for the first time that “schools must be opened to provide a suitable place of employment for parochial and especially private teachers of schools, who face losing their current positions due to their views on the church question.” This suggestion was embraced with great enthusiasm, resulting in 280 schools being established by May 1845, and this number growing to 513 by May 1847, with over 44,000 students attending. In 1869, an official document presented to parliament members stated that there were 598 schools (including two normal schools) associated with and supported by the Free Church at the time, with 633 teachers and 64,115 students. The school buildings were constructed at a cost of £220,000, of which the committee of privy council contributed £35,000, while the rest was raised through voluntary efforts. Annual payments to teachers and others as of 1869 totaled £16,000. According to certain provisions of the Education Act of 1872, most of the Free Church schools were voluntarily transferred, without compensation, to the local school boards. The normal schools have now been transferred to the state.

It has been seen already that during the period of the Ten Years’ Conflict the non-intrusion party strenuously denied that in any one respect it was departing from acknowledged principles of the National Church. It continued to do so after the Disruption. In 1846, however, it was found to have become necessary, “in consequence of the late change in the outward condition of the church,” to amend the “questions and formula” to be used at the licensing of probationers and the ordination of office-bearers. These were amended accordingly; and at the same time it was declared that, “while the church firmly maintains the same scriptural principles as to the duties of nations and their rulers in reference to true religion and the Church of Christ for which she has hitherto contended, she disclaims intolerant or persecuting principles, and does not regard her Confession of Faith, or any portion thereof when fairly interpreted, as favouring intolerance or persecution, or consider that her office-bearers by subscribing it profess any principles inconsistent with liberty of conscience and the right of private judgment.” The main difference between the “formula” of the Free Church and that of the Established Church (as at the year 1900) was that the former referred to the Confession of Faith simply as “approven by General Assemblies of this Church,” while the latter described it as “approven by the General Assemblies of this National Church, and ratified by law in the year 1690, and frequently confirmed by divers Acts of Parliament since that time.” The former inserted an additional clause,—“I also approve of the general principles respecting the jurisdiction of the church, and her subjection to Christ as her only Head, which are contained in the Claim of Right and in the Protest referred to in the questions already put to me”; and also added the words which are here distinguished by italics,—“And I promise that through the grace of God I shall firmly and constantly adhere to the same, and to the utmost of my power shall in my station assert, maintain, and defend the said doctrine, worship, discipline and government of this church by kirk-sessions, presbyteries, provincial synods, and general assemblies, together with the liberty and exclusive jurisdiction thereof; and that I shall, in my practice, conform myself to the said worship and submit to the said discipline [and] government, and exclusive jurisdiction, and not endeavour directly or indirectly the prejudice or subversion of the same.” In the year 1851 an act and declaration anent the publication of the subordinate standards and other authoritative documents of the Free Church of Scotland was passed, in which the historical fact is recalled that the Church of Scotland had formally consented to adopt the Confession of Faith, catechisms, directory of public worship, and form of church government agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly; and it is declared that “these several formularies, as ratified, with certain explanations, by divers Acts of Assembly in the years 1645, 1646, and particularly in 1647, this church continues till this day to acknowledge as her subordinate standards of doctrine, worship and government.”11

It has already been established that during the Ten Years' Conflict, the non-intrusion party vigorously insisted that it was not straying from the accepted principles of the National Church. It maintained this stance even after the Disruption. However, in 1846, it became necessary, “due to the recent change in the church’s outward conditions,” to revise the “questions and formula” used for licensing probationers and ordaining office-bearers. These were updated accordingly; and at the same time, it was stated that, “while the church firmly upholds the same biblical principles regarding the duties of nations and their leaders in relation to true religion and the Church of Christ for which she has previously advocated, she rejects intolerant or persecuting principles, and does not view her Confession of Faith, or any part of it when interpreted fairly, as supporting intolerance or persecution, nor does she consider that her office-bearers, by subscribing to it, profess any principles that conflict with liberty of conscience and the right to personal judgment.” The main difference between the “formula” of the Free Church and that of the Established Church (as of 1900) was that the former referred to the Confession of Faith simply as “approved by General Assemblies of this Church,” while the latter described it as “approved by the General Assemblies of this National Church, ratified by law in 1690, and repeatedly confirmed by various Acts of Parliament since then.” The former included an additional clause—“I also approve of the general principles regarding the jurisdiction of the church, and her submission to Christ as her only Head, which are found in the Claim of Right and in the Protest mentioned in the questions already asked of me”; it also added the words distinguished by italics—“And I promise that through God’s grace I will firmly and constantly adhere to the same, and to the best of my ability, in my role, I will assert, maintain, and defend the said doctrine, worship, discipline, and governance of this church through kirk-sessions, presbyteries, provincial synods, and general assemblies, along with the liberty and exclusive jurisdiction thereof; and that I will, in my actions, conform to the said worship and submit to the said discipline [and] governance, and exclusive jurisdiction, and not attempt, directly or indirectly, to undermine or overthrow the same.” In 1851, an act and declaration concerning the publication of the subordinate standards and other authoritative documents of the Free Church of Scotland was passed, recalling the historical fact that the Church of Scotland had formally agreed to adopt the Confession of Faith, catechisms, directory of public worship, and the church government established by the Westminster Assembly; it declared that “these various formularies, as ratified, with certain clarifications, by various Acts of Assembly in the years 1645, 1646, and especially in 1647, this church continues to acknowledge as her subordinate standards of doctrine, worship, and governance.”11

In 1858 circumstances arose which, in the opinion of many, seemed fitted to demonstrate to the Free Church that her freedom was an illusion, and that all her sacrifices had been made in vain. John Macmillan, minister of Cardross, accused of immorality, had been tried and found guilty by the Free Presbytery of Dumbarton. Appeal having been taken to the synod, an attempt was there made to revive one particular charge, of which he had been finally acquitted by the presbytery; and this attempt was successful in the General Assembly. That ultimate court of review did not confine itself to the points appealed, but went into the merits of the whole case as it had originally come before the presbytery. The result was a sentence of suspension. Macmillan, believing that the Assembly had acted with some irregularity, applied to the court of session for an interdict against the execution of that sentence; and for this act he was summoned to the bar of the Assembly to say whether or not it was the case that he had thus appealed. Having answered in the affirmative, he was deposed on the spot. Forthwith he raised a new action (his previous application for an interdict had been refused) concluding for reduction of the spiritual sentence of deposition and for substantial damages. The defences lodged by the Free Church were to the effect that the civil courts had no right to review and reduce spiritual sentences, or to decide whether the General Assembly of the Free Church had acted irregularly or not. Judgments adverse to the defenders were delivered on these points; and appeals were taken to the House of Lords. But before the case could be heard there, the lord president took an opportunity in the court of session to point out to the pursuer that, inasmuch as the particular General Assembly against which the action was brought had ceased to exist, it could not therefore be made in any circumstances to pay damages, and that the action of reduction of the spiritual sentence, being only auxiliary to the claim of damages, ought therefore to be dismissed. He further pointed out that Macmillan might obtain redress in another way, should he be able to prove malice against individuals. Very soon after this deliverance of the lord president, the case as it had stood against the Free Church was withdrawn, and Macmillan gave notice of an action of a wholly different kind. But this last was not persevered in. The appeals which had been taken to the House of Lords were, in these circumstances, also departed from by the Free Church. The case did not advance sufficiently to show 74 how far the courts of law would be prepared to go in the direction of recognizing voluntary tribunals and a kind of secondary exclusive jurisdiction founded on contract.12 But, whether recognized or not, the church for her part continued to believe that she had an inherent spiritual jurisdiction, and remained unmoved in her determination to act in accordance with that resolution “notwithstanding of whatsoever trouble or persecution may arise.”13

In 1858, a situation arose that many believed would show the Free Church that its freedom was just an illusion and that all its sacrifices were in vain. John Macmillan, the minister of Cardross, was accused of immorality and found guilty by the Free Presbytery of Dumbarton. After appealing to the synod, there was an effort to revive one specific charge that he had already been acquitted of by the presbytery, and this effort succeeded in the General Assembly. That highest court of review didn’t limit itself to the points being appealed but examined the entire case as it originally came before the presbytery. The outcome was a suspension sentence for Macmillan. Believing that the Assembly had acted irregularly, he applied to the court of session for an interdict against that sentence's enforcement; for this, he was summoned to the Assembly to confirm whether he had indeed appealed. After answering affirmatively, he was deposed on the spot. Immediately, he initiated a new action (his earlier application for an interdict had been denied), asking for the annulment of the spiritual sentence of deposition and for significant damages. The Free Church's defense was that civil courts had no authority to review or overturn spiritual sentences or to decide whether the General Assembly had acted irregularly. Rulings unfavorable to the defenders were issued on these matters, and appeals were made to the House of Lords. However, before the case could be heard there, the lord president took the opportunity in the court of session to inform the pursuer that since the specific General Assembly against which the action was filed no longer existed, it could not be held liable for damages, and the action to overturn the spiritual sentence, being only supportive of the damages claim, should therefore be dismissed. He also noted that Macmillan could seek redress in another way if he could prove malice against individuals. Shortly after this ruling by the lord president, the case against the Free Church was withdrawn, and Macmillan indicated that he would be filing a completely different kind of action. However, this last action was not pursued. The Free Church also decided to drop the appeals that had been taken to the House of Lords. The case did not progress far enough to determine how willing the courts of law would be to recognize voluntary tribunals and a type of secondary exclusive jurisdiction based on contract. But whether recognized or not, the church firmly believed in its inherent spiritual jurisdiction and remained steadfast in its resolve to act according to that belief “regardless of any trouble or persecution that may arise.”

In 1863 a motion was made and unanimously carried in the Free Church Assembly for the appointment of a committee to confer with a corresponding committee of the United Presbyterian Synod, and with the representatives of such other disestablished churches as might be willing to meet and deliberate with a view to an incorporating union. Formal negotiations between the representatives of these two churches were begun shortly afterwards, which resulted in a report laid before the following Assembly. From this document it appeared that the committees of the two churches were not at one on the question as to the relation of the civil magistrate to the church. While on the part of the Free Church it was maintained that he “may lawfully acknowledge, as being in accordance with the Word of God, the creed and jurisdiction of the church,” and that “it is his duty, when necessary and expedient, to employ the national resources in aid of the church, provided always that in doing so, while reserving to himself full control over the temporalities which are his own gift, he abstain from all authoritative interference in the internal government of the church,” it was declared by the committee of the United Presbyterian Church that, “inasmuch as the civil magistrate has no authority in spiritual things, and as the employment of force in such matters is opposed to the spirit and precepts of Christianity, it is not within his province to legislate as to what is true in religion, to prescribe a creed or form of worship to his subjects, or to endow the church from national resources.” In other words, while the Free Church maintained that in certain circumstances it was lawful and even incumbent on the magistrate to endow the church and on the church to accept his endowment, the United Presbyterians maintained that in no case was this lawful either for the one party or for the other. Thus in a very short time it had been made perfectly evident that a union between the two bodies, if accomplished at all, could only be brought about on the understanding that the question as to the lawfulness of state endowments should be an open one. The Free Church Assembly, by increasing majorities, manifested a readiness for union, even although unanimity had not been attained on that theoretical point. But there was a minority which did not sympathize in this readiness, and after ten years of fruitless effort it was in 1873 found to be expedient that the idea of union with the United Presbyterians should for the time be abandoned. Other negotiations, however, which had been entered upon with the Reformed Presbyterian Church at a somewhat later date proved more successful; and a majority of the ministers of that church with their congregations were united with the Free Church in 1876.

In 1863, a motion was made and unanimously approved in the Free Church Assembly to form a committee that would work with a corresponding committee from the United Presbyterian Synod, as well as with representatives from any other disestablished churches that were willing to meet and discuss a potential union. Formal talks between representatives of these two churches began shortly after, leading to a report presented to the following Assembly. This document showed that the committees were divided on the issue of the civil magistrate's role in relation to the church. The Free Church argued that the magistrate “can lawfully acknowledge, in accordance with the Word of God, the creed and authority of the church,” and that “it is his duty, when necessary and appropriate, to use national resources to support the church, as long as he maintains full control over the resources he has provided and avoids interfering authoritatively in the church's internal governance.” In contrast, the committee from the United Presbyterian Church declared that “since the civil magistrate has no authority over spiritual matters, and the use of force in these issues goes against the spirit and teachings of Christianity, it is not his role to legislate what is true in religion, to enforce a creed or form of worship on his subjects, or to financially support the church with national resources.” Essentially, while the Free Church believed it was lawful, and even necessary, for the magistrate to support the church under certain circumstances, the United Presbyterians felt it was never lawful for either side. Consequently, it quickly became clear that a union between the two groups, if it were to happen at all, could only be realized if the question of the legality of state endowments remained open for discussion. The Free Church Assembly showed increasing majorities in favor of union, even without complete agreement on that theoretical issue. However, a minority opposed this willingness, and after ten years of unsuccessful attempts, it was decided in 1873 that the idea of uniting with the United Presbyterians should be temporarily set aside. Other discussions initiated later with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, however, were more successful, resulting in a majority of that church’s ministers and their congregations joining the Free Church in 1876.

(J. S. Bl.)

In the last quarter of the 19th century the Free Church continued to be the most active, theologically, of the Scottish Churches. The College chairs were almost uniformly filled by advanced critics or theologians, inspired more or less by Professor A. B. Davidson. Dr A. B. Bruce, author of The Training of the Twelve, &c., was appointed to the chair of apologetics and New Testament exegesis in the Glasgow College in 1875; Henry Drummond (author of Natural Law in the Spiritual World, &c.) was made lecturer in natural science in the same college in 1877 and became professor in 1884; and Dr George Adam Smith (author of The Twelve Prophets, &c.) was called to the Hebrew chair in 1892. Attempts were made between 1890 and 1895 to bring all these professors except Davidson (similar attacks were also made on Dr Marcus Dods, afterwards principal of the New College, Edinburgh) to the bar of the Assembly for unsound teaching or writing; but in every case these were abortive, the Assembly never taking any step beyond warning the accused that their primary duty was to teach and defend the church’s faith as embodied in the confession. In 1892 the Free Church, following the example of the United Presbyterian Church and the Church of Scotland (1889), passed a Declaratory Act relaxing the stringency of subscription to the confession, with the result that a small number of ministers and congregations, mostly in the Highlands, severed their connexion with the church and formed the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, on strictly and straitly orthodox lines. In 1907 this body had twenty congregations and twelve ministers.

In the last quarter of the 19th century, the Free Church remained the most theologically active of the Scottish Churches. The college positions were mostly filled by progressive critics or theologians, many of whom were influenced by Professor A. B. Davidson. Dr. A. B. Bruce, who wrote The Training of the Twelve, was appointed to the chair of apologetics and New Testament exegesis at Glasgow College in 1875. Henry Drummond, known for Natural Law in the Spiritual World, began as a lecturer in natural science at the same college in 1877 and became a professor in 1884. Dr. George Adam Smith, author of The Twelve Prophets, was appointed to the Hebrew chair in 1892. Between 1890 and 1895, there were attempts to bring all these professors, except Davidson, (similar efforts were also made against Dr. Marcus Dods, who later became principal of New College, Edinburgh) before the Assembly for unsound teachings or writings. However, each attempt was unsuccessful, and the Assembly only warned the accused that their main responsibility was to teach and defend the church’s faith as outlined in the confession. In 1892, the Free Church, following the lead of the United Presbyterian Church and the Church of Scotland (1889), passed a Declaratory Act that eased the strict requirements for subscribing to the confession. As a result, a small number of ministers and congregations, mostly from the Highlands, broke away from the church to form the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, which adhered strictly to orthodox beliefs. By 1907, this group had twenty congregations and twelve ministers.

The Free Church always regarded herself as a National Church, and during this period she sought actively to be true to that character by providing church ordinances for the increasing population of Scotland and applying herself to the new problems of non-church-going, and of the changing habits of the people. Her Assembly’s committee on religion and morals worked toward the same ends as the similar organization of the Established Church, and in her, as in the other churches, the standard of parochial and congregational activity was raised and new methods of operation devised. She passed legislation on the difficult problem of ridding the church of inefficient ministers. The use of instrumental music was sanctioned in Free Churches during this period. An association was formed in 1891 to promote the ends of edification, order and reverence in the public services of the church, and published in 1898 A New Directory for Public Worship which does not provide set forms of prayer, but directions as to the matter of prayer in the various services. The Free Church took a large share in the study of hymnology and church music, which led to the production of The Church Hymnary. From 1885 to 1895 much of the energy of all the Presbyterian churches was absorbed by the disestablishment agitation. In the former year the Free Church, having almost entirely shed the establishment principle on which it was founded, began to rival the United Presbyterian Church in its resolutions calling for the disestablishment of the Church of Scotland. In spite of the offers of the Establishment Assembly to confer with the dissenting churches about union, the assaults upon its status waxed in vigour, till in 1893 the Free Church hailed the result of the general election as a verdict of the constituencies in favour of disestablishment, and insisted upon the government of the day taking up Sir Charles Cameron’s bill.

The Free Church always viewed itself as a National Church, and during this time, it actively sought to live up to that identity by providing church services for Scotland's growing population and addressing the challenges of people not attending church, as well as the changing habits of society. The Assembly’s committee on religion and morals worked towards the same goals as the similar organization in the Established Church. Like other churches, the standards for local and congregational activities were raised, and new methods were developed. It passed laws aimed at addressing the difficult issue of eliminating ineffective ministers. The use of musical instruments was approved in Free Churches during this period. An association was formed in 1891 to promote edification, order, and reverence in the church's public services, which published A New Directory for Public Worship in 1898. This did not provide fixed prayers but offered guidance on the content of prayers during various services. The Free Church played a significant role in studying hymnology and church music, leading to the creation of The Church Hymnary. From 1885 to 1895, much of the energy of all the Presbyterian churches was consumed by the disestablishment movement. In 1885, the Free Church, having largely moved away from the establishment principle it was founded on, began to compete with the United Presbyterian Church in advocating for the disestablishment of the Church of Scotland. Despite the Established Assembly's offers to discuss union with dissenting churches, opposition to its status grew stronger, and by 1893, the Free Church saw the results of the general election as a constituency vote in favor of disestablishment, urging the government to support Sir Charles Cameron’s bill.

During the last four or five years of the century the Free and United Presbyterian churches, which after the failure of their union negotiations in 1873 had been connected together by a Mutual Eligibility Act enabling a congregation of one church to call a minister from the other, devoted their energy to the arrangement of an incorporating union. The Synod of the United Presbyterian Church resolved in 1896 to “take steps towards union,” and in the following year the Free Assembly responded by appointing a committee to confer with a committee of the other church. The joint committee discovered a “remarkable and happy agreement” between the doctrinal standards, rules and methods of the two bodies, and with very little concessions on either side a common constitution and common “questions and formula” for the admission of ministers and office-bearers were arranged. A minority, always growing smaller, of the Free Church Assembly, protested against the proposed union, and threatened if it were carried through to test its legality in the courts. To meet this opposition, the suggestion is understood to have been made that an act of parliament should be applied for to legalize the union; but this was not done, and the union was carried through on the understanding that the question of the lawfulness of church establishments should be an open one.

During the last four or five years of the century, the Free and United Presbyterian churches, which had been linked by a Mutual Eligibility Act after their failed union negotiations in 1873, focused on creating a formal union. In 1896, the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church decided to “take steps towards union,” and the following year, the Free Assembly responded by appointing a committee to work with a committee from the other church. The joint committee found a “remarkable and happy agreement” between the doctrinal standards, rules, and methods of both churches, and with very few concessions from either side, they established a common constitution and unified “questions and formula” for admitting ministers and office-bearers. A minority, which kept getting smaller, of the Free Church Assembly opposed the proposed union, threatening to challenge its legality in court if it went through. To counter this resistance, there was a suggestion to apply for an act of parliament to legalize the union; however, that didn’t happen, and the union was completed with the understanding that the issue of the legality of church establishments would remain open.

The supreme courts of the churches met for the last time in their respective places of meeting on the 30th of October 1900, and on the following day the joint meeting took place at which the union was completed, and the United Free Church of Scotland (q.v.) entered on its career. The protesting and 75 dissenting minority at once claimed to be the Free Church. They met outside the Free Assembly Hall on the 31st of October, and, failing to gain admission to it, withdrew to another hall, where they elected Mr Colin Bannatyne their moderator and held the remaining sittings of the Assembly. It was reported that between 16,000 and 17,000 names had been received of persons adhering to the anti-unionist principle. At the Assembly of 1901 it was stated that the Free Church had twenty-five ministers and at least sixty-three congregations. The character of the church is indicated by the fact that its office-bearers were the faithful survivors of the decreasing minority of the Old Free Church, which had protested against the disestablishment resolutions, against the relaxation of subscription, against toleration of the teaching of the Glasgow professors, and against the use in worship of organs or of human hymns. Her congregations were mostly in the Gaelic-speaking districts of Scotland. She was confronted with a very arduous undertaking; her congregations grew in number, but were far from each other and there were not nearly enough ministers. The Highlands were filled, by the Union, with exasperation and dispeace which could not soon subside. The church met with no sympathy or assistance at the hands of the United Free Church, and her work was conducted at first under considerable hardships, nor was her position one to appeal to the general popular sentiment of Scotland. But the little church continued her course with indomitable courage and without any compromise of principle. The Declaratory Act of 1892 was repealed after a consultation of presbyteries, and the old principles as to worship were declared. A professor was obliged to withdraw a book he had written, in which the results of criticism, with regard to the Synoptic Gospels, had been accepted and applied. The desire of the Church of Scotland to obtain relaxation of her formula was declared to make union with her impossible. Along with this unbending attitude, signs of material growth were not wanting. The revenue of the church increased; the grant from the sustentation fund was in 1901 only £75, but from 1903 onwards it was £167.

The top church courts held their final meetings on October 30, 1900, in their respective locations, and the next day, the joint meeting occurred where the union was finalized, marking the beginning of the United Free Church of Scotland (q.v.). The protesting and dissenting minority immediately claimed to represent the Free Church. They gathered outside the Free Assembly Hall on October 31 and, unable to enter, moved to another hall where they elected Mr. Colin Bannatyne as their moderator and continued their Assembly sessions. Reports indicated that between 16,000 and 17,000 people supported the anti-unionist stance. At the Assembly in 1901, it was noted that the Free Church had twenty-five ministers and at least sixty-three congregations. The nature of the church was shown by the fact that its leaders were the loyal remnants of the diminishing Old Free Church, which had protested against the disestablishment resolutions, the relaxation of subscriptions, the acceptance of the Glasgow professors' teachings, and the use of organs or human hymns in worship. Most of its congregations were located in the Gaelic-speaking regions of Scotland. The church faced a challenging situation; while its congregations increased in number, they were widely dispersed and there weren't nearly enough ministers. The Highlands were filled with anger and unrest due to the Union, which would not settle down quickly. The church received no sympathy or support from the United Free Church, and initially, it faced significant hardships, lacking the appeal to general public sentiment in Scotland. Nevertheless, the small church persevered with unwavering courage and refused to compromise its principles. The Declaratory Act of 1892 was repealed following a consultation with presbyteries, reaffirming the old principles regarding worship. A professor was forced to retract a book he had written that accepted and applied critical conclusions about the Synoptic Gospels. The Church of Scotland’s desire for a relaxation of its formula was stated to make union impossible. Despite this firm stance, signs of material growth were evident. The church's revenue increased; the grant from the sustentation fund was just £75 in 1901, but from 1903 onward, it rose to £167.

The decision of the House of Lords in 1904 did not bring the trials of the Free Church to an end. In the absence of any arrangement with the United Free Church, she could only gain possession of the property declared to belong to her by an application in each particular case to the Court of Session, and a series of law-suits began which were trying to all parties. In the year 1905 the Free Church Assembly met in the historic Free Church Assembly Hall, but it did not meet there again. Having been left by the awards of the commission without any station in the foreign mission field, the Free Church resolved to start a foreign mission of her own. The urgent task confronting the church was that of supplying ordinances to her congregations. The latter numbered 200 in 1907, and the church had as yet only 74 ordained ministers, so that many of the manses allocated to her by the commissioners were not yet occupied, and catechists and elders were called to conduct services where possible. The gallant stand this little church had made for principles which were no longer represented by any Presbyterian church outside the establishment attracted to her much interest and many hopes that she might be successful in her endeavours to do something for the religious life of Scotland.

The House of Lords' decision in 1904 didn't put an end to the Free Church's struggles. Without any agreement with the United Free Church, it could only reclaim the property deemed to belong to it by filing individual applications with the Court of Session, leading to a series of lawsuits that were challenging for everyone involved. In 1905, the Free Church Assembly convened in the historic Free Church Assembly Hall, but it never met there again. After being left without a presence in the foreign mission field due to the commission's awards, the Free Church decided to launch its own foreign mission. The urgent task facing the church was to provide ordinances to its congregations. By 1907, there were 200 congregations, but the church only had 74 ordained ministers, meaning that many of the manses assigned to it by the commissioners were still unoccupied. Catechists and elders were called to lead services whenever they could. The brave stance this small church took for principles that were no longer represented by any other Presbyterian church outside the establishment drew significant interest and sparked many hopes for its success in boosting the religious life of Scotland.

See Scotland, Church of, for bibliography and statistics.

See Scotland, Church of for the bibliography and stats.

(A. M.*)

1 “It is her being free, not her being established, that constitutes the real historical and hereditary identity of the Reformed National Church of Scotland.” See Act and Declaration, &c., of Free Assembly, 1851.

1 “It's her freedom, not her status, that defines the true historical and inherited identity of the Reformed National Church of Scotland.” See Act and Declaration, &c., of Free Assembly, 1851.

2 In the act Anent the true and holy Kirk, and of those that are declared not to be of the same. This act was supplemented by that of 1579, Anent the Jurisdiction of the Kirk.

2 In the act Regarding the true and holy Church, and those who are declared not to be part of it. This act was supplemented by that of 1579, Regarding the Authority of the Church.

3 The Second Book of Discipline was not formally recognized in that act; but all former acts against “the jurisdiction and discipline of the true Kirk as the same is used and exercised within the realm” were abolished; and all “liberties, privileges, immunities and freedoms whatsoever” previously granted were ratified and approved.

3 The Second Book of Discipline wasn't officially acknowledged in that act; however, all previous acts against "the jurisdiction and discipline of the true Kirk as it is practiced in the realm" were eliminated, and all "liberties, privileges, immunities, and freedoms of any kind" that were previously granted were confirmed and accepted.

4 The most important of these had reference to the full right of a constituted church to the enjoyment of an absolutely unrestricted freedom in convening Assemblies. This very point on one occasion at least threatened to be the cause of serious misunderstandings between William and the people of Scotland. The difficulties were happily smoothed, however, by the wisdom and tact of William Carstares.

4 The most important of these was about the complete right of an established church to fully enjoy unrestricted freedom in holding Assemblies. This specific issue, at least once, almost led to serious misunderstandings between William and the people of Scotland. Fortunately, the challenges were resolved thanks to the wisdom and tact of William Carstares.

5 See Act and Declaration of Free Assembly, 1851.

5 See Act and Declaration of Free Assembly, 1851.

6 This principle had been asserted even by an Assembly so late as that of 1736, and had been invariably presupposed in the “call,” which had never ceased to be regarded as an indispensable prerequisite for the settlement of a minister.

6 This principle was established by an Assembly as recently as 1736, and it was always assumed in the “call,” which has consistently been seen as a necessary requirement for appointing a minister.

7 According to the Free Church “Protest” of 1843 it was in these cases decided (1) that the courts of the church were liable to be compelled to intrude ministers on reclaiming congregations; (2) that the civil courts had power to interfere with and interdict the preaching of the gospel and administration of ordinances as authorized and enjoined by the church; (3) that the civil courts had power to suspend spiritual censures pronounced by the courts of the church, and to interdict their execution as to spiritual effects, functions and privileges; (4) that deposed ministers, and probationers deprived of their licence, could be restored by the mandate of the civil courts to the spiritual office and status of which the church courts had deprived them; (5) that the right of membership in ecclesiastical courts could be determined by the civil courts; (6) that the civil courts had power to supersede the majority of a church court of the Establishment in regard to the exercise of its spiritual functions as a church court, and to authorize the minority to exercise the said functions in opposition to the court itself and to the superior judicatories of the church; (7) that processes of ecclesiastical discipline could be arrested by the civil courts; and (8) that without the sanction of the civil courts no increased provision could be made for the spiritual care of a parish, although such provision left all civil rights and patrimonial interests untouched.

7 According to the Free Church “Protest” of 1843, it was decided in these cases that: (1) the church courts could be compelled to assign ministers to congregations that wanted them back; (2) civil courts had the authority to interfere with and prevent the preaching of the gospel and the administration of ordinances as directed by the church; (3) civil courts could suspend the spiritual punishments handed down by the church courts and stop their enforcement regarding spiritual impacts, roles, and privileges; (4) deposed ministers and probationers who lost their licenses could be restored to their spiritual roles and status by order of the civil courts; (5) the civil courts could determine who had the right to membership in church courts; (6) civil courts could override the majority of a church court when it came to its spiritual functions, allowing the minority to perform those functions against the wishes of the court and higher church authorities; (7) church disciplinary processes could be halted by civil courts; and (8) no additional provisions for the spiritual care of a parish could be made without the approval of civil courts, even if those provisions did not affect civil rights and property interests.

8 The narrative and argument of this elaborate and able document cannot be reproduced here. In substance it is a claim “as of right” on behalf of the church and of the nation and people of Scotland that the church shall freely possess and enjoy her liberties, government, discipline, rights and privileges according to law, and that she shall be protected therein from the foresaid unconstitutional and illegal encroachments of the said court of session, and her people secured in their Christian and constitutional rights and liberties. This claim is followed by the “declaration” that the Assembly cannot intrude ministers on reclaiming congregations, or carry on the government of Christ’s church subject to the coercion of the court of session; and by the “protest” that all acts of the parliament of Great Britain passed without the consent of the Scottish church and nation, in alteration or derogation of the government, discipline, rights and privileges of the church, as also all sentences of courts in contravention of said government, discipline, rights and privileges, “are and shall be in themselves void and null, and of no legal force or effect.”

8 The story and argument in this detailed document can’t be summarized here. Essentially, it asserts a rightful claim for the church and the people of Scotland that the church should freely have and enjoy its liberties, governance, discipline, rights, and privileges as allowed by law, and that it should be protected from the previously mentioned unconstitutional and illegal interference by the court of session, while ensuring that its people are secure in their Christian and constitutional rights and freedoms. This claim is followed by a “declaration” stating that the Assembly cannot impose ministers on reclaiming congregations or manage the governance of Christ's church under the pressure of the court of session; and by a “protest” that all acts of the Parliament of Great Britain passed without the Scottish church and nation’s consent, which alter or diminish the governance, discipline, rights, and privileges of the church, as well as all court rulings that contradict said governance, discipline, rights, and privileges, “are and shall be in themselves void and null, and of no legal force or effect.”

9 The Scottish members voted with the minority in the proportion of 25 to 12.

9 The Scottish members voted with the minority at a ratio of 25 to 12.

10 The number ultimately rose to 474.

10 The final count went up to 474.

11 By this formal recognition of the qualifications to the Confession of Faith made in 1647 the scruples of the majority of the Associate Synod of Original Seceders were removed, and 27 ministers, along with a considerable number of their people, joined the Free Church in the following year.

11 With this official acknowledgment of the qualifications to the Confession of Faith established in 1647, the concerns of most members of the Associate Synod of Original Seceders were addressed, leading to 27 ministers and a significant number of their congregation joining the Free Church the following year.

12 See Taylor Innes, Law of Creeds in Scotland, p. 258 seq.

12 See Taylor Innes, Law of Creeds in Scotland, p. 258 seq.

13 The language of Dr Buchanan, for example, in 1860 was (mutatis mutandis) the same as that which he had employed in 1838 in moving the Independence resolution already referred to.

13 The language of Dr. Buchanan, for instance, in 1860 was (mutatis mutandis) the same as what he used in 1838 when he presented the Independence resolution mentioned earlier.

FREEDMEN’S BUREAU (officially the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees and Abandoned Lands), a bureau created in the United States war department by an act of Congress, 3rd of March 1865, to last one year, but continued until 1872 by later acts passed over the president’s veto. Its establishment was due partly to the fear entertained by the North that the Southerners if left to deal with the blacks would attempt to re-establish some form of slavery, partly to the necessity for extending relief to needy negroes and whites in the lately conquered South, and partly to the need of creating some commission or bureau to take charge of lands confiscated in the South. During the Civil War a million negroes fell into the hands of the Federals and had to be cared for. Able-bodied blacks were enlisted in the army, and the women, children and old men were settled in large camps on confiscated Southern property, where they were cared for alternately by the war department and by the treasury department until the organization of the Freedmen’s Bureau. At the head of the bureau was a commissioner, General O. O. Howard, and under him in each Southern state was an assistant commissioner with a corps of local superintendents, agents and inspectors. The officials had the broadest possible authority in all matters that concerned the blacks. The work of the bureau may be classified as follows: (1) distributing rations and medical supplies among the blacks; (2) establishing schools for them and aiding benevolent societies to establish schools and churches; (3) regulating labour and contracts; (4) taking charge of confiscated lands; and (5) administering justice in cases in which blacks were concerned. For several years the ex-slaves were under the almost absolute control of the bureau. Whether this control had a good or bad effect is still disputed, the Southern whites and many Northerners holding that the results of the bureau’s work were distinctly bad, while others hold that much good resulted from its work. There is now no doubt, however, that while most of the higher officials of the bureau were good men, the subordinate agents were generally without character or judgment and that their interference between the races caused permanent discord. Much necessary relief work was done, but demoralization was also caused by it, and later the institution was used by its officials as a means of securing negro votes. In educating the blacks the bureau made some progress, but the instruction imparted by the missionary teachers resulted in giving the ex-slaves notions of liberty and racial equality that led to much trouble, finally resulting in the hostility of the whites to negro education. The secession of the blacks from the white churches was aided and encouraged by the bureau. The whole field of labour and contracts was covered by minute regulations, which, good in theory, were absurd in practice, and which failed altogether, but not until labour had been disorganized for several years. The administration of justice by the bureau agents amounted simply to a ceaseless persecution of the whites who had dealings with the blacks, and bloody conflicts sometimes resulted. The law creating the bureau provided for the division of the confiscated property among the negroes, and though carried out only in parts of South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, it caused the negroes to believe that they were to be cared for at the expense of their former masters. This belief made them subject to swindling schemes perpetrated by certain bureau agents and others who promised to secure lands for them. When negro suffrage was imposed by Congress upon the Southern States, the bureau aided the Union League (q.v.) in organizing the blacks into a political party opposed to the whites. A large majority of the bureau officials secured office through their control of the blacks. The failure of the bureau system and its discontinuance in the midst of reconstruction without harm to the blacks, and the intense hostility of the Southern whites to the institution caused by the irritating conduct of bureau officials, are indications that the institution was not well conceived nor wisely administered.

FREEDMEN'S BUREAU (officially the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands), was a bureau established in the U.S. War Department by an act of Congress on March 3, 1865, intended to last one year but continued until 1872 by later acts passed over the president’s veto. It was created partly out of concern that Southerners, if left to manage relations with Black people, might try to reinstate some form of slavery, partly to address the need for relief for impoverished Black and white individuals in the recently conquered South, and partly to create an agency to manage confiscated lands in the South. During the Civil War, one million Black individuals fell under Union control and needed support. Able-bodied Black men were enlisted in the army, while women, children, and the elderly were housed in large camps on seized Southern property, where they received assistance from the War Department and the Treasury Department until the Freedmen’s Bureau was organized. The bureau was led by a commissioner, General O. O. Howard, with an assistant commissioner in each Southern state and a team of local superintendents, agents, and inspectors. The officials had wide-ranging authority in all matters relating to Black individuals. The bureau's work can be categorized as follows: (1) distributing food and medical supplies to Black people; (2) establishing schools and supporting charitable organizations in creating schools and churches; (3) regulating labor and contracts; (4) managing confiscated lands; and (5) administering justice in cases involving Black individuals. For several years, ex-slaves were under the nearly absolute control of the bureau. Whether this control had a positive or negative effect is still debated; Southern whites and many Northerners argue that the bureau's results were clearly detrimental, while others believe there were significant benefits from its efforts. However, it's now clear that while most senior officials of the bureau were well-intentioned, the lower-ranking agents often lacked integrity or judgment, and their interference between races led to lasting discord. Although some essential relief work was accomplished, it also caused demoralization, and later the bureau was used by its officials to secure Black votes. The bureau made some headway in educating Black individuals, but the teachings provided by missionary educators gave ex-slaves ideas about freedom and racial equality that led to considerable strife, ultimately resulting in white hostility toward Black education. The bureau also encouraged the secession of Black individuals from White churches. The entire area of labor and contracts was governed by detailed regulations that, while theoretically sound, proved ridiculous in practice, failing to achieve their goals and disorganizing labor for several years. The bureau agents' administration of justice often turned into ongoing harassment of whites who interacted with Black individuals, sometimes leading to violent clashes. The law that created the bureau allowed for the distribution of confiscated property among Black individuals, and although this was only partially implemented in South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, it led many Black individuals to believe they would be supported at the expense of their former masters. This belief made them vulnerable to scams devised by some bureau agents and others promising to secure land for them. When Black suffrage was imposed upon Southern states by Congress, the bureau assisted the Union League (q.v.) in organizing Black individuals into a political party opposed to whites. A significant majority of bureau officials gained positions through their influence over Black voters. The failure of the bureau system and its dissolution amidst Reconstruction without causing harm to Black individuals, as well as the intense resentment from Southern whites toward the bureau due to the provocative actions of its officials, suggest that the bureau was poorly conceived and ineffectively managed.

See P. S. Pierce, The Freedmen’s Bureau (Iowa City, 1904); Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (Washington, 1866); W. L. Fleming (ed.), Documents relating to Reconstruction (Cleveland, O., 1906); W. L. Fleming, Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama (New York, 1905); and James W. Garner, Reconstruction in Mississippi (New York, 1901).

See P. S. Pierce, The Freedmen’s Bureau (Iowa City, 1904); Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (Washington, 1866); W. L. Fleming (ed.), Documents relating to Reconstruction (Cleveland, O., 1906); W. L. Fleming, Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama (New York, 1905); and James W. Garner, Reconstruction in Mississippi (New York, 1901).

(W. L. F.)

FREEHOLD, a town and the county-seat of Monmouth county, New Jersey, U.S.A., in the township of Freehold, about 25 m. E. by N. of Trenton. Pop. (1890) 2932; (1900) 2934, of whom 215 were foreign-born and 126 were negroes; (1905) 3064; (1910) 3233. Freehold is served by the Pennsylvania and the Central of New Jersey railways. It is the trade centre of one of the most productive agricultural districts of the state and has various manufactures, including carriages, carpets and rugs, files, shirts, underwear, and canned beans and peas. The town is the seat of two boarding schools for boys: the Freehold Military School and the New Jersey Military Academy (chartered, 1900; founded in 1844 as the Freehold Institute). One of the residences in the town dates from 1755. A settlement was made in the township about 1650, and the township was incorporated 76 in 1693. In 1715 the town was founded and was made the county-seat; it was long commonly known (from the county) as Monmouth Court-House, but afterwards took (from the township) the name Freehold, and in 1869 it was incorporated as the Town of Freehold. An important battle of the War of Independence, known as the battle of Monmouth, was fought near the court-house on the 28th of June 1778. A short distance N.W. of the court-house is a park in which there is a monument, unveiled on the 13th of November 1884 in commemoration of the battle; the base is of Quincy granite and the shaft is of Concord granite. Surmounting the shaft is a statue representing “Liberty Triumphant” (the height to the top of which is about 100 ft.). The monument is adorned with five bronze reliefs, designed and modelled by James E. Kelly (b. 1855); one of these reliefs represents “Molly Pitcher” (d. 1832), a national heroine, who, when her husband (John C. Hays), an artillerist, was rendered insensible during the battle, served the gun in his place and prevented its capture by the British.1 Joel Parker (1816-1888), governor of New Jersey in 1863-1866 and 1872-1875, was long a resident of Freehold, and the erection of the monument was largely due to his efforts. A bronze tablet on a boulder in front of the present court-house, commemorating the old court-house, used as a hospital in the battle of Monmouth, was unveiled in 1907. Freehold was the birthplace and home of Dr Thomas Henderson (1743-1824), a Whig or Patriot leader in New Jersey, an officer in the War of Independence, and a member of the Continental Congress in 1779-1780 and of the national House of Representatives in 1795-1797.

FREEHOLD, a town and the county seat of Monmouth County, New Jersey, U.S.A., located in the township of Freehold, about 25 miles east-northeast of Trenton. Population: (1890) 2,932; (1900) 2,934, of which 215 were foreign-born and 126 were Black; (1905) 3,064; (1910) 3,233. Freehold is served by the Pennsylvania and Central of New Jersey railways. It is the trade center of one of the state's most productive agricultural areas and has various manufacturing industries, including carriages, carpets and rugs, files, shirts, underwear, and canned beans and peas. The town is home to two boarding schools for boys: the Freehold Military School and the New Jersey Military Academy (chartered in 1900; founded in 1844 as the Freehold Institute). One of the homes in the town dates back to 1755. A settlement was established in the township around 1650, and the township was incorporated in 1693. In 1715, the town was founded and became the county seat; it was long commonly referred to (due to the county) as Monmouth Court-House, but later adopted the name Freehold (from the township), and in 1869 it was incorporated as the Town of Freehold. An important battle of the War of Independence, known as the Battle of Monmouth, was fought near the courthouse on June 28, 1778. A short distance northwest of the courthouse is a park that features a monument, unveiled on November 13, 1884, commemorating the battle; the base is made of Quincy granite and the shaft is made of Concord granite. On top of the shaft is a statue representing "Liberty Triumphant" (about 100 feet tall). The monument is decorated with five bronze reliefs, designed and modeled by James E. Kelly (b. 1855); one of these reliefs depicts “Molly Pitcher” (d. 1832), a national heroine who took over her husband's (John C. Hays), an artillerist, position after he was incapacitated during the battle, preventing the British from capturing the gun. 1 Joel Parker (1816-1888), governor of New Jersey from 1863-1866 and 1872-1875, was a long-time resident of Freehold, and the construction of the monument was largely due to his efforts. A bronze plaque on a boulder in front of the current courthouse, commemorating the old courthouse used as a hospital during the Battle of Monmouth, was unveiled in 1907. Freehold was the birthplace and home of Dr. Thomas Henderson (1743-1824), a Whig or Patriot leader in New Jersey, an officer in the War of Independence, and a member of the Continental Congress from 1779-1780 and the national House of Representatives from 1795-1797.

The name Freehold was first used of a Presbyterian church established about 1692 by Scottish exiles who came to East Jersey in 1682-1685 and built what was called the “Old Scots’ Church” near the present railway station of Wickatunk in Marlboro’ township, Monmouth county. In this church, in December 1706, John Boyd (d. 1709) was ordained—the first recorded Presbyterian ordination in America. The church was the first regularly constituted Presbyterian church. No trace of the building now remains in the burying-ground where Boyd was interred, and where the Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey in 1900 raised a granite monument to his memory; his tombstone is preserved by the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia. John Tennent (1706-1732) became pastor of the Freehold church in 1730, when a new church was built by the Old Scots congregation on White Hill in the present township of Manalapan (then a part of Freehold township), near the railway station and village called Tennent; his brother William (1705-1777), whose trance, in which he thought he saw the glories of heaven, was a matter of much discussion in his time, was pastor in 1733-1777. In 1751-1753 the present “Old Tennent Church,” then called the Freehold Church, was erected on (or near) the same site as the building of 1730; in it Whitefield preached and in the older building David Brainerd and his Indian converts met. In 1859 this church (whose corporate name is “The First Presbyterian Church of the County of Monmouth”) adopted the name of Tennent, partly to distinguish it from the Presbyterian church organized at Monmouth Court-House (now Freehold) in 1838.

The name Freehold was first used for a Presbyterian church established around 1692 by Scottish exiles who arrived in East Jersey between 1682 and 1685. They built what was known as the “Old Scots’ Church” near the current railway station of Wickatunk in Marlboro township, Monmouth County. In December 1706, John Boyd (d. 1709) was ordained there—the first recorded Presbyterian ordination in America. This church was the first officially established Presbyterian church. No trace of the building remains today in the burial ground where Boyd was buried, and where the Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey raised a granite monument in his memory in 1900; his tombstone is preserved by the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia. John Tennent (1706-1732) became the pastor of the Freehold church in 1730, when a new church was built by the Old Scots congregation on White Hill in what is now Manalapan township (which was part of Freehold township at the time), near the railway station and village called Tennent; his brother William (1705-1777), who experienced a trance in which he believed he saw the glories of heaven—a topic of much discussion in his day—was pastor from 1733 to 1777. Between 1751 and 1753, the present “Old Tennent Church,” then called the Freehold Church, was constructed on (or near) the same site as the 1730 building; in it, Whitefield preached, and in the older building, David Brainerd and his Indian converts met. In 1859, this church (officially named “The First Presbyterian Church of the County of Monmouth”) adopted the name Tennent, partly to differentiate it from the Presbyterian church organized at Monmouth Court-House (now Freehold) in 1838.

See Frank R. Symmes, History of the Old Tennent Church (2nd ed., Cranbury, New Jersey, 1904).

See Frank R. Symmes, History of the Old Tennent Church (2nd ed., Cranbury, New Jersey, 1904).

1 Her maiden name was Mary Ludwig. “Molly Pitcher” was a nickname given to her by the soldiers in reference to her carrying water to soldiers overcome by heat in the battle of Monmouth. She married Hays in 1769; Hays died soon after the war, and later she married one George McCauley. She lived for more than forty years at Carlisle, Penn., where a monument was erected to her memory in 1876.

1 Her maiden name was Mary Ludwig. “Molly Pitcher” was a nickname given to her by the soldiers because she brought water to soldiers who were overheated during the Battle of Monmouth. She married Hays in 1769; Hays died shortly after the war, and later she married a man named George McCauley. She lived for over forty years in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where a monument was built in her honor in 1876.

FREEHOLD, in the English law of real property, an estate in land, not being less than an estate for life. An estate for a term of years, no matter how long, was considered inferior in dignity to an estate for life, and unworthy of a freeman (see Estate). “Some time before the reign of Henry II., but apparently not so early as Domesday, the expression liberum tenementum was introduced to designate land held by a freeman by a free tenure. Thus freehold tenure is the sum of the rights and duties which constitute the relation of a free tenant to his lord.”1 In this sense freehold is distinguished from copyhold, which is a tenure having its origin in the relation of lord and villein (see Copyhold). Freehold is also distinguished from leasehold, which is an estate for a fixed number of years only. By analogy the interest of a person who holds an office for life is sometimes said to be a freehold interest. The term customary freeholds is applied to a kind of copyhold tenure in the north of England, viz. tenure by copy of court-roll, but not, as in other cases, expressed to be at the will of the lord.

FREEHOLD, in English property law, refers to an estate in land that lasts at least for a person's lifetime. An estate for a specific number of years, regardless of its length, was seen as lesser in status compared to a life estate and not suitable for a freeman (see Estate). “Some time before the reign of Henry II, but apparently not as early as the Domesday Book, the term liberum tenementum was introduced to describe land owned by a freeman through free tenure. Therefore, freehold tenure encompasses the rights and responsibilities that define the relationship between a free tenant and their lord.”1 In this context, freehold is different from copyhold, which is a type of tenure based on the relationship between lord and villein (see Copyhold). Freehold is also distinct from leasehold, which only grants an estate for a fixed number of years. Similarly, the interest of someone holding an office for life is sometimes referred to as a freehold interest. The term customary freeholds refers to a type of copyhold tenure found in northern England, specifically tenure by copy of court-roll, but unlike other cases, it is not stated to be at the lord's discretion.

1 Digby’s History of the Law of Real Property.

1 Digby’s History of the Law of Real Property.

FREELAND, a borough of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., about 20 m. S. of Wilkes-Barre, in the E. part of the state. Pop. (1890) 1730; (1900) 5254 (1339 foreign-born, many being Slavs); (1910) 6197. Freeland is served by the Lehigh Valley railway and by electric railway to Upper Lehigh (1 m. distant, served by the Central Railroad of New Jersey) and to other neighbouring places. The borough is built on Broad Mountain, nearly 2000 ft. above sea-level, and the chief industry is the mining of coal at the numerous surrounding collieries. Freeland is the seat of the Mining and Mechanical Institute of the Anthracite Region, chartered in 1894, modelled after the German Steigerschulen, with elementary and secondary departments and a night school for workmen. The borough has foundries and machine shops of considerable importance, and manufactures silk, overalls, beer and hames. Freeland was first settled about 1842, was laid out in 1870, and was incorporated in 1876.

FREELAND, is a borough in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., located about 20 miles south of Wilkes-Barre in the eastern part of the state. Population: (1890) 1,730; (1900) 5,254 (1,339 foreign-born, many of whom are Slavs); (1910) 6,197. Freeland is served by the Lehigh Valley Railway and has an electric railway to Upper Lehigh, which is 1 mile away and served by the Central Railroad of New Jersey, along with other nearby areas. The borough is situated on Broad Mountain, nearly 2,000 feet above sea level, and its main industry is coal mining at the numerous surrounding collieries. Freeland is home to the Mining and Mechanical Institute of the Anthracite Region, established in 1894, modeled after the German Steigerschulen, featuring elementary and secondary education as well as a night school for workers. The borough also has significant foundries and machine shops, and it produces silk, overalls, beer, and hames. Freeland was first settled around 1842, laid out in 1870, and incorporated in 1876.

FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS (1823-1892), English historian, was born at Harborne, Staffordshire, on the 2nd of August 1823. He lost both his parents in infancy, was brought up by a grandmother, and was educated at private schools and by a private tutor. He was a studious and precocious boy, more interested in religious matters, history and foreign politics than in boyish things. He obtained a scholarship at Trinity College, Oxford, and a second class in the degree examination, and was elected fellow of his college (1845). While at Oxford he was much influenced by the High Church movement, and thought seriously of taking orders, but abandoned the idea. He married a daughter of his former tutor, the Rev. R. Gutch, in 1847, and entered on a life of study. Ecclesiastical architecture attracted him strongly. He visited many churches and began a practice, which he pursued throughout his life, of making drawings of buildings on the spot and afterwards tracing them over in ink. His first book, save for his share in a volume of English verse, was a History of Architecture (1849). Though he had not then seen any buildings outside England, it contains a good sketch of the development of the art. It is full of youthful enthusiasm and is written in florid language. After some changes of residence he bought a house called Somerleaze, near Wells, Somerset, and settled there in 1860.

FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS (1823-1892), an English historian, was born in Harborne, Staffordshire, on August 2, 1823. He lost both parents during infancy and was raised by his grandmother. He was educated at private schools and by a private tutor. A studious and gifted boy, he was more interested in religious issues, history, and foreign politics than typical childhood pursuits. He received a scholarship at Trinity College, Oxford, achieved a second class in his degree examination, and was elected as a fellow of his college in 1845. While at Oxford, he was significantly influenced by the High Church movement and seriously considered becoming ordained but ultimately decided against it. He married the daughter of his former tutor, Rev. R. Gutch, in 1847 and dedicated himself to a life of study. He was strongly drawn to ecclesiastical architecture. He visited many churches and began a lifelong practice of sketching buildings on-site and later inking those drawings. His first book, aside from his contributions to a volume of English poetry, was a History of Architecture (1849). Although he hadn't yet seen any buildings outside of England, it offers a good overview of the art's development. It’s filled with youthful enthusiasm and written in elaborate language. After moving several times, he purchased a house called Somerleaze near Wells, Somerset, where he settled in 1860.

Freeman’s life was one of strenuous literary work. He wrote many books, and countless articles for reviews, newspapers and other publications, and was a constant contributor to the Saturday Review until 1878, when he ceased to write for it for political reasons. His Saturday Review articles corrected many errors and raised the level of historical knowledge among the educated classes, but as a reviewer he was apt to forget that a book may have blemishes and yet be praiseworthy. For some years he was an active county magistrate. He was deeply interested in politics, was a follower of Mr Gladstone, and approved the Home Rule Bill of 1886, but objected to the later proposal to retain the Irish members at Westminster. To be returned to Parliament was one of his few ambitions, and in 1868 he unsuccessfully contested Mid-Somerset. Foreign rather than domestic politics had the first place with him. Historical and religious sentiment combined with his detestation of all that was tyrannical to inspire him with hatred of the Turk and sympathy with the smaller and subject nationalities of eastern Europe. He took a prominent part in the agitation which followed “the Bulgarian atrocities”; his speeches were intemperate, and he was accused of uttering the words “Perish India!” at a public meeting in 1876. This, however, was a misrepresentation of his words. He was made a knight commander 77 of the order of the Saviour by the king of Greece, and also received an order from the prince of Montenegro.

Freeman’s life was filled with intense literary work. He wrote numerous books and countless articles for reviews, newspapers, and other publications, and he was a regular contributor to the Saturday Review until 1878, when he stopped writing for it due to political reasons. His articles in the Saturday Review corrected many inaccuracies and improved the historical knowledge among educated people, but as a reviewer, he often forgot that a book can have flaws and still be commendable. For several years, he served as an active county magistrate. He was very interested in politics, followed Mr. Gladstone, and supported the Home Rule Bill of 1886, but opposed the later suggestion to keep the Irish members at Westminster. Being elected to Parliament was one of his few ambitions, and in 1868 he ran unsuccessfully for Mid-Somerset. He prioritized foreign over domestic politics. His historical and religious sentiments, combined with his hatred of all things tyrannical, fueled his hatred for the Turks and sympathy for the smaller, subjugated nationalities of Eastern Europe. He played a major role in the movement that followed “the Bulgarian atrocities”; his speeches were extreme, and he was accused of saying “Perish India!” at a public meeting in 1876. However, this was a misrepresentation of what he actually said. He was honored as a knight commander 77 of the order of the Saviour by the King of Greece, and he also received an award from the Prince of Montenegro.

Freeman advanced the study of history in England in two special directions, by insistence on the unity of history, and by teaching the importance and right use of original authorities. History is not, he urges, to be divided “by a middle wall of partition” into ancient and modern, nor broken into fragments as though the history of each nation stood apart. It is more than a collection of narratives; it is a science, “the science of man in his political character.” The historical student, then, cannot afford to be indifferent to any part of the record of man’s political being; but as his abilities for study are limited, he will, while reckoning all history to be within his range, have his own special range within which he will master every detail (Rede Lecture). Freeman’s range included Greek, Roman and the earlier part of English history, together with some portions of foreign medieval history, and he had a scholarly though general knowledge of the rest of the history of the European world. He regarded the abiding life of Rome as “the central truth of European history,” the bond of its unity, and he undertook his History of Sicily (1891-1894) partly because it illustrated this unity. Further, he urges that all historical study is valueless which does not take in a knowledge of original authorities, and he teaches both by example and precept what authorities should be thus described, and how they are to be weighed and used. He did not use manuscript authorities, and for most of his work he had no need to do so. The authorities which he needed were already in print, and his books would not have been better if he had disinterred a few more facts from unprinted sources.

Freeman advanced the study of history in England in two main ways: by emphasizing the unity of history and by teaching the importance and proper use of original sources. He argued that history shouldn't be divided “by a middle wall of partition” into ancient and modern, nor should it be fragmented as if each nation's history stands alone. It is more than just a collection of stories; it is a science, “the science of man in his political character.” Therefore, a history student cannot ignore any part of the record of humanity's political existence; however, since their study abilities are limited, they will have their own specific focus within which they will master every detail (Rede Lecture). Freeman's focus included Greek, Roman, and early English history, along with some aspects of foreign medieval history, and he possessed a scholarly yet general understanding of the rest of European history. He viewed the enduring influence of Rome as “the central truth of European history,” the link of its unity, and he wrote his History of Sicily (1891-1894) partly because it illustrated this unity. Additionally, he insisted that all historical study is worthless unless it involves knowledge of original sources, teaching through both his actions and principles which sources should be considered and how they should be evaluated and used. He did not rely on manuscript sources, as most of his work didn’t require them. The sources he needed were already published, and his books wouldn’t have been enhanced by uncovering a few more facts from unpublished materials.

His reputation as a historian will chiefly rest on his History of the Norman Conquest (1867-1876), his longest completed book. In common with his works generally, it is distinguished by exhaustiveness of treatment and research, critical ability, a remarkable degree of accuracy, and a certain insight into the past which he gained from his practical experience of men and institutions. He is almost exclusively a political historian. His saying that “history is past politics and politics are present history” is significant of this limitation of his work, which left on one side subjects of the deepest interest in a nation’s life. In dealing with constitutional matters he sometimes attaches too much weight to words and formal aspects. This gives certain of his arguments an air of pedantry, and seems to lead him to find evidences of continuity in institutions which in reality and spirit were different from what they once had been. As a rule his estimates of character are remarkably able. It is true that he is sometimes swayed by prejudice, but this is the common lot of great historians; they cannot altogether avoid sharing in the feelings of the past, for they live in it, and Freeman did so to an extraordinary degree. Yet if he judges too favourably the leaders of the national party in England on the eve of the Norman Conquest, that is a small matter to set against the insight which he exhibits in writing of Aratus, Sulla, Nicias, William the Conqueror, Thomas of Canterbury, Frederick the Second and many more. In width of view, thoroughness of investigation and honesty of purpose he is unsurpassed by any historian. He never conceals nor wilfully misrepresents anything, and he reckoned no labour too great which might help him to draw a truthful picture of the past. When a place had any important connexion with his work he invariably visited it. He travelled much, always to gain knowledge, and generally to complete his historical equipment. His collected articles and essays on places of historical interest are perhaps the most pleasing of his writings, but they deal exclusively with historical associations and architectural features. The quantity of work which he turned out is enormous, for the fifteen large volumes which contain his Norman Conquest, his unfinished History of Sicily, his William Rufus (1882), and his Essays (1872-1879), and the crowd of his smaller books, are matched in amount by his uncollected contributions to periodicals. In respect of matter his historical work is uniformly excellent. In respect of form and style the case is different. Though his sentences themselves are not wordy, he is extremely diffuse in treatment, habitually repeating an idea in successive sentences of much the same import. While this habit was doubtless aggravated by the amount of his journalistic work, it seems originally to have sprung from what may be called a professorial spirit, which occasionally appears in the tone of his remarks. He was anxious to make sure that his readers would understand his exact meaning, and to guard them against all possible misconceptions. His lengthy explanations are the more grievous because he insists on the same points in several of his books. His prolixity was increased by his unwillingness, when writing without prescribed limits, to leave out any detail, however unimportant. His passion for details not only swelled his volumes to a portentous size, but was fatal to artistic construction. The length of his books has hindered their usefulness. They were written for the public at large, but few save professed students, who can admire and value his exhaustiveness, will read the many hundreds of pages which he devotes to a short period of history. In some of his smaller books, however, he shows great powers of condensation and arrangement, and writes tersely enough. His style is correct, lucid and virile, but generally nothing more, and his endeavour to use as far as possible only words of Teutonic origin limited his vocabulary and makes his sentences somewhat monotonous. While Froude often strayed away from his authorities, Freeman kept his authorities always before his eyes, and his narrative is here and there little more than a translation of their words. Accordingly, while it has nothing of Froude’s carelessness and inaccuracy, it has nothing of his charm of style. Yet now and again he rises to the level of some heroic event, and parts of his chapter on the “Campaign of Hastings” and of his record of the wars of Syracuse and Athens, his reflections on the visit of Basil the Second to the church of the Virgin on the Acropolis, and some other passages in his books, are fine pieces of eloquent writing.

His reputation as a historian primarily hinges on his History of the Norman Conquest (1867-1876), his longest finished work. Like his other writings, it stands out for its thoroughness in treatment and research, critical reasoning, a remarkable degree of accuracy, and a certain understanding of the past, which he gained from his practical experience with people and institutions. He is mostly a political historian. His statement that “history is past politics and politics are present history” highlights this limitation in his work, which neglects subjects that are deeply significant in a nation's life. When addressing constitutional issues, he sometimes places too much emphasis on words and formal aspects. This gives some of his arguments a pedantic tone and seems to lead him to find continuity in institutions that, in reality and spirit, had changed significantly. Generally, his assessments of character are quite skilled. While he can be influenced by bias, this is a common issue for great historians; they cannot completely escape the emotions of the past, as they immerse themselves in it, and Freeman did so to an exceptional degree. However, if he judges the leaders of the national party in England before the Norman Conquest too favorably, it is a minor flaw compared to the insights he offers when writing about Aratus, Sulla, Nicias, William the Conqueror, Thomas of Canterbury, Frederick II, and many others. In terms of perspective, thoroughness, and integrity, he is unmatched by any historian. He never hides or deliberately misrepresents anything, and he considered no effort too great if it helped him create an honest portrayal of the past. Whenever a location was important to his work, he always visited it. He traveled extensively, mainly to acquire knowledge and typically to enhance his historical understanding. His collected articles and essays on places of historical interest are perhaps his most enjoyable writings, but they focus solely on historical connections and architectural characteristics. The volume of work he produced is immense, as the fifteen large volumes containing his Norman Conquest, his unfinished History of Sicily, his William Rufus (1882), and his Essays (1872-1879), along with numerous smaller books, is matched by his uncollected contributions to periodicals. In terms of content, his historical work is consistently excellent. However, regarding form and style, it differs. While his sentences are not verbose, he is very lengthy in his treatment, often repeating an idea in successive sentences with similar meanings. While this tendency was likely exacerbated by the volume of his journalistic work, it seems to stem from what could be termed a professorial approach, which occasionally influences the tone of his remarks. He aimed to ensure that his readers understood exactly what he meant and wanted to prevent all possible misunderstandings. His lengthy explanations are more troublesome because he emphasizes the same points across several of his books. His tendency towards prolixity was compounded by his reluctance to omit any detail, no matter how trivial, when writing without set limits. His passion for details not only ballooned his volumes to enormous sizes but also ruined their artistic structure. The length of his books has limited their practicality. They were written for the general public, but few besides dedicated students, who can appreciate and value his thoroughness, will read the many hundreds of pages dedicated to a brief historical period. However, in some of his smaller works, he demonstrates great skill in condensation and organization, writing concisely. His style is correct, clear, and vigorous, but generally nothing more, and his effort to use primarily words of Teutonic origin restricted his vocabulary and rendered his sentences somewhat monotonous. While Froude often deviated from his sources, Freeman kept his sources constantly in view, and his narrative is at times little more than a translation of their words. Consequently, while it lacks Froude’s carelessness and inaccuracy, it also lacks his charm of style. Still, he occasionally rises to the level of heroic events, and parts of his chapter on the “Campaign of Hastings,” as well as his accounts of the wars of Syracuse and Athens, his reflections on Basil II's visit to the church of the Virgin on the Acropolis, and some other sections of his books, are excellent pieces of eloquent writing.

The high quality of Freeman’s work was acknowledged by all competent judges. He was made D.C.L. of Oxford and LL.D. of Cambridge honoris causa, and when he visited the United States on a lecturing tour was warmly received at various places of learning. He served on the royal commission on ecclesiastical courts appointed in 1881. In 1884 he was appointed regius professor of modern history at Oxford. His lectures were thinly attended, for he did not care to adapt them to the requirements of the university examinations, and he was not perhaps well fitted to teach young men. But he exercised a wholesome influence over the more earnest students of history among the resident graduates. From 1886 he was forced by ill-health to spend much of his time abroad, and he died of smallpox at Alicante on the 16th of March 1892, while on a tour in Spain. Freeman had a strongly marked personality. Though impatient in temper and occasionally rude, he was tender-hearted and generous. His rudeness to strangers was partly caused by shyness and partly by a childlike inability to conceal his feelings. Eminently truthful, he could not understand that some verbal insincerities are necessary to social life. He had a peculiar faculty for friendship, and his friends always found him sympathetic and affectionate. In their society he would talk well and showed a keen sense of humour. He considered it his duty to expose careless and ignorant writers, and certainly enjoyed doing so. He worked hard and methodically, often had several pieces of work in hand, and kept a daily record of the time which he devoted to each of them. His tastes were curiously limited. No art interested him except architecture, which he studied throughout his life; and he cared little for literature which was not either historical or political. In later life he ceased to hold the theological opinions of his youth, but remained a devout churchman.

The high quality of Freeman’s work was recognized by all qualified judges. He was awarded a D.C.L. from Oxford and an LL.D. from Cambridge honoris causa, and when he traveled to the United States on a lecture tour, he received a warm welcome at various educational institutions. He served on the royal commission on ecclesiastical courts appointed in 1881. In 1884, he was appointed regius professor of modern history at Oxford. His lectures attracted few attendees, as he didn't want to tailor them to fit the university examinations, and he probably wasn't the best fit for teaching young men. However, he had a positive impact on the more dedicated history students among the resident graduates. Starting in 1886, he was compelled by poor health to spend much of his time abroad, and he died of smallpox in Alicante on March 16, 1892, while touring Spain. Freeman had a distinctive personality. Although he could be impatient and occasionally rude, he was also tender-hearted and generous. His rudeness towards strangers was partly due to shyness and partly because of a childlike inability to hide his feelings. Exceptionally honest, he didn't grasp that some verbal insincerities are necessary for social interaction. He had a unique ability for friendship, and his friends always found him sympathetic and caring. In their company, he was articulate and had a sharp sense of humor. He believed it was his duty to expose careless and ignorant writers and genuinely enjoyed doing so. He worked hard and systematically, often juggling several projects at once, and kept a daily record of the time he devoted to each. His interests were oddly narrow. The only art that captivated him was architecture, which he studied throughout his life; he had little interest in literature unless it was historical or political. In his later years, he abandoned the theological views of his youth but remained a committed churchman.

See W. R. W. Stephens, Life and Letters of E. A. Freeman (London, 1895); Frederic Harrison, Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other Literary Estimates (London, 1899); James Bryce, “E. A. Freeman,” Eng. Hist. Rev., July 1892.

See W. R. W. Stephens, Life and Letters of E. A. Freeman (London, 1895); Frederic Harrison, Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other Literary Estimates (London, 1899); James Bryce, “E. A. Freeman,” Eng. Hist. Rev., July 1892.

(W. Hu.)

FREEMAN, primarily one who is free, as opposed to a slave or serf (see Feudalism; Slavery). The term is more specifically applied to one who possesses the freedom of a city, borough or company. Before the passing of the Municipal Corporations 78 Act 1835, each English borough admitted freemen according to its own peculiar custom and by-laws. The rights and privileges of a freeman, though varying in different boroughs, generally included the right to vote at a parliamentary election of the borough, and exemption from all tolls and dues. The act of 1835 respected existing usages, and every person who was then an admitted freeman remained one, retaining at the same time all his former rights and privileges. The admission of freemen is now regulated by the Municipal Corporations Act 1882. By section 201 of that act the term “freeman” includes any person of the class whose rights and interests were reserved by the act of 1835 under the name either of freemen or of burgesses. By section 202 no person can be admitted a freeman by gift or by purchase; that is, only birth, servitude or marriage are qualifications. The Honorary Freedom of Boroughs Act 1885, however, makes an exception, as by that act the council of every borough may from time to time admit persons of distinction to be honorary freemen of the borough. The town clerk of every borough keeps a list, which is called “the freeman’s roll,” and when any person claims to be admitted a freeman in respect of birth, servitude or marriage, the mayor examines the claim, and if it is established the claimant’s name is enrolled by the town clerk.

FREEMAN, refers to someone who is free, in contrast to a slave or serf (see Feudalism; Slavery). The term more specifically applies to a person who has the freedom of a city, borough, or company. Before the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 was enacted, each English borough admitted freemen according to its own unique customs and by-laws. The rights and privileges of a freeman, which varied among different boroughs, generally included the right to vote in parliamentary elections for that borough and exemption from tolls and dues. The 1835 act acknowledged existing practices, and anyone who was a freeman at that time remained one, continuing to hold all their previous rights and privileges. The process for admitting freemen is now governed by the Municipal Corporations Act of 1882. According to section 201 of that act, the term “freeman” includes anyone in the category whose rights and interests were protected by the act of 1835 under the names freemen or burgesses. Section 202 states that no one can become a freeman through gift or purchase; only birth, servitude, or marriage qualifies a person. However, the Honorary Freedom of Boroughs Act of 1885 provides an exception, allowing the council of each borough to occasionally admit distinguished individuals as honorary freemen. The town clerk of each borough maintains a list known as “the freeman’s roll.” When someone claims to be admitted as a freeman based on birth, servitude, or marriage, the mayor reviews the claim, and if it is validated, the town clerk enrolls the claimant’s name.

A person may become a freeman or freewoman of one of the London livery companies by (1) apprenticeship or servitude; (2) patrimony; (3) redemption; (4) gift. This last is purely honorary. The most usual form of acquiring freedom was by serving apprenticeship to a freeman, free both of a company and of the city of London. By an act of common council of 1836 apprenticeship was permitted to freemen of the city who had not taken up the freedom of a company. By an act of common council of 1889 the term of service was reduced from seven years to four years. Freedom by patrimony is always granted to children of a person who has been duly admitted to the freedom. Freedom by redemption or purchase requires the payment of certain entrance fees, which vary with the standing of the company. In the Grocers’ Company freedom by redemption does not exist, and in such companies as still have a trade, e.g. the Apothecaries and Stationers, it is limited to members of the trade.

A person can become a freeman or freewoman of one of the London livery companies through (1) apprenticeship or service; (2) inheritance; (3) payment; (4) a gift. The last option is purely honorary. The most common way to gain freedom was by serving as an apprentice to a freeman, who was free both within a company and the city of London. In 1836, a common council act allowed apprenticeships to freemen of the city who hadn't gained freedom from a company. In 1889, another common council act shortened the apprenticeship period from seven years to four years. Freedom through inheritance is always granted to the children of someone who has been officially accepted as free. Gaining freedom through payment involves certain entrance fees, which differ based on the company’s status. In the Grocers’ Company, freedom through payment doesn’t exist, and in companies that still operate a trade, like the Apothecaries and Stationers, it’s restricted to members of that trade.

See W. C. Hazlitt, The Livery Companies of the City of London (1892).

See W. C. Hazlitt, The Livery Companies of the City of London (1892).

FREEMASONRY. According to an old “Charge” delivered to initiates, Freemasonry is declared to be an “ancient and honourable institution: ancient no doubt it is, as having subsisted from time immemorial; and honourable it must be acknowledged to be, as by a natural tendency it conduces to make those so who are obedient to its precepts ... to so high an eminence has its credit been advanced that in every age Monarchs themselves have been promoters of the art, have not thought it derogatory from their dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel, have patronised our mysteries and joined in our Assemblies.” For many years the craft has been conducted without respect to clime, colour, caste or creed.

FREEMASONRY. According to an old “Charge” given to new members, Freemasonry is described as an “ancient and honorable institution.” It's definitely ancient, having existed since time immemorial, and it must be recognized as honorable because it naturally leads its followers to become better people... Its reputation has reached such heights that throughout history, even monarchs have supported the craft, believing it was not beneath them to trade their scepters for trowels, promoting our secrets and participating in our gatherings. For many years, the craft has welcomed people regardless of their location, race, social status, or beliefs.

History.—The precise origin of the society has yet to be ascertained, but is not likely to be, as the early records are lost; there is, however, ample evidence remaining to justify the claim for its antiquity and its honourable character. Much has been written as to its eventful past, based upon actual records, but still more which has served only to amuse or repel inquirers, and led not a few to believe that the fraternity has no trustworthy history. An unfavourable opinion of the historians of the craft generally may fairly have been held during the 18th and early in the 19th centuries, but happily since the middle of the latter century quite a different principle has animated those brethren who have sought to make the facts of masonic history known to the brotherhood, as well as worth the study of students in general. The idea that it would require an investigator to be a member of the “mystic tie” in order to qualify as a reader of masonic history has been exploded. The evidences collected concerning the institution during the last five hundred years, or more, may now be examined and tested in the most severe manner by literary and critical experts (whether opposed or favourable to the body), who cannot fail to accept the claims made as to its great antiquity and continuity, as the lineal descendant of those craftsmen who raised the cathedrals and other great English buildings during the middle ages.

History.—The exact origin of the society is still unclear, likely forever lost since early records have vanished. However, there’s plenty of evidence to back up its long history and respectable reputation. Much has been written about its remarkable past based on actual records, but even more has been produced just to entertain or discourage those looking into it, leading many to think that the fraternity lacks a reliable history. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, a negative view of the historians within the craft was commonly held, but fortunately, since the mid-19th century, a different approach has motivated members wanting to share the facts of masonic history with both the brotherhood and those studying it more broadly. The belief that only someone part of the “mystic tie” could effectively read masonic history has been dismissed. The evidence gathered about the organization over the last five hundred years, and more, can now be rigorously examined by literary and critical experts—whether they support or oppose the organization—who cannot overlook the claims regarding its significant age and continuity as a direct descendant of the craftsmen who constructed cathedrals and other major English buildings during the Middle Ages.

It is only needful to refer to the old works on freemasonry, and to compare them with the accepted histories of the present time, to be assured that such strictures as above are more than justified. The premier work on the subject was published in London in 1723, the Rev. James Anderson being the author of the historical portion, introductory to the first “Book of Constitutions” of the original Grand Lodge of England. Dr Anderson gravely states that “Grand Master Moses often marshalled the Israelites into a regular and general lodge, whilst in the wilderness.... King Solomon was Grand Master of the lodge at Jerusalem.1... Nebuchadnezzar became the Grand Master Mason,” &c., devoting many more pages to similar absurdities, but dismisses the important modern innovation (1716-1717) of a Grand Lodge with a few lines noteworthy for their brief and indefinite character.

It only takes looking at the old works on freemasonry and comparing them with the current accepted histories to recognize that such criticisms as mentioned above are definitely justified. The main work on the topic was published in London in 1723, with the Rev. James Anderson being the author of the historical part, which precedes the first “Book of Constitutions” of the original Grand Lodge of England. Dr. Anderson seriously claims that “Grand Master Moses often gathered the Israelites into a regular and general lodge while in the wilderness.... King Solomon was Grand Master of the lodge at Jerusalem.1... Nebuchadnezzar became the Grand Master Mason,” etc., dedicating many more pages to similar nonsense, but he brushes aside the significant modern development (1716-1717) of a Grand Lodge in just a few lines that are notable for being so brief and vague.

In 1738 a second edition was issued, dedicated to the prince of Wales (“a Master Mason and master of a lodge”), and was the work of the same brother (as respects the historical part), the additions being mainly on the same lines as the former volume, only, if possible, still more ridiculous and extravagant; e.g. Cyrus constituted Jerubbabel “provincial grand master in Judah”; Charles Martel was “the Right Worshipful Grand Master of France, and Edward I. being deeply engaged in wars left the craft to the care of several successive grand masters” (duly enumerated). Such loose statements may now pass unheeded, but unfortunately they do not exhaust the objections to Dr Anderson’s method of writing history. The excerpt concerning St Alban (apparently made from Coles’s Ancient Constitutions, 1728-1729) has the unwarranted additional title of Grand Master conferred on that saint, and the extract concerning King Æthelstan and Prince Edwin from the “Old MS. Charges” (given in the first edition) contains still more unauthorized modern terms, with the year added of 926; thus misleading most seriously those who accept the volume as trustworthy, because written by the accredited historian of the Grand Lodge, Junior Grand Warden in 1723. These examples hardly increase our confidence in the author’s accuracy when Dr Anderson comes to treat of the origin of the premier Grand Lodge; but he is our only informant as to that important event, and if his version of the occurrence is declined, we are absolutely without any information.

In 1738, a second edition was published, dedicated to the Prince of Wales (“a Master Mason and master of a lodge”), and it was the work of the same brother (regarding the historical part), with additions mostly along the same lines as the previous volume, but somehow even more ridiculous and extravagant; e.g. Cyrus appointed Jerubbabel as “provincial grand master in Judah”; Charles Martel was called “the Right Worshipful Grand Master of France,” and Edward I., being heavily involved in wars, left the craft in the hands of several successive grand masters” (which are listed). Such loose claims may now be overlooked, but unfortunately, they do not cover all the criticisms of Dr. Anderson’s approach to writing history. The section about St. Alban (clearly taken from Coles’s Ancient Constitutions, 1728-1729) unjustifiably gives him the title of Grand Master, and the passage regarding King Æthelstan and Prince Edwin from the “Old MS. Charges” (included in the first edition) features even more unauthorized modern terms, as well as the year 926 added, which seriously misleads anyone who considers the volume reliable, simply because it was written by the recognized historian of the Grand Lodge, Junior Grand Warden in 1723. These instances certainly do not boost our confidence in the author's accuracy when Dr. Anderson discusses the origin of the premier Grand Lodge; however, he is our only source for that significant event, and if we reject his account, we have absolutely no further information.

In considering the early history of Freemasonry, from a purely matter-of-fact standpoint, it will be well to settle as a necessary preliminary what the term did and does now include or mean, and how far back the inquiry should be conducted, as well as on what lines. If the view of the subject herein taken be correct, it will be useless to load the investigation by devoting considerable space to a consideration of the laws and customs of still older societies which may have been utilized and imitated by the fraternity, but which in no sense can be accepted as the actual forbears of the present society of Free and Accepted Masons. They were predecessors, or possibly prototypes, but not near relatives or progenitors of the Freemasons.2

When looking at the early history of Freemasonry from a straightforward perspective, it’s important to first clarify what the term includes or means today, how far back we should explore, and the approach we should take. If the perspective presented here is accurate, it won't serve any purpose to complicate the study by spending a lot of time on the laws and customs of even older societies that may have influenced the fraternity, as they can’t really be considered the direct ancestors of the current organization of Free and Accepted Masons. They were earlier groups or perhaps inspirations, but not direct relatives or ancestors of the Freemasons.2

The Mother Grand Lodge of the world is that of England, which was inaugurated in the metropolis on St John Baptist’s day 1717 by four or more old lodges, three of which still flourish. There were other lodges also in London and the country at the time, but whether they were invited to the meeting is not now known. Probably not, as existing records of the period preserve a sphinx-like silence thereon. Likewise there were many scores of lodges at work in Scotland, and undoubtedly in Ireland the craft was widely patronized. Whatever the ceremonies may have been which were then known as Freemasonry in Great Britain and Ireland, they were practically alike, and the venerable Old Charges or MS. constitutions, dating back several centuries, were rightly held by them as the title-deeds of their masonic inheritance.

The Mother Grand Lodge of the world is in England, which was established in the capital on St. John Baptist’s day in 1717 by four or more old lodges, three of which still thrive. There were other lodges in London and the countryside at the time, but it’s unclear if they were invited to the meeting. Probably not, since existing records from that period are mysteriously silent about it. Similarly, there were many lodges operating in Scotland, and without a doubt, the craft was widely supported in Ireland. Whatever the ceremonies that were then known as Freemasonry in Great Britain and Ireland, they were essentially the same, and the respected Old Charges or manuscript constitutions, tracing back several centuries, were rightfully regarded by them as the title-deeds of their masonic heritage.

It was a bold thing to do, thus to start a governing body for the fraternity quite different in many respects to all preceding organizations, and to brand as irregular all lodges which declined 79 to accept such authority; but the very originality and audacity of its promoters appears to have led to its success, and it was not long before most of the lodges of the pre-Grand-Lodge era joined and accepted “constitution” by warrant of the Grand Master. Not only so, but Ireland quickly followed the lead, so early as 1725 there being a Grand Lodge for that country which must have been formed even still earlier, and probably by lodges started before any were authorized in the English counties. In Scotland the change was not made until 1736, many lodges even then holding aloof from such an organization. Indeed, out of some hundred lodges known to have been active then, only thirty-three responded and agreed to fall into line, though several joined later; some, however, kept separate down to the end of the 19th century, while others never united. Many of these lodges have records of the 17th century though not then newly formed; one in particular, the oldest (the Lodge of Edinburgh, No. 1), possesses minutes so far back as the year 1599.

It was a bold move to create a governing body for the fraternity that was quite different from all previous organizations and to label any lodges that refused to accept this authority as irregular. However, the originality and daring of its founders seemed to contribute to its success, and it wasn’t long before most of the lodges from the pre-Grand-Lodge era joined and accepted the “constitution” granted by the Grand Master. Not only that, but Ireland quickly followed suit; as early as 1725, there was a Grand Lodge for that country, which must have been established even earlier, probably by lodges that were started before any were authorized in the English counties. In Scotland, the change didn’t happen until 1736, with many lodges still distancing themselves from such an organization at that time. In fact, out of about a hundred lodges known to be active then, only thirty-three agreed to fall in line, though several joined later. Some, however, remained separate until the end of the 19th century, while others never united. Many of these lodges have records dating back to the 17th century, even though they were not newly formed at that time; one in particular, the oldest (the Lodge of Edinburgh, No. 1), has minutes that date back to 1599.

It is important to bear in mind that all the regular lodges throughout the world, and likewise all the Grand Lodges, directly or indirectly, have sprung from one or other of the three governing bodies named; Ireland and Scotland following the example set by their masonic mother of England in having Grand Lodges of their own. It is not proved how the latter two became acquainted with Freemasonry as a secret society, guided more or less by the operative MS. Constitutions or Charges common to the three bodies, not met with elsewhere; but the credit of a Grand Lodge being established to control the lodges belongs to England.

It’s important to remember that all the regular lodges around the world, along with all the Grand Lodges, have directly or indirectly originated from one of the three governing bodies mentioned. Ireland and Scotland took their cues from their masonic mother, England, by establishing their own Grand Lodges. It’s unclear how the latter two became familiar with Freemasonry as a secret society, which was guided to some extent by the operative MS. Constitutions or Charges that are unique to the three bodies and not found elsewhere. However, the credit for establishing a Grand Lodge to oversee the lodges goes to England.

It may be a startling declaration, but it is well authenticated, that there is no other Freemasonry, as the term is now understood, than what which has been so derived. In other words, the lodges and Grand Lodges in both hemispheres trace their origin and authority back to England for working what are known as the Three Degrees, controlled by regular Grand Lodges. That being so, a history of modern Freemasonry, the direct offspring of the British parents aforesaid, should first of all establish the descent of the three Grand Lodges from the Freemasonry of earlier days; such continuity, of five centuries or more, being a sine qua non of antiquity and regularity.

It might seem like a bold statement, but it’s well established that there is no other Freemasonry, as we understand the term today, than that which has originated in England. In other words, the lodges and Grand Lodges in both hemispheres can trace their lineage and authority back to England for practicing what are known as the Three Degrees, overseen by recognized Grand Lodges. Therefore, a history of modern Freemasonry, which directly stems from these British origins, should primarily establish the lineage of the three Grand Lodges from the Freemasonry of earlier times; such a continuity, spanning five centuries or more, is essential for authenticity and regularity.

It will be found that from the early part of the 18th century back to the 16th century existing records testify to the assemblies of lodges, mainly operative, but partly speculative, in Great Britain, whose guiding stars and common heritage were the Old Charges, and that when their actual minutes and transactions cease to be traced by reason of their loss, these same MS. Constitutions furnish testimony of the still older working of such combinations of freemasons or masons, without the assistance, countenance or authority of any other masonic body; consequently such documents still preserved, of the 14th and later centuries (numbering about seventy, mostly in form of rolls), with the existing lodge minutes referred to of the 16th century, down to the establishment of the premier Grand Lodge in 1717, prove the continuity of the society. Indeed so universally has this claim been admitted, that in popular usage the term Freemason is only now applied to those who belong to this particular fraternity, that of mason being applicable to one who follows that trade, or honourable calling, as a builder.

It can be seen that from the early part of the 18th century back to the 16th century, existing records show the meetings of lodges, mainly active but also some speculative, in Great Britain. Their guiding principles and shared heritage were the Old Charges. Even when their actual minutes and activities can no longer be traced due to loss, these same written Constitutions provide evidence of the much older workings of such groupings of freemasons or masons, without the help, endorsement, or authority of any other masonic organization. Therefore, the documents that have survived from the 14th century and later (around seventy in total, mostly in the form of scrolls), along with the existing lodge minutes from the 16th century up to the founding of the premier Grand Lodge in 1717, demonstrate the continuity of the society. In fact, this claim has been so widely accepted that in common usage, the term Freemason now refers only to those who are part of this specific fraternity, while the term mason is used for someone who practices that trade or profession as a builder.

There is no evidence that during this long period any other organization of any kind, religious, philosophical, mystical or otherwise, materially or even slightly influenced the customs of the fraternity, though they may have done so; but so far as is known the lodges were of much the same character throughout, and consisted really of operatives (who enjoyed practically a monopoly for some time of the trade as masons or freemasons), and, in part, of “speculatives,” i.e. noblemen, gentlemen and men of other trades, who were admitted as honorary members.

There’s no evidence that during this long period any other organization, whether religious, philosophical, mystical, or otherwise, had any significant influence on the customs of the fraternity, although they might have. However, as far as is known, the lodges were pretty much the same throughout and mainly consisted of operatives (who practically held a monopoly on the trade as masons or freemasons for a time) and, in part, of “speculatives,” meaning noblemen, gentlemen, and people from other trades who were admitted as honorary members.

Assuming then that the freemasons of the present day are the sole inheritors of the system arranged at the so-called “Revival of 1717,” which was a development from an operative body to one partly speculative, and that, so far back as the MS. Records extend and furnish any light, they must have worked in Lodges in secret throughout the period noted, a history of Freemasonry should be mainly devoted to giving particulars, as far as possible, of the lodges, their traditions, customs and laws, based upon actual documents which can be tested and verified by members and non-members alike.

Assuming that today's Freemasons are the only true inheritors of the system organized during the "Revival of 1717," which transitioned from a practical organization to one that is partly philosophical, and considering that, as far back as the existing manuscript records provide any insight, they must have met in secret lodges throughout that time, a history of Freemasonry should primarily focus on detailing, as much as possible, the lodges, their traditions, customs, and laws, based on actual documents that can be checked and verified by both members and non-members.

It has been the rule to treat, more or less fully, of the influence exerted on the fraternity by the Ancient Mysteries, the Essenes, Roman Colleges, Culdees, Hermeticism, Fehm-Gerichte et hoc genus omne, especially the Steinmetzen, the Craft Gilds and the Companionage of France, &c.; but in view of the separate and independent character of the freemasons, it appears to be quite unnecessary, and the time so employed would be better devoted to a more thorough search after additional evidences of the activity of the craft, especially during the crucial period overlapping the second decade of the 18th century, so as to discover information as to the transmitted secrets of the medieval masons, which, after all, may simply have been what Gaspard Monge felicitously entitles “Descriptive Geometry, or the Art and Science of Masonic Symbolism.”

It's been common to discuss the influence of the Ancient Mysteries, the Essenes, Roman Colleges, Culdees, Hermeticism, Fehm-Gerichte et hoc genus omne, especially the Steinmetzen, Craft Guilds, and the Companionage of France, etc., on the fraternity. However, given the distinct and independent nature of masons, it's unnecessary. The time spent on this would be better used to thoroughly search for more evidence of the craft's activity, particularly during the crucial overlap of the second decade of the 18th century, to uncover information about the secrets passed down from medieval masons, which may simply be what Gaspard Monge aptly refers to as “Descriptive Geometry, or the Art and Science of Masonic Symbolism.”

The rules and regulations of the masons were embodied in what are known as the Old Charges; the senior known copy being the Regius MS. (British Museum Bibl. Reg. 17 A, i.), which, however, is not so exclusively devoted to masonry as the later copies. David Casley, in his catalogue of the MSS. in the King’s Library (1734), unfortunately styled the little gem A Poem of Moral Duties; and owing to this misdescription its true character was not recognized until the year 1839, and then by a non-mason (Mr Halliwell-Phillipps), who had it reproduced in 1840 and brought out an improved edition in 1844. Its date has been approximately fixed at 1390 by Casley and other authorities.

The rules and regulations of the masons were captured in the document known as the Old Charges; the oldest known copy is the Regius MS. (British Museum Bibl. Reg. 17 A, i.), which, however, is not solely focused on masonry like the later copies. David Casley, in his catalog of the manuscripts in the King’s Library (1734), unfortunately referred to this little gem as A Poem of Moral Duties; due to this mislabeling, its true nature wasn't recognized until 1839, and then by a non-mason (Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps), who had it reproduced in 1840 and released an updated edition in 1844. Its date has been roughly established as 1390 by Casley and other experts.

The curious legend of the craft, therein made known, deals first of all with the number of unemployed in early days and the necessity of finding work, “that they myght gete here lyvynge therby.” Euclid was consulted, and recommended the “onest craft of good masonry,” and the genesis of the society is found “yn Egypte lande.” By a rapid transition, but “mony erys afterwarde,” we are told that the “Craft com ynto England yn tyme of good kynge Adelstonus (Æthelstan) day,” who called an assembly of the masons, when fifteen articles and as many more points were agreed to for the government of the craft, each being duly described. Each brother was instructed that—

The intriguing legend of the craft, revealed here, starts with the high number of unemployed in earlier times and the need to find work, “so they could make a living from it.” Euclid was consulted and recommended the “noble craft of good masonry,” with the origins of the society traced back “in the land of Egypt.” After a quick leap in time, we learn that the “Craft came to England in the time of good King Æthelstan,” who called a gathering of the masons, where fifteen articles and as many points were agreed upon for the governance of the craft, each one properly detailed. Every brother was instructed that—

“He must love wel God, and holy Churche algate

“He must love God well, and the holy Church at all times.”

And hys mayster also, that he ys wythe.”

And his master too, that he is with.

“The thrydde poynt must be severle.

“The third point must be separate.

With the prentes knowe hyt wele,

With the parents knowing it well,

Hys mayster cownsel he kepe and close,

His master's counsel he keeps and shares discreetly,

And hys felows by hys goode purpose;

And his friends by his good intention;

The prevetyse of the chamber telle he no mon,

The prevetyse of the chamber tells no man,

Ny yn the logge whatsever they done,

Ny yn the logge whatsever they done,

Whatsever thou heryst, or syste hem do,

What you hear, or see them do,

Telle hyt no mon, whersever thou go.”

Telling it to no one, wherever you go.

The rules generally, besides referring to trade regulations, are as a whole suggestive of the Ten Commandments in an extended form, winding up with the legend of the Ars quatuor coronatorum, as an incentive to a faithful discharge of the numerous obligations. A second part introduces a more lengthy account of the origin of masonry, in which Noah’s flood and the Tower of Babylon are mentioned as well as the great skill of Euclid, who—

The rules generally, aside from addressing trade regulations, are reminiscent of the Ten Commandments in a more detailed way, concluding with the story of the Ars quatuor coronatorum, as a motivation for fulfilling the many responsibilities. The second part provides a more detailed account of the origins of masonry, mentioning Noah’s flood and the Tower of Babylon, as well as the great skill of Euclid, who—

“Through hye grace of Crist yn heven,

“Through the high grace of Christ in heaven,

He commensed yn the syens seven”;

He began in the sciences seven.

The “seven sciences” are duly named and explained. The compiler apparently was a priest, line 629 reading “And, when ye gospel me rede schal,” thus also accounting for the many religious injunctions in the MS.; the last hundred lines are evidently based upon Urbanitatis (Cott. MS. Caligula A 11, fol. 88) and Instructions for a Parish Priest (Cott. MS. Claudius A 11, fol. 27), instructions such as lads and even men would need who were ignorant of the customs of polite society, correct deportment at church and in the presence of their social superiors.

The "seven sciences" are clearly named and explained. It seems the compiler was a priest, as indicated by line 629 that reads “And, when ye gospel me rede schal,” which also explains the numerous religious guidelines in the manuscript. The last hundred lines are clearly based on Urbanitatis (Cott. MS. Caligula A 11, fol. 88) and Instructions for a Parish Priest (Cott. MS. Claudius A 11, fol. 27), instructions that boys and even men would need if they were unfamiliar with the customs of polite society, proper behavior at church, and how to act in front of their social superiors.

The recital of the legend of the Quatuor Coronati has been held by Herr Findel in his History of Freemasonry (Allgemeine Geschichte der Freimaurerei, 1862; English editions, 1866-1869) to prove that British Freemasonry was derived from Germany, 80 but without any justification, the legend being met with in England centuries prior to the date of the Regius MS., and long prior to its incorporation in masonic legends on the Continent.

The story of the Quatuor Coronati has been presented by Herr Findel in his History of Freemasonry (Allgemeine Geschichte der Freimaurerei, 1862; English editions, 1866-1869) to suggest that British Freemasonry originated in Germany, 80 but there’s no real evidence for this. The legend was known in England centuries before the Regius MS. and long before it became part of masonic legends on the Continent.

The next MS., in order, is known as the “Cooke” (Ad. MS. 23,198, British Museum), because Matthew Cooke published a fair reproduction of the document in 1861; and it is deemed by competent paleographers to date from the first part of the 15th century. There are two versions of the Old Charges in this little book, purchased for the British Museum in 1859. The compiler was probably a mason and familiar with several copies of these MS. Constitutions, two of which he utilizes and comments upon; he quotes from a MS. copy of the Policronicon the manner in which a written account of the sciences was preserved in the two historic stones at the time of the Flood, and generally makes known the traditions of the society as well as the laws which were to govern the members.

The next manuscript, in order, is known as the “Cooke” (Ad. MS. 23,198, British Museum), because Matthew Cooke published a good reproduction of the document in 1861; and experts in paleography believe it originates from the early 15th century. This small book, which was purchased for the British Museum in 1859, contains two versions of the Old Charges. The compiler was likely a mason who was familiar with several versions of these manuscripts of the Constitutions, two of which he uses and comments on; he cites a manuscript copy of the Policronicon, describing how a written record of the sciences was kept in the two historic stones during the Flood, and generally shares the traditions of the society as well as the laws meant to govern the members.

Its introduction into England through Egypt is noted (where the Children of Israel “lernyd ye craft of Masonry”), also the “lande of behest” (Jerusalem) and the Temple of Solomon (who “confirmed ye chargys yt David his Fadir” had made). Then masonry in France is interestingly described; and St Alban and “Æthelstane with his yongest sone” (the Edwin of the later MSS.) became the chosen mediums subsequently, as with the other Charges, portions of the Old Testament are often cited in order to convey a correct idea to the neophyte, who is to hear the document read, as to these sciences which are declared to be free in themselves (fre in hem selfe). Of all crafts followed by man in this world “Masonry hathe the moste notabilite,” as confirmed by “Elders that were bi for us of masons [who] had these chargys wryten,” and “as is write and taught in ye boke of our charges.”

Its introduction into England through Egypt is noted (where the Children of Israel “learned the craft of Masonry”), also the “land of promise” (Jerusalem) and the Temple of Solomon (who “confirmed the charges that David his Father” had made). Then masonry in France is interestingly described; and St. Alban and “Æthelstane with his youngest son” (the Edwin of the later manuscripts) became the chosen representatives subsequently. As with the other Charges, portions of the Old Testament are often cited to convey a clear idea to the neophyte, who is to hear the document read, regarding these sciences that are declared to be free in themselves (free in themselves). Of all the crafts practiced by man in this world, “Masonry has the most significance,” as confirmed by “Elders that were before us of masons [who] had these charges written,” and “as is written and taught in the book of our charges.”

Until quite recently no representative or survival of this particular version had been traced, but in 1890 one was discovered of 1687 (since known as the William Watson MS.). Of some seventy copies of these old scrolls which have been unearthed, by far the greater proportion have been made public since 1860. They have all much in common, though often curious differences are to be detected; are of English origin, no matter where used; and when complete, as they mostly are, whether of the 16th or subsequent centuries, are noteworthy for an invocation or prayer which begins the recital:—

Until recently, no representative or copy of this particular version had been found, but in 1890, one was discovered from 1687 (now known as the William Watson MS.). Out of the seventy copies of these old scrolls that have been uncovered, the majority have been made available to the public since 1860. They all share a lot in common, even though there are often interesting differences; they are of English origin, regardless of where they were used, and when complete, as many of them are—whether from the 16th century or later—they stand out for an invocation or prayer that begins the recital:—

“The mighte of the ffather of heaven

“The might of the Father of Heaven

And the wysedome of the glorious Sonne

And the wisdom of the glorious Son

through the grace and the goodnes of the holly

through the grace and the goodness of the holy

ghoste yt been three p’sons and one God

ghoste yt been three persons and one God

be with us at or beginning and give us grace

be with us at our beginning and give us grace

so to gou’ne us here in or lyving that wee maye

so to guide us here in our living that we may

come to his blisse that nevr shall have ending.—Amen.”

come to his bliss that never shall have ending.—Amen.”

(Grand Lodge MS. No. 1, A.D. 1583.)

(Grand Lodge MS. No. 1, A.D. 1583.)

They are chiefly of the 17th century and nearly all located in England; particulars may be found in Hughan’s Old Charges of the British Freemasons (1872, 1895 and supplement 1906).3 The chief scrolls, with some others, have been reproduced in facsimile in six volumes of the Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha; and the collection in Yorkshire has been published separately, either in the West Yorkshire Reprints or the Ancient York Masonic Rolls. Several have been transcribed and issued in other works.

They mostly come from the 17th century and are mainly found in England; details can be found in Hughan’s Old Charges of the British Freemasons (1872, 1895, and supplement 1906).3 The main scrolls, along with a few others, have been reproduced in facsimile in six volumes of Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha; and the collection in Yorkshire has been published separately, either in the West Yorkshire Reprints or the Ancient York Masonic Rolls. Several have been transcribed and released in other works.

These scrolls give considerable information as to the traditions and customs of the craft, together with the regulations for its government, and were required to be read to apprentices long after the peculiar rules ceased to be acted upon, each lodge apparently having one or more copies kept for the purpose. The old Lodge of Aberdeen ordered in 1670 that the Charge was to be “read at ye entering of everie entered prenteise”; another at Alnwick in 1701 provided—

These scrolls provide a lot of information about the traditions and customs of the trade, along with the rules for its governance. They were meant to be read to apprentices long after the specific rules were no longer followed, with each lodge apparently keeping one or more copies for this purpose. The old Lodge of Aberdeen ordered in 1670 that the Charge was to be “read at the entry of every entered apprentice”; another at Alnwick in 1701 provided—

“Noe Mason shall take any apprentice [but he must]

“Noe Mason shall take on any apprentice [but he must]

Enter him and give him his Charge, within one whole year after”;

Enter him and give him his assignment, within one whole year after;

and still another at Swallwell (now No. 48 Gateshead) demanded that “the Apprentices shall have their Charge given at the time of Registering, or within thirty days after”; the minutes inserting such entries accordingly even so late as 1754, nearly twenty years after the lodge had cast in its lot with the Grand Lodge of England.

and still another at Swallwell (now No. 48 Gateshead) demanded that “the Apprentices shall have their Charge given at the time of Registering, or within thirty days after”; the minutes inserting such entries accordingly even as late as 1754, nearly twenty years after the lodge had joined the Grand Lodge of England.

Their Christian character is further emphasized by the “First Charge that you shall be true men to God and the holy Church”; the York MS. No. 6 beseeches the brethren “at every meeting and assembly they pray heartily for all Christians”; the Melrose MS. No. 2 (1674) mentions “Merchants and all other Christian men,” and the Aberdeen MS. (1670) terms the invocation “A Prayer before the Meeting.” Until the Grand Lodge era, Freemasonry was thus wholly Christian. The York MS. No. 4 of 1693 contains a singular error in the admonitory lines:—

Their Christian character is further highlighted by the “First Charge that you shall be true men to God and the holy Church”; the York MS. No. 6 urges the members “at every meeting and assembly to pray sincerely for all Christians”; the Melrose MS. No. 2 (1674) references “Merchants and all other Christian men,” and the Aberdeen MS. (1670) refers to the invocation as “A Prayer before the Meeting.” Until the Grand Lodge era, Freemasonry was entirely Christian. The York MS. No. 4 from 1693 contains a unique mistake in the admonitory lines:—

“The [n] one of the elders takeing the Booke and that

“The [n] one of the elders taking the Book and that

hee or shee that is to be made mason, shall lay their

hee or shee that is to be made mason, shall lay their

hands thereon and the charge shall be given.”

hands thereon and the charge shall be given.”

This particular reading was cited by Hughan in 1871, but was considered doubtful; Findel,4 however, confirmed it, on his visit to York under the guidance of the celebrated masonic student the late Rev. A. F. A. Woodford. The mistake was due possibly to the transcriber, who had an older roll before him, confusing “they,” sometimes written “the,” with “she,” or reading that portion, which is often in Latin, as ille vel illa, instead of ille vel illi.

This specific reading was referenced by Hughan in 1871, but it was considered questionable; however, Findel, 4 confirmed it during his visit to York, guided by the renowned masonic scholar, the late Rev. A. F. A. Woodford. The mistake likely happened because the transcriber, who had an older document in front of him, mixed up “they,” sometimes written as “the,” with “she,” or misread that section, which is often in Latin, as ille vel illa, instead of ille vel illi.

In some of the Codices, about the middle of the 17th century and later, New Articles are inserted, such as would be suitable for an organization similar to the Masons’ Company of London, which had one, at least, of the Old Charges in its possession according to inventories of 1665 and 1676; and likewise in 1722, termed The Book of the Constitutions of the Accepted Masons. Save its mention (“Book wrote on parchment”) by Sir Francis Palgrave in the Edinburgh Review (April 1839) as being in existence “not long since,” this valuable document has been lost sight of for many years.

In some of the Codices, around the middle of the 17th century and later, new articles were added that would be fitting for an organization like the Masons' Company of London. This group had at least one of the Old Charges in its records according to inventories from 1665 and 1676; and also in 1722, referred to as The Book of the Constitutions of the Accepted Masons. Apart from its mention (“Book wrote on parchment”) by Sir Francis Palgrave in the Edinburgh Review (April 1839) as being in existence “not long ago,” this important document has been overlooked for many years.

That there were signs and other secrets preserved and used by the brethren throughout this mainly operative period may be gathered from discreet references in these old MSS. The Institutions in parchment (22nd of November 1696) of the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge (No. 53, Scotland) contain a copy of the oath taken “when any man should be made”:—

That there were signs and other secrets maintained and utilized by the members during this primarily practical period can be inferred from subtle mentions in these ancient manuscripts. The Institutions in parchment (November 22, 1696) of the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge (No. 53, Scotland) include a copy of the oath taken “when any man should be made”:—

“These Charges which we now reherse to you and all others ye secrets and misterys belonging to free masons you shall faithfully and truly keep, together with ye Counsell of ye assembly or lodge, or any other lodge, or brother, or fellow.”

“These charges that we are now sharing with you and all others regarding the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry, you shall faithfully and truly keep, along with the counsel of the assembly or lodge, or any other lodge, brother, or fellow.”

“Then after ye oath taken and the book kissed” (i.e. the Bible) the “precepts” are read, the first being:—

“Then after you take the oath and kiss the book” (i.e. the Bible) the “rules” are read, the first being:—

“You shall be true men to God and his holy Church, and that you do not countenance or maintaine any eror, faction, schism or herisey, in ye church to ye best of your understanding.” (History of No. 53, by James Smith.)

“You should be loyal to God and his holy Church, and you must not support or tolerate any error, faction, schism, or heresy in the church to the best of your understanding.” (History of No. 53, by James Smith.)

The Grand Lodge MS. No. 2 provides that “You shall keepe secret ye obscure and intricate pts. of ye science, not disclosinge them to any but such as study and use ye same.”

The Grand Lodge MS. No. 2 states, “You must keep secret the complex and detailed parts of the science, only sharing them with those who study and use the same.”

The Harleian MS. No. 2054 (Brit. Mus.) is still more explicit, termed The ffree Masons Orders and Constitutions, and is in the handwriting of Randle Holme (author of the Academie of Armory, 1688), who was a member of a lodge in Cheshire. Following the MS. Constitutions, in the same handwriting, about 1650, is a scrap of paper with the obligation:—

The Harleian MS. No. 2054 (Brit. Mus.) is even more detailed, called The Free Masons Orders and Constitutions, and it’s written by Randle Holme (author of the Academie of Armory, 1688), who was part of a lodge in Cheshire. Following the MS. Constitutions, in the same handwriting, there’s a piece of paper with the obligation dated around 1650:—

“There is sevrall words and signes of a free Mason to be revailed to yu wch as yu will answr. before God at the Great and terrible day of judgmt. yu keep secret and not to revaile the same to any in the heares of any p’son, but to the Mrs and fellows of the Society of Free Masons, so helpe me God, &c.” (W. H. Rylands, Mas. Mag., 1882.)

“There are several words and signs of a Freemason that are to be revealed to you, which you will answer before God on the Great and terrible day of judgment. You must keep these secret and not reveal them to anyone else, but only to the Masters and fellows of the Society of Freemasons. So help me God, etc.” (W. H. Rylands, Mas. Mag., 1882.)



It is not yet settled who were the actual designers or architects of the grand old English cathedrals. Credit has been claimed for church dignitaries, to the exclusion more or less of the master masons, to whom presumably of right the distinction belonged. In early days the title “architect” is not met with, unless the term “Ingenator” had that meaning, which is doubtful. As to this interesting question, and as to the subject of building generally, an historical account of Master and Free Masons (Discourses upon Architecture in England, by the Rev. James Dallaway, 1833), and Notes on the Superintendents of English Buildings in the Middle Ages (by Wyatt Papworth, 1887), should be consulted. Both writers were non-masons. The former observes: “The honour due to the original founders of these edifices is almost invariably transferred to the ecclesiastics under whose patronage they rose, rather than to the skill and design of the master mason, or professional architect, because the only historians were monks.... They were probably not so well versed in geometrical science as the master masons, for mathematics formed a part of monastic learning in a very limited degree.” In the Journal of Proceedings R.I.B.A. vol. iv. (1887), a skilful critic (W. H. White) declares that Papworth, in that valuable collection of facts, has contrived to annihilate all the professional idols of the century, setting up in their place nothing except the master mason. The brotherhood of Bridge-builders,5 that travelled far and wide to build bridges, and the travelling bodies of Freemasons,6 he believes never existed; nor was William of Wykeham the designer of the colleges attributed to him. It seems well-nigh impossible to disprove the statements made by Papworth, because they are all so well grounded on attested facts; and the attempt to connect the Abbey of Cluny, or men trained at Cluny, with the original or preliminary designs of the great buildings erected during the middle ages, at least during the 12th and 13th centuries, is also a failure. The whole question is ably and fully treated in the History of Freemasonry by Robert Freke Gould (1886-1887), particularly in chapter vi. on “Medieval Operative Masonry,” and in his Concise History (1903).

It is still unclear who the actual designers or architects of the grand old English cathedrals were. Some have credited church leaders, largely overlooking the master masons, to whom the honor rightly belongs. In early times, the title “architect” was rarely used, unless “Ingenator” was meant to signify that, which is uncertain. For insight into this fascinating topic, as well as general building history, one should consult an historical account of Master and Free Masons (Discourses upon Architecture in England, by the Rev. James Dallaway, 1833), and Notes on the Superintendents of English Buildings in the Middle Ages (by Wyatt Papworth, 1887). Both authors were not masons. The former notes: “The credit due to the original creators of these structures is often redirected to the religious figures under whose support they were built, rather than to the skill and design of the master mason or professional architect, because the only historians were monks... They likely weren't as knowledgeable in geometry as the master masons, as mathematics was only a small part of monastic education.” In the Journal of Proceedings R.I.B.A. vol. iv. (1887), a skilled critic (W. H. White) states that Papworth, in that valuable collection of facts, has managed to eliminate all the professional icons of the century, replacing them solely with the master mason. He believes the brotherhood of Bridge-builders, who traveled extensively to construct bridges, and the traveling groups of Freemasons, never actually existed; nor was William of Wykeham the creator of the colleges attributed to him. It seems nearly impossible to challenge Papworth’s claims, as they are all strongly based on confirmed facts; and the effort to link the Abbey of Cluny, or individuals trained there, with the original or initial designs of the significant structures built during the Middle Ages, particularly in the 12th and 13th centuries, also fails. This entire issue is effectively and thoroughly addressed in the History of Freemasonry by Robert Freke Gould (1886-1887), especially in chapter vi. on “Medieval Operative Masonry,” and in his Concise History (1903).

The lodge is often met with, either as the tabulatum domicialem (1200, at St Alban’s Abbey) or actually so named in the Fabric Rolls of York Minster (1370), ye loge being situated close to the fane in course of erection; it was used as a place in which the stones were prepared in private for the structure, as well as occupied at meal-time, &c. Each mason was required to “swere upon ye boke yt he sall trewly ande bysyli at his power hold and kepe holy all ye poyntes of yis forsayde ordinance” (Ordinacio Cementanorum).

The lodge is frequently referred to as the tabulatum domicialem (1200, at St Alban's Abbey) or by that name in the Fabric Rolls of York Minster (1370), with ye loge located close to the temple being built; it served as a space where the stones were privately prepared for the structure, as well as a place for meals, etc. Each mason was required to “swear on the book that he will truly and diligently do his best to uphold and keep all the points of this aforementioned ordinance” (Ordinacio Cementanorum).

As to the term free-mason, from the 14th century, it is held by some authorities that it described simply those men who worked “freestone,” but there is abundant evidence to prove that, whatever may have been intended at first, free-mason soon had a much wider signification, the prefix free being also employed by carpenters (1666), sewers (15th century, tailors at Exeter) and others, presumably to indicate they were free to follow their trades in certain localities. On this point Mr Gould well observes: “The class of persons from whom the Freemasons of Warrington (1646), Staffordshire (1686), Chester, York, London and their congeners in the 17th century derived the descriptive title, which became the inheritance of the Grand Lodge of England, were free men, and masons of Gilds or Companies” (History, vol. ii. p. 160). Dr Brentano may also be cited: “Wherever the Craft Guilds were legally acknowledged, we find foremost, that the right to exercise their craft, and sell their manufactures, depended upon the freedom of their city” (Development of Guilds, &c., p. 65). In like manner, the privilege of working as a mason was not conferred before candidates had been “made free.” The regular free-masons would not work with men, even if they had a knowledge of their trade, “if unfree,” but styled them “Cowans,” a course justified by the king’s “Maister of Work,” William Schaw, whose Statutis and Ordinanceis (28th December 1598) required that “Na maister or fellow of craft ressaue any cowanis to wirk in his societie or companye, nor send nane of his servants to wirk wt. cowanis, under the pane of twentie pounds.” Gradually, however, the rule was relaxed, in time such monopoly practically ceased, and the word “cowan” is only known in connexion with speculative Freemasonry. Sir Walter Scott, as a member of Lodge St David (No. 36), was familiar with the word and used it in Rob Roy. In 1707 a cowan was described in the minutes of Mother Lodge Kilwinning, as a mason “without the word,” thus one who was not a free mason (History of the Lodge of Edinburgh No. 1, by D. Murray Lyon, 1900).

As for the term free-mason, dating back to the 14th century, some experts believe it simply referred to people who worked with “freestone.” However, there's plenty of evidence showing that, regardless of the initial intent, free-mason quickly took on a broader meaning. The prefix free was also used by carpenters (1666), sewers (15th century, tailors in Exeter), and others, likely indicating they were allowed to practice their trades in certain areas. Mr. Gould notes: “The group of individuals from whom the Freemasons of Warrington (1646), Staffordshire (1686), Chester, York, London, and their counterparts in the 17th century derived their descriptive title, which became the legacy of the Grand Lodge of England, were free men and masons of Gilds or Companies” (History, vol. ii. p. 160). Dr. Brentano can also be mentioned: “Wherever the Craft Guilds were legally recognized, we find that the right to practice their craft and sell their goods depended on their city's freedom” (Development of Guilds, &c., p. 65). Similarly, the privilege to work as a mason was only granted after candidates had been “made free.” Regular Freemasons would not work with men, even if they knew the trade, if they were “unfree,” instead calling them “Cowans.” This stance was supported by the king’s “Maister of Work,” William Schaw, whose Statutis and Ordinanceis (December 28, 1598) mandated that “No master or fellow of craft should receive any cowans to work in his society or company, nor send any of his servants to work with cowans, under a penalty of twenty pounds.” Over time, though, this rule was loosened, and eventually, the monopoly faded, with the term “cowan” now mainly associated with speculative Freemasonry. Sir Walter Scott, a member of Lodge St David (No. 36), was familiar with the word and used it in Rob Roy. In 1707, a cowan was described in the minutes of Mother Lodge Kilwinning as a mason “without the word,” meaning someone who was not a free mason (History of the Lodge of Edinburgh No. 1, by D. Murray Lyon, 1900).

In the New English Dictionary (Oxford, vol. iv., 1897) under “Freemason” it is noted that three views have been propounded:—(1) “The suggestion that free-mason stands for free-stone-mason would appear unworthy of attention, but for the curious fact that the earliest known instances of any similar appellation are mestre mason de franche peer (Act 25 Edw. III., 1350), and sculptores lapidum liberorum, alleged to occur in a document of 1217; the coincidence, however, seems to be merely accidental. (2) The view most generally held is that freemasons were those who were free of the masons’ guild. Against this explanation many forcible objections have been brought by Mr G. W. Speth, who suggests (3) that the itinerant masons were called free because they claimed exemption from the control of the local guilds of the towns in which they temporarily settled. (4) Perhaps the best hypothesis is that the term refers to the medieval practice of emancipating skilled artisans, in order that they might be able to travel and render their services wherever any great building was in process of construction.” The late secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge (No. 2076, London) has thus had his view sanctioned by “the highest tribunal in the Republic of Letters so far as Philology is concerned” (Dr W. J. Chetwode Crawley in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 1898). Still it cannot be denied that members of lodges in the 16th and following centuries exercised the privilege of making free masons and denied the freedom of working to cowans (also called un-freemen) who had not been so made free; “the Masownys of the luge” being the only ones recognized as freemasons. As to the prefix being derived from the word frere, a sufficient answer is the fact that frequent reference is made to “Brother freemasons,” so that no ground for that supposition exists (cf. articles by Mr Gould in the Freemason for September 1898 on “Free and Freemasonry”).

In the New English Dictionary (Oxford, vol. iv., 1897) under “Freemason,” it mentions three theories:—(1) “The idea that free-mason means free-stone-mason might not deserve much attention, but it’s interesting that the earliest known uses of similar terms are mestre mason de franche peer (Act 25 Edw. III., 1350) and sculptores lapidum liberorum, claimed to be found in a document from 1217; however, the coincidence seems purely accidental. (2) The widely accepted view is that freemasons were those who were free from the masons’ guild. Against this explanation, Mr. G. W. Speth has raised several strong objections, and he suggests (3) that the traveling masons were called free because they asserted their independence from the local guilds in the towns where they temporarily worked. (4) The best theory may be that the term refers to the medieval practice of freeing skilled craftsmen so they could travel and offer their services wherever major construction was underway.” The late secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge (No. 2076, London) thus had his perspective endorsed by “the highest authority in the Republic of Letters concerning Philology” (Dr. W. J. Chetwode Crawley in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 1898). Still, it cannot be denied that members of lodges in the 16th century and beyond had the privilege of making free masons and denied working rights to cowans (also known as un-freemen) who had not been made free; “the Masownys of the luge” being the only ones acknowledged as free masons. Regarding the prefix being derived from the word frere, a clear response is the frequent mention of “Brother free masons,” which means there’s no basis for that theory (see articles by Mr. Gould in the Freemason for September 1898 on “Free and Freemasonry”).

There are numerous indications of masonic activity in the British lodges of the 17th century, especially in Scotland; the existing records, however, of the southern part of the United Kingdom, though few, are of importance, some only having been made known in recent years. These concern the Masons’ Company of London, whose valuable minutes and other documents are ably described and commented upon by Edward Conder, jr., in his Hole Crafte and Fellowship of Masons (1894), the author then being the Master of that ancient company. It was incorporated in 1677 by Charles II., who graciously met the wishes of the members, but as a company the information “that is to be found in the Corporation Records at Guildhall proves very clearly that in 1376 the Masons’ Company existed and was represented in the court of common council.” The title then favoured was “Masons,” the entry of the term “Freemasons” being crossed out. Herbert erroneously overlooked the correction, and stated in his History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies (vol. i.) that the Freemasons returned two, and the Masons four members, but subsequently amalgamated; whereas the revised entry was for the “Masons” only. The Company obtained a grant of arms in 1472 (12th year Hen. VIII.), one of the first of the kind, being thus described:—“A feld of Sablys A Cheveron silver grailed thre Castellis of the same garnysshed wt. dores and wyndows of the feld in the Cheveron or Cumpas of Black of Blak”; it is the authority (if any) for all later armorial bearings having a chevron and castles, assumed by other masonic 82 organizations. This precious document was only discovered in 1871, having been missing for a long time, thus doubtless accounting for the erroneous representations met with, not having the correct blazon to follow. The oldest masonic motto known is “God is our Guide” on Kerwin’s tomb in St Helen’s church, Bishopgate, of 1594; that of “In the Lord is all our trust” not being traced until the next century. Supporters consisting of two doric columns are mentioned in 1688 by Randle Holme, but the Grand Lodge of England in the following century used Beavers as operative builders. Its first motto was “In the beginning was the Word” (in Greek), exchanged a few years onward for “Relief and Truth,” the rival Grand Lodge (Atholl Masons) selecting “Holiness to the Lord” (in Hebrew), and the final selection at the “Union of December 1813” being Audi Vide Tace.

There are many signs of masonic activity in the British lodges of the 17th century, especially in Scotland. However, the existing records from the southern part of the United Kingdom, while few, are significant, with some having only come to light in recent years. These records relate to the Masons’ Company of London, whose valuable minutes and other documents are well described and commented on by Edward Conder, Jr. in his Hole Crafte and Fellowship of Masons (1894), when he was the Master of that ancient company. It was incorporated in 1677 by Charles II, who graciously accommodated the members’ wishes, but as a company, the information found in the Corporation Records at Guildhall clearly shows that the Masons’ Company existed and was represented in the court of common council as far back as 1376. The title in use then was “Masons,” with the entry for “Freemasons” being crossed out. Herbert mistakenly overlooked this correction, claiming in his History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies (vol. i.) that the Freemasons returned two members and the Masons four, but later merged; however, the revised entry referred only to the “Masons.” The Company received a grant of arms in 1472 (the 12th year of Henry VIII), one of the earliest of its kind, described as: “A field of Sable, a Chevron silver, gabled three Castles of the same, adorned with doors and windows of the field in the Chevron or Compass of Black.” This document serves as the basis for all later armorial displays featuring a chevron and castles, adopted by other masonic 82 organizations. This important document was only rediscovered in 1871, having been missing for a long time, likely explaining the incorrect representations that lacked the correct blazon to reference. The oldest known masonic motto is “God is our Guide” found on Kerwin’s tomb in St Helen’s church, Bishopgate, dated 1594; the motto “In the Lord is all our trust” didn’t appear until the following century. Supporters made up of two Doric columns were mentioned in 1688 by Randle Holme, but in the next century, the Grand Lodge of England used Beavers as operative builders. Its first motto was “In the beginning was the Word” (in Greek), which was later changed to “Relief and Truth.” The rival Grand Lodge (Atholl Masons) chose “Holiness to the Lord” (in Hebrew), and the final motto at the “Union of December 1813” became Audi Vide Tace.

Mr Conder’s discovery of a lodge of “Accepted Masons” being held under the wing of the Company was a great surprise, dating as the records do from 1620 to 1621 (the earliest of the kind yet traced in England), when seven were made masons, all of whom were free of the Company before, three being of the Livery; the entry commencing “Att the making masons.” The meetings were entitled the “Acception,” and the members of the lodge were called Accepted Masons, being those so accepted and initiated, the term never otherwise being met with in the Records. An additional fee had to be paid by a member of the Company to join the “Acception,” and any not belonging thereto were mulct in twice the sum; though even then such “acceptance” did not qualify for membership of the superior body; the fees for the “Acception” being £1 and £2 respectively. In 1638-1639, when Nicholas Stone entered the lodge (he was Master of the Company 1632-1633) the banquet cost a considerable sum, showing that the number of brethren present must have been large.

Mr. Conder's discovery of a lodge of "Accepted Masons" under the Company’s support came as a huge surprise, with records dating from 1620 to 1621 (the earliest of its kind found in England). At that time, seven people were made masons, all of whom were already members of the Company, including three from the Livery; the entry starts with “At the making masons.” The meetings were called the “Acception,” and the lodge members were referred to as Accepted Masons, being those who were accepted and initiated, a term not found elsewhere in the records. A member of the Company had to pay an extra fee to join the “Acception,” while anyone outside the Company faced double that fee; however, even with this “acceptance,” they still couldn't qualify for membership in the higher organization. The fees for the “Acception” were £1 and £2, respectively. In 1638-1639, when Nicholas Stone joined the lodge (he was Master of the Company from 1632 to 1633), the banquet cost a significant amount, indicating that the number of members present must have been large.

Elias Ashmole (who according to his diary was “made a Free Mason of Warrington with Colonel Henry Mainwaring,” seven brethern being named as in attendance at the lodge, 16th of October 1646) states that he “received a summons to appear at a Lodge to be held next day at Masons’ Hall, London.” Accordingly on the 11th of March 1682 he attended and saw six gentlemen “admitted into the Fellowship of Free Masons,” of whom three only belonged to the Company; the Master, however, Mr Thomas Wise, the two wardens and six others being present on the occasion as members in their dual capacity. Ashmole adds: “We all dyned at the Halfe Moone Tavern in Cheapside at a noble dinner prepaired at the charge of the new-accepted Masons.”

Elias Ashmole (who, according to his diary, was “made a Freemason of Warrington with Colonel Henry Mainwaring,” with seven siblings present at the lodge on October 16, 1646) mentions that he “received a summons to appear at a Lodge to be held the next day at Masons’ Hall in London.” So, on March 11, 1682, he went and witnessed six gentlemen “admitted into the Fellowship of Freemasons,” of whom only three were part of the Company; the Master, Mr. Thomas Wise, the two wardens, and six others were also there as members in their dual capacity. Ashmole adds: “We all dined at the Half Moon Tavern in Cheapside at an impressive dinner prepared at the expense of the newly accepted Masons.”

It is almost certain that there was not an operative mason present at the Lodge held in 1646, and at the one which met in 1682 there was a strong representation of the speculative branch. Before the year 1654 the Company was known as that of the Freemasons for some time, but after then the old title of Masons was reverted to, the terms “Acception” and “Accepted” belonging to the speculative Lodge, which, however, in all probability either became independent or ceased to work soon after 1682. It is very interesting to note that subsequently (but never before) the longer designation is met with of “Free and Accepted Masons,” and is thus a combination of operative and speculative usage.

It’s almost certain that there wasn’t an active mason present at the Lodge held in 1646, and at the one that met in 1682, there was a strong presence of the speculative branch. Before 1654, the Company was known as the Freemasons for a while, but after that, the old title of Masons was restored, with the terms “Acception” and “Accepted” referring to the speculative Lodge, which, however, probably either became independent or stopped functioning soon after 1682. It’s interesting to note that later on (but never before), the longer title “Free and Accepted Masons” appears, which combines both operative and speculative elements.

Mr Conder is of opinion that in the Records “there is no evidence of any particular ceremony attending the position of Master Mason, possibly it consisted of administering a different oath from the one taken by the apprentices on being entered.” There is much to favour this supposition, and it may provide the key to the vexata quaestio as to the plurality of degrees prior to the Grand Lodge era. The fellow-crafts were recruited from those apprentices who had served their time and had their essay (or sufficient trial of their skill) duly passed; they and the Masters, by the Schaw Statutes of 1598, being only admitted in the presence of “sex Maisteris and twa enterit prenteissis.” As a rule a master mason meant one who was master of his trade, i.e. duly qualified; but it sometimes described employers as distinct from journeymen Freemasons; being also a compliment conferred on honorary members during the 17th century in particular.

Mr. Conder believes that in the Records “there is no evidence of any specific ceremony tied to the role of Master Mason; it might have just involved taking a different oath than the one given to apprentices when they were initiated.” There's a lot to support this idea, and it could explain the vexata quaestio regarding the multiple degrees before the Grand Lodge era. The fellow-crafts were chosen from apprentices who had completed their training and had their work (or sufficient demonstration of their skills) approved; according to the Schaw Statutes of 1598, they and the Masters could only be admitted in the presence of “six Masters and two entered apprentices.” Generally, a master mason referred to someone who was skilled in their trade, i.e. properly qualified; however, it sometimes referred to employers as separate from journeymen Freemasons, and it was also an honor given to honorary members, especially in the 17th century.

In Dr Plot’s History of Staffordshire (1686) is a remarkable account of the “Society of Freemasons,” which, being by an unfriendly critic, is all the more valuable. He states that the custom had spread “more or less all over the nation”; persons of the most eminent quality did not disdain to enter the Fellowship; they had “a large parchment volum containing the History and Rules of the Craft of Masonry”; St Amphibal, St Alban, King Athelstan and Edwin are mentioned, and these “charges and manners” were “after perusal approved by King Hen. 6 and his council, both as to Masters and Fellows of this right Worshipfull craft.” It is but fair to add that notwithstanding the service he rendered the Society by his lengthy description, that credulous historian remarks of its history that there is nothing he ever “met with more false or incoherent.”

In Dr. Plot’s History of Staffordshire (1686), there’s an impressive account of the “Society of Freemasons,” which is especially valuable since it comes from a critical perspective. He notes that the tradition had spread “more or less all over the nation”; people of the highest status didn’t hesitate to join the Fellowship. They had “a large parchment volum containing the History and Rules of the Craft of Masonry.” Figures like St. Amphibal, St. Alban, King Athelstan, and Edwin are mentioned, and these “charges and manners” were “after perusal approved by King Hen. 6 and his council, both as to Masters and Fellows of this right Worshipfull craft.” It’s also fair to say that despite the service he did for the Society with his detailed description, that skeptical historian claims that there’s nothing he ever “met with more false or incoherent.”

The author of the Academie of Armory, previously noted, knew better what he was writing about in that work of 1688 in which he declares: “I cannot but Honor the Fellowship of the Masons because of its Antiquity; and the more, as being a member of that Society, called Free Masons” Mr Rylands states that in Harl. MS. 5955 is a collection of the engraved plates for a second volume of this important work, one being devoted to the Arms of the Society, the columns, as supporters, having globes thereon, from which possibly are derived the two pillars, with such ornaments or additions seen in lodge rooms at a later period.

The author of the Academie of Armory, mentioned earlier, had a better understanding of the subject in his 1688 work, where he states: “I cannot help but honor the fellowship of the Masons because of its ancient history; and even more so, as a member of that society called Free Masons.” Mr. Rylands notes that in Harl. MS. 5955, there is a collection of engraved plates for a second volume of this important work, one of which is dedicated to the Arms of the Society. The columns, depicted as supporters, have globes on top, which may have inspired the two pillars, along with the various ornaments or additions seen in lodge rooms later on.

In the same year “A Tripos or Speech delivered at a commencement in the University of Dublin held there July 11, 1688, by John Jones, then A.B., afterwards D.D.,” contained “notable evidence concerning Freemasonry in Dublin.” The Tripos was included in Sir Walter Scott’s edition of Dean Swift’s works (1814), but as Dr Chetwode Crawley points out, though noticed by the Rev. Dr George Oliver (the voluminous Masonic author), he failed to realize its historical importance. The satirical and withal amusing speech was partly translated from the Latin by Dr Crawley for his scholarly introduction to the Masonic Reprints, &c., by Henry Sadler. “The point seems to be that Ridley (reputed to have been an informer against priests under the barbarous penal laws) was, or ought to have been, hanged; that his carcase, anatomized and stuffed, stood in the library; and that frath scoundrellus discovered on his remains the Freemasons’ Mark.” The importance of the references to the craft in Ireland is simply owing to the year in which they were made, as illustrative of the influence of the Society at that time, of which records are lacking.

In the same year, “A Tripos or Speech delivered at a commencement in the University of Dublin held there July 11, 1688, by John Jones, then A.B., afterwards D.D.,” included “notable evidence concerning Freemasonry in Dublin.” The Tripos was included in Sir Walter Scott’s edition of Dean Swift’s works (1814), but as Dr. Chetwode Crawley points out, although it was mentioned by Rev. Dr. George Oliver (the prolific Masonic author), he didn’t recognize its historical significance. The satirical and entertaining speech was partly translated from Latin by Dr. Crawley for his scholarly introduction to the Masonic Reprints, &c., by Henry Sadler. “The point seems to be that Ridley (who was thought to have been an informer against priests under the harsh penal laws) was, or should have been, hanged; that his body, dissected and stuffed, was displayed in the library; and that frath scoundrellus discovered the Freemasons’ Mark on his remains.” The significance of the references to the craft in Ireland is mainly due to the year they were made, illustrating the influence of the Society at that time, about which records are scarce.

It is primarily to Scotland, however, that we have to look for such numerous particulars of the activity of the fraternity from 1599 to the establishment of its Grand Lodge in 1736, for an excellent account of which we are indebted to Lyon, the Scottish masonic historian. As early as 1600 (8th of June) the attendance of John Boswell, Esq., the laird of Auchinleck, is entered in the minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh; he attested the record and added his mark, as did the other members; so it was not his first appearance. Many noblemen and other gentlemen joined this ancient atelier, notably Lord Alexander, Sir Anthony Alexander and Sir Alexander Strachan in 1634, the king’s Master of Work (Herrie Alexander) in 1638, General Alexander Hamilton in 1640, Dr Hamilton in 1647, and many other prominent and distinguished men later; “James Neilsone, Master Sklaitter to His Majestie,” who was “entered and past in the Lodge of Linlithgow, being elected a joining member,” 2nd March 1654. Quarter-Master General Robert Moray (or Murray) was initiated by members of the Lodge of Edinburgh, at Newcastle on the 20th of May 1641, while the Scottish army was in occupation. On due report to their Alma Mater such reception was allowed, the occurrence having been considered the first of its kind in England until the ancient Records of the Masons’ Company were published.

It is mainly in Scotland that we should look for so many details about the activities of the fraternity from 1599 to the establishment of its Grand Lodge in 1736, for which we owe a great account to Lyon, the Scottish masonic historian. As early as June 8, 1600, John Boswell, Esq., the laird of Auchinleck, is recorded as being present in the minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh; he confirmed the record and added his mark, just like the other members, so this wasn’t his first appearance. Many nobles and other gentlemen joined this ancient atelier, including Lord Alexander, Sir Anthony Alexander, and Sir Alexander Strachan in 1634, the king’s Master of Work (Herrie Alexander) in 1638, General Alexander Hamilton in 1640, Dr. Hamilton in 1647, and many other notable and distinguished men later on; “James Neilsone, Master Sklaitter to His Majestie,” who was “entered and past in the Lodge of Linlithgow, being elected a joining member,” on March 2, 1654. Quarter-Master General Robert Moray (or Murray) was initiated by members of the Lodge of Edinburgh in Newcastle on May 20, 1641, while the Scottish army was occupying the area. Following proper procedures for their Alma Mater, this reception was approved, with the event considered the first of its kind in England until the ancient Records of the Masons’ Company were published.

The minute-books of a number of Scottish Lodges, which are still on the register, go back to the 17th century, and abundantly confirm the frequent admission of speculatives as members and officers, especially those of the venerable “Mother Lodge 83 Kilwinning,” of which the earl of Cassillis was the deacon in 1672, who was succeeded by Sir Alexander Cunningham, and the earl of Eglinton, who like the first of the trio was but an apprentice. There were three Head Lodges according to the Scottish Code of 1599, Edinburgh being “the first and principall,” Kilwinning “the secund,” and Stirling “the third ludge.”

The minute books of several Scottish Lodges, which are still registered, date back to the 17th century and clearly show the regular admission of speculative members and officers, particularly from the respected “Mother Lodge 83 Kilwinning.” The Earl of Cassillis served as the deacon in 1672, followed by Sir Alexander Cunningham and the Earl of Eglinton, who, like the first of the three, was just an apprentice. According to the Scottish Code of 1599, there were three Head Lodges: Edinburgh was “the first and principal,” Kilwinning was “the second,” and Stirling was “the third lodge.”

The Aberdeen Lodge (No. 1 tris) has records preserved from 1670, in which year what is known as the Mark Book begins, containing the oldest existing roll of members, numbering 49, all of whom have their marks registered, save two, though only ten were operatives. The names of the earls of Finlater, Erroll and Dunfermline, Lord Forbes, several ministers and professional men are on the list, which was written by a glazier, all of whom had been enlightened as to the “benefit of the measson word,” and inserted in order as they “were made fellow craft.” The Charter (Old Charges) had to be read at the “entering of everie prenteise,” and the officers included a master and two wardens.

The Aberdeen Lodge (No. 1 tris) has records dating back to 1670, which is when the Mark Book starts, featuring the oldest existing list of members, totaling 49, all of whom have their marks registered except for two, though only ten were actual workers. The names of the earls of Finlater, Erroll, and Dunfermline, Lord Forbes, several ministers, and various professionals are on the list, which was written by a glazier. They were all informed about the “benefit of the measson word” and added in the order they “became fellow crafts.” The Charter (Old Charges) had to be read at the “entering of every prenteise,” and the officers included a master and two wardens.

The lodge at Melrose (No. 1 bis) with records back to 1674 did not join the Grand Lodge until 1891, and was the last of those working (possibly centuries before that body was formed) to accept the modern system of government. Of the many noteworthy lodges mention should be made of that of “Canongate Kilwinning No. 2,” Edinburgh, the first of the numerous pendicles of “Mother Lodge Kilwinning, No. 0,” Ayrshire, started in 1677; and of the Journeymen No 8, formed in 1707, which was a secession from the Lodge of Edinburgh; the Fellow Crafts or Journeymen not being satisfied with their treatment by the Freemen Masters of the Incorporation of Masons, &c. This action led to a trial before the Lords of Council and Session, when finally a “Decreet Arbitral” was subscribed to by both parties, and the junior organization was permitted “to give the mason word as it is called” in a separate lodge. The presbytery of Kelso7 in 1652 sustained the action of the Rev. James Ainslie in becoming a Freemason, declaring that “there is neither sinne nor scandale in that word” (i.e. the “Mason Word”), which is often alluded to but never revealed in the old records already referred to.8 One Scottish family may be cited in illustration of the continuous working of Freemasonry, whose membership is enshrined in the records of the ancient Lodge of “Scoon and Perth No. 3” and others. A venerable document, lovingly cared for by No. 3, bears date 1658, and recites how John Mylne came to Perth from the “North Countrie,” and was the king’s Master Mason and W.M. of the Lodge, his successor being his son, who entered “King James the sixt as ffreman measone and fellow craft”; his third son John was a member of Lodge No. 1 and Master Mason to Charles I., 1631-1636, and his eldest son was a deacon of No. 1 eleven times during thirty years. To him was apprenticed his nephew, who was warden in 1663-1664 and deacon several times. William Mylne was a warden in 1695, Thomas (eldest son) was Master in 1735, and took part in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Others of the family continued to join the Lodge No. 1, until Robert, the last of the Mylnes as Freemasons, was initiated in 1754, died in 1811, and “was buried in St Paul’s cathedral, having been Surveyor to that Edifice for fifty years,” and the last of the masonic Mylnes for five generations. The “St John’s Lodge,” Glasgow (No. 3 bis), has some valuable old records and a “Charter Chest” with the words carved thereon “God save the King and Masons Craft, 1684.” Loyalty and Charity are the watchwords of the Society.

The lodge at Melrose (No. 1 bis) has records dating back to 1674 but didn’t join the Grand Lodge until 1891, making it the last of those operating (possibly for centuries before that organization was formed) to adopt the modern system of governance. Among the many significant lodges, we should highlight “Canongate Kilwinning No. 2” in Edinburgh, the first of the many branches of “Mother Lodge Kilwinning, No. 0,” in Ayrshire, founded in 1677. Also notable is the Journeymen No. 8, which was established in 1707 as a breakaway from the Lodge of Edinburgh because the Fellow Crafts or Journeymen were unhappy with how they were treated by the Freemen Masters of the Incorporation of Masons, etc. This disagreement resulted in a trial before the Lords of Council and Session, where a “Decreet Arbitral” was eventually agreed upon by both parties, allowing the junior organization “to give the mason word as it is called” in a separate lodge. In 1652, the presbytery of Kelso supported Rev. James Ainslie's decision to become a Freemason, stating that “there is neither sin nor scandal in that word” (i.e., the “Mason Word”), which is often mentioned but never disclosed in the old records referenced earlier. One Scottish family exemplifying the ongoing practice of Freemasonry is documented in the records of the ancient Lodge of “Scoon and Perth No. 3” and others. A cherished document from 1658 details how John Mylne traveled to Perth from the “North Countrie” and served as the king’s Master Mason and W.M. of the Lodge, with his son succeeding him, who became a freeman mason and fellow craft during King James VI’s reign. His third son John was a member of Lodge No. 1 and served as Master Mason to Charles I from 1631 to 1636, while his eldest son served as deacon of No. 1 eleven times over thirty years. His nephew, who was a warden in 1663-1664, also became deacon several times. William Mylne was a warden in 1695, and Thomas (the eldest son) was Master in 1735, participating in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Other family members continued to join Lodge No. 1 until Robert, the last of the Mylnes as Freemasons, was initiated in 1754, died in 1811, and “was buried in St Paul’s Cathedral, having been Surveyor to that Edifice for fifty years,” marking the end of five generations of Masonic Mylnes. The “St John’s Lodge,” Glasgow (No. 3 bis), has some important old records and a “Charter Chest” engraved with the words “God save the King and Masons Craft, 1684.” Loyalty and Charity are the guiding principles of the Society.

The Craft Gilds (Corps d’État) of France, and their progeny the Companionage, have been fully described by Mr Gould, and the Steinmetzen of Germany would require too detailed notice if we were to particularize its rules, customs and general character, from about the 12th century onward. Much as there was in common between the Stonemasons of Germany and the Freemasons of Great Britain and Ireland, it must be conceded that the two societies never united and were all through this long period wholly separate and independent; a knowledge of Freemasonry and authority to hold lodges in Germany being derived from the Grand Lodge of England during the first half of the 18th century. The theory of the derivation of the Freemasons from the Steinmetzen was first propounded in 1779 by the abbé Grandidier, and has been maintained by more modern writers, such as Fallou, Heideloff and Schneider, but a thorough examination of their statements has resulted in such an origin being generally discredited. Whether the Steinmetzen had secret signs of recognition or not, is not quite clear, but that the Freemasons had, for centuries, cannot be doubted, though precisely what they were may be open to question, and also what portions of the existing ceremonies are reminiscent of the craft anterior to the Revival of 1717. Messrs Speth and Gould favour the notion that there were two distinct and separate degrees prior to the third decade of the 18th century (Ars Q.C., 1898 and 1903), while other authorities have either supported the One degree theory, or consider there is not sufficient evidence to warrant a decision. Recent discoveries, however, tend in favour of the first view noted, such as the Trinity College MS., Dublin (“Free Masonry, Feb. 1711”), and the invaluable9 Chetwode Crawley MS. (Grand Lodge Library, Dublin); the second being read in connexion with the Haughfoot Lodge Records, beginning 1702 (Hist, of Freemasonry, by W. F. Vernon, 1893).

The Craft Guilds (Corps d’État) of France and their successor, the Companionage, have been thoroughly detailed by Mr. Gould. The Steinmetzen of Germany would require extensive explanation if we were to outline its rules, customs, and overall character from about the 12th century onward. While there were similarities between the Stonemasons of Germany and the Freemasons of Great Britain and Ireland, it's important to acknowledge that the two groups never merged and remained completely separate and independent throughout this long period; knowledge of Freemasonry and the authorization to hold lodges in Germany came from the Grand Lodge of England during the first half of the 18th century. The idea that Freemasons are derived from the Steinmetzen was first suggested in 1779 by Abbé Grandidier and has been supported by more recent writers like Fallou, Heideloff, and Schneider. However, a thorough review of their claims has led to this theory being widely discredited. It's not entirely clear if the Steinmetzen had secret signs for recognition, but it is undeniable that the Freemasons had such signs for centuries, though exactly what they were may be debatable, as well as which parts of the current rituals reflect the craft prior to the Revival of 1717. Messrs. Speth and Gould support the idea that there were two distinct and separate degrees before the third decade of the 18th century (Ars Q.C., 1898 and 1903), while other authorities have either backed the One degree theory or argued that there isn't enough evidence for a definitive conclusion. However, recent findings seem to support the first perspective, such as the Trinity College MS., Dublin (“Free Masonry, Feb. 1711”), and the invaluable Chetwode Crawley MS. (Grand Lodge Library, Dublin), the latter being referenced in connection with the Haughfoot Lodge Records, starting in 1702 (Hist. of Freemasonry, by W. F. Vernon, 1893).

Two of the most remarkable lodges at work during the period of transition (1717-1723), out of the many then existing in England, assembled at Alnwick and at York. The origin of the first noted is not known, but there are minutes of the meetings from 1703, the Rules are of 1701, signed by quite a number of members, and a transcript of the Old Charges begins the volume. In 1708-1709 a minute provided for a masonic procession, at which the brethren were to walk “with their aprons on and Comon Square.” The Lodge consisted mainly of operative “free Brothers,” and continued for many years, a code of by-laws being published in 1763, but it never united with the Grand Lodge, giving up the struggle for existence a few years further on.

Two of the most notable lodges active during the transition period (1717-1723), among many that existed in England, were based in Alnwick and York. The origins of the first lodge aren't known, but minutes from meetings date back to 1703, the Rules are from 1701, signed by several members, and a transcript of the Old Charges starts the volume. In 1708-1709, a minute was recorded for a Masonic procession, where the members were to walk “with their aprons on and Common Square.” The Lodge mainly included working “free Brothers” and persisted for many years, with a code of by-laws published in 1763, but it never merged with the Grand Lodge, eventually ceasing to exist a few years later.

The other lodge, the most noteworthy of all the English predecessors of the Grand Lodge of England, was long held at York, the Mecca of English Freemasons.10 Its origin is unknown, but there are traces of its existence at an early date, and possibly it was a survival of the Minster Lodge of the 14th century. Assuming that the York MS. No. 4 of 1693 was the property of the lodge in that year (which Roll was presented by George Walker of Wetherby in 1777), the entry which concludes that Scroll is most suggestive, as it gives “The names of the Lodge” (members) and the “Lodge Ward(en).” Its influence most probably may be also noted at Scarborough, where “A private Lodge” was held on the 10th of July 1705, at which the president “William Thompson, Esq., and severall others brethren ffree Masons” were present, and six gentlemen (named) “were then admitted into the said ffraternity.” These particulars are endorsed on the Scarborough MS. of the Old Charges, now owned by the Grand Lodge of Canada at Toronto. “A narrow folio manuscript Book beginning 7th March 1705-1706,” which was quoted from in 1778, has long been missing, which is much to be regretted, as possibly it gave particulars of the lodge which assembled at Bradford, Yorkshire, “when 18 Gentlemen of the first families in that neighbourhood were made Masons.” There is, however, another roll of records from 1712 to 1730 happily preserved of this “Ancient Honble. Society and Fraternity of Free Masons,” sometimes styled “Company” or “Society of Free and Accepted Masons.”

The other lodge, the most notable among all the English predecessors of the Grand Lodge of England, was long based in York, the Mecca of English Freemasons.10 Its origins are unclear, but there are indications of its existence from an early date, and it may have been a continuation of the Minster Lodge from the 14th century. Assuming that the York MS. No. 4 from 1693 belonged to the lodge that year (which Roll was presented by George Walker of Wetherby in 1777), the entry that concludes that Scroll is quite revealing, as it lists “The names of the Lodge” (members) and the “Lodge Ward(en).” Its influence can likely be seen in Scarborough, where “A private Lodge” was held on July 10, 1705, attended by the president “William Thompson, Esq., and several other brethren free Masons,” and six gentlemen (named) “were then admitted into the said fraternity.” These details are noted in the Scarborough MS. of the Old Charges, now held by the Grand Lodge of Canada in Toronto. “A narrow folio manuscript Book beginning March 7, 1705-1706,” which was referenced in 1778, has long been missing, which is unfortunate, as it may have provided details about the lodge that met in Bradford, Yorkshire, “when 18 Gentlemen of the first families in that area were made Masons.” However, there is another record roll from 1712 to 1730 that has been preserved of this “Ancient Honble. Society and Fraternity of Free Masons,” sometimes called the “Company” or “Society of Free and Accepted Masons.”

Not to be behind the London fratres, the York brethren formed a Grand Lodge on the 27th of December 1725 (the “Grand 84 Lodge of all England” was its modest title), and was flourishing for years, receiving into their company many county men of great influence. Some twenty years later there was a brief period of somnolence, but in 1761 a revival took place, with Francis Drake, the historian, as Grand Master, ten lodges being chartered in Yorkshire, Cheshire and Lancashire, 1762-1790, and a Grand Lodge of England, south of the Trent, in 1779, at London, which warranted two lodges. Before the century ended all these collapsed or joined the Grand Lodge of England, so there was not a single representative of “York Masonry” left on the advent of the next century.

Not to fall behind the London brothers, the York members established a Grand Lodge on December 27, 1725 (the “Grand Lodge of all England” was its humble title) and thrived for years, welcoming many influential county individuals into their ranks. About twenty years later, there was a short period of inactivity, but in 1761, a revival occurred, with Francis Drake, the historian, serving as Grand Master. During 1762-1790, ten lodges were chartered in Yorkshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, and a Grand Lodge of England was created south of the Trent in London in 1779, which authorized two lodges. By the end of the century, all of these had either collapsed or merged with the Grand Lodge of England, leaving no representatives of “York Masonry” as the next century began.

The premier Grand Lodge of England soon began to constitute new Lodges in the metropolis, and to reconstitute old ones that applied for recognition, one of the earliest of 1720-1721 being still on the Roll as No. 6, thus having kept company ever since with the three “time immemorial Lodges,” Nos. 2, 4 and 12. Applications for constitution kept coming in, the provinces being represented from 1723 to 1724, before which time it is likely the Grand Lodge of Ireland11 had been started, about which the most valuable Caementaria Hibernica by Dr Chetwode Crawley may be consulted with absolute confidence. Provincial Grand Lodges were formed to ease the authorities at headquarters, and, as the society spread, also for the Continent, and gradually throughout the civilized globe. Owing to the custom prevailing before the 18th century, a few brethren were competent to form lodges on their own initiative anywhere, and hence the registers of the British Grand Lodges are not always indicative of the first appearance of the craft abroad. In North America12 lodges were held before what is known as the first “regular” lodge was formed at Boston, Mass., in 1733, and probably in Canada13 likewise. The same remark applies to Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and other countries. Of the many scores of military lodges, the first warrant was granted by Ireland in 1732. To no other body of Freemasons has the craft been so indebted for its prosperity in early days as to their military brethren. There were rivals to the Grand Lodge of England during the 18th century, one of considerable magnitude being known as the Ancients or Atholl Masons, formed in 1751, but in December 1813 a junction was effected, and from that time the prosperity of the United Grand Lodge of England, with few exceptions, has been extraordinary.

The Grand Lodge of England quickly started setting up new Lodges in the city and revitalizing old ones that sought recognition, one of the earliest from 1720-1721 still being listed as No. 6, thus having been alongside the three "time immemorial Lodges," Nos. 2, 4, and 12. Applications for new Lodges kept pouring in, with the provinces being represented from 1723 to 1724. Before this time, it’s likely that the Grand Lodge of Ireland11 was established, which can be confidently examined in the valuable Caementaria Hibernica by Dr. Chetwode Crawley. Provincial Grand Lodges were created to relieve the authorities at headquarters and, as the society grew, also for the continent and gradually throughout the civilized world. Due to the custom before the 18th century, a few members could establish lodges on their own initiative anywhere, so the records of the British Grand Lodges don’t always reflect the first instances of the craft abroad. In North America12, lodges were held before what is considered the first "regular" lodge was formed in Boston, Mass., in 1733, and probably in Canada13 as well. The same applies to Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and other countries. Among the many military lodges, the first warrant was granted by Ireland in 1732. No other group of Freemasons contributed as much to the craft's early success as their military brethren. There were rivals to the Grand Lodge of England during the 18th century, one significant group being known as the Ancients or Atholl Masons, formed in 1751, but in December 1813, a merger occurred, and since then, the success of the United Grand Lodge of England, with few exceptions, has been remarkable.

Nothing but a volume to itself could possibly describe the main features of the English Craft from 1717, when Anthony Sayer was elected the first Grand Master of a brilliant galaxy of rulers. The first nobleman to undertake that office was the duke of Montagu in 1721, the natural philosopher J. T. Desaguliers being his immediate predecessor, who has been credited (and also the Rev. James Anderson) with the honour of starting the premier Grand Lodge; but like the fable of Sir Christopher Wren having been Grand Master, evidence is entirely lacking. Irish and Scottish peers share with those of England the distinction of presiding over the Grand Lodge, and from 1782 to 1813 their Royal Highnesses the duke of Cumberland, the prince of Wales, or the duke of Sussex occupied the masonic throne. From 1753 to 1813 the rival Grand Lodge had been busy, but ultimately a desire for a united body prevailed, and under the “ancient” Grand Master, H.R.H. the duke of Kent, it was decided to amalgamate with the original ruling organization, H.R.H. the duke of Sussex becoming the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge. On the decease of the prince in 1843 the earl of Zetland succeeded, followed by the marquess of Ripon in 1874, on whose resignation H.R.H. the prince of Wales became the Grand Master. Soon after succeeding to the throne, King Edward VII. ceased to govern the English craft, and was succeeded by H.R.H. the duke of Connaught. From 1737 to 1907 some sixteen English princes of the royal blood joined the brotherhood.

Nothing short of a comprehensive book could possibly describe the main features of English Craft from 1717, when Anthony Sayer was elected as the first Grand Master of a remarkable group of leaders. The first nobleman to take on that role was the Duke of Montagu in 1721, with the natural philosopher J. T. Desaguliers being his immediate predecessor, who, along with the Rev. James Anderson, is credited with the honor of founding the premier Grand Lodge; however, like the story of Sir Christopher Wren being Grand Master, there is no evidence to support this claim. Irish and Scottish peers share the distinction of presiding over the Grand Lodge alongside those from England, and from 1782 to 1813, their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Prince of Wales, or the Duke of Sussex held the masonic throne. From 1753 to 1813, a rival Grand Lodge had been active, but ultimately, the desire for a united body prevailed, and under the “ancient” Grand Master, H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, it was decided to merge with the original ruling organization, with H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex becoming the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge. Following the death of the prince in 1843, the Earl of Zetland succeeded him, followed by the Marquess of Ripon in 1874, and upon his resignation, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales became the Grand Master. Shortly after taking the throne, King Edward VII ceased to govern the English craft and was succeeded by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. From 1737 to 1907, around sixteen English princes of royal blood joined the brotherhood.

From 1723 to 1813 the number of lodges enrolled in England amounted to 1626, and from 1814 to the end of December 1909 as many as 3352 were warranted, making a grand total of 4978, of which the last then granted was numbered 3185. There were in 1909 still 2876 on the register, notwithstanding the many vacancies created by the foundation of new Grand Lodges in the colonies and elsewhere.14

From 1723 to 1813, there were 1,626 lodges registered in England, and from 1814 to the end of December 1909, an additional 3,352 were approved, bringing the total to 4,978, with the last one granted being number 3,185. In 1909, there were still 2,876 on the register, despite the many vacancies created by the establishment of new Grand Lodges in the colonies and elsewhere.14

Distribution and Organization.—The advantage of the cosmopolitan basis of the fraternity generally (though some Grand Lodges still preserve the original Christian foundation) has been conspicuously manifested and appreciated in India and other countries where the votaries of numerous religious systems congregate; but the unalterable basis of a belief in the Great Architect of the Universe remains, for without such a recognition there can be no Freemasonry, and it is now, as it always has been, entirely free from party politics. The charities of the Society in England, Ireland and Scotland are extensive and well organized, their united cost per day not being less than £500, and with those of other Grand Lodges throughout the world must amount to a very large sum, there being over two millions of Freemasons. The vast increase of late years, both of lodges and members, however, calls for renewed vigilance and extra care in selecting candidates, that numbers may not be a source of weakness instead of strength.

Distribution and Organization.—The benefit of the global foundation of the fraternity is clearly seen and appreciated in India and other countries where people of various religious beliefs come together, even though some Grand Lodges still maintain the original Christian roots. However, the unchanging principle of believing in the Great Architect of the Universe remains, because without such recognition, there can be no Freemasonry. It is now, as it has always been, completely free from party politics. The charitable efforts of the Society in England, Ireland, and Scotland are extensive and well-organized, with their combined daily cost not being less than £500. When combined with those from other Grand Lodges worldwide, the total must be quite substantial, given that there are over two million Freemasons. The significant recent growth in both lodges and members requires renewed vigilance and extra care in selecting candidates to ensure that quantity does not become a weakness instead of a strength.

In its internal organization, the working of Freemasonry involves an elaborate system of symbolic ritual,15 as carried out at meetings of the various lodges, uniformity as to essentials being the rule. The members are classified in numerous degrees, of which the first three are “Entered Apprentice,” “Fellow Craft” and “Master Mason,” each class of which, after initiation, can only be attained after passing a prescribed ordeal or examination, as a test of proficiency, corresponding to the “essays” of the operative period.

In its internal structure, Freemasonry operates through a detailed system of symbolic rituals, as conducted at meetings of different lodges, with uniformity on essential aspects being the standard. Members are categorized into various degrees, the first three being "Entered Apprentice," "Fellow Craft," and "Master Mason." Each degree can only be reached after initiation and must pass a specific challenge or examination to show proficiency, similar to the "essays" from the operative period.

The lodges have their own by-laws for guidance, subject to the Book of Constitutions of their Grand Lodge, and the regulations of the provincial or district Grand Lodge if located in counties or held abroad.

The lodges have their own rules for guidance, following the Book of Constitutions of their Grand Lodge, as well as the regulations of the provincial or district Grand Lodge if they are located in counties or overseas.

It is to be regretted that on the continent of Europe Freemasonry has sometimes developed on different lines from that of the “Mother Grand Lodge” and Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges generally, and through its political and anti-religious tendencies has come into contact or conflict with the state authorities16 or the Roman Catholic church. The “Grand Orient of France” (but not the Supreme Council 33o, and its Grand Lodge) is an example of this retrograde movement, by its elimination of the paragraph referring to a belief in the “Great Architect of the Universe” from its Statuts et règlements généraux. This deplorable action has led to the withdrawal of all regular Grand Lodges from association with that body, and such separation must continue until a return is made to the ancient and inviolable landmark of the society, which makes it impossible for an atheist either to join or continue a member of the fraternity.

It is unfortunate that in Europe, Freemasonry has sometimes evolved differently from that of the "Mother Grand Lodge" and most Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges, and due to its political and anti-religious leanings, it has come into contact or conflict with state authorities or the Roman Catholic Church. The "Grand Orient of France" (but not the Supreme Council 33o and its Grand Lodge) is an example of this backward movement, as it removed the paragraph about belief in the "Great Architect of the Universe" from its Statuts et règlements généraux. This regrettable action has caused all regular Grand Lodges to withdraw from association with that body, and this separation must continue until a return is made to the ancient and unbreakable principles of the society, which prohibit an atheist from joining or remaining a member of the fraternity.

The Grand Lodge of England constituted its first lodge in Paris in the year 1732, but one was formed still earlier on the continent at Gibraltar 1728-1729. Others were also opened in Germany 1733, Portugal 1735, Holland 1735, Switzerland 1740, Denmark 1745, Italy 1763, Belgium 1765, Russia 1771, and 85 Sweden 1773. In most of these countries Grand Lodges were subsequently created and continue to this date, save that in Austria (not Hungary) and Russia no masonic lodges have for some time been permitted to assemble. There is a union of Grand Lodges of Germany, and an annual Diet is held for the transaction of business affecting the several masonic organizations in that country, which works well. H.R.H. Prince Frederick Leopold was in 1909 Protector, or the “Wisest Master” (Vicarius Salomonis). King Gustav V. was the Grand Master ☩ of the freemasons in Sweden, and the sovereign of the “Order of Charles XIII.,” the only one of the kind confined to members of the fraternity.

The Grand Lodge of England established its first lodge in Paris in 1732, but an earlier one was created on the continent in Gibraltar between 1728 and 1729. Additional lodges were also opened in Germany in 1733, Portugal in 1735, Holland in 1735, Switzerland in 1740, Denmark in 1745, Italy in 1763, Belgium in 1765, Russia in 1771, and 85 Sweden in 1773. In most of these countries, Grand Lodges were later formed and still exist today, except in Austria (not Hungary) and Russia, where Masonic lodges have not been allowed to meet for some time. There is a union of Grand Lodges in Germany, and an annual Diet is held to handle business concerning the various Masonic organizations in that country, which operates smoothly. H.R.H. Prince Frederick Leopold served as Protector, or the “Wisest Master” (Vicarius Salomonis), in 1909. King Gustav V. was the Grand Master ☩ of the Freemasons in Sweden and the sovereign of the “Order of Charles XIII.,” the only one of its kind limited to members of the fraternity.

Lodges were constituted in India from 1730 (Calcutta), 1752 (Madras), and 1758 (Bombay); in Jamaica 1742, Antigua 1738, and St Christopher 1739; soon after which period the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland had representatives at work throughout the civilized world.

Lodges were established in India from 1730 (Calcutta), 1752 (Madras), and 1758 (Bombay); in Jamaica 1742, Antigua 1738, and St. Christopher 1739; shortly after that, the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, and Scotland had representatives operating all over the civilized world.

In no part, however, outside Great Britain has the craft flourished so much as in the United States of America, where the first “regular” lodge (i.e. according to the new regime) was opened in 1733 at Boston, Mass. Undoubtedly lodges had been meeting still earlier, one of which was held at Philadelphia, Penna., with records from 1731, which blossomed into a Grand Lodge, but no authority has yet been traced for its proceedings, save that which may be termed “time immemorial right,” which was enjoyed by all lodges and brethren who were at work prior to the Grand Lodge era (1716-1717) or who declined to recognize the autocratic proceedings of the premier Grand Lodge of England, just as the brethren did in the city of York. A “deputation” was granted to Daniel Coxe, Esq. of New Jersey, by the duke of Norfolk, Grand Master, 5th of June 1730, as Prov. Grand Master of the “Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Pensilvania,” but there is no evidence that he ever constituted any lodges or exercised any masonic authority in virtue thereof. Henry Price as Prov. Grand Master of New England, and his lodge, which was opened on the 31st of August 1733, in the city of Boston, so far as is known, began “regular” Freemasonry in the United States, and the older and independent organization was soon afterwards “regularized.” Benjamin Franklin (an Initiate of the lodge of Philadelphia) printed and published the Book of Constitutions, 1723 (of London, England), in the “City of Brotherly Love” in 1734, being the oldest masonic work in America. English and Scottish Grand Lodges were soon after petitioned to grant warrants to hold lodges, and by the end of the 18th century several Grand Lodges were formed, the Craft becoming very popular, partly no doubt by reason of so many prominent men joining the fraternity, of whom the chief was George Washington, initiated in a Scottish lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1752-1753. In 1907 there were fifty Grand Lodges assembling in the United States, with considerably over a million members.

In no place outside Great Britain has the craft thrived as much as in the United States, where the first “regular” lodge (i.e., according to the new system) opened in 1733 in Boston, Massachusetts. Lodges were undoubtedly meeting even earlier, including one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with records dating back to 1731, which eventually grew into a Grand Lodge. However, no official authority has been found for its activities, aside from what could be called “time immemorial right,” held by all lodges and members active before the Grand Lodge era (1716-1717) or those who refused to recognize the autocratic actions of the premier Grand Lodge of England, much like the members in the city of York. A “deputation” was granted to Daniel Coxe, Esq. of New Jersey, by the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master, on June 5, 1730, as Provincial Grand Master of the “Provinces of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania,” but there is no evidence that he ever established any lodges or exercised any Masonic authority as a result. Henry Price, as Provincial Grand Master of New England, opened his lodge on August 31, 1733, in Boston, which is known to have initiated “regular” Freemasonry in the United States, while the older, independent organization was later “regularized.” Benjamin Franklin (an initiate of the lodge in Philadelphia) printed and published the Book of Constitutions, 1723 (from London, England), in the “City of Brotherly Love” in 1734, making it the oldest Masonic work in America. Shortly after, English and Scottish Grand Lodges were petitioned to grant warrants to hold lodges, and by the end of the 18th century, several Grand Lodges had formed, with the Craft becoming quite popular, partly due to many prominent individuals joining the fraternity, the most notable being George Washington, who was initiated in a Scottish lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1752-1753. By 1907, there were fifty Grand Lodges gathering in the United States, with well over a million members.

In Canada in 1909 there were eight Grand Lodges, having about 64,000 members. Freemasonry in the Dominion is believed to date from 1740. The Grand Lodges are all of comparatively recent organization, the oldest and largest, with 40,000 members, being for Ontario; those of Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Quebec numbering about 5000 each. There are some seven Grand Lodges in Australia; South Australia coming first as a “sovereign body,” followed closely by New South Wales and Victoria (of 1884-1889 constitution), the whole of the lodges in the Commonwealth probably having fully 50,000 members on the registers.

In Canada in 1909, there were eight Grand Lodges with around 64,000 members. Freemasonry in the country is thought to have started around 1740. The Grand Lodges are all relatively new, with the oldest and largest being in Ontario, which has about 40,000 members. The Grand Lodges in Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Quebec each have around 5,000 members. There are about seven Grand Lodges in Australia, with South Australia being the first as a “sovereign body,” closely followed by New South Wales and Victoria (established under the 1884-1889 constitution). Overall, the lodges in the Commonwealth likely have around 50,000 members registered.

There are many additional degrees which may be taken or not (being quite optional), and dependent on a favourable ballot; the difficulty, however, of obtaining admission increases as progress is made, the numbers accepted decreasing rapidly with each advancement. The chief of these are arranged in separate classes and are governed either by the “Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch,” the “Mark Grand Lodge,” the “Great Priory of Knights Templars” or the “Ancient and Accepted Rite,” these being mutually complementary and intimately connected as respects England, and more or less so in Ireland, Scotland, North America and wherever worked on a similar basis; the countries of the continent of Europe have also their own Hautes Grades.

There are many additional degrees that can be taken or skipped (they're completely optional) and depend on a favorable vote; however, the challenge of getting accepted increases as you advance, with the number of spots available decreasing rapidly at each level. The main ones are organized into separate classes and are run by the “Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch,” the “Mark Grand Lodge,” the “Great Priory of Knights Templars,” or the “Ancient and Accepted Rite.” These are all related and closely connected within England, and to a lesser extent in Ireland, Scotland, North America, and wherever else they operate similarly; the countries in continental Europe also have their own Hautes Grades.

(W. J. H.*)

If history be no ancient Fable

If history is not just an old myth

Free Masons came from Tower of Babel.

Free Masons originated from the Tower of Babel.

(“The Freemasons; an Hudibrastic poem,” London, 1723.)

(“The Freemasons; a humorous poem,” London, 1723.)

2 The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry and Medieval Builders, by Mr G. F. Fort (U.S.A.), and the Cathedral Builders: The Magestri Comacini, by “Leader Scott” (the late Mrs Baxter), take rather a different view on this point and ably present their arguments. The Rev. C. Kingsley in Roman and Teuton writes of the Comacini, “Perhaps the original germ of the great society of Freemasons.”

2 The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry and Medieval Builders, by Mr. G. F. Fort (U.S.A.), and Cathedral Builders: The Magestri Comacini, by “Leader Scott” (the late Mrs. Baxter), offer a different perspective on this topic and effectively present their arguments. The Rev. C. Kingsley in Roman and Teuton mentions the Comacini, saying, “Perhaps the original germ of the great society of Freemasons.”

3 The service rendered by Dr W. Begemann (Germany) in his “Attempt to Classify the Old Charges of the British Masons” (vol. 1 Trans. of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, London) has been very great, and the researches of the Rev. A. F. A. Woodford and G. W. Speth have also been of the utmost consequence.

3 The work done by Dr. W. Begemann (Germany) in his “Attempt to Classify the Old Charges of the British Masons” (vol. 1 Trans. of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, London) has been incredibly valuable, and the research conducted by Rev. A. F. A. Woodford and G. W. Speth has also been extremely important.

4 Findel claims that his Treatise on the society was the cause which “first impelled England to the study of masonic history and ushered in the intellectual movement which resulted in the writings of Bros. Hughan, Lyon, Gould and others.” Great credit was due to the late German author for his important work, but before its advent the Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, D. Murray Lyon and others in Great Britain were diligent masonic students on similar lines.

4 Findel argues that his Treatise on society was the reason that “first inspired England to explore masonic history and initiated the intellectual movement that led to the writings of Bros. Hughan, Lyon, Gould, and others.” Much credit is owed to the late German author for his significant work, but before it was published, Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, D. Murray Lyon, and others in Great Britain were already committed masonic scholars following similar paths.

5 It is not considered necessary to refer at length to the Fratres Pontis, or other imaginary bodies of freemasons, as such questions may well be left to the curious and interested student.

5 It's not really needed to discuss the Fratres Pontis or other fictional masonic groups in detail, since those questions can be left to the curious and interested learner.

6 “No distinct trace of the general employment of large migratory bands of masons, going from place to place as a guild, or company, or brotherhood” (Prof. T. Hayter-Lewis, Brit. Arch. Assoc., 1889).

6 “There’s no clear evidence of large groups of masons traveling from place to place as a guild, company, or brotherhood” (Prof. T. Hayter-Lewis, Brit. Arch. Assoc., 1889).

7 The Associate Synod which met at Edinburgh, March 1755, just a century later, took quite an opposite view, deciding to depose from office any of their brethren who would not give up their masonic membership (Scots Mag., 1755, p. 158). Papal Bulls have also been issued against the craft, the first being in 1738; but neither interdicts nor anathemata have any influence with the fraternity, and fall quite harmless.

7 The Associate Synod that met in Edinburgh in March 1755, exactly a hundred years later, took a completely different stance, deciding to remove from position any of their members who would not renounce their masonic membership (Scots Mag., 1755, p. 158). Papal Bulls have also been issued against the organization, the first one being in 1738; however, neither interdicts nor anathemas have any impact on the fraternity and are ultimately ineffective.

“We have the Mason Word and second sight,

“We have the Mason Word and second sight,

Things for to come we can fortell aright.”

Things to come we can predict correctly.

(The Muses Threnodie, by H. Adamson, Edin., 1638.)

(The Muses Threnodie, by H. Adamson, Edin., 1638.)

9 The Chetwode Crawley MS., by W. J. Hughan (Ars. Q.C., 1904).

9 The Chetwode Crawley MS., by W. J. Hughan (Ars. Q.C., 1904).

10 The York Grand Lodge, by Messrs. Hughan and Whytehead (Ars Q.C., 1900), and Masonic Sketches and Reprints (1871), by the former.

10 The York Grand Lodge, by Messrs. Hughan and Whytehead (Ars Q.C., 1900), and Masonic Sketches and Reprints (1871), by the former.

11 The celebrated “Lady Freemason,” the Hon. Mrs Aldworth (née Miss St Leger, daughter of Lord Doneraile), was initiated in Ireland, but at a much earlier date than popularly supposed; certainly not later than 1713, when the venturesome lady was twenty. All early accounts of the occurrence must be received with caution, as there are no contemporary records of the event.

11 The famous "Lady Freemason," the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth (née Miss St. Leger, daughter of Lord Doneraile), was initiated in Ireland, but much earlier than many believe; definitely not later than 1713, when this daring lady was twenty. All early accounts of this event should be taken with caution, as there are no contemporary records of it.

12 History of Freemasonry, by Dr A. G. Mackey (New York, 1898), and the History of the Fraternity Publishing Company, Boston, Mass., give very full particulars as to the United States.

12 History of Freemasonry, by Dr. A. G. Mackey (New York, 1898), and the History of the Fraternity Publishing Company, Boston, Mass., provide detailed information about the United States.

13 See History of Freemasonry in Canada (Toronto, 1899), by J. Ross Robertson.

13 See History of Freemasonry in Canada (Toronto, 1899), by J. Ross Robertson.

14 The Masonic Records 1717-1894, by John Lane, and the excellent Masonic Yearbook, published annually by the Grand Lodge of England, are the two standard works on Lodge enumeration, localization and nomenclature. For particulars of the Grand Lodges, and especially that of England, Gould’s History is most useful and trustworthy; and for an original contribution to the history of the rival Grand Lodge or Atholl Masons, Sadler’s Masonic Facts and Fictions.

14 The Masonic Records 1717-1894, by John Lane, and the excellent Masonic Yearbook, published every year by the Grand Lodge of England, are the two main resources on Lodge enumeration, localization, and naming conventions. For details about the Grand Lodges, especially the one in England, Gould’s History is extremely useful and reliable; and for an original perspective on the history of the rival Grand Lodge or Atholl Masons, check out Sadler’s Masonic Facts and Fictions.

15 “A peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory and illustrated by Symbols” (old definition of Freemasonry).

15 “A strange system of morality, hidden in allegory and represented by symbols” (old definition of Freemasonry).

16 The British House of Commons in 1799 and 1817, in acts of parliament, specifically recognized the laudable character of the society and provided for its continuance on definite lines.

16 The British House of Commons in 1799 and 1817, in acts of parliament, specifically acknowledged the admirable nature of the society and allowed for its continuation along defined paths.

FREEPORT, a city and the county-seat of Stephenson county, Illinois, in the N.W. part of the state, on the Pecatonica river, 30 m. from its mouth and about 100 m. N.W. of Chicago. Pop. (1890) 10,189; (1900) 13,258, of whom 2264 were foreign-born; (1910 census) 17,567. The city is served by the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, and the Illinois Central railways, and by the Rockford & Interurban electric railway. The Illinois Central connects at South Freeport, about 3 m. S. of Freeport, with the Chicago Great Western railway. Among Freeport’s manufactures are foundry and machine shop products, carriages, hardware specialties, patent medicines, windmills, engines, incubators, organs, beer and shoes. The Illinois Central has large railway repair shops here. The total value of the city’s factory product in 1905 was $3,109,302, an increase of 14.8% since 1900. In the surrounding country cereals are grown, and swine and poultry are raised. Dairying is an important industry also. The city has a Carnegie library (1901). In the Court House Square is a monument, 80 ft. high, in memory of the soldiers who died in the Civil War. At the corner of Douglas Avenue and Mechanic Street a granite boulder commemorates the famous debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, held in Freeport on the 27th of August 1858. In that debate Lincoln emphasized the differences between himself and the radical anti-slavery men, and in answer to one of Lincoln’s questions Douglas declared that the people of a territory, through “unfriendly” laws or denial of legislative protection, could exclude slavery, and that “it matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide on the abstract question whether slavery may or may not go into a territory under the Constitution.” This, the so-called “Freeport doctrine,” greatly weakened Douglas in the presidential election of 1860. Freeport was settled in 1835, was laid out and named Winneshiek in 1836, and in 1837 under its present name was made the county-seat of Stephenson county. It was incorporated as a town in 1850 and chartered as a city in 1855.

FREEPORT, is a city and the county seat of Stephenson County, Illinois, located in the northwest part of the state on the Pecatonica River, 30 miles from its mouth and about 100 miles northwest of Chicago. The population was 10,189 in 1890, 13,258 in 1900 (of which 2,264 were foreign-born), and 17,567 according to the 1910 census. The city is served by the Chicago & North Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, and the Illinois Central railways, as well as the Rockford & Interurban electric railway. The Illinois Central connects at South Freeport, about 3 miles south of Freeport, with the Chicago Great Western railway. Freeport manufactures include foundry and machine shop products, carriages, hardware specialties, patent medicines, windmills, engines, incubators, organs, beer, and shoes. The Illinois Central has large railway repair shops here. The total value of the city's factory output in 1905 was $3,109,302, which is a 14.8% increase since 1900. In the surrounding area, cereals are grown, and swine and poultry are raised. Dairying is also an important industry. The city has a Carnegie library (established in 1901). In Court House Square, there is an 80-foot monument honoring the soldiers who died in the Civil War. At the corner of Douglas Avenue and Mechanic Street, a granite boulder commemorates the famous debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, which took place in Freeport on August 27, 1858. During that debate, Lincoln highlighted the differences between himself and the radical anti-slavery advocates, and in response to one of Lincoln's questions, Douglas stated that the people of a territory could exclude slavery through “unfriendly” laws or lack of legislative protection, asserting that “it matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide on the abstract question whether slavery may or may not go into a territory under the Constitution.” This so-called “Freeport doctrine” significantly weakened Douglas in the presidential election of 1860. Freeport was settled in 1835, laid out and initially named Winneshiek in 1836, and became the county seat of Stephenson County under its current name in 1837. It was incorporated as a town in 1850 and chartered as a city in 1855.

FREE PORTS, a term, strictly speaking, given to localities where no customs duties are levied, and where no customs supervision exists. In these ports (subject to payment for specific services rendered, wharfage, storage, &c., and to the observance of local police and sanitary regulations) ships load and unload, cargoes are deposited and handled, industries are exercised, manufactures are carried on, goods are bought and sold, without any action on the part of fiscal authorities. Ports are likewise designated “free” where a space or zone exists within which commercial operations are conducted without payment of import or export duty, and without active interference on the part of customs authorities. The French and German designations for these two descriptions of ports are—for the former La Ville franche, Freihafen; for the latter Le Port franc, Freibezirk or Freilager. The English phrase free port applies to both.1 The leading conditions under which free ports in Europe derived their origin were as follows:—(1) When public order became re-established during the middle ages, trading centres were gradually formed. Marts for the exchange and purchase of goods arose in different localities. Many Italian settlements, constituting free zones, were established in the Levant. The Hanseatic towns arose in the 12th century. Great fairs became recognized—the Leipzig charter was granted in 1268. These localities were free as regards customs duties, although dues of the nature of octroi charges were often levied. (2) Until the 19th century European states were numerous, and often of small size. Accordingly uniform customs tariffs of wide application did not exist. 86 Uniform rates of duty were fixed In England by the Subsidy Act of 1660. In France, before the Revolution (besides the free ports), Alsace and the Lorraine Bishoprics were in trade matters treated as foreign countries. The unification of the German customs tariff began in 1834 with the Steuerverein and the Zollverein. The Spanish fiscal system did not include the Basque provinces until about 1850. The uniform Italian tariff dates from 1861. Thus until very recent times on the Continent free ports were compatible with the fiscal policy and practice of different countries. (3) Along the Mediterranean coast, up to the 19th century, convenient shelter was needed from corsairs. In other continental countries the prevalent colonial and mercantile policy sought to create trans-oceanic trade. Free ports were advantageous from all these points of view.

FREE PORTS, a term that specifically refers to places where no customs duties are charged and where there is no customs oversight. In these ports (with payment required for specific services rendered, wharfage, storage, etc., and adherence to local police and sanitary regulations) ships can load and unload, cargoes are stored and managed, industries operate, manufacturing takes place, and goods are bought and sold without any involvement from fiscal authorities. Ports are also called “free” when there is an area or zone where commercial activities can be conducted without paying import or export duties, and without active interference from customs authorities. The French and German terms for these two types of ports are— for the former La Ville franche, Freihafen; for the latter Le Port franc, Freibezirk or Freilager. The English term free port encompasses both. The main conditions under which free ports in Europe originated were as follows:—(1) When public order was reestablished during the Middle Ages, trading centers gradually emerged. Marketplaces for the exchange and purchase of goods developed in various locations. Many Italian settlements, which were free zones, were established in the Levant. The Hanseatic towns formed in the 12th century. Major fairs became recognized—the Leipzig charter was granted in 1268. These locations were exempt from customs duties, although fees similar to octroi charges were often imposed. (2) Until the 19th century, there were many European states, often small in size. As a result, there weren’t uniform customs tariffs broadly applied. 86 Uniform duty rates in England were established by the Subsidy Act of 1660. In France, prior to the Revolution (besides the free ports), Alsace and the Lorraine Bishoprics were considered foreign in trade matters. The unification of the German customs tariff started in 1834 with the Steuerverein and the Zollverein. The Spanish fiscal system did not incorporate the Basque provinces until around 1850. The consistent Italian tariff began in 1861. Thus, until very recently, on the Continent, free ports were aligned with the fiscal policies and practices of various countries. (3) Along the Mediterranean coast, until the 19th century, there was a need for safe havens from pirates. In other continental nations, the dominant colonial and mercantile policies aimed to establish trans-oceanic trade. Free ports were beneficial from all these perspectives.

In following the history of these harbours in Europe, it is to be observed that in Great Britain free ports have never existed. In 1552 it was contemplated to place Hull and Southampton on this footing, but the design was abandoned. Subsequently the bonding and not the free port system was adopted in the United Kingdom.

In tracing the history of these harbors in Europe, it's important to note that in Great Britain, free ports have never been established. In 1552, there was an idea to set up Hull and Southampton as free ports, but that plan was dropped. Instead, the bonding system, rather than the free port system, was implemented in the United Kingdom.

Austria-Hungary.—Fiume and Trieste were respectively free ports during the periods 1722-1893 and 1719-1893.

Austria-Hungary.—Fiume and Trieste were free ports from 1722 to 1893 and from 1719 to 1893, respectively.

Belgium.—The emperor Joseph II. during his visit to the Austrian Netherlands in June 1781 endeavoured to create a direct trade between that country and India. Ostend was made a free port, and large bonding facilities were afforded at Bruges, Brussels, Ghent and Louvain. In 1796, however, the revolutionary government abolished the Ostend privileges.

Belgium.—During his visit to the Austrian Netherlands in June 1781, Emperor Joseph II tried to establish direct trade between that country and India. Ostend was designated as a free port, and significant bonding facilities were provided in Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, and Louvain. However, in 1796, the revolutionary government revoked the Ostend privileges.

Denmark.—In November 1894 an area of about 150 acres at Copenhagen was opened as a free port, and great facilities are afforded for shipping and commercial operations in order that the Baltic trade may centre there.

Denmark.—In November 1894, an area of about 150 acres in Copenhagen was opened as a free port, providing significant facilities for shipping and commercial activities, so that Baltic trade could be centralized there.

France.—Marseilles was a free port in the middle ages, and so was Dunkirk when it formed part of Flanders. In 1669 these privileges were confirmed, and extended to Bayonne. In 1784 there was a fresh confirmation, and Lorient and St Jean de Luz were included in the ordonnance. The National Assembly in 1790 maintained this policy, and created free ports in the French West Indies. In 1795, however, all such privileges were abolished, but large bonding facilities were allowed at Marseilles to favour the Levant trade. The government of Louis XVIII. in 1814 restored, and in 1871 again revoked, the free port privileges of Marseilles. There are now no free ports in France or in French possessions; the bonding system is in force.

France.—Marseilles was a free port in the Middle Ages, as was Dunkirk when it was part of Flanders. In 1669, these privileges were confirmed and extended to Bayonne. In 1784, there was another confirmation, and Lorient and St Jean de Luz were included in the ordonnance. The National Assembly in 1790 continued this policy, creating free ports in the French West Indies. However, in 1795, all such privileges were abolished, but large bonding facilities were allowed at Marseilles to promote Levant trade. The government of Louis XVIII. in 1814 restored the privileges, but in 1871, they were revoked again for Marseilles. There are currently no free ports in France or its territories; the bonding system is in effect.

Germany.—Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck were reconstituted free towns and ports under the treaties of 1814-1815. Certain minor ports, and several landing-stages on the Rhine and the Neckar, were also designated free. As the Zollverein policy became accepted throughout Germany, previous privileges were gradually lessened, and since 1888 only Hamburg remains a free port. There an area of about 2500 acres is exempt from customs duties and control, and is largely used for shipping and commercial purposes. Bremerhaven has a similar area of nearly 700 acres. Brake, Bremen, Cuxhaven, Emden, Geestemünde, Neufahrwasser and Stettin possess Freibezirke areas, portions of the larger port. Heligoland is outside the Zollverein—practically a foreign country.

Germany.—Bremen, Hamburg, and Lübeck were established as free towns and ports under the treaties of 1814-1815. A few smaller ports and several landing stages on the Rhine and the Neckar were also made free. As the Zollverein policy became accepted throughout Germany, earlier privileges were gradually reduced, and since 1888 only Hamburg remains a free port. In Hamburg, an area of about 2,500 acres is exempt from customs duties and control and is mostly used for shipping and commercial activities. Bremerhaven has a similar area of nearly 700 acres. Brake, Bremen, Cuxhaven, Emden, Geestemünde, Neufahrwasser, and Stettin have Freibezirke areas, which are parts of the larger port. Heligoland is outside the Zollverein—essentially a foreign country.

In Italy free ports were numerous and important, and possessed privileges which varied at different dates. They were—Ancona, during the period 1696-1868; Brindisi, 1845-1862; Leghorn (in the 17th and 18th centuries a very important Mediterranean harbour), 1675-1867; Messina, 1695-1879; Senigallia, 1821-1868, during the month of the local fair. Venice possessed warehouses, equivalent to bonded stores, for German and Turkish trade during the Republic, and was a free port 1851-1873. Genoa was a free port in the time of the Republic and under the French Empire, and was continued as such by the treaties of 1814-1815. The free port was, however, changed into a “deposito franco” by a law passed in 1865, and only storing privileges now remain.

In Italy, there were many important free ports, each with different privileges at various times. These included Ancona from 1696 to 1868; Brindisi from 1845 to 1862; Leghorn, a major Mediterranean harbor in the 17th and 18th centuries, from 1675 to 1867; Messina from 1695 to 1879; and Senigallia from 1821 to 1868, specifically during the local fair. Venice had warehouses comparable to bonded stores for German and Turkish trade during the Republic and operated as a free port from 1851 to 1873. Genoa was also a free port during the Republic and under the French Empire, continuing this status through the treaties of 1814-1815. However, in 1865, the free port was converted into a “deposito franco,” which only retained storage privileges.

Rumania.—Braila, Galatz and Kustenji were free ports (for a period of about forty years) up to 1883, when bonded warehouses were established by the Rumanian government. Sulina remains free.

Romania.—Braila, Galatz, and Kustenji were free ports (for about forty years) until 1883, when the Romanian government set up bonded warehouses. Sulina is still free.

Russia.—Archangel was a free port, at least for English goods, from 1553 to 1648. During this period English products were admitted into Russia via Archangel without any customs payment for internal consumption, and also in transit to Persia. The tsar Alexis revoked this grant on the execution of Charles I. Free ports were opened in 1895 at Kola, in Russian Lapland. Dalny, adjoining Port Arthur, was a free port during the Russian occupation; and Japan after the war decided to renew this privilege as soon as practicable.

Russia.—Archangel was a free port, at least for English goods, from 1553 to 1648. During this time, English products could enter Russia through Archangel without any customs fees for local consumption and also for transit to Persia. Tsar Alexis canceled this privilege after the execution of Charles I. Free ports were established in 1895 at Kola, in Russian Lapland. Dalny, next to Port Arthur, was a free port during the Russian occupation; and Japan decided to restore this privilege as soon as possible after the war.

The number of free ports outside Europe has also lessened. The administrative policy of European countries has been gradually adopted in other parts of the world, and customs duties have become almost universal, conjoined with bonding and transhipment facilities. In British colonies and possessions, under an act of parliament passed in 1766, and repealed in 1867, two ports in Dominica and four in Jamaica were free, Malacca, Penang and Singapore have been free ports since 1824, Hong-Kong since 1842, and Weihaiwei since it was leased to Great Britain in 1898. Zanzibar was a free port during 1892-1899. Aden, Gibraltar, St Helena and St Thomas (West Indies) are sometimes designated free ports. A few duties are, however, levied, which are really octroi rather than customs charges. These places are mainly stations for coaling and awaiting orders.

The number of free ports outside of Europe has also decreased. The administrative policies of European countries have been gradually adopted in other regions of the world, and customs duties have become nearly universal, along with bonding and transshipment facilities. In British colonies and possessions, under a law passed in 1766 and repealed in 1867, two ports in Dominica and four in Jamaica were considered free. Malacca, Penang, and Singapore have been free ports since 1824, Hong Kong since 1842, and Weihaiwei since it was leased to Great Britain in 1898. Zanzibar was a free port from 1892 to 1899. Aden, Gibraltar, St. Helena, and St. Thomas (West Indies) are sometimes referred to as free ports. However, a few duties are collected, which are more like octroi than customs charges. These places mainly serve as stations for coaling and waiting for orders.

Some harbours in the Netherlands East Indies were free ports between 1829 and 1899; but these privileges were withdrawn by laws passed in 1898-1899, in order to establish uniformity of customs administration. Harbours where custom houses are not maintained will be practically closed to foreign trade, though the governor-general may in special circumstances vary the application of the new regulations.

Some ports in the Dutch East Indies were free trade zones from 1829 to 1899, but these privileges were taken away by laws enacted in 1898-1899 to create uniform customs administration. Ports without customs offices will nearly be shut off from foreign trade, although the governor-general can adjust the enforcement of the new rules in special cases.

Macao has been a free port since 1845. Portugal has no other harbour of this character.

Macao has been a free port since 1845. Portugal doesn't have any other harbor like this.

The American Republics have adopted the bonding system. In 1896 a free wharf was opened at New Orleans in imitation of the recent European plan. Livingstone (Guatemala) was a free port during the period 1882-1888.

The American Republics have adopted the bonding system. In 1896, a free wharf was opened in New Orleans based on the recent European plan. Livingstone (Guatemala) was a free port from 1882 to 1888.

The privileges enjoyed under the old free port system benefited the towns and districts where they existed; and their abolition has been, locally, injurious. These places were, however, “foreign” to their own country, and their inland intercourse was restricted by the duties levied on their products, and by the precautions adopted to prevent evasion of these charges. With fiscal usages involving preferential and deferential treatment of goods and places, the drawbacks thus arising did not attract serious attention. Under the limited means of communication within and beyond the country, in former times, these conveniences were not much felt. But when finance departments became more completely organized, the free port system fell out of favour with fiscal authorities: it afforded opportunities for smuggling, and impeded uniformity of action and practice. It became, in fact, out of harmony with the administrative and financial policy of later times. Bonding and entrepot facilities, on a scale commensurate with local needs, now satisfy trade requirements. In countries where high customs duties are levied, and where fiscal regulations are minute and rigid, if an extension of foreign trade is desired, and the competition which it involves is a national aim, special facilities must be granted for this purpose. In these circumstances a free zone sufficiently large to admit of commercial operations and transhipments on a scale which will fulfil these conditions (watched but not interfered with by the customs) becomes indispensable. The German government have, as we have seen, maintained a free zone of this nature at Hamburg. And when the free port at Copenhagen was opened, counter measures were adopted at Danzig and Stettin. An agitation has arisen in France to provide at certain ports free zones similar to those at Copenhagen and Hamburg, and to open free ports in French possessions. A bill to this effect was submitted to the chamber of deputies on the 12th of April 1905. Colonial free ports, such as Hong-Kong and Singapore, do not interfere with the uniformity of the home customs and excise policy. These two harbours in particular have become great shipping resorts and distributing centres. The policy which led to their establishment as free ports has certainly promoted British commercial interests.

The benefits of the old free port system favored the towns and regions where it was applied, and its removal has been harmful locally. However, these areas were considered “foreign” to their own country, and their trade was limited by the taxes on their products and the measures taken to prevent tax evasion. With financial practices that gave preferential and deferential treatment to goods and areas, the issues that arose did not receive much attention. In the past, limited communication both within and beyond the country made these conveniences less noticeable. But as financial departments became more organized, the free port system grew unpopular with fiscal authorities: it created opportunities for smuggling and hindered a consistent approach in action and practice. It was, in fact, out of sync with the later administrative and financial policies. Bonding and warehouse facilities that align with local needs now meet trade demands. In countries with high customs duties and strict financial regulations, if there's a desire to expand foreign trade and the resulting competition is a national goal, special provisions must be made for this purpose. In this context, a free zone big enough to facilitate commercial activities and transshipments to meet these conditions (monitored but not interfered with by customs) becomes essential. The German government, as we've seen, has maintained such a free zone in Hamburg. When the free port in Copenhagen was established, measures were taken at Danzig and Stettin in response. In France, there’s been a push to create free zones at certain ports similar to those in Copenhagen and Hamburg, and to establish free ports in French territories. A bill to this effect was presented to the Chamber of Deputies on April 12, 1905. Colonial free ports, like Hong Kong and Singapore, do not disrupt the consistency of the home customs and tax policy. These two ports, in particular, have become major shipping hubs and distribution centers. The policy that led to their designation as free ports has certainly benefited British commercial interests.

See the Parliamentary Paper on “Continental Free Ports,” 1904.

See the Parliamentary Paper on “Continental Free Ports,” 1904.

(C. M. K.)

1 In China at the present time (1902) certain ports are designated “free and open.” This phrase means that the ports in question are (1) open to foreign trade, and (2) that vessels engaged in oversea voyages may freely resort there. Exemption from payment of customs duties is not implied, which is a matter distinct from the permission granted under treaty engagements to foreign vessels to carry cargoes to and from the “treaty ports.”

1 In China right now (1902), some ports are labeled “free and open.” This means that these ports are (1) open to foreign trade, and (2) ships on overseas journeys can freely access them. It doesn’t imply that customs duties are waived, which is a separate issue from the permission given by treaty obligations for foreign ships to transport goods to and from the “treaty ports.”

FREE REED VIBRATOR (Fr. anche libre, Ger. durchschlagende Zunge, Ital. ancia or lingua libera), in musical instruments, a thin metal tongue fixed at one end and vibrating freely either in surrounding space, as in the accordion and concertina, or enclosed in a pipe or channel, as in certain reed stops of the organ or in the harmonium. The enclosed reed, in its typical and theoretical form, is fixed over an aperture of the same shape but just large enough to allow it to swing freely backwards and forwards, alternately opening and closing the aperture, when driven by a current of compressed air. We have to deal with air under three different conditions in considering the phenomenon of the sound produced by free reeds. (1) The stationary column or stratum in pipe or channel containing the reed, which is normally at rest. (2) The wind or current of air fed from the bellows with a variable velocity and pressure, which is broken up into periodic air puffs as its entrance into pipe or channel is 87 alternately checked or allowed by the vibrator. (3) The disturbed condition of No. 1 when acted upon by the metal vibrator and by No 2, whereby the air within the pipe is forced into alternate pulses of condensation and rarefaction. The free reed is therefore not the tone-producer but only the exciting agent, that is to say, the sound is not produced by the communication of the free reed’s vibrations to the surrounding air,1 as in the case of a vibrating string, but by the series of air puffs punctuated by infinitesimal pauses, which it produces by alternately opening and almost closing the aperture.2 A musical sound is thus produced the pitch of which depends on the length and thickness of the metal tongue; the greater the length, the slower the vibrations and the lower the pitch, while on the contrary, the thicker the reed near the shoulder at the fixed end, the higher the pitch. It must be borne in mind that the periodic vibrations of the reed determine the pitch of the sound solely by the frequency per second they impose upon the pulses of rarefaction and condensation within the pipe.

FREE REED VIBRATOR (Fr. anche libre, Ger. durchschlagende Zunge, Ital. ancia or lingua libera), in musical instruments, is a thin metal tongue fixed at one end that vibrates freely either in open air, as seen in the accordion and concertina, or inside a pipe or channel, like certain reed stops in an organ or in the harmonium. The enclosed reed, in its typical and ideal form, is positioned over an aperture of the same shape but large enough to let it swing freely back and forth, alternately opening and closing the aperture when driven by a stream of compressed air. To understand the sound produced by free reeds, we need to consider air under three different conditions: (1) The stationary column or layer of air in the pipe or channel containing the reed, which is normally still. (2) The airflow coming from the bellows with variable speed and pressure, which gets broken into periodic bursts of air as it enters the pipe or channel is 87 alternately blocked or allowed by the vibrator. (3) The disturbed state of condition No. 1 when influenced by the metal vibrator and by condition No. 2, causing the air inside the pipe to create alternating pulses of compression and rarefaction. Therefore, the free reed is not the sound generator but the exciting element; meaning the sound isn’t produced by the vibrations of the free reed communicating with the surrounding air, like in the case of a vibrating string, but by the series of air puffs it produces through alternating opens and nearly closes of the aperture. This results in a musical sound whose pitch depends on the length and thickness of the metal tongue; a longer reed creates slower vibrations and a lower pitch, while a thicker reed at the fixed end leads to a higher pitch. It’s important to remember that the periodic vibrations of the reed determine the pitch of the sound solely through the frequency they impose on the pulses of rarefaction and compression within the pipe.

From J. B. Biot, Traité de physique expérimentale.
Fig. 1.—Grenie’s organ pipe fitted with free-reed vibrator.

A, Tuning wire.

A, Tuning wire.

D, Free reed.

D, Free reed.

R, Reed-box.

R, Reed box.

B, C, Feed pipe with conical foot.

B, C, Feed pipe with a tapered base.

T, Part of resonating pipe, the upper end with cap and vent hole being shown separately at the side.

T, Part of a resonating pipe, with the upper end capped and a vent hole shown separately on the side.

The most valuable characteristic of the free reed is its power of producing all the delicate gradations of tone between forte and piano by virtue of a law of acoustics governing the vibration of free reeds, whereby increased pressure of wind produces a proportional increase in the volume of tone. The pitch of any sound depends upon the frequency of the sound-waves, that is, the number per second which reach the ear; the fullness of sound depends upon the amplitude of the waves, or, more strictly speaking, of the swing of the transmitting particles of the medium—greater pressure in the air current (No. 2 above) which sets the vibrator in motion producing amplitude of vibration in the air within the receptacle (No. 3 above) serving as resonating medium. The sound produced by the free reed itself is weak and requires to be reinforced by means of an additional stationary column or stratum of air. Free reed instruments are therefore classified according to the nature of the resonant medium provided:—(1) Free reeds vibrating in pipes, such as the reed stops of church organs on the continent of Europe (in England the reed pipes are generally provided with beating reeds, see Reed Instruments and Clarinet). (2) Free reeds vibrating in reed compartments and reinforced by air chambers of various shapes and sizes as in the harmonium (q.v.). (3) Instruments like the accordion and concertina having the free reed set in vibration through a valve, but having no reinforcing medium.

The most valuable feature of the free reed is its ability to produce all the subtle variations of sound between loud and soft due to an acoustic principle that affects how free reeds vibrate. This principle states that when you increase the airflow, it leads to a proportional increase in sound volume. The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the sound waves—specifically, how many waves reach your ear each second. The richness of the sound depends on the amplitude of the waves, or more precisely, the movement of the particles in the medium. A greater airflow pressure sets the vibrator in motion, which creates larger vibrations in the air inside the resonating chamber. The sound made by the free reed itself is weak and needs to be amplified by an additional still column or layer of air. Therefore, free reed instruments are categorized based on the type of resonant medium used: (1) Free reeds vibrating in pipes, such as the reed stops of church organs in continental Europe (in England, the reed pipes usually use beating reeds, see Reed Instruments and Clarinet). (2) Free reeds vibrating in reed compartments, reinforced by air chambers of different shapes and sizes, like in the harmonium (q.v.). (3) Instruments like the accordion and concertina, which activate the free reed through a valve but do not have a reinforcing medium.

Fig. 2.—Organ pipe fitted with beating reed.

AL, Beating reed.

AL, Playing reed.

R, Reed box.

Reed box.

Ff, Tuning wire.

Ff, Tuning cable.

TV, Feed pipe.

TV, feed pipe.

VV, Conical foot.

VV, Cone-shaped foot.

S, Hole through which compressed air is fed.

S, hole through which compressed air is supplied.

The arrangement of the free reed in an organ pipe is simple, and does not differ greatly from that of the beating reed shown in fig. 2 for the purpose of comparison. The reed-box, a rectangular wooden pipe, is closed at the bottom and covered on one face with a thin plate of copper having a rectangular slit over which is fixed the thin metal vibrating tongue or reed as described above. The reed-box, itself open at the top, is enclosed in a feed pipe having a conical foot pierced with a small hole through which the air current is forced by the action of the bellows. The impact of the incoming compressed air against the reed tongue sets it swinging through the slit, thus causing a disturbance or series of pulsations within the reed-box. The air then finds an escape through the resonating medium of a pipe fitting over the reed-box and terminating in an inverted cone covered with a cap in the top of which is pierced a small hole or vent. The quality of tone of free reeds is due to the tendency of air set in periodic pulsations to divide into aliquot vibrations or loops, producing the phenomenon known as harmonic overtones or upper partials, which may, in the highly composite clang of free reeds, be discerned as far as the 16th or 20th of the series. The more intermittent and interrupted the air current becomes, the greater the number of the upper partials produced.3 The power of the overtones and their relation to the fundamental note depend greatly upon the form of the tongue, its position and the amount of the clearance left as it swings through the aperture.

The setup of the free reed in an organ pipe is straightforward and doesn’t vary much from that of the beating reed shown in fig. 2 for comparison. The reed box, which is a rectangular wooden pipe, is closed at the bottom and covered on one side with a thin copper plate that has a rectangular slit. Over this slit is fixed the thin metal vibrating tongue, or reed, as described earlier. The reed box, open at the top, is surrounded by a feed pipe that has a conical foot with a small hole, through which the air current is pushed by the bellows. When the incoming compressed air hits the reed tongue, it makes it swing through the slit, creating a disturbance or series of pulsations in the reed box. The air then escapes through the resonating medium of a pipe that fits over the reed box and ends in an inverted cone, which has a small hole or vent at the top. The quality of tone of free reeds comes from the tendency of air in periodic pulsations to split into uniform vibrations or loops, leading to the phenomenon known as harmonic overtones or upper partials, which can be heard in the rich sound of free reeds, sometimes as far as the 16th or 20th in the series. The more intermittent and disrupted the air current is, the more upper partials are produced. The strength of the overtones and their relation to the fundamental note largely depend on the shape of the tongue, its position, and the amount of clearance as it swings through the opening.

Free reeds not associated with resonating media as in the concertina are peculiarly rich in harmonics, but as the higher harmonics lie very close together, disagreeable dissonances and a harsh tone result. The resonating pipe or chamber when suitably accommodated to the reed greatly modifies the tone by reinforcing the harmonics proper to itself, the others sinking into comparative insignificance. In order to produce a full rich tone, a resonator should be chosen whose deepest note coincides with the fundamental tone of the reed. The other upper partials will also be reinforced thereby, but to a less degree the higher the harmonics.4

Free reeds that aren't connected to resonating media like in the concertina have a unique richness in harmonics, but the higher harmonics are very close together, leading to unpleasant dissonances and a harsh sound. When a resonating pipe or chamber is properly matched to the reed, it significantly changes the tone by enhancing the harmonics specific to that resonator, while the other harmonics become relatively unnoticeable. To create a full, rich tone, you should select a resonator whose lowest note matches the fundamental tone of the reed. This will also strengthen the other upper partials, though they will be reinforced to a lesser extent the higher the harmonics. 4

For the history of the application of the free reed to keyboard instruments see Harmonium.

For the history of how the free reed is used in keyboard instruments, see Harmonium.

(K. S.)

1 See H. Helmholtz, Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen (Brunswick, 1877), p. 166.

1 See H. Helmholtz, The Theory of Sound Sensations (Brunswick, 1877), p. 166.

2 See also Ernst Heinrich and Wilhelm Weber, Wellenlehre (Leipzig, 1825), where a particularly lucid explanation of the phenomenon is given, pp. 526-530.

2 See also Ernst Heinrich and Wilhelm Weber, Wellenlehre (Leipzig, 1825), which provides a clear explanation of the phenomenon on pages 526-530.

3 See Helmholtz, op. cit. p. 167.

__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__ See Helmholtz, same source p. 167.

4 These phenomena are clearly explained at greater length by Sedley Taylor in Sound and Music (London, 1896), pp. 134-153 and pp. 74-86. See also Friedrich Zamminer, Die Musik und die musikalischen Instrumente, &c. (Giessen, 1855), p. 261.

4 These phenomena are explained in more detail by Sedley Taylor in Sound and Music (London, 1896), pp. 134-153 and pp. 74-86. Also, check out Friedrich Zamminer, Die Musik und die musikalischen Instrumente, &c. (Giessen, 1855), p. 261.

FREESIA, in botany, a genus of plants belonging to the Iris family (Iridaceae), and containing a single species, F. refracta, native at the Cape of Good Hope. The plants grow from a corm (a solid bulb, as in Gladiolus) which sends up a tuft of long narrow leaves and a slightly branched stem bearing a few leaves and loose one-sided spikes of fragrant narrowly funnel-shaped flowers. Several varieties are known in cultivation, differing in the colour of the flower, which is white, cream or yellow. They form pretty greenhouse plants which are readily increased from seed. They are extensively grown for the market in Guernsey, England and America. By potting successively throughout the autumn a supply of flowers is obtained through winter and spring. Some very fine large-flowered varieties, including rose-coloured ones, are now being raised by various growers in England, and are a great improvement on the older forms.

FREESIA, in botany, is a genus of plants in the Iris family (Iridaceae), containing a single species, F. refracta, native to the Cape of Good Hope. These plants grow from a corm (a solid bulb, like in Gladiolus) that produces a cluster of long, narrow leaves and a slightly branched stem with a few leaves and loose one-sided spikes of fragrant, narrow funnel-shaped flowers. Several cultivated varieties exist, differing in flower color, which can be white, cream, or yellow. They make lovely greenhouse plants that are easily propagated from seed. They are widely grown for the market in Guernsey, England, and America. By potting them successively throughout the autumn, a supply of flowers can be provided during winter and spring. Some impressive large-flowered varieties, including rose-colored ones, are now being developed by various growers in England and represent a significant improvement over the older forms.

FREE SOIL PARTY, a political party in the United States, which was organized in 1847-1848 to oppose the extension of slavery into the Territories. It was a combination of the political abolitionists—many of whom had formerly been identified with the more radical Liberty party—the anti-slavery Whigs, and the faction of the Democratic party in the state of New York, called “Barnburners,” who favoured the prohibition of slavery, in accordance with the “Wilmot Proviso” (see Wilmot, David), in the territory acquired from Mexico. The party was prominent in the presidential campaigns of 1848 and 1852. At the national convention held in Buffalo, N.Y., on the 9th and 10th of August 1848, they secured the nomination to the presidency of ex-President Martin Van Buren, who had failed to secure nomination by the Democrats in 1844 because of his opposition to the annexation of Texas, and of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, for the vice-presidency, taking as their “platform” a Declaration that Congress, having “no more power to make a slave than to make a king,” was bound to restrict slavery to the slave states, and concluding, “we inscribe on our banner ‘Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Man,’ and under it we will fight on and fight ever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions.” The Liberty party had previously, in November 1847, nominated 88 John P. Hale and Leicester King as president and vice-president respectively, but in the spring of 1848 it withdrew its candidates and joined the “free soil” movement. Representatives of eighteen states, including Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, attended the Buffalo convention. In the ensuing presidential election Van Buren and Adams received a popular vote of 291,263, of which 120,510 were cast in New York. They received no electoral votes, all these being divided between the Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor, who was elected, and the Democratic candidate, Lewis Cass. The “free soilers,” however, succeeded in sending to the thirty-first Congress two senators and fourteen representatives, who by their ability exercised an influence out of proportion to their number.

FREE SOIL PARTY, a political party in the United States, was formed in 1847-1848 to oppose the spread of slavery into the Territories. It was a mix of political abolitionists—many of whom had previously been part of the more radical Liberty party—anti-slavery Whigs, and a faction of the Democratic party in New York known as “Barnburners,” who supported banning slavery in line with the “Wilmot Proviso” (see Wilmot, David) for the territory gained from Mexico. The party played a significant role in the presidential campaigns of 1848 and 1852. At their national convention held in Buffalo, NY, on August 9 and 10, 1848, they nominated ex-President Martin Van Buren, who hadn’t secured a nomination from the Democrats in 1844 due to his stance against the annexation of Texas, and Charles Francis Adams from Massachusetts for vice-president, adopting a platform that declared Congress had “no more power to make a slave than to make a king,” and was obligated to limit slavery to the slave states. They concluded with, “we inscribe on our banner ‘Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Man,’ and under it we will fight on and fight forever, until a victorious outcome rewards our efforts.” The Liberty party had earlier nominated John P. Hale and Leicester King for president and vice-president, respectively, in November 1847, but in spring 1848, they withdrew their candidates and joined the “free soil” movement. Representatives from eighteen states, including Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, attended the Buffalo convention. In the subsequent presidential election, Van Buren and Adams received a total of 291,263 popular votes, with 120,510 coming from New York. They received no electoral votes, which were all split between the elected Whig candidate Zachary Taylor and the Democratic candidate Lewis Cass. However, the “free soilers” managed to send two senators and fourteen representatives to the thirty-first Congress, whose influence was significant compared to their numbers.

Between 1848 and 1852 the “Barnburners” and the “Hunkers,” their opponents, became partially reunited, the former returning to the Democratic ranks, and thus greatly weakening the Free Soilers. The party held its national convention at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on the 11th of August 1852, delegates being present from all the free states, and from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky; and John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, and George W. Julian of Indiana, were nominated for the presidency and the vice-presidency respectively, on a platform which declared slavery “a sin against God and a crime against man,” denounced the Compromise Measures of 1850, the fugitive slave law in particular, and again opposed the extension of slavery in the Territories. These candidates, however, received no electoral votes and a popular vote of only 156,149, of which but 25,329 were polled in New York. By 1856 they abandoned their separate organization and joined the movement which resulted in the formation of the powerful Republican party (q.v.), of which the Free Soil party was the legitimate precursor.

Between 1848 and 1852, the “Barnburners” and their opponents, the “Hunkers,” started to come together again, with the former rejoining the Democratic party, which significantly weakened the Free Soilers. The party held its national convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on August 11, 1852, with delegates from all the free states, as well as Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky. John P. Hale from New Hampshire and George W. Julian from Indiana were nominated for president and vice president, respectively, on a platform that declared slavery “a sin against God and a crime against man,” criticized the Compromise Measures of 1850, particularly the fugitive slave law, and continued to oppose the expansion of slavery into the Territories. However, these candidates received no electoral votes and only garnered a popular vote of 156,149, with only 25,329 votes coming from New York. By 1856, they dissolved their separate organization and joined the movement that led to the creation of the powerful Republican party (q.v.), which was the legitimate predecessor of the Free Soil party.

FREE-STONE (a translation of the O. Fr. franche pere or pierre, i.e. stone of good quality; the modern French equivalent is pierre de taille, and Ital. pietra molle), stone used in architecture for mouldings, tracery and other work required to be worked with the chisel. The oolitic stones are generally so called, although in some countries soft sandstones are used; in some churches an indurated chalk called “clunch” is employed for internal lining and for carving.

FREE-STONE (a translation of the Old French franche pere or pierre, i.e. high-quality stone; the modern French equivalent is pierre de taille, and Italian pietra molle), refers to stone used in architecture for moldings, tracery, and other work that needs to be carved with a chisel. Oolitic stones are generally labeled as such, although in some places, soft sandstones are used; in some churches, a hard chalk called “clunch” is used for internal lining and carving.

FREETOWN, capital of the British colony of Sierra Leone, West Africa, on the south side of the Sierra Leone estuary, about 5 m. from the cape of that name, in 8° 29′ N., 13° 10′ W. Pop. (1901) 34,463. About 500 of the inhabitants are Europeans. Freetown is picturesquely situated on a plain, closed in behind by a succession of wooded hills, the Sierra Leone, rising to a height of 1700 ft. As nearly every house is surrounded by a courtyard or garden, the town covers an unusually large area for the number of its inhabitants. It possesses few buildings of architectural merit. The principal are the governor’s residence and government offices, the barracks, the cathedral, the missionary institutions, the fruit market, Wilberforce Hall, courts of justice, the railway station and the grammar school. Several of these institutions are built on the slopes of the hills, and on the highest point, Sugar Loaf Mountain, is a sanatorium. The botanic gardens form a pleasant and favourite place of resort. The roads are wide but badly kept. Horses do not live, and all wheeled traffic is done by manual labour—hammocks and sedan-chairs are the customary means of locomotion. Notwithstanding that Freetown possesses an abundant and pure water-supply, drawn from the adjacent hills, it is enervating and unhealthy, and it was particularly to the capital, often spoken of as Sierra Leone, that the designation “White Man’s Grave” applied. Since the beginning of the 20th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions. A light railway 6 m. long, opened in 1904, has been built to Hill Station (900 ft. high), where, on a healthy site, are the residences of the government officials and of other Europeans. As a consequence the public health has improved, the highest death-rate in the years 1901-1907 being 29.6 per 1000. The town is governed by a municipality (created in 1893) with a mayor and councillors, the large majority being elective. Freetown was the first place in British West Africa granted local self-government.

Freetown, is the capital of the British colony of Sierra Leone, located in West Africa on the south side of the Sierra Leone estuary, about 5 miles from the cape of the same name, at 8° 29′ N., 13° 10′ W. As of 1901, the population was 34,463, with about 500 of the residents being Europeans. Freetown is beautifully situated on a plain, enclosed by a series of wooded hills, the Sierra Leone, which rise to a height of 1,700 feet. Since almost every house has a courtyard or garden, the town covers an unusually large area for its population size. It has few architecturally impressive buildings. The main ones include the governor’s residence, government offices, the barracks, the cathedral, missionary institutions, the fruit market, Wilberforce Hall, courts of justice, the railway station, and the grammar school. Several of these buildings are located on the slopes of the hills, and at the highest point, Sugar Loaf Mountain, there is a sanatorium. The botanical gardens are a lovely and popular place to visit. The roads are wide but poorly maintained. Horses are not kept, and all wheeled transport is done manually—hammocks and sedan chairs are the common modes of travel. Despite having a plentiful and clean water supply sourced from the nearby hills, the water is still considered unrefreshing and unhealthy. It is particularly Freetown, often referred to simply as Sierra Leone, that has been labeled “White Man’s Grave.” Since the start of the 20th century, significant efforts have been made to improve sanitary conditions through a new drainage system, better water service, filling in marshes where malaria-carrying mosquitoes thrive, and other initiatives. A light railway, 6 miles long, opened in 1904, has been built to Hill Station (900 feet high), where the residences of government officials and other Europeans are situated on healthier land. As a result, public health has improved, with the highest death rate from 1901-1907 being 29.6 per 1,000. The town is managed by a municipality (established in 1893) with a mayor and councillors, the vast majority of whom are elected. Freetown was the first location in British West Africa to receive local self-government.

Both commercially and strategically Freetown is a place of importance. Its harbour affords ample accommodation for the largest fleets, it is a coaling station for the British navy, the headquarters of the British military forces in West Africa, the sea terminus of the railway to the rich oil-palm regions of Mendiland, and a port of call for all steamers serving West Africa. Its inhabitants are noted for their skill as traders; the town itself produces nothing in the way of exports.

Both commercially and strategically, Freetown is an important place. Its harbor provides plenty of space for large fleets, it serves as a coaling station for the British navy, and it is the headquarters of the British military forces in West Africa. Additionally, it is the sea terminus of the railway that connects to the rich oil-palm regions of Mendiland, and it’s a port of call for all steamers operating in West Africa. The people there are known for their trading skills, but the town itself doesn’t produce any exports.

In consequence of the character of the original settlement (see Sierra Leone), 75% of the inhabitants are descended from non-indigenous Negro races. As many as 150 different tribes are represented in the Sierra Leonis of to-day. Their semi-Europeanization is largely the result of missionary endeavour. The only language of the lower class is pidgin-English—quite incomprehensible to the newcomer from Great Britain,—but a large proportion of the inhabitants are highly educated men who excel as lawyers, clergymen, clerks and traders. Many members of the upper, that is, the best-educated, class have filled official positions of great responsibility. The most noted citizens are Bishop Crowther and Sir Samuel Lewis, chief justice of Sierra Leone 1882-1894. Both were full-blooded Africans. The Kru-men form a distinct section of the community, living in a separate quarter and preserving their tribal customs.

As a result of the nature of the original settlement (see Sierra Leone), 75% of the residents are descendants of non-indigenous Black races. Today, there are about 150 different tribes represented in Sierra Leone. Their partial Europeanization is largely due to missionary efforts. The only language spoken by the lower class is pidgin English, which is quite confusing for newcomers from Great Britain. However, a significant number of the residents are well-educated individuals who excel as lawyers, clergy, clerks, and traders. Many members of the upper class, which consists of the most educated individuals, have held important official positions. The most notable citizens include Bishop Crowther and Sir Samuel Lewis, who was the chief justice of Sierra Leone from 1882 to 1894. Both were fully African. The Kru men make up a distinct part of the community, living in their own area and maintaining their tribal traditions.

Since 1861-1862 there has been an independent Episcopal Native Church; but the Church Missionary Society, which in 1804 sent out the first missionaries to Sierra Leone, still maintains various agencies. Furah Bay College, built by the society on the site of General Charles Turner’s estate (1½ m. E. of Freetown), and opened in 1828 with six pupils, one of whom was Bishop Crowther, was affiliated in 1876 to Durham University and has a high-class curriculum. The Wesleyans have a high school, a theological college, and other educative agencies. The Moslems, who are among the most law-abiding and intelligent citizens of Freetown, have several state-aided primary schools.

Since 1861-1862, there has been an independent Episcopal Native Church; however, the Church Missionary Society, which sent the first missionaries to Sierra Leone in 1804, still runs various programs. Furah Bay College, built by the society on the site of General Charles Turner’s estate (1½ miles east of Freetown), opened in 1828 with six students, one of whom was Bishop Crowther. It became affiliated with Durham University in 1876 and offers a high-quality curriculum. The Wesleyans have a high school, a theological college, and other educational initiatives. The Muslims, who are among the most law-abiding and intelligent citizens of Freetown, have several state-supported primary schools.

FREE TRADE, an expression which has now come to be appropriated to the economic policy of encouraging the greatest possible commercial intercourse, unrestricted by “protective” duties (see Protection), between any one country and its neighbours. This policy was originally advocated in France, and it has had its adherents in many countries, but Great Britain stands alone among the great commercial nations of the world in having adopted it systematically from 1846 onwards as the fundamental principle of her economic policy.

FREE TRADE, a term that has come to mean the economic policy of promoting the highest level of trade possible without restrictions from "protective" tariffs (see Protection), between any country and its neighbors. This policy was initially supported in France and has had followers in various countries, but Great Britain is unique among the major commercial nations in having systematically adopted it as the core principle of its economic policy since 1846.

In the economic literature of earlier periods, it may be noted that the term “free trade” is employed in senses which have no relation to modern usage. The term conveyed no suggestion of unrestricted trade or national liberty when it first appeared in controversial pamphlets;1 it stood for a freedom conferred and maintained by authority—like that of a free town. The merchants desired to have good regulations for trade so that they might be free from the disabilities imposed upon them by foreign princes or unscrupulous fellow-subjects. After 1640 the term seems to have been commonly current in a different sense. When the practice which had been handed down from the middle ages—of organizing the trade with particular countries by means of privileged companies, which professed to regulate the trade according to the state of the market so as to secure its steady development in the interest of producers and traders—was seriously called in question under the Stuarts and at the Revolution, the interlopers and opponents of the companies insisted on the advantages of a “Free Trade”; they meant by this that the various branches of commerce should not be confined to particular persons or limited in amount, but should be thrown open to be pursued by any Englishman in the way he thought most profitable himself.2 Again, in the latter half of the 18th 89 century, till Pitt’s financial reforms3 were brought into operation, the English customs duties on wine and brandy were excessive; and those who carried on a remunerative business by evading these duties were known as Fair Traders or Free Traders.4 Since 1846 the term free trade has been popularly used, in England, to designate the policy of Cobden (q.v.) and others who advocated the abolition of the tax on imported corn (see Corn Laws); this is the only one of the specialized senses of the term which is at all likely to be confused with the economic doctrine. The Anti-Corn Law movement was, as a matter of fact, a special application of the economic principle; but serious mistakes have arisen from the blunder of confusing the part with the whole, and treating the remission of one particular duty as if it were the essential element of a policy in which it was only an incident. W. E. Gladstone, in discussing the effect of improvements in locomotion on British trade, showed what a large proportion of the stimulus to commerce during the 19th century was to be credited to what he called the “liberalizing legislation” of the free-trade movement in the wide sense in which he used the term. “I rank the introduction of cheap postage for letters, documents, patterns and printed matter, and the abolition of all taxes on printed matter, in the category of Free Trade Legislation. Not only thought in general, but every communication, and every publication, relating to matters of business, was thus set free. These great measures, then, may well take their place beside the abolition of prohibitions and protective duties, the simplifying of revenue laws, and the repeal of the Navigation Act, as forming together the great code of industrial emancipation. Under this code, our race, restored to freedom in mind and hand, and braced by the powerful stimulus of open competition with the world, has upon the whole surpassed itself and every other, and has won for itself a commercial primacy more evident, more comprehensive, and more solid than it had at any previous time possessed.”5 In this large sense free trade may be almost interpreted as the combination of the doctrines of the division of labour and of laissez-faire in regard to the world as a whole. The division of labour between different countries of the world—so that each concentrates its energies in supplying that for the production of which it is best fitted—appears to offer the greatest possibility of production; but this result cannot be secured unless trade and industry are treated as the primary elements in the welfare of each community, and political considerations are not allowed to hamper them.

In earlier economic literature, the term “free trade” was used in ways that differ significantly from today's meaning. Initially, it didn’t imply unrestricted trade or national freedom; rather, it represented a freedom granted and maintained by authority—similar to that of a free town. Merchants sought to have good regulations for trade to ensure they could operate without the restrictions imposed by foreign rulers or dishonest fellow citizens. After 1640, the term began to take on a new meaning. When the tradition from the Middle Ages of organizing trade with certain countries through privileged companies—companies that claimed to regulate trade according to market conditions for the benefit of producers and traders—was challenged under the Stuarts and during the Revolution, those opposing the companies advocated for “Free Trade.” They meant that different sectors of commerce should not be restricted to specific individuals or limited in quantity but should be open to any Englishman pursuing his own profitable ventures. In the latter half of the 18th century, until Pitt’s financial reforms were implemented, English customs duties on wine and brandy were very high; those who found ways to profit by avoiding these duties were referred to as Fair Traders or Free Traders. Since 1846, the term free trade has been commonly used in England to refer to the policy of Cobden (see Corn Laws) and others who pushed for the removal of the tax on imported corn; this is the only meaning of the term that is likely to overlap with the economic doctrine. The Anti-Corn Law movement was a specific application of this economic principle; however, significant misunderstandings arose from confusing the specific instance with the overall concept and treating the removal of one particular duty as if it were the central aspect of a broader policy, which it was merely a part of. W. E. Gladstone, while discussing how advancements in transportation impacted British trade, highlighted how much of the boost in commerce during the 19th century could be attributed to what he called the “liberalizing legislation” of the free-trade movement in a broader sense. He categorized the introduction of affordable postage for letters, documents, samples, and printed materials, along with the elimination of all taxes on printed materials, as Free Trade Legislation. This not only facilitated general thought but also enabled communication and publication related to business matters. These significant reforms can thus be seen alongside the abolition of prohibitions and protective tariffs, the streamlining of revenue laws, and the repeal of the Navigation Act as contributing to a comprehensive framework of industrial freedom. Under this framework, our society, regaining freedom of thought and action, empowered by the strong motivation of open competition globally, has largely outperformed itself and others, achieving a level of commercial leadership that is clearer, broader, and more stable than it has ever been before. In this extensive sense, free trade can be almost viewed as the merging of the ideas of the division of labor and laissez-faire on a global scale. The division of labor among different countries—where each focuses its efforts on producing what it does best—appears to maximize the potential for production. However, this outcome can only be realized if trade and industry are treated as fundamental components of each community's welfare, without political factors hindering them.

Stated in its simplest form, the principle which underlies the doctrine of free trade is almost a truism; it is directly deducible from the very notion of exchange (q.v.). Adam Smith and his successors have demonstrated that in every case of voluntary exchange each party gains something that is of greater value-in-use to him than that with which he parts, and that consequently in every exchange, either between individuals or between nations, both parties are the gainers. Hence it necessarily follows that, since both parties gain through exchanging, the more facilities there are for exchange the greater will be the advantage to every individual all round.6 There is no difficulty in translating this principle into the terms of actual life, and stating the conditions in which it holds good absolutely. If, at any given moment, the mass of goods in the world were distributed among the consumers with the minimum of restriction on interchange, each competitor would obtain the largest possible share of the things he procures in the world’s market. But the argument is less conclusive when the element of time is taken into account; what is true of each moment separately is not necessarily true of any period in which the conditions of production, or the requirements of communities, may possibly change. Each individual is likely to act with reference to his own future, but it may often be wise for the statesman to look far ahead, beyond the existing generation.7 Owing to the neglect of this element of time, and the allowance which must be made for it, the reasoning as to the advantages of free trade, which is perfectly sound in regard to the distribution of goods already in existence, may become sophistical,8 if it is put forward as affording a complete demonstration of the benefits of free trade as a regular policy. After all, human society is very complex, and any attempt to deal with its problems off-hand by appealing to a simple principle raises the suspicion that some important factor may have been left out of account. When there is such mistaken simplification, the reasoning may seem to have complete certainty, and yet it fails to produce conviction, because it does not profess to deal with the problem in all its aspects. When we concentrate attention on the phenomena of exchange, we are viewing society as a mechanism in which each acts under known laws and is impelled by one particular force—that of self-interest; now, society is, no doubt, in this sense a mechanism, but it is also an organism,9 and it is only for very short periods, and in a very limited way, that we can venture to neglect its organic character without running the risk of falling into serious mistakes.

In its simplest form, the principle behind free trade is almost a given; it can be directly inferred from the idea of exchange (q.v.). Adam Smith and those who followed him have shown that in any voluntary exchange, each party gains something that is more valuable to them than what they give up, meaning that in every exchange—whether between individuals or nations—both sides benefit. Therefore, it logically follows that since both parties gain from exchanging, the more opportunities there are for exchange, the more advantageous it will be for everyone involved.6 It's easy to apply this principle to real life and to identify the conditions under which it is absolutely valid. If, at any given moment, the total amount of goods in the world were shared among consumers with minimal restrictions on exchange, each participant would get the largest possible share of what they seek in the global market. However, the argument becomes less clear when considering the element of time; what holds true at any individual moment may not necessarily apply over periods when production conditions or community needs might change. Each person tends to act with their future in mind, but it might often be wise for policymakers to think much further ahead than just the current generation.7 Due to the oversight of this time element and the considerations it entails, the reasoning supporting the benefits of free trade, which is sound when discussing the distribution of existing goods, may become misleading8 if presented as a comprehensive proof of the advantages of free trade as a consistent policy. After all, human society is very complex, and any attempt to tackle its issues casually by relying on a simple principle raises the concern that an important factor may have been overlooked. When such simplification occurs, the reasoning may appear entirely certain, yet it fails to convince because it doesn’t claim to address the problem in all its dimensions. When we focus on the act of exchange, we see society as a system where individuals operate under known rules driven by a single force—self-interest; indeed, society is a mechanism in that sense, but it is also an organism.9 We can only disregard its organic nature for very short periods and in very limited ways without risking significant errors.

The doctrine of free trade maintains that in order to secure the greatest possible mass of goods in the world as a whole, and the greatest possibility of immediate comfort for the consumer, it is expedient that there should be no restriction on the exchange of goods and services either between individuals or communities. The controversies in regard to this doctrine have not turned on its certainty as a hypothetical principle, but on the legitimacy of the arguments based upon it. It certainly supplies a principle in the light of which all proposed trade regulations should be criticized. It gives us a basis for examining and estimating the expense at which any particular piece of trade restriction is carried out; but thus used, the principle does not necessarily condemn the expenditure; the game may be worth the candle or it may not, but at least it is well that we should know how fast the candle is being burnt. It was in this critical spirit that Adam Smith examined the various restrictions and encouragements to trade which were in vogue in his day; he proved of each in turn that it was expensive, but he showed that he was conscious that the final decision could not be taken from this standpoint, since he recognized in regard to the Navigation Acts that “defence is more than opulence.”10 In more recent times, the same sort of attitude was taken by Henry Sidgwick,11 who criticizes various protective expedients in turn, in the light of free trade, but does not treat it as conveying an authoritative decision on their merits.

The concept of free trade holds that to achieve the maximum amount of goods available globally and to provide the highest level of immediate comfort for consumers, there should be no restrictions on the exchange of goods and services between individuals or communities. The debates surrounding this concept haven’t focused on its validity as a theoretical principle, but rather on the legitimacy of the arguments based on it. It certainly provides a principle through which all proposed trade regulations should be evaluated. It offers a way to analyze and assess the costs associated with any specific trade restriction; however, using it this way doesn’t automatically condemn the expenditure. Whether the expense is worthwhile depends on the situation, but it’s important to understand the costs involved. Adam Smith approached the various trade restrictions and incentives of his time with this critical mindset; he demonstrated that each was costly, but he recognized that the final judgment couldn’t be made solely from this perspective, as he acknowledged regarding the Navigation Acts that “defense is more than opulence.” In more recent years, Henry Sidgwick adopted a similar mindset, criticizing various protective measures through the lens of free trade but not treating it as an absolute judgment on their value.

But other exponents of the doctrine have not been content to employ it in this fashion. They urge it in a more positive manner, and insist that free trade pure and simple is the foundation on which the economic life of the community ought to be based. By men who advocate it in this way, free trade is set forward as an ideal which it is a duty to realize, and those who hold aloof from it or oppose it have been held up to scorn as if they were almost guilty of a crime.12 The development of the material resources of the world is undoubtedly an important element in the welfare of mankind; it is an aim which is common to the whole race, and may be looked upon as contributing to the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Competition in the open market seems to secure that each consumer shall obtain the best possible terms; and again, since all men are consumers whether they produce or not, or whatever they produce, the greatest measure of comforts for each seems likely to be attainable on these lines. For those who are frankly cosmopolitan, and who regard material prosperity as at all events the prime object at which public policy should aim, the free-trade doctrine is readily 90 transformed, from a mere principle of criticism, till it comes to be regarded as the harbinger of a possible Utopia. It was in this fashion that it was put forward by French economists and proved attractive to some leading American statesmen in the 18th century. Turgot regarded the colonial systems of the European countries as at once unfair to their dependencies and dangerous to the peace of the world. “It will be a wise and happy thing for the nation which shall be the first to modify its policy according to the new conditions, and be content to regard its colonies as if they were allied provinces and not subjects of the mother country.” It will be a wise and happy thing for the nation which is the first to be convinced that the secret of “success, so far as commercial policy is concerned, consists in employing all its land in the manner most profitable for the proprietary, all the hands in the manner most advantageous to the workman personally, that is to say, in the manner in which each would employ them, if we could let him be simply directed by his own interest, and that all the rest of the mercantile policy is vanity and vexation of spirit. When the entire separation of America shall have forced the whole world to recognize this truth and purged the European nations of commercial jealousy there will be one great cause of war less in the world.”13 Pitt, under the influence of Adam Smith, was prepared to admit the United States to the benefit of trade with the West Indian Colonies; and Jefferson, accepting the principles of his French teachers, would (in contradistinction to Alexander Hamilton) have been willing to see his country renounce the attempt to develop manufactures of her own.14 It seemed as if a long step might be taken towards realizing the free-trade ideal for the Anglo-Saxon race; but British shipowners insisted on the retention of their privileges, and the propitious moment passed away with the failure of the negotiations of 1783.15 Free trade ceased to be regarded as a gospel, even in France, till the ideal was revived in the writings of Bastiat, and helped to mould the enthusiasm of Richard Cobden.16 Through his zealous advocacy, the doctrine secured converts in almost every part of the world; though it was only in Great Britain that a great majority of the citizens became so far satisfied with it that they adopted it as the foundation of the economic policy of the country.

But other supporters of the idea haven’t been satisfied to use it this way. They promote it more actively, insisting that free trade, plain and simple, is the base on which the economic life of the community should be built. Those who advocate it in this way present free trade as an ideal that it’s our duty to attain, and people who keep their distance from it or oppose it are often looked down upon, as if they were committing a crime. 12 The growth of the world's material resources is definitely crucial for humanity’s well-being; it’s a goal that everyone shares, and it can be seen as contributing to the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Competition in an open market seems to ensure that each consumer gets the best possible deal; and since everyone is a consumer, no matter if they produce or what they produce, a higher standard of living seems achievable through this approach. For those who are openly global in their thinking and see material prosperity as the main goal of public policy, the free-trade idea easily changes from just a critical principle to a promise of a potential Utopia. This perspective was promoted by French economists and attracted some key American leaders in the 18th century. Turgot saw the colonial policies of European countries as unfair to their colonies and a threat to global peace. “It will be a wise and happy thing for the nation that first adjusts its policy to the new realities and views its colonies as allied provinces rather than subjects of the mother country.” It will be a wise and happy thing for the nation that is the first to realize that the key to “success, in terms of commercial policy, lies in using all its land in the most profitable way for property owners and all labor in ways that benefit the workers personally, meaning in the way they would choose if allowed to act in their own interests, and that all the rest of the trade policy is just meaningless fuss. When America’s complete separation compels the whole world to accept this truth and eliminates commercial jealousy among European nations, there will be one fewer major cause of war in the world.” 13 Pitt, influenced by Adam Smith, was willing to allow the United States to trade with the West Indian colonies; and Jefferson, embracing the views of his French teachers, would (unlike Alexander Hamilton) have preferred for his country to give up trying to build its own manufacturing industry. 14 It seemed like a significant step could be taken toward achieving the free-trade ideal for the Anglo-Saxon community; but British shipowners insisted on keeping their privileges, and the favorable moment slipped away with the failed negotiations of 1783. 15 Free trade was no longer considered a doctrine, even in France, until the ideal was revived in the writings of Bastiat, which helped inspire Richard Cobden's enthusiasm. 16 Through his passionate promotion, the doctrine gained followers in almost every part of the world; although it was only in Great Britain that a significant majority of people became so convinced of it that they adopted it as the basis of the country’s economic policy.

It is not difficult to account for the conversion of Great Britain to this doctrine; in the special circumstances of the first half of the 19th century it was to the interest of the most vigorous factors in the economic life of the country to secure the greatest possible freedom for commercial intercourse. Great Britain had, through her shipping, access to all the markets of the world; she had obtained such a lead in the application of machinery to manufactures that she had a practical monopoly in textile manufactures and in the hardware trades; by removing every restriction, she could push her advantage to its farthest extent, and not only undersell native manufactures in other lands, but secure food, and the raw materials for her manufactures, on the cheapest possible terms. Free trade thus seemed to offer the means of placing an increasing distance between Britain and her rivals, and of rendering the industrial monopoly which she had attained impregnable. The capitalist employer had superseded the landowner as the mainstay of the resources and revenue of the realm, and insisted that the prosperity of manufactures was the primary interest of the community as a whole. The expectation, that a thoroughgoing policy of free trade would not only favour an increase of employment, but also the cheapening of food, could only have been roused in a country which was obliged to import a considerable amount of corn. The exceptional weakness, as well as the exceptional strength, of Great Britain, among European countries, made it seem desirable to adopt the principle of unrestricted commercial intercourse, not merely in the tentative fashion in which it had been put in operation by Huskisson, but in the thoroughgoing fashion in which it at last commended itself to the minds of Peel and Gladstone. The “Manchester men” saw clearly where their interest lay; and the fashionable political economy was ready to demonstrate that in pursuing their own interest they were conferring the benefit of cheap clothing on all the most poverty-stricken races of mankind. It seemed probable, in the ’forties and early ’fifties, that other countries would take a similar view of their own interests and would follow the example which Great Britain had set.17 That they have not done so, is partly due to the fact that none of them had such a direct, or such a widely diffused, interest in increased commercial intercourse as existed in Great Britain; but their reluctance has been partly the result of the criticism to which the free-trade doctrine has been subjected. The principles expressed in the writings of Friedrich List have taken such firm hold, both in America and in Germany, that these countries have preferred to follow on the lines by which Great Britain successfully built up her industrial prosperity in the 17th and 18th century, rather than on those by which they have seen her striving to maintain it since 1846.

It’s not hard to understand why Great Britain adopted this idea; during the unique circumstances of the early 19th century, the most dynamic parts of the nation’s economy wanted to ensure as much freedom as possible for trade. Great Britain had gained access to markets around the world through its shipping industry; it had established a significant lead in using machinery for production, giving it a near monopoly in textiles and hardware. By eliminating all restrictions, Britain could maximize its advantages, undersell local products in other countries, and acquire food and raw materials for its industries at the lowest prices. Free trade appeared to be the way to create an even larger gap between Britain and its competitors, making its industrial dominance virtually unassailable. The capitalist employers had replaced landowners as the backbone of the country’s resources and revenue, insisting that the success of manufacturing was the community’s top priority. The belief that a comprehensive free trade policy would not only boost employment but also lower food prices could only emerge in a country that had to import a significant amount of grain. Britain's unique combination of weaknesses and strengths compared to other European nations made it seem wise to adopt unrestricted trade—not just tentatively like Huskisson had proposed, but robustly as eventually endorsed by Peel and Gladstone. The “Manchester men” clearly recognized where their interests lay; and the popular economic theories were ready to show that by pursuing their own profit, they were actually benefiting the poorest nations by providing them with affordable clothing. In the 1840s and early 1850s, it seemed likely that other countries would see things the same way and follow Great Britain’s lead. The fact that they have not done so is partly because none of them had the same direct or widespread interest in boosting trade like Great Britain did; but their hesitance has also stemmed from the criticism aimed at free trade principles. The ideas presented by Friedrich List have taken strong root in both America and Germany, leading these countries to prefer the methods that helped Great Britain build its industrial strength in the 17th and 18th centuries instead of those it has used since 1846 to try to maintain it.

Free trade was attractive as an ideal, because it appeared to offer the greatest production of goods to the world as a whole, and the largest share of material goods to each consumer; it is cosmopolitan, and it treats consumption, and the interest of the consumer, as such, as the end to be considered. Hence it lies open to objections which are partly political and partly economic.

Free trade was appealing as an ideal because it seemed to provide the highest production of goods globally and the largest share of material goods to each consumer. It's cosmopolitan and prioritizes consumption and the consumer’s interests as the main focus. Therefore, it faces criticism that is both political and economic.

As cosmopolitan, free-trade doctrine is apt to be indifferent to national tradition and aspiration. In so far indeed as patriotism is a mere aesthetic sentiment, it may be tolerated, but in so far as it implies a genuine wish and intention to preserve and defend the national habits and character to the exclusion of alien elements, the cosmopolitan mind will condemn it as narrow and mischievous. In the first half of the 19th century there were many men who believed that national ambitions and jealousies of every kind were essentially dynastic, and that if monarchies were abolished there would be fewer occasions of war, so that the expenses of the business of government would be enormously curtailed. For Cobden and his contemporaries it was natural to regard the national administrative institutions as maintained for the benefit of the “classes” and without much advantage to the “masses.” But in point of fact, modern times have shown the existence in democracies of a patriotic sentiment which is both exclusive and aggressive; and the burden of armaments has steadily increased. It was by means of a civil war that the United States attained to a consciousness of national life; while such later symptoms as the recent interpretations of the Monroe doctrine, or the war with Spain, have proved that the citizens of that democratic country cannot be regarded as destitute of self-aggrandizing national ambition.

As cosmopolitan, free-trade ideas tend to ignore national traditions and aspirations. While patriotism may be seen as just an aesthetic sentiment, it can be tolerated to some extent; however, when it reflects a genuine desire to maintain and protect national habits and character from foreign influences, cosmopolitan thinkers will view it as narrow-minded and harmful. In the first half of the 19th century, many believed that national ambitions and rivalries were mainly tied to monarchies, and that eliminating them would reduce the chances of war, significantly lowering government expenses. For Cobden and his contemporaries, it was natural to see national administrative institutions as serving the interests of the "upper class" without benefiting the "common people." However, recent history has shown that democracies can harbor a patriotic sentiment that is both exclusive and aggressive, with military spending consistently rising. It was through a civil war that the United States developed a sense of national identity; more recent events, like interpretations of the Monroe Doctrine and the war with Spain, demonstrate that citizens of this democratic nation cannot be considered free of self-serving national ambitions.

In Germany the growth of militarism and nationalism have gone on side by side under constitutional government, and certainly in harmony with predominant public opinion. Neither of these communities is willing to sink its individual conception of progress in those of the world at large; each is jealous of the intrusion of alien elements which cannot be reconciled with its own political and social system. And a similar recrudescence of patriotic feeling has been observable in other countries, such as Norway and Hungary: the growth of national sentiment is shown, not only in the attempts to revive and popularize the use of a national language, but still more decidedly in the determination to have a real control over the economic life of the country. It is here that the new patriotism comes into direct conflict with the political principles of free trade as advocated by Bastiat and Cobden; for them the important point was that countries, by becoming dependent on one another, would be prevented from engaging in hostilities. The new nations are 91 determined that they will not allow other countries to have such control over their economic condition, as to be able to exercise a powerful influence on their political life. Each is determined to be the master in his own house, and each has rejected free trade because of the cosmopolitanism which it involves.

In Germany, the rise of militarism and nationalism has continued alongside constitutional government, and it certainly aligns with the dominant public opinion. Neither of these groups is willing to set aside their own vision of progress for a broader global perspective; each is protective of the intrusion of foreign elements that clash with their own political and social systems. A similar resurgence of patriotic sentiment has been seen in other countries, like Norway and Hungary: the growth of national pride is evident, not just in efforts to revive and promote a national language, but even more clearly in the desire to gain true control over the country’s economic life. This is where the new patriotism directly conflicts with the political principles of free trade as championed by Bastiat and Cobden; for them, the key point was that nations, by becoming interdependent, would be less likely to go to war. The emerging nations are determined not to let other countries have such control over their economic conditions that they could significantly influence their political affairs. Each nation is set on being the master of its own house, and each has turned away from free trade due to the cosmopolitanism it entails.

Economically, free trade lays stress on consumption as the chief criterion of prosperity. It is, of course, true that goods are produced with the object of being consumed, and it is plausible to insist on taking this test; but it is also true that consumption and production are mutually interdependent, and that in some ways production is the more important of the two. Consumption looks to the present, and the disposal of actual goods; production looks to the future, and the conditions under which goods can continue to be regularly provided and thus become available for consumption in the long run. As regards the prosperity of the community in the future it is important that goods should be consumed in such a fashion as to secure that they shall be replaced or increased before they are used up; it is the amount of production rather than the amount of consumption that demands consideration, and gives indication of growth or of decadence. In these circumstances there is much to be said for looking at the economic life of a country from the point of view which free-traders have abandoned or ignore. It is not on the possibilities of consumption in the present, but on the prospects of production in the future, that the continued wealth of the community depends; and this principle is the only one which conforms to the modern conception of the essential requirements of sociological science in its wider aspect (see Sociology). This is most obviously true in regard to countries of which the resources are very imperfectly developed. If their policy is directed to securing the greatest possible comfort for each consumer in the present, it is certain that progress will be slow; the planting of industries for which the country has an advantage may be a tedious process; and in order to stimulate national efficiency temporary protection—involving what is otherwise unnecessary immediate cost to the consumer—may seem to be abundantly justified. Such a free trader as John Stuart Mill himself admits that a case may be made out for treating “infant industries” as exceptions;18 and if this exception be admitted it is likely to establish a precedent. After all, the various countries of the world are all in different stages of development; some are old and some are new; and even the old countries differ greatly in the progress they have made in distinct arts. The introduction of machinery has everywhere changed the conditions of production, so that some countries have lost and others have gained a special advantage. Most of the countries of the world are convinced that the wisest economy is to attend to the husbanding of their resources of every kind, and to direct their policy not merely with a view to consumption in the present, but rather with regard to the possibilities of increased production in the future.

Economically, free trade emphasizes consumption as the main standard of prosperity. It's true that goods are produced with the intention of being consumed, and it's reasonable to use this criterion; however, consumption and production depend on each other, and in many ways, production is actually more important. Consumption focuses on the present and the handling of actual goods, while production looks toward the future and the conditions necessary for goods to be consistently supplied and become available for long-term consumption. For the future prosperity of the community, it's crucial that goods be consumed in a way that ensures they are replaced or increased before they are exhausted; the level of production, rather than consumption, deserves attention and indicates whether there's growth or decline. Given these circumstances, there's a strong case for examining a country's economic life from a perspective that free-traders often overlook or ignore. The ongoing wealth of the community depends not on current consumption possibilities, but on future production prospects; and this principle aligns with the modern understanding of what sociological science encompasses in a broader sense (see Sociology). This is particularly true for countries where resources are not fully developed. If their policies focus only on maximizing comfort for consumers in the present, progress will likely be slow; establishing industries where the country has an advantage can be a lengthy endeavor; and to boost national efficiency, temporary protection—resulting in otherwise unnecessary immediate costs for consumers—might appear justifiable. Even free-traders like John Stuart Mill acknowledge that a case can be made for treating "infant industries" as exceptions;18 and allowing this exception might set a precedent. Ultimately, different countries are at various stages of development; some are established and some are emerging, and even among the older nations, there's significant variation in their progress across different fields. The introduction of machinery has transformed production conditions everywhere, causing some countries to lose special advantages while others gain them. Most countries believe that the best economic approach is to manage their resources wisely and to shape their policies not just for present consumption but with a forward-looking perspective on increasing production in the future.

This deliberate rejection of the doctrine of free trade between nations, both in its political and economic aspects, has not interfered, however, with the steady progress of free commercial intercourse within the boundaries of a single though composite political community. “Internal free trade,” though the name was not then current in this sense, was one of the burning questions in England in the 17th century; it was perhaps as important a factor as puritanism in the fall of Charles I. Internal free trade was secured in France in the 18th century; thanks to Hamilton,19 it was embodied in the constitution of the United States; it was introduced into Germany by Bismarck; and was firmly established in the Dominion of Canada and the Commonwealth of Australia. It became in consequence, where practicable, a part of the modern federal idea as usually interpreted. There are thus great areas, externally self-protecting, where free trade, as between internal divisions, has been introduced with little, if any, political difficulty, and with considerable economic advantage. These cases are sometimes quoted as justifying the expectation that the same principle is likely to be adopted sooner or later in regard to external trading relations. There is some reason, however, for raising the question whether free trade has been equally successful, not only in its economic, but in its social results, in all the large political communities where it has been introduced. In a region like the United States of America, it is probably seen at its best; there is an immense variety of different products throughout that great zone of the continent, so that the mutual co-operation of the various parts is most beneficial, while the standard of habit and comfort is so far uniform20 throughout the whole region, and the facilities for the change of employment are so many, that there is little injurious competition between different districts. In the British empire the conditions are reversed; but though the great self-governing colonies have withdrawn from the circle, in the hope of building up their own economic life in their own way, free trade is still maintained over a very large part of the British empire. Throughout this area, there are very varied physical conditions; there is also an extraordinary variety of races, each with its own habits, and own standard of comfort; and in these circumstances it may be doubted whether the free competition, involved in free trade, is really altogether wholesome. Within this sphere the ideal of Bastiat and his followers is being realized. England, as a great manufacturing country, has more than held her own; India and Ireland are supplied with manufactured goods by England, and in each case the population is forced to look to the soil for its means of support, and for purchasing power. In each case the preference for tillage, as an occupation, has rendered it comparatively easy to keep the people on the land; but there is some reason to believe that the law of diminishing returns is already making itself felt, at all events in India, and is forcing the people into deeper poverty.21 It may be doubtful in the case of Ireland how far the superiority of England in industrial pursuits has prevented the development of manufactures; the progress in the last decades of the 18th century was too short-lived to be conclusive; but there is at least a strong impression in many quarters that the industries of Ireland might have flourished if they had had better opportunities allowed them.22 In the case of India we know that the hereditary artistic skill, which had been built up in bygone generations, has been stamped out. It seems possible that the modern unrest in India, and the discontent in Ireland, may be connected with the economic conditions in these countries, on which free trade has been imposed without their consent. So far the population which subsists on the cheaper food, and has the lower standard of life, has been the sufferer; but the mischief might operate in another fashion. The self-governing colonies at all events feel that competition in the same market between races with different standards of comfort has infinite possibilities of mischief. It is easy to conjure up conditions under which the standard of comfort of wage-earners in England would be seriously threatened.

This intentional rejection of the free trade doctrine between nations, both politically and economically, hasn't stopped the steady growth of free trade within the borders of a single, albeit diverse, political community. "Internal free trade," although that term wasn’t widely used at the time, was one of the major issues in England during the 17th century; it was likely as significant a factor as Puritanism in the downfall of Charles I. Internal free trade was established in France in the 18th century; thanks to Hamilton, it was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution; it was introduced in Germany by Bismarck; and it was firmly established in the Dominion of Canada and the Commonwealth of Australia. Consequently, it became, where feasible, a component of the modern federal concept as it's typically understood. Thus, there are substantial areas, externally self-protecting, where free trade, among internal divisions, has been implemented with little, if any, political difficulty, and with significant economic benefits. These instances are sometimes cited as evidence that the same principle is likely to be adopted sooner or later regarding external trade relations. However, there is some reason to question whether free trade has been equally successful, not just economically but also socially, in all significant political communities where it has been adopted. In a region like the United States, free trade likely shows its best side; there is an enormous variety of products across that vast continent, so the mutual cooperation of the different parts is highly beneficial, while the standard of living and comfort is relatively uniform across the region, and there are many opportunities for job changes, resulting in minimal harmful competition between different areas. In the British Empire, the conditions are different; although the large self-governing colonies have moved away from the fold, hoping to develop their own economic futures, free trade is still upheld across a large part of the British Empire. Within this area, there are very diverse physical conditions and an extraordinary variety of races, each with their own customs and standards of living; in these circumstances, it’s questionable whether the free competition that comes with free trade is entirely beneficial. In this context, the ideals of Bastiat and his followers are being realized. England, as a major manufacturing power, has maintained its position; India and Ireland are supplied with manufactured goods from England, and in each case, the local population is compelled to rely on agriculture for their sustenance and purchasing power. In both cases, the preference for farming has made it relatively easy to keep people on the land; however, there are reasons to believe that the law of diminishing returns is already being felt, especially in India, driving people into deeper poverty. It may be unclear in the case of Ireland how much England's industrial advantage has hindered the growth of local manufacturing; the progress in the late 18th century was too brief to be conclusive, but there is at least a strong feeling in many circles that Irish industries might have thrived with better opportunities. As for India, we know that the inherited artistic skills developed in previous generations have been eradicated. It seems possible that the current unrest in India and dissatisfaction in Ireland may stem from the economic conditions imposed by free trade without local consent. So far, the population relying on cheaper food and maintaining a lower standard of living has suffered; however, the negative impact could manifest in other ways. The self-governing colonies definitely perceive that competition within the same market between races with differing living standards carries endless potential for harm. It's easy to imagine scenarios where the comfort level of wage earners in England could be seriously jeopardized.

Since the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica was published it has become clear that the free-trade doctrines of Bastiat and Cobden have not been gaining ground in the world at large, and at the opening of the 20th century it could hardly be said with confidence that the question was “finally settled” so far as England was concerned. As to whether the interests of Great Britain still demanded that she should continue on the line she adopted in the exceptional conditions of the middle of the 19th century, expert opinion was conspicuously divided;23 but there remained no longer the old enthusiasm for free trade as 92 the harbinger of an Utopia. The old principles of the bourgeois manufacturers had been taken up by the proletariat and shaped to suit themselves. Socialism, like free trade, is cosmopolitan in its aims, and is indifferent to patriotism and hostile to militarism. Socialism, like free trade, insists on material welfare as the primary object to be aimed at in any policy, and, like free trade, socialism tests welfare by reference to possibilities of consumption. In one respect there is a difference; throughout Cobden’s attack on the governing classes there are signs of his jealousy of the superior status of the landed gentry, but socialism has a somewhat wider range of view and demands “equality of opportunity” with the capitalist as well.

Since the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica was published, it has become clear that the free-trade ideas of Bastiat and Cobden have not gained traction globally, and at the start of the 20th century, it could hardly be said with confidence that the issue was “finally settled” regarding England. As for whether Great Britain’s interests still required her to follow the path she took under the unique conditions of the mid-19th century, expert opinions were noticeably divided;23 but the previous enthusiasm for free trade as a sign of a perfect society was no longer present. The old principles of bourgeois manufacturers had been adopted by the working class and adapted to their needs. Socialism, like free trade, is global in its goals, indifferent to nationalism, and opposed to militarism. Socialism, like free trade, focuses on material well-being as the main objective in any policy and, similar to free trade, measures welfare against consumption possibilities. There is one difference; throughout Cobden’s critique of the ruling classes, there are indications of his jealousy towards the superior status of the landed gentry, whereas socialism has a broader perspective and also demands “equality of opportunity” with capitalists.

Bibliography.—Reference has already been made to the principal works which deal critically with the free-trade policy. Professor Fawcett’s Free Trade is a good exposition of free-trade principles; so also is Professor Bastable’s Commerce of Nations. Among authors who have restated the principles with special reference to the revived controversy on the subject may be mentioned Professor W. Smart, The Return to Protection, being a Restatement of the Case for Free Trade (2nd ed., 1906), and A. C. Pigou, Protective and Preferential Import Duties (1906).

References.—Reference has already been made to the main works that critically examine the free-trade policy. Professor Fawcett’s Free Trade provides a clear explanation of free-trade principles; so does Professor Bastable’s Commerce of Nations. Among authors who have restated these principles with a specific focus on the renewed debate surrounding the topic are Professor W. Smart, The Return to Protection, being a Restatement of the Case for Free Trade (2nd ed., 1906), and A. C. Pigou, Protective and Preferential Import Duties (1906).

(W. Cu.)

1 E. Misselden, Free Trade or the Meanes to make Trade Flourish (1622), p. 68; G. Malynes, The Maintenance of Free Trade (1622), p. 105.

1 E. Misselden, Free Trade or the Means to Make Trade Flourish (1622), p. 68; G. Malynes, The Maintenance of Free Trade (1622), p. 105.

2 H. Parker, Of a Free Trade (1648), p. 8.

2 H. Parker, Of a Free Trade (1648), p. 8.

3 (1787), 27 Geo. III. c. 13.

3 (1787), 27 Geo. III. c. 13.

4 Sir Walter Scott, Guy Mannering, chapter v.

4 Sir Walter Scott, Guy Mannering, chapter v.

5 Gladstone, “Free Trade, Railways and Commerce,” in Nineteenth Century (Feb. 1880), vol. vii. p. 370.

5 Gladstone, “Free Trade, Railways and Commerce,” in Nineteenth Century (Feb. 1880), vol. vii. p. 370.

6 Parker states a similar argument in the form in which it suited the special problem of his day. “If merchandise be good for the commonweal, then the more common it is made, the more open it is laid, the more good it will convey to us.” Op. cit. 20.

6 Parker makes a similar point that fits the particular issues of his time. “If goods are beneficial for the community, then the more accessible they are, the more available they are, the more they will benefit us.” Op. cit. 20.

7 Schmoller, Grundriss der allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre (1904), ii. 607.

7 Schmoller, Outline of General Economics (1904), ii. 607.

8 Byles, Sophisms of Free Trade; L. S. Amery, Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade, 13.

8 Byles, Sophisms of Free Trade; L. S. Amery, Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade, 13.

9 W. Cunningham, Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement, PP. 5-11.

9 W. Cunningham, Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement, PP. 5-11.

10 Wealth of Nations, book iv. chap. ii.

10 Wealth of Nations, book 4, chapter 2.

11 Principles of Political Economy, 485.

__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__ Principles of Political Economy, 485.

12 J. Morley, Life of Cobden, i. 230.

12 J. Morley, Life of Cobden, i. 230.

13 “Mémoire,” 6 April 1776, in Œuvres, viii. 460.

13 “Memoir,” 6 April 1776, in Works, viii. 460.

14 Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 275. See also the articles on Jefferson and Hamilton, Alexander.

14 Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 275. See also the articles on Jefferson and Hamilton, Alexander.

15 One incidental effect of the failure to secure free trade was that the African slave trade, with West Indies as a depot for supplying the American market, ceased to be remunerative, and the opposition to the abolition of the trade was very much weaker than it would otherwise have been; see Hochstetter, “Die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Motive für die Abschaffung des britischen Sklavenhandels,” in Schmoller, Staats und Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, xxv. i. 37.

15 One unintended consequence of not achieving free trade was that the African slave trade, using the West Indies as a supply point for the American market, became unprofitable, and the resistance to ending the trade was much less strong than it could have been; see Hochstetter, “The Economic and Political Motives for the Abolition of the British Slave Trade,” in Schmoller, Government and Social Science Research, xxv. i. 37.

16 J. Welsford, “Cobden’s Foreign Teacher,” in National Review (December 1905).

16 J. Welsford, “Cobden’s Foreign Teacher,” in National Review (December 1905).

17 Compatriot Club Lectures (1905), p. 306.

__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__ Compatriot Club Lectures (1905), p. 306.

18 J. S. Mill, Principles of Political Economy, book v. chapter x. § 1.

18 J. S. Mill, Principles of Political Economy, book v. chapter x. § 1.

19 F. S. Oliver, Alexander Hamilton, 142.

__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__ F. S. Oliver, Alexander Hamilton, 142.

20 The standard is, of course, lower among the negroes and mean whites in the South than in the North and West.

20 The standard is, of course, lower among Black people and poor white people in the South than in the North and West.

21 F. Beauclerk, “Free Trade in India,” in Economic Review (July 1907), xvii. 284.

21 F. Beauclerk, “Free Trade in India,” in Economic Review (July 1907), xvii. 284.

22 A. E. Murray, History of the Commercial and Financial Relations between England and Ireland, 294.

22 A. E. Murray, History of the Commercial and Financial Relations between England and Ireland, 294.

23 For the tariff reform movement in English politics see the article on Chamberlain, J. Among continental writers G. Schmoller (Grundriss der allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre, ii. 641) and A. Wagner (Preface to M. Schwab’s Chamberlains Handelspolitik) pronounce in favour of a change, as Fuchs did by anticipation. Schulze-Gaevernitz (Britischer Imperialismus und englischer Freihandel), Aubry (Étude critique de la politique commerciale de l’Angleterre à l’égard de ses colonies), and Blondel (La politique Protectionniste en Angleterre un nouveau danger pour la France) are against it.

23 For the tariff reform movement in English politics see the article on Chamberlain, J. Among European writers, G. Schmoller (Fundamentals of General Economics, ii. 641) and A. Wagner (Preface to M. Schwab’s Chamberlain's Trade Policy) support a change, as Fuchs did in advance. Schulze-Gaevernitz (British Imperialism and English Free Trade), Aubry (Critical Study of England's Trade Policy towards its Colonies), and Blondel (Protectionist Policy in England: A New Danger for France) are against it.

FREGELLAE, an ancient town of Latium adiectum, situated on the Via Latina, 11 m. W.N.W. of Aquinum, near the left branch of the Liris. It is said to have belonged in early times to the Opici or Oscans, and later to the Volscians. It was apparently destroyed by the Samnites a little before 330 B.C., in which year the people of Fabrateria Vetus (mod. Ceccano) besought the help of Rome against them, and in 328 B.C. a Latin colony was established there. The place was taken in 320 B.C. by the Samnites, but re-established by the Romans in 313 B.C. It continued henceforward to be faithful to Rome; by breaking the bridges over the Liris it interposed an obstacle to the advance of Hannibal on Rome in 212 B.C., and it was a native of Fregellae who headed the deputation of the non-revolting colonies in 209 B.C. It appears to have been a very important and flourishing place owing to its command of the crossing of the Liris, and to its position in a fertile territory, and it was here that, after the rejection of the proposals of M. Fulvius Flaccus for the extension of Roman burgess-rights in 125 B.C., a revolt against Rome broke out. It was captured by treachery in the same year and destroyed; but its place was taken in the following year by the colony of Fabrateria Nova, 3 m. to the S.E. on the opposite bank of the Liris, while a post station Fregellanum (mod. Ceprano) is mentioned in the itineraries; Fregellae itself, however, continued to exist as a village even under the empire. The site is clearly traceable about ½ m. E. of Ceprano, but the remains of the city are scanty.

FREGELLAE, was an ancient town in Latium adiectum, located on the Via Latina, 11 miles W.N.W. of Aquinum, near the left branch of the Liris River. It is believed to have originally been inhabited by the Opici or Oscans, and later by the Volscians. The town was likely destroyed by the Samnites just before 330 B.C., the same year that the people of Fabrateria Vetus (present-day Ceccano) appealed to Rome for help against them. In 328 BCE, a Latin colony was established there. The Samnites captured the town in 320 BCE, but it was re-established by the Romans in 313 BCE From then on, it remained loyal to Rome; by destroying the bridges over the Liris, it hindered Hannibal's advance toward Rome in 212 B.C. A resident of Fregellae led the delegation of the non-revolting colonies in 209 BCE. It seems to have been a significant and thriving place due to its control over the Liris crossing and its location in a fertile area. Here, after the rejection of M. Fulvius Flaccus's proposals to expand Roman citizenship in 125 BCE, a revolt against Rome started. The town was captured through betrayal that same year and was destroyed. However, the colony of Fabrateria Nova was established the following year, just 3 miles to the SE on the opposite bank of the Liris. A post station called Fregellanum (modern Ceprano) is listed in itineraries; nonetheless, Fregellae itself continued to exist as a village even under the empire. The site can still be traced about ½ mile E. of Ceprano, but the remains of the city are limited.

See G. Colasanti, Fregellae, storia e topografia (1906).

See G. Colasanti, Fregellae, history and topography (1906).

(T. As.)

FREIBERG, or Freyberg, a town of Germany in the kingdom of Saxony, on the Münzbach, near its confluence with the Mulde, 19 m. S.W. of Dresden on the railway to Chemnitz, with a branch to Nossen. Pop. (1905) 30,896. Its situation, on the rugged northern slope of the Erzgebirge, is somewhat bleak and uninviting, but the town is generally well built and makes a prosperous impression. A part of its ancient walls still remains; the other portions have been converted into public walks and gardens. Freiberg is the seat of the general administration of the mines throughout the kingdom, and its celebrated mining academy (Bergakademie), founded in 1765, is frequented by students from all parts of the world. Connected with it are extensive collections of minerals and models, a library of 50,000 volumes, and laboratories for chemistry, metallurgy and assaying. Among its distinguished scholars it reckons Abraham Gottlob Werner (1750-1817), who was also a professor there, and Alexander von Humboldt. Freiberg has extensive manufactures of gold and silver lace, woollen cloths, linen and cotton goods, iron, copper and brass wares, gunpowder and white-lead. It has also several large breweries. In the immediate vicinity are its famous silver and lead mines, thirty in number, and of which the principal ones passed into the property of the state in 1886. The castle of Freudenstein or Freistein, as rebuilt by the elector Augustus in 1572, is situated in one of the suburbs and is now used as a military magazine. In its grounds a monument was erected to Werner in 1851. The cathedral, rebuilt in late Gothic style after its destruction by fire in 1484 and restored in 1893, was founded in the 12th century. Of the original church a magnificent German Romanesque doorway, known as the Golden Gate (Goldene Pforte), survives. The church contains numerous monuments, among others one to Prince Maurice of Saxony. Adjoining the cathedral is the mausoleum (Begräbniskapelle), built in 1594 in the Italian Renaissance style, in which are buried the remains of Henry the Pious and his successors down to John George IV., who died in 1694. Of the other four Protestant churches the most noteworthy is the Peterskirche which, with its three towers, is a conspicuous object on the highest point of the town. Among the other public buildings are the old town-hall, dating from the 15th century, the antiquarian museum, and the natural history museum. There are a classical and modern, a commercial and an agricultural school, and numerous charitable institutions.

FREIBERG, or Freyberg is a town in Germany located in the kingdom of Saxony, on the Münzbach River, near where it meets the Mulde River, 19 miles southwest of Dresden along the railway to Chemnitz, with a branch line to Nossen. The population was 30,896 in 1905. Its location, on the rugged northern slope of the Erzgebirge, is somewhat bleak and uninviting, but the town is generally well-built and gives a prosperous impression. Some of its ancient walls still remain; the other sections have been turned into public walks and gardens. Freiberg is the center for the overall administration of the mines throughout the kingdom, and its renowned mining academy (Bergakademie), founded in 1765, attracts students from all over the world. It has extensive collections of minerals and models, a library with 50,000 volumes, and laboratories for chemistry, metallurgy, and assaying. Among its notable scholars are Abraham Gottlob Werner (1750-1817), who was also a professor there, and Alexander von Humboldt. Freiberg has large manufacturing sectors producing gold and silver lace, woolen cloth, linen and cotton goods, iron, copper, and brass products, gunpowder, and white lead. There are also several large breweries. Nearby are its famous silver and lead mines, totaling thirty, with the main ones becoming state property in 1886. The castle of Freudenstein or Freistein, rebuilt by Elector Augustus in 1572, is located in one of the suburbs and is now used as a military storehouse. A monument to Werner was erected in its grounds in 1851. The cathedral, rebuilt in the late Gothic style after being destroyed by fire in 1484 and restored in 1893, was originally founded in the 12th century. From the original church, a stunning German Romanesque doorway, known as the Golden Gate (Goldene Pforte), remains. The church contains many monuments, including one dedicated to Prince Maurice of Saxony. Next to the cathedral is the mausoleum (Begräbniskapelle), built in 1594 in the Italian Renaissance style, where the remains of Henry the Pious and his successors up to John George IV, who died in 1694, are buried. Of the other four Protestant churches, the most notable is the Peterskirche, which, with its three towers, is a prominent landmark on the highest point of the town. Other public buildings include the old town hall from the 15th century, the antiquarian museum, and the natural history museum. There are both classical and modern education institutions, as well as commercial and agricultural schools, and various charitable organizations.

Freiberg owes its origin to the discovery of its silver mines (c. 1163). The town, with the castle of Freudenstein, was built by Otto the Rich, margrave of Meissen, in 1175, and its name, which first appears in 1221, is derived from the extensive mining franchises granted to it about that time. In all the partitions of the territories of the Saxon house of Wettin, from the latter part of the 13th century onward, Freiberg always remained common property, and it was not till 1485 (the mines not till 1537) that it was definitively assigned to the Albertine line. The Reformation was introduced into Freiberg in 1536 by Henry the Pious, who resided here. The town suffered severely during the Thirty Years’ War, and again during the French occupation from 1806 to 1814, during which time it had to support an army of 700,000 men and find forage for 200,000 horses.

Freiberg started when silver mines were discovered around 1163. The town, featuring the Freudenstein castle, was established by Otto the Rich, the margrave of Meissen, in 1175. Its name, which first showed up in 1221, comes from the extensive mining rights granted during that time. Throughout the divisions of the Saxon Wettin dynasty's territories from the late 13th century onward, Freiberg always remained jointly owned. It wasn't until 1485 (with the mines officially assigned in 1537) that it was permanently given to the Albertine line. The Reformation was brought to Freiberg in 1536 by Henry the Pious, who lived here. The town faced heavy damage during the Thirty Years’ War and again during the French occupation from 1806 to 1814, when it had to support an army of 700,000 and provide forage for 200,000 horses.

See H. Gerlach, Kleine Chronik von Freiberg (2nd ed., Freiberg, 1898); H. Ermisch, Das Freiberger Stadtrecht (Leipzig, 1889); Ermisch and O. Posse, Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiberg, in Codex diplom. Sax. reg. (3 vols., Leipzig, 1883-1891); Freibergs Berg- und Hüttenwesen, published by the Bergmännischer Verein (Freiberg, 1883); Ledebur, Über die Bedeutung der Freiberger Bergakademie (ib. 1903); Steche, Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler der Amtshauptmannschaft Freiberg (Dresden, 1884).

See H. Gerlach, Kleine Chronik von Freiberg (2nd ed., Freiberg, 1898); H. Ermisch, Das Freiberger Stadtrecht (Leipzig, 1889); Ermisch and O. Posse, Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiberg, in Codex diplom. Sax. reg. (3 vols., Leipzig, 1883-1891); Freibergs Berg- und Hüttenwesen, published by the Bergmännischer Verein (Freiberg, 1883); Ledebur, Über die Bedeutung der Freiberger Bergakademie (ib. 1903); Steche, Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler der Amtshauptmannschaft Freiberg (Dresden, 1884).

FREIBURG, a town of Germany in Prussian Silesia, on the Polsnitz, 35 m. S.W. of Breslau, on the railway to Halbstadt. Pop. (1905) 9917. It has an Evangelical and Roman Catholic church, and its industries include watch-making, linen-weaving and distilling. In the neighbourhood are the old and modern castles of the Fürstenstein family, whence the town is sometimes distinguished as Freiburg unter dem Fürstenstein. At Freiburg, on the 22nd of July 1762, the Prussians defended themselves successfully against the superior forces of the Austrians.

FREIBURG, is a town in Germany located in Prussian Silesia, along the Polsnitz River, 35 miles southwest of Breslau, on the railway line to Halbstadt. Its population was 9,917 in 1905. The town has both an Evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, and its industries include watchmaking, linen weaving, and distilling. Nearby are the old and modern castles of the Fürstenstein family, which is why the town is sometimes referred to as Freiburg unter dem Fürstenstein. On July 22, 1762, the Prussians successfully defended the town against the larger Austrian forces.

FREIBURG IM BREISGAU, an archiepiscopal see and city of Germany in the grand duchy of Baden, 12 m. E. of the Rhine, beautifully situated on the Dreisam at the foot of the Schlossberg, one of the heights of the Black Forest range, on the railway between Basel and Mannheim, 40 m. N. of the former city. Pop. (1905) 76,285. The town is for the most part well built, having several wide and handsome streets and a number of spacious squares. It is kept clean and cool by the waters of the river, which flow through the streets in open channels; and its old fortifications have been replaced by public walks, and, what is more unusual, by vineyards. It possesses a famous university, the Ludovica Albertina, founded by Albert VI., archduke of Austria, in 1457, and attended by about 2000 students. The library contains upwards of 250,000 volumes and 600 MSS., and among the other auxiliary establishments are an anatomical hall and museum and botanical gardens. The Freiburg minster is considered one of the finest of all the Gothic churches of Germany, being remarkable alike for the symmetry of its proportions, for the taste of its decorations, and for the fact that it may more correctly be said to be finished than almost any other building of the kind. The period of its erection probably lies for the most part between 1122 and 1252; but the choir was not built till 1513. The tower, which rises above the western entrance, is 386 ft. in height, and it presents a skilful transition from a square base into an octagonal superstructure, which in its turn is surmounted by a pyramidal spire of the most 93 exquisite open work in stone. In the interior of the church are some beautiful stained glass windows, both ancient and modern, the tombstones of several of the dukes of Zähringen, statues of archbishops of Freiburg, and paintings by Holbein and by Hans Baldung (c. 1470-1545), commonly called Grün. Among the other noteworthy buildings of Freiburg are the palaces of the grand duke and the archbishop, the old town-hall, the theatre, the Kaufhaus or merchants’ hall, a 16th-century building with a handsome façade, the church of St Martin, with a graceful spire restored 1880-1881, the new town-hall, completed 1901, in Renaissance style, and the Protestant church, formerly the church of the abbey of Thennenbach, removed hither in 1839. In the centre of the fish-market square is a fountain surmounted by a statue of Duke Berthold III. of Zähringen; in the Franziskaner Platz there is a monument to Berthold Schwarz, the traditional discoverer here, in 1259, of gunpowder; the Rotteck Platz takes its name from the monument of Karl Wenzeslaus von Rotteck (1775-1840), the historian, which formerly stood on the site of the Schwarz statue; and in Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse a bronze statue was erected in 1876 to the memory of Herder, who in the early part of the 19th century founded in Freiburg an institute for draughtsmen, engravers and lithographers, and carried on a famous bookselling business. On the Schlossberg above the town there are massive ruins of two castles destroyed by the French in 1744; and about 2 m. to the N.E. stands the castle of Zähringen, the original seat of the famous family of the counts of that name. Situated on the ancient road which runs by the Höllenpass between the valleys of the Danube and the Rhine, Freiburg early acquired commercial importance, and it is still the principal centre of the trade of the Black Forest. It manufactures buttons, chemicals, starch, leather, tobacco, silk thread, paper, and hempen goods, as well as beer and wine.

Freiburg im Breisgau, is a city in Germany located in the Grand Duchy of Baden, 12 miles east of the Rhine River. It's beautifully set along the Dreisam River at the base of the Schlossberg, one of the heights of the Black Forest range. The city lies on the railway line between Basel and Mannheim, 40 miles north of Basel. As of 1905, the population was 76,285. The town is largely well-constructed, featuring several wide, attractive streets and spacious squares. It maintains a clean and refreshing atmosphere thanks to the river's open channels flowing through the streets. Its old fortifications have given way to public promenades and, surprisingly, vineyards. It is home to the famous University of Freiburg, also known as Ludovica Albertina, which was founded by Albert VI, Archduke of Austria, in 1457 and hosts about 2,000 students. The library holds over 250,000 volumes and 600 manuscripts, with facilities including an anatomical hall, a museum, and botanical gardens. The Freiburg Minster is widely regarded as one of the finest Gothic churches in Germany, notable for its symmetrical proportions, elegant decorations, and its status as one of the most complete examples of its type. Construction likely occurred mainly between 1122 and 1252, with the choir added in 1513. The tower rises 386 feet above the western entrance and features a skillful transition from a square base to an octagonal upper section, topped with a beautifully designed pyramidal spire. Inside the church, there are stunning stained glass windows, both old and new, tombstones of various Dukes of Zähringen, statues of the Archbishops of Freiburg, and paintings by Holbein and Hans Baldung (circa 1470-1545), known as Grün. Other notable buildings in Freiburg include the grand duke's and archbishop's palaces, the old town hall, the theater, the Kaufhaus or merchants' hall—a handsome 16th-century structure—the church of St. Martin, with a graceful spire restored between 1880 and 1881, the newly built town hall completed in 1901 in Renaissance style, and the Protestant church, which was formerly the abbey church of Thennenbach, moved here in 1839. In the center of the fish market square stands a fountain topped by a statue of Duke Berthold III of Zähringen; in Franziskaner Platz, there’s a monument to Berthold Schwarz, who traditionally is credited with discovering gunpowder here in 1259; Rotteck Platz is named after the monument of historian Karl Wenzeslaus von Rotteck (1775-1840), which previously stood where the Schwarz statue is now; and on Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse, a bronze statue was erected in 1876 in memory of Herder, who founded an institute in Freiburg for draughtsmen, engravers, and lithographers, and ran a well-known bookselling business in the early 19th century. On the Schlossberg above the city, there are substantial ruins of two castles destroyed by the French in 1744, and about 2 miles northeast stands the castle of Zähringen, the original seat of the notable counts of the same name. Located on the old road that passes through Höllenpass between the Danube and Rhine valleys, Freiburg gained commercial significance early on and remains the main trading center of the Black Forest today. Its industries include button manufacturing, chemicals, starch, leather, tobacco, silk thread, paper, and hemp products, as well as beer and wine.

Freiburg is of uncertain foundation. In 1120 it became a free town, with privileges similar to those of Cologne; but in 1219 it fell into the hands of a branch of the family of Urach. After it had vainly attempted to throw off the yoke by force of arms, it purchased its freedom in 1366; but, unable to reimburse the creditors who had advanced the money, it was, in 1368, obliged to recognize the supremacy of the house of Hapsburg. In the 17th and 18th centuries it played a considerable part as a fortified town. It was captured by the Swedes in 1632, 1634 and 1638; and in 1644 it was seized by the Bavarians, who shortly after, under General Mercy, defeated in the neighbourhood the French forces under Enghien and Turenne. The French were in possession from 1677 to 1697, and again in 1713-1714 and 1744; and when they left the place in 1748, at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, they dismantled the fortifications. The Baden insurgents gained a victory at Freiburg in 1848, and the revolutionary government took refuge in the town in June 1849, but in the following July the Prussian forces took possession and occupied it until 1851. Since 1821 Freiburg has been the seat of an archbishop with jurisdiction over the sees of Mainz, Rottenberg and Limburg.

Freiburg has an uncertain origin. In 1120, it became a free town, enjoying privileges similar to those of Cologne; however, in 1219, it came under the control of a branch of the Urach family. After unsuccessfully trying to break free by force, it bought its independence in 1366. But unable to pay back the creditors who lent the money, it had to accept the dominance of the Hapsburg family in 1368. During the 17th and 18th centuries, it served as an important fortified town. The Swedes captured it in 1632, 1634, and 1638; then in 1644, it was taken by the Bavarians, who soon after defeated the French forces led by Enghien and Turenne in the area. The French held it from 1677 to 1697 and again from 1713-1714 and 1744; when they left in 1748 after the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, they dismantled the fortifications. The Baden rebels claimed a victory in Freiburg in 1848, and the revolutionary government sought refuge in the town in June 1849. However, by the following July, Prussian forces took control and held it until 1851. Since 1821, Freiburg has been the home of an archbishop overseeing the dioceses of Mainz, Rottenburg, and Limburg.

See Schreiber, Geschichte und Beschreibung des Münsters zu Freiburg (1820 and 1825); Geschichte der Stadt und Universität Freiburgs (1857-1859); Der Schlossberg bei Freiburg (1860); and Albert, Die Geschichtsschreibung der Stadt Freiburg (1902).

See Schreiber, Geschichte und Beschreibung des Münsters zu Freiburg (1820 and 1825); Geschichte der Stadt und Universität Freiburgs (1857-1859); Der Schlossberg bei Freiburg (1860); and Albert, Die Geschichtsschreibung der Stadt Freiburg (1902).

Battles of Freiburg, 3rd, 5th and 10th of August 1644.—During the Thirty Years’ War the neighbourhood of Freiburg was the scene of a series of engagements between the French under Louis de Bourbon, due d’Enghien (afterwards called the great Condé), and Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne, and the Bavarians and Austrians commanded by Franz, Freiherr von Mercy.

Battles of Freiburg, 3rd, 5th and 10th of August 1644.—During the Thirty Years’ War, the area around Freiburg was the site of a series of conflicts between the French forces led by Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Enghien (later known as the Great Condé), and Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne, against the Bavarian and Austrian troops commanded by Franz, Baron von Mercy.

At the close of the campaign of 1643 the French “Army of Weimar,” having been defeated and driven into Alsace by the Bavarians, had there been reorganized under the command of Turenne, then a young general of thirty-two and newly promoted to the marshalate. In May 1644 he opened the campaign by recrossing the Rhine and raiding the enemy’s posts as far as Überlingen on the lake of Constance and Donaueschingen on the Danube. The French then fell back with their booty and prisoners to Breisach, a strong garrison being left in Freiburg. The Bavarian commander, however, revenged himself by besieging Freiburg (June 27th), and Turenne’s first attempt to relieve the place failed. During July, as the siege progressed, the French government sent the duc d’Enghien, who was ten years younger still than Turenne, but had just gained his great victory of Rocroy, to take over the command. Enghien brought with him a veteran army, called the “Army of France,” Turenne remaining in command of the Army of Weimar. The armies met at Breisach on the 2nd of August, by which date Freiburg had surrendered. At this point most commanders of the time would have decided not to fight, but to manœuvre Mercy away from Freiburg; Enghien, however, was a fighting general, and Mercy’s entrenched lines at Freiburg seemed to him a target rather than an obstacle. A few hours after his arrival, therefore, without waiting for the rearmost troops of his columns, he set the combining armies in motion for Krozingen, a village on what was then the main road between Breisach and Freiburg. The total force immediately available numbered only 16,000 combatants. Enghien and Turenne had arranged that the Army of France was to move direct upon Freiburg by Wolfenweiter, while the Army of Weimar was to make its way by hillside tracks to Wittnau and thence to attack the rear of Mercy’s lines while Enghien assaulted them in front. Turenne’s march (August 3rd, 1644) was slow and painful, as had been anticipated, and late in the afternoon, on passing Wittnau, he encountered the enemy. The Weimarians carried the outer lines of defence without much difficulty, but as they pressed on towards Merzhausen the resistance became more and more serious. Turenne’s force was little more than 6000, and these were wearied with a long day of marching and fighting on the steep and wooded hillsides of the Black Forest. Thus the turning movement came to a standstill far short of Uffingen, the village on Mercy’s line of retreat that Turenne was to have seized, nor was a flank attack possible against Mercy’s main line, from which he was separated by the crest of the Schönberg. Meanwhile, Enghien’s army had at the prearranged hour (4 P.M.) attacked Mercy’s position on the Ebringen spur. A steep slope, vineyards, low stone walls and abatis had all to be surmounted, under a galling fire from the Bavarian musketeers, before the Army of France found itself, breathless and in disorder, in front of the actual entrenchments of the crest. A first attack failed, as did an attempt to find an unguarded path round the shoulder of the Schönberg. The situation was grave in the extreme, but Enghien resolved on Turenne’s account to renew the attack, although only a quarter of his original force was still capable of making an effort. He himself and all the young nobles of his staff dismounted and led the infantry forward again, the prince threw his baton into the enemy’s lines for the soldiers to retrieve, and in the end, after a bitter struggle, the Bavarians, whose reserves had been taken away to oppose Turenne in the Merzhausen defile, abandoned the entrenchments and disappeared into the woods of the adjoining spur. Enghien hurriedly re-formed his troops, fearing at every moment to be hurled down the hill by a counter-stroke; but none came. The French bivouacked in the rain, Turenne making his way across the mountain to confer with the prince, and meanwhile Mercy quietly drew off his army in the dark to a new set of entrenchments on the ridge on which stood the Loretto Chapel. On the 4th of August the Army of France and the Army of Weimar met at Merzhausen, the rearmost troops of the Army of France came in, and the whole was arranged by the major-generals in the plain facing the Loretto ridge. This position was attacked on the 5th. Enghien had designed his battle even more carefully than before, but as the result of a series of accidents the two French armies attacked prematurely and straight to their front, one brigade after another, and though at one moment Enghien, sword in hand, broke the line of defence with his last intact reserve, a brilliant counterstroke, led by Mercy’s brother Kaspar (who was killed), drove out the assailants. It is said that Enghien lost half his men on this day and Mercy one-third of his, so severe was the battle. But the result could 94 not be gainsaid; it was for the French a complete and costly failure.

At the end of the campaign in 1643, the French “Army of Weimar,” having been defeated and pushed into Alsace by the Bavarians, was reorganized there under Turenne, a young general who was just thirty-two and had recently been promoted to marshal. In May 1644, he kicked off the campaign by crossing back over the Rhine and attacking enemy positions as far as Überlingen by Lake Constance and Donaueschingen on the Danube. The French then retreated with their loot and prisoners back to Breisach, leaving a strong garrison in Freiburg. However, the Bavarian commander struck back by laying siege to Freiburg (June 27th), and Turenne’s first attempt to relieve the city failed. Throughout July, as the siege continued, the French government sent the duc d’Enghien, who was ten years younger than Turenne but had just celebrated his great victory at Rocroy, to take over command. Enghien brought along a seasoned army, known as the “Army of France,” while Turenne remained in charge of the Army of Weimar. The two armies met at Breisach on August 2nd, by which time Freiburg had already surrendered. Most commanders at that time would probably have chosen not to fight and instead try to maneuver Mercy away from Freiburg; however, Enghien was a general who liked to engage in battle, and he saw Mercy’s fortified lines as a target rather than a barrier. So, just a few hours after arriving and without waiting for the last troops of his columns, he ordered the combined armies to head toward Krozingen, a village along the main road connecting Breisach and Freiburg. The total force he had available immediately was only 16,000 soldiers. Enghien and Turenne had planned for the Army of France to move directly toward Freiburg via Wolfenweiter, while the Army of Weimar would take hillside paths to Wittnau and then attack Mercy’s rear while Enghien struck from the front. Turenne’s march (August 3rd, 1644) was slow and difficult, as expected, and by late afternoon, after passing Wittnau, he encountered the enemy. The Weimarians managed to breach the outer defensive lines without too much trouble, but as they advanced toward Merzhausen, the resistance intensified. Turenne’s force was barely over 6,000, and they were exhausted from a long day of marching and fighting on the steep, wooded hills of the Black Forest. As a result, the turning movement stalled well short of Uffingen, the village on Mercy’s escape route that Turenne aimed to seize, and a flank attack against Mercy’s main line was impossible due to the elevation of the Schönberg separating them. Meanwhile, Enghien’s army had launched its prearranged attack on Mercy’s position on the Ebringen spur at 4 PM. They had to overcome a steep slope, vineyards, low stone walls, and obstacles, all while under heavy fire from Bavarian musketeers, before the Army of France found itself breathless and disorganized right in front of the actual fortifications on the crest. The first assault failed, as did an attempt to find an unguarded path around the shoulder of the Schönberg. The situation looked dire, but Enghien, for Turenne’s sake, decided to renew the attack, even though only a quarter of his original force was fit to continue. He and the young nobles in his retinue dismounted and led the infantry forward again; the prince threw his baton into the enemy lines for the soldiers to retrieve, and ultimately, after a fierce struggle, the Bavarians, who had shifted their reserves to counter Turenne in the Merzhausen pass, abandoned their trenches and retreated into the adjacent woods. Enghien quickly reorganized his troops, fearing to be pushed down the hill by a counter-attack; but none came. The French set up camp in the rain, with Turenne crossing the mountain to meet with the prince, while Mercy quietly withdrew his army in the dark to a new set of fortifications on the ridge where the Loretto Chapel stood. On August 4th, the Army of France and the Army of Weimar gathered at Merzhausen as the last units of the Army of France arrived, and everything was arranged by the major-generals on the plain facing the Loretto ridge. This position was attacked the following day. Enghien had planned the battle even more carefully this time, but due to a series of accidents, the two French armies attacked prematurely and directly ahead, one brigade after another. At one point, Enghien, sword in hand, broke through the defensive line with his last intact reserve, but a brilliant counter-attack led by Mercy’s brother Kaspar (who was killed) pushed back the attackers. It’s said that Enghien lost half his men that day and Mercy lost a third of his, illustrating just how fierce the battle was. But the outcome was clear; it was a complete and costly defeat for the French.

For three days after this the armies lay in position without fighting, the French well supplied with provisions and comforts from Breisach, the Bavarians suffering somewhat severely from want of food, and especially forage, as all their supplies had to be hauled from Villingen over the rough roads of the Black Forest. Enghien then decided to make use of the Glotter Tal to interrupt altogether this already unsatisfactory line of supply, and thus to force the Bavarians either to attack him at a serious disadvantage, or to retreat across the hills with the loss of their artillery and baggage and the disintegration of their army by famine and desertion. With this object, the Army of Weimar was drawn off on the morning of the 9th of August and marched round by Betzenhausen and Lehen to Langen Denzling. The infantry of the Army of France, then the trains, followed, while Enghien with his own cavalry faced Freiburg and the Loretto position.

For three days after this, the armies remained in position without fighting. The French were well supplied with food and comforts from Breisach, while the Bavarians were suffering quite a bit due to a lack of food, especially forage, since all their supplies had to be transported from Villingen over the rough roads of the Black Forest. Enghien then decided to use the Glotter Tal to completely disrupt this already poor supply line, forcing the Bavarians to either attack him from a serious disadvantage or retreat over the hills, losing their artillery and baggage, which would lead to the disintegration of their army through starvation and desertion. To achieve this, the Army of Weimar was pulled back on the morning of August 9th and marched around via Betzenhausen and Lehen to Langen Denzling. The infantry of the Army of France and then the supply trains followed, while Enghien and his cavalry faced Freiburg and the Loretto position.

Before dawn on the 10th the advance guard of Turenne’s army was ascending the Glotter Tal. But Mercy had divined his adversary’s plan, and leaving a garrison to hold Freiburg, the Bavarian army had made a night march on the 9/10th to the Abbey of St Peter, whence on the morning of the 10th Mercy fell back to Graben, his nearest magazine in the mountains. Turenne’s advanced guard appeared from the Glotter Tal only to find a stubborn rearguard of cavalry in front of the abbey. A sharp action began, but Mercy hearing the drums and fifes of the French infantry in the Glotter Tal broke it off and continued his retreat in good order. Enghien thus obtained little material result from his manœuvre. Only two guns and such of Mercy’s wagons that were unable to keep up fell into the hands of the French. Enghien and Turenne did not continue the chase farther than Graben, and Mercy fell back unmolested to Rothenburg on the Tauber.

Before dawn on the 10th, the advance guard of Turenne’s army was climbing the Glotter Tal. However, Mercy had figured out his opponent's plan. After leaving a garrison to secure Freiburg, the Bavarian army made a night march on the 9th and 10th to the Abbey of St. Peter. On the morning of the 10th, Mercy retreated to Graben, his closest supply point in the mountains. Turenne’s advance guard emerged from the Glotter Tal only to encounter a stubborn rearguard of cavalry in front of the abbey. A sharp skirmish began, but when Mercy heard the drums and fifes of the French infantry in the Glotter Tal, he broke off the engagement and continued his retreat in good order. Enghien ended up with little tangible result from his maneuver. Only two cannons and a few of Mercy’s wagons that couldn't keep up were captured by the French. Enghien and Turenne did not pursue the chase any further than Graben, and Mercy retreated unharmed to Rothenburg on the Tauber.

The moral results of this sanguinary fighting were, however, important and perhaps justified the sacrifice of so many valuable soldiers. Enghien’s pertinacity had not achieved a decision with the sword, but Mercy had been so severely punished that he was unable to interfere with his opponent’s new plan of campaign. This, which was carried out by the united armies and by reinforcements from France, while Turenne’s cavalry screened them by bold demonstrations on the Tauber, led to nothing less than the conquest of the Rhine Valley from Basel to Coblenz, a task which was achieved so rapidly that the Army of France and its victorious young leader were free to return to France in two months from the time of their appearance in Turenne’s quarters at Breisach.

The moral outcomes of this brutal fighting were significant and might have justified the loss of so many valuable soldiers. Enghien’s stubbornness didn’t win the battle, but Mercy suffered such heavy losses that he couldn’t interfere with his enemy’s new campaign plan. This plan, executed by the combined armies along with reinforcements from France, while Turenne’s cavalry kept them shielded with bold moves on the Tauber, led to nothing less than the conquest of the Rhine Valley from Basel to Coblenz. This was achieved so quickly that the Army of France and its victorious young leader were able to return to France just two months after they had shown up in Turenne’s camp at Breisach.

FREIDANK (Vrîdanc), the name by which a Middle High German didactic poet of the early 13th century is known. It has been disputed whether the word, which is equivalent to “free-thought,” is to be regarded as the poet’s real name or only as a pseudonym; the latter is probably the case. Little is known of Freidank’s life. He accompanied Frederick II. on his crusade to the Holy Land, where, in the years 1228-1229, a portion at least of his work was composed; and it is said that on his tomb (if indeed it was not the tomb of another Freidank) at Treviso there was inscribed, with allusion to the character of his style, “he always spoke and never sang.” Wilhelm Grimm originated the hypothesis that Freidank was to be identified with Walther von der Vogelweide; but this is no longer tenable. Freidank’s work bears the name of Bescheidenheit, i.e. “practical wisdom,” “correct judgment,” and consists of a collection of proverbs, pithy sayings, and moral and satirical reflections, arranged under general heads. Its popularity till the end of the 16th century is shown by the great number of MSS. extant.

FREIDANK (Vrîdanc), the name of a Middle High German didactic poet from the early 13th century. There’s ongoing debate about whether this word, which means “free-thought,” is his real name or just a pseudonym; most likely, it's the latter. Little information is available about Freidank’s life. He joined Frederick II on his crusade to the Holy Land, where, between 1228-1229, a part of his work was created; it’s said that on his tomb (if it wasn't actually another Freidank's tomb) in Treviso, there was an inscription that referenced his style: “he always spoke and never sang.” Wilhelm Grimm proposed that Freidank might be identified with Walther von der Vogelweide; however, this theory is no longer supported. Freidank’s work is titled Bescheidenheit, or "practical wisdom," "correct judgment," and is a collection of proverbs, clever sayings, and moral and satirical reflections, organized under general categories. The numerous existing manuscripts indicate its popularity until the end of the 16th century.

Sebastian Brant published the Bescheidenheit in a modified form in 1508. Wilhelm Grimm’s edition appeared in 1834 (2nd ed. 1860), H. F. Bezzenberger’s in 1872. A later edition is by F. Sandvoss (1877). The old Latin translation, Fridangi Discretio, was printed by C. Lemcke in 1868; and there are two translations into modern German, A. Bacmeister’s (1861) and K. Simrock’s (1867). See also F. Pfeiffer, Über Freidank (Zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, 1855), and H. Paul, Über die ursprüngliche Anordnung von Freidanks Bescheidenheit (1870).

Sebastian Brant published the Bescheidenheit in a revised version in 1508. Wilhelm Grimm’s edition came out in 1834 (2nd ed. 1860), followed by H. F. Bezzenberger’s in 1872. A later edition was released by F. Sandvoss in 1877. The old Latin translation, Fridangi Discretio, was published by C. Lemcke in 1868; there are also two translations into modern German: A. Bacmeister’s (1861) and K. Simrock’s (1867). Additionally, see F. Pfeiffer's Über Freidank (Zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, 1855), and H. Paul’s Über die ursprüngliche Anordnung von Freidanks Bescheidenheit (1870).

FREIENWALDE, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Prussia, on the Oder, 28 m. N.E. of Berlin, on the Frankfort-Angermünde railway. Pop. (1905) 7995. It has a small palace, built by the Great Elector, an Evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, and manufactures of furniture, machinery, &c. The neighbouring forests and its medicinal springs make it a favourite summer resort of the inhabitants of Berlin. A new tower commands a fine view of the Oderbruch (see Oder). Freienwalde, which must be distinguished from the smaller town of the same name in Pomerania, first appears as a town in 1364.

FREIENWALDE, a town in Germany, in the kingdom of Prussia, located on the Oder River, 28 miles northeast of Berlin, along the Frankfort-Angermünde railway. Population (1905) 7,995. It features a small palace built by the Great Elector, an Evangelical church, and a Roman Catholic church, along with manufacturing of furniture, machinery, and more. The nearby forests and its medicinal springs make it a popular summer getaway for the people of Berlin. A new tower offers a great view of the Oderbruch (see Oder). Freienwalde, which should be differentiated from the smaller town of the same name in Pomerania, is first recorded as a town in 1364.

FREIESLEBENITE, a rare mineral consisting of sulphantimonite of silver and lead, (Pb, Ag2)5Sb4S11. The monoclinic crystals are prismatic in habit, with deeply striated prism and dome faces. The colour is steel-grey, and the lustre metallic; hardness 2½, specific gravity 6.2. It occurs with argentite, chalybite and galena in the silver veins of the Himmelsfürst mine at Freiberg, Saxony, where it has been known since 1720. The species was named after J. K. Freiesleben, who had earlier called it Schilf-Glaserz. Other localities are Hiendelaencina near Guadalajara in Spain, Kapnik-Bánya in Hungary, and Guanajuato in Mexico. A species separated from freieslebenite by V. von Zepharovich in 1871, because of differences in crystalline form, is known as diaphorite (from διαφορά, “difference”); it is very similar to freieslebenite in appearance and has perhaps the same chemical composition (or possibly Ag2PbSb2S5), but is orthorhombic in crystallization. A third mineral also very similar to freieslebenite in appearance is the orthorhombic andorite, AgPbSb3S6, which is mined as a silver ore at Oruro in Bolivia.

FREIESLEBENITE, is a rare mineral made up of sulphantimonite of silver and lead, (Pb, Ag2)5Sb4S11. The monoclinic crystals have a prismatic shape, featuring deeply striated prism and dome faces. They are steel-grey in color with a metallic luster; the hardness is 2½, and the specific gravity is 6.2. It can be found alongside argentite, chalybite, and galena in the silver veins of the Himmelsfürst mine at Freiberg, Saxony, where it has been known since 1720. The mineral was named after J. K. Freiesleben, who previously referred to it as Schilf-Glaserz. Other locations include Hiendelaencina near Guadalajara in Spain, Kapnik-Bánya in Hungary, and Guanajuato in Mexico. A species that was separated from freieslebenite by V. von Zepharovich in 1871, due to differences in crystal form, is called diaphorite (from difference, “difference”); it closely resembles freieslebenite and likely has the same chemical composition (or possibly Ag2PbSb2S5), but crystallizes in an orthorhombic shape. Another mineral that looks very similar to freieslebenite is the orthorhombic andorite, AgPbSb3S6, which is mined as a silver ore in Oruro, Bolivia.

FREIGHT, (pronounced like “weight”; derived from the Dutch vracht or vrecht, in Fr. fret, the Eng. “fraught” being the same word, and formerly used for the same thing, but now only as an adjective = “laden”), the lading or cargo of a ship, and the hire paid for their transport (see Affreightment); from the original sense of water-transport of goods the word has also come to be used for land-transit (particularly in America, by railroad), and by analogy for any load or burden.

FREIGHT, (pronounced like “weight”; derived from the Dutch vracht or vrecht, in French fret, the English “fraught” being the same word, and previously used for the same thing, but now only as an adjective meaning “laden”), refers to the cargo or load of a ship, as well as the fee charged for its transport (see Affreightment); originally used for goods transported by water, the term has also come to apply to land transport (especially in America, by railroad), and by extension for any load or burden.

FREILIGRATH, FERDINAND (1810-1876), German poet, was born at Detmold on the 17th of June 1810. He was educated at the gymnasium of his native town, and in his sixteenth year was sent to Soest, with a view to preparing him for a commercial career. Here he had also time and opportunity to acquire a taste for French and English literature. The years from 1831 to 1836 he spent in a bank at Amsterdam, and 1837 to 1839 in a business house at Barmen. In 1838 his Gedichte appeared and met with such extraordinary success that he gave up the 95 idea of a commercial life and resolved to devote himself entirely to literature. His repudiation of the political poetry of 1841 and its revolutionary ideals attracted the attention of the king of Prussia, Frederick William IV., who, in 1842, granted him a pension of 300 talers a year. He married, and, to be near his friend Emanuel Geibel, settled at St Goar. Before long, however, Freiligrath was himself carried away by the rising tide of liberalism. In the poem Ein Glaubensbekenntnis (1844) he openly avowed his sympathy with the political movement led by his old adversary, Georg Herwegh; the day, he declared, of his own poetic trifling with Romantic themes was over; Romanticism itself was dead. He laid down his pension, and, to avoid the inevitable political persecution, took refuge in Switzerland. As a sequel to the Glaubensbekenntnis he published Ça ira! (1846), which strained still further his relations with the German authorities. He fled to London, where he resumed the commercial life he had broken off seven years before. When the Revolution of 1848 broke out, it seemed to Freiligrath, as to all the liberal thinkers of the time, the dawn of an era of political freedom; and, as may be seen from the poems in his collection of Politische und soziale Gedichte (1849-1851), he welcomed it with unbounded enthusiasm. He returned to Germany and settled in Düsseldorf; but it was not long before he had again called down upon himself the ill-will of the ruling powers by a poem, Die Toten an die Lebenden (1848). He was arrested on a charge of lèse-majesté, but the prosecution ended in his acquittal. New difficulties arose; his association with the democratic movement rendered him an object of constant suspicion, and in 1851 he judged it more prudent to go back to London, where he remained until 1868. In that year he returned to Germany, settling first in Stuttgart and in 1875 in the neighbouring town of Cannstatt, where he died on the 18th of March 1876.

FREILIGRATH, FERDINAND (1810-1876), a German poet, was born in Detmold on June 17, 1810. He studied at the gymnasium in his hometown, and at the age of sixteen, he was sent to Soest to prepare for a commercial career. While there, he also had the time and opportunity to develop a taste for French and English literature. From 1831 to 1836, he worked at a bank in Amsterdam, and from 1837 to 1839, he was employed at a business in Barmen. His collection of poems, Gedichte, was published in 1838 and achieved such remarkable success that he decided to abandon a commercial life and fully dedicate himself to literature. His rejection of the political poetry of 1841 and its revolutionary ideals caught the attention of Prussian King Frederick William IV, who granted him an annual pension of 300 talers in 1842. He got married and settled in St Goar to be near his friend Emanuel Geibel. However, Freiligrath was soon swept up by the increasing wave of liberalism. In his poem Ein Glaubensbekenntnis (1844), he openly expressed his support for the political movement led by his former opponent, Georg Herwegh; he declared that his days of poetic trivialities surrounding Romantic themes had ended and that Romanticism itself was dead. He renounced his pension and, to escape the expected political persecution, took refuge in Switzerland. Following Glaubensbekenntnis, he published Ça ira! (1846), which further strained his relationship with the German authorities. He fled to London, where he resumed the commercial career he had left seven years earlier. When the Revolution of 1848 began, Freiligrath, like many liberal thinkers of the time, saw it as the beginning of an era of political freedom; as reflected in the poems of his collection Politische und soziale Gedichte (1849-1851), he embraced it with immense enthusiasm. He returned to Germany and settled in Düsseldorf, but it wasn’t long before he again incited the ire of the ruling powers with his poem Die Toten an die Lebenden (1848). He was arrested on a charge of lèse-majesté, but was ultimately acquitted. New challenges emerged; his ties to the democratic movement put him under constant suspicion and in 1851 he decided it was wiser to move back to London, where he stayed until 1868. That year, he returned to Germany, first settling in Stuttgart and then moving to the nearby town of Cannstatt in 1875, where he passed away on March 18, 1876.

As a poet, Freiligrath was the most gifted member of the German revolutionary group. Coming at the very close of the Romantic age, his own purely lyric poetry re-echoes for the most part the familiar thoughts and imagery of his Romantic predecessors; but at an early age he had been attracted by the work of French contemporary poets, and he reinvigorated the German lyric by grafting upon it the orientalism of Victor Hugo. In this reconciliation of French and German romanticism lay Freiligrath’s significance for the development of the lyric in Germany. His remarkable power of assimilating foreign literatures is also to be seen in his translations of English and Scottish ballads, of the poetry of Burns, Mrs Hemans, Longfellow and Tennyson (Englische Gedichte aus neuerer Zeit, 1846; The Rose, Thistle and Shamrock, 1853, 6th ed. 1887); he also translated Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, Winter’s Tale and Venus and Adonis, as well as Longfellow’s Hiawatha (1857). Freiligrath is most original in his revolutionary poetry. His poems of this class suffer, it is true, under the disadvantage of all political poetry—purely temporary interest and the unavoidable admixture of much that has no claim to be called poetry at all—but the agitator Freiligrath, when he is at his best, displays a vigour and strength, a power of direct and cogent poetic expression, not to be found in any other political singer of the age.

As a poet, Freiligrath was the most talented member of the German revolutionary group. Coming at the very end of the Romantic era, his purely lyrical poetry primarily reflects the familiar themes and imagery of his Romantic predecessors; however, he was drawn to the work of contemporary French poets at an early age, and he revitalized German lyricism by incorporating the orientalism of Victor Hugo. This blending of French and German romanticism defines Freiligrath’s importance in the development of lyric poetry in Germany. His remarkable ability to absorb foreign literature is also evident in his translations of English and Scottish ballads, as well as the poetry of Burns, Mrs. Hemans, Longfellow, and Tennyson (Englische Gedichte aus neuerer Zeit, 1846; The Rose, Thistle and Shamrock, 1853, 6th ed. 1887); he also translated Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, Winter’s Tale, and Venus and Adonis, along with Longfellow’s Hiawatha (1857). Freiligrath is most original in his revolutionary poetry. While his poems in this category do suffer from the typical drawbacks of political poetry—temporary relevance and the inevitable inclusion of material that doesn’t truly qualify as poetry—when Freiligrath is at his best, he showcases a vigor and strength, a power of clear and compelling poetic expression that isn’t matched by any other political poet of his time.

Freiligrath’s Gedichte have passed through some fifty editions, and his Gesammelte Dichtungen, first published in 1870, have reached a sixth edition (1898). Nachgelassenes (including a translation of Byron’s Mazeppa) was published in 1883. A selection of Freiligrath’s best-known poems in English translation was edited by his daughter, Mrs Freiligrath-Kroeker, in 1869; also Songs of a Revolutionary Epoch were translated by J. L. Joynes in 1888. Cp. E. Schmidt-Weissenfels, F. Freiligrath, eine Biographie (1876); W. Buchner, F. Freiligrath, ein Dichterleben in Briefen (2 vols., 1881); G. Freiligrath, Erinnerungen an F. Freiligrath (1889); P. Besson, Freiligrath (Paris, 1899); K. Richter, Freiligrath als Übersetzer (1899).

Freiligrath’s Gedichte have gone through about fifty editions, and his Gesammelte Dichtungen, first published in 1870, has reached a sixth edition (1898). Nachgelassenes (which includes a translation of Byron’s Mazeppa) was published in 1883. A selection of Freiligrath’s most famous poems in English translation was edited by his daughter, Mrs. Freiligrath-Kroeker, in 1869; also, Songs of a Revolutionary Epoch were translated by J. L. Joynes in 1888. See E. Schmidt-Weissenfels, F. Freiligrath, eine Biographie (1876); W. Buchner, F. Freiligrath, ein Dichterleben in Briefen (2 vols., 1881); G. Freiligrath, Erinnerungen an F. Freiligrath (1889); P. Besson, Freiligrath (Paris, 1899); K. Richter, Freiligrath als Übersetzer (1899).

(J. G. R.)

FREIND, JOHN (1675-1728), English physician, younger brother of Robert Freind (1667-1751), headmaster of Westminster school, was born in 1675 at Croton in Northamptonshire. He made great progress in classical knowledge under Richard Busby at Westminster, and at Christ Church, Oxford, under Dean Aldrich, and while still very young, produced, along with Peter Foulkes, an excellent edition of the speeches of Aeschines and Demosthenes on the affair of Ctesiphon. After this he began the study of medicine, and having proved his scientific attainments by various treatises was appointed a lecturer on chemistry at Oxford in 1704. In the following year he accompanied the English army, under the earl of Peterborough, into Spain, and on returning home in 1707, wrote an account of the expedition, which attained great popularity. Two years later he published his Prelectiones chimicae, which he dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton. Shortly after his return in 1713 from Flanders, whither he had accompanied the British troops, he took up his residence in London, where he soon obtained a great reputation as a physician. In 1716 he became fellow of the college of physicians, of which he was chosen one of the censors in 1718, and Harveian orator in 1720. In 1722 he entered parliament as member for Launceston in Cornwall, but, being suspected of favouring the cause of the exiled Stuarts, he spent half of that year in the Tower. During his imprisonment he conceived the plan of his most important work, The History of Physic, of which the first part appeared in 1725, and the second in the following year. In the latter year he was appointed physician to Queen Caroline, an office which he held till his death on the 26th of July 1728.

FRIEND, JOHN (1675-1728), English physician and younger brother of Robert Friend (1667-1751), headmaster of Westminster School, was born in 1675 in Croton, Northamptonshire. He made significant progress in classical studies under Richard Busby at Westminster and at Christ Church, Oxford, under Dean Aldrich. While still quite young, he collaborated with Peter Foulkes to create an excellent edition of the speeches of Aeschines and Demosthenes regarding the Ctesiphon affair. After this, he began studying medicine and proved his scientific skills through various treatises, leading to his appointment as a chemistry lecturer at Oxford in 1704. The following year, he joined the English army, led by the Earl of Peterborough, to Spain, and after returning home in 1707, he wrote a popular account of the expedition. Two years later, he published his Prelectiones chimicae, which he dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton. Shortly after his return in 1713 from Flanders, where he had accompanied British troops, he settled in London, quickly gaining a strong reputation as a physician. In 1716, he became a fellow of the College of Physicians, was chosen as one of the censors in 1718, and became Harveian orator in 1720. In 1722, he entered Parliament as a member for Launceston in Cornwall, but due to suspicions of supporting the exiled Stuarts, he spent half of that year in the Tower. During his imprisonment, he devised the plan for his most important work, The History of Physic, with the first part published in 1725 and the second part in the following year. In that same year, he was appointed physician to Queen Caroline, a position he held until his death on July 26, 1728.

A complete edition of his Latin works, with a Latin translation of the History of Physic, edited by Dr John Wigan, was published in London in 1732.

A complete edition of his Latin works, along with a Latin translation of the History of Physic, edited by Dr. John Wigan, was published in London in 1732.

FREINSHEIM [Freinshemius], JOHANN (1608-1660), German classical scholar and critic, was born at Ulm on the 16th of November 1608. After studying at the universities of Marburg, Giessen and Strassburg, he visited France, where he remained for three years. He returned to Strassburg in 1637, and in 1642 was appointed professor of eloquence at Upsala. In 1647 he was summoned by Queen Christina to Stockholm as court librarian and historiographer. In 1650 he resumed his professorship at Upsala, but early in the following year he was obliged to resign on account of ill-health. In 1656 he became honorary professor at Heidelberg, and died on the 31st of August 1660. Freinsheim’s literary activity was chiefly devoted to the Roman historians. He first introduced the division into chapters and paragraphs, and by means of carefully compiled indexes illustrated the lexical peculiarities of each author. He is best known for his famous supplements to Quintus Curtius and Livy, containing the missing books written by himself. He also published critical editions of Curtius and Florus.

FREINSHEIM [Freinshemius], JOHANN (1608-1660), a German classical scholar and critic, was born in Ulm on November 16, 1608. After studying at the universities of Marburg, Giessen, and Strassburg, he traveled to France, where he stayed for three years. He returned to Strassburg in 1637, and in 1642 was appointed professor of eloquence at Upsala. In 1647, he was called to Stockholm by Queen Christina to serve as court librarian and historiographer. In 1650, he resumed his professorship at Upsala, but early the following year he had to resign due to health issues. In 1656, he became an honorary professor at Heidelberg, and he passed away on August 31, 1660. Freinsheim was mainly focused on Roman historians. He was the first to introduce divisions into chapters and paragraphs, and he created carefully compiled indexes to highlight the unique language of each author. He is best known for his renowned supplements to Quintus Curtius and Livy, which included the missing books that he wrote himself. He also published critical editions of Curtius and Florus.

FREIRE, FRANCISCO JOSÉ (1719-1773), Portuguese historian and philologist, was born at Lisbon on the 3rd of January 1719. He belonged to the monastic society of St Philip Neri, and was a zealous member of the literary association known as the Academy of Arcadians, in connexion with which he adopted the pseudonym of Candido Lusitano. He contributed much to the improvement of the style of Portuguese prose literature, but his endeavour to effect a reformation in the national poetry by a translation of Horace’s Ars poëtica was less successful. The work in which he set forth his opinions regarding the vicious taste pervading the current Portuguese prose literature is entitled Maximas sobre a Arte Oratoria (1745) and is preceded by a chronological table forming almost a social and physical history of Portugal. His best known work, however, is his Vida do Infante D. Henrique (1758), which has given him a place in the first rank of Portuguese historians, and has been translated into French (Paris, 1781). He also wrote a poetical dictionary (Diccionario poetico) and a translation of Racine’s Athalie (1762), and his Réflexions sur la langue portugaise was published in 1842 by the Lisbon society for the promotion of useful knowledge. He died at Mafra on the 5th of July 1773.

FREIRE, FRANCISCO JOSÉ (1719-1773), Portuguese historian and linguist, was born in Lisbon on January 3, 1719. He was part of the monastic society of St. Philip Neri and was an enthusiastic member of the literary group known as the Academy of Arcadians, under which he used the pseudonym Candido Lusitano. He significantly contributed to improving the style of Portuguese prose literature, but his attempt to reform national poetry by translating Horace’s Ars poëtica was less successful. The work where he expressed his views on the poor quality of contemporary Portuguese prose literature is titled Maximas sobre a Arte Oratoria (1745) and includes a chronological table that serves almost as a social and physical history of Portugal. His most recognized work is Vida do Infante D. Henrique (1758), which secured his place among the top Portuguese historians and has been translated into French (Paris, 1781). He also authored a poetic dictionary (Diccionario poetico) and a translation of Racine’s Athalie (1762), and his Réflexions sur la langue portugaise was published in 1842 by the Lisbon society for the promotion of useful knowledge. He passed away in Mafra on July 5, 1773.

FREISCHÜTZ, in German folklore, a marksman who by a compact with the devil has obtained a certain number of bullets destined to hit without fail whatever object he wishes. As the legend is usually told, six of the Freikugeln or “free bullets” are thus subservient to the marksman’s will, but the seventh is at the absolute disposal of the devil himself. Various methods were adopted in order to procure possession of the marvellous missiles. According to one the marksman, instead of swallowing the sacramental host, kept it and fixed it on a tree, shot at it 96 and caused it to bleed great drops of blood, gathered the drops on a piece of cloth and reduced the whole to ashes, and then with these ashes added the requisite virtue to the lead of which his bullets were made. Various vegetable or animal substances had the reputation of serving the same purpose. Stories about the Freischütz were especially common in Germany during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries; but the first time that the legend was turned to literary profit is said to have been by Apel in the Gespensterbuch or “Book of Ghosts.” It formed the subject of Weber’s opera Der Freischütz (1821), the libretto of which was written by Friedrich Kind, who had suggested Apel’s story as an excellent theme for the composer. The name by which the Freischütz is known in French is Robin des Bois.

FREISCHÜTZ, in German folklore, is a marksman who, through a deal with the devil, has gained a certain number of bullets that are guaranteed to hit whatever target he chooses. According to the usual version of the legend, six of the Freikugeln or “free bullets” will obey the marksman’s commands, but the seventh bullet is completely under the control of the devil. There were various ways to acquire these magical bullets. In one account, instead of swallowing the sacramental host, the marksman preserved it, attached it to a tree, shot at it, causing it to bleed profusely, collected the blood on a piece of cloth, and then burned it to ashes. He then used these ashes to give the necessary power to the lead from which his bullets were made. Different plants or animal parts were also believed to have the same effect. Tales about the Freischütz were especially popular in Germany during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries; however, the first literary adaptation of the legend is credited to Apel in the Gespensterbuch or “Book of Ghosts.” It became the basis for Weber’s opera Der Freischütz (1821), with the libretto written by Friedrich Kind, who proposed Apel’s story as a great topic for the composer. In French, the Freischütz is known as Robin des Bois.

See Kind, Freyschützbuch (Leipzig, 1843); Revue des deux mondes (February 1855); Grässe, Die Quelle des Freischütz (Dresden, 1875).

See Kind, Freyschützbuch (Leipzig, 1843); Revue des deux mondes (February 1855); Grässe, Die Quelle des Freischütz (Dresden, 1875).

FREISING, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria, on the Isar, 16 m. by rail N.N.E. of Munich. Pop. (1905) 13,538. Among its eight Roman Catholic churches the most remarkable is the cathedral, which dates from about 1160 and is famous for its curious crypt. Noteworthy also are the old palace of the bishops, now a clerical seminary, the theological lyceum and the town-hall. There are several schools in the town, and there is a statue to the chronicler, Otto of Freising, who was bishop here from 1138 to 1158. Freising has manufactures of agricultural machinery and of porcelain, while printing and brewing are carried on. Near the town is the site of the Benedictine abbey of Weihenstephan, which existed from 725 to 1803. This is now a model farm and brewery. Freising is a very ancient town and is said to have been founded by the Romans. After being destroyed by the Hungarians in 955 it was fortified by the emperor Otto II. in 976 and by Duke Welf of Bavaria in 1082. A bishopric was established here in 724 by St Corbinianus, whose brother Erimbert was consecrated second bishop by St Boniface in 739. Later on the bishops acquired considerable territorial power and in the 17th century became princes of the Empire. In 1802 the see was secularized, the bulk of its territories being assigned to Bavaria and the rest to Salzburg, of which Freising had been a suffragan bishopric. In 1817 an archbishopric was established at Freising, but in the following year it was transferred to Munich. The occupant of the see is now called archbishop of Munich and Freising.

FREISING, is a town in Germany, located in Bavaria on the Isar River, 16 miles by rail N.N.E. of Munich. Population (1905) was 13,538. Among its eight Roman Catholic churches, the most notable is the cathedral, which dates back to around 1160 and is famous for its unique crypt. Also noteworthy are the old palace of the bishops, now a clerical seminary, the theological lyceum, and the town hall. The town has several schools and features a statue of the chronicler Otto of Freising, who served as bishop here from 1138 to 1158. Freising produces agricultural machinery and porcelain, and it also has printing and brewing industries. Near the town is the site of the Benedictine abbey of Weihenstephan, which existed from 725 to 1803 and is now a model farm and brewery. Freising is a very ancient town, believed to have been founded by the Romans. After being destroyed by Hungarians in 955, it was fortified by Emperor Otto II in 976 and by Duke Welf of Bavaria in 1082. A bishopric was established here in 724 by St. Corbinianus, whose brother Erimbert was consecrated as the second bishop by St. Boniface in 739. Later, the bishops gained significant territorial power and became princes of the Empire in the 17th century. In 1802, the see was secularized; most of its territories were assigned to Bavaria, and the rest to Salzburg, which had been a suffragan bishopric of Freising. An archbishopric was established in Freising in 1817, but it was transferred to Munich the following year. The current occupant of the see is now called the archbishop of Munich and Freising.

See C. Meichelbeck, Historiae Frisingensis (Augsburg, 1724-1729, new and enlarged edition 1854).

See C. Meichelbeck, Historiae Frisingensis (Augsburg, 1724-1729, new and enlarged edition 1854).

FRÉJUS, a town in the department of the Var in S.E. France. Pop. (1906) 3430. It is 28½ m. S.E. of Draguignan (the chief town of the department), and 22½ m. S.W. of Cannes by rail. It is only important on account of the fine Roman remains that it contains, for it is now a mile from the sea, its harbour having been silted up by the deposits of the Argens river. Since the 4th century it has been a bishop’s see, which is in the ecclesiastical province of Aix en Provence. In modern times the neighbouring fishing village at St Raphaël (2½ m. by rail S.E., and on the seashore) has become a town of 4865 inhabitants (in 1901); in 1799 Napoleon disembarked there, on his return from Egypt, and reembarked for Elba in 1814, while nowadays it is much frequented as a health resort, as is also Valescure (2 m. N.W. on the heights above). The cathedral church in part dates from the 12th century, but only small portions of the old medieval episcopal palace are now visible, as it was rebuilt about 1823. The ramparts of the old town can still be traced for a long distance, and there are fragments of two moles, of the theatre and of a gate. The amphitheatre, which seated 12,000 spectators, is in a better state of preservation. The ruins of the great aqueduct which brought the waters of the Siagnole, an affluent of the Siagne, to the town, can still be traced for a distance of nearly 19 m. The original hamlet was the capital of the tribe of the Oxybii, while the town of Forum Julii was founded on its site by Julius Caesar in order to secure to the Romans a harbour independent of that of Marseilles. The buildings of which ruins exist were mostly built by Caesar or by Augustus, and show that it was an important naval station and arsenal. But the town suffered much at the hands of the Arabs, of Barbary pirates, and of its inhabitants, who constructed many of their dwellings out of the ruined Roman buildings. The ancient harbour (really but a portion of the lagoons, which had been deepened) is now completely silted up. Even in early times a canal had to be kept open by perpetual digging, while about 1700 this was closed, and now a sandy and partly cultivated waste extends between the town and the seashore.

FRÉJUS, is a town in the Var department in southeastern France. Population (1906) 3,430. It’s located 28½ miles southeast of Draguignan (the main town of the department) and 22½ miles southwest of Cannes by rail. Its significance lies mainly in the impressive Roman ruins it contains, as it is now a mile from the sea due to the Argens river silt blocking its harbor. Since the 4th century, it has been a bishop's see within the ecclesiastical province of Aix en Provence. In modern times, the nearby fishing village of St Raphaël (2½ miles by rail southeast and on the seashore) has grown into a town with 4,865 residents (in 1901); in 1799, Napoleon landed there upon his return from Egypt, and he set sail for Elba from there in 1814. Today, it is a popular health resort, as is Valescure (2 miles northwest in the hills above). The cathedral partially dates back to the 12th century, but only small parts of the old medieval episcopal palace are still visible, as it was rebuilt around 1823. The ramparts of the old town can still be traced over a long distance, along with remnants of two moles, the theater, and a gate. The amphitheater, which could seat 12,000 spectators, is better preserved. The ruins of the great aqueduct that brought water from the Siagnole, a tributary of the Siagne, to the town can be followed for almost 19 miles. The original hamlet was the capital of the Oxybii tribe, while the town of Forum Julii was established on its site by Julius Caesar to provide the Romans with a harbor independent of Marseille. Most of the ruins were built by Caesar or Augustus and indicate that it was a vital naval station and arsenal. However, the town faced significant damage from the Arabs, Barbary pirates, and its own residents, who repurposed many of the ruined Roman buildings for their homes. The ancient harbor (actually just part of the lagoons, which had been deepened) is now completely filled with silt. Even in early times, a canal had to be maintained through constant digging, but it was closed around 1700, and now a sandy, partially cultivated wasteland stretches between the town and the coast.

See J. A. Aubenas, Histoire de Fréjus (Fréjus, 1881); Ch. Lenthéric, La Provence Maritime ancienne et moderne (Paris, 1880), chap. vii.

See J. A. Aubenas, Histoire de Fréjus (Fréjus, 1881); Ch. Lenthéric, La Provence Maritime ancienne et moderne (Paris, 1880), chap. vii.

(W. A. B. C.)

FRELINGHUYSEN, FREDERICK THEODORE (1817-1885), American lawyer and statesman, of Dutch descent, was born at Millstone, New Jersey, on the 4th of August 1817. His grandfather, Frederick Frelinghuysen (1753-1804), was an eminent lawyer, one of the framers of the first New Jersey constitution, a soldier in the War of Independence, and a member (1778-1779 and 1782-1783) of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, and in 1793-1796 of the United States senate; and his uncle, Theodore (1787-1862), was attorney-general of New Jersey from 1817 to 1829, was a United States senator from New Jersey in 1829-1835, was the Whig candidate for vice-president on the Clay ticket in 1844, and was chancellor of the university of New York in 1839-1850 and president of Rutgers College in 1850-1862. Frederick Theodore, left an orphan at the age of three, was adopted by his uncle, graduated at Rutgers in 1836, and studied law in Newark with his uncle, to whose practice he succeeded in 1839, soon after his admission to the bar. He became attorney for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Morris Canal and Banking Company, and other corporations, and from 1861 to 1867 was attorney-general of New Jersey. In 1861 he was a delegate to the peace congress at Washington, and in 1866 was appointed by the governor of New Jersey, as a Republican, to fill a vacancy in the United States senate. In the winter of 1867 he was elected to fill the unexpired term, but a Democratic majority in the legislature prevented his re-election in 1869. In 1870 he was nominated by President Grant, and confirmed by the senate, as United States minister to England to succeed John Lothrop Motley, but declined the mission. From 1871 to 1877 he was again a member of the United States senate, in which he was prominent in debate and in committee work, and was chairman of the committee on foreign affairs during the Alabama Claims negotiations. He was a strong opponent of the reconstruction measures of President Johnson, for whose conviction he voted (on most of the specific charges) in the impeachment trial. He was a member of the joint committee which drew up and reported (1877) the Electoral Commission Bill, and subsequently served as a member of the commission. On the 12th of December 1881 he was appointed secretary of state by President Arthur to succeed James G. Blaine, and served until the inauguration of President Cleveland in 1885. Retiring, with his health impaired by overwork, to his home in Newark, he died there on the 20th of May, less than three months after relinquishing the cares of office.

FRELINGHUYSEN, FREDERICK THEODORE (1817-1885), American lawyer and politician of Dutch heritage, was born in Millstone, New Jersey, on August 4, 1817. His grandfather, Frederick Frelinghuysen (1753-1804), was a notable lawyer, one of the authors of New Jersey's first constitution, a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and served (1778-1779 and 1782-1783) in the Continental Congress from New Jersey, as well as in the United States Senate from 1793-1796. His uncle, Theodore (1787-1862), was the attorney general of New Jersey from 1817 to 1829, a U.S. senator from New Jersey from 1829-1835, the Whig candidate for vice president on the Clay ticket in 1844, and chancellor of New York University from 1839-1850 and president of Rutgers College from 1850-1862. Frederick Theodore, orphaned at three, was adopted by his uncle, graduated from Rutgers in 1836, and studied law in Newark with his uncle, eventually taking over his practice in 1839, shortly after being admitted to the bar. He became the attorney for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Morris Canal and Banking Company, and other companies, and served as New Jersey's attorney general from 1861 to 1867. In 1861, he was a delegate to the peace congress in Washington, and in 1866, the governor of New Jersey appointed him, as a Republican, to fill a vacancy in the U.S. Senate. During the winter of 1867, he was elected to serve the remainder of that term, but in 1869, a Democratic majority in the legislature blocked his re-election. In 1870, he was nominated by President Grant and confirmed by the Senate as the U.S. minister to England to replace John Lothrop Motley, but he declined the position. From 1871 to 1877, he was again a member of the U.S. Senate, where he was active in debates and committee work, serving as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs during the Alabama Claims negotiations. He strongly opposed President Johnson's reconstruction policies, voting for his impeachment on most specific charges. He was part of the joint committee that drafted and reported the Electoral Commission Bill in 1877 and later served on the commission. On December 12, 1881, President Arthur appointed him secretary of state to succeed James G. Blaine, and he served in that role until President Cleveland's inauguration in 1885. After stepping down, his health declining from overwork, he returned to his home in Newark, where he died on May 20, less than three months after leaving office.

FREMANTLE, a seaport of Swan county, Western Australia, at the mouth of the Swan river, 12 m. by rail S.W. of Perth. It is the terminus of the Eastern railway, and is a town of some industrial activity, shipbuilding, soap-boiling, saw-milling, smelting, iron-founding, furniture-making, flour-milling, brewing and tanning being its chief industries. The harbour, by the construction of two long moles and the blasting away of the rocks at the bar, has been rendered secure. The English, French and German mail steamers call at the port. Fremantle became a municipality in 1871; but there are now three separate municipalities—Fremantle, with a population in 1901 of 14,704; Fremantle East (2494); and Fremantle North (3246). At Rottnest Island, off the harbour, there are government salt-works and a residence of the governor, also penal and reformatory establishments.

Fremantle, is a seaport in Swan County, Western Australia, at the mouth of the Swan River, 12 miles by rail southwest of Perth. It is the terminus of the Eastern railway and has a bustling industrial scene, with shipbuilding, soap making, saw milling, smelting, iron founding, furniture making, flour milling, brewing, and tanning as its main industries. The harbor has been made secure by building two long jetties and blasting away rocks at the entrance. Mail steamers from England, France, and Germany dock at the port. Fremantle became a municipality in 1871; however, there are now three separate municipalities—Fremantle, with a population of 14,704 in 1901; Fremantle East (2,494); and Fremantle North (3,246). At Rottnest Island, just off the harbor, there are government salt works, a governor's residence, as well as penal and reform establishments.

FRÉMIET, EMMANUEL (1824-  ), French sculptor, born in Paris, was a nephew and pupil of Rude; he chiefly devoted himself to animal sculpture and to equestrian statues in armour. His earliest work was in scientific lithography (osteology), and 97 for a while he served in times of adversity in the gruesome office of “painter to the Morgue.” In 1843 he sent to the Salon a study of a “Gazelle,” and after that date was very prolific in his works. His “Wounded Bear” and “Wounded Dog” were produced in 1850, and the Luxembourg Museum at once secured this striking example of his work. From 1855 to 1859 Frémiet was engaged on a series of military statuettes for Napoleon III. He produced his equestrian statue of “Napoleon I.” in 1868, and of “Louis d’Orléans” in 1869 (at the Château de Pierrefonds) and in 1874 the first equestrian statue of “Joan of Arc,” erected in the Place des Pyramides, Paris; this he afterwards (1889) replaced with another and still finer version. In the meanwhile he had exhibited his masterly “Gorilla and Woman” which won him a medal of honour at the Salon of 1887. Of the same character, and even more remarkable, is his “Ourang-Outangs and Borneo Savage” of 1895, a commission from the Paris Museum of Natural History. Frémiet also executed the statue of “St Michael” for the summit of the spire of the Église St Michel, and the equestrian statue of Velasquez for the Jardin de l’Infante at the Louvre. He became a member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1892, and succeeded Barye as professor of animal drawing at the Natural History Museum of Paris.

FRÉMIET, EMMANUEL (1824-  ), French sculptor, born in Paris, was a nephew and student of Rude. He mainly focused on animal sculptures and equestrian statues in armor. His earliest work was in scientific lithography (osteology), and for a time, he worked in the grim role of “painter to the Morgue.” In 1843, he submitted a study of a “Gazelle” to the Salon, and after that, he was very productive in his creations. His “Wounded Bear” and “Wounded Dog” were created in 1850, and the Luxembourg Museum quickly acquired this striking piece of his work. From 1855 to 1859, Frémiet worked on a series of military statuettes for Napoleon III. He produced his equestrian statue of “Napoleon I.” in 1868, and of “Louis d’Orléans” in 1869 (at the Château de Pierrefonds), and in 1874, he created the first equestrian statue of “Joan of Arc,” which was erected in the Place des Pyramides, Paris; he later (1889) replaced it with another, even more impressive version. Meanwhile, he showcased his masterful “Gorilla and Woman,” which earned him a medal of honor at the Salon of 1887. Even more remarkable is his “Ourang-Outangs and Borneo Savage” from 1895, commissioned by the Paris Museum of Natural History. Frémiet also created the statue of “St Michael” for the top of the spire of the Église St Michel and the equestrian statue of Velasquez for the Jardin de l’Infante at the Louvre. He became a member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1892, succeeding Barye as the professor of animal drawing at the Natural History Museum of Paris.

FRÉMONT, JOHN CHARLES (1813-1890), American explorer, soldier and political leader, was born in Savannah, Georgia, on the 21st of January 1813. His father, a native of France, died when the boy was in his sixth year, and his mother, a member of an aristocratic Virginia family, then removed to Charleston, South Carolina. In 1828, after a year’s special preparation, young Frémont entered the junior class of the college of Charleston, and here displayed marked ability, especially in mathematics; but his irregular attendance and disregard of college discipline led to his expulsion from the institution, which, however, conferred upon him a degree in 1836. In 1833 he was appointed teacher of mathematics on board the sloop of war “Natchez,” and was so engaged during a cruise along the South American coast which was continued for about two and a half years. Soon after returning to Charleston he was appointed professor of mathematics in the United States navy, but he chose instead to serve as assistant engineer of a survey undertaken chiefly for the purpose of finding a pass through the mountains for a proposed railway from Charleston to Cincinnati. In July 1838 he was appointed second lieutenant of Topographical Engineers in the United States army, and for the next three years he was assistant to the French explorer, Jean Nicholas Nicollet (1786-1843), employed by the war department to survey and map a large part of the country lying between the upper waters of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. In 1841 Frémont surveyed, for the government, the lower course of the Des Moines river. In the same year he married Jessie, the daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton of Missouri, and it was in no small measure through Benton’s influence with the government that Frémont was enabled to accomplish within the next few years the exploration of much of the territory between the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Ocean.

FRÉMONT, JOHN CHARLES (1813-1890), American explorer, soldier, and political leader, was born in Savannah, Georgia, on January 21, 1813. His father, originally from France, passed away when John was six, and his mother, from an aristocratic Virginia family, then moved to Charleston, South Carolina. In 1828, after a year of special preparation, young Frémont joined the junior class at the College of Charleston, where he showed exceptional talent, particularly in mathematics. However, his irregular attendance and lack of respect for college rules resulted in his expulsion, although the college later awarded him a degree in 1836. In 1833, he was appointed as a math teacher on the sloop of war “Natchez” and served during a cruise along the South American coast that lasted about two and a half years. Soon after returning to Charleston, he became a professor of mathematics in the United States Navy but opted to work as an assistant engineer on a survey primarily aimed at finding a route through the mountains for a proposed railroad from Charleston to Cincinnati. In July 1838, he was appointed second lieutenant of the Topographical Engineers in the U.S. Army, and for the next three years, he assisted the French explorer Jean Nicholas Nicollet (1786-1843), who was hired by the War Department to survey and map a significant portion of the land between the upper waters of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. In 1841, Frémont surveyed the lower section of the Des Moines River for the government. That same year, he married Jessie, the daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton of Missouri, and it was largely thanks to Benton’s influence with the government that Frémont was able to explore much of the territory between the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Ocean in the following years.

When the claim of the United States to the Oregon territory was being strengthened by occupation, Frémont was sent, at his urgent request, to explore the frontier beyond the Missouri river, and especially the Rocky Mountains in the vicinity of the South Pass, through which the American immigrants travelled. Within four months (1842) he surveyed the Pass and ascended to the summit of the highest of the Wind River Mountains, since known as Frémont’s Peak, and the interest aroused by his descriptions was such that in the next year he was sent on a second expedition to complete the survey across the continent along the line of travel from Missouri to the mouth of the Columbia river. This time he not only carried out his instructions but, by further explorations together with interesting descriptions, dispelled general ignorance with respect to the main features of the country W. of the Rocky Mountains: the Great Salt Lake, the Great Basin, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the fertile river basins of the Mexican province of California.

When the United States was solidifying its claim to the Oregon territory through occupation, Frémont was sent, at his urgent request, to explore the frontier beyond the Missouri River, particularly the Rocky Mountains near South Pass, which the American immigrants used. Within four months (1842), he surveyed the Pass and climbed to the summit of the highest Wind River Mountain, later known as Frémont’s Peak. The interest generated by his accounts was so significant that the following year he embarked on a second expedition to finish the survey across the continent, following the route from Missouri to the mouth of the Columbia River. This time, he not only fulfilled his mission but also, through further explorations and engaging descriptions, dispelled widespread ignorance about the key features of the land west of the Rocky Mountains: the Great Salt Lake, the Great Basin, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the fertile river valleys of the Mexican province of California.

His report of this expedition upon his return to Washington, D.C., in 1844, aroused much solicitude for California, which, it was feared, might, in the event of war then threatening between the United States and Mexico, be seized by Great Britain. In the spring of 1845 Frémont was despatched on a third expedition for the professed purposes of further exploring the Great Basin and the Pacific Coast, and of discovering the easiest lines of communication between them, as well as for the secret purpose of assisting the United States, in case of war with Mexico, to gain possession of California. He and his party of sixty-two arrived there in January 1846. Owing to the number of American immigrants who had settled in California, the Mexican authorities there became suspicious and hostile, and ordered Frémont out of the province. Instead of obeying he pitched his camp near the summit of a mountain overlooking Monterey, fortified his position, and raised the United States flag. A few days later he was proceeding toward the Oregon border when new instructions from Washington caused him to retrace his steps and, perhaps, to consider plans for provoking war. The extent of his responsibility for the events that ensued is not wholly clear, and has been the subject of much controversy; his defenders have asserted that he was not responsible for the seizure of Sonoma or for the so-called “Bear-Flag War”; and that he played a creditable part throughout. (For an opposite view see California.) Commodore John D. Sloat, after seizing Monterey, transferred his command to Commodore Robert Field Stockton (1795-1866), who made Frémont major of a battalion; and by January 1847 Stockton and Frémont completed the conquest of California. In the meantime General Stephen Watts Kearny (1794-1848) had been sent by the Government to conquer it and to establish a government. This created a conflict of authority between Stockton and Kearny, both of whom were Frémont’s superior officers. Stockton, ignoring Kearny, commissioned Frémont military commandant and governor. But Kearny’s authority being confirmed about the 1st of April, Frémont, for repeated acts of disobedience, was sent under arrest to Washington, where he was tried by court-martial, found guilty (January 1847) of mutiny, disobedience and conduct prejudicial to military discipline, and sentenced to dismissal from the service. President Polk approved of the verdict except as to mutiny, but remitted the penalty, whereupon Frémont resigned.

His report about this expedition when he returned to Washington, D.C., in 1844, sparked a lot of concern for California, which many feared could be taken by Great Britain if a war broke out between the United States and Mexico. In the spring of 1845, Frémont was sent on a third expedition with the stated goals of further exploring the Great Basin and the Pacific Coast, and finding the easiest routes between the two, along with a hidden agenda to help the United States take control of California if war with Mexico occurred. He and his team of sixty-two arrived there in January 1846. Due to the growing number of American immigrants in California, the Mexican authorities became wary and ordered Frémont to leave the area. Instead of complying, he set up camp near the top of a mountain overlooking Monterey, fortified his position, and raised the United States flag. A few days later, while heading toward the Oregon border, new orders from Washington led him to turn back and possibly consider plans to instigate conflict. His exact role in the events that followed is somewhat unclear and has sparked much debate; his supporters have claimed he wasn't responsible for the takeover of Sonoma or the so-called “Bear-Flag War” and that he acted honorably throughout. (For an opposing view see California.) Commodore John D. Sloat, after capturing Monterey, handed over command to Commodore Robert Field Stockton (1795-1866), who promoted Frémont to major of a battalion; by January 1847, Stockton and Frémont had successfully conquered California. Meanwhile, General Stephen Watts Kearny (1794-1848) had been sent by the Government to conquer it and set up a government, creating a clash of authority between Stockton and Kearny, both of whom were Frémont’s superiors. Ignoring Kearny, Stockton appointed Frémont as military commandant and governor. However, Kearny's authority was confirmed around April 1, and due to repeated acts of disobedience, Frémont was sent under arrest to Washington, where he faced a court-martial, was found guilty in January 1847 of mutiny, disobedience, and conduct harmful to military discipline, and was sentenced to be dismissed from service. President Polk agreed with the verdict except for the mutiny charge but reduced the penalty, at which point Frémont chose to resign.

With the mountain-traversed region he had been exploring acquired by the United States, Frémont was eager for a railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in October 1848 he set out at his own and Senator Benton’s expense to find passes for such a railway along a line westward from the headwaters of the Rio Grande. But he had not gone far when he was led astray by a guide, and after the loss of his entire outfit and several of his men, and intense suffering of the survivors from cold and hunger, he turned southward through the valley of the Rio Grande and then westward through the valley of the Gila into southern California. Late in the year 1853, however, he returned to the place where the guide had led him astray, found passes through the mountains to the westward between latitudes 37° and 38° N., and arrived in San Francisco early in May 1854. From the conclusion of his fourth expedition until March 1855, when he removed to New York city, he lived in California, and in December 1849 was elected one of the first two United States senators from the new state. But as he drew the short term, he served only from the 10th of September 1850 to the 3rd of March 1851. Although a candidate for re-election, he was defeated by the pro-slavery party. His opposition to slavery, however, together with his popularity—won by the successes, hardships and dangers of his exploring expeditions, and by his part in the conquest of California—led to his nomination, largely on the ground of “availability,” for the presidency in 1856 by the Republicans (this being their first presidential campaign), and by the National Americans or “Know-Nothings.” In the ensuing election he was defeated by James Buchanan by 174 to 114 electoral votes.

With the region he had been exploring now part of the United States, Frémont was eager to establish a railway connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific. In October 1848, he set out at his own expense and that of Senator Benton to find viable routes for this railway, heading west from the headwaters of the Rio Grande. However, he didn't get far before a guide misled him, resulting in the loss of his entire supplies and several of his men, leaving the survivors to endure severe cold and hunger. He then headed south through the Rio Grande Valley and west through the Gila Valley into southern California. By late 1853, he returned to the spot where he was misled, discovered mountain passes to the west between latitudes 37° and 38° N., and reached San Francisco by early May 1854. After completing his fourth expedition and until March 1855, when he moved to New York City, he lived in California. In December 1849, he was elected as one of the first two U.S. senators from the new state. However, since he had the shorter term, he served only from September 10, 1850, to March 3, 1851. Although he ran for re-election, he lost to the pro-slavery party. His opposition to slavery, combined with his popularity from the successes, hardships, and dangers of his explorations and his role in conquering California, led to him being nominated for the presidency in 1856 by the Republicans (their first presidential campaign) and by the National Americans or “Know-Nothings,” partly due to his perceived “availability.” In the subsequent election, he was defeated by James Buchanan by 174 to 114 electoral votes.

Soon after the Civil War began, Frémont was appointed major-general and placed in command of the western department 98 with headquarters at St Louis, but his lack of judgment and of administrative ability soon became apparent, the affairs of his department fell into disorder, and Frémont seems to have been easily duped by dishonest contractors whom he trusted. On the 30th of August 1861 he issued a proclamation in which he declared the property of Missourians in rebellion confiscated and their slaves emancipated. For this he was applauded by the radical Republicans, but his action was contrary to an act of congress of the 6th of August and to the policy of the Administration. On the 11th of September President Lincoln, who regarded the action as premature and who saw that it might alienate Kentucky and other border states, whose adherence he was trying to secure, annulled these declarations. Impelled by serious charges against Frémont, the president sent Montgomery Blair, the postmaster-general, and Montgomery C. Meigs, the quartermaster-general, to investigate the department; they reported that Frémont’s management was extravagant and inefficient; and in November he was removed. Out of consideration for the “Radicals,” however, Frémont was placed in command of the Mountain Department of Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. In the spring and summer of 1862 he co-operated with General N. P. Banks against “Stonewall” Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley, but showed little ability as a commander, was defeated by General Ewell at Cross Keys, and when his troops were united with those of Generals Banks and McDowell to form the Army of Virginia, of which General John Pope was placed in command, Frémont declined to serve under Pope, whom he outranked, and retired from active service. On the 31st of May 1864 he was nominated for the presidency by a radical faction of the Republican party, opposed to President Lincoln, but his following was so small that on the 21st of September he withdrew from the contest. From 1878 to 1881 he was governor of the territory of Arizona, and in the last year of his life he was appointed by act of congress a major-general and placed on the retired list. He died in New York on the 13th of July 1890.

Soon after the Civil War started, Frémont was appointed major general and put in charge of the western department with headquarters in St. Louis. However, his poor judgment and lack of administrative skills quickly became clear, leading to chaos in his department, and he was easily misled by dishonest contractors he trusted. On August 30, 1861, he issued a proclamation declaring the property of rebellious Missourians confiscated and their slaves freed. While radical Republicans praised him for this, it went against a congressional act from August 6 and the Administration's policy. On September 11, President Lincoln, viewing Frémont's actions as premature and worrying that it could drive away Kentucky and other border states he was trying to win over, overturned these declarations. Faced with serious accusations against Frémont, the president sent Postmaster General Montgomery Blair and Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs to investigate the department. They reported that Frémont’s management was wasteful and inefficient, leading to his removal in November. However, out of consideration for the "Radicals," Frémont was given command of the Mountain Department covering Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In the spring and summer of 1862, he worked alongside General N. P. Banks against “Stonewall” Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley but showed little skill as a commander, was defeated by General Ewell at Cross Keys, and when his troops merged with those of Generals Banks and McDowell to form the Army of Virginia under General John Pope, Frémont refused to serve under Pope, whom he outranked, and stepped back from active duty. On May 31, 1864, he was nominated for the presidency by a radical faction of the Republican Party opposed to President Lincoln, but his support was so minimal that he withdrew from the race on September 21. From 1878 to 1881, he served as governor of the Arizona territory, and in the last year of his life, he was appointed a major general and put on the retired list by congressional act. He died in New York on July 13, 1890.

See J. C. Frémont, Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1842, and to Oregon and North California, 1843-1844 (Washington, 1845); Frémont’s Memoirs of my Life (New York, 1887); and J. Bigelow, Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of John C. Frémont (New York, 1856).

See J. C. Frémont, Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1842, and to Oregon and North California, 1843-1844 (Washington, 1845); Frémont’s Memoirs of my Life (New York, 1887); and J. Bigelow, Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of John C. Frémont (New York, 1856).

FREMONT, a city and the county-seat of Dodge county, Nebraska, U.S.A., about 37 m. N.W. of Omaha, on the N. bank of the Platte river, which here abounds in picturesque bluffs and wooded islands. Pop. (1890) 6747; (1900) 7241 (1303 foreign-born); (1910) 8718. It is on the main line of the Union Pacific railway, on a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system, and on the main western line of the Chicago & North-Western railway, several branches of which (including the formerly independent Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and the Sioux City & Pacific) converge here. The city has an attractive situation and is beautifully shaded. It has a public library and is the seat of the Fremont College, Commercial Institute and School of Pharmacy (1875), a private institution. There is considerable local trade with the rich farming country of the Platte and Elkhorn valleys; and the wholesale grain interests are especially important. Among the manufactures are flour, carriages, saddlery, canned vegetables, furniture, incubators and beer. The city owns and operates its electric-lighting plant and water-works. Fremont was founded in 1856, and became the county-seat in 1860. It was chartered as a city (second-class) in 1871, and became a city of the first class in 1901.

FREMONT, is a city and the county seat of Dodge County, Nebraska, U.S.A., located about 37 miles northwest of Omaha, along the north bank of the Platte River, which is filled with scenic bluffs and wooded islands. Population: (1890) 6,747; (1900) 7,241 (1,303 foreign-born); (1910) 8,718. It’s situated on the main line of the Union Pacific Railway, on a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system, and along the primary western line of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, with several branches (including the formerly independent Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and the Sioux City & Pacific) meeting here. The city has a pleasant location and is well shaded. It features a public library and is home to Fremont College, the Commercial Institute, and the School of Pharmacy (established in 1875), which is a private institution. There is significant local trade with the prosperous farming regions of the Platte and Elkhorn valleys, and the wholesale grain sector is particularly important. Manufacturing includes flour, carriages, saddlery, canned vegetables, furniture, incubators, and beer. The city owns and runs its electric lighting plant and waterworks. Fremont was founded in 1856 and became the county seat in 1860. It was incorporated as a second-class city in 1871 and upgraded to a first-class city in 1901.

FREMONT, a city and the county-seat of Sandusky county, Ohio, U.S.A., on the Sandusky river, 30 m. S.E. of Toledo. Pop. (1890) 7141; (1900) 8439, of whom 1074 were foreign-born; (1910 census) 9939. Fremont is served by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Lake Shore Electric, the Lake Erie & Western, and the Wheeling & Lake Erie railways. The river is navigable to this point. Spiegel Grove, the former residence of Rutherford B. Hayes, is of interest, and the city has a public library (1873) and parks, in large measure the gifts of his uncle, Sardis Birchard. Fremont is situated in a good agricultural region; oil and natural gas abound in the vicinity; and the city has various manufactures, including boilers, electro-carbons, cutlery, bricks, agricultural implements, stoves and ranges, safety razors, carriage irons, sash, doors, blinds, furniture, beet sugar, canned vegetables, malt extract, garters and suspenders. The total factory product was valued at $2,833,385 in 1905, an increase of 23.4% over that of 1900. Fremont is on the site of a favourite abode of the Indians, and a trading post was at times maintained here; but the place is best known in history as the site of Fort Stephenson, erected during the War of 1812, and on the 2nd of August 1813 gallantly and successfully defended by Major George Croghan (1791-1849), with 160 men, against about 1000 British and Indians under Brigadier-General Henry A. Proctor. In 1906 Croghan’s remains were re-interred on the site of the old fort. Until 1849, when the present name was adopted in honour of J. C. Frémont, the place was known as Lower Sandusky; it was incorporated as a village in 1829 and was first chartered as a city in 1867.

FREMONT, a city and the county seat of Sandusky County, Ohio, U.S.A., located on the Sandusky River, 30 miles southeast of Toledo. Population: (1890) 7,141; (1900) 8,439, of whom 1,074 were foreign-born; (1910 census) 9,939. Fremont is serviced by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Lake Shore Electric, the Lake Erie & Western, and the Wheeling & Lake Erie railways. The river is navigable up to this point. Spiegel Grove, the former home of Rutherford B. Hayes, is notable, and the city has a public library (established in 1873) and parks, largely made possible by his uncle, Sardis Birchard. Fremont is located in a productive agricultural area; oil and natural gas are plentiful nearby; and the city has a variety of manufacturing activities, including boilers, electro-carbons, cutlery, bricks, agricultural tools, stoves and ranges, safety razors, carriage iron, sashes, doors, blinds, furniture, beet sugar, canned vegetables, malt extract, garters, and suspenders. The total factory output was valued at $2,833,385 in 1905, a 23.4% increase from 1900. Fremont was once a favored settlement for Native Americans, and a trading post was intermittently operated here; however, it is most famously known in history as the location of Fort Stephenson, built during the War of 1812, and on August 2, 1813, heroically defended by Major George Croghan (1791-1849) with 160 men against around 1,000 British and Native American forces led by Brigadier General Henry A. Proctor. In 1906, Croghan’s remains were reinterred at the site of the old fort. Until 1849, when it was renamed in honor of J. C. Frémont, the area was called Lower Sandusky; it was incorporated as a village in 1829 and was first chartered as a city in 1867.

FRÉMY, EDMOND (1814-1894), French chemist, was born at Versailles on the 29th of February 1814. Entering Gay-Lussac’s laboratory in 1831, he became préparateur at the École Polytechnique in 1834 and at the Collège de France in 1837. His next post was that of répétiteur at the École Polytechnique, where in 1846 he was appointed professor, and in 1850 he succeeded Gay-Lussac in the chair of chemistry at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, of which he was director, in succession to M. E. Chevreul, from 1879 to 1891. He died at Paris on the 3rd of February 1894. His work included investigations of osmic acid, of the ferrates, stannates, plumbates, &c., and of ozone, attempts to obtain free fluorine by the electrolysis of fused fluorides, and the discovery of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and of a series of acides sulphazotés, the precise nature of which long remained a matter of discussion. He also studied the colouring matters of leaves and flowers, the composition of bone, cerebral matter and other animal substances, and the processes of fermentation, in regard to the nature of which he was an opponent of Pasteur’s views. Keenly alive to the importance of the technical applications of chemistry, he devoted special attention as a teacher to the training of industrial chemists. In this field he contributed to our knowledge of the manufacture of iron and steel, sulphuric acid, glass and paper, and in particular worked at the saponification of fats with sulphuric acid and the utilization of palmitic acid for candle-making. In the later years of his life he applied himself to the problem of obtaining alumina in the crystalline form, and succeeded in making rubies identical with the natural gem not merely in chemical composition but also in physical properties.

FRÉMY, EDMOND (1814-1894), a French chemist, was born in Versailles on February 29, 1814. He joined Gay-Lussac’s lab in 1831 and became a preparer at the École Polytechnique in 1834 and at the Collège de France in 1837. His next role was as a répétiteur at the École Polytechnique, where he was appointed professor in 1846, and in 1850 he took over Gay-Lussac’s chair of chemistry at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, serving as director from 1879 to 1891 after M. E. Chevreul. He passed away in Paris on February 3, 1894. His research included studies on osmic acid, ferrates, stannates, plumbates, and ozone, attempts to produce free fluorine through the electrolysis of molten fluorides, and the discovery of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and a series of sulfonyl azo acids, the exact nature of which remained debated for a long time. He also explored the coloring substances of leaves and flowers, the composition of bone, brain matter, and other animal tissues, as well as fermentation processes, where he opposed Pasteur's theories. Recognizing the significance of practical chemistry, he focused on training industrial chemists as a teacher. In this area, he enhanced our understanding of manufacturing iron and steel, sulfuric acid, glass, and paper, and particularly worked on the saponification of fats with sulfuric acid and the use of palmitic acid in candle production. In his later years, he focused on creating alumina in crystalline form and succeeded in producing rubies that matched the natural gem in both chemical composition and physical properties.

FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER (1850-  ), American sculptor, was born at Exeter, New Hampshire, on the 20th of April 1850, the son of Henry Flagg French, a lawyer, who for a time was assistant-secretary of the United States treasury. After a year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, French spent a month in the studio of John Q. A. Ward, then began to work on commissions, and at the age of twenty-three received from the town of Concord, Massachusetts, an order for his well-known statue “The Minute Man,” which was unveiled (April 19, 1875) on the centenary of the battle of Concord. Previously French had gone to Florence, Italy, where he spent a year with Thomas Ball. French’s best-known work is “Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor,” a memorial for the tomb of the sculptor Martin Milmore, in the Forest Hills cemetery, Boston; this received a medal of honour at Paris, in 1900. Among his other works are: a monument to John Boyle O’Reilly, Boston; “Gen. Cass,” National Hall of Statuary, Washington; “Dr Gallaudet and his First Deaf-Mute Pupil,” Washington; the colossal “Statue of the Republic,” for the Columbian Exposition at Chicago; statues of Rufus Choate (Boston), John Harvard (Cambridge, Mass.), and Thomas Starr King (San Francisco, California), a memorial to the architect Richard M. Hunt, in Fifth Avenue, opposite the Lenox library, New York, and a large “Alma Mater,” near the approach to Columbia University, New York. In collaboration with Edward C. Potter he modelled the “Washington,” presented to France by the Daughters of the American Revolution; the “General Grant” in Fairmount Park, 99 Philadelphia, and the “General Joseph Hooker” in Boston. French became a member of the National Academy of Design (1901), the National Sculpture Society, the Architectural League, and the Accademia di San Luca, of Rome.

FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER (1850-  ), American sculptor, was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, on April 20, 1850. He was the son of Henry Flagg French, a lawyer who, for a time, served as assistant secretary of the United States Treasury. After spending a year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, French spent a month in the studio of John Q. A. Ward before starting to work on commissions. By the age of twenty-three, he received an order from the town of Concord, Massachusetts, for his famous statue “The Minute Man,” which was unveiled on April 19, 1875, marking the 100th anniversary of the battle of Concord. Before that, French had traveled to Florence, Italy, where he spent a year working with Thomas Ball. French’s most recognized work is “Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor,” a memorial for the tomb of the sculptor Martin Milmore, located in Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston; this piece earned a medal of honor in Paris in 1900. Other notable works include a monument to John Boyle O'Rielly in Boston, “Gen. Cass” at the National Hall of Statuary in Washington, “Dr. Gallaudet and His First Deaf-Mute Pupil” in Washington, and the colossal “Statue of the Republic” for the Columbian Exposition in Chicago. He also created statues of Rufus Choate (Boston), John Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts), and Thomas Starr King (San Francisco, California), a memorial to architect Richard M. Hunt on Fifth Avenue across from the Lenox Library in New York, and a large “Alma Mater” near the entrance of Columbia University, New York. In collaboration with Edward C. Potter, he modeled the “Washington,” presented to France by the Daughters of the American Revolution; the “General Grant” in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, and the “General Joseph Hooker” in Boston. French became a member of the National Academy of Design (1901), the National Sculpture Society, the Architectural League, and the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. 99

FRENCH, NICHOLAS (1604-1678), bishop of Ferns, was an Irish political pamphleteer, who was born at Wexford. He was educated at Louvain, and returning to Ireland became a priest at Wexford, and before 1646 was appointed bishop of Ferns. Having taken a prominent part in the political disturbances of this period, French deemed it prudent to leave Ireland in 1651, and the remainder of his life was passed on the continent of Europe. He acted as coadjutor to the archbishops of Santiago de Compostella and Paris, and to the bishop of Ghent, and died at Ghent on the 23rd of August 1678. In 1676 he published his attack on James Butler, marquess of Ormonde, entitled “The Unkinde Desertor of Loyall Men and True Frinds,” and shortly afterwards “The Bleeding Iphigenia.” The most important of his other pamphlets is the “Narrative of the Earl of Clarendon’s Settlement and Sale of Ireland” (Louvain, 1668).

FRENCH, NICHOLAS (1604-1678), bishop of Ferns, was an Irish political pamphleteer born in Wexford. He studied at Louvain, and after returning to Ireland, he became a priest in Wexford. Before 1646, he was appointed bishop of Ferns. Having played a significant role in the political unrest of that time, French decided it was wise to leave Ireland in 1651, and he spent the rest of his life on the European continent. He served as an assistant to the archbishops of Santiago de Compostela and Paris, as well as the bishop of Ghent, and he died in Ghent on August 23, 1678. In 1676, he published his critique of James Butler, the marquess of Ormonde, titled “The Unkinde Desertor of Loyall Men and True Frinds,” and soon after, “The Bleeding Iphigenia.” One of his most significant pamphlets is the “Narrative of the Earl of Clarendon’s Settlement and Sale of Ireland” (Louvain, 1668).

The Historical Works of Bishop French, comprising the three pamphlets already mentioned and some letters, were published by S. H. Bindon at Dublin in 1846. See T. D. McGee, Irish Writers of the 17th Century (Dublin, 1846); Sir J. T. Gilbert, Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland, 1641-1652 (Dublin, 1879-1880); and T. Carte, Life of James, Duke of Ormond (new ed., Oxford, 1851).

The Historical Works of Bishop French, which include the three previously mentioned pamphlets and some letters, were published by S. H. Bindon in Dublin in 1846. See T. D. McGee, Irish Writers of the 17th Century (Dublin, 1846); Sir J. T. Gilbert, Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland, 1641-1652 (Dublin, 1879-1880); and T. Carte, Life of James, Duke of Ormond (new ed., Oxford, 1851).

FRENCH CONGO, the general name of the French possessions in equatorial Africa. They have an area estimated at 700,000 sq. m., with a population, also estimated, of 6,000,000 to 10,000,000. The whites numbered (1906) 1278, of whom 502 were officials. French Congo, officially renamed French Equatorial Africa in 1910, comprises—(1) the Gabun Colony, (2) the Middle Congo Colony, (3) the Ubangi-Shari Circumscription, (4) the Chad Circumscription. The two last-named divisions form the Ubangi-Shari-Chad Colony.

FRENCH CONGO, is the general name for the French territories in equatorial Africa. They cover an area of about 700,000 square miles, with an estimated population of 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 people. There were 1,278 white residents in 1906, including 502 officials. French Congo was officially renamed French Equatorial Africa in 1910 and includes—(1) the Gabun Colony, (2) the Middle Congo Colony, (3) the Ubangi-Shari Circumscription, and (4) the Chad Circumscription. The last two divisions make up the Ubangi-Shari-Chad Colony.

The present article treats of French Congo as a unit. It is of highly irregular shape. It is bounded W. by the Atlantic, N. by the (Spanish) Muni River Settlements, the German colony of Cameroon and the Sahara, E. by the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and S. by Belgian Congo and the Portuguese territory of Kabinda. In the greater part of its length the southern frontier is the middle course of the Congo and the Ubangi and Mbomu, the chief northern affluents of that stream, but in the south-west the frontier keeps north of the Congo river, whose navigable lower course is partitioned between Belgium and Portugal. The coast line, some 600 m. long, extends from 5° S. to 1° N. The northern frontier, starting inland from the Muni estuary, after skirting the Spanish settlements follows a line drawn a little north of 2° N. and extending east to 16° E. North of this line the country is part of Cameroon, German territory extending so far inland from the Gulf of Guinea as to approach within 130 m. of the Ubangi. From the intersection of the lines named, at which point French Congo is at its narrowest, the frontier runs north and then east until the Shari is reached in 10° 40′ N. The Shari then forms the frontier up to Lake Chad, where French Congo joins the Saharan regions of French West Africa. The eastern frontier, separating the colony from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, is the water-parting between the Nile and the Congo. The Mahommedan sultanates of Wadai and Bagirmi occupy much of the northern part of French Congo (see Wadai and Bagirmi).

The current article discusses French Congo as a single entity. Its shape is quite irregular. It is bordered to the west by the Atlantic, to the north by the (Spanish) Muni River Settlements, the German colony of Cameroon, and the Sahara, to the east by the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and to the south by Belgian Congo and the Portuguese territory of Kabinda. For most of its length, the southern border follows the middle section of the Congo and the Ubangi and Mbomu rivers, which are the main northern tributaries of that river. However, in the southwestern area, the border runs north of the Congo River, whose navigable lower section is divided between Belgium and Portugal. The coastline, which is about 600 miles long, stretches from 5° S. to 1° N. The northern border begins inland from the Muni estuary, skirts the Spanish settlements, and follows a line slightly north of 2° N., extending east to 16° E. North of this line, the land belongs to Cameroon, a German territory that extends inland from the Gulf of Guinea, coming within 130 miles of the Ubangi. From the intersection of those lines, where French Congo is at its narrowest, the border runs north and then east until it reaches the Shari River at 10° 40′ N. The Shari then forms the border up to Lake Chad, where French Congo connects with the Saharan regions of French West Africa. The eastern border, which divides the colony from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, is defined by the water-parting between the Nile and the Congo. The Muslim sultanates of Wadai and Bagirmi occupy much of the northern region of French Congo (see Wadai and Bagirmi).

Physical Features.—The coast line, beginning in the north at Corisco Bay, is shortly afterwards somewhat deeply indented by the estuary of the Gabun, south of which the shore runs in a nearly straight line until the delta of the Ogowé is reached, where Cape Lopez projects N.W. From this point the coast trends uniformly S.E. without presenting any striking features, though the Bay of Mayumba, the roadstead of Loango, and the Pointe Noire may be mentioned. A large proportion of the coast region is occupied by primeval forest, with trees rising to a height of 150 and 200 ft., but there is a considerable variety of scenery—open lagoons, mangrove swamps, scattered clusters of trees, park-like reaches, dense walls of tangled underwood along the rivers, prairies of tall grass and patches of cultivation. Behind the coast region is a ridge which rises from 3000 to 4500 ft., called the Crystal Mountains, then a plateau with an elevation varying from 1500 to 2800 ft., cleft with deep river-valleys, the walls of which are friable, almost vertical, and in some places 760 ft. high.

Physical Features.—The coastline starts in the north at Corisco Bay and soon becomes deeply indented by the estuary of the Gabun. South of this, the shore runs in a nearly straight line until it reaches the delta of the Ogowé, where Cape Lopez juts out to the northwest. From this point, the coast trends consistently southeast without any notable features, although the Bay of Mayumba, the roadstead of Loango, and Pointe Noire are worth mentioning. A large part of the coastal region is covered by ancient forests, with trees reaching heights of 150 to 200 feet, but the scenery is quite varied—open lagoons, mangrove swamps, scattered groups of trees, park-like areas, dense thickets along the rivers, prairies of tall grass, and cultivated patches. Behind the coastline is a ridge known as the Crystal Mountains, rising from 3000 to 4500 feet, followed by a plateau with elevations ranging from 1500 to 2800 feet, marked by deep river valleys, whose walls are soft, nearly vertical, and in some places reach heights of 760 feet.

The coast rivers flowing into the Atlantic cross four terraces. On the higher portion of the plateau their course is over bare sand; on the second terrace, from 1200 to 2000 ft. high, it is over wide grassy tracts; then, for some 100 m., the rivers pass through virgin forest, and, lastly, they cross the shore region, which is about 10 m. broad. The rivers which fall directly into the Atlantic are generally unnavigable. The most important, the Ogowé (q.v.), is, however, navigable from its mouth to N’Jole, a distance of 235 m. Rivers to the south of the Ogowé are the Nyanga, 120 m. long, and the Kwilu. The latter, 320 m. in length, is formed by the Kiasi and the Luété; it has a very winding course, flowing by turns from north to south, from east to west, from south to north-west and from north to south-west. It is encumbered with rocks and eddies, and is navigable only over 38 m., and for five months in the year. The mouth is 1100 ft. wide. The Muni river, the northernmost in the colony, is obstructed by cataracts in its passage through the escarpment to the coast.

The coastal rivers flowing into the Atlantic cross four terraces. On the upper part of the plateau, their path is over bare sand; on the second terrace, which is between 1200 to 2000 ft. high, it moves over wide grassy areas; then, for about 100 m., the rivers flow through untouched forest, and finally, they pass through the coastal region, which is about 10 m. wide. The rivers that flow directly into the Atlantic are usually not navigable. The most significant one, the Ogowé (q.v.), is navigable from its mouth to N’Jole, a distance of 235 m. The rivers south of the Ogowé include the Nyanga, which is 120 m. long, and the Kwilu. The latter, stretching 320 m., is formed by the Kiasi and the Luété; it has a very winding route, flowing alternately from north to south, east to west, south to northwest, and north to southwest. It's filled with rocks and whirlpools, and it's only navigable for 38 m., and for five months of the year. The mouth is 1100 ft. wide. The Muni River, the northernmost in the colony, is blocked by waterfalls as it passes through the escarpment to the coast.

Nearly all the upper basin of the Shari (q.v.) as well as the right bank of the lower river is within French Congo. The greater part of the country belongs, however, to the drainage area of the Congo river. In addition to the northern banks of the Mbomu and Ubangi, 330 m. of the north shore of the Congo itself are in the French protectorate as well as numerous subsidiary streams. For some 100 m. however, the right bank of the Sanga, the most important of these subsidiary streams, is in German territory (see Congo).

Nearly all of the upper basin of the Shari (q.v.) and the right bank of the lower river are part of French Congo. However, most of the country is within the Congo River's drainage area. Along with the northern banks of the Mbomu and Ubangi, 330 miles of the north shore of the Congo itself are in the French protectorate, along with several smaller streams. For about 100 miles, though, the right bank of the Sanga, which is the most significant of these smaller streams, is in German territory (see Congo).

Geology.—Three main divisions are recognized in the French Congo:—(1) the littoral zone, covered with alluvium and superficial deposits and underlain by Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks; (2) the mountain zone of the Crystal Mountains, composed of granite, metamorphic and ancient sediments; (3) the plateau of the northern portion of the Congo basin, occupied by Karroo sandstones. The core of the Crystal Mountains consists of granite and schists. 100 Infolded with them, and on the flanks, are three rock systems ascribed to the Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous. These are unfossiliferous, but fossils of Devonian age occur on the Congo (see Congo Free State). Granite covers wide areas north-west of the Crystal Mountains. The plateau sandstones lie horizontally and consist of a lower red sandstone group and an upper white sandstone group. They have not yielded fossils. Limestones of Lower Cretaceous age, with Schloenbachia inflata, occur north of the Gabun and in the Ogowé basin. Marls and limestones with fossils of an Eocene facies overlie the Cretaceous rocks on the Gabun. A superficial iron-cemented sand, erroneously termed laterite, covers large areas in the littoral zone, on the flanks of the mountains and on the high plateau.

Geology.—Three main divisions are recognized in the French Congo: (1) the coastal zone, covered with alluvium and surface deposits, underlined by Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks; (2) the mountain zone of the Crystal Mountains, made up of granite, metamorphic, and ancient sediments; (3) the plateau in the northern part of the Congo basin, consisting of Karroo sandstones. The core of the Crystal Mountains is composed of granite and schists. 100 Alongside them, and on the sides, are three rock systems attributed to the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous. These are devoid of fossils, but Devonian age fossils can be found in the Congo (see Congo Free State). Granite covers large areas northwest of the Crystal Mountains. The plateau sandstones are laid horizontally and consist of a lower red sandstone group and an upper white sandstone group. They haven't produced fossils. Lower Cretaceous age limestones, containing Schloenbachia inflata, are found north of the Gabun and in the Ogowé basin. Marls and limestones with fossils from an Eocene facies lie over the Cretaceous rocks in Gabun. A surface layer of iron-cemented sand, incorrectly referred to as laterite, covers extensive areas in the coastal zone, on the mountain slopes, and on the high plateau.

Climate.—The whole of the country being in the equatorial region, the climate is everywhere very hot and dangerous for Europeans. On the coast four seasons are distinguished: the dry season (15th of May to 15th of September), the rainy season (15th of September to 15th of January), then a second dry season (15th of January to 1st of March), and a second rainy season (1st of March to 15th of May). The rainfall at Libreville is about 96 in. a year.

Climate.—Since the entire country is located in the equatorial region, the climate is consistently very hot and poses risks for Europeans. Along the coast, there are four distinct seasons: the dry season (from May 15th to September 15th), the rainy season (from September 15th to January 15th), a second dry season (from January 15th to March 1st), and a second rainy season (from March 1st to May 15th). The annual rainfall in Libreville is approximately 96 inches.

Flora and Fauna.—The elephant, the hippopotamus, the crocodile and several kinds of apes—including the chimpanzee and the rare gorilla—are the most noteworthy larger animals; the birds are various and beautiful—grey parrots, shrikes, fly-catchers, rhinoceros birds, weaver birds (often in large colonies on the palm-trees), ice-birds, from the Cecyle Sharpii to the dwarfish Alcedo cristata, butterfly finches, and helmet-birds (Turacus giganteus), as well as more familiar types. Snakes are extremely common. The curious climbing-fish, which frequents the mangroves, the Protopterus or lung-fish, which lies in the mud in a state of lethargy during the dry season, the strange and poisonous Tetrodon guttifer, and the herring-like Pellona africana, often caught in great shoals—are the more remarkable of the fishes. Oysters are got in abundance from the lagoons, and the huge Cardisoma armatum or heart-crab is fattened for table. Fireflies, mosquitoes and sandflies are among the most familiar forms of insect life. A kind of ant builds very striking bent-house or umbrella-shaped nests rising on the tree trunks one above the other.

Flora and Fauna.—The elephant, the hippopotamus, the crocodile, and several types of apes—including the chimpanzee and the rare gorilla—are the most notable larger animals. The birds are diverse and beautiful—grey parrots, shrikes, flycatchers, rhinoceros birds, weaver birds (often found in large colonies on palm trees), ice-birds, from the Cecyle Sharpii to the small Alcedo cristata, butterfly finches, and helmet-birds (Turacus giganteus), along with more familiar species. Snakes are extremely common. The interesting climbing fish, which inhabit the mangroves, the Protopterus or lungfish, which lies dormant in the mud during the dry season, the unusual and poisonous Tetrodon guttifer, and the herring-like Pellona africana, often caught in large schools—are some of the more remarkable fish. Oysters are plentiful in the lagoons, and the large Cardisoma armatum or heart-crab is raised for food. Fireflies, mosquitoes, and sandflies are among the most common types of insects. A certain type of ant builds distinctive bent-house or umbrella-shaped nests stacked on the tree trunks, one above the other.

Among the more characteristic forms of vegetation are baobabs, silk-cotton trees, screw-pines and palms—especially Hyphaene guineensis (a fan-palm), Raphia (the wine-palm), and Elaeis guineensis (the oil-palm). Anonaceous plants (notably Anona senegalensis), and the pallabanda, an olive-myrtle-like tree, are common in the prairies; the papyrus shoots up to a height of 20 ft. along the rivers; the banks are fringed by the cottony Hibiscus tiliaceus, ipomaeas and fragrant jasmines; and the thickets are bound together in one inextricable mass by lianas of many kinds. In the upper Shari region, and that of the Kotto tributary of the Ubangi, are species of the coffee tree, one species attaining a height of over 60 ft. Its bean resembles that of Abyssinian coffee of medium quality. Among the fruit trees are the mango and the papaw, the orange and the lemon. Negro-pepper (a variety of capsicum) and ginger grow wild.

Among the more typical types of vegetation are baobabs, silk-cotton trees, screw-pines, and palms—especially Hyphaene guineensis (a fan palm), Raphia (the wine palm), and Elaeis guineensis (the oil palm). Anonaceous plants (notably Anona senegalensis) and the pallabanda, a tree similar to olive myrtle, are common in the grasslands; the papyrus grows up to 20 ft. tall along the rivers; the banks are lined with fluffy Hibiscus tiliaceus, ipomoeas, and fragrant jasmines; and the thickets are intertwined in a dense web of various lianas. In the upper Shari region and that of the Kotto tributary of the Ubangi, there are species of the coffee tree, with one species reaching over 60 ft. tall. Its beans are similar to those of medium-quality Abyssinian coffee. Among the fruit trees are mango, papaw, orange, and lemon. Negro-pepper (a type of capsicum) and ginger grow wild.

Inhabitants and Chief Towns.—A census, necessarily imperfect, taken in 1906 showed a total population, exclusive of Wadai, of 3,652,000, divided in districts as follows:—Gabun, 376,000; Middle Congo, 259,000; Ubangi-Shari, 2,130,000; Chad, 885,000. The country is peopled by diverse negro races, and, in the regions bordering Lake Chad and in Wadai, by Fula, Hausa, Arabs and semi-Arab tribes. Among the best-known tribes living in French Congo are the Fang (Fans), the Bakalai, the Batekes and the Zandeh or Niam-Niam. Several of the tribes are cannibals and among many of them the fetish worship characteristic of the West African negroes prevails. Their civilization is of a low order. In the northern regions the majority of the inhabitants are Mahommedans, and it is only in those districts that organized and powerful states exist. Elsewhere the authority of a chief or “king” extends, ordinarily, little beyond the village in which he lives. (An account of the chief tribes is given under their names.) The European inhabitants are chiefly of French nationality, and are for the most part traders, officials and missionaries.

Inhabitants and Chief Towns.—An imperfect census taken in 1906 showed a total population, excluding Wadai, of 3,652,000, distributed among the districts as follows: Gabun, 376,000; Middle Congo, 259,000; Ubangi-Shari, 2,130,000; Chad, 885,000. The country is home to various African ethnic groups, and in the areas around Lake Chad and Wadai, there are Fula, Hausa, Arabs, and semi-Arab tribes. Among the well-known tribes in French Congo are the Fang (Fans), the Bakalai, the Batekes, and the Zandeh or Niam-Niam. Some tribes practice cannibalism, and many of them engage in fetish worship, typical of West African cultures. Their level of civilization is quite low. In the northern regions, most inhabitants are Muslims, and organized, powerful states are found only in those areas. In other places, a chief or "king's" authority usually extends little beyond the village where he lives. (Details about the major tribes can be found under their names.) The European population primarily consists of French nationals, mostly traders, officials, and missionaries.

The chief towns are Libreville (capital of the Gabun colony) with 3000 inhabitants; Brazzaville, on the Congo on the north side of Stanley Pool (opposite the Belgian capital of Leopoldville), the seat of the governor-general; Franceville, on the upper Ogowé; Loango, an important seaport in 4° 39′ S.; N’Jole, a busy trading centre on the lower Ogowé; Chekna, capital of Bagirmi, which forms part of the Chad territory; Abeshr, the capital of Wadai, Bangi on the Ubangi river, the administrative capital of the Ubangi-Shari-Chad colony. Kunde, Lame and Binder are native trading centres near the Cameroon frontier.

The main towns are Libreville (the capital of the Gabun colony) with 3,000 residents; Brazzaville, located on the Congo on the north side of Stanley Pool (across from the Belgian capital of Leopoldville), which is the seat of the governor-general; Franceville, situated on the upper Ogowé; Loango, a significant seaport at 4° 39′ S.; N’Jole, a busy trading hub on the lower Ogowé; Chekna, the capital of Bagirmi, a part of the Chad territory; Abeshr, the capital of Wadai; and Bangi on the Ubangi river, the administrative capital of the Ubangi-Shari-Chad colony. Kunde, Lame, and Binder are local trading centers near the Cameroon border.

Communications.—The rivers are the chief means of internal communication. Access to the greater part of the colony is obtained by ocean steamers to Matadi on the lower Congo, and thence round the falls by the Congo railway to Stanley Pool. From Brazzaville on Stanley Pool there is 680 m. of uninterrupted steam navigation N.E. into the heart of Africa, 330 m. being on the Congo and 350 m. on the Ubangi. The farthest point reached is Zongo, where rapids block the river, but beyond that port there are several navigable stretches of the Ubangi, and for small vessels access to the Nile is possible by means of the Bahr-el-Ghazal tributaries. The Sanga, which joins the Congo, 270 m. above Brazzaville, can be navigated by steamers for 350 m., i.e. up to and beyond the S.E. frontier of the German colony of Cameroon. The Shari is also navigable for a considerable distance and by means of its affluent, the Logone, connects with the Benue and Niger, affording a waterway between the Gulf of Guinea and Lake Chad. Stores for government posts in the Chad territory are forwarded by this route. There is, however, no connecting link between the coast rivers—Gabun, Ogowé and Kwilu and the Congo system. A railway, about 500 m. long, from the Gabun to the Sanga is projected and the surveys for the purpose made. Another route surveyed for a railway is that from Loango to Brazzaville. A narrow-gauge line, 75 m. long, from Brazzaville to Mindule in the cataracts region was begun in November 1908, the first railway to be built in French Congo. The district served by the line is rich in copper and other minerals. From Wadai a caravan route across the Sahara leads to Bengazi on the shores of the Mediterranean. Telegraph lines connect Loango with Brazzaville and Libreville, there is telegraphic communication with Europe by submarine cable, and steamship communication between Loango and Libreville and Marseilles, Bordeaux, Liverpool and Hamburg.

Communications.—The rivers are the main way to get around within the region. Most of the colony can be reached by ocean steamers that go to Matadi on the lower Congo, and from there, travelers transfer to the Congo railway to get past the falls and reach Stanley Pool. From Brazzaville at Stanley Pool, there’s 680 miles of continuous steam navigation heading northeast into the heart of Africa; 330 miles are on the Congo and 350 miles are on the Ubangi. The furthest point accessible is Zongo, where rapids block the river, but beyond that port, there are several navigable sections of the Ubangi, and small vessels can access the Nile through the Bahr-el-Ghazal tributaries. The Sanga River, which joins the Congo 270 miles above Brazzaville, can be navigated by steamers for 350 miles, meaning up to and beyond the southeastern border of the German colony of Cameroon. The Shari River is also navigable for a good distance and links to the Benue and Niger rivers through its tributary, the Logone, creating a waterway between the Gulf of Guinea and Lake Chad. Supplies for government posts in the Chad territory are sent through this route. However, there is no direct connection between the coastal rivers—Gabun, Ogowé, and Kwilu—and the Congo system. There are plans for a railway, about 500 miles long, from Gabun to the Sanga, and surveys have been conducted for this. Another surveyed route for a railway goes from Loango to Brazzaville. A narrow-gauge line, 75 miles long, from Brazzaville to Mindule in the cataracts region began construction in November 1908, being the first railway built in French Congo. The area served by this line is rich in copper and other minerals. From Wadai, a caravan route crosses the Sahara to Bengazi on the Mediterranean coast. Telegraph lines connect Loango with Brazzaville and Libreville, there is telegraphic communication with Europe via submarine cable, and steamship communication between Loango and Libreville, as well as with Marseilles, Bordeaux, Liverpool, and Hamburg.

Trade and Agriculture.—The chief wealth of the colony consists in the products of its forests and in ivory. The natives, in addition to manioc, their principal food, cultivate bananas, ground nuts and tobacco. On plantations owned by Europeans coffee, cocoa and vanilla are grown. European vegetables are raised easily. Gold, iron and copper are found. Copper ores have been exported from Mindule since 1905. The chief exports are rubber and ivory, next in importance coming palm nuts and palm oil, ebony and other woods, coffee, cocoa and copal. The imports are mainly cotton and metal goods, spirits and foodstuffs. In the Gabun and in the basin of the Ogowé the French customs tariff, with some modifications, prevails, but in the Congo basin, that is, in the greater part of the country, by virtue of international agreements, no discrimination can be made between French and other merchandise, whilst customs duties must not exceed 10% ad valorem.1 In the Shari basin and in Wadai the Anglo-French declaration of March 1899 accorded for thirty years equal treatment to British and French goods. The value of the trade rose in the ten years 1896-1905 from £360,000 to £850,000, imports and exports being nearly equal. The bulk of the export trade is with Great Britain, which takes most of the rubber, France coming second and Germany third. The imports are in about equal proportions from France and foreign countries.

Trade and Agriculture.—The main wealth of the colony comes from its forest products and ivory. The locals mainly grow manioc for food, along with bananas, groundnuts, and tobacco. European-owned plantations cultivate coffee, cocoa, and vanilla. It's also easy to grow European vegetables here. There are deposits of gold, iron, and copper. Copper ores have been shipped from Mindule since 1905. The top exports are rubber and ivory, followed by palm nuts, palm oil, ebony and other types of wood, coffee, cocoa, and copal. The main imports are cotton, metal goods, alcoholic beverages, and food. In Gabun and the Ogowé basin, the French customs tariff applies with some changes, but in the Congo basin, which covers most of the country, international agreements prevent discrimination between French and other goods, and customs duties can't exceed 10% ad valorem. 1 In the Shari basin and Wadai, the Anglo-French declaration of March 1899 provided equal treatment for British and French goods for thirty years. The value of trade increased from £360,000 to £850,000 between 1896 and 1905, with imports and exports being nearly equal. Most of the export trade goes to Great Britain, which buys most of the rubber, followed by France and Germany. Imports come in roughly equal amounts from France and other countries.

Land Tenure. The Concessions Régime.—Land held by the natives is governed by tribal law, but the state only recognizes native ownership in land actually occupied by the aborigines. The greater part of the country is considered a state domain. Land held by Europeans is subject to the Civil Code of France except such estates as have been registered under the terms of a decree of the 28th of March 1899, when, registration having been effected, the title to the land is guaranteed by the state. Nearly the whole of the colony has been divided since 1899 into large estates held by limited liability companies to whom has been granted the sole right of exploiting the land leased to them. The companies holding concessions numbered in 1904 about forty, with a combined capital of over £2,000,000, whilst the concessions varied in size from 425 sq. m. to 54,000 sq. m. One effect of the granting of concessions was the rapid decline in the business of non-concessionaire traders, of whom the most important were Liverpool merchants established in the Gabun before the advent of the French. As by the Act of Berlin of 1885, to which all the European powers were signatories, equality of treatment in commercial affairs was guaranteed to all nations in the Congo basin, protests were raised against the terms of the concessions. The reply was that the critics confused the exercise of the right of proprietorship with the act of commerce, and that in no country was the landowner who farmed his land and sold the produce regarded as a merchant. Various decisions by the judges of the colony during 1902 and 1903 and by the French cour de cassation in 1905 confirmed that contention. The action of the companies was, however, in most cases, neither beneficial to the country nor financially successful, whilst the native cultivators resented the prohibition of their trading direct with their former customers. The case of the Liverpool traders was taken up by the British government and it was agreed that the dispute should be settled by arbitration. In September 1908 the French government issued a decree reorganizing and rendering more stringent the control exercised by the local authorities over the concession companies, especially in matters concerning the rights of natives and the liberty of commerce.

Land Tenure. The Concessions Régime.—Land owned by the natives is governed by tribal law, but the state only recognizes native ownership of land that is actually occupied by the indigenous peoples. Most of the country is considered state property. Land owned by Europeans is regulated by the Civil Code of France, except for estates registered under the decree from March 28, 1899, which guarantees the title to the land once registration is completed. Since 1899, nearly the entire colony has been divided into large estates owned by limited liability companies that have been granted exclusive rights to exploit the land leased to them. By 1904, there were about forty companies holding concessions, with a combined capital of over £2,000,000, and the size of the concessions ranged from 425 sq. m. to 54,000 sq. m. One consequence of granting concessions was the rapid decline in business for non-concessionaire traders, notably the Liverpool merchants established in Gabun before the French arrived. According to the Berlin Act of 1885, which all European powers signed, equality in commercial dealings was guaranteed for all nations in the Congo basin, leading to protests against the conditions of the concessions. The response was that critics confused the rights of ownership with business operations, claiming that in no country is a landowner who farms their land and sells the produce considered a merchant. Various rulings by the colony's judges in 1902 and 1903 and by the French cour de cassation in 1905 supported that view. However, the actions of these companies were generally neither beneficial to the country nor financially successful, and native farmers were unhappy about being prohibited from trading directly with their former customers. The situation concerning the Liverpool traders was taken up by the British government, and it was agreed that arbitration would resolve the dispute. In September 1908, the French government issued a decree that reorganized and tightened the control that local authorities had over the concession companies, particularly regarding the rights of natives and the freedom of commerce.

History.—The Gabun was visited in the 15th century by the Portuguese explorers, and it became one of the chief seats of the slave trade. It was not, however, till well on in the 19th century that Europeans made any more permanent settlement than was absolutely necessary for the maintenance of their commerce. In 1839 Captain (afterwards Admiral) Bouët-Willaumez obtained for France the right of residence on the left bank, and in 1842 he secured better positions on the right bank. The primary object of the French settlement was to secure a 101 port wherein men-of-war could revictual. The chief establishment, Libreville, was founded in 1849, with negroes taken from a slave ship. The settlement in time acquired importance as a trading port. In 1867 the troops numbered about 1000, and the civil population about 5000, while the official reports about the same date claimed for the whole colony an area of 8000 sq. m. and a population of 186,000. Cape Lopez had been ceded to France in 1862, and the colony’s coast-line extended, nominally, to a length of 200 m. In consequence of the war with Germany the colony was practically abandoned in 1871, the establishment at Libreville being maintained as a coaling depot merely. In 1875, however, France again turned her attention to the Gabun estuary, the hinterland of which had already been partly explored. Paul du Chaillu penetrated (1855-1859 and 1863-1865) to the south of the Ogowé; Walker, an English merchant, explored the Ngunye, an affluent of the Ogowé, in 1866. In 1872-1873 Alfred Marche, a French naturalist, and the marquis de Compiègne2 explored a portion of the Ogowé basin, but it was not until the expedition of 1875-1878 that the country east of the Ogowé was reached. This expedition was led by Savorgnan de Brazza (q.v.), who was accompanied by Dr Noel Eugène Ballay, and, for part of the time, by Marche. De Brazza’s expedition, which was compelled to remain for many months at several places, ascended the Ogowé over 400 m., and beyond the basin of that stream discovered the Alima, which was, though the explorers were ignorant of the fact, a tributary of the Congo. From the Alima, de Brazza and Ballay turned north and finally reached the Gabun in November 1878, the journey being less fruitful in results than the time it occupied would indicate. Returning to Europe, de Brazza learned that H. M. Stanley had revealed the mystery of the Congo, and in his next journey, begun December 1879, the French traveller undertook to find a way to the Congo above the rapids via the Ogowé. In this he was successful, and in September 1880 reached Stanley Pool, on the north side of which Brazzaville was subsequently founded. Returning to the Gabun by the lower Congo, de Brazza met Stanley. Both explorers were nominally in the service of the International African Association (see Congo Free State), De Brazza’s treaties. but de Brazza in reality acted solely in the interests of France and concluded treaties with Makoko, “king of the Batekes,” and other chieftains, placing very large areas under the protection of that country. The conflicting claims of the Association (which became the Congo Free State) and France were adjusted by a convention signed in February 1885.3 In the meantime de Brazza and Ballay had more fully explored the country behind the coast regions of Gabun and Loango, the last-named seaport being occupied by France in 1883. The conclusion of agreements with Germany (December 1885 and February-March 1894) and with Portugal (May 1886) secured France in the possession of the western portion of the colony as it now exists, whilst an arrangement with the Congo Free State in 1887 settled difficulties which had arisen in the Ubangi district.

History.—The Gabun was visited in the 15th century by Portuguese explorers and became one of the main centers of the slave trade. However, it wasn't until the 19th century that Europeans made any more permanent settlements beyond what was necessary for trade. In 1839, Captain (later Admiral) Bouët-Willaumez secured for France the right to reside on the left bank, and in 1842, he obtained better positions on the right bank. The main goal of the French settlement was to secure a port where warships could resupply. The main establishment, Libreville, was founded in 1849 with people taken from a slave ship. Over time, the settlement grew in importance as a trading port. By 1867, the troops numbered around 1,000, and the civilian population was about 5,000, while official reports from around that same time estimated the whole colony's area at 8,000 sq. m. and a population of 186,000. Cape Lopez was ceded to France in 1862, and the coastline of the colony extended, nominally, to 200 miles. Due to the war with Germany, the colony was mostly abandoned in 1871, with Libreville being maintained merely as a coaling depot. However, in 1875, France refocused its attention on the Gabun estuary, which had already been partially explored. Paul du Chaillu explored south of the Ogowé from 1855 to 1859 and again from 1863 to 1865; Walker, an English merchant, explored the Ngunye, a tributary of the Ogowé, in 1866. Between 1872 and 1873, Alfred Marche, a French naturalist, and the marquis de Compiègne explored a section of the Ogowé basin, but it wasn’t until the expedition from 1875 to 1878 that the region east of the Ogowé was accessed. This expedition was led by Savorgnan de Brazza (q.v.), who was joined by Dr. Noel Eugène Ballay and, for part of the time, by Marche. De Brazza's expedition, which was required to stay for many months in several locations, navigated over 400 miles up the Ogowé and, beyond that river's basin, discovered the Alima, which was, unknown to the explorers, a tributary of the Congo. From the Alima, de Brazza and Ballay headed north and finally reached the Gabun in November 1878, although the findings of their journey were less substantial than one might expect given the duration of their travels. Upon returning to Europe, de Brazza discovered that H. M. Stanley had uncovered the Congo's secrets, and in his next journey, which began in December 1879, the French traveler aimed to find a route to the Congo above the rapids via the Ogowé. He succeeded and reached Stanley Pool in September 1880, after which Brazzaville was established on the north side. On his way back to the Gabun via the lower Congo, de Brazza encountered Stanley. Both explorers worked nominally for the International African Association (see Congo Free State), De Brazza's agreements. but de Brazza was actually acting solely in France’s interests and signed treaties with Makoko, “king of the Batekes,” and other leaders, placing vast areas under France's protection. The conflicting claims of the Association (which became the Congo Free State) and France were resolved by a convention signed in February 1885.3 Meanwhile, de Brazza and Ballay had further explored the areas behind the coastal regions of Gabun and Loango, with the latter port being occupied by France in 1883. Agreements with Germany (December 1885 and February-March 1894) and Portugal (May 1886) secured France's control of the western part of the colony as it exists today, while an arrangement with the Congo Free State in 1887 resolved issues that had arisen in the Ubangi district.

The extension of French influence northward towards Lake Chad and eastward to the verge of the basin of the Nile followed, though not without involving the country in serious disputes with the other European powers possessing rights in The advance towards the Nile: Fashoda. those regions. By creating the posts of Bangi (1890), Wesso and Abiras (1891), France strengthened her hold over the Ubangi and the Sanga. But at the same time the Congo Free State passed the parallel of 4° N.—which, after the compromise of 1887, France had regarded as the southern boundary of her possessions—and, occupying the sultanate of Bangasso (north of the Ubangi river), pushed on as far as 9° N. The dispute which ensued was only settled in 1894 and after the signature of the convention between Great Britain and the Congo State of the 12th of May of that year, against which both the German and the French governments protested, the last named because it erected a barrier against the extension of French territory to the Nile valley. By a compromise of the 14th of August the boundary was definitely drawn and, in accordance with this pact, which put the frontier back to about 4° N., France from 1895 to 1897 took possession of the upper Ubangi, with Bangasso, Rafai and Zemio. Then began the French encroachment on the Bahr-el-Ghazal; the Marchand expedition, despatched to the support of Victor Liotard, the lieutenant-governor of the upper Ubangi, reached Tambura in July 1897 and Fashoda in July 1898. A dispute with Great Britain arose, and it was decided that the expedition should evacuate Fashoda. The declaration of the 21st of March 1899 finally terminated the dispute, fixing the eastern frontier of the French colony as already stated. Thus, after the Franco-Spanish treaty of June 1900 settling the limits of the Spanish territory on the coast, the boundaries of the French Congo on all its frontiers were determined in broad outline. The Congo-Cameroon frontier was precisely defined by another Franco-German agreement in April 1908, following a detailed survey made by joint commissioners in 1905 and 1906. For a comprehensive description of these international rivalries see Africa, § 5, and for the conquest of the Chad regions see Bagirmi and Rabah Zobeir. In the other portions of the colony French rule was accepted by the natives, for the most part, peaceably. For the relations of France with Wadai see that article.

The expansion of French influence northward towards Lake Chad and eastward to the edge of the Nile basin occurred, but it led to serious conflicts with other European powers that held rights in The move toward the Nile: Fashoda. those areas. By establishing the posts of Bangi (1890), Wesso, and Abiras (1891), France solidified her grip on the Ubangi and the Sanga. However, at the same time, the Congo Free State crossed the 4° N parallel—previously seen as the southern boundary of French possessions after the 1887 compromise—and occupied the sultanate of Bangasso (north of the Ubangi River), advancing as far as 9° N. The resulting dispute was resolved only in 1894, after the signing of the convention between Great Britain and the Congo State on May 12 of that year. Both the German and French governments protested against this agreement, particularly France, as it created a barrier preventing the expansion of French territory into the Nile valley. A compromise on August 14 defined the boundary, resetting it to about 4° N. According to this agreement, France took ownership of the upper Ubangi, including Bangasso, Rafai, and Zemio, from 1895 to 1897. Then began the French encroachment on Bahr-el-Ghazal; the Marchand expedition, sent to support Victor Liotard, the lieutenant-governor of upper Ubangi, reached Tambura in July 1897 and Fashoda in July 1898. A conflict arose with Great Britain, leading to the decision that the expedition should vacate Fashoda. The declaration on March 21, 1899, finally resolved the dispute, establishing the eastern boundary of the French colony as previously mentioned. Subsequently, after the Franco-Spanish treaty of June 1900, which determined the limits of Spanish territory on the coast, the borders of French Congo were outlined in broad strokes. The Congo-Cameroon border was accurately defined by another Franco-German agreement in April 1908, following a detailed survey by joint commissioners in 1905 and 1906. For a detailed overview of these international rivalries, see Africa, § 5, and for the conquest of the Chad regions, refer to Bagirmi and Rabah Zobeir. In other parts of the colony, French rule was largely accepted peacefully by the locals. For details on France's relations with Wadai, see that article.

Following the acquisitions for France of de Brazza, the ancient Gabun colony was joined to the Congo territories. From 1886 to 1889 Gabun was, however, separately administered. By decree of the 11th of December 1888 the whole of the French possessions were created one “colony” under the style of Congo français, with various subdivisions; they were placed under a commissioner-general (de Brazza) having his residence at Brazzaville. This arrangement proved detrimental to the economic development of the Gabun settlements, which being outside the limits of the free trade conventional basin of the Congo (see Africa, § 5) enjoyed a separate tariff. By decree of the 29th of December 1903 (which became operative in July 1904) Congo français was divided into four parts as named in the opening paragraph. The first commissioner-general under the new scheme was Emile Gentil, the explorer of the Shari and Chad. In 1905 de Brazza was sent out from France to investigate charges of cruelty and maladministration brought against officials of the colony, several of which proved well founded. De Brazza died at Dakar when on his way home. The French government, after considering the report he had drawn up, decided to retain Gentil as commissioner-general, making however (decree of 15th of February 1906) various changes in administration with a view to protect the natives and control the concession companies. Gentil, who devoted the next two years to the reorganization of the finances of the country and the development of its commerce, resigned his post in February 1908. He was succeeded by M. Merlin, whose title was changed (June 1908) to that of governor-general.

Following France's acquisitions of de Brazza, the old Gabun colony was added to the Congo territories. From 1886 to 1889, Gabun was administered separately. By a decree on December 11, 1888, all French possessions were combined into one "colony" known as Congo français, with various subdivisions; they were placed under a commissioner-general (de Brazza) based in Brazzaville. This arrangement negatively impacted the economic development of the Gabun settlements, which, being outside the free trade zone of the Congo (see Africa, § 5), had a separate tariff. By a decree on December 29, 1903 (which took effect in July 1904), Congo français was divided into four parts as mentioned in the opening paragraph. The first commissioner-general under the new structure was Emile Gentil, who explored the Shari and Chad regions. In 1905, de Brazza was sent from France to look into allegations of cruelty and mismanagement against colony officials, several of which were found to be true. De Brazza died in Dakar while returning home. After reviewing the report he had prepared, the French government decided to keep Gentil as commissioner-general, but (by decree on February 15, 1906) made various administrative changes to protect the natives and oversee concession companies. Gentil spent the next two years reorganizing the country's finances and developing its commerce before resigning in February 1908. He was succeeded by M. Merlin, whose title was changed (in June 1908) to governor-general.

Administration and Revenue.—The governor-general has control over the whole of French Congo, but does not directly administer any part of it, the separate colonies being under lieutenant-governors. The Gabun colony includes the Gabun estuary and the whole of the coast-line of French Congo, together with the basin of the Ogowé river. The inland frontier is so drawn as to include all the hinterland not within the Congo free-trade zone (the Chad district excepted). The Middle Congo has for its western frontier the Gabun colony and Cameroon, and extends inland to the easterly bend of the Ubangi river; the two circumscriptions extend east and north of the Middle Congo. There is a general budget for the whole of French Congo; each colony has also a separate budget and administrative autonomy. As in other French colonies the legislative power is in the French chambers only, but in the absence of specific legislation presidential decrees have the force of law. A judicial service independent of the executive exists, but the district administrators also exercise judicial functions. Education is in the hands of the missionaries, upwards of 50 schools being established by 1909. The military force maintained consists of natives officered by Europeans.

Administration and Revenue.—The governor-general oversees all of French Congo but doesn’t directly manage any part of it; the individual colonies are run by lieutenant-governors. The Gabun colony includes the Gabun estuary and the entire coastline of French Congo, as well as the Ogowé river basin. The inland border is set to cover all the hinterland outside the Congo free-trade zone (except for the Chad district). The Middle Congo's western border touches the Gabun colony and Cameroon, stretching inland to the eastern bend of the Ubangi river; the two jurisdictions extend east and north of the Middle Congo. There’s a general budget for all of French Congo, with each colony also having its own budget and administrative autonomy. Like in other French colonies, legislative power lies solely with the French chambers, but in the absence of specific laws, presidential decrees hold the force of law. A judicial service operates independently of the executive, though district administrators also have judicial responsibilities. Education is managed by missionaries, with over 50 schools established by 1909. The military force consists of local recruits led by European officers.



Revenue is derived from taxes on land, rent paid by concession companies, a capitation or hut tax on natives, and customs receipts, supplemented by a subvention from France. In addition to defraying the military expenses, about £100,000 a year, a grant of £28,000 yearly was made up to 1906 by the French chambers towards the civil expenses. In 1907 the budget of the Congo balanced at about £250,000 without the aid of this subvention. In 1909 the chambers sanctioned a loan for the colony of £840,000, guaranteed by France and to be applied to the establishment of administrative stations and public works.

Revenue comes from taxes on land, rent paid by concession companies, a head tax on locals, and customs fees, along with support from France. Besides covering military costs, which are about £100,000 a year, a grant of £28,000 was provided annually by the French chambers for civil expenses until 1906. In 1907, the Congo's budget balanced at around £250,000 without this support. In 1909, the chambers approved a loan of £840,000 for the colony, guaranteed by France, to be used for setting up administrative stations and public works.

Bibliography.—Fernand Rouget, L’Expansion coloniale au Congo français (Paris, 1906), a valuable monograph, with bibliography and maps; A. Chevalier, L’Afrique centrale française (Paris, 1907). For special studies see Lacroix, Résultats minéralogiques et zoologiques des récentes explorations de l’Afrique occidentale française et de la région du Tchad (Paris, 1905); M. Barrat, Sur la géologie du Congo français (Paris, 1895), and Ann. des mines, sér. q. t. vii. (1895); J. Cornet, “Les Formations post-primaires du bassin du Congo,” Ann. soc, géol. belg. vol. xxi. (1895). The Paris Bulletin du Muséum for 1903 and 1904 contains papers on the zoology of the country. For flora see numerous papers by A. Chevalier in Comptes rendus de l’académie des sciences (1902-1904), and the Journal d’agriculture pratique des pays chauds (1901, &c.). For history, besides Rouget’s book, see J. Ancel, “Étude historique. La formation de la colonie du Congo français, 1843-1882,” containing an annotated bibliography, in Bull. Com. l’Afrique française, vol. xii. (1902); the works cited under Brazza; and E. Gentil, La Chute de l’empire de Rabah (Paris, 1902). Of earlier books of travels the most valuable are:—Paul du Chaillu, Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa (London, 1861); A Journey to Ashonga Land (London, 1867); and Sir R. Burton, Two Trips to Gorilla Land (London, 1876). Of later works see Mary H. Kingsley, Travels in West Africa (London, 1897); A. B. de Mézières, Rapport de mission sur le Haut Oubangui, le M’Bomou et le Bahr-el-Ghazal (Paris, 1903); and C. Maistre, A travers l’Afrique centrale du Congo au Niger, 1892-1893 (Paris, 1895). For the story of the concession companies see E. D. Morel, The British Case in French Congo (London, 1903).

References.—Fernand Rouget, The Colonial Expansion in French Congo (Paris, 1906), a valuable monograph, with bibliography and maps; A. Chevalier, French Central Africa (Paris, 1907). For special studies see Lacroix, Mineralogical and Zoological Results from Recent Explorations in French West Africa and the Chad Region (Paris, 1905); M. Barrat, On the Geology of French Congo (Paris, 1895), and Ann. des mines, sér. q. t. vii. (1895); J. Cornet, “Post-Primary Formations of the Congo Basin,” Ann. soc, géol. belg. vol. xxi. (1895). The Paris Bulletin du Muséum for 1903 and 1904 contains papers on the zoology of the region. For flora, see numerous papers by A. Chevalier in Comptes rendus de l’académie des sciences (1902-1904), and the Journal of Practical Agriculture in Warm Countries (1901, &c.). For history, aside from Rouget’s book, see J. Ancel, “Historical Study: The Formation of the French Congo Colony, 1843-1882,” which includes an annotated bibliography, in Bull. Com. l’Afrique française, vol. xii. (1902); the works cited under Brazza; and E. Gentil, The Fall of the Rabah Empire (Paris, 1902). Among earlier travel books, the most valuable are:—Paul du Chaillu, Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa (London, 1861); A Journey to Ashonga Land (London, 1867); and Sir R. Burton, Two Trips to Gorilla Land (London, 1876). For later works, see Mary H. Kingsley, Travels in West Africa (London, 1897); A. B. de Mézières, Mission Report on the Upper Oubangui, the M’Bomou, and Bahr-el-Ghazal (Paris, 1903); and C. Maistre, Across Central Africa from Congo to Niger, 1892-1893 (Paris, 1895). For the story of the concession companies, see E. D. Morel, The British Case in French Congo (London, 1903).

(F. R. C.)

1 Berlin Act of 1885; Brussels conference of 1890 (see Africa: History).

1 Berlin Act of 1885; Brussels conference of 1890 (see Africa: History).

2 Louis Eugène Henri Dupont, marquis de Compiègne (1846-1877), on his return from the West coast replaced Georg Schweinfurth at Cairo as president of the geographical commission. Arising out of this circumstance de Compiègne was killed in a duel by a German named Mayer.

2 Louis Eugène Henri Dupont, marquis de Compiègne (1846-1877), after coming back from the West Coast, took over from Georg Schweinfurth as the president of the geographical commission in Cairo. This situation led to de Compiègne being killed in a duel by a German named Mayer.

3 A Franco-Belgian agreement of the 23rd of Dec. 1908 defined precisely the frontier in the lower Congo. Bamu Island in Stanley Pool was recognized as French.

3 A Franco-Belgian agreement from December 23, 1908, clearly defined the border in the lower Congo. Bamu Island in Stanley Pool was officially recognized as French.

FRENCH GUINEA, a French colony in West Africa, formerly known as Rivières du Sud. It is bounded W. by the Atlantic, N. by Portuguese Guinea and Senegal, E. by Upper Senegal and the Ivory Coast, and S. by Liberia and Sierra Leone. With a sea-board running N.N.W. and S.S.E. from 10° 50′ N. to 9° 2′ N., a distance, without reckoning the indentations, of 170 m., the colony extends eastward 450 m. in a straight line and attains a maximum width N. to S. of nearly 300 m., covering fully 100,000 sq. m., and containing a population estimated at 2,000,000 to 2,500,000.

FRENCH GUINEA, is a French colony in West Africa, formerly known as Rivières du Sud. It is bordered to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the north by Portuguese Guinea and Senegal, to the east by Upper Senegal and the Ivory Coast, and to the south by Liberia and Sierra Leone. With a coastline stretching north-northwest to south-southeast from 10° 50′ N to 9° 2′ N, a distance of 170 miles without accounting for inlets, the colony extends eastward 450 miles in a straight line and has a maximum width of nearly 300 miles from north to south, covering about 100,000 square miles and housing a population estimated at 2,000,000 to 2,500,000.

Physical Features.—Though in one or two places rocky headlands jut into the sea, the coast is in general sandy, low, and much broken by rivers and deep estuaries, dotted with swampy islands, giving it the appearance of a vast delta. In about 9° 30′ N., off the promontory of Konakry, lie the Los Islands (q.v.), forming part of the colony. The coast plain, formed of alluvial deposits, is succeeded about 30 m. inland by a line of cliffs, the Susu Hills, which form the first step in the terrace-like formation of the interior, culminating in the massif of Futa Jallon, composed chiefly of Archean and granite rocks. While the coast lands are either densely forested or covered with savannas or park-like country, the Futa Jallon tableland is mainly covered with short herbage. This tableland, the hydrographic centre of West Africa, is most elevated in its southern parts, where heights of 5000 ft. are found. Near the Sierra Leone frontier this high land is continued westward to within 20 m. of the sea, where Mount Kakulima rises over 3300 ft. East and south of Futa Jallon the country slopes to the basin of the upper Niger, the greater part of which is included in French Guinea. The southern frontier is formed by the escarpments which separate the Niger basin from those of the coast rivers of Liberia. Besides the Niger, Gambia and Senegal, all separately noticed, a large number of streams running direct to the Atlantic rise in Futa Jallon. Among them are the Great and Little Scarcies, whose lower courses are in Sierra Leone, and the Rio Grande which enters the sea in Portuguese Guinea. Those whose courses are entirely in French Guinea include the Cogon (or Componi), the Rio Nuñez, the Fatalla (which reaches the sea through an estuary named Rio Pongo), the Konkure, whose estuary is named Rio Bramaya, the Forekaria and the Melakori. The Cogon, Fatallah and Konkure are all large rivers which descend from the plateaus through deep, narrow valleys in rapids and cataracts, and are only navigable for a few miles from their mouth.

Physical Features.—Although there are a few rocky headlands that extend into the sea, the coastline is mainly sandy, low-lying, and significantly interrupted by rivers and deep estuaries, sprinkled with swampy islands, giving it the look of a massive delta. Around 9° 30′ N., off the promontory of Konakry, lie the Los Islands (q.v.), which are part of the colony. The coastal plain, made up of alluvial deposits, is followed about 30 miles inland by a series of cliffs known as the Susu Hills, which mark the first level of the terrace-like landscape of the interior, reaching its peak in the Futa Jallon massif, primarily made of Archean and granite rocks. While the coastal areas are either heavily forested or covered with savannas or park-like landscapes, the Futa Jallon plateau is largely covered with short grasses. This plateau, the hydrographic center of West Africa, is highest in its southern regions, where elevations of 5000 feet can be found. Close to the Sierra Leone border, this high land extends westward to within 20 miles of the sea, where Mount Kakulima rises to over 3300 feet. To the east and south of Futa Jallon, the land slopes down towards the upper Niger basin, most of which is part of French Guinea. The southern border is defined by the escarpments that separate the Niger basin from the coastal rivers of Liberia. Besides the Niger, Gambia, and Senegal, which are all individually noted, numerous streams flowing directly to the Atlantic originate from Futa Jallon. Among these are the Great and Little Scarcies, whose lower sections are in Sierra Leone, and the Rio Grande, which flows into the sea in Portuguese Guinea. Those whose entire paths are within French Guinea include the Cogon (or Componi), the Rio Nuñez, the Fatalla (which reaches the sea via an estuary called Rio Pongo), the Konkure, whose estuary is named Rio Bramaya, the Forekaria, and the Melakori. The Cogon, Fatalla, and Konkure are all major rivers that descend from the plateaus through deep, narrow valleys filled with rapids and waterfalls, and are only navigable for a few miles from their mouths.

Climate.—The climate of the coast district is hot, moist and unhealthy, with a season of heavy rain lasting from May to November, during which time variable winds, calms and tornadoes succeed one another. The mean temperature in the dry season, when the “harmattan” is frequent, is 62° Fahr., in the wet season 86°. Throughout the year the humidity of the air is very great. There is much rain in the Futa Jallon highlands, but the Niger basin is somewhat drier. In that region and in the highlands the climate is fairly healthy for Europeans and the heat somewhat less than on the coast.

Climate.—The climate of the coastal area is hot, humid, and unhealthy, with a heavy rainy season from May to November, during which various winds, stillness, and tornadoes occur in succession. The average temperature during the dry season, when the “harmattan” is common, is 62° Fahrenheit, while in the wet season it reaches 86°. Throughout the year, the air is very humid. The Futa Jallon highlands receive a lot of rain, but the Niger basin is relatively drier. In that area and in the highlands, the climate is fairly healthy for Europeans, and the heat is somewhat less intense than along the coast.

Flora and Fauna.—The seashore and the river banks are lined with mangroves, but the most important tree of the coast belt is the oil-palm. The dense forests also contain many varieties of lianas or rubber vines, huge bombax and bamboos. Gum-producing and kola trees are abundant, and there are many fruit trees, the orange and citron growing well in the Susu and Futa Jallon districts. The cotton and coffee plants are indigenous; banana plantations surround the villages. The baobab and the karite (shea butter tree) are found only in the Niger districts. The fauna is not so varied as was formerly the case, large game having been to a great extent driven out of the coast regions. The elephant is rare save in the Niger regions. The lion is now only found in the northern parts of Futa Jallon; panthers, leopards, hyenas and wild cats are more common and the civet is found. Hippopotamus, otter and the wild boar are numerous; a species of wild ox of small size with black horns and very agile is also found. The forests contain many kinds of monkeys, including huge chimpanzees; antelope are widespread but rather rare. Serpents are very common, both venomous and non-venomous; the pythons attain a great size. Fights between these huge serpents and the crocodiles which infest all the rivers are said to be not uncommon. Turtles are abundant along the coasts and in the Los Islands. Oysters are found in large numbers in the estuaries and fixed to the submerged parts of the mangroves. Freshwater oysters, which attain a large size, are also found in the rivers, particularly in the Niger. Fish are abundant, one large-headed species, in the Susu tongue called khokon, is so numerous as to have given its name to a province, Kokunia. Birds are very numerous; they include various eagles, several kinds of heron, the egret, the marabout, the crane and the pelican; turacos or plantain-eaters, are common, as are other brilliantly plumaged birds. Green and grey parrots, ravens, swallows and magpies are also common.

Flora and Fauna.—The seashore and riverbanks are lined with mangroves, but the most significant tree in the coastal area is the oil palm. The thick forests also host many types of lianas or rubber vines, large bombax trees, and bamboos. There are plenty of gum-producing and kola trees, along with various fruit trees, with oranges and citrons thriving well in the Susu and Futa Jallon regions. Cotton and coffee plants are native to the area, and villages are surrounded by banana plantations. The baobab and karite (shea butter tree) are unique to the Niger districts. The wildlife isn’t as diverse as it used to be; large game has mostly been driven out from coastal areas. Elephants are rare, except in the Niger regions. Lions are now only found in the northern parts of Futa Jallon; panthers, leopards, hyenas, and wildcats are more common, along with civets. Hippopotamuses, otters, and wild boars are abundant; a small species of wild ox with black horns that's very agile is also present. The forests are home to many types of monkeys, including large chimpanzees; antelopes are widespread but relatively rare. Snakes are quite common, both venomous and non-venomous; pythons can reach impressive sizes. It's said that battles between these massive snakes and the crocodiles that inhabit all the rivers are not unusual. Turtles are plentiful along the coasts and in the Los Islands. Oysters are abundant in the estuaries and cling to the submerged parts of the mangroves. Freshwater oysters, which can grow quite large, are also found in the rivers, especially in the Niger. Fish are plentiful; one large-headed species, referred to as khokon in the Susu language, is so numerous that it has named a province, Kokunia. Birdlife is abundant; species include various eagles, several types of herons, egrets, marabous, cranes, and pelicans; turacos or plantain eaters are common, along with other vividly colored birds. Green and gray parrots, ravens, swallows, and magpies are also frequently seen.

Inhabitants.—On the banks of the Cogon dwell the Tendas and Iolas, primitive Negro tribes allied to those of Portuguese Guinea (q.v.). All other inhabitants of French Guinea are regarded as comparatively late arrivals from the interior who have displaced the aborigines.1 Among the earliest of the new comers are the Baga, the Nalu, the Landuman and the Timni, regarded as typical Negroes (q.v.). This migration southward appears to have taken place before the 17th century. To-day the Baga occupy the coast land between the Cogon and the Rio Pongo, and the Landuman the country immediately behind that of the Baga. The other tribes named are but sparsely represented in French Guinea, the coast region south of the Nuñez and all the interior up to Futa Jallon being occupied by the Susu, a tribe belonging to the great Mandingan race, which forced its way seaward about the beginning of the 18th century and pressed back the Timni into Sierra Leone. Futa Jallon is peopled principally by Fula (q.v.), and the rest of the country by Malinké and other tribes of Mandingo (q.v.). The Mandingo, the Fula and the Susu are Mahommedans, though the Susu retain many of their ancient rites and beliefs—those associated with spirit worship and fetish, still the religion of the Baga and other tribes. In the north-west part of Futa Jallon are found remnants of the aborigines, such as the Tiapi, Koniagui and the Bassari, all typical Negro tribes. The white inhabitants number a few hundreds only and are mainly French. Many of the coast peoples show, however, distinct traces of white blood, the result chiefly of the former presence of European slave traders. Thus at the Rio Pongo there are numerous mulattos. South of that river the coast tribes speak largely pidgin English.

Inhabitants.—On the banks of the Cogon River live the Tendas and Iolas, primitive Black tribes linked to those from Portuguese Guinea (q.v.). All other residents of French Guinea are seen as relatively recent arrivals from the interior who have displaced the original inhabitants. Among the earliest newcomers are the Baga, Nalu, Landuman, and Timni, considered typical Black groups (q.v.). This migration southward seems to have occurred before the 17th century. Today, the Baga occupy the coastal land between the Cogon and the Rio Pongo, while the Landuman live just behind the Baga's territory. The other tribes mentioned are only sparsely represented in French Guinea, with the coastal region south of the Nuñez and all the interior up to Futa Jallon being primarily occupied by the Susu, a tribe of the larger Mandingan race that moved toward the coast around the beginning of the 18th century, forcing the Timni back into Sierra Leone. Futa Jallon is mainly populated by the Fula (q.v.), with the rest of the area inhabited by Malinké and other Mandingo tribes (q.v.). The Mandingo, Fula, and Susu are Muslims, although the Susu still practice many of their ancient rites and beliefs—those related to spirit worship and fetishism, which remain the religion of the Baga and other tribes. In the north-western part of Futa Jallon, there are remnants of the original inhabitants, such as the Tiapi, Koniagui, and Bassari, all typical Black tribes. The white population numbers only a few hundred and is mainly French. However, many coastal people show distinct signs of mixed ancestry due to the former presence of European slave traders. Thus, along the Rio Pongo, there are many mulattos. South of that river, the coastal tribes mostly speak pidgin English.

Towns.—The principal towns are Konakry the capital, Boké, on the Rio Nuñez, Dubreka, on the coast, a little north of Konakry, Benty, on the Melakori, Timbo and Labe, the chief towns of Futa Jallon, Heremakono and Kindia, on the main road to the Niger, Kurussa and Siguiri, on a navigable stretch of that river, and Bissandugu, formerly Samory’s capital, an important military station east of the Niger. Konakry, in 9° 30′ N., 13° 46′ W., population about 20,000, is the one port of entry on the coast. It is built on the little island of Tombo which lies off the promontory of Konakry, the town being joined to the mainland by an iron bridge. During the administration of Noël Ballay (1848-1902), governor of the colony 1890-1900, Konakry was transformed from a place of small importance to one of the chief ports on the west coast of Africa and a serious rival to Freetown, Sierra Leone. It has since grown considerably, and is provided with wharves and docks and a jetty 1066 ft. long. There is an ample supply of good water, and a large public garden in the centre of the town. In front of Government House is a statue of M. Ballay. Konakry is a port of call for French, British and German steamship companies, and is in telegraphic communication with Europe. It is the starting-point of a railway to the Niger (see below). The retail trade is in the hands of Syrians. The town is governed by a municipality.

Towns.—The main towns include Conakry, the capital, Boké on the Rio Nuñez, Dubreka on the coast just north of Conakry, Benty on the Melakori, Timbo and Labe, the main towns in Futa Jallon, Heremakono and Kindia along the main road to the Niger, Kurussa and Siguiri on a navigable section of the river, and Bissandugu, formerly Samory’s capital, an important military base east of the Niger. Conakry, located at 9° 30′ N., 13° 46′ W., has a population of about 20,000 and is the only port of entry on the coast. It is built on the small island of Tombo off the promontory of Conakry, connected to the mainland by an iron bridge. Under Noël Ballay's administration (1848-1902), who was governor from 1890 to 1900, Conakry evolved from a minor location to one of the main ports on the west coast of Africa, becoming a strong competitor to Freetown, Sierra Leone. Since then, it has expanded significantly and features wharves, docks, and a jetty that is 1,066 feet long. There is a plentiful supply of clean water and a large public garden in the town center. In front of Government House stands a statue of M. Ballay. Conakry serves as a port of call for French, British, and German shipping companies and is connected to Europe via telegraph. It is also the starting point for a railway leading to the Niger (see below). Retail trade is primarily conducted by Syrians. The town is managed by a municipality.

Products and Industry.—French Guinea possesses a fertile soil, and is rich in tropical produce. The chief products are rubber, brought from the interior, and palm oil and palm kernels, obtained in the coast regions. Cotton is cultivated in the Niger basin. Gum copal, ground-nuts and sesame are largely cultivated, partly for 103 export. Among minor products are coffee, wax and ivory. Large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep are raised in Futa Jallon; these are sent in considerable numbers to Sierra Leone, Liberia and French Congo. The trade in hides is also of considerable value. The chief grain raised is millet, the staple food of the people. The rubber is mainly exported to England, the palm products to Germany, and the ground-nuts to France.

Products and Industry.—French Guinea has fertile soil and is rich in tropical produce. The main products are rubber, sourced from the interior, and palm oil and palm kernels, collected from the coastal areas. Cotton is grown in the Niger basin. Gum copal, groundnuts, and sesame are widely cultivated, mainly for 103 export. Other minor products include coffee, wax, and ivory. Large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep are raised in Futa Jallon; these are sent in significant numbers to Sierra Leone, Liberia, and French Congo. The trade in hides is also quite valuable. The primary grain grown is millet, which is the staple food for the people. Rubber is primarily exported to England, palm products to Germany, and groundnuts to France.

The principal imports are cotton goods, of which 80% come from Great Britain, rice, kola nuts, chiefly from Liberia, spirits, tobacco, building material, and arms and ammunition, chiefly “trade guns.” The average annual value of the trade for the period 1900-1907 was about £1,250,000, the annual export of rubber alone being worth £400,000 or more. The great bulk of the trade of the colony is with France and Great Britain, the last-named country taking about 45% of the total; Germany comes third. Since April 1905 a surtax of 7% has been imposed on all goods of other than French origin.

The main imports are cotton products, with 80% coming from Great Britain, as well as rice and kola nuts, mainly from Liberia, spirits, tobacco, building materials, and arms and ammunition, mostly "trade guns." The average annual value of trade from 1900 to 1907 was around £1,250,000, with the annual export of rubber alone valued at £400,000 or more. The majority of the colony's trade is with France and Great Britain, with the latter accounting for about 45% of the total; Germany is third. Since April 1905, a 7% surtax has been applied to all goods not of French origin.

Communications.—The railway from Konakry to the Niger at Kurussa, by the route chosen a distance of 342 m., was begun in 1900, and from 1902 has been built directly by the colony. The first section to Kindia, 93 m., was opened in 1904. The second section, to near Timbo in Futa Jallon, was completed in 1907, and the rails reached Kurussa in 1910. From Kurussa the Niger is navigable at high water all the way to Bamako in Upper Senegal, whence there is communication by rail and river with St Louis and Timbuktu. Besides the railway there is an excellent road, about 390 m. long, from Konakry to Kurussa, the road in its lower part being close to the Sierra Leone frontier, with the object of diverting trade from that British colony. Several other main roads have been built by the French, and there is a very complete telegraphic system, the lines having been connected with those of Senegal in 1899.

Communications.—The railway from Conakry to the Niger at Kurussa, covering a distance of 342 miles by the chosen route, began construction in 1900 and has been directly managed by the colony since 1902. The first section to Kindia, 93 miles, was opened in 1904. The second section, extending to near Timbo in Futa Jallon, was completed in 1907, and the rails reached Kurussa in 1910. From Kurussa, the Niger is navigable during high water all the way to Bamako in Upper Senegal, from which there is rail and river communication with St. Louis and Timbuktu. In addition to the railway, there is an excellent road about 390 miles long from Conakry to Kurussa, with the lower part of the road being close to the Sierra Leone border to encourage trade diversion from that British colony. Several other major roads have been built by the French, and there is a very complete telegraphic system, with lines connected to those of Senegal since 1899.

History.—This part of the Guinea coast was made known by the Portuguese voyagers of the 15th century. In consequence, largely, of the dangers attending its navigation, it was not visited by the European traders of the 16th-18th centuries so frequently as other regions north and east, but in the Rio Pongo, at Matakong (a diminutive island near the mouth of the Forekaria), and elsewhere, slave traders established themselves, and ruins of the strongholds they built, and defended with cannon, still exist. When driven from other parts of Guinea the slavers made this difficult and little known coast one of their last resorts, and many barracoons were built in the late years of the 18th century. It was not until after the restoration of Goree to her at the close of the Napoleonic wars that France evinced any marked interest in this region. At that time the British, from their bases at the Gambia and Sierra Leone, were devoting considerable attention to these Rivières du Sud (i.e. south of Senegal) and also to Futa Jallon. René Caillié, who started his journey to Timbuktu from Boké in 1827, did much to quicken French interest in the district, and from 1838 onward French naval officers, Bouët-Willaumez and his successors, made detailed studies of the coast. About the time that the British government became wearied of its efforts to open up the interior of West Africa, General Faidherbe was appointed governor of Senegal (1854), and under his direction vigorous efforts were made to consolidate French influence. Already in 1848 treaty relations had been entered into with the Nalu, and between that date and 1865 treaties of protectorate were signed with several of the coast tribes. During 1876-1880 new treaties were concluded with the chief tribes, and in 1881 the almany (or emir) of Futa Jallon placed his country under French protection, the French thus effectually preventing the junction, behind the coast lands, of the British colonies of the Gambia and Sierra Leone. The right of France to the littoral as far south as the basin of the Melakori was recognized by Great Britain in 1882; Germany (which had made some attempt to acquire a protectorate at Konakry) abandoned its claims in 1885, while in 1886 the northern frontier was settled in agreement with Portugal, which had ancient settlements in the same region (see Portuguese Guinea). In 1899 the limits of the colony were extended, on the dismemberment of the French Sudan, to include the upper Niger districts. In 1904 the Los Islands were ceded by Great Britain to France, in part return for the abandonment of French fishing rights in Newfoundland waters. (See also Senegal: History.)

History.—This part of the Guinea coast became known through the Portuguese explorers of the 15th century. Due to the navigational dangers, it wasn’t visited by European traders as often as other areas to the north and east during the 16th to 18th centuries. However, slave traders set up operations at the Rio Pongo, in Matakong (a small island near the mouth of the Forekaria), and other locations, leaving behind ruins of the fortifications they constructed and defended with cannons. When they were pushed out from other areas in Guinea, the slavers turned to this challenging and lesser-known coast as one of their last refuges, constructing many barracoons in the late 18th century. It wasn’t until France regained control of Goree after the Napoleonic wars that there was significant interest in this region. At that time, the British, based in Gambia and Sierra Leone, were focusing on these Rivières du Sud (i.e. south of Senegal) and Futa Jallon. René Caillié, who began his journey to Timbuktu from Boké in 1827, greatly stimulated French interest in the area. From 1838 onward, French naval officers like Bouët-Willaumez and his successors conducted detailed studies of the coast. Around when the British government grew weary of their attempts to develop the interior of West Africa, General Faidherbe was appointed governor of Senegal in 1854, and he spearheaded active efforts to strengthen French influence. Treaty relations were established with the Nalu in 1848, and between then and 1865, protectorate treaties were signed with several coastal tribes. From 1876 to 1880, new treaties were made with the main tribes, and in 1881, the almany (or emir) of Futa Jallon placed his territory under French protection, effectively blocking the connection behind the coastal lands between the British colonies of Gambia and Sierra Leone. France’s right to the coastline extending to the Melakori basin was recognized by Great Britain in 1882; Germany, which had tried to establish a protectorate in Konakry, dropped its claims in 1885. In 1886, the northern border was agreed upon with Portugal, which had historical settlements in that region (see Portuguese Guinea). In 1899, the colony's boundaries were expanded, following the breakup of the French Sudan, to include the upper Niger districts. In 1904, Great Britain ceded the Los Islands to France, partially in exchange for France giving up fishing rights in Newfoundland waters. (See also Senegal: History.)

French Guinea was made a colony independent of Senegal in 1891, but in 1895 came under the supreme authority of the newly constituted governor-generalship of French West Africa. Guinea has a considerable measure of autonomy and a separate budget. It is administered by a lieutenant-governor, assisted by a nominated council. Revenue is raised principally from customs and a capitation tax, which has replaced a hut tax. The local budget for 1907 balanced at £205,000. Over the greater part of the country the native princes retain their sovereignty under the superintendence of French officials. The development of agriculture and education are objects of special solicitude to the French authorities. In general the natives are friendly towards their white masters.

French Guinea became a separate colony from Senegal in 1891, but in 1895 it came under the overall control of the newly formed governor-general of French West Africa. Guinea enjoys a significant degree of autonomy and has its own budget. It is managed by a lieutenant-governor, who is supported by a nominated council. Revenue is mainly generated through customs duties and a head tax, which has replaced the hut tax. The local budget for 1907 was balanced at £205,000. In most parts of the country, local rulers maintain their authority under the supervision of French officials. The French authorities place a high priority on the development of agriculture and education. Overall, the local population is generally friendly towards their white leaders.

See M. Famechon, Notice sur la Guinée française (Paris, 1900); J. Chautard, Étude géophysique et géologique sur le Fouta-Djallon (Paris, 1905); André Arcin, La Guinée française (Paris, 1906), a valuable monograph; J. Machat, Les Rivières du Sud et la Fouta-Diallon (Paris, 1906), another valuable work, containing exhaustive bibliographies. Consult also F. Rouget, La Guinée (Paris, 1908), an official publication, the annual Reports on French West Africa, published by the British Foreign Office, and the Carte de la Guinée française by A. Méunier in 4 sheets on the scale 1:500,000 (Paris, 1902).

See M. Famechon, Notice sur la Guinée française (Paris, 1900); J. Chautard, Étude géophysique et géologique sur le Fouta-Djallon (Paris, 1905); André Arcin, La Guinée française (Paris, 1906), a valuable monograph; J. Machat, Les Rivières du Sud et la Fouta-Diallon (Paris, 1906), another valuable work, containing exhaustive bibliographies. Consult also F. Rouget, La Guinée (Paris, 1908), an official publication, the annual Reports on French West Africa, published by the British Foreign Office, and the Carte de la Guinée française by A. Méunier in 4 sheets on the scale 1:500,000 (Paris, 1902).

1 Numerous remains of a stone age have been discovered, both on the coast and in the hinterland. See L. Desplagnes, “L’Archéologie préhistorique en Guinée française,” in Bull. Soc. Géog. Comm. de Bordeaux, March 1907, and the authorities there cited.

1 Many stone age remains have been found, both along the coast and in the inland areas. See L. Desplagnes, “L’Archéologie préhistorique en Guinée française,” in Bull. Soc. Géog. Comm. de Bordeaux, March 1907, and the cited authorities there.

FRENCH LANGUAGE. I. Geography.—French is the general name of the north-north-western group of Romanic dialects, the modern Latin of northern Gaul (carried by emigration to some places—as lower Canada—out of France). In a restricted sense it is that variety of the Parisian dialect which is spoken by the educated, and is the general literary language of France. The region in which the native language is termed French consists of the northern half of France (including Lorraine) and parts of Belgium and Switzerland; its boundaries on the west are the Atlantic Ocean and the Celtic dialects of Brittany; on the north-west and north, the English Channel; on the north-east and east the Teutonic dialects of Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. In the south-east and south the boundary is to a great extent conventional and ill-defined, there being originally no linguistic break between the southern French dialects and the northern Provençal dialects of southern France, north-western Italy and south-western Switzerland. It is formed partly by spaces of intermediate dialects (some of whose features are French, others Provençal), partly by spaces of mixed dialects resulting from the invasion of the space by more northern and more southern settlers, partly by lines where the intermediate dialects have been suppressed by more northern (French) and more southern (Provençal) dialects without these having mixed. Starting in the west at the mouth of the Gironde, the boundary runs nearly north soon after passing Bordeaux; a little north of Angoulême it turns to the east, and runs in this direction into Switzerland to the north of Geneva.

FRENCH LANGUAGE. I. Geography.—French is the general name for the group of Romanic dialects spoken in the north-northwestern part of France, the modern Latin of northern Gaul (which has been carried to some areas, like lower Canada, due to emigration). In a more specific sense, it refers to the version of the Parisian dialect spoken by educated people, which serves as the standard literary language of France. The area where the native language is called French includes the northern half of France (including Lorraine) and parts of Belgium and Switzerland; its western limits are the Atlantic Ocean and the Celtic dialects of Brittany; to the northwest and north, it's bordered by the English Channel; to the northeast and east, it abuts the Germanic dialects of Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. The southeast and southern boundaries are mostly arbitrary and unclear, as there was originally no linguistic divide between the southern French dialects and the northern Provençal dialects found in southern France, northwestern Italy, and southwestern Switzerland. This boundary is shaped partly by regions of intermediate dialects (some of which incorporate French features and others Provençal), partly by areas of mixed dialects resulting from invasions by both northern and southern settlers, and partly by lines where intermediate dialects have been overshadowed by more northern (French) and southern (Provençal) dialects without blending. Beginning in the west at the mouth of the Gironde, the boundary goes nearly straight north just after passing Bordeaux; a bit north of Angoulême, it shifts to the east and continues in that direction into Switzerland, north of Geneva.

II. External History.—(a) Political.—By the Roman conquests the language of Rome was spread over the greater part of southern and western Europe, and gradually supplanted the native tongues. The language introduced was at first nearly uniform over the whole empire, Latin provincialisms and many more or less general features of the older vulgar language being suppressed by the preponderating influence of the educated speech of the capital. As legions became stationary, as colonies were formed, and as the natives adopted the language of their conquerors, this language split up into local dialects, the distinguishing features of which are due, as far as can be ascertained (except, to some extent, as to the vocabulary), not to speakers of different nationalities misspeaking Latin, each with the peculiarities of his native language, but to the fact that linguistic changes, which are ever occurring, are not perfectly uniform over a large area, however homogeneous the speakers. As Gaul was not conquered by Caesar till the middle of the first century before our era, its Latin cannot have begun to differ from that of Rome till after that date; but the artificial retention of classical Latin as the literary and official language after the popular spoken language had diverged from it, often renders the chronology of the earlier periods of the Romanic languages obscure. It is, however, certain that the popular Latin of Gaul had become differentiated from that of central Italy before the Teutonic conquest of Gaul, which was not completed till the latter half of the 5th century; the invaders gradually adopted the language of their more civilized subjects, which remained unaffected, except in its vocabulary. Probably by this time it had diverged 104 so widely from the artificially preserved literary language that it could no longer be regarded merely as mispronounced Latin; the Latin documents of the next following centuries contain many clearly popular words and forms, and the literary and popular languages are distinguished as latina and romana. The term gallica, at first denoting the native Celtic language of Gaul, is found applied to its supplanter before the end of the 9th century, and survives in the Breton gallek, the regular term for “French.” After the Franks in Gaul had abandoned their native Teutonic language, the term francisca, by which this was denoted, came to be applied to the Romanic one they adopted, and, under the form française, remains its native name to this day; but this name was confined to the Romanic of northern Gaul, which makes it probable that this, at the time of the adoption of the name francisca, had become distinct from the Romanic of southern Gaul. Francisca is the Teutonic adjective frankisk, which occurs in Old English in the form frencise; this word, with its umlauted e from a with following i, survives under the form French, which, though purely Teutonic in origin and form, has long been exclusively applied to the Romanic language and inhabitants of Gaul. The German name franzose, with its accent on, and o in, the second syllable, comes from françois, a native French form older than français, but later than the Early Old French franceis. The Scandinavian settlers on the north-west coast of France early in the 10th century quickly lost their native speech, which left no trace except in some contributions to the vocabulary of the language they adopted. The main feature since is the growth of the political supremacy of Paris, carrying with it that of its dialect; in 1539 Francis I. ordered that all public documents should be in French (of Paris), which then became the official language of the whole kingdom, though it is still foreign to nearly half its population.

II. External History.—(a) Political.—Through the Roman conquests, the language of Rome spread across much of southern and western Europe, gradually replacing the native languages. Initially, the language was almost uniform throughout the empire, as local variations and features of the older common language were subdued by the influence of the educated speech from the capital. As legions became established, colonies were founded, and locals started using the conquerors' language, it evolved into regional dialects. The unique characteristics of these dialects, as far as we know (except for some vocabulary), were not due to speakers from different nationalities mispronouncing Latin with their native quirks. Instead, they stem from the fact that language changes occur unevenly across large areas, even among speakers who are otherwise similar. Since Gaul wasn't conquered by Caesar until the middle of the first century BC, its version of Latin couldn't have started to differ from that of Rome until after that period. However, the artificial preservation of classical Latin as the literary and official language, long after the spoken language had diverged, often obscures the chronology of the earlier phases of the Romance languages. It is clear that the common Latin of Gaul had already begun to differ from that of central Italy before the Teutonic conquest of Gaul, which lasted until the latter half of the 5th century. The invaders gradually adopted the language of their more advanced subjects, which remained mostly unchanged except for its vocabulary. By this time, it had likely diverged so much from the artificially kept literary language that it could no longer be viewed as just mispronounced Latin. The Latin texts from the following centuries include many distinctly popular words and forms, distinguishing the literary and everyday languages as latina and romana. The term gallica, initially referring to the native Celtic language of Gaul, was used to describe its successor by the end of the 9th century, and it is still seen in the Breton gallek, the usual term for "French." After the Franks in Gaul had given up their native Teutonic language, the term francisca, which was used for it, began to refer to the Romance language they adopted. Under the name française, it remains the native name to this day, though this was limited to the Romance language of northern Gaul. This suggests that by the time the name francisca was adopted, the language had already become distinct from the Romance language of southern Gaul. Francisca is derived from the Teutonic adjective frankisk, which appears in Old English as frencise; this term, with its umlauted e from a followed by i, survives as French, which, despite its purely Teutonic roots and form, has been exclusively associated with the Romance language and people of Gaul for a long time. The German term franzose, stressing the second syllable and with an o in it, comes from françois, which is an older native French form than français, but more recent than the Early Old French franceis. The Scandinavian settlers on the northwest coast of France in the early 10th century quickly lost their native language, leaving no significant traces except for a few contributions to the vocabulary of the language they adopted. The most notable change since then has been the rise of Paris's political dominance, which brought its dialect to prominence; in 1539, Francis I ordered that all public documents be in French (specifically Parisian), which then became the official language for the entire kingdom, even though it remains foreign to nearly half of its population.

The conquest of England in 1066 by William, duke of Normandy, introduced into England, as the language of the rulers and (for a time) most of the writers, the dialects spoken in Normandy (see also Anglo-Norman Literature). Confined in their native country to definite areas, these dialects, following their speakers, became mixed in England, so that their forms were used to some extent indifferently; and the constant communication with Normandy maintained during several reigns introduced also later forms of continental Norman. As the conquerors learned the language of the conquered, and as the more cultured of the latter learned that of the former, the Norman of England (including that of the English-speaking Lowlands of Scotland) became anglicized; instead of following the changes of the Norman of France, it followed those of English. The accession in 1154 of Henry II. of Anjou disturbed the Norman character of Anglo-French, and the loss of Normandy under John in 1204 gave full play to the literary importance of the French of Paris, many of whose forms afterwards penetrated to England. At the same time English, with a large French addition to its vocabulary, was steadily recovering its supremacy, and is officially employed (for the first time since the Conquest) in the Proclamation of Henry III., 1258. The semi-artificial result of this mixture of French of different dialects and of different periods, more or less anglicized according to the date or education of the speaker or writer, is generally termed “the Anglo-Norman dialect”; but the term is misleading for a great part of its existence, because while the French of Normandy was not a single dialect, the later French of England came from other French provinces besides Normandy, and being to a considerable extent in artificial conditions, was checked in the natural development implied by the term “dialect.” The disuse of Anglo-French as a natural language is evidenced by English being substituted for it in legal proceedings in 1362, and in schools in 1387; but law reports were written in it up to about 1600, and, converted into modern literary French, it remains in official use for giving the royal assent to bills of parliament.

The conquest of England in 1066 by William, Duke of Normandy, introduced the dialects spoken in Normandy as the language of the rulers and, for a time, most writers in England (see also Anglo-Norman Literature). These dialects, originally confined to specific areas in their native country, mixed together in England, leading to some interchangeable use of their forms. The ongoing communication with Normandy during several reigns also brought in later forms of continental Norman. As the conquerors picked up the language of the conquered and some of the more educated locals learned the language of the conquerors, the Norman in England (including that of the English-speaking Lowlands of Scotland) became anglicized; instead of evolving with the Norman of France, it began to evolve alongside English. The accession of Henry II. of Anjou in 1154 changed the Norman character of Anglo-French, and the loss of Normandy under John in 1204 allowed the French of Paris to gain literary importance, with many of its forms later reaching England. Meanwhile, English was steadily regaining its dominance, incorporating a significant French vocabulary, and for the first time since the Conquest, it was officially used in the Proclamation of Henry III in 1258. The somewhat artificial result of combining different French dialects and periods—more or less anglicized depending on the speaker’s or writer’s education or time—was commonly referred to as “the Anglo-Norman dialect.” However, this term is misleading for much of its history, as the French of Normandy was not a single dialect, and the later French in England came from several other French regions, also developing in somewhat artificial conditions, preventing the natural evolution implied by the term “dialect.” The decline of Anglo-French as a natural language is shown by English replacing it in legal matters in 1362 and in schools in 1387; however, legal reports were still written in it until around 1600, and converted into modern literary French, it continues to be used officially to grant royal assent to parliamentary bills.

(b) Literary.—Doubtless because the popular Latin of northern Gaul changed more rapidly than that of any other part of the empire, French was, of all the Romanic dialects, the first to be recognized as a distinct language, and the first to be used in literature; and though the oldest specimen now extant is probably not the first, it is considerably earlier than any existing documents of the allied languages. In 813 the council of Tours ordered certain homilies to be translated into Rustic Roman or into German; and in 842 Louis the German, Charles the Bald, and their armies confirmed their engagements by taking oaths in both languages at Strassburg. These have been preserved to us by the historian Nithard (who died in 853); and though, in consequence of the only existing manuscript (at Paris) being more than a century later than the time of the author, certain alterations have occurred in the text of the French oaths, they present more archaic forms (probably of North-Eastern French) than any other document. The next memorials are a short poem, probably North-Eastern, on St Eulalia, preserved in a manuscript of the 10th century at Valenciennes, and some autograph fragments (also at Valenciennes) of a homily on the prophet Jonah, in mixed Latin and Eastern French, of the same period. To the same century belong a poem on Christ’s Passion, apparently in a mixed (not intermediate) language of French and Provençal, and one, probably in South-Eastern French, on St Leger; both are preserved, in different handwritings, in a MS. at Clermont-Ferrand, whose scribes have introduced many Provençal forms. After the middle of the 11th century literary remains are comparatively numerous; the chief early representative of the main dialects are the following, some of them preserved in several MSS., the earliest of which, however (the only ones here mentioned), are in several cases a generation or two later than the works themselves. In Western French are a verse life of St Alexius (Alexis), probably Norman, in an Anglo-Norman MS. at Hildesheim; the epic poem of Roland, possibly also Norman, in an A.-N. MS. at Oxford; a Norman verbal translation of the Psalms, in an A.-N. MS. also at Oxford; another later one, from a different Latin version, in an A.-N. MS. at Cambridge; a Norman translation of the Four Books of Kings, in a probably A.-N. MS. at Paris. The earliest work in the Parisian dialect is probably the Travels of Charlemagne, preserved in a late Anglo-Norman MS. with much altered forms. In Eastern French, of rather later date, there are translations of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory, in a MS. at Paris, containing also fragments of Gregory’s Moralities, and (still later) of some Sermons of St Bernard, in a MS. also in Paris. From the end of the 12th century literary and official documents, often including local charters, abound in almost every dialect, until the growing influence of Paris caused its language to supersede in writing the other local ones. This influence, occasionally apparent about the end of the 12th century, was overpowering in the 15th, when authors, though often displaying provincialisms, almost all wrote in the dialect of the capital; the last dialect to lose its literary independence was the North-Eastern, which, being the Romanic language of Flanders, had a political life of its own, and (modified by Parisian) was used in literature after 1400.

(b) Literary.—Probably because the popular Latin of northern Gaul evolved more quickly than that of any other part of the empire, French was the first of the Romance dialects to be recognized as a distinct language and the first to be used in literature. Although the oldest surviving example isn't likely the very first, it predates any existing documents from related languages. In 813, the Council of Tours ordered translations of certain homilies into Rustic Roman or German. By 842, Louis the German, Charles the Bald, and their armies confirmed their agreements by swearing oaths in both languages at Strassburg. These have been preserved for us by the historian Nithard (who died in 853). Although the only existing manuscript (in Paris) is more than a century later than the author's time, and some alterations have been made to the text of the French oaths, they still show more archaic forms (likely from North-Eastern French) than any other document. The next records include a short poem, probably from the North-East, about St. Eulalia, preserved in a 10th-century manuscript in Valenciennes, and some handwritten fragments (also in Valenciennes) of a homily on the prophet Jonah, written in mixed Latin and Eastern French, from the same period. Also from this century is a poem about Christ's Passion, apparently in a mixed language combining French and Provençal, as well as another poem, likely in South-Eastern French, about St. Leger; both are preserved in different manuscripts at Clermont-Ferrand, where the scribes added many Provençal forms. After the mid-11th century, literary remains became comparatively numerous. The key early works from the main dialects include the following, some of which are preserved in multiple manuscripts, though the earliest ones mentioned here are often a generation or two later than the original works. In Western French, there is a verse life of St. Alexius (Alexis), likely Norman, in an Anglo-Norman manuscript at Hildesheim; the epic poem of Roland, possibly also Norman, in an Anglo-Norman manuscript at Oxford; a Norman translation of the Psalms in another Anglo-Norman manuscript at Oxford; a later translation from a different Latin version in an Anglo-Norman manuscript at Cambridge; and a Norman translation of the Four Books of Kings in a likely Anglo-Norman manuscript at Paris. The earliest work in the Parisian dialect is probably the Travels of Charlemagne, preserved in a late Anglo-Norman manuscript with numerous altered forms. In Eastern French, from a slightly later period, there are translations of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory in a manuscript at Paris, which also contains fragments of Gregory’s Moralities and (even later) some Sermons of St. Bernard, also in a manuscript in Paris. From the late 12th century onward, literary and official documents, often including local charters, became abundant in nearly every dialect until Paris's growing influence led to its language overtaking the other local languages in writing. This influence, occasionally noted around the late 12th century, became overpowering by the 15th century, when authors, often showing regional characteristics, almost all wrote in the dialect of the capital. The last dialect to lose its literary independence was North-Eastern French, which, being the Romance language of Flanders, maintained a political life of its own and (modified by Parisian) was used in literature after 1400.

III. Internal History.—Though much has been done in recent years, in the scientific investigation of the sounds, inflexions, and syntax of the older stages and dialects of French, much still remains to be done, and it must suffice here to give a sketch, mainly of the dialects which were imported into England by the Normans—in which English readers will probably take most interest, and especially of the features which explain the forms of English words of French origin. Dates and places are only approximations, and many statements are liable to be modified by further researches. The primitive Latin forms given are often not classical Latin words, but derivatives from these; and reference is generally made to the Middle English (Chaucerian) pronunciation of English words, not the modern.

III. Internal History.—Although a lot has been accomplished in recent years regarding the scientific study of the sounds, inflections, and grammar of earlier stages and dialects of French, there’s still much work to be done. Here, I'll provide a brief overview, mainly focusing on the dialects that the Normans brought to England—topics likely to interest English readers—especially regarding the characteristics that clarify the forms of English words borrowed from French. Dates and locations are approximate, and many claims are subject to change with future research. The original Latin forms mentioned are often not classical Latin words, but rather derivatives of those; references are typically made to the Middle English (Chaucerian) pronunciation of English words, not the modern version.

(a) Vocabulary.—The fundamental part of the vocabulary of French is the Latin imported into Gaul, the French words being simply the Latin words themselves, with the natural changes undergone by all living speech, or derivatives formed at various dates. Comparatively few words were introduced from the Celtic language of the native inhabitants (bec, lieue from the Celtic words given by Latin writers as beccus, leuca), but the number 105 adopted from the language of the Teutonic conquerors of Gaul is large (guerre = werra; laid = laidh; choisir = kausjan). The words were imported at different periods of the Teutonic supremacy, and consequently show chronological differences in their sounds (haïr = hatan; français = frankisk; écrevisse = krebiz; échine = skina). Small separate importations of Teutonic words resulted from the Scandinavian settlement in France, and the commercial intercourse with the Low German nations on the North Sea (friper = Norse hripa; chaloupe = Dutch sloop; est = Old English eást). In the meantime, as Latin (with considerable alterations in pronunciation, vocabulary, &c.) continued in literary, official and ecclesiastical use, the popular language borrowed from time to time various more or less altered classical Latin words; and when the popular language came to be used in literature, especially in that of the church, these importations largely increased (virginitet Eulalia = virginitātem; imagena Alexis = imāginem—the popular forms would probably have been vergedet, emain). At the Renaissance they became very abundant, and have continued since, stifling to some extent the developmental power of the language. Imported words, whether Teutonic, classical Latin or other, often receive some modification at their importation, and always take part in all subsequent natural phonetic changes in the language (Early Old French adversarie, Modern French adversaire) . Those French words which appear to contradict the phonetic laws were mostly introduced into the language after the taking place (in words already existing in the language) of the changes formulated by the laws in question; compare the late imported laïque with the inherited lai, both from Latin laicum. In this and many other cases the language possesses two forms of the same Latin word, one descended from it, the other borrowed (meuble and mobile from mōbilem). Some Oriental and other foreign words were brought in by the crusaders (amiral from amir); in the 16th century, wars, royal marriages and literature caused a large number of Italian words (soldat = soldato; brave = bravo; caresser = carezzare) to be introduced, and many Spanish ones (alcôve = alcoba; hâbler = hablar). A few words have been furnished by Provençal (abeille, cadenas), and several have been adopted from other dialects into the French of Paris (esquiver Norman or Picard for the Paris-French eschiver). German has contributed a few (blocus = blochūs; choucroute = sūrkrūt); and recently a considerable number have been imported from England (drain, confortable, flirter). In Old French, new words are freely formed by derivation, and to a less extent by composition; in Modern French, borrowing from Latin or other foreign languages is the more usual course. Of the French words now obsolete some have disappeared because the things they express are obsolete; others have been replaced by words of native formation, and many have been superseded by foreign words generally of literary origin; of those which survive, many have undergone considerable alterations in meaning. A large number of Old French words and meanings, now extinct in the language of Paris, were introduced into English after the Norman Conquest; and though some have perished, many have survived—strife from Old French estrif (Teutonic strīt); quaint from cointe (cognitum); remember from remembrer (rememorāre); chaplet (garland) from chapelet (Modern French “chaplet of beads”); appointment (rendezvous) from appointement (now “salary”). Many also survive in other French dialects.

(a) Vocabulary.—The core vocabulary of French comes from the Latin that was brought into Gaul, with French words essentially being adaptations of the Latin originals, altered by the natural evolution of spoken language or formed from various derivatives over time. Only a small number of words were borrowed from the Celtic language of the native people (bec, lieue from the Celtic words noted by Latin writers as beccus, leuca), but a significant number of words were taken from the language of the Teutonic conquerors of Gaul (guerre = werra; laid = laidh; choisir = kausjan). These words were introduced at different times during the Teutonic dominance, showing variations in their sounds over time (haïr = hatan; français = frankisk; écrevisse = krebiz; échine = skina). Some additional Teutonic words entered the language due to the Scandinavian settlement in France and trade with the Low German nations along the North Sea (friper = Norse hripa; chaloupe = Dutch sloop; est = Old English eást). Meanwhile, as Latin remained in use for literature, official matters, and the church (albeit with significant changes in pronunciation and vocabulary), the everyday language occasionally borrowed various altered classical Latin words. When this everyday language started being used in literature, especially in religious contexts, these borrowings increased significantly (virginitet Eulalia = virginitātem; imagena Alexis = imāginem—the everyday forms would likely have been vergedet, emain). During the Renaissance, the influx became very plentiful and has continued, somewhat stifling the language's ability to develop. Borrowed words, whether Teutonic, classical Latin, or others, often undergo some changes when introduced, and they always participate in any subsequent natural phonetic changes in the language (Early Old French adversarie, Modern French adversaire). French words that seem to defy phonetic rules were mostly introduced after the phonetic changes occurred in existing words; for instance, the more recently borrowed laïque compared to the inherited lai, both from Latin laicum. In this and many other situations, the language has two versions of the same Latin word: one that evolved from it and the other that was borrowed (meuble and mobile from mōbilem). Some Oriental and other foreign words were brought back by the crusaders (amiral from amir); in the 16th century, wars, royal marriages, and literature led to a large number of Italian words being introduced (soldat = soldato; brave = bravo; caresser = carezzare), as well as numerous Spanish words (alcôve = alcoba; hâbler = hablar). A few words have been taken from Provençal (abeille, cadenas), and several have come from other dialects into the Parisian French (esquiver Norman or Picard for the Paris-French eschiver). German has contributed a few terms (blocus = blochūs; choucroute = sūrkrūt); and recently, many words have been borrowed from English (drain, confortable, flirter). In Old French, new words were readily created through derivation and somewhat through composition; in Modern French, borrowing from Latin or other foreign languages has become the more common approach. Some French words are now obsolete because the things they refer to no longer exist; others have been replaced by native words, and many have been supplanted by foreign words, typically of literary origin. Among those that continue to exist, many have significantly changed in meaning. A large number of Old French words and meanings, which have ceased to exist in Parisian language, were brought into English after the Norman Conquest; although some have disappeared, many remain—strife from Old French estrif (Teutonic strīt); quaint from cointe (cognitum); remember from remembrer (rememorāre); chaplet (garland) from chapelet (Modern French “chaplet of beads”); appointment (rendezvous) from appointement (currently “salary”). Many also persist in other French dialects.

(b) Dialects.—The history of the French language from the period of its earliest extant literary memorials is that of the dialects composing it. But as the popular notion of a dialect as the speech of a definite area, possessing certain peculiarities confined to and extending throughout that area, is far from correct, it will be advisable to drop the misleading divisions into “Norman dialect,” “Picard dialect” and the like, and take instead each important feature in the chronological order (as far as can be ascertained) of its development, pointing out roughly the area in which it exists, and its present state. The local terms used are intentionally vague, and it does not, for instance, at all follow that because “Eastern” and “Western” are used to denote the localities of more than one dialectal feature, the boundary line between the two divisions is the same in each case. It is, indeed, because dialectal differences as they arise do not follow the same boundary lines (much less the political divisions of provinces), but cross one another to any extent, that to speak of the dialect of a large area as an individual whole, unless that area is cut off by physical or alien linguistic boundaries, creates only confusion. Thus the Central French of Paris, the ancestor of classical Modern French, agrees with a more southern form of Romanic (Limousin, Auvergne, Forez, Lyonnais, Dauphiné) in having ts, not tsh, for Latin k (c) before i and e; tsh, not k, for k (c) before a; and with the whole South in having gu, not w, for Teutonic w; while it belongs to the East in having oi for earlier ei; and to the West in having é, not ei, for Latin a; and i, not ei, from Latin ĕ + i. It may be well to denote that Southern French does not correspond to southern France, whose native language is Provençal. “Modern French” means ordinary educated Parisian French.

(b) Dialects.—The history of the French language from the time of its earliest existing literature is defined by the dialects that make it up. However, the common idea that a dialect is simply the speech of a specific area with unique characteristics contained within that area is quite misleading. Therefore, it’s better to avoid confusing categories like “Norman dialect,” “Picard dialect,” and so on, and instead consider each significant feature in chronological order (as much as possible) of its development, roughly identifying the region where it’s found and its current status. The local terms used are intentionally broad, and it doesn’t mean that just because “Eastern” and “Western” are used to describe the locations of different dialect features, the boundary line between the two is the same in every instance. In fact, dialect differences do not adhere to the same boundary lines (let alone the political divisions of provinces) and often overlap significantly, which makes it confusing to refer to the dialect of a large area as a single entity unless that area is separated by physical barriers or distinct linguistic boundaries. Thus, the Central French of Paris, the precursor to modern standard French, aligns with more southern forms of Romance languages (Limousin, Auvergne, Forez, Lyonnais, Dauphiné) in having ts, not tsh, for Latin k (c) before i and e; tsh, not k, for k (c) before a; and with the whole South in using gu, not w, for the Germanic w; while it shares features with the East through oi for earlier ei; and with the West by having é, not ei, for Latin a; and i, not ei, from Latin ĕ + i. It’s important to note that Southern French does not equate to southern France, whose native language is Provençal. “Modern French” refers to the standard educated Parisian French.

(e) Phonology.—The history of the sounds of a language is, to a considerable extent, that of its inflections, which, no less than the body of a word, are composed of sounds. This fact, and the fact that unconscious changes are much more reducible to law than conscious ones, render the phonology of a language by far the surest and widest foundation for its dialectology, the importance of the sound-changes in this respect depending, not on their prominence, but on the earliness of their date. For several centuries after the divergence between spoken and written Latin, the history of these changes has to be determined mainly by reasoning, aided by a little direct evidence in the misspellings of inscriptions the semi-popular forms in glossaries, and the warnings of Latin grammarians against vulgarities. With the rise of Romanic literature the materials for tracing the changes become abundant, though as they do not give us the sounds themselves, but only their written representations, much difficulty, and some uncertainty, often attach to deciphering the evidence. Fortunately, early Romanic orthography, that of Old French included (for which see next section), was phonetic, as Italian orthography still is; the alphabet was imperfect, as many new sounds had to be represented which were not provided for in the Roman alphabet from which it arose, but writers aimed at representing the sounds they uttered, not at using a fixed combination of letters for each word, however they pronounced it.

(e) Phonology.—The history of the sounds of a language largely reflects its inflections, which, just like the core of a word, consist of sounds. This reality, along with the fact that unconscious changes are much easier to classify than conscious ones, makes the phonology of a language the most reliable and extensive foundation for its dialectology. The significance of sound changes lies not in their visibility but in their age. For several centuries after spoken and written Latin separated, we have to determine the history of these changes primarily through reasoning, supported by limited direct evidence from misspellings in inscriptions, semi-popular forms in glossaries, and warnings from Latin grammarians about common errors. With the emergence of Romance literature, the resources for tracking these changes became plentiful. However, since they only provide written representations rather than actual sounds, interpreting the evidence can often be challenging and uncertain. Fortunately, early Romance orthography, including that of Old French (see next section), was phonetic, as Italian orthography still is today. The alphabet was not perfect, as it needed to represent many new sounds that were not included in the Roman alphabet from which it developed, but writers focused on reflecting the sounds they pronounced rather than sticking to a fixed set of letters for each word, regardless of pronunciation.

The characteristics of French as distinguished from the allied languages and from Latin, and the relations of its sounds, inflections and syntax to those of the last-named language, belong to the general subject of the Romanic languages. It will be well, however, to mention here some of the features in which it agrees with the closely related Provençal, and some in which it differs. As to the latter, it has already been pointed out that the two languages glide insensibly into one another, there being a belt of dialects which possess some of the features of each. French and Provençal of the 10th century—the earliest date at which documents exist in both—agree to a great extent in the treatment of Latin final consonants and the vowels preceding them, a matter of great importance for inflections (numerous French examples occur in this section), (1) They reject all vowels, except a, of Latin final (unaccented) syllables, unless preceded by certain consonant combinations or followed by nt (here, as elsewhere, certain exceptions cannot be noticed); (2) they do not reject a similarly situated; (3) they reject final (unaccented) m; (4) they retain final s. French and Northern Provençal also agree in changing Latin ü from a labio-guttural to a labio-palatal vowel; the modern sound (German ü) of the accented vowel of French lune, Provençal luna, contrasting with that in Italian and Spanish luna, appears to have existed before the earliest extant documents. The final vowel laws generally apply to the unaccented vowel preceding the accented syllable, if it is preceded by another syllable, and followed by a single consonant—matin (mātūtinum), dortoir (dormītōrium), with vowel dropped; canevas (cannabāceum), armedure, later armëure, now armure (armātūram), with e = ǝ, as explained below.

The features of French that set it apart from related languages and Latin, as well as the connections between its sounds, inflections, and syntax with those of Latin, are part of the broader topic of Romance languages. However, it’s important to highlight some similarities it shares with the closely related Provençal, as well as some differences. Notably, it's been pointed out that the two languages smoothly transition into one another, with a zone of dialects that combine elements from both. French and Provençal from the 10th century—the earliest time for which we have documents in both—are quite similar in how they handle Latin final consonants and the vowels that come before them, which is crucial for inflections (numerous French examples occur in this section), (1) They drop all vowels except a from Latin final (unstressed) syllables unless they're preceded by certain consonant combinations or followed by nt (though there are certain exceptions that can’t be addressed here); (2) they do not drop a in similar situations; (3) they drop the final (unstressed) m; (4) they keep the final s. French and Northern Provençal also agree in transforming the Latin ü from a labio-guttural to a labio-palatal vowel; the modern sound (German ü) of the stressed vowel in French lune, Provençal luna, contrasts with the sound in Italian and Spanish luna, and this sound seems to have been present before the earliest surviving documents. The rules for final vowels typically apply to the unstressed vowel before the stressed syllable, provided it is preceded by another syllable and followed by a single consonant—matin (mātūtinum), dortoir (dormītōrium), where the vowel is dropped; canevas (cannabāceum), armedure, later armëure, now armure (armātūram), with e = ǝ, as explained below.

On the other hand, French differs from Provençal: (1) in uniformly preserving (in Early Old French) Latin final t, which 106 is generally rejected in Provençal—French aimet (Latin amat), Provençal ama; aiment (amant), Prov. aman; (2) in always rejecting, absorbing or consonantizing the vowel of the last syllable but one, if unaccented; in such words as angele (often spelt angle), the e after the g only serves to show its soft sound—French veintre (now vaincre, Latin vincere), Prov. vencer, with accent on first syllable; French esclandre (scandalum), Prov. escandol; French olie (dissyllabic, i = y consonant, now huile), Prov. oli (oleum); (3) in changing accented a not in position into ai before nasals and gutturals and not after a palatal, and elsewhere into é (West French) or ei (East French), which develops an i before it when preceded by a palatal—French main (Latin manum), Prov. man; aigre (ācrem), agre; ele (ālam), East French eile, Prov. ala; meitié (medietātem), East French moitieit, Prov. meitat; (4) in changing a in unaccented final syllables into the vowel ǝ, intermediate to a and e; this vowel is written a in one or two of the older documents, elsewhere e—French aime (Latin amā), Prov. ama; aimes (amās), Prov. amas; aimet (amat), Prov. ama; (5) in changing original au into ò—French or (aurum), Prov. aur; rober (Teutonic raubōn), Prov. raubar; (6) in changing general Romanic é, from accented ē and ĭ not in position, into ei—French veine (vēnam), Prov. vena; peil (pilum), Prov. pel.

On the other hand, French is different from Provençal: (1) it consistently retains (in Early Old French) the Latin final t, which is generally dropped in Provençal—French aimet (Latin amat), Provençal ama; aiment (amant), Prov. aman; (2) it always drops, absorbs, or consonantizes the vowel in the second-to-last syllable if it’s unaccented; in words like angele (often spelled angle), the e after the g only indicates its soft pronunciation—French veintre (now vaincre, Latin vincere), Prov. vencer, with the accent on the first syllable; French esclandre (scandalum), Prov. escandol; French olie (which is two syllables, i = y consonant, now huile), Prov. oli (oleum); (3) it changes accented a not in position into ai before nasals and gutturals and not after a palatal, and elsewhere into é (West French) or ei (East French), which develops an i before it when preceded by a palatal—French main (Latin manum), Prov. man; aigre (ācrem), agre; ele (ālam), East French eile, Prov. ala; meitié (medietātem), East French moitieit, Prov. meitat; (4) it changes a in unaccented final syllables into the vowel ǝ, which is between a and e; this vowel is written a in one or two older documents, and elsewhere as e—French aime (Latin amā), Prov. ama; aimes (amās), Prov. amas; aimet (amat), Prov. ama; (5) it changes original au into ò—French or (aurum), Prov. aur; rober (Teutonic raubōn), Prov. raubar; (6) it changes general Romance é, from accented ē and ĭ not in position, into ei—French veine (vēnam), Prov. vena; peil (pilum), Prov. pel.

As some of the dialectal differences were in existence at the date of the earliest extant documents, and as the existing materials, till the latter half of the 11th century, are scanty and of uncertain locality, the chronological order (here adopted) of the earlier sound-changes is only tentative.

As some dialect differences were present when the earliest existing documents were created, and since the available materials until the latter half of the 11th century are limited and unclear in their origins, the chronological order (used here) of the earlier sound changes is only tentative.

(1) Northern French has tsh (written c or ch) for Latin k (c) and t before palatal vowels, where Central and Southern French have ts (written c or z)—North Norman and Picard chire (cēram), brach (brāchium), plache (plateam); Parisian, South Norman, &c., cire, braz, place. Before the close of the Early Old French period (12th century) ts loses its initial consonant, and the same happened to tsh a century or two later; with this change the old distinction is maintained—Modern Guernsey and Picard chire, Modern Picard plache (in ordinary Modern French spelling); usual French cire, place. English, having borrowed from North and South Norman (and later Parisian), has instances of both tsh and s, the former in comparatively small number—chisel (Modern French ciseau = (?) caesellum), escutcheon (écusson, scūtiōnem); city (cité, cīvitātem), place. (2) Initial Teutonic w is retained in the north-east and along the north coast; elsewhere, as in the other Romance languages, g was prefixed—Picard, &c., warde (Teutonic warda), werre (werra); Parisian, &c., guarde, guerre. In the 12th century the u or w of gu dropped, giving the Modern French garde, guerre (with gu = g); w remains in Picard and Walloon, but in North Normandy it becomes v—Modern Guernsey vâson, Walloon wazon, Modern French gazon (Teutonic wason). English has both forms, sometimes in words originally the same—wage and gage (Modern French gage, Teutonic wadi); warden and guardian (gardien, warding). (3) Latin b after accented a in the imperfect of the first conjugation, which becomes v in Eastern French, in Western French further changes to w, and forms the diphthong ou with the preceding vowel—Norman amowe (amābam), portout (portābat); Burgundian ameve, portevet. -eve is still retained in some places, but generally the imperfect of the first conjugation is assimilated to that of the others—amoit, like avoit (habēbat). (4) The palatalization of every then existing k and g (hard) when followed by a, i or e, after having caused the development of i before the e (East French ei) derived from a not in position, is abandoned in the north, the consonants returning to ordinary k or g, while in the centre and south they are assibilated to tsh or dzh—North Norman and Picard cachier (captiāre), kier (cārum), cose (causam), eskiver (Teutonic skiuhan), wiket (Teutonic wik + ittum), gal (gallum), gardin (from Teutonic gard); South Norman and Parisian chacier, chier, chose, eschiver, guichet, jal, jardin. Probably in the 14th century the initial consonant of tsh, dzh disappeared, giving the modern French chasser, jardin with ch = sh and j = zh; but tsh is retained in Walloon, and dzh in Lorraine. The Northern forms survive—Modern Guernsey cachier, gardìn; Picard cacher, gardin. English possesses numerous examples of both forms, sometimes in related words—catch and chase; wicket, eschew; garden, jaundice (jaunisse, from galbanum). (5) For Latin accented a not in position Western French usually has é, Eastern French ei, both of which take an i before them when a palatal precedes—Norman and Parisian per (parem), oiez (audiātis); Lorraine peir, oieis. In the 17th and 18th centuries close é changed to open è, except when final or before a silent consonant—amer (amārum) now having è, aimer (amāre) retaining é. English shows the Western close épeer (Modern French pair, Old French per), chief (chef, caput); Middle High German the Eastern eilameir (Modern French l’amer, l’aimer, la mer = Latin mare). (6) Latin accented e not in position, when it came to be followed in Old French by i unites with this to form i in the Western dialects, while the Eastern have the diphthongs ei—Picard, Norman and Parisian pire (pejor), piz (pectus); Burgundian peire, peiz. The distinction is still preserved—Modern French pire, pis; Modern Burgundian peire, pei. English words show always iprice (prix, pretium) spite (dépit, dēspectum). (7) The nasalization of vowels followed by a nasal consonant did not take place simultaneously with all the vowels. A and e before (guttural n, as in sing), ñ (palatal n), n and m were nasal in the 11th century, such words as tant (tantum) and gent (gentem) forming in the Alexis assonances to themselves, distinct from the assonances with a and e before non-nasal consonants. In the Roland umbre (ombre, umbram) and culchet (couche, collocat), fier (ferum) and chiens (canēs), dit (dictum) and vint (vēnit), ceinte (ciṇctam) and veie (voie, viam), brun (Teutonic brūn) and fut (fuit) assonate freely, though o (u) before nasals shows a tendency to separation. The nasalization of i and u (= Modern French u) did not take place till the 16th century; and in all cases the loss of the following nasal consonant is quite modern, the older pronunciation of tant, ombre being tãnt, õmbrǝ, not as now , õbrh. The nasalization took place whether the nasal consonant was or was not followed by a vowel, femme (fēminam), honneur (honōrem) being pronounced with nasal vowels m the first syllable till after the 16th century, as indicated by the doubling of the nasal consonant in the spelling and by the phonetic change (in femme and other words) next to be mentioned. English generally has au (now often reduced to a) for Old French ãvaunt (vanter, vānitāre), tawny (tanné (?) Celtic). (8) The assimilation of ē (nasal e) to ã (nasal a) did not begin till the middle of the 11th century, and is not yet universal, in France, though generally a century later. In the Alexis nasal a (as in tant) is never confounded with nasal e (as in gent) in the assonances, though the copyist (a century later) often writes a for nasal e in unaccented syllables, as in amfant (enfant, infantem); in the Roland there are several cases of mixture in the assonances, gent, for instance, occurring in ant stanzas, tant in ent ones. English has several words with a for e before nasals—rank (rang, Old French renc, Teutonic hriṇga), pansy (pensée, pēnsātam); but the majority show eenter (entrer, intrāre), fleam (flamme, Old French fleme, phlebotomum). The distinction is still preserved in the Norman of Guernsey, where an and en, though both nasal, have different sounds—lànchier (lancer, laṇceāre), but mèntrie (Old French menterie, from mentīrī). (9) The loss of s, or rather z, before voiced consonants began early, s being often omitted or wrongly inserted in 12th century MSS.—Earliest Old French masle (masculum), sisdre (sīceram); Modern French mâle, cidre. In English it has everywhere disappeared—male, cider; except in two words, where it appears, as occasionally in Old French, as dmeddle (mêler, misculāre), medlar (néflier, Old French also meslier, mespilārium). The loss of s before voiceless consonants (except f) is about two centuries later, and it is not universal even in Parisian—Early Old French feste (festam), escuier (scūtārium); Modern French fête, écuyer, but espérer (spērāre). In the north-east s before t is still retained—Walloon chestai (château, castellum), fiess (fête). English shows s regularly—feast, esquire. (10) Medial dh (soft th, as in then), and final th from Latin t or d between vowels, do not begin to disappear till the latter half of the 11th century. In native French MSS. dh is generally written d, and th written t; but the German scribe of the Oaths writes adjudha (adjūtam), cadhuna (Greek katá and ūnam); and the English one of the Alexis cuntretha (contrātam), lothet (laudātum), and that of the Cambridge Psalter heriteth (hērēditātem). Medial dh often drops even in the last-named MSS., and soon disappears; the same is true for final th in Western French—Modern French contrée, loué. But in Eastern French final th, to which Latin t between vowels had probably been reduced through d and dh, appears in the 12th century and later as t, rhyming on ordinary French final t—Picard and Burgundian pechiet (peccātum) apeleit (appellātum). In Western French some final ths were saved by being changed to f—Modern French soif (sitim), mœuf (obsolete, modum). English has one or two instances of final th, none of medial dhfaith (foi, fidem); Middle English cariteþ (charité, caritātem), drutð (Old French dru, Teutonic drūd); generally the consonant is lost—country, charity. Middle High German shows the Eastern French final consonant—moraliteit (moralité, mōrālitātem). (11) T from Latin final t, if in an Old French unaccented syllable, begins to disappear in the Roland, where sometimes aimet (amat), sometimes aime, is required by the metre, and soon drops in all dialects. The Modern French t of aime-t-il and similar forms is an analogical insertion from such forms as dort-il (dormit), where the t has always existed. (12) The change of the diphthong ai to èi and afterwards to èè (the doubling indicates length) had not taken place in the earliest French documents, words with ai assonating only on words with a; in the Roland such assonances occur, but those of ai on è are more frequent—faire (facere) assonating on parastre (patraster) and on estes (estis); and the MS. (half a century later than the poem) occasionally has ei and e for airecleimet (reclāmat), desfere (disfacere), the latter agreeing with the Modern French sound. Before nasals (as in laine = lānam) and (as in payé = pācātum), ai remained a diphthong up to the 16th century, being apparently ei, whose fate in this situation it has followed. English shows ai regularly before nasals and when final, and in a few other words—vain (vain, vānum), pay (payer, pācāre), wait (guetter, Teutonic wahtēn); but before most consonants it has usually èèpeace (pais, pācum), feat (fait, factum). (13) The loss or transposition 107 of i (= y-consonant) following the consonant ending an accented syllable begins in the 12th century—Early Old French glorie (glōriam), estudie (studium), olie (oleum); Modern French gloire, étude, huile. English sometimes shows the earlier form—glory, study; sometimes the later—dower (douaire, Early Old French doarie, dōtārium), oil (huile). (14) The vocalization of l preceded by a vowel and followed by a consonant becomes frequent at the end of the 12th century; when preceded by open è, an a developed before the l while this was a consonant—11th century salse (salsa), beltet (bellitatem), solder (solidāre); Modern French sauce, beauté, souder. In Parisian, final èl followed the fate of èl before a consonant, becoming the triphthong èau, but in Norman the vocalization did not take place, and the l was afterwards rejected—Modern French ruisseau, Modern Guernsey russé (rīvicellum). English words of French origin sometimes show l before a consonant, but the general form is uscald (échauder, excalidāre), Walter (Gautier, Teutonic Waldhari); sauce, beauty, soder. Final èl is kept—veal (veau, vitellum), seal (sceau, sigillum). (15) In the east and centre éi changes to òi, while the older sound is retained in the north-west and west—Norman estreit (étroit, strictum), preie (proie, praedam), 12th century Picard, Parisian, &c., estroit, proie. But the earliest (10th century) specimens of the latter group of dialects have éipleier (ployer, plicāre) Eulalia, mettreiet (mettrait, mittere habēbat) Jonah. Parisian òi, whether from ei or from Old French òi, ói, became in the 15th century (spellings with oue or oe are not uncommon—mirouer for miroir, mīrātōrium), and in the following, in certain words, è, now written aifrançais, connaître, from françois (franceis, franciscum), conoistre (conuistre, cognōscere); where it did not undergo the latter change it is now ua or waroi (rei, rēgem), croix (cruis, crūcem). Before nasals and palatal l, ei (now = è) was kept—veine (vēna), veille (vigilā), and it everywhere survives unlabialized in Modern Norman—Guernsey ételle (étoile, stēlla) with é, ser (soir, sērum) with è. English shows generally ei (or ai) for original eistrait (estreit), prey (preie); but in several words the later Parisian oicoy (coi, qviētum), loyal (loyal, lēgālem). (16) The splitting of the vowel-sound from accented Latin ō or u not in position, represented in Old French by o and u indifferently, into u, o (before nasals), and eu (the latter at first a diphthong, now = German ö), is unknown to Western French till the 12th century, and is not general in the east. The sound in 11th century Norman was much nearer to u (Modern French ou) than to ó (Modern French ô), as the words borrowed by English show uu (at first written u, afterwards ou or ow), never óó; but was probably not quite u, as Modern Norman shows the same splitting of the sound as Parisian. Examples are—Early Old French espose or espuse (spōnsam), nom or num (nōmen), flor or flur (flōrem); Modern French épouse, nom, fleur; Modern Guernsey goule (gueule, gulam), nom, flleur. Modern Picard also shows u, which is the regular sound before rflour; but Modern Burgundian often keeps the original Old French óvo (vous, vōs). English shows almost always uuspouse, noun, flower (Early Middle English spuse, nun, flur); but nephew with éu (neveu, nepōtem). (17) The loss of the u (or w) of qu dates from the end of the 12th century—Old French quart (qvartum), quitier (qviētāre) with qu = kw, Modern French quart, quitter with qu = k. In Walloon the w is preserved—couâr (quart), cuitter; as is the case in English—quart, quit. The w of gw seems to have been lost rather earlier, English having simple ggage (gage, older guage, Teutonic wadi), guise (guise, Teutonic wīsa). (18) The change of the diphthong òu to uu did not take place till after the 12th century, such words as Anjou (Andegāvum) assonating in the Roland on fort (fortem); and did not occur in Picardy, where òu became au caus from older còus, còls (cous, collōs) coinciding with caus from calz (chauds, calidōs). English keeps òu distinct from uuvault for vaut (Modern French voûte, volvitam), soder (souder, solidāre). (19) The change of the diphthong to simple é is specially Anglo-Norman, in Old French of the Continent these sounds never rhyme, in that of England they constantly do, and English words show, with rare exceptions, the simple vowel—fierce (Old French fiers, ferus), chief (chief, caput), with ie = ee; but pannier (panier, panārium). At the beginning of the modern period, Parisian dropped the i of ie when preceded by ch or jchef, abréger (Old French abregier, abbreviāre); elsewhere (except in verbs) ie is retained—fier (ferum), pitié (pietātem). Modern Guernsey retains ie after chap’rchier (approcher, adpropeāre).(20) Some of the Modern French changes have found their places under older ones; those remaining to be noticed are so recent that English examples of the older forms are superfluous. In the 16th century the diphthong au changed to ao and then to ó, its present sound, rendering, for instance, maux (Old French mals, malōs) identical with mots (muttōs). The au of eau underwent the same change, but its e was still sounded as ǝ (the e of que); in the next century this was dropped, making veaux (Old French vëels, vitellōs) identical with vaux (vals, vallēs). (21) A more general and very important change began much earlier than the last; this is the loss of many final consonants. In Early Old French every consonant was pronounced as written; by degrees many of them disappeared when followed by another consonant, whether in the same word (in which case they were generally omitted in writing) or in a following one. This was the state of things in the 16th century; those final consonants which are usually silent in Modern French were still sounded, if before a vowel or at the end of a sentence or a line of poetry, but generally not elsewhere. Thus a large number of French words had two forms; the Old French fort appeared as fòr (though still written fort) before a consonant, fòrt elsewhere. At a later period final consonants were lost (with certain exceptions) when the word stood at the end of a sentence or of a line of poetry; but they are generally kept when followed by a word beginning with a vowel. (22) A still later change is the general loss of the vowel (written e) of unaccented final syllables; this vowel preserved in the 16th century the sound ǝ, which it had in Early Old French. In later Anglo-Norman final ǝ (like every other sound) was treated exactly as the same sound in Middle English; that is, it came to be omitted or retained at pleasure, and in the 15th century disappeared. In Old French the loss of final ǝ is confined to a few words and forms; the 10th century saveiet (sapēbat for sapiēbat) became in the 11th saveit, and ore (ad hōram), ele (illam) develop the abbreviated or, el. In the 15th century ǝ before a vowel generally disappears—mûr, Old French mëur (mātūrum); and in the 16th, though still written, ǝ after an unaccented vowel, and in the syllable ent after a vowel, does the same—vraiment, Old French vraiement (vērācā mente); avoient two syllables, as now (avaient), in Old French three syllables (as habēbant). These phenomena occur much earlier in the anglicized French of England—13th century aveynt (Old French aveient). But the universal loss of final e, which has clipped a syllable from half the French vocabulary, did not take place till the 18th century, after the general loss of final consonants; fort and forte, distinguished at the end of a sentence or line in the 16th century as fòrt and fòrtǝ, remain distinguished, but as fòr and fòrt. The metre of poetry is still constructed on the obsolete pronunciation, which is even revived in singing; “dîtes, la jeune belle,” actually four syllables (dit, la zhœn bèl), is considered as seven, fitted with music accordingly, and sung to fit the music (ditǝ, la zhœna bèlǝ). (23) In Old French, as in the other Romanic languages, the stress (force, accent) is on the syllable which was accented in Latin; compare the treatment of the accented and unaccented vowels in latrō amās, giving lére, áime, and in latrōnem, amātis, giving larón, améz, the accented vowels being those which rhyme or assonate. At present, stress in French is much less marked than in English, German or Italian, and is to a certain extent variable; which is partly the reason why most native French scholars find no difficulty in maintaining that the stress in living Modern French is on the same syllable as in Old French. The fact that stress in the French of to-day is independent of length (quantity) and pitch (tone) largely aids the confusion; for though the final and originally accented syllable (not counting the silent e as a syllable) is now generally pronounced with less force, it very often has a long vowel with raised pitch. In actual pronunciation the chief stress is usually on the first syllable (counting according to the sounds, not the spelling), but in many polysyllables it is on the last but one; thus in caution the accented (strong) syllable cau, in occasion it is ca. Poetry is still written according to the original place of the stress; the rhyme-syllables of larron, aimez are still ron and mez, which when set to music receive an accented (strong) note, and are sung accordingly, though in speech the la and ai generally have the principal stress. In reading poetry, as distinguished from singing, the modern pronunciation is used, both as to the loss of the final ǝ and the displacement of the stress, the result being that the theoretical metre in which the poetry is written disappears. (24) In certain cases accented vowels were lengthened in Old French, as before a lost s; this was indicated in the 16th century by a circumflex—bête, Old French beste (bestiam), âme, Old French anme (anima). The same occurred in the plural of many nouns, where a consonant was lost before the s of the flection; thus singular coc with short vowel, plural cos with long. The plural cos, though spelt cogs instead of (= kóó), is still sometimes to be heard, but, like other similar ones, is generally refashioned after the singular, becoming kòk. In present French, except where a difference of quality has resulted, as in côte (Old French coste, costam) with ò and cotte (Old French cote), with ò, short and long vowels generally run together, quantity being now variable and uncertain; but at the beginning of this century the Early Modern distinctions appear to have been generally preserved.

(1) Northern French uses tsh (spelled c or ch) for Latin k (c) and t before palatal vowels, while Central and Southern French use ts (spelled c or z)—North Norman and Picard chire (cēram), brach (brāchium), plache (plateam); Parisian, South Norman, etc., cire, braz, place. Before the end of the Early Old French period (12th century), ts loses its initial consonant, and the same thing happens to tsh a century or two later; this change preserves the old distinction—Modern Guernsey and Picard chire, Modern Picard plache (in standard Modern French spelling); standard French cire, place. English, having borrowed from North and South Norman (and later Parisian), features examples of both tsh and s, the former in relatively few instances—chisel (Modern French ciseau = (?) caesellum), escutcheon (écusson, scūtiōnem); city (cité, cīvitātem), place. (2) Initial Teutonic w is kept in the north-east and along the north coast; elsewhere, like in other Romance languages, g was prefixed—Picard, etc., warde (Teutonic warda), werre (werra); Parisian, etc., guarde, guerre. In the 12th century, the u or w of gu dropped, resulting in the Modern French garde, guerre (with gu = g); w remains in Picard and Walloon, but in North Normandy it changes to v—Modern Guernsey vâson, Walloon wazon, Modern French gazon (Teutonic wason). English has both forms, sometimes in originally the same words—wage and gage (Modern French gage, Teutonic wadi); warden and guardian (gardien, warding). (3) Latin b after accented a in the imperfect of the first conjugation, which becomes v in Eastern French, in Western French further changes to w, forming the diphthong ou with the preceding vowel—Norman amowe (amābam), portout (portābat); Burgundian ameve, portevet. -eve is still kept in some regions, but generally, the imperfect of the first conjugation is adapted to that of the others—amoit, like avoit (habēbat). (4) The palatalization of every existing k and g (hard) when followed by a, i or e, which had led to the development of i before the e (East French ei) derived from a not in the correct position, is stopped in the north, with the consonants reverting to standard k or g, while in the center and south, they are assibilated to tsh or dzh—North Norman and Picard cachier (captiāre), kier (cārum), cose (causam), eskiver (Teutonic skiuhan), wiket (Teutonic wik + ittum), gal (gallum), gardin (from Teutonic gard); South Norman and Parisian chacier, chier, chose, eschiver, guichet, jal, jardin. Probably in the 14th century, the initial consonant of tsh, dzh disappeared, resulting in modern French chasser, jardin with ch = sh and j = zh; however, tsh is retained in Walloon, and dzh in Lorraine. The Northern forms survive—Modern Guernsey cachier, gardìn; Picard cacher, gardin. English has many examples of both forms, sometimes in related words—catch and chase; wicket, eschew; garden, jaundice (jaunisse, from galbanum). (5) For Latin accented a not in position, Western French typically has é, Eastern French ei, both of which take an i before them when a palatal precedes—Norman and Parisian per (parem), oiez (audiātis); Lorraine peir, oieis. In the 17th and 18th centuries, close é changed to open è, except when final or before a silent consonant—amer (amārum) now having è, aimer (amāre) keeping é. English shows the Western close épeer (Modern French pair, Old French per), chief (chef, caput); Middle High German shows the Eastern eilameir (Modern French l’amer, l’aimer, la mer = Latin mare). (6) Latin accented e not in position, when it was followed in Old French by i, merges with it to form i in the Western dialects, while the Eastern variants have the diphthongs ei—Picard, Norman, and Parisian pire (pejor), piz (pectus); Burgundian peire, peiz. The distinction is still maintained—Modern French pire, pis; Modern Burgundian peire, pei. English words consistently show iprice (prix, pretium) spite (dépit, dēspectum). (7) The nasalization of vowels followed by a nasal consonant did not occur the same way for all vowels. A and e before (guttural n, as in sing), ñ (palatal n), n, and m were nasalized in the 11th century, such as tant (tantum) and gent (gentem) forming unique assonances distinct from those with a and e before non-nasal consonants. In the Roland umbre (ombre, umbram) and culchet (couche, collocat), fier (ferum) and chiens (canēs), dit (dictum) and vint (vēnit), ceinte (ciṇctam) and veie (voie, viam), brun (Teutonic brūn) and fut (fuit) assonate freely, though o (u) before nasals shows a tendency to separation. The nasalization of i and u (which equals Modern French u) didn't happen until the 16th century; and in all cases, the loss of the following nasal consonant is quite recent, as the older pronunciation of tant, ombre being tãnt, õmbrǝ, not as now , õbrh. Nasalization occurred regardless of whether the nasal consonant was followed by a vowel, femme (fēminam), honneur (honōrem) being pronounced with nasal vowels in the first syllable until after the 16th century, as suggested by the doubling of the nasal consonant in the spelling and by the phonetic change (in femme and other words) next to be mentioned. English generally has au (often now reduced to a) for Old French ãvaunt (vanter, vānitāre), tawny (tanné (?) Celtic). (8) The assimilation of ē (nasal e) to ã (nasal a) did not begin until the middle of the 11th century, and is not yet universal in France, though generally it became so a century later. In the Alexis nasal a (as in tant) is never confused with nasal e (as in gent) in the assonances, although the copyist (a century later) often writes a for nasal e in unaccented syllables, like in amfant (enfant, infantem); in the Roland there are several cases of mixing in the assonances, gent, for example, appearing in ant stanzas, tant in ent stanzas. English has several words with a for e before nasals—rank (rang, Old French renc, Teutonic hriṇga), pansy (pensée, pēnsātam); but the majority show eenter (entrer, intrāre), fleam (flamme, Old French fleme, phlebotomum). The distinction is still preserved in the Norman of Guernsey, where an and en, though both nasal, have different sounds—lànchier (lancer, laṇceāre), but mèntrie (Old French menterie, from mentīrī). (9) The loss of s, or rather z, before voiced consonants began early, s being often omitted or wrongly inserted in 12th-century manuscripts.—Earliest Old French masle (masculum), sisdre (sīceram); Modern French mâle, cidre. In English, it has disappeared everywhere—male, cider; except in two words, where it appears, as occasionally in Old French, as dmeddle (mêler, misculāre), medlar (néflier, Old French also meslier, mespilārium). The loss of s before voiceless consonants (except f) is about two centuries later, and it is not universal even in Parisian—Early Old French feste (festam), escuier (scūtārium); Modern French fête, écuyer, but espérer (spērāre). In the north-east, s before t is still retained—Walloon chestai (château, castellum), fiess (fête). English shows s regularly—feast, esquire. (10) Medial dh (soft th, as in then), and final th from Latin t or d between vowels, do not start to disappear until the latter half of the 11th century. In native French manuscripts, dh is usually written d, and th is written t; but the German scribe of the Oaths writes adjudha (adjūtam), cadhuna (Greek katá and ūnam); and the English scribe of the Alexis cuntretha (contrātam), lothet (laudātum), and that of the Cambridge Psalter heriteth (hērēditātem). Medial dh often drops even in the last-named manuscripts, and soon disappears; the same is true for final th in Western French—Modern French contrée, loué. But in Eastern French, final th, which Latin t between vowels had probably been reduced to through d and dh, appears in the 12th century and later as t, rhyming with ordinary French final t—Picard and Burgundian pechiet (peccātum) apeleit (appellātum). In Western French, some final ths were preserved by being changed to f—Modern French soif (sitim), mœuf (obsolete, modum). English has one or two instances of final th, none of medial dhfaith (foi, fidem); Middle English cariteþ (charité, caritātem), drutð (Old French dru, Teutonic drūd); generally the consonant is lost—country, charity. Middle High German shows the Eastern French final consonant—moraliteit (moralité, mōrālitātem). (11) T from Latin final t, if in an unaccented syllable in Old French, starts to disappear in the Roland, where sometimes aimet (amat), and sometimes aime, is needed for the meter, and soon drops in all dialects. The Modern French t in aime-t-il and similar forms is an analogical addition from forms like dort-il (dormit), where the t has always been present. (12) The shift of the diphthong ai to èi and later to èè (the doubling indicates length) had not occurred in the earliest French documents, as words with ai had assonated only on words with a; in the Roland, such assonances occur, but those of ai on è are more frequent—faire (facere) assonating on parastre (patraster) and on estes (estis); and the manuscript (written half a century later than the poem) occasionally has ei and e instead of airecleimet (reclāmat), desfere (disfacere), the latter matching the Modern French sound. Before nasals (as in laine = lānam) and (as in payé = pācātum), ai remained a diphthong up to the 16th century, evidently being ei, whose fate it has followed in this context. English generally uses ai before nasals and at the end of words, along with a few others—vain (vain, vānum), pay (payer, pācāre), wait (guetter, Teutonic wahtēn); but before most consonants, it usually has èèpeace (pais, pācum), feat (fait, factum). (13) The loss or transposition 107 of i (= y-consonant) following the consonant ending an accented syllable starts in the 12th century—Early Old French glorie (glōriam), estudie (studium), olie (oleum); Modern French gloire, étude, huile. English sometimes shows the earlier form—glory, study; sometimes the later—dower (douaire, Early Old French doarie, dōtārium), oil (huile). (14) The vocalization of l when preceded by a vowel and followed by a consonant became common by the end of the 12th century; when preceded by open è, an a developed before the l while this was still a consonant—11th-century salse (salsa), beltet (bellitatem), solder (solidāre); Modern French sauce, beauté, souder. In Parisian, final èl underwent the same fate as èl before a consonant, becoming the triphthong èau, but in Norman, vocalization did not occur, and the l was later dropped—Modern French ruisseau, Modern Guernsey russé (rīvicellum). English words of French origin sometimes retain l before a consonant, but the general form is uscald (échauder, excalidāre), Walter (Gautier, Teutonic Waldhari); sauce, beauty, soder. Final èl is preserved—veal (veau, vitellum), seal (sceau, sigillum). (15) In the east and center, éi changes to òi, while the older sound is kept in the north-west and west—Norman estreit (étroit, strictum), preie (proie, praedam), 12th-century Picard, Parisian, etc., estroit, proie. But the earliest (10th-century) examples of the latter group of dialects have éipleier (ployer, plicāre) Eulalia, mettreiet (mettrait, mittere habēbat) Jonah. Parisian òi, whether from ei or from Old French òi, ói, turned in the 15th century into (spellings with oue or oe are not uncommon—mirouer for miroir, mīrātōrium), and later, in certain words, è, now written aifrançais, connaître, from françois (franceis, franciscum), conoistre (conuistre, cognōscere); where it did not undergo the latter change, it is now ua or waroi (rei, rēgem), croix (cruis, crūcem). Before nasals and palatal l, ei (now = è) was retained—veine (vēna), veille (vigilā), and it survives unlabialized in Modern Norman—Guernsey ételle (étoile, stēlla) with é, ser (soir, sērum) with è. English generally uses ei (or ai) for the original eistrait (estreit), prey (preie); but in several words, the later Parisian oicoy (coi, qviētum), loyal (loyal, lēgālem). (16) The splitting of the vowel-sound from accented Latin ō or u not in position, represented in Old French by o and u interchangeably, into u, o (before nasals), and eu (the latter at first a diphthong, now = German ö), is unknown to Western French until the 12th century and is not widespread in the east. The sound in 11th-century Norman was much closer to u (Modern French ou) than to ó (Modern French ô), as evidenced by the words borrowed by English which show uu (initially written as u, later ou or ow), never óó; but was probably not entirely u, as Modern Norman reflects the same sound division as Parisian. Examples include—Early Old French espose or espuse (spōnsam), nom or num (nōmen), flor or flur (flōrem); Modern French épouse, nom, fleur; Modern Guernsey goule (gueule, gulam), nom, flleur. Modern Picard also shows u, which is the usual sound before rflour; but Modern Burgundian often retains the original Old French óvo (vous, vōs). English almost always uses uuspouse, noun, flower (Early Middle English spuse, nun, flur); but nephew with éu (neveu, nepōtem). (17) The loss of the u (or w) in qu starts from the end of the 12th century—Old French quart (qvartum), quitier (qviētāre) with qu = kw, Modern French quart, quitter with qu = k. In Walloon, the w is maintained—couâr (quart), cuitter; as it is in English—quart, quit. The w of gw seems to have been lost a bit earlier, with English having simple ggage (gage, older guage, Teutonic wadi), guise (guise, Teutonic wīsa). (18) The transition of the diphthong òu to uu did not occur until after the 12th century, with words like Anjou (Andegāvum) assonating in the Roland on fort (fortem); and it did not happen in Picardy, where òu became au caus from older còus, còls (cous, collōs) coinciding with caus from calz (chauds, calidōs). English keeps òu distinct from uuvault for vaut (Modern French voûte, volvitam), soder (souder, solidāre). (19) The change of the diphthong to simple é is particularly Anglo-Norman; in Old French on the continent, these sounds never rhyme, but in that of England, they frequently do, and English words typically show, with few exceptions, the simple vowel—fierce (Old French fiers, ferus), chief (chief, caput), with ie = ee; but pannier (panier, panārium). At the start of the modern period, Parisian dropped the i in ie when preceded by ch or jchef, abréger (Old French abregier, abbreviāre); elsewhere (except in verbs), ie is kept—fier (ferum), pitié (pietātem). Modern Guernsey retains ie after chap’rchier (approcher, adpropeāre). (20) Some of the Modern French changes have replaced older ones; those remaining to be noted are so recent that English examples of the older forms are unnecessary. In the 16th century, the diphthong au changed to ao and then to ó, its present sound, making, for instance, maux (Old French mals, malōs) identical with mots (muttōs). The au of eau underwent the same change, but its e was still pronounced as ǝ (the e in que); in the next century, this was lost, making veaux (Old French vëels, vitellōs) identical with vaux (vals, vallēs). (21) A more general and very significant change began much earlier than the last; this is the loss of many final consonants. In Early Old French, every consonant was pronounced as written; gradually, many of them disappeared when followed by another consonant, whether in the same word (in which case they were generally omitted in writing) or in a following word. This was the situation in the 16th century; those final consonants that are usually silent in Modern French were still pronounced, if before a vowel or at the end of a sentence or a line of poetry, but generally not otherwise. As a result, many French words had two forms; the Old French fort appeared as fòr (though still written fort) before a consonant, but fòrt elsewhere. Later on, final consonants were lost (with certain exceptions) when the word was at the end of a sentence or line of poetry; however, they are generally retained when followed by a word beginning with a vowel. (22) A later change is the general loss of the vowel (written e) in unaccented final syllables; this vowel, preserved in the 16th century, had the sound ǝ, which it held in Early Old French. In later Anglo-Norman, final ǝ (like every other sound) was treated exactly like the same sound in Middle English; in other words, it came to be omitted or kept at will, and in the 15th century, it vanished. In Old French, the loss of final ǝ is limited to a few words and forms; the 10th-century saveiet (sapēbat for sapiēbat) became in the 11th saveit, and ore (ad hōram), ele (illam) developed into the shortened or, el. In the 15th century, ǝ before a vowel generally disappears—mûr, Old French mëur (mātūrum); and in the 16th century, although still written, ǝ after an unaccented vowel, and in the ent syllable after a vowel, follows suit—vraiment, Old French vraiement (vērācā mente); avoient having two syllables, as now (avaient), in Old French three syllables (as habēbant). These changes occurred much earlier in the anglicized French of England—13th-century aveynt (Old French aveient). But the universal loss of final e, which has trimmed a syllable from half the French vocabulary, did not happen until the 18th century, following the general loss of final consonants; fort and forte, distinguished at the end of a sentence or line in the 16th century as fòrt and fòrtǝ, remain distinguished, but now as fòr and fòrt. The rhythm of poetry is still constructed based on the outdated pronunciation, which is even revived in singing; “dîtes, la jeune belle,” actually four syllables (dit, la zhœn bèl), is regarded as seven, arranged with music accordingly, and sung to match the music (ditǝ, la zhœna bèlǝ). (23) In Old French, like in other Romance languages, the stress (force, accent) is on the syllable that was accented in Latin; compare the treatment of the accented and unaccented vowels in latrō amās, giving lére, áime, and in latrōnem, amātis, giving larón, améz, with the accented vowels being those that rhyme or assonate. Today, stress in French is much less pronounced than in English, German or Italian, and is somewhat variable; this is partly why most native French scholars find no difficulty in arguing that the stress in current Modern French remains on the same syllable as in Old French. The fact that stress in today’s French is not influenced by length (quantity) and pitch (tone) largely contributes to the confusion; although the final and originally stressed syllable (not counting the silent e as a syllable) is typically now pronounced with less emphasis, it often still has a long vowel with a higher pitch. In actual speech, the main stress is usually on the first syllable (counting by sounds, not spelling), but in many polysyllabic words, it’s on the penultimate syllable; thus in caution the stressed (strong) syllable is cau, in occasion it’s ca. Poetry is still written according to the original location of the stress; the rhyme-syllables of larron, aimez are still ron and mez, which when set to music receive a strong note and are sung accordingly, although in speech the la and ai typically bear the primary stress. When reading poetry, as opposed to singing, the modern pronunciation is used, both in terms of losing the final ǝ and in stress placement changes, which results in the theoretical meter in which the poetry is written disappearing. (24) In certain instances, accented vowels were elongated in Old French, such as before a lost s; this was indicated in the 16th century by a circumflex—bête, Old French beste (bestiam), âme, Old French anme (anima). The same happened in the plural of many nouns, where a consonant was lost before the s of the inflection; thus singular coc with a short vowel, plural cos with a long one. The plural cos, though spelled cogs instead of (= kóó), is still sometimes heard, but, like other similar ones, is generally reshaped after the singular, becoming kòk. In present French, except where a difference in quality has resulted, as in côte (Old French coste, costam) with ò and cotte (Old French cote), with ò, short and long vowels typically merge, with quantity now being variable and uncertain; however, it appears that the Early Modern distinctions were largely preserved at the beginning of this century.

(d) Orthography.—The history of French spelling is based on that of French sounds; as already stated, the former (apart from a few Latinisms in the earliest documents) for several centuries faithfully followed the latter. When the popular Latin of Gaul was first written, its sounds were represented by the letters of the Roman alphabet; but these were employed, not in the values they had in the time of Caesar, but in those they had acquired in consequence of the phonetic changes that had meantime taken place. Thus, as the Latin sound u had become ó (close o) and ū had become y (French u, German ü), the letter u was used sometimes to denote the sound ó, sometimes the sound y; as Latin k (written c) had become tsh or ts, according to dialect, before e and i, c was used to represent those sounds as well as that of k. The chief features of early French orthography (apart from the specialities of individual MSS., especially the earliest) are therefore these:—c stood for k and tsh or ts; d for d 108 and dh (soft th); e for é, è, and ǝ; g for g and dzh; h was often written in words of Latin origin where not sounded; i (j) stood for i, y consonant, and dzh; o for ó (Anglo-Norman u) and ò; s for s and z; t for t and th; u (v) for ó (Anglo-Norman u), y and v; y (rare) for i; z for dz and ts. Some new sounds had also to be provided for: where tsh had to be distinguished from non-final ts, ch—at first, as in Italian, denoting k before i and e (chi = ki from qvī)—was used for it; palatal l was represented by ill, which when final usually lost one l, and after i dropped its i; palatal n by gn, ng or ngn, to which i was often prefixed; and the new letter w, originally uu (vv), and sometimes representing merely uv or vu, was employed for the consonant-sound still denoted by it in English. All combinations of vowel-letters represented diphthongs; thus ai denoted a followed by i, ou either óu or òu, ui either ói (Anglo-Norman ui) or yi, and similarly with the others—ei, eu, oi, iu, ie, ue (and oe), and the triphthong ieu. Silent letters, except initial h in Latin words, are very rare; though MSS. copied from older ones often retain letters whose sounds, though existing in the language of the author, had disappeared from that of the more modern scribe. The subsequent changes in orthography are due mainly to changes of sound, and find their explanation in the phonology. Thus, as Old French progresses, s, having become silent before voiced consonants, indicates only the length of the preceding vowel; e before nasals, from the change of ē (nasal e) to ã (nasal a), represents ã; c, from the change of ts to s, represents s; qu and gu, from the loss of the w of kw and gw, represent k and g (hard); ai, from the change of ai to è, represents è; ou, from the change of òu and óu to u, represents u; ch and g, from the change of tsh and dzh to sh and zh, represent sh and zh; eu and ue, originally representing diphthongs, represent œ (German ö); z, from the change of ts and dz to s and z, represents s and z. The new values of some of these letters were applied to words not originally spelt with them: Old French k before i and e was replaced by qu (evesque, eveske, Latin episcopum); Old French u and o for ó, after this sound had split into eu and u, were replaced in the latter case by ou (rous, for ros or rus, Latin russum); s was accidentally inserted to mark a long vowel (pasle, pale, Latin pallidum); eu replaced ue and oe (neuf, nuef, Latin novum and novem); z replaced s after é (nez, nes, nāsum). The use of x for final s is due to an orthographical mistake; the MS. contraction of us being something like x was at last confused with it (iex for ieus, oculōs), and, its meaning being forgotten, u was inserted before the x (yeux) which thus meant no more than s, and was used for it after other vowels (voix for vois, vōcem). As literature came to be extensively cultivated, traditional as distinct from phonetic spelling began to be influential; and in the 14th century, the close of the Old French period, this influence, though not overpowering, was strong—stronger than in England at that time. About the same period there arose etymological as distinct from traditional spelling. This practice, the alteration of traditional spelling by the insertion or substitution of letters which occurred (or were supposed to occur) in the Latin (or supposed Latin) originals of the French words, became very prevalent in the three following centuries, when such forms as debvoir (dēbēre) for devoir, faulx (falsum) for faus, autheur (auctōrem, supposed to be authōrem) for auteur, poids (supposed to be from pondus, really from pēnsum) for pois, were the rule. But besides the etymological, there was a phonetic school of spelling (Ramus, in 1562, for instance, writes èime, èimates—with e = é, è = è, and ę = ǝ—for aimai, aimastes), which, though unsuccessful on the whole, had some effect in correcting the excesses of the other, so that in the 17th century most of these inserted letters began to drop; of those which remain, some (flegme for flemme or fleume, Latin phlegma) have corrupted the pronunciation. Some important reforms—as the dropping of silent s, and its replacement by a circumflex over the vowel when this was long; the frequent distinction of close and open e by acute and grave accents; the restriction of i and u to the vowel sound, of j and v to the consonant; and the introduction from Spain of the cedilla to distinguish c = s from c = k before a, u and o—are due to the 16th century. The replacement of oi, where it had assumed the value è, by ai, did not begin till the last century, and was not the rule till the present one. Indeed, since the 16th century the changes in French spelling have been small, compared with the changes of the sounds; final consonants and final e (unaccented) are still written, though the sounds they represent have disappeared.

(d) Orthography.—The history of French spelling is based on the history of French sounds; as mentioned earlier, spelling (aside from a few Latin influences in the earliest documents) closely followed pronunciation for several centuries. When the common Latin spoken in Gaul was first recorded, its sounds were represented by the letters of the Roman alphabet; however, these letters were used not in the values they had during Caesar's time, but rather in the values that had developed due to phonetic changes over time. For example, the Latin sound u became ó (close o) and ū became y (French u, German ü), leading to the letter u being used to represent both the ó sound and the y sound at different times. Similarly, the Latin k (written as c) evolved into tsh or ts, depending on the dialect, before e and i, which meant that c was used to represent those sounds as well as the k sound. The main characteristics of early French spelling (aside from the peculiarities of individual manuscripts, particularly the earliest ones) are as follows: c stood for k and tsh or ts; d for d and dh (soft th); e for é, è, and ǝ; g for g and dzh; h was often written in words of Latin origin where it wasn't pronounced; i (j) stood for i, y consonant, and dzh; o for ó (Anglo-Norman u) and ò; s for s and z; t for t and th; u (v) for ó (Anglo-Norman u), y, and v; y (rare) for i; z for dz and ts. New sounds also needed to be accounted for: tsh was distinguished from non-final ts by using ch—initially, like in Italian, representing k before i and e (chi = ki from qvī)—; palatal l was represented by ill, usually losing one l when at the end and dropping its i after i; palatal n by gn, ng, or ngn, often prefixed with an i; and the new letter w, originally uu (vv), and sometimes just indicating uv or vu, was used for the consonant sound it still represents in English. All combinations of vowel letters represented diphthongs; for instance, ai indicated a followed by i, ou either óu or òu, ui either ói (Anglo-Norman ui) or yi, and similarly with ei, eu, oi, iu, ie, ue (and oe), as well as the triphthong ieu. Silent letters, except for initial h in Latin words, are quite rare; although manuscripts copied from older ones often keep letters whose sounds, though present in the author's language, have vanished in that of the more modern scribe. The later changes in spelling mainly result from sound changes, which can be clarified through phonology. As Old French evolved, s became silent before voiced consonants, only indicating the length of the preceding vowel; e before nasals, due to the change from ē (nasal e) to ã (nasal a), represented ã; c, due to the change from ts to s, represented s; qu and gu, from the loss of the w in kw and gw, represented k and g (hard); ai, due to the change from ai to è, represented è; ou, due to the change from òu and óu to u, represented u; ch and g, due to the change from tsh and dzh to sh and zh, represented sh and zh; eu and ue, originally indicating diphthongs, represented œ (German ö); z, due to the change from ts and dz to s and z, represented s and z. The new meanings of some letters began to apply to words that weren't originally spelled with them: Old French k before i and e transitioned to qu (evesque, eveske, Latin episcopum); Old French u and o for ó, after this sound had split into eu and u, were replaced in the latter case by ou (rous, for ros or rus, Latin russum); s was added accidentally to indicate a long vowel (pasle, pale, Latin pallidum); eu replaced ue and oe (neuf, nuef, Latin novum and novem); z replaced s after é (nez, nes, nāsum). The use of x for final s resulted from a spelling error; the manuscript contraction of us, which looked something like x, eventually got confused with it (iex for ieus, oculōs), and after its meaning was forgotten, u was inserted before the x (yeux) which only signified s, and was used for it after other vowels (voix for vois, vōcem). As literature began to flourish, traditional rather than phonetic spelling became influential; and by the 14th century, at the end of the Old French period, this influence, while not overwhelming, was significant—stronger than in England at that time. Around the same period, etymological spelling emerged, distinct from traditional spelling. This approach involved changing traditional spellings by inserting or replacing letters that occurred (or were assumed to occur) in the Latin (or presumed Latin) roots of the French words, becoming very common over the next three centuries, leading to forms like debvoir (dēbēre) for devoir, faulx (falsum) for faus, autheur (auctōrem, believed to be authōrem) for auteur, and poids (thought to be from pondus, but actually from pēnsum) for pois, which became the norm. But alongside the etymological approach, a phonetic style of spelling emerged (Ramus, in 1562, for example, wrote èime, èimates—with e = é, è = è, and ę = ǝ—for aimai, aimastes), which, although not particularly successful overall, did help correct some of the excesses of the other approach, thus in the 17th century many of these extra letters began to vanish; of those that remain, some (flegme for flemme or fleume, Latin phlegma) have altered pronunciation. Significant reforms—like the removal of silent s, replaced by a circumflex over the vowel when it was long; the frequent differentiation of close and open e with acute and grave accents; the limiting of i and u to vowel sounds, and j and v to consonants; and the introduction from Spain of the cedilla to differentiate c = s from c = k before a, u, and o—came about in the 16th century. The replacement of oi, where it had taken on the value è, by ai, did not begin until the last century, and it wasn't standardized until this one. In fact, since the 16th century, changes in French spelling have been minimal, compared to the changes in sounds; final consonants and final e (unaccented) continue to be written, even though the sounds they represent have disappeared.

Still, a marked effort towards the simplification of French orthography was made in the third edition of the Dictionary of the French Academy (1740), practically the work of the Abbé d’Olivet. While in the first (1694) and second (1718) editions of this dictionary words were overburdened with silent letters, supposed to represent better the etymology, in the third edition the spelling of about 5000 words (out of about 18,000) was altered and made more in conformity with the pronunciation. So, for instance, c was dropped in beinfaicteur and object, ç in sçavoir, d in advocat, s in accroistre, albastre, aspre and bastard, e in the past part. creu, deu, veu, and in such words as alleure, souilleure; y was replaced by i in cecy, celuy, gay, joye, &c. But those changes were not made systematically, and many pedantic spellings were left untouched, while many inconsistencies still remain in the present orthography (siffler and persifler, souffler and boursoufler, &c). The consequence of those efforts in contrary directions is that French orthography is now quite as traditional and unphonetic as English, and gives an even falser notion than this of the actual state of the language it is supposed to represent. Many of the features of Old French orthography, early and late, are preserved in English orthography; to it we owe the use of c for s (Old English c = k only), of j (i) for dzh, of v (u) for v (in Old English written f), and probably of ch for tsh. The English w is purely French, the Old English letter being the runic Þ. When French was introduced into England, kw had not lost its w, and the French qu, with that value, replaced the Old English (queen for en). In Norman, Old French ó had become very like u, and in England went entirely into it; o, which was one of its French signs, thus came to be often used for u in English (come for cume). U, having often in Old French its Modern French value, was so used in England, and replaced the Old English y (busy for bysi, Middle English brud for brŷd), and y was often used for i (day for dai). In the 13th century, when ou had come to represent u in France, it was borrowed by English, and used for the long sound of that vowel (sour for sūr); and gu, which had come to mean simply g (hard), was occasionally used to represent the sound g before i and e (guess for gesse). Some of the Early Modern etymological spellings were imitated in England; fleam and autour were replaced by phlegm and authour, the latter spelling having corrupted the pronunciation.

Still, a significant effort to simplify French spelling was made in the third edition of the Dictionary of the French Academy (1740), largely thanks to the Abbé d’Olivet. In the first (1694) and second (1718) editions of this dictionary, words were overloaded with silent letters, which were intended to better represent their etymology. In the third edition, the spelling of about 5,000 words (out of around 18,000) was changed to align more closely with pronunciation. For example, the c was removed in beinfaicteur and object, ç in sçavoir, d in advocat, s in accroistre, albastre, aspre, and bastard, and e in the past participles creu, deu, veu, and in words like alleure, souilleure. The y was replaced by i in cecy, celuy, gay, joye, etc. However, these changes were not applied systematically, and many overly formal spellings were left untouched, leading to many inconsistencies that still exist in the current spelling (siffler and persifler, souffler and boursoufler, etc.). The result of these conflicting efforts is that French spelling is now as traditional and non-phonetic as English, and even misrepresents the actual state of the language it is supposed to reflect. Many features of Old French spelling, both early and late, are retained in English spelling; we owe to it the use of c for s (where Old English c represented only k), j (i) for dzh, v (u) for v (which used to be written as f in Old English), and likely ch for tsh. The English w comes directly from French, as the Old English letter was the runic Þ. When French was introduced to England, kw still had its w, and the French qu with that sound replaced the Old English (queen for en). In Norman, Old French ó had become very similar to u, and in England, it fully merged into it; o, one of its French signs, was thus often used for u in English (come for cume). The letter u, often having its Modern French value in Old French, was used in England, replacing the Old English y (busy for bysi, Middle English brud for brŷd), and y was frequently used for i (day for dai). In the 13th century, when ou began to represent u in France, it was borrowed by English and used for the long sound of that vowel (sour for sūr); gu, which had come to simply mean g (hard), was occasionally used to represent the g sound before i and e (guess for gesse). Some of the Early Modern etymological spellings were imitated in England; fleam and autour were replaced by phlegm and authour, with the latter spelling altering the pronunciation.

(e) Inflections.—In the earliest Old French extant, the influence of analogy, especially in verbal forms, is very marked when these are compared with Latin (thus the present participles of all conjugations take ant, the ending of the first, Latin antem), and becomes stronger as the language progresses. Such isolated inflectional changes as saveit into savoit, which are cases of regular phonetic changes, are not noticed here.

(e) Inflections.—In the earliest surviving Old French, the impact of analogy, especially in verb forms, is very noticeable when compared to Latin (for example, the present participles of all conjugations take ant, the ending of the first, Latin antem), and this influence grows stronger as the language evolves. Isolated inflectional changes like saveit to savoit, which are examples of regular phonetic changes, are not mentioned here.

(i.) Verbs.—(1) In the oldest French texts the Latin pluperfect (with the sense of the perfect) occasionally occurs—avret (habuerat), roveret (rogāverat); it disappears before the 12th century. (2) The u of the ending of the 1st pers. plur. mus drops in Old French, except in the perfect, where its presence (as ǝ) is not yet satisfactorily explained—amoms (amāmus, influenced by sūmus), but amames (amāvimus). In Picard the atonic ending mes is extended to all tenses, giving amomes, &c. (3) In the present indicative, 2nd person plur., the ending ez of the first conjugation (Latin atis) extends, even in the earliest documents, to all verbs—avez, recevez, oez (habetis, recipĭtis, auditis) like amez (amatis); such forms as dites, faites (dicĭtis, facĭtis) being exceptional archaisms. This levelling of the conjugation does not appear at such an early time in the future (formed from the infinitive and from habētis reduced to ētis); in the Roland both forms occur, portereiz (portare habētis) assonating on rei (roi, rēgem), and the younger porterez on citet (cité, cīvitātem), but about the end of the 13th century the older form -eiz, -oiz, is dropped, and -ez becomes gradually the uniform ending for this 2nd person of the plural in the future tense. (4) In Eastern French the 1st plur., when preceded by i, has e, not o, before the nasal, while Western French has u (or o), as in the present; posciomes (posseāmus) in the Jonah homily makes it probable that the latter is the older form—Picard aviemes, Burgundian aviens, Norman 109 aviums (habēbāmus). (5) The subjunctive of the first conjugation has at first in the singular no final e, in accordance with the final vowel laws—plur, plurs, plurt (plōrem, plōrēs, plōret). The forms are gradually assimilated to those of the other conjugations, which, deriving from Latin am, as, at, have e, es, e(t); Modern French pleure, pleures, pleure, like perde, perdes, perde (perdam, perdās, perdat). (6) In Old French the present subjunctive and the 1st sing. pres. ind. generally show the influence of the i or e of the Latin iam, eam, , —Old French muire or moerge (moriat for moriātur), tiegne or tienge (teneat), muir or moerc (moriō for morior), tieng or tienc (teneō). By degrees these forms are levelled under the other present forms—Modern French meure and meurs following meurt (morit for morītur), tienne and tiens following tient (tenet). A few of the older forms remain—the vowel of aie (habeam) and ai (habeō) contrasting with that of a (habet). (7) A levelling of which instances occur in the 11th century, but which is not yet complete, is that of the accented and unaccented stem-syllables of verbs. In Old French many verb-stems with shifting accent vary in accordance with phonetic laws—parler (parabolāre), amer (amāre) have in the present indicative parol (parabolō), paroles (parabolās), parolet (parabolat), parlums (parabolāmus), parlez (parabolātis), parolent (parabolant); aim (amō), aimes (amās), aimet (amat), amums (amāmus), amez (amātis), aiment (amant). In the first case the unaccented, in the second the accented form has prevailed—Modern French parle, parler; aime, aimer. In several verbs, as tenir (tenēre), the distinction is retained—tiens, tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, tiennent. (8) In Old French, as stated above, instead of é from a occurs after a palatal (which, if a consonant, often split into i with a dental); the diphthong thus appears in several forms of many verbs of the 1st conjugation—preier (= prei-ier, precāre), vengier (vindicāre), laissier (laxāre), aidier (adjūtāre). At the close of the Old French period, those verbs in which the stem ends in a dental replace ie by the e of other verbs—Old French laissier, aidier, laissiez (laxātis), aidiez (adjūtātis); Modern French laisser, aider, laissez, aidez, by analogy of aimer, aimez. The older forms generally remain in Picard—laissier, aidier. (9) The addition of e to the 1st sing. pres. ind. of all verbs of the first conjugation is rare before the 13th century, but is usual in the 15th; it is probably due to the analogy of the third person—Old French chant (cantō), aim (amō); Modern French chante, aime. (10) In the 13th century s is occasionally added to the 1st pers. sing., except those ending in e (= ǝ) and ai, and to the 2nd sing. of imperatives; at the close of the 16th century this becomes the rule, and extends to imperfects and conditionals in oie after the loss of their e. It appears to be due to the influence of the 2nd pers. sing.—Old French vend (vendō and vende), vendoie (vendēbam), parti (partīvī), ting (tenuī); Modern French vends, vendais, partis, tins; and donne (dōnā) in certain cases becomes donnes. (11) The 1st and 2nd plur. of the pres. subj., which in Old French were generally similar to those of the indicative, gradually take an i before them, which is the rule after the 16th century—Old French perdons (perdāmus), perdez (perdātis); Modern French perdions, perdiez, apparently by analogy of the imp. ind. (12) The loss in Late Old French of final s, t, &c., when preceding another consonant, caused many words to have in reality (though often concealed by orthography) double forms of inflection—one without termination, the other with. Thus in the 16th century the 2nd sing. pres. ind. dors (dormīs) and the 3rd dort (dormit) were distinguished as dòrz and dòrt when before a vowel, as dòrs and dòrt at the end of a sentence or line of poetry, but ran together as dòr when followed by a consonant. Still later, the loss of the final consonant when not followed by a vowel further reduced the cases in which the forms were distinguished, so that the actual French conjugation is considerably simpler than is shown by the customary spellings, except when, in consequence of an immediately following vowel, the old terminations occasionally appear. Even here the antiquity is to a considerable extent artificial or delusive, some of the insertions being due to analogy, and the popular language often omitting the traditional consonant or inserting a different one. (13) The subsequent general loss of e = ǝ in unaccented final syllables has still further reduced the inflections, but not the distinctive forms—perd (perdit) and perde (perdat) being generally distinguished as pèr and pèrd, and before a vowel as pèrt and pèrd.

(i.) Verbs.—(1) In the oldest French texts, the Latin pluperfect (used as the perfect) sometimes appears—avret (habuerat), roveret (rogāverat); it vanishes by the 12th century. (2) The u in the ending of the 1st person plural mus drops in Old French, except in the perfect tense, where its presence (as ǝ) is not fully explained—amoms (amāmus, influenced by sūmus), but amames (amāvimus). In Picard, the unstressed ending mes is applied to all tenses, resulting in amomes, etc. (3) In the present indicative, 2nd person plural, the ending ez of the first conjugation (Latin atis) extends, even in the earliest documents, to all verbs—avez, recevez, oez (habetis, recipĭtis, auditis) like amez (amatis); forms like dites, faites (dicĭtis, facĭtis) are exceptional archaisms. This leveling of the conjugation doesn’t happen as early in the future tense (formed from the infinitive and from habētis reduced to ētis); in the Roland, both forms appear, portereiz (portare habētis) assonating on rei (roi, rēgem), and the newer porterez on citet (cité, cīvitātem), but by the end of the 13th century, the older form -eiz, -oiz is dropped, and -ez gradually becomes the standard ending for this 2nd person plural in the future tense. (4) In Eastern French, the 1st person plural, when preceded by i, has e, not o, before the nasal, while Western French has u (or o), as in the present; posciomes (posseāmus) in the Jonah homily suggests that the latter is the older form—Picard aviemes, Burgundian aviens, Norman aviums (habēbāmus). (5) The subjunctive of the first conjugation originally has no final e in the singular, following the final vowel laws—plur, plurs, plurt (plōrem, plōrēs, plōret). The forms are gradually assimilated to those of other conjugations, which, derived from Latin am, as, at, have e, es, e(t); Modern French pleure, pleures, pleure, like perde, perdes, perde (perdam, perdās, perdat). (6) In Old French, the present subjunctive and the 1st sing. pres. ind. generally show the influence of the i or e of the Latin iam, eam, , —Old French muire or moerge (moriat for moriātur), tiegne or tienge (teneat), muir or moerc (moriō for morior), tieng or tienc (teneō). Gradually, these forms are leveled under the other present forms—Modern French meure and meurs following meurt (morit for morītur), tienne and tiens following tient (tenet). A few of the older forms remain—the vowel of aie (habeam) and ai (habeō) contrasting with that of a (habet). (7) A leveling occurs in the 11th century, but it is not yet complete, regarding the accented and unaccented stem-syllables of verbs. In Old French, many verb-stems with shifting accents vary based on phonetic laws—parler (parabolāre), amer (amāre) have in the present indicative parol (parabolō), paroles (parabolās), parolet (parabolat), parlums (parabolāmus), parlez (parabolātis), parolent (parabolant); aim (amō), aimes (amās), aimet (amat), amums (amāmus), amez (amātis), aiment (amant). In the first case, the unaccented form prevails, while in the second the accented form prevails—Modern French parle, parler; aime, aimer. In several verbs, like tenir (tenēre), the distinction is maintained—tiens, tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, tiennent. (8) In Old French, as mentioned earlier, instead of é from a occurs after a palatal (which, if a consonant, often splits into i with a dental); the diphthong thus appears in various forms of many first conjugation verbs—preier (= prei-ier, precāre), vengier (vindicāre), laissier (laxāre), aidier (adjūtāre). By the end of the Old French period, those verbs where the stem ends in a dental replace ie with the e of other verbs—Old French laissier, aidier, laissiez (laxātis), aidiez (adjūtātis); Modern French laisser, aider, laissez, aidez, by analogy with aimer, aimez. The older forms generally remain in Picard—laissier, aidier. (9) Adding e to the 1st sing. pres. ind. of all first conjugation verbs is rare before the 13th century but becomes common in the 15th century; it likely stems from the analogy of the third person—Old French chant (cantō), aim (amō); Modern French chante, aime. (10) In the 13th century, s is sometimes added to the 1st person sing., except for those ending in e (= ǝ) and ai, and to the 2nd sing. of imperatives; by the end of the 16th century, this becomes the rule and extends to imperfects and conditionals in oie after the loss of their e. This is likely due to the influence of the 2nd person sing.—Old French vend (vendō and vende), vendoie (vendēbam), parti (partīvī), ting (tenuī); Modern French vends, vendais, partis, tins; and donne (dōnā) in some cases becomes donnes. (11) The 1st and 2nd plur. of the pres. subj., which in Old French were usually similar to those of the indicative, gradually take on an i before them, which becomes the rule after the 16th century—Old French perdons (perdāmus), perdez (perdātis); Modern French perdions, perdiez, apparently by analogy with the imp. ind. (12) The loss in Late Old French of final s, t, etc., when preceding another consonant, caused many words to have in effect (though often hidden by spelling) double forms of inflection—one without termination, the other with one. Therefore in the 16th century, the 2nd sing. pres. ind. dors (dormīs) and the 3rd dort (dormit) were distinguished as dòrz and dòrt when before a vowel, as dòrs and dòrt at the end of a sentence or line of poetry, but merged as dòr when followed by a consonant. Later on, the loss of the final consonant when not followed by a vowel further reduced the cases in which the forms were distinguished, making the actual French conjugation significantly simpler than suggested by the conventional spellings, except when, due to an immediately following vowel, the old terminations occasionally resurface. Even here, much of the antiquity is largely artificial or deceptive, as some of the insertions are due to analogy, and the spoken language often drops the traditional consonant or inserts a different one. (13) The widespread loss of e = ǝ in unaccented final syllables has further simplified the inflections, but not the distinctive forms—perd (perdit) and perde (perdat) being generally prominent as pèr and pèrd, and before a vowel as pèrt and pèrd.

(ii.) Substantives.—(1) In Early Old French (as in Provençal) there are two main declensions, the masculine and the feminine; with a few exceptions the former distinguishes nominative and accusative in both numbers, the latter in neither. The nom. and acc. sing, and acc. plur. mas. correspond to those of the Latin 2nd or 3rd declension, the nom. plur. to that of the 2nd declension. The sing, fem. corresponds to the nom. and acc. of the Latin 1st declension, or to the acc. of the 3rd; the plur. fem. to the acc. of the 1st declension, or to the nom. and acc. of the 3rd. Thus masc. tors (taurus), lere (latrō); tor (taurum), laron (latrōnem); tor (taurī), laron (latrōnī for -nēs); tors (taurōs), larons (latrōnēs); but fem. only ele (āla and ālam), flor (flōrem); eles (ālās), flors (flōrēs nom. and acc.). About the end of the 11th century feminines not ending in e = ǝ take, by analogy of the masculines, s in the nom. sing., thus distinguishing nom. flors from acc. flor. A century later, masculines without s in the nom. sing. take this consonant by analogy of the other masculines, giving leres as nom. similar to tors. In Anglo-Norman the accusative forms very early begin to replace the nominative, and soon supersede them, the language following the tendency of contemporaneous English. In continental French the declension-system was preserved much longer, and did not break up till the 14th century, though acc. forms are occasionally substituted for nom. (rarely nom. for acc.) before that date. It must be noticed, however, that in the current language the reduction of the declension to one case (generally the accusative) per number appears much earlier than in the language of literature proper and poetry; Froissart, for instance, c. 1400, in his poetical works is much more careful of the declension than in his Chronicles. In the 15th century the modern system of one case is fully established; the form kept is almost always the accusative (sing. without s, plural with s), but in a few words, such as fils (fīlius), sœur (soror), pastre (pastor), and in proper names such as Georges, Gilles, &c., often used as vocative (therefore with the form of nom.); the nom. survives in the sing. Occasionally both forms exist, in different senses—sire (senior) and seigneur (seniōrem), on (homō) and homme (hominem). (2) Latin neuters are generally masculine in Old French, and inflected according to their analogy, as ciels (caelus for caelum nom.), ciel (caelum acc.), ciel (caelī for caela nom.), ciels (caelōs for caela acc.); but in some cases the form of the Latin neuter is preserved, as in cors, now corps, Lat. corpus; tens, now temps, Lat. tempus. Many neuters lose their singular form and treat the plural as a feminine singular, as in the related languages—merveille (mīrābilia), feuille (folia). But in a few words the neuter plural termination is used, as in Italian, in its primitive sense—carre (carra, which exists as well as carrī), paire (Lat. paria); Modern French chars, paires. (3) In Old French the inflectional s often causes phonetic changes in the stem; thus palatal l before s takes t after it, and becomes dental l, which afterwards changes to u or drops—fil (fīlium and fīlii) with palatal l, filz (fīlius and fīliōs), afterwards fiz, with z = ts (preserved in English Fitz), and then fis, as now (spelt fils). Many consonants before s, as the t of fiz, disappear, and l is vocalized—vif (vīvum), mal (malum), nominative sing. and acc. plur. vis, maus (earlier mals). These forms of the plural are retained in the 16th century, though often etymologically spelt with the consonant of the singular, as in vifs, pronounced vis; but in Late Modern French many of them disappear, vifs, with f sounded as in the singular, being the plural of vif, bals (formerly baux) that of bal. In many words, as chant (cantūs) and champs (campōs) with silent t and p (Old French chans in both cases), maux (Old French mals, sing. mal), yeux (oculōs, Old French œlz, sing. œil) the old change in the stem is kept. Sometimes, as in cieux (caelōs) and ciels, the old traditional and the modern analogical forms coexist, with different meanings. (4) The modern loss of final s (except when kept as z before a vowel) has seriously modified the French declension, the singulars fort (fòr) and forte (fòrt) being generally undistinguishable from their plurals forts and fortes. The subsequent loss of ǝ in finals has not affected the relation between sing. and plur. forms; but with the frequent recoining of the plural forms on the singular present Modern French has very often no distinction between sing. and plur., except before a vowel. Such plurals as maux have always been distinct from their singular mal; in those whose singular ends in s there never was any distinction, Old French laz (now spelt lacs) corresponding to laqveus, laqveum, laqveī and laqveōs.

(ii.) Nouns.—(1) In Early Old French (similar to Provençal), there are two main types of declensions: masculine and feminine. With a few exceptions, the masculine form distinguishes between nominative and accusative cases in both singular and plural forms, while the feminine does not distinguish in either. The nominative and accusative singular, as well as the accusative plural masculine, correspond to those in the Latin 2nd or 3rd declension, while the nominative plural corresponds to the 2nd declension. The singular feminine corresponds to the nominative and accusative of the Latin 1st declension, or to the accusative of the 3rd; the plural feminine corresponds to the accusative of the 1st declension or to the nominative and accusative of the 3rd. Thus, masculine forms include tors (taurus), lere (latrō); tor (taurum), laron (latrōnem); tor (taurī), laron (latrōnī for -nēs); tors (taurōs), larons (latrōnēs); but feminine forms include only ele (āla and ālam), flor (flōrem); eles (ālās), flors (flōrēs in nominative and accusative). Towards the end of the 11th century, feminines not ending in e = ǝ started to adopt an s in the nominative singular by analogy to the masculines, distinguishing nominative flors from accusative flor. A century later, masculines without an s in the nominative singular began to take an s likewise, resulting in leres as nominative similar to tors. In Anglo-Norman, accusative forms early started to replace nominative forms, eventually superseding them, reflecting the trends of contemporary English. In continental French, the declension system was maintained much longer, breaking down only in the 14th century, though accusative forms were occasionally substituted for nominative (and rarely nominative for accusative) before that date. It's important to note, however, that in current language the reduction of declension to one case (generally accusative) per number appears much earlier than in literary and poetic language; for instance, Froissart, around 1400, was much more precise about declension in his poetic works than in his Chronicles. By the 15th century, the modern system of a single case was fully established; the form retained is almost always the accusative (singular without s, plural with s), but in a few words, like fils (fīlius), sœur (soror), pastre (pastor), and in proper names like Georges, Gilles, etc., that are often used vocatively (therefore with the nominative form); nominative survives in the singular. Occasionally, both forms exist with different meanings—sire (senior) and seigneur (seniōrem), on (homō) and homme (hominem). (2) Latin neuters are generally treated as masculine in Old French, inflected accordingly, as with ciels (caelus in nominative), ciel (caelum in accusative), ciel (caelī in nominative), ciels (caelōs in accusative); however, in some cases, the Latin neuter form is preserved, as in cors, now corps, Latin corpus; tens, now temps, Latin tempus. Many neuters lose their singular form and treat the plural as a feminine singular, as seen in related languages—merveille (mīrābilia), feuille (folia). But in a few words, the neuter plural termination is used, similar to Italian, in its original sense—carre (carra, which exists alongside carrī), paire (Lat. paria); Modern French includes chars, paires. (3) In Old French, the inflectional s often causes phonetic changes in the stem; thus, a palatal l before s changes to t after it, eventually becoming a dental l, which later changes to u or disappears—fil (fīlium and fīlii) with palatal l, filz (fīlius and fīliōs), later fiz, with z = ts (preserved in English Fitz), then fis, as it is now (spelled fils). Many consonants before s, like the t in fiz, vanish, and l is vocalized—vif (vīvum), mal (malum), nominative singular and accusative plural vis, maus (previously mals). These plural forms were retained in the 16th century, although often etymologically spelled with the consonant from the singular, as in vifs, pronounced vis; however, in Late Modern French, many of them disappear, vifs, with f pronounced like in the singular, being the plural of vif, bals (formerly baux) that of bal. In many words, such as chant (cantūs) and champs (campōs) with silent t and p (Old French chans in both cases), maux (Old French mals, singular mal), yeux (oculōs, Old French œlz, singular œil), the old stem change is maintained. Sometimes, as in cieux (caelōs) and ciels, the old traditional form and the modern analogical form coexist, but with different meanings. (4) The modern loss of final s (except when kept as z before a vowel) has significantly reshaped French declension, with the singular forms fort (fòr) and forte (fòrt) generally being indistinguishable from their plurals forts and fortes. The later loss of ǝ at the ends has not impacted the relationship between singular and plural forms; but with the frequent recreation of plural forms based on singular ones, Modern French often lacks a distinction between singular and plural, except before a vowel. Plurals like maux have always been different from their singular mal; in those whose singular ends in s, there was never a distinction, as seen in Old French laz (now spelled lacs) corresponding to laqveus, laqveum, laqveī, and laqveōs.

(iii.) Adjectives.—(1) The terminations of the cases and numbers of adjectives are the same as those of substantives, and are treated in the preceding paragraph. The feminine generally takes no e if the masc. has none, and if there is no distinction in Latin—fem. sing. fort (fortem), grant (grandem), fem. plur. forz (fortēs), granz (grandēs), like the acc. masc. Certain adjectives of this class, and among them all the adjectives formed with the Latin suffix -ensis, take regularly, even in the oldest French, the feminine ending e, in Provençal a (courtois, fem. courtoise; commun, fem. commune). To these must not be added dous (Mod. Fr. dolz, dous), fem. douce, which probably comes from a Low Latin dulcius, dulcia. In the 11th century some other feminines, originally without e, begin in Norman to take this termination—grande (in a feminine assonance in the Alexis), plur. grandes; but other dialects generally preserve the original form till the 14th century. In the 16th century the e is general in the feminine, and is now universal, except in a few expressions—grand’mère (with erroneous apostrophe, grandem, mātrem), lettres royaux (literās rēgālēs), and most adverbs from adjectives in -ant, -entcouramment (currante for -ente mente), sciemment (sciente mente). (2) Several adjectives have in Modern French replaced the masc. by the feminine—Old French masc. roit (rigidum), fem. roide (rigidam); Modern French roide for both genders. (3) In Old French several Latin simple comparatives are preserved—maiur (majōrem), nom. maire (major); graignur (grandiōrem), nom. graindre (grandior); only a few of these now survive—pire (pejor), meilleur (meliōrem), with their adverbial neuters pis (pejus), mieux (melius). The few simple superlatives found in Old French, as merme (minimum), pesme (pessimus), proisme (proximum), haltisme (altissimum), this last one being clearly a literary word, are now extinct, and, when they existed, had hardly the meaning of a superlative. (4) The modern loss of many final consonants when not before vowels, and the subsequent loss of final ǝ, have greatly affected the distinction between the masc. and fem. of adjectives—fort and forte are still distinguished as fòr and fòrt, but amer (amārum) and amère (amāram), with their plurals amers and amères, have run together.

(iii.) Adjectives.—(1) The endings for the cases and numbers of adjectives are the same as those for nouns and are covered in the previous paragraph. The feminine usually doesn't add an e if the masculine doesn't have one, and if there's no distinction in Latin—feminine singular fort (fortem), grant (grandem), feminine plural forz (fortēs), granz (grandēs), like the accusative masculine. Certain adjectives from this group, including all those formed with the Latin suffix -ensis, consistently take the feminine ending e even in the oldest French, as in Provençal a (courtois, feminine courtoise; commun, feminine commune). However, this doesn’t apply to dous (Mod. Fr. dolz, dous), feminine douce, which likely comes from a Low Latin dulcius, dulcia. In the 11th century, some other feminines originally without e started to adopt this ending in Norman—grande (in a feminine assonance in the Alexis), plural grandes; but other dialects generally kept the original form until the 14th century. By the 16th century, the e became common in the feminine and is now universal, except in a few expressions—grand’mère (with incorrect apostrophe, grandem, mātrem), lettres royaux (literās rēgālēs), and most adverbs from adjectives in -ant, -entcouramment (currante for -ente mente), sciemment (sciente mente). (2) Several adjectives have in Modern French replaced the masculine with the feminine—Old French masculine roit (rigidum), feminine roide (rigidam); Modern French roide is used for both genders. (3) In Old French, several simple Latin comparatives are preserved—maiur (majōrem), nominative maire (major); graignur (grandiōrem), nominative graindre (grandior); only a few of these still exist—pire (pejor), meilleur (meliōrem), along with their adverbial neuters pis (pejus), mieux (melius). The few simple superlatives found in Old French, like merme (minimum), pesme (pessimus), proisme (proximum), haltisme (altissimum), with the last clearly being a literary word, are now extinct, and even when they existed, they rarely conveyed the meaning of a superlative. (4) The modern loss of many final consonants when they’re not before vowels, along with the subsequent loss of final ǝ, has significantly impacted the distinction between masculine and feminine adjectives—fort and forte are still pronounced as fòr and fòrt, but amer (amārum) and amère (amāram), with their plurals amers and amères, have merged together.



(f) Derivation.—Most of the Old French prefixes and suffixes are descendants of Latin ones, but a few are Teutonic (ard = hard), and some are later borrowings from Latin (arie, afterwards aire, from ārium). In Modern French many old affixes are hardly used for forming new words; the inherited ier (ārium) is yielding to the borrowed aire, the popular contre (contrā) to the learned anti (Greek), and the native ée (ātam) to the Italian ade. The suffixes of many words have been assimilated to more common ones; thus sengler (singulārem) is now sanglier.

(f) Derivation.—Most of the Old French prefixes and suffixes come from Latin, but a few are Teutonic (ard = hard), and some are later borrowings from Latin (arie, later aire, from ārium). In Modern French, many old affixes are rarely used to create new words; the inherited ier (ārium) is being replaced by the borrowed aire, the common contre (contrā) is being replaced by the learned anti (Greek), and the native ée (ātam) is yielding to the Italian ade. The suffixes of many words have been absorbed into more common ones; so sengler (singulārem) is now sanglier.

(g) Syntax.—Old French syntax, gradually changing from the 10th to the 14th century, has a character of its own, distinct from that of Modern French; though when compared with Latin syntax it appears decidedly modern.

(g) Syntax.—Old French syntax, which changed gradually from the 10th to the 14th century, has its own distinct character that is different from Modern French; however, when compared to Latin syntax, it seems quite modern.

(1) The general formal distinction between nominative and accusative is the chief feature which causes French syntax to resemble that of Latin and differ from that of the modern language; and as the distinction had to be replaced by a comparatively fixed word-order, a serious loss of freedom ensued. If the forms are modernized while the word-order is kept, the Old French l’archevesque ne puet flechir li reis Henris (Latin archiepiscopum nōn potest flectere rex Henricus) assumes a totally different meaning—l’archevêque ne peut fléchir le roi Henri. (2) The replacement of the nominative form of nouns by the accusative is itself a syntactical feature, though treated above under inflection. A more modern instance is exhibited by the personal pronouns, which, when not immediately the subject of a verb, occasionally take even in Old French, and regularly in the 16th century, the accusative form; the Old French je qui sui (ego qvī sum) becomes moi qui suis, though the older usage survives in the legal phrase je soussigné.... (3) The definite article is now required in many cases where Old French dispenses with it—jo cunquis Engleterre, suffrir mort (as Modern French avoir faim); Modern French l’Angleterre, la mort. (4) Old French had distinct pronouns for “this” and “that”—cest (ecce istum) and cel (ecce illium), with their cases. Both exist in the 16th century, but the present language employs cet as adjective, cel as substantive, in both meanings, marking the old distinction by affixing the adverbs ci and cet homme-ci, cet homme-là; celui-ci, celui-là. (5) In Old French, the verbal terminations being clear, the subject pronoun is usually not expressed—si ferai (sīc facere habeō), est durs (dūrus est), que feras (quid facere habēs)? In the 16th century the use of the pronoun is general, and is now universal, except in one or two impersonal phrases, as n’importe, peu s’en faut. (6) The present participle in Old French in its uninflected form coincided with the gerund (amant = amantem and amandō), and in the modern language has been replaced by the latter, except where it has become adjectival; the Old French complaingnans leur dolours (Latin plaṇgentēs) is now plaignant leurs douleurs (Latin plaṇgendō). The now extinct use of estre with the participle present for the simple verb is not uncommon in Old French down to the 16th century—sont disanz (sunt dīcentēs) = Modern French ils disent (as English they are saying). (7) In present Modern French the preterite participle when used with avoir to form verb-tenses is invariable, except when the object precedes (an exception now vanishing in the conversational language)—j’ai écrit les lettres, les lettres que j’ai écrites. In Old French down to the 16th century, formal concord was more common (though by no means necessary), partly because the object preceded the participle much oftener than now—ad la culur muée (habet colōrem mūtātam), ad faite sa venjance, les turs ad rendues. (8) The sentences just quoted will serve as specimens of the freedom of Old French word-order—the object standing either before verb and participle, between them, or after both. The predicative adjective can stand before or after the verb—halt sunt li pui (Latin podia), e tenebrus e grant. (9) In Old French ne (Early Old French nen, Latin nōn) suffices for the negation without pas (passum), point (puṇctum) or mie (mīcam, now obsolete), though these are frequently used—jo ne sui lis sire (je ne suis pas ton seigneur), autre feme nen ara (il n’aura pas autre femme). In principal sentences Modern French uses ne by itself only in certain cases—je ne puis marcher, je n’ai rien. The slight weight as a negation usually attached to ne has caused several originally positive words to take a negative meaning—rien (Latin rem) now meaning “nothing” as well as “something.” (10) In Old French interrogation was expressed with substantives as with pronouns by putting them after the verb—est Saul entre les prophètes? In Modern French the pronominal inversion (the substantive being prefixed) or a verbal periphrasis must be used—Saul est-il? or est-ce que Saul est?

(1) The main formal difference between the nominative and accusative cases is what makes French syntax similar to Latin and different from modern languages; and since this distinction had to be replaced by a relatively fixed word order, it resulted in a significant loss of freedom. If the forms are modernized while maintaining the word order, the Old French l’archevesque ne puet flechir li reis Henris (Latin archiepiscopum nōn potest flectere rex Henricus) takes on a completely different meaning—l’archevêque ne peut fléchir le roi Henri. (2) The replacement of the nominative form of nouns with the accusative is a syntactical feature in itself, although it’s discussed above under inflection. A more modern example can be seen with personal pronouns, which, when not immediately the subject of a verb, occasionally took the accusative form even in Old French, and consistently in the 16th century; the Old French je qui sui (ego qvī sum) becomes moi qui suis, though the older usage still appears in the legal phrase je soussigné.... (3) The definite article is now required in many situations where Old French did not use it—jo cunquis Engleterre, suffrir mort (as Modern French avoir faim); Modern French l’Angleterre, la mort. (4) Old French had distinct pronouns for “this” and “that”—cest (ecce istum) and cel (ecce illium), along with their cases. Both still exist in the 16th century, but the present language uses cet as an adjective and cel as a noun, in both meanings, distinguishing the old usage with the adverbs ci and cet homme-ci, cet homme-là; celui-ci, celui-là. (5) In Old French, the clear verbal endings meant that the subject pronoun was usually not stated—si ferai (sīc facere habeō), est durs (dūrus est), que feras (quid facere habēs)? In the 16th century, using the pronoun became common and is now universal, except in a few impersonal phrases, like n’importe, peu s’en faut. (6) The present participle in Old French in its uninflected form was the same as the gerund (amant = amantem and amandō), and in modern French has been replaced by the latter, except where it has become adjectival; the Old French complaingnans leur dolours (Latin plaṇgentēs) is now plaignant leurs douleurs (Latin plaņgendō). The now obsolete use of estre with the present participle to form the simple verb was not uncommon in Old French until the 16th century—sont disanz (sunt dīcentēs) = Modern French ils disent (as English they are saying). (7) In present Modern French, the past participle when used with avoir to form verb tenses is invariable, except when the object comes first (an exception now fading in conversational usage)—j’ai écrit les lettres, les lettres que j’ai écrites. In Old French up until the 16th century, formal agreement was more common (though not necessary), partly because the object often preceded the participle more than it does today—ad la culur muée (habet colōrem mūtātam), ad faite sa venjance, les turs ad rendues. (8) The examples just mentioned illustrate the flexibility of Old French word order—the object could appear before the verb and participle, between them, or after both. The predicative adjective can be placed before or after the verb—halt sunt li pui (Latin podia), e tenebrus e grant. (9) In Old French, ne (Early Old French nen, Latin nōn) was enough for negation without pas (passum), point (puṇctum) or mie (mīcam, now obsolete), although these were frequently used—jo ne sui lis sire (je ne suis pas ton seigneur), autre feme nen ara (il n’aura pas autre femme). In main sentences, Modern French uses ne alone only in certain contexts—je ne puis marcher, je n’ai rien. The slight weight associated with ne as a negation has caused several originally positive words to take on a negative meaning—rien (Latin rem) now means both “nothing” and “something.” (10) In Old French, questions were formed with nouns just like with pronouns by placing them after the verb—est Saul entre les prophètes? In Modern French, pronominal inversion (with the noun placed first) or a verbal phrase must be used—Saul est-il? or est-ce que Saul est?

(h) Summary.—Looking at the internal history of the French language as a whole, there is no such strongly marked division as exists between Old and Middle English, or even between Middle and Modern English. Some of the most important changes are quite modern, and are concealed by the traditional orthography; but, even making allowance for this, the difference between French of the 11th century and that of the 20th is less than that between English of the same dates. The most important change in itself and for its effects is probably that which is usually made the division between Old and Modern French, the loss of the formal distinction between nominative and accusative; next to this are perhaps the gradual loss of many final consonants, the still recent loss of the vowel of unaccented final syllables, and the extension of analogy in conjugation and declension. In its construction Old French is distinguished by a freedom strongly contrasting with the strictness of the modern language, and bears, as might be expected, a much stronger resemblance than the latter to the other Romanic dialects. In many features, indeed, both positive and negative, Modern French forms a class by itself, distinct in character from the other modern representatives of Latin.

(h) Summary.—When looking at the internal history of the French language as a whole, there's no clear division like the one that exists between Old and Middle English, or even between Middle and Modern English. Some of the most significant changes are quite recent and hidden by traditional spelling; however, even accounting for this, the difference between the French of the 11th century and that of the 20th is less pronounced than the difference in English from the same periods. The most significant change, both in itself and for its effects, is probably the one that marks the transition from Old to Modern French: the loss of the formal distinction between nominative and accusative. Close behind are the gradual disappearance of many final consonants, the more recent loss of the vowel in unaccented final syllables, and the growing use of analogy in conjugation and declension. Old French is characterized by a freedom that contrasts sharply with the strictness of modern language and, as one might expect, resembles other Romance dialects much more than Modern French does. In many ways, both positive and negative, Modern French stands alone, distinct from other contemporary descendants of Latin.

IV. Bibliography.—The few works which treat of French philology as a whole are now in many respects antiquated, and the important discoveries of recent years, which have revolutionized our ideas of Old French phonology and dialectology, are scattered in various editions, periodicals, and separate treatises. For many things Diez’s Grammatik der romanischen Sprachen (4th edition—a reprint of the 3rd—Bonn, 1876-1877; French translation, Paris, 1872-1875) is still very valuable; Burguy’s Grammaire de la Langue d’Oïl (2nd edition—a reprint of the 1st—Berlin, 1869-1870) is useful only as a collection of examples. Schwan’s Grammatik des Altfranzösischen, as revised by Behrens in the 3rd edition (Leipzig, 1898; French translation, Leipzig and Paris, 1900), is by far the best old French grammar we possess. For the history of French language in general see F. Brunot, Histoire de la langue française des origines à 1900 (Paris, 1905, 1906, &c.). For the history of spelling, A. F. Didot, Observations sur l’orthographe ou ortografie française suivies d’une histoire de la réforme orthographique depuis le XVe siècle jusqu’à nos jours (2nd ed., Paris, 1868). For the history of French sounds: Ch. Thurot, De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du XVIe siècle, d’après les témoignages des grammairiens (2 vols., Paris, 1881-1883). For the history of syntax, apart from various grammatical works of a general character, much is to be gathered from Ad. Tobler’s Vermischte Beiträge zur französischen Grammatik (3 parts, 1886, 1894, 1899, parts i. and ii. in second editions, 1902, 1906). G. Paris’s edition of La Vie de S. Alexis (Paris, 1872) was the pioneer of, and retains an important place among, the recent original works on Old French. Darmesteter and Hatzfeld’s Le Seizième Siècle (Paris, 1878) contains the first good account of Early Modern French. Littré’s Dictionnaire de la langue française (4 vols., Paris, 1863-1869, and a Supplement, 1877); and Hatzfeld, Darmesteter and Thomas, Dict. général de la langue française, more condensed (2 vols., Paris, 1888-1900), contain much useful and often original information about the etymology and history of French words. For the etymology of many French (and also Provençal) words, reference must be made to Ant. Thomas’s Essais de philologie française (Paris, 1897) and Nouveaux essais de philologie française (Paris, 1904). But there is no French dictionary properly historical. A Dictionnaire historique de la langue française was begun by the Académie française (4 vols., 1859-1894), but it was, from the first, antiquated. It contains only one letter (A) and has not been continued. The leading periodicals now in existence are the Romania (Paris), founded (in 1872) and edited by P. Meyer and G. Paris (with Ant. Thomas since the death of G. Paris in 1903), and the Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Halle), founded (in 1877) and edited by G. Gröber. To these reference should be made for information as to the very numerous articles, treatises and editions by the many and often distinguished scholars who, especially in France and Germany, now prosecute the scientific study of the language. It may be well to mention that, Old French phonology especially being complicated, and as yet incompletely investigated, these publications, the views in which are of various degrees of value, require not mere acquiescent reading, but critical study. The dialects of France in their present state (patois) are now being scientifically investigated. The special works on the subject (dictionaries, grammars, &c.) cannot be fully indicated here; we must limit ourselves to the mention of Behren’s Bibliographie des patois gallo-romans (2nd ed., revised Berlin, 1893), and of Gilliéron and Edmont’s Atlas linguistique de la France (1902 et seq.), a huge publication planned to contain about 1800 maps.

IV. References.—The few works that cover French philology as a whole are now outdated in many respects, and the important discoveries of recent years, which have changed our understanding of Old French phonology and dialectology, are spread across various editions, journals, and separate studies. For many aspects, Diez’s Grammatik der romanischen Sprachen (4th edition—a reprint of the 3rd—Bonn, 1876-1877; French translation, Paris, 1872-1875) is still quite valuable; Burguy’s Grammaire de la Langue d’Oïl (2nd edition—a reprint of the 1st—Berlin, 1869-1870) is useful mainly as a collection of examples. Schwan’s Grammatik des Altfranzösischen, revised by Behrens in the 3rd edition (Leipzig, 1898; French translation, Leipzig and Paris, 1900), is by far the best grammar of Old French we have. For the history of the French language in general, see F. Brunot, Histoire de la langue française des origines à 1900 (Paris, 1905, 1906, &c.). For the history of spelling, refer to A. F. Didot, Observations sur l’orthographe ou ortografie française suivies d’une histoire de la réforme orthographique depuis le XVe siècle jusqu’à nos jours (2nd ed., Paris, 1868). For the history of French sounds: Ch. Thurot, De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du XVIe siècle, d’après les témoignages des grammairiens (2 vols., Paris, 1881-1883). For the history of syntax, aside from various general grammar works, much can be learned from Ad. Tobler’s Vermischte Beiträge zur französischen Grammatik (3 parts, 1886, 1894, 1899; parts i. and ii. in second editions, 1902, 1906). G. Paris’s edition of La Vie de S. Alexis (Paris, 1872) was the first of its kind and remains significant among recent original works on Old French. Darmesteter and Hatzfeld’s Le Seizième Siècle (Paris, 1878) provides the first decent account of Early Modern French. Littré’s Dictionnaire de la langue française (4 vols., Paris, 1863-1869, and a Supplement, 1877); and Hatzfeld, Darmesteter, and Thomas’s Dict. général de la langue française, more condensed (2 vols., Paris, 1888-1900), offer much useful and often original information about the etymology and history of French words. For the etymology of many French (and also Provençal) words, consult Ant. Thomas’s Essais de philologie française (Paris, 1897) and Nouveaux essais de philologie française (Paris, 1904). However, there isn’t a proper historical French dictionary. A Dictionnaire historique de la langue française was started by the Académie française (4 vols., 1859-1894), but it was outdated from the beginning. It contains only one letter (A) and has not continued. The main current periodicals are Romania (Paris), founded (in 1872) and edited by P. Meyer and G. Paris (with Ant. Thomas since G. Paris's death in 1903), and Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Halle), founded (in 1877) and edited by G. Gröber. These sources should be consulted for information on the numerous articles, studies, and editions by many often distinguished scholars, especially in France and Germany, who are currently studying the language scientifically. It's worth noting that Old French phonology, in particular, being complex and still partially unexplored, requires critical study of these publications, rather than passive reading. The dialects of France in their current state (patois) are now being studied scientifically. The specific works on this subject (dictionaries, grammars, etc.) cannot be fully listed here; we can only mention Behren’s Bibliographie des patois gallo-romans (2nd ed., revised Berlin, 1893) and Gilliéron and Edmont’s Atlas linguistique de la France (1902 et seq.), a massive publication planned to contain about 1800 maps.

(H. N.; P. M.)

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