This is a modern-English version of A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, Now Entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 05 (of 17), originally written by unknown author(s).
It has been thoroughly updated, including changes to sentence structure, words, spelling,
and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If
you click on a paragraph, you will see the original text that we modified, and you can toggle between the two versions.
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Transcriber's Note:
Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
The cover image was made by the transcriber and is in the public domain.

“The pleasure we derive from perusing the Thousand-and-One Stories makes us regret that we possess only a comparatively small part of these truly enchanting fictions.”
“The joy we get from reading the Thousand-and-One Stories makes us wish we had more than just a small portion of these truly captivating tales.”

One Thousand and One Nights

Limited to one thousand numbered sets, of which this is
Limited to one thousand numbered sets, of which this is
This is not a strictly medical work, although in places treating of subjects which may modestly be called hygienic. I inscribe it to you because your knowledge of Egypt will enable you to appreciate its finer touches; and for another and a yet more cogent reason, namely, that you are one of my best and oldest friends.
This isn't just a medical book, even though it does cover some topics that could be called hygienic. I dedicate it to you because your understanding of Egypt will help you appreciate its subtle details; and for another, even more compelling reason, which is that you are one of my closest and oldest friends.
PAGE | |
(Lane, Vol. II., Chapt. XVII. Story of the Magic Horse: pp. 517–545.) | |
(Chapt. XVIII. Story of Uns el-Wujood and El-Ward fi’l-Akmam: p. 549.) | |
(Anecdote of a Man and his Slave-Girl: p. 578.) | |
(Anecdote of Two Victims of Love: p. 579.) | |
(Love in a School: p. 580.) | |
(Lane, Vol. II. Anecdote of a Faithless Wife: p. 582.) | |
(Anecdote of a Simpleton and a Sharper: p. 582.) | |
(Anecdote of El-Hakim bi-amri-llah and a Merchant of Cairo: p. 583.) | |
(Anecdote of Anooshirwán: p. 884.) | |
(Anecdote of Khusrow and Sheereen and a Fisherman: p. 585.) | |
(Anecdote of Yahya el-Barmekee: p. 586.) | |
(Mohammad el-Emeen and the Slave-Girl El-Bedr el-Kebeer: p. 587.) | |
(Anecdote of El-Fadl and Ja’afar the Barmekee: p. 588.) | |
(Anecdote of a Deceitful Wife: p. 589.) | |
(Anecdote of a Homicide: p. 589.) | |
(Anecdote of an Impudent Thief: p. 592.) | |
(Compact of Mesroor with Ibn el-Karibee: p. 594.) | |
(Lane, Vol. II. Anecdote of a Devotee Son of Harun er-Rasheed: p. 595.) | |
(Anecdote of an Illiterate Schoolmaster: p. 599.) | |
(The Rukh: p. 600.) | |
(Result of Restraint upon Two Lovers: p. 601.) | |
(Anecdote of a Distracted Lover: p. 602.) | |
(The Converted Prior: p. 603.) | |
(Aboo’Esa and Kurrat el-‘Eyn: p. 606.) | |
(Lane, Vol. II., Chapt. XIX. Story of ‘Alee of Cairo: p. 609.) | |
(Anecdote of a Townsman and a Bedaweeyeh: p. 635.) | |
(A Tyrannical King and the Angel of Death: p. 636.) | |
(Advantages of Piety and Industry: p. 637.) | |
(Lane, Vol. II. Anecdote of a Moslem Warrior and a Christian Maiden: p. 639.) | |
(The Justice of Providence: p. 612.) | |
a. The Adventures of Bulukiya | 304 |
b. The Tale of Janshah | 329 |
There was once in times of yore and ages long gone before, a great and puissant King, of the Kings of the Persians, Sábúr by name, who was the richest of all the Kings in store of wealth and dominion and surpassed each and every in wit and wisdom. He was generous, open handed and beneficent, and he gave to those who sought him and repelled not those who resorted to him; and he comforted the broken-hearted and honourably entreated those who fled to him for refuge. Moreover, he loved the poor and was hospitable to strangers and did the oppressed justice upon the oppressor. He had three daughters, like full moons of shining light or flower-gardens blooming bright; and a son as he were the moon; and it was his wont to keep two festivals in the twelvemonth, those of the Nau-Roz, or New Year, and Mihrgán the Autumnal Equinox,[2] on which occasions he threw open his palaces and gave largesse and made proclamation of safety and security and promoted his chamberlains and viceroys; and the people of his realm came in to him and saluted him and gave him joy of the holy day, bringing him gifts and servants and eunuchs. Now he loved science and geometry, and one festival-day as he sat on his kingly throne there came in to him three wise men, cunning artificers and past masters in all manner of craft and inventions, skilled in making things curious and rare, such as confound the wit; and versed in the knowledge of occult truths and perfect in mysteries and subtleties. And they were of three different tongues and countries, the first a Hindi or Indian,[3] the second a Roumi or Greek and the third a Farsi or Persian. The Indian came forwards and, prostrating himself before the King, wished him joy of the festival and laid before him a present befitting his dignity; that is to say, a man of gold, set with precious gems and jewels 2of price and hending in hand a golden trumpet. When Sabur[4] saw this, he asked, “O sage, what is the virtue of this figure?”; and the Indian answered, “O my lord, if this figure be set at the gate of thy city, it will be a guardian over it; for, if an enemy enter the place, it will blow this clarion against him and he will be seized with a palsy and drop down dead.” Much the King marvelled at this and cried, “By Allah, O sage, an this thy word be true, I will grant thee thy wish and thy desire.” Then came forward the Greek and, prostrating himself before the King, presented him with a basin of silver, in whose midst was a peacock of gold, surrounded by four-and-twenty chicks of the same metal. Sabur looked at them and turning to the Greek, said to him, “O sage, what is the virtue of this peacock?” “O my lord,” answered he, “as often as an hour of the day or night passeth, it pecketh one of its young and crieth out and flappeth its wings, till the four-and-twenty hours are accomplished; and when the month cometh to an end, it will open its mouth and thou shalt see the crescent therein.” And the King said, “An thou speak sooth, I will bring thee to thy wish and thy desire.” Then came forward the Persian sage and, prostrating himself before the King, presented him with a horse[5] of the blackest ebony-wood inlaid with gold and jewels, and ready harnessed with saddle, bridle and stirrups such as befit Kings; which when Sabur saw, he marvelled with exceeding marvel and was confounded at the beauty of its form and the ingenuity of its fashion. So he asked, “What is the use of this horse of wood, and what is its virtue and what the secret of its movement?”; and the 3Persian answered, “O my lord, the virtue of this horse is that, if one mount him, it will carry him whither he will and fare with its rider through the air and cover the space of a year in a single day.” The King marvelled and was amazed at these three wonders, following thus hard upon one another on the same day, and turning to the sage, said to him, “By Allah the Omnipotent, and our Lord the Beneficent, who created all creatures and feedeth them with meat and drink, an thy speech be veritable and the virtue of thy contrivance appear, I will assuredly give thee whatsoever thou lustest for and will bring thee to thy desire and thy wish!”[6] Then he entertained the sages three days, that he might make trial of their gifts; after which they brought the figures before him and each took the creature he had wroughten and showed him the mystery of its movement. The trumpeter blew the trump; the peacock pecked its chicks and the Persian sage mounted the ebony horse, whereupon it soared with him high in air and descended again. When King Sabur saw all this, he was amazed and perplexed and felt like to fly for joy and said to the three sages, “Now I am certified of the truth of your words and it behoveth me to quit me of my promise. Ask ye, therefore, what ye will, and I will give you that same.” Now the report of the King’s daughters had reached the sages, so they answered, “If the King be content with us and accept of our gifts and allow us to prefer a request to him, we crave of him that he give us his three daughters in marriage, that we may be his sons-in-law; for that the stability of Kings may not be gainsaid.” Quoth the King, “I grant you that which you wish and you desire,” and bade summon the Kazi forthright, that he might marry each of the sages to one of his daughters. Now it fortuned that the Princesses were behind a curtain, looking on; and when they heard this, the youngest considered her husband to be and behold, he was an old man,[7] an hundred years of age, with hair frosted, forehead drooping, eyebrows mangy, ears slitten, beard and mustachios stained and 4dyed; eyes red and goggle; cheeks bleached and hollow; flabby nose like a brinjall, or egg-plant[8]; face like a cobbler’s apron, teeth overlapping and lips like camel’s kidneys, loose and pendulous; in brief a terror, a horror, a monster, for he was of the folk of his time the unsightliest and of his age the fright-fullest; sundry of his grinders had been knocked out and his eye-teeth were like the tusks of the Jinni who frighteneth poultry in hen-houses. Now the girl was the fairest and most graceful of her time, more elegant than the gazelle however tender, than the gentlest zephyr blander and brighter than the moon at her full; for amorous fray right suitable; confounding in graceful sway the waving bough and outdoing in swimming gait the pacing roe; in fine she was fairer and sweeter by far than all her sisters. So, when she saw her suitor, she went to her chamber and strewed dust on her head and tore her clothes and fell to buffeting her face and weeping and wailing. Now the Prince, her brother, Kamar al-Akmár, or the Moon of Moons hight, was then newly returned from a journey and, hearing her weeping and crying came in to her (for he loved her with fond affection, more than his other sisters) and asked her, “What aileth thee? What hath befallen thee? Tell me and conceal naught from me.” So she smote her breast and answered, “O my brother and my dear one, I have nothing to hide. If the palace be straitened upon thy father, I will go out; and if he be resolved upon a foul thing, I will separate myself from him, though he consent not to make provision for me; and my Lord will provide.” Quoth he, “Tell me what meaneth this talk and what hath straitened thy breast and troubled thy temper.” “O my brother and my dear one,” answered the Princess, “Know that my father hath promised me in marriage to a wicked magician who brought him, as a gift, a horse of black wood, and hath bewitched him with his craft and his egromancy; but, as for me, I will none of him, and would, because of him, I had never come into this world!” Her brother soothed her and solaced her, then fared to his sire and said, “What be this wizard to whom thou hast given 5my youngest sister in marriage, and what is this present which he hath brought thee, so that thou hast killed[9] my sister with chagrin? It is not right that this should be.” Now the Persian was standing by and, when he heard the Prince’s words, he was mortified and filled with fury and the King said, “O my son, an thou sawest this horse, thy wit would be confounded and thou wouldst be amated with amazement.” Then he bade the slaves bring the horse before him and they did so; and, when the Prince saw it, it pleased him. So (being an accomplished cavalier) he mounted it forthright and struck its sides with the shovel-shaped stirrup-irons; but it stirred not and the King said to the Sage, “Go show him its movement, that he also may help thee to win thy wish.” Now the Persian bore the Prince a grudge because he willed not he should have his sister; so he showed him the pin of ascent on the right side of the horse and saying to him, “Trill this,” left him. Thereupon the Prince trilled the pin and lo! the horse forthwith soared with him high in ether, as it were a bird, and gave not overflying till it disappeared from men’s espying, whereat the King was troubled and perplexed about his case and said to the Persian, “O sage, look how thou mayst make him descend.” But he replied, “O my lord, I can do nothing, and thou wilt never see him again till Resurrection-day, for he, of his ignorance and pride, asked me not of the pin of descent and I forgot to acquaint him therewith.” When the King heard this, he was enraged with sore rage; and bade bastinado the sorcerer and clap him in jail, whilst he himself cast the crown from his head and beat his face and smote his breast. Moreover, he shut the doors of his palaces and gave himself up to weeping and keening, he and his wife and daughters and all the folk of the city; and thus their joy was turned to annoy and their gladness changed into sore affliction and sadness. Thus far concerning them; but as regards the Prince, the horse gave not over soaring with him till he drew near the sun, whereat he gave himself up for lost and saw death in the skies, and was confounded at his case, repenting him of having mounted the horse and saying to himself, “Verily, this was a device of the Sage to destroy me on account of my youngest sister; but there is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! I am lost without recourse; but I wonder, did not he who made the ascent-pin make also a descent-pin?” 6Now he was a man of wit and knowledge and intelligence; so he fell to feeling all the parts of the horse, but saw nothing save a screw, like a cock’s head, on its right shoulder and the like on the left, when quoth he to himself, “I see no sign save these things like buttons.” Presently he turned the right-hand pin, whereupon the horse flew heavenwards with increased speed. So he left it and looking at the sinister shoulder and finding another pin, he wound it up and immediately the steed’s upwards motion slowed and ceased and it began to descend, little by little, towards the face of the earth, while the rider became yet more cautious and careful of his life.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
There was once a long time ago, a great and powerful King of the Persians named Sábúr, who was the richest of all the Kings in wealth and territory, and was smarter and wiser than anyone else. He was generous and kind-hearted, always ready to help those who came to him and never turned away anyone seeking refuge. He comforted the broken-hearted, treated those in need with respect, loved the poor, welcomed strangers, and gave justice to the oppressed against their oppressors. He had three daughters, as beautiful as shining moons or blooming flower gardens, and a son who resembled the moon. He regularly celebrated two festivals each year, Nau-Roz (New Year) and Mihrgán (the Autumnal Equinox), during which he opened his palaces, distributed gifts, proclaimed safety, honored his officials, and welcomed the people of his realm, who came to greet him, bringing gifts and servants. The King cherished knowledge and mathematics, and one festival day, while sitting on his royal throne, three wise men entered, all skilled in various crafts and inventions, masters of strange and rare creations that bewilder the mind, and knowledgeable in hidden truths and mysteries. They came from three different lands; the first was an Indian, the second a Greek, and the third was a Persian. The Indian approached, bowed to the King, wished him well for the festival, and presented him with a gift worthy of his status—a golden figure adorned with precious gems, holding a golden trumpet. When Sábúr saw this, he asked, “O sage, what is the power of this figure?” The Indian replied, “O my lord, if you place this figure at the gate of your city, it will guard it; for if an enemy enters, it will blow this trumpet, causing him to fall dead.” The King was amazed and said, “By Allah, if your words are true, I will grant you what you desire.” Then the Greek came forward, bowed, and presented a silver basin with a golden peacock in the middle, surrounded by twenty-four golden chicks. Sábúr looked at them and asked, “O sage, what is the power of this peacock?” The Greek answered, “O my lord, as each hour of day or night passes, it pecks one of its chicks, cries out, and flaps its wings until twenty-four hours are completed; and when the month ends, it will open its mouth, and you will see the crescent moon inside.” The King said, “If you speak the truth, I will fulfill your wish.” Lastly, the Persian sage approached, bowed, and presented a horse made of black ebony, inlaid with gold and jewels, complete with regal saddle and bridle. When Sábúr saw it, he marveled at its beauty and craftsmanship. He asked, “What is the use of this wooden horse, and what is its secret?” The Persian replied, “O my lord, this horse will carry whoever mounts it wherever they wish, flying through the air and covering a year’s distance in a single day.” The King was astonished by these three wonders appearing one after another on the same day, and turned to the Persian, saying, “By Allah the All-Powerful, if your words are truthful and your creation’s power evident, I will surely give you whatever you wish!” Then he hosted the sages for three days to test their gifts. They showcased their creations—the trumpet sounded, the peacock pecked its chicks, and the Persian rode the ebony horse, which flew high into the sky and then descended. When King Sábúr witnessed this, he was thrilled and turned to the sages, “Now I see the truth in your words. Ask what you wish, and I will grant it.” The sages, having heard of the King’s daughters, requested, “If the King is pleased with us and accepts our gifts, we ask for your three daughters in marriage, to become your sons-in-law, for the stability of kingship is undeniable.” The King replied, “I grant your request,” and ordered the Kazi to marry each sage to one of his daughters. However, the princesses listened from behind a curtain, and when the youngest saw her intended husband, she was mortified to find he was an old man, a hundred years old, with grey hair, a drooping forehead, tattered eyebrows, slit ears, a stained beard, red eyes, sunken cheeks, and a flabby nose. She thought him to be horrendous, for he was considered the most unattractive and terrifying in his time; several of his teeth had been knocked out, and his canines resembled the tusks of a terrifying creature. In contrast, the girl was the most beautiful and graceful of her time, more elegant than a gentle gazelle and brighter than a full moon. When she saw her suitor, she retreated to her room, threw dust on her head, tore her clothes, beat her face, and cried in despair. Her brother, Kamar al-Akmár, affectionately known as the Moon of Moons, had just returned from a journey. Hearing her cries, he entered her room, concerned for her well-being, and asked, “What’s wrong? What has happened? Please tell me everything.” She mournfully replied, “O my brother, I have nothing to hide. If my father is in financial trouble, I will go away; and if he plans something terrible, I will separate myself from him, even if he refuses to provide for me; my Lord will take care of me.” He pressed her, “What does this mean? What troubles you?” “O my dear brother,” she answered, “I must tell you that my father has promised me to a wicked magician who gifted him a wooden horse and bewitched him with his sorcery. I want nothing to do with him, and I wish I had never been born!” Her brother comforted her, then went to their father, demanding, “Who is this wizard to whom you’ve promised our youngest sister? What kind of gift has he given you that has caused her such distress? This isn’t right.” The Persian was nearby and, hearing the Prince's words, felt humiliated and furious. The King said, “If you saw this horse, you would be utterly amazed.” He then ordered the slaves to bring the horse before him. The Prince was impressed and immediately mounted it, kicking its sides, but the horse didn't budge. The King then instructed the sage, “Show him how it moves so that he may assist you.” The Persian disliked the Prince because he wanted his sister, so he pointed out a pin on the horse’s right side and suggested, “Trill this,” and left. The Prince did so, and the horse soared into the sky like a bird, continuing to rise until it vanished from sight, leaving the King anxious and worried. He turned to the Persian and said, “O sage, figure out how to make him land.” The Persian replied, “O my lord, there’s nothing I can do, and you won’t see him again until the Day of Resurrection. He didn’t even think to ask me about the descent pin, and I forgot to tell him.” When the King heard this, he became infuriated and ordered the sorcerer to be beaten and imprisoned, while he himself cast off his crown and mourned, beating his face and chest. He locked the doors of his palaces and wept, joined by his wife, daughters, and the entire city, turning their joy into sorrow and their happiness into despair. As for the Prince, the horse continued to soar until he was nearly at the sun, where he feared for his life and regretted mounting the horse, thinking to himself, “This must be the sage’s plot to destroy me because of my youngest sister. There is no power or strength but in Allah, the Glorious! I am lost. But I wonder, didn’t the one who made the ascent pin also create a descent pin?” He was wise and intelligent, so he began to feel around the horse for any clues, spotting screws that looked like buttons on either shoulder. He thought, “These look like buttons.” He turned the right pin, and the horse started to fly even higher. So, abandoning that pin, he examined the left shoulder and found another pin. He turned it, and immediately the horse began to descend slowly back toward the earth, while the rider grew increasingly cautious of his safety.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Prince wound up the sinister screw, the steed’s upward motion slowed and ceased, and it began to descend, little by little, towards the earth while the rider became yet more cautious and careful of his life. And when he saw this and knew the uses of the horse, his heart was filled with joy and gladness and he thanked Almighty Allah for that He had deigned deliver him from destruction. Then he began to turn the horse’s head whithersoever he would, making it rise and fall at pleasure, till he had gotten complete mastery over its every movement. He ceased not to descend the whole of that day, for that the steed’s ascending flight had borne him afar from the earth; and, as he descended, he diverted himself with viewing the various cities and countries over which he passed and which he knew not, never having seen them in his life. Amongst the rest, he descried a city ordered after the fairest fashion in the midst of a verdant and riant land, rich in trees and streams, with gazelles pacing daintily over the plains; whereat he fell a-musing and said to himself, “Would I knew the name of yon town and in what land it is!” And he took to circling about it and observing it right and left. By this time, the day began to decline and the sun drew near to its downing; and he said in his mind, “Verily I find no goodlier place to night in than this city; so I will lodge here and early on the morrow I will return to my kith and kin and my kingdom; and tell my father and family what hath passed and acquaint him with what mine 7eyes have seen.” Then he addressed himself to seeking a place wherein he might safely bestow himself and his horse and where none should descry him, and presently behold, he espied a-middle-most of the city a palace rising high in upper air surrounded by a great wall with lofty crenelles and battlements, guarded by forty black slaves, clad in complete mail and armed with spears and swords, bows and arrows. Quoth he, “This is a goodly place,” and turned the descent-pin, whereupon the horse sank down with him like a weary bird, and alighted gently on the terrace-roof of the palace. So the Prince dismounted and ejaculating “Alhamdolillah”—praise be to Allah[10]—he began to go round about the horse and examine it, saying, “By Allah, he who fashioned thee with these perfections was a cunning craftsman, and if the Almighty extend the term of my life and restore me to my country and kinsfolk in safety and reunite me with my father, I will assuredly bestow upon him all manner bounties and benefit him with the utmost beneficence.” By this time night had overtaken him and he sat on the roof till he was assured that all in the palace slept; and indeed hunger and thirst were sore upon him, for that he had not tasted food nor drunk water since he parted from his sire. So he said within himself, “Surely the like of this palace will not lack of victual;” and, leaving the horse above, went down in search of somewhat to eat. Presently, he came to a staircase and descending it to the bottom, found himself in a court paved with white marble and alabaster, which shone in the light of the moon. He marvelled at the place and the goodliness of its fashion, but sensed no sound of speaker and saw no living soul and stood in perplexed surprise, looking right and left and knowing not whither he should wend. Then said he to himself, “I may not do better than return to where I left my horse and pass the night by it; and as soon as day shall dawn I will mount and ride away.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when the Prince turned the twisted screw, the horse's upward movement slowed and eventually stopped, and it began to descend slowly toward the ground, while the rider became even more cautious about his safety. When he realized this and understood how the horse worked, his heart filled with joy, and he thanked Almighty Allah for saving him from destruction. He then started to guide the horse's head wherever he wanted, making it rise and fall at his leisure until he had complete control over every movement. He continued to descend throughout the day because the horse's ascent had taken him far from the earth. As he descended, he entertained himself by looking at the various cities and lands below, which he had never seen before. Among them, he spotted a beautifully arranged city in the middle of a lush and vibrant land, rich with trees and streams, and gazelles gracefully moving across the plains. He pondered to himself, “I wish I knew the name of that city and in which land it is!” He began to circle around it, observing it closely. By now, the day was ending, and the sun was close to setting; he thought to himself, “I can’t find a better place to spend the night than this city; I will stay here and return to my family and kingdom tomorrow morning, and tell my father and family what I have experienced and share what my eyes have seen.” He then looked for a safe place to rest himself and his horse, where no one would see him. Soon, he spotted a grand palace rising high in the center of the city, surrounded by a tall wall with battlements, guarded by forty black slaves in full armor, armed with spears, swords, bows, and arrows. He said, “This is a fine place,” and turned the descent lever, causing the horse to gently lower him, like a tired bird, landing softly on the terrace of the palace. The Prince dismounted and exclaimed, “Alhamdolillah”—praise be to Allah—he began to walk around and examine the horse, saying, “By Allah, whoever crafted you with these qualities was a skilled artisan, and if the Almighty grants me a long life and brings me safely back to my country and family, I will surely reward him with great generosity and kindness.” By this time, night had fallen, and he sat on the roof until he was sure everyone in the palace was asleep; he was also extremely hungry and thirsty since he hadn't eaten or drunk anything since he left his father. So he thought to himself, “Surely a palace like this must have food;” leaving the horse above, he went downstairs to find something to eat. Soon, he came across a staircase, and after descending, he found himself in a courtyard paved with white marble and alabaster, shining in the moonlight. He marveled at the beauty of the place but heard no sounds and saw no one around, standing in confused surprise, looking left and right, unsure of where to go. Then he said to himself, “I might as well go back to where I left my horse and spend the night beside it; as soon as the day breaks, I will mount and ride away.” ——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth the king’s son to himself, “I may not do better than pass the night 8by my horse; and as soon as day shall dawn I will mount and ride away.” However, as he tarried talking to himself, he espied a light within the palace, and making towards it, found that it came from a candle that stood before a door of the Harim, at the head of a sleeping eunuch, as he were one of the Ifrits of Solomon or a tribesman of the Jinn, longer than lumber and broader than a bench. He lay before the door, with the pommel of his sword gleaming in the flame of the candle, and at his head was a bag of leather[11] hanging from a column of granite. When the Prince saw this, he was affrighted and said, “I crave help from Allah the Supreme! O mine Holy One, even as Thou hast already delivered me from destruction, so vouchsafe me strength to quit myself of the adventure of this palace!” So saying, he put out his hand to the budget and taking it, carried it aside and opened it and found in it food of the best. He ate his fill and refreshed himself and drank water, after which he hung up the provision-bag in its place and drawing the eunuch’s sword from its sheath, took it, whilst the slave slept on, knowing not whence destiny should come to him. Then the Prince fared forwards into the palace and ceased not till he came to a second door, with a curtain drawn before it; so he raised the curtain and behold, on entering he saw a couch of the whitest ivory, inlaid with pearls and jacinths and jewels, and four slave-girls sleeping about it. He went up to the couch, to see what was thereon, and found a young lady lying asleep, chemised with her hair[12] as she were the full moon rising[13] over the Eastern horizon, with flower-white brow and shining hair-parting and cheeks like blood-red anemones and dainty moles thereon. He was amazed at her as she lay in her beauty and loveliness, her symmetry and grace, and he recked no more of death. So he went up to her, trembling in every nerve and, shuddering with pleasure, kissed her on the right cheek; whereupon she awoke forthright and opened her eyes, and seeing the Prince standing at her head, said to him, “Who art thou and whence comest thou?” Quoth he, “I am thy slave and thy 9lover.” Asked she, “And who brought thee hither?” and he answered, “My Lord and my fortune.” Then said Shams al-Nahár[14] (for such was her name), “Haply thou art he who demanded me yesterday of my father in marriage and he rejected thee, pretending that thou wast foul of favour. By Allah, my sire lied in his throat when he spoke this thing, for thou art not other than beautiful.” Now the son of the King of Hind had sought her in marriage, but her father had rejected him, for that he was ugly and uncouth, and she thought the Prince was he. So, when she saw his beauty and grace (for indeed he was like the radiant moon) the syntheism[15] of love gat hold of her heart as it were a flaming fire, and they fell to talk and converse. Suddenly, her waiting-women awoke and, seeing the Prince with their mistress, said to her, “Oh my lady, who is this with thee?” Quoth she, “I know not; I found him sitting by me, when I woke up: haply ‘tis he who seeketh me in marriage of my sire.” Quoth they, “O my lady, by Allah the All-Father, this is not he who seeketh thee in marriage, for he is hideous and this man is handsome and of high degree. Indeed, the other is not fit to be his servant.”[16] Then the handmaidens went out to the eunuch, and finding him slumbering awoke him, and he started up in alarm. Said they, “How happeneth it that thou art on guard at the palace and yet men come in to us, whilst we are asleep?” When the black heard this, he sprang in haste to his sword, but found it not; and fear took him and trembling. Then he went in, confounded, to his mistress and seeing the Prince sitting at talk with her, said to him, “O my lord, art thou man or Jinni?” Replied the Prince, “Woe to thee, O 10unluckiest of slaves: how darest thou even the sons of the royal Chosroes[17] with one of the unbelieving Satans?” And he was as a raging lion. Then he took the sword in his hand and said to the slave, “I am the King’s son-in-law, and he hath married me to his daughter and bidden me go in to her.” And when the eunuch heard these words he replied, “O my lord, if thou be indeed of kind a man as thou avouchest, she is fit for none but for thee, and thou art worthier of her than any other.” Thereupon the eunuch ran to the King, shrieking loud and rending his raiment and heaving dust upon his head; and when the King heard his outcry, he said to him, “What hath befallen thee?: speak quickly and be brief; for thou hast fluttered my heart.” Answered the eunuch, “O King, come to thy daughter’s succour; for a devil of the Jinn, in the likeness of a King’s son, hath got possession of her; so up and at him!” When the King heard this, he thought to kill him and said, “How camest thou to be careless of my daughter and let this demon come at her?” Then he betook himself to the Princess’s palace, where he found her slave-women standing to await him and asked them, “What is come to my daughter?” “O King,” answered they, “slumber overcame us and, when we awoke, we found a young man sitting upon her couch in talk with her, as he were the full moon; never saw we aught fairer of favour than he. So we questioned him of his case and he declared that thou hadst given him thy daughter in marriage. More than this we know not, nor do we know if he be a man or a Jinni; but he is modest and well bred, and doth nothing unseemly or which leadeth to disgrace.” Now when the King heard these words, his wrath cooled and he raised the curtain little by little and looking in, saw sitting at talk with his daughter a Prince of the goodliest with a face like the full moon for sheen. At this sight he could not contain himself, of his jealousy for his daughter’s honour; and, putting aside the curtain, rushed in upon them drawn sword in hand like a furious Ghul. Now when the Prince saw him he asked the Princess, “Is this thy sire?”; and she answered, “Yes.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that the king’s son thought to himself, 'I might as well spend the night by my horse; as soon as daylight breaks, I will mount and ride away.' However, while he was lingering and talking to himself, he noticed a light within the palace. He moved towards it and discovered it came from a candle sitting before a door of the Harim, beside a sleeping eunuch who was as large as a giant and broader than a bench. He lay before the door, the pommel of his sword glinting in the candlelight, and above him hung a leather bag from a granite column. When the Prince saw this, he was frightened and said, 'I seek help from Allah the All-Powerful! O my Holy One, just as You have already saved me from destruction, grant me the strength to escape this palace!' Saying this, he reached for the bag, took it aside, opened it, and found the best food inside. He ate his fill and refreshed himself with water, then hung the bag back in place. As the eunuch slept on, unaware of his fate, he pulled out the eunuch's sword from its sheath, took it, and ventured further into the palace until he reached a second door with a curtain drawn over it. He lifted the curtain and, upon entering, saw a couch made of the finest ivory, inlaid with pearls, jacinths, and gems, with four slave-girls sleeping around it. Approaching the couch to see what was there, he found a young lady lying asleep, her hair shining like the full moon rising over the eastern horizon, with a fair brow and radiant hair parting, cheeks like vibrant red anemones, and delicate moles. He was captivated by her beauty and grace, forgetting all about death. He approached her, trembling with anticipation, and kissed her on the right cheek. She instantly woke up, opened her eyes, and on seeing the Prince at her side, asked him, 'Who are you, and where do you come from?' He replied, 'I am your slave and your admirer.' She asked, 'Who brought you here?' He answered, 'My fate and fortune.' Then Shams al-Nahár (for that was her name) said, 'Perhaps you are the one who sought my hand in marriage from my father yesterday, and he rejected you, claiming you were unattractive. By Allah, my father lied when he said that, for you are truly handsome.' The son of the King of Hind had asked for her hand, but her father had turned him down for being ugly, and she mistakenly thought the Prince was him. So, seeing his beauty (for indeed he resembled the shining moon), love suddenly ignited in her heart like a blazing fire, and they began to converse. Soon, her handmaidens woke up and, seeing the Prince with their mistress, asked her, 'Oh my lady, who is this with you?' She replied, 'I do not know; I found him beside me when I woke up. Perhaps he is the one seeking my hand from my father.' They exclaimed, 'By Allah, our lady, this is not the one who seeks you in marriage, for he is ugly and this man is handsome and of noble birth. Truly, the other cannot even be his servant.' Then the handmaidens went out to the eunuch, waking him, and he leapt up in shock. They said to him, 'How is it that you are guarding the palace yet men come in while we are asleep?' When the eunuch heard this, he hurried to his sword but found it missing, filling him with fear. Confused, he entered to his mistress and, seeing the Prince speaking with her, asked him, 'O my lord, are you a man or a Jinni?' The Prince replied, 'Woe to you, O most unfortunate of slaves: how dare you compare the son of royal Chosroes with one of the disbelief of satans?' He was as furious as a raging lion. He took the sword in his hand and declared to the slave, 'I am the King's son-in-law. He has married me to his daughter and commanded me to enter her.' Upon hearing this, the eunuch responded, 'O my lord, if you truly are who you say, she is meant only for you, and you are more deserving of her than anyone else.' The eunuch then rushed to the King, shouting loudly, tearing his clothes, and throwing dust on his head. When the King heard his cries, he said, 'What has happened? Speak quickly and briefly, for you have startled my heart.' The eunuch replied, 'O King, come to your daughter's aid; a devil from the Jinn, disguised as a King's son, has taken possession of her; so get ready!' Hearing this, the King was furious and said, 'How could you be so careless with my daughter to let this demon come near her?' He rushed to the Princess’s palace, where he found her slave-women waiting for him and asked them, 'What has happened to my daughter?' They replied, 'O King, we fell asleep, and when we woke up, we found a young man sitting on her couch speaking with her, as if he were the full moon; we have never seen anyone more handsome than him. We asked him about himself, and he claimed that you had given him your daughter in marriage. We know nothing more, nor do we know if he is a man or a Jinni; but he is modest and well-mannered, behaving neither improperly nor disgracefully.' When the King heard this, his anger subsided, and he gradually lifted the curtain. Looking in, he saw a Prince of unparalleled beauty talking with his daughter, resembling the full moon in brightness. Unable to contain his jealousy for his daughter's honor, he pushed aside the curtain and rushed in with his sword drawn, like a furious creature. When the Prince saw him, he asked the Princess, 'Is this your father?' She replied, 'Yes.'——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her telling."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Prince saw the King rushing in upon them, drawn sword in hand, like a furious Ghul he asked the Princess, “Is this thy sire?”; and she answered, “Yes.” Whereupon he sprang to his feet and, seizing his sword, cried out at the King with so terrible a cry that he was confounded. Then the youth would have fallen on him with the sword; but the King seeing that the Prince was doughtier than he, sheathed his scymitar and stood till the young man came up to him, when he accosted him courteously and said to him, “O youth, art thou a man or a Jinni?” Quoth the Prince, “Did I not respect thy right as mine host and thy daughter’s honour, I would spill thy blood! How darest thou fellow me with devils, me that am a Prince of the sons of the royal Chosroes who, had they wished to take thy kingdom, could shake thee like an earthquake from thy glory and thy dominions and spoil thee of all thy possessions?” Now when the King heard his words, he was confounded with awe and bodily fear of him and rejoined, “If thou indeed be of the sons of the Kings, as thou pretendest, how cometh it that thou enterest my palace without my permission, and smirchest mine honour, making thy way to my daughter and feigning that thou art her husband and claiming that I have given her to thee to wife, I that have slain Kings and King’s sons, who sought her of me in marriage? And now who shall save thee from my might and majesty when, if I cried out to my slaves and servants and bade them put thee to the vilest of deaths they would slay thee forthright? Who shall deliver thee out of my hand?” When the Prince heard this speech of the King he answered, “Verily, I wonder at thee and at the shortness and denseness of thy wit! Say me, canst covet for thy daughter a mate comelier than myself, and hast ever seen a stouter hearted man or one better fitted for a Sultan or a more glorious in rank and dominion than I?” Rejoined the King, “Nay, by Allah! but I would have had thee, O youth, act after the custom of Kings and demand her from me to wife before witnesses, that I might have married her to thee publicly; and now, even were I to marry her to thee privily, yet hast thou dishonoured me in her person.” Rejoined the Prince, “Thou sayest sooth, O King, but if thou summon thy slaves and thy soldiers and they fall upon me and slay me, as thou pretendest, 12thou wouldst but publish thine own disgrace, and the folk would be divided between belief in thee and disbelief in thee. Wherefore, O King, thou wilt do well, meseemeth, to turn from this thought to that which I shall counsel thee.” Quoth the King, “Let me hear what thou hast to advise;” and quoth the Prince, “What I have to propose to thee is this: either do thou meet me in combat singular, I and thou; and he who slayeth his adversary shall be held the worthier and having a better title to the kingdom; or else, let me be this night and, whenas dawns the morn, draw out against me thy horsemen and footmen and servants; but first tell me their number.” Said the King, “They are forty thousand horse, besides my own slaves and their followers,[18] who are the like of them in number.” Thereupon said the Prince, “When the day shall break, do thou array them against me and say to them”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that when the Prince saw the King rushing at them with his sword drawn, like a furious beast, he asked the Princess, 'Is this your father?' and she replied, 'Yes.' Then he jumped to his feet, grabbed his sword, and let out such a terrifying cry at the King that the King was taken aback. The young man would have attacked him with his sword, but when the King realized that the Prince was braver than he was, he sheathed his scimitar and waited for the young man to approach him. When the Prince got close, he greeted him politely and said, 'O youth, are you a man or a spirit?' The Prince replied, 'If I didn’t respect your hospitality and your daughter's honor, I would have killed you! How dare you compare me to devils? I am a Prince from the royal Chosroes, and if they wanted your kingdom, they could easily shake you from your glory and possessions!' When the King heard this, he was filled with awe and fear and responded, 'If you truly are of royal blood, as you claim, why did you enter my palace without my permission and stain my honor by approaching my daughter and pretending to be her husband, claiming that I have given her to you in marriage? I have killed Kings and their sons who sought her hand! Now, who will save you from my power? If I called upon my slaves and servants to execute you, they would do it immediately! Who can rescue you from me?' The Prince, hearing the King's words, replied, 'I am truly astonished by your ignorance! Do you believe you can find a better match for your daughter than me? Have you ever seen a braver man or one more suitable for a ruler than I?' The King answered, 'No, by Allah! But I would have preferred if you, O youth, had acted according to the customs of Kings and asked for her hand in marriage before witnesses, so that I could have married her to you publicly. And now, even if I were to marry her to you secretly, you have still dishonored me in her name.' The Prince replied, 'You speak the truth, O King, but if you summon your slaves and soldiers and they attack me and kill me, as you pretend, you will only expose your own shame, and people will be torn between believing you and not believing you. Therefore, O King, it would be wise for you to reconsider and heed my advice.' The King said, 'What do you suggest?' and the Prince replied, 'Here is my proposal: either let us fight, just you and me; the one who kills the other shall be considered the rightful ruler of the kingdom; or you can let me be for tonight, and come the morning, bring out your cavalry and infantry against me. But first, tell me their numbers.' The King said, 'They are forty thousand horsemen, in addition to my own slaves and their followers, who are about the same number.' The Prince said, 'When dawn breaks, gather them against me and tell them'——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her permitted story."
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth the Prince, “When day shall break, do thou array them against me and say to them:—This man is a suitor to me for my daughter’s hand, on condition that he shall do battle single-handed against you all; for he pretendeth that he will overcome you and put you to the rout, and indeed that ye cannot prevail against him. After which, leave me to do battle with them: if they slay me, then is thy secret the surer guarded and thine honour the better warded; and if I overcome them and see their backs, then is it the like of me a King should covet to his son-in-law.” So the King approved of his opinion and accepted his proposition, despite his awe at the boldness of his speech and amaze at the pretensions of the Prince to meet in fight his whole host, such as he had described it to him, being at heart assured that he would perish in the fray and so he should be quit of him and freed from the fear of dishonour. Thereupon he called the eunuch and bade him go to his Wazir without stay and delay and command him to assemble the whole of the 13army and cause them don their arms and armour and mount their steeds. So the eunuch carried the King’s order to the Minister, who straightway summoned the Captains of the host and the Lords of the realm and bade them don their harness of derring-do and mount horse and sally forth in battle array. Such was their case; but as regards the King, he sat a long while conversing with the young Prince, being pleased with his wise speech and good sense and fine breeding. And when it was daybreak he returned to his palace and, seating himself on his throne, commanded his merry men to mount and bade them saddle one of the best of the royal steeds with handsome selle and housings and trappings and bring it to the Prince. But the youth said, “O King, I will not mount horse, till I come in view of the troops and review them.” “Be it as thou wilt,” replied the King. Then the two repaired to the parade-ground, where the troops were drawn up, and the young Prince looked upon them and noted their great number; after which the King cried out to them, saying, “Ho, all ye men, there is come to me a youth who seeketh my daughter in marriage; and in very sooth never have I seen a goodlier than he; no, nor a stouter of heart nor a doughtier of arm, for he pretendeth that he can overcome you, single-handed, and force you to flight and that, were ye an hundred thousand in number, yet for him would ye be but few. Now when he chargeth down on you, do ye receive him upon point of pike and sharp of sabre; for, indeed, he hath undertaken a mighty matter.” Then quoth the King to the Prince, “Up, O my son, and do thy devoir on them.” Answered he, “O King, thou dealest not justly and fairly by me: how shall I go forth against them, seeing that I am afoot and the men be mounted?” The King retorted, “I bade thee mount, and thou refusedst; but choose thou which of my horses thou wilt.” Then he said, “Not one of thy horses pleaseth me, and I will ride none but that on which I came.” Asked the King, “And where is thy horse?” “Atop of thy palace.” “In what part of my palace?” “On the roof.” Now when the King heard these words, he cried, “Out on thee! this is the first sign thou hast given of madness. How can the horse be on the roof? But we shall at once see if thou speak truth or lies.” Then he turned to one of his chief officers and said to him, “Go to my palace and bring me what thou findest on the roof.” So all the people marvelled at the young Prince’s words, saying one to other, “How can a horse come down the steps from the roof? Verily this is a thing whose 14like we never heard.” In the mean time the King’s messenger repaired to the palace and mounting to the roof, found the horse standing there and never had he looked on a handsomer; but when he drew near and examined it, he saw that it was made of ebony and ivory. Now the officer was accompanied by other high officers, who also looked on and they laughed to one another, saying, “Was it of the like of this horse that the youth spake? We cannot deem him other than mad; however, we shall soon see the truth of his case.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O noble King, that the Prince said, 'When day breaks, prepare them against me and say to them: This man is asking for my daughter's hand, on the condition that he fights you all one-on-one; he claims he will defeat you and send you running, insisting that you cannot win against him. Then, leave the battle to me: if they kill me, your secret will be better protected and your honor preserved; if I beat them and see them flee, then a man like me is someone a King should want as a son-in-law.' The King agreed with his plan and accepted his proposal, despite being astonished by the boldness of his words and amazed by the Prince's claim to take on his entire army, as he had described, fully believing that he would perish in the battle and thus be rid of him and free from the fear of disgrace. The King then summoned the eunuch and ordered him to go immediately to his Wazir and instruct him to gather the whole army, to don their armor and prepare their horses. The eunuch delivered the King's command to the Minister, who quickly called the Captains and the Lords of the realm to put on their battle gear and mount their horses to march out in preparation for battle. That was their condition; meanwhile, the King stayed for a long time talking with the young Prince, enjoying his wise words, good judgment, and refinement. When dawn broke, he returned to his palace, sat on his throne, and commanded his knights to prepare one of the best royal steeds, complete with a beautiful saddle and decorations, to present to the Prince. But the young man replied, 'O King, I will not ride until I see the troops and inspect them.' 'As you wish,' the King replied. Then they went to the parade ground, where the troops were gathered, and the young Prince observed them, noting their great number. Then the King called out to them, saying, 'Listen up, all you men, a young man has come to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage; and honestly, I've never seen one better than him; no, nor braver or stronger, for he claims he can defeat you, all by himself, and drive you into retreat, saying that even if you were a hundred thousand strong, you'd be few against him. Now when he charges at you, receive him with your pikes and sharp swords; for he has taken on a mighty challenge.' Then the King said to the Prince, 'Rise, my son, and do your duty against them.' He answered, 'O King, you are not being fair to me: how can I fight them when I'm on foot and they are mounted?' The King replied, 'I told you to mount, and you refused; but choose any of my horses.' He then said, 'None of your horses please me, and I will only ride the one I arrived on.' The King asked, 'And where is your horse?' 'On top of your palace.' 'In what part of my palace?' 'On the roof.' When the King heard this, he exclaimed, 'What nonsense! This is the first sign of madness I've seen from you. How can the horse be on the roof? Let's see if you're telling the truth or lying.' He then turned to one of his chief officers and said, 'Go to my palace and bring me what you find on the roof.' So everyone marveled at the young Prince’s words, saying to one another, 'How can a horse come down the steps from the roof? Truly, this is something we have never heard of.' Meanwhile, the King’s messenger went to the palace and, climbing up to the roof, found the horse standing there and had never seen a more beautiful one. But as he got closer and examined it, he saw it was made of ebony and ivory. The officer was accompanied by other high-ranking officials, who also looked on and laughed to each other, saying, 'Could this be the horse the young man spoke of? We must think he is mad; however, we will soon find out the truth of the matter.'"——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the high officials looked upon the horse, they laughed one to other and said, “Was it of the like of this horse that the youth spake? We cannot deem him other than mad; however, we shall soon see the truth of his case. Peradventure herein is some mighty matter, and he is a man of high degree.” Then they lifted up the horse bodily and, carrying it to the King, set it down before him, and all the lieges flocked round to look at it, marvelling at the beauty of its proportions and the richness of its saddle and bridle. The King also admired it and wondered at it with extreme wonder; and he asked the Prince, “O youth, is this thy horse?” He answered, “Yes, O King, this is my horse, and thou shalt soon see the marvel it showeth.” Rejoined the King, “Then take and mount it,” and the Prince retorted, “I will not mount till the troops withdraw afar from it.” So the King bade them retire a bowshot from the horse; whereupon quoth its owner, “O King, see thou; I am about to mount my horse and charge upon thy host and scatter them right and left and split their hearts asunder.” Said the King, “Do as thou wilt; and spare not their lives, for they will not spare thine.” Then the Prince mounted, whilst the troops ranged themselves in ranks before him, and one said to another, “When the youth cometh between the ranks, we will take him on the points of our pikes and the sharps of our sabres.” Quoth another, “By Allah, this is a mere misfortune: how shall we slay a youth so comely of face and shapely of form?” And a third continued, “Ye will have hard work to get the better of him; for the youth had not done this, but for what he knew of his own 15prowess and pre-eminence of valour.” Meanwhile, having settled himself in his saddle, the Prince turned the pin of ascent; whilst all eyes were strained to see what he would do, whereupon the horse began to heave and rock and sway to and fro and make the strangest of movements steed ever made, till its belly was filled with air and it took flight with its rider and soared high into the sky. When the King saw this, he cried out to his men, saying, “Woe to you! catch him, catch him, ere he ‘scape you!” But his Wazirs and Viceroys said to him, “O King, can a man overtake the flying bird? This is surely none but some mighty magician or Mar¡d of the Jinn or devil, and Allah save thee from him. So praise thou the Almighty for deliverance of thee and of all thy host from his hand.” Then the King returned to his palace after seeing the feat of the Prince and, going in to his daughter, acquainted her with what had befallen them both on the parade-ground. He found her grievously afflicted for the Prince and bewailing her separation from him; wherefore she fell sick with violent sickness and took to her pillow. Now when her father saw her on this wise, he pressed her to his breast and kissing her between the eyes, said to her, “O my daughter, praise Allah Almighty and thank Him for that He hath delivered us from this crafty enchanter, this villain, this low fellow, this thief who thought only of seducing thee!” And he repeated to her the story of the Prince and how he had disappeared in the firmament; and he abused him and cursed him knowing not how dearly his daughter loved him. But she paid no heed to his words and did but redouble in her tears and wails, saying to herself, “By Allah, I will neither eat meat nor drain drink, till Allah reunite me with him!” Her father was greatly concerned for her case and mourned much over her plight; but, for all he could do to soothe her, love-longing only increased on her.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when the high officials saw the horse, they laughed to each other and said, 'Is this the horse the young man was talking about? We can only think he must be mad; however, we’ll soon find out the truth of the matter. Perhaps there’s something great here, and he’s a man of high status.' Then they physically lifted the horse and brought it before the King, and all the subjects gathered around to look at it, amazed by its beautiful proportions and the richness of its saddle and bridle. The King admired it too and expressed his astonishment; he asked the Prince, 'O young man, is this your horse?' He replied, 'Yes, O King, this is my horse, and you’ll soon see the wonders it can do.' The King responded, 'Then go ahead and mount it,' and the Prince replied, 'I won’t mount until the troops move far away from it.' So the King ordered them to stand a bowshot away from the horse; then its owner said, 'O King, watch; I’m about to mount my horse and charge your army, scattering them right and left and cutting them to pieces.' The King said, 'Do as you wish; don’t spare their lives, for they won’t spare yours.' The Prince mounted as the soldiers lined up before him, and one said to another, 'When the youth comes between the ranks, we will take him down with the tips of our pikes and our sharp sabers.' Another said, 'By Allah, this is a tragedy: how can we kill a young man so handsome and well-shaped?' And a third added, 'You’ll have a hard time overcoming him; he wouldn't dare do this unless he knew of his own strength and bravery.' Meanwhile, once settled in his saddle, the Prince turned the pin of ascent, and all eyes were fixed on what he’d do next, whereupon the horse began to heave and rock and sway in the strangest way any horse has ever moved, until its belly filled with air and it took off with its rider, soaring high into the sky. When the King saw this, he shouted to his men, 'Woe to you! Catch him, catch him, before he escapes!' But his advisors said to him, 'O King, can a man catch a flying bird? This must be a great magician or a Jinn or a demon, and may Allah protect you from him. So, thank the Almighty for delivering you and all your army from his grasp.' Then the King returned to his palace after witnessing the Prince’s feat, and when he went in to his daughter, he told her what had happened to them both on the parade-ground. He found her deeply distressed for the Prince, mourning her separation from him; she fell seriously ill and took to her bed. When her father saw her in this state, he held her close and kissed her between the eyes, saying, 'O my daughter, thank Allah Almighty for saving us from this cunning sorcerer, this villain, this lowly man, this thief who only wanted to seduce you!' He told her the story of the Prince and how he had vanished into the sky; he criticized and cursed him, unaware of how dearly his daughter loved him. But she ignored his words and only increased her tears and cries, saying to herself, 'By Allah, I will neither eat nor drink until Allah reunites me with him!' Her father was deeply worried about her condition and grieved over her situation; yet, no matter what he did to comfort her, her longing only grew.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story for the night."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King mourned much over his daughter’s plight but, for all he could do to soothe her, love-longing only increased on her. Thus far concerning the King and Princess Shams al-Nahár; but as regards Prince Kamar al-Akmar, when he had risen high in air, he turned 16his horse’s head towards his native land, and being alone mused upon the beauty of the Princess and her loveliness. Now he had enquired of the King’s people the name of the city and of its King and his daughter; and men had told him that it was the city of Sana’á.[19] So he journeyed with all speed, till he drew near his father’s capital and, making an airy circuit about the city, alighted on the roof of the King’s palace, where he left his horse, whilst he descended into the palace and seeing its threshold strewn with ashes, thought that one of his family was dead. Then he entered, as of wont, and found his father and mother and sisters clad in mourning raiment of black, all pale of faces and lean of frames. When his sire descried him and was assured that it was indeed his son, he cried out with a great cry and fell down in a fit, but after a time coming to himself, threw himself upon him and embraced him, clipping him to his bosom and rejoicing in him with exceeding joy and extreme gladness. His mother and sisters heard this; so they came in and seeing the Prince, fell upon him, kissing him and weeping, and joying with exceeding joyance. Then they questioned him of his case; so he told them all that had past from first to last, and his father said to him, “Praised be Allah for thy safety, O coolth of my eyes and core of my heart!” Then the King bade hold high festival, and the glad tidings flew through the city. So 17they beat drums and cymbals and, doffing the weed of mourning, they donned the gay garb of gladness and decorated the streets and markets; whilst the folk vied with one another who should be the first to give the King joy, and the King proclaimed a general pardon and opening the prisons, released those who were therein prisoned. Moreover, he made banquets for the people, with great abundance of eating and drinking, for seven days and nights and all creatures were gladsomest; and he took horse with his son and rode out with him, that the folk might see him and rejoice. After awhile the Prince asked about the maker of the horse, saying, “O my father, what hath fortune done with him?”; and the King answered, “Allah never bless him nor the hour wherein I set eyes on him! For he was the cause of thy separation from us, O my son, and he hath lain in gaol since the day of thy disappearance.” Then the King bade release him from prison and, sending for him, invested him in a dress of satisfaction and entreated him with the utmost favour and munificence, save that he would not give him his daughter to wife; whereat the Sage raged with sore rage and repented of that which he had done, knowing that the Prince had secured the secret of the steed and the manner of its motion. Moreover, the King said to his son, “I reck thou wilt do well not to go near the horse henceforth and more especially not to mount it after this day; for thou knowest not its properties, and belike thou art in error about it.” Now the Prince had told his father of his adventure with the King of Sana’a and his daughter and he said, “Had the King intended to kill thee, he had done so; but thine hour was not yet come.” When the rejoicings were at an end, the people returned to their places and the King and his son to the palace, where they sat down and fell to eating and drinking and making merry. Now the King had a handsome handmaiden who was skilled in playing the lute; so she took it and began to sweep the strings and sing thereto before the King and his son of separation of lovers, and she chanted the following verses:—
She said, "I've heard, O gracious King, that the King deeply mourned for his daughter's situation, but despite all his efforts to comfort her, her desire only grew stronger. That's the story of the King and Princess Shams al-Nahár. As for Prince Kamar al-Akmar, when he ascended high into the sky, he turned his horse towards his homeland and, alone, reflected on the beauty of the Princess and her charm. He had asked the King's people for the name of the city and its King and daughter, and they told him it was the city of Sana’á. So he traveled quickly until he approached his father’s capital. Making a wide circle around the city, he landed on the roof of the King’s palace, leaving his horse there. As he entered the palace and saw the threshold covered in ashes, he feared that someone in his family had died. He entered, as usual, and found his father, mother, and sisters dressed in black mourning clothes, all looking pale and thin. When his father saw him and confirmed it was indeed his son, he let out a loud cry and fainted. After a moment, he regained his senses, rushed to him, and embraced him tightly, overwhelmed with joy and happiness. His mother and sisters heard the commotion, came in, and fell on him, kissing him and crying, filled with immense joy. They then asked him what had happened, and he recounted everything from beginning to end. His father exclaimed, "Thank God for your safety, O joy of my eyes and heart!" Then the King called for a grand celebration, and the news spread quickly through the city. They played drums and cymbals, cast off their mourning clothes, donned festive attire, and decorated the streets and markets. The people competed to be the first to congratulate the King, who declared a general pardon and opened the prisons, releasing those who were incarcerated. Additionally, he hosted banquets with plenty of food and drink for seven days and nights, and everyone was in high spirits. The King and his son rode out together so that the people could see them and celebrate. After a while, the Prince asked about the maker of the horse, saying, "O my father, what has become of him?" The King replied, "God curse him and the moment I first saw him! He was the reason for your separation from us, my son, and he has been imprisoned since the day you disappeared." Then the King ordered him released from prison and, upon calling for him, dressed him in fine clothes and treated him with great kindness, except for giving him his daughter in marriage. This angered the Sage greatly, and he regretted his actions, realizing that the Prince had learned the secret of the horse and how it moved. Moreover, the King told his son, "You should avoid getting near the horse from now on, especially mounting it after today; you don't fully understand its capabilities, and you might be mistaken about it." The Prince shared his adventure with the King of Sana’a and his daughter, saying, "If the King had intended to kill you, he could have; but your time had not yet come." Once the celebrations ended, the people returned home, and the King and his son went back to the palace, where they sat down to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves. The King had a beautiful handmaiden skilled at playing the lute. She took it, began to play, and sang about the separation of lovers before the King and his son, delivering the following verses:—
18When the Prince heard these verses, the fires of longing flamed up in his heart and pine and passion redoubled upon him. Grief and regret were sore upon him and his bowels yearned in him for love of the King’s daughter of Sana’a; so he rose forthright and, escaping his father’s notice, went forth the palace to the horse and mounting it, turned the pin of ascent, whereupon birdlike it flew with him high in air and soared towards the upper regions of the sky. In early morning his father missed him and, going up to the pinnacle of the palace, in great concern, saw his son rising into the firmament; whereat he was sore afflicted and repented in all penitence that he had not taken the horse and hidden it; and he said to himself, “By Allah, if but my son return to me, I will destroy the horse, that my heart may be at rest concerning my son.” And he fell again to weeping and bewailing himself——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
18When the Prince heard these verses, a deep longing ignited in his heart, intensifying his desire and passion. He felt overwhelming grief and regret, and he yearned for the love of the King’s daughter of Sana’a. So he got up quickly, slipping away unnoticed by his father, went out to the horse, and mounted it. He activated the ascent pin, and the horse took to the skies, soaring high into the air. In the early morning, his father noticed his absence and, climbing to the top of the palace in distress, saw his son rising into the sky. This caused him great anguish and he regretted deeply that he hadn’t taken the horse and hidden it away. He thought to himself, “By Allah, if only my son would return to me, I will destroy the horse so I can be at peace about my son.” He fell back into tears, mourning for himself——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped telling her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King that the King again fell to weeping and bewailing himself for his son. Such was his case; but as regards the Prince, he ceased not flying on through air till he came to the city of Sana’a and alighted on the roof as before. Then he crept down stealthily and, finding the eunuch asleep, as of wont, raised the curtain and went on little by little, till he came to the door of the Princess’s alcove[21]-chamber and stopped to listen; when lo! he heard her shedding plenteous tears and reciting verses, whilst her women slept round her. Presently, overhearing her weeping and wailing quoth they, “O our mistress, why wilt thou mourn for one who mourneth not for thee?” Quoth she, “O ye little of wit, is he for whom I mourn of those who forget or who are forgotten?” And she fell again to wailing and weeping, till sleep overcame her. Hereat the Prince’s heart melted for her and his gall-bladder was like to burst, so he entered and, seeing her lying asleep without covering,[22] touched her with his hand; 19whereupon she opened her eyes and espied him standing by her. Said he, “Why all this crying and mourning?” And when she knew him, she threw herself upon him, and took him around the neck and kissed him and answered, “For thy sake and because of my separation from thee.” Said he, “O my lady, I have been made desolate by thee all this long time!” But she replied, “‘Tis thou who hast desolated me; and hadst thou tarried longer, I had surely died!” Rejoined he, “O my lady, what thinkest thou of my case with thy father and how he dealt with me? Were it not for my love of thee, O temptation and seduction of the Three Worlds, I had certainly slain him and made him a warning to all beholders; but, even as I love thee, so I love him for thy sake.” Quoth she, “How couldst thou leave me: can my life be sweet to me after thee?” Quoth he, “Let what hath happened suffice: I am now hungry, and thirsty.” So she bade her maidens make ready meat and drink, and they sat eating and drinking and conversing till night was well nigh ended; and when day broke he rose to take leave of her and depart, ere the eunuch should awake. Shams al-Nahar asked him, “Whither goest thou?”; and he answered, “To my father’s house, and I plight thee my troth that I will come to thee once in every week.” But she wept and said, “I conjure thee, by Allah the Almighty, take me with thee whereso thou wendest and make me not taste anew the bitter-gourd[23] of separation from thee.” Quoth he, “Wilt thou indeed go with me?” and quoth she, “Yes.” “Then,” said he, “arise that we depart.” So she rose forthright and going to a chest, arrayed herself in what was richest and dearest to her of her trinkets of gold and jewels of price, and she fared forth her handmaids recking naught. So he carried her up to the roof of the palace and, mounting the ebony horse, took her up behind him and made her fast to himself, binding her with strong bonds; after which he 20turned the shoulder-pin of ascent, and the horse rose with him high in air. When her slave-women saw this, they shrieked aloud and told her father and mother, who in hot haste ran to the palace-roof and looking up, saw the magical horse flying away with the Prince and Princess. At this the King was troubled with ever-increasing trouble and cried out, saying, “O King’s son, I conjure thee, by Allah, have ruth on me and my wife and bereave us not of our daughter!” The Prince made him no reply; but, thinking in himself that the maiden repented of leaving father and mother, asked her, “O ravishment of the age, say me, wilt thou that I restore thee to thy mother and father?”: whereupon she answered, “By Allah, O my lord, that is not my desire: my only wish is to be with thee, wherever thou art; for I am distracted by the love of thee from all else, even from my father and mother.” Hearing these words the Prince joyed with great joy, and made the horse fly and fare softly with them, so as not to disquiet her; nor did they stay their flight till they came in sight of a green meadow, wherein was a spring of running water. Here they alighted and ate and drank; after which the Prince took horse again and set her behind him, binding her in his fear for her safety; after which they fared on till they came in sight of his father’s capital. At this, the Prince was filled with joy and bethought himself to show his beloved the seat of his dominion and his father’s power and dignity and give her to know that it was greater than that of her sire. So he set her down in one of his father’s gardens without the city where his parent was wont to take his pleasure; and, carrying her into a domed summer-house prepared there for the King, left the ebony horse at the door and charged the damsel keep watch over it, saying, “Sit here, till my messenger come to thee; for I go now to my father, to make ready a palace for thee and show thee my royal estate.” She was delighted when she heard these words and said to him, “Do as thou wilt;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that the King fell to weeping once again for his son. That was his situation; meanwhile, the Prince kept flying through the air until he reached the city of Sana’a and landed on the roof as before. He then crept down quietly, finding the eunuch asleep as usual, lifted the curtain, and made his way slowly until he reached the door of the Princess’s alcove-chamber and paused to listen. Suddenly, he heard her crying a lot and reciting verses while her women slept around her. They then overheard her weeping and asked, 'O our mistress, why do you mourn for someone who does not mourn for you?' She replied, 'Oh, you simpletons, is the one I mourn for someone who forgets or someone who is forgotten?' And she started crying and weeping again until sleep finally took her. At that, the Prince's heart ached for her, and he felt like he might burst, so he stepped inside. Seeing her lying asleep without any covering, he touched her gently; she opened her eyes and saw him standing beside her. He asked, 'Why all this crying and mourning?' When she recognized him, she threw herself at him, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him, and replied, 'For your sake and because of my separation from you.' He said, 'O my lady, I have been heartbroken without you all this time!' But she countered, 'You are the one who has desolated me; if you had stayed any longer, I would have certainly died!' He responded, 'O my lady, what do you think of my situation with your father and how he treated me? If not for my love for you, O temptation and seduction of the Three Worlds, I would have killed him and made him a warning for all to see; but just as I love you, I also love him for your sake.' She asked, 'How could you leave me? Can my life be sweet after you?' He replied, 'Let what has happened be enough: I am now hungry and thirsty.' So she instructed her maidens to prepare food and drink, and they sat together eating, drinking, and talking until the night was almost over. When morning came, he got up to say goodbye and leave before the eunuch woke. Shams al-Nahar asked him, 'Where are you going?' He answered, 'To my father's house, and I promise you that I will visit you every week.' But she cried and said, 'I beg you, by Allah the Almighty, take me with you wherever you go and don’t make me taste the bitterness of separation from you again.' He asked, 'Will you really come with me?' She replied, 'Yes.' 'Then,' he said, 'let's go.' So she immediately got up and went to a chest, dressing herself in her finest jewelry, and went out with her handmaids without a care. He took her up to the roof of the palace, mounted the ebony horse, and had her sit behind him, securing her tightly. Then he turned the shoulder-pin for ascent, and the horse rose high in the air. When her slave-women saw this, they cried out and alerted her father and mother, who hurried to the palace roof and, looking up, saw the magical horse flying away with the Prince and Princess. The King was increasingly troubled and shouted, 'O King's son, I beg you, by Allah, have mercy on me and my wife and do not take away our daughter!' The Prince didn’t reply, but realizing the maiden might regret leaving her parents, he asked her, 'O beauty of the age, do you want me to take you back to your mother and father?' She answered, 'By Allah, O my lord, that is not what I want: my only wish is to be with you, wherever you are; for I am lost in love for you, even above my father and mother.' Hearing her words, the Prince felt great joy, and he made the horse fly gently with them, so as not to disturb her. They continued their journey until they glimpsed a green meadow with a spring of running water. They landed there to eat and drink; afterward, the Prince got back on the horse, secured her behind him out of concern for her safety, and they continued toward his father's capital. The Prince was filled with joy and thought to show his beloved the place of his dominion and his father's power and prestige, making sure she knew it was greater than that of her own father. So he set her down in one of his father's gardens outside the city, where his father liked to relax, and took her into a domed summer-house prepared for the King, leaving the ebony horse at the door. He asked a servant to keep watch over it, saying, 'Stay here until my messenger comes to you; I will go to my father to prepare a palace for you and show you my royal status.' She was delighted to hear this and said to him, 'Do as you please;'——And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the maiden was delighted when she heard these words and said to him, “Do as thou wilt;” for she thereby understood that she should not enter the city but with due honour and worship, as became her rank. 21Then the Prince left her and betook himself to the palace of the King his father, who rejoiced in his return and met him and welcomed him; and the Prince said to him, “Know that I have brought with me the King’s daughter of whom I told thee; and have left her without the city in such a garden and come to tell thee, that thou mayst make ready the procession of estate and go forth to meet her and show her thy royal dignity and troops and guards.” Answered the King, “With joy and gladness”; and straightway bade decorate the town with the goodliest adornment. Then he took horse and rode out in all magnificence and majesty, he and his host, high officers and household, with drums and kettledrums, fifes and clarions and all manner instruments; whilst the Prince drew forth of his treasuries jewellery and apparel and what else of the things which Kings hoard and made a rare display of wealth and splendour: moreover he got ready for the Princess a canopied litter of brocades, green, red and yellow, wherein he set Indian and Greek and Abyssinian slave-girls. Then he left the litter and those who were therein and preceded them to the pavilion where he had set her down; and searched but found naught, neither Princess nor horse. When he saw this, he beat his face and rent his raiment and began to wander round about the garden, as he had lost his wits; after which he came to his senses and said to himself, “How could she have come at the secret of this horse, seeing I told her nothing of it? Maybe the Persian sage who made the horse hath chanced upon her and stolen her away, in revenge for my father’s treatment of him.” Then he sought the guardians of the garden and asked them if they had seen any pass the precincts; and said, “Hath any one come in here? Tell me the truth and the whole truth or I will at once strike off your heads.” They were terrified by his threats; but they answered with one voice, “We have seen no man enter save the Persian sage, who came to gather healing herbs.” So the Prince was certified that it was indeed he that had taken away the maiden——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, “It has reached me, O great King, that the maiden was thrilled when she heard these words and said to him, ‘Do as you wish;’ for she understood that she should only enter the city with the honor and respect that befitted her status. 21Then the Prince left her and went to the palace of his father, the King, who was overjoyed at his return and welcomed him warmly. The Prince said to him, “You should know that I have brought with me the King’s daughter I told you about; I have left her outside the city in a beautiful garden and have come to inform you so you can prepare the royal procession and go out to meet her, showcasing your royal dignity and your troops and guards.” The King replied, “With joy and happiness,” and immediately ordered the town to be decorated with the finest adornments. Then he mounted his horse and rode out in all his grandeur and majesty, accompanied by his entourage, high officials, and household, with drums, kettledrums, flutes, clarions, and all kinds of instruments; while the Prince retrieved jewelry and clothing from his treasures along with other things that kings accumulate and made an extravagant display of wealth and opulence. Additionally, he prepared a canopied litter of brocades—green, red, and yellow—inside which he placed Indian, Greek, and Abyssinian slave girls. Then he left the litter and those inside and went ahead to the pavilion where he had left her; but he searched and found nothing—neither the Princess nor the horse. Upon seeing this, he struck his face, tore his clothes, and began to wander around the garden as if he had lost his mind; after a while, he regained his composure and said to himself, “How could she have discovered the secret of this horse when I told her nothing about it? Perhaps the Persian sage who created the horse has found her and taken her away, seeking revenge for my father’s treatment of him.” He then sought out the guardians of the garden and asked them if they had seen anyone pass through; he demanded, “Has anyone come in here? Tell me the truth or I will have your heads.” They were frightened by his threats, but they all replied in unison, “We have seen no one enter except the Persian sage, who came to collect medicinal herbs.” So, the Prince became sure that it was indeed he who had taken the maiden—and Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Prince heard their answer, he was certified that the Sage had taken 22away the maiden and abode confounded and perplexed concerning his case. And he was abashed before the folk and, turning to his sire, told him what had happened and said to him, “Take the troops and march them back to the city. As for me, I will never return till I have cleared up this affair.” When the King heard this, he wept and beat his breast and said to him, “O my son, calm thy choler and master thy chagrin and come home with us and look what King’s daughter thou wouldst fain have, that I may marry thee to her.” But the Prince paid no heed to his words and farewelling him departed, whilst the King returned to the city and their joy was changed into sore annoy. Now, as Destiny issued her decree, when the Prince left the Princess in the garden-house and betook himself to his father’s palace, for the ordering of his affair, the Persian entered the garden to pluck certain simples and, scenting the sweet savour of musk and perfumes that exhaled from the Princess and impregnated the whole place, followed it till he came to the pavilion and saw standing at the door the horse which he had made with his own hands. His heart was filled with joy and gladness, for he had bemourned its loss much since it had gone out of his hand: so he went up to it and, examining its every part, found it whole and sound; whereupon he was about to mount and ride away, when he bethought himself and said, “Needs must I first look what the Prince hath brought and left here with the horse.” So he entered the pavilion and, seeing the Princess sitting there, as she were the sun shining sheen in the sky serene, knew her at the first glance to be some high-born lady and doubted not but the Prince had brought her thither on the horse and left her in the pavilion, whilst he went to the city, to make ready for her entry in state procession with all splendour. Then he went up to her and kissed the earth between her hands, whereupon she raised her eyes to him and, finding him exceedingly foul of face and favour, asked, “Who art thou?”; and he answered, “O my lady, I am a messenger sent by the Prince who hath bidden me bring thee to another pleasance nearer the city; for that my lady the Queen cannot walk so far and is unwilling, of her joy in thee, that another should forestall her with thee.” Quoth she, “Where is the Prince?”; and quoth the Persian, “He is in the city, with his sire and forthwith he shall come for thee in great state.” Said she, “O thou! say me, could he find none handsomer to send to me?”; whereat loud laughed the Sage and said, “Yea verily, he hath not a Mameluke as ugly as I am; but, O my lady, let not the ill-favour 23of my face and the foulness of my form deceive thee. Hadst thou profited of me as hath the Prince, verily thou wouldst praise my affair. Indeed, he chose me as his messenger to thee, because of my uncomeliness and loathsomeness in his jealous love of thee: else hath he Mamelukes and negro slaves, pages, eunuchs and attendants out of number, each goodlier than other.” Whenas she heard this, it commended itself to her reason and she believed him; so she rose forthright——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when the Prince heard their response, he realized that the Sage had taken the maiden, leaving him confused and troubled about his situation. He felt embarrassed in front of everyone and turned to his father, telling him what had happened and said, 'Take the troops and march them back to the city. As for me, I won't return until I have resolved this matter.' When the King heard this, he wept and beat his chest, saying to him, 'O my son, please calm your anger and master your distress. Come home with us and tell me which princess you would like, so I can arrange your marriage to her.' But the Prince ignored his words and said goodbye, while the King returned to the city, and their joy turned into deep sorrow. Now, as fate would have it, when the Prince left the Princess in the garden house and headed to his father's palace to sort out his affairs, the Persian entered the garden to gather some herbs. He caught a whiff of the sweet scent of musk and perfumes emanating from the Princess, which filled the entire area, and followed it until he reached the pavilion. There, he saw the horse he had crafted with his own hands standing at the door. His heart filled with joy and happiness, as he had mourned its loss deeply since it had left his possession. He approached it and, examining every part, found it intact; just as he was about to mount and ride away, he thought to himself, 'I must first see what the Prince has brought and left here with the horse.' So he entered the pavilion and, seeing the Princess sitting there like the sun shining in a clear sky, recognized at first glance that she was a high-born lady. He didn't doubt that the Prince had brought her there on the horse and left her in the pavilion while he went to the city to prepare for her grand entrance with all the splendor. Then he approached her and kissed the ground between her hands. She looked up at him and, finding him exceedingly unattractive, asked, 'Who are you?' He replied, 'O my lady, I am a messenger sent by the Prince who has asked me to take you to another place closer to the city, as my lady the Queen cannot walk that far and is so pleased with you that she doesn't want anyone else to take you from her.' She asked, 'Where is the Prince?' The Persian replied, 'He is in the city with his father and will come for you shortly in style.' She said, 'Really? Could he find no one better looking to send to me?' At this, the Sage laughed heartily and said, 'Yes, truly, he has no Mameluke as unattractive as I am; but, O my lady, don't let my ugly face and appearance fool you. If you had experienced me like the Prince has, you would certainly appreciate my worth. He chose me as his messenger to you because of my unattractiveness, out of his jealous love for you; otherwise, he has Mamelukes, black slaves, pages, eunuchs, and numerous attendants, each more handsome than the next.' When she heard this, it made sense to her, and she believed him; so she rose immediately—And Shahrazad noticed the first light of day and stopped her tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Persian sage acquainted the Princess with the case of the King’s son, she believed him; so she rose forthright; and, putting her hand in his, said, “O my father, what hast thou brought me to ride?” He replied, “O my lady, thou shalt ride the horse thou camest on;” and she, “I cannot ride it by myself.” Whereupon he smiled and knew that he was her master and said, “I will ride with thee myself.” So he mounted and, taking her up behind him bound her to himself with firm bonds, while she knew not what he would with her. Then he turned the ascent-pin, whereupon the belly of the horse became full of wind and it swayed to and fro like a wave of the sea, and rose with them high in air nor slackened in its flight, till it was out of sight of the city. Now when Shams al-Nahar saw this, she asked him, “Ho thou! what is become of that thou toldest me of my Prince, making me believe that he sent thee to me?” Answered the Persian, “Allah damn the Prince! he is a mean and skin-flint knave.” She cried, “Woe to thee! How darest thou disobey thy lord’s commandment?” Whereto the Persian replied, “He is no lord of mine: knowest thou who I am?” Rejoined the Princess, “I know nothing of thee save what thou toldest me;” and retorted he, “What I told thee was a trick of mine against thee and the King’s son: I have long lamented the loss of this horse which is under us; for I constructed it and made myself master of it. But now I have gotten firm hold of it and of thee too, and I will burn his heart even as he hath burnt mine; nor shall he ever have the horse again; no, never! So be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool and clear; for I can be of more 24use to thee than he; and I am generous as I am wealthy; my servants and slaves shall obey thee as their mistress; I will robe thee in finest raiment and thine every wish shall be at thy will.” When she heard this, she buffeted her face and cried out, saying, “Ah, well-away! I have not won my beloved and I have lost my father and mother!” And she wept bitter tears over what had befallen her, whilst the Sage fared on with her, without ceasing, till he came to the land of the Greeks[24] and alighted in a verdant mead, abounding in streams and trees. Now this meadow lay near a city wherein was a King of high puissance, and it chanced that he went forth that day to hunt and divert himself. As he passed by the meadow, he saw the Persian standing there, with the damsel and the horse by his side; and, before the Sage was ware, the King’s slaves fell upon him and carried him and the lady and the horse to their master who, noting the foulness of the man’s favour and his loathsomeness and the beauty of the girl and her loveliness, said, “O my lady, what kin is this oldster to thee?” The Persian made haste to reply, saying, “She is my wife and the daughter of my father’s brother.” But the lady at once gave him the lie and said, “O King, by Allah, I know him not, nor is he my husband; nay, he is a wicked magician who hath stolen me away by force and fraud.” Thereupon the King bade bastinado the Persian and they beat him till he was well-nigh dead; after which the King commanded to carry him to the city and cast him into jail; and, taking from him the damsel and the ebony horse (though he knew not its properties nor the secret of its motion), set the girl in his serraglio and the horse amongst his hoards. Such was the case with the Sage and the lady; but as regards Prince Kamar al-Akmar, he garbed himself in travelling gear and taking what he needed of money, set out tracking their trail in very sorry plight; and journeyed from country to country and city to city seeking the Princess and enquiring after the ebony horse, whilst all who heard him marvelled at him and deemed his talk extravagant. Thus he continued doing a long while; but, for all his enquiry and quest, he could hit on no news of her. At last he came to her father’s city of Sana’a and there asked for her, but could get no tidings of her and found her father mourning her loss. So he turned back and made for the land of the Greeks, continuing to 25enquire concerning the twain as he went——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that when the Persian sage informed the Princess about the King's son, she believed him. So she immediately stood up and, taking his hand, said, 'O my father, what have you brought for me to ride?' He replied, 'O my lady, you will ride the horse you arrived on;' and she responded, 'I can't ride it by myself.' He smiled, knowing he had the upper hand, and said, 'I will ride with you.' So he got on the horse and pulled her up behind him, binding her to him securely, while she was unaware of his intentions. Then he turned the ascent-pin, causing the horse to fill with air and sway back and forth like a wave at sea, rising high into the sky without slowing down until it was out of sight of the city. When Shams al-Nahar saw this, she asked him, 'Hey! What about what you told me about my Prince, making me believe he sent you to me?' The Persian replied, 'Curse the Prince! He’s a cheap and stingy guy.' She exclaimed, 'Woe to you! How dare you defy your lord’s command?' The Persian answered, 'He’s no lord of mine: do you know who I am?' The Princess replied, 'I know nothing about you except what you told me;' and he retorted, 'What I told you was a trick against you and the King’s son. I’ve long regretted losing this horse beneath us; it was my creation, and I have mastered it. But now I have a strong hold on it and you too, and I’ll burn his heart just as he has burned mine; he will never get the horse back; never! So cheer up and keep your eyes clear, because I can be more useful to you than he can, and I’m as generous as I am wealthy; my servants and slaves will obey you as their mistress; I will dress you in the finest clothes, and all your wishes will be fulfilled.' When she heard this, she slapped her face and cried out, 'Oh, woe is me! I have not won my beloved, and I have lost my father and mother!' She wept bitterly over what had happened to her while the Sage continued on with her until he reached the land of the Greeks and landed in a lush meadow filled with streams and trees. This meadow was near a city ruled by a powerful King, who happened to go out hunting for pleasure that day. As he passed the meadow, he saw the Persian standing there with the girl and the horse beside him; and before the Sage realized it, the King’s servants captured him, taking him, the lady, and the horse to their master, who, noticing the man’s ugliness and the girl’s beauty, asked, 'O my lady, what relation is this old man to you?' The Persian hurried to respond, 'She is my wife and the daughter of my father’s brother.' But the lady immediately contradicted him, saying, 'O King, by Allah, I do not know him, nor is he my husband; he is a wicked magician who has stolen me away by force and trickery.' Then the King ordered them to beat the Persian, and they almost killed him; after which the King commanded that he be taken to the city and thrown into jail. He took the girl and the ebony horse from him (though he was unaware of its special properties and how it worked), placing the girl in his harem and the horse in his storeroom. This was the fate of the Sage and the lady; but Prince Kamar al-Akmar put on travel gear, took necessary money with him, and set out to track them in a very sorry state. He journeyed from country to country and city to city in search of the Princess and inquiring about the ebony horse, while everyone who heard him found his talk unbelievable. He continued this for a long time; but despite all his efforts and inquiries, he could find no news of her. Finally, he arrived in his father’s city of Sana’a, where he inquired after her but received no information, finding her father mourning her loss. So he turned back and headed towards the land of the Greeks, still searching for the two as he went——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her tale."

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King’s son made for the land of the Greeks, continuing to enquire concerning the two as he went along, till, as chance would have it, he alighted at a certain Khan and saw a company of merchants sitting at talk. So he sat down near them and heard one say, “O my friends, I lately witnessed a wonder of wonders.” They asked, “What was that?” and he answered, “I was visiting such a district in such a city (naming the city wherein was the Princess), and I heard its people chatting of a strange thing which had lately befallen. It was that their King went out one day hunting and coursing with a company of his courtiers and the lords of his realm; and, issuing from the city, they came to a green meadow where they espied an old man standing, with a woman sitting hard by a horse of ebony. The man was foulest-foul of face and loathly of form, but the woman was a marvel of beauty and loveliness and elegance and perfect grace; and as for the wooden horse, it was a miracle, never saw eyes aught goodlier than it nor more gracious than its make.” Asked the others, “And what did the King with them?”; and the merchant answered, “As for the man the King seized him and questioned him of the damsel and he pretended that she was his wife and the daughter of his paternal uncle; but she gave him the lie forthright and declared that he was a sorcerer and a villain. So the King took her from the old man and bade beat him and cast him into the trunk-house. As for the ebony horse, I know not what became of it.” When the Prince heard these words, he drew near to the merchant and began questioning him discreetly and courteously touching the name of the city and of its King; which when he knew, he passed the night full of joy. And as soon as dawned the day he set out and travelled sans surcease till he reached that city; but, when he would have entered, the gatekeepers laid hands on him, that they might bring him before the King to question him of his condition and the craft in which he skilled and the cause of his coming thither—such being the usage and custom of their ruler. Now it was supper-time when he entered the city, and it was then 26impossible to go in to the King or take counsel with him respecting the stranger. So the guards carried him to the jail, thinking to lay him by the heels there for the night; but, when the warders saw his beauty and loveliness, they could not find it in their hearts to imprison him: they made him sit with them without the walls; and, when food came to them, he ate with them what sufficed him. As soon as they had made an end of eating, they turned to the Prince and said, “What countryman art thou?” “I come from Fars,” answered he, “the land of the Chosroës.” When they heard this they laughed and one of them said, “O Chosroan,[25] I have heard the talk of men and their histories and I have looked into their conditions; but never saw I or heard I a bigger liar than the Chosroan which is with us in the jail.” Quoth another, “And never did I see aught fouler than his favour or more hideous than his visnomy.” Asked the Prince, “What have ye seen of his lying?”; and they answered, “He pretendeth that he is one of the wise! Now the King came upon him, as he went a-hunting, and found with him a most beautiful woman and a horse of the blackest ebony, never saw I a handsomer. As for the damsel, she is with the King, who is enamoured of her and would fain marry her; but she is mad, and were this man a leach as he claimeth to be, he would have healed her, for the King doth his utmost to discover a cure for her case and a remedy for her disease, and this whole year past hath he spent treasures upon physicians and astrologers, on her account; but none can avail to cure her. As for the horse, it is in the royal hoard-house, and the ugly man is here with us in prison; and as soon as night falleth, he weepeth and bemoaneth himself and will not let us sleep.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O kind King, that the King's son traveled to the land of the Greeks, continuing to ask about the two as he went along. By chance, he stopped at a certain inn and saw a group of merchants talking. He sat down nearby and overheard one of them say, 'Friends, I recently witnessed an incredible event.' They asked, 'What was it?' and he replied, 'I was visiting a certain area in a certain city (naming the city where the Princess was), and I heard its people talking about something strange that happened recently. One day, their King went out hunting with some of his courtiers and lords. They left the city and came across a green meadow, where they saw an old man standing with a woman sitting next to a black horse. The man was the ugliest of ugly, but the woman was a vision of beauty, grace, and perfect elegance. As for the wooden horse, it was a marvel—nothing could compare to its beauty.' The others asked, 'What did the King do about them?' and the merchant answered, 'The King seized the man and questioned him about the woman, but he claimed she was his wife and his uncle's daughter. However, she immediately contradicted him, calling him a sorcerer and a villain. So the King took her from the old man, ordered him beaten, and locked him away. I don’t know what happened to the ebony horse.' When the Prince heard this, he moved closer to the merchant and started asking him carefully and politely about the city’s name and its King. Once he learned, he spent the night filled with joy. As soon as dawn broke, he set off and traveled nonstop until he reached that city. But when he tried to enter, the gatekeepers seized him to take him before the King and question him about who he was, his skills, and why he had come—this was the custom of their ruler. It was supper time when he entered the city, making it impossible to approach the King or consult him about the stranger. So the guards took him to jail, intending to keep him locked up for the night. However, when the jailers saw how handsome he was, they couldn’t bring themselves to imprison him; they let him sit with them outside the walls. When food was brought, he ate with them until he had enough. Once they finished eating, they turned to the Prince and asked, 'Where are you from?' 'I come from Fars,' he replied, 'the land of the Chosroës.' When they heard this, they laughed, and one of them said, 'Oh Chosroan, I’ve heard many tales of men and their histories, and I know their conditions; but I’ve never met a bigger liar than the Chosroan we have here in jail.' Another added, 'And I’ve never seen anyone uglier than him.' The Prince asked, 'What have you seen of his lies?' They responded, 'He claims to be wise! The King came upon him while hunting and found him with a stunning woman and the blackest ebony horse I’ve ever seen. The girl is with the King, who desires to marry her, but she's mad. If this man were truly a doctor, as he claims, he could cure her. The King has done everything to find a remedy, spending a whole year’s treasure on healers and astrologers for her sake, yet none have been able to help her. The horse is in the royal treasury, and the ugly man is here in prison; and every night, he cries and laments, preventing us from sleeping.'—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the warders had recounted the case of the Persian egromancer they 27held in prison and his weeping and wailing, the Prince at once devised a device whereby he might compass his desire; and presently the guards of the gate, being minded to sleep, led him into the jail and locked the door. So he overheard the Persian weeping and bemoaning himself, in his own tongue, and saying, “Alack, and alas for my sin, that I sinned against myself and against the King’s son, in that which I did with the damsel; for I neither left her nor won my will of her! All this cometh of my lack of sense, in that I sought for myself that which I deserved not and which befitted not the like of me; for whoso seeketh what suiteth him not at all, falleth with the like of my fall.” Now when the King’s son heard this, he accosted him in Persian, saying, “How long will this weeping and wailing last? Say me, thinkest thou that hath befallen thee that which never befel other than thou?” Now when the Persian heard this, he made friends with him and began to complain to him of his case and misfortunes. And as soon as the morning morrowed, the warders took the Prince and carried him before their King, informing him that he had entered the city on the previous night, at a time when audience was impossible. Quoth the King to the Prince, “Whence comest thou and what is thy name and trade and why hast thou travelled hither?” He replied, “As to my name I am called in Persian Harjah;[26] as to my country I come from the land of Fars; and I am of the men of art and especially of the art of medicine and healing the sick and those whom the Jinns drive mad. For this I go round about all countries and cities, to profit by adding knowledge to my knowledge, and whenever I see a patient I heal him and this is my craft.”[27] Now when the King heard this, he rejoiced with exceeding joy and said, “O excellent Sage, thou hast indeed come to us at a time when we need thee.” Then he acquainted him with the case of the Princess, adding, “If thou cure her and recover her from her madness, thou shalt have of me everything thou seekest.” Replied the Prince, 28“Allah save and favour the King: describe to me all thou hast seen of her insanity and tell me how long it is since the access attacked her; also how thou camest by her and the horse and the Sage.” So the King told him the whole story, from first to last, adding, “The Sage is in gaol.” Quoth the Prince, “O auspicious King, and what hast thou done with the horse?” Quoth the King, “O youth, it is with me yet, laid up in one of my treasure-chambers,” whereupon said the Prince within himself, “The best thing I can do is first to see the horse and assure myself of its condition. If it be whole and sound, all will be well and end well; but, if its motor-works be destroyed, I must find some other way of delivering my beloved.” Thereupon he turned to the King and said to him, “O King, I must see the horse in question: haply I may find in it somewhat that will serve me for the recovery of the damsel.” “With all my heart,” replied the King, and taking him by the hand, showed him into the place where the horse was. The Prince went round about it, examining its condition, and found it whole and sound, whereat he rejoiced greatly and said to the King, “Allah save and exalt the King! I would fain go in to the damsel, that I may see how it is with her; for I hope in Allah to heal her by my healing hand through means of the horse.” Then he bade them take care of the horse and the King carried him to the Princess’s apartment, where her lover found her wringing her hands and writhing and beating herself against the ground, and tearing her garments to tatters as was her wont; but there was no madness of Jinn in her, and she did this but that none might approach her. When the Prince saw her thus, he said to her, “No harm shall betide thee, O ravishment of the three worlds;” and went on to soothe her and speak her fair, till he managed to whisper, “I am Kamar al-Akmar;” whereupon she cried out with a loud cry and fell down fainting for excess of joy; but the King thought this was epilepsy[28] brought on by her fear of him, and by her suddenly being startled. Then the Prince put his mouth to her ear and said to her, “O Shams al-Nahar, O seduction of the universe, have a care for thy life and mine and be patient and constant; for this our position needeth sufferance and skilful contrivance to make shift for our delivery from this tyrannical King. My first move will be now to go out to him and tell him that thou 29art possessed of a Jinn and hence thy madness; but that I will engage to heal thee and drive away the evil spirit, if he will at once unbind thy bonds. So when he cometh in to thee, do thou speak him smooth words, that he may think I have cured thee, and all will be done for us as we desire.” Quoth she, “Hearkening and obedience;” and he went out to the King in joy and gladness, and said to him, “O august King, I have, by thy good fortune, discovered her disease and its remedy, and have cured her for thee. So now do thou go in to her and speak her softly and treat her kindly, and promise her what may please her; so shall all thou desirest of her be accomplished to thee.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I have learned, O great King, that when the guards recounted the case of the Persian sorcerer they had in prison and his crying and lamenting, the Prince quickly came up with a plan to fulfill his desire; and soon the gate guards, feeling sleepy, took him into the jail and locked the door. He then overheard the Persian weeping and mourning in his own language, saying, 'Oh, woe is me for my sins, that I sinned against myself and against the King's son in what I did with the girl; for I neither left her nor fulfilled my desires! This all comes from my lack of sense, since I sought for myself what I did not deserve and what was not suitable for someone like me; for whoever seeks what doesn't suit them falls just as I have fallen.' When the King's son heard this, he spoke to him in Persian, saying, 'How long will this weeping and wailing continue? Tell me, do you think what has happened to you is something that has never happened to anyone else?' When the Persian heard this, he befriended him and began to complain about his situation and misfortunes. As soon as morning came, the guards took the Prince and brought him before their King, informing him that he had entered the city the night before when it was impossible to have an audience. The King asked the Prince, 'Where do you come from, what is your name and trade, and why have you traveled here?' He replied, 'My name in Persian is Harjah; as for my homeland, I come from the land of Fars, and I am skilled in various arts, particularly in medicine and healing the sick and those who are driven mad by Jinn. I travel through all countries and cities to expand my knowledge, and whenever I see a patient, I heal them, for this is my craft.' When the King heard this, he was filled with immense joy and said, 'O wise sage, you have truly come to us at a time when we need you.' He then told him about the Princess's case, adding, 'If you can cure her and bring her back from her madness, you will have whatever you wish from me.' The Prince replied, 'May Allah protect and bless the King. Please describe to me everything you've seen regarding her insanity, and tell me how long it's been since she became ill; also, how did you come to have her and the horse and the sage?' The King recounted the entire story, from beginning to end, adding, 'The sage is in jail.' The Prince asked, 'O great King, what have you done with the horse?' The King replied, 'O young man, it is still with me, kept in one of my treasure chambers,' upon which the Prince thought to himself, 'The best thing I can do is to see the horse first and assess its condition. If it is whole and sound, everything will go well; but if it is damaged, I will have to find another way to rescue my beloved.' He then turned to the King and said, 'O King, I must see the horse in question; perhaps I may find something that will help me in the recovery of the girl.' 'With all my heart,' replied the King, and taking him by the hand, he led him to where the horse was. The Prince examined it carefully and found it to be whole and sound, which made him incredibly happy. He said to the King, 'May Allah protect and exalt the King! I would like to see the girl so I can know her condition; for I hope in Allah to heal her by my skilled hands through the means of the horse.' He then asked them to take care of the horse, and the King took him to the Princess's chambers, where her lover found her wringing her hands in anguish, thrashing about and beating herself against the ground, tearing her clothes into rags as was her habit; but there were no Jinn madness in her, and she acted this way so that no one might approach her. When the Prince saw her like this, he said to her, 'You will not come to harm, O jewel of the three worlds;' and he continued to soothe her and speak kindly until he managed to whisper, 'I am Kamar al-Akmar;' whereupon she cried out loudly and fainted from overwhelming joy; but the King thought it was some fit caused by her fear of him and by her being startled. Then the Prince leaned in close to her ear and said, 'O Shams al-Nahar, O enchantress of the universe, take care of your life and mine, and be patient and composed; for our situation requires endurance and careful planning to secure our escape from this oppressive King. My first move will be to go to him and tell him that you are possessed by a Jinn, which is the cause of your madness; but I assure you I will heal you and drive away the evil spirit if he will first release you from your bonds. So when he comes to you, speak nicely to him, so he may believe I have cured you, and everything we desire will be achieved.' She replied, 'I am listening and obedient;' and he went out to the King, filled with joy, and said to him, 'O esteemed King, by your good fortune, I have discovered her illness and its cure, and I have healed her for you. Now you should go in to her and speak kindly and treat her gently, and promise her what will please her; then all that you want from her will be fulfilled.'——And Shahrazad saw the break of dawn and ceased to say what was permitted to her."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Prince feigned himself a leach and went in to the damsel and made himself known to her and told her how he purposed to deliver her, she cried “Hearkening and obedience!” He then fared forth from her and sought the King and said, “Go thou in to her and speak her softly and promise her what may please her; so shall all thou desirest of her be accomplished to thee.” Thereupon the King went in to her and when she saw him, she rose and kissing the ground before him, bade him welcome and said, “I admire how thou hast come to visit thy handmaid this day;” whereat he was ready to fly for joy and bade the waiting-women and the eunuchs attend her and carry her to the Hammam and make ready for her dresses and adornment. So they went in to her and saluted her, and she returned their salams with the goodliest language and after the pleasantest fashion; whereupon they clad her in royal apparel and, clasping a collar of jewels about her neck, carried her to the bath and served her there. Then they brought her forth, as she were the full moon; and, when she came into the King’s presence, she saluted him and kissed ground before him; whereupon he joyed in her with joy exceeding and said to the Prince, “O Sage, O philosopher, all this is of thy blessing. Allah increase to us the benefit of thy healing breath!”[29] The Prince 30replied, “O King, for the completion of her cure it behoveth that thou go forth, thou and all thy troops and guards, to the place where thou foundest her, not forgetting the beast of black wood which was with her; for therein is a devil; and, unless I exorcise him, he will return to her and afflict her at the head of every month.” “With love and gladness,” cried the King, “O thou Prince of all philosophers and most learned of all who see the light of day.” Then he brought out the ebony horse to the meadow in question and rode thither with all his troops and the Princess, little weeting the purpose of the Prince. Now when they came to the appointed place, the Prince, still habited as a leach, bade them set the Princess and the steed as far as eye could reach from the King and his troops, and said to him, “With thy leave, and at thy word, I will now proceed to the fumigations and conjurations, and here imprison the adversary of mankind, that he may never more return to her. After this, I shall mount this wooden horse which seemeth to be made of ebony, and take the damsel up behind me; whereupon it will shake and sway to and fro and fare forwards, till it come to thee, when the affair will be at an end; and after this thou mayst do with her as thou wilt.” When the King heard his words, he rejoiced with extreme joy; so the Prince mounted the horse, and, taking the damsel up behind him, whilst the King and his troops watched him, bound her fast to him. Then he turned the ascending-pin and the horse took flight and soared with them high in air, till they disappeared from every eye. After this the King abode half the day, expecting their return; but they returned not. So when he despaired of them, repenting him greatly of that which he had done and grieving sore for the loss of the damsel, he went back to the city with his troops. He then sent for the Persian who was in prison and said to him, “O thou traitor, O thou villain, why didst thou hide from me the mystery of the ebony horse? And now a sharper hath come to me and hath carried it off, together with a slave-girl whose ornaments are worth a mint of money, and I shall never see anyone or anything of them again!” So the Persian related to him all his past, first and last, and the 31King was seized with a fit of fury which well-nigh ended his life. He shut himself up in his palace for a while, mourning and afflicted; but at last his Wazirs came in to him and applied themselves to comfort him, saying, “Verily, he who took the damsel is an enchanter, and praised be Allah who hath delivered thee from his craft and sorcery!” And they ceased not from him, till he was comforted for her loss. Thus far concerning the King; but as for the Prince, he continued his career towards his father’s capital in joy and cheer, and stayed not till he alighted on his own palace, where he set the lady in safety; after which he went in to his father and mother and saluted them and acquainted them with her coming, whereat they were filled with solace and gladness. Then he spread great banquets for the towns-folk——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O noble King, that when the Prince pretended to be a doctor and entered the room of the girl, introducing himself and explaining how he planned to save her, she exclaimed, 'I’m listening and obedient!' He then left her and went to the King, saying, 'You should go in and speak to her gently, promising her whatever will make her happy; that way, everything you desire from her will be yours.' The King entered the room, and when she saw him, she stood up, kissed the ground in front of him, welcomed him, and said, 'I’m honored that you’ve come to visit your servant today;' which made him incredibly happy. He instructed the waiting women and eunuchs to tend to her, take her to the bathhouse, and prepare her clothes and adornments. They went in to her, greeted her, and she responded with the kindest words and gestures. Then they dressed her in royal clothing, put a jeweled necklace around her neck, took her to the bath, and served her there. When they brought her out, she looked as radiant as the full moon; upon entering the King’s presence, she greeted him and kissed the ground before him; he was filled with overwhelming joy and said to the Prince, 'O Wise One, O philosopher, all this is thanks to you. May Allah increase the benefits of your healing touch!'[29] The Prince replied, 'O King, to complete her healing, you and your soldiers need to go back to where you found her, not forgetting the black wooden beast that was with her, for it harbors a demon; unless I banish it, it will return and trouble her at the beginning of each month.' 'With love and joy,' the King exclaimed, 'O you Prince of all philosophers and wisest among those who walk the earth.' He then brought out the ebony horse and rode with all his troops and the Princess, unaware of the Prince's true intentions. When they arrived at the designated spot, the Prince, still dressed as a doctor, instructed them to position the Princess and the horse as far away as possible from the King and his forces, and said to him, 'With your permission, I will now begin the rituals and spell to trap the enemy of mankind, so he will never bother her again. After this, I’ll mount this wooden horse, which looks like it’s made of ebony, and take the girl up behind me; it will then shake and sway until we reach you, at which point everything will be resolved; after that, you can do with her as you please.' When the King heard this, he was filled with great joy; so the Prince climbed onto the horse, took the girl behind him, while the King and his troops observed, securely fastening her to him. Then he activated the mechanism, and the horse took off, soaring high into the sky until they vanished from sight. The King waited half the day, expecting their return, but when they didn’t come back, he lost hope and regretted his actions, feeling sorrow for the loss of the girl, and returned to the city with his troops. He then summoned the Persian who was imprisoned and said to him, 'O you traitor, why did you conceal the secret of the ebony horse from me? Now a more cunning person has taken it, along with a slave girl whose jewelry is worth a fortune, and I will never see either of them again!' The Persian recounted his entire story, and the King was overcome with rage, nearly costing him his life. He isolated himself in his palace for a while, grieving and distressed; eventually, his advisors came to him and tried to console him, saying, 'Truly, the one who took the girl is an enchanter, and praise be to Allah for saving you from his tricks and sorcery!' They continued to comfort him until he felt better about her loss. Meanwhile, the Prince continued his journey toward his father’s capital in happiness and did not stop until he reached his palace, where he safely brought the lady inside; then he went to see his parents, greeting them and informing them of her arrival, which filled them with joy and relief. He then prepared lavish feasts for the townspeople—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her narration at the permitted point.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King’s son spread great banquets for the towns-folk and they held high festival a whole month, at the end of which time he went in to the Princess and they took their joy of each other with exceeding joy. But his father brake the ebony horse in pieces and destroyed its mechanism for flight; moreover the Prince wrote a letter to the Princess’s father, advising him of all that had befallen her and informing him how she was now married to him and in all health and happiness, and sent it by a messenger, together with costly presents and curious rarities. And when the messenger arrived at the city which was Sana’a and delivered the letter and the presents to the King, he read the missive and rejoiced greatly thereat and accepted the presents, honouring and rewarding the bearer handsomely. Moreover, he forwarded rich gifts to his son-in-law by the same messenger, who returned to his master and acquainted him with what had passed; whereat he was much cheered. And after this the Prince wrote a letter every year to his father-in-law and sent him presents till, in course of time, his sire King Sabur deceased and he reigned in his stead, ruling justly over his lieges and conducting himself well and righteously towards them, so that the land submitted to him and his subjects did him loyal service; and Kamar al-Akmar and his wife Shams al-Nahar abode in the enjoyment of all satisfaction and solace of life, till there came to them the Destroyer of delights and Sunderer of societies; the Plunderer of palaces, the Caterer for cemeteries and the Garnerer of graves. And now glory be to the Living One who dieth not and in whose hand is the dominion of the worlds visible and invisible! Moreover I have heard tell the tale of
She said, "I’ve heard, O noble King, that the Prince held lavish banquets for the townspeople, and they celebrated for an entire month. At the end of that time, he went to the Princess, and they shared their happiness together with immense joy. However, his father destroyed the ebony horse and broke its flying mechanism into pieces. The Prince also wrote a letter to the Princess's father, informing him of everything that had happened and letting him know that she was now married to him and in good health and happiness. He sent it via a messenger, along with expensive gifts and rare treasures. When the messenger reached the city of Sana’a and delivered the letter and gifts to the King, he read it and was filled with joy. He accepted the presents and honored the messenger generously. Additionally, he sent valuable gifts back to his son-in-law through the same messenger, who returned to his master with news of what had transpired; this greatly pleased him. After this, the Prince sent a letter to his father-in-law every year, along with presents, until eventually, his father, King Sabur, passed away, and the Prince took over his reign, ruling justly over his people and treating them well and fairly. Because of this, the land submitted to him, and his subjects remained loyal. Kamar al-Akmar and his wife Shams al-Nahar enjoyed a life filled with happiness and comfort until they were visited by the Destroyer of delights and Divider of societies; the Plunderer of palaces, the Caterer for cemeteries, and the Gatherer of graves. And now, glory be to the Living One who does not die, and in whose hands lies the dominion of both the seen and the unseen worlds! Additionally, I have heard the tale of..."
1. This tale (one of those translated, by Galland) is best and fullest in the Bresl. Edit. iii. 329.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This story (one of those translated by Galland) is the best and most complete in the Bresl. Edit. iii. 329.
2. Europe has degraded this autumnal festival, the Sun-fête Mihrgán (which balanced the vernal Nau-roz) into Michaelmas and its goose-massacre. It was so called because it began on the 16th of Mihr, the seventh month; and lasted six days, with feasts, festivities and great rejoicings in honour of the Sun, who now begins his southing-course to gladden the other half of the world.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Europe has turned this autumn festival, the Sun-fête Mihrgán (which once balanced the spring Nau-roz), into Michaelmas and its goose-slaughter. It was named because it started on the 16th of Mihr, the seventh month, and lasted for six days, filled with feasts, festivities, and great celebrations in honor of the Sun, who is now beginning his journey south to bring joy to the other half of the world.
3. “Hindí” is an Indian Moslem as opposed to “Hindú,” a pagan, or Gentoo.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Hindí” refers to an Indian Muslim, while “Hindú” refers to a pagan or Gentoo.
4. The orig. Persian word is “Sháh·púr” = King’s son: the Greeks (who had no sh) (preferred Σαβὼρ); the Romans turned it into Sapor and the Arabs (who lack the p) into Sábúr. See p. x. Hamzæ Ispahanensis Annalium Libri x.: Gottwaldt, Lipsiæ mdcccxlviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The original Persian word is “Sháh·púr” which means King’s son. The Greeks (who didn't have the sh sound) used Σαβὼρ; the Romans adapted it to Sapor, and the Arabs (who don’t have the p sound) changed it to Sábúr. See p. x. Hamzæ Ispahanensis Annalium Libri x.: Gottwaldt, Lipsiæ mdcccxlviii.
5. The magic horse may have originated with the Hindu tale of a wooden Garuda (the bird of Vishnu) built by a youth for the purpose of a vehicle. It came with the “Moors” to Spain and appears in “Le Cheval de Fust,” a French poem of the thirteenth Century. Thence it passed over to England as shown by Chaucer’s “Half-told tale of Cambuscan (Janghíz Khan?) bold,” as
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The magical horse might have come from the Hindu story of a wooden Garuda (the bird of Vishnu) that a young man created to be a vehicle. It arrived in Spain with the Moors and is featured in “The Fust Horse,” a French poem from the thirteenth century. From there, it made its way to England, as illustrated by Chaucer’s “Half-told tale of Cambuscan (Genghis Khan?) bold,” as
6. All Moslems, except those of the Máliki school, hold that the maker of an image representing anything of life will be commanded on the Judgement Day to animate it, and failing will be duly sent to the Fire. This severity arose apparently from the necessity of putting down idol-worship and, perhaps, for the same reason the Greek Church admits pictures but not statues. Of course the command has been honoured with extensive breaching: for instance all the Sultans of Stambul have had their portraits drawn and painted.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.All Muslims, except those from the Máliki school, believe that anyone who creates an image of a living thing will be required on Judgment Day to bring it to life, and if they fail, they will be sent to Hell. This strict rule seems to have come from the need to eliminate idol worship, and for a similar reason, the Greek Church allows pictures but not statues. Of course, this command has been widely ignored: for example, all the Sultans of Istanbul have had their portraits drawn and painted.
7. This description of ugly old age is written with true Arab verve.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This portrayal of unattractive old age is expressed with genuine Arab enthusiasm.
8. Arab. “Badinján”: Hind. Bengan: Pers. Bádingán or Badilján; the Mala insana (Solanum pomiferum or S. Melongena) of the Romans, well known in Southern Europe. It is of two kinds, the red (Solanum lycopersicum) and the black (S. Melongena). The Spaniards know it as “berengeria” and when Sancho Panza (Part ii. chapt. 2) says, “The Moors are fond of egg-plants” he means more than appears. The vegetable is held to be exceedingly heating and thereby to breed melancholia and madness; hence one says to a man that has done something eccentric, “Thou hast been eating brinjalls.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Badinján”: Hindi. Bengan: Persian. Bádingán or Badilján; the Mala insana (Solanum pomiferum or S. Melongena) of the Romans, which is well-known in Southern Europe. There are two types, the red (Solanum lycopersicum) and the black (S. Melongena). The Spaniards call it “berengeria,” and when Sancho Panza (Part ii. chapt. 2) says, “The Moors are fond of eggplants,” he means more than it seems. This vegetable is believed to be very heating and can cause melancholia and madness; hence, people say to someone who has acted strangely, “You must have been eating brinjalls.”
9. Again to be understood Hibernice “kilt.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Again to be understood Hibernice “kilt.”
10. i.e. for fear of the evil eye injuring the palace and, haply, himself.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.that is out of fear that the evil eye might harm the palace and possibly him.
11. The “Sufrah” before explained as acting provision-bag and table-cloth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The “Sufrah” mentioned earlier serves as both a supply bag and a tablecloth.
12. Eastern women in hot weather, lie mother-nude under a sheet here represented by the hair. The Greeks and Romans also slept stripped and in mediæval England the most modest women saw nothing indelicate in sleeping naked by their naked husbands. The “night-cap” and the “night-gown” are comparatively modern inventions.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Eastern women in hot weather lie fully nude under a sheet, here symbolized by their hair. The Greeks and Romans also slept in the nude, and in medieval England, even the most modest women didn’t find it inappropriate to sleep naked next to their naked husbands. The “nightcap” and “nightgown” are relatively recent inventions.
13. Hindu fable turns this simile into better poetry, “She was like a second and a more wondrous moon made by the Creator.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Hindu fable transforms this comparison into more beautiful poetry: “She was like a second, even more amazing moon created by the Creator.”
14. “Sun of the Day.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. “Day's Sun.”
15. Arab. “Shirk” = worshipping more than one God. A theological term here most appropriately used.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Shirk” = worshiping more than one God. It's a theological term that's used most appropriately here.
16. The Bul. Edit. as usual abridges (vol. i. 534). The Prince lands on the palace-roof where he leaves his horse, and finding no one in the building goes back to the terrace. Suddenly he sees a beautiful girl approaching him with a party of her women, suggesting to him these couplets:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Bul. Edit. as usual shortens (vol. i. 534). The Prince arrives on the palace roof where he leaves his horse. Not seeing anyone in the building, he returns to the terrace. Suddenly, he spots a beautiful girl coming toward him with a group of her women, prompting him to think of these couplets:—
The two then made acquaintance and “follows what follows.”
The two then got to know each other and “follows what follows.”
17. Arab. “Akásirah,” explained (vol. i., 75) as the plur. of Kisrá.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Akásirah,” explained (vol. i., 75) as the plural of Kisrá.
18. The dearest ambition of a slave is not liberty but to have a slave of his own. This was systematised by the servile rulers known in history as the Mameluke Beys and to the Egyptians as the Ghuzz. Each had his household of servile pages and squires, who looked forward to filling the master’s place as knight or baron.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The greatest desire of a slave isn't freedom, but to have a slave of their own. This was organized by the servile leaders known in history as the Mameluke Beys and to the Egyptians as the Ghuzz. Each had a household of servant pages and squires, whoaspired to take the master's place as a knight or baron.
19. The well-known capital of Al-Yaman, a true Arabia Felix, a Paradise inhabited by demons in the shape of Turkish soldiery and Arab caterans. According to Moslem writers Sana’a was founded by Shem son of Noah who, wandering southward with his posterity after his father’s death, and finding the site delightful, dug a well and founded the citadel, Ghamdán, which afterwards contained a Maison Carrée rivalling (or attempting to rival) the Meccan Ka’abah. The builder was Surahbíl who, says M. C. de Perceval coloured its four faces red, white, golden and green; the central quadrangle had seven stories (the planets) each forty cubits high, and the lowest was a marble hall ceiling’d with a single slab. At the four corners stood hollow lions through whose mouths the winds roared. This palatial citadel-temple was destroyed by order of Caliph Omar. The city’s ancient name was Azal or Uzal whom some identify with one of the thirteen sons of Joktan (Genesis xi. 27): it took its present name from the Ethiopian conquerors (they say) who, seeing it for the first time, cried “Hazá Sana’ah!” meaning in their tongue, this is commodious, etc. I may note that the word is Kisawahili (Zanzibarian) e.g. “Yámbo sáná—is the state good?” Sana’a was the capital of the Tabábi’ah or Tobba Kings who judaized; and the Abyssinians with their Negush made it Christian while the Persians under Anushirwán converted it to Guebrism. It is now easily visited but to little purpose; excursions in the neighbourhood being deadly dangerous. Moreover the Turkish garrison would probably murder a stranger who sympathised with the Arabs, and the Arabs kill one who took part with their hated and hateful conquerors. The late Mr. Shapira of Jerusalem declared that he had visited it and Jews have great advantages in such travel. But his friends doubted him.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The well-known capital of Yemen, a true Arabia Felix, is a paradise occupied by demons disguised as Turkish soldiers and Arab bandits. According to Muslim writers, Sana'a was founded by Shem, the son of Noah, who wandered south with his descendants after his father's death. Finding the location delightful, he dug a well and established the citadel, Ghamdán, which later housed a Maison Carrée that rivaled (or tried to rival) the Meccan Ka’abah. The builder was Surahbíl, who, according to M. C. de Perceval, painted its four sides red, white, gold, and green; the central courtyard had seven stories (symbolizing the planets), each forty cubits high, with the lowest being a marble hall topped with a single slab. At the four corners stood hollow lions that roared out the winds. This grand palace-temple was destroyed by order of Caliph Omar. The city’s ancient name was Azal or Uzal, which some identify with one of the thirteen sons of Joktan (Genesis xi. 27). It got its current name from the Ethiopian conquerors who supposedly exclaimed "Hazá Sana’ah!" upon seeing it for the first time, meaning "this is convenient," etc. It’s worth noting that the word is Kiswahili (from Zanzibar) e.g. “Yámbo sáná—is the state good?” Sana’a was the capital of the Tabábi’ah or Tobba Kings who converted to Judaism; the Abyssinians with their Negush made it Christian, while the Persians under Anushirwán brought it to Zoroastrianism. It's now easily accessible but not very useful; exploring the area is extremely dangerous. Additionally, the Turkish garrison would likely kill a stranger who sympathized with the Arabs, while the Arabs would attack anyone who sided with their despised conquerors. The late Mr. Shapira from Jerusalem claimed to have visited it, and Jews often have advantages in such travel. However, his friends doubted his account.
20. The Bresl. Edit. (iii. 347) prints three vile errors in four lines.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Bresl. Edit. (iii. 347) shows three terrible mistakes in four lines.
21. Alcove is a corruption of the Arab. Al-Kubbah (the dome) through Span. and Port.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Alcove comes from the Arabic term Al-Kubbah (the dome) through Spanish and Portuguese.
22. Easterns as a rule sleep with head and body covered by a sheet or in cold weather a blanket. The practice is doubtless hygienic, defending the body from draughts when the pores are open; but Europeans find it hard to adopt; it seems to stop their breathing. Another excellent practice in the East and, indeed amongst barbarians and savages generally, is training children to sleep with mouths shut: in after life they never snore and in malarious lands they do not require Outram’s “fever-guard,” a swathe of muslin over the mouth. Mr. Catlin thought so highly of the “shut mouth” that he made it the subject of a book.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.People in the East usually sleep with their heads and bodies covered by a sheet or, in cold weather, a blanket. This practice is probably hygienic, protecting the body from drafts when the pores are open; however, Europeans often struggle to adopt it because it feels like it restricts their breathing. Another beneficial practice in the East, as well as among various tribes and less civilized groups, is teaching children to sleep with their mouths closed. As a result, they don’t snore as adults, and in areas prone to malaria, they don’t need Outram’s “fever-guard,” a piece of muslin placed over the mouth. Mr. Catlin valued the “shut mouth” so much that he wrote a book about it.
23. Arab. “Hanzal” = coloquintida, an article often mentioned by Arabs in verse and prose; the bright coloured little gourd attracts every eye by its golden glance when travelling through the brown-yellow waste of sand and clay. A favourite purgative (enough for a horse) is made by filling the inside with sour milk which is drunk after a night’s soaking: it is as active as the croton-nut of the Gold Coast.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hanzal” = coloquintida, a term frequently referenced by Arabs in poetry and prose; the brightly colored little gourd catches everyone’s attention with its golden shine when it stands out against the brown-yellow landscape of sand and clay. A popular laxative (enough for a horse) is made by filling it with sour milk, which is consumed after soaking overnight: it’s as potent as the croton nut from the Gold Coast.
24. The Bresl. Edit. iii. 354 sends him to the “land of Sín” (China).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Bresl. Edit. iii. 354 sends him to the “land of Sín” (China).
25. Arab. “Yá Kisrawi!” = O subject of the Kisrá or Chosroë; the latter explained in vol. i., 75. “Fars” is the origin of “Persia”; and there is a hit at the prodigious lying of the modern race, whose forefathers were so famous as truth-tellers. “I am a Persian, but I am not lying now,” is a phrase familiar to every traveller.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hey Kisrawi!” = O subject of the Kisrá or Chosroë; the latter explained in vol. i., 75. “Fars” is where “Persia” comes from; and there’s a jab at the massive dishonesty of the modern people, whose ancestors were renowned truth-tellers. “I’m a Persian, but I’m not lying now,” is a saying known to every traveler.
26. There is no such name: perhaps it is a clerical error for “Har jáh” = (a man of) any place. I know an Englishman who in Persian called himself “Mirza Abdullah-i-Híchmakáni” = Master Abdullah of Nowhere.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.There’s no such name; it might be a typo for “Har jáh” = (a man of) any place. I know an Englishman who went by “Mirza Abdullah-i-Híchmakáni” in Persian, which means Master Abdullah of Nowhere.
27. The Bresl. Edit. (loc. cit.) gives a comical description of the Prince assuming the dress of an astrologer-doctor, clapping an old book under his arm, fumbling a rosary of beads, enlarging his turband, lengthening his sleeves and blackening his eyelids with antimony. Here, however, it would be out of place. Very comical also is the way in which he pretends to cure the maniac by “muttering unknown words, blowing in her face, biting her ear,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Bresl. Edit. (loc. cit.) provides a humorous account of the Prince dressing up like an astrologer-doctor, tucking an old book under his arm, fiddling with a rosary of beads, puffing up his turban, extending his sleeves, and darkening his eyelids with antimony. However, that wouldn't fit in here. It's also quite funny how he pretends to help the maniac by “muttering strange words, blowing in her face, biting her ear,” and so on.
28. Arab. “Sar’a” = falling sickness. Here again we have in all its simplicity the old nursery idea of “possession” by evil spirits.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sar’a” = epilepsy. Once again, we see the old nursery notion of “being possessed” by evil spirits, laid bare in its simplicity.
29. Arab. “Nafahát” = breathings, benefits, the Heb. Neshamah opp. to Nephesh (soul) and Ruach (spirit). Healing by the breath is a popular idea throughout the East and not unknown to Western Magnetists and Mesmerists. The miraculous cures of the Messiah were, according to Moslems, mostly performed by aspiration. They hold that in the days of Isa physic had reached its highest development, and thus his miracles were mostly miracles of medicine; whereas, in Mohammed’s time, eloquence had attained its climax and accordingly his miracles were those of eloquence, as shown in the Koran and Ahádís.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Nafahát” means breathings, benefits, the Hebrew Neshamah contrasts with Nephesh (soul) and Ruach (spirit). Healing through the breath is a common concept throughout the East and is familiar to Western Magnetists and Mesmerists. According to Muslims, the miraculous cures of the Messiah were mostly done through aspiration. They believe that during the time of Isa, medicine had reached its peak, so his miracles were primarily medical; whereas, during Mohammed's time, eloquence had reached its highest point, leading to miracles of eloquence as shown in the Quran and Ahádís.
There was once, in days of yore and in ages and times long gone before, a King of great power and lord of glory and dominion galore; who had a Wazir Ibrahim hight, and this Wazir’s daughter was a damsel of extraordinary beauty and loveliness, gifted with passing brilliancy and the perfection of grace, possessed of abundant wit, and in all good breeding complete. But she loved wassail and wine and the human face divine and choice verses and rare stories; and the delicacy of her inner gifts invited all hearts to love, even as saith the poet, describing her:—
There was once, in a time long past, a powerful king who ruled with great glory and authority. He had a vizier named Ibrahim, and the vizier's daughter was a young woman of exceptional beauty and charm, blessed with brilliance and grace, full of wit, and perfectly refined. However, she loved parties, wine, charming faces, great poetry, and captivating stories. The richness of her inner qualities drew everyone to love her, just as the poet describes her:—
Her name was Rose-in-Hood and she was so named for her young and tender beauty and the freshness of her brilliancy; and the King loved her in his cups because of her accomplishments and fine manners. Now it was the King’s custom yearly to gather together all the nobles of his realm and play with the ball.[32] So 32when the day came round whereon the folk assembled for ball-play, the Minister’s daughter seated herself at her lattice, to divert herself by looking on at the game; and, as they were at play, her glance fell upon a youth among the guards than whom never was seen a comelier face nor a goodlier form; for he was bright of favour showing white teeth when he smiled, tall-statured and broad-shouldered. She looked at him again and again and could not take her fill of gazing; and presently said to her nurse, “What is the name of yonder handsome young man among the troops?” Replied the nurse, “O my daughter, the dear fellows are all handsome. Which of them dost thou mean?” Said Rose-in-Hood, “Wait till he come past and I will point him out to thee.” So she took an apple and as he rode by dropped it on him, whereupon he raised his head, to see who did this, and espied the Wazir’s daughter at the window, as she were the moon of fullest light in the darkness of the night; nor did he withdraw his eyes, till his heart was utterly lost to her, and he recited these lines:—
Her name was Rose-in-Hood, named for her youthful and delicate beauty as well as her vibrant charm; the King grew fond of her when drinking because of her talents and graceful manners. It was the King’s tradition every year to gather all the nobles of his kingdom for a ball. [32] So when the day arrived for the festivities, the Minister’s daughter sat by her window to enjoy watching the game. While they were playing, she noticed a young man among the guards who had the most handsome face and impressive physique; he had a bright appearance and showed off white teeth when he smiled, tall and broad-shouldered. She kept looking at him and couldn't take her eyes off him, and eventually asked her nurse, “What’s the name of that handsome young man in the crowd?” The nurse replied, “Oh my daughter, all those young men are handsome. Which one do you mean?” Rose-in-Hood said, “Wait until he comes closer, and I'll point him out to you.” So she took an apple and as he rode past, she dropped it on him. He looked up to see who had done that and spotted the Wazir’s daughter at the window, like the moon shining in the dark of night; he couldn’t take his eyes off her, and his heart was completely captivated as he recited these lines:—
When the game was at an end, and all had left the ground, she asked her nurse, “What is the name of that youth I showed thee?”; and the good woman answered, “His name is Uns al-Wujud;” whereat Rose-in-Hood shook her head and lay down on her couch, with thoughts a-fire for love. Then, sighing deeply, she improvised these couplets:—
When the game was over and everyone had left, she asked her nurse, “What was the name of that young man I showed you?” The nurse replied, “His name is Uns al-Wujud.” At that, Rose-in-Hood shook her head and lay down on her bed, her mind racing with thoughts of love. Then, with a deep sigh, she spontaneously composed these couplets:—
When she had finished her verses, she wrote them on a sheet of paper, which she folded in a piece of gold-embroidered silk and placed under her pillow. Now one of her nurses had seen her; so she came up to her and held her in talk till she slept, when she stole the scroll from under her pillow; and, after reading it, knew that she had fallen in love with Uns al-Wujud. Then she returned the scroll to its place and when her mistress awoke, she said to her, “O my lady, indeed I am to thee a true counsellor and am tenderly anxious on thy account. Know that love is a tyrant and the hiding it melteth iron and entaileth sickness and unease; nor for whoso confesseth it is there aught of reproach.” Rejoined Rose-in-Hood, “And what is the medicine of passion, O nurse mine?” Answered the nurse, “The medicine of passion is enjoyment.” Quoth she, “And how may one come by enjoyment?” Quoth the other, “By letters and messages, my lady; by whispered words of compliment and by greetings before the world;[37] all this bringeth lovers together and makes hard matters easy. So if thou have aught at heart, mistress mine, I am the fittest to keep thy secret and do thy desires and carry thy letters.” Now when the damsel heard this, her reason flew and fled for joy; but she restrained herself from speech till she should see the issue of the matter, saying within herself, “None knoweth this thing of me, nor will I trust this one with my secret, till I have tried her.” Then said the woman, “O my lady, I saw in my sleep as though a man came to me and said:—Thy mistress and Uns al-Wujud love each other; so do thou serve their case by carrying their 34messages and doing their desires and keeping their secrets; and much good shall befal thee. So now I have told thee my vision and it is thine to decide.” Quoth Rose-in-Hood, after she heard of the dream,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When she finished her poems, she wrote them on a piece of paper, folded it in a gold-embroidered silk, and tucked it under her pillow. One of her nurses noticed her doing this, so she approached her and chatted with her until she fell asleep. Then, she quietly took the scroll from under the pillow; after reading it, she realized that her mistress was in love with Uns al-Wujud. She returned the scroll to its spot, and when her lady woke up, she said, “Oh my lady, I truly care for you and worry about you. Know that love can be a tyrant, and hiding it can wear you down and bring sickness and discomfort; there’s no shame in admitting it.” Rose-in-Hood replied, “What is the cure for passion, dear nurse?” The nurse answered, “The cure for passion is enjoyment.” Rose-in-Hood asked, “And how can one attain enjoyment?” The nurse said, “Through letters and messages, my lady; with whispered words of flattery and greetings in public; all of this brings lovers together and makes difficult things easier. So if you have something on your mind, my lady, I am the best person to keep your secret, fulfill your desires, and carry your letters.” When the young woman heard this, her heart soared with joy, but she held back her words until she could see where things were headed, thinking to herself, “No one knows this about me, and I won’t trust her with my secret until I’ve tested her.” Then the woman said, “Oh my lady, I had a dream where a man came to me and said: your mistress and Uns al-Wujud are in love with each other; so help their cause by carrying their messages and fulfilling their desires, keeping their secrets; and you will be greatly rewarded. So now I’ve shared my vision, and it’s up to you to decide.” After hearing about the dream, Rose-in-Hood responded—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King that Rose-in-Hood asked her nurse after hearing of the dream, “Tell me, canst thou keep a secret, O my nurse?”; whereto she answered, “And how should I not keep secrecy, I that am of the flower of the free?”[38] Then the maiden pulled out the scroll, whereon she had written the verses and said, “Carry me this my letter to Uns al-Wujud and bring me his reply.” The nurse took the letter and, repairing to Uns al-Wujud, kissed his hands and greeted him right courteously, then gave him the paper; and he read it and, comprehending the contents, wrote on the back these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O gracious King, that Rose-in-Hood asked her nurse after hearing the dream, 'Can you keep a secret, my nurse?' To which she responded, 'How could I not keep a secret, being one of the best of the free?'"[38] Then the young woman took out the scroll where she had written the verses and said, "Please deliver this letter to Uns al-Wujud and bring me his reply." The nurse took the letter, went to Uns al-Wujud, kissed his hands, and greeted him warmly, then handed him the paper; he read it, understood its contents, and wrote the following couplets on the back:—
Then he folded the letter and kissing it, gave it to the go-between 35and said to her, “O nurse, incline thy lady’s heart to me.” “To hear is to obey,” answered she and carried the script to her mistress, who kissed it and laid it on her head, then she opened it and read it and understood it and wrote at the foot of it these couplets:—
Then he folded the letter, kissed it, and handed it to the messenger, saying, “O nurse, win my lady's heart for me.” “I’ll do as you wish,” she replied, and took the letter to her mistress, who kissed it and placed it on her head. Then she opened it, read it, understood it, and wrote these couplets at the bottom:—
Then she folded the letter and gave it to the nurse, who took it and went out from her mistress to seek the young man; but, as she would fare forth, the chamberlain met her and said to her, “Whither away?” “To the bath,” answered she; but in her fear and confusion, she dropped the letter, without knowing it, and went off unrecking what she had done; when one of the eunuchs, seeing it lying in the way, picked it up. When the nurse came without the door, she sought for it, but found it not, so turned back to her mistress and told her of this and what had befallen her. Meanwhile, the Wazir came out of the Harim and seated himself on his couch; whereupon behold, the eunuch, who had picked up the letter, came in to him, hending it in hand and said, “O my lord, I found this paper lying upon the floor and picked it up.” So the Minister took it from his hand, folded as it was, and opening it, read the verses as above set down. Then, after mastering the meaning, he examined the writing and knew it for his daughter’s hand; whereupon he went to her mother, weeping so abundant tears that his beard was wetted. His wife asked him, “What maketh thee weep, O my lord?”; and he answered, “Take this letter and see what is therein.” So she took it and found it to be a love-letter from her daughter Rose-in-Hood to Uns al-Wujud: whereupon the ready drops sprang to her eyes; but she composed 36her mind, and, gulping down her tears, said to her husband, “O my lord, there is no profit in weeping: the right course is to cast about for a means of keeping thine honour and concealing the affair of thy daughter.” And she went on to comfort him and lighten his trouble; but he said, “I am fearful for my daughter by reason of this new passion. Knowest thou not that the Sultan loveth Uns al-Wujud with exceeding love? And my fear hath two causes. The first concerneth myself; it is, that she is my daughter: the second is on account of the King; for that Uns al-Wujud is a favourite with the Sultan and peradventure great troubles shall come out of this affair. What deemest thou should be done?”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Then she folded the letter and handed it to the nurse, who took it and left her mistress to find the young man. However, as she was about to go out, the chamberlain met her and asked, “Where are you going?” “To the bath,” she replied; but in her fear and confusion, she accidentally dropped the letter without realizing it and went on without a care. One of the eunuchs saw it lying on the ground and picked it up. When the nurse came out the door, she looked for it but couldn’t find it, so she returned to her mistress and told her what had happened. In the meantime, the Wazir came out of the Harim and sat down on his couch; then the eunuch who had found the letter came in to him, holding it and said, “My lord, I found this paper lying on the floor and picked it up.” The Minister took it from him, unfolded it, and read the verses as written above. After understanding the meaning, he recognized the handwriting and realized it was his daughter’s. He went to her mother, weeping so much that his beard got wet. His wife asked him, “Why are you crying, my lord?” He replied, “Take this letter and see what it says.” She took it and discovered it was a love letter from her daughter Rose-in-Hood to Uns al-Wujud; tears immediately filled her eyes, but she composed herself and, swallowing her tears, said to her husband, “My lord, it’s pointless to weep: the right thing to do is to find a way to protect your honor and keep your daughter’s situation hidden.” She continued to comfort him and ease his worries, but he said, “I’m afraid for my daughter because of this new love. Don’t you know that the Sultan loves Uns al-Wujud deeply? I have two reasons to be worried. The first is about myself; she is my daughter. The second concerns the King, because Uns al-Wujud is a favorite with the Sultan, and this situation might lead to serious trouble. What do you think should be done?”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir, after recounting the affair of his daughter, asked his wife, “What deemest thou should be done?” And she answered, “Have patience whilst I pray the prayer for right direction.” So she prayed a two-bow prayer according to the prophetic[40] ordinance for seeking divine guidance; after which she said to her husband, “In the midst of the Sea of Treasures[41] standeth a mountain named the Mount of the Bereaved Mother (the cause of which being so called shall presently follow in its place, Inshallah!); and thither can none have access, save with pains and difficulty and distress: do thou make that same her abiding-place.” Accordingly the Minister and his wife agreed to build on that mountain a virgin castle and lodge their daughter therein with the necessary provision to be renewed year by year and attendants to cheer and to serve her. Accordingly he collected carpenters, builders and architects, 37and despatched them to the mountain, where they builded her an impregnable castle, never saw eyes the like thereof. Then he made ready vivers and carriage for the journey and, going in to his daughter by night, bade her prepare to set out on a pleasure-excursion. Thereupon her heart presaged the sorrows of separation and, when she went forth and saw the preparations for the journey, she wept with sore weeping and wrote that upon the door which might acquaint her lover with what had passed and with the transports of passion and grief that were upon her, transports such as would make the flesh to shiver and hair to stare, and melt the hardest stone with care, and tear from every eye a tear. And what she wrote were these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that the Wazir, after sharing the story of his daughter, asked his wife, 'What do you think should be done?' She replied, 'Let's have patience while I pray for guidance.' So she prayed a two-bow prayer according to the prophetic ordinance for seeking divine direction; afterwards, she told her husband, 'In the middle of the Sea of Treasures stands a mountain called the Mount of the Bereaved Mother (the reason for this name will be explained shortly, Inshallah!); and no one can reach it without great effort, hardship, and distress: you should make that her permanent home.' Thus, the Minister and his wife decided to build a castle on that mountain and place their daughter there with provisions to be replenished every year and attendants to cheer and serve her. He gathered carpenters, builders, and architects, and sent them to the mountain, where they constructed her an impregnable castle, unlike anything ever seen. Then he prepared supplies and transport for the journey, and one night, he went to his daughter, telling her to get ready for a pleasure trip. At that moment, she sensed the sorrow of separation, and when she saw the preparations for the journey, she wept bitterly and wrote a message on the door to inform her lover of what had happened and the overwhelming emotions of passion and grief within her—emotions so intense they could make flesh shiver and hair stand on end, melt the hardest stone with sorrow, and draw tears from every eye. What she wrote were these couplets:—
Now when she ended her lines, she mounted and they set forward with her crossing and cutting over wold and wild and riant dale and rugged hill, till they came to the shore of the Sea of Treasures here they pitched their tents and built her a great ship, wherein they went down with her and her suite and carried them over to the mountain. The Minister had ordered them, on reaching the journey’s end, to set her in the castle and to make their way back to the shore, where they were to break up the vessel. So they did his bidding and returned home, weeping over what had befallen. Such was their case; but as regards Uns al-Wujud, he arose from sleep and prayed the dawn-prayer, after which he took horse and rode forth to attend upon the Sultan. On his way, he passed by the Wazir’s house, thinking perchance to see some of his followers as of wont; but he saw no one and, looking upon the door, he read written thereon the verses aforesaid. At this sight, his senses 38failed him; fire was kindled in his vitals and he returned to his lodging, where he passed the day in trouble and transports of grief, without finding ease or patience, till night darkened upon him, when his yearning and love-longing redoubled. Thereupon, by way of concealment, he disguised himself in the ragged garb of a Fakir,[42] and set out wandering at random through the glooms of night, distracted and knowing not whither he went. So he wandered on all that night and next day, till the heat of the sun waxed fierce and the mountains flamed like fire and thirst was grievous upon him. Presently, he espied a tree, by whose side was a thin thread of running water; so he made towards it and sitting down in the shade, on the bank of the rivulet, essayed to drink, but found that the water had no taste in his mouth;[43] and, indeed his colour had changed and his face had yellowed, and his feet were swollen with travel and travail. So he shed copious tears and repeated these couplets:—
Now that she finished her lines, she got on her mount and they set off with her, crossing and cutting through the open fields, wild terrain, beautiful valleys, and rugged hills until they reached the shore of the Sea of Treasures. They set up their tents and built a large ship for her, in which they went down with her and her companions and took them over to the mountain. The Minister had instructed them, upon reaching their destination, to place her in the castle and then to return to the shore to break up the vessel. They followed his orders and went home, weeping over what had happened. That was their situation; but as for Uns al-Wujud, he woke up from sleep and performed the dawn prayer, after which he mounted his horse and rode out to serve the Sultan. On his way, he passed by the Wazir’s house, hoping to see some of his followers as usual; but he saw no one and, looking at the door, he read the verses written there. At this sight, he was overwhelmed; a fire ignited in his heart and he returned to his lodging, where he spent the day in distress and despair, unable to find peace or patience. When night fell, his longing and love intensified. In an effort to hide himself, he disguised himself in the tattered clothing of a Fakir and wandered aimlessly through the darkness of night, confused and not knowing where he was going. He wandered all through the night and into the next day until the sun became scorching, the mountains blazed like fire, and thirst tormented him. Eventually, he spotted a tree next to a thin stream of flowing water; he headed toward it and sat down in the shade by the bank of the stream, trying to drink, but found no taste in the water. His complexion had changed, his face had turned yellow, and his feet were swollen from the journey and hardships. He cried bitterly and recited these couplets:—
And after thus reciting he wept till he wetted the hard dry ground; but anon without loss of time he rose and fared on again over waste and wold, till there came out upon him a lion, with a neck buried in tangled mane, a head the bigness of a dome, a mouth wider than the door thereof and teeth like elephants’ tusks. Now when Uns al-Wujud saw him, he gave himself up for lost and, turning[44] towards the Temple of Meccah, pronounced the professions of the faith and prepared for death. He had read in 39books that whoso will flatter the lion, beguileth him,[45] for that he is readily duped by smooth speech and gentled by being glorified; so he began and said, “O Lion of the forest! O Lord of the waste! O terrible Leo! O father of fighters! O Sultan of wild beasts! Behold, I am a lover in longing, whom passion and severance have been wronging; since I parted from my dear, I have lost my reasoning gear; wherefore, to my speech do thou give ear and have ruth on my passion and hope and fear.” When the lion heard this, he drew back from him and sitting down on his hind-quarters, raised his head to him and began to frisk tail and paws; which when Uns al-Wujud saw, he recited these couplets:—
And after saying this, he cried until he soaked the hard, dry ground; but soon, without wasting any time, he got up and continued on across the barren landscape, until a lion approached him, its neck tangled in a thick mane, a head the size of a dome, a mouth wider than a door, and teeth like elephant tusks. When Uns al-Wujud saw the lion, he thought he was doomed and, turning toward the Temple of Mecca, proclaimed his faith and prepared for death. He had read in books that whoever flatters the lion can deceive him, as he is easily fooled by smooth words and softened by praise; so he began, “O Lion of the forest! O Lord of the wilderness! O fearsome Leo! O father of warriors! O Sultan of wild beasts! Look, I am a lover in despair, wronged by my longing and separation; since I’ve been apart from my beloved, I’ve lost my sanity; so, lend an ear to my words and have mercy on my passion, hope, and fear.” When the lion heard this, he stepped back and sat on his haunches, raised his head, and started to wag his tail and paws; seeing this, Uns al-Wujud recited these couplets:—
As he had finished his lines the lion rose——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
As he finished his lines, the lion stood up—and Shahrazad realized it was dawn and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that as Uns al-Wujud ended his lines, the lion arose and stalked slowly up to him, with eyes tear-railing and licked him with his tongue, then walked on before him, signing to him as though saying, “Follow 40me.” So he followed him, and the beast ceased not leading him on for a while till he brought him up a mountain, and guided him to the farther side, where he came upon the track of a caravan over the desert, and knew it to be that of Rose-in-Hood and her company. Then he took the trail and, when the lion saw that he knew the track for that of the party which escorted her, he turned back and went his way; whilst Uns al-Wujud walked along the foot-marks day and night, till they brought him to a dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge. The trail led down to the sandy shore and there broke off; whereby he knew that they had taken ship and had continued their journey by water. So he lost hope of finding his lover and with hot tears he repeated these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when Uns al-Wujud finished his words, the lion stood up and slowly approached him, its eyes filled with tears, and licked him with its tongue. Then it moved ahead of him, as if signaling him to say, 'Follow me.' So he followed, and the lion kept leading him for a while until it brought him to a mountain, guiding him to the other side, where he found the trail of a caravan across the desert, recognizing it as that of Rose-in-Hood and her group. He then took the path, and when the lion saw that he recognized the trail of the party escorting her, it turned back and went on its way. Uns al-Wujud continued to follow the footprints day and night until they led him to a roaring sea, with crashing waves. The trail led down to the sandy shore and then ended, making him realize they had taken a ship and continued their journey by water. So he lost hope of finding his beloved and, with hot tears, recited these couplets:—"
And when his lines were ended he wept, till he swooned away, and abode in his swoon a long while; but as soon as he came to himself, 41he looked right and left and seeing no one in the desert, he became fearful of the wild beasts; so he clomb to the top of a high mountain, where he heard the voice of a son of Adam speaking within a cave. He listened and lo! they were the accents of a devotee, who had forsworn the world and given himself up to pious works and worship. He knocked thrice at the cavern-door, but the hermit made him no answer, neither came forth to him; wherefore he groaned aloud and recited these couplets:—
And when he finished speaking, he cried until he fainted, and stayed unconscious for a long time. But once he regained consciousness, 41 he looked around and, seeing no one in the desert, became scared of the wild animals. So, he climbed to the top of a tall mountain, where he heard the voice of a man speaking from within a cave. He listened and realized it was the voice of a monk who had renounced the world and devoted himself to prayer and worship. He knocked on the cave door three times, but the hermit didn't respond and didn’t come out to him. So, he groaned loudly and recited these couplets:—
Hardly had he made an end of these verses when, behold! the door of the cavern opened and he heard one say, “Alas, the pity of it!”[50] So he entered and saluted the devotee, who returned his salam and asked him, “What is thy name?” Answered the young man, “Uns al-Wujud.” “And what caused thee to come hither?” quoth the hermit. So he told him his story in its entirety, omitting naught of his misfortunes; whereat he wept and said,
Hardly had he finished these verses when, suddenly, the door of the cave opened, and he heard someone say, “Oh, what a shame!”[50] He stepped inside and greeted the devotee, who returned his greeting and asked, “What’s your name?” The young man replied, “Uns al-Wujud.” “What brought you here?” the hermit asked. So he shared his entire story, leaving out no details of his troubles; upon hearing this, the hermit wept and said,
42“O Uns al-Wujud, these twenty years have I passed in this place, but never beheld I any man here, until yesterday, when I heard a noise of weeping and lamentation and, looking forth in the direction of the sound, saw many people and tents pitched on the sea-shore; and the party at once proceeded to build a ship, in which certain of them embarked and sailed over the waters. Then some of the crew returned with the ship and breaking it up, went their way; and I suspect that those who embarked in the ship and returned not, are they whom thou seekest. In that case, O Uns al-Wujud, thy grief must needs be great and sore and thou art excusable, though never yet was lover but suffered love-longing.” Then he recited these couplets:—
42“O Uns al-Wujud, I’ve spent the last twenty years in this place, but I’ve never seen anyone until yesterday, when I heard sounds of crying and mourning. When I looked in the direction of the noise, I saw many people and tents set up on the beach. Then they started to build a ship, and some of them got on and sailed away. After a while, some of the crew came back and took the ship apart before leaving. I suspect that those who sailed away and didn’t return are the ones you’re looking for. If that’s the case, O Uns al-Wujud, you must be feeling a deep and painful sorrow, and it’s understandable, for every lover has experienced the ache of longing for love.” Then he recited these couplets:—
The eremite, having ended his verse, rose and, coming up to Uns al-Wujud, embraced him,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
The hermit, having finished his verse, stood up and, walking over to Uns al-Wujud, embraced him. And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the eremite, having ended his verse, rose and coming up to Uns al-Wujud embraced him, and they wept together, till the hills rang with their cries and they fell down fainting. When they revived, they swore brotherhood[51] in Allah Almighty; after which said Uns al-Wujud, “This very night will I pray to God and seek of Him direction[52] 43anent what thou shouldst do to attain thy desire.” Thus it was with them; but as regards Rose-in-Hood, when they brought her to the mountain and set her in the castle and she beheld its ordering, she wept and exclaimed, “By Allah, thou art a goodly place, save that thou lackest in thee the presence of the beloved!”[53] Then seeing birds in the island, she bade her people set snares for them and put all they caught in cages within the castle; and they did so. But she sat at a lattice and bethought her of what had passed, and desire and passion and distraction redoubled upon her, till she burst into tears and repeated these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the hermit, after finishing his verse, stood up, approached Uns al-Wujud, embraced him, and they cried together until their voices echoed through the hills, and then they fainted. When they came to, they vowed brotherhood in Allah Almighty. Then Uns al-Wujud said, 'Tonight, I will pray to God and ask Him for guidance about what you should do to achieve your wishes.' This was their situation; but as for Rose-in-Hood, when they brought her to the mountain and placed her in the castle, she looked around and cried out, 'By Allah, you are a beautiful place, except you lack the presence of my beloved!' Then, noticing birds in the island, she instructed her people to set traps for them and put everything they caught in cages inside the castle; and they did so. But she sat by a window, reflecting on what had happened, and her feelings of longing, desire, and distraction intensified until she burst into tears and recited these couplets:—"
Then, as the glooms of night closed around her, her yearning increased and she called to mind the past and recited also these couplets:—
Then, as the darkness of night surrounded her, her longing grew, and she remembered the past and recited these lines:—
Meanwhile, the hermit said to Uns al-Wujud, “Go down to the palm-grove in the valley and fetch some fibre.”[56] So he went and returned with the palm-fibre, which the hermit took and, twisting into ropes, made therewith a net,[57] such as is used for carrying straw; after which he said, “O Uns al-Wujud, in the heart of the valley groweth a gourd, which springeth up and drieth upon its roots. Go down there and fill this sack therewith; then tie it together and, casting it into the water, embark thereon and make for the midst of the sea, so haply thou shalt win thy wish; for whoso never ventureth shall not have what he seeketh.” “I hear 45and obey,” answered Uns al-Wujud. Then he bade the hermit farewell after the holy man had prayed for him; and, betaking himself to the sole of the valley, did as his adviser had counselled him; made the sack, launched it upon the water, and pushed from shore. Then there arose a wind, which drave him out to sea, till he was lost to the eremite’s view; and he ceased not to float over the abysses of the ocean, one billow tossing him up and another bearing him down (and he beholding the while the dangers and marvels of the deep), for the space of three days. At the end of that time Fate cast him upon the Mount of the Bereft Mother, where he landed, giddy and tottering like a chick unfledged, and at the last of his strength for hunger and thirst; but, finding there streams flowing and birds on the branches cooing and fruit-laden trees in clusters and singly growing, he ate of the fruits and drank of the rills. Then he walked on till he saw some white thing afar off, and making for it, found that it was a strongly fortified castle. So he went up to the gate and seeing it locked, sat down by it; and there he sat for three days when behold, the gate opened and an eunuch came out, who finding Uns al-Wujud there seated, said to him, “Whence camest thou and who brought thee hither?” Quoth he, “From Ispahan and I was voyaging with merchandise when my ship was wrecked and the waves cast me upon the farther side of this island.” Whereupon the eunuch wept and embraced him, saying, “Allah preserve thee, O thou friendly face! Ispahan is mine own country and I have there a cousin, the daughter of my father’s brother, whom I loved from my childhood and cherished with fond affection; but a people stronger than we fell upon us in foray and taking me among other booty, cut off my yard[58] and sold me for a castrato, whilst I was yet a lad; and this is how I came to be in such case.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Meanwhile, the hermit said to Uns al-Wujud, “Go down to the palm grove in the valley and get some fiber.”[56] So he went and returned with the palm fiber, which the hermit took, twisted into ropes, and made a net,[57] like the ones used for carrying straw. Then he said, “O Uns al-Wujud, in the heart of the valley grows a gourd that springs up and dries on its roots. Go down there and fill this sack with it; then tie it up, cast it into the water, get on it, and head for the middle of the sea, so maybe you'll achieve your wish; for whoever doesn’t take a risk won’t find what they’re looking for.” “I hear and obey,” Uns al-Wujud replied. He then said goodbye to the hermit after the holy man prayed for him and made his way to the bottom of the valley, doing as his advisor had suggested. He made the sack, launched it onto the water, and pushed off from shore. A wind picked up and blew him out to sea until he was out of the hermit's sight. He kept floating over the depths of the ocean, being tossed up by one wave and brought down by another (all while witnessing the dangers and wonders of the deep) for three days. At the end of that time, fate brought him to the Mount of the Bereft Mother, where he landed, dizzy and unsteady like an unfeathered chick, at the end of his strength from hunger and thirst. However, he found flowing streams, birds cooing in the branches, and fruit-laden trees both in clusters and alone, so he ate the fruits and drank from the streams. He continued walking until he saw something white in the distance, and as he approached, he discovered it was a strongly fortified castle. He walked up to the gate and, seeing it was locked, sat down beside it; he sat there for three days when suddenly, the gate opened and an eunuch came out. Upon seeing Uns al-Wujud seated there, the eunuch asked, “Where did you come from and who brought you here?” He replied, “I come from Ispahan, and I was traveling with goods when my ship was wrecked and the waves washed me onto the far side of this island.” The eunuch wept and embraced him, saying, “May Allah protect you, O friendly face! Ispahan is my homeland, and I have a cousin there, the daughter of my father's brother, whom I loved since childhood and cherished dearly; but a stronger group attacked us and, taking me as part of the spoils, castrated me when I was still a boy; and that is how I ended up in this situation.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the eunuch who came forth from the castle, where Rose-in-Hood was confined, told Uns al-Wujud all his tale and said:—“The raiders who captured me cut off my yard and sold me for a castrato; and this is how I came to be in such case.”[59] And after saluting him and wishing him long life, the eunuch carried him into the courtyard of the castle, where he saw a great tank of water, surrounded by trees, on whose branches hung cages of silver, with doors of gold, and therein birds were warbling and singing the praises of the Requiting King. And when he came to the first cage he looked in and lo! a turtle dove, on seeing him, raised her voice and cried out, saying, “O Thou Bounty-fraught!” Whereat he fell down fainting and after coming to himself, he sighed heavily and recited these couplets:—
She said, “It has reached me, O auspicious King, that the eunuch who came out of the castle where Rose-in-Hood was held told Uns al-Wujud his entire story and said: ‘The raiders who captured me cut off my genitals and sold me as a castrato; and this is how I ended up like this.’”[59] After greeting him and wishing him a long life, the eunuch led him into the castle courtyard, where he saw a large water tank surrounded by trees, and on those branches hung silver cages with golden doors, inside which birds were chirping and singing the praises of the Requiting King. When he reached the first cage, he looked in and, behold! a turtle dove, upon seeing him, raised her voice and exclaimed, “O You Filled with Bounty!” At this, he collapsed in a faint, and after regaining consciousness, he sighed deeply and recited these couplets:—
Then, after ending his verses, he fainted again; and, presently reviving he went on to the second cage, wherein he found a ringdove. When it saw him, it sang out, “O Eternal, I thank thee!” and he groaned and recited these couplets:—
Then, after finishing his verses, he fainted again; and, after a moment, he came to and moved on to the second cage, where he found a ringdove. When it saw him, it sang out, “O Eternal, I thank you!” and he groaned and recited these lines:—
Then he went on to the third cage, wherein he found a mocking-bird[61] which, when it saw him, set up a song, and he recited the following couplets:—
Then he moved on to the third cage, where he found a mockingbird[61] that started singing as soon as it spotted him, and he recited the following couplets:—
Then he went to the fourth cage, where he found a Bulbul[62] which, at sight of him, began to sway to and fro and sing its plaintive descant; and when he heard its complaint, he burst into tears and repeated these couplets:—
Then he went to the fourth cage, where he found a Bulbul[62] that, upon seeing him, started to sway back and forth and sing its sorrowful tune; and when he heard its lament, he broke down in tears and recited these couplets:—
Then he walked on a little and came to a goodly cage, than which was no goodlier there, and in it a culver of the forest, that is to say, a wood-pigeon,[63] the bird renowned among birds as the minstrel of love-longing, with a collar of jewels about its neck marvellous fine and fair. He considered it awhile and, seeing it absently brooding in its cage, he shed tears and repeated these couplets:—
Then he walked a bit further and came across a beautiful cage, better than any other, and inside it was a forest dove, which is to say, a wood-pigeon,[63] the bird famous among birds as the singer of love's longing, adorned with a stunning and exquisite collar of jewels around its neck. He watched it for a while and, seeing it lost in thought in its cage, he cried and recited these lines:—
As soon as Uns al-Wujud had ended his verse——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
As soon as Uns al-Wujud finished his verse——And Shahrazad noticed sunrise and stopped speaking her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that as soon as Uns al-Wujud had ended his verse, the wood-culver awoke from its brooding and cooed a reply to his lines and shrilled and trilled with its thrilling notes till it all but spake with human speech;[65] and the tongue of the case talked for it and recited these couplets:—
She said, "I have heard, O fortunate King, that as soon as Uns al-Wujud finished his verse, the wood pigeon woke from its slumber and cooed a response to his lines, singing and trilling with such beautiful notes that it almost sounded like human speech; and the tongue of the case spoke for it and recited these couplets:—
Then Uns al-Wujud turned to his companion, the Ispahahi, and said, “What palace is this? Who built it and who abideth in it?” Quoth the eunuch, “The Wazir of a certain King built it to guard his daughter, fearing for her the accidents of Time and the incidents of Fortune, and lodged her herein, her and her attendants; nor do we open it save once in every year, when their provision cometh to them.” And Uns al-Wujud said to himself, “I have gained my end, though I may have long to wait.” Such was his case; but as 50regards Rose-in-Hood, of a truth she took no pleasure in eating or drinking, sitting or sleeping; but her desire and passion and distraction redoubled on her, and she went wandering about the castle-corners, but could find no issue; wherefore she shed tears and recited these couplets:—
Then Uns al-Wujud turned to his companion, the Ispahahi, and said, “What palace is this? Who built it and who lives here?” The eunuch replied, “The Wazir of a certain King built it to protect his daughter, fearing for her the uncertainties of life and the twists of fate, and he brought her and her attendants here; we only open it once a year, when their supplies arrive.” Uns al-Wujud thought to himself, “I’ve achieved my goal, even if it takes a while.” Such was his situation; as for Rose-in-Hood, she truly found no joy in eating, drinking, sitting, or sleeping; instead, her longing, passion, and distress only grew stronger, and she wandered around the castle corners but couldn’t find an escape; so she cried and recited these couplets:—
When her verses were ended, she ascended to the terrace-roof of the castle after donning her richest clothes and trinkets and throwing a necklace of jewels around her neck. Then binding together some dresses of Ba’albak[67] stuff by way of rope, she tied them to the crenelles and let herself down thereby to the ground. And she fared on over wastes and waterless wilds, till she came to the shore, where she saw a fisherman plying here and there over the sea, for the wind had driven him on to the island. When he saw her, he was affrighted[68] and pushed off again, flying from her; but she cried out and made pressing signs to him to return, versifying with these couplets:—
When her verses were finished, she climbed up to the castle's rooftop after putting on her finest clothes and accessories, including a necklace of jewels. Then, she tied together some dresses made from Ba’albak[67] fabric to use as a rope and let herself down to the ground. She traveled across barren lands and dry wilderness until she reached the shore, where she spotted a fisherman moving around on the sea, pushed to the island by the wind. When he saw her, he was scared[68] and quickly rowed away, trying to escape from her; but she shouted and made urgent gestures for him to come back, expressing herself with these couplets:—
When the fisherman heard her words, he wept and made moan and lamented; then, recalling what had betided himself in the days of his youth, when love had the mastery over him and longing and desire and distraction were sore upon him and the fires of passion consumed him, replied with these couplets:—
When the fisherman heard her words, he cried and groaned, feeling sorry for himself; then, remembering what had happened to him in his youth, when love had complete control over him and longing, desire, and distraction tormented him and the flames of passion consumed him, he answered with these lines:—
And when he ended his verse, he moored his boat to the beach and said to her, “Embark, so may I carry thee whither thou wilt.” 52Thereupon she embarked and he put off with her; but they had not gone far from land, before there came out a stern-wind upon the boat and drove it swiftly out of sight of shore. Now the fisherman knew not whither he went, and the strong wind blew without ceasing three days, when it fell by leave of Allah Almighty, and they sailed on and ceased not sailing till they came in sight of a city sitting upon the sea-shore,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And when he finished his verse, he tied his boat to the beach and said to her, “Get in, and I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” 52She got in, and he pushed off with her; but they hadn’t gone far from shore when a strong wind came up and quickly took them out of sight of land. The fisherman didn’t know where he was going, and the fierce wind blew nonstop for three days until it calmed down by the will of Allah Almighty. They continued sailing until they spotted a city by the sea,——And Shahrazad noticed it was dawn and stopped telling her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the fisherman’s craft, carrying Rose-in-Hood, made the city sitting upon the sea shore, the man set about making fast to the land. Now the King of the city was a Prince of pith and puissance named Dirbás, the Lion; and he chanced at that moment to be seated, with his son, at a window in the royal palace giving upon the sea; and happening to look out seawards, they saw the fishing-boat make the land. They observed it narrowly and espied therein a young lady, as she were the full moon overhanging the horizon-edge, with pendants in her ears of costly balass-rubies and a collar of precious stones about her throat. Hereby the King knew that this must indeed be the daughter of some King or great noble and, going forth of the sea-gate of the palace, went down to the boat, where he found the lady asleep and the fisherman busied in making fast to shore. So he went up to her and aroused her, whereupon she awoke, weeping; and he asked her, “Whence comest thou and whose daughter art thou and what be the cause of thy coming hither?”; and she answered, “I am the daughter of Ibrahim, Wazir to King Shámikh; and the manner of my coming hither is wondrous and the cause thereof marvellous.” And she told him her whole story first and last, hiding naught from him; then she groaned aloud and recited these couplets:—
She said, "It has come to my attention, O gracious King, that when the fisherman’s boat, carrying Rose-in-Hood, arrived at the city by the seaside, the man began to secure it to the land. Now, the King of that city was a strong and powerful Prince named Dirbás, the Lion; and at that moment, he was seated with his son at a window in the royal palace overlooking the sea. When they looked out toward the water, they saw the fishing boat reach the shore. They watched closely and noticed a young lady who resembled the full moon rising over the horizon, adorned with expensive balas rubies in her ears and a necklace of precious stones around her neck. The King realized that she must be the daughter of a King or a noble, and leaving through the sea gate of the palace, he made his way to the boat, where he found the lady asleep and the fisherman busy tying it to the shore. He approached her and gently woke her, and she opened her eyes, weeping. He asked her, 'Where did you come from, who are you the daughter of, and what brings you here?' She replied, 'I am the daughter of Ibrahim, the Wazir to King Shámikh; my arrival here is extraordinary, and the reason is remarkable.' Then, she shared her entire story from beginning to end, leaving nothing hidden from him; afterward, she sighed deeply and recited these verses:—"
And when she had ended her verses, she again told the King her sad tale and shed plenteous tears and recited these couplets bearing on her case:—
And when she finished her verses, she once more shared her sad story with the King, crying a lot and reciting these couplets related to her situation:—
Now when the King heard her words he was certified of her love and longing and was moved to ruth for her; so he said to her, “Fear nothing and be not troubled; thou hast come to the term of thy wishes; for there is no help but that I win for thee thy will and bring thee to thy desire.” And he improvised these couplets:—
Now when the King heard her words, he was sure of her love and longing and felt compassion for her; so he said to her, “Don’t be afraid and don’t worry; you’ve reached the end of your wishes; for there’s no way but that I will get you what you want and bring you to your desire.” And he made up these couplets:—
Then, ending his verse, he went forth to his troops and summoned his Wazir; and, causing him to pack up countless treasure, commanded him carry it to King Shamikh and say to him, “Needs must thou send me a person named Uns al-Wujud;” and say moreover “The King is minded to ally himself with thee by marrying his daughter to Uns al-Wujud, thine officer. So there is no help but thou despatch him to me, that the marriage may be solemnized in her father’s kingdom.” And he wrote a letter to King Shamikh to this effect, and gave it to the Minister, charging him strictly to bring back Uns al-Wujud and warning him, “An thou fail thou shalt be deposed and degraded.” Answered the Wazir, “I hear and obey;” and, setting out forthright with the treasures, in due course arrived at the court of King Shamikh whom he saluted in the name of King Dirbas and delivered the letter and the presents. Now when King Shamikh read the letter and saw the name of Uns al-Wujud, he burst into tears and said to the Wazir “And where, oh where, is Uns al-Wujud?; he went from us and we know not his place of abiding; only bring him to me, and I will give thee double the presents thou hast brought me.” And he wept and groaned and lamented, saying these couplets:—
Then, finishing his poem, he went to his troops and called for his Wazir. He had him gather plenty of treasure and instructed him to take it to King Shamikh and tell him, “You must send me someone named Uns al-Wujud;” and also say, “The King wishes to form an alliance with you by marrying his daughter to Uns al-Wujud, your officer. So you have no choice but to send him to me, so the marriage can be held in her father’s kingdom.” He wrote a letter to King Shamikh stating this and handed it to the Minister, strictly instructing him to return with Uns al-Wujud, warning him, “If you fail, you will be deposed and disgraced.” The Wazir replied, “I hear and obey;” and immediately set out with the treasures, eventually reaching the court of King Shamikh. He greeted him on behalf of King Dirbas and handed over the letter and gifts. When King Shamikh read the letter and saw the name Uns al-Wujud, he burst into tears and said to the Wazir, “Where, oh where, is Uns al-Wujud? He left us, and we don't know where he is; just bring him to me, and I will give you double the gifts you’ve brought.” He wept and groaned and lamented, reciting these couplets:—
Then, turning to the Wazir who had brought the presents and the missive, he said, “Go back to thy liege and acquaint him that Uns al-Wujud hath been missing this year past, and his lord knoweth 55not whither he is gone nor hath any tidings of him.” Answered the Minister of King Dirbas, “O my lord, my master said to me:—An thou fail to bring him back, thou shalt be degraded from the Wazirate and shalt not enter my city. How then can I return without him?” So King Shamikh said to his Wazir Ibrahim, “Take a company and go with him and make ye search for Uns al-Wujud everywhere.” He replied, “Hearkening and obedience;” and, taking a body of his own retainers, set out accompanied by the Wazir of King Dirbas seeking Uns al-Wujud.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Then, turning to the Wazir who had brought the gifts and the message, he said, “Go back to your master and let him know that Uns al-Wujud has been missing for the past year, and his lord doesn’t know where he has gone or have any news about him.” The Minister of King Dirbas replied, “O my lord, my master told me: if you fail to bring him back, you will be stripped of your position as Wazir and won’t be allowed to enter my city. How can I return without him?” King Shamikh then said to his Wazir Ibrahim, “Take a group and go with him to search for Uns al-Wujud everywhere.” He responded, “I hear and obey,” and, taking some of his own followers, set out with the Wazir of King Dirbas in search of Uns al-Wujud.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Ibrahim, Wazir to King Shamikh, took him a body of his retainers and, accompanied by the Minister of King Dirbas, set out seeking Uns al-Wujud. And as often as they fell in with wild Arabs or others they asked of the youth, saying, “Tell us have ye seen a man whose name is so and so and his semblance thus and thus?” But they all answered, “We know him not.” Still they continued their quest enquiring in city and hamlet and seeking in fertile plain and stony hall and in the wild and in the wold, till they made the Mountain of the Bereaved Mother; and the Wazir of King Dirbas said to Ibrahim, “Why is this mountain thus called?” He answered, “Once of old time, here sojourned a Jinniyah, of the Jinn of China, who loved a mortal with passionate love; and, being in fear of her life from her own people, searched all the earth over for a place, where she might hide him from them, till she happened on this mountain and, finding it cut off from both men and Jinn, there being no access to it, carried off her beloved and lodged him therein. There, when she could escape notice of her kith and kin, she used privily to visit him, and continued so doing till she had borne him a number of children; and the merchants, sailing by the mountain, in their voyages over the main, heard the weeping of the children, as it were the wailing of a woman bereft of her babes, and said:—Is there here a mother bereaved of her children? For which reason the place was named the Mountain of the Bereaved Mother.” And the Wazir of King Dirbas marvelled at his words. Then they landed and, making for the castle, knocked at the gate which was opened to them by an eunuch, who knew 56the Wazir Ibrahim and kissed his hands. The Minister entered and found in the courtyard, among the serving-men, a Fakir, which was Uns al-Wujud, but he knew him not and said, “Whence cometh yonder wight?” Quoth they, “He is a merchant, who hath lost his goods, but saved himself; and he is an ecstatic.”[74] So the Wazir left him and went on into the castle, where he found no trace of his daughter and questioned her women, who answered, “We wot not how or whither she went; this place misliked her and she tarried in it but a short time.” Whereupon he wept sore and repeated these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that Ibrahim, the Wazir to King Shamikh, took a group of his retainers and, along with the Minister of King Dirbas, set off to find Uns al-Wujud. Whenever they encountered wild Arabs or others, they asked about the young man, saying, 'Have you seen a man named so and so, who looks like this?' But they all replied, 'We don’t know him.' Still, they kept searching, inquiring in cities and villages, and looking in fertile fields and stony areas, both wild and open, until they reached the Mountain of the Bereaved Mother. The Wazir of King Dirbas asked Ibrahim, 'Why is this mountain called that?' He replied, 'Long ago, a Jinniyah from the Jinn of China stayed here, deeply in love with a mortal. Fearing for her life from her own people, she searched the earth for a place to hide him until she found this mountain, which was isolated from both men and Jinn, with no way to access it. She took her beloved there and hid him. When she could avoid the notice of her family, she would secretly visit him, and she continued to do so until she had several children. Merchants sailing by the mountain heard the cries of the children, like a woman mourning her lost babies, and they said, 'Is there a mother here mourning her children?' That's why the place was named the Mountain of the Bereaved Mother.' The Wazir of King Dirbas was amazed by his words. Then they arrived and, heading for the castle, knocked at the gate, which was opened by a eunuch who recognized Wazir Ibrahim and kissed his hands. The Minister entered and found in the courtyard, among the servants, a Fakir, who was Uns al-Wujud, but he didn't recognize him and asked, 'Where does that man come from?' They answered, 'He is a merchant who lost his goods but managed to save himself, and he is an ecstatic.' So the Wazir left him and went further into the castle, where he found no trace of his daughter. He asked her attendants, who replied, 'We don’t know how or where she went; she didn't like this place and stayed only a short time.' Then he wept bitterly and recited these lines:"
After ending his verses he again shed tears, and groaned and bemoaned himself, exclaiming, “There is no deliverance from the destiny decreed by Allah; nor is there any escape from that which He hath predestined!” Then he went up to the roof and found the strips of Ba’albak stuff tied to the crenelles and hanging down to the ground, and thus it was he knew that she had descended 57thence and had fled forth, as one distracted and demented with desire and passion. Presently, he turned and seeing there two birds, a gor-crow and an owl he justly deemed this an omen of ill; so he groaned and recited these couplets:—
After finishing his verses, he cried again, groaning and lamenting, shouting, “There’s no escape from the fate decided by Allah; nor can anyone avoid what He has predetermined!” Then he went up to the roof and saw strips of Ba’albak fabric tied to the battlements and hanging down to the ground, and that’s how he realized she had come down and fled, as if she was overwhelmed and driven mad by desire and passion. Soon after, he turned and saw two birds, a crow and an owl, and he rightly took this as a bad omen; so he groaned and recited these lines:— 57
Then he descended from the castle-roof, weeping, and bade the servants fare forth and search the mount for their mistress; so they sought for her, but found her not. Such was their case; but as regards Uns al-Wujud, when he was certified that Rose-in-Hood was indeed gone, he cried with a great cry and fell down in a fainting-fit, nor came to himself for a long time, whilst the folk deemed that his spirit had been withdrawn by the Compassionating One; and that he was absorbed in contemplation of the splendour, majesty and beauty of the Requiting One. Then, despairing of finding Uns al-Wujud, and seeing that the Wazir Ibrahim was distracted for the loss of his daughter, the Minister of King Dirbas addressed himself to return to his own country, albeit he had not attained the object of his journey, and while bidding his companion adieu, said to him, “I have a mind to take the Fakir with me; it may be Allah Almighty will incline the King’s heart to me by his blessing, for that he is a holy man; and thereafter, I will send him to Ispahan, which is near our country.” “Do as thou wilt,” answered Ibrahim. So they took leave of each other and departed, each for his own mother land, the Wazir of King Dirbas carrying with him Uns al-Wujud——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Then he climbed down from the castle roof, crying, and told the servants to go look for their lady on the mountain; they searched for her, but couldn't find her. That was their situation; but as for Uns al-Wujud, when he realized that Rose-in-Hood was truly gone, he let out a loud cry and fainted, remaining unconscious for a long time, while people thought that he had been taken by the Compassionate One; and that he was lost in thought about the glory, majesty, and beauty of the Requiting One. Then, despairing of finding Uns al-Wujud, and seeing that Wazir Ibrahim was distraught over the loss of his daughter, the Minister of King Dirbas decided to return to his own country, even though he hadn't achieved his goal. While saying goodbye to his companion, he said, “I want to take the Fakir with me; maybe Allah Almighty will touch the King’s heart through his blessings, since he is a holy man; and afterwards, I will send him to Ispahan, which is close to our territory.” “Do what you want,” Ibrahim replied. So they parted ways, each heading back to their own homeland, the Wazir of King Dirbas taking Uns al-Wujud with him——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir of King Dirbas carried with him Uns al-Wujud who was still insensible. They bore him with them on mule-back (he unknowing if he were carried or not) for three days, when he came to 58himself and said, “Where am I?” “Thou art in company with the Minister of King Dirbas,” replied they and went and gave news of his recovering to the Wazir, who sent him rose-water and sherbet of sugar, of which they gave him to drink and restored him. Then they ceased not faring on till they drew near King Dirbas’s capital and the King, being advised of his Wazir’s coming, wrote to him, saying, “If Uns al-Wujud be not with thee, come not to me ever.” Now when the Wazir read the royal mandate, it was grievous to him, for he knew not that Rose-in-Wood was with the King, nor why he had been sent in quest of Uns al-Wujud, nor the King’s reason for desiring the alliance; whilst Uns al-Wujud also knew not whither they were bearing him or that the Wazir had been sent in quest of him; nor did the Wazir know that the Fakir he had with him was Uns al-Wujud himself. And when the Minister saw that the sick man was whole, he said to him, “I was despatched by the King on an errand, which I have not been able to accomplish. So, when he heard of my return, he wrote to me, saying:—Except thou have fulfilled my need enter not my city.” “And what is the King’s need?” asked Uns al-Wujud. So the Wazir told him the whole tale, and he said, “Fear nothing, but go boldly to the King and take me with thee; and I will be surety to thee for the coming of Uns al-Wujud.” At this the Wazir rejoiced and cried, “Is this true which thou sayest?” “Yes,” replied he; whereupon the Wazir mounted and carried him to King Dirbas who, after receiving their salutations said to him, “Where is Uns al-Wujud?” Answered the young man, “O King, I know where he is.” So the King called him to him and said, “Where?” Returned Uns al-Wujud, “He is nearhand and very near; but tell me what thou wouldst with him, and I will fetch him into thy presence.” The King replied, “With joy and good gree, but the case calleth for privacy.” So he ordered the folk to withdraw and, carrying Uns al-Wujud into his cabinet, told him the whole story; whereupon quoth the youth, “Robe me in rich raiment, and I will forthright bring Uns al-Wujud to thee.” So they brought him a sumptuous dress, and he donned it and said, “I am Uns al-Wujud, the World’s Delight, and to the envious a despite”; and presently he smote with his glances every sprite, and began these couplets to recite:—
She said, "I've heard, O gracious King, that the Wazir of King Dirbas brought Uns al-Wujud with him, who was still unconscious. They carried him on a mule for three days, during which he was unaware of being moved. When he finally came to, he asked, 'Where am I?' They replied, 'You're with the Minister of King Dirbas,' and quickly informed the Wazir that he was recovering. The Wazir sent him rose-water and sugar sherbet, which helped restore him. They continued traveling until they approached the capital of King Dirbas. When the King learned of the Wazir's return, he sent a message, saying, 'If Uns al-Wujud is not with you, never come to me.' Upon reading the royal command, the Wazir felt troubled, as he didn’t know that Rose-in-Wood was with the King, nor the reason he had been sent to find Uns al-Wujud or why the King desired this alliance. Meanwhile, Uns al-Wujud also had no idea where they were taking him or that the Wazir was sent in search of him; he did not even know that the Fakir with him was Uns al-Wujud himself. When the Minister saw that the sick man was well, he told him, 'I was sent by the King on a mission that I couldn't complete. So when he heard about my return, he wrote to me, saying, "Unless you have fulfilled my need, do not enter my city." ' Uns al-Wujud asked, 'What does the King need?' The Wazir explained the whole situation, and Uns al-Wujud said, 'Don't worry, just go confidently to the King and take me with you; I will guarantee Uns al-Wujud's arrival.' The Wazir was delighted and exclaimed, 'Is this really true?' 'Yes,' he replied. The Wazir then mounted and took him to King Dirbas, who, after they exchanged greetings, asked, 'Where is Uns al-Wujud?' The young man replied, 'O King, I know where he is.' The King called him closer and asked, 'Where?' Uns al-Wujud answered, 'He is nearby, but first tell me what you want with him, and I will bring him to you.' The King said, 'With pleasure, but this matter requires privacy.' He then instructed everyone to leave, and taking Uns al-Wujud into his private chambers, told him the entire story. Uns al-Wujud then said, 'Dress me in fine garments, and I will immediately bring Uns al-Wujud to you.' They provided him with an elegant outfit, and after he put it on, he declared, 'I am Uns al-Wujud, the Delight of the World, and a challenge to the envious.' He cast his gaze on every spirit present and began to recite these verses:—"
And when he ended his verses the King cried aloud, “By Allah, ye are indeed a pair of lovers true and fain and in Beauty’s heaven of shining stars a twain: your story is wondrous and your case marvellous.” Then he told him all that had befallen Rose-in-Hood; and Uns al-Wujud said, “Where is she, O King of the age?” “She is with me now,” answered Dirbas and, sending for the Kazi and the witnesses, drew up the contract of marriage between her and him. Then he honoured Uns al-Wujud with favours and bounties and sent to King Shamikh acquainting him with what had befallen, whereat this King joyed with exceeding joy and wrote back to the following purport. “Since the ceremony of contract hath been performed at thy court, it behoveth that the marriage and its consummation be at mine.” Then he made ready camels, horses and men and sent them in quest of the pair; and when the embassy reached King Dirbas, he gave the 60lovers much treasure and despatched them to King Shamikh’s court with a company of his own troops. The day of their arrival was a notable day, never was seen a grander; for the King gathered together all the singing-women and players on instruments of music and made wedding banquets and held high festival seven days; and on each day he gave largesse to the folk and bestowed on them sumptuous robes of honour. Then Uns al-Wujud went in to Rose-in-Hood and they embraced and sat weeping for excess of joy and gladness, whilst she recited these couplets:—
And when he finished his verses, the King shouted, “By Allah, you two are truly a couple of lovers, and in Beauty’s sky of shining stars, you are a pair! Your story is amazing, and your situation is incredible.” Then he told him everything that had happened with Rose-in-Hood; and Uns al-Wujud asked, “Where is she, O King of the age?” “She is with me now,” replied Dirbas, and he called for the Kazi and witnesses and drafted the marriage contract between them. Then he honored Uns al-Wujud with gifts and blessings and sent word to King Shamikh, informing him of what had transpired, causing this King to rejoice greatly and write back with the following message. “Since the marriage contract has been performed at your court, it is only right that the wedding and its celebration take place at mine.” He then prepared camels, horses, and men and sent them in search of the couple; and when the delegation reached King Dirbas, he gifted the lovers a lot of treasure and sent them to King Shamikh’s court with a group of his own troops. Their arrival was a memorable occasion, never before had there been such grandeur; for the King gathered all the singing women and musicians, hosted wedding feasts, and held a grand celebration for seven days; and on each day, he gave gifts to the people and dressed them in luxurious robes of honor. Then Uns al-Wujud went to Rose-in-Hood, and they hugged and sat there crying with joy and happiness, while she recited these couplets:—
And when the verses were ended, they again embraced and ceased not from their embrace, till they fell down in a swoon,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
And when the verses were done, they hugged each other again and didn’t let go until they fainted——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Uns al-Wujud and Rose-in-Hood embraced when they foregathered and ceased not from their embrace, till they fell down in a swoon for the delight of reunion; and when they came to themselves, Uns al-Wujud recited these couplets:—
She said, "I have learned, O great King, that Uns al-Wujud and Rose-in-Hood embraced when they met and didn’t let go until they fainted from the joy of being together again; and when they regained their senses, Uns al-Wujud recited these verses:—"
And when he ended his verses they once more embraced, drowned in the sea of passion; and lay down together in the private apartment carousing and conversing and quoting verses and telling pleasant tales and anecdotes. On this wise seven days passed over them whilst they knew not night from day and it was to them, for very stress of gaiety and gladness, pleasure and possession, as if the seven days were but one day with ne’er a morrow. Nor did they know the seventh day,[79] but by the coming of the singers and players on instruments of music; whereat Rose-in-Hood beyond measure wondered and improvised these couplets:—
And when he finished his verses, they hugged again, lost in their passion, and lay down together in the private room, having fun, chatting, quoting verses, and sharing amusing stories and anecdotes. In this way, seven days went by without them noticing night from day, and it felt to them, due to their sheer joy and happiness, like those seven days were just one long day with no end in sight. They only realized it was the seventh day when the singers and musicians arrived, which left Rose-in-Hood in awe and inspired him to improvise these couplets:—
When she had finished her song, Uns al-Wujud kissed her, more than an hundred times, and recited these couplets:—
When she finished her song, Uns al-Wujud kissed her more than a hundred times and recited these couplets:—
Then they went forth and distributed to the folk alms and presents of money and raiment and rare gifts and other tokens of generosity; after which Rose-in-Hood bade clear the bath for her[80] and, turning to Uns al-Wujud said to him, “O coolth of my eyes, I have a mind to see thee in the Hammam, and therein we will be alone together.” He joyfully consented to this, and she let scent the Hammam with all sorts of perfumed woods and essences, and light the wax-candles. Then of the excess of her contentment she recited these couplets:—
Then they went out and gave the people donations of money, clothes, unique gifts, and other acts of kindness. After that, Rose-in-Hood instructed to prepare the bath for her[80] and, turning to Uns al-Wujud, said to him, “Oh, joy of my eyes, I want to see you in the Hammam, and there we can be alone together.” He happily agreed to this, and she filled the Hammam with all kinds of fragrant woods and scents, and lit the wax candles. Out of her overwhelming happiness, she recited these lines:—
Whereupon they arose and fared to the bath and took their pleasure therein; after which they returned to their palace and there abode in the fulness of enjoyment, till there came to them 63the Destroyer of delights and the Sunderer of societies; and glory be to Him who changeth not neither ceaseth, and to whom everything returneth! And they also tell a tale of
Whereupon they got up and went to the bath and enjoyed themselves there; after which they returned to their palace and lived fully in enjoyment, until they were visited by the Destroyer of delights and the Sunderer of societies; and glory be to Him who never changes or ceases, and to whom everything returns! And they also tell a tale of
30. Lit. “The rose in the sleeves or calyces.” I take my English equivalent from Jeremy Taylor, “So I have seen a rose newly springing from the clefts of its hood,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Lit. “The rose in the sleeves or calyxes.” I take my English equivalent from Jeremy Taylor, “So I have seen a rose newly springing from the gaps of its hood,” etc.
31. These lines are from the Bresl. Edit. (v. 35.) The four couplets in the Mac. Edit. are too irrelevant.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These lines are from the Bresl. Edit. (v. 35.) The four couplets in the Mac. Edit. are too off-topic.
32. Polo, which Lane calls “Goff.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Polo, which Lane calls “Goff.”
33. Arab. “Muffawak” = well-notched, as its value depends upon the notch. At the end of the third hemistich Lane’s Shaykh very properly reads “baghtatan” (suddenly) for “burhatan” = during a long time.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Muffawak” means well-notched, since its value relies on the notch. At the end of the third hemistich, Lane’s Shaykh accurately interprets “baghtatan” (suddenly) instead of “burhatan” = for a long time.
34. “Uns” (which the vulgar pronounce Anas) “al-Wujúd” = Delight of existing things, of being, of the world. Uns wa júd is the normal pun = love-intimacy and liberality; and the paronomasia (which cannot well be rendered in English) reappears again and again. The story is throughout one of love; hence the quantity of verse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Uns” (which the common people pronounce Anas) “al-Wujúd” = Joy of existing things, of being, of the world. Uns wa júd is the usual play on words = love-intimacy and generosity; and the wordplay (which doesn't translate well into English) comes up repeatedly. The story is essentially one of love; hence the amount of poetry.
35. The allusion to a “written N” suggests the elongated not the rounded form of the letter as in Night cccxxiv.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The reference to a “written N” indicates the stretched shape rather than the rounded one of the letter as seen in Night cccxxiv.
36. The fourteenth Arabic letter in its medial form resembling an eye.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The fourteenth letter in the Arabic alphabet looks like an eye when it's in the middle of a word.
37. This is done by the man passing his fingers over the brow as if to wipe off perspiration; the woman acknowledges it by adjusting her head-veil with both hands. As a rule in the Moslem East women make the first advances; and it is truly absurd to see a great bearded fellow blushing at being ogled. During the Crimean war the fair sex of Constantinople began by these allurements but found them so readily accepted by the Giaours that they were obliged to desist.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This happens when the man brushes his fingers across his forehead like he’s wiping away sweat; the woman responds by adjusting her headscarf with both hands. Generally, in the Muslim East, women take the initiative; it's honestly funny to see a big bearded guy getting shy from being admired. During the Crimean War, the women of Constantinople started using these charms, but they found them so easily welcomed by the non-Muslims that they had to stop.
38. The greatest of all explorers and discoverers of the world will be he who finds a woman confessing inability to keep a secret.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The greatest explorer and discoverer in the world will be the one who finds a woman admitting she can’t keep a secret.
39. The original is intensely prosaic—and so am I.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The original is really straightforward—and so am I.
40. Arab. “Sunnat,” the practice of the Prophet. For this prayer and other silly and superstitious means of discovering the “right direction” (which is often very wrongly directed) see Lane, M. E. chapt. xi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sunnat,” the practice of the Prophet. For this prayer and other pointless and superstitious ways of finding the “right direction” (which is often misdirected), see Lane, M. E. chapt. xi.
41. Arab. “Bahr” (sea or river) al-Kunúz: Lane (ii. 576) ingeniously identifies the site with the Upper Nile whose tribes, between Assouan (Syene) and Wady al-Subú’a are called the “Kunúz”—lit. meaning “treasures” or “hoards.” Philæ is still known as the “Islet of Anas (for Uns) al-Wujud;” and the learned and accurate Burckhardt (Travels in Nubia p. 5,) records the local legend that a mighty King called Al-Wujúd built the Osirian temples. I can give no information concerning Jabal al-Sakla, (Thaklá) the Mount of the woman bereft of children, beyond the legend contained in Night ccclxxix.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Bahr” (sea or river) al-Kunúz: Lane (ii. 576) cleverly identifies the location with the Upper Nile, where the tribes between Assouan (Syene) and Wady al-Subú’a are referred to as the “Kunúz”—literally meaning “treasures” or “hoards.” Philæ is still known as the “Islet of Anas (or Uns) al-Wujud;” and the knowledgeable and precise Burckhardt (Travels in Nubia p. 5) notes the local legend that a powerful King named Al-Wujúd built the Osirian temples. I can't provide any information about Jabal al-Sakla (Thaklá), the Mount of the woman without children, other than the legend mentioned in Night ccclxxix.
42. A religious mendicant (lit. a pauper), of whom there are two great divisions. The Shara’í acts according to the faith: the others (Lá Shara’í, or irreligious) are bound by no such prejudices and are pretty specimen of scoundrels (Pilgrimage i. 22).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A religious beggar (literally a poor person), who is divided into two main groups. The Shara’í follow the faith, while the others (Lá Shara’í, or irreligious) are not held back by such beliefs and often show themselves to be typical scoundrels (Pilgrimage i. 22).
43. Meaning his lips and palate were so swollen by drought.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Meaning his lips and mouth were so swollen from lack of moisture.
44. It is a pious act in time of mortal danger to face the Kiblah or Meccan temple, as if standing in prayer.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It’s a devout action in moments of life-threatening danger to turn towards the Kiblah or Meccan temple, as if you were praying.
45. Still the belief of the Badawi who tries to work upon the beast’s compassion: “O great King I am a poor man, with wife and family, so spare me that Allah spare thee!” and so forth. If not famished the lion will often stalk off looking behind him as he goes; but the man will never return by the same path; “for,” says he, “haply the Father of Roaring may repent him of a wasted opportunity.” These lion-tales are very common, witness that of Androcles at Rome and a host of others. Una and her lion is another phase. It remained for M. Jules Gérard, first the chasseur and then the tueur, du lion, to assail the reputation of the lion and the honour of the lioness.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Still there’s the belief of the Badawi who tries to appeal to the beast’s compassion: “Oh great King, I’m a poor man with a wife and family, so please spare me so that Allah spares you!” and so on. If he’s not starving, the lion will often walk away, looking back as he goes; but the man will never take the same path back, because, as he says, “perhaps the Father of Roaring will regret missing an opportunity.” These lion tales are very common, just like the one about Androcles in Rome and many others. Una and her lion is another version of this. It was left to M. Jules Gérard, first the hunter and then the killer, of the lion, to challenge the reputation of the lion and the honor of the lioness.
46. Abú Háris = Father of spoils: one of the lion’s hundred titles.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Abú Háris = Father of spoils: one of the lion’s many titles.
47. “They” again for “she.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. “They” instead of “she.”
48. Jaxartes and Oxus. The latter (Jayhun or Amu, Oxus or Bactros) is famous for dividing Iran from Turan, Persia from Tartaria. The lands to its north are known as Má wará al-Nahr (Mawerannahar) or “What is behind the stream,” = Transoxiana and their capitals were successively Samarcand and Bokhara.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Jaxartes and Oxus. The latter (Jayhun or Amu, Oxus or Bactros) is known for separating Iran from Turan, Persia from Tartaria. The areas to its north are called Má wará al-Nahr (Mawerannahar) or “What is behind the stream,” which refers to Transoxiana, and the capitals there were Samarcand and Bokhara.
49. Arab. “Dání wa gharíb” = friend and foe. The lines are partly from the Mac. Edit. and partly from the Bresl. Edit., v. 55.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Dání wa gharíb” = friend and enemy. The lines are partly from the Mac. Edit. and partly from the Bresl. Edit., v. 55.
50. Arab. “Wá Rahmatá-hu!” a form now used only in books
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Oh His Mercy!” a phrase that’s now only seen in books.
51. Before noted. The relationship, like that of foster-brother, has its rights, duties and privileges.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.As previously mentioned, the relationship, similar to that of a foster brother, has its own rights, responsibilities, and privileges.
52. Arab. “Istikhárah,” before explained as praying for direction by omens of the rosary, opening the Koran and reading the first verse sighted, etc., etc. At Al-Medinah it is called Khírah and I have suggested (Pilgrimage, ii. 287) that it is a relic of the Azlam or Kidah (divining arrows) of paganism. But the superstition is not local: we have the Sortes Virgilianæ (Virgil being a magician) as well as Coranicæ.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Istikhárah,” which was previously explained as a way to seek guidance through signs from the rosary, opening the Koran, and reading the first verse you come across, etc. In Al-Medinah, it's referred to as Khírah, and I suggested (Pilgrimage, ii. 287) that it may be a remnant of the Azlam or Kidah (divining arrows) from pagan times. However, this superstition isn't just local: we also have the Sortes Virgilianæ (with Virgil being a magician) as well as Coranicæ.
53. Arab. Wujúd al-Habíb, a pun, also meaning, “Wujúd my beloved.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Wujúd al-Habíb, a play on words, also meaning, “Wujúd my beloved.”
54. Arab. “Khilál,” as an emblem of attenuation occurring in Al-Hariri (Ass. of Alexandria, etc.); also thin as a spindle (Maghzal), as a reed, and dry as a pair of shears. In the Ass. of Barka’id the toothpick is described as a beautiful girl. The use of this cleanly article was enjoined by Mohammed:—“Cleanse your mouths with toothpicks; for your mouths are the abode of the guardian angels; whose pens are the tongues, and whose ink is the spittle of men; and to whom naught is more unbearable than remains of food in the mouth.” A mighty apparatus for a small matter; but in very hot lands cleanliness must rank before godliness.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Khilál,” symbolizes a thinness described in Al-Hariri (Ass. of Alexandria, etc.); also as slender as a spindle (Maghzal), like a reed, and dry like a pair of scissors. In the Ass. of Barka’id, the toothpick is referred to as a lovely girl. The use of this clean item was recommended by Mohammed:—“Clean your mouths with toothpicks; for your mouths are where the guardian angels reside; their pens are your tongues, and their ink is the spit of men; nothing is more intolerable to them than leftover food in the mouth.” A significant effort for a small task; but in very hot countries, cleanliness must come before godliness.
55. The sense is ambiguous. Lane renders the verse:—“Thou resemblest it (rose) not of my portion” and gives two explanations “because he is of my portion,” or, “because his cheek cannot be rosy if mine is not.” Mr. Payne boldly translates—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The meaning is unclear. Lane translates the line:—“You don’t resemble it (the rose) in what I have” and offers two interpretations “because he is part of what I have,” or, “because his cheek can’t be rosy if mine isn't.” Mr. Payne confidently translates—
56. Arab. “líf” (not “fibres which grow at the top of the trunk,” Lane ii. 577); but the fibre of the fronds worked like the cocoa-nut fibre which forms the now well-known Indian “coir.” This “líf” is also called “filfil” or “fulfil” which Dr. Jonathan Scott renders “pepper” (Lane i. 8) and it forms a clean succedaneum for one of the uncleanest articles of civilisation, the sponge. It is used in every Hammam and is (or should be) thrown away after use.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “líf” (not “fibres that grow at the top of the trunk,” Lane ii. 577); but the fiber from the fronds is processed like the coconut fiber that makes up the well-known Indian “coir.” This “líf” is also known as “filfil” or “fulfil,” which Dr. Jonathan Scott translates to “pepper” (Lane i. 8), and it serves as a clean alternative to one of the dirtiest items in modern life, the sponge. It's used in every Hammam and should be discarded after each use.
57. Arab. “Shinf;” a coarse sack, a “gunny-bag;” a net compared with such article.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Shinf;” a rough sack, a “gunny bag;” a net in comparison to such an item.
58. The eunuch tells him that he is not a “Sandalí” = one whose penis and testes are removed; and consequently the highest valued. There are many ways of making the castrato; in some (as here) only the penis is removed, in others the testes are bruised or cut off; but in all cases the animal passion remains, for in man, unlike other animals, the fons veneris is the brain. The story of Abelard proves this. Juvenal derided the idea of married eunuchs and yet almost all these neutrals have wives with whom they practise the manifold plaisirs de la petite oie (masturbation, tribadism, irrumation, tête-bêche, feuille-de-rose, etc.), till they induce the venereal orgasm. Such was the account once given to me by a eunuch’s wife; and I need hardly say that she, like her confrerie was to be pitied. At the critical moment she held up a little pillow for her husband to bite who otherwise would have torn her cheeks or breasts.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The eunuch tells him that he is not a “Sandalí,” someone whose penis and testes have been removed and is therefore highly valued. There are various ways to make a castrato; in some cases (like here), only the penis is removed, while in others, the testes are bruised or cut off. Nevertheless, in all situations, the desire remains, because in humans, unlike other animals, the fountain of love is the brain. The story of Abelard illustrates this. Juvenal mocked the idea of married eunuchs, yet nearly all of these neuters have wives with whom they engage in various pleasures of the little goose (masturbation, tribadism, oral sex, tête-bêche, rose leaf, etc.), until they achieve a sexual climax. This was the account once shared with me by a eunuch’s wife; and I hardly need to emphasize that she, like her peers, deserved pity. At the critical moment, she held up a small pillow for her husband to bite, or else he would have clawed at her cheeks or breasts.
59. In real life the eunuch, as a rule, avoids all allusion to his misfortune, although the slave will often describe his being sold merrily enough.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In real life, the eunuch usually avoids mentioning his misfortune, while the slave often talks about being sold quite cheerfully.
60. The visits are in dreamland. The ringdove thanks the Lord for her (his?) suffering in the holy martyrdom of love.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The visits are in a dreamlike state. The ringdove thanks the Lord for their suffering in the sacred martyrdom of love.
61. Arab. “Hazár;” I have explained it as meaning “(the bird of) a thousand (songs).”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hazár;” I have clarified it to mean “(the bird of) a thousand (songs).”
62. The “Bulbul” had his day with us but he departed with Tommy Moore. We usually English the word by “nightingale;” but it is a kind of shrike or butcher-bird (Lanius Boulboul. Lath.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The "Bulbul" spent time with us but left with Tommy Moore. We often refer to it as a "nightingale," but it's actually a type of shrike or butcher-bird (Lanius Boulboul. Lath.)
63. The “Hamám” is a lieu commun in Arabic poetry. I have noticed the world-wide reverence for the pigeon and the incarnation of the Third Person of the Hindu Triad (Shiva), as “Kapoteshwara (Kapota-ishwara)” = pigeon or dove-god (Pilgrimage iii. 218.)
64. Arab. “Hamám al-Ayk.” Mr. Payne’s rendering is so happy that we must either take it from him or do worse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hamám al-Ayk.” Mr. Payne’s version is so well done that we either have to go with it or come up with something worse.
65. All primitive peoples translate the songs of birds with human language; but, as I have noticed, the versions differ widely. The pigeon cries, “Allah! Allah!” The dove “Karim, Tawwá” (Bountiful, Pardoner!) the Katá or sand-grouse “Man sakat salam” (who is silent is safe) yet always betrays itself by its lay of “Kat-ta” and lastly the cock “Uzkurú ‘llah ya gháfilún” (Remember, or take the name of Allah, ye careless!)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.All primitive cultures translate bird songs into human language, but as I’ve noticed, the interpretations vary greatly. The pigeon calls out, “Allah! Allah!” The dove says “Karim, Tawwá” (Bountiful, Pardoner!), the Katá or sand-grouse responds with “Man sakat salam” (whoever is quiet is safe), but always reveals itself with its “Kat-ta,” and finally, the rooster crows, “Uzkurú ‘llah ya gháfilún” (Remember, or invoke the name of Allah, you who are careless!).
66. “Nay,” the Dervish’s reed pipe, symbol of the sighing absent lover (i.e. the soul parted from the Creator) so famed by the Mullah-i-Rúm and Sir William Jones.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“No,” the Dervish’s reed pipe, representing the longing for a lost lover (meaning the soul separated from the Creator) so well-known by Mullah-i-Rúm and Sir William Jones.
67. Ba’albak = Ba’al (the God)-city (bek in Coptic and ancient Egyptian). Such, at least, is the popular derivation which awaits a better. No cloth has been made there since the Kurd tribe of gallant robbers known as the “Harfúsh” (or blackguards) lorded it over old “Heliopolis.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Ba’albak = Ba’al (the God)-city (bek in Coptic and ancient Egyptian). That's the common explanation, though a better one is still needed. No cloth has been produced there since the brave and infamous Kurd tribe known as the “Harfúsh” took control of the old “Heliopolis.”
68. Thinking her to be a Jinn or Ghul in the shape of a fair woman. This Arab is a strange contrast with the English fisherman, and yet he is drawn with truth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Believing she was a Jinn or Ghul disguised as a beautiful woman. This Arab presents a striking contrast to the English fisherman, yet he is depicted with accuracy.
69. Arab. “Habbazá!” (good this!) or “Habba” (how good!): so “Habba bihi,” how dear he is to me.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Habbazá!” (this is good!) or “Habba” (so good!): so “Habba bihi,” how dear he is to me.
70. Arab. “Zind,” and Zindah the names of the two sticks, upper and lower, hard and soft, by which fire was kindled before flint and steel were known. We find it in Al-Hariri (Ass. of Banu Haram) “no one sought fire from my fire-stick (i.e. from me as a fire-stick) and failed.” See Night dccciii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zind,” and Zindah are the names of the two sticks, upper and lower, hard and soft, that were used to start a fire before flint and steel were discovered. We see this in Al-Hariri (Ass. of Banu Haram) “no one tried to get fire from my fire-stick (i.e. from me as a fire-stick) and failed.” See Night dccciii.
71. Arab. “Názih” i.e. travelled far and wide.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Arab. “Názih” i.e. traveled extensively.
72. “Rajab,” lit. = “worshipping:” it is the seventh lunar month and still called “Shahr-ĭ-Khudá” (God’s month) by the Persians because in pre-Islamitic times it formed with Muharram (or in its stead Safar), Zu ‘l-ka’adah and Zu ‘l-Hijjah (Nos. 1 or 2; 7, 11 and 12) the yearly peace, during which a man might not kill his father’s murderer. The idea must have taken deep root, as Arab history records only six “impious (or sacrilegious) wars,” waged despite the law. Europeans compare it with the Treuga Dei (truce of God) a seven-years peace established about A.D. 1032, by a Bishop of Aquitaine; and followed in A.D. 1245 by the Pax Regis (Royal Peace) under Louis VIII. of France. This compelled the relations of a murdered man to keep the peace for forty days after the offence was committed.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Rajab,” meaning “worshipping,” is the seventh lunar month and is still referred to as “Shahr-ĭ-Khudá” (God’s month) by the Persians because, in pre-Islamic times, it along with Muharram (or sometimes Safar), Zu ‘l-ka’adah, and Zu ‘l-Hijjah (Numbers 1 or 2; 7, 11, and 12) made up the yearly peace period, during which a person couldn’t kill their father’s murderer. This concept must have been deeply ingrained, as Arab history only records six “impious (or sacrilegious) wars” fought despite this law. Europeans compare it to the Treuga Dei (truce of God), a seven-year peace established around A.D. 1032 by a Bishop of Aquitaine; and later in A.D. 1245, the Peace of the King (Royal Peace) under Louis VIII of France. This required the relatives of a murdered person to maintain peace for forty days after the crime was committed.
73. His Majesty wrote sad doggrel. He is better at finessing, and his message was a trick because Rose-in-Hood had told him that at home there were special obstacles to the marriage.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.His Majesty wrote some pretty bad poetry. He’s much better at being subtle, and his message was a clever ruse because Rose-in-Hood had informed him that there were specific challenges to the marriage back home.
74. Arab. “Majzub” = drawn, attracted (literally); the popular term for one absorbed in the contemplation of the Deity. During this process the soul is supposed to quit the body leaving the latter irresponsible for its actions. I remember a scandal being caused in a village near Tunis by one of these men who suddenly started up from his seat in a dusty corner and, in presence of a small crowd of people, had connection with a she-donkey. The supporters of the holy man declared that the deed was proof positive of his exceptional holiness; but there were lewd fellows, Moslems Voltaireans, who had their doubts and held that the reverend man had so acted “for the gallery.” A similar story is told with due reserve by the late Abbe Hamilton in his book on the Cyrenaic. There are three grand divisions of the Sufis; (1) Mukímán, the stationaries; (2) Sálikán, the travellers, or progressives, and (3) Wásilán, those who reach the desired end. And No. 2 has two classes: the Sálik-i-majzúb, one progressing in Divine Love; and the other, who has made greater progress, is the Majzúb-i-Sálik (Dabistan iii. 251).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Majzub” means drawn or attracted (literally); it's a popular term for someone who is deeply absorbed in contemplating the Deity. During this experience, the soul is believed to leave the body, making the body not accountable for its actions. I recall a scandal in a village near Tunis caused by one of these individuals who suddenly jumped up from his seat in a dusty corner and, in front of a small crowd, had relations with a she-donkey. Supporters of the holy man claimed that this act was clear evidence of his exceptional holiness; however, there were some lewd individuals, Muslim Voltaireans, who were skeptical and argued that the revered man did it “for show.” A similar tale is recounted with some caution by the late Abbe Hamilton in his book on the Cyrenaic. The Sufis are divided into three main categories: (1) Mukímán, the stationary; (2) Sálikán, the travelers or progressives, and (3) Wásilán, those who reach the ultimate goal. The second category has two subgroups: the Sálik-i-majzúb, those progressing in Divine Love, and the other, who has made more progress, is the Majzúb-i-Sálik (Dabistan iii. 251).
75. Arab. “Sundus,” a kind of brocade (low Lat. brocare, to figure cloth), silk worked in high relief with gold and silver. The idea is figurative meaning it was hung outside and inside with fine stuff, like the Ka’abah, the “Bride of Meccah.” The “lords” means simply the lost girl.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sundus,” a type of brocade (from the late Latin brocare, to pattern cloth), is silk woven in intricate designs with gold and silver. The concept is figurative, referring to how it was displayed on the outside and inside with high-quality materials, similar to the Ka’abah, the “Bride of Mecca.” The term “lords” simply refers to the missing girl.
76. Arab. “Ayn” lit. eye, also a fount, “the eye of the landscape” (a noble simile); and here a helper, guard, assistant.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Ayn” literally means eye, and can also refer to a spring, “the eye of the landscape” (a noble metaphor); and in this context, it signifies a helper, protector, or assistant.
77. “Lord” for lady, i.e. she.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. “Lord” means lady, i.e. she.
78. Arab. “Fi’l-khawáfik” = in the four quarters or among the flappers (standards) or amid palpitations of heart. The bride alludes to a festal reception in a town, with burning incense, drums, flags, etc., etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Fi’l-khawáfik” = in the four quarters or among the flappers (standards) or amid palpitations of heart. The bride refers to a celebratory reception in a town, with burning incense, drums, flags, and more.
79. In Egypt the shorter “honey-moon” lasts a week; and on the seventh day (pop. called Al-Subú’a) bride and bridegroom receive visits with all ceremony, of course in separate apartments. The seventh day (like the fortieth, the end of six months and the anniversary) is kept for births and deaths with Khatmahs (perlections) of the Koran, “Saylah” family gatherings and so forth. The fortieth day ends the real honey-moon. See Night dccxcii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In Egypt, the shorter "honey-moon" lasts a week, and on the seventh day (popularly called Al-Subú’a), the bride and groom receive visitors with all the ceremony, of course in separate rooms. The seventh day (like the fortieth day, the end of six months, and the anniversary) is reserved for births and deaths, with Khatmahs (recitations) of the Koran, "Saylah" family gatherings, and so on. The fortieth day marks the end of the real honey-moon. See Night dccxcii.
80. I have noted the popular practice, amongst men as well as women, of hiring the Hammam for private parties and picnicking in it during the greater part of the day. In this tale the bath would belong to the public and it was a mere freak of the bride to bathe with her bridegroom. “Respectable” people do not.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I've noticed that both men and women often rent the Hammam for private gatherings and spend most of the day there. In this story, the bath is meant for everyone, and it was just a quirky decision from the bride to bathe with her groom. “Respectable” people typically don't do that.
81. She speaks in the last line as the barber or the bathman.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.She talks in the final line as the barber or the bath attendant.
Abu Nowas one day shut himself up and, making ready a richly-furnished feast, collected for it meats of all kinds and of every colour that lips and tongue can desire. Then he went forth, to seek a minion worthy of such entertainment, saying, “Allah, my Lord and my Master, I beseech Thee to send me one who befitteth this banquet and who is fit to carouse with me this day!” Hardly had he made an end of speaking when he espied three youths handsome and beardless, as they were of the boys of Paradise,[83] differing in complexion but fellows in incomparable beauty; and all hearts yearned with desire to the swaying of their bending shapes, even to what saith the poet:—
Abu Nowas one day locked himself away and prepared an extravagant feast, gathering all kinds of meats in every color that anyone could desire. Then he set out to find a companion worthy of such a celebration, saying, “God, my Lord and my Master, I ask You to send me someone deserving of this banquet and fit to revel with me today!” As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed three young men who were handsome and beardless, like the boys of Paradise, differing in skin tone but united in unmatched beauty; everyone felt a yearning desire for their seductive movements, just as the poet says:—
Now Abu Nowas was given to these joys and loved to sport and make merry with fair boys and cull the rose from every brightly blooming cheek, even as saith the bard:—
Now Abu Nowas was all about these joys and loved to have fun and celebrate with handsome boys and pick the rose from every brightly blooming cheek, just like the poet says:—
So he accosted them with the salutation, and they returned his 64greeting with civility and all honour and would have gone their several ways, but he stayed them, repeating these couplets:—
So he approached them with a greeting, and they responded politely and with all due respect, ready to go their separate ways, but he held them back, reciting these lines:—
Thereupon the youths were beguiled by his verses and consented to his wishes——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Thereupon the young men were enchanted by his poetry and agreed to his requests——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped sharing her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Abu Nowas beguiled the youths with his verse, they consented to his wishes, saying, “We hear and obey;” and accompanied him to his lodging, where they found all ready that he had set forth in his couplets. They sat down and ate and drank and made merry awhile, after which they appealed to Abu Nowas to decide which of them was handsomest of face and shapeliest of form. So he pointed to one of them and, having kissed him twice over, recited the following verses:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when Abu Nowas charmed the young men with his poetry, they agreed to his requests, saying, 'We're in!' They followed him to his place, where everything he had mentioned in his verses was ready. They sat down, ate, drank, and had a good time for a while, and then they asked Abu Nowas to choose who among them was the most handsome and the best-looking. He pointed to one of them, kissed him twice, and recited these verses:—"
Then he pointed to another and, kissing his lips, repeated these couplets:—
Then he pointed to another and, kissing his lips, repeated these lines:—
65Then he pointed to the third and, after kissing him half a score times repeated these couplets:—
65Then he pointed to the third and, after kissing him ten times, repeated these lines:—
Now each of the youths had drunk two cups, and when it came to the turn of Abu Nowas, he took the goblet and repeated these couplets:—
Now each of the young men had drunk two cups, and when it was Abu Nowas's turn, he took the goblet and recited these couplets:—
Then he drank off his cup and the bowl went round, and when it came to Abu Nowas again, joyance got the mastery of him and he repeated these couplets:—
Then he finished his drink and passed the bowl around, and when it got back to Abu Nowas, he was overcome with joy and recited these couplets:—
Presently the drink got into his noddle, drunkenness mastered him and he knew not hand from head, so that he lolled from 66side to side in joy and inclined to the youths one and all, anon kissing them and anon embracing them leg overlying leg. And he showed no sense of sin or shame, but recited these couplets:—
Presently the drink hit him hard, and he was totally drunk, unable to tell his hand from his head. He swayed side to side in joy, leaning toward the youths, kissing them one moment and hugging them the next, with one leg over the other. He showed no awareness of sin or shame, but recited these couplets:—
While they were in this deboshed state behold, there came a knocking at the door; so they bade him who knocked enter, and behold, it was the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid. When they saw him, they all rose and kissed ground before him; and Abu Nowas threw off the fumes of the wine for awe of the Caliph, who said to him, “Holla, Abu Nowas!” He replied, “Adsum, at thy service, O Commander of the Faithful, whom Allah preserve!” The Caliph asked, “What state is this?” and the poet answered, “O Prince of True Believers, my state indubitably dispenseth with questions.” Quoth the Caliph, “O Abu Nowas, I have sought direction of Allah Almighty and have appointed thee Kazi of pimps and panders.” Asked he, “Dost thou indeed invest me with that high office, O Commander of the Faithful?” and the Caliph answered “I do;” whereupon Abu Nowas rejoined, “O Commander of the Faithful, hast thou any suit to prefer to me?” Hereat the Caliph was wroth and presently turned away and left them, full of rage, and passed the night sore an-angered against Abu Nowas, who amid the party he had invited spent the merriest of nights and the jolliest and joyousest. And when daybreak dawned and the star of morn appeared in sheen and shone, he broke up the sitting and, dismissing the youths, donned his court-dress and leaving his house set out for the palace of the Caliph. Now it was the custom of the Commander of the Faithful, when the Divan broke up, to withdraw 67to his sitting-saloon and summon thither his poets and cup-companions and musicians, each having his own place, which he might not overpass. So it happened that day, he retired to his saloon, and the friends and familiars came and seated themselves, each in his rank and degree. Presently, in walked Abu Nowas and was about to take his usual seat, when the Caliph cried to Masrur, the sworder, and bade him strip the poet of his clothes and bind an ass’s packsaddle on his back and a halter about his head and a crupper under his rump and lead him round to all the lodgings of the slave-girls,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
While they were in this wild state, there was a knock at the door; so they told the person knocking to come in, and it turned out to be the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid. When they saw him, they all stood up and bowed before him; and Abu Nowas shook off the effects of the wine out of respect for the Caliph, who said to him, “Hey, Abu Nowas!” He replied, “Here I am, at your service, O Commander of the Faithful, may Allah protect you!” The Caliph asked, “What’s going on here?” and the poet answered, “O Prince of True Believers, my condition surely speaks for itself.” The Caliph said, “O Abu Nowas, I have sought guidance from Allah Almighty and have appointed you as the Kazi of pimps and panders.” He asked, “Are you really giving me that high office, O Commander of the Faithful?” and the Caliph replied, “I am.” Abu Nowas then asked, “O Commander of the Faithful, do you have any request to make of me?” This made the Caliph angry, and he turned away, leaving them in a rage, and spent the night very upset with Abu Nowas, who, surrounded by the guests he had invited, had the most cheerful night. When dawn broke and the morning star appeared, he ended the gathering, sent the young men away, put on his court clothes, and left his house to head to the Caliph's palace. It was the custom of the Commander of the Faithful, after the council ended, to retreat to his sitting room and summon his poets, drink companions, and musicians, each with their designated place that they must not overstep. That day, he went into his sitting room, and his friends and acquaintances arrived and sat down in their assigned spots. Just then, Abu Nowas walked in and was about to take his usual seat when the Caliph called out to Masrur, the swordman, and ordered him to strip the poet of his clothes, put a pack saddle on his back, a halter around his head, a crupper under his rear, and lead him around to all the slave-girl quarters. And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted narrative.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph commanded Masrur, the sworder, to strip Abu Nowas of his court-suit and bind an ass’s packsaddle on his back and a halter about his head, and a crupper under his rump and lead him round to all the lodgings of the slave-girls, and the chambers of the Harim, that the women might make mock of him; then cut off his head and bring it to him. “Hearkening and obedience,” replied Masrur and, doing with Abu Nowas as the Caliph had bidden him, led him round all the chambers whose number equalled the days of the year; but Abu Nowas was a funny fellow, so he made all the girls laugh with his buffooneries and each gave him something whereby he returned not save with a pocketful of money. And while this was going on behold, Ja’afar the Barmecide, who had been absent on an important business for the Commander of the Faithful, entered and recognising the poet, albeit in this plight, said to him, “Holla, Abu Nowas!” He said, “Here at thy service, O our lord.” Ja’afar asked, “What offence hast thou committed to bring this punishment on thee?” Thereupon he answered, “None whatsoever, except that I made our lord the Caliph a present of the best of my poetry and he presented me, in return, with the best of his raiment.” When the Prince of True Believers heard this, he laughed, from a heart full of wrath,[98] and pardoned Abu Nowas, and also gave him a myriad of money. And they also recount the tale of
She said, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that the Caliph instructed Masrur, the executioner, to take Abu Nowas's court outfit away from him and put a donkey's packsaddle on his back, a halter around his head, and a crupper under his rear. He was to be paraded around to all the slave-girls' quarters and the rooms of the Harim so that the women could mock him; then cut off his head and bring it to him." "Understood and obeyed," replied Masrur, and after doing as the Caliph commanded, he led Abu Nowas around all the rooms, which numbered as many as the days of the year; however, Abu Nowas was quite the entertainer, so he made all the girls laugh with his antics, and each gave him something, returning with nothing but a pocketful of money. While this was happening, Ja’afar the Barmecide, who had been away on urgent business for the Commander of the Faithful, entered and, recognizing the poet despite his situation, said to him, "Hey, Abu Nowas!" He replied, "At your service, O our lord." Ja’afar inquired, "What did you do to deserve this punishment?" To which he answered, "Nothing at all, except that I gifted our lord the Caliph with the best of my poetry, and in return, he rewarded me with the finest of his clothes." When the Prince of True Believers heard this, he laughed, despite his anger, and pardoned Abu Nowas, also giving him a large amount of money. And they also recount the story of
82. Here the “Ana” begin; and they mostly date themselves. Of the following forty-nine, Lane (vol. ii. p. 578 et seq.) gives only twenty-two and transfers them to notes in chapt. xviii. He could hardly translate several of them in a work intended to be popular. Abu Nowás is a person carefully to be avoided; and all but anthropological students are advised to “skip” over anecdotes in which his name and abominations occur.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Here the “Ana” starts; and they generally date themselves. Of the following forty-nine, Lane (vol. ii. p. 578 et seq.) provides only twenty-two and moves them to notes in chapt. xviii. He could hardly translate several of them in a book meant for a general audience. Abu Nowás is someone best avoided; and everyone except anthropological students is advised to “skip” over stories that mention his name and his inappropriate actions.
83. Arab. “Ghilmán,” the counterpart, I have said, of the so-called “Houris.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Ghilmán,” which I mentioned, is the equivalent of the so-called “Houris.”
84. Mosul boasts of never having been polluted with idolatrous worship, an exemption which it owes to being a comparatively modern place.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Mosul takes pride in never being tainted by idol worship, a distinction it owes to its relatively modern history.
85. The Aleppines were once noted for debauchery; and the saying is still “Halabi Shelebi” (for Chelebi) = the Aleppine is a fellow fine.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The people of Aleppo were once famous for their excesses; and the saying still goes “Halabi Shelebi” (meaning a fine fellow from Aleppo).
86. Mr. Payne omits the last line. It refers to what Persian boys call, in half-Turkish phrase, “Alish Takish,” each acting woman after he has acted man. The best wine is still made in monasteries and the so-called Sinai convent is world-famous for its “Ráki” distilled from raisins.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Mr. Payne leaves out the last line. It talks about what Persian boys call, using a mix of Turkish, “Alish Takish,” each female performer after she has played a male role. The finest wine is still produced in monasteries, and the so-called Sinai convent is famous worldwide for its “Ráki,” which is made from raisins.
87. i.e. what a difference there is between them!
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. what a difference there is between them!
88. Arab. “Salli ala ‘l-Nabi,” a common phrase; meaning not only praise him to avert the evil eye; but also used when one would impose silence upon a babbler. The latter will shuffle off by ejaculating “Al” and continue his chatter (Pilgrimage ii. 279).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Salli ala ‘l-Nabi,” a common phrase; meaning not only praise him to ward off the evil eye, but also used when someone wants to silence a talkative person. The latter will often respond with “Al” and keep on talking (Pilgrimage ii. 279).
89. Arab. “Sukát” (plur. of Sáki, cupbearer, our old “skinker”): the pure gold (tibr) is the amber-coloured wine, like the Vino d’oro of the Libanus.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sukát” (plural of Sáki, cupbearer, our old “skinker”): the pure gold (tibr) is the amber-colored wine, similar to the Gold wine of the Lebanon.
90. That is, fair, white and red: Turkish slaves then abounded at Baghdad.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In other words, they were fair, white, and red: There were many Turkish slaves in Baghdad at that time.
91. A Wady near Meccah where one of Mohammed’s battles was fought. The line means his waist is a thread connected broad breast and large hind quarters.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A valley near Mecca where one of Mohammed’s battles took place. The line means his waist is a thread connecting a broad chest and large rear.
92. Arab. “Zaurá” which may mean crooked, alluding to the well-known rib.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zaurá” which might mean bent, referring to the well-known rib.
93. A pun. Bakr was the name of the eponymous chief and it also means virgin, as in Abu Bakr.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A pun. Bakr was the name of the chief it refers to, and it also means virgin, like in Abu Bakr.
94. Arab. “Jámi’ayn” = two cathedrals, any large (and consequently vicious) city.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Jámi’ayn” = two cathedrals, any large (and therefore brutal) city.
95. Arab. “Almá,” before noticed: I cannot translate “damask-lipped” to suit European taste.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Almá,” mentioned earlier: I can't translate “damask-lipped” to fit European preferences.
96. Sherbet flavoured with musk or apple to cool the mouth of “hot coppers.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Sherbet flavored with musk or apple to cool the mouths of “hotheads.”
97. Arab. “In’ásh” lit. raising from his bier. The whole tone is rollicking and slangy.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “In’ásh” literally means getting up from his grave. The overall vibe is playful and casual.
98. i.e. In spite of himself: the phrase often occurs.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. Despite his better judgment: the phrase is commonly used.
A certain man of Bassorah once bought a slave-girl and reared and educated her right well. Moreover, he loved her very dearly and spent all his substance in pleasuring and merry-making with her, till he had naught left and extreme poverty was sore upon him. So she said to him, “O my master, sell me; for thou needest my price and it maketh my heart ache to see thy sorry and want-full plight. If thou vend me and make use of my value, ‘twill be better for thee than keeping me by thee, and haply Almighty Allah will ample thee and amend thy fortune.” He agreed to this for the straitness of his case, and carried her to the bazar, where the broker offered her for sale to the Governor of Bassorah, by name Abdallah bin Ma’amar al-Taymi, and she pleased him. So he bought her, for five hundred dinars and paid the sum to her master; but when he took the money and was about to go away, the girl burst into tears and repeated these two couplets:—
A man from Bassorah once bought a slave girl and raised her well. He loved her dearly and spent all his money on pleasing and entertaining her until he had nothing left and fell into extreme poverty. She said to him, “Oh my master, sell me; you need the money, and it hurts my heart to see you in such a sorry state. If you sell me and use my value, it will be better for you than keeping me with you, and maybe Almighty Allah will support you and improve your situation.” He agreed because of his dire circumstances and took her to the market, where the broker offered her for sale to the Governor of Bassorah, named Abdallah bin Ma’amar al-Taymi, and she pleased him. He bought her for five hundred dinars and paid her master; but when he took the money and was about to leave, the girl burst into tears and recited these two couplets:—
And when her master heard this, he groaned and replied in these couplets:—
And when her master heard this, he sighed and responded with these lines:—
Now when Abdullah bin Ma’amar heard these verses and saw their affection, he exclaimed, “By Allah, I will not assist fate in separating you; for it is evident to me that ye two indeed love each other. So take the money and the damsel, O man, and Allah bless thee in both; for verily parting be grievous to lovers.” So they kissed his hand and going away, ceased not to dwell together, till death did them part; and glory be to Him whom death over-taketh not! And amongst stories is that of
Now when Abdullah bin Ma’amar heard these verses and saw their affection, he exclaimed, “By God, I will not help fate in separating you; for it's clear to me that you two truly love each other. So take the money and the girl, my friend, and may God bless you in both; for parting is indeed painful for lovers.” So they kissed his hand, and as they left, they continued to live together until death separated them; and glory be to Him whom death cannot overtake! And among the stories is that of
There was once, among the Banu ‘Ozrah, a handsome and accomplished man, who was never a single day out of love, and it chanced that he became enamoured of a beauty of his own tribe and sent her many messages; but she ceased not to entreat him with cruelty and disdain; till, for stress of love and longing and desire and distraction, he fell sick of a sore sickness and took to his pillow and murdered sleep. His malady redoubled on him and his torments increased and he was well nigh dead when his case became known among the folk and his passion notorious——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
There was once, among the Banu ‘Ozrah, a handsome and accomplished man who was never a single day without love. He happened to fall for a beauty from his own tribe and sent her many messages; but she continued to treat him cruelly and with disdain. Eventually, overwhelmed by love, longing, desire, and distraction, he fell seriously ill and took to his pillow, losing sleep. His condition worsened, and his suffering grew until he was nearly dead when his situation became known among the people, and his passion became infamous. —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her allowed narrative.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the man took to his pillow and murdered sleep. So his case became known among the folk and his passion notorious; and his infirmity grew upon him and his pains redoubled till he was well nigh dead. His family and hers were urgent with her to visit him, but she refused, till he was at the point of death when, being told of this, she relented towards him and vouchsafed him a visit. As soon as he saw her, his eyes ran over with tears and he repeated from a broken heart:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the man lay down and lost all ability to sleep. So, people started talking about him, and his obsession became well-known; his condition worsened, and his suffering increased until he was almost dead. His family and hers urged her to see him, but she refused, until he was on the brink of death. When she was informed of this, she softened and agreed to visit him. As soon as he saw her, he was overwhelmed with tears and, from a broken heart, he said:—"
Hearing this, she wept with sore weeping and said to him, “By Allah, I suspected not that passion had come to such a pass with thee, as to cast thee into the arms of death! Had I wist of this, I had been favourable to thy wish, and thou shouldst have 70had thy will.” At this his tears streamed down even as the clouds rail rain, and he repeated this verse:—
Hearing this, she cried hard and said to him, “By God, I never thought that your passion had pushed you to the brink of death! If I had known, I would have supported your desire, and you would have had your way.” At this, his tears flowed like rain from the clouds, and he recited this verse:— 70
Then he groaned one groan and died. So she fell on him, kissing him and weeping and ceased not weeping till she swooned away; and when she came to herself, she charged her people to bury her in his grave and with streaming eyes recited these two couplets:-
Then he let out one last groan and died. She collapsed onto him, kissing him and crying, and she wouldn’t stop crying until she fainted; when she regained consciousness, she instructed her people to bury her in his grave and, with tear-filled eyes, recited these two lines of poetry: -
Then she fell again to weeping, nor gave over shedding tears and lamenting till she fainted away; and she lay three days, senseless. Then she died and was buried in his grave. This is one of the strange chances of love.[101] And I have heard related a tale of the
Then she fell to crying again, and she couldn’t stop shedding tears and mourning until she passed out; she lay there for three days, unresponsive. Eventually, she died and was buried in his grave. This is one of the odd twists of love.[101] And I have heard a story about the
99. Europeans usually write “Beni” for “Banu;” the oblique for the nominative. I prefer “Odhrah” or “Ozrah” to Udhrah; because the Ayn before the Zál takes in pronunciation the more open sound.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Europeans typically write “Beni” instead of “Banu;” using the oblique form instead of the nominative. I prefer “Odhrah” or “Ozrah” over Udhrah because the Ayn before the Zál creates a more open sound in pronunciation.
100. Possibly meaning that they were shrouded together; this would be opposed to Moslem sense of decorum in modern days, but the ancient were not so squeamish. See Night cccxi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Maybe it suggests that they were wrapped together; this would go against the modern Muslim sense of modesty, but the ancients were not so sensitive. See Night cccxi.
101. This phase of passion in the “varium et mutabile” is often treated of by Oriental story-tellers, and not unoften seen in real Eastern life.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This phase of passion in the “varied and changeable” is often explored by Eastern storytellers and is frequently observed in actual life in the East.
It is said that Badr al-Din, Wazir of Al-Yaman, had a young brother of singular beauty and kept strait watch over him; so he applied himself to seek a tutor for him and, coming upon a Shaykh of dignified and reverend aspect, chaste and religious, lodged him in a house next his own. This lasted a long time, and he used to come daily from his dwelling to that of Sáhib[102] Badr al-Din and teach the young brother. After a while, the old man’s heart was taken with love for the youth, and longing grew upon him and his vitals were troubled, till one day, he bemoaned his case to the boy, who said, “What can I do, seeing that I 71may not leave my brother night or day? and thou thyself seest how careful he is over me.” Quoth the Shaykh, “My lodging adjoineth thine; so there will be no difficulty, when thy brother sleepeth, to rise and entering the privy, feign thyself asleep. Then come to the parapet[103] of the terrace-roof and I will receive thee on the other side of the wall; so shalt thou sit with me an eye-twinkling and return without thy brother’s knowledge.” “I hear and obey,” answered the lad; and the tutor began to prepare gifts suitable to his degree. Now when a while of the night was past, he entered the water-closet and waited till his brother lay down on his bed and took patience till he was drowned in sleep, when he rose and going to the parapet of the terrace-roof, found standing there to await him the old man, who gave him his hand and carried him to the sitting-chamber, where he had made ready various dainties for his entertainment, and they sat down to carouse. Now it was the night of the full moon and, as they sat with the wine-cup going round, her rays shone upon them, and the governor fell to singing. But, whilst they were thus in joy and jollity and mirth and merriment, such as confoundeth the wit and the sight and defieth description, lo! the Wazir awoke and, missing his brother, arose in affright and found the door open. So he went up to the roof and hearing a noise of talk, climbed over the parapet to the adjoining terrace and saw a light shining from the lodging. He looked in from behind the wall, and espied his brother and his tutor sitting at carouse: but the Shaykh became aware of him and sang cup in hand, to a lively measure these couplets:—
It’s said that Badr al-Din, the Wazir of Al-Yaman, had a younger brother who was exceptionally beautiful, and he kept a close watch over him. He sought out a tutor for him and found a Shaykh who was dignified, respectable, and devout, so he had him stay in a house next to his own. This went on for a long time, with the Shaykh coming daily from his place to teach the young brother. After a while, the old man's heart was captured by love for the youth, and his longing grew, troubling him deeply. One day, he lamented his feelings to the boy, who replied, “What can I do, since I can’t leave my brother day or night? You see how careful he is with me.” The Shaykh said, “My home is next to yours; it will be easy for you to rise when your brother is asleep, pretend to go to the bathroom, and then come to the terrace wall. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side, and you can join me for a while without your brother knowing.” The young man agreed, saying, “I hear and obey,” and the tutor began preparing gifts appropriate for him. Later that night, when some time had passed, the boy entered the bathroom and waited until his brother fell asleep. After being patient until his brother was deeply asleep, he rose and went to the terrace wall, where the old man was waiting for him. The Shaykh took his hand and led him to a sitting room, where he had prepared various delicacies for their enjoyment, and they began their revelry. It was a full moon night, and as they enjoyed the wine, the moonlight shone upon them, and the governor began to sing. But while they were lost in joy and merriment, a joy so overwhelming that it was beyond description, the Wazir awoke and, noticing his brother was missing, grew alarmed and found the door open. He went up to the roof, and hearing voices, climbed over to the adjacent terrace and saw a light coming from the Shaykh's place. He peeked around the wall and spotted his brother and the tutor celebrating together, but the Shaykh noticed him and lifted his cup to sing these couplets:—
And it proved the perfect politeness of the Wazir Badr al-Din that, when he heard this, he said, “By Allah, I will not betray you!” And he went away and left them to their diversions. They also tell a tale concerning
And it showed the perfect politeness of Wazir Badr al-Din that, when he heard this, he said, “By Allah, I will not betray you!” Then he walked away and left them to their fun. They also share a story about
102. As has been said, “Sáhib” (preceding the name not following it as in India) is a Wazirial title in mediæval Islam.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.As mentioned, “Sáhib” (used before the name instead of after it like in India) is a Wazirial title in medieval Islam.
103. This parapet was rendered obligatory by Moses (Deut. xxii. 8) on account of the danger of leaving a flat roof without garde-fou. Eastern Christians neglect the precaution and often lose their children by the neglect.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Moses made it mandatory to have a parapet (Deut. xxii. 8) because of the risk of having a flat roof without a guardrail. Eastern Christians often overlook this safety measure and frequently suffer the loss of their children due to this oversight.
A free boy and a slave-girl once learnt together in school, and the boy fell passionately in love with the girl.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
A free boy and a slave girl once studied together in school, and the boy fell deeply in love with the girl.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped sharing her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the lad fell passionately in love with the slave-lass: so one day, when the other boys were heedless, he took her tablet[104] and wrote on it these two couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the young man fell deeply in love with the slave girl. So one day, when the other boys weren’t paying attention, he took her tablet[104] and wrote these two couplets on it:—
Now when the girl took her tablet, she read the verses written thereon and understanding them, wept for ruth of him; then she wrote thereunder these two couplets:—
Now when the girl picked up her tablet, she read the verses written on it and, understanding them, cried out of pity for him; then she wrote these two couplets below:—
Now it chanced that the teacher came in on them and taking the tablet, unnoticed, read what was written thereon. So he was moved to pity of their case and wrote on the tablet beneath those already written these two couplets addressed to the girl:—
Now it just so happened that the teacher walked in on them and quietly took the tablet, reading what was written on it. He felt pity for their situation and wrote below what was already there these two couplets addressed to the girl:—
Presently it so happened that the girl’s owner entered the school about the same time and, finding the tablet, read the above verses indited by the boy, the girl and the schoolmaster; and wrote under them these two couplets:—
Presently, the girl's owner came into the school around the same time and, finding the tablet, read the verses written by the boy, the girl, and the schoolmaster; and added these two couplets underneath:—
Then he sent for the Kazi and witnesses and married them on the spot. Moreover, he made them a wedding-feast and treated them with exceeding munificence; and they ceased not abiding together in joy and happiness, till there came to them the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies. And equally pleasant is the story of
Then he called for the Kazi and witnesses and married them right there. He also threw them a wedding feast and treated them with great generosity. They continued to live together in joy and happiness until the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies came to them. And equally pleasant is the story of
104. Arab. “Lauh.” A bit of thin board washed white used for lessons as slates are amongst us, and as easily cleaned because the inks contain no minerals. It is a long parallelogram with triangular ears at the short sides; and the shape must date from ages immemorial as it is found, throughout Syria and its adjoinings, in the oldest rock inscriptions to which the form serves as a frame. Hence the “abacus” or counting table derives from the Gr. ἄβαζ a slab (or in Phenician “sand”), dust or sand in old days having been strewed on a table or tablet for schoolboys’ writings and mathematical diagrams.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Lauh.” A thin board painted white that’s used for lessons like slates are among us, and it’s just as easy to clean because the inks don’t contain any minerals. It’s shaped like a long parallelogram with triangular ends on the short sides; this design has likely been around for ages since it appears, throughout Syria and its neighboring regions, in the oldest rock inscriptions where the shape acts as a frame. Therefore, the “abacus” or counting table comes from the Greek ἄβαζ, which means a slab (or in Phoenician “sand”), as dust or sand was spread on a table or tablet for schoolboys’ writing and math diagrams.
It is related that Al-Mutalammis[105] once fled from Al-Nu’uman bin Munzir[106] and was absent so long that folk deemed him dead. Now he had a beautiful wife, Umaymah by name, and her family urged her to marry again; but she refused, for that she loved her husband Al-Mutalammis very dearly. However, they were urgent with her, because of the multitude of her suitors, and importuned her till she at last consented, albe reluctantly; and they espoused her to a man of her own tribe. Now on the night of the wedding, Al-Mutalammis came back and, hearing in the camp a noise of pipes and tabrets and seeing signs of a wedding festival, asked 74some of the children what was the merry making, to which they replied, “They have married Umaymah wife of Al-Mutalammis, to such an one, and he goes in to her this night.” When he heard this, he planned to enter the house amongst the mob of women and saw the twain seated on the bridal couch.[107] By and by, the bridegroom came up to her, whereupon she sighed heavily and weeping, recited this couplet:—
It’s said that Al-Mutalammis[105] once ran away from Al-Nu’uman bin Munzir[106] and was gone so long that people thought he was dead. He had a beautiful wife named Umaymah, and her family pushed her to remarry. But she refused because she loved her husband Al-Mutalammis very much. Still, they insisted because of the number of her suitors, and they pressured her until she finally agreed, though reluctantly; they married her off to a man from her own tribe. On the night of the wedding, Al-Mutalammis returned. Hearing music and the sounds of a celebration in the camp and seeing signs of a wedding, he asked some children what the festivities were about. They told him, “Umaymah, the wife of Al-Mutalammis, has been married to this man, and he’s going in to her tonight.” Upon hearing this, he decided to enter the house among the group of women and saw the couple sitting together on the bridal couch.[107] After a while, the bridegroom approached her, and in response, she sighed deeply and, with tears in her eyes, recited this couplet:—
Now Al-Mutalammis was a renowned poet; so he answered her saying:—
Now Al-Mutalammis was a famous poet, so he replied to her saying:—
When the bridegroom heard this, he guessed how the case stood and went forth from among them in haste improvising:—
When the groom heard this, he quickly figured out what was going on and hurriedly left them, thinking on his feet:—
And he returned not but left the twain to their privacy. So Al-Mutalammis and his wife abode together in all comfort and solace of life and in all its joys and jollities till death parted them. And glory be to Him at whose command the earth and the heavens shall arise! And among other tales is that of
And he didn't come back but left the two of them to their own privacy. So Al-Mutalammis and his wife lived together in comfort and happiness, enjoying all the joys and pleasures of life until death separated them. And glory be to Him at whose command the earth and the heavens will arise! And among other stories is that of
105. A pre-Islamitic bard and friend of Tarafah the poet of the Suspended or “Prize Poem.” The tale is familiar to all the Moslem East. Tarafah’s Laura was one Khaulá.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A pre-Islamic poet and friend of Tarafah, the poet of the Suspended or “Prize Poem.” The story is well-known throughout the Muslim East. Tarafah’s Laura was actually Khaulá.
106. King of Hirah in Chaldæa, a drunken and bloodthirsty tyrant. When offended by the lampoons of the two poets he sent them with litteræ Bellerophontiæ to the Governor of Al-Bahrayn. Al-Mutalammis “smelt a rat” and destroyed his charge, but Tarafah was mutilated and buried alive, the victim of a trick which is old as (and older than) good King David and Uriah. Of course neither poet could read.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.King of Hirah in Chaldæa, a drunken and bloodthirsty tyrant. When offended by the satirical verses of the two poets, he sent them with letters Bellerophontiæ to the Governor of Al-Bahrayn. Al-Mutalammis "smelled a rat" and destroyed his delivery, but Tarafah was mutilated and buried alive, the victim of a scheme that's as old as (or even older than) good King David and Uriah. Of course, neither poet could read.
107. On this occasion, and in presence of the women only, the groom first sees or is supposed to see the face of his wife. It is, I have said, the fashion for both to be greatly overcome and to appear as if about to faint: the groom looks especially ridiculous when so attitudinising.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.On this occasion, and in the presence of only the women, the groom first sees—or is supposed to see—the face of his bride. As I mentioned, it’s customary for both of them to be extremely overwhelmed and to look like they are about to faint; the groom especially looks quite silly when he poses like that.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid loved the Lady Zubaydah with exceeding love and laid out for her a pleasaunce, wherein he made a great tank and set thereabouts a screen of trees and led thither water from all sides; hence the trees grew and interlaced over the basin so densely, that one could go in and wash, without being 75seen of any, for the thickness of the leafage. It chanced, one day, that Queen Zubaydah entered the garden and, coming to the swimming-bath,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid was deeply in love with Lady Zubaydah and created a lovely retreat for her, which included a large pool surrounded by a screen of trees. He directed water to flow in from all sides, allowing the trees to grow so thick and intertwined over the basin that someone could wash without being seen due to the dense foliage. One day, Queen Zubaydah came into the garden and, approaching the swimming pool—And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Queen Zubaydah entered the garden one day and, coming to the swimming-bath, gazed upon its goodliness; and the sheen of the water and the overshading of the trees pleased her. Now it was a day of exceeding heat; so she doffed her clothes and, entering the tank, which was not deep enough to cover the whole person, fell to pouring the water over herself from an ewer of silver. It also happened that the Caliph heard she was in the pool; so he left his palace and came down to spy upon her through the screen of the foliage. He stood behind the trees and espied her mother-nude, showing everything that is kept hidden. Presently, she became aware of him and turning, saw him behind the trees and was ashamed that he should see her naked. So she laid her hands on her parts, but the Mount of Venus escaped from between them, by reason of its greatness and plumpness; and the Caliph at once turned and went away, wondering and reciting this couplet:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that Queen Zubaydah went into the garden one day and, upon reaching the swimming pool, admired its beauty; the sparkle of the water and the shade of the trees delighted her. It was an extremely hot day, so she took off her clothes and entered the pool, which wasn’t deep enough to cover her completely, and began pouring water over herself with a silver jug. At the same time, the Caliph heard she was in the pool, so he left his palace and came to watch her through the leaves. He hid behind the trees and saw her completely naked, revealing everything that is usually concealed. Soon, she noticed him and turned to see him behind the trees, feeling embarrassed that he saw her exposed. She tried to cover herself, but her curves were too pronounced to hide entirely; and the Caliph immediately turned and left, baffled and reciting this couplet:—"
But he knew not what to say next; so he sent for Abu Nowas and said to him, “Make me a piece of verse commencing with this line.” “I hear and obey,” replied the poet and in an eye-twinkling extemporised these couplets:—
But he didn't know what to say next, so he called for Abu Nowas and said to him, “Create a poem starting with this line.” “I hear and obey,” replied the poet and quickly made up these couplets:—
76Thereupon the Commander of the Faithful smiled and made him a handsome present and he went away rejoicing. And I have heard another story of
76Then the Commander of the Faithful smiled and gave him a generous gift, and he left feeling happy. And I have heard another story about
108. This leisurely operation of the “deed of kind” was sure to be noticed; but we do not find in The Nights any allusion to that systematic prolongatio veneris which is so much cultivated by Moslems under the name Imsák = retention, withholding i.e. the semen. Yet Eastern books on domestic medicine consist mostly of two parts; the first of general prescriptions and the second of aphrodisiacs especially those qui prolongent le plaisir as did the Gaul by thinking of sa pauvre mère. The Ananga-Ranga, by the Reverend Koka Pandit before quoted, gives a host of recipes which are used, either externally or internally, to hasten the paroxysm of the woman and delay the orgasm of the man (p. 27). Some of these are curious in the extreme. I heard of a Hindi who made a candle of frogs’ fat and fibre warranted to retain the seed till it burned out: it failed notably because, relying upon it, he worked too vigorously. The essence of the “retaining art” is to avoid over-tension of the muscles and to pre-occupy the brain: hence in coition Hindus will drink sherbet, chew betel-nut and even smoke. Europeans ignoring the science and practice, are contemptuously compared with village-cocks by Hindu women who cannot be satisfied, such is their natural coldness, increased doubtless by vegetable diet and unuse of stimulants, with less than twenty minutes. Hence too while thousands of Europeans have cohabited for years with and have had families by “native women,” they are never loved by them:—at least I never heard of a case.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The easygoing way of handling the "deed of kindness" was bound to be noticed; however, we don’t see any mention in The Nights of the systematic prolonged intimate connection that is highly regarded by Muslims, known as Imsák = retention, withholding that is the semen. Nevertheless, Eastern books on household medicine mainly consist of two sections: the first includes general guidelines, and the second focuses on aphrodisiacs, especially those that extend the enjoyment, similar to how the Gaul thought of his poor mother. The Ananga-Ranga, by the Reverend Koka Pandit mentioned earlier, offers a variety of recipes used, either externally or internally, to quicken a woman’s climax and delay a man’s orgasm (p. 27). Some of these are quite unusual. I heard of a guy in India who made a candle from frog fat and fiber, claiming it would keep the seed until it burned out: it didn’t work well because he relied on it and ended up overexerting himself. The essence of the "retaining art" is to avoid straining the muscles and occupy the mind: therefore, during sex, Hindus will drink sherbet, chew betel nut, and even smoke. Europeans, disregarding the science and method, are dismissively compared to village cocks by Hindu women who can’t be satisfied, as their natural coldness—likely worsened by a plant-based diet and lack of stimulants—means they need more than twenty minutes. Thus, while thousands of Europeans have lived with and started families with "native women," they are rarely loved in return: at least, I’ve never heard of a case.
The Prince of True Believers, Caliph Harun al-Rashid, was exceeding restless one night; so he rose and walked about his palace, till he happened on a handmaid overcome with wine. Now he was prodigiously enamoured of this damsel; so he played with her and pulled her to him, whereupon her zone fell down and her petticoat-trousers were loosed and he besought her of amorous favour. But she said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful wait till to-morrow night, for I am unprepared for thee, knowing not of thy coming.” So he left her and went away. But, when the morrow showed its light and the sun shone bright, he sent a page to her saying, “The Commander of the Faithful is about to visit thine apartment;” but she replied, “Day doth away with the promise of night.” So he said to his courtiers, make me somewhat of verse, introducing these words, “The promise of Night is effaced by Day.” Answered they, “We hear and obey,” and Al-Rakáshi[109] came forward and recited the following couplets:—
The Prince of True Believers, Caliph Harun al-Rashid, was feeling extremely restless one night, so he got up and walked around his palace until he came across a servant girl who was drunk. He was very much in love with her, so he played with her and pulled her close, which made her belt fall and her trousers loosen. He asked her for some romantic favor. But she replied, “O Commander of the Faithful, wait until tomorrow night, as I’m not ready for you; I didn’t expect your visit.” So, he left her and went away. When morning came and the sun was shining brightly, he sent a servant to her, saying, “The Commander of the Faithful is going to visit your room;” but she answered, “Daylight invalidates the promise of night.” He then told his courtiers to create some verses including the words, “The promise of Night is effaced by Day.” They responded, “We hear and obey,” and Al-Rakáshi[109] stepped forward and recited the following couplets:—
Then Abu Mus’ab came forward and recited these couplets:—
Then Abu Mus’ab stepped up and recited these lines:—
Last came Abu Nowas and recited the following couplets:—
Last came Abu Nowas and recited the following couplets:—
The Caliph bade give a myriad of money each to Al-Rakashi and Abu Mus’ab, but bade strike off the head of Abu Nowas, saying, “Thou wast with us yesternight in the palace.” Said he, “By Allah, I slept not but in my own house! I was directed to what I said by thine own words as to the subject of the verse; and indeed quoth Almighty Allah (and He is the truest of all speakers):—As for poets (devils pursue them!) dost thou not see that they rove as bereft of their senses through every valley and that they say that which they do not?”[110] So the Caliph forgave him and gave him two myriads of money. And another tale is that of
The Caliph ordered to give a large sum of money to both Al-Rakashi and Abu Mus’ab, but commanded the execution of Abu Nowas, saying, “You were with us last night in the palace.” He replied, “By Allah, I did not sleep anywhere but in my own home! I was led to what I said by your own words regarding the verse; and indeed, Almighty Allah (and He speaks the truth!) says:—As for poets (the devils chase them!), don’t you see that they wander like they’ve lost their minds through every valley and say things that aren’t true?”[110] So the Caliph forgave him and gave him a large sum of money. And another story is about
109. Abu ‘l Abbas al-Rakáshi, a poet of the time. The saying became proverbial (Burckhardt’s A. Proverbs No. 561) and there are variants, e.g. The night’s promise is spread with butter that melteth when day ariseth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Abu ‘l Abbas al-Rakáshi, a poet from that era. The saying became well-known (Burckhardt’s A. Proverbs No. 561) and there are variations, e.g. The night’s promise is spread with butter that melts when day breaks.
110. Koran xxvi. 5, 6 or “And those who err (Arab. Al-gháwún) follow the footsteps of the poets,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran xxvi. 5, 6 or “And those who stray (Arab. Al-gháwún) follow the paths of the poets,” etc.
It is told of Mus’ab bin al-Zubayr[111] that he met in Al-Medinah Izzah, who was one of the shrewdest of women, and said to her, “I have a mind to marry Ayishah[112] daughter of Talhah, and I should like thee to go her-wards and spy out for me how she is made.” So she went away and returning to Mus’ab, said, “I have seen her, and her face is fairer than health; she hath large and well-opened eyes and under them a nose straight and smooth as a cane; oval cheeks and a mouth like a cleft pomegranate, a neck as a silver ewer and below it a bosom with two breasts like twin-pomegranates and further down a slim waist and a slender stomach with a navel therein as it were a casket of ivory, and back parts like a hummock of sand; and plumply rounded thighs and calves like columns of alabaster; but I saw her feet to be large, and thou wilt fall short with her in time of need.” Upon this report he married her——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
It is said that Mus’ab bin al-Zubayr[111] met a clever woman named Izzah in Al-Medinah and said to her, “I’m thinking about marrying Ayishah[112], the daughter of Talhah, and I’d like you to go check her out for me.” So, she went and when she returned, she told Mus’ab, “I’ve seen her, and her face is more beautiful than health; she has large, wide-open eyes and a straight, smooth nose like a cane; her cheeks are oval and her mouth resembles a split pomegranate. She has a neck like a silver pitcher and breasts like twin pomegranates. Below that, she has a slim waist and a slender stomach with a navel that looks like an ivory casket, and her backside is like a mound of sand; her thighs are pleasantly rounded and her calves are like alabaster columns. However, I noticed her feet are large, and you may find that lacking in a time of need.” After hearing this, he married her——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn had come and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Izzah this wise reported of Ayishah bint Talhah, Mus’ab married her and went in to her. And presently Izzah invited Ayishah and the women of the tribe Kuraysh to her house, when Ayishah sang these two couplets with Mus’ab standing by:—
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that when Izzah reported this about Ayishah bint Talhah, Mus’ab married her and was with her. Soon after, Izzah invited Ayishah and the women of the Quraysh tribe to her house, where Ayishah sang these two couplets with Mus’ab standing by:"
The night of Mus’ab’s going in unto her, he departed not from her, till after seven bouts; and on the morrow, a freedwoman of his met him and said to him, “May I be thy sacrifice! Thou 79art perfect, even in this.” And a certain woman said, “I was with Ayishah, when her husband came in to her, and she lusted for him; so he fell upon her and she snarked and snorted and made use of all manner of wondrous movements and marvellous new inventions, and I the while within hearing.” So, when he came out from her, I said to her, “How canst thou do thus with thy rank and nobility and condition, and I in thy house?” Quoth she, “Verily a woman should bring her husband all of which she is mistress, by way of excitement and rare buckings and wrigglings and motitations.[113] What dislikest thou of this?” And I answered “I would have this by nights.” Rejoined she, “Thus is it by day and by night I do more than this; for when he seeth me, desire stirreth him up and he falleth in heat; so he putteth it out to me and I obey him, and it is as thou seest.” And there also hath reached me an account of
The night Mus’ab was with her, he didn’t leave until after seven rounds; and the next morning, a freedwoman of his approached him and said, “I’d give anything for you! You’re incredible, even at this.” A woman mentioned, “I was with Ayishah when her husband came to her, and she was very attracted to him; so he went for her, and she gasped and made all sorts of amazing movements and impressive new techniques, and I was listening in the background.” When he came out from her, I said to her, “How can you act this way with your status and background, while I’m in your house?” She replied, “A woman should bring everything she knows to excite her husband through unique moves and enticing motions. What don’t you like about this?” I answered, “I’d prefer this at night.” She replied, “It's the same day and night; I do even more than this. When he sees me, his desire ignites, and he gets really passionate; so he initiates things, and I go along with it, and it’s exactly as you see.” And I also received a report about
111. Half-brother of Abdullah bin al-Zubayr, the celebrated pretender.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Half-brother of Abdullah bin al-Zubayr, the famous claimant.
112. Grand-daughter of the Caliph Abu Bakr and the most beautiful woman of her day.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Granddaughter of Caliph Abu Bakr and the most beautiful woman of her time.
113. The Calc. Edit. by mistake reads “Izzah.” Torrens (notes i.-xi.) remarks “The word Ghoonj is applied to this sort of blandishment” (i.e. an affected gait), and says Burckhardt (Prov. No. 685), “The women of Cairo flatter themselves that their Ghoonj is superior to that of all other females in the Levant.” But Torrens did not understand and Burckhardt would not explain “Ghunj” except by “assumed airs” (see No. 714). It here means the art of moving in coition, which is especially affected, even by modest women, throughout the East and they have many books teaching the genial art. In China there are professors, mostly old women, who instruct young girls in this branch of the gymnastic.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Calc. Edit. mistakenly reads “Izzah.” Torrens (notes i.-xi.) points out that “The word Ghoonj is used to describe this type of flirtation” (i.e. an affected walk), and mentions Burckhardt (Prov. No. 685), stating, “The women of Cairo believe their Ghoonj is better than that of all other women in the Levant.” However, Torrens did not grasp the meaning, and Burckhardt would only refer to “Ghunj” as “pretentious behavior” (see No. 714). In this context, it refers to the skill of moving during intimacy, which is particularly emphasized, even by conservative women, throughout the East, and there are many books that teach this delightful skill. In China, there are instructors, mostly elderly women, who teach young girls this aspect of physical education.
Abu al-Aswad bought a native-born slave-girl, who was blind of an eye, and she pleased him; but his people decried her to him; whereat he wondered and, turning the palms of his hands upwards,[114] recited these two couplets:—
Abu al-Aswad bought a local slave girl who was blind in one eye, and she made him happy; however, his family criticized her to him. He was surprised by this and, raising his hands in disbelief, recited these two couplets:—
And this is also told of
And this is also said of
114. When reciting the Fátihah (opening Koranic chapter), the hands are held in this position as if to receive a blessing falling from Heaven; after which both palms are passed down the face to distribute it over the eyes and other organs of sense.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.When saying the Fátihah (the opening chapter of the Quran), the hands are positioned as if to catch a blessing from Heaven; afterward, both palms are moved down the face to spread it over the eyes and other sensory organs.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid lay one night between two slave-girls, one from Al-Medinah and the other from Cufa and the Cufite rubbed his hands, whilst the Medinite rubbed his feet and made his concern[115] stand up. Quoth the Cufite, “I see thou wouldst keep the whole of the stock-in-trade to thyself; give me my share of it.” And the other answered, “I have been told by Málik, on the authority of Hishám ibn Orwah,[116] who had it of his (grand) father, that the Prophet said, “Whoso quickeneth the dead, the dead belongeth to him and is his.”” But the Cufite took her unawares and, pushing her away, seized it all in her own hand and said, “Al-A’amash telleth us, on the authority of Khaysamah, who had it of Abdallah bin Mas’úd, that the Prophet declared, Game belongeth to him who taketh it, not to him who raiseth it.” And this is also related of
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid was lying one night between two slave-girls, one from Al-Medinah and the other from Cufa. The girl from Cufa rubbed his hands while the girl from Al-Medinah rubbed his feet, making a certain concern stand up. The Cufite said, “I see you want to keep everything for yourself; give me my share.” The other replied, “I’ve been told by Málik, based on what Hishám ibn Orwah reported from his grandfather, that the Prophet said, ‘Whoever revives something dead, it belongs to them.’” But the Cufite unexpectedly pushed her away, took everything for herself, and said, “Al-A’amash tells us, based on Khaysamah, who got it from Abdallah bin Mas’ūd, that the Prophet declared, ‘Game belongs to the one who takes it, not to the one who raises it.’” And this is also related of
115. The word used is “bizá’at” = capital or a share in a mercantile business.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The term “bizá’at” refers to capital or a stake in a business venture.
116. This and the following names are those of noted traditionists of the eighth century, who derive back to Abdallah bin Mas’úd, a “Companion of the Apostle.” The text shows the recognised formula of ascription for quoting a “Hadís” = saying of Mohammed; and sometimes it has to pass through half a dozen mouths.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This and the following names are those of well-known traditionists from the eighth century, who trace their teachings back to Abdallah bin Mas’úd, a “Companion of the Apostle.” The text displays the standard way of attributing a “Hadís” = saying of Mohammed; and sometimes it has to go through several sources.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid once slept with three slave-girls, a Meccan, a Medinite and an Irakite. The Medinah girl put her hand to his yard and handled it, whereupon it rose and the Meccan sprang up and drew it to herself. Quoth the other, “What is this unjust aggression? A tradition was related to me by Málik[117] after Al-Zuhri, after Abdallah ibn Sálim, after Sa’íd bin Zayd, that the Apostle of Allah (whom Allah bless and keep!) said:—Whoso enquickeneth a dead land, it is his.” And the Meccan answered, “It is related to us by Sufyán, from Abu 81Zanád, from Al-A’araj, from Abu Horayrah, that the Apostle of Allah said:—“The quarry is his who catcheth it, not his who starteth it.”” But the Irak girl pushed them both away and taking it to herself, said, “This is mine, till your contention be decided.” And they tell a tale of
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid once slept with three slave girls: one from Mecca, one from Medina, and one from Iraq. The girl from Medina touched him, causing him to respond, and the girl from Mecca quickly drew him to her. The other girl exclaimed, “What is this unfair behavior? I heard a tradition from Málik[117] after Al-Zuhri, after Abdallah ibn Sálim, after Sa’íd bin Zayd, that the Prophet of Allah (may Allah bless him and keep him!) said: ‘Whoever revives a dead land, it belongs to him.’” The girl from Mecca replied, “It was told to us by Sufyán, from Abu Zanád, from Al-A’raj, from Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet of Allah said: ‘The quarry belongs to the one who catches it, not the one who starts it.’” However, the girl from Iraq pushed both of them away, took hold of the situation, and said, “This is mine, until your dispute is settled.” And they tell a tale of
117. Traditionists of the seventh and eighth centuries who refer back to the “Father of the Kitten” (Abu Horayrah), an uncle of the Apostle.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Traditionists from the seventh and eighth centuries who look back to the “Father of the Kitten” (Abu Horayrah), an uncle of the Apostle.
There was a miller, who had an ass to turn his mill; and he was married to a wicked wife, whom he loved, while she hated him because she was sweet upon a neighbour, who misliked her and held aloof from her. One night, the miller saw, in his sleep, one who said to him, “Dig in such a spot of the ass’s round in the mill, and thou shalt find a hoard.” When he awoke, he told his wife the vision and bade her keep the secret; but she told her neighbour——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
There was a miller who had a donkey to operate his mill, and he was married to a wicked wife whom he loved, while she despised him because she had a crush on a neighbor who wasn’t interested in her and kept his distance. One night, the miller had a dream in which someone told him, “Dig in a certain spot near the donkey's round in the mill, and you will find a treasure.” When he woke up, he shared the vision with his wife and asked her to keep it a secret; but she told her neighbor——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the miller’s wife told the secret to the neighbour whom she loved, thinking to win his favour; and he agreed with her to come to her by night. So he came and they dug in the mill and found the treasure and took it forth. Then he asked her, “How shall we do with this?” and she answered; “We will divide it into two halves and will share it equally between us, and do thou leave thy wife and I will cast about to rid me of my husband. Then shalt thou marry me and, when we are conjoined, we will join the two halves of the treasure one to other, and all will be in our hands.” Quoth he, “I fear lest Satan seduce thee and thou take some man other than myself; for gold in the house is like the sun in the world. I reck, therefore, it were right that the money be all in my hands, so thou give thy whole mind to getting free of thy husband and coming to me.” Quoth she, “I fear even as thou fearest, nor will I yield up my part to thee; for it was I directed thee to it.” When he heard this, greed of gain prompted 82him to kill her; so he slew her and threw her body into the empty hoard-hole; but day overtook him and hindered him from covering it up; he therefore took the money and went his way. Now after a while the miller awoke and, missing his wife, went into the mill, where he fastened the ass to the beam and shouted to it. It went on a little, then stopped; whereupon he beat it grievously; but the more he bashed it, the more it drew back; for it was affrighted at the dead woman and could not go forward. Thereupon the Miller, unknowing what hindered the donkey, took out a knife and goaded it again and again, but still it would not budge. Then he was wroth with it, knowing not the cause of its obstinacy, and drove the knife into its flanks, and it fell down dead. But when the sun rose, he saw his donkey lying dead and likewise his wife in the place of the treasure, and great was his rage and sore his wrath for the loss of his hoard and the death of his wife and his ass. All this came of his letting his wife into his secret and not keeping it to himself.[118] And I have heard this tale of
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the miller's wife revealed the secret to the neighbor she liked, hoping to win his favor; and he agreed to visit her at night. So he came, and they dug in the mill, found the treasure, and took it out. Then he asked her, 'What should we do with this?' and she replied, 'We'll divide it in half and share it equally. You should leave your wife, and I'll find a way to get rid of my husband. Then you can marry me, and once we're together, we can combine our halves of the treasure, and it will all belong to us.' He said, 'I'm worried that Satan might tempt you to take another man besides me; after all, gold in the house is like the sun in the world. So I think it's best if the money is all in my hands, so you can focus on getting rid of your husband and coming to me.' She replied, 'I’m just as afraid as you are, and I won’t give you my share because I was the one who led you to it.' When he heard this, his greed drove him to kill her; he murdered her and dumped her body into the empty treasure hole. But daylight came and prevented him from covering it up, so he took the money and left. Later, the miller woke up, noticed his wife was missing, and went to the mill, where he tied the donkey to the beam and shouted for it. The donkey moved a little, then stopped, so he beat it harshly; but the more he hit it, the more it resisted because it was terrified of the dead woman and couldn’t move. Not knowing what was stopping the donkey, the Miller pulled out a knife and prodded it repeatedly, but it still wouldn’t budge. He became furious with it, unaware of the reason for its stubbornness, and stabbed it in its side, killing it. When the sun rose, he saw his donkey lying dead and also found his wife where the treasure had been, and he was filled with rage and grief over the loss of both his treasure and his wife and donkey. All this happened because he trusted his wife with his secret and didn't keep it to himself.[118] And I have heard this tale of
118. Eastern story-books abound in these instances. Pilpay says in “Kalilah wa Dimnah,” “I am the slave of what I have spoken and the lord of what I keep hidden.” Sa’adi follows suit, “When thou speakest not a word, thou hast thy hand upon it; when it is once spoken it hath laid its hand on thee.” Caxton, in the “Dyctes, or Sayings of Philosophers” (printed in 1477) uses almost the same words.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Eastern storybooks are full of these examples. Pilpay states in “Kalilah wa Dimnah,” “I am a servant to what I have said and the master of what I keep secret.” Sa’adi echoes this, “When you say nothing, you have control over it; once it is spoken, it has control over you.” Caxton, in the “Dyctes, or Sayings of Philosophers” (printed in 1477), uses nearly the same words.
A certain simpleton was once walking along, haling his ass after him by the halter, when a pair of sharpers saw him and one said to his fellow, “I will take that ass from yonder wight.” Asked the other, “How wilt thou do that?” “Follow me and I will show thee how,” answered the first. So the cony-catcher went up to the ass and, loosing it from the halter, gave the beast to his fellow; then he haltered his own head and followed Tom Fool till he knew the other had got clean off with the ass, when he stood still. The oaf haled at the halter, but the rascal stirred not; so he turned and seeing the halter on a man’s neck, said to him, “What art thou?” Quoth the sharper, “I am thine ass and my story is a wondrous one and ‘tis this. Know that I have a pious old mother and came in to her one day, drunk; and she said to 83me:—O my son, repent to the Almighty of these thy transgressions. But I took my staff and beat her, whereupon she cursed me and Allah changed me into an ass and caused me fall into thy hands, where I have remained till this moment. However, to-day, my mother called me to mind and her heart yearned towards me; so she prayed for me and the Lord restored me to my former shape amongst the sons of Adam.” Cried the silly one, “There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! Allah upon thee, O my brother, acquit me of what I have done with thee in the way of riding and so forth.” Then he let the cony-catcher go and returned home, drunken with chagrin and concern as with wine. His wife asked him, “What aileth thee and where is the donkey?”; and he answered, “Thou knowest not what was this ass; but I will tell thee.” So he told her the story, and she exclaimed, “Alack and alas for the punishment we shall receive from Almighty Allah! How could we have used a man as a beast of burden, all this while?” And she gave alms by way of atonement and prayed pardon of Heaven.[119] Then the man abode awhile at home, idle and feckless, till she said to him, “How long wilt thou sit at home doing naught? Go to the market and buy us an ass and ply thy work with it.” Accordingly, he went to the market and stopped by the ass-stand, where behold, he saw his own ass for sale. So he went up to it and clapping his mouth to its ear, said to it, “Woe to thee, thou ne’er-do-well! Doubtless thou hast been getting drunk again and beating thy mother! But, by Allah, I will never buy thee more!”[120] And he left it and went away. And they tell a tale concerning
A certain fool was once walking along, dragging his donkey behind him with a rope, when a couple of con artists spotted him. One said to the other, “I’m going to take that donkey from that guy over there.” The other asked, “How are you going to do that?” “Just follow me and I’ll show you,” the first replied. So the trickster approached the donkey, untied it, and handed it over to his partner; then he tied the rope around his own neck and followed the simpleton until he was sure the other had completely escaped with the donkey, at which point he stopped. The fool pulled at the rope, but the trickster didn’t budge; so he turned and saw the rope around a man’s neck and asked him, “What are you?” The con artist replied, “I’m your donkey, and my story is quite remarkable. You see, I have a devout old mother who one day I came home to in a drunken state. She said to me, ‘Oh my son, repent to God for these wrongdoings.’ But I took my staff and hit her, which made her curse me, and God changed me into a donkey and let me end up in your hands, where I’ve stayed until now. However, today I remembered my mother and felt her love for me; she prayed for me, and the Lord restored me to my human form among the children of Adam.” The simpleton exclaimed, “There is no power and no strength except in God, the Glorious, the Great! Please forgive me, my brother, for what I’ve done to you in riding you and so on.” He then let the con artist go and returned home, filled with sorrow and worry like he was drunk. His wife asked him, “What’s wrong with you and where’s the donkey?” He replied, “You have no idea what that donkey was, but I’ll tell you.” So he recounted the story, and she exclaimed, “Oh dear, what punishment will we face from Almighty God! How could we have treated a man like a beast of burden all this time?” She then gave to charity as a way to make amends and prayed for forgiveness. Then the man stayed home for a while, doing nothing, until she said to him, “How long will you just sit around doing nothing? Go to the market and buy us a donkey to do your work.” So he went to the market and stopped by the donkey stand, where he suddenly saw his own donkey for sale. He approached it, put his mouth to its ear, and said, “Woe to you, you good-for-nothing! You’ve probably been getting drunk again and hitting your mother! But, I swear, I’m never buying you again!” And he walked away from it. They say there’s a tale about...
119. i.e. for her husband’s and her sin in using a man like a beast.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. for her husband’s and her wrongdoing in treating a man like an animal.
120. See the Second Lady’s story (tantôt Kadi, tantôt bandit), pp. 20–26 by my friend Yacoub Artin Pasha in the Bulletin before quoted, series ii. No. 4 of 1883. The sharpers’ trick is common in Eastern folk-lore, and the idea that underlies is always metempsychosis or metamorphosis. So, in the Kalilah was Dimnah (new Syriac), the three rogues persuade the ascetic that he is leading a dog not a sheep.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Check out the Second Lady’s story (sometimes Kadi, sometimes bandit), pp. 20–26 by my friend Yacoub Artin Pasha in the previously mentioned Bulletin, series ii. No. 4 of 1883. The con artists' trick is common in Eastern folklore, and the underlying concept is always metempsychosis or metamorphosis. Similarly, in the Kalilah, there's Dimnah (new Syriac), where the three tricksters convince the ascetic that he is leading a dog instead of a sheep.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid went up one noontide to his couch, to lie down; and mounting, found upon the bed-clothes semen freshly emitted; whereat he was startled and troubled with sore trouble. So he called the Lady Zubaydah and said to her, “What is that spilt on the bed?” She looked at it and replied, “O Commander of the Faithful, it is semen.” Quoth he, “Tell me truly what this meaneth or I will lay violent hands on thee forthright.” Quoth she, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, indeed I know not how it came there and I am guiltless of that whereof thou suspectest me.” So he sent for the Kazi Abú Yúsuf and acquainted him of the case. The Judge raised his eyes to the ceiling and, seeing a crack therein, said to the Caliph, “O Commander of the Faithful, in very sooth the bat hath seed like that of a man,[121] and this is bat’s semen.” Then he called for a spear and thrust it into the crevice, whereupon down fell the bat. In this manner the Caliph’s suspicions were dispelled——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
The Caliph Harun al-Rashid went up to his bed one afternoon to lie down. When he got there, he found fresh semen on the bedding, which startled and deeply troubled him. He called for Lady Zubaydah and asked her, “What is that spilled on the bed?” She looked at it and replied, “O Commander of the Faithful, it is semen.” He then said, “Tell me honestly what this means, or I will take drastic action against you right now.” She responded, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I truly don't know how it got there, and I am innocent of what you suspect.” So he summoned Kazi Abú Yúsuf and informed him of the situation. The Judge looked up at the ceiling and noticed a crack there. He said to the Caliph, “O Commander of the Faithful, indeed, a bat has seed like that of a man,[121] and this is bat’s semen.” Then he called for a spear and poked it into the crack, causing the bat to fall out. This was how the Caliph’s suspicions were put to rest——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped sharing her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Kazi Abu Yusuf took the spear and thrust it into the crevice, down fell the bat, and thus the Caliph’s suspicions were dispelled and the innocence of Zubaydah was made manifest; whereat she gave loud and liberal vent to her joy and promised Abu Yusuf a magnificent reward. Now there were with her certain delicious fruits, out of their season, and she knew of others in the garden; 85so she asked Abu Yusuf, “O Imam of the Faith, which wouldest thou rather have of the two kinds of fruits, those that are here or those that are not here?” And he answered, “Our code forbiddeth us to pronounce judgment on the absent; wheneas they are present, we will give our decision.” So she let bring the two kinds of fruits before him; and he ate of both. Quoth she, “What is the difference between them?” and quoth he, “As often as I think to praise one kind, the adversary putteth in its claim.” The Caliph laughed at his answer[122] and made him a rich present; and Zubaydah also gave him what she had promised him, and he went away, rejoicing. See, then the virtues of this Imám and how at his hands were manifest the truth and the innocence of the Lady Zubaydah. And amongst other stories is that of
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that when Kazi Abu Yusuf took the spear and poked it into the crevice, the bat fell down, and this cleared the Caliph’s suspicions, proving Zubaydah’s innocence. She then expressed her joy loudly and generously promised Abu Yusuf a grand reward. At that moment, she had some delicious fruits that were out of season, and she knew of others in the garden; 85 so she asked Abu Yusuf, ‘O Imam of the Faith, which would you prefer from the two kinds of fruits—those that are here or those that are not?’ He replied, ‘Our code forbids us from judging the absent; when they are present, we will make our decision.’ So she had both types of fruit brought before him, and he ate from both. She asked, ‘What’s the difference between them?’ He said, ‘Every time I think to praise one kind, the other tries to assert its claim.’ The Caliph laughed at his answer[122] and gave him a generous gift, and Zubaydah also gave him what she had promised, and he left, filled with joy. See, then, the virtues of this Imam and how, through him, the truth and innocence of Lady Zubaydah were revealed. And among other stories is that of”
121. This is the popular prejudice and it has doubtless saved many a reputation. The bat is known to Moslems as the Bird of Jesus, a legend derived by the Koran from the Gospel of Infancy (I chapt. xv. Hone’s Apocryphal New Testament), in which the boy Jesus amuses himself with making birds of clay and commanding them to fly when (according to the Moslems) they became bats. These Apocryphal Gospels must be carefully read, if the student would understand a number of Moslem allusions to the Injíl which no Evangel contains.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the common belief, and it has surely protected many reputations. The bat is referred to by Muslims as the Bird of Jesus, a story derived from the Quran based on the Gospel of Infancy (I chapt. xv. Hone’s Apocryphal New Testament), where the young Jesus entertains himself by making birds out of clay and commanding them to fly, which (according to Muslims) turned them into bats. These Apocryphal Gospels should be read carefully if one wants to grasp several Muslim references to the Injíl that aren't found in any Gospel.
122. Because it quibbled a way out of every question, a truly diplomatic art.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Because it found a way to evade every question, a genuinely diplomatic skill.
The Caliph Al-Hákim bi-Amri’llah was riding out in state procession one day, when he passed along a garden, wherein he saw a man, surrounded by negro-slaves and eunuchs. He asked him for a draught of water, and the man gave him to drink, saying, “Belike, the Commander of the Faithful will honour me by alighting in this my garden.” So the Caliph dismounted and with his suite entered the garden; whereupon the said man brought out to them an hundred rugs and an hundred leather mats and an hundred cushions; and set before them an hundred dishes of fruits, an hundred bowls of sweetmeats and an hundred jars of sugared sherbets; at which the Caliph marvelled with much amaze and said to his host, “O man, verily this thy case is wondrous: didst thou know of our coming and make this preparation for us?” He replied, “No, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I knew not of thy coming and I am a merchant of the rest of thy subjects; but I have an hundred concubines; so, when the Commander of the Faithful honoured me by alighting with me, I sent 86to each of them, bidding her send me her morning-meal in the garden. So they sent me each of her furniture and the surplus of her meat and drink: and every day each sendeth me a dish of meat and another of cooling marinades, also a platter of fruits and a bowl of sweetmeats and a jar of sherbet. This is my noonday dinner, nor have I added aught thereto for thee.” Then the Commander of the Faithful, Al-Hakim bi-Amri’llah prostrated himself in thanksgiving to the Almighty (extolled and exalted be His name!) and said, “Praised be Allah, who hath been so bountiful to one of our lieges, that he entertaineth the Caliph and his host, without making ready for them; nay, he feedeth them with the surplusage of his day’s provision!” Then he sent for all the dirhams in the treasury, that had been struck that year (and they were in number three thousand and seven hundred thousand); nor did he mount till the money came, when he gave it to the merchant, saying, “Use this as thy state may require; and thy generosity deserveth more than this.” Then he took horse and rode away. And I have heard a story concerning
The Caliph Al-Hákim bi-Amri’llah was out riding in a state procession one day when he passed by a garden and saw a man surrounded by black slaves and eunuchs. He asked the man for a drink of water, and the man gave it to him, saying, “Perhaps the Commander of the Faithful will honor me by getting off his horse in my garden.” So, the Caliph dismounted and entered the garden with his entourage. The man then brought out a hundred rugs, a hundred leather mats, and a hundred cushions, setting before them a hundred plates of fruits, a hundred bowls of sweets, and a hundred jars of sugary sherbets. The Caliph was greatly amazed and asked his host, “O man, this is truly remarkable: did you know we were coming and prepare all this for us?” The man replied, “No, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I had no idea you were coming and I am just a merchant like your other subjects; but I have a hundred concubines, so when you honored me by coming to my place, I asked each of them to send me their breakfast to the garden. So they each sent their belongings and the extra food and drink they had. Every day, each of them sends me a dish of meat, another of cold salads, a platter of fruits, a bowl of sweets, and a jar of sherbet. This is my lunch, and I haven't added anything special for you.” The Commander of the Faithful, Al-Hakim bi-Amri’llah, then prostrated in gratitude to the Almighty (blessed and exalted be His name!) and said, “Praise be to Allah, who has been so generous to one of our subjects that he provides for the Caliph and his guests without preparing anything extra; he feeds them with the leftovers of his daily provisions!” He then called for all the dirhams in the treasury that had been minted that year (and there were three million seven hundred thousand of them); he didn’t mount until the money arrived, which he then gave to the merchant, saying, “Use this as your situation requires; your generosity deserves more than this.” He then got on his horse and rode away. And I have heard a story about
123. This Caliph, the orthodox Abbaside of Egypt (A.D. 1261) must not be confounded with the Druze-god, the heretical Fatimite (A.D. 996–1021). D’Herbelot (“Hakem”) gives details. Mr. S. L. Poole (The Academy, April 26, ‘79) is very severe on the slip of Mr. Payne.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This Caliph, the traditional Abbasid of Egypt (A.D. 1261), should not be confused with the Druze god, the heretical Fatimid (A.D. 996–1021). D'Herbelot (“Hakem”) provides details. Mr. S. L. Poole (The Academy, April 26, '79) is quite critical of Mr. Payne's mistake.
The just King, Kisrà Anúshirwán one day rode forth to the chase and, in pursuit of a deer, became separated from his suite. Presently, he caught sight of a hamlet near hand and being sore athirst, he made for it and presenting himself at the door of a house that lay by the wayside, asked for a draught of water. So a damsel came out and looked at him; then, going back into the house, pressed the juice from a single sugar-cane into a bowl and mixed it with water; after which she strewed on the top some scented stuff, as it were dust, and carried it to the King. Thereupon he seeing in it what resembled dust, drank it, little by little, till he came to the end; when said he to her, “O damsel, the drink is good, and how sweet it had been but for this dust in it 87that troubleth it.” Answered she, “O guest, I put in that powder for a purpose;” and he asked, “And why didst thou thus?”; so she replied, “I saw thee exceeding thirsty and feared that thou wouldst drain the whole at one draught and that this would do thee mischief; and but for this dust that troubled the drink so hadst thou done.” The Just King wondered at her words, knowing that they came of her wit and good sense, and said to her, “From how many sugar canes didst thou express this draught?” “One,” answered she; whereat Anushirwan marvelled and, calling for the register of the village taxes, saw that its assessment was but little and bethought him to increase it, on his return to his palace, saying in himself, “A village where they get this much juice out of one sugar-cane, why is it so lightly taxed?” He then left the village and pursued his chase; and, as he came back at the end of the day, he passed alone by the same door and called again for drink; whereupon the same damsel came out and, knowing him at a look, went in to fetch him water. It was some time before she returned and Anushirwan wondered thereat and said to her, “Why hast thou tarried?”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
The just King, Kisrà Anúshirwán, rode out one day for a hunt and, while chasing a deer, got separated from his group. Soon, he spotted a nearby hamlet and, feeling very thirsty, headed there. He approached the door of a house by the road and asked for a drink of water. A young woman came out and looked at him, then went back inside, squeezed the juice from a single sugar cane into a bowl, mixed it with water, and sprinkled some fragrant powder on top before bringing it to the King. When he saw what looked like powder in it, he drank it slowly until he finished and said to her, “O young woman, this drink is good, but how sweet it could have been if not for this powder that makes it gritty.” She replied, “O guest, I added that powder for a reason,” and he asked, “Why did you do that?” She explained, “I saw you were very thirsty and worried that you would gulp it down all at once, which could harm you; without this powder to disrupt the drink, that’s exactly what you would have done.” The Just King was impressed by her words, recognizing her intelligence and good sense, and asked her, “How many sugar canes did you use to make this drink?” “One,” she answered. This astonished Anushirwan, and he decided to check the village's tax records, discovering it had a low assessment. He thought to increase it when he returned to his palace, saying to himself, “A village that produces this much juice from a single sugar cane should not be taxed so lightly.” He then left the village to continue his hunt. Later that day, as he returned, he stopped by the same door and asked for a drink again. The same young woman came out, recognized him immediately, and went inside to get him water. She took a while to come back, which made Anushirwan curious, so he asked her, “Why did you take so long?”——And Shahrazad noticed dawn breaking and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Anushirwan hurried the damsel and asked her, “Why hast thou tarried?” she answered, “Because a single sugar-cane gave not enough for thy need; so I pressed three; but they yielded not so much as did one before.” Rejoined he, “What is the cause of that?”; and she replied, “The cause of it is that when the Sultan’s[125] mind is changed against a folk, their prosperity ceaseth and their good waxeth less.” So Anushirwan laughed and dismissed from his mind that which he had purposed against the villagers. Moreover, he took the damsel to wife then and there, being pleased with her much wit and acuteness and the excellence of her speech. And they tell another tale of the
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when Anushirwan rushed the girl and asked her, 'Why did you take so long?' she replied, 'Because one sugar cane wasn’t enough for your needs, so I pressed three, but they produced less than that one did before.' He asked, 'Why is that?' She answered, 'The reason is that when the Sultan’s mind turns against a people, their prosperity stops, and their well-being decreases.' So Anushirwan laughed and let go of his earlier thoughts about the villagers. Plus, he married the girl right then and there, impressed by her sharp wit and excellent speaking ability. And they tell another story of the
124. The beautiful name is Persian “Anúshín-rawán” = Sweet of Soul; and the glorious title of this contemporary of Mohammed is “Al-Malik al-Adil” = the Just King. Kisra, the Chosroë per excellentiam, is also applied to the godly Guebre of whom every Eastern dictionary gives details.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The beautiful name is Persian “Anúshín-rawán” = Sweet of Soul; and the glorious title of this contemporary of Mohammed is “Al-Malik al-Adil” = the Just King. Kisra, the Chosroë, the best of all, is also used for the godly Guebre, who is detailed in every Eastern dictionary.
125. “Sultan” is here an anachronism: I have noted that the title was first assumed independently by Mohammed of Ghazni after it had been conferred by the Caliph upon his father the Amír Al-Umará (Mayor of the Palace), Sabuktagin A.D. 974.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Sultan” is used here incorrectly for its time: I've noted that this title was first independently taken by Mohammed of Ghazni after it was given by the Caliph to his father, the Amír Al-Umará (Mayor of the Palace), Sabuktagin in A.D. 974.
There was once, in the city of Bokhara, a water-carrier, who used to carry water to the house of a goldsmith and had done this thirty years. Now that goldsmith had a wife of exceeding beauty and loveliness, brilliancy and perfect grace; and she was withal renowned for piety, chastity and modesty. One day the water-carrier came, as of custom, and poured the water into the cisterns. Now the woman was standing in the midst of the court; so he went close up to her and taking her hand, stroked it and pressed it, then went away and left her. When her husband came home from the bazar, she said to him, “I would have thee tell me what thing thou hast done in the market this day, to anger Almighty Allah.” Quoth he, “I have done nothing to offend the Lord.” “Nay,” rejoined she, “but, by Allah, thou hast indeed done something to anger Him; and, unless thou tell me the whole truth, I will not abide in thy house, and thou shalt not see me, nor will I see thee.” So he confessed, “I will tell thee the truth of what I did this day. It so chanced that, as I was sitting in my shop, as of wont, a woman came up to me and bade me make her a bracelet of gold. Then she went away and I wrought her a bracelet and laid it aside. But when she returned and I brought her out the bracelet, she put forth her hand and I clasped the bracelet on her wrist; and I wondered at the whiteness of her hand and the beauty of her wrist, which would captivate any beholder; and I recalled what the poet saith:—
There was once, in the city of Bokhara, a water-carrier who had been delivering water to a goldsmith’s house for thirty years. The goldsmith’s wife was incredibly beautiful, radiant, and graceful; she was also known for her piety, chastity, and modesty. One day, as usual, the water-carrier came and poured water into the cisterns. The woman was standing in the courtyard, so he approached her, took her hand, stroked it, and squeezed it, then left. When her husband returned home from the market, she asked him, “Tell me, what did you do in the market today to anger Almighty Allah?” He replied, “I did nothing to offend the Lord.” She said, “No, by Allah, you’ve definitely done something to anger Him; unless you tell me the whole truth, I won’t stay in your house, and you won’t see me, nor I you.” So he confessed, “I’ll tell you the truth about what I did today. While I was sitting in my shop, as usual, a woman came to me and asked me to make her a gold bracelet. She left, and I crafted the bracelet and set it aside. But when she returned and I presented the bracelet to her, she extended her hand, and I clasped the bracelet around her wrist; I was captivated by the whiteness of her hand and the beauty of her wrist, which would enchant anyone who saw it; and I remembered what the poet says:—
So I took her hand and pressed it and squeezed it.” Said the woman, “Great God! Why didst thou this ill thing? Know that the water-carrier, who hath come to our house these thirty years, nor sawst thou ever any treason in him, took my hand this day 89and pressed and squeezed it.” Said her husband, “O woman, let us crave pardon of Allah! Verily, I repent of what I did, and do thou ask forgiveness of the Lord for me.” She cried, “Allah pardon me and thee, and receive us into his holy keeping.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
So I took her hand and squeezed it." The woman said, "Oh my God! Why did you do this terrible thing? You know that the water-carrier, who has been coming to our house for thirty years, and whom you’ve never seen do any treachery, took my hand today and squeezed it." Her husband replied, "Oh woman, let’s ask Allah for forgiveness! I truly regret what I did, and you should pray for the Lord’s forgiveness for me." She exclaimed, "May Allah forgive both of us and keep us in His holy protection."——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the goldsmith’s wife cried out, “Allah pardon me and thee, and receive us into his holy keeping!” And on the next day, the water-carrier came in to the jeweller’s wife and, throwing himself at her feet, grovelled in the dust and besought pardon of her, saying, “O my lady, acquit me of that which Satan deluded me to do; for it was he that seduced me and led me astray.” She answered, “Go thy ways, the sin was not in thee, but in my husband, for that he did what he did in his shop, and Allah hath retaliated upon him in this world.” And it is related that the goldsmith, when his wife told him how the water-carrier had used her, said, “Tit for tat, and blow for blow!; had I done more the water-carrier had done mo’e”;—which became a current byword among the folk. Therefore it behoveth a wife to be both outward and inward with her husband; contenting herself with little from him, if he cannot give her much, and taking pattern by Ayishah the Truthful and Fatimah the virgin mother (Allah Almighty accept of them twain!), that she may be of the company of the righteous ancestry.[127] And I have heard the following tale of
She said, "I've been told, O auspicious King, that the goldsmith’s wife cried out, 'May Allah forgive me and you, and keep us in His holy care!' The next day, the water-carrier came to the jeweler’s wife, threw himself at her feet, groveling in the dirt and begging for her forgiveness. He said, 'O my lady, please forgive me for what Satan led me to do; it was he who deceived and misled me.' She replied, 'Go on, the sin wasn't yours, but my husband's, for he did what he did in his shop, and Allah has punished him in this world.' It is said that when the goldsmith heard from his wife how the water-carrier had treated her, he said, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! If I had done more, the water-carrier would have done more too;' which became a common saying among the people. Therefore, a wife should be both outwardly and inwardly devoted to her husband; she should be content with little if he cannot give her much, and take inspiration from Ayishah the Truthful and Fatimah the Virgin Mother (may Allah Almighty accept them both!), so that she may join the ranks of the righteous lineage.[127] And I've heard the following tale of
126. The “Sakká” or water-carrier race is peculiar in Egypt and famed for trickery and intrigue. Opportunity here as elsewhere makes the thief.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The "Sakká" or water-carrier profession is unique in Egypt and known for its deception and schemes. Just like anywhere else, opportunity breeds thieves.
127. A famous saying of Mohammed is recorded when an indiscretion of his young wife Ayishah was reported to him, “There be no adultress without an adulterer (of a husband).” Fatimah the Apostle’s daughter is supposed to have remained a virgin after bearing many children: this coarse symbolism of purity was known to the classics (Pausanias), who made Juno recover her virginity by bathing in a certain river every year. In the last phrase, “Al-Salaf” (ancestry) refers to Mohammed and his family.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A well-known quote from Mohammed comes to mind when his young wife Ayishah's mistake was brought to his attention: “There is no adulteress without an adulterer (of a husband).” Fatimah, the daughter of the Apostle, is said to have remained a virgin even after having many children; this crude symbolism of purity was recognized in ancient texts (Pausanias), which mentioned Juno regaining her virginity by bathing in a specific river each year. The last phrase, “Al-Salaf” (ancestry), refers to Mohammed and his family.
King Khusrau[128] Shahinshah of Persia loved fish; and one day, as he sat in his saloon, he and Shirin his wife, there came a fisherman, with a great fish, and he laid it before the King, who was pleased and ordered the man four thousand dirhams.[129] Thereupon Shirin said to the King, “Thou hast done ill.” Asked he, “And why?”, and she answered, “Because if, after this, thou give one of thy courtiers a like sum, he will disdain it and say:—He hath but given me the like of what he gave the fisherman. And if thou give him less, the same will say:—He despiseth me and giveth me less than he gave the fisherman.” Rejoined Khusrau, “Thou art right, but it would dishonour a king to go back on his gift; and the thing is done.” Quoth Shirin, “If thou wilt, I will contrive thee a means to get it back from him.” Quoth he, “How so?”; and she said, “Call back, if thou so please, the fisherman and ask him if the fish be male or female. If he say, Male, say thou, We want a female, and if he say, Female, say, We want a male.” So the King sent for the fisherman, who was a man of wit and acuteness, and said to him, “Is this fish male or female?” whereupon the fisherman kissed the ground and answered, “This fish is an hermaphrodite,[130] neither male nor female.” Khusrau laughed at his clever reply and ordered him other four thousand dirhams. So the fisherman went to the treasurer and, taking his eight thousand dirhams, put them in a sack he had with him. Then, throwing it over his shoulder, he was going away, when he dropped a dirham; so he laid the bag off his back and stooped down to pick it up. Now the King 91and Shirin were looking on, and the Queen said, “O King, didst thou note the meanness of the man, in that he must needs stoop down to pick up the one dirham, and could not bring himself to leave it for any of the King’s servants?” When the King heard these words, he was exceeding wroth with the fisherman and said, “Thou art right, O Shirin!” So he called the man back and said to him, “Thou low-minded carle! Thou art no man! How couldst thou put the bag with all this money off thy back and bend thee groundwards to pick up the one dirham and grudge to leave it where it fell?” Thereupon the fisherman kissed the earth before him and answered, “May Allah prolong the King’s life! Indeed, I did not pick up the dirham off the ground because of its value in my eyes; but I raised it off the earth because on one of its faces is the likeness of the King and on the other his name; and I feared lest any should unwittingly set foot upon it, thus dishonouring the name and presentment of the King, and I be blamed for this offence.” The King wondered at his words and approved of his wit and shrewdness, and ordered him yet other four thousand dirhams. Moreover, he bade cry abroad in his kingdom, saying, “It behoveth none to be guided by women’s counsel; for whoso followeth their advice, loseth, with his one dirham, other twain.”[131] And here is the tale they tell of
King Khusrau[128] Shahinshah of Persia loved fish; one day, while he was sitting in his salon with his wife, Shirin, a fisherman came in with a large fish and placed it before the King. Pleased, the King ordered the fisherman to be given four thousand dirhams.[129] Shirin then said to the King, “You’ve made a mistake.” He asked, “Why?” She replied, “Because if you give one of your courtiers the same amount afterwards, he will look down on it and say: ‘He has only given me what he gave the fisherman.’ If you give him less, he’ll say: ‘He looks down on me and gives me less than what he gave the fisherman.’” Khusrau responded, “You’re right, but it would be dishonorable for a king to take back a gift; what’s done is done.” Shirin said, “If you want, I can help you get it back from him.” He asked, “How?” and she replied, “Call the fisherman back and ask him if the fish is male or female. If he says male, say you want a female, and if he says female, say you want a male.” The King sent for the fisherman, who was clever and sharp, and asked him, “Is this fish male or female?” The fisherman kissed the ground and answered, “This fish is a hermaphrodite,[130] neither male nor female.” Khusrau laughed at his clever answer and ordered him another four thousand dirhams. So the fisherman went to the treasurer, took his eight thousand dirhams, and put them in a sack he had with him. As he threw the sack over his shoulder to leave, he dropped a dirham. He set the bag down and bent to pick it up. The King and Shirin were watching, and the Queen said, “Oh King, did you see how petty the man is? He had to bend down to pick up one dirham and couldn’t bring himself to leave it for any of the King’s servants?” When the King heard this, he became very angry with the fisherman and said, “You’re right, oh Shirin!” He called the man back and said to him, “You low-minded fool! You’re no man! How could you put the bag with all this money down and bend down to pick up one dirham, begrudging to leave it where it fell?” The fisherman then kissed the ground before him and replied, “May Allah prolong the King’s life! I didn’t pick up the dirham because of its worth; I raised it because one side has the King’s likeness and the other his name. I was afraid someone might unknowingly step on it, dishonoring the King’s image and name, and I would be blamed for it.” The King was amazed by his words and appreciated his wit and cleverness, ordering him another four thousand dirhams. He also commanded an announcement to be spread throughout his kingdom, saying, “No one should be guided by women’s counsel; whoever follows their advice loses, along with his one dirham, two more.”[131] And here is the tale they tell of
128. Khusrau Parwiz, grandson of Anushirwan, the Guebre King who tore his kingdom by tearing Mohammed’s letter married the beautiful Maria or Irene (in Persian “Shírín” = the sweet) daughter of the Greek Emperor Maurice: their loves were sung by a host of poets; and likewise the passion of the sculptor Farhád for the same Shirin. Mr. Lyall writes “Parwêz” and holds “Parwíz” a modern form.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Khusrau Parwiz, grandson of Anushirwan, the Guebre King who split his kingdom by ripping up Mohammed’s letter, married the beautiful Maria or Irene (in Persian “Shírín” = the sweet), daughter of the Greek Emperor Maurice. Their love was celebrated by numerous poets, as was the passion of the sculptor Farhád for the same Shirin. Mr. Lyall writes “Parwêz” and considers “Parwíz” a modern version.
129. He could afford it according to historians. His throne was supported by 40,000 silver pillars; and 1,000 globes, hung in the dome, formed an orrery, showing the motion of the heavenly bodies; 30,000 pieces of embroidered tapestry overhung the walls and below were vaults full of silver, gold and gems.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.According to historians, he could afford it. His throne was held up by 40,000 silver pillars, and 1,000 globes hanging from the dome created an orrery that displayed the movement of the heavenly bodies. There were 30,000 pieces of embroidered tapestry hanging on the walls, and below were vaults filled with silver, gold, and gems.
130. Arab. “Khunsá,” meaning also a catamite as I have explained. Lane (ii. 586). has it; “This fish is of a mixed kind” (!).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Khunsá,” which also means a catamite as I mentioned before. Lane (ii. 586) says, “This fish is of a mixed kind” (!).
131. So the model lovers became the ordinary married couple.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.So the model lovers turned into just a typical married couple.
Yahya bin Khálid the Barmecide was returning home, one day, from the Caliph’s palace, when he saw, at the gate of his mansion, a man who rose as he drew near and saluted him, saying, “O Yahyá, I am in sore need of that which is in thy hand, and I make Allah my intermediary with thee.” So Yahya caused a place to be set apart for him in his house and bade his treasurer carry him a thousand dirhams every day and ordered that his diet be of the choicest of his own meat. The man abode in this case a whole month, at the end of which time, having received in all thirty thousand dirhams, and fearing lest Yahya should take the money from him, because of the greatness of the sum, he departed by stealth——And Shahrazad 92perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Yahya bin Khalid the Barmecide was on his way home one day after leaving the Caliph’s palace when he noticed a man at the gate of his mansion who stood up as Yahya approached and greeted him, saying, “Oh Yahya, I really need what you have in your hand, and I ask Allah to intercede for me.” Yahya then arranged a special place for him in his house and instructed his treasurer to give him a thousand dirhams every day, ordering that he be served the best of his own meat. The man stayed in this situation for a whole month, during which he received a total of thirty thousand dirhams, and fearing that Yahya might take the money back from him because of the large amount, he quietly left—And Shahrazad 92noticed the dawn was breaking and stopped her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the man, taking with him the money, departed by stealth. But when they told Yahya of this, he said, “By Allah, though he had tarried with me to the end of his days, yet had I not stinted him of my largesse nor cut off from him the bounties of my hospitality!” For, indeed, the excellences of the Barmecides were past count nor can their virtues be committed to description, especially those of Yahya bin Khalid, for he was an Ocean[132] of noble qualities, even as saith the poet of him:—
She said, "It has reached me, O fortunate King, that the man took the money and left secretly. But when they informed Yahya about this, he said, 'By God, even if he had stayed with me for the rest of his life, I wouldn't have held back my generosity or deprived him of my hospitality!' Indeed, the merits of the Barmecides are beyond measure, and their virtues are hard to describe, especially those of Yahya bin Khalid, for he was a sea of noble qualities, just as the poet says about him:—
And the following is related of
And the following is related to
132. Arab. “Jamm.” Heb. “Yamm.” Al-Haríri (Ass. of Sinjar and Sáwah) uses the rare form Yam for sea or ocean.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Jamm.” Heb. “Yamm.” Al-Haríri (Ass. of Sinjar and Sáwah) uses the uncommon term Yam for sea or ocean.
Ja’afar bin Musá al-Hádi[133] once had a slave-girl, a lutist, called Al-Badr al-Kabír, than whom there was not in her time a fairer of face nor shapelier of shape nor a more elegant of manners nor a more accomplished in the art of singing and striking the strings; she was indeed perfect in beauty and extreme in every charm. Now Mohammed al-Amín,[134] son of Zubaydah, heard of her and was urgent with Ja’afar to sell her 93to him; but he replied, “Thou knowest it beseemeth not one of my rank to sell slave-girls nor set prices on concubines; but were she not a rearling I would send her to thee, as a gift, nor grudge her to thee.” And Mohammed al-Amin, some days after this went to Ja’afar’s house, to make merry; and the host set before him that which it behoveth to set before true friends and bade the damsel Al-Badr al-Kabir sing to him and gladden him. So she tuned the lute and sang with a ravishing melody; whilst Mohammed al-Amin fell to drinking and jollity and bade the cupbearers ply Ja’afar with much wine, till they made him drunken, when he took the damsel and carried her to his own house, but laid not a finger on her. And when the morrow dawned he bade invite Ja’afar; and when he came, he set wine before him and made the girl sing to him, from behind the curtain. Ja’afar knew her voice and was angered at this, but, of the nobleness of his nature and the magnanimity of his mind he showed no change. Now when the carousal was at an end, Al-Amin commanded one of his servants to fill the boat, wherein Ja’afar had come, with dirhams and dinars and all manner of jewels and jacinths and rich raiment and goods galore. So he laid therein a thousand myriads of money and a thousand fine pearls, each worth twenty thousand dirhams; nor did he give over loading the barge with all manner of things precious and rare, till the boatmen cried out for help, saying, “The boat can’t hold any more;” whereupon he bade them carry all this to Ja’afar’s palace. Such are the exploits of the magnanimous, Allah have mercy on them! And a tale is related of
Ja’afar bin Musá al-Hádi[133] once owned a beautiful young woman, a lute player named Al-Badr al-Kabír. She was the fairest, most shapely, and most elegant of her time, with a perfect voice and exceptional charm. Mohammed al-Amín,[134] son of Zubaydah, heard about her and urged Ja’afar to sell her to him. Ja’afar replied, “You know it’s not right for someone of my status to sell young women or place a price on concubines; however, if she weren’t so dear to me, I would gladly send her to you as a gift without hesitation.” A few days later, Mohammed al-Amín visited Ja’afar’s home for a celebration. The host prepared a feast worthy of true friends and asked the young woman, Al-Badr al-Kabir, to sing for him. She played the lute and sang a mesmerizing tune while Mohammed al-Amín drank and enjoyed himself, urging the cupbearers to serve Ja’afar plenty of wine until he became drunk. Then he took the young woman to his own house but didn’t touch her. When morning came, he asked for Ja’afar to be invited over, and when he arrived, he served wine and had the young woman sing to him from behind a curtain. Ja’afar recognized her voice and felt anger, but out of nobility and generosity, he showed no sign of it. When the party ended, Al-Amín ordered one of his servants to fill the boat Ja’afar had arrived in with dirhams, dinars, jewels, jacinths, fine clothes, and many other precious items. He loaded it with a thousand myriads of money and a thousand exquisite pearls, each worth twenty thousand dirhams; he continued loading the barge with rare treasures until the boatmen cried out for help, saying, “The boat can’t hold any more!" He then commanded them to carry all of this to Ja’afar’s palace. Such are the deeds of the generous, may Allah have mercy on them! And a story is told of
133. Al-Hadi, immediate predecessor of Harun al-Rashid, called “Al-Atbik”: his upper lip was contracted and his father placed a slave over him when in childhood, with orders to say, “Musa! atbik!” (draw thy lips together) when he opened his mouth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Al-Hadi, the direct predecessor of Harun al-Rashid, was nicknamed “Al-Atbik” because his upper lip was pulled tight. When he was a child, his father assigned a servant to him with the instruction to say, “Musa! atbik!” (close your lips) whenever he opened his mouth.
134. Immediate successor of Harun al-Rashid. Al-Amin is an imposing physical figure, fair, tall, handsome and of immense strength; according to Al-Mas’údi, he killed a lion with his own hands; but his mind and judgment were weak. He was fond of fishing; and his reply to the courtier bringing important news, “Confound thee! leave me! for Kausar (an eunuch whom he loved) hath caught two fish and I none,” reminds one of royal frivolity in France.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Immediate successor of Harun al-Rashid. Al-Amin is an impressive physical presence—tall, handsome, and incredibly strong; according to Al-Mas’údi, he killed a lion with his bare hands. However, his intellect and judgment were lacking. He enjoyed fishing, and his response to the courtier delivering important news, “Get out of here! Leave me alone! Kausar (a eunuch he adored) has caught two fish and I haven’t caught any,” is reminiscent of the royal triviality in France.
(Quoth Sa’íd bin Sálim al-Báhilí[135]), I was once in very narrow case, during the days of Harun al-Rashid, and debts accumulated upon me, burdening my back, and these I had no means of discharging. I was at my wits’ end what to do, for my doors were blocked up with creditors and I was without cease importuned for payment by claimants, who dunned me in crowds till at last I was sore perplexed and troubled. So I betook myself to Abdallah bin 94Málik al-Khuza’í[136] and besought him to extend the hand of aid with his judgment and direct me of his good counsel to the door of relief; and he said, “None can save thee from this thy strait and sorrowful state save the Barmecides.” Quoth I, “Who can brook their pride and put up patiently with their arrogant pretensions?” and quoth he, “Thou wilt put up with all this for the bettering of thy case.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
(Quoth Sa’íd bin Sálim al-Báhilí[135]), I once found myself in a tough situation during the days of Harun al-Rashid. Debts piled up on me, weighing heavily on my back, and I had no way to pay them off. I was completely at a loss for what to do, as my doors were blocked by creditors, and they constantly pressured me for payment, crowding around until I was completely confused and distressed. So, I went to Abdallah bin 94Málik al-Khuza’í[136] and asked him for help with his wisdom and to guide me to a way out. He said, “No one can rescue you from this difficult and sorrowful situation except the Barmecides.” I replied, “Who can tolerate their pride and deal with their arrogance?” He responded, “You will endure all this for the sake of improving your situation.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Abdallah ibn Malik al-Khuza’i said to Sa’id bin Salim, “Thou wilt put up with all this for the bettering of thy case.” So I left him suddenly (continued Sa’id) and went straight to Al-Fazl and Ja’afar, sons of Yahyá bin Khálid, to whom I related my circumstances; whereto they replied, “Allah give thee His aid, and render thee by His bounties independent of His creatures and vouchsafe thee abundant weal and bestow on thee what shall suffice thee, without the need of any but Himself; for whatso He willeth that He can, and He is gracious with His servants and knoweth their wants.” So I went out from the twain and returned to Abdallah, with straitened breast and mind perplexed and heavy of heart, and repeated to him what they had said. Quoth he, “Thou wouldst do well to abide with us this day, that we may see what Allah Almighty will decree.” So I sat with him awhile, when lo! up came my servant, who said to me, “O my lord, there are at our door many laden mules, and with them a man, who says he is the agent of Al-Fazl and Ja’afar bin Yahya.” Quoth Abdallah, “I trust that relief is come to thee: rise up and go see what is the matter.” So I left him and, hastening to my house, found at the door a man who gave me a note wherein was written the following:—“After thou hadst been with us and we heard thy case, we betook ourselves to the Caliph and informed him that ill condition had reduced thee to the humiliation of begging; whereupon he ordered us to supply thee with a thousand thousand dirhams from the Treasury. We represented to him: The debtor will spend this money in paying off creditors and wiping off debt; whence then shall he provide for his subsistence? So he ordered 95thee other three hundred thousand, and each of us hath also sent thee, of his proper wealth, a thousand thousand dirhams: so that thou hast now three thousand thousand and three hundred thousand dirhams wherewithal to order and amend thine estate.” See, then, the munificence of these magnificos: Almighty Allah have mercy on them! And a tale is told of
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that Abdallah ibn Malik al-Khuza’i told Sa’id bin Salim, 'You’ll endure all this for the sake of improving your situation.' So I left him suddenly," Sa’id continued, "and went straight to Al-Fazl and Ja’afar, the sons of Yahyá bin Khalid, to share my situation with them. They replied, 'May Allah help you, make you independent of His creatures through His blessings, grant you abundance, and provide you with what you need, without relying on anyone but Him; for whatever He wills, He can achieve, and He is generous to His servants and knows their needs.' After that, I left them and returned to Abdallah, feeling anxious and troubled, and shared with him what they had said. He advised, 'It would be wise for you to stay with us today and see what Allah Almighty will decide.' So, I sat with him for a while until my servant came and said, 'My lord, there are many laden mules at our door, and a man with them claims to be the agent of Al-Fazl and Ja’afar bin Yahya.' Abdallah responded, 'I hope help has arrived for you; get up and see what’s going on.' I left him and hurried to my house, where I found a man at the door who handed me a note that read: 'After you visited us and we heard your story, we went to the Caliph and informed him that your unfortunate circumstances had led you to the humiliation of begging. He then ordered us to provide you with a million dirhams from the Treasury. We pointed out that you would use this money to pay off creditors and clear your debts, so how would you cover your living expenses? In response, he ordered an additional three hundred thousand dirhams for you, and each of us has also sent you a million dirhams from our own wealth. In total, you now have three million three hundred thousand dirhams to manage and improve your situation.' Just look at the generosity of these great men! May Almighty Allah have mercy on them! And it’s said that
135. Afterwards governor in Khorasan under Al-Maamun.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Later, he became the governor of Khorasan under Al-Maamun.
136. Intendant of the palace under Harun al-Rashid.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Administrator of the palace under Harun al-Rashid.
A man brought his wife a fish one Friday and, bidding her cook it against the end of the congregational prayers, went out to his craft and business. Meanwhile in came her friend who bade her to a wedding at his house; so she agreed and laying the fish in a jar of water, went off with him and was absent a whole week till the Friday following;[137] whilst her husband sought her from house to house and enquired after her; but none could give him any tidings of her. Now on the next Friday she came home and he fell foul of her; but she brought out to him the fish alive from the jar and assembled the folk against him and told them her tale.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
A man brought his wife a fish one Friday and asked her to cook it for later after the communal prayers. He then left to take care of his work. In the meantime, her friend came by and invited her to a wedding at his house. She agreed, put the fish in a jar of water, and went off with him, being away for an entire week until the next Friday. Her husband searched for her everywhere and asked around, but no one had any news about her. The following Friday, she returned home, and he confronted her. However, she took out the fish alive from the jar, gathered the people around, and shared her story with them.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the woman brought out the fish alive from the water-jar and assembled the folk against her husband, and told them her tale. He also told his; but they credited him not and said, “It cannot be that the fish should have remained alive all this while.” So they proved him mad and imprisoned him and mocked at him, whereupon he shed tears in floods and recited these two couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the woman took the fish out of the water jar alive and gathered the people against her husband, sharing her story with them. He shared his story too, but they didn’t believe him and said, 'There's no way the fish could have stayed alive this long.' So they deemed him insane, locked him up, and mocked him. In response, he cried bitterly and recited these two couplets:—
And a tale is related of the
And a story is told of the

137. Moslem women have this advantage over their Western sisterhood: they can always leave the house of father or husband and, without asking permission, pay a week or ten days’ visit to their friends. But they are not expected to meet their lovers.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Muslim women have this advantage over their Western counterparts: they can leave their father’s or husband’s house anytime and, without needing permission, visit their friends for a week or ten days. However, they are not expected to meet their lovers.
There was in times of yore and in ages long gone before, a virtuous woman among the children of Israel, who was pious and devout and used every day to go out to the place of prayer, first entering a garden, which adjoined thereto, and there making the minor ablution. Now there were in this garden two old men, its keepers, and both Shaykhs fell in love with her and sought her favours; but she refused, whereupon said they, “Unless thou yield thy body to us, we will bear witness against thee of fornication.” Quoth she, “Allah will preserve me from your frowardness!” Then they opened the garden-gate and cried out, and the folk came to them from all places, saying “What aileth you?” Quoth they, “We found this damsel in company with a youth who was doing lewdness with her; but he escaped from our hands.” Now it was the wont of the people of those days to expose adulterer and adulteress to public reproach for three days, and after stone them. So they cried her name in the public streets for three days, whilst the two elders came up to her daily and, laying their hands on her head, said, “Praised be Allah who hath sent down on thee His righteous indignation!” Now on the fourth day, when they bore her away to stone her, they were followed by a lad named Daniel, who was then only twelve years old, and this was to be the first of his miracles (upon our Prophet and upon him be blessing and peace!). And he ceased not following them to the place of execution, till he came up with them and said to them, “Hasten not to stone her, till I judge between them.” So they set him a chair and he sat down and summoned the old men separately. (Now he was the first ever separated witnesses.) Then said he to the first, “What sawest thou?”[139] So he repeated to him his story, and Daniel asked, “In what part of the garden did this befal?” 97and he answered, “On the eastern side, under a pear-tree.” Then he called the other old man and asked him the same question, and he replied, “On the western side of the garden, under an apple-tree.” Meanwhile the damsel stood by, with her hands and eyes raised heavenwards, imploring the Lord for deliverance. Then Allah Almighty sent down His blasting leven-fire upon the elders and consumed them, and on this wise the Lord made manifest the innocence of the damsel. Such was the first of the miracles of the Prophet Daniel, on whom be blessing and peace! And they relate a tale of
There was once, in ancient times, a virtuous woman among the children of Israel who was devout and prayed daily. She would first enter a nearby garden to perform her minor ablution. In this garden, there were two old men who were the keepers, and both fell in love with her and tried to win her favors; but she turned them down. So they said, “Unless you give yourself to us, we will testify against you for committing adultery.” She replied, “God will protect me from your wickedness!” Then they opened the garden gate and shouted for help, and people came running from all directions, asking, “What’s wrong with you?” They said, “We found this girl with a young man committing lewd acts; but he escaped from us.” Back then, it was common for people to publicly shame both the adulterer and the adulteress for three days before stoning them. So they announced her name in the streets for three days, while the two elders came up to her every day and laid their hands on her head, saying, “Praise God who has sent His righteous anger upon you!” On the fourth day, as they were taking her to be stoned, a boy named Daniel, who was only twelve years old at the time, followed them—the first of his miracles (blessings and peace be upon our Prophet and him!). He kept following them to the execution site until he caught up and said, “Don’t be quick to stone her until I can judge between you.” They set him a chair, and he sat down to question the old men one at a time. (He was the first to separate witnesses.) He asked the first, “What did you see?” [139] The man recounted his story, and Daniel asked, “Where in the garden did this happen?” 97 The man answered, “On the eastern side, under a pear tree.” Then he called the other old man and asked him the same question, and he replied, “On the western side of the garden, under an apple tree.” Meanwhile, the girl stood there, her hands and eyes raised to heaven, praying for deliverance. Then God sent down His fiery wrath upon the elders, consuming them, thereby revealing the girl's innocence. This was the first of the miracles of the Prophet Daniel, upon whom be blessings and peace! And they tell a story of
138. The tale of “Susannah and the Elders” in Moslem form. Dániyál is the Arab Daniel, supposed to have been buried at Alexandria (Pilgrimage, i. 16).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The story of "Susannah and the Elders" in Muslim version. Dániyál is the Arabic version of Daniel, who is believed to be buried in Alexandria (Pilgrimage, i. 16).
139. According to Moslem law, laid down by Mohammed on a delicate occasion and evidently for a purpose, four credible witnesses are required to prove fornication, adultery, sodomy and so forth; and they must swear that they actually saw rem in re, the “Kohl-needle in the Kohl-étui,” as the Arabs have it. This practically prevents conviction and the sabre cuts the Gordian knot.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Under Islamic law, established by Mohammed on a significant occasion and clearly for a reason, four reliable witnesses are needed to prove fornication, adultery, sodomy, and similar offenses; they must swear they actually saw rem in re, the “Kohl-needle in the Kohl-étui,” as the Arabs say. This essentially makes it impossible to secure a conviction, and the sword resolves the dilemma.
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, went out one day, with Abu Ya’Kúb the cup-companion[140] and Ja’afar the Barmecide and Abu Nowas, into the desert, where they fell in with an old man, propt against his ass. The Caliph bade Ja’afar learn of him whence he came; so he asked him, “Whence comest thou?” and he answered, “From Bassorah.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, went out one day with Abu Ya’Kúb the cup-bearer and Ja’afar the Barmecide and Abu Nowas into the desert, where they came across an old man leaning against his donkey. The Caliph told Ja’afar to find out where he was from; so he asked him, “Where are you from?” and the old man replied, “From Basra.”——And Shahrazad noticed the first light of dawn and stopped speaking her allowed story.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Ja’afar asked the man, “Whence comest thou?”; he answered “From Bassorah.” Quoth Ja’afar, “And whither goest thou?” Quoth the other, “To Baghdad.” Then Ja’afar enquired “And what wilt thou do there?” and the old man replied, “I go to seek medicine for my eye.” Said the Caliph, “O Ja’afar, make thou sport with him,” and answered Ja’afar, “I shall hear what I shall exceedingly mislike.[141]” But Al-Rashid rejoined, “I charge thee on my authority, jest with him.” Thereupon Ja’afar said to the Badawi, “If I prescribe thee a medicine that shall profit thee, what wilt thou give me in return?” Quoth the other, “Allah 98Almighty will requite the kindness with what is better for thee than any requital of mine.” Continued Ja’afar, “Now lend me an ear and I will give thee a prescription, which I have given to none but thee.” “What is that?” asked the Badawi; and Ja’afar answered, “Take three ounces of wind-breaths and the like of sunbeams and the same of moonshine and as much of lamp-light; mix them well together and let them lie in the wind three months. Then place them three months in a mortar without a bottom and pound them to fine powder and after trituration set them in a cleft platter, and let it stand in the wind other three months; after which use of this medicine three drachms every night in thy sleep, and, Inshallah! thou shalt be healed and whole.” Now when the Badawi heard this, he stretched himself out to full length on the donkey’s back and let fly a terrible loud fart[142] and said to Ja’afar, “Take this fart in payment of thy prescription. When I have followed it, if Allah grant me recovery, I will give thee a slave-girl, who shall serve thee in thy lifetime a service, wherewith Allah shall cut short thy term; and when thou diest and the Lord hurrieth thy soul to hell-fire, she shall blacken thy face with her skite, of her mourning for thee, and shall keen and beat her face, saying:—O frosty-beard, what a fool thou wast[143]?” Thereupon Harun al-Rashid laughed till he fell backward, and ordered the Badawi three thousand silver pieces. And a tale is told of
She said, “I've heard, O fortunate King, that when Ja’afar asked the man, ‘Where are you from?’ he replied, ‘From Bassorah.’ Ja’afar asked, ‘And where are you going?’ The other man said, ‘To Baghdad.’ Then Ja’afar inquired, ‘What will you do there?’ and the old man replied, ‘I’m going to find a remedy for my eye.’ The Caliph said, ‘O Ja’afar, make fun of him,’ and Ja’afar responded, ‘I will hear what I'll really dislike.’ But Al-Rashid insisted, ‘I command you, joke with him.’ So Ja’afar said to the Bedouin, ‘If I give you a remedy that works for you, what will you give me in return?’ The other man replied, ‘Allah Almighty will reward your kindness with something better than anything I can give.’ Ja’afar continued, ‘Now listen to me and I will give you a prescription I haven’t given to anyone else.’ ‘What is that?’ the Bedouin asked, and Ja’afar replied, ‘Take three ounces of wind-breaths, the same amount of sunbeams, moonlight, and lamp-light; mix them well and let them sit in the wind for three months. Then put them in a bottomless mortar for another three months, pound them into fine powder, and then place them on a shallow platter, letting it stand in the wind for another three months. After all this, take three drachms of this remedy every night while you sleep, and, Inshallah, you will be healed.’ When the Bedouin heard this, he lay flat on the donkey’s back and let out a loud fart, saying to Ja’afar, ‘Take this fart as payment for your prescription. If I follow it and Allah grants me recovery, I will give you a slave-girl who will serve you during your lifetime, and when you die, if the Lord sends your soul to hell-fire, she will blacken your face with her mourning and will wail and beat her face, saying:—O frosty-beard, what a fool you were!’ Harun al-Rashid then laughed so hard he fell backward and rewarded the Bedouin with three thousand silver pieces.” And a story is told of
140. Who, in such case, would represent our equerry.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Who, in that case, would represent our equerry?
141. The Badawi not only always tells the truth, a perfect contrast with the towns-folk; he is blunt in speech addressing his Sultan “O Sa’id!” and he has a hard rough humour which we may fairly describe as “wut.” When you “chaff” him look out for falls.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Badawi not only always tells the truth, a perfect contrast with the townsfolk; he speaks directly to his Sultan, saying “O Sa’id!” and has a tough, rough sense of humor that we can rightfully call “wut.” When you tease him, be ready for consequences.
142. The answer is as old as the hills, teste the tale of what happened when Amasis (who on horseback) raised his leg, “broke wind and bade the messenger carry it back to Apries.” Herod. ii. 162. But for the full significance of the Badawi’s most insulting reply see the Tale of Abu Hasan in Night ccccxi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The answer is as ancient as time, teste the story of what happened when Amasis (while on horseback) lifted his leg, “broke wind and told the messenger to take it back to Apries.” Herod. ii. 162. But for the complete meaning of the Badawi’s most offensive reply, check out the Tale of Abu Hasan in Night ccccxi.
143. Arab. “Yá sáki’ al-Dakan” meaning long bearded (foolish) as well as frosty bearded.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Yá sáki’ al-Dakan” meaning long-bearded (foolish) as well as frosty-bearded.
The Sharif Husayn bin Rayyán relateth that the Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattáb was sitting one day judging the folk and doing justice between his subjects, attended by the best and wisest of his counsellors, when there came up to him a youth comely and cleanly attired upon whom two very handsome youths had laid 99hold and were haling by the collar till they set him in the presence. Whereupon the Commander of the Faithful, Omar, looked at him and them and bade them loose him; then, calling him near to himself, asked the twain, “What is your case with him?” They answered, “O Prince of True Believers, we are two brothers by one mother and as followers of verity known are we. We had a father, a very old man of good counsel, honoured by the tribes, sound of baseness and renowned for goodliness who reared us tenderly in childhood, and loaded us with favours in manhood;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
The Sharif Husayn bin Rayyán recounts that Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattáb was sitting one day, resolving disputes and delivering justice among his people, accompanied by the wisest of his advisors. Suddenly, a well-dressed young man approached, being pulled along by two handsome young men who had him by the collar and brought him before the Caliph. The Commander of the Faithful, Omar, looked at them and instructed them to let him go. Then, calling the young man closer, he asked the two, “What’s your issue with him?” They replied, “O Prince of True Believers, we are two brothers from the same mother, recognized as followers of the truth. We had a father, an elderly man of wisdom, respected by the tribes, of noble character and known for his goodness, who raised us with care in our youth and showered us with kindness in our adulthood;”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted speech.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the two youths said to the Commander of the Faithful, Omar son of Al-Khattab, “Our father was a man honoured by the tribes, sound of baseness and renowned for goodliness, who reared us delicately in childhood, and loaded us with favours in manhood; in fine, a sea of noble and illustrious qualities, worthy of the poet’s praise:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the two young men told the Commander of the Faithful, Omar son of Al-Khattab, 'Our father was a man respected by the tribes, free of any dishonor and well-known for his goodness. He raised us with care in childhood and showered us with blessings in adulthood; in short, he was a wellspring of noble and remarkable qualities, deserving of the poet's praise:'"
Now he went forth this day to his garden, to refresh himself amongst its trees and pluck the ripe fruits, when this young man slew him wrongously and swerved from the road of righteousness; wherefore we demand of thee the retribution of his crime and call upon thee to pass judgment upon him, according to the commandment of Allah.” Then Omar cast a terrible look at the accused youth and said to him, “Verily thou hearest the complaint these two young men prefer; what hast thou in reply to aver?” But 100he was brave of heart and bold of speech, having doffed the robe of pusillanimity and put off the garb of cowardry; so he smiled and spake in the most eloquent and elegant words; and, after paying the usual ceremonial compliment to the Caliph, said, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I have indeed given ear to their complaint, and they have told the truth in that which they tell, so far as they have set out what befel; and the commandment of Allah is a decreed decree.[146] But I will forthright state my case between thy hands, and it is for thee to give commands. Know then, O Prince of the Faithful, that I am a very Arab of the Arabies,[147] the noblest of those that are beneath the skies. I grew up in the dwellings of the wold and fell, till evil times my tribe befel, when I came to the outskirts of this town, with my family and whatso goods I own: and as I went along one of the paths leading to its gardens, orchards and garths, with my she-camels highly esteemed and by me most precious deemed, and midst them a stallion of noble blood and shape right good, a plenteous getter of brood, by whom the females abundantly bore and who walked among them as though a kingly crown he wore, one of the she-camels broke away; and, running to the garden of these young men’s father, where the trees showed above the wall, put forth her lips and began to feed as in stall. I ran to her, to drive her away, when behold, there appeared, at a breach of the wall, an old man and grey, whose eyes sparkled with angry ray, holding in his right a stone to throw and swaying to and fro, with a swing like a lion ready for a spring. He cast the stone at my stallion, and it killed him for it struck a vital part. When I saw the stallion drop dead beside me, I felt live coals of anger kindled in my heart; so I took up the very same stone and throwing it at the old man, it was the cause of his bane and ban: thus his own wrongful act returned to him anew, and the man was slain of that wherewith he slew. When the stone struck him, he cried out with a great cry and shrieked out a terrible shriek, whereupon I hastened from the spot; but these two young men hurried after 101me and laid hands on me and before thee carried me.” Quoth Omar (Almighty Allah accept of him!), “Thou hast confessed what thou committedest, and of acquittal there is no possible occasion; for urgent is the law of retaliation and they cried for mercy but it was not a time to escape.”[148] The youth answered, “I hear and obey the judgment of the Imam, and I consent to all required by the law of Al-Islam; but I have a young brother, whose old father, before his decease, appointed to him wealth in great store and gold galore, and committed his affair to me before Allah, saying:—I give this into thy hand for thy brother; keep it for him with all thy might. So I took the money and buried it; nor doth any know of it but I. Now, if thou adjudge me to be justiced forthright, the money will be lost and thou shalt be the cause of its loss; wherefore the child will sue thee for his due on the day when the Creator shall judge between His creatures. But, if thou wilt grant me three days’ delay, I will appoint some guardian to administer the affairs of the boy and return to answer my debt; and I have one who will be my surety for the fulfilment of this my promise.” So the Commander of the Faithful bowed his head awhile, then raised it and looking round upon those present, said, “Who will stand surety by me for his return to this place?” And the youth looked at the faces of those who were in company and pointing to Abu Zarr,[149] in preference to all present, said, “This man shall answer for me and be my bail.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Now he went out today to his garden to relax among the trees and pick the ripe fruits when this young man wrongfully killed him and deviated from the path of righteousness; therefore, we ask you for retribution for his crime and urge you to pass judgment on him according to the command of Allah.” Then Omar shot a furious look at the accused young man and said to him, “You’ve heard the complaint these two young men have against you; what do you have to say in response?” But he was brave and articulate, having shed the cloak of weakness and the attire of cowardice; so he smiled and spoke in the most eloquent and refined way, and after giving the usual ceremonial greeting to the Caliph, said, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I have indeed listened to their complaint, and they have spoken the truth in what they have said about what happened; the command of Allah is a mandated decree. But I will present my case before you, and it is for you to decide. Know, then, O Prince of the Faithful, that I am a true Arab, the noblest among those under the sky. I grew up in the wilds until unfortunate times befell my tribe, leading me to the outskirts of this town with my family and what few possessions I had: as I walked along one of the paths leading to its gardens, orchards, and fields, with my beloved she-camels and among them a fine stallion of noble lineage and appearance, a fruitful sire by which the females bore abundantly and who walked among them as if he wore a royal crown, one of the she-camels broke free and ran into the garden of these young men’s father, where the trees were visible over the wall. I ran to her to drive her back when suddenly, at a breach in the wall, an old man appeared, gray-haired and with eyes flashing with anger, holding a stone in his right hand to throw and swaying back and forth like a lion ready to pounce. He threw the stone at my stallion, hitting a vital spot and killing him. When I saw my stallion drop dead beside me, I felt flames of anger ignited in my heart; so I picked up the same stone and threw it at the old man, which caused his demise, thus his wrongful act returned to him, and he was killed by what he had used to kill. When the stone struck him, he let out a great cry and a terrible shriek, prompting me to flee from the scene; but these two young men chased after me and captured me, bringing me before you.” Omar (may Almighty Allah accept him!) said, “You have confessed to what you did, and there is no possibility of acquittal; for the law of retaliation is urgent, and they called for mercy, but this is not a time for escape.” The youth replied, “I hear and accept the judgment of the Imam, and I agree to everything required by Islamic law; but I have a younger brother whose old father, before his death, entrusted him with a great wealth and plenty of gold, and committed his affairs to me before Allah, saying:—I give this into your hands for your brother; protect it for him with all your might. So I took the money and buried it; no one knows about it except me. Now, if you condemn me to death immediately, that money will be lost, and you will be the cause of that loss; as a result, the child will demand what is rightfully his on the day when the Creator judges between His creatures. But if you grant me three days’ delay, I will appoint someone to take care of the boy’s affairs and return to face my judgment; I have someone who will guarantee my promise.” Then the Commander of the Faithful bowed his head for a moment, then raised it and looked around at those present, saying, “Who will stand as surety for him to return to this place?” And the youth looked at the faces of those gathered and, pointing to Abu Zarr, preferred him above all others, saying, “This man shall answer for me and be my guarantor.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the youth pointed to Abu Zarr and said, “This man shall answer for me and be my bail,” Omar (Allah accept of him!) said, “O Abu Zarr, dost thou hear these words and wilt thou be surety to me for 102the return of this youth?” He answered, “Yes, O Commander of the Faithful, I will be surety for him three days.” So the Caliph accepted his guarantee and let the young man go. Now when the appointed time passed and the days of grace were nearly or quite at end yet the youth came not, the Caliph took seat in his council, with the Companions surrounding him, like the constellations about the moon, Abu Zarr and the plaintiffs being also present; and the avengers said, “Where is the defendant, O Abu Zarr, and how shall he return, having once fled? But we will not stir from our places till thou bring him to us, that we may take of him our blood-revenge.” Replied Abu Zarr, “By the truth of the All-Wise King, if the three days of grace expire and the young man return not, I will fulfil my warranty and surrender my person to the Imam;” and added Omar (whom Allah accept!), “By the Lord, if the young man appear not, I will assuredly execute on Abu Zarr that which is prescribed by the law of Al-Islam!”[150] Thereupon the eyes of the bystanders ran over with tears; those who looked on groaned aloud and great was the clamour. Then the chiefs of the Companions urged the plaintiffs to accept the blood-wit and deserve the thanks of the folk; but they both refused and would accept nothing save the talion. However, as the folk were swaying to and fro like waves and loudly bemoaning Abu Zarr, behold, up came the young Badawi; and, standing before the Imam, saluted him right courteously (with sweat-beaded face and shining with the crescent’s grace) and said to him, “I have given the lad in charge to his mother’s brothers and have made them acquainted with all that pertaineth to his affairs and let them into the secret of his monies; after which I braved the heats of noon and have kept my word as a free-born man.” Thereupon the folk marvelled, seeing his good faith and loyalty and his offering himself to death with so stout a heart; and one said to him, “How noble a youth art thou and how loyal to thy word of honour and thy devoir!” Rejoined he, “Are ye not convinced that when death presenteth itself, none can escape from it? And indeed, I 103have kept my word, that it be not said, Good faith is gone from among mankind.” Said Abu Zarr, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I became warrant for this young man, without knowing to what tribe he belonged, nor had I seen him before that day; but, when he turned away from all who were present and singled me out, saying:—This man shall answer for me and be my bail, I thought it not right to refuse him, and generosity forbade to disappoint his desire, there being no harm in compliance therewith, that it be not bruited abroad, Benevolence is gone from among mankind.” Then said the two young men, “O Commander of the Faithful, we forgive this youth our father’s blood, seeing that he hath changed desolation into cheerfulness; that it be not said, Humanity is gone from among mankind.” So the Caliph rejoiced in the acquittance of the youth and his truth and good faith; moreover, he magnified the generosity of Abu Zarr, extolling it over all his companions, and approved the resolve of the two young men for its benevolence, giving them praise with thanks and applying to their case the saying of the poet:—
She said, "It has come to my attention, O noble King, that when the young man pointed to Abu Zarr and said, 'This man will stand for me and be my guarantor,' Omar (may Allah accept him!) replied, 'O Abu Zarr, do you hear these words, and will you be responsible for the return of this young man?' He answered, 'Yes, O Commander of the Faithful, I will vouch for him for three days.' So the Caliph accepted his guarantee and let the young man go. Now, when the time had passed and the grace period was nearly over but the young man still didn't return, the Caliph sat in his council with his companions around him like stars around the moon, and Abu Zarr and the plaintiffs were also present. The plaintiffs said, 'Where is the defendant, O Abu Zarr, and how can he return after fleeing? We will not leave until you bring him to us so we can take our revenge.' Abu Zarr replied, 'By the truth of the All-Wise King, if the grace period expires and the young man does not return, I will fulfill my guarantee and surrender myself to the Imam;' and Omar (may Allah accept him!) added, 'By the Lord, if the young man does not appear, I will definitely enact what the law of Al-Islam prescribes on Abu Zarr!' At this, the bystanders were moved to tears; those watching let out groans, and there was much commotion. The leaders among the companions urged the plaintiffs to accept blood money for the sake of the community's gratitude, but they both refused, wanting nothing less than retribution. However, as the crowd swayed back and forth like waves, mourning for Abu Zarr, behold, the young Badawi appeared. Standing before the Imam, he greeted him warmly (his face beaded with sweat and glowing with a crescent’s grace) and said, 'I have entrusted the boy to his uncles and informed them of everything regarding his matters and finances; then I faced the heat of the noon sun and have kept my promise as a free man.' The people were amazed, seeing his faithfulness and bravery as he prepared to face death with such courage; one said to him, 'What a noble young man you are, loyal to your word and duty!' He replied, 'Are you not convinced that when death comes, no one can escape it? Truly, I have kept my word so it won't be said that good faith has vanished from humanity.' Abu Zarr said, 'By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I guaranteed this young man without knowing his tribe or having seen him before that day; but when he disregarded everyone else and singled me out, saying: 'This man will answer for me,' I felt it wouldn't be right to refuse, and generosity compelled me to fulfill his wish, as it wouldn't harm anyone, lest it be said, 'Benevolence has disappeared from humanity.' The two young men then said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, we forgive this young man for our father's blood, as he has turned despair into joy; let it not be said, 'Humanity has vanished from among mankind.' The Caliph rejoiced in the young man's release and his honesty; he praised Abu Zarr's generosity above all his companions and admired the two young men for their kindness, thanking them and referencing the saying of the poet:"
Then he offered to pay them, from the Treasury, the blood-wit for their father; but they refused, saying, “We forgave him only of our desire unto Allah,[151] the Bountiful, the Exalted; and he who is thus intentioned followeth not his benefits with reproach or with mischief.”[152] And amongst the tales they relate is that of
Then he offered to pay them, from the Treasury, the blood money for their father; but they refused, saying, “We forgave him only out of our desire for Allah,[151] the Generous, the Exalted; and someone with such intentions does not follow their good deeds with blame or harm.”[152] And among the stories they share is that of
144. P. N. of the tribe, often mentioned in The Nights.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.P. N. of the tribe, frequently referenced in The Nights.
145. Adnan, with whom Arab genealogy begins, is generally supposed to be the eighth (Al-Tabari says the fortieth) descendant from Ishmael and nine generations are placed between him and Fahr (Fihr) Kuraysh. The Prophet cut all disputes short by saying, “Beyond Adnan none save Allah wotteth and the genealogists lie” (Pilgrimage ii. 344). M. C. de Perceval dates Adnan about B.C. 130.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Adnan, who is considered the starting point of Arab genealogy, is generally thought to be the eighth (though Al-Tabari says the fortieth) descendant of Ishmael, with nine generations between him and Fahr (Fihr) Kuraysh. The Prophet resolved all debates by stating, “Beyond Adnan, only Allah knows, and genealogists are mistaken” (Pilgrimage ii. 344). M. C. de Perceval estimates Adnan lived around 130 B.C.
146. Koran xxxiii., 38.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 33:38.
147. Arab. “Arab al-Arabá,” as before noticed (vol. i. 12) the pure and genuine blood as opposed to the “Musta’aribah,” the “Muta’arribah,” the “Mosarabians” and other Araboids; the first springing from Kahtan (Yaktan?) and the others from Adnan. And note that “Arabi” = a man of pure Arab race, either of the Desert or of the city, while A’arábi applies only to the Desert man, the Badawi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Arab al-Arabá,” as mentioned earlier (vol. i. 12), refers to those of pure and genuine Arab blood, in contrast to the “Musta’aribah,” the “Muta’arribah,” the “Mosarabians,” and other Araboids; the former descending from Kahtan (Yaktan?) and the latter from Adnan. Also, keep in mind that “Arabi” means a man of pure Arab ancestry, whether from the desert or the city, while A’arábi specifically refers to the desert dweller, the Badawi.
148. Koran xxxviii. 2, speaking of the Unbelievers (i.e. non-Moslems) who are full of pride and contention.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran 38:2 talks about the Unbelievers (i.e. non-Muslims) who are filled with pride and conflict.
149. One of the Asháb, or Companions of the Apostle, that is them who knew him personally (Pilgrimage ii. 80, etc.). The Asháb al-Suffah (Companions of the bench or sofa) were certain houseless Believers lodged by the Prophet (Pilgrimage ii. 143).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.One of the Companions of the Apostle, meaning those who knew him personally (Pilgrimage ii. 80, etc.). The Companions of the Sofa were some homeless Believers who were sheltered by the Prophet (Pilgrimage ii. 143).
150. Hence Omar is entitled “Al-Adil” = the Just. Readers will remember that by Moslem law and usage murder and homicide are offences to be punished by the family, not by society or its delegates. This system reappears in civilisation under the denomination of “Lynch Law,” a process infinitely distasteful to lawyers (whom it abolishes) and most valuable when administered with due discretion.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Therefore, Omar is called “Al-Adil” which means the Just. Readers will recall that according to Muslim law and tradition, murder and homicide are crimes that should be punished by the family, not by society or its representatives. This system reemerges in modern civilization under the name “Lynch Law,” a practice that lawyers find extremely unpleasant (since it sidelines them) but can be quite effective when executed with proper caution.
151. Lane translates (ii. 592) “from a desire of seeing the face of God;” but the general belief of Al-Islam is that the essence of Allah’s corporeal form is different from man’s. The orthodox expect to “see their Lord on Doom-day as they see the full moon” (a tradition). But the Mu’atazilites deny with the existence of matter the corporeity of Allah and hold that he will be seen only with the spiritual eyes, i.e. of reason.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Lane translates (ii. 592) “from a desire to see the face of God;” however, the common belief in Islam is that the essence of Allah's physical form is different from that of humans. The orthodox believe they will “see their Lord on Judgment Day just as they see the full moon” (a tradition). In contrast, the Mu’tazilites deny the existence of materiality and argue that Allah can only be seen with spiritual eyes, i.e. the eyes of reason.
152. See Gesta Romanorum, Tale cviii., “of Constancy in adhering to Promises,” founded on Damon and Pythias or, perhaps, upon the Arabic.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.See Gesta Romanorum, Tale 108, “of Constancy in keeping Promises,” based on Damon and Pythias or possibly from the Arabic.
It is told that the Caliph-al-Maamun son of Harun al-Rashid, when he entered the God-guarded city of Cairo, was minded to pull down the Pyramids, that he might take what was therein; but, when he went about to do this, he could not succeed, albeit his best was done. He expended a mint of money in the attempt,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
It is said that Caliph al-Maamun, the son of Harun al-Rashid, when he arrived in the God-protected city of Cairo, planned to tear down the Pyramids to take what was inside them. However, when he tried to do this, he couldn’t succeed, despite his best efforts. He spent a fortune on the attempt—And Shahrazad noticed the break of day and stopped telling her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Al-Maamun attempting to pull down the Pyramids, expended his mint of money, but succeeded only in opening up a small tunnel in one of them, wherein it is said he found treasure to the exact amount of the monies he had spent in the works, neither more nor less; whereat he marvelled and taking what he found there, desisted from his determination. Now the Pyramids are three, and they are one of the Wonders of the World; nor is there on the face of earth aught like them for height and fashion and mysteries[154]; for they are built of huge rocks, and the builders proceeded by piercing one block of stone and setting therein upright rods of iron[155]; after which they pierced a second block of stone and lowered it upon the first. Then they poured melted lead upon the clamps and set the blocks in geometrical order, till the building was complete. Now the height of each pyramid was an hundred 105cubits, of the normal measure of the day, and it had four faces, each three hundred cubits long from the base and thence battering upwards to a point. The ancients say that, in the western Pyramid, are thirty chambers of parti-coloured syenite, full of precious gems and treasures galore and rare images and utensils and costly weapons which are anointed with egromantic unguents, so that they may not rust till the day of Resurrection.[156] Therein, also, are vessels of glass which bend and break not, containing various kinds of compound drugs and sympathetic waters. In the second Pyramid are the records of the priests, written on tablets of syenite, to each priest his tablet, whereon are engraved the wonders of his craft and his feats; and on the walls are human figures like idols, working with their hands at all manner of mechanism and seated on stepped thrones. Moreover, to each Pyramid there is a guardian treasurer who keepeth watch over it and wardeth it, to all eternity, against the ravages of time and the shifts of events; and indeed the marvels of these Pyramids astound all who have sight and insight. Many are the poems that describe them, thou shalt thereby profit no small matter, and among the rest, quoth one of them:—
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that Al-Maamun tried to tear down the Pyramids and spent a fortune, but all he managed to do was create a small tunnel in one of them. It’s said he found treasure that was exactly equal to what he had spent, neither more nor less; he was amazed and, taking what he found, gave up on his plan. Now, there are three Pyramids, and they are one of the Wonders of the World; there’s nothing else on earth like them in height, shape, and mystery[154]. They were built from massive stones, with the builders drilling into one block and placing iron rods upright[155]; then they drilled into a second block and lowered it onto the first. They poured molten lead over the clamps and arranged the blocks geometrically until the structure was finished. Each pyramid stands a hundred cubits tall, using the standard measurement of the day, and has four faces, each three hundred cubits long from the base, sloping up to a point. The ancients say that in the western Pyramid, there are thirty chambers made of brightly colored syenite, filled with precious gems and countless treasures, rare artifacts, and valuable weapons that are anointed with special ointments to prevent rusting until the Day of Resurrection.[156] Inside, there are also glass vessels that bend but don’t break, holding various kinds of complex drugs and healing waters. In the second Pyramid, there are records from the priests, written on syenite tablets, each priest having his own tablet engraved with the wonders of his craft and his achievements; the walls depict human figures like idols, working with their hands on all sorts of mechanisms and sitting on tiered thrones. Additionally, every Pyramid has a guardian treasurer who watches over it and protects it for all eternity against the ravages of time and changes in fortune. The wonders of these Pyramids astonish everyone who sees and understands. Many poems describe them; you’ll gain much from them, and one of the poems says:—”
And quoth another:—
And said another:—
106And quoth a third:—
And said a third:—
And quoth a fourth:—
And said a fourth:—
And men also tell a tale of
And men also share a story of
153. Arab. “Al-Ahrám,” a word of unknown provenance. It has been suggested that the singular form (Haram), preceded by the Coptic article “Pi” (= the) suggested to the Greeks “Pyramis.” But this word is still sub judice and every Egyptologist seems to propose his own derivation. Brugsch (Egypt i. 72) makes it Greek, the Egyptian being “Abumir,” while “pir-am-us” = the edge of the pyramid, the corners running from base to apex. The great Egyptologist proves also what the Ancients either ignored or forgot to mention, that each pyramid had its own name.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-Ahrám,” a word whose origins are uncertain. Some suggest that the singular form (Haram), preceded by the Coptic article “Pi” (= the), was interpreted by the Greeks as “Pyramis.” However, this interpretation is still under review, and every Egyptologist seems to have their own theory. Brugsch (Egypt i. 72) argues it’s Greek, with the Egyptian term being “Abumir,” while “pir-am-us” means the edge of the pyramid, referring to the corners extending from the base to the peak. The eminent Egyptologist also highlights what the Ancients either overlooked or forgot to mention: each pyramid had its own name.
154. Arab. “Ahkám,” in this matter supporting the “Pyramidologists.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Ahkám,” in this case backing the “Pyramidologists.”
155. All imaginative.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Completely imaginative.
156. It has always been my opinion founded upon considerations too long to detail, that the larger Pyramids contain many unopened chambers. Dr. Grant Bey of Cairo proposed boring through the blocks as Artesian wells are driven. I cannot divine why Lane (ii. 592) chose to omit this tale, which is founded on historic facts and interests us by suggesting a comparison between Mediæval Moslem superstitions and those of our xixth Century, which to our descendants will appear as wild, if not as picturesque, as those of The Nights. The “inspired British inch” and the building by Melchisedek (the Shaykh of some petty Syrian village) will compare not unaptly with the enchanted swords, flexible glass and guardian spirits. But the Pyramidennarren is a race which will not speedily die out: it is based on Nature, the Pyramids themselves.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I've always believed, for reasons too lengthy to explain, that the larger Pyramids have many unopened chambers. Dr. Grant Bey from Cairo suggested drilling through the blocks like how Artesian wells are created. I can't understand why Lane (ii. 592) decided to leave out this story, which is based on historical facts and captures our interest by comparing Medieval Moslem superstitions to those of our 19th century, which will seem just as wild, if not as colorful, to our descendants as the tales from The Nights. The “inspired British inch” and the construction by Melchisedek (the Shaykh of a small Syrian village) can be compared reasonably well to magical swords, flexible glass, and protective spirits. However, the Pyramidennarren is a group that won’t disappear anytime soon: it is rooted in Nature, in the Pyramids themselves.
There was once a thief who repented to Almighty Allah with sincere penitence; so he opened himself a shop for the sale of stuffs, where he continued to trade awhile. It so chanced one day that he locked his shop and went home, and in the night there came to the bazar an artful thief disguised in the habit of the merchant, and pulling out keys from his sleeve, said to the watchman of the market, “Light me this wax-candle.” The watchman took the taper and went to light it,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
There was once a thief who genuinely repented to Almighty Allah, so he opened a shop to sell goods and continued to trade for a while. One day, he locked up his shop and went home. That night, a cunning thief, disguised as a merchant, arrived at the market and pulled keys from his sleeve. He said to the market watchman, “Light this wax candle for me.” The watchman took the taper and went to light it,——And Shahrazad realized it was dawn and stopped her story for the moment.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the watchman took the taper and went to light it, whilst the thief opened the shop and lit another candle he had by him. When the watchman came back, he found him seated in the shop, account-books in hand, and reckoning with his fingers; nor did he cease to do thus till point of day, when he said to the man, “Fetch me a camel-driver and his camel, to carry some goods for me.” So the 107man fetched him a camel, and the thief took four bales[157] of stuffs and gave them to the cameleer, who loaded them on his beast. Then he gave the watchman two dirhams and went away after the camel-driver, leaving the watchman believing him to be the owner of the shop. Now when the morning dawned and day broke the merchant came and the watchman began greeting him with blessings, because of the two dirhams; but the shop-owner wondered at his words as one not knowing what he meant. When he opened his shop, he saw the droppings of the wax and the account book lying on the floor, and looking round, found four bales of stuffs missing. So he asked the watchman what had happened and he told him what had passed in the night and what had been said to the cameleer, whereupon the merchant bade him fetch the man and asked him, “Whither didst thou carry the stuffs this morning?” Answered the driver, “To such a landing-place, and I stowed them on board such a vessel.” Said the merchant, “Come with me thither;” so the camel-driver carried him to the landing-place and said to him, “This be the barque and this be her owner.” Quoth the merchant to the seaman, “Whither didst thou carry the merchant and the stuff?” Answered the boat-master, “To such a place, where he fetched a camel-driver and, setting the bales on the camel, went his ways I know not whither.” “Fetch me the cameleer who carried the goods,” said the merchant; so he fetched him and the merchant said to him, “Whither didst thou carry the bales of stuffs from the ship?” “To such a Khan,” answered he; and the merchant rejoined, “Come thither with me and show it me.” So the camel-man went with him to a place far distant from the shore and showed him the Khan where he had set down the stuffs, and at the same time the false merchant’s magazine, which he opened and found therein his four bales bound up as they had been packed. The thief had laid his cloak over them; so the merchant took the cloak as well as the bales and delivered them to the camel-driver, who laid them on his camel; after which he locked the magazine and went away with the cameleer. On the way, behold, he was confronted by the thief who followed him, till he had shipped the bales, when he said to him, “O my brother (Allah have 108thee in His holy keeping!), thou hast indeed recovered thy goods and naught of them is lost; so give me back my cloak.” The merchant laughed and, giving him back his cloak, let him go unhindered; whereupon both went their ways. And they tell a tale of
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that the watchman took the candle and went to light it, while the thief opened the shop and lit another candle he had with him. When the watchman returned, he found the thief sitting in the shop, counting in his account books, and he didn’t stop doing this until dawn, when he said to the man, ‘Get me a camel driver and his camel to carry some goods for me.’ So the man brought him a camel, and the thief took four bales of goods and gave them to the cameleer, who loaded them on his camel. Then he gave the watchman two dirhams and left with the camel driver, making the watchman believe he was the shop owner. When morning came and the day broke, the merchant arrived, and the watchman started greeting him with blessings because of the two dirhams; but the shop owner was puzzled by his words, not understanding what he meant. When he opened his shop, he saw wax drippings and the account book lying on the floor, and looking around, found that four bales of goods were missing. So he asked the watchman what had happened, and the watchman told him about the events of the night and what the cameleer had said. The merchant then instructed him to find the man and asked, ‘Where did you take the goods this morning?’ The driver answered, ‘To such a landing place, and I loaded them onto such a ship.’ The merchant said, ‘Come with me there;’ so the cameleer took him to the landing place and said to him, ‘This is the boat and here is its owner.’ The merchant asked the sailor, ‘Where did you take the merchant and the goods?’ The boat master replied, ‘To such a place, where he got a camel driver and, loading the bales on the camel, left for a destination I don’t know.’ The merchant said, ‘Bring me the cameleer who carried the goods,’ and he fetched him. The merchant asked, ‘Where did you take the bales from the ship?’ ‘To such a caravansary,’ he replied; and the merchant said, ‘Come with me and show me.’ So the camel driver took him to a place far from the shore and showed him the caravansary where he had dropped off the goods, along with the false merchant’s store, which he opened and found his four bales tied up just as they had been packed. The thief had covered them with his cloak; so the merchant took both the cloak and the bales and gave them to the camel driver, who loaded them onto his camel. After that, he locked the store and left with the cameleer. On their way, suddenly, they encountered the thief who was following him until he had shipped the bales, when he said to him, ‘Oh my brother (may Allah keep you safe!), you’ve indeed recovered your goods and nothing is lost; now give me back my cloak.’ The merchant laughed and, returning the cloak to him, let him go without delay; then both went their separate ways. And they tell a tale of
157. Arab. “Rizm;” hence, through the Italian Risma our ream (= 20 quires of paper, etc.), which our dictionaries derive from ἀριθμός (!) See “frail” in Night dcccxxxviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Rizm;” thus, via the Italian Risma our ream (= 20 quires of paper, etc.), which our dictionaries trace back to number (!) Refer to “frail” in Night dcccxxxviii.
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, was exceedingly restless one night; so he said to his Wazir Ja’afar, “I am sleep-less to-night and my breast is straitened and I know not what to do.” Now his castrato Masrúr was standing before him, and he laughed; whereupon the Caliph said “At whom laughest thou? is it to make mock of me or hath madness seized thee?” Answered Masrur, “Nay, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, was very restless one night. He said to his Wazir Ja’afar, “I can’t sleep tonight and I feel uneasy; I don’t know what to do.” His castrato Masrúr was standing in front of him and laughed, prompting the Caliph to ask, “Who are you laughing at? Are you mocking me, or have you gone mad?” Masrur replied, “No, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful”—and Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped telling her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Harun al-Rashid said to Masrur the Sworder, “Dost thou laugh to make mock of me or hath madness seized thee?” Answered Masrur, “Nay, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I swear by thy kinship to the Prince of Apostles, I did it not of my free will; but I went out yesterday to walk within sight of the palace and, coming to the bank of the Tigris, saw there the folk collected; so I stopped and found a man, Ibn al-Káribí hight, who was making them laugh; but just now I recalled what he said, and laughter got the better of me; and I crave pardon of thee, O Commander of the Faithful!” Quoth the Caliph, “Bring him to me forthright;” so Masrur repaired in all haste to Ibn al-Karibi and said to him, “Answer the summons of the Commander of the Faithful,” whereto he replied, “I hear and obey.” “But on condition,” added Masrur, “that, if he give thee aught, thou shalt have a quarter and the rest shall be mine.” Replied the droll, “Nay, thou shalt have half and I half.” Rejoined Masrur, “Not so, I will have three-quarters.” Lastly said Ibn al-Karibi, “Thou shalt have two-thirds and I 109the other third;” to which Masrur agreed, after much higgling and haggling, and they returned to the palace together. Now when Ibn al-Karibi came into the Caliph’s presence he saluted him as men greet the Caliphate, and stood before him; whereupon said Al-Rashid to him, “If thou do not make me laugh, I will give thee three blows with this bag.” Quoth Ibn al-Karibi in his mind, “And a small matter were blows with that bag, seeing that beating with whips hurteth me not;” for he thought the bag was empty. Then he began to deal out his drolleries, such as would make the dismallest jemmy guffaw, and gave vent to all manner of buffooneries; but the Caliph laughed not neither smiled, whereat Ibn al-Karibi marvelled and was chagrined and affrighted. Then said the Commander of the Faithful, “Now hast thou earned the beating,” and gave him a blow with the bag, wherein were four pebbles each two rotols in weight. The blow fell on his neck and he gave a great cry, then calling to mind his compact with Masrur, said, “Pardon, O Commander of the Faithful! Hear two words from me.” Quoth the Caliph, “Say on,” and quoth Ibn al-Karibi, “Masrur made it a condition with me and I a covenant with him, that whatsoever largesse might come to me of the bounties of the Commander of the Faithful, one-third thereof should be mine and the rest his; nor did he agree to leave me so much as one-third, save after much higgling and haggling. Now thou hast bestowed on me nothing but beating; I have had my share and here standeth he, ready to receive his portion; so pay him the two other blows.” Now when the Caliph heard this, he laughed till he fell on his back; then calling Masrur, he gave him a blow, whereat he cried out and said, “O Commander of the Faithful, the one-third sufficeth me: give him the two-thirds.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that Harun al-Rashid said to Masrur the Sworder, 'Are you laughing at me, or have you lost your mind?' Masrur replied, 'No, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I swear by your connection to the Prince of Apostles, I didn't do it intentionally; I was out for a walk near the palace and when I reached the bank of the Tigris, I saw a crowd gathered. I stopped and found a man named Ibn al-Karibi who was making them laugh. Just now I remembered what he said and couldn't help but laugh, and I ask for your forgiveness, O Commander of the Faithful!' The Caliph said, 'Bring him to me right away;' so Masrur hurried to Ibn al-Karibi and said, 'Answer the call of the Commander of the Faithful,' to which he replied, 'I hear and obey.' 'But on one condition,' Masrur added, 'that if he gives you anything, you will take one quarter and the rest will be mine.' The joker replied, 'No, you take half and I take half.' Masrur responded, 'No way, I want three-quarters.' Finally, Ibn al-Karibi said, 'You can have two-thirds and I will take the other third;' to which Masrur agreed, after much back and forth, and they returned to the palace together. When Ibn al-Karibi entered the Caliph’s presence, he greeted him like anyone would greet a Caliph and stood before him. Al-Rashid then said to him, 'If you don’t make me laugh, I’ll hit you three times with this bag.' Ibn al-Karibi thought to himself, 'Three hits with that bag are no big deal, since being whipped doesn't hurt me;' he believed the bag was empty. He started telling his jokes, the kind that could make the saddest person laugh, and performed all kinds of silly antics; but the Caliph neither laughed nor smiled, which surprised and disappointed Ibn al-Karibi. The Commander of the Faithful then said, 'Now you’ve earned the beating,' and hit him with the bag, which contained four pebbles each weighing two rotols. The blow landed on his neck and he let out a loud cry; then remembering his deal with Masrur, he said, 'Forgive me, O Commander of the Faithful! Allow me to say two words.' The Caliph said, 'Go ahead,' and Ibn al-Karibi replied, 'Masrur made a condition with me, and I made a promise with him, that whatever gifts I received from the Commander of the Faithful, one-third would be mine and the rest his; he didn’t even agree to give me one-third without a lot of bargaining. But now you've given me nothing but a beating; I've gotten my share, and here he is, ready to take his portion; so give him the two other hits.' When the Caliph heard this, he laughed so hard he fell on his back; then calling Masrur, he hit him, and he cried out, 'O Commander of the Faithful, one-third is enough for me: give him the two-thirds.'”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Masrur cried out, “O Commander of the Faithful! the one-third sufficeth me; give him the two-thirds.” So the Caliph laughed at them and ordered them a thousand dinars each, and they went away, rejoicing at the largesse. And of the tales they tell is one of
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that Masrur shouted, 'O Commander of the Faithful! One-third is enough for me; give him the two-thirds.' The Caliph laughed at them and ordered a thousand dinars for each of them, and they left, happy about the generosity. And one of the stories they tell is about
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, had a son who, from the time he attained the age of sixteen, renounced the world and walked in the way[158] of ascetics and devotees. He was wont to go out to the grave-yards and say, “Ye once ruled the world, but that saved you not from death, and now are ye come to your sepulchres! Would Heaven I knew what ye said and what is said to you!”[159] And he wept as one weepeth who is troubled with fear and apprehension, and repeated the words of the poet:—
The Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, had a son who, once he turned sixteen, gave up worldly pleasures and embraced the lifestyle of ascetics and seekers. He often visited the graveyards and would say, “You once ruled the world, but that didn't protect you from death, and now you rest in your graves! I wish I knew what you said and what is said to you!” And he wept like someone filled with fear and anxiety, reciting the words of the poet:—
Now it chanced one day, as he sat among the tombs, according to his custom, his father passed by in all his state, surrounded by his Wazirs and Lords of the realm and the Officers of his household, who seeing the Caliph’s son with a gown of woollen stuff on his body and a twist of wool on his head by way of turband, said to one another, “Verily this youth dishonoureth the Commander of the Faithful among Kings: but, if he reproved him, he would leave his present way of life.” The Caliph heard these words; so quoth he to his son, “O my dear child, of a truth thou disgracest me by thy present way of life.” The young man looked at him and made no reply: then he beckoned to a bird perched on the battlements of the palace, and said to it, “O thou bird, I conjure thee by Him who created thee, alight upon my hand.” 111Whereupon straightway it swooped down and perched on his finger. Then quoth he, “Return to thy place;” and it did so. Presently he said, “Alight on the hand of the Commander of the Faithful;” but it refused there to perch, and he cried to his father, “It is thou that disgracest me amongst the Holy[160] Ones, by the love of the world; and now I am resolved to part from thee, never to return to thee, save in the world to come.” Then he went down to Bassorah, where he took to working with those which wrought in clay,[161] receiving, as his day’s hire, but a dirham and a dánik;[162] and with the danik he fed himself and gave alms of the dirham. (Quoth Abú Amir of Bassorah) There fell down a wall in my house: so I went forth to the station of the artisans to find a man who should repair it for me, and my eyes fell on a handsome youth of a radiant countenance. So I saluted him and asked him, “O my friend, dost thou seek work?” “Yes,” answered he; and I said, “Come with me and build a wall.” He replied, “On certain conditions I will make with thee.” Quoth I “What are they, O my friend?”; and quoth he, “My wage must be a dirham and a danik, and again when the Mu’ezzin calleth to prayer, thou shalt let me go pray with the congregation.” “It is well,” answered I and carried him to my place, where he fell to work, such work as I never saw the like of. Presently, I named to him the morning-meal; but he said, “No;” and I knew that he was fasting.[163] When he heard the call to prayer, he said to me, “Thou knowest the condition?” “Yes,” answered I. So he loosed his girdle and, applying himself to the lesser ablution, made it after a fashion than which I never saw a fairer;[164] then he went to the mosque and 112prayed with the congregation and returned to his work. He did the same upon the call to mid-afternoon prayer, and when I saw him fall to work again thereafterward, I said to him, “O my friend, verily the hours of labour are over; a workman’s day is but till the time of afternoon-prayer.” But he replied, “Praise to the Lord, my service is till the night.” And he ceased not to work till nightfall, when I gave him two dirhams; whereupon he asked “What is this!”; and I answered, “By Allah, this is but part of thy wage, because of thy diligence in my service.” But he threw them back to me saying, “I will have no more than was agreed upon between us twain.” I urged him to take them, but could not prevail upon him; so I gave him the dirham and the danik, and he went away. And when morning dawned, I went to the station but found him not; so I enquired for him and was told, “He cometh thither only on Sabbaths.” Accordingly, when Saturday came, I betook me to the market and finding him there, said to him, “Bismillah, do me the favour to come and work for me.” Said he, “Upon the conditions thou wottest;” and I answered “Yes!” Then carrying him to my house I stood to watch him where he could not see me; and he took a handful of puddled clay and laid it on the wall, when, behold, the stones ranged themselves one upon other; and I said, “On this wise are Allah’s holy ones.” He worked out his day and did even more than before; and when it was night, I gave him his hire, and he took it and walked away. Now when the third Saturday came round, I went to the place of standing, but found him not; so I asked after him and they told me, “He is sick and lying in the shanty of such a woman.” Now this was an old wife, renowned for piety, who had a hovel of reeds in the burial-ground. So I fared thither and found him stretched on the floor which was bare, with a brick for a pillow and his face beaming like the new moon with light. I saluted him and he returned my salam; and I sat down at his head weeping over his fair young years and absence from home and submission to the will of his Lord. Then said I to him, “Hast thou any need?” “Yes,” answered he; and I said, “What is it?” He replied, “Come hither to-morrow in the forenoon and thou wilt find me dead. Wash me and dig my grave and tell none thereof: but shroud me in this my gown, after thou hast unsewn it and taken out what thou shalt find in the bosom-pocket, which keep with thee. Then, when thou hast prayed over me and laid 113me in the dust, go to Baghdad and watch for the Caliph Harun al-Rashid, till he come forth, when do thou give him what thou shalt find in the breast of my gown and bear him my salutation.” Then he ejaculated the profession of the Faith and glorified his God in the most eloquent of words reciting these couplets:—
Now one day, as he sat among the tombs like he usually did, his father passed by in all his royal splendor, surrounded by his advisors and lords, along with his household officers. They noticed the Caliph’s son wearing a woolen robe and a wool headwrap and whispered to each other, “This young man is embarrassing the Commander of the Faithful among kings. However, if we reprimand him, he might abandon his current lifestyle.” The Caliph overheard this and said to his son, “My dear child, you truly disgrace me with your current way of living.” The young man looked at him and didn’t respond, then he signaled to a bird perched on the palace battlements, saying, “O bird, I ask you by the one who created you, come perch on my hand.” Immediately, the bird swooped down and landed on his finger. Then he said, “Return to your place,” and it did so. He then instructed, “Land on the hand of the Commander of the Faithful,” but the bird refused. He exclaimed to his father, “It is you who disgrace me among the Holy Ones with your love for worldly things; I am now determined to leave you, only to return to you in the afterlife.” He then went down to Basra, where he began working with clay artisans, earning just a dirham and a danik each day; he used the danik to feed himself and gave the dirham as alms. (Abu Amir of Basra narrates) A wall in my house collapsed, so I went to the craftsmen's area to find someone to fix it. My eyes fell on a handsome young man with a radiant face. I greeted him and asked, “Do you want work?” “Yes,” he replied, and I said, “Come with me, and let's build a wall.” He responded, “I will agree on certain conditions.” I asked, “What are they, my friend?” He replied, “My pay has to be a dirham and a danik, and when the Mu’ezzin calls for prayer, you must allow me to pray with the congregation.” I agreed and took him to my place, where he started working in a way I had never seen before. Soon, I offered him breakfast, but he declined, and I understood he was fasting. When he heard the call to prayer, he said, “You know the condition?” “Yes,” I replied. He then loosened his girdle and performed the minor ablution in a way I had never seen done so beautifully; then he went to the mosque, prayed with the congregation, and returned to work. He did the same when the midday prayer was called. When I saw him working after that, I said to him, “My friend, the hours of labor are over; a workman’s day lasts until the afternoon prayer.” But he replied, “Praise to the Lord, my service continues until nightfall.” He didn’t stop working until it got dark, and when I gave him two dirhams, he asked, “What is this?” I answered, “By Allah, this is just part of your payment for your hard work.” However, he threw them back at me, saying, “I will only accept what we agreed upon.” I insisted he take them, but he wouldn’t budge, so I gave him the dirham and the danik, and he left. The next morning, I went to the marketplace but couldn’t find him, so I asked around and was told, “He only comes here on Saturdays.” So, when Saturday arrived, I went to the market, found him there, and said, “Bismillah, please come and work for me.” He said, “On the conditions you know.” I replied, “Yes!” Then I took him home and watched him from a place where he couldn’t see me. He took a handful of wet clay and applied it to the wall, and behold, the stones began to stack perfectly on top of each other. I thought, “This is how Allah’s holy ones work.” He completed his day’s work and even more than before. At night, I paid him, and he took it and walked away. When the third Saturday came around, I went back to the marketplace but couldn’t find him again. I asked about him and was told, “He is sick and lying in the hut of such-and-such a woman.” She was an elderly woman known for her piety, who had a straw hut in the cemetery. I went there and found him lying on a bare floor, using a brick as a pillow, with his face glowing like a new moon. I greeted him, and he returned my greeting. I sat by his head, crying over his youthful years, his absence from home, and his submission to God’s will. Then I asked him, “Do you need anything?” “Yes,” he said. I asked, “What is it?” He replied, “Come back tomorrow morning, and you will find me dead. Wash my body and dig my grave, but don’t tell anyone about it. Shroud me in this robe after you’ve unstitched it and taken out what you find in the chest pocket; keep that with you. After you've prayed over me and buried me in the ground, go to Baghdad and wait for Caliph Harun al-Rashid to come out. When you see him, give him what you have found in my robe and send my regards to him.” Then he recited the Islamic declaration of faith and glorified God in the most eloquent words, reciting these couplets:—
Then he betook himself to prayer, asking pardon of Allah——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Then he went to pray, asking Allah for forgiveness——And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped sharing her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the youth then betook himself to asking pardon of Allah and to invoking prayer and praise upon the Apostle and the Lord of the Just and repeating verses of the Koran; after which he recited these couplets:—
She said, "I’ve heard, O blessed King, that the young man then began to ask for Allah's forgiveness and to pray and praise the Apostle and the Lord of Justice, reciting verses from the Quran. After that, he recited these couplets:"
(Continued Abu Amir the Basri) Now when the youth had ended his charge and his verses I left him and went home. On the morrow, I returned, at the appointed hour, and found him indeed dead, the mercy of Allah be upon him! So I washed him and, unsewing his gown, found in the bosom a ruby worth thousands of gold pieces and said to myself, “By Allah, this youth was indeed 114weaned from worldly things!” After I had buried him, I made my way to Baghdad and, going to the Caliph’s palace, waited till he came forth, when I addressed him in one of the streets and gave him the ruby, which when he saw, he knew and fell down in a fainting-fit. His attendants laid hands on me, but he revived and said to them, “Release him and bring him courteously to the palace.” They did his bidding, and when he returned, he sent for me and carrying me into his chamber said to me, “How doth the owner of this ruby?” Quoth I, “Verily he is dead;” and told him what had passed; whereupon he fell a-weeping and said, “The son hath gained; but the sire hath lost.” Then he called out, saying, “Ho, such an one!”; and behold, there came out to him a lady who, when she saw me, would have withdrawn; but he cried to her, “Come; and mind him not.” So she entered and saluted, and he threw her the ruby, which when she saw and she knew, she shrieked a great shriek and fell down in a swoon. As soon as she came to herself, she said, “O Commander of the Faithful, what hath Allah done with my son?”; and he said to me, “Do thou tell her his case;” (as he could not speak for weeping). Accordingly, I repeated the story to her, and she began to shed tears and say in a faint and failing voice, “How I have longed for thy sight, O solace of mine eyes![166] Would I might have given thee to drink, when thou hadst none to slake thy thirst! Would I might have cheered thee, whenas thou foundest never a cheerer!” And she poured forth tears and recited these couplets:—
(Continued Abu Amir the Basri) After the young man finished his task and recited his verses, I left him and went home. The next day, I returned at the scheduled time and found him indeed dead, may Allah have mercy on him! I washed him and, unsewing his gown, discovered a ruby worth thousands of gold coins tucked in his chest. I thought to myself, “By Allah, this young man truly had no attachment to worldly possessions!” After burying him, I traveled to Baghdad and went to the Caliph’s palace, waiting until he came out. I approached him in the street and presented him with the ruby. When he saw it, he recognized it and fainted. His attendants grabbed me, but he came to and told them, “Let him go and bring him to the palace politely.” They followed his orders, and once he returned, he summoned me into his chamber and asked, “How is the owner of this ruby?” I replied, “He has indeed passed away,” and recounted what had occurred. Hearing this, he wept and said, “The son has gained, but the father has lost.” Then he called, “Hey, such-and-such!” and a lady came out. When she saw me, she tried to leave, but he called to her, “Come; do not mind him.” She entered, greeted him, and he tossed her the ruby. When she recognized it, she let out a loud scream and fainted. Once she regained consciousness, she said, “O Commander of the Faithful, what has Allah done with my son?” He told me, “You tell her what happened,” as he was unable to speak through his tears. So, I recounted the story to her, and she began to cry, saying in a weak and trembling voice, “How I have longed for you, O solace of my eyes! Would that I could have given you something to drink when you were thirsty! Would that I could have comforted you when you had no one to cheer you!” And she wept and recited these couplets:—
Quoth I, “O Commander of the Faithful, was he indeed thy 115son?” Quoth he, “Yes, and indeed, before I succeeded to this office, he was wont to visit the learned and company with the devout; but, when I became Caliph, he grew estranged from me and withdrew himself apart.[168] Then said I to his mother, Verily this thy son hath cut the world and devoted his life to Almighty Allah, and it may be that hard times shall befal him and he be smitten with trial of evil chance; wherefore do thou give him this ruby, which he may find useful in hour of need. So she gave it him, conjuring him to take it, and he obeyed her bidding. Then he left to us the things of our world and removed himself from us; nor did he cease to be absent from us, till he went to the presence of Allah (to whom be Honour and Glory!), pious and pure.” Then said he, “Come, show me his grave.” So, I travelled with him to Bassorah and showed him his son’s grave; and when he saw it, he wept and lamented, till he fell down in a swoon; after which he recovered and asked pardon of the Lord, saying, “We are Allah’s and unto Him we are returning!”; and invoked blessings on the dead. Then he asked me to become his companion, but I said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, verily, in thy son’s case is for me the most momentous of admonitions!” And I recited these couplets:—
I said, "Oh Commander of the Faithful, was he really your son?" He replied, "Yes, and before I took this position, he used to spend time with the learned and the devout. But once I became Caliph, he distanced himself from me and isolated himself." Then I spoke to his mother, "Truly, your son has turned away from the world and dedicated his life to Almighty Allah, and it's possible that he will face tough times and be tested by misfortune; therefore, give him this ruby, which may help him in his hour of need." She gave it to him, urging him to accept it, and he did as she asked. Then he left behind our worldly possessions and separated himself from us; he remained absent from us until he returned to Allah (to whom be Honour and Glory!), righteous and pure." Then he said, "Come, show me his grave." So, I traveled with him to Bassorah and showed him his son's grave; when he saw it, he wept and lamented until he fainted. After he recovered, he asked for forgiveness from the Lord, saying, "We belong to Allah, and to Him, we are returning!" and prayed for blessings on the deceased. Then he asked me to be his companion, but I said to him, "Oh Commander of the Faithful, truly, in your son's situation lies the most significant lesson for me!" And I recited these verses:—
And a famous tale is told of
And a famous story is told of
158. Arab. “Taríkah” = the path trodden by ascetics and mystics in order to attain true knowledge (Ma’rifat in Pers. Dánish). These are extensive subjects: for the present I must refer readers to the Dabistan, iii. 35 and iii. 29, 36–7.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Taríkah” = the journey taken by ascetics and mystics to achieve true knowledge (Ma’rifat in Persian Dánish). These topics are broad: for now, I must direct readers to the Dabistan, iii. 35 and iii. 29, 36–7.
159. Alluding to the Fishár or “Squeeze of the tomb.” This is the Jewish Hibbut hak-keber which all must endure, save those who lived in the Holy Land or died on the Sabbath-eve (Friday night). Then comes the questioning by the Angels Munkar and Nakir (vulgarly called Nákir and Nakír) for which see Lane (M. E. chapt. xviii.). In Egypt a “Mulakkin” (intelligencer) is hired to prompt and instruct the dead. Moslems are beginning to question these facts of their faith: a Persian acquaintance of mine filled his dead father’s mouth with flour and finding it in loco on opening the grave, publicly derided the belief. But the Mullahs had him on the hip, after the fashion of reverends, declaring that the answers were made through the whole body, not only by the mouth. At last the Voltairean had to quit Shiraz.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Referring to the Fishár or “Squeeze of the tomb.” This is the Jewish Hibbut hak-keber that everyone must face, except for those who lived in the Holy Land or died on the Sabbath eve (Friday night). Then there’s the questioning by the Angels Munkar and Nakir (commonly known as Nákir and Nakír), for which see Lane (M. E. chapt. xviii.). In Egypt, a “Mulakkin” (intelligencer) is hired to prompt and instruct the deceased. Muslims are starting to question these beliefs: a Persian friend of mine filled his dead father’s mouth with flour and found it in place when he opened the grave, publicly mocking the belief. But the Mullahs had the upper hand, like reverends do, claiming that the answers came from the entire body, not just the mouth. Eventually, the skeptic had to leave Shiraz.
160. Arab. “Walí” = a saint, Santon (Ital. form) also a slave. See in Richardson (Dissert. iii.), an illustration of the difference between Wali and Wáli as exemplified by the Caliph al-Kádir and Mahmúd of Ghazni.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Walí” = a saint, also a holy person (Italian form) but can also mean a slave. Refer to Richardson (Dissert. iii.) for an example of the difference between Wali and Wáli as shown by Caliph al-Kádir and Mahmúd of Ghazni.
161. Arab. “Tín” = the tenacious clay puddled with chaff which serves as mortar for walls built of Adobe or sundried brick. I made a mistake in my Pilgrimage (i. 10) translating Ras al-Tín the old Pharos of Alexandria, by “Headland of Figs.” It is Headland of Clay, so called from the argile there found and which supported an old pottery.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Tín” = the tough clay mixed with straw that’s used as mortar for walls made of adobe or sun-dried bricks. I messed up in my Pilgrimage (i. 10) by translating Ras al-Tín, the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria, as “Headland of Figs.” It's actually Headland of Clay, named for the clay found there that supported an old pottery industry.
162. The danik (Pers. Dang) is the sixth of a dirham. Mr. S. L. Poole (The Acad. April 26, ‘79) prefers his uncle’s translation “a sixth” (what of?) to Mr. Payne’s “farthing.” The latter at any rate is intelligible.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The danik (Pers. Dang) is one-sixth of a dirham. Mr. S. L. Poole (The Acad. April 26, ‘79) prefers his uncle’s translation "a sixth" (of what?) over Mr. Payne’s "farthing." At least the latter is understandable.
163. The devotee was “Sáim al-dahr” i.e. he never ate nor drank from daylight to dark throughout the year.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The devotee was “Sáim al-dahr,” meaning he never ate or drank from dawn to dusk all year round.
164. The ablution of a common man differs from that of an educated Moslem as much as the eating of a clown and a gentleman. Moreover there are important technical differences between the Wuzu of the Sunni and the Shi’ah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The way a regular person cleans themselves is different from how an educated Muslim does, just like the way a clown eats is different from a gentleman. Plus, there are significant technical differences between the Wuzu practices of Sunni and Shi’ah Muslims.
165. i.e. by honouring his father.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. by respecting his father.
166. This young saint was as selfish and unnatural a sinner as Saint Alexius of the Gesta Romanorum (Tale xv.), to whom my friend, the late Thomas Wright, administered just and due punishment.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This young saint was as self-centered and unnatural a sinner as Saint Alexius from the Gesta Romanorum (Tale xv.), to whom my friend, the late Thomas Wright, administered appropriate and deserved punishment.
167. The verses are affecting enough, though by no means high poetry.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The lines are moving enough, but they’re definitely not great poetry.
168. The good young man cut his father for two reasons: secular power (an abomination to good Moslems) and defective title to the Caliphate. The latter is a trouble to Turkey in the present day and with time will prove worse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The good young man rejected his father for two reasons: worldly power (which is seen as wrong by good Muslims) and a flawed claim to the Caliphate. The latter is a problem for Turkey today and will become even more significant over time.
(Quoth one of the learned) I passed once by a school, wherein a schoolmaster was teaching children; so I entered, finding him a good-looking man and a well-dressed; when he rose to me and made me sit with him. Then I examined him in the Koran and in syntax and prosody and lexicography; and behold, he was perfect in all required of him, so I said to him, “Allah strengthen thy purpose! Thou art indeed versed in all that is requisite.” Thereafter I frequented him a while, discovering daily some new excellence in him, and quoth I to myself, “This is indeed a wonder in any dominie; for the wise are agreed upon a lack of wit in children’s teachers.” Then I separated myself from him and sought him and visited him only every few days, till coming to see him one day as of wont, I found the school shut and made enquiry of his neighbours, who replied, “Some one is dead in his house.” So I said in my mind, “It behoveth me to pay him a visit of condolence,” and going to his house, knocked at the door, when a slave-girl came out to me and asked, “What dost thou want?” and I answered, “I want thy master.” She replied, “He is sitting alone, mourning;” and I rejoined, “Tell him that his friend so and so seeketh to console him.” She went in and told him; and he said, “Admit him.” So she brought me in to him, and I found him seated alone and his head bound with mourning fillets. So I said to him, “Allah requite thee amply! this is a path all must perforce tread, and it behoveth thee to take patience;” adding, “But who is dead unto thee?” He answered, “One who was dearest of the folk to me and best beloved.” “Perhaps thy father?” “No!” “Thy brother?” “No!” “One of thy kindred?” “No!” Then asked I, “What relation was the dead to thee?”; and he answered, “My lover.” Quoth I to myself “This is the first proof to swear by of his lack of wit.” So I said to him, “Assuredly there be others than she and fairer;” and he made answer, “I never saw her, that I might judge whether or no there be others fairer than she.” Quoth I to myself, “This is another proof positive.” Then I said to him, “And how couldst thou fall in love with one thou hast never seen?” He replied 117“Know that I was sitting one day at the window, when lo! there passed by a man, singing the following distich:—
(One of the learned ones said) I once passed by a school, where a teacher was instructing children. I entered and found him to be a handsome and well-dressed man. When he noticed me, he stood up and invited me to sit with him. I tested his knowledge of the Quran, grammar, poetry, and vocabulary, and to my surprise, he excelled in everything I asked of him. I said to him, “May Allah strengthen your resolve! You are truly knowledgeable in all that is necessary.” After that, I spent more time with him, discovering something new and impressive about him every day, and I thought to myself, “This is indeed unusual for a teacher; wise people generally agree that teachers of children lack insight.” Eventually, I distanced myself from him, only visiting every few days. One day, as usual, I went to see him but found the school closed. I asked his neighbors what was going on, and they replied, “Someone has died in his house.” So I thought, “I should pay him a visit to offer my condolences,” and headed to his home. I knocked at the door, and a slave-girl came out to me and asked, “What do you want?” I replied, “I want to see your master.” She answered, “He is sitting alone, mourning.” I said, “Tell him that his friend so-and-so has come to console him.” She went inside and told him, and he said, “Let him in.” She brought me in, and I found him sitting alone with his head wrapped in mourning cloth. I said to him, “May Allah reward you greatly! This is a path that everyone must eventually take, and you must be patient.” I added, “But who has died?” He replied, “One who was the dearest to me and most beloved.” I asked, “Perhaps your father?” “No!” “Your brother?” “No!” “A relative?” “No!” Then I asked, “What relation was the deceased to you?” He answered, “My beloved.” I thought to myself, “This is the first hint of his lack of common sense.” I replied, “Certainly there are others besides her, and many are more beautiful.” He responded, “I have never seen her, so I can’t say if there are others more beautiful than she.” I thought again, “This is another clear sign.” I then asked him, “How could you fall in love with someone you have never seen?” He replied, 117 “Know that one day I was sitting by the window when a man passed by, singing this couplet:—
And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And Shahrazad saw the dawn break and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the schoolmaster continued, “When I heard the man humming these words as he passed along the street, I said to myself:—Except this Umm Amru were without equal in the world, the poets had not celebrated her in ode and canzon. So I fell in love with her; but, two days after, the same man passed, singing the following couplet:—
She said, "I've heard, O lucky King, that the schoolmaster went on, 'When I heard the man humming these words as he walked down the street, I thought to myself: if this Umm Amru weren’t unique in the world, the poets wouldn’t have honored her in their poems and songs. So I fell in love with her; but, two days later, the same man passed by, singing this couplet:—"
Thereupon I knew that she was dead and mourned for her. This was three days ago, and I have been mourning ever since.” So I left him and fared forth, having assured myself of the weakness of the gerund-grinder’s wit. And they tell another and a similar tale of
Thereupon I realized that she was gone and mourned for her. This was three days ago, and I have been grieving ever since.” So I left him and went on my way, having confirmed the lack of the gerund-grinder’s intelligence. And they tell another similar story of
169. Umm Amrí (written Amrú and pronounced Amr’) a matronymic, “mother of Amru.” This story and its terminal verse is a regular Joe Miller.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Umm Amrí (written Amrú and pronounced Amr’) is a matronymic, meaning “mother of Amru.” This story and its ending verse are a classic joke.
Once upon a time, a schoolmaster was visited by a man of letters who entered a school and, sitting down by the host’s side, entered into discourse with him and found him an accomplished theologian, poet, grammarian, philologist and poet; intelligent, well bred and pleasant spoken; whereat he wondered, saying in himself, 118“It cannot be that a man who teacheth children in a school, should have a perfect wit.” Now when he was about to go away, the pedant said to him, “Thou art my guest to-night;” and he consented to receive hospitality and accompanied him to his house, where he made much of him and set food before him. They ate and drank and sat talking, till a third part of the night was past when the host spread his guest a bed and went up to his Harim. The stranger lay down and addressed himself to sleep, when, behold, there arose a great clamour in the women’s rooms. He asked what was the matter and they said, “A terrible thing hath befallen the Shaykh and he is at the last gasp.” Said he, “Take me up to him”; so they took him up to the pedagogue whom he found lying insensible, with his blood streaming down. He sprinkled water on his face and when he revived, he asked him “What hath betided thee? When thou leftest me, thou wast in all good cheer and whole of body;” and he answered, “O my brother, after I left thee, I sat meditating on the creative works of Almighty Allah, and said to myself:—In every thing the Lord hath created for man, there is an use; for He (to Whom be glory!) made the hands to seize, the feet to walk, the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the penis to increase and multiply; and so on with all the members of the body, except these two ballocks; there is no use in them. So I took a razor I had by me and cut them off; and there befel me what thou seest.” So the guest left him and went away, saying, “He was in the right who said:—Verily no schoolmaster who teacheth children can have a perfect wit, though he know all the sciences.” And they tell a pleasant tale of the
Once upon a time, a schoolmaster was visited by a well-read man who entered a school and, sitting down next to his host, started a conversation with him. He discovered that the schoolmaster was an accomplished theologian, poet, grammarian, philologist, and poet; he was intelligent, well-mannered, and articulate. This amazed the visitor, who thought to himself, 118 “It can’t be true that someone who teaches children in a school can have such a sharp mind.” When he was about to leave, the schoolmaster said to him, “You’re my guest tonight,” and the visitor agreed to stay for hospitality and went with him to his house. There, the schoolmaster treated him generously and provided a meal. They ate, drank, and chatted until a third of the night had passed, when the schoolmaster prepared a bed for his guest and went up to his private quarters. The guest lay down and was about to sleep when he suddenly heard a commotion coming from the women's quarters. He asked what was going on, and they told him, “A terrible thing has happened to the Sheikh, and he’s on the verge of death.” He said, “Take me to him,” so they brought him to the schoolmaster, who was lying unconscious with blood streaming down. He sprinkled water on the schoolmaster’s face, and when he revived, he asked, “What happened to you? When you left me, you seemed fine and healthy.” The schoolmaster replied, “Oh, my brother, after I left you, I sat contemplating the creations of Almighty Allah and thought to myself: in everything the Lord has made for man, there is a purpose; for He (glory be to Him!) made hands to grasp, feet to walk, eyes to see, ears to hear, and the penis to procreate; and likewise for all the body parts, except for these two testicles; they seem useless. So, I took a razor I had nearby and cut them off; and as you see, this is what happened.” The guest then left him and went away, saying, “He was right who said: truly, no schoolmaster who teaches children can have perfect wit, even if he knows all the sciences.” And they share a humorous story about the
170. Abuse and derision of schoolmaster are staple subjects in the East as in the West, (Quem Dii oderunt pædagogum fecerunt). Anglo-Indians will remember:
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Mocking and criticizing teachers are common topics in both the East and the West, (Those whom the gods hate become a teacher.). Anglo-Indians will remember:
There was once, among the menials[171] of a certain mosque, a man who knew not how to write or even to read and who gained his bread by gulling folk. One day, it occurred to him to open a school and teach children; so he got together writing-tablets and written papers and hung them up in a high place. Then he 119greatened his turband[172] and sat down at the door of the school; and when the people, who passed by, saw his huge head-gear and tablets and scrolls, they thought he must be a very learned pedagogue; so they brought him their children; and he would say to this, “Write,” and to that “Read”; and thus the little ones taught one another. Now one day, as he sat as of wont, at the door of the school, behold, up came a woman letter in hand, and he said in his mind, “This woman doubtless seeketh me, that I may read her the missive she hath in her hand: how shall I do with her, seeing I cannot read writing?” And he would fain have gone down and fled from her; but, before he could do this, she overtook him and said to him, “Whither away?” Quoth he, “I purpose to pray the noon-prayer and return.” Quoth she, “Noon is yet distant, so read me this letter.” He took the letter and turning it upside down, fell to looking at it, now shaking his head till his turband quivered, then dancing his eyebrows and anon showing anger and concern. Now the letter came from the woman’s husband, who was absent; and when she saw the dominie do on this wise, she said to herself, “Doubtless my husband is dead, and this learned doctor of law and religion is ashamed to tell me so.” So she said to him, “O my lord, if he be dead, tell me;” but he shook his head and held his peace. Then said she, “Shall I rend my raiment?” “Rend!” replied he. “Shall I beat my face?” asked she; and he answered, “Beat!” So she took the letter from his hand and returning home fell a-weeping, she and her children. Presently, one of her neighbours heard her sobbing and asking what ailed her, was answered, “Of a truth she hath gotten a letter, telling her that her husband is dead.” Quoth the man, “This is a falsehood; for I had a letter from him but yesterday, advising me that he is whole and in good health and will be with her after ten days.” So he rose forthright and going in to her, said, “Where is the letter which came to thee?” She brought it to him, and he took it and read it; and lo! it ran as follows, “After the usual salutations, I am well and in good health and whole and will be with you all after ten days. Meanwhile, I send you a quilt and an extinguisher.”[173] So she took the letter and, returning with it 120to the schoolmaster, said to him, “What induced thee to deal thus with me?” And she repeated to him what her neighbour had told her of her husband’s well-being and of his having sent her a quilt and an extinguisher. Answered he, “Thou art in the right, O good woman; for I was, at the time”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
There was once a man among the staff of a certain mosque who couldn’t read or write and made his living by tricking people. One day, he had the idea to start a school and teach children, so he gathered some writing tablets and papers and hung them up in a prominent spot. He adjusted his turban and sat down at the school entrance. When people passed by and saw his fancy headwear and the tablets, they assumed he must be a knowledgeable teacher and brought their children to him. He would tell one child to “Write,” and another to “Read,” and the kids ended up teaching each other. One day, as he was sitting at the school door as usual, a woman approached him with a letter in hand. He thought to himself, “This woman must be looking for me to read her letter. What will I do since I can’t read?” He wanted to run away from her, but before he could, she caught up to him and asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “I plan to pray the noon prayer and come back.” She said, “Noon is still far off, so read me this letter.” He took the letter, turned it upside down, and started looking at it, shaking his head as his turban wobbled, raising his eyebrows, and showing signs of anger and worry. The letter was from the woman's husband, who was away; and when she saw him behaving this way, she thought, “My husband must be dead, and this learned scholar is too ashamed to tell me.” So she asked him, “If he is dead, please tell me.” He just shook his head and remained silent. She then asked, “Should I tear my clothes?” “Tear!” he replied. “Should I beat my face?” she asked, and he respond with, “Beat!” She took the letter from him and, returning home, started to weep with her children. Soon, one of her neighbors heard her crying and, upon asking what was wrong, she was told, “She received a letter saying that her husband is dead.” The man said, “That’s not true; I got a letter from him just yesterday, saying he is safe and healthy and will be with her in ten days.” He immediately went to her and asked, “Where is the letter you received?” She brought it to him, and he read it, which said, “After the usual greetings, I am well and in good health and will be with you in ten days. Meanwhile, I am sending a quilt and a candle.” So she took the letter back to the schoolmaster and said, “What made you treat me this way?” She repeated what her neighbor had told her about her husband being well and his gifts of a quilt and a candle. He replied, “You are right, good woman; for I was, at that moment”— and Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped speaking.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the pedagogue replied, “Verily I was at that time fashed and absent-minded and, seeing the extinguisher wrapped up in the quilt, I thought that he was dead and they had shrouded him.” The woman, not smoking the cheat, said, “Thou art excused,” and taking the letter, went her ways.[174] And they relate a story of
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the teacher responded, 'Honestly, I was confused and distracted at that moment, and seeing the extinguished candle wrapped in the quilt, I thought he was dead and that they had covered him up.' The woman, not falling for the trick, said, 'You’re forgiven,' and taking the letter, went on her way.[174] And they tell a story of
171. Arab. “Mujawirin” = the lower servants, sweepers etc. See Pilgrimage ii. 161 where it is also applied to certain “settlers” at Al-Medinah. Burckhardt (No. 480) notices another meaning “foreigners who attend mosque-lectures” and quotes the saying, “A. pilgrimaged:” quoth B. “yes! and for his villainies resideth (Mujáwir) at Meccah.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Mujawirin” = the lower servants, sweepers, etc. See Pilgrimage ii. 161 where it is also used for certain “settlers” in Al-Medinah. Burckhardt (No. 480) notes another meaning: “foreigners who attend mosque lectures,” and quotes the saying, “A. went on pilgrimage:” says B. “yes! and for his wrongdoings he stays (Mujáwir) in Meccah.”
172. The custom (growing obsolete in Egypt) is preserved in Afghanistan where the learned wear turbans equal to the canoe-hats of the Spanish cardinals.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The tradition (which is fading in Egypt) is still kept alive in Afghanistan, where scholars wear turbans that are similar to the canoe hats of Spanish cardinals.
173. Arab. “Makmarah,” a metal cover for the usual brasier or pan of charcoal which acts fire-place. Lane (ii. 600) does not translate the word and seems to think it means a belt or girdle, thus blunting the point of the dominie’s excuse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Makmarah,” a metal cover for the typical brazier or charcoal pan that serves as a fireplace. Lane (ii. 600) doesn’t translate the word and appears to believe it means a belt or girdle, thus missing the point of the dominee’s excuse.
174. This story, a very old Joe Miller, was told to Lane as something new and he introduced it into his Modern Egyptians, end of chapt. ii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This story, an old Joe Miller joke, was shared with Lane as if it were something fresh, and he included it in his Modern Egyptians, at the end of chapter ii.
A certain King once went forth in disguise, to look into the affairs of his lieges. Presently, he came to a great village which he entered unattended and being athirst, stopped at the door of a house and asked for water. There came out to him a fair woman with a gugglet, which she gave him, and he drank. When he looked at her, he was ravished with her and besought her favours. Now she knew him; so she led him into the house and, making him sit down, brought out a book and said to him, “Look therein whilst I order my affair and return to thee.” So he looked into the book, and behold, it treated of the Divine prohibition against advoutry and of the punishments which Allah hath prepared for those who commit adulterous sin. When he read this, his flesh quaked and his hair bristled and he repented to Almighty Allah: then he called the woman and, giving her the book, went away. Now her husband was absent and when he returned, she told him what had passed, whereat he was confounded and said in himself, “I fear lest the King’s desire have fallen upon her.” And he dared not have 121to do with her and know her carnally after this. When some time had past, the wife told her kinsfolk of her husband’s conduct, and they complained of him to the King, saying, “Allah advance the King! This man hired of us a piece of land for tillage, and tilled it awhile; then left it fallow and neither tilled it nor forsook it, that we might let it to one who would till it. Indeed, harm is come to the field, and we fear its corruption, for such land as that, if it be not sown, spoileth.” Quoth the King to the man, “What hindereth thee from sowing thy land?” Answered he, “Allah advance the King! It reached me that the lion entered the field, wherefor I stood in awe of him and dared not draw near it, since knowing that I cannot cope with the lion, I stand in fear of him.” The King understood the parable and rejoined, saying, “O man, the lion trod and trampled not thy land, and it is good for seed; so do thou till it and Allah prosper thee in it, for the lion hath done it no hurt.” Then he bade give the man and his wife a handsome present and sent them away.[175] And amongst the stories is that of
A certain king once disguised himself to check on his subjects. Soon, he arrived at a large village, where he entered alone, feeling thirsty. He stopped at the door of a house and asked for water. A beautiful woman came out with a pitcher and handed it to him, and he drank. When he looked at her, he was captivated and asked for her affection. She recognized him, so she led him into the house, made him sit down, and brought out a book, saying, “Look at this while I take care of my tasks and come back to you.” He opened the book and saw it was about God's prohibition of adultery and the punishments that Allah has prepared for those who commit such sins. As he read this, he trembled and felt ashamed, repenting to Almighty Allah. He then called the woman, gave her the book, and left. Her husband was away, and when he returned, she told him what had happened. He was taken aback and thought to himself, “I fear the king may desire her.” After this, he hesitated to be intimate with her. After some time, the wife shared her husband’s behavior with her relatives, who complained to the king, saying, “May Allah bless the king! This man rented a piece of land from us for farming, worked on it for a bit, but then left it fallow without planting or abandoning it, so we could lease it to someone who would farm it. The field is suffering, and we fear it will go to waste, for land like that deteriorates if left unseeded.” The king asked the man, “What’s stopping you from sowing your land?” The man replied, “May Allah bless the king! I heard that a lion entered the field, which is why I’m afraid and didn’t dare approach it, knowing I can’t confront a lion.” The king understood the metaphor and replied, “O man, the lion hasn’t damaged your land; it’s still good for planting. So till it, and may Allah grant you success, for the lion hasn’t harmed it.” He ordered that the man and his wife be given a generous gift and sent them on their way.
175. This tale is a mere abbreviation of “The King and his Wazir’s wife,” in the Book of Sindibad or the Malice of Women, Night dcxxviii., which see for annotations.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This story is just a shortened version of “The King and his Wazir’s wife,” from the Book of Sindibad or the Malice of Women, Night 628, which you can refer to for notes.
There was once a man of the people of West Africa who had journeyed far and wide and traversed many a desert and a tide. He was once cast upon an island, where he abode a long while and, returning thence to his native country, brought with him the quill of a wing-feather of a young Rukh, whilst yet in egg and unhatched; and this quill was big enough to hold a goat-skin’s of water, for it is said that the length of the Rukh-chick’s wing, when he cometh forth of the egg, is a thousand fathoms. The folk marvelled at this quill, when they saw it, and the man who was called 122Abd al-Rahman the Moor (and he was known, to boot, as the Chinaman, for his long sojourn in Cathay), related to them the following adventure, one of many of his traveller’s tales of marvel. He was on a voyage in the China seas,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
There was once a man from West Africa who had traveled far and wide, crossing many deserts and oceans. He was stranded on an island for a long time, and when he returned to his homeland, he brought back a feather quill from a young Rukh while it was still in its egg; this quill was large enough to hold a goat's skin of water, for it is said that the wing of a Rukh chick, when it emerges from the egg, measures a thousand fathoms long. The people were amazed when they saw this quill, and the man, named Abd al-Rahman the Moor (he was also called the Chinaman because of his long stay in China), shared with them one of his adventurous stories from his many travels. He had been on a voyage in the China seas,——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped telling her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Abd al-Rahman, the Moorman, the Chinaman, was wont to tell wondrous tales amongst which was the following. He was on a voyage in the China seas with a company of merchants, when they sighted an island from afar; so they steered for it and, making fast thereto, saw that it was large and spacious. The ship’s crew went ashore to get wood and water, taking with them hatchets and ropes and waterskins (the travellers accompanying them), and presently espied a great dome, white and gleaming, an hundred cubits long. So they made towards it and drawing near, found that it was an egg of the Rukh and fell on it with axes and stones and sticks till they uncovered the young bird and found the chick as it were a firm-set hill. So they plucked out one of the wing-feathers, but could not do so, save by helping one another, for all the quills were not full grown; after which they took what they could carry of the young bird’s flesh and cutting the quill away from the vane, returned to the ship. Then they set sail and putting out to sea, voyaged with a fair wind all that night, till the sun rose; and while everything went well, they saw the Rukh come flying after them, as he were a vast cloud, with a rock in his talons, like a great heap bigger than the ship. As soon as he poised himself in air over the vessel, he let fall the rock upon it; but the craft, having great way on her, outwent the rock, which fell into the sea with a loud crash and a horrible. So Allah decreed their deliverance and saved them from doom; and they cooked the young bird’s flesh and ate it. Now there were amongst them old white-bearded men; and when they awoke on the morrow, they found that their beards had turned black, nor did any who had eaten of the young Rukh grow gray ever after. Some said the cause of the return of youth to them and the ceasing of hoariness from them was that they had heated the pot with 123arrow-wood, whilst others would have it that it came of eating the Rukh-chick’s flesh; and this is indeed a wonder of wonders.[177] And a story is related of
She said, "It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that Abd al-Rahman, the Moor, the Chinese man, used to share incredible stories, one of which is the following. He was on a journey in the China Sea with a group of merchants when they spotted an island in the distance. They navigated towards it and, once they got close, saw that it was large and spacious. The ship’s crew went ashore to gather wood and water, bringing along hatchets, ropes, and waterskins for the travelers accompanying them. Soon, they noticed a great white dome, shiny and a hundred cubits long. As they approached it, they realized it was an egg of the Rukh, and they struck it with axes and stones until they uncovered the young bird, which appeared like a solid hill. They managed to pluck out one of the wing feathers, but it required teamwork, as none of the quills were fully developed. They then took what they could carry of the young bird’s flesh and, cutting the quill from the vane, returned to the ship. They set sail and traveled out to sea, enjoying a good wind all night until the sun rose. Everything was going well until they saw the Rukh flying towards them, resembling a massive cloud, with a huge rock in its claws, much larger than the ship. Once it hovered above the vessel, it dropped the rock onto it; however, the ship moved quickly enough to avoid the rock, which crashed into the sea with a thunderous noise. Thus, Allah decreed their rescue and saved them from disaster, and they cooked and ate the young bird’s flesh. Among them were old men with white beards. The next morning, they discovered their beards had turned black, and none of those who ate the young Rukh would ever grow gray again. Some attributed their restored youth and the disappearance of their gray hair to the fact that they had heated the pot with arrow-wood, while others believed it was due to eating the flesh of the Rukh chick, and indeed, this is a remarkable wonder." 123 And a story is related of
176. The older “Roc” which may be written “Rukh” or “Rukhkh.” Colonel Yule, the learned translator of Marco Polo, has shown that “Roc’s” feathers were not uncommon curiosities in mediæval ages; and holds that they were mostly fronds of the palm Raphia vinifera, which has the largest leaf in the vegetable kingdom and which the Moslems of Zanzibar call “Satan’s date-tree.” I need hardly quote “Frate Cipolla and the Angel Gabriel’s Feather.” (Decameron vi. 10.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The older “Roc,” which can also be spelled “Rukh” or “Rukhkh.” Colonel Yule, the knowledgeable translator of Marco Polo, has demonstrated that “Roc’s” feathers were quite common curiosities in medieval times. He believes they were primarily fronds from the palm Raphia vinifera, which has the largest leaf in the plant kingdom and which the Muslims of Zanzibar refer to as “Satan’s date-tree.” I hardly need to cite “Frate Cipolla and the Angel Gabriel’s Feather.” (Decameron vi. 10.)
177. The tale is told in a bald, disjointed style and will be repeated in Sindbad the Seaman; where I shall again notice the “Roc.” See Night dxxxvii., etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The story is presented in a straightforward, unconnected way and will be mentioned again in Sindbad the Seaman; where I will also reference the “Roc.” See Night dxxxvii., etc.
Al-Nu’uman bin al-Munzir, King of the Arabs of Irak, had a daughter named Hind, who went out one Pasch, which is a feast day of the Nazarenes, to the White Church, to take the sacrament; she was eleven years old and was the loveliest woman of her age and time; and it so chanced that on the same day came to Hírah[178] a young man called ‘Adí bin Zayd[179] with presents from the Chosroë to Al-Nu’uman, and he also went to the White Church, to communicate. He was tall of stature and fair of favour, with handsome eyes and smooth cheeks, and had with him a company of his people. Now there was with Hind bint al-Nu’uman a slave-girl named Máriyah, who was enamoured of Adi, but had not been able to foregather with him. So, when she saw him in the church, she said to Hind, “Look at yonder youth. By Allah, he is handsomer than all thou seest!” Hind asked, “And who is he?” and Mariyah answered, “Adi bin Zayd.” Quoth Al-Nu’uman’s daughter, “I fear lest he know me, if I draw nearer to look on him.” Quoth Mariyah, “How should he know thee when he hath never seen thee?” So she drew near him and found him jesting with the youths his companions; and indeed he surpassed them all, not only in his personal charms but in the excellence of his speech, the eloquence of his tongue and the richness of his raiment. When the Princess saw him, she was ravished with him, her reason was confounded and her colour changed; and Mariyah, seeing her inclination to him, said to her, “Speak to him.” So she spoke to him and went away. Now when he looked upon her and heard her speech, he was captivated by her and his wit was dazed; his heart fluttered, and his colour 124changed, so that his companions suspected him, and he whispered one of them to follow her and find out who she was. The young man went after her and returning informed him that she was Princess Hind, daughter of Al-Nu’uman. So Adi left the church, knowing not whither he went, for excess of love, and reciting these two couplets:—
Al-Nu’uman bin al-Munzir, King of the Arabs of Irak, had a daughter named Hind who went out one Easter, which is a feast day for Christians, to the White Church to take communion. She was eleven years old and the most beautiful girl of her age and time. Coincidentally, on the same day, a young man named ‘Adí bin Zayd arrived in Hírah with gifts from the Chosroë for Al-Nu’uman, and he also went to the White Church to take communion. He was tall and handsome, with striking eyes and smooth cheeks, accompanied by a group of his people. Hind had a slave-girl named Máriyah who was in love with Adi but hadn’t been able to meet him. When Máriyah saw him in the church, she said to Hind, “Look at that young man. By God, he’s more handsome than anyone you see!” Hind asked, “Who is he?” Máriyah replied, “Adi bin Zayd.” Hind said, “I’m afraid he might recognize me if I get closer to look at him.” Máriyah said, “How would he know you when he’s never seen you?” So, she approached him and found him joking with his companions. Indeed, he stood out not just for his looks but also for his eloquent speech and fine clothing. When the princess saw him, she was completely taken by him, her mind clouded, and her face changed color. Máriyah, noticing her interest, urged her, “Talk to him.” So she spoke to him and then went away. When he looked at her and heard her voice, he was enchanted by her, his thoughts muddled; his heart raced and his face flushed, making his friends suspect something was going on, so he whispered to one of them to follow her and find out her identity. The young man followed her and returned to tell him that she was Princess Hind, daughter of Al-Nu’uman. Overcome by love, Adi left the church, not even knowing where he was going, and recited these two lines of poetry:—
Then he went to his lodging and lay that night, restless and without appetite for the food of sleep.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Then he went to his room and lay there that night, restless and without a desire for sleep.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped telling her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Adi ended his verses he went to his lodging and lay that night restless and without appetite for the food of sleep. Now on the morrow Mariyah accosted him and he received her kindly, though before he would not incline to her, and said to her, “What is thy will?” Quoth she, “I have a want of thee;” and quoth he, “Name it, for by Allah, thou shalt not ask me aught, but I will give it thee!” So she told him that she loved him, and her want of him was that he would grant her a lover’s privacy; and he agreed to do her will, on condition that she would serve him with Hind and devise some device to bring them together. Then he took her into a vintner’s tavern in one of the by-streets of Hirah, and lay with her; after which she returned to Hind and asked her, “Dost thou not long to see Adi?” She answered, “How can this be? indeed my longing for him makes me restless, and no repose is left me since yesterday.” Quoth Mariyah, “I will appoint him to be in such a place, where thou canst look on him from the palace.” Quoth Hind, “Do what thou wilt,” and agreed with her upon the place. So Adi came, and the Princess looked out upon him; and, when she saw him, she was like to topple down from the palace-top and said, 125“O Mariyah, except thou bring him in to me this night, I shall die.” So saying, she fell to the ground in a fainting-fit, and her serving-women lifted her up and bore her into the palace; whilst Mariyah hastened to Al-Nu’uman and discovered the whole matter to him with perfect truth, telling him that indeed she was mad for the love of Adi; and except he marry her to him, she must be put to shame and die of love for him, which would disgrace her father among the Arabs, adding at the end, “There is no cure for this but wedlock.” The King bowed his head awhile in thought and exclaimed again and again, “Verily, we are Allah’s and unto Him we are returning!” Then said he, “Woe to thee! How shall the marriage be brought about, seeing I mislike to open the matter?” And she said, “He is yet more ardently in love and yet more desireful of her than she is of him; and I will so order the affair that he shall be unaware of his case being known to thee; but do not betray thyself, O King.” Then she went to Adi and, after acquainting him with everything said, “Make a feast and bid the King thereto; and, when the wine hath gotten the better of him, ask of him his daughter, for he will not refuse thee.” Quoth Adi, “I fear lest this enrage him against me and be the cause of enmity between us.” But quoth she, “I came not to thee, till I had settled the whole affair with him.” Then she returned to Al-Nu’uman and said to him, “Seek of Adi that he entertain thee in his house.” Replied the King, “There is no harm in that;” and after three days, besought Adi to give him and his lords the morning-meal in his house. He consented and the King went to him; and when the wine had taken effect on Al-Nu’uman, Adi rose and sought of him his daughter in wedlock. He consented and married them and brought her to him after three days; and they abode at Al-Nu’uman’s court, in all solace of life and its delight——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I’ve heard, O honorable King, that when Adi finished his verses, he went back to his room and spent the night restless and unable to sleep. The next morning, Mariyah approached him, and he welcomed her warmly, even though he hadn’t been inclined to her before. He asked her, 'What do you want?' She replied, 'I have a need for you.' He said, 'Name it. By Allah, whatever you ask, I will give it to you!' So she confessed that she loved him and her need was for him to grant her some private time together. He agreed, on the condition that she would help him with Hind and come up with a plan to bring them together. Then he took her to a tavern in one of the back streets of Hirah, and they spent the night together. Afterward, she went back to Hind and asked, 'Don’t you long to see Adi?' Hind said, 'How can I not? My longing for him makes me restless, and I can’t find peace since yesterday.' Mariyah said, 'I’ll arrange for him to be in a place where you can see him from the palace.' Hind replied, 'Do what you want,' and they agreed on a location. So when Adi arrived, the Princess looked out at him, and upon seeing him, she nearly fell from the palace, exclaiming, 'O Mariyah, if you don’t bring him to me tonight, I will die.' Saying this, she fainted, and her attendants carried her inside the palace. Meanwhile, Mariyah hurried to Al-Nu’uman and told him everything truthfully, explaining that she was madly in love with Adi, and unless he married them, she would be shamed and die from love, bringing disgrace to her father among the Arabs. She concluded, 'The only cure for this is marriage.' The King pondered for a moment and repeatedly exclaimed, 'Truly, we belong to Allah and to Him we return!' Then he said, 'Woe to you! How will we arrange the marriage, since I’m hesitant to bring it up?' She replied, 'He is even more deeply in love with her than she is with him, and I will handle the situation so he won’t realize you’re aware of everything; but don’t give yourself away, O King.' Then she went to Adi and, after filling him in on everything, said, 'Throw a feast and invite the King; once the wine has taken effect, ask him for his daughter, and he won’t refuse you.' Adi said, 'I worry this might anger him and cause enmity between us.' But she said, 'I didn’t come to you until I had sorted everything out with him.' She then returned to Al-Nu’uman and told him, 'Ask Adi to invite you to his home.' The King replied, 'That’s not a problem;' and after three days, he requested Adi host him and his lords for breakfast. Adi agreed, and the King went to his house. When the wine took effect on Al-Nu’uman, Adi stood up and asked him for his daughter’s hand in marriage. He agreed and married them, bringing her to him after three days; they stayed at Al-Nu’uman’s court, enjoying all the pleasures of life—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn was breaking and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Adi abode with Hind bint Al-Nu’uman bin Munzir three years in all solace of life and its delight, after which time the King was wroth with Adi and slew him. Hind mourned for him with grievous mourning 126and built her an hermitage outside the city, whither she retired and became a religious, weeping and bewailing her husband till she died. And her hermitage is seen to this day in the suburbs of Hirah. They also tell a tale of
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that Adi lived with Hind bint Al-Nu’uman bin Munzir for three wonderful years, enjoying life and its pleasures. After that time, the King became angry with Adi and had him killed. Hind mourned for him deeply and built a hermitage outside the city, where she withdrew and dedicated herself to prayer, weeping for her husband until she passed away. Her hermitage can still be seen today in the outskirts of Hirah. They also tell a story of 126."
178. Hírah in Mesopotamia was a Christian city and principality subject to the Persian monarchs; and a rival to the Roman kingdom of Ghassán. It has a long history, for which see D’Herbelot.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Hírah in Mesopotamia was a Christian city and principality under the control of the Persian kings, and it was a competitor of the Roman kingdom of Ghassán. It has an extensive history; for more details, refer to D’Herbelot.
179. A pre-Islamite poet.
A pre-Islamic poet.
180. Arab. “Biká’a,” alluding to the pilgrimages made to monasteries and here equivalent to, “Address ye to the road,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Biká’a,” referring to the journeys taken to monasteries and here meaning, “Head towards the road,” etc.
(Quoth Di’ibil al-Khuzá’i[181]), I was sitting one day at the gate of Al-Karkh,[182] when a damsel came past, never saw I a fairer faced or better formed than she, walking with a voluptuous swaying gait and ravishing all beholders with her lithe and undulating pace. Now as my eyes fell on her, I was captivated by her and my vitals trembled and meseemed my heart flew forth of my breast; so I stood before her and I accosted her with this verse:—
(Quoth Di’ibil al-Khuzá’i[181]), I was sitting one day at the gate of Al-Karkh,[182] when a beautiful woman walked by. I had never seen anyone more beautiful or better shaped than her, moving with a sensual sway that captivated everyone around her with her graceful and flowing steps. As soon as I saw her, I was enchanted, my heart raced, and it felt like my heart was about to burst from my chest; so I stood in front of her and addressed her with this verse:—
Whereon she turned her face and looking at me, straightway made answer with this distich:—
Whereupon she turned her face, looked at me, and immediately responded with this couplet:—
I was astounded at the readiness of her reply and the fluency of her speech and rejoined with this verse:—
I was amazed by how quickly she replied and how smoothly she spoke, and I responded with this line:—
And she answered me without hesitation, thus:—
And she answered me right away, saying:—
Never entered my ears aught sweeter than her speech nor ever saw 127I brighter than her face: so I changed rhyme and rhythm to try her, in my wonder at her words, and repeated this couplet:—
Never heard anything sweeter than her words, nor seen anyone as bright as her face: so I changed up my rhyme and rhythm to test her, amazed by what she said, and repeated this couplet:—
She smiled at this (never saw I fairer than her mouth nor sweeter than her lips), and answered me, without stay or delay, in the following distich:—
She smiled at this (I've never seen a fairer mouth or sweeter lips), and answered me right away with the following two lines:—
At this, I sprang up and fell to kissing her hands and cried, “I had not thought that Fortune would vouchsafe me such occasion. Do thou follow me, not of bidding or against thy will, but of the grace of thee and thy favour to me.” Then I went on and she after me. Now at that time I had no lodging I deemed fit for the like of her; but Muslim bin al-Walíd[183] was my fast friend, and he had a handsome house. So I made for his abode and knocked at the door, whereupon he came out, and I saluted him, saying, “‘Tis for time like this that friends are treasured up”; and he replied, “With love and gladness! Come in you twain.” So we entered but found money scarce with him: however, he gave me a kerchief, saying, “Carry it to the bazar and sell it and buy food and what else thou needest.” I took the handkerchief, and hastening to the market, sold it and bought what we required of victuals and other matters; but when I returned, I found that Muslim had retired with her to an underground chamber.[184] When he heard my step he hurried out and said to me, “Allah requite thee the kindness thou hast done me, O Abu Ali and reward thee in time to come and reckon it of thy good deeds on the Day of Doom!” So saying, he took from me the food and wine and shut the door in my face. His words enraged me and I knew not what to do; but he stood behind the door, shaking for mirth; and, when he saw me thus, he said to me, “I conjure thee on my life, O Abu Ali, tell who it was composed this couplet?”—
At this, I jumped up and started kissing her hands, saying, “I never thought Fortune would give me this chance. Please follow me, not because I asked or against your will, but out of your kindness and favor towards me.” Then I moved on, and she followed me. At that time, I didn’t have a place I thought was suitable for her, but Muslim bin al-Walíd[183] was my close friend, and he had a nice house. So I headed to his place and knocked on the door. He came out, and I greeted him, saying, “It's for moments like this that friends are treasured,” to which he replied, “With love and happiness! Come inside, you two.” We went in but found he was low on money. Still, he gave me a handkerchief, saying, “Take it to the market, sell it, and buy food and whatever else you need.” I took the handkerchief, rushed to the market, sold it, and bought the food and other things we needed. But when I got back, I found that Muslim had taken her to a basement room.[184] When he heard my footsteps, he quickly came out and said to me, “May Allah reward you for your kindness, O Abu Ali, and bless you in the future, counting it among your good deeds on the Day of Judgment!” After saying this, he took the food and wine from me and shut the door in my face. His words made me furious, and I didn’t know what to do. But he stood behind the door, shaking with laughter, and when he saw me like this, he said to me, “I beg you on my life, O Abu Ali, tell me who wrote this couplet?”—
128At this my rage redoubled, and I replied, “He who wrote this other couplet”:—
128At this, my anger grew stronger, and I responded, “The one who wrote this other couplet”:—
Then I began to abuse him and reproach him with the foulness of his action and his lack of honour; and he was silent never uttering a word. But, when I had finished, he smiled and said, “Out on thee, O fool! Thou hast entered my house and sold my kerchief and spent my silver: so, with whom art thou wroth, O pimp?”[186] Then he left me and went away to her, whilst I said, “By Allah, thou art right to twit me as nincompoop and pander!” Then I left his door and went away in sore concern, and I feel its trace in my heart to this very day; for I never had my will of her nor, indeed, ever heard of her more. And amongst other tales is that about
Then I started to insult him and blame him for his disgusting actions and his lack of honor; and he stayed quiet, not saying a word. But when I finished, he smiled and said, “What a fool you are! You’ve come into my house, sold my handkerchief, and spent my money: so who are you angry with, you scoundrel?”[186] Then he left me and went to her, while I said, “By Allah, you’re right to call me a fool and a sleazeball!” Then I left his door and walked away feeling deeply troubled, and I still feel that pain in my heart to this day; for I never got to be with her nor, in fact, ever heard of her again. And among other stories is that about
181. Whose by name was Abu Ali, a poet under the Abbasides (eighth and ninth centuries).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.His name was Abu Ali, a poet during the Abbasid period (eighth and ninth centuries).
182. A well-known quarter of Baghdad, often mentioned in The Nights.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A famous neighborhood in Baghdad, frequently referenced in The Nights.
183. Another well-known poet of the time.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Another famous poet from that era.
184. Arab. “Sardáb”: noticed before.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Arab. “Sardáb”: seen before.
185. A gigantic idol in the Ka’abah, destroyed by Mohammed: it gave name to a tribe.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A massive statue in the Ka’abah, destroyed by Mohammed: it gave its name to a tribe.
186. Arab. “Ya Kawwád:” hence the Port. and Span. Alcoviteiro.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hey, Kawwád:” this is where the Portuguese and Spanish Alcoviteiro comes from.
(Quoth Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Mausili), It so chanced that, one day feeling weary of being on duty at the Palace and in attendance upon the Caliph, I mounted horse and went forth, at break of dawn, having a mind to ride out in the open country and take my pleasure. So I said to my servants, “If there come a messenger from the Caliph or another, say that I set out at daybreak, upon a pressing business, and that ye know not whither I am gone.” Then I fared forth alone and went round about the city, till the sun waxed hot, when I halted in a great thoroughfare known as Al-Haram,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
(Quoth Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Mausili), One day, feeling tired of my duties at the Palace and being around the Caliph, I got on my horse and left at dawn, planning to ride out in the countryside and enjoy myself. I told my servants, “If a messenger from the Caliph or anyone else comes, tell them I left at daybreak on urgent business, and you don’t know where I went.” Then I rode out alone and circled the city until the sun got hot, when I stopped in a busy area known as Al-Haram,——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted narrative.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Ishak bin Ibrahim the Mausili continued:—When the sun waxed hot I 129halted in a great thoroughfare known as Al-Haram, to take shelter in the shade and found it in a spacious wing of a house which projected over the street. And I stood there but a little while before there came up a black slave, leading an ass bestridden by a damsel; and under her were housings set with gems and pearls and upon her were the richest of clothes, richness can go no farther; and I saw that she was elegant of make with languorous look and graceful mien. I asked one of the passers-by who she was, and he said, “She is a singer,” so I fell in love with her at first sight: hardly could I keep my seat on horseback. She entered the house at whose gate I stood; and, as I was planning a device to gain access to her, there came up two men young and comely who asked admission and the housemaster gave them leave to enter. So they alighted and I also and they entered and I with them, they supposing that the master of the house had invited me; and we sat awhile, till food was brought and we ate. Then they set wine before us, and the damsel came out, with a lute in her hand. She sang and we drank, till I rose to obey a call of nature. Thereupon the host questioned the two others of me, and they replied that they knew me not; whereupon quoth he, “This is a parasite[187]; but he is a pleasant fellow, so treat him courteously.” Then I came back and sat down in my place, whilst the damsel sang to a pleasing air these two couplets:—
She said, “I have heard, O great King, that Ishak bin Ibrahim the Mausili said: When the sun became hot, I stopped in a busy street known as Al-Haram to find shade and found it in a spacious wing of a house that jutted out over the street. I had only been there for a short time when a black slave appeared, leading a donkey with a young woman on it; underneath her were lavish decorations set with gems and pearls, and she wore the most exquisite clothes imaginable. I could see that she was elegantly built, with a dreamy gaze and graceful presence. I asked someone passing by who she was, and he said, “She is a singer,” and I fell in love with her instantly; I almost lost my grip on my horse. She entered the house where I stood at the gate, and as I was figuring out a way to get close to her, two young and handsome men approached and asked for entry, which the owner of the house allowed. They dismounted, and I did the same, entering alongside them, as they believed the host had invited me; we sat for a while until food was brought and we ate. Then they poured wine for us, and the young woman came out, holding a lute. She sang while we drank, until I got up to answer a call of nature. During my absence, the host asked the two others about me, and they replied that they didn’t know me; the host then said, “This is a freeloader, but he’s a nice guy, so treat him well.” I returned and sat down in my place while the young woman sang a delightful melody with these two couplets:—
She sang it right well, and the company drank and her song pleased them. Then she carolled various pieces to rare measures, and amongst the rest one of mine, which consisted of this distich:—
She sang it really well, and the group enjoyed their drinks and her song. Then she performed different pieces to unique tunes, and among them was one of mine, which was this couplet:—
130Her singing this time was even better than the first; then she chanted other rare pieces, old and new, and amongst them, another of mine with the following two couplets:—
130Her singing this time was even better than the first; then she performed other unique pieces, both old and new, and among them, one of mine with the following two couplets:—
I prayed her to repeat the song, that I might correct it for her; whereupon one of the two men accosted me and said, “Never saw we a more impudent lick-platter than thou. Art thou not content with spunging, but thou must eke meddle and muddle? Of very sooth, in thee is the saying made true, Parasite and pushing wight.” So I hung down my head for shame and made him no answer, whilst his companion would have withheld him from me; but he would not be restrained. Presently, they rose to pray, but I lagged behind a little and, taking the lute, screwed up the sides and brought it into perfect tune. Then I stood up in my place to pray with the rest; and when we had ended praying, the same man fell again to blaming me and reviling me and persisted in his rudeness, whilst I held my peace. Thereupon the damsel took the lute and touching it, knew that it had been altered, and said, “Who hath touched my lute?” Quoth they, “None of us hath touched it.” Quoth she, “Nay, by Allah, some one hath touched it, and he is an artist, a past master in the craft; for he hath arranged the strings and tuned them like one who is a perfect performer.” Said I, “It was I tuned it;” and said she, “Then, Allah upon thee, take it and play on it!” So I took it; and, playing a piece so difficult and so rare, that it went nigh to deaden the quick and quicken the dead, I sang thereto these couplets:—
I asked her to sing the song again so I could help her get it right; then one of the two men approached me and said, “I’ve never seen a more shameless mooch than you. Is it not enough that you sponge off others, but you also have to meddle and mess things up? Truly, you embody the saying, ‘Parasite and pushy guy.’” I hung my head in shame and didn’t reply, while his friend tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t back down. Soon, they got up to pray, but I stayed back a bit, took the lute, tightened the strings, and tuned it perfectly. Then I stood up to pray with the others, and when we finished, that same man started criticizing and insulting me again, and I remained quiet. Then the young woman took the lute, noticed it had been changed, and said, “Who has touched my lute?” They replied, “None of us has touched it.” She insisted, “No, by Allah, someone has touched it, and he’s an expert, a master at it; he’s tuned the strings like a true performer.” I said, “I tuned it.” She responded, “Then, by Allah, take it and play!” So I took it, and playing a piece so complex and unique that it seemed to bring the dead to life and dull the living, I sang these lines:—
And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped sharing her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Ishak of Mosul thus continued:—Now when I had finished my verse, there was not one of the company but sprang from his place and sat down like schoolboys before me, saying, “Allah upon thee, O our lord, sing us another song.” “With pleasure” said I, and playing another measure in masterly fashion, sang thereto these couplets:—
She said, “I’ve heard, O fortunate King, that Ishak of Mosul went on:—When I finished my verse, everyone got up from their seats and sat down in front of me like eager schoolboys, saying, ‘Please, our lord, sing us another song.’ ‘Of course,’ I replied, and with great skill, I played another tune and sang these lines:—
When I had made an end of this song, there was not one of them but rose to his feet and threw himself upon the ground for excess of delight. Then I cast the lute from my hand, but they said, “Allah upon thee, do not on this wise, but let us hear another song, so Allah Almighty increase thee of His bounty!” Replied I, “O folk, I will sing you another song and another and another and will tell you who I am. I am Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Mausili, and by Allah, I bear myself proudly to the Caliph when he seeketh me. Ye have to-day made me hear abuse from an unmannerly carle such as I loathe; and by Allah, I will not speak a word nor sit with you, till ye put yonder quarrelsome churl out from among you!” Quoth the fellow’s companion to him, “This is what I warned thee against, fearing for thy good name.” So they hent him by the hand and thrust him out; and I took the lute and sang over again the songs of my own composing which the damsel had sung. Then I whispered the host that she had taken my heart and that I had no patience to abstain from her. Quoth he, “She is thine on one condition.” I asked, “What is that?” and he answered, “It is that thou abide with me a month, when 132the damsel and all belonging to her of raiment and jewellery shall be thine.” I rejoined, “It is well, I will do this.” So I tarried with him a whole month, whilst none knew where I was and the Caliph sought me everywhere, but could come by no news of me; and at the end of this time, the merchant delivered to me the damsel, together with all that pertained to her of things of price and an eunuch to attend upon her. So I brought all that to my lodging, feeling as I were lord of the whole world, for exceeding delight in her; then I rode forthright to Al-Maamun. And when I stood in the presence, he said, “Woe to thee, O Ishak, where hast thou been?” So I acquainted him with the story and he said, “Bring me that man at once.” Thereupon I told him where he lived and he sent and fetched him and questioned him of the case; when he repeated the story and the Caliph said to him, “Thou art a man of right generous mind, and it is only fitting that thou be aided in thy generosity.” Then he ordered him an hundred thousand dirhams and said to me, “O Ishak, bring the damsel before me.” So I brought her to him, and she sang and delighted him; and being greatly gladdened by her he said to me, “I appoint her turn of service every Thursday, when she must come and sing to me from behind the curtain.” And he ordered her fifty thousand dirhams, so by Allah, I profited both myself and others by my ride. And amongst the tales they tell is one of
When I finished this song, everyone stood up and fell to the ground in pure joy. I threw my lute aside, but they said, “Please, don’t do that! Let us hear another song, and may Allah bless you even more!” I replied, “Listen, everyone, I will sing you another song and another one, and I’ll tell you who I am. I am Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Mausili, and I proudly show myself to the Caliph when he calls for me. You made me endure insults from a rude man that I can't stand; I swear I won’t say a word or sit with you until you remove that quarrelsome fool from your midst!” The man’s friend said to him, “This is what I warned you about, out of concern for your reputation.” So they grabbed him by the hand and pushed him out. I picked up the lute again and sang once more the songs I had composed that the young lady had sung. Then I whispered to the host that she had stolen my heart and that I couldn't bear to be apart from her. He replied, “She can be yours on one condition.” I asked, “What is that?” and he answered, “You must stay with me for a month, then the girl and all her clothes and jewelry will be yours.” I said, “Okay, I will do it.” So I stayed with him for a whole month, while no one knew where I was, and the Caliph searched for me everywhere but couldn’t find any word of me. At the end of the month, the merchant handed over the girl along with all her valuable belongings and an eunuch to attend to her. I came back to my place feeling like I owned the whole world because of my immense joy in her; then I immediately rode to Al-Maamun. When I stood before him, he said, “Woe to you, Ishak! Where have you been?” I told him the whole story, and he said, “Bring me that man right away.” So I told him where the man lived, and he sent someone to fetch him and questioned him about it; when he repeated the story, the Caliph said to him, “You are a truly generous man, and you deserve to be rewarded for your kindness.” Then he ordered him a hundred thousand dirhams and said to me, “O Ishak, bring the girl to me.” So I brought her to him, and she sang and pleased him; being very happy with her, he said to me, “I want her to perform for me every Thursday, where she must come and sing to me from behind the curtain.” He also gave her fifty thousand dirhams, so I profited both myself and others from my visit. Among the stories they tell, there is one about
187. Arab. “Tufayli,” a term before noticed; the class was as well known in Baghdad and Cairo as in ancient Rome.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Tufayli,” a term mentioned earlier; this class was just as recognized in Baghdad and Cairo as it was in ancient Rome.
188. Arab. “Jauzar” = a bubalus (Antilope defessa), also called “Ayn” from the large black eyes. This bovine antelope is again termed Bakar al-Wahsh (wild cattle) or “Bos Sylvestris” (incerti generis, Forsk.). But Jauzar also signifies hart, so I render it by “Ariel” (the well-known antelope).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Jauzar” = a buffalo (Antelope defessa), also known as “Ayn” because of its large black eyes. This wild antelope is also called Bakar al-Wahsh (wild cattle) or “Bos Sylvestris” (uncertain kind, Forsk.). However, Jauzar also means hart, so I translate it as “Ariel” (the well-known antelope).
189. Arab. “Taráib” plur. of taríbah. The allusion is to the heart, and “the little him’s a her.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Taráib” is the plural of taríbah. This refers to the heart, and “the little him’s a her.”
(Quoth Al-‘Utbí,[190]) I was sitting one day with a company of educated men, telling stories of the folk, when the talk turned upon legends of lovers and each of us said his say thereanent. Now there was in our company an old man, who remained silent, till all had spoken and had no more to say, when quoth he, “Shall I tell you a thing, the like of which you never heard; no, never?” “Yes,” quoth we; and he said, “Know, then, that I had a daughter, who loved a youth, but we knew it not; while the youth loved a singing-girl, who in her turn loved my daughter. One day, I was present at an assembly, wherein were also the youth”——And 133Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
(Quoth Al-‘Utbí,[190]) I was sitting one day with a group of educated men, sharing stories about different people, when the conversation shifted to tales of lovers, and each of us shared our thoughts on the subject. In our group, there was an old man who stayed quiet until everyone else had spoken and had nothing left to add. Then he said, “Shall I tell you something you’ve never heard before? No, never?” “Yes,” we replied, and he continued, “Just so you know, I had a daughter who loved a young man, but we were unaware of it; meanwhile, the young man loved a singer, who herself loved my daughter. One day, I was at a gathering where the young man was present"——And 133Shahrazad noticed the dawn was breaking and stopped her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Shaykh continued:—One day, I was present at an assembly wherein were also the youth and the singing-girl and she chanted to us these couplets:—
She said, "I’ve heard, O fortunate King, that the Shaykh continued:—One day, I was at a gathering where the young man and the singing girl were present, and she sang us these couplets:—
Cried the youth, “By Allah, thou hast said well, O my mistress! Dost thou incite me to die?” Answered the girl from behind the curtain, “Yes, if thou be a true lover.” So he laid his head on a cushion and closed his eyes; and when the cup came round to him, we shook him and behold, he was dead.[191] Therewith we all flocked to him, and our pleasure was troubled and we grieved and broke up at once. When I came home, my people took in bad part my returning before the appointed time, and I told them what had befallen the youth, thinking that thereby I should greatly surprise them. My daughter heard my words and rising, went from the sitting-chamber into another, whither I followed her and found her lying with her head on a cushion, even as I had told of the young man. So I shook her and lo! she was dead. Then we laid her out and set forth next morning to bury her, whilst the friends of the young man set forth in like guise to bury him. As we were on the way to the burial-place, we met a third funeral and asking whose it was, were told that it was that of the singing-girl who, hearing of my daughter’s death, had done even as she did and was dead. So we buried them all three on one day, and this is the rarest tale that ever was heard of lovers. And they also tell a tale of
The young man cried, “By God, you’ve spoken wisely, my lady! Are you really pushing me to die?” The girl replied from behind the curtain, “Yes, if you truly love.” So he laid his head on a cushion and closed his eyes; when the drink was offered to him, we shook him, and suddenly, he was dead. [191] We all rushed to him, our joy turned to sorrow, and we immediately left. When I got home, my family was upset about my early return, and I told them what had happened to the young man, thinking it would shock them. My daughter overheard me and got up, moving from the sitting room to another, so I followed her and found her lying with her head on a cushion, just like I described the young man. I shook her, and surprisingly, she was dead. We laid her out and prepared to bury her the next morning, while the young man's friends also set out to bury him. On our way to the burial site, we encountered a third funeral. When we asked whose it was, we learned it was the singing girl who, upon hearing of my daughter’s death, had done the same and was also dead. So we buried all three of them on the same day, which is the most extraordinary tale ever told of lovers. And they also tell a tale of
190. A well-known poet of the ninth century (A.D.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A famous poet from the ninth century (A.D.)
191. These easy deaths for love are a lieu commun: See sundry of them in the Decameron (iv. 7, etc.); and, in the Heptameron (Nouv. lxx.), the widow who lay down and died of love and sorrow that her passion had become known. For the fainting of lovers see Nouvelle xix.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These simple deaths for love are a overused phrase: Check out various examples in the Decameron (iv. 7, etc.); and in the Heptameron (Nouv. lxx.), the widow who laid down and died from love and sorrow when her feelings were revealed. For lovers fainting, see Nouvelle xix.
They recount that in the City Kaukabán of Al-Yaman there was a man of the Fazlí tribe who had left Badawi life, and become a townsman for many years and was a merchant of the most opulent merchants. His wife had deceased when both were young; and his friends were instant with him to marry again, ever quoting to him the words of the poet:—
They say that in the city of Kaukabán in Al-Yaman, there was a man from the Fazlí tribe who had abandoned his Bedouin lifestyle and had been a townsman for many years, becoming one of the wealthiest merchants. His wife had passed away when they were both young, and his friends constantly urged him to remarry, often quoting the words of the poet:—
So being weary of contention, Abu Hasan entered into negotiations with the old women who procure matches, and married a maid like Canopus when he hangeth over the seas of Al-Hind. He made high festival therefor, bidding to the wedding-banquet kith and kin, Olema and Fakirs; friends and foes and all his acquaintances of that country-side. The whole house was thrown open to feasting: there were rices of five several colours, and sherbets of as many more; and kids stuffed with walnuts and almonds and pistachios and a camel-colt[192] roasted whole. So they ate and drank and made mirth and merriment; and the bride was displayed in her seven dresses and one more, to the women, who could not take their eyes off her. At last, the bridegroom was summoned to the chamber where she sat enthroned; and he rose slowly and with dignity from his divan; but in so doing, for that he was over full of meat and drink, lo and behold! he let fly a fart, great and terrible. Thereupon each guest turned to his neighbour and talked aloud and made as though he had heard nothing, fearing for his life. But a consuming fire was lit in Abu Hasan’s heart; so he pretended a call of nature; and, in lieu of seeking the bride-chamber, he went down to the house-court and saddled his mare and rode off, weeping bitterly, through the 135shadow of the night. In time he reached Láhej where he found a ship ready to sail for India; so he shipped on board and made Calicut of Malabar. Here he met with many Arabs, especially Hazramís,[193] who recommended him to the King; and this King (who was a Kafir) trusted him and advanced him to the captain-ship of his body-guard. He remained ten years in all solace and delight of life; at the end of which time he was seized with home-sickness; and the longing to behold his native land was that of a lover pining for his beloved; and he came near to die of yearning desire. But his appointed day had not dawned; so, after taking the first bath of health, he left the King without leave, and in due course landed at Makallá of Hazramaut. Here he donned the rags of a religious; and, keeping his name and case secret, fared for Kaukaban afoot; enduring a thousand hardships of hunger, thirst and fatigue; and braving a thousand dangers from the lion, the snake and the Ghul. But when he drew near his old home, he looked down upon it from the hills with brimming eyes, and said in himself, “Haply they might know thee; so I will wander about the outskirts, and hearken to the folk. Allah grant that my case be not remembered by them!” He listened carefully for seven nights and seven days, till it so chanced that, as he was sitting at the door of a hut, he heard the voice of a young girl saying, “O my mother, tell me the day when I was born; for such an one of my companions is about to take an omen[194] for me.” And the mother answered, “Thou was born, O my daughter, on the very night when Abu Hasan farted.” Now the listener no sooner heard these words than he rose up from the bench, and fled away saying to himself, “Verily thy fart hath become a date, which shall last for ever and ever; even as the poet said:”—
So, tired of conflict, Abu Hasan started talking to the old women who arrange marriages and married a girl as beautiful as Canopus when it hangs over the seas of India. He threw a grand celebration for the wedding, inviting all his family, scholars, and mystics; friends and enemies, and everyone he knew from that area. The entire house was opened for the feast: there were rice dishes in five different colors, and drinks in just as many flavors; kids stuffed with walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, and a young camel roasted whole. They ate, drank, and celebrated joyfully; the bride was showcased in her seven dresses and another one for the women, who couldn’t take their eyes off her. Eventually, the bridegroom was called to the chamber where she sat like royalty; he stood up slowly and with grace from his seat, but in doing so, since he was overly full from food and drink, he accidentally let out a loud fart. Immediately, every guest looked at each other and spoke loudly, pretending they hadn’t heard anything, fearing for their own safety. But a burning shame ignited in Abu Hasan's heart; so, he claimed he needed to use the restroom; instead of going to the bride's chamber, he went down to the courtyard, saddled his mare, and rode off into the night, crying heavily. Eventually, he reached Láhej, where he found a ship ready to sail for India; so he boarded and made his way to Calicut in Malabar. There, he met many Arabs, especially Hazramís, who introduced him to the King; and this King (who was a non-believer) trusted him and made him the captain of his bodyguard. He spent ten years enjoying a life of comfort and pleasure; but after that time, he became homesick; and the desire to see his homeland was intense, like a lover longing for their beloved; he felt close to dying from this yearning. But his time had not yet come; so after taking a refreshing bath, he left the King without permission and eventually landed at Makallá in Hazramaut. There, he put on the clothes of a religious man; and, keeping his identity and situation secret, he walked to Kaukaban, facing many hardships from hunger, thirst, and fatigue; and braving dangers from lions, snakes, and demons. But when he was near his old home, he looked down upon it from the hills with tears in his eyes and thought to himself, “Perhaps they might recognize me; so I’ll wander around the outskirts and listen to what the people say. God grant that they do not remember me!” He listened carefully for seven nights and seven days until one day, while sitting by the door of a hut, he heard a young girl say, “Oh my mother, tell me the day I was born; because one of my friends is about to take an omen for me.” And the mother replied, “You were born, my daughter, on the very night when Abu Hasan farted.” As soon as he heard this, he jumped up from the bench and ran away, murmuring to himself, “Indeed, your fart has become a date that will last forever; just like the poet said:”—
136And he ceased not travelling and voyaging and returned to India; and there abode in self-exile till he died; and the mercy of Allah be upon him![196] And they tell another story of
136And he kept traveling and sailing until he returned to India; and there he lived in self-imposed exile until he died; and may Allah’s mercy be upon him![196] And they tell another story of
192. This is a favourite Badawi dish, but too expensive unless some accident happen to the animal. Old camel is much like bull-beef, but the young meat is excellent, although not relished by Europeans because, like strange fish, it has no recognised flavour. I have noticed it in my “First Footsteps” (p. 68, etc.). There is an old idea in Europe that the maniacal vengeance of the Arab is increased by eating this flesh; the beast is certainly vindictive enough; but a furious and frantic vengefulness characterises the North American Indian who never saw a camel. Mercy and pardon belong to the elect, not to the miserables who make up “humanity.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is a favorite Badawi dish, but it’s too pricey unless something unexpected happens to the animal. Old camel is quite similar to beef, but the meat from younger camels is really good, although Europeans often don't enjoy it because, like unusual fish, it doesn’t have a familiar flavor. I've mentioned it in my “First Footsteps” (p. 68, etc.). There's an old belief in Europe that eating this meat fuels the Arab's maniacal vengeance; the animal is certainly quite vindictive, but intense and wild revenge is also a trait of the North American Indian who has never encountered a camel. Mercy and forgiveness are reserved for the chosen few, not for the unfortunate who make up “humanity.”
193. i.e., of the Province Hazramaut, the Biblical Hazarmaveth (Gen. x. 26). The people are the Swiss of Arabia and noted for thrift and hard bargains; hence the saying, If you meet a serpent and a Hazrami, slay the Hazrami. To prove how ubiquitous they are it is related that a man, flying from their society, reached the uttermost parts of China where he thought himself safe. But, as he was about to pass the night in some ruin, he heard a voice hard by him exclaim, O ‘Imád al-Din! (the name of the patron-saint of Hazramaut). Thereupon he arose and fled and he is, they say, flying still.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e., of the Province Hazramaut, the Biblical Hazarmaveth (Gen. x. 26). The people are like the Swiss of Arabia, known for their frugality and tough negotiations; hence the saying, If you come across a snake and a Hazrami, kill the Hazrami. To illustrate how widespread they are, there's a story about a man who, trying to escape from their presence, traveled all the way to the farthest reaches of China, thinking he would be safe. But as he was about to spend the night in some ruins, he heard a voice nearby calling out, O ‘Imád al-Din! (the name of the patron saint of Hazramaut). After that, he got up and ran away, and they say he’s still running.
194. Arab. “Fál” alluding to the Sortes Coranicæ and other silly practices known to the English servant-girl when curious about her future and her futur.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Fál” referring to the Sortes Coranicæ and other trivial practices known to the English maid when she's curious about her future and her future.
195. i.e., in Arab-land (where they eat dates) and Ajam, or lands non-Arab (where bread is the staff of life); that is, all the world over.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e., in Arab countries (where they eat dates) and non-Arab countries (where bread is the staple food); in other words, everywhere in the world.
196. This story is curious and ethnologically valuable. The Badawi who eructates as a civility, has a mortal hatred to a crepitus ventris; and were a by-stander to laugh at its accidental occurrence, he would at once be cut down as a “pundonor.” The same is the custom amongst the Highlanders of Afghanistan, and its artificial nature suggests direct derivation; for the two regions are separated by a host of tribes, Persians and Baloch, Sindis and Panjábis who utterly ignore the point of honour and behave like Europeans. The raids of the pre-Islamitic Arabs over the lands lying to the north-east of them are almost forgotten; still there are traces, and this may be one of them.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This story is interesting and holds cultural significance. The Badawi who belches as a sign of politeness has a deep-seated hatred for a stomach rumbling; if someone nearby laughs at this accidental incident, they would immediately be considered a “pundonor.” The same custom is found among the Highlanders of Afghanistan, and its forced nature suggests a direct connection; the two regions are separated by a number of tribes, including Persians, Baloch, Sindis, and Punjabis, who completely disregard this point of honor and act like Europeans. The raids of the pre-Islamic Arabs into the lands northeast of them are almost forgotten; however, there are still signs of this, and this could be one of them.
Kásim, son of Adi, was wont to relate that a man of the Banú Tamím spake as follows. I went out one day in search of an estray and, coming to the waters of the Banu Tayy, saw two companies of people near one another, and behold, those of one company were disputing among themselves even as the other. So I watched them and observed, in one of the companies, a youth wasted with sickness, as he were a worn-out dried-up water-skin. And as I looked on him, lo! he repeated these couplets:—
Kásim, son of Adi, used to say that a man from the Banú Tamím spoke this way. One day, I went out looking for a stray animal and, when I reached the waters of the Banu Tayy, I saw two groups of people close to each other, and it turned out that both groups were arguing among themselves. I watched them and noticed that in one of the groups, there was a young man who looked completely sick and worn out, like an empty, dried-up water skin. As I looked at him, he began to recite these couplets:—
His words were heard by a damsel in the other company who hastened towards him, and when her people followed her, she fought them off. Then the youth caught sight of her and sprang up and ran towards her, whilst the people of his party ran after him and laid hold of him. However he haled and freed himself from them, and she in like manner loosed herself; and, when they were free, each ran to other and meeting between the two parties, embraced and fell dead upon the ground.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
His words were heard by a young woman in the other group who rushed toward him, and when her people followed her, she fought them off. Then the young man noticed her, jumped up, and ran toward her, while the people in his group chased after him and caught him. However, he struggled and broke free from them, and she also managed to escape; once they were free, each ran to the other and, meeting between the two groups, embraced and collapsed on the ground.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young man and the maid met between the two parties and embraced and both fell dead upon the ground; whereat came there out an old man from one of the tents and stood over them exclaiming, “Verily, we are Allah’s and unto Him we are returning!” Then weeping sore he said, “Allah have ruth on you both! by the Almighty, though you were not united in your lives, I will at least unite you after your deaths.” And he bade lay them out: so they washed them and shrouded them in one shroud and dug for them one grave and prayed one prayer over them both and buried them in one tomb; nor was there man or woman in the two parties but I saw weeping over them and buffeting their faces. Then I questioned the Shaykh of them, and he said, “She was my daughter and he my brother’s son; and love brought them to the pass thou seest.” I exclaimed, “Allah amend thee! but why didst thou not marry them to each other?” Quoth he, “I feared shame[197] and dishonour; and now I am fallen into both.” And they tell a tale of
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the young man and the girl met between the two groups, embraced each other, and then both collapsed dead on the ground. An old man emerged from one of the tents and stood over them, shouting, 'Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return!' Then, weeping profusely, he said, 'May Allah have mercy on you both! By the Almighty, even though you weren’t united in life, I will at least unite you in death.' He ordered them to be prepared for burial: they washed them, wrapped them in a single shroud, dug one grave for them, prayed one prayer over them both, and laid them to rest in one tomb. There wasn’t a man or woman in either group who wasn’t weeping for them and striking their faces in grief. I asked their Shaykh, and he said, 'She was my daughter, and he was my brother’s son; their love brought them to this fate.' I exclaimed, 'May Allah help you! But why didn’t you marry them to each other?' He replied, 'I feared shame and dishonor; and now I have fallen into both.' And they tell a tale of..."
197. Arab. “Al-‘Ár.” The Badawi saying is “Al-nár wa lá ‘l-‘ár” (Hell-)fire, but not shame. The sentiment is noble. Hasan the Prophet’s grandson, a poor creature demoralised by over-marrying, chose the converse, “Shame is better than Hell-fire.” An old Arabic poem has:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-‘Ár.” The Bedouin saying is “Al-nár wa lá ‘l-‘ár” (Hell-)fire, but no shame. The idea is admirable. Hasan, the Prophet’s grandson, a troubled man overwhelmed by too many marriages, took the opposite view, saying, “Shame is better than Hell-fire.” An old Arabic poem goes:—
Al-Hariri (Ass. of the Badawin) also has:—
Al-Hariri (Ass. of the Badawin) also has:—
Quoth Abu ‘l-Abbás al-Mubarrad,[198] I set out one day with a company to Al-Bárid on an occasion and, coming to the monastery of Hirakl,[199] we alighted in its shade. Presently a man 138came out to us and said, “There are madmen in the monastery,[200] and amongst them one who speaketh wisdom; if ye saw him, ye would marvel at his speech.” So we arose all and went into the monastery, where we saw a man seated on a skin-mat in one of the cells, with bare head and eyes intently fixed upon the wall. We saluted him, and he returned our salam, without looking at us; and one said to us, “Repeat some verses to him; for, when he heareth verse, he speaketh.” So I repeated these two couplets:—
Quoth Abu ‘l-Abbás al-Mubarrad,[198] One day, I set out with a group to Al-Bárid for an occasion, and when we arrived at the monastery of Hirakl,[199] we settled under its shade. Soon, a man came out to us and said, “There are madmen in the monastery,[200] and among them is one who speaks wisdom; if you saw him, you would be amazed by his words.” We all got up and went into the monastery, where we found a man sitting on a skin mat in one of the cells, with a bare head and his eyes focused intently on the wall. We greeted him, and he returned our greeting without looking at us; one of us said, “Recite some verses to him; for when he hears poetry, he speaks.” So I recited these two couplets:—
When he heard from me this praise of the Apostle he turned towards us and repeated these lines:—
When he heard me praise the Apostle, he turned to us and repeated these lines:—
Then he asked us, “Have I said well or said ill?” And we answered, “Thou hast said the clean contrary of ill, well and right well.” Then he put out his hand to a stone, that was by him and took it up; whereupon thinking he would throw it at us we fled from him; but he fell to beating upon his breast therewith violent blows and said to us, “Fear not, but draw near and hear somewhat from me and receive it from me.” So we came back, and he repeated these couplets:—
Then he asked us, “Did I speak well or poorly?” We replied, “You’ve spoken the complete opposite of poorly; you spoke well and very well.” Then he reached for a stone nearby and picked it up; thinking he was going to throw it at us, we ran away from him. But he started striking his chest with it forcefully and said to us, “Don’t be afraid, come closer and listen to me, and accept what I have to say.” So we returned, and he recited these couplets:—
Then he looked at me and said, “Say me, dost thou know what they did?”[202] Answered I, “Yes, they are dead; Almighty Allah have mercy on them!” At this his face changed and he sprang to his feet and cried out, “How knowest thou they be dead?;” and I replied, “Were they alive they had not left thee thus.” Quoth he, “By Allah, thou art right, and I care not to live after them.” Then his side-muscles quivered and he fell on his face; and we ran up to him and shook him and found him dead, the mercy of the Almighty be on him! At this we marvelled and mourned for him and, sore mourning, laid him out and buried him.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Then he looked at me and said, “Tell me, do you know what they did?”[202] I answered, “Yes, they are dead; may Almighty Allah have mercy on them!” At this, his expression changed, and he jumped to his feet and shouted, “How do you know they are dead?” I replied, “If they were alive, they wouldn’t have left you like this.” He said, “By Allah, you are right, and I don’t want to live after them.” Then his side muscles shook, and he fell face down; we rushed to him, shook him, and found him dead—may the mercy of the Almighty be upon him! We were astonished and mourned for him deeply, laid him out, and buried him.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Al-Mubarrad thus continued:—When the man fell we mourned over him with sore mourning and laid him out and buried him. And when I returned to Baghdad and went in to the Caliph Al Mutawakkil, he saw the trace of tears on my face and said to me, “What is this?” So I told him what had passed and it was grievous to him and he cried, “What moved thee to deal thus with him?[203] By Allah, if I thought thou didst not repent it and regret him I would punish thee therefor!” And he mourned for him the rest of the day. And amongst the tales they tell is one of
She said, “I have heard, O fortunate King, that Al-Mubarrad went on:—When the man fell, we mourned deeply for him, prepared his body, and buried him. When I returned to Baghdad and went to see Caliph Al Mutawakkil, he noticed the tears on my face and asked me, ‘What happened?’ I explained everything that had occurred, and he was saddened by it. He exclaimed, ‘What made you treat him this way? By Allah, if I thought you didn’t regret it and miss him, I would punish you for that!’ He mourned for him the rest of the day. Among the stories they tell is one of...”
198. A grammarian and rhetorician of ninth century.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A grammarian and rhetorician from the ninth century.
199. Once existing in Syrian Hamáh (the Biblical Hamath); and so called because here died the Emperor Heraclius called by the Arabs “Hirakl.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Once located in Syrian Hamáh (the Biblical Hamath); and named so because this is where the Emperor Heraclius, known to the Arabs as “Hirakl,” died.
200. Till lately it was the custom to confine madmen in Syrian monasteries, hoping a cure from the patron Saint; and a terrible time they had of it. Every guide book relates the healing process as formerly pursued at the Maronite Convent Koshaya not far from Bayrut. The idiot or maniac was thrust headlong by the monks into a dismal cavern with a heavy chain round his neck, and was tied up within a span of the wall to await the arrival of Saint Anthony who especially affects this holy place. In very few weeks the patient was effectually cured or killed by cold, solitude and starvation.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Until recently, it was a common practice to confine the mentally ill in Syrian monasteries, hoping for a cure from the patron Saint; and it was a terrible experience for them. Every guidebook describes the healing process once followed at the Maronite Convent Koshaya, not far from Beirut. The person deemed mad or insane was roughly thrown into a dark cavern by the monks, with a heavy chain around their neck, and was tied up close to the wall to wait for the arrival of Saint Anthony, who has a special connection to this holy place. In just a few weeks, the patient was either effectively cured or died from the cold, isolation, and starvation.
201. The Moslem Eve, much nearer the Hebrew “Hawah” = the “manifester,” because (Gen. iii. 20) she was (to be) the mother of all that live (“Kull hayy”).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Muslim Eve, much closer to the Hebrew “Hawah” = the “manifester,” because (Gen. iii. 20) she was (to be) the mother of all living things (“Kull hayy”).
202. The mad lover says “they” for “she,” which would be too familiar in speaking to strangers.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The crazy lover uses “they” instead of “she,” which would be too casual when talking to people they don’t know.
203. i.e. falsely to report the death.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. falsely reporting a death.
Quoth Abu Bakr Mohammed ibn Al-Anbári[204]:—I once left Anbár on a journey to ‘Amúríyah,[205] where there came out to me the prior of the monastery and superior of the monkery, Abd al-Masíh hight, and brought me into the building. There I found forty religious, who entertained me that night with fair guest-rite, and I left them after seeing among them such diligence in adoration and devotion as I never beheld the like of in any others. Next day I farewelled them and fared forth and, after doing my business at ‘Amuriyah, I returned to my home at Anbar. And next year I made pilgrimage to Meccah and as I was circumambulating the Holy House I saw Abd al-Masih the monk also compassing the Ka’abah, and with him five of his fellows, the shavelings. Now when I was sure that it was indeed he, I accosted him, saying, “Art thou not Abd al-Masih, the Religious?” and he replied, “Nay, I am Abdallah, the Desirous.”[206] Therewith I fell to kissing his grey hairs and shedding tears; then, taking him by the hand, I led him aside into a corner of the Temple and said to him, “Tell me the cause of thy conversion to Al-Islam;” and he made reply, “Verily, ‘twas a wonder of wonders, and befel thus. A company of Moslem devotees came to the village wherein is our convent, and sent a youth to buy them food. He saw, in the market, a Christian damsel selling bread, who was of the fairest of women; and he was struck at first sight with such love of her, that his senses failed him and he fell on his face in a fainting-fit.” When he revived, he returned to his companions and told them what had befallen him, saying, “Go ye about your business; I may not go with you.” They chided him and exhorted him, but he paid no heed to them; so they left him whilst he entered the village and 141seated himself at the door of the woman’s booth.[207] She asked him what he wanted, and he told her that he was in love with her, whereupon she turned from him; but he abode in his place three days without tasting food, keeping his eyes fixed on her face. Now whenas she saw that he departed not from her, she went to her people and acquainted them with his case, and they set on him the village boys, who stoned him and bruised his ribs and broke his head; but, for all this, he would not budge. Then the villagers took counsel together to slay him; but a man of them came to me and told me of his case, and I went out to him and found him lying prostrate on the ground. So I wiped the blood from his face and carried him to the convent, and dressed his wounds; and there he abode with me fourteen days. But as soon as he could walk, he left the monastery——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Quoth Abu Bakr Mohammed ibn Al-Anbári[204]:—I once left Anbár on a journey to ‘Amúríyah,[205] where I was met by the head of the monastery, Abd al-Masíh, who brought me inside. There, I found forty monks who welcomed me that night with great hospitality, and I left them after witnessing their dedication in worship and devotion, unlike anything I had ever seen before. The next day, I said farewell and continued on my way, and after taking care of my business in ‘Amuriyah, I returned home to Anbar. The following year, I made a pilgrimage to Mecca, and as I was circling the Holy House, I spotted Abd al-Masih the monk also circling the Ka'abah, along with five of his fellow monks. When I was sure it was him, I approached him and said, “Aren't you Abd al-Masih, the Religious?” He replied, “No, I am Abdallah, the Desirous.”[206] I immediately started kissing his grey hair and crying; then, taking his hand, I led him into a corner of the Temple and asked, “What caused you to convert to Islam?” He responded, “It was truly remarkable, and here’s how it happened. A group of Muslim devotees came to our village where the convent is located and sent a young man to buy food. In the market, he saw a Christian girl selling bread, who was the most beautiful of women, and he fell in love with her at first sight, so much so that he fainted. When he came to, he returned to his friends and told them what happened, saying, ‘You go on without me; I can't join you.’ They scolded him and urged him to come along, but he ignored them, and they left him while he entered the village and sat down at the door of the girl’s stall.[207] She asked what he wanted, and he told her he was in love with her, but she turned away. He stayed right there for three days without eating, his eyes fixed on her face. When she saw that he wouldn’t leave, she went to her family and told them what was happening, and they sent village boys after him, who stoned him, beaten him, and broke his head; still, he didn't move. Then the villagers decided to kill him; however, one of them came to me and told me about his situation, so I went out to find him lying on the ground. I wiped the blood from his face and took him to the convent, where I treated his wounds, and he stayed with me for fourteen days. But as soon as he was able to walk, he left the monastery——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story for the night.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Abdallah the Religious continued:—So I carried him to the convent and dressed his wounds, and he abode with me fourteen days. But as soon as he could walk, he left the monastery and returned to the door of the woman’s booth, where he sat gazing on her as before. When she saw him, she came out to him and said, “By Allah, thou movest me to pity! wilt thou enter my faith that I may marry thee?” He cried, “Allah forbid that I should put off the faith of Unity and enter that of Plurality!”[208] Quoth she, “Come in with me to my house and take thy will of me and wend thy ways in peace.” Quoth he, “Not so, I will not waste the worship of twelve years for the lust of an eye-twinkle.” Said she, “Then depart from me forthwith;” and he said, “My heart will not suffer me to do that;” whereupon she turned her countenance from him. Presently the boys found him out and began to pelt him with stones; and he fell on his face, saying, “Verily, Allah is my protector, who sent down the Book of the Koran; and He protecteth 142the Righteous!”[209] At this I sallied forth and driving away the boys, lifted his head from the ground and heard him say, “Allah mine, unite me with her in Paradise!” Then I carried him to the monastery; but he died, before I could reach it, and I bore him without the village and I dug for him a grave and buried him. And next night when half of it was spent, the damsel cried with a great cry (and she in her bed); so the villagers flocked to her and questioned her of her case. Quoth she, “As I slept, behold the Moslem man came in to me and taking me by the hand, carried me to the gate of Paradise; but the Guardian denied me entrance, saying:—’Tis forbidden to unbelievers. So I embraced Al-Islam at his hands and, entering with him, beheld therein pavilions and trees, such as I cannot describe to you. Moreover, he brought me to a pavilion of jewels and said to me, Of a truth this is my pavilion and thine, nor will I enter it save with thee; but, after five nights thou shalt be with me therein, if it be the will of Allah Almighty. Then he put forth his hand to a tree which grew at the door of the pavilion and plucked therefrom two apples and gave them to me, saying:—Eat this and keep the other, that the monks may see it. So I ate one of them and never tasted I aught sweeter.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that Abdallah the Religious continued:—So I took him to the convent and treated his wounds, and he stayed with me for fourteen days. But as soon as he was able to walk, he left the monastery and returned to the entrance of the woman's booth, where he sat staring at her just like before. When she saw him, she came out and said, 'By Allah, you make me feel pity! Will you join my faith so that I may marry you?' He replied, 'God forbid that I should abandon the faith of Unity and join that of Plurality!' [208] She said, 'Come into my house and have your way with me, then go in peace.' He replied, 'No way, I won't throw away twelve years of worship for the allure of a pretty face.' She said, 'Then leave me immediately;' and he replied, 'My heart won't let me do that;' at which point she turned her face away from him. Soon, some boys found him and started throwing stones at him; he fell to the ground and said, 'Indeed, Allah is my protector, who sent down the Book of the Koran; and He protects the Righteous!' 142 [209] At that, I rushed out, chased the boys away, lifted his head from the ground, and heard him say, 'O Allah, unite me with her in Paradise!' I then carried him back to the monastery; but he died before I could get there, so I took him outside the village, dug a grave for him, and buried him. The next night, when half of it had passed, the young woman cried out loudly from her bed; the villagers rushed to her and asked what was wrong. She said, 'As I slept, I saw the Muslim man come to me, take my hand, and carry me to the gate of Paradise, but the Guardian wouldn't let me in, saying: 'It's forbidden for non-believers.' So I accepted Islam from him, and when I entered with him, I saw pavilions and trees that I can't even describe to you. He also brought me to a jewel pavilion and said to me, 'This is truly my pavilion and yours, and I won't enter it without you; but after five nights, you will be with me there, if it is Allah Almighty's will.' Then he reached for a tree at the entrance of the pavilion, picked two apples, gave one to me, and said: 'Eat this and keep the other to show the monks.' So I ate one and have never tasted anything sweeter in my life.——And Shahrazad noticed dawn breaking and stopped telling her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the woman continued:—So he plucked two apples and gave them to me, saying, “Eat this and keep the other that the monks may see it.” So I ate one of them and never tasted I aught sweeter. Then he took my hand and fared forth and carried me back to my house; and, when I awoke, I found the taste of the apple in my mouth and the other in my hand.” So saying she brought out the apple, and in the darkness of the night it shone as it were a sparkling star. So they carried her (and the apple with her) to the monastery, where she repeated her vision and showed it to us; never saw we its like among all the fruits of the world. Then I took a knife and cut the apple into pieces according as we were folk in company; 143and never knew we aught more delicious than its savour nor more delightsome than its scent; but we said, “Haply this was a devil that appeared unto her to seduce her from her faith.” Thereupon her people took her and went away; but she abstained from eating and drinking and on the fifth night she rose from her bed, and going forth the village to the grave of her Moslem lover threw herself upon it and died, her family not knowing what was come of her. But, on the morrow, there came to the village two Moslem elders, clad in hair-cloth, and with them two women in like garb, and said, “O people of the village, with you is a woman Saint, a Wáliyah of the friends of Allah, who died a Moslemah; and we will take charge of her in lieu of you.” So the villagers sought her and found her dead on the Moslem’s grave; and they said, “This was one of us and she died in our faith; so we will take charge of her.” Rejoined the two old men, “Nay, she died a Moslemah and we claim her.” And the dispute waxed to a quarrel between them, till one of the Shaykhs said, “Be this the test of her faith: the forty monks of the monastery shall come and try to lift her from the grave. If they succeed, then she died a Nazarene; if not, one of us shall come and lift her up and if she be lifted by him, she died a Moslemah.” The villagers agreed to this and fetched the forty monks, who heartened one another, and came to her to lift her, but could not. Then we tied a great rope round her middle and haled at it; but the rope broke in sunder, and she stirred not; and the villagers came and did the like, but could not move her from her place.[210] At last, when all means failed, we said to one of the two Shaykhs, “Come thou and lift her.” So he went up to the grave and, covering her with his mantle, said, “In the name of Allah the Compassionating, the Compassionate, and of the Faith of the Apostle of Allah, on whom be prayers and peace!” Then he lifted her and, taking her in his bosom, betook himself with her to a cave hard by, where they laid her, and the two women came and washed her and shrouded her. Then the two elders bore her to her Moslem lover’s grave and prayed over her and buried her by his side and went their ways. Now we were eye-witnesses of all this; and, when we were alone 144with one another, we said, “‘In sooth, the truth is most worthy to be followed;’[211] and indeed the verity hath been made manifest to us, nor is there a proof more patent of the truth of Al-Islam than that we have seen this day with our eyes.” So I and all the monks became Moslems and on like wise did the villagers; and we sent to the people of Mesopotamia for a doctor of the law, to instruct us in the ordinances of Al-Islam and the canons of the Faith. They sent us a learned man and a pious, who taught us the rites of prayer and the tenets of the faith; and we are now in ease abounding; so to Allah be the praise and the thanks! And they also tell a tale of
She said, “I’ve heard, O auspicious King, that the woman continued:—So he picked two apples and gave them to me, saying, ‘Eat this and keep the other so the monks can see it.’ I ate one of them and had never tasted anything sweeter. Then he took my hand and led me back to my house; and when I woke up, I found the taste of the apple in my mouth and the other one in my hand.” As she said this, she brought out the apple, and in the darkness of the night, it shone like a sparkling star. They then took her (and the apple with her) to the monastery, where she shared her vision and showed it to us; we had never seen anything like it among all the fruits in the world. Then I took a knife and cut the apple into pieces according to the number of people present; 143 and we had never tasted anything more delicious than its flavor or more delightful than its scent; but we said, “Perhaps this was a devil that appeared to her to lead her astray from her faith.” Then her people took her and left; but she refrained from eating and drinking, and on the fifth night, she got out of bed, went to her Moslem lover's grave, threw herself on it, and died, leaving her family unaware of what had happened to her. The next day, two Moslem elders, dressed in sackcloth, arrived in the village with two women in similar attire and said, “O people of the village, you have a saint, a Wáliyah among the friends of Allah, who died as a Moslemah; and we will take care of her in your place.” So the villagers searched for her and found her dead at the Moslem’s grave; and they said, “This was one of us, and she died in our faith; so we will take care of her.” The two old men replied, “No, she died a Moslemah, and we claim her.” The argument escalated into a quarrel until one of the Shaykhs said, “Let this be the test of her faith: the forty monks from the monastery shall come and try to lift her from the grave. If they succeed, then she died a Nazarene; if not, one of us shall come and lift her, and if he can lift her, then she died a Moslemah.” The villagers agreed to this and called for the forty monks, who encouraged one another and went to lift her, but failed. Then we tied a large rope around her waist and pulled on it; but the rope snapped, and she didn’t move; and the villagers came and tried the same, but couldn’t shift her from her place.[210] Finally, when all efforts failed, we said to one of the two Shaykhs, “Come and lift her.” So he approached the grave, covered her with his cloak, and said, “In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and of the Faith of the Messenger of Allah, may prayers and peace be upon him!” Then he lifted her up and, cradling her in his arms, took her to a nearby cave, where they laid her, and the two women came to wash and shroud her. Then the two elders carried her to her Moslem lover’s grave, prayed over her, buried her beside him, and departed. We were witnesses to all this; and when we were alone together, we said, “‘Indeed, the truth is most worthy to be followed;’ [211] and indeed the truth has been made clear to us, and there is no clearer proof of the truth of Al-Islam than what we have seen today.” So I and all the monks converted to Islam, and so did the villagers; and we sent to the people of Mesopotamia for a scholar of the law to teach us the principles of Al-Islam and the tenets of the Faith. They sent us a knowledgeable and pious man who taught us the rites of prayer and the doctrines of the faith; and we are now living in abundance; so all praise and thanks be to Allah! And they also tell a tale of
204. A famous grammarian, etc., of the tenth century.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A well-known grammarian from the tenth century.
205. The classical Amorium in Phrygia now Anatolia: Anbár is a town (before mentioned) on the Euphrates; by the rules of Arabic grammar the word is pronounced (though never written) Ambár.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The ancient Amorium in Phrygia, now called Anatolia: Anbár is a town (mentioned earlier) on the Euphrates; according to Arabic grammar rules, the word is pronounced (though never written) Ambár.
206. “Art thou not the slave of the Messiah, the Ráhib (monk)?” “No! I am the slave of Allah, the Rághib (desirous of mercy from the Almighty).” A fair specimen of the Saj’a or rhymed prose. Abdallah (properly “Abdu’llah”) is a kind of neutral name, neither Jewish, Moslem nor Christian; hence I adopted it (Pilgrimage i. 20).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Aren't you the servant of the Messiah, the monk?” “No! I’m the servant of God, the one who seeks mercy from the Almighty.” This is a good example of Saj’a or rhymed prose. Abdallah (correctly “Abdu’llah”) is a neutral name, not specifically Jewish, Muslim, or Christian; that’s why I chose it (Pilgrimage i. 20).
207. Arab. “Hanút,” prop. a tavern where liquors are sold; a term applied contemptuously to shops, inns, etc., kept by Christians.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hanút,” basically a bar where drinks are sold; a term used disrespectfully for shops, inns, etc., run by Christians.
208. Arab. “Shirk” = syntheism of the “Mushrik” (one who makes other Gods partners with God), a word pronounced “Mushrit” by the Wahhabis and the Badawin.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Shirk” = the belief in multiple gods or associating partners with God, referred to as “Mushrik” (someone who associates others with God), and pronounced “Mushrit” by the Wahhabis and the Badawin.
209. Koran vii. 195. The passage declaims against the idols of the Arabs, sun, moon, stars, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran 7:195. This passage speaks out against the idols of the Arabs, including the sun, moon, stars, and others.
210. This minor miracle is commonly reported, and is not, I believe, unknown to modern “Spiritualism.” The dead Wali or Waliyah (Saintess) often impels the bier-bearers to the spot where he would be buried: hence in Cairo the tombs scattered about the city. Lane notices it, Mod. E. chapt. xxviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This minor miracle is frequently reported and, I believe, is known to contemporary “Spiritualism.” The deceased Wali or Waliyah (Saintess) often guides the bearers of the coffin to the place where they are to be buried; this explains the tombs scattered throughout the city of Cairo. Lane points this out in Mod. E. chapt. xxviii.
211. Koran x. 36, speaking of being turned aside from the true worship.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran x. 36 talks about being led away from genuine worship.
Quoth Amrú bin Masa’dah:[212]—Abú Isá, son of Al-Rashíd and brother to Al-Maamun, was enamoured of one Kurrat al-Ayn, a slave-girl belonging to Ali bin Hishám,[213] and she also loved him; but he concealed his passion, complaining of it to none neither discovering his secret to anyone, of his pride and magnanimity; for he had used his utmost endeavour to purchase her of her master, but he had failed. At last when his patience was at an end and his passion was sore on him and he was helpless in the matter, he went in to Al-Maamun, one day of state after the folk had retired, and said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, if thou wilt this day make trial of thine Alcaydes by taking them unawares, thou wilt know the generous from the mean and note each one’s place, after the quality of his mind.” But, in saying this he purposed only to sit with Kurrat al-Ayn in her lord’s house. Quoth Al-Maamun, “Right is thy recking,” and bade make ready a barge, called ‘the Flyer,’ wherein he embarked with Abu Isa and a party of his chief officers. The first mansion he visited unexpectedly was that of Hamíd al-Tawíl of Tús, whom he found seated——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Quoth Amrú bin Masa’dah:[212]—Abú Isá, son of Al-Rashíd and brother to Al-Maamun, was infatuated with a girl named Kurrat al-Ayn, a slave belonging to Ali bin Hishám,[213] and she loved him back; but he hid his feelings, revealing them to no one due to his pride and nobility. He had tried his best to buy her from her master, but he was unsuccessful. Finally, when his patience wore thin and his passion became overwhelming, he went to Al-Maamun one day after the people had left, and said, “O Commander of the Faithful, if you want to test your leaders by catching them off guard, you'll be able to tell the generous from the petty and see each one’s true character.” However, he only meant to spend time with Kurrat al-Ayn in her master’s house. Al-Maamun replied, “You are right in your thinking,” and ordered a barge called ‘the Flyer’ to be prepared, which he boarded along with Abu Isa and a group of his top officers. The first house he visited unexpectedly was that of Hamíd al-Tawíl of Tús, whom he found seated——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Al-Maamun embarked with his chief officers and fared on till they reached the mansion of Hamíd al-Tawíl of Tús; and, unexpectedly entering, they found him seated on a mat and before him singers and players, with lutes and flageolets and other instruments of music in their hands. So Al-Maamun sat with him awhile and presently he set before him dishes of nothing but fleshmeat, with no birds among them. The Caliph would not taste thereof and Abu Isa said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, we have taken the owner of this place unawares, and he knew not of thy coming; but now let us go to another place which is prepared for thee and fitted for thee.” Thereupon the Caliph arose and betook himself with his brother Abu Isa and his suite, to the abode of Ali son of Hishám who, on hearing of their approach, came out and received them with the goodliest of reception, and kissed the earth before the King. Then he brought them into his mansion and opened to them a saloon than which seer never saw a goodlier. Its floors, pillars and walls were of many-coloured marbles, adorned with Greek paintings: and it was spread with matting of Sind[214] whereon were carpets and tapestry of Bassorah make, fitted to the length and breadth of the room. So the Caliph sat awhile, examining the house and its ceilings and walls, then said, “Give us somewhat to eat.” So they brought him forthwith nearly an hundred dishes of poultry besides other birds and brewises, fritters and cooling marinades. When he had eaten, he said, “Give us something to drink, O Ali;” and the host set before him, in vessels of gold and silver and crystal, raisin-wine boiled down to one third with fruits and spices; and the cupbearers were pages like moons, clad in garments of Alexandrian stuff interwoven with gold and bearing on their breasts beakers of crystal, full of rose-water mingled with musk. So Al-Maamun marvelled with exceeding marvel at all he saw and said, “Ho thou, Abu al-Hasan!” Whereupon Ali sprang to the Caliph’s carpet and kissing it, said, “At thy service, O Commander of the Faithful!” 146and stood before him. Quoth Al-Maamun, “Let us hear some pleasant and merry song.” Replied Ali, “I hear and obey, O Commander of the Faithful,” and said to one of his eunuchs, “Fetch the singing-women.” So the slave went out and presently returned, followed by ten castratos, bearing ten stools of gold, which they set down in due order; and after these came ten damsels, concubines of the master, as they were shining full moons or gardens full of bloom, clad in black brocade, with crowns of gold on their heads; and they passed along the room till they sat down on the stools, when sang they sundry songs. Al-Maamun looked at one of them; and, being captivated by her elegance and fair favour, asked her, “What is thy name, O damsel?”; and she answered, “My name is Sajáhí,[215] O Commander of the Faithful,” and he said, “Sing to us, O Sajahi!” So she played a lively measure and sang these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O glorious King, that Al-Maamun set off with his chief officers and traveled until they arrived at the house of Hamíd al-Tawíl in Tús. When they entered unexpectedly, they found him sitting on a mat with singers and musicians around him, playing lutes, flageolets, and other musical instruments. Al-Maamun sat with him for a while, and soon he had dishes of only meat laid out, without any birds. The Caliph refused to eat, and Abu Isa said to him, 'O Commander of the Faithful, we've caught the host off guard, and he didn’t know you were coming; let’s go to another place that is prepared and suitable for you.’ So the Caliph got up and went with his brother Abu Isa and his entourage to the home of Ali son of Hishám, who, upon hearing of their arrival, came out and welcomed them warmly, kissing the ground before the King. He led them into his mansion and opened a hall that was more splendid than any seer had ever seen. Its floors, pillars, and walls were made of colorful marbles, decorated with Greek paintings, and covered with matting from Sind with carpets and bassorah tapestries, perfectly sized for the room. The Caliph sat for a while, admiring the house and its ceilings and walls, and then said, 'Bring us something to eat.' They immediately brought forth almost a hundred dishes of poultry, along with other birds, stews, fritters, and refreshing marinades. After he had eaten, he said, 'Bring us something to drink, O Ali;' and the host presented him with vessels of gold, silver, and crystal filled with raisin wine reduced to one-third, infused with fruits and spices. The cupbearers were young pages dressed in garments of Alexandrian fabric interwoven with gold, carrying crystal cups full of rose water mixed with musk. Al-Maamun was deeply impressed by everything he saw and called out, 'Hey, Abu al-Hasan!' Ali immediately rushed to the Caliph's carpet and kissed it, saying, 'At your service, O Commander of the Faithful!' and stood before him. Al-Maamun said, 'Let's hear some cheerful and lively music.' Ali replied, 'I hear and obey, O Commander of the Faithful,' and instructed one of his eunuchs, 'Bring in the singing women.' The slave went out and soon returned with ten castratos carrying ten gold stools, which they arranged neatly. Following them were ten young women, the master's concubines, looking like shining full moons or blooming gardens, dressed in black brocade with golden crowns on their heads. They moved gracefully through the room until they sat down on the stools, where they sang various songs. Al-Maamun spotted one of them and, captivated by her beauty, asked, 'What’s your name, O girl?' She replied, 'My name is Sajáhí, O Commander of the Faithful,' and he said, 'Sing for us, O Sajahi!' So she played a lively tune and sang these verses:"
Quoth the Caliph, “Thou hast done well, O damsel! whose are these lines?” She answered, “Written by Amru bin Ma’di Karib al-Zubaydi,[216] and the air is Ma’abid’s.”[217] Then the Caliph and Abu Isa and Ali drank and the damsels went away and were succeeded by other ten, all clad in flowered silk of Al-Yaman, brocaded with gold, who sat down on the chairs and sang various songs. The Caliph looked at one of the concubines, who was like a wild heifer of the waste, and said to her, “What is thy name, O damsel?” She replied, “My name is Zabiyah,[218] O Commander of the Faithful;” and he, “Sing to us, Zabiyah;” so she warbled like a bird with many a trill and sang these two couplets:—
The Caliph said, “Well done, young lady! Who wrote these lines?” She replied, “They were written by Amru bin Ma’di Karib al-Zubaydi,[216] and the melody is Ma’abid’s.”[217] Then the Caliph, Abu Isa, and Ali drank, and the first group of dancers left, replaced by ten others, all dressed in patterned silk from Al-Yaman, decorated with gold, who sat down in chairs and sang various songs. The Caliph spotted one of the concubines, who looked like a wild heifer in the wilderness, and asked her, “What’s your name, young lady?” She answered, “My name is Zabiyah,[218] O Commander of the Faithful;” and he said, “Sing for us, Zabiyah;” so she sang sweetly like a bird, adding many trills and performing these two couplets:—
When she had finished, Al-Maamun cried, “Favoured of Allah art thou!”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When she finished, Al-Maamun exclaimed, “You are truly blessed by Allah!”——And Shahrazad noticed the first light of day and stopped speaking her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the slave-girl finished her song, Al-Maamun cried, “Favoured of Allah art thou! Whose is this verse?” and she answered, “Jarír’s[220] and the air is by Ibn Surayj.” Then the Caliph and his company drank, whilst the girls went away and there came forth yet other ten, as they were rubies, robed in red brocade inwoven with gold and purfled with pearls and jewels whilst all their heads were bare. They sat down on the stools and sang various airs; so the Caliph looked at one of them, who was like the sun of the day, and asked her, “What is thy name, O damsel?”; and she answered, “O Commander of the Faithful, my name is Fátin.” “Sing to us, O Fatin,” quoth he; whereat she played a lively measure and sang these couplets:—
She said, "I’ve heard, O auspicious King, that when the slave-girl finished her song, Al-Maamun exclaimed, 'You are favored by Allah! Who wrote this verse?' She replied, 'It’s by Jarír and the melody is by Ibn Surayj.' Then the Caliph and his companions drank, while the girls left, and ten more came in, looking as precious as rubies, dressed in red brocade woven with gold and adorned with pearls and jewels, all with their heads uncovered. They sat on the stools and sang various tunes; the Caliph noticed one who shone like the sun and asked her, 'What is your name, O maiden?' She replied, 'O Commander of the Faithful, my name is Fátin.' He said, 'Sing for us, O Fatin,' and she responded by playing a lively tune and singing these couplets:—
“Well sung, O Fatin!” exclaimed the Caliph; “whose verse is this?” And she answered, “Adi bin Zayd’s, and the air is antique.” Then all three drank, whilst the damsels retired and 148were succeeded by other ten maidens, as they were sparkling stars, clad in flowered silk embroidered with red gold and girt with jewelled zones. They sat down and sang various motives; and the Caliph asked one of them, who was like a wand of willow, “What is thy name, O damsel?”; and she answered, “My name is Rashaa[221], O Commander of the Faithful.” “Sing to us, O Rashaa,” quoth he; so she played a lively measure and sang these couplets:—
“Well sung, O Fatin!” the Caliph exclaimed. “Whose verse is this?” She replied, “It’s by Adi bin Zayd, and the melody is old-fashioned.” Then all three drank, while the ladies left and were replaced by another ten maidens, who sparkled like stars, dressed in flowered silk embroidered with red gold, cinched with jeweled belts. They sat down and sang different songs; and the Caliph asked one of them, who was like a slender willow branch, “What’s your name, O maiden?” She answered, “My name is Rashaa, O Commander of the Faithful.” “Sing for us, O Rashaa,” he said; so she played a lively tune and sang these couplets:—
Said the Caliph, “Well done, O damsel! Sing us something more.” So she rose and kissing the ground before him, sang the following distich:—
Said the Caliph, “Well done, young lady! Sing us something else.” So she stood up, kissed the ground before him, and sang the following verse:—
The Caliph was highly pleased with this couplet and, when the slave-girl saw how much it delighted him, she repeated it several times. Then said Al-Maamun, “Bring up ‘the Flyer,’” being minded to embark and depart: but Ali bin Hisham said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, I have a slave-girl, whom I bought for ten thousand dinars; she hath taken my heart in whole and part, and I would fain display her to the Commander of the Faithful. If she please him and he will accept of her, she is his: and if not, let him hear something from her.” Said the Caliph, “Bring her to me;” and forth came a damsel, as she were a branchlet of willow, with seducing eyes and eyebrows set like twin bows; and on her head she wore a crown of red gold crusted with pearls and jewelled, under which was a fillet bearing this couplet wrought in letters of chrysolite:—
The Caliph was very pleased with this couplet, and when the slave-girl saw how much it delighted him, she repeated it several times. Then Al-Maamun said, “Bring up ‘the Flyer,’” planning to get on board and leave. But Ali bin Hisham said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, I have a slave-girl whom I bought for ten thousand dinars; she has completely won my heart, and I would like to show her to the Commander of the Faithful. If she pleases him and he accepts her, she is his; if not, let him hear something from her.” The Caliph replied, “Bring her to me;” and then a young woman appeared, looking like a willow branch, with captivating eyes and eyebrows shaped like twin bows. On her head, she wore a crown of red gold studded with pearls and gems, underneath which was a headband inscribed with this couplet written in letters of chrysolite:—
149The handmaiden walked, with the gait of a gazelle in flight and fit to damn a devotee, till she came to a chair, whereon she seated herself.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
149The handmaiden walked with the grace of a gazelle and was captivating enough to enchant anyone, until she reached a chair and sat down.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped speaking her approved story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the handmaiden walked with the gait of a gazelle in flight, fit to damn a devotee, till she came to a chair whereon she seated herself. And Al-Maamun marvelled at her beauty and loveliness; but, when Abu Isa saw her, his heart throbbed with pain, his colour changed to pale and wan and he was in evil case. Asked the Caliph, “O Abu Isa, what aileth thee to change thus?;” and he answered, “O Commander of the Faithful, it is because of a twitch that seizeth me bytimes.” Quoth the Caliph, “Hast thou known yonder damsel before to-day?” Quoth he, “Yes, O Commander of the Faithful, can the moon be concealed?” Then said Al-Maamun to her, “What is thy name, O damsel?”; and she replied, “My name is Kurrat al-Ayn, O Commander of the Faithful,” and he rejoined, “Sing to us, O Kurrat al-Ayn.” So she sang these two couplets:—
She said, "I have heard, O auspicious King, that the handmaiden walked with the grace of a gazelle in flight, captivating enough to ensnare a devotee, until she reached a chair and sat down. Al-Maamun was astonished by her beauty and charm; however, when Abu Isa saw her, his heart ached, his complexion turned pale, and he appeared unwell. The Caliph asked, 'O Abu Isa, what troubles you so?'; and he replied, 'O Commander of the Faithful, it's just a twitch that hits me sometimes.' The Caliph inquired, 'Do you know that young woman from before today?' He answered, 'Yes, O Commander of the Faithful, can the moon be hidden?' Then Al-Maamun asked her, 'What is your name, O young lady?'; and she replied, 'My name is Kurrat al-Ayn, O Commander of the Faithful,' and he said, 'Sing for us, O Kurrat al-Ayn.' So she sang these two couplets:—
Quoth the Caliph, “Favoured of Heaven art thou, O Kurrat al-Ayn! Whose song is that?”; whereto she answered “The words are by Di’ibil al-Khuza’i, and the air by Zurzúr al-Saghír.” Abu Isa looked at her and his tears choked him; so that the company marvelled at him. Then she turned to Al-Maamun and said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, wilt thou give me leave to change the words?” Said he, “Sing what thou wilt;” so she played a merry measure and carolled these couplets:—
Quoth the Caliph, “You are truly blessed, O Kurrat al-Ayn! Whose song is that?” To which she replied, “The words are by Di’ibil al-Khuza’i, and the melody by Zurzúr al-Saghír.” Abu Isa looked at her, and his tears nearly overwhelmed him, causing the others to marvel at him. She then turned to Al-Maamun and asked, “O Commander of the Faithful, may I have your permission to change the words?” He replied, “Sing whatever you like;” so she played a lively tune and sang these couplets:—
But when she had finished, Abu Isa said, “O Commander of the Faithful,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
But when she was done, Abu Isa said, “O Commander of the Faithful,”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped sharing her tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kurrat al-Ayn had finished her verse, Abu Isa said, “O Commander of the Faithful, though we endure disgrace, we shall be at ease.[223] Dost thou give me leave to reply to her?” Quoth the Caliph, “Yes, say what thou wilt to her.” So he swallowed his tears and sang these two distichs:—
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that when Kurrat al-Ayn finished her verse, Abu Isa said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, even though we face disgrace, we will find comfort.[223] Do you allow me to respond to her?' The Caliph replied, 'Yes, speak freely to her.' With that, he held back his tears and sang these two couplets:—
Then Kurrat al-Ayn took the lute and played a lively tune and rejoined with these couplets:—
Then Kurrat al-Ayn picked up the lute and played a lively tune, singing these couplets:—
When Abu Isa heard this he fell to weeping and wailing and evidencing his trouble and anguish. Then he raised his eyes to her and sighing, repeated these couplets:—
When Abu Isa heard this, he began to cry and mourn, showing his distress and pain. Then he looked up at her and, with a sigh, recited these lines:—
When he had ended, Ali bin Hisham sprang up and kissing his feet, said, “O my lord, Allah hearing thy secret hath answered thy prayer and consenteth to thy taking her with all she hath of things rare and fair, so the Commander of the Faithful have no mind to her.” Quoth Al-Maamun, “Had we a mind to her, we would prefer Abu Isa before ourselves and help him to his desire.” So saying, he rose and embarking, went away, whilst Abu Isa tarried for Kurrat al-Ayn, whom he took and carried to his own house, his breast swelling with joy. See then the generosity of Ali son of Hisham! And they tell a tale of
When he finished, Ali bin Hisham jumped up and, kissing his feet, said, “O my lord, Allah has heard your secret and answered your prayer, allowing you to take her along with all her rare and beautiful things, so the Commander of the Faithful has no interest in her.” Al-Maamun replied, “If we desired her, we would choose Abu Isa before ourselves and help him get what he wants.” With that, he stood up, boarded a boat, and left, while Abu Isa stayed behind for Kurrat al-Ayn, whom he took and brought to his own house, filled with joy. Just look at the generosity of Ali bin Hisham! And they tell a story about
212. One of the Wazirs of Al-Maamun; Kurrat al-Ayn = “coolness (i.e. delight) of the eyes.” Ali bin Hishám surnamed Abu ‘l-Hasan, was prefect of Baghdad under the same reign.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.One of the advisors of Al-Maamun; Kurrat al-Ayn = “coolness (for example delight) of the eyes.” Ali bin Hishám, also known as Abu ‘l-Hasan, was the governor of Baghdad during the same period.
213. The Mac. Edit. (ii. 448) reads for Kawáid (plur. of Káid = Governors, Span. Alcayde) “Fawáid”; hence Lane (ii. 606) translates “try thy heart.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Mac. Edit. (ii. 448) refers to Kawáid (plural of Káid = Governors, Spanish Alcayde) as “Fawáid”; therefore, Lane (ii. 606) translates it as “try your heart.”
214. The mats of Sind were famous even in my day, but under English rule native industries are killed out by Manchester and Birmingham.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The mats from Sind were well-known even in my time, but now, under British rule, local industries are being wiped out by Manchester and Birmingham.
215. Sajáh was the name of a famous female impostor, a contemporary of “Musaylimah the Liar.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Sajáh was the name of a well-known female fraud, a contemporary of “Musaylimah the Liar.”
216. A poet of Mohammed’s day.
A poet from Mohammed's time.
217. A singer and composer of the first century (A.H.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A singer and songwriter from the first century (A.H.)
218. Arab. = a roe, a doe; also the Yoni (of women, mares and bitches). It is the Heb. Tabitha and the Greek Dorcas.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. = a female deer, a female rabbit; also refers to the Yoni (of women, female horses, and female dogs). It is the Hebrew Tabitha and the Greek Dorcas.
219. Within the Hudúd al-Haram (bounds of the Holy Places), at Al-Medinah as well as Meccah, all “Muharramát” (forbidden sins) are doubly unlawful, such as drinking spirits, immoral life, etc. The Imam Malik forbids slaying animals without, however, specifying any penalty. The felling of trees is a disputed point; and no man can be put to death except invaders, infidels and desecraters (Pilgrimage ii. 167).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the Hudúd al-Haram (boundaries of the Holy Places), in both Al-Medinah and Meccah, all "Muharramát" (forbidden sins) are strictly prohibited, such as drinking alcohol, living immorally, and so on. Imam Malik prohibits killing animals but does not specify any penalties. The issue of cutting down trees is debated; and no one can be executed except for invaders, non-believers, and those who desecrate sacred sites (Pilgrimage ii. 167).
220. A poet of the first century (A.H.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A poet from the first century (A.H.)
221. In Arab. = a fawn beginning to walk; also the 28th lunar mansion or station, usually known as Batn al-Hut or Whale’s belly. These mansions or houses, the constellations through which the moon passes in her course along her orbit, are much used in Moslem astrology and meteorology.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In Arab. = a young deer starting to walk; also the 28th lunar mansion or station, usually referred to as Batn al-Hut or Whale's belly. These mansions or houses, the constellations the moon moves through in its orbit, are commonly used in Muslim astrology and weather forecasting.
222. Arab. Kalla-má = it is seldom (rare) that etc. used in books.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Kalla-má = it's rare that etc. used in books.
223. Dishonoured by his love being made public. So Hafiz, Petrarch and Camoens.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Shamed by his love being exposed. Just like Hafiz, Petrarch, and Camoens.
Al-Amin[224], brother of Al-Maamun, once entered the house of his uncle Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi, where he saw a slave-girl playing upon the lute; and, she being one of the fairest of women, his heart inclined to her. Ibrahim, seeing how it was with him, sent the girl to him, with rich raiment and precious ornaments. When he saw her, he thought that his uncle had lain with her; so he was loath to have to do with her, because of that, and accepting what came with her sent her back to Ibrahim. His uncle learnt the cause of this from one of Al-Amin’s eunuchs; so he took a shift of watered silk and worked upon its skirt, in letters of gold, these two couplets:—
Al-Amin[224], brother of Al-Maamun, once visited his uncle Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi’s house, where he saw a beautiful slave-girl playing the lute. Captivated by her beauty, he felt drawn to her. Noticing his interest, Ibrahim sent the girl to him dressed in fine clothes and adorned with valuable jewelry. However, upon seeing her, Al-Amin suspected his uncle had been with her, which made him reluctant to engage with her. He returned her to Ibrahim, along with the gifts. Ibrahim learned the reason for this from one of Al-Amin’s eunuchs and decided to take a piece of watered silk, embroidering on its hem these two couplets in gold:—
Then he clad her in the shift and, giving her a lute, sent her back again to his nephew. When she came into Al-Amin’s presence, 152she kissed ground before him and tuning the lute, sang thereto these two couplets:—
Then he dressed her in the gown and, handing her a lute, sent her back to his nephew. When she entered Al-Amin’s presence, 152she bowed before him and, tuning the lute, sang these two lines:—
When she had made an end of her verse, Al-Amin looked at her and, seeing what was upon her skirt, could no longer control himself,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When she finished her verse, Al-Amin looked at her and, noticing what was on her skirt, could no longer hold back—And Shahrazad saw the dawn break and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Al-Amin looked at the damsel and saw what was upon her skirt, he could no longer control himself, but drew near unto her and kissed her and appointed her a separate lodging in his palace. Moreover, he thanked his uncle for this and bestowed on him the government of Rayy. And a tale is told of
She said, "I’ve heard, O great King, that when Al-Amin saw the young woman and noticed what was on her skirt, he couldn't hold back anymore. He approached her, kissed her, and set her up with a separate room in his palace. Additionally, he thanked his uncle for this and gave him control of Rayy. And there’s a story about
224. Sixth Abbaside, A.D. 809–813.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Sixth Abbasid, A.D. 809–813.
Al-Mutawakkil[225] was once taking medicine, and folk sent him by way of solace all sorts of presents and rarities and things costly and precious. Amongst others, Al-Fath bin Khákán[226] sent him a virgin slave, high-breasted, of the fairest among women of her time, and with her a vase of crystal, containing ruddy wine, and a goblet of red gold, whereon were graven in black these couplets:—
Al-Mutawakkil[225] was once under medical treatment, and people sent him all kinds of gifts and luxurious items to cheer him up. Among them, Al-Fath bin Khákán[226] sent him a virgin slave, well-endowed and one of the most beautiful women of her time, along with a crystal vase filled with red wine, and a red gold goblet that had these couplets engraved in black:—
Now when the damsel entered, the physician Yohanná[228] was with the Caliph, and as he read the couplets, he smiled and said, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, Fath is better versed than I in the art of healing: so let not the Prince of True Believers gainsay his prescription.” Accordingly, the Caliph followed the recipe contained in the poetry and was made whole by the blessing of Allah and won his every wish. And among tales they tell is one of
Now, when the young woman came in, the doctor Yohanná[228] was with the Caliph. As he read the verses, he smiled and said, “By God, O Commander of the Faithful, Fath knows more about healing than I do, so don't let the Prince of True Believers disagree with his recommendation.” So, the Caliph followed the instructions from the poem and was healed by God's blessing, getting everything he desired. One of the stories they share is about
225. Ala’llah, tenth Abbaside, A. H. 232–47 (847–61), grandson of Al-Rashid who succeeded Al-Wásik. He was a fanatic Sunni, much opposed to the Shi’ahs and he ordered the Christians to wear round their necks the Ghull (collar of wood, iron, or leather), to dress in yellow head-gear and girdles, use wooden stirrups and place figures of devils in front of their dwelling-houses. He also gave distinct dresses to their women and slaves. The Ghull, or collar, was also used for a punishment and vermin gathered under it when rivetted round the neck: hence Golius calls it “pediculosum columbar.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Ala’llah, the tenth Abbasid, A. H. 232–47 (847–61), was the grandson of Al-Rashid who took over from Al-Wásik. He was an extreme Sunni and strongly opposed to the Shi’ahs. He mandated that Christians wear a Ghull (a collar made of wood, iron, or leather) around their necks, don yellow headgear and belts, use wooden stirrups, and place figures of devils in front of their homes. He also imposed distinctive clothing for their women and slaves. The Ghull, or collar, was also used as a form of punishment, attracting vermin when fastened around the neck: hence Golius calls it “pediculosum columbar.”
226. Wazir of the above, killed by Al-Muntasir Billah A.H. 247 (= 861).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Wazir of the above, killed by Al-Muntasir Billah in 247 AH (861 CE).
227. Easterns during purgation are most careful and deride the want of precaution in Europeans. They do not leave the house till all is passed off, and avoid baths, wine and women, which they afterwards resume with double zest. Here “breaking the seal” is taking the girl’s maidenhead.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.People from the East are very cautious during purification and often mock Europeans for being careless. They don’t leave the house until everything is cleared up, and they stay away from baths, wine, and women, which they later enjoy with even more enthusiasm. Here, "breaking the seal" refers to taking a girl’s virginity.
228. Johannes, a Greek favoured by Al-Mutawakkil and other Abbaside Caliphs.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Johannes, a Greek who was favored by Al-Mutawakkil and other Abbasid Caliphs.
Quoth a certain man of learning, I never saw amongst woman-kind one wittier, and wiser, better read and by nature more generously bred; and in manners and morals more perfected than a preacher of the people of Baghdad, by name Sitt al-Mashá’ikh.[229] It chanced that she came to Hamah-city in the year of the Flight five hundred and sixty and one[230]; and there delivered salutary exhortations to the folk from the professorial chair. Now there used to visit her house a number of students of divinity and persons of learning and polite letters, who would discuss with her questions of theology and dispute with her on controversial points. I went to her one day, with a friend of mine, a man of years and education; and when we had taken our seats, 154she set before us a dish of fruit and seated herself behind a curtain. Now she had a brother, a handsome youth, who stood behind us, to serve us. And when we had eaten we fell to disputing upon points of divinity, and I propounded to her a theological question bearing upon a difference between the Imams, the Founders of the Four Schools. She proceeded to speak in answer, whilst I listened; but all the while my friend fell to looking upon her brother’s face and admiring his beauties without paying any heed to what she discoursed. Now as she was watching him from behind the curtain; when she had made an end of her speech, she turned to him and said, “Methinks thou be of those who give men the preference over women!” He replied, “Assuredly,” and she asked, “And why so?”; whereto he answered, “For that Allah hath made the masculine worthier than the feminine;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
A learned man once said, "I have never seen among women anyone wittier, wiser, better-read, and naturally more refined; and in manners and morals more perfected than a preacher from Baghdad named Sitt al-Mashá’ikh." It happened that she visited Hamah City in the year 561 of the Hijra and delivered insightful sermons to the people from the pulpit. Many theology students and educated individuals would often visit her house to discuss theological questions and debate controversial topics. One day, I visited her with a well-educated friend of mine. After we took our seats, she served us a dish of fruit and sat behind a curtain. She had a handsome brother who stood behind us to serve. After we finished eating, we started debating theological points. I asked her a question about the differences between the Imams, the founders of the Four Schools. She began to answer while I listened, but my friend couldn’t help but admire her brother's looks instead of paying attention to her. Noticing this from behind the curtain, once she finished speaking, she turned to him and said, “I think you prefer men over women!” He replied, “Definitely.” She asked, “Why’s that?” He answered, “Because God has made men superior to women.” And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped telling her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Shaykh replied, “For that Allah hath made the masculine worthier than the feminine; and I like the excelling and mislike the excelled.” She laughed and presently said, “Wilt thou deal fairly with me in debate, if I battle the matter with thee?” and he rejoined, “Yes.” Then quoth she, “What is the evidence of the superiority of the male to the female?” Quoth he, “It is of two kinds, traditional and reasonable. The authoritative part deriveth from the Koran and the Traditions of the Apostle. As for the first we have the very words of Almighty Allah, ‘Men shall have the pre-eminence above women because of those advantages wherein Allah hath caused the one of them to excel the other;’[231] and again, ‘If there be not two men, let there be one man and two women;’[232] and again, when treating of inheritance, ‘If there be brothers and sisters let a male have as much as the portion of two females.’[233] Thus Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) hath in these places preferred the male over the female and teacheth that a woman is 155as the half of a man, for that he is worthier than she As for the Sunnah-traditions, is it not reported of the Prophet (whom Allah save and assain!) that he appointed the blood-money for a woman to be half that of a man? And as for the evidence of reason, the male is the agent and active and the female the patient and passive.”[234] Rejoined she, “Thou hast said well, O my lord, but, by Allah, thou hast proved my contention with thine own lips and hast advanced evidence which telleth against thee, and not for thee. And thus it is: Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) preferred the male above the female solely because of the inherent condition and essential quality of masculinity; and in this there is no dispute between us. Now this quality of male-hood is common to the child, the boy, the youth, the adult and the old man; nor is there any distinction between them in this. If, then, the superior excellence of male masculant belong to him solely by virtue of manhood, it behoveth that thy heart incline and thy soul delight in the greybeard, equally with the boy; seeing that there is no distinction between them, in point of male-hood. But the difference between thee and me turneth upon the accident of qualities that are sought as constituting the pleasure of intercourse and its enjoyment; and thou hast adduced no proof of the superiority of the youth over the young girl in this matter of non-essentials.” He made answer, “O reverend lady, knowest thou not that which is peculiar to the youth of limber shape and rosy cheeks and pleasant smile and sweetness of speech? Youths are, in these respects superior to women; and the proof of this is what they traditionally report of the Prophet (whom Allah bless and preserve!) that he said, ‘Stay not thy gaze upon the beardless, for in them is a momentary eye-glance at the black-eyed girls of Paradise.’ Nor indeed is the superiority of the lad over the lass hidden to any of mankind, and how well saith Abu Nowas:[235]—
She said, “I’ve heard, O fortunate King, that the Shaykh replied, ‘This is because Allah has made men more worthy than women; I prefer those who excel and dislike being excelled.’” She laughed and then asked, “Will you be fair in our debate if I challenge you?” He replied, “Yes.” Then she asked, “What is the evidence that men are superior to women?” He said, “There are two types of evidence: traditional and rational. The authoritative evidence comes from the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet. For the first, we have the very words of Almighty Allah: ‘Men shall have the pre-eminence over women because of the advantages that Allah has given one over the other;’ and again, ‘If there are not two men, then let there be one man and two women;’ and again, in matters of inheritance: ‘If there are brothers and sisters, let a male receive as much as the share of two females.’ Thus Allah (exalted be He!) has preferred males over females and teaches that a woman is considered half of a man since he is worthier than she. As for the traditions, isn’t it reported that the Prophet (may Allah bless him) set the blood compensation for a woman at half that of a man? And regarding rational evidence, the male is the active agent while the female is the passive patient.” She replied, “You have spoken well, my lord, but, by Allah, you have proved my point with your own words and provided evidence that works against you, not for you. Here it is: Allah (exalted be He!) preferred the male over the female solely because of the inherent nature and essential quality of masculinity; and there’s no dispute about this. Now, this quality of manhood applies equally to the child, the boy, the young man, the adult, and the old man; there is no distinction among them in this. If, then, the superior quality of masculinity belongs solely to a man by virtue of being male, you should find your heart and soul equally drawn to the elder as well as the youth since there’s no distinction in manhood. But the difference between you and me comes down to the temporary qualities that are deemed necessary for the pleasure of intimacy and enjoyment; and you have provided no proof of the youth being superior to the young girl in this regard, which is non-essential.” He answered, “O esteemed lady, do you not recognize what is unique to a youthful man with a fit body, rosy cheeks, pleasant smile, and sweet speech? In these respects, young men are superior to women; and this is supported by a saying attributed to the Prophet (may Allah bless him!), ‘Do not gaze too long at the beardless youth, for in them is a fleeting glance at the dark-eyed maidens of Paradise.’ Furthermore, the superiority of a young man over a young woman is evident to all, and how well Abu Nowas says:
156And the saying of another poet:—
And what another poet stated:—
So if any one enlarge in praise of a slave-girl and wish to enhance her value by the mention of her beauties, he likeneth her to a youth,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
So if anyone goes on about the qualities of a slave-girl and wants to boost her value by talking about her beauty, he compares her to a young man,”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Shaykh continued, “So if any one enlarge in praise of a slave-girl and wish to enhance her value by the mention of her beauties, he likeneth her to a youth, because of the illustrious qualities that belong to the male, even as saith the poet:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the Shaykh continued, 'So if anyone praises a slave girl and wants to increase her worth by talking about her beauty, they compare her to a young man, due to the admirable qualities associated with males, just as the poet says:—"
An youths, then, were not better and fairer than girls, why should these be likened to them? And know also (Almighty Allah preserve thee!) that a youth is easy to be led, adapting himself to every rede, pleasant of converse and manners, inclining to assent rather than dissent, especially when his side-face is newly down’d and his upper lip is first embrowned, and the purple lights of youth on his cheeks abound, so that he is like the full moon sound; and how goodly is the saying of Abu Tammám[236]:—
An youths, then, were not better and fairer than girls, why should these be likened to them? And know also (Almighty Allah preserve thee!) that a youth is easy to be led, adapting himself to every advice, pleasant in conversation and manners, leaning towards agreement rather than disagreement, especially when his sideburns are freshly trimmed and his upper lip is just starting to gain color, and the glow of youth is abundant in his cheeks, making him look like a full moon in its glory; and how lovely is the saying of Abu Tammám[236]:—
And quoth Al-Hariri[238] and quoth excellently well:—
And said Al-Hariri[238] and said it very well:—
And quoth another:—
And said another:—
And again:—
And again:—
And again:—
And again:—
158Such are the excellencies of the youth which women do not own, and they more than suffice to give those the preference over these.” She replied, “Allah give thee health! verily, thou hast imposed the debate upon thyself; and thou hast spoken and hast not stinted and hast brought proofs to support every assertion. But, ‘Now is the truth become manifest;’[241] so swerve thou not from the path thereof; and, if thou be not content with a summary of evidence, I will set it before thee in fullest detail. Allah upon thee, where is the youth beside the girl and who shall compare kid and wild cow? The girl is soft of speech, fair of form, like a branchlet of basil, with teeth like chamomile-petals and hair like halters wherefrom to hang hearts. Her cheeks are like blood-red anemones and her face like a pippin: she hath lips like wine and breasts like pomegranates twain and a shape supple as a rattan-cane. Her body is well-formed and with sloping shoulders dight; she hath a nose like the edge of a sword shining bright and a forehead brilliant white and eyebrows which unite and eyes stained by Nature’s hand black as night. If she speak, fresh young pearls are scattered from her mouth forthright and all hearts are ravished by the daintiness of her sprite; when she smileth thou wouldst ween the moon shone out her lips between and when she eyes thee, sword-blades flash from the babes of her eyes. In her all beauties to conclusion come, and she is the centre of attraction to traveller and stay-at-home. She hath two lips of cramoisy, than cream smoother and of taste than honey sweeter,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
158Such are the qualities of youth that women don’t possess, and they are more than enough to give them the advantage over these.” She responded, “May Allah grant you good health! Truly, you've taken on this debate yourself; you’ve spoken at length and provided evidence to back every claim. But, ‘Now the truth has become clear;’[241] so don’t stray from that path; and if you’re not satisfied with a brief overview, I will lay it out for you in complete detail. By Allah, where is the youth compared to the girl, and who can compare a kid to a wild cow? The girl speaks gently, is beautiful, like a sprig of basil, with teeth like chamomile petals and hair that ensnares hearts. Her cheeks are like bright red anemones and her face like a pippin: she has lips like wine and breasts like two pomegranates with a shape as flexible as a rattan cane. Her body is well-proportioned with sloping shoulders; she has a nose sharp and bright like a sword’s edge, a brilliantly white forehead, eyebrows that meet, and eyes as black as night, stained by Nature’s hand. When she speaks, fresh young pearls fall from her mouth, and all hearts are captivated by her delicate spirit; when she smiles, you might think the moon shines from her lips, and when she looks at you, sword blades gleam from the depths of her eyes. In her, all beauty culminates, and she is the center of attraction for both travelers and homebodies alike. She has lips that are crimson, smoother than cream and sweeter than honey,”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted speech.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the preacher-woman thus pursued her theme in the praise of fair maids, “She hath two lips of cramoisy, than cream smoother and than honey sweeter;” adding, “And she hath a bosom, as it were a way two hills between which are a pair of breasts like globes of ivory sheen; likewise, a stomach right smooth, flanks soft as the palm-spathe and creased with folds and dimples which overlap one 159another, and liberal thighs, which like columns of pearl arise, and back parts which billow and beat together like seas of glass or mountains of glance, and two feet and hands of gracious mould like unto ingots of virgin gold. So, O miserable! where are mortal men beside the Jinn? Knowest thou not that puissant princes and potent Kings before women ever humbly bend and on them for delight depend? Verily, they may say;—We rule over necks and rob hearts. These women! how many a rich man have they not paupered, how many a powerful man have they not prostrated and how many a superior man have they not enslaved! Indeed, they seduce the sage and send the saint to shame and bring the wealthy to want and plunge the fortune-favoured into penury. Yet for all this, the wise but redouble in affection of them and honour; nor do they count this oppression or dishonour. How many a man for them hath offended his Maker and called down on himself the wrath of his father and mother! And all this because of the conquest of their love over hearts. Knowest thou not, O wretched one, that for them are built pavilions, and slave-girls are for sale;[242] that for them tear-floods rail and for them are collected jewels of price and ambergris and musk odoriferous; and armies are arrayed and pleasaunces made and wealth heaped up and smitten off is many a head?” And indeed he spoke sooth in the words, ‘Whoso saith the world meaneth woman.’ Now as for thy citation from the Holy Traditions, it is an argument against thee and not for thee; in that the Prophet (whom Allah bless and preserve!) compareth the beardless with the black-eyed girls of Paradise. Now, doubtless, the subject of comparison is worthier than the object therewith compared; so, unless women be the worthier and the goodlier, wherefore should other than they be likened to them? As for thy saying that girls are likened to boys, the case is not so, but the contrary: boys are likened to girls; for folk say, Yonder boy is like a girl. As for what proof thou quotest from the poets, the verses were the product of a complexion unnatural in this respect; and as for the habitual sodomites and catamites, offenders against religion, Almighty Allah hath condemned them in His Holy Book,[243] 160wherein He denounceth their filthy practices, saying, Do ye approach unto the males among mankind[244] and leave your wives which your Lord hath created for you? Surely ye are a people who transgress! These it is that liken girls to boys, of their exceeding profligacy and ungraciousness and inclination to follow the fiend and own lusts, so that they say, She is apt for two tricks;[245] and these are all wanderers from the way of right and the righteous. Quoth their chief Abu Nowas:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the preacher-woman went on about praising beautiful ladies, saying, ‘She has lips as red as crimson, smoother than cream and sweeter than honey;’ adding, ‘And she has a bosom that resembles a way between two hills with breasts like globes of shining ivory; her stomach is smooth, her sides soft as palm leaves, creased with overlapping folds and dimples, and her thighs are generous, like columns of pearls rising up. Her back curves and flows like seas of glass or mountains of beauty, and her hands and feet are shaped like pure gold ingots. So, O unfortunate one! where do mortal men stand next to the Jinn? Don’t you know that powerful princes and mighty kings bow humbly before women and depend on them for pleasure? Indeed, they could claim, ‘We rule over the necks and steal hearts.’ These women! How many rich men have they made poor, how many strong men have they brought low, and how many superior men have they enslaved! Truly, they charm the wise, shame the saints, make the wealthy suffer, and plunge the fortunate into poverty. Yet despite all this, the wise only increase their affection and esteem for them; they don’t consider it oppression or dishonor. How many men, for their sake, have offended their Creator and earned the wrath of their parents! All this is due to the power of their love over hearts. Don’t you know, O miserable one, that pavilions are built for them, and slave-girls are available for sale; that floods of tears are shed for them and jewels, ambergris, and fragrant musk are gathered for them; and armies are lined up and pleasures are created, and riches are accumulated while many lose their heads?’ Indeed, he spoke truthfully when he said, ‘Whoever speaks of the world speaks of woman.’ As for your reference to the Holy Traditions, it goes against you and not for you; because the Prophet (may Allah bless and preserve him!) compared the beardless to the black-eyed girls of Paradise. Undoubtedly, the subject of comparison is worthier than the object; so unless women are more worthy and attractive, why would anything else be compared to them? Regarding your statement that girls are compared to boys, that is not the case; it’s the other way around: boys are compared to girls, for people say, ‘That boy is like a girl.’ As for the proof you cite from poets, those verses stem from an unnatural perspective; and concerning habitual sodomites and catamites, sinners against religion, Almighty Allah has condemned them in His Holy Book, wherein He denounces their filthy acts, saying, ‘Do you approach the males among mankind and leave your wives whom your Lord has created for you? Surely you are a people that transgress!’ It is they who liken girls to boys, from their extreme depravity and unwillingness to follow righteousness, saying, ‘She is good for two tricks;’ and these are all strayers from the straight path and the righteous. Their leader, Abu Nowas, said:"
As for what thou sayest of a youth’s first hair on cheek and lips and how they add to his beauty and loveliness, by Allah, thou strayest from the straight path of sooth and sayest that which is other than the truth; for whiskers change the charms of the comely into ugliness; (quoting these couplets):—
As for what you say about a young man's first hair on his cheeks and lips and how they enhance his beauty and attractiveness, I swear, you are wrong and not speaking the truth; for facial hair can turn good looks into unattractiveness; (quoting these couplets):—
And when she ended her verse she resumed, “Laud be to Allah Almighty,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
And when she finished her verse, she continued, “Praise be to Allah Almighty,”——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her allowed narrative.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the preacher-woman ended her verse she resumed, addressing the man, “Laud to Allah Almighty! how can it be hid from thee that the perfect pleasure is in women and that abiding blessings are not to be found but with them, seeing that Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) hath promised His prophets and saints black-eyed damsels in Paradise and hath appointed these for a recompense of their godly works. And had the Almighty known that the joy supreme was in the possession of other than women, He had rewarded them therewith and promised it to them. And quoth he (whom Allah bless and preserve!), The things I hold dearest of the things of your world are three: women and perfume and the solace of my eyes in prayer. Verily Allah hath appointed boys to serve his prophets and saints in Paradise, because Paradise is the abode of joy and delight, which could not be complete without the service of youths; but, as to the use of them for aught but service, it is Hell’s putridity[248] and corruption and turpitude. How well saith the poet:”—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the preacher-woman finished her verse, she continued, addressing the man, 'Praise be to Allah Almighty! How can you not see that true pleasure lies with women and that lasting blessings are only found with them? Allah (exalted be He!) has promised His prophets and saints beautiful maidens in Paradise as a reward for their righteous deeds. If the Almighty had known that the highest joy was found in anything other than women, He would have granted that to them and promised it to them. And he (may Allah bless and protect him!) said, 'The three things I cherish most in your world are women, perfume, and the comfort of my eyes in prayer.' Truly, Allah has chosen boys to serve His prophets and saints in Paradise, because Paradise is a place of joy and delight that could not be complete without the service of youths. However, using them for anything other than service leads to the decay and corruption of Hell. As the poet beautifully said: "—
Then said she, “O folk ye have made me to break the bounds of 162modesty and the circle of free-born women and indulge in idle talk of chambering and wantonness, which beseemeth not people of learning. But the breasts of free-borns are the sepulchres of secrets, and such conversations are in confidence. Moreover, actions are according to intentions,[250] and I crave pardon of Allah for myself and you and all Moslems, seeing that He is the Pardoner and the Compassionate.” Then she held her peace and thereafter would answer us of naught; so we went our way, rejoicing in that we had profited by her contention and yet sorrowing to part from her. And among the tales they tell is one of
Then she said, “Oh people, you have made me break the limits of modesty and the circle of free-born women, indulging in pointless talk about affairs of the bedroom and promiscuity, which is inappropriate for people of learning. The hearts of free-born women hold deep secrets, and such conversations should be kept confidential. Furthermore, actions are based on intentions, and I ask Allah for forgiveness for myself, you, and all Muslims, since He is the Forgiving and the Compassionate.” After that, she remained silent and didn't answer us anymore; so we left, happy that we had gained something from her argument but sad to be parting from her. Among the stories they tell is one about
229. Lady of Shaykhs, elders in the faith and men of learning.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Lady of Shaykhs, respected figures in the faith and knowledgeable individuals.
230. = A.D. 1166.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. = 1166 AD.
231. Koran iv. 38. I have before noted what the advantages are.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran iv. 38. I've already pointed out what the benefits are.
232. Koran ii. 282, “of those whom ye shall choose for witnesses.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Quran 2:282, "of those you choose to be witnesses."
233. Koran iv. 175, “Whereas if there be two sisters, they inherit only two-thirds between them.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran iv. 175, “If there are two sisters, they share only two-thirds of the inheritance between them.”
234. The secondary meaning is “Fá’il” = the active sodomite and Mafa’úl = the passive, a catamite: the former is not an insulting word, the latter is a most injurious expression. “Novimus et qui te!”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The secondary meaning is “Fá’il” = the active sodomite and Mafa’úl = the passive, a catamite: the former is not an insulting word, while the latter is a highly offensive term. “We know and who you!”
235. It is an unpleasant fact that almost all the poetry of Háfiz is addressed to youths, as we see by the occasional introduction of Arabic (e.g., Afáka’lláh). Persian has no genders properly so called, hence the effect is less striking. Sa’di, the “Persian Moralist” begins one of the tales, “A certain learned man fell in love with a beautiful son of a blacksmith,” which Gladwin, translating for the general, necessarily changed to “daughter.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It's an uncomfortable truth that almost all of Háfiz's poetry is aimed at young people, as seen in the occasional use of Arabic (e.g., Afáka’lláh). Persian doesn't have strict gender distinctions, so the impact is less noticeable. Sa’di, the “Persian Moralist,” starts one of the tales with, “A certain learned man fell in love with a beautiful son of a blacksmith,” which Gladwin, translating for the general audience, had to change to “daughter.”
236. The famous author of the Anthology called Al-Hamásah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The well-known author of the collection titled Al-Hamásah.
237. i.e., teeth under the young mustachio.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.that is, teeth beneath the young mustache.
238. The “Silk-man” and the celebrated author of the Makámát, assemblies or seances, translated (or attempted) into all the languages of Europe. We have two in English, the first by Theodore Preston, M.A. (London, Madden, 1850); but it contains only twenty of the fifty pieces. The second by the late Mr. Chenery (before alluded to) ends with the twenty-sixth assembly: one volume in fact, the other never having been finished. English readers, therefore, are driven to the grand edition of the Makámát in folio by Baron Silvestre de Sacy.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The “Silk-man” and the famous author of the Makámát, gatherings or sessions, have been translated (or at least attempted) into all the languages of Europe. We have two versions in English; the first by Theodore Preston, M.A. (London, Madden, 1850), but it only includes twenty of the fifty pieces. The second by the late Mr. Chenery (previously mentioned) ends with the twenty-sixth session; one volume was completed, while the other was never finished. Therefore, English readers are left with the grand folio edition of the Makámát by Baron Silvestre de Sacy.
239. The sword of the eye has a Hamáil (baldrick worn over right shoulder, Pilgrimage i. 352) to support the “Ghimd” (vulg. Ghamad) or scabbard (of wood or leather): and this baldrick is the young whisker.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The sword of the eye is equipped with a Hamáil (a strap worn over the right shoulder, Pilgrimage i. 352) to hold the “Ghimd” (commonly known as Ghamad) or scabbard (made of wood or leather): and this strap is the young whisker.
240. The conceit of “Suláfat” (ptisane, grape juice allowed to drain on the slabs) and “Sawálif” (tresses, locks) has been explained. The newest wine is the most inebriating, a fact not much known in England, but familiar to the drinker of “Vino novo.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The idea behind “Suláfat” (a herbal drink made from grape juice that drips onto slabs) and “Sawálif” (hair, locks) has been clarified. The freshest wine is the most intoxicating, a fact not widely recognized in England, but well-known to those who enjoy “New wine.”
241. Koran xii. 51, this said by the nobleman’s (Potiphar’s) wife who adds, “I selected him to lie with me; and he (Joseph) is one of those who speak truth.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the Quran, chapter 12, verse 51, this is said by the nobleman's (Potiphar's) wife, who adds, "I chose him to sleep with me; and he (Joseph) is one of those who speaks the truth."
242. Here we have a specimen of the strained Saj’a or balanced prose: slave-girls (jawárí) are massed with flowing tears (dam’u jári) on account of the Káfiyah or rhyme.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Here we have an example of the intricate Saj’a or balanced prose: slave-girls (jawárí) are gathered with flowing tears (dam’u jári) because of the Káfiyah or rhyme.
243. The detected sodomite is punished with death according to Moslem law, but again comes the difficulty of proof. At Shiraz I have heard of a pious Moslem publicly executing his son.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The identified sodomite faces the death penalty under Muslim law, but once again, proving it is challenging. In Shiraz, I've heard of a devout Muslim publicly executing his son.
244. Koran xxvi. 165 et seq. The Lord speaks to the “people of Lot” (Sodomites). Mr. Payne renders “Min al-álamína,” “from the four corners of the world.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran xxvi. 165 et seq. The Lord addresses the “people of Lot” (Sodomites). Mr. Payne translates “Min al-álamína” as “from the four corners of the world.”
245. Meaning before and behind, a Moslemah “Bet Balmanno.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Meaning inside and out, a Moslemah “Bet Balmanno.”
246. Arab. “Lúti,” (plur. Lawáti), much used in Persian as a buffoon, a debauchee, a rascal. The orig. sig. is “One of (the people of) Lot.” The old English was Ingle or Yngle (a bardachio, a catamite, a boy kept for sodomy), which Minsheu says is, “Vox hispanica et significat Latinè Inguen” (the groin). Our vulgar modern word like the Italian bugiardo is pop. derived from Fr. Bougre, alias Bulgarus, a Bulgarian, a heretic: hence Boulgrin (Rabelais i. chapt. ii.) is popularly applied to the Albigeois (Albigenses, whose persecution began shortly after A.D. 1200) and the Lutherans. I cannot but think that “bougre” took its especial modern signification after the French became acquainted with the Brazil, where the Huguenots (in A.D. 1555) were founding a Nouvelle France, alias Equinoctiale, alias Antarctique, and whence the savages were carried as curiosities to Paris. Their generic name was “Bugre” (properly a tribe in Southern Brazil, but applied to all the redskins) and they were all born Sodomites. More of this in the terminal Essay.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Lúti,” (plural: Lawáti), often used in Persian to mean a jester, a debaucher, or a rogue. The original meaning is “one of (the people of) Lot.” The old English term was Ingle or Yngle (a catamite, a boy kept for sexual purposes), which Minsheu describes as “The Spanish voice means "Inguen" in Latin.” (the groin). Our common modern word, similar to the Italian liar, is likely derived from the French Bougre, which means Bulgarus, a Bulgarian and a heretic: thus, Boulgrin (Rabelais i. chapt. ii.) is often used to refer to the Albigenses (whose persecution started shortly after A.D. 1200) and the Lutherans. I can’t help but think that “scoundrel” gained its specific modern meaning after the French learned about Brazil, where the Huguenots (in A.D. 1555) were establishing a Nouvelle France, also known as Equinoctiale or Antarctique, and from which the indigenous people were brought to Paris as curiosities. Their general name was “Bugre” (originally a tribe in Southern Brazil, but used for all Native Americans), and they were all labeled Sodomites. More on this in the concluding Essay.
247. His paper is the whiteness of his skin. I have quoted the Persian saying of a young beard: “his cheeks don mourning for his beauty’s death.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.His skin is pale. I’ve referenced the Persian saying about a young man with a beard: “his cheeks wear mourning for the death of his beauty.”
248. Arab. “Khabál,” lit. the pus which flows from the bodies of the damned.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Khabál,” literally the pus that flows from the bodies of the cursed.
249. Most characteristic of Egypt is all this scene. Her reverence, it is true, sits behind a curtain; but her virtue uses language which would shame the lowest European prostitute; and which is filthy almost as Dean Swift’s.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.What stands out most about Egypt is this entire scene. Her respect, it’s true, hides behind a curtain; but her morality speaks in a way that would embarrass even the most lowly European prostitute; and is nearly as vulgar as Dean Swift's.
250. Arab. “Niyat:” the Moslem’s idea of intentions quite runs with the Christian’s. There must be a “Niyat” or purpose of prayer or the devotion is valueless. Lane tells a pleasant tale of a thief in the Mosque, saying “I purpose (before prayer) to carry off this nice pair of new shoes!”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Niyat:” the Muslim's concept of intentions closely aligns with that of Christians. There needs to be a “Niyat” or purpose for prayer; otherwise, the devotion is meaningless. Lane shares an amusing story about a thief in the Mosque, who says, “I intend (before praying) to steal this nice pair of new shoes!”
(Quoth Abu Suwayd) I and a company of my friends, entered a garden one day to buy somewhat of fruit; and we saw in a corner an old woman, who was bright of face, but her head-hair was white, and she was combing it with an ivory comb. We stopped before her, yet she paid no heed to us neither veiled her face: so I said, to her, “O old woman,[251] wert thou to dye thy hair black, thou wouldst be handsomer than a girl: what hindereth thee from this?” She raised her head towards me——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
(Quoth Abu Suwayd) One day, my friends and I went into a garden to buy some fruit, and we spotted an old woman in a corner. She had a bright face, but her hair was white, and she was combing it with an ivory comb. We paused in front of her, but she ignored us and didn’t cover her face. So I said to her, “O old woman, if you were to dye your hair black, you would be more beautiful than a young girl: what’s stopping you from doing this?” She looked up at me——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Abu Suwayd continued:—When I spake these words to the ancient 163dame she raised her head towards me and, opening wide her eyes, recited these two couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that Abu Suwayd went on:—When I said these words to the old woman, she looked up at me and, widening her eyes, recited these two couplets:—
I cried:—By Allah, favoured art thou for an old woman! How sincere art thou in thine after-pine for forbidden pleasures and how false is thy pretence of repentance from frowardness! And another tale is that of
I cried:—By Allah, you're lucky for an old woman! How genuine you are in your longing for forbidden pleasures and how fake your act of regretting your misbehavior! And another story is that of
251. Arab. “Ya ‘l-Ajúz” (in Cairo “Agooz” pronounce “Ago-o-oz”): the address is now insulting and would elicit “The old woman in thine eye” (with fingers extended). In Egypt the polite address is “O lady (Sitt), O pilgrimess, O bride, and O daughter” (although she be the wrong side of fifty). In Arabia you may say “O woman (Imraah)” but in Egypt the reply would be “The woman shall see Allah cut out thy heart!” So in Southern Italy you address “bella fé” (fair one) and cause a quarrel by “vecchiarella.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Ya ‘l-Ajúz” (in Cairo “Agooz” pronounced “Ago-o-oz”): this term is now considered disrespectful and would provoke a response like “The old woman in your eye” (with fingers pointed). In Egypt, a more respectful address would be “O lady (Sitt), O pilgrimess, O bride, and O daughter” (even if she is past fifty). In Arabia, you can say “O woman (Imraah),” but in Egypt, the reply would be “The woman shall see Allah cut out your heart!” Similarly, in Southern Italy, you would address someone as “beautiful faith” (fair one) and spark a conflict by using “vecchiarella.”
Once on a time was displayed for sale to Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdallah bin Táhir[252] a slave-girl called Muunis who was superior to her fellows in beauty and breeding, and to boot an accomplished poetess; and he asked her of her name. Replied she, “Allah advance the Emir, my name is Muunis.”[253] Now he knew this before; so he bowed his head awhile, then raising his eyes to her, recited this verse:—
Once upon a time, a slave girl named Muunis, who was more beautiful and well-bred than the others, and also a skilled poetess, was put up for sale to Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdallah bin Táhir[252]. He asked her what her name was. She replied, “May Allah bless the Emir, my name is Muunis.”[253] He already knew this, so he lowered his head for a moment, then looked up at her and recited this verse:—
Answered she, “Allah exalt the Emir!” and recited this verse in reply:—
Answered she, “May God bless the Emir!” and recited this verse in response:—
252. Governor of Egypt, Khorasan, etc. under Al-Maamun.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Governor of Egypt, Khorasan, and other regions under Al-Maamun.
253. i.e. a companion, a solacer: it is also a man’s name (vol. i. xxiv.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.for example a friend, a comfort: it is also a man's name (vol. i. xxiv.)
254. At Baghdad; evidently written by a Baghdad or Mosul man.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In Baghdad; clearly written by someone from Baghdad or Mosul.
255. A blind traditionist of Bassorah (ninth century).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A blind traditionalist from Basra (ninth century).
(Quoth Abu al-Ayná.) There were in our street two women, one of whom had for lover a man and the other a beardless youth, and they foregathered one night on the terrace-roof of a house adjoining mine, knowing not that I was near. Quoth the boy’s lover to the other, “O my sister, how canst thou bear with patience the harshness of thy lover’s beard as it falleth on thy breast, when he busseth thee and his mustachios rub thy cheek and lips?” Replied the other, “Silly that thou art, what decketh the tree save its leaves and the cucumber but its warts?[256] Didst ever see in the world aught uglier than a scald-head bald of his beard? Knowest thou not that the beard is to men as the sidelocks to women; and what is the difference between chin and cheek?[257] Knowest thou not that Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) hath created an angel in Heaven, who saith:—Glory be to Him who ornamenteth men with beards and women with long hair? So, were not the beard even as the tresses in comeliness, it had not been coupled with them, O silly! How shall I spread-eagle myself under a boy, who will emit long before I can go off and forestall me in limpness of penis and clitoris; and leave a man who, when he taketh breath clippeth close and when he entereth goeth leisurely, and when he hath done, repeateth, and when he pusheth poketh hard, and as often as he withdraweth, returneth?” The boy’s leman was edified by her speech and said, “I forswear my lover by the lord of the Ka’abah!” And amongst tales is one of
(Quoth Abu al-Ayná.) In our street, there were two women—one was with a man, and the other was with a young boy. One night, they gathered on the terrace of a house next to mine, unaware that I was nearby. The boy’s lover said to the other, “Oh sister, how can you tolerate the scratchiness of your lover’s beard against your chest when he hugs you, and his mustache rubs against your cheek and lips?” The other replied, “You silly one, what adorns a tree except for its leaves, or a cucumber except its bumps? Did you ever see anything uglier than a bald man without a beard? Don't you realize that a beard is to men what sidelocks are to women? What’s the difference between chin and cheek? Don't you know that Allah (exalted and glorified be He!) created an angel in Heaven who says:—Glory be to Him who adorns men with beards and women with long hair? So, if the beard weren't as attractive as tresses, it wouldn't be associated with them, you silly! How can I lay myself bare under a boy, who will finish long before I do and leave me lacking in pleasure, instead of with a man who breathes heavily, takes his time, continues as needed, and pushes firmly, returning each time he pulls back?” The boy’s lover was impressed by her words and declared, “I swear off my lover by the lord of the Ka'abah!” And among the stories is one of
256. Arab. “Zaghab” = the chick’s down; the warts on the cucumber which sometimes develop into projections.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zaghab” = the soft feathers of a chick; the bumps on a cucumber that can sometimes grow into projections.
257. The Persian saying is, A kiss without moustachio is bread without salt.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.There's a Persian saying: a kiss without a mustache is like bread without salt.
There lived once, in the city of Cairo, a merchant who had great store of monies and bullion, gems and jewels, and lands and houses beyond count, and his name was Hasan the Jeweller, the Baghdad man. Furthermore Allah had blessed him with a son of perfect beauty and brilliancy; rosy-cheeked, fair of face and well-figured, whom he named Ali of Cairo and had taught the Koran and science and elocution and the other branches of polite education, till he became proficient in all manner of knowledge. He was under his father’s hand in trade but, after a while, Hasan fell sick and his sickness grew upon him, till he made sure of death; so he called his son to him,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
There was once a wealthy merchant living in the city of Cairo, who had a vast amount of money and gold, gems and jewels, and countless plots of land and houses. His name was Hasan the Jeweller, from Baghdad. Allah had also blessed him with a son who was exceptionally beautiful and brilliant; rosy-cheeked, fair-faced, and well-proportioned. He named him Ali of Cairo and had taught him the Koran, science, public speaking, and other areas of refined education, until he became skilled in various kinds of knowledge. Ali worked with his father in trade, but after some time, Hasan fell ill, and his illness worsened until he was sure he was going to die. So he called his son to him,——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted tale.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Jeweller, the Baghdadi, fell sick and made sure of death, he called to him his son, named Ali of Cairo, and said, “O my son, verily this world passeth away; but the next world endureth for aye. Every soul shall taste of death;[258] and now, O my son, my decease is at hand and I desire to charge thee with a charge, which if thou observe, thou shalt abide in safety and prosperity, till thou meet Almighty Allah; but if thou follow it not, there shall befal thee much weariness and thou wilt repent of having transgressed mine injunctions.” Replied Ali, “O my father, how shall I do other than hearken to thy words and act according to thy charge, seeing that I am bounden by the law of the Faith to obey thee and give ear to thy command?” Rejoined his father, “O my son, I leave thee lands and houses and goods and wealth past count; so that wert thou each day to spend thereof five hundred dinars, thou wouldst miss naught of it. But, O my son, look that thou 166live in the fear of Allah and follow His Chosen One, Mustafa, (whom may He bless and preserve!) in whatso he is reported to have bidden and forbidden in his traditional law.[259] Be thou constant in alms-deeds and the practice of beneficence and in consorting with men of worth and piety and learning; and look that thou have a care for the poor and needy and shun avarice and meanness and the conversation of the wicked or those of suspicious character. Look thou kindly upon thy servants and family, and also upon thy wife, for she is of the daughters of the great and is big with child by thee; haply Allah will vouchsafe thee virtuous issue by her.” And he ceased not to exhort him thus, weeping and saying, “O my son, I beseech Allah the Bountiful, the Lord of the glorious Empyrean[260] to deliver thee from all straits that may encompass thee and grant thee His ready relief!” Thereupon his son wept with sore weeping and said, “O my father, I am melted by thy words, for these are as the words of one that saith farewell.” Replied the merchant, “Yes, O my son, I am aware of my condition: forget thou not my charge.” Then he fell to repeating the two professions of the Faith and to reciting verses of the Koran, until the appointed hour arrived, when he said, “Draw near unto me, O my son.” So Ali drew near and he kissed him; then he sighed and his soul departed his body and he went to the mercy of Almighty Allah.[261] Therewith great grief fell upon Ali; the clamour of keening arose in his house and his father’s friends flocked to him. Then he betook himself to preparing the body for burial and made him a splendid funeral. They bore his bier to the place of prayer and prayed over him, then to the 167cemetery, where they buried him and recited over him what suited of the sublime Koran; after which they returned to the house and condoled with the dead man’s son and wended each his own way. Moreover, Ali prayed the Friday prayer for his father and had perlections of the Koran every day for the normal forty, during which time he abode in the house and went not forth, save to the place of prayer; and every Friday he visited his father’s tomb. So he ceased not from his praying and reciting for some time, until his fellows of the sons of the merchants came in to him one day and saluting him, said, “How long this thy mourning and neglecting thy business and the company of thy friends? Verily, this is a fashion which will bring thee weariness, and thy body will suffer for it exceedingly.” Now when they came in to him, Iblis the Accursed was with them, prompting them; and they went on to recommend him to accompany them to the bazar, whilst Iblis tempted him to consent to them, till he yielded,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, “I have learned, O wise King, that when the Jeweler from Baghdad fell ill and thought he was dying, he called for his son, Ali from Cairo, and said, ‘O my son, this world is temporary; the next world lasts forever. Every soul will experience death, and now, my son, my end is near. I have some advice for you that if you follow, you will be safe and prosperous until you meet Almighty Allah. But if you ignore it, you will face hardship and regret for not heeding my words.’ Ali replied, ‘O my father, how could I do anything but listen to you and follow your guidance, as I am bound by my faith to respect you and heed your commands?’ His father responded, ‘O my son, I leave you lands, houses, and wealth beyond measure; even if you spent five hundred dinars daily, you would not deplete it. But, O my son, be mindful of Allah and follow His Chosen One, Mustafa, (may He bless and protect him!) in all that he has commanded and forbidden in his teachings. Be steadfast in charitable deeds, practice kindness, and associate with good, pious, and knowledgeable people. Take care of the poor and needy, avoid greed and stinginess, and steer clear of the wicked or those of questionable character. Treat your servants and family kindly, and also regard your wife well, as she comes from a noble family and is pregnant with your child; perhaps Allah will grant you righteous offspring through her.’ He continued to advise him, weeping and saying, ‘O my son, I pray to Allah the Generous, the Lord of the glorious heavens, to protect you from any troubles you may face and grant you His support!’ At this, his son wept deeply and said, ‘O my father, I am moved by your words, for they sound like a farewell.’ The merchant replied, ‘Yes, my son, I understand my condition: do not forget my advice.’ He then began to repeat the two declarations of faith and recite verses from the Quran until the time came when he said, ‘Come close to me, O my son.’ So Ali approached and kissed him; then he sighed, and his soul left his body and went to the mercy of Almighty Allah. At that moment, great sorrow fell upon Ali; the sound of mourning erupted in his home, and his father's friends gathered around him. He set about preparing the body for burial and arranged for a magnificent funeral. They carried his coffin to the place of prayer, prayed over him, then to the cemetery, where they buried him and recited appropriate verses from the Quran. After that, they returned to the house and offered their condolences to Ali before each left for their own homes. Moreover, Ali performed the Friday prayer for his father and held Quran recitations every day for the usual forty days, during which he stayed in the house and only went out to pray, visiting his father’s grave every Friday. He continued praying and reciting for some time, until one day some friends from among the merchant's sons came to visit him and greeted him, saying, ‘How long will you keep mourning and neglecting your business and friends? This attitude will only bring you exhaustion, and your health will greatly suffer.’ When they came in, Iblis the Accursed was among them, urging them on, and they encouraged him to join them at the bazaar, while Iblis tempted him to agree, until he finally gave in—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn had come and stopped her tale.”
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the sons of the merchants went in to Ali the Cairene, son of Hasan the Jeweller, they recommended him to accompany them to the bazar, till he yielded, that the will of Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) might be fulfilled; and he left the house of mourning with them. Presently they said, “Mount thy she-mule and ride with us to such a garden, that we may solace us there and that thy grief and despondency may depart from thee.” So he mounted and taking his slave, went with them to the garden in question; and when they entered one of them went and making ready the morning-meal, brought it to them there. So they ate and were merry and sat in talk, till the end of the day, when they mounted and returned each to his own lodging, where they passed the night. As soon as the morrow dawned, they again visited Ali and said, “Come with us.” Asked he, “Whither?”; and they answered, “To such a garden; for it is finer than the first and more pleasurable.” So he went with them to the garden, and one of them, going away, made ready the morning-meal and brought it to them, together with strong heady wine; and after 168eating they brought out the wine, when quoth Ali, “What is this?” and quoth they, “This is what dispelleth sadness and brighteneth gladness.” And they ceased not to commend it to him, till they prevailed upon him and he drank with them. Then they sat, drinking and talking, till the end of the day, when each returned home. But as for Ali, the Cairene, he was giddy with wine and in this plight went in to his wife, who said to him, “What aileth thee that thou art so changed?” He said, “We were making merry to-day, when one of my companions brought us liquor; so my friends drank and I with them, and this giddiness came upon me.” And she replied, “O my lord, say me, hast thou forgotten thy father’s injunction and done that from which he forbade thee, in consorting with doubtful folk?” Answered he, “These be of the sons of the merchants; they are no suspicious folk, only lovers of mirth and good cheer.” And he continued to lead this life with his friends, day after day, going from place to place and feasting with them and drinking, till they said to him, “Our turns are ended, and now it is thy turn.” “Well come, and welcome and fair cheer!” cried he; so on the morrow, he made ready all that the case called for of meat and drink, two-fold what they had provided, and taking cooks and tent-pitchers and coffee-makers,[262] repaired with the others to Al-Rauzah[263] and the Nilometer, where they abode a whole month, eating and drinking and hearing music and making merry. At the end of the month, Ali found that he had spent a great sum of money; but Iblis the Accursed deluded him and said to him, “Though thou shouldst spend every day a like sum yet wouldst thou not miss aught of it.” So he took no account of money expenses and continued this way of life for three years, whilst his wife remonstrated with him and reminded him of his father’s charge; but he hearkened not to her words, till he had spent all the ready monies he had, when he fell to selling his jewels and spending their price, until they also were all gone. Then he sold his houses, fields, farms and gardens, one after other, till they likewise were all gone and he had 169nothing left but the tenement wherein he lived. So he tore out the marble and wood-work and sold it and spent of its price, till he had made an end of all this also, when he took thought with himself and, finding that he had nothing left to expend, sold the house itself and spent the purchase-money. After that, the man who had bought the house came to him and said “Seek out for thyself a lodging, as I have need of my house.” So he bethought himself and, finding that he had no want of a house, except for his wife, who had borne him a son and daughter (he had not a servant left), he hired a large room in one of the mean courts[264] and there took up his abode, after having lived in honour and luxury, with many eunuchs and much wealth; and he soon came to want one day’s bread. Quoth his wife, “Of this I warned thee and exhorted thee to obey thy father’s charge, and thou wouldst not hearken to me; but there is no Majesty and there is no Might, save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! Whence shall the little ones eat? Arise then, go round to thy friends, the sons of the merchants: belike they will give thee somewhat on which we may live this day.” So he arose and went to his friends one by one; but they all hid their faces from him and gave him injurious words revolting to hear, but naught else; and he returned to his wife and said to her, “They have given me nothing.” Thereupon she went forth to beg of her neighbours the wherewithal to keep themselves alive——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I’ve heard, O noble King, that when the sons of the merchants went to Ali the Cairene, son of Hasan the Jeweler, they urged him to join them at the market until he finally agreed, so that the will of Allah (may He be exalted) could be realized; and he left the house of mourning with them. Soon they said, 'Get on your she-mule and ride with us to a certain garden, so we can enjoy ourselves and help ease your grief and despondency.' So he got on his she-mule, took his servant, and went with them to that garden; and when they arrived, one of them went to prepare breakfast and brought it back to them. They ate, laughed, and talked until the end of the day, then rode home to their own lodgings for the night. The next morning, they visited Ali again and said, 'Come with us.' He asked, 'Where to?' and they answered, 'To another garden; it's even nicer than the first and more enjoyable.' So he went with them to the garden, and one of them went off to prepare breakfast and brought it back to them, along with strong wine; and after eating, they brought out the wine. Ali asked, 'What is this?' They replied, 'This is what drives away sadness and brings joy.' They kept urging him until he finally gave in and drank with them. Then they sat, drinking and chatting, until the end of the day, when each returned home. But Ali, feeling dizzy from the wine, went to his wife, who asked him, 'What’s wrong with you? You seem so different.' He said, 'We were having a good time today when one of my friends brought us some drinks, and my friends drank, and I did too, and now I feel this dizziness.' She replied, 'Oh my lord, tell me, have you forgotten your father's advice and engaged with questionable people?' He responded, 'These are the merchant's sons; they’re not suspicious at all, just lovers of fun and good times.' And he continued to live this way with his friends, day after day, moving around from place to place, feasting and drinking, until they said to him, 'Our turn is up; now it's your turn.' 'Sure, you're all welcome!' he exclaimed. The next day, he prepared everything needed for a feast, twice as much as they had provided, and took cooks, tent-pitchers, and coffee-makers, and they all went to Al-Rauzah and the Nilometer, where they spent a whole month eating, drinking, enjoying music, and having fun. At the end of the month, Ali realized he had spent a lot of money; but Iblis the Accursed tricked him and said, 'Even if you spent the same amount every day, you wouldn’t notice it.' So he didn’t keep track of his spending and continued living this way for three years, while his wife pointed out his father’s advice, but he ignored her until he had spent all his ready cash. Then he started selling his jewels and spending that money too until they were all gone. After that, he sold his houses, fields, farms, and gardens one after the other until nothing was left but the place he lived in. He even tore out the marble and woodwork and sold it, spending that money until he ran out again. Then he thought it over and realized he had nothing left to spend, so he sold the house itself and used the money. After that, the man who bought the house came to him and said, 'Find somewhere else to live; I need my house back.' So he considered it and found that he didn’t really need a house, except for his wife, who had given him a son and a daughter (he didn’t have a servant left), so he rented a large room in one of the poor neighborhoods and moved in, having once lived in wealth and luxury with many servants. Soon, he found himself struggling to afford even a single meal. His wife said, 'I warned you and urged you to listen to your father’s advice, but you wouldn’t listen. Yet, there is no might and no power except with Allah, the Glorious, the Great! How will the little ones eat? Get up and go visit your friends, the merchant's sons; perhaps they will give you something to help us survive today.' So he got up and visited his friends one after another, but they all turned their backs on him and said hurtful things that were hard to hear, but they gave him nothing else; and he returned to his wife and told her, 'They gave me nothing.' Then she went out to beg from their neighbors so they could stay alive—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped speaking her allowed words.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the wife of Ali the Cairene, seeing her husband return empty-handed, went forth to beg of her neighbours the wherewithal to keep themselves alive and repaired to a woman, whom she had known in former days. When she came in to her and she saw her case, she rose and receiving her kindly, wept and said, “What hath befallen you?” So she told her all that her husband had done, and the other replied, “Well come and welcome and fair cheer!; whatever thou needest, seek it of me, without price.” Quoth she, “Allah 170requite thee abundantly!”[265] Then her friend gave her as much provision as would suffice herself and her family a whole month, and she took it and returned to her lodging. When her husband saw her, he wept and asked, “Whence hadst thou that?”; and she answered, “I got it of such a woman; for, when I told her what had befallen us, she failed me not in aught, but said, Seek of me all thou needest.” Whereupon her husband rejoined, “Since thou hast this much I will betake myself to a place I have in my mind; peradventure Allah Almighty will bring us relief.”[266] With these words he took leave of her and kissed his children and went out, not knowing whither he should go, and he continued walking on till he came to Bulák, where he saw a ship about to sail for Damietta.[267] Here he met a man, between whom and his father there had been friendship, and he saluted him and said to him, “Whither now?” Replied Ali, “To Damietta: I have friends there, whom I would enquire after and visit them and then return.” The man took him home and treated him honourably; then, furnishing him with vivers for the voyage and giving him some gold pieces, embarked him on board the vessel bound for Damietta. When they reached it, Ali landed, not knowing whither to go; but as he was walking along, a merchant saw him and had pity on him, and carried him to his house. Here he abode awhile, after which he said in himself, “How long this sojourning in other folk’s homes?” Then he left the merchant’s place and walked to the wharf where, after enquiry, he found a ship ready to sail for Syria. His hospitable host provided him with provision and embarked him in the ship; and it set sail and Ali reached in due season the Syrian shores where he disembarked and journeyed till he entered Damascus. As he walked about the great thoroughfare behold, a kindly man saw him and took him to his house, where he tarried for a time till, one day, going abroad, he saw a caravan about to start for Baghdad and bethought himself 171to journey thither with it. Thereupon he returned to his host and taking leave of him, set out with the Cafilah. Now Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) inclined to him the heart of one of the merchants, so that he took him with him, and Ali ate and drank with him, till they came within one day’s journey of Baghdad. Here, however, a company of highwaymen fell upon the caravan and took all they had and but few of the merchants escaped. These made each for a separate place of refuge; but as for Ali the Cairene he fared for Baghdad, where he arrived at sundown, as the gatekeepers were about to shut the gates, and said to them, “Let me in with you.” They admitted him and asked him, “Whence come, and whither wending?” and he answered, “I am a man from Cairo-city and have with me mules laden with merchandise and slaves and servants. I forewent them, to look me out a place wherein to deposit my goods: but, as I rode along on my she-mule, there fell upon me a company of banditti, who took my mule and gear; nor did I escape from them but at my last gasp.” The gate-guard entreated him honourably and bade him be of good cheer, saying, “Abide with us this night, and in the morning we will look thee out a place befitting thee.” Then he sought in his breast-pocket and, finding a dinar of those given to him by the merchant at Bulak, handed it to one of the gatekeepers, saying, “Take this and change it and bring us something to eat.” The man took it and went to the market, where he changed it, and brought Ali bread and cooked meat: so he ate, he and the gate-guards, and he lay the night with them. Now on the morrow, one of the warders carried him to a certain of the merchants of Baghdad, to whom he told the same story, and he believed him, deeming that he was a merchant and had with him loads of merchandise. Then he took him up into his shop and entreated him with honour; moreover, he sent to his house for a splendid suit of his own apparel for him and carried him to the Hammam. So, quoth Ali of Cairo:—I went with him to the bath, and when we came out, he took me and brought me to his house, where he set the morning-meal before us, and we ate and made merry. Then said he to one of his black slaves, “Ho Mas’úd, take this thy lord: show him the two houses standing in such a place, and whichever pleaseth him, give him the key of it and come back.” So I went with the slave, till we came to a street-road where stood three houses side by side, newly built and yet shut up. He opened the first and I looked at it; and we did the same to the second; after which he said to me 172“Of which shall I give thee the key?” “To whom doth the big house belong?” “To us!” “Open it, that I may view it.” “Thou hast no business there.” “Wherefore?” “Because it is haunted, and none nighteth there but in the morning he is a dead man; nor do we use to open the door, when removing the corpse, but mount the terrace-roof of one of the other two houses and take it up thence. For this reason my master hath abandoned the house and saith:—I will never again give it to any one.” “Open it,” I cried, “that I may view it;” and I said in my mind, “This is what I seek; I will pass the night there and in the morning be a dead man and be at peace from this my case.” So he opened it and I entered and found it a splendid house, without its like; and I said to the slave, “I will have none other than this house; give me its key.” But he rejoined, “I will not give thee this key till I consult my master,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, “I've heard, O blessed King, that Ali the Cairene’s wife, seeing her husband return without anything, went out to ask her neighbors for what they could to survive and visited a woman she had known before. When she arrived and the woman saw her situation, she stood up, welcomed her warmly, and wept, saying, ‘What happened to you?’ The wife shared everything that her husband had done, and the woman replied, ‘Welcome! Whatever you need, just ask me and I’ll give it to you for free.’ She said, ‘May Allah reward you greatly!’ Then her friend gave her enough supplies to last her and her family a whole month, which she took home. When her husband saw her, he cried and asked, ‘Where did you get this?’ She answered, ‘I got it from such a woman; when I told her what happened to us, she didn’t turn me away but said, "Ask me for anything you need."’ Her husband then said, ‘Since you have this much, I’ll go to a place I have in mind; perhaps Allah Almighty will bring us some relief.’ With that, he said goodbye, kissed his children, and left, not knowing where to go, continuing until he arrived at Bulák, where he saw a ship ready to sail for Damietta. There, he encountered a man who had been a friend of his father's. He greeted him and said, ‘Where are you going?’ Ali replied, ‘To Damietta: I have friends there I want to visit and then come back.’ The man took him to his home and treated him well; then, providing him with supplies for the voyage and giving him some gold coins, he helped him board the vessel bound for Damietta. When they arrived, Ali disembarked, unsure of where to go; but as he wandered, a merchant spotted him, felt sympathy, and took him to his home. He stayed there for a while, and then one day, while out, he saw a caravan about to head for Baghdad and decided to travel with it. He returned to his host, said goodbye, and left with the caravan. Allah (exalted be He!) touched the heart of one of the merchants who took him along with them, and Ali ate and drank with him until they were one day’s journey from Baghdad. However, a group of bandits attacked the caravan, taking everything and leaving only a few merchants to escape. These fled in different directions, but Ali made his way to Baghdad, arriving at sundown just as the gatekeepers were about to close the gates, and called out, ‘Let me in!’ They let him in and asked, ‘Where are you from, and where are you going?’ He replied, ‘I’m a man from Cairo and have mules loaded with goods and slaves. I left them to find a place to store my goods, but while riding my she-mule, a group of bandits attacked me, took my mule and my things; I barely escaped.’ The gatekeepers treated him well and told him not to worry, saying, ‘Stay with us tonight, and in the morning, we’ll find you a place to stay.’ Then he searched his pocket and, finding a dinar given to him by the merchant at Bulak, handed it to one of the gatekeepers, saying, ‘Take this, change it, and bring us something to eat.’ The man took it, went to the market, changed it, and brought back bread and cooked meat: so he ate, along with the gate-guards, and spent the night with them. The next morning, one of the warders took him to one of the merchants of Baghdad, and to whom he told the same story, who believed him, thinking he was a merchant with loads of goods. The merchant took him into his shop and treated him with respect; he also sent to his house for a fine suit of clothes for him and took him to the bathhouse. Ali of Cairo said: ‘I went with him to the bath and when we came out, he took me to his home, where he set out breakfast for us, and we ate and enjoyed ourselves. Then he told one of his black slaves, "Hey Mas'úd, take this gentleman and show him the two houses standing in that place; whichever one he likes, give him the key and come back." So I went with the slave until we arrived at a street where three newly built houses stood side by side, all still closed up. He opened the first, and I looked at it; then we did the same for the second; after which he asked me, ‘Which one shall I give you the key to?’ I asked, ‘Who owns the big house?’ He replied, ‘It belongs to us!’ I said, ‘Open it so I can see it.’ He answered, ‘You have no business there.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘Because it’s haunted, and whoever sleeps there dies by morning; we don’t even open the door to remove the body, but go to the terrace of one of the other two houses to take it down. For this reason, my master abandoned the house and says: “I will never give it to anyone again.”’ ‘Open it,’ I insisted, ‘so I can see it;’ and I thought to myself, ‘This is what I’m looking for; I’ll spend the night there and in the morning, I’ll be dead and finally be at peace from my troubles.’ So he opened it, and I stepped in and found it an amazing house, unlike any other; I said to the slave, ‘I want no other than this house; give me its key.’ But he replied, ‘I won’t give you this key until I speak to my master.’ And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted tale.”
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the negro (continued Ali of Cairo) rejoined, “I will not give thee its key till I consult my master,” and going to him, reported, “The Egyptian trader saith:—I will lodge in none but the big house.” Now when the merchant heard this, he rose and coming to Ali, spake thus to him, “O my lord, thou hast no need of this house.” But he answered, “I will lodge in none other than this; for I care naught for this silly saying.” Quoth the other, “Write me an acknowledgment that, if aught happen to thee, I am not responsible.” Quoth Ali, “So be it;” whereupon the merchant fetched an assessor from the Kazi’s court and, taking the prescribed acknowledgment, delivered to him the key wherewith he entered the house. The merchant sent him bedding by a blackamoor who spread it for him on the built bench behind the door[268] and walked away. Presently Ali went about and, seeing in the inner court a well with a bucket, let this down and drew water, wherewith he made the lesser ablution and prayed the obligatory prayers. Then he sat awhile, till the slave brought him the evening meal from his master’s house, together with a lamp, a candle 173and candlestick, a basin and ewer and a gugglet[269]; after which he left him and returned home. Ali lighted the candle, supped at his ease and prayed the night-prayer; and presently he said to himself, “Come, take the bedding and go upstairs and sleep there; ‘twill be better than here.” So he took the bed and carried it upstairs, where he found a splendid saloon, with gilded ceiling and floor and walls cased with coloured marbles. He spread his bed there and sitting down, began to recite somewhat of the Sublime Koran, when (ere he was ware) he heard one calling to him and asking, “O Ali, O son of Hasan, say me, shall I send thee down the gold?” And he answered, “Where be the gold thou hast to send?” But hardly had he spoken, when gold pieces began to rain down on him, like stones from a catapult, nor ceased till the saloon was full. Then, after the golden shower, said the Voice, “Set me free, that I may go my way; for I have made an end of my service and have delivered unto thee that which was entrusted to me for thee.” Quoth Ali, “I adjure thee, by Allah the Almighty, to tell me the cause of this gold-rain.” Replied the Voice, “This is a treasure that was talisman’d to thee of old time, and to every one who entered the house, we used to come and say:—O Ali, O son of Hasan, shall we send thee down the gold? Whereat he would be affrighted and cry out, and we would come down to him and break his neck and go away. But, when thou camest and we accosted thee by thy name and that of thy father, saying, Shall we send thee down the gold? and thou madest answer to us, And where be the gold? we knew thee for the owner of it and sent it down. Moreover, there is yet another hoard for thee in the land of Al-Yaman and thou wouldst do well to journey thither and fetch it. And now I would fain have thee set me free, that I may go my way.” Said Ali, “By Allah, I will not set thee free, till thou bring me hither the treasure from the land of Al-Yaman!” Said the Voice, “An I bring it to thee, wilt thou release me and eke the servant of the other hoard?” “Yes,” replied Ali, and the Voice cried, “Swear to me.” So he swore to him, and he was about to go away, when Ali said to him, “I have one other need to ask of thee;” and he, “What is that?” Quoth Ali, “I have a wife and children at Cairo in such a place; thou needs must fetch them to me, at their ease and without their unease.” 174Quoth he, “I will bring them to thee in a mule-litter[270] and much state, with a train of eunuchs and servants, together with the treasure from Al-Yaman, Inshallah!”[271] Then he took of him leave of absence for three days, when all this should be with him, and vanished. As soon as it was morning Ali went round about the saloon, seeking a place wherein to store the gold, and saw on the edge of the dais a marble slab with a turning-pin; so he turned the pin and the slab sank and showed a door which he opened and entering, found a great closet, full of bags of coarse stuff carefully sewn. So he began taking out the bags and fell to filling them with gold and storing them in the closet, till he had transported thither all the hoarded gold, whereupon he shut the door and turning the pin, the slab returned to its place. Then he went down and seated himself on the bench behind the door; and presently there came a knock; so he opened and found the merchant’s slave who, seeing him comfortably sitting, returned in haste to his master——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've learned, O wise King," that the black man (continued Ali of Cairo) replied, "I won't give you the key until I've talked to my master." So he went to his master and reported, "The Egyptian trader says: I will stay only in the big house." When the merchant heard this, he stood up and approached Ali, saying, "My lord, you don't need this house." But Ali countered, "I won't stay anywhere else; I don't care about this silly saying." The merchant then said, "Write me a statement that if anything happens to you, I'm not responsible." Ali replied, "Fine," and the merchant brought an assessor from the Kazi’s court, took the necessary acknowledgment, and handed him the key, allowing him to enter the house. The merchant sent bedding with a black servant, who spread it for him on the built bench behind the door[268] and then walked away. Soon, Ali explored the place and saw a well with a bucket in the inner courtyard. He lowered the bucket, drew some water, performed the minor ablution, and prayed his mandatory prayers. After that, he sat for a while until the slave brought him his evening meal from his master's house, along with a lamp, candle, 173and candlestick, a basin, and ewer, and a water jug[269]; after that, the slave left and returned home. Ali lit the candle, enjoyed his dinner, and prayed the night prayer. Then he said to himself, “Come, take the bedding and go upstairs to sleep; it’ll be better than here.” He grabbed the bed and carried it upstairs, where he discovered a magnificent room with gilded ceilings and floors and walls covered in colored marble. He spread his bed there and sat down to recite part of the Holy Quran when (before he knew it) he heard a voice calling, asking, "O Ali, O son of Hasan, should I send the gold down to you?" He answered, "Where is the gold you're going to send?" Hardly had he finished speaking when gold coins began to pour down on him like stones from a catapult, and the raining of gold continued until the room was filled. After the shower of gold, the Voice said, "Set me free so I can leave; I've completed my task and delivered what I was entrusted with for you." Ali replied, "I swear to you by Allah the Almighty, tell me why it is raining gold." The Voice responded, "This is a treasure that was meant for you long ago, and whenever anyone entered this house, we used to ask: O Ali, O son of Hasan, should we send you the gold? They would get scared and scream, and we would descend, break their necks, and leave. But when you arrived and we called you by your name and your father’s name, asking if we should send you the gold, and you replied, 'Where is the gold?' we recognized you as the rightful owner and sent it down. Besides, there's another treasure for you in the land of Al-Yaman, and you should go there to get it. Now, please set me free so I can go." Ali said, "By Allah, I won't set you free until you bring me the treasure from the land of Al-Yaman!" The Voice asked, "If I bring it to you, will you release me and the servant of the other treasure?" "Yes," Ali replied, and the Voice said, "Swear to me." So he swore an oath, and as the Voice was about to leave, Ali said, "I have one more request." The Voice asked, "What is it?" Ali responded, "I have a wife and children in Cairo at such-and-such place; you must bring them to me safely and without distress." The Voice said, "I will bring them to you in a mule-litter[270] with great care, accompanied by a team of eunuchs and servants, along with the treasure from Al-Yaman, Inshallah!”[271] Then he requested a leave of absence for three days, during which everything should be ready for him, and then vanished. As morning broke, Ali searched the room for a place to store the gold and found a marble slab with a turning pin at the edge of the dais. He turned the pin, the slab sank down, revealing a door, which he opened. Inside was a large closet, filled with carefully sewn bags of coarse fabric. He began taking out the bags, filling them with gold, and storing them in the closet until he had transported all the accumulated gold there. After closing the door and turning the pin to return the slab to its original position, he went downstairs and sat on the bench behind the door. Soon there came a knock, and when he opened it, he found the merchant's slave, who, seeing him comfortably sitting, hurried back to his master——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the house-owner’s black slave returned and knocked at the door, Ali the Cairene, son of the merchant Hasan, opened it to him and the negro, seeing him comfortably sitting, returned in haste to his master with the good tidings, saying, “O my Lord, the merchant, who is lodged in the house inhabited by the Jinn,[272] is alive and well and sitteth on the bench behind the door.” Then the merchant rose joyfully and went to the house, taking breakfast with him; and, when he saw Ali, he embraced him and kissed him between the eyes, asking, “How hath Allah dealt with thee?”; and Ali answered, “Right well, I slept upstairs in the marble saloon.” Quoth the merchant, “Did aught come to thee or didst thou see any thing?” and quoth Ali, “No, I recited some little of the Sublime Koran and slept till morning, when I arose and, after 175making the minor ablution and praying, seated myself on the bench behind the door.” “Praised be Allah for safety!” exclaimed the merchant, then left him and presently sent him black slaves and white Mamelukes and handmaidens with household gear. They swept the house from top to bottom and furnished it with magnificent furniture; after which three white slaves and three blacks and four slave-girls remained with him, to serve him, while the rest returned to their master’s house. Now when the merchants heard of him, they sent him presents of all manner things of price, even to food and drink and clothes, and took him with them to the market, asking, “When will thy baggage arrive?” And he answered, “After three days it will surely come.” When the term had elapsed, the servant of the first hoard, the golden rain, came to him and said, “Go forth and meet the treasure I have brought thee from Al-Yaman together with thy Harim; for I bring part of the wealth in the semblance of costly merchandise; but the eunuchs and Mamelukes and the mules and horses and camels are all of the Jánn.” Now the Jinni, when he betook himself to Cairo, found Ali’s wife and children in sore misery, naked and hungry; so he carried them out of the city in a travelling-litter and clad them in sumptuous raiment of the stuffs which were in the treasure of Al-Yaman. So when Ali heard this, he arose and repairing to the merchants, said to them, “Rise and go forth with us from the city, to meet the caravan bringing my merchandise, and honour us with the presence of your Harims, to meet my Harim.” “Hearkening and obedience,” answered they and, sending for their Harims, went forth all together and took seat in one of the city-gardens; and as they sat talking, behold, a dust-cloud arose out of the heart of the desert, and they flocked forth to see what it was. Presently it lifted and discovered mules and muleteers, tent-pitchers and linkmen, who came on, singing and dancing, till they reached the garden, when the chief of the muleteers walked up to Ali and kissing his hand, said to him, “O my master, we have been long on the way, for we purposed entering yesterday; but we were in fear of the bandits, so abode in our station four days, till Almighty Allah rid us of them.” Thereupon the merchants mounted their mules and rode forward with the caravan, the Harims waiting behind, till Ali’s wife and children mounted with them; and they all entered in splendid train. The merchants marvelled at the number of mules laden with chests, whilst the women of the merchants wondered at the 176richness of the apparel of his wife and the fine raiment of her children; and kept saying each to other, “Verily, the King of Baghdad hath no such gear; no, nor any other of the kings or lords or merchants!” So they ceased not to fare forwards in high great state, the men with Ali of Cairo and the Harims with his Harim, till they came to the mansion,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O generous King, that when the homeowner's black slave returned and knocked at the door, Ali the Cairene, son of the merchant Hasan, opened it for him. The slave, seeing Ali comfortably sitting, hurried back to his master with the good news, saying, 'O my Lord, the merchant staying in the house occupied by the Jinn is alive and well and sitting on the bench behind the door.' The merchant then joyfully rose and went to the house, taking breakfast with him. When he saw Ali, he embraced him and kissed him between the eyes, asking, 'How has Allah treated you?' Ali replied, 'Very well, I slept upstairs in the marble hall.' The merchant asked, 'Did anything happen to you or did you see anything?' and Ali said, 'No, I recited a bit from the Holy Quran and slept until morning, when I woke up and, after performing the minor ablution and praying, sat down on the bench behind the door.' 'Thanks be to Allah for your safety!' exclaimed the merchant, then left him and soon sent him black slaves, white Mamelukes, and handmaidens with household items. They cleaned the house from top to bottom and furnished it with luxurious furniture. After that, three white slaves, three black slaves, and four slave-girls stayed with him to serve him, while the rest returned to their master’s house. When the merchants heard about him, they sent him gifts of all sorts, including food, drinks, and clothes, and took him with them to the market, asking, 'When will your goods arrive?' He answered, 'It will definitely come in three days.' When the time was up, the servant of the first treasure, like a golden rain, came to him and said, 'Go out and meet the treasure I have brought you from Al-Yaman along with your family; I bring part of the wealth disguised as expensive merchandise, but the eunuchs, Mamelukes, mules, horses, and camels are all from the Jinn.' The Jinni, when he arrived in Cairo, found Ali's wife and children in great distress, naked and hungry. So he took them out of the city in a traveling-litter and dressed them in fine garments from the treasure of Al-Yaman. When Ali learned this, he rose and went to the merchants, saying, 'Get up and come with us from the city to meet the caravan bringing my merchandise, and honor us with your womenfolk to meet my family.' 'We will obey,' they replied, and, sending for their women, they all left together and sat in one of the city gardens. While they were talking, suddenly a dust cloud rose from the desert, and they all rushed to see what it was. As it lifted, it revealed mule drivers and tents, who came singing and dancing until they reached the garden. The chief muleteer approached Ali, kissed his hand, and said, 'O my master, we've been traveling for a long time; we planned to arrive yesterday, but we were afraid of the bandits, so we stayed where we were for four days until Almighty Allah delivered us from them.' Then the merchants mounted their mules and rode forward with the caravan while the women waited behind until Ali's wife and children mounted with them; and they all entered in grand procession. The merchants were amazed by the number of mules carrying chests, while the merchants' wives admired the richness of Ali's wife's clothing and the fine attire of her children, saying to one another, 'Truly, the King of Baghdad has no such things; nor do any other kings, lords, or merchants!' So they continued forward in great style, with Ali of Cairo and the women alongside his family, until they reached the mansion—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped recounting her tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that they ceased not to fare forwards in high state, the men with Ali’s men and the women with his wife, till they came to the mansion, where they alighted and brought the mules and their burdens into the midst of the courtyard. Then they unloaded them and warehoused the goods whilst the merchants’ wives went up with Ali’s family to the saloon, which they found as it were a luxuriant garden, spread with magnificent furniture. They sat in mirth and good cheer till noon, when they brought them up the midday meal, all manner meats and sweetmeats of the very best; and they ate and drank costly sherbets and perfumed themselves thereafter with rose-water and scented woods. Then they took leave and went home, men and women; and, when the merchants returned to their places, they sent presents to the husband according to their conditions; and their wives likewise sent presents to the wife, so that there came to them great store of handmaids and negroes and Mamelukes; and all kinds of goods, such as grain, sugar and so forth, in abundance beyond account. As for the Baghdad merchant, the landlord of the house, he abode with Ali and quitted him not, but said to him, “Let the black slaves and servants take the mules and the common cattle into one of my other houses, to rest.” Quoth Ali, “They set out again to-night for such a place.” Then he gave them leave to go forth and camp outside the city, that they might start on their journey at night-come; whereupon, hardly believing that they were dismissed, they took leave of him and departing to the outliers of the city, flew off through the air to their several abodes. So Ali and his house-owner sat together till a third of the night was past, when their colloquy ended and the merchant returned to his own house and Ali went up to his wife and children and after saluting them, said, 177“What hath befallen you in my absence all this time?” So she told him what they had suffered of hunger and nakedness and travail, and he said, “Praised be Allah for safety! How did ye come?” Answered she, “O my lord, I was asleep with my children yesternight, when suddenly and unexpectedly one raised us from the ground and flew with us through the firmament without doing us any hurt, nor did he leave flying with us, till he set us down in a place as it were an Arab camping-ground, where we saw laden mules and a travelling litter borne upon two great mules, and around it servants, all boys and men. So I asked them:—Who are ye and what are these loads and where are we?; and they answered:—We are the servants of the merchant Ali of Cairo, son of the merchant-jeweller, who hath sent us to fetch you to him at Baghdad. Quoth I, Tell me, is it far or near, hence to Baghdad? They replied, Near: there lieth between us and the city but the darkness of the night. Then they mounted us in the litter and, when the morrow dawned, we found ourselves with thee, without having suffered any hurt whatever.” Quoth he, “Who gave you these dresses;” and quoth she, “The chief of the caravan opened one of the boxes on the mules and taking out thereof these clothes, clad me and thy children each in a suit; after which he locked the case and gave me the key, saying, Take care of it, till thou give it to thy husband. And here it is safe by me.” So saying, she gave him the key, and he said, “Dost thou know the chest?” Said she, “Yes, I know it.” So he took her down to the magazine and showed her the boxes, when she cried, “This is the one whence the dresses were taken;” upon which he put the key in the lock and opened the chest, wherein he found much raiment and the keys of all the other cases. So he took them and fell to opening them, one after another, and feasting his eyes upon the gems and precious ores they contained, whose like was not found with any of the kings; after which he locked them again, took the keys, and returned to the saloon, saying to his wife, “This is of the bounty of Almighty Allah!” Then bringing her to the secret slab he turned the pin and opened the door of the closet, into which he entered with her and showed her the gold he had laid up therein. Quoth she, “Whence came all this to thee?” “It came to me by the grace of my Lord,” answered he:——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O King, that they continued to travel in style, the men with Ali’s group and the women with his wife, until they arrived at the mansion. They got off, brought in the mules and their loads to the middle of the courtyard, unloaded everything, and stored the goods while the merchants' wives went up with Ali’s family to the living room, which was like a lush garden, filled with exquisite furniture. They laughed and enjoyed themselves until noon, when they were served the lunch, a variety of the finest meats and sweets; they ate and drank expensive sherbets and later perfumed themselves with rose-water and scented wood. Then they said their goodbyes and went home, both men and women. When the merchants returned to their places, they sent gifts to the husband according to their status; and their wives also sent gifts to the wife, so they received a large number of handmaids, slaves, and Mamelukes, along with all kinds of goods like grain and sugar, more than they could count. The Baghdad merchant, the owner of the house, stayed with Ali and didn't leave him, saying, 'Let the black slaves and servants take the mules and common cattle to one of my other houses to rest.' Ali replied, 'They will set out again tonight for such a place.' Then he allowed them to go camp outside the city so they could start their journey at night; hardly believing they were dismissed, they bid him farewell and hurried to the outskirts of the city, quickly heading back to their homes. Ali and the landlord stayed together until a third of the night had passed; when their conversation ended, the merchant returned to his own house, and Ali went to his wife and kids. After greeting them, he asked, 'What have you all experienced in my absence?' She told him about their hunger, lack of clothing, and struggles, and he said, 'Thank Allah for our safety! How did you arrive?' She replied, 'O my lord, I was asleep with our kids last night when suddenly, unexpectedly, someone lifted us from the ground and flew us through the air without harming us. He didn’t stop until he set us down in what seemed like an Arab campsite, where we saw loaded mules and a traveling litter carried by two large mules, surrounded by servants, both boys and men. So I asked them, "Who are you, what are these loads, and where are we?" They answered, "We are the servants of merchant Ali from Cairo, son of the jeweler, who sent us to bring you to him in Baghdad." I asked, "Is Baghdad far from here?" They replied, "No, it’s close; there’s just the night between us and the city." Then they put us in the litter, and when morning came, we found ourselves with you, without having been harmed at all." He asked, "Who gave you these clothes?" and she said, "The chief of the caravan opened one of the boxes on the mules, took these clothes out, and dressed me and the kids. Afterward, he locked the box and gave me the key, saying, 'Keep this safe until you can give it to your husband.' And here it is with me." Saying this, she handed him the key, and he asked, "Do you recognize the chest?" She answered, "Yes, I do." So he took her down to the storehouse and showed her the boxes, to which she exclaimed, "This is where the clothes were taken from!" He then put the key in the lock and opened the chest, finding a lot of clothing and the keys to all the other cases. He took them and started opening one after another, marveling at the gems and precious metals inside, which were unmatched by any king's treasure. After that, he locked them again, took the keys, and returned to the living room, saying to his wife, "This is a blessing from Almighty Allah!" Then, bringing her to the secret slab, he turned the pin and opened the door of the closet, where he showed her the gold he had stored. She asked, "Where did all this come from?" He replied, "It came to me by the grace of my Lord." —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn approaching and stopped speaking her allowed words.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Ali’s wife had looked upon the gold she said to him, “Whence came all this to thee?” “It came to me by the grace of my Lord,” answered he: “When I left thee in my trouble, I shipped at Bulak for Damietta and met a friend there who forwarded me to Damascus”: in brief he told her all that had befallen him, from first to last. Said she, “O my lord, all this cometh by boon of thy father’s blessing and orisons when he prayed for thee, before his death, saying:—I beseech Allah to cast thee into no straits except He grant thee ready relief! So praised be Allah Almighty for that He hath brought thee deliverance and hath requited thee with more than went from thee! But Allah upon thee, O my lord, return not to thy practice of associating with doubtful folk; but look thou fear Allah (whose name be exalted!) both in private and in public.” And as she went on to admonish him, he said, “I accept thine admonition and beg the Almighty to remove the froward from amongst us and stablish us in His obedience and in the observance of the law and practice of His Prophet, on whom be blessings and peace!” After that Ali and his wife and children were in all solace of life and gladness; and he opened him a shop in the merchants’ bazar and, stocking it with a somewhat of jewels and bullion, sat therein with his children and white servants. Presently he became the most considerable of the merchants of Baghdad, and his report reached the King of that city,[273] who sent a messenger to command his attendance, saying, “Answer the summons of the King who requireth thee.” He replied, “I hear and obey,” and straightway prepared his present and he took four trays of red gold and, filling them with jewels and precious metals, such as no King possessed, went up to the palace and presenting himself before the presence, kissed the ground between his hands and wished him endurance of goods and glory in the finest language he could command. Said the King, “O merchant, thou cheerest our city with thy presence!” and Ali rejoined, “O King of the age, thy slave hath brought thee a 179gift and hopeth for acceptance thereof from thy favour.” Then he laid the four trays before the King, who uncovered them and seeing that they contained gems, whose fellows he possessed not and whose worth equalled treasuries of money, said, “Thy present is accepted, O merchant, and Inshallah! we will requite thee with its like.” And Ali kissed his hands and went away; whereupon the King called his grandees and said to them, “How many of the Kings have sought my daughter in marriage?” “Many,” answered they; and he asked, “Hath any of them given me the like of this gift?”; whereto they replied, “Not one, for that none of them hath its like;” and he said, “I have consulted Allah Almighty by lot as to marrying my daughter to this merchant. What say ye?” “Be it as thou reckest,” answered they. Then he bade the eunuch carry the four trays into his serraglio and going in to his wife, laid them before her. She uncovered them and seeing therein that whose like she possessed not; no, nor a fraction thereof, said to him, “From which of the Kings hadst thou these?: perchance of one of the royalties that seek thy daughter in marriage?” Said he, “Not so, I had them of an Egyptian merchant, who is lately come to this our city. Now when I heard of his coming I sent to command him to us, thinking to make his acquaintance, so haply we might find with him somewhat of jewels and buy them of him for our daughter’s trousseau. He obeyed our summons and brought us these four trays, as a present, and I saw him to be a handsome youth of dignified aspect and intelligent as elegant, almost such as should be the sons of Kings. Wherefore my heart inclined to him at sight, and my heart rejoiced in him and I thought good to marry my daughter to him. So I showed the gift to my grandees, who agreed with me that none of the Kings hath the like of these and I told them my project. But what sayst thou?”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that when Ali’s wife saw the gold, she asked him, ‘Where did all this come from?’ He replied, ‘It came to me by the grace of my Lord. When I left you in my trouble, I sailed from Bulak to Damietta and met a friend who sent me to Damascus.’ In short, he told her everything that had happened to him, from beginning to end. She said, ‘O my lord, all of this comes from your father’s blessing and prayers when he asked for your well-being before he died, saying: ‘I ask Allah to never put you in a tight spot without providing you with relief!’ So praise be to Allah Almighty for bringing you back safely and rewarding you with more than you lost! But, my lord, please don’t return to mixing with questionable people; fear Allah (may His name be exalted!) both in private and in public.’ As she continued to advise him, he said, ‘I accept your advice and ask the Almighty to keep the wicked away from us and establish us in His obedience and in following the laws and practices of His Prophet, upon whom be blessings and peace!’ After that, Ali, his wife, and their children enjoyed a life full of peace and happiness. He opened a shop in the merchants’ bazaar, stocked it with some jewels and gold, and sat there with his children and trusted servants. Eventually, he became one of the most prominent merchants in Baghdad, and word of him reached the King of that city,[273] who sent a messenger to summon him, saying, ‘Come to the King who needs you.’ He responded, ‘I hear and obey,’ and immediately prepared a gift, taking four trays of red gold filled with jewels and precious metals that no King possessed. He went to the palace, presented himself before the King, kissed the ground, and wished him enduring wealth and glory in the best words he could muster. The King said, ‘O merchant, you brighten our city with your presence!’ and Ali replied, ‘O King of the age, your servant brings you a 179gift and hopes for your acceptance of it.’ Then he set the four trays before the King, who uncovered them. Upon seeing the gems that he did not have, worth more than treasuries, the King said, ‘Your gift is accepted, O merchant, and God willing, we will reward you with something similar.’ Ali kissed his hands and left; then the King called his nobles and asked them, ‘How many kings have sought my daughter’s hand in marriage?’ They answered, ‘Many,’ and he asked, ‘Has any of them given me such a gift?’ They replied, ‘Not one, for none of them has anything like it.’ The King said, ‘I have consulted Allah Almighty by lot regarding marrying my daughter to this merchant. What’s your opinion?’ They said, ‘Do as you see fit.’ He then instructed the eunuch to take the four trays to his harem and went to his wife, laying the trays before her. She uncovered them and, seeing treasures unlike any she had, asked him, ‘From which of the kings did you get these? Perhaps from one of those seeking to marry our daughter?’ He replied, ‘Not at all. I received them from an Egyptian merchant who has just arrived in our city. When I heard of his arrival, I sent for him, hoping to get to know him so we might find some jewels to buy for our daughter’s dowry. He came as requested and brought us these four trays as a gift. I found him to be a handsome young man with a dignified presence and intelligent demeanor, almost like the sons of kings. I took a liking to him immediately and felt good about marrying my daughter to him. I showed the gift to my nobles, who agreed none of the kings have anything like this, and I shared my plan with them. But what do you think?”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped speaking.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King of Baghdad, after showing the presents to his wife and highly praising Ali, the merchant-jeweller, and informing her of the proposed marriage, asked, “But what sayst thou?” She replied, “O King of the age, the ordering this affair is in Allah’s 180hand, and thine, and whatso Allah willeth shall come to pass.” Rejoined the King, “If it be His will, I will marry her to none other than this young man.” He slept on this resolve and on the morrow, he went out to his Divan and summoned Ali and the rest of the merchants of Baghdad, and when all came bade them be seated. Then said he, “Bring me the Kazi of the Divan” and they brought him; whereupon the King said to him, “O Kazi, write the contract of marriage between my daughter and the merchant Ali the Cairene.” But Ali said, “Thy pardon, O our lord the Sultan! It befitteth not that a trader such as I, be the King’s son-in-law.” Quoth the King, “It is my will to bestow this favour upon thee, as well as the Wazirate;” and he invested him forthwith in the Wazir’s office and ministerial robes. Then Ali sat down in the chair of the Wazirate and said, “O King of the age, thou hast bestowed on me this; and indeed I am honoured by thy bounties; but hear one word I have to say to thee!” He replied, “Say on, and fear not.” Quoth Ali, “Since it is thine august resolution to marry thy daughter, thou wouldst do better to marry her to my son.” Quoth the King, “Hast thou then a son?”; and Ali replied, “Yes.” “Send for him forthwith,” said the King. Thereupon answered Ali, “Hearkening and obedience!”, and despatched a servant to fetch his son, who came and kissing the ground before the King, stood in an attitude of respect. The King looked at him and seeing him to be yet comelier than his daughter and goodlier than she in stature and proportion and brightness and perfection, said to him, “What is thy name, O my son?” “My name is Hasan, O our lord the Sultan,” replied the young man, who was then fourteen years old. Then the Sultan said to the Kazi, “Write the contract of marriage between my daughter Husn al-Wujúd and Hasan, son of the merchant Ali the Cairene.” So he wrote the marriage-contract between them, and the affair was ended in the goodliest fashion; after which all in the Divan went their ways and the merchants followed the Wazir Ali, escorting him to his house, where they gave him joy of his advancement and departed. Then he went in to his wife, who seeing him clad in the Wazir’s habit, exclaimed, “What is this?”; when he told her all that had passed from first to last and she joyed therein with exceeding joy. So sped the night and on the morrow, he went up to the Divan, where the King received him with especial favour and seating him close by his side, said, “O Wazir, we purpose to begin the wedding festivities and bring thy son 181in to our daughter.” Replied Ali, “O our lord the Sultan, whatso thou deemest good is good.” So the Sultan gave orders to celebrate the festivities, and they decorated the city and held high festival for thirty days, in all joy and gladness; at the end of which time, Hasan, son of the Wazir Ali, went in to the Princess and enjoyed her beauty and loveliness. When the Queen saw her daughter’s husband, she conceived a warm affection for him, and in like manner she rejoiced greatly in his mother. Then the King bade build for his son-in-law Hasan Ali-son a palace beside his own; so they built him with all speed a splendid palace in which he took up his abode; and his mother used to tarry with him some days and then go down to her own house. After awhile the Queen said to her husband, “O King of the age, Hasan’s lady-mother cannot take up her abode with her son and leave the Wazir; neither can she tarry with the Wazir and leave her son.” “Thou sayest sooth,” replied the King, and bade edify a third palace beside that of Hasan, which being done in a few days he caused remove thither the goods of the Wazir, and the Minister and his wife took up their abode there. Now the three palaces communicated with one another, so that when the King had a mind to speak with the Wazir by night, he would go to him or send to fetch him; and so with Hasan and his father and mother. On this wise they dwelt in all solace and in the greatest happiness——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She continued, “It has come to my attention, O blessed King, that the King of Baghdad, after showing the gifts to his wife and praising Ali, the merchant-jeweler, and discussing the proposed marriage, asked, ‘But what do you think?’ She replied, ‘O King of our time, the arrangement of this matter is in Allah’s hand, as well as yours, and whatever Allah wills shall happen.’ The King responded, ‘If it is His will, I will marry her to no one but this young man.’ He went to bed with this decision and the next morning, he went to his Divan, called Ali and the other merchants of Baghdad, and once they all arrived, he asked them to be seated. Then he said, ‘Bring me the Kazi of the Divan,’ and they brought him. The King said to him, ‘O Kazi, write the marriage contract between my daughter and the merchant Ali the Cairene.’ But Ali replied, ‘Your pardon, O our lord the Sultan! It is not fitting for a trader like me to be the King’s son-in-law.’ The King said, ‘I want to bestow this honor upon you, along with the Wazirate;’ and he immediately invested him with the Wazir’s title and robes. Ali then sat in the Wazir’s chair and said, ‘O King of our time, you have honored me with this; and I truly appreciate your generosity; but let me say one thing to you!’ The King replied, ‘Speak, and do not be afraid.’ Ali said, ‘Since you intend to marry your daughter, it would be better for you to marry her to my son.’ The King asked, ‘Do you have a son?’ and Ali replied, ‘Yes.’ ‘Send for him immediately,’ said the King. Ali promptly responded, ‘Listening and obeying!’ and sent a servant to fetch his son, who came, kissed the ground before the King, and stood respectfully. The King looked at him and seeing him to be even more handsome than his daughter, and better in stature, appearance, and perfection, asked him, ‘What is your name, my son?’ ‘My name is Hasan, O our lord the Sultan,’ the young man replied, who was then fourteen years old. Then the Sultan said to the Kazi, ‘Write the marriage contract between my daughter Husn al-Wujúd and Hasan, son of the merchant Ali the Cairene.’ So he wrote the marriage contract, and the matter was settled splendidly; after which everyone in the Divan went their way, and the merchants escorted Wazir Ali to his home, where they congratulated him on his advancement and then left. He then went in to his wife, who, seeing him dressed in Wazir robes, exclaimed, ‘What is this?’ When he told her everything that had happened from beginning to end, she rejoiced with immense joy. The night passed, and the next day, he went up to the Divan, where the King received him with particular favor and seated him beside himself, saying, ‘O Wazir, we intend to start the wedding festivities and bring your son into our daughter.’ Ali replied, ‘O our lord the Sultan, whatever you consider good is good.’ So the Sultan ordered the celebrations to begin, and they decorated the city and held a grand festival for thirty days, filled with joy and happiness. After this time, Hasan, son of Wazir Ali, went in to the Princess and enjoyed her beauty and loveliness. When the Queen saw her daughter’s husband, she felt a deep affection for him, and similarly, she was very pleased with his mother. Then the King commanded that a palace be built for his son-in-law Hasan, so they quickly constructed a magnificent palace for him, where he settled in. His mother would stay with him for some days and then return to her own home. After a while, the Queen said to her husband, ‘O King of our time, Hasan’s mother cannot stay with her son and leave the Wazir; nor can she remain with the Wazir and leave her son.’ ‘You speak the truth,’ replied the King, and ordered a third palace to be built beside Hasan’s. Once that was completed in a few days, he moved the Wazir’s belongings there, and the Minister and his wife settled in. Now, the three palaces were connected, so when the King wished to speak with the Wazir at night, he could go to him or send for him, as he did with Hasan and his father and mother. Thus, they all lived in great comfort and happiness—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King and the Wazir and his son ceased not to dwell in all solace and in the greatest happiness awhile, till the King fell ill and his sickness grew on him. So he summoned the lords of his realm and said to them, “There is come upon me a sore malady, peradventure a mortal; and I have therefore summoned you to consult you respecting a certain matter, on which I would have you counsel me as you deem well.” They asked, “What is the matter of which thou wouldst take counsel with us, O King?”; and he answered, “I am old and sickly and I fear for the realm after me from its enemies; so I would have you all agree upon some one, that I may proclaim him King in my lifetime and so ye may be at ease.” 182Whereupon quoth they with one voice, “We all approve of thy daughter’s husband Hasan, son of the Wazir Ali; for we have seen his wit and perfect understanding, and he knoweth the place of all, great and small.” Asked the King, “Are ye indeed agreed upon this?” and they answered, “Yes.” Rejoined he “Peradventure ye all say this to my face, of respect for me; but behind my back ye will say otherwise.” However, they all replied, “By Allah, our word is one and the same in public and in private, and we accept him frankly and with heartiness of heart and breadth of breast.” Quoth he, “Since the case is thus, bring the Kazi of the Holy Law and all the Chamberlains and Viceroys and Officers of state before me to-morrow, and we will order the affair after the goodliest fashion.” “We hear and we obey,” answered they and withdrawing, notified all the Olema,[274] the doctors of the law and the chief personages among the Emirs. So when the morrow dawned, they came up to the Divan and having craved and obtained permission to enter, they saluted the King, saying, “Here are we all in thy presence.” Whereto he made reply, “O Emirs of Baghdad, whom will ye have to be King over you after me, that I may inaugurate him during my lifetime, before the presence of you all?” Quoth they with one voice, “We are agreed upon thy daughter’s husband Hasan, son of the Wazir Ali.” Quoth he, “If it be so, go all of you and bring him before me.” So they all arose and, repairing to Hasan’s palace, said to him, “Rise, come with us to the King.” “Wherefore?” asked he, and they answered, “For a thing that will benefit both us and thee.” So he went in with them to the King and kissed the ground before his father-in-law who said to him, “Be seated, O my son!” He sat down and the King continued, “O Hasan, all the Emirs have 183approved of thee and agreed to make thee King over them after me; and it is my purpose to proclaim thee, whilst I yet live, and so make an end of the business.” But Hasan stood up and, kissing the ground once more before the King, said to him, “O our lord the King, among the Emirs there be many who are older than I and greater of worth; acquit me therefore of this thing.” But all the Emirs cried out saying, “We consent not but that thou be King over us.” Then said Hasan, “My father is older than I, and I and he are one thing; and it befits not to advance me over him.” But Ali said, “I will consent to nothing save whatso contenteth my brethren; and they have all chosen and agreed upon thee; wherefore gainsay thou not the King’s commandment and that of thy brethren.” And Hasan hung his head abashed before the King and his father. Then said the King to the Emirs, “Do ye all accept of him?” “We do,” answered they and recited thereupon seven Fátihahs.[275] So the King said, “O Kazi, draw up a legal instrument testifying of these Emirs that they are agreed to make King over them my daughter’s husband Hasan.” The Kazi wrote the act and made it binding on all men,[276] after they had sworn in a body the oath of fealty to Hasan. Then the King did likewise and bade him take his seat on the throne of kingship; whereupon they all arose and kissed King Hasan’s hands and did homage to him, and swore lealty to him. And the new King dispensed justice among the people that day in fashion right royal, and invested the grandees of the realm in splendid robes of honour. When the Divan broke up, he went in to and kissed the hands of his father-in-law who spake thus to him, “O my son, look thou rule the lieges in the fear of Allah;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I’ve heard, O great King, that the King, the Wazir, and his son lived happily and in comfort for a while, until the King fell ill and his condition worsened. He called the lords of his kingdom and told them, 'I’ve come down with a serious illness, possibly fatal; and I’ve summoned you to discuss an important matter that I’d like your advice on.' They asked, 'What is the matter, O King?' He replied, 'I am old and sickly and I worry about the kingdom’s future after my reign, especially with its enemies. So I want you all to agree on someone I can name as King while I’m still alive, so that I can have peace of mind.' They all said in unison, 'We all support your daughter’s husband Hasan, son of the Wazir Ali, because we’ve seen his intelligence and capability, and he knows everyone’s position, both great and small.' The King asked, 'Are you really united in this?' They answered, 'Yes.' He responded, 'Perhaps you’re only saying this to please me, but will speak differently behind my back.' They insisted, 'By Allah, our word is the same whether in public or private, and we wholeheartedly accept him.' He said, 'Since that’s the case, bring the Kazi of the Holy Law and all the Chamberlains, Viceroys, and Officers of state to me tomorrow, and we will arrange everything properly.' They replied, 'We hear and obey,' and left to inform all the Olema, the scholars of the law, and the notable figures among the Emirs. When the next day came, they entered the Divan, sought and received permission to approach the King, and greeted him, saying, 'We are all here in your presence.' He responded, 'Oh Emirs of Baghdad, who do you want to be your King after me so I can appoint him while I’m still alive, in front of all of you?' They replied together, 'We agree on your daughter’s husband Hasan, son of the Wazir Ali.' He said, 'If that’s the case, go and bring him to me.' So they all stood up and went to Hasan’s palace, telling him, 'Get up, come with us to the King.' 'Why?' he asked, and they replied, 'For something that will be good for both us and you.' He followed them to the King and kissed the ground before his father-in-law, who said, 'Sit down, my son!' He sat down, and the King continued, 'O Hasan, all the Emirs have approved you and agreed to make you King after me; I intend to announce it while I’m still alive to wrap things up.' But Hasan stood up and, kissing the ground again, said, 'O our lord the King, among the Emirs, there are many who are older and more distinguished than I; please excuse me from this duty.' The Emirs raised their voices, saying, 'We will not accept anyone but you as our King.' Hasan argued, 'My father is older than I, and we are one; it’s not appropriate to place me above him.' But Ali said, 'I will agree to nothing except what pleases my brethren; they have all chosen and supported you, so do not oppose the King’s command and your brothers' wishes.' Hasan bowed his head, embarrassed before the King and his father. The King then asked the Emirs, 'Do you all accept him?' They replied, 'We do,' and recited seven Fátihahs. The King then said, 'O Kazi, draft a legal document stating that the Emirs have agreed to make my daughter’s husband Hasan their King.' The Kazi wrote the document and made it binding on everyone after they all swore an oath of loyalty to Hasan. The King did the same and told Hasan to take his seat on the throne of kingship; they all stood up, kissed King Hasan’s hands, paid him homage, and swore allegiance to him. The new King administered justice that day like a true monarch and honored the nobles of the realm with splendid robes. When the meeting ended, he went to kiss his father-in-law’s hands, who advised him, 'O my son, make sure to rule the people in the fear of Allah;'——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her storytelling."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when King Hasan was quit of the Divan, he went in to and kissed the hands of his wife’s father, who spake thus to him, “O my son, look thou rule the lieges in the fear of Allah;” whereto he replied, “O my father, through thy prayers for me, the grace and guidance of Allah will come to me.” Then he entered his own palace and was met by his wife and her mother and their attendants, who kissed his hands and gave him joy of his advancement, saying, “Be this day blessed!” Next he went in to his father and mother, who joyed with exceeding joy in that which Allah had vouchsafed him of his advancement to the kingship, and his father charged him to fear Allah and to deal mercifully with his subjects. He passed the night in glee and gladness, and on the morrow, having prayed the obligatory prayers ending with the usual short chapters[277] of the Koran, he went up to the Divan, whither came all his officers and dignitaries. He passed the day in dispensing justice among the folk, bidding to graciousness and forbidding ungraciousness and appointing to place and displacing, till day-end, when the Divan broke up, after the goodliest fashion, and all the troops withdrew and each went his own way. Then he arose and repaired to the palace, where he found his father-in-law’s sickness grown heavy upon him and said to him, “May no ill befal thee!” At this the old King opened his eyes and said, “O Hasan!” and he replied, “At thy service, O my lord.” Quoth the old King, “Mine appointed hour is at hand: be thou careful of thy wife and her mother, and look thou fear Allah and honour thy parents; and bide in awe of the majesty of the Requiting King and bear in mind that He commandeth justice and good works.” And King Hasan replied, “I hear and obey.” Now after this the old King lingered three days and then departed into the mercy of Almighty Allah. So they laid him out and shrouded and buried him and held over him readings and perlections of the Koran, to the end of the customary forty 185days. And King Hasan, son of the Wazir, reigned in his stead, and his subjects joyed in him and all his days were gladness; moreover, his father ceased not to be his chief Wazir on his right hand, and he took to himself another Wazir, to be at his left hand. His reign was a prosperous and well ordered, and he lived a long life as King of Baghdad; and Allah blessed him, by the old King’s daughter, with three sons who inherited the kingdom after him; and they abode in the solace of life and its pleasures till there came to them the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies. And glory be to Him who is eternal and in whose hand are annulling and confirming. And of the tales they tell is one of
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when King Hasan finished at the Divan, he went in and kissed the hands of his wife's father, who said to him, 'My son, make sure you rule the people with the fear of God.' To this, he replied, 'Through your prayers for me, I will receive the grace and guidance of God.' Then he entered his palace, where he was greeted by his wife, her mother, and their attendants, who kissed his hands and congratulated him on his promotion, saying, 'May this day be blessed!' Next, he visited his father and mother, who rejoiced greatly for the blessing of his ascension to the throne, and his father advised him to fear God and show mercy to his subjects. He spent the night in happiness, and the next morning, after performing the mandatory prayers and reciting the usual short chapters of the Koran, he went to the Divan, where all his officers and dignitaries gathered. He spent the day delivering justice to the people, encouraging kindness, discouraging unkindness, appointing officials, and making changes until the end of the day, when the Divan concluded in the best way possible, and all the troops dispersed, each going their own way. Then he stood and returned to the palace, where he found his father-in-law's condition had worsened. He said, 'May nothing bad happen to you!' The old King opened his eyes and replied, 'O Hasan!' He responded, 'I am at your service, my lord.' The old King said, 'My time is near: take care of your wife and her mother, and remember to fear God and honor your parents; always respect the greatness of the Just King and remember that He commands justice and good deeds.' King Hasan replied, 'I hear and obey.' After this, the old King lingered for three days before passing into the mercy of Almighty God. They prepared him for burial, wrapping him up and placing him in the ground, and held readings of the Koran for the customary forty days. King Hasan, son of the Wazir, took his place and his subjects celebrated him; his reign was filled with joy. Moreover, his father remained as his chief Wazir on his right, and he appointed another Wazir to sit on his left. His reign was prosperous and well-organized, and he lived a long life as the King of Baghdad. God blessed him, through the old King's daughter, with three sons who inherited the kingdom after him, and they enjoyed the comforts and pleasures of life until the arrival of the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies. And glory be to Him who is eternal and in whose hands are the power of destruction and confirmation. Among the stories they tell is one of...
258. And We will prove you with evil, and with good, for a trial of you; and unto Us shall ye return (Koran xxi. 36). The saying is always in the Moslem’s mouth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.And We will test you with both hardship and ease, as a way to evaluate you; and to Us you will return (Koran xxi. 36). This phrase is often on the lips of Muslims.
259. Arab. “Sunnat,” lit. = a law, especially applied to the habit and practice of the Apostle in religious and semi-religious matters, completing the “Hadis,” or his spoken words. Anything unknown is entitled “Bida’ah” = innovation. Hence the strict Moslem is a model Conservative whose exemplar of life dates from the seventh century. This fact may be casuistically explained away; but is not less an obstacle to all progress and it will be one of the principal dangers threatening Al-Islam. Only fair to say that an “innovation” introduced by a perfect follower of the Prophet is held equal theoretically to a Sunnat; but vulgarly it is said, “The rabble will not take gold which is not coined.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sunnat,” which literally means a law, particularly refers to the habits and practices of the Apostle in religious and semi-religious matters, complementing the “Hadis,” or his spoken words. Anything that is unknown is referred to as “Bida’ah,” meaning innovation. As a result, a strict Muslim is essentially a staunch Conservative whose model of life originates from the seventh century. This fact can be rationalized in various ways, but it remains a significant barrier to all progress and one of the main threats facing Al-Islam. It’s worth noting that an “innovation” introduced by a devoted follower of the Prophet is theoretically considered equal to a Sunnat; however, it's often said, “The crowd won’t accept uncoined gold.”
260. Arab. “Arsh” = the ninth Heaven, the Throne of the Deity, above the Seven Heavens of the planets and the Primum Mobile which, in the Ptolemaic system, sets them all in motion.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Arsh” = the ninth Heaven, the Throne of God, above the Seven Heavens of the planets and the First Mobile which, in the Ptolemaic system, puts them all in motion.
261. This description of a good Moslem’s death is at once concise, pathetic and picturesque.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This depiction of a good Muslim's death is both brief, touching, and vivid.
262. This is the first mention of coffee, apparently introduced by the scribe: the word rendered “coffee-makers” is “Kahwajiyah”; an Arab. plur. of a Turkish termination (-ji) to an Arab. word “Kahwah” (before noticed).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the first mention of coffee, apparently introduced by the writer: the term translated as “coffee-makers” is “Kahwajiyah”; it’s an Arab plural of a Turkish suffix (-ji) added to the Arab word “Kahwah” (mentioned earlier).
263. Picnics are still made to Rauzah (Rodah) island: I have enjoyed many a one, but the ground is all private property.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.People still have picnics on Rauzah (Rodah) island: I've had a lot of fun there, but the land is all private property.
264. Arab. “Hosh,” plur. Híshán, the low courts surrounded by mean lodgings which in “native” Cairo still contrast so strongly with the “gingerbread” of the new buildings.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hosh,” plural “Híshán,” refers to the small courts that are surrounded by simple, shabby accommodations, which in “native” Cairo still sharply contrast with the ornate designs of the new buildings.
265. This is the Moslem equivalent of “thank you.” He looks upon the donor as the channel through which Allah sends him what he wants and prays for more to come. Thus “May your shadow never be less” means, May you increase in prosperity so that I may gain thereby! And if a beggar is disposed to be insolent (a very common case), he will tell you his mind pretty freely on the subject, and make it evident to you that all you have is also his and that La propriété (when not shared) est le vol.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the Muslim equivalent of “thank you.” He sees the donor as the way Allah provides what he needs and prays for even more. So when he says, “May your shadow never be less,” he means, “May you become more prosperous so that I can benefit too!” And if a beggar feels particularly bold (which happens often), he will express himself quite openly on the matter and make it clear that everything you have is also his and that The property (when not shared) is the flight.
266. I have noticed in my Pilgrimage (i. 51–53) the kindly care with which the stranger is treated by Moslems, a marvellous contrast to the ways of “civilization.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I've observed in my Pilgrimage (i. 51–53) the generous way the stranger is treated by Muslims, a remarkable contrast to the ways of "civilization."
267. Arab. “Dimyat,” vulg. pronounced “Dumíyat.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Arab. “Dimyat,” commonly pronounced “Dumíyat.”
268. Where the doorkeepers sit and receive their friends.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Where the doorkeepers hang out and welcome their friends.
269. This is a traveller’s “Kit” in the East.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is a traveler's "Kit" in the East.
270. Arab. “Takht-rawán,” from Persian meaning “moveable throne.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Takht-rawán,” from Persian meaning “portable throne.”
271. The use of the expression proved the speaker to be a Moslem Jinní.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The use of the expression revealed that the speaker was a Muslim Jinn.
272. The “haunted” house proper, known to the vulgar and to spiritualists becomes, I have said, amongst Moslems a place tenanted by Jinns.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The “haunted” house, familiar to the general public and spiritualists, is seen, as I mentioned, by Muslims as a place inhabited by Jinns.
273. Needless to say there never was a Sultan or a King of Baghdad nor a Duke of Athens. This story would seem not to have been written by the author of “the Emir bin Tahir,” etc. Night ccccxxiv.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It's clear that there was never a Sultan or a King of Baghdad or a Duke of Athens. It seems this story wasn't written by the author of "the Emir bin Tahir," etc. Night ccccxxiv.
274. Plur. of Álim = one learned in the law, a D.D. Mohammed did his best to abolish the priest and his craft by making each Moslem paterfamilias a pontifex in his own household and he severely condemned monkery and celibacy. But human nature was too much for him: even before his death ascetic associations began to crop up. Presently the Olema in Al-Islam formed themselves into a kind of clergy; with the single but highly important difference that they must (or ought to) live by some honest secular calling and not by the “cure of souls”; hence Mahomet IV. of Turkey was solemnly deposed. So far and no farther Mohammed was successful and his success has secured for him the lively and lasting hatred of the ecclesiastical caste which he so honestly and wisely attempted to abate. Even to the present day missionaries have a good word for the Guebre and the Buddhist, the Brahmanist and the Confucian, but none for the Moslem: Dr. Livingstone, for one instance of many, evidently preferred the Fetichist, whom he could convert, to the Unitarian Faithful whom he could not.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Plural of Álim = someone knowledgeable in the law, a D.D. Mohammed tried to eliminate the priest and his trade by making each Muslim head of the household a pope in his own home, and he strongly criticized monastic life and celibacy. But human nature proved too strong for him: even before he died, ascetic groups started to emerge. Eventually, the Olema in Al-Islam began to act like a clergy; with the key but significant difference that they must (or should) earn a living through some legitimate secular profession and not by the “care of souls”; thus Mahomet IV. of Turkey was officially removed from power. This was as far as Mohammed's success went, and it earned him the intense and lasting resentment of the religious establishment he tried so sincerely and wisely to reduce. Even today, missionaries have something positive to say about the Guebre and the Buddhist, the Brahmanist and the Confucian, but nothing for the Muslim: Dr. Livingstone, for one example among many, clearly preferred the Fetichist, whom he could convert, to the Unitarian Faithful whom he could not.
275. i.e. they recited seven times (an unusual number), for greater solemnity, the opening Chapter of the Koran which does general duty on such occasions as making covenants and swearing fealty. This proclaiming a King by acclamation suggests the origin of the old and venerable Portuguese institution.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. they repeated seven times (an unusual number) for added solemnity, the opening chapter of the Koran, which is typically used for occasions like making agreements and swearing loyalty. This way of proclaiming a king by acclaim hints at the origins of the ancient and respected Portuguese tradition.
276. By affixing his own seal and that of the King. This in later times was supplanted by the “Tughrá,” the imperial cypher or counter-mark (much like a writing master’s flourish), with which Europe has now been made familiar through the agency of Turkish tobacco.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.By adding his seal and the King’s. Later on, this was replaced by the “Tughrá,” the imperial cipher or counter-mark (similar to a calligrapher’s flourish), which has become well-known in Europe thanks to Turkish tobacco.
277. Arab. “Wird” = the twenty-five last chapters of the Koran which are repeated, one or more at a time, after the end of the “Farz,” or obligatory prayers and ad libitum with the Sunnat or customary, and the Náfilah or supererogatory.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Wird” = the last twenty-five chapters of the Koran that are recited one or more at a time after the “Farz,” or mandatory prayers, and as desired with the Sunnat or customary prayers, and the Náfilah or optional prayers.
A man of the pilgrims once slept a long sleep and awaking, found no trace of the caravan. So he rose up and walked on, but lost his way and presently came to a tent, where he saw an old woman standing at the entrance and by her side a dog asleep. He went up to the tent and, saluting the old woman, sought of her food, when she replied, “Go to yonder Wady and catch thy sufficiency of serpents, that I may broil of them for thee and give thee to eat.” Rejoined the pilgrim, “I dare not catch serpents nor did I ever eat them.” Quoth the old woman, “I will go with thee and catch some; fear not.” So she went with him, followed by the dog, to the valley and, catching a sufficient number of serpents, proceeded to broil them. He saw nothing for it (saith the story teller) but to eat, in fear of hunger and exhaustion; so he ate of the serpents.[278] Then he was athirst and asked for water to drink; and she answered, “Go to the spring and drink.” Accordingly, he went to the spring and found the water thereof bitter; yet needs must he drink of it despite its bitterness, because of the violence of his thirst. Presently he returned to the old woman and said to her, “I marvel, O ancient dame, at thy choosing to 186sojourn in this place”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
A pilgrim once took a long nap and, upon waking, found that his caravan was gone. So he got up and walked on, but lost his way and soon came to a tent, where he saw an old woman standing at the entrance with a sleeping dog beside her. He approached the tent, greeted the old woman, and asked her for food. She replied, “Go to that valley over there and catch some snakes, so I can cook them for you to eat.” The pilgrim replied, “I can’t catch snakes and I’ve never eaten them.” The old woman said, “I’ll go with you to catch some; don’t worry.” So she accompanied him, followed by the dog, to the valley and caught enough snakes to cook. He felt he had no choice (as the storyteller says) but to eat, out of fear of hunger and exhaustion; so he ate the snakes. Then he became thirsty and asked her for water to drink. She responded, “Go to the spring and drink.” He went to the spring and found the water bitter, but he had to drink it despite its bitterness because he was so thirsty. He then returned to the old woman and said to her, “I’m amazed, oh wise lady, at your choice to stay in this place”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped telling her tale.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the palmer-man drank the bitter draught for stress of thirst, he returned and said “I marvel, O ancient dame, at thy choosing to sojourn in this place and thy putting up with such meat and drink!” She asked, “And how is it then in thy country?”; whereto he answered, “In my country are houses wide and spacious and fruits ripe and delicious and waters sweet and viands savorous and of goodly use and meats fat and full of juice and flocks innumerous and all things pleasant and all the goods of life, the like whereof are not, save in the Paradise which Allah the Omnipotent hath promised to His servants pious.” Replied she, “All this have I heard: but tell me, have ye a Sultan who ruleth over you and is tyrannical in his rule and under whose hand you are; one who, if any of you commit an offence, taketh his goods and ruineth him and who, whenas he will, turneth you out of house and home and uprooteth you, stock and branch?” Replied the man, “Indeed that may be;” and she rejoined, “If so, by Allah, these your delicious food and life of dainty-hood and gifts however good, with tyranny and oppression, are but a searching poison, while our coarse meat which in freedom and safety we eat is a healthful medicine. Hast thou not heard that the best of boons, after Al-Islam, the true Faith, are sanity and security?”[279] Now such boons (quoth he who telleth the tale) may be by the just rule of the Sultan, Vice-regent of Allah on His earth, and the goodness of his polity. The Sultan of time past needed but little awfulness, for when the lieges saw him, they feared him; but the Sultan of these days hath need of the most accomplished polity and the utmost majesty, because men are not as men of by-gone time and this our age is one of folk opprobrious, and is greatly calamitous, noted for folly and hardness of heart and inclined to hate and 187enmity. If, therefore, the Sultan (which Almighty Allah forfend!) be weak or wanting in polity and majesty, this will be the assured cause of his country’s ruin. Quoth the proverb, “An hundred years of the Sultan’s tyranny, but not one year of the people’s tyranny one over other.” When the lieges oppress one another, Allah setteth over them a tyrannical Sultan and a terrible King. Thus it is told in history that one day there was sent to Al-Hajjáj bin Yúsuf a slip of paper, whereon was written, “Fear Allah and oppress not His servants with all manner of oppression.” When he read this, he mounted the pulpit (for he was eloquent and ever ready of speech), and said, “O folk, Allah Almighty hath made me ruler over you, by reason of your frowardness;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O noble King, that when the traveler drank the bitter water out of desperation, he returned and exclaimed, ‘I’m amazed, O wise woman, at your choice to live in this place and endure such poor food and drink!’ She asked, ‘And how is it in your country?’ He replied, ‘In my country, there are big, spacious houses, ripe and delicious fruits, sweet waters, tasty dishes, rich meats, countless flocks, and everything pleasant— all the comforts of life that can hardly be found anywhere else, except in the Paradise that Allah the Omnipotent has promised to His devoted servants.’ She responded, ‘I’ve heard all this, but tell me, do you have a Sultan who rules over you with an iron fist, who punishes anyone who commits an offense by seizing their goods and ruining them, and who can evict you from your home whenever he chooses?’ The man said, ‘That could be true.’ She replied, ‘If so, I swear by Allah, all your delicious food and luxurious life, despite their appeal, are just a toxic search for satisfaction, while our rough meals, consumed in freedom and safety, are a healthy remedy. Haven’t you heard that the greatest blessings after Al-Islam, the true Faith, are sanity and security?’ Now such blessings (said the storyteller) may come from the just rule of the Sultan, the Vice-regent of Allah on His earth, and the goodness of his governance. The Sultan of the past required little fear, for when the people saw him, they were afraid. But the Sultan of today needs the highest level of governance and majesty because people are not as they once were, and this age is filled with dishonorable individuals, full of calamity, characterized by foolishness and hardness of heart, and inclined toward hate and conflict. Therefore, if the Sultan (which Allah forbid!) is weak or lacking in governance and majesty, this will surely lead to his country’s destruction. There’s a saying: ‘A hundred years of a Sultan’s tyranny, but not one year of the people’s tyranny toward one another.’ When people oppress each other, Allah places over them a tyrannical Sultan and a dreadful King. It’s said in history that one day, Al-Hajjáj bin Yúsuf received a note that said, ‘Fear Allah and do not oppress His servants in any way.’ When he read this, he stepped up to the pulpit (for he was eloquent and always quick with words) and said, ‘O people, Allah Almighty has made me your ruler because of your wrongdoing.’” And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hajjaj Yusuf-son read the paper he mounted the pulpit and said, “O folk, Allah Almighty hath made me ruler over you by reason of your frowardness; and indeed, though I die yet will ye not be delivered from oppression, with these your ill deeds; for the Almighty hath created like unto me many an one. If it be not I, ‘twill be one more mischievous than I and a mightier in oppression and a more merciless in his majesty; even as saith the poet:[280]—
She said, "It has come to my attention, O gracious King, that when Hajjaj Yusuf-son read the message, he went up on the pulpit and said, 'People, Allah Almighty has made me your ruler because of your rebelliousness; and truly, even if I die, you will still not escape oppression because of your wrongdoings; for the Almighty has created many like me. If it’s not me, it will be someone even more wicked than I am, one who is much stronger in oppression and more ruthless in his power; just as the poet says:[280]—"
Tyranny is feared: but justice is the best of all things. We beg Allah to better our case!” And among tales is that of
Tyranny is feared, but justice is the greatest of all things. We ask Allah to improve our situation!” And among the stories is that of
278. The sensible creed of Al-Islam freely allows anthropophagy when it saves life; a contrast to the sentimentalism of the West which brings a “charge of cannibalism” against unfortunate expeditionists. I particularly allude to the scandalous pulings of the English Press over the gallant and unfortunate Greely voyage (The Academy, Sept. 25, 1884).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The practical belief of Islam allows cannibalism when it’s necessary for survival; this is different from the overly sentimental views in the West, which brand unfortunate explorers as “cannibals.” I’m specifically referring to the outrageous complaints from the English Press regarding the brave but doomed Greely expedition (The Academy, Sept. 25, 1884).
279. The story is mere Æsopic: the “Two dogs” contains it all. One of Mohammed’s sensible sayings is recorded and deserves repetition:—“Empire endureth with infidelity (idolatry, etc.), but not with tyranny.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The story is just like an Aesop's fable: the “Two dogs” has everything. One of Mohammed’s wise sayings is noted and deserves to be repeated:—“An empire can last with infidelity (idolatry, etc.), but not with tyranny.”
There was once in Baghdad a man of consequence and rich in monies and immoveables, who was one of the chiefs of the merchants; and Allah had largely endowed him with worldly goods, but had not vouchsafed him what he longed for of offspring; and there passed over him a long space of time, without his being blessed with issue, male or female. His years waxed great; his bones became wasted and his back bent; weakness and weariness grew upon him, and he feared the loss of his wealth and possessions, seeing he had no child whom he might make his heir and by whom his name should be remembered. So he betook himself with supplication to Almighty Allah, fasting by day and praying through the night. Moreover, he vowed many vows to the Living, the Eternal; and visited the pious and was constant in supplication to the Most Highest, till He gave ear to him and accepted his prayer and took pity on his straining and complaining; so that, before many days were past, he knew carnally one of his women and she conceived by him the same night. In due time she finished her months and, casting her burden, bore a male child as he were a slice of the moon; whereupon the merchant fulfilled his vows in his gratitude to Allah, (to whom be honour and glory!) and gave alms and clothed the widow and the orphan. On the seventh night after the boy’s birth, he named him Abu al-Husn,[282] and the wet-nurses suckled him and the dry-nurses dandled him and the servants and the slaves carried him and handled him, till he shot up and grew tall and throve greatly and learnt the Sublime Koran and the ordinances of Al-Islam and the canons of the True Faith; and calligraphy and poetry and mathematics and archery. On this wise he became the union-pearl of his age and the goodliest of the folk of his time and his day; fair of face and of tongue fluent, carrying himself with 189a light and graceful gait and glorying in his stature proportionate and amorous graces which were to many a bait: and his cheeks were red and flower-white was his forehead and his side face waxed brown with tender down, even as saith one, describing him:—
There was once a prominent and wealthy man in Baghdad, one of the leading merchants. Allah had blessed him with material riches, but he had not granted him the children he desired. A long time passed without him having any offspring, male or female. As he grew older, his body weakened, his bones became frail, and his back hunched. He felt increasingly anxious about losing his wealth since he had no child to inherit it or carry on his name. So, he turned to Almighty Allah with prayers, fasting during the day and praying at night. He made many vows to the Living, the Eternal; visited the devout, and persistently asked the Most High for help until He listened to him and accepted his prayer, showing compassion for his struggles. Before long, he was intimate with one of his wives, and that very night she conceived. When the time came, she gave birth to a son, who was as beautiful as the moon. In gratitude to Allah (honor and glory be to Him!), the merchant fulfilled his vows, giving to charity and supporting widows and orphans. On the seventh night after the boy’s birth, he named him Abu al-Husn,[282]. The wet-nurses cared for him, the dry-nurses played with him, and the servants and slaves looked after him until he grew tall and thrived. He learned the Sublime Koran, the practices of Al-Islam, the tenets of the True Faith, as well as calligraphy, poetry, mathematics, and archery. Thus, he became the most exceptional person of his time, handsome and articulate, moving gracefully and taking pride in his well-proportioned figure and charming qualities that attracted many. His cheeks were rosy, his forehead was as white as a flower, and his tanned complexion bore a soft down, just as someone described him:—
He abode awhile in ease and happiness with his father, who rejoiced and delighted in him, till he came to man’s estate, when the merchant one day made him sit down before him and said, “O my son, the appointed term draweth near; my hour of death is at hand and it remaineth but to meet Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!). I leave thee what shall suffice thee, even to thy son’s son, of monies and mansions, farms and gardens; wherefore, fear thou Almighty Allah, O my son, in dealing with that which I bequeath to thee and follow none but those who will help thee to the Divine favour.” Not long after, he sickened and died; so his son ordered his funeral,[283] after the goodliest wise, and burying him, returned to his house and sat mourning for him many days and nights. But behold, certain of his friends came in to him and said to him, “Whoso leaveth a son like thee is not dead; indeed, what is past is past and fled and mourning beseemeth none but the young maid and the wife cloistered.” And they ceased not from him till they wrought on him to enter the Hammam and break off his mourning.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
He lived comfortably and happily with his father, who took great joy in him, until he grew up. One day, the merchant called him over and said, “My son, the time I have left is short; my death is near and I am about to meet Allah (to whom all Majesty and Might belong!). I leave you enough to take care of you and your future generations—money, homes, farms, and gardens. So, my son, fear Almighty Allah in handling what I leave you, and only follow those who will lead you toward His favor.” Soon after, he fell ill and passed away; his son organized a grand funeral, and after burying him, he returned home and mourned for many days and nights. Eventually, some friends came to him and said, “Anyone who leaves a son like you is not truly gone; what’s done is done, and mourning is only fitting for young women and secluded wives.” They encouraged him until he agreed to visit the bathhouse and stop mourning.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and ended her tale for the moment.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Abu al-Husn was visited by his friends and taken to the Hammam 190and persuaded to break off his mourning, he presently forgot his father’s charge, and his head was turned by his riches; he thought fortune would always wone with him as it was, and that wealth would ever wax and never wane. So he ate and drank and made merry and took his pleasure and gave gifts of gear and coin and was profuse with gold and addrest himself up to eating fowls and breaking the seals of wine-flasks and listening to the giggle of the daughter of the vine, as she gurgled from the flagon and enjoying the jingle of the singing-girls; nor did he give over this way of life, till his wealth was wasted and the case worsened and all his goods went from him and he bit his hands[284] in bitter penitence. For of a truth he had nothing left, after that which he had squandered, but a concubine, a slave-girl whom his father had bequeathed to him with the rest of his estate: and she had no equal in beauty and loveliness and brightness and liveliness and symmetric stature and perfect grace. She was past mistress in every manner of arts and accomplishments and endowed with many excellences, surpassing all the folk of her age and time. She was grown more notorious than a way-mark,[285] for her seductive genius, and outdid the fair both in theory and practice, and she was noted for her swimming gait, flexile and delicate, albeit she was full five feet in height and by all the boons of fortune deckt and dight, with strait arched brows twain, as they were the crescent moon of Sha’abán,[286] and eyes like gazelles’ eyne; and nose like the edge of scymitar fine and cheeks like anemones of blood-red shine; and mouth like Solomon’s seal and sign and teeth like necklaces of pearls in line; and navel holding an ounce of oil of benzoin and waist more slender than his body whom love hath wasted and whom concealment hath made sick with pine and hind parts heavier than two hills of sand; briefly she was a volume of charms after his saying who saith:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when Abu al-Husn was visited by his friends and taken to the bathhouse and encouraged to stop mourning, he quickly forgot his father's warning, and his wealth made him careless. He believed luck would always be in his favor and that his riches would never decrease. So he indulged in food and drinks, enjoyed himself, gave away gifts of money and possessions, and was lavish with gold. He settled into a life of feasting on poultry, breaking open wine-flasks, and delighting in the laughter of the wine's daughter as she poured from the jug while enjoying the melodies of the singers; he continued this lifestyle until his wealth was gone, his situation worsened, and everything he owned slipped away, leaving him in bitter regret. Because, truthfully, after all he had wasted, all that remained was a concubine, a slave-girl his father had left him with the rest of his fortune. She had no equal in beauty, grace, brightness, liveliness, perfect figure, and charm. She excelled in every skill and accomplishment, surpassing everyone of her time. She was more famous than a landmark for her alluring charm, and she outshone beauties both in looks and talents. Notable for her smooth gait, flexible and graceful, she stood five feet tall and was blessed by all of fortune's gifts, with perfectly arched brows like the crescent moon of Sha’abán, eyes resembling gazelles', a nose like the edge of a finely crafted sword, cheeks like bright red anemones, a mouth like a seal of Solomon, and teeth arranged like a string of pearls; her navel held an ounce of benzoin oil, and her waist was slimmer than the body of someone love has tormented, with hips broader than two hills of sand. In summary, she was a collection of charms according to his saying who says:"
She seemed a full moon rising and a gazelle browsing, a girl of nine plus five[288] shaming the moon and sun, even as saith of her the sayer eloquent and ingenious:—
She seemed like a full moon rising and a gazelle grazing, a girl of fourteen[288] putting the moon and sun to shame, just as the eloquent and clever speaker describes her:—
Clean of skin, odoriferous of breath, it seemed as if she were of fire fashioned and of crystal moulded; rose-red was the cheek of her and perfect the shape and form of her; even as one saith of her, describing her:—
Clean skin and fresh breath, she seemed like she was made of fire and molded from crystal; her cheek was rose-red, and her shape and form were perfect; just as one describes her:—
She captivated all who saw her, with the excellence of her beauty 192and the sweetness of her smile,[293] and shot them down with the shafts she launched from her eyes; and withal she was eloquent of speech and excellently skilled in verse. Now when Abu al-Husn had squandered all his gold, and his ill-plight all could behold, and there remained to him naught save this slave-girl, he abode three days without tasting meat or taking rest in sleep, and the handmaid said to him, “O my lord, carry me to the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She captivated everyone who saw her with her stunning beauty and the warmth of her smile, and struck them down with the glances she shot from her eyes. On top of that, she was articulate and highly skilled in poetry. When Abu al-Husn had spent all his gold, and everyone could see his misfortune, he was left with nothing but this slave-girl. He went three days without eating meat or getting any sleep, and the handmaid said to him, “Oh my lord, take me to the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid,”——And Shahrazad realized it was dawn and stopped her story at the allowed moment.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth the slave-girl to her master, “O my lord, carry me to Harun al-Rashid, fifth of the sons of Abbas, and seek of him to my price ten thousand dinars. If he deem me dear, say to him:—O Prince of True Believers, my handmaid is worth more than this: do but prove her, and her value will be magnified in thine eyes; for this slave-girl hath not her equal, and she were unfit to any but thou.” And she added, “Beware, O my lord, of selling me at less than the sum I have named; indeed ‘tis but little for the like of me.” Now her owner knew not her worth nor that she had no equal in her day; but he carried her to the Caliph and set her in the presence and repeated what she had bidden him say. The Caliph asked her, “What is thy name?”; to which she answered, “My name is Tawaddud.”[294] He then enquired, “O Tawaddud, in what branches of knowledge dost thou excel?”; and she replied, “O my lord, I am versed in syntax and poetry and jurisprudence and exegesis and philosophy; and I am skilled in music and the knowledge of the Divine ordinances and in arithmetic and geodesy and geometry and the fables of the ancients. I know the Sublime Koran by heart and have read it according to the seven, the ten and the fourteen modes. I know the number of 193its chapters and versets and sections and words; and its halves and fourths and eighths and tenths; the number of prostrations which occur in it and the sum total of its letters; and I know what there is in it of abrogating and abrogated[295]; also what parts of it were revealed at Al-Medinah and what at Meccah and the cause of the different revelations. I know the Holy Traditions of the Apostle’s sayings, historical and legendary, the established and those whose ascription is doubtful; and I have studied the exact sciences, geometry and philosophy and medicine and logic and rhetoric and composition; and I have learnt many things by rote and am passionately fond of poetry. I can play the lute and know its gamut and notes and notation and the crescendo and diminuendo. If I sing and dance, I seduce, and if I dress and scent myself, I slay. In fine, I have reached a pitch of perfection such as can be estimated only by those of them who are firmly rooted in knowledge.”[296] Now when the Caliph heard these words spoken by one so young, he wondered at her eloquence, and turning to Abu al-Husn, said, “I will summon those who shall discuss with her all she claimeth to know; if she answer correctly, I will give thee the price thou askest for her and more; and if not, thou art fitter to have her than I.” “With gladness and goodly gree, O Commander of the Faithful,” replied Abu al-Husn. So the Caliph wrote to the Viceroy of Bassorah, to send him Ibrahim bin Siyyár the prosodist, who was the first man of his day in argument and eloquence and poetry and logic, and bade him bring with him readers of the Koran and learned doctors of the law and physicians and astrologers and scientists and mathematicians and philosophers; and Ibrahim was more learned than all. In a little while they arrived at the palace of the Caliphate, knowing not what was to do, and the Caliph sent for them to his sitting-chamber and ordered them to be seated. So they sat down and he bade bring the damsel Tawaddud, who came and unveiling, showed herself, as she were a sparkling star.[297] The Caliph set her a stool of gold; and she 194saluted, and speaking with an eloquent tongue, said, “O Commander of the Faithful, bid the Olema and the doctors of law and leaches and astrologers and scientists and mathematicians and all here present contend with me in argument.” So he said to them, “I desire of you that ye dispute with this damsel on the things of her faith, and stultify her argument in all she advanceth;” and they answered, saying, “We hear and we obey Allah and thee, O Commander of the Faithful.” Upon this Tawaddud bowed her head and said, “Which of you is the doctor of the law, the scholar, versed in the readings of the Koran and in the Traditions?” Quoth one of them, “I am the man thou seekest.” Quoth she, “Then ask me of what thou wilt.” Said the doctor, “Hast thou read the precious book of Allah and dost thou know its cancelling and cancelled parts and hast thou meditated its versets and its letters?” “Yes,” answered she. “Then,” said he, “I will proceed to question thee of the obligations and the immutable ordinances: so tell me of these, O damsel, and who is thy Lord, who thy prophet, who thy Guide, what is thy point of fronting in prayer, and who be thy brethren? Also what thy spiritual path and what thy highway?” Whereto she replied, “Allah is my Lord, and Mohammed (whom Allah save and assain!) my prophet, and the Koran is my guide and the Ka’abah my fronting; and the True-believers are my brethren. The practice of good is my path and the Sunnah my highway.” The Caliph again marvelled at her words so eloquently spoken by one so young; and the doctor pursued, “O damsel, with what do we know Almighty Allah?” Said she, “With the understanding.” Said he, “And what is the understanding?” Quoth she, “It is of two kinds, natural and acquired.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that the slave-girl told her master, 'O my lord, take me to Harun al-Rashid, the fifth of the Abbasid sons, and ask him to value me at ten thousand dinars. If he finds me worth more, tell him:—O Prince of True Believers, my handmaid is worth even more than this: just test her, and her value will become clear to you; for this slave-girl has no equal and is only suited for you.' And she added, 'Be careful, my lord, not to sell me for less than the amount I mentioned; it truly is a small price for someone like me.' Now her owner did not realize her worth or that she had no equal in her time; but he took her to the Caliph, placed her before him, and repeated what she had instructed him to say. The Caliph asked her, 'What is your name?' She replied, 'My name is Tawaddud.' He then inquired, 'O Tawaddud, in what areas of knowledge are you proficient?' She answered, 'O my lord, I excel in grammar, poetry, jurisprudence, interpretation, and philosophy; I am skilled in music, divine ordinances, arithmetic, geodesy, geometry, and the fables of old. I know the Holy Quran by heart, having read it in the seven, ten, and fourteen variations. I know the number of its chapters, verses, sections, and words; its halves, quarters, eighths, and tenths; the number of prostrations in it and the total count of its letters; and I understand what is abrogating and abrogated. I am also aware of what parts were revealed in Al-Medinah and what in Meccah, and the reasons for the different revelations. I know the Holy Traditions of the Apostle’s sayings, both established and questionable; and I have studied the exact sciences, including geometry, philosophy, medicine, logic, rhetoric, and composition. I have memorized many things and have a strong passion for poetry. I can play the lute, and I know its scales, notes, and notation, as well as dynamics. If I sing and dance, I captivate; if I dress and perfume myself, I enchant. In short, I have achieved a level of excellence that can only be appreciated by those deeply knowledgeable.' When the Caliph heard these words from someone so young, he was amazed by her eloquence and turned to Abu al-Husn, saying, 'I will summon those who can discuss with her everything she claims to know; if she answers correctly, I will give you the price you asked for her and more; if not, you are better suited to have her than I.' 'With joy and goodwill, O Commander of the Faithful,' replied Abu al-Husn. So the Caliph wrote to the Viceroy of Bassorah to send him Ibrahim bin Siyyár, the leading expert in argument, eloquence, poetry, and logic of his time, and instructed him to bring along Quran readers, learned law doctors, physicians, astrologers, scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers; and Ibrahim was the most knowledgeable of them all. They soon arrived at the Caliph's palace, unaware of what was expected of them. The Caliph summoned them to his audience chamber and instructed them to be seated. They sat down, and he called for the girl Tawaddud, who entered, unveiling herself like a shining star. The Caliph provided her with a golden stool; she greeted him and, speaking eloquently, said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, let the scholars, law doctors, healers, astrologers, scientists, mathematicians, and all present debate with me.' He told them, 'I want you to challenge this girl on her knowledge and refute her arguments in all she claims.' They responded, 'We hear and obey Allah and you, O Commander of the Faithful.' Tawaddud then bowed her head and asked, 'Which of you is the law scholar, knowledgeable in the readings of the Quran and in the Traditions?' One of them replied, 'I am the person you seek.' She responded, 'Then ask me what you will.' The scholar said, 'Have you read the precious book of Allah, and do you know its abrogated and abrogating parts? Have you reflected on its verses and letters?' 'Yes,' she answered. 'Then,' he continued, 'I'll ask you about obligations and immutable ordinances: tell me, O girl, who is your Lord, who is your prophet, who guides you, where do you face in prayer, and who are your brethren? What is your spiritual path, and what is your way?' She answered, 'Allah is my Lord, and Mohammed (may Allah protect and save him) is my prophet, the Quran is my guide, and the Ka’aj is my direction; the true believers are my brethren. Doing good is my path, and the Sunnah is my way.' The Caliph was once again astonished by her eloquent words coming from someone so young, and the scholar continued, 'O girl, how do we come to know Almighty Allah?' She replied, 'Through understanding.' He asked, 'And what is understanding?' She said, 'It is of two kinds: natural and acquired.'——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the damsel continued, “The understanding is of two kinds, natural and acquired. The natural is that which Allah (to whom be honour and glory!) created for the right direction of His servants after His will; and the acquired is that which men accomplish by dint of study and fair knowledge.” He rejoined, “Thou hast answered well. (¿) Where is the seat of the understanding?”—Allah 195casteth it in the heart whence its lustrous beams ascend to the brain and there become fixed. (¿) “How knowest thou the Prophet of Allah?”—By the reading of Allah’s Holy Book and by signs and proofs and portents and miracles! (¿) “What are the obligations and the immutable ordinances?”—The obligations are five, (1) Testification that there is no iláh[298] but Allah, no god but the God alone and One, which for partner hath none, and that Mohammed is His servant and His apostle. (2) The standing in prayers.[299] (3) The payment of the poor-rate. (4) Fasting Ramazan. (5) The Pilgrimage to Allah’s Holy House for all to whom the journey is possible. The immutable ordinances are four; to wit, night and day and sun and moon, the which build up life and hope; nor any son of Adam wotteth if they will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment. (¿) “What are the obligatory observances of the Faith?”—They are five, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage, fighting for the Faith and abstinence from the forbidden. (¿) “Why dost thou stand up to pray?”—To express the devout intent of the slave acknowledging the Deity. (¿) “What are the obligatory conditions which precede standing in prayer?”—Purification, covering the shame, avoidance of soiled clothes, standing on a clean place, fronting the Ka’abah, an upright posture, the intent[300] and the pronouncing “Allaho Akbar” of prohibition.[301] (¿) “With what shouldest thou go forth from thy house to pray?”—With the intent of worship mentally pronounced. (¿) “With what intent shouldest thou enter the mosque?”—With an intent of service. (¿) “Why do we front the Kiblah[302]?”—In obedience to three Divine orders and one 196Traditional ordinance. (¿) “What are the beginning, the consecration and the end of prayer?”—Purification beginneth prayer, saying the Allaho Akbar of prohibition consecrateth, and the salutation endeth prayer. (¿) “What deserveth he who neglecteth prayer?”—It is reported, among the authentic Traditions of the Prophet, that he said, “Whoso neglecteth prayer wilfully and purposely hath no part in Al-Islam.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that the woman continued, 'Understanding comes in two forms: natural and acquired. The natural understanding is what Allah (honor and glory be to Him!) created for guiding His servants according to His will, while the acquired understanding is what people achieve through study and knowledge.'" He replied, "You have answered well. Where does understanding reside?"—"Allah casts it in the heart, from where its bright rays rise to the brain and become fixed there." "How do you know the Prophet of Allah?"—"By reading Allah's Holy Book and through signs, proofs, portents, and miracles!" "What are the obligations and the unchangeable ordinances?"—"The obligations are five: (1) Testifying that there is no god but Allah, the One with no partners, and that Mohammed is His servant and messenger. (2) Standing in prayer. (3) Paying the poor-rate. (4) Fasting during Ramadan. (5) The pilgrimage to Allah's Holy House for everyone able to make the journey. The unchangeable ordinances are four: night and day, sun and moon, which are essential for life and hope; no one knows if they will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment." "What are the obligatory practices of the Faith?"—"They are five: prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage, fighting for the Faith, and avoiding what is forbidden." "Why do you stand to pray?"—"To express the devoted intention of a servant acknowledging the Deity." "What are the necessary conditions before standing in prayer?"—"Purification, covering the body appropriately, avoiding dirty clothes, standing on clean ground, facing the Ka'bah, having an upright posture, intention, and saying 'Allahu Akbar' to indicate the start." "What should you do before leaving your house to pray?"—"Go with the intent of worship mentally prepared." "What should your intention be when entering the mosque?"—"To serve." "Why do we face the Kiblah?"—"In obedience to three divine commands and one traditional practice." "What are the beginning, consecration, and end of prayer?"—"Purification begins the prayer, saying 'Allahu Akbar' consecrates it, and the salutation ends the prayer." "What happens to someone who neglects prayer?"—"It is reported in the authentic Traditions of the Prophet that he said, 'Whoever neglects prayer willfully and intentionally has no part in Islam.'”—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her permitted narration.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that after the damsel had repeated the words of that Holy Tradition the doctor cried, “Thou hast replied aright: now say me, what is prayer?”—Prayer is communion between the slave and his lord, and in it are ten virtues; (1) it illumineth the heart; (2) it maketh the face shine; (3) it pleaseth the Compassionate One; (4) it angereth Satan; (5) it conjureth calamity; (6) it wardeth off the mischief of enemies; (7) it multiplieth mercy; (8) it forfendeth vengeance and punishment; (9) it bringeth the slave nigh unto his lord; and (10) it restraineth from lewdness and frowardness. Hence it is one of the absolute requisites and obligatory ordinances and the pillar of the Faith. (¿) “What is the key of prayer?”—Wuzú or the lesser ablution. (¿) “What is the key to the lesser ablution?”—Intention and naming the Almighty. (¿) “What is the key of naming the Almighty?”—Assured faith. (¿) “What is the key of faith?”—Trust in the Lord. (¿) “What is the key of trust in the Lord?”—Hope. (¿) “What is the key of hope?”—Obedience. (¿) “What is the key of obedience?”—The confession of the Unity and the acknowledgment of the divinity of Allah. (¿) “What are the Divine ordinances of Wuzu, the minor ablution?”[303]—They are six, according to the canon of the Imam al-Sháfi’í Mohammed bin Idris (of whom Allah accept!); (1) intent while washing the face; (2) washing the face; (3) washing the hands and fore-arms; (4) wiping part of the head; (5) washing the feet and heels; and 197(6) observing due order.[304] And the traditional statutes are ten, (1) nomination; (2) and washing the hands before putting them into the water-pot; (3) and mouth-rinsing; (4) and snuffing;[305] (5) and wiping the whole head; (6) and wetting the ears within and without with fresh water; (7) and separating a thick beard; (8) and separating the fingers and toes;[306] (9) and washing the right foot before the left and (10) doing each of these thrice and all in unbroken order. When the minor ablution is ended, the worshipper should say, I testify that there is no god but the God, the One, which for partner hath none, and I testify that Mohammed is His servant and His apostle. O my Allah, make me of those who repent and in purity are permanent! Glory to Thee, O my God, and in Thy praise I bear witness, that there is no god save Thou! I crave pardon of Thee and I repent to Thee! For it is reported, in the Holy Traditions, that the Prophet (whom Allah bless and preserve!) said of this prayer:—Whoso endeth every ablution with this prayer, the eight gates of Paradise are open to him; he shall enter at which he pleaseth. (¿) “When a man purposeth ablution, what betideth him from the angels and the devils?”—When a man prepareth for ablution, the angels come and stand on his right and the devils on his left hand.[307] If he name Almighty Allah at the beginning of the ablution, the devils flee from him and the angels hover over him with a pavilion of light, having four ropes, to each 198an angel glorifying Allah and craving pardon for him, so long as he remaineth silent or calleth upon the name of Allah. But if he omit to begin washing with naming Allah (to whom belong might and majesty!), neither remain silent, the devils take command of him; and the angels depart from him and Satan whispereth evil thoughts unto him, till he fall into doubt and come short in his ablution. For (quoth he on whom be blessing and peace!):—A perfect ablution driveth away Satan and assureth against the tyranny of the Sultan; and again quoth he:—If calamity befal one who is not pure by ablution; verily and assuredly let him blame none but himself. (¿) “What should a man do when he awaketh from sleep?”—He should wash his hands thrice, before putting them into the water vessel. (¿) “What are the Koranic and traditional orders anent Ghusl, the complete ablution[308]?”—The divine ordinances are intent and ‘crowning’[309] the whole body with water, that is, the liquid shall come at every part of the hair and skin. Now the traditional ordinances are the minor ablution as preliminary; rubbing the body; separating the hair and deferring in words[310] the washing of the feet till the end of the ablution.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that after the young woman repeated the words of that Holy Tradition, the doctor exclaimed, 'You answered correctly: now tell me, what is prayer?'—Prayer is a connection between the servant and their Lord, and it has ten benefits; (1) it lights up the heart; (2) it brightens the face; (3) it pleases the Compassionate One; (4) it angers Satan; (5) it turns away disasters; (6) it protects against the harm of enemies; (7) it increases mercy; (8) it protects from revenge and punishment; (9) it brings the servant closer to their Lord; and (10) it keeps one away from immorality and wrongdoing. Therefore, it is one of the fundamental necessities and obligatory acts, and the pillar of the Faith. (¿) 'What is the key to prayer?'—Wudu or the minor ablution. (¿) 'What is the key to the minor ablution?'—Intention and mentioning the Almighty. (¿) 'What is the key to mentioning the Almighty?'—Certainty of faith. (¿) 'What is the key to faith?'—Trust in the Lord. (¿) 'What is the key to trust in the Lord?'—Hope. (¿) 'What is the key to hope?'—Obedience. (¿) 'What is the key to obedience?'—The affirmation of Unity and acknowledgment of the divinity of Allah. (¿) 'What are the Divine rules of Wudu, the minor ablution?'[303]—There are six, according to the teachings of Imam al-Sháfi’í Mohammed bin Idris (may Allah accept him); (1) intention while washing the face; (2) washing the face; (3) washing the hands and forearms; (4) wiping part of the head; (5) washing the feet and heels; and (6) maintaining the correct order.[304] And the traditional practices are ten, (1) making a declaration; (2) washing the hands before putting them into the water container; (3) rinsing the mouth; (4) sniffing water; [305] (5) wiping the entire head; (6) wetting the ears inside and out with fresh water; (7) separating a thick beard; (8) spreading the fingers and toes;[306] (9) washing the right foot before the left; and (10) performing each of these three times and all in proper order. When the minor ablution is complete, the worshipper should say, 'I bear witness that there is no god but The God, the One, who has no partner, and I bear witness that Mohammed is His servant and His messenger. O my Allah, make me among those who repent and remain in purity!' Glory to You, O my God, and I testify in Your praise that there is no god except You! I seek Your forgiveness and I turn to You in repentance! Because it is reported in the Holy Traditions that the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him!) said of this prayer:—Whoever concludes every ablution with this prayer, the eight gates of Paradise will be opened to them; they can enter through whichever gate they wish. (¿) 'When a man intends to perform ablution, what happens to him from the angels and the devils?'—As a man prepares for ablution, angels come and stand on his right, while devils stand on his left side.[307] If he mentions Almighty Allah at the beginning of the ablution, the devils flee from him and the angels surround him with a canopy of light, holding four ropes, with each angel glorifying Allah and seeking forgiveness for him, as long as he remains silent or calls upon the name of Allah. But if he neglects to begin washing by mentioning Allah (to whom belongs might and majesty!) and does not remain silent, the devils take charge of him; the angels depart from him and Satan whispers evil thoughts to him, causing him to doubt and fall short in his ablution. For (he upon whom be blessings and peace!):—A complete ablution drives away Satan and provides protection against the tyranny of those in power; he also said:—If calamity befalls someone who is not pure through ablution; they should blame no one but themselves. (¿) 'What should a man do when he wakes up from sleep?'—He should wash his hands three times before putting them into the water container. (¿) 'What are the Qur'anic and traditional commands regarding Ghusl, the full ablution[308]?'—The divine requirements are to have the intention and to entirely wash the body with water, so that it reaches every part of the hair and skin. The traditional rules are to do the minor ablution first; rub the body; separate the hair and wait to wash the feet until the end of the ablution.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her permitted account.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had recounted to the doctor what were the divine and traditional orders anent Ghusl or total ablution, quoth he, “Thou hast replied aright: now tell me what are the occasions for Tayammum, or making the ablution with sand and dust; and what are the ordinances thereof, divine and human?”—The reasons are seven, viz., want of water; fear lest water lack; need thereto; going astray on a march; sickness; having broken bones in splints and having 199open wounds.[311] As for its ordinances, the divine number four, viz., intent, dust, clapping it to the face and clapping it upon the hands; and the human number two, nomination and preferring the right before the left hand. (¿) “What are the conditions, the pillars or essentials, and the traditional statutes of prayer?”—The conditions are five, (1) purification of the members; (2) covering of the privy parts; (3) observing the proper hours, either of certainty or to the best of one’s belief; (4) fronting the Kiblah; and (5) standing on a clean place. The pillars or essentials number twelve, (1) intent; (2) the Takbír or magnification of prohibition; (3) standing when able to stand[312]; (4) repeating the Fatihah or opening chapter of the Koran and saying, In the name of Allah, the Compassionating the Compassionate! with a verse thereof according to the canon of the Imam Al-Shafi’i; (5) bowing the body and keeping it bowed; (6) returning to the upright posture and so remaining for the time requisite; (7) prostration and permanence therein; (8) sitting between two prostrations and permanence therein; (9) repeating the latter profession of the Faith and sitting up therefor; (10) invoking benediction on the Prophet (whom Allah bless and preserve!); (11) the first Salutation,[313] and (12) the intent of making an end of prayer expressed in words. But the traditional statutes are the call to prayer; the standing posture; raising the hands (to either side of the face) whilst pronouncing the prohibition; uttering the magnification before reciting the Fatihah; seeking refuge with Allah[314]; saying, ‘Amen’; repeating the chapter of the Koran after the Fatihah, repeating the magnifications during change of posture; saying, May Allah hear him who praiseth Him! and O our Lord, to Thee be the praise!; praying aloud in the proper place[315] and praying under the breath prayers so prescribed; the first profession of unity and sitting up thereto; blessing the Prophet therein; blessing his family in 200the latter profession and the second Salutation. (¿) “On what is the Zakát or obligatory poor-rate taxable?”—On gold and silver and camels and oxen and sheep and wheat and barley and holcus and millet and beans and vetches and rice and raisins and dates. (¿) “What is the Zakát or poor-rate on gold?”—Below twenty miskals or dinars, nothing; but on that amount half a dinar for every score and so on proportionally.[316] (¿) “On silver?”—Under two hundred dirhams nothing, then five dirhams on every two hundred and so forth. (¿) “On camels?”—For every five, an ewe, or for every twenty-five a pregnant camel. (¿) “On sheep?”—An ewe for every forty head. (¿) “What are the ordinances of the Ramazan Fast?”—The Koranic are intent; abstinence from eating, drinking and carnal copulation, and the stoppage of vomiting. It is incumbent on all who submit to the Law, save women in their courses and forty days after childbirth; and it becomes obligatory on sight of the new moon or on news of its appearance, brought by a trustworthy person and commending itself as truth to the hearer’s heart; and among its requisites is that the intent be pronounced at nightfall. The traditional ordinances of fasting are, hastening to break the fast at sundown; deferring the fore dawn meal,[317] and abstaining from speech, save for good works and for calling on the name of Allah and reciting the Koran. (¿) “What things vitiate not the fast?”—The use of unguents and eye-powders and the dust of the road and the undesigned swallowing of saliva and the emission of seed in nocturnal pollution or at the sight of a strange woman and blooding and cupping; none of these things vitiates the fast. (¿) “What are the prayers of the two great annual Festivals?”—Two one-bow prayers, which be a traditional ordinance, without call to prayer or standing up to pronounce the call;[318] but let the Moslem say, Prayer is a collector of all folk![319] and pronounce ‘Allaho Akbar’ seven times 201in the first prayer, besides the Takbir of prohibition; and, in the second, five times, besides the magnification of rising up (according to the doctrine of the Imam Al-Shafi’i, on whom Allah have mercy!) and make the profession of the Faith.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O gracious King, that when the young woman explained to the doctor what the religious and traditional rules are regarding Ghusl or complete ablution, he replied, 'You’ve answered correctly; now tell me what the situations are for Tayammum, or using sand and dust for ablution, and what its rules are, both religious and human?'—There are seven reasons: lack of water; concern that water might be unavailable; the need for it; getting lost on a journey; illness; having broken bones in splints; and having open wounds. As for its rules, there are four religious ones: intention, dust, applying it to the face, and applying it to the hands; and two human ones: naming and prioritizing the right hand over the left. (¿) 'What are the conditions, essential elements, and traditional statutes of prayer?'—The conditions are five: (1) purification of the body parts; (2) covering private areas; (3) observing the proper times, either with certainty or to the best of one’s belief; (4) facing the Qiblah; and (5) standing on a clean spot. The essential elements total twelve: (1) intention; (2) the Takbír or statement of prohibition; (3) standing whenever possible; (4) reciting the Fatihah or the opening chapter of the Quran and saying, 'In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful!' along with a verse from it according to Imam Al-Shafi’i’s method; (5) bowing and remaining bowed; (6) returning to an upright position and staying that way for the required time; (7) prostration and staying in that position; (8) sitting between the two prostrations and remaining there; (9) repeating the final testimony of faith and sitting up for it; (10) invoking blessings on the Prophet (may Allah bless and protect him!); (11) the first Salutation; (12) expressing the intent to end the prayer verbally. The traditional statutes include the call to prayer; standing up; raising hands (on either side of the face) during the prohibition declaration; saying the Takbír before reciting the Fatihah; seeking refuge with Allah; saying 'Amen'; repeating a chapter of the Quran after the Fatihah; saying the Takbír during body changes; saying, 'May Allah hear him who praises Him!' and 'O our Lord, to You belongs all praise!'; praying aloud in designated places and quietly in others; the first declaration of unity and sitting for it; invoking blessings on the Prophet in this; and invoking blessings on his family in the final declaration and the second Salutation. (¿) 'What is subject to Zakát or obligatory almsgiving?'—On gold, silver, camels, cattle, sheep, wheat, barley, millet, beans, vetches, rice, raisins, and dates. (¿) 'What is the Zakát on gold?'—Below twenty miskals or dinars, none; on that amount, half a dinar for every twenty, and so forth. (¿) 'On silver?'—Under two hundred dirhams, none; then five dirhams for every two hundred, and so on. (¿) 'On camels?'—An ewe for every five, or a pregnant camel for every twenty-five. (¿) 'On sheep?'—An ewe for every forty. (¿) 'What are the rules of the Ramadan Fast?'—The Quranic rules are intention; abstaining from eating, drinking, sexual relations, and the cessation of vomiting. It is obligatory for all who follow the Law, except for women during their periods and for forty days after giving birth; and it is required upon sighting the new moon or receiving trustworthy news of it that resonates as true in the listener’s heart; among its requirements is that the intent be declared at nightfall. Traditional rules of fasting include hastening to break the fast at sunset; delaying the pre-dawn meal; and refraining from speech, except for good deeds and invoking Allah’s name while reciting the Quran. (¿) 'What actions do not invalidate the fast?'—Using ointments and eye powders, the dust of the road, unintentional swallowing of saliva, ejaculating during nocturnal emissions or at the sight of a non-related woman, and bloodletting and cupping; none of these invalidate the fast. (¿) 'What are the prayers for the two major annual festivals?'—Two one-unit prayers, which are a traditional requirement, without a call to prayer or announcing the call; instead, the Muslim should say, 'Prayer gathers all people!' and say 'Allahu Akbar' seven times in the first prayer, in addition to the Takbír of prohibition; in the second prayer, five times, along with the Takbír of rising (according to Imam Al-Shafi’i's doctrine, may Allah have mercy on him!) and make the declaration of faith.——And Shahrazad noticed the arrival of dawn and ceased her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had answered the doctor anent the Festival-prayers, quoth he, “Thou hast replied aright: now tell me what are the prayers prescribed on the occasion of an eclipse of the sun or moon?”—Two one-bow prayers without call to prayer or standing thereto by the worshipper, who shall make in each two-bow prayer double standing up and double inclinations and two-fold prostrations, then sit and testify and salute. (¿) “What is the ritual of prayer for rain?”—Two one-bow prayers without call to prayer or standing thereto; then shall the Moslem make the profession and salute. Moreover the Imam shall deliver an exhortation and ask pardon of Allah, in place of the magnification, as in the two sermons of the Festivals and turn his mantle upper edge downwards and pray and supplicate. (¿) “What are the Witr, the additional or occasional prayers?”—The least is a one-bow prayer and the most eleven. (¿) “What is the forenoon prayer?”—At least, two one-bow prayers and at most, twelve. (¿) “What hast thou to say of the I’itikáf or retreat[320]?”—It is a matter of traditional ordinance. (¿) “What are its conditions?”—(1) intent; (2) not leaving the mosque save of necessity; (3) not having to do with a woman; (4) fasting; and (5) abstaining from speech. (¿) “Under what conditions is the Hajj or Pilgrimage[321] obligatory?”—Manhood, and understanding and being a Moslem and practicability; in which case it is obligatory on 202all, once before death. (¿) “What are the Koranic statutes of the Pilgrimage?”—(1) The Ihrám or pilgrim’s habit; (2) the standing at Arafat; (3) circumambulating the Ka’abah; (4) running between Safá and Marwah[322]; and (5) shaving or clipping the hair. (¿) “What are the Koranic statutes of the ‘Umrah[323] or lesser pilgrimage?”—Assuming the pilgrim’s habit and compassing and running. (¿) “What are the Koranic ordinances of the assumption of the pilgrim’s habit?”[324]—Doffing sewn garments, forswearing perfume and ceasing to shave the head or pare the nails, and avoiding the killing of game, and eschewing carnal copulation. (¿) “What are the traditional statutes of the pilgrimage?”—(1) The crying out “Labbay’ka, Adsum, Here am I, O our Lord, here am I!”;[325] (2) the Ka’abah-circuitings[326] of arrival and departure; (3) the passing the night at the Mosque of Muzdalifah and in the valley of Mina, and (4) the lapidation.[327] (¿) “What is the Jihád or Holy War and its essentials?”—Its essentials are (1) the descent of the Infidels upon us; (2) the presence of the Imam; (3) a state of preparation and (4) firmness in meeting the foe. Its traditional ordinance is incital to battle, in that the Most High hath said, “O thou my Prophet, incite the faithful to fight!”[328] (¿) “What are the ordinances of buying and selling?”—The Koranic are (1) offer and acceptance and (2) if the thing sold be a white slave, by whom one profiteth, all possible endeavour to convert him to Al-Islam; and (3) to abstain from usury: the traditional 203are making void[329] and option before not after separating, according to his saying (whom Allah bless and preserve!), “The parties to a sale shall have the option of cancelling or altering terms whilst they are yet unseparated.” (¿) “What is it forbidden to sell for what?”—On this point I mind me of an authentic tradition, reported by Náf’i[330] of the Apostle of Allah, that he forbade the barter of dried dates for fresh and fresh figs for dry and jerked for fresh meat and cream for clarified butter; in fine, all eatables of one and the same kind, it is unlawful to buy or barter some for other some.[331] Now when the doctor of law heard her words and knew that she was wit-keen, penetrative, ingenious and learned in jurisprudence and the Traditions and the interpretation of the Koran and what not else, he said in his mind, “Needs must I manœuvre with her, that I may overcome her in the assembly of the Commander of the Faithful.” So he said to her, “O damsel, what is the lexicographical meaning of Wuzú?” And she answered, “Philologically it signifieth cleanliness and freedom from impurities.” (¿) “And of Salát or prayer?”—An invocation of good. (¿) “And of Ghusl?”—Purification. (¿) “And of Saum or fasting?”—Abstention. (¿) “And of Zakát?”—Increase. (¿) “And of Hajj or pilgrimage?”—Visitation. (¿) “And of Jihád?”—Repelling. With this the doctor’s arguments were cut off,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've learned, O gracious King, that after the girl answered the doctor about the Festival prayers, he asked her, 'You answered correctly: now tell me what prayers are prescribed during a solar or lunar eclipse?' —Two two-unit prayers without a call to prayer or standing for it, where the worshipper will perform double standing, double bowing, and double prostrations in each two-unit prayer, then sit to testify and greet. (¿) 'What is the prayer ritual for rain?'—Two two-unit prayers without a call to prayer or standing for it; then the Muslim will make the declaration of faith and greet. Additionally, the Imam will give a sermon and seek forgiveness from Allah instead of the glorification, just like in the two sermons of the Festivals, turning his cloak inside out and praying and supplicating. (¿) 'What are the Witr, the additional or occasional prayers?'—The minimum is a one-unit prayer, and the maximum is eleven. (¿) 'What is the forenoon prayer?'—At least two one-unit prayers and at most twelve. (¿) 'What do you say about the I'tikaf or retreat[320]?'—It's a matter of traditional law. (¿) 'What are its conditions?'—(1) intention; (2) not leaving the mosque except out of necessity; (3) not engaging with a woman; (4) fasting; and (5) refraining from speech. (¿) 'Under what conditions is the Hajj or pilgrimage[321] obligatory?'—Being of age, having understanding, being a Muslim, and the ability to undertake it; in this case, it's obligatory for everyone at least once before death. (¿) 'What are the Koranic statutes of the pilgrimage?'—(1) The Ihram or pilgrim’s garment; (2) standing at Arafat; (3) circling the Ka'bah; (4) running between Safa and Marwah[322]; and (5) shaving or cutting hair. (¿) 'What are the Koranic statutes of the Umrah[323] or lesser pilgrimage?'—Wearing the pilgrim’s garment and performing the circling and running. (¿) 'What are the Koranic laws regarding donning the pilgrim’s garment?'[324]—Removing sewn garments, refraining from perfume, stopping shaving the head or clipping nails, avoiding killing game, and abstaining from sexual relations. (¿) 'What are the traditional laws of the pilgrimage?'—(1) Reciting "Labbayka, Adsum, Here I am, O Lord, here I am!"[325] (2) The circling of the Ka'bah upon arrival and departure; (3) spending the night at the Mosque of Muzdalifah and in the valley of Mina; and (4) the stoning.[327] (¿) 'What is Jihad or Holy War and what are its essentials?'—Its essentials are (1) the attack of the infidels upon us; (2) the presence of the Imam; (3) a state of readiness; and (4) determination in confronting the enemy. Its traditional law incites battle, as the Most High has said, 'O my Prophet, incite the believers to fight!'[328] (¿) 'What are the laws governing buying and selling?'—The Koranic laws are (1) offer and acceptance and (2) if the item sold is a white slave, the effort should be made to convert him to Islam; and (3) to refrain from usury: the traditional laws state that terms should be voided and options exercised before separation, according to his saying (may Allah bless and keep him!), 'The parties to a sale have the option to cancel or modify the terms while they are still together.' (¿) 'What is it forbidden to sell and for what?'—On this point, I recall an authentic tradition reported by Nafi' from the Messenger of Allah, who forbade trading dried dates for fresh, fresh figs for dry, jerky for fresh meat, and cream for clarified butter; in essence, any food item of the same kind cannot be traded or bartered among themselves.[331] Now, when the learned doctor heard her words and realized she was sharp-witted, insightful, clever, and knowledgeable in jurisprudence, Traditions, and the interpretation of the Koran, he thought to himself, 'I must outsmart her to win in front of the Commander of the Faithful.' So he asked her, 'O girl, what is the dictionary definition of Wudu?' And she replied, 'Linguistically, it means cleanliness and being free from impurities.' (¿) 'And of Salat or prayer?'—A call for goodness. (¿) 'And of Ghusl?'—Purification. (¿) 'And of Saum or fasting?'—Abstaining. (¿) 'And of Zakat?'—Increase. (¿) 'And of Hajj or pilgrimage?'—Visitation. (¿) 'And of Jihad?'—Defense. With this, the doctor’s arguments were cut short,——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her allowed discourse."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the doctor’s arguments were cut off, he rose to his feet and said, “Bear witness against me, O Commander of the Faithful, that this damsel is more learned in the Law than I am.” Quoth she, “I will ask thee somewhat, which do thou answer me speedily, an thou be indeed a learned man.” Quoth he, “Say on;” and she said, “What are the arrows of the Faith?” Answered he, “They number ten, (1) Testification, that is, religion; (2) Prayer, 204that is, the covenant; (3) Alms, that is, purification; (4) Fasting, that is, defensive armour; (5) Pilgrimage, that is, the Law; (6) Fighting for the Faith, that is, a general duty; (7) Bidding to beneficence and (8) Forbidding from frowardness, both of which are a man’s honour; (9) Commune,[332] that is, sociableness of the Faithful; and (10) Seeking knowledge, that is, the praiseworthy path.” She rejoined, “Thou hast replied aright and now remaineth but one question, What be the roots or fundamentals of Al-Islam?” He said, “They are four, sincerity of belief, truth of intent, observance of the lawful limit and keeping the covenant.” Then said she, “I have one more question to ask thee, which if thou answer, it is well; else, I will take thy clothes.” Quoth he, “Speak, O damsel;” and she said, “What are the branches or superstructure of Al-Islam?” But he was silent awhile and made no reply: so she cried, “Doff thy clothes and I will expound them to thee.” Quoth the Caliph “Expound them, and I will make him put off his clothes for thee.” She said, “There are two-and-twenty branches; (1) holding fast to the Book of Allah the Most Highest; (2) taking example by His Apostle (whom Allah bless and preserve!); (3) abstaining from evil doing; (4) eating what is lawful and (5) avoiding what is unlawful; (6) restitution of things wrongfully taken; (7) repentance; (8) knowledge of the Law; (9) love of the Friend,[333] (10) and of the followers of the true Revelation; (11) belief in the apostles of Al-Islam; (12) fear of apostacy; (13) preparation for departing this life; (14) force of conviction; (15) mercy on all possible occasions; (16) strength in time of weakness; (17) patience under trials; (18) knowledge of Allah Almighty and (19) of what His Prophet hath made known to us; (20) thwarting Iblis the accursed; (21) striving earnestly against the lusts of the soul and warring them down, and (22) devotion to 205the one God.” Now when the Commander of the Faithful heard her words, he bade the professor put off his clothes and hooded turband; and so did that doctor and went forth, beaten and confounded, from the Caliph’s presence. Thereupon another man stood up and said to her, “O damsel, hear a few questions from me.” Quoth she, “Say on;” and he asked, “What are the conditions of purchase by advance?” whereto she answered, “That the price be fixed, the kind be fixed and the period of delivery be fixed and known.” (¿) “What are the Koranic and the traditional canons of eating?”—The confession that Allah Almighty provideth the eater and giveth him meat and drink, with thanksgiving to Him therefor. (¿) “What is thanksgiving?”—The use by the creature of that which the Creator vouchsafeth to him, according as it was created for the creature. (¿) “What are the traditional canons of eating?”—The Bismillah[334] and washing both hands; sitting on the left of the hind part; eating with three fingers, and eating of that which hath been duly masticated.[335] (¿) “What are good manners in eating?”—Taking small mouthfuls and looking little at one’s table-companion.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that when the doctor’s arguments ended, he stood up and said, 'Bear witness against me, O Commander of the Faithful, that this young woman knows the Law better than I do.' She replied, 'I have a question for you, so answer me quickly if you truly are knowledgeable.' He said, 'Go ahead;' and she asked, 'What are the pillars of Faith?' He answered, 'There are ten: (1) Testimony, that is, belief; (2) Prayer, which is the covenant; (3) Alms, representing purification; (4) Fasting, which serves as protection; (5) Pilgrimage, that is, the Law; (6) Fighting for the Faith, which is a collective duty; (7) Encouraging good; (8) Preventing wrongdoing, both of which are a person's honor; (9) Community, representing fellowship among the Faithful; and (10) Pursuing knowledge, which is the commendable path.' She responded, 'You have answered correctly, and now just one more question remains: What are the core principles of Al-Islam?' He said, 'They are four: sincerity of belief, honesty of intention, adherence to lawful limits, and keeping the covenant.' Then she said, 'I have one more question for you. If you answer it, that's great; if not, I will take your clothes.' He replied, 'Speak, O young woman;' and she asked, 'What are the branches of Al-Islam?' He hesitated and remained silent for a moment, so she shouted, 'Take off your clothes and I’ll explain them to you.' The Caliph said, 'Explain them, and I'll make him take off his clothes for you.' She replied, 'There are twenty-two branches: (1) Holding on to the Book of Allah the Most High; (2) Following the example of His Apostle (may Allah bless and preserve him!); (3) Avoiding sinful actions; (4) Eating what is lawful; (5) Steering clear of what is unlawful; (6) Restitution of wrongfully taken possessions; (7) Repentance; (8) Understanding the Law; (9) Loving the Friend; (10) Loving the followers of the true Revelation; (11) Belief in the apostles of Al-Islam; (12) Fear of apostasy; (13) Being prepared for the end of this life; (14) Certainty of belief; (15) Showing mercy whenever possible; (16) Being strong in times of weakness; (17) Demonstrating patience in trials; (18) Knowing Allah Almighty; (19) Understanding what His Prophet has taught us; (20) Defying Iblis the accursed; (21) Striving hard against harmful desires and overcoming them; and (22) Devotion to the one God.' When the Commander of the Faithful heard her words, he ordered the scholar to remove his clothes and his turban, and he did, leaving the Caliph’s presence, defeated and confused. Then another man stood up and said to her, 'O young woman, allow me to ask you a few questions.' She replied, 'Go ahead;' and he asked, 'What are the conditions for purchasing in advance?' She answered, 'The price must be fixed, the type must be specified, and the delivery period must be established and known.' 'What are the Quranic and traditional rules for eating?' — The acknowledgment that Allah Almighty provides for the eater and gives him food and drink while being thankful to Him for it. 'What is thanksgiving?' — The use of what the Creator has granted to the creature, as it was meant to be used. 'What are the traditional eating rules?' — Saying Bismillah and washing both hands; sitting on the left side; eating with three fingers; and consuming food that has been chewed properly. 'What are good manners while eating?' — Taking small bites and not staring too much at your dining companion. — And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had answered concerning good manners in eating, the doctor who was trying her, rejoined, “Thou hast replied aright. Now tell me what are the stays of the heart and their supports?”[336]—The stays and supports both number three; (1) holding fast to the Faith, the support whereof is the shunning of infidelity; (2) holding fast to the Traditional Law, and its support the shunning of innovation; and (3) holding fast to obedience, and its support the shunning of disobedience. (¿) “What are the conditions of Wuzu?”—(1) being a Moslem; (2) discernment of good and evil; 206(3) purity of the water, and (4) absence of material or religious impediments. (¿) “What is belief?”—It is divided into nine parts, (1) belief in the One worshipped; (2) belief in the condition of slavery of the worshipper; (3) belief in the personality of the Deity; (4) belief in the Two Handfuls;[337] (5) belief in Providence which allotteth to man his lot; (6) belief in the Abrogating and (7) in the Abrogated; (8) belief in Allah, His angels and apostles; and (9) in fore-ordained Fate, general and individual, its good and ill, its sweet and bitter. (¿) “What three things do away other three?”—It is told of Sufyán al-Saurí[338] that he said, “Three things do away with other three. Making light of the pious doth away the future life, making light of Kings doth away this life, and, making light of expenditure doth away wealth.” (¿) “What are the keys of the heavens, and how many gates have they?”—Quoth Almighty Allah, “And the heaven shall be opened and be full of portals;”[339] and quoth he whom Allah bless and preserve!, “None knoweth the number of the gates of heavens, save He who created the heavens, and there is no son of Adam but hath two gates allotted to him in the heavens, one whereby his daily bread descendeth and another wherethrough his works ascend. The first gate is not closed, save when his term of life cometh to an end, nor the gate of works, good and evil, till his soul ascend for judgment.” (¿) “Tell me of a thing and a half thing and a no-thing.”—The thing is the Moslem; the half thing the hypocrite,[340] and the no-thing the miscreant. (¿) “Tell me of various kinds of hearts.”—There is the whole heart, the sick heart, the contrite heart, the vowed heart and the enlightened heart. Now the whole heart is that of Abraham, the Friend of Allah; the sick heart is that of the Unbeliever in Al-Islam; the contrite heart is that of the pious who fear the Lord; the vowed heart is that of our Lord Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!) and the illuminated heart is that of his followers. Furthermore, the hearts of learned Olema are of three kinds, the heart which is 207in love with this world; the heart which loveth the next world, and the heart which loveth its Lord; and it is said that hearts are three, the suspended, that of the infidel; the non-existent, that of the hypocrite; and the constant, that of the True-believer. Moreover, it is said that the firm heart is of three kinds, viz., the heart dilated with light and faith, the heart wounded with fear of estrangement and the heart which feareth to be forsaken of its Supreme Friend.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that after the girl had answered about proper eating manners, the doctor testing her replied, 'You have answered correctly. Now tell me what are the supports of the heart and their foundations?'[336]—The supports and foundations are three; (1) holding fast to Faith, which is supported by avoiding disbelief; (2) holding fast to the Traditional Law, supported by avoiding novelties; and (3) holding fast to obedience, supported by avoiding disobedience. (¿) 'What are the conditions of Wuzu?'—(1) being a Muslim; (2) being able to distinguish between good and evil; 206(3) the water being pure, and (4) the absence of any material or religious barriers. (¿) 'What is belief?'—It is divided into nine parts: (1) belief in the One who is worshipped; (2) belief in the worshipper's servitude; (3) belief in the nature of the Deity; (4) belief in the Two Handfuls;[337] (5) belief in Providence, which gives each person their share; (6) belief in the Abrogating and (7) in the Abrogated; (8) belief in Allah, His angels, and His messengers; and (9) belief in predestined Fate, both general and individual, including its good and bad, sweet and bitter aspects. (¿) 'What three things cancel out three others?'—It is said that Sufyán al-Saurí[338] said, 'Three things cancel out three others. Underestimating the pious cancels the afterlife, underestimating kings cancels this life, and underestimating spending cancels wealth.' (¿) 'What are the keys to the heavens, and how many gates do they have?'—Allah Almighty declared, 'And the heavens will be opened and will be full of doors;'[339] and Prophet Mohammed (whom Allah bless and protect!) said, 'Only He who created the heavens knows the number of their gates, and every child of Adam has two gates in the heavens. One through which their daily sustenance comes down, and the other through which their deeds ascend. The first gate remains open until their life ends, and the gate for deeds, both good and bad, remains open until their soul ascends for judgment.' (¿) 'Tell me about a thing and a half-thing and a nothing.'—The thing is the Muslim; the half-thing is the hypocrite,[340] and the nothing is the disbeliever. (¿) 'Tell me about different types of hearts.'—There is the whole heart, the sick heart, the contrite heart, the vowed heart, and the enlightened heart. The whole heart belongs to Abraham, the Friend of Allah; the sick heart belongs to the unbeliever in Al-Islam; the contrite heart belongs to the pious who fear the Lord; the vowed heart belongs to our Lord Mohammed (whom Allah bless and preserve!), and the enlightened heart belongs to his followers. Additionally, the hearts of learned scholars are of three kinds: the heart that loves this world; the heart that loves the next world; and the heart that loves its Lord. It is said that hearts can be classified into three types: the suspended, which belongs to the infidel; the non-existent, which belongs to the hypocrite; and the steadfast, which belongs to the true believer. Furthermore, the firm heart is of three kinds: the heart filled with light and faith, the heart wounded by fear of being estranged, and the heart that fears losing its Supreme Friend.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her allowed tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the second doctor declared, “Thou hast said well,” quoth she to the Caliph, “O Commander of the Faithful, he hath questioned me, till he is weary, and now I will ask of him two questions. If he answer them both, it is well; and if not, I will take his clothes and he shall wend in peace.” Quoth the doctor, “Ask me what thou wilt,” and she said, “What sayest thou religion is?” Answered he, “Religion is confession of Faith with the tongue and conviction with the heart and correspondent action with the members. He (upon whom be blessings and peace!) hath said:—The believer is not perfect in belief, except he perfect himself in five qualities, namely, trust in Allah,[341] committal of his affair to Allah, submission to the commands of Allah, acquiescence in the decrees of Allah; and that all he doth be done for sake of Allah; so is he of those who are acceptable to the Deity, and who give to Him and withhold for Him; and such man is perfect in belief.” Then said she, “What is the Divine ordinance of ordinances and the ordinance which is the initiator of all ordinances and that of which all others stand in need and that which comprehendeth all others; and what is the traditional ordinance that entereth into the Koranic, and the prophetic practice whereby the Divine is completed?” But he was silent and made no reply; whereupon the Caliph bade her expound and ordered him to doff his clothes and give them to her. Said she, “O doctor, the Koranic ordinance 208of ordinances is the knowledge of Almighty Allah; that, which is the initiative of all others, is the testifying there is no god but the God and Mohammed is the Apostle of God; that, of which all others have need, is the Wuzu-ablution; that, which compriseth all others, is the Ghusl-ablution from defilement[342]: the Traditional ordinance that entereth into the Koranic, is the separation of the fingers and the thick beard;[343] and that, wherewith all Koranic ordinances are completed, is circumcision.”[344] Therewith was made manifest the defeat of the doctor, who rose to his feet and said, “I call Allah to witness, O Commander of the Faithful, that this damsel is more learned than I in theology and what pertaineth to the Law.” So saying, he put off his clothes and went away ignominiously worsted. Then she turned to the rest of the learned men present and said, “O masters, which of you is the Koranist, the reader and reciter of the Koran, versed in the seven readings and in syntax and in lexicography?” Thereupon a professor arose and, seating himself before her, said, “Hast thou read the Book of Almighty Allah and made thyself thoroughly acquainted with its signs, that is its 209verses, and its abrogating parts and abrogated portions, its unequivocal commands and its ambiguous; and the difference of its revelations, Meccan and Medinan? Dost thou understand its interpretation and hast thou studied it, according to the various traditions and origins?” “Yes,” answered she; and he said, “What then is the number of its chapters, how many are the decades and versets, how many words and how many letters and how many acts of prostration and how many prophets and how many chapters are Medinan and how many are Meccan and how many birds are mentioned in it?” Replied she, “O my lord, its chapters are an hundred and fourteen, whereof seventy were revealed at Meccah and forty-four at Al-Medinah; and it containeth six hundred and twenty-one decades; six thousand three hundred and thirty-six versets;[345] seventy-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-nine words and three hundred and twenty-three thousand and six hundred and seventy letters; and to the reader thereof, for every letter, are given ten benefits. The acts of prostration it compriseth are fourteen.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when the second doctor said, 'You've spoken well,' she turned to the Caliph and said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, he has questioned me until he is tired, and now I will ask him two questions. If he answers them both, that’s good; but if not, I will take his clothes and he can leave in peace.' The doctor replied, 'Ask me anything you want,' and she asked, 'What do you say religion is?' He answered, 'Religion is a confession of Faith with the mouth, belief in the heart, and actions in line with that belief. He (may blessings and peace be upon him) said: The believer's faith is incomplete unless they perfect themselves in five qualities: reliance on Allah, entrusting their matters to Allah, obeying Allah's commands, accepting Allah's decrees; and doing everything for Allah's sake; those who do so are favored by God and give and withhold for Him; such a person is perfect in faith.' Then she asked, 'What is the primary Divine ordinance and that which initiates all others, needed by all and encompasses all others; and what is the traditional ordinance that is part of the Quranic and the prophetic practices through which the Divine is fulfilled?' But he was silent and did not respond. The Caliph then instructed her to explain and ordered him to take off his clothes and give them to her. She said, 'O doctor, the primary Quranic ordinance is the knowledge of the Almighty Allah; the one that initiates all others is the declaration that there is no god but the God and Mohammed is the Messenger of God; that of which all others are in need is Wudu (ablution); and what encompasses all others is Ghusl (full-body wash) from impurity: the traditional ordinance that is part of the Quranic is the separation of the fingers and the thick beard; and the act that completes all Quranic ordinances is circumcision.' With this, the doctor’s defeat was made clear; he stood up and said, 'I swear to Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, that this young woman is more knowledgeable than I am in theology and legal matters.' Saying this, he removed his clothes and left in disgrace. Then she turned to the other learned men present and said, 'O scholars, who among you is an expert in the Quran, able to read and recite it, skilled in the seven readings, syntax, and lexicography?' A professor then stood up, took a seat in front of her, and asked, 'Have you read the Book of Almighty Allah and thoroughly understood its signs, that is, its verses, and the parts that abrogate and are abrogated, its clear commands and its ambiguous ones, as well as the differences between its Meccan and Medinan revelations? Do you understand its interpretation and have you studied it in light of the various traditions and origins?' She replied, 'Yes.' He then asked, 'What is the total number of its chapters, how many decades and verses does it have, how many words, and how many letters, how many acts of prostration, and how many prophets are mentioned, and how many chapters are Medinan and how many are Meccan, and how many birds are noted in it?' She replied, 'O my lord, there are one hundred and fourteen chapters, seventy revealed in Mecca and forty-four in Medina; it contains six hundred and twenty-one decades, six thousand three hundred and thirty-six verses; seventy-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-nine words and three hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and seventy letters; and for every letter read, ten rewards are given. The acts of prostration it includes are fourteen.' And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her permitted words."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the professor of Koranic exegesis questioned the damsel, she continued, “As regards the Prophets named in the Book there be five-and-twenty, to wit, Adam, Noah,[346] Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Lot, Elisha, Jonah, Salih,[347] or Heber, Húd,[348] Shua’yb or Jethro,[349] David, Solomon, Zú’l-kafl or Joshua, Idrís, Elias, Yahyá or John the Baptist, Zacharias, Job, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Mohammed,[350] the peace of Allah and His blessing be on them all! Moreover, nine flying things are mentioned in the Koran, namely, the gnat, the bee, the fly, the ant, the hoopoe, the crow, 210the locust, the swallow and the bird of Jesus[351] (on whom be peace!), to wit, the bat.” (¿) “Which is the most excellent chapter of the Koran?”—That of The Cow.[352] (¿) “Which is the most magnificent verse?”—That of The Throne; it hath fifty words, bearing in each fifty blessings. (¿) “What sign or verse hath in it nine signs or wonders?”—That in which quoth Allah Almighty, “Verily, in the creation of the Heaven and the Earth; and in the vicissitude of night, and day; and in the ship which saileth through the sea laden with what is profitable for mankind; and in the rain-water which God sendeth down from Heaven, quickening thereby the dead ground and replenishing the same with all sorts of cattle; and in the change of winds and in the clouds that are compelled to do service between the Heaven and the Earth;[353]—are signs to people of understanding.” (¿) “Which verse is the most just?”—That in which Allah saith, “Verily, Allah enjoineth justice and the doing of good, and the giving unto kindred what shall be necessary; and He forbiddeth wickedness and iniquity and oppression.”[354] (¿) “Which is the most greedy?”—That in which quoth Allah, “Is it that every man of them greedeth to enter the Garden of Delight?”[355] (¿) “Which is the most hopeful?”—That in which quoth Almighty Allah, “Say: ‘O my servants who have transgressed against your own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah; seeing, that Allah forgiveth all sins; aye Gracious, Merciful is He.’”[356] (¿) “By what school of intonation dost thou read?”—By that of the people of Paradise, to wit, the version of Náf’i. (¿) “In which verse doth Allah make prophets lie?”[357]—In that wherein He saith, “They 211(the brothers of Joseph) brought his inner garment stained with false blood.”[358] (¿) “In which doth He make unbelievers speak the truth?”—In that wherein He saith, “The Jews say, ‘The Christians are grounded on nothing,’ and the Christians say, ‘The Jews are grounded on nothing’; and yet they both read the Scriptures;”[359] and, so saying, all say sooth. (¿) “In which doth God speak in his own person?”—In that in which he saith, “I have not created Genii and men for any other end than that they should serve me.”[360] (¿) “In which verse do the angels speak?”—In that which saith, “But we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness.”[361] (¿) “What sayest thou of the formula:—I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned?”—It is obligatory by commandment of Allah on all before reading the Koran, as appeareth by His saying, “When thou readest the Koran, seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned.”[362] (¿) “What signify the words ‘seeking refuge’[363] and what are the variants of the formula?”—Some say, “I take refuge with Allah the All-hearing and All-knowing,” and others, “With Allah the Strong;” but the best is that whereof the Sublime Koran speaketh and the Traditions perpetuate. And he (whom Allah bless and keep!) was used to ejaculate, “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned.” And quoth a Tradition, reported by Naf’i on the authority of his adopted father, “The apostle of Allah, was wont when he rose in the night to pray, to say aloud, Allaho Akbar; God is Most Great, with all Majesty! Praise be to Allah abundantly! Glory to Allah morn and even be!” Then would he say, “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned and from the delusions of the Devils and their evil suggestions.” And it is told of Ibn Abbas[364] (of whom Allah accept!) that he said, “The first time Gabriel came down to the Prophet with revelation he taught him the ‘seeking refuge,’ saying:—O Mohammed, say, I seek refuge with Allah the 212All-hearing and All-knowing; then say:—In the name of Allah the Compassionating, the Compassionate! Read, in the name of thy Lord who created;—created man of blood-clots.”[365] Now when the Koranist heard her words he marvelled at her expressions, her eloquence, her learning, her excellence, and said, “O damsel, what sayst thou of the verse “In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate? Is it one of the verses of the Koran?””—Yes; it is a verset of “The Ant”[366] occurring also at the head of the first and between every two following chapters; and there is much difference of opinion, respecting this, among the learned.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O blessed King, that when the professor of Koranic explanation questioned the young woman, she responded, 'As for the Prophets mentioned in the Book, there are twenty-five, namely, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Lot, Elisha, Jonah, Salih, Heber, Húd, Shua’yb or Jethro, David, Solomon, Zú’l-kafl or Joshua, Idrís, Elias, Yahyá or John the Baptist, Zacharias, Job, Moses, Aaron, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them all! Furthermore, nine flying creatures are mentioned in the Koran: the gnat, the bee, the fly, the ant, the hoopoe, the crow, the locust, the swallow, and the bird of Jesus (peace be upon him!), which is the bat.' (¿) 'Which is the best chapter of the Koran?'—That of The Cow. [352] (¿) 'Which is the most magnificent verse?'—That of The Throne; it has fifty words, each one containing fifty blessings. (¿) 'What verse contains nine signs or wonders?'—The one where Allah Almighty says, 'Indeed, in the creation of the Heaven and the Earth; in the changing of night and day; in the ship that sails through the sea carrying what benefits mankind; in the rain that God sends down from Heaven, reviving the dead land and replenishing it with all kinds of livestock; and in the change of winds and the clouds that are tasked to serve between Heaven and Earth; [353]—are signs for people of understanding.' (¿) 'Which verse is the most just?'—That in which Allah states, 'Indeed, Allah enjoins justice and good deeds, and giving to relatives what is necessary; and He forbids wickedness, injustice, and oppression.' [354] (¿) 'Which is the most greedy?'—That in which Allah says, 'Does every man among them desire to enter the Garden of Delight?' [355] (¿) 'Which is the most hopeful?'—That in which Allah Almighty says, 'Say: O my servants who have transgressed against your own selves, do not despair of Allah’s mercy; truly, Allah forgives all sins; indeed, He is Gracious and Merciful.' [356] (¿) 'By which recitation method do you read?'—By that of the people of Paradise, specifically the version of Náf’i. (¿) 'In which verse does Allah make prophets lie?'—In the one where He states, 'They (the brothers of Joseph) brought his shirt stained with false blood.' [358] (¿) 'In which does He make unbelievers tell the truth?'—In the verse that says, 'The Jews say, 'The Christians have no basis,' and the Christians say, 'The Jews have no basis;' yet they both read the Scriptures;' [359] —and in saying so, they all speak the truth. (¿) 'In which does God speak in His own person?'—In the verse where He says, 'I did not create Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.' [360] (¿) 'In which verse do the angels speak?'—In the one that says, 'But we celebrate Your praise and extol Your holiness.' [361] (¿) 'What do you say about the phrase: I seek refuge with Allah from the Stoned Satan?'—It is obligatory by Allah’s command on everyone before reading the Koran, as indicated by His saying, 'When you read the Koran, seek refuge with Allah from the Stoned Satan.' [362] (¿) 'What do the words 'seeking refuge' mean and what are the variations of the formula?'—Some say, 'I take refuge with Allah, the All-Hearing and All-Knowing,' and others say, 'With Allah, the Strong;' but the best is what the Sublime Koran states and the Traditions perpetuate. And he (may Allah bless and keep him!) would often say, 'I seek refuge with Allah from the Stoned Satan.' A Tradition reported by Naf’i from his adopted father states, 'The Prophet of Allah, when he would rise at night to pray, would say loudly, Allaho Akbar; God is Most Great, with all Majestic Praise! Glory be to Allah morning and evening!’ Then he would say, 'I seek refuge with Allah from the Stoned Satan and from the deceptions of devils and their evil suggestions.' It is narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah accept!) that he said, 'The first time Gabriel came down to the Prophet with revelation, he taught him the seeking refuge, saying: O Mohammed, say, I seek refuge with Allah, the All-Hearing and All-Knowing; then say: In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful! Read, in the name of your Lord who created; created man from a clump of blood.' [365] Now, when the Koranist heard her words, he was amazed by her expressions, her eloquence, her knowledge, and her brilliance, and said, 'O young lady, what do you think of the verse, 'In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful? Is it one of the verses of the Koran?'—Yes; it is a verse from 'The Ant' [366] that also appears at the beginning of the first chapter and between every two subsequent chapters; and there is much debate about this among the scholars.——And Shahrazad realized the dawn was breaking and stopped speaking at her allowed moment."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had told the professor concerning the difference of opinion among the learned touching the ‘Basmalah,’ he said, “Thou hast replied aright: now tell me why is not the formula written at the head of the chapter of Immunity[367]?”; and she answered, “When this chapter was revealed from on high for the dissolution of the alliance between the Prophet and the idolaters, He (whom Allah bless and preserve!) sent Ali[368] ibn Abí Tálib (whose face Allah honour!) therewith, and he read the chapter to them, but did not read the Basmalah.”[369] (¿) “What of the excellence of the formula and its blessing?”—It is told of the Prophet that he said, “Never is the Basmalah pronounced over aught, but there is a blessing in it;” 213and it is reported, on authority of Him (whom Allah bless and preserve!) that the Lord of Glory swore by His glory that never should the Basmalah be pronounced over a sick person, but he should be healed of his sickness. Moreover, it is said that, when Allah created the empyrean, it was agitated with an exceeding agitation; but He wrote on it, ‘Bismillah’ and its agitation subsided. When the formula first descended from heaven to the Prophet, he said, “I am safe from three things, earthquake and metamorphosis and drowning;” and indeed its boons are great and its blessings too many to enumerate. It is told of Allah’s Apostle that he said, “There will be brought on the Judgment-day a man with whom He shall reckon and finding no good deed to his account, shall order him to the Fire; but the man will cry:—O my God, Thou hast not dealt justly by me! Then shall Allah (to whom be honour and glory!) say, How so? and the man shall answer, O Lord, for that Thou callest Thyself the Compassionating, the Compassionate, yet wilt Thou punish me with the Fire! And Allah (magnified be His Majesty!) shall reply, I did indeed name myself the Compassionating, the Compassionate. Carry My servant to Paradise, of My mercy, for I am the most Merciful of the mercifuls!” (¿) “What was the origin of the use of the Basmalah?”—When Allah sent down from Heaven the Koran, they wrote, “In Thy name, O my God!”; when Allah revealed the words, “Say: Call upon Allah, or call upon the Compassionating, what days ye pray, for hath He the most excellent names,”[370] they wrote, “In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate;” and, when He revealed the words, “Your God is one God, there is no God but He, the Compassionating, the Compassionate,”[371] they wrote, “In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate!” Now when the Koranist heard her reply, he hung down his head and said to himself, “This be a marvel of marvels! How hath this slave-girl expounded the origin of the Basmalah? But, by Allah, needs must I go about with her and haply defeat her.” So he asked, “Did Allah reveal the Koran all at once or at times 214manifold?” She answered, “Gabriel the Faithful (on whom be peace!) descended with it from the Lord of the Worlds upon His Prophet Mohammed, Prince of the Apostles and Seal of the Prophets, by detached versets; bidding and forbidding, covenanting and comminating, and containing advices and instances in the course of twenty years as occasion called for it.” (¿) “Which chapter was first revealed?”—According to Ibn Abbas, that entituled Congealed Blood:[372] and, according to Jábir bin Abdillah,[373] that called ‘The Covered’ which preceded all others.[374] (¿) “Which verset was the last revealed?”—That of Usury,[375] and it is also said, the verse, “When there cometh Allah’s succour and victory.”[376]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O noble King, that when the young woman explained the differing opinions among scholars about the 'Basmalah,' he said, 'You have answered correctly; now explain to me why this phrase isn’t written at the beginning of the chapter of Immunity[367]?' She responded, 'When this chapter was revealed from above to end the alliance between the Prophet and the idolaters, He (may Allah bless and protect Him!) sent Ali[368] ibn Abí Tálib (may Allah honor his face!) with it, and he recited the chapter to them, but did not say the Basmalah.'[369] 'What about the greatness of the formula and its blessings?'—It is said that the Prophet proclaimed, 'The Basmalah is always beneficial; whenever it is said, there is a blessing in it;' 213 and it is reported by Him (may Allah bless and protect Him!) that the Lord of Glory swore by His glory that the Basmalah would never be said over someone sick without them being cured of their illness. Additionally, it is said that when Allah created the heavens, they were in turmoil, but when He wrote 'Bismillah' on them, their agitation calmed. When the formula first came down to the Prophet from heaven, he said, 'I am safe from three things: earthquakes, transformations, and drowning;' indeed, its benefits are immense and its blessings are countless. It is reported that on Judgment Day, a man will be brought before Him, and when He sees that he has no good deeds to his name, He will order him to the Fire; but the man will plead: 'O my God, You have not treated me justly!' Then Allah (to whom be honor and glory!) will ask, 'How so?' and the man will reply, 'O Lord, You call Yourself the Compassionate, the Merciful, yet You would punish me with the Fire!' Allah (may His Majesty be exalted!) will respond, 'I did indeed name Myself the Compassionate, the Merciful. Take My servant to Paradise out of My mercy, for I am the Most Merciful of the merciful!'' (¿) 'What is the origin of using the Basmalah?'—When Allah sent down the Quran from Heaven, they wrote, 'In Your name, O my God!'; when Allah revealed the words, 'Say: Call upon Allah or call upon the Compassionate, whichever name you use to pray, for He has the most excellent names,'[370] they wrote, 'In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful;' and when He revealed the words, 'Your God is one God; there is no deity but He, the Compassionate, the Merciful,'[371] they wrote, 'In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful!' When the Quranist heard her answer, he lowered his head and thought, 'This is truly remarkable! How has this servant girl explained the origin of the Basmalah? But, by Allah, I must outwit her somehow.' So he asked, 'Did Allah reveal the Quran all at once or gradually over time?' She replied, 'Gabriel the Trustworthy (may peace be upon him!) brought it from the Lord of the Worlds to His Prophet Mohammed, Prince of the Apostles and Seal of the Prophets, in separate verses; commanding and forbidding, establishing treaties and warnings, and offering advice and examples over twenty years as the circumstances required.' (¿) 'Which chapter was revealed first?'—According to Ibn Abbas, it was the one titled Congealed Blood:[372] and according to Jábir bin Abdillah,[373] it was the one called 'The Covered' which came before all others.[374] (¿) 'Which verse was the last to be revealed?'—It was about Usury,[375] and it is also said, the verse, 'When Allah's help and victory come.'[376]——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn approaching and stopped her permitted discourse.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel told the Koranist which was the last verse he said, “Thou hast replied aright; now tell me the names of the Companions who collected the Koran, in the lifetime of the Apostle of Allah.” And she answered, “They were four, Ubay ibn Ka’ab, Zayd ibn Sábit, Abú Obaydah ‘Aamir bin Jarráh, and Othmán bin Affán,[377] (Allah accept of them one and all!)” (¿) “Who are the readers, from whom the accepted reading of the Koran is taken?”—They number four, Abdallah bin Mas’úd, Ubay bin Ka’ab, Ma’az bin Jabal and Sálim bin Abdillah. (¿) “What sayest thou of the words of the Most High, ‘That which is sacrificed to stones’”?[378]—The stones are idols, which are set up and worshipped, 215instead of Allah the Most High, and from this we seek refuge with Allah. (¿) “What sayest thou of the words of the Most High, Thou knowest what is in my soul, and I know not what is in Thy soul”?[379]—They mean, “Thou knowest the truth of me and what is in me, and I know not what is in Thee; and the proof of this are His words,[380] ‘Thou art He who wottest the hidden things’”; and it is said, also, “Thou knowest my essence, but I know not Thine essence.” (¿) “What sayst thou of the words of the Most High, ‘O true believers, forbid not yourselves the good things which Allah hath allowed you?’”[381]—My Shaykh (on whom Allah have mercy!) told me that the Companion Al-Zahhák related:—There was a people of the True-believers who said, “We will dock our members masculine and don sackcloth;” whereupon this verse was revealed. But Al-Kutádah declareth that it was revealed on account of sundry Companions of the Apostle of Allah, namely, Ali ibn Abí Tálib and Othmán bin Musa’ab and others, who said, “We will geld ourselves and don hair cloth and make us monks.” (¿) “What sayest thou of the words of the Most Highest, ‘And Allah took Abraham for His friend’”?[382]—The friend of Allah is the needy, the poor, and (according to another saying) he is the lover, he who is detached from the world in the love of Allah Almighty and in whose attachment there is no falling away. Now when the Koranist[383] saw her pass on in speech with the passage of the clouds and that she stayed not in reply, he rose to his feet and said, “I take Allah to witness, O Commander of the Faithful, that this damsel is more learned than I in Koranic exegesis and what pertaineth thereto.” Then said she, “I will ask thee one question, which if thou answer it is well; but if thou answer not, I will strip off thy clothes.” Quoth the Commander of the Faithful, “Ask on,” and she enquired, “Which verset of the Koran hath in it three-and-twenty Káfs, which sixteen Míms, which an hundred and forty 216‘Ayns[384] and which section[385] lacketh the formula, ‘To Whom belong glory and glorification and majesty[386]?’” The Koranist could not reply, and she said to him, “Put off thy clothes.” So he doffed them, and she continued, “O Commander of the Faithful, the verset of the sixteen Mims is in the chapter Húd and is the saying of the Most High, ‘It was said, O Noah, go down in peace from us, and blessing upon thee!’;[387] that of the three-and-twenty Kafs is the verse called of the Faith, in the chapter of The Cow; that of the hundred and forty Ayns is in the chapter of Al-A’aráf,[388] where the Lord saith, ‘And Moses chose seventy men of his tribe to attend our appointed time;[389] to each man a pair of eyes.’[390] And the lesson, which lacketh the formula, ‘To Whom be glory and glorification,’ is that which comprises the chapters, The Hour draweth nigh and the Moon shall be cloven in twain[391]; The Compassionate and The Event.”[392] Thereupon the professor departed in confusion.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that when the young woman told the Koranist what the last verse was, he said, 'You answered correctly; now tell me the names of the Companions who collected the Koran during the life of the Prophet of Allah.' And she replied, 'They were four: Ubay ibn Ka’ab, Zayd ibn Sábit, Abú Obaydah ‘Aamir bin Jarráh, and Othmán bin Affán, (may Allah accept them all!)' 'Who are the readers from whom the accepted reading of the Koran is taken?'—There are four: Abdallah bin Mas’úd, Ubay bin Ka’ab, Ma’az bin Jabal, and Sálim bin Abdillah. 'What do you say about the words of the Most High, "That which is sacrificed to stones"?'—The stones are idols that are set up and worshipped instead of Allah the Most High, and we seek refuge with Allah from this. 'What do you say about the words of the Most High, "You know what is in my soul, and I do not know what is in Your soul"? '—They mean, 'You know the truth about me and what is within me, and I do not know what is in You; and the proof of this is His words, "You are He who knows the hidden things"; and it is also said, "You know my essence, but I do not know Yours." 'What do you say about the words of the Most High, "O true believers, do not forbid yourselves the good things which Allah has allowed you?"'—My Shaykh (may Allah have mercy on him!) told me that the Companion Al-Zahhák reported: There were some True-believers who said, "We will cut off our male members and wear sackcloth;" upon this, this verse was revealed. But Al-Kutádah states that it was revealed because of certain Companions of the Prophet of Allah, namely, Ali ibn Abí Tálib and Othmán bin Musa’ab and others, who said, "We will castrate ourselves and wear hair cloth and become monks." 'What do you say about the words of the Most High, "And Allah took Abraham as His friend"? '—The friend of Allah is the needy, the poor, and (according to another saying) he is the beloved, one who is detached from the world in the love of Almighty Allah and whose attachment does not falter. Now when the Koranist saw her continuing in her speech like the passing clouds and that she did not stop to reply, he stood up and said, "I swear to Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, that this young woman knows more than I about Koranic interpretation and related matters." Then she said, "I will ask you one question, and if you answer it, that's good; but if you don't, I will strip you of your clothes." The Commander of the Faithful replied, "Go ahead and ask," and she asked, "Which verse of the Koran contains twenty-three Káfs, sixteen Míms, one hundred and forty ‘Ayns, and which chapter lacks the phrase, 'To Whom belongs glory, glorification, and majesty'?" The Koranist couldn't answer, and she said to him, "Take off your clothes." So he did, and she continued, "O Commander of the Faithful, the verse with the sixteen Míms is in the chapter Húd and is the saying of the Most High, 'It was said, O Noah, go down in peace from us, and blessings upon you!'; that of the twenty-three Káfs is called the verse of Faith in the chapter of The Cow; that of the hundred and forty ‘Ayns is in the chapter of Al-A’áraf, where the Lord says, 'And Moses chose seventy men from his tribe to attend our appointed time; to each man a pair of eyes.' And the lesson that lacks the phrase, 'To Whom belongs glory and glorification,' comprises the chapters The Hour Approaches and The Moon Will Be Split, The Compassionate, and The Event." Then the professor left in confusion. And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel defeated the Koranist and took off his clothes and sent him away confused, then came forward the skilled physician and said to her, “We are free of theology and come now to physiology. Tell me, therefore, how is man made; how many veins, bones and vertebræ are there in his body; which is the first and chief vein and why Adam was named Adam?” She replied, “Adam was called Adam, because of his udmah, that is, the wheaten colour of his complexion and also (it is said) because he was created of the adim of the earth, that is to say, of the surface-soil. His breast was made of the earth of the Ka’abah, his head of earth from the East and his legs of earth from the West. There were created for him seven doors in his head, viz., the eyes, the ears, the nostrils and the mouth, and two passages, before and behind. The eyes were made the seat of the sight-sense, the ears the seat of the hearing-sense, the nostrils the seat of the smell-sense, the mouth the seat of the taste-sense and the tongue to utter what is in the heart of man.[393] Now Adam was made of a compound of the four elements, which be water, earth, fire and air. The yellow bile is the humour of fire, being hot-dry; the black bile that of earth, being cold-dry; the phlegm that of water, being cold-moist, and the blood that of air, being hot-moist.[394] There were made in man three hundred and sixty veins, two hundred and forty-nine bones, and three souls[395] or spirits, the animal, the rational and the natural, to each of which is allotted its proper function. Moreover, Allah made him a heart and spleen and lungs and six intestines and a liver and two kidneys and buttocks and brain and bones and skin and five senses; hearing, seeing, smell, taste, touch. The heart He set on the left side of the breast and made the stomach the guide and governor thereof. He appointed the lungs for a fan to the heart and stablished the liver on the right side, opposite thereto. Moreover, He made, besides this, the diaphragm and the viscera and set up the bones of the breast and latticed them 218with the ribs.” (¿) “How many ventricles are there in a man’s head?”—Three, which contain five faculties, styled the intrinsic senses, to wit, common sense, imagination, the thinking faculty, perception and memory. (¿) “Describe to me the configuration of the bones.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O king, that when the girl defeated the Koranist, stripped him of his clothes, and sent him away embarrassed, a skilled physician came forward and said to her, 'Let's set aside theology and move on to physiology. So tell me, how is a person made? How many veins, bones, and vertebrae are there in the body? What is the first and main vein, and why was Adam named Adam?' She replied, 'Adam was named Adam because of his udmah, which means the wheat-like color of his complexion, and also (it’s said) because he was created from the adim of the earth, which refers to the surface soil. His chest was made from the earth of the Ka’abah, his head from eastern soil, and his legs from western soil. Seven openings were created for him in his head: the eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth, along with two passages, one at the front and one at the back. The eyes were made to be the seat of sight, the ears the seat of hearing, the nostrils the seat of smell, the mouth the seat of taste, and the tongue to express what is in a person’s heart.[393] Adam was made from a mix of the four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. The yellow bile represents fire, being hot and dry; the black bile represents earth, being cold and dry; phlegm represents water, being cold and moist; and blood represents air, being hot and moist.[394] In total, a person has three hundred sixty veins, two hundred forty-nine bones, and three souls[395] or spirits: the animal soul, the rational soul, and the natural soul, each with its own function. Furthermore, Allah created him with a heart, spleen, lungs, six intestines, a liver, two kidneys, buttocks, brain, bones, skin, and five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch. The heart was placed on the left side of the chest with the stomach as its guide and governor. The lungs were made to support the heart, and the liver was established on the right side, opposite to it. Additionally, He created the diaphragm and the internal organs, and set up the breast bones, reinforcing them with ribs.” (¿) “How many ventricles are there in a person’s head?”—Three, which contain five abilities known as the intrinsic senses: common sense, imagination, the thinking faculty, perception, and memory. (¿) “Describe to me the shape of the bones.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her permitted speech.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the physicist said to her, “Describe to me the configuration of the bones,” she replied, “Man’s frame consists of two hundred and forty bones, which are divided into three parts, the head, the trunk and the extremities. The head is divided into calvarium and face. The skull is constructed of eight bones, and to it are attached the four osselets of the ear. The face is furnished with an upper jaw of eleven bones and a lower jaw of one; and to these are added the teeth two-and-thirty in number, and the os hyoides.[396] The trunk is divided into spinal column, breast and basin. The spinal column is made up of four-and-twenty bones, called Fikár or vertebræ; the breast, of the breast-bone and the ribs, which are four-and-twenty in number, twelve on each side; and the basin of the hips, the sacrum[397] and the os coccygis. The extremities are divided into upper and lower, arms and legs. The arms are again divided firstly into shoulder, comprising shoulder blades and collar bone; secondly into the upper arm which is one bone; thirdly into fore-arm, composed of two bones, the radius and the ulna, and fourthly into the hand, consisting of the wrist, the metacarpus of five and the fingers, which number five, of three bones each, called the phalanges, except the thumb, which hath but two. The lower extremities are divided, firstly into thigh, which is one bone secondly into leg, composed of three bones, the tibia, the fibula and the patella, 219and thirdly into the foot, divided, like the hand, into tarsus, metatarsus and toes; and is composed of seven bones, ranged in two rows, two in one and five in the other; and the metatarsus is composed of five bones and the toes number five, each of three phalanges except the big toe which hath only two.” (¿) “Which is the root of the veins?”—The aorta, from which they ramify, and they are many, none knoweth the tale of them save He who created them; but I repeat, it is said that they number three hundred and sixty.[398] Moreover, Allah hath appointed the tongue as interpreter for the thought, the eyes to serve as lanterns, the nostrils to smell with, and the hands for prehensors. The liver is the seat of pity, the spleen of laughter[399] and the kidneys of craft; the lungs are ventilators, the stomach the store-house and the heart the prop and pillar of the body. When the heart is sound, the whole body is sound, and when the heart is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. (¿) “What are the outward signs and symptoms evidencing disease in the members of the body, both external and internal?”—A physician, who is a man of understanding, looketh into the state of the body and is guided by the feel of the hands,[400] according as they are firm or flabby, hot or cool, moist or dry. Internal disorders are also indicated by external symptoms, such as yellowness of the white of the eyes, which denoteth jaundice, and bending of the back, which denoteth disease of the lungs.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that when the physicist asked her, ‘Can you describe the structure of the bones?’ she responded, ‘The human body is made up of two hundred and forty bones, which are divided into three parts: the head, the trunk, and the limbs. The head is divided into the skull and the face. The skull consists of eight bones, to which are attached the four tiny bones of the ear. The face has an upper jaw made of eleven bones and a lower jaw made of one; plus, it has thirty-two teeth and the hyoid bone.[396] The trunk is divided into the spinal column, the chest, and the pelvis. The spinal column comprises twenty-four bones, known as vertebrae; the chest consists of the sternum and the ribs, totaling twenty-four, twelve on each side; and the pelvis includes the hip bones, the sacrum[397] and the coccyx. The limbs are divided into the upper and lower parts: arms and legs. The arms are further divided into the shoulder area, which includes the shoulder blades and collarbone; then into the upper arm, which consists of one bone; next into the forearm, composed of two bones, the radius and the ulna; and finally into the hand, which has the wrist and the metacarpus made up of five bones, and the fingers, totaling five, each containing three bones known as phalanges, except for the thumb, which has only two. The lower limbs are divided into the thigh, which is one bone; then into the leg, made up of three bones: the tibia, the fibula, and the patella; and lastly into the foot, which mirrors the hand's structure, divided into the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes, containing seven bones arranged in two rows—two in one row and five in the other; the metatarsus includes five bones, and the toes are five, each with three phalanges except for the big toe, which has only two.’ (¿) ‘What is the source of the veins?’—‘The aorta, from which they branch out, and there are many; no one knows their exact number except for He who created them. However, it is said they total three hundred and sixty.[398] Furthermore, Allah has designated the tongue as the means of expressing thoughts, the eyes to provide vision, the nostrils for smelling, and the hands for grasping. The liver is the center of compassion, the spleen of joy[399], and the kidneys of cunning; the lungs are responsible for breathing, the stomach serves as a storage facility, and the heart is the support and foundation of the body. When the heart is healthy, the entire body is healthy; when the heart is corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. (¿) ‘What are the visible signs and symptoms of disease in the body, both external and internal?’—‘A physician, who is knowledgeable, examines the condition of the body and is guided by the touch of his hands,[400] noticing if they are firm or soft, warm or cool, moist or dry. Internal ailments also show through external signs, such as yellowing of the whites of the eyes, indicating jaundice, and a bent back, signaling lung disease.’ —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story as permitted.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had described to the doctor the outer signs and symptoms quoth he, “Thou hast replied aright! now what are the internal 220symptoms of disease?”—The science of the diagnosis of disease by internal symptoms is founded upon six canons, (1) the patient’s actions; (2) what is evacuated from his body; (3) the nature of the pain and (4) the site thereof; (5) swelling and (6) the effluvia given off his person. (¿) “How cometh hurt to the head?”—By the ingestion of food upon food, before the first be digested, and by fullness upon fullness; this it is that wasteth peoples. He who would live long, let him be early with the morning-meal and not late with the evening-meal; let him be sparing of commerce with women and chary of such depletory measures as cupping and blood-letting; and let him make of his belly three parts, one for food, one for drink and the third for air; for that a man’s intestines are eighteen spans in length and it befitteth that he appoint six for meat, six for drink, and six for breath. If he walk, let him go gently; it will be wholesomer for him and better for his body and more in accordance with the saying of the Almighty, “Walk not proudly on the earth.”[401] (¿) “What are the symptoms of yellow bile and what is to be feared therefrom?”—The symptoms are sallow complexion and bitter taste in the mouth with dryness; failure of the appetite, venereal and other, and rapid pulse; and the patient hath to fear high fever and delirium and eruptions and jaundice and tumour and ulcers of the bowels and excessive thirst. (¿) “What are the symptoms of black bile and what hath the patient to fear from it, an it get the mastery of the body?”—The symptoms are false appetite and great mental disquiet and cark and care; and it behoveth that it be evacuated, else it will generate melancholia[402] and leprosy and cancer and disease of the spleen and ulceration of the bowels. (¿) “Into how many branches is the art of medicine divided?”—Into two: the art of diagnosing diseases and that of restoring the diseased body to health. (¿) “When is the drinking of medicine more efficacious than other-when?”—When the sap runs in the wood and the grape thickens in the 221cluster and the two auspicious planets, Jupiter and Venus, are in the ascendant; then setteth in the proper season for drinking of drugs and doing away of disease. (¿) “What time is it, when, if a man drink water from a new vessel, the drink is sweeter and lighter or more digestible to him than at another time, and there ascendeth to him a pleasant fragrance and a penetrating?”——When he waiteth awhile after eating, as quoth the poet:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the girl explained the visible signs and symptoms to the doctor, he said, 'You’ve answered correctly! Now, what are the internal symptoms of the illness?'—The science of diagnosing disease through internal symptoms is based on six principles: (1) the patient’s behavior; (2) what comes out of their body; (3) the nature of the pain; (4) where it hurts; (5) swelling; and (6) the odors from their body. (¿) 'How does head pain occur?'—It happens by eating too much food too quickly, before the first is digested, and by overeating; this is what damages people. If you want to live a long life, you should eat your morning meal early and your evening meal not too late; be moderate in dealings with women and cautious about depleting methods like cupping and bloodletting. Make sure that your stomach is divided into three parts: one for food, one for drink, and one for air; since a man's intestines are eighteen spans long, it's appropriate to allocate six spans for food, six for drink, and six for breathing. If he walks, he should do so gently; this will be healthier for him and better for his body, aligning with the saying of the Almighty, 'Do not walk arrogantly on the earth.'[401] (¿) 'What are the symptoms of yellow bile, and what should one be concerned about?'—The symptoms include a yellowish complexion, a bitter taste in the mouth and dryness; loss of appetite, both sexual and otherwise, rapid pulse, and the patient needs to worry about high fever, delirium, skin rashes, jaundice, swelling, and ulcers in the bowels, along with excessive thirst. (¿) 'What are the symptoms of black bile, and what dangers does it pose to the patient if it overwhelms the body?'—The symptoms include a false sense of hunger, great anxiety, and worry; it needs to be expelled; otherwise, it can lead to melancholy[402] and leprosy, cancer, spleen disorders, and bowel ulcers. (¿) 'Into how many branches is the art of medicine divided?'—It is divided into two: the art of diagnosing diseases and the art of healing the sick body. (¿) 'When is taking medicine most effective compared to other times?'—When the sap flows in the trees, and the grapes ripen in the bunch, and the two favorable planets, Jupiter and Venus, are in ascendancy; then it's the right time for taking medicine and eliminating diseases. (¿) 'When is it that if a person drinks water from a new vessel, the drink is sweeter, lighter, or more digestible than at other times, and a pleasant fragrance rises to them?'—When they wait a little while after eating, as the poet says:"
(¿) “What food is it that giveth not rise to ailments?”—That which is not eaten but after hunger, and when it is eaten, the ribs are not filled with it, even as saith Jálínús or Galen the physician, “Whoso will take in food, let him go slowly and he shall not go wrongly.” And to conclude with His saying (on whom be blessing and peace!), “The stomach is the house of disease, and diet is the head of healing; for the origin of all sickness is indigestion, that is to say, corruption of the meat”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
(¿) “What food doesn’t cause health issues?”—It’s the food eaten only after you’re truly hungry, and even then, it shouldn’t fill your ribs too much. As Galen, the doctor, said, “Whoever wants to eat should do so slowly, and they won’t go wrong.” To sum up His words (peace and blessings be upon Him!), “The stomach is the source of disease, and diet is the key to healing; for the root of all illness is indigestion, which means the breakdown of food.” And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her allowed storytelling.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel said to the doctor, “The stomach is the house of disease and diet is the head of healing; for the origin of all sickness is indigestion, that is to say, corruption of the meat in the stomach;” he rejoined, “Thou hast replied aright! what sayest thou of the Hammam?”—Let not the full man enter it. Quoth the Prophet, “The bath is the blessing of the house, for that it cleanseth the body and calleth to mind the Fire.” (¿) “What Hammams are best for bathing in?”—Those whose waters are sweet and whose space is ample and which are kept well aired; 222their atmosphere representing the four seasons—autumn and summer and winter and spring. (¿) “What kind of food is the most profitable?”—That which women make and which hath not cost overmuch trouble and which is readily digested. The most excellent of food is brewis[404] or bread sopped in broth; according to the saying of the Prophet, “Brewis excelleth other food, even as Ayishah excelleth other women.” (¿) “What kind of kitchen, or seasoning, is most profitable?”—“Flesh meat” (quoth the Prophet) “is the most excellent of kitchen; for that it is the delight of this world and the next world.” (¿) “What kind of meat is the most profitable?”—Mutton; but jerked meat is to be avoided, for there is no profit in it. (¿) “What of fruits?”—Eat them in their prime and quit them when their season is past. (¿) “What sayest thou of drinking water?”—Drink it not in large quantities nor swallow it by gulps, or it will give thee head-ache and cause divers kinds of harm; neither drink it immediately after leaving the Hammam nor after carnal copulation or eating (except it be after the lapse of fifteen minutes for a young man and forty for an old man), nor after waking from sleep. (¿) “What of drinking fermented liquors?”—Doth not the prohibition suffice thee in the Book of Almighty Allah, where He saith, “Verily, wine and lots and images, and the divining arrows are an abomination, of Satan’s work; therefore avoid them, that ye may prosper”?[405] And again, “They will ask thee concerning wine and lots: Answer, ‘In both there is great sin and also some things of use unto men: but their sinfulness is greater than their use.’”[406] Hence quoth the poet:—
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O wise King, that when the girl told the doctor, 'The stomach is where disease resides and diet is key to healing; the root of all illness is indigestion, meaning the breakdown of food in the stomach,' he replied, 'You have answered correctly! What do you think about the Hammam?'— 'A full person should not enter it.' The Prophet said, 'The bath is a blessing for the home, as it cleanses the body and reminds one of the Fire.' (¿) 'What Hammams are best for bathing?'— 'Those with sweet waters, ample space, and good ventilation; their atmosphere should reflect the four seasons—autumn, summer, winter, and spring.' (¿) 'What type of food is most beneficial?'— 'The kind made by women that isn't too difficult to prepare and is easily digested. The best food is brewis[404] or bread soaked in broth; according to the Prophet's saying, 'Brewis surpasses all other food, just as Ayishah surpasses all other women.' (¿) 'What kind of kitchen or seasoning is most beneficial?'— 'Flesh meat,' said the Prophet, 'is the best kind of food; it's the joy of this world and the next.' (¿) 'What type of meat is most beneficial?'— 'Mutton; but avoid dried meat, as it offers no benefit.' (¿) 'What about fruits?'— 'Eat them when they are ripe and stop when their season is over.' (¿) 'What do you say about drinking water?'— 'Don’t drink it in large amounts or gulp it down, as it can cause headaches and various types of harm; also, don’t drink it right after leaving the Hammam or after sexual relations or eating (unless at least fifteen minutes have passed for a young man and forty for an older man), nor right after waking up.' (¿) 'What about drinking alcoholic beverages?'— 'Isn’t the prohibition enough for you in the Book of Almighty Allah, where He says, 'Indeed, wine, gambling, idols, and divining arrows are abominations, works of Satan; so avoid them if you wish to succeed'?[405] And again, 'They will ask you about wine and gambling: say, 'In both is great sin and some benefit for people; but their sin is greater than their benefit.'[406] Hence the poet says:—"
And quoth another to the same purport:—
And said another with the same meaning:—
As for the advantages that be therein, it disperseth stone and gravel from the kidneys and strengtheneth the viscera and banisheth care, and moveth to generosity and preserveth health and digestion; it conserveth the body, expelleth disease from the joints, purifieth the frame of corrupt humours, engendereth cheerfulness, gladdeneth the heart of man and keepeth up the natural heat: it contracteth the bladder, enforceth the liver and removeth obstructions, reddeneth the cheeks, cleareth away maggots from the brain and deferreth grey hairs. In short, had not Allah (to whom be honour and glory!) forbidden it,[407] there were not on the face of the earth aught fit to stand in its stead. As for gambling by lots, it is a game of hazard such as dicing not of skill. (¿) “What wine is best?”—That which is pressed from white grapes and kept eighty days or more after fermentation: it resembleth not water and indeed there is nothing on the surface of the earth like unto it. (¿) “What sayest thou of cupping?”—It is for him who is over full of blood and who hath no defect therein; and whoso would be cupped, let it be during the wane of the moon, on a day without cloud, wind or rain and on the seventeenth of the month. If it fall on a Tuesday, it will be the more efficacious, and nothing is more salutary for the brain and eyes and for clearing the intellect than cupping.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
As for the benefits involved, it eliminates stones and gravel from the kidneys, strengthens the organs, alleviates worry, encourages generosity, and maintains health and digestion. It preserves the body, drives out diseases from the joints, purifies the body of harmful humors, induces happiness, cheers the heart, and maintains natural warmth. It tightens the bladder, stimulates the liver, removes blockages, reddens the cheeks, clears away brain fog, and delays gray hair. In short, if Allah (may He be honored and glorified!) had not forbidden it,[407] nothing on earth could compare to it. As for casting lots, it's a game of chance, not skill. (¿) “What wine is best?”—The one that’s pressed from white grapes and stored for eighty days or more after fermentation: it doesn’t taste like water, and there’s nothing else on earth quite like it. (¿) “What do you think of cupping?”—It’s for those who have too much blood and no other issues; if you want to be cupped, do it during the waning moon, on a clear day without clouds, wind, or rain, and preferably on the seventeenth of the month. If that falls on a Tuesday, it will be even more effective, and nothing is better for the brain and eyes or for clearing the mind than cupping.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel enumerated the benefits of cupping, quoth the doctor, 224“What is the best time for cupping?”—One should be cupped ‘on the spittle,’ that is, in the morning before eating, for this fortifieth the wit and the memory. It is reported of the Prophet that, when anyone complained to him of a pain in the head or legs, he would bid him be cupped and after cupping not eat salt food fasting, for it engendereth scurvy; neither eat sour things as curded milk[408] immediately after cupping. (¿) “When is cupping to be avoided?”—On Sabbaths or Saturdays and Wednesdays, and let him who is cupped on these days blame none but himself. Moreover, one should not be cupped in very hot weather nor in very cold weather; and the best season for cupping is springtide. Quoth the doctor, “Now tell me of carnal copulation.” Hereupon Tawaddud hung her head, for shame and confusion before the Caliph’s majesty; then said, “By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, it is not that I am at fault, but that I am ashamed; though, indeed, the answer is on the edge of my tongue.” Said the Caliph; “Speak, O damsel,” whereupon said she, “Copulation hath in it many and exceeding virtues and praiseworthy qualities, amongst which are, that it lighteneth a body full of black bile and calmeth the heat of love and induceth affection and dilateth the heart and dispelleth the sadness of solitude; and the excess of it is more harmful in summer and autumn than in spring and winter.” (¿) “What are its good effects?”—It banisheth trouble and disquiet, calmeth love and wrath and is good for ulcers, especially in a cold and dry humour; on the other hand excess of it weakeneth the sight and engendereth pains in the legs and head and back: and beware, beware of carnal connection with old women, for they are deadly. Quoth the Imam Ali[409] (whose face Allah honour!), “Four things kill and ruin the body: entering the Hammam on a full stomach; eating salt food; copulation on a plethora of blood and lying with an ailing woman; for she will weaken thy strength and infect thy frame with sickness; and an old woman is deadly poison.” And quoth one of them, “Beware of taking an old woman to wife, though she be richer in hoards than Kárún.”[410] (¿) “What is the best copulation?”—If the woman 225be tender of years, comely of shape, fair of face, swelling of breast and of noble race, she will add to thee strength and health of body; and let her be even as saith a certain poet describing her:—
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that when the girl listed the benefits of cupping, the doctor asked, 224 'When is the best time for cupping?'—One should have cupping done 'on the spittle,' meaning, in the morning before eating, as this strengthens the mind and memory. It is said that the Prophet would tell anyone complaining of pain in the head or legs to get cupped and afterward avoid salty food during fasting, as it causes scurvy; also, avoid sour foods like curdled milk immediately after cupping. (¿) 'When should cupping be avoided?'—On Sabbaths or Saturdays and Wednesdays, and anyone who gets cupped on these days has no one to blame but themselves. Furthermore, one should not be cupped in extremely hot or cold weather; spring is the best season for cupping. The doctor then asked, 'Now tell me about sexual relations.' At this, Tawaddud lowered her head, feeling shame and confusion before the Caliph's greatness; then she said, 'By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, it’s not that I lack knowledge, but I feel embarrassed; still, the answer is right on the tip of my tongue.' The Caliph said, 'Speak, O girl,' and she replied, 'Sexual relations have many great virtues and commendable qualities, including that it helps reduce an excess of black bile, calms the heat of love, promotes affection, opens the heart, and banishes the sadness of loneliness; excessive relations are more harmful in summer and autumn than in spring and winter.' (¿) 'What are its beneficial effects?'—It drives away trouble and unrest, calms love and anger, and is good for ulcers, especially in someone with cold and dry humors; however, excessive relations can weaken eyesight and cause pain in the legs, head, and back. Be cautious of engaging with older women, as they can be dangerous. Imam Ali[409] (may Allah honor his face!) said, 'Four things kill and ruin the body: entering the bathhouse on a full stomach; eating salty foods; sexual relations when you have a lot of blood; and lying with a sick woman, as she will weaken you and inflict illness upon your body; and an older woman is poisonous.' One of them added, 'Avoid marrying an older woman, even if she is wealthier than Kárún.'[410] (¿) 'What is the best kind of sexual relations?'—If the woman is young, well-shaped, pretty, full-breasted, and from a noble lineage, she will bring you strength and health; and let her be just as described by a certain poet:—
(¿) “At what time is copulation good?”—If by night, after food digested and if by day, after the morning meal. (¿) “What are the most excellent fruits?”—Pomegranate and citron. (¿) “Which is the most excellent of vegetables?”—Endive.[411] (¿) “Which of sweet-scented flowers?”—Rose and Violet. (¿) “How is the seed of man secreted?”—There is in man a vein which feedeth all the other veins. Now water is collected from the three hundred and sixty veins and, in the form of red blood, entereth the left testicle, where it is decocted, by the heat of temperament inherent in the son of Adam, into a thick, white liquid, whose odour is as that of the palm-spathe. (¿) “What flying thing is it that emitteth seed and menstruateth?”—The flitter-mouse,[412] that is the bat. (¿) “What is that which, when confined and shut out from the air liveth, and when let out to smell the air dieth?”—The fish. (¿) “What serpent layeth eggs?”—The Su’ban or dragon.[413] With this the physician waxed weary with much questioning, and held his peace, when Tawaddud said to the Caliph, “O Commander of the Faithful, he hath questioned me till he is tired out and now I will ask him one question, which if he answer not, I will take his clothes as lawful prize.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
(¿) “What time is good for sex?”—At night, after food has digested, and during the day, after breakfast. (¿) “What are the best fruits?”—Pomegranate and citron. (¿) “What is the best vegetable?”—Endive.[411] (¿) “Which sweet-scented flowers are the best?”—Rose and violet. (¿) “How is the male's seed produced?”—There is a vein in a man that supplies all the other veins. Water collects from the three hundred and sixty veins and, in the form of red blood, enters the left testicle, where it is transformed, by the natural heat of man, into a thick, white liquid, which smells like palm-spathe. (¿) “What flying creature produces seed and menstruates?”—The bat,[412] I mean the flitter-mouse. (¿) “What lives when kept in a confined space away from air and dies when exposed to air?”—The fish. (¿) “What serpent lays eggs?”—The Su’ban or dragon.[413] The physician grew weary from the many questions and fell silent, when Tawaddud said to the Caliph, “O Commander of the Faithful, he has questioned me until he is exhausted, and now I will ask him one question, the answer to which, if he can't provide, will mean I can take his clothes as a rightful prize.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn was breaking and stopped her narrative.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel said to the Commander of the Faithful, “Verily he hath questioned me till he is tired out, and now I will ask him one question, which if he answer not I will take his clothes as lawful prize,” the Caliph cried, “Ask on.” So quoth she to the physician, “What is that thing which resembleth the earth in roundness, whose resting-place and whose spine are hidden from men’s eyes; little of price and estimation; narrow of chest and shackled as to throat though it be nor runaway slave nor pestilent thief; thrust through and through, though not in fray, and wounded, though not in fight; time eateth its vigour and water wasteth it away; now it is beaten without blemish, and then made to serve without stint; united after separation; submissive, but not to him who caresseth it; pregnant without child in belly; drooping, yet not leaning on its side; becoming dirty yet purifying itself; cleaving to its fere, yet changing; copulating without a yard, wrestling without arms: resting and taking its ease; bitten, yet not crying out: now more complaisant than a cup-companion and then more troublesome than summer-heat; leaving its mate by night and embracing her by day and having its abode in the corners of the mansions of the noble?” The physician was silent awhile in perplexity and his colour changed and he bowed his head and made no reply; whereupon she said to him, “Ho, sir doctor, speak or doff thy dress.” At this, he rose and said, “O Commander of the Faithful, bear witness against me that this damsel is more learned than I in medicine and what else, and that I cannot cope with her.” And he put off his clothes and fled forth. Quoth the Caliph to Tawaddud, “Ree us thy riddle,” and she replied, “O Commander of the Faithful, it is the button and the button-loop.[414]”—Then she undertook the astronomers and said, “Let him of you who is an astronomer rise and come forward.” So the astronomer advanced and sat down before her; and, when she saw him, she laughed and said, “Art thou the astronomer, the mathematician, the scribe?” 227“Yes,” answered he. Quoth she, “Ask of what thou wilt; success resteth with Allah.” So he said, “Tell me of the sun and its rising and setting?” And she replied:—Know that the sun riseth from the shadows in the Eastern hemisphere and setteth in the shadows of the Western, and each hemisphere compriseth one hundred and eighty degrees. Quoth Allah Almighty, ‘I swear by the Lord of the East and of the West.’[415] And again, ‘He it is who hath ordained the sun to shine by day, and the moon for a light by night; and hath appointed her station that ye might know the number of years and the computation of time.’[416] The moon is Sultan of the night and the sun Sultan of the day, and they vie with each other in their courses and follow without overtaking each other. Quoth Almighty Allah, ‘It is not expedient that the sun overtake the moon in her course; neither doth the night outstrip the day, but each of these luminaries moveth in a peculiar orbit.’[417] (¿) “When the day cometh, what becometh of the night; and what of the day, when the night cometh?”—He causeth the night to enter in upon the day, and He causeth the day to enter in upon the night.’[418] (¿) “Enumerate to me the mansions of the moon?”[419]—They number eight-and-twenty, to wit, Sharatán, Butayn, Surayá, Dabarán, Hak’ah, Han’ah, Zirá’a, Nasrah, Tarf, Jabhah, Zubrah, Sarfah, ‘Awwá, Simák, Ghafar, Zubání, Iklíl, Kalb, Shaulah, Na’am, Baldah, Sa’ad al-Zábih, Sa’ad al-Bul’a, Sa’ad al-Su’úd, Sa’ad al-Akhbiyah, Fargh the Former and Fargh the Latter; and Risháa. They are disposed in the order of the letters of the Abjad-hawwaz or older alphabet,[420] 228according to their numerical power, and in them are secret virtues which none knoweth save Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) and the stablished in science. They are divided among the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, two mansions and a third of a mansion to each Sign. Thus Sharatan, Butayn and one-third of Suráyá, belong to Aries, the other two-thirds of Suráyá, Dabaran and two-thirds of Hak’ah to Taurus, the other third of Hak’ah, Han’ah and Zira’a to Gemini; Nasrah, Tarf and a third of Jabhah to Cancer, the other two-thirds of Jabhah, Zubrah and two-thirds of Sarfah to Leo; the other third of Sarfah, ‘Awwá and Simák to Virgo; Ghafar, Zubáni and one-third of Iklíl to Libra; the other two-thirds of Iklil, Kalb and two-thirds of Shaulah to Scorpio; the other third of Shaulah, Na’áim and Baldah to Sagittarius; Sa’ad al-Zábih, Sa’ad al-Bul’a and one-third of Sa’ad al-Su’ud to Capricorn, the other two-thirds of Sa’ad al-Su’úd, Sa’ad al-Akhbiyah and two-thirds of Fargh the Former to Aquarius, the other third of Fargh the Former, Fargh the Latter and Risháa to Pisces.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She continued, “It has come to my attention, O great King, that when the girl told the Commander of the Faithful, ‘He has questioned me until he’s worn out, and now I will ask him one question, and if he doesn’t answer, I will take his clothes as a valid prize,’ the Caliph shouted, ‘Go ahead and ask.’ So she asked the physician, ‘What is that thing that resembles the earth in roundness, whose base and spine are hidden from people's eyes; of little value and regard; narrow in chest and bound at the throat, even though it’s neither a runaway slave nor a loathsome thief; pierced through and through, yet not in battle, and wounded, yet not in a fight; time consumes its strength and water wears it away; now it is beaten without flaws, and then made to serve without limits; united after separation; compliant, but not to him who cuddles it; pregnant without a child in its belly; drooping yet not leaning to one side; getting dirty yet cleansing itself; clinging to its mate yet changing; mating without a male organ, wrestling without arms; resting and relaxing; bitten yet not crying out; now more agreeable than a drinking partner and then more bothersome than the summer heat; leaving its mate at night and embracing her during the day, and residing in the corners of the mansions of the noble?’ The physician was silent for a moment in confusion, his color changed, and he bowed his head without replying. She then said to him, ‘Hey, doctor, either speak or take off your clothes.’ At this, he stood up and said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, bear witness that this girl knows more than I do about medicine and everything else, and I cannot match her.’ Then he took off his clothes and ran away. The Caliph said to Tawaddud, ‘Reveal your riddle to us,’ and she answered, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, it’s the button and the buttonhole.[414]—’ Then she turned to the astronomers and said, ‘Let the astronomer among you stand and come forward.’ So one of the astronomers stepped up and sat down before her; when she saw him, she laughed and said, ‘Are you the astronomer, the mathematician, the scribe?’” 227“Yes,” he replied. She said, “Ask what you will; success is with Allah.” So he asked, “Tell me about the sun and its rising and setting?” And she replied: “Know that the sun rises from the shadows in the East and sets in the shadows of the West, and each hemisphere includes one hundred and eighty degrees. Almighty Allah said, ‘I swear by the Lord of the East and of the West.’[415] And again, ‘He is the one who ordained the sun to shine during the day, and the moon for light at night; and has appointed its position so you might know the number of years and calculate time.’[416] The moon is the ruler of the night, and the sun is the ruler of the day, and they compete in their paths without overtaking each other. Allah Almighty said, ‘It is not suitable for the sun to overtake the moon in its path; nor does the night outstrip the day, but each of these bodies of light moves in its own orbit.’[417] (¿) ‘When day comes, what happens to the night; and what happens to the day when night comes?’— He makes the night enter upon the day, and He makes the day enter upon the night.’[418] (¿) ‘Count for me the phases of the moon?’[419]—They total twenty-eight, including Sharatán, Butayn, Surayá, Dabarán, Hak’ah, Han’ah, Zirá’a, Nasrah, Tarf, Jabhah, Zubrah, Sarfah, ‘Awwá, Simák, Ghafar, Zubání, Iklíl, Kalb, Shaulah, Na’am, Baldah, Sa’ad al-Zábih, Sa’ad al-Bul’a, Sa’ad al-Su’úd, Sa’ad al-Akhbiyah, Fargh the Former, and Fargh the Latter; and Risháa. They are arranged in the order of the letters of the Abjad-hawwaz or older alphabet,[420] 228according to their numerical significance, and they contain secret qualities known only to Allah (exalted be He!) and the established scholars. They are distributed among the twelve Zodiac signs, with two phases and a third of a phase assigned to each sign. Thus, Sharatan, Butayn, and one-third of Suráyá belong to Aries; the other two-thirds of Suráyá, Dabarán, and two-thirds of Hak’ah to Taurus; the remaining third of Hak’ah, Han’ah, and Zirá’a to Gemini; Nasrah, Tarf, and a third of Jabhah to Cancer; the other two-thirds of Jabhah, Zubrah, and two-thirds of Sarfah to Leo; the remaining third of Sarfah, ‘Awwá, and Simák to Virgo; Ghafar, Zubáni, and one-third of Iklíl to Libra; the other two-thirds of Iklíl, Kalb, and two-thirds of Shaulah to Scorpio; the remaining third of Shaulah, Na’áim, and Baldah to Sagittarius; Sa’ad al-Zábih, Sa’ad al-Bul’a, and one-third of Sa’ad al-Su’úd to Capricorn; the other two-thirds of Sa’ad al-Su’úd, Sa’ad al-Akhbiyah, and two-thirds of Fargh the Former to Aquarius; and the other third of Fargh the Former, Fargh the Latter, and Risháa to Pisces.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel enumerated the Mansions and distributed them into their Signs, the astronomer said, “Thou hast replied aright; now tell me of the planets and their natures, also of their sojourn in the Zodiacal Signs, their aspects, auspicious and sinister, their houses, ascendants and descendants.” She answered, “The sitting is narrow for so large a matter, but I will say as much as I can. Now the planets number seven; which are, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The Sun, hot-dry, sinister in conjunction, favourable in opposition, abideth thirty days in each Sign. The Moon, cold-moist and favourable of aspect, tarrieth in each Sign two days and a third of another day. Mercury is of a mixed nature, favourable in conjunction with the favourable, and sinister in conjunction with the sinister 229aspects, and abideth in each sign seventeen days and a half day. Venus, temperate and favourable, abideth in each sign five-and-twenty days. Mars is sinister and woneth in each sign ten months. Jupiter is auspicious and abideth in each sign a year. Saturn, cold-dry and sinister, tarrieth in each sign thirty months. The house of the Sun is Leo, her ascendant is Aries, and her descendant Aquarius. The Moon’s house is Cancer, his ascendant Taurus, his descendant Scorpio and his sinister aspect Capricorn. Saturn’s house is Capricorn-Aquarius, his ascendant Libra, his descendant Aries and his sinister aspects Cancer and Leo. Jupiter’s house is Pisces-Sagittarius, his ascendant Cancer, his descendant Capricorn and his sinister aspects Gemini and Leo. Venus’s house is Taurus, her ascendant Pisces, her descendant Libra, and her sinister aspects Aries and Scorpio. Mercury’s house is Gemini-Virgo, his ascendant Virgo, his descendant Pisces, and his sinister aspect Taurus. Mars’s house is Aries-Scorpio, his ascendant Capricorn, his descendant Cancer and his sinister aspect Libra.” Now when the astronomer saw her acuteness and comprehensive learning and heard her fair answers, he bethought him for a sleight to confound her before the Commander of the Faithful, and said to her, “O damsel, tell me, will rain fall this month?” At this she bowed her head and pondered so long, that the Caliph thought her at a loss for an answer and the astronomer said to her, “Why dost thou not speak?” Quoth she, “I will not speak except the Commander of the Faithful give me leave.” So the Caliph laughed and said, “How so?” Cried she, “I would have thee give me a sword, that I may strike off his head, for he is an Infidel, an Agnostic, an Atheist.[421]” At this, loud laughed the Caliph and those about him laughed, and she continued, “O astronomer, there are five things that none knoweth save Allah Almighty;” and she repeated the verset; ‘Aye! Allah!—with Him is the knowledge of the hour and He causeth the rain to descend at His own appointed time—and He knoweth what is in the wombs of females—but no soul knoweth what it shall have gotten on the morrow; neither 230wotteth any soul in what land it shall die: Verily Allah is knowing, informed of all.’[422] Quoth the astronomer, “Thou hast said well, and I, by Allah, thought only to try thee.” Rejoined she, “Know that the almanack-makers have certain signs and tokens, referring to the planets and constellations relative to the coming in of the year; and folk have learned something by experience.” (¿) “What be that?”—Each day hath a planet that ruleth it: so if the first day in the year fall on First Day (Sunday) that day is the Sun’s and this portendeth (though Allah alone is All-knowing!) oppression of kings and sultans and governors and much miasma and lack of rain; and that people will be in great tumult and the grain-crop will be good, except lentils, which will perish, and the vines will rot and flax will be dear and wheat cheap from the beginning of Túbah to the end of Barmahát.[423] And, in this year there will be much fighting among kings, and there shall be great plenty of good in this year, but Allah is All-knowing! (¿) “What if the first day fall on Second Day (Monday)?”—That day belongeth to the Moon and portendeth righteousness in administrators and officials; and that it will be a year of much rain and grain-crops will be good, but linseed will decay and wheat will be cheap in the month Kiyáhk;[424] also the plague will rage and the sheep and goats will die, grapes will be plentiful and honey scarce and cotton cheap; and Allah is omniscient!——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O noble King, that when the young woman listed the Mansions and assigned them to their Signs, the astronomer remarked, 'You answered correctly; now tell me about the planets and their qualities, as well as their positions in the Zodiacal Signs, their aspects, both good and bad, their houses, ascendants, and descendants.' She replied, 'The space is too small for such a vast topic, but I will share what I can. The planets number seven: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The Sun is hot and dry, unfavorable when in conjunction, but favorable in opposition, and stays in each Sign for thirty days. The Moon is cold and moist, favorable in aspect, and lingers in each Sign for two days and a third of another day. Mercury has a mixed nature, favorable in conjunction with good aspects and unfavorable with bad ones, and stays in each sign for seventeen days and half a day. Venus is moderate and favorable, remaining in each sign for twenty-five days. Mars is unfavorable and resides in each sign for ten months. Jupiter is favorable and stays in each sign for a year. Saturn is cold and dry, and remains in each sign for thirty months. The Sun’s house is Leo, its ascendant is Aries, and its descendant is Aquarius. The Moon’s house is Cancer, its ascendant is Taurus, its descendant is Scorpio, and its unfavorable aspect is Capricorn. Saturn’s house is Capricorn-Aquarius, its ascendant is Libra, its descendant is Aries, and its unfavorable aspects are Cancer and Leo. Jupiter’s house is Pisces-Sagittarius, its ascendant is Cancer, its descendant is Capricorn, and its unfavorable aspects are Gemini and Leo. Venus’s house is Taurus, its ascendant is Pisces, its descendant is Libra, and its unfavorable aspects are Aries and Scorpio. Mercury’s house is Gemini-Virgo, its ascendant is Virgo, its descendant is Pisces, and its unfavorable aspect is Taurus. Mars's house is Aries-Scorpio, its ascendant is Capricorn, its descendant is Cancer, and its unfavorable aspect is Libra.' When the astronomer noticed her sharpness and extensive knowledge, and heard her clear answers, he thought of a trick to embarrass her before the Commander of the Faithful and asked her, 'O maiden, tell me, will it rain this month?' At this, she lowered her head and pondered for so long that the Caliph thought she couldn’t find an answer, and the astronomer pressed her, 'Why don’t you speak?' She replied, 'I will not speak unless the Commander of the Faithful gives me permission.' The Caliph laughed and said, 'What do you mean?' She exclaimed, 'I would have you give me a sword so I can cut off his head, for he is an infidel, an agnostic, an atheist.' At this, the Caliph and those around him burst into laughter, and she continued, 'O astronomer, there are five things that only Allah Almighty knows;' and she recited the verse: 'Indeed! Allah!—He alone knows the knowledge of the hour and causes the rain to fall at the right time—and He knows what is in the wombs of women—but no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow; nor does anyone know in which land it will die: Certainly, Allah is All-Knowing, fully aware of everything.' The astronomer replied, 'You have spoken rightly, and I, by Allah, only wanted to test you.' She responded, 'Know that the almanac-makers have specific signs and tokens, related to the planets and constellations concerning the start of the year; and people have learned some things from experience.' 'What are those?' he asked. 'Each day has a ruling planet: so if the first day of the year falls on Sunday, that day belongs to the Sun, and it foretells (though only Allah knows!) the oppression of kings and governors, a lot of disease, and scarcity of rain; people will be in great turmoil, and the harvest will be good, except lentils, which will wither, and the grapes will rot, and flax will be expensive while wheat will be cheap from the beginning of Túbah to the end of Barmahát. In this year, there will be much conflict among kings, and there will be plenty of good things, but Allah knows best! If the first day falls on Monday, that day belongs to the Moon and predicts righteousness among leaders and officials; it will be a year of much rain, and the crops will flourish, but linseed will spoil and wheat will be cheap in the month of Kiyáhk; also, the plague will spread, and sheep and goats will die, grapes will be abundant, honey will be scarce, and cotton will be cheap; and Allah is All-Knowing! And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and ceased to tell her permitted tale."
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel ended her notice of Second Day the astronomer said to 231her “Now tell me what will occur if New Year’s day fall on Third Day (Tuesday).” She replied, That is Mars’ day and portendeth death of great men and much destruction and deluge of blood and dearness of grain; lack of rain and scarcity of fish, which will anon be in excess and anon fail. Lentils and honey in this year will be cheap and linseed dear and only barley will thrive, to the exception of all other cereals: great will be the fighting among kings and death will be in the blood and there will be much mortality among asses. (¿) “What if it fall on Fourth Day?”—That is Mercury’s day and portendeth great tumult among the folk and much enmity and, though rains be moderate, rotting of some of the green crops; also that there will be sore mortality among cattle and young children and much fighting by sea; that wheat will be dear from Barmúdah to Misra[425] and other grains cheap; thunder and lightning will abound and honey will be dear, palm-trees will thrive and bear abundantly and flax and cotton will be plentiful, while radishes and onions will be dear; but Allah is All-knowing! (¿) “What if it fall on Fifth Day?”—That is Jupiter’s day and portendeth equity in Wazirs and righteousness in Kazis and Fakirs and the Ministers of religion; and that good will be plentiful: rains and fruit and trees and grain will abound, and flax, cotton, honey, grapes and fish be cheap; and Allah is Omniscient! (¿) “What if it fall on Meeting Day or Friday?”—That day appertaineth to Venus and portendeth oppression in the chiefs of the Jinn and talk of forgery and back-biting; there will be much dew; the autumn crops will be good in the land and there will be cheapness in one town and not in another: ungraciousness will be rife by land and sea; linseed will be dear, also wheat, in Hátúr, but cheap in Amshír; honey will be dear and grapes and water-melons will rot; and Allah is Omniscient! (¿) “What if it fall on the Sabbath (Saturday)?”—“That is Saturn’s day and portendeth the preferment of slaves and Greeks and those in whom there is no good, neither in their neighbourhood; there will be great drought and dearth; clouds will abound and death will be rife among the sons of Adam and woe to the people of Egypt and Syria from the oppression of the Sultan and failure of blessing upon the green crops and rotting of grain; and Allah is All-knowing!”[426] 232Now with this, the astronomer hung his head very low, and she said to him, “O astronomer, I will ask thee one question, which if thou answer not, I will take thy clothes.” “Ask,” replied he. Quoth she, “Where is Saturn’s dwelling-place?”; and he answered, “In the seventh heaven.” (¿) “And that of Jupiter?”—In the sixth heaven. (¿) “And that of Mars?”—In the fifth heaven. (¿) “And that of the Sun?”—In the fourth heaven. (¿) “And that of Venus?”—In the third heaven. (¿) “And that of Mercury?”—In the second heaven. (¿) “And that of the Moon?”—In the first heaven. Quoth she, “Well answered; but I have one more question to ask thee;” and quoth he, “Ask!” Accordingly she said, “Now tell me concerning the stars, into how many parts are they divided.” But he was silent and answered nothing; and she cried to him, “Put off thy clothes.” So he doffed them and she took them; after which the Caliph said to her, “Tell us the answer to thy question.” She replied:—O Commander of the Faithful, the stars are divided into three parts, whereof one-third is hung in the sky of the earth,[427] as it were lamps, to give light to the earth, and a part is used to shoot the demons withal, when they draw near by stealth to listen to the talk in heaven. Quoth Allah Almighty, ‘Verily, we have dight the sky of the earth with the adornment of the stars; and have appointed them for projectiles against every rebellious Satan.’[428] And the third part is hung in air to illuminate the seas and give light to what is therein. Quoth the astronomer, “I have one more question to ask, which if 233she answer, I will avow myself beaten.” “Say on,” answered she.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the girl finished her predictions for the Second Day, the astronomer asked her, ‘Now tell me what will happen if New Year’s Day falls on Third Day (Tuesday).’ She replied, ‘That's Mars' day, which indicates the deaths of great men, significant destruction, and a flood of blood, along with high grain prices; there will be a lack of rain and a shortage of fish, which will at times be abundant and at other times scarce. Lentils and honey will be cheap this year, but linseed will be expensive, and only barley will thrive while all other grains will struggle. There will be intense battles among kings, and many will die, including a lot of donkeys.’ (¿) ‘What if it falls on Fourth Day?’—‘That’s Mercury’s day, foreshadowing major turmoil among the people, a lot of animosity, and while the rains might be moderate, some of the green crops will rot; there will also be severe mortality among livestock and young children, with much fighting at sea. Wheat will be expensive from Barmúdah to Misra[425] while other grains will be cheap; thunder and lightning will be frequent, honey will be costly, palm trees will flourish and produce abundantly, and flax and cotton will be plentiful, while radishes and onions will be expensive; but Allah is All-knowing! (¿) ‘What if it falls on Fifth Day?’—‘That’s Jupiter’s day, which indicates fairness among Wazirs and righteousness among Kazis and Fakirs and the religious Ministers; good will be abundant: rains, fruits, trees, and grains will be in plenty, while flax, cotton, honey, grapes, and fish will be cheap; and Allah is Omniscient! (¿) ‘What if it falls on Meeting Day or Friday?’—‘That day belongs to Venus and indicates oppression among the chiefs of the Jinn, along with gossip and backbiting; there will be a lot of dew; the autumn crops will be good in the land, but there will be low prices in one town and high in another: ungraciousness will be common on land and sea; linseed will be expensive, as will wheat in Hátúr, but cheap in Amshír; honey will be costly, and grapes and watermelons will rot; and Allah is Omniscient! (¿) ‘What if it falls on Sabbath (Saturday)?’—‘That’s Saturn’s day, which indicates the promotion of slaves and Greeks and those without virtue, whether in their neighborhood or elsewhere; there will be significant drought and scarcity; clouds will rise, and death will be prevalent among humanity, with woe coming to the people of Egypt and Syria from the oppression of the Sultan and the lack of blessings on green crops, causing grain to rot; and Allah is All-knowing!’[426] 232 Now, upon hearing this, the astronomer lowered his head deeply, and she said to him, ‘O astronomer, I will ask you one question; if you don’t answer, I will take your clothes.’ ‘Ask,’ he replied. She continued, ‘Where is Saturn’s dwelling place?’ He answered, ‘In the seventh heaven.’ (¿) ‘And Jupiter’s?’—‘In the sixth heaven.’ (¿) ‘And Mars’?’—‘In the fifth heaven.’ (¿) ‘And the Sun’s?’—‘In the fourth heaven.’ (¿) ‘And Venus’?’—‘In the third heaven.’ (¿) ‘And Mercury’s?’—‘In the second heaven.’ (¿) ‘And the Moon’s?’—‘In the first heaven.’ She said, ‘Well answered, but I have one more question for you;’ and he said, ‘Ask!’ Then she asked, ‘Now tell me about the stars; into how many parts are they divided?’ But he remained silent and gave no answer; and she shouted at him, ‘Take off your clothes.’ So he took them off, and she took them; after which the Caliph said to her, ‘Tell us the answer to your question.’ She replied:—O Commander of the Faithful, the stars are divided into three parts, one-third is hung in the sky of the earth,[427] like lamps to light up the earth, another part is used to shoot demons when they sneak in to overhear conversations in heaven. Allah Almighty said, ‘Indeed, we have adorned the sky of the earth with stars, and we have appointed them as projectiles against every rebellious Satan.’[428] And the third part is hung in the air to illuminate the seas and provide light to whatever is in them. The astronomer said, ‘I have one more question to ask; if she answers, I will admit defeat.’ ‘Go ahead,’ she replied.——And Shahrazad noticed dawn approaching and stopped her narrative.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the astronomer said, “Now tell me what four contraries are based upon other four contraries?” Replied she, “The four qualities of Caloric and Frigoric, Humidity and Siccity; for of heat Allah created fire, whose nature is hot-dry; of dryness, earth, which is cold-dry; of cold, water, which is cold-wet; of moisture, air, which is hot-wet. Moreover, He created twelve Signs of the Zodiac, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; and appointed them of the four humours; three fiery, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; three earthy, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; three airy, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and three watery, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.” Hereupon the astronomer rose, and saying, “Bear witness against me that she is more learned than I,” away he went beaten. Then quoth the Caliph, “Where is the philosopher[429]?”; at which one rose hastily and came forward and said to Tawaddud, “What is Time and what be its limits, and its days, and what things bringeth it?” Replied she, “Time is a term applied to the hours of the night and day, which are but the measures of the courses of the sun and moon in their several heavens, even as Allah Almighty telleth us when he saith, ‘A sign to them also is the Night, from which we strip off the day, and lo! they are plunged in darkness, and the Sun runneth to her place of rest; this is the ordinance of the Sublime, the All-knowing.’”[430] (¿) “How cometh unbelief to the son of Adam?”—It is reported of the Apostle (whom Allah bless and preserve!) that he said, ‘Unbelief in a man runneth as the blood runneth in his veins, when he revileth the world and Time and night and the Hour.’ And again, ‘Let none of you 234revile Time, for Time is God;’ neither revile the world, for she saith, May Allah not aid him who revileth me! neither revile the hour, for, ‘The Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof’;[431] neither revile the earth, for it is a portent, according to the saying of the Most High, ‘Out of the ground have we created you, and into the same will we cause you to return, and we will bring you forth yet thence another time.’[432] (¿) “What are the five that ate and drank, yet came not out of loins nor womb?”—Adam and Simeon[433] and Salih’s she-camel[434] and Ishmael’s ram and the bird that Abu Bakr the Truth-teller saw in the cave.[435] (¿) “Tell me of five that are in Paradise and are neither humans, Jinns nor angels?”—Jacob’s wolf and the Seven Sleepers’ dog and Esdras’s ass and Salih’s camel and Duldul the mule of the Prophet (upon whom be blessings and peace!). (¿) “What man prayed a prayer neither on earth nor in heaven?”—Solomon, when he prayed on his carpet, borne by the wind. (¿) “Ree me this riddle:—A man once looked at a handmaid during dawn-prayer, and she was unlawful to him; but, at noonday she became lawful to him: by mid-afternoon, she was again unlawful, but at sundown, she was lawful to him: at supper time she was a third time unlawful, but by daybreak, she became once more lawful to him.”—This was a man who looked at another’s slave-girl in the morning, and she 235was then unlawful to him; but at midday he bought her, and she became lawful to him: at mid-afternoon he freed her, and she became unlawful to him; but at sundown he married her and she was again lawful to him. At nightfall he divorced her and she was then a third time unlawful to him; but, next morning at daybreak, he took her back, and she became once more lawful to him. (¿) “Tell me what tomb went about with him that lay buried therein?”—Jonah’s whale, when it had swallowed him. (¿) “What spot of lowland is it, upon which the sun shone once, but will never again shine till Judgment-Day?”—The bottom of the Red Sea, when Moses smote it with his staff, and the sea clave asunder in twelve places, according to the number of the tribes;[436] then the sun shone on the bottom and will do so nevermore until Judgment-Day.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She continued, "I’ve heard, O noble King, that the astronomer asked, 'Can you tell me what four opposites relate to another four opposites?' She answered, 'The four qualities are Heat and Cold, Humidity and Dryness; Allah created fire from heat, which is hot-dry; from dryness, He created earth, which is cold-dry; from cold, He created water, which is cold-wet; and from moisture, He created air, which is hot-wet. Furthermore, He created the twelve Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, assigning them to the four humours: three fiery signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; three earthy signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; three airy signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; and three watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.' The astronomer stood up and said, 'Bear witness that she knows more than I do,' and left feeling defeated. Then the Caliph asked, 'Where is the philosopher?'; at which point someone quickly stood up and approached Tawaddud, asking, 'What is Time, what are its limits, its days, and what does it bring?' She replied, 'Time refers to the hours of night and day, which are merely measurements of the sun and moon’s courses in their respective heavens, as Allah Almighty tells us, saying, "A sign for them is the Night, when We strip off the day, and behold! They are plunged in darkness, and the Sun runs to its resting place; this is the ordinance of the Exalted, the All-knowing." ' 'How does disbelief come to the son of Adam?' It’s said that the Apostle (may Allah bless and preserve him!) explained, 'Unbelief flows through a man like blood in his veins when he despises the world, Time, night, and the Hour.' He also said, 'Don’t curse Time, for Time is of God;' don’t curse the world, as it declares, 'May Allah not assist anyone who curses me!' don’t curse the Hour, because, 'The Hour is certainly coming, there is no doubt about it;' nor curse the earth, as it serves as a warning, according to the saying of the Most High, 'From the ground We created you, and to it We will return you, and We will bring you forth yet again.' 'What are the five that ate and drank but did not come from loins or womb?'—They are Adam, Simeon, Salih's she-camel, Ishmael's ram, and the bird that Abu Bakr the Truth-teller saw in the cave. 'Tell me about five entities in Paradise that are neither humans, Jinns, nor angels?'—There are Jacob’s wolf, the dog of the Seven Sleepers, Esdras' donkey, Salih’s camel, and Duldul, the Prophet's mule (peace and blessings be upon him!). 'Which man prayed a prayer neither on earth nor in heaven?'—That was Solomon, when he prayed on his carpet carried by the wind. 'Solve this riddle: A man looked at a handmaid during dawn prayer, and she was forbidden to him; but at noon, she was lawful to him: by mid-afternoon, she was again forbidden, but at sunset, she was lawful to him: by dinner time, she was forbidden once more, but at daybreak, she became lawful again.'—This was a man who saw another's slave girl in the morning, making her forbidden to him; but at midday, he bought her, and she became lawful to him; by mid-afternoon, he freed her, and she became forbidden again; then at sunset, he married her, and she was lawful once more. By nightfall, he divorced her, making her forbidden a third time; yet, the next morning at daybreak, he took her back, and she was lawful again. 'What tomb moved with its occupant buried in it?'—That would be Jonah’s whale when it swallowed him. 'What lowland spot did the sun shine on once but will never shine on again until Judgment Day?'—That would be the bottom of the Red Sea, when Moses struck it with his staff, splitting it into twelve parts, matching the number of tribes; then the sun shone on the sea floor and will not shine there again until Judgment Day.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped at her permitted point."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the philosopher then addressed the damsel saying, “What was the first skirt that trailed over the face of the earth?” She replied, “That of Hagar, out of shame before Sarah; and it became a custom among the Arabs.” (¿) “What is that which breatheth without life?”—Quoth Almighty Allah, ‘By the morning when it breatheth!’[437] (¿) “Ree me this riddle:—A number of pigeons came to a high tree and lighted, some on the tree and others under it. Said those on the tree to those on the ground:—If one of you come up to us, ye will be a third part of us all in number; and if one of us descend to you, we shall be like unto you in number. How many pigeons were there in all?”—Twelve: seven alighted on the tree and five beneath; and, if one go up, those above would be eight to four; and, if one go down, both would be six and Allah is all-knowing.[438] With this the philosopher put 236off his clothes and fled: whereupon the next contest took place, for she turned to the Olema present and said, “Which of you is the rhetorician that can discourse of all arts and sciences?” There came forward a sage hight Ibrahim bin Siyyár and said to her, “Think me not like the rest.” Quoth she, “It is the more assured to me that thou wilt be beaten, for that thou art a boaster; and Allah will help me to victory over thee, that I may strip thee of thy clothes. So, if thou sentest one to fetch thee wherewithal to cover thyself, ‘twould be well for thee.” Cried he, “By Allah, I will assuredly conquer thee and make thee a byword among the peoples, generation after generation!” Rejoined she, “Do penance in advance for thy broken oath.” Then he asked, “What five things did Allah create before he made man?”; and she answered, “Water and earth and light and darkness and the fruits of the earth.” (¿) “What did Allah create with the hand of omnipotence?”—The ‘Arsh, throne of God or the empyreal heaven and the tree Túbá[439] and Adam and the garden of Eden; these Allah created with the hand of His omnipotence; but to all other created things He said, “Be,”—and they were. (¿) “Who is thy father in Al-Islam?”—Mohammed, whom Allah bless and preserve! (¿) “Who was the father in Al-Islam of Mohammed?”—Abraham, the Friend of God. (¿) “What is the Faith of Al-Islam?”—The professing that there is no God but the God and that Mohammed is the apostle of God. (¿) “What is thy first and thy last?”—My first is man’s seed in the shape of foul water and my last filthy carrion: the first of me is dust and the last of me is dust. Quoth the poet:—
She said, "It's come to my attention, O fortunate King, that the philosopher then spoke to the young woman, asking, 'What was the first garment that touched the ground?' She answered, 'That of Hagar, out of shame before Sarah; and it became a tradition among the Arabs.' 'What breathes without life?'—Said Almighty Allah, 'By the morning when it breathes!'[437] 'Solve this riddle for me: A group of pigeons landed on a tall tree, some on the branches and others on the ground. Those in the tree said to those on the ground: 'If one of you comes up to us, you will make a third of us all; and if one of us comes down to you, we will match your number.' How many pigeons were there altogether?'—Twelve: seven perched on the tree and five on the ground; and if one goes up, that makes eight above and four below; and if one comes down, both groups would have six, and Allah knows everything.[438] After that, the philosopher stripped off his clothes and ran away; consequently, the next challenge occurred, as she turned to the scholars present and asked, 'Which of you is the orator who can discuss all arts and sciences?' A wise man named Ibrahim bin Siyyár stepped forward and said to her, 'Don't think I'm like the others.' She replied, 'That only makes me more certain you'll be defeated because you're a braggart; and Allah will grant me victory over you so I can strip you of your clothes. It would be wise of you to send someone to get you something to cover yourself with.' He shouted, 'By Allah, I will definitely win and turn you into a saying among people, generation after generation!' She responded, 'Prepare to atone for your broken promise.' He then asked, 'What five things did Allah create before He made man?' She replied, 'Water, earth, light, darkness, and the fruits of the earth.' 'What did Allah create with His omnipotent hand?'—The 'Arsh, throne of God, or the heavenly realm, and the tree Túbá[439], and Adam and the garden of Eden; these Allah created with His omnipotent hand; but for all other creations, He simply said, 'Be,' and they were. 'Who is your father in Al-Islam?'—Mohammed, may Allah bless and preserve him! 'Who was the father in Al-Islam of Mohammed?'—Abraham, the Friend of God. 'What is the Faith of Al-Islam?'—The declaration that there is no God but the God and that Mohammed is the messenger of God. 'What is your beginning and your end?'—My beginning is man's seed in the form of foul water, and my end is filthy carrion: my start is dust and my finish is dust." The poet said:—
He continued, “What thing was it, whose first state was wood and 237its last life?”—Moses’ staff,[440] when he cast it on the valley-ground and it became, by permission of Allah, a writhing serpent. (¿) “What is the meaning of the word of the Lord, ‘And I have other occasion for it?’”[441]—He, Moses, was wont to plant his staff in the ground, and it would flower and fruit and shade him from the heat and from the cold. Moreover, it would carry him when he was weary, and whilst he slept guard his sheep from lions and wild beasts. (¿) “What woman was born of a man alone and what man of a woman alone?”—Eve of Adam and Jesus of Mary.[442] (¿) “Tell me of the four fires, what fire eateth and drinketh; what fire eateth but drinketh not; what fire drinketh but eateth not and what other neither eateth nor drinketh?”—The fire of the world eateth but drinketh not; the fire which eateth and drinketh is Hell-fire; the fire of the sun drinketh but eateth not, and the fire of the moon neither eateth nor drinketh. (¿) “Which is the open door and which the shut?”—The Traditional Ordinances are the open door, the Koranic the shut door. (¿) “Of what doth the poet speak, when he saith:—
He continued, “What was the thing that started as wood and ended up having life?”—Moses’ staff, when he threw it on the ground and it turned into a writhing serpent by Allah’s command. (¿) “What does the Lord mean when He says, ‘And I have other occasion for it?’”—Moses used to plant his staff in the ground, and it would bloom, bear fruit, and provide shade from both the heat and the cold. It would also carry him when he was tired, and while he slept, it would protect his sheep from lions and wild animals. (¿) “What woman was created from a man alone and what man from a woman alone?”—Eve was created from Adam, and Jesus was born of Mary. (¿) “Tell me about the four types of fire: what fire eats and drinks; what fire eats but doesn’t drink; what fire drinks but doesn’t eat; and what fire neither eats nor drinks?”—The fire of the world eats but doesn’t drink; the fire that eats and drinks is Hell-fire; the fire of the sun drinks but doesn’t eat, and the fire of the moon neither eats nor drinks. (¿) “Which is the open door and which is the shut?”—The Traditional Ordinances are the open door, while the Koranic ones are the shut door. (¿) “What does the poet mean when he says:—
She replied, “The reed-pen.”[443] Quoth he, “What doth the poet refer to in these verses:—
She replied, “The reed pen.”[443] He asked, “What does the poet mean in these verses:—
She replied, “The ink-case.” Quoth he, “And in these:—
She replied, “The ink case.” He said, “And in these:—
She replied, “Thou makest longsome the questioning anent an egg worth a mite.” “And this?:”—
She replied, “You make the questioning about an egg worth a penny take too long.” “And this?:”—
—“No friend, my fan;”[444] said she. (¿) “How many words did Allah speak to Moses?”—It is related of the Apostle that he said, “God spoke to Moses fifteen hundred and fifteen words.” (¿) “Tell me of fourteen things that speak to the Lord of the Worlds?”—The seven heavens and the seven earths, when they say, ‘We come obedient to Thy command.’[445]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
—“No friend, my fan;”[444] she said. “How many words did God speak to Moses?” It’s been said that the Apostle mentioned, “God spoke to Moses fifteen hundred and fifteen words.” “Can you tell me about fourteen things that speak to the Lord of the Worlds?”—The seven heavens and the seven earths, when they say, ‘We come obedient to Your command.’[445]——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her allowed speech.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel made the answer, the philosopher continued, “Tell me of Adam and how he was first created?” and she said, “Allah created Adam of clay: the clay He made of foam and the foam of the sea, the sea of darkness, darkness of light, light of a fish, the fish of a rock, the rock of a ruby, the ruby of water, and the water He created by His Omnipotence according to His saying (exalted be His name!), ‘His commandment when He willeth aught, is but to say, BE,—and IT IS.’”[446] (¿) “What is meant by the poet in these verses:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when the young woman responded, the philosopher asked, 'Tell me about Adam and how he was first created?' and she replied, 'Allah created Adam from clay: the clay was made from foam, the foam came from the sea, the sea emerged from darkness, darkness was born of light, light came from a fish, the fish was formed from a rock, the rock was made from a ruby, the ruby was created from water, and the water was brought into existence by His Omnipotence, as He says (exalted be His name!), ‘His command when He wants something is just to say, BE,—and IT IS.'”[446] (¿) “What does the poet mean in these verses:—
“This,” quoth she, “is Fire.” “And in these;” he asked:—
“This,” she said, “is Fire.” “And in these,” he asked:—
She answered, “The leaves of a door.” Quoth he, “Tell me of the gates of Gehenna?” Quoth she, “They are seven in number and their names are comprised in these two couplets:—
She replied, “The leaves of a door.” He asked, “What about the gates of Gehenna?” She said, “There are seven, and their names are in these two couplets:—
Quoth he “To what doth the poet refer when he saith:—
Quoth he, "What does the poet mean when he says:—
240Quoth she, “A needle.” (¿) “What is the length and what the breadth of the bridge Al-Sirát?”—Its length is three thousand years’ journey, a thousand in descent and a thousand in ascent and a thousand level: it is sharper than a sword and finer than a hair.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
240She said, “A needle.” (¿) “What are the length and width of the bridge Al-Sirát?”—Its length is a journey of three thousand years, a thousand downward, a thousand upward, and a thousand level: it is sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel had described to him Al-Sirat, the philosopher said, “Inform me how many intercessions with Allah hath the Prophet for each soul?”[447]—Three. (¿) “Was Abu Bakr the first who embraced Al-Islam?”—Yes. (¿) “Yet Ali became a Moslem before him?”—Ali came to the Prophet, when he was a boy of seven years old, for Allah vouchsafed him knowledge of the way of salvation in his tender youth, so that he never prostrated himself to idols. Quoth he, “Tell me which is the more excellent, Ali or Abbás?” Now she knew that, in propounding this question, Ibrahim was laying a trap for her; for if she said, “Ali is more excellent than Abbas,” she would lack excuse with the Caliph for undervaluing his ancestor; so she bowed her head awhile, now reddening, then paling, and lastly said, “Thou askest me of two excellent men, each having his own excellence. Let us return to what we were about.” When the Caliph Harun al-Rashid heard her, he stood up and said, “Thou hast spoken well, by the Lord of the Ka’abah, O Tawaddud!” Then quoth Ibrahim the rhetorician, “What meaneth the poet when he saith:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the girl described Al-Sirat, the philosopher asked, 'How many intercessions does the Prophet have with Allah for each soul?' [447]—Three. (¿) 'Was Abu Bakr the first to embrace Islam?'—Yes. (¿) 'But Ali became a Muslim before him?'—Ali came to the Prophet when he was just seven years old; Allah granted him understanding of the path to salvation at such a young age, so he never worshipped idols. He then asked, 'Which is better, Ali or Abbas?' Now she realized that Ibrahim was trying to trap her with this question; if she answered, 'Ali is better than Abbas,' she'd lose favor with the Caliph for disrespecting his ancestor. So she lowered her head for a moment, blushing, then paling, and finally said, 'You're asking me about two great men, each with their own qualities. Let's return to the topic we were discussing.' When Caliph Harun al-Rashid heard her, he stood up and said, 'You have spoken wisely, by the Lord of the Ka’abah, O Tawaddud!' Then Ibrahim the rhetorician asked, 'What does the poet mean when he says:—"
She answered, “The sugar-cane;” and he said, “Tell me of many 241things.” Asked she, “What are they?” and he said, “What is sweeter than honey; what is sharper than the sword; what is swifter than poison; what is the delight of a moment and what the contentment of three days; what is the pleasantest of days; what is the joy of a week; what is that debt the worst debtor denieth not; what is the prison of the tomb; what is the joy of the heart; what is the snare of the soul; what is death-in-life; what is the disease that may not be healed; what is the shame that may not be wiped off; what is the beast that woneth not in cultivated fields, but lodgeth in waste places and hateth the sons of Adam and hath in him somewhat of the make of seven strong and violent beasts?” Quoth she, “Hear what I shall say in reply; then put off thy clothes, that I may explain to thee;” and the Caliph said, “Expound, and he shall doff his clothes.” So she said, “Now that, which is sweeter than honey, is the love of pious children to their two parents; that, which is sharper than the sword, is the tongue; that, which is swifter than poison, is the Envier’s eye; the delight of a moment is carnal copulation and the contentment of three days is the depilatory for women; the pleasantest of days is that of profit on merchandise; the joy of a week is the bride; the debt, which the worst debtor denieth not, is death; the prison of the tomb is a bad son; the joy of the heart is a woman obedient to her husband (and it is said also that, when fleshmeat descendeth upon the heart, it rejoiceth therein); the snare of the soul is a disobedient slave; death-in-life is poverty; the disease that may not be healed is an ill-nature, and the shame that may not be wiped away is an ill daughter; lastly, the beast that woneth not in cultivated fields, but lodgeth in waste places and hateth the sons of Adam and hath in him somewhat of the make of seven strong and violent beasts, is the locust, whose head is as the head of a horse, its neck as the neck of the bull, its wings as the wings of the vulture, its feet as the feet of the camel, its tail as the tail of the serpent, its belly as the belly of the scorpion and its horns as the horns of the gazelle.” The Caliph was astounded at her quickness and understanding, and said to the rhetorician, “Doff thy clothes.” So he rose up and cried, “I call all who are present in this assembly to witness that she is more learned than I and every other learned man.” And he put off his clothes and gave them to her, saying, “Take them and may Allah not bless them to thee!” So the Caliph ordered him fresh clothes and said, “O Tawaddud, there is one thing left of that for which thou didst 242engage, namely, chess.” And he sent for experts of chess and cards[448] and trictrac. The chess-player sat down before her, and they set the pieces, and he moved and she moved; but, every move he made she speedily countered,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She replied, “The sugar cane;” and he said, “Tell me about many things.” She asked, “What are they?” and he said, “What is sweeter than honey; what is sharper than a sword; what is faster than poison; what is the pleasure of a moment and what is the satisfaction of three days; what is the best of days; what is the joy of a week; what is the debt that the worst debtor does not deny; what is the prison of the grave; what is the joy of the heart; what is the trap of the soul; what is death in life; what is the sickness that cannot be cured; what is the shame that cannot be erased; what is the beast that does not dwell in cultivated lands, but lives in desolate places and hates the children of Adam, and is made of the qualities of seven strong and fierce beasts?” She said, “Listen to what I will say in response; then take off your clothes so I can explain it to you;” and the Caliph said, “Explain, and he will take off his clothes.” So she said, “What is sweeter than honey is the love of righteous children for their parents; what is sharper than a sword is the tongue; what is faster than poison is the envious eye; the pleasure of a moment is physical intimacy, and the satisfaction of three days is the hair removal for women; the best of days is one that brings profit in trade; the joy of a week is a bride; the debt that the worst debtor does not deny is death; the prison of the grave is a disobedient son; the joy of the heart is a wife who obeys her husband (it is also said that when meat is served, the heart rejoices in it); the trap of the soul is a disobedient servant; death in life is poverty; the sickness that cannot be healed is a bad nature, and the shame that cannot be erased is a bad daughter; lastly, the beast that does not live in cultivated fields but resides in desolate places, hates the children of Adam and has some traits of seven strong and violent beasts, is the locust, whose head is like that of a horse, its neck like that of a bull, its wings like those of a vulture, its legs like those of a camel, its tail like that of a snake, its belly like that of a scorpion, and its horns like those of a gazelle.” The Caliph was amazed at her quick wit and understanding, and he said to the rhetorician, “Take off your clothes.” So he stood up and shouted, “I call upon everyone present in this assembly to witness that she is more knowledgeable than I and any other learned man.” And he took off his clothes and gave them to her, saying, “Take them, and may Allah not bless them for you!” So the Caliph ordered him fresh clothes and said, “O Tawaddud, there is one thing left of what you arranged, namely, chess.” And he sent for experts in chess, cards, and trictrac. The chess player sat down before her, and they set up the pieces, and he moved while she moved; but for every move he made, she quickly countered it—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn had come and stopped her allowed storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel was playing chess with the expert in presence of the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, whatever move he made was speedily countered by her, till she beat him and he found himself checkmated. Quoth he, “I did but lead thee on, that thou mightest think thyself skilful: but set up again, and thou shalt see.” So they placed the pieces a second time, when he said in himself, “Open thine eyes or she will beat thee.” And he fell to moving no piece, save after calculation, and ceased not to play, till she said, “Thy King is dead!—Checkmate.” When he saw this he was confounded at her quickness and understanding; but she laughed and said, “O professor, I will make a wager with thee on this third game. I will give thee the queen and the right-hand castle and the left-hand knight; if thou beat me, take my clothes, and if I beat thee, I will take thy clothes.” Replied he, “I agree to this;” and they replaced the pieces, she removing queen, castle and knight.[449] Then said she, “Move, O master.” So he moved, saying to himself, “I cannot but beat her, with such odds,” and planned a combination; but, behold, she moved on, little by little, till she made one of her pawns[450] a queen and pushing up to him 243pawns and other pieces, to take off his attention, set one in his way and tempted him to take it. Accordingly, he took it and she said to him, “The measure is meted and the loads equally balanced.[451] Eat till thou art over-full; naught shall be thy ruin, O son of Adam, save thy greed. Knowest thou not that I did but tempt thee, that I might finesse thee? See: this is check-mate!” adding, “So doff off thy clothes.” Quoth he, “Leave me my bag-trousers, so Allah repay thee;” and he swore by Allah that he would contend with none, so long as Tawaddud abode in the realm of Baghdad. Then he stripped off his clothes and gave them to her and went away. Thereupon came the backgammon-player, and she said to him, “If I beat thee, this day, what wilt thou give me?” Quoth he, “I will give thee ten suits of brocade of Constantinople, figured with gold, and ten suits of velvet and a thousand gold pieces; and if I beat thee, I ask nothing but that thou write me an acknowledgment of my victory.” Quoth she, “To it, then, and do thy best.” So they played, and he lost and went away, chattering in Frankish jargon and saying, “By the bounty of the Commander of the Faithful, there is not her like in all the regions of the world!” Then the Caliph summoned players on instruments of music and asked her, “Dost thou know aught of music?”; when she answered, “Even so!” He bade bring a worn lute, polished by use, whose owner forlorn and lone was by parting trodden down; and of which quoth one, describing it:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when the young woman played chess with the expert in front of the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, every move he made was quickly countered by her, until she defeated him and left him checkmated. He replied, 'I was just leading you on, so you might think you're skilled: but let's set it up again, and you'll see.' So they reset the pieces, and he thought to himself, 'Keep your eyes open, or she will beat you.' He began to play, moving no piece without careful consideration, and continued until she said, 'Your King is dead!—Checkmate.' When he saw this, he was taken aback by her quick thinking and skill; but she laughed and said, 'O expert, I challenge you to a wager on this third game. I'll give you the queen, the right rook, and the left knight; if you beat me, you can have my clothes, and if I beat you, I'll take yours.' He replied, 'I accept this;' and they reset the pieces, with her removing the queen, rook, and knight.[449] Then she said, 'Make your move, O master.' So he moved, thinking to himself, 'I can’t possibly lose with these odds,' and formulated a strategy; but, as it turned out, she advanced slowly, until she turned one of her pawns[450] into a queen, pushing pawns and other pieces to distract him, placing one in his path to tempt him to capture it. Accordingly, he captured it, and she said to him, 'The measure is met, and the loads are balanced.[451] Feast until you are overly full; nothing will ruin you, O son of Adam, except your greed. Don’t you see that I just tempted you to outsmart you? Look: this is checkmate!' adding, 'Now take off your clothes.' He said, 'Leave me my baggy trousers, and may Allah reward you;' and he swore by Allah that he would not compete with anyone as long as Tawaddud was in Baghdad. Then he stripped off his clothes and handed them to her and walked away. After that, the backgammon player came, and she said to him, 'If I beat you today, what will you give me?' He replied, 'I will give you ten suits of brocade from Constantinople, embroidered with gold, and ten suits of velvet and a thousand gold coins; and if I beat you, I only ask that you acknowledge my victory.' She said, 'Let’s do this, and give it your best.' So they played, and he lost and walked away, chattering in Frankish and saying, 'By the bounty of the Commander of the Faithful, there’s no one like her in the entire world!' Then the Caliph called for musicians and asked her, 'Do you know anything about music?' to which she answered, 'Yes!' He ordered a worn lute to be brought, polished by use, whose owner was forlorn and lonely from parting; and one person described it as follows:—
So they brought the lute in a bag of red satin, with tassels of saffron-coloured silk: and she opened the bag, and took it out and behold on it was graven:—
So they brought the lute in a red satin bag, with saffron-colored silk tassels: and she opened the bag, took it out, and looked—on it was engraved:—
244She laid her lute in her lap and with bosom inclining over it, bent to it with the bending of a mother who suckleth her child; then she preluded in twelve different modes, till the whole assembly was agitated with delight, like a waving sea, and she sang the following:—
244She rested her lute on her lap, leaning over it like a mother cradling her child; then she played a prelude in twelve different modes, until the entire audience was stirred with joy, like a swaying sea, and she sang the following:—
The Caliph was ravished and exclaimed, “Allah bless thee and be merciful to him who taught thee!”: whereupon she rose and kissed the ground before him. Then he sent for money and paid her master Abu al-Husn an hundred thousand gold pieces to her price; after which he said to her, “O Tawaddud, ask a boon of me!” Replied she, “I ask of thee that thou restore me to my lord who sold me.” “‘Tis well,” answered the Caliph and restored her to her master and gave her five thousand dinars for herself. Moreover, he appointed Abu al-Husn one of his cup-companions for a permanence,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
The Caliph was overwhelmed and exclaimed, “May Allah bless you and be merciful to the one who taught you!” She then stood up and kissed the ground before him. After that, he called for money and paid her master Abu al-Husn a hundred thousand gold coins for her; then he said to her, “O Tawaddud, ask a favor from me!” She replied, “I ask that you return me to my lord who sold me.” “That’s fine,” said the Caliph, and he returned her to her master and gave her five thousand dinars for herself. Additionally, he made Abu al-Husn one of his permanent drinking companions. —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story for the time being.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph gave the damsel five thousand dinars for herself and restored her to her master whom he appointed one of his cup-companions for a permanence and assigned him a monthly stipend of a thousand dinars so long as he should live; and he abode with the damsel Tawaddud in all solace and delight of life. Marvel then, O King, at the eloquence of this damsel and the hugeness of her learning and understanding and her perfect excellence in all branches of art and science; and consider the generosity of the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, in that he gave her master this money and said to her, “Ask a boon of me;” and she besought him to restore her to her lord. So he restored her to him and gave her five thousand dinars for herself and made him one of his boon-companions. Where is such generosity to be found after the Abbaside Caliphs?—May Allah Almighty have mercy upon them, one and all! And they tell a tale of
She said, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that the Caliph gave the young woman five thousand dinars for herself and returned her to her master, whom he made one of his close friends for life and granted him a monthly stipend of a thousand dinars as long as he lives. He lived with the young woman Tawaddud in complete comfort and happiness. So, marvel, O King, at this young woman's eloquence, the depth of her knowledge, and her exceptional skills across all fields of art and science. Consider the generosity of the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, as he gave her master this money and told her, 'Ask something from me.' She requested him to return her to her lord. So, he returned her to him, gave her five thousand dinars for herself, and made him one of his close friends. Where else can we find such generosity after the Abbasid Caliphs?—May Allah Almighty have mercy on them all! And they tell a tale of"
281. Lane (ii. 636) omits this tale, “as it would not only require a volume of commentary, but be extremely tiresome to most readers.” Quite true; but it is valuable to Oriental Students who are beginning their studies, as an excellent compendium of doctrine and practice according to the Shafi’í School.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Lane (ii. 636) leaves out this story, “because it would not only need a whole book of commentary, but also be really boring for most readers.” That's definitely true; however, it's useful for students of Eastern studies who are starting out, as a great summary of beliefs and practices following the Shafi’í School.
282. Pronounce Aboo’l-Husn = Father of Beauty, a fancy name.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Say Aboo’l-Husn = Father of Beauty, a stylish title.
283. As in most hot climates so in Egypt the dead are buried at once despite the risk of vivisepulture. This seems an instinct with the Semitic (Arabian) race teste Abraham, as with the Gypsy. Hence the Moslems have invoked religious aid. The Mishkát al-Masábih (i. 387) makes Mohammed say, “When any one of you dieth you may not keep him in the house but bear him quickly to his grave”; and again, “Be quick in raising up the bier: for if the dead have been a good man, it is good to bear him gravewards without delay; and if bad, it is frowardness ye put from your necks.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Just like in many hot climates, in Egypt, the dead are buried right away, despite the risk of being improperly buried alive. This seems to be an instinct among the Semitic (Arabian) people, as seen with Abraham, and also with the Gypsies. As a result, Muslims have turned to religious guidance. The Mishkát al-Masábih (i. 387) quotes Mohammed as saying, “When someone dies, you shouldn’t keep them in the house but should take them to their grave quickly”; and again, “Be quick in lifting the bier: for if the deceased was a good person, it’s good to take them to the grave without delay; and if they were bad, it’s a burden you’re removing from your shoulders.”
284. This biting of the hand in Al-Haríri expresses bitterness of repentance and he uses more than once the Koranic phrase (chapter vii., 148) “Sukita fí aydíhim,” lit. where it (the biting) was fallen upon their hands; i.e. when it repented them; “sukita” being here not a passive verb as it appears, but an impersonal form uncommon in Arabic. The action is instinctive, a survival of the days when man was a snarling and snapping animal (physically) armed only with claws and teeth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This biting of the hand in Al-Haríri shows a deep sense of regret, and he uses the Koranic phrase more than once (chapter vii., 148) “Sukita fí aydíhim,” which means literally where it (the biting) falls upon their hands; e.g. when they feel remorse; “sukita” here isn’t a passive verb as it seems, but rather an uncommon impersonal form in Arabic. The action is instinctive, a remnant from when humans were more like snarling and snapping animals, equipped only with claws and teeth.
285. Arab. “‘Alam,” applied to many things, an “old man” of stones (Kákúr), a sign post with a rag on the top, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “‘Alam,” used for various things, an “old man” of stones (Kákúr), a signpost with a rag on top, etc.
286. The moon of Ramazan was noticed in Night ix. That of Sha’aban (eighth month) begins the fighting month after the conclusion of the Treuga Dei in Rajab. See Night ccclxxviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The moon of Ramadan was seen on the ninth night. The moon of Sha'ban (the eighth month) starts the month of fighting after the end of the Peace of God in Rajab. See Night 378.
287. These lines have occurred in Night cccxix. I give Mr. Payne’s version for variety.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These lines are found in Night 319. I’m sharing Mr. Payne’s version for a different perspective.
288. i.e. in her prime, at fourteen to fifteen.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.that is in her youth, around fourteen to fifteen.
289. i.e. pale and yellow.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. light and yellow.
290. The word means the wood; but it alludes to a preparation made by levigating it on a stone called in India “Sandlásá.” The gruel-like stuff is applied with the right hand to the right side of the neck, drawing the open fingers from behind forwards so as to leave four distinct streaks, then down to the left side, and so on to other parts of the body.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The word means wood, but it refers to a preparation made by grinding it on a stone called “Sandlásá” in India. The thick, porridge-like mixture is applied with the right hand to the right side of the neck, using the fingers to create four distinct streaks as they move from back to front, then down to the left side, and continuing to other parts of the body.
291. Arab. Haykal, the Heb. היכל which included the Porch, the Holy and the Holy of Holies. The word is used as νάος in a wider sense by Josephus A.J. v. v. 3. In Moslem writings it is applied to a Christian Church generally, on account of its images.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Haykal, the Heb. מקדש which included the Porch, the Holy and the Holy of Holies. The word is used as νάος in a broader sense by Josephus A.J. v. v. 3. In Islamic writings, it is generally applied to a Christian church because of its images.
292. These lines having occurred before, I here quote Mr. Payne.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Since these lines have appeared before, I’m quoting Mr. Payne here.
293. Arab writers often mention the smile of beauty, but rarely, after European fashion, the laugh, which they look upon as undignified. A Moslem will say “Don’t guffaw (Kahkahah) in that way; leave giggling and grinning to monkeys and Christians.” The Spaniards, a grave people, remark that Christ never laughed. I would draw the reader’s attention to a theory of mine that the open-hearted laugh has the sound of the vowels a and o; while e, i, and u belong to what may be roughly classed as the rogue order.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab writers often talk about the beauty of a smile, but rarely about laughter, which they see as unrefined, unlike Europeans. A Muslim might say, “Don’t laugh like that; leave the giggling and grinning to monkeys and Christians.” The Spaniards, being serious people, point out that Christ never laughed. I’d like to share a theory of mine that the joyful laugh produces the sounds of the vowels a and o; while e, i, and u could be roughly categorized as belonging to the mischievous sort.
294. i.e. gaining the love of another, love.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. winning someone's heart.
295. i.e. the abrogated passages and those by which they are abrogated. This division is necessary for “inspired volumes,” which always abound in contradictions. But the charge of “opportunism” brought against the Koran is truly absurd; as if “revelation” could possibly be aught save opportune.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.that is the canceled passages and the ones that cancel them. This division is needed for "inspired texts," which always contain contradictions. However, the accusation of "opportunism" aimed at the Koran is ridiculous; as if "revelation" could be anything but timely.
296. Koran iv. 160, the chapter “Women.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 4:160, the chapter "Women."
297. She unveiled being a slave-girl and for sale. If a free woman show her face to a Moslem, he breaks out into violent abuse, because the act is intended to let him know that he is looked upon as a small boy or an eunuch or a Christian—in fact not a man.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.She revealed that she was a slave girl and up for sale. If a free woman shows her face to a Muslim, he responds with harsh insults because it’s meant to imply that he’s viewed as a little boy, a eunuch, or a Christian—in other words, not a real man.
298. Ilah = Heb. El, a most difficult root, meaning strength, interposition, God (Numen) “the” (article) “don’t” (do not), etc. etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Ilah = Hebrew El, a complex root that means strength, intercession, God (divine being) “the” (article) “don’t” (do not), etc. etc.
299. As far as I know Christians are the only worshippers who kneel as if their lower legs were cut off and who “join hands” like the captive offering his wrists to be bound (dare manus). The posture, however, is not so ignoble as that of the Moslem “Sijdah” (prostration) which made certain North African tribes reject Al-Islam, saying, “These men show their hind parts to heaven.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.As far as I know, Christians are the only worshippers who kneel as if their legs were cut off and who “join hands” like a captive offering their wrists to be tied (dare manus). However, this posture isn't as disgraceful as the Moslem “Sijdah” (prostration), which caused some North African tribes to reject Al-Islam, saying, “These men show their backsides to heaven.”
300. i.e. saying “I intend (purpose) to pray (for instance) the two-bow prayer (ruka’tayn) of the daybreak,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. saying “I plan to pray the two-unit dawn prayer,” etc.
301. So called because it prohibits speaking with others till the prayer is ended.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It's called that because it prevents talking to others until the prayer is finished.
302. Lit. “any thing opposite;” here used for the Ka’abah towards which men turn in prayer; as Guebres face the sun or fire and idolaters their images. “Al-Kiblatayn” (= the two Kiblahs) means Meccah and Jerusalem, which was faced by Moslems as well as Jews and Christians till Mohammed changed the direction. For the occasion of the change see my Pilgrimage, ii. 320.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Literally, “anything opposite;” here it refers to the Ka’abah, the direction people face when they pray, just as Zoroastrians face the sun or fire, and idolaters turn to their images. “Al-Kiblatayn” (= the two Kiblahs) refers to Mecca and Jerusalem, which were faced by Muslims, Jews, and Christians until Muhammad changed the direction. For details about the occasion of the change, see my Pilgrimage, ii. 320.
303. Which includes Tayammum or washing with sand. This is a very cleanly practice in a hot dry land and was adopted long before Mohammed. Cedrenus tells of baptism with sand being administered to a dying traveller in the African desert.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Which includes Tayammum or washing with sand. This is a very clean practice in a hot, dry area and was used long before Mohammed. Cedrenus mentions a sand baptism given to a dying traveler in the African desert.
304. The Koranic order for Wuzú is concise and as usual obscure, giving rise to a host of disputes and casuistical questions. Its text runs (chapt. v.), “O true believers, when you prepare to pray, wash (Ghusl) your faces, and your hands unto the elbows; and rub (Mas-h) your hands and your feet unto the ankles; and if ye be unclean by having lain with a woman, wash (Ghusl) yourselves all over.” The purifications and ceremonious ablutions of the Jews originated this command; and the early Christians did very unwisely in not making the bath obligatory. St. Paul (Heb. xi. 22) says, “Let us draw near with a true heart ... having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with clean (or pure) water.” But this did not suffice. Hence the Eastern Christian, in hot climates where cleanliness should rank before godliness, is distinguished by his dirt which as a holy or reverend man he makes still dirtier, and he offers an ugly comparison with the Moslem and especially the Hindu. The neglect of commands to wash and prohibitions to drink strong waters are the two grand physical objections of the Christian code of morality.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran's instructions for Wuzú are brief and often vague, leading to many debates and tricky questions. It says (chapt. v.), “O true believers, when you get ready to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to your elbows; and wipe your hands and your feet up to your ankles; and if you're unclean from having been with a woman, wash yourselves all over.” These purification rituals and ceremonial washings for the Jews inspired this command; early Christians made a mistake by not requiring a full bath. St. Paul (Heb. xi. 22) says, “Let us approach with a true heart ... with our hearts cleansed from a guilty conscience and our bodies washed with clean water.” But this wasn’t enough. As a result, Eastern Christians, especially in hot climates where being clean should come before being pious, are often known for their dirtiness, which they may even emphasize as something holy or respectable, making an ugly comparison with Muslims and especially Hindus. The neglect of washing commands and the restrictions on drinking strong alcohol are the two main physical criticisms of Christian moral standards.
305. Arab. “Istinshák” = snuffing up water from the palm of the right hand so as to clean thoroughly the nostrils. This “function” is unreasonably neglected in Europe, to the detriment of the mucous membrane and the olfactory nerves.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Istinshák” = inhaling water from the palm of the right hand to thoroughly clean the nostrils. This practice is unreasonably overlooked in Europe, harming the mucous membrane and the sense of smell.
306. So as to wash between them. The thick beard is combed out with the fingers.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.To clean in between. The thick beard is styled with the fingers.
307. Poor human nature! How sad to compare its pretensions with its actualities.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Poor human nature! It’s disappointing to see how its aspirations fall short of reality.
308. Complete ablution is rendered necessary chiefly by the emission of semen either in copulation or in nocturnal pollution. The water must be pure and not less than a certain quantity, and it must touch every part of the skin beginning with the right half of the person and ending with the left. Hence a plunge-bath is generally preferred.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Full washing is mainly required after ejaculation, whether during sex or due to a wet dream. The water has to be clean and meet a minimum amount, and it should reach every part of the skin, starting with the right side and ending with the left. That's why a plunge bath is usually the favored option.
309. Arab. Ta’mím, lit. crowning with turband, or tiara, here = covering, i.e. wetting.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Ta’mím, literally crowning with turban or tiara, here means covering, i.e. wetting.
310. This practice (saying “I purpose to defer the washing of the feet,” etc.) is now somewhat obsolete.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This practice (saying “I plan to postpone washing the feet,” etc.) is now somewhat outdated.
311. Arabs have a prejudice against the hydropathic treatment of wounds, holding that water poisons them: and, as the native produce usually contains salt, soda and magnesia, they are justified by many cases. I once tried water-bandages in Arabia and failed dismally.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arabs are biased against treating wounds with water, believing that it can make them worse. Since the local resources typically contain salt, soda, and magnesia, they have some reason for their views based on various experiences. I once attempted to use water bandages in Arabia and it ended poorly.
312. The sick man says his prayers lying in bed, etc., and as he best can.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The sick man prays while lying in bed, doing his best.
313. i.e. saying, “And peace be on us and on the worshippers of Allah which be pious.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. saying, “And peace be upon us and on the worshippers of Allah who are righteous.”
314. i.e. saying “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. saying “I seek protection with God from the Accursed Devil.”
315. Certain parts should be recited aloud (jahr) and others sotto voce (with mussitation = Khafi). No mistake must be made in this matter where a Moslem cannot err.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Some parts should be said out loud (jahr) and others softly (with mussitation = Khafi). There's no room for error here, as a Muslim cannot make a mistake.
316. Hence an interest of two-and-a-half per cent. is not held to be “Ribá” or unlawful gain of money by money, usury.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.So, an interest rate of two and a half percent is not considered “Ribá” or illegal profit from money lending, usury.
317. The meal must be finished before the faster can plainly distinguish the white thread from the black thread (Koran ii. 183); some understand this literally, others apply it to the dark and silvery streak of zodiacal light which appears over the Eastern horizon an hour or so before sunrise. The fast then begins and ends with the disappearance of the sun. I have noticed its pains and penalties in my Pilgrimage, i. 110, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.You must finish your meal before you can easily tell the difference between the white and black threads (Koran ii. 183); some take this literally, while others interpret it as the dark and bright streak of zodiacal light that appears over the Eastern horizon about an hour before sunrise. The fast starts and ends with sunset. I have observed its challenges and consequences in my Pilgrimage, i. 110, etc.
318. For the “Azán” or call to prayer see Lane, M. E., chapt. xviii. The chant, however, differs in every country, and a practical ear will know the land by its call.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.For the "Azán" or call to prayer, see Lane, M. E., chap. xviii. The chant, however, varies from country to country, and a trained ear can recognize the place by its call.
319. Arab. “Hadís” or saying of the Apostle.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hadith” or saying of the Apostle.
320. “Al-I’itikaf” resembles the Christian “retreat;” but the worshipper generally retires to a mosque especially in Meccah. The Apostle practised it on Jabal Hira and other places.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“Al-I’itikaf” is similar to the Christian “retreat;” however, the worshipper usually goes to a mosque, particularly in Mecca. The Prophet practiced it on Jabal Hira and in other locations.
321. The word is the Heb. חג Hagg whose primary meaning is circularity of form or movement. Hence it applied to religious festivals in which dancing round the idol played a prime part; and Lucian of “saltation” says, dancing was from the beginning and coeval with the ancient god, Love. But man danced with joy before he worshipped, and, when he invented a systematic saltation, he made it represent two things, and only two things, love and war, in most primitive form, courtship and fighting.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The word is the Hebrew Holiday Hagg, which primarily means something that is circular in shape or movement. This is why it was associated with religious festivals where dancing around the idol was a key part; Lucian of “saltation” mentions that dancing has existed since the beginning and has always been connected to the ancient god, Love. However, people danced joyfully before they worshipped, and when they created a structured form of dancing, it came to symbolize just two things—love and war—in their most basic forms: courtship and fighting.
322. Two adjoining ground-waves in Meccah. For these and for the places subsequently mentioned the curious will consult my Pilgrimage, iii. 226, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Two neighboring ground-waves in Mecca. For more details about these and the places mentioned later, interested readers can check my Pilgrimage, iii. 226, etc.
323. The ‘Umrah or lesser Pilgrimage, I have noted, is the ceremony performed in Meccah at any time out of the pilgrim-season proper, i.e. between the eighth and tenth days of the twelfth lunar month Zu ‘l-Hijjah. It does not entitle the Moslem to be called Hájj (pilgrim) or Hájí as Persians and Indians corrupt the word.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The ‘Umrah, or lesser pilgrimage, as I've mentioned, is the ritual performed in Mecca at any time outside the main pilgrimage season, i.e. between the eighth and tenth days of the twelfth lunar month, Zu ‘l-Hijjah. It doesn’t give a Muslim the title of Hájj (pilgrim) or Hájí, as the Persians and Indians incorrectly refer to it.
324. I need hardly note that Mohammed borrowed his pilgrimage-practices from the pagan Arabs who, centuries before his day, danced around the Meccan Ka’abah. Nor can he be blamed for having perpetuated a Gentile rite, if indeed it be true that the Ka’abah contained relics of Abraham and Ishmael.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I shouldn’t even have to mention that Mohammed took his pilgrimage practices from the pagan Arabs who, long before his time, danced around the Meccan Ka’abah. He also shouldn’t be criticized for continuing a non-Jewish ritual, especially if it’s true that the Ka’abah held relics of Abraham and Ishmael.
325. On first sighting Meccah. See Night xci.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Upon first seeing Mecca. See Night xci.
326. Arab. Tawáf: the place is called Matáf and the guide Mutawwif (Pilgrimage, iii. 193, 205). The seven courses are termed Ashwát.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Tawáf: the place is known as Matáf, and the guide is called Mutawwif (Pilgrimage, iii. 193, 205). The seven laps are referred to as Ashwát.
327. Stoning the Devil at Mina. Pilgrimage, iii. 282. Hence Satan’s title “the Stoned” (lapidated not castrated).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Throwing stones at the Devil at Mina. Pilgrimage, iii. 282. That's why Satan is called “the Stoned” (stoned, not castrated).
328. Koran viii. 66; in the chapter entitled “Spoil,” and relating mainly to the “day of Al-Bedr.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran 8:66, in the chapter called “Spoils,” primarily discussing the “day of Al-Bedr.”
329. Arab. Al-Ikálah = cancelling: Mr. Payne uses the technical term “resiliation.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Al-Ikálah = cancelling: Mr. Payne uses the technical term “resiliation.”
330. Freedman of Abdallah, son of the Caliph Omar and noted as a traditionist.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Freedman of Abdallah, son of Caliph Omar, recognized as a traditionist.
331. i.e. at a profit: the exchange must be equal—an ordinance intended to protect the poor. Arabs have strange prejudices in these matters; for instance it disgraces a Badawi to take money for milk.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. at a profit: the exchange must be fair—this rule is meant to protect the less fortunate. Arabs have unusual biases about these things; for example, it's seen as shameful for a Bedouin to charge for milk.
332. Arab. Jamá’ah, which in theology means the Heb. Edah (עדה) and the Greek ἐκκλησία our “Church,” the congregation of the Faithful under a lawful head. Hence the Sunnis call themselves “People of the Sunnat and Jamá’at.” In the text it is explained as “Ulfat” or intimacy.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Jamá’ah, which in theology refers to the Hebrew Edah (reset) and the Greek church meaning our “Church,” signifies the community of the Faithful led by a legitimate leader. Therefore, the Sunnis identify themselves as “People of the Sunnat and Jamá’at.” In the text, it is described as “Ulfat” or closeness.
333. Arab. Al-Khalíl, i.e. of Allah = Abraham. Mohammed, following Jewish tradition, made Abraham rank second amongst the Prophets, inferior only to himself and superior to Hazrat Isa = Jesus. I have noted that Ishmael the elder son succeeded his father. He married Da’alah bint Muzáz bin Omar, a Jurhamite, and his progeny abandoning Hebrew began to speak Arabic (ta’arraba); hence called Muta’arribah or Arabised Arabs (Pilgrimage iii. 190). He died at Meccah and was buried with his mother in the space North of the Ka’abah called Al-Hijr which our writers continue to confuse with the city Al-Hijr (Ibid. 165–66).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Al-Khalíl, that is of Allah = Abraham. Mohammed, following Jewish tradition, placed Abraham as the second most important Prophet, only behind himself and above Hazrat Isa = Jesus. I've noted that Ishmael, the elder son, succeeded his father. He married Da’alah bint Muzáz bin Omar, a Jurhamite, and his descendants, moving away from Hebrew, began to speak Arabic (ta’arraba); thus, they were called Muta’arribah or Arabised Arabs (Pilgrimage iii. 190). He died in Mecca and was buried with his mother in the area north of the Ka’abah known as Al-Hijr, which our authors often confuse with the city Al-Hijr (Ibid. 165–66).
334. This ejaculation, “In the name of Allah” is, I have noted, equivalent to “saying grace.” If neglected it is a sin and entails a curse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This phrase, "In the name of Allah," is, as I’ve observed, similar to saying grace. If it’s overlooked, it’s considered a sin and brings about a curse.
335. The ceremonious posture is sitting upon the shin-bones, not tailor-fashion; and “bolting food” is a sign of boorishness.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The proper way to sit is on your shins, not cross-legged; and "eating too quickly" shows a lack of manners.
336. Arab. “Zidd,” the word is a fair specimen of Arabic ambiguity meaning primarily opposite or contrary (as virtue to vice), secondarily an enemy or a friend (as being opposite to an enemy).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zidd,” is a good example of how ambiguous Arabic can be, meaning mainly opposite or contrary (like virtue versus vice), and secondarily can refer to an enemy or a friend (as being opposite to an enemy).
337. “The whole earth (shall be) but His handful on the Resurrection day and in His right hand shall the Heaven be rolled up (or folded together).”—Koran xxxix. 67.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“On the Day of Resurrection, the entire earth will be just a small handful in His hands, and He will fold up the heavens in His right hand.”—Koran xxxix. 67.
338. See Night lxxxi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. See Night 81.
339. Koran lxxviii. 19.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 78:19.
340. Arab. Al-Munáfik, technically meaning one who outwardly professes Al-Islam while inwardly hating it. Thus the word is by no means synonymous with our “hypocrite,” hypocrisy being the homage vice pays to virtue; a homage, I may observe, nowhere rendered more fulsomely than among the so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Al-Munáfik, which technically means someone who publicly claims to follow Al-Islam while secretly despising it. So, this word is definitely not the same as our term “hypocrite,” since hypocrisy is just a way for vice to show respect to virtue; and I should point out that this respect is often displayed most openly among the so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
341. Arab. “Tawakkul alá ‘llah”: in the imperative the phrase is vulgarly used = “Be off!”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Trust in God”: in the imperative, the phrase is commonly used to mean = “Get lost!”
342. i.e. ceremonial impurity which is sui generis, a very different thing from general dirtiness.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.that is ceremonial impurity that is unique, completely distinct from regular dirtiness.
343. A thick beard is one which does not show the skin; otherwise the wearer is a “Kausaj;” in Pers. “Kúseh.” See vol. iii., 246.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A thick beard completely covers the skin; if it doesn’t, the person is a “Kausaj;” in Persian “Kúseh.” See vol. iii., 246.
344. Arab. “Al-Khutnah.” Nowhere commanded in the Koran and being only a practice of the Prophet, the rite is not indispensable for converts, especially the aged and the sick. Our ideas upon the subject are very hazy for modern “niceness” allows a “Feast of the Circumcision,” but no discussion thereon. Moses (alias Osarsiph) borrowed the rite from the Egyptian hierophants who were all thus “purified”; the object being to counteract the over-sensibility of the “sixth sense” and to harden the glans against abrasions and infection by exposure to air and friction against the dress. Almost all African tribes practise it but the modes vary and some are exceedingly curious: I shall notice a peculiarly barbarous fashion called Al-Salkh (the flaying) still practised in the Arabian province Al-Asír (Pilgrimage iii. 80). There is a difference too between the Hebrew and the Moslem rite. The Jewish operator, after snipping off the foreskin, rips up the prepuce with his sharp thumb-nails so that the external cutis does not retract far from the internal; and the wound, when healed, shows a narrow ring of cicatrice. This ripping is not done by Moslems. They use a stick as a probe passed round between glans and prepuce to ascertain the extent of the frenum and that there is no abnormal adhesion. The foreskin is then drawn forward and fixed by the forceps, a fork of two bamboo splints, five or six inches long by a quarter thick, or in some cases an iron like our compasses. This is tied tightly over the foreskin so as to exclude about an inch and a half of the prepuce above and three quarters below. A single stroke of the razor drawn directly downwards removes the skin. The slight bleeding is stopped by burnt rags or ashes and healed with cerates, pledgets and fumigations. Thus Moslem circumcision does not prevent the skin retracting.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-Khutnah.” It's not specifically mentioned in the Koran and is purely a practice from the Prophet; therefore, it's not necessary for converts, especially the elderly and the sick. Our understanding of this topic is quite unclear since modern “niceness” allows for a “Feast of the Circumcision” but avoids any discussion on it. Moses (also known as Osarsiph) took this rite from the Egyptian priests, who all underwent this “purification.” The purpose was to mitigate the heightened sensitivity of the “sixth sense” and to toughen the glans against abrasions and infections from exposure to the air and rubbing against clothing. Almost every African tribe practices it, although the methods vary, with some being quite curious: one notably brutal method called Al-Salkh (the flaying) is still practiced in the Arabian province of Al-Asír (Pilgrimage iii. 80). There is also a distinction between the Hebrew and the Muslim rites. The Jewish practitioner, after cutting off the foreskin, tears the prepuce with his sharp thumbnails, ensuring that the outer skin doesn't pull back too far from the inner skin, resulting in a narrow scar once healed. This tearing is not performed by Muslims. Instead, they use a stick as a probe to check the length of the frenum and confirm that there are no unusual adhesions. The foreskin is then pulled forward and secured with a device made from two bamboo splints, each about five or six inches long and a quarter of an inch thick, or sometimes with a metal tool similar to a compass. This is tightly tied over the foreskin to leave about an inch and a half of the prepuce above and three-quarters below. A single downward stroke of a razor removes the skin. Minor bleeding is managed with burnt cloths or ashes and treated with ointments, dressings, and fumigations. Consequently, Muslim circumcision does not hinder the skin from retracting.
345. Of these 6336 versets only some 200 treat on law, civil and ceremonial, fiscal and political, devotional and ceremonial, canonical and ecclesiastical.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Out of these 6,336 verses, only about 200 focus on law—covering civil, ceremonial, fiscal, political, devotional, and ecclesiastical aspects.
346. The learned young woman omitted Ukhnúkh = Enoch, because not in Koran; and if she denoted him by “Idrís,” the latter is much out of place.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The educated young woman left out Ukhnúkh = Enoch because he’s not in the Quran; and if she referred to him as “Idrís,” that name is definitely inappropriate.
347. Some say grandson of Shem (Koran vii. 71).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Some say he is the grandson of Shem (Quran 7:71).
348. Koran vii. 63, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 7:63, etc.
349. Father-in-law of Moses (Koran vii. 83).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Moses' father-in-law (Quran 7:83).
350. Who is the last and greatest of the twenty-five.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Who is the last and greatest of the twenty-five?
351. See Night ccccxxxviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. See Night 438.
352. Koran ii., whose 256th Ayah is the far-famed and sublime Throne-verse which begins “Allah! there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal One, whom nor slumber nor sleep seizeth on!” The trivial name is taken from the last line, “His throne over-stretcheth Heaven and Earth and to Him their preservation is no burden for He is the most Highest, the Supreme.” The lines are often repeated in prayers and engraved on agates, etc., as portable talismans.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran, chapter ii, features the famous and profound Throne verse, which starts with, “Allah! There is no god but Him, the Living, the Eternal One, who does not experience slumber or sleep!” The name comes from the last line, “His throne extends over Heaven and Earth, and preserving them is not a burden for Him, for He is the Most High, the Supreme.” These lines are often recited in prayers and engraved on stones like agate as portable talismans.
353. Koran ii. 159.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran ii. 159.
354. Koran xvi. 92. The verset ends with, “He warneth you, so haply ye may be mindful.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran 16:92. The verse concludes with, “He warns you, so that you may remember.”
355. Koran lxx. 38.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran lxx. 38.
356. Koran xxxix. 54.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 39:54.
357. The Sunnis hold that the “Anbiyá” (= prophets, or rather announcers of Allah’s judgments) were not sinless. But this dogma is branded as most irreverent and sinful by the Shi’ahs or Persian “followers of Ali,” who make capital out of this blasphemy and declare that if any prophet sinned he sinned only against himself.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Sunnis believe that the “Anbiyá” (prophets, or messengers of Allah’s judgments) were not without sin. However, the Shi’ahs, or Persian “followers of Ali,” consider this belief to be highly disrespectful and sinful. They take advantage of this idea and assert that if any prophet sinned, it was only against themselves.
358. Koran xii. 18.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Koran 12:18.
359. Koran ii. 107.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 2:107.
360. Koran li. 57. He (Allah) does not use the plurale majestatis.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Quran li. 57. He (Allah) doesn't use the majestic plural.
361. Koran ii. 28.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 2:28.
362. Koran xvi. 100. Satan is stoned in the Miná or Muná basin (Night ccccxlii.) because he tempted Abraham to disobey the command of Allah by refusing to sacrifice Ishmael (Pilgrimage iii. 248).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Quran xvi. 100. Satan is stoned in the Miná or Muná valley (Night ccccxlii.) because he tempted Abraham to go against Allah's command by refusing to sacrifice Ishmael (Pilgrimage iii. 248).
363. It may also mean “have recourse to God.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It might also mean “turn to God.”
364. Abdallah ibn Abbas, before noticed, first cousin of Mohammed and the most learned of the Companions. See D’Herbelot.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Abdallah ibn Abbas, as mentioned earlier, was Mohammed's first cousin and the most knowledgeable of his companions. See D’Herbelot.
365. Koran xcvi., “Blood-clots,” 1 and 2. “Read” may mean “peruse the revelation” (it was the first Koranic chapter communicated to Mohammed), or “recite, preach.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran 96, “Blood Clots,” verses 1 and 2. “Read” can mean “explore the revelation” (it was the first chapter of the Koran revealed to Mohammed), or “recite, preach.”
366. Koran, xxvii. 30. Mr. Rodwell (p. 1) holds to the old idea that the “Basmalah” is of Jewish origin, taught to the Kuraysh by Omayyah, of Taif, the poet and Haníf (convert).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran, xxvii. 30. Mr. Rodwell (p. 1) maintains the traditional belief that the “Basmalah” comes from Jewish roots and was taught to the Kuraysh by Omayyah, the poet and convert from Taif.
367. Koran ix.: this was the last chapter revealed and the only one revealed entire except verse 110.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran, Chapter 9: this was the last chapter revealed and the only one revealed in full except for verse 110.
368. Ali was despatched from Al-Medinah to Meccah by the Prophet on his own slit-eared camel to promulgate this chapter; and meeting the assembly at Al-‘Akabah he also acquainted them with four things; (1) No Infidel may approach the Meccah temple; (2) naked men must no longer circuit the Ka’abah; (3) only Moslems enter Paradise, and (4) public faith must be kept.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Ali was sent from Al-Medinah to Meccah by the Prophet on his own camel with a slit ear to share this chapter; and when he met the assembly at Al-‘Akabah, he informed them of four things: (1) No nonbeliever may approach the Meccah temple; (2) naked people must no longer circle the Ka’abah; (3) only Muslims will enter Paradise, and (4) public faith must be upheld.
369. Dictionaries give the word “Basmalah” (= saying Bismillah); but the common pronunciation is “Bismalah.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Dictionaries define the word “Basmalah” (which means saying Bismillah), but the usual pronunciation is “Bismalah.”
370. Koran xvii. 110, a passage revealed because the Infidels, hearing Mohammed calling upon The Compassionate, imagined that Al-Rahmán was other deity but Allah. The “names” have two grand divisions, Asmá Jalálí, the fiery or terrible attributes, and the Asmá Jamálí (airy, watery, earthy or) amiable. Together they form the Asmá al-Husna or glorious attributes, and do not include the Ism al-A’azam, the ineffable name which is known only to a few.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran 17:110, a verse that was revealed because the non-believers, upon hearing Mohammed call upon The Compassionate, thought that Al-Rahmán was a different god from Allah. The "names" are divided into two main categories: Asmá Jalálí, which are the fiery or intimidating attributes, and Asmá Jamálí, which are the gentle or pleasing attributes. Together, they make up the Asmá al-Husna, or glorious attributes, and do not include the Ism al-A’azam, the sacred name that is known only to a select few.
371. Koran ii. 158.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 2:158.
372. Koran xcvi. before noticed.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 96. noted earlier.
373. A man of Al-Medinah, one of the first of Mohammed’s disciples.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A man from Al-Medinah, one of Mohammed’s earliest followers.
374. Koran lxxiv. 1, etc., supposed to have been addressed by Gabriel to Mohammed when in the cave of Hira or Jabal Núr. He returned to his wife Khadijah in sore terror at the vision of one sitting on a throne between heaven and earth, and bade her cover him up. Whereupon the Archangel descended with this text, supposed to be the first revealed. Mr. Rodwell (p. 3) renders it, “O thou enwrapped in thy mantle!” and makes it No. ii. after a Fatrah or silent interval of six months to three years.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The Koran lxxiv. 1, etc., is believed to have been spoken by Gabriel to Mohammed while he was in the cave of Hira or Jabal Núr. He came back to his wife Khadijah in great fear after seeing a vision of someone sitting on a throne between heaven and earth, and asked her to wrap him up. Then the Archangel came down with this text, thought to be the first revealed. Mr. Rodwell (p. 3) translates it as "O you wrapped in your mantle!" and lists it as No. ii. after a period of silence lasting from six months to three years.
375. There are several versets on this subject (chapts. ii. and xxx).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.There are several verses on this topic (chapters ii. and xxx).
376. Koran cx. 1.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran cx. 1.
377. The third Caliph; the “Writer of the Koran.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The third Caliph; the “Scribe of the Koran.”
378. Koran, v. 4. Sale translates “idols.” Mr. Rodwell, “On the blocks (or shafts) of stone,” rude altars set by the pagan Arabs before their dwellings.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran, v. 4. Sale translates it as “idols.” Mr. Rodwell refers to “On the blocks (or shafts) of stone,” describing the crude altars that the pagan Arabs placed in front of their homes.
379. Koran, v. 116. The words are put into the mouth of Jesus.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran, v. 116. These words are attributed to Jesus.
380. The end of the same verse.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The end of that same verse.
381. Koran, v. 89. Supposed to have been revealed when certain Moslems purposed to practise Christian asceticism, fasting, watching, abstaining from women and sleeping on hard beds. I have said Mohammed would have “no monkery in Al-Islam,” but human nature willed otherwise. Mr. Rodwell prefers “Interdict the healthful viands.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran, v. 89. It's believed to have been revealed when some Muslims intended to adopt Christian practices like fasting, vigil, abstaining from women, and sleeping on hard beds. I've mentioned that Mohammed rejected the idea of monasticism in Islam, but human nature took a different path. Mr. Rodwell suggests “Prohibit the healthy foods.”
382. Koran, iv. 124.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran, iv. 124.
383. Arab. “Mukri.” “Kári” is one who reads the Koran to pupils; the Mukri corrects them. “With the passage of the clouds” = without a moment’s hesitation.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Mukri.” “Kári” is someone who reads the Koran to students; the Mukri reviews their reading. “With the passage of the clouds” = without any hesitation.
384. The twenty-first, twenty-fourth and eighteenth Arabic letters.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The 21st, 24th, and 18th Arabic letters.
385. Arab. “Hizb.” The Koran is divided into sixty portions, answering to “Lessons” for convenience of public worship.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hizb.” The Quran is divided into sixty sections, called “Lessons,” for ease of public worship.
386. Arab. “Jalálah,” = saying Jalla Jalálu-hu = magnified be His Majesty!, or glorified be His Glory.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Jalálah,” = saying Jalla Jalálu-hu = may His Majesty be exalted!, or may His Glory be praised.
387. Koran, xi. 50.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran, xi. 50.
388. The partition-wall between Heaven and Hell which others call Al-‘Urf (in the sing. from the verb meaning he separated or parted). The Jeus borrowed from the Guebres the idea of a partition between Heaven and Hell and made it so thin that the blessed and damned can speak together. There is much dispute about the population of Al-A’aráf, the general idea being that they are men who do not deserve reward in Heaven or punishment in Hell. But it is not a “Purgatory” or place of expiating sins.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The wall that separates Heaven and Hell, known as Al-‘Urf (from the verb meaning to separate). The Jews took the concept of a barrier between Heaven and Hell from the Guebres and made it so thin that the blessed and the damned can communicate with each other. There's a lot of debate about who lives in Al-A’aráf, but the general idea is that these are people who don’t qualify for either reward in Heaven or punishment in Hell. However, it’s not a “Purgatory” or a place to work off sins.
389. Koran, vii. 154.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran, 7:154.
390. A play on the word ayn, which means “eye” or the eighteenth letter which in olden times had the form of a circle.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A play on the word ayn, which means “eye” or the eighteenth letter that used to be represented by a circle.
391. From misreading these words comes the absurd popular belief of the moon passing up and down Mohammed’s sleeves. George B. Airy (The Athenæum, Nov. 29, 1884) justly objects to Sale’s translation “The hour of judgment approacheth” and translates “The moon hath been dichotomised” a well-known astronomical term when the light portion of the moon is defined in a strait line: in other words when it is really a half-moon at the first and third quarters of each lunation. Others understand, The moon shall be split on the Last Day, the preterite for the future in prophetic style. “Koran Moslems” of course understand it literally.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Misinterpreting these words leads to the ridiculous belief that the moon goes up and down Mohammed’s sleeves. George B. Airy (The Athenæum, Nov. 29, 1884) rightly criticizes Sale’s translation “The hour of judgment approacheth” and translates it as “The moon has been split,” which is a well-known astronomical term when the illuminated part of the moon is described in a straight line: in other words, when it’s actually a half-moon during the first and third quarters of each lunar cycle. Others interpret it as, The moon will be split on the Last Day, using the past tense to indicate the future in a prophetic style. “Koran Moslems” obviously take it literally.
392. Chapters liv., lv. and lvi.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Chapters 54, 55, and 56.
393. We should say, not to utter, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. We should say, not to speak, etc.
394. These well-known “humours of Hippocrates,” which reappear in the form of temperaments of European phrenology, are still the base of Eastern therapeutics.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These famous “humours of Hippocrates,” which come back as temperaments in European phrenology, are still the foundation of Eastern medicine.
395. The doctrine of the three souls will be intelligible to Spiritualists.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The idea of the three souls will make sense to Spiritualists.
396. Arab. “Al-lámi” = the l-shaped, curved, forked.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-lámi” = the l-shaped, curved, forked.
397. Arab. “Usus,” our os sacrum because, being incorruptible, the body will be built up thereon for Resurrection-time. Hence Hudibras sings (iii. 2).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Usus,” our sacrum because, being incorruptible, the body will be built upon it for Resurrection time. Hence Hudibras sings (iii. 2).
It is the Heb. “Uz,” whence older scholars derived os. Sale (sect. iv.) called it “El Ajb, os coccygis or rump-bone.”
It is the Heb. “Uz,” from which older scholars got os. Sale (sect. iv.) referred to it as “El Ajb, os coccygis or rump-bone.”
398. Arab physiologists had difficulties in procuring “subjects”; and usually practised dissection on the simiads. Their illustrated books are droll; the figures have been copied and recopied till they have lost all resemblance to the originals.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab physiologists struggled to find “subjects” for their studies and often performed dissections on monkeys instead. Their illustrated books are amusing; the images have been copied so many times that they no longer resemble the original subjects.
399. The liver and spleen are held to be congealed blood. Hence the couplet:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The liver and spleen are considered to be clotted blood. That’s why the couplet says:—
(Pilgrimage iii. 92.)
(Pilgrimage iii. 92.)
400. This is perfectly true and yet little known to the general.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is absolutely true, yet not well-known to most people.
401. Koran xvii. 39.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 17:39.
402. Arab. “Al-malikhulíya,” proving that the Greeks then pronounced the penultimate vowel according to the acute accent—ía; not as we slur it over. In old Hebrew we have the transliteration of four Greek words; in the languages of Hindostan many scores including names of places; and in Latin and Arabic as many hundreds. By a scholar-like comparison of these remains we should find little difficulty in establishing the true Greek pronunciation since the days of Alexander the Great; and we shall prove that it was pronounced according to accent and emphatically not quantity. In the next century I presume English boys will be taught to pronounce Greek as the Greeks do.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-malikhulíya,” showing that the Greeks used to pronounce the second-to-last vowel based on the acute accent—ía; not as we tend to slur it. In ancient Hebrew, we have the transliteration of four Greek words; in the languages of Hindostan, there are many dozens, including place names; and in Latin and Arabic, there are hundreds. By carefully comparing these remnants, we should have no trouble figuring out the correct Greek pronunciation since the time of Alexander the Great; and we will demonstrate that it was pronounced based on accent and emphatically not quantity. In the next century, I assume English students will be taught to pronounce Greek just like the Greeks do.
403. Educated Arabs can quote many a verse bearing upon domestic medicine and reminding us of the lines bequeathed to Europe by the School of Salerno. Such e.g. are:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Well-informed Arabs can quote several verses about home remedies, echoing the teachings passed down to Europe from the School of Salerno. Examples include:—
404. Arab. Sarídah (Tharídah), also called “ghaut” = crumbled bread and hashed meat in broth; or bread, milk and meat. The Sarídah of Ghassán, cooked with eggs and marrow, was held a dainty dish: hence the Prophet’s dictum.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Sarídah (Tharídah), also known as “ghaut” = crumbled bread and chopped meat in broth; or bread, milk, and meat. The Sarídah of Ghassán, prepared with eggs and marrow, was considered a delicacy: hence the Prophet’s saying.
405. Koran v. 92. “Lots” = games of chance and “images” = statues.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran v. 92. “Lots” means games of chance and “images” means statues.
406. Koran ii. 216. The word “Maysar” which I have rendered “gambling” or “gaming” (for such is the modern application of the word), originally meant what St. Jerome calls Βελομαντία and explains thereby the verse (Ezek. xxi. 22), “The King held in his hand the lot of Jerusalem” i.e. the arrow whereon the city-name was written. The Arabs use it for casting lots with ten azlam or headless arrows (for dice) three being blanks and the rest notched from one to seven. They were thrown by a “Zárib” or punter and the stake was generally a camel. Amongst so excitable a people as the Arabs, this game caused quarrels and bloodshed, hence its prohibition: and the theologians, who everywhere and at all times delight in burdening human nature, have extended the command, which is rather admonitory than prohibitive, to all games of chance. Tarafah is supposed to allude to this practice in his Mu’allakah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran ii. 216. The word “Maysar,” which I’ve translated as “gambling” or “gaming” (since that’s how we use the term today), originally referred to what St. Jerome calls Βελομαντία and explains in relation to the verse (Ezek. xxi. 22), “The King held in his hand the lot of Jerusalem” i.e. the arrow with the city’s name on it. The Arabs use it for casting lots with ten azlam or headless arrows (like dice), three of which are blanks and the others are notched from one to seven. They were thrown by a “Zárib” or gambler, and the stake was usually a camel. Among such passionate people as the Arabs, this game led to disputes and violence, which is why it was banned; theologians, who often enjoy complicating human nature, have expanded the command, which is more of a warning than a strict prohibition, to include all games of chance. Tarafah is thought to reference this practice in his Mu’allakah.
407. Liberal Moslems observe that the Koranic prohibition is not absolute, with threat of Hell for infraction. Yet Mohammed doubtless forbade all inebriatives and the occasion of his so doing is well known (Pilgrimage ii. 322).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Liberal Muslims point out that the Koran's ban isn't absolute, with the threat of Hell for breaking it. However, it's clear that Mohammed certainly prohibited all intoxicants, and the reason for this is well-documented (Pilgrimage ii. 322).
408. I have noticed this soured milk in Pilgrimage i. 362.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I've noticed this spoiled milk in Pilgrimage i. 362.
409. He does not say the “Caliph” or successor of his uncle Mohammed.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.He doesn’t refer to the “Caliph” or the successor of his uncle Mohammed.
410. The Jewish Korah (Numbers xvi.) fabled by the Koran (xxviii. 76), following a Talmudic tradition, to have been a man of immense wealth. The notion that lying with an old woman, after the menses have ceased, is unwholesome, dates from great antiquity; and the benefits of the reverse process were well known to good King David. The faces of children who sleep with their grandparents (a bad practice now waxing obsolete in England), of a young wife married to an old man and of a young man married to an old woman, show a peculiar wizened appearance, a look of age overlaying youth which cannot be mistaken.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Jewish Korah (Numbers 16) is portrayed in the Koran (28:76), following a Talmudic tradition, as a man of great wealth. The idea that being intimate with an older woman after her menstrual cycle has ended is unhealthy goes back a long way; and the advantages of the opposite were well known to good King David. The faces of children who sleep with their grandparents (a practice that is now fading in England), of a young wife married to an older man, and of a young man married to an older woman, display a distinctive wrinkled appearance, a look of age overlaid on youth that is unmistakable.
411. Arab. “Hindibá” (= endubium): the modern term is Shakuríyah = chicorée. I believe it to be very hurtful to the eyes.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Hindibá” (= endubium): the modern term is Shakuríyah = chicory. I think it’s really harsh on the eyes.
412. Arab. “Khuffásh” and “Watwát”: in Egypt a woman is called “Watwátíyah” when the hair of her privities has been removed by applying bats’ blood. I have often heard of this; but cannot understand how such an application can act depilatory.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Khuffásh” and “Watwát”: in Egypt, a woman is referred to as “Watwátíyah” when the hair in her intimate areas has been removed using bat blood. I've heard about this many times, but I can't grasp how this method can actually remove hair.
413. Dictionaries render the word by “dragon, cockatrice.” The Badawin apply it to a variety of serpents mostly large and all considered venomous.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Dictionaries define the word as “dragon, cockatrice.” The Badawin use it to refer to several types of snakes, mostly large ones, all deemed venomous.
414. Arab. “Zarr wa ‘urwah,” lit. = handle. The button-hole, I have said, is a modern invention; Urwah is also applied to the loop-shaped handle of the water-skin, for attachment of the Allákah or suspensory thong.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zarr wa ‘urwah,” literally = handle. The buttonhole, as I've mentioned, is a modern invention; Urwah is also used to refer to the loop-shaped handle of the water-skin, used to attach the Allákah or suspension thong.
415. Koran lxx. 40; see also the chapter following, v. 16.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran 70:40; see also the chapter that follows, verse 16.
416. Koran x. 5; the “her” refers to the sun.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran x. 5; the “her” refers to the sun.
417. Koran xxxvi. 40.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The Quran xxxvi. 40.
418. Koran xxii. 60.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 22:60.
419. Arab. “Manázil:” these are the Hindu Nakshatra; extensively used in meteorology even by Europeans unconsciously: thus they will speak of the Elephantina-storm without knowing anything of the lunar mansion so called. The names in the text are successively Sharatán = two horns of the Ram; (2) the Ram’s belly; (3) the Pleiades; (4) Aldebaran; (5) three stars in Orion’s head; (6) ditto in Orion’s shoulder; (7) two stars above the Twins; (8) Lion’s nose and first summer station; (9) Lion’s eye; (10) Lion’s forehead; (11) Lion’s mane; (12) Lion’s heart; (13) the Dog, two stars in Virgo; (14) Spica Virginis; (15) φ, ι and κ in foot of Virgo; (16) horns of Scorpio; (17) the Crown; (18) heart of Scorpio; (19) tail of Scorpio; (20) stars in Pegasus; (21) where no constellation appears; (22) the Slaughterer’s luck; (23) Glutton’s luck; (24) Luck of Lucks, stars in Aquarius; (25) Luck of Tents, stars in Aquarius; (26) the fore-lip or spout of Urn; (27) hind lip of Urn; and (28) in navel of Fish’s belly (Batn al-Hút); of these 28 to each of the four seasons 7 are allotted.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Manázil:” these refer to the Hindu Nakshatra; widely recognized in weather forecasting even by Europeans without realizing it: for example, they might refer to the Elephantina-storm without knowing anything about the lunar mansion named that. The names in the text are as follows: (1) Sharatán = the two horns of the Ram; (2) the Ram’s belly; (3) the Pleiades; (4) Aldebaran; (5) three stars in Orion’s head; (6) the same in Orion’s shoulder; (7) two stars above the Twins; (8) Lion’s nose and first summer point; (9) Lion’s eye; (10) Lion’s forehead; (11) Lion’s mane; (12) Lion’s heart; (13) the Dog, two stars in Virgo; (14) Spica Virginis; (15) φ, ι and κ at the foot of Virgo; (16) the horns of Scorpio; (17) the Crown; (18) the heart of Scorpio; (19) the tail of Scorpio; (20) stars in Pegasus; (21) where no constellation is visible; (22) the Slaughterer's luck; (23) the Glutton's luck; (24) the Luck of Lucks, stars in Aquarius; (25) the Luck of Tents, stars in Aquarius; (26) the spout of the Urn; (27) the back lip of the Urn; and (28) in the belly button of the Fish (Batn al-Hút); of these 28, 7 are assigned to each of the four seasons.
420. The Hebrew absey, still used by Moslems in chronograms. For mnemonic purposes the 28 letters are distributed into eight words of which the first and second are Abjad and Hawwaz. The last six letters in two words (Thakhiz and Zuzigh) are Arabian, unknown to the Jews and not found in Syriac.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Hebrew alphabet, which is still used by Muslims in chronograms. For memory aids, the 28 letters are grouped into eight words, with the first two being Abjad and Hawwaz. The last six letters in two words (Thakhiz and Zuzigh) are Arabic, unfamiliar to the Jews and not present in Syriac.
421. Arab. “Zindík;” properly, one who believes in two gods (the old Persian dualism); in books an atheist, i.e. one who does not believe in a god or gods; and, popularly, a free-thinker who denies the existence of a Supreme Being, rejects revelation for the laws of Nature imprinted on the heart of man and for humanity in its widest sense. Hence he is accused of permitting incestuous marriages and other abominations. We should now call him (for want of something better) an Agnostic.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Zindík;” essentially, someone who believes in two gods (from the old Persian dualism); in literature an atheist, i.e. someone who doesn't believe in a god or gods; and, commonly, a free-thinker who denies the existence of a Supreme Being, turns away from revelation in favor of the laws of Nature that are inherent to humanity and that apply to everyone. As a result, he gets accused of allowing incestuous marriages and other terrible things. These days, we might label him (since there's no better term) an Agnostic.
422. Koran xxxi. 34. The words may still be applied to meteorologists especially of the scientific school. Even the experienced (as the followers of the late Mathieu de la Drôme) reckon far more failures than successes. The Koranic passage enumerates five things known only to Allah; Judgment-day; rain; sex of child in womb; what shall happen to-morrow and where a man shall die.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran xxxi. 34. These words can still be relevant to meteorologists, especially those in the scientific community. Even the seasoned ones (like the followers of the late Mathieu de la Drôme) count far more failures than successes. The Koranic passage lists five things known only to Allah: Judgment Day, rain, the sex of a child in the womb, what will happen tomorrow, and where a person will die.
423. The fifth and seventh months (January and March) of the Coptic year which, being solar, is still used by Arab and Egyptian meteorologists. Much information thereon will be found in the “Egyptian Calendar” by Mr. Mitchell, Alexandria 1876. It bears the appropriate motto “Anni certus modus apud solos semper Ægyptios fuit.” (Macrobius). See also Lane M.E., chapt. ix.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The fifth and seventh months (January and March) of the Coptic year, which is solar, are still used by Arab and Egyptian weather experts. You can find more information in “Egyptian Calendar” by Mr. Mitchell, Alexandria 1876. It has the fitting motto “The sure way has always been among the Egyptians alone.” (Macrobius). Also, check Lane M.E., chapter ix.
424. Vulg. Kiyák; the fourth month, beginning 9th–10th December. The first month is Tút, commencing 10th–11th September.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Vulg. Kiyák; the fourth month, starting December 9th–10th. The first month is Tút, beginning September 10th–11th.
425. The 8th and 12th months partly corresponding with April and August: Hátúr is the 3rd (November) and Amshír the 6th (February).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The 8th and 12th months correspond roughly with April and August: Hátúr is the 3rd month (November) and Amshír is the 6th month (February).
426. Moslems have been compelled to adopt infidel names for the months because Mohammed’s Koranic rejection of Nasy or intercalation makes their lunar months describe the whole circle of the seasons in a cycle of about thirty-three and a half years. Yet they have retained the terms which contain the original motive of the denomination. The first month is Muharram, the “Holy,” because war was forbidden; it was also known as Safar No. 1. The second Safar = “Emptiness,” because during the heats citizens left the towns and retired to Táif and other cool sites. Rabí’a (first and second) alluded to the spring-pasturages; Jumádá (first and second) to the “hardening” of the dry ground and, according to some, to the solidification, freezing, of the water in the highlands. Rajab (No. 7) = “worshipping,” especially by sacrifice, is also known as Al-Asamm the deaf; because being sacred, the rattle of arms was unheard. Sha’abán = “collecting,” dispersing, ruining, because the tribal wars recommenced: Ramazan (intensely hot) has been explained and Shawwál (No. 10.) derives from Shaul (elevating) when the he-camels raise their tails in rut. Zú’l-Ka’adah, the sedentary, is the rest time of the year, when fighting is forbidden and Zu’l-Hijjah explains itself as the pilgrimage-month.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Muslims have had to use non-Muslim names for the months because Mohammed’s rejection of intercalation makes their lunar months complete a full cycle of the seasons in about thirty-three and a half years. However, they have kept terms that reflect the original reasons for their names. The first month is Muharram, the “Holy” month, because war was forbidden; it was also known as Safar No. 1. The second month, Safar, means “Emptiness,” as people would leave the towns during the heat and retreat to Táif and other cooler places. Rabí’a (first and second) refers to the spring pastures; Jumádá (first and second) describes the “hardening” of the dry ground and, according to some, the freezing of water in the highlands. Rajab (No. 7) means “worshipping,” especially through sacrifice, and is also called Al-Asamm, the deaf, because during this sacred time, the sound of weapons was silenced. Sha’abán means “collecting,” as it marks the start of tribal wars again; Ramazan (very hot) has its own explanations, while Shawwál (No. 10) comes from Shaul (to elevate), as it refers to when male camels raise their tails during mating season. Zú’l-Ka’adah, the time of rest, is the period when fighting is prohibited, and Zu’l-Hijjah is understood as the pilgrimage month.
427. The lowest of the seven.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The bottom of the seven.
428. Koran xxxvii. 5.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Koran 37:5.
429. Arab. “Faylasúf,” an evident corruption from the Greek. Amongst the vulgar it denotes a sceptic, an atheist; much the same a “Frammásún” or Freemason. The curious reader will consult the Dabistan, vol. iii. chapt. xi. p. 138 et seq. “On the Religion of the Wise” (philosophi), and, Beaconsfield’s theft from Shaftesbury.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Faylasúf,” a clear distortion of the Greek. Among the general public, it refers to someone who is skeptical or an atheist; similar to a “Frammásún” or Freemason. The curious reader can check the Dabistan, vol. iii. chapt. xi. p. 138 et seq. “On the Religion of the Wise” (philosophi), and, Beaconsfield’s appropriation from Shaftesbury.
430. Koran xxxvi. 37–38.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Koran 36:37–38.
431. Koran xxii. 7. The Hour i.e. of Judgment.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran xxii. 7. The Hour such as of Judgment.
432. Koran xx. 58. The Midrasch Tanchumah on Exod. vii. gives a similar dialogue between Pharaoh and Moses (Rodwell, in loco).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran xx. 58. The Midrasch Tanchumah on Exod. vii. presents a similar conversation between Pharaoh and Moses (Rodwell, on-site).
433. Arab. “Sham’ún” or “Shim’ún,” usually applied to Simon Peter (as in Acts xv. 14). But the text alludes to Saint Simeon (Luke ii. 25–35). See Gospel of Infancy (ii. 8) and especially the Gospel of Nicodemus (xii. 3) which makes him a High-priest.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sham’ún” or “Shim’ún,” typically referring to Simon Peter (as in Acts xv. 14). However, the text also refers to Saint Simeon (Luke ii. 25–35). See Gospel of Infancy (ii. 8) and especially the Gospel of Nicodemus (xii. 3), which depicts him as a High Priest.
434. Sálih the Patriarch’s she-camel, miraculously produced from the rock in order to convert the Thamúd-tribe (Koran vii).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Sálih the Patriarch’s she-camel was miraculously brought forth from the rock to convert the Thamúd tribe (Koran vii).
435. When Abu Bakr was hiding with Mohammed in a cave on the Hill Al-Saur (Thaur or Thúr, Pilgrimage ii. 131) South of Meccah, which must not be confounded with the cave on Jabal Hirá now called Jabal Núr on the way to Arafat (Pilgrimage iii. 246), the fugitives were protected by a bird which built her nest at the entrance (according to another legend it was curtained by a spider’s web), whilst another bird (the crow of whom I shall presently speak) tried to betray them. The first bird is popularly supposed to have been a pigeon, and is referred to by Hudibras:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.When Abu Bakr was hiding with Mohammed in a cave on the Hill Al-Saur (also known as Thaur or Thúr, Pilgrimage ii. 131) south of Mecca, which must not be confused with the cave on Jabal Hirá, now called Jabal Núr, on the way to Arafat (Pilgrimage iii. 246), they were protected by a bird that built its nest at the entrance (according to another story, it was hidden by a spider's web), while another bird (the crow, which I will discuss shortly) attempted to betray them. The first bird is commonly thought to have been a pigeon and is mentioned by Hudibras:—
The ass I presume alludes to the marvellous beast Al-Burák which the Greeks called Βράχθαν from Βραχ (Euthymius in Pocock, Spec. A.H. p. 144) and which Indian Moslems picture with human face, ass’s ears, equine body and peacock’s wings and tail. The “widgeon” I presume to be a mistake or a misprint for pigeon.
The donkey I think refers to the amazing creature Al-Burák, which the Greeks called Βράχθα from Βραχ (Euthymius in Pocock, Spec. A.H. p. 144). Indian Muslims imagine it with a human face, donkey ears, a horse’s body, and peacock wings and tail. The “widgeon” I believe is a mistake or a typo for pigeon.
436. The Arabs are not satisfied with the comparative moderation of the Hebrew miracle, and have added all manner of absurdities (Pilgrimage ii. 288).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Arabs aren’t content with the relative moderation of the Hebrew miracle and have added all sorts of absurdities (Pilgrimage ii. 288).
437. Koran lxxxi. 18. Sale translates “by the morning when it appeareth;” and the word (tanaffus) will bear this meaning. Mr. Rodwell prefers, “By the dawn when it clears away the darkness by its breath.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran 81:18. Sale translates it as “by the morning when it appears;” and the word (tanaffus) can mean this. Mr. Rodwell prefers, “By the dawn when it clears away the darkness with its breath.”
438. As a rule Moslems are absurdly ignorant of arithmetic and apparently cannot master it. Hence in Egypt they used Copts for calculating-machines and further East Hindús. The mildest numerical puzzle, like the above, is sure of success.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Generally, Muslims show a surprising lack of understanding when it comes to arithmetic and seem unable to grasp it. That's why in Egypt they relied on Copts for calculations, and further East, they turned to Hindus. Even the simplest math problem, like the one above, is guaranteed to be a hit.
439. The paradisal tree which supplied every want. Mohammed borrowed it from the Christians (Rev. xxi. 10–21 and xxii. 1–2) who placed in their paradise the Tree of Life which bears twelve sorts of fruits and leaves of healing virtue. (See also the 3rd book of Hermas, his Similitudes.) The Hebrews borrowed it from the Persians. Amongst the Hindus it appears as “Kalpavriksha;” amongst the Scandinavians as Yggdrasil. The curious reader will consult Mr. James Fergusson’s learned work, “Tree and Serpent Worship,” etc. London, 1873.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The perfect tree that met every need. Mohammed took this idea from the Christians (Rev. xxi. 10–21 and xxii. 1–2), who included the Tree of Life in their paradise, which produces twelve types of fruit and leaves with healing properties. (See also the 3rd book of Hermas, his Similitudes.) The Hebrews got it from the Persians. In Hinduism, it’s known as “Kalpavriksha;” in Scandinavian mythology, it’s called Yggdrasil. Curious readers can refer to Mr. James Fergusson’s scholarly work, “Tree and Serpent Worship,” etc. London, 1873.
440. Aaron’s Rod becomes amongst Moslems (Koran vii. 110) Moses’ Staff; the size being that of a top-mast (Pilgrimage i. 300, 301). In Koran xx. 18, 19, we find a notice of its uses; and during the Middle Ages it reappeared in the Staff of Wamba the Goth (A.D. 672–680): the witch’s broomstick was its latest development.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Aaron’s Rod is seen as Moses’ Staff among Muslims (Quran 7:110), described as being as large as a top mast (Pilgrimage 1:300, 301). In Quran 20:18, 19, we see mentions of its uses; and during the Middle Ages, it reemerged as the Staff of Wamba the Goth (A.D. 672–680): the witch’s broomstick was its most recent evolution.
441. Christ, say the Eutychians, had only one nature the divine; so he was crucified in effigy.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.According to the Eutychians, Christ had only one nature, which was divine; therefore, he was crucified in a symbolic way.
442. Jesus is compared with Adam in the Koran (chapt. iii.): his titles are Kalámu ‘llah (word of God) because engendered without a father, and Rúhu ‘llah (breath of God) because conceived by Gabriel in the shape of a beautiful youth breathing into the Virgin’s vulva. Hence Moslems believe in a “miraculous conception” and consequently determine that one so conceived was, like Elias and Khizr, not subject to death; they also hold him born free from “original sin” (a most sinful superstition), a veil being placed before the Virgin and Child against the Evil One who could not touch them. He spoke when a babe in cradle; he performed miracles of physic; he was taken up to Heaven; he will appear as the forerunner of Mohammed on the White Tower of Damascus, and finally he will be buried at Al-Medinah. The Jews on the other hand speak of him as “that man:” they hold that he was begotten by Joseph during the menstrual period and therefore a born magician. Moreover he learned the Sham ha-maphrash or Nomen tetragrammaton, wrote it on parchment and placed it in an incision in his thigh, which closed up on the Name being mentioned (Buxtorf, Lex Talmud 25–41). Other details are given in the Toldoth Jesu (Historia Joshuæ Nazareni). This note should be read by the eminent English littérateur who discovered a fact, well known to Locke and Carlyle, that “Mohammedans are Christians.” So they are and something more.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Jesus is compared to Adam in the Koran (chapt. iii.): his titles are Kalámu ‘llah (word of God) because he was born without a father, and Rúhu ‘llah (breath of God) because he was conceived by Gabriel in the form of a beautiful young man who breathed into the Virgin’s womb. Therefore, Muslims believe in a “miraculous conception” and conclude that one conceived this way, like Elias and Khizr, is not subject to death. They also believe he was born free from “original sin” (a deeply flawed superstition), with a veil placed before the Virgin and Child to protect them from the Evil One, who could not touch them. He spoke as a baby in the cradle; he performed miraculous healings; he was taken up to Heaven; he will appear as a forerunner of Mohammed on the White Tower of Damascus, and finally, he will be buried in Al-Medinah. The Jews, on the other hand, refer to him as “that man”: they believe he was conceived by Joseph during menstruation and was therefore a born magician. Additionally, he learned the Sham ha-maphrash or Nomen tetragrammaton, wrote it on parchment, and placed it in a cut in his thigh, which sealed up when the Name was mentioned (Buxtorf, Lex Talmud 25–41). Further details are provided in the Toldoth Jesu (The History of Joshua the Nazarene). This note should be read by the distinguished English writer who uncovered a fact, well known to Locke and Carlyle, that “Mohammedans are Christians.” Indeed, they are and more.
443. In the Kalamdán, or pen-case, is a little inkstand of metal occupying the top of the long, narrow box.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the Kalamdán, or pen case, there is a small metal inkstand at the top of the long, narrow box.
444. A fair specimen of the riddle known as the “surprise.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A good example of the puzzle known as the “surprise.”
445. Koran xli. 10.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 41:10.
446. Koran xxxvi. 82.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The Quran xxxvi. 82.
447. Here we enter upon a series of disputed points. The Wahhábis deny the intercession of the Apostle (Pilgrimage ii. 76–77). The Shi ahs place Ali next in dignity to Mohammed and there is a sect (Ali-Iláhi) which believes him to be an Avatar or incarnation of the Deity. For the latter the curious reader will consult the “Dabistan,” ii. 451. The Koran by its many contradictions seems to show that Mohammed never could make up his own mind on the subject, thinking himself at times an intercessor and then sharply denying all intercession.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Here we delve into a series of debated issues. The Wahhabis reject the idea of the Apostle's intercession (Pilgrimage ii. 76–77). The Shia place Ali just below Mohammed in status, and there’s a sect (Ali-Iláhi) that believes he is an Avatar or incarnation of the Deity. For those interested, the curious reader can check the “Dabistan,” ii. 451. The Koran, with its numerous contradictions, suggests that Mohammed was never certain about the matter, sometimes seeing himself as an intercessor and other times firmly denying any form of intercession.
448. Arab. “Kanjifah” = a pack of cards; corrupted from the Persian “Ganjífah.” We know little concerning the date or origin of this game in the East, where the packs are quite unlike ours.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Kanjifah” = a deck of cards; a variation of the Persian “Ganjífah.” We don’t know much about when or where this game started in the East, where the decks are quite different from ours.
449. It is interesting to compare this account with the pseudo Ovid and with Tale clxvi. in Gesta “Of the game of Schaci.” Its Schacarium is the chess-board. Rochus (roccus, etc.) is not from the Germ. Rock (a coat) but from Rukh (Pers. a hero, a knight-errant); Alphinus (Ital. Alfino) is Al-Firzán (Pers. science, wise).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It's interesting to compare this story with the pseudo Ovid and with Tale clxvi in Gesta “Of the game of Schaci.” Its Schacarium refers to the chessboard. Rochus (roccus, etc.) doesn’t come from the German word for coat but from Rukh (Persian for a hero, a knight-errant); Alphinus (Italian Alfino) is Al-Firzán (Persian for science, wise).
450. Arab. “Baydak” or “Bayzak”; a corruption of the Persian “Piyádah” = a footman, peon, pawn; and proving whence the Arabs derived the game. The Persians are the readiest backgammon-players known to me, better even than the Greeks; they throw the dice from the hand and continue foully abusing the fathers and mothers of the “bones” whilst the game lasts. It is often played in the intervals of dinner by the higher classes in Persia.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Baydak” or “Bayzak”; a variation of the Persian “Piyádah” = a foot soldier, servant, or pawn; which shows how the Arabs got the game. The Persians are the most skilled backgammon players I know, even better than the Greeks; they roll the dice by hand and continuously insult the parents of the “pieces” throughout the game. It’s often played during dinner breaks by the upper classes in Persia.
451. Metaphor from loading camels and mules. To “eat” a piece is to take it.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Metaphor for loading camels and mules. To “eat” a piece means to take it.
452. Arab. “Bilábil”; a plural of “Bulbul” with a double entendre balábil (plur. of ballalah) = heart’s troubles, and “balá, bul” = a calamity, nay, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Bilábil”; a plural of “Bulbul” with a double meaning, balábil (plural of ballalah) = heart’s troubles, and “balá, bul” = a calamity, no, etc.
It is related, O auspicious King, that one of the olden monarchs was once minded to ride out in state with the officers of his realm and the Grandees of his retinue and display to the folk the marvels of his magnificence. So he ordered his Lords and Emirs equip them therefor and commanded his keeper of the wardrobe to bring him of the richest of raiment, such as befitted the King in his state; and he bade them bring his steeds[453] of the finest breeds 246and pedigrees every man heeds; which being done, he chose out of the raiment what rejoiced him most and of the horses that which he deemed best; and, donning the clothes, together with a collar set with margarites and rubies and all manner jewels, mounted and set forth in state, making his destrier prance and curvet among his troops and glorying in his pride and despotic power. And Iblis came to him and, laying his hand upon his nose, blew into his nostrils the breath of hauteur and conceit, so that he magnified and glorified himself and said in his heart, “Who among men is like unto me?” And he became so puffed up with arrogance and self-sufficiency, and so taken up with the thought of his own splendour and magnificence, that he would not vouchsafe a glance to any man. Presently, there stood before him one clad in tattered clothes and saluted him, but he returned not his salam; whereupon the stranger laid hold of his horse’s bridle. “Lift thy hand,” cried the King, “thou knowest not whose bridle-rein it is whereof thou takest hold.” Quoth the other, “I have a need of thee.” Quoth the King, “Wait till I alight and then name thy need.” Rejoined the stranger, “It is a secret and I will not tell it but in thine ear.” So the King bowed his head to him and he said, “I am the Angel of Death and I purpose to take thy soul.” Replied the King, “Have patience with me a little, whilst I return to my house and take leave of my people and children and neighbours and wife.” “By no means so,” answered the Angel; “thou shalt never return nor look on them again, for the fated term of thy life is past.” So saying, he took the soul of the King (who fell off his horse’s back dead) and departed thence. Presently the Death Angel met a devout man, of whom Almighty Allah had accepted, and saluted him. He returned the salute, and the Angel said to him, “O pious man, I have a need of thee which must be kept secret.” “Tell it in my ear,” quoth the devotee; and quoth the other, “I am the Angel of Death.” Replied the man, “Welcome to thee! and praised be Allah for thy coming! I am aweary of awaiting thine arrival; for indeed long hath been thine absence from the lover which longeth for thee.” Said the Angel, “If thou have any business, make an end of it;” but the other answered, 247saying, “There is nothing so urgent to me as the meeting with my Lord, to whom be honour and glory!” And the Angel said “How wouldst thou fain have me take thy soul? I am bidden to take it as thou willest and choosest.” He replied, “Tarry till I make the Wuzu-ablution and pray; and, when I prostrate myself, then take my soul while my body is on the ground.”[454] Quoth the Angel, “Verily, my Lord (be He extolled and exalted!) commanded me not to take thy soul but with thy consent and as thou shouldst wish; so I will do thy will.” Then the devout man made the minor ablution[455] and prayed: and the Angel of Death took his soul in the act of prostration and Almighty Allah transported it to the place of mercy and acceptance and forgiveness. And they tell another tale of
It is said, O fortunate King, that one of the ancient kings decided to ride out in grandeur with the officials of his realm and the nobles of his court to showcase the wonders of his wealth to the people. So he instructed his Lords and Emirs to prepare for this, commanding his wardrobe keeper to bring him the finest garments worthy of a king in his glory. He also asked them to bring forth his horses of the best breeds and pedigrees everyone admires. Once everything was ready, he chose the outfit that pleased him the most and selected the horse he thought was the best. Dressed in his royal attire, complete with a collar adorned with pearls, rubies, and all kinds of jewels, he mounted his horse and rode out in state, making his steed prance and dance among his troops, reveling in his pride and authority. Then, Iblis approached him, placing his hand on his nose, and breathed into his nostrils the air of haughtiness and arrogance, causing him to inflate with self-importance and think to himself, “Who among men is like me?” He became so filled with pride and self-sufficiency, consumed by his own glory and wealth, that he refused to acknowledge anyone. Soon, a man dressed in ragged clothes stood before him and greeted him, but the king did not respond. The stranger then grabbed hold of his horse’s bridle. “Release your hand,” shouted the King, “do you not know whose bridle you grasp?” The man replied, “I need something from you.” The King said, “Wait until I dismount, then tell me your need.” The stranger responded, “It’s a secret, and I must share it only in your ear.” So the King leaned down, and the man said, “I am the Angel of Death, and I have come to collect your soul.” The King answered, “Please give me a moment to return home and say goodbye to my people, children, neighbors, and wife.” “No,” said the Angel, “you will never return or see them again, for your time has come.” With that, he took the King’s soul, who fell off the horse dead, and departed. Soon after, the Angel of Death encountered a devout man, favored by Almighty Allah, and greeted him. The man returned the greeting, and the Angel said, “O pious man, I have a request for you that must remain secret.” “Share it in my ear,” said the devotee; and the Angel responded, “I am the Angel of Death.” The man replied, “Welcome! Praise be to Allah for your arrival! I have been eagerly awaiting your coming, for your absence has been long for one who yearns for you.” The Angel said, “If you have any unfinished business, do so now;” but the man answered, “Nothing is as urgent to me as meeting my Lord, to whom be honor and glory!” The Angel inquired, “How would you like me to take your soul? I am commanded to take it as you wish.” He said, “Wait until I perform the minor ablution and pray; when I prostrate, take my soul while my body is on the ground.” The Angel replied, “Truly, my Lord (may He be praised and honored!) commanded me to take your soul only with your consent and as you would prefer; so I will do as you ask.” Then the devout man made the ablution and prayed, and the Angel of Death took his soul while he was in prostration, and Almighty Allah transported it to a place of mercy and acceptance and forgiveness. And they tell another tale of
453. The popular English idea of the Arab horse is founded upon utter unfact. Book after book tells us, “There are three distinct breeds of Arabians—the Attechi, a very superior breed; the Kadishi, mixed with these and of little value; and the Kochlani, highly prized and very difficult to procure.” “Attechi” may be At-Tází (the Arab horse, or hound) or some confusion with “At” (Turk.) a horse. “Kadish” (Gadish or Kidish) is a nag; a gelding, a hackney, a “pacer” (generally called “Rahwán”). “Kochlani” is evidently “Kohláni,” the Kohl-eyed, because the skin round the orbits is dark as if powdered. This is the true blue blood; and the bluest of all is “Kohláni al-Ajúz” (of the old woman) a name thus accounted for. An Arab mare dropped a filly when in flight; her rider perforce gallopped on and presently saw the foal appear in camp, when it was given to an old woman for nursing and grew up to be famous. The home of the Arab horse is the vast plateau of Al-Najd: the Tahámah or lower maritime regions of Arabia, like Malabar, will not breed good beasts. The pure blood all descends from five collateral lines called Al-Khamsah (the Cinque). Literary and pedantic Arabs derive them from the mares of Mohammed a native of the dry and rocky region, Al-Hijaz, whither horses are all imported. Others go back (with the Koran, chapt. xxviii.) to Solomon, possibly Salmán, a patriarch fourth in descent from Ishmael and some 600 years older than the Hebrew King. The Badawi derive the five from Rabí’at al-Faras (R. of the mare) fourth in descent from Adnán, the fount of Arab genealogy. But they differ about the names: those generally given are Kahilan (Kohaylat), Sakláwi (which the Badawin pronounce Sagláwi), Abayán, and Hamdáni; others substitute Manákhi (the long-maned), Tanís and Jalfún. These require no certificate amongst Arabs; for strangers a simple statement is considered enough. The Badawin despise all half-breeds (Arab sires and country mares), Syrian, Turkish, Kurdish and Egyptian. They call these (first mentioned in the reign of Ahmes, B.C. 1600) the “sons of horses”; as opposed to “sons of mares,” or thorough-breds. Nor do they believe in city-bred animals. I have great doubts concerning our old English sires, such as the Darley Arabian which looks like a Kurdish half-bred, the descendant of those Cappadocians so much prized by the Romans: in Syria I rode a “Harfúshí” (Kurd) the very image of it. There is no difficulty in buying Arab stallions except the price. Of course the tribe does not like to part with what may benefit the members generally; but offers of £500 to £1,000 would overcome men’s scruples. It is different with mares, which are almost always the joint property of several owners. The people too dislike to see a hat on a thorough-bred mare: “What hast thou done that thou art ridden by that ill-omened Kafir?” the Badawin used to mutter when they saw a highly respectable missionary at Damascus mounting a fine Ruwalá mare. The feeling easily explains the many wars about horses occurring in Arab annals, e.g. about Dáhis and Ghabrá. (C. de Perceval, Essai, vol. ii.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The common English perception of the Arab horse is based on complete misinformation. Book after book tells us, “There are three distinct breeds of Arabians—the Attechi, a very superior breed; the Kadishi, mixed with these and of little value; and the Kochlani, highly prized and very difficult to obtain.” “Attechi” may refer to At-Tází (the Arab horse, or hound) or could be confused with “At” (Turk.) meaning a horse. “Kadish” (Gadish or Kidish) refers to a nag; a gelding, a hackney, a “pacer” (generally referred to as “Rahwán”). “Kochlani” clearly comes from “Kohláni,” meaning the Kohl-eyed, because the skin around the eyes is dark as if powdered. This is the true blue blood; and the most sought after is “Kohláni al-Ajúz” (of the old woman), a name with an interesting origin. An Arab mare dropped a filly while fleeing; her rider galloped on but soon saw the foal appear in camp, where it was given to an old woman for nursing and grew to be famous. The true home of the Arab horse is the vast plateau of Al-Najd: the Tahámah or lower coastal regions of Arabia, like Malabar, do not produce good horses. All purebred Arab horses descend from five main lines known as Al-Khamsah (the Cinque). Literary and pedantic Arabs claim they come from the mares of Mohammed, who originated from the dry and rocky region of Al-Hijaz, where all horses are imported. Others trace back (with the Koran, chapt. xxviii.) to Solomon, possibly Salmán, a patriarch fourth in descent from Ishmael and about 600 years older than the Hebrew King. The Badawi derive the five from Rabí’at al-Faras (R. of the mare) fourth in descent from Adnán, the starting point of Arab genealogy. However, they disagree on the names: the commonly cited ones are Kahilan (Kohaylat), Sakláwi (which the Badawin pronounce Sagláwi), Abayán, and Hamdáni; others replace them with Manákhi (the long-maned), Tanís, and Jalfún. These require no certification among Arabs; for outsiders, a simple statement is considered sufficient. The Badawin look down on all half-breeds (Arab sires and local mares), Syrian, Turkish, Kurdish, and Egyptian. They refer to these (first mentioned in the reign of Ahmes, B.C. 1600) as the “sons of horses,” in contrast to “sons of mares,” or thoroughbreds. They also do not trust city-bred animals. I have serious doubts regarding our old English sires, such as the Darley Arabian, which seems like a Kurdish half-breed, a descendant of those Cappadocians highly valued by the Romans: in Syria, I rode a “Harfúshí” (Kurd) that looked just like it. There's no trouble buying Arab stallions apart from the price. Naturally, the tribe is reluctant to part with something that could benefit the members overall; however, offers of £500 to £1,000 would ease their concerns. Mares, on the other hand, are usually the joint property of multiple owners. The people also dislike to see a hat on a thoroughbred mare: “What have you done that you are being ridden by that ill-omened Kafir?” the Badawin would mutter when they saw a well-respected missionary in Damascus riding a fine Ruwalá mare. This sentiment easily explains the numerous conflicts over horses found in Arab history, e.g. about Dáhis and Ghabrá. (C. de Perceval, Essai, vol. ii.)
454. The stricter kind of Eastern Jew prefers to die on the floor not in bed, as was the case with the late Mr. Emmanuel Deutsch, who in his well-known article on the Talmud had the courage to speak of “Our Saviour.” But as a rule the Israelite, though he mostly appears as a Deist, a Unitarian, has a fund of fanatical feelings which crop up in old age and near death. The “converts” in Syria and elsewhere, whose Judaism is intensified by “conversion,” when offers are made to them by the missionaries repair to the Khákhám (scribe) and, after abundant wrangling determine upon a modus vivendi. They are to pay a proportion of their wages, to keep careful watch in the cause of Israel and to die orthodox. In Istria there is a legend of a Jew Prior in a convent who was not discovered till he announced himself most unpleasantly on his death-bed. For a contrary reason to Jewish humility the Roman Emperors preferred to die standing.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The more traditional Eastern Jew would rather die on the floor than in bed, like the late Mr. Emmanuel Deutsch, who boldly referred to “Our Saviour” in his famous article about the Talmud. Generally, though, while the Israelite often appears as a Deist or Unitarian, he has a deep well of passionate feelings that resurface in old age and near death. The “converts” in Syria and other places, whose Judaism deepens with “conversion,” go to the Khákhám (scribe) when missionaries make offers, and after much debate, they agree on a way of life. They commit to paying a portion of their wages, closely watching over the interests of Israel, and die according to orthodox beliefs. In Istria, there’s a tale of a Jewish Prior in a convent who wasn’t discovered until he made an unpleasant announcement on his deathbed. For a different reason than Jewish humility, Roman Emperors preferred to die standing.
455. He wished to die in a state of ceremonial purity; as has before been mentioned.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.He wanted to die in a pure and honorable manner, as mentioned earlier.
A certain King had heaped up coin beyond count and gathered store of all precious things, which Allah the Most Highest hath created. So, in order that he might take his pleasure whenas he should find leisure to enjoy all this abounding wealth he had collected, he built him a palace wide and lofty such as besitteth and beseemeth Kings; and set thereto strong doors and appointed, for its service and its guard, servants and soldiers and doorkeepers to watch and ward. One day, he bade the cooks dress him somewhat of the goodliest of food and assembled his household and retainers and boon-companions and servants to eat with him, and partake of his bounty. Then he sat down upon the sofa of his kingship and dominion; and, propping his elbow upon the cushion, addressed 248himself, saying, “O soul, thou hast gathered together all the wealth of the world; so now take thy leisure therein and eat of this good at thine ease, in long life and prosperity ever rife!”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
A certain king had accumulated an immense amount of coins and collected all kinds of precious items that Allah the Most High has created. So, to enjoy his abundant wealth when he had the time, he built a grand and spacious palace suitable for a king. He added strong doors and appointed servants, soldiers, and doorkeepers to guard and manage it. One day, he instructed the cooks to prepare some of the finest food and gathered his household, attendants, and friends to dine with him and share in his bounty. He then sat on the throne of his kingship and, resting his elbow on the cushion, said to himself, “O soul, you have gathered all the wealth of the world; now take your time to enjoy it and indulge in this good food, wishing you a long life and ongoing prosperity!”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that hardly had the King made an end of saying to himself, “Eat of this weal at thine ease, in long life and prosperity ever rife!” when a man clad in tattered raiment, with an asker’s wallet hanging at his neck, as he were one who came to beg food, knocked with the door-ring a knock so loud and terrible that the whole palace shook as with quake of earth and the King’s throne trembled. The servants were affrighted and rushed to the door, and when they saw the man who had knocked they cried out at him, saying, “Woe to thee! what manner of unmannerly fashion be this? Wait till the King eateth and we will then give thee of what is left.” Quoth he, “Tell your lord to come out and speak with me, for I have of him a pressing need and a matter to heed.” They cried, “Away, fool! who art thou that we should bid our lord come forth to thee?” But he said, “Tell him of this.” So they went in and told the King, who said, “Did ye not rebuke him and draw upon him and threaten him!” Now as he spoke, behold, there came another knock at the gate, louder than the first knock, whereupon the servants sprang at the stranger with staves and weapons, to fall upon him and slay him; but he shouted at them, saying, “Bide in your steads, for I am the Angel of Death.” Hereat their hearts quaked and their wits forsook them; their understandings were in confusion, their side-muscles quivered in perturbation and their limbs lost the power of motion. Then said the King to them, “Tell him to take a substitute[456] in my place and one to relieve me in this case.” But the Angel answered, saying, “I will take no substitute, and I come not but on thine account, to cause separation between thee and the goods thou hast gathered together and the riches thou hast heaped up and entreasured.” 249When the King heard this, he wept and groaned, saying, “Allah curse the treasure which hath deluded and undone me and diverted me from the service of my Lord! I deemed it would profit me, but to-day it is a regret for me and a calamity to me, and behold, I go forth, empty-handed of it, and leave it to my foes.” Thereupon Allah caused the Treasure to speak out and it said, “Wherefore cursest thou me?[457] Curse thyself, for Allah created both me and eke thyself of the dust and appointed me to be in thine hand, that thou mightest provide thee with me a viaticum for the next world and give alms with me to the poor and the needy and the sick; and build mosques and hospices and bridges and aqueducts, so might I be an aidance unto thee in the world to come. But thou didst garner me and hoard me up and on thine own vanities bestowest me, neither gavest thou thanks for me, as was due, but wast ungrateful to me; and now thou must leave me to thy foes and thou hast naught save thy regretting and thy repenting. But what is my sin, that thou shouldest revile me?” Then the Angel of Death took the King’s soul as he sat on his throne before he ate of the food, and he fell down dead. Quoth Allah Almighty, “While they were rejoicing for that which had been given them, we suddenly laid hold on them; and, behold, they were seized with despair.”[458] And they tell another tale of
She said, "It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that just as the King finished thinking to himself, 'Enjoy this good fortune in long life and endless prosperity!' a man dressed in ragged clothes, with a beggar's bag hanging around his neck, knocked on the door with a strike so loud and terrifying that the entire palace shook like an earthquake and the King's throne trembled. The servants were startled and rushed to the door, and when they saw the man, they shouted at him, saying, 'What an unfortunate way to behave! Wait until the King has finished eating, and we'll give you whatever's left.' He replied, 'Tell your lord to come out and talk to me, for I have an urgent matter that he needs to heed.' They shouted back, 'Get lost, fool! Who are you to demand our lord's attention?' But he insisted, 'Just tell him this.' So they went inside and told the King, who said, 'Did you not scold him and threaten him?' As he spoke, another knock came at the gate, louder than the first. The servants rushed at the stranger with sticks and weapons, ready to attack him. But he shouted, 'Stay back, for I am the Angel of Death.' This terrified them; their hearts raced and they lost their wits. They were confused, their muscles trembled with fear, and they couldn't move. Then the King said to them, 'Tell him to take someone else in my place and find another to relieve me of this.' But the Angel responded, 'I will take no substitute; I've come solely on your account to separate you from the wealth you’ve gathered and the riches you've hoarded.' When the King heard this, he wept and lamented, saying, 'May Allah curse the treasure that has deceived and harmed me, distracting me from serving my Lord! I thought it would benefit me, but today it brings me regret and hardship, and now I leave empty-handed and abandon it to my enemies.' At that moment, Allah made the Treasure speak, and it said, 'Why do you curse me? Curse yourself instead, for Allah created both of us from dust and appointed me to be in your hands. You were meant to use me as a provision for the afterlife, to give alms to the poor, the needy, and the sick; to build mosques, hospices, bridges, and aqueducts, so that I could aid you in the next world. But you hoarded me and wasted me on your own desires, failing to show gratitude; now you must leave me for your enemies, and all you have left is regret and sorrow. What have I done to deserve your anger?' Then the Angel of Death took the King's soul while he sat on his throne before he had even eaten, and he collapsed dead. Allah Almighty said, 'While they were rejoicing at what they were given, we suddenly seized them, and behold, they were engulfed in despair.'"
456. Arab. “Badal”: in Sind (not to speak of other places) it was customary to hire a pauper “badal” to be hanged in stead of a rich man. Sir Charles Napier signed many a death-warrant before he ever heard of the practice.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Badal”: in Sind (and other places), it was common to hire a poor person as a “badal” to be executed instead of a wealthy individual. Sir Charles Napier signed many death warrants before he even learned about this practice.
457. Arab. “La’an” = curse. The word is in every mouth though strongly forbidden by religion. Even of the enemies of Al-Islam the learned say, “Ila’an Yezíd wa lá tazíd” = curse Yezid but do not exceed (i.e. refrain from cursing the others). This, however, is in the Shafi’í school and the Hanafís do not allow it (Pilgrimage i. 198). Hence the Moslem when scrupulous uses na’al (shoe) for la’an (curse) as Ina’al abúk (for Ila’an abu’-k) or, drat (instead of damn) your father. Men must hold Supreme Intelligence to be of feeble kind if put off by such miserable pretences.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “La’an” means curse. This word is commonly used, even though it's strongly forbidden in religion. Even the enemies of Al-Islam say, “Ila’an Yezíd wa lá tazíd” which means curse Yezid but don't go too far (i.e. refrain from cursing others). However, this is accepted in the Shafi’í school, while the Hanafís do not permit it (Pilgrimage i. 198). Therefore, when being careful, a Muslim might use na’al (shoe) instead of la’an (curse) as in Ina’al abúk (for Ila’an abu’-k) or, drat (instead of damn) your father. It shows that men must consider Supreme Intelligence to be pretty weak if they're swayed by such petty tricks.
458. Koran vi. 44, speaking of the Infidels. It is a most unamiable chapter, with such assertions as “Allah leadeth into error whom He pleaseth,” etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran vi. 44 refers to the non-believers. It's a rather unkind chapter, with statements like “Allah leads astray whoever He wishes,” etc.
There was a puissant despot among the Kings of the Banú Isráíl, who sat one day upon the throne of his kingship, when he saw come in to him, by the gate of the hall, a man of forbidding aspect and horrible presence. The King was affrighted at his sudden 250intrusion and his look terrified him; so he sprang up before him and said, “Who art thou, O man? Who gave thee leave to come in to me and who invited thee to enter my house?” Quoth the stranger, “Verily the Lord of the House sent me to thee, nor can any doorkeeper exclude me, nor need I leave to come in to Kings; for I reck not of a Sultan’s majesty neither of the multitude of his guards. I am he from whom no tyrant is at rest, nor can any man escape from my grasp: I am the Destroyer of delights and the Sunderer of societies.” Now when the King heard this a palsy crept over him[459] and he fell on his face in a swoon; but presently coming to himself, he asked, “Art thou then the Angel of Death?”; and the stranger answered, “Yes.” “I conjure thee, by Allah,” quoth the King, “grant me one single day’s respite, that I may pray pardon of my sins and ask absolution of my Lord and restore to their rightful owners the monies which are in my treasures, so I may not be burdened with the woe of a reckoning nor with the misery of punishment therefor.” Replied the Angel, “Well-away! well-away! this may be in no way.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
There was a powerful ruler among the Kings of the Banú Isráíl, who sat one day on his throne when he suddenly saw a man with a frightening appearance and a terrifying presence enter through the hall's gate. The King was startled by his unexpected arrival and his look filled him with fear; so he jumped up and said, “Who are you, man? Who gave you permission to come in here, and who invited you into my house?” The stranger replied, “Truly, the Lord of this House sent me to you, and no doorkeeper can stop me, nor do I need permission to come before Kings; for I do not care about a Sultan’s authority or the numbers of his guards. I am the one from whom no tyrant can find peace, and no one can escape my grasp: I am the Destroyer of pleasures and the Divider of communities.” When the King heard this, a tremor overtook him, and he fell on his face in a faint; but after a moment, he recovered and asked, “Are you then the Angel of Death?” The stranger answered, “Yes.” “I beseech you, by Allah,” the King said, “give me just one more day, so that I can pray for forgiveness for my sins and seek mercy from my Lord, and return the wealth that is in my treasures to its rightful owners, so I won’t be burdened with the sorrow of judgment or the misery of punishment for it.” The Angel replied, “Alas! This cannot happen.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth the Death-messenger to the King, “Well-away, well-away! this may be in no way. How can I grant thee a reprieve when the days of thy life are counted and thy breaths numbered and thy moments fixed and written?” “Grant me an hour,” asked the King; but the Angel answered saying, “The hour was in the account and hath sped, and thou unheeding aught; and hath fled, and thou taking no thought: and now thy breathings are accomplished, and there remaineth to thee but one breath.” Quoth the King, “Who will be with me when I am transported to my tomb?” Quoth the Angel, “Naught will be with thee but thy works good or evil.” “I have no works,” said the King; and the Angel, “Doubtless thy long home will be in hell-fire and thy doom the wrath of the Almighty.” Then he seized the soul of the King, and he fell off his throne and dropped on the earth dead. And there arose a mighty weeping and wailing and clamour of keening 251for him among the people of his court, and had they known that to which he went of the wrath of his Lord, their weeping for him had been sorer and their wailing louder and more abounding. And a story is told of
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the messenger of Death told the King, 'Alas, alas! This cannot be changed. How can I give you more time when your days are numbered, your breaths counted, and your moments fixed and written?' The King asked, 'Give me an hour,' but the Angel replied, 'The hour was already accounted for and has passed, and you were unaware; it has fled while you weren’t paying attention. Now your breaths are done, and you have only one breath left.' The King asked, 'Who will be with me when I’m taken to my grave?' The Angel said, 'Nothing will accompany you but your deeds, good or bad.' 'I have no deeds,' the King replied, and the Angel told him, 'Surely your final resting place will be in hellfire and your fate will be the wrath of the Almighty.' Then he took the King’s soul, and the King fell from his throne to the ground, dead. A great wailing and mourning arose among the people in his court, and if they had known what awaited him due to their Lord's wrath, their mourning would have been deeper, and their wailing louder and more intense. And a story is told of..." 251
459. Alluding to the “formication” which accompanies a stroke of paralysis.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Referring to the “creepy-crawly” sensation that comes with a stroke or paralysis.
It is related that Iskandar Zu al-Karnayn[461] once came, in his journeyings, upon a tribe of small folk, who owned naught of the weals of the world and who dug their graves over against the doors of their houses and were wont at all times to visit them and sweep the earth from them and keep them clean and pray at them 252and worship Almighty Allah at them; and they had no meat save grasses and the growth of the ground. So Iskandar sent a man to summon their King, but he refused to come, saying, “I have no need of him.” Thereupon Iskandar went to him and said, “How is it with you and what manner of men are ye?; for I see with you forsooth naught of gold or silver, nor find I with you aught of the weals of the world.” Answered the King, “None hath his fill of the weals of the world.” Iskandar then asked “Why do you dig your graves before your house-doors?”; and the King answered, “That they may be the prospective of our eye-glances; so we may look on them and ever renew talk and thought of death, neither forget the world to come; and on this wise the love of the world be banished from our hearts and we be not thereby distracted from the service of our Lord, the Almighty.” Quoth Iskandar, “Why do ye eat grasses?”; and the other replied, “Because we abhor to make our bellies the tombs of animals and because the pleasure of eating outstrippeth not the gullet.” Then putting forth his hand he brought out a skull of a son of Adam and, laying it before Iskandar, said, “O Zu al-Karnayn, Lord of the Two Horns, knowest thou who owned this skull?” Quoth he, “Nay;” and quoth the other, “He who owned this skull was a King of the Kings of the world, who dealt tyrannously with his subjects, specially wronging the weak and wasting his time in heaping up the rubbish of this world, till Allah took his sprite and made the fire his abiding-site; and this is his head.” He then put forth his hand and produced another skull and, laying it before Iskandar, said to him, “Knowest thou this?” “No,” answered the conqueror; and the other rejoined, “This is the skull of another King, who dealt justly by his lieges and was kindly solicitous for the folk of his realm and his dominions, till Allah took his soul and lodged him in His Garden and made high his degree in Heaven.” Then laying his hands on Iskandar’s head he said, “Would I knew which of these two art thou.” Whereupon Iskandar wept with sore weeping and straining the King to his bosom cried, “If thou be minded to company with me, I will commit to thee as Wazir the government of my affairs and share with thee my kingdom.” Cried the other, “Well-away, well-away! I have no mind to this.” “And why so?” asked Iskandar, and the King answered, “Because all men are thy foes by reason of the wealth and the worlds thou hast won: 253while all men are my true friends, because of my contentment and pauperdom, for that I possess nothing, neither covet aught of the goods of life; I have no desire to them nor wish for them, neither reck I aught save contentment.” So Iskandar pressed him to his breast and kissed him between the eyes and went his way.[462] And among the tales they tell is one concerning
It is said that Iskandar Zu al-Karnayn[461] once encountered a tribe of small people during his travels, who owned nothing of the world's wealth and who dug their graves right in front of their houses. They frequently visited these graves, cleaned them, and prayed at them while worshiping Almighty Allah. They ate no meat, only grasses and what grew from the ground. Iskandar sent someone to summon their King, but the King refused to come, saying, “I have no need of him.” Iskandar then approached him and asked, “What’s going on with you and what kind of people are you? I see no gold or silver with you, nor do I find any signs of the world's riches.” The King replied, “No one has enough of the world's wealth.” Iskandar then asked, “Why do you dig your graves in front of your doors?” The King explained, “So they are always in sight; we look upon them and constantly keep thoughts of death alive, never forgetting the afterlife. This way, we can banish the love of the world from our hearts and not be distracted from serving our Lord, the Almighty.” Iskandar asked, “Why do you eat grasses?” The King responded, “Because we refuse to make our bellies the graves of animals, and we find that the pleasure of eating doesn't surpass the act of eating itself.” He then pulled out a skull of a human and placed it before Iskandar, asking, “O Zu al-Karnayn, Lord of the Two Horns, do you know whose skull this is?” Iskandar said, “No,” and the King replied, “This skull belonged to a King who ruled the world tyrannically, oppressing the weak and wasting his time accumulating worldly possessions until Allah took his soul and cast him into the fire; this is his head.” He then took out another skull and placed it before Iskandar, asking, “Do you recognize this one?” Iskandar answered, “No,” and the King said, “This is the skull of another King who ruled justly, caring for his people until Allah took his soul and placed him in His Garden, raising his status in Heaven.” He then laid his hands on Iskandar's head and said, “I wish I knew which of these two you are.” Iskandar wept deeply and, pulling the King close, said, “If you wish to join me, I will make you my Wazir and share my kingdom with you.” The King replied, “Oh dear, oh dear! I don’t want this.” “And why not?” Iskandar asked. The King answered, “Because all men are your enemies due to the wealth and power you have gained, while all men are my true friends because of my contentment and poverty. I possess nothing and covet none of life's goods; I desire nothing and only care for my contentment.” Iskandar then hugged him tightly, kissed him between the eyes, and went on his way.[462] And among the stories they tell is one about
460. Pronounce Zool Karnayn.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Say Zool Karnayn.
461. i.e. the Koranic and our mediæval Alexander, Lord of the two Horns (East and West) much “Matagrobolized” and very different from him of Macedon. The title is variously explained, from two protuberances on his head or helm, from two long locks and, possibly, from the ram-horns of Jupiter Ammon. The anecdote in the text seems suggested by the famous interview (probably a canard) with Diogenes: see in the Gesta, Tale cxlvi. “The answer of Diomedes the Pirate to Alexander.” Iskandar was originally called Marzbán (Lord of the Marches), son of Marzabah; and, though descended from Yunán, son of Japhet, the eponymus of the Greeks, was born obscure, the son of an old woman. According to the Persians he was the son of the Elder Dáráb (Darius Codomannus of the Kayanian or Second dynasty), by a daughter of Philip of Macedon; and was brought up by his grandfather. When Abraham and Isaac had rebuilt the Ka’abah they foregathered with him and Allah sent him forth against the four quarters of the earth to convert men to the faith of the Friend or to cut their throats; thus he became one of the four world-conquerors with Nimrod, Solomon, Bukht al-Nasr (Nabochodonosor); and he lived down two generations of men. His Wazir was Aristú (the Greek Aristotle) and he carried a couple of flags, white and black, which made day and night for him and facilitated his conquests. At the end of Persia, where he was invited by the people, on account of the cruelty of his half brother Darab II., he came upon two huge mountains on the same line, behind which dwelt a host of abominable pygmies, two spans high, with curious eyes, ears which served as mattresses and coverlets, huge fanged mouths, lions’ claws and hairy hind quarters. They ate men, destroyed everything, copulated in public and had swarms of children. These were Yájúj and Májúj (Gog and Magog) descendants of Japhet. Sikandar built against them the famous wall with stones cemented and riveted by iron and copper. The “Great Wall” of China, the famous bulwark against the Tartars dates from B.C. 320; (Alexander of Macedon died B.C. 324) and as the Arabs knew Canton well before Mohammed’s day, they may have built their romance upon it. The Guebres consigned Sikandar to hell for burning the Nusks or sections of the Zendavesta.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.for example the Koranic version and our medieval Alexander, Lord of the two Horns (East and West), heavily “Matagrobolized” and very different from the one from Macedon. The title is explained in different ways, from two protrusions on his head or helmet, from two long locks of hair, and possibly from the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon. The story in the text seems to be inspired by the famous meeting (likely a fake news) with Diogenes: see in the Gesta, Tale cxlvi. “The response of Diomedes the Pirate to Alexander.” Iskandar was originally called Marzbán (Lord of the Marches), son of Marzabah; and despite being descended from Yunán, son of Japhet, the legendary ancestor of the Greeks, he was born in obscurity, the child of an elderly woman. According to the Persians, he was the son of the Elder Dáráb (Darius Codomannus of the Kayanian or Second dynasty), by a daughter of Philip of Macedon; and he was raised by his grandfather. After Abraham and Isaac rebuilt the Ka’abah, they met with him, and Allah sent him out to spread the belief in the Friend or to eliminate those who refused; thus he became one of the four world-conquerors alongside Nimrod, Solomon, and Bukht al-Nasr (Nebuchadnezzar); and he outlived two generations of people. His Wazir was Aristú (the Greek Aristotle), and he carried two flags, one white and one black, that helped him create day and night and aided his conquests. In Persia, where he was invited by the people due to the cruelty of his half-brother Darab II., he encountered two enormous mountains aligned together, behind which lived a horde of grotesque pygmies, two spans tall, with strange eyes, ears that served as beds and blankets, huge fanged mouths, lion-like claws, and furry behinds. They ate men, destroyed everything, engaged in public sexual acts, and had swarms of children. These were Yájúj and Májúj (Gog and Magog), descendants of Japhet. Sikandar built a famous wall against them, made from stones bonded and reinforced with iron and copper. The “Great Wall” of China, the renowned barrier against the Tartars, dates back to B.C. 320; (Alexander of Macedon died B.C. 324) and since the Arabs were familiar with Canton long before Mohammed's time, they may have based their story on it. The Guebres condemned Sikandar to hell for burning the Nusks or sections of the Zendavesta.
462. These terrific preachments to Eastern despots (who utterly ignore them) are a staple produce of Oriental tale-literature and form the chiaro-oscuro, as it were, of a picture whose lights are brilliant touches of profanity and indelicate humour. It certainly has the charm of contrast. Much of the above is taken from the Sikandar-nameh (Alexander Book) of the great Persian poet, Nizámi, who flourished A.H. 515–597, between the days of Firdausi (ob. A.D. 1021) and Sa’adi (ob. A.D. 1291). In that romance Sikandar builds, “where the sun goes down,” a castle of glittering stone which kills men by causing excessive laughter and surrounds it with yellow earth like gold. Hence the City of Brass. He also converts, instead of being converted by, the savages of the text. He finds a stone of special excellence which he calls Almás (diamond); and he obtains it from the Valley of Serpents by throwing down flesh to the eagles. Lastly he is accompanied by “Bilínás” or “Bilínús,” who is apparently Apollonius of Tyana.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These amazing sermons to Eastern rulers (who completely disregard them) are a common feature of Oriental storytelling and create a mix of light and shadow, so to speak, in a picture whose highlights are vivid touches of irreverence and crude humor. It certainly has its charm through contrast. Much of this is drawn from the Sikandar-nameh (Alexander Book) by the great Persian poet, Nizámi, who lived from A.H. 515 to 597, between the times of Firdausi (who died A.D. 1021) and Sa’adi (who died A.D. 1291). In that tale, Sikandar builds, “where the sun goes down,” a castle made of sparkling stone that kills people by making them laugh too much and surrounds it with yellow earth that looks like gold. Thus, the City of Brass is born. He also conquers rather than being conquered by the savages in the story. He discovers a stone of unique quality that he calls Almás (diamond); he gets it from the Valley of Serpents by throwing down meat for the eagles. Finally, he is accompanied by “Bilínás” or “Bilínús,” who seems to be Apollonius of Tyana.
It is told of Anushirwan, the just King, that once upon a time he feigned himself sick, and bade his stewards and intendants go round about the provinces of his empire and the quarters of his dominion and seek him out a mud-brick thrown away from some ruined village, that he might use it as medicine, informing his intimates that the leaches had prescribed this to him. So they went the round of the provinces of his reign and of all the lands under his sway and said to him on return, “In all the realm we have found nor ruined site nor castaway mud-brick.” At this Anushirwan rejoiced and rendered thanks to the Lord, saying, “I was but minded to try my kingdom and prove mine empire, that I might know if any place therein remained ruined and deserted, so I might rebuild and repeople it; but, since there be no place in it but is inhabited, the affairs of the reign are best-conditioned and 254its ordinance is excellent; and its populousness[464] hath reached the pitch of perfection.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
It’s said that Anushirwan, the just King, once pretended to be ill and told his stewards and ministers to travel around his provinces and areas of rule to find him a discarded mud-brick from some ruined village to use as medicine, claiming that the leeches had recommended it. They scoured the regions of his reign and returned to say, “In all the kingdom, we have found no ruined site or cast-off mud-brick.” Hearing this, Anushirwan was pleased and thanked the Lord, saying, “I intended to test my kingdom and assess my empire to see if any place remained ruined and deserted, so that I could rebuild and repopulate it. But since there is no place that isn’t inhabited, the affairs of the reign are well-managed, and its order is excellent; its population has reached a level of perfection.”——And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the high officials returned and reported, “We have found in the empire nor ruined site nor rotten brick,” the Just King thanked his God and said, “Verily the affairs of the realm are best-conditioned and its ordinance is excellent and its populousness hath reached the pink of perfection.” And ken thou, O King, continued Shahrazad, that these olden Kings strave not and toiled not for the peopling of their possessions, but because they knew that the more populous a country is, the more abundant is that which is desired therein; and because they wist the saying of the wise and the learned to be true without other view, namely, “Religion dependeth on the King, the King on the troops, the troops on the treasury, the treasury on the populousness of the country and its prosperity on the justice done to the lieges.” Wherefore they upheld no one in tyranny or oppression; neither suffered their dependants and suite to work injustice, knowing that kingdoms are not established upon tyranny, but that cities and places fall into ruin when oppressors are set as rulers over them, and their inhabitants disperse and flee to other governments; whereby ruin falleth upon the realm, the imports fail, the treasuries become empty and the pleasant lives of the subjects are perturbed; for that they love not a tyrant and cease not to offer up successive prayers against him; so that the King hath no ease of his kingdom, and the vicissitudes of fortune speedily bring him to destruction. And they tell a tale concerning
She said, "I've heard, O gracious King, that when the high officials came back and reported, 'We have found neither a ruined site nor a rotten brick in the empire,' the Just King expressed gratitude to his God and said, 'Truly, the state of the realm is in the best shape, its governance is exceptional, and its population has reached peak perfection.' And know this, O King," Shahrazad continued, "these ancient kings did not strive or toil just for the sake of filling their lands with people, but because they understood that the more populated a country is, the more there is to desire within it. They also knew the saying of the wise and learned to be true: 'Religion relies on the King, the King on the troops, the troops on the treasury, the treasury on the population, and the prosperity of the land on the justice shown to the subjects.' That's why they supported no one in tyranny or oppression, nor did they allow their followers to commit injustice, knowing that kingdoms are not built on tyranny. Cities and places fall into ruin when oppressors are in power, causing their inhabitants to scatter and flee to other governments. This brings destruction upon the realm, leading to failing imports, empty treasuries, and disturbed lives for the subjects, who do not love a tyrant and continually pray against him. As a result, the King finds no peace in his kingdom, and life's ups and downs quickly lead him to ruin. And they share a story about..."
463. I have explained the beautiful name in Night cclxxxix: He is still famous for having introduced into Persia the fables of Pilpay (Bidyapati, the lord of lore) and a game which the genius of Persia developed into chess.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I have described the lovely name in Night 889: He is still known for bringing the fables of Pilpay (Bidyapati, the master of knowledge) to Persia and a game that the brilliance of Persia transformed into chess.
464. Here we find an eternal truth, of which Malthusians ever want reminding; that the power of a nation simply consists in its numbers of fighting men and in their brute bodily force. The conquering race is that which raises most foot-pounds: hence the North conquers the South in the Northern hemisphere and vice versâ.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Here we encounter an enduring truth, which Malthusians always need to be reminded of; that a nation's strength lies in the number of its fighting men and their raw physical power. The race that conquers is the one that exerts the most force: therefore, the North conquers the South in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.
Among the Children of Israel one of the Kazis had a wife of surpassing beauty, constant in fasting and abounding in patience and long-suffering; and he, being minded to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, appointed his own brother Kazi in his stead, during his absence, and commended his wife to his charge. Now this brother had heard of her beauty and loveliness and had taken a fancy to her. So no sooner was his brother gone than he went to her and sought her love-favours; but she denied him and held fast to her chastity. The more she repelled him, the more he pressed his suit upon her; till, despairing of her and fearing lest she should acquaint his brother with his misconduct whenas he should return, he suborned false witnesses to testify against her of adultery; and cited her and carried her before the King of the time who adjudged her to be stoned. So they dug a pit, and seating her therein stoned her, till she was covered with stones, and the man said, “Be this hole her grave!” But when it was dark a passer-by, making for a neighbouring hamlet, heard her groaning in sore pain; and, pulling her out of the pit, carried her home to his wife, whom he bade dress her wounds. The peasant woman tended her till she recovered and presently gave her her child to be nursed; and she used to lodge with the child in another house by night. Now a certain thief saw her and lusted after her. So he sent to her seeking her love-favours, but she denied herself to him; wherefore he resolved to slay her and, making his way into her lodging by night (and she sleeping), thought to strike at her with a knife; but it smote the little one and killed it. Now when he knew his misdeed, fear overtook him and he went forth the house and Allah preserved from him her chastity. But as she awoke in the morning, she found the child by her side with throat cut; and presently the mother came and seeing her boy dead, said to the nurse, “‘Twas thou didst murther him.” Therewith she beat her a grievous beating and purposed to put her to death; but her husband interposed and delivered the woman, saying, “By Allah, thou shalt not do on this wise.” So the woman, who had somewhat of money with her, fled forth for her life, knowing not whither she should wend. Presently, she came to a village, where she saw a 256crowd of people about a man crucified to a tree-stump, but still in the chains of life. “What hath he done?” she asked, and they answered, “He hath committed a crime, which nothing can expiate but death or the payment of such a fine by way of alms.” So she said to them, “Take the money and let him go;” and, when they did so, he repented at her hands and vowed to serve her, for the love of Almighty Allah till death should release him. Then he built her a cell and lodged her therein; after which he betook himself to woodcutting and brought her daily her bread. As for her, she was constant in worship, so that there came no sick man or demoniac to her, but she prayed for him and he was straightway healed.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Among the Children of Israel, one of the Kazis had a wife who was incredibly beautiful, devoted to fasting, and full of patience and endurance. He decided to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and appointed his brother Kazi to take care of his affairs while he was away, entrusting his wife to him. This brother had heard about her beauty and had developed an attraction to her. As soon as his brother left, he approached her and tried to win her over, but she refused him and remained faithful. The more she turned him down, the more determined he became. Desperate and afraid that she would tell his brother about his advances when he returned, he hired false witnesses to accuse her of adultery. He brought her before the king, who condemned her to be stoned. They dug a pit, placed her in it, and began stoning her until she was buried under the stones, and the man declared, "Let this hole be her grave!" However, as night fell, a passerby heading to a nearby village heard her groaning in pain. He pulled her out of the pit and took her home to his wife, asking her to treat the woman's wounds. The peasant woman nursed her back to health and eventually entrusted her own child to the woman to be cared for, taking her to a different house to stay at night. One night, a thief saw her and desired her. He sent for her, but she refused him, which made him decide to kill her. Sneaking into her lodging while she slept, he aimed to stab her, but accidentally killed the child instead. When he realized what he had done, fear gripped him, and he fled, leaving her purity intact. When she awoke in the morning, she found the child dead beside her. Soon, the mother arrived, saw her child lifeless, and accused the nurse, saying, "You killed him!" She beat her severely and planned to kill her, but her husband intervened and saved her, saying, "By Allah, you won’t do this." With some money, the woman fled for her life, unsure of where to go. Eventually, she reached a village where she saw a crowd gathered around a man crucified to a tree stump, still alive. "What did he do?" she asked, and they replied, "He committed a crime that can only be paid for with his life or a fine as alms." She offered her money to free him, and when they accepted, he repented and vowed to serve her for the love of Almighty Allah until death took him. He built her a small house and took care of her needs by cutting wood and bringing her daily bread. She remained devoted in her worship, and anyone who came to her sick or possessed found healing through her prayers.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the woman’s cell was visited by folk (and she constant in worship), it befel by decree of the Almighty that He sent down upon her husband’s brother (the same who had caused her to be stoned), a cancer in the face, and smote the villager’s wife (the same who had beaten her) with leprosy, and afflicted the thief (the same who had murthered the child) with palsy. Now when the Kazi returned from his pilgrimage, he asked his brother of his wife, and he told him that she was dead, whereat he mourned sore and accounted her with her Maker. After awhile, very many folk heard of the pious recluse and flocked to her cell from all parts of the length and breadth of the earth; whereupon said the Kazi to his brother, “O my brother, wilt thou not seek out yonder pious woman? Haply Allah shall decree thee healing at her hands!” and he replied, “O my brother, carry me to her.” Moreover, the husband of the leprous woman heard of the pious devotee and carried his wife to her, as did also the people of the paralytic thief; and they all met at the door of the hermitage. Now she had a place wherefrom she could look out upon those who came to her, without their seeing her; and they waited till her servant came, when they begged admittance and obtained permission. Presently she saw them all and recognized them; so she veiled and cloaked face and body and went out and stood in the door, looking at her husband and his brother and the thief and the peasant-woman; but they could not recognise her. 257Then said she to them, “Ho folk, ye shall not be relieved of what is with you till ye confess your sins; for, when the creature confesseth his sins the Creator relenteth towards him and granteth him that wherefore he resorteth to Him.” Quoth the Kazi to his brother, “O my brother, repent to Allah and persist not in thy frowardness, for it will be more helpful to thy relief.” And the tongue of the case spake this speech:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when people visited the woman's cell (while she remained devoted in her worship), it was ordained by the Almighty that He inflicted a cancer upon her husband’s brother (the same one who had caused her to be stoned), struck the villager’s wife (the same one who had abused her) with leprosy, and afflicted the thief (the same one who had killed the child) with palsy. When the Kazi returned from his pilgrimage, he asked his brother about his wife, and he told him that she had died, which caused him great sorrow, and he considered her with her Maker. After some time, many people heard about the devout recluse and came to her cell from all over the world; so the Kazi said to his brother, 'O my brother, will you not seek out that devout woman? Perhaps Allah will grant you healing through her!' He replied, 'O my brother, take me to her.' Additionally, the husband of the leprous woman heard about the pious devotee and brought his wife to her, just as the friends of the paralyzed thief did; they all gathered at the door of the hermitage. She had a place from which she could observe those who came to her without them seeing her, and they waited until her servant arrived, when they requested entrance and were granted permission. Soon, she saw them all and recognized them; so she covered her face and body, then went out and stood at the door, looking at her husband, his brother, the thief, and the peasant woman; but they could not recognize her. Then she said to them, 'Hey folks, you won't be freed from your troubles until you confess your sins; for when a person confesses their sins, the Creator shows mercy and grants them what they seek from Him.' The Kazi said to his brother, 'O my brother, repent to Allah and do not continue in your wrongdoing, for that will be more beneficial for your relief.' And the voice of the case spoke this:—" 257
(Saith the relator), Then quoth the brother, “Now I will tell the truth: I did thus and thus with thy wife;” and he confessed the whole matter, adding, “And this is my offence.” Quoth the leprous woman, “As for me, I had a woman with me and imputed to her that of which I knew her to be guiltless, and beat her grievously; and this is my offence.” And quoth the paralytic, “And I went in to a woman to kill her, after I had tempted her to commit adultery and she had refused; and I slew a child that lay by her side; and this is my offence.” Then said the pious woman, “O my God, even as Thou hast made them feel the misery of revolt, so show them now the excellence of submission, for Thou over all things art Omnipotent!” And Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) made them whole. Then the Kazi fell to looking on her and considering her straitly, till she asked him why he looked so hard and he said, “I had a wife and were she not dead, I had said thou art she.” Hereupon, she made herself known to him and both began praising Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for that which He had vouchsafed them of the reunion of their loves; but the brother and the thief and the villager’s wife joined in imploring her forgiveness. So she forgave 258them one and all, and they worshipped Allah in that place and rendered her due service, till Death parted them. And one of the Sayyids[466] hath related this tale of
(Saith the relator), Then the brother said, “Now I will tell the truth: I did this and that with your wife;” and he admitted everything, adding, “And this is my wrong.” The leprous woman said, “As for me, I had a woman with me and accused her of something I knew she didn’t do, and I hurt her badly; and this is my wrong.” The paralytic said, “And I went in to a woman to harm her after I had tempted her to commit adultery and she refused; and I killed a child who was lying beside her; and this is my wrong.” Then the pious woman said, “O my God, just as You have made them feel the pain of turning away from You, now show them the beauty of submission, for You are Omnipotent over all things!” And Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) healed them. Then the Kazi started looking at her closely, until she asked him why he was staring, and he said, “I had a wife and if she weren’t dead, I would say you are her.” At this, she revealed herself to him, and they both began praising Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for bringing them back together; but the brother, the thief, and the villager’s wife all begged her for forgiveness. So she forgave them all, and they worshipped Allah in that place and served her faithfully, until Death separated them. And one of the Sayyids[466] has related this tale of
465. Arab. “Wayha,” not so strong as “Woe to,” etc. Al-Hariri often uses it as formula of affectionate remonstrance.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Wayha,” not as intense as “Woe to,” etc. Al-Hariri frequently uses it as a way of affectionately expressing disagreement.
466. As a rule (much disputed) the Sayyid is a descendant from Mohammed through his grandchild Hasan, and is a man of the pen; whereas the Sharif derives from Husayn and is a man of the sword. The Najíb al-taraf is the son of a common Moslemah by a Sayyid, as opposed to the “Najib al-tarafayn,” when both parents are of Apostolic blood. The distinction is not noticed in Lane’s “Modern Egyptians.” The Sharif is a fanatic and often dangerous, as I have instanced in Pilgrimage iii. 132.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Generally speaking (though there's a lot of debate about it), the Sayyid is a descendant of Mohammed through his grandson Hasan and is known as a scholar; on the other hand, the Sharif comes from Husayn and is known as a warrior. The Najíb al-taraf is the child of a regular Muslim and a Sayyid, while the “Najib al-tarafayn” means both parents have Apostolic lineage. This difference isn't mentioned in Lane’s “Modern Egyptians.” The Sharif is fanatical and often poses a threat, as I've pointed out in Pilgrimage iii. 132.
I was circuiting the Ka’abah one dark night, when I heard a plaintive voice, speaking from a contrite heart and saying, “O Bountiful One, Thy past boon! Indeed, by my heart shall Thy covenant never be undone.” Hearing this voice, my heart fluttered so that I was like to die; but I followed the sound and behold, it came from a woman, to whom I said, “Peace be with thee, O handmaid of Allah;” whereto she replied, “And with thee be peace, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings!” Quoth I, “I conjure thee, by Allah the Most Great, tell me what is the covenant to which thy heart is constant.” Quoth she, “But that thou adjurest me by the Omnipotent, I would not tell thee my secrets. See what is before me.” So I looked and lo! there was a child lying asleep before her and breathing heavily in his slumber. Said she, “Know, that I set forth, being big with this boy, to make the pilgrimage to this House and took passage in a ship; but the waves rose against us and the winds blew contrary and the vessel broke up. I saved myself on a plank; and, on that bit of wood, I gave birth to this child; and while he lay on my bosom and the waves beating upon me,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
I was circling the Ka’abah one dark night when I heard a sorrowful voice coming from a contrite heart, saying, “O Generous One, Your past gift! Truly, my heart will never break Your covenant.” Hearing this voice made my heart race as if I might die, but I followed the sound, and behold, it came from a woman. I said to her, “Peace be with you, O servant of Allah,” and she replied, “And peace be with you, along with Allah’s mercy and blessings!” I said, “I urge you by Allah the Most Great, please tell me what covenant your heart is steadfast about.” She answered, “If you weren’t swearing by the Omnipotent, I wouldn’t reveal my secrets. Look what is in front of me.” So I looked, and there was a child lying asleep before her, breathing heavily in his slumber. She said, “Know that I set out while pregnant with this boy to make the pilgrimage to this House, and I boarded a ship; but the waves rose against us and the winds blew contrary, and the vessel broke apart. I saved myself on a piece of wood, and on that plank, I gave birth to this child; and while he lay on my chest, the waves kept crashing over me.” --- And Shahrazad noticed the dawn approaching and stopped her story for the night.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the woman continued, “Now while the boy lay on my bosom and the waves 259beat upon me, there swam up to me one of the sailors, who climbed on the plank and said:—By Allah, I desired thee whilst thou wast yet in the ship, and now I have come at thee: so yield thy body to me, or I will throw thee into the sea. Said I:—Out on thee! hast thou no memory of that which thou hast seen and is it no warning to thee? Quoth he:—I have seen the like of this many a time and come off safe and care not. Quoth I:—O fellow, we are now in a calamity, whence we hope to be delivered by obedience to Allah and not by disobedience. But he persisted with me, and I feared him and thought to put him off; so I said to him:—Wait till this babe shall sleep; but he took the child off my lap and threw him into the sea. Now when I saw this desperate deed, my heart sank and sorrow was sore upon me; so I raised my eyes heavenwards and said:—O Thou that interposest between a man and his heart, intervene between me and this leonine brute; for Thou over all things art Omnipotent! And by Allah, hardly had I spoken when a beast rose out of the sea and snatched him off the plank. When I saw myself alone my sorrows redoubled and my grief and longing for my child, and I recited:—
She said, "I've learned, O favorable King, that the woman continued, 'Now while the boy was lying on my chest and the waves were crashing around me, one of the sailors swam up to me, climbed onto the plank, and said: "By Allah, I wanted you while you were still on the ship, and now I’ve come for you. So give yourself to me, or I’ll throw you into the sea." I replied, "Get away from me! Don't you remember what you’ve seen? Isn’t that a warning to you?" He said, "I’ve seen things like this many times before, and I always come out fine, so I don’t care." I said, "Listen, we’re in a crisis now, and we hope to be saved by obeying Allah, not by disobeying Him." But he kept insisting, and I was afraid of him and thought to stall him; so I told him, "Wait until this baby falls asleep." But he took the child off my lap and threw him into the sea. When I saw this ruthless act, my heart sank, and I was overwhelmed with sorrow. I looked up to the heavens and said, "O You who can intervene between a man and his heart, intervene between me and this ferocious brute; for You are Omnipotent over all things!" And by Allah, hardly had I spoken when a beast rose out of the sea and snatched him off the plank. When I found myself alone, my sorrows multiplied, and my grief and longing for my child grew deeper, and I recited:'"
I abode in this condition a day and a night; and, when morning dawned, I caught sight of the sails of a vessel shining afar off, nor did the waves cease to drive me and the winds to waft me on, till I reached the ship, whose sails I had sighted. The sailors took me up and I looked and behold, my babe was amongst them: so I threw myself upon him and said:—O folk, this is my child: how and whence came ye by him? Quoth they:—Whilst we were sailing along the seas the ship suddenly stood still and lo! that which stayed us was a beast, as it were a great city, and this babe on its back, sucking his thumbs. So we took him up. Now when I heard this, I told them my tale and all that had betided me and returned thanks to my Lord for His goodness, and vowed 260to Him that never, whilst I lived, would I stir from His House nor swerve from His service; and since then I have never asked of Him aught but He hath given it me.” Now when she had made an end of her story (quoth the Sayyid), I put my hand to my alms-pouch and would have given to her, but she exclaimed, “Away from me, thou idle man! Have I not told thee of His mercies and the graciousness of His dealings and shall I take an alms from other than His hand?” And I could not prevail with her to accept aught of me: so I left her and went away, reciting these couplets:—
I stayed in this situation for a day and a night; and when morning came, I spotted the sails of a ship shining in the distance. The waves kept pushing me, and the winds kept carrying me until I reached the ship whose sails I had seen. The sailors picked me up, and I looked and saw my baby among them. I threw myself on him and said, "Everyone, this is my child! How did you come by him?" They replied, "While we were sailing, the ship suddenly stopped, and what stopped us was a creature that looked like a great city, with this baby on its back, sucking his thumbs. So we took him." When I heard this, I told them my story and everything that had happened to me. I thanked my Lord for His goodness and vowed that I would never leave His House or turn away from His service while I lived; and since then, I have never asked Him for anything that He hasn’t given me.” After she finished her story, the Sayyid said, I reached for my alms pouch to give her something, but she exclaimed, "Stay away from me, you idle man! Haven’t I told you about His mercies and kindness? How can I take an alms from anyone except Him?” I couldn’t convince her to accept anything from me, so I left her and walked away, reciting these couplets:—
And she left not the service of her Lord, cleaving unto His House, till death came to her. And a tale is also told, by Málik bin Dínár[467] (Allah have mercy on him!) of
And she didn’t leave the service of her Lord, staying devoted to His House, until death came to her. There’s also a story told by Málik bin Dínár[467] (may Allah have mercy on him!) about
467. A theologian of Bassorah (eighth century): surnamed Abú Yahyá. The prayer for mercy denotes that he was dead when the tale was written.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A theologian from Bassorah (eighth century): known as Abú Yahyá. The prayer for mercy indicates that he had passed away by the time the story was written.
We were once afflicted with drought at Bassorah and went forth sundry times to pray for rain, but saw no sign of our prayers being accepted. So I went, I and ‘Itaa al-Salamí and Sábit al-Banáni and Naja al-Bakáa and Mohammed bin Wási’a and Ayyúb al-Sukhtiyáni and Habíb al-Farsi and Hassán bin Abi Sinán and ‘Otbah al-Ghulám and Sálih al-Muzani,[468] till we reached the oratory,[469] when the boys came out of the schools and we prayed for rain, but saw no sign of acceptance. So about midday the people went away and I and Sabit al-Banani tarried in the place of 261prayer till nightfall, when we saw a black of comely face, slender of shank[470] and big of belly, approach us, clad in a pair of woollen drawers; if all he wore had been priced, it would not have fetched a couple of dirhams. He brought water and made the minor ablution, then, going up to the prayer-niche, prayed two inclinations deftly, his standing and bowing and prostration being exactly similar in both. Then he raised his glance heavenwards, and said, “O my God and my Lord and Master, how long wilt Thou reject Thy servants in that which offereth no hurt to Thy sovereignty? Is that which is with Thee wasted or are the treasuries of Thy Kingdom annihilated? I conjure Thee, by Thy love to me forthwith to pour out upon us Thy rain-clouds of grace!” He spake and hardly had he made an end of speaking, when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened; and when we left the oratory, we were knee-deep in water,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
We were once hit with a drought in Basra and went out several times to pray for rain, but we saw no sign that our prayers were being heard. So I, along with ‘Itaa al-Salamí, Sábit al-Banáni, Naja al-Bakáa, Mohammed bin Wási’a, Ayyúb al-Sukhtiyáni, Habíb al-Farsi, Hassán bin Abi Sinán, ‘Otbah al-Ghulám, and Sálih al-Muzani,[468] made our way to the prayer area,[469] where the schoolboys had just finished their classes, and we prayed for rain, but still saw no sign of acceptance. By midday, the crowd dispersed, and Sabit al-Banani and I stayed at the place of prayer until nightfall. Then we saw a handsome man with a slim build and a big belly approach us, dressed in woollen pants; if everything he wore had been sold, it wouldn't have fetched more than a couple of dirhams. He brought water and performed the minor ablution, then went up to the prayer niche, praying two rak'ahs skillfully, with his standing, bowing, and prostration perfectly identical in both. He then looked up to the heavens and said, “O my God, my Lord, and Master, how long will You turn away from Your servants when they seek nothing harmful to Your sovereignty? Is what You possess depleted, or are the treasures of Your Kingdom exhausted? I beseech You, for the love You have for me, to immediately shower us with Your rain-clouds of grace!” He spoke, and hardly had he finished when the skies darkened and rain poured down as if the tops of waterskins had been opened; when we left the prayer area, we were knee-deep in water.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her narration.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that hardly had he spoken when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened. And when we left the oratory we were knee-deep in water, and we were lost in wonder at the black. So I accosted him and said to him, “Woe to thee, O black, art thou not ashamed of what thou saidst?” He turned to me and asked, “What said I?”; and I, “Thy saying to Allah:—By Thy love of me; and what giveth thee to know that He loveth thee?” Replied he, “Away from me, O thou distracted by the world from the care of thine own soul. Where was I, when He gave me strength to profess the unity of the Godhead and vouchsafed unto me the knowledge of Him? How deemest thou that He aided me thus except of His love to me?” adding, “Verily, His love to me is after the measure of my love to Him.” Quoth I, “Tarry awhile 262with me, so may Allah have mercy on thee!” But he said, “I am a chattel and the Book enjoineth me to obey my lesser master.” So we followed him afar off, till we saw him enter the house of a slave-broker. Now the first half of the night was past and the last half was longsome upon us, so we went away; but next morning, we repaired to the slave-dealer and said to him, “Hast thou a lad to sell us for service?” He answered, “Yes, I have an hundred lads or so and they are all for sale.” Then he showed us slave after slave, till he had shown us some seventy; but my friend was not amongst them, and the dealer said, “These are all I have.” But, as we were going out from him we saw a ruinous hut behind his house and going in behold, we found the black standing there. I cried, “‘Tis he, by the Lord of the Ka’abah!” and turning to the dealer, said to him, “Sell me yonder slave.” Replied he, “O Abu Yahya, this is a pestilent unprofitable fellow, who hath no concern by night but weeping and by day but repentance.” I rejoined, “It is for that I want him.” So the dealer called him, and he came out, showing drowsiness. Quoth his master, “Take him at thine own price, so thou hold me free of all his faults.” I bought him for twenty dinars and asked “What is his name?” and the dealer answered, “Maymún, the monkey;” and I took him by the hand and went out with him, intending to go home; but he turned to me and said, “O my lesser lord, why and wherefore didst thou buy me? By Allah, I am not fit for the service of God’s creatures!” Replied I, “I bought thee that I might serve thee myself; and on my head be it.” Asked he, “Why so?” and I answered, “Wast thou not in company with us yesterday in the place of prayer?” Quoth he, “And didst thou hear me?”; and quoth I, “It was I accosted thee yesterday and spoke with thee.” Thereupon he advanced till we came to a mosque, where he entered and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he said, “O my God and my Lord and Master, the secret that was between me and Thee Thou hast discovered unto Thy creatures and hast brought me to shame before the worldling. How then shall life be sweet to me, now that other than Thou hath happened upon that which is between Thee and me? I conjure Thee to take my soul to Thee forthright.”[471] So saying, he prostrated himself, and I awaited 263awhile without seeing him raise his head; so I shook him and behold, he was indeed dead, the mercy of Almighty Allah be upon him! I laid him out stretching his arms and legs and looked at him, and lo! he was smiling. Moreover, whiteness had got the better of blackness on his brow, and his face was radiant with light like a young moon. As we wondered at his case, the door opened and a young man came in to us and said, “Peace be with you! May Allah make great our reward and yours for our brother Maymun! Here is his shroud: wrap him in it.” So saying, he gave us two robes, never had we seen the like of them, and we shrouded him therein. And now his tomb is a place whither men resort to pray for rain and ask their requirements of Allah (be He extolled and exalted!); and how excellently well saith the poet on this theme:
She said, “I've heard, O fortunate King, that hardly had he spoken when the sky turned dark and it rained heavily, like waterskins bursting open. When we left the prayer area, we were knee-deep in water, and we were amazed by the darkness. So, I approached him and said, ‘Woe to you, O dark one, are you not ashamed of what you said?’ He turned to me and asked, ‘What did I say?’ I replied, ‘You told Allah: "By Your love for me," and how do you know He loves you?’ He responded, ‘Get away from me, you who are distracted by the world and neglect your own soul. Where was I when He gave me the strength to profess the unity of God and granted me knowledge of Him? How can you think He helped me except out of His love for me?’ He added, ‘Indeed, His love for me is proportional to my love for Him.’ I said, ‘Stay with me for a while, may Allah have mercy on you!’ But he said, ‘I am a servant, and the Book commands me to obey my lesser master.’ So we followed him from a distance until we saw him enter the house of a slave dealer. The first half of the night had passed and the second half felt long to us, so we left; but the next morning, we went to the slave dealer and asked him, ‘Do you have a boy to sell us for service?’ He replied, ‘Yes, I have about a hundred boys, and they are all for sale.’ Then he showed us slave after slave until he had shown us about seventy, but my friend was not among them, and the dealer said, ‘These are all I have.’ However, as we were leaving, we saw a crumbling hut behind his house, and going in, we found the dark-skinned man standing there. I shouted, ‘It’s him, by the Lord of the Kaaba!’ and turned to the dealer, saying, ‘Sell me that slave over there.’ He replied, ‘O Abu Yahya, this is a troublesome, useless fellow, who spends his nights crying and his days repenting.’ I countered, ‘That’s exactly why I want him.’ So the dealer called him, and he came out looking sleepy. His master said, ‘Take him at your own price, but keep me free of all his faults.’ I bought him for twenty dinars and asked, ‘What is his name?’ The dealer replied, ‘Maymún, the monkey;’ and I took him by the hand and intended to go home, but he turned to me and said, ‘O my lesser lord, why did you buy me? By Allah, I’m not suitable for serving God's creatures!’ I replied, ‘I bought you so I could serve you myself; it's my responsibility.’ He asked, ‘Why is that?’ and I answered, ‘Weren’t you with us yesterday in the prayer place?’ He said, ‘Did you hear me?’; I responded, ‘It was I who approached you and spoke with you.’ Then he moved on until we reached a mosque, where he entered and performed a two-unit prayer; after which he said, ‘O my God, my Lord, and Master, the secret I had between You and me has been revealed to Your creatures, and You have brought me shame before the worldly. How can life be sweet for me now that someone other than You knows what is between You and me? I implore You to take my soul immediately.’ So saying, he prostrated, and I waited for a while without seeing him lift his head; so I shook him, and behold, he was truly dead, may the mercy of Almighty Allah be upon him! I laid him out, stretching out his arms and legs, and looking at him, I saw he was smiling. Moreover, his brow had turned lighter than his skin, and his face was glowing like a young moon. As we marveled at him, the door opened and a young man entered, saying, ‘Peace be with you! May Allah reward us greatly and you for our brother Maymun! Here is his shroud: wrap him in it.’ So saying, he gave us two robes, unlike any we had ever seen, and we wrapped him in them. Now his grave is a place where people come to pray for rain and seek their needs from Allah (may He be exalted!); and how well does the poet express this theme:
And they recount another anecdote of
And they tell another story about
468. A theologian of Bassorah (eighth century).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A theologian from Basra (8th century).
469. Arab. “Musallá”; lit. a place of prayer; an oratory, a chapel, opp. to “Jámi’” = a (cathedral) mosque.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Musallá”; literally a place for prayer; a prayer room, a chapel, as opposed to “Jámi’” = a (cathedral) mosque.
470. According to all races familiar with the negro, a calf like a shut fist planted close under the ham is, like the “cucumber shin” and “lark heel,” a good sign in a slave. Shapely calves and well made legs denote the idle and the ne’er-do-well. I have often found this true although the rule is utterly empirical. Possibly it was suggested by the contrast of the nervous and lymphatic temperaments.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.According to all races familiar with Black people, a calf that looks like a closed fist positioned close under the thigh is, like the “cucumber shin” and “lark heel,” a good sign in a slave. Shapely calves and well-built legs indicate idleness and laziness. I have often found this to be true even though the rule is purely observational. It might be influenced by the contrast between nervous and relaxed temperaments.
471. These devotees address Allah as a lover would his beloved. The curious reader will consult for instances the Dabistan on Tasawwuf (ii. 221; i., iii. end, and passim.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These followers speak to Allah like a lover would to their beloved. The interested reader can refer to the Dabistan on Tasawwuf (ii. 221; i., iii. end, and throughout.)
472. Arab. “Ma’rifat,” Pers. Dánish; the knowledge of the Truth. The seven steps are (1) Sharí’at, external law like night; (2) Taríkat, religious rule like the stars; (3) Hakíkat, reality, truth like the moon; (4) Ma’rifat like the sun; (5) Kurbat, proximity to Allah; (6) Wasílat, union with Allah, and (7) Suknat, dwelling in Allah (Dabistan iii. 29.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Ma’rifat,” Persian. Dánish; the understanding of the Truth. The seven steps are (1) Sharí’at, external law like night; (2) Taríkat, religious guidelines like the stars; (3) Hakíkat, reality, truth like the moon; (4) Ma’rifat like the sun; (5) Kurbat, closeness to Allah; (6) Wasílat, union with Allah; and (7) Suknat, residing in Allah (Dabistan iii. 29.)
There was once, among the Children of Israel, a man of the worthiest, who was strenuous in the service of his Lord and abstained from things worldly and drave them away from his heart. He had a wife who was a helpmate meet for him and who was at all times obedient to him. They earned their living by making trays[474] and fans, whereat they wrought all through the 264light hours; and, at nightfall, the man went out into the streets and highways seeking a buyer for what they had made. They were wont to fast continually by day[475] and one morning they arose, fasting, and worked at their craft till the light failed them, when the man went forth, according to custom, to find purchasers for his wares, and fared on till he came to the door of the house of a certain man of wealth, one of the sons of this world, high in rank and dignity. Now the tray-maker was fair of face and comely of form, and the wife of the master of the house saw him and fell in love with him and her heart inclined to him with exceeding inclination; so, her husband being absent, she called her handmaid and said to her, “Contrive to bring yonder man to us.” Accordingly the maid went out to him and called him and stopped him as though she would buy what he held in hand.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
There was once a man among the Children of Israel who was highly respected, dedicated to serving his Lord, and avoided worldly things, pushing them away from his heart. He had a wife who was a supportive partner, always obedient to him. They made a living by crafting trays[474] and fans, working diligently during the day. When evening came, the man would go out into the streets, looking for buyers for their creations. They often fasted during the day[475], and one morning they woke up, fasting, and worked at their craft until it was too dark to see. As was his habit, the man set out to find customers for his goods and eventually arrived at the house of a wealthy man, someone of high status and respect. The tray-maker was handsome and well-built, and the wealthy man's wife saw him and fell in love with him, her heart filled with desire. With her husband away, she called her maid and said, “Go and bring that man to us.” The maid went out, approached him, and pretended to want to buy what he was selling.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the maid-servant went out to the man and asked him, “Come in; my lady hath a mind to buy some of thy wares, after she hath tried them and looked at them.” The man thought she spoke truly and, seeing no harm in this, entered and sat down as she bade him; and she shut the door upon him. Whereupon her mistress came out of her room and, taking him by the gaberdine,[476] drew him within and said, “How long shall I seek union of thee? Verily my patience is at an end on thine account. See now, the place is perfumed and provision prepared and the householder is absent this night, and I give to thee my person without reserve, I whose favours kings and captains and men of fortune have sought this long while, but I have regarded none of them.” And she went 265on talking thus to him, whilst he raised not his eyes from the ground, for shame before Allah Almighty and fear of the pains and penalties of His punishment; even as saith the poet:—
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that the maid went out to the man and asked him, 'Please come in; my lady wants to check out some of your goods after she tries them and looks at them.' The man thought she was being honest and, seeing no reason to be cautious, came in and sat down as she asked; and she closed the door behind him. Then her mistress came out of her room, took him by the cloak,[476] pulled him inside, and said, 'How long will I have to wait for you? Honestly, my patience is wearing thin. Look, the place is scented, the food is ready, and the house is empty tonight. I offer myself to you completely, even though kings, generals, and wealthy men have sought my favors for a long time, but I’ve turned away from all of them.' She continued speaking to him while he kept his eyes on the ground, ashamed before Allah Almighty and afraid of the consequences of His punishment; just as the poet says:— 265
The man strove to free himself from her, but could not; so he said to her, “I want one thing of thee.” She asked, “What is that?”: and he answered, “I wish for pure water and that I may carry it to the highest place of thy house and do somewhat therewith and cleanse myself of an impurity, which I may not disclose to thee.” Quoth she, “The house is large and hath closets and corners and privies at command.” But he replied, “I want nothing but to be at a height.” So she said to her slave-girl, “Carry him up to the belvedere on the house-terrace.” Accordingly the maid took him up to the very top and, giving him a vessel of water, went down and left him. Then he made the ablution and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he looked at the ground, thinking to throw himself down, but seeing it afar off, feared to be dashed to pieces by the fall.[477] Then he bethought him of his disobedience to Allah, and the consequences of his sin; so it became a light matter to him to offer up his life and shed his blood; and he said, “O my God and my Lord, Thou seest that which is fallen on me; neither is my case hidden from Thee. Thou indeed over all things art Omnipotent and the tongue of my case reciteth and saith:”—
The man tried to get away from her but couldn’t, so he said to her, “I need one thing from you.” She asked, “What is that?” He replied, “I want clean water so I can take it to the highest point of your house and do something there to cleanse myself of a shame I can’t share with you.” She said, “The house is big and has plenty of rooms, corners, and restrooms.” But he insisted, “I only want to be up high.” So she told her maid, “Take him up to the lookout on the roof.” The maid brought him to the top and, after giving him a vessel of water, left him alone. Then he performed his washing and prayed a two-unit prayer; after that, he looked down, considering jumping, but when he saw how far it was, he became afraid of being badly hurt. Then he remembered his disobedience to God and what his sins could lead to; so it didn’t seem so terrible to him to give up his life and shed his blood. He said, “O my God and my Lord, You see what has befallen me; my situation is not hidden from You. You are indeed all-powerful over everything, and the story of my plight speaks and says:”—
266Then the man cast himself down from the belvedere; but Allah sent an angel who bore him up on his wings and brought him down to the ground, whole and without hurt or harm. Now when he found himself safe on the ground, he thanked and praised Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His merciful protection of his person and his chastity; and he went straight to his wife who had long expected him, and he empty-handed. Then seeing him, she asked him why he had tarried and what was come of that he had taken with him and why he returned empty-handed; whereupon he told her of the temptation which had befallen him, and she said, “Alhamdolillah—praised be God—for delivering thee from seduction and intervening between thee and such calamity!” Then she added, “O man, the neighbours use to see us light our oven every night; and, if they see us fireless this night, they will know that we are destitute. Now it behoveth in gratitude to Allah, that we hide our destitution and conjoin the fast of this night to that of the past and continue it for the sake of Allah Almighty.” So she rose and, filling the oven with wood, lighted it, to baffle the curiosity of her women-neighbours, reciting these couplets:—
266Then the man threw himself from the lookout point; but God sent an angel who caught him on his wings and brought him safely to the ground, unharmed. Once he realized he was safe on the ground, he thanked and praised God (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His merciful protection over him and his purity; and he went straight to his wife, who had been waiting for him, empty-handed. When she saw him, she asked why he took so long, what he had brought back with him, and why he returned empty-handed. He then told her about the temptation he faced, and she said, “Thank God—for saving you from temptation and intervening to prevent such a disaster!” Then she added, “My dear, the neighbors usually see us light our oven every night; if they see that we have no fire tonight, they will know we are in need. It is fitting, in gratitude to God, that we hide our struggles and connect tonight’s fast with last night’s and continue it for the sake of Almighty God.” So she got up, filled the oven with wood, and lit it to keep the curious neighbors from wondering, reciting these couplets:—
——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that after the goodwife had lit the fire to baffle the curiosity of her women-neighbours, she and her husband made the Wuzu-ablution and stood up to pray, when behold, one of the neighbours’ wives came and asked leave to take a fire-brand from the oven. “Do what thou wilt with the oven,” answered they; but, when she came to the fire, she cried out, saying, “Ho, such an one (to the tray-maker’s wife) take up thy bread ere it burn!” Quoth the wife to her husband, “Hearest thou what she saith?” Quoth he, “Go 267and look.” So she went up to the oven, and behold, it was full of fine bread and white. She took up the scones and carried them to her husband, thanking Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His abounding good and great bounty; and they ate of the bread and drank water and praised the Almighty. Then said the woman to her husband, “Come let us pray to Allah the Most Highest, so haply He may vouchsafe us what shall enable us to dispense with the weariness of working for daily bread and devote ourselves wholly to worshipping and obeying Him.” The man rose in assent and prayed, whilst his wife said, “Amen,” to his prayer, when the roof clove in sunder and down fell a ruby, which lit the house with its light. Hereat, they redoubled in praise and thanksgiving to Allah praying what the Almighty willed,[478] and rejoiced at the ruby with great joy. And the night being far spent, they lay down to sleep and the woman dreamt that she entered Paradise and saw therein many chairs ranged and stools set in rows. She asked what the seats were and it was answered her, “These are the chairs of the prophets and those are the stools of the righteous and the pious.” Quoth she, “Which is the stool of my husband such an one?”; and it was said to her, “It is this.” So she looked and seeing a hole in its side asked, “What may be this hole?”; and the reply came, “It is the place of the ruby that dropped upon you from your house-roof.” Thereupon she awoke, weeping and bemoaning the defect in her husband’s stool among the seats of the Righteous; so she told him the dream and said to him, “Pray Allah, O man, that this ruby return to its place; for endurance of hunger and poverty during our few days here were easier than a hole in thy chair among the just in Paradise.”[479] Accordingly, he prayed to his Lord, 268and lo! the ruby flew up to the roof and away whilst they looked at it. And they ceased not from their poverty and their piety, till they went to the presence of Allah, to whom be Honour and Glory! And they also tell a tale of
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that after the housewife had lit the fire to satisfy her curious neighbors, she and her husband performed Wuzu ablution and stood up to pray. Suddenly, one of the neighbor's wives showed up and asked to take a fire-brand from the oven. 'Do what you want with the oven,' they replied. But when she reached the fire, she shouted, 'Hey, such-and-such (to the tray-maker’s wife), grab your bread before it burns!' The wife turned to her husband and said, 'Did you hear what she said?' He replied, 'Go and check.' So she went to the oven and saw it full of beautiful, white bread. She took the loaves and brought them to her husband, thanking Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) for His abundant goodness and generosity; and they ate the bread, drank water, and praised the Almighty. Then the woman said to her husband, 'Let’s pray to Allah the Most High, so maybe He’ll grant us what allows us to escape the struggle of earning our daily bread and focus entirely on worshiping and obeying Him.' The man stood up in agreement and prayed, while his wife said 'Amen' to his prayer. Suddenly, the roof split open and down fell a ruby, which illuminated their home. They rejoiced even more, praising and thanking Allah, praying for whatever the Almighty desired, and celebrated the ruby with immense joy. As the night wore on, they went to sleep, and the woman dreamed she entered Paradise, where she saw many chairs and stools arranged in rows. She asked what the seats were, and was told, 'These are the chairs of the prophets, and those are the stools of the righteous and pious.' She asked, 'Where is my husband’s stool, such-and-such?' and was shown. Upon seeing a hole in its side, she asked, 'What’s this hole for?' and was told, 'It’s where the ruby that fell from your roof belonged.' She woke up, weeping and lamenting the flaw in her husband’s stool among the Righteous. She shared her dream with him and said, 'Pray to Allah, O man, that this ruby returns to its place; enduring hunger and poverty for our short time here is easier than having a hole in your chair among the just in Paradise.' Accordingly, he prayed to his Lord, and lo! the ruby flew back up to the roof as they watched. They remained in their poverty and piety until they returned to the presence of Allah, to whom be Honour and Glory! And they also tell a tale of..."
474. Arab. “Atbák”; these trays are made of rushes, and the fans of palm-leaves or tail-feathers.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Atbák”; these trays are made from rushes, with fans made of palm leaves or tail feathers.
475. Except on the two great Festivals when fasting is forbidden. The only religion which has shown common sense in this matter is that of the Guebres or Parsis: they consider fasting neither meritorious nor lawful; and they honour Hormuzd by good living “because it keeps the soul stronger.” Yet even they have their food superstitions, e.g. in Gate No. xxiv.: “Beware of sin specially on the day thou eatest flesh, for flesh is the diet of Ahrimán.” And in India the Guebres have copied the Hindus in not slaughtering horned cattle for the table.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Except during the two major Festivals when fasting is not allowed. The only religion that has made sense about this is that of the Guebres or Parsis: they believe fasting is neither praiseworthy nor permitted; they honor Hormuzd by enjoying good food "because it keeps the soul stronger." Yet even they have their food-related superstitions, e.g. in Gate No. xxiv.: “Beware of sin especially on the day you eat meat, for meat is the diet of Ahrimán.” And in India, the Guebres have followed the Hindus by not slaughtering horned cattle for food.
476. Arab. “Jallábiyah,” a large-sleeved robe of coarse stuff worn by the poor.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Jallábiyah,” a loose-fitting robe with wide sleeves made of rough fabric, typically worn by those who are less fortunate.
477. His fear was that his body might be mutilated by the fall.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.He was afraid that his body could get mangled from the fall.
478. The phrase means “offering up many and many a prayer.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The phrase means “making a lot of prayers.”
479. A saying of Mohammed is recorded “Al-fakru fakhrí” (poverty is my pride!), intelligible in a man who never wanted for anything. Here he is diametrically opposed to Ali who honestly abused poverty; and the Prophet seems to have borrowed from Christendom, whose “Lazarus and Dives” shows a man sent to Hell because he enjoyed a very modified Heaven in this life and which suggested that one of the man’s greatest miseries is an ecclesiastical virtue—“Holy Poverty”—represented in the Church as a bride young and lovely. If a “rich man can hardly enter the kingdom” what must it be with a poor man whose conditions are far more unfavourable? Going to the other extreme we may say that Poverty is the root of all evil and the more so as it curtails man’s power of benefiting others. Practically I observe that those who preach and praise it the most, practise it the least willingly: the ecclesiastic has always some special reasons, a church or a school is wanted; but not the less he wishes for more money. In Syria this Holy Poverty leads to strange abuses. At Bayrut I recognised in most impudent beggars well-to-do peasants from the Kasrawán district, and presently found out that whilst their fields were under snow they came down to the coast, enjoyed a genial climate and lived on alms. When I asked them if they were not ashamed to beg, they asked me if I was ashamed of following in the footsteps of the Saviour and Apostles. How much wiser was Zoroaster who found in the Supreme Paradise (Minuwán-minu) “many persons, rich in gold and silver who had worshipped the Lord and had been grateful to Him.” (Dabistan i. 265.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A saying of Mohammed is noted: “Al-fakru fakhrí” (poverty is my pride!), which makes sense coming from someone who never lacked for anything. This stands in stark contrast to Ali, who openly criticized poverty. The Prophet seems to have drawn inspiration from Christianity, where the story of “Lazarus and Dives” illustrates a man condemned to Hell for enjoying a somewhat privileged life, suggesting that one of the greatest miseries is the church's virtue of “Holy Poverty,” often depicted as a beautiful young bride. If it's tough for a rich person to enter the kingdom, what hope is there for a poor person facing even tougher challenges? On the flip side, we can argue that Poverty is the root of all evil, especially since it limits a person's ability to help others. In practice, I notice that those who preach and praise it the most are often the least willing to live it: the clergy typically have special reasons for wanting money, whether for a church or a school. In Syria, this Holy Poverty can lead to bizarre situations. In Beirut, I encountered some bold beggars who were actually well-off farmers from the Kasrawán district, who, while their fields were covered in snow, came down to the coast, enjoyed the mild weather, and lived off handouts. When I asked them if they weren’t embarrassed to beg, they responded by asking if I felt ashamed for following in the footsteps of the Savior and the Apostles. How much wiser was Zoroaster, who found in the Supreme Paradise (Minuwán-minu) “many people, rich in gold and silver who had worshipped the Lord and been grateful to Him.” (Dabistan i. 265.)
Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Sakafi had been long in pursuit of a certain man of the notables, and when at last he was brought before him, he said, “O enemy of Allah, He hath delivered thee over to me;” and cried, “Hale him to prison and lay him by the heels in heavy fetters and build a closet over him, that he may not come forth of it nor any go into him.” So they bore him to jail and summoned the blacksmith with the irons; and every time the smith gave a stroke with his hammer, the prisoner raised his eyes to heaven and said, “Is not the whole Creation and the Empire thereof His?”[480] Then the gaolers built the cage[481] over him and left him therein, lorn and lone, whereupon longing and consternation entered into him and the tongue of his case recited in extempore verse:—
Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Sakafi had been searching for a certain prominent man for a long time, and when he was finally brought before him, he said, “Oh enemy of Allah, He has handed you over to me;” and shouted, “Take him to prison, put him in heavy chains, and build a cell over him, so he can’t get out and no one can get in.” They took him to jail and called for the blacksmith with the iron shackles; and every time the smith struck the metal, the prisoner looked up to heaven and said, “Is not the entire Creation and everything in it His?”[480] Then the jailers built the cage[481] around him and left him there, lonely and isolated, which filled him with longing and despair, prompting him to express his situation in spontaneous verse:—
Now when night fell dark, the gaoler left his watchmen to guard him and went to his house; and on the morrow, when he came to the prison, he found the fetters lying on the ground and the prisoner gone; whereat he was affrighted and made sure of death. So he returned to his place and bade his family farewell, after which he took in his sleeve his shroud and the sweet herbs for his corpse, and went in to Al-Hajjáj. And as he stood before the presence, the Governor smelt the perfumes and asked, “What is that?” when the gaoler answered, “O my lord, it is I who have brought it.” “And what moved thee to that?” enquired the Governor; whereupon he told him his case,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Now, when night fell, the jailer left his guards to watch over the prisoner and went home. The next day, when he arrived at the prison, he found the shackles on the ground and the prisoner missing, which terrified him and made him think he was going to die. So he went back home and said goodbye to his family. After that, he tucked his burial shroud and sweet herbs for his corpse into his sleeve and went in to see Al-Hajjáj. As he stood before the Governor, the Governor smelled the perfumes and asked, “What’s that?” The jailer replied, “Oh my lord, it’s me who brought it.” “What made you do that?” the Governor asked, and the jailer explained his situation. And Shahrazad noticed the first light of dawn and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the gaoler told his case to Al-Hajjaj, the Governor cried, “Woe to thee! Didst thou hear him say aught?” Answered the gaoler, “Yes! whilst the blacksmith was hammering his irons, he ceased not to look up heavenwards and say:—Is not the whole Creation and the Empire thereof His?” Rejoined Al-Hajjaj, “Dost thou not know that He, on whom he called in thy presence, delivered him in thine absence?” And the tongue of the case recited on this theme:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the jailer told his story to Al-Hajjaj, the Governor exclaimed, 'What a disaster! Did you hear him say anything?' The jailer replied, 'Yes! While the blacksmith was hammering out his irons, he kept looking up to the sky and saying:—Isn't all of Creation and Its Kingdom His?' Al-Hajjaj responded, 'Don't you know that the one he called upon in front of you helped him when you weren't there?' And the details of the case continued on this subject:—"
And they also tell a tale of
And they also tell a story of
480. Koran vii. 52.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 7:52.
481. Arab. “Al-bayt” = the house. The Arabs had probably learned this pleasant mode of confinement from the Chinese whose Kea or Cangue is well known. The Arabian form of it is “Ghull,” or portable pillory, which reprobates will wear on Judgment Day.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-bayt” = the house. The Arabs probably picked up this nice way of confinement from the Chinese, whose Kea or Cangue is well known. The Arabian version is “Ghull,” or portable pillory, which offenders will wear on Judgment Day.
It reached the ears of a certain pious man that there abode in such a town a blacksmith, who could put his hand into the fire and pull out the iron red-hot, without the flames doing him aught of hurt.[482] So he set out for the town in question and asked for the blacksmith; and, when the man was shown to him, he watched him at work and saw him do as had been reported to him. He waited till he had made an end of his day’s work; then, going up to him, saluted him with the salam and said, “I would be thy guest this night.” Replied the smith, “With gladness and goodly gree!” and carried him to his place, where they supped together and lay down to sleep. The guest watched, but saw no sign in his host of praying through the night or of special devoutness and said in his mind, “Haply he hideth himself from me.” So he lodged with him a second and a third night, but found that he did not exceed the devotions prescribed by the law and custom of the Prophet and rose but little in the dark hours to pray. At last he said to him, “O my brother, I have heard of the gift with which Allah hath favoured thee and have seen the truth of it with mine eyes. Moreover, I have taken note of thine assiduity in religious exercises, but find in thee no such piety as distinguisheth those who work saintly miracles: whence, then, cometh this to thee?” “I will tell thee,” answered the smith:—Know that I was once passionately enamoured of a slave-girl and ofttimes sued her for love-liesse, but could not prevail upon her, because she still held fast by her chastity. Presently there came a year of drought and hunger and hardship; food failed and there befel a sore famine. As I was sitting one day at home, somebody knocked at the door; so I went out and behold, she was standing there; and she said to me, “O my brother, I am sorely anhungered and I lift mine eyes to thee, beseeching thee to feed me for Allah’s sake!” Quoth I, “Wottest thou not how I love thee and what I have suffered for thy sake? Now I will not give thee one bittock of bread except 271thou yield thy person to me.” Quoth she, “Death, but not disobedience to the Lord!” Then she went away and returned after two days with the same prayer for food as before. I made her a like answer, and she entered and sat down in my house being nigh upon death. I set food before her, whereupon her eyes brimmed with tears and she cried, “Give me meat for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory!” But I answered, “Not so, by Allah, except thou yield thyself to me.” Quoth she, “Better is death to me than the wrath and wreak of Allah the Most Highest;” and she rose and left the food untouched——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
It reached the ears of a certain devout man that there lived in a particular town a blacksmith who could put his hand into the fire and pull out the iron red-hot without being harmed by the flames.[482] So he set out for that town and asked for the blacksmith; when the man was shown to him, he watched him work and saw him do exactly what he had been told. He waited until the blacksmith finished his day's work, then approached him, greeted him respectfully, and said, “I would like to be your guest tonight.” The smith replied, “With pleasure and good cheer!” and took him to his home, where they had dinner together and went to sleep. The guest observed but saw no evidence of his host praying through the night or behaving particularly devoutly, and thought to himself, “Perhaps he is hiding his practices from me.” So he stayed with him for a second and third night but found that he did not exceed the prayers required by the law and tradition of the Prophet and rose only a little during the night for prayer. Finally, he said to him, “O my brother, I have heard about the gift that Allah has granted you and have seen its reality with my own eyes. However, I have noticed your dedication to religious practices, yet I see no piety that distinguishes those who perform miraculous deeds. From where then does this ability come to you?” “I will tell you,” answered the smith. “Know that I was once deeply in love with a slave-girl and frequently sought her affection, but I could not persuade her because she remained steadfast in her chastity. Then a year of drought and hunger came, and a severe famine struck. One day, as I was sitting at home, there was a knock at the door; when I opened it, she was standing there. She said to me, ‘O my brother, I am terribly hungry, and I turn to you, asking you to feed me for Allah’s sake!’ I replied, ‘Don't you know how much I love you and what I've suffered for you? I won't give you even a crumb of bread unless you yield yourself to me.’ She responded, ‘I would rather die than disobey the Lord!’ Then she left and returned two days later, making the same plea for food. I gave her the same answer, and she entered my house, nearly dying from hunger. I set food before her, and her eyes filled with tears as she cried, ‘Give me food for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory!’ But I replied, ‘Not so, by Allah, unless you surrender yourself to me.’ She said, ‘Better is death to me than the wrath of Allah the Most High;’ and she stood up, leaving the food untouched——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the man set food before her, the woman said, “Give me meat for the love of Allah, to whom be Honour and Glory!” But I answered, “Not so, by Allah, except thou yield to me thy person.” Quoth she, “Better is death than the wrath and wreak of Allah;” and she rose and left the food untouched and went away repeating these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that when the man served her food, the woman said, 'Give me meat for the love of Allah, to whom be Honor and Glory!' But I replied, 'Not at all, by Allah, unless you give yourself to me.' She responded, 'Better to die than face the anger and punishment of Allah;' and she stood up, left the food untouched, and walked away repeating these lines:—
She then disappeared for two days, when she again came and knocked at the door; so I went out to her, and lo! hunger had taken away her voice; but, after a rest she said, “O my brother, I am worn out with want and know not what to do, for I cannot show my face to any man but to thee. Say, wilt thou feed me for the love of Allah Almighty?” But I answered, “Not so, except thou yield to me thy person.” And she entered my house and sat down. Now I had no food ready; but, when the meat was dressed and I laid it in a saucer, behold, the grace of Almighty Allah entered into me and I said to myself, “Out on thee! This woman, weak of wit and faith, hath refrained from food till she can no 272longer, for stress of hunger; and, while she refuseth time after time, thou canst not forbear from disobedience to the Lord!” And I said, “O my God, I repent to Thee of that which my flesh purposed!” Then I took the food and carrying it to her, said, “Eat, for no harm shall betide thee: this is for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory!” Then she raised her eyes to heaven and said, “O my God, if this man say sooth, I pray Thee forbid fire to harm him in this world and the next, for Thou over all things art Omnipotent and Prevalent in answering the prayer of the penitent!” Then I left her and went to put out the fire in the brasier.[483] Now the season was winter and the weather cold, and a live coal fell on my body: but by the decree of Allah (to whom be Honour and Glory!) I felt no pain and it became my conviction that her prayer had been answered. So I took the coal in my hand, and it burnt me not; and going in to her, I said, “Be of good cheer, for Allah hath granted thy prayer!”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She vanished for two days, then returned and knocked at the door. I went out to her and saw that hunger had stolen her voice. After a moment of rest, she said, “O my brother, I’m exhausted from wanting and don’t know what to do, because I can only show my face to you. Will you feed me for the sake of Allah Almighty?” But I replied, “Not unless you give yourself to me.” She entered my house and sat down. I had no food prepared, but when the meat was done and I put it in a dish, I felt the grace of Allah fill me and thought, “Shame on you! This woman, weak in mind and faith, has gone without food until she can hardly bear it from hunger; yet despite her repeated refusals, you can’t stop disobeying the Lord!” Then I said, “O my God, I repent for what my flesh intended!” I took the food to her and said, “Eat, for nothing bad will happen to you: this is for the love of Allah, to whom belong Honor and Glory!” She lifted her eyes to heaven and said, “O my God, if this man speaks the truth, I pray You prevent fire from harming him in this world and the next, for You are powerful over all things and respond to the prayers of those who repent!” Then I left her to put out the fire in the brazier. Now it was winter and the weather was cold, and a live coal fell on my body; but by Allah’s decree (to whom be Honor and Glory!), I felt no pain, and I was convinced that her prayer had been answered. I took the coal in my hand, and it didn’t burn me; then I went back to her and said, “Be happy, for Allah has granted your prayer!”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the blacksmith continued:—So I went in to her and said, “Be of good cheer, for Allah hath granted thy prayer!” Then she dropped the morsel from her hand and said, “O my God, now that Thou hast shown me my desire of him and hast granted me my prayer for him, take Thou my soul, for Thou over all things art Almighty!” And straightway He took her soul to Him, the mercy of Allah be upon her! And the tongue of the case extemporised and spake on this theme:—
She said, "It has come to my attention, O blessed King, that the blacksmith continued:—So I went to her and said, 'Cheer up, for Allah has granted your wish!' Then she dropped the piece of food from her hand and said, 'O my God, now that You have shown me my desire for him and granted my prayer for him, take my soul, for You are Almighty over all things!' And immediately He took her soul to Him, may Allah's mercy be upon her! And the voice of the situation spontaneously expressed this theme:—
And they also tell of
And they also talk about
482. This commonest conjuring trick in the West becomes a miracle in the credulous East.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This most common magic trick in the West turns into a miracle in the gullible East.
483. Arab. “Kánún”; the usual term is Mankal (pron. Mangal) a pan of copper or brass. Some of these “chafing-dishes” stand four feet high and are works of art. Lane (M. E. chapt. iv) gives an illustration of the simpler kind, together with the “Azikí,” a smaller pan for heating coffee. See Night dxxxviii.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Kánún”; the common term is Mankal (pron. Mangal), a cooking pan made of copper or brass. Some of these “chafing dishes” are four feet tall and are considered works of art. Lane (M. E. chapt. iv) provides an illustration of the simpler version, along with the “Azikí,” a smaller pan used for heating coffee. See Night dxxxviii.
There was once, among the children of Israel, a man of the devout, for piety acclaimed and for continence and asceticism en-famed, whose prayers were ever granted and who by supplication obtained whatso he wanted; and he was a wanderer in the mountains and was used to pass the night in worship. Now Almighty Allah had subjected to him a cloud which travelled with him wherever he went, and poured on him its water-treasures in abundance that he might make his ablutions and drink. After a long time when things were thus, his fervour somewhat abated, whereupon Allah took the cloud away from him and ceased to answer his prayers. On this account, great was his grief and long was his woe, and he ceased not to regret the time of grace and the miracle vouchsafed to him and to lament and bewail and bemoan himself, till he saw in a dream one who said to him, “An thou wouldest have Allah restore to thee thy cloud, seek out a certain King, in such a town, and beg him to pray for thee: so will Allah (be He extolled and exalted!) give thee back thy cloud and bespread it over thee by virtue of his pious prayers.” And he began repeating these couplets:—
There was once, among the children of Israel, a man known for his deep devotion, celebrated for his piety and famed for his self-discipline and ascetic lifestyle. His prayers were always answered, and he got whatever he asked for through his supplications. He wandered in the mountains and often spent the night in worship. Almighty Allah had sent a cloud to follow him wherever he went, showering him with abundant water so he could perform his ablutions and drink. Over time, however, his fervor began to fade, which led Allah to take the cloud away from him and stop answering his prayers. This caused him great sorrow and prolonged suffering. He could not help but regret the blessed time and the miracle that had been granted to him. He lamented and mourned for himself until one night, he had a dream where someone told him, “If you want Allah to return your cloud, seek a certain king in a particular town and ask him to pray for you. Through his sincere prayers, Allah (may He be praised and exalted!) will restore your cloud and cover you with it again.” And he began to recite these verses:—
So the hermit set out for the town named to him in the dream; and, coming thither after long travel, enquired for the King’s palace which was duly shown to him. And behold, at the gate he found a slave-officer sitting on a great chair and clad in gorgeous gear; so he stood to him and saluted him; and he returned his salam and asked him, “What is thy business?” Answered the devotee, “I am a wronged man, and come to submit my case to the King.” Quoth the officer, “Thou hast no access to him this day; for he hath appointed unto petitioners and enquirers one day in every seven” (naming the day), “on which they may go in to him; so wend thy ways in welfare till then.” The hermit was vexed with the King for thus veiling himself from the folk and said in thought, “How shall this man be a saint of the saints of Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!) and he on this wise?” Then he went away and awaited the appointed day. Now (quoth he) when it came, I repaired to the palace, where I found a great number of folk at the gate, expecting admission; and I stood with them, till there came out a Wazir robed in gorgeous raiment and attended by guards and slaves, who said, “Let those, who have petitions to present, enter.” So I entered with the rest and found the King seated facing his officers and grandees who were ranged according to their several ranks and degrees. The Wazir took up his post and brought forward the petitioners, one by one, till it came to my turn, when the King looked on me and said, “Welcome to the ‘Lord of the Cloud’! Sit thee down till I make leisure for thee.” I was confounded at his words and confessed his dignity and superiority; and, when the King had answered the petitioners and had made an end with them, he rose and dismissed his Wazirs and Grandees; then, taking my hand he led me to the door of the private palace, where we found a black slave, splendidly arrayed, with helm on head, and on his right hand and his left, bows and coats of mail. He rose to the King; and, hastening to obey his orders and forestall his wishes, opened the door. We went in, hand in hand, till we came to a low wicket, which the King himself opened and led me into a ruinous place of frightful desolation and thence passed into a chamber, wherein was naught but a prayer-carpet, an ewer for ablution and some mats of 275palm-leaves. Here the King doffed his royal robes and donned a coarse gown of white wool and a conical bonnet of felt. Then he sat down and making me sit, called out to his wife, “Ho, such an one!” and she answered from within saying, “Here am I.” Quoth he, “Knowest thou who is our guest to-day?” Replied she, “Yes, it is the ‘Lord of the Cloud.’” The King said, “Come forth: it mattereth not for him.” And behold, there entered a woman, as she were a vision, with a face that beamed like the new moon; and she wore a gown and veil of wool.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
So the hermit set off for the town he dreamed about; and after a long journey, he arrived and asked for the King’s palace, which was properly pointed out to him. At the gate, he saw a guard sitting in a large chair, dressed in splendid clothes, so he approached him and greeted him. The guard returned his greeting and asked, “What do you want?” The hermit replied, “I’m a wronged man and I’ve come to present my case to the King.” The guard said, “You can’t see him today; he has scheduled a day every week for those seeking to petition him” (mentioning the specific day), “so go on your way in peace until then.” The hermit was frustrated with the King for hiding from the people and thought, “How can this man be a saint of Allah (to whom belongs Majesty and Might!) when he behaves like this?” Then he left and waited for the appointed day. When it came, he went to the palace, where he found a large crowd at the gate, waiting to be let in; he joined them until a Minister dressed in fine garments emerged, accompanied by guards and attendants, and said, “Those with petitions may enter.” So, he entered with the others and found the King sitting in front of his officers and nobles, who were organized according to their ranks. The Minister took his position and called forward the petitioners one by one, until it was his turn. The King looked at him and said, “Welcome to the ‘Lord of the Cloud’! Have a seat while I make time for you.” He was taken aback by those words and acknowledged the King’s respect and authority. Once the King had finished with the petitioners, he stood up and dismissed his ministers and nobles; then, taking his hand, he led him to the door of the private section, where they encountered a well-dressed servant wearing a helmet, with bows and armor at his side. The servant stood up for the King and quickly opened the door to fulfill his wishes. They entered, hand in hand, until they reached a small door, which the King opened himself, leading him into a grim, deserted place and then into a room that contained just a prayer rug, a wash basin, and some palm leaf mats. Here, the King took off his royal robes and put on a rough white wool garment and a felt cap. Then he sat down and made the hermit sit as well, calling out to his wife, “Hey, such-and-such!” She replied from inside, “I’m here.” He asked, “Do you know who our guest is today?” She responded, “Yes, it’s the ‘Lord of the Cloud.’” The King said, “Come out: there's no need to be formal with him.” And behold, a woman entered, like a vision, with a face that shone like the new moon; she wore a wool gown and veil.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and paused in her storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the King called to his wife, she came forth from the inner room; and her face beamed like the new moon; and she wore a gown and a veil of wool. Then said the King, “O my brother, dost thou desire to hear our story or that we should pray for thee and dismiss thee?” Answered the hermit; “Nay, I wish to hear the tale of you twain, for that to me were preferable.” Said the King, “My forefathers handed down the throne, one to the other, and it descended from great one to great one, in unbroken succession, till the last died and it came to me. Now Allah had made this hateful to me, for I would fain have gone awandering over earth and left the folk to their own affairs; but I feared lest they should fall into confusion and anarchy and misgovernment so as to swerve from divine law, and the union of the Faith be broken up. Wherefore, abandoning my own plans, I took the kingship and appointed to every head of them a regular stipend; and donned the royal robes; and posted slave-officers at the doors, as a terror to the dishonest and for the defence of honest folk and the maintenance of law and limitations. Now when free of this, I entered this place and, doffing my royal habit, donned these clothes thou seest; and this my cousin, the daughter of my father’s brother, hath agreed with me to renounce the world and helpeth me to serve the Lord. So we are wont to weave these palm-leaves and earn, during the day, a wherewithal to break our fast at nightfall; and we have lived on this wise nigh upon forty years. Abide thou with us (so Allah have mercy on thee!) till we sell our mats; and thou shalt sup and sleep with us this night and on the morrow wend thy ways with that thou wishest, 276Inshallah!” So he tarried with them till the end of the day, when there came a boy five years old who took the mats they had made and carrying them to the market, sold them for a carat;[484] and with this bought bread and beans and returned with them to the King. The hermit broke his fast and lay down to sleep with them; but in the middle of the night, they both arose and fell to praying and weeping. When daybreak was near, the King said, “O my God, this Thy servant beseecheth Thee to return him his cloud; and to do this Thou art able; so, O my God, let him see his prayer granted and restore him his cloud.” The Queen amen’d to his orisons and behold, the cloud grew up in the sky; whereupon the King gave the hermit joy and the man took leave of them and went away, the cloud companying him as of old. And whatsoever he required of Allah after this, in the names of the pious King and Queen, He granted it without fail and the man made thereon these couplets:—
She said, “I’ve heard, O fortunate King, that when the King called to his wife, she came out from the inner room; her face shone like the new moon, and she wore a wool gown and veil. Then the King said, ‘O my brother, do you want to hear our story or should we pray for you and let you go?’ The hermit replied, ‘No, I want to hear your tale, for that would be better for me.’ The King continued, ‘My ancestors passed down the throne from one to the next, in an unbroken line, until the last one died and it came to me. But Allah made me dislike this, for I would have preferred to wander the earth and let the people handle their own affairs. However, I worried they would fall into chaos and misrule, breaking away from divine law and the unity of the Faith. So, putting my own wishes aside, I accepted the kingship, giving each of them a regular salary; I wore royal robes; and stationed guards at the doors to deter the dishonest and protect the honest, maintaining law and boundaries. Once I was free from this, I entered here and, taking off my royal attire, put on the clothes you see; and this cousin of mine, my father’s brother’s daughter, has agreed with me to give up the world and help me serve the Lord. We usually weave these palm leaves to earn enough to break our fast at sunset, and we’ve lived this way for nearly forty years. Stay with us (may Allah have mercy on you!) until we sell our mats; then you can have dinner and sleep with us tonight, and tomorrow you can go on your way with whatever you wish, Inshallah!’ So he stayed with them until the end of the day when a five-year-old boy came by, took the mats they made, and carried them to the market, selling them for a carat; and with that, he bought bread and beans and returned to the King. The hermit broke his fast and lay down to sleep with them; but in the middle of the night, they both got up and began to pray and weep. As dawn approached, the King said, ‘O my God, I beseech You to return my cloud; and You are capable of this; so, O my God, grant my prayer and restore my cloud.’ The Queen added her amen to his prayers, and behold, the cloud appeared in the sky; then the King rejoiced and the hermit took his leave, the cloud accompanying him as before. From then on, whatever he asked of Allah in the names of the pious King and Queen, He granted without fail, and the man composed these couplets:—
And they tell a tale of
And they tell a story of
The Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin al-Khattáb (whom Allah accept!), once levied for holy war an army of Moslems, to encounter the foe before Damascus, and they laid close siege to one of the Christians’ strongholds. Now there were amongst the Moslems two men, brothers, whom Allah had gifted with fire and bold daring against the enemy; so that the commander of the 277besieged fortress said to his chiefs and braves, “Were but yonder two Moslems ta’en or slain, I would warrant you against the rest of their strain.” Wherefore they left not to set for them all manner of toils and snares and ceased not to manœuvre and lie in wait and ambush for them, till they took one of them prisoner and slew the other who died a martyr. They carried the captive to the Captain of the fort, who looked at him and said, “Verily, to kill this man were indeed a pity; but his return to the Moslem would be a calamity.”—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
The Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin al-Khattáb (may Allah accept him!), once gathered an army of Muslims for a holy war to confront the enemy near Damascus, and they laid a tight siege on one of the Christians’ strongholds. Among the Muslims were two brothers who had been blessed by Allah with fierce courage and boldness against the enemy. The commander of the besieged fortress told his leaders and warriors, “If we could capture or kill those two Muslims, I guarantee we would have no trouble from the rest of them.” Therefore, they set various traps and did not stop plotting, lying in wait, and ambushing them until they captured one brother and killed the other, who died as a martyr. They brought the captive to the captain of the fort, who looked at him and said, “Truly, it would be a shame to kill this man; however, if he returns to the Muslims, that would be a disaster.” — And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the enemy carried their Moslem captive before the Captain of the fort, the Christian looked at him and said, “Verily to kill this man were a pity indeed; but his return to the Moslem would be a calamity. Oh that he might be brought to embrace the Nazarene Faith and be to us an aid and an arm!” Quoth one of his Patrician Knights, “O Emir, I will tempt him to abjure his faith and on this wise: we know that the Arabs are much addicted to women, and I have a daughter, a perfect beauty, whom when he sees, he will be seduced by her.” Quoth the Captain, “I give him into thy charge.” So he carried him to his place and clad his daughter in raiment, such as added to her beauty and loveliness. Then he brought the Moslem into the room and set before him food and made the fair girl stand in his presence, as she were a handmaid obedient to her lord and awaiting his orders that she might do his bidding. When the Moslem saw the evil sent down upon him, he commended himself to Allah Almighty and closing his eyes, applied himself to worship and to reciting the Koran. Now he had a pleasant voice and a piercing wit; and the Nazarene damsel presently loved him with passionate love and pined for him with extreme repine. This lasted seven days, at the end of which she said to herself, “Would to Heaven he would admit me into the Faith of Al-Islam!” And the tongue of her case recited these couplets:—
She said, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that when the enemy brought their Muslim captive before the Captain of the fort, the Christian looked at him and said, 'It would be a shame to kill this man; however, letting him go back to the Muslims would be a disaster. How I wish he could be persuaded to embrace the Nazarene Faith and become an ally and a supporter!' One of his noble Knights replied, 'O Emir, I will try to convince him to abandon his faith this way: we know that the Arabs are very fond of women, and I have a daughter, an absolute beauty, who, when he sees her, will surely be captivated.' The Captain said, 'I leave him in your care.' So he took the captive to his home and dressed his daughter in clothes that enhanced her beauty and charm. Then he brought the Muslim into the room, set food before him, and had the lovely girl stand in his presence as if she were a servant waiting for his command. When the Muslim saw the trouble brought upon him, he prayed to Allah Almighty and, closing his eyes, focused on worship and reciting the Quran. He had a beautiful voice and sharp wit; soon, the Christian girl fell deeply in love with him and yearned for him with great longing. This lasted seven days, after which she thought to herself, 'I wish he would allow me to join the Faith of Islam!' And the essence of her situation expressed itself in these verses:"
At last her patience failed her and her breast was straitened and she threw herself on the ground before him, saying, “I conjure thee by thy Faith, that thou give ear to my words!” Asked he, “What are they?” and she answered, “Expound unto me Al-Islam.” So he expounded to her the tenets of the Faith, and she became a Moslemah, after which she was circumcised[486] and he taught her to 279pray. Then said she to him, “O my brother, I did but embrace Al-Islam for thy sake and to win thy favours.” Quoth he, “The law of Al-Islam forbiddeth sexual commerce save after a marriage before two legal witnesses, and a dowry and a guardian are also requisite. Now I know not where to find witnesses or friend or parapherne; but, an thou can contrive to bring us out of this place, I may hope to make the land of Al-Islam, and pledge myself to thee that none other than thou in all Al-Islam shall be wife to me.” Answered she, “I will manage that”; and, calling her father and mother, said to them, “Indeed this Moslem’s heart is softened and he longeth to enter the faith, so I will grant him that which he desireth of my person; but he saith:—It befitteth me not to do this in a town where my brother was slain. Could I but get outside it my heart would be solaced and I would do that which is wanted of me. Now there is no harm in letting me go forth with him to another town, and I will be a surety to you both and to the Emir for that which ye wish of him.” Therefore her father went to their Captain and told him this, whereat he joyed with exceeding joy and bade him carry them forth to a village that she named. So they went out and made the village where they abode the rest of their day, and when night fell, they got ready for the march and went their way, even as saith the poet:—
At last, she lost her patience and felt a tightness in her chest, so she threw herself on the ground before him, saying, “I implore you by your Faith to listen to my words!” He asked, “What are they?” and she replied, “Teach me about Al-Islam.” So he explained the beliefs of the Faith to her, and she became a Moslemah. After that, she was circumcised[486] and he taught her to pray. Then she said to him, “Oh my brother, I only embraced Al-Islam for your sake to gain your favor.” He responded, “The law of Al-Islam forbids sexual relations except after marriage in front of two legal witnesses, and a dowry and a guardian are also required. Now I don’t know where to find witnesses or a friend or what’s needed; but if you can figure out how to get us out of this place, I hope to make the land of Al-Islam and promise you that no one else in all of Al-Islam will be my wife except you.” She replied, “I will make that happen”; and, calling her father and mother, she said to them, “This Muslim’s heart is softening, and he longs to enter the faith, so I will give him what he desires of me; but he says: It is not right for me to do this in a town where my brother was killed. If only I could get outside, my heart would be at ease, and I would do what is asked of me. There’s no harm in letting me go with him to another town, and I will be your guarantee and the Emir’s for what you wish of him.” Therefore, her father went to their Captain and told him this, which brought him great joy, and he ordered him to take them to a village she named. So they left and settled in the village for the rest of their days, and when night fell, they prepared for their journey and set off, just as the poet says:—
And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And Shahrazad saw the dawn break and stopped sharing her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the prisoner and the lady abode in the village the rest of their day and, when night fell, made ready for the march and went upon their way; and travelled all night without stay or delay. The 280young Moslem, mounting a swift blood-horse and taking up the maiden behind him, ceased not devouring the ground till it was bright morning, when he turned aside with her from the highway and, alighting, they made the Wuzu-ablution and prayed the dawn-prayer. Now as they were thus engaged behold, they heard the clank of swords and clink of bridles and men’s voices and tramp of horse; whereupon he said to her, “Ho, such an one, the Nazarenes are after us! What shall we do?: the horse is so jaded and broken down that he cannot stir another step.” Exclaimed she, “Woe to thee! art thou then afraid and affrighted?” “Yes,” answered he; and she said, “What didst thou tell me of the power of thy Lord and His readiness to succour those who succour seek? Come, let us humble ourselves before Him and beseech Him: haply He shall grant us His succour and endue us with His grace, extolled and exalted be He!” Quoth he, “By Allah, thou sayst well!” So they began humbling themselves and supplicating Almighty Allah and he recited these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the prisoner and the lady stayed in the village for the rest of their days. When night fell, they prepared to leave and set off on their journey, traveling all night without stopping. The young Muslim, riding a swift horse and taking the girl with him, didn't stop until morning. At dawn, he veered off the main road, got off the horse, and they performed the Wudu-ablution and prayed the dawn prayer. While they were engaged in this, they heard the sound of swords clanking, bridles clinking, men talking, and the sound of hooves. He then said to her, 'Hey, the Christians are after us! What should we do? The horse is so tired and worn out that it can't move another step.' She exclaimed, 'Oh no! Are you really scared and terrified?' 'Yes,' he replied. She said, 'What did you tell me about your Lord's power and His readiness to help those in need? Come, let's humble ourselves before Him and ask for His assistance. Maybe He'll grant us His help and bless us, glorified and exalted be He!' He said, 'By Allah, you're right!' So they began humbling themselves and praying to Almighty Allah, and he recited these verses:—"
Whilst he was praying and she was saying, “Amen,” and the thunder of horse-tramp nearing them, lo! the brave heard the voice of his dead brother, the martyr, speaking and saying, “O my brother, fear not, nor grieve! for the host whose approach thou hearest is the host of Allah and his Angels, whom He hath sent to serve as witnesses to your marriage. Of a truth Allah hath made His Angels glorify you and He bestoweth on you the meed of the meritorious and the martyrs; and He hath rolled up the earth for you as it were a rug so that, by morning, you will be in the mountains of Al-Medinah. And thou, when thou foregatherest with Omar bin al-Khattab (of whom Allah accept!) give him my salutation and say to him:—Allah abundantly requite thee for Al-Islam, because thou hast counselled faithfully and hast striven diligently.” Thereupon the Angels lifted up their voices in salutation 281to him and his bride, saying, “Verily, Almighty Allah appointed her in marriage to thee two thousand years before the creation of your father Adam (with whom be peace evermore!).” Then joy and gladness and peace and happiness came upon the twain; confidence was confirmed and established was the guidance of the pious pair. So when dawn appeared, they prayed the accustomed prayer and fared forward. Now it was the wont of Omar son of Al-Khattab (Allah accept him!) to rise for morning-prayer in the darkness before dawn and at times he would stand in the prayer-niche with two men behind him, and begin reciting the Chapter entitled “Cattle”[487] or that entitled Women;[488] whereupon the sleeper awoke and he who was making his Wuzu-ablution accomplished it and he who was afar came to prayer; nor had he made an end of the first bow, ere the mosque was full of folk; then he would pray his second bow quickly, repeating a short chapter. But, on that morning he hurried over both first and second inclinations, repeating in each a short chapter; then, after the concluding salutation, turning to his companions, he said to them, “Come, let us fare forth to meet the bride and bridegroom”; at which they wondered, not understanding his words. But he went out and they followed him, till they came to the gate of the city, where they met the young Moslem who, when the day broke and the standards of Al-Medinah appeared to him, had pushed forward for the gate closely followed by his bride. There he was met by Omar who bade make a marriage-feast; and the Moslems came and ate. Then the young Moslem went in unto his bride and Almighty Allah vouchsafed him children,——And Shahrazad, perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
While he was praying and she was saying, “Amen,” and the sound of horses approaching grew louder, the brave man heard the voice of his deceased brother, the martyr, speaking to him, “Oh my brother, don’t be afraid or sad! The army you hear approaching is the army of Allah and His Angels, sent to witness your marriage. Truly, Allah has His Angels glorifying you, and He grants you the rewards of the virtuous and martyrs; He has made the earth like a rug for you, so that by morning, you will be in the mountains of Al-Medinah. And when you meet Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah accept him!), send him my regards and say to him:—May Allah reward you greatly for Al-Islam, as you have given faithful counsel and worked diligently.” Then the Angels raised their voices in salutation to him and his bride, saying, “Indeed, Almighty Allah arranged her marriage to you two thousand years before the creation of your father Adam (peace be upon him!).” Then joy, happiness, peace, and contentment filled the couple; their confidence grew, and the guidance of the righteous pair was established. When dawn broke, they performed their usual prayer and set off. It was the habit of Omar son of Al-Khattab (may Allah accept him!) to rise for the morning prayer in the dark before dawn, and sometimes he would stand in the prayer-niche with two men behind him and begin reciting the chapter called “Cattle” or that called “Women,” causing those who were asleep to wake, and those making their Wudu to finish it, and those who were far away to come to prayer; and by the time he finished the first bow, the mosque would be filled with people. Then he would quickly perform the second bow, repeating a short chapter. However, that morning, he hastened through both the first and second inclinations, repeating a short chapter in each; then, after the final salutation, he turned to his companions and said, “Come, let’s go meet the bride and groom,” which puzzled them, as they didn’t understand what he meant. But he went out and they followed him until they reached the city gate, where they encountered the young Muslim who, as dawn broke and the banners of Al-Medinah came into view, had moved forward to the gate closely followed by his bride. There, Omar told him to prepare a marriage feast, and the Muslims came and ate. Afterward, the young Muslim went in to his bride, and Almighty Allah granted him children—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and paused her storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Omar (on whom be peace!) bade make a marriage-feast; and the Moslems came and ate. Then the young Moslem went in unto his bride and Almighty Allah vouchsafed him children, who fought in the Lord’s way and preserved genealogies, for they gloried therein. And how excellent is what is said on such theme:—
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that Omar (peace be upon him!) ordered a wedding feast; and the Muslims came and ate. Then the young Muslim went in to his bride, and Almighty Allah granted him children, who fought in the Lord’s way and preserved the family lineage, as they took pride in it. And how wonderful is what is said on such a topic:"
And they ceased not to be in all solace and delight of life, till there came to them the Destroyer of delights and the Sunderer of societies. And a tale is told by Sídi Ibrahim bin Al-Khawwás[489] (on whom be the mercy of Allah!) concerning himself and
And they continued to enjoy all the comfort and joy of life until the Destroyer of pleasures and the Divider of communities arrived. There’s a story told by Sídi Ibrahim bin Al-Khawwás[489] (may Allah have mercy on him!) about himself and
485. Al-Islam, where salvation is found under the shade of the swords.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Islam, where salvation is found beneath the swords.
486. Moslems like the Classics (Aristotle and others) hold the clitoris (Zambúr) to be the sedes et scaturigo veneris which, says Sonnini, is mere profanity. In the babe it protrudes beyond the labiæ and snipping off the head forms female circumcision. This rite is supposed by Moslems to have been invented by Sarah who so mutilated Hagar for jealousy and was afterwards ordered by Allah to have herself circumcised at the same time as Abraham. It is now (or should be) universal in Al-Islam and no Arab would marry a girl “unpurified” by it. Son of an “uncircumcised” mother (Ibn al-bazrá) is a sore insult. As regards the popular idea that Jewish women were circumcised till the days of Rabbi Gershom (A.D. 1000) who denounced it as a scandal to the Gentiles, the learned Prof. H. Graetz informs me, with some indignation, that the rite was never practised and that the great Rabbi contended only against polygamy. Female circumcision, however, is I believe the rule amongst some outlying tribes of Jews. The rite is the proper complement of male circumcision, evening the sensitiveness of the genitories by reducing it equally in both sexes: an uncircumcised woman has the venereal orgasm much sooner and oftener than a circumcised man, and frequent coitus would injure her health; hence I believe, despite the learned historian, that it is practised by some Eastern Jews. “Excision” is universal amongst the negroids of the Upper Nile (Werne), the Somál and other adjacent tribes. The operator, an old woman, takes up the instrument, a knife or razor-blade fixed into a wooden handle, and with three sweeps cuts off the labia and the head of the clitoris. The parts are then sewn up with a pack-needle and a thread of sheepskin; and in Dar-For a tin tube is inserted for the passage of urine. Before marriage the bridegroom trains himself for a month on beef, honey and milk; and, if he can open his bride with the natural weapon, he is a sworder to whom no woman in the tribe can deny herself. If he fail, he tries penetration with his fingers and by way of last resort whips out his whittle and cuts the parts open. The sufferings of the first few nights must be severe. The few Somáli prostitutes who practised at Aden always had the labiæ and clitoris excised and the skin showing the scars of coarse sewing. The moral effect of female circumcision is peculiar. While it diminishes the heat of passion it increases licentiousness, and breeds a debauchery of mind far worse than bodily unchastity, because accompanied by a peculiar cold cruelty and a taste for artificial stimulants to “luxury.” It is the sexlessness of a spayed canine imitated by the suggestive brain of humanity.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Muslims, like the ancient thinkers (Aristotle and others), regard the clitoris (Zambúr) as the seat and fountain of love which, according to Sonnini, is simply vulgarity. In infants, it protrudes beyond the labia, and cutting off the tip constitutes female circumcision. This practice is believed by Muslims to have been introduced by Sarah, who did this to Hagar out of jealousy, and was later commanded by Allah to undergo circumcision alongside Abraham. It is now (or should be) widespread in Islam, and no Arab would marry a girl who hasn’t been “purified” by it. Being the child of an “uncircumcised” mother (Ibn al-bazrá) is a grave insult. Regarding the common belief that Jewish women were circumcised until the era of Rabbi Gershom (A.D. 1000), who condemned it as a disgrace to the Gentiles, the esteemed Prof. H. Graetz informs me, somewhat indignantly, that this rite was never performed and that the great Rabbi only spoke against polygamy. However, I believe that female circumcision is standard among some isolated Jewish tribes. The procedure complements male circumcision, equalizing the sensitivity of the genitals by diminishing it equally in both sexes: an uncircumcised woman experiences sexual orgasm much earlier and more frequently than a circumcised man, and frequent sex could harm her health; thus, despite what the historian asserts, I believe it is practiced by some Eastern Jews. “Excision” is common among the Black populations of the Upper Nile (Werne), the Somali, and neighboring tribes. The procedure is carried out by an elderly woman who uses a knife or razor blade fixed to a wooden handle, making three swift cuts to remove the labia and the clitoral tip. The areas are then stitched with a large needle and sheepskin thread; in Dar-For, a tin tube is placed to allow urine to pass. Before marriage, the groom prepares for a month by eating beef, honey, and milk; if he can penetrate his bride with his natural member, he is seen as a conqueror to whom no woman in the tribe can refuse herself. If he fails, he attempts penetration with his fingers and, as a last resort, pulls out his knife to cut the area open. The pain during the first few nights must be intense. The few Somali prostitutes operating in Aden always had their labia and clitoris removed, with the skin showing scars from rough stitching. The moral impact of female circumcision is unique. While it reduces sexual desire, it increases promiscuity and fosters a mental depravity far worse than physical infidelity, accompanied by a distinctive cold cruelty and a craving for artificial means to achieve “luxury.” It is reminiscent of the genderlessness of a spayed dog, mirrored by the provocative imagination of humanity.
487. Koran vi. so called because certain superstitions about Cattle are therein mentioned.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran, chapter six, called that because it mentions certain superstitions about cattle.
488. Koran iv. So called because it treats of marriages, divorces, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Koran, chapter 4. It's named that because it discusses marriages, divorces, and related topics.
489. Sídi (contracted from Sayyidí = my lord) is a title still applied to holy men in Marocco and the Maghrib; on the East African coast it is assumed by negro and negroid Moslems, e.g. Sidi Mubárak Bombay; and “Seedy boy” is the Anglo-Indian term for a Zanzibar-man. “Khawwás” is one who weaves palm-leaves (Khos) into baskets, mats, etc.: here, however, it may be an inherited name.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Sídi (short for Sayyidí = my lord) is a title still used for holy men in Morocco and the Maghrib; on the East African coast, it is taken by black and mixed-race Muslims, Understood! Please provide the text you'd like modernized. Sidi Mubárak Bombay; and “Seedy boy” is the term used by Anglo-Indians for a man from Zanzibar. “Khawwás” refers to someone who weaves palm leaves (Khos) into baskets, mats, etc.: here, though, it might also be a family name.
My spirit urged me, once upon a time, to go forth into the country of the Infidels; and I strove with it and struggled to put away from me this inclination; but it would not be rejected. So I fared forth and journeyed about the land of the Unbelievers and traversed it in all its parts; for divine grace enveloped me and heavenly protection encompassed me, so that I met not a single Nazarene but he turned away his eyes and drew off from me, till I came to a certain great city at whose gate I found a gathering of black slaves, clad in armour and bearing iron maces in their hands. When they saw me, they rose to their feet and asked me, “Art thou a leach?”; and I answered, “Yes.” Quoth they, “Come speak to our King,” and carried me before their ruler, who was a handsome personage of majestic presence. When I stood before him, he looked at me and said, “Art a physician, thou?” “Yes,” quoth I; and quoth he to his officers, “Carry him to her, and acquaint him with the condition 283before he enter.” So they took me out and said to me, “Know that the King hath a daughter, and she is stricken with a sore disease, which no doctor hath been able to cure: and no leach goeth in to her and treateth, without healing her, but the King putteth him to death. So bethink thee what thou seest fitting to do.” I replied, “The King drove me to her; so carry me to her.” Thereupon they brought me to her door and knocked; and behold, I heard her cry out from within, saying, “Admit to me the physician, lord of the wondrous secret!” And she began reciting:
My spirit once urged me to venture into the land of the Infidels; I fought against it and tried to rid myself of this impulse, but it wouldn’t let go. So, I set out and traveled through the land of the Unbelievers, exploring every part of it; divine grace surrounded me and heavenly protection shielded me, such that I didn’t encounter a single Nazarene who didn’t turn away his gaze and distance himself from me, until I reached a large city where I found a group of black slaves, dressed in armor and holding iron maces. When they saw me, they stood up and asked, “Are you a doctor?” I replied, “Yes.” They said, “Come speak to our King,” and took me to their ruler, who was an impressive and handsome figure. When I stood before him, he looked at me and said, “Are you a physician?” “Yes,” I replied; and he instructed his officers, “Take him to her, and inform him of her condition before he enters.” They took me outside and said, “Know that the King has a daughter who suffers from a terrible disease that no doctor has been able to cure; anyone who treats her without being able to heal her is put to death by the King. So consider carefully what you think is appropriate to do.” I responded, “The King sent me to her; so take me to her.” Then they brought me to her door and knocked; and I heard her call from inside, “Let the doctor, master of the wondrous secret, come in!” And she began to recite:
And lo! a Shaykh, a very old man, opened the door in haste and said to me, “Enter.” So I entered and found myself in a chamber strewn with sweet-scented herbs and with a curtain drawn across one corner, from behind which came a sound of groaning and grame, weak as from an emaciated frame. I sat down before the curtain and was about to offer my salam when I bethought me of his words (whom Allah save and assain!), “Accost not a Jew nor a Christian with the salam salutation;[492] and, when ye meet them in 284the way, constrain them to the straitest part thereof.” So I withheld my salutation, but she cried out from behind the curtain, saying, “Where is the salutation of Unity and Indivisibility, O Khawwás?” I was astonished at her speech and asked, “How knowest thou me?”; whereto she answered, “When the heart and thoughts are whole, the tongue speaketh eloquently from the secret recesses of the soul. I begged Him yesterday to send me one of His saints, at whose hands I might have deliverance, and behold, it was cried to me from the dark places of my house:—Grieve not; for we soon will send thee Ibrahim the Basket-maker.” Then I asked her, “What of thee?” and she answered, “It is now four years since there appeared to me the Manifest Truth, and He is the Relator and the Ally, and the Uniter and the Sitter-by; whereupon my folk looked askance upon me with an evil eye and taxed me with insanity and suspected me of depravity, and there came not in to me doctor but terrified me, nor visitor but confounded me.” Quoth I, “And who led thee to the knowledge of what thou wottest?” Quoth she, “The manifest signs and visible portents of Allah; and, when the path is patent to thee, thou espiest with thine own eyes both proof and prover.” Now whilst we were talking, behold, in came the old man appointed to guard her and said, “What doth thy doctor?”; and she replied, “He knoweth the hurt and hath hit upon the healing.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And then, an old man rushed to open the door and said to me, “Come in.” So I went inside and found myself in a room filled with fragrant herbs and a curtain drawn across one corner, from behind which came weak groaning sounds, as if from a frail person. I sat down in front of the curtain and was about to greet when I remembered his words (may Allah protect him!), “Don’t greet a Jew or a Christian with the salutation; and when you meet them on the road, push them to the narrowest part of it.” So I held back my greeting, but she called out from behind the curtain, saying, “Where is the greeting of Unity and Oneness, O Khawwás?” I was surprised by her words and asked, “How do you know me?” She replied, “When the heart and thoughts are united, the tongue speaks eloquently from the deep places of the soul. I asked Him yesterday to send me one of His saints to help me, and behold, I heard from the dark corners of my home:—Don’t be sad; for we will soon send you Ibrahim the Basket-maker.” Then I asked her, “What about you?” and she answered, “It has been four years since the Manifest Truth appeared to me, and He is the Communicator and the Supporter, and the Unifier and the Preserver; and because of that, my family looked at me suspiciously and accused me of madness and immorality, and no doctor came to me without scaring me, nor any visitor without confusing me.” I asked, “And who led you to this understanding?” She said, “The clear signs and visible signs of Allah; and when the path is clear to you, you can see for yourself both the evidence and the witness.” While we were talking, the old man assigned to guard her came in and asked, “What does your doctor say?” She replied, “He understands the ailment and has found the cure.” —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped speaking her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Shaykh, her guardian, went in to her he said, “What doth thy doctor?”; and she replied, “He knoweth the hurt and hath hit upon the healing.” Hereupon he manifested joy and gladness and accosted me with a cheerful countenance, then went and told the King, who enjoined to treat me with all honour and regard. So I visited her daily for seven days, at the end of which time she said to me, “O Abú Ishák, when shall be our flight to the land of Al-Islam?” “How canst thou go forth,” replied I, “and who would dare to aid thee?” Rejoined she, “He who sent thee to me, driving thee as it were;” and I observed, “Thou sayest sooth.” So when the morrow dawned, we fared forth by the city-gate and all eyes were veiled from us, by commandment of Him who when 285He desireth aught, saith to it, “Be,” and it becometh;[493] so that I journeyed with her in safety to Meccah, where she made a home hard by the Holy House of Allah and lived seven years; till the appointed day of her death. The earth of Meccah was her tomb, and never saw I any more steadfast in prayer and fasting than she, Allah send down upon her His mercies and have compassion on him who saith:—
She said, "I've been informed, O wise King, that when the Shaykh, her guardian, came to see her, he asked, 'How is your doctor?' and she answered, 'He knows the problem and has found the solution.' Hearing this, he showed great joy and greeted me with a happy face, then went to tell the King, who ordered that I be treated with all respect and care. So, I visited her every day for seven days, at the end of which she asked me, 'O Abú Ishák, when shall we escape to the land of Al-Islam?' I replied, 'How can you leave, and who would be brave enough to help you?' She responded, 'The one who sent you to me, as if pushing you here.' I acknowledged, 'You speak the truth.' When morning came, we left through the city gate, and all eyes were prevented from seeing us, by the command of Him who, when He wishes for something, simply says, 'Be,' and it becomes; so I safely traveled with her to Meccah, where she settled near the Holy House of Allah and lived for seven years until the day she died. The earth of Meccah became her grave, and I never saw anyone more devoted in prayer and fasting than she. May Allah send down His mercy upon her and have compassion on those who say:—
And they tell a tale of
And they tell a story of
490. i.e. in spirit; the “strangers yet” of poor dear Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. in spirit; the “strangers yet” of dear Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton.
491. Al-Hakk = the Truth, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Al-Hakk = the Truth, one of the ninety-nine names of God.
492. The Moslem is still unwilling to address Salám (Peace be with you) to the Christian, as it is obligatory (Farz) to a Moslem (Koran, chapt. iv. and lxviii.). He usually evades the difficulty by saluting the nearest Moslem or by a change of words Allah Yahdí-k (Allah direct thee to the right way) or “Peace be upon us and the righteous worshippers of Allah” (not you) or Al-Samm (for Salam) alayka = poison to thee. The idea is old: Alexander of Alexandria in his circular letter describes the Arian heretics as “men whom it is not lawful to salute or to bid God-speed.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Muslims are still reluctant to greet Christians with Salám (Peace be with you), even though it is a religious duty (Farz) for them (Koran, chapt. iv. and lxviii.). They often avoid the issue by greeting the nearest Muslim instead or by altering the phrase to something like Allah Yahdí-k (Allah guide you to the right path) or “Peace be upon us and the righteous worshippers of Allah” (not you) or Al-Samm (for Salam) alayka = poison to you. This concept isn’t new: Alexander of Alexandria mentioned in his circular letter that the Arian heretics were “people whom it is not lawful to greet or wish well.”
493. Koran xxxvi. 82. I have before noted that this famous phrase was borrowed from the Hebrews, who borrowed it from the Egyptians.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran xxxvi. 82. I've mentioned before that this well-known phrase was taken from the Hebrews, who got it from the Egyptians.
A certain Prophet[494] made his home for worship on a lofty mountain, at whose foot was a spring of running water, and he was wont to sit by day on the summit, that no man might see him, calling upon the name of Allah the Most Highest and watching those who frequented the spring. One day, as he sat looking upon the fountain, behold, he espied a horseman who came up and dismounted thereby and taking a bag from his neck, set it down beside him, after which he drank of the water and rested awhile, then he rode away, leaving behind him the bag which contained gold pieces. Presently up came another man to drink of the spring, who saw 286the bag and finding it full of money took it up; then, after satisfying his thirst, he made off with it in safety. A little after came a wood-cutter wight with a heavy load of fuel on his back, and sat down by the spring to drink, when lo! back came the first horseman in great trouble and asked him, “Where is the bag which was here?” and when he answered, “I know nothing of it,” the rider drew his sword and smote him and slew him. Then he searched his clothes, but found naught; so he left him and wended his ways. Now when the Prophet saw this, he said, “O Lord, one man hath taken a thousand dinars and another man hath been slain unjustly.” But Allah answered him, saying, “Busy thyself with thy devotions, for the ordinance of the universe is none of thine affair. The father of this horseman had violently despoiled of a thousand dinars the father of the second horseman; so I gave the son possession of his sire’s money. As for the wood-cutter, he had slain the horseman’s father, wherefore I enabled the son to obtain retribution for himself.” Then cried the Prophet, “There is none other god than Thou! Glory be to Thee only! Verily, Thou art the Knower of Secrets.”[495]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
A certain Prophet[494] made his home for worship on a high mountain, at the foot of which was a spring of fresh water. He would often sit at the summit during the day, so that no one could see him, calling upon the name of Allah the Most High and watching those who visited the spring. One day, while he was gazing at the fountain, he spotted a horseman who approached, dismounted, and set down a bag he had taken from around his neck. After drinking from the water and resting for a bit, he rode away, leaving behind the bag that contained gold coins. Next, another man arrived to drink from the spring. He noticed the bag and, finding it full of money, picked it up. After quenching his thirst, he left with it unharmed. Soon after, a woodcutter, burdened with a heavy load of fuel, sat down by the spring to drink. Suddenly, the first horseman returned, looking panicked, and asked the woodcutter, “Where is the bag that was here?” When the woodcutter replied, “I don’t know anything about it,” the rider drew his sword, attacked him, and killed him. He then searched the woodcutter’s clothes but found nothing, so he left and went on his way. When the Prophet witnessed this, he exclaimed, “O Lord, one man has taken a thousand dinars, and another man has been unjustly killed.” Allah responded, saying, “Focus on your worship, for the affairs of the universe are not your concern. The father of this horseman violently stole a thousand dinars from the father of the second horseman; therefore, I gave the son his father's money. As for the woodcutter, he had killed the horseman’s father, and that's why I allowed the son to seek retribution.” The Prophet then said, “There is no god but You! Glory be to You alone! Truly, You are the Knower of Secrets.”[495]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King that when the Prophet was bidden by inspiration of Allah to busy himself with his devotions and learned the truth of the case, he cried, “There is none other god but Thou! Glory be to Thee only! Verily, Thou and Thou alone wottest hidden things.” Furthermore, one of the poets hath made these verses on the matter:—
She said, "I have been informed, O blessed King, that when the Prophet was inspired by Allah to focus on his prayers and discovered the truth, he exclaimed, 'There is no god but You! Glory be to You alone! Truly, only You know the hidden things.' Additionally, one of the poets wrote these lines about the subject:—"_
And a certain pious man hath told us the tale of
And a devout man has shared the story of
494. The story of Moses and Khizr has been noticed before. See Koran chapt. xviii. 64 et seq. It is also related, says Lane (ii. 642), by Al-Kazwíni in the Ajáib al-Makhlúkát. This must be “The Angel and the Hermit” in the Gesta Romanorum, Tale lxxx. which possibly gave rise to Parnell’s Hermit; and Tale cxxvii. “Of Justice and Equity.” The Editor says it “contains a beautiful lesson:” I can find only excellent excuses for “doing evil that good may come of it.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The story of Moses and Khizr has been mentioned before. See Koran chapt. xviii. 64 et seq. It is also told, according to Lane (ii. 642), by Al-Kazwíni in the Ajáib al-Makhlúkát. This must be “The Angel and the Hermit” in the Gesta Romanorum, Tale lxxx, which may have inspired Parnell’s Hermit; and Tale cxxvii. “Of Justice and Equity.” The Editor says it “contains a beautiful lesson:” I can only find great reasons for “doing evil so that good may come of it.”
495. Koran chapt. v. 108.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Koran chapter 5, verse 108.
496. The doggrel is phenomenal.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The writing is amazing.
I was once a ferryman on the Nile and used to ply between the eastern and the western banks. Now one day, as I sat in my boat, there came up to me an old man of a bright and beaming countenance, who saluted me and I returned his greeting; and he said to me, “Wilt thou ferry me over for the love of Allah Almighty?” I answered, “Yes,” and he continued, “Wilt thou moreover give me food for Allah’s sake?”; to which again I answered, “With all my heart.” So he entered the boat and I rowed him over to the eastern side, remarking that he was clad in a patched gown and carried a gourd-bottle and a staff. When he was about to land, he said to me, “I desire to lay on thee a heavy trust.” Quoth I, “What is it?” Quoth he, “It hath been revealed to me that my end is nearhand and that to-morrow about noon thou wilt come and find me dead under yonder tree. Wash me and wrap me in the shroud thou wilt see under my head and after thou hast prayed over me, bury me in this sandy ground and take my gown and gourd and staff, which do thou deliver to one who shall come and demand them of thee.” I marvelled at his words, and I slept there. On the morrow I awaited till noon the event he had announced, and then I forgot what he had said till near the hour of afternoon-prayer, when I remembered it and hastening to the appointed place, found him under the tree, dead, with a new shroud under his head, exhaling a fragrance of musk. So I washed him and shrouded him and prayed over him, then dug a hole in the sand and buried him, after I had taken his ragged gown and bottle and staff, with which I crossed the Nile 288to the western side and there nighted. As soon as morning dawned and the city gate opened, I sighted a young man known to me as a loose fellow, clad in fine clothes and his hands stained with Henna, who said to me, “Art thou not such an one?” “Yes,” answered I; and he said, “Give me the trust.” Quoth I, “What is that?” Quoth he, “The gown, the gourd and the staff.” I asked him, “Who told thee of them?” and he answered, “I know nothing save that I spent yesternight at the wedding of one of my friends singing and carousing till daylight, when I lay me down to sleep and take my rest; and behold, there stood by me a personage who said, “Verily Allah Almighty hath taken such a saint to Himself and hath appointed thee to fill his place; so go thou to a certain person (naming the ferryman), and take of him the dead man’s gown and bottle and staff, for he left them with him for thee.”” So I brought them out and gave them to him; whereupon he doffed his clothes and, donning the gown, went his way and left me.[497] And when the glooms closed around me, I fell a-weeping; but, that night, while sleeping I saw the Lord of Holiness (glorified and exalted be He!) in a dream saying, “O my servant, is it grievous to thee that I have granted to one of My servants to return to Me? Indeed, this is of My bounty, that I vouchsafe to whom I will, for I over all things am Almighty.” So I repeated these couplets:—
I used to be a ferryman on the Nile, taking people back and forth between the eastern and western banks. One day, while I was sitting in my boat, an old man with a bright and cheerful face approached me. He greeted me, and I replied to him. He said, “Will you ferry me across for the sake of Allah Almighty?” I replied, “Yes.” He added, “And will you also give me some food for Allah’s sake?” I answered, “Of course.” So, he got into the boat, and I rowed him to the eastern side. I noticed he was wearing a patched robe and carrying a water bottle and a staff. As he was about to get out, he said to me, “I have a heavy trust to place in you.” I asked, “What is it?” He replied, “It has been revealed to me that my time is near, and tomorrow around noon, you will find me dead under that tree. Please wash me and wrap me in the shroud you’ll find under my head. After you pray for me, bury me in this sandy ground, and take my robe, water bottle, and staff, which you must give to someone who will come and ask for them.” I was amazed by his words, and that night I fell asleep. The next day, I waited until noon for the event he had mentioned, but I forgot about it until just before the afternoon prayer. Remembering his words, I hurried to the designated spot and found him dead under the tree, with a new shroud under his head, bringing a scent of musk. I washed him, shrouded him, and prayed for him. Then, I dug a hole in the sand and buried him, taking his worn robe, water bottle, and staff with me as I crossed the Nile to the western side, where I spent the night. As morning broke and the city gate opened, I saw a young man I recognized as a troublemaker, dressed in fine clothes with henna-stained hands. He asked me, “Aren’t you such-and-such?” I said, “Yes.” He replied, “Give me the trust.” I asked, “What’s that?” He said, “The robe, the water bottle, and the staff.” I inquired, “Who told you about them?” He answered, “I know nothing except that I spent the night at a friend's wedding, singing and partying until dawn. Then, I lay down to sleep and saw a figure who said, ‘Truly, Allah Almighty has taken one of His saints to Himself and appointed you to take his place. So go to a certain person (naming the ferryman) and take from him the deceased man’s robe, water bottle, and staff, for he left them with him for you.’” So, I brought them out and handed them to him. He then took off his clothes, put on the robe, and walked away, leaving me. When darkness fell around me, I started to weep; but that night, while I slept, I dreamed of the Lord of Holiness (glorified and exalted be He!) who said to me, “Oh My servant, is it hard for you that I allowed one of My servants to return to Me? Truly, this is part of My generosity, as I give to whomever I wish, for I am Almighty over all things.” So, I recited these couplets:—
And of the tales they tell is one concerning
And one of the stories they share is about
497. He went in wonder and softened heart to see the miracle of saintly affection.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.He entered with awe and an open heart to witness the miracle of saintly love.
498. In Sufistical parlance, the creature is the lover and the Creator the Beloved: worldly existence is Disunion, parting, severance; and the life to come is Reunion. The basis of the idea is the human soul being a divinæ particula auræ, a disjoined molecule from the Great Spirit, imprisoned in a jail of flesh; and it is so far valuable that it has produced a grand and pathetic poetry; but Common Sense asks, Where is the proof? And Reason wants to know, What does it all mean?
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In Sufi terms, the creature represents the lover and the Creator represents the Beloved: life on earth is separation, division, and isolation; while the afterlife is about coming together. The idea is based on the notion that the human soul is a divine particle of the air, a fragment separated from the Great Spirit, trapped in a physical body; and it holds value in that it has inspired grand and moving poetry; but Common Sense questions, Where’s the evidence? And Reason wants to understand, What does it all mean?
There was once a notable of the Children of Israel, a man of wealth who had a pious and blessed son. When his last hour drew nigh, his son sat down at his head and said to him, “O my lord, give me an injunction.” Quoth the father, “O dear son, I charge thee, swear not by Allah or truly or falsely.” Then he died and certain lewd fellows of the Children of Israel heard of the charge he had laid on his son and began coming to the latter and saying, “Thy father had such and such monies of mine, and thou knowest it; so give me what was entrusted to him or else make oath that there was no trust.” The good son would not disobey his sire’s injunction, so gave them all they claimed; and they ceased not to deal thus with him, till his wealth was spent and he fell into straitest predicament. Now the young man had a pious and blessed wife, who had borne him two little sons; so he said to her, “The folk have multiplied their demands on me and, while I had the wherewithal to free myself of debt, I rendered it freely; but naught is now left us, and if others make demands upon me, we shall be in absolute distress, I and thou; our best way were to save ourselves by fleeing to some place, where none knoweth us, and earn our bread among the lower of the folk.” Accordingly, he took ship with her and his two children, knowing not whither he should wend; but, “When Allah judgeth, there is none to reverse His judgment;”[499] and quoth the tongue of the case:—
There was once a prominent member of the Children of Israel, a wealthy man with a devout and blessed son. As his death approached, his son sat by his side and said to him, “O my father, give me some advice.” The father replied, “My dear son, I urge you not to swear by Allah, whether truthfully or falsely.” Then he passed away. Some unscrupulous individuals from the Children of Israel heard about the charge he had given to his son and started coming to him, saying, “Your father owed me such and such amounts, and you know it; so give me what he owed me, or swear that there was no trust.” The good son didn’t want to disobey his father’s command, so he gave them everything they claimed. They continued to do this until he had lost all his wealth and found himself in a dire situation. Now, the young man had a devout and blessed wife, who had given him two young sons. He said to her, “People keep increasing their demands on me, and while I had the means to pay off my debts, I did so willingly; but now we have nothing left, and if others come after me, we will be in complete trouble, you and I. Our best option is to escape to a place where no one knows us and earn our living among the less fortunate.” So, he took a ship with her and their two children, unaware of where they would go; but, “When Allah decides, no one can change His decision;”[499] and the situation said:—
290The ship was wrecked, yet the man saved himself on a plank and his wife and children also saved themselves, but on other planks. The waves separated them and the wife was cast up in one country and one of the boys in another. The second son was picked up by a ship, and the surges threw the father on a desert island, where he landed and made the Wuzu-ablution. Then he called the prayer-call——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
290The shipwrecked man managed to save himself on a piece of wood, while his wife and kids were also able to escape, but on different pieces. The waves separated them, with the wife washed up on one shore and one of the boys on another. The second son was rescued by a ship, and the father was thrown onto a deserted island, where he landed and performed the Wuzu-ablution. Then he called out for prayer—And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped telling her allowed story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the man landed upon the island, he made the Wuzu-ablution to free himself from the impurities of the sea and called the call to prayer and stood up to his devotions, when, behold, there came forth of the sea creatures of various kinds and prayed with him. When he had finished, he went up to a tree and stayed his hunger with its fruits; after which he found a spring of water and drank thereof and praised Allah, to whom be honour and glory! He abode thus three days and whenever he stood up to pray, the sea-creatures came out and prayed in the same manner as he prayed. Now after the third day, he heard a voice crying aloud and saying, “O thou just man, and pious, who didst so honour thy father and revere the decrees of thy Lord, grieve not, for Allah (be He extolled and exalted!) shall restore to thee all which left thy hand. In this isle are hoards and monies and things of price which the Almighty willeth thou shalt inherit, and they are in such a part of this place. So bring thou them to light; and verily, we will send ships unto thee; and do thou bestow charity on the folk and bid them to thee.” So he sought out that place, and the Lord discovered to him the treasures in question. Then ships began resorting to him, and he gave abundant largesse to the crews, saying to them, “Be sure ye direct the folk unto me and I will give them such and such a thing and appoint to them this and that.” Accordingly, there came folk from all parts and places, nor had ten years passed over him ere the island was peopled and the man became its King.[500] No one came to him but he entreated him with munificence, and 291his name was noised abroad, throughout the length and breadth of the earth. Now his elder son had fallen into the hands of a man who reared him and taught him polite accomplishments; and, in like manner, the younger was adopted by one who gave him a good education and brought him up in the ways of merchants. The wife also happened upon a trader who entrusted to her his property and made a covenant with her that he would not deal dishonestly by her, but would aid her to obey Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!); and he used to make her the companion of his voyages and his travels. Now the elder son heard the report of the King and resolved to visit him, without knowing what he was; so he went to him and was well received by the King, who made him his secretary. Presently the other son heard of the King’s piety and justice and was also taken into his service as a steward. Then the brothers abode awhile, neither knowing the other, till it chanced that the merchant, in whose home was their mother, also hearing of the King’s righteous and generous dealing with the lieges, freighted a ship with rich stuffs and other excellent produce of the land, and taking the woman with him, set sail for the island. He made it in due course and landing, presented himself with his gift before the King; who rejoiced therein with exceeding joy and ordered him a splendid return-present. Now, there were, among the gifts, certain aromatic roots of which he would have the merchant acquaint him with the names and uses; so he said to him, “Abide with us this night.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when the man landed on the island, he performed the Wuzu-ablution to cleanse himself from the sea’s impurities and called to prayer. As he stood in his devotion, various sea creatures emerged and prayed with him. Once he finished, he went to a tree and satisfied his hunger with its fruit; then he found a spring of water, drank from it, and praised Allah, who deserves all honor and glory! He stayed there for three days, and whenever he stood to pray, the sea creatures came out and prayed just as he did. On the third day, he heard a voice calling out, ‘O just and pious man, who honored your father and revered your Lord's decrees, do not grieve, for Allah (exalted and glorified be He!) will restore to you all that you lost. In this island are treasures, wealth, and valuable things that the Almighty wills for you to inherit, and they are in a certain part of this place. Bring them to light; we will send ships to you; and be sure to give to the people and invite them to you.’ So he sought that place, and the Lord revealed the treasures to him. Soon ships began arriving, and he generously rewarded the crews, telling them, ‘Make sure you guide the people to me, and I will give them this and that.’ As a result, people came from all over, and within ten years the island was populated, and the man became its King.[500] No one came to him without being treated generously, and his name spread far and wide across the earth. His elder son fell into the hands of a man who raised him and taught him social graces, while the younger was adopted by someone who provided him a good education and trained him in the ways of merchants. The wife encountered a trader who entrusted his property to her, promising he wouldn’t betray her and would help her obey Allah (to whom belongs Majesty and Might!); he would take her with him on his journeys. The elder son heard about the King and decided to visit, not knowing who he was, and was welcomed by the King, who made him his secretary. Meanwhile, the other son learned of the King’s piety and justice and was also taken into service as a steward. The brothers remained together for a while, unaware of each other, until the merchant, who was housing their mother, also heard of the King’s fairness and generosity, loaded a ship with fine goods and other excellent products, and took the woman with him to sail for the island. They arrived safely and presented their gifts to the King, who was filled with great joy and promised them a splendid return gift. Among the gifts were some aromatic roots, and he asked the merchant to tell him their names and uses; he said, ‘Stay with us tonight.’——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped with her tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the King said, “Abide with us this night,” the merchant replied, “We have in the ship one to whom I have promised to entrust the care of her to none save myself; and the same is a holy woman whose prayers have brought me weal and I have felt the blessing of her counsels.” Rejoined the King, “I will send her some trusty men, who shall pass the night in the ship and guard her and all that is with her.” The merchant agreed to this and abode with the King, who called his secretary and steward and said to them, “Go and pass the night in this man’s ship and keep it safe, Inshallah!” So they went up into the ship and seating themselves, this on the 292poop and that on the bow, passed a part of the night in repeating the names of Allah (to whom belong Majesty and Might!). Then quoth one to the other, “Ho, such an one! The King bade us keep watch and I fear lest sleep overtake us; so, come, let us discourse of stories of fortune and of the good we have seen and the trials of life.” Quoth the other, “O my brother, as for my trials Fate parted me from my mother and a brother of mine, whose name was even as thine; and the cause of our parting was this. My father took ship with us from such a place, and the winds rose against us and were contrary, so that the ship was wrecked and Allah broke our fair companionship.” Hearing this the first asked, “What was the name of thy mother, O my brother?”; and the second answered, “So and so.” Said the elder, “And of thy father?”; said the younger, “So and so.” Thereat brother threw himself upon brother saying, “By Allah, thou art my very brother!” And each fell to telling the other what had befallen him in his youth, whilst the mother heard all they said, but held her peace and in patience possessed her soul. Now when it was morning, one said to the other, “Come, brother, let us go to my lodging and talk there;” and the other said, “‘Tis well.” So they went away and presently, the merchant came back and finding the woman in great trouble, said to her, “What hath befallen thee and why this concern?” Quoth she, “Thou sentest to me yesternight men who tempted me to evil, and I have been in sore annoy with them.” At this, he was wroth and, repairing to the King, reported the conduct of his two trusty wights. The King summoned the twain forthwith, as he loved them for their fidelity and piety; and, sending for the woman, that he might hear from her own lips what she had to say against them, thus bespake her, “O woman, what hath betided thee from these two men in whom I trust?” She replied, “O King, I conjure thee by the Almighty, the Bountiful One, the Lord of the Empyrean, bid them repeat the words they spoke yesternight.” So he said to them, “Say what ye said and conceal naught thereof.” Accordingly, they repeated their talk, and lo! the King rising from his throne, gave a great cry and threw himself upon them, embracing them and saying, “By Allah, ye are my very sons!” Therewith the woman unveiled her face and said, “And by Allah, I am their very mother.” So they were united and abode in all solace of life and its delight till death parted them; and so glory be to Him who delivereth His servant when he resorteth to Him, and disappointeth not his hope in Him and his trust! And how well saith the poet on the subject:—
She said, "I've heard, O esteemed King, that when the King said, 'Stay with us tonight,' the merchant replied, 'I have someone on the ship whom I promised to take care of myself; she is a holy woman whose prayers have brought me well-being, and I have felt the blessing of her advice.' The King responded, 'I'll send some trustworthy men to spend the night on the ship and protect her and everything with her.' The merchant agreed and stayed with the King, who called his secretary and steward and said to them, 'Go and stay overnight on this man's ship and keep it safe, Inshallah!' So they went aboard the ship, one sitting on the stern and the other on the bow, and spent part of the night repeating the names of Allah (to whom belongs Majesty and Might!). Then one said to the other, 'Hey, let’s keep watch as the King commanded, but I fear we might fall asleep; let’s share some stories of fortune and the good things we've experienced as well as the trials of life.' The other replied, 'My brother, regarding my trials, fate separated me from my mother and a brother of mine, who had the same name as you; here's how we parted. My father took us on a ship from a certain place, and contrary winds struck us, causing the ship to wreck, and Allah broke our happy gathering.' On hearing this, the first one asked, 'What was your mother's name, brother?' The second answered, 'So and so.' The first asked, 'And your father's name?' The second replied, 'So and so.' At this, one brother threw himself upon the other, saying, 'By Allah, you are my actual brother!' They then started sharing what had happened to them in their younger days, while their mother listened to everything they said, remaining silent and patient. When morning came, one said to the other, 'Come, brother, let’s go to my place and talk there;' the other agreed. So they left, and soon after, the merchant returned to find the woman deeply troubled and asked her, 'What happened to you, and why are you so distressed?' She replied, 'You sent men to me last night who tempted me to do wrong, and I’ve been very upset by them.' Hearing this, he became angry and went to the King to report his two trustworthy men’s behavior. The King immediately summoned them because he valued their loyalty and piety and sent for the woman to hear her side of the story. He asked her, 'O woman, what happened with these two men whom I trust?' She replied, 'O King, I urge you by the Almighty, the Generous One, the Lord of the Heavens, to have them repeat the words they spoke last night.' So he told them, 'Say what you said and don’t hide anything.' They repeated their conversation, and when the King heard it, he rose from his throne, cried out loudly, and embraced them, saying, 'By Allah, you are my true sons!' Then the woman unveiled her face and said, 'And by Allah, I am their true mother.' They were reunited and lived in happiness and joy until death separated them; glory be to Him who delivers His servant when they turn to Him and never disappoints their hope and trust in Him! And how well the poet puts it:"
And this tale is told of
And this story is told of
499. Koran xiii. 41.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. Quran 13:41.
500. Robinson Crusoe, with a touch of Arab prayerfulness. Also the story of the Knight Placidus in the Gesta (cx.), Boccaccio, etc.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Robinson Crusoe, infused with a sense of peaceful devotion. It’s also the tale of Knight Placidus in the Gesta (cx.), Boccaccio, and others.
I had been many times to Meccah (Allah increase its honour!) and the folk used to follow me for my knowledge of the road and remembrance of the water-stations. It happened one year that I was minded to make the pilgrimage to the Holy House and visitation of the tomb of His Prophet (on whom be blessing and peace!), and I said in myself, “I well know the way and will fare alone.” So I set out and journeyed till I came to Al-Kadisíyah[502] and, 294entering the mosque there, saw a man suffering from black leprosy seated in the prayer-niche. Quoth he on seeing me, “O Abu al-Hasan, I crave thy company to Meccah.” Quoth I to myself, “I fled from all my companions, and how shall I company with lepers?” So I said to him, “I will bear no man company”; and he was silent at my words. Next day I walked on alone, till I came to Al-Akabah,[503] where I entered the mosque and found the leper seated in the prayer-niche. So I said to myself, “Glory be to Allah! how hath this fellow preceded me hither?” But he raised his head to me and said with a smile, “O Abu al-Hasan, He doth for the weak that which surpriseth the strong!” I passed that night confounded at what I had seen; and, as soon as morning dawned, set out again by myself; but when I came to Arafat[504] and entered the mosque, behold, there was the leper seated in the niche! So I threw myself upon him and kissing his feet said, “O my lord, I crave thy company.” But he answered, “This may in no way be.” Then I began weeping and wailing at the loss of his converse, when he said, “Spare thy tears which will avail thee naught!”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
I had been to Mecca many times (may Allah increase its honor!), and people would follow me for my knowledge of the route and the water stations. One year, I decided to make the pilgrimage to the Holy House and visit the tomb of His Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), telling myself, “I know the way well and will go alone.” So I set out and traveled until I reached Al-Kadisiyah[502], and when I entered the mosque there, I saw a man suffering from leprosy sitting in the prayer niche. He looked at me and said, “O Abu al-Hasan, I seek your company to Mecca.” I thought to myself, “I have escaped from all my companions; how can I travel with a leper?” So I told him, “I don’t want to travel with anyone,” and he fell silent at my words. The next day, I continued walking alone until I arrived at Al-Akabah[503], where I entered the mosque and once again found the leper sitting in the prayer niche. I thought, “Glory be to Allah! How did this man get here before me?” But he looked up at me and smiled, saying, “O Abu al-Hasan, He does for the weak what surprises the strong!” I spent that night confused by what I had witnessed; as soon as morning broke, I set out again by myself. However, when I reached Arafat[504] and entered the mosque, there was the leper again sitting in the niche! I rushed to him, kissed his feet, and said, “O my lord, I seek your company.” But he replied, “That can’t be.” I began to weep over the loss of his companionship, and he said, “Stop your tears; they won’t help you!” — And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Abu al-Hasan continued:—Now when I saw the leper-man seated in the prayer-niche, I threw myself upon him and said, “O my lord, I crave thy company;” and fell to kissing his feet. But he answered, “This may in no way be!” Then I began weeping and wailing at the loss of his company when he said, “Spare thy tears which will avail thee naught!”; and he recited these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that Abu al-Hasan went on:—When I saw the leper sitting in the prayer-niche, I threw myself at his feet and said, ‘O my lord, I long for your company;’ and I started kissing his feet. But he replied, ‘This cannot be!’ Then I began to cry and lament the loss of his company when he said, ‘Stop your tears; they won’t help you!’; and he recited these lines:—
Accordingly, I left him; but every station I came to, I found he had foregone me, till I reached Al-Medinah, where I lost sight of him and could hear no tidings of him. Here I met Abu Yazíd al-Bustámi and Abu Bakr al-Shibli and a number of other Shaykhs and learned men, to whom with many complaints, I told my case and they said, “Heaven forbid that thou shouldst gain his company after this! He was Abu Ja’afar the leper, in whose name folk at all times pray for rain and by whose blessing-prayers their end attain.” When I heard their words, my desire for his company redoubled and I implored the Almighty to reunite me with him. Whilst I was standing on Arafat,[505] one pulled me from behind, so I turned and behold, it was my man. At this sight I cried out with a loud cry and fell down in a fainting fit; but, when I came to myself he had disappeared from my sight. This increased my yearning for him and the ceremonies were tedious to me and I prayed Almighty Allah to give me sight of him; nor was it but a few days after, when lo! one pulled me from behind, and I turned and it was he again. Thereupon he said, “Come, I conjure thee and ask thy want of me.” So I begged him to pray for me three prayers; first, that Allah would make me love poverty; secondly, that I might never lie down at night upon provision assured to me; and thirdly, that He would vouchsafe me to look upon His bountiful Face. So he prayed for me as I wished, and departed from me. And indeed Allah hath granted me what the devotee asked in prayer: to begin with He hath made me so love poverty that, by the Almighty! there is naught in the world dearer to me than it, and secondly since such a year, I have never lain down to sleep upon assured provision; withal hath He never let me lack aught. As for the third prayer, I trust that He will vouchsafe me that also, 296even as He hath granted the two precedent for right Bountiful and Beneficent is His Godhead, and Allah have mercy on him who said:[506]—
Accordingly, I left him, but at every stop along the way, I found he had left before me, until I reached Al-Medinah, where I lost sight of him entirely and couldn’t get any news about him. There, I met Abu Yazíd al-Bustámi, Abu Bakr al-Shibli, and several other scholars and learned men. I shared my complaints with them, and they said, “Heaven forbid you should gain his company after this! He was Abu Ja’afar the leper, the one for whom people always pray for rain and whose blessings are sought in their prayers.” When I heard their words, my longing for his company increased, and I implored the Almighty to bring us together again. While I was standing on Arafat,[505] someone pulled me from behind, and when I turned around, it was my man. Upon seeing him, I cried out loudly and fainted; but when I came to, he had vanished from my sight. This only deepened my desire for him, and the rituals felt laborious to me as I prayed to Almighty Allah to let me see him again. A few days later, someone pulled me from behind again, and when I looked, it was him once more. He said, “Come, I urge you, and ask what you want from me.” So I asked him to pray for me three things: first, that Allah would help me love poverty; second, that I would never go to sleep at night with my needs fully met; and third, that He would allow me to see His generous Face. He prayed for me as I asked and then left. Indeed, Allah granted me what the devotee prayed for: first, He made me love poverty so much that, I swear by the Almighty, there is nothing in the world I cherish more. Secondly, since that year, I have never gone to sleep with my provisions assured; yet He has never let me lack for anything. As for the third prayer, I trust He will grant me that too, 296 just as He has granted the first two. Right Bountiful and Beneficent is His Godhead, and may Allah have mercy on him who said:[506]—
And they also tell a tale of
And they also tell a story of
501. Arabs note two kinds of leprosy, “Bahak” or “Baras” the common or white, and “Juzám” the black leprosy; the leprosy of the joints, mal rouge. Both are attributed to undue diet as eating fish and drinking milk; and both are treated with tonics, especially arsenic. Leprosy is regarded by Moslems as a Scriptural malady on account of its prevalence amongst the Israelites who, as Manetho tells us, were expelled from Egypt because they infected and polluted the population. In mediæval Christendom an idea prevailed that the Saviour was a leper; hence the term “morbus sacer”; the honours paid to the sufferers by certain Saints and the Papal address (Clement III. A.D. 1189) dilectis filiis leprosis. (Farrar’s Life of Christ, i. 149.) For the “disgusting and impetuous lust” caused by leprosy, see Sonnini (p. 560) who visited the lepers at Canea in Candia. He is one of many who describes this symptom; but in the Brazil, where the foul malady still prevails, I never heard of it.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arabs recognize two types of leprosy: “Bahak” or “Baras,” which is the common or white type, and “Juzám,” the black leprosy, which affects the joints, known as red lipstick. Both are thought to result from improper diets such as eating fish and drinking milk, and both are treated with tonics, especially arsenic. Moslems view leprosy as a Scriptural disease due to its prevalence among the Israelites, who, according to Manetho, were expelled from Egypt because they contaminated the population. In medieval Christendom, there was a belief that the Saviour was a leper, hence the term “morbus sacer”; certain Saints honored the sufferers, as did the Papal address (Clement III. A.D. 1189) chosen sons of lepers. (Farrar’s Life of Christ, i. 149.) For the “disgusting and impetuous lust” associated with leprosy, see Sonnini (p. 560), who visited the lepers in Canea, Candia. He is one of many who describe this symptom; however, in Brazil, where the disease still exists, I never heard of it.
502. A city in Irak; famous for the three days’ battle which caused the death of Yezdegird, last Sassanian king.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A city in Iraq; known for the three-day battle that led to the death of Yezdegird, the last Sassanian king.
503. A mountain pass near Meccah famous for the “First Fealty of the Steep” (Pilgrimage ii. 126). The mosque was built to commemorate the event.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A mountain pass near Mecca known for the “First Pledge of the Steep” (Pilgrimage ii. 126). The mosque was constructed to honor this event.
504. To my surprise I read in Mr. Redhouse’s “Mesnevi” (Trübner, 1881), “Arafat, the mount where the victims are slaughtered by the pilgrims” (p. 60). This ignorance is phenomenal. Did Mr. Redhouse never read Burckhardt or Burton?
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.To my surprise, I read in Mr. Redhouse’s “Mesnevi” (Trübner, 1881), “Arafat, the mountain where the victims are slaughtered by the pilgrims” (p. 60). This lack of knowledge is astounding. Did Mr. Redhouse never read Burckhardt or Burton?
505. i.e. listening to the sermon.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. tuning in to the sermon.
506. It is sad doggrel.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. It's sad doggerel.
There was once, in days of yore and in ages and times long gone before, a Grecian sage called Daniel, who had disciples and scholars; and the wise men of Greece were obedient to his bidding and relied upon his learning. Withal had Allah denied him a man-child. One night, as he lay musing and weeping over the lack of a son who might inherit his lore, he bethought him that Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) heareth the prayer of those who resort to Him and that there is no doorkeeper at the door of His bounties and that He favoureth whom He will without compt and sendeth no supplicant empty away; nay He filleth their hands with favours and benefits. So he besought the Almighty, the Bountiful, to vouchsafe him a son to succeed him, and to endow him abundantly with His beneficence. Then he returned home and carnally knew his wife who conceived by him the same night.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
There was once, in a time long ago, a Greek wise man named Daniel, who had followers and scholars; the wise men of Greece listened to him and trusted his knowledge. However, Allah had not granted him a son. One night, as he lay reflecting and crying over the absence of a son to inherit his wisdom, he remembered that Allah (glory be to Him!) hears the prayers of those who turn to Him and that there is no one stopping access to His blessings. He gives favor to whom He wishes without any account, and He never sends a supplicant away empty-handed; rather, He fills their hands with gifts and benefits. So he prayed to the Almighty, the Generous, to grant him a son to carry on his legacy and to richly bless him with His kindness. Afterward, he went home and had relations with his wife, who conceived that very night. —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed words.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Grecian sage returned home and knew his wife who conceived by him the same night. A few days after this he took ship for a certain place, but the ship was wrecked and he saved himself on one of her planks, while only five leaves remained to him of all the books he had. When he returned home, he laid the five leaves in a box and locking it, gave the key to his wife (who then showed big with child), and said to her, “Know that my decease is at hand and that the time draweth nigh for my translation from this abode temporal to the home which is eternal. Now thou art with child and after my death wilt haply bear a son: if this be so, name him Hásib Karím al-Dín[508] and rear him with the best of rearing. When the boy shall grow up and shall say to thee:—What inheritance 298did my father leave me? give him these five leaves, which when he shall have read and understood, he will be the most learned man of his time.” Then he farewelled her and heaving one sigh, departed the world and all that is therein—the mercy of Allah the Most Highest be upon Him! His family and friends wept over him and washed him and bore him forth in great state and buried him; after which they wended their ways home. But few days passed ere his widow bare a handsome boy and named him Hasib Karim al-Din, as her husband charged her; and immediately after his birth she summoned the astrologers, who calculated his ascendants and drawing his horoscope, said to her, “Know, O woman! that this birth will live many a year; but that will be after a great peril in the early part of his life, wherefrom an he escape, he will be given the knowledge of all the exact sciences.” So saying they went their ways. She suckled him two years,[509] then weaned him, and when he was five years old, she placed him in a school to learn his book, but he would read nothing. So she took him from school and set him to learn a trade; but he would not master any craft and there came no work from his hands. The mother wept over this and the folk said to her, “Marry him: haply he will take heart for his wife and learn him a trade.” So she sought out a girl and married him to her; but, despite marriage and the lapse of time, he remained idle as before, and would do nothing. One day, some neighbours of hers, who were woodcutters, came to her and said, “Buy thy son an ass and cords and an axe and let him go with us to the mountain and we will all of us cut wood for fuel. The price of the wood shall be his and ours, and he shall provide thee and his wife with his share.” When she heard this, she joyed with exceeding joy and bought her son an ass and cords and hatchet; then, carrying him to the woodcutters, delivered him into their hands and solemnly committed him to their care. Said they, “Have no concern for the boy, our Lord 299will provide him: he is the son of our Shaykh.” So they carried him to the mountain, where they cut firewood and loaded their asses therewith; then returned to the city and, selling what they had cut, spent the monies on their families. This they did on the next day and the third and ceased not for some time, till it chanced one day, a violent storm of rain broke over them, and they took refuge in a great cave till the downfall should pass away. Now Hasib Karim al-Din went apart from the rest into a corner of the cavern and sitting down, fell to smiting the floor with his axe. Presently he noted that the ground sounded hollow under the hatchet; so he dug there awhile and came to a round flagstone with a ring in it. When he saw this, he was glad and called his comrades the woodcutters,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that the Greek sage returned home and slept with his wife, who got pregnant that same night. A few days later, he boarded a ship to a certain place, but the ship sank. He saved himself by clinging to a plank, and all he had left were five pages from his books. When he got home, he put the five pages in a box, locked it, and handed the key to his wife (who was then visibly pregnant), saying, ‘Know that my death is near and that the time is coming for me to leave this temporary world for the eternal one. Now you are pregnant and, after my death, will likely have a son: if that happens, name him Hásib Karím al-Dín and raise him well. When the boy grows up and asks you, ‘What inheritance did my father leave me?’ give him these five pages, which, once he reads and understands them, will make him the most knowledgeable man of his time.’ Then he said goodbye to her, sighed once, and departed from this world—may the mercy of Allah the Most High be upon Him! His family and friends mourned for him, washed him, carried him in a grand manner, and buried him; afterward, they returned home. But just a few days later, his widow gave birth to a handsome boy and named him Hasib Karim al-Din, as her husband had instructed. Right after his birth, she called in astrologers, who reviewed his birth chart and said to her, ‘Know, O woman! This child will live for many years, but he will face great dangers early in life. If he survives, he will gain knowledge of all the exact sciences.’ Having said this, they left. She nursed him for two years, then weaned him. When he was five, she enrolled him in school to learn, but he wouldn’t read anything. So, she took him out of school and had him learn a trade; still, he wouldn’t master any craft, and nothing came from his efforts. The mother cried over this, and the townsfolk advised her, ‘Marry him off; maybe he’ll find motivation with a wife and learn a trade.’ So, she found a girl and married them; but despite the marriage and the passing time, he remained as idle as before, unwilling to do anything. One day, some neighbors of hers, who were woodcutters, said to her, ‘Buy your son a donkey, ropes, and an axe, and let him come with us to the mountain to chop wood for fuel. The wood’s sale will be shared between him and us, and he can provide for you and his wife with his portion.’ When she heard this, she was very happy and bought her son a donkey, ropes, and an axe; then she took him to the woodcutters, entrusted him to their care. They said, ‘Don’t worry about him; our Lord will take care of him; he is the son of our Shaykh.’ So they took him to the mountain, where they cut firewood and loaded their donkeys with it; then they returned to the city, sold what they had cut, and spent the money on their families. They did this for a few days until one day, a violent storm hit, and they took shelter in a large cave until the rain stopped. Hasib Karim al-Din moved away from the others to a corner of the cave, sat down, and began chopping at the ground with his axe. Soon he noticed that the ground sounded hollow under the axe; so he dug for a while and found a round stone slab with a ring on it. When he saw this, he was excited and called his fellow woodcutters—And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted tale.”
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasib Karim al-Din saw the flagstone with the ring, he was glad and called his comrades the woodcutters, who came to him and, finding it was fact, soon pulled up the stone and discovered under it a trap-door, which, being opened, showed a cistern full of bees’ honey.[510] Then said they to one another, “This is a large store and we have nothing for it but to return to the city and fetch vessels wherein to carry away the honey, and sell it and divide the price, whilst one of us stands by the cistern, to guard it from outsiders.” Quoth Hasib, “I will stay and keep watch over it till you bring your pots and pans.” So they left him on guard there and, repairing to the city, fetched vessels, which they filled with honey and loading their asses therewith, carried them to the streets and sold the contents. They returned on the morrow and thus they did several days in succession, sleeping in the town by night and drawing off the stuff by day, whilst Hasib abode on guard by it till but little remained, when they said one to other, “It was Hasib Karim al-Din found the honey, and to-morrow he will come down to the city and complain against us and claim the price of it, saying, ‘Twas I found it; nor is there escape for us but that we 300let him down into the cistern, to bale out the rest of the honey, and leave him there; so will he die of hunger, and none shall know of him.” They all fell in with this plot as they were making for the place; and, when they reached it, one said to him, “O Hasib, go down into the pit and bale out for us the rest of the honey.” So he went down and passed up to them what remained of the honey, after which he said to them, “Draw me up, for there is nothing left.” They made him no answer; but, loading their asses, went off to the city and left him alone in the cistern. Thereupon he fell to weeping and crying, “There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!” Such was his case; but as regards his comrades, when they reached the city and sold the honey, they repaired to Hasib’s mother, weeping, and said to her, “May thy head outlive thy son Hasib!” She asked, “What brought about his death?” and they answered, “We were cutting wood on the mountain-top, when there fell on us a heavy downfall of rain and we took shelter from it in a cavern; and suddenly thy son’s ass broke loose and fled into the valley, and he ran after it, to turn it back, when there came out upon them a great wolf, who tore thy son in pieces and ravined the ass.” When the mother heard this, she beat her face and strewed dust on her head and fell to mourning for her son; and she kept life and soul together only by the meat and drink which they brought her every day. As for the woodcutters they opened them shops and became merchants and spent their lives in eating and drinking and laughing and frolicking. Meanwhile Hasib Karim al-Din, who ceased not to weep and call for help, sat down upon the cistern-edge when behold, a great scorpion fell down on him; so he rose and killed it. Then he took thought and said, “The cistern was full of honey; how came this scorpion here?” Accordingly he got up and examined the well right and left, till he found a crevice from which the scorpion had fallen and saw the light of day shining through it. So he took out his woodman’s knife and enlarged the hole, till it was big as a window, when he crept through it and, after walking for some time, came to a vast gallery, which led him to a huge door of black iron bearing a padlock of silver wherein was a key of gold. He stole up to the door and, looking through the chink, saw a great light shining within; so he took the key and, opening the door, went on for some time, till he came to a large artificial lake, wherein he caught sight of something that shimmered like silver. He walked up to it and at last he saw, 301hard by a hillock of green jasper and on the hill-top, a golden throne studded with all manner gems,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when Hasib Karim al-Din saw the flagstone with the ring, he felt thrilled and called his fellow woodcutters. They gathered around, and once they confirmed it was true, they quickly lifted the stone and found a trapdoor beneath it. When they opened it, they discovered a cistern brimming with honey from bees. [510] Then they said to one another, 'This is a lot of honey, and we should return to the city to get containers to carry it away, sell it, and split the profits, while one of us stays here to guard the cistern from outsiders.' Hasib said, 'I'll stay and watch it until you bring back your containers.' So they left him on guard and headed back to the city to fetch containers, which they filled with honey. They loaded their donkeys and sold the honey in the streets. They returned the next day and continued this for several days, sleeping in town at night and taking the honey during the day, while Hasib remained on guard until only a little was left. Then they said to each other, 'Hasib Karim al-Din found the honey. Tomorrow, he will come to the city and complain against us, wanting a share, claiming, "I found it." The only way for us to escape is to let him down into the cistern to get the remaining honey, and leave him there; this way, he will starve, and no one will know.' They all agreed to this plan as they made their way back to him, and when they arrived, one of them said, 'O Hasib, go down into the pit and get the rest of the honey for us.' He went down and passed up the remaining honey, after which he said, 'Pull me up, for there’s nothing left.' They gave him no answer. Instead, they loaded their donkeys and went back to the city, leaving him alone in the cistern. He began to weep and cry out, 'There is no power and no strength except in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!' This was his situation; as for his companions, when they got to the city and sold the honey, they went to Hasib's mother, weeping. They told her, 'May you outlive your son Hasib!' She asked, 'What happened to him?' They replied, 'We were cutting wood on the mountain when a heavy rain suddenly fell, and we took shelter in a cave. Suddenly your son's donkey broke loose and ran into the valley, and he chased after it to bring it back when a huge wolf came out and tore your son apart while attacking the donkey.' When the mother heard this, she beat her face, threw dust on her head, and mourned for her son; she could only survive on the food and drink they brought her each day. Meanwhile, the woodcutters opened shops and became merchants, spending their lives eating, drinking, laughing, and having fun. Meanwhile, Hasib Karim al-Din, still crying and calling for help, sat on the edge of the cistern. Suddenly, a large scorpion fell onto him, so he got up and killed it. Then he thought, 'The cistern was full of honey; how did this scorpion get here?' He got up and checked the well and found a crack through which the scorpion had fallen and saw daylight shining through it. He took his woodcutter's knife and widened the hole until it was the size of a window, then he crawled through it. After walking for a while, he came to a huge passageway that led him to a gigantic iron door with a silver padlock and a golden key inside. He sneaked up to the door and looked through the crack, noticing a bright light shining within. He took the key, opened the door, and went on for a while until he reached a large artificial lake, where he noticed something shimmering like silver. As he approached, he finally saw nearby a hill made of green jasper, and on top of the hill, a golden throne adorned with all kinds of gems — and Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasib reached the hillock he found it of green jasper surmounted by a golden throne studded with all manner gems, round which were set many stools, some of gold, some of silver and others of leek-green emerald. He clomb the hillock and, counting the stools, found them twelve thousand in number; then he mounted the throne which was set on the centre and, seating himself thereon, fell to wondering at the lake and the stools, and he marvelled till drowsiness overcame him and he dropt asleep. Presently, he was aroused by a loud snorting and hissing and rustling, so he opened his eyes; and, sitting up, saw each stool occupied by a huge serpent, an hundred cubits in length. At this sight, great fear gat hold of him; his spittle dried up for the excess of his dread and he despaired of life, as all their eyes were blazing like live coals. Then he turned towards the lake and saw that what he had taken for shimmering water was a multitude of small snakes, none knoweth their compt save Allah the Most High. After awhile, there came up to him a serpent as big as a mule, bearing on its back a tray of gold, wherein lay another serpent which shone like crystal and whose face was as that of a woman[511] and who spake with human speech. And as soon as she was brought up to Hasib, she saluted him and he returned the salutation. Thereupon, one of the serpents seated on the stools came up and, lifting her off the tray, set her on one of the seats and she cried out to the other serpents in their language, whereupon they all fell down from their stools and did her homage. But she signed to them to sit and they did so. Then she addressed 302Hasib, saying, “Have no fear of us, O youth; for I am the Queen of the Serpents and their Sultánah.” When he heard her speak on this wise, he took heart and she bade the serpents bring him somewhat of food.[512] So they brought apples and grapes and pomegranates and pistachio-nuts and filberts and walnuts and almonds and bananas and set them before him, and the Queen-serpent said, “Welcome, O youth! What is thy name?” Answered he, “Hasib Karim al-Din;” and she rejoined, “O Hasib, eat of these fruits, for we have no other meat and fear thou nothing from us at all.” Hearing this, he ate his fill and praised Allah Almighty; and presently they took away the trays from before him, and the Queen said, “Tell me, O Hasib, whence thou art and how camest thou hither and what hath befallen thee.” So he told her his story from first to last, the death of his father; his birth; his being sent to school where he learnt nothing; his becoming a wood-cutter; his finding the honey-cistern; his being abandoned therein; his killing the scorpion; his widening the crevice; his finding the iron door and his coming upon the Queen, and he ended his long tale with saying, “These be my adventures from beginning to end and only Allah wotteth what will betide me after all this!” Quoth the Queen, after listening to his words, “Nothing save good shall betide thee:”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O noble King, that when Hasib reached the hill, he found it made of green jasper topped with a golden throne adorned with all kinds of gems. Surrounding it were many stools, some made of gold, some of silver, and others of a leek-green emerald. He climbed the hill and counted the stools, finding there were twelve thousand in total. Then he sat on the throne in the center, marveling at the lake and the stools, until drowsiness overcame him and he fell asleep. Soon, he was awakened by a loud snorting, hissing, and rustling, so he opened his eyes and sat up to see each stool occupied by a huge serpent, each one a hundred cubits long. This sight filled him with great fear; his mouth dried up from terror, and he lost hope for his life, as their eyes burned like live coals. Then he looked at the lake and realized that what he had thought was shimmering water was actually a mass of small snakes, none of which could be counted except by Allah the Most High. After a while, a serpent as big as a mule approached him, carrying on its back a golden tray with another serpent that sparkled like crystal and had a face like that of a woman[511] who spoke in human language. As soon as she was presented to Hasib, she greeted him, and he returned the greeting. Then, one of the serpents on the stools came forward, lifted her off the tray, and placed her on one of the seats. She called out to the other serpents in their language, at which point they all bowed down from their stools in respect. But she motioned for them to sit, and they obeyed. Then she spoke to Hasib, saying, 'Do not be afraid of us, young man; for I am the Queen of the Serpents and their Sultánah.' Hearing her words, he felt reassured, and she instructed the serpents to bring him some food.[512] So they brought him apples, grapes, pomegranates, pistachios, filberts, walnuts, almonds, and bananas and set them before him. The Queen-serpent said, 'Welcome, young man! What is your name?' He replied, 'Hasib Karim al-Din;' and she responded, 'O Hasib, eat of these fruits, for we have no other food, and do not fear anything from us.' Hearing this, he ate his fill and praised Allah Almighty. Soon they took away the trays, and the Queen said, 'Tell me, O Hasib, where are you from, how did you get here, and what has happened to you?' So he told her his entire story from beginning to end: the death of his father, his birth, his time in school where he learned nothing, his work as a woodcutter, his discovery of the honey-cistern, his abandonment there, his killing of the scorpion, his widening the crevice, finding the iron door, and encountering the Queen. He concluded his long tale by saying, 'These are my adventures from start to finish, and only Allah knows what will happen to me after all this!' The Queen responded after listening to him, 'Only good things will come to you:'—And Shahrazad recognized the dawn of day and stopped her narration.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Serpent-queen had heard his story she said, “Nothing save good shall betide thee: but I would have thee, O Hasib, abide with me some time, that I may tell thee my history and acquaint thee with the wondrous adventures which have happened to me.” “I hear and obey thy hest,” answered he; and she began to tell in these words,
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when the Serpent-queen heard his story, she replied, 'Only good things will come to you. But I want you, O Hasib, to stay with me for a while so I can share my story and tell you about the amazing adventures I've had.' 'I hear and will follow your request,' he responded; and she began to say these words,
Know thou, O Hasib, there was once in the city of Cairo a King of the Banu Isra’íl, a wise and a pious, who was bent double by poring over books of learning, and he had a son named Bulúkiyá. When he grew old and weak and was nigh upon death, his Grandees and Officers of state came up to salute him, and he said to them, “O folk, know that at hand is the hour of my march from this world to the next, and I have no charge to lay on you, save to commend to your care my son Bulukiya.” Then said he, “I testify that there is no god save the God;” and, heaving one sigh, departed the world—the mercy of Allah be upon him! They laid him out and washed him and buried him with a procession of great state. Then they made his son Bulukiya Sultan in his stead; and he ruled the kingdom justly and the people had peace in his time. Now it befel one day that he entered his father’s treasuries, to look about him, and coming upon an inner compartment and finding the semblance of a door opened it and passed in. And lo! he found himself in a little closet, wherein stood a column of white marble, on the top of which was a casket of ebony; he opened this also and saw therein another casket of gold, containing a book. He read the book and found in it an account of our lord Mohammed (whom Allah bless and preserve!) and how he should be sent in the latter days[513] and be the lord of the first Prophets and the last. On seeing the personal description Bulukiya’s heart was taken with love of him, so he at once assembled all the notables of the Children of Israel, the Cohens or diviners, the scribes and the priests, and acquainted them with the book, reading portions of it to them and, adding, “O folk, needs must I bring my father out of his grave and burn him.” 304The lieges asked, “Why wilt thou burn him?”; and he answered, “Because he hid this book from me and imparted it not to me.” Now the old King had excerpted it from the Torah or Pentateuch and the Books of Abraham; and had set it in one of his treasuries and concealed it from all living. Rejoined they, “O King, thy father is dead; his body is in the dust and his affair is in the hands of his Lord; thou shalt not take him forth of his tomb.” So he knew that they would not suffer him to do this thing by his sire and leaving them he repaired to his mother, to whom said he, “O my mother, I have found, in one of my father’s treasuries, a book containing a description of Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!), a prophet who shall be sent in the latter days; and my heart is captivated with love of him. Wherefore am I resolved to wander over the earth, till I foregather with him; else I shall die of longing for his love.” Then he doffed his clothes and donned an Abá-gown of goat’s hair and coarse sandals, saying, “O my mother, forget me not in thy prayers.” She wept over him and said, “What will become of us after thee?”; but Bulukiya answered, “I can endure no longer, and I commit my affair and thine to Allah who is Almighty.” Then he set out on foot Syria-wards without the knowledge of any of his folk, and coming to the sea-board found a vessel whereon he shipped as one of the crew. They sailed till he made an island, where Bulukiya landed with the crew, but straying away from the rest he sat down under a tree and sleep got the better of him. When he awoke, he sought the ship but found that she had set sail without him, and in that island he saw serpents as big as camels and palm-trees, which repeated the names of Allah (be He extolled and exalted!) and blessed Mohammed (whom the Lord assain and save!), proclaiming the Unity and glorifying the Glorious; whereat he wondered——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Know this, O Hasib, there was once a King of the Banu Isra’il in the city of Cairo, a wise and pious man, who was hunched over from reading books of knowledge, and he had a son named Bulúkiyá. When he grew old and weak and was close to death, his nobles and government officials came to pay their respects. He said to them, “People, know that the time has come for me to leave this world, and I have no request to make of you except to take care of my son Bulukiya.” Then he declared, “I bear witness that there is no god but God;” and with a single sigh, he passed away—may Allah have mercy on him! They prepared his body, washed him, and buried him with a grand procession. Afterward, they made his son Bulukiya Sultan in his place; he ruled the kingdom justly and the people enjoyed peace during his reign. One day, he went into his father’s treasury to explore, and when he came across a door, he opened it and went inside. There, he found a small room with a white marble column, on top of which was an ebony box; he opened it and found another box made of gold, containing a book. He read the book and discovered an account of our lord Mohammed (may Allah bless and preserve him!) and how he would come in the latter days and be the greatest of all Prophets. Upon seeing the description, Bulukiya fell in love with him, so he gathered all the notable members of the Children of Israel, the priests, the scribes, and the diviners, and shared the book with them, reading parts of it aloud, adding, “People, I must bring my father out of his grave and burn him.” The people asked, “Why do you want to burn him?” He replied, “Because he hid this book from me and did not share it with me.” The old King had taken it from the Torah or Pentateuch and the Books of Abraham; he had stored it in one of his treasuries and kept it hidden from everyone. They responded, “O King, your father is dead; his body is in the ground, and his affairs are in the hands of his Lord; you cannot take him out of his tomb.” So he realized they would not allow him to do this to his father, and leaving them, he went to his mother and said, “O my mother, I have found a book in one of my father’s treasuries that describes Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), a prophet who will come in the latter days, and my heart is filled with love for him. I am determined to wander the earth until I meet him; otherwise, I will die yearning for him.” Then he took off his clothes and put on a goat's hair cloak and rough sandals, saying, “O my mother, remember me in your prayers.” She wept for him and asked, “What will happen to us after you?” But Bulukiya replied, “I can’t endure this any longer, and I commit both my affairs and yours to Allah, who is Almighty.” Then he set out on foot toward Syria without his family's knowledge, and arriving at the coast, he found a ship where he joined the crew. They sailed until they reached an island, where Bulukiya landed with the crew. However, wandering away from the rest, he sat down under a tree and fell asleep. When he awoke, he searched for the ship but found it had sailed without him, and on that island, he saw serpents as large as camels and palm trees that repeated the names of Allah (may He be extolled and exalted!) and blessed Mohammed (may the Lord protect and save him!), proclaiming the Oneness and glorifying the Glorious; this amazed him—And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her narration.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya saw the serpents glorifying God and proclaiming the Unity, he wondered with extreme wonder. When they saw him, they flocked to him and one of them said to him, “Who and whence art thou, and whither goest thou, and what is thy name?” 305Quoth he, “My name is Bulukiya; I am of the Children of Israel and, being distracted for love of Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!), I come in quest of him. But who are ye, O noble creatures?” Answered they, “We are of the dwellers in the Jahannam-hell; and Almighty Allah created us for the punishment of Kafirs.” “And how came ye hither?” asked he, and the Serpents answered, “Know, O Bulukiya, that Hell[514] of the greatness of her boiling, breatheth twice a year, expiring in the summer and inspiring in the winter, and hence the summer-heat and winter-cold. When she exhaleth, she casteth us forth of her maw, and we are drawn in again with her inhaled breath.” Quoth Bulukiya, “Say me, are there greater serpents than you in Hell?”; and they said, “Of a truth we are cast out with the expired breath but by reason of our smallness; for in Hell every serpent is so great, that were the biggest of us to pass over its nose it would not feel us.[515]” Asked Bulukiya, “Ye sing the praises of Allah and invoke blessings on Mohammed, whom the Almighty assain and save! Whence wot ye of Mohammed?”; and they answered, “O Bulukiya, verily his name is written on the gates of Paradise; and, but for him, Allah had not created the worlds[516] nor Paradise, nor heaven nor hell nor earth, for He made all things that be, solely on his account, and hath conjoined his name with His own in every place; wherefore we love Mohammed, whom Allah bless and 306preserve!” Now hearing the serpents’ converse did but inflame Bulukiya’s love for Mohammed and yearning for his sight; so he took leave of them; and, making his way to the sea-shore, found there a ship made fast to the beach; he embarked therein as a seaman and sailed nor ceased sailing till he came to another island. Here he landed and walking about awhile found serpents great and small, none knoweth their number save Almighty Allah, and amongst them a white Serpent, clearer than crystal, seated in a golden tray borne on the back of another serpent as big as an elephant. Now this, O Hasib, was the Serpent-queen, none other than myself. Quoth Hasib, “And what answer didst thou make him?” Quoth she, “Know, O Hasib, that when I saw Bulukiya, I saluted him with the salam, and he returned my salutation,” and I said to him, “Who and what art thou and what is thine errand and whence comest thou and whither goest thou?” Answered he, “I am of the Children of Israel; my name is Bulukiya, and I am a wanderer for the love of Mohammed, whose description I have read in the revealed scriptures, and of whom I go in search. But what art thou and what are these serpents about thee?” Quoth I, “O Bulukiya, I am the Queen of the Serpents; and when thou shalt foregather with Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!) bear him my salutation.” Then Bulukiya took leave of me and journeyed till he came to the Holy City which is Jerusalem. Now there was in that stead a man who was deeply versed in all sciences, more especially in geometry and astronomy and mathematics, as well as in white magic[517] and Spiritualism; and he had studied the Pentateuch and the Evangel and the Psalms and the Books of Abraham. His name was Affán; and he had found in certain of his books, that whoso should wear the seal-ring of our lord Solomon, men and Jinn and birds and beasts and all created things would be bound to obey him. Moreover, he had discovered that our lord Solomon had been buried in a coffin which was miraculously transported beyond the Seven Seas to the place of burial;——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya saw the serpents praising God and declaring His unity, he was filled with awe. When the serpents noticed him, they gathered around him, and one of them asked, 'Who are you, where do you come from, where are you going, and what is your name?'” 305 He replied, “My name is Bulukiya; I am one of the Children of Israel, and driven by my love for Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), I am searching for him. But who are you, O noble beings?" They answered, “We dwell in Hell, known as Jahannam; and Almighty Allah created us to punish the Kafirs.” “And how did you end up here?” he asked. The serpents replied, “Know this, O Bulukiya: Hell, because of its intense heat, breathes twice a year, exhaling in the summer and inhaling in the winter, which is why we have summer heat and winter cold. When it exhales, it ejects us from its depths, and we are pulled back in with its inhaled breath.” Bulukiya asked, “Are there larger serpents than you in Hell?”; they said, “Indeed, we are expelled with the exhaled breath merely because of our small size, for in Hell every serpent is so enormous that if the largest of us were to crawl over its nose, it wouldn’t even notice us." [515]" Bulukiya then asked, “You sing praises to Allah and invoke blessings on Mohammed, whom the Almighty bless and protect! How do you know about Mohammed?” and they answered, “O Bulukiya, his name is inscribed on the gates of Paradise; and if it weren’t for him, Allah would not have created the worlds[516], nor Paradise, nor heaven, nor hell, nor earth. He created everything for his sake and has linked his name with His in every place; that is why we love Mohammed, may Allah bless and preserve him!” Hearing the serpents speak only fueled Bulukiya’s love for Mohammed and his desire to see him; so he said goodbye to them and made his way to the shore, where he found a ship anchored on the beach. He boarded as a crew member and sailed until he reached another island. There, he landed and walked around for a while, discovering serpents of all sizes, countless in number except for Allah knows what. Among them was a clear white serpent, shining like crystal, resting in a golden tray carried on the back of another serpent as huge as an elephant. This, O Hasib, was the Serpent-queen, none other than myself. Hasib asked, “What did you say to him?” She replied, “Know, O Hasib, that when I saw Bulukiya, I greeted him with peace, and he returned my greeting. I asked him, ‘Who are you, what is your mission, where are you from, and where are you headed?’ He answered, ‘I am one of the Children of Israel; my name is Bulukiya, and I am on a journey for the love of Mohammed, whose description I have read in the sacred texts, and I seek him.’ I said, ‘O Bulukiya, I am the Queen of the Serpents; when you meet Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), send him my regards.’ Then Bulukiya took his leave and traveled until he reached the Holy City, which is Jerusalem. There lived a man who excelled in all fields of knowledge, especially geometry, astronomy, mathematics, as well as in white magic[517] and Spiritualism; he had studied the Pentateuch, the Gospel, the Psalms, and the Books of Abraham. His name was Affán; and he had discovered in some of his texts that whoever wears the signet ring of our lord Solomon would command the obedience of men, jinn, birds, beasts, and all created things. Furthermore, he had found out that our lord Solomon was buried in a coffin which was miraculously transported across the Seven Seas to his burial place;——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped speaking as allowed.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Affan had found in certain books that none, mortal or spirit, could pluck the seal-ring from the lord Solomon’s finger; and that no navigator could sail his ship upon the Seven Seas over which the coffin had been carried. Moreover, he had found out by reading that there was a herb of herbs and that if one express its juice and anoint therewith his feet, he should walk upon the surface of any sea that Allah Almighty had created without wetting his soles; but none could obtain this herb, without he had with him the Serpent-queen. When Bulukiya arrived at the Holy City, he at once sat down to do his devotions and worship the Lord; and, whilst he was so doing, Affan came up and saluted him as a True Believer. Then seeing him reading the Pentateuch and adoring the Almighty, he accosted him saying, “What is thy name, O man; and whence comest thou and whither goest thou?” He answered, “My name is Bulukiya; I am from the city of Cairo and am come forth wandering in quest of Mohammed, whom Allah bless and preserve!” Quoth Affan, “Come with me to my lodging that I may entertain thee.” “To hear is to obey,” replied Bulukiya. So the devotee took him by the hand and carried him to his house where he entreated him with the utmost honour and presently said to him, “Tell me thy history, O my brother, and how thou camest by the knowledge of Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!) that thy heart hath been taken with love of him and compelled thee to fare forth and seek him; and lastly tell me who it was directed thee in this road.” So he related to him his tale in its entirety; whereupon Affan, who well-nigh lost his wits for wonder, said to him, “Make tryst for me with the Queen of the Serpents and I will bring thee in company with Mohammed, albeit the date of his mission is yet far distant. We have only to prevail upon the Queen and carry her in a cage to a certain mountain where the herbs grow; and, as long as she is with us, the plants as we pass them will parley with human speech and discover their virtues by the ordinance of Allah the Most High. For I have found in my books that there is a certain herb and all who express its juice and anoint therewith their feet shall walk upon whatsoever sea Almighty Allah hath made, without wetting sole. When we 308have found the magical herb, we will let her go her way; and then will we anoint our feet with the juice and cross the Seven Seas, till we come to the burial-place of our lord Solomon. Then we will take the ring off his finger and rule even as he ruled and win all our wishes; we will enter the Main of Murks[518] and drink of the Water of Life, and so the Almighty will let us tarry till the End of Time and we shall foregather with Mohammed, whom Allah bless and preserve!” Hearing these words Bulukiya replied, “O Affan, I will make tryst for thee with the Serpent-queen and at once show thee her abiding place.” So Affan made him a cage of iron; and, providing himself with two bowls, one full of wine and the other of milk, took ship with Bulukiya and sailed till they came to the island, where they landed and walked upon it. Then Affan set up the cage, in which he laid a noose and withdrew after placing in it the two bowls; when he and Bulukiya concealed themselves afar off. Presently, up came the Queen of the Serpents (that is, myself) and examined the cage. When she (that is I) smelt the savour of the milk, she came down from the back of the snake which bore her tray and, entering the cage, drank up the milk. Then she went to the bowl of wine and drank of it, whereupon her head became giddy and she slept. When Affan saw this, he ran up and locking the cage upon her, set it on his head and made for the ship, he and Bulukiya. After awhile she awoke and finding herself in a cage of iron on a man’s head and seeing Bulukiya walking beside the bearer, said to him, “This is the reward of those who do no hurt to the sons of Adam.” Answered he, “O Queen, have no fear of us, for we will do thee no hurt at all. We wish thee only to show us the herb which, when pounded and squeezed yieldeth a juice, and this rubbed upon the feet conferreth the power of walking dryshod upon what sea soever Almighty Allah hath created; and when we have found that we will return thee to thy place and let thee wend thy way.” Then Affan and Bulukiya fared on for the hills where grew the herbs; and, as they went about with the Queen, each plant they passed began to speak and avouch its virtues by permission of Allah the Most High. As they were thus doing and the herbs speaking right and left behold, a plant spoke out and said, “I am the herb ye seek, and all who gather and crush me and anoint 309their feet with my juice, shall fare over what sea soever Allah Almighty hath created and yet ne’er wet sole.” When Affan heard this, he set down the cage from his head and, gathering what might suffice them of the herb, crushed it and filling two vials with the juice kept them for future use; and with what was left they anointed their feet. Then they took up the Serpent-queen’s cage and journeyed days and nights, till they reached the island, where they opened the cage and let out her, that is me. When I found myself at liberty, I asked them what use they would make of the juice; and they answered, “We design to anoint our feet and to cross the Seven Seas to the burial-place of our lord Solomon[519] and take the seal-ring from his finger.” Quoth I, “Far, far is it from your power to possess yourselves of the ring!” They enquired, “Wherefore?” and I replied, “Because Almighty Allah vouchsafed unto our lord Solomon the gift of this ring and distinguished him thereby, for that he said to Him:—O Lord, give me a kingdom which may not be obtained after me; for Thou verily art the Giver of kingdoms.[520] So that ring is not for you.” And I added, “Had ye twain taken the herb, whereof all who eat shall not die until the First Blast,[521] it had better availed you than this ye have gotten; for ye shall nowise come at your desire thereby.” Now when they heard this, they repented them with exceeding penitence and went their ways.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "It's come to my attention, O noble King, that Affan discovered in certain books that neither mortal nor spirit could remove the seal-ring from the finger of Lord Solomon; and that no navigator could sail his ship across the Seven Seas where the coffin had been taken. Furthermore, he found out through reading that there was a special herb, and if one expresses its juice and anoints his feet with it, he could walk on any sea created by Allah Almighty without getting his feet wet; however, no one could acquire this herb without the Serpent-queen. When Bulukiya arrived at the Holy City, he immediately sat down to pray and worship the Lord; while he was doing this, Affan approached and greeted him as a True Believer. Noticing him reading the Pentateuch and praising the Almighty, he asked him, “What is your name, man? Where are you from and where are you going?” He replied, “My name is Bulukiya; I’m from Cairo and I've come out wandering in search of Mohammed, whom Allah bless and protect!” Affan said, “Come with me to my place so I can host you.” “I hear and obey,” replied Bulukiya. So the devotee took him by the hand and led him to his home, where he treated him with the utmost respect and soon said to him, “Tell me your story, my brother, and how you came to learn about Mohammed (whom Allah bless and protect!) that your heart has been filled with love for him and compelled you to seek him; and finally, tell me who directed you on this path.” Then he shared his entire story; whereupon Affan, nearly losing his mind with wonder, said to him, “Make an appointment for me with the Queen of the Serpents, and I will bring you to meet Mohammed, even though the time of his mission is still far off. We only need to convince the Queen and transport her in a cage to a certain mountain where the herbs grow; and as long as she is with us, the plants we pass by will speak and reveal their properties as ordained by Allah the Most High. For I have read in my books that there is a particular herb, and anyone who extracts its juice and anoints their feet with it can walk on any sea Almighty Allah has created, without wetting their soles. Once we find the magical herb, we’ll release her; then we’ll anoint our feet with the juice and cross the Seven Seas until we reach the burial place of our lord Solomon. Then we will take the ring from his finger and rule as he ruled, fulfilling all our desires; we will enter the Main of Murks and drink from the Water of Life, and so the Almighty will allow us to remain until the End of Time and we will reunite with Mohammed, whom Allah bless and protect!” Upon hearing these words, Bulukiya replied, “O Affan, I will set up a meeting for you with the Serpent-queen and immediately show you where she resides.” So Affan made an iron cage; and, preparing two bowls, one filled with wine and the other with milk, they set sail with Bulukiya until they reached the island, where they landed and walked upon it. Affan then set up the cage, putting a noose inside and stepped back after placing the two bowls in it; he and Bulukiya then hid themselves some distance away. Soon, the Queen of the Serpents (that is me) arrived and examined the cage. When she (that's me) smelled the milk, she descended from the back of the snake that carried her tray and entered the cage, drinking the milk. Then she went to the bowl of wine and drank from it, causing her head to spin and she fell asleep. When Affan saw this, he rushed over, locked the cage on her, put it on his head, and made for the ship with Bulukiya. After a while, she woke up and, finding herself in an iron cage on a man's head and seeing Bulukiya walking beside him, said to him, “This is the reward for those who do no harm to the sons of Adam.” He answered, “O Queen, do not fear us, for we mean you no harm at all. We only wish for you to show us the herb which, when crushed and squeezed for its juice, allows those who rub it on their feet to walk over any sea created by Almighty Allah; and when we have found it, we will return you to your place and let you go on your way.” Then Affan and Bulukiya went on towards the hills where the herbs grew; and, as they moved along with the Queen, each plant they passed began to speak and declare its virtues by permission of Allah the Most High. Just then, a plant spoke up and said, “I am the herb you seek, and all who gather and crush me and rub my juice on their feet shall walk over any sea created by Almighty Allah without wetting their soles.” When Affan heard this, he took the cage off his head, gathered enough of the herb, crushed it, filled two vials with the juice to save for later, and anointed their feet with the leftover. Then they took up the Serpent-queen’s cage and journeyed for days and nights until they reached the island, where they opened the cage and released her, which is me. When I found myself free, I asked them what they planned to do with the juice; and they replied, “We intend to anoint our feet and cross the Seven Seas to the burial place of our lord Solomon and take the seal-ring from his finger.” I said, “You are very far from being able to claim that ring!” They inquired, “Why?” and I replied, “Because Almighty Allah granted our lord Solomon that ring as a special gift, distinguishing him for having asked Him: ‘O Lord, give me a kingdom that will not be attained by anyone after me; for You are indeed the Giver of kingdoms.’ So that ring is not meant for you.” I added, “If you two had taken the herb that grants immortality until the First Blast, it would have served you better than what you've obtained; for you will not achieve your desire with it.” When they heard this, they felt immense regret and went on their way.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya and Affan heard these words, they repented them with 310exceeding penitence and went their ways. Such was their case; but as regards myself (continued the Serpent-queen) I went in quest of my host and found it fallen in piteous case, the stronger of them having grown weak in my absence and the weaker having died. When they saw me, they rejoiced and flocking about me, asked, “What hath befallen thee, and where hast thou been?” So I told them what had passed, after which I gathered my forces together and repaired with them to the mountain Kaf, where I wont to winter, summer-freshing in the place where thou now seest me, O Hasib Karim al-Din. This, then, is my story and what befel me. Thereupon Hasib marvelled at her words and said to her, “I beseech thee, of thy favour, bid one of thy guards bear me forth to the surface of the earth, that I may go to my people.” She replied, “O Hasib, thou shalt not have leave to depart from us till winter come, and needs must thou go with us to the Mountain Kaf and solace thyself with the sight of the hills and sands and trees and birds magnifying the One God, the Victorious; and look upon Marids and Ifrits and Jinn, whose number none knoweth save Almighty Allah.” When Hasib heard this, he was sore chafed and chagrined: then he said to her, “Tell me of Affan and Bulukiya; when they departed from thee and went their way, did they cross the Seven Seas and reach the burial-place of our lord Solomon or not; and if they did had they power to take the ring or not?” Answered she, “Know, that when they left me, they anointed their feet with the juice; and, walking over the water, fared on from sea to sea, diverting themselves with the wonders of the deep, nor ceased they faring till they had traversed the Seven Seas and came in sight of a mountain, soaring high in air, whose stones were emeralds and whose dust was musk; and in it was a stream of running water. When they made it they rejoiced, saying each to other:—Verily we have won our wish; and they entered the passes of the mountain and walked on, till they saw from afar a cavern surmounted by a great dome, shining with light. So they made for the cavern, and entering it beheld therein a throne of gold studded with all manner jewels, and about it stools whose number none knoweth save Allah Almighty. And they saw lying at full length upon the throne our lord Solomon, clad in robes of green silk inwoven with gold and broidered with jewels and precious minerals: his right hand was passed over his breast and on the middle finger was the seal-ring whose lustre outshone that of all other gems in the place. Then Affan taught Bulukiya adjurations 311and conjurations galore and said to him:—Repeat these conjurations and cease not repeating until I take the ring. Then he went up to the throne; but, as he drew near unto it lo! a mighty serpent came forth from beneath it and cried out at him with so terrible a cry that the whole place trembled and sparks flew from its mouth, saying, Begone, or thou art a dead man! But Affan busied himself with his incantations and suffered himself not to be startled thereby. Then the serpent blew such a fiery blast at him, that the place was like to be set on fire, and said to him, Woe to thee! Except thou turn back, I will consume thee! Hearing these words Bulukiya left the cave, but Affan, who suffered himself not to be troubled, went up to the Prophet: then he put out his hand to the ring and touched it and strove to draw it off the lord Solomon’s finger; and behold, the serpent blew on him once more and he became a heap of ashes. Such was his case; but as regards Bulukiya he fell down in a swoon.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when Bulukiya and Affan heard these words, they deeply regretted their actions and left the scene. That was their situation; but as for me," continued the Serpent-queen, "I searched for my group and found them in a sorry state, the stronger ones having weakened in my absence, and the weaker ones dead. When they saw me, they celebrated and surrounded me, asking, 'What happened to you, and where have you been?' So, I recounted everything that had happened. After that, I gathered my forces and traveled with them to Mount Kaf, where I usually spend the winter, enjoying the summer in the place where you now see me, O Hasib Karim al-Din. This is my story and what happened to me." Hearing this, Hasib was amazed and said to her, "Please, I ask you as a favor, let one of your guards take me back to the surface of the earth so I can return to my people." She responded, "O Hasib, you cannot leave us until winter arrives; you must accompany us to Mount Kaf and enjoy the view of the hills, sands, trees, and birds praising the One God, the Victorious; and witness the Marids, Ifrits, and Jinn, whose number only Almighty Allah knows." When Hasib heard this, he was greatly annoyed and upset; then he asked her, "Tell me about Affan and Bulukiya; when they left you to go their way, did they cross the Seven Seas and reach our lord Solomon's burial place, or not? And if so, were they able to take the ring?" She replied, "Know that when they left me, they anointed their feet with the juice, and by walking over the water, they traveled from sea to sea, enjoying the wonders of the ocean, until they had crossed the Seven Seas and spotted a high mountain, its rocks made of emeralds and its dust musk, with a stream of running water. When they reached it, they rejoiced, saying to each other, 'Truly, we have achieved our goal,' and they entered the mountain's passages, walking on until they saw a cavern topped with a grand dome, shining with light. They approached the cavern and, upon entering, saw a golden throne adorned with all sorts of jewels, surrounded by stools known only to Almighty Allah. There, lying on the throne, was our lord Solomon, dressed in green silk robes woven with gold and embellished with jewels and precious stones: his right hand rested on his chest, and on his middle finger was the seal-ring that shone brighter than all the other gems in the room. Then Affan taught Bulukiya many spells and said, 'Repeat these chants and don't stop until I take the ring.' He approached the throne; but as he got closer, a massive serpent emerged from beneath it and roared at him with such a fierce cry that the entire place shook and sparks flew from its mouth, saying, 'Leave now, or you will die!' But Affan focused on his incantations and didn't let the fear affect him. Then the serpent unleashed a fiery blast that nearly ignited the place and warned, 'Woe to you! If you don't turn back, I will consume you!' Hearing this, Bulukiya fled the cave, but Affan, undeterred, approached the Prophet. He reached out for the ring and touched it, trying to pull it off Solomon's finger; and lo! the serpent attacked him again, turning him into a pile of ashes. That was his fate; as for Bulukiya, he fainted."——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya saw Affan burnt up by the fire and become a heap of ashes, he fell down in a swoon. Thereupon the Lord (magnified be His Majesty!) bade Gabriel descend earthwards and save him ere the serpent should blow on him. So Gabriel descended without delay and, finding Affan reduced to ashes and Bulukiya in a fit, aroused him from his trance and saluting him, asked, “How camest thou hither?” Bulukiya related to him his history from first to last, adding, “Know that I came not hither but for the love of Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!), of whom Affan informed me that his mission would take place at the End of Time; moreover that none should foregather with him but those who endured to the latter days by drinking of the Water of Life through means of Solomon’s seal. So I companied him hither and there befel him what befel; but I escaped the fire and now it is my desire that thou inform me where Mohammed is to be found.” Quoth Gabriel, “O Bulukiya, go thy ways, for the time of Mohammed’s coming is yet far distant.” Then he ascended up to heaven forthright, and Bulukiya wept 312with sore weeping and repented of that which he had done, calling to mind my words, whenas I said to them, “Far is it from man’s power to possess himself of the ring.” Then he descended from the mountain and returned in exceeding confusion to the sea-shore and passed the night there, marvelling at the mountains and seas and islands around him. When morning dawned, he anointed his feet with the herb-juice and descending to the water, set out and fared on over the surface of the seas days and nights, astonied at the terrors of the main and the marvels and wonders of the deep, till he came to an island as it were the Garden of Eden. So he landed and, finding himself in a great and pleasant island, paced about it and saw with admiration that its dust was saffron and its gravel carnelian and precious minerals; its hedges were of jessamine, its vegetation was of the goodliest of trees and of the brightest of odoriferous shrubs; its brushwood was of Comorin and Sumatran aloes-wood and its reeds were sugar-canes. Round about it were roses and narcissus and amaranths and gilly-flowers and chamomiles and white lilies and violets, and other flowers of all kinds and colours. Of a truth the island was the goodliest place, abounding in space, rich in grace, a compendium of beauty material and spiritual. The birds warbled on the boughs with tones far sweeter than chaunt of Koran and their notes would console a lover whom longings unman. And therein the gazelle frisked free and fain and wild cattle roamed about the plain. Its trees were of tallest height; its streams flowed bright; its springs welled with waters sweet and light; and all therein was a delight to sight and sprite. Bulukiya marvelled at the charms of the island but knew that he had strayed from the way he had first taken in company with Affan. He wandered about the place and solaced him with various spectacles until nightfall, when he climbed into a tree to sleep; but as he sat there, musing over the beauty of the site, behold, the sea became troubled and there rose up to the surface a great beast, which cried out with a cry so terrible that every living thing upon the isle trembled. As Bulukiya gazed upon him from the tree and marvelled at the bigness of his bulk, he was presently followed unexpectedly by a multitude of other sea-beasts in kind manifold, each holding in his fore-paw a jewel which shone like a lamp, so that the whole island became as light as day for the lustre of the gems. After awhile, there appeared, from the heart of the island, wild beasts of the land, none knoweth their number save Allah the Most High; amongst which Bulukiya noted lions and 313panthers and lynxes and other ferals; and these land-beasts flocked down to the shore; and, foregathering with the sea-beasts, conversed with them till daybreak, when they separated and each went his own way. Thereupon Bulukiya, terrified by what he had seen, came down from the tree and, making the sea-shore, anointed his feet with the magical juice, and set out once more upon the surface of the water. He fared on days and nights over the Second Sea, till he came to a great mountain skirting which ran a Wady without end, the stones whereof were magnetic iron and its beasts lions and hares and panthers. He landed on the mountain-foot and wandered from place to place till nightfall, when he sat down sheltered by one of the base-hills on the sea-side, to eat of the dried fish thrown up by the sea. Presently, he turned from his meal and behold, a huge panther was creeping up to rend and ravin him; so he anointed his feet in haste with the juice and, descending to the surface of the water, fled walking over the Third Sea, in the darkness; for the night was black and the wind blew stark. Nor did he stay his course till he reached another island, whereon he landed and found there trees bearing fruits both fresh and dry.[522] So he took of these fruits and ate and praised Allah Almighty; after which he walked for solace about the island till eventide.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued: When Bulukiya saw Affan consumed by the fire and turned into a pile of ashes, he collapsed in shock. Then the Lord (may His Majesty be exalted!) instructed Gabriel to descend to earth and save him before the serpent could blow on him. So Gabriel came down immediately and, finding Affan reduced to ashes and Bulukiya in a daze, brought him back to his senses. He greeted him and asked, 'How did you get here?' Bulukiya told him his story from beginning to end, saying, 'I came here only out of love for Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), from whom Affan informed me that his mission would happen at the End of Time; and that only those who endured to the latter days by drinking the Water of Life through Solomon's seal would gather with him. So I accompanied him here, and this is what happened to him; but I escaped the fire, and now I want you to tell me where I can find Mohammed.' Gabriel replied, 'O Bulukiya, go on your way, for Mohammed's coming is still a long way off.' Then he ascended straight to heaven, and Bulukiya wept bitterly, regretting what he had done and remembering my words when I told them, 'It is far from man's power to possess the ring.' He then descended from the mountain and returned, full of confusion, to the seashore and spent the night there, marveling at the mountains, seas, and islands around him. When morning came, he anointed his feet with herb juice and went down to the water, setting out and moving over the surface of the seas for days and nights, astonished by the terrors of the ocean and the wonders of the deep, until he reached an island that resembled the Garden of Eden. He landed and, finding himself in a large and delightful island, walked around it and admired its dust, which was saffron, and its gravel made of carnelian and precious minerals. Its hedges were made of jasmine, its vegetation consisted of the finest trees and the brightest fragrant shrubs; its brushwood was made of Comorin and Sumatran aloes-wood, and its reeds were sugarcanes. Surrounding it were roses, narcissus, amaranths, gilly-flowers, chamomiles, white lilies, violets, and other flowers of all kinds and colors. Truly, the island was the most beautiful place, spacious and elegant, a collection of material and spiritual beauty. The birds sang on the branches with voices far sweeter than the chanting of the Quran, and their melodies would console a lover overwhelmed by longing. There, the gazelles frolicked freely, and wild animals roamed the plains. Its trees were tall, its streams flowed clearly, its springs overflowed with sweet water, and everything there was a delight to sight and spirit. Bulukiya marveled at the island's charms but realized he had strayed from the path he took with Affan. He strolled around and enjoyed various sights until night fell, when he climbed into a tree to sleep; but as he sat there, reflecting on the island's beauty, behold, the sea became turbulent, and a great beast rose to the surface, crying out with a roar so terrifying that every living thing on the island trembled. As Bulukiya looked at it from the tree and marveled at its size, he was soon followed by a multitude of other sea creatures, each holding in their fore-paws a jewel that shone like a lamp, illuminating the whole island as brightly as day with the brilliance of the gems. After a while, wild land animals appeared from the heart of the island, their number known only to Allah the Most High; among them, Bulukiya noticed lions, panthers, lynxes, and other wild creatures; and these land animals made their way down to the shore, mingling with the sea creatures and conversing with them until daybreak, when they parted ways. Terrified by what he had seen, Bulukiya came down from the tree and, reaching the seashore, anointed his feet with the magical juice and set out again on the water's surface. He traveled for days and nights over the Second Sea until he arrived at a great mountain, alongside which ran an endless valley, its stones made of magnetic iron, with lions, hares, and panthers roaming about. He landed at the foot of the mountain and wandered around until nightfall, when he settled at the base of one of the hills by the sea to eat some dried fish washed up by the sea. Soon, he turned from his meal and saw a huge panther creeping up to attack him; so he quickly anointed his feet with the juice and fled over the surface of the Third Sea in the darkness; for the night was pitch black and the wind howled fiercely. He did not stop until he reached another island, where he landed and found trees bearing both fresh and dried fruits. So he took some of these fruits and ate, praising Allah Almighty; after which he walked around the island for pleasure until evening.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying what was permissible to say."

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Bulukiya (continued the Queen) walked for solace about the island till eventide, when he lay down to sleep. As soon as day brake, he began to explore the place and ceased not for ten days, after which he again made the shore and anointed his feet and, setting out over the Fourth Sea, walked upon it many nights and days, till he came to a third island of fine white sand without sign of trees or grass. He walked about it awhile but, finding its only inhabitants sakers which nested in the sand, he again anointed his feet and trudged over the Fifth Sea, walking night and day till he came to a little island, whose soil and hills were like crystal. Therein were the 314veins wherefrom gold is worked; and therein also were marvellous trees whose like he had never seen in his wanderings, for their blossoms were in hue as gold. He landed and walked about for diversion till it was nightfall, when the flowers began to shine through the gloom like stars. Seeing this sight, he marvelled and said, “Assuredly, the flowers of this island are of those which wither under the sun and fall to the earth, where the winds smite them and they gather under the rocks and become the Elixir,[523] which the folk collect and thereof make gold.” He slept there all that night and at sunrise he again anointed his feet and, descending to the shore, fared on over the Sixth Sea nights and days, till he came to a fifth island. Here he landed and found, after walking an hour or so, two mountains covered with a multitude of trees, whose fruits were as men’s heads hanging by the hair, and others whose fruits were green birds hanging by the feet; also a third kind, whose fruits were like aloes, if a drop of the juice fell on a man it burnt like fire; and others, whose fruits wept and laughed, besides many other marvels which he saw there. Then he returned to the sea-shore and, finding there a tall tree, sat down beneath it till supper-time when he climbed up into the branches to sleep. As he sat considering the wonderful works of Allah behold, the waters became troubled, and there rose therefrom the daughters of the sea, each mermaid holding in her hand a jewel which shone like the morning. They came ashore and, foregathering under the trees, sat down and danced and sported and made merry whilst Bulukiya amused himself with watching and wondering at their gambols, which were prolonged till the morning, when they returned to the sea and disappeared. Then he came down and, anointing his feet, set out on the surface of the Seventh Sea, over which he journeyed two whole months, without getting sight of highland or island or broadland or lowland or shoreland, till he came to the end thereof. And so doing he suffered exceeding hunger, so that he was forced to snatch up fishes from the surface of the sea and devour them raw, for stress of famine. In such case he pushed on till in early forenoon he came to the sixth island, with trees a-growing and rills a-flowing, where he landed and walked about, looking right and left, till he came to an apple-tree and put forth his hand to pluck of the fruit, when lo! one cried out to him from the tree, saying, “An 315thou draw near to this tree and cut of it aught, I will cut thee in twain.” So he looked and saw a giant forty cubits high, being the cubit of the people of that day; whereat he feared with sore fear and refrained from that tree. Then said he to the giant, “Why dost thou forbid me to eat of this tree?” Replied the other, “Because thou art a son of Adam and thy father Adam forgot the covenant of Allah and sinned against Him and ate of the tree.” Quoth Bulukiya, “What thing art thou and to whom belongeth this island, with its trees, and how art thou named?” Quoth the tall one, “My name is Sharáhiyá and trees and island belong to King Sakhr;[524] I am one of his guards and in charge of his dominion,” presently adding, “But who art thou and whence comest thou hither?” Bulukiya told him his story from beginning to end and Sharahiya said, “Be of good cheer,” and brought him to eat. So he ate his fill and, taking leave of the giant, set out again and ceased not faring on over the mountains and sandy deserts for ten days; at the end of which time he saw, in the distance, a dust-cloud hanging like a canopy in air; and, making towards it, he heard a mighty clamour, cries and blows and sounds of mellay. Presently he reached a great Wady, two months’ journey long; and, looking whence the shouts came, he saw a multitude of horsemen engaged in fierce fight and the blood running from them till it railed like a river. Their voices were thunderous and they were armed with lance and sword and iron mace and bow and arrow, and all fought with the utmost fury. At this sight he felt sore affright——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O lucky King, that Bulukiya (continued the Queen) wandered around the island for comfort until evening, when he lay down to sleep. As soon as dawn broke, he started exploring the place and didn’t stop for ten days. After that, he reached the shore again, anointed his feet, and set out over the Fourth Sea, walking on it for many nights and days until he arrived at a third island with beautiful white sand, devoid of trees or grass. He roamed around for a while but, noticing that the only creatures there were sakers nesting in the sand, he anointed his feet again and trudged over the Fifth Sea, walking day and night until he reached a small island, where the ground and hills sparkled like crystal. There were veins from which gold was extracted, and there were astonishing trees like none he had ever seen during his travels, as their blossoms were golden. He landed and wandered around for fun until nightfall, when the flowers began to glow in the darkness like stars. Awed by this sight, he wondered, “Surely, the flowers of this island are from those that wilt under the sun and fall to the ground, where the winds toss them, and they gather under the rocks to become the Elixir, which people collect to make gold.” He slept there that night, and at sunrise, he anointed his feet again and went down to the shore, moving onward over the Sixth Sea for nights and days until he reached a fifth island. Here he landed and after walking for about an hour, he discovered two mountains covered with a multitude of trees whose fruits resembled men’s heads hanging by their hair, others whose fruits looked like green birds hanging by their feet, and a third type, whose fruits resembled aloes — if a drop of their juice touched a person, it burned like fire; there were also others whose fruits cried and laughed, along with many other wonders he encountered. Then he returned to the sea shore, found a tall tree, sat beneath it until supper time, and climbed into the branches to sleep. As he sat pondering the marvelous works of God, suddenly the waters stirred, and from them rose the daughters of the sea, each mermaid holding a jewel that sparkled like the morning. They came ashore, gathered under the trees, sat down, danced, played, and had fun while Bulukiya entertained himself by watching and being amazed at their antics, which lasted until morning, when they returned to the sea and vanished. Afterward, he climbed down, anointed his feet, and set out over the Seventh Sea, traveling for two whole months without seeing any highlands, islands, or land of any kind until he reached its end. During this journey, he endured extreme hunger, so much so that he was forced to catch fish from the surface of the sea and eat them raw due to starvation. Continuing on, he arrived at the sixth island one early morning, filled with trees and flowing streams. He landed and walked around, looking for something to eat, until he came to an apple tree. He reached out to pluck the fruit when suddenly, someone shouted from the tree, “If you get close to this tree and take anything from it, I will split you in half.” He looked up and saw a giant forty cubits tall, according to the measurements of that time; at this sight, he was filled with great fear and backed away from the tree. Then he asked the giant, “Why do you stop me from eating from this tree?” The giant replied, “Because you are a son of Adam, and your father Adam forgot God’s covenant and sinned by eating from the tree.” Bulukiya asked, “What are you, and to whom does this island and its trees belong, and what is your name?” The giant answered, “My name is Sharáhiyá, and the trees and island belong to King Sakhr; I am one of his guards and in charge of his land.” He then inquired, “But who are you, and where did you come from?” Bulukiya told him his entire story, from beginning to end. Sharahiya said, “Be of good cheer,” and brought him food. So he ate his fill, thanked the giant, and set out again, continuing on over mountains and sandy deserts for ten days. At the end of this time, he spotted, in the distance, a dust cloud rising like a canopy in the air; going toward it, he heard a great commotion, cries, and the sounds of battle. Soon he reached a vast Wady, two months' journey long; and, as he looked to see where the sounds were coming from, he saw a multitude of horsemen engaged in fierce combat, their blood flowing like a river. Their voices thundered as they fought with lances, swords, iron maces, bows, and arrows, all battling with great fury. At this sight, he was filled with fear—And Shahrazad noted the break of dawn and stopped her narrative."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya saw the host in fight, he felt sore affright and was perplexed about his case; but whilst he hesitated, behold, they caught sight of him and held their hands one from other and left fighting. Then a troop of them came up to him, wondering at his make, and one of the horsemen said to him, “What art thou and whence camest thou hither and whither art wending; and who showed thee the way that thou hast come to our 316country?” Quoth he, “I am of the sons of Adam and am come out, distracted for the love of Mohammed (whom Allah bless and preserve!); but I have wandered from my way.” Quoth the horseman, “Never saw we a son of Adam till now, nor did any ever come to this land.” And all marvelled at him and at his speech. “But what are ye, O creatures?” asked Bulukiya; and the rider replied, “We are of the Jánn.” So he said, “O Knight, what is the cause of the fighting amongst you and where is your abiding-place and what is the name of this valley and this land?” He replied, “Our abiding-place is the White Country; and, every year, Allah Almighty commandeth us to come hither and wage war upon the unbelieving Jann.” Asked Bulukiya, “And where is the White Country?” and the horseman answered, “It is behind the mountain Kaf, and distant seventy-five years journey from this place which is termed the Land of Shaddád son of ‘Ád: we are here for Holy War; and we have no other business, when we are not doing battle, than to glorify God and hallow him. Moreover, we have a ruler, King Sakhr hight, and needs must thou go with us to him, that he may look upon thee for his especial delight.” Then they fared on (and he with them) till they came to their abiding place; where he saw a multitude of magnificent tents of green silk, none knoweth their number save Allah the Most High, and in their midst a pavilion of red satin, some thousand cubits in compass, with cords of blue silk and pegs of gold and silver. Bulukiya marvelled at the sight and accompanied them as they fared on and behold, this was the royal pavilion. So they carried him into the presence of King Sakhr, whom he found seated upon a splendid throne of red gold, set with pearls and studded with gems; the Kings and Princes of the Jann being on his right hand, and on his left his Councillors and Emirs and Officers of state, and a multitude of others. The King seeing him bade introduce him, which they did; and Bulukiya went up to him and saluted him after kissing the ground before him. The King returned his salute and said, “Draw near me, O mortal!” and Bulukiya went close up to him. Hereupon the King, commanding a chair to be set for him by his royal side, bade him sit down and asked him “Who art thou?”; and Bulukiya answered, “I am a man, and one of the Children of Israel.” “Tell me thy story,” cried King Sakhr, “and acquaint me with all that hath befallen thee and how thou camest to this my land.” So Bulukiya related to him all that had occurred in his wanderings from 317beginning to end——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that the Queen continued: When Bulukiya saw the army fighting, he felt a deep fear and was unsure about what to do; but while he hesitated, they noticed him, put their weapons down, and stopped fighting. Then a group of them approached him, amazed at his appearance, and one of the horsemen asked, 'Who are you, where did you come from, where are you going, and who showed you the way to our 316land?' He replied, 'I am one of Adam's descendants and I have come out, lost in my love for Mohammed (may Allah bless and preserve him!); but I have strayed from my path.' The horseman said, 'We have never seen a son of Adam until now, nor has anyone ever come to this land.' They all marveled at him and his words. 'But what are you, creatures?' asked Bulukiya, and the rider replied, 'We are Jinn.' So he asked, 'O Knight, what is the reason for your fighting, where do you live, what's the name of this valley and this land?' He answered, 'Our home is the White Country; and every year, Allah Almighty commands us to come here and wage war against the unbelieving Jinn.' Bulukiya asked, 'And where is the White Country?' The horseman replied, 'It's behind the mountain Kaf, seventy-five years' journey from this place known as the Land of Shaddád son of ‘Ád: we are here for Holy War; and when we are not fighting, we only have the duty to glorify and honor God. Additionally, we have a ruler named King Sakhr, and you must come with us to him so he can see you for his special pleasure.' Then they continued on (with him) until they arrived at their home; where he saw a multitude of magnificent tents made of green silk, the number of which only Allah the Most High knows, and in their midst, a pavilion made of red satin, measuring a thousand cubits, adorned with blue silk ropes and gold and silver pegs. Bulukiya was astonished by the sight and followed them as they went on, realizing this was the royal pavilion. They brought him into the presence of King Sakhr, whom he found seated on a magnificent throne of red gold, set with pearls and decorated with gems; the Kings and Princes of the Jinn were on his right, and on his left were his Councillors, Emirs, and government officials, along with many others. The King, seeing him, ordered his introduction, which they did; and Bulukiya approached him and greeted him after bowing down before him. The King returned his greeting and said, 'Come closer, O mortal!' and Bulukiya moved closer to him. The King then commanded that a chair be placed for him beside the royal throne, invited him to sit, and asked, 'Who are you?' Bulukiya replied, 'I am a man, one of the Children of Israel.' 'Tell me your story,' King Sakhr exclaimed, 'and share everything that has happened to you and how you arrived in my land.' So Bulukiya recounted all that had transpired during his journey from start to finish — and Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her allowed tale.
She said, it hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya related to Sakhr what befel him in his wanderings, he marvelled thereat. Then he bade the servants bring food and they spread the tables and set on one thousand and five hundred platters of red gold and silver and copper, some containing twenty and some fifty boiled camels, and others some fifty head of sheep; at which Bulukiya marvelled with exceeding marvel. Then they ate and he ate with them, till he was satisfied and returned thanks to Allah Almighty; after which they cleared the tables and set on fruits, and they ate thereof, glorifying the name of God and invoking blessings on His prophet Mohammed (whom Allah bless and preserve!) When Bulukiya heard them make mention of Mohammed, he wondered and said to King Sakhr, “I am minded to ask thee some questions.” Rejoined the King, “Ask what thou wilt,” and Bulukiya said, “O King, what are ye and what is your origin and how came ye to know of Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!) that ye draw near to him and love him?” King Sakhr answered, “O Bulukiya, of very sooth Allah created the fire in seven stages, one above the other, and each distant a thousand years’ journey from its neighbour. The first stage he named Jahannam[525] and appointed the same for the punishment of the transgressors of the True-believers, who die unrepentant; the second he named Lazá and appointed for Unbelievers: the name of the third is Jahím and is appointed for Gog and Magog.[526] The fourth is called Sa’ír and is appointed 318for the host of Iblis. The fifth is called Sakar and is prepared for those who neglect prayer. The sixth is called Hatamah and is appointed for Jews and Christians. The seventh is named Háwiyah and is prepared for hypocrites. Such be the seven stages.” Quoth Bulukiya, “Haply Jahannam hath least of torture for that it is the uppermost.” “Yes,” quoth King Sakhr, “the most endurable of them all is Jahannam; natheless in it are a thousand mountains of fire, in each mountain seventy thousand cities of fire, in each city seventy thousand castles of fire, in each castle seventy thousand houses of fire, in each house seventy thousand couches of fire and in each couch seventy thousand manners of torment. As for the other hells, O Bulukiya, none knoweth the number of kinds of torment that be therein save Allah Most Highest.” When Bulukiya heard this, he fell down in a fainting-fit, and when he came to himself, he wept and said, “O King what will be my case?” Quoth Sakhr, “Fear not, and know thou that whoso loveth Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!) the fire shall not burn him, for he is made free therefrom for his sake; and whoso belongeth to his Faith the fire shall fly him. As for us, the Almighty Maker created us of the fire; for the first that he made in Jahannam were two of His host, whom he called Khalít and Malít. Now Khalít was fashioned in the likeness of a lion, with a tail like a tortoise twenty years’ journey in length and ending in a member masculine; while Malít was like a pied wolf whose tail was furnished with a member feminine. Then Almighty Allah commanded the tails to couple and copulate and do the deed of kind, and of them were born serpents and scorpions, whose dwelling is in the fire, that Allah may therewith torment those whom He casteth therein; and these increased and multiplied. Then Allah commanded the tails of Khalit and Malit to couple and copulate a second time, and the tail of Malit conceived by the tail of Khalit and bore fourteen children, seven male and seven female, who grew up and intermarried one with other. All were obedient to their sire, save one who disobeyed him and was changed into a worm which is Iblis (the curse of Allah be upon him!). Now Iblis was one of the Cherubim, for he had served Allah till he was raised to the heavens and cherished[527] by the especial favour of the Merciful One, who made him chief 319of the Cherubim.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya shared with Sakhr what happened during his travels, he was amazed. He then told the servants to bring food, and they set the tables with one thousand and five hundred platters made of red gold, silver, and copper, some filled with twenty and others with fifty boiled camels, and some with fifty sheep; to this Bulukiya was exceedingly astonished. They ate together until they were satisfied and expressed their thanks to God Almighty. After that, they cleared the tables and brought out fruits, enjoying them while praising God and sending blessings on His prophet Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!). When Bulukiya heard them mention Mohammed, he was curious and said to King Sakhr, “I have some questions to ask you.” The King replied, “Ask whatever you like.” Bulukiya said, “O King, who are you, what is your origin, and how did you come to know about Mohammed (may Allah grant him peace and safety!) that you draw near to him and love him?” King Sakhr answered, “O Bulukiya, truly Allah created the fire in seven levels, one above the other, each a thousand years' journey apart. The first level is called Jahannam[525] and is intended for the punishment of unrepentant sinners among the True-believers. The second is named Lazá and is for Unbelievers. The third is called Jahím and is designated for Gog and Magog.[526] The fourth level is called Sa’ír and is allotted to the followers of Iblis. The fifth is called Sakar and is reserved for those who neglect prayer. The sixth is called Hatamah and is assigned for Jews and Christians. The seventh is named Háwiyah and is meant for hypocrites. Such are the seven levels.” Bulukiya replied, “Perhaps Jahannam has the least pain since it's the highest.” “Yes,” said King Sakhr, “the most tolerable of them all is Jahannam; however, it contains a thousand mountains of fire, each mountain having seventy thousand cities of fire, each city containing seventy thousand castles of fire, each castle having seventy thousand houses of fire, each house with seventy thousand beds of fire, and in each bed, seventy thousand kinds of torment. As for the other hells, O Bulukiya, only Allah Most High knows the varieties of punishment contained within.” When Bulukiya heard this, he fell into a faint, and when he revived, he wept and said, “O King, what will become of me?” Sakhr answered, “Do not fear, and know that whoever loves Mohammed (may Allah bless and keep him!), the fire will not harm him because he is protected for his sake; and whoever belongs to his Faith will be safe from the fire. As for us, the Almighty Creator made us from fire. The first beings He created in Jahannam were two of His hosts named Khalít and Malít. Khalít resembled a lion, with a tortoise-like tail twenty years' journey long, ending in a male organ; while Malít was like a spotted wolf whose tail had a female organ. Then Almighty Allah commanded the tails to couple and reproduce, leading to the birth of serpents and scorpions, destined to torment those cast into the fire; and they multiplied greatly. Then Allah commanded Khalit and Malit's tails to mate again, and Malit's tail bore fourteen offspring, seven male and seven female, who grew up and intermarried. All obeyed their father, except one who disobeyed and was transformed into a worm called Iblis (may the curse of Allah be upon him!). Iblis was initially one of the Cherubim, as he served Allah until he was elevated to the heavens and favored by the Merciful One, who made him chief of the Cherubim.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed speech.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—Iblis served God and became chief of Cherubim. When, however, the Lord created Adam (with whom be peace!), He commanded Iblis to prostrate himself to him, but he drew back; so Allah Almighty expelled him from heaven and cursed him.[528] This Iblis had issue and of his lineage are the devils; and as for the other six males, who were his elders, they are the ancestors of the true-believing Jann, and we are their descendants. Such, O Bulukiya is our provenance.[529] Bulukiya marvelled at the King’s words and said, “O King, I pray thee bid one of thy guards bear me back to my native land.” “Naught of this may we do,” answered Sakhr, “save by commandment of Allah Almighty; however, an thou desire to leave us and return home, I will mount thee on one of my mares and cause her carry thee to the farthest frontiers of my dominions, where thou wilt meet with the troops of another King, Barákhiyá hight, who will recognize the mare at sight and take thee off her and send her back to us; and this is all we can do for thee, and no more.” When Bulukiya heard these words he wept and said, “Do whatso thou wilt.” So King Sakhr caused bring the mare and, setting Bulukiya on her back, said to him, “Beware lest thou alight from her or strike her or cry out in her face; for if thou do so she will slay thee; but abide quietly riding on her back till she stop with thee; then dismount and wend thy ways.” Quoth Bulukiya, “I hear and I obey;” he then mounted and setting out, rode on a long while between the rows of tents; and stinted not riding till he came to the royal kitchens where he saw the great cauldrons, each holding fifty camels, hung up over the fires which blazed fiercely under them. So he stopped 320there and gazed with a marvel ever increasing till King Sakhr thinking him to be anhungered, bade bring him two roasted camels; and they carried them to him and bound them behind him on the mare’s crupper. Then he took leave of them and fared on, till he came to the end of King Sakhr’s dominions, where the mare stood still and Bulukiya dismounted and began to shake the dust of the journey from his raiment. And behold, there accosted him a party of men who, recognising the mare, carried her and Bulukiya before their King Barakhiya. So he saluted him, and the King returned his greeting and seated him beside himself in a splendid pavilion, in the midst of his troops and champions and vassal Princes of the Jann ranged to right and left; after which he called for food and they ate their fill and pronounced the Alhamdolillah. Then they set on fruits, and when they had eaten thereof, King Barakhiya, whose estate was like that of King Sakhr, asked his guest, “When didst thou leave King Sakhr?” And Bulukiya answered, “Two days ago.” Quoth Barakhiya, “Dost thou know, how many days’ journey thou hast come in these two days?” Quoth he, “No,” and the King rejoined, “Thou hast come a journey of threescore and ten months.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O gracious King, that the Queen continued: Iblis served God and became the chief of the Cherubim. However, when the Lord created Adam (peace be upon him!), He instructed Iblis to bow down to him, but Iblis refused. So, Allah Almighty expelled him from heaven and cursed him. [528] Iblis had descendants, and from his lineage came the devils; as for the other six males, his elders, they are the ancestors of the true-believing Jinn, and we are their descendants. Such, O Bulukiya, is our origin. [529] Bulukiya was astonished by the King’s words and said, “O King, I ask you to send one of your guards to take me back to my homeland.” “We can’t do anything of the sort,” replied Sakhr, “except by the command of Allah Almighty; however, if you wish to leave us and go home, I will put you on one of my mares and have her carry you to the farthest borders of my kingdom, where you will meet the troops of another King named Barákhiyá, who will recognize the mare at first sight and take you off her and send her back to us; that’s all we can do for you.” When Bulukiya heard this, he wept and said, “Do what you will.” So King Sakhr had the mare brought, and placing Bulukiya on her back, said, “Be careful not to get off her, hit her, or shout in her face; for if you do, she will kill you. Just stay calmly on her until she stops with you; then dismount and go on your way.” Bulukiya responded, “I hear and obey;” then he mounted and set off, riding for a long time between the rows of tents, and he didn’t stop until he reached the royal kitchens, where he saw huge cauldrons, each able to hold fifty camels, hanging over fierce flames. He stopped there, marveling more and more until King Sakhr, thinking he might be hungry, ordered two roasted camels to be brought to him. They delivered them and tied them behind him on the mare’s back. After taking leave of them, Bulukiya continued until he reached the end of King Sakhr’s territory, where the mare came to a halt, and Bulukiya got off and began to shake off the dust from his clothes. Suddenly, a group of men approached him, and recognizing the mare, took him and her to their King Barakhiya. He greeted the King, who returned the greeting and seated him beside himself in a grand pavilion, among his troops and champion vassal princes of the Jinn on either side. Then he ordered food, and they ate their fill, thanking Allah. After that, they served fruits, and when they finished, King Barakhiya, who was of a rank similar to King Sakhr, asked his guest, “When did you leave King Sakhr?” Bulukiya answered, “Two days ago.” Barakhiya said, “Do you know how many days’ journey you’ve traveled in these two days?” Bulukiya replied, “No,” and the King said, “You’ve traveled a distance of seventy months.” —— And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—Barakhiya said to Bulukiya, “In two days thou hast come a journey of threescore and ten months; moreover when thou mountest the mare, she was affrighted at thee, knowing thee for a son of Adam, and would have thrown thee; so they bound on her back these two camels by way of weight to steady her.” When Bulukiya heard this, he marvelled and thanked Allah Almighty for safety. Then said the King, “Tell me thy adventures and what brought thee to this our land.” So he told him his story from first to last, and the King marvelled at his words, and kept Bulukiya with him two months. Upon this Hasib Karim al-Din after he had marvelled at her story, again besought the Serpent-queen saying, “I pray thee of thy goodness and graciousness command one of thy subjects conduct me to the surface of the earth, that I may return to my family;” but she 321answered, “O Hasib, I know that the first thing thou wilt do, after seeing the face of the earth will be to greet thy family and then repair to the Hammam-bath and bathe; and the moment thou endest thine ablutions will see the last of me, for it will be the cause of my death.” Quoth Hasib, “I swear that I will never again enter the Hammam-bath so long as I live, but when washing is incumbent on me, I will wash at home.” Rejoined the Queen, “I would not trust thee though thou shouldst swear to me an hundred oaths; for such abstaining is not possible; and I know thee to be a son of Adam for whom no oath is sacred. Thy father Adam made a covenant with Allah the most High, who kneaded the clay whereof He fashioned him forty mornings and made His angels prostrate themselves to him; yet after all his promise did he forget and his oath violate, disobeying the commandment of his Lord.” When Hasib heard this, he held his peace and burst into tears; nor did he leave weeping for the space of ten days, at the end of which time he said to the Queen, “Prithee acquaint me with the rest of Bulukiya’s adventures.” Accordingly, she began again as follows:—Know, O Hasib, that Bulukiya, after abiding two months with King Barakhiya, farewelled him and fared on over wastes and deserts nights and days, till he came to a high mountain which he ascended. On the summit he beheld seated a great Angel glorifying the names of God and invoking blessings on Mohammed. Before him lay a tablet covered with characters, these white and those black,[530] whereon his eyes were fixed, and his two wings were outspread to the full, one to the western and the other to the eastern horizon. Bulukiya approached and saluted the Angel, who returned his salam adding, “Who art thou and whence comest thou and whither wendest thou and what is thy story?” Accordingly, he repeated to him his history, from first to last, and the Angel marvelled mightily thereat, whereupon Bulukiya said to him, “I pray thee in return acquaint me with the meaning of this table and what is writ thereon; and what may be thine occupation and thy name.” Replied the Angel, “My name is Michael, and I am charged with the shifts of night and day; and this is my occupation till the Day of Doom.” Bulukiya wondered at his 322words and at his aspect and the vastness of his stature and, taking leave of him, fared onwards, night and day, till he came to a vast meadow over which he walked observing that it was traversed by seven streams and abounded in trees. He was struck by its beauty and in one corner thereof he saw a great tree and under it four Angels. So he drew near to them and found the first in the likeness of a man, the second in the likeness of a wild beast, the third in the likeness of a bird and the fourth in the likeness of a bull, engaged in glorifying Almighty Allah, and saying, “O my God and my Master and my Lord, I conjure Thee, by Thy truth and by the degree of Thy Prophet Mohammed (on whom be blessings and peace!) to vouchsafe Thy mercy and grant Thy forgiveness to all things created in my likeness; for Thou over all things art Almighty!” Bulukiya marvelled at what he heard but continued his journey till he came to another mountain and ascending it, found there a great Angel seated on the summit, glorifying God and hallowing Him and invoking blessings on Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!); and he saw that Angel continually opening and shutting his hands and bending and extending his fingers. He accosted him and saluted him; whereupon the Angel returned his salam and enquired who he was and how he came thither. So Bulukiya acquainted him with his adventures including his having lost the way; and besought him to tell him, in turn, who he was and what was his function and what mountain was that. Quoth the Angel, “Know, O Bulukiya, that this is the mountain Kaf, which encompasseth the world; and all the countries the Creator hath made are in my grasp. When the Almighty is minded to visit any land with earthquake or famine or plenty or slaughter or prosperity, He biddeth me carry out His commands and I carry them out without stirring from my place; for know thou that my hands lay hold upon the roots of the earth,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that the Queen continued:—Barakhiya told Bulukiya, 'In just two days, you've traveled a journey that would normally take seventy months; and when you mounted the mare, she was scared of you, knowing you were a son of Adam, and almost threw you off; so we tied two camels to her back for balance.' When Bulukiya heard this, he was amazed and thanked Allah Almighty for keeping him safe. Then the King asked, 'Tell me about your adventures and what brought you to our land.' So he told him his entire story, and the King was fascinated by his words, keeping Bulukiya with him for two months. Afterward, Hasib Karim al-Din, having been astonished by her tale, asked the Serpent-queen again, saying, 'I beg you, out of your kindness, to command one of your subjects to take me to the surface of the earth so I can return to my family.' But she answered, 'O Hasib, I know that the first thing you will do when you see the surface will be to greet your family and then go to the bath and wash; and as soon as you finish your cleansing, that will be the last I see of you, as it will be the cause of my demise.' Hasib replied, 'I swear I will never enter the bath again as long as I live, but if I need to wash, I will do it at home.' The Queen said, 'I wouldn't trust you even if you swore a hundred oaths, for that kind of self-control is impossible; and I know you are a son of Adam, for whom no oath is binding. Your father Adam made a covenant with Allah the Most High, who shaped the clay that formed him over forty mornings and commanded the angels to bow to him; yet, despite all that, he forgot his promise and broke his oath, going against his Lord's command.' When Hasib heard this, he fell silent and cried; he wept for ten days, at the end of which he said to the Queen, 'Please tell me the rest of Bulukiya’s adventures.' So she began again as follows:—Know, O Hasib, that after spending two months with King Barakhiya, Bulukiya said farewell and traveled over desolate lands for nights and days, until he reached a high mountain which he climbed. On top, he saw a great Angel glorifying the names of God and invoking blessings on Mohammed. Before him lay a tablet covered with characters, some white and some black, where his eyes were fixed, with his wings spread fully, one facing the west and the other the east. Bulukiya approached and greeted the Angel, who returned the greeting and asked, 'Who are you, where do you come from, where are you going, and what is your story?' Bulukiya then recounted his tale from beginning to end, and the Angel was greatly impressed. Bulukiya then asked him, 'Please tell me the meaning of this tablet and what is written on it; and what is your role and what is your name?' The Angel replied, 'My name is Michael, and I am responsible for the transitions of night and day; this is my duty until the Day of Judgment.' Bulukiya was amazed at his words, at his appearance, and his towering stature; after taking his leave, he continued on his journey, night and day, until he came upon a vast meadow with seven streams flowing through it and filled with trees. He was struck by its beauty, and in one corner, he saw a great tree with four Angels underneath it. He approached them and saw the first looking like a man, the second like a wild beast, the third like a bird, and the fourth like a bull, all engaged in glorifying Almighty Allah, saying, 'O my God and my Master and Lord, I implore You, by Your truth and by the status of Your Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him!), to show mercy and grant forgiveness to all created things that bear my likeness; for You are Almighty over all!' Bulukiya was amazed by what he heard but continued his journey until he came to another mountain. Climbing it, he found another great Angel seated at the top, glorifying God, praising Him, and invoking blessings on Mohammed (peace be upon him); and he saw that Angel continually opening and closing his hands and bending and extending his fingers. He greeted him, to which the Angel responded and asked who he was and how he got there. Bulukiya then shared his adventures, including how he had lost his way, and asked the Angel to tell him who he was, what his duty was, and what mountain this was. The Angel replied, 'Know, O Bulukiya, that this is Mount Kaf, which surrounds the world; all the lands created by the Creator are within my reach. When the Almighty intends to send an earthquake, famine, abundance, slaughter, or prosperity to any land, He commands me to carry out His orders, and I do so without moving from my place; for know that my hands grasp the roots of the earth.'——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking for her permitted time."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When the angel said, “And know thou that my hands lay hold upon the roots of the earth,” he asked, “And hath Allah created 323other worlds than this within the mountain Kaf?” The Angel answered, “Yes, He hath made a world white as silver, whose vastness none knoweth save Himself, and hath peopled it with Angels, whose meat and drink are His praise and hallowing and continual blessings upon His Prophet Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!). Every Thursday night[531] they repair to this mountain and worship in congregation Allah until the morning, and they assign the future recompense of their lauds and litanies to the sinners of the Faith of Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!) and to all who make the Ghusl-ablution of Friday; and this is their function until the Day of Resurrection.” Asked Bulukiya, “And hath Allah created other mountains behind the mountain Kaf?”; whereto he answered, “Yes, behind this mountain is a range of mountains five hundred years’ journey long, of snow and ice, and this it is that wardeth off the heat of Jahannam from the world, which verily would else be consumed thereby. Moreover, behind the mountain Kaf are forty worlds, each one the bigness of this world forty times told, some of gold and some of silver and others of carnelian. Each of these worlds hath its own colour, and Allah hath peopled them with angels, that know not Eve nor Adam nor night nor day, and have no other business than to celebrate His praises and hallow Him and make profession of His Unity and proclaim His Omnipotence and supplicate Him on behalf of the followers of Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!). And know, also, O Bulukiya, that the earths were made in seven stages, one upon another, and that Allah hath created one of His Angels, whose stature and attributes none knoweth but Himself and who beareth the seven stages upon his shoulders. Under this Angel Almighty Allah hath created a great rock, and under the rock a bull, and under the bull a huge fish, and under the fish a mighty ocean.”[532] God once told Isa (with whom be peace!) of this fish, and he said, “O Lord show me the fish, that I may look upon it.” So the Almighty commanded an angel to take Isa and show him the fish. Accordingly, he took him up and carried him (with whom be peace!) to the sea, wherein the fish dwelt, and said, “Look, O Isa, upon the fish.” He looked but at first saw nothing, when, suddenly, the fish darted past like lightning. At this sight Isa 324fell down a-swoon, and when he came to himself, Allah spake to him by inspiration, saying, “O Isa, hast thou seen the fish and comprehended its length and its breadth?” He replied, “By Thy honour and glory, O Lord, I saw no fish; but there passed me by a great bull, whose length was three days’ journey, and I know not what manner of thing this bull is.” Quoth Allah, “O Isa, this that thou sawest and which was three days in passing by thee, was but the head of the fish;[533] and know that every day I create forty fishes like unto this.” And Isa hearing this marvelled at the power of Allah the Almighty. Asked Bulukiya, “What hath Allah made beneath this sea which containeth the fish?”; and the Angel answered, “Under the sea the Lord created a vast abyss of air, under the air fire, and under the fire a mighty serpent, by name Falak; and were it not for fear of the Most Highest, this serpent would assuredly swallow up all that is above it, air and fire and the Angel and his burden, without sensing it.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When the angel said, 'And know that my hands hold the roots of the earth,' he asked, 'Has Allah created 323 other worlds than this within the mountain Kaf?' The Angel replied, 'Yes, He has made a world as white as silver, whose vastness no one knows except Him, and populated it with Angels, whose food and drink are His praise and worship and continuous blessings on His Prophet Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!). Every Thursday night[531] they journey to this mountain and worship Allah in congregation until morning, and they assign the future rewards of their praises and prayers to the sinners of the Faith of Mohammed (may Allah bless and save him!) and to all who perform the Ghusl-ablution on Friday; and this is their duty until the Day of Resurrection.' Bulukiya asked, 'Has Allah created other mountains behind the mountain Kaf?' The angel answered, 'Yes, behind this mountain is a range of mountains five hundred years' journey long, made of snow and ice, and this range wards off the heat of Jahannam from the world, which would otherwise be consumed by it. Furthermore, behind the mountain Kaf are forty worlds, each one forty times larger than this world, some of gold, some of silver, and others of carnelian. Each of these worlds has its own color, and Allah has populated them with angels, who know neither Eve nor Adam, nor night nor day, and have no other task than to celebrate His praises, worship Him, affirm His Oneness, proclaim His Omnipotence, and pray for the followers of Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!). Also, O Bulukiya, the earths were created in seven layers, one upon another, and Allah has made one of His Angels, whose size and attributes no one knows but Him, and who carries the seven layers upon his shoulders. Beneath this Angel, Almighty Allah created a great rock, and under the rock a bull, and under the bull a huge fish, and under the fish a mighty ocean.”[532] God once told Isa (peace be upon him) about this fish, and he said, “O Lord, show me the fish so that I may see it.” So the Almighty commanded an angel to take Isa and show him the fish. Accordingly, the angel took him (peace be upon him) to the sea where the fish resided and said, “Look, O Isa, at the fish.” He looked but initially saw nothing, when suddenly, the fish darted by like lightning. At this sight, Isa 324 fainted, and when he returned to his senses, Allah spoke to him through inspiration, saying, “O Isa, have you seen the fish and understood its length and breadth?” He replied, “By Your honor and glory, O Lord, I saw no fish; a great bull passed by me, whose length was three days' journey, and I do not know what kind of creature this bull is.” Allah said, “O Isa, what you saw, which took three days to pass, was just the head of the fish;[533] and know that every day I create forty fish like this one.” Hearing this, Isa marveled at the power of Almighty Allah. Bulukiya asked, “What has Allah made beneath this sea that contains the fish?” The angel answered, “Under the sea, the Lord created a vast abyss of air, under the air, fire, and beneath the fire, a mighty serpent named Falak; and were it not for fear of the Most High, this serpent would certainly devour everything above it, air and fire and the Angel and his burden, without noticing.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the angel said to Bulukiya when describing the serpent, “And were it not for fear of the Most Highest, this serpent would assuredly swallow up all that is above it, air, and fire, and the Angel and his burden, without sensing it. When Allah created this serpent He said to it by inspiration:—I will give thee somewhat to keep for me, so open thy mouth. The serpent replied:—Do whatso Thou wilt; and opened his mouth and God placed Hell into his maw, saying:—Keep it until the Day of Resurrection. When that time comes, the Almighty will send His angels with chains to bring Hell and bind it until the Day when all men shall meet; and the Lord will order Hell to go open its gates and there will issue therefrom sparks bigger than the mountains.” When Bulukiya heard these things he wept with sore weeping and, taking leave of the Angel, fared on westwards, till he came in sight of two creatures sitting before a great shut gate. As he drew near, he saw that one of the gatekeepers had the semblance of a lion and the other that of a bull; so he saluted them and they returned his salam and enquired 325who and whence he was and whither he was bound. Quoth he, “I am of the sons of Adam, a wanderer for the love of Mohammed (whom Allah assain and save!) and I have strayed from my way.” Then he asked them what they were and what was the gate before which they sat, and they answered, “We are the guardians of this gate thou seest and we have no other business than the praise and hallowing of Allah and the invocation of blessings on Mohammed (whom may He bless and keep!).” Bulukiya wondered and asked them, “What is within the gate?”; and they answered, “We wot not.” Then quoth he, “I conjure you, by the truth of your glorious Lord, open to me the gate, that I may see that which is therein.” Quoth they, “We cannot, and none may open this gate, of all created beings save Gabriel, the Faithful One, with whom be peace!” Then Bulukiya lifted up his voice in supplication to Allah, saying, “O Lord, send me thy messenger Gabriel, the Faithful One, to open for me this gate that I may see what be therein;” and the Almighty gave ear unto his prayer and commanded the Archangel to descend to earth and open to him the gate of the Meeting-place of the Two Seas. So Gabriel descended and, saluting Bulukiya, opened the gate to him, saying, “Enter this door, for Allah commandeth me to open to thee.” So he entered and Gabriel locked the gate behind him and flew back to heaven. When Bulukiya found himself within the gate, he looked and beheld a vast ocean, half salt and half fresh, bounded on every side by mountain-ranges of red ruby whereon he saw angels singing the praises of the Lord and hallowing Him. So he went up to them and saluted them and having received a return of his salam, questioned them of the sea and the mountains. Replied they, “This place is situate under the Arsh or empyreal heaven; and this Ocean causeth the flux and flow of all the seas of the world; and we are appointed to distribute them and drive them to the various parts of the earth, the salt to the salt and the fresh to the fresh,[534] and this is our employ until the Day of Doom. As for the mountain-ranges they serve to limit and to contain the waters. But thou, whence comest thou and whither art thou bound?” So he told them his story and asked them of the road. They bade him traverse the surface of the ocean which lay before him: so he anointed his feet with the juice of the herb he had with him, and taking leave 326of the angels, set out upon the face of the sea and sped on over the water nights and days; and as he was faring, behold, he met a handsome youth journeying along like himself, whereupon he greeted him and he returned his greeting. After they parted he espied four great Angels wayfaring over the face of the sea, and their going was like the blinding lightning; so he stationed himself in their road, and when they came up to him, he saluted them and said to them, “I ask you by the Almighty, the Glorious, to tell me your names and whither are ye bound?” Replied the first Angel, “My name is Gabriel and these my companions are called Isráfíl and Míká’íl and Azrá’íl. There hath appeared in the East a mighty dragon, which hath laid waste a thousand cities and devoured their inhabitants; wherefore Allah Almighty hath commanded us to go to him and seize him and cast him into Jahannam.” Bulukiya marvelled at the vastness of their stature and fared on, as before, days and nights, till he came to an island where he landed and walked about for a while,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that the angel told Bulukiya while describing the serpent, 'If it weren't for the fear of the Most High, this serpent would definitely swallow everything above it—air, fire, the Angel, and his burden—without even noticing. When Allah created this serpent, He inspired it, saying: “I will give you something to guard for me, so open your mouth.” The serpent replied, “Do as You wish,” and opened its mouth, and God filled it with Hell, saying: “Hold onto this until the Day of Resurrection.” When that day comes, the Almighty will send His angels with chains to bring Hell and restrain it until the day when all people will gather; and the Lord will command Hell to open its gates, and sparks larger than mountains will burst forth from it.' When Bulukiya heard this, he cried heartily, and after bidding farewell to the Angel, he traveled westward until he spotted two creatures sitting by a massive closed gate. As he got closer, he saw one gatekeeper looked like a lion and the other like a bull; he greeted them, and they returned his greeting, asking who he was, where he came from, and where he was headed. He said, “I am a descendant of Adam, wandering out of love for Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), and I have lost my way.” He then asked what they were and what the gate was for, and they replied, “We are the guardians of this gate you see, and our only duty is to praise Allah and invoke blessings on Mohammed (may He bless and keep him!).” Bulukiya was curious and asked, “What’s behind the gate?” They answered, “We don't know.” He then said, “I urge you, by the truth of your glorious Lord, open the gate for me so I can see what’s inside.” They replied, “We can't, and no one can open this gate, except Gabriel, the Faithful One, peace be upon him!” Then Bulukiya raised his voice in prayer to Allah, saying, “O Lord, send me your messenger Gabriel, the Faithful One, to open this gate for me so I can see what’s inside;” and the Almighty listened to his plea and commanded the Archangel to come down to earth and open the gate of the Meeting-place of the Two Seas. Gabriel descended, greeted Bulukiya, and opened the gate for him, saying, “Enter this door, for Allah commands me to let you in.” As he entered, Gabriel locked the gate behind him and soared back to heaven. When Bulukiya found himself inside, he looked around and saw a vast ocean, half salt and half fresh, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges of red ruby, where he saw angels praising and glorifying the Lord. He approached them, greeted them, and after they returned his greeting, he asked about the sea and mountains. They replied, “This place is located beneath the Arsh, or empyreal heaven; this ocean causes the ebb and flow of all the seas in the world, and we are appointed to distribute them, sending saltwater to the salt and freshwater to the fresh, and this is our duty until the Day of Judgment. The mountain ranges serve to limit and contain the waters. But you, where do you come from and where are you going?” Bulukiya shared his story and asked about the route. They instructed him to cross the surface of the ocean before him: he anointed his feet with the juice of the herb he had, and after bidding farewell to the angels, he set out across the sea, traveling over the water day and night; as he journeyed, he encountered a handsome young man traveling the same way, and he greeted him, receiving a friendly response. After parting ways, he saw four great angels moving swiftly across the surface of the sea like blinding lightning; he positioned himself in their path, and as they approached, he saluted them and asked, “By the Almighty, the Glorious, can you tell me your names and where you’re headed?” The first angel replied, “My name is Gabriel, and these are my companions, Isráfíl, Míká’íl, and Azrá’íl. A mighty dragon has appeared in the East, laying waste to a thousand cities and devouring their inhabitants; Allah has commanded us to confront it, seize it, and cast it into Jahannam.” Bulukiya was amazed by their impressive stature and continued on his journey, day and night, until he reached an island, where he landed and walked around for a while—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her narration.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Bulukiya landed on the island and walked about for a while, till he saw a comely young man with light shining from his visage, sitting weeping and lamenting between two built tombs. So he saluted him and he returned his salutation, and Bulukiya said to him, “Who art thou and what are these two built tombs between which thou sittest, and wherefore this wailing?” He looked at him and wept with sore weeping, till he drenched his clothes with his tears; then said, “Know thou, O my brother, mine is a marvellous story and a wondrous; but I would have thee sit by me and first tell me thy name and thine adventures and who thou art and what brought thee hither; after which I will, in turn, relate to thee my history.” So Bulukiya sat down by him and related to him all that had befallen him from his father’s death,[535] adding, “Such is my history, the whole of it, and Allah 327alone knoweth what will happen to me after this.” When the youth heard his story, he sighed and said, “O thou unhappy! How few things thou hast seen in thy life compared with mine! Know, O Bulukiya, that unlike thyself I have looked upon our lord Solomon, in his life, and have seen things past count or reckoning. Indeed, my story is strange and my case out of range, and I would have thee abide with me, till I tell thee my history and acquaint thee how I come to be sitting here.” Hearing this much Hasib again interrupted the Queen of the Serpents and said to her, “Allah upon thee, O Queen, release me and command one of thy servants carry me forth to the surface of the earth, and I will swear an oath to thee that I will never enter the Hammam-bath as long as I live.” But she said, “This is a thing which may not be nor will I believe thee upon thine oath.” When he heard this, he wept and all the serpents wept on his account and took to interceding for him with their Queen, saying, “We beseech thee, bid one of us carry him forth to the surface of the earth, and he will swear thee an oath never to enter the bath his life long.” Now when Yamlaykhá (for such was the Queen’s name) heard their appeal, she turned to Hasib and made him swear to her an oath; after which she bade a serpent carry him forth to the surface of the earth. The serpent made ready, but as she was about to go away with him, he turned to Queen Yamlaykha and said, “I would fain have thee tell me the history of the youth whom Bulukiya saw sitting between two tombs.” So she said:—Know, O Hasib, that when Bulukiya sat down by the youth and told him his tale, from first to last, in order that the other might also recount his adventures and explain the cause of his sitting between the two tombs——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O fortunate King, that Bulukiya arrived on the island and wandered around for a bit until he saw a handsome young man radiating light from his face, sitting there crying between two tombs. He greeted him, and the young man returned the greeting. Bulukiya asked him, 'Who are you, and what are these two tombs you’re sitting between, and why are you crying?' The young man looked at him and wept bitterly until his clothes were soaked with tears. Then he said, 'Listen, my brother, my story is amazing and extraordinary; but first, sit by me and tell me your name, your adventures, who you are, and what brought you here. After that, I will share my story with you.' So Bulukiya sat down with him and told him everything that had happened since his father died, adding, 'That is my story in full, and only Allah knows what will happen to me next.' When the young man heard his tale, he sighed and said, 'Oh, you poor soul! You have seen so few things in your life compared to me! Know, Bulukiya, that unlike you, I have seen our lord Solomon during his life and witnessed countless things. My story is indeed strange, and my situation is beyond measure. I want you to stay with me so that I can tell you my history and explain how I ended up sitting here.' Hearing this, Hasib again interrupted the Queen of the Serpents and said to her, 'I beg you, O Queen, let me go and order one of your servants to take me to the surface of the earth, and I will promise you that I will never enter a bath for the rest of my life.' But she replied, 'This is something I cannot agree to, and I will not believe you will keep your promise.' When he heard this, he wept, and all the serpents cried for him and started pleading with their Queen, saying, 'We ask you to let one of us take him to the surface, and he will promise you never to enter the bath again for his life.' When Yamlaykha (for that was the Queen’s name) heard their plea, she turned to Hasib and made him swear an oath; after that, she ordered a serpent to carry him to the surface. The serpent got ready, but just as she was about to leave with him, he turned to Queen Yamlaykha and said, 'I would really like for you to tell me the story of the youth whom Bulukiya saw sitting between two tombs.' So she said: 'Know, O Hasib, that when Bulukiya sat by the youth and shared his entire tale so the other might recount his adventures and explain why he was sitting between the two tombs...'" And Shahrazad noticed the dawn had come and stopped her permitted narrative.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya ended his recount, the youth said, “How few things of marvel hast thou seen in thy life, O unhappy! Now I have looked upon our lord Solomon while he was yet living and I have witnessed wonders beyond compt and conception.” And he began to relate
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the Queen continued:—When Bulukiya finished his story, the young man said, 'How few amazing things have you seen in your life, O unfortunate! I've seen our lord Solomon while he was still alive, and I've witnessed wonders beyond counting and imagination.'" And he began to tell his tale.
Know, O my brother, that my sire was a King called Teghmús, who reigned over the land of Kabul and the Banu Shahlán, ten thousand warlike chiefs, each ruling over a hundred walled cities and a hundred citadels; and he was suzerain also over seven vassal princes, and tribute was brought to him from the broad lands between East and West. He was just and equitable in his rule and Allah Almighty had given him all this and had bestowed on him such mighty empire, yet had He not vouchsafed him a son (though this was his dearest wish) to inherit the kingdom after his decease. So one day it befel that he summoned the Olema and astrologers, the mathematicians and almanac-makers, and said, “Draw me my horoscope and look if Allah will grant me a son to succeed me.” Accordingly, they consulted their books and calculated his dominant star and the aspects thereof; after which they said to him, “Know, O King, that thou shalt be blessed with a son, but by none other than the daughter of the King of Khorásán.” Hearing this Teghmus joyed with exceeding joy and, bestowing on the astrologers and wizards treasure beyond numbering or reckoning, dismissed them. His chief Wazir was a renowned warrior, by name ‘Ayn Zár, who was equal to a thousand cavaliers in battle; so him he summoned and, repeating to him what the astrologers had predicted, he said, “O Wazir, it is my will that thou equip thee for a march to Khorasan and demand for me the hand of its King Bahrwán’s daughter.” Receiving these orders the Wazir at once proceeded to get ready for the journey and encamped without the town with his troops and braves and retinue, whilst King Teghmus made ready as presents for the King of Khorasan fifteen hundred loads of silks and precious stones, pearls and rubies and other gems, besides gold and silver; and he also prepared a prodigious quantity of all that goeth to the equipment of a bride; then, loading them upon camels and mules, delivered them to Ayn Zar, with a letter to the following purport. “After invoking the blessing of Heaven, King Teghmus to King Bahrwan, greeting. 329Know that we have taken counsel with the astrologers and sages and mathematicians, and they tell us that we shall have boon of a boy-child, and that by none other than thy daughter. Wherefore I have despatched unto thee my Wazir Ayn Zar, with great store of bridal gear, and I have appointed him to stand in my stead and to enter into the marriage-contract in my name. Furthermore I desire that of thy favour thou wilt grant him his request without stay or delay; for it is my own, and all graciousness thou showest him, I take for myself; but beware of crossing me in this, for know, O King Bahrwan, that Allah hath bestowed upon me the Kingdom of Kabul, and hath given me dominion over the Banu Shahlan and vouchsafed me a mighty empire; and if I marry thy daughter, we will be, I and thou, as one thing in kingship; and I will send thee every year as much treasure as will suffice thee. And this is my desire of thee.” Then King Teghmus sealed the letter with his own ring and gave it to the Wazir, who departed with a great company and journeyed till he drew near the capital of Khorasan. When King Bahrwan heard of his approach, he despatched his principal Emirs to meet him,[537] with a convoy of food and drink and other requisites, including forage for the steeds. So they fared forth with the train till they met the Wazir; then, alighting without the city, they exchanged salutations and abode there, eating and drinking, ten days; at the end of which time they mounted and rode on into the town, where they were met by King Bahrwan, who came out to greet the Wazir of King Teghmus and alighting, embraced him and carried him to his citadel. Then Ayn Zar brought out the presents and laid them before King Bahrwan, together with the letter of King Teghmus, which when the King read and understood, he joyed with joy exceeding and welcomed the Wazir, saying, “Rejoice in winning thy wish; and know that if King Teghmus sought of me my life, verily I would give it to him.” Then he went in forthright to his daughter and her mother and his kinsfolk, and acquainting them with the King of Kabul’s demand, sought counsel of them, and they said, “Do what seemeth good to thee.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Know, my brother, that my father was a King named Teghmús, who ruled over Kabul and the Banu Shahlán, which had ten thousand warrior chiefs, each governing a hundred fortified cities and a hundred strongholds; he was also the overlord of seven vassal princes, and tribute came to him from the vast lands between East and West. He was fair and just in his rule, and Allah Almighty had granted him all this and had given him such a powerful empire, yet He had not blessed him with a son (though this was his greatest wish) to inherit the kingdom after his death. One day, he called the Olema, astrologers, mathematicians, and almanac-makers, and said, “Draw my horoscope and see if Allah will grant me a son to succeed me.” They consulted their books and calculated his dominant star and its aspects; then they told him, “Know, O King, that you will be blessed with a son, but only by the daughter of the King of Khorásán.” Hearing this, Teghmús was filled with immense joy and rewarded the astrologers and wizards with treasure beyond measure, then sent them away. His chief Wazir was a famous warrior named ‘Ayn Zár, who was worth a thousand knights in battle; so he called him and repeated what the astrologers had predicted, saying, “O Wazir, I want you to prepare for a trip to Khorasan and ask for the hand of the King Bahrwán’s daughter.” Following these orders, the Wazir quickly began to prepare for the journey and set up camp outside the city with his soldiers and allies, while King Teghmús prepared as gifts for the King of Khorasan fifteen hundred loads of silk, precious stones, pearls, rubies, and other gems, along with a huge amount of everything needed to equip a bride. Then, loading these onto camels and mules, he gave them to ‘Ayn Zár, along with a letter that said: “After invoking the blessings of Heaven, King Teghmús to King Bahrwán, greetings. 329 We have consulted the astrologers and sages and mathematicians, and they tell us that we will be granted a boy-child, and that it will be by none other than your daughter. Therefore, I have sent my Wazir ‘Ayn Zár to you with a great deal of bridal gifts, and I have appointed him to represent me and enter into the marriage contract in my name. Moreover, I request that you kindly grant him his request without delay; for it is my request, and any kindness you show him, I will consider it as shown to myself; but beware of opposing me in this, for know, O King Bahrwán, that Allah has bestowed upon me the Kingdom of Kabul, and has granted me dominion over the Banu Shahlán and given me a powerful empire; and if I marry your daughter, we will be united in kingship; and I will send you an annual tribute that will suffice. This is my request of you.” Then King Teghmús sealed the letter with his own ring and gave it to the Wazir, who left with a large entourage and journeyed until he approached the capital of Khorasan. When King Bahrwán learned of his arrival, he sent his principal Emirs to meet him, along with provisions and other necessities, including fodder for the horses. They went out and met the Wazir; after getting off their horses outside the city, they exchanged greetings and stayed there, eating and drinking, for ten days. At the end of which, they rode into the city, where they were greeted by King Bahrwán, who came out to welcome the Wazir of King Teghmús, embraced him, and took him to his citadel. Then ‘Ayn Zár presented the gifts and laid them before King Bahrwán, along with the letter from King Teghmús, which, when the King read, filled him with great joy, and he welcomed the Wazir, saying, “Rejoice in getting what you wish for; and know that if King Teghmús asked for my life, I would gladly give it to him.” Then he immediately went to his daughter, her mother, and his relatives, and upon informing them of the request from the King of Kabul, he sought their counsel, and they said, “Do what you think is best.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Bahrwan consulted his daughter and her mother and his kinsfolk and they said, “Do what seemeth good to thee.” So he returned straightway to the Minister Ayn Zar and notified to him that his desire had been fulfilled; and the Wazir abode with him two months, at the end of which time he said to him, “We beseech thee to bestow upon us that wherefore we came, so we may depart to our own land.” “I hear and obey,” answered the King. Then he prepared all the gear wanted for the wedding; and when this was done he assembled his Wazirs and all his Emirs and the Grandees of his realm and the monks and priests who tied the knot of marriage between his daughter and King Teghmus by proxy. And King Bahrwan bade decorate the city after the goodliest fashion and spread the streets with carpets. Then he equipped his daughter for the journey and gave her all manner of presents and rarities and precious metals, such as none may describe; and Ayn Zar departed with the Princess to his own country. When the news of their approach reached King Teghmus, he bade celebrate the wedding festivities and adorn the city; after which he went in unto the Princess and abated her maidenhead; nor was it long before she conceived by him and, accomplishing her months, bare a man-child like the moon on the night of its full. When King Teghmus knew that his wife had given birth to a goodly son, he rejoiced with exceeding joy and, summoning the sages and astrologers and mathematicians, said to them, “I would that ye draw the horoscope of the new-born child with his ascendant and its aspects and acquaint me what shall befal him in his lifetime.” So they made their calculations and found them favourable; but, that he would, in his fifteenth year, be exposed to perils and hardships, and that if he survived, he would be happy and fortunate and become a greater king than his father and a more powerful. The King rejoiced greatly in this prediction and named the boy Janshah. Then he delivered him to the nurses, wet and dry, who reared him excellently well till he reached his fifth year, when his father taught him to read the Evangel and instructed him in the art of arms and lunge of lance and sway of sword, so that in less than seven years he was wont to ride a-hunting, and a-chasing; he became a doughty champion, 331perfect in all the science of the cavalarice and his father was delighted to hear of his knightly prowess. It chanced one day that King Teghmus and his son accompanied by the troops rode out for sport into the wolds and wilds and hunted till mid-afternoon of the third day, when the Prince started a gazelle of a rare colour, which fled before him. So he gave chase to it, followed by seven of King Teghmus’s white slaves all mounted on swift steeds, and rode at speed after the gazelle, which fled before them till she brought them to the sea-shore. They all ran at her to take her as their quarry, but she escaped from them and, throwing herself into the waves,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that King Bahrwan talked with his daughter, her mother, and his relatives, and they advised him, 'Do what you think is best.' So he immediately went back to Minister Ayn Zar and informed him that his wish had been granted. The Wazir stayed with him for two months. At the end of this time, he said, 'We ask you to give us what we came for, so we can return to our homeland.' 'I hear and obey,' the King replied. He then prepared all the things needed for the wedding. Once that was ready, he gathered his Wazirs, Emirs, and the nobles of his kingdom, along with the monks and priests who performed the marriage ceremony between his daughter and King Teghmus by proxy. King Bahrwan ordered the city to be decorated beautifully and filled the streets with carpets. He equipped his daughter for the journey, giving her all kinds of gifts, treasures, and precious metals that are beyond description, and Ayn Zar took the Princess to his own country. When King Teghmus heard they were coming, he instructed the celebration of the wedding festivities and decorating the city. Afterward, he went in to the Princess and consummated their marriage. Before long, she became pregnant with him and, after completing her term, gave birth to a son as radiant as the moon on a full night. When King Teghmus learned that his wife had given birth to a beautiful boy, he was overjoyed and called the sages, astrologers, and mathematicians, asking them to draw the horoscope of the newborn child and tell him what would happen in his life. They made their calculations and found them positive, but warned that he would face trials and hardships in his fifteenth year, and if he lived through that, he would be happy and fortunate, becoming a greater and more powerful king than his father. The King was very pleased with this prediction and named the boy Janshah. He then entrusted him to the nurses, both wet and dry, who took care of him wonderfully until he turned five. His father began teaching him to read and instructed him in the art of combat with the lance and sword, so that within seven years, he was already hunting and becoming a skilled warrior. His father was thrilled to hear about his valiant feats. One day, King Teghmus and his son, along with their troops, ventured out into the fields and woods for hunting until midday on the third day, when the Prince spotted a rare-colored gazelle that ran away from him. He chased after it, followed by seven of King Teghmus's white slaves on fast horses, racing after the gazelle until it led them to the seashore. They all charged at her to catch her, but she escaped and jumped into the waves—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Janshah and the Mamelukes ran at the gazelle, to take her as their quarry, she escaped from them and, throwing herself into the waves, swam out to a fishing bark, that was moored near the shore, and sprang on board. Janshah and his followers dismounted and, boarding the boat, made prize of the gazelle and were minded to return to shore with her, when the Prince espied a great island in the offing and said to his merry men, “I have a longing to visit yonder island.” They answered, “We hear and obey,” and sailed on till they came to the island, where they landed and amused themselves with exploring the place. Then they again embarked and taking with them the gazelle, set out to return homeward, but the murk of evening overtook them and they missed their way on the main. Moreover a strong wind arose and drave the boat into mid-ocean, so that when they awoke in the morning, they found themselves lost at sea. Such was their case; but as regards King Teghmus, when he missed his son, he commanded his troops to make search for him in separate bodies; so they dispersed on all sides and a company of them, coming to the sea-shore, found there the Prince’s white slave whom he had left in charge of the horses. They asked him what was come of his master and the other six, and he told them what had passed; whereupon they took him with them and returned to the King and acquainted him with what they had learnt. When Teghmus heard their report, he wept with sore weeping and cast the crown from his 332head, biting his hands for vexation. Then he rose forthright and wrote letters and despatched them to all the islands of the sea. Moreover he got together an hundred ships and filling them with troops, sent them to sail about in quest of Janshah, while he himself withdrew with his troops to his capital, where he abode in sore concern. As for Janshah’s mother, when she heard of his loss she buffeted her face and began the mourning ceremonies for her son making sure that he was dead. Meanwhile, Janshah and his men ceased not driving before the wind and those in search of them cruised about for ten days till, finding no trace they returned and reported failure to the King. But a stiff gale caught the Prince’s craft which went spooning till they made a second island, where they landed and walked about. Presently they came upon a spring of running water in the midst of the island and saw from afar a man sitting hard by it. So they went up to him and saluted him, and he returned their salam, speaking in a voice like the whistle[538] of birds. Whilst Janshah stood marvelling at the man’s speech he looked right and left and suddenly split himself in twain, and each half went a different way.[539] Then there came down from the hills a multitude of men of all kinds, beyond count and reckoning; and they no sooner reached the spring, than each one divided into two halves and rushed on Janshah and his Mamelukes to eat them. When the voyagers saw this, they turned and fled seawards; but the cannibals pursued them and caught and ate three of the slaves, leaving only three slaves who with Janshah reached the boat in safety; then launching her made for the water and sailed nights and days without knowing whither their ship went. They killed the gazelle and lived on her flesh, till the winds drove them to a third island which was full of trees and waters and flower-gardens and orchards laden with all fashion of fruits: and streams strayed under the tree-shade: brief, the place was a Garden of Eden. The island pleased the Prince and he said to his companions, “Which of you will land and explore.” Then said one of the slaves, “That will I do”; but he replied, 333“This thing may not be; you must all land and explore the place while I abide in the boat.” So he set them ashore,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O great King, that when Janshah and the Mamelukes chased the gazelle to catch her, she escaped and jumped into the waves, swimming to a fishing boat that was anchored near the shore, and jumped on board. Janshah and his followers got off their horses and boarded the boat, claiming the gazelle and planning to return to shore with her. When the Prince spotted a large island in the distance, he said to his merry men, 'I want to visit that island.' They replied, 'We hear and obey,' and sailed until they reached the island. There, they landed and entertained themselves by exploring the area. Afterwards, they boarded the boat again, taking the gazelle with them, and set off to go home, but evening fell upon them, and they lost their way at sea. Additionally, a strong wind arose and pushed the boat far into the ocean, so when they woke up in the morning, they found themselves lost at sea. Meanwhile, when King Teghmus realized his son was missing, he ordered his troops to search for him in separate groups. They scattered in all directions, and a group found the Prince's white slave, who had been left in charge of the horses. They asked him what had happened to his master and the other six, and he told them everything that had occurred; then they took him with them back to the King and informed him of what they had learned. When Teghmus heard their report, he wept bitterly and threw his crown from his head, biting his hands in frustration. Then he immediately got up and wrote letters, sending them to all the islands in the sea. He also gathered a hundred ships, filled them with troops, and sent them out to search for Janshah, while he himself returned with his troops to his capital, where he remained in deep worry. As for Janshah's mother, when she heard of his loss, she slapped her face and began mourning for her son, convinced he was dead. Meanwhile, Janshah and his men kept sailing before the wind, and those searching for them cruised around for ten days until, finding no trace, they returned and reported their failure to the King. But a strong wind caught the Prince's boat which sailed until they reached a second island, where they landed and walked around. Soon, they found a spring of running water in the middle of the island and saw from a distance a man sitting by it. They approached him and greeted him, and he returned their greeting with a voice like the whistle of birds. While Janshah stood in awe of the man’s speech, he looked around and suddenly split himself in two, with each half going in a different direction. Then a multitude of various men descended from the hills, and as soon as they reached the spring, each one split into two halves and rushed towards Janshah and his Mamelukes to attack them. When the voyagers saw this, they turned and fled toward the sea; but the cannibals chased them, caught, and ate three of the slaves, leaving only three who, along with Janshah, made it back to the boat safely. They launched the boat, headed for the water, and sailed day and night, not knowing where their ship was going. They killed the gazelle and lived off her meat until the winds drove them to a third island filled with trees, running water, blossoming gardens, and orchards heavy with all kinds of fruit: streams flowed under the shade of the trees—truly, it was a paradise. The Prince liked the island and said to his companions, 'Which of you will go ashore to explore?' Then one of the slaves said, 'I will do it'; but he replied, 'No, that can't be; you all must go ashore and explore while I stay in the boat.' So he let them go ashore, and Shahrazad noticed the dawn break and stopped to say what was allowed."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Prince set them ashore, and they searched the island, East and West, but found no one; then they fared on inland to the heart thereof, till they came to a Castle compassed about with ramparts of white marble, within which was a palace of the clearest crystal and, set in its centre a garden containing all manner fruits beyond description, both fresh and dry, and flowers of grateful odour and trees and birds singing upon the boughs. Amiddlemost the garden was a vast basin of water, and beside it a great open hall with a raised dais whereon stood a number of stools surrounding a throne of red gold, studded with all kinds of jewels and especially rubies. Seeing the beauty of the Castle and of the Garden they entered and explored in all directions, but found no one there, so after rummaging the Castle they returned to Janshah and told him what they had seen. When he heard their report, he cried, “Needs must I solace myself with a sight of it;” so he landed and accompanied them to the palace, which he entered marvelling at the goodliness of the place. They then visited every part of the gardens and ate of the fruits and continued walking till it waxed dark, when they returned to the estrade and sat down, Janshah on the throne in the centre and the three others on the stools ranged to the right and left. Then the Prince, there seated, called to mind his separation from his father’s throne-city[540] and country and friends and kinsfolk; and fell a-weeping and lamenting over their loss, whilst his men wept around him. And as they were thus sorrowing behold, they heard a mighty clamour, that came from seaward, and looking in the direction of the clamour saw a multitude of apes, as they were swarming locusts. Now the castle and the island belonged to these apes, who, finding the strangers’ boat moored to the strand, had scuttled it and after repaired to the 334palace, where they came upon Janshah and his men seated. Here the Serpent-queen again broke off her recital saying, “All this, O Hasib, was told to Bulukiya by the young man sitting between the two tombs.” Quoth Hasib, “And what did Janshah with the apes?”; so the Queen resumed her tale:—He and his men were sore affrighted at the appearance of the apes, but a company of them came up to the throne whereon he sat and, kissing the earth before him, stood awhile in his presence with their paws upon their breasts in posture of respect. Then another troop brought to the castle gazelles which they slaughtered and skinned; and roasting pieces of the flesh till fit for food they laid them on platters of gold and silver and spreading the table, made signs to Janshah and his men to eat. The Prince and his followers came down from their seats and ate, and the apes ate with them, till they were satisfied, when the apes took away the meat and set on fruits of which they partook and praised Allah the most Highest. Then Janshah asked the apes by signs what they were and to whom the palace belonged, and they answered him by signals, “Know ye that this island belonged of yore to our lord Solomon son of David (on both of whom be peace!), and he used to come hither once every year for his solace,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "It has reached me, O great King, that the Prince dropped them off on the shore, and they searched the island, east and west, but found no one. Then they traveled inland to the heart of the island until they came to a castle surrounded by walls of white marble. Inside was a palace made of the clearest crystal, and in its center was a garden filled with all kinds of indescribable fruits, both fresh and dried, along with fragrant flowers, trees, and birds singing in the branches. In the middle of the garden was a large water basin, and beside it was a big open hall with a raised platform where there were several stools surrounding a throne made of red gold, decorated with all kinds of jewels, especially rubies. Seeing the beauty of the castle and the garden, they entered and explored in all directions but found no one there. After searching the castle, they went back to Janshah and told him what they had seen. When he heard their report, he exclaimed, “I must see it for myself.” So he landed and went with them to the palace, which he entered, marveling at its beauty. They explored every corner of the gardens, eating the fruits, and continued walking until it got dark. Then they returned to the raised platform and sat down, with Janshah on the throne in the center and the three others on stools to the right and left. As he sat there, the Prince thought of his separation from his father's throne city and country, friends, and family, and he began to weep and lament over their loss, while his men wept around him. While they were sorrowing, they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the sea, and looking in that direction, they saw a huge crowd of apes swarming like locusts. The castle and the island belonged to these apes, who, finding the strangers’ boat moored on the shore, had sunk it and then come to the palace, where they found Janshah and his men seated. Here, the Serpent-queen paused in her story and said, “All this, O Hasib, was told to Bulukiya by the young man sitting between the two tombs.” Hasib asked, “And what did Janshah do with the apes?” The Queen resumed her tale: He and his men were greatly frightened by the appearance of the apes, but a group of them approached the throne where he sat and, kissing the ground before him, stood in his presence with their paws on their chests as a sign of respect. Then another group brought gazelles to the castle, which they slaughtered and skinned; they roasted pieces of the meat until it was ready to eat, placed them on gold and silver platters, and set the table, gesturing for Janshah and his men to eat. The Prince and his companions came down from their seats and ate, and the apes joined them until they were full. After that, the apes took away the meat and brought out fruits, which they enjoyed while praising Allah, the Most High. Then Janshah asked the apes through gestures what they were and to whom the palace belonged, and they replied by signals, “Know that this island once belonged to our lord Solomon, son of David (peace be upon them both!), and he used to come here once every year for relaxation.” And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Janshah asked the apes by signs to whom the palace belonged, they answered him by signals, “Of a truth this place belonged of yore to our lord Solomon son of David (on both of whom be peace!), who used to come hither once every year for his solace, and then wend his ways.” Presently the apes continued, “And know, O King, that thou art become our Sultan and we are thy servants; so eat and drink, and whatso thou ever bid us, that will we do.” So saying, they severally kissed the earth between the hands of Janshah and all took their departure. The Prince slept that night on the throne and his men on the stools about him, and on the morrow, at daybreak, the four Wazirs or Captains of the apes presented themselves before him, attended by their troops, who ranged themselves about him, rank after rank, until the place was crowded. Then the Wazirs approached and exhorted him by 335signs to do justice amongst them and rule them righteously; after which the apes cried out to one another and went away, all save a small party which remained in presence to serve him. After awhile, there came up a company of apes with huge dogs in the semblance of horses, each wearing about his head a massive chain; and signed to Janshah and his three followers to mount and go with them. So they mounted, marvelling at the greatness of the dogs, and rode forth, attended by the four Wazirs and a host of apes like swarming locusts, some riding on dogs and others afoot till they came to the sea-shore. Janshah looked for the boat which brought him and finding it scuttled turned to the Wazirs and asked how this had happened to it; whereto they answered, “Know, O King, that, when thou camest to our island, we kenned that thou wouldst be Sultan over us and we feared lest ye all flee from us, in our absence; and embark in the boat; so we sank it.” When Janshah heard this, he turned to his Mamelukes and said to them, “We have no means of escaping from these apes, and we must patiently await the ordinance of the Almighty.” Then they fared on inland and ceased not faring till they came to the banks of a river, on whose other side rose a high mountain, whereon Janshah saw a multitude of Ghuls. So he turned to the apes and asked them, “What are these Ghuls?” and they answered, “Know, O King, that these Ghuls are our mortal foes and we come hither to do battle with them.” Janshah marvelled to see them riding horses, and was startled at the vastness of their bulk and the strangeness of their semblance; for some of them had heads like bulls and others like camels. As soon as the Ghuls espied the army of the apes, they charged down to the river·bank and standing there, fell to pelting them with stones as big as maces; and between them there befel a sore fight. Presently, Janshah, seeing that the Ghuls were getting the better of the apes, cried out to his men, saying, “Uncase your bows and arrows and shoot at them your best shafts and keep them off from us.” They did so and slew of the Ghuls much people, when there fell upon them sore dismay and they turned to flee; but the apes, seeing Janshah’s prowess, forded the river and headed by their Sultan chased the Ghuls, killing many of them in the pursuit, till they reached the high mountain where they disappeared. And while exploring the said mountain Janshah found a tablet of alabaster, whereon was written, “O thou who enterest this land, know that thou wilt become Sultan over these 336apes and that from them there is no escape for thee, except by the passes that run east and west through the mountains. If thou take the eastern pass, thou wilt fare through a country swarming with Ghuls and wild beasts, Marids and Ifrits, and thou wilt come, after three months’ journeying, to the ocean which encompasseth the earth; but, if thou travel by the western pass, it will bring thee, after four months’ journeying, to the head of the Wady of Emmets.[541] When thou hast followed the road, that leads through this mountain, ten days,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has reached me, O prosperous King, that when Janshah asked the apes using gestures to whom the palace belonged, they responded with signals, 'This place once belonged to our lord Solomon, son of David (peace be upon them both!), who used to visit here once a year for his enjoyment, and then would leave.' Then the apes continued, 'And know, O King, that you have become our Sultan and we are your servants; so eat and drink, and whatever you command us, we will do.' Saying this, they each kissed the ground between Janshah's hands and then left. The Prince spent that night on the throne while his men rested on the stools around him. The next morning, at dawn, the four Wazirs or Captains of the apes came before him, accompanied by their troops, who lined up around him, rank after rank, until the area was crowded. Then the Wazirs approached and urged him through gestures to govern them justly and rule righteously; after which the apes called out to one another and left, except for a small group that stayed to serve him. After a while, a company of apes arrived with huge dogs that looked like horses, each wearing a heavy chain around its neck; they signaled for Janshah and his three companions to mount and go with them. So they mounted, amazed by the size of the dogs, and rode out, accompanied by the four Wazirs and a swarm of apes, some riding the dogs and others on foot, until they reached the seashore. Janshah looked for the boat that had brought him and discovered it was sunk. He turned to the Wazirs and asked how this had happened; they replied, 'O King, when you arrived on our island, we knew you would become Sultan over us, and we feared that you all might escape while we were away and board the boat; so we sank it.' When Janshah heard this, he turned to his Mamelukes and said, 'We have no way to escape from these apes, and we must patiently await the will of the Almighty.' They continued their journey inland and did not stop until they reached the banks of a river, on the other side of which was a high mountain, where Janshah saw a multitude of Ghuls. He turned to the apes and asked, 'What are these Ghuls?' They answered, 'O King, these Ghuls are our mortal enemies, and we have come here to fight them.' Janshah was astonished to see them riding horses and was startled by their immense size and strange appearance; some had heads like bulls and others like camels. As soon as the Ghuls spotted the ape army, they charged down to the riverbank and began throwing stones as big as maces at them, leading to a fierce battle. Soon, Janshah noticed that the Ghuls were overpowering the apes, so he shouted to his men, 'Draw your bows and arrows and shoot your best shots to keep them away from us.' They did so and killed many of the Ghuls, causing them to panic and flee; but the apes, seeing Janshah's bravery, crossed the river and, led by their Sultan, chased the Ghuls, killing many in pursuit until they reached the high mountain where the Ghuls disappeared. While exploring that mountain, Janshah found an alabaster tablet that read, 'O you who enter this land, know that you will become Sultan over these apes and that there is no escape for you from them, except through the passes that run east and west through the mountains. If you take the eastern pass, you will travel through a land filled with Ghuls and wild beasts, Marids, and Ifrits, and after three months of journeying, you will reach the ocean that surrounds the earth; but if you travel by the western pass, it will lead you, after four months of journeying, to the head of the Wady of Emmets. When you have followed the road that leads through this mountain for ten days...' And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted speech."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Janshah read this much upon the tablet and found, at the end of the inscription, “Then thou wilt come to a great river, whose current is so swift that it blindeth the eyes. Now this river drieth up every Sabbath,[542] and on the opposite bank lies a city wholly inhabited by Jews, who the faith of Mohammed refuse; there is not a Moslem among the band nor is there other than this city in the land. Better therefore lord it over the apes, for so long as thou shalt tarry amongst them they will be victorious over the Ghuls. And know also that he who wrote this tablet was the lord Solomon, son of David (on both be peace!).” When Janshah read these words, he wept sore and repeated them to his men. Then they mounted again and, surrounded by the army of the apes who were rejoicing in their victory, returned to the castle. Here Janshah abode, Sultaning over them, for a year and a half. And at the end of this time, he one day commanded the ape-army to mount and go forth a-hunting with him, and they rode out into the wolds and wilds, and fared on from place to place, till they approached the Wady of Emmets, which Janshah knew by the description of it upon the alabaster tablet. Here he bade them dismount and they all abode there, eating and drinking a space of 337ten days, after which Janshah took his men apart one night and said, “I purpose we flee through the Valley of Emmets and make for the town of the Jews; it may be Allah will deliver us from these apes and we will go God’s ways.” They replied, “We hear and we obey:” so he waited till some little of the night was spent, then, donning his armour and girding his sword and dagger and such like weapons, and his men doing likewise, they set out and fared on westwards till morning. When the apes awoke and missed Janshah and his men, they knew that they had fled. So they mounted and pursued them, some taking the eastern pass and others that which led to the Wady of Emmets, nor was it long before the apes came in sight of the fugitives, as they were about to enter the valley, and hastened after them. When Janshah and his men saw them, they fled into the Emmet-valley; but the apes soon overtook them and would have slain them, when behold, there rose out of the earth a multitude of ants like swarming locusts, as big as dogs, and charged home upon the apes. They devoured many of their foes, and these also slew many of the ants; but help came to the emmets: now an ant would go up to an ape and smite him and cut him in twain, whilst ten apes could hardly master one ant and bear him away and tear him in sunder. The sore battle lasted till the evening but the emmets were victorious. In the gloaming Janshah and his men took to flight and fled along the sole of the Wady——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that Janshah read this much on the tablet and discovered, at the end of the inscription, 'Then you will come to a great river, whose current is so swift that it blinds the eyes. This river dries up every Sabbath,[542] and on the opposite bank is a city completely inhabited by Jews, who reject the faith of Mohammed; there isn’t a single Muslim among them nor is there any city like this one in the land. It's better to rule over the apes, for as long as you stay with them, they will be victorious over the Ghuls. And know that the one who wrote this tablet was Lord Solomon, son of David (peace be upon both of them!).' When Janshah read these words, he wept bitterly and repeated them to his men. They then mounted up again and, surrounded by the army of the apes who were rejoicing in their victory, returned to the castle. Here Janshah stayed, ruling over them, for a year and a half. After this time, he commanded the ape army one day to mount and go hunting with him, and they rode out into the wilds, moving from place to place until they approached the Wady of Emmets, which Janshah recognized from the description on the alabaster tablet. Here, he ordered them to dismount and they all stayed there, eating and drinking for ten days. After that, Janshah took his men aside one night and said, 'I plan for us to escape through the Valley of Emmets and head for the town of the Jews; perhaps Allah will deliver us from these apes and we will follow God's ways.' They replied, 'We hear and we obey,' so he waited until a little of the night had passed, then, putting on his armor and strapping on his sword and dagger and other weapons, and his men doing the same, they set out westward until morning. When the apes awoke and found that Janshah and his men were gone, they realized they had fled. They mounted and pursued them, some taking the eastern route and others leading to the Wady of Emmets. It wasn’t long before the apes spotted the fugitives just as they were about to enter the valley, and rushed after them. When Janshah and his men saw them, they fled into the Emmet valley; but the apes soon caught up with them and tried to kill them, when suddenly, a swarm of ants rose from the earth, as numerous as locusts and as big as dogs, and charged at the apes. They devoured many of their enemies, and the apes also killed many of the ants; but reinforcements came for the emmets: one ant could approach an ape, strike him, and cut him in two, while ten apes could hardly overpower a single ant to take him away and tear him apart. The fierce battle lasted until evening, but the emmets were victorious. In the twilight, Janshah and his men took flight and fled along the base of the Wady—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in the gloaming Janshah and his men took to flight and fled along the sole of the Wady till the morning. With the break of day, the apes were up and at them, which when the Prince saw, he shouted to his men, “Smite with your swords.” So they bared their blades and laid on load right and left, till there ran at them an ape, with tusks like an elephant, and smote one of the Mamelukes and cut him in sunder. Then the apes redoubled upon Janshah and he fled with his followers into the lower levels of the valley, where he saw a vast river and by its side a mighty many of ants. When the emmets espied Janshah they pushed on and surrounded him, and one of the slaves fell to smiting them with 338his sword and cutting them in twain; whereupon the whole host set upon him and slew him. At this pass, behold, up came the apes from over the mountain and fell in numbers upon Janshah; but he tore off his clothes and, plunging into the river, with his remaining servant, struck out for the middle of the stream. Presently, he caught sight of a tree on the other bank; so he swam up to it and laying hold of one of its branches, hung to it and swung himself ashore, but as for the last Mameluke the current carried him away and dashed him to pieces against the mountain. Thereupon Janshah fell to wringing his clothes and spreading them in the sun to dry, what while there befel a fierce fight between the apes and the ants, until the apes gave up the pursuit and returned to their own land. Meanwhile, Janshah, who abode alone on the river-bank, could do naught but shed tears till nightfall, when he took refuge in a cavern and there passed the dark hours, in great fear and feeling desolate for the loss of his slaves. At daybreak awaking from his sleep he set out again and fared on nights and days, eating of the herbs of the earth, till he came to the mountain which burnt like fire, and thence he made the river which dried up every Sabbath. Now it was a mighty stream and on the opposite bank stood a great city, which was the capital of the Jews mentioned in the tablet. Here he abode till the next Sabbath, when the river dried up and he walked over to the other side and entered the Jew city, but saw none in the streets. So he wandered about till he came to the door of a homestead, which he opened and entering, espied within the people of the house sitting in silence and speaking not a syllable. Quoth he, “I am a stranger and anhungered;” and they signed to him, as to say, “Eat and drink, but speak not.”[543] So he ate and drank and slept that night and, when morning dawned, the master of the house greeted him and bade him welcome and asked him, “Whence comest thou and whither art thou bound?” At these words Janshah wept sore and told him all that had befallen him and how his father was King of Kabul; whereat the Jew marvelled and said, “Never heard we of that city, but we have heard from the merchants of the caravans that in that direction lieth a land called Al-Yaman.” “How far is that land from this 339place?” asked Janshah, and the Jew answered, “The Cafilah merchants pretend that it is a two years and three months’ march from their land hither.” Quoth Janshah, “And when doth the caravan come?” Quoth the Jew, “Next year ‘twill come.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O fortunate King, that during twilight, Janshah and his men fled and continued until morning. When day broke, the apes were upon them. Upon seeing this, the Prince shouted to his men, 'Strike with your swords.' They drew their blades and fought fiercely until an ape, with tusks like an elephant, charged at them and severed one of the Mamelukes in two. The apes then pressed harder on Janshah, forcing him and his followers to retreat into the lower part of the valley, where he encountered a vast river and many ants beside it. When the ants saw Janshah, they closed in on him, and one of the slaves began to attack them with his sword, cutting them down. However, the entire swarm turned on him and killed him. At that moment, the apes descended from the mountain and attacked Janshah in great numbers, but he ripped off his clothes and, with his last remaining servant, plunged into the river, swimming for the middle of the current. Soon, he spotted a tree on the other bank, swam to it, grabbed onto a branch, and swung himself to the shore. Unfortunately, the last Mameluke was swept away by the current and smashed against the rocks. Janshah then wrung out his clothes and spread them in the sun to dry while a fierce battle raged between the apes and the ants until the apes gave up and returned to their land. Meanwhile, Janshah, alone on the riverbank, could do nothing but cry until nightfall, when he found shelter in a cave and spent the dark hours in great fear and mourning for the loss of his slaves. At dawn, after waking from his sleep, he set out again and traveled for days and nights, eating whatever herbs he could find, until he reached the mountain that blazed like fire. From there, he came to the river that dried up every Sabbath. It was a mighty stream, and on the other side stood a large city, the capital of the Jews mentioned in the tablet. He stayed there until the next Sabbath when the river dried up, allowing him to cross to the other side and enter the Jewish city, but he found no one in the streets. He wandered until he arrived at a house, which he entered, and found the occupants sitting in silence, speaking not a word. He said, 'I am a stranger and hungry,' and they gestured to him, indicating, 'Eat and drink, but don't speak.' So he ate, drank, and slept that night, and when morning arrived, the master of the house welcomed him and asked, 'Where do you come from, and where are you going?' At this, Janshah wept bitterly and recounted all that had happened to him, telling how his father was the King of Kabul. The Jew was astonished and replied, 'We've never heard of that city, but merchants have spoken of a land called Al-Yaman in that direction.' 'How far is that land from here?' asked Janshah, and the Jew said, 'The caravan merchants claim it's a two years and three months' journey from their land to here.' Janshah then asked, 'When does the caravan come?' The Jew replied, 'Next year it will arrive.'"——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking as she was permitted.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Jew was questioned anent the coming of the caravan, he replied, “Next year ‘twill come.” At these words the Prince wept sore and fell a-sorrowing for himself and his Mamelukes; and lamenting his separation from his mother and father and all which had befallen him in his wanderings. Then said the Jew, “O young man, do not weep, but sojourn with us till the caravan shall come, when we will send thee with it to thine own country.” So he tarried with the Jew two whole months and every day he went out walking in the streets for his solace and diversion. Now it chanced one day, whilst he paced about the main thoroughfares, as of wont, and was bending his steps right and left, he heard a crier crying aloud and saying, “Who will earn a thousand gold pieces and a slave-girl of surpassing beauty and loveliness by working for me between morning and noontide?” But no one answered him and Janshah said in his mind, “Were not this work dangerous and difficult, he would not offer a thousand dinars and a fair girl for half a day’s labour.” Then he accosted the crier and said, “I will do the work;” so the man carried him to a lofty mansion where they found one who was a Jew and a merchant, seated on an ebony chair, to whom quoth the crier, standing respectfully before him, “O merchant, I have cried every day these three months, and none hath answered, save this young man.” Hearing his speech the Jew welcomed Janshah, led him into a magnificent sitting-room and signalled to bring food. So the servants spread the table and set thereon all manner meats, of which the merchant and Janshah ate, and washed their hands. Then wine was served up and they drank; after which the Jew rose and bringing Janshah a purse of a thousand dinars and a slave-girl of rare beauty, said to him, “Take maid and money to thy hire.” Janshah took them and seated the girl by his side when the trader resumed, “To-morrow 340to the work!”; and so saying he withdrew and Janshah slept with the damsel that night. As soon as it was morning, the merchant bade his slaves clothe him in a costly suit of silk whenas he came out of the Hammam-bath. So they did as he bade them and brought him back to the house, whereupon the merchant called for harp and lute and wine and they drank and played and made merry till the half of the night was past, when the Jew retired to his Harim and Janshah lay with his slave-girl till the dawn. Then he went to the bath and on his return, the merchant came to him and said, “Now I wish thee to do the work for me.” “I hear and obey,” replied Janshah. So the merchant bade his slaves bring two she-mules and set Janshah on one, mounting the other himself. Then they rode forth from the city and fared on from morn till noon, when they made a lofty mountain, to whose height was no limit. Here the Jew dismounted, ordering Janshah to do the same; and when he obeyed the merchant gave him a knife and a cord, saying, “I desire that thou slaughter this mule.” So Janshah tucked up his sleeves and skirts and going up to the mule, bound her legs with the cord, then threw her and cut her throat; after which he skinned her and lopped off her head and legs and she became a mere heap of flesh. Then said the Jew, “Slit open the mule’s belly and enter it and I will sew it up on thee. There must thou abide awhile and whatsoever thou seest in her belly, acquaint me therewith.” So Janshah slit the mule’s belly and crept into it, whereupon the merchant sewed it up on him and withdrew to a distance,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O fortunate King, that when the Jew was asked about the arrival of the caravan, he replied, 'It will come next year.' At these words, the Prince cried heavily and mourned for himself and his Mamelukes, lamenting his separation from his mother and father and everything that had happened to him in his travels. Then the Jew said, 'O young man, don’t cry, but stay with us until the caravan arrives, and we’ll send you back to your own country with it.' So he stayed with the Jew for two full months, and every day he walked the streets for comfort and entertainment. One day, while walking around the main streets as usual and wandering in different directions, he heard a crier shouting, 'Who will earn a thousand gold pieces and a beautiful slave-girl by working for me from morning till noon?' But no one answered him, and Janshah thought to himself, 'If this job weren’t dangerous and difficult, he wouldn’t offer a thousand dinars and a lovely girl for just half a day’s work.' He then approached the crier and said, 'I will do the work;' so the man took him to a tall mansion where they found a Jew, a merchant, sitting on an ebony chair. The crier respectfully addressed him, 'O merchant, I have cried out every day for the last three months, and no one has answered except this young man.' Hearing this, the Jew welcomed Janshah, led him into a magnificent sitting room, and signaled for food to be brought. The servants laid out a table with all kinds of dishes, which the merchant and Janshah ate and washed their hands. Then wine was served, and they drank. Afterward, the Jew got up, gave Janshah a purse with a thousand dinars and a beautiful slave-girl, and said to him, 'Take the girl and money as your payment.' Janshah took them and sat the girl by his side. The trader then said, 'Tomorrow, to the work!' and then left, and Janshah spent the night with the girl. As morning came, the merchant instructed his slaves to dress Janshah in an expensive silk outfit after he came out of the bath. They did as he asked and brought him back to the house, where the merchant called for a harp, lute, and wine. They drank, played, and celebrated until half the night had passed. Then the Jew retired to his Harim, while Janshah stayed with his slave girl until dawn. After going to the bath, the merchant came to him and said, 'Now I need you to do the work for me.' 'I hear and obey,' Janshah replied. The merchant ordered his slaves to bring two female mules and seated Janshah on one while he mounted the other. They rode out of the city and continued their journey from morning until noon when they reached an endless tall mountain. Here, the Jew dismounted and told Janshah to do the same. After Janshah complied, the merchant handed him a knife and a rope, saying, 'I want you to slaughter this mule.' Janshah rolled up his sleeves, went to the mule, tied her legs with the rope, knocked her down, and cut her throat; then he skinned her and removed her head and legs, leaving only a heap of flesh. Then the Jew said, 'Cut open the mule's belly and climb inside. I will sew it up around you. You must stay there for a while, and whatever you see in her belly, tell me about it.' So Janshah cut open the mule's belly and crawled inside, then the merchant sewed it up around him and moved away,——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her storytelling."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the merchant sewed up the mule’s belly on Janshah and, withdrawing to a distance, hid himself in the skirts of the mountain. After a while a huge bird swooped down on the dead mule and snatching it up, flew up with it to the top of the mountain, where it set down the quarry and would have eaten it; but Janshah, feeling the bird begin to feed, slit the mule’s belly and came forth. When the bird saw him, it took fright at him and flew right away; whereupon he stood up and looking right and left, saw nothing but the carcasses of dead men, mummied by the sun, and exclaimed, 341“There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!” Then he looked down the precipice and espied the merchant standing at the mountain-foot, looking for him. As soon as the Jew caught sight of him, he called out to him, “Throw me down of the stones which are about thee, that I may direct thee to a way whereby thou mayst descend.” So Janshah threw him down some two hundred of the stones, which were all rubies,[544] chrysolites and other gems of price; after which he called out to him, saying, “Show me the way down and I will throw thee as many more.” But the Jew gathered up the stones and, binding them on the back of the mule, went his way without answering a word and left Janshah alone on the mountain-top. When the Prince found himself deserted, he began to weep and implore help of Heaven, and thus he abode three days; after 342which he rose and fared on over the mountainous ground two month’s space, feeding upon hill-herbs; and he ceased not faring till he came to its skirts and espied afar off a Wady full of fruitful trees and birds harmonious singing the praises of Allah, the One, the Victorious. At this sight he joyed with great joy and stayed not his steps till, after an hour or so, he came to a ravine in the rocks, through which the rain-torrents fell into the valley. He made his way down the cleft till he reached the Wady which he had seen from the mountain-top and walked on therein, gazing right and left, nor ceased so doing until he came in sight of a great castle, towering high in air. As he drew near the gates he saw an old man of comely aspect and face shining with light standing thereat with a staff of carnelian in his hand, and going up to him, saluted him. The Shaykh returned his salam and bade him welcome, saying, “Sit down, O my son.” So he sat down at the door of the castle and the old man said to him, “How camest thou to this land, untrodden by son of Adam before thee, and whither art thou bound?” When Janshah heard his words he wept bitterly at the thought of all the hardships he had suffered and his tears choked his speech. Quoth the Shaykh, “O my son, leave weeping; for indeed thou makest my heart ache.” So saying, he rose and set somewhat of food before him and said to him, “Eat.” He ate and praised Allah Almighty; after which the old man besought him saying, “O my son, I would have thee tell me thy tale and acquaint me with thine adventures.” So Janshah related to him all that had befallen him, from first to last, whereat the Shaykh marvelled with exceeding marvel. Then said the Prince, “Prithee inform me who is the lord of this valley and to whom doth this great castle belong?” Answered the old man, “Know, O my son, this valley and all that is therein and this castle with all it containeth belong to the lord Solomon, son of David (on both be peace!). As for me, my name is Shaykh Nasr,[545] King of the Birds; for thou must know that the lord Solomon committed this castle to my charge,”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O prosperous King, that the merchant sewed up the mule’s belly with Janshah and then moved away, hiding himself at the edge of the mountain. After a while, a large bird swooped down, picked up the dead mule, and flew up to the mountain's peak, where it set down its meal and was about to eat it. However, Janshah, feeling the bird beginning to feed, cut open the mule’s belly and emerged. When the bird saw him, it got scared and flew away, so he stood up and looked around, seeing nothing but the bodies of deceased men, dried out by the sun, and exclaimed, 341 “There is no power and no strength except in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!” Then he looked down the cliff and spotted the merchant at the foot of the mountain, searching for him. As soon as the Jew saw him, he called out, “Throw me some of the stones around you so that I can show you a way to get down.” So Janshah tossed him around two hundred stones, all of which were rubies,[544] chrysolites, and other precious gems; after this, he called out, “Show me the way down and I will throw you just as many more.” But the Jew gathered the stones, strapped them to the mule's back, and left without saying a word, leaving Janshah alone on the mountaintop. When the Prince found himself abandoned, he started to cry and begged for divine help, and he stayed in that state for three days; after that, he got up and ventured across the mountainous terrain for two months, surviving on wild herbs; and he did not stop wandering until he reached the foothills and sighted a valley full of fruitful trees and birds joyfully singing praises to Allah, the One, the Victorious. Upon seeing this, he felt immense joy and did not slow down until, after about an hour, he came to a ravine in the rocks, where rainwater flowed into the valley. He navigated down the crevice until he reached the valley he had seen from the mountaintop and walked through it, looking around, and he kept doing this until he saw a grand castle, soaring high into the sky. As he approached the gates, he noticed an old man of pleasant appearance and a radiant face standing there, holding a staff made of carnelian. He approached him and greeted him. The Shaykh returned his greeting and welcomed him, saying, “Sit down, my son.” So he sat at the castle door, and the old man asked him, “How did you come to this land, which no son of Adam has entered before you, and where are you headed?” When Janshah heard this, he wept bitterly at the thought of all his hardships, and his tears made him speechless. The Shaykh said, “My son, stop crying; you are making my heart ache.” Saying this, he stood up and brought out some food and said to him, “Eat.” He ate and praised Allah Almighty; afterward, the old man urged him, saying, “My son, please tell me your story and share your adventures with me.” So Janshah recounted everything that had happened to him, from beginning to end, which astonished the Shaykh greatly. Then the Prince asked, “Please tell me who rules this valley and to whom this magnificent castle belongs?” The old man replied, “Know, my son, that this valley and all that is in it, and this castle with everything in it, belong to lord Solomon, son of David (peace be upon both of them!). As for me, my name is Shaykh Nasr,[545] King of the Birds; for you should know that the lord Solomon entrusted this castle to my care." —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted narration.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Shaykh Nasr pursued, “Thou must know that the lord Solomon committed this castle to my charge and taught me the language of birds and made me ruler over all the fowls which be in the world; wherefore each and every come hither once in the twelvemonth, and I pass them in review: then they depart; and this is why I dwell here.” When Janshah heard this, he wept sore and said to the Shaykh, “O my father, how shall I do to get back to my native land?” Replied the old man, “Know, O my son, that thou art near to the mountain Kaf, and there is no departing for thee from this place till the birds come, when I will give thee in charge to one of them, and he will bear thee to thy native country. Meanwhile tarry with me here and eat and drink and divert thyself with viewing the apartments of this castle.” So Janshah abode with Shaykh Nasr, taking his pleasure in the Wady and eating of its fruits and laughing and making merry with the old man, and leading a right joyous life till the day appointed for the birds to pay their annual visit to their Governor. Thereupon the Shaykh said to him, “O Janshah, take the keys of the castle and solace thyself with exploring all its apartments and viewing whatever be therein, but as regards such a room, beware and again beware of opening its door; and if thou gainsay me and open it and enter therethrough nevermore shalt thou know fair fortune.” He repeated this charge again and again with much instance; then he went forth to meet the birds, which came up, kind by kind, and kissed his hands. Such was his case; but as regards Janshah, he went round about the castle, opening the various doors and viewing the apartments into which they led, till he came to the room which Shaykh Nasr had warned him not to open or enter. He looked at the door and its fashion pleased him, for it had on it a padlock of gold, and he said to himself, “This room must be goodlier than all the others; would Heaven I wist what is within it, that Shaykh Nasr should forbid me to open its door! There is no help but that I enter and see what is in this apartment; for whatso is decreed unto the creature perforce he must fulfil.” So he put out his hand and unlocked the door and entering, found himself before a great basin; and 344hard by it stood a little pavilion, builded all of gold and silver and crystal, with lattice-windows of jacinth. The floor was paved with green beryl and balass rubies and emeralds and other jewels, set in the ground-work mosaic-fashion, and in the midmost of the pavilion was a jetting fountain in a golden basin, full of water and girt about with figures of beasts and birds, cunningly wrought of gold and silver and casting water from their mouths. When the zephyr blew on them, it entered their ears and therewith the figures sang out with birdlike song, each in its own tongue. Beside the fountain was a great open saloon with a high daïs whereon stood a vast throne of carnelian, inlaid with pearls and jewels, over which was spread a tent of green silk fifty cubits in width and embroidered with gems fit for seal-rings and purfled with precious metals. Within this tent was a closet containing the carpet of the lord Solomon (on whom be peace!); and the pavilion was compassed about with a vast garden full of fruit-trees and streams; while near the palace were beds of roses and basil and eglantine and all manner sweet-smelling herbs and flowers. And the trees bore on the same boughs fruits fresh and dry and the branches swayed gracefully to the wooing of the wind. All this was in that one apartment and Janshah wondered thereat till he was weary of wonderment; and he set out to solace himself in the palace and the garden and to divert himself with the quaint and curious things they contained. And first looking at the basin he saw that the gravels of its bed were gems and jewels and noble metals; and many other strange things were in that apartment.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that Shaykh Nasr continued, 'You should know that the lord Solomon entrusted this castle to me, taught me the language of birds, and made me ruler over all the birds in the world; that’s why they all come here once a year, and I review them; then they leave, and this is why I live here.' When Janshah heard this, he cried and said to the Shaykh, 'O my father, how can I return to my homeland?' The old man replied, 'Know, O my son, that you are close to the mountain Kaf, and you cannot leave this place until the birds arrive. Then, I will send you with one of them, and he will take you back to your home. In the meantime, stay with me here, eat, drink, and enjoy exploring the castle’s rooms.' So Janshah stayed with Shaykh Nasr, delighting in the valley, enjoying its fruits, laughing, and having fun with the old man, living a joyful life until the day for the birds’ annual visit to their governor arrived. Then the Shaykh said to him, 'O Janshah, take the keys to the castle and enjoy exploring all its rooms, but beware, I repeat, beware of opening that room; if you disobey me and enter, you will never know good fortune again.' He stressed this warning repeatedly, then went out to meet the birds, which came to him one by one, kissing his hands. That was his situation; meanwhile, Janshah explored the castle, opening different doors and checking the rooms behind them, until he reached the door that Shaykh Nasr had warned him not to open. He looked at the door, and its design intrigued him, for it had a gold padlock on it, and he thought to himself, 'This room must be more beautiful than all the others; I wish I knew what’s inside that made Shaykh Nasr warn me against it! I can’t help but enter and see what this room holds; whatever is destined for a person must be fulfilled.' So he reached out, unlocked the door, and upon entering, he found himself in front of a large basin; nearby stood a small pavilion made entirely of gold, silver, and crystal, with jacinth lattice windows. The floor was decorated with green beryl, balass rubies, emeralds, and other jewels, set in a mosaic pattern. In the middle of the pavilion was a fountain gushing into a golden basin, filled with water and surrounded by figures of beasts and birds, intricately crafted from gold and silver, which spouted water from their mouths. When the breeze touched them, it entered their ears, and the figures sang out in melodious voices, each in its own language. Beside the fountain was a spacious open hall with a high platform where a massive throne of carnelian sat, inlaid with pearls and jewels, covered by a tent of green silk fifty cubits wide, embroidered with gems meant for seal rings and adorned with precious metals. Inside this tent was a closet containing the carpet of the lord Solomon (peace be upon him); and the pavilion was surrounded by a vast garden filled with fruit trees and streams, while near the palace were beds of roses, basil, eglantine, and all kinds of fragrant herbs and flowers. The trees had fresh and dried fruits growing on the same branches that swayed gracefully with the wind’s caress. All of this was in that one room, and Janshah marveled at it until he was exhausted from wondering; he then set off to enjoy the palace and the garden and to entertain himself with the unique and curious things they contained. First, looking at the basin, he noticed that the gravel at its bottom was made of gems and precious metals; and many more strange things were in that room. ——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her storytelling.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Janshah saw many strange things and admirable in that apartment. Then he entered the pavilion and mounting the throne, fell asleep under the tent set up thereover. He slept for a time and, presently awaking, walked forth and sat down on a stool before the door. As he sat, marvelling at the goodliness of that place, there flew up from mid-sky three birds, in dove-form but big as eagles, and lighted on the brink of the basin, where they sported awhile. 345Then they put off their feathers and became three maidens,[546] as they were moons, that had not their like in the whole world. They plunged into the basin and swam about and disported themselves and laughed, while Janshah marvelled at their beauty and loveliness and the grace and symmetry of their shapes. Presently, they came up out of the water and began walking about and taking their solace in the garden; and Janshah seeing them land was like to lose his wits. He rose and followed them, and when he overtook them, he saluted them and they returned his salam; after which quoth he, “Who are ye, O illustrious Princesses, and whence come ye?” Replied the youngest damsel, “We are from the invisible world of Almighty Allah and we come hither to divert ourselves.” He marvelled at their beauty and said to the youngest, “Have ruth on me and deign kindness to me and take pity on my case and on all that hath befallen me in my life.” Rejoined she, “Leave this talk and wend thy ways”; whereat the tears streamed from his eyes, and he sighed heavily and repeated these couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O blessed King, that Janshah witnessed many strange and wonderful things in that place. Then he entered the pavilion, sat on the throne, and fell asleep under the tent above. He slept for a while, and when he woke up, he walked out and sat on a stool by the door. As he sat there, amazed by the beauty of the place, three birds flew down from the sky. They looked like doves but were as big as eagles, and they landed by the edge of the basin, where they played for a bit. Then they shed their feathers and transformed into three maidens, like moons, unmatched in the whole world. They jumped into the basin, swam around, and laughed, while Janshah admired their beauty, grace, and the symmetry of their figures. Soon, they came out of the water and started walking around, enjoying the garden; when Janshah saw them on land, he nearly lost his mind. He stood up and followed them, and when he caught up to them, he greeted them, and they returned his greeting. Then he asked, “Who are you, O esteemed princesses, and where do you come from?” The youngest replied, “We are from the unseen realm of Almighty Allah and have come here to enjoy ourselves.” He marveled at their beauty and said to the youngest, “Have mercy on me, be kind to me, and take pity on my situation and everything that's happened to me in my life.” She responded, “Stop talking like this and go on your way,” which made tears stream down his face, and he sighed deeply as he recited these lines:— 345
When the maidens heard his verses, they laughed and played and sang and made merry. Then he brought them somewhat of fruit, and they ate and drank and slept with him till the morning, when they donned their feather-suits, and resuming dove shape flew off and went their way. But as he saw them disappearing from sight, his reason well-nigh fled with them, and he gave a great cry and fell down in a fainting fit and lay a-swooning all that day. While 346he was in this case Shaykh Nasr returned from the Parliament of the Fowls and sought for Janshah, that he might send him with them to his native land, but found him not and knew that he had entered the forbidden room. Now he had already said to the birds, “With me is a young man, a mere youth, whom destiny brought hither from a distant land; and I desire of you that ye take him up and carry him to his own country.” And all answered, “We hear and we obey.” So he ceased not searching for Janshah till he came to the forbidden door and seeing it open he entered and found the Prince lying a-swoon under a tree. He fetched scented waters and sprinkled them on his face, whereupon he revived and turned——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When the maidens heard his poems, they laughed, played, sang, and enjoyed themselves. Then he brought them some fruit, and they ate, drank, and spent the night together until morning, when they put on their feather suits and transformed back into doves, flying away. But as he watched them vanish from sight, he nearly lost his mind with them, letting out a loud cry before fainting and lying unconscious all day. While he was in this state, Shaykh Nasr returned from the Parliament of the Fowls, looking for Janshah so he could send him back to his homeland, but he couldn't find him and realized he had entered the forbidden room. He had already told the birds, “I have a young man, just a boy, whom fate brought here from a faraway land; I ask that you take him and carry him to his own country.” They all replied, “We hear and we obey.” So he kept searching for Janshah until he reached the forbidden door; seeing it open, he entered and found the Prince lying unconscious under a tree. He brought scented waters and sprinkled them on his face, and he revived and turned—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Shaykh Nasr saw Janshah lying a-swoon under the tree he fetched him somewhat of scented waters and sprinkled them on his face. Thereupon he revived and turned right and left, but seeing none by him save the Shaykh, sighed heavily and repeated these couplets:—
She said, "I’ve heard, O great King, that when Shaykh Nasr found Janshah passed out under the tree, he brought him some scented water and sprinkled it on his face. Janshah then came to and looked around, but seeing no one beside the Shaykh, he sighed deeply and recited these couplets:—"
When Shaykh Nasr heard these verses, he said, “O my son, did I not warn thee not to open that door and enter that room? But now, O my son, tell me what thou sawest therein and acquaint me with all that betided thee.” So Janshah related to him all that had passed between him and the three maidens, and Shaykh Nasr, who sat listening in silence said, “Know, O my son, that 347these three maidens are of the daughters of the Jann and come hither every year for a day, to divert themselves and make merry until mid-afternoon, when they return to their own country.” Janshah asked, “And where is their country?”; and the old man answered, “By Allah, O my son, I wot not:” presently adding, “but now take heart and put away this love from thee and come with me, that I may send thee to thine own land with the birds.” When Janshah heard this, he gave a great cry and fell down in a trance; and presently he came to himself, and said, “O my father, indeed I care not to return to my native land: all I want is to foregather with these maidens and know, O my father, that I will never again name my people, though I die before thee.” Then he wept and cried, “Enough for me that I look upon the face of her I love, although it be only once in the year!” And he sighed deeply and repeated these couplets:—
When Shaykh Nasr heard these verses, he said, “Oh my son, didn’t I warn you not to open that door and enter that room? But now, my son, tell me what you saw in there and share everything that happened to you.” So Janshah told him everything that had transpired between him and the three maidens, and Shaykh Nasr, who sat listening in silence, said, “Know, my son, that these three maidens are daughters of the Jinn and come here every year for one day to have fun and celebrate until mid-afternoon, when they return to their own land.” Janshah asked, “And where is their land?” The old man replied, “Honestly, my son, I don’t know,” then added, “but now muster some courage, let go of this love, and come with me so that I can send you back to your own land with the birds.” When Janshah heard this, he let out a loud cry and fell into a trance; eventually, he came to his senses and said, “Oh my father, I really don’t want to return to my homeland: all I desire is to be with these maidens, and know, father, that I will never mention my people again, even if I die before you.” Then he wept and cried, “It’s enough for me to just see the face of the one I love, even if it’s just once a year!” And he sighed deeply and recited these couplets:—
Then he fell at Shaykh Nasr’s feet and kissed them and wept sore, crying, “Have pity on me, so Allah take pity on thee and aid me in my strait so Allah aid thee!” Replied the old man, “By Allah, O my son, I know nothing of these maidens nor where may be their country; but, O my son, if thy heart be indeed set on one of them, tarry with me till this time next year for they will assuredly reappear; and, when the day of their coming draweth near, hide thyself under a tree in the garden. As soon as they have alighted and doffed their feather-robes and plunged into the lake and are swimming about at a distance from their clothes, seize the vest of her whom thy soul desireth. When they see thee, they will come a-bank and she, whose coat thou hast taken, will accost thee and say to thee with the sweetest of speech and the most witching of smiles, “Give me my dress, O my brother, that I may don it and veil my nakedness withal.” But if thou yield to her prayer and 348give her back the vest thou wilt never win thy wish: nay, she will don it and fly away to her folk and thou wilt nevermore see her again. Now when thou hast gained the vest, clap it under thine armpit and hold it fast, till I return from the Parliament of the Fowls, when I will make accord between thee and her and send thee back to thy native land, and the maiden with thee. And this, O my son, is all I can do for thee, nothing more.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Then he fell at Shaykh Nasr’s feet, kissed them, and wept bitterly, crying, “Please have mercy on me, so Allah will have mercy on you and help me in my time of need, as Allah helps you!” The old man replied, “By Allah, my son, I know nothing about these maidens or where they come from; but if your heart is truly set on one of them, stay with me until this time next year because they will surely return. When the day of their return draws near, hide under a tree in the garden. As soon as they land, take off their feather robes, and dive into the lake while swimming away from their clothes, grab the dress of the one you desire. When they see you, they will come ashore, and the one whose dress you’ve taken will approach you, saying, with the sweetest words and the most enchanting smile, ‘Give me my dress, O my brother, so I can wear it and cover my nakedness.’ But if you give in to her request and return her dress, you will never get what you want: she will put it on and fly away to her people, and you will never see her again. When you have the dress, tuck it under your arm and hold it tight until I return from the Gathering of the Birds, at which point I will make a match between you and her and send you back to your homeland, with the maiden by your side. And this, my son, is all I can do for you, nothing more.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth Shaykh Nasr to Janshah, “Hold fast the feather-robe of her thy soul desireth and give it not back to her till I return from the Parliament of the Fowls. And this, O my son, is all I can do for thee, nothing more.” When Janshah heard this, his heart was solaced and he abode with Shaykh Nasr yet another year, counting the days as they passed until the day of the coming of the birds. And when at last the appointed time arrived the old man said to him, “Do as I enjoined thee and charged thee with the maidens in the matter of the feather-dress, for I go to meet the birds;” and Janshah replied, “I hear and I obey, O my father.” Then the Shaykh departed whilst the Prince walked into the garden and hid himself under a tree, where none could see him. Here he abode a first day and a second and a third, but the maidens came not; whereat he was sore troubled and wept and sighed from a heart hard tried; and he ceased not weeping and wailing till he fainted away. When he came to himself, he fell to looking now at the basin and now at the welkin, and anon at the earth and anon at the open country, whilst his heart grieved for stress of love-longing. As he was in this case, behold, the three doves appeared in the firmament, eagle-sized as before, and flew till they reached the garden and lighted down beside the basin. They turned right and left; but saw no one, man or Jann; so they doffed their feather-suits and became three maidens. Then they plunged into the basin and swam about, laughing and frolicking; and all were mother-naked and fair as bars of virgin silver. Quoth the eldest, “O my sister, I fear lest there be some one lying ambushed for us in the pavilion.” 349Answered the second, “O sister, since the days of King Solomon, none hath entered the pavilion, be he man or Jann;” and the youngest added, laughing, “By Allah, O my sisters, if there be any hidden there, he will assuredly take none but me.” Then they continued sporting and laughing and Janshah’s heart kept fluttering for stress of passion: but he hid behind the tree so that he saw without being seen. Presently they swam out to the middle of the basin leaving their clothes on the bank. Hereupon he sprang to his feet, and running like the darting leven to the basin’s brink, snatched up the feather-vest of the youngest damsel, her on whom his heart was set and whose name was Shamsah the Sun-maiden. At this the girls turned and seeing him, were affrighted and veiled their shame from him in the water. Then they swam near shore and looking on his favour saw that he was bright faced as the moon on the night of fullness and asked him, “Who art thou and how camest thou hither and why hast thou taken the clothes of the lady Shamsah?”; and he answered, “Come hither to me and I will tell you my tale.” Quoth Shamsah, “What deed is this, and why hast thou taken my clothes, rather than those of my sisters?” Quoth he, “O light of mine eyes, come forth of the water, and I will recount thee my case and acquaint thee why I chose thee out.” Quoth she, “O my lord and coolth of my eyes and fruit of my heart, give me my clothes, that I may put them on and cover my nakedness withal; then will I come forth to thee.” But he replied, “O Princess of beautiful ones, how can I give thee back thy clothes and slay myself for love-longing? Verily, I will not give them to thee, till Shaykh Nasr, the king of the birds, shall return.” Quoth she, “If thou wilt not give me my clothes withdraw a little apart from us, that my sisters may land and dress themselves and lend me somewhat wherewithal to cover my shame.” “I hear and obey,” answered he, and walked away from them into the pavilion, whereupon the three Princesses came out and the two elder, donning their dress, gave Shamsah somewhat thereof, not enough to fly withal, and she put it on and came forth of the water, and stood before him, as she were the rising full-moon or a browsing gazelle. Then Shamsah entered the pavilion, where Janshah was still sitting on the throne; so she saluted him and taking seat near him, said, “O fair of face, thou hast undone thyself and me; but tell us thy adventures that we may ken how it is with thee.” At these words he wept till he drenched his 350dress with his tears; and when she saw that he was distracted for love of her, she rose and taking him by the hand, made him sit by her side and wiped away the drops with her sleeve; and said she, “O fair of face, leave this weeping and tell us thy tale.” So he related to her all that had befallen him and described to her all he had seen,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I’ve heard, O noble King, that Shaykh Nasr told Janshah, 'Hold tight to the feather-robe of the one your heart desires and don't return it to her until I come back from the Parliament of the Birds. This, dear son, is all I can do for you, nothing more.' When Janshah heard this, his heart was comforted, and he stayed with Shaykh Nasr for another year, counting the days until the birds would come. When the appointed time finally arrived, the old man said to him, 'Do as I instructed you regarding the maidens and the feather-dress, for I am going to meet the birds;' and Janshah replied, 'I will do as you say, O my father.' Then the Shaykh left while the Prince walked into the garden and hid under a tree where no one could see him. He stayed there for the first day, then the second, then the third, but the maidens did not come; he was deeply troubled and wept, sighing from a heart that's been heavily tested. He kept crying and lamenting until he fainted. When he regained consciousness, he began looking at the basin, then at the sky, then at the earth, and then at the open fields, as his heart ached with longing. While he was in this state, behold, three doves appeared in the sky, as large as eagles before, flew to the garden, and landed by the basin. They looked around but saw no one, man or spirit, so they took off their feathers and became three maidens. They then jumped into the basin and swam about, laughing and playing; they were completely naked and as beautiful as bars of virgin silver. The eldest said, 'O my sister, I’m worried someone might be hiding for us in the pavilion.' The second answered, 'O sister, since the days of King Solomon, no one has entered the pavilion, whether man or spirit;' and the youngest added, giggling, 'By Allah, O sisters, if someone is hiding there, he will surely take only me.' They kept playing and laughing, and Janshah’s heart fluttered with passion, but he stayed hidden behind the tree so he could watch without being seen. Soon, they swam out to the middle of the basin, leaving their clothes on the banks. At that, he jumped up and ran to the edge of the basin, snatching up the feather-dress of the youngest maiden, the one he loved, whose name was Shamsah, the Sun-maiden. When the girls saw him, they were startled and concealed their shame with their arms in the water. They swam closer to the shore and, noticing his handsome face which shone like the full moon, they asked, 'Who are you, how did you get here, and why did you take the clothes of the lady Shamsah?' He replied, 'Come to me and I’ll tell you my story.' Shamsah asked, 'What have you done, and why did you take my clothes instead of my sisters’?' He answered, 'O light of my eyes, come out of the water, and I will explain my situation and why I chose you.' She said, 'O my lord, the joy of my eyes and the fruit of my heart, give me my clothes so I can cover my nakedness; then I will come out to you.' But he replied, 'O Princess of beauty, how can I return your clothes and suffer for longing? I will not give them back to you until Shaykh Nasr, the king of the birds, returns.' She said, 'If you won’t give me my clothes, step aside a little so my sisters can land and dress themselves, and lend me something to cover myself.' 'I will comply,' he answered, and stepped away into the pavilion. The three princesses then came out, and the two older ones put on their dresses and gave Shamsah some of theirs, not enough to fly with, and she dressed and came out of the water, standing before him as if she were a full moon rising or a graceful gazelle. Then Shamsah entered the pavilion, where Janshah was still sitting on the throne; she greeted him and took a seat beside him, saying, 'O handsome one, you have brought ruin to both yourself and me; now tell us your adventures so we can understand your situation.' At these words, he wept until his tears soaked his clothing; and when she saw that he was distressed with love for her, she stood up, took him by the hand, made him sit next to her, and wiped away his tears with her sleeve, saying, 'O beautiful one, stop this weeping and tell us your story.' So he told her everything that had happened to him and described all he had seen—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her allowed narration."
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the lady Shamsah said to Janshah, “Tell us thy tale;” so he related to her all that had befallen him; and, after she had lent attentive ear she sighed and said, “O my lord, since thou art so fondly in love with me, give me my dress, that I may fly to my folk, I and my sisters, and tell them what affection thou hast conceived for me, and after I will come back to thee and carry thee to thine own country.” When he heard this, he wept sore and replied, “Is it lawful to thee before Allah to slay me wrongfully?” She asked, “O my lord, why should I do such wrongous deed?”; and he answered, “If I give thee thy gear thou wilt fly away from me, and I shall die forthright.” Princess Shamsah laughed at this and so did her sisters; then said she to him, “Be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool and clear, for I must needs marry thee.” So saying, she bent down to him and embraced him and pressing him to her breast kissed him between the eyes and on his cheeks. They clipped and clasped each other awhile, after which they drew apart and sat down on the throne. Then the eldest Princess went out into the garden and, plucking somewhat of fruits and flowers, brought them into the pavilion; and they ate and drank and laughed and sported and made merry. Now Janshah was singular in beauty and loveliness and slender shape and symmetry and grace, and the Princess Shamsah said to him, “O my beloved, by Allah, I love thee with exceeding love and will never leave thee!” When he heard her words, his breast broadened and he laughed for joy till he showed his teeth; and they abode thus awhile in mirth and gladness and frolic. And when they were at the height of their pleasure and joyance, behold, Shaykh Nasr returned from the Parliament of the Fowls and came in to them; whereupon they all rose to him and saluted 351him and kissed his hands. He gave them welcome and bade them be seated. So they sat down and he said to Princess Shamsah, “Verily this youth loveth thee with exceeding love; Allah upon thee, deal kindly with him, for he is of the great ones of mankind and of the sons of the kings, and his father ruleth over the land of Kabul and his reign compasseth a mighty empire.” Quoth she, “I hear and I obey thy behest”; and, kissing the Shaykh’s hands, stood before him in respect. Quoth he, “If thou say sooth, swear to me by Allah that thou wilt never betray him, what while thou abidest in the bonds of life.” So she swore a great oath that she would never betray Janshah, but would assuredly marry him, and added, “Know, O Shaykh Nasr, that I never will forsake him.” The Shaykh believed in her oath and said to Janshah, “Thanks be to Allah, who hath made you arrive at this understanding!” Hereupon the Prince rejoiced with exceeding joy, and he and Shamsah abode three months with Shaykh Nasr, feasting and toying and making merry.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She continued, "I've heard, O great King, that the lady Shamsah said to Janshah, ‘Share your story with us;’ so he told her everything that had happened to him. After she listened carefully, she sighed and said, ‘O my lord, since you love me so deeply, give me my clothes so I can go visit my family along with my sisters and tell them about your feelings for me. Then I'll come back to you and take you to your own land.’ When he heard this, he cried and replied, ‘Is it right for you before Allah to kill me unjustly?’ She asked, ‘O my lord, why would I do such a cruel thing?’ He answered, ‘If I give you your things, you will leave me, and I will die immediately.’ Princess Shamsah laughed at this, as did her sisters; then she said to him, ‘Cheer up and keep your composure, for I really must marry you.’ Saying this, she leaned down, embraced him, and kissed him between the eyes and on his cheeks. They held each other for a while, then pulled away and sat on the throne. The eldest Princess went out to the garden, picked some fruits and flowers, and brought them back to the pavilion; they ate, drank, laughed, played, and had a good time. Janshah was incredibly handsome, elegant, slender, and graceful, and Princess Shamsah said to him, ‘O my love, by Allah, I love you deeply and will never leave you!’ When he heard her words, his heart soared, and he laughed with joy, showing his teeth. They enjoyed several moments of happiness and playfulness. Just as they were at the peak of their joy, Shaykh Nasr returned from the Parliament of the Fowls and entered. They all stood up to greet him and kissed his hands. He welcomed them and asked them to sit. Once seated, he addressed Princess Shamsah, ‘This young man truly loves you deeply; by Allah, treat him kindly, for he is one of the greatest among mankind, a son of kings, and his father rules over the land of Kabul and a vast empire.’ She replied, ‘I hear and obey your command’; and kissing the Shaykh’s hands, she stood before him in respect. He said, ‘If you speak the truth, swear to me by Allah that you will never betray him as long as you live.’ So she took a solemn oath that she would never betray Janshah and would surely marry him, adding, ‘Know, O Shaykh Nasr, that I will never abandon him.’ The Shaykh trusted her oath and said to Janshah, ‘Thanks be to Allah for bringing you to this understanding!’ The Prince was filled with immense joy, and he and Shamsah spent three months with Shaykh Nasr, feasting, playing, and having a great time.——And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and stopped her tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that, Janshah and the lady Shamsah abode three months with Shaykh Nasr, feasting and toying and making merry. And at the end of that time she said to Janshah, “I wish to go with thee to thy motherland, where thou shalt marry me and we will abide there.” “To hear is to obey,” answered he and took counsel with Shaykh Nasr, who said to him, “Go thou home, I commend her to thy care.” Then said she, “O Shaykh Nasr, bid him render me my feather-suit.” So the Shaykh bade Janshah give it to her, and he went straightways into the pavilion and brought it out for her. Thereupon she donned it and said to him, “Mount my back and shut thine eyes and stop thine ears, so thou mayst not hear the roar of the revolving sphere; and keep fast hold of my feathers, lest thou fall off.” He did as she bade him and, as she stretched her wings to fly, Shaykh Nasr said, “Wait a while till I describe to thee the land Kabul, lest you twain miss your way.” So she delayed till he had said his say and had bidden them farewell, commending the Prince to her care. She took leave of her sisters and bade them return to her folk and tell them what had befallen her with Janshah; then, rising into the air without stay or delay she flew 352off, like the wafts of the wind or the lamping leven. Her sisters also took flight and returning home delivered her message to their people. And she stayed not her course from the forenoon till the hour of mid-afternoon prayer (Janshah being still on her back), when she espied afar off a Wady abounding in trees and streams and she said to Janshah, “I am thinking to alight in this valley, that we may solace ourselves amongst its trees and herbage and here rest for the night.” Quoth he, “Do what seemeth meet to thee!” So she swooped down from the lift and alighted in the Wady, when Janshah dismounted and kissing her between the eyes,[549] sat with her awhile on the bank of a river there; then they rose and wandered about the valley, taking their pleasure therein and eating of the fruits of the trees, until nightfall, when they lay down under a tree and slept till the morning dawned. As soon as it was day, the Princess arose and, bidding Janshah mount, flew on with him till noon, when she perceived by the appearance of the buildings which Shaykh Nasr had described to her, that they were nearing the city Kabul. So she swooped down from the welkin and alighted in a wide plain, a blooming champaign, wherein were gazelles straying and springs playing and rivers flowing and ripe fruits growing. So Janshah dismounted and kissed her between the eyes; and she asked him, “O my beloved and coolth of mine eyes, knowest thou how many days’ journey we have come since yesterday?”; and he answered, “No,” when she said, “We have come thirty months’ journey.” Quoth he, “Praised be Allah for safety!” Then they sat down side by side and ate and drank and toyed and laughed. And whilst they were thus pleasantly engaged, behold, there came up to them two of the King’s Mamelukes of those who had been of the Prince’s company; one of them was he whom he had left with the horses, when he embarked in the fishing-boat and the other had been of his escort in the chase. As soon as they saw Janshah, both knew him and saluted him; then said they, “With thy leave, we will go to thy sire and bear him the glad tidings of thy coming.” Replied the Prince, “Go ye to my father and acquaint him with my case, and fetch us tents, for we will tarry here seven days to rest ourselves till he make ready his retinue to meet us, that we may enter in stateliest state.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that Janshah and the lady Shamsah spent three months with Shaykh Nasr, enjoying feasts, playing, and having fun. At the end of that time, she said to Janshah, 'I want to go with you to your homeland, where you will marry me, and we will live there.' 'Whatever you want,' he replied, and consulted with Shaykh Nasr, who said to him, 'Go home; I entrust her to your care.' Then she said, 'O Shaykh Nasr, please tell him to give me my feather suit.' So Shaykh Nasr instructed Janshah to hand it over. He immediately went into the tent and brought it out for her. She put it on and said to him, 'Get on my back, close your eyes, and cover your ears so you don't hear the noise of the spinning world; hold on tight to my feathers so you don't fall off.' He did as she said, and as she prepared to fly, Shaykh Nasr said, 'Hold on for a moment while I describe Kabul to you, so you won't lose your way.' She paused until he finished speaking and wished them farewell, entrusting the Prince to her. She bid farewell to her sisters and told them to return to their family and share her story with Janshah; then, without delay, she took to the sky, flying off like the wind or a lightning flash. Her sisters also flew home and delivered her message. She didn’t stop flying from the morning until the mid-afternoon prayer time (with Janshah still on her back) when she spotted a valley filled with trees and streams. She said to Janshah, 'I think we should land in this valley to enjoy its trees and greenery and rest here for the night.' He replied, 'Do what you think is best!' So she gracefully descended to the valley, and when Janshah dismounted, he kissed her between the eyes. They sat together for a while by a river, then wandered through the valley, enjoying themselves and eating fruits from the trees until nightfall. They laid down under a tree and slept until morning. As soon as dawn arrived, the Princess got up and, telling Janshah to get on, flew until noon. Noticing the buildings which Shaykh Nasr had described, she realized they were getting close to the city of Kabul. She descended from the sky and landed in a wide, blooming plain filled with wandering gazelles, bubbling springs, flowing rivers, and ripe fruits. Janshah dismounted and kissed her between the eyes, then she asked him, 'My love and joy of my eyes, do you know how many days we've traveled since yesterday?' He answered, 'No,' and she replied, 'We've traveled thirty months.' He exclaimed, 'Praise be to Allah for our safety!' They then sat down, ate, drank, played, and laughed together. While they were enjoying themselves, two of the King’s Mamelukes, who had been part of Janshah's group, approached. One was he whom Janshah had left with the horses when he got into the fishing boat, and the other had accompanied him on the hunt. When they saw Janshah, they recognized him and greeted him. They said, 'With your permission, we will go to your father and bring him the good news of your return.' The Prince replied, 'Go to my father and tell him what has happened, and bring us tents, for we will stay here for seven days to rest until he prepares his retinue to meet us properly.''—And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her storytelling.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Janshah said to the two Mamelukes, “Go ye to my sire and acquaint him with my case and fetch us tents, for we will abide here seven days to rest ourselves, till he make ready his retinue to meet us, that we may enter in the stateliest state.” So the officers hastened back to King Teghmus and said to him, “Good news, O King of the age!” Asked he, “What good tidings bring ye: is my son Janshah come back?”; and they answered, “Yes, thy son Janshah hath returned from his strangerhood and is now near at hand in the Kirání mead.” Now when the King heard this, he joyed with great joy and fell down in a swoon for excess of gladness; then, coming to himself, he bade his Wazir give each of the Mamelukes a splendid suit of honour and a sum of money. The minister replied, “I hear and obey,” and forthright did his bidding and said to them, “Take this in turn for the good tidings ye bring, whether ye lie or say sooth.” They replied, “Indeed we lie not, for but now we sat with him and saluted him and kissed his hands and he bade us fetch him tents, for that he would sojourn in the meadow seven days, till such time as the Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees should come out to meet him.” Quoth the King, “How is it with my son?” and quoth they, “He hath with him a Houri, as he had brought her out of Paradise.” At this, King Teghmus bade beat the kettledrums and sound the trumpets for gladness, and despatched messengers to announce the good news to Janshah’s mother and to the wives of the Emirs and Wazirs and Lords of the realm: so the criers spread themselves about the city and acquainted the people with the coming of Prince Janshah. Then the King made ready, and, setting out for the Kirani meadow with his horsemen and footmen, came upon Janshah who was sitting at rest with the lady Shamsah beside him and, behold, all suddenly drew in sight. The Prince rose to his feet and walked forward to meet them; and the troops knew him and dismounted, to salute him and kiss his hands: after which he set out preceded by the men in single file till he came to his sire, who, at sight of his son threw himself from his horse’s back and clasped him to his bosom and wept flooding tears of joy. Then they took horse again with the retinue riding to the right and left and fared forward till they came to the river-banks; when the troops alighted and pitched 354their tents and pavilions and standards to the blare of trump and the piping of fife and the dub-a-dub of drum and tom-tom. Moreover the King bade the tent-pitchers set up a pavilion of red silk for the Princess Shamsah, who put off her scanty raiment of feathers for fine robes and, entering the pavilion, there took seat. And as she sat in her beauty, behold, the King and his son Janshah came in to her, and when she saw Teghmus, she rose and kissed ground before him. The King sat down and seating Janshah on his right hand and Princess Shamsah on his left, bade her welcome and said to his son, “Tell me all that hath befallen thee in this thy long strangerhood.” So Janshah related to him the whole of his adventures from first to last, whereat he marvelled with exceeding marvel and turning to the Princess, said, “Laud to Allah for that He hath caused thee to reunite me with my son! ‘Verily this is of His exceeding bounty!’”[550]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that Janshah told the two Mamelukes, 'Go to my father and explain my situation to him, and bring us tents because we will stay here for seven days to rest until he prepares his entourage to meet us, so we can enter in the grandest manner.' So the officers hurried back to King Teghmus and said to him, 'Good news, O King of the age!' He asked, 'What good news do you bring? Has my son Janshah returned?' They replied, 'Yes, your son Janshah has returned from his journey and is now nearby in the Kirání meadow.' When the King heard this, he was filled with overwhelming joy and fainted from happiness. Once he regained consciousness, he instructed his Wazir to give each of the Mamelukes a magnificent outfit and some money. The minister responded, 'I hear and obey,' and immediately did as he was told, saying to them, 'Take this in exchange for the good news you bring, whether you are lying or telling the truth.' They replied, 'We are indeed telling the truth, for just now we were with him, greeted him, and kissed his hands, and he asked us to fetch him tents, as he will stay in the meadow for seven days until the Wazirs, Emirs, and nobles come out to greet him.' The King inquired, 'How is my son?' They replied, 'He has with him a Houri, as if he brought her from Paradise.' At this, King Teghmus ordered the kettledrums to be beaten and the trumpets to be sounded in celebration, and he sent messengers to announce the good news to Janshah’s mother and the wives of the Emirs, Wazirs, and lords of the realm. The criers spread out across the city to inform the people of Prince Janshah’s return. Then the King prepared to leave, and heading to the Kirani meadow with his horsemen and foot soldiers, they came upon Janshah sitting with the lady Shamsah beside him, and suddenly everyone appeared. The Prince stood up and walked to meet them, and the troops recognized him and dismounted to salute him and kiss his hands. After that, he proceeded, leading the way as the men followed in single file until he reached his father, who, upon seeing his son, dismounted and embraced him, weeping tears of joy. They remounted and continued forward with the entourage riding on either side until they reached the riverbanks, where the troops dismounted and set up their tents, pavilions, and standards amid the sound of trumpets, fifes, and drums. The King also instructed the tent-pitchers to set up a red silk pavilion for Princess Shamsah, who changed from her light feathered attire into fine robes and entered the pavilion to take her seat. As she sat there, looking beautiful, King Teghmus and his son Janshah entered, and when she saw Teghmus, she stood and kissed the ground before him. The King sat down, placing Janshah on his right and Princess Shamsah on his left, welcomed her, and said to his son, 'Tell me everything that has happened to you during this long time away.' So, Janshah recounted all of his adventures from beginning to end, leaving the King marveling greatly, and turning to the Princess, he said, 'Praise be to Allah for bringing me back together with my son! Truly, this is an incredible blessing!'"[550]——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Teghmus said to the lady Shamsah, “Laud to Allah for that He hath caused thee to reunite me with my son! ‘Verily this is of His exceeding bounty.’ And now I would have thee ask of me what thou wilt, that I may do it in thine honour.” Quoth she, “I ask of thee that thou build me a palace in the midst of a flower-garden, with water running under it.” And the King answered, “I hear and obey.” And behold, up came Janshah’s mother, attended by all the wives of the Wazirs and Emirs and nobles and city notables. When her son had sight of her, he rose and leaving the tent, went forth to meet her and they embraced a long while, whilst the Queen wept for excess of joy and with tears trickling from her eyes repeated the following verses:—
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O blessed King, that King Teghmus said to Lady Shamsah, 'Praise Allah for bringing me back together with my son! Truly, this is His great blessing.' Now, I want you to ask me whatever you desire, so I can honor you with it." She replied, "I request that you build me a palace in the middle of a flower garden, with water flowing beneath it." The King responded, "I hear and will do as you ask." Just then, Janshah's mother arrived, accompanied by all the wives of the ministers, nobles, and prominent city leaders. When her son saw her, he stood up, left the tent, and went to greet her. They embraced for a long time, while the Queen wept with joy, and with tears streaming down her face, recited the following verses:—
And they complained to each other of all their hearts had suffered from the long separation. Then the King departed to his pavilion 355and Janshah carried his mother to his own tent, where they sat talking till there came up some of the lady Shamsah’s attendants who said, “The Princess is now walking hither in order to salute thee.” When the Queen heard this, she rose and going to meet Shamsah, saluted her and seated her awhile by her side. Presently the Queen and her retinue of noble women, the spouses of the Emirs and Grandees, returned with Princess Shamsah to the tent occupied by her daughter-in-law and sat there. Meanwhile, King Teghmus gave great largesse to his levies and lieges and rejoiced in his son with exceeding joy, and they tarried there ten days, feasting and merry-making and living a most joyous life. At the end of this time, the King commanded a march and they all returned to the capital, so he took horse surrounded by all the troops with the Wazirs and Chamberlains to his right and left: nor ceased they faring till they entered the city, which was decorated after the goodliest fashion; for the folk had adorned the houses with precious stuffs and jewellery and spread costly brocades under the hoofs of the horses. The drums beat for glad tidings and the Grandees of the kingdom rejoiced and brought rich gifts and the lookers on were filled with amazement. Furthermore, they fed the mendicants and Fakirs and held high festival for the space of ten days, and the lady Shamsah joyed with exceeding joy whenas she saw this. Then King Teghmus summoned architects and builders and men of art and bade them build a palace in that garden. So they straightway proceeded to do his bidding; and, when Janshah knew of his sire’s command, he caused the artificers to fetch a block of white marble and carve it and hollow it in the semblance of a chest; which being done, he took the feather-vest of Princess Shamsah wherewith she had flown with him through the air: then, sealing the cover with melted lead, he ordered them to bury the box in the foundations and build over it the arches whereon the palace was to rest. They did as he bade them, nor was it long before the palace was finished: then they furnished it and it was a magnificent edifice, standing in the midst of the garden, with streams flowing under its walls.[551] Upon this the King caused Janshah’s wedding to be celebrated with the greatest splendour and they brought the bride to the 356castle in state procession and went their ways. When the lady Shamsah entered, she smelt the scent of her feather-gear——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
And they talked to each other about all the pain they had endured from the long separation. Then the King went to his tent, and Janshah took his mother to his own tent, where they chatted until some of Princess Shamsah's attendants arrived and said, “The Princess is coming over to greet you.” When the Queen heard this, she got up and went to meet Shamsah, greeted her, and sat her down next to her for a while. Soon, the Queen and her group of noble women, the wives of the Emirs and Grandees, returned with Princess Shamsah to the tent where her daughter-in-law was and sat there. Meanwhile, King Teghmus generously rewarded his soldiers and subjects and took great joy in his son; they stayed there for ten days, feasting, celebrating, and living a truly joyful life. At the end of this time, the King ordered a march, and they all returned to the capital. He rode at the forefront, flanked by all the troops with the Wazirs and Chamberlains on either side, and they continued until they entered the city, which was beautifully decorated; the people had adorned their houses with fine fabrics and jewelry and laid expensive brocades under the horses' feet. Drums were beating with good news, and the Grandees of the kingdom celebrated and brought lavish gifts, while onlookers were filled with wonder. Additionally, they provided food for the beggars and Fakirs and held a grand festival for ten days, which brought immense joy to Princess Shamsah as she witnessed it all. Then King Teghmus called for architects, builders, and artisans and instructed them to construct a palace in that garden. They immediately set to work, and when Janshah learned of his father's command, he had the craftsmen bring a block of white marble, carve it, and hollow it out in the shape of a chest. Once that was done, he took the feathered garment of Princess Shamsah that she had flown with him through the air, sealed the chest cover with melted lead, and ordered it to be buried in the foundations, with arches built above where the palace would stand. They followed his orders, and soon the palace was completed. They furnished it, and it became a magnificent structure, situated in the middle of the garden, with streams flowing beneath its walls. Upon this, the King arranged for Janshah's wedding to be celebrated with great splendor, and they brought the bride to the palace in a grand procession and left. When Princess Shamsah entered, she caught the scent of her feathered attire—And Shahrazad noticed dawn breaking and stopped her narrative for the night.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the lady Shamsah entered the new palace, she smelt the scent of her flying feather-gear and knew where it was and determined to take it. So she waited till midnight, when Janshah was drowned in sleep; then she rose and going straight to the place where the marble-coffer was buried under the arches she hollowed the ground alongside till she came upon it; when she removed the lead wherewith it was soldered and, taking out the feather-suit, put it on. Then she flew high in air and perching on the pinnacle of the palace, cried out to those who were therein, saying, “I pray you fetch me Janshah, that I may bid him farewell.” So they told him and he came out and, seeing her on the terrace-roof of the palace, clad in her feather-raiment, asked her, “Why hast thou done this deed?”; and she answered “O my beloved and coolth of mine eyes and fruit of my heart, by Allah, I love thee passing dear and I rejoice with exceeding joy in that I have restored thee to thy friends and country and thou hast seen thy mother and father. And now, if thou love me as I love thee, come to me at Takní, the Castle of Jewels.” So saying, she flew away forthright to find her family and friends, and Janshah fell down fainting, being well-nigh dead for despair. They carried the news to King Teghmus, who mounted at once and riding to the palace, found his son lying senseless on the ground; whereat he wept knowing that the swoon was caused by the loss of his love, and sprinkled rose-water on his face.[552] When the Prince came to himself and saw his sire sitting at his head, he wept at the thought of losing his wife and the King asked what had befallen him. So he replied, “Know, O my father, that the lady Shamsah is of the daughters of the Jann and she hath done such and such” 357(telling him all that had happened); and the King said, “O my son, be not troubled and thus concerned, for I will assemble all the merchants and wayfarers in the land and enquire of them anent that castle. If we can find out where it is, we will journey thither and demand the Princess Shamsah of her people; and we hope in Allah the Almighty that He will give her back to thee and thou shalt consummate thy marriage.” Then he went out and, calling his four Wazirs without stay or delay, bade them assemble all the merchants and voyagers in the city and question them of Takni, the Castle of Jewels, adding, “Whoso knoweth it and can guide us thither, I will surely give him fifty thousand gold pieces.” The Wazirs accordingly went forth at once and did as the King bade them, but neither trader nor traveller could give them news of Takni, the Castle of Jewels; so they returned and told the King. Thereupon he bade bring beautiful slave-girls and concubines and singers and players upon instruments of music, whose like are not found but with the Kings: and sent them to Janshah, so haply they might divert him from the love of the lady Shamsah. Moreover, he despatched couriers and spies to all the lands and islands and climes, to enquire for Takni, the Castle of Jewels, and they made quest for it two months long, but none could give them news thereof. So they returned and told the King, whereupon he wept bitter tears and going in to his son found Janshah sitting amidst the concubines and singers and players on harp and zither and so forth, not one of whom could console him for the lady Shamsah. Quoth Teghmus, “O my son, I can find none who knoweth this Castle of Jewels; but I will bring thee a fairer than she.” When Janshah heard this, his eyes ran over with tears and he recited these two couplets:—
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that when Lady Shamsah arrived at the new palace, she caught the scent of her feathered flying gear and recognized where it was, deciding to retrieve it. So she waited until midnight, when Janshah was deep in sleep. Then she rose and went straight to the spot where the marble coffin was buried beneath the arches. She dug around until she found it, removed the lead sealing it, and took out the feather suit to put it on. After that, she soared high into the air and perched on the highest point of the palace, calling out to those inside, 'Please bring me Janshah so I can say goodbye.' They told him, and he came out. When he saw her on the palace rooftop, dressed in her feather attire, he asked, 'Why have you done this?' She replied, 'O my beloved, the joy of my eyes and the fruit of my heart, I swear by Allah, I love you dearly, and I am so happy to have returned you to your family and home, and that you have seen your mother and father. Now, if you love me as I love you, meet me at Takní, the Castle of Jewels.' Saying this, she flew away immediately to find her family and friends, and Janshah fainted, nearly dead from despair. They quickly informed King Teghmus, who hurried to the palace and found his son lying unconscious on the ground. He wept knowing that the fainting was caused by the loss of his love and sprinkled rose water on his face. When the Prince came to and saw his father by his side, he cried at the thought of losing his wife, and the King asked what had happened. So he replied, 'Father, know that Lady Shamsah is one of the daughters of the Jann, and she has done such and such' (telling him everything that occurred). The King said, 'My son, do not be troubled. I will gather all the merchants and travelers in the land and ask them about that castle. If we find out where it is, we will go there and ask her people to return Princess Shamsah to you, and we hope for Allah's help that He will bring her back so you can complete your marriage.' He then went out and called his four Wazirs without delay, instructing them to gather all the merchants and travelers in the city to inquire about Takní, the Castle of Jewels, adding, 'Whoever knows it and can guide us there, I will reward him with fifty thousand gold coins.' The Wazirs quickly set off and did as the King commanded, but neither merchant nor traveler could provide any information about Takní, the Castle of Jewels. They returned and reported this to the King. Then he ordered beautiful slave girls, concubines, and musicians to be brought, the likes of whom are found only with kings, and sent them to Janshah in hopes of distracting him from his love for Lady Shamsah. Furthermore, he sent out messengers and spies to all lands, islands, and regions to search for Takní. They searched for two months but found no leads. When they returned and informed the King, he wept bitterly. Entering his son's chamber, he found Janshah surrounded by concubines and musicians, but none could console him for Lady Shamsah. Teghmus said, 'My son, I cannot find anyone who knows of this Castle of Jewels, but I will bring you someone more beautiful than her.' Hearing this, Janshah's eyes filled with tears, and he recited these two couplets:—"
Now there was a deadly feud between King Teghmus and a certain King of Hind, by name Kafíd, who had great plenty of troops and warriors and champions; and under his hand were a thousand puissant chieftains, each ruling over a thousand tribes whereof every one could muster four thousand cavaliers. He reigned over a thousand cities each guarded by a thousand forts 358and he had four Wazirs and under him ruled Emirs, Princes and Sovereigns; and indeed he was a King of great might and prowess whose armies filled the whole earth. Now King Teghmus had made war upon him and ravaged his reign and slain his men and of his treasures had made gain. But when it came to King Kafid’s knowledge that King Teghmus was occupied with the love of his son, so that he neglected the affairs of the state and his troops were grown few and weak by reason of his care and concern for his son’s state, he summoned his Wazirs and Emirs and said to them, “Ye all know that whilom King Teghmus invaded our dominions and plundered our possessions and slew my father and brethren, nor indeed is there one of you, but he hath harried his lands and carried off his goods and made prize of his wives and slain some kinsmen of his. Now I have heard this day that he is absorbed in the love of his son Janshah, and that his troops are grown few and weak; and this is the time to take our blood-revenge on him. So make ready for the march and don ye your harness of battle; and let nothing stay or delay you, and we will go to him and fall upon him and slay him and his son, and possess ourselves of his reign.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
Now there was a deadly feud between King Teghmus and a king from Hind named Kafíd, who had a massive army filled with warriors and champions; under his command were a thousand powerful chiefs, each ruling over a thousand tribes, and each tribe could gather four thousand knights. He ruled over a thousand cities, each protected by a thousand forts, and he had four advisors, with Emirs, Princes, and Sovereigns serving under him. Indeed, he was a king of great power and strength, whose armies spanned the entire earth. King Teghmus had waged war against him, ravaging his kingdom, killing his men, and seizing his treasures. But when King Kafid learned that King Teghmus was distracted by his love for his son, neglecting state affairs and allowing his troops to grow fewer and weaker due to his concern for his son’s wellbeing, he called his advisors and Emirs and said to them, “You all know that King Teghmus once invaded our lands, plundered our belongings, and killed my father and brothers. Each of you has suffered from his attacks on his lands, losing goods and even family members. Now I have heard today that he is consumed by his love for his son Janshah, and his forces have become small and weak; now is the time to take our revenge. Prepare for the march and put on your battle gear; let nothing hold you back, and we will go to him, attack him, kill him and his son, and take control of his realm.”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her permitted tale.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Kafid, King of Hind, commanded his troops and armies to mount and make for the dominions of King Teghmus, saying, “Get ye ready for the march and don ye your harness of war; and let nothing stay or delay you; so we will go to him and fall upon him and slay him and his son and possess ourselves of his reign.” They all answered with one voice, saying, “We hear and obey,” and fell at once to equipping themselves and levying troops; and they ceased not their preparations for three months and, when all was in readiness, they beat the drums and sounded the trumps and flew the flags and banners: then King Kafid set out at the head of his host and they fared on till they reached the frontiers of the land of Kabul, the dominions of King Teghmus, where they began to harry the land and do havoc among the folk, slaughtering the old and taking the young prisoners. When the news reached King Teghmus, he was wroth with exceeding wrath 359and assembling his Grandees and officers of state, said to them, “Know that Kafid hath come to our land and hath entered the realm we command and is resolved to fight us hand to hand; and he leadeth troops and champions and warriors, whose number none knoweth save Allah Almighty; what deme deem ye?” Replied they, “O King of the age, let us go out to him and give him battle and drive him forth of our country; and thus deem we.” So he bade them prepare for battle and brought forth to them hauberks and cuirasses and helmets and swords and all manner of warlike gear, such as lay low warriors and do to death the champions of mankind. So the troops and braves and champions flocked together and they set up the standards and beat the drums and sounded the trumpets and clashed the cymbals and piped on the pipes; and King Teghmus marched out at the head of his army, to meet the hosts of Hind. And when he drew near the foe, he called a halt, and encamping with his host in the Zahrán Valley,[553] hard by the frontier of Kabul despatched to King Kafid by messenger the following letter:—“Know that what thou hast done is of the doings of the villain rabble and wert thou indeed a King, the son of a King, thou hadst not done thus, nor hadst thou invaded my kingdom and slain my subjects and plundered their property and wrought unright upon them. Knowest thou not that all this is the fashion of a tyrant? Verily, had I known that thou durst harry my dominions, I had come to thee before thy coming and had prevented thee this long while since. Yet, even now, if thou wilt retire and leave mischief between us and thee, well and good; but if thou return not, meet me in the listed field and measure thyself with me in cut and thrust.” Lastly he sealed his letter and committed to an officer of his army and sent with him spies to spy him out news. The messenger fared forth with the missive and, drawing near the enemy’s camp, he descried a multitude of tents of silk and satin, with pennons of blue sendal, and amongst them a great pavilion of red satin, surrounded by a host of guards. He ceased not to advance till he made this tent and found on asking that it was that of King Kafid whom he saw seated on a chair set with jewels, in the midst of his Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees. So he brought out the letter and straightway there came up to him a company of 360guards, who took it from him and carried it to the King; and Kafid read it and wrote a reply to this purport:—“After the usual invocations, We let King Teghmus know that we mean to take our blood-revenge on thee and wash out our stain and waste thy reign and rend the curtain in twain and slay the old men and enslave the young men. But to-morrow, come thou forth to combat in the open plain, and to show thee thrust and fight will I deign.” Then he sealed the letter and delivered it to the messenger, who carried it to King Teghmus——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She continued, "I've heard, O gracious King, that Kafid, King of Hind, ordered his troops to prepare and march towards the realm of King Teghmus, saying, 'Get ready for the journey and put on your armor; let nothing stop you; we will go against him, defeat him and his son, and claim his kingdom for ourselves.' They all responded in unison, 'We hear and obey,' and immediately started to gather their supplies and enlist soldiers; they continued their preparations for three months. Once everything was set, they beat the drums, sounded the trumpets, and raised their flags and banners. Then King Kafid led his army and advanced until they reached the borders of the land of Kabul, the territories of King Teghmus, where they began to ravage the land, causing destruction and slaughtering the elderly while capturing the young. When the news reached King Teghmus, he was extremely angry and called together his nobles and officials, saying to them, 'Know that Kafid has entered our land, ready to fight us directly; he leads troops and warriors, with numbers only known to Allah Almighty. What do you think we should do?' They replied, 'O King of the age, let us confront him in battle and drive him out of our land; that is what we believe.' So he commanded them to get ready for battle, bringing forth armor, swords, and all kinds of weaponry capable of defeating great warriors. The troops and heroes gathered, erecting standards and sounding the drums, trumpets, and cymbals, while playing the pipes. King Teghmus marched out at the head of his army to face the forces of Hind. As he approached the enemy, he halted to set up camp in the Zahrán Valley, near the Kabul border, and sent a messenger to King Kafid with this letter: 'Know that your actions are those of a lowly villain; if you were truly a King, the son of a King, you would not have acted as you did, invading my kingdom, killing my people, stealing their possessions, and treating them unjustly. Do you not realize that this is the behavior of a tyrant? If I had known you would attack my lands, I would have confronted you long before you arrived. Even now, if you withdraw and remove the discord between us, that would be good; but if you do not, then meet me in battle in the open field.' He sealed the letter and entrusted it to an officer in his army, sending spies along to gather intel. The messenger set off with the letter and, as he approached the enemy camp, saw many silk and satin tents with blue banners, including a large red satin pavilion surrounded by guards. He continued until he reached that tent and, upon inquiry, learned it belonged to King Kafid, who was seated on a jewel-encrusted chair among his Wazirs and Grandees. The messenger presented the letter, and a group of guards immediately took it to the King. Kafid read it and wrote a response that stated: 'After the usual greetings, we inform King Teghmus that we intend to take revenge on you, avenge our honor, destroy your reign, and slay the old and enslave the young. But tomorrow, come out to fight in the open plain, and I shall show you what true combat looks like.' He sealed the letter and handed it to the messenger, who took it to King Teghmus——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and paused her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Kafid delivered the answering letter to the messenger who carried it to King Teghmus and delivered it, after kissing the ground between his hands. Then he reported all that he had seen, saying, “O King of the age, I espied warriors and horsemen and footmen beyond count nor can I assist thee to the amount.” When Teghmus read the reply and comprehended its contents, he was with furious rage enraged and bade his Wazir Ayn Zar take horse and fall upon the army of Kafid with a thousand cavaliers, in the middle watch of the night when they would easily ride home and slay all before them. Ayn Zar replied, “I hear and I obey,” and at once went forth to do his bidding. Now King Kafid had a Wazir, Ghatrafán[554] by name, whom he bade take five thousand horse and attack the host of King Teghmus in like manner. So Ghatrafan did his bidding and set out on his enterprise marching till midnight. Thus the two parties met halfway and the Wazir Ghatrafan fell upon the Wazir Ayn Zar. Then man cried out against man and there befel sore battle between them till break of day, when Kafid’s men were routed and fled back to their King in confusion. As Kafid saw this, he was wroth beyond measure and said to the fugitives, “Woe to you! What hath befallen you, that ye have lost your captains?” and they replied, “O King of the age, as the Wazir Ghatrafan rode forth to fall upon King Teghmus, there appeared to us halfway and when night was half over, the Wazir Ayn Zar, with cavaliers and champions, and we met on the slopes 361of Wady Zahran; but ere we were ware we found ourselves in the enemy’s midst, eye meeting eye; and we fought a fierce fight with them from midnight till morning, many on either side being slain. Then the Wazir and his men fell to shouting and smiting the elephants on the face till they took fright at their furious blows, and turning tail to flee, trampled down the horsemen, whilst none could see other for the clouds of dust. The blood ran like a rain-torrent and had we not fled, we had all been cut off to the last man.” When King Kafid heard this, he exclaimed, “May the sun not bless you and may he be wroth with you and sore be his wrath!” Meanwhile Ayn Zar, the Wazir, returned to King Teghmus and told him what had happened. The King gave him joy of his safety and rejoiced greatly and bade beat the drums and sound the trumpets, in honour of the victory; after which he called the roll of his troops and behold, two hundred of his stoutest champions had fallen. Then King Kafid marched his army into the field and drew them out ordered for battle in fifteen lines of ten thousand horse each, under the command of three hundred captains, mounted on elephants and chosen from amongst the doughtiest of his warriors and his champions. So he set up his standards and banners and beat the drums and blew the trumpets whilst the braves sallied forth, offering battle. As for King Teghmus, he drew out his troops line after line and lo! there were ten of ten thousand horse each, and with him were an hundred champions, riding on his right hand and on his left. Then fared forward to the fight each renowned knight, and the hosts clashed together in their might, whilst the earth for all its wideness was straitened because of the multitude of the cavaliers and ears were deafened by drums and cymbals beating and pipes and hautboys sounding and trumpets blaring and by the thunder of horse-tramp and the shouting of men. The dust arched in canopy over their heads and they fought a sore fight from the first of the day till the fall of darkness, when they separated and each army drew off to its own camp.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O auspicious King, that King Kafid sent the response letter with the messenger who delivered it to King Teghmus, after kissing the ground with both hands. Then he reported everything he had seen, saying, 'O King of the age, I saw warriors and horsemen and foot soldiers beyond counting, and I can't help you with that.' When Teghmus read the reply and understood its contents, he became incredibly angry and ordered his Wazir Ayn Zar to mount and charge the army of Kafid with a thousand cavalrymen in the middle of the night when they could easily attack and defeat everyone in their path. Ayn Zar replied, 'I hear and obey,' and immediately set out to fulfill his command. Now King Kafid had a Wazir named Ghatrafán, whom he instructed to take five thousand horsemen and attack King Teghmus's army in a similar manner. Ghatrafan followed his orders and set off on his mission, marching until midnight. Thus, the two forces met halfway, and Wazir Ghatrafan attacked Wazir Ayn Zar. Then they cried out against each other, and a fierce battle broke out between them until dawn, when Kafid's men were defeated and fled back to their King in panic. When Kafid saw this, he was furious and said to the fleeing soldiers, 'Woe to you! What has happened that you have lost your commanders?' They replied, 'O King of the age, as Wazir Ghatrafan set out to attack King Teghmus, we encountered the Wazir Ayn Zar halfway, and when the night was halfway through, with champions and cavalrymen, we met on the slopes of Wady Zahran; but before we realized it, we found ourselves surrounded by the enemy, and we fought a fierce battle with them from midnight until morning, with many killed on both sides. Then the Wazir and his men started shouting and striking the elephants on their faces until they were frightened by their aggressive blows, causing them to flee and trample over the horsemen, while no one could see anything because of the clouds of dust. The blood flowed like a torrential downpour, and if we hadn't retreated, we would have all been killed to the last man.' When King Kafid heard this, he exclaimed, 'May the sun not bless you, and may he be angry with you and his wrath be severe!' Meanwhile, Ayn Zar returned to King Teghmus and informed him what had happened. The King celebrated his safety with great joy and ordered the drums and trumpets to be sounded in honor of the victory; afterward, he called the roll of his troops and discovered that two hundred of his strongest champions had fallen. Then King Kafid marched his army into the field, arranging them for battle in fifteen lines of ten thousand horse each, under the command of three hundred captains, mounted on elephants and chosen from among the bravest of his warriors and champions. He set up his standards and banners and beat the drums and blew the trumpets while the brave soldiers moved forward to offer battle. King Teghmus also organized his troops line after line, and lo! there were ten lines of ten thousand horse each, accompanied by a hundred champions, riding on his right and left. Then each renowned knight advanced to the fight, and the forces clashed together with such force that the vastness of the earth felt constricted by the multitude of knights, while ears were deafened by the beating of drums and cymbals, the sounds of pipes and oboes, and the blaring of trumpets alongside the thunder of horse hooves and the shouts of men. The dust formed a canopy over their heads as they fought fiercely from the break of day until darkness fell, when they drew apart and each army returned to its camp.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that each army drew off to its own camp. Then King Kafid called the roll of his 362troops and, finding that he had lost five thousand men, raged with great rage; and King Teghmus mustered his men and seeing that of them were slain three thousand riders, the bravest of his braves, was wroth with exceeding wrath. On the morrow King Kafid again pushed into the plain and did duty as before, while each man strave his best to snatch victory for himself; and Kafid cried out to his men, saying, “Is there any of you will sally forth into the field and open us the chapter of fray and fight?” And behold came out from the ranks a warrior named Barkayk, a mighty man of war who, when he reached the King, alighted from his elephant and kissing the earth before him, sought of him leave to challenge the foe to combat singular. Then he mounted his elephant and driving into mid-field, cried out, “Who is for duello, who is for derring-do, who is for knightly devoir?” When King Teghmus heard this, he said to his troops, “Which of you will do single battle with this sworder?” And behold, a cavalier came out from the ranks, mounted on a charger, mighty of make, and driving up to the King kissed the earth before him and craved his permission to engage Barkayk. Then he mounted again and charged at Barkayk, who said to him, “Who art thou and what art thou called, that thou makest mock of me by coming out against me and challenging me, alone?” “My name is Ghazanfar[555] son of Kamkhíl,” replied the Kabul champion; and the other, “I have heard tell of thee in my own country; so up and do battle between the ranks of the braves!” Hearing these words Ghazanfar drew a mace of iron from under his thigh and Barkayk took his good sword in hand, and they laid on load till Barkayk smote Ghazanfar on the head with his blade, but the morion turned the blow and no hurt befel him therefrom; whereupon Ghazanfar, in his turn, dealt Barkayk so terrible a stroke on the head with his mace, that he levelled him down to his elephant’s back and slew him. With this out sallied another and crying to Ghazanfar, “Who be thou that thou shouldst slay my brother?”; hurled a javelin at him with such force that it pierced his thigh and nailed his coat of mail to his flesh. Then Ghazanfar, feeling his hurt, hent his sword in hand and smote at Barkayk’s brother and cut him in sunder, and he fell to the earth, wallowing in his life-blood; whilst the challenger of Kabul galloped back to King Teghmus. Now when Kafid saw the death of his champions, he cried out to his troops, saying, 363“Down with you to the plain and strike with might and main!” as also did King Teghmus, and the two armies fought the fiercest of fights. Horse neighed against horse and man cried out upon man and brands were bared, whilst the drums beat and the trumpets blared; and horseman charged upon horseman and every brave of renown pushed forward, whilst the faint-heart fled from the lunge of lance and men heard nought but slogan-cry and the clash and clang of armoury. Slain were the warriors that were slain[556] and they stayed not from the mellay till the decline of the sun in the heavenly dome, when the Kings drew off their armies and returned each to its own camp.[557] Then King Teghmus took tally of his men and found that he had lost five thousand, and four standards had been broken to bits, whereat he was sore an-angered; whilst King Kafid in like manner counted his troops and found that he had lost six hundred, the bravest of his braves, and nine standards were wanting to the full tale. The two armies ceased joining battle and rested on their arms three days’ space, after which Kafid wrote a letter and sent it by messenger to a King called Fákun al-Kalb (with whom he claimed kinship by the spindle side): and this kinsman forthwith mustered his men and marched to meet the King of Hind.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that each army went back to its own camp. Then King Kafid called the roll of his troops and, seeing that he had lost five thousand men, flew into a rage. King Teghmus gathered his men and saw that three thousand of his bravest riders had been slain, and he was filled with great fury. The next day, King Kafid again advanced into the plain and fought as before, with each soldier striving hard to snatch victory for himself. Kafid shouted to his men, ‘Is there anyone willing to step forward and open the battle?’ Then a warrior named Barkayk emerged from the ranks, a fierce fighter who, upon reaching the King, dismounted from his elephant, kissed the ground before him, and asked for permission to challenge the enemy to single combat. He then climbed back onto his elephant and charged into the field, shouting, ‘Who wants to duel? Who is up for some daring deeds? Who is ready for a knight's duty?’ When King Teghmus heard this, he asked his troops, ‘Who among you will fight this swordsman in a duel?’ Then a knight came out from the ranks, mounted on a strong horse. He approached the King, kissed the ground, and requested permission to engage Barkayk. He then got back on his horse and charged at Barkayk, who asked him, ‘Who are you and what do they call you, that you come out to mock me by challenging me alone?’ ‘I am Ghazanfar, son of Kamkhíl,’ replied the Kabul warrior, to which Barkayk responded, ‘I've heard of you in my land; so come and fight amidst the bravest!’ Hearing this, Ghazanfar pulled an iron mace from under his leg and Barkayk drew his fine sword, and they began to fight hard until Barkayk struck Ghazanfar on the head with his blade. The helmet deflected the blow, and Ghazanfar was unharmed; then Ghazanfar retaliated with a fierce blow to Barkayk's head with his mace, knocking him down to his elephant's back and killing him. At this, another warrior rushed out, shouting to Ghazanfar, ‘Who are you to kill my brother?’ and threw a javelin at him with such force that it pierced his thigh and pinned his armor to his flesh. Feeling the wound, Ghazanfar grabbed his sword and struck at Barkayk's brother, cutting him in half as he fell to the ground, bleeding out his life. Meanwhile, the challenger from Kabul rode back to King Teghmus. When Kafid saw the deaths of his warriors, he shouted to his troops, saying, ‘To the plain with you and strike with all your might!’ King Teghmus did the same, and the two armies engaged in the fiercest battle. Horses neighed against horses, men yelled at each other, swords were drawn as the drums beat and trumpets blared; horsemen charged at each other and every renowned warrior pushed forward, while the cowards fled from the thrusts of lances. The sounds of battle filled the air, and the fight raged on until the sun began to set, when the Kings pulled back their armies and returned to their respective camps. King Teghmus counted his men and found he had lost five thousand, with four standards broken, which made him very angry. King Kafid similarly counted his troops and discovered he had lost six hundred of his bravest men, and nine standards were missing. The two armies stopped fighting and rested for three days, after which Kafid wrote a letter and sent it by messenger to a king named Fákun al-Kalb, who he claimed was his relative by the maternal line. This relative immediately gathered his men and marched to meet the King of Hind.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped speaking at her allowed time.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Fakun mustered his men and marched to meet the King of Hind: and whileas King Teghmus was sitting at his pleasance, there came one in to him and said, “I see from afar a cloud of dust spireing high in air and overspreading the lift.” So he commanded a company to fare forth and learn the meaning of this; and, crying, “To hear is to obey,” they sallied out and presently returned and said to him, “O King, when we drew near the cloud of dust, the wind rent it and it lifted and showed seven standards and under each standard three thousand horse, making for King Kafid’s camp.” 364Then King Fakun joined himself to the King of Hind and saluting him, asked, “How is it with thee, and what be this war in which thou warrest?”; and Kafid answered, “Knowest thou not that King Teghmus is my enemy and the murtherer of my father and brothers? Wherefore I am come forth to do battle with him and take my blood-wreak on him.” Quoth Fakun, “The blessing of the sun be upon thee!”; and the King of Hind carried King Fakun al-Kalb to his tent and rejoiced in him with exceeding joy. Such was the case of the two hostile Kings; but as regards King Janshah, he abode two months shut up in his palace, without seeing his father or allowing one of the damsels in his service to come in to him; at the end of which time he grew troubled and restless and said to his attendants, “What aileth my father that he cometh not to visit me?” They told him that he had gone forth to do battle with King Kafid, whereupon quoth Janshah, “Bring me my steed, that I may go to my sire.” They replied, “We hear and obey,” and brought his horse; but he said in himself, “I am taken up with the thought of myself and my love and I deem well to mount and ride for the city of the Jews, where haply Allah shall grant me the boon to meet the merchant who hired me for the ruby-business and may be he will deal with me as he dealt before, for none knoweth whence good cometh.” So he took with him a thousand horse and set out, the folk saying, “At last Janshah hath fared forth to join his father in the field, and to fight by his side;” and they stinted not pushing on till dusk, when they halted for the night in a vast meadow. As soon as he knew that all his men were asleep, the Prince rose privily and girding his waist, mounted his horse and rode away intending to make Baghdad, because he had heard from the Jews that a caravan came thence to their city once in every two years and he made up his mind to journey thither with the next Cafilah. When his men awoke and missed the Prince and his horse, they mounted and sought him right and left but, finding no trace of him, rejoined his father and told him what his son had done; whereat he was wroth beyond measure and cast the crown from his head, whilst the sparks were like to fly from his mouth, and he said “There is no Majesty and there is no Might but in Allah! Verily I have lost my son, and the enemy is still before me.” But his Wazirs and vassals said to him, “Patience, O King of the age! Patience bringeth weal in wake.” Meanwhile Janshah, parted 365from his lover and pained for his father, was in sore sorrow and dismay, with heart seared and eyes tear-bleared and unable to sleep night or day. But when his father heard the loss his host had endured, he declined battle, and fled before King Kafid; and, retiring to his city, closed the gates and strengthened the walls. Thereupon King Kafid followed him and sat down before the town, offering battle seven nights and eight days, after which he withdrew to his tents, to tend his wounded while the citizens defended themselves as they best could, fortifying the place and setting up mangonels and other engines on the walls. Such was the condition of the two Kings, and war raged between them for a space of seven years.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I have heard, O great King, that King Fakun gathered his troops and marched to confront the King of Hind. While King Teghmus was enjoying himself, someone came in and said, 'From a distance, I see a cloud of dust rising high into the air and spreading across the sky.' He ordered a group to go out and find out what it meant, saying, 'To listen is to obey.' They set out and soon returned, reporting, 'O King, when we approached the cloud of dust, the wind parted it, revealing seven banners, each with three thousand horsemen heading toward King Kafid’s camp.' 364 Then King Fakun joined King Kafid and, greeting him, asked, 'How are you, and what is this war you fight?' Kafid replied, 'Do you not know that King Teghmus is my enemy and the killer of my father and brothers? That's why I have come to battle him and avenge my blood.' Fakun said, 'May the sun bless you!' The King of Hind then welcomed King Fakun al-Kalb into his tent and rejoiced greatly. Meanwhile, King Janshah stayed locked inside his palace for two months without seeing his father or allowing any of the maidens in his service to visit him. After that time, he grew anxious and restless, asking his attendants, 'What's wrong with my father that he hasn’t come to see me?' They informed him that he had gone to battle with King Kafid, to which Janshah responded, 'Bring me my horse so I can go to my father.' They replied, 'We hear and obey,' and brought his horse; but he thought to himself, 'I am preoccupied with my own feelings and my love, and I think it’s best to ride to the city of the Jews, where perhaps Allah will grant me the chance to meet the merchant who hired me for the ruby business. Maybe he will treat me as he did before, for no one knows where good fortune comes from.' So he took a thousand horsemen with him and set off, with people saying, 'At last, Janshah has gone out to join his father in the battle and fight by his side.' They continued until dusk, when they stopped for the night in a large meadow. As soon as he realized that all his men were asleep, the Prince quietly got up, strapped on his gear, mounted his horse, and rode away, intending to reach Baghdad because he had heard from the Jews that a caravan comes from there to their city every two years, and he planned to go with the next caravan. When his men awoke and found the Prince and his horse missing, they mounted and searched for him in every direction but unable to find any trace of him, they returned to his father and reported what his son had done. This made him extremely angry, and he threw his crown from his head, nearly breathing fire in rage, saying, 'There is no power and no might except in Allah! I have truly lost my son, and the enemy remains before me.' But his advisors and loyal subjects told him, 'Have patience, O King! Patience brings good outcomes.' Meanwhile, Janshah, apart from his lover and aching for his father, was deeply troubled and despairing, feeling heartbroken with tear-stained eyes, unable to sleep day or night. When his father heard of the losses his army had faced, he chose to retreat from battle and fled from King Kafid. He returned to his city, closed the gates, and reinforced the walls. Then King Kafid pursued him and camped outside the town, challenging him to battle for seven nights and eight days. After that, he withdrew to tend to his wounded while the townspeople defended themselves as best as they could, fortifying the city and setting up catapults and other machines on the walls. Thus, the conflict between the two Kings continued for seven years. — And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Kings Teghmus and Kafid continued in this condition for seven years; but, as regards Janshah, he rode through wild and wold and whenever he came to a town he asked anent Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but none knew of it and all answered, “Of a truth we never heard of such place, not even by name.” At last he happened to enquire concerning the city of the Jews from a merchant who told him that it was situate in the extreme Orient, adding, “A caravan will start this very month for the city of Mizrakán in Hind; whither do thou accompany us and we will fare on to Khorasan and thence to the city of Shima’ún and Khwárazm, from which latter place the City of the Jews is distant a year and three months’ journey.” So Janshah waited till the departure of the caravan, when he joined himself thereto and journeyed, till he reached the city of Mizrakan whence, after vainly asking for Takni, the Castle of Jewels, he set out and enduring on the way great hardships and perils galore and the extreme of hunger and thirst, he arrived at the town of Shima’un. Here he made enquiry for the City of the Jews, and they directed him to the road thither. So he fared forth and journeyed days and nights till he came to the place where he had given the apes the slip, and continued his journey thence to the river, on the opposite bank of which stood the City of the Jews. He sat down on the shore and waited till the Sabbath came round and the river dried 366up by decree of Allah Almighty, when he crossed over to the opposite bank and, entering the city, betook himself to the house wherein he had lodged on his former journey. The Jew and his family saluted him and rejoiced in his return and, setting meat and drink before him, asked, “Where hast thou been during thine absence?”; and he answered, “In the kingdom of Almighty Allah!”[558] He lay with them that night and on the morrow he went out to solace himself with a walk about the city and presently heard a crier crying aloud and saying, “O folk, who will earn a thousand gold pieces and a fair slave-girl and do half a day’s work for us?” So Janshah went up to him and said, “I will do this work.”[559] Quoth the crier, “Follow me,” and carrying him to the house of the Jew merchant, where he had been aforetime, said, “This young man will do thy need.” The merchant not recognising him gave him welcome and carried him into the Harim, where he set meat and drink before him, and he ate and drank. Then he brought him the money and formally made over to him the handsome slave-girl with whom he lay that night. As soon as morning dawned, he took the dinars and the damsel and, committing them to his Jew host with whom he had lodged aforetime, returned to the merchant, who mounted and rode out with him, till they came to the foot of the tall and towering mountain, where the merchant, bringing out a knife and cords, said to Janshah, “Throw the mare.” So he threw her and bound her four legs with the cords and slaughtered her and cut off her head and four limbs and slit her belly, as ordered by the Jew; whereupon quoth he, “Enter her belly, till I sew it up on thee; and whatsoever thou seest therein, tell me of it, for this is the work whose wage thou hast taken.” So Janshah entered the mare’s belly and the merchant sewed it up on him; then, withdrawing to a fair distance, hid himself. And after an hour a great bird swooped down from the lift and, snatching up the carcass in his pounces soared high toward the sky. Then he perched upon the mountain-peak and would have eaten the prey, but Janshah sensing his intent took out his knife and slit the mare’s belly and came forth. The bird was scared at his sight and flew away, and Janshah went up to a place whence he could see below, and looking down, espied the merchant standing at the foot of the mountain, as he 367were a sparrow. So he cried out to him, “What is thy will, O merchant?” Replied the Jew, “Throw me down of the stones that lie about thee, that I may direct thee in the way down.” Quoth Janshah, “Thou art he who didst with me thus and thus five years ago, and through thee I suffered hunger and thirst and sore toil and much trouble; and now thou hast brought me hither once more and thinkest to destroy me. By Allah, I will not throw thee aught!” So saying, he turned from him and set out for where lived Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that Kings Teghmus and Kafid were in this state for seven years. As for Janshah, he traveled through wilderness and fields, and whenever he reached a town, he asked about Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but no one knew of it. They all replied, 'Honestly, we've never heard of such a place, not even by name.' Eventually, he asked a merchant about the city of the Jews, who informed him that it was located in the far East, adding, 'A caravan will set out this very month for the city of Mizrakán in Hind; if you accompany us, we will travel to Khorasan and then to the city of Shima’ún and Khwárazm, from which the City of the Jews is about a year and three months' journey away.' So, Janshah waited for the caravan to leave, joined them, and traveled until he reached the city of Mizrakán. After asking in vain for Takni, the Castle of Jewels, he set out again, facing great hardships, dangers, and severe hunger and thirst, until he arrived at the town of Shima’un. Here, he asked for directions to the City of the Jews, and they pointed him to the road. He set out and traveled for days and nights until he reached the place where he had escaped from the apes. He continued his journey to the river, on the other side of which was the City of the Jews. He sat on the shore, waiting for the Sabbath to arrive when the river dried up by the will of Allah Almighty. When it dried, he crossed to the other side and entered the city, going straight to the house where he had previously stayed. The Jew and his family greeted him joyfully and set food and drink before him, asking, 'Where have you been during your absence?' He replied, 'In the kingdom of Almighty Allah!' He stayed with them that night, and the next morning, he went out for a walk around the city. Soon he heard a crier calling out, 'O people, who will earn a thousand gold pieces and a beautiful slave-girl by working half a day for us?' Janshah approached him and said, 'I will do this work.' The crier said, 'Come with me,' and took him to the house of the Jewish merchant where he had been before, saying, 'This young man will fulfill your need.' The merchant, not recognizing him, welcomed him and led him into the private quarters, where he set food and drink before him, and Janshah ate and drank. Then the merchant gave him the money and formally presented him with the beautiful slave-girl, with whom he spent the night. As soon as morning came, he took the dinars and the girl, entrusted them to his Jewish host from his previous stay, and returned to the merchant, who mounted and rode out with him until they reached the base of the tall mountain. The merchant then took out a knife and ropes and said to Janshah, 'Throw down the mare.' So, he threw her down, tied her legs with the ropes, slaughtered her, cut off her head and limbs, and opened her belly, as instructed by the Jew. The merchant said, 'Get inside her belly until I sew it up, and whatever you see in there, tell me about it, for this is the task you agreed to do.' Janshah entered the mare's belly, and the merchant sewed it up around him. Then, keeping his distance, he hid. After an hour, a large bird swooped down from above, grabbed the carcass in its talons, and flew high into the sky. It landed on the mountain peak and was about to eat its prey when Janshah, sensing its intent, took out his knife, cut open the mare’s belly, and emerged. The bird was startled and flew away, and Janshah climbed to a spot where he could look down and saw the merchant standing at the mountain's base, appearing like a sparrow. He shouted, 'What do you want, O merchant?' The Jew replied, 'Throw me some of the stones around you, so I can help you find your way down.' Janshah responded, 'You are the one who did such and such to me five years ago, and through you, I endured hunger, thirst, toil, and much suffering; now you've brought me here again and intend to destroy me. By Allah, I will throw you nothing!' Saying this, he turned away from him and went toward the home of Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds."——And Shahrazad saw the dawn of day and ceased to speak her allowed words.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Janshah took the way for where lived Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds. And he ceased not faring on many days and nights, tearful-eyed and heavy-hearted; eating, when he was anhungered, of the growth of the ground and drinking, when he thirsted, of its streams, till he came in sight of the Castle of the lord Solomon and saw Shaykh Nasr sitting at the gate. So he hastened up to him and kissed his hands; and the Shaykh saluted him and bade him welcome and said to him, “O my son, what aileth thee that thou returnest to this place, after I sent thee home with the Princess Shamsah, cool of eyes and broad of breast?” Janshah wept and told him all that had befallen him and how she had flown away from him, saying, “An thou love me, come to me in Takni, the Castle of Jewels;” at which the old man marvelled and said, “By Allah, O my son, I know it not, nor, by the virtue of our lord Solomon, have I ever in my life heard its name!” Quoth Janshah, “What shall I do? I am dying of love and longing.” Quoth Shaykh Nasr, “Take patience until the coming of the birds, when we will enquire at them of Takni, the Castle of Jewels; haply one of them shall wot thereof.” So Janshah’s heart was comforted and, entering the Palace, he went straight to the chamber which gave upon the Lake in which he had seen the three maidens. After this he abode with Shaykh Nasr for a while and, one day as he was sitting with him, the Shaykh said, “O my son, rejoice for the time of the birds’ coming draweth nigh.” Janshah gladdened to hear the news; and after a few days the birds began to come and 368Shaykh Nasr said to him, “O my son, learn these names[560] and address thyself with me to meet the birds.” Presently, the fowls came flying up and saluted Shaykh Nasr, kind after kind, and he asked them of Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but they all made answer, “Never heard we of such a place.” At these words Janshah wept and lamented till he swooned away; whereupon Shaykh Nasr called a huge volatile and said to him, “Carry this youth to the land of Kabul,” and described to him the country and the way thither. Then he set Janshah on the bird’s back, saying, “Be careful to sit straight and beware of leaning to either side, else thou wilt be torn to pieces in the air; and stop thine ears from the wind, lest thou be dazed by the noise of the revolving sphere and the roaring of the seas.” Janshah resolved to do his bidding and the bird took flight high in sky and flew with him a day and a night, till he set him down by the King of the Beasts, whose name was Sháh Badrí, and said to his rider, “We have gone astray from the way directed by Shaykh Nasr.” And he would have taken him up again and flown on with him; but Janshah said, “Go thy ways and leave me here; till I die on this spot or I find Takni, the Castle of Jewels, I will not return to my country.” So the fowl left him with Shah Badri, King of the Beasts and flew away. The King thereupon said to him, “O my son, who art thou and whence comest thou with yonder great bird?” So Janshah told him his story from beginning to end, whereat Shah Badri marvelled and said, “By the virtue of the lord Solomon, I know not of this castle; but if any one of the beasts my subjects know it, we will reward him bountifully and send thee by him thither.” Hereat Janshah wept bitterly but presently he took patience and abode with Shah Badri, and after a short time the King of the Beasts said to him, “O my son, take these tablets and commit to memory that which is therein; and when the beasts come, we will question them of the Castle of Jewels.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “It has come to my attention, O gracious King, that Janshah traveled to the home of Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds. He journeyed for many days and nights, with tearful eyes and a heavy heart; eating from the earth when he was hungry and drinking from the streams when he was thirsty, until he finally saw the Castle of Lord Solomon and found Shaykh Nasr sitting at the gate. He hurried to him and kissed his hands; Shaykh Nasr greeted him and welcomed him, saying, ‘O my son, what brings you back to this place after I sent you home with Princess Shamsah, whose beauty is captivating?’ Janshah wept and shared everything that had happened to him, including how she had flown away, saying, ‘If you love me, come to me in Takni, the Castle of Jewels.’ At this, the old man was astonished and said, ‘By Allah, O my son, I know nothing of it, and by the virtue of our lord Solomon, I have never heard of such a place!’ Janshah asked, ‘What should I do? I am dying of love and longing.’ Shaykh Nasr replied, ‘Have patience until the birds arrive, then we will ask them about Takni, the Castle of Jewels; perhaps one of them will know about it.’ Janshah’s heart felt lighter, and entering the Palace, he went straight to the chamber that overlooked the Lake where he had seen the three maidens. He stayed with Shaykh Nasr for some time, and one day while sitting together, the Shaykh said, ‘O my son, rejoice, for the time of the birds’ arrival is near.’ Janshah was delighted by the news; and after a few days, the birds began to appear and Shaykh Nasr told him, ‘O my son, learn these names and join me to greet the birds.’ Soon, the birds came flying in, greeting Shaykh Nasr, species after species, and he inquired about Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but they all responded, ‘We have never heard of such a place.’ Hearing this, Janshah wept and lamented until he fainted; whereupon Shaykh Nasr called a large bird and instructed it, ‘Take this young man to the land of Kabul,’ describing the country and the route. He placed Janshah on the bird’s back, saying, ‘Make sure to sit straight and don’t lean to either side, or you will be torn apart in the air; and plug your ears against the wind, so you aren’t disoriented by the noise of the spinning earth and the roaring seas.’ Janshah promised to follow his advice, and the bird soared high into the sky, flying with him for a day and a night until it landed near the King of the Beasts, named Sháh Badrí, and said to its rider, ‘We have strayed from the path set by Shaykh Nasr.’ It was about to take off again, but Janshah said, ‘Go away and leave me here; until I either die in this place or find Takni, the Castle of Jewels, I will not return to my homeland.’ So the bird left him with Shah Badri, the King of the Beasts, and flew away. The King then asked him, ‘O my son, who are you and where did you come from with that big bird?’ Janshah recounted his entire story, leaving Shah Badri astonished. He said, ‘By the virtue of Lord Solomon, I know nothing of this castle; but if any of my subjects know it, we will reward them generously and send you with them there.’ At this, Janshah cried bitterly, but soon composed himself and stayed with Shah Badri; after a short while, the King of the Beasts said to him, ‘O my son, take these tablets and memorize what is written on them; when the beasts come, we will ask them about the Castle of Jewels.’——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped telling her story.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King of the Beasts said to Janshah, “Commit to memory what is 369in these tablets; and whenas the beasts come, we will ask them anent that castle.” He did as the King bade him, and before long, up came the beasts, kind after kind, and saluted Shah Badri, who questioned them of Takni, the Castle of Jewels; but they all replied, “We know not this castle, nor ever heard we of it.” At this Janshah wept and lamented for that he had not gone with the bird that brought him from Shaykh Nasr’s castle; but Shah Badri said to him, “Grieve not, O my son, for I have a brother, King Shimákh hight, who is older than I; he was once a prisoner to King Solomon, for that he rebelled against him; nor is there among the Jinn one elder than he and Shaykh Nasr. Belike he knoweth of this castle; at any rate he ruleth over all the Jinn in this country side.” So saying he set Janshah on the back of a beast and gave him a letter to his brother, commending him to his care. The beast set off with the Prince forthwith and fared on days and nights, till it came to King Shimakh’s abiding place. And when it caught sight of the King it stood still afar off; whereupon Janshah alighted and walked on, till he found himself in the presence. Then he kissed hands and presented his brother’s letter. The King read the missive and, having mastered the meaning, welcomed the Prince, saying, “By Allah, O my son, in all my born days I never saw nor heard of this castle!” adding (as Janshah burst into tears), “but tell me thy story and who and whence thou art and whither thou art bound.” So Janshah related to him his history from beginning to end, at which Shimakh marvelled and said, “O my son, I do not believe that even the lord Solomon ever saw this castle or heard thereof; but O my son,[561] I know a monk in the mountains, who is exceeding old and whom all birds and beasts and Jann obey; for he ceased not his conjurations against the Kings of the Jann, till they submitted themselves to him in their own despite, by reason of the might of his oaths and his magic; and now all the birds and the beasts are his servants. I myself once rebelled against King Solomon and he sent against me this monk, the only being who could overcome me with his craft and his conjurations and his gramarye; then he imprisoned me, and since that time I have been his vassal. He hath travelled in all countries and quarters and knoweth all ways and regions and places and castles and cities; nor do I think there is any 370place hidden from his ken. So needs must I send thee to him, haply he may direct thee to the Castle of Jewels; and, if he cannot do this, none can; for all things obey him, birds and beasts and the very mountains and come at his beck and call, by reason of his skill in magic. Moreover, by the might of his egromancy he hath made a staff, in three pieces, and this he planteth in the earth and conjureth over it; whereupon flesh and blood issue from the first piece, sweet milk from the second and wheat and barley from the third; then he withdraweth the staff and returneth to his place which is hight the Hermitage of Diamonds. And this magical monk is a cunning inventor and artificer of all manner strange works; and he is a crafty warlock full of guiles and wiles, an arch-deceiver of wondrous wickedness, who hath mastered every kind of magic and witchcraft. His name is Yaghmús and to him I must needs send thee on the back of a big bird with four wings”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She continued, "I've heard, O great King, that the King of the Beasts told Janshah, 'Remember what’s written on these tablets; when the beasts arrive, we will ask them about that castle.' Janshah did as instructed, and soon the beasts came, one by one, and greeted Shah Badri, who asked them about Takni, the Castle of Jewels. But they all replied, 'We don't know this castle, nor have we ever heard of it.' At this, Janshah cried and mourned because he hadn't gone with the bird that brought him from Shaykh Nasr’s castle. But Shah Badri said to him, 'Don’t be sad, my son, because I have a brother named King Shimákh, who is older than I am. He was once a prisoner of King Solomon for rebelling against him; there is none among the Jinn older than he and Shaykh Nasr. He might know about this castle; at the very least, he rules all the Jinn in this area.' With that, he placed Janshah on the back of a beast and gave him a letter for his brother, asking him to take care of him. The beast set off immediately with the Prince, traveling for days and nights until it reached King Shimakh’s home. When it saw the King, it stopped from afar; Janshah got off and walked forward until he stood before him. He kissed the King’s hand and presented his brother’s letter. The King read the letter and, after understanding it, welcomed the Prince, saying, 'By God, my son, in all my life, I have never seen or heard of this castle!' Then, as Janshah began to cry, he added, 'But tell me your story, who you are, where you came from, and where you are going.' So Janshah told him his entire story, which amazed Shimakh, who said, 'My son, I don’t think even King Solomon ever saw or heard of this castle. But I do know a monk in the mountains who is very old and whom all birds, beasts, and Jinn obey. He has kept using his magic against the Kings of the Jinn until they submitted to him against their will, thanks to the power of his oaths and his magic. Now, all the birds and animals serve him. I once rebelled against King Solomon and this monk was sent against me; he was the only one who could defeat me with his cunning and spells. He imprisoned me, and since then, I have been his servant. He has traveled everywhere and knows all paths, territories, places, castles, and cities, and I don't think there's anywhere he can’t find. So I must send you to him; perhaps he can direct you to the Castle of Jewels. If he can't, no one can, for everything obeys him—birds, beasts, and even mountains come at his command because of his magical skill. Furthermore, he has created a magical staff made of three pieces, which he places in the ground and conjures over. From the first piece comes flesh and blood, from the second comes sweet milk, and from the third come wheat and barley. Then he removes the staff and returns to his place, called the Hermitage of Diamonds. This magical monk is a clever creator of all kinds of strange works, a devious sorcerer full of tricks, and an extraordinary deceiver skilled in all forms of magic and witchcraft. His name is Yaghmús, and I must send you to him on the back of a large bird with four wings.'” And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking her allowed tale.
She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Shimakh said to Janshah, “I must needs send thee to the monk Yaghmus on the back of a big bird with four wings, each measuring thirty Háshimi[562] cubits in length; and it hath feet like those of an elephant, but it flieth only twice a year.” And there was with King Shimakh an officer, by name Timshún, who used every day to carry off two Bactrian[563] camels from the land of Irak and cut them up for the bird that it might eat them. So King Shimakh bade the fowl take up Janshah and bear him to the cell of the hermit Yaghmus; and it rose into the air and flew on days and nights, till it came to the Mountain of the Citadels and the Hermitage of Diamonds; where Janshah alighted and going up to the hermitage, found Yaghmus the Monk at his devotions. So he entered the chapel and, kissing the ground stood respectfully before the hermit. When Yaghmus saw him, he said, “Welcome, O my son, O parted from thy home and garred ferforth to roam! Tell me the cause 371of thy coming hither.” So Janshah wept and acquainted him with all that had befallen him from beginning to end and that he was in quest of the Castle of Jewels. The Monk marvelled greatly at his story and said, “By Allah, O my son, never in my life heard I of this castle, nor ever saw I one who had heard of it or had seen it, for all I was alive in the days of Noah, Allah’s Prophet (on whom be peace!),[564] and I have ruled the birds and beasts and Jinn ever since his time; nor do I believe that Solomon David-son himself knew of it. But wait till the birds and beasts and chiefs of the Jann come to do their homage to me and I will question them of it; peradventure, some one of them may be able to give us news of it and Allah Almighty shall make all things easy to thee.” So Janshah homed with the hermit, until the day of the assembly, when all the birds and beasts and Jann came to swear fealty; and Yaghmus and his guest questioned them anent Takni, the Castle of Jewels; but they all replied, “We never saw or heard of such a place.” At this, Janshah fell a-weeping and lamenting and humbled himself before the Most High; but, as he was thus engaged, behold, there flew down from the heights of air another bird, big of bulk and black of blee, which had tarried behind the rest, and kissed the hermit’s hands. Yaghmus asked it of Takni, the Castle of Jewels, and it answered, saying, “O Monk, when I and my brothers were small chicks we abode behind the Mountain Kaf on a hill of crystal, in the midst of a great desert; and our father and mother used to set out for it every morning and in the evening come back with our food. They went out early one day, and were absent from us a se’nnight and hunger was sore upon us; but on the eighth day they returned, both weeping, and we asked them the reason of their absence. Quoth they:—A Marid swooped down on us and carried us off in his claws to Takni, the Castle of Jewels, and brought us before King Shahlán, who would have slain us; but we told him that we had left behind us a brood of fledgelings; so he spared our lives and let us go. And were my parents yet in the bonds of life they would give thee news of the castle.” When Janshah heard this, he wept bitter tears and said to the hermit, “Prithee bid the bird carry me to his father and mother’s nest on the 372crystal hill, behind the Mountain Kaf.” So the hermit said, “O bird, I desire thee to obey this youth in whatsoever he may command thee.” “I hear and obey thy bidding,” replied the fowl; and, taking Janshah on its back, flew with him days and nights without ceasing till it set him down on the Hill of Crystal and there alighted. And having delayed there a resting while, it again set him on its back and flew off and ceased not flying for two whole days till it reached the spot where the nest was.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O great King, that Shimakh told Janshah, 'I need to send you to the monk Yaghmus on the back of a large bird with four wings, each thirty cubits long; and it has feet like an elephant, but it only flies twice a year.' Accompanying King Shimakh was an officer named Timshún, who would daily take two Bactrian camels from the land of Irak and prepare them for the bird to eat. So King Shimakh instructed the bird to take Janshah and carry him to the hermit's cell, and it soared into the sky and flew for days and nights until it reached the Mountain of the Citadels and the Hermitage of Diamonds. There, Janshah landed and approached the hermitage, finding Yaghmus the Monk in prayer. He entered the chapel, kissed the ground, and stood respectfully before the hermit. When Yaghmus saw him, he said, 'Welcome, my son, lost from your home and far away! Tell me why you have come here.' Janshah wept and shared everything that had happened to him, explaining that he was searching for the Castle of Jewels. The Monk was greatly astonished by his story and replied, 'By Allah, my son, I have never heard of this castle, nor have I met anyone who has, despite living during the time of Noah, Allah's Prophet (peace be upon him). I have ruled over birds, beasts, and Jinn since then, and I doubt even Solomon, the son of David, knew of it. But wait until the birds, beasts, and chiefs of the Jinn come to honor me; I will ask them, and perhaps one of them will know something about it, and Allah Almighty will make everything easy for you.' So Janshah stayed with the hermit until the day of the gathering when all the birds, beasts, and Jinn came to pay their respects. Yaghmus and his guest inquired about Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but they all responded, 'We have never seen or heard of such a place.' At this, Janshah began to cry and lament, humbling himself before the Most High. Just then, a large black bird, which had lagged behind, flew down from the sky and kissed the hermit's hands. Yaghmus asked it about Takni, the Castle of Jewels, and it replied, 'O Monk, when my siblings and I were chicks, we lived behind the Mountain Kaf on a crystal hill in the middle of a vast desert. Our parents would leave every morning and return in the evening with food. One day, they were gone for a week, and hunger struck us hard. On the eighth day, they came back, both in tears, and we asked them why they had been gone. They said, 'A Marid swooped down and took us to Takni, the Castle of Jewels, before King Shahlán, who almost killed us, but we told him we had left behind chicks, so he spared us.' If my parents were still alive, they could tell you more about the castle.' When Janshah heard this, he wept bitterly and asked the hermit, 'Please tell the bird to take me to its parents' nest on the crystal hill behind the Mountain Kaf.' The hermit said, 'O bird, I ask you to fulfill whatever this youth wishes.' 'I hear and will obey,' replied the bird, and taking Janshah on its back, it flew tirelessly for days and nights until it dropped him on the Hill of Crystal. After resting for a while there, it took him on its back again and flew for two full days until it reached the place where the nest was.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn approaching and stopped her story at that point."

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the fowl ceased not flying with Janshah two full days; till it reached the spot where the nest was, and set him down there and said, “O Janshah, this is where our nest was.” He wept sore and replied, “I pray thee bear me farther on to where thy parents used to forage for food.” The bird consented; so it took him up again and flew on with him seven nights and eight days, till it set him down on the top of a high hill Karmús hight and left him there saying, “I know of no land behind this hill.” Then it flew away and Janshah sat down on the hill-top and fell asleep. When he awoke, he saw a something gleaming afar off as it were lightning and filling the firmament with its flashings; and he wondered what this sheen could be without wotting that it was the Castle he sought. So he descended the mountain and made towards the light, which came from Takni, the Castle of Jewels, distant two months’ journey from Karmús, the hill whereon he had alit and its foundations were fashioned of red rubies and its buildings of yellow gold. Moreover, it had a thousand turrets builded of precious metals, and stones of price studded and set in the minerals brought from the Main of Murks, and on this account it was named the Castle of Jewels, Takni. It was a vast great castle and the name of its king was King Shahlan, the father of the lady Shamsah and her sisters. Such was the case with Janshah; but as regards Princess Shamsah, when she fled from Janshah, she made straight for the Castle of Jewels and told her father and mother all that had passed between the Prince and herself; how he had wandered the world and seen its marvels and wonders 373and how fondly he loved her and how dearly she loved him. Quoth they, “Thou hast not dealt righteously with him, as Allah would have thee deal.” Moreover King Shahlan repeated the story to his guards and officers of the Marids of the Jinn and bade them bring him every mortal they should see. For the lady Shamsah had said to her parents, “Janshah loveth me with passionate love and forsure he will follow me; for when flying from his father’s roof I cried to him:—An thou love me, seek me at Takni, the Castle of Jewels!” Now when Janshah beheld that sheen and shine, he made straight for it wishing to find out what it might be. And as chance would have it, Shamsah had that very day despatched a Marid on an occasion in the direction of the hill Karmus, and on his way thither he caught sight of a man, a mortal; so he hastened up to him and saluted him. Janshah was terrified at his sight, but returned his salam, and the Marid asked, “What is thy name?” and he answered, “My name is Janshah, and I have fallen madly in love with a Jinniyah known as Princess Shamsah, who captivated me by her beauty and loveliness; but despite my dear love she fled from the palace wherein I placed her and behold, I am here in quest of her.” Herewith he wept with bitter weeping. The Marid looked at him and his heart burned with pity on hearing the sad tale, and he said, “Weep not, for surely thou art come to thy desire. Know that she loveth thee fondly and hath told her parents of thy love for her, and all in yonder castle love thee for her sake; so be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool of tear.” Then he took him on his shoulders and made off with him to the Castle of Jewels, Takni. Thereupon the bearers of fair tidings hastened to report his coming and when the news reached Shamsah and her father and mother, they all rejoiced with exceeding joy, and King Shahlan took horse and rode out, commanding all his guards and Ifrits and Marids honourably to meet the Prince.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the bird kept flying with Janshah for two full days until it reached the place where the nest was, and it set him down there, saying, 'O Janshah, this is where our nest was.' He cried bitterly and replied, 'Please take me further to where your parents used to gather food.' The bird agreed, so it picked him up again and flew with him for seven nights and eight days until it dropped him off at the top of a high hill called Karmús, saying, 'I know of no land beyond this hill.' Then it flew away, and Janshah sat down on the hilltop and fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw a shining light in the distance, like lightning, illuminating the sky, and he wondered what this brilliance could be, not realizing it was the Castle he sought. He descended the mountain and headed toward the light, which came from Takni, the Castle of Jewels, two months' journey from Karmús, the hill where he had landed. Its foundations were made of red rubies, and its buildings were crafted from yellow gold. It had a thousand turrets built from precious metals, with gemstones embedded in the materials brought from the Main of Murks, and that’s why it was called the Castle of Jewels, Takni. It was a massive castle, ruled by King Shahlan, father of Princess Shamsah and her sisters. Meanwhile, when Princess Shamsah fled from Janshah, she headed straight for the Castle of Jewels and told her parents everything that had happened between her and the Prince—how he had traveled the world and seen its wonders, how deeply he loved her, and how fiercely she loved him in return. They said, 'You have not treated him rightly, as Allah would want you to.' King Shahlan also shared the story with his guards and the Marids of the Jinn, commanding them to capture any mortal they found. For Shamsah had told her parents, 'Janshah loves me passionately and will surely follow me; when I fled from his father's house, I called out to him:—If you love me, seek me at Takni, the Castle of Jewels!' When Janshah saw that brightness, he headed straight for it, eager to discover its source. As fate would have it, Shamsah had sent a Marid that very day toward the hill Karmus, and on his way, he spotted a man, a mortal. He quickly approached and greeted him. Janshah was terrified at the sight, but he returned the greeting. The Marid asked, 'What is your name?' and he replied, 'My name is Janshah, and I have fallen hopelessly in love with a Jinniyah named Princess Shamsah, who captivated me with her beauty; despite my deep love, she fled from the palace where I placed her, and now I’m here looking for her.' He wept bitterly. The Marid looked at him, and his heart filled with pity after hearing the sad story. He said, 'Don’t cry, for you will surely get what you desire. Know that she loves you deeply and has told her parents about your love for her; everyone in that castle loves you for her sake, so be cheerful and keep your eyes dry.' Then he lifted him onto his shoulders and took off for the Castle of Jewels, Takni. The bearers of good news quickly reported his arrival, and when the news reached Shamsah and her parents, they all rejoiced immensely. King Shahlan mounted his horse and rode out, ordering all his guards, Ifrits, and Marids to honorably welcome the Prince.——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her story."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Shahlan commanded all his guards and Ifrits and Marids to meet the Prince; and, as soon as he came up with him, he 374dismounted and embraced him, and Janshah kissed his hand. Then Shahlan bade put on him a robe of honour of many-coloured silk, laced with gold and set with jewels, and a coronet such as man never saw, and, mounting him on a splendid mare of the steeds of the Kings of the Jinn, took horse himself and, with an immense retinue riding on the right hand and the left, brought him in great state to the Castle. Janshah marvelled at the splendour of this edifice, with its walls builded of rubies and other jewels and its pavement of crystal and jasper and emerald, and fell a-weeping at the memory of his past miseries; but the King and Queen, Shamsah’s mother, wiped away his tears and said, “Now no more weeping and be of good cheer, for thou hast won to thy will.” Then Shahlan carried him into the inner court of the Castle, where he was received by a multitude of beautiful damsels and pages and black Jinn-slaves, who seated him in the place of honour and stood to do him service, whilst he was lost in amazement at the goodliness of the place, and its walls all edified of precious metals and jewels of price. Presently King Shahlan repaired to his hall of audience, where he sat down on his throne and, bidding the slave-girls and the pages introduce the Prince, rose to receive him and seated him by his side on the throne. Then he ordered the tables to be spread and they ate and drank and washed their hands; after which in came the Queen Shamsah’s mother, and saluting Janshah, bade him welcome in these words, “Thou hast come to thy desire after weariness and thine eyes shall now sleep after watching; so praised be Allah for thy safety!” Thus saying, she went away and forthwith returned with the Princess Shamsah, who saluted Janshah and kissed his hands, hanging her head in shame and confusion before him and her parents; after which as many of her sisters as were in the palace came up to him and greeted him in like manner. Then quoth the Queen to him, “Welcome, O my son, our daughter Shamsah hath indeed sinned against thee, but do thou pardon her misdeed for our sakes.” When Janshah heard this, he cried out and fell down fainting, whereat the King marvelled and they sprinkled on his face rose-water mingled with musk and civet, till he came to himself and, looking at Princess Shamsah, said, “Praised be Allah who hath brought me to my desire and hath quenched the fire of my heart!” Replied she, “May He preserve thee from the Fire!; but now tell me, O Janshah, what hath befallen thee since our parting and how thou madest thy way to this place; seeing that few even of 375the Jann ever heard of Takni, the Castle of Jewels; and we are independent of all the Kings nor any wotteth the road hither.” Thereupon he related to her every adventure and peril and hardship he had suffered and how he had left his father at war with King Kafid, ending with these words, “And all for thy sake, my lady Shamsah!” Quoth the Queen, “Now hast thou thy heart’s desire, for the Princess is thy handmaid, and we give her in free gift to thee.” Janshah joyed exceedingly at these words and the Queen added, “Next month, if it be the will of Almighty Allah, we will have a brave wedding and celebrate the marriage festival and after the knot is tied we will send you both back to thy native land, with an escort of a thousand Marids of our body-guard, the least of whom, an thou bid him slay King Kafid and his folk, would surely destroy them to the last man in the twinkling of an eye. Furthermore if it please thee we will send thee, year after year, a company of which each and every can so do with all thy foes.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that King Shahlan ordered all his guards, Ifrits, and Marids to meet the Prince. When he arrived, he got off his horse and embraced him, and Janshah kissed his hand. Then Shahlan had him put on a robe of honor made from colorful silk, trimmed with gold and adorned with jewels, and a crown unlike anything anyone had ever seen. He set him on a magnificent mare from the royal Jinn steeds, and then mounted his own horse. Accompanied by a huge entourage on each side, he brought him to the Castle in grand style. Janshah was amazed by the beauty of the building, with its walls made of rubies and other jewels, its floors of crystal, jasper, and emeralds. He began to weep at the memory of his past suffering, but the King and Queen, Shamsah’s mother, wiped his tears away and said, ‘No more weeping; be happy, for you have achieved your wish.’ Then Shahlan led him into the inner courtyard of the Castle, where a crowd of beautiful maidens, pages, and black Jinn slaves welcomed him. They seated him in the place of honor and stood by to serve him as he marveled at the exquisite decorations made of precious metals and valuable jewels. Soon, King Shahlan went to his audience hall, sat on his throne, and instructed the maidens and pages to introduce the Prince. He rose to welcome him and sat him beside him on the throne. Then he had the tables set, and they ate, drank, and washed their hands. After that, the Queen, Shamsah’s mother, came in, greeted Janshah, and welcomed him saying, ‘You have come to your desire after your hardship, and now your eyes shall rest after your vigilance; all praise to Allah for your safety!’ After saying this, she left and returned with Princess Shamsah, who greeted Janshah and kissed his hands, bowing her head in shame and embarrassment before him and her parents. After that, as many of her sisters as were in the palace approached him and greeted him similarly. The Queen then said to him, ‘Welcome, my son; our daughter Shamsah has indeed wronged you, but please forgive her for our sake.’ When Janshah heard this, he cried out and fainted, and the King was astonished. They sprinkled rosewater mixed with musk and civet on his face until he revived, and looking at Princess Shamsah, he said, ‘Praise be to Allah who has granted me my wish and calmed the fire in my heart!’ She replied, ‘May He protect you from the Fire! But now tell me, O Janshah, what has happened to you since we parted, and how you made your way here, since few among the Jinn even know of Takni, the Castle of Jewels; we are independent of all Kings, and no one knows the way to this place.’ He then recounted every adventure, danger, and hardship he endured, including how he left his father at war with King Kafid, concluding with, ‘And all of this was for you, my lady Shamsah!’ The Queen said, ‘Now you have what your heart desires, for the Princess is your servant, and we give her to you as a gift.’ Janshah was overjoyed at these words, and the Queen added, ‘Next month, if it is Allah's will, we will have a grand wedding celebration. After you are married, we will send you both back to your homeland, accompanied by a thousand Marids from our royal guard, and even the least of them could defeat King Kafid and his army in an instant. Furthermore, if you wish, we will send you a company each year, every one of whom could handle all your enemies.’”—And Shahrazad noticed dawn's arrival and stopped speaking her allowed words.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the lady Shamsah’s mother ended with saying, “And if it so please thee we will send thee, year after year, a company of which each and every can destroy thy foes to the last man.” Then King Shahlan sat down on his throne and, summoning his grandees and officers of state, bade them make ready for the marriage-festivities and decorate the city seven days and nights. “We hear and we obey,” answered they and busied themselves two months in the preparations, after which they celebrated the marriage of the Prince and Princess and held a mighty festival, never was there its like. Then they brought Janshah in to his bride and he abode with her in all solace of life and delight for two years, at the end of which time he said to her, “Thy father promised to send us to my native land, that we might pass one year there and the next here.” Answered she, “I hear and obey,” and going in to King Shahlan at nightfall told him what the Prince had said. Quoth he, “I consent; but have patience with me till the first of the month, that I may make ready for your departure.” She repeated these words to her husband and they waited till the appointed time, when the King bade 376his Marids bring out to them a great litter of red gold, set with pearls and jewels and covered with a canopy of green silk, purfled in a profusion of colours and embroidered with precious stones, dazzling with its goodliness the eyes of every beholder. He chose out four of his Marids to carry the litter in whichever of the four quarters the riders might choose. Moreover, he gave his daughter three hundred beautiful damsels to wait upon her and bestowed on Janshah the like number of white slaves of the sons of the Jinn. Then the lady Shamsah took formal leave of her mother and sisters and all her kith and kin; and her father fared forth with them. So the four Marids took up the litter, each by one corner, and rising under it like birds in air, flew onward with it between earth and heaven till midday, when the King bade them set it down and all alighted. Then they took leave of one another and King Shahlan commended Shamsah to the Prince’s care, and giving them in charge to the Marids, returned to the Castle of Jewels, whilst the Prince and Princess remounted the litter, and the Marids taking it up, flew on for ten whole days, in each of which they accomplished thirty months’ journey, till they sighted the capital of King Teghmus. Now one of them knew the land of Kabul; so when he saw the city, he bade the others let down the litter at that populous place which was the capital.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She continued, "It has come to my attention, O noble King, that Lady Shamsah's mother concluded by saying, 'If it pleases you, we’ll send you each year a group capable of defeating your enemies completely.' Then King Shahlan took his seat on his throne and, calling his nobles and officials, ordered them to prepare for the wedding celebrations and decorate the city for seven days and nights. 'We hear and we obey,' they replied, and they dedicated two months to the preparations. Afterward, they celebrated the marriage of the Prince and Princess with an extraordinary festival, unlike any other. They then brought Janshah to his bride, and he lived with her in all joy and comfort for two years. After this time, he said to her, 'Your father promised to send us to my homeland, so we could spend one year there and the next here.' She replied, 'I hear and obey,' and that evening, she went to King Shahlan to tell him what the Prince had said. The King responded, 'I agree; however, please be patient until the first of the month, so I can prepare for your departure.' She relayed this message to her husband, and they waited until the agreed time. When the moment arrived, the King instructed his Marids to bring out a grand litter made of red gold, adorned with pearls and jewels, and covered with a green silk canopy richly embroidered and dazzling to everyone who saw it. He selected four of his Marids to carry the litter in any direction the riders chose. Additionally, he gave his daughter three hundred lovely maidens to serve her and provided Janshah with the same number of white slaves from the Jinn. Then Lady Shamsah formally bid farewell to her mother, sisters, and all her relatives, and her father left with them. The four Marids lifted the litter, each holding a corner, and, rising into the air like birds, flew onward until midday when the King instructed them to set it down, and everyone disembarked. They said their goodbyes, with King Shahlan entrusting Shamsah to the Prince's care, and after handing them over to the Marids, he returned to the Castle of Jewels. Meanwhile, the Prince and Princess remounted the litter, and the Marids carried it away, flying for ten whole days, during which they covered what would normally take thirty months to travel, until they finally spotted the capital of King Teghmus. One of the Marids recognized the land of Kabul and, upon seeing the city, instructed the others to lower the litter at that bustling capital." —And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped her permitted narration.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Marid-guards let down the litter at the capital of King Teghmus who had been routed and had fled from his foes into the city, where he was in sore straits, King Kafid having laid close siege to him. He sought to save himself by making peace with the King of Hind, but his enemy would give him no quarter; so seeing himself without resource or means of relief, he determined to strangle himself and to die and be at rest from this trouble and misery. Accordingly he bade his Wazirs and Emirs farewell and entered his house to take leave of his Harim; and the whole realm was full of weeping and wailing and lamentation and woe. And whilst this rout and hurly-burly was enacting, behold, the Marids descended with the litter upon the palace that was in the citadel, and Janshah bade 377them set it down in the midst of the Divan. They did his bidding and he alighted with his company of handmaids and Mamelukes; and, seeing all the folk of the city in straits and desolation and sore distress, said to the Princess, “O love of my heart and coolth of mine eyes, look in what a piteous plight is my sire!” Thereupon she bade the Marid-guard fall upon the beleaguering host and slay them, saying, “Kill ye all, even to the last man;” and Janshah commanded one of them, by name Karátash,[565] who was exceeding strong and valiant, to bring King Kafid to him in chains. So they set down the litter and covered it with the canopy; then, having waited till midnight, they attacked the enemy’s camp one of them being a match for ten; or at least for eight. And while these smote the foes with iron maces, those mounted their magical elephants and soared high in the lift, and then swooping down and snatching up their opponents, tare them to pieces in mid-air. But Karatash made straight for Kafid’s tent where he found him lying in a couch; so he took him up, shrieking for fear, and flew with him to Janshah, who bade the four Marids bind him on the litter and hang him high in the air over his camp, that he might witness the slaughter of his men. They did as the Prince commanded them and left Kafid, who had swooned for fear, hanging between earth and air and buffetting his face for grief. As for King Teghmus, when he saw his son, he well-nigh died for excess of joy and, crying with a loud cry, fell down in a swoon. They sprinkled rose-water on his face, till he came to himself, when he and his son embraced and wept with sore weeping; for he knew not that the Jinn-guard were battling with King Kafid’s men. Then Princess Shamsah accosted the King and kissing his hand, said to him, “Sire, be pleased to go up with me to the palace-roof and witness the slaughter of thy foes by my father’s Marids.” So he went up to the terrace-roof and sitting down there with his daughter-in-law, enjoyed watching the Marids do havoc among the besiegers and break a way through the length and breadth of them. For one of them smote with his iron mace upon the elephants and their riders and pounded them till man was not to be distinguished from beast; whilst another shouted in the faces of those who fled, so that they fell down dead; and the third caught up 378a score of horsemen, beasts and all; and, towering with them high in air, cast them down on earth, so that they were torn in pieces. And this was high enjoyment for Janshah and his father and the lady Shamsah.——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “It has reached me, O noble King, that the Marid guards set down the litter at the capital of King Teghmus, who had been defeated and had fled from his enemies into the city, where he was in dire straits, as King Kafid had laid siege to him. He tried to save himself by making peace with the King of Hind, but his enemy offered him no mercy. Seeing himself without any options for escape or relief, he decided to take his own life and find peace from this suffering and misery. So he bid farewell to his Wazirs and Emirs and entered his home to say goodbye to his Harim; the whole realm was filled with crying and mourning and despair. While this uproar was happening, the Marids descended with the litter upon the palace in the citadel, and Janshah instructed them to set it down in the middle of the Divan. They obeyed, and he stepped down with his group of handmaids and Mamelukes; seeing the people of the city in such distress and despair, he said to the Princess, “O love of my heart and joy of my eyes, see how pitifully my father suffers!” She then ordered the Marid guards to attack the besieging army and kill them all, commanding, “Slay them all, down to the last man.” Janshah instructed one of them, named Karátash, who was exceedingly strong and brave, to bring King Kafid to him in chains. They set down the litter and covered it with the canopy; then, waiting until midnight, they assaulted the enemy’s camp, where one of them was equal to ten, or at least to eight men. While some struck the foes with iron maces, others mounted their magical elephants and soared high into the air, swooping down to grab their opponents and tear them apart mid-flight. Karatash headed straight for Kafid’s tent, where he found him lying on a couch; he lifted him up, screaming in fear, and flew with him to Janshah, who ordered the four Marids to bind him on the litter and hang him high in the air over his camp, so he could witness the slaughter of his men. They followed the Prince’s command and left Kafid, who had fainted from fear, hanging helplessly between earth and sky, beating his face in grief. When King Teghmus saw his son, he nearly died from overwhelming joy and, crying out loudly, fell into a swoon. They sprinkled rose water on his face until he regained consciousness, and then he and his son embraced and wept bitterly, unaware that the Jinn guards were battling against King Kafid’s men. Then Princess Shamsah approached the King and, kissing his hand, said, “Sire, please come up with me to the palace roof and witness the defeat of your enemies at the hands of my father’s Marids.” So he ascended to the terrace roof, and sitting there with his daughter-in-law, he enjoyed watching the Marids wreak havoc among the besiegers, breaking their ranks completely. One of them struck with his iron mace against the elephants and their riders, smashing them until the men could not be told apart from the beasts; another shouted at the fleeing ones so loudly that they fell down dead; while the third grabbed a dozen horsemen along with their mounts, and, soaring high in the air with them, cast them down to the ground, tearing them to pieces. This was great entertainment for Janshah, his father, and the lady Shamsah.——And Shahrazad noticed the break of dawn and stopped her story.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Teghmus and his son and daughter-in-law went up to the terrace-roof and enjoyed a prospect of the Jinn-guards battling with the beleaguering host. And King Kafid (still hanging between heaven and earth) also saw the slaughter of his troops and wept sore and buffetted his face; nor did the carnage cease among the army of Hind for two whole days, till they were cut off even to the last man. Then Janshah commanded a Marid, by name Shimwál, chain up King Kafid with manacles and fetters, and imprison him in a tower called the Black Bulwark. And when his bidding was done, King Teghmus bade beat the drums and despatched messengers to announce the glad news to Janshah’s mother, informing her of his approach; whereupon she mounted in great joy and she no sooner espied her son than she clasped him in her arms and swooned away for stress of gladness. They sprinkled rose-water on her face, till she came to herself, when she embraced him again and again wept for excess of joy. And when the lady Shamsah knew of her coming, she came to her and saluted her; and they embraced each other and after remaining embraced for an hour sat down to converse. Then King Teghmus threw open the city-gates and despatched couriers to all parts of the kingdom, to spread the tidings of his happy deliverance; whereupon all his princely Vassals and Emirs and the Grandees of the realm flocked to salute him and give him joy of his victory and of the safe return of his son; and they brought him great store of rich offerings and curious presents. The visits and oblations continued for some time, after which the King made a second and a more splendid bride-feast for the Princess Shamsah and bade decorate the city and held high festival. Lastly they unveiled and paraded the bride before Janshah, with apparel and ornaments of the utmost magnificence, and when her bridegroom went in to her he presented her with an hundred beautiful slave-girls 379to wait upon her. Some days after this, the Princess repaired to the King and interceded with him for Kafid, saying, “Suffer him return to his own land, and if henceforward he be minded to do thee a hurt, I will bid one of the Jinn-guard snatch him up and bring him to thee.” Replied Teghmus, “I hear and I obey,” and bade Shimwal bring him the prisoner, who came manacled and fettered and kissed earth between his hands. Then he commanded to strike off his chains and, mounting him on a lame mare, said to him, “Verily Princess Shamsah hath interceded for thee: so begone to thy kingdom, but if thou fall again to thine old tricks, she will send one of the Marids to seize thee and bring thee hither.” Thereupon King Kafid set off homewards, in the sorriest of plights,——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that King Teghmus and his son and daughter-in-law went up to the roof terrace to watch the Jinn-guards fighting against the invading army. King Kafid, still stuck between heaven and earth, also witnessed the slaughter of his troops and cried bitterly, beating his face; the bloodshed continued in the army of Hind for two full days until they were wiped out to the last man. Then, Janshah ordered a Marid named Shimwál to chain King Kafid with shackles and imprison him in a tower called the Black Bulwark. Once this was done, King Teghmus instructed the drums to be beaten and sent messengers to deliver the good news to Janshah’s mother, letting her know he was on his way; upon hearing this, she was filled with joy. As soon as she saw her son, she embraced him and fainted from overwhelming happiness. They sprinkled rose-water on her face until she revived, and she held him tightly and cried tears of joy. When Lady Shamsah heard of her arrival, she went to greet her, and they embraced each other, staying that way for an hour before sitting down to talk. Then, King Teghmus opened the city gates and sent couriers throughout the kingdom to spread the news of his happy rescue; consequently, all his noble vassals and emirs and the dignitaries of the realm hurried to congratulate him on his victory and the safe return of his son, bringing him many lavish offerings and unique gifts. The visits and gifts continued for some time, after which the King hosted a grander second wedding feast for Princess Shamsah, ordered the city to be decorated, and held a grand celebration. Finally, they unveiled and showcased the bride before Janshah, dressed in the finest clothes and jewelry, and when the groom entered to her, he gifted her a hundred beautiful maidens to serve her. Days later, the Princess approached the King and pleaded for Kafid, saying, 'Let him return to his own land, and if he ever tries to harm you again, I will send one of the Jinn-guard to capture him and bring him to you.' Teghmus replied, 'I hear you and I obey,' and instructed Shimwal to bring in the prisoner, who arrived shackled and kissed the ground at his feet. Then he ordered to remove his chains and, placing him on a lame mare, said to him, 'Princess Shamsah has interceded for you: go back to your kingdom, but if you fall back into your old ways, she will send one of the Marids to capture you and bring you back here.' With that, King Kafid left for home in the direst circumstances—And Shahrazad realized it was dawn and stopped speaking her allowed tale."
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Kafid set off homewards in the sorriest of plights, whilst Janshah and his wife abode in all solace and delight of life, making the most of its joyance and happiness. All this recounted the youth sitting between the tombs unto Bulukiya, ending with, “And behold, I am Janshah who witnessed all these things, O my brother, O Bulukiya!” Then Bulukiya who was wandering the world in his love for Mohammed (whom Allah bless and keep!) asked Janshah, “O my brother, what be these two sepulchres and why sittest thou between them and what causeth thy weeping?” He answered, “Know, O Bulukiya, that we abode in all solace and delight of life, passing one year at home and the next at Takni, the Castle of Jewels, whither we betook not ourselves but in the litter borne by the Marids and flying between heaven and earth.” Quoth Bulukiya, “O my brother, O Janshah, what was the distance between the Castle and thy home?” Quoth he, “Every day we accomplished a journey of thirty months and the time we took was ten days. We abode on this wise a many of years till, one year we set out for the Castle of Jewels, as was our wont, and on the way thither alighted from the litter in this island to rest and take our pleasure therein. We sat down on the river-bank and ate and drank; after which the Lady Shamsah, having a mind to bathe, put off her clothes and plunged into the 380water. Her women did likewise and they swam about awhile, whilst I walked on along the bank of the stream leaving them to swim about and play with one another. And behold, a huge shark of the monsters of the deep seized the Princess by the leg, without touching any of the girls; and she cried out and died forthright, whilst the damsels fled out of the river to the pavilion, to escape from the shark. But after awhile they returned and taking up her corpse carried her to the litter. Now when I saw her dead, I fell down fainting and they sprinkled water on my face, till I recovered and wept over her. Then I despatched the Jinn-guards to her parents and family, announcing what had befallen her; and in the shortest time they came to the spot and washed her and shrouded her; after which they buried her by the river-side and made mourning for her. They would have carried me with them to their own country; but I said to King Shahlan, “I beseech thee to dig me a grave beside her tomb, that, when I die, I may be buried by her side in that grave.” Accordingly, the King commanded one of his Marids to do as I wished, after which they departed and left me here to weep and mourn for her till I die. And this is my story and the cause of my sojourn between these two tombs.” And he repeated these two couplets:[566]—
She said, "I've heard, O kind King, that King Kafid returned home in the saddest state, while Janshah and his wife enjoyed all the comforts and joys of life, making the most of their happiness. The young man, sitting between the graves, told this to Bulukiya, ending with, 'And look, I am Janshah who witnessed all these things, my brother, oh Bulukiya!' Then Bulukiya, wandering the world in his love for Mohammed (may Allah bless and protect him!), asked Janshah, 'O my brother, what are these two graves, and why are you sitting between them, and what is causing your tears?' He replied, 'Know, O Bulukiya, that we lived in complete comfort and joy, spending one year at home and the next at Takni, the Castle of Jewels, to which we only traveled in a litter carried by the Marids, flying between heaven and earth.' Bulukiya then asked, 'O my brother, O Janshah, how far was the Castle from your home?' He answered, 'Every day we traveled a distance that would normally take thirty months, and the journey only took us ten days. We lived like this for many years until, one year, we set out for the Castle of Jewels, as was our custom. On our way, we stopped in this island to rest and enjoy ourselves. We sat on the riverbank, eating and drinking; then Lady Shamsah, wanting to bathe, took off her clothes and jumped into the water. Her ladies did the same, swimming around a while, while I walked along the bank, leaving them to play. Suddenly, a massive shark from the deep seized the Princess by the leg, without harming any of the other girls. She screamed and died right there, while the maidens fled from the river to the pavilion to escape the shark. After a bit, they came back, took her body, and carried her to the litter. When I saw she was dead, I fainted, and they sprinkled water on my face until I came to and cried for her. I then sent the Jinn-guards to her parents and family to let them know what had happened; they arrived quickly, washed her, and prepared her for burial. They wanted to take me with them to their home, but I told King Shahlan, 'I beg you to dig a grave beside her tomb, so that when I die, I can be buried next to her.' The King instructed one of his Marids to fulfill my wish, and then they left me here to weep and mourn for her until I die. And this is my story and the reason I stay between these two tombs." And he recited these two couplets:[566]—
But when Bulukiya heard out Janshah’s tale he marvelled——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
But when Bulukiya heard Janshah’s story, he was amazed——And Shahrazad saw the dawn approaching and stopped telling her allowed tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya heard out Janshah’s tale he wondered and exclaimed, “By Allah, methought I had indeed wandered over the world and compassed it about; but now I forget all I have seen after listening 381to these adventures of thine!” He was silent a while and then resumed, “I beg thee, of thy favour and courtesy, to direct me in the way of safety.” So Janshah directed him into the right road, and Bulukiya farewelled him and went his ways. All this the Serpent-queen related to Hasib Karim al-Din, and he asked her, “But how knowest thou of these things?”; and she answered, “O Hasib, thou must ken that I had occasion, some five-and-twenty years ago, to send one of my largest serpents to Egypt and gave her a letter for Bulukiya, saluting him.” So she went there willingly for she had a daughter in the land called Bint Shumukh[567]; and after asking anent Bulukiya she found him and gave him my missive. He read it and replied to the messenger snake, “Thou comest from the Queen of the Serpents whom I am minded to visit for I have an occasion to her.” She replied, “I hear and obey.” Then she bore him to her daughter of whom she took leave and said to her companion, “Close thine eyes.” So he closed them and opening them again, behold, he found himself on the mountain where I now am. Then his guide carried him to a great serpent, whom he saluted; whereupon quoth she, “Didst thou deliver the missive to Bulukiya?”; and she replied, “Even so; and he hath accompanied me and here he standeth.” Presently Bulukiya asked after me, the Serpent-queen, and the great serpent answered, “She hath gone to the mountain Kaf with all her host, as is her wont in winter; but next summer she will come hither again. As often as she goeth thither, she appointeth me to reign in her room, during her absence; and if thou have any occasion to her, I will accomplish it for thee.” Said he, “I beg thee to bring me the herb, which whoso crusheth and drinketh the juice thereof, sickeneth not neither groweth grey nor dieth.” “I will not bring it,” said the serpent, “till thou tell me what befel thee since thou leftest the Queen of the Serpents, to go with Affan in quest of King Solomon’s tomb.” So he related to her all his travels and adventures, together with the history of Janshah, and said at last, “Grant me my request, that I may return to mine own country.” Replied the serpent, “By the virtue of the lord Solomon, I know not where is to be found the herb whereof thou speakest.” Then she bade the serpent which had brought him thither, carry him back to Egypt: so the messenger obeyed her 382and said to him, “Shut thine eyes!” He did so and, opening them again, found himself on the mountain Mukattam.[568] “When I returned from the mountain Kaf” (added the Queen) “the serpent, my deputy, informed me of Bulukiya’s visit and gave me his salutations and repeated to me his story and his meeting with Janshah. And this, O Hasib, is how I came to know the adventures of Bulukiya and the history of Janshah.” Thereupon Hasib said to her, “O Queen, deign recount to me what befel Bulukiya as regards his return to Egypt.” She replied, “Know, O Hasib, that when he parted from Janshah he fared on nights and days till he came to a great sea; so he anointed his feet with the juice of the magical herb and, walking over the face of the waters, sped onwards till he came to an island abounding in trees and springs and fruits, as it were the Garden of Eden. He landed and walked about, till he saw an immense tree, with leaves as big as the sails of a ship. So he went up to the tree and found under it a table spread with all manner meats, whilst on a branch of the branches sat a great bird, whose body was of pearls and leek-green emeralds, its feet of silver, its beak of red carnelian and its plumery of precious metals; and it was engaged in singing the praises of Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (on whom be benediction and peace!)”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "It has come to my attention, O esteemed King, that when Bulukiya heard Janshah’s story, he was amazed and exclaimed, “By Allah, I thought I had traveled the world and seen everything; but now I forget all I've experienced after hearing your adventures!” He was silent for a moment and then continued, “I ask for your kindness and favor to guide me on the path of safety.” Janshah then showed him the right way, and Bulukiya bid him farewell and went on his journey. The Serpent-queen told Hasib Karim al-Din about all this, and he asked her, “But how do you know these things?” She answered, “O Hasib, you should know that I had the need, about twenty-five years ago, to send one of my largest serpents to Egypt and gave her a letter for Bulukiya, greeting him.” So she willingly went there because she had a daughter in that land named Bint Shumukh; and after inquiring about Bulukiya, she found him and delivered my message. He read it and responded to the messenger snake, “You come from the Queen of the Serpents whom I wish to visit because I have business with her.” She replied, “I hear and obey.” Then she took him to her daughter, bid her farewell, and told her companion, “Close your eyes.” He did so, and when he opened them again, he found himself on the mountain where I am now. Then his guide brought him to a great serpent, whom he greeted; and she asked, “Did you deliver the message to Bulukiya?” She replied, “Yes, and he has come with me and is here.” Soon, Bulukiya inquired about me, the Serpent-queen, and the great serpent said, “She has gone to Mount Kaf with all her retinue, as is her custom in winter; but she will return here next summer. Whenever she goes there, she appoints me to rule in her stead during her absence; and if you have any request for her, I will take care of it for you.” He said, “I ask you to bring me the herb, which whoever crushes and drinks its juice will never become ill, turn gray, or die.” The serpent replied, “I will not bring it until you tell me what happened to you since you left the Queen of the Serpents to travel with Affan in search of King Solomon’s tomb.” So he told her all about his travels and adventures, including the story of Janshah, and finally said, “Please grant my request so I can return to my own country.” The serpent replied, “By the virtue of Lord Solomon, I do not know where to find the herb you speak of.” Then she ordered the serpent that brought him there to take him back to Egypt: so the messenger complied and said to him, “Close your eyes!” He did so and, upon opening them again, found himself on Mount Mukattam. The Queen added, “When I returned from Mount Kaf, my deputy serpent informed me of Bulukiya’s visit, gave me his greetings, and recounted his story and his meeting with Janshah. And this, O Hasib, is how I learned about the adventures of Bulukiya and the story of Janshah.” Hasib then said to her, “O Queen, please tell me what happened to Bulukiya regarding his return to Egypt.” She replied, “Know, O Hasib, that when he parted from Janshah, he traveled for nights and days until he reached a great sea; he anointed his feet with the juice of the magical herb and walked over the surface of the water, proceeding until he arrived at an island filled with trees, springs, and fruits, like the Garden of Eden. He landed and wandered about until he saw a massive tree, with leaves as large as ship sails. He approached the tree and found a table laid out beneath it with all kinds of food, while on one of the branches sat a magnificent bird, whose body was made of pearls and emeralds, its feet of silver, its beak of red carnelian, and its feathers of precious metals; and it was singing praises to Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (peace be upon him!)”——And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and stopped speaking at her permitted time.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya landed and walked about the island he found therein many marvels, especially a bird whose body was of pearls and leek-green emeralds and its plumery of precious metals; and it was engaged in singing the praises of Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (upon whom be benediction and peace!). Seeing this he said, “Who and what art thou?” Quoth the bird, “I am one of the birds of Eden and followed Adam when Allah Almighty cast him out thence. And know, O my brother, 383that Allah also cast out with him four leaves of the trees of the garden, to cover his nakedness withal, and they fell to the ground after awhile. One of them was eaten by a worm, and of it came silk: the gazelles ate the second and thence proceeded musk; the third was eaten by bees and gave rise to honey, whilst the fourth fell in the land of Hind and from it sprang all manner of spices. As for me, I wandered over the face of earth till Allah deigned give me this island for a dwelling-place, and I took up my abode here. And every Friday from night till morning the Saints and Princes[569] of the Faith flock to this place and make pious visitation and eat from this table spread by Allah Almighty; and after they have eaten, the table is taken up again to Heaven: nor doth the food ever waste or corrupt.” So Bulukiya ate his fill of the meats and praised the Great Creator. And presently, behold, there came up Al-Khizr[570] (with whom be peace!), at sight of whom Bulukiya rose and saluting him, was about to withdraw, when the bird said to him, “Sit, O Bulukiya, in the presence of Al-Khizr, on whom be peace!” So he sat down again, and Al-Khizr said to him, “Let me know who thou art and tell me thy tale.” Thereupon Bulukiya related to him all his adventures from beginning to end and asked, “O my lord, how far is it hence to Cairo?” “Five-and-ninety years’ journey,” replied the Prophet; whereupon Bulukiya burst into tears; then, falling at Al-Khizr’s feet, kissed them and said to him, “I beseech thee deliver me from this strangerhood and thy reward be with Allah, for that I am nigh upon death and know not what to do.” Quoth Al-Khizr, “Pray to Allah Almighty that He permit me to carry thee to Cairo, ere thou perish.” So Bulukiya wept and humbled himself before Allah who granted his prayer, and by inspiration bade Al-Khizr bear him to his people. Then said the Prophet, “Lift thy head, for Allah hath heard thy prayer and hath inspired me to do what thou desirest; so take fast hold of me with both thy hands and shut thine eyes.” The Prince did as he was bidden and Al-Khizr stepped a single step 384forwards, then said to him, “Open thine eyes!” So Bulukiya opened his eyes and found himself at the door of his palace at Cairo. He turned, to take leave of Al-Khizr, but found no trace of him——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, “I’ve heard, O great King, that when Bulukiya arrived and explored the island, he discovered many wonders, especially a bird whose body was made of pearls and shiny green emeralds and whose feathers were made of precious metals. It was singing praises to Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (peace be upon him!). Bulukiya asked, ‘Who are you?’ The bird replied, ‘I am one of the birds of Eden who followed Adam when Allah Almighty cast him out. And you should know, my brother, that Allah also cast out four leaves from the trees of the garden along with him, to cover his nakedness, and those leaves eventually fell to the ground. One was eaten by a worm, which produced silk; the second was eaten by gazelles, resulting in musk; the third was consumed by bees, yielding honey; while the fourth landed in the land of Hind, giving rise to all sorts of spices. As for me, I traveled across the earth until Allah granted me this island as my home, and I settled here. Every Friday from night until morning, the Saints and Princes of the Faith gather here to pay their respects and eat from this table provided by Allah Almighty; once they have eaten, the table is taken back to Heaven, and the food never goes to waste or spoils.’ So Bulukiya indulged in the food and praised the Great Creator. Then, suddenly, Al-Khizr (peace be upon him!) appeared, and when Bulukiya saw him, he stood up and was about to leave, but the bird told him, ‘Sit, Bulukiya, in the presence of Al-Khizr, peace be upon him!’ So he sat back down, and Al-Khizr asked him, ‘Tell me who you are and share your story.’ Bulukiya then recounted all his adventures from start to finish and asked, ‘O my lord, how far is it to Cairo?’ ‘A journey of ninety-five years,’ replied the Prophet; upon hearing this, Bulukiya burst into tears. Falling at Al-Khizr’s feet, he kissed them and said, ‘I beg you to rescue me from this solitude, and may Allah reward you for it, as I am on the brink of death and don’t know what to do.’ Al-Khizr replied, ‘Pray to Allah Almighty to allow me to take you to Cairo before you perish.’ So Bulukiya wept and humbled himself before Allah, who granted his prayer and inspired Al-Khizr to take him to his people. Then the Prophet said, ‘Lift your head, for Allah has heard your prayer and inspired me to fulfill your wish; hold on to me tightly with both hands and close your eyes.’ The Prince obeyed, and Al-Khizr took a single step forward and then said, ‘Open your eyes!’ Bulukiya opened his eyes and found himself at the door of his palace in Cairo. He turned to say goodbye to Al-Khizr but found no trace of him. And Shahrazad noticed the dawn breaking and stopped her narration.”
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Bulukiya, standing at the gate of his palace, turned to take leave of Al-Khizr, he found no trace of him and entered the palace. When his mother saw him, she cried with a loud cry and swooned away for excess of joy, and they sprinkled water upon her face. After awhile she came to herself and embraced her son and wept with sore weeping, whilst Bulukiya wept and laughed by turns. Then all his friends and kindred came and gave him joy of his safe return, and the news was noised abroad in the land and there came to him presents from all parts. Moreover, they beat the drums and blew the flutes and rejoiced mightily. Then Bulukiya related to them his adventures ending with recounting how Al-Khizr had set him down at his palace-door, whereat they marvelled exceedingly and wept, till all were aweary of weeping. Hasib wondered at the Queen’s tale and shed many tears over it; then he again besought her to let him return to his family; but she said, “I fear me, O Hasib, that when thou gettest back to thy country thou wilt fail of thy promise and prove traitor to thine oath and enter the Hammam.” But he swore to her another solemn oath that he would never again enter the baths as long as he lived; whereupon she called a serpent and bade her carry him up to the surface of the earth. So the serpent took him and led him from place to place, till she brought him out on the platform-edge of an abandoned cistern and there left him. Upon this he walked to the city and, coming to his house by the last of the day, at the yellowing of the sun, knocked at the door. His mother opened it and seeing her son screamed out and threw herself upon him and wept for excess of joy. His wife heard her mother-in-law weeping; so she came out to her and seeing her husband, saluted him and kissed his hands; and each rejoiced in other with exceeding joy of all three. Then they entered the house and sat down to converse; and presently Hasib asked his mother of the 385woodcutters, who had left him to perish in the cistern. Quoth she, “They came and told me that a wolf had eaten thee in the Wady. As for them, they are become merchants and own houses and shops, and the world is grown wide for them. But every day they bring me meat and drink, and thus have they done until the present time.” Quoth Hasib, “To-morrow do thou go to them and say:—My son Hasib Karim al-Din hath returned from his travels; so come ye to meet him and salute him.” Accordingly, when morning dawned, she repaired to the woodcutters’ houses and delivered to them her son’s message, which when they heard, they changed colour, and saying, “We hear and obey,” gave her each a suit of silk, embroidered with gold, adding, “Present this to thy good son[571] and tell him that we will be with him to-morrow.” She assented and returning to Hasib gave him their presents and message. Meanwhile, the woodcutters called together a number of merchants and, acquainting them with all that had passed between themselves and Hasib, took counsel with them what they should do. Quoth the merchants, “It behoveth each one of you to give him half his monies and Mamelukes.” And they all agreed to do this; so on the next day, each of them took half his wealth and, going in to Hasib, saluted him and kissed his hands. Then they laid before him what they had brought, saying, “This is of thy bounties, and we are in thy hands.” He accepted their peace-offering and said, “What is past is past: that which befel us was decreed of Allah, and destiny doeth away with dexterity.” Quoth they, “Come, let us walk about and take our solace in the city and visit the Hammam.” Quoth he, “Not so: I have taken an oath never again to enter the baths, so long as I live.” Rejoined they, “At least come to our homes that we may entertain thee.” He agreed to this, and went to their houses and each of them entertained him for a night and a day; nor did they cease to do thus for a whole se’nnight, being seven in number. And now Hasib was master of monies and houses and shops, and the merchants of the city foregathered with him and he told them all that had befallen him. He became one of the chiefs of the guild and abode on this wise awhile, till it happened one day, as he was walking about the streets, that he passed the 386door of a Hammam, whose keeper was one of his companions. When the bathman, who was standing without, caught his eye he ran up to him and saluted him and embraced him, saying, “Favour me by entering the bath and there wash and be rubbed that I may show thee hospitality.” Hasib refused, alleging that he had taken a solemn oath never again to enter the Hammam; but the bathman was instant with him, saying, “Be my three wives triply divorced, an thou enter not and be washed!” When Hasib heard him thus conjure him, he was confounded and replied, “O my brother, hast thou a mind to ruin my house and make my children orphans and lay a load of sin upon my neck?” But his friend threw himself at his feet and kissed them, saying, “My happiness dependeth upon thy entering, and be the sin on the neck of me!” Then all the servants of the bath set upon Hasib and dragging him in pulled off his clothes. But hardly had he sat down against the wall and begun to pour water on his head when a score of men accosted him, saying, “Rise, O man, and come with us to the Sultan, for thou art his debtor.” Then they despatched one of them as messenger to the Sultan’s Minister, who straightway took horse and rode, attended by threescore Mamelukes, to the baths, where he alighted and going in to Hasib, saluted him and said, “Welcome to thee!” Then he gave the bathman an hundred dinars and, mounting Hasib on a horse he had brought with him, returned with him and all his men to the Sultan’s palace. Here he bade them aid Hasib to dismount and, after seating him comfortably, set food before him; and when they had eaten and drunken and washed their hands, the Wazir clad him in two dresses of honour each worth five thousand dinars and said to him, “Know that Allah hath been merciful to us in sending thee; for the Sultan is nigh upon death by leprosy, and the books tell us that his life is in thy hands.” Then, accompanied by a host of Grandees, he took him wondering withal and carried him through the seven doorways of the palace, till they came to the King’s chamber. Now the name of this King was Karazdán, King of Persia and of the Seven Countries, and under his sway were an hundred sovereign princes sitting on chairs of red gold, and ten thousand valiant captains, under each one’s hand an hundred deputies and as many headsmen armed with sword and axe. They found the King lying on his bed with his face swathed in a napkin, and groaning for excess of pain. When Hasib saw this ordinance, his wit was dazed for awe of the King; so he 387kissed the ground before him, and prayed a blessing on him. Then the Grand Wazir, whose name was Shamhúr, rose and welcoming Hasib, seated him on a high chair at the King’s right hand;——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O noble King, that when Bulukiya stood at the gate of his palace to say goodbye to Al-Khizr, he found no trace of him and went inside the palace. When his mother saw him, she let out a loud cry and fainted from overwhelming joy, so they sprinkled water on her face. After a while, she regained her senses, embraced her son, and cried tears of happiness, while Bulukiya alternated between laughing and weeping. Soon, all his friends and family came to celebrate his safe return, and the news spread throughout the land, bringing him gifts from everywhere. They beat drums and played flutes, celebrating joyfully. Bulukiya then shared his adventures, concluding with how Al-Khizr had left him at his palace door, which amazed them, bringing tears until everyone was exhausted from crying. Hasib was moved by the Queen’s tale and shed many tears over it; then he asked her again to let him return to his family. But she replied, “I worry, O Hasib, that when you return to your homeland, you will break your promise, betray your oath, and enter the baths.” He then swore another solemn oath that he would never enter the baths again as long as he lived. She then called a serpent and told it to take him to the surface of the earth. The serpent led him through various places until it brought him to the edge of an abandoned cistern and left him there. He walked to the city, arriving at his house just before sunset, and knocked on the door. His mother opened it, saw her son, screamed in delight, and threw herself on him, weeping for joy. His wife heard her mother-in-law crying, came out to her, saw her husband, greeted him, and kissed his hands; they all shared in this immense joy together. They went inside, sat down to talk, and eventually Hasib asked his mother about the woodcutters who had left him to die in the cistern. She said, “They came and told me that a wolf had eaten you in the valley. As for them, they've become merchants and own houses and shops, and their lives have become prosperous. But every day they bring me food and drink, and they’ve continued to do this until now.” Hasib responded, “Tomorrow, go to them and say: 'My son Hasib Karim al-Din has returned from his travels; come to meet him and greet him.'” The next morning, she went to the woodcutters' houses and delivered her son’s message. When they heard it, they turned pale and, saying, “We hear and obey,” each gave her a silk suit embroidered with gold, adding, “Present this to your good son and tell him that we will come to meet him tomorrow.” She agreed and returned to Hasib, giving him their gifts and message. Meanwhile, the woodcutters gathered several merchants and shared everything that had happened between them and Hasib, consulting with them on what to do next. The merchants said, “Each one of you should give him half of your wealth and servants.” They all agreed to this; the next day, each brought half of his riches, approached Hasib, greeted him, and kissed his hands. Then they laid out their offerings, saying, “This is from your generosity, and we are at your mercy.” He accepted their peace offering, saying, “What’s done is done: what happened was ordained by Allah, and fate overrides skill.” They replied, “Come, let’s stroll and enjoy the city and visit the bath.” He said, “Not at all: I’ve sworn an oath never to enter the baths as long as I live.” They insisted, “At least visit our homes so we can host you.” He agreed and went to their houses, where each entertained him for a night and a day; they continued this way for an entire week, as there were seven of them. Now Hasib had become prosperous with money, houses, and shops, and the city’s merchants associated with him while he shared all that had happened to him. He became one of the main leaders of the guild and lived this way for a while until one day, as he strolled through the streets, he passed by a bathhouse, whose keeper was one of his friends. When the bath attendant saw him, he rushed over, greeted him, and embraced him, saying, “Please enter the bath, wash, and get a massage so I can show you hospitality.” Hasib declined, stating that he had taken a solemn oath never to enter the baths again; however, the bath attendant insisted, saying, “By my three wives, I’ll divorce them if you don’t enter and get washed!” When Hasib heard this pledge, he was taken aback and replied, “Oh brother, do you intend to ruin my house, make my children orphans, and load my soul with sin?” But his friend threw himself at his feet and kissed them, saying, “My happiness depends on your entering; let the sin be on me!” Then all the bath staff surrounded Hasib, and pulling him in, removed his clothes. Scarcely had he sat down against the wall and started pouring water on his head when a group of men approached him, saying, “Stand up, man, and come with us to the Sultan, for you owe him.” They sent one of their number as a messenger to the Sultan’s Minister, who immediately mounted his horse, accompanied by sixty servants, and rode to the baths. Upon arriving, he entered, greeted Hasib warmly, and then gave the bathkeeper a hundred dinars. He mounted Hasib on a horse he had brought and returned with him and all of his men to the Sultan’s palace. Here, he instructed them to help Hasib dismount, and after making him comfortable, he set food before him; when they had eaten and washed their hands, the Minister dressed Hasib in two luxurious garments, each worth five thousand dinars, and said, “Know that Allah has been merciful in sending you; the Sultan is very near death from leprosy, and the books tell us that his life is in your hands.” Then, accompanied by many noblemen, he took him in wonder and led him through the seven doorways of the palace until they reached the King's chamber. The name of this King was Karazdán, King of Persia and of the Seven Countries, and under his rule were a hundred sovereign princes seated on red gold thrones, and ten thousand brave captains, each commanding a hundred deputies and as many executioners armed with swords and axes. They found the King lying on his bed, his face covered with a cloth, moaning from severe pain. When Hasib saw this royal scenario, he was struck with awe; he bowed down and prayed for the King’s blessings. Then the Grand Minister, named Shamhúr, stood up, welcomed Hasib, and seated him in a high chair to the right of the King;——And Shahrazad noticed dawn breaking and ceased her permitted tale.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir Shamhur rose to Hasib and seated him on a chair at the right hand of King Karazdan; after which he called for food and the tables were laid. And when they had eaten and drunken and washed their hands, Shamhur stood up (while all present also stood to do him honour) and, approaching Hasib said to him, “We are all thy servants and will give thee whatsoever thou askest, even were it one half the kingdom, so thou wilt but cure the King.” Saying this, he led him by the hand to the royal couch, and Hasib, uncovering the King’s face, saw that he was at last fatal stage of the disease; so he wondered at their hoping for a cure. But the Wazir kissed his hand and repeated his offers and ended with saying, “All we want of thee is to heal our King:” so he said to the Wazir, “True that I am the son of Allah’s prophet, Daniel, but I know nothing of his art: for they put me thirty days in the school of medicine and I learnt nothing of the craft. I would well I knew somewhat thereof and might heal the King.” Hearing this, the Grand Wazir said, “Do not multiply words upon us; for though we should gather together to us physicians from the East and from the West, none could cure the King save thou.” Answered Hasib, “How can I make him whole, seeing I know neither his case nor its cure?” Quoth the Minister, “His healing is in thy hands,” and quoth Hasib, “If I knew the remedy of his sickness, I would heal him.” Thereupon the Wazir rejoined, “Thou kennest a cure right well; the remedy of his sickness is the Queen of the Serpents, and thou knowest her abiding-place and hast been with her.” When Hasib heard this, he knew that all this came of his entering the Baths, and repented whenas repentance availed him naught; then said he, “What is the Queen of the Serpents? I know her not nor ever in all my life heard I of this name.” Retorted the Wazir, “Deny not the knowledge of her, for I have proof that thou knowest her and hast passed two 388years with her.” Repeated Hasib, “Verily, I never saw her nor even heard of her till this moment;” upon which Shamhur opened a book and, after making sundry calculations, raised his head and spake as follows. “The Queen of the Serpents shall foregather with a man who shall abide with her two years; then shall he return from her and come forth to the surface of the earth, and when he entereth the Hammam-bath his belly will become black.” Then said he, “Look at thy belly.” So Hasib looked at his own belly and behold, it was black: but he persisted in his denial and said, “My belly was black from the day my mother bare me.” Said the Wazir, “I had stationed three Mamelukes at the door of every Hammam, bidding them note all who entered and let me know when they found one whose belly was black: so, when thou enteredst, they looked at thy belly and, finding it black, sent and told me, after we had well-nigh lost hope of coming upon thee. All we want of thee is to show us the place whence thou camest out and after go thy ways; for we have those with us who will take the Queen of the Serpents and fetch her to us.” Then all the other Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees flocked about Hasib who sorely repented of his misdeed; and they conjured him, till they were weary, to show them the abode of the Queen; but he ceased not saying, “I never saw nor heard of the matter.” Then the Grand Wazir called the hangman and bade him strip Hasib and beat him a sore beating; and so they did till he saw death face to face, for excess of pain, and the Wazir said, “We have proof that thou knowest the abiding-place of the Queen of the Serpents: why wilt thou persist in denial? Show us the place whence thou camest out and go from us; we have with us one who will take her, and no harm shall befal thee.” Then he raised him and bade give him a dress of honour of cloth of red gold, embroidered with jewels, and spoke him fair till Hasib yielded and said, “I will show you the place.” At this the Wazir rejoiced with great joy and took horse with all his many and rode, guided by Hasib, and never drew rein till they came to the mountain containing the cavern wherein he had found the cistern full of honey. There all dismounted and followed him as he entered, sighing and weeping, and showed them the well whence he had issued; whereupon the Wazir sat down thereby and, sprinkling perfumes upon a chafing-dish, began to mutter charms and conjurations; for he was a crafty magician and diviner and skilled in spiritual arts. 389He repeated three several formulas of conjuration and between each threw fresh incense upon the fire, crying out and saying, “Come forth, O Queen of the Serpents!;” when behold, the water of the well sank down and a great door opened in the side, from which came a mighty noise of crying like unto thunder, so terrible that they thought the well had caved in and all present fell down fainting; nay, some even died for fright. Presently, there issued from the well a serpent as big as an elephant, casting out sparks, like red hot coals, from its eyes and mouth and bearing on its back a charger of red gold, set with pearls and jewels, in the midst whereof lay a serpent from whose body issued such splendour that the place was illumined thereby; and her face was fair and young and she spoke with most eloquent tongue. The Serpent-queen turned right and left, till her eyes fell upon Hasib, to whom said she, “Where is the covenant thou madest with me, and the oath thou swarest to me, that thou wouldst never again enter the Hammam-bath? But there is no fighting against Fate nor hath any ever fled from that which is written on his forehead. Allah hath appointed the end of my life for thy hand to hend, and it is His will that slain I be and King Karazdan be healed of his malady.” So saying, she wept with sore weeping and Hasib wept to see her weep. As for the abominable Wazir Shamhur; he put out his hand to lay hold of her; but she said to him, “Hold thy hand, O accursed, or I will blow upon thee and reduce thee to a heap of black ashes.” Then she cried out to Hasib, saying, “Draw near me and take me in thine hand and lay me in the dish that is with you: then set it on thy head; for my death was fore-ordained, from Eternity without beginning,[572] to be at thy hand, and thou hast no power to avert it.” So he took her and laid her in the dish, and put it on his head, when the well returned to its former state. Then they set out on their return to the city, Hasib carrying the dish on his head, and when they were halfway behold, the Queen of the Serpents said to him privily, “Hearken, O Hasib, to my friendly counsel, for all thou hast broken faith with me and been false to thine oath, and hast done this misdeed, but it was fore-ordained from 390all eternity.” He replied “To hear is to obey,” and she continued, “It is this: when thou comest to the Wazir’s house, he will bid thee behead me and cut me in three; but do thou refuse, saying:—I know not how to slaughter[573] and leave him to do it with his own hand and to work his wicked will. When he hath cut my throat and divided my body into three pieces there will come a messenger, to bid him to the King, so he will lay my flesh in a cauldron of brass and set it upon a brasier before going to the presence and he will say to thee:—Keep up the fire under the cauldron till the scum rise; then skim it off and pour it into a phial to cool. Wait till it cool and then drink it, so shall naught of malady or pain be left in all thy body. When the second scum riseth, skim it off and pour it into a phial against my return from the King, that I may drink it for an ailment I have in my loins. Then will he give thee the phials and go to the King, and when he is gone, do thou light the fire and wait till the first scum rise and set it in a phial; keep it by thee but beware of drinking it, or no good will befal thee. When the second scum riseth, skim it off and put it in a second phial and drink it down as soon as it cools. When the Wazir returneth and asketh thee for the second phial, give him the first and note what shall befal him;”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the Wazir Shamhur approached Hasib and seated him on a chair at King Karazdan's right hand; then he requested food, and the tables were set. After they ate and drank and washed their hands, Shamhur stood up (and everyone present also stood to honor him) and, moving toward Hasib, said, 'We are all your servants and will give you whatever you ask for, even if it’s half the kingdom, if you will just heal the King.' Saying this, he took Hasib by the hand and led him to the royal couch. Hasib uncovered the King’s face and realized he was in the final stages of his illness; he was amazed at their hope for a cure. But the Wazir kissed his hand, repeated his offers, and concluded with, 'All we want from you is to heal our King.' So, he replied to the Wazir, 'It’s true that I am the son of Allah’s prophet, Daniel, but I don't know anything about his craft; they put me in medical school for thirty days, and I learned nothing about the art. I wish I knew something about it and could heal the King.' Hearing this, the Grand Wazir said, 'Don’t speak too much; even if we gathered physicians from the East and the West, none could heal the King but you.' Hasib answered, 'How can I make him well when I neither know his condition nor the cure?' The Minister replied, 'His healing is in your hands,' and Hasib said, 'If I knew how to cure his sickness, I would do it.' At this, the Wazir continued, 'You know the cure very well; the remedy for his illness is the Queen of the Serpents, and you know where she is and have been with her.' When Hasib heard this, he understood that all this came from his entering the Baths and regretted his actions when it was too late; then he said, 'What is the Queen of the Serpents? I don’t know her, nor have I ever heard that name in my life.' The Wazir retorted, 'Don’t deny knowing her, for I have proof that you know her and have spent two 388years with her.' Hasib repeated, 'I swear I have never seen her or even heard of her until this moment;' and at this, Shamhur opened a book and, after making some calculations, raised his head and spoke, 'The Queen of the Serpents will meet a man who will stay with her for two years; then he will return and come to the surface, and when he enters the Hammam-bath, his belly will turn black.' Then he said, 'Look at your belly.' So, Hasib looked at his own belly and saw that it was black; but he kept denying it and said, 'My belly has been black since the day my mother gave birth to me.' The Wazir replied, 'I had three Mamelukes at the entrance of every Hammam, instructing them to take note of anyone who entered and inform me if they found someone with a black belly; when you entered, they checked your belly and, seeing it was black, came to tell me, just when we were losing hope of finding you. All we want from you is to show us where you came out, and then you can go on your way; we have those with us who will take the Queen of the Serpents and bring her to us.' Then, all the other Wazirs, Emirs, and Grandees surrounded Hasib, who deeply regretted his misdeed; they urged him, until they were exhausted, to show them the Queen's location, but he kept saying, 'I have never seen or heard anything about it.' The Grand Wazir then summoned the executioner and ordered him to strip Hasib and give him a severe beating; and so they did until he felt he was facing death from pain, and the Wazir said, 'We know you know where the Queen of the Serpents is: why do you keep denying it? Show us where you came out, and you can go; we have someone who will fetch her, and you won’t be harmed.' Then he raised Hasib up and ordered him to be given a robe of honor made from red gold cloth, embroidered with jewels, and spoke kindly to him until Hasib finally agreed and said, 'I will show you the place.' At this, the Wazir rejoiced greatly and mounted his horse along with all his men, riding, guided by Hasib, and they did not stop until they reached the mountain with the cave where he had found the cistern full of honey. They all dismounted and followed him, sighing and weeping, as he led them to the well from which he had emerged; whereupon the Wazir sat down nearby and, sprinkling perfume on a burning dish, began chanting spells and incantations because he was a skilled magician and adept in spiritual arts. 389 He recited three different formulas of invocation, and between each one, he threw more incense on the fire, calling out, 'Come forth, O Queen of the Serpents!'; and suddenly, the water of the well receded, and a great door opened at the side, from which erupted a tremendous sound of crying like thunder, so terrifying that they thought the well was collapsing, and everyone present fainted; some even died from fear. Soon, a serpent the size of an elephant emerged from the well, shooting out sparks as if they were red-hot coals, and on its back rested a red gold charger adorned with pearls and jewels, in the center of which lay a serpent radiating such brilliance that the surroundings were illuminated; her face was beautiful and youthful, and she spoke with an eloquent voice. The Serpent-queen looked around until her eyes landed on Hasib, to whom she said, 'Where is the promise you made to me, and the oath you swore that you would never enter the Hammam-bath again? But there’s no escaping Fate, nor has anyone ever eluded what’s written in their destiny. Allah has determined the end of my life at your hands, and it is His will that I must be slain and King Karazdan be cured of his illness.' With that, she cried bitterly, and Hasib wept at the sight of her tears. As for the despicable Wazir Shamhur, he reached out to seize her; but she warned him, 'Keep your hands to yourself, O accursed, or I will blow on you and turn you into a pile of black ashes.' Then she called to Hasib, saying, 'Come closer and take me in your hand and place me in the dish you have with you: then set it on your head; for my death was ordained from Eternity without beginning,[572] to be at your hand, and you cannot change it.' So he took her and placed her in the dish, then set it on his head, and the well returned to its previous state. After that, they began their journey back to the city, with Hasib carrying the dish on his head, and when they were halfway there, behold, the Queen of the Serpents privately said to him, 'Listen, O Hasib, to my friendly advice, for you have broken faith with me and been untrue to your oath, and have committed this misdeed, but it was predestined from 390all eternity.' He replied, 'To hear is to obey,' and she continued, 'This is it: when you reach the Wazir’s house, he will order you to behead me and cut me into three pieces; but refuse him, saying:—I do not know how to slaughter[573] and let him do it himself, to carry out his malevolent intentions. Once he has cut my throat and chopped my body into three parts, a messenger will come to summon him to the King, and he will place my flesh in a brass cauldron and set it on a brazier before going to the King, telling you:—Keep the fire going under the cauldron until the scum rises; then skim it off and pour it into a flask to cool. Wait until it cools and then drink it, so no illness or pain will remain in your entire body. When the second scum rises, scoop it off and pour it into another flask, saving it for my return from the King, so that I may drink it for an ailment I have in my loins. He will then give you the flasks and go to the King, and once he’s gone, you should light the fire and wait for the first scum to rise, then collect it in a flask; keep it safe but beware of drinking it, or no good will come to you. When the second scum rises, skim it off and put it in a second flask and drink it as soon as it cools. When the Wazir comes back and asks you for the second flask, give him the first one and observe what will happen to him;'—— And Shahrazad noticed the dawn of day and concluded her permitted story.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Serpent-queen charged Hasib not to drink of the first scum and carefully to keep the second, saying, “When the Wazir returneth from the King and asketh for the second phial, give him the first and note what shall befal him; then drink the contents of the second phial and thy heart will become the home of wisdom. After this take up the flesh and, laying it in a brazen platter, carry it to the King and give him to eat thereof. When he hath eaten it and it hath settled in his stomach, veil his face with a kerchief and wait by him till noontide, when he will have digested the meat. Then 391give him somewhat of wine to drink and, by the decree of Allah Almighty, he will be healed of his unhealth and be made whole as he was. And give thou ear to the charge wherewith I charge thee; and keep it in thy memory with carefullest keeping.” They ceased not faring till they came to the Wazir’s house, and he said to Hasib, “Come in with me!” So he went in and the troops dispersed and fared each his own way; whereupon Hasib set down the platter and the Wazir bade him slay the Queen of the Serpents; but he said, “I know not how to slaughter and never in my born days killed I aught. An thou wilt have her throat cut, do it with thine own hand.” So the Minister Shamhur took the Queen from the platter and slew her, seeing which Hasib wept bitter tears and the Wazir[574] laughed at him, saying, “O weak of wits, how canst thou weep for the killing of a worm?” Then he cut her in three and, laying the pieces in a brass cauldron, set it on the fire and sat down to await the cooking of the flesh. And whilst he was sitting, lo! there came a slave from the King, who said to him, “The King calls for thee without stay or delay;” and he answered saying, “I hear and I obey.” So he gave Hasib two phials and bade him drink the first scum and keep the second against his return, even as the Queen of the Serpents had foretold; after which he went away with repeated charges and injunctions; and Hasib tended the fire under the cauldron till the first scum rose, when he skimmed it off and, setting it in one of the phials, kept it by him. He then fed the fire till the second scum rose; then he skimmed it off and, putting it in the other phial, kept it for himself. And when the meat was done, he took the cauldron off the fire and sat awaiting the Wazir who asked him on return, “What hast thou done?;” and answered Hasib, “I did thy bidding to the last word.” Quoth the Wazir, “What hast thou done with the first phial?” “I drank its contents but now,” replied Hasib, and Shamhur asked, “Thy body feeleth it no change?”; whereto Hasib answered, “Verily, I feel as I were on fire from front to foot.” The villain Wazir made no reply hiding the truth but said, “Hand me the second phial, that I may drink what is therein, so haply I may be made whole of this ailing in my loins.” So Hasib brought him the first phial and he drank it off, thinking it contained the second scum; but hardly had he 392done drinking when the phial fell from his hand and he swelled up and dropped down dead; and thus was exemplified in him the saying; “Whoso for his brother diggeth a pit, he shall be the first to fall into it.” Now when Hasib saw this, he wondered and feared to drink of the second phial; but he remembered the Serpent-queen’s injunction and bethought him that the Wazir would not have reserved the second scum for himself, had there been aught of hurt therein. So he said, “I put my trust in Allah,”[575] and drank off the contents of the phial. No sooner had he done so, than the Most Highest made the waters of wisdom to well up in his heart and opened to him the fountains of knowledge, and joy and gladness overcame him. Then he took the serpent’s flesh from the cauldron and, laying it on a platter of brass, went forth from the Wazir’s house. On his way to the palace he raised his eyes and saw the seven Heavens and all that therein is, even to the Lote-tree, beyond which there is no passing,[576] and the manner of the revolution of the spheres. Moreover, Allah discovered to him the ordinance of the planets and the scheme of their movements and the fixed stars; and he saw the contour of the land and sea, whereby he became informed with geometry, astrology and astronomy and mathematics and all that hangeth thereby; and he understood the causes and consequences of eclipses of the sun and moon. Then he looked at the earth and saw all minerals and vegetables that are therein and thereon; and he learned their properties, and their virtues, so that he became in an instant versed in medicine and chemistry and natural magic and the art of making gold and silver. And he ceased not carrying the flesh till he came to the palace, when he went in to King Karazdan, and kissing the ground before him, said, “May thy head survive thy Wazir Shamhur!” The King was mightily angered at the news of the Grand Wazir’s death and wept for him, whilst his Emirs and his Grandees and officers also wept. Then said Karazdan, “He was with me but now, in all health, and went away to fetch me the flesh of the Queen of the Serpents, if it should be cooked; what befel him 393that he is now dead, and what accident hath betided him?” So Hasib told him the whole truth how the Minister had drunk the contents of the phial and had forthwith swelled out and died. The King mourned for his loss with mourning sore and said to Hasib, “What shall I do without Shamhur?” and Hasib answered “Grieve not, O King of the age; for I will cure thee within three days and leave no whit of disease in thy body.” At this the King’s breast waxed broad and he said, “I wish to be made whole of this affliction, though after a long term of years.” So Hasib set the platter before the King and made him eat a slice of the flesh of the Serpent-queen. Then he covered him up and, spreading a kerchief over his face, bade him sleep and sat down by his side. He slept from noonday till sundown, while his stomach digested the piece of flesh, and presently he awoke. Hasib gave him somewhat of wine to drink and bade him sleep again; so he slept till the morning and when dawn appeared, Hasib repeated the treatment making him eat another piece of the flesh; and thus he did with him three days following, till he had eaten the whole, when his skin began to shrink and scale off and he perspired, so that the sweat ran down from his head to his heels. Therewith he became whole and there abode in him no trace of the disease, which when Hasib saw, he said, “There is no help for it but thou go to the Hammam.” So he carried him to the bath and washed his body; and when he came forth, it was like a wand of silver and he was restored to health, nay, sounder than he was before he fell ill. Thereupon he donned his richest robes and, seating himself on his throne, deigned make Hasib sit beside him. Then he bade the tables be spread and they ate and washed their hands; after which he called for the service of wine and both drank their fill. Upon this all his Wazirs and Emirs and Captains and the Grandees of his realm and the notables of the lieges came in to him and gave him joy of his recovery; and they beat the drums and adorned the city in token of rejoicing. Then said the King to the assembly, “O Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees, this is Hasib Karim al-Din, who hath healed me of my sickness, and know all here present that I make him my Chief Wazir in the stead of the Wazir Shamhur.”——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
She said, "I've heard, O great King, that the Serpent-queen instructed Hasib not to drink the first scum and to carefully keep the second, saying, 'When the Wazir returns from the King and asks for the second vial, give him the first and see what happens to him; then drink the contents of the second vial, and your heart will become a home for wisdom. After this, take the flesh, place it on a brass platter, carry it to the King, and give it to him to eat. Once he has eaten and it settles in his stomach, cover his face with a cloth and wait by him until noon, when he will have digested the meat. Then give him some wine to drink, and by the will of Almighty Allah, he will be healed of his ailments and return to health. Listen carefully to my instructions and remember them well.'" They continued on until they reached the Wazir's house, and he said to Hasib, "Come in with me!" So he went in, and the troops dispersed, each going their own way; then Hasib set down the platter, and the Wazir ordered him to kill the Queen of the Serpents. But he replied, "I don't know how to slaughter, and I've never killed anything in my life. If you want her throat cut, do it yourself." So Minister Shamhur took the Queen from the platter and killed her, upon which Hasib shed bitter tears, and the Wazir laughed at him, saying, "Oh, weak-minded one, how can you weep for killing a worm?" He then cut her into three pieces, placed them in a brass pot, set it on the fire, and sat down to wait for the meat to cook. While he was waiting, a servant from the King arrived and said, "The King calls for you immediately;" and he replied, "I hear and obey." He then gave Hasib two vials and instructed him to drink the first scum and keep the second for his return, just as the Queen of the Serpents had predicted; after that, he left with repeated charges and instructions. Hasib tended the fire under the pot until the first scum rose, which he skimmed off and put into one of the vials. He then fueled the fire until the second scum rose; he skimmed that off as well and placed it into the other vial, keeping it for himself. When the meat was done, he took the pot off the fire and waited for the Wazir, who asked upon his return, "What have you done?"; Hasib answered, "I followed your instructions to the letter." The Wazir asked, "What did you do with the first vial?" "I just drank its contents," replied Hasib, and Shamhur asked, "Do you feel any difference?" to which Hasib responded, "Honestly, I feel like I'm on fire from head to toe." The wicked Wazir said nothing, hiding the truth, and said, "Give me the second vial so I can drink what's inside, hoping to be cured of this pain in my loins." So Hasib handed him the first vial, and he drank it down, thinking it held the second scum; but as soon as he finished, the vial dropped from his hand and he swelled up and fell dead. Thus it was proven true that "Whoever digs a pit for his brother will be the first to fall into it." When Hasib saw this, he was both astonished and afraid to drink from the second vial; but remembering the Serpent-queen's advice, he thought that the Wazir wouldn't have kept the second scum for himself if there was anything harmful in it. So he said, "I trust in Allah," and drank the contents of the vial. No sooner had he done so than wisdom flowed into his heart, and the fountains of knowledge opened up to him, filling him with joy and happiness. He then took the serpent's flesh from the pot and, placing it on a brass platter, left the Wazir's house. On his way to the palace, he looked up and saw the seven heavens and all that is in them, even to the Lote-tree, beyond which there’s no passing, and the movement of the stars. Furthermore, Allah revealed to him the laws of the planets, their movements, and the fixed stars; he saw the shape of the land and sea, becoming knowledgeable in geometry, astrology, astronomy, and mathematics, along with everything involved in them. He understood the causes and effects of solar and lunar eclipses. Then he looked down at the earth and saw all the minerals and plants within and upon it; he learned about their properties and uses, instantly becoming skilled in medicine, chemistry, natural magic, and the art of making gold and silver. He kept carrying the flesh until he arrived at the palace, where he approached King Karazdan, kissed the ground before him, and said, "May your reign long outlast the Wazir Shamhur!" The King was deeply troubled by the news of the Grand Wazir's death and wept for him, along with his Emirs, Grandees, and officers, who also mourned. Then Karazdan said, "He was just with me in good health and left to bring me the flesh of the Serpent-queen, should it be cooked. What happened that he is now dead, and what fate has befallen him?" Hasib recounted the whole truth: how the Minister had consumed the contents of the vial and had immediately swollen and died. The King mourned his loss deeply and said to Hasib, "What shall I do without Shamhur?" Hasib replied, "Don’t grieve, O King, for I can cure you within three days and leave no trace of illness in your body." At this, the King's heart lightened, and he said, "I wish to be healed of this affliction, even if it takes many years." So Hasib set the platter before the King and made him eat a piece of the Serpent-queen’s flesh. Then he covered him and, placing a cloth over his face, told him to sleep while he sat by him. He slept from noon until sunset, during which his stomach digested the meat, and when he awakened, Hasib gave him some wine to drink and told him to sleep again; he slept until morning, and when dawn broke, Hasib repeated the process, making him eat another piece of flesh. He continued this for three days until he had consumed it all, at which point his skin began to shrink and flake off, and he sweated profusely, with sweat running from his head to his heels. Soon he was completely healed, and there was no sign of illness left. When Hasib saw this, he said, "You need to go to the bath." He took him to the bath and washed him; when he emerged, he was as shiny as silver, restored to health, even better than he was before he got sick. He then put on his finest robes, sat on his throne, and invited Hasib to sit beside him. He ordered the tables to be set, and they ate and washed their hands. Afterward, he called for wine, and both drank their fill. Following this, all his Wazirs, Emirs, Captains, Grandees of his kingdom, and notable citizens came to congratulate him on his recovery; they beat drums and decorated the city in celebration. The King then addressed the assembly, saying, "O Wazirs, Emirs, and Grandees, this is Hasib Karim al-Din, who has healed me of my sickness, and know all present that I appoint him as my Chief Wazir in place of Wazir Shamhur."——And Shahrazad noted the break of day and stopped her story.
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that quoth King Karazdan to his Ministers and high lords, “He who healed me of my sickness is none other than Hasib Karim al-Din here present. Therefore I make him my Chief Wazir in the stead of the Wazir Shamhur; and whoso loveth him loveth me, and whoso honoureth him honoureth me, and he who obeyeth him obeyeth me.” “Hearkening and obedience,” answered they and all rising flocked to kiss Hasib’s hand and salute him and give him joy of the Wazirate. Then the King bestowed on him a splendid dress of gold brocade, set with pearls and gems, the least of which was worth five thousand gold pieces. Moreover, he presented to him three hundred male white slaves and the like number of concubines, in loveliness like moons, and three hundred Abyssinian[577] slave-girls, beside five hundred mules laden with treasure and sheep and oxen and buffaloes and bulls and other cattle beyond count; and he commanded all his Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees and Notables and Mamelukes and his subjects in general to bring him gifts. Presently Hasib took horse and rode, followed by the Wazirs and Emirs and lords and all the troops, to the house which the King had set apart for him, where he sat down on a chair; and the Wazirs and Emirs came up to him and kissed hands and gave him joy of his Ministership, vying with one another in suit and service. When his mother and his household knew what had happened, they rejoiced with exceeding joy and congratulated him on his good fortune; and his quondam comrades the woodcutters also came and gave him joy. Then he mounted again and, riding to the house of the late Wazir Shamhur, laid hands on all that was therein and transported it to his own abode. On this wise did Hasib, from a dunsical know-nothing, unskilled to read writing, become, by the decree of Allah Almighty, an adept in every science and versed in all manner of knowledge, so that the fame of his learning was blazed abroad over the land and he became renowned as an ocean of 395lore and skill in medicine and astronomy and geometry and astrology and alchemy and natural magic and the Cabbala and Spiritualism and all other arts and sciences. One day, he said to his mother, “My father Daniel was exceeding wise and learned; tell me what he left by way of books or what not!” So his mother brought him the chest and, taking out the five leaves which had been saved when the library was lost, gave them to him saying, “These five scrolls are all thy father left thee.” So he read them and said to her, “O my mother, these leaves are part of a book: where is the rest?” Quoth she, “Thy father made a voyage taking with him all his library and, when he was shipwrecked, every book was lost save only these five leaves. And when he was returned to me by Almighty Allah he found me with child and said to me:—Haply thou wilt bear a boy; so take these scrolls and keep them by thee and whenas thy son shall grow up and ask what his father left him, give these leaves to him and say, Thy father left these as thine only heritance. And lo! here they are.” And Hasib, now the most learned of his age, abode in all pleasure and solace and delight of life, till there came to him the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies.[578] And yet, O King, is not this tale of Bulukiya and Janshah more wondrous than the adventures of
She continued, "I've heard, O great King, that King Karazdan said to his Ministers and high officials, 'The one who cured me of my illness is none other than Hasib Karim al-Din, who is here. Therefore, I make him my Chief Minister in place of Minister Shamhur. Whoever loves him loves me, and whoever respects him respects me, and whoever obeys him obeys me.' They responded, 'We hear and obey,' and all rose to kiss Hasib’s hand, congratulate him, and celebrate his new position as Minister. Then the King gifted him a magnificent outfit made of gold brocade, adorned with pearls and gems, the least of which was worth five thousand gold coins. He also gave him three hundred male white slaves and an equal number of beautiful concubines, three hundred Abyssinian slave-girls, and five hundred mules loaded with treasure, as well as countless sheep, oxen, buffaloes, and bulls. He ordered all his Ministers, Emirs, nobles, and subjects to bring gifts for Hasib. Soon after, Hasib mounted his horse and rode, accompanied by the Ministers, Emirs, lords, and all the troops, to the house the King had arranged for him. After he sat down, the Ministers and Emirs came to him, kissed his hands, and congratulated him on his role, each trying to outdo the others in service. When his mother and family heard what had happened, they rejoiced greatly and congratulated him on his success. Even his old friends, the woodcutters, came to celebrate with him. He then rode over to the house of the late Minister Shamhur, took everything inside, and moved it to his own home. Thus, Hasib, once an uneducated nobody who couldn't read, became, by the decree of Almighty God, a master of every science and skilled in all kinds of knowledge. His fame spread throughout the land as an expert in medicine, astronomy, geometry, astrology, alchemy, natural magic, the Cabbala, Spiritualism, and other arts and sciences. One day, he said to his mother, 'My father Daniel was very wise and knowledgeable; what books did he leave behind, if any?' His mother brought him a chest and pulled out the five pages saved when the library was lost, saying, 'These five scrolls are all your father left for you.' He read them and asked, 'O mother, these leaves are part of a book: where is the rest?' She replied, 'Your father took all his books with him on a voyage, and when he was shipwrecked, every book was lost except these five leaves. When he returned to me by Almighty God, he found me pregnant and said, 'Maybe you’ll have a son. Take these scrolls and keep them safe. When your son grows up and asks what his father left him, give him these leaves and tell him these are his only inheritance.' And here they are.' Now the most learned of his time, Hasib enjoyed a life full of pleasure and comfort, until he was eventually visited by the Destroyer of pleasures and the Severer of societies. And yet, O King, is not this story of Bulukiya and Janshah even more incredible than their adventures?"
507. This long story, containing sundry episodes and occupying fifty-three Nights, is wholly omitted by Lane (ii. 643) because “it is a compound of the most extravagant absurdities.” He should have enabled his readers to form their own judgment.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This lengthy tale, with various episodes spanning fifty-three Nights, is completely left out by Lane (ii. 643) because “it is a mix of the most ridiculous absurdities.” He should have allowed his readers to make their own assessment.
508. Called Jamasp (brother and minister of the ancient Persian King Gushtasp) in the translations of Trebutien and others from Von Hammer.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Referred to as Jamasp (the brother and advisor of the ancient Persian King Gushtasp) in the translations by Trebutien and others from Von Hammer.
509. The usual term of lactation in the East, prolonged to two years and a-half, which is considered the rule laid down by the Shara’ or precepts of the Prophet. But it is not unusual to see children of three and even four years hanging to their mothers’ breasts. During this period the mother does not cohabit with her husband; the separation beginning with her pregnancy. Such is the habit, not only of the “lower animals,” but of all ancient peoples, the Egyptians (from whom the Hebrews borrowed it), the Assyrians and the Chinese. I have discussed its bearing upon pregnancy in my “City of the Saints”: the Mormons insist upon this law of purity being observed; and the beauty, strength and good health of the younger generation are proofs of their wisdom.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the East, it's typical for breastfeeding to last up to two and a half years, following the guidelines set by the Shara’ or teachings of the Prophet. However, it's not uncommon to see children aged three or even four still nursing from their mothers. During this time, the mother does not have sexual relations with her husband, starting from when she becomes pregnant. This practice is common not only among "lower animals" but also among all ancient cultures, including the Egyptians (from whom the Hebrews adopted it), the Assyrians, and the Chinese. I have explored its implications for pregnancy in my “City of the Saints”: the Mormons emphasize the importance of adhering to this law of purity, and the health, strength, and beauty of the younger generation are testaments to their wisdom.
510. Thus distinguishing it from “Asal-kasab,” cane honey or sugar. See vol. i., 271.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.So, it's different from “Asal-kasab,” cane honey or sugar. See vol. i., 271.
511. The student of Hinduism will remember the Nága-Kings and Queens (Melusines and Echidnæ) who guard the earth-treasures in Naga-land. The first appearance of the snake in literature is in Egyptian hieroglyphs, where he forms the letters f and t, and acts as a determinative in the shape of a Cobra di Capello (Coluber Naja) with expanded hood.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Anyone studying Hinduism will recall the Nága-Kings and Queens (Melusines and Echidnæ) who protect the earth's treasures in Naga-land. The earliest mention of the snake in literature is found in Egyptian hieroglyphs, where it represents the letters f and t, serving as a determinative in the form of a Cobra di Capello (Coluber Naja) with its hood expanded.
512. In token that he was safe.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.As a sign that he was safe.
513. “Akhir al-Zamán.” As old men praise past times, so prophets prefer to represent themselves as the last. The early Christians caused much scandal amongst the orderly law-loving Romans by their wild and mistaken predictions of the end of the world being at hand. The catastrophe is a fact for each man under the form of death; but the world has endured for untold ages and there is no apparent cause why it should not endure as many more. The “latter days,” as the religious dicta of most “revelations” assure us, will be richer in sinners than in sanctity: hence “End of Time” is a facetious Arab title for a villain of superior quality. My Somali escort applied it to one thus distinguished: in 1875, I heard at Aden that he ended life by the spear as we had all predicted.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.“The End of Time.” Just as old men reminisce about the good old days, prophets like to see themselves as the last in line. The early Christians shocked the orderly, law-abiding Romans with their wild and mistaken claims that the world was about to end. Death is a personal catastrophe for everyone; however, the world has lasted for countless ages, and there’s no clear reason it won’t continue for many more. The “last days,” as most religious revelations tell us, will see more sinners than saints: thus, “End of Time” is a joking title given to a particularly notorious figure in Arab culture. My Somali guide referred to someone like that: in 1875, I heard in Aden that he met his end by a spear, just as we all expected.
514. Jahannam and the other six Hells are personified as feminine; and (woman-like) they are somewhat addicted to prolix speechification.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Jahannam and the other six Hells are represented as feminine figures, and like women, they tend to be rather talkative.
515. These puerile exaggerations are fondly intended to act as nurses frighten naughty children.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These childish exaggerations are meant to scare naughty kids, just like a nurse would.
516. Alluding to an oft-quoted saying “Lau lá-ka, etc. Without thee (O Mohammed) We (Allah) had not created the spheres,” which may have been suggested by “Before Abraham was, I am” (John viii. 58); and by Gate xci. of Zoroastrianism “O Zardusht, for thy sake I have created the world” (Dabistan i. 344). The sentiment is by no means “Shi’ah,” as my learned friend Prof. Aloys Springer supposes. In his Mohammed (p. 220) we find an extract from a sectarian poet, “For thee we dispread the earth; for thee we caused the waters to flow; for thee we vaulted the heavens.” As Baron Alfred von Kremer, another learned and experienced Orientalist, reminds me the “Shi’ahs” have always shown a decided tendency to this kind of apotheosis and have deified or quasi-deified Ali and the Imams. But the formula is first found in the highly orthodox Burdah-poem of Al-Busiri:—
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Referring to the well-known saying “Lau lá-ka, etc. Without you (O Mohammed) We (Allah) would not have created the spheres,” which may have been inspired by “Before Abraham was, I am” (John viii. 58); and by Gate xci. of Zoroastrianism “O Zardusht, for your sake I have created the world” (Dabistan i. 344). This idea is by no means “Shi’ah,” as my learned friend Prof. Aloys Springer thinks. In his Mohammed (p. 220), we come across a quote from a sectarian poet, “For you we spread the earth; for you we made the waters flow; for you we arched the heavens.” As Baron Alfred von Kremer, another knowledgeable and experienced Orientalist, points out, the “Shi’ahs” have always had a strong tendency toward this kind of deification and have either deified or quasi-deified Ali and the Imams. However, the phrase first appears in the highly orthodox Burdah-poem of Al-Busiri:—
Hence it has been widely diffused. See Les Aventures de Kamrup (pp. 146–7) and Les Œuvres de Wali (pp. 51–52), by M. Garcin de Tassy and the Dabistan (vol. i. pp. 2–3).
Hence it has been widely spread. See Les Aventures de Kamrup (pp. 146–7) and Les Œuvres de Wali (pp. 51–52), by M. Garcin de Tassy and the Dabistan (vol. i. pp. 2–3).
517. Arab. “Símiyá” from the Pers., a word apparently built on the model of “Kímiyá” = alchemy, and applied, I have said, to fascination, minor miracles and white magic generally like the Hindu “Indrajal.” The common term for Alchemy is Ilm al-Káf (the K-science) because it is not safe to speak of it openly as alchemy.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Símiyá” comes from Persian, a word seemingly modeled after “Kímiyá” = alchemy, and is used, as I mentioned, to refer to fascination, minor miracles, and generally white magic, similar to the Hindu “Indrajal.” The common term for alchemy is Ilm al-Káf (the K-science) because it's not safe to openly discuss it as alchemy.
518. Mare Tenebrarum = Sea of Darknesses; usually applied to the “mournful and misty Atlantic.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Mare Tenebrarum = Sea of Darkness; typically refers to the “sad and foggy Atlantic.”
519. Some Moslems hold that Solomon and David were buried in Jerusalem; others on the shore of Lake Tiberias. Mohammed, according to the history of Al-Tabari (p. 56, vol. i. Duleux’s “Chronique de Tabari”) declares that the Jinni bore Solomon’s corpse to a palace hewn in the rock upon an island surrounded by a branch of the “Great Sea” and set him on a throne, with his ring still on his finger, under a guard of twelve Jinns. “None hath looked upon the tomb save only two, Affan who took Bulukiya as his companion: with extreme pains they arrived at the spot, and Affan was about to carry off the ring when a thunderbolt consumed him. So Bulukiya returned.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Some Muslims believe that Solomon and David were buried in Jerusalem, while others think they are on the shore of Lake Tiberias. Mohammed, according to the history of Al-Tabari (p. 56, vol. i. Duleux’s “Chronique de Tabari”), states that the Jinni carried Solomon’s body to a palace carved into the rock on an island surrounded by a branch of the “Great Sea” and placed him on a throne, with his ring still on his finger, under the watch of twelve Jinns. “Only two have seen the tomb: Affan, who took Bulukiya as his companion. After much effort, they reached the place, and Affan was about to take the ring when a lightning bolt struck him down. So, Bulukiya went back.”
520. Koran xxxviii. 34; or, “art the liberal giver.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Quran 38:34; or, “are you the generous giver.”
521. i.e. of the last trumpet blown by the Archangel Israfil: an idea borrowed from the Christians. Hence the title of certain churches—ad Tubam.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. of the last trumpet sounded by the Archangel Israfil: a concept taken from the Christians. This is the reason for the name of certain churches—to the tube.
522. This may mean that the fruits were fresh and dried like dates or tamarinds (a notable wonder), or soft and hard of skin like grapes and pomegranates.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This could mean that the fruits were fresh and dried, like dates or tamarinds (a notable wonder), or had soft and tough skins, like grapes and pomegranates.
523. Arab. “Al-Iksír” meaning lit. an essence; also the philosopher’s stone.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-Iksír” meaning literally an essence; also the philosopher’s stone.
524. Name of the Jinni whom Solomon imprisoned in Lake Tiberias (See vol. i, 41).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Name of the Jinni that Solomon trapped in Lake Tiberias (See vol. i, 41).
525. Vulgarly pronounced “Jahannum.” The second hell is usually assigned to Christians. As there are seven Heavens (the planetary orbits) so, to satisfy Moslem love of symmetry, there must be as many earths and hells under the earth. The Egyptians invented these grim abodes, and the marvellous Persian fancy worked them into poem.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Commonly pronounced “Jahannum.” The second hell is generally associated with Christians. Just as there are seven Heavens (the planetary orbits), to match the Moslem appreciation for symmetry, there should be an equal number of earths and hells beneath the earth. The Egyptians created these dark places, and the incredible Persian imagination transformed them into poetry.
526. Arab. “Yájúj and Majuj,” first named in Gen. x. 2, which gives the ethnology of Asia Minor, circ. B.C. 800. “Gomer” is the Gimri or Cymmerians, “Magog” the original Magi, a division of the Medes; “Javan” the Ionian Greeks; “Meshesh” the Moschi; and “Tiras” the Turusha, or primitive Cymmerians. In subsequent times, “Magog” was applied to the Scythians, and modern Moslems determine from the Koran (chapt. xviii. and xxi.) that Yajuj and Majuj are the Russians, whom they call Moska or Moskoff from the Moskwa River.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Yájúj and Majuj,” first mentioned in Gen. x. 2, outlines the ethnic groups of Asia Minor around 800 B.C. “Gomer” refers to the Gimri or Cymmerians, “Magog” denotes the original Magi, a branch of the Medes; “Javan” represents the Ionian Greeks; “Meshesh” stands for the Moschi; and “Tiras” indicates the Turusha, or early Cymmerians. Later, “Magog” came to refer to the Scythians, and modern Muslims interpret the Koran (chapt. xviii. and xxi.) to mean that Yajuj and Majuj are the Russians, whom they call Moska or Moskoff after the Moskwa River.
527. I attempt to preserve the original pun; “Mukarrabin” (those near Allah) being the Cherubim, and the Creator causing Iblis to draw near Him (karraba).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I'm trying to keep the original wordplay; “Mukarrabin” (those close to Allah) refers to the Cherubim, and the Creator makes Iblis come closer to Him (karraba).
528. A vulgar version of the Koran (chapt. vii.), which seems to have borrowed from the Gospel of Barnabas. Hence Adam becomes a manner of God-man.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A crude version of the Koran (chapt. vii.), which appears to have taken cues from the Gospel of Barnabas. As a result, Adam is depicted as a kind of God-man.
529. These wild fables are caricatures of Rabbinical legends which began with “Lilith,” the Spirit-wife of Adam: Nature and her counterpart, Physis and Antiphysis, supply a solid basis for folk-lore. Amongst the Hindus we have Brahma (the Creator) and Viswakarmá, the anti-Creator: the former makes a horse and a bull and the latter caricatures them with an ass and a buffalo, and so forth.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These wild tales are exaggerated versions of Rabbinical legends that started with “Lilith,” the spirit wife of Adam: Nature and her counterpart, Physis and Antiphysis, provide a strong foundation for folklore. Among the Hindus, we have Brahma (the Creator) and Viswakarmá, the anti-Creator: the former creates a horse and a bull, while the latter mocks them with a donkey and a buffalo, and so on.
530. This is the “Lauh al-Mahfúz,” the Preserved Tablet, upon which are written all Allah’s decrees and the actions of mankind good (white) and evil (black). This is the “perspicuous Book” of the Koran, chapt. vi. 59. The idea again is Guebre.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the "Lauh al-Mahfúz," the Preserved Tablet, where all of Allah’s decrees and the actions of humanity—good (white) and evil (black)—are recorded. This is the "clear Book" referenced in the Koran, chapter vi. 59. The concept originates from Guebre.
531. i.e. the night before Friday which in Moslem parlance would be Friday night.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. the night before Friday, which in Muslim terms would be Friday night.
532. Again Persian “Gáw-i-Zamín” = the Bull of the Earth. “The cosmogony of the world,” etc., as we read in the Vicar of Wakefield.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Again Persian “Gáw-i-Zamín” = the Bull of the Earth. “The creation of the world,” etc., as we read in the Vicar of Wakefield.
533. The Calc. Edit. ii. 614, here reads by a clerical error “bull.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Calc. Edit. ii. 614, here shows a clerical error that reads “bull.”
534. i.e. lakes and rivers.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. lakes and rivers.
535. Here some abridgement is necessary, for we have another recital of what has been told more than once.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Here a summary is needed because we have yet another retelling of what has already been shared multiple times.
536. This name, “King of Life” is Persian: “Tegh” or “Tigh” means a scymitar and “Bahrwán,” is, I conceive, a mistake for “Bihrún,” the Persian name of Alexander the Great.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This name, “King of Life,” is Persian: “Tegh” or “Tigh” means a saber, and “Bahrwán” is, I believe, a mistake for “Bihrún,” the Persian name for Alexander the Great.
537. Arab. “Mulákát” or meeting the guest which, I have said, is an essential part of Eastern ceremony; the distance from the divan, room, house or town being proportioned to his rank or consideration.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Mulákát” or meeting the guest, which, as I mentioned, is a key part of Eastern customs; the space from the divan, room, house, or town is adjusted according to his status or importance.
538. Arab. “Sifr”: whistling is held by the Badawi to be the speech of devils; and the excellent explorer Burckhardt got a bad name by the ugly habit.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Sifr”: Badawin consider whistling to be the language of devils; and the respected explorer Burckhardt gained a bad reputation due to this unpleasant habit.
539. The Arabs call “Shikk” (split man) and the Persians “Nímchahrah” (half-face) a kind of demon like a man divided longitudinally: this gruesome creature runs with amazing speed and is very cruel and dangerous. For the celebrated soothsayers Shikk and Sátih see Chenery’s Al-Hariri, p. 371.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Arabs refer to a type of demon called “Shikk” (split man), while the Persians call it “Nímchahrah” (half-face). This terrifying creature resembles a man that is split in half and moves at incredible speed, making it both ruthless and perilous. For the well-known seers Shikk and Sátih, see Chenery’s Al-Hariri, p. 371.
540. Arab. “Takht” (Persian) = a throne or a capital.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Takht” (Persian) = a throne or a capital.
541. Arab. Wady al Naml; a reminiscence of the Koranic Wady (chapt. xxvii.), which some place in Syria and others in Táif.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. Wady al Naml; a reference to the Koranic Wady (ch. xxvii.), which some locate in Syria and others in Táif.
542. This is the old, old fable of the River Sabbation which Pliny (xxxi. 18) reports as “drying up every Sabbath-day” (Saturday): and which Josephus reports as breaking the Sabbath by flowing only on the Day of Rest.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the ancient fable of the River Sabbation, which Pliny (xxxi. 18) mentions as “drying up every Sabbath day” (Saturday); and which Josephus describes as violating the Sabbath by flowing only on the Day of Rest.
543. They were keeping the Sabbath. When lodging with my Israelite friends Tiberias and Safet, I made a point of never speaking to them (after the morning salutation) till the Saturday was over.
544. Arab. “La’al” and “Yákút,” the latter also applied to the garnet and to a variety of inferior stones. The ruby is supposed by Moslems to be a common mineral thoroughly “cooked” by the sun, and produced only on the summits of mountains inaccessible even to Alpinists. The idea may have originated from exaggerated legends of the Badakhshán country (supposed to be the home of the ruby) and its terrors of break-neck foot-paths, jagged peaks and horrid ravines: hence our “balass-ruby” through the Spanish corruption “Balaxe.” Epiphanius, archbishop of Salamis in Cyprus, who died A.D. 403, gives, in a little treatise (De duodecim gemmis rationalis summi sacerdotis Hebræorum Liber, opera Fogginii, Romæ, 1743, p. 30), a precisely similar description of the mode of finding jacinths in Scythia. “In a wilderness in the interior of Great Scythia,” he writes, “there is a valley begirt with stony mountains as with walls. It is inaccessible to man, and so excessively deep that the bottom of the valley is invisible from the top of the surrounding mountains. So great is the darkness that it has the effect of a kind of chaos. To this place certain criminals are condemned, whose task it is to throw down into the valley slaughtered lambs, from which the skin has been first taken off. The little stones adhere to these pieces of flesh. Thereupon the eagles, which live on the summits of the mountains, fly down following the scent of the flesh, and carry away the lambs with the stones adhering to them. They, then, who are condemned to this place, watch until the eagles have finished their meal, and run and take away the stones.” Epiphanius, who wrote this, is spoken of in terms of great respect by many ecclesiastical writers, and St. Jerome styles the treatise here quoted, “Egregium volumen, quod si legere volueris, plenissimam scientiam consequeris;” and, indeed, it is by no means improbable that it was from the account of Epiphanius that this story was first translated into Arabic. A similar account is given by Marco Polo and by Nicolò de Conti, as of a usage which they had heard was practised in India, and the position ascribed to the mountain by Conti, namely, fifteen days’ journey north of Vijanagar, renders it highly probable that Golconda was alluded to. He calls the mountain Albenigaras, and says that it was infested with serpents. Marco Polo also speaks of these serpents, and while his account agrees with that of Sindbad, inasmuch as the serpents, which are the prey of Sindbad’s Rukh, are devoured by the Venetian’s eagles, that of Conti makes the vultures and eagles fly away with the meat to places where they may be safe from the serpents. (Introd. p. xlii., India in the Fifteenth Century, etc., R. H. Major, London, Hakluyt Soc. MDCCCLVII.)
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “La’al” and “Yákút,” the latter also referring to garnet and various lesser stones. Muslims believe that rubies are a common mineral that has been thoroughly “cooked” by the sun, found only at mountain peaks that even climbers can’t reach. This idea might stem from exaggerated tales about the Badakhshán region (thought to be the origin of rubies) and its terrifying trails, sharp peaks, and dreadful ravines; hence the term “balass-ruby,” adapted from the Spanish “Balaxe.” Epiphanius, the archbishop of Salamis in Cyprus, who passed away in A.D. 403, describes a similar method for finding jacinths in Scythia in a brief work (The Book of the Twelve Gems of the High Priest of the Hebrews, by the works of Foggini, Romæ, 1743, p. 30). “In a remote area of Great Scythia,” he writes, “there’s a valley surrounded by rocky mountains like walls. It’s unreachable by humans and so deep that the bottom is hidden from view atop the surrounding mountains. The darkness there is so profound it resembles chaos. To this location, certain criminals are sent, tasked with throwing dead lambs, from which the skin has been removed, into the valley. Small stones stick to the pieces of flesh. Then the eagles, living on the mountain tops, come down drawn by the scent of the meat and take the lambs along with the stones. The condemned individuals wait until the eagles have finished eating, then rush in to collect the stones.” Epiphanius is highly regarded by many church writers, and St. Jerome referred to the quoted treatise as “This remarkable book, if you wish to read it, will provide you with a wealth of knowledge..” It’s quite possible that this story was first translated into Arabic from Epiphanius’s account. A similar tale is mentioned by Marco Polo and Nicolò de Conti regarding a practice they heard of in India, with Conti placing the mountain fifteen days north of Vijanagar, which likely points to Golconda. He calls the mountain Albenigaras and describes it as being infested with snakes. Marco Polo also talks about these snakes, and while his account matches Sindbad’s in that the snakes, which are prey for Sindbad’s Rukh, are eaten by the Venetian’s eagles, Conti indicates that vultures and eagles carry the meat away to safety from the snakes. (Introd. p. xlii., India in the Fifteenth Century, etc., R. H. Major, London, Hakluyt Soc. 1857.)
545. Elder Victory: “Nasr” is a favourite name with Moslems.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Elder Victory: “Nasr” is a popular name among Muslims.
546. These are the “Swan-maidens” of whom Europe in late years has heard more than enough. It appears to me that we go much too far for an explanation of the legend; a high-bred girl is so like a swan in many points that the idea readily suggests itself. And it is also aided by the old Egyptian (and Platonic) belief in pre-existence and by the Rabbinic and Buddhistic doctrine of ante-natal sin, to say nothing of metempsychosis (Joseph Ant. xvii. 153).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.These are the “Swan-maidens” that Europe has heard plenty about in recent years. It seems to me that we often look too deeply for an explanation of the legend; a refined girl shares many characteristics with a swan, which makes the idea easily relatable. Additionally, this notion is supported by the old Egyptian (and Platonic) belief in pre-existence and by the Rabbinic and Buddhist teachings on ante-natal sin, not to mention metempsychosis (Joseph Ant. xvii. 153).
547. The lines have occurred before. I quote Mr. Payne for variety.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This has happened before. I'm quoting Mr. Payne for a change.
548. Arab. “Al-Khayál”: it is a synonym of “al-Tayf” and the nearest approach to our “ghost,” as has been explained. In poetry it is the figure of the beloved seen when dreaming.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Al-Khayál”: it is a synonym for “al-Tayf” and is the closest thing to our “ghost,” as explained. In poetry, it refers to the vision of the beloved seen in dreams.
549. He does not kiss her mouth because he intends to marry her.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.He doesn’t kiss her on the lips because he plans to marry her.
550. It should be “manifest” excellence (Koran xxvii. 16).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It should be "clear" excellence (Koran xxvii. 16).
551. The phrase is Koranic used to describe Paradise, and Damascus is a familiar specimen of a city under which a river, the Baradah, passes, distributed into a multitude of canals.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The phrase is from the Quran and refers to Paradise, and Damascus is a well-known example of a city that has a river, the Baradah, running through it, divided into many canals.
552. It maybe noted that rose-water is sprinkled on the faces of the “nobility and gentry,” common water being good enough for the commonalty. I have had to drink tea made in compliment with rose-water and did not enjoy it.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.It's worth mentioning that rose water is used to sprinkle on the faces of the "nobility and gentry," while regular water is fine for the common folks. I once had to drink tea made with rose water as a compliment, and I didn't like it.
553. The Valley Flowery: Zahrán is the name of a place near Al-Medinah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Valley Flowery: Zahrán is a location close to Al-Medinah.
554. The Proud or Petulant.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. The Proud or Whiny.
555. i.e. Lion, Son of (?).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. Lion, Son of (?).
556. i.e. Many were slain.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. Many were killed.
557. I venture to draw attention to this battle-picture which is at once simple and highly effective.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I would like to highlight this battle scene that is both straightforward and very impactful.
558. Anglicè a quibble, evidently evasive.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. English, a quibble, obviously evasive.
559. In text “Aná A’amil,” etc., a true Egypto-Syrian vulgarism.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the text “Aná A’amil,” etc., a genuine Egypto-Syrian slang.
560. i.e. magical formulæ. The context is purposely left vague.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.i.e. magical formulas. The context is intentionally kept unclear.
561. The repetition is a condescension, a token of kindness.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The repetition is a patronizing gesture, a sign of kindness.
562. This is the common cubit of 18 inches: the modern vary from 22 to 26.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This is the standard cubit of 18 inches; modern ones range from 22 to 26 inches.
563. I have noticed the two-humped Bactrian camel which the Syrians and Egyptians compare with an elephant. See p. 221 (the neo-Syrian) Book of Kalilah and Dimnah.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.I have observed the two-humped Bactrian camel that people from Syria and Egypt compare to an elephant. See p. 221 (the neo-Syrian) Book of Kalilah and Dimnah.
564. The Noachian dispensation revived the Islam or true religion first revealed to Adam, and was itself revived and reformed by Moses.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Noachian period restored the Islam or true religion that was first revealed to Adam and was later renewed and reformed by Moses.
565. Probably a corruption of the Turkish “Kara Tásh” = black stone, in Arab. “Hájar Jahannam” (hell-stone), lava, basalt.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Probably a variation of the Turkish “Kara Tásh,” which means black stone, in Arabic. “Hájar Jahannam” (hell-stone), lava, basalt.
566. A variant of lines in Night xx., vol. i., 211.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A version of lines in Night xx., vol. i., 211.
567. i.e. Daughter of Pride: the proud.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__. i.e. Daughter of Pride: the arrogant.
568. In the Calc. Edit. by misprint “Maktab.” Jabal Mukattam is the old sea-cliff where the Mediterranean once beat and upon whose North Western slopes Cairo is built.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.In the Calc. Edit. by misprint “Maktab.” Jabal Mukattam is the ancient sea cliff where the Mediterranean used to crash against, and on its northwestern slopes, Cairo is constructed.
569. Arab. “Kutb”; lit. an axle, a pole; next a prince; a high order or doyen in Sainthood; especially amongst the Sufi-gnostics.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Kutb”; literally an axle, a pole; then a prince; a high-ranking figure or leader in Sainthood; especially among the Sufi mystics.
570. Lit. “The Green” (Prophet), a mysterious personage confounded with Elijah, St. George and others. He was a Moslem, i.e. a true believer in the Islam of his day and Wazir to Kaykobad, founder of the Kayanian dynasty, sixth century B.C. We have before seen him as a contemporary of Moses. My learned friend Ch. Clermont-Ganneau traces him back, with a multitude of his similars (Proteus, Perseus, etc.), to the son of Osiris (p. 45, Horus et Saint Georges).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Literally “The Green” (Prophet), a mysterious figure often mixed up with Elijah, St. George, and others. He was a Muslim, that is a true follower of Islam in his time and served as Wazir to Kaykobad, the founder of the Kayanian dynasty, in the sixth century B.C. We have previously seen him as a contemporary of Moses. My knowledgeable friend Ch. Clermont-Ganneau traces him back, along with many similar figures (Proteus, Perseus, etc.), to the son of Osiris (p. 45, Horus et Saint Georges).
571. Arab. “Walad,” more ceremonious than “ibn.” It is, by the by, the origin of our “valet” in its sense of boy or servant who is popularly addressed Yá walad. Hence I have seen in a French book of travels “un petit lavelet.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Walad” sounds more formal than “ibn.” By the way, it’s the source of our word “valet” in the sense of a boy or servant, who is often called Yá walad. That's why I came across a French travel book that mentions “a little washcloth.”
572. Arab. “Azal” = Eternity (without beginning); “Abad” = Infinity (eternity without end).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Azal” = Eternity (without a starting point); “Abad” = Infinity (eternity without an endpoint).
573. The Moslem ritual for slaughtering (by cutting the throat) is not so strict as that of the Jews; but it requires some practice; and any failure in the conditions renders the meat impure, mere carrion (fatís).
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Muslim ritual for slaughtering (by cutting the throat) isn’t as strict as that of the Jews; however, it does require some practice, and any failure to meet the conditions makes the meat impure, essentially carrion (fatís).
574. The Wazir repeats all the words spoken by the Queen—but “in iteration there is no recreation.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.The Wazir repeats everything the Queen says—but “there’s no fun in repetition.”
575. A phrase always in the Moslem’s mouth: the slang meaning of “we put our trust in Allah” is “let’s cut our stick.”
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.A phrase often used by Muslims: the slang meaning of “we put our trust in Allah” is “let’s break out.”
576. Koran liii. 14. This “Sidrat al-Muntahá” (Zizyphus lotus) stands in the seventh heaven on the right hand of Allah’s throne: and even the angels may not pass beyond it.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Koran liii. 14. This “Sidrat al-Muntahá” (Zizyphus lotus) sits in the seventh heaven on the right side of Allah’s throne: and even the angels cannot go beyond it.
577. Arab. “Habash”: the word means more than “Abyssinia” as it includes the Dankali Country and the sea-board, a fact unknown to the late Lord Stratford de Redcliffe when he disputed with the Porte. I ventured to set him right and suffered accordingly.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.Arab. “Habash”: the term refers to more than just “Abyssinia” as it also encompasses the Dankali region and the coastline, something that the late Lord Stratford de Redcliffe was unaware of when he argued with the Porte. I tried to correct him and faced the consequences.
578. Here ends vol. ii. of the Mac. Edit.
__A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__.This concludes volume ii of the Mac. Edit.

- A’aráf (Al-) = partition-wall (chapter of the Koran), 217
- Aaron’s Rod (becomes with Moslems Moses’ Staff), 238
- A’amash (Al-), traditionist, 81
- A’araj (Al-), traditionist, ib.
- Abdallah (a neutral name), 141
- Abdallah bin Mas’úd (traditionist), 81
- Abdallah bin Salim (traditionist), ib.
- Abjad (Hebrew-Arabic alphabet), 229
- Ablution (difference of fashion in performing it), 112
- Abraham (the friend of God), 205
- Abrogating and abrogated (versets), 194
- Abú al-Abbás al-Mubarrad (grammarian), 138
- Abú al-Abbás al-Rakáshi (poet), 77
- Abú al-Ayná, 164
- Abu al-Husn = Father of Beauty (a fancy name), 189
- Abú Ali, see Di’ibil al-Khuzá’i.
- Abu Bakr (Caliph), 235
- Abu Bakr Mohammed al-Anbári (grammarian), 141
- Abú Háris = Father of spoils (lion), 40
- Abú Horayrah (uncle of Mohammed), 81
- Abu Tammám (poet), 157
- Abú Zanád (traditionist), 81
- Abú Zarr (Companion of the Apostle), 102
- Adi bin Zayd (poet), 124
- Adil (Al-) = the Just (Caliph Omar), 103
- Adnán (Arab genealogy begins with), 100
- Adultery (etc. to be proved by four witnesses), 97
- Adulteress (none without an adulterer), 90
- Ahrám (Al-) = the Pyramids, 105
- Akabah (mountain pass near Meccah), 295
- Akásirah = sons of the royal Chosroës, 10
- Akhír al-Zamán = the latter days, 304
- Alam = way-mark, etc., 191
- Alcove (corruption of al-Kubbah), 18
- Aleppo (noted for debauchery), 64
- Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdallah bin Táhir (Governor), 163
- Ali ibn Abí Tálib, 213; 225
- Alish takish (acting woman and man alternately), 65
- Allah (desire unto), 164
- —— (corporeality of?), ib.
- —— requite you abundantly =, 171
- —— (seeking refuge with), 200
- —— (names of), 214
- Allaho Akbar of prohibition, 196
- Alhamdolillah (pronounced to avert the evil eye), 7
- Almá = brown- (not “damask-”) lipped, 66
- Ambiguity, 44
- Amín (Al-), Caliph, 93; 152
- Amru bin Ma’di Karib (poet), 147
- Amru bin Masa’dah (Pr. N.), 145
- ‘Amúriyah = the classical Amorium, 141
- “Ana” (from Night ccclxxxi.-ccccxxiv.), 64
- Aná a’amil = I will do it (Egypto-Syrian vulgarism), 367
- 397Ant (chapter ix. of the Koran), 213
- Anthropophagy (allowed when it saves life), 186
- Anúshirwán = Anúshín-rawán = Sweet of Soul, 87
- ‘Ar (Al-) = shame, 138
- Arab al-Arabá = Arab of pure and genuine blood, 101
- Arab horses (breeds of), 246
- Arab-land and Ajam = all the world over, 136
- Arafat (mount where the victims are not slaughtered), 295
- Arithmetic (not mastered by Moslems), 236
- Arsh = the ninth Heaven, 167
- Asháb al-Suffah, 102
- Atbák = trays, 264
- Ayishah bint Talhah (granddaughter of Abu Bakr), 79
- Ayn = eye, for helper, 60
- Ayns (verset of the 140), 217
- Azal = eternity without beginning (opposed to Abad = infinity), 390
- Azán = call to prayer, 201
- Ba’albak = Ba’al’s-city, 51
- Bactrian camel, 371
- Badal = substitute, 249
- Badawi (truth-telling and blunt in speech), 98
- Badinján = Solanum pomiferum, or S. Melongena, 4
- Bahak = white leprosy, 294
- Bahr al-Kunúz = Sea of Treasures, 37
- Bahrwán (Pr. N. for Bihrún?), 329
- Balábil, pl. of bulbul (nightingale) and ballalah (grief), 244
- Baldrick (Hamáil), 158
- Banú Ozrah (tribe renowned as lovers), 70
- Baras = white leprosy, 294
- Barmahát (seventh Coptic month), 231
- Barmúdah (eighth Coptic month), 232
- Basmalah = pronouncing the formula Bismillah, 206
- —— (commonly pronounced “Bismalah”), 213
- Bat (has seed like a man’s), 85
- —— (Arab. Khuffásh, Watwát), 226
- Baydak = pawn in chess, 243
- Bayt (Al-) = the house (cage), 269
- Be present! and It becomes, 240; 286
- Beard combed by the fingers in the Wuzú, 198; 209
- Bida’ah = Innovation, 167
- Biká’a = convents (pilgrimages to), 125
- Bint Shumúkh (Pr. N. = daughter of pride), 382
- Bird (created by Jesus), 211
- —— (seen by Abu Bakr in the cave), 235
- Birds (songs and cries of), 50
- Bismilláh = in the name of Allah, 206
- Bizá’at = capital, business-concern, 81
- Blast (of the last trumpet), 310
- Brain (fountain of love in man), 46
- Brasier (Kánún, Mankal), 273
- Breast-bone (Taráib), 132
- Breath (healing by the), 29
- Bridal couch (attitudinising thereon), 75
- Brotherhood (sworn in Allah Almighty), 43
- Bulbul (departed with Tommy Moore. Englished by “nightingale”), 48
- Bull (of the Earth = Gáw-i-Zamín), 324
- Caliphate (defective title to), 116
- Camel (-colts roasted whole), 135
- —— (feeding on and vindictiveness), 135
- —— (Bactrian), 371
- Carat = 1⁄24 of a dinar or miskal something under 5d., 277
- Chess, 243
- Circumcision (how practised), 209
- —— (female), 279
- Cities (two-mosqued for large and consequently vicious ones), 66
- Clitoris (Zambúr) and its excision, 279
- Coffee (first mention of), 169
- Coloquintida (Hanzal), 19
- Commune (Jamá’at), 205
- Covered (the, chapter of the Koran), 215
- Cow (chapter ii. of the Koran), 211
- Creation (is it and its Empire not His?), 266
- Crepitus ventris and Ethnology, 137
- Cubit (the Háshimi = 18 inches), 371
- Damon and Pythias, 104
- Dáni wa gharíb = friend and foe, 42
- Dánik = sixth part of a dirham, 112
- Dead (buried at once), 190
- 398Death (from love), 134
- —— (every soul shall taste of it), 166
- —— (of a good Moslem), 167
- Devil (stoned at Mina), 203, 212
- Devotees (address Allah as a lover would his beloved), 263
- Dí’ibil al-Khuzá’i (poet), 127
- Dimyat (vulg. Dumíyat) = Damietta, 171
- Dissection (practised on Simiads), 220
- Diyár-i-Bakr = maid-land, 66
- Doggrel (royal), 55
- —— (phenomenal), 288
- —— (sad), 297
- Door (behind it the door-keeper’s seat), 173
- Dreams (lovers meet in), 47
- Eatables (their exchange must be equal), 204
- Eating (how it should be done), 206
- Empire (endureth with infidelity but not with tyranny), 187
- Eunuchs (and their wives), 46
- —— (avoid allusion to their misfortune), 47
- Eve (Arab. Hawwá), 139
- Exaggerations, 306
- Eye (likened to the letter Sád, the brow to Nun), 34
- —— (Ayn, for helper), 60
- Fá’il = agent, active (Sodomite), 156
- Fakír = religious mendicant, 39
- Fakru (Al-) fakhrí = poverty is my pride (saying of Mohammed), 268
- Fál = omen, 126
- Fars = Persia, 26
- Fart (in return for chaff), 99
- —— (and Badawi “pundonor”), 137
- Fast (and its break), 201
- —— (when forbidden), 265
- Fátihah (position of the hands in reciting it), 80
- —— (recited seven times for greater solemnity), 134
- Faylasúf = philosopher, 234
- Fealty of the Steep, 295
- Fi’l-Khawáfik = among the flags, etc., 61
- Fingers and toes (separated to wash between them), 198
- “Fire (of Hell) but not shame”, 138
- Fire (handled without injury, a common conjuring trick), 271
- Fire-sticks (Zind, Zindah), 52
- Fishár = squeeze of the tomb, 111
- Fisherman (Arab contrasted with English), 51
- “Forbid not yourselves the good things which Allah hath allowed you”, 216
- Formication (accompanying a paralytic stroke), 251
- Fruits (fresh and dry), 314
- Garden (with rivers flowing under it, Koranic phrase), 356
- Gáw-i-Zamín = the Bull of the Earth, 324
- Genealogy (Arab, begins with Adnan), 100
- Ghatrafán (Pr. N. = proud, petulant), 361
- Ghaut = Sarídah, see also, 223
- Ghazanfar ibn Kamkhíl = Lion, son of (?), 363
- Ghilmán (counterpart of the Houris), 64
- Ghimd (Ghamad) = scabbard, 158
- Ghoonj (Ghunj) = art of moving in coition, 80
- Ghusl = complete ablution, 199
- Girl (of nine plus five = in her prime), 192
- Greetings before the world, 34
- Habash = Abyssinia and something more, 395
- Habbazá! = good this!, 52
- Hádi (Al-), Caliph, 93
- Hadís = saying of the Apostle, tradition, 201
- Hajar Jahannam = hell-stone, lava, basalt, 378
- Hajj = pilgrimage, 202
- Hákim (Al-) bi-Amri llah (Caliph, not to be confounded with the Fatimite), 86
- Hakk (Al-) = the Truth (Allah), 284
- Halabi Shelebi = the Aleppine is a fellow fine, 64
- Hamáil = baldrick, 158
- Hamám = wood-pigeon, 49
- —— (al-Ayk) = “culver of the copse”, ib.
- Hammám (hired for private parties), 63
- Handfuls (the two), 207
- Hands (their feel guides the physician), 220
- 399Hands (how held in reciting the Fátihah), 80
- —— (bitten in repentance), 191
- Hanút = tavern, booth, etc., 142
- Hanzal = coloquintida, 19
- Haríri (Al-) = the silk-man (poet), 158
- Harjáh = (a man of) any place?, 27
- Hásib Karím al-Dín (Pr. N.), 298
- Háshimí cubit = 18 inches, 371
- “Haunted” = inhabited by Jinns, 175
- Hawwá = Eve, 139
- Haykal = temple, chapel, 192
- Hazár = (the bird of) a thousand (songs), 48
- Hazramaut (the Biblical Hazarmaveth), 136
- Heart (from a, full of wrath = in spite of himself), 68
- Hindí = Indian Moslem opposed to Hindú, 1
- Hindibá = Endive, 226
- Hírah (Christian city in Mesopotamia), 124
- Hirakl (monastery of), 138
- Hishám ibn Orwah (traditionist), 81
- Hizb = section of the Koran, 217
- Honayn (scene of one of Mohammed’s battles), 66
- Honey (bees’, as distinguished from cane honey), 300
- “Honey-moon” (lasts a week), 62
- Horses (Arab breeds), 246
- Hosh = mean courts at Cairo, 170
- Hour (of Judgment), 235
- House (haunted = inhabited by Jinns), 175
- Hudúd al-Haram = bounds of the Holy Places, 148
- Humours (of Hippocrates), 218
- Hydropathic treatment of wounds held dangerous, 200
- Hypocrite (Munáfik), 207
- Iblís (Cherubim cherished by Allah), 319
- —— (cursed and expelled), 320
- Ibn Abbás (Companion), 212
- I’itikáf (Al-) = retreat, 202
- Ikálah (Al-) = cancelling, “resiliation,” 204
- Iksir (Al-) = an essence (the philosopher’s “stone”), 315
- Iláh = God, 196
- Ilm al-Káf = K-science for Alchemy, 307
- Images (of living beings forbidden), 3
- —— = statues, 223
- Impurity (ceremonial different from dirtiness), 209
- Imsák = retention (prolongatio veneris), 76
- In’ásh =raising from the bier (a “pick-me-up”), 67
- Indrajál = white magic, 307
- Innovation (Arab. Bida’ah), 167
- Intention (of prayer, Niyat), 163; 196
- Intercession (disputed doctrine), 241
- Iskandar Zú al-Karnayn = Alexander Matagrobolized, 252
- Isráfíl (blows the last trumpet), 310
- Istikhárah = praying for direction by omens, etc., 44
- Istinshák = snuffing water through the nostrils, 198
- Ja’afar bin Musá al-Hádi (Caliph), 93
- Jabal Mukattam (sea-cliff upon which Cairo is built), 383
- Jabal Núr, 215
- Jabal al-Saklá (Thaklá) = mount of the women bereft of children, 37
- Jábir bin Abdallah (disciple of Mohammed), 215
- Jahannam = Hell, 306; 318
- Jalálah = saying “Jalla Jalálu-hu” = magnified be His Majesty, 217
- Calla = gaberdine, 265
- Jamá’at = community, 205
- Jámi’ = cathedral mosque, 261
- Jámi’ayn = two cathedrals, 66
- Jamm = ocean, 93
- Jánsháh (Pr. N. = King of Life), 326
- Jarír (poet), 148
- Jauzar = Bubalus (Ariel antelope), 130
- Jawári = slave-girls, rhyming with dam’u jári = flowing tears, 160
- Jesus (bird of), 211
- —— (crucified in effigy), 238
- —— (compared with Adam), ib.
- Jew (prefers dying on the floor, not in bed), 248
- Judgment (hour of), 235
- Juzám = black leprosy, 294
- 400Kadisíyah (Al-), city in Irák, 294
- Káfs (verset of the three-and-twenty), 217
- Kahwajiyah = coffee-makers, 169
- Kalamdán = pen-case, 239
- Kalla-má = it is seldom, 150
- Kanjifah = pack of cards, 243
- Kánun = brasier, 272
- Kári = Koran-reader, 216
- Karkh (Al-), quarter of Baghdad, 127
- Kárun = Korah of the Bible, 225
- Kawáid (pl. of Káid = governor), 145
- Khabál = pus flowing from the damned, 162
- Khalíl (Al-) = the friend, i.e. of Allah = Abraham, 205
- Khayál (Al-) = phantom, “ghost,” dream-visitor, 348
- Khaysamah (traditionist), 81
- Khawwás (Al-) = basket-maker, 283
- Khilál = toothpick (emblem of emaciation), 44
- Khizr (Al-), the Green Prophet, 384
- Khuffásh = Bat, 226
- Khunsá = hermaphrodite (also catamite), 91
- Khusrau Parwíz and Shírín, ib.
- —— (his wealth), ib.
- Khutnah = circumcision, 209
- Kiblah (turning towards it in mortal danger), 39
- —— (anything opposite) applied to the Ka’abah, 196
- Kiblatayn = the two Kiblahs (Meccah and Jerusalem), ib.
- Killed = Hibernicè “kilt”, 5
- King (the, and the Virtuous Wife), 122
- Kisrà = the Chosroë (applied to Anushirwan), 87
- Kiss (without moustachio = bread without salt), 165
- Kit (of the traveller in the East), 174
- Kiyák (fourth Coptic month), 231
- Kneeling (in prayer exclusively Christian), 196
- Kohl-needle in the Kohl-case = res in re, 97
- Korah (Kárún), 225
- Koran quoted (xxvi. 5, 6), 78
- —— (xxxiii. 48), 101
- —— (xxxviii. 2), 102
- —— (vii. 195), 143
- —— quoted (x. 36), 145
- —— (iv. 38, 175; ii. 282), 155
- —— (xii. 51), 159
- —— (xxvi. 165), 161
- —— (xxi. 36), 166
- —— (vii. 148), 191
- —— (iv. 160), 194
- —— (viii. 66), 203
- —— (xxxix. 67; lxxviii. 19), 207
- —— (vii. 63, 71, 83), 210
- —— (chapt. of The Cow), 211
- —— (xvi. 92; xxxix. 54; lxx. 38), ib.
- —— (ii. 28, 107; xii. 18; xvi. 100; li. 57), 212
- —— (ix.; xxvii. 30; xcvi. 1, 2), 213
- —— (ii. 158; xvii. 110), 214
- —— (v. 4; xxx.; lxxiv. 1; xcvi.; cx. 1), 215
- —— (iv. 124; v. 89, 116), 216
- —— (vii. 154; xi. 50), 217
- —— (xvii. 39), 221
- —— (ii. 216; v. 92), 223
- —— (x. 5; xxii. 60; xxxvi. 40; lxx. 40), 228
- —— (xxxi. 34), 231
- —— (xxxvii. 5), 233
- —— (xxxvi. 37, 38), 234
- —— (xx. 57; xxii. 7), 235
- —— (lxxxi. 18), 236
- —— (iii.; vii. 110), 238
- —— (xii. 10), 239
- —— (xxxvi. 82), 240
- —— (vi. 44), 250
- —— (vii. 52), 269
- —— (xxxvi. 82), 286
- —— (v. 108), 287
- —— (xiii. 41), 290
- —— (xxxviii. 34), 310
- —— (vii.), 320
- —— (xxvii.), 337
- —— (xxvii. 16), 355
- —— (liii. 14), 393
- —— (abrogating and abrogated passages), 194
- —— (most excellent chapter of), 211
- —— (eminent and curious verses of), ib.
- Kubbat (Al-) = alcove, 18
- Kurrat al-Ayn (Pr. N. = coolness of the eye), 145
- 401Kutb = axle, pole; hence prince, doyen in sainthood, 384
- La’al = ruby, 342
- La’an = curse, 250
- Labbay’ka = here I am (pronounced on sighting Meccah), 203
- Lactation (term of), 299
- —— (no cohabitation during), ib.
- Lámi (Al-) = the l-shaped, forked (os hyoïdes), 219
- Lane quoted, 32; 33; 37; 44; 45; 64; 104; 112; 120; 121; 145; 189; 201; 286; 298
- Lauh = tablet used as slate, 73
- —— al-Mahfúz = the Preserved Tablet (of Allah’s decrees), 322
- Lau lá-ka = but for thee, for thy sake, 306
- Leprosy (white = bahak or baras, black = juzám), 294
- Líf = fibre of palm-fronds, 45
- Lion (beguiled by flattery), 40
- Liver and spleen (held to be congealed blood), 220
- Lord for Lady = she, 60
- —— (of the East and West), 228
- Lote-tree (beyond which there is no passing), 393
- Lots = games of chance, 223
- Love (strange chances of), 71
- —— (deaths from), 134
- —— (made public, disgraces), 151
- Lovers (buried together), 71
- —— (model ones, becoming an ordinary married couple), 92
- Lúti (of the people of Lot = Sodomite), 161
- Lynch-law (the modern form of Law of retaliation), 103
- Ma’abid (singer and composer), 147
- Mafa’úl = patient, passive (Catamite), 156
- Magic Horse (history of the fable), 2
- Majzúb = drawn, attracted (Sufi term for an ecstatic), 57
- Málik (traditionist), 81
- —— al-Khuzá’i (intendant of the palace), 95
- Málik bin Dínár (theologian), 261
- Malikhulíya (Al-) = melancholy, 221
- Man (advantages of, above woman), 155
- —— (one’s evidence = two women’s), ib.
- —— (one’s portion = two women’s), ib.
- —— (created of congealed blood), 213
- Manáf (idol), 129
- Manázil (Stations of the Moon), 228
- Marwah (ground-wave in Meccah), 203
- Matáf = place of the Tawáf, see also, 203
- Matting (of Sind famous), 146
- Maysar = game of arrows, 223
- Medicine (rules and verses bearing on domestic), 222
- Metempsychosis and sharpers’ tricks, 84
- Mihrgán = Sun-fête, degraded into Michaelmas, 1
- Mikmarah (Makmarah) = cover for a brasier, extinguisher, 120
- Milk (soured), 225
- Míms (verset of the sixteen), 217
- Mina (and the stoning of the Devil), 203
- Miracle (minor, known to Spiritualism), 144
- Mirza Abdullah-i-Hichmakáni = Master Abdullah of Nowhere, 27
- Misra (twelfth Coptic month), 232
- Modesty (behind a curtain), 162
- Mohammed (mentioned in the Koran), 210
- —— al-Amín (Caliph), 93
- Monasteries (best wine made in), 65
- —— (Arab. Biká’a), 125
- —— (places of confinement for madmen), 139
- Months (of peace), 54
- —— (Coptic names of), 221; 232
- —— (Arabic names explained), 233
- Moon (simile for female beauty), 8
- —— (shall be cloven in twain), 217
- —— (its stations), 28
- Mosul (exempted from idolatrous worship), 64
- Moustachio (salt to a kiss), 165
- Muffawak = well-notched (arrow), 33
- Muharramát = unlawful things, 148
- Mukarrabín = those near Allah, 319
- Mujáwirin = lower servants, sweepers, etc., 19
- Mukrí = Koranist, 216
- Mulákát = going to meet an approaching guest, 330
- 402Munáfik = hypocrite, 207
- Munkar and Nakír (the questioning Angels), 111
- Murder (to be punished by the family), 103
- Mus’ab bin al-Zubayr, 79
- Musallá = place of prayer, oratory, 261
- Musk (sherbet flavoured with), 66
- Muslim bin al-Walíd (poet), 128
- Mutalammis (Al-), the poet and his fatal letter, 74
- Mutawakkil (Al-), ala ‘llah (Caliph), 153
- Mutawwif = leader in the Tawáf, see also, 203
- Muunis (Pr. N. = Companion), 164
- Nafahát = breathings, benefits, 29
- Náf’i (traditionist), 204
- Nága-kings (of Hinduism), 302
- Najíb (al-taraf = son of a common Moslemah by a Sayyid, see also), 259
- —— (al-tarafayn = whose parents are both of Apostolic blood), ib.
- Names (of God), 214
- —— (= magical formulæ), 369
- Nation (its power consists in its numbers of fighting men), 255
- Nay = reed-pipe, 50
- Názih = travelled far and wide, 52
- Night (its promise spread with butter that melteth with day-rise), 77
- Nímchahrah = half-face (Pers. a kind of demon), 333
- Niyat = intention, purpose of prayer, 163
- Noachian dispensation (revived al-Islám), 372
- Nún (simile for the eyebrow), 34
- Nu’uman (Al-) bin Munzir (tyrant of Hírah), 74
- Obayd’ Allah (Pr. N.), 164
- Ocean (Jamm), 93
- —— (of darkness), 309
- Old age (graphically described), 3
- Old woman (polite equivalents for), 163
- Olemá (pl. of Álim) = the learned in the law, 183
- Omar (Caliph) entitled al-Ádil, the Just, 103
- Omen (Fál), 136
- Othmán bin Affán (Kátib al-Koran), 215
- Palsy (creeps over him), 251
- Paper (his = the whiteness of his skin), 161
- Parapets (on terrace-roofs made obligatory by Moses), 72
- Parasite (Tufayli), 130
- Payne quoted, 44; 49; 65; 112; 161; 192; 204; 346
- Pearls shaded by hair = teeth under moustachio, 157
- Persian (“I am a, but not lying now”), 26
- —— (poets mostly addressing youths), 156
- Physiologists (practise on the simiads), 220
- Physis and Antiphysis, 320
- Picnics (on the Rauzah island), 169
- Pilgrimage quoted (i. 22), 39
- —— (ii. 287), 44
- —— (iii. 218), 49
- —— (i. 16), 97
- —— (ii. 344), 100
- —— (i. 10), 112
- —— (ii. 161), 119
- —— (i. 352), 158
- —— (ii. 320), 196
- —— (i. 110), 201
- —— (iii. 193, 205, 226, 282), 203
- —— (iii. 248), 212
- —— (iii. 92), 220
- —— (ii. 322), 224
- —— (i. 362), 225
- —— (ii. 288), 236
- Delights of the little goose (practised by eunuchs), 46
- Pleasure prolonged (thinking about her poor mother, etc.), 76
- Polo (“Goff”), 32
- Poverty (Holy), 269
- Prayer (without intention, Arab. Niyat is valueless), 163
- —— (offered standing or prostrating), 196
- —— (of a sick person said as he best can), 200
- —— (intonations of the voice in), ib.
- —— (call to, Azán), 201
- —— (is a collector of all folk), ib.
- Preachments (to Eastern despots), 254
- Prolonged intimacy (Imsák), 76
- Prophets (named in the Korán), 210
- Providence (and Justice), 286
- 403Purgation (Easterns most careful during), 154
- Pyramids (Al-Ahrám), 105
- —— (containing unopened chambers?), 106
- Pyramidennarren, ib.
- Quibbling away a truly diplomatic art, 86
- Rajab = worshipping (7th Arab month), 54
- Rákí (distilled from raisins), 65
- Ras al-Tín = Headland of Clay (not Figs), 112
- Rashaa = fawn beginning to walk, 149
- Rauzah (Al-), at Cairo, 169
- Ream (Ital. risma, Arab. riyam), 108
- Red Sea (cleaves in twelve places), 236
- Reed-pipe (Nay), 50
- Repetition (of an address in token of kindness), 370
- Ribá = usury, 201
- Riddle “surprise” (specimen of), 239
- Riyam = bales (ream), 108
- Robinson Crusoe (with a touch of Arab prayerfulness), 291
- Rose-water (for “nobility and gentry” even in tea), 357
- Ruby (La’al, Yákút), 342
- Rukh (Roc) and “Roc’s” feathers, 122
- Sabbath (kept in silence), 339
- Sabbation (River), 337
- Sád (Letter, simile for the eye), 34
- Safá (ground-wave in Meccah), 203
- Sáhib (Wazirial title), 71
- Sa’íd bin Zayd (traditionist), 81
- Sa’íd bin Sálim (governor of Khorasan), 94
- Sáim al-dahr = perennial faster, 112
- Saint, Santon (Wali), ib.
- Saint and Sinner, 115
- Saj’a = balanced prose (instance), 160
- Sajáh (false prophetess), 147
- Sakhr (Jinni imprisoned by Solomon), 316
- Sakká = water-carrier, 89
- Salaf (Al-) = ancestry (referring to Mohammed), 90
- Sálih (grandson of Shem?), 210
- Sálih (his she-camel), 235
- Sálíh al-Muzani (theologian), 261
- Salli ala ‘l-Nabi = bless the prophet (imposing silence), 65
- Salutation (the first), 200
- —— (Salám, unwillingly addressed to a Christian), 284
- Sana’á (Capital of Al-Yaman), 16
- Sandal (scented with), 192
- Sandali (eunuch deprived of penis and testes), 46
- Sar’a = falling sickness, 28
- Sardáb = underground chamber, 128
- Sarídah (Tharídah) brewis, 223
- Sawálif = tresses, locks, 158
- Sayhún and Jayhún = Jaxartes and Oxus, 41
- Sayyid (descendant from Mohammed through Al-Hasan), 259
- Scabbard (Ar. Ghimd), 158
- Schoolmaster (derided in East and West), 118
- Seal (affixed to make an act binding), 184
- —— (breaking the = taking the maidenhead), 154
- Seas (fresh = lakes and rivers), 326
- Secrets (instances and sayings with regard to their keeping), 83
- Seeking refuge with Allah, 200
- Sha’abán (moon of), 191
- Sháh-púr = King’s son (Sábúr, Σαβὼρ, Sapor), 2
- Shakuríyah = chicorée, 226
- Shams al-Nahár (Pr. N. = Sun of the Day), 9
- Shaybán (Arab tribe), 100
- Shaykh Nasr (Pr. N. = Elder of victory), 343
- Shikk = split man (a kind of demon), 333
- Shinf = gunny-bag, 45
- Shirk (= syntheism) of love, 9
- —— of the Mushrik, 142
- Shroud (joined in one = shrouded together?), 71
- Shu’ayb = Jethro, 210
- Sídí (from Sayyidi = my lord), 283
- Sídi Ibrahím bin al-Khawwás (Pr. N.), 283
- Sifr = whistling, 333
- Sinai (convent famous for Rákí), 65
- Sind (matting of), 145
- Sitt al-Mashá’ikh = Lady of Shaykhs, 154
- 404Slain were those who were slain = many were slain, 364
- Slate (Lauh), 73
- Slaughtering (ritual for), 391
- Slaves (their ambition to have slaves of their own), 12
- Sleeping (naked), 8
- —— (with head and body covered by a sheet), 18
- Smile (and laughter), 193
- Sodomite (Lúti), 161
- —— (punished detected), 160
- Solomon and David (their burial-place), 310
- Sortes Virgilianæ, 44
- Soul (Thou knowest what is in mine and I know not what is in Thine), 216
- —— (doctrine of the three), 218
- Squeeze of the tomb (Fishár), 111
- Stations of the Moon (Manázil), 228
- Stones (precious), 342
- Stoning (of the devil at Mina), 203
- Strangers (treated with kindly care), 171
- “Strangers yet” (Lord Houghton quoted), 284
- Sufis (stages of their Journey), 264
- —— (address Allah as a lover would his beloved), 263; 298
- Sufrah (provision-bag and table-cloth), 8
- Sufyán (traditionist), 81
- Sukát (pl. of Sáki = cupbearer), 66
- Sukita fí aydíhim = it repented them, 191
- Suláfat = must, new wine, 158
- Sultán (anachronistic use of the title), 88; 179
- Sun and Moon (Luminaries for day and night), 228
- —— (do not outstrip each other), ib.
- Sundus = brocade, 57
- Sunnat = practice of the Prophet, etc., 36; 167
- Susannah and the Elders in Moslem form, 97
- Swan-maidens, 346
- Tablet (Lauh), 37
- —— (the preserved), 322
- Takht = throne, capital, 334
- Takht-rawán = moving throne (mule-litter), 175
- Ta’mím = crowning with turband or tiara; covering, wetting, 199
- Taráib = breast-bone, 132
- Taríkat = (mystic) path to knowledge, 111
- Tasním (fountain in Paradise), 264
- Tawáf = Ka’abah-circuiting, 203
- Tawakkul ala ‘llah = trust in Allah, 208
- Tayammum = washing with sand, 197
- Teeth (their cleansing enjoined by Mohammed), 44
- “Thank you” (Moslem equivalent for), 171
- “They” for “She”, 41; 140
- Throne-verse, 211
- Thursday night (in Moslem parlance = Friday night), 324
- Tín = clay puddled with chaff, 112
- Tongue (made to utter (?) what is in the heart of man), 218
- Tooth-pick (Khilál), 44
- Torrens quoted, 96; 188
- Tree of Paradise (Túbá), 237
- Tricks (two = before and behind), 161
- Truth (most worthy to be followed), 145
- —— (is become manifest), 159
- Tuba (tree of Paradise), 237
- Tubah (fifth Coptic month), 231
- Tufayli = parasite, 130
- Tughrá = imperial cypher, 184
- Turbands (worn large by the learned), 120
- Turks (fair boy-slaves, abounding in Baghdad), 66
- Ukhnúkh = Enoch (Idrís?), 210
- Umm Amrí (mother of Amr’) and the ass, 118
- ‘Umrah = lesser Pilgrimage, 205
- Uns al Wujúd (Pr. N. = Delight of existing things), 33
- Urwah = handle, button-hole, 227
- Usury (Ribá), 201
- —— (verset of), 215
- Usús = sacrum, 219
- ‘Utbi (Al-), poet, 133
- Versets (number of the Koranic), 110
- Virgil (a magician), 44
- Visits in dreamland, 47
- Viswakarmá = anti-creator, 320
- 405Wády al-Naml = Valley of the Emmets, 337
- Wády Zahrán = Valley Flowery, 360
- Walad = son (more ceremonious than “ibn”), 386
- Wali = saint, Santon, 112
- Wá Rahmatá-hu = Alas, the pity of it, 42
- Ward (Al-) fí’l-Akmám (Pr. N. = Rose in Hood), 32
- Water (had no taste in his mouth), 39
- —— (carrier, Sakká), 89
- Watwát = Bat, 226
- Wayha = Alas!, 258
- Where is—and where? = what a difference is there between, etc., 65
- Whistling, (held to be the devil’s speech), 333
- Wine (its prohibition not held absolute), 224
- Wird = the twenty-five last chapters of the Koran, 185
- Witnesses (one man = two women), 155
- Women (sleep naked in hot weather), 8
- —— (making the first advances), 34
- —— (and secrets), 35; 83
- —— (wives of eunuchs), 46
- —— (visiting their lovers in a dream), 47
- —— (thought to be Jinn or Ghúl), 51
- —— (called Zaurá, the crooked), 66
- —— (allowed to absent themselves from the house of father or husband), 96
- Women (instructed in “motitations”), 80
- —— (apt for two tricks), 161
- —— (old, polite equivalents for), 163
- —— (in their prime at fourteen to fifteen), 192
- —— (inferior to man), 155
- —— (unveiling to a man, if not slaves, insult him), 194
- Wuzú (Koranic order for), 198
- —— (angels and devils at the side of a man who prepares for it), ib.
- Yá ‘Ajúz = O old woman (now insulting), 163
- Yájúj and Májúj, 318
- Yá Kawwád = O pímp, 129
- Yá Kisrawí = O subject of the Kisrá, 26
- Yákút = Ruby, garnet, etc., 342
- Yá Sáki’ al-Dakan = O frosty-beard, 99
- Yohanná (Greek Physician), 154
- Zabiyah (Pr. N. = roe, doe), 147
- Zaghab = the chick’s down, 165
- Zambúr = clitoris (the shutter), 279
- Zarr wa ‘urwah = button and button-hole, 227
- Zaurá = the crooked, for woman, 66
- Zidd = opposite, contrary, 206
- Zind and Zindah = fire-sticks, 52
- Zindík = Agnostic, atheist, 230
- Zuhri (Al-), traditionist, 81

- Added missing footnote numbers on pp. 5, 111, and 135.
- Changed ‘in goal’ to ‘in gaol’ on p. 28.
- Added missing footnote anchors on pp. 37, 105, 197, 298, and 392.
- Changed ‘commun is’ to ‘commun in’ on p. 49.
- Added ‘to’ between ‘Speak’ and ‘him’ on p. 124.
- Changed ‘knew were’ to ‘knew where’ on p. 133.
- Removed ‘a’ from ‘friends a’ on p. 339.
- Changed ‘streams ann’ to ‘streams and’ on p. 353.
- Changed ‘perceived he’ to ‘perceived the’ on p. 353.
- Silently corrected simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors.
- Retained anachronistic and non-standard spellings as printed.
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