This is a modern-English version of The Living Animals of the World, Volume 2 (of 2): A Popular Natural History, originally written by unknown author(s). It has been thoroughly updated, including changes to sentence structure, words, spelling, and grammar—to ensure clarity for contemporary readers, while preserving the original spirit and nuance. If you click on a paragraph, you will see the original text that we modified, and you can toggle between the two versions.

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Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury. Printed in Lyon, France.



The female Cassowary is larger than her mate, and her colouring is of equal brilliancy.

The female Cassowary is bigger than her male counterpart, and her coloring is just as vibrant.

THE . . 

THE . .

Living Animals

Living Animals




A Popular Natural History




VOL. 2.














W. Saville-Kent, F.L.S., F.Z.S.













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Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park

London: HUTCHINSON & CO., Paternoster Row

London: HUTCHINSON & CO., Paternoster Row





Table of Contents.

I. The Ostrich and Its Relatives 385
II. The Game Birds and Rails 397
III. Pigeons and sand grouse 414
IV. Auks, gulls, and plovers 417
V. Bustards and Cranes 424
VI. Grebes and Divers, Penguins, and Tube-nosed Birds 428
VII. Storks, Herons, and Pelicans Tribe 435
VIII. Screamers, ducks, geese, and swans 456
IX. Birds of Prey & Owls 464
X. Nightjars, swifts, and hummingbirds 481
XI. Parrots, Cuckoos, and Plantain Eaters 487
XII. Rollers, Kingfishers, Hornbills, and Hoopoes 498
XIII. Bee-eaters, Motmots, Todies, Colies, and Trogons 506
XIV. Toucans, Honey-guides, Jacamars, and Puff-birds, Barbets and Woodpeckers 508
XV. Perching birds 514
XVI. Larks, Titmice, Honey-eaters, and their relatives 526
XVII. Shrikes, thrushes and their related species, swallows, lyre-birds, chatterers, broadbills, and so on. 533
I. Crocodiles and alligators 545
II. Tortoises and Turtles 551
III. Lizards 563
IV. Chameleons and Tuatara 581
V. Snakes 585
VI. Frogs & Toads 598
VII. Newts and Salamanders 605
I. Lungfish and chimeras 609
II. The Perch Family 612



Scaly fins, Red Mullets, Sea Breams, Scorpion Fish, Slime Heads, Tassel Fish, Meagres, and Swordfish. 613
IV. Hairtails, horse mackerels, sea bats, dories, mackerels, sucking fish, weavers, frogfish, anglerfish, bullheads, and gurnards 620
V. Lump-suckers, Gobies, Blennies, Barracudas, Gray Mullets, Sticklebacks and their relatives, Garpike, and Flying-fish 628
VI. Wrasse Fishes 633
VII. Pipefish, seahorses, pufferfish, sunfish, and their relatives. 636
VIII. The Cod Clan 641
IX. Cave fish, sand eels and their relatives, and flat fish 643
X. Eels and catfish 646
XI. The Carp Family 650
XII. Pikes, Arapaimas, Beaked Salmon, and Scopelids 652
XIII. The Salmon Family 655
XIV. The Herring and its relatives 658
XV. Bony Pike, Bowfin, Sturgeon, Reedfish, and Bichir 662
XVI. Sharks and Rays 664
I. The Crab and Scorpion Teams 670
II. Bugs 681
I. Shellfish, or Mollusks 737
II. Lamp shells 744
III. Starfish, sea urchins, etc. 746
IV. Bryozoans 753
V. Worms 754
VI. Corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish 758
VII. Sponges and Microbes 764


Colored Plates.

Facing page
Cassowary 385
Crowned Crane 417
Australian Cockatoo—Macaw—Male Ruff in full breeding-plumage—Laughing-jackass 449
Hoopoe flying 481
Waxbills—Indigo Finches 513
Green and Ocellated Lizards 545
The West African Python 577
Western Australian Scarlet Rock-cod—Freemantle Devil-fish, or Armed Gurnard 609
A Salmon leaping 641
Goliath Beetle—Brazilian Bee—Grasshopper—Candle-fly—Australian Robber-fly—Japanese Analophus 673
Crœsus Butterfly of Batchian 705
Portion of Inshore Coral Reef at Thursday Island, Torres Straits 737



Rufous Tinamou, Brazil 385
Rhea and young 385
Rhea and young ones 386
Rhea lying down 386
Rheas in Tring Park 387
White Rheas 388
Ostrich standing beside her eggs 389
Ostriches ten days old 390
An Ostrich Family 391
A group of Cock Ostriches 392
Sclater's Cassowary 393
Nest and eggs of Emeu 394
Young Emeus five days old 394
Young Emeus 395
Emeu 395
Mantell's Kiwi 396
Owen's Kiwi 396
Red Grouse 397
Ptarmigan 398
Capercallie 398
Common Partridge 398
Texan Bob-white 399
Golden Pheasant 400, 401
Silver Pheasant 401
English Pheasants 401
Reeves's Pheasant 401
Amherst's Pheasant 401
Peacock-pheasant 401
Temminck's Tragopan 402
Chinese Tragopan 402
Himalayan Monal 403

Red Cochins

Red Cochins

Brown Leghorn Cock 404
Silver-spangled Hamburgs 405
Dark Bramas 405
Silver Wyandotte Hen with Pheasant Chicks 406
Peacock 407
Back view of Peacock 407
Black-chested Crested Guinea-fowl 408
Nest of Brush-turkey at Woburn Abbey 409
Turkey Cock and Hen 409
Wallace's Painted Megapode 410
Razor-billed Curassow 411
Crested Curassow 411
Hoatzin 412
Weka-rail 413
Water-rail 413
A pair of young Pigeons in nest 414
Southern Fruit-pigeon 415
Nicobar Imperial Fruit-pigeons 415
New Guinea Crowned Pigeon 415
Wonga-wonga Pigeon 415
Male Black-bellied Sand-grouse 416
White Tern 417
Terns on a shingle bank 418
Herring-gull 419

Young Herring-gulls in the grey phase of plumage

Young herring gulls in the gray phase of plumage

Stone-curlew, or Thick-knee 420
Curlew 420
Woodcock 421
Oyster-catcher on its nest 421
Denham's Bustard 422
Great Bustards 422
Indian Bustards 423
Stanley Crane 424
Common Crane 425, 426
Manchurian Crane 426
Wattled Crane 426
Seriema 427
White-backed Trumpeters 427
Great Crested Grebe 428
Black-throated Divers 428
Rock-hopper Penguin 429
Black-footed Penguin 430
Black-footed Penguins bathing 431
King-penguin 432
Nesting Albatrosses 433
White-capped Albatross 434
Carting Albatross eggs 434
Fulmar Petrel 435
Whale-headed Stork 436
White Storks 437
Adjutant-stork 438
Jabiru Stork 438
Flamingoes 439, 440
European Flamingoes 440



Sacred Ibis 441
Young Herons fourteen days old in nest 442
Great Blue Heron 443
Common Night-heron 444
Young Common Herons 444
Green Heron 445
Buff-backed Heron 446
Indian Cattle-egret 447
Common Bittern 448
Egyptian Pelican 449
Crested Pelican 450
Young Australian Pelican 451
Young Pelicans 451
Cormorant 452
Frigate-birds at home 453
Young Gannets, first year 454
Gannet, second year 454
Gannet, full plumage 454
Gannets on the Bass Rock 455
Crested Screamer, or Chaka 456
Aylesbury Duck 457
Pochard 457
Eider-duck 458
Sheldrake 458
Paradise-ducks 459
Cape Barren Goose 460
Australian Pygmy Goose 461
Black-necked Swan 461
Trumpeter- and Whooper-swans 462

Australian Black Swans and Cygnets

Australian Black Swans and Babies

Condor 464
King-vulture 465
Black Vultures 465
Californian Vulture 466
Secretary-bird 467
Egyptian Kite 468
Australian Osprey 469
Bearded Vulture 470
Griffon-vulture 471
Rüppell's Vulture 471
Angolan Vulture 472
Pondicherry Vulture 472
Egyptian Vulture 473
Wedge-tailed Eagle 473
American Sparrow-hawk 474
Vociferous Sea-eagle 475
Imperial Eagle 475
Crested Eagle 475
Chilian Sea-eagle 475
Rough-legged Buzzard 476
Martial Hawk-eagle 476
Peregrine Falcon 477
Spectacled Owl 477
Eagle-owl 478
Virginian Eagle-owl 478
American Long-eared Owl 479
Tawny Owl 479
Screech-owl 480
Barn-owl 480
Common Night-jar 481
Pennant-winged Night-jar 481



482, 483
Swift 484
Edible Swift 485
Ruby-throated Humming-birds 486
Kea 487
New Zealand Kea 488
New Zealand Kaka 489
Black Cockatoo 490
Cockatoo 490
Leadbeater's Cockatoo 491
Macaw 492
Blue Mountain-parrots 493
Young Cuckoo ejecting egg 494
Pheasant-cuckoo 495
Cuckoo one day old in Hedge-sparrow's nest 496
Young Cuckoo 497
Young Cuckoo in Reed-warbler's nest 498
Australian Laughing-kingfisher 499
Kingfishers at home 500
Laughing-kingfishers 501
Kingfisher 502
Laughing-jackass 503
Crested Hornbill 504
Concave-casqued Hornbill, India 505
Ground-hornbill 505
Hoopoe 506
Bee-eater 507
Racket-tailed Motmot 508
Trogon 509
Curl-crested Toucan 510
Honey-guide 511
A family of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers 511
Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers 512
American Crow 513
Jackdaws 514
Young American Blue Jay 515
A pair of Magpies 516
Cornish Chough 517
King Bird of Paradise 517
Queensland Rifle-bird 518
Red Bird of Paradise 518
Young Starlings 519
Common Starling 520
Meadow-lark (natural size) 521
Hawfinch 522
Young Chaffinches 523
House-sparrows 523
Bullfinch 524
Greenfinch 525
Linnet 526
Skylarks 527
Young Skylarks 528
Nuthatch 529
Marsh-tit 530
Great Tit 531
Coal-tits 532
Red-backed Shrikes 533
Australian Magpie 533
Reed-warbler 534
Song-thrush 535
Young Thrush 536
Blackbird 536
Robin 537
Nightingale 537
Stone-chat 538
A pair of Wrens 539
Common Wrens 539
Young Swallows 540
Sand-martins 541
Victorian Lyre-bird 542
Tail of Australian Lyre-bird 542
Bell-bird 543
Cock-of-the-walk 544
Young Nile Crocodile 545
Young Broad-snouted Crocodile 546
A dead Crocodile 546
A Crocodile 547
A Queensland Crocodile 548
Crocodile, well illustrating the character of the dentition 549
Crocodiles and Alligators, with young 550
A Crocodile from Southern United States 550
Mississippi and Chinese Alligators 551
Asiatic Tortoises 552
European Tortoise 552
Elephant-tortoises from the Galapagos Islands 553
Elephant-tortoise 554
Giant or Elephant-tortoises from the Galapagos Islands 555

Giant Tortoise

Giant Turtle

A Giant Tortoise with a European Tortoise on its back 557
Elephant-tortoise 558
Snapping-turtle 559
Temminck's Snapper 560
Newly hatched Turtles enjoying their first swim 561
Cuban Terrapins 562
Blind-worm 563
Glass-snake, or Scheltopusik 563
Burmese Geckos 564
Madeiran Geckos 565
Flying-dragon of Java 566
Frilled Lizard at bay with expanded frill 567
Frilled Lizard with frill folded up 567
Frilled Lizard running on its hind legs (2 views) 567
Australian Tree-lizard 568
Australian Water-lizard 569
Australian Jew or Bearded Lizards 570
Bearded Lizard 570
A young Bearded Lizard 570
Australian York or Mountain-devil 571
Spinous Lizard, or Mountain-devil 571
A group of Mountain-devils of Central Australia 572
Horned Toad 572, 573
Tuberculated Iguana 574
Small Viviparous Lizard 574
Wall-lizard 574
Banded Iguanas 575
South African Girdled Lizard 575
Arizona Heloderm (Poisonous Lizard) 576
White Monitor 576
Green Lizard 577
Ocellated Lizards at home 577
Röntgen ray photograph of Ocellated Lizard 578
Common Skink 579
Australian Stump-tailed Lizards 579
Blue-tongued Lizards 580
Spine-tailed Lizards, Western Australia 580
Chamæleons asleep 581
A Chamæleon in a rage 581
Common Chamæleon of South Europe and North Africa 582
A Chamæleon shooting out its tongue to capture a fly 583
A photograph of a Chamæleon in the act of catching a butterfly 583
Tuatera of New Zealand 584
A tame Tuatera 584
Dark Green Snake 585, 586
A small Boa-constrictor seizing and devouring a rat 587
Boa-constrictor ready to strike 588
Carpet-snake 589
Æsculapian Snake 589
A group of Garter-snakes 590
Leopard-snake 591
Tesselated Snake 591
Pine-snake 592
Cobra (back view) 593
Queensland Sea-snake 593
English Viper 594
African Puff-adder 595
Diamond-back Rattle-snake 595
Rattle-snake 596
Fer-de-lance Snake 597
Bull-frog 598
American Bull-frog 598
Edible Frog 599
Tiger-like Frog 599
Röntgen ray photograph of Common Frog 600
Ornamented Horned Toad 601
European Green Tree-frog 602
Queensland Tree-frogs 603
Common Toad 603, 604
Common or Smooth Newt 605
Smooth Newt 606
Spotted Salamanders 607
Yellow phase of Spotted Salamanders 608
Australian Lung-fish 609

Bottle-nosed Chimæra

Bottlenose Chimera

White Perch 611
Sea-bass 611
Large-mouthed Black Bass 612
Butter-fish 612
American "Sun-fish" 613
The miscalled Archer-fish 614
Striped Red Mullet 614
Brown Snapper 615
Red Sea-bream 615
Snapper 616
King-snapper 616
Australian Groper 617
Indian Weaver-fish 618
Ragged Sea-scorpion 618
Stone-fish 619
Tassel-fish 619
Sword-fish 620
Snoek 620
Fringed Horse mackerel 621
Horse-mackerel 621
John Dories 622, 624
Long-finned Dory 623
Sucking-fish 625
Larger Weaver 625
Angler-fish 626
Butterfly-gurnard 627
Reel-gurnard 627
Bar-tailed Flat-head 628
Rock Flat-head 628
Lump-sucker 629
Blenny 630
Northern Mullet 631
Red Mullet 631
Garpikes 632
Pipe-fish 632
Flying-fish 633
Spotted Wrasse 634
Satin Parrot-fish 634
Black-spotted Parrot-fish 635
A Wrasse 635
Globe-fish 636
Black-spotted Globe-fish 637
Trigger-fish 637
Coffer-fishes 638
Lace-finned Leather-jacket 639
Spotted Box- or Trunk-fish 639
Sea-horses 640
Whiting 641
Pollack-whiting 642
Spotted Sole 643
Halibut 644
Brill 645
Eels 646
Conger-eel 647
Cat-fish 648
Painted Eels from Bermuda 649
Cat-fishes 649
Carp 650
Gold-fish 651
Pike 652
Pikerel 653
"Sergeant Baker" 653
Beaked Salmon 654
Queensland Smelt 655
Salmon-trout 656
American Salmon-trout from Diamond Lake, New Zealand 657
Smelt 658
Ox-eyed Herring 659
Queensland Lung-fish 660
Australian Pilchards 661
Bony Pike 662
Sturgeon 663
Sterlet 663
Bicher 663, 664
Wollibong, or Carpet-shark 665
Spotted Shark 665
Basking-shark 666
Ocellated Dog-fish 667
Indian Sting-ray 667
Horned Ox-ray, or Devil-fish 668
Whip-tailed Sting-ray 668
Shovel-nosed Skate 669
Painted Skate 669
Barnacles 670
A pair of Barnacles 670
Acorn-barnacle 671
Wood-louse 671
Shrimp 672
Fresh-water Crab 672
Spider-crab 673
Blue Crab 673
Fighting Crabs 674
Egyptian Scorpion 675
Tree Trap-door Spider of Brazil 676
House-spider 676
Garden-spider in web 677

Spanish Tarantula

Spanish Tarantula

Giant Centipede 679
Giant Millipede 680
Tiger-beetle 681
Ground-beetle 682
Great Brown Water-beetle (male) 682
Black Water-beetle 682
Two Burying-beetles 683
Male Stag-beetle 684
Skipjack Beetle 684
Hercules Beetle flying 684
Cockchafer on daisy 685
Harlequin Beetle 686
Jumping-beetle, allied to the Turnip-flea 686
Reed-beetle 687
Musk-beetle 688
Earwig 689
American Cockroach 689
Stick-insect 690
Walking Leaf-insects 690
House-cricket 691
Mole-cricket 691
Long-horned Grasshopper 692
Cape Grasshopper (female) 692
Egyptian Locust 693
Wart-eating Grasshopper (two views) 694
Dragon-fly 695
Queen Termite 696
Termites 696
Termite's nests in Queensland 697
Termites at work 698
Termites' nest 699
Scorpion-fly 699
Adult form of Ant-lion 700
Large Caddis-fly 701
Saw-fly 702
Marble Gall-fly and gall 702
Tree-wasp 703
Tree wasp's nest 703
Pine-boring Wasp (female) 704
Pine-boring Wasp (male) 704
Ichneumon-fly 705
Ruby-tailed Fly 705
Wood-ant 705
Solitary Ant (male and female) 706
Hornet 706
Hive-bee (queen, worker, and drone) 707
Bumble-bee on everlasting-pea 707
Bees 708
Leaf-butterfly 709
South American Long-winged Butterflies 710
Diana Fritillary 710
Queen of Spain Fritillary 710
Tawny Admiral 711
Caterpillar of Tawny Admiral 711
Blue Butterfly 712
Blue Morpho Butterfly and Humming-bird 712
Large Blue Butterfly 713
Mazarine Blue Butterfly 713
Long-tailed Blue Butterfly 713
Bloxworth Blue Butterfly 713
Large Copper Butterfly 714
Dusky Copper Butterfly 714
New Guinea Golden Butterfly 715
Australian Butterflies 715
Bath White Butterfly 716
Green-veined White Butterfly 716
Black-veined White Butterfly 716
Orange-tip 717
Large Grizzled Skipper Butterfly 717
Swallow-tailed Butterfly 717
Elephant Hawk-moths 718
Luna Moths 718
Polyphemus Moth 719
Cecropia Moth 719
Imperial Moth 719
Cocoons of Cypress-moth 720
Cypress-moths at rest 720
Cypress-moths 721
Cypress-caterpillars 721
Death's-head Moth 722
Day-flying Moth of Madagascar 722
Convolvulus Hawk-moth 722
Great Peacock-moth 723
Polyphemus Moth 723
White Plume-moth 724
Indian Swallow-tailed Moth 724
Shield-bug 725
Juniper-bug 725

Lace-wing Bug

Lacewing Bug

Masked Bug 726
Great Water-bug 727
Indian Candle-fly 728
Aphis 729
Scale-insects 729
Cicada and Pupæ 730
Brown Mosquito 730
Hornet Robber-fly 731
Daddy-long-legs 731
Hover-fly 732
Rat-tailed Larva 732
House-fly (male and female) 733
Blue-bottle Fly, or Blow-fly 733, 734
Tsetse-fly 735
Bee-fly 736
An Octopus crouching in a rock-pool 737
An Octopus on its back at bay, left high and dry by the retreating tide 737
Octopods 738
A Tasmanian Squid, or Cuttle-fish 738
Shell of the Pearly Nautilus 739
Shell of the Argonaut, or Paper-nautilus 740
Limpets, Whelks, and Barnacles 741
Shell Beach, Abrolhos Islands 741
Great Clam-shell on coral-reef 741
Giant Clam-shells on the Great Barrier Reef, as exposed at extreme low tide 741
Highly magnified tongue of a Sea-snail 742
A Scorpion-shell 743
Rock-oysters 743
A Queensland Oyster-bank 744
Southern Cross Pearl, valued at £10,000 745
Pearl-shell with group of Golden Pearls 745
Queensland Pearls on Black-lipped Pearl-shell 745
Pearl produced by operation on the animal 745
Common or Short-spined Sea-urchin 746
Long-spined Sea-urchins 747
Thick-spined Sea-urchin 748
Star-fish in water 749
Star-fish, out of water, turning over 749
A young Brittle Star-fish (much magnified) 750
A branching-armed Brittle-star 751
Sea-cucumbers, some with extended tentacles 751
Sea-cucumber, or Bêche-de-mer 752
Prickly Sea-cucumber 752
Black Sea-cucumber 753
Moss-animals 754
Tube-worms 755
Sea-worms, or Nereids 756
Sea-mice 756
Portion of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia 757
A Mushroom-coral fully expanded 758
Mushroom-corals, with the anemone-like polyp expanded 758
Part of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia 759
Portion of a Stag's-horn Coral 760
A clump of Stag's-horn Coral 760
Bleached Corals from the Great Barrier Reef 761
A Queensland Star-coral 762
A giant Anemone from the Great Barrier Reef 763
A giant Sea-anemone 763
Frilled Sponge 764
Reticulated Sponge 764
Portuguese Bird's-nest Sponge 765
Chalina Sponge 765
Cup-sponges 766
Shells of Forams highly magnified 767
Noctilucas 767
Polycysts 768









The Ostriches are a very ancient group of birds, and, judging from what we know of their anatomy, they must be regarded as representing the most primitive of living birds. With the exception of a single group, to be discussed presently, all have lost the power of flight. In some, in consequence, the wing has become reduced to a mere vestige. It is a rule in Nature, we may remark, that whenever an organ, such as a wing or a leg or a tail, ceases to be useful, it undergoes forthwith a slow process of reduction or degeneration, growing smaller and smaller in each successive generation, till at last it may even disappear altogether. The loss of flight has been accompanied by a degeneration in the quality of the feathers—that is to say, their serviceability as aids to flight has been entirely lost.

The ostriches are a very old group of birds, and based on what we know about their anatomy, they are considered to be the most primitive of living birds. With one exception, which will be discussed shortly, all have lost the ability to fly. In some cases, the wing has shrunk to just a tiny remnant. It’s a rule in nature that whenever an organ, like a wing, leg, or tail, stops being useful, it begins a slow process of reduction or degeneration. It gets smaller with each generation until it may eventually disappear completely. The loss of flight has also led to a decline in the quality of their feathers—meaning they now have no practicality as aids to flying.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Rufous Tinamou, Brazil.

The tail-feathers of these birds are so small as to appear to be wanting.

The tail feathers of these birds are so small that they seem to be missing.

The size of the members of this group varies much. The largest of all is the African Ostrich; the smallest, of the flightless forms, the New Zealand Apteryx. The ostrich-like birds which have retained the power of flight are known as Tinamous, and are natives of South America. All these are smaller than the flightless Apteryx.

The size of the members of this group varies a lot. The largest is the African Ostrich; the smallest, among the flightless birds, is the New Zealand Apteryx. The ostrich-like birds that can still fly are called Tinamous, and they are native to South America. All of these are smaller than the flightless Apteryx.


Photo by H. Noble, Esq.]  [Henley.

Photo by H. Noble, Esq.] [Henley.


Rhea and Young.

Although the wings of the rhea are large, they fit so closely to the body as to be invisible when closed.

Although the rhea's wings are large, they sit so snugly against the body that they are hidden when closed.



The Tinamous should perhaps be regarded as standing at the head of the Ostrich Tribe, since they have reached a higher degree of development than any other of its members. They have also preserved the power of flight. In their general appearance they bear a singular resemblance to partridges, though a little careful observation will reveal many points wherein they differ therefrom. They are very confiding and unsuspicious birds—some persons call them stupid {386}on this account—and in the early morning the species inhabiting the Argentine pampas will, observers tell us, come right up to the isolated houses of the settlers, so that the boys knock them down with stones. The delicate quality of the flesh has caused these birds to be highly esteemed as food, and their trustful nature renders them an easy prey, so much so that in some districts they have been almost exterminated. Large numbers are caught by riding round them in a circle and securing them with a noose. Mr. Hudson, who lived many years in the pampas, assures us that the Great Tinamou is one of the sweetest-voiced of the native birds. The song is composed of "five modulated notes, flute-like in character, and very expressive, and is uttered by many individuals answering each other as they sit far apart, concealed in the grass."

The Tinamous are often considered to be at the top of the Ostrich Tribe because they have developed more than any other members. They have also retained the ability to fly. In their overall look, they closely resemble partridges, although a little observation will reveal many differences. They are very trusting and unguarded birds—some people even call them stupid {386} for this reason—and in the early morning, the species found in the Argentine pampas will, according to observers, approach the isolated homes of settlers so closely that boys can hit them with stones. The tender quality of their meat has made these birds highly valued as food, and their trusting nature makes them easy targets, to the point that in some areas they have nearly been wiped out. Many are caught by riding around them in a circle and trapping them with a noose. Mr. Hudson, who spent many years in the pampas, tells us that the Great Tinamou is one of the sweetest-sounding native birds. Their song consists of "five modulated notes, flute-like in character, and very expressive, sung by many individuals answering each other while they sit far apart, hidden in the grass."

The eggs of the tinamous are to be reckoned among the wonders of bird life, being so highly burnished as to look like beautifully glazed porcelain. The colour varies according to the species, ranging from wine-red, blue-green, and brown to black. The young are almost as remarkable as the eggs, being clothed with a peculiar down, of great complexity of structure, and resembling in some respects the nestling down of the true ostrich.

The eggs of the tinamous are considered one of the wonders of bird life, having such a shiny surface that they look like beautifully glazed porcelain. The color varies by species, ranging from wine-red, blue-green, and brown to black. The young are almost as impressive as the eggs, covered in a unique down that has a complex structure, resembling in some ways the down of a true ostrich.

The Rhea.

The Rhea.


Photo by H. Noble, Esq.]  [Henley.

Photo by H. Noble, Esq.]  [Henley.


Rhea and kids.

Although frequently bred in this country, the young do not seem to be easily reared.

Although commonly raised in this country, the young don’t seem to be easily nurtured.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Rhea reclining.

The breast of the larger members of the Ostrich Tribe is provided with a large horny plate, on which they support the body when resting.

The larger members of the Ostrich Tribe have a big, tough plate on their chest that they use to support their body when they rest.

The Rhea is a native of South America. It is frequently referred to as the South American Ostrich, and also as the Nandu. The resemblance which it bears to the true ostrich is striking, but it may at once be distinguished therefrom by the fact that it has three toes and a feathered head and neck; furthermore, it is smaller in size, and lacks the conspicuous white wing- and tail-plumes. The tail, indeed, as may be seen from the photographs reproduced is wanting. The rhea must be regarded as standing at the head of the flightless members of the Ostrich Tribe. Its wings, though not large enough to raise its heavy body from the ground, are yet of considerable size.

The Rhea is originally from South America. It is commonly known as the Rhea and also the Nandu. Its resemblance to the true ostrich is remarkable, but you can easily tell them apart because it has three toes and a feathered head and neck. Additionally, it is smaller in size and doesn't have the noticeable white feathers on its wings and tail. In fact, as shown in the photographs included, it doesn't have a tail at all. The rhea is considered to be among the top flightless members of the Ostrich Tribe. Its wings, while not big enough to lift its heavy body off the ground, are still quite sizeable.

In Buenos Aires rheas are hunted with dogs. If a breeze is blowing, the birds raise one wing, which acts as a sail. This done, they can acquire a speed which makes it absolutely impossible for either dog or horse to come up with them. The only chance of ultimately capturing them is by wearing them out {387}by ceaseless pursuit. A chase of this kind may last an hour and a half. Needless to say, for sport of this kind both horses and dogs must be the best of their kind and in "good form." The natives and Indians hunt them on horseback with the "bolas." The bolas, or balls, used for this purpose consist of two round stones covered with leather, and united by a thong of about 8 feet long. One of these is held in the hand and the other whirled round the head and suddenly released, when both go whirling madly round till they strike the rhea's legs, around which they instantly twist, and the victim is a fast prisoner.

In Buenos Aires, rheas are hunted with dogs. When there’s a breeze, the birds lift one wing, acting like a sail. This allows them to reach speeds that make it nearly impossible for either dogs or horses to catch them. The only way to ultimately capture them is by wearing them out through relentless pursuit. A chase like this can last up to an hour and a half. Naturally, for this kind of sport, both horses and dogs must be top-notch and in great shape. The locals and Native Americans hunt them on horseback using the "bolas." The bolas, or balls, used for this purpose are made of two round stones wrapped in leather and connected by a thong about 8 feet long. One is held in hand while the other is swung around the head and then suddenly released, causing both to spin wildly until they hit the rhea's legs, where they instantly wrap around and trap the bird. {387}

The rhea is in danger of disappearing altogether as a wild bird, owing to the ruthless slaughter which is made upon it for the sake of its feathers. For some years back, Mr. Harting tells us, "the number of birds killed has averaged 400,000 per annum, and, as a consequence, the species has already disappeared from nearly half the territory of the River Plate." On some estates in Argentina the wild birds are driven in and plucked.

The rhea is at risk of completely vanishing as a wild bird due to the relentless killing for its feathers. A few years ago, Mr. Harting noted that "the average number of birds killed has been 400,000 per year, and as a result, the species has already disappeared from nearly half the area of the River Plate." On some estates in Argentina, wild birds are captured and their feathers are plucked.

Like most of the Ostrich Tribe, the male alone performs the duties of incubation, hatching some twenty eggs at a time, the produce of several different females. There are three different kinds of rhea, but they do not differ much one from another. The young are curiously striped. The egg is very large, of a cream colour, and deeply pitted.

Like most of the Ostrich Tribe, the male takes care of incubating the eggs by himself, hatching around twenty eggs at once, which come from several different females. There are three types of rhea, but they aren’t very different from each other. The chicks have an interesting striped pattern. The eggs are quite large, cream-colored, and have a deeply pitted surface.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.


Rheas at Tring Park.

In spite of its large size, the rhea is not a conspicuous bird in a wild state, the grey plumage harmonising perfectly with the surrounding pampas.

Despite its large size, the rhea is not an obvious bird in the wild; its gray feathers blend perfectly with the surrounding pampas.

Darwin, in his "Voyage of the Beagle," tells us that when he was "at Bahia Blanca, in the months of September and October, the eggs, in extraordinary numbers, were found all over the country. They lie either scattered and single, in which case they are never hatched, and are called by the Spaniards huachos; or they are collected together into a shallow excavation which forms the nest. Out of the four nests which I saw, three contained twenty-two eggs each, and the fourth twenty-seven. In one day's hunting on horseback sixty-four eggs were found: forty-four of these were in two nests, and the remaining twenty scattered huachos. The Gauchos unanimously affirm—and there is no reason to doubt their statement—that the male bird alone hatches the eggs, and for some time afterwards accompanies the young. The cock, when on the nest, lies very close: I have myself almost ridden over one. It is asserted that at such times they are occasionally fierce and even dangerous, and that they have been known {388}to attack a man on horseback, trying to kick and leap on him. My informer pointed out to me an old man whom he had seen much terrified by one chasing him.... I understand that the male emu in the Zoological Gardens takes charge of the nest: this habit, therefore, is common to the family.

Darwin, in his "Voyage of the Beagle," tells us that when he was "at Bahia Blanca, in the months of September and October, eggs were found in huge numbers all over the place. They are either scattered and isolated, in which case they never hatch and are called huachos by the Spaniards; or they are gathered together in a shallow depression that forms a nest. Out of the four nests I saw, three had twenty-two eggs each, and the fourth had twenty-seven. During one day of hunting on horseback, we found sixty-four eggs: forty-four of these were in two nests, and the other twenty were scattered huachos. The Gauchos all agree—and there’s no reason to doubt them—that only the male bird hatches the eggs and for some time afterwards stays with the young. The male, when on the nest, lies very low: I almost rode right over one myself. It’s said that during this time they can be aggressive and even dangerous, and there are accounts of them attacking a man on horseback, trying to kick and jump on him. One of my sources pointed out an old man who had been very scared by one chasing him.... I understand that the male emu in the Zoological Gardens takes care of the nest, so this behavior is common in the family.


Photo by the Duchess of Bedford]  [Woburn Abbey.

Photo by the Duchess of Bedford [Woburn Abbey.


White Rheas.

These are only varieties of the common form, not a distinct breed.

These are just different versions of the common type, not a separate breed.

"The Gauchos unanimously affirm that several females lay in one nest. I have been positively told that four or five hen birds have been watched to go, in the middle of the day, one after another, to the same nest.... Although this habit at first appears very strange, I think the cause may be explained in a simple manner. The number of eggs in the nest varies from twenty to forty, and even fifty; and according to Azara even seventy or eighty. Now, although it is most probable, from the number of the eggs found in one district being so extraordinarily great in proportion to the parent birds, and likewise from the state of the ovarium of the hen, that she may, in the course of the season, lay a large number, yet the time required must be very long.... If the hen was obliged to hatch her own eggs before the last was laid, the first probably would be addled; but if each laid a few eggs at successive periods in different nests, and several hens ... combined together, then the eggs in one collection would be nearly of the same age. If the number of eggs in one of these nests is, as I believe, not greater on an average than the number laid by one female in the season, then there must be as many nests as females, and each cock bird will have its fair share of the labour of incubation; and that during a period when the females probably could not sit, from not having finished laying. I have before mentioned the great number of huachos, or deserted eggs; and that in one day's hunting twenty were found in this state. It appears odd that so many should be wasted. Does it not arise from the difficulty of several females {389}associating together, and finding a male ready to undertake the office of incubation? It is obvious that there must at first be some degree of association between at least two females, otherwise the eggs would remain scattered over the wide plains, at distances far too great to allow of the male collecting them into one nest: some ... have believed that the scattered eggs were deposited for the young birds to feed on. This can hardly be the case ... because huachos, although often found addled and putrid, are generally whole."

"The Gauchos all agree that several females lay in one nest. I’ve been told that four or five hens have been seen going, one after another, to the same nest in the middle of the day. Although this behavior may seem strange at first, I think it can be explained simply. The number of eggs in the nest varies from twenty to forty, and even fifty; according to Azara, it can be as many as seventy or eighty. Now, while it’s very likely that the number of eggs found in one area is extraordinarily high compared to the number of parent birds, and also considering the state of the hen's ovaries, she may, throughout the season, lay many eggs, but this process must take a long time. If a hen had to hatch her own eggs before the last one was laid, the first ones would probably go bad; however, if each laid a few eggs at different times in separate nests, and several hens worked together, the eggs in one nest would be nearly the same age. If, as I believe, the average number of eggs in one of these nests is not greater than what one female lays in a season, then there must be as many nests as females, and each male will share the workload of incubation during a time when the females can’t sit because they have not finished laying. I previously mentioned the large number of huachos, or abandoned eggs; in one day of hunting, I found twenty in this state. It seems strange that so many would go to waste. Does this happen because it’s difficult for several females to come together and find a male that is willing to take on the job of incubating? It’s clear that there must, at the very least, be some initial association between at least two females; otherwise, the eggs would be scattered across the vast plains, too far apart for a male to gather them into one nest. Some have suggested that the scattered eggs were left for the young birds to eat, but this is unlikely because huachos, though often found rotten and spoiled, are generally intact."

The Ostrich.

The Ostrich.

The Ostrich is the giant amongst living birds, the full-grown male standing some 8 feet high, and weighing about 300 lbs. It is flightless, the wings being smaller, in proportion to the size of the body, than in the rhea. But the energy which in other birds is employed in sustaining flight in the ostrich is expended in running, so that it has reached a high degree of speed—no less, in fact, than twenty-six miles an hour. When at full speed, it is generally believed the ostrich derives no small help from the wings, which are used sail-wise. Nor is this belief by any means a modern one, for all of us must be familiar with Job's observations on this subject: "What time she lifteth up her wings on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider." The wings are never used in running at full speed, but are of much service in turning, "enabling the bird to double abruptly, even when going at top speed." In justice to the older observers, however, it must be remarked that ostriches do run with raised wings, but only at the commencement of the run, or in covering a short distance, when the pace may be considerable; but if circumstances demand "full speed ahead," they are held close to the body, where they offer the least resistance to speed.

The Ostrich is the largest bird alive today, with fully grown males reaching about 8 feet tall and weighing around 300 lbs. It can't fly because its wings are smaller relative to its body size compared to the rhea. Instead of flying, ostriches use that energy to run and have achieved impressive speeds—up to twenty-six miles per hour. When running at full speed, it's commonly thought that they benefit from their wings, which they use like sails. This idea isn't new; many are familiar with Job's comments on this: "When she spreads her wings on high, she laughs at the horse and its rider." While they don’t use their wings while running at top speed, the wings are helpful for turning, allowing the bird to make sharp turns, even at high speeds. It’s fair to acknowledge that older observers noted ostriches do run with their wings raised, but only at the start of a run or when covering a short distance, where they can really pick up speed. However, if they need to go "full speed ahead," they tuck their wings close to their bodies to reduce air resistance.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


Ostrich next to her eggs.

In a wild state both cock and hen take part in the preparation of the nest.

In the wild, both the rooster and hen help build the nest.

With the gradual perfection of its running powers, there has followed a gradual change in the form of the leg. This change has taken place by reduction in the number of the toes. Of the original five with which its ancestors began life only two now remain—the third and fourth. The third is of great size, having apparently waxed great at the expense of the other toes, a growth which seems to be still in progress, inasmuch as the fourth toe is undoubtedly dwindling. It is very small, and gives unmistakable signs of growing smaller, since it has now become nailless. When it has quite disappeared, the ostrich, like the horse, will have but a single toe on each foot—the third. The dainty, mincing step of the ostrich is a delight to watch, and, thanks to the Zoological Gardens, this can be done even in smoky London.

As the ostrich has gradually improved its ability to run, there has also been a gradual change in the shape of its legs. This change has involved a reduction in the number of toes. From the original five that its ancestors had, only two now remain—the third and fourth. The third toe is quite large, having seemingly grown bigger at the expense of the other toes, and this growth seems to be ongoing since the fourth toe is definitely shrinking. It is very small and clearly getting smaller, as it has now lost its nail. Once it completely disappears, the ostrich, like the horse, will have just one toe on each foot—the third. The elegant, light step of the ostrich is a pleasure to observe, and thanks to the Zoological Gardens, this can be enjoyed even in smoggy London.

The ostrich, like its cousin of South America, the rhea, commonly associates with herds of the larger mammalia. On the South African veldt the companions of the ostrich are the zebra, wildebeest, and hartebeest, just as on the pampas of South America the rheas are found associated with herds of deer and guanaco.

The ostrich, similar to its South American relative, the rhea, usually hangs out with larger mammals. In the South African veldt, ostriches are often seen alongside zebras, wildebeests, and hartebeests, just like in the pampas of South America where rheas are found with herds of deer and guanacos.


The egg of the ostrich weighs about 3 lbs., and is of delicious flavour. The empty shell, it has been found by experiment, is large enough to hold the contents of eighteen eggs of the common domesticated fowl. It takes about forty minutes to boil an ostrich egg hard. About fifteen eggs represent the clutch. The nest is a mere depression in the sand. The hen sits by day, and her mate by night; but the eggs are never left, as is sometimes stated, to the heat of the sun, so as to lessen the duties of the parent. Such a course would infallibly destroy the eggs, for the sun's rays, especially at noon, are very powerful.

The ostrich egg weighs around 3 pounds and is delicious. Experiments have shown that the empty shell can hold the contents of eighteen chicken eggs. It takes about forty minutes to boil an ostrich egg hard. A typical clutch consists of about fifteen eggs. The nest is just a shallow depression in the sand. The female sits on the eggs during the day, while the male takes over at night; however, the eggs are never left to the sun's heat to reduce the parents' responsibilities, as sometimes claimed. Doing so would definitely ruin the eggs because the sun's rays, especially at noon, are very intense.

The male and female ostrich differ much in coloration. In the former the trunk is clothed in a vestment of richest black, whilst the quills of the wings and tail-feathers are of pure white: they form the much-prized ostrich plumes. The female is much less splendid, being clothed in sober grey. But these colours are not merely ornamental; they render the male by night and the female by day invisible, owing to the perfect harmony they make with their surroundings, thus affording an interesting illustration of protective coloration.

The male and female ostriches have very different colors. The male has a body covered in deep black feathers, while the feathers on its wings and tail are bright white, making the sought-after ostrich plumes. The female is quite plain in comparison, dressed in dull gray. But these colors aren't just for show; they help the male blend in at night and the female during the day, perfectly matching their environments and providing a fascinating example of protective coloration.

"All ostriches," says Mr. Cronwright Schreiner, "adults as well as chicks, have a strange habit known as 'waltzing.' When chicks are let out from a kraal in the early morning, they will often start away at a great pace. After running for a few hundred yards they will all stop, and, with wings raised, spin round rapidly for some time, often till quite giddy, when a broken leg occasionally occurs. Adult birds, when running in large camps, will often, if the veldt is good, do the same, especially if startled in the fresh of the early morning. A troop of birds waltzing, in full plumage, is a remarkably pretty sight. Vicious cocks 'roll' when challenging to fight, also when wooing the hen. The cock will suddenly bump down on to his 'knees' ... open his wings, making a straight line across his breast, and then swing them alternately backwards and forwards ... as if on a pivot, each wing, as it comes forward, being raised, while that going backward is depressed. The neck is lowered until the head is on a level with the back, and the head and neck swing from side to side with the wings, the back of the head striking with a loud click against the ribs, first on the one side and then on the other. The click is produced by the skin of the neck, which then bulges loosely just under the beak and for some distance downwards. While 'rolling,' every feather over the whole body is on end, and the plumes are open, like a large white fan. At such a time the bird sees very imperfectly, if at all; in fact, he seems so preoccupied that, if pursued, one may often approach unnoticed. I have walked up to a 'rolling' cock and seized him by the neck, much to his surprise. Just before rolling, a cock, especially if courting the hen, will often run slowly and daintily on the points of his toes, with neck slightly inflated, upright and rigid, the tail half drooped, and all his body-feathers fluffed up; the wings raised and expanded, the inside edges touching the sides of the neck for nearly the whole of its length, and the plumes showing separately, like an open fan ... on each side of his head. In no other attitude is the splendid beauty of his plumage displayed to such advantage."

"All ostriches," says Mr. Cronwright Schreiner, "both adults and chicks, have a strange habit known as 'waltzing.' When chicks are released from a kraal in the early morning, they often take off at high speed. After running for a few hundred yards, they will stop, raise their wings, and spin around rapidly for a while, often until they're quite dizzy, which sometimes results in a broken leg. Adult birds, when running in large areas, will do the same, especially if startled in the fresh early morning air, provided the grass is good. A group of waltzing birds, with their full plumage, is a beautifully striking sight. Aggressive males 'roll' when challenging to fight, as well as when trying to attract a female. The male will suddenly drop down onto his 'knees,' open his wings to create a straight line across his chest, and then swing them back and forth... like they're on a pivot, raising one wing as it comes forward while lowering the one going back. The neck is lowered until the head is level with the back, swinging from side to side with the wings, with the back of the head hitting loudly against the ribs, first on one side and then the other. This clicking sound comes from the skin on the neck, which bulges loosely just under the beak and for some distance downward. While 'rolling,' every feather on the bird's body stands on end, and the plumes are splayed open like a large white fan. During this time, the bird has very poor vision, if any at all; in fact, it becomes so distracted that if pursued, it can often be approached without notice. I've walked right up to a 'rolling' male and grabbed him by the neck, to his complete surprise. Just before rolling, a male, especially if trying to court a female, will often walk slowly and delicately on his toes, with his neck slightly puffed out, standing upright and rigid, his tail half drooped, and all his body feathers fluffed up; his wings raised and spread, with the inner edges touching the sides of his neck almost the entire length, and the plumes clearly visible, like an open fan... on each side of his head. In no other position does the stunning beauty of his feathers stand out so magnificently."


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


10-Day-Old Ostriches.

The down-feathers of young ostriches are quite different from those of other birds, the tips of each being produced into a horny ribbon.

The down feathers of young ostriches are quite different from those of other birds, with the tips of each forming a hard ribbon.

The males are very fierce while guarding their eggs or fighting for mates, and kick with extraordinary violence with their powerful legs. As an example of their fierceness when aroused, Mr. Cronwright Schreiner, who knows much of these birds, relates a story, told him by a railway-guard, of an old male who charged a goods-train coming at full speed down a steep gradient. The bird, as soon as he caught sight of the train, at once got on the line, "and advanced fearlessly to fight the monster. As the screeching engine approached, he rushed at it from straight in front, hissing angrily, and kicked. He was cut to pieces the next moment."

The males are extremely aggressive when guarding their eggs or competing for mates, and they kick with incredible force using their strong legs. For instance, Mr. Cronwright Schreiner, who is well-acquainted with these birds, shares a story told to him by a railway guard about an old male that charged at a freight train speeding down a steep incline. As soon as the bird spotted the train, he jumped onto the tracks and bravely approached to confront the beast. As the screeching engine got closer, he charged straight at it, hissing in anger, and kicked. He was shattered into pieces the next moment.


Photo by Mr. Glenday]  [Cape Town.

Photo by Mr. Glenday]  [Cape Town.



The cock bird is an unusually fine specimen, measuring exactly 8 feet from head to foot.

The rooster is an exceptionally impressive specimen, measuring exactly 8 feet from head to toe.


The Bedouin tribes hunt the ostrich on dromedaries, so also do the natives of Somaliland, and when near enough shoot it with poisoned arrows. In the Sahara, Canon Tristram tells us it is ridden down on horseback, a method of capture which the Sahara sportsman regards as the greatest feat of hunting.

The Bedouin tribes hunt ostriches on dromedaries, and so do the locals of Somaliland. When they're close enough, they shoot them with poisoned arrows. In the Sahara, Canon Tristram tells us that it's chased down on horseback, a method of capture that Sahara hunters consider the ultimate hunting achievement.

"The Bushmen," says Mr. Harting, "like the Somalis, kill the ostrich with poisoned arrows, or catch it very cleverly in pit-falls or with the lasso, and the Sukurieh and Hadendawah tribes likewise use the lasso, with which the bird, when once fairly caught, is strangled.... A favourite plan is to wait for the birds in a place of concealment, as near as possible to the pools to which they come for water, and then, with a gun loaded with swan-shot, to fire at their necks as they stoop to drink, when perhaps half a dozen are laid low at once.... Another plan to which the Bushman often resorts is simpler still. Having found an ostrich's nest, he removes all the eggs, and, ensconcing himself in the nest, quietly awaits the return of the bird, which he shoots with a poisoned arrow before it has time to recover from its surprise at finding him there instead of the eggs.... In Senaar the Abû-Rôf bring it down by throwing a curved flat stick from 2½ to 3 feet long, not unlike the Australian boomerang, and made of tough acacia-wood or hard zizyphus."

"The Bushmen," says Mr. Harting, "like the Somalis, kill the ostrich with poisoned arrows, or catch it very cleverly in pits or with a lasso. The Sukurieh and Hadendawah tribes also use the lasso, with which the bird, once caught, is strangled. A common strategy is to wait for the birds in a hidden spot as close as possible to the water pools they visit, and then, using a gun loaded with swan shot, shoot at their necks as they lean down to drink, often taking down half a dozen at once. Another method the Bushman often uses is even simpler. After finding an ostrich's nest, he takes all the eggs and hides in the nest, quietly waiting for the bird to return. He then shoots it with a poisoned arrow before it can react to finding him there instead of the eggs. In Senaar, the Abû-Rôf bring it down by throwing a curved flat stick about 2½ to 3 feet long, similar to the Australian boomerang, made of tough acacia wood or hard zizyphus."


Photo by Schroeder]  [Zurich.

Photo by Schroeder] [Zurich.


A group of male ostriches.

Note the conspicuous tail in these birds; it is wanting in other members of the Ostrich Tribe.

Note the noticeable tail in these birds; it is absent in other members of the Ostrich Tribe.

Mr. Arthur Glynn, of Leydenburg, gives a graphic description of an ostrich hunt, his quarry being a troop of twenty birds—"on sighting which," he tells us, "we immediately gave chase, discovering directly afterwards that a single bull wildebeeste was among them. After a stiff gallop," he says, "of half a mile, we got within seventy yards of the troop; so reining in, we both dismounted and fired, bringing down one ostrich and the wildebeeste bull.... We quickly mounted and continued the pursuit, the ostriches never running for any distance in a direct {393}course, but always turning and twisting, which made it difficult for us to keep them in sight.... We went sailing on, neck and neck, regardless of holes or anything else, only thinking of the grandly plumaged birds in front of us, our horses straining every nerve to overtake them, as only old stagers know how to run when in pursuit of game. We had now approached within fifty yards, and, jumping down, we fired at two cock birds running separately from the troop, bringing them both down. Hastily mounting, we continued on after the retreating troop; but at this juncture my friend's horse trod in a hole, sending his rider over his head, thereby completely putting him out of the run. I now continued the chase by myself. For a mile the ostriches gained on me, as they continued to run in a straight line, thereby not enabling me to cut off any point, but obliging me to keep in their rear all the time.... I got off twice, and fired several fruitless shots, and then continued the chase for certainly two miles without dismounting once.... I now got within a hundred yards, and jumped down.... The first shot I fired brought down a fine cock bird, but the second struck the ground over the others, turning them to the right along a low ridge. They appeared very much exhausted, and ran with their wings spread out.... I saw that they were coming direct for me, and waited until they were close.... When the ostriches approached within fifteen yards, I selected the best-looking bird, and put a bullet through him. He ran on for about twenty yards and fell dead."

Mr. Arthur Glynn from Leydenburg shares a vivid account of an ostrich hunt, where he and his team spotted a group of twenty birds—“as soon as we saw them,” he explains, “we immediately gave chase, only to discover that there was also a single bull wildebeest among them. After a tough half-mile gallop,” he says, “we got within seventy yards of the group; so we reined in, dismounted, and fired, taking down one ostrich and the wildebeest bull.... We quickly got back on our horses and resumed the chase, with the ostriches not running in a straight line but constantly turning and twisting, making it hard for us to keep track of them.... We raced on, neck and neck, ignoring holes or anything else, focused only on the beautifully feathered birds ahead of us, our horses doing their utmost to catch up, as only seasoned hunters know how to run in pursuit of game. We had closed in to within fifty yards, jumped off, and shot at two roosters that were running away from the group, bringing them both down. We climbed back on our horses and continued to chase the retreating group, but at that moment, my friend's horse stepped into a hole, sending him flying off and completely ending his chance to keep going. I continued the pursuit alone. For a mile, the ostriches gained on me as they kept running straight ahead, which prevented me from cutting off any corners, forcing me to stay behind them the whole time.... I got off my horse twice and took several shots that missed, then kept chasing for at least two miles without dismounting again.... I got within a hundred yards, jumped down.... The first shot I fired took down a nice rooster, but the second missed and hit the ground beyond the others, making them veer right along a low ridge. They seemed really tired and were running with their wings out.... I noticed they were heading straight for me, so I waited until they got close.... When the ostriches were about fifteen yards away, I picked out the best-looking one and shot it. It ran about twenty yards before collapsing dead."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.] Regent's Park.


Sclater's Cassowary.

This bird is not yet full grown, the horny casque on the top of the head being much larger in the adult.

This bird isn't fully grown yet; the hard casque on top of its head is much bigger in adults.

Cassowaries and Emeus.

Cassowaries and Emus.

With the Cassowaries and Emeus we have come as near as we can get at the present day to the representatives of the ancient type from which the Ostrich Tribe have sprung. But both these forms are to be regarded as having passed the prime of their development, for, like their allies which we have already considered, they have lost the power of flight. Both emeu and cassowary possess, when adult, one character shared by no other living adult bird: they have what may be called double feathers, each feather possessing two shafts of equal length. They appear to follow a custom of their own in the matter of the coloration of their eggs, since these are never white, like those of the rhea or ostrich, but green, with a very rough surface. The young, like those of the rhea, are striped with alternate black and white stripes. The emeu is found only on the continent of Australia; the cassowary occurs both in Australia and on the neighbouring islands of New Guinea, Ceram, and Aru.

With the cassowaries and emus, we've come as close as we can today to the ancient types that gave rise to the ostrich family. However, both of these species are seen as having passed their peak development, as they, like their relatives we've already looked at, have lost the ability to fly. Both emus and cassowaries, when they reach adulthood, have a unique feature shared by no other living adult bird: they have what can be called double feathers, where each feather has two shafts of equal length. They seem to have their own approach to egg coloration, as their eggs are never white like those of the rhea or ostrich, but are green with a very rough surface. The chicks, similar to those of the rhea, have alternate black and white stripes. The emu is found only on the continent of Australia, while the cassowary is found in both Australia and the nearby islands of New Guinea, Ceram, and Aru.

The lot of the Cassowary appears to have been cast in pleasant places, making it possible {394}to indulge in the luxury of personal decoration—a decoration, moreover, shared equally by the males and females, both sexes having the head and neck most brilliantly coloured. In some species all the hues of the rainbow are vividly reflected. To show these colours, the feathery covering, still worn by their relatives on the distant continents of Africa and America, has been cast off and the skin left bare. To these gorgeous hues they have added yet other features, for the head is surmounted in many species by a huge casque, or helmet; whilst from the neck depend curious fleshy lobes, or wattles, coloured in accordance with the rest of the bare, coloured skin of this region. Then, too, they have effected quite a novel transformation in the quills of the wing, for these project on either side of the body in a series of shining black spines. Nor is this all, for over and above the energy which they have to spare for personal decoration is a very large reserve to be expended in fighting. The males are very pugnacious, and to give point to this pugnacity they wear a very formidable weapon on the inner toe in the shape of a huge nail, which can inflict a really dangerous wound. It is used in kicking, the foot being brought forwards and downwards with incredible speed and great force. When wounded, these powerful birds are very dangerous to approach. "On more than one occasion a wounded bird has caused a naturalist to take to a tree. The sharp nail of the inner toe is a most dangerous weapon, quite equal to the claw of a large kangaroo, and capable of doing quite as much execution."

The Cassowary seems to thrive in attractive environments, allowing it to enjoy the luxury of personal adornment—an adornment that is equally shared by both males and females, who both display the most vibrant colors on their heads and necks. In some species, all the colors of the rainbow are strikingly visible. To showcase these colors, they have shed the feathery covering still found on their relatives in distant continents like Africa and America, leaving their skin bare. In addition to these brilliant colors, they have added unique features, as many species have a large casque, or helmet, on their heads, while curious fleshy lobes, or wattles, hang from their necks, matching the colorful bare skin in that area. Furthermore, they've undergone a significant change in their wing feathers, which extend outward from their bodies as a series of shiny black spines. And that's not all; along with their enthusiasm for personal decoration, they also have a remarkable energy reserved for fighting. Males are quite aggressive, and to emphasize this aggression, they have a formidable weapon on their inner toe—a large nail that can inflict dangerous wounds. They use it when kicking, driving their foot forward and downward with incredible speed and strength. When injured, these powerful birds become very dangerous to approach. "On more than one occasion, a wounded bird has forced a naturalist to climb a tree. The sharp nail of the inner toe is a highly dangerous weapon, comparable to the claw of a large kangaroo, and can cause significant harm."


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.


Emu nest and eggs.

The feet of the old bird, which was standing near, can be seen behind the eggs.

The feet of the old bird standing nearby can be seen behind the eggs.

Although forest-haunting birds—wherein they differ from their allies, which are plain-dwellers—the cassowaries are adepts at swimming. There is a danger that these beautiful and interesting birds will slowly be exterminated by greedy and thoughtless settlers. The Australian cassowary is already decreasing sadly, being persecuted for the sake of its skin, which is used for rugs and doormats.

Although birds that live in forests—unlike their relatives that prefer open areas—the cassowaries are skilled swimmers. There’s a risk that these beautiful and fascinating birds will gradually be wiped out by greedy and careless settlers. The Australian cassowary is already sadly declining, as it is hunted for its skin, which is used for rugs and doormats.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.



Young emeus just out of the shell have the legs beautifully spotted, but these spots are rapidly lost.

Young emus just out of the egg have beautifully spotted legs, but these spots quickly fade away.

The Emeu, though a sort of cousin of the cassowary, boasts none of its splendour; on the contrary, it is a dull, dowdy-looking bird. In size, however, it is much larger than the cassowary. The wings, which are exceedingly small, have numerous tiny quill-feathers—not long, hard spines, as in the cassowary. When in captivity, it exhibits great curiosity; furthermore, it is swift to realise symptoms of fear in the faces of any visitor whom it may have under inspection. Occasionally fear turns into flight, and then, thoroughly entering into the joke, the emeu pursues at top speed. Needless to say, hunting of this kind can only be done in fairly large paddocks or parks; but emeus are frequently so kept.

The Emu, while related to the cassowary, lacks its impressive appearance; instead, it's a plain, drab-looking bird. However, it's significantly larger than the cassowary. Its wings are very small and have many tiny quill-feathers instead of the long, hard spines seen in the cassowary. When kept in captivity, it shows a lot of curiosity and is quick to pick up on signs of fear in the faces of any visitors it observes. Sometimes, this fear causes it to take off running, and then, truly getting in on the joke, the emeu chases at full speed. It's obvious that this kind of hunting can only happen in fairly large paddocks or parks, but emeus are often kept that way.

A very remarkable and quite unique structure in the emeu is a curious bag or pouch, formed by a sort of out-pocketing of the inner lining of the windpipe. Emerging through a long slit caused by the incompleteness of some of the rings near the middle of the windpipe, the {395}pouch comes to lie between this tube and the skin. Strangely enough, it is found only in the female, and is used by her chiefly during the breeding-season, when she utters a peculiarly loud booming note, which, it is supposed, is caused by the manipulation of the air in the pouch. When moved by any gentle excitement or pleasure, especially on damp evenings or in the dead of night, she also becomes musical, giving forth a note which has been likened to a gong or muffled drum. The male, which is smaller, fleeter of foot, and more docile and inquisitive, is mute, or at most gives forth a suppressed hiss when angry, or a kind of grunt when distressed.

A very remarkable and unique feature of the emu is a curious pouch, created by the inner lining of the windpipe bulging out. It emerges through a long slit caused by gaps in some of the rings near the middle of the windpipe. This pouch lies between the windpipe and the skin. Interestingly, it is found only in females and is primarily used during the breeding season when they produce a loud booming sound, believed to be made by manipulating the air in the pouch. When she feels a gentle excitement or pleasure, especially on damp evenings or in the stillness of night, she becomes musical, producing a sound similar to a gong or muffled drum. The male, which is smaller, faster, and more curious, is silent, or at most lets out a suppressed hiss when angry or a grunt when distressed.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.



After a few weeks the black and white stripes become much less conspicuous.

After a few weeks, the black and white stripes become way less noticeable.

At one time the emeu roamed over the whole of the mainland of Australia; but now, alas! it is almost exterminated, being found only far inland and in steadily diminishing numbers. Swift of foot and of great powers of endurance, the emeu has afforded in the past much "sport" to the hunting-man, who followed the dogs, doubtless making comparisons the while between his two-legged prey and his four-footed friend Reynard. The hunt does not end till the bird is thoroughly exhausted, when it must be seized at once by the neck, in order to prevent it kicking, for the legs are so powerful that a blow from the foot is dangerous.

At one time, the emu roamed all over mainland Australia; but now, unfortunately, it is almost extinct, found only deep inland and in steadily decreasing numbers. Quick on its feet and incredibly resilient, the emu once provided a lot of "sport" for hunters, who followed their dogs and likely compared their two-legged prey to their four-footed companion, Reynard. The hunt doesn't end until the bird is completely worn out, at which point it must be grabbed by the neck immediately to prevent it from kicking, as its legs are so strong that a blow from its foot can be dangerous.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.



The feathers of the neck of the emeu are much longer than in the rhea; hence the neck seems shorter.

The feathers on the emu's neck are much longer than those on the rhea; therefore, the neck appears shorter.

Incubation is apparently performed by the male, which sits from fifty-four to sixty-four days. Practically no nest is made, only a shallow hollow being scraped in the sand. The eggs, from seven to thirteen in number, are of a dark bottle-green colour, sometimes lighter, and have the surfaces curiously roughened. The male is smaller than the female, a fact which has led to some confusion, the larger female having at one time been regarded as the male. It will be noted that the emeus not only lack the brilliant colour of the cassowaries, but also the helmet, or casque.

Incubation is usually done by the male, which sits on the eggs for fifty-four to sixty-four days. Almost no nest is made, just a shallow hollow scraped in the sand. The eggs, numbering between seven and thirteen, are a dark bottle-green color, sometimes lighter, and have a strangely rough texture. The male is smaller than the female, which has caused some confusion; the larger female was once thought to be the male. It's worth mentioning that emus not only lack the bright colors of cassowaries, but they also don't have the helmet or casque.

The late Mr. Gould's remarks on the edibility of the emeu are interesting. He says: "Its flesh has been compared to coarse beef, which it resembles, according to Mr. Cunningham, both in appearance and taste, and is good and sweet eating; nothing, indeed, {396}can be more delicate than the flesh of the young ones. There is little fit for culinary use upon any part of the emu, except the hindquarters, which are of such dimensions that the shouldering of the two hind legs homeward for a mile distance once proved to me as tiresome a task as I ever recollect to have encountered in the colony. I may remark that its flesh proved of the greatest service to Dr. Leichardt and his intrepid companions during their overland route from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, in the course of which, but more particularly between the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria and Port Essington, the sight and capture of the emu was almost a daily occurrence; so abundant, in fact, was it, that he states that he saw in the short space of eight miles at least a hundred, in flocks of three, five, ten, and even more at a time. On the continent of Australia the emu was formerly abundant about Botany Bay and Port Jackson Harbour, but is now only to be seen in the plains of the interior, over whose solitudes it roams in great numbers, and where it breeds, depending on the strength and swiftness of its legs to avoid the pursuit of the stockmen and their dogs. Farther and farther back, however, will it be driven, until it be extirpated, unless some law be instituted to check its wanton destruction."

The late Mr. Gould's comments on eating emu are quite interesting. He mentions: "Its meat has been compared to tough beef, which it resembles, according to Mr. Cunningham, both in look and flavor, and is good and tasty; in fact, nothing can be more tender than the meat of the young ones. There’s little else on the emu that's good for cooking, except for the hindquarters, which are so large that carrying the two hind legs home for a mile was one of the most exhausting tasks I remember encountering in the colony. I should note that its meat was very helpful to Dr. Leichardt and his brave companions during their journey from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, during which, especially between the Gulf of Carpentaria and Port Essington, spotting and catching emus was almost a daily event; in fact, it was so plentiful that he mentions seeing at least a hundred in just eight miles, in groups of three, five, ten, or even more at a time. On the Australian continent, emus used to be common around Botany Bay and Port Jackson Harbour, but now they're only found in the interior plains, where they roam in large numbers and breed, relying on their strong and fast legs to escape the stockmen and their dogs. However, they will continue to be pushed further back until they are completely gone unless some laws are put in place to stop their senseless killing."


Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq. [Philadelphia.



When feeding, the kiwi makes a sniffing sound, distinctly audible at some distance.

When eating, the kiwi makes a sniffing sound that's clearly heard from a distance.

In a wild state emeus take readily to the water, and have on more than one occasion been seen swimming across a wide river. The South American rhea is also known to be a good swimmer.

In the wild, emus easily take to the water and have been observed swimming across a wide river more than once. The South American rhea is also recognized as a good swimmer.

The Common Emeu is restricted to Eastern Australia. The opposite side of this great continent is inhabited by another and very distinct species, known as the Spotted Emeu.

The Common Emu is found only in Eastern Australia. On the other side of this vast continent lives a different species called the Spotted Emu.

The Apteryx.

The Kiwi.

To see the Apteryx at home, we should have to travel to far New Zealand, and to hunt with infinite patience when we got there. Apteryx-hunting, it has been found, to be successful, must be done by the help of dogs. Sir Walter Buller has written some very spirited accounts of such hunts. Europeans, indeed, have been singularly successful in this hunting, whereby they have done much to enhance the value of this bird by hastening its fast approaching and inevitable extermination.

To see the Kiwi in its natural habitat, we’d need to travel all the way to New Zealand and hunt for it with a lot of patience once we got there. It turns out that hunting Apteryx is most successful with the help of dogs. Sir Walter Buller has written some exciting accounts of these hunts. Europeans have actually been quite successful in this hunting, significantly increasing the value of this bird while speeding up its inevitable extinction.


Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.  [Philly.



This is the smallest of the kiwis.

This is the tiniest of the kiwis.

The natives call this bird the Kiwi, from its call-note, "ki-i-wi." These cries are uttered during the early hours of the night, ceasing after midnight. They appear to have great penetrating power.

The locals refer to this bird as the Kiwi, based on its call, "ki-i-wi." These calls are made in the early hours of the night, stopping after midnight. They seem to have a strong, resonant quality.




Game Birds and Rails.

It is not easy in a few words exactly to define a "game-bird." Anatomical details aside, the most characteristic features are the small head and moderately long neck, and a compact body, in which the wings, when folded, are almost entirely concealed. The hind toe is always present, and the claws are adapted for scratching purposes—that is to say, for scratching up the surface of the ground in the search for seeds as food. The wings are hollowed so as to fit close to the body, and the flight, which is noisy and never long-sustained, is nevertheless often exceedingly rapid. The young are hatched covered with down, and able to run in a few hours after birth.

It’s not easy to define a “game-bird” in just a few words. Setting aside anatomical details, the most distinguishing features are the small head, moderately long neck, and compact body, with wings that are almost completely hidden when folded. The hind toe is always there, and the claws are designed for scratching — specifically, for digging into the ground to find seeds to eat. The wings are shaped to fit snugly against the body, and while their flight is noisy and typically short-lived, it can be really fast. The young birds hatch covered in down and can run just a few hours after being born.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.


Red grouse.

This is one of the species in which the toes are feathered.

This is one of the species with feathered toes.

Grouse and Ptarmigan.

Grouse and Ptarmigan.

The birds of this group are distinguished by the feathery covering which clothes the feet. In some grouse, however, the toes are bare. This causes them to resemble the Pheasant group, from which they may be distinguished by the fact that the toes are fringed with horny processes forming a sort of comb.

The birds in this group are known for their feathered feet. However, some grouse have bare toes. This makes them look similar to the Pheasant group, but you can tell them apart because their toes are fringed with tough, comb-like structures.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.



In winter these birds don a snow-white livery.

In winter, these birds wear a snow-white coat.

The Red Grouse is the only game-bird which is not found outside the British Islands. It is the bird which perhaps heads the list in the estimation of British sportsmen, who travel north in hundreds every year for the pleasure of the sport it affords. It is furthermore remarkable for the wonderful variety of the seasonal plumages. Both sexes change their dress twice during the year—the female in spring and summer, and the male in autumn and winter. Its Continental relative, the Ryper, has no less than three changes—spring, summer, and winter. For the last season a white dress is adopted, to correspond with its snowy surroundings. The winters in the British Islands are neither long enough nor severe enough to render such change necessary with the red grouse, which is sufficiently protected by its ordinary dress.

The Red Grouse is the only game bird that isn't found outside the British Islands. It's the bird that probably tops the list for British sportsmen, who travel north in droves every year to enjoy the sport it provides. It's also notable for the amazing variety of its seasonal plumages. Both males and females change their appearance twice a year—the female in spring and summer, and the male in autumn and winter. Its relative on the continent, the Riper, undergoes three changes—spring, summer, and winter. For the winter season, it takes on a white appearance to blend in with the snowy landscape. The winters in the British Islands aren't long or harsh enough to require such a change for the red grouse, which is well camouflaged with its usual plumage.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.



This was once a common British bird. The present breed was introduced some years ago, the native birds having been exterminated.

This was once a common bird in Britain. The current breed was introduced some years ago, as the native birds have been wiped out.

The largest and perhaps the most interesting of all the European game-birds are the Capercallies, or Capercailzies. The British species is also known as the Cock-of-the-wood. He is a handsome black bird, nearly as big as a turkey, weighing from 9 to 17 lbs.

The largest and arguably the most fascinating of all the European game birds are the Capercaillies, or Capercaillies. The British version is also called the Capercaillie. It's a striking black bird, almost the size of a turkey, weighing between 9 and 17 lbs.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.


Common Partridge.

This is the commoner and more esteemed of the two species of British partridges.

This is the more typical and also the more respected of the two species of British partridges.

In the spring the capercallie, like the blackcock, indulges in a remarkable "love-song," or "play," as it is called. With outstretched neck, tail expanded like a fan, drooping wings, and ruffled feathers, he commences his call, "peller, peller, peller," increasing in rapidity every moment, till he works himself up into a perfect frenzy. At this time he is perfectly unconscious of all around him, and poachers, knowing this, sometimes take advantage to creep up and shoot him. On hearing the cock, the hens assemble from all parts of the forest. The male then descends from the tree to the ground, when "he and his {399}female friends join company" and march away. The capercallie is jealous of trespassers on his domain, and instances are on record where people have been attacked when so infringing.

In spring, the capercaillie, just like the black cock, engages in an impressive “love song” or “display,” as it’s referred to. With its neck stretched out, tail fanned out, drooping wings, and ruffled feathers, it starts calling, “peller, peller, peller,” increasing the pace with every moment until it works itself into a complete frenzy. During this time, it’s completely unaware of its surroundings, and poachers, aware of this, sometimes take the opportunity to sneak up and shoot it. When the male calls, the females gather from all over the forest. The male then descends from the tree to the ground, where “he and his {399}female friends join company” and head off together. The capercaillie gets protective of its territory, and there are records of people being attacked for trespassing.

Like the capercallie, the Blackcock must be sought in the woods, whence he sallies forth to the moors and stubble-fields to feed. The Grey-hen, as the female of this species is called, lays from six to ten eggs, of a buff colour, spotted with rich brown: both in number and colour they resemble those of the capercallie.

Like the capercaillie, the Blackcock needs to be looked for in the woods, from which it comes out to the moors and stubble fields to eat. The Grey hen, which is the female of this species, lays six to ten eggs that are a buff color with rich brown spots: both in number and color, they are similar to those of the capercaillie.

The naturalist Brehm gives a delightful account of the love-making of this bird. During the spring, he says, "the bird utters almost continuously the strangest noises. He holds his tail up and spreads it out like a fan, he lifts up his head and neck with all the feathers erect, and stretches his wings from the body. Then he takes a few jumps in different directions, sometimes in a circle, and presses the under part of his beak so hard against the ground that the chin-feathers are rubbed off. During these movements he beats his wings and turns round and round. The more ardent he grows, the more lively he becomes, until at last the bird appears like a frantic creature. At such times the blackcocks are so absorbed that they become almost blind and deaf, but less so than the capercallie."

The naturalist Brehm gives a delightful account of this bird's courtship. During spring, he says, "the bird makes almost continuous strange sounds. He raises his tail and spreads it out like a fan, lifts his head and neck with all his feathers standing up, and extends his wings away from his body. Then he hops around in different directions, sometimes in a circle, and presses the underside of his beak hard against the ground, wearing down the feathers on his chin. While doing this, he flaps his wings and spins around. The more passionate he gets, the more energetic he becomes, until eventually the bird looks like a crazed creature. At these times, the blackcocks are so focused that they become nearly blind and deaf, though not as much as the capercallie."

North America is very rich in large forms of grouse; and one of the most interesting of these is the Prairie-hen, remarkable for the possession of a pair of curious bags of a bright orange colour on each side of the neck, which can be inflated with air at will.

North America has a wealth of large grouse species, and one of the most fascinating is the Prairie chicken, known for having a pair of bright orange bags on each side of its neck that can be inflated with air at will.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.



This bird takes its name from its note—"Ah-Bob-White."

This bird gets its name from its sound—"Ah-Bob-White."

"Early in the morning," writes Captain Bendire of the prairie-hen, "you may see them assemble in parties, from a dozen to fifty together, on some dry knolls ... and their goings-on would make you laugh. The air-sacs are their ornaments, which they display ... before the gentler sex by blowing them up till they look like two ripe oranges ... projecting their long, black ears right forward, ruffling up all the feathers of the body till they stand out straight, and dropping their wings on the ground like a turkey-cock.... Then it is that the proud cock, in order to complete his triumph, will rush forward at his best speed ... through the midst of the love-sick damsels, pouring out as he goes a booming noise ... {400}which may be heard for at least two miles in the still morning air. Every few minutes this display is repeated ... but they seem careful not to run against each other, for they have not yet got to the fighting-point. After a little while the lady birds begin to show an interest in the proceedings, by moving about quickly a few yards at a time, and then standing still a short time. When these actions are continued by a large number of birds at a time, it presents a funny sight, and you can easily think they are moving to the measure of music."

"Early in the morning," writes Captain Bendire about the prairie-hen, "you can see them gather in groups ranging from a dozen to fifty on some dry hills ... and their antics will make you laugh. Their air sacs are like ornaments that they flaunt ... in front of the females by inflating them until they resemble two ripe oranges ... sticking their long, black ears straight out, fluffing up all their body feathers until they stand upright, and letting their wings droop to the ground like a turkey ... Then the proud male, to seal his victory, will charge forward at full speed ... right through the midst of the lovesick females, making a booming sound ... {400}that can be heard for at least two miles in the quiet morning air. Every few minutes, this display gets repeated ... but they seem careful not to bump into each other, as they haven't reached the fighting stage yet. After a short while, the females start to show interest in what's happening, moving a few yards at a time and then pausing briefly. When many birds do this together, it creates a humorous scene, and you can easily imagine they are moving to some kind of music."


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


Golden Pheasant.

This bird is often kept in aviaries, on account of its magnificent livery.

This bird is often kept in aviaries because of its stunning appearance.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Golden Pheasant.

This bird is moulting. In full dress the cape seen in the upper figure is golden with blue-black bars.

This bird is shedding its feathers. In full plumage, the cape shown in the upper image is golden with blue-black stripes.

The prairie-hens of America possess great economic value, as great, indeed, as the red grouse of the British Islands, enormous numbers of prairie-hens being exported to Europe every year, whilst still greater numbers are consumed by the American people themselves. It is said that American grouse will sometimes eat the shoots of a plant called kalmia, which renders the flesh poisonous.

The prairie-hens of America hold significant economic value, comparable to that of the red grouse from the British Islands, with vast quantities of prairie-hens being exported to Europe each year, while even larger numbers are eaten by the American population. It's said that American grouse will occasionally eat the shoots of a plant called kalmia, which makes their flesh toxic.

The Sage-grouse is a rather large bird, attaining a weight of 8 lbs., found in the Western United States; it is, indeed, the largest of the American grouse. Its courting habits resemble those of the prairie-hens. From the book containing the above lively description we cull the following:—

The Sage-grouse is a pretty large bird, weighing around 8 lbs., found in the Western United States; it's actually the biggest of the American grouse. Its mating rituals are similar to those of the prairie-hens. From the book containing this vivid description, we take the following:—


Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Silver Pheasant.

A silver pheasant is embroidered as a badge on mandarins' dresses.

A silver pheasant is stitched as a badge on the dresses of mandarins.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.



These birds are of the ring-necked variety.

These birds are of the ring-necked type.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Reeves's Pheasant.

This is a native of North and West China, and has been introduced into Britain.

This is native to North and West China and has been brought to Britain.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. Parson's Green.


Golden Pheasant.

The female is soberly clad, and has no crest or cape.

The woman is dressed modestly and has no crown or cloak.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

*Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.* Regent's Park.


Amherst's Pheasant.

This bird is moulting: in full dress the cape is white and the crest blood-red.

This bird is molting: when fully dressed, the cape is white and the crest is bright red.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



These pheasants take their name from the eye-like spots on the wings.

These pheasants are named for the eye-like spots on their wings.


"Early one morning in the first week in March, 1877, I had the long-wished-for opportunity to observe the actions of a single cock while paying court to several females near him.... His large, pale yellow air-sacs were fully inflated, and not only extended forward but apparently upward as well, rising at least an inch above his head, which consequently was scarcely noticeable, giving the bird an exceedingly peculiar appearance. He looked decidedly top-heavy and ready to topple over on the slightest provocation." He then proceeds to describe the further preparations designed for conquest. The tail is spread fan-wise, and animated with a peculiar quivering motion, whilst the wings are trailed upon the ground. When the correct position has been assumed, he advances with stately, hesitating steps towards his mate, uttering, as he moves, "low, grunting, guttural sounds" resembling those of a purring cat, but louder. This, apparently, is the prescribed method of courting; of many suitors, he is selected who performs best.

"Early one morning in the first week of March 1877, I finally got the chance I had been waiting for to watch a single male bird court several females nearby. His large, pale yellow air sacs were fully inflated, extending not just forward but also upward, rising at least an inch above his head, making it hard to see his head at all and giving him a really strange look. He appeared very top-heavy and ready to fall over with the slightest nudge. He then goes on to describe the additional preparations for winning her over. His tail fans out and shakes in a unique quivering motion, while his wings drag on the ground. Once he gets into the right position, he walks forward with slow, hesitant steps toward his mate, making “low, grunting, guttural sounds” that are similar to a purring cat but louder. This seems to be the typical way to court; among many suitors, the one who performs the best is chosen."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Temminck's Tragopan.

Tragopans are remarkable for a fleshy horn above each eye, not noticeable save when the bird is excited.

Tragopans are notable for a fleshy horn above each eye, which isn't visible unless the bird is excited.

The Ruffed Grouse, like the prairie-hen, has the neck, in the male, ornamented with a frill of long feathers. Like many other birds, the female, when danger, in the shape of prowling beasts, threatens her eggs or young, simulates lameness. So soon as the enemy approaches near enough to be dangerous, up she gets with a great noise of wings, and then flutters along the ground as though wounded. The would-be captor is thus led far from the jealously guarded treasures, and when a safe distance has been covered an end is speedily put to this will-o'-the-wisp chase by the bird suddenly taking wing.

The Ruffed Grouse, similar to the prairie-hen, has a male with a neck adorned by a frill of long feathers. Like many other birds, the female pretends to be injured when she senses danger, like prowling predators threatening her eggs or young. As soon as the threat gets close enough to be risky, she takes off with a loud flap of her wings and then flutters awkwardly along the ground as if she's hurt. This way, the would-be attacker is redirected away from her precious nest, and once she's a safe distance away, she quickly ends the ruse by flying off.

Partridges, Quails, and Pheasants.

Partridges, quails, and pheasants.

The birds which come under this head are so many in number they may be reckoned by the hundred, and include several forms of exquisite beauty. The legs of many are armed with formidable spurs, with which the males, who are exceedingly pugnacious, fight furiously with their rivals for the possession of some coveted female.

The birds that fit into this category are so numerous they can be counted in the hundreds and include several stunning varieties. Many have powerful spurs on their legs, which the aggressive males use to fiercely battle their rivals for the chance to mate with a desired female.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Chinese Tragopan.

The scarlet plumage of some of the Tragopans is most gorgeous.

The bright red feathers of some Tragopans are absolutely stunning.

Of the more conspicuous forms we may mention the Red-legged and Common Partridges. In England the former is known more generally as the French Partridge—why, it is hard to say. It is a native of South-eastern Europe, whence it was introduced towards the end of the eighteenth century. It is a handsome bird, but not in high favour with sportsmen, since it prefers to escape by running rather than by flight.

Of the more noticeable types, we can mention the Red-legged and Common Partridges. In England, the former is more commonly called the French Partridge—it's difficult to say why. It's originally from Southeastern Europe, where it was brought in around the late eighteenth century. It's an attractive bird, but not very popular with hunters since it tends to run away instead of flying off.


The Common Partridge is the more abundant of the two species. Though more sober in coloration, it is still a beautiful bird. The "horse-shoe" mark, borne on the breast, so characteristic of this bird, is not confined to the males, as is generally believed. "Yielding," says Professor Newton, "perhaps in economic importance to the red grouse, what may be called the social influence of the partridge is greater than that excited by any other wild bird."

The Common Quail is the more numerous of the two species. Although it has a more muted color palette, it is still a stunning bird. The "horse-shoe" mark on its breast, which is so typical of this bird, is not limited to the males, as is often thought. "While," says Professor Newton, "it may be considered economically less important than the red grouse, the social impact of the partridge is greater than that of any other wild bird."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Himalayan Monal.

In some parts of India this bird has been exterminated, owing to the demands of the plume-market.

In some parts of India, this bird has been wiped out because of the demands of the feather market.

This bird displays great courage and affection in defence of its eggs or young. A story illustrating this is told of a gentleman near Spilsby, in Lincolnshire, who, "whilst superintending his ploughmen, saw a partridge glide off her nest, so near the foot of one of his plough-horses that he thought the eggs must be crushed; this, however, was not the case.... He saw the old bird return to her nest the instant he left the spot. It was evident that the next round of the plough must bury the eggs and nest in the furrow. His surprise was great when, returning with the plough, he came to the spot and saw the nest indeed, but the eggs and bird were gone. An idea struck him that she had removed her eggs; and he found her, before he left the field, sitting under the hedge upon twenty-one eggs.... The round of ploughing had occupied about twenty minutes, in which time she, probably aided by the cock bird, had removed the twenty-one eggs to a distance of about forty yards."

This bird shows incredible bravery and care when it comes to protecting its eggs or young. A story that illustrates this comes from a man near Spilsby in Lincolnshire, who, while supervising his ploughmen, saw a partridge quickly leave her nest so close to one of his plough horses that he thought the eggs might be crushed; however, that wasn't the case.... He noticed the mother bird return to her nest as soon as he left the area. It was clear that the next pass of the plough would bury the eggs and the nest. He was very surprised when he returned with the plough to find the nest still there, but the eggs and the bird were gone. It occurred to him that she had moved her eggs, and before he left the field, he found her sitting under the hedge on twenty-one eggs.... The ploughing took about twenty minutes, during which she, likely helped by the male bird, had moved the twenty-one eggs about forty yards away.

The Red-legged Partridges, their allies the Francolins, and the Grey Partridges are all ground-birds; the Tree-partridges, as the name implies, are not, or at least less completely so—hence their mention here. They are natives of the Indo-Chinese countries, and the islands of Java, Borneo, and Formosa.

The Red-legged Partridges, along with their relatives the Francolins and the Grey Partridges, are all ground-dwelling birds; the Tree partridges, as their name suggests, aren't fully ground-based, which is why they are included here. They are native to the countries of Indo-China, as well as the islands of Java, Borneo, and Formosa.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Himalayan Monal

The female of the monal is quite soberly clad.

The female monal is dressed quite modestly.

The Quail is a little-known British bird, very like a small partridge in appearance. Enormous numbers, Professor Newton tells us, "are netted on the Continent, especially in the spring migration. The captives are exposed in the poulterers' shops, confined in long, cloth-covered cages, with a feeding-trough in front." The bulk "of these are males, which are the first to arrive, and advantage is taken of this circumstance by the bird-catchers, who decoy hundreds into their nets by imitating the call-note of the female. It has been stated that in the small island of Capri, in the Bay of Naples, 160,000 have been netted in a single season, and even larger numbers are on record." An idea of the vast numbers which travel together in {404}migration may be gathered from Canon Tristram's statement that in Algeria, in April, he found the ground covered with quails for an extent of many acres at daybreak, where on the preceding afternoon not one was to be seen. These are the birds which were so eagerly seized by the Israelites as a welcome change in the diet which had become so monotonous in the days of their early wanderings. The story, so vividly told in the Book of Exodus, is, of course, familiar to all.

The Quail is a little-known British bird that resembles a small partridge. Professor Newton informs us that "huge numbers are caught on the Continent, especially during the spring migration. The captured birds are displayed in poulterers' shops, kept in long, cloth-covered cages with a feeding trough in front." Most of these are males, which are the first to arrive, and bird-catchers take advantage of this by luring hundreds into their nets by mimicking the female's call. It has been reported that in the small island of Capri, in the Bay of Naples, 160,000 quails were netted in a single season, with even larger numbers recorded. An idea of the massive flocks that travel together during {404}migration can be gathered from Canon Tristram's account that in Algeria, in April, he found the ground covered with quails covering many acres at daybreak, where not a single one was spotted the afternoon before. These are the birds that the Israelites eagerly captured as a welcome change from their monotonous diet during their early wanderings. The story, vividly depicted in the Book of Exodus, is familiar to everyone.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


Red Cochins.

The wings in the typical Cochins are so short as to be useless.

The wings on typical Cochins are so short that they are practically useless.

The quail lays from nine to fifteen eggs in a feeble apology for a nest. It is said that the curious metallic note "clic-lic-lic" gave origin to the Spanish castanet, for these birds are much esteemed in Spain, being kept in cages for the pleasure their notes afford.

The quail lays between nine and fifteen eggs in a weak attempt at a nest. It’s said that the intriguing metallic sound “clic-lic-lic” inspired the Spanish castanet, as these birds are highly valued in Spain and are kept in cages for the enjoyment their calls provide.

There are five or six other species of quail closely related to the above. The British bird enjoys an enormous range, being found almost everywhere in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The so-called American Quails—some forty species in number—are generally regarded as belonging to a distinct group.

There are five or six other species of quail closely related to those mentioned above. The British bird has a wide range, being found almost everywhere in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The so-called American Quails—about forty species—are usually considered to belong to a different group.

That ornament to all rural scenery, the Pheasant, is said to have been introduced from the banks of the river Phasis, in Colchis, Transcaucasia, by the Romans—at least, the original form of pheasant was. Late during the eighteenth century a Japanese and a Chinese form were introduced, and these have freely interbred with the original form, so that pure-bred specimens of any of the three are rare.

That beautiful addition to all rural landscapes, the Pheasant, is believed to have been brought in from the banks of the river Phasis in Colchis, Transcaucasia, by the Romans—at least, the original type of pheasant was. Later, in the eighteenth century, Japanese and Chinese varieties were introduced, and these have freely interbred with the original type, making pure-bred specimens of any of the three quite rare.

The speed of a pheasant on the wing in full flight has been estimated at thirty-eight miles an hour. Occasionally pheasants will take to the water, and are said to swim well.

The speed of a pheasant in full flight has been estimated at thirty-eight miles per hour. Occasionally, pheasants will take to the water and are known to swim well.

The number of pheasants reared by hand at the present day is prodigious. In 1883, Professor Newton tells us, 134,000 pheasants' eggs were sold from one estate in Norfolk, while 9,700 fully grown birds were killed upon it. In olden times pheasants were taken in snares or nets, by hawking, and by the cross-bow; but on the introduction of guns these methods were superseded.

The number of pheasants raised by hand today is incredible. In 1883, Professor Newton tells us that 134,000 pheasant eggs were sold from a single estate in Norfolk, while 9,700 fully grown birds were killed there. In the past, pheasants were captured using snares or nets, through hawking, and with crossbows; but once guns were introduced, those methods became outdated.

Yet another form of pheasant has been introduced into Britain of late years. This is Reeves's Pheasant, a truly magnificent bird, with a tail fully 5 feet long in adult males. These birds also interbreed with the more common forms, but not freely.

Yet another type of pheasant has been brought to Britain in recent years. This is Reeves's Pheasant, a truly stunning bird, with a tail that can reach up to 5 feet long in adult males. These birds also interbreed with the more common types, but not extensively.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.


Brown Leghorn Rooster.

This breed has been derived by crossing White Leghorns with Game-fowl.

This breed was created by crossing White Leghorns with game fowl.

Beautiful as these pheasants undoubtedly are, they are eclipsed by many of their relatives. Among the most noteworthy of these we may notice the magnificent Tragopans. Rich in coloration of the feathers, these birds have added an additional feature in brilliantly coloured areas of bare skin on the head and neck, which are furthermore rendered conspicuous by being developed with "horns" and wattles. These "horns" can be erected at will, a process which causes them at the same time to be greatly increased in size. The bird, with a proud consciousness of his beauty, displays his charms to the full when wooing. Mr Bartlett tells us that, "after walking about rather excitedly, he places himself in front of the female, with the body slightly crouching upon the legs, and the tail bent downwards; the head is then violently jerked downwards, and the horns and wattle become conspicuous. The wings have a flapping motion, and the bright red patch on them is fully displayed. The whole of the neck appears to be larger than usual during this action, so do the horns, which, moreover, vibrate with every motion. This scene is concluded by the bird suddenly drawing himself up to his full height, with his wings expanded and quivering, the horns erect, and the wattles fully displayed."

As beautiful as these pheasants are, they are overshadowed by many of their relatives. Among the most remarkable are the stunning Tragopans. With their vibrant feather colors, these birds also have brightly colored areas of bare skin on their heads and necks, made even more striking by the presence of "horns" and wattles. These "horns" can be raised at will, making them appear much larger. The bird proudly shows off his beauty while courting. Mr. Bartlett tells us that after walking around excitedly, he positions himself in front of the female, crouching slightly on his legs with his tail down. He then jerks his head downward violently, making his horns and wattles stand out. His wings flap, revealing the bright red patch on them. During this display, the entire neck looks larger than normal, as do the horns, which also vibrate with every movement. The performance ends with the bird suddenly standing tall, wings spread and quivering, horns raised, and wattles fully on display.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.


Silver-Spangled Hamburgs.

This bird apparently originated in England.

This bird apparently originated in England.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.



The Brama is an Asiatic breed.

The Brahma is an Asian breed.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



This is an American breed, derived by crossing with the Brama.

This is an American breed, created by crossing with the Brahma.

Equally splendid, some think more so, are the four species of pheasant known as Monals or Impeyan Pheasants. The plumage in this case looks like burnished metal rather than feathers. The head is adorned with a crest either of long or beautifully curled feathers. Monals are found in the same haunts as the tragopans—the highest forest regions of the Himalaya.

Equally impressive, some might say even more so, are the four species of pheasant known as Monals or Impeyan Pheasants. Their plumage resembles shiny metal more than feathers. The head features a crest made up of either long or beautifully curled feathers. Monals inhabit the same areas as the tragopans—the highest forest regions of the Himalayas.

But the most gorgeous of all the Pheasant Tribe are perhaps the Golden Pheasants. The crimson body and exquisitely beautiful collar of gold barred with black constitute a perfectly royal livery. Since, however, these are amongst the commonest occupants of the aviary, we need not describe them further here. They are natives of China and Tibet.

But the most stunning of all the Pheasant family are probably the Golden pheasants. Their crimson body and beautifully designed gold collar with black stripes create a truly royal look. However, since they are among the most common residents of the aviary, we don’t need to describe them any further here. They are native to China and Tibet.

Jungle-fowl and their Domesticated Descendants.

Junglefowl and their Domesticated Descendants.

These birds, of which there are four distinct species, are close allies of the domesticated fowls: the descent of these latter, indeed, is traced from the red jungle-fowl of the Himalaya and Central India. The characteristic features of the group are the naked head, bearing the familiar wattles and fleshy comb, and the formidable spurs on the legs.

These birds, which include four different species, are closely related to domesticated chickens. In fact, domestic chickens are descended from the red jungle fowl found in the Himalayas and Central India. The key characteristics of this group are their bare heads, which have the well-known wattles and fleshy comb, and the strong spurs on their legs.

The varieties of the domesticated jungle-fowl are numerous. The pugnacity of the {407}members known as the Game-breed is well known, and in the days of cock-fighting large sums of money changed hands over the fierce battles waged by rival game-cocks pitted one against the other—the game-cock, it should be remarked, being the little-modified descendant of the red jungle-cock.

The varieties of domesticated jungle fowl are many. The aggression of the {407} members known as the Game-bred is well known, and during the era of cockfighting, large amounts of money were exchanged over the fierce battles fought by competing game cocks placed against each other—the game cock, it should be noted, is the slightly modified descendant of the red jungle cock.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.



Note the perfectly symmetrical distribution of the "eyes" in the "train."

Note the perfectly symmetrical distribution of the "eyes" in the "train."

The modern game-cock is purely a show-bird, breeders having changed the type by selecting characters which would render the bird quite unable to hold its own if matched in battle with one of the original breed.

The modern gamecock is just a showbird; breeders have altered its type by choosing traits that would make the bird totally incapable of competing in a fight against one of the original breed.

Very different from the wild ancestor is the huge, much-feathered Cochin. This was introduced into England, not from Cochin-China, as is popularly supposed, but from Shanghai, some fifty years ago. At that time this bird enjoyed the reputation of being wonderfully prolific. This is, alas! no longer a feature of the breed. The show-pen is apparently responsible for this, attention having been paid rather to external appearance than to useful qualities.

Very different from its wild ancestor is the huge, heavily-feathered Kochi. This breed was brought to England, not from Cochin-China as commonly believed, but from Shanghai about fifty years ago. Back then, this bird was known for being remarkably prolific. Unfortunately, that characteristic is no longer a trait of the breed. The show-pen seems to be to blame, as more focus has been placed on looks rather than practical qualities.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. North Finchley.


Peacock from the back.

Note the true tail, like a stout fan, supporting the train.

Note the real tail, like a sturdy fan, supporting the train.

The Plymouth Rock and Dorking are both well-known breeds. The former is of American origin, made by crossing Cochins with a native breed—the Dominique.

The Plymouth Rock and Dorking are both popular breeds. The former is American, created by crossing Cochins with a local breed—the Dominique.

The Black Spanish, Minorcas, Leghorns, Andalusians, etc., constitute what are known as the Mediterranean breeds. They are noted for their great prolificacy. This has been gained by carefully breeding from the most productive birds, but with the result that the instinct to sit has been lost entirely. This is a matter of no consequence, however, as when chicks are required there are plenty of "broody" hens of other breeds which can be made to undertake the duties of foster-mother.

The Black Spanish, Minorcas, Leghorn chickens, Andalusians, and others make up what are called the Mediterranean breeds. They are known for being very prolific. This has been achieved by carefully breeding the most productive birds, but as a result, the instinct to sit has been completely lost. However, this isn’t an issue, since when chicks are needed, there are plenty of "broody" hens from other breeds that can take on the role of foster mother.


The Hamburgs are of two kinds—the Spangled, which is of English, and the Pencilled, of Continental origin.

The Hamburgers come in two types—the Sparkly, which is English, and the Penciled, which has Continental roots.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Black-chested crested guinea fowl.

At Durban these birds are often hawked by Kaffir hunters, the flesh being very delicate and much esteemed.

At Durban, these birds are often hunted by local hunters, as their meat is very tender and highly valued.

A very old breed is the Polish. It figures often in the pictures of the old Dutch masters. One of its chief characteristics is the huge crest of feathers rising from the crown of the head. The development of this crest has had a very extraordinary effect upon the conformation of the bones of the skull, entirely altering the shape of the brain-case.

A very old breed is the Polish. It often appears in the artwork of the old Dutch masters. One of its main features is the large crest of feathers that rises from the top of its head. The growth of this crest has had an unusual impact on the structure of the skull bones, completely changing the shape of the braincase.

Perhaps the most artificial of all breeds of fowl are the Sebright Bantams. These are diminutive birds, the result of a cross between the Polish with "laced" feathers and a bantam. The feathers of this cross are beautifully "laced"—that is, they are white, edged with black. Another interesting diminutive breed is the Japanese Bantam. The cock carries its tail, which is long, remarkably high, giving a very quaint effect. This breed is further interesting, since it furnishes us with an instance of the breeder's power of localising colour by selection. The tail is black and the body white. Yet another interesting Japanese fowl is the remarkable long-tailed breed in which the tail-coverts grow continuously, attaining a length of from 9 feet to, it is said, 18 feet. The birds are kept for show purposes. The greater part of their lives is passed tethered on high perches. Once a day they are taken down for exercise, when the long feathers are carefully rolled up and securely fastened out of harm's way.

Perhaps the most artificial of all bird breeds are the Sebright Bantams. These are tiny birds that result from crossing Polish chickens with "laced" feathers and a bantam. The feathers from this cross are stunningly "laced"—that is, they are white with black edges. Another interesting small breed is the Japanese Bantam. The male has a long tail that is held remarkably high, creating a very charming effect. This breed is especially noteworthy because it showcases the breeder's ability to select and localize color. The tail is black while the body is white. Yet another fascinating Japanese bird is the unique long-tailed breed, where the tail feathers grow continuously, reaching lengths of 9 to, reportedly, 18 feet. These birds are kept for display purposes. Most of their lives are spent tethered to high perches, and once a day, they are taken down for some exercise, during which their long feathers are carefully rolled up and secured out of the way.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Black-chested crested guinea fowl.

This is a black bird, with light blue spots.

This is a black bird with light blue spots.

The Argus-pheasant and Peacock and their Allies.

The Argus Pheasant, Peacock, and their Relatives.

The Argus-pheasant most certainly demands notice, on account of the extraordinary development of the wing-quills, which are nearly a yard long, and the wondrous beauty of the pattern thereon. This pattern takes the form of a number of eyes, so shaded as to give the appearance, when fully displayed, of a number of balls lying in a socket. These enormous quills are borne only by the male, and used, like the ornamental feathers of its allies, in captivating the female. When fully displayed, the two wings are spread out to form one huge fan, producing an effect which words cannot adequately describe. The argus-pheasants are found in the forests of Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra, and are excessively wary birds.

The Argus pheasant definitely deserves attention because of its incredible wing feathers, which are almost a yard long, and the stunning patterns on them. This pattern resembles multiple eyes that are shaded to create the illusion of several balls sitting in a socket when fully opened. Only the male has these massive feathers, which he uses, like the showy feathers of his relatives, to attract the female. When fully displayed, the two wings spread out into a massive fan, creating an effect that words can't really capture. Argus-pheasants are found in the forests of Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra, and they are very cautious birds.

The Peacock is too well known to need a very long description. But a word as to the so-called "tail." This magnificent wealth {409}of plumes does not represent the tail, as is popularly supposed, but is made up of the feathers of the lower part of the back and the upper tail-coverts. These gradually increase in length from before-backwards, culminating in the long and exquisite feathers which form the circumference of the huge, outspread shield. This shield is properly called the "train"; the true tail lies behind it and acts as a support. When the bird is about to display, the "train" feathers are slowly and gently raised till the well-known fan-shaped glory of green and gold and blue is exposed to the fullest possible extent.

The Peacock is too famous to need a long description. However, it’s worth mentioning the so-called "tail." This stunning display {409} of feathers doesn’t actually represent the tail, as many people think. Instead, it consists of feathers from the lower back and upper tail-coverts. These feathers gradually get longer from front to back, ending in the long, beautiful feathers that create the large, spread-out shield. This shield is correctly referred to as the "train"; the real tail is hidden behind it and serves as a support. When the bird is about to show off, the "train" feathers are raised slowly and gently until the famous fan-shaped display of green, gold, and blue is fully revealed.


Photo by the Duchess of Bedford. 

Photo by the Duchess of Bedford.



This is made by several birds, of decaying vegetable matter, in which the eggs are laid and left to hatch.

This is made by several birds from rotting plant material, where the eggs are laid and left to hatch.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



The curious "tassel" depending from the breast is found in no other bird.

The curious "tassel" hanging from the chest is found in no other bird.

"Watch the bird trying to do his best to persuade his chosen what a handsome fellow he is. He first places himself more or less in front of her, but at some little distance off; and then, watching his opportunity, walks rapidly backwards, going faster and faster and faster, till, arrived within a foot, he suddenly, like a flash, turns round and displays to the full his truly gorgeous vestments. This turning movement is accompanied by a violent shaking of the train, the quills of which rattle like the pattering of rain upon leaves. Often this movement is followed by a loud scream.

"Watch the bird trying his best to convince his mate what a handsome guy he is. He first positions himself a bit in front of her, but at a safe distance; then, waiting for the right moment, he quickly walks backward, going faster and faster until he’s just a foot away. At that point, he suddenly spins around and shows off his stunning feathers. This spin is accompanied by a vigorous shake of his tail, the feathers rattling like rain on leaves. Often, this movement is followed by a loud scream."

"When the train is fully erect, it will be noticed that it lies so far forward that the bird's head and neck appear as if rising from its base. In a side view the whole body, from the front of the wings backwards, appears to lie behind the train."

"When the train is fully up, you'll see it leans forward enough that the bird's head and neck look like they're emerging from its base. From the side, the entire body, from the front of the wings back, seems to sit behind the train."

This bird is a native of India, where it is held in great reverence by the Hindus, and {410}in the Hindu States it is not allowed to be killed under any circumstances. There are two, some say three, distinct species of peacock, but they all closely resemble one another.

This bird is native to India, where it's highly respected by Hindus, and {410}in the Hindu states, killing it is forbidden under any circumstances. There are two, or some say three, distinct species of peacock, but they all look very similar to one another.


Photo by Kerry & Co.]  [Sydney.

Photo by Kerry & Co.]  [Sydney.



This bird buries its eggs in the sand, burrowing for each a slanting hole from 3 to 4 feet deep.

This bird digs nests for its eggs in the sand, creating a slanted hole that is about 3 to 4 feet deep for each one.

Brief mention will serve for the Guinea-fowls and Turkeys, since they are well known to us all. Guinea-fowls are African birds. The farmyard form, popularly known as "Come-backs," from their peculiar cry "come-back, come-back, come-back," is a descendant of the common helmeted form, of which type there are eight distinct species. Besides these are four crested species; one very beautiful species known as the Vulture-like Guinea-fowl; and one, the rarest of all, known as the Black Guinea-fowl. Even in the British Museum, writes Mr. Ogilvie Grant, "there are only two examples of it, and neither of these are perfect specimens." It was discovered by M. Du Chaillu. "One day," he says, "I went out hunting by myself, and, to my great joy, shot another new bird, a black wild-fowl, one of the most singular birds I have seen in Africa.... The head, where it is bare, is in the female of a pink hue, and in the male of a bright scarlet.... Wild they are, and most difficult to approach, and rare, even in the forests where they are at home." They do not travel in huge flocks, like other guinea-fowls, but a male and two females at most.

A brief mention will do for the Guinea fowl and Turkeys, as they are well-known to everyone. Guinea fowl are African birds. The farmyard variety, commonly called "Come-backs," gets its name from their distinctive call "come-back, come-back, come-back," and is a descendant of the typical helmeted type, which has eight different species. In addition to these, there are four crested species, one very beautiful type called the Vulture-like guineafowl, and one that is the rarest of all, known as the Black guineafowl. According to Mr. Ogilvie Grant, "even in the British Museum, there are only two examples of it, and neither of these are perfect specimens." It was discovered by M. Du Chaillu. He writes, "One day, I went out hunting alone, and, to my great joy, shot another new bird, a black wild-fowl, one of the most unusual birds I’ve seen in Africa.... The head, where it is bare, is pink in the female and bright scarlet in the male.... They are wild, very hard to approach, and rare, even in the forests where they are native." They don’t travel in large flocks like other guinea-fowls, but rather in small groups of a male and at most two females.

The familiar form of the Turkey scarcely needs description; but most people are probably puzzled by its name. Why Turkey? The bird is a native of America, so it certainly cannot have anything to do with its place of origin. Professor Newton has it that it is on account of its call-note, "to be syllabled 'turk, turk, turk,' whereby it may almost be said to have named itself."

The familiar shape of the Turkey hardly needs explaining; however, most people are likely confused by its name. Why is it called Turkey? The bird comes from America, so it definitely can’t be related to its birthplace. Professor Newton suggests that it’s because of its call, which sounds like "turk, turk, turk," making it seem like it almost named itself.

The domesticated turkey is descended from the Mexican Turkey, and was probably introduced into Europe during the sixteenth century. This, according to Captain Bendire, is a mountain-living species, and still abundant in the wilder portions of Western Texas and New Mexico. It appears to attain greater bulk than its domesticated descendant, Captain Bendire having recorded a specimen shot by himself which weighed 28 lbs. after having been drawn, and heavier birds are said to occur occasionally.

The domesticated turkey comes from the Turkey Tacos and was likely brought to Europe in the sixteenth century. According to Captain Bendire, this species lives in mountainous areas and is still plentiful in the more remote regions of Western Texas and New Mexico. It seems to grow larger than its domesticated version, with Captain Bendire noting that he once shot a specimen that weighed 28 lbs. after being cleaned, and even heavier birds are reported to show up from time to time.

The Mexicans say that the coyotes catch turkeys by running in circles under the tree in which they are roosting, till the birds get dizzy with watching them, and fall down into the open mouths below!

The Mexicans say that coyotes catch turkeys by running in circles under the tree where the birds are roosting until the birds get dizzy from watching them and fall into the open mouths below!

There are three distinct kinds of turkey—the Mexican, American, and Honduras Turkey. The last is a very fine bird, with a bright blue head and neck, instead of red. The top of the head is adorned with numerous scarlet, berry-like warts, looking like holly-berries.

There are three main types of turkey—the Mexican food, American, and Honduran Turkey. The latter is a really impressive bird, featuring a vibrant blue head and neck instead of red. The top of its head is decorated with many scarlet, berry-like bumps that resemble holly berries.

The Bob-whites, which belong to the group of tooth-billed game-birds known as American Partridges and Quails, demand a brief reference here. The species represented in the illustration on page 399 is common in the lowlands of Texas. It is a very unsuspicious bird, and in consequence falls an easy prey to foxes, hariers, and rattlesnakes, the last-named being the worst enemies, as many as five of these unfortunate birds having been taken at one time from the stomach of one of these monsters, and on another occasion a female and half a dozen of her eggs were similarly discovered.

The Quail, which are part of the tooth-billed game-bird family called American Partridges and Quails, deserve a quick mention here. The species shown in the illustration on page 399 is commonly found in the lowlands of Texas. It's a very trusting bird, which makes it an easy target for foxes, harriers, and rattlesnakes, the last of which are the worst threats. In fact, as many as five of these unfortunate birds have been found at once in the stomach of a single rattlesnake, and on another occasion, a female and six of her eggs were similarly discovered.


The Megapodes and Brush-turkeys, though dull and uninteresting-looking birds, are, on account of the facts connected with the propagation of their species, quite remarkable. They do not brood over their eggs, as do other birds, but instead bury them, either in sand in the neighbourhood of warm springs or in heaps of decaying vegetable matter. In the latter case the material is often collected by several birds working together. Mounds of 8 feet high and 60 feet in circumference have been found, the work of the Nicobar Megapode. Such have been many years in use, material being added each season. Into this mass the female digs down and deposits an egg every second day, covering it up as soon as laid. There it remains till hatched, when the young, probably aided by its mother, forces its way up to the surface, and emerges, not a downy nestling as one would expect, but clothed with feathers differing but slightly in texture from those worn in the adult state. Owing to the precocious development, young megapodes are able to fly within an hour after birth.

The Megapods and Brush turkeys may seem dull and uninteresting at first glance, but they are actually quite remarkable when it comes to how they reproduce. Unlike other birds, they don’t incubate their eggs; instead, they bury them in sand near warm springs or in piles of decomposing plant matter. In the latter case, several birds often work together to gather the material. Huge mounds, some reaching 8 feet high and 60 feet wide, have been created by the Nicobar Megapode. These mounds can be used for many years, with fresh material added each season. The female digs into this mound and lays an egg every other day, covering it up immediately after. The egg sits there until it hatches, and when the young one breaks free, it doesn’t emerge as a fluffy nestling like you’d expect, but rather is already covered in feathers that are only slightly different in texture from the adult feathers. Because of this early development, young megapodes are capable of flying within an hour after they are born.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Razor-Billed Curassow.

So called from the sharp ridge along the top of the beak.

So named for the sharp ridge along the top of the beak.

There are many different kinds of megapodes occurring in Australia, Samoa, and the Nicobar and Philippine Islands.

There are many different types of megapodes found in Australia, Samoa, and the Nicobar and Philippine Islands.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Crested curassow.

So called from its crest of curled feathers.

So named for its tuft of curled feathers.

The Curassows and Guans are very handsome birds, but probably quite unknown to most of our readers, yet they may always be seen in Zoological Gardens. They are closely related to the megapodes, which we have just been discussing; but their nesting habits are quite different. They lay their eggs in nests, either on the ground or in trees, and brood over them like other birds. Many have brilliantly coloured bare skin on the head and handsome crests. They are natives of Central and South America, where they are often kept by the settlers, as they tame easily. It is said that one of the guans, when crossed with the domesticated fowl, becomes intensely pugnacious, and superior to the game-cock for fighting purposes.

The Curassows and Guans are really attractive birds, but probably not familiar to most of our readers; still, you can always find them in zoos. They are closely related to the megapodes we just talked about, but their nesting behaviors are quite different. They lay their eggs in nests, either on the ground or in trees, and sit on them like other birds do. Many have brightly colored bare skin on their heads and beautiful crests. They are native to Central and South America, where settlers often keep them because they are easy to tame. It’s said that one type of guan, when bred with domestic chickens, becomes extremely aggressive and even better than gamecocks for fighting purposes.

Bustard-quail and Plain-wanderers.

Bustard-quail and Plain Wanderers.

These are small and quail-like in appearance, though they are probably only distant relatives of the Game-birds. But they are, nevertheless, remarkable birds. A great authority, Mr. A. O. Hume, writing of the Indian Bustard-quail, says of them: "The most remarkable point in the life-history of these bustard-quails is the extraordinary fashion in which, amongst them, the position of the sexes is reversed. The females are the larger and handsomer birds. The females only call, the females only fight—natives say that they fight for the males, and probably this is true. The males ... only ... sit upon the eggs, the females meanwhile larking about, calling, and fighting, without any care for their obedient mates; and, lastly, the males tend ... the young brood."

These birds are small and resemble quails, although they’re likely just distant relatives of game birds. However, they are still remarkable. A well-known expert, Mr. A. O. Hume, wrote about the Indian Bustard-Quail, saying: "The most notable aspect of their life cycle is the unusual reversal of the sexes. The females are larger and more attractive. Only the females call and fight—locals say they fight for the males, and that seems accurate. The males ... only ... hatch the eggs while the females frolic, call, and fight, completely indifferent to their devoted partners; and finally, the males care for ... the young."


The group has a wide geographical range, occurring in Europe, Africa, Madagascar, South Asia, the Indian Archipelago, and Australia.

The group is found in a broad range of locations, including Europe, Africa, Madagascar, South Asia, the Indian Archipelago, and Australia.

The Hoatzin.

The Hoatzin.

This bird is one of the puzzles of the ornithologist. Its pedigree is still a mystery, but it is generally believed to have some relation to the Game-birds. Its whole life is passed in trees overhanging water, and its flight restricted to short journeys from tree to tree. In South America, its home, it is known by a variety of names, one of which means Stinking-pheasant. This is in allusion to the peculiar odour of its flesh, which smells, according to some, like musk, and to others like raw hides. Another remarkable feature of this bird is the fact that it has turned its crop into a sort of gizzard, whilst the true gizzard, having been relieved of its functions, has diminished to the size of a hazel-nut. The unusual purpose to which the crop has been put has brought about considerable modification in the form of the breast-bone, which is quite different to that of any other bird.

This bird is a puzzle for ornithologists. Its lineage is still a mystery, but it's generally thought to be related to game birds. It spends its entire life in trees that hang over water, and it only flies short distances from tree to tree. In South America, where it lives, it’s known by various names, one of which translates to Stinky pheasant. This refers to the distinctive odor of its flesh, which some say smells like musk, while others say it’s like raw hides. Another notable feature of this bird is that it has turned its crop into a sort of gizzard, while the actual gizzard has shrunk to the size of a hazelnut. The unusual function of the crop has led to significant changes in the shape of the breastbone, which differs from that of any other bird.


Photo by J. W. McLellan]  [Highbury.

Photo by J. W. McLellan]  [Highbury.



This is a native of the Amazons Valley, and lives entirely in the trees.

This is a native of the Amazon Valley, and lives completely in the trees.

The young of these birds are quite as remarkable as the parents, for almost as soon as they are hatched they crawl out of the nest, along the boughs of the tree in which it rests, to meet the parents coming with food. In these crawling excursions they are aided by the wings, which for a time serve as fore feet. The thumb and first finger are armed with strong claws, with which a firm hold is gained on the bark of the tree. To render these claws effective so long as they are necessary, the quill-feathers of the tip of the wing have their development checked till the others have grown long enough to serve the purposes of flight.

The young birds are just as impressive as their parents. Almost immediately after hatching, they climb out of the nest and along the branches of the tree to meet their parents, who are bringing food. During these climbing adventures, their wings temporarily act like front legs. Their thumb and first finger have strong claws that help them grip the tree bark securely. To make these claws effective for as long as needed, the growth of the quill feathers at the tip of the wing is slowed down until the other feathers are long enough for flying.

The Rails.

The Tracks.

The Rails are all water-loving birds, dwelling in swamps or on the borders of lakes and streams. Although all swim easily, none have webbed feet. The flight is weak; several species, indeed, have lost this power altogether. The body is much compressed, enabling them to pass readily through the narrow interspaces of dense aquatic foliage. The Rails appear to be related on the one hand to the Game-birds, and on the other to the Cranes. In size they vary from a bird as large as a fowl to one as small as a lark.

The Rails are all birds that love water, living in swamps or along the edges of lakes and streams. While they all swim easily, none have webbed feet. Their flight is weak; some species have even lost the ability to fly completely. Their bodies are very compressed, allowing them to move easily through the tight spaces of thick aquatic plants. Rails seem to be related, on one hand, to Game-birds, and on the other hand, to Cranes. They range in size from a bird as big as a chicken to one as small as a lark.

One of the commonest of the Rails is the Corn-crake, more commonly, perhaps, known as the Land-rail. Its curious grating cry is one of the commonest sounds which the summer brings with it, and one possessing a charm of its own. But rarely seen, it builds its nest in hay-fields, and, when the grass is being cut, sits so closely on its treasures that it is sometimes beheaded by the swinging scythe. In the autumn it falls not infrequently to the sportsmen when partridge-shooting. The corn-crake leaves in the winter for the more congenial climate of Africa, a feat that seems wonderful when its feeble powers of flight are considered. Its near relative the Water-rail is rather a handsome bird, but of shy and retiring habits.

One of the most common Rails is the Corncrake, better known as the Land train. Its unique grating call is one of the familiar sounds of summer, and it has a charm of its own. However, it's rarely seen; it builds its nest in hayfields and, when the grass is being cut, it sits so closely on its nest that it sometimes gets caught and beheaded by the swinging scythe. In autumn, it’s often shot by hunters during partridge season. The corn-crake migrates to Africa in winter for a more hospitable climate, which is impressive considering its weak flying abilities. Its close relative, the Water rail, is a rather attractive bird but tends to be shy and elusive.

The Weka-rail, a native of New Zealand, is one of the flightless forms to which we {413}have referred. It is about as large as a pheasant, but lacks its splendour, being soberly clad in brown and black. Unlike its relative, it breeds in a burrow, which it digs for itself by the aid of its bill. The name "weka" was given it by the Maoris.

The Weka Rail, native to New Zealand, is one of the flightless birds we've mentioned {413}. It’s about the size of a pheasant but doesn’t have its bright colors, sporting a more muted brown and black. Unlike its relative, it nests in a burrow that it digs itself using its bill. The Maoris named it "weka."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



The wings, though fairly large, are useless for flight.

The wings, while quite large, are useless for flying.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.



This is a common British bird, seldom seen, on account of its retiring habits.

This is a typical British bird that is rarely spotted due to its shy nature.

The Common Water-hen, or Moor-hen, is one of the most familiar birds of the London parks. Although frequent enough to be seen upon streams and broads, it is, nevertheless, shy and wary; but in the sanctuary of the public parks all reserve is thrown off. The water-hen, like its allies, is an expert swimmer, in spite of the fact that the toes are not webbed; on the contrary, they are very long and slender. When alarmed, these birds will often submerge the body till only the beak projects above water.

The Common Moorhen, or Moorhen, is one of the most well-known birds in the parks of London. While you can often spot them on streams and lakes, they tend to be shy and cautious. However, in the safe environment of public parks, they let go of their shyness. The water-hen, like its relatives, is a skilled swimmer, even though its toes aren't webbed; instead, they are long and slender. When frightened, these birds will often dive underwater, leaving only their beak above the surface.

All the members of this group are easily recognised by the bare patch of skin extending from the beak on to the top of the head. In the Coots this is white; in the Water-hens and Gallinules it is red. The coots and water-hens are clad in sober colours, grey or black; but the gallinules are gorgeously clad in purple, shaded with dark green, olive-brown, and black. Mantell's Gallinule of New Zealand is probably now extinct, the last bird having been killed in 1898.

All the members of this group are easily recognized by the bare patch of skin that extends from the beak to the top of the head. In the Coots, this patch is white; in the Coots and Gallinules, it's red. The coots and water-hens are dressed in muted colors, gray or black; but the gallinules are brightly colored in shades of purple, accented with dark green, olive-brown, and black. The Mantell's Moorhen from New Zealand is probably extinct now, with the last bird killed in 1898.

The Fin-feet.

The Fin-feet.

These are little-known birds, found in Africa, South America, South-east Asia, and Sumatra. They are closely related to the coots, but differ therefrom in many important particulars. Like the coots, they are river-haunting birds, and have broad flaps of skin fringing the toes, which serve the purpose of a web; but they have much longer necks and tails than the coots and water-hens. Not much is known about them.

These are lesser-known birds found in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and Sumatra. They are closely related to coots but differ in several significant ways. Like coots, they inhabit rivers and have broad flaps of skin around their toes that act like webs, but they have much longer necks and tails than coots and water hens. There isn’t much information available about them.




Pigeons and Sandgrouse.

Pigeons, as a rule, are birds of wonderful powers of flight. The young, which never exceed two in number, are hatched perfectly blind and helpless, and but sparsely clothed. They are nourished by a peculiar milky secretion of the parents' crop known as "pigeons' milk." The operation of feeding is performed by the parent thrusting its beak into the mouth of its offspring and ejecting therein the secretion just referred to. The nest is a very simple structure, being composed of twigs, generally placed in a tree, but sometimes in a cave or hole in a bank. The eggs, which never exceed two in number, are pure white.

Pigeons are generally amazing fliers. Their young, which are never more than two, are born completely blind and helpless, with minimal feathers. They are fed a special milky substance produced in the parents' crop, known as "pigeons' milk." The feeding process involves the parent putting its beak into its chick's mouth and regurgitating this milk. The nest is quite simple, made of twigs and usually found in a tree, but sometimes in a cave or a hole in the ground. The eggs, which also never exceed two, are pure white.

Perhaps the most beautiful species occur among the large group known as Fruit-pigeons. Many of these are invested in raiment of vivid green and yellow, forming a little coterie by themselves—the Green Pigeons. Others, on account of their brilliancy, have been designated Painted Pigeons, of which, perhaps, the most beautiful of all is Eugène's Pigeon. Try to imagine it! The head is pure white, the upper part of the breast a purple-red surrounded by a dull purple band; the under parts are greyish green, shading into white; the flanks green; whilst the upper parts are also green, but of a rich bronze tint. Another group from the Fiji Islands includes a magnificent species, the male of which is clothed in a glorious orange, save the head and throat, which are olive-yellow. His mate is scarcely less beautiful, her plumage being rich green. Another member of the group—the White Nutmeg-pigeon—is clad in creamy white, with black quills, and a black tip to the tail. It is a native of Borneo. The fruit-pigeons, it should be mentioned, include some of the largest of living pigeons.

Perhaps the most stunning species can be found among the large group known as Fruit doves. Many of these are dressed in bright green and yellow, forming their own little group—the Green Pigeons. Others, due to their brilliance, are called Colorful Pigeons, and the most beautiful of all might be Eugène's Bird. Imagine it! The head is pure white, the upper part of the breast is a deep purple-red bordered by a muted purple band; the underparts are grayish-green, fading into white; the flanks are green; and the upper parts are also green, but with a rich bronze hue. Another group from the Fiji Islands includes a stunning species, the male of which is dressed in vibrant orange, except for the head and throat, which are olive-yellow. His partner is equally beautiful, with rich green plumage. Another member of the group—the White Nutmeg Pigeon—is dressed in creamy white, with black feathers on the wings and a black tip on the tail. It is native to Borneo. The fruit-pigeons are worth mentioning because they include some of the largest living pigeons.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.



The hair-like down of the young pigeon is quite different to any other nestling down.

The soft feathers of the young pigeon are very different from any other baby bird's down.

Whilst many of the Pigeon Tribe seem to have succeeded in dyeing their feathers with all the hues of the rainbow, others have secured equal glory by a covering which at first sight would rather appear to be of burnished metal than of feathers. The most striking instance of this is found in the magnificent Nicobar Pigeons. There are two species of these birds, which occur not only in the Nicobar Islands, from which they take their name, but also in the Malay Archipelago and the Solomon and Pelew Islands. The general tone of the one species is black, but the upper parts are superbly glossed with bronze and copper reflections. The other, from the Pelew Islands, is indigo-blue in general tone. In one of the Nicobar Islands these birds occur in thousands. Furthermore, these two pigeons stand alone, in that the neck-feathers are greatly elongated, forming "hackles" like those of the common fowl.

While many members of the Pigeon Tribe seem to have succeeded in dyeing their feathers in every color of the rainbow, others have achieved equal fame with a covering that, at first glance, looks more like shiny metal than feathers. The most notable example of this is the stunning Nicobar Pigeons. There are two species of these birds, found not only in the Nicobar Islands, which they’re named after, but also in the Malay Archipelago and the Solomon and Pelew Islands. One species has a general tone of black, but its upper parts are beautifully glossed with bronze and copper reflections. The other, from the Pelew Islands, has an indigo-blue overall appearance. On one of the Nicobar Islands, these birds exist in thousands. Moreover, these two pigeons are unique in that their neck feathers are significantly elongated, forming "hackles" like those of a common rooster.

The largest of living pigeons are the Gouras, or Crowned Pigeons. There are six species, all of which are confined to Australasia. They are characterised by a huge and very beautiful fan-shaped crest of feathers which springs from the crown of the head.

The largest living pigeons are the Gouras, or Crowned Pigeons. There are six species, all of which are found only in Australasia. They feature a large and stunning fan-shaped crest of feathers that extends from the top of their heads.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. [North Finchley.]



The flesh of the fruit-pigeon surpasses that of all other birds in delicacy.

The meat of the fruit pigeon is more delicate than that of all other birds.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. [North Finchley.


Nicobar Imperial Fruit-Doves.

These birds lay but a single egg, which is large.

These birds only lay one egg, which is large.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


New Guinea crowned pigeon.

This is the largest of living pigeons.

This is the biggest of the living pigeons.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.]


Wonga Wonga Pigeon.

This bird is found in the brush country of Eastern Australia.

This bird is found in the scrubland of Eastern Australia.


At the other extreme stand the Namaqua and Scaly Doves. The former is regarded by Professor Newton as one of the most graceful in form of all the Pigeon Tribe: the latter are scarcely, if at all, larger than the sparrows.

At the other extreme are the Namaqua and Scaly Doves. Professor Newton considers the former to be one of the most graceful in shape among all the Pigeon Tribe, while the latter are hardly, if ever, bigger than sparrows.

The power of flight of some forms is, however, extremely limited; they bid fair in course of time to become flightless, like the dodo and the solitaire. The most interesting of these is the Grey-naped Ground-pigeon. Pigeons for the most part display a marked preference for a life among the trees rather than on the ground; but there are some which are essentially ground-dwellers. The species in which this changed habit is most deeply rooted, and probably of longest standing, exhibit one very interesting point of difference from their neighbours of the woods. This difference consists in the very considerably longer legs which mark the ground-haunting bird. The Grey-naped Ground-pigeon of South-east New Guinea forms an excellent example, inasmuch as the legs are much longer than in any other pigeon. These birds (for there are three species in all) resemble the Megapodes in habit, and frequent hills or dense thickets. They lay one egg, which is deposited at the foot of a tree.

The ability to fly in some species is really limited; over time, they may end up flightless, like the dodo and the solitaire. The most interesting of these is the Grey-naped Ground Pigeon. Most pigeons clearly prefer living in trees rather than on the ground; however, some are true ground-dwellers. The species that has developed this behavior the most likely has done so for the longest time, and they show one very interesting difference from their forest-dwelling relatives. This difference is their significantly longer legs, which distinguish the ground-dwelling bird. The Grey-naped Ground Pigeon of Southeast New Guinea is a prime example, as its legs are much longer than those of any other pigeon. These birds (there are three species in total) behave similarly to Megapodes and can be found in hilly areas or thick bushes. They lay one egg, which is placed at the base of a tree.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. North Finchley.


Male Black-bellied Sandgrouse.

Young sand-grouse run directly they are hatched, thus differing from young pigeons.

Young sand-grouse start running right after they hatch, which is different from young pigeons.

Among domesticated breeds is the English Pouter, a bird characterised by its enormous gullet, which can be distended with air whenever the owner wills. The carriage of the body is vertical, not, as in pigeons generally, horizontal. The Carrier is a breed illustrating the result of long-sustained selection to increase, amongst other characters, the development of the bare skin surrounding the eye and beak of all pigeons, wild or tame. In the Short-faced Tumbler we have a breed wherein those birds with the shortest beaks have been steadily bred from. To-day so little beak is left that some individuals are hatched which, when grown up, are unable to feed themselves. An example of a radical change in the feathers is the Indian Frill-back. In this case the feathers all over the body are reversed, or turned forwards, giving the bird a quite extraordinary appearance. In the Jacobin we have a breed—and we could cite others—wherein the feathers of the neck are much elongated, and turn upwards and forwards over the head to form a hood.

Among domesticated breeds is the English Pouter , a bird known for its huge throat pouch, which can be inflated with air whenever the owner desires. Its body is held upright, unlike most pigeons, which are generally held horizontally. The Carrier is a breed that shows the effects of selective breeding aimed at enhancing characteristics like the bare skin around the eye and beak in all pigeons, whether wild or tame. The Short-faced Tumbler is a breed from which those birds with the shortest beaks have been consistently bred. Today, some individuals are born with such extremely short beaks that they cannot feed themselves as adults. An example of a significant change in feathers is the Indian Frillback, where all the feathers on the body are turned backward, creating a striking appearance. The Jacobin is another breed—along with others—where the feathers on the neck are greatly elongated and curve upwards and forwards over the head to form a hood.

In general appearance Sand-grouse are small, very short-legged birds, with small heads and pointed wings and tail. Their general tone of coloration may be described as sand-coloured, and this has been adopted to render them in harmony with the barren sand-wastes in which they dwell. But some may be described as quite highly coloured, being banded and splashed with chestnut, black, pearly grey, white, and yellow, according to the species.

In general appearance, Sand-grouse are small birds with very short legs, small heads, and pointed wings and tails. Their overall color is sand-colored, which helps them blend in with the barren sandy areas where they live. However, some species can be quite colorful, featuring bands and splashes of chestnut, black, pearly gray, white, and yellow.

Pallas's Sand-grouse is a native of the Kirghiz Steppes, extending through Central Asia to Mongolia and Northern China, and northwards to Lake Baikal, and southwards to Turkestan. Here they may be met with in enormous numbers. In North China large numbers are often caught after a snow-storm. The snow is cleared away, and a small green bean is scattered about. Young sand-grouse differ remarkably in one particular from young pigeons, inasmuch as the former are hatched covered with a thick down, and are able to run about soon after leaving the egg, whilst the pigeon comes into the world very helpless and much in need of clothing. Three eggs are laid by the sand-grouse, and these are double-spotted; whilst the pigeon lays but two, which are white. The eggs of the sand-grouse are laid in a depression in the ground, without any nest.

Pallas's Sandgrouse is native to the Kirghiz Steppes and ranges through Central Asia to Mongolia and Northern China, extending north to Lake Baikal and south to Turkestan. Here, they can be found in huge numbers. In North China, many are often captured after a snowstorm. The snow is cleared away, and a few small green beans are scattered around. Young sand-grouse are very different from young pigeons in one significant way: sand-grouse hatch covered in thick down and can run around shortly after leaving the egg, while pigeons are born helpless and need a lot of care. The sand-grouse lays three eggs, which are double-spotted, while the pigeon lays only two, which are white. The sand-grouse's eggs are laid in a depression in the ground without any nest.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz, Berlin.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz, Berlin.  Printed in Lyon, France.


Crowned Crane.

The feathers of the Crest of this bird look not unlike stiff hairs.

The feathers on this bird's crest look a lot like stiff hairs.




Auks, Gulls, and Plovers.



The Guillemot is found all around Britain, and breeds wherever the sea is fringed by cliffs affording ledges for the reception of the eggs. It breeds in colonies often numbering many thousands, and lays but one egg, which is large and pear-shaped. Since the guillemot builds no nest, but lays its egg on the bare rock, this peculiar shape is advantageous, since it revolves on itself, when disturbed, instead of rolling off the ledge into the sea. At the same time thousands of eggs fall into the sea every year owing to the bird's leaving the egg, whilst incubating, in too great a hurry. At Lundy Island one of the sources of amusement for the gaping tourist was that of firing a shot to frighten the birds, with the result that, at each shot, showers of eggs were knocked off the ledges on to the rocks below. The colour of the egg varies infinitely, no two being quite alike. This, it has been suggested, is useful, as the mother is thereby enabled to identify her own egg, even when surrounded by hundreds of others. The young are covered with long down, and when big enough, but still unable to fly, are taken down by the mother to the sea, being carried, some say, on her back: others say the chick is seized by the wing and carried down.

The Guillemot can be found all around Britain and breeds wherever the sea meets cliffs that provide ledges for the eggs. It nests in large colonies, often numbering in the thousands, and lays just one large, pear-shaped egg. Since the guillemot doesn’t build a nest and lays its egg directly on bare rock, this unique shape is beneficial because it rolls rather than falling off the ledge into the sea when disturbed. However, thousands of eggs still drop into the sea each year because the bird sometimes leaves the egg too hastily during incubation. At Lundy Island, one of the tourist attractions was firing shots to scare the birds, causing showers of eggs to fall from the ledges onto the rocks below. The eggs come in a wide variety of colors, with no two being exactly the same. It’s been suggested that this variety helps the mother recognize her own egg even among hundreds of others. The chicks are covered in long down, and when they are big enough but still unable to fly, the mother takes them down to the sea, either carrying them on her back or holding them by the wing.


By permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, Tring. 

With the approval of the Honorable Walter Rothschild, Tring.


White Tern.

There are two species of white tern, almost restricted to the Southern Hemisphere.

There are two species of white tern, mainly found in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Razor-bill is nearly, if not quite, as common on the coasts of Britain as the guillemot, from which it may be readily distinguished by its beak, which is much compressed from side to side—hence its name of Razor-bill—and deeply grooved. In habits it very closely resembles the guillemot, but in one respect at least it is a more interesting bird, inasmuch as it is related to and closely resembles the now extinct Great Auk, the giant of the tribe. The smallest British representative, it should be mentioned, is the Little Auk, a species more nearly allied to the guillemot. It is only a winter visitant to Britain, breeding in huge colonies on the inhospitable shores of Greenland and Iceland.

The Razor-billed auk is almost as common along the coasts of Britain as the guillemot, and you can easily tell them apart by its beak, which is much thinner from side to side—hence the name Razor-bill—and has deep grooves. In terms of behavior, it closely resembles the guillemot, but in one way at least, it's a more interesting bird since it's related to and looks a lot like the now extinct Great Auk, the giant of the group. It’s worth mentioning that the smallest British representative is the Dovekie, which is more closely related to the guillemot. This bird only visits Britain in winter and breeds in large colonies on the harsh shores of Greenland and Iceland.

So quaint a bird as the Puffin most certainly finds a place here. One of its most characteristic features is its enormous bill, which is rendered more conspicuous on account of its bright colour. It is bluish at the base, yellow at the tip, and striped with orange. A very remarkable feature of this bill is the fact that it is larger in summer than winter, portions of the sheath being shed in autumn.

So charming a bird as the Puffin bird definitely belongs here. One of its most distinctive traits is its huge bill, which stands out even more because of its vivid color. It’s bluish at the base, yellow at the tip, and has orange stripes. A particularly interesting aspect of this bill is that it’s bigger in summer than in winter, as parts of the sheath are shed in the fall.

Enormous numbers of puffins breed in Ireland; myriads breed on Lundy Island. The Farne Islands, the cliffs of Flamborough, and Scotland are also tenanted by thousands. Puffins breed in holes, which they dig for themselves when occasion requires, but when rabbit-burrows are to be had they prefer these, dispossessing the owners without the slightest compunction. Might, with the puffin, is right, as well as with many other animals.

Enormous numbers of puffins breed in Ireland; countless numbers breed on Lundy Island. The Farne Islands, the cliffs of Flamborough, and Scotland are also home to thousands. Puffins nest in holes they dig for themselves when needed, but when rabbit burrows are available, they prefer those, taking over without any hesitation. Might is right for puffins, just like it is for many other animals.


Young puffins, like young auks and guillemots, are hatched covered with long down. The parents feed them on fish, which they deposit at the mouth of the burrow twenty at a time, and give them to the young bird one by one. When the female is sitting, her mate feeds her in a similar way.

Young puffins, like young auks and guillemots, hatch covered in long down. The parents feed them fish, which they drop at the mouth of the burrow twenty at a time, and give them to the chick one by one. When the female is sitting on the eggs, her mate feeds her in a similar way.

Puffins lay only a single egg, which differs from that of its relatives the Auks and Guillemots in being white. The white colour enables the sitting-bird to see it in the dark burrow.

Puffins lay just one egg, which is different from the eggs of their relatives the Auks and Guillemots because it's white. The white color helps the sitting bird spot it in the dark burrow.



To get at the real inwardness of the Gull Tribe, so to speak, we must examine their anatomy very closely; then we shall be convinced that they are modified Plovers, and have nothing to do with the Petrels, to which they bear an undoubted resemblance.

To understand the true essence of the Gull Tribe, we need to look at their anatomy closely; this will show us that they are altered Plovers and have no connection to the Petrels, despite the clear similarities they share.



Terns are gulls in miniature, on which account it is probable that many a visitor to the seashore passes them unwittingly. But let him watch next time for what look like flocks of tiny, long-winged, and unusually active gulls, now hovering gracefully in the air, and now suddenly plunging headlong like an arrow to the sea, with a force and dash that will surprise him, now that attention is drawn to them. These are terns. From their vivacity and forked tails, they have been aptly named Sea-swallows.

Terns are like tiny gulls, which is probably why many visitors to the beach don’t notice them. But next time, they should keep an eye out for what appear to be flocks of small, long-winged, and unusually energetic gulls, gracefully hovering in the air one moment and then suddenly diving like arrows into the sea with a speed and intensity that will surprise them, now that they’re aware of them. These are terns. With their liveliness and forked tails, they’ve been fittingly called Sea-swallows.


Photo by G. Watmough Webster & Son]  [Chester.

Photo by G. Watmough Webster & Son [Chester.


Terns on a shingle beach.

Terns lay their eggs among the shingle; from their coloration, these are difficult to detect among the surrounding stones.

Terns lay their eggs in the gravel; because of their color, they're hard to spot among the nearby stones.

There are several species of tern. Like the Gulls, they have a distinctive dress for summer and winter, but the sexes are both dressed alike. The general livery, as with the Gulls, is pearly grey above and pure white below—in summer, in some species, relieved by a black head. One species, the Roseate Tern, has the breast suffused with a most exquisite rose-pink, which fades rapidly after death, however. Young terns, in their first plumage, differ conspicuously from their parents, having much brown intermixed with grey.

There are several types of terns. Like gulls, they have different appearances for summer and winter, but the males and females look the same. Overall, like gulls, they are pearly grey on top and pure white underneath—in summer, some species have a black head. One species, the Roseate Tern, has a chest that is a beautiful rose-pink, which quickly fades after death. Young terns, in their first feathering, look quite different from their parents, having a lot of brown mixed in with grey.

Terns lay about three eggs, which are deposited among the shingle on the beach; and so closely do the eggs, and later on the young, resemble the surrounding stones that it is almost impossible to find them. As a rule terns breed in colonies, often numbering many thousand birds.

Terns lay about three eggs, which are placed among the pebbles on the beach; and so closely do the eggs, and later the chicks, resemble the surrounding stones that it's almost impossible to spot them. Generally, terns breed in colonies, often consisting of thousands of birds.

There are exceptions to the rule just laid down as to nest-building. One species of the Noddy Terns, for example, builds a nest of turf and dry grass, placed in bushes or in low trees. It seems to return to the same nest year after year, adding on each return new materials, till they form masses nearly 2 feet in height. Occasionally it appears to make a mud-nest, placed in the fork of a tree; whilst the superb little White Noddy often deposits {419}its egg on the leaf of a cocoanut-palm—truly a wonderful site, and still more wonderful when we reflect that it is chosen by one of the Gull Tribe.

There are exceptions to the recently mentioned rule about nest-building. For instance, one species of the Noddy Terns constructs a nest using turf and dry grass, placing it in bushes or low trees. It seems to return to the same nest each year, adding new materials until the nest reaches nearly 2 feet in height. Occasionally, it appears to create a mud nest in the fork of a tree; meanwhile, the beautiful little White Noddy often lays {419} its egg on the leaf of a coconut palm—truly an amazing location, and even more remarkable when we consider that it is chosen by a member of the Gull Tribe.

About six species of tern commonly occur in the British Islands, and some five or six other species occasionally visit them.

About six species of terns are commonly found in the British Islands, and around five or six other species occasionally visit them.




Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



So called from its habit of following the shoals of herrings.

So named because it tends to follow the schools of herring.

The Skimmers are tern-like birds, with a very wide geographical distribution, occurring in India, Africa, and North and South America, and remarkable for the very extraordinary form of the beak. The upper jaw is much shorter than the lower, and both are compressed to the thinness of a knife-blade. This beak is associated with, and is probably an adaptation to, an equally remarkable method of feeding, which has been admirably described by Darwin, who watched them feeding in a lake near Maldonado.

The Skimmers are bird species similar to terns, found in a wide range of places including India, Africa, and both North and South America. They are notable for their uniquely shaped beak. The upper jaw is significantly shorter than the lower one, and both are flattened to the thinness of a knife blade. This beak is linked to a fascinating way of feeding, which has been beautifully described by Darwin, who observed them feeding in a lake near Maldonado.

"They kept their bills," he says, "wide open, and the lower mandible half buried in the water. Thus skimming the surface, they ploughed it in their course; ... and it formed a most curious spectacle to behold a flock, each bird leaving its narrow wake on the mirror-like surface. In their flight ... they dexterously manage with their projecting lower mandible to plough up small fish, which are secured by the upper and shorter half of their scissor-like bills."

"They kept their bills," he says, "wide open, with the lower mandible partially submerged in the water. Skimming the surface, they moved through it; ... and it was quite a sight to see a flock, each bird leaving its narrow wake on the smooth surface. In their flight ... they skillfully use their protruding lower mandible to scoop up small fish, which are caught by the upper and shorter part of their scissor-like bills."

The Gulls.

The Seagulls.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



In their dull grey plumage the young of all gulls are very unlike the adults.

In their dull gray feathers, young seagulls look very different from the adults.

Gulls are larger and heavier birds than terns, with longer legs, and shorter, thicker beaks. Furthermore, with one exception, the tail is never forked. Like the terns, gulls generally breed in colonies, and these are often of large size. Young gulls, when newly hatched, are quite active. Later, when their feathers have grown, they are found to wear a dress quite different from that of the parents. Sometimes the adult plumage is gained at the end of the first year of existence, sometimes not until after the third year. Gulls feed on everything that comes in their way, from fish caught swimming at the surface of the sea to worms picked up at the plough-tail.

Gulls are bigger and heavier than terns, with longer legs and shorter, thicker beaks. Also, except for one type, their tails are never forked. Like terns, gulls usually breed in colonies, which can be quite large. Young gulls, when they first hatch, are very active. Later, once their feathers have grown in, they have a completely different appearance from their parents. Sometimes they get their adult feathers by the end of their first year, but other times it takes until after their third year. Gulls eat anything they can find, from fish swimming near the surface of the sea to worms dug up from the ground.

One of the commonest and best known of all the gulls is perhaps the species known as the Black-headed Gull, which has become so common in the heart of busy London, where hundreds may be seen, during the winter months, flying up and down the river, or {420}wheeling about over the lakes in the parks. The black-headed gull receives its popular name on account of the fact that, like some terns and some other gulls, in the spring, the feathers of the head suddenly acquire a sooty-black colour: all trace of this is lost in the winter, save for two patches, one behind each ear.

One of the most common and well-known gulls is probably the species called the Black-headed Gull, which has become a familiar sight in the busy heart of London. During the winter months, you can often see hundreds of them flying up and down the river or {420}circling over the lakes in the parks. The black-headed gull gets its name because, like some terns and other gulls, its head feathers suddenly turn a sooty-black color in spring. In winter, all traces of this color disappear, except for two patches behind each ear.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.


Stone-curlew or thick-knee.

The plumage so closely resembles the sandy soil on which the bird lives that concealment is easily effected by crouching close to the ground.

The bird's feathers blend in perfectly with the sandy soil it lives on, making it easy to hide by crouching close to the ground.

The eggs of this bird are collected in thousands each spring, and sold in London and other markets as plovers' eggs. As many as 20,000 have been taken in a season from the extensive gullery at Scoulton Mere, in Norfolk.

The eggs of this bird are gathered by the thousands every spring and sold in London and other markets as plovers' eggs. Up to 20,000 can be collected in a single season from the large gullery at Scoulton Mere, in Norfolk.

Three or four eggs are laid in a nest of rushes, which is always placed on the ground in marshy and often inaccessible spots.

Three or four eggs are laid in a nest of reeds, which is always situated on the ground in marshy and often hard-to-reach areas.

The largest of the Gull Tribe is the Great Black-backed Gull, which is, furthermore, a common British bird; indeed, it is frequently seen flying, together with the last-mentioned species, on the Thames, doing its best to get a full share of the tit-bits thrown by interested spectators from the various London bridges. Unlike the black-headed gull, it has no seasonal change of plumage, but is clad all the year round in the purest white, set off by a mantle of bluish black. The young of this bird has a quite distinct plumage of greyish brown, and hence has been described as a distinct species—the Grey Gull. This dress is gradually changed for the adult plumage, but the process takes about three years.

The biggest member of the Gull Tribe is the Great Black-backed Gull, which is also a common bird in Britain. You can often spot it flying alongside the previously mentioned species on the Thames, doing its best to grab a share of the scraps thrown by curious onlookers from various bridges in London. Unlike the black-headed gull, this bird doesn't change its feathers with the seasons; it's dressed in bright white year-round, with a cloak of bluish black. The young gull has a distinctly different coat of grayish brown, which is why it's sometimes referred to as a separate species—the Gray Gull. This juvenile plumage gradually transforms into the adult feathers, but that process takes about three years.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.



So called on account of its note.

So named because of its note.

The Kittiwake is another of the common British gulls, breeding in thousands in favourable localities on the coasts. Its eggs are deposited on the narrowest and most inaccessible ledges of precipitous cliffs. This species sometimes falls a victim to the fashion of wearing feathers. "At Clovelly," writes Mr. Howard Saunders, "there was a regular staff for preparing plumes; and fishing-smacks, with extra boats and crews, used to commence their work of destruction at Lundy Island by daybreak on the 1st of August.... In many cases the wings were torn off the wounded birds before they were dead, the mangled victims being tossed back into the water." And he has seen, he continues, "hundreds of young birds dead or dying of starvation in the nests, through the want of their parents' care.... It is well within the mark to say that at least 9,000 of these inoffensive birds were destroyed during the fortnight."

The Kittiwake is one of the common gulls in Britain, breeding in thousands in suitable areas along the coasts. Its eggs are laid on the thinnest and hardest-to-reach ledges of steep cliffs. This species sometimes suffers from the trend of using feathers in fashion. "At Clovelly," Mr. Howard Saunders writes, "there was a dedicated team for preparing plumes; and fishing boats, with extra crews and boats, would start their destruction at Lundy Island by dawn on August 1st.... In many cases, the wings were ripped off the injured birds before they were even dead, the mutilated victims being thrown back into the water." He also notes, "I've seen hundreds of young birds dead or dying of starvation in their nests because their parents weren't around.... It's safe to say that at least 9,000 of these harmless birds were killed during that two-week period."


Of the Skua-gulls there are several species. Their coloration differs from that of the gulls just described in being confined to shades of brown. One of their most remarkable traits is that of piracy. They await their cousins the Gulls coming shoreward from the sea with newly swallowed fish, and then, giving chase, compel the gull, in order to lighten itself and escape, to disgorge its hard-won meal. So swift of flight is the skua that the ejected morsel is caught before it reaches the water.

Of the Skua gulls, there are several species. Their coloring is different from the gulls mentioned earlier, being mostly shades of brown. One of their most notable traits is their behavior as thieves. They watch for their gull relatives returning to shore from the sea with freshly caught fish, and then they chase them, forcing the gull to spit out its hard-earned meal in order to lighten its load and escape. The skua is so fast that it often catches the discarded morsel before it even hits the water.



Birds of very various size, shape, and coloration are included in this group—that is to say, birds which vary much superficially, but, it must be understood, all undoubtedly closely related. In England they are to be met with almost everywhere. The seashore, the lonely moorland, the desolate marshes, the river's brink, or the woods—all these shelter some one or other of the Plover Tribe. Like the Gulls, many adopt a distinctive dress for the courting-season, which, however, is sometimes worn by the males only, and not by both sexes alike, as in the Gulls. One of the most striking and familiar instances of this change is seen in the Grey Plover. In winter the plumage of the upper-parts of this bird is dusky grey, that of the under-parts pure white; but in the spring the former is exchanged for a beautifully variegated mantle of black and white, and the latter becomes uniformly jet-black, save the under tail-coverts, which remain white.

Birds of various sizes, shapes, and colors are included in this group—these birds may look quite different on the surface, but they are all definitely closely related. In England, you can find them almost everywhere. The seashore, the quiet moors, the empty marshes, the edges of rivers, and the woods—all of these areas are home to certain members of the Plover Tribe. Like Gulls, many of them adopt a unique look during the mating season, although sometimes only the males don this special plumage, unlike Gulls where both sexes wear it. One of the most notable and familiar examples of this change is the Grey Plover. In winter, the feathers on its back are a dull grey, and its underbelly is pure white; but in spring, the back transforms into a striking pattern of black and white, while the underbelly turns completely jet black, except for the under tail feathers, which stay white.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.



The female is larger than the male.

The female is bigger than the male.


Photo by A. H. P. Cruickshank]  [Wellington.

Photo by A. H. P. Cruickshank Wellington.


Oyster catcher on its nest.

Three eggs are laid in a slight hollow in the ground. The oyster-catcher is one of the most wary of the Plover Tribe, and very difficult to approach.

Three eggs are laid in a small depression in the ground. The oyster-catcher is one of the most cautious members of the Plover Tribe and is very hard to get close to.

In the Dunlin, again, we have a similar change, the upper-parts being in winter grey, the under-parts white: in the spring the former become black, with an admixture of rust-colour, and the latter black in so far as the breast is concerned, but the abdomen remains white.

In the Dunlin, we see a similar change: the upper parts are grey in winter and the under parts are white. In spring, the upper parts turn black with some rusty color mixed in, while the under parts are black on the breast but stay white on the abdomen.

In many of that section of the Plover Tribe distinguished as "Wading-birds," the changes which take place in the spring in the plumage of the upper-parts resemble those already instanced, but the under-parts turn to a rich chestnut instead of black. This occurs in the forms known as the Godwits, Knots, and Sanderlings, for example.

In many of the members of the Plover Tribe known as "Wading-birds," the changes that happen in the spring to the feathers on their backs are similar to those mentioned before, but the feathers on their stomachs turn a rich chestnut instead of black. This happens in species like the Godwits, Ties, and Sanderlings, for example.

In all the instances so far quoted, both male and female are coloured alike, but, as already hinted, occasionally the change of plumage affects the male only. This is the case with the {422}Ruff. The importance of this exception is still further increased by the fact that the change in coloration is accompanied by the development of a large frill around the neck, surmounted by two large tufts called "ears," and fleshy, brightly coloured warts around the beak. The coloured picture of the male in its spring dress, which will be found on another page, gives an admirable idea of the typical ruff, but it must necessarily fail to give any indication of one very remarkable fact concerning this frill and the two "ears," and for this reason—no two individuals ever have these peculiar feathers of the same coloration and pattern. The range of colour is certainly not great—the changes being rung, so to speak, on black, white, chestnut, bay, and ash-colour. Diversification is gained by contrasting the "ears" with the frill, and adding bars or streaks to the light coloration, and purple, green, and violet reflections to the dark. These ornaments are donned in a surprisingly short space of time, and are discarded as quickly, for they are scarcely completed by the month of May, and are thrown off again at the end of June. During the time that this resplendent livery is worn the males engage in mimic battles—which may occasionally develop into real ones—arranged apparently for the edification of the females, which, it seems, select as partners, at least for that season, those which please or excite most. This power of pleasing must certainly be considerable, for the ruff is a polygamous species.

In all the examples mentioned so far, both male and female are colored the same, but, as mentioned earlier, sometimes the change in plumage only affects the male. This is true for the {422}Bark. The significance of this exception is heightened by the fact that the change in color comes with the development of a large frill around the neck, topped with two large tufts known as "ears," and fleshy, brightly colored warts around the beak. The colored picture of the male in its spring attire, found on another page, provides an excellent illustration of the typical ruff, but it will inevitably fail to show one very notable fact about this frill and the two "ears": no two individuals ever have these unique feathers in the same color or pattern. The range of colors is not extensive—the variations occur mainly in black, white, chestnut, bay, and ash color. Differentiation is achieved by contrasting the "ears" with the frill and adding bars or streaks to the lighter colors, along with purple, green, and violet reflections to the darker hues. These decorations are put on in a surprisingly short time and removed just as quickly, as they are barely finished by May and are shed by the end of June. During the time this vibrant outfit is worn, the males engage in mock battles—which can sometimes escalate into real fights—seemingly meant to impress the females, who appear to choose partners, at least for that season, based on who pleases or excites them the most. This ability to impress must be significant since the ruff is a polygamous species.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Denham's Bustard.

This species, when "showing off," fills the gullet with air, having no special air-sac like the great bustard.

This species, when "showing off," inflates its throat with air, lacking a dedicated air sac like the great bustard.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.


Great Bustards.

The cock on the right is "showing off."

The rooster on the right is "showing off."

Formerly the ruff was a common bird in England, but the drainage of the fens and persecution have practically brought about its extermination.

Formerly, the ruff was a common bird in England, but the draining of the fens and hunting have nearly led to its extinction.

At least two groups of plovers have succeeded in reversing the usual order of things in the matter of sexual plumage. These are the Phalaropes—which are British birds—and the Painted Snipe, in both of which the female is more brightly coloured and somewhat larger in size than the {423}male. As is the case where this reversal occurs, the duties of incubation fall mainly or entirely upon the smaller and duller male. It is interesting to note, furthermore, that only in the phalaropes is there a seasonal change of plumage: in the painted snipe the same livery is worn all the year round.

At least two groups of plovers have managed to flip the usual expectations about sexual plumage. These are the Phalaropes—which are British birds—and the Painted Snipe, where the female is more vividly colored and slightly larger than the {423}male. As is typical in these cases, the smaller and less colorful male takes on most or all of the incubation responsibilities. Additionally, it's worth noting that only the phalaropes undergo a seasonal change in plumage, while the painted snipe maintains the same appearance throughout the year.

Many of the plovers have no seasonal change of plumage, but both male and female wear all the year round, some a more or less markedly bright-coloured livery, as the Dotterel and Turnstones, others a more sober vestment, as the Curlews and Snipe, for example.

Many plovers don’t change their feathers with the seasons, but both males and females wear their plumage all year long. Some, like the Dotterel and Turnstones, have brightly colored feathers, while others, like the Curlews and Snipe, have more muted colors, for example.

The Snipe and Woodcock may be cited as especially instructive forms in this connection, showing, in regard to the beak, for instance, undoubted proof of this structural modification, the result of adaptation to the peculiar method of seeking their food. This beak constitutes an organ of touch of great sensitiveness, and is used as a probe, to thrust down into the soft soil in the search for hidden worms.

The Snipe and Woodcock can be highlighted as particularly informative examples in this context, demonstrating, especially with regard to the beak, clear evidence of this structural change as a result of adapting to their unique way of foraging for food. This beak serves as a highly sensitive tactile organ and is used like a probe to dig into the soft soil in search of hidden worms.


Photo by Billington]  [Queensland.

Photo by Billington] [Queensland.



Bustards have very short toes, like many other birds which walk much on sandy soil.

Bustards have very short toes, similar to many other birds that spend a lot of time walking on sandy soil.

Of the three species of snipe which occur in Britain, probably the one known as the Common Snipe is most familiar; but it will, perhaps, be new to some to learn that this bird ranks as a musical performer, on account of a very extraordinary "bleating" or "drumming" noise which it gives forth, especially during the spring of the year—the season of courtship. We cannot describe this noise better, perhaps, than as an unusually high-pitched "hum," produced, it is generally held, by wind driven between the outer tail-feathers by the rapid vibration of the wings as the bird descends, or rather pitches, at a fearful pace, earthwards. These feathers have the shafts peculiarly thickened; and it is interesting to note that the characteristic sound may be artificially produced if they be fastened to a stick and rapidly whirled through the air.

Of the three types of snipe found in Britain, the one most people recognize is probably the Common Snipe; however, it might surprise some to learn that this bird is also known for its musical talent due to a remarkable "bleating" or "drumming" sound it makes, especially in the spring during mating season. This noise is best described as a very high-pitched "hum," which is generally believed to be created by wind rushing through the outer tail feathers as the bird rapidly descends or "pitches" toward the ground. These feathers have particularly thick shafts, and it's interesting to note that the distinctive sound can be mimicked if they are attached to a stick and spun quickly through the air.

The snipe and woodcock are not the only members of the Plover Tribe whose beaks have undergone marked structural modifications; indeed, many instances could be cited, but two or three must suffice. In the Avocet the beak turns upwards like an awl, and the bird is in consequence known in some places as the Cobbler's-awl Duck. In one particular, however, the beak differs from an awl, tapering as it does to an exceedingly fine point. When the {424}bird feeds, it walks along in shallow water with the curved tip of the beak resting on the surface and the head moving swiftly from side to side, the jaws meanwhile being opened and closed with exceeding rapidity, and seizing instantly upon such small crustacea and other organisms as come in their way.

The snipe and woodcock aren’t the only members of the Plover Tribe whose beaks have significantly changed; there are many examples, but a couple will do. In the Avocet, the beak curves upward like an awl, which is why it's called the Cobbler's awl Duck in some areas. However, one specific type has a beak that tapers to a very fine point instead of resembling an awl. When the {424}bird feeds, it walks through shallow water with the curved tip of its beak on the surface, quickly moving its head side to side, while its jaws open and close rapidly, snapping up tiny crustaceans and other organisms that it encounters.

Although all the Plovers might be described as long-legged birds, the Stilts are quite exceptionally so, and afford evidence of modification in another direction. Relatively to the size of the body, the stilts have the longest legs of all living birds. They seek their prey by wading in shallow water, like the Avocets, to which they are closely related. One species—the Black-winged Stilt—occasionally appears in Britain.

Although all the Plovers can be called long-legged birds, the Stilt walkers are particularly notable for this, showing a different kind of adaptation. Compared to their body size, stilts have the longest legs of any living birds. They hunt for food by wading in shallow water, similar to the Avocets, with which they share a close relation. One species—the Black-winged Stilt—sometimes shows up in Britain.

Some other members of the Plover Tribe—the Jacana of Brazil, and the Water-pheasant of India, Ceylon, and China, for example—have enormously long toes, as well as claws of great length.

Some other members of the Plover Tribe—the Jacana of Brazil, and the Waterfowl of India, Sri Lanka, and China, for example—have incredibly long toes, along with very long claws.


Photo by W. P. Dando]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando [Regent's Park.



This is a South African species.

This species is from South Africa.

These birds are furthermore remarkable for the possession of formidable weapons of offence, borne on the wrist-joint of the wing, in the shape of long, sharp, and powerful spurs. Similar weapons are carried by certain plovers—the Egyptian Spur-winged Plover, for instance.

These birds are also notable for having impressive offensive weapons located at the wrist joint of their wings, in the form of long, sharp, and strong spurs. Similar weapons are found in some plovers—the Egyptian Spur-winged Plover, for example.



Bustards and Cranes.

The Plover Tribe, Bustards, Cranes, and Rails form a large group of diverse but probably closely related forms.

The Plover Tribe, Bustards, Cranes, and Rails make up a large group of diverse yet likely closely related species.

Of the Bustards, the most interesting and important species is the Great Bustard. About a hundred years ago this magnificent bird might have been seen any day in such favoured localities as the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire wolds, the Norfolk and Suffolk "brecks," the heaths of Newmarket, or the downs of Berkshire and Wiltshire. It owes its extermination to several causes, foremost among which must be reckoned the reclaiming of waste land and improved methods of agriculture. "The bulk of its body," says Professor Newton, "renders it a conspicuous and stately object; and when on the wing, to which it readily takes, its flight is not inferior in majesty to that of the eagle." The expanse of the outstretched wings of a great bustard is 8 feet, or even more; and the weight of the male may even exceed 35 lbs. The female is smaller.

Of the Bustards, the most fascinating and significant species is the Great Bustard. About a hundred years ago, this magnificent bird could often be spotted in favored areas like the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire wolds, the Norfolk and Suffolk "brecks," the heaths of Newmarket, or the downs of Berkshire and Wiltshire. Its extinction is attributed to several factors, primarily the reclamation of waste land and advancements in farming techniques. "The bulk of its body," says Professor Newton, "makes it a noticeable and majestic figure; and when it takes to the sky, its flight rivals that of the eagle in grandeur." The wingspan of a great bustard can reach 8 feet or more, and the male can weigh over 35 lbs. The female is smaller.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz] [Berlin.


Common Crane.

This handsome bird used to breed in Britain till the end of the sixteenth century.

This beautiful bird used to breed in Britain until the end of the sixteenth century.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green. 

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green.


Manchurian Crane.

The piebald plumage of this species is distinctive.

The piebald feathers of this species are unique.

To see the great bustard in a wild state to-day, one would have to travel to Spain. And if one could make a pilgrimage for this purpose during the birds' courting-season, some very wonderful antics on the part of the male would be witnessed. These antics make up what is really a very elaborate love-display. In this performance the bird inflates his neck with wind, draws his head closely down on to the back, throws up his tail, so as to make the most of the pure white feathers underneath, and sticks up certain of the quill-feathers of the wing in a manner that only a great bustard can. Certain long feathers projecting from each side of the head now stand out like the quills of the porcupine, forming a sort of cheval-de-frise on either side of the head, and complete the picture, which, in our eyes, savours of the ludicrous. The inflation of the neck is brought about by filling a specially developed wind-bag between the gullet and the skin with air through a small hole under the tongue. For many years it was believed this bag was used as a sort of water-bottle, to enable the bird to live amid the arid wastes which were its chosen haunts. We now know what its real use is. Visitors to the Natural History Museum in London will find, beautifully mounted, a male bustard "in the act of showing off," as it is called, and hard by a dissection of the head and neck, showing this wonderful wind-bag.

To see the great bustard in the wild today, you'd need to go to Spain. If you made a trip specifically during the birds' mating season, you'd witness some truly amazing behaviors from the male. These behaviors form a complex love display. During this performance, the bird inflates its neck with air, pulls its head back onto its back, raises its tail to showcase the bright white feathers underneath, and lifts certain wing feathers in a way only a great bustard can. Long feathers on each side of its head stick out like porcupine quills, creating a sort of cheval-de-frise on either side of its head, completing a look that seems quite comical to us. The neck inflation occurs when a specially developed air sac located between the gullet and skin fills with air through a small opening under the tongue. For years, it was thought that this sac served as a water container to help the bird survive in its dry habitats. We now know its true purpose. Visitors to the Natural History Museum in London will find a beautifully mounted male bustard "in the act of showing off," along with a dissection of the head and neck that reveals this remarkable air sac.




Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



The note of the crane is sonorous and trumpet-like.

The sound of the crane is deep and trumpet-like.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green. 

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green.


Wattled crane.

So called from the pendent lappets of the throat. It is a South African species.

So named for the hanging flaps of skin on its throat. This species is found in South Africa.

One of the most beautiful of this group of peculiarly handsome birds was once numbered among British birds; now, alas! like the bustard, it is one of the rarest visitors. Till the end of the sixteenth century the Common Crane reared its young in the fen-lands. In Saxon times we read of a request being made by King Ethelbert to Boniface, Bishop of Mayence, begging him to send over two falcons suitable for flying at the cranes in Kent. In one case, at a feast given by Archbishop Neville in the reign of Edward IV., as many as {427}204 cranes figured in the menu. Later, it is interesting to note, they seem to have fallen somewhat into disfavour, since we read of a Dr. Muffet, of Wiltshire, somewhere about 1570, declaring cranes to be "distinctly unfit for sound men's tables.... Yet being young, killed with a goshawk, and hanged two or three days by the heels, eaten with hot gelentine, and drowned in sack, it is permitted unto indifferent stomachs."

One of the most strikingly beautiful birds in this group used to be found among British wildlife; now, unfortunately, like the bustard, it is one of the rarest visitors. Until the end of the sixteenth century, the Common Crane raised its young in the wetlands. In Saxon times, there's a record of King Ethelbert requesting Bishop Boniface of Mainz to send him two falcons suitable for hunting cranes in Kent. At one feast held by Archbishop Neville during Edward IV's reign, as many as {427}204 cranes appeared on the menu. Later, it's interesting to note that they seemed to have fallen somewhat out of favor, as Dr. Muffet from Wiltshire around 1570 stated that cranes were "definitely unfit for respectable men's tables.... However, if young, caught with a goshawk, and hung upside down for two or three days, served with hot jelly, and soaked in sack, they can be acceptable to moderate appetites."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



A South American bird, at one time supposed to be related to the birds of prey.

A South American bird that was once thought to be related to birds of prey.

The nest is placed on the ground, and contains from two to three eggs. The young are covered with down, and, like plovers and bustards, run as soon as hatched.

The nest is on the ground and holds two to three eggs. The chicks are covered in down and, like plovers and bustards, can run as soon as they hatch.

The cranes, like many other birds, notably some of the Plover Tribe, occasionally indulge in spirited outbursts of dancing. Mr. Nelson, writing of the birds of Alaska, tells how one day he was watching two cranes enjoying themselves in this manner. The male suddenly "wheeled his back towards the female and made a low bow, his head nearly touching the ground, and ending by a quick leap into the air. Another pirouette brought him facing his charmer, whom he greeted with a still deeper bow, his wings meanwhile hanging loosely by his side. She replied by an answering bow and hop, and then each tried to outdo the other in a series of spasmodic hops and starts, mixed with a set of comically grave and ceremonious bows."

The cranes, like many other birds, especially some from the Plover Tribe, sometimes engage in lively dance displays. Mr. Nelson, writing about the birds of Alaska, recounts watching two cranes having fun one day. The male suddenly turned his back to the female and performed a low bow, his head almost touching the ground, and then jumped into the air. A quick spin had him facing his mate, whom he greeted with an even deeper bow, his wings hanging loosely at his sides. She responded with a matching bow and hop, and then both tried to outdo each other with a series of energetic hops and starts, mixed with hilariously serious and formal bows.

Cranes vary much in general appearance. Some species have much of the skin round the head bare and brilliantly coloured, such as the Sarus Crane of India and the Crowned Crane.

Cranes look very different from one another. Some species have a lot of bare skin around their heads that is brightly colored, like the Sarus Crane from India and the Crowned Crane.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. North Finchley.


White-backed trumpeters.

The trumpeters are very aberrant members of the Crane Tribe.

The trumpeters are very unusual members of the Crane Tribe.

The White and Whooping Cranes are birds of wondrous beauty. The first-named species has been not inaptly called the "lily of birds." The whole plumage, with the exception of the black quills, is white. The legs are red, as is also the face. Dr. Coues, an American ornithologist of great repute, relates how he once mistook one of these birds—the Whooping-crane—for an antelope. He and a companion saw what they "took to be an antelope standing quietly feeding, with his broad white stern toward us, and only about 500 yards off. We attempted for at least fifteen minutes to 'flag' the creature up to us, waving a handkerchief on a ramrod.... This proving unavailing, my friend proceeded to stalk the game, and crawled on his belly for about half the distance before {428}the 'antelope' unfolded his broad black-tipped wings and flapped off, revealed at length as a whooping (white) crane."

The White and Whooping Cranes are incredibly beautiful birds. The first species is often referred to as the "lily of birds." Their feathers are mostly white, except for the black tips on their wings. They have red legs and a red face. Dr. Coues, a well-known American ornithologist, once mistook one of these birds—the Whooping crane—for an antelope. He and a friend spotted what they thought was an antelope standing peacefully and feeding with its broad white backside facing them, about 500 yards away. They spent at least fifteen minutes trying to get the creature's attention by waving a handkerchief on a ramrod. When that didn’t work, my friend decided to stalk it and crawled on his belly for about half the distance before {428}the "antelope" spread its broad black-tipped wings and took off, finally revealing itself as a whooping (white) crane.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott [Leighton Buzzard.


Great Crested Grebe.

Young grebes in down are beautifully striped.

Young grebes covered in down feathers have beautiful stripes.

Another very remarkable species is the Crowned Crane. This is an African species, and takes its name from the tuft of curiously modified feathers on the top of the head. The coloured plate gives a good idea of its general appearance.

Another very remarkable species is the Crowned Crane. This is an African species and gets its name from the tuft of uniquely shaped feathers on the top of its head. The colored plate provides a good idea of its overall appearance.

The Seriema.

The Seriema.

This is a very hawklike-looking bird; indeed, by some ornithologists it has been regarded as closely allied to the Hawks and Eagles, and more especially to the Secretary-bird (page 467). Really, however, it is a very ancient kind of crane.

This bird looks a lot like a hawk; in fact, some ornithologists consider it closely related to hawks and eagles, particularly the Secretary-bird (page 467). However, it’s actually a very old type of crane.

The Trumpeters, the Courlans, the Kagu, and the Sun-bittern are other ornithological puzzles. Concerning the precise affinities of these birds much is yet to be learnt; they are, however, undoubtedly related to the Cranes. The last mentioned is a small bird, with wonderfully beautiful wings, which it displays with great effect to its mate during the courting-season.

The Trumpet players, the Courlans, the Kagu, and the Sun-bittern are other bird mysteries. There's still a lot to learn about how these birds are related; however, they are definitely linked to the Cranes. The Crane mentioned last is a small bird with incredibly beautiful wings, which it proudly displays to its mate during the mating season.







Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott [Leighton Buzzard.


Black-throated divers.

These very handsome birds breed in Scotland.

These beautiful birds breed in Scotland.

The Grebes and Divers are representatives of an exceedingly ancient type, and are in many ways besides very interesting. Both are common British birds. The greater part of their lives is spent upon the water, and to suit this aquatic existence their bodies are specially modified. One of the principal features of this modification is seen in the position of the legs. These, by a shortening of the thigh-bones in the grebes, leave the body so far back that when the bird walks the body is held vertically. With the divers walking has become an impossibility, and they can only move on land on their bellies, pushing themselves along with the feet. Both grebes and divers are expert swimmers, and dive with the greatest ease, remaining long under water. The grebes haunt ponds, lakes, and broads; the divers prefer the open sea. Both feed on fish.

The Grebes and Divers are representatives of a very ancient type of bird and are quite fascinating in many ways. Both are common in Britain. They spend most of their lives in the water, and their bodies are specially adapted for this aquatic lifestyle. One key feature of this adaptation is the position of their legs. In grebes, the thigh bones are shortened, which shifts their bodies backward so that when they walk, they do so in a vertical position. For divers, walking is impossible; they can only move on land by sliding on their bellies and pushing with their feet. Both grebes and divers are skilled swimmers and can dive effortlessly, staying underwater for a long time. Grebes frequent ponds, lakes, and broads, while divers prefer the open sea. Both birds feed on fish.


Photo by G. W. Wilson & Co., Ltd.]  [Aberdeen.

Photo by G. W. Wilson & Co., Ltd. Aberdeen.



The name Rock-hopper is given in allusion to the habit of hopping over boulders of rock.

The name Rock-hopper comes from its behavior of jumping over large rocks.




Of the numerous species of grebe, the most familiar are the Great Crested Grebe and the little Dabchick. The former has suffered grievous persecution for the sake of its beautiful breast-feathers, which Fashion decreed should be worn by the gentler sex in the form of muffs or hats. Thus a price was set upon the head of this beautiful and harmless bird, and its ranks were speedily thinned. Some species wear during the nesting-season beautiful chestnut or golden "ears," "horns," or "frills" on the head and neck. The Eared Grebe is especially magnificent at this time.

Of the many types of grebes, the ones most commonly known are the Great Crested Grebe and the little Dabchick. The former has faced significant persecution due to its beautiful breast feathers, which fashion dictated should be worn by women as muffs or hats. As a result, a price was placed on the head of this stunning and harmless bird, leading to a rapid decline in its population. Some species sport beautiful chestnut or golden "ears," "horns," or "frills" on their heads and necks during the nesting season. The Eared Grebe is particularly magnificent at this time.



These, as already remarked, are sea-loving birds, but they breed inland on the shores of lakes. There are not many species of divers, but, like the grebes, they assume a special dress during the nesting-season, more beautiful than the winter dress.

These, as mentioned earlier, are birds that love the sea, but they nest inland along the shores of lakes. There aren’t many types of divers, but, similar to grebes, they take on a unique look during the breeding season that is more striking than their winter appearance.




Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


African Penguin.

This bird, also known as the Cape or Jackass-penguin, breeds in burrows or under ledges of rock.

This bird, also called the Cape or Jackass penguin, nests in burrows or under rock ledges.

The Penguins may justly be called wonderful birds, and they are undoubtedly of very ancient descent. For countless generations the sea has been their home and refuge, and, in consequence, flight has been abandoned in exchange for increased swimming-powers, which have been gained by transforming the wing into a paddle. This transformation has resulted in flattening the wing-bones—and so increasing the surface of the hand and arm whilst reducing its thickness—and the suppression of the quill-feathers. The result is a blade-like paddle closely resembling the paddle of the whale, the turtle, or the extinct fish-lizards. With this organ they cleave their way through the water, often far below the surface, in pursuit of food, just as of old their ancestors did through the air. In other diving-birds the wings are kept closely pressed to the side of the body when under water, whilst the locomotion is effected by the feet. The penguin's legs, in consequence of diminished use, have shortened considerably. But besides the wings and legs, the feathery covering has also undergone a certain amount of change. This has been effected by increasing the size of the shaft of the feather and diminishing the vane; as a result, on the front part of the wings these feathers look more like scales than feathers.

The Penguins can rightfully be called amazing birds, and they definitely have very ancient origins. For countless generations, the sea has been their home and refuge, which has led them to give up flying in exchange for better swimming abilities, achieved by transforming their wings into paddles. This change has flattened the wing bones, increasing the size of their hands and arms while making them thinner, and has led to the loss of quill feathers. The result is a blade-like paddle that closely resembles the paddles of whales, turtles, or the extinct fish-lizards. With this adaptation, they move through the water, often deep below the surface, in search of food, just like their ancestors did in the air. In other diving birds, the wings are kept tightly against their bodies while they’re underwater, with movement primarily powered by their feet. The penguin's legs, due to reduced use, have become much shorter. Additionally, besides the wings and legs, their feather covering has also changed somewhat. This change has come from increasing the size of the feather shafts and decreasing the vane, making the feathers on the front of their wings look more like scales than traditional feathers.

Professor Moseley has vividly described the appearance of a flock of penguins at sea. He writes from Tristan d'Acunha: "As we approached the shore, I was astonished at seeing a {431}shoal of what looked like extremely active, very small porpoises or dolphins.... They showed black above and white beneath, and came along in a shoal of fifty or more..towards the shore at a rapid pace, by a series of successive leaps out of the water and leaps into it again ... Splash, splash, went this marvellous shoal of animals, till they went splash through the surf on to the black, stony beach, and then struggled and jumped up amongst the boulders and revealed themselves as wet and dripping penguins."

Professor Moseley has vividly described the appearance of a flock of penguins at sea. He writes from Tristan d'Acunha: "As we approached the shore, I was amazed to see a {431}group of what looked like really active, tiny porpoises or dolphins.... They were black on top and white underneath, and they moved in a group of fifty or more...toward the shore at a fast pace, jumping in and out of the water repeatedly... Splash, splash, went this amazing group of animals, until they splashed through the surf onto the black, rocky beach, then struggled and hopped among the boulders, revealing themselves as wet and dripping penguins."

Like their relatives in other parts of the world, penguins breed in huge communities known as "rookeries," a rookery being peopled by tens of thousands. Their nests, made of small stones, are placed among the tall grass and reached by beaten pathways, exceedingly difficult to walk through. Professor Moseley thus describes a "rookery": "At first you try to avoid the nests, but soon find that impossible; then, maddened almost by the pain [for they bite furiously at the legs], stench, and noise, you have recourse to brutality. Thump, thump, goes your stick, and at each blow down goes a bird. Thud, thud, you hear from the men behind you as they kick the birds right and left off the nests; and so you go for a bit—thump, smash, whack, thud, 'caa, caa, urr, urr,' and the path behind you is strewn with the dead and dying and bleeding. Of course, it is horribly cruel thus to kill whole families of innocent birds, but it is absolutely necessary. One must cross the rookeries in order to explore the island at all, and collect the plants, or survey the coasts from the heights."

Like their relatives in other parts of the world, penguins breed in large communities called "rookeries," which can have tens of thousands of birds. Their nests, made of small stones, are tucked among the tall grass and accessed by worn pathways that are very difficult to navigate. Professor Moseley describes a "rookery" this way: "At first, you try to avoid the nests, but soon find that impossible; then, nearly driven mad by the pain [as they bite at your legs], the smell, and the noise, you resort to brutality. Thump, thump, goes your stick, and with each hit, down goes a bird. Thud, thud, you hear from the men behind you as they kick the birds off their nests; and so you go for a bit—thump, smash, whack, thud, 'caa, caa, urr, urr,' and the path behind you is littered with the dead, dying, and bleeding. Of course, it's incredibly cruel to wipe out entire families of innocent birds, but it's absolutely necessary. You have to cross the rookeries to explore the island and collect plants or survey the coast from the high ground."

Penguins feed principally on crustacea, molluscs ("shell-fish"), and small fish, varied with a little vegetable matter. Although the legs are very short, penguins yet walk with ease, and can, on occasion, run with considerable speed. It would appear, however, as if the largest of the tribe, the Emperor-penguin, had become somewhat too bulky to run; for when speed is necessary it lies down upon the snow and propels itself with its feet, travelling, it is said, in this manner with incredible speed.

Penguins mainly eat crustaceans, mollusks ("shellfish"), and small fish, with a bit of plant material mixed in. Even though their legs are quite short, penguins walk easily and can, at times, run pretty fast. However, it seems that the largest of their group, the Emperor penguin, has gotten a bit too heavy to run; when they need to move quickly, they lie down on the snow and push themselves along with their feet, and they can reportedly travel this way at impressive speeds.


Photo by Percy Ashenden]  [Cape Town.

Photo by Percy Ashenden] [Cape Town.


Black-footed penguins taking a bath.

The name Jackass is bestowed because the noise made by these birds closely resembles the bray of a donkey.

The name Jackass comes from the fact that the sound these birds make is very similar to the bray of a donkey.

Penguins, though confined to the Southern Hemisphere, enjoy a wide range and every variety of climate. They are found on the Antarctic ice, on the shores of South Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and inhabit many islands of the southern seas, {432}notably the Falklands, Kerguelen, and Tristan d'Acunha. In size penguins vary greatly. The largest is the Emperor-penguin of the Antarctic seas; scarcely smaller is the King-penguin of Kerguelen Island. The emperor-penguin stands some 3½ feet high, and may weigh as much as 78 lbs. The Gentle Penguin, or "Johnny" of the sailors, is next in size, being but little smaller than the king-penguin; this species inhabits Kerguelen Island and the Falklands. The Crested Penguins, or Rock-hoppers, of which there are several species, are much smaller; they occur in the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and the Antarctic. The South African form is known as the Black-footed Penguin. Its nearest allies are Humboldt's Penguin of Western South America, and the Jackass-penguin of the Falklands. The smallest of all is the little Blue Penguin of South Australia and New Zealand, standing only 17 inches high.

Penguins, while limited to the Southern Hemisphere, thrive in a variety of climates. They can be found on the Antarctic ice, as well as the coasts of South Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and many islands in the southern seas, {432}including the Falklands, Kerguelen, and Tristan da Cunha. Penguins vary significantly in size. The largest is the Emperor Penguin from the Antarctic, followed closely by the King Penguin from Kerguelen Island. The emperor penguin stands about 3½ feet tall and can weigh up to 78 lbs. The Gentoo penguin, or "Johnny" as sailors call it, is just slightly smaller than the king penguin and is found on Kerguelen Island and the Falklands. The Crested Penguins, known as Rockhoppers, include several smaller species found in the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and Antarctica. The South African variety is called the African Penguin. Its closest relatives are Humboldt Penguin from western South America and the Jackass Penguin from the Falklands. The smallest penguin is the little Blue Penguin from South Australia and New Zealand, measuring only 17 inches tall.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


King Penguin.

This is one of the largest of the Penguins.

This is one of the biggest Penguins.


Tube-nosed Birds.

Until recently these birds were believed to be closely related to the Gulls, but it is now generally agreed that they are really distant relatives of the Divers and Penguins. The association with the Gulls was pardonable, for they certainly bear a superficial resemblance to them. The birds now under discussion may be readily distinguished from the Gulls by the fact that the nostrils open into a tube on the top of the beak, or a pair of tubes, one on either side—hence the name of the group. Like the Gulls, they are sea-birds and web-footed. Their young are downy and for a time helpless. One egg is laid, which is white, and in some cases spotted with red at the large end. As a rule no nest is made, but the egg laid on the bare ground, in a hole or burrow or in crevices of rocks. The Albatrosses build a nest of earth, tufts of grass, and moss, the whole structure raising the sitting-bird well above the ground. The Giant and Fulmar Petrels also build nests. The albatross is said by Professor Moseley to hold the egg in a pouch while sitting, as in the case of the king-penguin. The nature of this pouch has never been described.

Until recently, these birds were thought to be closely related to Gulls, but it's now commonly accepted that they're actually distant relatives of Divers and Penguins. The connection to Gulls was understandable since they do look somewhat similar. The birds we're discussing can easily be distinguished from Gulls by the fact that their nostrils open into a tube at the top of the beak, or a pair of tubes, one on each side—hence the name of the group. Like Gulls, they are seabirds with webbed feet. Their young are covered in down and are helpless for a while. They lay one egg, which is white and sometimes has red spots at the larger end. Generally, no nest is built, and the egg is placed on bare ground, in a hole or burrow, or in rock crevices. Albatrosses build nests out of dirt, grass, and moss, raising the sitting bird well above the ground. The Giant and Fulmar Petrels also build nests. Professor Moseley claims that the albatross holds the egg in a pouch while sitting, similar to the king penguin. The details of this pouch have never been described.

Although occurring in the seas of all parts of the world, the Southern Hemisphere must be regarded as their headquarters, since here the greatest number of species are found. All are carnivorous, and—with the exception of one small group, the Diving-petrels of the Strait of Magellan—are birds of powerful flight. A large number of species belong to this group, but an enumeration of all would be wearisome. A few of the more striking have, therefore, been selected for description.

Although they can be found in oceans all over the world, the Southern Hemisphere is considered their main hub, as it's home to the largest number of species. All of them are carnivorous, and—except for one small group, the Diving-petrels of the Strait of Magellan—they are all strong fliers. Many species belong to this group, but listing them all would be tedious. Therefore, a few of the more notable ones have been chosen for description.

The Albatrosses.

The Albatrosses.

It was an albatross which brought such woe upon the ancient mariner whose pitiful story is so feelingly told by Coleridge. But the tables are occasionally turned, for men falling overboard in southern seas are liable to be attacked by these powerful giants. The albatross is mostly renowned for its majestic flight. Mr. Froude has given us a wonderful description {433}of this flight, which is quoted with approval by Professor Newton. It runs as follows: "The albatross wheels in circles round and round, and for ever round the ship—now far behind, now sweeping past in a long, rapid curve, like a perfect skater on an untouched field of ice. There is no effort; watch as closely as you will, you rarely or never see a stroke of the mighty pinion. The flight is generally near the water, often close to it. You lose sight of the bird as he disappears in the hollow between the waves, and catch him again as he rises over the crest; but how he rises and whence comes the propelling force is to the eye inexplicable: he alters merely the angle at which the wings are inclined; usually they are parallel to the water and horizontal; but when he turns to ascend or makes a change in his direction, the wings then point at an angle, one to the sky, the other to the water."

It was an albatross that brought such sorrow to the ancient mariner, whose tragic tale is so movingly told by Coleridge. But sometimes the roles are reversed, as men who fall overboard in southern waters are likely to be attacked by these powerful giants. The albatross is mostly known for its majestic flight. Mr. Froude has provided a stunning description {433}of this flight, which is praised by Professor Newton. It goes like this: "The albatross circles around the ship endlessly—now far behind, now sweeping past in a long, swift curve, like a perfect skater on untouched ice. There’s no visible effort; no matter how closely you observe, you rarely, if ever, see a flap of its enormous wings. The flight is usually just above the water, often very close to it. You lose sight of the bird as it dips into the trough between the waves, and spot it again as it rises over the crest; but how it rises and where the force comes from is impossible to explain: it simply adjusts the angle of its wings; normally, they're parallel to the water and level, but when it decides to ascend or changes direction, the wings tilt—one pointing to the sky, the other to the water."

Professor Hutton, speaking with similar enthusiasm of the wonderful flight, gives us, however, another side to the picture. "Suddenly," he says, "he sees something floating on the water, and prepares to alight; but how changed he now is from the noble bird but a moment before, all grace and symmetry! He raises his wings, his head goes back, and his back goes in; down drop two enormous webbed feet, straddled out to their full extent; and with a hoarse croak, between the cry of a raven and that of a sheep, he falls 'souse' into the water. Here he is at home again, breasting the waves like a cork. Presently he stretches out his neck, and with great exertion of his wings runs along the top of the water for seventy or eighty yards, until, at last, having got sufficient impetus, he tucks up his legs, and is once more fairly launched in the air."

Professor Hutton, speaking with the same enthusiasm about the amazing flight, presents us with another perspective. "Suddenly," he says, "he sees something floating on the water and gets ready to land; but he has changed so much from the majestic bird he was just a moment ago, all grace and symmetry! He lifts his wings, his head tilts back, and his body curves in; down fall two huge webbed feet, spread out to their full length; and with a harsh croak, somewhere between a raven's call and a sheep's bleat, he dives right into the water. Now he's back in his element, gliding through the waves like a cork. Soon, he stretches out his neck, and with a lot of effort from his wings, he skims along the surface of the water for seventy or eighty yards, until finally, gaining enough momentum, he tucks in his legs and launches himself back into the air."


By permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild]  [Tring.

With permission from the Honorable Walter Rothschild [Tring.


Nesting Albatrosses on Laysan Island.

This colony was of enormous size, and included thousands of birds.

This colony was huge and included thousands of birds.

For the wonderful photographs of the albatross at home we are indebted to the Hon. Walter {434}Rothschild. They are from his book on the avifauna of Laysan Island, in the North Pacific. Unfortunately for the albatrosses and other birds, traders have been attracted to Laysan for the sake of the guano deposits. The birds were strictly protected during the occupation of Mr. Preece, but when he left they had no friend to shield them, and their eggs were taken in cart-loads, as the accompanying photograph shows.

For the amazing pictures of the albatross at home, we thank the Hon. Walter {434} Rothschild. They are from his book on the birds of Laysan Island in the North Pacific. Sadly for the albatrosses and other birds, traders have been drawn to Laysan because of the guano deposits. The birds were well-protected during Mr. Preece's time, but once he left, there was no one to protect them, and their eggs were taken away in cartloads, as the photo shows.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.


White-capped albatross on egg.

Professor Moseley describes the egg of the albatross as being held in a sort of pouch.

Professor Moseley describes the albatross egg as being contained in a kind of pouch.

When an albatross makes love, Professor Moseley tells us, he stands "by the female on the nest, raises his wings, spreads his tail and elevates it, throws up his head with the bill in the air, or stretches it straight out forwards as far as he can, and then utters a curious cry.... Whilst uttering the cry the bird sways his neck up and down. The female responds with a similar note, and they bring the tips of their bills lovingly together. This sort of thing goes on for half an hour or so at a time."

When an albatross mates, Professor Moseley explains, he stands "next to the female on the nest, raises his wings, spreads his tail and lifts it, throws back his head with his beak in the air, or stretches it straight out in front as far as he can, and then makes a strange sound.... While making this sound, the bird moves his neck up and down. The female responds with a similar call, and they gently bring the tips of their beaks together. This continues for about half an hour at a time."

There are several different kinds of albatross. The largest measures over 11 feet across the out stretched wings. They are inhabitants of the southern seas.

There are several different types of albatross. The largest stretches over 11 feet from wingtip to wingtip. They live in the southern oceans.


By permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild]  [Tring.

With the approval of the Hon. Walter Rothschild [Tring.]



At one time these birds were protected; as this photograph testifies, this is no longer the case.

At one time, these birds were protected; as this photograph shows, that is no longer true.

After the Albatrosses, the largest bird of the group is the Giant Petrel. The sailors call it "Break-bones," "Nelly," or "Stinker." In habits it differs much from its aristocratic relative the albatross, haunting the coasts in search of dead seals and whales, and the bodies of other birds. Professor Moseley aptly likens it to the vulture: "It soars all day along the coast on the look-out for food. No sooner is an animal killed than numbers appear as if by magic, and the birds are evidently well acquainted with the usual proceedings of sealers, who kill the sea-elephant, take off the skin and blubber, and leave the carcase. The birds gorge themselves with food, just like the vultures, and are then unable to fly. I came across half a dozen at Christmas Harbour in this condition. We landed just opposite them; they began to run to get out of the way. The men chased them; they ran off, spreading their wings, but unable to rise. Some struggled {435}into the water and swam away, but two went running on, gradually disgorging their food, in the utmost hurry, until they were able to rise, when they made off to sea."

After the Albatrosses, the largest bird in this group is the Giant Petrel. The sailors nickname it "Break-bones," "Nelly," or "Stinker." It has very different habits compared to its more refined relative, the albatross, as it lurks along the coasts searching for dead seals and whales, as well as the remains of other birds. Professor Moseley aptly compares it to a vulture: "It soars all day along the coast looking for food. No sooner is an animal killed than a crowd appears as if by magic, and the birds clearly know the usual activities of sealers, who kill the sea-elephant, strip off the skin and blubber, and leave the carcass. The birds stuff themselves full of food, just like vultures, and then they can’t fly. I found half a dozen of them at Christmas Harbour in this state. We landed right across from them; they started running to get away. The men chased them; they ran off, spreading their wings but unable to lift off. Some struggled {435}into the water and swam away, but two kept running, quickly regurgitating their food until they could finally take off, then they headed out to sea."

The Fulmar Petrel is a British bird. On St. Kilda, Professor Newton tells us, from 18,000 to 20,000 young are killed in one week in August, the only time when, by the custom of the community, they are allowed to be taken. These, after the oil is extracted, serve the islanders for winter food.

The Fulmar is a bird found in Britain. According to Professor Newton, on St. Kilda, between 18,000 and 20,000 young birds are killed in a single week in August, which is the only time the community permits this. After the oil is removed, these birds provide food for the islanders during the winter.

The Storm-petrel is a small bird which breeds abundantly in St. Kilda and the Orkneys, and so fearless that it will allow itself to be taken from the nest by hand. Immediately this is done, the bird vomits a quantity of pure oil from its mouth. The wild-fowlers make use of this habit, capturing the bird, collecting the oil, and setting the prisoner free again. A story is related of a storm-petrel which was kept in a cage for three weeks. It was fed by smearing its breast with oil, which the bird swallowed by drawing the feathers separately through its beak. These birds are popularly supposed to be seen only before stormy weather, and therefore are not welcomed by sailors, who call them "Devil's Birds" and "Witches." This bird seems to commend itself to some palates; thus the late Mr. Seebohm says: "Cooked on toast, like snipe, we found them delicious eating, very rich, but not at all fishy."

The Storm petrel is a small bird that breeds abundantly in St. Kilda and the Orkneys. It's so fearless that it will let people take it from its nest by hand. As soon as that happens, the bird vomits a lot of pure oil. Hunters take advantage of this habit by capturing the bird, collecting the oil, and then releasing it again. There's a story about a storm-petrel that was kept in a cage for three weeks. It was fed by smearing its chest with oil, which the bird swallowed by drawing its feathers through its beak. People commonly believe that these birds can only be seen before stormy weather, so sailors don't welcome them and refer to them as "Devil's Birds" and "Witches." However, some people find them tasty; the late Mr. Seebohm said, "Cooked on toast like snipe, we found them delicious, very rich, but not at all fishy."

We cannot refrain from a brief mention of the remarkable little Diving-petrel—remarkable because of its unlikeness to all the other Petrels and its strong resemblance to the Auks. But its tubular nostrils and certain anatomical characters proclaim its true affinities. "This is a petrel," says Professor Moseley, "that has given up the active aerial habits of its allies, and has taken to diving, and has become specially modified by natural selection to suit it for this changed habit, though still a petrel in essential structure." On two occasions Professor Moseley met with them in the Strait of Magellan, and describes the water as being covered with these birds in flocks extending over acres, which were made black with them.

We can’t help but briefly mention the remarkable little Diving petrel—remarkable because it’s so different from all the other Petrels and looks a lot like Auks. However, its tubular nostrils and certain anatomical features reveal its true connections. "This is a petrel," says Professor Moseley, "that has abandoned the active flying habits of its relatives, taken to diving, and has been specially adapted by natural selection for this new behavior, though it still retains its essential structure as a petrel." On two occasions, Professor Moseley encountered them in the Strait of Magellan and described the water as being filled with these birds in flocks covering acres, making it look black with them.



Storks, Herons, and Pelican Family.

The Storks, Herons, and Pelican Tribe form a group of closely allied but externally very unlike birds, distantly related to the Petrels on the one hand, and the Cranes and Hawk Tribe on the other.

The Storks, Herons, and Pelican Tribe consists of a group of closely related yet externally very different birds, which are distantly connected to the Petrels on one side and the Cranes and Hawk Tribe on the other.

The Storks.

The Storks.


Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S.]  [North Finchley.

Photo by L. Medland, F.Z.S. [North Finchley.


Fulmar Petrel.

Like the vulture, this bird will so gorge itself with food as to be unable, for a time, to fly.

Like the vulture, this bird will stuff itself with food so much that it won't be able to fly for a while.

There are few birds which have figured more prominently in the realms of fairy-tale and fable than the White Stork. Today it is almost universally held in affectionate regard, and in Holland, Denmark, and Germany is afforded the strictest protection, every effort being made, in localities where it is plentiful, to induce it to build its nest upon the house-roof. Sometimes, to effect this, its fondness for a stage of some sort being known, a cart-wheel is set up, and this generally proves successful, the grateful bird erecting thereon its nest. Once occupied, it may be held by several generations of tenants; and year by year additions are made to the nest, so that the original shallow structure at last attains a height of several feet. The material used in its {436}construction consists of sticks and other substances. He considers himself a fortunate man indeed who can boast a stork's nest on his house.

There are few birds that have been more significant in fairy tales and fables than the White Stork. Today, it is almost universally loved, and in countries like Holland, Denmark, and Germany, it is given the highest level of protection. In areas where they are common, every effort is made to encourage them to build their nests on rooftops. Sometimes, to achieve this, a cartwheel is set up, which usually works; the grateful bird will build its nest on it. Once a nest is occupied, it can be used by several generations of storks, and every year, more materials are added, causing the original shallow nest to grow to several feet high. The materials used in its {436}construction include sticks and various other substances. A man who can proudly say he has a stork's nest on his house considers himself very lucky.

To show how widespread is the regard in which this bird is held, we may mention that in Morocco, according to Colonel Irby, "almost every Moorish hovel has its stork's nest on the top, a pile of sticks lined with grass and palmetto-fibre," and he goes on to relate that in "Morocco and Fez, and some other large towns in the Moorish Empire, there is a regular storks' hospital, and that, should one be in any way injured or fall from the nest, it is sent to this institution, or rather enclosure, which is kept up by subscriptions from wealthy Moors, who regard the stork as a sacred bird."

To illustrate how widely respected this bird is, we can mention that in Morocco, as Colonel Irby noted, "almost every Moorish hovel has its stork's nest on the top, a pile of sticks lined with grass and palmetto fiber." He goes on to explain that in "Morocco and Fez, and some other large towns in the Moorish Empire, there is a dedicated stork hospital. If a stork is injured or falls from the nest, it is taken to this facility, which is maintained by donations from wealthy Moors who view the stork as a sacred bird."

Though the nest appears to be generally placed upon buildings, it is, when these fail, built in trees, and the selection of such sites must be regarded as representing the original practice of the species.

Though the nest seems to usually be built on buildings, it is, when those aren't available, constructed in trees, and choosing these locations should be seen as reflecting the species' original behavior.

The stork is one of the very few birds which appear to be quite dumb. It supplies the want of a voice by a very remarkable clapping noise made by the long, horny beak. But even this noise is rarely made, and appears to be prompted by unusual excitement. "During the breeding-season," Mr. Howard Saunders tells us, "storks keep up a clappering with their bills, and this sound may frequently be heard proceeding from a number of birds circling in the air at such a height as to be almost invisible."

The stork is one of the few birds that seem pretty dumb. It compensates for its lack of voice with a distinctive clapping noise made by its long, tough beak. However, this sound is hardly ever heard and seems to be triggered by unusual excitement. "During the breeding season," Mr. Howard Saunders tells us, "storks make a clapping sound with their bills, and this noise can often be heard coming from several birds flying in the air at such a height that they are almost invisible."

The affection displayed by storks for their young is proverbial. They feed them by thrusting their beaks down into the gaping little mouths, and injecting the half-digested remains of their last meal, which may represent reptile, frog, or fish, varied by a small mammal, young bird, worms, or insects.

The love that storks show for their chicks is well-known. They feed them by pushing their beaks into the open little mouths and delivering the partially digested scraps of their last meal, which could be reptiles, frogs, fish, and sometimes small mammals, baby birds, worms, or insects.

The white stork is a really beautiful bird. Except the quill- and some of the smaller wing-feathers, which are black, the plumage is snow-white, whilst the bill and the legs are bright red. Like the swallow, it performs extensive migrations, travelling in flocks, numbering many thousands, at an immense height.

The white stork is a truly beautiful bird. Aside from the quill and some of the smaller wing feathers, which are black, its plumage is snow-white, while its bill and legs are bright red. Similar to the swallow, it migrates over long distances, traveling in flocks that can number in the thousands, at a great height.

Scarcely less beautiful is the Black Stork, and, like its white-plumaged ally, it is also an occasional visitant to Britain. It is a handsome bird, having the plumage of the upper-parts black, richly glossed with purple, copper, and green; the under-parts pure white; and the legs and beak red. But it is far less sociable, and consequently less known, than the white stork, shunning the haunts of men, and seeking seclusion for its nest in the lofty trees of large forests.

Scarcely less beautiful is the Black Stork, and, like its white-plumaged counterpart, it occasionally visits Britain as well. It's a stunning bird, with glossy black upper feathers shimmering in purple, copper, and green; pure white underparts; and red legs and beak. However, it's much less social and, as a result, less familiar than the white stork. It avoids human habitats and prefers to build its nest in the high trees of vast forests.


By permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, Tring. 

With the approval of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, Tring.



A rare species, remarkable for the huge size of the beak.

A rare species, noted for its large beak size.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz] [Berlin.


White Storks.

The right-hand figure shows the bird making the curious clappering with its beak.

The figure on the right shows the bird making the curious clapping sound with its beak.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz] [Berlin.


White stork.

A parent bird returning with a frog for its young.

A parent bird coming back with a frog for its chicks.


The largest members of the Stork Tribe are the Adjutant-storks and Jabirus. The adjutants are also, to our eyes at least, singularly ugly birds. In spite of this very natural disadvantage, they have won a very high place in the regard of the people among whom they dwell, on account of the fact that, both in Africa and India, they perform, with the vultures, the work of scavengers. Yet there is something of quaintness about these birds, if they are watched from a distance too great to reveal the character which imparts the ugliness to which we have referred, and their actions not seldom border on the grotesque. The name Adjutant has been bestowed upon them on account of the peculiar gait, which bears a fanciful resemblance to the measured pacing of an officer on parade. Like all the Storks, they have large bodies and very long legs, but they have outstripped all their relatives in the enormous size of the beak. The features which have earned this unenviable reputation for ugliness are the peculiarly unkempt and unwashed appearance of the head and neck. These are but scantily clothed in very shabby, brown-looking down-feathers; and the neck is made still more, we might almost say, repulsive by the presence of a large bare pouch, which can be distended with air to an enormous size at will. The Arabs, on account of this pouch, call the species resident with them "The Father of the Leather Bottle." Some, however, say that the correct translation of the native name would be "The Father of the Beak." But it is not only on account of their scavenging propensities that the adjutants are esteemed, for it is from the under tail-coverts of these birds that the much-prized "marabou" or "comercolly" feathers are obtained—at least the finest kinds; for some appear to be furnished by that chief of scavengers, the vulture. More precious still "is the celebrated stone called Zahir mora, or poison-killer, of great virtue and repute as an antidote to all kinds of poison," to be procured only by splitting open the head of the bird before death. Needless to say, the existence of this stone lives only in popular superstition, though how many poor birds have fallen victims thereto is not pleasant to contemplate.

The biggest members of the Stork Tribe are the Adjutant storks and Jabirus. The adjutants are, at least to us, pretty ugly birds. Even with this natural disadvantage, they have gained a special place in the hearts of the people living around them because, in both Africa and India, they work with vultures as scavengers. However, there is something quirky about these birds when observed from a distance that makes their ugliness less obvious, and their behavior can be quite amusing. They are called Adjutants because of their distinctive walk, which resembles the formal pacing of a parade officer. Like all storks, they have large bodies and very long legs, but they are the largest in beak size compared to their relatives. Their unpleasant appearance comes from their scruffy and dirty-looking head and neck, which are barely covered in rough, brown down feathers. The neck looks even more off-putting due to a large bare pouch, which can inflate with air to a huge size at will. The Arabs refer to them as "The Father of the Leather Bottle" because of this pouch, while some argue that a better translation of the native name would be "The Father of the Beak." The adjutants are valued not only for being scavengers but also because the finest "marabou" or "comercolly" feathers come from their under tail-coverts; some of these feathers seem to come from the vultures. Even more sought after is a famous stone called Zahir mora, or poison-killer, known for its effectiveness as an antidote to all kinds of poison, which can only be obtained by splitting open the bird's head before it dies. It's important to note that the existence of this stone is a popular superstition, though it's not pleasant to think about how many innocent birds have been harmed because of it.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



The curious wind-bag is well shown.

The curious windbag is clearly displayed.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



This shows the bird in a rather unusual attitude.

This shows the bird in a pretty unusual pose.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green. 

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co., Parson's Green.


Jabiru Stork.

This bird stands between 4 and 5 feet high.

This bird is between 4 and 5 feet tall.

Adjutants choose almost inaccessible pinnacles of rock on {439}which to build their nests, though they sometimes nest in trees. From two to four white eggs are laid, from which, if all goes well, as many young, covered with fluffy white down, are hatched.

Adjutants pick nearly unreachable rock peaks on {439} to build their nests, although they do sometimes nest in trees. They lay between two to four white eggs, and if everything goes smoothly, the eggs hatch into young covered in soft white down.

The Jabirus are distant relatives of, and scarcely inferior in size to, the Adjutants. There are three species, one occurring in the Indian Peninsula, New Guinea, and Australia, one in Africa, and one in South America. It is to this last species that the name Jabiru correctly applies. Furthermore, there can be no doubt that it is one of the handsomest of its tribe. The whole plumage is pure white, and the upper-parts are made additionally resplendent by an indescribable satin-like gloss. The beautiful whiteness of its plumage is enhanced by the fact that the head and neck, bill and feet, are jet-black. Some would give the palm of beauty to the African Saddle-billed Stork. Black and white, as in the American form, are the contrasting "colours"; but the plumage of the body, instead of being pure white, is plentifully enriched with black, with beautiful purple reflections.

The Jabirus are distant relatives of the Adjutants and are nearly the same size. There are three species: one found in the Indian Peninsula, New Guinea, and Australia, one in Africa, and one in South America. The name Jabiru specifically refers to this last species. It's definitely one of the most beautiful of its kind. Its entire plumage is a bright white, and the upper parts have an indescribable satin-like shine. The stunning whiteness of its feathers is strikingly complemented by its jet-black head, neck, bill, and feet. Some might argue that the Saddle-billed Stork is the most beautiful. The contrasting colors of black and white are similar to the American variety, but the body plumage is not pure white; it is heavily adorned with black and exhibits lovely purple highlights.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.



In flight the long neck and legs are fully extended, giving the bird a very remarkable appearance.

In flight, the long neck and legs are fully stretched out, making the bird look really impressive.

More or less nearly allied to the Storks are several species familiar enough to the professional ornithologist, but not very well known generally. One of the rarest and most interesting of these is the Whale-headed or Shoe-billed Stork of the Nile, remarkable for its enormous boat-shaped bill. More common but equally interesting are the beautiful Flamingoes. Apart from the brilliancy of their colour, the most noticeable feature of these birds is the curious beak, which is bent downwards at a sharp angle, and provided on its inside with horny plates resembling those of the Ducks and Swans. The tongue of this bird, unlike that of the Stork Tribe generally, is thick and fleshy, and also resembles that of the duck.

More or less closely related to the Storks are several species that professional bird watchers know well, but many people are not familiar with. One of the rarest and most interesting of these is the Shoebill or Shoebill Stork of the Nile, known for its huge boat-shaped bill. More common but equally fascinating are the beautiful Flamingos. In addition to their vibrant color, the most noticeable feature of these birds is their uniquely shaped beak, which bends down at a sharp angle and has horny plates inside similar to those of Ducks and Swans. The tongue of this bird, unlike that of most Storks, is thick and fleshy, resembling that of a duck.

The flamingo is the only member of the Stork Tribe which builds a mud-nest. Its foundation laid often in as much as 15 inches of water, and rising above the surface from 6 to 8 inches, with a diameter at the top of 15 inches, it forms a pile of no mean size. Strangely enough, though these birds are never so happy as when wading "knee" deep in water, yet after the construction of the nest the incubation of the eggs is delayed so long {440}that before they are hatched the water has disappeared, leaving a burning plain of sun-baked mud. On the top of this nest the parent sits with its long neck neatly curled away among the back-feathers, with its long legs doubled up, and projecting behind her for some distance beyond the tail. Until quite recently it was believed that the bird incubated its eggs by sitting astride the nest, the length of the legs forbidding any other position: this has now been proved beyond cavil to be an entirely erroneous opinion.

The flamingo is the only member of the Stork family that builds a mud nest. Its foundation is often laid in about 15 inches of water, rising 6 to 8 inches above the surface, with a top diameter of 15 inches, creating a substantial pile. Oddly enough, even though these birds are happiest wading "knee" deep in water, the incubation of their eggs is delayed so long {440} that by the time they hatch, the water has vanished, leaving a scorching, sun-baked plain of mud. On top of this nest, the parent sits with its long neck neatly curled among the back-feathers, its long legs folded up and extending behind her well past the tail. Until recently, it was thought that the bird incubated its eggs by sitting astride the nest, as its long legs seemed to prevent any other position; this has now been proven to be completely incorrect.


Photo by Charles Knight]  [Aldershot.

Photo by Charles Knight] [Aldershot.



On account of the swan-like neck and "strainers" along the edges of the beak, these birds have been regarded as long-legged members of the Duck Tribe, but they seem more nearly related to the Storks.

Because of their swan-like necks and "strainers" along the edges of their beaks, these birds have been seen as long-legged members of the Duck Tribe, but they actually seem more closely related to Storks.

The eggs, two in number, are peculiar in that they are encased in a thick outer chalky coat, which on removal reveals a greenish-blue shell.

The two eggs are unusual because they have a thick, chalky outer layer, and when this is removed, it reveals a greenish-blue shell.

The characteristic crooked beak of the adult is not at all apparent in the young bird, and only appears as it approaches maturity.

The adult's distinctive crooked beak isn't noticeable in the young bird and only shows up as it gets closer to maturity.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


European flamingos.

These birds breed in the South of France and Spain.

These birds breed in southern France and Spain.

The huge flocks in which these birds consort are graphically described by Mr. Abel Chapman as follows: "In herds of 300 to 400, several of which are often in sight at once, they stand feeding in the open water, all their heads under, greedily tearing up the grasses and water-plants from the bottom. On approaching them, which can only be done by extreme caution, their silence is first broken by the sentries, who commence walking away with low croaks; then hundreds of necks rise at once to full extent, every bird gaggling its loudest, as they walk obliquely away, looking back over their shoulders, as though to take stock of the extent of the danger. Pushing a few yards forward, up they all rise, and a more beautiful sight cannot be imagined than the simultaneous spreading of the crimson wings, flashing against the sky like a gleam of rosy light. In many respects these birds bear a strong resemblance to geese. Like them, flamingoes feed by day; and great quantities {441}of grass, etc., are always floating about the muddy water when a herd has been feeding. Their cry is almost indistinguishable from the gaggling of geese, and they fly in the same catenarian formations."

The large groups of these birds are vividly described by Mr. Abel Chapman as follows: "In herds of 300 to 400, several of which are often visible at once, they stand feeding in the open water, with all their heads submerged, eagerly pulling up grasses and water plants from the bottom. Approaching them can only be done with extreme caution; the first sound you hear is from the sentries, who start to walk away with soft croaks. Then, hundreds of necks rise simultaneously to their full height, every bird making its loudest noises as they walk away at an angle, glancing back over their shoulders as if assessing the extent of the threat. After moving a few yards forward, they all take to the air, and it’s a beautiful sight to see the simultaneous spreading of their crimson wings, flashing against the sky like a burst of rosy light. In many ways, these birds are very similar to geese. Like them, flamingoes feed during the day, and there are always large amounts of grass, etc., floating in the muddy water after a herd has been feeding. Their call is nearly indistinguishable from the gaggling of geese, and they fly in the same V formations."

The Spoonbills and Ibises also belong to the Stork Tribe. The former are remarkable chiefly for the strange spoon-shaped bill: one species, a few hundred years ago, nested in England. This remarkable beak is associated with a peculiar method of feeding, well described by the late Mr. Wolley. During the operation, he says, "the beak was passed sideways through the water, and kept open till something palatable came within its grasp; but the action by which the bird effected this was most singular; for instead of turning only its head and neck, it turned its whole body from left to right and from right to left, like the balance-wheel of a watch; its neck stretched out and its beak immersed perpendicularly to about half its depth: this semicircular action was kept up with great vigour and at a tolerably quick march."

The Spoonbills and Ibises are also part of the Stork Tribe. Spoonbills are especially known for their unusual spoon-shaped bill: one species used to nest in England a few hundred years ago. This unique beak is connected to a distinctive way of feeding, which was well described by the late Mr. Wolley. He noted that "the beak was moved sideways through the water, kept open until something tasty came within reach; but the way the bird did this was very unusual; instead of just turning its head and neck, it turned its whole body from left to right and from right to left, like the balance wheel of a watch; its neck extended, and its beak was dipped straight down to about half its length: this semicircular movement was carried out with a lot of energy and at a fairly quick pace."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.



So called on account of its spoon-shaped bill.

So named because of its spoon-shaped bill.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Sacred Ibis.

Sacred to the ancient Egyptians, it is known to the Abyssinians to-day as "Father John."

Sacred to the ancient Egyptians, it is known to the Abyssinians today as "Father John."

A graphic description by Mr. Alfred Crowley of a visit to the breeding-haunts of the spoonbill, about fifteen miles from Amsterdam, in 1884, is well worth reproducing here: "Taking a small boat in tow, we were punted across the open water, over which were flying numbers of sand-martins, swifts, common and black terns, and black-headed gulls, the reeds being full of coots, moorhens, sedge- and reed-warblers, etc., and in the distance we saw, rising above the reeds occasionally, a small spoonbill or purple heron. On nearing a large mass of reeds, one of the boatmen struck the side of the punt with the pole, when up rose some fifty spoonbills and eight or ten purple herons; and as we came closer to the reeds there were soon hovering over our heads, within easy shot, some 200 of the former, and fifty or sixty of the latter. Strange to say, not a note or sound escaped from the spoonbills, and only a few croaks from the herons. On reaching the reeds, we moored our punt, and two of the men, wading in the mud, took us in the small boat about fifty yards through the reeds, where we found ourselves surrounded by spoonbills' nests. They were placed on the mud among the reeds, built about 1 foot or 18 inches high and 2 feet in diameter at the bottom, tapering to 1 foot at the top, where there was a slight depression, in which lay four eggs, or in most cases four young birds, many ready to leave the nest, and several ran off as we {442}approached. In the nests with young there was a great difference in age and size, one being about a day or so old, and the oldest nearly ready to leave the nest—some two or three weeks old—so that evidently the birds lay their four eggs at considerable intervals, and begin to sit on depositing the first. After wandering about, a matter of difficulty on account of the mud, we found a clutch of only three eggs, and one of four, which I managed to blow. We also obtained two clutches of eggs of the purple heron, but some of the latter had young."

A detailed account by Mr. Alfred Crowley of a trip to the spoonbill breeding areas, about fifteen miles from Amsterdam in 1884, is definitely worth sharing here: "Taking a small boat with us, we were paddled across the open water, where many sand-martins, swifts, common and black terns, and black-headed gulls were flying. The reeds were filled with coots, moorhens, sedge- and reed-warblers, and in the distance, we occasionally spotted a small spoonbill or purple heron rising above the reeds. As we approached a large patch of reeds, one of the boatmen tapped the side of the punt with his pole, and suddenly about fifty spoonbills and eight or ten purple herons took flight. Getting closer to the reeds, we soon had around 200 spoonbills and fifty to sixty herons hovering over us, all within easy shooting range. Strangely, not a sound came from the spoonbills, and only a few croaks from the herons. When we reached the reeds, we anchored our punt, and two of the men, wading through the mud, took us in the small boat about fifty yards into the reeds, where we found ourselves surrounded by spoonbill nests. The nests were built on the mud among the reeds, about 1 foot or 18 inches high and 2 feet wide at the base, tapering to 1 foot at the top, where there was a slight dip that held four eggs, or in many cases, four young birds, with many ready to leave the nest. A few scurried off as we approached. In the nests with young birds, there was a significant difference in age and size; one was about a day old, while the oldest was nearly ready to leave the nest—some two or three weeks old—indicating that the birds lay their four eggs at various intervals, starting to incubate after laying the first one. After exploring further, which was tricky due to the mud, we found a clutch of only three eggs and one with four, which I managed to blow. We also collected two clutches of purple heron eggs, but some of them already had young."


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.



Photographed in the top of a pine-tree 60 feet from the ground, in Lord Clarendon's Park.

Photographed in the top of a pine tree, 60 feet off the ground, in Lord Clarendon's Park.

The Ibises, though much alike in form, are strangely diverse in colour. One species was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. The reverence and affection they showed to this bird, above all others, is probably largely due to its migrating habits, which obtained in that far past just as they do to-day. The naturalist Brehm says on this subject: "When the Nile, after being at its lowest ebb, rose again, and the water assumed a red tinge, then the ibis appeared in the land of the Pharaohs as a sure guarantee that the stream—the giver and preserver of life, which the people in their profound reverence raised to the rank of a god—would once again empty the well-spring of plenty over the thirsty land. The servant and messenger of an all-bounteous Deity commanded of a necessity a reverence of a poetic and distinguished character, by reason of its importance: he too must be a god."

The Ibises, while similar in shape, are surprisingly varied in color. One species was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians. Their deep respect and affection for this bird, more than for any other, was likely due to its migratory patterns, which have remained consistent from ancient times until now. The naturalist Brehm comments on this topic: "When the Nile, after reaching its lowest point, began to rise again, and the water took on a reddish hue, the ibis appeared in the land of the Pharaohs, confirming that the river—the source and sustainer of life, which the people honored as a god—would once again shower the thirsty land with abundance. The servant and messenger of a generous Deity naturally commanded a reverence that was poetic and distinguished, due to its significance: it too must be a god."

Another species, the Glossy Ibis, occurs sometimes in Britain. Perhaps the most beautiful of all is the Scarlet Ibis of America, numbers of which can be seen in the Zoological Gardens of London. On account of the curved, sickle-shaped bill the Ibises were at one time believed to be related to the Curlews: this, however, is now known to be quite incorrect.

Another species, the Glossy Ibis, can sometimes be found in Britain. One of the most beautiful of all is the Scarlet Ibis from America, many of which are on display at the Zoological Gardens in London. Because of their curved, sickle-shaped bill, Ibises were once thought to be related to Curlews; however, this is now known to be completely wrong.

It was at one time believed that "the ibis [was] adopted as a part of the arms of the town of Liverpool. This bird is termed a Liver, from which that flourishing town derived its name, and is now standing on the spot where the Pool was, on the verge of which the Liver was killed." The arms of the town of Liverpool, however, as Mr. Howard Saunders points out, are "comparatively modern, and seem to have no reference to the ibis. The bird which was adopted in the arms of the [extinct] Earls of Liverpool was described in a former edition of 'Burke's Peerage' as a cormorant, holding in the beak a branch of seaweed. In the Plantagenet seal of Liverpool, which is believed to be of the time of King John, the bird has the appearance of a dove, bearing in its bill a sprig of olive, apparently intended to refer to the advantages that commerce would derive from peace."

It was once thought that "the ibis was adopted as part of the coat of arms of the town of Liverpool. This bird is called a Liver, from which that thriving town got its name, and is now positioned where the Pool was, on the edge of which the Liver was killed." However, as Mr. Howard Saunders points out, the arms of the town of Liverpool are "relatively modern and seem to have no connection to the ibis. The bird featured in the arms of the [extinct] Earls of Liverpool was described in an earlier edition of 'Burke's Peerage' as a cormorant, holding a branch of seaweed in its beak. In the Plantagenet seal of Liverpool, which is believed to date back to the time of King John, the bird looks like a dove, carrying a sprig of olive in its bill, presumably symbolizing the benefits that commerce would receive from peace."

The glossy ibis has been found breeding in colonies of thousands in Slavonia. The nests are large structures formed of sticks and a few weeds, never far from the water, and many even, in the colony referred to, were so near the surface that they appeared to be floating. The eggs, three or four in number, are of a beautiful greenish blue. The young, while still unable to fly, climb actively among the branches of the trees in which the nest is placed, clinging so firmly with the feet as to be removed with difficulty.

The glossy ibis has been seen breeding in colonies of thousands in Slavonia. The nests are large structures made of sticks and a few weeds, usually close to the water, and many in the colony mentioned were so near the surface that they looked like they were floating. The eggs, typically three or four, are a stunning greenish blue. The young, while they can't fly yet, climb around actively among the branches of the trees where the nest is located, gripping tightly with their feet so that they can be hard to remove.


By permission of Professor Bumpus]  [New York.

With permission from Professor Bumpus [New York City.


Great Blue Heron.

This bird ranges from the Arctic regions to the West Indies and South America.

This bird can be found from the Arctic all the way down to the West Indies and South America.


The Herons and Bitterns.

Herons and Bitterns.

In the first mentioned of these two groups the Common Heron is the best known in the British Islands. Indeed, there must be few who have not encountered it in a wild state at some time or another. In suitable spots it may occasionally be met with standing mid-leg in water on the look-out for eels and other fish and frogs, a diet varied by an occasional young bird or small mammal. Sometimes this prey is hunted, so to speak, the bird walking along with a slow, measured step, striking with lightning rapidity and wonderful precision the moment its victim is sighted, whilst at others it stands motionless, as when fishing, striking the instant the unsuspecting eel or flounder comes within range.

In the first of these two groups, the Grey Heron is the most well-known in the British Islands. In fact, there are probably very few people who haven't seen it in the wild at some point. In the right locations, you might spot it standing in shallow water, looking for eels, fish, and frogs to eat, occasionally snatching at a young bird or small mammal. Sometimes it hunts in a methodical way, walking slowly and carefully, then striking with incredible speed and accuracy the moment it spots its prey. Other times, it stands completely still while fishing, hitting its target as soon as an unsuspecting eel or flounder is within reach.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Common Night Heron.

This bird occasionally visits the British Islands.

This bird sometimes visits the British Islands.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Young common herons.

These birds have not yet acquired their full plumage.

These birds haven't gotten their full feathers yet.

From the earliest times until the reign of William IV. the heron was specially protected by law, being held in high regard both as an object of sport and a desirable addition to the dinner-table. So late as James I.'s time an Act was passed making it illegal to shoot with any gun within 600 paces of a heronry. The favourite way of taking the heron was by hawking, a sport which has furnished material in abundance both for poet and painter.

From the earliest times until the reign of William IV, herons were specially protected by law, valued both as a game bird and a coveted dish for the dinner table. As recently as the time of James I, an Act was passed making it illegal to shoot with any gun within 600 paces of a heronry. The preferred method for catching herons was hawking, a sport that has inspired countless poems and paintings.

Herons breed in more or less extensive colonies, the nests—somewhat bulky structures, made of sticks and lined with twigs—being placed in the tops of high trees. From four to six is the normal number of eggs, and these are of a beautiful sea-green colour. The young are thinly clad in long, hairy-looking down, and for some considerable time are quite helpless.

Herons breed in large colonies, with nests—somewhat bulky structures made of sticks and lined with twigs—built in the tops of tall trees. The usual number of eggs ranges from four to six, and they have a lovely sea-green color. The chicks have a sparse covering of long, hairy down and are completely helpless for quite a while.

Similar in appearance to the common heron is the American Great Blue Heron, though it is by no means the largest of the herons, as its name might seem to imply. This distinction belongs to the Goliath Heron. A native of Africa, it is remarkable not only for its size, but for an extraordinary development of long, loose feathers hanging down from the lower part of the breast, and bearing a strange resemblance to an apron, concealing the upper part of the legs.

Similar in appearance to the common heron is the American Great Blue Heron, although it is definitely not the largest of the herons, as its name might suggest. That title actually belongs to the Goliath Heron. Native to Africa, it’s notable not only for its size but also for its remarkable development of long, loose feathers that hang down from the lower part of the breast, resembling an apron and covering the upper part of the legs.

Passing over many species, we pause to descant on the Egrets. These are numbered {445}amongst the most unfortunate of birds, and this because of the gracefulness and beauty of certain parts of the plumage worn during the breeding-season, which are coveted alike by Eastern magnates and Western women. The feathers in question are those known as "egrets," or, more commonly, "ospreys"; and their collection, as Professor Newton points out, causes some of "the most abominable cruelty practised in the animal world." The wearing of these feathers can no longer be excused; for Sir William Flower in England, and Professor W. E. D. Scott in America, have given the greatest publicity to the horrible barbarities and sickening scenes which are perpetrated by the men sent to gather in this harvest. The egrets, however, are not the only victims, as a glance at the milliners' windows will show, the distorted and mangled bodies of almost every known species of the smaller birds being therein displayed! Many of those who wear these "ornaments" offend unwittingly; it is certain that if they realised the suffering and waste of life that this method of decoration entails they would eschew any but ostrich feathers for ever.

Passing over many species, we pause to talk about the Egrets. These are numbered {445} among the most unfortunate of birds. This is due to the elegance and beauty of certain parts of their plumage during the breeding season, which are highly sought after by both Eastern elites and Western women. The feathers in question are known as "egrets," or more commonly, "ospreys"; and their collection, as Professor Newton points out, results in some of "the most terrible cruelty practiced in the animal world." Wearing these feathers can no longer be justified; for Sir William Flower in England, and Professor W. E. D. Scott in America, have widely publicized the horrifying barbarities and distressing scenes carried out by the men sent to collect this harvest. However, the egrets are not the only victims, as a look at the milliners' windows will show the distorted and mutilated bodies of almost every known species of smaller birds on display! Many of those who wear these "ornaments" do so unknowingly; it’s certain that if they understood the suffering and loss of life this type of decoration causes, they would avoid all but ostrich feathers forever.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.


Green heron.

This is a North American bird of skulking and nocturnal habits.

This is a North American bird that tends to hide and is active mostly at night.

The Cattle-egret, better known as the Buff-backed Heron, breeds in the southern portion of the Spanish Peninsula, where from March to autumn it is very common in the marshes of Andalusia, thousands congregating there, herding with the cattle, from the backs of which they may be often seen picking off the ticks; hence the Spaniards give them a name meaning "cattle-cleaners."

The Cattle egret, commonly referred to as the Buff-backed Heron, nests in the southern part of the Spanish Peninsula, where it is quite prevalent in the marshes of Andalusia from March to autumn. Thousands gather there, often seen with cattle, picking ticks off their backs; that's why the Spaniards call them a name that means "cattle-cleaners."

The Night-herons are comparatively small birds, and derive their name from their habit of turning night into day, waking up only as the shades of evening fall to hunt for food; only during the breeding-season is this habit broken through, when they are obliged to hunt {446}for food for their young during the daytime. They breed in colonies, in bushes or low trees in the neighbourhood of swamps. In some places they are protected—as, for instance, round the Great Honam Temple at Canton, where these birds are held sacred.

The Night herons are relatively small birds, and they get their name because they make night feel like day, staying up only as dusk falls to search for food. This pattern only changes during the breeding season when they have to hunt {446} for their young during the daytime. They nest in groups, in shrubs or low trees near swamps. In some areas, they are protected, like around the Great Honam Temple in Canton, where these birds are considered sacred.

Colonel Swinhoe, says Mr. Howard Saunders, describes the nests "as placed thickly in some venerable banyans, the granite slabs that form the pavement beneath the trees being bedaubed with the droppings of old and young, while from the nests arose the chattering cry of the callow broods, for which the parent birds were catering the whole day long, becoming more active at sunset. As darkness set in, the noise and hubbub from the trees rose to a fearful pitch."

Colonel Swinhoe, according to Mr. Howard Saunders, describes the nests as being densely packed in some ancient banyan trees, with the granite slabs that make up the ground beneath them covered in droppings from both adult and young birds. From the nests, the sound of the young chicks' chattering filled the air, as the parent birds spent the entire day feeding them, becoming even more active at sunset. As night fell, the noise and commotion from the trees reached an overwhelming level.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Buff-backed heron.

This bird habitually picks insects from the backs of cattle.

This bird regularly picks insects off the backs of cattle.

In Hungary large numbers of herons and egrets breed together in the marshes, egrets and night-herons breeding together with the common and purple herons. Landbeck, an enthusiastic ornithologist, writes of such heronries: "The clamour in these breeding-places is so tremendous and singular in its character as almost to defy description; it must be heard before a person can form any idea of what it is like. At a distance these hideous noises blend with a confused roar, so as in some way to resemble the hubbub caused by a party of drunken Hungarian peasants; and it is only on a nearer approach the separate notes of the two species, the common and the night-heron, can be distinguished—namely, 'craik' and 'quack,' to which the notes of the young, 'zek-zek-zek,' ... in different keys, serve as an accompaniment. When close to, the noise is tremendous and the stench unbearable. This, together with the sight of dozens of young herons in every stage of putrefaction and teeming with maggots, is perfectly sickening, though the contemplation of life and movement in this immense heronry is a matter of interest to the true ornithologist.... The tops of the highest trees are usually occupied by the nests of the common heron; a little lower down is the habitation of the shy and beautiful Great Egret, while in the forks of the lowest branches the night-heron takes up her abode. All these species build in one and the same tree, the nests numbering not infrequently as many as fifteen in a single tree, and yet peace invariably reigns amongst all these varieties. High over the trees appears the common heron, laden with booty, announcing his arrival with a hoarse 'craaich,' when, changing his note to a goose-like 'da-da-da-da,' he either jerks the provender down the throats of the ever-hungry youngsters or throws it up before them, when the fish are greedily swallowed, amid a desperate accompaniment of 'gohé-é-é-é, gohé-é-é-é',' a sound much resembling the frantic cry of a calf which is being lifted into a farmer's market-cart. The conduct of the more cautious egret is very different. Circling far above the nest, she first satisfies herself that no foe is hidden below before she alights among her family, which are much quieter and less hasty than their cousins. The night-herons, on the contrary, approach their nests from all sides, high and low, their crops filled with frogs, fish, and insects. A deep 'quâk' or 'gowek' announces the arrival of the old bird already from some distance, to which the young answer, while feeding, with a note resembling 'queht, queht,' or 'quehaoâheh, quehoehah'. As soon as the parents have taken their departure the youngsters recommence their concert, and from every nest uninterrupted cries of 'tzik, tzik, tzik, tzek-tzek, tzek,' and 'gétt, gétt-gétt,' are {447}the order of the day. This amusement is varied by the nestlings climbing out among the branches till they reach the top of the tree, whence they can have a good look-out, and can see the old birds returning home from a long distance, though they are in many cases often mistaken in their identity."

In Hungary, large numbers of herons and egrets nest together in the marshes, with egrets and night-herons breeding alongside the common and purple herons. Landbeck, an avid birdwatcher, describes these heronries: "The noise in these breeding sites is so loud and unique that it’s almost impossible to describe; you have to hear it to get a sense of what it’s like. From a distance, these awful sounds mix into a chaotic roar, kind of like the uproar caused by a group of drunken Hungarian peasants. It’s only when you get closer that you can distinguish the individual calls of the common and night-herons—specifically, 'craik' and 'quack,' with the young ones adding 'zek-zek-zek' in different pitches as a background. Up close, the noise is deafening and the smell is awful. This, along with the sight of dozens of young herons in various stages of decay and crawling with maggots, is completely nauseating, yet observing the life and activity in this massive heronry fascinates the true birdwatcher.... The tallest trees are usually home to the nests of the common heron; a bit lower, you find the shy and beautiful Great Egret, while the night-herons settle in the forks of the lowest branches. All these species build nests in the same tree, sometimes as many as fifteen in one tree, and still, there's a surprising sense of harmony among them. High above, the common heron flies in with food, announcing its arrival with a rough 'craaich.' Then, switching to a honking 'da-da-da-da,' it either feeds the always-hungry chicks or regurgitates the food for them to gobble down, accompanied by frantic cries of 'gohé-é-é-é, gohé-é-é-é,' which sounds a lot like a desperate calf being lifted into a farmer's market cart. The more careful egret behaves quite differently. She circles high above the nest, ensuring there’s no hidden threat below before she lands with her family, who are much quieter and calmer than the others. In contrast, night-herons come to their nests from all directions, high and low, with their stomachs full of frogs, fish, and insects. A deep 'quâk' or 'gowek' signals the old bird's approach from a distance, to which the young chirp back while eating, sounding like 'queht, queht,' or 'quehaoâheh, quehoehah.' Once the parents leave, the young ones start their concert again, filling the air with cries of 'tzik, tzik, tzik, tzek-tzek, tzek,' and 'gétt, gétt-gétt,' as {447} the usual background noise. This playful chaos is interspersed with the nestlings climbing out among the branches until they reach the top of the tree, where they can see the adults coming home from far away, although they often misidentify them."

A common North American bird is the so-called Green Heron, known by many local aliases, such as "Fly-up-the-Creek," "Chalk-line," and "Chuckle-head." Seen at short range, its plumage is lustrous and beautiful, but this disappears as soon as the bird takes wing. The nest is of very loose construction; and a story is told of one which was such a shaky concern that every time the old birds jarred it a stick fell off, and the structure grew smaller and smaller, until the day when the young were ready to fly there were but three sticks left; finally these parted, and the little herons found themselves perching on the branch that once held the nest!

A common North American bird is the so-called Green Heron, known by many local names like "Fly-up-the-Creek," "Chalk-line," and "Chuckle-head." Up close, its feathers are shiny and stunning, but that disappears as soon as the bird takes off. The nest is built very loosely; there's a story about one that was so unstable that every time the adult birds disturbed it a stick would fall off, and the nest kept getting smaller and smaller until the day the young ones were ready to fly, when there were only three sticks left; eventually, those fell apart, and the little herons found themselves sitting on the branch that used to hold the nest!

The Bitterns.

The Bitterns.

These are birds of a remarkable type of coloration, adapted to aid their skulking habits. The coloration partakes so completely of the nature of the undergrowth among which they dwell, that, aided by certain peculiar habits described below, they succeed in harmonising so perfectly with their surroundings as to render themselves invisible to their enemies.

These birds have a unique coloration that helps them stay hidden. Their colors blend in so well with the underbrush where they live that, along with some special behaviors described below, they manage to camouflage themselves so effectively that they become invisible to their predators.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Indian Cattle Egret.

This is a species of buff-backed heron, and earns its name from its habit of hovering round cattle for the sake of picking off the ticks by which they are infested.

This is a species of buff-backed heron, and it gets its name from its habit of hovering around cattle to pick off the ticks that infest them.

The best-known species is the Common Bittern, though this epithet is no longer applicable, for at the present time it is but an occasional visitant to Britain. Once it was plentiful enough, as the frequent references both in prose and poetry bear witness. These references have been inspired mainly by its very peculiar note, made apparently only during the breeding-season. This sound is variously described as "booming," "bellowing," and "bumping," and many are the theories which have been invented to account for its origin. Thomson, in "The Seasons," says that it is made whilst the beak is thrust into the mud:—

The most well-known species is the Bittern, although this name no longer fits, as it now only occasionally visits Britain. It used to be quite common, as indicated by numerous references in both prose and poetry. These references mainly stem from its unique call, which seems to occur only during the breeding season. This sound is described in various ways as "booming," "bellowing," and "bumping," and many theories have been proposed to explain its origin. Thomson, in "The Seasons," mentions that it occurs while the beak is pushed into the mud:—

The bittern knows his time, with bill ingulf'd

The bittern knows its time, with its beak submerged.

To shake the sounding marsh.

To shake the noisy marsh.

Chaucer, that it is caused whilst it is immersed under water; and Dryden represents it as {448}made by thrusting the bill into a reed. Mr. J. E. Harting is one of the few who have actually watched the bird during the production of the sound, and from him we gather that it is made by expelling the air from the throat whilst the head is held vertically upwards.

Chaucer suggests that the sound is produced when the bird is submerged in water, while Dryden describes it as {448}created by pushing its bill into a reed. Mr. J. E. Harting is among the few who have observed the bird while it makes the sound, and from him, we learn that the sound occurs when air is expelled from the throat while the head is tilted straight up.

The protective coloration and the peculiar habits associated therewith have only recently been recognised. These birds, when threatened, do not take flight, but immediately bring the body and the long neck and pointed head into one vertical line, and remain absolutely motionless so long as the cause of alarm persists. The peculiar coloration of the body harmonises so perfectly with the surrounding undergrowth, that, as just remarked, detection is well-nigh impossible. Although the pattern and tone of the coloration vary in the various species of bittern—which occur all over the world—this principle of protection obtains in all.

The protective coloring and the unique behaviors associated with it have only recently been recognized. When threatened, these birds don't fly away; instead, they immediately align their body, long neck, and pointed head into a vertical position and stay completely still as long as the threat remains. The unique coloration of their bodies blends so well with the nearby vegetation that, as mentioned, it's nearly impossible to spot them. While the patterns and hues of the coloration differ among the various species of bittern found worldwide, this principle of camouflage is consistent across all of them.

The drainage of the fens is answerable for the extinction of the bittern in England.

The draining of the wetlands is responsible for the extinction of the bittern in England.

We would draw special attention to the great length of the feathers on the neck, which, when the bird is excited, are extended on either side to form an enormous feather shield. This is admirably shown in the photograph below, which represents a bittern preparing to strike. It is a curious fact that, when extended, the hind part of the neck is protected only by a thin coat of down. When the excitement has passed, the elongated feathers fall again, and, curling round the unprotected area, give the bird the appearance of having a perfectly normally clothed neck.

We want to highlight the impressive length of the feathers on the neck, which, when the bird is excited, fan out on either side to create a massive feather shield. This is beautifully illustrated in the photograph below, showing a bittern getting ready to strike. Interestingly, when the feathers are extended, the back part of the neck is only covered by a thin layer of down. Once the excitement fades, the long feathers fall back down, curling around the unprotected area and making the bird look like it has a completely normally covered neck.

A wounded bittern will strike at either man or dog, and is extremely dangerous, owing to the sharpness of its dagger-like bill. If a dog advances on one not entirely disabled, the bird immediately turns itself upon its back, and fights with beak and claws, after the fashion of a wounded hawk or owl. Owing to the way in which the neck can be tucked up, by throwing it into a series of curves, and then suddenly extended, great danger attends the approach of the unwary.

A wounded bittern will attack both people and dogs and is very dangerous because of its sharp, dagger-like bill. If a dog approaches a bittern that isn’t fully incapacitated, the bird will immediately flip onto its back and fight using its beak and claws, similar to how a wounded hawk or owl would. Because it can tuck its neck in and then extend it suddenly into a series of curves, it poses a significant threat to anyone who isn't careful.

The bittern is by no means particular in its choice of food, small mammals, birds, lizards, frogs, fishes, and beetles being alike palatable. The writer remembers taking from the gullet and stomach of one of these birds no less than four water-voles, three of which had apparently been killed only just before it was shot, for the process of digestion had hardly begun.

The bittern isn't picky about its food; it happily eats small mammals, birds, lizards, frogs, fish, and beetles. I remember taking out four water voles from the gullet and stomach of one of these birds, three of which seemed to have been killed just before it was shot, as the digestion process had barely started.

On migration these birds appear to travel in flocks of considerable size, since Captain Kelham reports having seen as many as fifty together high up in the air, when between Alexandria and Cairo. Curiously enough, they flew like "a gaggle" of geese—in the form of a V; but every now and then he noticed they, for some reason or other, got into great confusion.

On migration, these birds seem to travel in large flocks. Captain Kelham reports seeing as many as fifty flying together high in the air between Alexandria and Cairo. Interestingly, they flew in a V formation like a gaggle of geese, but every so often, he noticed they got into a bit of a muddle for some reason.

At one time the flesh of the bittern was much esteemed as food for the table, being likened in taste and colour to the leveret, with some of the flavour of wild-fowl. Sir Thomas Browne, who flourished during the middle of the seventeenth century, says that young bitterns were considered better eating than young herons.

At one point, bittern meat was highly valued as a delicacy, compared in taste and color to leveret, and it had some of the flavor of wild fowl. Sir Thomas Browne, who was prominent in the mid-seventeenth century, noted that young bitterns were considered tastier than young herons.


Photo by J. L. Bonhote, Esq. 

Photo by J. L. Bonhote, Esq.


Great Bittern.

Preparing to attack (side view).

Getting ready to attack (side view).

In the fourteenth century it bred in considerable numbers in the fens of Cambridgeshire, and was so highly esteemed as a bird for the table that the taking of its eggs was forbidden. At a court-baron of the Bishop of Ely, according to Mr. J. E. Harting, held at Littleport in the eleventh year of the reign of Edward II., several people were fined for taking the eggs of the bittern and carrying them out of the fen, to the great destruction of the birds. Decreasing steadily in numbers, the bittern continued to breed in Britain till the middle of the nineteenth century, one of the last nests being taken in Norfolk in 1868.

In the 14th century, it thrived in large numbers in the wetlands of Cambridgeshire and was so highly valued as a food bird that collecting its eggs was prohibited. At a court-baron of the Bishop of Ely, as noted by Mr. J. E. Harting, held in Littleport during the 11th year of Edward II's reign, several individuals were fined for taking bittern eggs out of the fens, which severely harmed the bird population. Although its numbers continued to decrease, the bittern still bred in Britain until the mid-19th century, with one of the last nests being found in Norfolk in 1868.


Photo by Henry King, Sydney. 

Photo by Henry King, Sydney.


Aussie Cockatoo.

The sulphur-coloured crest of this bird is arranged in the form of a horse-shoe.

The yellow crest of this bird is shaped like a horseshoe.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz, Berlin. 

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz, Berlin.



Next to the brilliancy of its colouration, the most striking feature about this bird is its huge beak.

Next to its striking color, the most notable feature of this bird is its large beak.


Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. 

Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S.



This wonderful plumage is worn only for a few weeks in the year.

This beautiful plumage is only on display for a few weeks each year.


Photo by Henry King, Sydney. 

Photo by Henry King, Sydney.


Laughing kookaburra.

This bird is a species of Kingfisher, and has acquired its name on account of its most extraordinary cry.

This bird is a type of Kingfisher, and it got its name because of its really unique call.

Printed at Lyons, France.

Printed in Lyon, France.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.



In the Pelicans the two sexes are coloured alike.

In pelicans, both males and females are colored similarly.


The Pelican Tribe.

The Pelican Clan.


Photo by the Duchess of Bedford]  [Woburn Abbey.

Photo by the Duchess of Bedford [Woburn Abbey.


Crested Pelican.

This bird derives its name from the curiously curled feathers on the top of the head and nape of the neck.

This bird gets its name from the oddly curled feathers on the top of its head and the back of its neck.

The members of the Pelican Tribe may be readily distinguished from other living birds by the fact that all their toes are united in a common fold of skin or web. In the Ducks and other web-footed birds only the front toes are so united.

The members of the Pelican Tribe can easily be recognized from other living birds by the fact that all their toes are connected by a common fold of skin or web. In Ducks and other web-footed birds, only the front toes are connected this way.

The Pelican Tribe embraces several apparently dissimilar forms, whose only claim to be grouped together, judged from a superficial point of view, lies in the fact that they possess the peculiar type of foot above mentioned. With the general appearance of the Pelican itself probably every one is familiar, but we had better mention here that the other representatives of the group with which we have now to deal are the Cormorants and Gannets, common on the British coasts, and the less-known Darters, Frigate-birds, and Tropic-birds; these, as we know from their anatomy, are all closely allied forms, and with the Pelicans make up a somewhat isolated group whose nearest allies appear to be the members of the Stork Tribe.

The Pelican Tribe includes several seemingly different species that only have one thing in common at first glance: they share a unique type of foot. Most people are likely familiar with the general look of the Pelican itself, but it's worth noting that other members of this group include the Cormorants and Gannets, which are common along the British coasts, as well as the less-known Darters, Frigate-birds, and Tropic-birds. Anatomically, we know these are all closely related, and along with the Pelicans, they form a somewhat distinct group whose closest relatives appear to be the Stork Tribe.

The Pelican figures largely in ecclesiastical heraldry as the type of maternal tenderness. Tradition has it that the bird, in admonishing its young, occasionally did so with such violence as to slay them. Remorse immediately following, the distracted parent drew blood from its own breast, and therewith sprinkled the victims of its wrath, which thereupon became restored to life again. The exhaustion following on this loss of blood was so great that the young had perforce to leave the nest to procure food for themselves and the sinking parent. If any, through lack of filial affection, refused to aid in this good work, the mother, on recovering strength, drove them from her presence, but the faithful children she permitted to follow her wherever she went.

The Pelican is prominently featured in church heraldry as a symbol of maternal love. According to tradition, the bird, while scolding its young, sometimes did so so harshly that it ended up killing them. Filled with remorse afterward, the distraught parent would draw blood from its own breast and sprinkle it over the victims of its anger, bringing them back to life. The loss of blood left the parent so weak that the young had to leave the nest to find food for themselves and their ailing mother. If any of them, lacking in filial love, refused to help, the mother would, once she regained her strength, drive them away, but she allowed the loyal children to follow her wherever she went.

One of the most remarkable features of the pelican is the pouch which hangs suspended from the under side of the beak. This is capable of great distension, and is used, when fishing, as a sort of bag-net, of which the upper jaw serves as the lid. The young are fed by the female, which, pressing her well-filled pouch against her breast, opens her mouth and allows them to take their fill therefrom.

One of the most impressive things about the pelican is the pouch that hangs from the underside of its beak. This pouch can stretch a lot and is used like a net when fishing, with the upper jaw acting as the lid. The female feeds the young by pressing her full pouch against her chest, opening her mouth so they can eat as much as they need.

Pelicans display great sagacity when fishing, a flock often combining to form a horseshoe, and, driving the fish into a mass, take their fill. This method, of course, is only possible when fishing in the estuaries of rivers or lakes, where the fish can be "rounded up," so to speak. Clumsy as the pelican looks, it is yet capable of wonderful powers of flight; indeed, it shares the honour with the vultures, storks, and adjutants as an expert in the peculiar form of flight known as "soaring."

Pelicans show great wisdom when fishing; a group often comes together to form a horseshoe shape, driving the fish into a tight mass so they can feed. This method only works in the estuaries of rivers or lakes, where the fish can be "rounded up," so to speak. Despite their awkward appearance, pelicans have remarkable flying abilities; they are, in fact, on par with vultures, storks, and adjutants as experts in the special type of flight called "soaring."

A North American species of pelican is remarkable in that during the breeding-season the beak is ornamented with a peculiar horny excrescence, which is shed as soon as that period is over.

A North American species of pelican is notable because during the breeding season, its beak is decorated with a unique bony growth that is shed as soon as the season ends.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.


Young Aussie Pelican.

Pelicans, like gannets and cormorants, are hatched perfectly naked and quite blind.

Pelicans, similar to gannets and cormorants, are born completely naked and completely blind.

Pelicans are natives of the tropical and temperate regions of the Old and New Worlds, and live in flocks often numbering many thousands. The nest is placed on the ground, and therein are deposited two white eggs. The young are helpless for some time after hatching.

Pelicans are found in the tropical and temperate areas of both the Old and New Worlds and live in groups that can often number in the thousands. They build their nests on the ground, where they lay two white eggs. The chicks are helpless for a while after they hatch.

In all some six-and-thirty species of Cormorants are known to science, of which two are commonly to be met with round the British coasts, one of which also travels inland to establish itself on such lakes and rivers as may afford it support.

In total, about thirty-six species of Cormorants are recognized by science, two of which are commonly found along the British coasts. One of these also ventures inland to settle on lakes and rivers that provide it with food and shelter.

In various parts of the world cormorants are taken when young and trained to catch fish: sometimes for sport, or—as in China—to furnish a livelihood for their owners. At one time the Master of the Cormorants was one of the officers in the Royal Household of England, the post having been created in 1611 by James I. The method of hunting is as follows:—After fastening a ring around the neck, the bird is cast off into the water, and, diving immediately, makes its way beneath the surface with incredible speed, and, seizing one fish after another, rises in a short space of time with its mouth full and throat distended by the fish, which it has been unable to swallow by reason of the restraining ring. With these captures it dutifully returns to its keeper, who deftly removes the fish, and either returns the bird to the water, or, giving it a share of the spoil, restores it to its perch.

In different parts of the world, young cormorants are trained to catch fish: sometimes for sport or—as in China—for their owners' livelihood. At one point, the Master of the Cormorants was an officer in the Royal Household of England, a position created in 1611 by James I. The hunting method is as follows: After putting a ring around its neck, the bird is released into the water, and it dives right away, moving under the surface with amazing speed, catching one fish after another, and surfacing shortly after with its mouth full and throat stretched from the fish it can't swallow due to the restraining ring. With these catches, it dutifully returns to its handler, who skillfully removes the fish and either sends the bird back to the water or gives it a share of the catch before returning it to its perch.

Cormorants nest either in trees or on the ground; they lay from four to six eggs, and the young feed themselves by thrusting their heads far down the parents' throats and helping themselves to the half-digested fish which they find there.

Cormorants nest in trees or on the ground; they lay between four and six eggs, and the chicks feed themselves by pushing their heads deep into their parents' throats to grab the half-digested fish they find there.

The cormorant has a certain sinister appearance equalled by no other bird, so that its introduction in Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Book IV., 194) seems particularly appropriate. Satan, it will be remembered, is likened to a cormorant:—

The cormorant has a uniquely dark look that no other bird matches, making its mention in Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Book IV., 194) especially fitting. As you might recall, Satan is compared to a cormorant:—

So clomb this first grand Thief into God's fold

So climbed this first great thief into God's flock

.        .        .        .        .        .        .       

. . . . . . .

Thence up he flew, and in the Tree of Life,

Thence he soared upward, and into the Tree of Life,

The middle tree and highest there that grew,

The middle tree and the tallest one that grew,

Sat like a cormorant.

Sat like a bird.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Young Pelicans.

Young pelicans never develop long down-feathers, like gannets and frigate-birds.

Young pelicans never grow long down feathers, like gannets and frigate birds.

The curious bottle-green plumage, green eyes, long hooked beak, and head surmounted by a crest of the smaller sea-loving representative of the two British species were doubtless familiar enough to Milton before blindness overtook him.

The intriguing bottle-green feathers, green eyes, long curved beak, and head topped with a crest of the smaller sea-loving member of the two British species were undoubtedly well-known to Milton before he lost his sight.

Some of our readers may have made the acquaintance of the cormorant's nearest ally, the Darter, or Snake-neck, in the Fish-house at the {452}Zoological Gardens of London. For the sake of those who have not, we may say that the darter may be described as a long-necked cormorant, with somewhat lighter plumage. The head is small and flat, and armed with a pointed, dagger-like bill, whose edges are finely toothed, with needle-like points projecting backwards. The neck is very long and slender; hence its name of Snake-neck. Furthermore, it is remarkable for a very strange "kink," formed by a peculiar arrangement of the neck-bones—an arrangement intimately associated with its peculiar method of capturing its prey, which, as with the cormorant, is pursued under water. How dexterously this is done may be seen any day in the Fish-house at the Zoological Gardens, where, as we have already mentioned, these birds are kept. At feeding-time they are turned loose into a large tank into which a number of small fish have been placed. The birds dive as soon as they reach the water, and with surprising speed chase their prey till within short range. Then, by a sudden bayonet-like lunge, made possible by the peculiar "kink" in the neck, a victim is transfixed, brought to the surface, released from the bill by a series of sudden jerks, tossed into the air, and dexterously caught and swallowed.

Some readers might be familiar with the cormorant's closest companion, the Darter fish, or Snake-necked, at the Fish-house in the {452}Zoological Gardens in London. For those who aren't, we can describe the darter as a long-necked cormorant with slightly lighter feathers. It has a small, flat head and a sharp, dagger-like bill with finely serrated edges and needle-like points facing backward. Its neck is very long and slender, which is why it's called Snake-neck. Additionally, it has a peculiar "kink" formed by a unique arrangement of the neck bones, closely tied to its special way of catching prey, which, like the cormorant, it pursues underwater. You can see how skillfully this is done at the Fish-house in the Zoological Gardens, where these birds are housed. During feeding time, they are released into a large tank filled with small fish. The birds dive as soon as they hit the water and swiftly chase their prey until they get close enough. Then, with a sudden lunge made possible by the unique "kink" in their neck, they stab their victim, bring it to the surface, free it from their bill with quick jerks, toss it in the air, and skillfully catch and swallow it.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Image by Scholastic Photo. Co.  [Parson's Green.



In the spring a slight crest is developed, and a white patch appears on the thigh.

In the spring, a small crest forms, and a white patch shows up on the thigh.

The darter is found in Africa, India, the Malay region, Australia, and South America, frequenting the banks of rivers, lakes, and swamps, sometimes singly, sometimes in pairs or in immense flocks.

The darter is found in Africa, India, the Malay region, Australia, and South America, often near the banks of rivers, lakes, and swamps, sometimes alone, sometimes in pairs, or in large groups.

Very different from either of the foregoing species, both in build and coloration, is the Gannet. In its habits it is also different. The adult bird is about the size of a goose, white in colour, and armed with a powerful pointed bill. The young have a quite distinct plumage, being deep brown, speckled with white, this livery being worn for nearly three years.

Very different from either of the previous species, both in shape and color, is the Gannet bird. Its behavior is also unique. The adult bird is about the size of a goose, white in color, and has a strong, pointed bill. The young have a completely different feather pattern, being dark brown with white spots, and they wear this plumage for almost three years.

The greater part of a gannet's lifetime seems to be spent upon the wing, a fact which implies a very different method of feeding from that followed by the cormorant and darter; and this is actually the case. Preying upon shoals of herring, mackerel, sprats, or pilchards, the birds, flying singly or in flocks, as soon as the fish are discovered, rise, soar in circles to such a height as experience shows best calculated to carry them by a downward motion to the required depth, and then, partially closing the wings, plunge upon their prey, and rarely without success, the time which elapses between the plunge and the immersion being about fifteen seconds. A flock of gannets feeding is a really wonderful sight, and can be witnessed in many places around the British coasts, for the gannet is one of the very common British birds. The pilchard-fishermen off the Cornish coast learn when the shoals are at hand, and the direction in which they are travelling, by the actions of these birds. A very cruel experiment is sometimes practised upon the gannet, based upon its well-known method of fishing. A herring is tied to a beam and set adrift, and the bird, not noticing the trap, plunges with its usual velocity upon the fish, with the result that it is killed instantly by the shock of the contact.

The majority of a gannet's life is spent in the air, which means their way of feeding is quite different from that of cormorants and darters; and that's indeed true. They hunt in schools for herring, mackerel, sprats, or pilchards, flying alone or in groups. Once they spot the fish, they rise and soar in circles to the height that experience tells them is best for diving down to reach the right depth. Then, partially folding their wings, they dive toward their prey, and they usually succeed, with the time between the dive and hitting the water being about fifteen seconds. A group of gannets feeding is an incredible sight and can be seen in many locations along the British coasts, as the gannet is one of the most common birds in the UK. Pilchard fishermen off the Cornish coast learn when schools of fish are near and which way they're moving by watching these birds. Unfortunately, a cruel experiment is sometimes conducted on gannets, based on their well-known fishing technique. A herring is tied to a beam and released, and the bird, unaware of the trap, dives at the fish with its usual speed, resulting in its instant death from the impact.


By permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild]  [Tring.

With the permission of Hon. Walter Rothschild [Tring.


Frigate birds in their habitat.

The feathers of frigate-birds are used for head-dresses in the Pacific Islands.

The feathers of frigate-birds are used for headpieces in the Pacific Islands.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. Parson's Green.


Young gannets, year one.

The plumage at this stage is very dark brown, each feather being tipped with white.

The feathers at this stage are a deep brown, with each one having a white tip.

Gannets breed in colonies of thousands on the islands off the east and west coasts of Scotland. They lay but a single egg, in a nest composed of seaweed deposited in inaccessible crags of precipitous cliffs. The young are at first naked; later they become clothed with long white down. "At one time," says Mr. Howard Saunders, "young gannets were much esteemed as food, from 1,500 to 2,000 being taken in a season during the month of August. They are hooked up, killed, and flung into the sea, where a boat is waiting to pick up the bodies. These are plucked, cleaned, and half roasted, after which they are sold at from eightpence to a shilling each.... The fat is boiled down into oil, and the feathers, after being well baked, are used for stuffing beds, about a hundred birds producing a stone of feathers."

Gannets breed in large colonies of thousands on the islands off the east and west coasts of Scotland. They lay just one egg in nests made of seaweed, which are placed in hard-to-reach spots on steep cliffs. The chicks are initially naked, but they eventually grow long white down feathers. "At one time," says Mr. Howard Saunders, "young gannets were highly valued as food, with between 1,500 and 2,000 being caught in a season during August. They're caught, killed, and tossed into the sea, where a boat waits to retrieve the bodies. These are plucked, cleaned, and partially roasted, then sold for prices ranging from eight pence to a shilling each... The fat is rendered into oil, and the feathers, after being properly dried, are used for stuffing mattresses, with about a hundred birds yielding a stone of feathers."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Gannet, Year Two.

The white plumage of the neck is just beginning to appear.

The white feathers on the neck are just starting to show.

Gannets present one or two structural peculiarities of sufficient interest to mention here. In most birds, it will be remembered, the nostrils open on each side of the beak; but in the gannet no trace of true nostrils remains; and the same may almost be said of the cormorant and darter. In gannets, however, a slight indication of their sometime existence remains, though the nostril itself no longer serves as an air-passage; and these birds are compelled to breathe through the mouth. Again, the tongue, like the nostrils, has also been reduced to a mere vestige. Stranger still is the fact that immediately under the skin there lies an extensive system of air-cells of large size, which can be inflated or emptied at will. Many of these cells dip down between the muscles of the body, so that the whole organism is pervaded with air-cells, all of which are in connection with the lungs.

Gannets have a couple of interesting structural features worth mentioning here. In most birds, the nostrils open on either side of the beak; however, gannets have no true nostrils left. The same can be said for cormorants and darters. In gannets, there's a slight sign that nostrils once existed, but they no longer function as air passages, forcing these birds to breathe through their mouths. Additionally, the tongue, like the nostrils, has been reduced to just a remnant. Even stranger is the fact that right under the skin is a large system of air cells that can be inflated or deflated at will. Many of these cells extend between the muscles of the body, meaning the whole organism is filled with air cells, all connected to the lungs.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Gannet, full plumage.

The fully adult plumage is not attained till the bird is three years old.

The bird doesn’t get its full adult feathers until it’s three years old.

The Frigate- and Tropic-birds, which now remain to be described, are probably much less familiar to our readers than the foregoing species.

The Frigate and Tropicbirds, which we'll describe next, are likely much less familiar to our readers than the species mentioned earlier.


Photo by Valentine & Sons, Ltd.]  [Dundee.

Photo by Valentine & Sons, Ltd. Dundee.


Gannets on the Bass Rock.

The Bass Rock is the only breeding-station of the gannet on the eastern coast of the British Islands.

The Bass Rock is the only nesting site for gannets on the eastern coast of the British Islands.


Frigate-birds are remarkable in more ways than one. To begin with, their general appearance may be described as that of a small, long-winged, fork-tailed albatross, mounted upon particularly diminutive legs, so short as to do little more than raise the body off the ground. Their flight is wonderfully graceful, and capable of being sustained for considerable periods; for, like the gannets, they pass most of their time on the wing. They feed upon surface-fish, which they capture from the surface of the water without alighting, or upon fish which they take from the gannets of the neighbourhood.

Frigatebirds are impressive in several ways. First, they look like a small, long-winged, fork-tailed albatross, resting on very short legs that barely lift their body off the ground. Their flight is incredibly graceful and can last for long periods; like gannets, they spend most of their time flying. They feed on surface fish, catching them from the water's surface without landing, or stealing from nearby gannets.

Frigate-birds build their nests in trees, on low bushes, or on the ground, and sometimes upon ledges of precipitous cliffs. The nest is a loose structure composed of sticks, and its construction is accompanied by much pilfering from one another. Only a single egg is laid.

Frigate birds make their nests in trees, on low bushes, or on the ground, and sometimes on the edges of steep cliffs. The nest is a loosely built structure made of sticks, and there's a lot of stealing from each other during its construction. Only one egg is laid.

About the beginning of January the male acquires a very remarkable pouch of brilliant scarlet skin, which hangs beneath the beak. Frigate-birds are found all over the world within the tropics.

About early January, the male develops a striking pouch of bright scarlet skin that hangs below its beak. Frigate-birds are found worldwide in tropical regions.

The Tropic-birds, or Boatswain-birds, as they are sometimes called, are more like gulls or the heavier species of terns in general appearance, and in no way resemble superficially the forms with which they are associated, save in the fact that all the toes are enclosed in the same web. A study of their anatomy, however, leaves little doubt that these birds are really members of the Pelican Tribe.

The Tropicbirds, also known as Boatswain birds, look more like gulls or the heavier types of terns in general appearance, and they don’t superficially resemble the forms they're grouped with, except that all their toes are webbed together. However, a closer look at their anatomy makes it clear that these birds are actually part of the Pelican Tribe.

Either pure white, relieved with black, or of a beautiful apricot-yellow, with similar black markings, with a powerful bill and long tapering tail, the tropic-bird is one of the most beautiful of sea-birds. There are altogether about six species of tropic-birds, distributed over the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They nest in hollows of cliffs or holes in trees, and lay a single egg, which bears some resemblance to that of a kestrel.

Either pure white with black accents, or a lovely apricot-yellow with similar black markings, the tropic-bird is one of the most stunning sea-birds. There are around six species of tropic-birds found across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They nest in cliff hollows or tree cavities and lay a single egg that looks somewhat like a kestrel's egg.



Screaming, ducks, geese, and swans.

Familiar as are most of our readers with all save the first mentioned of these birds, yet few probably suspect how great a wealth of forms this group displays. All are more or less aquatic in their habits, of heavy build, with long necks and small heads, short legs, and short wings and tails. The young are hatched covered with a peculiar kind of down, which more nearly resembles that of the Ostrich Tribe than the down of other birds, and they run about or accompany their parents to the water either immediately or a few hours after hatching. Several species have become domesticated, and in some cases have given rise to peculiar breeds, whilst many are much in demand for the purpose of enlivening ornamental waters.

Familiar as most of our readers are with all but the first of these birds, few probably realize how diverse this group really is. They are all somewhat aquatic by nature, with a heavy build, long necks, small heads, short legs, and short wings and tails. The young are born covered in a unique type of down that resembles that of ostriches more than that of other birds, and they either run around or follow their parents to the water soon after hatching. Several species have been domesticated, leading to the development of distinct breeds, and many are highly sought after for enhancing decorative water features.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Crested Screamer or Chaca.

The Crested and Horned Screamers are the only members of the family without webbed feet.

The Crested and Horned Screamers are the only ones in their family that don't have webbed feet.

The least-known members of the group are the very remarkable and extremely interesting Screamers of South America, of which there are three species. These are large birds, presenting some resemblances to the Game-birds on the one hand and the Geese on the {457}other. Not only the beak, but the skull, in certain characters, recalls that of the Game-birds. The body may be described as goose-like, but in the longer legs and enormous toes, which are not connected by a web, these birds recall the Megapodes, or Mound-builders (page 411).

The lesser-known members of the group are the truly remarkable and fascinating Screams of South America, which consist of three species. These are large birds that share some similarities with Game-birds on one hand and Geese on the {457}other. Not only do their beaks, but also the skulls, in some aspects, resemble those of Game-birds. The bodies can be described as goose-like, but their longer legs and huge toes, which aren’t webbed, make these birds reminiscent of the Megapodes, or Mound-builders (page 411).


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.


Aylesbury Duck.

This is one of the most esteemed of all domesticated breeds.

This is one of the most respected domesticated breeds.

The screamers are generally regarded as primitive members of the group with which they are now associated; but in many respects they are quite peculiar. Not the least interesting of their habits is the great predilection they observe for soaring in the air at immense altitudes, uttering the while the curious cry to which they owe their name. Several birds often do this at once. Yet stranger is the fact that they not seldom gather together in vast flocks to sing in concert. Mr. Hudson, for instance, states that the species known as the Crested Screamer on one occasion surprised him by "an awful and overpowering burst of 'melody,'" which saluted him from half a million of voices at an out-of-the-way spot in the pampas one evening at nine o'clock; and, again, once at noon he heard flock after flock take up their song round the entire circuit of a certain lake, each flock waiting its turn to sing, and only stopping when the duty had been performed.

The screamers are usually seen as primitive members of the group they're now part of; however, they're quite unique in many ways. One of their most interesting habits is their strong preference for soaring at high altitudes while letting out the distinctive cry that gives them their name. Several birds often do this simultaneously. Even stranger is that they frequently come together in large flocks to sing in unison. Mr. Hudson, for example, mentions that the species known as the Crested Screamer once astonished him with "an awful and overpowering burst of 'melody,'" which reached him from half a million voices at a remote location in the pampas one evening at nine o'clock; and again, he heard flock after flock take up their song around a specific lake at noon, with each flock waiting its turn to sing, stopping only after their turn was complete.

Like the gannet, these birds are richly supplied with air-cells between the body and the skin, and between many of the muscles; so highly are these cells developed, that it is said a crackling sound is emitted when pressure is applied to the skin.

Like the gannet, these birds have numerous air cells between their body and skin, as well as between many of the muscles. These cells are so well developed that a crackling sound can be heard when pressure is applied to the skin.


Photo by J. W. McLellan]  [Highbury.

Photo by J. W. McLellan] [Highbury.



This is one of the diving-ducks.

This is one of the diving ducks.

The wings of these birds are armed each with a pair of powerful and sharp spurs, recalling those of certain of the Plover Tribe (page 421), though in the latter only one spur is present on each wing.

The wings of these birds each have a pair of strong and sharp spurs, similar to those of some members of the Plover Tribe (page 421), although in the latter, there is only one spur on each wing.

The division of the remainder of this group into Ducks, Geese, and Swans is generally recognised, but no hard-and-fast line can yet be drawn between the several sections. We must regard them as representing adaptations to peculiar modes of life, which appear to be most marked in the duck-like forms. These may be divided into Fresh-water Ducks, Salt-water Ducks, Spiny-tailed Ducks, and Mergansers.

The way this group is divided into Ducks, Geese, and Swans is widely accepted, but there isn’t a strict boundary between the different sections. We should see them as adaptations to specific lifestyles, which are most noticeable in the duck-like species. These can be categorized into Freshwater Ducks, Saltwater Ducks, Spiny-tailed Ducks, and Mergansers.

Of the Fresh-water Ducks, the most familiar is the Wild-duck, or Mallard. This is a resident British bird, and also the parent of the domesticated stock, which frequently closely resembles the wild form. In this species, as with the majority of the fresh-water ducks, {458}the males wear a distinctive livery; but the males for a few weeks during the summer assume more or less completely the livery of the female, a process aptly described as going into "eclipse." The assumption of the female dress at this season is necessary, since it harmonises completely with the surrounding foliage, and so effectually conceals the bird at a time when it is peculiarly helpless; for, as with all birds, the quills or flight-feathers are cast off by the process known as moulting once a year, but instead of being replaced in pairs, and the flight remaining unaffected, they are shed all at once, so that escape from enemies must be sought by concealment.

Of the Freshwater Ducks, the most common is the Wild duck, or Mallard duck. This bird is native to Britain and is also the ancestor of domesticated ducks, which often look very similar to the wild version. In this species, like most fresh-water ducks, the males have a distinctive appearance; however, for a few weeks during the summer, the males change to closely resemble the females. This change is known as going into "eclipse." The males adopt the female's coloration during this time because it blends in perfectly with the surrounding plants, effectively hiding the bird when it is particularly vulnerable. Just like all birds, the Mallards molt once a year, losing their flight feathers. Instead of shedding them in pairs, they lose them all at once, making it crucial for them to stay hidden from predators.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.


Eider duck.

It is the down of this bird which is so much in demand for quilts.

It’s the down of this bird that’s so highly sought after for quilts.

Usually among birds the male has the more powerful voice, but with the mallard and its allies the reverse is the case, the female giving forth the loud familiar "quack, quack," whilst the note of the male sounds like a feeble attempt to answer its mate, but smothered by a cold in the head. This peculiar and characteristic subdued voice is associated with a remarkable bulb-shaped bony enlargement at the bottom of the windpipe, just where it branches off to the right and left lungs, the female being without this swelling.

Usually, in birds, the males have the louder calls, but with mallards and their relatives, it's the opposite. The female emits the loud, familiar "quack, quack," while the male's call sounds like a weak attempt to respond to her, almost as if he has a cold. This unique, soft voice is linked to a distinctive bulb-shaped bony growth at the base of the windpipe, right where it splits to go to the left and right lungs; the female doesn't have this enlargement.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott  [Leighton Buzzard.



The female bird is just entering her nest at the bottom of a long burrow.

The female bird is just entering her nest at the end of a long burrow.

The nest is composed of grass, and lined with down plucked by the female from her own breast, with the sole object, it is generally believed, of keeping the eggs warm; but it is possible that the down is removed as much for the sake of bringing the warm surface of the body in closer contact with the eggs. The site chosen for the nest is exceedingly varied; usually the nest is placed on the ground and near the water, but sometimes in a hedgerow or in a wood, and occasionally in trees, and instances are on record where the deserted nests of hawks and crows have been appropriated. At such times the young seem to be brought to the ground by the parent, which carries them down in her bill. It is some time before the wings of the young birds are big enough to carry them; indeed, they are quite full grown in so far as the body is concerned. At this stage they are known as "flappers." Advantage was at one time taken of their helplessness in the "sport" known as "flapper-shooting." On other occasions numbers of people assembled and "beat" a vast tract of country, driving these young flappers before them to a given spot where nets were placed, in which as many as 150 dozen have been taken at one time. Fortunately this practice has been abolished by Act of Parliament.

The nest is made of grass and lined with down that the female plucks from her own body, mainly to keep the eggs warm. However, it’s also possible that she removes the down to bring the warm surface of her body closer to the eggs. The location of the nest can vary greatly; it’s typically placed on the ground near water, but sometimes it’s found in hedgerows, woods, or even in trees. There are also cases where abandoned hawk and crow nests have been used. In these situations, the parent brings the young to the ground by carrying them in her beak. It takes some time for the young birds’ wings to grow enough for them to fly; they are fully grown in terms of body size. At this point, they are called "flappers." In the past, their helplessness was exploited in a "sport" called "flapper-shooting." On other occasions, groups of people would gather to "beat" large areas of land, driving these young flappers to a specific spot where nets were set up, capturing as many as 150 dozen at once. Thankfully, this practice has been banned by law.

Several very distinct {459}domesticated breeds of ducks have been derived from the mallard. The commonest breed differs but little, save in its great size, from the wild parent form, but the most esteemed are those known as the Rouen and Aylesbury. The Penguin-Duck is the most aberrant and the ugliest of these breeds, having a peculiarly upright, awkward carriage, and very small wings.

Several very distinct {459} domesticated breeds of ducks have come from the mallard. The most common breed doesn’t differ much from the wild parent except for being much larger, but the ones most valued are called the Rouen and Aylesbury. The Penguin Duck is the most unusual and the ugliest of these breeds, having a strangely upright, clumsy stance, and very small wings.

The Salt-water Ducks, or Diving-ducks, are for the most part of a heavier build than the foregoing species, and many are of a sombre coloration. All the species are expert divers, and in consequence have the legs, which are short, placed far backwards, and this causes them to assume a more upright carriage when on land. The curious bony bulb at the base of the windpipe found in the fresh-water species becomes in the salt-water forms greatly enlarged, and its walls incompletely ossified, leaving large spaces to be filled by peculiarly delicate sheets of membrane. The majority of the species in this section frequent the open sea, but some occur inland.

The Saltwater Ducks, or Diving ducks, are generally heavier than the previous species and many have a dark coloration. All the species are skilled divers, which is why their short legs are positioned far back, making them stand more upright on land. The unique bony bulb at the base of the windpipe seen in fresh-water species is greatly enlarged in the salt-water varieties, with walls that are only partially bony, leaving large spaces filled with delicate sheets of membrane. Most species in this group prefer the open sea, although some can be found inland.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid] [Wishaw, NB


Paradise ducks.

This species is a native of New Zealand, where the photograph was taken. The bird on the right with the white head is the female.

This species is originally from New Zealand, where the photo was taken. The bird on the right with the white head is the female.

One of the most useful, and at the same time most ornamental, of this section is the Eider-duck, the male in full plumage being a truly magnificent bird: the female, as in the majority of ducks, is clad in sober colours. In Iceland and Norway the eider-duck is strictly protected, a fine being imposed for killing it during the breeding-season, or even for firing a gun near its haunts. This most unusual care is, however, by no means of a disinterested kind, but is extended solely that certain privileged persons may rob the birds of their eggs and the down on which they rest, the latter being the valuable eiderdown so much in demand for bed-coverlets and other purposes. "The eggs and down," says Professor Newton, "are taken at intervals of a few days by the owners of the 'eider-fold,' and the birds are thus kept depositing both during the whole season.... Every duck is ultimately allowed to hatch an egg or two to keep up the stock." Mr. W. C. Sheppard gives an interesting account of a visit to an eider-colony on an island off the coast of Iceland. "On landing," he says, "the ducks and their nests were everywhere. Great brown ducks sat upon their nests in masses, and at every step started from under our feet. It was with difficulty we avoided treading on some of the nests. On the coast of the opposite shore was a wall built of large stones ... about 3 feet high and of considerable thickness. At the bottom, on both sides of it, alternate stones had been left out, so as to form a series of square apartments for the ducks to nest in. Almost every apartment was occupied.... The house itself was a marvel. The earthen walls that surrounded it, and the window embrasures, were occupied by ducks. On the ground the house was fringed with ducks. On the turf slopes of its roof we could see ducks, and a duck sat on the door-scraper. The grassy banks had been cut into square patches, about 18 inches having been removed, and each hollow had been filled with ducks. A windmill was infested, and so were all the outhouses, mounds, rocks, and crevices. The ducks were everywhere. Many were so tame that we could stroke them on their nests, and the good lady told us that there was scarcely a duck on the island that would not allow her to take its eggs without flight or fear."

One of the most useful and decorative birds in this section is the Eider duck, with the male in full plumage being truly magnificent: the female, like most ducks, has more muted colors. In Iceland and Norway, the eider-duck is strictly protected, with fines imposed for killing them during the breeding season, or even for firing a gun near their habitats. This unusual protection isn’t purely altruistic; it exists so that certain privileged individuals can take the birds' eggs and the down they rest on, the latter being the valuable eiderdown that's highly sought after for bedding and other uses. "The eggs and down," says Professor Newton, "are collected every few days by the owners of the 'eider-fold,' allowing the birds to keep laying throughout the season.... Every duck is eventually permitted to hatch an egg or two to maintain the population." Mr. W. C. Sheppard provides an interesting account of his visit to an eider-colony on an island off the coast of Iceland. "Upon landing," he says, "ducks and their nests were everywhere. Large brown ducks sat on their nests in groups, and at every step, we startled some from beneath our feet. We struggled to avoid stepping on some nests. On the coast of the opposite shore was a wall made of large stones... about 3 feet high and quite thick. At the bottom, on both sides, some stones had been left out to create a series of square spaces for the ducks to nest. Almost every space was occupied.... The whole place was remarkable. The earthen walls around it and the window ledges were filled with ducks. Ducks fringed the ground around the house. On the grassy slopes of the roof, we could see ducks, and one was even sitting on the doormat. The grassy banks were cut into square patches, with about 18 inches removed, and each hollow was filled with ducks. A windmill was swarming with them, along with all the outbuildings, mounds, rocks, and crevices. Ducks were everywhere. Many were so tame that we could pet them on their nests, and the kind woman told us that there was hardly a duck on the island that wouldn’t let her take its eggs without flying away or showing fear."


The nest is composed externally of seaweed, and lined with down, which is plucked by the female from her breast as incubation proceeds, till eventually it completely conceals the eggs. Each nest yields about one-sixth of a pound, and is worth, on the spot, from twelve to fifteen shillings a pound.

The nest is made on the outside from seaweed and lined with down that the female pulls from her own feathers as she incubates the eggs, eventually covering them completely. Each nest weighs around one-sixth of a pound and is worth, on-site, between twelve to fifteen shillings per pound.

The Pochards, Scaups, Golden-eyes, and Scoters are relatives of the eider-duck; but since all resemble the latter in their general mode of life, we need not consider them here.

The Pochards, Scaups, Golden eyes, and Scoters are related to the eider-duck, but since they all live in a similar way, we don’t need to discuss them here.


Photo by the Duchess of Bedford]  [Woburn Abbey.

Photo by the Duchess of Bedford Woburn Abbey.


Cape Barren Goose.

This bird is a native of South-east Australia and Tasmania, and remarkable for its short beak.

This bird is native to South-East Australia and Tasmania and is notable for its short beak.

The Mergansers and Smews, to which reference has been made, differ markedly from all the ducks so far considered in the peculiar formation of the bill, which is relatively long and narrow, with its edges armed with sharp, tooth-like processes projecting backwards towards the back of the mouth. These processes are really only horny spines, and have no relation to teeth, although they are used, as teeth would be, for holding slippery prey, such as fish, which form the greater part of the diet of these birds.

The Mergansers and Smews, mentioned earlier, are quite different from all the ducks we've talked about due to their unique bill structure, which is relatively long and narrow, with sharp, tooth-like projections along the edges that point back towards the throat. These projections are actually just hard spines and aren’t true teeth, but they function like teeth by helping the birds grip slippery prey, like fish, which make up most of their diet.

So far, in all the ducks which we have considered, the male differs conspicuously from the female in plumage; but in the forms we are now about to describe both sexes are coloured alike.

So far, in all the ducks we've looked at, the male looks noticeably different from the female in terms of plumage; but in the types we're going to describe now, both sexes are colored the same.

The first is the Common Sheldrake, which seems to lie somewhere on the borderland between the Ducks and the Geese. It is a very beautiful bird, conspicuously marked with broad bands of orange-chestnut, white, and black. The beak being coral-red in colour, and further ornamented by a peculiar fleshy knob at its base, serves to set off the glossy bottle-green colour of the head and neck. As appears to be invariably the case where both sexes are coloured alike, the female builds her nest in a hole, generally a rabbit-burrow, whilst the young have a distinct livery, duller in tone than that of the parent. The female sheldrake breeds in Britain, and may be frequently seen at sea flying in small parties, which have been likened to a flock of butterflies.

The first is the Common Shelduck, which seems to be somewhere between Ducks and Geese. It’s a very beautiful bird, clearly marked with broad bands of orange-chestnut, white, and black. The beak is coral-red and has a unique fleshy knob at its base, which highlights the glossy bottle-green color of the head and neck. As is usually the case when both sexes look alike, the female builds her nest in a hole, usually a rabbit burrow, while the young have a distinct color pattern that is duller than that of the parents. The female sheldrake breeds in Britain and can often be seen at sea flying in small groups, which have been compared to a flock of butterflies.


The Geese include birds of somewhat conspicuous coloration, besides a considerable number of more subdued aspect. The sexes are distinguished by different names, the female being known as the Goose, the male as the Gander, whilst the young is the Gosling. As we have already mentioned, there is no hard-and-fast line to be drawn between the three sections of this group. The Ducks are connected by the Sheldrakes with the Geese, through the Spur-winged Goose, the Egyptian and Orinoco Geese, and certain other species which cannot be alluded to on this occasion.

The Geese consist of birds with somewhat noticeable coloring, along with a fair number that have a more muted appearance. The sexes are identified by different names: the female is called the Goose, the male is the Gander, and the young one is the Gosling. As we’ve already pointed out, there’s no strict boundary between the three categories of this group. The Ducks are connected to the Geese by the Sheldrakes, through the Spur-winged Goose, the Egyptian and Orinoco Geese, and some other species that we can’t mention right now.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Pygmy Goose.

The pygmy geese are expert divers.

The pygmy geese are skilled divers.

The Spur-winged Geese, of which there are two species, are African birds, and derive their name from the long spur seated on the wing.

The Spur-winged Geese, which come in two species, are birds native to Africa and get their name from the long spur located on their wings.

A still more remarkable form is the Half-webbed Goose, so called from the fact that its feet are only partially webbed. It has a black-and-white plumage, a hooked beak, and a large warty prominence on the front of the head. It spends most of its time perched on the branches of the Australian tea-trees, and rarely enters the water. The windpipe is peculiar, being coiled in several folds between the skin and the breast-muscles.

A more notable type is the Half-webbed Goose, named for its partially webbed feet. It has black-and-white feathers, a hooked beak, and a large warty bump on the front of its head. It mostly perches on the branches of Australian tea trees and rarely goes into the water. Its windpipe is unique, coiling in several loops between the skin and the chest muscles.

From these peculiar forms we pass to the true geese. The largest living species is the Chinese or Guinea-goose of Eastern Siberia, regarded as the stock from which the domesticated geese of Eastern countries have been derived.

From these unusual forms, we move on to the real geese. The largest living species is the Chinese or Guinea fowl from Eastern Siberia, which is considered the ancestor of the domesticated geese found in Eastern countries.

European domesticated geese have been derived from the Grey or Grey-lag Goose, a species at one time exceedingly common in England, breeding in considerable numbers in the fen districts, where the young were frequently taken and reared with the large flock of domesticated geese commonly kept at that time for the sake of their feathers. The grey-lag goose, however, has long ceased to breed in England, though a few still nest in Scotland. The most important breeds derived from the grey-lag are the Toulouse and Emden. Other British species are the Bean-goose, Pink-footed and White-fronted Geese, and the "Black" Brent and Barnacle-geese, in all of which the sexes are precisely similar in coloration and subdued in tone.

European domesticated geese originate from the Gray or Greylag Goose, a species that used to be very common in England, breeding in large numbers in the fenlands, where the young were often captured and raised along with the large flocks of domesticated geese that were typically kept for their feathers. However, the grey-lag goose has long stopped breeding in England, although a few still nest in Scotland. The most significant breeds derived from the grey-lag are the Toulouse and Emden. Other British species include the Bean Goose, Pink-footed, and White-fronted Geese, along with the "Black" Brent and Barnacle geese, all of which have male and female birds that are identical in coloration and have muted tones.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Black-necked swan.

The fleshy knob at the base of the bill is of a bright red colour.

The fleshy bump at the base of the beak is a bright red color.

In the New World some very beautiful white geese are found, which are still more interesting in that the females have a different coloration. These are the Kelp- and Upland-geese of Patagonia and the Falklands. The female of the kelp-goose is brownish black above and black barred with white below, whilst the female of the upland-goose is rufous and black in colour. The latter may be seen in London parks.

In the New World, there are some very beautiful white geese, which are even more interesting because the females have a different color. These are the Kelp and Upland geese of Patagonia and the Falklands. The female kelp-goose is brownish-black on top and has a black pattern with white underneath, while the female upland-goose is reddish-brown and black. You can even find the latter in London parks.

Lastly, we have a few species known from their small size as Pygmy Geese of Australia, India, and Africa. Perhaps the best known is the Indian species, called the Cotton-teal. {462}They are tiny birds, resembling small ducks rather than geese, and dive admirably, a feat which the larger species do not perform.

Lastly, there are a few species known for their small size called Dwarf Geese from Australia, India, and Africa. The most well-known is the Indian species, known as the Cotton teal. {462} They are tiny birds that look more like small ducks than geese, and they dive exceptionally well, something that the larger species don't do.


Photo by the Duchess of Bedford]  [Woburn Abbey.

Photo by the Duchess of Bedford Woburn Abbey.


Trumpeter and whooper swans.

The trumpeter is the bird in the foreground; the whooper is remarkable for its musical note, resembling the word "whoop" quickly repeated.

The trumpeter is the bird in the foreground; the whooper is known for its musical sound, which is similar to the word "whoop" being quickly repeated.

The Swans are linked with the Geese through a very beautiful South American species, known as the Coscoroba Swan. It is the smallest of all the swans, pure white in colour, save the tips of the greater wing-quills, which are black, and the coral-red bill and feet.

The Swans are connected to the Geese through a stunning South American species called the Coscoroba Swan. It is the smallest of all the swans, entirely white except for the tips of its larger wing feathers, which are black, along with its coral-red bill and feet.

Of all the swans, probably the best known is the Mute Swan, the semi-domesticated descendants of which are so common on ornamental waters. For hundreds of years the latter were jealously guarded, none but the larger freeholders being allowed to keep them, and then not without a licence from the Crown; with this licence was coupled an obligation to mark each swan with a particular mark, cut with a knife or other instrument through the skin of the beak, whereby ownership might be established.

Of all the swans, the most famous is probably the Mute Swan, whose semi-domesticated descendants are often seen on decorative ponds. For hundreds of years, people were very protective of them; only larger landowners were allowed to keep them, and they needed a license from the Crown to do so. This license came with the requirement to mark each swan with a specific cut on the skin of its beak using a knife or other tool, so ownership could be identified.

It would seem that these swans and their descendants were not derived from the native wild stock, but were introduced into England, it is said, from Cyprus by Richard I. At the present day large "swanneries" have almost ceased to exist. Perhaps the largest is that of the Earl of Ilchester, at Abbotsbury, near Weymouth. In 1878 between 1,300 and 1,400 swans were to be seen there at one time, but latterly the number has been reduced to about half.

It seems that these swans and their descendants didn’t come from the native wild stock, but were brought to England, reportedly from Cyprus by Richard I. Today, large "swanneries" have nearly disappeared. The biggest one left is probably that of the Earl of Ilchester at Abbotsbury, near Weymouth. In 1878, there were between 1,300 and 1,400 swans there at one time, but recently, the number has dropped to about half.

Although swans do not perhaps stand so high in the general esteem as table delicacies as with our forefathers, there are yet many who appreciate the flesh of this bird; but the St. Helen's Swan-pit at Norwich is the only place in England where they are systematically fattened for the table. Here from 70 to 200 cygnets—as the young swans are called—caught in the neighbouring rivers, are placed early in August, and fed upon cut grass and barley till Christmas, when they are fit for table, weighing, when "dressed," about 15 lbs., {463}and fetching, if purchased alive at the pit, about two guineas each. The pit is constructed of brickwork, and is about 74 feet long, 32 feet wide, and 6 feet deep—the water, admitted from the river, being about 2 feet deep. The food is placed in floating troughs. The birds, "when so disposed," says Mr. Southwell, "leave the water by walking up a sloping stage, and thus obtain access to a railed-in enclosure, where they may rest and preen themselves."

Although swans may not be as highly regarded as gourmet dishes today as they were in the past, there are still many people who enjoy eating this bird. However, the St. Helen's Swan-pit in Norwich is the only place in England where they are systematically raised for food. Here, between 70 and 200 cygnets—young swans caught from nearby rivers—are placed in early August and fed cut grass and barley until Christmas, when they are ready for the table, weighing about 15 lbs when "dressed," {463}and selling for about two guineas each if bought alive at the pit. The pit is made of brick and is about 74 feet long, 32 feet wide, and 6 feet deep, with about 2 feet of water admitted from the river. The food is provided in floating troughs. The birds, "when in the mood," says Mr. Southwell, "leave the water by walking up a sloping stage and can access a fenced area where they can rest and preen themselves."

The beautiful swan-like carriage, so familiar in the floating bird, seems to belong only to the mute swan, the other species of white swans carrying the neck more or less straight, and keeping the wings closely folded to the body.

The elegant, swan-like carriage, which is so recognizable in the floating bird, seems to be unique to the mute swan. The other types of white swans tend to hold their necks more or less straight and keep their wings tightly folded against their bodies.

No greater anomaly could at one time have been imagined than a Black Swan. For centuries it was considered to be an impossibility. We owe the discovery of such a bird to the Dutch navigator Willem de Vlaming, who, more than 200 years ago, captured the first specimen at the mouth of what is now known, in consequence, as the Swan River. A year after their capture accounts reached England through the burgomaster of Amsterdam, and these were published by the Royal Society in 1698. The bird is now fairly common on ornamental waters, where its sooty-black plumage, set off by pure white quill-feathers and coral-red bill, contrasts strongly with the typical snow-white mute swan, generally kept with it.

No greater surprise could have been imagined than a Black Swan. For centuries, it was thought to be impossible. We owe the discovery of this bird to the Dutch navigator Willem de Vlaming, who, over 200 years ago, captured the first specimen at the mouth of what is now called the Swan River. A year after their capture, reports reached England through the mayor of Amsterdam, and these were published by the Royal Society in 1698. The bird is now quite common in decorative waters, where its deep black feathers, highlighted by pure white wing feathers and coral-red bill, stand in stark contrast to the typical snow-white mute swan it is usually found with.

Equally interesting is the handsome Black-necked Swan of South America. In this species the plumage is pure white, save that of the neck, which is black. The distribution of this species is practically the same as that of the Coscoroba swan. Breeding freely in confinement, it has become a fairly common bird on ornamental waters. It shares with the mute swan the reputation of gracefulness when afloat, swimming with the neck curved and wings raised.

Equally interesting is the elegant Black-necked Swan from South America. This species has pure white feathers, except for its black neck. Its distribution is nearly identical to that of the Coscoroba swan. It breeds well in captivity and has become a fairly common sight in ornamental waters. It shares the reputation of gracefulness with the mute swan, gliding with its neck curved and wings lifted.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


Australian black swans and cygnets.

The cygnets are light-coloured, like those of the white swans

The cygnets are light-colored, just like the white swans.






Birds of Prey.

At one time the boundaries of this group were much larger than now, for within them were included at least one form which has since proved to belong to the Crane Tribe: we allude to the Seriema (page 428), and also to the Owls. This classification was based on the very remarkable superficial resemblance to the typical birds of prey which those forms bear. Modern ornithologists regard as birds of prey only the forms known as the New World Vultures, the Secretary-bird, and the Falcons, Eagles, Vultures, Buzzards, and the numerous smaller forms commonly classed as "Hawks."

At one point, the boundaries of this group were much larger than they are now, as it included at least one species that has since been recognized as part of the Crane Tribe: we’re referring to the Seriema (page 428), as well as the Owls. This classification was based on the striking superficial resemblance these species share with typical birds of prey. Nowadays, ornithologists consider only the species known as the New World Vultures, the Secretary-bird, and the Falcons, Eagles, Vultures, Buzzards, and the many smaller species commonly referred to as "Hawks" as birds of prey.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



The habit of standing with the wings expanded is a very common one with these birds.

The habit of standing with their wings spread out is very common among these birds.

The New World Vultures.

The New World Vultures.

These may be distinguished from their distant relatives of the Old World by the fact that the nostrils are not divided from one another by a partition, and by their much weaker feet. The head and neck in all, as in the true vultures, is more or less bare, and, furthermore, is often very brilliantly coloured, in which last particular these birds differ from the typical vultures.

These can be distinguished from their distant relatives in the Old World because their nostrils are not separated by a partition, and they have much weaker feet. The head and neck in all of them, like in true vultures, are more or less bare and are often very brightly colored, which is a significant difference from typical vultures.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



The bare skin of the head and neck is of a dark purple colour, the ruff encircling the neck being of pure white down-feathers.

The bare skin on the head and neck is a deep purple color, while the ruff around the neck is made of pure white down feathers.

One of the most important members of the group is the Condor, one of the largest of flying birds, and when on the wing the most majestic. "When the condors," says Darwin, "are wheeling in a flock round and round any spot, their flight is beautiful. Except when rising off the ground, I do not recollect ever having seen one of these birds flap its wings. Near Lima I watched several for nearly half an hour, without once taking {465}off my eyes; they moved in large curves, sweeping in circles, descending and ascending, without giving a single flap." One which he shot measured, from tip to tip of the fully expanded wings, 8½ feet.

One of the most important members of the group is the Condor, one of the largest flying birds, and when it takes to the air, it looks the most majestic. "When the condors," says Darwin, "are circling in a flock around any spot, their flight is beautiful. Except when they’re taking off from the ground, I don't remember ever seeing one of these birds flap its wings. Near Lima, I watched several for nearly half an hour, without once taking {465} my eyes off them; they moved in large arcs, gliding in circles, going up and down, without flapping even once." One that he shot measured 8½ feet from tip to tip of its fully spread wings.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


King Vulture.

The fleshy crest on the beak is developed in the females as well as in the males.

The fleshy crest on the beak develops in both females and males.

The condor, like its smaller relatives, hunts by sight, and not, as was at one time believed, by smell, feeding on the dead bodies of guanacos which have died a natural death or been killed by pumas, and upon other dead animals. In the neighbourhood where sheep and goats are kept, they are much dreaded, as they will attack the young kids and lambs. The flock-owners on this account wage constant war against them, capturing them by enclosing a carcase within a narrow space, and when the condors are gorged galloping up on horseback and killing them, for when this bird has not space to run it cannot rise from the ground. Sometimes the trees on which they roost are marked, and when night falls a man climbs the tree and captures them with a noose, for they are very heavy sleepers.

The condor, like its smaller relatives, hunts by sight, not by smell as was once thought. It feeds on the dead bodies of guanacos that have died naturally or been killed by pumas, along with other dead animals. In areas where sheep and goats are raised, they are greatly feared because they will attack young kids and lambs. Because of this, flock owners constantly fight against them, trapping them by enclosing a carcass in a small space; then, when the condors have stuffed themselves, they charge in on horseback and kill them, since these birds can't take off if they don't have room to run. Sometimes, the trees where they roost are marked, and when night falls, a person climbs the tree and captures them with a noose because they are very heavy sleepers.

The condor ranges from the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Chili southwards to the Rio Negro on the east coast of Patagonia. It lays two large white eggs on a shelf of bare rock projecting from precipitous cliffs, and the young are said to be unable to fly till after they are a year old. As will be seen in the photographs, the head of the male is crowned by a bare, fleshy caruncle, which, like the surrounding bare skin, is of a dull reddish colour: lower down the neck is a frill of pure white down, which forms a conspicuous contrast with the glossy black plumage of the rest of the body and wings.

The condor is found from the Andes in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, all the way south to the Rio Negro on the east coast of Patagonia. It lays two large white eggs on a ledge of bare rock that juts out from steep cliffs, and the chicks are reportedly unable to fly until they are over a year old. As shown in the photographs, the male has a bare, fleshy caruncle on its head, which, along with the surrounding bare skin, is a dull reddish color. Lower down the neck, there is a frill of pure white down, creating a striking contrast with the glossy black feathers of the rest of the body and wings.

The King-vulture is a much smaller bird, but the bare parts of the head are much more brilliantly, even gaudily coloured, the combinations being orange, purple, and crimson. The plumage is creamy white and black. It is a comparatively rare bird, and but little is known concerning its breeding habits. The female is much more soberly clad than her mate. The king-vulture has a more northerly range than the condor, extending from Brazil to Mexico, Texas, and Florida.

The King vulture is a smaller bird, but the bare parts of its head are much more brightly, even flashy colored, with combinations of orange, purple, and crimson. Its feathers are creamy white and black. This bird is relatively rare, and not much is known about its breeding habits. The female is dressed much more conservatively than the male. The king-vulture has a more northern habitat than the condor, ranging from Brazil to Mexico, Texas, and Florida.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

*Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.* Regent's Park.


Black Vultures.

When disturbed, these birds eject foul-smelling matter.

When disturbed, these birds release a bad-smelling substance.

The commonest of the New World vultures is the Turkey-buzzard, which is found over the whole of temperate and tropical America. Of the four species commonly known as Turkey-buzzards, three are exclusively South American—the fourth {466}ranges as far north as New York and British Columbia, and in the Southern and Middle United States is very common, perambulating the streets or perching on the house-tops.

The most common vulture in the New World is the Wild turkey, found throughout temperate and tropical America. Out of the four species referred to as Turkey-buzzards, three are only found in South America—the fourth {466} ranges as far north as New York and British Columbia, and is quite common in the Southern and Middle United States, often seen wandering the streets or sitting on rooftops.


Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.  [Philly.



The bare parts of the head are of a brick-red colour.

The bare parts of the head are a brick-red color.

Other species are the small Black Vulture, a dull, uninteresting-looking bird, and the Californian Vulture. This latter is a large species, and in the expanse of wing may even exceed the condor. At one time its extermination seemed certain, owing to its falling a victim to the poisoned meat laid out by the stock-keepers for carnivorous mammals, but in the more barren and inaccessible regions it appears to be on the increase.

Other species include the small Black Vulture, which is a dull, unremarkable bird, and the California Condor. This latter is a large species, and its wingspan can even surpass that of the condor. At one point, it seemed doomed to extinction because it was falling prey to the poisoned meat set out by ranchers for carnivorous mammals, but in the more barren and hard-to-reach areas, it appears to be making a comeback.

The Secretary-bird.

The Secretary Bird.

The second of the three main divisions into which the Birds of Prey are divided is reserved for the Secretary-bird. This bird derives its name from the crest of long feathers which bear a fanciful resemblance to the quill-pens a clerk is supposed to stick above his ear. It differs from all the other members of the Hawk Tribe in the exceedingly long legs, which in the young are said to be so fragile as to fracture if the bird is suddenly alarmed. It feeds chiefly on insects and reptiles, especially snakes, for which last it seems to have a special liking. It attacks even the most venomous species, striking at them with its powerful wings and pounding them with its feet, jumping upon them with great force, till rendered helpless, when they are at once swallowed head-foremost. On account of its great value as a snake-eater it has been accorded special protection, though unfortunately there is a tendency on the part of English settlers to relax this, on account of the fact that it will occasionally eat animals coming within the scope of "game." Valuable as the latter may be, there yet seems no justification for such a course.

The second of the three main divisions of Birds of Prey is for the Secretary bird. This bird gets its name from the long feather crest that resembles the quill pens a clerk would stick behind their ear. It stands out from other members of the Hawk Tribe because of its very long legs, which are said to be so delicate in young birds that they can break if startled. Its diet mainly consists of insects and reptiles, especially snakes, which it particularly enjoys. It even attacks the most venomous species by striking them with its strong wings and pummeling them with its feet, jumping on them with significant force until they are incapacitated, after which it swallows them headfirst. Due to its importance as a snake hunter, it has been granted special protection, though unfortunately, some English settlers tend to overlook this because it occasionally preys on animals considered "game." While those animals may be valuable, there seems to be no valid reason for this behavior.

The secretary-bird, which is a South African species, though extending northwards as far as Abyssinia, builds a huge nest of sticks in low bushes, under which will often be found numerous nests of the Cape sparrow, apparently the only available site on the veldt, where bushes are scarce. Here the sparrows are efficiently protected from the icy winds which so frequently sweep across this region, and apparently suffer no fear of personal violence from the fierce owners of the domicile above them. When sitting, the female secretary is fed by her mate. The young do not appear to leave the nest for five or six months. They are frequently taken from the nest and brought up as household pets, becoming not only very tame, but exceedingly useful.

The secretary bird, which is native to South Africa but can also be found as far north as Abyssinia, builds a large nest of sticks in low bushes. Underneath these nests, you'll often find many nests of the Cape sparrow, which seems to be the only available spot in the veldt since bushes are rare. This setup effectively protects the sparrows from the cold winds that frequently blow through the area, and they appear to have no fear of being harmed by the fierce birds nesting above them. While sitting on the nest, the female secretary bird is fed by her mate. The young birds typically don’t leave the nest for five or six months. They are often taken from the nest and raised as household pets, becoming not only very tame but also incredibly useful.

The Eagle and Falcon Tribe.

The Eagle and Falcon Tribe.

From the perplexing wealth of species displayed among the forms herein bracketed together, we can only select a few examples, which embrace, however, all the more important and interesting forms.

From the confusing variety of species shown among the forms grouped here, we can only pick a few examples, which, however, include all the most important and interesting forms.

Beginning with the more lowly, we start with those members of small or medium size known as Kites, and as an example of the group take the species known in the British Islands as the Kite, or Glead. In former days this bird was extremely common in England, {467}being found in numbers not only in the rural districts, but in London itself, where, as old records of the fifteenth century show, it occurred in such numbers near London Bridge as to excite the wonder of foreigners visiting the city. These birds found an abundance of food in the garbage of the streets, and also of the Thames itself—"an observation," remarks Mr. Finn, "which throws a lurid light upon the city sanitation."

Starting with the less prominent, we begin with the members of smaller or medium size known as Kites, using the species commonly referred to in the British Islands as the Kite or Glead as an example of this group. In the past, this bird was very common in England, {467}found in large numbers not just in rural areas but in London itself, where, according to old records from the fifteenth century, it existed in such abundance near London Bridge that it amazed foreign visitors to the city. These birds had plenty of food from the street garbage as well as from the Thames itself—"a comment," notes Mr. Finn, "that sheds a harsh light on the city’s sanitation."

In the days of falconry the kite was royal game, not, however, by legal enactment, but by reason of the fact that none but specially trained falcons could secure a prey with such wonderful powers of flight. Consequently the price of a falcon which had attained this degree of skill was beyond the purse of any but a king.

In the days of falconry, the kite was considered royal game, not due to any legal ruling, but because only specially trained falcons had the incredible flight skills needed to catch one. As a result, the cost of a falcon with this level of expertise was too high for anyone but a king.

Save on the wing, the kite is not a handsome bird, its general colour being of a pale reddish brown; but those who have had the good fortune to watch its flight are one and all impressed. Cowper admirably expresses the general admiration in the lines:—

Save for its wings, the kite isn’t a particularly attractive bird, with a mostly pale reddish-brown color; however, everyone who has been fortunate enough to see it fly is deeply impressed. Cowper perfectly captures this admiration in the lines:—

Kites that swim sublime

Kites that soar beautifully

In still repeated circles, screaming loud.

In the same old cycles, shouting loudly.

The kites may be distinguished from other members of the tribe by their forked tails. Somewhat of a scavenger, as we have already hinted, the kite feeds also upon such small game as moles, frogs, young birds, rabbits, snakes, and fish. Its partiality for young birds caused it to be much dreaded in the farmyard in the days when it was common; and when, with the introduction of modern and improved firearms, game-preserving became more strenuously prosecuted, its doom was sealed, for a ceaseless war was waged against it, which ended only with its extermination.

The kites can be recognized from other members of the group by their forked tails. As we’ve mentioned, they are somewhat scavengers and also feed on small animals like moles, frogs, young birds, rabbits, snakes, and fish. Their preference for young birds made them feared in farmyards back when they were common. However, with the introduction of modern and improved firearms, efforts to preserve game intensified, sealing their fate, as a relentless battle was fought against them that ultimately led to their extinction.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Secretary bird.

In full plumage the tail of this bird is much longer.

In full plumage, the tail of this bird is a lot longer.

Nearly allied to the Kites, the Honey-buzzards next claim attention. The name Honey-buzzard is a misnomer, for honey forms no part of the bird's food. This species exhibits, however, a quite remarkable partiality for the immature stages of wasps and bees, the nests of which it tears in pieces with its feet, so as to lay bare the coveted morsels, devouring them on the spot, perfectly regardless of the stings of the infuriated insects, which seem unable to penetrate its feathers. When its favourite food is not to be had, it will feed upon corn, earth-worms, beetles, slugs, small birds' eggs, and moles—a diet sufficiently {468}strange for a bird of prey. Honey-buzzards appear to be exemplary parents, for they are said to construct a bower of leafy boughs above the nest to screen the young from the sun, the boughs being replaced as they wither by fresh ones.

Closely related to the Kites, the Honey buzzards now deserve attention. The name Honey-buzzard is misleading because honey is not part of their diet. This species does, however, show a strong preference for the immature stages of wasps and bees, which it tears apart with its feet to get to the desired pieces, eating them on the spot without worrying about the stings from the angry insects, which don’t seem able to get through its feathers. When its preferred food isn’t available, it will eat corn, earthworms, beetles, slugs, small bird eggs, and moles—a diet quite unusual for a bird of prey. Honey-buzzards appear to be devoted parents, as they reportedly build a leafy structure above the nest to protect the young from the sun, replacing the boughs with fresh ones as they dry out.

The honey-buzzard occurs but rarely in England, and nowhere appears to be a very common bird, though it is said to be more frequently met with in Arabia and Egypt than elsewhere. On migration, however, it appears in unusually large numbers, the late Lord Lilford recording an occasion when he observed many hundreds crossing the Straits of Gibraltar from Spain to Africa. These were apparently on their autumnal migration to warmer winter quarters.

The honey-buzzard is rarely seen in England, and it doesn't seem to be a common bird anywhere, although it’s reported to be found more often in Arabia and Egypt than in other places. However, during migration, it shows up in surprisingly large numbers; the late Lord Lilford noted an instance when he saw hundreds crossing the Straits of Gibraltar from Spain to Africa. They were likely on their journey to warmer winter habitats.

The dash, energy, and courage which we are wont to associate with the Hawk Tribe have certainly not been manifest in the members of the order which we have examined so far; but these attributes will be evident enough in the majority of the species with which we are now about to deal. One of the most interesting of these fiercer forms is the Osprey, or Fishing-hawk. As its name implies, it feeds largely upon fish, which it captures with great dexterity, seizing them either with its feet from the surface of the water, or by plunging entirely beneath the surface, when it disappears amid a shower of spray, to emerge a moment later with a fish writhing in its talons. To ensure a firm grip of its slippery prey, the soles of its feet are armed with rough tubercles, whilst the foot is furthermore remarkable in that the outer toe can be turned backwards, so as to lie parallel with the hind toe—an arrangement rare in birds of the Hawk Tribe, but characteristic of the Owls and some other birds. At times, it would seem, the osprey seizes a fish too large to be raised from the water, when, owing to the firm hold which the claws have taken, the bird is unable to release itself, and is speedily dragged beneath the surface and drowned. Some have suggested that the bird falls a victim, not to inability to free itself, but rather to its obstinacy.

The energy and bravery we usually associate with the Hawk Tribe haven’t really shown up in the members we've looked at so far, but these traits will definitely be visible in most of the species we’re about to discuss. One of the most fascinating among these more aggressive types is the Osprey, or Osprey. As its name suggests, it primarily feeds on fish, catching them with impressive skill, either by grabbing them with its feet from the water's surface or diving completely underwater, creating a splash, and surfacing moments later with a fish struggling in its talons. To maintain a secure grip on its slippery catch, the bottoms of its feet have rough bumps, and its foot structure is special because the outer toe can rotate backward, allowing it to align with the hind toe—something that’s rare in hawks but typical in owls and a few other birds. There are times when the osprey catches a fish that’s too big to lift out of the water, and because of the strong grip of its claws, the bird can't let go and ends up being pulled under and drowned. Some have argued that it doesn't struggle to free itself due to a lack of ability, but rather because of its stubbornness.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



Feeding on garbage of all kinds, kites are useful birds in hot countries.

Feeding on all sorts of trash, kites are beneficial birds in warm countries.

The osprey is now rare in Great Britain, though it breeds occasionally in the wilder parts of Scotland. It enjoys an extensive range, however, being found all over the world. In America it appears to be very common. On an island "off the eastern extremity of Long Island, New York," writes Professor Newton, "300 nests were counted. The old birds were rearing their young close together, living as peaceably as so many rooks, and were equally harmless to other birds." Colonies of this kind are rare among birds of prey.

The osprey is now uncommon in Great Britain, although it occasionally breeds in the wilder regions of Scotland. However, it has a broad range and can be found all over the world. In America, it seems to be quite common. On an island "off the eastern tip of Long Island, New York," Professor Newton writes, "300 nests were counted. The adult birds were raising their young close together, living as peacefully as so many rooks, and were just as harmless to other birds." Colonies like this are rare among birds of prey.

Whilst the fiercer raptorial birds, which hunt and kill their prey, live only upon small or medium-sized animals, a certain section, known as the Vultures, feed upon the carcases of the largest mammals which they find either in the throes of death or already dead, and even far advanced in decomposition. Gathering to the feast in large crowds, even the largest bodies are soon demolished; and on this account the vultures are to be reckoned amongst the most useful of birds, speedily removing matter which in hot countries would rapidly endanger the health of neighbouring communities.

While the more aggressive birds of prey hunt and kill their targets, another group known as the Vultures feeds on the carcasses of large mammals they find either dying or already dead, even if they are significantly decomposed. They gather in large numbers to the feast, quickly breaking down even the biggest bodies; for this reason, vultures are considered among the most beneficial birds, swiftly clearing away matter that could threaten the health of nearby communities in hot climates.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S] [Milford-on-Sea.



This species of osprey is confined to Australia and the Austro-Malay Islands.

This type of osprey is found only in Australia and the Austro-Malay Islands.


Many years ago a great controversy was waged over the question of the faculty which guides the vulture in the discovery of its food, since it was a matter of common knowledge that the traveller might sweep the horizon in vain for a sign of these birds, yet, should a camel from a caravan fall out and die, or men fall in warfare, within an incredibly short space of time a crowd of vultures would be squabbling over the dead. Some held that the vulture was guided by scent, others by sight, and this latter view is now almost universally accepted. The bird's natural habit of soaring at an immense height enables it to survey not only immense tracts of country, but the actions of its neighbours soaring at the same altitude, though perhaps miles away. So soon as one descries food it betrays the fact by its actions, making off in the direction of the prospective feast; it is then followed immediately by its yet more distant neighbour, and this by a third, and so the first serves as a guide to all the other soaring birds for miles around. This flight has been admirably expressed by Longfellow in "Hiawatha."

Many years ago, there was a big debate about how vultures find their food. It's well known that travelers can scan the horizon without seeing any of these birds, but if a camel from a caravan dies or if men die in battle, a swarm of vultures appears in no time, fighting over the carcass. Some people believed that vultures relied on smell, while others thought they used sight, and now the latter view is widely accepted. The bird's natural ability to soar high allows it to observe not only vast areas of land but also the actions of other birds flying at the same height, even if they're miles away. As soon as one spots food, it reveals this by its behavior, heading toward the anticipated meal; this is quickly followed by a more distant neighbor, then a third, and so on, with the first bird guiding all the others soaring nearby. Longfellow beautifully captures this flight in "Hiawatha."

We need here mention only one or two of the more important species of vulture, and among these one of the most interesting is the Lammergeir, or Bearded Vulture. This species is one of the least vulture-like of the tribe, not only in general appearance, but also in habits, and is to be regarded as near the ancestral stock, whose descendants have become more and more addicted to feeding upon dead bodies.

We only need to mention one or two of the more important species of vulture here, and one of the most fascinating is the Lammergeier, or Griffon Vulture. This species is one of the least typical of the vulture family, not just in its overall look but also in its behavior. It’s considered to be close to the ancestral stock, from which modern vultures have evolved to rely more heavily on feeding on dead animals.

The lammergeir, or bearded vulture, is a bird of large size and majestic flight, differing from all other vultures in that the head and neck are clothed in feathers, whilst the nostrils are covered by long bristles. Beneath the bill hangs a tuft of bristles like those covering the nostrils; hence its name of Bearded Vulture; and this, coupled with a remarkable red rim to the eyes, gives the bird an almost diabolical appearance. It lives partly upon living animals and partly upon carrion, bones apparently being especially relished; these it breaks by dropping them from a height upon the rocks below, probably to get at the marrow. Land-tortoises are treated in a similar manner, and it was possibly this species which caused the death of the poet Æschylus, on whose bare head a tortoise is alleged to have been dropped. It was at one time common in Europe, and is still fairly numerous in West Africa, though rare in the East and South. Many stories are told of its strength and daring, some of which concern the carrying off of young children; but these are probably mythical, modern observers generally agreeing that the bird is by nature far from courageous.

The lammergeir, or bearded vulture, is a large bird known for its impressive flight. Unlike other vultures, its head and neck are covered in feathers, and its nostrils have long bristles. A tuft of bristles hangs beneath its bill, similar to those covering the nostrils, which is why it’s called the Bearded Vulture. This, along with a striking red rim around its eyes, gives the bird a somewhat devilish look. It feeds on both live animals and carrion, with a particular preference for bones, which it breaks by dropping them from a height onto rocks below, likely to access the marrow. Land tortoises are treated in a similar way, and it’s thought that this species may have caused the death of the poet Æschylus, as it’s said a tortoise was dropped onto his bare head. Once common in Europe, it’s still fairly numerous in West Africa, but rare in the East and South. There are many stories about its strength and boldness, some claiming it has taken young children, but these are likely myths; modern observers generally agree that the bird is not particularly brave.


Photo by Charles Knight]  [Aldershot.

Photo by Charles Knight]  [Aldershot.


Bearded Vulture.

It is called the Bearded Vulture on account of the tuft of bristles hanging from the chin.

It’s called the Bearded Vulture because of the tuft of bristles that hangs from its chin.

The more typical vultures differ from the lammergeir in having the head and neck more or less bare, and often conspicuously coloured, or covered with a short velvety down. The Cinereous, Griffon, Pondicherry, and Egyptian Vultures may be cited as examples of these.

The more common vultures are different from the lammergeir because they usually have heads and necks that are mostly bare and often brightly colored, or covered with a short, soft down. The Ash-colored, Griffin, Puducherry, and Egyptian Vultures are examples of these.

The Cinereous or Black Vulture is a heavy and repulsive-looking bird, feeding entirely on garbage. On the wing, however, this vulture shares with its relatives the admiration of all who have been privileged to watch it; sailing in graceful circles in the blue sky of the tropics, or hurrying from all quarters of the compass to some ghoulish feast, it forms a spectacle, once seen, never to be forgotten. It is found on both sides of the Mediterranean, and extends eastwards to India and China.

The Ashen or Black Vulture is a large and unappealing bird that feeds entirely on trash. However, in flight, this vulture captivates everyone lucky enough to see it; gliding gracefully in circles in the blue tropical sky, or rushing in from every direction to partake in a gruesome feast, it creates a sight that once witnessed, is unforgettable. It can be found on both sides of the Mediterranean and extends eastward to India and China.


This species, like the Griffon-vulture, has the head and neck down-covered, thus standing in strong contrast with the Pondicherry and Sacred Vultures of India and Africa, which have bare heads and necks ornamented by loose folds or lappets of skin of a pinkish colour. These vultures hunt in pairs, and are very self-assertive, driving away all other birds from their prey. They build enormous nests of sticks in bushes and trees, thus differing from the vultures previously described, which generally nest on ledges of rock on precipitous cliffs. These nests are made of sticks, lined with straw and leaves. A single egg is laid, which is white with red markings. The largest species rivals the condor in size.

This species, like the Griffon vulture, has its head and neck covered in feathers, which makes it really different from the Puducherry and Sacred Vultures found in India and Africa, which have bare heads and necks with loose, pinkish skin folds. These vultures hunt in pairs and are very assertive, driving away all other birds from their food. They build large nests made of sticks in bushes and trees, unlike the vultures mentioned earlier that usually nest on rocky ledges on steep cliffs. Their nests are constructed from sticks and lined with straw and leaves. They lay a single egg that is white with red markings. The largest species is comparable in size to the condor.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Griffon Vulture.

This bird has once been taken in the British Islands.

This bird has been spotted in the British Islands.

The Egyptian Vulture, sometimes known as Pharaoh's Hen, is the smallest of the vultures. The plumage is white; the head, throat, and fore part of the neck are naked and of a lemon-yellow colour; whilst the feet are pink and the eyes crimson. Not only is it a carrion-feeder, but it will also follow the plough, picking up worms and grubs. This species occurs in Europe, breeding in Provence and Savoy, the Madeiras, Cape Verde, the Canaries, North and South Africa, and India. On three occasions it has wandered to Great Britain.

The Egyptian Vulture, also known as Pharaoh's Chicken, is the smallest vulture. Its feathers are white, while its head, throat, and the front of its neck are bare and a lemon-yellow color; the feet are pink and the eyes are crimson. It not only feeds on carrion but also follows plows to grab worms and grubs. This species is found in Europe, breeding in Provence and Savoy, as well as in the Madeiras, Cape Verde, the Canaries, North and South Africa, and India. It has ventured to Great Britain on three occasions.

We pass now to the Eagles, a group the exact limits of which it is impossible to define, since the forms so designated merge insensibly into Buzzards, Hawks, Harriers, and so forth.

We now turn to the Eagles, a group whose exact boundaries are hard to define, as the species within this category blend seamlessly into Buzzards, Hawks, Harriers, and others.

Eagles occur all over the world, save only in New Zealand. An eagle, it is interesting to note, is the bird of Jove, the emblem of St. John and Rome, and at the present day of the American Republic. It also plays an emblematic part in Germany, Austria, and Russia.

Eagles can be found all over the world, except in New Zealand. Interestingly, the eagle is known as the bird of Jove, the symbol of St. John and Rome, and today represents the American Republic. It also serves as a symbol in Germany, Austria, and Russia.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Rüppell's Vulture.

An African species, closely allied to the griffon.

An African species that's closely related to the griffon.

Of the true eagles, perhaps the best known is the Golden Eagle, or Mountain-eagle—a British bird, breeding still, though in diminishing numbers, in Scotland. In Ireland it is fast verging on extinction, trap, gun, and poison having wrought its destruction. In times past it bred in the Lake District of England. Abroad it is found over the greater part of Europe, Northern Asia, India and China, and Northern Africa, and America as far south as Mexico. It is a very fierce and powerful bird, attacking such {472}large animals as antelopes, wolves, and foxes, as well as the more helpless fawns, lambs, hares and rabbits, and ducks, geese, grouse, and so on.

Of the true eagles, perhaps the best known is the Golden Eagle, or Mountain eagle—a British bird that is still breeding, although in decreasing numbers, in Scotland. In Ireland, it is rapidly approaching extinction due to traps, guns, and poison causing its decline. In the past, it bred in the Lake District of England. Internationally, it can be found throughout much of Europe, Northern Asia, India and China, Northern Africa, and as far south as Mexico in America. It is a very fierce and powerful bird, preying on large animals like antelopes, wolves, and foxes, as well as more vulnerable creatures like fawns, lambs, hares, rabbits, ducks, geese, grouse, and so on.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Angolan Vulture.

A common West African bird, living upon fish and carrion.

A common West African bird that feeds on fish and carrion.

Very different from the free-roving golden eagle and its allies is the South American Harpy-eagle. This is a denizen of the forest, of great size and enormous strength, as the powerful bill and feet testify. Whilst other eagles are conspicuous for their powers of flight, the present species is rarely seen on the wing, being strictly a forest-dweller, with short wings and tail, and of a somewhat owl-like plumage, the feathers being very soft. At rest it is one of the most striking of all the eagles. The head is crested, the under parts of the body are white, and the upper dark grey, banded with black. It feeds upon sloths, peccaries, and spider-monkeys.

Very different from the free-roaming golden eagle and its relatives is the South American Harpy eagle. This bird lives in the forest, is large, and has incredible strength, as shown by its powerful beak and feet. While other eagles are known for their flying abilities, this species is rarely seen in the air, living exclusively in the forest, with short wings and tail, and somewhat owl-like feathers that are very soft. At rest, it's one of the most impressive eagles. Its head has a crest, the underside of its body is white, and the upper parts are dark grey with black bands. Its diet consists of sloths, peccaries, and spider monkeys.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Puducherry Vulture.

This Indian species is remarkable for the loose flaps of skin which hang down on each side of the head.

This Indian species is notable for the loose skin flaps that hang down on either side of its head.

So recently as 1897 another forest-dwelling species was discovered in the Philippines, and this also preys largely upon monkeys. Its nearest ally is apparently the harpy-eagle, and, like this species, it is a bird of large size and very powerful. It is further remarkable for the enormous size of the beak, which differs from that of all other members of this group in being much compressed from side to side.

So recently as 1897, another forest-dwelling species was discovered in the Philippines, and it also mostly preys on monkeys. Its closest relative is apparently the harpy eagle, and like this species, it is a large and very powerful bird. It is also notable for its enormous beak, which stands out from all other members of this group because it is much more compressed from side to side.

The sea, as well as the mountain and the forest, is also, as it were, presided over by members of this group, which are in consequence called Sea-eagles. One species, the White-tailed Eagle, or Erne, is reckoned among British birds, though it is fast verging on extinction. In former days it bred on the sea-cliffs of Scotland and Ireland, and in the Lake District. The nest, or eyrie, as it is called, is commonly placed on inaccessible cliffs, but sometimes on the ground or in a tree, and, as is usual with the group, is made of sticks, with a lining of finer materials. This eagle feeds principally upon fish, though hares, lambs, and rabbits and carrion are occasionally taken.

The sea, like the mountains and the forest, is also overseen by members of this group, which are therefore known as Sea eagles. One species, the White-tailed Eagle, or Erne, is considered a British bird, although it is quickly nearing extinction. In the past, it nested on the sea cliffs of Scotland and Ireland, and in the Lake District. The nest, or eyrie, as it's called, is usually built on steep cliffs that are hard to reach, but sometimes it's found on the ground or in a tree, and like others in this group, it's constructed from sticks with a lining of softer materials. This eagle mainly eats fish, but it also occasionally hunts hares, lambs, rabbits, and scavenges on carrion.

The Hawk Tribe, generally speaking, have the wings comparatively short, the legs long and slender, and the edges of the beak with a sinuous outline and unnotched; but it is impossible to sharply define the group. The best-known species are the Sparrow- and Gos-hawks. The first named is still a common British bird, but the latter has now become very {473}rare indeed. In both species the male is a much smaller bird than the female, and is also more brightly coloured. The Gos-hawk was at one time used in falconry; it is a bird of extremely ferocious disposition, and in the days when hawks were used for sporting purposes had to be kept very safely tethered, as, if it gained its liberty, it would at once proceed to kill every other hawk and falcon in the "mews."

The Hawk Tribe typically has relatively short wings, long and slender legs, and a beak with a wavy outline and no notches; however, it's hard to clearly define this group. The most well-known species are the Sparrow and Goshawks. The former remains a common bird in Britain, but the latter has become quite {473}rare. In both species, the male is significantly smaller than the female and is also more vividly colored. The Goshawk was once used in falconry; it is known for its extremely fierce nature, and back when hawks were used for sport, it had to be securely tethered, as if it got free, it would immediately try to kill every other hawk and falcon in the "mews."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.]


Egyptian vulture.

This is one of the foulest feeders of the Vulture Tribe.

This is one of the dirtiest eaters in the Vulture Tribe.

The Falcon Tribe is divisible into two sections—the one containing the American Carrion-hawks, and the other the Falcons.

The Falcon Tribe can be divided into two sections: one that includes the American Vultures and the other that includes the Falcons.

The Carrion-hawks, or Caracaras, are long-legged birds which spend most of their time on the ground and run well. They are said to hunt, not seldom in packs, after the fashion of wild dogs. One species at least affords an admirable example of mimicry—so rare among birds. This is the Curassow-hawk, so called from its resemblance to the curassow, one of the Game-birds. The resemblance is evidently advantageous, for thereby the hawk is enabled to sit quietly at rest till its prey comes within easy reach, mistaking the hawk for the inoffensive curassow.

The Vultures, or Caracaras, are long-legged birds that spend most of their time on the ground and run well. They often hunt in packs, similar to wild dogs. One species, in particular, is a great example of mimicry, which is quite rare among birds. This is the Curassow hawk, named for its resemblance to the curassow, a type of game bird. This resemblance is clearly beneficial because it allows the hawk to sit still until its prey comes close, mistaking the hawk for the harmless curassow.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Wedge-tailed Eagle.

This is an Australian species, feeding chiefly upon carrion.

This is an Australian species that mainly feeds on dead animals.

The Falcons form an exceedingly interesting group, if only on account of the part which they played in the sports of mediæval England. Birds of large size and forms as small as sparrows are included within the group; all are very powerful on the wing, and all feed on living prey, though, in the case of the diminutive forms, this may consist {474}mainly, if not entirely, of insects. The members of the Falcon Tribe may be distinguished from the majority of the larger hawks by the fact that the eyes are dark hazel-brown instead of yellow, and that the bare, yellow, waxy-looking band of skin at the base of the beak, so characteristic of the Birds of Prey, is not sharply defined, but scantily clothed with fine bristles, passing insensibly into the feathers of the crown of the head.

The Falcons are a really fascinating group, especially because of their role in the sports of medieval England. This group includes birds that range in size from large to as small as sparrows; all are very strong fliers and primarily feed on live prey, although smaller species may mostly, if not entirely, eat insects. You can tell members of the Falcon Tribe apart from most larger hawks by their dark hazel-brown eyes instead of yellow and by the fact that the bare, yellow, waxy skin at the base of the beak, which is a typical feature of Birds of Prey, is not sharply defined but lightly covered with fine bristles, blending seamlessly into the feathers on the top of the head.

Some of the best-known members of this section of the group are the Peregrine and Jer-falcons, and the Kestrel, Hobby, and Merlin. Only the peregrine and the kestrel, however, can now be called common.

Some of the most recognized members of this section of the group are the Peregrine falcon and Gyrfalcon, along with the Kestrel, Hobby, and Merlin. However, only the peregrine and the kestrel can now be considered common.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, Washington. 

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, Washington.


American Kestrel.

One of the smallest and handsomest of the American hawks.

One of the smallest and most attractive hawks in America.

The Peregrine is the falcon held so much in esteem by falconers, by whom the female only was called the "falcon," the male, which is smaller, being known as a "tiercel." The female was used for the capture of the larger game, such as herons and rooks; whilst the male was flown only at partridges, and sometimes magpies.

The Peregrine falcon is the falcon highly valued by falconers, who referred to the female as the "falcon" and the smaller male as a "tiercel." The female was used to hunt larger game like herons and rooks, while the male was primarily flown at partridges and occasionally magpies.

In a wild state the peregrine falcon is regarded by other birds with the greatest fear and terror. Ducks feeding on the banks of streams or lakes, on perceiving it, immediately take to the water; whilst plovers and lapwings rise to an immense height in the air, and remain there for hours. Mr. Ussher, who has had many opportunities of studying this bird in Ireland, where it is quite common, relates an instance of the tenacity with which it follows its prey, in this case a lapwing. "The falcon," he says, "after several stoops, cleverly avoided by the lapwing, was so near clutching, that the poor bird, quite worn out, dropped into the water, and the falcon, after rising from her stoop, poised a moment on her wings, and then quietly lowering herself with extended legs, lifted the lapwing from the water and bore her off."

In the wild, the peregrine falcon is seen by other birds with a lot of fear and dread. Ducks feeding along the edges of streams or lakes, upon spotting it, quickly jump into the water; meanwhile, plovers and lapwings fly up to a great height and stay there for hours. Mr. Ussher, who has had many chances to study this bird in Ireland, where it’s quite common, shares an example of how persistently it hunts its prey, in this case a lapwing. "The falcon," he says, "after several attempts that the lapwing skillfully dodged, got so close to catching it that the exhausted bird dropped into the water, and the falcon, after rising from her dive, hovered for a moment on her wings, then calmly lowered herself with outstretched legs and lifted the lapwing from the water to carry it away."

The eyrie is generally found half-way up some precipitous cliff: no nest is made, but the eggs are laid on the earth or gravel covering the selected ledge. When eggs are found in a nest, the latter has always been taken from some other bird, even the eagle being occasionally dispossessed. Three or four eggs are laid, which are very beautiful and variable in their coloration. The young are attended by their parents long after they are able to fly.

The eyrie is usually located halfway up a steep cliff: no nest is built, but the eggs are laid directly on the ground or gravel covering the chosen ledge. When eggs are found in a nest, it has always been taken from another bird, even the eagle sometimes losing its nest. Three or four eggs are laid, which are very beautiful and vary in color. The young are cared for by their parents long after they can fly.

The Jer-falcons are birds of large size and great beauty, and at one time were much in request by falconers, probably largely on account of their appearance, for they lack the power and spirit of the peregrine. Grey and black and white and black are distinctive colours of the various species, which are inhabitants of northern regions.

The Gyrfalcons are large and beautiful birds that were once highly sought after by falconers, likely due to their striking appearance, even though they don’t have the power and spirit of the peregrine. Grey and black and white and black are the characteristic colors of the different species, which are found in northern regions.

The Kestrel, or Wind-hover, is one of the commonest birds of prey, much and most unjustly persecuted by gamekeepers. In its general appearance it closely resembles its much smaller relative, the so-called "Sparrow-hawk" of America, shown in the photograph on this page by Dr. Shufeldt. The American sparrow-hawk, it should be mentioned, is really a species of kestrel, and, like the British kestrel, belongs to the Falcon group of the Birds of Prey. Like the peregrine falcon, the kestrel does not build a nest, but takes possession of the deserted nests of crows and magpies, or deposits its eggs on the bare earth of a recess in some cliff or quarry which is overhung by a projecting shelf of rock. Occasionally a hole in a tree is chosen, the eggs then resting on the rotten wood at the bottom. That the kestrel is of a more confiding disposition than the majority of its tribe seems to be proved by the fact that it will often deposit its eggs in nesting-boxes, if these are placed in suitable spots. On some English estates the harmlessness of this bird is fully recognised, and every encouragement is given it to breed by the erection of these nesting-boxes. By way of illustration we may cite a case where, on an estate in Kent in 1900, five of these boxes were erected 20 or 30 feet from the ground round a single field, all of which were tenanted by kestrels; and though a thousand young pheasants were reared in this field, not a single one of these was missed by the keepers. Besides its human enemies, the kestrel has to contend with crows and rooks, which spare no efforts to seize its eggs whenever the opportunity presents itself. The eggs, it should be mentioned, are of a bright ruddy colour, but, like those of the peregrine falcon, lose much of their freshness of colouring during incubation. Four or five in number, they are laid at intervals of two days or so, incubation commencing with the deposition of the first egg; as a result, the first nestling hatched may be more than a week older than the last.

The Kestrel, or Kite, is one of the most common birds of prey, often unfairly targeted by gamekeepers. It looks a lot like its much smaller cousin, the so-called "Sparrowhawk" of America, which is shown in the photo on this page by Dr. Shufeldt. It’s important to note that the American sparrow-hawk is actually a type of kestrel and, like the British kestrel, it belongs to the Falcon group of Birds of Prey. Similar to the peregrine falcon, the kestrel doesn’t build its own nest; instead, it takes over abandoned nests from crows and magpies, or lays its eggs directly on the bare ground in a nook of a cliff or quarry that has a rock overhang. Sometimes, it chooses a hole in a tree, with the eggs resting on the decayed wood at the bottom. The kestrel tends to be more trusting than most of its relatives, as it often lays its eggs in nesting boxes if they are placed in good spots. On some estates in England, people recognize that this bird is harmless and actively encourage it to breed by putting up these nesting boxes. For example, on an estate in Kent in 1900, five nesting boxes were installed 20 or 30 feet up around a single field, and all of them were occupied by kestrels; despite having a thousand young pheasants raised in that field, not one was lost to the keepers. Alongside its human threats, the kestrel faces challenges from crows and rooks, which eagerly try to grab its eggs whenever they can. The eggs are bright reddish in color but, similar to those of the peregrine falcon, they lose much of their vibrant color during incubation. Typically, there are four or five eggs laid at intervals of about two days, with incubation starting as soon as the first egg is laid; this means the first chick hatched might be over a week older than the last one.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



This is an African species.

This is an African species.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Imperial Eagle.

Occurs in Southern Europe and North-west Africa.

Occurs in Southern Europe and North-west Africa.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Crested Eagle.

A powerful and savage bird from South America.

A strong and fierce bird from South America.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



This bird feeds on carrion which it finds on the beach.

This bird feeds on dead animals it finds on the beach.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Rough-legged Hawk.

Frequent in the British Islands.

Common in the British Isles.

The food of the kestrel appears to consist mainly of mice, but frogs, earthworms, grasshoppers, cockchafers, and other beetles are also taken. Kestrels will also eat dead animals, as is proved by the fact that they are not seldom found dead from eating poisoned rats laid out for magpies. One instance is on record where a kestrel was taken with its claws entangled in the fur of a stoat, which fiercely defended itself. It is an easy matter, for those who will take the trouble, to find out what is the staple diet of the kestrel; for if the nest and its neighbourhood be searched, numerous small rounded pellets of the size of a chestnut will be found, which, when broken up, will prove to be composed of the hard and indigestible parts of what has been swallowed. The majority of such pellets are made up of the fur and bones of mice.

The kestrel's diet mainly consists of mice, but they also eat frogs, earthworms, grasshoppers, cockchafers, and other beetles. Kestrels will consume dead animals as well, evidenced by the fact that they are often found dead after eating poisoned rats meant for magpies. There's a recorded case where a kestrel was caught with its claws tangled in the fur of a stoat, which fought back fiercely. It's quite easy for those who are willing to put in the effort to discover what the kestrel primarily eats. If you search around the nest and its surroundings, you'll find many small, rounded pellets about the size of a chestnut. When these are broken open, they reveal the hard and indigestible parts of what the bird has eaten. Most of these pellets consist of the fur and bones of mice.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



The Hawk-eagles show a marked preference for woody districts.

Hawk-eagles prefer forested areas.

The little American "Sparrow-hawk," which, as we have already pointed out, is really a species of kestrel, appears to be almost exclusively insectivorous during the summer months, preying mainly upon grasshoppers. An American ornithologist, Mr. Henshaw, writing on the subject, remarks that during a scourge of grasshoppers the sparrow-hawks assembled in hundreds; and although on this occasion, owing to the vast myriads in which these insects had collected, the birds could make no visible impression, yet {477}they must have done an immense amount of good. Ornithologists from all parts of the United States unanimously agree that grasshoppers form the staple diet of this hawk, though mice and gophers are also largely eaten, and especially during the winter months, when insect food is scarce.

The small American "Sparrowhawk," which, as we've already noted, is really a type of kestrel, seems to mainly eat insects during the summer, primarily going after grasshoppers. An American ornithologist, Mr. Henshaw, mentioned that during a grasshopper invasion, the sparrow-hawks gathered in the hundreds; and even though, due to the massive numbers of these insects, the birds didn’t seem to make a noticeable impact, they must have still done a significant amount of good. Ornithologists from across the United States agree that grasshoppers are the main food source for this hawk, although they also eat a lot of mice and gophers, especially in the winter when insects are hard to find.


By permission of Percy Leigh Pemberton, Esq. 

With permission from Percy Leigh Pemberton, Esq.


Peregrine Falcon.

A favourite in falconry.

A favorite in falconry.

Of the Pygmy Falcons there are several species, ranging from the Eastern Himalaya, through Tenasserim and Burma, to the Malay Islands and the Philippines. The smallest is the Red-legged Falconet of Nepal, Sikhim, and Burma. It feeds largely upon insects, such as dragon-flies, beetles, and butterflies, hawking them with a swallow-like speed. Occasionally the members of this little group are said to hunt down and kill birds larger than themselves.

Of the Pygmy Falcons, there are several species found from the Eastern Himalayas, through Tenasserim and Burma, to the Malay Islands and the Philippines. The smallest is the Red-legged Falcon from Nepal, Sikkim, and Burma. It mainly feeds on insects like dragonflies, beetles, and butterflies, catching them with swallow-like speed. Sometimes, the members of this small group are reported to hunt and kill birds that are larger than they are.



Few birds have been more misrepresented in literature than the Owls. For centuries they have been depicted as birds of ill omen, and accused of all kinds of diabolical practices. Shakespeare, for example, repeatedly makes the owl do duty for some evil sign, or fulfil some dire purpose. Thus in Macbeth, Act II., Scene ii.,

Few birds have been more misrepresented in literature than owls. For centuries, they have been portrayed as birds of bad luck and blamed for all sorts of sinister actions. Shakespeare, for instance, often uses the owl as a symbol of something evil or to serve some grim purpose. In Macbeth, Act II., Scene ii.,

It was the owl that shriek'd, the fatal bellman,

It was the owl that shrieked, the deadly bellman,

Which gives the stern'st good-night.

Which gives the sternest good night.

And later on, in Act IV., it is an owl's wing which he makes the witches add to their caldron of noisome things, when brewing their deadly potion. In Spain the scops and tawny owls are believed to be devil's birds, and are accused of drinking the oil from the lamps suspended before the shrines of saints. The gamekeeper nails their bodies up on the barn door as offenders of the worst type, whilst the Malagasy believe owls to be the embodiments of evil spirits.

And later on, in Act IV, he has the witches add an owl's wing to their cauldron of horrible things while they brew their deadly potion. In Spain, scops and tawny owls are thought to be devil's birds, and people say they drink the oil from lamps hanging in front of saints' shrines. The gamekeeper nails their bodies to the barn door as the worst offenders, while in Madagascar, people believe owls are the embodiments of evil spirits.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.


Glasses-wearing owl.

A South American bird with a somewhat remarkable coloration.

A South American bird with pretty remarkable coloring.

It is therefore a relief to find this unwarrantable prejudice is not absolutely universal, since amongst some people, at least, the owl has found some favour. The best-known instance of this is the {478}case of the Greeks, who made the owl the symbol of wisdom, and chose as an emblem, singularly enough, the species known as the Little Owl, a bird which is notorious for its ludicrous behaviour, so much so that it has earned for itself the reputation of being the veritable buffoon of birds. Its grotesque and ridiculous antics are utilised by Continental bird-catchers, who use it as a lure to attract small birds, tethering it for this purpose near nets, snares, or twigs smeared with bird-lime.

It’s a relief to see that this unfair bias isn’t completely universal, since some people, at least, have shown appreciation for the owl. The most famous example of this is the case of the Greeks, who made the owl a symbol of wisdom and, interestingly enough, chose the species known as the Little Owl as their emblem. This bird is notorious for its silly behavior, earning a reputation as the true clown of birds. Its bizarre and ridiculous antics are used by bird-catchers in Europe, who employ it as bait to attract smaller birds by tying it near nets, snares, or twigs coated with bird-lime.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.



An occasional visitor to the British Isles.

An occasional visitor to the UK.

Amongst other birds, strangely enough, the owl appears to be as much disliked as the fiercer and more dangerous members of the Hawk Tribe, and in consequence, should one venture abroad during the day or be discovered in its retreat, the alarm is given, and every small bird within call is summoned to take part in a general mobbing.

Among other birds, strangely enough, the owl seems to be just as disliked as the fiercer and more dangerous members of the Hawk family. As a result, if one is spotted during the day or found in its hiding spot, the alarm is raised, and every small bird nearby is called to join in a general mobbing.

Although proverbially unpalatable, the Little Owl is said to be eaten in Italy, as are other species in the various countries in which they are found.

Although commonly considered unappetizing, the Little Owl is reportedly eaten in Italy, just like other species in the different countries where they are found.

Varying considerably in size, the owls, nevertheless, present a very general uniformity in appearance. All are remarkable for the peculiar softness of their plumage, which imparts to the wings the almost unique power of absolutely silent flight, the sound being deadened or muffled, so that the prey can be approached suddenly, and seized before escape is possible. This is very necessary when hunting in twilight hours. The owls are almost the only birds in which the outer toe is reversible, or capable of being turned either forwards or backwards. Furthermore, the members of this group are remarkable for the fact that the eyes look directly forward, instead of outwards, as in other birds, and that the feathers of the face are arranged round each eye in the form of a disk, and thus impart the familiar owl-like visage, seen elsewhere only among certain of the Hawk Tribe known as "Harriers."

Owls vary greatly in size but generally share a consistent appearance. They are all known for their uniquely soft feathers, which give their wings the almost exceptional ability for completely silent flight. This muffles any sound, allowing them to get close to their prey and catch it before it can escape. This silent approach is vital when hunting during twilight. Owls are nearly the only birds with a reversible outer toe, which can be turned either forward or backward. Additionally, members of this group have eyes that face directly forward instead of outward like other birds. The feathers around each eye are arranged in a disk shape, giving them the iconic owl look, which can also be seen in certain types of hawks known as "Harriers."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



A common North American species, feeding largely on small mammals.

A common species in North America, primarily feeding on small mammals.

Four species of owl are to be found sparsely distributed over Great Britain. We may regard as the typical owl the species known as the Tawny or Wood-owl. It is the largest of the resident owls in England, and would be much more abundant but that it is subjected to a rigorous and foolish persecution, born of long-standing prejudice and ignorance; it stands accused of the heinous offence of eating game, a charge which has never yet been fully proved. The benefits it confers are great, but, unfortunately, unrecognised, for its chief food consists of rats and mice. This is the bird which gives utterance to that weird "hoo-hoo—hoo-hoo-hoo," {479}one of the most charming of the many delightful sounds that break the stillness of the summer nights. It is interesting to note that this species is unknown as a wild bird in Ireland.

Four species of owls can be found sparsely throughout Great Britain. The typical owl is the Tawny or Wood-owl. It is the largest of the resident owls in England and would be much more common if it weren't subjected to unnecessary and misguided persecution, rooted in long-standing prejudice and ignorance; it is wrongly accused of the serious crime of eating game, a claim that has never been fully substantiated. The benefits it provides are significant, but unfortunately unrecognized, as its primary diet consists of rats and mice. This is the bird that makes that eerie "hoo-hoo—hoo-hoo-hoo," one of the most delightful sounds that pierce the stillness of summer nights. Interestingly, this species is unknown as a wild bird in Ireland.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.


American Long-eared Owl.

This is a young bird which has not yet completely lost its down-feathers.

This is a young bird that hasn’t fully lost its soft down feathers yet.

Other and fairly common species in England are the Long- and Short-eared Owls, both remarkable for the fact that the aperture of the ear, which is of enormous size, is of a different shape on the right and left sides of the head. These owls, furthermore, are characterised by the possession of a pair of feathery tufts, or "horns," springing from the top of the head, which can be erected or depressed at pleasure. These horns are found in many species of owl not necessarily closely related. The species under consideration are of medium size, with large eyes of a most wonderful golden-yellow colour, standing in strong contrast with those of the tawny owl, which are nearly black. Like the tawny owl, these two species, and especially the short-eared, live largely on rats and mice. The last-named bird also devours great numbers of dor-beetles and cockchafers.

Other common species in England include the Long- and Short-eared Owls, both notable for having ear openings that are huge and shaped differently on each side of their heads. Additionally, these owls are known for having a pair of feathery tufts, or "horns," on top of their heads, which can be raised or lowered at will. These horns are present in many owl species that aren't necessarily closely related. The owls we're discussing are medium-sized, with large, striking golden-yellow eyes that sharply contrast with the nearly black eyes of the tawny owl. Like the tawny owl, these two species—especially the short-eared owl—mainly feed on rats and mice. The short-eared owl also consumes large numbers of dor-beetles and cockchafers.

Amongst the largest of the tribe are the Eagle- and Snowy Owls, both of which are occasionally met with in Great Britain. The eagle-owl may be described as a largely magnified long-eared owl in general appearance, though, as a matter of fact, the two are not very closely related. The snowy owl, as its name implies, is white in colour, the white being relieved by more or less conspicuous black markings. This white livery, assimilating with its snowy surroundings, allows the wearer to approach its prey unperceived on the snow. Whilst the snowy owl is confined to northern regions, the eagle-owl enjoys a wide distribution, and is represented by numerous species, one of which, as we have remarked, occasionally visits Great Britain. The larger species of eagle-owl are the most ferocious members of the order, and prey largely upon hares, rabbits, and the large game-birds; whilst the snowy owl, though selecting similar prey, does incalculable good by devouring those destructive little rodents known as the lemmings.

Among the largest of the tribe are the Eagle and Snowy owls, both of which are occasionally found in Great Britain. The eagle-owl can be described as a much larger version of the long-eared owl in general appearance, although the two aren't very closely related. The snowy owl, as its name suggests, is white in color, with noticeable black markings. This white plumage helps it blend into its snowy surroundings, allowing it to approach its prey unnoticed on the snow. While the snowy owl is limited to northern regions, the eagle-owl has a wide distribution and is represented by several species, one of which, as we've noted, occasionally visits Great Britain. The larger species of eagle-owl are the most aggressive members of the order, primarily hunting hares, rabbits, and large game birds; meanwhile, the snowy owl, although it targets similar prey, does a tremendous service by eating those destructive little rodents known as lemmings.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Tawny Owl.

One of the commonest British owls.

One of the most common owls in Britain.

Solitary as owls usually are, some, as the American Burrowing-owls, live in what may be called colonies; and, stranger still, they live in burrows, which they share with the original excavators. Occurring both in North and South America, it is not surprising to find that the creatures with whom the burrowing-owls elect to take up their abode are very varied, belonging for the most part to numerous groups of burrowing mammalia. In the prairies of North {480}America they appear to quarter themselves upon the prairie-dogs, ground-squirrels, and badgers; and in the pampas of South America upon the Patagonian cavy, the viscacha and armadillos, and occasionally lizards. It seems to be no unusual thing to find, in addition to the bird and mammal tenants of a single burrow, one or more full-grown examples of the much-dreaded rattle-snake—a truly wonderful happy-family, if all accounts are to be believed. But many competent to speak on the matter throw out dark hints which would appear to show that the owl quarters itself on the tenants of a burrow too weak to resist its intrusion upon their domicile, and that occasionally this most masterful bird renders itself still more objectionable by devouring the progeny of its hosts, and sometimes even the hosts themselves.

Although owls are typically solitary creatures, some, like the Burrowing owls, live in what can be called colonies. Even more surprisingly, they make their homes in burrows that they share with the original diggers. Found in both North and South America, it's not surprising that the animals the burrowing owls choose to inhabit with are quite varied, mostly belonging to different groups of burrowing mammals. In the North American prairies, they often settle among prairie dogs, ground squirrels, and badgers, while in the South American pampas, they associate with the Patagonian cavy, viscacha, armadillos, and sometimes lizards. It's not uncommon to find, in addition to the birds and mammals sharing a single burrow, one or more adult rattlesnakes—which creates a truly fascinating so-called happy family, if the reports are to be believed. However, many knowledgeable sources suggest that the owl often chooses burrows that are home to tenants too weak to fend off its intrusion, and that occasionally this powerful bird exacerbates the situation by preying on the young of its hosts and even the hosts themselves.

The species known as Pygmy Owls and Little Owls we mention here only on account of their small size, one member of the former group being little bigger than a lark. Thus they stand in strong contrast with the giant snowy and eagle-owls.

The species called Pygmy Owls and Little Owls are mentioned here mainly because of their small size, with one member of the former group being just a bit larger than a lark. This makes them stand out compared to the huge snowy and eagle-owls.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.



A common North American bird, feeding on small animals of all kinds.

A common North American bird that feeds on small animals of various kinds.

Finally, we have the White or Barn-owl, which with its allies forms a group distinguished from all the other owls by certain well-marked structural characters. The barn-owl is also to be found in Great Britain, but is growing, like all the other owls in this area, more and more rare every year, owing to persecution at the hands of gamekeepers. It is a handsome bird, of a pale buff-yellow, mottled with grey above to pure white beneath, and with the characteristic facial disk peculiarly well developed. It breeds in holes in trees, ruins, and church towers, and feeds almost entirely on mice and rats. From the piercing note which it occasionally utters, it is also known as the Screech-owl.

Finally, we have the White or Barn owl, which, along with its relatives, forms a group that stands out from all the other owls due to some distinct structural features. The barn-owl can also be found in Great Britain but is becoming increasingly rare each year, just like the other owls in this area, mainly due to hunting pressure from gamekeepers. It’s a beautiful bird, with a pale buff-yellow color, mottled with gray on top and pure white underneath, and it has a particularly well-developed facial disk. It nests in holes in trees, ruins, and church towers, and almost exclusively feeds on mice and rats. Because of a sharp call it occasionally makes, it’s also known as the Screech owl.


Photo by Frans Mouwen]  [Breda.

Photo by Frans Mouwen]  [Breda.


Barn owl

This is a British owl, evincing a preference for church-towers in which to roost and breed.

This is a British owl that prefers to roost and breed in church towers.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni, Smyrna.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni, Smyrna. Printed in Lyon, France.



This photograph displays the crest fully elevated, and likewise shows the beautifully banded colouration of the under surface of the wing, as well as the position of the wings in flight.

This photograph shows the crest fully raised and also highlights the beautifully patterned colors on the underside of the wing, as well as the wing position during flight.




Nightjars, swifts, and hummingbirds.




Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



Known also as Fern-owl and Goat-sucker.

Known also as Fern-owl and Goat-sucker.

It is probable that the Night-jars are the nearest allies of the Owls. As pointed out in the last chapter, although the latter have acquired the habits of the Hawk and Eagle Tribe, they are not really connected with that group by descent.

It’s likely that the Nightjars are the closest relatives of the Owls. As mentioned in the last chapter, even though Owls have taken on habits similar to those of Hawks and Eagles, they aren’t actually related to that group by lineage.

Soberly clad, so as to be in complete harmony with its surroundings, with large eyes, huge mouth, and peculiarly short beak, beset with long bristles, the night-jar may be distinguished at once from all other British birds. By day it hides, squatting close to the ground, or perched on the thick branch of a tree; but when on the latter, it sits along and not across the bough, like other birds, the complete harmony between its plumage and the bark rendering it as invisible as when on the ground.

Dressed in a way that perfectly matches its environment, with large eyes, a huge mouth, and a strangely short beak covered in long bristles, the nightjar stands out from all other British birds. During the day, it hides close to the ground or perches on a thick branch of a tree; however, when on the branch, it sits lengthwise rather than across like other birds, making it just as invisible against the bark as it is when on the ground.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Pennant-winged nightjar (front view).

The long and graceful plumes are much-lengthened quill-feathers, and by their resemblance to the waving grass in which the bird nests afford protection.

The long and elegant feathers are elongated quill feathers, and they resemble the swaying grass that provides shelter for the bird's nests.

Not until the spring has far advanced does this bird leave its winter resort in Africa for Europe, making its presence known by its conspicuous habit of hunting its food (which consists of moths and beetles) after twilight has fallen. Later, its extraordinary churring note is {482}heard—a note which has been likened to the noise made by a spinning-wheel, and so powerful as to be audible half a mile off. This note is made while on the ground: on the wing, while toying with its mate, another equally peculiar sound is made, which has been likened to the noise made by swinging a whip-thong through the air.

Not until spring is well underway does this bird leave its winter home in Africa for Europe, making its presence known with its noticeable habit of hunting for food (which includes moths and beetles) after nightfall. Later, its remarkable churring sound is {482}heard—a sound that has been compared to the noise of a spinning wheel, and so powerful that it can be heard from half a mile away. This sound is made while on the ground: in flight, while playing with its mate, it produces another unique sound, which has been compared to the noise of swinging a whip through the air.

No nest is made by this bird; but the eggs, two in number and beautifully marked, are laid on the bare ground. The young are covered with down, and remain in the nest for some time.

No nest is built by this bird; instead, the eggs, which are two in total and beautifully patterned, are placed directly on the bare ground. The chicks are covered in down and stay in the nest for a while.

Another very remarkable feature is the fact that the claw of the middle toe has its inner edge curiously serrated, forming a sort of comb, the function of which is unknown. This comb-like claw occurs also in some few other birds—bitterns, for instance.

Another very remarkable feature is that the claw of the middle toe has a uniquely serrated inner edge, creating a sort of comb, the purpose of which is unknown. This comb-like claw is also found in a few other birds—like bitterns, for example.

A very remarkable kind is the Pennant-winged Night-jar, in which one of the quill-feathers in each wing is produced into a "pennant" of some 17 inches in length. The shaft of the feather is bare for the greater part of its length, and terminates in a feathery blade. It is an Abyssinian species about which not much is known.

A very remarkable type is the Pennant-winged Nightjar, where one of the flight feathers on each wing extends into a "pennant" about 17 inches long. The shaft of the feather is mostly bare and ends in a feathery tip. It’s a species from Abyssinia, and not much is known about it.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



So called from the note they utter.

So named for the sound they make.

Some of the night-jars, as the New World Night-hawk and the Old World Eared Night-jars, are particularly owl-like, a resemblance imparted by long "ear-like" tufts of feathers which rise from the back of the head. Others, as the More-pork of the Tasmanian colonist, or the Frog-mouth, as it is called in Australia, are remarkable for the huge size of the mouth, bounded, as it appears to be, by huge lips, represented by the short, round-edged beak.

Some of the nightjars, like the New World Night owl and the Old World Eared Nightjars, look a lot like owls due to the long "ear-like" tufts of feathers that stick up from the back of their heads. Others, like the Morepork found by the Tasmanian colonists or the Frogmouth in Australia, are notable for their large mouths, which appear to be framed by big lips, created by their short, round beaks.

Very nearly related to the night-jars is the Oil-bird of South America, which lives in caves in Trinidad, Ecuador, and Peru, where it builds a nest which has been likened in appearance to a huge cheese, and in which are laid from two to four white eggs. Like the night-jars, these birds feed by night, emerging from their gloomy retreats at twilight with much noise and in great numbers. Their food, however, is entirely of a vegetable nature, consisting of oily nuts or fruits.

Very closely related to the nightjars is the Oilbird of South America, which lives in caves in Trinidad, Ecuador, and Peru, where it builds a nest that resembles a giant cheese, and in which it lays between two to four white eggs. Like the nightjars, these birds are nocturnal, coming out of their dark hideouts at twilight with a lot of noise and in large numbers. However, their diet is completely plant-based, consisting of oily nuts or fruits.

The young, soon after they are hatched, become perfect masses of fat, and on this account are much in demand by the Indians, who make a special business of killing them and extracting the oil.

The young, shortly after they hatch, become perfect blobs of fat, and because of this, they are highly sought after by the Indians, who specialize in hunting them and extracting the oil.



In general appearance Swifts bear a strong superficial resemblance to Swallows; in reality they are related, not to those harbingers of spring, but to the Night-jars on the one hand and the Humming-birds on the other.

In general appearance Swifts look a lot like Swallows; however, they are actually related, not to those signs of spring, but to Night-jars on one side and Hummingbirds on the other.

The Common Swift arrives in England during the early part of May, and stays till the end of August, or sometimes till September has half run its course. Black in colour, relieved only by a white throat, it has little in the sense of beauty to recommend it; nevertheless, there are probably few who do not cherish tender feelings towards this bird. The swift has great buoyancy of spirits, as is manifested by the wild, exuberant bursts of screaming to which it gives voice as it rushes in small parties down the lanes or along the less-frequented thoroughfares of towns as morning breaks or evening falls, and occasionally throughout the day. The greater part of its life is spent upon the wing (indeed, it appears to rest only when incubating or sleeping), and of all the smaller birds it is the most graceful in flight, turning and twisting in fairy mazes high in the heavens for hours at a time.

The Common Swift arrives in England in early May and stays until the end of August, or sometimes even into mid-September. It's mostly black, with just a white throat, so it isn't particularly beautiful; however, few people don't have a soft spot for this bird. The swift has an incredibly lively spirit, which shows in its wild, joyful screams as it zips in small groups down lanes or along less-busy streets of towns at dawn or dusk, and sometimes even during the day. Most of its life is spent flying (it seems to only rest when nesting or sleeping), and of all the smaller birds, it’s the most graceful in the air, twisting and turning through enchanting loops high in the sky for hours.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford on Sea.



This is one of the most owl-like of the Night-jars.

This is one of the most owl-like Nightjars.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.



A common British bird during the summer months.

A common British bird in the summer.

The swift chooses for its nesting-place the eaves of houses and holes in church towers, and occasionally a crevice in the face of a quarry. The nest is formed of bits of straw, dry grass, and a few feathers, glued together by a secretion of the salivary glands into a compact crust; in this the bird deposits from two to four white eggs. The young, which are hatched naked and blind, never develop down-feathers, but soon become more or less imperfectly clothed in a mass of tiny spines, representing the budding feathers; these give the bird somewhat the appearance of a young hedgehog.

The swift picks the eaves of houses and holes in church towers for its nesting spot, and sometimes a crack in a quarry wall. The nest is made from bits of straw, dry grass, and a few feathers, all stuck together by a secretion from its salivary glands into a solid crust; in this, the bird lays two to four white eggs. The chicks, which hatch without feathers and are blind, never grow down feathers but soon get covered in a bunch of tiny spines that look like emerging feathers; this gives them a somewhat hedgehog-like appearance.

In adaptation to its remarkable powers of flight, the wing has undergone considerable modification in form, so that it differs from that of all other birds. On the other hand, the legs, being so little required, have diminished considerably, and are remarkable for their smallness—a fact which hampers the bird considerably, should it happen to alight on level ground, for, owing to the great length of the wings, it can arise only with considerable difficulty.

In response to its incredible flying abilities, the wing has changed a lot in shape, making it different from the wings of all other birds. Meanwhile, the legs, which are barely needed, have become much smaller and are notable for their tiny size—this makes it quite challenging for the bird if it lands on flat ground, as its long wings make it difficult to take off again.

Nearly allied to the common swift is Salvin's Swift, remarkable on account of its nest, which has been described by Dr. Sharpe as the most wonderful in the world. About 2 feet long and 6 inches in diameter, it looks rather like the sleeve of an old coat than a nest. It is made entirely of the downy seeds of plants, which, floating through the air after the fashion of such seeds, are caught by the birds when on the wing, and, partly felted and partly glued by the salivary secretion, are woven slowly into the characteristic woolly domicile. The site and manner of fixation of the nest are scarcely less wonderful, for it is suspended from the flat surface of some projecting piece of rock on the face of a cliff, and is thus almost inaccessible; yet, as if to make assurance doubly sure, two entrances are made, one at {485}the bottom, which is really blind, and one at the top, near its foundation, if we may call it so, which leads into the nursery.

Almost related to the common swift is Salvin's Swift, notable for its nest, which Dr. Sharpe describes as the most amazing in the world. About 2 feet long and 6 inches in diameter, it resembles the sleeve of an old coat more than a nest. It’s made entirely from fluffy seeds of plants that float through the air, which the birds catch while flying. These seeds are then partly felted and partly glued together with saliva, slowly woven into their unique woolly home. The location and how the nest is fixed are just as remarkable; it hangs from the flat surface of a rock that juts out on a cliff, making it nearly inaccessible. Yet, to ensure safety, there are two entrances: one at the bottom, which is actually a dead end, and one at the top, near its base, leading into the nursery.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Eatable quick.

The nests of this bird are used for soup; five are seen in this photograph.

The nests of this bird are used for soup; five are shown in this photo.

Still more swallow-like in general appearance are the diminutive Edible Swifts, so called, not on account of the palatability of the birds themselves, but of their nests, which are in great demand by the wealthy Chinese for conversion into birds'-nest soup. It has already been remarked that the salivary glands are unusually active in the swifts, their secretion bearing a very important part in the construction of the nest, and serving as a kind of cement. It is, therefore, not surprising that in some members of the group we find this secretion playing a still more prominent part, forming, at least in one species, the entire material of the nest. "With these nests," writes Dr. Sharpe, "a large trade is done with China from many of the Malayan Islands, over 3,500,000 nests having been known to be exported in a single year from Borneo to the latter country.... In Borneo and other places the caves in which the swiftlets build are leased to the collectors for a considerable sum; but it is only the white nests, made of the pure secretion, which are of any real value. The nests of those species which mix into their nests grass or feathers are not appreciated as an article of commerce."

The tiny Edible Swifts look even more like swallows, and they’re named not for how tasty the birds are, but for their nests, which are highly sought after by wealthy Chinese for making birds'-nest soup. It’s already been noted that the swifts have very active salivary glands, and the substance they produce plays a crucial role in building the nest, acting like a kind of glue. So it’s no surprise that in some species within this group, this secretion becomes even more significant, making up the entire nest material in at least one species. "A large trade is conducted with China for these nests from many of the Malayan Islands," Dr. Sharpe writes, "with over 3,500,000 nests having been exported from Borneo to China in a single year.... In Borneo and elsewhere, the caves where the swiftlets build are rented out to collectors for a substantial amount, but only the white nests, made from the pure secretion, hold real value. The nests from certain species that incorporate grass or feathers aren’t valued as a commercial product."

Colonel Legge gives some extremely interesting particulars concerning the nesting habits of these birds in Ceylon. "It is noteworthy," he writes, "that the partially fledged young—which were procured on this occasion for me, and which I kept for the night—scrambled out on to the exterior of the nest, and slept in an upright position, with the bill pointing straight up. This is evidently the normal mode of roosting resorted to by this species. The interior of this cave, with its numbers of active tenants, presented a singular appearance. The bottom was filled with a vast deposit of liquid guano, reaching, I was informed, to a depth of 30 feet, and composed of droppings, old nests, and dead young fallen from above, the whole mingled into a loathsome mass, with water lodged in the crevices, and causing an awful stench, which would have been intolerable for a moment even, had not the hundreds of frightened little birds, as they screamed and whirred in and out of the gloomy cave with a hum like a storm in a ship's rigging, powerfully excited my interest, and produced a long examination of the colony. This guano-deposit is a source of considerable profit to the estate, the hospitable manager of which informed us that he had manured 100 acres of coffee with it during that season."

Colonel Legge shares some really interesting details about the nesting habits of these birds in Ceylon. "It's worth noting," he writes, "that the partially fledged young—which I got for this occasion and kept overnight—climbed out onto the outside of the nest and slept upright, with their beaks pointing straight up. This seems to be the usual way this species roosts. The inside of this cave, filled with many active tenants, looked quite unusual. The bottom was packed with a huge buildup of liquid guano, reaching a depth of 30 feet, made up of droppings, old nests, and dead chicks that had fallen from above, all mixed into a disgusting mass, with water pooling in the cracks, creating an awful smell that would have been unbearable for even a moment if it weren't for the hundreds of scared little birds, screaming and flapping in and out of the dark cave with a noise like a storm in a ship's rigging, which really drew my attention and led to a lengthy observation of the colony. This guano deposit is quite profitable for the estate, and the friendly manager told us that he had fertilized 100 acres of coffee with it that season."



It is generally admitted that Humming-birds are nearly related to Swifts, with which, however, they stand in the strongest possible contrast in the matter of plumage—the latter being always inconspicuously coloured, whilst the former are for the most part clad in vestments so gorgeous as to render it extremely difficult to describe them in sober language. Moreover, so great is the wealth of species—some hundreds in number—and so varied are the form and coloration, and so closely do the various types pass one into the other, that their classification is a matter of extreme difficulty.

It is widely accepted that Hummingbirds are closely related to Swifts, but they contrast dramatically when it comes to their feathers—the latter always have dull colors, while the former are usually dressed in such stunning colors that it's tough to describe them in plain terms. Additionally, there are so many species—numbering in the hundreds—and they vary greatly in shape and color. The way different types blend into one another makes their classification very challenging.


Confined to the American Continent and certain islands adjacent thereto, humming-birds range from Canada to Tierra del Fuego in a horizontal direction, and rise vertically in the mountain-range of Chimborazo to a height of 16,000 feet above the sea-level—"dwelling," as Professor Newton describes it, "in a world of almost constant hail, sleet, and rain, and feeding on the insects which resort to the indigenous flowering plants."

Hummingbirds are found only in the Americas and some nearby islands, stretching from Canada to Tierra del Fuego horizontally, and soaring up to 16,000 feet above sea level in the Chimborazo mountain range. As Professor Newton puts it, they "live in an environment of nearly constant hail, sleet, and rain, feeding on the insects that visit the native flowering plants."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Ruby-throated hummingbirds.

About 500 distinct species of humming-birds are known.

About 500 different species of hummingbirds are known.

Humming-birds surpass all others in the wondrous beauty of their plumage, which depends not so much on colour as metallic lustre reflecting all the hues of the most precious stones—amethyst, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and topaz gleaming and sparkling from their bodies with a fire and intensity truly marvellous. "In some cases," as Professor Newton aptly describes it, "this radiance beams from the brow, in some it glows from the throat, in others it shines from the tail-coverts, in others it sparkles from the tips of elongated feathers that crest the head or surround the neck as with a frill, while again in others it may appear as a luminous streak across the cheek.... The feathers that cover the upper parts of the body very frequently have a metallic lustre of golden green, which in other birds would be thought sufficiently beautiful, but in the [humming-birds] its sheen is overspread by the almost dazzling splendour that radiates from the spots where Nature's lapidary has set her jewels."

Hummingbirds outshine all other birds with the incredible beauty of their feathers, which rely more on metallic shine than color, reflecting all the shades of precious stones—amethyst, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and topaz shimmering from their bodies with a dazzling brilliance that's truly amazing. "In some cases," as Professor Newton aptly puts it, "this brilliance shines from the forehead, in some it glows from the throat, in others it sparkles from the tail feathers, and in others, it may glimmer from the tips of elongated feathers that adorn the head or wrap around the neck like a frill, while in some cases, it might show up as a glowing line across the cheek.... The feathers that cover the upper parts of the body often have a metallic gleam of golden green, which in other birds would be considered quite beautiful, but in the [hummingbirds], its luster is overshadowed by the almost blinding brilliance that radiates from the spots where Nature's jeweler has placed her gems."

Besides this brilliancy of colour and variety in form—variety due to the development of these crests and frills, or to the forking and elongation of the tail-feathers—still further changes are brought about by the modification of the bill, which may be produced into a long straight style, longer than the body of the bird, or turned up like that of the avocet or down like that of the curlew. These changes are adaptations to the bird's methods of feeding, some seeking their food from the long tubular corollas of flowers, and requiring, therefore, very elongated beaks, others from more open and easily accessible flowers, whilst others hunt among leaves, especially the under-surfaces, the quarry consisting mainly of insects attracted by the honey secreted by the flowers, or those living on the leaves. Not only the beak but the tongue also has undergone great modification in this group, its outer sheath curling up on each side into a thin scroll, so as to form a pair of tubes, the exact use of which is unknown. The wings, like those of the swift, have undergone a certain amount of change in the relative proportion of the several regions, and in the form and number of the quill-feathers, whilst the legs have become considerably reduced in size. In some species each leg is surrounded by a little tuft of down, which may be black, brown, or snow-white in colour. In size these birds vary from 8 inches to scarcely more than 3 inches.

Besides the vibrant colors and various shapes—variety that comes from the growth of these crests and frills, or from the splitting and lengthening of the tail feathers—there are even more changes caused by the shape of the bill. The bill can be elongated and straight, longer than the bird's body, or curved up like that of the avocet or down like that of the curlew. These adaptations reflect how the birds feed: some get their food from the long tubular corollas of flowers, needing very long beaks, while others eat from more open and accessible flowers. Some search among leaves, particularly the undersides, for insects attracted by the nectar secreted by the flowers or those living on the leaves. Not just the beak, but the tongue has also significantly changed in this group, with its outer covering curling up on both sides into a thin scroll to form a pair of tubes, the exact purpose of which is unknown. The wings, similar to those of the swift, have also changed in the proportions of the different parts and in the shape and number of the quill feathers, while the legs have become noticeably smaller. In some species, each leg is surrounded by a small tuft of down that can be black, brown, or pure white in color. These birds range in size from 8 inches to just over 3 inches.

"The beautiful nests of humming-birds," writes Professor Newton, "than which the fairies could not have conceived more delicate ... will be found on examination to be very solidly and tenaciously built, though the materials are generally of the slightest—cotton-wool, or some vegetable down, and spiders' webs. They vary greatly in form and ornamentation—for it would seem that the portions of lichen which frequently bestud them are affixed to their exterior with that object, though probably concealment was the original intention. They are mostly cup-shaped; and the singular fact is on record, that in one instance, as the young grew, the walls were heightened by the parents, until at last the nest was more than twice as big as when the eggs were laid and hatched."

"The beautiful nests of hummingbirds," writes Professor Newton, "which fairies couldn’t have imagined to be more delicate ... will be found upon closer inspection to be very solidly and tightly constructed, even though the materials are usually quite light—like cotton wool, some plant down, and spider webs. They vary considerably in shape and decoration—since it seems the pieces of lichen that often cover them are attached to the outside with that purpose in mind, although concealment was likely the original goal. They are mostly cup-shaped; and it's a remarkable fact that in one case, as the young birds grew, the parents raised the walls, resulting in the nest being more than twice the size it was when the eggs were laid and hatched."




Parrots, cuckoos, and plantain eaters.



"The art of taming wild animals," writes Mr. Jenks in his "History of Politics," "and making them serve the purposes of man, is one of the greatest discoveries of the world." He holds—and there can be little question as to its reasonableness—"that the domestication of animals converted the savage pack into the patriarchal tribe," and that the earliest domesticated animals were pets. How great a share, then, Parrots may have had in this civilisation and advancement no man can tell, for it is impossible to say how long these beautiful birds may have been esteemed as pets, or how early they were introduced to the notice of the civilised peoples of past generations. Certain it is, however, that for more than 2,000 years they have been held in the highest esteem.

"The art of taming wild animals," writes Mr. Jenks in his "History of Politics," "and making them serve the purposes of humans, is one of the greatest discoveries of the world." He argues—and there's little doubt about its validity—that "the domestication of animals transformed the savage pack into the patriarchal tribe," and that the earliest domesticated animals were pets. How significant a role Parrots may have played in this civilization and progress is something no one can determine, as it's impossible to know how long these beautiful birds have been valued as pets, or how early they were recognized by the civilized societies of past generations. Nevertheless, it's certain that for over 2,000 years they have been held in the highest regard.

Modern discovery has added enormously to the list of known parrots, so that to-day more than 500 different species have been described, and these may be divided into Nestors, Lories, Cockatoos, Cockateels, Macaws, and Kakapos.

Modern discoveries have greatly expanded the number of known parrot species, so today there are over 500 different species described. These can be categorized into Nestors, Lories, Cockatoos, Cockatiels, Macaws, and Kakapos.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.



Also known as the Mountain-nestor.

Also known as the Mountain Nestor.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.


New Zealand Kea.

The kea frequents the slopes of lofty snow-covered mountains.

The kea is commonly found on the slopes of tall, snow-covered mountains.

Of the first named, the best known is the Kea, or Mountain-nestor, of the South Island, New Zealand. Dull in coloration, and not striking in appearance, it has earned an unenviable notoriety, which appears to rest as much upon fable as upon fact. It seems that, since the introduction of sheep into this part of the world by the settlers, this bird has found a diet of flesh more stimulating than one of fruit. Exactly how this came to be is not known. Two explanations have been advanced. The first has it that the birds settled on the skins of the sheep slaughtered for their wool, and picked off pieces of fat therefrom, as well as various tit-bits from the carcases of the same, and thus found out how toothsome—or beaksome—mutton was. From this they went a step further, and did the slaughtering for themselves. Parties of them now go a-hunting, worry a sheep till exhausted, then dig down through the back, and so wound the intestines that death results. Another explanation is that the birds in the original instance mistook the sheep's backs for the huge masses of lichen common to this region, of which the birds are very fond. Not finding it to their taste at the top, they dug deep, and soon came to the flesh, which, like the forbidden fruit, proved more palatable than that which was provided for them by a bountiful Nature. The result is, that they have become a menace to sheep-farmers, and are on this account in danger of extermination. It has, however, been denied recently that the damage inflicted is anything like so serious as was at one time reported, since on one run, where the damage was unusually large, only 1 in 300 sheep was so attacked. This bird has also been said to attack horses.

Of the first mentioned, the most famous is the Kea, or Mountain bird, from the South Island of New Zealand. It has a dull color and isn’t particularly striking in appearance, yet it has gained an unfortunate reputation that seems based as much on myths as on reality. Since settlers introduced sheep to this region, the bird has decided that a meat-based diet is more appealing than fruit. The exact reasons for this change are unclear. Two theories have been proposed. The first suggests that the birds initially fed on the skins of sheep that were killed for their wool, picking at the fat and other leftovers from the carcasses, which showed them how tasty mutton can be. From there, they took things further and began hunting sheep themselves. Now, they work together, tiring out a sheep until it is exhausted, then burrowing through its back and damaging its intestines, which leads to its death. The other theory is that the birds mistakenly thought the backs of sheep were the large lichen masses typical in this area, which they enjoy. When they found those weren’t what they were looking for, they dug deeper and discovered the flesh, which, like forbidden fruit, turned out to be tastier than the natural food supplied by their environment. As a result, they’ve become a threat to sheep farmers and are at risk of being driven to extinction. However, recent claims suggest the damage isn’t nearly as severe as previously reported, with only 1 in 300 sheep being affected in one area where the damage was unusually high. This bird has also been said to attack horses.

Very different, in general appearance and in esteem, are the Lories. Like the Nestors, the tip of the upper jaw, or beak, is smooth, or nearly so; and in this respect these two groups are to be distinguished from all the other parrots; but in the gorgeousness of their plumage they far eclipse their congeners. Absent in New Zealand, they are found elsewhere {489}throughout the Australasian region, inclusive of Polynesia, and are highly esteemed as pets, combining great beauty with a very docile disposition and considerable talking powers.

Very different in appearance and reputation are the Lorikeets. Like the Nestors, the tip of their upper jaw, or beak, is smooth, or almost so; this characteristic sets these two groups apart from all other parrots. However, in terms of the brilliance of their feathers, they far outshine their relatives. Although they are absent in New Zealand, they can be found throughout the Australasian region, including Polynesia, and are highly valued as pets for their striking beauty, friendly nature, and impressive ability to talk.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.


New Zealand Kaka.

The Maoris keep this bird as a lure.

The Māori keep this bird as bait.

The birds of this section are also known as Brush-tongued Parrots, from the presence of a remarkable "brush" borne on the end of the tongue. This is a special adaptation, enabling the birds to feed upon honey; some, indeed, have this brush particularly well developed, and are almost entirely honey-seekers, whilst others, wherein the brush is less developed, live largely on fruits. Professor Moseley tells us that honey literally poured from the mouths of Blue Mountain-lories which he shot at Cape York.

The birds in this section are also called Brush-tongued Parrots because they have a unique "brush" at the tip of their tongues. This is a special adaptation that allows them to feed on honey. Some of them have this brush very well developed and are nearly all honey-seekers, while others, with a less developed brush, mostly eat fruits. Professor Moseley reports that honey literally flowed from the mouths of the Blue Mountain Lories he shot at Cape York.

The Cockatoos are abundant in the Australian region, but have their headquarters in the Malay Archipelago. Besides the familiar white-crested form so commonly kept in England, the group includes an iron-grey coloured bird with a bright red head, and a huge black species, which represents the giant of the order. It is a funereal-looking bird, the largest specimens inhabiting New Guinea. One of its most striking features is the beak, which is of enormous size. Its tongue differs from that of other parrots in that it is slender and cylindrical in shape, and of a deep red colour, instead of thick, fleshy, and black. It frequents, Mr. Wallace tells us, the lower parts of the forest, feeding upon various fruits and seeds, but displaying a marked partiality for the kernel of the canary-nut, which grows on a lofty forest-tree; "and the manner in which it gets at these seeds," writes Mr. Wallace, "shows a correlation of structure and habits which would point to the canary as its special food. The shell of this nut is so excessively hard that only a heavy hammer will crack it; it is somewhat triangular, and the outside is quite smooth. The manner in which the bird opens these nuts is very curious. Taking one end-ways in its bill, and keeping it firm by a pressure of the tongue, it cuts a transverse notch by a lateral sawing motion of the sharp-edged lower mandible. This done, it takes hold of the nut with its foot, and, biting off a piece of leaf, retains it in the deep notch by the upper mandible, and again seizing the nut, which is prevented from slipping by the elastic tissue of the leaf, fixes the edge of the lower mandible in the notch, and a powerful rip breaks off a piece of the shell. Again taking the nut in its claws, it inserts the very long and sharp point of the bill, and picks out the kernel, which is seized hold of, morsel by morsel, by the extensile tongue."

The Cockatoos are plentiful in Australia, but they are primarily based in the Malay Archipelago. In addition to the well-known white-crested variety often found in England, this group includes a cool, iron-grey bird with a bright red head and a large black species, which is the largest in the order. It's a gloomy-looking bird, with the biggest specimens living in New Guinea. One of its most striking features is its enormous beak. Its tongue is different from that of other parrots; it’s slender, cylindrical, and a deep red color, unlike the thick, fleshy, black tongues of others. According to Mr. Wallace, it prefers the lower parts of the forest and feeds on various fruits and seeds, showing a strong preference for the kernel of the canary-nut that grows on tall forest trees. "And the way it goes after these seeds," Mr. Wallace writes, "indicates a connection between its structure and habits that suggests the canary is its preferred food. The shell of this nut is so incredibly hard that only a heavy hammer can crack it; it’s somewhat triangular and smooth on the outside. The bird's method of opening these nuts is quite interesting. It holds one end in its beak and keeps it steady with its tongue, then cuts a notch across the shell using a sawing motion with its sharp lower jaw. After that, it grips the nut with its foot, bites off a piece of leaf, and holds it in the notch with its upper jaw. Then it takes the nut again, which is kept in place by the flexible leaf, and uses the edge of its lower jaw to break a piece of the shell off with a strong pull. It then uses its claws to hold the nut while inserting the long, sharp tip of its beak to pick out the kernel, which it grabs piece by piece with its extendable tongue."

Of the typical parrots, the best known is the common Grey African Parrot, with a red tail, so valued on account of its great talking powers. Other species of this section which should be mentioned here are the Pygmy Parrots, Macaws, Hawk-billed Parrot, Budgerigars, and Owl-parrot.

Of the typical parrots, the most well-known is the common African Grey Parrot, recognized for its red tail and highly valued for its impressive talking abilities. Other species worth mentioning include the Pygmy Parrots, Parrots, Hawksbill Parrot, Budgies, and Kākāpō.

The first named are the smallest of all the tribe, remarkable as well for the splendour of the plumage as their size, which is less than that of the common sparrow.

The first ones mentioned are the smallest in the tribe, notable not only for the brilliance of their feathers but also for their size, which is smaller than that of a typical sparrow.

The Long-tailed Macaws, representing the most showy and gaudily coloured of all the Parrot Tribe, inhabit the tropical forests of South America. Mr. Bates describes a flock of scarlet-and-blue macaws, which he came across one day, as looking like a cluster of flaunting banners among the crown of dark green leaves of a bacaba-palm.

The Long-tailed Macaws, the brightest and most colorful members of the Parrot family, live in the tropical forests of South America. Mr. Bates describes a group of scarlet-and-blue macaws he spotted one day as resembling a bunch of vibrant banners among the dark green leaves of a bacaba-palm.

The superb Hyacinthine Macaw is one of the rarest of the Parrot Tribe, and was found {490}by Bates in the interior of Brazil. As its name implies, it is of a deep hyacinthine colour, relieved by a bare patch of pure white skin round the eyes. It feeds on the nuts of several palms, especially those of the macuja. These nuts, which are so hard as to be difficult to break without a heavy hammer, are crushed to a pulp by the powerful beak of this macaw.

The amazing Hyacinth Macaw is one of the rarest members of the Parrot family, and it was discovered {490} by Bates in the interior of Brazil. As its name suggests, it has a rich hyacinth color, accented by a patch of bare white skin around its eyes. It feeds on the nuts of several palm trees, especially the macuja. These nuts are so tough that they're hard to break without a heavy hammer, but this macaw can crush them into a pulp with its strong beak.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Midford-on-sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Midford-on-Sea.



Found in pairs in thick forests.

Found in pairs in dense forests.

Crests among parrots are common enough, but only one species wears a frill; this is the Hawk-billed Parrot of the Amazon Valley. It is closely related to the large and well-known Amazon Parrots, and has been aptly described as a most extraordinary bird. Its coloration is striking—green above, with a brown head; the frill or ruff around the neck shows up in strong contrast, being dark red, with blue edges, and barred with blue. The feathers of the breast and abdomen, like the frill, are also red and blue, whilst the under-surfaces of the tail and wings are black. It is only when the bird is excited or angry that the ruff is raised.

Crests among parrots are pretty common, but only one species has a frill; that's the Hawk-billed Parrot from the Amazon Valley. It's closely related to the large and well-known Amazon Parrots and is rightly described as a truly extraordinary bird. Its colors are striking—green on top with a brown head; the frill or ruff around its neck stands out in stark contrast, being dark red with blue edges and blue bars. The feathers on its chest and belly, like the frill, are also red and blue, while the underside of the tail and wings are black. The ruff only gets raised when the bird is excited or angry.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.  [Parson's Green.



Cockatoos in a wild state often congregate in immense flocks.

Cockatoos in the wild often gather in large flocks.

The Hanging-parrots are about the same size as the well-known "love-birds," and remarkable for their habit of sleeping suspended head-downwards by one foot from the boughs of trees. They are all brilliantly coloured birds, and have a fairly wide range, extending from India and the Philippines through the Malay region as far east as Duke of York Island.

The Hanging parrots are roughly the same size as the popular "love-birds" and are notable for their behavior of sleeping upside down by one foot from tree branches. They are all vividly colored birds, and their range is quite extensive, stretching from India and the Philippines through the Malay region all the way to Duke of York Island in the east.

The Australian Budgerigars, or Grass-parrakeets, need no description here; but it is interesting to note that nearly allied to them is a small species known as the Swamp- or Long-tailed Ground-parrakeet. As its {491}name implies, it is a ground-dwelling species, and, in accordance with this habit, has considerably longer legs than the tree-haunting species. This lengthening of the leg in arboreal species is seen also among pigeons and many other birds.

The Australian Budgies, or Grass parakeets, don't need any introduction here; however, it's interesting to point out that closely related to them is a smaller species known as the Wetland or Long-tailed Ground Parrot. As its {491}name suggests, it lives on the ground, and because of this behavior, it has much longer legs than the tree-dwelling species. This adaptation of longer legs in tree-dwelling species can also be observed in pigeons and many other birds.


Photo by Ottomar Anschütz]  [Berlin.

Photo by Ottomar Anschütz] [Berlin.


Leadbeater's Cockatoo.

Has a red crest, banded with yellow and tipped with white.

Has a red crest, striped with yellow and tipped with white.

The most interesting, perhaps, of all the parrots is the remarkable Kakapo, or Owl-parrot, of New Zealand. Like the species just described, it is also a ground-dweller; furthermore, it differs from all other members of the tribe in being flightless, and, like the flightless members of the Ostrich Tribe, has completely lost the deep keel from the breast-bone, which gives support to the muscles which move the wings. It is a large bird, green in colour, mottled with yellow and black, and derives its name of Owl-parrot from the fact that the feathers of the face radiate from the eye outwards to form a kind of disk. When eating grass, it is said to graze, nibbling after the fashion of a rabbit. Occasionally it is said to climb trees, descending with extended wings, so as to break the force of its career. It has been described as a playful and affectionate pet in captivity, displaying also great cleverness and intelligence. Unfortunately it is growing more and more rare, so that its final extermination is only a question of time—the ravages of dogs, cats, and pigs, introduced by the settlers, being mainly the agents of destruction.

The most interesting of all the parrots might be the amazing Kākāpō, or Owl parrot, from New Zealand. Like the species mentioned earlier, it also lives on the ground; additionally, it stands out from all other members of its group because it can't fly, and, just like the flightless birds in the Ostrich Tribe, it has completely lost the prominent keel on its breastbone, which supports the muscles that move the wings. It's a large bird, green in color, with yellow and black spots, and gets its name, Owl-parrot, because the feathers around its face radiate out from its eye, creating a kind of disk. When it eats grass, it's said to graze like a rabbit, nibbling as it goes. Occasionally, it climbs trees and descends with its wings spread out to cushion its landing. In captivity, it has been described as a playful and affectionate pet, showing great cleverness and intelligence. Sadly, it's becoming increasingly rare, and its extinction seems to be just a matter of time, mainly due to the destruction caused by dogs, cats, and pigs introduced by settlers.

Once common all over New Zealand, the range of the owl-parrot is now restricted to the mountainous regions of North Island and the northern half of South Island. During the day it remains concealed in the holes in rocks or under roots of trees, and if disturbed is difficult to rouse. When taken from its retreat, it runs swiftly, and tries to hide, seeking shelter, if possible, under a heap of soft, dry grass. At sunset, however, it becomes very animated, and travels—at least when possible—in companies, making tracks a foot or more wide across the herbage. It feeds greedily upon mosses, ferns, seeds, berries, and, it is said, even lizards, giving vent, when devouring some favourite morsel, to a kind of grunting noise.

Once common all over New Zealand, the owl-parrot is now found only in the mountainous regions of the North Island and the northern half of the South Island. During the day, it hides in rock crevices or under tree roots, and if disturbed, it's hard to get moving. When it’s pulled from its hiding spot, it runs quickly and tries to find cover, often seeking refuge under a pile of soft, dry grass. However, at sunset, it becomes very lively and travels—at least when possible—in groups, leaving tracks a foot or more wide across the vegetation. It eagerly eats mosses, ferns, seeds, berries, and, it's said, even lizards, making a kind of grunting noise when enjoying a favorite treat.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



The flight of these gorgeously clad birds is very powerful.

The flight of these beautifully dressed birds is very strong.

The kakapo nests in holes under trees and rocks, laying two or three eggs, which, like those of the Parrots, are white.

The kakapo nests in holes under trees and rocks, laying two or three eggs, which, like those of the parrots, are white.

The natives take advantage of its feeble powers of flight, hunting it on foot by torchlight, aided by dogs, which, it is said, are not seldom seriously wounded by the powerful bill.

The locals exploit its weak flying abilities, chasing it on foot with torches, assisted by dogs that, it’s said, often get seriously hurt by its strong beak.

When the breeding-season is over, these birds appear to live in small communities, four or five occupying the same hole. They are apparently gifted with some foresight, inasmuch as they lay up a store of food, to be drawn upon during bad weather.

When the breeding season is over, these birds seem to live in small groups, with four or five sharing the same hole. They appear to have some foresight, as they gather a supply of food to use during bad weather.

Cuckoos and Plantain-eaters.

Cuckoos and Plantain Eaters.

The Cuckoo Tribe is somewhat unfortunate in that the numerous members of which it is composed are completely overshadowed by the prominence which has been given to the Common Cuckoo. Few birds, indeed, have managed to secure so much attention, the poet in particular having sung its praises without stint. This enthusiasm undoubtedly is but an echo of the general popular sentiment, for there are few birds to which we in Britain extend a more hearty welcome, its well-known cry possessing a peculiar charm for lovers of the country. Coming to us in April, and leaving again in July, its stay is of the shortest; but during the greater part of this time its whereabouts may generally be known by the familiar call "cuckoo, cuckoo," though undergoing certain characteristic changes as the months glide by.

The Cuckoo Tribe is somewhat unfortunate because its many members are completely overshadowed by the attention given to the Common Cuckoo. Few birds, in fact, have managed to gain so much focus, especially with poets praising it endlessly. This excitement is really just a reflection of popular opinion, as there are few birds in Britain that we greet more warmly; its well-known call has a unique charm for nature lovers. Arriving in April and leaving in July, its time with us is quite short, but for most of that time, we can usually hear its familiar call "cuckoo, cuckoo," even though it changes a bit as the months go by.

Apart from its song, one of the most interesting things concerning the cuckoo is the fact that it goes about in disguise—the disguise of the ass in the lion's skin with a vengeance; for it is clothed in the garb of that terror of the countryside, the sparrow-hawk. Nay, more; it has also most successfully imitated the flight of that bogy; and this to frighten little birds—not, however, for the mere purpose of creating consternation amongst them, but for far more sinister ends.

Apart from its song, one of the most fascinating things about the cuckoo is that it disguises itself—the disguise of the ass in the lion's skin taken to the extreme; it’s dressed like the fearsome sparrow-hawk. What’s more, it has also effectively mimicked the flight of that scary bird; and this is to intimidate smaller birds—not just to cause panic among them, but for much more sinister reasons.

Somehow or another, in cuckoo society, the rearing of a family is a responsibility which is utterly repudiated. Great pains seem to have been taken to evade this duty, and yet to ensure the continuity of their distinguished house. The oviparous method of reproduction, which obtains in the feathered world, has been turned to good account—in fact, everything depends upon this. It seems to have suggested itself as far more convenient to drop an egg here and there into a neighbour's nursery, and leave the work of bringing it to life to the owners thereof. But to carry out this system of distributing foundlings requires tact, cunning, and the mutual co-operation of both the male and his—at least temporary—wife; hence the disguise. The plan of execution very frequently adopted is for the male to hover over the treasure-house of the intended foster-parents hawk-wise. This is sure to call forth an attack from the poor little wretches threatened, which ends in an apparently hasty retreat of the marauder, followed by his fearless assailants. No sooner is the coast clear, however, than the wily female, taking her egg in her beak, slips quietly up to the nest and deposits her burden.

Somehow, in cuckoo society, raising a family is a responsibility that is completely rejected. Great efforts seem to be made to avoid this duty while still ensuring the continuation of their distinguished lineage. The method of reproduction used in the bird world has been cleverly utilized—everything hinges on this. It appears to be much more convenient to drop an egg here and there into a neighbor's nursery and leave the job of bringing it to life to them. However, carrying out this system of distributing foundlings requires skill, cleverness, and cooperation between the male and his—at least temporary—partner; hence the disguise. The plan often employed is for the male to hover over the treasure trove of the intended foster parents like a hawk. This is sure to provoke an attack from the poor little creatures being threatened, which ends with a seemingly hasty retreat by the intruder, followed by his brave assailants. No sooner is the coast clear, though, than the cunning female, with her egg in her beak, quietly approaches the nest and deposits her burden.


Photo by Kerry & Co.]  [Sydney.

Photo by Kerry & Co.]  [Sydney.


Blue Mountain Parrots.

A honey-eating species.

A honey-loving species.


Photo by J. Peat Millar]  [Beith.

Photo by J. Peat Millar] [Beith.



The egg is held in position by the head and wings.

The egg is supported by the head and wings.

Let us imagine that this home so lately threatened is that of the modest little hedge-sparrow, and take a peep during the absence of the owners, after quiet has established itself once again. Lying side by side with the tiny sky-blue eggs of the hedge-sparrow we should find the relatively large, greyish-green or reddish-grey egg of the cuckoo. What a contrast! If the hedge-sparrows notice this too, they evidently do not mind, for they invariably hatch it with their own.

Let’s picture that this home, which was recently threatened, belongs to a modest little hedge-sparrow. Let’s take a look while the owners are away, after everything has settled down again. Next to the tiny sky-blue eggs of the hedge-sparrow, we would see the relatively large, greyish-green or reddish-grey egg of the cuckoo. What a contrast! If the hedge-sparrows notice this as well, they clearly don’t mind, as they always hatch it along with their own eggs.

But some birds are not so accommodating as this, and would ruthlessly destroy or reject any egg surreptitiously introduced into the nest. Consequently more deception has to be practised. The hawk-like garb still serves its purpose to draw off the intended dupes from the nest; but this is not enough, for to deposit an egg of the normal cuckoo type would be worse than useless, since it would meet with instant destruction on the return of the owners of the nest. But the cuckoo, strange to say, has proved equal to the occasion, and meets the difficulty by laying an egg to match those in the nest. The Redstart, Wagtail, Sedge-warbler, Red-backed Shrike, and Meadow-pipit may be cited as instances of—shall we say exclusive?—birds which must be circumvented by "colourable imitations." Perhaps the most wonderful of the cuckoo successes in this direction is the imitation of the redstart's egg, which is blue.

But some birds aren't as easygoing as this, and would mercilessly destroy or reject any egg secretly added to their nest. So, more deception is necessary. The hawk-like disguise still works to lead the targeted victims away from the nest, but that's not enough because laying an egg like a normal cuckoo would actually be counterproductive, as it would be instantly destroyed when the nest owners return. Oddly enough, the cuckoo rises to the challenge by laying an egg that resembles those already in the nest. The Redstart, Wagtail, Sedge-warbler, Red-backed Shrike, and Meadow-pipit can be examples of—shall we say exclusive?—birds that need to be outsmarted with "colorable imitations." Perhaps the most remarkable of the cuckoo's successes in this regard is mimicking the redstart's egg, which is blue.

Naturally these facts have given rise to much speculation, but even now we cannot regard the discussion as finally settled. Some ornithologists held that the egg of every individual cuckoo was subject to great variations, and that the place of deposit of each egg was determined {495}only after the bird had ascertained its colour. If this were true, surely we should find blue cuckoos' eggs in hedge-sparrows' as well as redstarts' nests. But we don't! Others have sought to explain the existence of mimicking eggs to the influence of the food peculiar to the foster-parent upon the germ of the young female cuckoo, which, through this channel, became transmitted to all its descendants. To support this hypothesis it was necessary to throw overboard the old individual variability explanation, and to adopt one that is certainly nearer the truth—to wit, that each cuckoo chooses the nest of that species in which itself was reared as a depository, in turn, for its own egg, and only when such is not available will it select some other species, and trust to luck for its adoption. This would certainly account for many anomalies; but as it seems that there are more eggs unlike than like those of the selected foster-parents, it cannot be a perfect explanation.

Naturally, these facts have led to a lot of speculation, but even now we can't consider the discussion settled. Some ornithologists believe that each individual cuckoo's egg varies greatly and that the specific nest for each egg is chosen only after the bird determines its color. If this were true, we should find blue cuckoo eggs in hedge-sparrows' nests as well as in redstarts' nests. But we don't! Others have tried to explain the existence of mimicking eggs as a result of the foster parent's diet affecting the germ of the young female cuckoo, which would then be passed down to all its descendants. To support this idea, they had to discard the old explanation about individual variability and adopt a theory that's likely closer to the truth—that each cuckoo chooses the nest of the species it was raised in to lay its own egg and only resorts to selecting another species if its own isn't available, hoping for it to be accepted. This would certainly explain many oddities; however, since it seems there are more eggs that look unlike those of the chosen foster parents than like them, it can't be a complete explanation.

A third explanation takes that part of the second for granted which assumes that cuckoos select nests of the species which served them as foster-parents, and explains the mimicry, when this occurs, as due to the results of natural selection.

A third explanation assumes the part of the second that suggests cuckoos choose the nests of the species that raised them and explains this mimicry, when it happens, as a result of natural selection.

Our interest, however, in the domestic economy of the common cuckoo is not to be allowed to drop with the incubation of the egg. The perfidy of the parents seems to have cast a sombre shadow over the cradle of the offspring, an evil spell destined to bear fruit with terrible suddenness; for the young, before it is many hours old, and while yet blind and naked, perpetrates its first act of wrong-doing by committing murder! There is no case here of wilful or ignorant misrepresentation and slander, such as many of our feathered friends are made to suffer at our hands—no foolish prejudice such as has blasted the reputation of some of our most guiltless and useful of bird-citizens. The witnesses of the crime of which we speak are many and unimpeachable. The facts are as follows:—

Our interest in the home life of the common cuckoo shouldn't end with the incubation of the egg. The betrayal of the parents seems to place a dark shadow over the offspring's beginnings, an evil curse likely to take effect suddenly; because the young, just hours old, and still blind and naked, commits its first act of wrongdoing by committing murder! This isn’t a case of deliberate or clueless misrepresentation and slander, like many of our feathered friends often face at our hands—no misguided bias that has tarnished the reputations of some of our most innocent and beneficial bird citizens. The witnesses to the crime we’re discussing are many and reliable. The facts are as follows:—


Photo by Billington]  [Queensland.

Photo by Billington]  [Queensland.



The hind toe terminates in a spur-like claw; hence these cuckoos are known as Lark-heeled Cuckoos.

The back toe ends in a spur-like claw; that's why these cuckoos are called Lark-heeled Cuckoos.

The parent cuckoo deposits her egg in the nest of some other bird with those of the owners thereof. All are hatched. In a few hours after the arrival of the young cuckoo the foster-brothers and -sisters invariably disappear, and are not seldom found in the immediate neighbourhood of the nest. That they must have been removed by force is certain; but this force cannot be attributed to the natural parents. The evidence of the first witnesses, therefore, was worthy of all consideration; and since their accounts have been frequently {496}confirmed by most trustworthy observers, we must now admit the charge proved. One of the best known of these accounts is that of Mrs. Hugh Blackburn. She has given us a vivid picture of this most extraordinary of domestic tragedies. The victims in this instance were meadow-pipits. Finding a pipit's nest with a cuckoo's egg therein, she kept it carefully under observation. At one visit she found the pipits hatched, but not the cuckoo. Forty-eight hours later the cuckoo had not only arrived, but ousted his foster-brothers and -sisters, who were found lying outside the nest, but yet alive. They were replaced beside the cuckoo, which at once reopened hostilities for the purpose of maintaining its absolute possession of the nursery. This it did by burrowing under one of them, which, balanced upon its back, it proceeded to eject by climbing up the nest tail-foremost, till, reaching the brim, it could relieve itself of its burden by heaving it over the edge and down the bank. Pausing a moment, it then felt backwards with its wings to make sure the pipit was really gone, and, having satisfied itself on this point, subsided to the bottom of the nest. Next day, when the nest was visited, the remaining pipit was found outside the nest cold and dead. "But what struck me most," she writes, "was this: the cuckoo was perfectly naked, without a vestige of a feather or even a hint of feathers, its eyes were not yet opened, and its neck seemed too weak to support the weight of its head. The pipits had well-developed quills on the wings and back, and had bright eyes partially opened, yet they seemed quite helpless under the manipulations of the cuckoo, which looked a much less developed creature."

The mother cuckoo lays her egg in the nest of another bird alongside the owners' eggs. All the eggs hatch. A few hours after the young cuckoo arrives, the foster siblings almost always go missing and are often found nearby the nest. It's clear they were removed by force, but this force can't be blamed on their natural parents. Therefore, the testimonies of the initial witnesses are significant; and since their accounts have often been confirmed by reliable observers, we must accept the claim as proven. One of the most well-known accounts comes from Mrs. Hugh Blackburn. She gives a vivid description of this extraordinary domestic tragedy. The victims in this case were meadow pipits. After finding a pipit's nest with a cuckoo's egg in it, she kept a close watch on it. During one visit, she found the pipits had hatched, but the cuckoo had not. Forty-eight hours later, the cuckoo had arrived and had already pushed out its foster siblings, who were found lying outside the nest but still alive. They were placed back beside the cuckoo, which immediately resumed its efforts to keep full control of the nest. It did this by pushing one of them underneath itself, which, being on its back, it managed to throw out by climbing up the nest backward until it reached the edge and could toss it over the side and down the bank. After pausing for a moment, it checked with its wings to make sure the pipit was really gone, and once it confirmed this, it settled back down at the bottom of the nest. The next day, when the nest was checked again, the remaining pipit was found outside, cold and dead. "But what struck me the most," she writes, "was this: the cuckoo was completely naked, without a single feather or even a hint of feathers, its eyes hadn't opened yet, and its neck seemed too weak to hold up its head. The pipits had well-developed feathers on their wings and back, with bright eyes partially open, yet they seemed utterly helpless under the cuckoo's manipulation, which appeared to be a much less developed creature."


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.



The young bird has its mouth open, ready for all the food the foster-parents can collect.

The young bird has its mouth wide open, eager for all the food the foster parents can gather.

The Great Spotted Cuckoo of South Europe and North Africa is a species which, though parasitic, does not seem to have sunk to such a depth as the common cuckoo. Its eggs very closely resemble those of certain magpies and crows within its breeding-area, and it is in the nests of these that they are deposited. We may assume that mimicry has been resorted to, and become perfected by the same means as have accomplished this end in the case of the common cuckoo. We notice here, however, two points of difference therefrom. In the first place, from two to four eggs are left in each nest instead of one; and, secondly, the young cuckoos seem to live in perfect amity with their foster-brothers and -sisters—there is no ejection of the rightful heirs.

The Great Spotted Cuckoo found in Southern Europe and North Africa is a species that, although it is parasitic, hasn't reached the same level of reduction as the common cuckoo. Its eggs closely resemble those of certain magpies and crows in its breeding range, and it's in their nests that these eggs are laid. We can assume that mimicry has been used and refined in a way similar to how it has been achieved with the common cuckoo. However, there are two key differences to note. First, instead of laying one egg, this species leaves between two to four eggs in each nest; and second, the young cuckoos seem to coexist peacefully with their foster siblings—there's no expulsion of the rightful heirs.

Having pledged themselves to a course of deception and treachery, there is no telling the lengths to which such conduct may lead. We have already seen that the bird has succeeded in laying what we may call forged eggs, but we come now to an instance where the young has also to be disguised. This is furnished by a species of cuckoo known as the Koel, inhabiting Palawan, an island in the Philippines. This bird shifts its parental duties upon the shoulders of a species of myna inhabiting the same island. Now, the mynas are black, and their young, as is often the case where both sexes are coloured {497}alike, resemble the parents, and are black likewise. With the cuckoo the case is different. The male and female are conspicuously different in coloration, the former being black, the latter brown. In such cases it is the rule for the young to wear the livery of the female. If this rule were adhered to in the case of the cuckoo, destruction would be more than probable, for the mynas would as likely as not destroy so outrageous a departure from myna custom as a brown youngster. But the koel has proved equal to the occasion, by the simple expedient of attiring the young in the male instead of the female livery. Later on in life the rule for the exchange of plumage is reversed, and the young female doffs the temporary black dress of the male for the brown one of the adult female, instead of vice versâ.

Having committed to a path of deceit and betrayal, there’s no telling how far such behavior might go. We’ve already seen that the bird has managed to lay what we can call fake eggs, but now we encounter a situation where the young must also be hidden. This is illustrated by a type of cuckoo known as the Koel, which lives on Palawan, an island in the Philippines. This bird shifts its parenting responsibilities onto a type of myna that also lives on the same island. The mynas are black, and their young, as often happens when both sexes are colored {497} alike, look like the parents and are black as well. But with the cuckoo, it’s different. The male and female have very different colors, with the male being black and the female brown. Typically, the young are expected to take on the female’s coloration. If this rule were followed in the case of the cuckoo, the young would likely be doomed since the mynas would probably see a brown chick as a shocking deviation from their normal. However, the koel has cleverly managed this by dressing the young in the male’s colors rather than those of the female. Later in life, the rule about changing plumage is flipped, and the young female sheds the temporary black attire of the male for the brown of the adult female, rather than the other way around.

All cuckoos, however, are not parasitic, the species known as Lark-Heeled Cuckoos—from the presence of a long, spine-like claw on the hind toe—building a nest and hatching their own eggs. They have a wide range, being found in Africa from Egypt to Cape Colony, Madagascar, India, China, New Guinea, and Australia.

All cuckoos aren't parasitic; the species called Lark-Heeled Cuckoos—named for their long, spine-like claw on the hind toe—actually build nests and hatch their own eggs. They have a broad range, found in Africa from Egypt to Cape Colony, as well as Madagascar, India, China, New Guinea, and Australia.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.



A young cuckoo remains in the nest till fully fledged.

A young cuckoo stays in the nest until it's fully grown.

As a rule, the Cuckoos are not conspicuously coloured, but some species are clad in a livery resplendent with metallic colours. These are represented by the Indian and Australian Bronze Cuckoos and the African Golden Cuckoos. One of the most beautiful of all is the African Emerald Cuckoo, in which the upper-parts are of a vivid emerald-green, whilst the under-parts are bright yellow.

As a general rule, cuckoos aren’t brightly colored, but some species have stunning metallic hues. The Indian and Australian Bronze Cuckoos and the African Golden Cuckoos fall into this category. One of the most beautiful of all is the African Emerald Cuckoo, which features bright emerald-green on its back and vibrant yellow on its underside.

Finally, we must mention the Ground-Cuckoos, which are comparatively long-legged, terrestrial forms, with small wings. One of the best known is an inhabitant of the Southern United States, from Texas to New Mexico, Southern Colorado, and California. "It has obtained the name of Road-runner," writes Dr. Sharpe, "from the speed with which it flies over the ground, some idea of which may be gained from a statement of Colonel Stevenson, that, when in Southern California, he saw, on two occasions, the ranchmen of that part of the country chase one of these birds on horseback for a distance of a mile or more at full speed, when the cuckoo, though still in advance, would suddenly stop and fly up among the upper limbs of some stunted tree or bush near the roadside, and the rider, having kept the bird in view all the way, would dismount and easily take the exhausted bird from its perch alive."

Finally, we need to mention the Ground Cuckoos, which are relatively long-legged, ground-dwelling birds with small wings. One of the most well-known is found in the Southern United States, ranging from Texas to New Mexico, Southern Colorado, and California. "It has earned the name Road runner," writes Dr. Sharpe, "because of how quickly it moves across the ground. A sense of this speed can be gathered from Colonel Stevenson’s account, where he observed ranchers in Southern California chase one of these birds on horseback for over a mile at full speed. Even though the cuckoo was ahead, it would suddenly stop and fly up into the branches of a small tree or bush near the roadside, and the rider, having kept the bird in sight the whole time, would dismount and easily catch the exhausted bird from its perch alive."

That the African Plantain-Eaters, or Touracos, are related to the Cuckoos there can be no doubt, although they do not bear any very close superficial resemblance to them. Striking in appearance and of beautiful plumage, they owe as much of the interest which now centres on them to the chemist as to the ornithologist. Long ago it was noticed that the rich crimson colour of the wing-quills disappeared after exposure to a heavy rain, having been {498}apparently washed out—a supposition justified by the discovery still later that the water in which captive species had been bathing was strongly tinged with colour. A little more than thirty years ago these facts came under the notice of Professor Church, who, as a result of a thorough examination of the mystery, was enabled to announce the discovery of a new animal pigment containing copper, which he called "turacin."

That the African Plantain Lovers, or Touracos, are related to the Cuckoos is definitely true, although they don’t look much like them at first glance. They have a striking appearance and beautiful feathers, and the attention they attract is due as much to chemists as it is to ornithologists. Long ago, it was noticed that the bright crimson color of their wing feathers faded after heavy rain, as if it had been washed out—a theory confirmed later by the discovery that the water used by captive birds for bathing was actually tinted with color. Just over thirty years ago, these observations caught the attention of Professor Church, who, after investigating the mystery thoroughly, announced the discovery of a new animal pigment that contains copper, which he named "turacin."


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.


Young cuckoo in reed-warbler's nest.

This photograph was taken in August, an unusually late date to find these birds in the nest.

This photo was taken in August, which is an unusually late time to find these birds in the nest.

There are twenty-five different species of plantain-eaters, which are divided into two groups—those which have red in the quills and those without. All are forest-dwellers, feeding upon various wild fruits, building a nest of sticks resembling that of a pigeon, and laying therein three white eggs. The majority of the species are crested and brilliantly coloured, but a few are quite soberly clad. The largest of the tribe is nearly 3 feet long, and a brief description of its coloration will serve to convey a notion of the beauty of the more gorgeously clad members. In this species, then, the upper surface of the body is blue, the tail yellow, with a blue base and black bar across the tip, the under surface of the body rufous brown, the bill yellow, with a scarlet tip, and the eye red.

There are twenty-five different species of plantain-eaters, which are divided into two groups—those with red in their feathers and those without. All of them live in forests, eat various wild fruits, build nests out of sticks similar to pigeon nests, and lay three white eggs. Most species have crests and are brilliantly colored, but a few are quite plain. The largest of the group is nearly 3 feet long, and a brief description of its coloring will give you an idea of the beauty of the more vividly colored ones. In this species, the upper body is blue, the tail is yellow with a blue base and a black bar across the tip, the underside is rufous brown, the bill is yellow with a scarlet tip, and the eye is red.

Though the tops of the highest trees seem to be their favourite resort, these birds are found also among the dense tangled masses of creepers near the ground, flitting, when disturbed, in graceful curves, and alighting with crest erected and the tail turned sharply upwards. The powers of flight appear to vary among the different species, some being described as decidedly clumsy on the wing, whilst others, on the contrary, are light and graceful. Shy and very restless, they are very difficult to procure, when wounded running with great speed, and taking shelter in holes in trees. Their flesh is esteemed a great delicacy by the natives. Save during rain or the heat of midday, they appear to be very noisy birds, having a harsh note, varied with cat-like mewings.

Though the tops of the tallest trees seem to be their favorite hangout, these birds are also found among the thick, tangled masses of vines near the ground, flitting gracefully when disturbed and landing with their crests raised and tails sharply turned upwards. Their flying abilities vary among different species; some are described as quite clumsy in the air, while others are light and graceful. Shy and very restless, they are hard to catch; when injured, they run away quickly and take cover in tree hollows. The locals consider their meat a great delicacy. Except during rain or the heat of midday, they are quite noisy birds, making a harsh call mixed with cat-like meows.



Rollers, kingfishers, hornbills, and hoopoes.

Crow-like birds of brilliant coloration, the Rollers have earned their name from the habit of occasionally rolling or turning over in their flight, after the manner of tumbler-pigeons. One species at least visits Britain occasionally, only to be shot down at once by the insatiable pot-hunter and collector of rare birds. They are birds of wide distribution, occurring over the greater part of the Old World, and, as we have already remarked, of brilliant coloration, blue and green, varied with reddish, being the predominating colours. As with all birds of beautiful plumage, they are subjected to much persecution, thousands upon thousands being killed every year in India alone, to supply the demands made by milliners for the decoration of ladies' hats.

Crow-like birds with vibrant colors, the Roller skates get their name from the tendency to occasionally roll or flip in the air, similar to tumbler pigeons. At least one species visits Britain from time to time, only to be quickly shot by the relentless hunter and collector of rare birds. They are widely distributed, found across most of the Old World, and, as we've mentioned, are brilliantly colored, primarily in shades of blue and green, mixed with reddish tones. Like all birds with beautiful feathers, they face a lot of persecution, with thousands being killed each year in India alone to meet the demands of milliners for decorating women's hats.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Laughing Kookaburra.

The Laughing-kingfisher, or Laughing-jackass, derives its name from its extraordinary note, resembling a demoniacal laugh.

The Laughing Kingfisher, or Laughing Jackass, gets its name from its unique call, which sounds like an eerie laugh.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott  [Leighton Buzzard.


Kingfishers at Home.

The plumage of this bird is remarkable for the beauty of its iridescent hues.

The feathers of this bird are stunning because of their beautiful, shimmering colors.

Rollers frequent forest country, and travel in pairs or in small companies: some species are entirely insectivorous; others eat also reptiles, frogs, beetles, worms, and grain. Four or five white eggs are laid in a nest made of roots, grass, hair, and feathers, and built in walls, under the eaves of buildings, or in holes of trees or banks.

Rollers are commonly found in forested areas and typically travel in pairs or small groups. Some species only eat insects, while others also consume reptiles, frogs, beetles, worms, and grains. They lay four or five white eggs in a nest made of roots, grass, hair, and feathers, which is built in walls, under the eaves of buildings, or in hollows of trees or banks.

Equally beautiful as a whole, and far more widely known, are the Kingfishers. But just as the common cuckoo has come to overshadow the rest of its tribe, so the Common Kingfisher eclipses all its congeners. For centuries a wealth of fable, held together by a modicum of fact, served to secure for this bird a peculiar interest; whilst to-day, though shorn of much of the importance with which these fables had invested it, this kingfisher is still esteemed one of the most interesting and beautiful of its tribe.

Equally beautiful as a whole and much more well-known are the Kingfishers. But just like the common cuckoo has come to overshadow the rest of its family, the Common Kingfisher outshines all its relatives. For centuries, a rich collection of stories, based on a bit of truth, helped give this bird a unique appeal; while today, although it has lost some of the significance those stories once gave it, this kingfisher is still regarded as one of the most interesting and beautiful of its kind.

Green and blue are the predominating colours of its upper- and bright chestnut-red of its under-surface; but owing to structural peculiarities of the feathers of the upper-parts, the reflection of the green and blue areas changes with the direction of the light from which the bird is viewed, in the same way that the peacock's train-feathers change according as the light falls upon them.

Green and blue are the main colors on the upper side, while the underside is a bright chestnut red. However, because of the unique structure of the upper feathers, the reflection of the green and blue areas shifts depending on the angle of the light, just like how the peacock's tail feathers change when light hits them from different directions.

As is the rule where both sexes are brilliantly coloured, this bird breeds in a hole, which in the present species is generally excavated in the bank of a stream, but sometimes in an old gravel-pit or chalk-pit, a mile or even more from the water. Occasionally the crumbling soil under the roots of an old tree affords sufficient shelter. No nest is made, although what is equivalent to a nest is ultimately formed from the bird's habit of ejecting the indigestible parts of its food on to the floor of the space in which the eggs are laid. In course of time this becomes a cup-shaped structure; but whether, as Professor Newton remarks, by the pleasure of the bird or the moisture of the soil, or both, is unknown. With care the nest may be removed entire, but the slightest jar reduces the whole to the collection of fish-bones and crustacean skeletons of which it was originally composed. There is a tradition, not yet extinct, to the effect that these "nests" are of great pecuniary value, and scarcely a year passes without the authorities at the British Museum being offered such a treasure, at prices varying from a few pounds to a hundred. The nest-chamber is approached by a tunnel sloping upwards, and varying from 8 inches to 3 feet in length, terminating in a chamber some 6 inches in diameter, in which the eggs are laid. These, from six to eight in number, have a pure white, shining shell, tinged with a most exquisite pink colour, which is lost when the eggs are blown.

As is typical when both males and females are brightly colored, this bird nests in a hole, which in this species is usually dug into the bank of a stream, but occasionally it’s found in an old gravel pit or chalk pit, a mile or more away from the water. Sometimes, the crumbling soil beneath the roots of an old tree provides enough shelter. While no actual nest is made, the bird’s habit of throwing out inedible parts of its food onto the ground where it lays its eggs eventually creates something like a nest. Over time, this forms a cup-shaped structure, but whether this happens due to the bird's enjoyment or the moisture from the soil, or both, remains unclear. The nest can be carefully removed in one piece, but even the slightest disturbance causes it to break apart into the fish bones and crustacean shells it was originally made of. There's a lingering belief that these "nests" are worth a lot of money, and every year the British Museum receives offers for such treasures, with prices ranging from a few pounds to a hundred. The nest chamber is accessed through a tunnel that slopes upward and can be anywhere from 8 inches to 3 feet long, leading to a chamber about 6 inches in diameter, where the eggs are laid. These eggs, numbering from six to eight, have a shiny white shell, touched with a beautiful pink color, which disappears when the eggs are blown.

The young seem to be reared under very unsanitary conditions, for the ejected fish-bones and other hard parts are not reserved entirely for the nest, but gradually distributed along {501}the tunnel approaching it; later, fish brought for the young, but dropped on the way, and the fluid excreta of the parents are added, forming a dripping, fetid mass swarming with maggots. The young, on leaving the nest, are at first tenderly fed and cared for by the parents, but towards the end of the summer seem to be driven away to seek new fishing-grounds for themselves.

The young seem to be raised in very unsanitary conditions, as the discarded fish bones and other hard parts aren’t kept just for the nest but are gradually spread along the tunnel leading to it; later, fish that are brought for the young but dropped along the way, along with the parents' liquid waste, contribute to a dripping, foul mass teeming with maggots. When the young leave the nest, they are initially lovingly fed and cared for by their parents, but by the end of summer, they appear to be pushed away to find their own fishing spots.

Of the many legends that have grown up around this bird, some are well worth repeating. Specially interesting is one related by Professor Newton on the authority of the French naturalist Rolland. This has it that the kingfisher was originally a plain grey bird, and acquired its present bright colours by flying towards the sun on its liberation from Noah's ark, when its upper-surface assumed the hue of the sky above it, and its lower plumage was scorched by the heat of the setting sun to the tint it now bears. Not a few virtues were also attributed to this bird. Its dried body would, it was believed, avert thunder-bolts, or, kept in a wardrobe, preserve from moths the woollen stuffs contained therein, whilst, hung by a thread from the ceiling of a room, it would serve like the more conventional weather-cock to point the direction of the prevailing wind.

Of the many legends that have developed around this bird, some are definitely worth sharing. One particularly interesting story is told by Professor Newton, based on the account of the French naturalist Rolland. It claims that the kingfisher was originally a plain grey bird, and gained its current bright colors after flying towards the sun upon being released from Noah's ark. Its upper body took on the color of the sky above, while its lower feathers were scorched by the heat of the setting sun, resulting in the color it has today. Many virtues were also attributed to this bird. People believed that its dried body could ward off lightning, or if kept in a closet, would protect woolen fabrics from moths. Additionally, when hung by a thread from the ceiling of a room, it would function like a traditional weather vane, indicating the direction of the wind.

Persecuted though it is, the kingfisher is by no means a rare bird in England, and those who will may generally see it by the banks of some slowly flowing stream or lake, or even shallow brook, sometimes even by the seashore. It feeds upon small aquatic insects and crustacea and small fishes, sometimes even, it is said, upon leeches. Perched on some bough overhanging the water, or stump or railing on the bank, it watches patiently, silent and motionless. The moment its prey comes within striking distance it plunges down upon it, disappearing for a moment beneath the surface, to appear the next with its capture in its beak. If this be a fish, it is held crosswise, and borne upwards to the station from which the plunge was made, there to be stunned by a few sharp blows, tossed into the air, dexterously caught, and swallowed head-foremost. At times, however, perhaps when hunger presses, more activity in the capture of food is displayed, the bird hovering suspended over the water, after the custom of the kestrel-hawk.

Persecuted though it is, the kingfisher is definitely not a rare bird in England, and those who want to can usually spot it by the banks of a slow-flowing stream or lake, or even a shallow brook, and sometimes even at the seashore. It feeds on small aquatic insects, crustaceans, and small fish, and it’s rumored to eat leeches as well. Perched on a branch overhanging the water, or on a stump or railing at the edge, it watches patiently, silent and still. The moment its prey gets within striking distance, it dives down, disappearing for a moment beneath the surface, only to reappear with its catch in its beak. If it's a fish, it holds it crosswise and brings it back to the spot where it jumped in, where it stuns it with a few sharp blows, tosses it in the air, deftly catches it, and swallows it headfirst. Sometimes, though, especially when hungry, it shows more energy in catching food, hovering over the water like a kestrel-hawk.

Although essentially fish-eating birds, a considerable number live far removed from water, obtaining a livelihood by the capture of insects in forest regions, whilst some appear to feed mainly on reptiles. These are known as Wood-kingfishers, to distinguish them from the Water-kingfishers, the typical member of which group has been just described.

Although they are primarily fish-eating birds, many live far away from water, making a living by catching insects in forest areas, while some seem to mainly feed on reptiles. These are called Wood-kingfishers, to set them apart from the Water-kingfishers, the typical member of which group has just been described.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Laughing kingfishers.

This species has comparatively dull-coloured plumage.

This species has relatively dull-colored feathers.

Of the Wood-kingfishers, or Kinghunters, as they are also called, the most beautiful are the Racket-Tailed Kingfishers, so called from the fact that the two middle tail-feathers are produced into two long rods, terminating in a spoon-shaped enlargement. Although represented by no less than twenty distinct species, they have a somewhat limited range, being found only in the Moluccas, New Guinea, and Northern Australia. One of the handsomest of all is the one occurring in Amboina, an island in the Malay Archipelago, where it was discovered by Mr. A. R. Wallace. The {502}bill, he tells us, is coral-red, the under-surface pure white, the back and wings deep purple, while the shoulders, head, and nape, and some spots on the upper part of the back and wings, are pure azure-blue. The tail is white, narrowly edged with blue. These birds live upon insects and small land-mollusca, which they dart down upon and pick up from the ground just as the fish-eating species pick up a fish.

Of the Wood kingfishers, or Kinghunters, as they are also known, the most stunning are the Racket-tailed kingfishers, named for their unique tail feathers that extend into two long rods ending in spoon-shaped tips. While there are twenty distinct species, their habitat is somewhat restricted, found only in the Moluccas, New Guinea, and Northern Australia. One of the most beautiful is the one found in Amboina, an island in the Malay Archipelago, which was discovered by Mr. A. R. Wallace. The {502}bill, he notes, is coral-red, with a pure white underside, deep purple back and wings, and bright azure-blue on the shoulders, head, nape, and some spots on the upper part of the back and wings. The tail is white with narrow blue edges. These birds feed on insects and small land mollusks, darting down to grab them off the ground just as the fish-eating species catch fish.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Izmir.



The photograph shows the nature of the favourite haunts of this species.

The photograph shows the typical spots where this species likes to hang out.

Of the forest-haunting species, however, the best known is probably the large and, for a kingfisher, dull-coloured Laughing-Jackass, or Settler's Clock, of Australia. Its food is of a very mixed character—small mammals, reptiles, insects, and crabs being devoured with equal relish. Since it is not seldom to be seen bearing off a snake in its bill, it may be regarded as a useful bird—supposing, of course, the snake to be of a poisonous variety. A good idea of the bird in its native haunts is given by the late Mr. Wheelwright. "About an hour before sunrise," he writes, "the bushman is awakened by the most discordant sounds, as if a troop of fiends were shouting, whooping, and laughing around him in one wild chorus. This is the morning song of the 'laughing-jackass,' warning his feathered mates that daybreak is at hand. At noon the same wild laugh is heard, and as the sun sinks into the west it again rings through the forest. I shall never forget the first night I slept in the open bush in this country. It was in the Black Forest. I woke about daybreak after a confused sleep, and for some minutes I could not remember where I was, such were the extraordinary sounds that greeted my ears: the fiendish laugh of the jackass, the clear, flute-like notes of the magpie, the hoarse cackle of the wattle-birds ... and the screaming of thousands of parrots as they dashed through the forest, all giving chorus, formed one of the most extraordinary concerts I have ever heard, and seemed, at the moment, to have been got up for the purpose of welcoming the stranger to this land of wonders on that eventful morning. I have heard it hundreds of times since, but never with the same feelings that I listened to it then. The laughing-jackass is the bushman's clock, and being by no means shy, of a companionable nature, and a constant attendant on the bush-tent and a destroyer of snakes, is regarded, like the robin at home, as a sacred bird in the Australian forests. It is an uncouth-looking bird ... nearly the size of a crow, of a rich chestnut-brown and dirty white colour, the wings slightly chequered with light blue, after the manner of the British jay. The tail-feathers are long, rather pointed, and barred with brown.... It is a common bird in all the forest throughout the year, breeds in the hole of a tree, and the eggs are white."

Of the species that live in the forest, the most well-known is probably the large and, for a kingfisher, dull-colored Laughing Kookaburra, or Settler's Clock, from Australia. Its diet is quite varied—small mammals, reptiles, insects, and crabs are all enjoyed equally. Since it’s not uncommon to see it carrying off a snake in its beak, it can be considered a beneficial bird—assuming, of course, the snake is venomous. A great description of the bird in its natural surroundings comes from the late Mr. Wheelwright. "About an hour before sunrise," he writes, "the bushman is awakened by the most jarring sounds, as if a group of fiends were shouting, whooping, and laughing around him in one chaotic chorus. This is the morning song of the 'laughing-jackass,' alerting its feathered friends that daybreak is approaching. At noon, the same wild laugh is heard, and as the sun sets in the west, it echoes through the forest once more. I will never forget the first night I spent sleeping in the open bush in this country. It was in the Black Forest. I woke up around dawn after a restless sleep, and for several minutes, I couldn't remember where I was, due to the extraordinary sounds greeting my ears: the eerie laugh of the jackass, the clear, flute-like notes of the magpie, the croaky cackle of the wattle-birds, and the screaming of thousands of parrots as they flew through the forest—all creating a unique concert that felt like a welcome for the newcomer to this land of wonders that memorable morning. I've heard it hundreds of times since but never with the same feelings I experienced then. The laughing-jackass serves as the bushman's clock, and being quite sociable, always hanging around the bush tent and helping to control snakes, it is seen, much like the robin back home, as a cherished bird in the Australian forests. It’s an awkward-looking bird, nearly the size of a crow, with rich chestnut-brown and dirty white coloring, and its wings are slightly patterned with light blue, resembling the British jay. Its tail feathers are long, somewhat pointed, and lined with brown... It is a common bird in all forests throughout the year, nests in a tree hole, and its eggs are white."

Whilst the Kingfishers are remarkable for the wondrous beauty of their coloration, the Hornbills, their allies, attract our attention rather by the grotesqueness of their shape, due to the enormous size of the bill, and the still more remarkable horny excrescences which surmount it in not a few species, forming what is known as a "casque." Absent in some of the smaller and possibly more primitive forms, its gradual development may be traced, beginning {503}with a series of corrugations along the ridge of the base of the bill, gradually increasing, to form, in the most extreme cases, huge superstructures of quaint shapes, and apparently of great solidity. As a matter of fact, however, these casques are practically hollow, save in the case of the Helmet-Hornbill of the Malay countries, in which the horny sheath is backed by solid supports of bone, whilst the front of the sheath itself is of great thickness and surprising density, and is used by the natives for carving and making brooches and other ornaments. The use of this powerful hammer—for such it may possibly be—is unknown.

While Kingfishers are known for their stunning colors, Hornbills, their relatives, stand out mainly because of their unusual shape, characterized by their large bills and the distinctive horny growths, called "casques," found on top of them in several species. Some of the smaller and possibly more primitive types lack this feature, but its gradual evolution can be seen, starting on page {503} with a pattern of ridges at the base of the bill that become more pronounced, eventually forming, in the most extreme examples, massive structures with odd shapes that seem quite solid. In reality, however, these casques are mostly hollow, except for the Helmet-Hornbill from the Malay regions, where the horny covering is supported by a solid bone structure, and the front of the covering is thick and surprisingly dense, which locals use for carving and creating brooches and other decorative items. The purpose of this strong hammer—if it can be considered one—is not known.

Hornbills are forest-birds, feeding upon fruit and insects, the latter being captured on the wing. With large bill and wings, a long tail, and a relatively small body and short legs, they are rather unwieldy birds, and yet, for many reasons, unusually interesting. Their nesting habits are unique, and quite worth recounting here at some length. Of the many accounts, one of the most interesting, as well as one of the latest, is that of Mr. Charles Hose, of Borneo.

Hornbills are forest birds that eat fruit and insects, which they catch in mid-air. They have large bills and wings, a long tail, and a relatively small body with short legs, making them somewhat clumsy birds. However, for many reasons, they are quite fascinating. Their nesting habits are unique and deserve a detailed description. Among the many accounts, one of the most intriguing and recent is by Mr. Charles Hose from Borneo.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



Frequently known as the Settler's Clock.

Frequently referred to as the Settler’s Clock.

"The nest," he writes, "is always built in the hollow of a large tree—the hollow, be it noted, being always due to disease of the tree or the ravages of termites, not to the personal labours of the birds. The bottom of this cavity is often plugged by a termites' nest and accumulation of decayed wood, and on the upper surface of this is made the nest, a very rough-and-ready structure, composed simply of the feathers of the female. The hollow of the tree communicates with the exterior air by means of a long aperture, which, just before the period of incubation, is closed up almost entirely by the male, simply leaving a long slit open, up and down which the beak of the enclosed female can move. The substance used in thus closing the aperture closely resembles some vegetable resin, and is probably composed of a gastric secretion, combined with the woody fragments of fruit. It should be noticed that this slit is always in close proximity to the nest, so that the female can easily protrude her beak {504}for food without moving from her sitting position. During incubation the male bird supplies the female with food in the form of pellets of fruit, seeds, insects, portions of reptiles, etc., the pellets being enclosed each in a skin of rubber-like consistency. While feeding the female, the male clings to the bark of the tree, or sits on a branch if conveniently near, and jerks these pellets into the gaping beak of the hen, two to four pellets forming a meal. During mastication (for it is a mistake to suppose that the hornbills always bolt their food entire) some fragments of the pellets fall to the ground, and seeds which these fragments may contain take root, germinate, and sprout, and the natives can judge approximately of the date of incubation by the age of the seedlings. When these are four-leaved, the eggs have been hatched out for two or three weeks. At this stage, though not always so early, the mother bird leaves the nest, breaking down the gluey substance with her beak to effect an exit; having left the nest, the aperture through which she left is carefully closed up again, leaving the slit as before, and now both male and female devote their energies to feeding the young birds, which in course of time follow the example of their mother and leave their place of imprisonment. It is more than probable that this gluing up first of the mother bird and her eggs and afterwards of the nestlings alone is solely a means of protection against predacious carnivora....

"The nest," he writes, "is always built in the hollow of a large tree—the hollow, it should be noted, is always due to the tree's disease or damage from termites, not the birds' efforts. The bottom of this cavity is often filled with a termites' nest and decayed wood, and on top of this is where the nest is made, a very simple structure, made just from the feathers of the female. The hollow of the tree connects to the outside air through a long opening, which, just before the incubation period, is nearly closed up by the male, leaving only a long slit open, allowing the beak of the sitting female to move. The material used to seal the opening resembles some kind of vegetable resin and is likely made from a gastric secretion mixed with bits of fruit. It's important to note that this slit is always close to the nest, so the female can easily stick her beak out for food without moving from her sitting position. During incubation, the male bird feeds the female with pellets of fruit, seeds, insects, bits of reptiles, etc., each pellet wrapped in a rubber-like skin. While feeding the female, the male clings to the tree bark or sits on a nearby branch, tossing these pellets into the open beak of the female, with two to four pellets making up a meal. While she chews (it's a mistake to think hornbills always swallow their food whole), some bits of the pellets fall to the ground, and the seeds in these fragments take root, germinate, and sprout, allowing local people to estimate the incubation date by the age of the seedlings. When these reach four leaves, the eggs have been hatched for two to three weeks. At this point, though it can vary, the mother bird leaves the nest, breaking down the gluey material with her beak to get out; after leaving the nest, she carefully seals the exit again, leaving the slit open as before, and now both male and female focus on feeding the young birds, which eventually follow their mother’s example and leave their confinement. It's highly likely that this sealing of the mother bird and her eggs, and later the nestlings, is just a way to protect against predatory carnivores...."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Crested Hornbill.

The Hornbills derive their name from the great size of the bill.

The Hornbills get their name from the large size of their beak.

"The nesting-season is during May and June, and it is noteworthy that the birds, if undisturbed, return to the same nesting-place every year. The saplings at the foot of the tree, sprung from seeds dropped in the first year of paring, afford signs to the natives of the number of years during which the tree has been occupied. If during paring or incubation the female or female and young are destroyed, the male takes to himself another mate, and repairs to the same nesting-place; if, however, the male and female are destroyed, the nest is never reoccupied by other pairs. An interesting incident was observed while on Mount Dulit. Espying on a tree the external signs of a hornbill's nest, and a male rhinoceros perched close by, I shot the male, and while waiting for my Dyak collectors to make a ladder up the tree to secure the female, I observed several young male birds fly to the nest and assiduously ply the bereaved widow with food, a fact which seems to indicate a competition in the matrimonial market of the bird-world as severe as that among human beings. It is no easy matter to procure embryos or nestlings of hornbills, for the natives are inordinately fond of both as articles of diet, and, further, are always anxious to secure the tail-feathers of the adults to adorn their war-coats and hats.

"The nesting season is in May and June, and it's interesting to note that if they are not disturbed, the birds return to the same nesting spot every year. The young trees at the base of the tree, which grew from seeds dropped in the first year of pruning, give the locals clues about how many years the tree has been used for nesting. If the female or both the female and young are destroyed during the nesting or incubation period, the male will find a new mate and return to the same nesting spot; however, if both the male and female are destroyed, the nest is never reused by other pairs. An interesting incident happened while I was on Mount Dulit. I noticed signs of a hornbill nest in a tree and saw a male rhinoceros nearby. I shot the male, and while waiting for my Dyak collectors to make a ladder to reach the tree for the female, I saw several young male birds flying to the nest and diligently offering food to the grieving female. This seems to suggest that competition for mates in the bird world is as intense as it is among humans. It’s not easy to obtain embryos or nestlings of hornbills because the locals love both as food, and they also eagerly collect the tail feathers of adult birds to decorate their war coats and hats."

"The native method of catching the female during incubation is ingenious, though {505}decidedly brutal. The tree is scaled, the resin-like substance is broken away, and the frightened bird flies from her nest up the hollow trunk of the tree, but is ignominiously brought down by means of a thorny stick (the thorns point downward), which is thrust after and twisted about until a firm grip in her plumage is obtained. The Dyaks, never very faithful observers of nature, believe that the female is shut up by the male, so that after hatching her eggs she may die, the maggots in her putrefying body affording food for the young. One very curious habit of the rhinoceros-hornbill which I have not hitherto seen noted is the rapid jumping up and down on a branch with both feet together. This jumping motion is imitated by the Kyans and Dyaks in their dances, the figure being known to the Kyans as 'wan blingong.'"

The local way of catching the female during nesting is clever, but definitely brutal. They climb the tree, break away the resin-like substance, and when the scared bird flies from her nest up the hollow trunk, she is shamefully brought down with a thorny stick (the thorns point downward), which they poke after her and twist around until they get a solid grip on her feathers. The Dyaks, who aren't very good at observing nature, believe that the male locks the female in so that she dies after hatching her eggs, with the maggots in her decaying body feeding the young. One very interesting behavior of the rhinoceros-hornbill that I haven't seen mentioned before is its quick jumping up and down on a branch with both feet together. The Kyans and Dyaks copy this jumping motion in their dances, and the Kyans call this figure 'wan blingong.'


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Concave-casqued Hornbill, India.

The noise made by hornbills on the wing is said to resemble that of a steam-engine.

The sound made by hornbills in flight is said to be similar to that of a steam engine.

That the Hoopoes, unlike as they may be in general appearance, are nevertheless intimately related to the Hornbills there can be no doubt. Graceful in contour and pleasing in coloration, it is a pity that the species which so frequently visits Britain, and has on more than one occasion nested there, should be so ruthlessly shot down immediately its presence is discovered. Save the wings and tail, the body is of a light cinnamon colour, whilst the head is surmounted by a magnificent crest of black-and-white-tipped feathers, which can be raised or depressed at the pleasure of the bird: the excepted portions of the plumage—the wings and tail—are buff, varied with bands of black and white. Thus it may be truthfully said to be a conspicuously coloured bird; yet this same livery seems also to come under the head of protective coloration, for we are assured that, when danger threatens, the bird throws itself flat upon the ground, spreads out its wings, and at once becomes transformed into what rather resembles a heap of rags than a bird. Escape by flight, however, instead of subterfuge, seems also at times to be resorted to, since, when pursued by a falcon, it will mount rapidly to a great height, and not seldom effect its escape.

That the Hoopoes, despite their different looks, are closely related to the Hornbills is beyond doubt. Elegant in shape and attractive in color, it’s unfortunate that the species which often visits Britain and has nested there more than once is so ruthlessly shot down as soon as it’s spotted. Aside from the wings and tail, the body is a light cinnamon color, while the head is topped with a stunning crest of black-and-white-tipped feathers that can be raised or lowered at the bird's will. The wings and tail are buff with bands of black and white. Therefore, it can be honestly said to be a brightly colored bird; however, this same appearance also serves as protective coloration, as we’re told that when danger is near, the bird flattens itself on the ground, spreads its wings, and looks more like a pile of rags than a bird. Yet, escape by flying instead of hiding is sometimes used too, since when chased by a falcon, it can quickly soar to a great height and often manage to evade capture.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Ground Hornbill.

The legs of the ground-hornbill are much longer than those of its allies.

The legs of the ground-hornbill are much longer than those of its relatives.

The domestic habits of the hoopoe are, however, by no means so charming as one would expect to find in so beautiful a bird. "All observers agree," writes Professor Newton, "in stating that it delights to find its food among filth of the most abominable description, and this especially in its winter quarters. But where it breeds, its nest—usually in the hole of a tree or of a wall—is not only partly composed of the foulest materials, but its condition becomes worse as incubation proceeds, for the hen scarcely ever leaves her eggs, being assiduously fed by the cock as she sits {506}(a feature strongly recalling the custom of the hornbills), and when the young are hatched their fæces are not removed by their parents, as is the case with most birds, but are discharged in the immediate neighbourhood of the nest, the unsanitary condition of which can readily be imagined. Worms, grubs, and insects generally, form the hoopoes' food, and upon it they get so fat in autumn that they are esteemed a delicate morsel in some of the countries of Southern Europe, and especially by the Christian population of Constantinople."

The domestic habits of the hoopoe are not nearly as charming as one would expect from such a beautiful bird. "All observers agree," writes Professor Newton, "that it loves to find its food among the most disgusting filth, especially in its winter homes. But where it breeds, its nest—usually in a hole in a tree or a wall—is not only partly made up of the foulest materials, but its condition worsens as incubation goes on, since the female rarely leaves her eggs and is constantly fed by the male while she sits (a behavior reminiscent of hornbills). When the chicks hatch, their waste is not removed by the parents, as is typical with most birds; instead, it's discharged right near the nest, making the unsanitary situation easy to imagine. Worms, grubs, and generally insects make up the hoopoe's diet, and in autumn, they get so fat that they're considered a delicacy in some Southern European countries, especially by the Christian population of Constantinople."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.]



An occasional visitor to the British Isles.

An occasional visitor to the UK.

Beside the European Hoopoe, which also extends into Northern Africa, four other species are known, three of which are African, whilst a fourth ranges from India to Hainan.

Beside the Hoopoe Bird, which also extends into Northern Africa, there are four other known species, three of which are found in Africa, while a fourth is found from India to Hainan.

Nearly related to the birds we have just described are the Wood-Hoopoes. They differ from their allies in being crestless, having a more curved bill, and a plumage of metallic purple, with a white patch on the wings and white markings on the tail. Their habits resemble those of their more highly coloured relatives.

Nearly related to the birds we just described are the Wood-Hoopoes. They stand out from their relatives by being crestless, having a more curved bill, and featuring metallic purple feathers, with a white patch on the wings and white markings on the tail. Their behaviors are similar to those of their more brightly colored counterparts.



Bee-eaters, motmots, todies, colies, and trogons.

In the present chapter we deal with a number of birds of singular beauty and gracefulness. In their coloration green predominates, thus recalling the Rollers, Parrots, Plantain-eaters, and Kingfishers, all of which groups, as we have seen, contain a large proportion of green species.

In this chapter, we look at several birds that are uniquely beautiful and graceful. Their coloration is mainly green, which brings to mind the Rollers, Parrots, Plantain-eaters, and Kingfishers, all of which, as we've noted, include a significant number of green species.

The Bee-eaters, like the Kingfishers, Hornbills, and Hoopoes, have a foot of quite peculiar structure, the middle and outer toes being joined together throughout the greater part of their length. They are an Old World group, ranging from the British Islands to Australia, in the American Continent their place being taken by the Motmots and Jacamars, of which we shall speak presently. They are especially plentiful in the African region, somewhat less so in the Indian, the temperate regions of the Old World possessing but few species.

The Bee-eaters, similar to Kingfishers, Hornbills, and Hoopoes, have a uniquely structured foot, with the middle and outer toes connected for most of their length. They belong to an Old World group that ranges from the British Isles to Australia. In the Americas, they're replaced by Motmots and Jacamars, which we will discuss shortly. They are particularly abundant in Africa, somewhat less so in India, and there are very few species in the temperate regions of the Old World.

On rare occasions one species visits the British Islands. This is, furthermore, one of the most beautiful of the group. It has the head, neck, upper back, and a broad wing-bar of a ruddy-brown colour; the lower back buff colour; green wings and tail, with black tips to the middle tail-feathers, which are longer than the rest. The forehead is pale green and white; the ear-coverts are black; and the throat bright yellow, divided from the greenish-blue under-parts by a black band. "The name Bee-eater," writes Mr. Evans, "is well deserved, for in Spain [it] is a perfect pest to the bee-keeper, catching the workers as they enter and leave the hives." Like the Kingfishers, the indigestible parts of the food are cast up and deposited around the eggs, though bee-eaters do not appear to form a nest of them, as with the Kingfishers.

On rare occasions, one species visits the British Islands. This, moreover, is one of the most beautiful of the group. It has a ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and a broad wing-bar; the lower back is buff-colored; the wings and tail are green, with black tips on the middle tail feathers, which are longer than the others. The forehead is pale green and white; the ear-coverts are black; and the throat is bright yellow, separated from the greenish-blue underparts by a black band. "The name Bee-eater," writes Mr. Evans, "is well deserved, for in Spain, it is a perfect pest to the beekeeper, catching the workers as they enter and leave the hives." Like the Kingfishers, the indigestible parts of the food are cast up and deposited around the eggs, although bee-eaters do not seem to make a nest of them, as Kingfishers do.

From four to six eggs of a beautiful glossy white colour are deposited in holes in banks, or—and this is worthy of special notice—in tunnels bored vertically downwards in level ground for a distance of from 3 to 10 feet. How this is done is a mystery, for the bird's beak and feet look by no means equal to such a task. No nest appears to be made, the eggs being deposited at the extremity of the burrow without further preparation. Two species of the group, however, are said to form an exception, constructing a nest of straw and feathers. {507}These two, as well as the members of the genus to which the British bird belongs, apparently breed in colonies.

From four to six eggs of a shiny white color are laid in holes in riverbanks, or—this is worth noting—in tunnels dug straight down in flat ground for a distance of 3 to 10 feet. How this is done remains a mystery, as the bird's beak and feet don't seem capable of such a task. No nest appears to be built; the eggs are simply placed at the end of the burrow without any additional preparation. However, two species in this group are said to be an exception, creating a nest made of straw and feathers. {507}These two, along with the members of the genus to which the British bird belongs, seem to breed in colonies.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



A native of the Malay countries. The long feathers on the throat are bright scarlet.

A native of the Malay countries. The long feathers on its throat are a vibrant scarlet.

Unfortunately for the bee-eater, its flesh is palatable, whilst its plumage is in great demand for millinery purposes. Its persecution is of long standing, since more than 300 years ago Belon witnessed a particularly cruel experiment practised by the boys in Crete. Transfixing a beetle with a bent pin, to the head of which a thread was tied, and then holding its other end with their hand, they would let the insect fly. The bee-eater, which catches most of its prey on the wing, would dart upon it, and, swallowing the bait, be caught by the hook.

Unfortunately for the bee-eater, its meat is tasty, and its feathers are highly sought after for making hats. It's been hunted for a long time; over 300 years ago, Belon observed a particularly cruel experiment carried out by boys in Crete. They would pierce a beetle with a bent pin, tie a thread to its head, and hold the other end in their hand, letting the insect fly. The bee-eater, which catches most of its food in midair, would swoop down on it and, swallowing the bait, get caught by the hook.

Not unlike the Bee-eaters in general appearance and coloration, the Motmots are birds of peculiar interest, and this on account of a remarkable habit of one of their tribe—a habit which is perfectly unique, and to which we shall return presently. Belonging, as we have already remarked, to the New World, they range from Southern Mexico to Paraguay, inhabiting dense forests, and being but rarely seen. The plumage is somewhat loose in character—green, blue, cinnamon, and black in colour. The beak has the margins serrated, or saw-like; whilst the feet resemble those of the Kingfishers and Bee-eaters. As with the Bee-eaters, no nest is made. The eggs, three or four in number and creamy white in colour, are deposited in a hole bored by the birds themselves in a tree or bank, both sexes sharing in the work of incubation. Their food consists of insects caught in the air, small reptiles, and fruit.

Not unlike the Bee-eaters in appearance and color, the Motmots are birds of special interest, particularly because of a unique behavior found in one of their species—a behavior we will discuss shortly. As we’ve noted before, they are native to the New World, spanning from Southern Mexico to Paraguay, and they live in dense forests, making them quite rare to spot. Their plumage is somewhat loose in texture and features shades of green, blue, cinnamon, and black. Their beaks have serrated edges, resembling saws, while their feet are similar to those of Kingfishers and Bee-eaters. Like the Bee-eaters, they don’t build nests. The eggs, which number three to four and are creamy white, are laid in a hole that the birds themselves dig in a tree or bank, with both sexes involved in incubation. Their diet consists of insects caught in the air, small reptiles, and fruit.

The remarkable habit to which we have referred is displayed by the species known as the Racket-Tailed Motmot, from the fact that the two middle tail-feathers project beyond the others, and have the greater part of the shaft bare, but terminating in a spoon-shaped expansion. In this there is nothing unusual, for such racket-feathers are common amongst birds. In this particular case, however, the feathers were originally entire, and acquired their characteristic shape artificially, the bird nibbling away the vane on either side of the shaft with its bill until the required shape is obtained. Such an act of conscious decoration on the part of a bird is elsewhere unknown throughout the whole class.

The amazing behavior we mentioned is shown by the species known as the Racket-Tailed Motmot, because the two middle tail feathers extend beyond the others and have most of the shaft bare, ending in a spoon-shaped tip. This isn’t unusual, as such racket feathers are common among birds. However, in this case, the feathers were originally whole and took on their unique shape artificially; the bird chews away the bits on either side of the shaft with its beak until it gets the desired shape. Such a conscious act of decoration by a bird is not observed in the entire class anywhere else.

The Todies are diminutive allies of the Motmots, frequenting hilly districts and woods. They sit with the beak pointed upwards, the head drawn in close to the body, and the plumage puffed out, apparently oblivious of all around them—at least it would seem so, since at such times they may be caught with a butterfly-net. Like their larger allies, they are green in coloration, but have a light red throat, and yellowish-white or pinkish under-parts, with green or pink flank-feathers. They vary in length from 3 to 4½ inches.

The Todies are small companions of the Motmots, found in hilly areas and forests. They perch with their beaks pointed up, their heads drawn in close to their bodies, and their feathers puffed out, seeming completely unaware of their surroundings—at least, that's how it appears, since at those moments they can be caught with a butterfly net. Like their larger relatives, they are green, but they have a light red throat and yellowish-white or pinkish underparts, with green or pink feathers on their sides. They range in length from 3 to 4½ inches.


The Colies, or Mouse-birds, of South Africa are small, crested, long-tailed, loose-plumaged birds whose exact relationships are somewhat puzzling. The name Mouse-bird is given on account of the habit of creeping along the boughs of trees with the whole foot applied to the branch. The toes are peculiar in that all turn forwards, and are commonly so retained. About ten species are known, ranging from Abyssinia southwards.

The Colleys, or Mousebirds, found in South Africa are small, crested, long-tailed birds with loose feathers, and their exact relationships are a bit of a mystery. They’re called Mouse-birds because they have a habit of creeping along tree branches using their entire foot to grip the branch. Their toes are unique as they all face forward and stay that way. There are around ten known species, which range from Abyssinia downwards.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Racket-tailed motmot.

Note the mutilated tail-feathers.

Check out the damaged tail feathers.

Resplendent without doubt are the majority of the forms which we have been lately considering, but probably the palm for gorgeous coloration should be given to the Trogons—at least they must be allowed to share the honours with the Humming-birds.

Without a doubt, most of the forms we've been looking at lately are stunning, but the title for the most beautiful colors should probably go to the Trogons—at the very least, they deserve to share the spotlight with the Hummingbirds.

The most splendid of all is the Quezal, the male of which has a train of great length, resembling at first sight a tail. But, as in the peacock, this is formed by enormously elongated tail-coverts, concealing the true tail. These tail-coverts differ, however, markedly from those in the peacock in that they are not erectile, but pendent. The head is ornamented with a large, rounded crest; the ground-colour of the upper parts of the plumage is of brilliant metallic green; the under parts from the chest downwards are of a deep blood-red. Certain of the covert-feathers of the wing form elegant drooping plumes, hanging down on either side and giving a wonderfully beautiful effect.

The most magnificent of all is the Quezal, whose male has an incredibly long train that at first glance looks like a tail. However, like the peacock, this is made up of greatly elongated tail-coverts that hide the actual tail. These tail-coverts are quite different from those of the peacock in that they do not stand up but hang down. The head is adorned with a large, rounded crest; the main color of the upper parts of the feathers is a bright metallic green, while the underparts from the chest down are a deep blood-red. Some of the covert feathers on the wings create elegant, drooping plumes that hang down on either side, producing a stunningly beautiful effect.

The late Mr. Salvin's account of this bird in its wild state is well worth quoting. Hunting with a native for this bird in the forest, where alone it is to be met with, he writes: "A distant clattering note indicates that the bird is on the wing. He settles—a splendid male—on a bough of a tree, not seventy yards from where we are hidden. Cipriano wants to creep up to within shot, but I keep him back, wishing to risk the chance of losing a specimen rather than miss such an opportunity of seeing the bird in its living state, and of watching its movements. It sits almost motionless on its perch, the body remaining in the same position, the head only moving from side to side. The tail is occasionally jerked open and closed again, and now and then slightly raised, causing the long tail-coverts to vibrate gracefully. I have not seen all. A ripe fruit catches the quezal's eye, and he darts from his perch, hovers for a moment, picks the berry, and returns to his former position. This is done with a degree of elegance that defies description."

The late Mr. Salvin's account of this bird in the wild is definitely worth quoting. While hunting with a local in the forest, where the bird can only be found, he writes: "A distant clattering sound signals that the bird is in flight. It lands—a magnificent male—on a branch not seventy yards from where we're hiding. Cipriano wants to sneak closer to take a shot, but I hold him back, preferring to risk losing a specimen rather than miss this chance to see the bird alive and observe its movements. It sits almost completely still on its perch, its body staying in the same spot while its head turns from side to side. Its tail is occasionally flicked open and closed, and now and then slightly raised, making the long tail feathers vibrate elegantly. I haven’t seen everything. A ripe fruit catches the quetzal's eye, and it dives from its perch, hovers for a moment, picks the berry, and returns to its original spot. This is done with a level of grace that’s hard to describe."




Gaudy in plumage, and somewhat ungainly in appearance, it must nevertheless be admitted that the Toucans form an exceedingly interesting group of birds. On account of their huge and gaily coloured beaks, they have been imagined to be related to the Hornbills; but even judging by this character, the two groups may be readily distinguished; for whereas the typical beak of the hornbill is surmounted by a large casque, the beak of the toucan is {509}never so ornamented. The solid appearance of the beak in the toucan, by the way, is as much a fiction as with the hornbill, since the horny sheath is supported, not on a core of solid bone, but on a frame of delicate bony filigree-work, the spaces being filled by air. The coloration of the plumage (which is somewhat loose in character), as well as of the bare skin round the eye and the beak-sheath, is most brilliant, and displays immense variation amongst the different species.

Brightly colored and a bit clumsy in appearance, it's clear that the Toucans are an incredibly fascinating group of birds. Because of their large, vibrantly colored beaks, people often think they are related to Hornbills; however, even just based on this feature, you can easily tell the two groups apart. While a typical hornbill's beak has a large casque on top, a toucan's beak is {509}never adorned in that way. Interestingly, the solid look of the toucan's beak is just as misleading as that of the hornbill, since the outer layer is not supported by solid bone but rather by a delicate framework of bony filigree, with air filling in the gaps. The color of their feathers (which are a bit loose in texture), as well as the bare skin around their eyes and beak, is incredibly vibrant, showcasing a vast array of variations among the different species.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



Trogons haunt the recesses of the thickest forests.

Trogons linger in the depths of the densest forests.

Shy and restless in their habits, toucans travel generally in small flocks amongst the forest-trees and mangrove-swamps in search of food, which consists mainly of fruits and seeds, varying this diet occasionally with ants and caterpillars. It is to this diet of fruit that the great size of the bill and its peculiar saw-like edges are to be traced—at least this is the opinion of the great traveller-naturalist Bates, who had so many opportunities of watching these birds. "Flowers and fruit," he writes, "on the crowns of the large trees of South American forests grow principally towards the end of slender twigs, which will not bear any considerable weight. All animals, therefore, which feed principally upon fruit, or on insects contained in flowers, must, of course, have some means of reaching the ends of the stalks from a distance. Monkeys obtain their food by stretching forth their long arms, and in some instances their tails, to bring the fruit near to their mouths; humming-birds are endowed with highly perfected organs of flight, with corresponding muscular development, by which they are enabled to sustain themselves on the wing before blossoms whilst rifling them of their contents; [and the long bill of the toucan enables it] to reach and devour fruit whilst remaining seated, and thus to counterbalance the disadvantage which its heavy body and gluttonous appetite would otherwise give it in the competition with allied groups of birds."

Shy and restless in their habits, toucans usually travel in small flocks among the forest trees and mangrove swamps looking for food, which mainly consists of fruits and seeds, occasionally mixing in ants and caterpillars. This fruit-based diet is believed to explain the toucan's large bill and its unique saw-like edges—at least that's what the great traveler-naturalist Bates thought, as he had many opportunities to observe these birds. "Flowers and fruit," he wrote, "on the crowns of the large trees in South American forests primarily grow towards the ends of slender twigs, which can't support much weight. Therefore, any animals that feed mainly on fruit or on insects found in flowers must have some way to reach the tips of the stalks from a distance. Monkeys grab their food by stretching their long arms, and in some cases their tails, to bring the fruit closer to their mouths; hummingbirds have highly developed flight mechanisms and corresponding muscle strength that allow them to hover in front of blossoms while extracting their nectar; and the toucan's long bill lets it reach and eat fruit while staying perched, which helps offset the disadvantage of its heavy body and greedy appetite in competing with similar bird species."

Toucans appear to be much esteemed as articles of food—at least during the months of June and July, when these birds get very fat, the flesh being exceedingly sweet and tender. They nest in holes of trees at a great height from the ground, and lay white eggs.

Toucans seem to be highly valued as food—especially in June and July, when these birds get quite fat, and their meat is incredibly sweet and tender. They build nests in tree holes high off the ground and lay white eggs.

One of the most remarkable of the group is the Curl-crested Toucan, from the fact that the feathers on the crown of the head are peculiarly modified to form scroll-like, glossy curls, which have been compared to shavings of steel or ebony. Mr. Bates writes: "I had an amusing adventure one day with one of these birds. I had shot one from a rather high tree in a dark glen in the forest, and entered the thicket where the bird had fallen to secure my booty. It was only wounded, and on my attempting to seize it set up a loud scream. In an instant, as if by magic, the shady nook seemed alive with these birds, although there was certainly none visible when I entered the jungle. They descended towards me, hopping from bough to bough, some of them swinging on the loops and cables of woody lianas, and all croaking and fluttering their wings like so many furies. If I had had a long stick in my hand, I could have knocked several of them over. After killing the wounded one, I began to prepare for obtaining more specimens and punishing the viragos for their boldness. But the screaming of their companion having ceased, they remounted the trees, and before I could reload every one of them had disappeared."

One of the most interesting birds in the group is the Curl-crested Toucan because the feathers on its head are uniquely shaped into shiny, curly scrolls that have been compared to steel or ebony shavings. Mr. Bates recounts: "I had an amusing encounter one day with one of these birds. I shot one from a high tree in a dark spot in the forest and went into the thicket where it had fallen to collect my prize. It was only wounded, and as I tried to grab it, it let out a loud scream. In an instant, as if by magic, the shady area seemed to come alive with these birds, even though I hadn’t seen any when I first entered the jungle. They came down toward me, hopping from branch to branch, some swinging on the loops and tangles of vines, all croaking and flapping their wings like a bunch of angry creatures. If I’d had a long stick in my hand, I could have knocked several of them down. After finishing off the wounded one, I started getting ready to collect more specimens and deal with the noisy birds for their boldness. But once their companion stopped screaming, they flew back up into the trees, and by the time I could reload, every last one of them had vanished."

With neither charm of colour nor peculiar shape, the small African birds known as Honey-guides are some of the most remarkable of birds, and this on account of a quite {510}unique habit of inducing other animals, not even excepting man, to hunt for them. Sir John Kirk, writing of its habits in the Zambesi district, says: "The honey-guide is found in forests and often far from water, even during the dry season. On observing a man, it comes fluttering from branch to branch in the neighbouring trees, calling attention. If this be responded to—as the natives do by whistling and starting to their feet—the bird will go in a certain direction, and remain at a little distance, hopping from one tree to another. On being followed, it goes further; and so it will guide the way to a nest of bees. When this is reached, it flies about, but no longer guides; and then some knowledge is required to discover the nest, even when pointed out to within a few trees. I have known this bird, if the man, after taking up the direction for a little, then turns away, come back and offer to point out another nest in a different part. But if it does not know of two nests, it will remain behind. The difficulty is that the bird will point to tame bees in a bark hive as readily as to those in the forest. This is natural, as the bee is the same, the bark hive ... being simply fastened up in a tree, and left for the bees to come to.... The object the bird has in view is clearly the young bees. It will guide to nests having no honey, and seems equally delighted if the comb containing the grubs is torn out, when it is seen pecking at it."

With no colorful feathers or unusual shape, the small African birds called Honey guides are truly remarkable, primarily because of a unique behavior where they get other animals, including humans, to hunt for them. Sir John Kirk, describing their habits in the Zambesi region, notes: "The honey-guide lives in forests and can often be found far from water, even during the dry season. When it spots a person, it flutters from branch to branch in nearby trees to get attention. If someone responds—like the locals do by whistling and jumping up—the bird will fly in a specific direction and stay just ahead, hopping from tree to tree. If followed, it continues further along, guiding the way to a bee's nest. Once they reach the nest, the bird bursts around but stops guiding, making it necessary to have some knowledge to find the nest even when it's pointed out to within a few trees. I've seen this bird return to point out another nest in a different area if a person turns away after leading for a little while. However, if it doesn’t know of two nests, it will stay back. The challenge is that the bird indicates domestic bees in a bark hive just as easily as those in the wild. This makes sense since the bee is the same, and the bark hive is simply attached to a tree, left for the bees to occupy. The bird's main interest seems to be in the young bees. It will lead to nests that contain no honey and appears just as happy if the comb with the larvae is taken out, as it’s often seen pecking at it."


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Curl-crested toucan.

So called from the curiously curled feathers on the head, resembling black and glistening shavings.

Called that because of the oddly curled feathers on its head, which look like shiny black shavings.

An old rumour had it that honey-guides occasionally lured men on to spots where lions or other large and dangerous beasts lay hid. No credence whatever is now given to such tales, it being readily understood that the bird's course may by accident pass directly above perils of this kind, without the slightest cognisance of this on the part of the bird.

An old rumor suggested that honey guides sometimes led people to places where lions or other large and dangerous animals were hiding. No one believes these stories anymore, as it’s clear that the bird’s path might accidentally go right over such dangers without the bird even being aware of it.

The honey-guide, however, presses into its service one of the lower mammals—the ratel. The fondness of this animal for bees is well known, and by none better than this little bird, which, by pointing out nests to its more powerful companion, earns as a reward the broken bits which remain after the feast.

The honey-guide, however, enlists the help of one of the smaller mammals—the honey badger. The love this animal has for bees is widely recognized, especially by this little bird, which, by showing its stronger partner where the nests are, gets to enjoy the scraps left after the meal.

Allies of the sombre-coloured Honey-guides are the Jacamars and Puff-birds. The former are rather handsome birds, though small, having the upper-parts of a metallic coppery golden green, and more or less rufous below. Ranging from Mexico to South Brazil, they may usually be found on the outskirts of forests, near water, sitting perched on the bare boughs of lofty trees for hours at a time. They feed on moths and other insects, caught on the wing, and brought back and crushed against the bough before swallowing. They lay white eggs in the holes of trees.

Allies of the dark-colored Honey-guides are the Jacamars and Puffins. The Jacamars are quite attractive birds, although small, with upper feathers that are a shiny coppery golden green, and they have varying shades of rufous underneath. Found from Mexico to South Brazil, they are usually seen on the edges of forests, near water, where they perch on bare branches of tall trees for hours. They catch moths and other insects in midair, then bring them back to crush against the branches before eating. They lay white eggs in tree cavities.

The Puff-birds, though closely allied to the foregoing, are more soberly clad. Black, brown, and rufous in hue, they lack the resplendent metallic markings of the Jacamars. Their geographical range extends from Guatemala and Honduras to Argentina. Though numerous species and genera are known, the nest and eggs appear to have been discovered in the case of one species only: these were found in a hole in a bank, and contained two shining white eggs.

The Puffins, while closely related to the ones mentioned before, have a more understated appearance. They are black, brown, and rufous in color, lacking the bright metallic markings seen in Jacamars. Their geographical range stretches from Guatemala and Honduras down to Argentina. Even though many species and genera are recognized, nests and eggs have only been found in the case of one species: these were discovered in a hole in a bank and contained two glossy white eggs.

The Barbets are possibly more closely related to the Honey-guides than the Jacamars and Puff-birds. Brilliantly coloured, and having a plumage exhibiting violent contrasts of red, blue, purple, and yellow, on a green ground, sometimes with crests, bare skin round the eye, and brightly coloured bills, the barbets are, in spite of a somewhat hairy appearance, exceedingly attractive birds.

The Barbets are likely more closely related to Honey-guides than to Jacamars and Puff-birds. They are brilliantly colored, featuring plumage with strong contrasts of red, blue, purple, and yellow against a green background, sometimes with crests, bare skin around the eyes, and brightly colored bills. Despite their somewhat hairy look, barbets are incredibly attractive birds.


Forest-dwellers, like their allies, they feed upon fruit, seeds, insects, bark, and buds; but so noiseless are they said to be when feeding that their presence is betrayed only by the falling of berries they have accidentally released.

Forest-dwellers, along with their allies, eat fruit, seeds, insects, bark, and buds; however, they are said to be so quiet while feeding that they are only revealed by the berries that accidentally fall from them.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The name is bestowed on account of its remarkable habit of drawing attention to bees' nests.

The name is given because of its incredible ability to highlight bee nests.

It is interesting to note that the geographical range of the barbet is much wider than that of its immediate allies, extending through tropical Asia, Africa, and America.

It’s interesting to see that the geographical range of the barbet is much broader than that of its close relatives, reaching across tropical Asia, Africa, and America.

The Woodpecker Tribe constitutes a large group, generally divided into two sections—the Woodpeckers and the Wrynecks.

The Woodpecker Tribe is a large group, usually split into two sections—the Woodpeckers and the Wrynecks.

The former are characterised by their large heads and very powerful bills and long and exceedingly stiff tails. The feet are also peculiar, two toes pointing directly forwards and two backwards. Beak, feet, and tail are all specially adapted to the peculiar habits of these birds, which pass their lives upon trees, climbing the trunks, and searching the interstices of the bark for ants, or drilling holes into the unsound portions of the trunk itself for the purpose of extracting the grubs which feed upon decaying wood.

The former are characterized by their large heads, very strong bills, and long, extremely stiff tails. Their feet are also unique, with two toes pointing straight forward and two pointing backward. The beak, feet, and tail are all specially adapted to the unique habits of these birds, which spend their lives in trees, climbing trunks, and searching the gaps in the bark for ants or drilling holes in the decaying parts of the trunk to extract the grubs that feed on the rotting wood.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



This woodpecker is a British species.

This woodpecker is a species found in Britain.

That ants and other small insects form the staple diet of the woodpecker is evident from the extraordinary length of the tongue. This is a long, worm-like structure, capable of being protruded many inches from the beak, and covered with a sticky secretion, so that, thrust into colonies of ants, it quickly becomes covered with them, to be withdrawn immediately into the mouth and cleared again for further action.

That ants and other small insects are the main food source for the woodpecker is clear from the remarkable length of its tongue. This long, worm-like organ can extend several inches from the beak and is coated with a sticky substance, allowing it to easily pick up ants when inserted into their colonies. It quickly retracts into the mouth to be cleaned off and ready for more.

Woodpeckers are all birds of bright plumage, some particularly so, and have a wide geographical distribution, inhabiting all parts of the world save Madagascar, the Australasian region, and Egypt.

Woodpeckers are all brightly colored birds, some especially so, and they have a broad geographic range, found in every part of the world except Madagascar, the Australasian region, and Egypt.

Three species occur in the British Islands, though they are exceedingly rare in Scotland and Ireland. The Green Woodpecker is a particularly handsome bird. Grass-green is the predominating colour of its livery, relieved by a light scarlet cap, a golden patch over the lower part of the back, and chequered bars on the wings and quills.

Three species are found in the British Islands, although they are extremely rare in Scotland and Ireland. The Green Woodpecker is a particularly striking bird. Its main color is grass-green, accented by a light red cap, a golden patch on the lower part of its back, and patterned bars on its wings and tail feathers.


Scarcely less beautiful, in their way, are the Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. The plumage of these birds has a very rich effect, steely blue-black and white being contrasted with scarlet.

Scarcely less beautiful, in their way, are the Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. The feathers of these birds have a striking appearance, with steely blue-black and white contrasted with scarlet.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.


Lesser spotted woodpeckers

One of the members of the group is using its stiff tail feathers as a support.

One of the group members is using its rigid tail feathers as support.

The Spotted and Black Woodpeckers are remarkable for a curious drumming sound, so powerful as to be distinctly audible even a mile off. It appears to be caused by hammering vigorously on the bark of some rotten branch, the bird's head moving with amazing rapidity as it beats out this curious tattoo.

The Seen and Black Woodpeckers are notable for their unique drumming sound, so strong that it can be clearly heard even a mile away. This sound seems to come from the bird hammering hard on the bark of a decayed branch, with its head moving incredibly fast as it creates this interesting rhythm.

Three North American species, known as Sap-suckers, have the curious habit of piercing the boles of trees for the purpose of procuring the sap which flows copiously when the tree is so "tapped." Another species of the same region seems to be possessed of a persistent dread of famine, storing up immense quantities of nuts, which it appears never afterwards to use. These nuts are tightly fixed into holes in the bark of trees, and in such numbers that "a large pine 40 or 50 feet high will present the appearance of being closely studded with brass nails, the heads only being visible."

Three North American species, known as Treehuggers, have the interesting habit of drilling into trees to get the sap that flows freely when the tree is "tapped." Another species in the same area seems to have a constant fear of running out of food, hoarding huge amounts of nuts that it never seems to use. These nuts are firmly lodged in the bark of trees, so many that "a large pine 40 or 50 feet high will look as if it's covered in brass nails, with only the heads visible."

The Wrynecks differ from the Woodpeckers mainly in that the tail-feathers are soft instead of spiny. Although sombre, the plumage is yet very beautiful, having a velvety appearance, variegated with pearl-grey, powdered or dusted over a general groundwork of nut-brown, buff, and grey. Bars and fine lines add still more to the general effect, and render description still more difficult. One species is common in England. It is known also as the Cuckoo's Mate and the Snake-bird. The former name is given in allusion to the fact that it arrives with the cuckoo, the latter from its strange habit of writhing its head and neck, and also on account of its curious hissing note, made when disturbed on its nest. It has the long, worm-like tongue of the woodpecker, but without a barbed tip.

The Wrynecks are different from Woodpeckers mainly because their tail feathers are soft instead of spiny. While they are somewhat dull, their plumage is still very beautiful, having a velvety look and featuring a mix of pearl-grey sprinkled over a base of nut-brown, buff, and grey. Stripes and fine lines further enhance the overall effect and make it harder to describe. One species is common in England. It's also called the Cuckoo's Partner and the Anhinga. The first name refers to the fact that it arrives at the same time as the cuckoo, and the second comes from its unusual habit of writhing its head and neck, as well as its peculiar hissing sound made when it's disturbed on its nest. It has a long, worm-like tongue like a woodpecker, but without a barbed tip.

The habit of writhing the head and neck often serves the wryneck in good stead. Nesting in a hole in a tree, escape is difficult so soon as the discoverer has come to close quarters. The untried egg-collector, for instance, peering down into the nest, and seeing nothing distinctly, but only a moving head, and hearing a hissing sound, imagines the hole to be tenanted by a snake, and beats a hasty retreat, only to catch a glimpse, a moment later, of the bird hurrying out of its perilous hiding-place. Should he, however, discovering the true state of affairs, put down his hand and seize the bird, it will adopt yet other resources. Clinging tightly to its captor's finger, it will ruffle up its feathers, stretch out its neck, and at the same time move it jerkily and stiffly about, and finally, closing its eyes, hang downwards, as if dead. Then, before the puzzled captor has had time to realise what has happened, it loosens its hold and takes instant flight.

The habit of twisting its head and neck often helps the wryneck. Nesting in a tree hole makes escape difficult once someone gets too close. For example, an inexperienced egg-collector looking into the nest, not seeing anything clearly but only a moving head and hearing a hissing sound, might think there's a snake inside and quickly back off, only to catch a glimpse of the bird rushing out of its dangerous hiding spot. If he realizes the truth and reaches in to grab the bird, it will use other tactics. Holding onto his finger tightly, it will fluff up its feathers, stretch out its neck, and jerk it around stiffly, and finally, it will close its eyes and hang down as if it's dead. Then, before the confused captor understands what's happening, it will let go and fly away immediately.

The young are easily, though rarely, tamed, and form extremely interesting pets, feeding readily from the hand, and affording endless amusement by their remarkable manner of capturing flies and other insects; but they do not appear to live long in confinement.

The young are easily, though rarely, tamed, and make very interesting pets, readily eating from the hand and providing endless entertainment with their unique way of catching flies and other insects; however, they don't seem to live long in captivity.

The wryneck is one of the few birds which will persistently go on laying eggs, no matter how many times they may be stolen from the nest. A case is on record where as many as forty-two were laid in a single summer by one bird—an exceedingly cruel experiment.

The wryneck is one of the few birds that will keep laying eggs, no matter how many times they are taken from the nest. There's a recorded case where one bird laid as many as forty-two eggs in a single summer—an incredibly harsh situation.


Photo by C. Reid, Wishaw.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by C. Reid, Wishaw. Printed in Lyon, France.



Waxbills are relatives of the Weaver birds, and take their name from the waxen appearance of the beak which is coral red.

Waxbills are related to Weaver birds and get their name from the waxy look of their coral red beak.


Photo by C. Reid, Wishaw.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by C. Reid, Wishaw. Printed in Lyon, France.


Indigo Finches

The Indigo Finch or Indigo Bird is a well known member of a group of American Finches of which the Nonpareil Finch is another representative.

The Indigo Finch or Indigo Bird is a well-known member of a group of American Finches, with the Nonpareil Finch being another example.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.


American Crow.

In some parts of the United States this crow, everywhere regarded as a pest, is replaced by the raven.

In some areas of the United States, this crow, which is considered a nuisance everywhere, is replaced by the raven.




The Perching Birds.

Such an enormous host are included under this head—nearly 6,000 out of the total of 13,000 known birds—and so great are the difficulties connected with their systematic arrangement, that it has been considered best to begin the present chapter with the highest instead of the lowest types of the group.

Such a large group is included under this category—nearly 6,000 out of the total of 13,000 known birds—and the challenges related to organizing them systematically are so significant that it has been deemed best to start the current chapter with the highest types of the group instead of the lowest.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



It is believed that the jackdaw is the bird referred to by Shakespeare as the Russet-pated Chough (Midsummer-Night's Dream, iii. 2).

It is believed that the jackdaw is the bird that Shakespeare referred to as the Russet-pated Chough (Midsummer-Night's Dream, iii. 2).

The extensive group of Perching-birds is defined mainly from the characters afforded by the structure of the voice-organ, and these are of much too technical a nature to be discussed here. Suffice it to say that, on account of these characters, the group is further divided into two sections, and each section again divided into two.

The large group of Perching-birds is mainly defined by the features of their vocal structure, which are too technical to discuss here. It’s enough to say that because of these features, the group is divided into two sections, and each section is further divided into two.

The Crows, Orioles, Finches, and Their Allies.

The Crows, Orioles, Finches, and Their Friends.

At the head of the tribe stands, by general though by no means universal consent, the Crow Family, of which the recognised chief is the Raven, a bird which has for thousands of years commanded a more than passing interest amongst mankind. Renowned as the truant from the Ark, or as the wonderful minister of the prophet Elijah, there are few even of the youngest amongst us who do not know of its striking personality. The poet and the dramatist have both made use of the raven, and it would seem that it has even found a place in the {515}mythology of the Red Indian. The smaller relatives of this celebrated bird, the Rook, the Carrion-crow, and the Jackdaw, and more distantly the Jay and the Magpie, are doubtless as familiar to our readers as the raven.

At the top of the tribe is, generally agreed upon though not universally accepted, the Crow Family, with the recognized leader being the Raven, a bird that has fascinated humans for thousands of years. Known as the runaway from the Ark or as the amazing messenger of the prophet Elijah, there are few, even among the youngest, who are unaware of its striking character. Both poets and playwrights have featured the raven, and it seems to have even made its way into the {515}mythology of Native Americans. The smaller relatives of this famous bird, the Rook (chess piece), the Carrion crow, and the Jackdaw, along with the more distantly related Jay and Magpie, are likely just as familiar to our readers as the raven.

Although probably unknown to many, the Chough, with its glossy black plumage and brilliant red bill and feet, is a British bird, and lives still in certain parts of England, though fast verging on extinction.

Although likely unknown to many, the Chough, with its shiny black feathers and bright red bill and feet, is a British bird that still lives in some areas of England, though it is quickly nearing extinction.

Another very remarkable member of the family is the Huia, and this on account of the fact that the male and female differ markedly in respect of the shape of the bill, this being in the female long and sickle-shaped, and in the male short and cone-shaped. This bird frequents the wooded regions of North Island, New Zealand, living upon grubs found in decaying wood, and on berries. The female procures the grubs by probing the holes which they have made in the sounder wood, the male by breaking away the decayed portions of the tree; but occasionally it happens that, having cleared away as much of the decayed material as possible, the latter is unable to reach his prey, in which case he calls up the female, and yields his find to her, to extricate with her longer bill. So great a difference in the form of the bill in the sexes of the same species is elsewhere unknown among birds.

Another notable member of the family is the Huia, mainly because the male and female have very different bill shapes. The female's bill is long and curved like a sickle, while the male's is short and cone-shaped. This bird is found in the wooded areas of North Island, New Zealand, where it feeds on grubs in decaying wood and berries. The female gets the grubs by probing the holes they create in the sound wood, while the male breaks away the decayed parts of the tree. Sometimes, after clearing away as much of the rotten material as possible, the male can't reach his food, so he calls the female to come and retrieve it with her longer bill. Such a significant difference in bill shape between the sexes of the same species is unique among birds.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington



The blue jay is a most remarkable mimic.

The blue jay is an amazing mimic.

The Crows hold the important position of head of the Class birds, yet they are far outshone in splendour by many of the groups already examined, though, with the exception perhaps of the Humming-birds, these all pale before the Birds of Paradise.

The Crows have a significant role as the leaders of the Class birds, but they are overshadowed in beauty by many of the groups we've already looked at. Still, aside from the Humming-birds, all of them seem dull compared to the Birds of Paradise.

Varying in size from a crow to a thrush, the best known of the latter is the Great Bird of Paradise, which was discovered towards the end of the sixteenth century, if not earlier. On their first discovery it was popularly supposed that these birds lived in the air, turning always to the sun, and never alighting on the earth till they died, for they had neither feet nor wings. Hence the Malay traders called them "God's Birds," the Portuguese "Birds of the Sun," and the Dutch "Paradise-birds." Seventeen or eighteen inches long, these birds have the body, wings, and tail of a rich coffee-brown, which deepens on the breast to a blackish violet or purple-brown. The top of the head and neck are of a delicate straw-yellow, the feathers being short and close-set, {516}resembling velvet. The throat-feathers have a scaly appearance, and are emerald-green in colour. The flank-feathers on either side of the body form a dense mass of long, delicate, waving plumes, sometimes 2 feet in length, of an intense orange colour, and shining with a wonderful gloss. These feathers can be raised and spread out at pleasure, so as to almost conceal the wearer in a fountain-like rain of feathers. This wonderful plumage is worn by the male only, the female being quite plainly dressed. In May, when they are in full dress, the males assemble early in the morning to exhibit themselves, forming what are known as "dancing-parties," which take place on the topmost boughs of some giant tree. "From a dozen to twenty birds assemble together," writes Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, "raise up their wings, stretch out their necks, and elevate their exquisite plumes, keeping them in continual vibration. Between-whiles they fly across from branch to branch in great excitement, so that the whole tree is filled with waxing plumes in every variety of attitude and motion." The native hunter marks these playing-places, builds a shelter of palm-leaves in a convenient situation among the branches, and ensconces himself under it before daylight, armed with a bow and a number of arrows terminating in a round knob. When the dance is in full swing, he shoots through the roof of his shelter with the blunt arrows, stunning every bird he strikes, which, falling down at once, are immediately picked up by a boy in waiting below. Often a considerable number will be thus secured before the alarm is taken.

Ranging in size from a crow to a thrush, the most famous of the latter is the Great Bird of Paradise, which was discovered around the late sixteenth century, if not earlier. When these birds were first found, people believed they lived in the sky, always facing the sun, and never touching the ground until they died, as they had neither feet nor wings. Therefore, Malay traders called them "God's Birds," the Portuguese referred to them as "Birds of the Sun," and the Dutch named them "Paradise-birds." Seventeen or eighteen inches long, these birds have a body, wings, and tail that are a rich coffee-brown, deepening to a blackish violet or purple-brown on the breast. The top of the head and neck are a delicate straw-yellow, with short, closely arranged feathers that look like velvet. The throat feathers have a scaly look and are emerald-green in color. The flank feathers on either side of the body create a thick mass of long, delicate, wavy plumes, sometimes up to 2 feet long, in a vibrant orange color with a wonderful shine. These feathers can be lifted and spread out at will, almost hiding the bird in a fountain-like cascade of feathers. This stunning plumage is worn only by the male, while the female is much more plain. In May, when they are in full plumage, the males gather early in the morning to show off, forming what are known as "dancing-parties" on the highest branches of a giant tree. "From a dozen to twenty birds gather together," writes Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, "raise their wings, stretch their necks, and display their exquisite plumes, keeping them in constant motion. In between, they fly from branch to branch in great excitement, so that the whole tree is filled with vibrant plumes in every possible position and movement." The native hunter marks these display areas, builds a shelter of palm leaves in a good spot among the branches, and hides underneath it before dawn, armed with a bow and several arrows topped with a round knob. When the dance is in full swing, he shoots through the shelter's roof with the blunt arrows, stunning every bird he hits, which fall immediately to the ground and are quickly retrieved by a waiting boy below. Often, a good number of birds will be captured this way before they realize what’s happening.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


A pair of magpies.

When taken young, the magpie is easily tamed, and can be taught to imitate human sounds.

When raised from a young age, the magpie is easy to tame and can be taught to imitate human sounds.

Without coloured figures, or very numerous photographs from living birds, which we can hardly hope to get, it would be impossible, except at the risk of being wearisome, to describe all the wonderful combinations of form and colour which the feathers of the birds of paradise display. Breast-shields of metallic sheen, fans and crests in wonderful variety, feathers of a texture like velvet, or gorgeous colours, confuse one in their variety and combination. {517}Let it suffice to mention only the last discovered species—the King of Saxony's Bird of Paradise. "Velvety black above," writes Dr. Sharpe, "and yellowish below, there is nothing very striking in the aspect of the bird itself, which is smaller than our song-thrush. But the 'streamers' which it carries! Poised ... on either side of the head is a long, shaft-like plume, from which depends, on the lower side only, a series of little flags of blue enamel, each quite separate from the one which precedes it, and not of a feathery structure in the least."

Without colored illustrations or many photographs of live birds, which are hard to obtain, it would be impossible, unless it becomes tedious, to describe all the amazing combinations of shape and color found in the feathers of birds of paradise. The metallic breast-shields, the variety of fans and crests, feathers that feel like velvet, and their stunning colors are overwhelming in their diversity and combinations. {517} It's enough to mention the latest discovered species—the King of Saxony's Bird of Paradise. "Velvety black on top," writes Dr. Sharpe, "and yellowish underneath, there’s nothing particularly striking about the bird itself, which is smaller than our song thrush. But the 'streamers' it has! Resting on either side of its head are long, shaft-like plumes, from which hang a series of small blue enamel flags on the lower side, each one separate from the one in front and not feathery at all."


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.  [Parson's Green.



Very nearly extinct as a British bird.

Very close to disappearing as a British bird.

Close allies of the Birds of Paradise are the remarkable Bower-birds of Australia. Conspicuously beautiful in coloration as are some members of this tribe, they are celebrated not so much on this account as for an extraordinary habit of constructing "bowers" or "playing-grounds"—a trait which appears absolutely unique among birds. "These constructions," observes Mr. Gould, "consist in a collection of pieces of stick or grass, formed into a bower; or one of them (that of the Spotted Bower-bird) might be called an avenue, being about 3 feet in length, and 7 or 8 inches broad inside; a transverse section giving the figure of a horse-shoe, the round part downwards. They are used by the birds as a playing-house, or 'run,' as it is termed, and are used by the males to attract the females. The 'run' of the Satin-bird is much smaller, being less than 1 foot in length, and, moreover, differs from that just described in being decorated with the highly coloured feathers of the Parrot Tribe. The Spotted Bower-bird, on the other hand, collects around its 'run' a quantity of stones, shells, bleached bones, etc.; they are also strewed down the centre within."

Close allies of the Birds of Paradise are the remarkable Bowerbirds of Australia. While some of these birds are strikingly colorful, they're celebrated not just for this reason but for their unique habit of building "bowers" or "playgrounds." Mr. Gould notes, "These constructions consist of a collection of sticks or grass formed into a bower; one of them (that of the Spotted Bowerbird) can be described as an avenue, about 3 feet long and 7 or 8 inches wide inside, with a cross-section shaped like a horseshoe, the rounded part facing down. Birds use these as playhouses or 'runs,' which males create to attract females. The 'run' of the Satin bird is much smaller, less than 1 foot long, and differs in that it's decorated with brightly colored feathers from the Parrot family. In contrast, the Spotted Bowerbird gathers a variety of stones, shells, and bleached bones around its 'run,' which are also scattered along the center inside."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


King Bird of Paradise.

A native of New Guinea; remarkable for the curled tail-feathers.

A native of New Guinea; notable for its curled tail feathers.

More wonderful still are the structures reared by the Gardener-bird of New Guinea, presenting, as Professor Newton remarks, "not only a modification of bower-building, but an appreciation of beauty perhaps unparalleled in the animal world.... This species ... builds at the foot of a small tree a kind of hut or cabin ... some 2 feet in height, roofed with orchid-stems that slope to the ground, regularly radiating from the central support, which is covered with a conical mass of moss, and sheltering a gallery around it. One side of this hut is left open, and in front of it is arranged a bed of verdant moss, bedecked with blossoms and berries of the brightest colours. As these ornaments wither they are removed to a heap behind the hut, and replaced by others that are {518}fresh. The hut is circular and some 3 feet in diameter, and the mossy lawn in front of it nearly twice that expanse. Each hut and garden are, it is believed, though not known, the work of a single pair of birds, or perhaps of the male only; and it may be observed that this species, as its trivial name implies, is wholly inornate in plumage. Not less remarkable is the more recently described 'bower' of the Golden Bower-bird.... This structure is said ... to be piled up almost horizontally around the base of a tree to the height of from 4 to 6 feet, and around it are a number of hut-like fabrics, having the look of a dwarfed native camp." Allied species, though building no bowers, yet clear a space of ground some 8 or 9 feet in diameter, on which to display themselves, and ornament this with little heaps of gaily tinted leaves, replacing them as they fade with fresh specimens.

Even more amazing are the structures built by the Gardening bird of New Guinea, which, as Professor Newton points out, showcases "not only a form of bower-building but an appreciation of beauty perhaps unmatched in the animal kingdom.... This species ... constructs a kind of hut or cabin at the base of a small tree, about 2 feet tall, with a roof made of orchid stems that slope to the ground, radiating evenly from a central support that is covered with a conical mass of moss, forming a sheltered area around it. One side of this hut is left open, and in front of it is a bed of lush moss, adorned with bright flowers and berries. As these decorations fade, they are gathered into a pile behind the hut and replaced with fresh ones that are {518}new. The hut is circular and about 3 feet in diameter, while the mossy lawn in front is nearly twice that size. Each hut and garden are thought to be the work of a single pair of birds, or possibly just the male; and it’s worth noting that this species, as its common name suggests, is completely plain in plumage. Equally impressive is the recently described 'bower' of the Golden Bowerbird.... This structure is said to be stacked almost horizontally around the base of a tree, reaching a height of 4 to 6 feet, and surrounding it are several hut-like structures resembling a miniature native camp." Related species, although they don’t build bowers, clear a ground area of about 8 or 9 feet in diameter to display themselves, decorating it with small piles of brightly colored leaves and replacing them with fresh specimens as they fade.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Queensland riflebird.

This unique Australian representative of the Birds of Paradise is about the size of a pigeon. Its plumage is black with a purple sheen; the throat is brilliant metallic emerald-green, like that of a humming-bird.

This unique Australian member of the Birds of Paradise is about the size of a pigeon. Its feathers are black with a purple shine; the throat is a stunning metallic emerald green, similar to that of a hummingbird.

We pass next to the birds of the Starling Family, of which the British Starling is the type. A bird so familiar needs no description here; but we may draw attention to the many interesting phases of plumage this species undergoes.

We now move on to the birds of the Starling Family, with the European Starling being the main example. This well-known bird doesn't require a description; however, we can highlight the various fascinating stages of plumage that this species goes through.

The first plumage is a uniform greyish brown. Later black feathers, with large white spots at the tips, make their appearance among the brown. These spotted feathers eventually replace the brown, and the bird enters upon a second quite distinct phase—a black, spotted with white. Gradually this gives place to a plumage entirely unspotted, the feathers on the breast being spear-shaped. In the adult dress a wondrous variety of metallic reflections is acquired—green, purple, and violet.

The initial feathering is a consistent grayish-brown. Later on, black feathers with large white spots at the tips start to appear among the brown. These spotted feathers eventually take over the brown, and the bird transitions into a second, clearly different phase—a black body dotted with white. Gradually, this changes to a completely unspotted plumage, with spear-shaped feathers on the breast. In the adult phase, it showcases a stunning array of metallic reflections—green, purple, and violet.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Red Bird of Paradise.

Found only on the small island of Waigiou, off the north-west coast of New Guinea.

Found only on the small island of Waigiou, off the north-west coast of New Guinea.

Associating in the autumn and winter in large flocks, starlings move from place to place in search of food. Sometimes the number of birds in these combined flocks rises to an enormous figure. One of the largest of these gatherings recorded in England existed on the property of the late Mr. Miles near Bristol. "This locality is an evergreen plantation ... covering some acres, to which these birds repair {519}of an evening ... by millions, from the low grounds about the Severn, where their noise and stench are something altogether unusual. By packing in such myriads upon evergreens, they have stripped them of their leaves, except just at the tops, and have driven the pheasants, for whom the plantation was intended, quite away from the ground. In the daytime, when the birds are not there, the stench is still excessive. Mr. Miles was about to cut the whole plantation down, to get rid of them, two years ago, but I begged him not to do so, on account of the curiosity of the scene, and he has since been well pleased that he abstained."

In autumn and winter, starlings gather in large flocks, moving from place to place in search of food. Sometimes, these flocks can become enormous. One of the largest gatherings recorded in England occurred on the property of the late Mr. Miles near Bristol. "This area is an evergreen plantation ... covering several acres, where these birds come in the evening ... by the millions, from the lowlands around the Severn, where their noise and smell are truly unusual. By cramming together in such massive numbers on the evergreens, they've stripped the leaves off, except for the tops, and have completely driven away the pheasants that the plantation was meant for. During the day, when the birds are gone, the smell is still overwhelming. Mr. Miles was about to cut down the entire plantation to get rid of them two years ago, but I urged him not to, because of the spectacle it created, and he has since been glad he didn't."

A similar but still larger congregation has been described; in this, about the year 1845, from 150,000 to 200,000 starlings were computed to rest every night, between the end of October and the end of March, in certain trees in the gardens of the Zoological Society in Dublin. The roof of St. Patrick's Cathedral, in the heart of Dublin, has from time to time been resorted to, as many as 2,000 seeking shelter there. "Possessing very considerable powers of wing," observes Yarrell, "these are turned to account in an extraordinary manner by the birds composing the flock. They wheel, close, open out, rise and descend, as if each were obeying a commander, and all this is done with the utmost marvellous precision while the flock is proceeding at a rapid pace through the air. At times it may extend in a long and nearly straight thread; suddenly an undulation is visible along the line, and in a moment it takes the form of a thin and smoke-like cloud; another moment, and it is a dense and almost perfect globe; then possibly, having preserved this appearance for a perceptibly longer time, it becomes pear-shaped, and in another instant has assumed a spiral figure; an instant after it has spread out like a sheet, and its members are streaming softly along the ground, perhaps to alight, or perhaps once more to mount aloft and circle as before." There are few more magnificent sights in the world than a flock of starlings when performing evolutions of this kind.

A similar but even larger gathering has been recorded; around the year 1845, it was estimated that between 150,000 to 200,000 starlings roosted every night, from the end of October to the end of March, in certain trees in the gardens of the Zoological Society in Dublin. The roof of St. Patrick's Cathedral, located in the heart of Dublin, has also been used for shelter by as many as 2,000 starlings at times. "With considerable flying abilities," notes Yarrell, "the birds in the flock showcase these in an extraordinary way. They turn, bunch together, spread out, ascend, and descend, as if each one is following a leader, all done with remarkable precision while the flock moves swiftly through the air. Sometimes it stretches out in a long, nearly straight line; suddenly, a ripple moves along the formation, and in an instant, it forms a thin, smoke-like cloud; a moment later, it becomes a dense, almost perfect sphere; then, after holding this shape for a noticeably longer time, it transforms into a pear shape, and in another instant, takes on a spiral shape; just after that, it spreads out like a sheet, and its members glide gently along the ground, either to land or maybe to take off again and circle as before." Few sights in the world are as magnificent as a flock of starlings performing these kinds of maneuvers.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.


Young starlings.

Starlings, if taken when young, are easily tamed and make excellent pets.

Starlings, when they're young, can be easily tamed and make great pets.

Differing much, not only in general appearance, but also in coloration, from the common starling is the Rose-coloured Starling, so called from the beautiful rose-pink colour of the back and breast, set off by the rest of the plumage, which is black, glossed with violet, blue, and green reflections. This handsome bird occasionally visits Britain. Feeding largely upon locusts, these birds are much affected in their movements by the peregrinations of these pests; and this accounts for the sporadic appearance of the rose-coloured starling in huge flocks in places where it is generally seldom seen.

Differing significantly, not just in overall appearance but also in color, from the common starling is the Rose-colored Starling, named for the stunning rose-pink color of its back and breast, highlighted by the rest of its plumage, which is black with violet, blue, and green reflections. This beautiful bird occasionally visits Britain. Feeding mostly on locusts, these birds are greatly influenced by the movements of these pests; this explains the irregular appearance of the rose-coloured starling in large flocks in areas where it is typically rarely seen.

Dull in appearance, ungraceful in flight, and with a harsh, unmusical note, the starling {520}known as the Ox-pecker would seem at first sight to have little to recommend it; yet it is one of the benefactors of the larger African mammals, clearing them of flies and other insect-pests. Buffaloes, rhinoceroses, elephants, are alike grateful for its services, as it climbs about their huge bodies, picking off the liliputian enemies by which they are beset. But little appears to be known of the breeding-habits of these birds.

Dull in appearance, awkward in flight, and with a harsh, unmelodious sound, the starling {520}known as the Oxpecker might seem at first glance to have little to offer; however, it is one of the helpers of the larger African mammals, getting rid of flies and other insect pests. Buffaloes, rhinos, and elephants are all thankful for its help as it moves around their massive bodies, removing the tiny pests bothering them. But not much seems to be known about the breeding habits of these birds.

In strong contrast to the dull-looking Ox-birds are the beautiful Glossy Starlings and Grackles. The African Glossy Starlings, indeed, represent the most beautiful of all the members of the Starling Tribe. In one of the handsomest and best-known species—the Long-tailed Glossy Starling—metallic green and purple-violet are the predominating tones in the plumage, glossed with copper reflections, and relieved by black or darker bars of green and purple. In another species—the Green Glossy Starling of Eastern Africa—the shimmer of the plumage is so wonderful that the exact shades of colour are difficult to describe, in that they change completely, according to the light in which the bird is held.

In sharp contrast to the plain-looking Ox-birds are the stunning Glossy Starlings and Grackles. The African Glossy Starlings are truly the most beautiful members of the Starling family. One of the most striking and well-known species—the Long-tailed Glossy Starling—features predominantly metallic green and purple-violet tones in its feathers, highlighted with copper reflections and accented by black or darker bars of green and purple. Another species—the Green Glossy Starling from Eastern Africa—has such a dazzling plumage that it’s hard to pin down the exact colors; they change completely depending on the light in which the bird is viewed.

The Grackles, or Hill-mynas, are Indian birds, with glossy black plumage, relieved by bare flaps of yellow skin projecting backwards from the head immediately behind the eye. These birds make excellent pets, learning both to whistle and talk.

The Grackles, or Hill mynas, are Indian birds with shiny black feathers, highlighted by exposed yellow skin flaps that extend backward from the head right behind the eye. These birds make great pets, as they can learn to whistle and talk.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.


Common Starling.

Starlings appear to be on the increase in Scotland, whilst larks are said to be on the decrease, owing to the destruction of their eggs by the former.

Starlings seem to be increasing in Scotland, while larks are reportedly declining due to the starlings destroying their eggs.

We come now to the beautiful Orioles—birds belonging to the temperate and tropical parts of the Old World. The males, as a rule, are clad in a vestment of brilliant yellow and black, but in some species the under-parts are relieved by rich crimson. One species—the Golden Oriole—has on several occasions visited the British Islands, and even in one or two instances has nested there. But, as with all brightly plumaged birds in England, no sooner is their presence discovered than they are doomed to fall to the gun of some local collector.

We now come to the beautiful Orioles—birds found in temperate and tropical regions of the Old World. The males typically sport vibrant yellow and black feathers, although in some species the underside features rich crimson. One species—the Golden Oriole—has visited the British Islands several times and has even nested there in a few instances. However, like all brightly colored birds in England, as soon as they're spotted, they often fall victim to local collectors' guns.

The Hang-nests, Cow-birds, and Rice-birds are American birds, bearing in many respects a resemblance to the Starlings, chiefly, perhaps, in the form of the beak. Generally black in plumage, in many bright colour is conspicuous.

The Hanging nests, Cowbirds, and Rice birds are American birds that resemble Starlings in several ways, especially in their beak shape. They are usually black in color, but many have bright and noticeable colors.

Hang-nests range from North and Central America to Southern Brazil. As a rule they are brilliantly coloured, the livery being bright orange and yellow, set off by black and white. The majority of the numerous species build remarkable nests, looking like long stockings, which they hang from the under side of the bough of a tree; they are composed of coarse grass deftly woven together.

Hanging nests are found from North and Central America to Southern Brazil. Generally, they are brightly colored, with vivid orange and yellow adorned by black and white. Most of the many species create amazing nests that look like long stockings, hanging from the underside of tree branches. These nests are made of thick grass that is skillfully woven together.

The Cow-birds are mostly South American, though the United States possess two or three species. Some, like the Cuckoos, are parasitic, dropping their eggs into the nests of other birds, to be hatched by the owners: the young cow-bird, however, dwells in harmony with his foster-brothers and -sisters, instead of ejecting them from the nest, like the young cuckoo. The name Cow-bird is bestowed upon these birds on account of the persistent way in which they haunt herds of cattle for the sake of the flies which congregate about those animals.

The Cowbirds are mostly from South America, although the United States has two or three species. Some, like Cuckoos, are parasites that lay their eggs in the nests of other birds so that the host birds raise them. However, the young cow-bird gets along with its foster siblings and doesn't push them out of the nest like the young cuckoo does. The name Cow-bird comes from their tendency to hang around cattle herds to feed on the flies that gather around those animals.

The Rice-birds are represented by some rather showy forms, and others of wonderful powers of song. The typical Rice-bird, or Bob-o-link, is an especial favourite as a songster. Thoreau writes of this song: "It is as if he [the bird] touched his harp with a wave of liquid melody, {521}and when he lifted it out the notes fell like bubbles from the strings.... Away he launched, and the meadow is all bespattered with melody." Where rice is extensively cultivated, however, this bird is by no means so enthusiastically welcomed, causing immense destruction to the standing crops—flocks numbering, it has been said, some millions alighting in the fields and leaving too little grain to be worth the trouble of gathering.

The Rice birds include some really colorful varieties, along with others that have amazing singing abilities. The typical Rice bird, or Bobolink, is especially loved for its song. Thoreau describes this song like this: "It’s as if he [the bird] plays his harp with a wave of liquid melody, {521} and when he pulls it away, the notes fall like bubbles from the strings.... Suddenly he takes off, and the meadow is all splattered with melody." However, in areas where rice is widely grown, this bird isn't welcomed with open arms, as it causes huge damage to the crops—reports say that flocks can number in the millions, landing in fields and leaving so little grain that it's not even worth the effort to harvest.

We pass now to a group of exceedingly interesting birds, some of which are remarkable on account of the beauty of their plumage, others from their wonderful nesting-habits. The group includes many familiar as cage-birds, such as the Long-tailed Widow-birds, the Red-beaked Waxbills, Amadavats, Java Sparrow, Grass-finches, Munias, and so on, all of which are embraced under the general title of Weaver-birds, a name bestowed on account of their peculiar nests.

We now turn to a group of incredibly interesting birds, some known for the beauty of their feathers and others for their amazing nesting habits. This group includes many familiar cage birds, like the Long-tailed Widowbirds, Red-beaked waxbills, Amadavats, Java Finch, Grass finches, Munias, and others, all categorized under the general term Weaver birds, a name given due to their unique nests.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.



Known also as the Meadow-starling. This bird, a native of the Eastern United States, has occurred three times in the British Islands, but it is doubtful whether these specimens were wild.

Known also as the Meadow-starling. This bird, native to the Eastern United States, has been spotted three times in the British Islands, but it’s uncertain whether these specimens were wild.

Abundant in Africa, and well represented in South-eastern Asia and Australia, these birds bear a strong family resemblance to the Finches, from which they differ in having ten primary quills in the wings.

Abundant in Africa and well represented in South-eastern Asia and Australia, these birds have a strong family resemblance to Finches, but they differ by having ten primary feathers in their wings.

One of the most peculiar is the South African Long-tailed Whydah- or Widow-bird. Strikingly coloured, this bird is rendered still more attractive by the extremely elongated tail-feathers, which are many times longer than the body, so long, indeed, as to impede its flight, which is so laboured that children commonly amuse themselves by running the bird down. Kaffir children stretch lines coated with bird-lime near the ground across fields of millet and Kaffir corn, and thereby capture many whose tails have become entangled among the threads.

One of the most unusual is the South African Long-tailed Whydah or Widowbird. With its vibrant colors, this bird is made even more eye-catching by its extremely long tail feathers, which are much longer than its body. The tail is so long that it makes flying difficult, to the point where children often have fun chasing the bird down. Local kids set up lines coated with sticky substance close to the ground in fields of millet and Kaffir corn, successfully catching many birds whose tails get tangled in the threads.

In brilliancy of coloration the Whydah-birds—for there are several species—are pressed hard {522}by the Bishop-birds, the handsomest of which is the red species. Sociable in habits, this bird throughout the year consorts in immense flocks, which in the summer consist chiefly of males.

In terms of vibrant colors, the Whydah birds—of which there are several species—are closely rivaled by the Bishop birds, with the red species being the most attractive. These birds are social and often gather in large flocks, especially in the summer when they are mainly composed of males. {522}

Of the more remarkable nest-builders, the most conspicuous are the Baya Sparrows, or Toddy-birds, of India and Ceylon, and the Sociable Weavers. The former suspend their nests by a solidly wrought rope of fibre from the under side of a branch, the rope expanding into a globular chamber, and then again contracting into a long, narrow, vertical tube, through which the birds make their exit and entrance. The latter—the Sociable Weaver-bird of Africa—builds a still more wonderful structure. As a thing apart it has no existence, a number of birds, varying from 100 to 300, joining their nests together, so as to form a closely interwoven structure, resembling, when finished, a gigantic mushroom. The structure is built among the branches of large trees, so that the tree looks as though it had grown up through a native hut, carrying the roof with it. Cartloads of grass are required to rear this structure, which is nearly solid. Seen from below, it presents a flat surface riddled with holes; these are the entrances to the nests.

Of the more remarkable nest-builders, the most noticeable are the Baya Sparrows, or Toddy birds, of India and Ceylon, and the Sociable Weavers. The former hang their nests using a strong fiber rope from the underside of a branch, where the rope expands into a round chamber and then narrows into a long, vertical tube that the birds use to enter and exit. The latter—the Sociable Weaver Bird of Africa—creates an even more amazing structure. It doesn’t exist as a standalone nest; instead, a group of birds, ranging from 100 to 300, connects their nests to form a tightly woven structure that, when completed, looks like a giant mushroom. This structure is built among the branches of large trees, making the tree appear as if it has grown through a native hut, lifting the roof with it. A huge amount of grass is needed to create this nearly solid structure. From below, it looks flat and full of holes; these are the entrances to the nests.

Closely resembling the typical Finches in general appearance, and often gorgeous in coloration, is the group known as the Tanagers, of which more than 400 distinct species are known to science. Exclusively American, the majority of the species are found in Central and South America, though a few move northwards into the United States in summer. The most beautiful are the Scarlet, Crimson-headed, and White-capped Tanagers. The last-named is generally allowed to be the loveliest of the group. The entire plumage of both sexes is a beautiful cornflower-blue, surmounted by a cap of silvery-white feathers, a crimson spot on the forehead looking like a drop of blood. The identical coloration of the sexes is worth noting, as among the tanagers generally the female is dull-coloured.

Closely resembling the typical Finches in general appearance and often stunning in color is the group known as the Tanagers, which includes more than 400 distinct species recognized by science. Exclusively American, most species are found in Central and South America, although a few migrate north into the United States during the summer. The most beautiful are the Scarlet, Red-headed, and White-capped Tanagers. The latter is generally considered the loveliest of the group. Both sexes have stunning cornflower-blue plumage topped with a cap of silvery-white feathers, featuring a crimson spot on the forehead that looks like a drop of blood. It's worth noting that the coloration of both sexes is the same, as female tanagers are usually dull-colored.

Among the Finches there is a considerable variety of coloration, though but little in bodily form; they are all attractive birds, and have the additional advantage that many are British. Distributed over both the northern and temperate regions of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, they are unknown in Australia. The group, which comprises a very large number of species, may be divided into three sections—Grosbeaks, True Finches, and Buntings.

Among the Finches, there's a wide variety of colors, although not much difference in body shape; they’re all beautiful birds, and many of them are British, which is a plus. They can be found in both the northern and temperate regions of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, but they don’t exist in Australia. This group includes a large number of species and can be divided into three sections—Buntings, True Finches, and Banners.

The Grosbeaks, as their name implies, are characterised by the great stoutness of the beak, and some, as the Evening-grosbeaks of America, are remarkable for their beauty.

The Grosbeaks, as their name suggests, are known for their large, thick beaks, and some, like the Evening grosbeaks of America, are especially beautiful.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott  [Leighton Buzzard.



A resident in the eastern and midland counties of England.

A resident in the eastern and midland counties of England.

Well-known British members of this section are the Hawfinches and Greenfinches. Common in many parts of England, though rare in Scotland and Ireland, the Hawfinch contrives to make itself much disliked by the gardener, owing to its fondness for peas, though it fully compensates for the damage done in this direction by the numbers of noxious insects it destroys. The nest is a very beautiful structure; outside it is composed of twigs intermixed with lichens, inside of dry grasses lined with fine roots and hair. The site chosen varies, a favourite place being an old apple- or pear-tree in an orchard; but the woods and fir plantations are not seldom resorted to. The Greenfinch is an equally common British bird. Of a more confiding disposition than the hawfinch, it makes an excellent cage-bird, becoming with judicious treatment exceedingly tame. It is a useful bird, travelling during the autumn and winter in large flocks, and feeding on the seeds of wild mustard and other weeds. Its nest differs conspicuously from that of the hawfinch, being a somewhat untidy structure, composed of fibrous roots, moss, and wool, lined with finer roots, horsehair, and feathers.

Well-known British members of this group are the Hawfinches and Greenfinches. They're common in many parts of England, although rare in Scotland and Ireland. The Hawfinch often makes itself unpopular with gardeners because it loves eating peas, but it more than makes up for the damage it causes by eating plenty of harmful insects. The nest is a very beautiful structure; on the outside, it’s made of twigs mixed with lichens, and on the inside, it’s lined with dry grasses and fine roots and hair. The location it chooses varies, but a favorite spot is often an old apple or pear tree in an orchard; however, they also frequently nest in woods and fir plantations. The Green Finch is another common British bird. It’s more trusting than the hawfinch and makes an excellent pet, becoming quite tame with proper care. It’s a useful bird, traveling in large flocks during the autumn and winter and feeding on the seeds of wild mustard and other weeds. Its nest is noticeably different from that of the hawfinch, being somewhat messy and made from fibrous roots, moss, and wool, lined with finer roots, horsehair, and feathers.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.


Young Finches.

The chaffinch is one of the commonest of the British finches.

The chaffinch is one of the most common finches in Britain.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, New Brunswick


House Sparrows.

The sparrow is to be reckoned among the few really harmful British birds.

The sparrow is considered one of the few truly harmful birds in Britain.


Among the True Finches, distinguished from the Grosbeaks by their less powerful bills, are several other well-known British birds. Of these, none are better known than the Chaffinch. Gay in appearance and sprightly in habit, this is a general favourite everywhere, and much in demand as a cage-bird. His short though delightful song possesses a peculiar charm, coming as it does with the earliest signs of returning spring. The fascination of this song has never been better expressed than in Browning's lines:—

Among the True Finches, which are different from the Grosbeaks due to their less powerful bills, are several other popular British birds. Of these, none are more well-known than the Chaffinch. Colorful in appearance and lively in behavior, this bird is a favorite everywhere and is often sought after as a pet bird. Its short yet beautiful song has a unique charm, especially when it accompanies the first signs of spring. The allure of this song has been perfectly captured in Browning's lines:—

O to be in England

Oh to be in England

Now that April's there;

Now that it's April;

And whoever wakes in England

And whoever wakes up in England

Sees, some morning, unaware,

Sees, some morning, unaware,

That the lowest boughs of the brushwood sheaf

That the lowest branches of the brushwood bundle

Round the elm-tree hole are in tiny leaf,

Round the elm tree hole are in tiny leaf,

While the Chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

While the Chaffinch sings on the orchard branch

In England now!

In England now!

The nest, which is an exceptionally beautiful structure, takes about a fortnight to build. Closely woven, it appears to consist mainly of wool, into which moss and lichens of various colours are deftly woven. The outside is cunningly decorated with bits of lichen and the inner bark of trees, such as the birch, the whole being secured by a thin veil of spiders' webs. The lichen and bark serve to render the nest inconspicuous by blending it with the general appearance of the bush or small tree in a forked bough of which it is placed. Inside the wool is more closely felted even than on the outside, and this is covered with fine hairs, amongst which a few feathers are intermixed. The work of building seems to be done by the female only, though the male helps by bringing the materials.

The nest, which is a remarkably beautiful structure, takes about two weeks to build. Closely woven, it mainly consists of wool, into which moss and lichens of different colors are skillfully integrated. The outside is cleverly decorated with bits of lichen and the inner bark of trees, like birch, all held together by a thin layer of spider webs. The lichen and bark help make the nest blend into the surrounding bush or small tree where it’s placed. Inside, the wool is more tightly packed than on the outside, and this is covered with fine hairs, among which a few feathers are mixed in. It seems that the female does most of the building, although the male assists by bringing materials.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.



Black varieties are occasionally taken in a wild state. Caged specimens fed on hemp-seed frequently turn black.

Black varieties are sometimes found in the wild. Caged birds that are fed hemp seeds often turn black.

Of the Goldfinch, Linnets, and Bullfinch, by far the most popular and beautiful is the Goldfinch, which is, and probably will long remain, one of the most prized of cage-birds. Gifted "with the fatal gift of beauty," this bird is much persecuted by bird-catchers; and indeed, partly owing to the depredations of these men, and partly to improved methods of agriculture, which have diminished its feeding-area, this handsome bird is growing more and more rare every year.

Of the Goldfinch, Linnets, and Bullfinch, the Goldfinch is by far the most popular and beautiful, and it's likely to remain one of the most sought-after cage birds for a long time. Blessed with "the deadly charm of beauty," this bird faces a lot of threats from bird-catchers; and in fact, due in part to the actions of these people and partly due to better farming practices that have reduced its feeding grounds, this stunning bird is becoming increasingly rare each year.

Next to the goldfinch perhaps the Linnet is most sought after as a cage-bird. Large numbers are taken during the autumn, when the birds congregate in large flocks before departure on migration. Those captured in the spring are said to be very impatient of confinement, and only a small percentage seem to survive.

Next to the goldfinch, the Linnet is probably the most popular choice for a cage bird. Many are caught during the autumn when they gather in large flocks before migrating. Those captured in the spring tend to be very restless in captivity, and only a small percentage appear to survive.

The linnet is one of the most variable of birds in the matter of plumage, and for a long while the opinion was generally held, especially by bird-catchers, that several distinct {525}species—the Red, Brown, and Grey Linnets—existed. It is now known that these are all phases of plumage common to one species. In the male in full summer dress the forehead and centre of the crown are blood-red, whilst the breast is of a glossy rose-red; but these bright colours do not seem to be acquired so universally as is the case with other birds which don a special breeding-dress, nor are they ever developed in captivity. Occasionally what are called Lemon-breasted varieties of the linnet occur in which the rose-colour of the breast is replaced by yellow.

The linnet is one of the most variable birds when it comes to plumage, and for a long time, it was commonly thought, especially by bird catchers, that several distinct {525}species—the Red, Brown, and Grey Finches—existed. It is now understood that these are all different plumage phases of one species. In males during full summer plumage, the forehead and center of the crown are blood-red, while the breast is a shiny rose-red. However, these vivid colors don’t seem to appear as consistently as they do in other birds that have a special breeding plumage, nor do they ever develop in captivity. Occasionally, there are what are called Lemon-yellow varieties of the linnet, where the rose color of the breast is replaced by yellow.

The Bullfinch, though one of the common British birds, is by no means so abundant as the two foregoing species; for whilst the other two travel in small flocks, the bullfinch is a solitary bird. Few birds perhaps have earned a more evil name than the bullfinch, which is accused by the gardener of inflicting enormous damage on the flower-buds of fruit-trees in winter and spring. "On the other hand," writes Mr. Hudson, "he is greatly esteemed as a cage-bird, and the bird-catchers are ever on the watch for it. But the effect in both cases is pretty much the same, since the hatred that slays and the love that makes captive are equally disastrous to the species." That it is diminishing in many districts there can be no doubt, and perhaps its final extermination is only a matter of time. Though by no means a remarkable songster in a wild state, in captivity it is capable of learning to whistle strains and airs of human composition with some skill, good performers fetching high prices.

The Bullfinch, while a common British bird, is definitely not as plentiful as the two previous species; unlike those two that travel in small groups, the bullfinch prefers to be alone. Few birds have gained a worse reputation than the bullfinch, accused by gardeners of causing significant damage to the flower buds of fruit trees in winter and spring. "On the other hand," writes Mr. Hudson, "he is highly valued as a cage bird, and bird catchers are always on the lookout for it. But the outcome in both cases is pretty much the same, as the hatred that leads to killing and the love that leads to captivity are equally harmful to the species." There’s no doubt that its numbers are declining in many areas, and its eventual extinction may just be a matter of time. Although not particularly remarkable as a songbird in the wild, it can learn to whistle tunes and melodies composed by humans quite well while in captivity, with good performers fetching high prices.

The Sparrow and the wild Canary of Madeira—from the latter of which our cage-pets have been derived—are also members of the Finch Tribe, but are too well known to need fuller mention.

The Sparrow and the wild Canary bird from Madeira—our pet birds are derived from the latter—are also part of the Finch family, but they are so well known that they don't need further explanation.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.



Commonly known as the Green Linnet.

Commonly referred to as the Green Linnet.

Closely allied to the Finches are the Buntings, which are really only slightly modified finches. Several species are British birds, one of the commonest being the Corn-bunting, a bird which bears a wonderful resemblance to a skylark, from which, however, it may be distinguished by its large beak and small claw on the hind toe.

Closely related to the Finches are the Banners, which are actually just slightly different finches. Several species are found in Britain, with one of the most common being the Corn bunting, a bird that looks a lot like a skylark, but can be recognized by its large beak and small claw on the back toe.

The Yellowammer, or Yellowhammer, is another familiar roadside form in England, which scarcely needs description.

The Yellowhammer, or Yellowhammer, is a well-known sight along the roads in England that hardly requires any description.

The most celebrated of all the buntings is the Ortolan, or Green-headed Bunting, a bird resembling its congener the yellowhammer, but lacking its bright coloration. It has acquired fame from the delicate flavour of its flesh, and to supply the demand for this delicacy immense numbers are netted annually by the bird-catchers of the Continent. Wintering in North Africa, these birds leave Europe in September in large flocks, and it is during this migration and the return journey in the spring that their ranks are so mercilessly thinned. Common over the greater part of Europe, it is somewhat surprising that the ortolan does not occur more frequently in the British Islands, where it is only an occasional spring and autumn visitor.

The most famous of all the buntings is the Ortolan bunting, or Green-headed Bunting, a bird that resembles its relative the yellowhammer, but is missing its bright colors. It has gained fame for the delicate taste of its meat, and to meet the demand for this delicacy, huge numbers are trapped every year by bird-catchers on the Continent. These birds winter in North Africa and leave Europe in September in large flocks. It is during this migration and the return journey in the spring that their numbers are so ruthlessly diminished. Common across much of Europe, it's somewhat surprising that the ortolan doesn’t show up more often in the British Isles, where it is only an occasional visitor in spring and autumn.

The Snow-bunting, or Snowflake, is a regular winter visitant to the British Islands, some pairs indeed remaining to breed in the Highlands of Scotland every year, whilst its presence serves to enliven some of the dreariest spots of high northern latitudes. The male in breeding-dress is a handsome bird, having the upper-parts black and the under white; its mate is somewhat duller, the black parts being obscured by greyish white, fulvous, and blackish {526}brown, whilst the white parts are less pure in tone. The full dress of the male is rarely seen in the British Islands, save in specimens procured from Scotland; for in winter, when the snow-bunting is chiefly captured, the plumage is altogether more rufous.

The Snow bunting, or Snowflake, is a common winter visitor to the British Islands, with some pairs even staying to breed in the Scottish Highlands every year, while its presence brightens some of the dullest areas in high northern latitudes. The male in breeding colors is a striking bird, featuring black on the upper parts and white underneath; its female counterpart is a bit drabber, with the black areas hidden by grayish-white, orange-brown, and dark brown, while the white sections are less vibrant. The full male plumage is rarely seen in the British Islands, except in specimens from Scotland; in winter, when the snow-bunting is mostly caught, the feathers are generally more reddish.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott Leighton Buzzard.



One of the most popular cage-birds. The so-called Red-brown and Grey Linnets are but phases of plumage of the same species. The bird in the right-hand corner is a greenfinch.

One of the most popular cage birds. The so-called Red-brown and Grey Linnets are just different color phases of the same species. The bird in the right-hand corner is a greenfinch.

Unlike the buntings so far described, the Reed-bunting is to be found only in marshy places, but in suitable localities it may be found in the British Islands all the year round, being as common a species as the corn-bunting, and therefore not calling for special description here.

Unlike the buntings mentioned earlier, the Reed bunting is found only in marshy areas. However, in suitable locations, it can be found in the British Islands year-round, being just as common a species as the corn-bunting and therefore not requiring any special description here.

The eggs of the buntings are remarkable for the curious scribble-like markings which cover them, and serve readily to distinguish them from those of any other British bird.

The eggs of the buntings are notable for their unique scribble-like patterns that cover them, making it easy to tell them apart from the eggs of any other British bird.



Larks, titmice, honey-eaters, and their relatives.

Confined almost entirely to the Old World, where they are represented by more than one hundred species, many of which have undergone considerable specialisation in the matter of plumage, so as to enable them to live in desert regions, the Larks constitute a well-marked group, into the characters of which we need not enter here.

Confined mostly to the Old World, where there are over a hundred species, many of which have significantly specialized their plumage to adapt to desert environments, the Morning birds make up a distinct group that we don't need to discuss further here.

The best-known member of the group is the Skylark. Common throughout the British Islands, and of sober coloration, no bird is more universally beloved, and this largely on account of the sweetness of its song, which is second only to that of the nightingale. Poets and prose-writers alike have sounded its praises, many in passages that will be remembered as long as our language lasts. The skylark is one of the few birds which sing while on the wing; the peculiar nature of the flight at this time all must have watched, entranced the while by the beauty of the song.

The best-known member of the group is the Skylark. Common across the British Islands and with a plain appearance, no bird is more universally loved, mainly because of the sweetness of its song, which comes in second only to the nightingale's. Both poets and writers have celebrated it, many in passages that will be remembered as long as our language exists. The skylark is one of the few birds that sings while flying; everyone must have watched in awe, captivated by the beauty of its song.


Grahame, in his "Birds of Scotland," happily describes the nest as follows:—

Grahame, in his "Birds of Scotland," happily describes the nest as follows:—

The daisied lea he loves, where tufts of grass

The grassy meadow he loves, where patches of grass

Luxuriant crown the ridge; there, with his mate,

Luxuriant crown the ridge; there, with his partner,

He founds their lowly house, of withered bents,

He finds their humble home, made of dried grasses,

And coarsest speargrass; next, the inner work

And rough speargrass; next, the inner work

With finer and still finer fibres lays,

With finer and even finer fibers, lays,

Rounding it curious with its speckled breast.

Rounding it off with its spotted chest.

This bird displays great affection for its young, removing them under the fear of impending danger, or if the nest is meddled with. Occasionally, however, the bird sits close, instead of seeking safety by flight.

This bird shows a lot of love for its young, moving them away when it senses danger or if someone interferes with the nest. Sometimes, though, the bird stays close instead of flying off to find safety.

Brighton enjoys the credit of consuming more larks than any other place in England, except London. It has been estimated that the number of larks annually entering the metropolitan markets alone reaches a total of 400,000—20,000 or 30,000 being often sent together; and the numbers eaten elsewhere in the country must be enormous, quite as large, indeed, as abroad. Most are captured from the hosts which arrive on the east coast of Scotland and England from the Continent on approach of severe weather, the birds making their appearance in thousands, forming a constant and unbroken stream for two or three days in succession.

Brighton takes pride in consuming more larks than any other place in England, except for London. It’s estimated that about 400,000 larks enter the metropolitan markets each year—often 20,000 to 30,000 being sent together. The number consumed elsewhere in the country must also be huge, likely as large as in other countries. Most larks are caught from the flocks that arrive on the east coast of Scotland and England from the Continent when severe weather approaches, with thousands of birds appearing in a continuous stream for two or three days in a row.

Close allies of the Larks, the Wagtails and Pipits come next under consideration. The former range over the Old World, but are unknown in Australia and Polynesia. The pipits have a similar range, but one species is found in, and is peculiar to, Australia. Like wagtails, pipits are unknown in Polynesia; only two species occur in America.

Close allies of the Larks, the Wagtails and Pipits are next on the list. Wagtails are found across the Old World but aren’t seen in Australia and Polynesia. Pipits share a similar range, but one species is unique to Australia. Like wagtails, pipits aren’t found in Polynesia; only two species exist in America.

The Wagtails are generally black and white, grey and white, grey with yellow breasts, or yellowish green with yellow breasts. In the last-mentioned case, as in some specimens of the Yellow Wagtail, the yellow predominates. These birds frequent streams and stagnant waters, like the Red and Grey Wagtails; or corn-fields and meadows, as in the case of the Yellow Wagtail. All these are commonly met with in the British Islands.

The Wagtails are usually black and white, grey and white, grey with yellow breasts, or yellowish-green with yellow breasts. In the last case, like some examples of the Yellow Wagtail, the yellow is the dominant color. These birds are often found near streams and still water, similar to the Red and Grey Wagtails; or in cornfields and meadows, as seen with the Yellow Wagtail. All of these are commonly seen in the British Isles.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



The numbers of skylarks seem to increase with the spread of agricultural improvement.

The number of skylarks appears to grow with the advancements in agriculture.


The Pipits are duller-coloured than the Wagtails, have shorter tails, and evince less fondness for the water. The Meadow-, Rock-, and Tree-pipits are the commonest British species.

The Pipits are less colorful than the Wagtails, have shorter tails, and show less interest in water. The Field, Rock-, and Tree pipits are the most common species in Britain.

Neither Wagtails nor Pipits are much given to perching, but the Tree-creepers spend their lives upon trees, some being specially modified for this mode of life, their tail-feathers being stiff and terminating in sharp points. By pressing its tail closely against the tree-trunk up which it is climbing, the bird obtains a wonderfully reliable support. Beginning at the bottom of a trunk, creepers quickly work their way up in a spiral direction, or sometimes in jerky zigzags, searching every crevice for tiny insects, their eggs and larvæ, and flitting from the higher branches, when these are reached, to the base of another tree.

Neither Wagtails nor Pipits like to perch much, but the Tree creepers spend their lives in trees, with some specially adapted for this way of living; their tail feathers are stiff and end in sharp points. By pressing their tail tightly against the tree trunk while climbing, the bird gets an incredibly stable support. Starting at the bottom of a trunk, creepers quickly make their way up in a spiral or sometimes in quick zigzags, searching every crevice for tiny insects, their eggs, and larvae, and then darting from the higher branches to the base of another tree when they reach the top.

Creepers are mostly dull-coloured, but the Wall-creeper has crimson patches on the wings. This bird, which has occurred in Britain, haunts mountain-cliffs. The Tree-creeper, a resident in Britain, builds its nest behind pieces of loose bark, or under tiles, or in crevices of trees, walls, or hollow branches. In this nest are laid from six to nine eggs, pure white, spotted with red, or with a creamy ground-colour, with the spots thicker round the large end.

Creepers are mostly drab, but the Wall-crawler has bright red patches on its wings. This bird, which can be found in Britain, inhabits mountain cliffs. The Tree creeper, a native to Britain, builds its nest behind loose pieces of bark, under tiles, or in crevices of trees, walls, or hollow branches. In this nest, it lays between six to nine eggs that are pure white, speckled with red, or have a creamy base color, with the spots thicker at the larger end.


Photo by A. S. Radland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Radland & Sons.


Young Larks.

Several broods are reared by each pair of birds in a season.

Each pair of birds raises several broods in a season.

Intermediate in position between the Creepers and the Titmice are the Nuthatches. Chiefly inhabitants of the northern parts of both hemispheres, they extend as far south as Mexico, whilst in the Old World they occur plentifully in the Himalaya. The largest species is found in the mountains of Burma. One species is frequently met with in England, and occasionally in Scotland, but is unknown in Ireland.

Intermediate in position between the Creepers and the Titmice are the Nuthatches. Primarily found in the northern regions of both hemispheres, they range down to Mexico, while in the Old World they are abundant in the Himalayas. The largest species is located in the mountains of Burma. One species is commonly seen in England and occasionally in Scotland, but does not exist in Ireland.

The English Nuthatch may serve us as a type of the group. "Its habits," writes Dr. Sharpe, "are a combination of those of the tit and woodpecker. Like the former bird, the nuthatch seeks diligently for its insect-food on the trunks and branches of trees, over which it runs like a woodpecker, with this difference, that its tail is not pressed into the service of climbing a tree, nor does it generally ascend from the bottom to the top, as a woodpecker so often does. On the contrary, a nuthatch will generally be found in the higher branches, and will work its way down from one of the branches towards the trunk, and is just as much at home on the under side of a limb as the upper. Its movements are like those of a mouse rather than of a bird, and it often runs head-downward, or hangs on the under side of a branch and hammers away at the bark with its powerful little bill. The noise produced by one of these birds, when tapping at a tree, is really astonishing for a bird of its size, and, if undisturbed, it can be approached pretty closely. Its general food consists of insects, and in the winter the nuthatches join the wandering parties of tits and creepers which traverse the woods in search of food.... In the autumn it feeds on hazel-nuts and beech-mast, breaking them open by constant hammering; and, like the tits, the nuthatches can be tempted to the vicinity of houses in winter, and become quite interesting by their tameness."

The Nuthatch can be a representative of this group. "Its habits," writes Dr. Sharpe, "combine those of both the tit and woodpecker. Like the former, the nuthatch actively searches for its insect food on the trunks and branches of trees, moving over them like a woodpecker. However, unlike woodpeckers, it doesn't rely on its tail for climbing and usually doesn't go from the bottom to the top of the tree. Instead, a nuthatch tends to be found in the higher branches, working its way down toward the trunk, and feels just as comfortable on the underside of a limb as on the top. Its movements resemble those of a mouse rather than a bird, as it often runs head-down or hangs from the underside of a branch, pecking at the bark with its strong little bill. The sound made by one of these birds when tapping on a tree is surprisingly loud for its size, and if left undisturbed, it can be approached quite closely. Its typical diet includes insects, and in the winter, nuthatches join the roaming groups of tits and creepers that search for food in the woods. In autumn, they eat hazelnuts and beech mast, breaking them open by constant pecking; like the tits, nuthatches can be attracted to areas near houses in winter and become quite fascinating due to their tameness."

The nuthatch nests in hollow trees, plastering up the entrance with mud, and leaving an aperture only just sufficient to enable it to wriggle in and out. A remarkable nest may be seen at the British Natural History Museum. It was built in the side of a haystack, to which the industrious birds had carried as much as 11 lbs. of clay, and had thus made for themselves a solid nest in an apparently unfavourable position.

The nuthatch builds its nest in hollow trees, sealing the entrance with mud and leaving just enough of a space for it to squeeze in and out. An impressive nest can be seen at the British Natural History Museum. It was constructed in the side of a haystack, where the hardworking birds transported as much as 11 lbs. of clay, creating a strong nest in what seemed like a bad location.


The Titmice occur in one form or another all over Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in the New World as far south as Southern Mexico. The family may be divided into True, Crested, Long-tailed, and Penduline Tits and Reedlings, all but the penduline tits being represented in England.

The Chickadees are found in various forms throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in the New World down to Southern Mexico. This family can be categorized into True, Crested, Long-tail, and Penduline Tits and Reed warblers, with all except for the penduline tits being present in England.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.



Apparently unknown in a wild state in Ireland, and rare in Scotland, in England fairly common.

Apparently not found in the wild in Ireland and rare in Scotland, but fairly common in England.

Of the true tits, the best known is the Blue Tit, which is no stranger even in London parks. Travelling in small bands throughout the autumn and winter, they may frequently be met with during a country walk, their presence being made known by a pretty tinkling little note. This method of travelling is obviously advantageous, for the discovery of food at this time is an arduous task, and, if undertaken individually, many would surely starve, as Professor Newton points out: "A single titmouse searching alone might hunt for a whole day without meeting with a sufficiency, whilst, if a dozen are united by the same motive, it is hardly possible for the place in which the food is lodged to escape their detection, and, when discovered, a few call-notes from the lucky finder are enough to assemble the whole company to share the feast.... One tree after another is visited by the active little rovers, and its branches examined: if nothing be forthcoming, away goes the explorer to the next that presents itself, merely giving utterance to the usual twitter that serves to keep the whole body together. But if the object of search be found, another chirp is emitted, and the next moment several members of the band are flitting in succession to the tree, and eagerly engaged with the spoil."

Of the true tits, the most well-known is the Blue Tit, which can often be found even in London parks. They travel in small groups during the autumn and winter and can frequently be spotted on country walks, their presence announced by a lovely, tinkling note. This way of moving around is clearly beneficial because finding food at this time can be tough, and if they were to search alone, many would likely starve. As Professor Newton points out: "A single titmouse searching alone might hunt for a whole day without finding enough, whereas if a dozen are driven by the same goal, it's almost impossible for a food source to go unnoticed, and when one is found, a few calls from the lucky finder are enough to bring the whole group together to share the meal.... They visit one tree after another, checking its branches; if nothing is found, the explorer moves on to the next one, simply making the usual twitter to keep the group together. But if they find what they're looking for, another chirp is given, and suddenly several members of the group are darting over to the tree, eagerly going after the food."

These little birds display great affection for their old nesting-places. An instance is on record where, so far back as 1785, a pair built their nest in a large earthenware bottle placed in the branches of a tree in a garden at Oxbridge, near Stockton-on-Tees. With two exceptions only, this bottle was tenanted by a pair of these birds every year till 1873. In 1892 Professor Newton, who had this account from Canon Tristram, was informed that the occupancy had ceased for four years.

These little birds show a strong attachment to their old nesting spots. One recorded instance from 1785 describes a pair that built their nest in a large ceramic bottle hanging from a tree in a garden in Oxbridge, near Stockton-on-Tees. With only two exceptions, this bottle was occupied by a pair of these birds every year until 1873. In 1892, Professor Newton, who got this story from Canon Tristram, was told that the nesting had stopped for four years.

The Long-tailed or Bottle-tit is a British species, deriving its name from the long tail. It is a pretty little bird, black and rose-colour above, with a rose-coloured abdomen, and the head, throat, and breast white. It enjoys the distinction of being one of the smallest British birds, and is found in woods and plantations all over England, though less common in Scotland. These tits have a curious habit of roosting during the winter, six or seven huddling together in a row, with three or four others perched on their backs, and two or three on the top.

The Long-tailed or Bottle cap is a British species, named for its long tail. It’s a beautiful little bird, black and rose-colored on top, with a rose-colored belly, and its head, throat, and breast are white. It’s one of the smallest birds in Britain and can be found in woods and plantations throughout England, though it’s less common in Scotland. These tits have an interesting habit of sleeping together in the winter, with six or seven huddled in a row, three or four sitting on their backs, and two or three on top.

The nest, which is placed in a tree or bush, is a model of industry. Oval in shape, and roofed, with a small aperture near the top, it is composed of moss, lichen, and hair, closely felted and lined with an enormous collection of feathers, Macgillivray having counted 2,779 in a single nest.

The nest, located in a tree or bush, is a great example of hard work. It’s oval-shaped and has a roof, with a small opening near the top. It's made from moss, lichen, and hair, all tightly packed together and lined with an impressive number of feathers—Macgillivray once counted 2,779 feathers in one nest.

Other species of titmice occurring in Britain are the Great, Marsh-, Coal-, and Crested Tits.

Other types of titmice found in Britain include the Awesome, Marsh, Coal, and Crested Tits.


Whether the Reedlings, or Bearded Tits, as they are generally called, are really true titmice or peculiarly modified buntings is a moot-point. There is but one species, which is British, though found also on the Continent; but it is unfortunately becoming more and more rare every year. The general colour of the upper-parts is cinnamon-rufous, except the head, which is pearly grey: between the bill and the eyes hangs a tuft of long black feathers; hence the name Bearded Tit. The under-parts are white, tinged with yellow and pink, whilst the wings are variegated with white, black, and red. This tit lives in beds of reeds fringing the "broads" of the eastern counties of England, though even there it is now exceedingly rare.

Whether the Reed warblers, or Bearded Reedlings, as they are generally called, are actually true titmice or uniquely modified buntings is up for debate. There is only one species, which is British, although it can also be found on the Continent; unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly rare each year. The general color of its upper body is cinnamon-rufous, except for the head, which is a pearly gray. There is a tuft of long black feathers hanging between the bill and the eyes, giving it the name Bearded Tit. The underparts are white, with hints of yellow and pink, while the wings are a mix of white, black, and red. This tit inhabits reed beds along the "broads" of the eastern counties of England, although it is now very rare even there.

The same uncertainty that obtains with regard to the position of the Reedlings confronts the ornithologist with regard to the affinities of the liliputian Gold-crests. About six species are known, from the northern and temperate parts of the Old and New Worlds, extending as far south in the latter as Mexico. Two occur in Britain: one, known simply as the Gold-crest, or Golden-crested Wren, is fairly common; the other, the Fire-crest, or Fire-crested Wren, is much rarer, but differs very little from its relative in general appearance.

The same uncertainty surrounding the Reedlings also challenges ornithologists regarding the relationships of the tiny Goldcrests. About six species are known, found in the northern and temperate regions of both the Old and New Worlds, reaching as far south as Mexico in the latter. Two species are found in Britain: one, simply called the Goldcrest or Goldcrest, is fairly common; the other, the Firecrest or Fire-crested Wren, is much rarer but looks very similar to its relative.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.


Marsh tit looking for insects.

The marsh-tit may be distinguished from its ally, the coal-tit, by the absence of white on the nape of the neck.

The marsh tit can be recognized by the lack of white on the back of its neck, setting it apart from its relative, the coal tit.

The Gold-crest is olive-green above, yellowish grey below, with a conspicuous crest of bright yellow and orange, banded on each side by two black lines. It has the distinction of being the smallest British bird; and it is partly on account of its smallness, and partly owing to its shy, retiring habits, seeking concealment among the foliage, that it is so seldom seen, save by those who know where to look for it; and these may find it all the year round in suitable places.

The Goldcrest is olive-green on top and yellowish-gray underneath, featuring a prominent crest of bright yellow and orange, bordered on each side by two black lines. It holds the title of the smallest bird in Britain; and it's mainly because of its tiny size and its shy, reclusive nature, hiding among the leaves, that it's rarely spotted, except by those who know where to find it; and this bird can be seen throughout the year in the right habitats.

In the spring this bird may be observed suspended in the air for a considerable time over a bush or flower, singing very melodiously, though few naturalists have ever witnessed this display. Mr. W. H. Hudson, one of these few, writes: "I have observed the male, in the love-season, hovering just above the bush, in the topmost foliage of which its mate was perched and partly hidden from view. It is when engaged in this pretty aerial performance, or love-dance, that the golden-crested wren is seen at his best. The restless, minute, sober-coloured creature, so difficult to see properly at other times, then becomes a conspicuous and exceedingly beautiful object; it hovers on rapidly vibrating wings, the body in an almost vertical position, but the head bent sharply down, the eyes being fixed on the bird beneath, while the wide-open crest shines in the sun like a crown or shield of fiery yellow. When thus hovering, it does not sing, but emits a series of sharp, excited chirping sounds."

In the spring, you can see this bird hovering in the air for a long time over a bush or flower, singing beautifully, although few naturalists have ever witnessed this behavior. Mr. W. H. Hudson, one of the few who has, writes: "I have seen the male, during the mating season, hovering just above the bush where its mate was perched and partly hidden from view. It's during this charming aerial display, or love dance, that the golden-crested wren shines the most. The restless, tiny, sober-colored creature, which is hard to spot at other times, then becomes a standout and incredibly beautiful sight; it hovers on rapidly beating wings, with its body almost vertical, but its head sharply angled down, eyes fixed on the bird below, while its wide-open crest gleams in the sunlight like a crown or shield of bright yellow. When hovering in this way, it doesn’t sing, but makes a series of sharp, excited chirping sounds."

The nest is a singularly beautiful structure, made of fine, dry grass, leaves, moss, and spiders' webs, woven closely together, lined with feathers, and suspended like a hammock beneath a branch of yew or fir. In this are laid from six to ten eggs of a pale yellowish white, spotted and blotched with reddish brown.

The nest is a uniquely beautiful creation, made of delicate, dry grass, leaves, moss, and spider webs, closely woven together, lined with feathers, and hanging like a hammock beneath a branch of yew or fir. In it are laid between six and ten eggs that are a pale yellowish white, speckled and marked with reddish brown.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid] [Wishaw, New Brunswick


Great Tit.

Known also as the Ox-eye; it is very pugnacious in captivity, killing birds even as large as itself.

Known as the Ox-eye, it is quite aggressive in captivity, even killing birds that are as large as itself.


The numbers of British gold-crests are vastly increased by the arrival on the eastern coast of gold-crests from the Continent. "In autumn," writes Mr. Howard Saunders, "immense flocks sometimes arrive on our east coast, extending quite across England and the Irish Channel, and into Ireland. In 1882 the migration wave of this description, commencing on August 6 and lasting for ninety-two days, reached from the Channel to the Færoes; in 1883 the migration lasted eighty-two days; and again in 1884 for a period of eighty-seven days.... On such occasions bushes in gardens on the coast are covered with birds as with a swarm of bees; crowds flutter round the lanterns of lighthouses, and the rigging of fishing-smacks in the North Sea is thronged with weary travellers. In April a return migration occurs."

The number of British gold-crests significantly increases when gold-crests from the Continent arrive on the eastern coast. "In autumn," writes Mr. Howard Saunders, "huge flocks sometimes show up on our east coast, spreading all across England, the Irish Channel, and into Ireland. In 1882, a migration wave of this kind began on August 6 and lasted for ninety-two days, reaching from the Channel to the Færoes; in 1883, the migration lasted eighty-two days; and again in 1884 for eighty-seven days... During these times, bushes in coastal gardens are filled with birds like a swarm of bees; crowds flitter around lighthouse lanterns, and the rigging of fishing boats in the North Sea is packed with exhausted travelers. A return migration happens in April."

We pass now to the consideration of a few families of birds unknown in Britain, but interesting on account of the fact that they afford us another set of instances of adaptation to attain particular ends, so frequently to be met with in Nature. All the birds in question, though probably not related, have peculiarly modified tongues, apparently specially designed to aid in sucking up honey from flowers.

We now turn our attention to a few bird families that are not found in Britain, but are interesting because they provide additional examples of adaptation aimed at specific purposes, which we often see in nature. Although the birds we're discussing are likely not related, they all have uniquely shaped tongues that seem specifically adapted for collecting honey from flowers.

The first group for consideration are the Honey-eaters of New Zealand and Australia. So great is the transformation which the tongue in these birds has undergone, that it forms one of the most elaborate organs of its kind, surpassing even that of the Humming-birds. A description of this organ without the aid of anatomical terms and diagrams would be useless. Suffice it to say it is long, capable of being thrust out of the mouth, and brush-like. It is used to thrust up the tubes of honey-bearing flowers, as well for the sake of the juice as for the insects gathered in such situations to feed on it.

The first group to consider is the Nectar-eaters from New Zealand and Australia. The changes in the tongue of these birds are so significant that it has become one of the most complex organs of its kind, even more advanced than that of the Hummingbirds. Describing this organ without using anatomical terms and diagrams would be pointless. In short, it is long, can be extended out of the mouth, and has a brush-like texture. It's used to reach into the tubes of honey-producing flowers, both for the nectar and for the insects that are attracted to those flowers.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishhaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishhaw, New Brunswick


Coal Tits.

These birds show the white patch on the nape very distinctly. It is a common British bird, staying with us the whole year round.

These birds clearly display the white patch on the back of their neck. They are a common sight in Britain and are found here all year long.

The best known of the Honey-eaters is the Poe, or Parsonbird, of New Zealand. Glossy black in colour, with vivid green and blue reflections, it is rendered still more attractive by a pair of white tufts of feathers hanging from the front upper part of the neck, whilst on the back of the neck in the same region the feathers are of a loose structure, long, and curled forwards. Other honey-eaters are the White-eyes, Sun-birds, and Flower-peckers.

The most well-known of the Honey-eaters is the Poe, or Parson's bird, from New Zealand. It has a glossy black color with bright green and blue reflections, made even more attractive by a pair of white tufts of feathers that hang from the front upper part of its neck. The feathers on the back of the neck are loose, long, and curl forward. Other honey-eaters include the White-eyed, Sunbirds, and Flowerpeckers.

The White-eyes, so called from a ring of white feathers around the eye, have a wide distribution, being found in Australia, India, Africa, Madagascar, and Japan. Besides honey they are very partial to fruit, particularly figs and grapes, and also capture insects on the wing, after the fashion of fly-catchers.

The White-eyed birds, named for the ring of white feathers around their eyes, are found in a variety of locations, including Australia, India, Africa, Madagascar, and Japan. In addition to honey, they really enjoy fruit, especially figs and grapes, and they also catch insects in mid-air like flycatchers do.

The Sun-birds correspond in the Old World to the Humming-birds in the New, having, like the latter, a metallic plumage, varied in its hues and wondrous in its beauty; but they are not entirely dependent upon this lustre for their charm, for much of their splendour is gained from the non-metallic portion of the plumage, which is often vividly {533}coloured. The females are dull-coloured, whilst the males lose their beauty in the winter season. These birds are inhabitants of the tropical regions of Africa, India, and Australia, and seem to revel in the burning rays of the noonday sun.

The Sunbirds in the Old World are similar to Hummingbirds in the New World. Like Hummingbirds, they have a shiny, colorful plumage that's stunning in its beauty. However, their appeal doesn't rely solely on this shine; a lot of their brilliance comes from the non-metallic parts of their feathers, which are often brightly colored. The females tend to be duller in color, while the males lose some of their beauty during the winter. These birds live in the tropical regions of Africa, India, and Australia, and they seem to thrive in the intense midday sun.

Nearly allied to the Sun-birds are the Flower-peckers of the Indian and Australian regions. These are all small birds, remarkable as much for the beauty of their nests as for the splendour of their plumage. The nests are purse-like structures, made of white cotton-like material, and suspended from a branch instead of, as usual, resting on it. One of the most beautiful birds of the whole group, which includes numerous species, is the Australian Diamond-bird. Of a general ashy-grey colour, this species is splashed all over with spots of red, yellow, orange, and black, whilst the tail-coverts are rich dark red.

Nearly related to the Sun-birds are the Flowerpeckers found in India and Australia. These are all small birds, known for both the beauty of their nests and the vibrant colors of their feathers. The nests are purse-like shapes, made from a white, cotton-like material, and are hung from branches instead of resting on them like most nests. One of the most stunning birds in this group, which includes many species, is the Australian Diamond bird. This bird is mainly ashy-grey but has splashes of red, yellow, orange, and black all over, while its tail feathers are a rich dark red.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard

Photo by W.F. Piggott [Leighton Buzzard


Red-backed shrikes.

Also called Butcher-birds, from their habit of killing small birds and mammals and hanging them up on thorns.

Also known as Butcher-birds, due to their behavior of killing small birds and mammals and hanging them on thorns.




The Shrike Family are an exceedingly interesting group of birds, of world-wide distribution and of great diversity of appearance, varying in size from a bird as small as a titmouse to one as large as a thrush, and presenting a considerable range of coloration, some being very brightly, others dull coloured. From the hooked beak, and the presence of a notch in the tip of the upper jaw, they were considered by the older naturalists to be allies of the Birds of Prey, a decision still further supported by their hawk-like habit of capturing living prey in the shape of small birds and mice; whilst the remarkable custom of impaling their victims, still living, on thorns has earned for them the popular name of Butcher-birds. The limits of the family, owing to the diversity of the forms involved, have not as yet been finally determined by naturalists, some having included species which others hold have no place there.

The Shrike Family consists of a highly interesting group of birds found all over the world, showcasing a great variety in appearance. They range in size from tiny birds like titmice to larger ones like thrushes, and their colors vary widely, with some being very bright and others more muted. Due to their hooked beaks and a notch at the tip of their upper jaws, older naturalists thought they were related to Birds of Prey. This idea is further backed by their hawk-like behavior of catching small prey, like little birds and mice. Their unusual habit of impaling their live victims on thorns has earned them the nickname Shrike birds. The exact boundaries of this family are still not clearly defined by naturalists because of the diversity of the species involved; some have included certain species that others believe shouldn't be classified with them.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.


Australian Magpie.

A common South Australian form, known also as the Piping-crow.

A common South Australian species, also known as the Piping-crow.


Five species are commonly included in the list of British birds, although only two occur with any frequency: of these, the Great Grey Shrike visits Great Britain every winter; whilst the smaller Red-backed Shrike is an annual summer visitor to those islands, breeding, however, only in England, occurring but occasionally in Scotland, and being almost unknown in Ireland, where only one specimen has ever been recorded.

Five species are usually listed as British birds, although only two are frequently seen: the Great Grey Shrike migrates to Great Britain every winter, while the smaller Red-backed Shrike visits every summer, breeding only in England. It is rarely found in Scotland and is almost unheard of in Ireland, where there has only been one recorded sighting.

The Red-backed Shrike, writes Dr. Sharpe, "reminds us of a fly-catcher in the way in which [it] captures its food, for it has undoubtedly favourite perches, on which it sits, and to which it returns after the capture of an insect. It is frequently to be seen on telegraph-wires, where it keeps a sharp look-out in every direction, and a favourite resort is a field of freshly cut grass. It also captures a good many mice and small birds, not pursuing them in the open like birds of prey, but dropping down on them suddenly. In the British Museum is a very good specimen of the larder of a red-backed shrike, taken with the nest of the bird by Lord Walsingham in Norfolk, and showing the way in which the shrike spits insects and birds on thorns; and the species has been known ... to hang up birds even bigger than itself, such as blackbirds and thrushes, as well as tits of several kinds, robins, and hedge-sparrows, while it will also occasionally seize young partridges and pheasants."

The Red-backed Shrike, Dr. Sharpe writes, "reminds us of a flycatcher in how it catches its food, as it definitely has favorite spots where it sits and returns after catching an insect. It can often be seen on telephone wires, where it keeps a close watch in all directions, and it really likes to hang out in fields of freshly cut grass. It also catches quite a few mice and small birds, not chasing them down in the open like birds of prey, but dropping down on them unexpectedly. The British Museum has a very good specimen of a red-backed shrike's larder, collected along with the bird's nest by Lord Walsingham in Norfolk, showing how the shrike impales insects and birds on thorns; this species has been known to hang up birds even larger than itself, like blackbirds and thrushes, as well as various kinds of tits, robins, and hedge-sparrows, and it will occasionally grab young partridges and pheasants."


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W. F. Piggott [Leighton Buzzard.



A common British bird, arriving in April, and leaving again in September.

A common British bird that arrives in April and leaves again in September.

Though undeniably unmusical, the red-backed shrike is nevertheless able to imitate with considerable success the notes of other small birds, decoying them by this means within striking distance—an accomplishment shared also by other members of the Shrike Family. The present species is attractively clothed in a plumage varied with black, grey, rufous, and chestnut-brown, the last being the predominating hue of the upper-parts; hence the name Red-backed Shrike.

Though definitely not melodious, the red-backed shrike can effectively mimic the calls of other small birds, luring them within striking distance—something other members of the Shrike Family can do as well. This species is nicely adorned with a mix of black, grey, reddish-brown, and chestnut-brown feathers, with chestnut-brown being the dominant color on its back; hence the name Red-backed Shrike.

The habits of its congener, the Great Grey Shrike, are precisely similar. A caged specimen which had become very tame would take food from its captor's hands. When a bird was given it, the skull was invariably broken at once, after which, holding the body in its claws, the shrike would proceed to tear it in pieces after the fashion of a hawk. Sometimes, instead, the carcase would be forced through the bars of the cage—in lieu of thorns—and then pulled in pieces.

The habits of its relative, the Northern Shrike, are exactly the same. A caged bird that became very tame would take food from its owner's hands. When a bird was given to it, the skull was always broken immediately, after which, holding the body in its claws, the shrike would start tearing it into pieces like a hawk. Sometimes, instead, the carcass would be pushed through the bars of the cage—like thorns—and then pulled apart.

Very different in appearance from the members of the Shrike Family are a group of possibly allied forms known as Wax-wings. Of pleasing but sober coloration, they are remarkable for certain curious appendages to the inner quill-feathers, of a bright sealing-wax red colour, from which they derive their name: similar wax-like appendages occur also, sometimes, on the tail-feathers.

Very different in appearance from the members of the Shrike Family is a group of possibly related species known as Waxwings. With a pleasing but subdued coloration, they are notable for certain unusual extensions on the inner quill feathers, which are a vibrant sealing-wax red, giving them their name; similar wax-like extensions can also sometimes be found on their tail feathers.

Breeding in the Arctic Circle, wax-wings occur in both the Old and New Worlds, though some species peculiar to the latter region lack the wax-like appendages characteristic of the majority of the species. These birds are erratic in their movements, and large bands occasionally visit the British Islands during the autumn and winter, the eastern counties being usually the most favoured spots; but on the occasion of one of these immigrations, in the winter of 1872, many were seen in the neighbourhood of the North of London. During the summer they feed on insects, but in autumn and winter on berries and fruit. At this time they become very fat and are then captured and sold in large numbers for food in the Russian markets, and occasionally are sent over to London.

Breeding in the Arctic Circle, waxwings are found in both the Old and New Worlds, although some species unique to the latter region lack the wax-like appendages that most species have. These birds move around unpredictably, and large flocks sometimes visit the British Isles during autumn and winter, with the eastern counties usually being the most popular spots. However, during one of these migrations, in the winter of 1872, many were spotted near North London. In the summer, they feed on insects, but in autumn and winter, they eat berries and fruit. At this time, they become quite plump and are then captured and sold in large numbers for food in the Russian markets, and occasionally sent over to London.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.


Song thrush.

A resident British species, sometimes called the Mavis.

A native British species, sometimes referred to as the Mavis.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.]


Young Thrush.

This photograph shows the mud-lined nest.

This photo shows the nest lined with mud.

Passing over a small group of comparatively uninteresting American birds known as "Greenlets," we come to the Warblers, a group which constitutes one of the largest families of birds of the Old World. The species included in this family vary greatly in their characters, so that it is by no means easy to give diagnostic characters, whereby they may be readily distinguished from the Fly-catchers on the one hand or the Thrushes on the other. The Thrushes, however, as a group, may be distinguished from the Warblers by the circumstance that in the former the young have a distinctive spotted plumage, differing from that of the adults, while the young of the Warblers are not so marked, their plumage differing but little from that of their parents.

Skipping over a small group of relatively unremarkable American birds called "Greenlets," we move on to the Warbler Birds, a group that makes up one of the largest families of birds in the Old World. The species in this family vary widely in their characteristics, making it quite challenging to identify specific traits that set them apart from the Flycatchers on one side and the Thrushes on the other. However, as a group, the Thrushes can be distinguished from the Warblers by the fact that young Thrushes have a distinct spotted plumage that differs from the adults, whereas young Warblers do not have such markings, and their plumage is similar to that of their parents.

More than twenty species of warblers are included amongst British birds. Although some of them are but rare and accidental visitors to Britain, others are amongst the commonest of the spring migrants, remaining to nest, and leaving again in the autumn. Some, as the Black-cap, White-throat, Chiff-chaff, Garden-, Willow-, and Wood-warblers, frequent woods, hedgerows, and gardens; whilst others, as the Sedge- and Reed-warblers, are found only near water affording sufficient shelter in the shape of reed-banks or osier-plantations.

More than twenty species of warblers can be found among British birds. While some are just rare and accidental visitors to Britain, others are among the most common spring migrants, staying to breed and leaving again in autumn. Some, like the Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Yard, Willow tree, and Warblers, are often spotted in woods, hedgerows, and gardens; while others, like the Sedge and Reed warblers, are only found near water that provides enough shelter in the form of reed beds or willow plantations.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.



The male and female are quite different one from another, and in this respect differ from the Thrushes, in which the sexes are alike.

The male and female are quite different from each other, and in this way, they are unlike the Thrushes, where the sexes look the same.

The Black-cap and Garden-warbler rank as songsters of no mean talent, being held second only to the nightingale. As if by common consent, the two former never clash, so that where black-caps are common there are few garden-warblers, and vice versâ.

The Black cap and Garden warbler are considered talented songbirds, second only to the nightingale. By an unspoken agreement, the two rarely compete with each other, so where black-caps are abundant, garden-warblers are few, and vice versa.

Most of these birds build a typical cup-shaped nest of dried grasses, lined with finer materials, and placed near the ground; but that of the Reed-warbler is a most beautiful structure, the dried grass of which it is made being woven around some three or four reed-stems, making it seem as if the latter had, in growing up, pierced the sides of the nest {537}in their course. The cup-shaped hollow is very deep, so that when the supporting reeds are bowed low in the breeze the eggs rest perfectly safe.

Most of these birds build a typical cup-shaped nest using dried grasses, lined with softer materials, and usually placed close to the ground. However, the nest of the Reed warbler is particularly stunning. It’s made of dried grass woven around three or four reed stems, creating the illusion that the reeds have grown up through the sides of the nest {537}. The cup-shaped hollow is quite deep, ensuring that when the supporting reeds bend in the wind, the eggs remain perfectly secure.

We must pass now to a consideration of the Thrush Tribe, which, as we have already hinted, are very closely allied to the Warblers.

We now need to look at the Thrush Tribe, which, as we've already mentioned, is very closely related to the Warblers.


Photo by W. F. Piggott, Leighton Buzzard. 

Photo by W. F. Piggott, Leighton Buzzard.



The young Robin wears a distinct livery, quite different from that of its parents.

The young Robin has a unique appearance, which is quite different from its parents’.

Birds like the Common Thrush and the Blackbird are so common and so well known that they scarcely need comment here. The same perhaps is true of many other members of this group not popularly associated with the Thrush Tribe; such are the Red-breast, or Robin Red-breast, as it is more generally called, and the Nightingale. Few birds have inspired so many writers as the nightingale; it even holds a place in classical mythology. Professor Newton gives us one variant of a very common but pretty story: "Procne and Philomela were the daughters of Pandion, King of Attica, who in return for warlike aid rendered him by Tereus, King of Daulis in Thrace, gave him the first-named in marriage. Tereus, however, being enamoured of her sister, feigned that his wife was dead, and induced Philomela to take her place. On her discovering the truth, he cut out her tongue to hinder her from revealing his deceit; but she depicted her sad story on a robe which she sent to Procne, and the two sisters then contrived a horrible revenge for the infidelity of Tereus by killing and serving to him at table his son Itys. Thereupon the gods interposed, changing Tereus into a hoopoe, Procne into a swallow, and Philomela into a nightingale, while Itys was restored to life as a pheasant, and Pandion (who had died of grief at his daughters' dishonour) as a bird of prey [the osprey]."

Birds like the Common Blackbird and the Blackbird are so common and well-known that they hardly need mentioning here. The same could be said for many other members of this group that aren't typically linked to the Thrush Tribe, like the Robin, or Robin Redbreast as it's more commonly called, and the Nightingale. Few birds have inspired as many writers as the nightingale; it even has a place in classical mythology. Professor Newton shares one version of a well-known but beautiful story: "Procne and Philomela were the daughters of Pandion, King of Attica, who, in gratitude for military help provided by Tereus, King of Daulis in Thrace, gave him Procne in marriage. However, Tereus, infatuated with her sister, pretended that his wife was dead and convinced Philomela to take her place. When she discovered the truth, he cut out her tongue to prevent her from revealing his deceit; but she wove her tragic tale into a robe and sent it to Procne, and the two sisters then plotted a terrible revenge against Tereus for his betrayal by killing his son Itys and serving him to Tereus at dinner. The gods intervened, transforming Tereus into a hoopoe, Procne into a swallow, and Philomela into a nightingale, while Itys was brought back to life as a pheasant, and Pandion (who had died of grief over his daughters' dishonor) was turned into a bird of prey [the osprey]."


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The sweetest and most renowned of all the British songsters.

The sweetest and most famous of all the British singers.

A not infrequent error with regard to the red-breast may be pointed out here. Many people seem to suppose that the female is less brilliantly coloured than her mate. As a matter of fact this is not so; what are generally regarded as females of this species are the dull, spotted young, which, as we have already pointed out, assume this peculiar livery throughout the tribe.

A common mistake about the red-breast can be noted here. Many people seem to believe that the female is less colorful than the male. In reality, that's not the case; what are typically seen as females of this species are actually the dull, spotted young, which, as we have already mentioned, wear this unique coloring throughout the species.

No less common in Britain, during the summer months at least, are the Wheat-ears, Stone-chats, Whin-chats, and Red-starts. Small and prettily coloured species, these are all insect-eaters, and, with the exception of the wheat-ears, lay blue eggs, deposited in somewhat coarsely constructed nests, placed on or near the ground; or in holes in ruins, trees, or walls, in the case of the red-starts; or in burrows or {538}under ledges of rock, as among the wheat-ears, which lay white eggs.

No less common in Britain, especially during the summer months, are the Wheat heads, Stonechats, Wheatears, and Redstarts. These small, brightly colored species are all insect-eaters. Except for the wheat-ears, they lay blue eggs in somewhat roughly made nests located on or near the ground; red-starts may nest in holes in ruins, trees, or walls, while wheat-ears can be found in burrows or {538}under rock ledges and lay white eggs.

The bird commonly known as the Hedge-sparrow is a close ally of the Thrush Family, having nothing to do with the sparrows proper—which are finches—as its name would imply.

The bird commonly known as the Dunnock is actually a close relative of the Thrush Family and has no connection to true sparrows, which are finches, despite what its name suggests.


Photo by G. Watmough Webster & Son]  [Chester.

Photo by G. Watmough Webster & Son [Chester.



A resident and generally distributed British bird.

A common and widely distributed bird in Britain.

Another nearly related form is the Dipper, or Water-ouzel. By no means brilliantly coloured, it is nevertheless an exceedingly interesting bird, and one never met with away from mountain streams. The group has a wide distribution, occurring in suitable localities in Europe, Asia, and the Rocky Mountains of America, and extending from Colombia to Peru and Tucuman. Squat in form, with rounded wings and short tail, the ouzel seeks the greater part of its food on the bottom of swiftly running streams. It is everywhere, writes Dr. Sharpe of the commoner of the two British species, a shy and watchful bird, and, except in the breeding-season, appears to be solitary. By patient watching near the dipper's haunts, however, it is possible to observe the bird scudding over the surface of the water with a rapid flight and a vigorous beating of the wings, something like that of a kingfisher, until it alights on a rock or large stone in the middle of the stream. Its white breast then stands out in bold relief, and, after pausing for a moment, the bird commences to edge to the side of the rock, and either walks deliberately into the water, or disappears suddenly beneath the surface, seeking its food at the bottom of the stream, in the shape of larvæ, caddis-worms, water-beetles, and small snails.

Another closely related species is the Dipper, or Dipper. While not brightly colored, it is still a very interesting bird that is never found away from mountain streams. This group has a wide range, appearing in suitable areas across Europe, Asia, and the Rocky Mountains in America, and extending from Colombia to Peru and Tucuman. Short and stout, with rounded wings and a short tail, the ouzel gets most of its food from the bottoms of fast-running streams. It is generally, as Dr. Sharpe notes about the more common of the two British species, a shy and watchful bird and tends to be solitary except during the breeding season. However, with some patience near the dipper's habitat, you can watch the bird darting across the water's surface with quick flaps, similar to a kingfisher, until it lands on a rock or large stone in the stream. Its white breast stands out prominently, and after a brief pause, the bird starts inching to the edge of the rock, either walking slowly into the water or disappearing quickly beneath the surface, searching for food at the stream's bottom, like larvae, caddis-worms, water-beetles, and small snails.

The Wrens are probably near allies of the Dippers. The family includes a number of species of small birds, most largely represented in the New World, but distributed widely over the Old World also. Two occur in the British Islands: of these, one, the Common Wren, is found throughout Europe, and occurs also in Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and North Palestine; whilst the other, the St. Kilda Wren, is only found on the island from which it takes its name.

The Wrens are likely close relatives of the Dippers. This family includes several species of small birds, mostly found in the New World but also spread widely across the Old World. Two species can be found in the British Isles: one, the House Wren, is found throughout Europe and also exists in Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and North Palestine; while the other, the St. Kilda Wren, is only found on the island that shares its name.

Considerations of space compel us to pass over three or four families, of comparatively little interest to any save the scientific ornithologist, in favour of the Fly-catchers and Swallows.

Considerations of space lead us to skip over three or four families that are only of interest to scientific ornithologists, in favor of the Fly traps and Swallows.

The former, in that the young are spotted, appear to evince some affinity to the Thrush Tribe, but they have broad and flatter bills than the latter, whilst the mouth is surrounded by more or less conspicuous bristles. They are entirely Old World forms, having their stronghold in Africa.

The former, in that the young are noticed, seem to show some connection to the Thrush Tribe, but they have wider and flatter bills than the latter, while their mouths are surrounded by prominent bristles. They are entirely Old World species, mainly found in Africa.

Three species of fly-catcher occur in England, though only one, the Common or Spotted Fly-catcher, usually breeds in Great Britain, coming late in the spring from Africa. As its name implies, it feeds upon small insects, capturing them on the wing by sudden sallies, and returning immediately after to some perch, generally a garden-fence, or the bare bough of a tree. As a rule the prey is caught with a sudden dart, but sometimes only after a prolonged flight, when the bird will double and turn, as the necessity arises, with great skill. Its nest, {539}made of dry grass and moss, lined with horse-hair and covered externally with spider-webs and lichens, is usually placed in some sheltered position, such as a crevice in the bark of a tree or in the creepers covering the trellis-work of a house; and owing to the skilful way in which it is covered externally, so as to resemble its surroundings, is difficult to find.

Three species of flycatchers exist in England, but only one, the Commonplace or Spotted Flycatcher, typically breeds in Great Britain, arriving late in spring from Africa. As its name suggests, it feeds on small insects, catching them mid-air with quick bursts and immediately returning to a perch, usually on a garden fence or the bare branch of a tree. Generally, it catches its prey with a swift dive, but sometimes it may take longer, skillfully maneuvering with twists and turns as needed. Its nest, {539}made of dry grass and moss, lined with horsehair and camouflaged with spider webs and lichens, is usually tucked away in a protected spot, like a crevice in a tree's bark or within the vines covering a trellis; because of the clever way it blends in with its surroundings, it's hard to find.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.


A pair of wrens.

Known nearly everywhere in England as the "Kitty" or "Jenny" Wren.

Known almost everywhere in England as the "Kitty" or "Jenny" Wren.

The Swallows and Martins constitute an exceedingly well-defined group of birds, and one which holds a conspicuously high place in the regard of mankind, finding a welcome everywhere on account of the great benefits they confer by the removal of insect-pests in the shape of the smaller gnats and flies. These, were they not kept in check by the Swallow Tribe, would render most parts of the world uninhabitable. Rarely seen upon the ground, save when procuring mud for the construction of their nests, the birds of this group are all peculiarly strong fliers, turning and twisting with the greatest speed and precision. All have very short beaks and wide mouths, long wings and tails, and small and weak feet.

The Swallows and Martins make up a clearly defined group of birds that are highly regarded by people everywhere because they provide significant benefits by controlling insect pests like small gnats and flies. If it weren't for the Swallow Tribe keeping these pests in check, many places in the world would be unlivable. They are rarely seen on the ground except when gathering mud to build their nests. All of these birds are exceptionally strong fliers, able to turn and twist with incredible speed and accuracy. They all have very short beaks and wide mouths, long wings and tails, and small, weak feet.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



In winter wrens have a custom of seeking some hole or other convenient shelter and huddling together in small parties for the sake of warmth.

In winter, wrens have a habit of finding a hole or another cozy spot and gathering in small groups to keep warm.

A large number build their nests of mud, collected in small pellets and held together by the secretion of the salivary glands. These nests are commonly more or less cup-shaped, and fastened under the eaves of dwelling-houses or other buildings, or placed on a convenient beam or other ledge. The Red-rumped Swallows and Fairy Martins—species enjoying an enormous distribution, being found in India, Africa, America, and Australia—build very large flask-shaped nests, having the entrance produced into a funnel often eight or nine inches in length. Others, like the Sand-martin, excavate long tunnels, terminating in larger chambers, in the faces of sand-banks—a performance which must certainly be regarded as wonderful, when one realises the feeble tools with which the task of excavating has to be performed. Some species utilise the holes made by other birds, in one species this hole being itself bored within the burrow of the viscacha.

A lot of birds build their nests out of mud, shaped into small pellets and held together by their saliva. These nests are usually cup-shaped and attached under the eaves of houses or other buildings, or placed on a suitable beam or ledge. The Red-rumped Swallows and Fairy Martins—which have a wide distribution found in India, Africa, America, and Australia—construct very large flask-shaped nests with entrances that extend into a funnel that can be eight or nine inches long. Other birds, like the Sand Martin, dig long tunnels that end in larger chambers in sandbanks—a remarkable feat considering the weak tools they use to excavate. Some species take advantage of holes made by other birds; in one case, this hole is actually created within the burrow of a viscacha.


All are more or less migratory in their habits, some covering enormous distances in journeying to and fro between their winter retreats and their summer breeding-places. The Common Swallow and House-martin, for example, leave the shores of Africa early in the spring, and distribute themselves over Europe, thousands visiting the British Islands. After rearing in their respective breeding-places from two to three broods, they return with their offspring before the rigours of winter set in to the African Continent. The routes and destinations of the swallow are now well known; but as much cannot be said for the house-martin, whose winter quarters are as yet enshrouded in mystery. That they must be somewhere in Africa is all that can at present be said.

All of these birds are somewhat migratory in their behavior, with some traveling incredible distances back and forth between their winter homes and summer nesting sites. The Barn Swallow and House martin, for instance, leave Africa's shores early in the spring and spread out across Europe, with thousands arriving in the British Islands. After raising two to three broods at their nesting sites, they head back to Africa with their young before winter really kicks in. The routes and destinations of the swallow are well understood now, but we can't say the same for the house-martin, as their winter locations remain a mystery. The only thing we know for sure is that they must be somewhere in Africa.

Three species of the Swallow Tribe visit England regularly every year, and remain to breed. These are the Common or Chimney-swallow, and the House-martin just referred to, and the little Sand-martin. In the two first mentioned the upper-parts are of a dark steel-blue colour with a metallic gloss, but they are, nevertheless, easily distinguished one from another,—since the swallow has a deeply forked tail, and a bright chestnut patch on the throat, with a similarly coloured band across the forehead; whilst the martin lacks the chestnut markings, and is pure white beneath, with a large white patch on the lower part of the back, and a less markedly forked tail. Furthermore, the legs of the martin are feathered down to the claws, whilst the feet of the swallow are bare. The sand-martin is a little greyish-brown bird, with white under-parts. It is the earliest of the Swallow Tribe to arrive in Britain, and the first to depart.

Three species of swallows visit England regularly every year to breed. These are the Commonplace or Chimney swift, the House martin mentioned earlier, and the small Sand martin. The first two have dark steel-blue upper bodies with a shiny finish, but they are easily told apart. The swallow has a deeply forked tail and a bright chestnut patch on its throat, with a similar colored band across its forehead. In contrast, the martin doesn't have any chestnut markings, is pure white underneath, has a large white patch on its lower back, and has a less pronounced fork in its tail. Additionally, the martin's legs are feathered down to the claws, while the swallow's feet are bare. The sand-martin is a small greyish-brown bird with white underparts. It's the first of the Swallow Tribe to arrive in Britain and the first to leave.


Photo by J. T. Newman]  [Berkhamsted.

Photo by J. T. Newman] [Berkhamsted.


Young Swallows.

For hundreds of years it has been regarded as most unlucky to kill a swallow.

For hundreds of years, it's been considered very unlucky to kill a swallow.

Lyre-birds and Scrub-birds.

Lyrebirds and scrubbs.

At the beginning of the account of the Perching-birds it was stated that the group was divided into two sections, and that each of these was further sub-divided into two. With the Swallows the first sub-division of the first section ended; the second we are to consider now in the very singular Lyre-birds and Scrub-birds of Australia.

At the start of the account of the Perching-birds, it was mentioned that the group was divided into two sections, and each of these was further divided into two. With the Swallows, the first sub-division of the first section came to an end; now we are going to look at the very unique Lyrebirds and Scrub jays of Australia.

Rendered conspicuous on account of the remarkable lyrate tail, from which the name is derived, the Lyre-birds, on closer acquaintance, prove to be exceedingly interesting forms, though materials for a really complete biography of the three known species are not yet available. The males, it seems, are skilled mimics, reproducing the songs of other birds with great fidelity, this being especially true of the species known as Prince Albert's Lyre-bird. During the courting-season the males construct hillocks, to which they resort to display their very beautiful and graceful tails, elevating them over the head, and drooping the wings after the fashion of a peacock, accompanying this display with certain spasmodic pecking and scratching actions. They are solitary birds, more than a pair never being seen together, and even these are exceedingly difficult to approach, stratagem always being necessary. But a single egg is laid, which has the appearance of being smeared with ink; whilst the young bird differs from that of all other perching-birds in the thickness of its downy covering and the great length of time in which it remains in the nest. The nest, made of sticks, moss, and fibres skilfully interwoven, and lined inside with the leaf of a tree-fern which resembles horse-hair, is a large domed structure, with a single aperture serving as an entrance.

Made noticeable by their unique lyre-shaped tails, from which their name comes, the Lyrebirds are, upon closer inspection, really fascinating creatures, although complete information about the three known species is still lacking. The males are impressive mimics, accurately imitating the songs of other birds, particularly true for the species known as Prince Albert's Lyrebird. During the mating season, the males build mounds where they show off their stunning and elegant tails, raising them above their heads and lowering their wings like a peacock, while also engaging in some frantic pecking and scratching behaviors. They are solitary birds, rarely seen together in groups larger than a pair, and even those are very hard to approach, requiring clever tactics. They lay only one egg, which looks like it’s been dipped in ink; and the chicks stand out from other perching birds due to their thick down and the long time they spend in the nest. The nest itself is a large domed structure made from sticks, moss, and cleverly woven fibers, lined inside with leaves from a tree-fern that look like horsehair, and it has a single entrance.

Lyre-birds are essentially ground-dwellers, feeding upon insects, especially beetles and snails, and keeping to the wilder regions of the country.

Lyre-birds primarily live on the ground, feeding on insects, particularly beetles and snails, and they stick to the more untamed areas of the country.


The Scrub-bird is an extremely interesting form, scientifically. Only the males are known at the present time, and these are dull-coloured birds of the size of a thrush. Of the female, eggs, and nest, we as yet know absolutely nothing.

The Scrub-jay is a really fascinating species from a scientific perspective. Right now, we only know about the males, which are plain-colored birds about the size of a thrush. We have no information at all about the female, eggs, or nest.

Chatterers, Ant-thrushes, Broad-bills, etc.

Chatterers, Ant-thrushes, Broad-bills, etc.

The second major division of the Perching-birds embraces a few forms of considerable interest.

The second major group of perching birds includes a few forms that are quite interesting.

The group of Chatterers includes several remarkable forms of very diverse coloration, many representing the most gorgeous of all South American birds.

The group of Talkers includes several impressive types with a wide range of colors, many of which are the most beautiful of all South American birds.


Photo by W. F. Piggott]  [Leighton Buzzard.

Photo by W.F. Piggott [Leighton Buzzard.]



This photograph shows a portion of a sand bank, pierced with the tunnel-like nests made by these feeble builders.

This photograph shows a section of a sandbank, filled with the tunnel-like nests created by these weak builders.

One of the most remarkable is the Umbrella-bird. This bird is funereal in appearance, being clothed in a plumage of deep black, with the head surmounted by a large, drooping, flat-topped crest, resembling in shape the familiar crest of certain varieties of the canary, whilst from the throat hangs a long lappet of feathers reaching nearly down to the feet. The female is duller than her mate, and lacks the peculiar plumes. The umbrella-bird is a forest-dwelling species, confined to the Upper Amazons, and dwelling in the tops of the highest trees, where it finds ample sustenance in wild fruits. But few naturalists have ever seen it in a wild state.

One of the most remarkable is the Umbrella bird. This bird has a dark funeral vibe, dressed in deep black plumage, with a large, drooping, flat-topped crest on its head that looks like the familiar crest of certain canary breeds. From its throat hangs a long feather lappet that nearly reaches the ground. The female is less vibrant than the male and doesn’t have the distinctive feathers. The umbrella-bird lives in forests, primarily found in the Upper Amazon, residing in the tallest trees, where it enjoys a diet of wild fruits. Very few naturalists have observed it in the wild.

Equally wonderful are the Bell-birds, so called on account of their note, which bears an extraordinary resemblance to the sound made by a blacksmith upon an anvil, though it has often been likened to the tolling of a bell. Four species are known, in three of which the males have a pure white plumage, with much naked, vividly coloured skin on the face. One species has a curious pendulous process hanging from the forehead, thinly covered with feathers. By some this is said to be capable of erection during periods of excitement. Like the umbrella-bird, these are forest-dwelling species.

Equally amazing are the Bellbirds, named for their call, which sounds shockingly similar to the noise a blacksmith makes on an anvil, although it’s often compared to the ringing of a bell. There are four known species, three of which have males with pure white feathers and a lot of bare, brightly colored skin on their faces. One species has a strange, drooping feature hanging from its forehead, which is only lightly covered in feathers. Some say this feature can stand up during moments of excitement. Like the umbrella-bird, these birds live in forests.

For brilliancy of plumage amongst the Chatterers, the palm must be given to the Cocks-of-the-rock, in the males of which orange-red predominates, whilst the general effect is heightened by crests and curiously curled and frayed feathers growing from the lower part of the back. The males indulge in remarkable love-displays, the performances being held in some open space, and in the presence of the females. One at a time each male appears to go through a kind of dance, accompanying his peculiar steps and hops with much swaying of the head and extending of the wings. When tired, the performer gives a signal which is understood by his fellows, and retires from the ring, his place being immediately taken by another.

For vibrant feathers among the Chatterers, the award goes to the Cock-of-the-rock. The males are mostly orange-red, enhanced by their crests and uniquely curled and frayed feathers at the lower back. The males engage in impressive courtship displays, performing in an open area in front of females. One by one, each male showcases a kind of dance, moving with distinctive steps and hops while swaying his head and flaring his wings. When he gets tired, he gives a signal that his peers recognize, and steps out of the spotlight, allowing another male to take his place immediately.


The nesting habits of the Chatterers vary greatly,—some building nests of mud and twigs, which they fasten on projections of rock in damp caves; others simply lining holes in trees with dry grass. Some build a cup-shaped nest of lichens, others a simple platform of sticks, whilst some of the Thick-billed Chatterers hang large nests of leaves, plant-stalks, and wool from low branches, the entrance to the nest being from a hole in the side. The eggs vary in number among the different species from two to four, and in colour may be white, chocolate, pale salmon-coloured, or greenish blue, and are for the most part spotted.

The nesting habits of the Chatterers are quite diverse—some create nests from mud and twigs, which they attach to rock ledges in damp caves; others just line tree holes with dry grass. Some build cup-shaped nests out of lichens, while others make simple platforms from sticks. Meanwhile, some of the Thick-billed Chatterers hang large nests made of leaves, plant stems, and wool from low branches, with the entrance to the nest through a hole in the side. The number of eggs varies among the different species, ranging from two to four, and they can be white, chocolate, pale salmon-colored, or greenish-blue, mostly with spots.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.



Lyre-birds, which are also known to the colonists as "Pheasants," are great mimics.

Lyre-birds, also referred to by colonists as "Pheasants," are excellent mimics.

Closely allied to the Cocks-of-the-rock are the Manakins, for the most part small and thick-set birds, and in many instances brilliantly coloured—at least in the case of the males. Some seventy species are known, all of which are confined to South America. They must be sought for, as a rule, in the forests or thick undergrowth of marshy places.

Closely related to the Cocks-of-the-rock are the Mannequins, which are mostly small and stocky birds, often featuring bright colors—especially the males. About seventy species are known, all of which are found only in South America. They typically need to be searched for in the forests or dense undergrowth of wet areas.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Lyre-Bird Tail.

This ornamental tail is worn only by the male.

This decorative tail is only worn by the male.

The Manakin Family contains several species of considerable interest, on account of the peculiar modifications which certain of the quill-feathers of the males have undergone. In some species what are known as the secondary quill-feathers are peculiarly twisted, and have the shafts much thickened. With these modified feathers the birds are enabled, probably by clapping the wings and bringing the thickened feathers violently together, to make a sharp sound, which has been likened to the crack of a whip. Other species have the quill-feathers of the hand—the primaries, as they are called—similarly thickened, and they probably are also used to produce sounds.

The Manakin Family includes several species of great interest because of the unique changes in the quill feathers of the males. In some species, the secondary quill feathers are notably twisted and have much thicker shafts. These modified feathers allow the birds to create a sharp sound, likely by clapping their wings and forcefully bringing the thickened feathers together, which has been compared to the crack of a whip. Other species have the primary quill feathers—called the hand feathers—thickened in a similar way, and they're probably used to produce sounds as well.

One species is known as the Bailador, or Dancer, on account of a very remarkable habit which the males have of dancing. Two males, choosing some secluded spot, select a bare twig, {543}and, taking up a position about a foot and a half apart, alternately jump about two feet in the air, and alight again on exactly the same spot from which they sprang. With the regularity of clockwork one bird jumps up the instant the other alights, each bird performing a musical accompaniment to the tune of "to-le-do—to-le-do—to-le-do," uttering the syllable "to" as he crouches to spring, "le" while in the air, and "do" as he alights; and this performance appears to be kept up till the birds are exhausted.

One species is known as the Bailador, or Dancer, because of a unique habit the males have of dancing. Two males, choosing a quiet spot, select a bare twig, {543}and, standing about a foot and a half apart, take turns jumping about two feet into the air, landing back on the exact spot they jumped from. Like clockwork, one bird leaps up the moment the other lands, each bird providing a musical background with the rhythm of "to-le-do—to-le-do—to-le-do," saying "to" while crouching to jump, "le" in the air, and "do" when landing; this performance continues until the birds are worn out.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Bell bird.

So called from its wonderfully clear, bell-like note.

So named for its beautifully clear, bell-like sound.

Some of the manakins are very beautifully coloured. One species, for example, is black, with a blue mantle and a crimson crest; another, black, with orange-coloured cheeks and breast and similarly coloured band round the neck, green rump, and yellow abdomen. The females are generally duller in coloration.

Some of the manakins are really beautifully colored. One species, for instance, is black with a blue cape and a red crest; another is black with orange cheeks and breast, along with an orange band around the neck, a green back, and a yellow belly. The females are usually less colorful.

The Ant-thrushes, or Pittas, are long-legged, short-tailed birds, of brilliant coloration, having their headquarters in the Malay Archipelago; but the family is represented in India, Australia, and West Africa.

The Ant-thrushes, or Pittas, are tall, short-tailed birds known for their vibrant colors. They mainly inhabit the Malay Archipelago, but this family can also be found in India, Australia, and West Africa.

These birds are very shy and exceedingly difficult to approach. One species, the large Ground-thrush, is described by Wallace as one of the most beautiful birds of the East. Velvety black above, relieved by pure white, the shoulders are azure-blue and the belly a vivid crimson. The nest recalls, in the plan of its architecture, that of the Oven-birds, being more or less globular in form, and having a lateral entrance; it is composed of twigs, roots, bark, moss, leaves, and grass, and is frequently cemented with earth. The eggs are usually spotted, and have a creamy-white ground-colour: the spots may be brown, reddish grey, or purplish black.

These birds are very shy and really hard to get close to. One species, the large Ground thrush, is described by Wallace as one of the most beautiful birds in the East. It has a velvety black top, complemented by pure white; the shoulders are azure-blue, and the belly is a bright crimson. The nest resembles that of the Oven-birds in its architecture, being more or less round in shape and having a side entrance; it is made up of twigs, roots, bark, moss, leaves, and grass, and is often held together with dirt. The eggs are usually spotted with a creamy-white base color: the spots can be brown, reddish-grey, or purplish-black.

The curious Plant-cutters of the temperate regions of South America are nearly related to the Chatterers, though at one time it was believed they were allied to the True Finches. Constituting but a small family, the plant-cutters are remarkable for their strangely serrated beaks, the cutting-edges of which are armed with a series of fine saw-like teeth. This beak is used in cutting down plants; and as these birds appear to cut down a great number in sheer wantonness, they are much disliked in the neighbourhood of gardens and plantations.

The curious Plant trimmers of the temperate regions of South America are closely related to the Chatterers, though it was once thought they were connected to the True Finches. Making up a small family, the plant-cutters are notable for their oddly serrated beaks, which have a series of fine saw-like teeth along the cutting edges. This beak is used to cut down plants; and since these birds seem to take down a lot just for the sake of it, they are quite unpopular in the vicinity of gardens and plantations.

Plant-cutters are not conspicuous for the beauty of their plumage, and have a harsh and grating voice.

Plant-cutters aren't known for the beauty of their feathers, and they have a harsh, grating voice.

The Wood-hewers constitute a group of over 200 species, all of which are South American. They are for the most part small and dull-coloured birds, but nevertheless of considerable interest on account of their nest-building habits. The most remarkable members of the family in this respect are three species of Oven-birds. These construct a massive nest of mud, bearing a more or less fanciful resemblance to a baker's oven; hence the name Oven-bird. Roughly globular in shape, its walls are of great thickness, and to prevent cracking hair and grass-fibres are intermixed with the mud; the interior is gained through a small hole on one side of the nest, which leads into a passage terminating in a chamber containing the eggs, which are laid upon a bed of grass. Strangely enough, the bird seeks the most exposed {544}situations, placing its nest on branches, in the forks of trees, on posts, rocks, or house-tops. Another species, known to the Spaniards as the Casarita, or Little House-builder, builds its nest at the bottom of a narrow cylindrical hole, which is said to extend horizontally underground for nearly six feet. Other species build nests of sticks and twigs or of grass, which are divided into chambers after the fashion of the mud nest of the oven-bird, the inner chamber being lined with wool and feathers.

The Woodworkers are a group of over 200 species, all from South America. They’re mostly small and dull-colored birds, but they’re quite interesting because of how they build their nests. The most notable members of this group are three species of Oven birds. They create a large nest out of mud, which resembles a baker's oven; hence the name Oven-bird. The nest is roughly globular in shape with thick walls, and to prevent cracking, hair and grass fibers are mixed in with the mud. You enter the nest through a small hole on one side that leads into a tunnel, ending in a chamber where the eggs are laid on a bed of grass. Interestingly, the bird chooses the most exposed {544} spots for its nest, placing it on branches, tree forks, posts, rocks, or rooftops. Another species, called Casarita or Tiny Home Creator by the Spaniards, builds its nest at the bottom of a narrow cylindrical tunnel that is said to extend nearly six feet horizontally underground. Other species create nests from sticks and twigs or grass, divided into chambers similar to the mud nest of the oven-bird, with the inner chamber lined with wool and feathers.

The variation in the form, habits, and coloration of these birds is very great, some recalling the Woodpeckers and Tree-creepers, others the Titmice.

The differences in the shape, behavior, and colors of these birds are quite large, with some resembling Woodpeckers and Tree-creepers, while others look like Titmice.

The family of the Tyrant Fly-catchers, though numbering some 400 species, is less interesting, or rather contains fewer peculiar forms, than the Manakin Family. The tyrant fly-catchers are American birds, and represent the fly-catchers of the Old World. One of the best known is the King-bird, which is renowned rather for its pugnacious disposition than for beauty of plumage.

The family of the Tyrant Flycatchers, which consists of around 400 species, is less fascinating, or rather has fewer unique forms, than the Manakin Family. The tyrant fly-catchers are American birds and are the counterparts to the fly-catchers of the Old World. One of the most well-known is the Kingbird, famous more for its aggressive nature than for the beauty of its feathers.

The Crested Tyrant-bird has a curious habit of lining its nest with the cast-off skins of snakes, a habit which has caused a great deal of discomfort both to juvenile as well as adult egg-collectors, who, recognising the skin by the touch, have hurriedly withdrawn the hand, lest the owner of the cast-off coat should be in the vicinity.

The Crested Tyrant Bird has an interesting habit of lining its nest with shed snake skins, which has caused quite a bit of discomfort for both young and adult egg-collectors. They quickly pull back their hands upon feeling the skin, afraid that the snake might be nearby.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The cock-of-the-rock is a South American bird, of gorgeous coloration.

The cock-of-the-rock is a South American bird known for its stunning colors.

All the tyrant-birds are active and restless in their habits, and frequent marshy districts, sitting alone, perched on the dead branches of trees or bushes, whence they dart forth like the Old World fly-catchers on their prey. Some species, however, frequent bare plains; others, also ground-dwellers, associate occasionally in flocks.

All the tyrant-birds are lively and restless in their behaviors and often inhabit marshy areas, sitting alone on the dead branches of trees or bushes, from where they swoop down like the Old World flycatchers to catch their prey. Some species, however, prefer open plains; others, which also stay on the ground, sometimes gather in groups.

Though the prey, which consists chiefly of insects, is, as a rule, captured on the wing, it is not invariably so. One species, for example, pounces down on crawling beetles, grasps them in its claws, and eats them on the ground. Some other species eat mice, young birds, snakes, frogs, fishes, spiders, and worms, the larger victims being beaten on a branch to kill them. One or two species will eat seeds and berries.

Though the prey, mostly made up of insects, is typically caught in mid-air, that's not always the case. One species, for instance, swoops down on crawling beetles, grabs them with its claws, and eats them on the ground. Some other species consume mice, young birds, snakes, frogs, fish, spiders, and worms, with larger victims being struck against a branch to kill them. One or two species will eat seeds and berries.

The nest is often domed, and skilfully felted with moss, lichens, and spider-webs.

The nest is usually dome-shaped and cleverly made with moss, lichens, and spider webs.

The Broad-bills are the sole representatives of the final sub-division of the Perching-birds. After the brilliant coloration, the next most striking feature is the great breadth of the bill. Their range is very limited, extending from the lower spurs of the Himalaya, through Burma and Siam, to Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. They seek the seclusion of forests in the neighbourhood of water, exhibiting great partiality for the banks of rivers and lakes, and feeding on worms and insects, many of the latter being captured on the wing.

The Broadbills are the only representatives of the last subgroup of the Perching-birds. After their bright colors, the most noticeable feature is their wide bills. Their habitat is quite restricted, stretching from the lower foothills of the Himalayas, through Burma and Thailand, to Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. They prefer the solitude of forested areas near water, showing a strong preference for the banks of rivers and lakes, and they feed on worms and insects, many of which they catch while flying.

The nest of the broad-bill is a large and not very neat structure, oval in shape, with an entrance near the top, which is often protected with an overhanging roof. It is generally suspended from a low branch or plants near the water, and made of twigs, roots, and leaves, and lined with finer materials. From three to five eggs are laid.

The broad-bill's nest is a large and somewhat messy structure, oval in shape, with an entrance near the top that's often sheltered by an overhanging roof. It usually hangs from a low branch or nearby plants near the water and is built from twigs, roots, and leaves, lined with softer materials. Typically, it contains three to five eggs.

With these birds, probably the most primitive of the Perching-birds, this section ends. Many forms have inevitably been crowded out, whilst others have been but briefly noticed; nevertheless, all the really important groups have been more or less completely described, and in the majority of cases well illustrated.

With these birds, likely the most basic of the perching birds, this section comes to a close. Many forms have inevitably been left out, while others have only been mentioned briefly; however, all the truly important groups have been thoroughly described, and in most cases, well illustrated.


Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. Milford-on-Sea.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. Milford-on-Sea. Printed in Lyon, France.


Green and spotted lizards.

The former species is found in the South of England, as well as on the Continent; the latter is restricted to Southern Europe and North Africa.

The first species is found in the south of England and on the continent; the second is limited to southern Europe and North Africa.


Book III. Reptiles and Amphibians.







Crocodiles and alligators.

The Reptile Class, as defined by modern scientific limitations, includes among the living animals of the world the several groups of the Crocodiles, the Tortoises and Turtles, the Tuatera, the Lizards, and the Snakes. In the popular mind the Frogs and Toads, and the Newts and Salamanders, are often held to belong to the same main section; but these, as hereafter shown, claim, as Amphibians, an independent position of equivalent rank and value. In bygone geological ages the Reptile Class embraced a considerably larger number of groups; some of the members, such as the extinct Dinosaurs, comprised titanic monsters from 60 to 80 feet in length. The Crocodiles and Alligators of the present day are the only living reptiles which in any way approach the extinct Saurians in their dimensions, or assist us in some small measure to realise their unwieldy forms and bulk.

The Reptile Class, as defined by modern science, includes the various groups of Crocodiles, Tortoises and Turtles, Tuatara, Lizards, and Snakes among the living animals in the world. In popular thought, Frogs and Toads, along with Newts and Salamanders, are often considered to be part of this main category; however, these creatures, as will be explained later, belong to the Amphibians, which hold an independent status of equal importance. In ancient geological times, the Reptile Class included a much larger variety of groups; some members, like the extinct Dinosaurs, were massive giants ranging from 60 to 80 feet long. Today, the only living reptiles that even slightly resemble the extinct Saurians in size are Crocodiles and Alligators, which help us imagine their enormous shapes and bulk.

The members of the Crocodile Order, which, in addition to the Alligators, includes also the Caimans and so-called Gavials or Garials, agree with one another in the more or less ponderous lizard-like shape of their body, supported on well-developed but short and comparatively weak legs, in their special adaptation to an amphibious existence, carnivorous habits, and restriction to tropical and subtropical climates.

The members of the Crocodile Order, which also includes Alligators, Caimans, and the so-called Gavials or Garials, share a somewhat heavy, lizard-like body shape, supported by well-developed but short and relatively weak legs. They are specially adapted to live both in water and on land, have carnivorous diets, and are limited to tropical and subtropical climates.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Young Nile Croc.

This species was worshipped with divine honours and mummified after death by the ancient Egyptians.

This species was honored as divine and mummified after death by the ancient Egyptians.

Among the salient characters of the Crocodile, as the representative of its tribe, which specially adapt it for its aquatic habits, the long, powerful tail is strongly compressed and thus fitted for use as an organ of propulsion, {546}and the feet are more or less webbed. The most striking of its structural adaptations is, however, associated with the formation of the creature's skull. The manner in which a crocodile or alligator contrives to breathe or to save itself from asphyxiation, when opening and shutting its mouth under water, as it may often be observed to do in the Regent's Park Menagerie, is a common source of wonderment to the onlooker. This seemingly difficult feat is compassed by virtue of the posterior nostrils, or breathing-passages, being set so far back in the skull, and being so completely cut off from the mouth-cavity by specially developed bones of the palate, that they have no intercommunication with the mouth. It is this mechanism which enables a crocodile to seize and hold an animal underneath the water between its open jaws until it is drowned. Special valves at the back of the mouth prevent any water running down the creature's throat, while it is able itself to breathe unrestrainedly by allowing just the tip of its elongated snout, with the anterior nostril-apertures, to remain above the water's surface. In many species a conspicuous knob-like bony excrescence is developed at the extremity of the snout, by which the nostril-openings are raised turret-wise above the surface of the water. The eyes also being usually elevated above the level of the creature's head, the crocodile is able to approach its floating or bank-side prey practically unperceived, its huge body, limbs, and even the head, with the exception of the nose and eyes, being totally submerged.

Among the notable features of the Crocodile, which makes it well-suited for life in water, is its long, powerful tail that is streamlined for propulsion, {546} and its somewhat webbed feet. However, the most impressive adaptation is related to the structure of its skull. The way a crocodile or alligator manages to breathe and avoid suffocation while opening and closing its mouth underwater, as often seen at the Regent's Park Menagerie, never fails to amaze onlookers. This seemingly difficult trick is possible because its nostrils, or breathing passages, are positioned far back in the skull and are completely separated from the mouth by uniquely evolved bones in the palate, ensuring there's no connection with the mouth. This design allows a crocodile to catch and hold prey underwater in its open jaws until the prey drowns. Special valves at the back of the mouth prevent water from entering its throat, while it can breathe freely by keeping just the tip of its long snout, with its nostril openings, above the water's surface. In many species, a noticeable knob-like bony structure develops at the end of the snout, lifting the nostril openings above the water level. With its eyes usually raised above the head, the crocodile can approach its floating or riverbank prey almost unnoticed, as the rest of its large body, limbs, and even its head—except for the nose and eyes—are completely submerged.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



A native of West Africa, remarkable for the extreme shortness and great breadth of its nozzle.

A native of West Africa, known for its very short and broad nozzle.


Photo by Norman B. Smith, Esq. 

Photo by Norman B. Smith, Esq.



A man-eating individual. This particular animal has just been shot. The natives in the background give a good idea of its size—little less than 20 feet long.

A man-eating creature. This specific animal has just been shot. The locals in the background provide a clear sense of its size—just under 20 feet long.

Although capable of moving with great activity in the water, crocodiles and their allies are usually accounted sluggish and slow movers on the land. Seen basking in the sun, as is their wont, by the hour together on some sand-bank, or creeping lazily thereon among their fellows, such a conclusion is natural. The celerity, however, with which {547}even a huge 25-footer, as witnessed by the writer in the Norman River, North Queensland, will make tracks for and hurl itself into the water, if disturbed during its midday siesta by the near impact of a rifle-bullet, is a revelation. Crocodiles, moreover, as might be inferred from the slit-like contour of the eye-pupil, as shown by daylight, are to a large extent nocturnal, displaying their greatest activity, and being in the habit of travelling long distances along and away from the river-banks in search of food, or in connection with their migratory or mating instincts, under the cover of darkness.

Although crocodiles and their relatives can move quickly in water, they are usually seen as slow and sluggish on land. It's easy to think this when you see them basking in the sun for hours on a sand bank or lazily moving among each other. However, the speed with which even a massive 25-foot crocodile, like the one I observed in the Norman River, North Queensland, can dash for and leap into the water when startled by the sound of a rifle shot during its midday nap is astonishing. Additionally, as suggested by the slit shape of their pupils in daylight, crocodiles are primarily nocturnal. They display their most activity at night, often traveling long distances along and away from riverbanks in search of food or for migration and mating purposes.


Photo by Mr. W. Rau]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Mr. W. Rau]  [Philadelphia.


A crocodile.

Note the massive character of the tail, a weapon wherewith the creature can disable a horse or an ox, or sweep smaller prey into the water.

Note the large size of the tail, which the creature can use to incapacitate a horse or an ox, or to drag smaller prey into the water.

Of all living animals the crocodile and its allies are probably equipped most efficiently for both defence and aggression. The thick, horny shields, quadrangular on the back, tail, and under-surface, and adapted in shape and size to cover the head, limbs, and sides, constitute an almost impenetrable cuirass. As weapons of offence the formidable array of trenchant teeth, with which the powerful jaws are armed, have not alone to be reckoned with by the victim assailed. The crocodile's limbs and claws are relatively weak, and incapable of aggressive mischief; but in the long, compressed, muscular tail the reptile possesses a terribly effective weapon, wherewith, with one swift, unexpected side-stroke, it will sweep a smaller animal into the water, or deal a blow of sufficient power to fell or disable a man or bullock. Thus well-nigh invulnerable, and cognisant of its marvellous power of jaw and tail, a full-grown crocodile will not hesitate to try conclusions with even such puissant adversaries as the bear, the tiger, and other large carnivora, when they approach the river's brink to drink. Not infrequently, too, the crocodile comes off the victor in these contests; while, as sometimes happens, both of the well-matched foes are found dead side by side at the water's edge. The dread in which crocodiles are held by the natives of tropical countries, and the heavy toll they levy upon the riverside population, and more especially the women-folk in their accustomed avocations of water-carrying or laundry work, are too familiar to need dissertation. Hence it is that in every country, excepting those particular locations where the creature is a subject of misguided veneration or fetish worship, it may be said that every man's hand is against them, and the enmity most cordially reciprocated.

Of all living animals, crocodiles and their relatives are probably the best equipped for both defense and aggression. Their thick, tough shields—square-shaped on their back, tail, and underside, and shaped to protect their head, limbs, and sides—create an almost impenetrable armor. Their powerful jaws are armed with a formidable set of sharp teeth that any potential victim must contend with. Although the crocodile’s limbs and claws are relatively weak and not meant for offense, their long, muscular tail is a dangerously effective weapon. With a swift, surprising side-swipe, they can drag a smaller animal into the water or deliver a blow strong enough to incapacitate a person or a bullock. Almost invulnerable and aware of their incredible jaw and tail strength, an adult crocodile will not hesitate to confront powerful opponents like bears, tigers, and other large carnivores when they come to the river to drink. It's not uncommon for crocodiles to win these battles; sometimes, both equally matched enemies are found dead side by side at the water's edge. The fear that locals in tropical regions have of crocodiles and the significant toll they take on riverside communities—especially among women who are usually carrying water or doing laundry—is well-known and doesn't need much explanation. Therefore, in every country except for those specific places where the creature is misguidedly revered or worshiped, it's fair to say that everyone is against them, and the feeling of hostility is definitely mutual.

All the members of the Crocodile Family propagate by egg-production. The eggs are {548}relatively small in size, those of the largest species not exceeding that of a goose in dimensions. In shape they are more or less symmetrically ovate, and encased with a hard, white shell. In the case of the crocodile, the female selects a suitable dry sand-bank near the river's edge, in which it excavates a hole of about 2 feet deep, and, having deposited from twenty to sixty eggs therein, mounts guard over them, sleeping on top of the nest by day, until the young are hatched. With the alligator, the site chosen for the nest is more usually among bushes or reeds at some distance from the water, and the eggs, which may be laid to the number of over 100, are covered over with leaves and vegetable débris, whose decomposition engenders the heat required for their successful incubation. In both instances the parent jealously guards the nest and repels all intruders until the eggs are hatched, and ultimately conducts the young ones to the water, where they soon learn to shift for themselves. Numbers of them, nevertheless, in their young and weak state, fall victims to vultures, hawks, ichneumons, and all manner of birds and beasts of prey. From their birth the little saurians are most vicious and irascible in disposition, hissing and snapping at or laying hold with bull-dog tenacity of a finger or other seizable object that may be held towards them. From their earliest days also they are eminently aggressive and carnivorous. Contenting themselves at first with flies and other insects, they speedily extend their attentions to frogs, lizards, fish, or any small animals which frequent the marshes and river-banks; and finally, with their concurrently increased appetites and dimensions, requisition such larger prey as sheep, goats, deer, horses, and, as before mentioned, even the human species, if they can steal a march on them unawares. Crocodiles are provided with relatively small gullets, and are necessarily incapable of swallowing any prey whole which is of large dimensions. Accordingly any big quarry which is seized and dragged into the river is disposed of piecemeal, the reptile rending the carcase in fragments with the aid of its terrible teeth and side-wrenches of its ponderous body.

All members of the Crocodile Family reproduce by laying eggs. The eggs are {548}relatively small, with those from the largest species not being bigger than a goose's. They are more or less symmetrically oval and covered with a hard, white shell. For crocodiles, the female chooses a suitable dry sandbank near the river's edge, digging a hole about 2 feet deep, where she lays between twenty to sixty eggs and guards them, sleeping on the nest during the day until they hatch. In the case of alligators, nests are usually built among bushes or reeds a bit farther from the water, often containing over 100 eggs that are covered with leaves and plant debris, which decomposes to create the heat needed for proper incubation. In both cases, the parents fiercely protect the nest and fend off any intruders until the eggs hatch, eventually leading the young to the water, where they quickly learn to fend for themselves. Despite this, many of the hatchlings, being young and vulnerable, fall prey to vultures, hawks, ichneumons, and various other predators. From the moment they are born, the little reptiles have a fierce and aggressive nature, hissing and snapping at or clinging tenaciously to any finger or object held towards them. Even from their early days, they are predatory and carnivorous. Initially, they settle for flies and other insects, but quickly move on to frogs, lizards, fish, and any small animals found near marshes and riverbanks. Eventually, as their appetites and sizes grow, they target larger prey like sheep, goats, deer, horses, and, as previously mentioned, even humans if they can catch them off guard. Crocodiles have relatively small throats, making it impossible for them to swallow large prey whole. Therefore, any large catch that they drag into the water is consumed piece by piece, as the reptile tears the carcass apart with its powerful teeth and the strong movements of its massive body.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A Queensland crocodile.

The specimen referred to in the anecdote on page 550.

The example mentioned in the story on page 550.

Of crocodiles proper, as distinguished from alligators, there are some dozen known species. From their last-named near allies they are distinguished by the entire absence of the supplementary bony armature which in most alligators underlies the outer horny cuirass on the under surface of the body. A more essential distinction is associated with the character of the teeth. The upper and lower teeth of the crocodile interlock, and the fourth lower canine-like tooth is received into a notch in the side of the upper jaw, and is consequently more or less visible when the mouth is closed. In the alligators, on the other hand, this bigger tusk-like tooth fits into a pit-like excavation in the upper jaw, and is invisible when the mouth is shut.

Of true crocodiles, as separate from alligators, there are about a dozen known species. They differ from their close relatives by not having the extra bony armor that most alligators have beneath the tough outer shell on the underside of their bodies. A more important difference is in the shape of their teeth. The upper and lower teeth of the crocodile interlock, and the fourth lower canine-like tooth fits into a notch on the upper jaw, making it somewhat visible when the mouth is closed. In contrast, alligators have this larger tusk-like tooth fitting into a pit-like groove in the upper jaw, making it hidden when their mouth is shut.

The True Crocodiles are found in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australasia, and Central America. The largest is undoubtedly the estuarine species, ranging from the eastern shores of India, through the Malay region, to North and East Australia, New Guinea, and the Fiji Islands. This wide range is a natural concomitant of their brackish- and salt-water proclivities. Individuals of the species are, in fact, not infrequently met with floating on the sea at some considerable distance from the land. An example of this estuarine species has been recorded which measured no less than 33 feet, while a length of 20 feet and over is by no means of uncommon occurrence.

The True Crocs are found in the tropical areas of Africa, Asia, Australasia, and Central America. The largest of these is definitely the estuarine species, which ranges from the eastern coasts of India, through the Malay region, to North and East Australia, New Guinea, and the Fiji Islands. This broad range naturally aligns with their preference for brackish and salt water. Individuals of this species are often seen floating in the sea, sometimes quite far from the shore. One recorded example of this estuarine species measured an impressive 33 feet, while lengths of 20 feet and over are not uncommon.


Photo by J. W. McLellan]  [Highbury.

Photo by J. W. McLellan] [Highbury.



The lower tusk-like teeth fit into notches in the upper jaw, and are visible when the mouth is closed. In the alligator these teeth fit into pits in the upper jaw, and are hidden from view under the like conditions.

The lower tusk-like teeth fit into notches in the upper jaw and are visible when the mouth is closed. In alligators, these teeth fit into pits in the upper jaw and are hidden from sight under similar conditions.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Crocodiles and alligators with babies.

Notwithstanding their proverbially irascible dispositions, these reptiles, of all ages and dimensions, herd together on the most amiable terms.

Despite their famously irritable natures, these reptiles, of all ages and sizes, gather together in a surprisingly friendly way.

The method adopted in Queensland and North Australia for capturing these destructive monsters is that of a running noose, so attached to a suitably flexible mangrove-tree growing in the vicinity of its nocturnal runs as to constitute a gigantic spring-trap. A dead carcase or other suitable bait is added to lure the animal to its doom. The crocodiles thus caught are alive and uninjured, and can be dispatched or reserved for menagerie exhibition. A somewhat amusing incident attended the transport of a "reprieved" captive by steamship from Cairns to Brisbane, Queensland, a few years since. In the dead of night, when all but the watch and engineer had retired to rest (they have to anchor and lay-to at night in the Great Barrier Reef channels), the saurian managed to free himself from his bonds, and started on a voyage of discovery around the decks. Arriving at the stoke-hold, he either incontinently stumbled into it, or descended of malice prepense, sniffing the chance of a supper or a good joke at the engineer's expense. Anyway, the engineer was aroused from his peaceful dozings with the impression that the last day of reckoning had arrived, and, rushing up the hatchway, awakened the whole ship's strength with his frantic outcries.

The method used in Queensland and North Australia for capturing these destructive creatures is a running noose tied to a suitably flexible mangrove tree near their nighttime routes, forming a giant spring trap. A dead animal or other appropriate bait is used to lure the creature to its fate. The crocodiles caught this way are alive and unharmed, and can be killed or kept for zoo displays. A somewhat funny incident occurred when a "spared" captive was being transported by steamship from Cairns to Brisbane, Queensland, a few years back. In the dead of night, when everyone except the watch and engineer was asleep (they have to anchor and stop at night in the Great Barrier Reef channels), the crocodile managed to escape its restraints and began exploring the decks. When it reached the stoke-hold, it either accidentally tumbled in or purposely went down, hoping for a meal or a good laugh at the engineer's expense. Either way, the engineer was jolted from his peaceful slumber, convinced that the end of the world had come, and rushed up the hatchway, waking the entire crew with his frantic cries.

The Nile Crocodile, the most familiar form in European menageries, and once abundant throughout Egypt to the Nile's delta, has now retired to the upper reaches of that great river. It never attains to the dimensions of the estuarine form. By the ancient Egyptians, as is well known, this species was pampered and worshipped with divine honours while living, and after death embalmed and preserved in the catacombs.

The Nile Croc, the most recognizable type in European zoos, once thrived throughout Egypt up to the Nile’s delta, but has now moved to the upper parts of that great river. It never grows as large as the estuarine type. As is widely known, the ancient Egyptians pampered and worshipped this species with divine honors while it was alive, and after death, they embalmed and preserved it in the catacombs.


Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq.]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Robert D. Carson, Esq. Philadelphia.



The teeth of crocodiles, as compared with those of alligators, are much less uniform in size and character.

The teeth of crocodiles, compared to those of alligators, are much less consistent in size and shape.

Other noteworthy crocodiles, of which space will allow only of the mention of their names, are the American or Orinoco Crocodile, and the Long-snouted Crocodile of West Africa, which distantly approach to the Long-snouted Gavial or Garial of India, in which the snout is elongated in a beak-like manner, and armed with close rows of long, recurved teeth, specially adapted for its {551}exclusively fish-eating propensities. Full-grown examples of the gavial may attain to a length of 20 feet.

Other notable crocodiles, of which I can only mention their names due to space, include the US or Orinoco Croc, and the Long-snouted Croc from West Africa. They are somewhat similar to the Gharial or Gerial from India, which has a beak-like, elongated snout filled with tightly packed rows of long, curved teeth, perfectly suited for its {551}strictly fish-eating habits. Adult gavials can reach lengths of up to 20 feet.

The Typical or Mississippi Alligator is, as its name denotes, a North American form, having the modified dental and other structural details previously referred to, but otherwise in size and its aggressively destructive habits nearly corresponding with the Oriental crocodile. A second species of alligator is found in China.

The Common or Mississippi alligator is, as the name suggests, a North American type, featuring the altered dental and other structural characteristics mentioned earlier. However, in terms of size and its highly destructive behavior, it is quite similar to the Oriental crocodile. There is a second species of alligator found in China.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.  [Parson's Green.


Mississippi and Chinese alligators.

The Chinese species, which is the smaller of the two, feeds mainly upon fish.

The Chinese species, which is the smaller of the two, primarily feeds on fish.

In the tropical South American rivers the place of the alligator is occupied by the Caimans, some of which attain to huge proportions, and are distinguished from the former by the greater development of the bony armature of both their back and under-surface, and by certain essential, but to the lay reader obscure, modifications of the skull. An example of the Great Caiman once did duty as a riding-horse to the naturalist Waterton, as all those familiar with his book of travels will remember.

In the tropical rivers of South America, the alligator is replaced by the Caimans, some of which grow to massive sizes. They differ from alligators by having a more developed bony structure on both their back and underside, as well as specific, but not easily understood, changes in their skull. An example of the Awesome Caiman even served as a riding horse for the naturalist Waterton, as those who know his travel book will recall.

The habits of the caiman differ somewhat locally. From the main stream of the Lower Amazon they are in the habit of migrating in the dry season to the inland pools and flooded forests. In the middle districts of the same river, where the drought is excessive and protracted, the caimans are addicted to burying themselves in the mud till the rains return; while in the upper reaches of the Amazon, where the droughts are not prolonged, the caimans are perennially present. The eggs of these reptiles are much esteemed for food by the natives of Dutch Guiana.

The habits of the caiman vary somewhat by location. In the main channel of the Lower Amazon, they tend to migrate to inland pools and flooded forests during the dry season. In the middle parts of the river, where droughts are severe and last a long time, caimans bury themselves in the mud until the rains come back; whereas in the upper regions of the Amazon, where droughts are less severe, caimans are always present. The locals in Dutch Guiana greatly value the eggs of these reptiles as food.



Tortoises and turtles.

The order of the Chelonians, including the Tortoises, Turtles, and Terrapins, with their allies, constitutes one of the most distinct and readily defined groups of the Reptile Class. The more or less complete bony shell, or carapace, which encases the body, and into which both head and limbs can in many cases be completely retracted, separates these reptiles very widely from the other orders. In some respects certain details of the skull-structure assimilate them to the Crocodiles; but here again there is an entire absence of the rows of formidable teeth, the upper and lower jaws being sharply pointed, covered with horn, and thus converted into a trenchant beak. The two leading groups of the Tortoises and the Turtles are distinctly separated, by the respective conformation of their limbs, for a terrestrial or aquatic existence. The Tortoises have normal walking-legs, with toes and, in most instances, claws, fitting them for walking on the land or burrowing into the earth. In the True Turtles {552}these limbs take the form of flattened paddles, and in no instance are more than two of the toes provided with claws.

The Chelonian order, which includes Tortoises, Turtles, and Terrapins, along with their relatives, represents one of the most distinct and easily defined groups within the Reptile Class. The nearly complete bony shell, or carapace, that surrounds the body, allowing for the complete retraction of both the head and limbs in many cases, sets these reptiles apart from other orders. In some ways, certain details of their skull structure are similar to Crocodiles; however, they completely lack the rows of intimidating teeth, with their upper and lower jaws being sharply pointed, covered in horn, and forming a sharp beak. The two main groups, Tortoises and Turtles, are clearly distinguished by the structure of their limbs, which are adapted for land or water living. Tortoises have regular walking legs with toes, and in most cases, claws, making them suited for walking on land or digging into the ground. In True Turtles, {552}these limbs have evolved into flattened paddles, and typically no more than two of the toes have claws.

The Tortoises are sub-divided by zoologists into some six or eight subordinate groups or families, for the most part distinguished by the respective modifications of their protective shells. This shell in all tortoises and turtles consists of two essential elements—the upper or back casing, known as the "carapace," and the under one, or so-called "plastron," which covers the ventral surface. In some forms these two elements are completely welded into one another, forming a continuous box-like shell; in others they are more or less separate; while in yet another series the lower shell is rudimentary. These distinctions have been found to constitute a convenient basis for classification.

The Turtles are categorized by zoologists into around six to eight subordinate groups or families, mainly distinguished by the different modifications of their protective shells. This shell in all tortoises and turtles consists of two main parts—the top or back part, called the "carapace," and the bottom part, known as the "plastron," which covers the underside. In some species, these two parts are fully fused together, creating a continuous box-like shell; in others, they are more or less separate, while in some, the lower shell is underdeveloped. These differences have proven to be a useful basis for classification.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Asian Tortoises.

A tortoise, like a turtle, turned over on its back, represents one of the most helpless of living animals.

A tortoise, similar to a turtle, flipped onto its back, represents one of the most helpless living creatures.

In the True Land-tortoises, which invite first attention, the upper and lower shells are completely united in a box-like form, and the neck, bent in the form of the letter S, can be completely retracted within it. The limbs are club-shaped, covered with horny scales or tubercles, and adapted for walking, the toes being unwebbed, and provided with strong claw-like nails.

In the Real Tortoises, which capture immediate interest, the top and bottom shells are completely fused into a box-like structure, and the neck, bent like the letter S, can fully retract inside it. The limbs are thick and rounded, covered with hard scales or bumps, and designed for walking, with unwebbed toes that have strong, claw-like nails.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.


European tortoise.

A tortoise's shell, or carapace, constitutes a portable house, wherein the animal can entirely withdraw for shelter in inclement weather, or when attacked by enemies.

A tortoise's shell, or carapace, serves as a portable home, where the animal can completely retreat for protection during bad weather or when it’s threatened by predators.

Pre-eminent among this typical terrestrial series come the huge Giant or Elephant-tortoises, formerly abundant, as their fossil remains indicate, in Southern Europe, India, and North and South America, and now represented only in the isolated oceanic islands of Aldabra, off Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Galapagos groups. Even within historic times they were very abundant in the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues; but their huge size and lethargic habits, combined with their esculent qualities, have brought about their extermination. Those remaining in the islands mentioned are now so reduced in numbers that there is a possibility of their becoming extinct at an early date, and this notwithstanding the strenuous endeavours that are being made to save them. A large percentage of the small residue of these giant Chelonians have been transported from their island homes and presented to the London Zoological Gardens, where they are now comfortably housed.

Pre-eminent among this typical group of land animals are the massive Giant or Giant tortoises, which were once abundant, as indicated by fossil remains, in Southern Europe, India, and North and South America. Now, they exist only on isolated oceanic islands like Aldabra, off Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Galapagos. Even in recent history, they were plentiful in Mauritius and Rodrigues, but their large size and slow-moving nature, along with their tasty flesh, led to their extinction. The remaining tortoises on the islands mentioned are now so few in number that they could disappear completely soon, despite the significant efforts being made to save them. A large percentage of the small remaining population of these giant tortoises has been moved from their island homes and given to the London Zoological Gardens, where they are now safely housed.

An instructive idea of the aspect and relative dimensions of these giant tortoises may be obtained by a reference to page vii of the First Volume, in which one of these Chelonians is shown to be equal in size and strength to carrying a human rider. It is recorded that these reptiles were so abundant in the island of Rodrigues in 1691 that one might count as many as 3,000 of them in a single flock, and walk for over 100 paces upon their backs. All of these giant tortoises, as obtained from separate island groups, or islets of the groups, exhibit characteristic differences, indicating the length of time they have been separated from one another. The age to which these giant tortoises attain is altogether phenomenal. One example at Port Louis, Mauritius, {553}originally brought from the Seychelles, is definitely known to have lived for over 130 years from the date of its transportation. It is stated to have been of large size when imported; and as these animals are notoriously slow growers, another couple of centuries may be safely added to its life-span. The Galapagos Islands down to recent times have produced the greater number of species of these tortoises, the carapace of the largest of these not infrequently measuring as much as 4 feet in direct length, and the weight of such an animal being over 400 lbs.

An informative idea of the appearance and relative size of these giant tortoises can be found on page vii of the First Volume, where one of these creatures is depicted as being strong enough to carry a human rider. It’s noted that these reptiles were so plentiful on the island of Rodrigues in 1691 that you could see as many as 3,000 in a single group and walk over 100 steps on their backs. All of these giant tortoises, sourced from distinct island groups or small islets, show unique differences that reveal how long they’ve been separated from each other. The lifespan of these giant tortoises is remarkable. One individual in Port Louis, Mauritius, {553}, originally from the Seychelles, is known to have lived for over 130 years since it was transported there. It was said to be quite large when it arrived, and since these animals grow very slowly, it’s reasonable to add another couple of centuries to its lifespan. Until recently, the Galapagos Islands have produced the most species of these tortoises, with the carapace of the largest occasionally measuring up to 4 feet in length, and such an animal weighing over 400 lbs.


Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, by permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. 

Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, used with permission from Hon. Walter Rothschild.


Galapagos Islands elephant tortoises.

Several species are shown in this photograph.

Several species are depicted in this photograph.

Highly interesting details concerning the Galapagos giant tortoises and their habits are contained in Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle." At the time of that illustrious naturalist's visit they were still very abundant in the islands. He remarked that they abounded in both the higher and damper and the lower and arid districts, but gave preference to the former. The old males were invariably the largest, growing to such a size that they required six or eight men to lift them, and yielded as much as 200 lbs. of good, highly nutritious meat. On some of the islands there was no water; and in these cases, as also when they occurred in the dry and arid lowlands, they were observed to feed chiefly on the succulent cactuses. When water was plentiful, the tortoises exhibited a great fondness for it, drinking large quantities and wallowing in the mud. In the larger islands, where wells and springs existed in the higher and damper portions, regular well-beaten paths radiated in every direction, indicating the routes, like sheep-tracks, regularly followed by the tortoises to and from the water-holes. It was these tracks which betrayed their presence and led to their first discovery by the older Spanish navigators. When travelling long distances to the watering-places, it is recorded that they march night and day, pursuing the "even tenor of their way" at the rate of sixty yards an hour—one yard per minute, or four miles per day! During the breeding-season the larger males indulge in hoarse roarings or bellowings that can be heard for a considerable distance. The female deposits her eggs either in the sand, where this is plentiful, covering them up {554}again, or, where the ground is rocky, drops them indiscriminately in any crevice or depression encountered. The eggs are white, spherical, and hard-shelled, as in all tortoises, and somewhat exceed those of a hen in bulk.

Highly interesting details about the Galapagos giant tortoises and their behaviors are found in Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle." When that famous naturalist visited, they were still quite common on the islands. He noted that they thrived in both the wetter, higher areas and the dry, lower regions but preferred the former. The older males were consistently the largest, growing so big that it took six to eight men to lift them, and they provided up to 200 lbs. of nutritious meat. On some islands, there was no water, and in these areas, as well as in the dry lowlands, they mainly fed on succulent cacti. When water was plentiful, the tortoises showed a strong liking for it, drinking large amounts and wallowing in mud. On the larger islands, where wells and springs were found in the higher, wetter areas, there were well-worn paths radiating in all directions, showing the routes, like sheep trails, that the tortoises regularly took to and from the waterholes. These tracks revealed their presence and led to their first discovery by early Spanish explorers. When traveling long distances to watering spots, it’s reported that they walk night and day, keeping a steady pace of sixty yards an hour—one yard per minute, or four miles per day! During the breeding season, the larger males let out deep roars or bellows that can be heard from quite a distance. The female lays her eggs either in the sand, where it’s abundant, covering them up again, or, where the ground is rocky, she drops them randomly into any crevice or dip she finds. The eggs are white, spherical, and hard-shelled, like all tortoise eggs, and are slightly larger than those of a hen.

The very antithesis of the giant land-tortoises of the Galapagos Islands is the small and familiar Grecian Tortoise, frequently exposed for sale on hand-barrows in the London streets, and acquired by the unsophisticated suburban resident as a quaint but not altogether estimable garden pet. Like the majority of tortoises, this is a vegetarian, and with epicurean tastes that will guide it instinctively to select your choicest lettuces and the gems of your horticultural triumphs for the delectation of its fastidious appetite. The Grecian tortoise rarely exceeds 5½ inches in length, and is abundant throughout South-eastern Europe, Sicily, Italy, and the Grecian Archipelago, extending thence to Syria. In Algeria an almost identical tortoise occurs which grows to the greater length of 9 inches; while Greece produces yet a third form, the so-called Margined Tortoise, which attains the greater length of 11 inches, and is distinguished by the colour of the carapace usually being black, with a small spot of yellow on each shield-like plate. All three of the foregoing species are collectively imported by shiploads for sale in England, and it would be interesting to know what fate befalls them. In Greece and Sicily they are regularly placed on the market as an article of food. When acclimatised in England, and even in their warmer native country, these Grecian tortoises bury themselves in the earth and hibernate during the cold winter months.

The complete opposite of the giant land tortoises from the Galapagos Islands is the small and familiar Greek Tortoise, often seen for sale on carts in the streets of London, bought by unsuspecting suburban residents as a quirky but not entirely reliable garden pet. Like most tortoises, this one is a vegetarian and has refined tastes that will lead it to pick out your best lettuces and the prize plants you’ve grown for its picky appetite. The Grecian tortoise usually measures no more than 5½ inches in length and is commonly found throughout Southeastern Europe, Sicily, Italy, and the Greek Archipelago, reaching as far as Syria. In Algeria, there’s a very similar tortoise that can grow up to 9 inches long, while Greece has a third variety known as the Margined Tortoise, which can reach 11 inches in length and is characterized by its black shell, often with a small yellow spot on each shield-like plate. All three species are imported in bulk for sale in England, and it would be interesting to know what happens to them afterward. In Greece and Sicily, they are regularly sold as food. Once adapted to England, and even in their warmer home countries, these Grecian tortoises burrow into the ground and hibernate during the cold winter months.


Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, by permission of Hon. Walter Rothschild. 

Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, used with permission from Hon. Walter Rothschild.



Note the small size of the head with relation to the huge carapace.

Note the small size of the head in relation to the huge shell.

Next to the typical Land-tortoises the so-called Hinged Tortoises demand brief notice. The several members of this little group are denizens of tropical Africa, and notable for the circumstance that the hinder portion of their carapace is united with the anterior one by a movable ligamentous hinge. As a result of this peculiarity the animal, when retracted within its shell, can entirely close up the hinder aperture. None of these forms exceed a length of 9 inches.

Next to the typical land tortoises, the so-called hinged tortoises deserve a quick mention. The members of this small group live in tropical Africa and are notable for having their back part of the shell connected to the front part by a movable ligamentous hinge. Because of this unique feature, the animal can completely close the back opening when it pulls inside its shell. None of these types are longer than 9 inches.

In another group, distinguished by the title of Box-tortoises, a ligamentous hinge is developed across the centre of the lower shell, or plastron, which, being freely movable with relation to the upper shell, enables the animal, when retracted, to completely close up both the anterior and posterior carapace apertures. The box-tortoises are natives of the South-eastern United States and Mexico, and, in addition to the foregoing structural peculiarity, are distinguished by the high or vaulted contour of their carapace. In some the toes are slightly webbed, and their habits are mainly carnivorous, indicating affinity with the flesh-eating and essentially aquatic Terrapins.

In another group known as Box turtles, there is a ligament hinge developed in the center of the lower shell, or plastron. This hinge allows the lower shell to move freely in relation to the upper shell, enabling the animal to fully close both the front and back openings of the shell when it retracts. Box-tortoises are found in the Southeastern United States and Mexico, and besides this structural feature, they are also recognized for the high, rounded shape of their shell. In some species, the toes are slightly webbed, and their behavior is mostly carnivorous, indicating a connection to the meat-eating and primarily aquatic Terrapins.

Between the two, however, have been intercalated a little group, known as the Pond-tortoises, one species of which is found in Southern Europe, and a nearly allied one in North America. These pond-tortoises are distinguished by the smooth and depressed form of the carapace; the toes are fully webbed, fitting them for an aquatic life; while a ligamentous hinge, separating the anterior and posterior moieties of the plastron, enables them to cover in and protect their retracted head and limbs, after the manner of the Box-tortoises. The carapace of the European pond-tortoise does not exceed 7½ inches in length, and is usually dark brown or black, ornamented with yellow dots or radiating streaks. This species inhabits both ponds and running water, and during the daytime creeps out on the banks, like the Crocodiles, to bask in the sun. As with the Crocodiles, however, the daytime does not represent the period of its greatest activity, this being during the night. The pond-tortoises are highly esteemed for the table in the countries where they are indigenous.

Between the two, however, there's a small group known as the Turtles, with one species found in Southern Europe and a closely related one in North America. These pond-tortoises are characterized by their smooth and flattened shell; their toes are fully webbed, making them well-suited for life in water. They have a ligamentous hinge that separates the front and back parts of the plastron, allowing them to cover and protect their head and limbs when retracted, similar to Box-tortoises. The carapace of the European pond-tortoise measures no more than 7½ inches long and is typically dark brown or black, decorated with yellow dots or streaks. This species lives in both ponds and flowing water and during the day, it crawls onto the banks like Crocodiles to soak up the sun. However, like Crocodiles, it is most active at night. Pond-tortoises are highly valued as food in the countries where they are native.


Photos by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, by permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. 

Photos by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, used with permission from Hon. Walter Rothschild.



The elephant-like character of their limbs, whence they derive their name, is well exemplified in these examples.

The elephant-like features of their limbs, from which they get their name, are clearly shown in these examples.


The True Terrapins are all tortoises of essentially aquatic habits, differing, however, from the water-frequenting Pond-tortoises, last referred to, in that they have no ligamentous hinge providing for the hermetical closure of the carapace apertures. The carapace and plastron, moreover, are firmly united by bone, so that the two form conjointly a rigid, continuous shell, as in that of the typical Land-tortoises. The terrapins are widely distributed, being found in North America, Japan, China, the Persian Gulf, Spain, and North-west Africa. Terrapin ranks highly as a table delicacy in the United States. The real Diamond-backed species, however, is now becoming very scarce, the supply not being equal to the demand, and many inferior varieties being substituted in its place. The "fishing" for these terrapins is mainly prosecuted during the autumn months, when the reptiles become dormant, and are easily discovered and secured by probing the mud with sticks. The female terrapin, or "cow," as it is designated, is considered the greater delicacy, the eggs, to the number of twenty or thirty, usually found inside its body, being the de rigueur garnishing of the dainty dish. The diamond-terrapin rarely exceeds a length of 7 inches; but some of the inferior varieties, or "Sliders," as they are termed, are of much larger dimensions, and may weigh as much as 4 lbs.

The True Turtles are all tortoises that mainly live in water, but they differ from the water-loving Pond-tortoises mentioned earlier because they lack a ligamentous hinge that allows the shell openings to close tightly. The shell and plastron are also solidly connected by bone, creating a sturdy, continuous shell, like that of typical Land-tortoises. Terrapins are found in many places, including North America, Japan, China, the Persian Gulf, Spain, and Northwest Africa. In the United States, terrapin is considered a gourmet dish. However, the genuine Diamondback species is becoming quite rare, as demand exceeds supply, and lower-quality varieties are often used as substitutes. Fishing for these terrapins mainly occurs in the fall when they become dormant and can be easily found by probing the mud with sticks. The female terrapin, called a "cow," is regarded as the more desirable delicacy, with twenty to thirty eggs usually found inside her body, which are a must-have garnish for the dish. The diamond terrapin typically doesn't grow larger than 7 inches, but some lesser varieties, known as "Sliders," can be significantly larger and weigh up to 4 lbs.


Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, by permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. 

Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, used with permission from the Hon. Walter Rothschild.


Giant tortoise.

The giant tortoises, like the relatively diminutive European varieties, are essentially herbivorous.

The giant tortoises, like the smaller European types, mainly eat plants.

From an æsthetic standpoint the Painted Terrapin undoubtedly bears the palm. Its smooth, depressed carapace is not more than 6 inches long, and its ground-colour is usually a dark olive-green, yellow lines bordering its component central shields; the small marginal shields are sometimes almost crimson with black markings, and the "bridge" uniting the carapace and plastron exhibits the same brilliant coloration. The soft skin of the head, neck, and other exposed parts have yellow and red bands on a brown or blackish ground-colour. This beautiful little terrapin, which is a special favourite for aquariums, is a native of Eastern North America.

From an aesthetic perspective, the Painted Turtle definitely takes the prize. Its smooth, flattened shell is no more than 6 inches long, usually dark olive-green with yellow lines outlining its central shields. The small edge shields can be almost crimson with black markings, and the "bridge" connecting the shell and underbelly displays the same striking colors. The soft skin of its head, neck, and other exposed areas has yellow and red stripes on a brown or dark background. This lovely little terrapin, which is especially popular for aquariums, is native to Eastern North America.

Passing the small and not peculiarly conspicuous group of the American Mud-terrapins, we arrive at the very distinctly differentiated family of the Snappers, Snapping-turtles, or Alligator-terrapins, as they are variously called. These likewise are exclusively confined in their present-day distribution to the New World, though in former ages allied species inhabited Europe. The alligator-terrapins are characterised by the relatively small size of the carapace, within which the animal is unable to completely retract its head and limbs, as in the preceding types. The head is relatively large, and armed with a formidable hooked beak; while the tail greatly exceeds in relative length that of any of the ordinary tortoises or terrapins, and is scaly and crested somewhat like that of a crocodile along its upper ridge, and has horny plates on the under-surface. Their popular name has, in fact, been conferred upon these Chelonians on the strength of their presenting the aspect to no inconsiderable {557}extent of an alligator's body, to which the carapace of an ordinary terrapin has been united. The common alligator-terrapin, or snapping-turtle, is among aquatic Chelonians an animal of considerable size. The carapace alone may be as much or more than 20 inches long, and to this have to be added the thick head and neck and elongated tail, which, taken together, are of almost similar dimensions.

Passing the small and not particularly noticeable group of the American Mud Turtles, we arrive at the clearly distinct family of the Snapchatters, Snapping turtles, or Alligator turtles, as they are variously referred to. These are also exclusively found today in the New World, even though related species used to inhabit Europe. The alligator-terrapins are characterized by their relatively small carapace, which prevents the animal from fully retracting its head and limbs like the previous types. The head is relatively large and equipped with a strong hooked beak; meanwhile, the tail is much longer in proportion than that of any regular tortoises or terrapins, and it has a scaly and crested ridge similar to that of a crocodile, with horny plates underneath. Their common name has been given to these Chelonians because they look quite a bit like an alligator's body combined with the carapace of an ordinary terrapin. The common alligator-terrapin, or snapping-turtle, is a sizable aquatic Chelonian. The carapace alone can be over 20 inches long, and when you add the thick head, neck, and long tail, they are nearly the same size overall.

A second closely related member of this family, known by the name of Temminck's Snapper, attains to yet longer proportions, and is the largest known river-tortoise. The carapace in this species may measure over 2 feet in length, and has three strongly marked longitudinal ridges. The head is relatively larger and the tail somewhat shorter than in the preceding species. It is a denizen of the southern districts of the United States, being met with in Texas, Florida, and as far north as the Missouri.

A second closely related member of this family, called Temminck's Snapper, grows even larger and is the biggest known river tortoise. The shell of this species can exceed 2 feet in length and features three prominent longitudinal ridges. Its head is relatively larger and its tail a bit shorter compared to the previous species. It's found in the southern regions of the United States, specifically in Texas, Florida, and as far north as Missouri.

The habits of the two species are stated to be identical. Both of them frequent the rivers and swamps of the areas indicated, preferring the waters that have a muddy bottom, and in some localities occurring in vast numbers. As a rule they prefer lying in deep water near the centre of the river or swamp they inhabit, but they also occasionally ascend to the surface and float in midstream with outstretched necks. Like other water-tortoises, they come on land to find suitable locations for depositing their eggs. The name of Snappers, commonly applied to these tortoises, bears reference to their inveterate habit of snapping and biting viciously at everything placed within their reach. Even from the egg the young of Temminck's species is wont to display this trait. The animals are somewhat esteemed for food, and are consequently caught for the market. They will take almost any bait, but manifest a predilection for fish. Considerable caution has necessarily to be exercised in dealing with them in the boats, and it is a common custom to decapitate them immediately they are hauled on board, otherwise they are capable of inflicting the most terrible wounds with their powerful cutting beaks on the persons of all or any who may remain within their reach. Bathing in waters tenanted by the pugnacious and distinctly aggressive snappers is a risky proceeding, and many cases of serious injuries that have happened to incautious adventurers in this direction have been recorded.

The habits of the two species are said to be the same. Both of them frequent the rivers and swamps in the mentioned areas, favoring waters with muddy bottoms, and in some locations, they appear in large numbers. Generally, they prefer to stay in deep water near the center of the river or swamp they inhabit, but they also occasionally come to the surface and float in midstream with their necks stretched out. Like other water turtles, they come ashore to find suitable spots for laying their eggs. The nickname “Snappers” commonly used for these turtles refers to their notorious habit of snapping and biting aggressively at anything within reach. Even from their hatchling stage, young Temminck's species shows this behavior. These animals are somewhat valued for food, so they are often caught for sale at markets. They will take nearly any bait but show a particular preference for fish. It is essential to exercise caution when dealing with them in boats, and it’s common practice to decapitate them as soon as they are brought on board; otherwise, they can inflict severe injuries with their strong beaks on anyone who is within striking distance. Bathing in waters inhabited by the aggressive and hostile snappers is risky, and there have been numerous reports of serious injuries to careless adventurers in this regard.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


A giant tortoise with a European tortoise on its back.

Illustrating their comparative dimensions.

Showing their relative sizes.

The food of both the alligator and Temminck's snapper consists mainly of fish, and where common these tortoises must be ranked among the most potent agencies in denuding the rivers and lakes of their finny denizens. Not content with fish, the larger examples have been known to drag under water and devour such large water-fowl as ducks, and even geese. It is stated that the snappers exhibit a surprising amount of agility in the water, and swim after and capture the fish on which they feed. Such a feat seems scarcely credible of a bulky adult individual, while, moreover, it is provided with a remarkable and effective adaptation for taking its prey by stratagem. A very fine example of Temminck's snapper was for many years confined in a tank in the {558}Reptile-house in the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens. It usually lay prone at the bottom of its tank, giving little or no signs of life throughout the day, but was wont to display more activity and to move about its tank at night. At times, when ready for a fresh food-supply, it was observed that it would lie motionless as a stone, as usual, but with its mouth open to its widest gape. This attitude it would maintain for several hours together. The singularity of this action was that the gaping jaws displayed to view two elongate worm-like structures, which sprang close to one another from the floor of the mouth just within its entrance. These worm-like appendages were continually writhing to and fro, and presented in both aspect and movements a most remarkable resemblance to actual living worms. With this naturally provided decoy for fish there can be no need for the snapper to exhaust its energies in the strenuous pursuit of its quarry. To make the delusion complete, the head, neck, and chin of Temminck's snapper are decorated with small lobular or leaf-like membranous appendages resembling sponges or aquatic vegetation. The solid grey-brown triangular head of the animal itself might easily be mistaken for a piece of rock, and thus decorated with seemingly natural growths the unwary fish come browsing along it, rush upon the wriggling worms at the entrance of the cavernous chamber, and are lost. A photograph of this interesting Chelonian is reproduced on page 560, which depicts it with its mouth open, and indicates both the position and the presence of the worm-like decoy-appendages.

The diet of both the alligator and Temminck's snapper mainly consists of fish, and where they are common, these turtles can be considered among the most effective predators in depleting rivers and lakes of their fish populations. Not satisfied with just fish, the larger ones have been known to pull underwater and eat sizable waterfowl like ducks and even geese. It's said that the snappers display surprising agility in the water, swimming after and catching the fish they feed on. This seems hard to believe for a big adult individual, especially since it's equipped with a remarkable and effective strategy for catching its prey. A particularly impressive example of Temminck's snapper was kept in a tank for many years in the {558} Reptile-house at the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens. It usually lay flat at the bottom of its tank, showing little or no signs of life during the day, but would move around more at night. Sometimes, when it was ready for a meal, it would lie completely still like a rock, with its mouth wide open. It maintained this position for several hours. What's unique about this behavior is that the gaping jaws revealed two long, worm-like structures that emerged from the floor of the mouth just inside the entrance. These worm-like appendages constantly wriggled and closely resembled real living worms. With this natural decoy, the snapper doesn’t need to waste energy chasing its food. To enhance the illusion, the head, neck, and chin of Temminck's snapper are adorned with small lobular or leaf-like membrane appendages that look like sponges or aquatic plants. The solid grey-brown, triangular head of the animal itself could easily be mistaken for a rock. Decorated with these seemingly natural growths, unsuspecting fish come grazing along, pounce on the wriggling worms at the entrance of the deep chamber, and are caught. A photo of this fascinating turtle is shown on page 560, which depicts it with its mouth open and illustrates the position and presence of the worm-like decoy appendages.


Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, by permission of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. 

Photo by S. G. Payne & Son, Aylesbury, with permission from the Hon. Walter Rothschild.



Illustrating the ample chamber-like space provided within the carapace for the retraction of the head and limbs.

Illustrating the spacious, chamber-like area inside the shell for pulling back the head and limbs.

There are several water-tortoises presenting a considerable external resemblance to the forms already noticed which belong to distinct family groups. Thus the Matamata Tortoise of Northern Brazil has at first sight, except for its short tail and nose-like proboscis, much in common with Temminck's snapper. Fimbriated and foliaceous membranous outgrowths are developed on the head and neck to a much more luxuriant degree, and it would be interesting to ascertain if it possesses similar decoy-appendages inside the mouth.

There are several water turtles that look quite similar to the forms mentioned earlier but belong to different family groups. For example, the Matamata Turtle of Northern Brazil, at first glance, shares a lot in common with Temminck's snapper, aside from its short tail and nose-like snout. Its head and neck have much more elaborate, frilled, and leafy membranes, and it would be interesting to find out if it has similar decoy appendages inside its mouth.

The so-called Snake-necked Water-tortoises of South America, and the Long-necked aquatic ones of Australasia, possess modifications of skull-structure and other details that indicate family distinctness. A broad external character that serves to separate this group from the Terrapins and all preceding forms is that the neck, when drawn within the cavity of the carapace, is not flexed in the form of the letter S, but simply bent sideways along the anterior margin of the body. The species belonging to this group, which includes the Matamata, Snake-necked, and Soft-shelled Water-tortoises, and also a few essentially terrestrial species, are distinguished collectively by the appellation of the "Side-necked" Tortoises.

The so-called Snake-necked turtles of South America and the Long-neck aquatic ones of Australasia have variations in their skull structure and other features that show they are a distinct family. A key characteristic that sets this group apart from Terrapins and all earlier forms is that when the neck is retracted into the carapace, it doesn’t bend into an S shape but simply bends sideways along the front edge of the body. The species in this group, which includes the Matamata, Snake-necked, and Soft-shelled Water-tortoises, as well as a few land-dwelling species, are commonly referred to as the "Side-necked" Tortoises.





By permission of the New York Zoological Society. 

With permission from the New York Zoological Society.


Snapping turtle.

Also known as the Alligator-terrapin, with reference to its long, alligator-like tail.

Also known as the Alligator terrapin, because of its long, alligator-like tail.

Certain of the Terrapins, or Water-tortoises, belonging to the groups above described frequent saline river-estuaries and salt marshes, but none are strictly marine. With the Turtle Family, however, we arrive at an exclusively pelagic section, in which the animals are specially adapted for life in the high seas, the walking-limbs of the terrestrial and fresh-water species being replaced by long and powerful swimming-flippers. The shell in these marine Chelonians is more or less heart-shaped and flattened, and the carapace and plastron are always separate, and never united in a rigid box-like form, as with the Land-tortoises. In common with those fresh-water tortoises which pass the greater portion of their existence in lakes or rivers, the Marine Turtles resort to the land to deposit their eggs. The locations chosen are the sand-beaches or isolated sandy islets in tropical oceans, wherein, after excavating hollows to receive them, the eggs are covered up and left to hatch with the heat of the sun. The eggs of turtles differ from those of the Land-tortoises and Terrapins in that their external covering is soft or leathery. So soon as the young turtles are hatched, they emerge from the sand, and instinctively make their way to the water. Many, however, are the perils that beset their course, and few there be out of perhaps 80 or 100 turtlets which gain the shore and get through into deep water. Fish-hawks and sea-birds of every description are waiting ready to pounce down upon them immediately they make their appearance, or to thin their ranks as they run the gauntlet of perhaps 100 yards or so to reach the sea in safety. Even at the waters edge the ordeal is by no means passed. Shoals of the smaller sharks and other predatory fish are continually cruising round in the shallow water, and have as high an appreciation of the toothsomeness of tender turtle as the proverbial London alderman. The writer was fortunate on one occasion, among the coral islands on the Australian coasts, to light upon a young turtle brood {560}just emerging from their sandy nest. The majority were assisted to the sea, and a few, reserved in the interests of science, were liberated in a bath of sea-water to have their first swim. Snapshot photographs were taken, one of which, reproduced on page 561, serves to illustrate the great relative length of the paddle-like limbs at this early stage and the variety of postures assumed during natation.

Certain Terrapins, or Water-tortoises, from the mentioned groups are found in salty river estuaries and salt marshes, but none are purely marine. With the Turtle Family, however, we enter a section that is exclusively ocean-dwelling, where these animals are specifically adapted for life in the open sea, with their walking limbs replaced by long and powerful swimming flippers. The shells of these marine Chelonians are more or less heart-shaped and flattened, and their carapace and plastron are always separate, never fused into a rigid box shape like those of Land-tortoises. Like freshwater tortoises that spend most of their lives in lakes or rivers, Sea Turtles go to land to lay their eggs. They choose sand beaches or isolated sandy islets in tropical oceans, where they dig hollows for their eggs, cover them up, and leave them to hatch under the sun's heat. The eggs of turtles are different from those of Land-tortoises and Terrapins, having a soft or leathery outer covering. Once the young turtles hatch, they emerge from the sand and instinctively head toward the water. However, their journey is fraught with dangers; only a few out of perhaps 80 or 100 hatchlings reach the shore and manage to get into deeper water. Fish-hawks and various sea birds are waiting to swoop down on them as soon as they appear, or to pick them off as they run the gauntlet of around 100 yards to safely reach the sea. Even at the water's edge, the challenge isn’t over. Schools of smaller sharks and other predatory fish continuously patrol the shallow waters, eager for the taste of tender turtle, just like the proverbial London alderman. I was lucky one time, among the coral islands off the Australian coast, to find a young turtle hatchling group {560} just emerging from their sandy nest. Most were helped to the sea, while a few were kept for scientific study and released in a bath of seawater for their first swim. Snapshots were taken, one of which, shown on page 561, illustrates the relative length of the paddle-like limbs at this early stage and the variety of postures they assume while swimming.


Photo by York & Son]  [Notting Hill.

Photo by York & Son  [Notting Hill.


Temminck's Snapper.

The two white points visible on the lower jaw represent the pair of worm-like appendages which the creature uses as a bait to attract or capture fish.

The two white spots visible on the lower jaw represent the pair of worm-like appendages that the creature uses as bait to attract or catch fish.

Of the typical Marine Turtles three distinctly characterised species are recognised by zoologists. These are the Green Turtle, indispensable for soup at aldermanic banquets; the Hawksbill, or tortoiseshell-producing turtle; and the Loggerhead. Of these three, the green turtle and the loggerhead more nearly resemble one another, and are apt to be confounded by the uninitiated. Such an error is very readily detected when the Chelonian comes to the table, the flesh of the loggerhead being rank and utterly unfit for food. In order, however, to be wise before the event, and to avoid a grievous misdirection of culinary energy—turtle being a standard dish in the coral seas—it is only necessary to count the number of large shield-like plates that flank each side of the central series in the creature's carapace. In the true green or edible turtle there are only four pairs of these large lateral shields, while in the loggerhead there are never less than five, and sometimes more. The loggerhead-turtle also, as its name implies, has a conspicuously larger and coarser head than the esculent species. The fact that while the green turtle is a strict vegetarian, feeding entirely on seaweeds, the loggerhead is altogether carnivorous, readily accounts for the diametrically diverse gastronomic properties of these two Chelonians. Both species attain to a considerable size, over 3 feet in length (the loggerhead being the larger), and are found inhabiting the same waters throughout the tropics.

Of the typical marine turtles, zoologists recognize three distinct species. These are the Green Turtle, essential for soup at fancy banquets; the Hawksbill turtle, known for producing tortoiseshell; and the Loggerhead. Of these three, the green turtle and the loggerhead resemble each other closely and can easily be confused by those unfamiliar with them. However, this mistake is quickly noticed when the turtle is served, as loggerhead meat has a strong taste and is completely inedible. To avoid any cooking disasters—since turtle is a common dish in the coral seas—it’s helpful to count the large, shield-like plates along each side of the turtle's shell. The true green turtle has only four pairs of these large side shields, while the loggerhead has at least five, often more. Additionally, as its name suggests, the loggerhead has a noticeably larger and coarser head than the edible species. The fact that the green turtle is a strict vegetarian, feeding exclusively on seaweeds, while the loggerhead is entirely carnivorous, explains the stark differences in the taste between these two turtles. Both species can grow quite large, exceeding 3 feet in length (with the loggerhead being the bigger of the two), and they inhabit the same waters across the tropics.

The Hawksbill, or true tortoiseshell-producing turtle, never attains to quite as large dimensions as the two preceding species, though its carapace may measure as much as 2 feet 6 or 8 inches long. The structural feature that at once distinguishes the hawksbill from either the green or loggerhead species is the character of the horny shields developed on the surface of the carapace. Instead of the edges meeting in juxtaposition, as in those two forms, they overlap one another, like the scales of a fish, and are notable for their thickness and their exceedingly beautiful but variably marbled patterns. It is these marbled horny plates which constitute the tortoise-shell of commerce. In young individuals the substance is thin and very transparent, but thickens with advancing age, until in old individuals the plates may vary from ⅛ to ¼ inch in thickness. Like the two preceding species, the hawksbill, within tropical seas, enjoys a cosmopolitan distribution. Its habits, like the loggerhead's, are essentially carnivorous; but while the flesh is coarse and rank, the eggs are valued for the table.

The Hawksbill turtle, also known as the true tortoiseshell turtle, doesn't grow as large as the previous two species, although its shell can reach lengths of about 2 feet 6 or 8 inches. What sets the hawksbill apart from the green and loggerhead turtles is the way the horny shields on its shell are structured. Instead of the edges meeting closely like in those two types, they overlap like fish scales and are known for being thick and having beautiful, varied marbled patterns. These marbled plates are what make up the tortoiseshell that is sold commercially. In younger hawksbills, the material is thin and quite transparent, but as they age, it becomes thicker, with mature individuals having plates that can be between ⅛ to ¼ inch thick. Like the other two species, the hawksbill is widely found in tropical seas. Its habits are primarily carnivorous, and while the meat is tough and not very appealing, the eggs are prized as food.

A remaining member of the Marine Turtle series is the so-called Luth or Leathery Turtle. This Chelonian differs so materially in structure from the foregoing species as to be referred to a distinct family. The horny plates, so conspicuous in all the other types, are entirely absent, the bony carapace, which is distinctly seven-ridged longitudinally, being covered with a homogeneous leather-like skin. Both jaws are formidably hooked and cutting throughout their edges, and the paddles are destitute of the two rudimentary claws found in the preceding species. The leathery turtle grows to an immense size; specimens {561}have been recorded measuring as much as 8 feet in total length and weighing over 1,600 lbs. Its flesh is not only unfit for food, but is reported to be of a poisonous character. The coasts of Florida and Brazil are among the areas where the leathery turtle is met with in the greatest abundance.

A remaining member of the Marine Turtle series is the so-called Luth or Tough Turtle. This turtle is so different in structure from the previous species that it belongs to a separate family. The hard plates that are so noticeable in all the other types are completely missing; instead, it has a bony shell with distinct seven longitudinal ridges, covered by a smooth, leather-like skin. Both jaws are sharply hooked and cutting along their edges, and the flippers lack the two tiny claws seen in the earlier species. The leathery turtle can grow to an enormous size; some specimens {561} have been recorded at over 8 feet long and weighing more than 1,600 lbs. Its flesh is not only inedible but is also said to be toxic. The coasts of Florida and Brazil are among the places where the leathery turtle is most commonly found.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



The limbs at this early stage of their development are of an abnormal length.

The limbs at this early stage of development are unusually long.

The more ordinary method of capturing turtle for the market or to supply the deficiencies of the larder aboard ship in tropical climates is to land at night, preferably when the moon is full, on the islands to which the females are in the habit of repairing to deposit their eggs. This function is invariably discharged during the night hours, and unless the moon is up the presence of the reptiles is not easily determined. Time is generally given for the turtle to excavate its sand-burrow and lay its eggs, usually over a hundred in number, the proper moment for the capture being that when, the task accomplished, it sets forth to regain its more accustomed element. The creature is then seized and turned suddenly upon its back, where it is left to struggle and flounder helplessly, being perfectly incapable of righting itself, while other captures are made. On outlying coral islands, such as those of the Lacepedes, off the Western Australian coast, several dozen of the Chelonians may represent one good night's haul, the choice of the fittest examples being left until the return of daylight.

The common way to catch turtles for the market or to stock up supplies on ships in tropical areas is to land at night, preferably during a full moon, on the islands where the females go to lay their eggs. This typically happens at night, and without moonlight, spotting the turtles is difficult. There’s usually enough time for the turtle to dig its nest in the sand and lay its eggs, which are usually more than a hundred. The best time to catch them is right after they finish laying and start to head back to the water. At that point, the turtle is grabbed and flipped onto its back, where it struggles helplessly and can’t right itself, while others are caught. On remote coral islands like the Lacepedes off the coast of Western Australia, several dozen turtles can be caught in one good night, with the best ones chosen once the sun comes up.

In many places turtles are pursued in the water and speared; while in some locations, notably at Keeling Island, as recorded by Darwin, the animals are chased by the natives in sailing-craft. One man steers the boat, the other one standing in the bows on the look-out for turtle. A Chelonian being sighted, an exciting stern chase ensues, and on coming abreast with the quarry the look-out man plunges into the water straight upon the turtle's back, and {562}clings pertinaciously with both hands to the shell of the neck until the creature is exhausted, when it is dragged into the boat.

In many places, turtles are hunted in the water and speared. In some areas, especially at Keeling Island, as noted by Darwin, locals chase the animals in boats. One person steers the boat while another stands at the front, on the lookout for turtles. When a turtle is spotted, an exhilarating chase begins, and as they get close to the turtle, the lookout jumps into the water directly onto the turtle's back and holds on tightly to the shell around its neck until the animal is worn out, at which point it's pulled into the boat.


Photo by H. V. Letkmann. 

Photo by H. V. Letkmann.


Cuban turtles.

In common with many other water-tortoises, or terrapins, this species is essentially gregarious in its habits.

In line with many other water turtles, or terrapins, this species is basically social in its behavior.

The most remarkable method of taking turtle, however, is that practised in Torres Straits, as also at Mozambique and formerly in the West Indies. The sucking-fish, or remora, is in this case impressed into the service of the human fishers. Taking advantage of the fish's natural propensity to swim towards and adhere pertinaciously to any larger floating object, fishermen go out with specimens kept alive in a small well in the bottom of their boats. When in pursuit of turtle, a long light line is attached to the fish's tail; and coming within sight of a Chelonian, the fish, with an abundance of slack or pay-out line, is thrown in the direction of the turtle. The remora immediately swims towards and adheres firmly to the under surface of the shell of the turtle, when it will suffer its body to be torn asunder rather than let go its hold of its newly gained sanctuary. Should the turtle be a small one, both fish and turtle are dragged with the line back to the boat. If, on the other hand, it is of large size, one of the natives plunges into the water, and, following the line down, secures the turtle.

The most remarkable way to catch turtles, however, is practiced in Torres Straits, as well as at Mozambique and formerly in the West Indies. The sucking fish, or remora, plays a crucial role in this method for human fishermen. Taking advantage of the fish's natural tendency to swim towards and stick to any larger floating object, fishermen venture out with live specimens kept in a small well at the bottom of their boats. When searching for turtles, a long light line is attached to the fish's tail; then, once they spot a turtle, they toss the fish towards it with plenty of slack in the line. The remora immediately swims to and firmly attaches itself to the underside of the turtle's shell, refusing to let go even if it means being torn apart. If the turtle is small, both the fish and the turtle are pulled back to the boat with the line. If the turtle is large, one of the locals jumps into the water, follows the line down, and secures the turtle.

In the island of Ascension the cultivation and breeding of turtles for exportation in artificially constructed enclosures have for a considerable time been the subject of an important industry. There are doubtless many other locations on both the Australian coast-line and in the British West Indies where this highly profitable trade could be established. In addition to the green turtle, attention might also be profitably directed at the same locations to the culture of the tortoiseshell-bearing species. Tortoiseshell possesses the singular and useful property of being susceptible of perfect amalgamation. Consequently a number of small-sized pieces can be welded so indistinguishably with one another as to serve the same use as the larger plates for commercial purposes. This amalgamation is effected by bevelling the edges of the two pieces that it is desired to unite along the proposed line of junction, and then, while they are held in juxtaposition in a metallic press, submitting them to the action of boiling water.

On Ascension Island, the farming and breeding of turtles for export in specially built enclosures has been a significant industry for quite some time. It's likely that many other spots along the Australian coastline and in the British West Indies could also support this lucrative trade. Besides green turtles, it might be beneficial to focus on the cultivation of species that produce tortoiseshell in those areas. Tortoiseshell has the unique and useful ability to be fused perfectly. As a result, several small pieces can be joined so seamlessly that they can be used just like larger plates for commercial purposes. This fusion is achieved by beveling the edges of the two pieces intended for connection along the proposed junction line, and then, while they are held closely together in a metal press, exposing them to boiling water.






Photo by E. C. Atkinson. 

Photo by E.C. Atkinson.


Blind worm.

Notwithstanding its name, the blind-worm possesses small, very bright little eyes.

Despite its name, the blind-worm has small, very bright eyes.

The Lizard Tribe or Sub-order is notable as containing a greater number of specific forms than any other of the Reptilian groups, no less than 1,700 distinct species being described in the most recently published catalogues. While formerly regarded as constituting a separate and independent order of the Reptile Class, later investigations have demonstrated that lizards are so intimately related through sundry intermediate types with the Snakes that they cannot be recognised as constituting other than a sub-section of the same order. The two groups of the Lizards and Snakes are consequently, and with reference more particularly to their commonly shared scaly armatures, technically distinguished by the appellation of Scaled Reptiles.

The Lizard Tribe or Sub-order is notable for having more specific forms than any other Reptilian groups, with at least 1,700 distinct species described in the latest catalogs. While it was once thought to be a separate and independent order of the Reptile Class, further research has shown that lizards are closely related to snakes through various intermediate types, meaning they should be viewed as part of the same order. Therefore, the two groups—Lizards and Snakes—are technically referred to as Scaled Reptiles, particularly in relation to their shared scaly features.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Glass snake.

The presence of movable eyelids distinguishes this legless lizard from the true snakes.

The presence of movable eyelids sets this legless lizard apart from real snakes.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Glass lizard.

Snails constitute the favourite food of the glass-snake.

Snails are the favorite food of the glass snake.

While the more typical members of the Lizard Tribe are readily distinguished from the Snakes by the possession of well-developed limbs, a not inconsiderable number of species are altogether devoid of these appendages, or possess them only in a partially developed or rudimentary condition. The British Blind-worm, or Slow-worm, constitutes an example of such a legless lizard, although on account of its outward snake-like appearance it is commonly regarded as a snake by the uneducated. In the South European so-called Glass-snake, or Scheltopusik, here figured, the snake-like aspect and creeping habits are still more conspicuous, but yet when examined more critically its lizard affinities become apparent. One of the most readily apprehended external characters that serve to distinguish this and the majority of the legless lizards from snakes is the possession by the former of movable eyelids and conspicuous external ear-openings. Among snakes eyelids are invariably absent, the {564}eyes, by way of compensation, being covered by transparent horny plates, which impart to these creatures that peculiar stony stare which undoubtedly constitutes one of the most repulsive features of their tribe. There are, however, a few exceptional lizards devoid of eyelids, though these species do not take a snake-like form.

While typical members of the Lizard Tribe can be easily identified as different from Snakes due to their well-developed limbs, a significant number of species lack these appendages altogether or have them in a partially developed or rudimentary form. The British Slow-worm, or Slowworm, is an example of such a legless lizard, but because of its snake-like appearance, it is often mistakenly thought to be a snake by those not informed. The South European so-called Glass lizard, or Scheltopusik, shown here, has an even more pronounced snake-like look and creeping behavior, yet upon closer inspection, its lizard connections become clear. One easily noticed feature that helps differentiate this and most legless lizards from snakes is that the former have movable eyelids and noticeable external ear openings. Snakes, on the other hand, lack eyelids entirely; their eyes are covered by transparent, hard plates, which give them that peculiar stony stare that many find quite off-putting. A few rare lizards do not have eyelids, but these species do not have a snake-like shape.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Burmese geckos.

One of the largest members of the tribe, measuring 8 or 10 inches in length.

One of the biggest members of the tribe, measuring 8 to 10 inches long.

Lizards, while distributed throughout temperate and tropical regions, attain to the zenith of their representation in size, number, and variety of form and colour in tropical and sub-tropical countries. The majority of species are essentially sun-worshippers, and in temperate climates, such as that of England, where they are but sparsely represented, pass the cheerless winter months in a state of torpid hibernation.

Lizards are found in both temperate and tropical regions, but they reach their peak in size, number, and variety of shapes and colors in tropical and subtropical countries. Most species are basically sun-lovers, and in temperate climates like England, where they are not very common, they spend the dull winter months in a sluggish state of hibernation.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Burmese Gecko.

Under-surface, showing minute hexagonal scales and peculiar structure of the adhesive toe-pads.

Under the surface, displaying tiny hexagonal scales and a unique structure of the adhesive toe pads.

The first position among the Lizard Tribe is usually accorded to the Gecko Family—a group numbering 280 species, which present several somewhat anomalous features and characteristics. In the first place, in contradistinction to the majority of lizard forms, they are for the most part nocturnal in their habits, and have their eyes specially modified to meet them. Geckos, as the exception to the ordinary lizards previously referred to, possess no eyelids, and the pupil of the eye, as seen in broad daylight, is mostly represented by a narrow vertical slit, like that of a cat or a nocturnal dog-fish. As the night approaches, however, the membranous diaphragm is retracted, displaying to view a symmetrically orbicular pupil of abnormal size and luminosity. Another prominent characteristic of the geckos is the peculiar modification of their feet, which in most instances are furnished with adhesive disks or pads, which enable these lizards to run with ease, after the manner of flies, on the smooth surface of a wall or window-pane, or even along the ceiling. It is further noteworthy of the geckos that they are the only lizards which possess the power of emitting {565}distinct vocal sounds. The name Gecko is, in point of fact, derived from the fancied resemblance to the word that constitutes the shrill, somewhat bird-like note of one of the most familiar species. "Tok," "toki," "chick, chick," "checko," and "tocktoo" are distinctive call-notes that are respectively associated with other members of the Gecko Family.

The top spot in the Lizard Tribe typically goes to the Gecko Fam—a group of 280 species that exhibit some unique features and traits. First, unlike most lizards, they are mostly nocturnal and have eyes that are specially adapted for their lifestyle. Geckos, unlike the typical lizards mentioned earlier, don’t have eyelids. In bright light, their pupils appear as narrow vertical slits, similar to a cat's or a nocturnal dogfish's. As night falls, the membrane retracts, revealing a round pupil that is unusually large and bright. Another key feature of geckos is their uniquely adapted feet, which often have adhesive pads or disks that allow them to easily run on smooth surfaces like walls, windows, or even ceilings, much like flies. Interestingly, geckos are the only lizards capable of making distinct vocal sounds. The name "Gecko" actually comes from the resemblance to the shrill, bird-like calls of one of the better-known species. "Tok," "toki," "chick, chick," "checko," and "tocktoo" are specific call notes linked to other members of the Gecko Family.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Madeiran geckos.

Madeiran geckos photographed through a glass window-pane, showing the peculiar formation of their adhesive toe-pads. One example is regrowing its recently amputated tail. These geckos often travel from Madeira to Covent Garden Market among banana bunches.

Madeiran geckos photographed through a glass window, showcasing the unique structure of their sticky toe pads. One example is regrowing its recently cut-off tail. These geckos frequently travel from Madeira to Covent Garden Market among bunches of bananas.

The geckos are most numerously represented in the Indian and Australasian regions. None of them attain to large dimensions. They rarely exceed 1 foot in total length, and most frequently measure some 3 or 4 inches only.

The geckos are most commonly found in the Indian and Australasian regions. None of them grow to large sizes. They rarely exceed 1 foot in total length, and most typically measure about 3 or 4 inches.

Geckos, in common with many other lizards, are notable for the facility with which their tail becomes detached and left in the hands of their would-be captor. In course of time a new tail sprouts out from the truncated stump of the original member, and within a few more months equals it in dimensions. It not infrequently happens that two or even three new tail-sprouts take the place of the original appendage, imparting to the little creature a most bizarre appearance. The above photograph includes an example of the Madeiran species in which a new tail-bud of a normal character has just commenced to grow.

Geckos, like many other lizards, are known for their ability to easily shed their tails, leaving them behind when someone tries to catch them. Over time, a new tail grows back from the remaining stump, and in just a few months, it can be the same size as the original. It's not uncommon for two or even three new tails to grow in place of the original one, giving the little creature a very unusual look. The photo above shows a Madeiran species with a new, normal tail bud that has just begun to grow.

The nearest approach to the phenomenon of flight among lizards occurs in what are known as the Flying-dragons, belonging to the family of the Agamas, which next invites attention. These lizards are all of relatively small size, not exceeding a few inches in length, and inhabit the Indo-Malayan region. In these singularly specialised forms six or seven of the posterior ribs are abnormally produced on each side of the body, and so united together by thin, semi-transparent membrane as to form a pair of wing-like expansions. When not in use, these structures are folded, after the manner of a fan, closely against the animal's sides, while, when extended, they constitute a most effective parachute, wherewith the little creatures accomplish flying leaps from tree to tree, after the manner of the Flying-squirrels and Phalangers. The {566}colour of these wing-like structures varies among the many different specific forms, being in some instances spotted or reticulated like those of a butterfly.

The closest thing to flight in lizards can be seen in the Flying dragons, part of the Agama family, which are worth noting. These lizards are fairly small, measuring only a few inches long, and are found in the Indo-Malayan region. In these uniquely specialized lizards, six or seven of the back ribs are unusually developed on each side of the body and are connected by a thin, semi-transparent membrane, creating wing-like extensions. When not in use, these structures fold up like a fan against the sides of the animal, but when spread out, they act as an effective parachute, allowing these little creatures to make flying leaps from tree to tree, much like Flying-squirrels and Phalangers. The {566}color of these wing-like structures varies among the different species, with some being spotted or patterned like a butterfly.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Javanese Flying Dragon.

A lizard with wing-like membranes supported by the abnormally developed ribs. It takes long flights from tree to tree.

A lizard with wing-like membranes supported by its unusually developed ribs. It makes long flights from tree to tree.

This same family of the Agamoid Lizards includes a number of species of very dissimilar aspect and habits, which are almost exclusively confined to the Old World or Oriental zoological region. Australia in particular is remarkably rich in representatives of this group, many of them of considerable size. Certain of these have within recent years been found to be endowed with the power of bipedal locomotion. The Frilled Lizard of Queensland and the northern territories of Western Australia was the first species in which this bipedal habit was authentically demonstrated in connection with examples observed in Australia and also brought to England by the writer, one of the last-named examples furnishing the photographs reproduced on page 567. In other respects this lizard is one of the most remarkable of its tribe. The peculiar Elizabethan collar-like frill, capable of erection or depression at the creature's will, imparts to it a most singular appearance. When at rest or undisturbed, this membranous frill-like structure is folded down in neat, symmetrical pleats around the lizard's neck. Should the creature be approached by man or dog or other aggressive animal, the mouth springs open to its widest, and simultaneously with this action the frill is erected like the sudden opening of an umbrella, and stands out at right angles around the neck, imparting to it a most formidable and threatening aspect. Dogs, in fact, which will habitually chase and kill larger lizards, such as the Monitors, will frequently halt and retire discomfited when confronted with a frilled lizard at bay with its frill erected. The brilliant colour of this frill, more especially in the male, adds very considerably to the formidable appearance of this lizard. While the body of this lizard is usually of a light brown colour, with more or less distinct darker transverse bars and reticulations, the frill-like membrane has a ground-colour in which orange and chrome-yellow chiefly predominate, and upon which are superimposed splashings and speckles of brilliant scarlet. While the total length of this averages 2 feet, the expanded frill in adult males is not infrequently as much as 8 or 9 inches in diameter. The peculiar, grotesquely human aspect presented by the frilled lizard when running on its hind legs only will be appreciated on reference to the accompanying photographs. This erect attitude is only assumed when the frilled lizard is traversing more or less considerable distances and moving on level ground. Under other circumstances it progresses on all-fours, after the manner of the ordinary members of its class.

This same family of Agamoid Lizards includes several species that look and act very differently, and they are mostly found in the Old World or Oriental zoological region. Australia, in particular, is home to many representatives of this group, many of them quite large. Recently, it has been discovered that some of these lizards can walk on two legs. The Frilled Lizard from Queensland and the northern territories of Western Australia was the first species where this bipedal behavior was definitively demonstrated, with examples observed in Australia and also brought to England by the writer, one of these specimens providing the photographs shown on page 567. In other ways, this lizard is one of the most fascinating of its kind. The unique collar-like frill, which can be raised or lowered at will, gives it a very distinctive look. When at rest or undisturbed, this frilled membrane is folded down neatly around the lizard's neck. If approached by a human, dog, or other aggressive animal, the mouth opens wide, and at the same time, the frill erects like an umbrella opening, standing out perpendicular to the neck, making it look quite intimidating. Dogs that usually chase and kill larger lizards, like the Monitors, will often stop and back off when they encounter a frilled lizard that is ready to defend itself with its frill raised. The bright colors of this frill, especially in males, enhance the intimidating appearance of this lizard. While the body is usually light brown, decorated with darker crossbars and patterns, the frill's membrane has a base color dominated by orange and chrome-yellow, with splashes and speckles of bright red. The typical total length of this lizard averages 2 feet, and the frill in adult males can sometimes reach up to 8 or 9 inches in diameter. The strangely human-like look of the frilled lizard when it runs on its hind legs can be seen in the accompanying photographs. This upright position is only adopted when the frilled lizard is covering longer distances on flat ground. In other situations, it moves on all fours, just like ordinary lizards.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.




Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.




Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.




Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.




Several other lizards belonging to the family group of the Agamas have been demonstrated by the writer to move in the same manner as the frilled species. Leseur's Water-lizard, also a Queensland form, which attains to a length of 3 or 4 feet, is a notable example in this connection. As implied by its name, it is semi-aquatic in its habits. It frequents scrubs in the neighbourhood of river-banks and backwaters, and passes a considerable portion of its time in shallow water with only its nostrils elevated above the surface. It is a most expert swimmer, sculling itself with grace and rapidity, aided only by its long, laterally compressed tail. Examples brought to England and kept alive for some years by the writer were observed, in hot weather more particularly, to sleep at nights in their water-tanks.

Several other lizards from the Agama family have been shown by the writer to move in the same way as the frilled species. Leseur's Water Lizard, which is also a Queensland species, can grow to about 3 or 4 feet long and is a notable example in this context. As its name suggests, it has semi-aquatic habits. It often lives in bush areas near riverbanks and backwaters, spending a significant amount of time in shallow water with only its nostrils above the surface. It is an incredibly skilled swimmer, propelling itself gracefully and quickly, using its long, flattened tail. Specimens brought to England and kept alive for several years by the writer were observed, especially in hot weather, to sleep at night in their water tanks.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford on Sea.


Aussie Tree Lizard.

This species also runs on its hind legs.

This species also walks on its hind legs.

The several instances of bipedal locomotion among living lizards, as here chronicled, are of especial interest in correlation with the circumstance that certain extinct Dinosaurs habitually progressed on their hind limbs only. They, in fact, have left "footprints on the sands of time" which indubitably prove this assumption. There is, however, no relationship between the two groups, and the resemblance is one of pure analogy, just as both bats and birds fly, although they have no kinship.

The various cases of walking on two legs seen in living lizards, as described here, are particularly interesting when considering that some extinct dinosaurs typically moved solely on their hind legs. They have indeed left "footprints on the sands of time" that undeniably support this idea. However, there is no connection between the two groups, and the similarity is purely analogical, much like how both bats and birds can fly despite having no familial ties.

Among other interesting lizards included in the Agama Family, mention may be made of the singular Jew or Bearded Lizard of Australia—a flattened, broad-set form, some 14 or 15 inches long, brown in hue, and clothed with rough imbricated scales, but whose chief peculiarity consists of the expansive beard-like development of the cuticle immediately underneath the animal's chin. As in the frilled lizard, this cuticular excrescence is only conspicuous when the creature is excited, at other times being contracted and indistinguishable from an ordinary skin-fold. When retiring to rest, these lizards, in their adult state, almost invariably climb up and cling to the rough bark of a convenient tree, and when young and more slender will also ascend saplings, on which they sleep, clinging by their interlocked claws.

Among other fascinating lizards in the Agama Family, we should mention the unique Jew or Bearded Dragon of Australia—a flattened, broad-bodied creature, about 14 or 15 inches long, brown in color, and covered in rough, overlapping scales. Its most notable feature is the large, beard-like flap of skin just under its chin. Similar to the frilled lizard, this skin flap is only noticeable when the lizard is agitated; otherwise, it stays retracted and looks like a regular fold of skin. When they go to rest, adult lizards almost always climb up and cling to the rough bark of a nearby tree, while younger, slimmer ones will also climb up saplings, where they sleep by gripping with their interlocked claws.

Another member of the Agama Family which invites brief notice is the so-called York Devil, or Mountain-devil, of Western and Central Australia. This lizard is of comparatively small size, rarely exceeding 6 or 7 inches in length. Its feeble form and stature, however, are abundantly compensated for by the complex panoply of spines and prickles by which its head and limbs and body are effectually protected. The natural food of this singular lizard consists exclusively of ants, the small black, evil-smelling species which often proves itself a pest by its invasion of the Australian colonists' houses being its prime favourite. These are picked up one by one by the rapid flash-like protrusion and retraction of the little creature's adhesive tongue, and the number of ants which are thus assimilated by a Moloch lizard at a single meal is somewhat astonishing. A number of examples of this species were kept by the writer in Australia, and their gastronomic requirements fully satisfied {569}every day by taking them into the garden and placing them in communication with a swarming ant-track. By careful observation it was found that no less than from 1,000 to 1,500 ants were devoured by each lizard at a single sitting. The ant-devouring proclivities of these prickly little lizards can no doubt be turned to very useful and effective account in clearing ant-infested domiciles, and were in fact thus utilised by the writer on more than one occasion.

Another member of the Agama Family worth a brief mention is the so-called York Devil, or Mountain demon, found in Western and Central Australia. This lizard is relatively small, usually not more than 6 or 7 inches long. Its weak form and size are more than made up for by the intricate armor of spines and prickles that protect its head, limbs, and body. This unique lizard's natural diet consists entirely of ants, particularly the small, black, foul-smelling kind that can be a nuisance by invading the homes of Australian colonists. The lizard catches them one by one using its quick, sticky tongue, and the amount of ants a Moloch lizard can eat in one sitting is quite astonishing. I kept several examples of this species in Australia, and their daily dietary needs were easily satisfied by taking them into the garden and letting them feed on an ant trail. By careful observation, it was found that each lizard consumed between 1,000 to 1,500 ants in a single meal. The ant-eating habits of these spiky little lizards could certainly be very useful for clearing out ant-infested homes, and I have actually used them for this purpose on more than one occasion.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Water Dragon.

This lizard is of aquatic habits, and runs on its hind legs when traversing long distances.

This lizard has aquatic habits and runs on its hind legs when covering long distances.

The lizards included in the Agama Family are essentially inhabitants of the Eastern Hemisphere, none occurring in America. In the western continent, however, we find an equally extensive but structurally distinct group which presents many singularly corresponding types. This family comprises the true Iguanas, many of them of considerable size, and a numerous assemblage of smaller forms. Among those species which present a striking parallel in size and aspect to the peculiarly characteristic Old World Agamas, mention may be made of the little so-called Horned Toad, or Spiny Lizard, of California and other of the North American States. This species might readily be taken by the uninitiated for a near relation of the Australian Moloch Lizard, or Mountain-devil, last described, its flattened diminutive form and bristling spiny armature seemingly justifying such a supposition. The crucial test afforded by the character of the dentition, however, distinctly indicates its true position to be with the Iguanas. In the Agamas the teeth are invariably developed from the apex, or summit, of the jaw. These teeth, moreover, are varied in character. In the Iguanas, on the other hand, the teeth are all more or less uniform in character, and are attached to the outer sides of the jaw.

The lizards in the Agama Family primarily live in the Eastern Hemisphere, with none found in America. However, in the Western Hemisphere, there's a similarly extensive but structurally different group that features many uniquely corresponding types. This family includes the true Iguanas, many of which are quite large, along with a variety of smaller species. Among those that closely resemble the distinctly characteristic Old World Agamas in size and appearance is the so-called Horned Lizard, or Spiny Lizard, found in California and other parts of North America. This species could easily be mistaken by the untrained for a close relative of the Australian Moloch Lizard, or Mountain-devil, which was last described, as its flattened, small form and spiny armor seem to support such an idea. However, the key test provided by its tooth structure clearly shows that it actually belongs with the Iguanas. In Agamas, the teeth always emerge from the apex or top of the jaw and vary in type. By contrast, Iguanas have teeth that are mostly uniform and attached to the outer sides of the jaw.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Aussie Water Dragon.

Showing attitude when running.

Running with attitude.

The larger iguanas are, for the most part, exclusively fruit- and vegetable-feeders, and arboreal in their habits. The thick forest scrubs in the vicinity of streams and rivers are their favourite resort. After the manner of the Australian water-lizards, these iguanas are expert swimmers, and delight in lying along the overhanging branches, whence at the slightest alarm they can precipitate themselves into the water beneath. When swimming, the fore limbs are folded back against the sides, the tail only being used as a means of propulsion. Several of the larger iguanas, such as the common or tuberculated {570}species, attain to a considerable length, 5 or 6 feet; their bodies are proportionably thick, and the white flesh, in this last-named variety more particularly, is highly esteemed as a table delicacy. The common Tuberculated Iguana is an essentially handsome species, its skin being variegated with bands and shadings of brown and green, which are lightest and brightest in the males and younger individuals; the neck and snout and jaws are decorated with projecting, rounded tubercles; a large, baggy, dewlap-like membrane, capable of inflation at the animal's will, depends from the chin and throat; and a deeply serrated crest of elevated scales extends from behind the head, down the centre of the back, nearly to the extremity of the tail.

The larger iguanas primarily eat fruits and vegetables and are mostly arboreal. They prefer thick forest thickets near streams and rivers. Like Australian water-lizards, these iguanas are strong swimmers and enjoy lounging on overhanging branches, ready to jump into the water at the slightest disturbance. When they swim, they tuck their front limbs against their sides, using only their tails for movement. Some of the larger iguanas, like the common or tuberculated species, can grow to 5 or 6 feet long. Their bodies are quite thick, and the meat, especially from this variety, is highly valued as a delicacy. The common Tuberculated Iguana is a striking species, with skin that features bands and shades of brown and green, which are brightest in males and younger iguanas. The neck, snout, and jaws have rounded, protruding tubercles. A large, loose dewlap-like membrane hangs from its chin and throat, which it can inflate at will, and a jagged crest of raised scales runs from behind the head down the back almost to the tail tip.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Jew or Bearded Dragons.

The scales of the bearded lizard are exceedingly rough and sharp, sometimes cutting the skin of those who handle them incautiously.

The scales of the bearded lizard are really rough and sharp, sometimes cutting the skin of people who handle them carelessly.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Bearded dragon.

With its beard-like throat-membrane fully expanded.

With its beard-like throat membrane fully expanded.

The Iguana Family includes a species with essentially marine proclivities, this being the Galapagos Sea-lizard. This animal was first discovered to science by the late Mr. Charles Darwin, who found it in considerable numbers on the shores of the islands which constitute the Galapagos group. The lizards were observed to spend much of their time swimming in the sea, but at no very great distance from the land. Experiments proved that they could live for a very considerable interval entirely submerged, examples sunk with weights for as much as an hour emerging entirely unaffected from the ordeal.

The Iguana Family includes a species that is mostly adapted to marine life, known as the Galapagos Marine Iguana. This animal was first documented by the late Mr. Charles Darwin, who discovered it in large numbers along the shores of the islands that make up the Galapagos group. The lizards were seen spending a lot of time swimming in the ocean, but not too far from the shore. Experiments showed that they could stay fully submerged for a significant amount of time, with some examples submerged with weights for as long as an hour and coming up completely unharmed from the experience.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


A young bearded dragon.

Showing its habitual sleeping attitude.

Showing its usual sleeping position.

While the Iguanas may be described as essentially American, one or two exceptional forms are found inhabiting the relatively remote regions of the Fiji Islands and Madagascar. The so-called Fiji Banded Iguana (photographs of a pair of which, once in the writer's possession, are reproduced on page 575) is a very beautiful creature. The body is shapely and well proportioned, and terminates in a tail of abnormal length—equal to quite twice that of the body—the entire dimensions measuring some 3 feet. The male is much more bright in hue than the female; for while the latter is usually of a uniform light green throughout, the male is variegated, with broad, alternating bands of brightest {571}emerald-green and pale French grey. Around the lips and eyes there are lines of brightest yellow, and the throat is almost pure white.

While iguanas are primarily considered American, there are a couple of exceptional species found in the relatively remote areas of the Fiji Islands and Madagascar. The so-called Fiji Banded Iguana (photographs of a pair that I once had are shown on page 575) is a very beautiful creature. Its body is shapely and well-proportioned, ending in an unusually long tail—about twice the length of its body—with the whole length measuring around 3 feet. The male is much brighter in color than the female; while the female is usually a uniform light green, the male has a pattern of broad, alternating bands of vibrant {571}emerald green and pale French gray. There are bright yellow lines around the lips and eyes, and its throat is nearly pure white.

The small group of Girdle-tailed Lizards belongs exclusively to the African and Madagascan regions, its typical representative being the Cape and Orange River Colony species, illustrated on page 575. The symmetrical whorls of long, spinous scales encircling the tail in this and the allied forms constitute a prominent feature, and have originated the popular name of Girdle-tails.

The small group of Girdle-tailed Lizards is found only in Africa and Madagascar, with the Cape and Orange River Colony species being a typical example, shown on page 575. The even rings of long, spiny scales around the tail in this species and similar ones are a notable characteristic and have led to the common name of Girdle-tails.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian York or Mountain Devil.

A spinous lizard which inhabits the arid plains of Central Australia.

A spiky lizard that lives in the dry grasslands of Central Australia.

The most aberrant representatives of the Lizard Tribe, with regard to one very important characteristic, are undoubtedly the two species of Heloderm, or "Silatica," as they are called by the natives. These reptiles (page 576) occupy the unenviable position of being the only known lizards which possess poisonous properties, their bite having been demonstrated to be fatal to smaller mammals, and to be attended by very serious symptoms in the case of human subjects being bitten. The more common Mexican Heloderm has been in residence at the Zoo for many years; it attains to a length of from 18 to 20 inches, and its stout, squat body, short limbs, warty skin, and peculiar colouring are calculated at first sight to awaken a feeling of revulsion in the beholder. Like the wasp, the salamander, and other animals whose conspicuous tints indicate their poisonous or other baneful properties, the heloderm is distinguished by a lurid ground-colour, varying in individuals from yellow-orange to flesh-pink, upon which are superimposed bold, network-like markings of blue-black or dark brown tints. Along the tail these reticulations usually take the form of more or less irregular rings.

The most unusual members of the Lizard Tribe, concerning one very important characteristic, are definitely the two species of Heloderma, or "Silatica" as the locals call them. These reptiles (page 576) hold the unfortunate title of being the only known lizards with poisonous properties; their bite has been proven to be lethal to smaller mammals and causes very serious symptoms in humans who are bitten. The more common Mexican Beaded Lizard has been at the Zoo for many years; it can grow to between 18 and 20 inches long, and its thick, squat body, short limbs, warty skin, and unique coloring are likely to evoke a sense of disgust at first glance. Like the wasp, the salamander, and other animals with bright colors that signal their poisonous or harmful traits, the heloderm is marked by a vivid base color, which can range from yellow-orange to flesh-pink, overlaid with bold, net-like patterns of blue-black or dark brown. Along the tail, these patterns usually take on the shape of irregular rings.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Spiny Lizard, or Mountain Devil.

This species feeds exclusively upon ants.

This species only eats ants.

Although the heloderms possess such deadly properties, those at the Zoo manifest a by no means aggressive disposition, and allow their keeper or even strangers to handle them with impunity. In experiments purposely made to substantiate or refute the previously current rumours as to the poisonous nature of these animals, two guinea-pigs succumbed to bites received in the course of the day. The owner of the reptiles, who was also bitten on one occasion through incautiously handling, suffered very severe, though happily not fatal, effects. In connection with its poison-dealing properties it is found that it possesses certain long and fang-like teeth, which are set loosely in the jaws, and which have grooves before and behind for the transmission of the poison, which is secreted by special glands situated close to their base. The favourite habitat of {572}the heloderm is the arid, sandy, and stony region on the western side of the Cordillera mountain-range. It is at the same time said to be rarely seen in those parts except during the rainy season, and also to be for the most part nocturnal in its habits.

Although heloderms have deadly traits, those at the Zoo are not aggressive and let their keeper or even strangers handle them without any issue. In experiments aimed at proving or disproving past rumors about these animals being poisonous, two guinea pigs died from bites received during the day. The owner of the reptiles, who was bitten once due to careless handling, experienced severe but thankfully non-fatal effects. Regarding their venomous nature, heloderms have long, fang-like teeth that are loosely set in their jaws and feature grooves at the front and back for delivering poison, which is produced by special glands near their base. The heloderm usually lives in the dry, sandy, and rocky areas on the western side of the Cordillera mountain range. It is also said to be rarely spotted in those regions except during the rainy season and is mostly active at night.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



The spines of these lizards are so sharp that they will pierce a tender hand.

The spines of these lizards are so sharp that they can easily puncture soft skin.

The family group of the Monitors includes the largest of existing lizards, notably the semi-aquatic form common to North Australia and the Malay Peninsula and adjacent islands, which attains a length of 8 or 10 feet, and is not infrequently mistaken, as it rushes, on being disturbed, through the reeds and other rank herbage to the water, for a young crocodile. An exceedingly fine and well set-up example of these huge water-monitors, shot by Captain Stanley Flower in the neighbourhood of Singapore, is placed in the Reptile Gallery of the Natural History Museum.

The family group of the Screens includes the largest lizards in the world, especially the semi-aquatic type found in northern Australia and the Malay Peninsula and surrounding islands, which can reach lengths of 8 to 10 feet. This lizard is often mistaken for a young crocodile as it quickly rushes through the reeds and thick vegetation to get to the water when disturbed. A remarkable example of these large water monitors, shot by Captain Stanley Flower near Singapore, is displayed in the Reptile Gallery of the Natural History Museum.

Another species, indigenous to the Southern Australian States, and having essentially arboreal habits, commonly attains to a length of 5 or 6 feet. The skin of one example of this species, obtained for the writer from the eucalyptus forests in Gippsland, Victoria, measures no less than 7 feet long. With reference to the elegant lace-like pattern of its skin-markings, this species is frequently associated with the suggestive title of the Lace-lizard. Among the more illiterate settlers it is generally known as a Gooana, the name being obviously a corruption of Iguana, and being, as a matter of fact, applied promiscuously, and in all cases incorrectly, to a number of the larger Australian lizards.

Another species, native to the Southern Australian States and primarily tree-dwelling, often reaches a length of 5 to 6 feet. The skin of one individual from this species, which the writer obtained from the eucalyptus forests in Gippsland, Victoria, measures an impressive 7 feet long. Due to its elegant lace-like pattern of skin markings, this species is often referred to as the Lace monitor. Among less educated settlers, it’s commonly called a Gooana, a term that is clearly a mispronunciation of Iguana, and is incorrectly used to refer to various larger Australian lizards.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Horned Toad.

A spiny lizard, somewhat resembling the Australian mountain-devil.

A spiny lizard that looks a bit like the Australian mountain-devil.

All the members of the Monitor Tribe are inveterate egg-eaters. An Egyptian species, the Nile Monitor, renders service to humanity through the gratification of this propensity in seeking out and devouring the eggs of the crocodile. The larger water-monitor of the North Australian and Malay regions has been reported to the writer to be particularly partial to the eggs of the turtle, digging them out of the sand in which the parent deposits them, and destroying them wholesale. The more strictly arboreal Southern Australian species preys to a very large extent on birds' eggs, climbing to the holes in the trunks and branches in which so many Australian birds build their nests, and not infrequently capturing and devouring also the parent birds and young. In the "bush" settlements this monitor is notorious for its depredations among the hen-roosts, both eggs and young chickens falling victims to its insatiable appetite. It is consequently regarded with but scant favour {573}by poultry-farmers, who frequently organise a "gooana" hunt for its special destruction. If surprised out in the open, the quarry at once rushes for a tree, and manifests the most remarkable agility in "swarming" up the smooth, massive trunk, and in dodging round to the side opposite to that on which the sportsman approaches. Not infrequently, trees being remote, the monitor will make for what appears to its apprehension the best substitute for one—viz. the upright figure of the nearest sportsman. Should this happen to be a "new chum" enjoying his maiden essay in "gooana" hunting, he will undoubtedly experience a new sensation as the animal, with its sharp cat-like claws, unceremoniously scrambles up to his head and shoulders.

All members of the Monitor Tribe are dedicated egg-eaters. An Egyptian species, the Nile Monitor Lizard, helps humans by fulfilling this habit by finding and eating crocodile eggs. The larger water-monitor from Northern Australia and the Malay regions has been reported to prefer turtle eggs, digging them out from the sand where the mother lays them and destroying them in large numbers. The more tree-dwelling species in Southern Australia primarily hunts birds' eggs, climbing up to the holes in trunks and branches where many Australian birds build their nests, and often capturing and eating the adult birds and chicks as well. In the “bush” settlements, this monitor is infamous for raiding henhouses, with both eggs and chicks falling prey to its insatiable hunger. As a result, it isn't very popular among poultry farmers, who often organize a "gooana" hunt to eliminate it. If caught out in the open, the monitor quickly heads for a tree and shows incredible agility by "swarming" up its smooth, thick trunk and dodging to the opposite side from where the hunter approaches. Frequently, when trees are far away, the monitor will seek what it thinks is the next best option—a standing human. If this happens to be a "new chum" on his first "gooana" hunt, he will certainly feel a surprising sensation as the animal, with its sharp, cat-like claws, clambers up to his head and shoulders.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Horned lizard.

This species is highly prized for its insect-destroying proclivities.

This species is highly valued for its ability to eliminate insects.

Brought to bay, a monitor possesses a more formidable weapon than its teeth and claws wherewith to repulse the onslaught of the enemy. The long, tough, thong-like tail—not brittle and replaceable, as in many other lizards—is converted, for the time being, into a veritable stock-whip, wherewith it will most severely punish incautious aggressors who venture too near. The potency of this offensive and defensive weapon is fully recognised by the reptile-keepers at the Zoo, who freely admit their reluctance to enter the cage of one of these large, long-tailed, but conversely very short-tempered monitors. All of the monitors, in consonance with their pre-eminently carnivorous habits, are more or less savage and intractable. The several species which have fallen within the writer's cognisance proved no exception to the rule. An Egyptian example, injudiciously introduced to the select society of his extensive miscellaneous collection in a heated greenhouse, proved to be a veritable wolf in the fold, killing several of the choicest specimens before its vindictive propensities were detected and arrested. A comparatively small and rare spiny-tailed monitor, brought by the writer, in company with the frilled lizards, to England from North-west Australia, would harass and bite any other lizard placed with it, and resent every friendly overture on the part of its owner, even after so much as a whole twelvemonth's persistent attempts to tame it. Another, the South Australian monitor, or lace-lizard, was no exception to the rule, and had to be maintained in solitary confinement. This particular specimen, nevertheless, evinced, as the following anecdote will show, a very pronounced affection for its provided quarters. One day it effected its escape from the wire-enclosed cage with which it was accommodated in the writer's Brisbane garden, and after prolonged but unsuccessful searchings it was given up for lost. Considerable astonishment was naturally experienced some ten days later, when the animal was discovered in the garden making frantic attempts to regain access to its former prison-house. During its ten days' absence it had evidently fallen upon evil times, for not only was it in a very emaciated condition, but also bereft of its long and handsome tail. Apparently, after the manner of its tribe, it had been manifesting a too warm {574}interest in some neighbour's hen-roost, and received across its tail a stroke with a spade or other cutting instrument that was intended for a more vital region. Disgusted by such unfriendly treatment, it evidently determined that free board and lodging at the hands of its former owner, albeit with the sacrifice of freedom, was a pleasanter line of life than liberty and a precarious commissariat, with added bodily risks. An almost identical episode of the voluntary return to captivity of an escaped monitor has been reported to the writer of a species from Borneo by Dr. G. D. Haviland.

Brought to bay, a monitor has a more powerful weapon than its teeth and claws to fend off attacks from enemies. Its long, tough, whip-like tail—not fragile and replaceable like in many other lizards—becomes a real whip, ready to deliver a harsh punishment to any careless aggressors that come too close. The effectiveness of this offensive and defensive weapon is well recognized by the reptile keepers at the Zoo, who openly admit their hesitation to enter the cage of one of these large, long-tailed, yet very short-tempered monitors. All monitors, in line with their clearly carnivorous nature, tend to be more or less savage and difficult to handle. The various species the writer has encountered have proven to be no exception. An Egyptian example, foolishly introduced to the select group of his diverse collection in a heated greenhouse, turned out to be a true wolf among sheep, killing several of the finest specimens before its aggressive tendencies were discovered and stopped. A comparatively small and rare spiny-tailed monitor, brought by the writer along with frilled lizards from North-west Australia to England, would torment and bite any other lizard placed with it, showing hostility to every friendly gesture from its owner, even after a full year of persistent attempts to tame it. Another, the South Australian monitor, or lace-lizard, was no different and had to be kept in solitary confinement. However, this particular specimen, as the following story illustrates, showed strong affection for its surroundings. One day, it escaped from the wire cage in the writer's Brisbane garden, and after a prolonged but unsuccessful search, it was thought to be lost. Considerable surprise followed about ten days later when the animal was found in the garden, desperately trying to get back into its former home. During its ten days away, it had clearly suffered, as it was found in a very emaciated state, also missing its long and beautiful tail. Apparently, like its kind, it had shown too much interest in a neighbor's hen house and had received a blow to its tail from a spade or other sharp tool intended for a more critical area. Disappointed by such unkind treatment, it seemed to decide that free room and board from its former owner, despite the loss of freedom, was a better living than freedom with uncertainty in food and added physical dangers. An almost identical story of an escaped monitor voluntarily returning to captivity has been reported to the writer by Dr. G. D. Haviland regarding a species from Borneo.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Tuberous Iguana.

This species is esteemed for food by American Indians.

This species is valued for food by Native Americans.

The monitors, as a rule, are not distinguished for brilliancy of colouring, shades and mottlings of brown or black being usually dominant. The male of the Australian lace-lizard, after newly changing its coat, is, however, an exception. In addition to the highly ornate lace-like reticulated pattern of its skin-markings, previously referred to, the throat of the animal is resplendent with mingled tints of sky-blue and lemon-yellow. It is necessary, however, to observe that its natural surroundings and the ardent rays of a sub-tropical sun are requisite to bring these brighter tints to their full development. Examples kept in close confinement in the London Zoological Gardens yield little or no indication of their colour potentialities.

The monitors typically aren't known for vibrant colors, with shades and patterns of brown or black usually dominating. However, the male Australian lace-lizard stands out after it sheds its skin. In addition to the intricate lace-like pattern of its scales, the lizard's throat is a dazzling mix of sky-blue and lemon-yellow. It's important to note that these bright colors really shine in their natural environment and under the intense rays of a subtropical sun. Monitors kept in close quarters at the London Zoo show little to no sign of these colorful possibilities.


Photo by E. C. Atkinson. 

Photo by E.C. Atkinson.


Small live-bearing lizard.

Occurs on heaths and commons in the South of England.

Occurs on heaths and common land in the South of England.


Photo by H. G. P. Spurell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. P. Spurell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Wall lizard.

This species is particularly abundant in Italy.

This species is especially common in Italy.

While the Monitor Family is not represented on the American Continent, we find there another group of lizards whose members are of considerable size, and agree in their carnivorous propensities and general habits in a marked manner with the Monitors. These are the "Greaved" Lizards, named with reference to the peculiar skin-folding on their legs. One of the largest and most familiarly known representatives of this group is the Teguexin, or Diamond-lizard, indigenous to the greater portion of tropical South America, and also to the West Indies. This lizard attains to a total length of a yard or more, and is of a robust and thick-set build, with the hind limbs much longer and stouter than the front ones. The colour of the teguexin is also notable, the ground-tint being olive or tawny yellow, upon which are superimposed black bands and markings which for the most part take a transverse direction. Like the Monitors, the teguexin in captivity exhibits a sulky and aggressive disposition, {575}and cannot be safely kept in company with other less powerful species.

While the Monitor Family isn’t found in North America, there’s another group of lizards there that are fairly large and share similar carnivorous habits with the Monitors. These are the "Greaved" Lizards, named for the unique folds of skin on their legs. One of the largest and most well-known members of this group is the Teguexin, or Diamond dragon, which is found throughout much of tropical South America and the West Indies. This lizard can grow to a total length of over a yard and has a strong, stocky build, with its back legs being much longer and sturdier than its front legs. The teguexin's color is also striking, typically olive or tawny yellow with black bands and markings that mainly run across its body. Like the Monitors, the teguexin can be quite moody and aggressive in captivity, {575}and shouldn’t be housed with other less dominant species.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Striped iguanas.

A rare species from the Fiji Islands. Male to the right; female without bands to the left. The example crouching between them is a bearded lizard.

A rare species from the Fiji Islands. Male on the right; female without bands on the left. The individual crouching between them is a bearded lizard.

The attribute of bipedal locomotion is possessed by the teguexin. That this singular method of progression was an accomplishment possessed by one of the larger tropical American lizards was first reported to the writer from Trinidad. Some species of iguana was, in the first instance, anticipated to be the acrobatic performer. Several examples of this family group were accordingly put through their paces at the Zoo, to ascertain if they could lay claim to the distinction. None of the iguanas available, however, rose (on their hind legs) to the occasion, and it was only on experimenting, as a dernière ressource, with the teguexin that a successful demonstration was accomplished. This lizard was found, in fact, to run bipedally more freely and persistently, when sufficient space was allotted it, than the Agamas. It seems singular that this bipedal power of locomotion should have so long remained undiscovered, and yet is possessed by lizards which have for a number of years been the denizens of many zoological gardens and other menageries. The fact that a comparatively large level area is a sine qua non for the exhibition of this phenomenon affords no doubt the explanation of this anomaly; but the anomaly itself at the same time serves to accentuate the desirability, in the interests of both science and the animals' comfort, that exists for providing them in captivity with a more liberal and reasonably sufficient space for their indulgence in those methods of locomotion that are natural to them in their native land.

The teguexin is known for its ability to walk on two legs. This unique way of moving was first brought to my attention in Trinidad, where it was noted that a larger tropical American lizard exhibited this talent. Initially, it was thought that some species of iguana would be the agile performer. To test this, several members of that family were observed at the Zoo to see if they could claim this distinction. However, none of the iguanas stood up on their hind legs to perform, and it was only after trying with the teguexin as a last resort that a successful demonstration was made. This lizard was actually found to run bipedally more easily and for longer distances, given enough space, than the Agamas. It's surprising that this bipedal movement went unnoticed for so long, especially since these lizards have been part of many zoos and menageries for years. The requirement of a relatively large, flat area for showcasing this behavior likely explains why it was overlooked. However, this situation highlights the need for both scientific understanding and the well-being of the animals, emphasizing the importance of providing them with ample, suitable space in captivity to engage in their natural ways of moving as they would in their home environments.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



Remarkable for the spiny armature, which is arranged in concentric girdles.

Notable for its spiky armor, which is organized in circular bands.

The Greaved Lizard Family includes somewhat over one hundred species. While the majority agree with the teguexin in the possession of well-developed limbs, there are a few {576}retrograde forms in which the hinder limbs are entirely absent or the front ones reduced to mere stumps. These exceptional instances pave the way to the family of the Amphisbænas, in which such or a still lower phase of limb development represents the normal condition. The Amphisbænas are remarkable for their worm-like resemblance, and for the circumstances that they live like earth-worms in burrows, that their eyes are functionless (being concealed beneath the skin), and that they are without ears. Other details of structure indicate a most rudimentary condition of development, and they consequently rank as the lowest group in the Lizard series. Another peculiarity of the Amphisbænas is that, in place of scales, the skin of the body is divided into square segments, which form symmetrical rings like those of worms. In addition to this, these retrograde lizards possess the worm-like faculty of being able to move backwards and forwards in their burrows with equal facility. It is from this peculiar property that their title of Amphisbæna, signifying "moving both ways," is derived. The representatives of this family, including between sixty and seventy species, are widely distributed, being found in America, the West Indies, Africa, and also European countries that border the Mediterranean.

The Greaved Lizard Family has a little over one hundred species. While most of them resemble the teguexin with their well-developed limbs, there are a few {576}retrograde forms where the back limbs are completely gone or the front ones are reduced to stubs. These rare cases lead to the family of the Amphisbænas, where that or an even lower level of limb development is the norm. The Amphisbænas are notable for looking like worms and for living in burrows like earthworms. Their eyes are non-functional (hidden beneath the skin), and they don't have ears. Other structural details show they are in a very basic stage of development, making them the lowest group in the Lizard series. Another unique feature of the Amphisbænas is that, instead of scales, their skin is divided into square segments that form symmetrical rings like those of worms. Additionally, these retrograde lizards can move back and forth in their burrows with the same ease. This ability gives them their name, Amphisbæna, which means "moving both ways." This family has between sixty and seventy species and is found across America, the West Indies, Africa, and also in European countries bordering the Mediterranean.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.



In the warted texture of its skin-surface the heloderm differs conspicuously from other lizards.

In the bumpy texture of its skin, the heloderm stands out clearly from other lizards.

While the Teguexins present resemblances in one direction with the Amphisbænas, or Worm-like Lizards, the higher or Monitor-like forms have much in common with the Typical or True Lizards, of which two small but well-known species—the Sand- and Viviparous Lizards—are indigenous to the British Isles. All the members of the True Lizards, numbering some hundred species, are inhabitants of the Old World, becoming scarce, however, towards the far east of the Asiatic Continent. All possess shapely bodies and well-developed limbs with five-toed feet, and are remarkable for the extreme activity of their movements, and in many cases brilliant colouring.

While the Teguexins share some similarities with Amphisbænas, or worm-like lizards, the more advanced forms, resembling monitors, have a lot in common with typical or true lizards. Two well-known species—the Sand and Live-bearing Lizards—are native to the British Isles. All members of the true lizards, which include around a hundred species, primarily inhabit the Old World, becoming rarer in the far east of the Asian continent. They all have sleek bodies and well-developed limbs with five toes on each foot, and they stand out for their incredible agility and often bright coloration.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



This and other allied species appear to be dead as they lie basking in the sun.

This and other related species seem lifeless as they lie soaking up the sun.

The varying individual shades of the Green Lizard's brilliant emerald body are almost infinite, no two being quite precisely alike in this respect. In some a yellower, in others a bluer green predominates, while the females and young are more or less mottled or striped with brown. The under surface of the body is usually a more or less bright yellow, and the throat, in the males more particularly, at the breeding-season is frequently brilliant blue. The more conspicuous colour differences exhibited by this lizard are, however, intimately associated with the local habitat of the particular race. Those indigenous to Spain and Portugal, for example, are more or less ornamented with ocellated spots along the sides of the head and body, while those peculiar to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor are, in the young condition more particularly, marked with longitudinal streaks, but their throat is never blue.

The different shades of the Green Gecko's vibrant emerald body are nearly endless, with no two being exactly the same. Some have a yellower tint, while others lean toward a bluer green. The females and young lizards are often mottled or striped with brown. The underside of the body is usually a bright yellow, and the throat of the males, especially during the breeding season, is often a brilliant blue. The most noticeable color variations in this lizard are closely tied to the specific habitats of each type. For example, those found in Spain and Portugal tend to have decorative ocellated spots along the sides of their head and body, whereas those found in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor, especially when young, have longitudinal streaks, but their throats are never blue.


Photo by the New York Zoological Society.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by the New York Zoological Society. Printed in Lyon, France.


West African Python.

This splendid snake is said to grow to a length of over twenty feet, although such giants are only occasionally met with.

This amazing snake is said to reach lengths of over twenty feet, although such giants are only rarely encountered.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Green lizard.

The tail of the green lizard is brittle, and breaks off in the hand if the animal is held up by it. A new tail grows from the fractured joint in course of time.

The tail of the green lizard is fragile and will snap off in your hand if you lift the animal by it. In time, a new tail grows back from the broken joint.

The green lizard is one of the most beautiful of its tribe, and, although not indigenous to Great Britain, is common in the Channel Islands. In Jersey, more especially during the summer months, it is one of the most familiar of the "common objects of the country," as it darts in and out of the hedgerows after flies and other insects, or basks in the bright sunshine on some stone wall, with its emerald-green body flattened out in order to absorb the greatest possible amount of heat. As the colder autumn days advance this lizard is rarely visible, and it finally retires into some rocky cleft or burrow in the hedge-bank, and is no more seen until the return of spring. Green lizards, liberated in suitably mild spots in the South of England, have been known to thrive for brief periods, but succumb to the cold of an extra-severe winter.

The green lizard is one of the most beautiful in its species, and although it’s not native to Great Britain, it’s common in the Channel Islands. In Jersey, especially during the summer months, it’s one of the most familiar "common objects of the countryside," darting in and out of the hedgerows after flies and other insects or basking in the bright sunshine on a stone wall, with its emerald-green body flattened to soak up as much heat as possible. As the colder autumn days approach, this lizard is rarely seen and eventually retreats into some rocky crevice or burrow in the hedge, not to be seen again until spring returns. Green lizards that have been released in mild areas of South England have been known to survive for a short time but do not last through particularly harsh winters.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Ocellated lizards at home.

The most brilliantly coloured of living lizards. The body is bright emerald-green, decorated on the sides with azure-blue spots.

The most vividly colored living lizards. The body is bright emerald green, adorned on the sides with azure blue spots.

The largest representatives of the green lizard are those inhabiting Eastern Europe and Asia Minor, where in size and colour they almost imperceptibly merge into the Pearly or Ocellated Lizard. This very handsome species, which, in company with examples of the green lizard, is frequently imported by London dealers, ranges from 16 inches to close upon 2 feet in length. In form it is stouter and more robust than a typical green lizard, the head in the old males more particularly being exceptionally massive. Whatever may be lacking in grace of form is, however, fully compensated for by brilliancy of colouring, no other lizard, in fact, out-rivalling it in this respect. To the brilliant shagreen-patterned emerald-green hues of the Jersey species it has superadded along its sides eye-like spots of brilliant turquoise or ultra-marine, with dark brown or black encircling lines. In the males the green ground-colour has a more distinctly golden hue, while in the young individuals the body is more usually olive-colour, dotted throughout with whitish or pearly-blue, black-edged spots. This beautiful lizard is unfortunately somewhat irascible in temper, and will not as a rule allow itself to {578}be handled as freely as the majority of the members of its tribe; when biting, moreover, it has a tendency to fasten itself upon the object seized with bulldog-like tenacity, a grip from a powerful-jawed old male being a somewhat unpleasant experience. In addition to insects the ocellated lizard will prey upon any other small animals it can overpower, including the members of its own species; it is consequently not safe to entrust it in the company of other lizards of less size and strength.

The largest green lizards are found in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor, where they almost seamlessly blend in size and color with the Pearly or Ocellated Lizard. This striking species, often imported alongside green lizards by London dealers, measures between 16 inches and nearly 2 feet long. It’s built sturdier and more robust than a typical green lizard, with older males having especially large heads. Any lack of elegance in shape is completely offset by its vivid colors; no other lizard compares to it in that regard. The stunning emerald-green of the Jersey species is accentuated along its sides by eye-like spots of bright turquoise or ultramarine, surrounded by dark brown or black rings. In males, the green base color has a distinct golden tint, while younger individuals are typically olive with whitish or pearly-blue, black-edged spots scattered throughout. Unfortunately, this beautiful lizard tends to have a bit of a temper and generally does not allow itself to be handled as easily as most of its relatives; when it bites, it tends to hold on tightly like a bulldog, and the grip of a powerful old male can be quite unpleasant. Besides insects, the ocellated lizard will also hunt any small animals it can overpower, including others of its own species, making it unsafe to keep with smaller or weaker lizards.

The Skink Family, which next invites attention, contains no less than 400 known species, and, climatic conditions being favourable, enjoys an almost cosmopolitan distribution. The majority of its members have stoutish cylindrical bodies, with relatively short limbs and tail; the legs are sometimes reduced to two only, or altogether aborted, giving the animal a snakelike form.

The Skink Family, which we will discuss next, includes at least 400 known species and thrives in various climates, giving it a nearly global presence. Most of its members have robust, cylindrical bodies with relatively short limbs and tails; in some cases, the legs may be reduced to just two or completely absent, resulting in a snake-like appearance.

The Common or "Medicinal" Skink—so called since it was regarded in the Middle Ages as an infallible medicinal nostrum—is an inhabitant of North Africa, and notable for its adaptation to a sand-burrowing existence. The body is short, cylindrical, exceedingly smooth through the close apposition of the minute surface-scales, and sharply conical at each extremity. The well-developed toes of all four feet are flattened and serrated at their edges in such a manner that they constitute most effective burrowing-tools in the loose sand these lizards frequent. The length of this skink rarely exceeds 3 or 4 inches. Its colour is rather exceptional for a lizard, but at the same time in keeping with its predominating subterranean habits. The ground-tint in the living examples in the writer's possession, one of which is photographed on page 579, was a light yellowish-white, like that of old polished ivory, with here and there a pale flesh-pink tinge. On the under-surface this light tint was persistent, while the back was traversed by some twelve broadish bands of pale slate-grey. The skink does not, like the mole and the Amphisbænas, obtain its food from subterranean sources. It comes out to bask on the surface of the sand when the sun is at its height, and keeps a brisk look-out for flies or other insects, which, if they approach sufficiently near, are pounced upon with remarkably agility. Should the sky become overcast or any cause for alarm manifest itself, the skink disappears beneath the sand as though by magic, not infrequently burrowing down to a depth of several feet. Even at the present day the skink is esteemed by the Arabs both for medicine and food, and in the latter association, well broiled, has won the commendation of European palates.

The Common or "Medicinal" Skink—named for its historical reputation as a foolproof cure—is found in North Africa and is known for its ability to live and burrow in sandy environments. Its body is short, cylindrical, and incredibly smooth due to tightly packed tiny scales, tapering sharply at both ends. The well-developed toes on all four feet are flat and serrated, making them excellent tools for digging in the loose sand where these lizards live. This skink typically measures no more than 3 to 4 inches in length. Its coloration is quite unique for a lizard, yet suitable for its primarily underground lifestyle. In living specimens I have, one of which is pictured on page 579, the base color was a light yellowish-white, similar to old polished ivory, with a few subtle hints of pale pink. The underside retained this light shade, while the back featured around twelve wide bands of pale slate-grey. Unlike moles and Amphisbænas, this skink doesn't feed underground; it often surfaces to bask in the sun and keeps a close watch for flies or other insects, which it quickly catches if they come too close. If the sky turns grey or it senses danger, the skink vanishes into the sand as if by magic, often digging down several feet. Even today, Arabs value the skink for both medicinal and culinary uses, and when well-cooked, it has received praise from European diners.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Röntgen ray photo of ocellated lizard.

The remarkable length and slenderness of the bones of the hind feet are well illustrated by this photograph.

The impressive length and thinness of the bones in the hind feet are clearly shown in this photograph.

One of the most bizarre members of the Skink Family hails from Australia, where it is known as the Stump-tailed Lizard. The most remarkable feature in this form is the shortness and roundness of the caudal appendage, the contour and proportions of which, in fact, so nearly correspond with those of the head that it was originally described by its discoverer, Captain William Dampier, just over three centuries ago, as a double-headed animal. {579}To quote his own quaint description: "The land animals we saw here [Sharks' Bay] included a sort of guanos of the same shape and size with other guanos, but differing from them in three remarkable particulars, for these had a larger and uglier head, and had no tail, and at the rump, instead of a tail there, they had a stump of a tail which appeared like another head, but not really, such being without mouth or eyes; yet this creature seemed by this means to have a head at each end."

One of the most unusual members of the Skink Family comes from Australia, where it's called the Stumpy-tailed Lizard. The most striking feature of this lizard is the short and round tail, which is so similar in shape and size to its head that it was originally described by its discoverer, Captain William Dampier, over three hundred years ago, as a double-headed creature. {579}To quote his own quirky description: "The land animals we saw here [Sharks' Bay] included a type of guanos that were the same shape and size as other guanos, but they differed in three notable ways: they had a larger and uglier head, no tail, and instead of a tail at the back, they had a stump that looked like another head, but it didn't have a mouth or eyes; still, this creature seemed to have a head at both ends."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Common skink.

Lives and burrows in the sand, coming out when the sun shines.

Lives and digs in the sand, coming out when the sun is shining.

A specimen of the stump-tailed lizard is usually on view at the Regent's Park Gardens, and will afford visitors an opportunity for its comparison in the flesh with Dampier's description. Fine specimens of the stump-tail will measure as much as 10 inches in length, and are thick in proportion, the legs, however, being very small and weak. The surface of the back is covered with large, overlapping scales, that, in conjunction with its customarily dark brown or blackish hue, convey to it a marked resemblance to a long, imbricated fir-cone. On the under-surface the scales are in comparison very small; the colouring in this region is also usually light grey or yellow, variegated with darker reticulations.

A specimen of the stump-tailed lizard is typically on display at the Regent's Park Gardens, giving visitors a chance to compare it in person with Dampier's description. Large specimens of the stump-tail can reach up to 10 inches long and are thick in proportion, although their legs are small and weak. The back is covered with large, overlapping scales that, along with its usually dark brown or black color, make it look a lot like a long, layered fir cone. The scales on the underside are much smaller, and the colors here are usually light grey or yellow, marked with darker patterns.

Stump-tails make most good-natured and grotesque household pets. Of two examples which were for some years in the writer's possession a characteristic photograph is reproduced below. When basking in the sun, the tail often becomes distended to enormous proportions. The internal substance of this abnormally dilated organ consists chiefly of fatty tissue, and it seems probable that it fulfils the rôle of a reservoir for the storage of nutrient and heating materials, to be drawn upon during hibernation. The winter months in the southern districts of Western Australia are cold, and this lizard, in common with other local species, retires during that season into the sheltering recess of a hollow tree-stump or rock-crevice until the sun is again in the ascendant. The stump-tail is practically omnivorous in its habits. In captivity fruit, and more especially bananas, constitute a favourite diet, but it will also greedily devour worms, beetles, and garden-snails, and may consequently be turned to good account as a destroyer of garden-pests.

Stump-tails make for friendly and quirky household pets. Below is a typical photo of two examples that I had for several years. When basking in the sun, their tails can puff up to huge sizes. The inside of this swollen organ is mostly made up of fatty tissue, suggesting that it acts as a storage space for nutrients and heat, which can be used during hibernation. The winter months in the southern regions of Western Australia can be chilly, and this lizard, like other local species, will retreat to the safety of a hollow tree stump or rock crevice until the weather warms up again. The stump-tail is almost entirely omnivorous. In captivity, it enjoys fruits, especially bananas, but it will also happily eat worms, beetles, and garden snails. This means it can be quite useful for keeping garden pests under control.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Aussie Stump-tailed Lizards.

Two of the author's household pets.

Two of the author's pets.

Of other Australian members of the Skink Family, the Great Cyclodus, or Blue-tongued Lizard, may be mentioned. This species, which is about 18 inches long, presents no abnormal development of head or tail, as in the form last described. The body is smooth and sub-cylindrical, and with its closely set scales resembles that of a snake. The dominant colour is a soft steel or silvery grey, variegated with darker or lighter cross-bands and reticulations that are most strongly marked on the sides; the under-surface, by way of contrast, is most usually pale {580}salmon-pink. The tongue of this lizard, which gives to it its popular title, is somewhat remarkable. It is large and flat, and of a bright blue tint, resembling nothing so much as a piece of blue flannel. The animal, as it moves about, is in the habit of constantly protruding and retracting its tongue, which consequently constitutes a very conspicuous object. In common with the majority of its allies, the blue-tongued lizard is viviparous; but while the stump-tail only produces one at a time, which is nearly half as large as the parent, the present form gives birth to as many as ten or twelve. An example in the writer's possession on one occasion presented him with a litter embracing the larger number, and afforded the material for the photograph here reproduced.

Of other Australian members of the Skink Family, the Great Cyclodus, or Blue-tongue Lizard, is worth mentioning. This species, which is about 18 inches long, doesn’t show any unusual development of its head or tail, as seen in the previously described form. The body is smooth and cylindrical, and its closely packed scales make it look similar to a snake. Its main color is a soft steel or silvery grey, mixed with darker or lighter cross-bands and patterns that are most prominent on the sides; in contrast, the underbelly is usually a pale {580}salmon-pink. The tongue of this lizard, which gives it its common name, is quite striking. It is large, flat, and bright blue, resembling a piece of blue fabric. As it moves around, it frequently sticks out and retracts its tongue, making it a very noticeable feature. Like the majority of its relatives, the blue-tongued lizard gives live birth; however, while the stump-tail produces one offspring at a time, which is nearly half the size of the parent, this species can give birth to as many as ten or twelve. At one point, I had one that gave me a litter of the larger number, which provided the material for the photograph included here.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Blue-Tongued Lizards.

A female with her family of twelve.

A woman with her family of twelve.

As a contrast to the two preceding forms, the Spine-tailed Lizards, with their short, flat, spiky tails, may be cited as a conclusion to this notice of the Skink Family. There are nine known members of the same genus, all inhabitants of Australia. The lower of the two forms here figured is especially abundant on one island of the Abrolhos group, off the Western Australian coast. This example is represented at about two-thirds of its natural size. It is an interesting fact that an allied but considerably larger species monopolises a neighbouring island of the same group, the two species not intermingling: probably the larger one would prey on the smaller. The largest member of the genus, known as Cunningham's Spine-tail, of a uniform black hue, peppered white, is not infrequently brought to Europe, and two examples which were for some years in the writer's possession bred regularly, producing eight or ten young at a time for several consecutive years. The fact that these lizards enjoyed full liberty in a heated greenhouse, with a temperature and surrounding conditions closely identical with those to which they were naturally accustomed, no doubt contributed extensively to their fertility.

As a contrast to the two previous forms, the Spiny-tailed Lizards have short, flat, spiky tails and serve as a conclusion to this overview of the Skink Family. There are nine known members of this genus, all found in Australia. The lower of the two forms illustrated here is particularly abundant on one island in the Abrolhos group, off the coast of Western Australia. This example is shown at about two-thirds of its natural size. It's interesting to note that a related but much larger species occupies a neighboring island in the same group, with the two species not mixing: likely, the larger one would prey on the smaller. The largest member of the genus, known as Cunningham's Spine-tail, is solid black with white speckles and is not uncommon in Europe. Two specimens that I had for several years bred regularly, producing eight to ten offspring at a time for several consecutive years. The fact that these lizards had full freedom in a heated greenhouse, with a temperature and environment very similar to their natural habitat, likely played a significant role in their fertility.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Spine-tailed Lizards, Western Australia.

These lizards are essentially vegetarian in their habits.

These lizards mainly eat plants.

With this group we are compelled by lack of space to close our account of the true lizards, but the reader must understand that only a very few out of an enormous number have been mentioned at all.

With this group, we have to wrap up our discussion of the true lizards due to space constraints, but the reader should realize that only a tiny fraction of the vast array has been mentioned.




Chameleons and Tuatara.




Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Chameleons sleeping.

The tail of the sleeping chamæleon is frequently coiled spirally like the proboscis of a butterfly.

The tail of the sleeping chameleon often curls up in a spiral like a butterfly's proboscis.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A chameleon in a rage.

Puffing and hissing at an approaching intruder.

Puffing and hissing at an approaching intruder.

The Chamæleons differ in so many important structural points from the ordinary lizards that they are usually regarded now by scientists as a distinct reptilian sub-order. The essential characters, externally recognisable, that serve to distinguish the chamæleons are:—Firstly, the extraordinary development of their worm-like extensile tongue, the tip of it club-shaped and highly viscous, and the shaft cylindrical and as elastic in texture as india-rubber. Adapted for the special object of catching flies, this organ can be projected from the mouth to a distance of 6 or 8 inches or more with lightning-like rapidity, and rarely misses its quarry. Comparing small things with great, the chamæleon's tongue and its action might be likened to a schoolboy's popgun, having its pellet secured to the barrel by a long elastic ligament. Presuming further that the pellet is covered with a viscid secretion such as bird-lime, and that the object shot at is hit and brought back to the shooter's pocket by virtue of the ligament's intrinsic elasticity, we have an almost veritable replica of the chamæleon's fly-catching apparatus. The second remarkable structural peculiarity of the chamæleon is the independent relationship of the two eyes. The eyes themselves are unlike those of any other lizards; they are large, prominent, skin-covered cones, perforated only at their extreme apex for the minute pupil-opening: while one eye may be fixed on an object in front of it, the other may be rolling around in search of a second quarry. This independent capacity of vision, while peculiar among reptiles to the chamæleon, is common to many fishes, such as blennies and flat-fishes. A third anomaly in the chamæleon's structure is the character of the feet; these resemble those of a parrot, the toes being bound together in two opposable bundles. In the fore foot the inner bundle contains three and the outer one two toes only, while in the hind foot the order {582}of their amalgamation is precisely reversed. In either case these feet subserve, as in parrots and other perching-birds, as most effective organs for maintaining a close grip upon the tree-branches among which they habitually live. The tail of the chamæleon is, finally, highly prehensile, and, as with the New World monkeys, constitutes a veritable fifth hand, wherewith to ensure it against falling off its perch.

The Chameleons are so different in important structural ways from regular lizards that scientists now typically see them as a separate sub-order of reptiles. The key features that clearly set chamæleons apart are: First, their uniquely developed, worm-like, extendable tongue, which has a club-shaped, sticky tip and a cylindrical, rubbery shaft. Designed specifically for catching flies, this organ can shoot out from their mouth to a distance of 6 to 8 inches or more with lightning speed, and it rarely misses its target. To illustrate, you could compare the chamæleon's tongue and its function to a schoolboy's popgun, where the pellet is attached to the barrel by a long elastic band. If we also assume that the pellet is coated with a sticky substance like bird-lime, and that the shot object is hit and pulled back to the boy's pocket because of the band’s elasticity, we have an almost perfect analogy for the chamæleon's fly-catching system. The second remarkable feature of the chamæleon is the independent movement of its two eyes. The eyes are different from those of any other lizards; they are large, prominent, cone-shaped and covered with skin, only punctured at the very tip for the tiny pupil opening: while one eye might focus on something in front, the other could be scanning for another target. This ability to see independently is unique to chamæleons among reptiles but is seen in various fish, like blennies and flat-fishes. A third unusual aspect of the chamæleon's structure is its feet; they are similar to a parrot's, with the toes grouped into two opposable sets. In the front foot, the inner group has three toes, and the outer group has two, while in the back foot, the arrangement is exactly reversed. In both cases, these feet, like those of parrots and other perching birds, serve as efficient tools for gripping tightly onto the tree branches where they typically live. Finally, the chamæleon's tail is highly prehensile, acting like a kind of fifth hand, which helps it avoid falling off its perch.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



A minute or more is often occupied by the chamæleon in making a single forward step.

A chameleon often takes a minute or more to make a single forward step.

The colour-changing properties of the chamæleon have been the subject of enthusiastic but in many instances exaggerated descriptions from the earliest times. As a matter of fact there are other lizard species which share this kaleidoscopic property to an equal or even greater degree. The Indian tree-geckos, referred to on a previous page, as also the calotes from the same region, are cases in point. Chamæleons are undoubtedly possessed of marvellous colour-changing faculties, and it would appear to be scarcely in all instances, as is more usually represented, a case of adapting themselves to the tints of their environment. The assumption of leaf-green, grey, brown, reddish, or yellowish tints, in accordance with their surroundings, is the ordinary record. Some examples which formed the subjects of the writer's experiments exhibited, however, interesting deviations from the beaten track. Male individuals, in particular, were observed to assume tints and decorative patterns that rendered them remarkably conspicuous objects, in spite of their leafy environment. The normal ground-colour of these specimens in full daylight was so dark a green that it might be almost characterised as black. Upon this were superimposed lines and spottings of strongly contrasting tints. The more dominant of these was a brilliant orange, that was distributed in bold lines along the head and cheeks, and formed a radiating pattern on the skin-covered eye-cones: The same colour formed somewhat broken-up bars across all four limbs, and was dispersed in bold spots over the entire remaining body-surface: along the tail these spots were concentrated in threes, giving it a semi-barred appearance. All among these orange limb- and body-spottings were distributed a secondary series of somewhat smaller spots, the tint of which was a pale but very brilliant emerald-green. This chamæleon asleep at night was a very different animal. The ground-colour was transformed from almost black to a bright grass-green. The orange lines became lighter in colour and broken up into patches; many of the orange spots on the body disappeared, but those remaining were of larger size and concentrated in threes in two lines along each side, these triple spots enclosing centrally a larger elongated spot or patch of bright pink or puce. The bright emerald-green secondary spots, as seen in daylight, were almost white. If handled during the daytime, the chamæleon was wont to assume a colour nearly identical with his night garb; the two lines of pink patches, previously invisible, would appear, and, while the orange spotting remained constant, the emerald-green changed to lemon-yellow.

The color-changing abilities of the chameleon have been the focus of enthusiastic, though often exaggerated, descriptions since ancient times. In reality, there are other lizard species that display this vibrant quality just as much, if not more. The Indian tree geckos mentioned earlier, along with the calotes from the same area, are prime examples. Chameleons certainly have amazing color-changing abilities, and it seems that it's not always just about blending in with their surroundings as is commonly believed. Typically, they can adopt leaf-green, gray, brown, reddish, or yellowish shades that match their environment. However, some examples that the writer experimented with showed interesting departures from this norm. Males, in particular, were seen taking on colors and patterns that made them stand out, even in a leafy setting. In full daylight, these specimens had such a dark green that it was almost black. On this base color were striking patterns and spots of highly contrasting colors. The most prominent was a vibrant orange, which was boldly marked along the head and cheeks and formed a sunburst pattern on the skin-covered eye cones. This same orange color created somewhat broken bars across all four limbs and was spread in bold spots over the rest of the body. Along the tail, these spots often came in threes, giving it a slightly barred look. Interspersed among these orange markings were a second set of smaller spots in a pale yet brilliant emerald green. When this chameleon was asleep at night, it looked very different. The ground color shifted from almost black to a bright grass green. The orange lines became lighter and were broken into patches; many orange spots on the body vanished, but the remaining ones grew larger and appeared in threes along both sides, enclosing a larger elongated spot or patch of bright pink or purple. The bright emerald-green spots, previously seen in daylight, looked almost white. If disturbed during the day, the chameleon tended to change to a color similar to its nighttime appearance; the two lines of pink patches that were previously hidden would emerge, and while the orange spots remained constant, the emerald-green would shift to lemon yellow.

A chamæleon in a rage is a decidedly grotesque object. The back is arched, the body and more especially the throat-pouch are inflated to their fullest extent, the mouth is opened, the eyes roll, and the creature rocks itself to and fro and hisses in a most threatening manner. When, as often happens, it also simultaneously sits up on its haunches, the effect is doubtless as terrifying as it is intended to be to a rival chamæleon or any small animal which may venture to approach it. A number of other lizards, including tree-climbing varieties, were introduced to the company of the examples under observation, and until friendly acquaintanceship had been established their advances towards the chamæleons were always repelled.

A chameleon in a rage is quite a grotesque sight. Its back is arched, its body and especially its throat pouch are fully inflated, its mouth is open, its eyes are rolling, and it rocks back and forth while hissing in a very threatening way. When, as often happens, it also sits up on its haunches, the effect is definitely as terrifying as intended for a rival chameleon or any small animal that might dare to approach it. Several other lizards, including tree-dwelling types, were introduced to the group of chameleons being observed, and until a friendly relationship was established, their attempts to get close to the chameleons were always met with resistance.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


A chameleon sticking out its tongue to catch a fly.

The tongue is capable of extension to a length of no less than 7 or 8 inches.

The tongue can extend to a length of at least 7 or 8 inches.


Photo by C. M. Martin]  [Beckenham.

Photo by C. M. Martin] [Beckenham.



The inflated extremity of the tongue is highly glutinous.

The swollen tip of the tongue is very sticky.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S. [Milford-on-Sea.]



Belongs to an ancient reptile race of which it is the only living survivor.

Belongs to an ancient reptile species, and it's the only surviving member.

The majority of the chamæleons lay eggs, but a small number produce living young, as with skinks and other lizards. Examples of the common European and North African species kept by the writer excavated holes in the earth, in which they laid their eggs, and then carefully covered them up again. Unfortunately these eggs were not fertilised. One South African species has been reported to the writer as being in the habit of placing and separately wrapping and fastening up each egg as deposited in the leaves of the tree in which it resided. While Africa and Madagascar represent the head centres of distribution of the fifty odd known species of chamæleons, they enter Europe through the Spanish Peninsula, and extend eastward to Arabia, India, and Ceylon. The largest known variety, which inhabits Madagascar, attains a length of 15 inches; the smallest pygmy chamæleon of the Cape scarcely measures 2½ inches.

Most chameleons lay eggs, but a small number give birth to live young, like skinks and other lizards. The common species found in Europe and North Africa, which the writer has observed, dig holes in the ground to lay their eggs and then carefully cover them up again. Unfortunately, these eggs were not fertilized. One species from South Africa has been reported to the writer as having the habit of placing, wrapping, and securing each egg separately in the leaves of the tree where it lives. While Africa and Madagascar are the main areas where more than fifty known species of chameleons are found, they also reach Europe through the Iberian Peninsula and extend eastward to Arabia, India, and Sri Lanka. The largest known type, which lives in Madagascar, can grow up to 15 inches long, while the smallest pygmy chameleon from the Cape measures barely 2.5 inches.

The Tuatera.

The Tuatara.

That singular reptile found on certain small islands lying to the north-east of New Zealand, and known as the Tuatera, differs in so many structural characters from all other lizards that it is assigned to a separate order. Externally the tuatera does not differ materially in form from an ordinary lizard. The skin, however, is peculiar for its leathery, granulated, and wrinkled texture; there is no trace of external ears; the eyes, adapted for nocturnal vision, have in daylight vertical pupils; and the bases of the toes are united by connecting webs. The deeper internal characteristics include the possession of supplementary so-called abdominal ribs, the presence of which are readily apprehended on handling the living animal. These structures, while absent in ordinary lizards, find their near equivalent in the breastplate of tortoises and turtles. The teeth are not implanted in distinct sockets, but attached to the summits of the jaws, which are developed in a beak-like manner, and in older individuals fulfil, after the manner of a beak, the functions of the worn-out incisor teeth.

That unique reptile found on certain small islands northeast of New Zealand, known as the Tuatara, differs in many structural features from all other lizards, so it’s classified in a separate order. Externally, the tuatera looks pretty similar to a regular lizard. However, its skin is distinctive for being leathery, granulated, and wrinkled; it has no visible external ears; its eyes, which are adapted for seeing at night, have vertical pupils in daylight; and the bases of its toes are connected by webs. Internally, it has additional so-called abdominal ribs, which you can feel when handling the living animal. These structures, which are not found in typical lizards, are similar to the breastplate of tortoises and turtles. The teeth are not set in distinct sockets but are attached to the tops of the jaws, which have a beak-like shape, and in older individuals, function like worn-out incisor teeth.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A pet tuatara.

Is a great acquisition for a greenhouse, feeding on slugs, beetles, and all noxious insects.

Is a great addition for a greenhouse, feeding on slugs, beetles, and all harmful insects.

Tuateras have been exceedingly scarce of recent years, and in view of their scientific interest, and the risk of their possible extinction, are now protected by the New Zealand Government. Among the multitudinous gifts of which their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales were recipients during their recently accomplished world-embracing tour, a pair of living tuatera lizards formed one of the most singular and highly prized contributions accepted from the loyal New Zealanders.

Tuataras have become extremely rare in recent years, and due to their scientific significance and the threat of extinction, they are now protected by the New Zealand government. Among the numerous gifts that the Prince and Princess of Wales received during their recent global tour, a pair of live tuatara lizards was one of the most unique and valued presents accepted from the loyal people of New Zealand.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Dark green snake.

A native of Italy and other countries bordering the Mediterranean. Accredited with a particularly fierce disposition.

A native of Italy and other countries around the Mediterranean. Known for having a particularly fierce temperament.




The characteristic contour of a snake's body is too familiar to need elaborate description; its leading features are, in fact, so nearly approximated by certain of the legless lizards, previously described, that the distinctions between the two can with difficulty be defined. Many of the snake-like lizards, including the Common Blind-worm, are altogether devoid of external limbs. In some snakes, on the other hand, and notably the large terrestrial Pythons, a spur-like development on each side of the base of the tail represents rudimentary hind legs. The Snakes agree essentially with the Lizards in the character of their scaly covering, the scales, however, being larger on their under-surface and specially adapted, as in the legless lizards, for creeping locomotion. The essential distinctions between the two groups have to be sought in the structure of the head. The most notable of these, as it obtains in the Snakes, is the very loose manner in which all the bones connected with the jaws are held together, thus providing for the greatest possible distension in the act of their swallowing their prey whole, as is the custom of all ordinary snakes. To achieve this end, the two halves of the lower jaw are not united together at their extremity or chin, as in lizards, but are merely connected with one another by an elastic ligament. In most snakes the bones of the upper jaw and palate are also attached to one another in a similar way.

The typical shape of a snake's body is so well-known that it doesn’t need a detailed description; its main features are very similar to some legless lizards we've talked about before, making it hard to tell the two apart. Many snake-like lizards, like the Common Blind-worm, completely lack external limbs. However, in some snakes, especially the large land-dwelling Pythons, there are small spur-like structures on each side of the base of the tail that are remnants of hind legs. Snakes essentially share characteristics with lizards when it comes to their scaly skin, though the scales on their underside are larger and specially designed, like in legless lizards, for moving on the ground. The key differences between the two groups can be found in the structure of their heads. The most significant difference in snakes is the very loose way in which all the bones in their jaws are connected, allowing for maximum stretch when they swallow their prey whole, which is typical behavior for common snakes. To achieve this, the two halves of the lower jaw aren’t fused at their end or chin like in lizards, but instead are joined by a flexible ligament. In most snakes, the bones of the upper jaw and roof of the mouth are also connected similarly.

The eyes of a snake differ in a very marked manner from those of ordinary lizards. No snake possesses movable eyelids. The eye, in compensation, is protected by a transparent horny disk, continuous with the general epidermis, and is shed with it when the snake casts its skin. This feature imparts to snakes that fixed, stony expression of the eyes which undoubtedly contributes very materially towards increasing the feeling of repulsion with which snakes are commonly regarded. A few exceptional lizards, such as the Geckos, have a similar eye-construction, but it is not met with in any of the limbless or snake-like forms. No snakes, again, show any trace of external ear-openings, such structures, on the other hand, being distinctly developed in almost all lizards. The head itself of the snake is never compressed or elevated, as in most lizards, but flattened down and usually wider than the body, to which, however, it is united without a distinct neck. The tongue of the snake is slender, and terminates in two long, thread-like points; basally it is inserted into a hollow sheath, into or out of which the entire organ can be retracted or exserted at will. The somewhat uncanny, flickering action with which a snake, while moving, displays and as it were feels its way with its long, forked tongue represents another element which adds to the {586}disfavour with which these reptiles are commonly regarded. Among the uneducated even at the present day it is not unusual to hear the tongue, with reference to its peculiar shape and vibrating action, pronounced to be the seat and instrument of the animal's poisonous properties. The swift, silent, stealthy, gliding motions with which, apart from any visible organs of locomotion, a snake slides, as it were, along the ground and over all obstacles fill to the brink the measure for its condemnation in the estimation of all but the snake-devotee or the naturalist.

The eyes of a snake are noticeably different from those of regular lizards. No snake has movable eyelids. Instead, its eyes are protected by a transparent, hard disk that is connected to the skin and is shed along with it when the snake sheds its skin. This aspect gives snakes a fixed, cold expression that likely adds to the dislike many people feel towards them. A few unusual lizards, like Geckos, have a similar eye structure, but none of the limbless or snake-like species do. Snakes also don't have any external ear openings, while most lizards do. The snake's head is never compressed or raised like in most lizards; it is flat and usually wider than its body, with no distinct neck. A snake's tongue is slender and has two long, thread-like tips; it is anchored in a hollow sheath that allows it to retract or extend freely. The somewhat eerie, flickering movement of a snake as it navigates with its long, forked tongue adds another layer to the dislike that these reptiles often receive. Even today, among those who are less informed, it's common to hear that the snake's tongue, due to its unique shape and rapid movement, is believed to be the source of its venom. The quick, silent, stealthy way in which a snake glides across the ground and over obstacles—despite lacking visible means of locomotion—further fuels negative perceptions of it, except among those who admire snakes or study them.

The locomotion of the snake is, as a matter of fact, one of the most remarkable and beautifully contrived phenomena in animal mechanics. The peculiarly jointed and abnormally mobile ribs constitute the mystic deus ex machinâ by which the reptile accomplishes its migration. These ribs articulate in pairs by a single mobile head with their respective segment of the vertebral column. At their opposite extremity they impinge on and are in muscular connection with the broad, slightly overlapping, shield-like scales which clothe the under surface of the body. The rib-muscles, contracting in rhythmical succession, raise the free overlapping edges of the shield-like scales, which, striking against the ground in the same regular order, push the body forward. Adopting an easily comprehensible simile, the snake's body is carried along the ground on the same principle as a paddle-wheel steamer is pushed along the surface of the water, the paddle-boards in the case of the snake being affixed to a long, narrow plane instead of a circular wheel.

The way a snake moves is, in fact, one of the most impressive and cleverly designed aspects of animal mechanics. Its uniquely jointed and highly flexible ribs act as a kind of deus ex machinâ that enables the reptile to travel. These ribs connect in pairs with a single movable head to their corresponding segments of the spine. At the other end, they connect with the broad, slightly overlapping, shield-like scales that cover the underside of the body. The rib muscles contract in a rhythmic pattern, lifting the free overlapping edges of the shield-like scales, which then strike the ground in the same regular sequence, propelling the body forward. To put it simply, the snake’s body moves along the ground in a way similar to how a paddle-wheel steamer is pushed across the water, with the paddle boards in this case attached to a long, narrow plane instead of a circular wheel.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Dark green snake.

Closely allied to the rat-snake of India, and preys in a similar manner on rats, mice, and birds.

Closely related to the rat snake of India, it hunts in a similar way, feeding on rats, mice, and birds.

The poison-fangs of snakes are highly specialised structures, and their presence or otherwise was formerly considered sufficiently distinctive for the separation of these reptiles into two sharply defined natural series. More recent investigations have, however, shown that such a system of classification is entirely artificial, both venomous and harmless species occurring among groups which are related to one another by essential structural characters. The teeth in the ordinary or harmless snakes are usually represented by two rows of slender, recurved, sharply pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a single row of a similar character in the lower one. This recurved character of the dentition effectively assists the snake in gorging its quarry whole, nothing once seized by the hook-like teeth having a chance of retreating, the snake itself being unable to eject the prey upon which the teeth have fastened. In the most poisonous series, such as a rattle-snake, there is but a single row of recurved teeth in the upper jaw, and these are the equivalents of the inner set of the harmless species. Among the most venomous snakes the poison-fangs are tubular in character, the poison being received from the venom-glands at their open base, and discharged at the apex. In other forms the fangs have grooved channels only for the passage of the virus, while in other species there may be an intermediate condition. In all cases the poison-secreting glands are modifications of the ordinary salivary glands of other vertebrate animals. They are situated, one on each side, immediately below and behind the eyes, and are in some instances so abnormally developed as to extend backwards along the sides of the body. Special muscles envelop these glands, and force the poison into the hollow base of the fangs when the mouth is opened to strike.

The poison fangs of snakes are highly specialized structures, and whether they are present or not used to be considered enough to classify these reptiles into two distinct natural groups. However, more recent research has shown that this classification system is completely artificial, with both venomous and non-venomous species found in groups that are related by essential structural features. In ordinary or harmless snakes, the teeth are usually made up of two rows of slender, curved, sharply pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a single row of similar teeth in the lower jaw. This curved design helps the snake swallow its prey whole; once something is caught by the hook-like teeth, it has no chance of escape, and the snake itself cannot spit out the prey once it's latched on. In the most venomous species, like rattlesnakes, there is only one row of curved teeth in the upper jaw, which are equivalent to the inner set of teeth in non-venomous species. Among the most venomous snakes, the poison fangs are tubular, with the venom being received from the venom glands at their open base and released at the tip. In other varieties, the fangs have grooved channels for the venom flow, while some species exhibit an intermediate condition. In all cases, the venom-secreting glands are modified versions of the ordinary salivary glands found in other vertebrates. They are located, one on each side, just below and behind the eyes, and in some cases, they are so unusually developed that they extend backwards along the sides of the body. Specialized muscles surround these glands and push the venom into the hollow base of the fangs when the snake opens its mouth to strike.


Photos by Fredk. Downer & Sons]  [Watford.

Photos by Fredk. Downer & Sons Watford.


A small boa constrictor grabbing and eating a rat.

Illustrating the consecutive phases of seizing, strangling, and subsequently gorging the prey, as practised by the largest and smallest members of the class.

Illustrating the series of steps in capturing, choking, and then devouring the prey, as done by the largest and smallest members of the group.


Snakes, like lizards, are most abundant in tropical countries, the Indian and Malay regions in particular being richest in numbers and varieties. The British Islands support but three representatives of the class—the Adder, the Common Ringed and the Smooth Snakes—this number, by a coincidence, being identical with that of the Lizard Tribe indigenous to the same islands. Many of the smaller species are little over 1 foot long, while the huge Pythons and the Anaconda may attain to or exceed 30 feet. Regarding their habits, some are purely terrestrial, frequenting the rocks or sandy deserts, or even burrowing beneath the earth's surface. Others are essentially arboreal, many amphibious, and some, like the Turtles among the Chelonians, entirely marine. As with the Lizards, the majority of snakes lay eggs enclosed within a white leathery shell, while with a considerable number the young are brought forth alive. The eggs, deposited in the earth, sand, or among vegetable debris, are usually left to be hatched by the heat of the sun. In the case of the Pythons, however, they are incubated by the parent.

Snakes, like lizards, are most common in tropical countries, especially the Indian and Malay regions, which have the highest variety and numbers. The British Islands have only three types—the N/A, the Common Ringed Plover, and the Smooth Snakes—and interestingly, this number matches the Lizard species native to those islands. Many smaller species are just over 1 foot long, while large Pythons and Anacondas can reach or exceed 30 feet. In terms of their habits, some are completely terrestrial, living on rocks or in sandy deserts, or even burrowing underground. Others are mainly tree-dwelling, many are amphibious, and some, like Turtles among the Chelonians, live entirely in the ocean. Similar to lizards, most snakes lay eggs with a white leathery shell, though a significant number give birth to live young. The eggs, which are laid in the ground, sand, or among plant debris, are usually left to hatch under the sun's warmth. However, for Pythons, the eggs are incubated by the parent.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



The neck, thrown back in one or more loops, can be projected, with immense force and lightning-like rapidity, to strike or seize an intended victim.

The neck, thrown back in one or more loops, can be launched with incredible force and lightning speed to strike or grab an intended target.

A small group of snakes which is usually placed at the head of the series in systematic classifications share the subterranean habits of the Amphisbænas among the Lizards; and the eyes being rudimentary and functionless, they are commonly known as Blind-snakes. A structural peculiarity which separates these singular reptiles from all other members of the Snake Tribe is the entire absence of teeth from either the upper or lower jaw. The food of the blind-snakes consists largely of ants and the larvæ of beetles and other insects which lead a subterranean life. Although spending the greater portion of their existence underground, they occasionally come out upon the surface, such migrations more generally taking place during showery weather. About 100 species of blind-snakes are known, and are mostly confined to tropical countries. One small worm-like form occurs in Greece and the adjacent islands, its range extending through a considerable area of South-western Asia.

A small group of snakes, usually positioned at the beginning of the series in scientific classifications, shares the underground habits of Amphisbænas among the lizards. Since their eyes are underdeveloped and not functional, they're commonly referred to as Blind snakes. A unique feature that distinguishes these unusual reptiles from all other snakes is that they completely lack teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. Blind-snakes primarily feed on ants and the larvae of beetles and other insects that live underground. Although they spend most of their lives underground, they sometimes come to the surface, usually during rainy weather. About 100 species of blind-snakes are known, and they are mostly found in tropical regions. One small, worm-like species is found in Greece and nearby islands, with its range extending over a significant area of Southwestern Asia.

The step from the small worm-like Blind-snakes, with their functionless eyes and underground habits, to the Boas and Pythons, the largest and most highly organised members of the Serpent Tribe, would seem at first sight to be altogether unwarranted. In one essential character, however, they agree very remarkably. In both groups the bony skeleton exhibits a far more generalised structural plan than in any of the succeeding ones, so that they may be regarded as more nearly resembling the primitive stock from which the other more specialised kinds—such as the Vipers, with their death-dealing poison-fangs—have been evolved.

The transition from the small, worm-like Blind-snakes, with their useless eyes and underground lifestyles, to the Boas and Pythons, the largest and most complex members of the Serpent Tribe, might initially seem completely unjustified. However, there is one key feature they share remarkably. In both groups, the bony skeleton displays a much more generalized structural design than in any of the later forms, indicating that they are more closely related to the primitive ancestors from which the other more specialized types—like the Vipers, with their lethal poison fangs—have evolved.

The Pythons and Boas, or Boa-constrictors, as they are popularly known, belong entirely to the non-venomous section of the Snake series. The teeth, forming two rows in the upper jaws, gradually decrease in size from before backwards, and none of them are grooved or modified in the form of poison-fangs. The body is usually more or less compressed, and the {589}tail prehensile. The Typical Pythons, or Rock-snakes, as they are called, with reference to their rock-frequenting habits, are distributed throughout South-eastern Asia, Australia, and Central and South Africa.

The Pythons and Boa constrictors, or Boa constrictors, as they're commonly known, are completely part of the non-venomous group of snakes. Their teeth, which form two rows in the upper jaw, gradually get smaller from front to back, and none are grooved or modified into poison fangs. The body is typically somewhat flattened, and the {589} tail is prehensile. The Common Pythons, or Rock-snakes, named for their affinity for rocky areas, can be found across Southeast Asia, Australia, and Central and South Africa.


Photo by D. Le Souef]  [Melbourne.

Photo by D. Le Souef] [Melbourne.



So called with reference to the variegated carpet-like pattern of its skin-ornamentation.

So named because of the colorful, carpet-like design of its skin decoration.

The Indian Python, which is the largest Old World representative of its race, is known authentically to attain to a length of 30 feet, and in the largest specimens the spinal column may include over 400 vertebræ. In common with other members of its family, this huge snake kills its quarry by compression or strangulation, throwing around it successive coils of its body, which, with their contraction, crush out the life of the victim. The dispatched prey is then swallowed whole, commencing with the head. The previous crushing of the bony framework greatly assists the swallowing process, which is further aided by the snake pouring over the body of its victim a copious discharge of saliva.

The Indian Python, the largest representative of its kind in the Old World, is known to reach lengths of up to 30 feet, with some of the largest specimens having over 400 vertebrae in their spinal columns. Like others in its family, this massive snake kills its prey by constriction, wrapping its body around it in successive coils that tighten and suffocate the victim. Once the prey is killed, it's swallowed whole, starting with the head. The previous crushing of the bone structure makes swallowing easier, which is further helped by the snake releasing a lot of saliva over the body of its victim.

The extent to which the jaws and the integument of the body generally can be distended for the passage and reception of the food is remarkable. After partaking of a solid meal in this fashion, pythons remain sluggish and in a state of semi-torpor for several days, not reawakening to active life, in fact, until the digestion of the food has been accomplished. As is well known, these and other snakes can exist for periods of many months' duration between their meals. One of the largest Indian pythons by no means contents itself with such small quarry as hares and rabbits—sheep, young calves, and some of the smaller deer representing its more accustomed food. The human species unarmed is as weak or weaker than the proverbial kitten, pitted against the hydraulic-press-like embrace of these monster serpents; and many an Indian native, and more rarely the white man, has fallen a victim to their attacks.

The way the jaws and skin of the body can stretch to take in and hold food is pretty astounding. After having a solid meal like this, pythons become sluggish and go into a semi-torpid state for several days, not fully waking up until they’ve digested their food. As is widely known, these snakes and others can go for months without eating. One of the largest Indian pythons doesn’t settle for small prey like hares and rabbits—she prefers to hunt sheep, young calves, and some smaller deer. An unarmed human is as weak or even weaker than a proverbial kitten when faced with the crushing grip of these giant snakes; many local Indians, and occasionally white men, have become victims of their attacks.

The Reticulated Python, so called on account of the bold reticulated pattern of the skin-ornamentation, may equal, if not exceed, the Indian species in dimensions. It is a native of Burma, Siam, and the Malay region generally, and is recorded as occasionally exceeding 30 feet in length. Examples of this species, including one over 20 feet long, have constituted leading attractions at the Reptile-house in the Zoological Society's Gardens for many years past. The gorgeous prismatic tints that play upon the surface-markings of the coils of these huge snakes, as the sun strikes upon them about midday in their cages, form one of the most wonderful sights that the Gardens afford.

The Burmese Python, named for its striking reticulated skin pattern, can match or even surpass the size of the Indian species. It's native to Burma, Siam, and generally the Malay region, and is known to occasionally exceed 30 feet in length. Specimens of this species, including one that is over 20 feet long, have been major attractions at the Reptile House in the Zoological Society's Gardens for many years. The beautiful prismatic colors that shine on the surface patterns of these massive snakes when the sun hits them around midday in their enclosures create one of the most spectacular sights the Gardens have to offer.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Aesculapian snake.

A South European species with tree-climbing habits.

A Southern European species that climbs trees.

The African Continent also produces its large species of pythons. One of these, attaining to a length of 20 feet or more, reaches its maximum on the west coast, {590}and occurs with local modifications as far east and south as Natal. In the latter country it is most familiarly known as the Natal Rock-snake.

The African continent is also home to large species of pythons. One of these can grow to lengths of 20 feet or more, reaching its largest size on the west coast, {590} and is found with local variations all the way east and south to Natal. In that region, it is commonly called the Natal Rock Snake.


Photo by Mr. W. Rau]  [Philadelphia.

Photo by Mr. W. Rau] [Philadelphia.


A bunch of garter snakes.

An American species which collects together in great numbers.

An American species that gathers in large groups.

Some rather singular incidents have been recorded illustrating the tenacity with which pythons retain hold of the quarry once seized, or, more correctly, their inability to release it. At the Adelaide Zoological Gardens a specimen, when absorbing a rabbit, managed to entangle its teeth in a corner of its blanket. That blanket had to follow the rodent through the 12-foot-long python. On another occasion two pythons, a Queenslander and Afrikander, happened at the same instant to commandeer respectively the head and hindquarters of an identical rabbit. Inch by inch the portion between the two grew smaller until the two noses met. There was no retreating from this impasse, and the momentous question, "Shall I slay my brother boa?" had to be settled affirmatively by one or other of the interested parties without further parley. The somewhat smaller and weaker individual was gradually telescoped, and in due time assimilated. The absorber was decidedly poorly and "off colour" for a considerable period after accomplishing this cannibalistic feat; it ultimately recovered both its appetite and its prismatic tints.

Some pretty unusual incidents have been documented that show how stubborn pythons can be when they’ve caught their prey, or more accurately, how they can’t let it go. At the Adelaide Zoo, one python, while swallowing a rabbit, got its teeth caught in a corner of its blanket. That blanket had to go along with the rabbit through the 12-foot-long python. On another occasion, a Queensland python and an African python both grabbed different parts of the same rabbit at the same time. Little by little, the section between them got smaller until their noses met. There was no backing down from this impasse, and the crucial question, "Should I kill my fellow boa?" had to be answered positively by one of them without further debate. The smaller and weaker snake was eventually squeezed out and eaten. The predator felt pretty unwell and "off color" for quite some time after this cannibalistic act; it eventually regained both its appetite and its vibrant colors.

The True Boas, as distinguished from the Pythons, are more essentially arboreal in their habits, and, with the exception of one or two species found in Madagascar, belong to the tropical American zoological region. The Common Boa, or Boa-constrictor, which attains to a length of 12 or 14 feet or more, is limited in its distribution to South America. The colours of this snake, which consist mainly of a light brown, with a number of dark brown cross-bars on the back, and light centred, dark brown spots on the sides, so nearly agree with the tint of the tree-branches with their interlacing shadows, among which it usually lies concealed, that, notwithstanding its large size, it readily evades detection, and is unconsciously approached by the animals on which it preys. These, in adult individuals, may be represented by such large-sized quarry as dogs, and even deer; while smaller examples prey largely on birds and their eggs, and the numerous rodents with which the tropical American forests teem. From observations made upon this species in captivity, it would appear that the eggs are usually hatched within the parent's body, though an instance has been recorded in which both eggs and young were produced simultaneously.

The True Boas, unlike Pythons, are primarily tree-dwelling in their habits, and, except for one or two species found in Madagascar, they belong to the tropical American zoological region. The Common Boa Constrictor, or Boa constrictor, can grow to lengths of 12 to 14 feet or more and is only found in South America. The colors of this snake are mainly light brown with dark brown cross-bars on its back, and light-centered dark brown spots on the sides. These colors closely match the shades of tree branches and their interlacing shadows, making it easy for this large snake to go unnoticed as it hides among them. This allows it to approach the animals it hunts without being detected. Adult boas can prey on sizable animals like dogs and even deer, while smaller ones mainly hunt birds, their eggs, and the many rodents that thrive in tropical American forests. Observations of this species in captivity suggest that the eggs are usually hatched inside the mother's body, although there has been a recorded instance where both eggs and young were produced at the same time.

A close ally of the typical boas, which shares with them a tropical South American {591}habitat, is the huge Anaconda, or Water-boa, of Brazil and the adjacent countries. This animal, which is undoubtedly the largest living representative of the Serpent Tribe, attains a length little, if any, short of 40 feet. One such monster was specially referred to by Dr. Gardiner, the botanist, in his "Travels in Brazil"; it had devoured a horse, and was found dead, entangled in the branches of a tree overhanging a river, into which it had been carried by a flood. Full-grown cattle, and occasionally human beings, as well as horses, are alleged to fall victims to the destructive prowess of this gigantic snake. The anaconda is essentially amphibious in its habits, the greater part of its life being spent in the water, lying in wait, in the quiet lagoons and backwaters, with only its head above the surface, and prepared to seize any unfortunate animal which may come to the brink to drink. At other times it will coil itself upon the trunks and larger branches of the adjacent trees, and from that point of vantage will dart down its head, with sure aim and lightning rapidity, to seize any suitable quarry which may pass beneath. In some parts of South America where the rivers dry up at certain seasons of the year, the anaconda is recorded to be in the habit of burying itself in the mud and lying torpid, after the manner of crocodiles, until the return of the rains. The ground-colour of the anaconda is usually greyish brown or olive above, the back being ornamented with one or two transversely disposed rows of large, rounded, dark brown or blackish spots, while the sides are decorated with more irregularly scattered, smaller, eye-like spots, having whitish centres and dark margins.

A close relative of typical boas, which shares a tropical South American habitat, is the enormous Anaconda, or Water-boa, found in Brazil and nearby countries. This animal is definitely the largest living member of the Serpent Tribe, reaching lengths just under 40 feet. Dr. Gardiner, the botanist, mentioned one particular giant in his "Travels in Brazil"; it had eaten a horse and was discovered dead, caught in the branches of a tree overhanging a river, having been washed there by a flood. Adult cattle, and occasionally humans, as well as horses, are said to become victims of this colossal snake’s hunting abilities. The anaconda is primarily amphibious, spending most of its life in the water, lying in wait in quiet lagoons and backwaters with only its head above the surface, ready to strike at any unsuspecting animal that comes to drink. At other times, it coils around the trunks and larger branches of nearby trees, where it can quickly dart its head down with precise speed to catch any appropriate prey passing underneath. In some regions of South America where rivers dry up during certain seasons, the anaconda is known to bury itself in the mud and lie dormant, like crocodiles, until the rains return. The typical color of the anaconda is usually a greyish brown or olive above, with its back adorned with one or two rows of large, rounded, dark brown or blackish spots, while its sides feature more irregularly scattered, smaller, eye-like spots with whitish centers and dark edges.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.



A harmless and beautifully marked species inhabiting Italy and Sicily.

A harmless and beautifully patterned species found in Italy and Sicily.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Tessellated snake.

A European species, similar in size and habits to the British ringed snake, but more handsomely marked.

A European species, similar in size and behavior to the British ringed snake, but more attractively patterned.

An interesting little group, connecting the Boas and Pythons with the Common Snakes, is that of the so-called Shield-tails, or Earth-snakes, of India and Ceylon. These reptiles are earth-burrowers, like the Blind-snakes, previously referred to, but have well-developed eyes, and are further distinguished by the abruptly truncated contour of their posterior extremity, which may be either a naked disk or covered with keeled scales. Their bodies are cylindrical, with the scaly covering very smooth and polished, the scales of the under-surface being but little larger than the upper ones; the jaws, in conformity with the peculiar modification of their skull, are not capable of wide distension. Seven genera and a large number of species are recognised, some being brilliantly coloured with tints of red or yellow. Their main diet is earth-worms.

An interesting little group that connects Boas and Pythons with Common Snakes is the so-called Shieldtails or Earth snakes of India and Ceylon. These reptiles dig in the ground like the previously mentioned Blind-snakes, but they have well-developed eyes. They are also distinguished by the sharply truncated shape of their back end, which can either be a bare disk or covered with keeled scales. Their bodies are cylindrical, with very smooth and shiny scales; the scales on their underside are only slightly bigger than those on the top. Their jaws, due to the unique shape of their skull, can't open wide. Seven genera and many species are recognized, some of which are brightly colored with shades of red or yellow. Their main diet consists of earthworms.

The family of the Common Snakes {592}includes the greater number of species, the majority of the most venomous as well as harmless varieties being comprised within its limits. The characters that are made the basis for separating these snakes from the Boas are associated with the structure of the skull, and are not therefore readily recognised without having recourse to dissection. It will suffice to mention that, in this and the remaining groups, there is an entire absence from the lower jaw of the slender supplementary bone known as the "coronoid," which is present in the Boas and Pythons. From succeeding groups, such as the Viperine series, they are distinguished by the circumstance that the upper jaw is firmly fixed in a horizontal position, and is not capable of erection in a vertical plane, or like the lid of a box, as obtains with the Vipers.

The family of the Common Snakes {592} includes the largest number of species, with most of the most venomous as well as harmless types falling within this category. The characteristics used to differentiate these snakes from the Boas are related to the structure of the skull, which aren’t easily identified without dissection. It’s enough to note that in this and the other groups, there is a complete absence of the slender additional bone called the "coronoid" found in Boas and Pythons in the lower jaw. They can be distinguished from subsequent groups, like the Viperine series, by the fact that the upper jaw is firmly fixed in a horizontal position and cannot be raised vertically, unlike the lid of a box, as is the case with Vipers.


By permission of the New York Zoological Society. 

With permission from the New York Zoological Society.


Pine snake.

A tree-haunting American species with very bold markings.

A tree-dwelling species from America with very striking markings.

These snakes are separated into secondary groups with relation to the structure of their teeth. In one series these teeth are solid throughout, neither grooved nor tubular; and all the snakes thus characterised are harmless. In the second series one or more pairs of the hinder upper teeth are longitudinally grooved, and act as poison-fangs; they are consequently distinguished as the "back-fanged" group. In the third series the front teeth of the upper jaw-bone are grooved, and constitute the poison-fangs, and they are known as the "front-fanged" group.

These snakes are divided into secondary groups based on the structure of their teeth. In one group, the teeth are solid all the way through, with no grooves or tubes; all the snakes in this category are harmless. In the second group, one or more pairs of the back upper teeth are longitudinally grooved and serve as poison fangs; they are therefore referred to as the "back-fanged" group. In the third group, the front teeth of the upper jaw are grooved and act as poison fangs, and they are known as the "front-fanged" group.

To the first-mentioned solid-toothed and harmless division of the family belongs the British Ringed Snake and some forty other allied species which are collectively known as Water-snakes, with reference to their more or less pronounced aquatic habits. The ringed snake has a stoutish cylindrical body, keeled scales, flat head covered with regular shields, wide mouth-cleft, and numerous teeth, the strongest of which are at the hinder end of the jaw-bone. The colour varies somewhat, being usually grey, brown, or olive above, with darker spots or narrow transverse bands; the under-surface is mottled black and white or grey. The lip-shields are white or yellowish, with black dividing-lines. The neck in the ordinary variety is usually ornamented with a yellow, white, or orange collar-like patch, {593}behind which is a somewhat broader black collar, which is produced forwards and sub-divides the yellow one in the centre of the upper-surface. In the variety of the ringed snake indigenous to the South of Europe the collar-like markings may be altogether absent, or reduced to a small black patch on each side of the nape of the neck. The maximum length of the ringed snake is some 6½ feet. It is a most expert swimmer, moving swiftly through the water with lateral undulations of its body, and carrying its head and neck well above the surface. Frogs constitute its favourite diet, but it will also capture and devour fish, mice, and young birds.

To the previously mentioned harmless and solid-toothed group of the family belongs the British Ringed Snake along with about forty other related species, which are collectively called Water snakes due to their more or less aquatic behavior. The ringed snake has a robust cylindrical body, keeled scales, a flat head covered with smooth shields, a wide mouth, and numerous teeth, the strongest of which are located toward the back of the jawbone. Its color varies, typically being gray, brown, or olive on top, with darker spots or narrow transverse bands; the underside is mottled black and white or gray. The lip shields are white or yellowish, with black lines separating them. The neck in the typical variety often features a yellow, white, or orange collar-like marking, {593}behind which is a slightly broader black collar, extending forward and dividing the yellow one in the center on top. In the variety of ringed snake found in Southern Europe, the collar-like markings may be entirely absent or reduced to a small black patch on each side of the neck. The maximum length of the ringed snake can reach about 6½ feet. It is a very skilled swimmer, gliding quickly through the water with lateral movements of its body, keeping its head and neck well above the surface. Frogs make up its preferred diet, but it will also catch and eat fish, mice, and young birds.


Photo by Henry Dixon & Son]  [Albany Street, N.W.

Photo by Henry Dixon & Son Albany Street, N.W.



Showing the remarkable pattern on the back of the neck, which has given rise to the name of Spectacled Snake.

Showing the distinctive pattern on the back of the neck, which led to the name Spectacled Snake.

The Viperine and Tesselated Snakes, both European forms, as also the Garter- and Mocassin-snakes of North America, are all closely allied in structure and habits to the familiar ringed species. The second British species, known as the Smooth Snake, belongs to the same group, but is more terrestrial in its habits; while comparatively rare in England, and limited to the southern counties, it is plentiful on the Continent. The Indian Rat-snake, which is almost as useful as the domestic cat in ridding dwellings of rats and mice, is another representative of the solid-toothed group. This group also includes the so-called Pygmy Snakes, inhabiting the Malay region, whose habits are mainly arboreal. They are the most diminutive members of their order, some of the thirty known species not exceeding 1 foot in length.

The Viper-like and Tiled Snakes, both European species, as well as the Garter and Moccasin snakes of North America, are all closely related in structure and behavior to the well-known ringed species. The second British species, called the Smooth Snake, is part of the same group but tends to live on the ground more; while it is relatively rare in England and found mainly in the southern counties, it is plentiful on the Continent. The Indian Rat Snake, which is almost as helpful as the domestic cat in getting rid of rats and mice in homes, is another member of the solid-toothed group. This group also includes the so-called Pygmy Snakes, which live in the Malay region and are primarily tree-dwellers. They are the smallest members of their order, with some of the thirty known species not exceeding 1 foot in length.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Queensland sea snake.

Sea-snakes have compressed tails, which they use for steering.

Sea snakes have flattened tails that they use for steering.

The typical Tree-snakes of the Indian and Australian region, with large eyes, somewhat compressed bodies, and colours of green or olive, in harmonious accord with their arboreal surroundings, also belong to the solid-toothed and harmless section. An especially interesting representative of this group is the so-called Egg-eating Snake of South Africa. It does not exceed 2 feet in length, and is for the most part arboreal in its habits, and, as its name implies, would appear to feed exclusively on eggs. As a structural adaptation for this peculiar habit, the spinous processes of a number of the vertebræ project into the throat {594}and are tipped with enamel, thus constituting supplementary throat-teeth. Normally this snake subsists on the eggs of the smaller birds, but when short of this supply has been known to leave the trees and rob hen-roosts, being able, notwithstanding its comparatively small size, to dilate its mouth and throat for the reception of a hen's egg. The egg is split longitudinally by the action of the throat-teeth, the contents swallowed, and the shell ejected.

The typical Tree snakes from India and Australia have large eyes, somewhat flattened bodies, and green or olive colors that blend well with their tree-dwelling habitats. They belong to a harmless group with solid teeth. A particularly fascinating member of this group is the Egg-eating Snake found in South Africa. It only grows to about 2 feet long and mostly lives in trees. As its name suggests, it primarily feeds on eggs. To adapt to this unique diet, some of the vertebrae have spiny projections that extend into the throat and are coated with enamel, effectively acting as extra teeth in the throat. Typically, this snake eats the eggs of smaller birds, but when those are scarce, it has been known to come down from the trees and raid chicken coops. Despite its relatively small size, it can stretch its mouth and throat wide enough to swallow a hen's egg. The egg is split lengthwise by the action of the throat-teeth, the insides are consumed, and the shell is discarded.

The second or "back-fanged" group includes many exceedingly poisonous species. Among these may be mentioned the Indian Whip-snakes and their allies, comprising many tree-frequenting species, closely resembling in habits and colours the harmless solid-toothed tree-snakes of the preceding section.

The second group, known as "back-fanged," includes many highly poisonous species. Among these are the Indian Whip Snakes and their relatives, which consist of several tree-dwelling species that closely mimic the habits and colors of the harmless solid-toothed tree-snakes from the previous section.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.



The only British venomous reptile.

The only venomous snake in Britain.

It is among the third or "front-fanged" group, however, that the most venomous species occur. To this section belongs the death-dealing Cobra, the yet more formidable Hamadryad, the Indian Craits, the Egyptian Asp, and the Australian Black Snakes and Death-adders. The Cobra-de-capello, Hooded, or Spectacled Snake, as it is variously known, is perhaps the most notoriously familiar example of its section, being responsible for the greater moiety of the many thousands of fatalities that annually occur among the natives of India from the bites of venomous serpents. The craits, which resemble the cobras, but do not possess an erectile hood, are accredited a second position in death-dealing. The peculiar feature of the erectile hood that characterises the cobras is due to the circumstance that a certain number of the ribs in this region are independently movable, and can be elevated and depressed at will, the skin-fold that overlies them being loose and elastic. The back of the hood in the ordinary Indian cobra is usually ornamented with two eye-like spots, connected with a loop-like band, which communicate to the complete pattern the fancied resemblance to a pair of spectacles, whence it has derived its appellation of Spectacled Snake. Individuals vary, however, very considerably in this matter of colour-markings; in some instances a single eye-like spot is alone developed, while in others it may be entirely absent. The Common Cobra grows to a length of 6 or 7 feet, dimensions greatly exceeded by the Giant Cobra, or Hamadryad, a fortunately rarer form more exclusively confined to jungle and forest districts. This species may attain to a length of 13 feet or more, and on account of its deadly bite and fiercely aggressive disposition is much feared by the natives of the countries it inhabits, which include not only India, but Burma, Siam, and the Malay region. This giant cobra preys almost exclusively on smaller snakes, frequently including the common cobra.

It is within the third or "front-fanged" group that the most venomous species can be found. This group includes the deadly Cobra, the even more formidable Hamadryad, the Indian Kraits, the Egyptian Asp Snake, and the Aussie Black Snakes and Death adders. The Cobra-capello, Hooded, or Spectacled Snake, as it is known in various ways, is perhaps the best-known example of this group and is responsible for a significant portion of the many thousands of deaths that occur each year among the people of India from venomous snake bites. The craits, which look similar to cobras but lack an erect hood, are considered the second most deadly. The distinctive feature of the erect hood that characterizes cobras comes from the fact that certain ribs in that area can move independently, allowing them to raise and lower it at will, with the overlying skin being loose and flexible. The back of the hood in the typical Indian cobra usually has two eye-like spots connected by a loop-like band, giving it a pattern that resembles a pair of glasses, hence its name, the Spectacled Snake. Individuals can vary quite a bit in their color markings; sometimes there is only one eye-like spot, while in other cases, it may be missing entirely. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake can grow to lengths of 6 or 7 feet, but this is far surpassed by the Giant cobra, or Hamadryad, which is unfortunately rarer and mostly found in jungle and forest areas. This species can reach lengths of 13 feet or more and is highly feared by the local populations of the regions it inhabits, which include India, Burma, Siam, and the Malay area, due to its deadly bite and aggressive nature. This giant cobra primarily preys on smaller snakes, often including the common cobra.

A third species of cobra, known as the Hajé, or Spitting-snake, inhabits Africa, from Egypt as far south as Natal. It is perhaps the fiercest member of the group, turning readily upon its pursuers, or even commencing the attack. It also possesses the somewhat remarkable and disconcerting habit of ejecting poison from its mouth to a distance of several feet, usually aiming with considerable accuracy at the eyes of its assailant. Although unattended by permanently serious effects, the pain caused by the virus striking the eyes is for the time being excruciatingly painful, placing the recipient of the unwelcome discharge entirely hors de combat. The first record of the poison-spitting propensities of this snake, made by Mr. Gordon Cumming, was received with considerable incredulity, but the statement has been confirmed. A relative of the writer's, stationed in Natal, was recently the victim of such an incident, receiving the poison-discharge in his eyes from one of these snakes, which, in his eagerness to dispatch it, he had imprudently cornered, armed only with a sword. It was some days before the pain entirely abated and the sight regained its normal clearness.

A third type of cobra, called the Hajé or Spitting cobra, lives in Africa, stretching from Egypt down to Natal. It’s possibly the most aggressive member of the family, often turning on its pursuers or even initiating the attack. It also has the unusual and alarming behavior of spitting venom from its mouth up to several feet away, usually aiming with impressive accuracy at the eyes of its attacker. While it doesn’t usually cause lasting serious effects, the pain from the venom hitting the eyes is incredibly intense, leaving the victim completely hors de combat. The first account of this venom-spitting behavior, reported by Mr. Gordon Cumming, was met with a lot of skepticism, but it has since been confirmed. A relative of the author, stationed in Natal, recently experienced this firsthand, getting venom in his eyes from one of these snakes after he foolishly tried to corner it with just a sword. It took several days for the pain to fully subside and for his vision to return to normal clarity.


By permission of the New York Zoological Society. 

With permission from the New York Zoological Society.


African Puff Adder.

Horses die within a few hours of being bitten by this serpent.

Horses die within a few hours after being bitten by this snake.


By permission of the New York Zoological Society. 

With permission from the New York Zoological Society.


Diamondback rattlesnake.

One or more joints are added to the "rattle" each successive year.

One or more joints are added to the "rattle" every year.


Australia, with its Black and Tiger-snakes and the Death-adder, possesses snakes as venomous as the cobra, which the first-named species approach in their capacity to inflate their necks, though to a less degree. The Tasmanian Black Snake, as it glides swiftly, as though sailing, across open grass-land, with the midday sun scintillating on its 7-foot stretch of jet-black, highly polished scales, its head and expanded neck threateningly elevated some 18 inches above the ground, is certainly a most impressive sight.

Australia, with its Black and Tiger snakes and the Death adder, has snakes that are as venomous as the cobra. The first two species can inflate their necks, although not to the same extent. The Tasmanian Black Snake, sliding swiftly across open grassland, looks like it's sailing, with the midday sun sparkling off its 7-foot length of shiny black scales. Its head and expanded neck rise threateningly about 18 inches above the ground, making it an impressive sight.

One very distinct group of the front-fanged section which demands brief notice is that of the Sea-snakes. These are readily distinguished by their especial adaptation to a marine existence, their much-compressed, oar-like tails constituting powerful propelling organs. In contradistinction to the terrestrial snakes of the same group, the inferior scales, not being required for terrestrial locomotion, are little if any larger than the upper ones. All the species are highly venomous; they feed chiefly upon fish, and are distributed throughout the tropical seas. The larger species rarely exceed 5 or 6 feet in length, and the majority are much smaller. Many species are noted for their conspicuous colouring, which most frequently takes the form of distinctly contrasting bands. All the members of this group are viviparous.

One very distinct group of front-fanged snakes that deserves a brief mention is the Sea snakes. They are easily recognized by their specialized adaptation to living in the ocean, with their flattened, paddle-like tails that act as powerful propellers. Unlike their land counterparts, the lower scales on these snakes are not much larger than the upper ones, as they don’t need them for moving on land. All species are highly venomous; they primarily eat fish and can be found throughout the tropical seas. The larger species typically don’t grow longer than 5 or 6 feet, while most are much smaller. Many species are known for their striking colors, often featuring clearly contrasting bands. All members of this group give birth to live young.


Photo by J. W. McLellan]  [Highbury.

Photo by J.W. McLellan] [Highbury.



The rattle-snake is pre-eminently noted for its power of fascinating birds and the smaller mammals.

The rattlesnake is especially known for its ability to mesmerize birds and smaller mammals.

The last and most highly specialised section of the Snake Tribe is that of the Viper and its allies, collectively known as the Viperine Family. In all the representatives of this group the hinder upper jaw-bone is so loosely articulated that it is capable of erection at a right angle to the horizontal plane of the skull, the gape of the mouth being in consequence abnormally wide. The teeth in the upper jaw are reduced to a single anteriorly situated pair of tubular poison-fangs, with which, when striking its prey, the snake deals a direct stab. The head in the majority of the Viperine Snakes is flattened and triangular, nearly resembling in contour the symbolic ace of spades. The body is usually relatively thick, and the tail short and stumpy. The vertical pupil of the eye denotes nocturnal habits. All the members of the section are venomous.

The final and most specialized section of the Snake Tribe is the Viper and its relatives, collectively known as the Viperine Family. In all members of this group, the back upper jawbone is loosely connected, allowing it to move at a right angle to the horizontal plane of the skull, resulting in an unusually wide mouth. The teeth in the upper jaw are reduced to a pair of tubular poison fangs located at the front, which the snake uses to stab its prey. Most Viperine Snakes have a flattened, triangular head, resembling the shape of the ace of spades. Their bodies are usually relatively thick, and they have short, stubby tails. The vertical pupils indicate they are nocturnal. All members of this section are venomous.

The Viperine Snakes are usually divided into two groups. The first contains the Typical or Old World Vipers, and includes, in addition to the Common Viper, the Cerastes or Horned Viper of Egypt, and the large and most repulsive and deadly African Puff-adder. The Common Viper or Adder, the only poisonous British snake, has a very extensive geographical distribution, extending throughout Europe and Asia as far east as the island of Saghalien, and northwards to the Arctic Circle. The Horned Viper of the Sahara and North Africa is one of the most venomous of living serpents. Lying buried beneath the sand, with only its head above, it will spring aggressively at any animal which passes by, and the action of its venom is so rapid that a horse or man bitten by it usually dies within half an hour. In colour the horned viper closely resembles the sand or stony wastes among which it lies. The most remarkable feature in this snake is the presence of two elevated horn-like processes immediately above the eyes, which are most prominent in the male. The species has frequently been on view at the Zoological Society's Gardens. On one occasion an ostensible example was purchased and deposited in the Reptile-house, which proved on nearer investigation to be a base imposition. A common desert-viper had been cleverly manipulated by the deft insertion of suitably shaped {597}splinters of wood into its head, so that it resembled the rarer horned variety. The Puff-adder, the largest member of its tribe, may attain to a length of 6 feet or more, and is distributed throughout the African Continent. Its thick body is almost triangular in section, the head very large, flat, and bluntly rounded anteriorly, while the eyes have a particularly fierce, stony, and repulsive aspect. In colour individuals vary considerably, but there is generally a chequered pattern of reds, browns, and greys, disposed in the form of darker and lighter alternating crescent-shaped bands along the back. The poison of this snake is nearly as virulent as that of the horned viper, and is commonly used by the African bushmen for poisoning their arrows.

The Viperine Snakes are typically divided into two groups. The first includes the Typical or Old World Vipers, which consists of the Common Adder, the Cerastes or Horned Viper from Egypt, and the large, extremely unpleasant, and deadly African Puff adder. The European Adder or Adder, the only venomous snake in Britain, has a wide geographical range, extending all across Europe and Asia as far east as Saghalien Island and north to the Arctic Circle. The Horned Viper of the Sahara and North Africa is one of the most venomous snakes alive. It hides beneath the sand, with just its head exposed, and will aggressively strike at any animal that passes by. Its venom acts so quickly that a horse or human bitten by it usually dies within half an hour. In terms of color, the horned viper closely matches the sand or rocky terrain it inhabits. One of its most distinctive features is the two horn-like structures above its eyes, which are more prominent in males. This species has often been displayed at the Zoological Society's Gardens. Once, a specimen thought to be genuine was purchased and placed in the Reptile House, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a clever fake. A common desert viper had been skillfully altered with the insertion of appropriately shaped {597}wood pieces into its head, making it look like the rarer horned variety. The Puff adder, the largest member of its group, can grow to over 6 feet long and is found throughout Africa. Its body is almost triangular in shape, with a very large, flat head that is bluntly rounded at the front, and its eyes have a particularly fierce and unpleasant appearance. The colors of individuals can vary significantly, but there's usually a checkered pattern of reds, browns, and grays, arranged in darker and lighter alternating crescent-shaped bands along the back. This snake's venom is nearly as potent as that of the horned viper and is commonly used by African bushmen to poison their arrows.

The Viperine group is abundantly represented in the New World, where its members differ from the typical Old World species in sundry anatomical points, one of the most conspicuous features being the presence of a distinct depression or pit in the surface of the head between the nostril and the eye on either side. On this account they are distinguished by the title of Pit-vipers. Among the more familiar representatives of this group are the Rattle-snakes, the Fer-de-lance, the Bush-master, and the Copper-head or Mocassin-snakes. All these are notoriously venomous, fatal effects from bites received by human subjects being of frequent recurrence. The Rattle-snakes are especially distinguished by the peculiar, loosely jointed, horny appendage to their tails, by the rapid vibration of which, when disturbed, they fortunately give timely notice of their presence. In the young individuals this rattle is only represented by a single button-like knob, additional loose, hollow, horny rings being added between it and the scaly termination of the tail as age increases. In full-grown examples the horny rings composing the rattle may number as many as twenty or more, though, owing to the war of extermination incessantly levied against these reptiles in all civilised areas, it is rarely that such elaborate rattle-bearers are now met with. The rattle-snake, in the more northern districts of its distribution, hibernates in the winter, often congregating together in great numbers for the sake of the mutual warmth. In the earlier days certain caves were famous as the retreats into which not only hundreds but thousands of the reptiles would congregate from the country round for their winter's slumber. At such times hunting-parties were specially organised for their wholesale destruction, and accomplished much towards reducing their ranks to their present numbers.

The Viperine group is well-represented in the New World, where its members differ from the typical Old World species in several anatomical features, one of the most noticeable being a distinct depression or pit on the surface of the head between the nostril and the eye on each side. Because of this, they are called Pit vipers. Some of the more well-known members of this group include the Rattlesnakes, the Fer-de-lance, the Bushmaster, and the Copperhead or Moccasin snakes. All of these are known for their venom, and bites to humans often have fatal consequences. The Rattlesnakes are particularly known for their unique, loosely joined, hard appendages on their tails, which they rapidly vibrate when disturbed, providing a timely warning of their presence. In young snakes, this rattle is represented by a single button-like knob, with additional loose, hollow, hard rings added as they age. In fully grown specimens, the hard rings that make up the rattle can number twenty or more; however, due to ongoing efforts to exterminate these reptiles in all civilized areas, it is rare to find such elaborate rattle-bearers today. In the northern parts of their range, the rattle-snake hibernates in the winter, often gathering in large numbers for warmth. In earlier times, certain caves were known as places where not just hundreds but thousands of these reptiles would gather for their winter sleep. During this time, hunting parties were organized specifically for their mass destruction, significantly reducing their populations to what we see now.


By permission of the New York Zoological Society. 

With permission from the New York Zoological Society.



One of the fiercest and most venomous of American viperine snakes.

One of the fiercest and most venomous viper snakes in America.

In addition to the common North American rattle-snake there are some four or five other species distributed throughout the Southern States, Mexico, and Panama. None appear to exceed a length of 6 feet. In South America their place is to a large extent taken {598}by the so-called Bush-master, a snake which attains to a length of as much as from 9 to 12 feet, and, in addition to being exceedingly venomous, is of an especially fierce and aggressive disposition. It is devoid of a rattle-like appendage, the tail terminating in a sharp horny spine. The Fer-de-lance, or Rat-tailed Pit-viper, is another Central and South American species, held in wholesome dread on account of its death-dealing potentialities. The South American sugar-plantations are an especially favourite resort of this deadly snake, its attraction being the rats which frequent the canes and afford its chief food. Lying concealed among the thick foliage, it will launch itself aggressively at any passer-by, and its bite is usually attended with fatal results within a few hours. The fer-de-lance grows to a length of 6 or 7 or occasionally even 8 feet, with a thickness of a man's arm. Its colours, as with most members of its tribe, are somewhat variable. The ground-colour of the back is usually olive or reddish brown, with dark cross-bands; a black stripe runs backwards from the eye to the neck, and in some instances the sides of the body are bright red.

In addition to the common North American rattlesnake, there are about four or five other species found throughout the Southern States, Mexico, and Panama. None seem to grow longer than 6 feet. In South America, the so-called Bushmaster largely takes their place; this snake can reach lengths of 9 to 12 feet and is not only extremely venomous but also particularly fierce and aggressive. It doesn't have a rattle-like feature, ending instead with a sharp, bony spine. The Fer-de-lance, or Rat-tailed Pit-viper, is another species from Central and South America that is feared because of its lethal capabilities. South American sugar plantations are especially attractive to this deadly snake, drawn by the rats that inhabit the cane and provide its main food source. Concealed within the dense foliage, it will aggressively strike at any passerby, and its bite often leads to fatality within a few hours. The fer-de-lance can grow to lengths of 6, 7, or sometimes even 8 feet, with a thickness comparable to a man's arm. Its colors, like many in its family, can vary. The ground color of its back is typically olive or reddish-brown, marked with dark cross-bands; a black stripe runs backward from the eye to the neck, and in some cases, the sides of its body can be bright red.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



The croaking of this species may be heard at a distance of several miles.

The croaking of this species can be heard from miles away.

The American Continent is not wanting in aquatic representatives of the Viperine series. The most notable of these is the fish-eating Water-viper, whose distribution extends from North Carolina in the south over the whole of North America as far westward as the Rocky Mountains. Fish and frogs constitute the main diet of this reptile.

The American continent has plenty of aquatic members of the Viperine series. The most notable is the fish-eating Water snake, which can be found from North Carolina in the south all the way across North America to the Rocky Mountains in the west. Fish and frogs make up the majority of this reptile’s diet.





Frogs and Toads.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


American Bullfrog.

Young ducks are a favourite food of this voracious Batrachian.

Young ducks are a favorite food of this hungry amphibian.

The Amphibian Class, through the Newts and Salamanders more especially, would appear at first sight to have much in common with and to be most closely allied to the Lizards, previously described. As a matter of fact, however, the group is much more nearly related to the Fishes. Quite the most characteristic feature in the Amphibians that is indicative of the above-mentioned affinity is the circumstance that for a more or less longer period of their existence their respiratory organs take the form of external gills, structures not found in any of the preceding vertebrate classes. Another diagnostic character of the {599}Amphibia is afforded by the circumstance that they all pass through a transitional or larval condition before arriving at the adult state. The familiar tadpole phase of the common frog or toad typically illustrates this point. During its earliest larval state the fish-like resemblance is especially conspicuous. In addition to possessing gills, the body is limbless, and produced into a long fish-like tail, having superior and inferior fin-like membranes, with which the little animal propels itself through the water. These locomotive fins, however, are never furnished with supporting fin-rays, as obtains among the Fishes. In contradistinction to the Lizards and Snakes, the skin of Amphibians is never covered with spines or scales, but is soft and naked. In many of the Toads and Salamanders the surface of the skin is, however, warted and highly glandular, and capable of emitting an acrid and sometimes poisonous fluid. More or less pronounced conditions of moisture are essential for the well-being of all Amphibians. The eggs are deposited, and the earlier or larval conditions, with but few exceptions, passed, in the water, while the adults remain in its near proximity, and frequently take up their abode in it. Amphibia do not, however, drink water after the manner of lizards and other reptiles, but absorb all the moisture they require through the surface of their skins. The deeper and more essential skeletal elements of the Amphibia differ conspicuously from those of the preceding groups. The vertebræ in the permanently gill-bearing species more particularly are scarcely to be distinguished from those of fishes. In the Frog and Toad Tribe, on the other hand, they are reduced to a less number, seven or eight only, than is found among any other vertebrates, while ribs do not exist or are rudimentary and functionless throughout the class. Many bones of the skull in the Amphibia, as well as its general construction, are more in accord with those of fishes than of ordinary reptiles. The tongue, not always present, is attached immediately inside the front of the lower jaw, its tip pointing down the animal's throat. It is remarkable that, notwithstanding their aquatic proclivities, no Amphibian has been discovered which frequents salt water.

The Amphibian Class, especially through the Newts and Salamanders, might initially seem to share a lot in common with Lizards, as previously described. However, they're actually much more closely related to Fishes. A key feature that highlights this connection is that for varying periods, their respiratory organs are external gills, which aren’t found in any earlier vertebrate classes. Another distinguishing trait of the {599}Amphibia is that they all go through a transitional or larval stage before reaching adulthood. The well-known tadpole stage of a common frog or toad illustrates this well. In its early larval stage, the fish-like appearance is especially noticeable. Along with having gills, its body has no limbs and extends into a long fish-like tail with upper and lower fin-like membranes for swimming. However, these fins lack the supporting fin rays seen in Fishes. Unlike Lizards and Snakes, Amphibians have skin that isn’t covered in spines or scales; instead, it’s soft and bare. Many Toads and Salamanders have skin that is warted and very glandular, capable of releasing an irritating and sometimes toxic fluid. Moist environments are crucial for all Amphibians. They lay their eggs and spend the earlier larval stages, with few exceptions, in water, while adults stay nearby, often residing in it. Unlike lizards and other reptiles, Amphibians don’t drink water; they absorb the moisture they need through their skin. The deeper skeletal structures of Amphibia are significantly different from those of previous groups. The vertebrae in species that retain gills are barely distinguishable from those of fishes. In the Frog and Toad family, on the other hand, there are only seven or eight vertebrae, fewer than in any other vertebrates, and they either lack ribs or have rudimentary, non-functional ones. Many bones in the skull of Amphibia, as well as its overall structure, resemble those of fishes more than those of typical reptiles. The tongue, which may not always be present, is attached right inside the front of the lower jaw, with its tip pointing down the throat. Interestingly, despite their affinity for water, no Amphibian has been found that lives in saltwater.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Edible Frog.

The hind legs only of this species are used for the composition of the famous Parisian dish.

The hind legs of this species are the only part used to make the famous dish from Paris.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.



A species closely allied to the common British frog, but more boldly marked.

A species closely related to the common British frog, but with more striking markings.

Amphibians amongst themselves constitute two very easily recognised sub-divisions,—the one including the Frogs and Toads, collectively forming the Tailless group; and the other represented by the Newts and Salamanders, or Tailed Amphibians. The former group has an almost world-wide distribution, numbering some thousand species; it is most abundantly represented in the tropics, ranging thence in diminishing numbers to the limits of the Arctic Circle. In colder climates these Amphibia usually hibernate during the winter months; while in tropical countries, where dry seasons intervene, they often bury themselves in the mud, and remain in a state of torpor till the return of the rains. The majority are more or less essentially nocturnal in their habits. Frogs and toads commence life in an aquatic {600}tadpole phase. While in the adult state they are strictly carnivorous, the tadpoles are vegetarian feeders.

Amphibians can be easily divided into two main groups: the first group includes Frogs and Toads, which are known as the Tailless group, and the second group consists of Newts and Salamanders, or Tailed Amphibians. The first group has a nearly global presence, with around a thousand species, and is especially abundant in tropical regions, spreading in fewer numbers towards the Arctic Circle. In colder areas, these amphibians usually hibernate during the winter, while in tropical places with dry seasons, they often bury themselves in mud and go into a state of dormancy until the rains return. Most of them are primarily nocturnal. Frogs and toads start their lives as aquatic tadpoles. While adults are strictly carnivorous, the tadpoles mainly eat plants.

The section to which the Common British Frog belongs includes nearly 150 species, collectively known as Water-frogs, which present considerable differences in both their aspect and habits. While some are perennially aquatic, others only resort to the water during the breeding-season; some are terrestrial and occasionally earth-burrowers, while yet another series is essentially arboreal.

The section that the Common British Frog is part of has nearly 150 species, all grouped together as Water-frogs, which show significant differences in both appearance and behavior. While some are always found in water, others only go to water during the breeding season; some live on land and sometimes dig into the ground, while another group mainly lives in trees.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Röntgen ray photo of a common frog.

The relatively small amount of bone which enters into the structure of the skull is well shown in this photograph.

The relatively small amount of bone that makes up the structure of the skull is clearly visible in this photograph.

In addition to the familiar British species the much-esteemed Edible Frog of the Continent has become acclimatised in England. A dark-coloured race of this frog, supposed to have been introduced by the monks centuries since on account of its esculent properties, is plentiful in the fens of Cambridgeshire, while a greener race of the same species was imported to and established in Norfolk somewhere about the year 1840. The edible frog may be distinguished from the common species by the more complete webbing of its hind feet, the absence of the dark so-called temporal spot that extends from the eye to the shoulder, and the presence in the males of a globular sac on each side of the head, which confers upon them louder croaking powers than are possessed by the common species.

In addition to the familiar British species, the highly regarded Edible Frog from the Continent has become established in England. A dark-colored variety of this frog, believed to have been introduced by monks centuries ago due to its edible properties, is abundant in the fens of Cambridgeshire. Meanwhile, a greener variety of the same species was brought to Norfolk and established there around the year 1840. The edible frog can be recognized from the common species by the more complete webbing of its hind feet, the lack of the dark so-called temporal spot that runs from the eye to the shoulder, and the presence of a round sac on each side of the males' heads, which allows them to croak louder than the common species.

The loudest-voiced as well as almost the largest member of this group is the Bull-frog of Canada and the United States. The length of the body in this species may be as much as from 7 to 7½ inches, exclusive of the legs; and its croakings, or more correctly bellowings, are so loud that it may be heard for a distance of several miles. These croakings are most pronounced during the early spring or breeding-season. In the Southern United States, however, they are maintained more or less persistently throughout the year. While the British frog contents itself with a diet of slugs, worms, beetles, and other insects, the bull-frog aspires to larger quarry, and has an especial penchant for young ducklings. As a compensation the flesh of the bull-frog is said to be very delicately flavoured, and the species is so much esteemed in some localities as to be kept in captivity and fattened for the table. It has been recorded that the bull-frog makes leaps of from 8 to 10 feet in length and 5 feet in height.

The loudest and one of the biggest members of this group is the Bullfrog found in Canada and the United States. This species can grow to about 7 to 7½ inches long, not including its legs, and its croaks, or more accurately, bellows, are so loud they can be heard for miles. These sounds are most intense during the early spring, or breeding season. In the Southern United States, however, they are heard more or less all year round. While the British frog sticks to a diet of slugs, worms, beetles, and other insects, the bullfrog goes for bigger prey, especially young ducklings. On the plus side, the bullfrog's meat is said to be very delicately flavored, and in some areas, they are kept in captivity and fattened for meals. It has been noted that the bullfrog can jump distances of 8 to 10 feet and heights of 5 feet.

In point of size the bull-frog is somewhat eclipsed by a species discovered in the Solomon Islands, and known as Guppy's Frog. This huge frog has a body no less than 9 inches in length. It has not been recorded whether its vocal powers are proportionately loud. Another large species allied to the Bull-frogs is found in South and East Africa, whose flesh is attested to by Dr. Livingstone as being excellent eating and resembling chicken when cooked. This frog, known to the natives as the Matlamitlo, is supposed by them to fall from the clouds, on account of its sudden appearance in even the driest parts of the desert immediately after a thunder-storm. The species, however, is in the habit of making holes at the roots of bushes, {601}into which it retires during the months of drought, rushing out into the hollows filled by the thunder-showers while the rain is still actually falling. Even during the long drought these frogs continue their croakings from their retreats at night, and are very misleading to travellers, who customarily associate their presence with the immediate neighbourhood of water.

In terms of size, the bullfrog is somewhat overshadowed by a species found in the Solomon Islands, known as Guppy's Frog. This enormous frog measures at least 9 inches long. It's not been noted whether its vocal abilities are equally loud. Another large species related to the bullfrog is present in South and East Africa, which Dr. Livingstone claims is excellent to eat and tastes like chicken when cooked. This frog, referred to by locals as the Matlamitlo, is believed by them to fall from the sky due to its sudden appearance in even the driest desert areas immediately after a thunderstorm. However, this species is known to dig holes at the bases of bushes, {601}where it hides during drought months, emerging into puddles formed by the thunder-showers while the rain is still falling. Even during prolonged droughts, these frogs continue to croak from their hiding spots at night, misleading travelers who typically associate their calls with being close to water.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. Parson's Green.


Decorated horned toad.

The bite of this toad is highly venomous.

The bite of this toad is very poisonous.

There is a remarkable difference in the voice-timbre of the various species of frogs. In England, with its one indigenous variety, comparisons cannot be instituted. In countries, however, like Australia, where numbers of species live in close proximity, the phenomenon is very marked. Some only give voice in the evening or night, while others keep up their clamour throughout the day; with some the note is metallic and almost bell-like, while one diurnal croaking species, which congregates in great numbers in the eastern Tasmanian coast district, emits a loud percussive note closely resembling that of a stone-breaker's hammer. On several occasions, in fact, when driving through the areas these frogs frequented, the impression produced by their croaking was so realistic that the next turn in the road was expected to reveal the presence of a large gang of road-makers engaged in negotiating a wayside stone-heap.

There’s a striking difference in the voice and sound of different frog species. In England, with its only native variety, you can't really make comparisons. In countries like Australia, where many species live nearby, the differences are very noticeable. Some frogs only call out in the evening or at night, while others make noise all day long. Some have a metallic, almost bell-like sound, while a daytime croaking species that gathers in large numbers along the eastern coast of Tasmania makes a loud, percussive sound that resembles the noise of a stone worker’s hammer. In fact, several times while driving through areas where these frogs live, their croaking sounded so realistic that I expected the next bend in the road to reveal a large group of workers tackling a stone pile.

One of the most remarkable species is the Flying-frog of Java. The power of flight is simulated in this instance on a different principle to that which obtains in any other group. It is not accomplished through the medium of abnormally produced ribs with connecting membrane, as occurs in the Flying-lizards; nor by means of a flap of skin stretched between the fore and hind limbs, as in the Flying-squirrels and Phalangers. In place of these the toes of all four feet are abnormally prolonged, and their interspaces bridged over to their tips by webbing. The body of this frog is about 4 inches long, while the webs of the feet, when fully expanded, cover collectively an area of fully 12 square inches; they thus constitute aerial floats, which enable their owner to make prodigiously long flying leaps among the trees in which it takes up its abode. The colours of this singular species are striking; the back and limbs are a deep shining green, the under-surface and inner toes yellow, and the webs black rayed with yellow. In common with the typical Tree-frogs, the toes of this Javan flying variety all terminate in a dilated adhesive disk.

One of the most remarkable species is the Flying frog from Java. Its ability to fly is achieved in a way that's different from any other group. It doesn't use abnormally shaped ribs with connecting membranes like Flying-lizards do, nor does it rely on skin flaps stretched between its fore and hind limbs like Flying-squirrels and Phalangers. Instead, the toes on all four feet are unusually long, and the gaps between them are connected by webbing. This frog's body is about 4 inches long, and when fully spread, the webs of its feet cover an area of about 12 square inches; this creates aerial floats that allow it to make incredibly long leaps among the trees it calls home. The colors of this unique species are striking: the back and limbs are a deep, shiny green, the underbelly and inner toes are yellow, and the webs are black with yellow markings. Like typical Tree-frogs, the toes of this Javan flying species all end in a wide adhesive disk.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Decorated horned toad.

Is accustomed to prowl round farmyards to pick up stray chicks and ducklings.

Is used to roaming around farmyards to gather stray chicks and ducklings.

Among the oddities of the Frog Tribe prominence may be given to the singular Short-headed Frogs of East Africa. In these the head is so short, and the body, when puffed out, so nearly globular, that they have been aptly described as more nearly resembling india-rubber balls than frogs. Another notable form, inhabiting Chili, is remarkable for the circumstance that the throat-sac of the male is so enlarged and modified as to form a chamber on the under {602}surface of the body. In this sac the eggs laid by the female are deposited and pass through their tadpole phases.

Among the unique features of the Frog Tribe, we should highlight the distinctive Short-headed Frogs found in East Africa. Their heads are so short, and their bodies, when puffed up, are nearly spherical, leading to the accurate description of them resembling rubber balls more than frogs. Another interesting species, found in Chile, stands out because the male’s throat sac is so enlarged and shaped that it creates a chamber on the underside of the body. In this sac, the female lays her eggs, which then develop through their tadpole stages.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


European green tree frog.

Indigenous to Southern Europe.

Native to Southern Europe.

The Horned Frogs, or Horned Toads, of South America constitute a distinct and interesting group. They are of large size, stout and rotund, gorgeously apparelled, and truculent in bearing. There are nearly a dozen known species, the distinctive feature from which they take their name having reference to the stiff, horn-like development of their upper eyelids. The largest species is a native of Brazil, whose body may be as much as 8 inches long. This species has the horn-like processes of the eyelids most prominently developed. A somewhat smaller but conspicuously handsome species, plentiful in the Argentine Republic, is at the present time represented by several individuals at the Regent's Park Gardens. In this animal the body is relatively more obese and toad-like than in the Brazilian form, but the horn-like angle of the upper eyelid is only slightly produced. The colours vary somewhat, the general ground-tint of the upper-surface is bronze-green or yellow, upon which are distributed large spots and blotches of dark olive or chocolate, having light yellow or golden margins. The spots on the limbs are the widest, and almost take the character of cross-bands. Bright claret-red lines are sometimes developed in and among the body-spots.

The Horned Frogs, or Horned Lizards, from South America are a unique and fascinating group. They are large, stout, and round, beautifully colorful, and have a bold demeanor. There are nearly a dozen known species, named for the stiff, horn-like features of their upper eyelids. The largest species is native to Brazil and can grow up to 8 inches long, with the horn-like structures on the eyelids being especially prominent. A slightly smaller but striking species, common in Argentina, is currently represented by several individuals at the Regent's Park Gardens. In this species, the body is relatively more plump and toad-like compared to the Brazilian version, but the horn-like angle of the upper eyelid is only slightly noticeable. The colors vary somewhat, with the general base color of the upper surface being bronze-green or yellow, adorned with large spots and blotches of dark olive or chocolate, bordered by light yellow or golden edges. The spots on the limbs are the widest and almost look like cross-bands. Bright claret-red lines sometimes appear among the body spots.

A very interesting account of the habits of this frog appears in Mr. W. H. Hudson's "The Naturalist in La Plata." Mr. Hudson reports it as being common on the pampas as far south as the Rio Colorado, in Patagonia. In the breeding-season it congregates in pools, and displays extraordinary vocal powers, which are exercised at night. The notes uttered are long, resembling those of a wind instrument, and are so powerful that on still evenings they may be heard distinctly a mile off. After the pairing-season the frogs disperse, and, retiring to moist places, bury themselves just deep enough to leave their broad green backs on a level with the surface. The eyes, under these conditions, look out as from a couple of watch-towers, and are on the qui vive for any approaching prey. This consists of any moving creature which they can capture, such as other frogs and toads, birds, and small mammals. In very wet seasons they will frequent the neighbourhood of houses, and lie in wait for chickens and ducklings, often capturing and attempting to swallow objects much too large for them. In disposition they are exceedingly pugnacious, savagely biting at anything that comes near them. When teased, the creature swells itself out to such an extent that one expects to see it burst. It follows its tormentors about with slow, awkward leaps, its vast mouth wide open, and uttering an incessant harsh croaking sound. When they bite, these frogs hold on with the tenacity of a bull-dog, poisoning the blood of the creature seized with their glandular secretion. Mr. Hudson records two instances in which to his knowledge horses were killed through being bitten by a horned frog. One of them, while lying down, had been seized by a fold in the skin near the belly; the other had been grasped by the nose while cropping grass. In both instances the vicious frog was found dead, with jaws tightly closed, still hanging to the dead horse. "It would seem," Mr. Hudson remarks, "that they are sometimes incapable of letting go at will, and, like honey-bees, destroy themselves in these savage attacks."

A very interesting account of the habits of this frog appears in Mr. W. H. Hudson's "The Naturalist in La Plata." Mr. Hudson reports that it is common on the pampas as far south as the Rio Colorado in Patagonia. During the breeding season, it gathers in pools and shows off its extraordinary vocal abilities, which are most active at night. The sounds it makes are long and resemble those of a wind instrument, and they are so loud that on still evenings they can be heard distinctly from a mile away. After the pairing season, the frogs scatter and retreat to moist areas, burying themselves just enough to have their broad green backs level with the surface. Their eyes, under these conditions, look out like two watchtowers, alert for any approaching prey. They will catch any moving creature they can, such as other frogs and toads, birds, and small mammals. In very wet seasons, they will hang around houses, waiting for chickens and ducklings, often catching and trying to swallow things much too big for them. They are very aggressive by nature, biting savagely at anything that gets close. When disturbed, the frog puffs itself up to such an extent that it seems like it might burst. It follows its tormentors around with slow, awkward jumps, its huge mouth wide open, making a constant harsh croaking sound. When they bite, these frogs cling on with the determination of a bulldog, introducing poison into the bloodstream of the creature they grab with their glandular secretion. Mr. Hudson mentions two cases where horses were killed after being bitten by a horned frog. One horse, while lying down, was seized by a fold of skin near its belly; the other was bitten on the nose while grazing. In both cases, the vicious frog was found dead, its jaws tightly closed and still attached to the dead horse. "It would seem," Mr. Hudson remarks, "that they are sometimes unable to let go at will, and, like honeybees, destroy themselves in these savage attacks."


The Tree-frogs represent one of the most distinct groups of the tribe. All its members are more or less arboreal in their habits, repairing to the water only during the breeding-season, or leaving the trees to seek shelter in the earth or underneath stones or timber for the purposes of hibernation. As an adaptation for their special habits, the toes of the tree-frogs are provided at their tips with suctorial disks, so that they can walk on perpendicular or smoothly glazed surfaces after the manner of the Geckos among the Lizards. Another characteristic feature is the development on the under surface of their bodies of peculiar granular glands pierced by numerous pores, through the medium of which they rapidly absorb the moisture deposited by dew or rain on the surfaces of the leaves among which they live. The colours of the tree-frogs harmonise, as a rule, so completely with those of their leafy environments that their presence very readily escapes detection. Many of the species, moreover, rival the chamæleon in their capacity of quickly adapting their tints to that of a newly occupied surrounding. Green is naturally the dominant ground-tint of these frogs. Often, however, it is intermixed with stripes and bands of other colours, while sometimes the green hue is entirely replaced, as in the Blue or Bicoloured Tree-frog of South America, which is brilliant azure above and pure white beneath. A very beautiful Australian species, abundant in Tasmania and Victoria, and appropriately named the Golden Tree-frog, has its grass-green overcoat thickly overlaid and embroidered with, as it were, the purest beaten gold.

The Tree frogs are one of the most unique groups in the tribe. All of them are mostly tree-dwelling, only going to the water during breeding season or leaving the trees to find shelter in the ground or under stones or wood to hibernate. To adapt to their lifestyle, tree-frogs have sticky pads on their toes that allow them to walk on vertical or smooth surfaces, similar to Geckos among Lizards. Another notable feature is the presence of special granular glands with many pores on the underside of their bodies, which help them quickly soak up moisture from dew or rain on the leaves where they live. Typically, the colors of tree-frogs blend so well with their leafy surroundings that they can be hard to spot. Many species can also change their colors quickly to match a new environment, rivaling the chameleon's abilities. Green is usually the main color of these frogs, but it's often mixed with stripes and bands of other colors. Sometimes the green is entirely replaced, like in the Blue or Bicolor Tree Frog from South America, which is bright blue on top and pure white underneath. A particularly beautiful Australian species found in Tasmania and Victoria, known as the Gold Tree Frog, has a grass-green body covered and highlighted with what looks like pure gold.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Queensland Tree Frogs.

This species is in the habit of making itself at home in chamber water-jugs.

This species tends to make itself at home in water jugs.


Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq.]  [Eastbourne.

Photo by H. G. F. Spurrell, Esq. Eastbourne.


Common Toad.

Toads are accredited with attaining an age of several hundred years.

Toads are known to live for several hundred years.

One small species of tree-frog is common on the European Continent, its distribution extending to North Africa and eastward throughout Asia north of the Himalaya to Japan. The species is imported into England in considerable numbers, and readily becomes acclimatised in a conservatory. Green above and whitish beneath constitute the prevailing tints of this species, such uniformity being, however, varied by the presence of a darker, often nearly black, light-edged streak, that extends from the snout through the eye and ear along each side of the body, and sends a branch upwards and forwards on the loins. The male of this European species shares with many others of its tribe the possession of a large external vocal sac, which when inflated bulges out from the throat in a spherical form to dimensions little inferior to those of the creature's body. It may be {604}observed of examples of these frogs acclimatised in a conservatory that the falling of heavy rain on the roof is an almost certain incentive to their croakings. By pouring water resonantly from a little height into another vessel, the writer also found that he could produce a frog chorus at command.

One small species of tree frog is common in Europe, its range extending to North Africa and eastward across Asia, north of the Himalayas, all the way to Japan. This species is brought into England in large numbers and easily adapts to life in a conservatory. It has a green top and whitish underside, with this color scheme occasionally interrupted by a darker, often almost black streak with light edges, which runs from the snout through the eye and ear along each side of the body, with a branch going upwards and forwards on the lower back. The male of this European species, like many others in its group, has a large external vocal sac that, when inflated, bulges out from the throat in a spherical shape, nearly matching the size of its body. It can be {604}noted that these frogs, once acclimatized in a conservatory, tend to croak almost certainly when heavy rain falls on the roof. The writer also discovered that by pouring water from a height into another container, he could summon a frog chorus on command.

The European and other tree-frogs deposit their eggs in the water, some species constructing a symmetrical crater-like nest of mud for the reception of the eggs and tadpoles. Certain kinds, however, never leave the trees, having adapted their requirements to the naturally provided environments. Thus one Brazilian species deposits its eggs in the water almost invariably contained in the central cup of a tree, while another allied frog chooses for the same purpose the moist interstices at the bases of decaying banana leaves. A step further, resulting in complete independence of external water, is arrived at by the Marsupial or Pouched Tree-frog of Central America. In this species the female develops a capacious pouch on her back, which opens backward, and wherein both the eggs—primarily assisted to their position by the male—and tadpoles undergo their characteristic transformations.

The European and other tree frogs lay their eggs in water, with some species building a symmetrical, crater-like nest out of mud for the eggs and tadpoles. However, certain types never leave the trees, adapting to their natural surroundings. For instance, a Brazilian species lays its eggs in water that is usually held in the central cup of a tree, while another similar frog chooses to use the moist gaps at the bases of decaying banana leaves for the same purpose. Taking it a step further, the Marsupial or Pouched Tree Frog from Central America achieves total independence from external water. In this species, the female develops a large pouch on her back that opens backward, where both the eggs—initially helped into position by the male—and tadpoles go through their transformations.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Common Toad.

The toad is highly appreciated by the horticulturist on account of its utility in destroying insect-pests.

The toad is greatly valued by gardeners because it helps get rid of insect pests.

As a contrast to the foregoing exclusively tree-dwelling forms, one very fine species common in Queensland has pronounced social proclivities. He is a fine fellow, with a bright pea-green coat and large, lustrous black eyes, and either with or without your leave invades your bedroom from the adjoining verandah, and makes the lip of your water-jug his headquarters. Here he will "lie low" the livelong day. With the approach of night, however, this lethargy is thrown aside, and he hops forth, making excursions through every room in search of black-beetles, spiders, moths, or other acceptable quarry. In this vermin-destroying capacity he is a welcome guest to all except perhaps the ultra-squeamish housekeeper, his occasional offence of an upset glass or cup during his excited chase of the wily cockroach being readily condoned. He has a playful habit too, during his midnight wanderings, of climbing up walls and ceilings, to which he readily clings with his adhesive toes, and mayhap drops down on the recumbent form of some peaceful sleeper, who, if a stranger, possibly wakes with an alarming apprehension of snakes or other uncanny intruders. When once this Queensland Green Frog has determined upon his camping-ground, he clings to it with remarkable pertinacity. You may deport him time after time, and even carry him half a day's journey into the wilderness, but he turns up again the next morning or the following one.

As a contrast to the previously mentioned tree-dwelling creatures, there’s one remarkable species commonly found in Queensland that has strong social tendencies. He's a charming fellow, sporting a vibrant pea-green coat and large, shiny black eyes, and whether you like it or not, he often invades your bedroom from the adjacent veranda, making the rim of your water jug his base of operations. He'll "lay low" there all day long. However, as night falls, this laziness vanishes, and he hops around, exploring every room in search of black beetles, spiders, moths, or other tasty snacks. In this role as a pest controller, he's a welcome guest to everyone except perhaps the overly cautious housekeeper, who easily forgives the occasional mess he makes during his lively chase after a clever cockroach. He also has a playful tendency, during his nighttime adventures, to climb up walls and ceilings, sticking there with his sticky toes, and may drop down onto the unsuspecting form of a peaceful sleeper, who, if unfamiliar, might awaken in a panic thinking it's a snake or some other creepy invader. Once this Queensland Tree Frog picks a spot to settle in, he sticks to it with impressive determination. You can move him away time after time, even taking him half a day’s journey into the wild, but he’ll show up again the next morning or shortly after.

Toads are distinguished from frogs by their sluggish creeping movements and by their non-possession of teeth. There are over eighty species, having collectively an almost cosmopolitan range, though they are not found in Australia, New Guinea, Madagascar, or the Pacific Islands. The common British species enjoys a wide distribution, being found throughout Europe, Asia excepting India, and North-west Africa. Its somewhat clumsy, brown, wrinkled, and warted body, with darker spots and markings on the upper-surface and white-speckled under-surface, will be familiar to every reader. With many it is an unwarranted {605}object of aversion, and in country districts is not infrequently accredited with venomous properties. Toad-spawn is plentiful in ponds and ditches in the early spring, and may be distinguished from that of the frog by the fact of its being deposited in chain-like strings, the eggs being arranged in a double alternating row, instead of in irregular masses, as obtains with the last-named species. The individual eggs are, moreover, smaller, and deposited two or three weeks later in the season than those of the frog. A second and somewhat rarer British toad is known as the Natterjack. It may be distinguished from the ordinary species by the shorter hind limbs, the more prominent eyes, and the conspicuous yellow line down the middle of its back. It is also somewhat more active than the common species.

Toads are different from frogs because they move slowly and don’t have teeth. There are over eighty species of toads that are found almost everywhere in the world, although they are absent from Australia, New Guinea, Madagascar, and the Pacific Islands. The common British toad has a wide range, appearing throughout Europe, Asia (except India), and North-west Africa. Its somewhat awkward, brown, wrinkled, and warty body, featuring darker spots and markings on the top and a white-speckled underside, will be recognizable to everyone. Many people find it an unwarranted {605}object of dislike, and in rural areas, it is often thought to be venomous. Toad spawn is abundant in ponds and ditches during early spring and can be recognized from frog spawn because it is laid in chain-like strings, with the eggs arranged in double alternating rows, rather than in irregular clumps like those of frogs. The individual eggs are also smaller and are laid two or three weeks later in the season compared to frog eggs. A second and somewhat rarer British toad is called the Natterjack toad. It can be identified from the common species by its shorter hind limbs, more prominent eyes, and the distinctive yellow line running down its back. It is also a bit more active than the common toad.

The last member of the group which demands brief notice is the singular Water-toad of Surinam. This animal, also known as the Pipa, is an inhabitant of the moist forest regions of the Guianas and Central America, and remarkable on account of the singular phenomena connected with its breeding habits. The eggs, from 60 to over 100 in number, are deposited by the female in the water in the ordinary manner, but at this stage they are taken in hand by the male and literally planted in the back of the female, whose skin in this region becomes abnormally soft and thickened at this season. The young toads undergo their complete development in the parental integument, each egg and its resulting embryo occupying a separate primarily cylindrical chamber, which by lateral pressure becomes hexagonal, resembling a honeycomb-cell. Eighty-two days are occupied from the time of the deposition of the eggs until the young toads emerge into the outer world, their appearance as they make their début, with here a head and there one or it may be two limbs thrust out from the surface of the parent's back, being highly grotesque.

The last member of the group that deserves a quick mention is the unique Water frog of Surinam. This creature, also called the Pipa, lives in the humid forest areas of the Guianas and Central America, and it's notable for the unusual phenomena related to its breeding habits. The female lays between 60 to over 100 eggs in the water like usual, but at this point, the male takes over and actually plants them in the female's back, where her skin in that area becomes unusually soft and thick during this time. The young toads fully develop inside the parental skin, with each egg and its developing embryo occupying a separate initially cylindrical chamber that changes shape to hexagonal due to lateral pressure, resembling a honeycomb cell. It takes 82 days from when the eggs are laid until the young toads emerge into the outside world, appearing in a highly amusing way, with a head here and one or maybe two limbs poking out from the surface of the parent's back.



Newts and Salamanders.

The Newts and Salamanders, or Tailed Amphibians, are distinguished from the preceding group of the Frogs and Toads by the retention of a tail throughout life. In this manner they very nearly resemble the advanced larval or tadpole phases of the latter. In some instances, in fact, the earlier or externally gill-bearing tadpole phase is persistent. The geographical distribution of the Salamander Tribe is much less extensive than that of the Frogs and Toads, but few are found south of the Equator, and they are entirely unknown in Australia or in Africa south of the Sahara.

The Newts and Salamanders, or Tailed Amphibians, are different from the previous group of Frogs and Toads because they keep their tails throughout their lives. In this way, they closely resemble the more developed larval or tadpole stages of the latter. In some cases, the earlier phase with external gills, known as a tadpole, continues to persist. The Salamander Tribe has a much smaller geographical range compared to Frogs and Toads, and few are found south of the Equator; they are completely absent in Australia and in Africa south of the Sahara.


Photo by James B. Corr, Esq.]  [Dundee.

Photo by James B. Corr, Esq. Dundee.


Common or Smooth Newt.

This harmless little creature is accredited by many country people with venomous properties.

This harmless little creature is credited by many rural folks with poisonous qualities.

Two members of the group are indigenous to the British Islands, where they are familiarly known as Newts, Askers, Effets, or Efts. The larger and handsomer of the two, the Crested Newt, occurs in ponds and ditches throughout the warmer months of the year. It grows to a length of nearly 6 inches, of which the tail constitutes about one moiety. Its {606}colour is more usually blackish or olive-brown with darker circular spots above, and yellow or orange-red with black spots or marbling beneath, while the sides are speckled white. In the breeding-season the colours are more especially brilliant, and it is at this time that the male develops the serrated crest along the middle of its back, from which it takes its title.

Two members of the group are native to the British Islands, where they are commonly known as Newts, Questioners, Effects, or Efts. The larger and more attractive of the two, the Crested Newt, can be found in ponds and ditches during the warmer months of the year. It can grow to about 6 inches long, with the tail making up about half of that length. Its {606}color is usually blackish or olive-brown with darker circular spots on top, and yellow or orange-red with black spots or marbling underneath, while the sides are speckled white. During the breeding season, the colors are especially vibrant, and this is when the male develops a serrated crest along the middle of its back, which is how it gets its name.


Photo by James B. Corr, Esq.]  [Dundee.

Photo by James B. Corr, Esq. Dundee.


Smooth Newt.

This species often travels long distances from water, taking up its residence in damp cellars and vaults.

This species often travels long distances from water, settling in damp basements and vaults.

The eggs, or spawn, of the newt are deposited in a different fashion to those of the frog and toad. In place of being aggregated together in an irregular or ribbon-like mass, each is deposited separately and attached to the leaves of water-plants. By the dexterous use of its feet, the female newt twists or folds the leaf, or a portion of it, around the egg, its viscid envelope allowing it to readily adhere, and it is thus effectually concealed or protected from injury. When about a quarter of a inch long, the tadpole escapes from the egg. At this early stage the gills are quite simple and the front limbs represented by mere knobs. Immediately in front of the gills are two fleshy lobes, by means of which the tadpole can temporarily adhere to the surfaces of water-plants. Within a fortnight the little animal has grown to double the size. The gills are now elegantly branched and the fore limbs well developed. The latter are, however, only bifurcated at their extremities, and it is some little time later that four distinct toes are possessed by each fore limb and that the hind limbs make their appearance. The gills, which have at this stage reached their most complex state of development, now begin to diminish in size, and are gradually absorbed, the lungs in the meantime acquiring their full functional proportions. The newt, having now passed from the fish-like to a reptilian stage, is unable to live entirely beneath the water, and is obliged to come up to the surface at intervals to breathe, or is adapted for living entirely upon land. Newts in their fully matured state, except during the breeding-season, pass much of their time on land, and wander to considerable distances from the water. They at all times, however, exhibit a preference for moist situations, such as a shady wood or damp cellar.

The eggs, or spawn, of the newt are laid differently than those of frogs and toads. Instead of being grouped together in a messy or ribbon-like clump, each egg is laid individually and attached to the leaves of aquatic plants. Using its feet skillfully, the female newt twists or folds the leaf, or part of it, around the egg, and the sticky covering helps it adhere easily, effectively hiding or protecting it from harm. When the tadpole is about a quarter of an inch long, it hatches from the egg. At this stage, the gills are quite simple, and the front limbs are just small nubs. Right in front of the gills are two fleshy lobes that allow the tadpole to temporarily stick to the surfaces of water plants. Within two weeks, the little creature has doubled in size. The gills are now beautifully branched, and the forelimbs are well developed. However, the tips are still just split into two, and it takes some time before each forelimb has four distinct toes and the hind limbs appear. The gills, which have reached their most complex stage of development, start to shrink and are gradually absorbed, while the lungs develop fully. Now that the newt has transitioned from a fish-like to a reptilian stage, it can't live entirely underwater and must occasionally come to the surface to breathe, or it is fully equipped to live entirely on land. Fully grown newts, except during the breeding season, spend much of their time on land and can wander quite far from water. However, they always prefer moist environments like a shady forest or a damp basement.

Like the toad and blind-worm, the feeble, inoffensive newt has from the earliest time to the present day been the victim of the most unmerited dread and persecution among the uneducated. In some country districts it is not only accredited with the property of biting venomously, but of spitting fire into the bitten wound. A property that is actually possessed by these creatures is that of reproducing lost parts. The Geckos and other lizards, as already recorded, are in the habit of reproducing their mutilated tails. The newt, however, beats that record to the extent of reproducing lost legs, and, it has been affirmed, eyes also.

Like the toad and blind-worm, the weak, harmless newt has been unfairly feared and persecuted by the uneducated from ancient times to today. In some rural areas, it's not only believed to bite venomously but also to spit fire into the wound it creates. One ability that these creatures actually have is regeneration of lost parts. Geckos and other lizards, as mentioned before, can regrow their severed tails. However, the newt surpasses this by being able to regenerate lost legs, and it's been claimed that it can also regrow eyes.

A second species of British newt, of somewhat smaller size and even more common than the crested one, is the Common or Smooth Newt. It scarcely exceeds 3 inches in length, and is distinguished by its smooth skin and relatively less conspicuous crest. In habits it is less addicted to a prolonged aquatic residence than the crested form, and wanders to more considerable distances from water. One of the largest and handsomest representatives of the family is the Marbled Newt of Southern France and the Spanish Peninsula, which attains a length of 8 or 9 inches. The upper-parts of the male at the breeding-season are bright bronze-green with irregular black markings; its crest is ornamented with black and white vertical bars, and a silvery white band is developed along the sides of the tail. The crestless female has a distinctive orange streak running down the centre of the back.

A second type of British newt, which is slightly smaller and even more common than the crested one, is the Widespread or Smooth Newt. It generally doesn’t grow longer than 3 inches and is recognized by its smooth skin and less noticeable crest. In terms of behavior, it spends less time in the water compared to the crested form and can often be found wandering quite far from it. One of the largest and most attractive members of the family is the Marbled Newt found in Southern France and the Spanish Peninsula, which can reach lengths of 8 or 9 inches. During the breeding season, the male's upper body is a vivid bronze-green with irregular black patterns; its crest features striking black and white vertical stripes, and there’s a silvery white band along the sides of the tail. The crestless female has a notable orange stripe running down the middle of her back.

The True Salamanders have no British representative, though the common or spotted species {607}is abundant throughout Central and Southern Europe. Its conspicuous livery—in which bold markings of black and brilliant yellow are somewhat equally balanced, no two individuals, however, precisely corresponding—distinguishes it broadly from all other members of the group. The surface of the skin is very smooth and shining, and thickly set on the surface with glands and pores, from which a viscid and undoubtedly poisonous secretion is exuded. In common with that of other salamanders, the tail is cylindrical, instead of compressed and oar-shaped, as in the Newts, and there is no crest down the back. The Spotted Salamander frequents moist situations in mountain and forest districts. It is essentially nocturnal in its habits, lying up during the day in some suitable rock or mossy crevice, exposure of its sensitive skin to the direct rays of the sun speedily having a fatal effect. Large numbers of this salamander are sold as suitable and curious additions to the fernery and vivarium, and will survive for long periods, appropriate food and the necessary conditions of moisture being provided. Snails, worms, and beetles and other insects constituting its natural food, it fulfils as useful a rôle as the toad in the extermination of insect-pests, and may be as strongly recommended for introduction to the greenhouse.

The True Salamanders don’t have a representative in Britain, but the common or spotted species {607} is plentiful throughout Central and Southern Europe. Its distinct appearance—characterized by bold black and bright yellow markings that are roughly balanced, though no two individuals look exactly alike—sets it apart from all other members of its group. The skin is very smooth and shiny, covered with glands and pores that release a sticky and definitely poisonous secretion. Similar to other salamanders, its tail is cylindrical rather than flattened and paddle-shaped like that of Newts, and it lacks a crest along its back. The Spotted newt prefers damp environments in mountainous and forested areas. It is mainly nocturnal, hiding during the day in suitable rocks or mossy spots, as direct sunlight can quickly be fatal to its sensitive skin. Many of these salamanders are sold as interesting additions to fern gardens and vivariums, and they can live for long periods if given appropriate food and moisture. Their natural diet consists of snails, worms, beetles, and other insects, making them as beneficial as toads in controlling insect pests, and they are highly recommended for introduction into greenhouses.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Spotted Salamanders.

Natives of Central Europe.

Central Europeans.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Spotted Salamander.

The skin of the salamander exudes a poisonous secretion, and its bright colours advertise its non-edible properties to carnivorous birds and mammals.

The skin of the salamander releases a toxic secretion, and its vibrant colors signal to predatory birds and mammals that it’s not safe to eat.

Salamanders repair to the water to breed, after the manner of newts, but the young are usually brought forth alive, though occasionally eggs are deposited, from which the young tadpoles almost immediately emerge. The number usually produced at a birth ranges from sixteen to thirty, but instances are recorded where there have been as many as fifty.

Salamanders return to the water to breed, similar to newts, but the young are usually born alive, although sometimes eggs are laid, from which the young tadpoles almost immediately appear. The number typically produced during a birth ranges from sixteen to thirty, but there are reports of as many as fifty being born at once.


The colossus of the tailed Amphibian race is the Giant Salamander of China and Japan, which may attain to a length of from 3 to 3½ feet. The body, like that of the ordinary salamanders, is broad and depressed; but the eyes are very small, and have no eyelids; and the tail, which is relatively short, is compressed, and has a fin both above and beneath. This salamander lives entirely in the water, and is adapted for such an aquatic life by the possession of both lungs and gills. In its native habitat it is most usually found in small, clear mountain-streams, at elevations of from 700 to 5,000 feet above the sea-level, such streams being often not more than a foot in width, and more or less overgrown with grasses; in these the adults are usually found curled round the larger stones, while the smaller ones occupy holes and crevices among them.

The giant of the tailed Amphibian species is the Giant Salamander from China and Japan, which can grow to be between 3 and 3½ feet long. Its body, like that of regular salamanders, is wide and flat; however, its eyes are quite small and lack eyelids. The tail is relatively short, flattened, and has a fin both on the top and bottom. This salamander lives exclusively in water and is adapted for an aquatic lifestyle with both lungs and gills. In its natural environment, it's typically found in small, clear mountain streams at elevations ranging from 700 to 5,000 feet above sea level. These streams are often just about a foot wide and may be somewhat overgrown with grasses. The adults are usually seen curled around larger stones, while the smaller ones stay in holes and crevices among them.


Photo by James B. Corr, Esq.]  [Dundee.

Photo by James B. Corr, Esq. Dundee.



The first four or five months of the young salamander's life are passed in the water.

The first four or five months of a young salamander's life are spent in the water.

A representative of the tribe now commonly kept in aquaria is the Mexican Axolotl. It has usually a velvety black skin, and grows to a length of 9 or 10 inches. As generally known it presents a very newt-like aspect, or, more correctly, that advanced tadpole state of the newt in which the external gills are most highly developed. The animals breed freely in the water, eggs being laid, which pass through the earlier tadpole to the adult phase. Up to within comparatively recent times the foregoing metamorphoses were supposed to represent the Alpha and Omega of the animal's existence. Some exceptional examples, however, bred in an aquarium in which rocks projected out of the water, surprised their owners by gradually absorbing their supposed persistent gills, also their fin-like tail-membranes, and, crawling out on the rocks, were transformed into ordinary salamanders.

A representative of the species commonly found in aquariums is the Mexican Axolotl. It typically has a velvety black skin and grows to about 9 or 10 inches in length. As is generally known, it has a very newt-like appearance, or more accurately, an advanced tadpole stage of the newt where the external gills are highly developed. These animals breed freely in water, laying eggs that go through the earlier tadpole stage before becoming adults. Until relatively recently, it was believed that these transformations represented the full cycle of the animal's life. However, some exceptional individuals raised in an aquarium where rocks were above the water surprised their owners by gradually losing their so-called permanent gills and fin-like tail membranes, crawling out onto the rocks, and transforming into regular salamanders.

The Olm, or Blind Proteus, of the subterranean caves of Dalmatia and Carniola is a form with persistent external gills. Nearly allied is the North American form known as the Furrowed Salamander. The latter, however, living under more normal conditions, has well-developed eyes. While possessing the customary number of limbs, the number of toes in the American type is four to each foot. In the European Proteus there are but three toes to the front and two toes to the hinder limb. In a yet lower form, the Siren Salamander of the South-eastern United States, a yet more primitive persistently gill-bearing condition is presented.

The Olm, or Blind Proteus, found in the underground caves of Dalmatia and Carniola, has external gills that stay throughout its life. Closely related is the North American species known as the Furrowed Salamander. However, this species, living in more typical environments, has well-developed eyes. While it has the usual number of limbs, the American type has four toes on each foot. In contrast, the European Proteus has three toes on its front limbs and two toes on its back limbs. An even more primitive type, the Siren Salamander from the southeastern United States, shows a more basic trait of retaining gills throughout its life.


Photographed & coloured by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photographed and colored by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S. Printed in Lyon, France.


Western Australian Scarlet Rock Cod.

A member of the Sea-Perch family not infrequently exposed for sale in the Freemantle fish market; having excellent edible qualities.

A member of the Sea-Perch family is often available for sale in the Fremantle fish market, known for its excellent eating qualities.


Photographed & coloured by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo and color by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S. Printed in Lyon, France.


Fremantle devil fish or armed gurnard.

An Australian representative of the Gurnard & Bull-head family, having spines which can inflict exceedingly painful wounds.

An Australian member of the Gurnard & Bull-head family, with spines that can cause extremely painful injuries.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



This fish is also known as the Burnett River Salmon.

This fish is also called the Burnett River Salmon.




Lungfish and chimeras.



Though amongst the lowest of the backboned animals, the Fishes are nevertheless an exceedingly interesting group, distinguished from all others by the possession of fins, which are divisible into two series,—an unpaired, ranged along the middle of the back and abdomen, and including the tail-fin; and a paired series, representing the fore and hind limbs of land animals. The body is either clothed with scales or naked, and, being perfectly sustained by the water, needs no support from the fins, which serve as balancing-organs.

Though they are among the simplest of vertebrates, fish are still a very interesting group, set apart from all others by their fins, which are divided into two types: an unpaired set running along the middle of the back and belly, including the tail fin; and a paired set that corresponds to the front and back limbs of land animals. The body is either covered in scales or completely bare, and because they are fully supported by water, the fins don't provide structural support but instead help with balance.

In the brilliancy and beauty of their coloration fishes display a variety that cannot be excelled by any other animals. Furthermore, the coloration is often rendered still more beautiful from the fact that it can undergo rapid changes of hue. Frequently this coloration is of a protective character, causing the fish to harmonise with its surroundings, and so escape the observation of its enemies. The colours of living fishes can only, for the most part, be indicated in the present pages when a pattern exists by the formation of stripes or spots; but the wonderful variations in the form of the body will probably prove a revelation to many.

In their stunning colors, fish display a variety that no other animals can match. Additionally, their color can change rapidly, making it even more beautiful. Often, this coloration serves as camouflage, helping the fish blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. In this text, we can mostly describe the colors of live fish when they have distinct patterns like stripes or spots, but the amazing variations in body shape will likely surprise many.



The Lung-fishes are a peculiarly important group, inasmuch as they form a connecting-link between the class Fishes and the land-dwelling Amphibians—the class containing the Frogs and Toads and their allies. They are accorded this position mainly because, like Amphibians, they possess true lungs, which almost entirely replace the gills, the breathing-organs of other fishes.

The Lungfish are a uniquely important group because they provide a connection between fish and land-dwelling amphibians—like frogs, toads, and their relatives. They hold this position mainly because, like amphibians, they have true lungs that nearly replace the gills found in other fish.

One of the best known of the lung-fishes is the Australian Barramundi, or Lung-fish of Queensland—the Burnett or Dawson Salmon of the settlers. It lives among the weeds at the bottom of muddy rivers, rising frequently to the surface to take in atmospheric air by the lungs, the gills alone being insufficient for breathing purposes. The flesh, which is salmon-coloured, is much esteemed as food. The adult fish is said to attain to a weight of 20 lbs. and a length of 6 feet.

One of the most well-known lung-fishes is the Aussie Barramundi, or Queensland lungfish—the Burnett or Dawson Salmon as the settlers call it. It lives among the weeds at the bottom of muddy rivers, often coming to the surface to breathe air through its lungs, as its gills alone aren't enough for breathing. The flesh, which is salmon-colored, is highly valued as food. An adult fish can weigh up to 20 lbs and reach a length of 6 feet.

Other lung-fishes, eel-like in form, occur in the rivers of Africa and South America. The {610}African species is perhaps the better known of the two. On the approach of the dry season it buries itself in the mud at the bottom of the river, and when the latter becomes dry the mud hardens, holding the fish a prisoner till the return of the wet season several months later. A considerable number of these fishes have from time to time been dug out and sent to England enclosed in the mud into which they had retreated. The writer remembers assisting in the liberation of some during the last meeting of the British Association at Oxford. So hard had the prison-walls become that the mass had to be plunged into tepid water; this soon brought about a dissolution of the soil, and in a short time the fishes were swimming about as if in their native rivers. The African lung-fish is known also as the Mud-fish; its American relative as the Lepidosiren, or South American Mud-fish. In the American species, as in its African relative, the fins are whip-like in form; but the hinder or ventral pair, which correspond to the hind limbs of the higher vertebrated animals, are remarkable in that in the male they develop during the breeding-season numerous thread-like processes, richly supplied with blood, the function of which is as yet unknown.

Other lungfish, which look like eels, can be found in the rivers of Africa and South America. The {610}African species is probably the better-known of the two. As the dry season approaches, it buries itself in the mud at the bottom of the river, and when the river dries up, the mud hardens, trapping the fish until the wet season returns several months later. Many of these fish have been dug out from the mud and sent to England. I remember helping to free some of them during the last meeting of the British Association at Oxford. The prison walls had become so hard that the mass had to be placed in warm water; this quickly dissolved the soil, and soon the fish were swimming around as if they were in their natural rivers. The African lungfish is also known as the Mudskipper; its American counterpart is referred to as the Lepidosiren or South American lungfish. In both the American and African species, the fins resemble whip-like structures, but the back or ventral pair, which correspond to the hind limbs of higher vertebrates, is notable because in males, during the breeding season, they develop numerous thread-like extensions that are richly supplied with blood, though their function is still unknown.

The young, both of the African and South American mud-fishes, bear external gills closely resembling those of the tadpoles of the frog and other Amphibia; traces of these gills remain throughout life in the African form.

The young of both the African and South American mudfish have external gills that look a lot like the gills of frog tadpoles and other amphibians. In the African species, some of these gills stick around for their entire life.




Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Bottlenose Chimaera.

The remarkable structure in front of the mouth is probably an organ of touch.

The impressive structure in front of the mouth is likely a sense organ for touch.

Shark-like in their general characters, the Chimæras, now briefly considered, are nevertheless regarded as constituting a very distinct group of great antiquity.

Shark-like in their general characteristics, the Chimeras, now briefly considered, are still seen as a very distinct group with a long history.

The modern representatives of the group are few in number—five species in all. Of these, the species shown in the accompanying photograph and the Sea-cat are remarkable for the possession of a movable tentacle on the snout. The under surface of this tentacle is armed with small spines, and fits into a hollow in the head. The first back-fin is supported in front by a strong spine, and can be depressed into a sheath in the body-walls. The teeth take the form of large plates closely united with the jaws, and studded with hardened points, or "tritors."

The modern representatives of the group are few—only five species in total. Among these, the species shown in the accompanying photograph and the Sea cat are notable for having a movable tentacle on the snout. The underside of this tentacle has small spines and fits into a hollow in the head. The first back fin is supported in front by a strong spine and can be tucked into a sheath in the body. The teeth are large plates that are closely fused with the jaws and covered with hardened points, or "tritors."

One species widely distributed in the Mediterranean and Atlantic is taken usually in deep water; it is the largest living species, often attaining a yard in length. Its occurrence is, however, very erratic, months elapsing without any being taken; at other times several will be caught in a few days. A closely allied fish is often exposed for sale in the Lisbon markets, where it ranks with the Sharks as a food-fish.

One species found throughout the Mediterranean and Atlantic is typically caught in deep water; it is the largest living species, often reaching up to a yard in length. However, its appearances are quite unpredictable, with months passing without any being caught; at other times, several might be caught in just a few days. A closely related fish is frequently sold in the Lisbon markets, where it is considered a food fish alongside Sharks.

The egg of the Bottle-nosed Chimæra is perhaps the only egg with a mimetic resemblance to a foreign object. It is elliptical in form, and bordered by a fringe, so as to present a close resemblance to a piece of seaweed.

The egg of the Bottle-nosed chimaera is maybe the only egg that looks like something else. It's oval-shaped and has a fringe around it, making it look a lot like a piece of seaweed.

In the next chapter we begin the description of the great group of Fan- and Fringe-finned Fishes, which, briefly, embrace all fishes not grouped among the Lung-fishes, Chimæras, or Sharks. The anatomical characters used for the purpose of classifying this great group are not discussed here, save only in a few cases of prime importance, when features such as can readily be observed, without demanding an intimate knowledge of anatomy, are selected.

In the next chapter, we will start describing the large group of Fan- and Fringe-finned Fish, which includes all fish that aren’t classified as Lung-fishes, Chimæras, or Sharks. We won’t go into detail about the anatomical traits used to classify this large group, except for a few key cases where observable features can be easily noted without needing a deep understanding of anatomy.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.


White perch.

The so-called white perch is a species of bass, found in the rivers of the United States of America.

The so-called white perch is a type of bass, found in the rivers of the United States.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.]


Sea bass.

This is another American member of the Perch Tribe.

This is another American member of the Perch Tribe.




The Perch Family.



The thick-set, golden-bronze, dark-barred, hog-backed fish known as the Perch has many striking characteristics, and is remarkable, among other things, for the vast number of its relations scattered all over the world. So numerous, indeed, are its cousins that ichthyologists have had to divide the Perch Family into a large number of groups. There are various species of perch found, as a matter of fact, in the fresh-waters and on all the coasts of the temperate and tropical regions.

The robust, golden-brown, dark-striped, humped-back fish called the Perch fish has many impressive traits and is notable, among other things, for the huge number of its relatives found all over the globe. There are so many of its cousins that fish scientists have had to split the Perch Family into several different groups. In fact, various species of perch can be found in freshwater and along the coasts of temperate and tropical regions.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt  [Washington.


Largemouth Bass.

The introduction of this fish into the fresh-waters of Great Britain has been frequently urged.

The introduction of this fish into the freshwater of Great Britain has often been suggested.

The Common Perch, which is widely distributed over Europe, Northern Asia, and North America, is properly an inhabitant of rivers, lakes, and ponds, but sometimes descends to brackish water. It runs up to about 5 lbs. in weight, and is carnivorous, eating most kinds of fish small enough for its swallow, including the fry of its own species, which are, in some waters, an excellent bait.

The Common Perch is found all over Europe, Northern Asia, and North America. It typically lives in rivers, lakes, and ponds but can also tolerate brackish water. It can weigh as much as 5 lbs and is carnivorous, eating various kinds of fish that are small enough to swallow, including its own young, which can be great bait in some waters.

In England perch spawn in the spring, the eggs being held in a band-like mass of gelatinous matter deposited on weeds or the roots of trees not far below the surface of the water. The spawn, as a matter of fact, is often collected by fish-culturists and hatched out. Swans and water-fowl generally eat the eggs by the million, and wherever perch are preserved these birds should, so far as possible, be kept from the water during the spawning-season. At Henley and other places on the Thames those interested in fishery preservation place wire netting round the boughs and weeds where perch have spawned, to prevent the eggs being eaten by swans and ducks.

In England, perch lay their eggs in the spring, creating a band-like mass of gelatinous material that’s deposited on weeds or the roots of trees just below the water's surface. Fish culturists often collect this spawn and hatch it. Swans and waterfowl typically eat the eggs by the millions, so wherever perch populations are being preserved, these birds should be kept away from the water during spawning season as much as possible. In places like Henley and other areas along the Thames, those concerned with fish conservation set up wire netting around the branches and weeds where perch have laid their eggs to protect them from being eaten by swans and ducks.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



A native of the tropical parts of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

A native of the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

Perch are usually termed voracious fish, but when large are extremely shy and difficult {613}of capture. There is a story told of a hungry little lake-perch which had its eye hooked out by accident. The angler, leaving the eye on the hook, lowered it into the water again, and a moment after hauled out a one-eyed perch!

Perch are often called greedy fish, but when they get large, they become very shy and hard to catch. There's a story about a hungry little lake-perch that accidentally had its eye snagged. The fisherman, leaving the eye on the hook, dropped it back into the water, and a moment later pulled out a one-eyed perch!


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.



Not to be confounded with the true Sun-fishes described in Chapter VII.

Not to be confused with the real Sun-fishes described in Chapter VII.

Among the species of perch found in British waters are the Ruffe, or Pope, a very small and common river-fish of no great value; the Bass, a fine sporting sea-fish, which comes up the estuaries of rivers to spawn, and is much sought after by the amateur sea-fisher; the Comber, or Gaper, a fairly common fish on the coasts of the West of England; a rare sea-fish known as the Dusky Perch, caught occasionally off the South of England; the Stone-bass, also called the Wreck-fish, from its habit of following wreckage in the sea; and, lastly, the Dentex, a rare species, not often caught off the British coasts, which attains the weight of about 70 lbs.

Among the types of perch found in British waters are the Ruffe, or Pope, a very small and common river fish that isn't very valuable; the Bass, a great sporting sea fish that swims up river estuaries to spawn and is highly sought after by amateur sea fishermen; the Comber, or Gawker, a fairly common fish along the coasts of the West of England; a rare sea fish known as the Dusky Perch, occasionally caught off the South of England; the Stonefish, also referred to as the Wreckfish, because it tends to follow wreckage in the sea; and finally, the Dentex, a rare species not often caught off the British coasts, which can weigh around 70 lbs.

On the Continent there is the Pike-perch, a fish having the appearance of a cross between a pike and a perch, and growing to 25 or 30 lbs.; this voracious species is found in the lakes and rivers of the temperate northern zones, and is much esteemed for food. In the tropics there are a number of true Sea-perches, which rarely enter fresh-water; they include the Anthias, most beautifully coloured with pink and yellow, of which there are between 100 and 200 species. Some of the tropical sea-perches grow to an enormous size, and there are instances recorded of bathers having been attacked by them at Aden. Several monsters are stuffed in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. Among the coral-islands live many very beautifully coloured sea-perches of various species. Perhaps the most remarkable of all is the Boar-fish, or Bastard Dory, which has a prolonged snout, no doubt used for getting out its food from the crannies among rocks and other awkward places.

On the Continent, there's the Zander, a fish that looks like a mix between a pike and a perch, reaching weights of 25 to 30 lbs. This aggressive species lives in the lakes and rivers of temperate northern regions and is highly valued as food. In the tropics, there are several true Sea bass, which rarely venture into freshwater. These include the Anthias fish, known for their stunning pink and yellow colors, with about 100 to 200 species. Some tropical sea-perches can grow to a massive size, and there are reports of bathers being attacked by them at Aden. Several of these giant specimens are displayed at the Natural History Museum in South Kensington. Many beautifully colored sea-perches of various species inhabit the coral islands. One of the most remarkable is the Boarfish, or Bastard Dory, which has an elongated snout likely used to extract food from crevices in rocks and other hard-to-reach places.



Scaly fins, red mullets, sea breams, scorpion fish, slime heads, tassel fish, meagres, and swordfish.



For quaintness of shape, combined with beauty of coloration, the family of Scaly-finned Fishes has no rivals. The name by which they are collectively known refers to the scaly covering which invests the bases of what are called the median fins—the fins seated along the middle of the back and abdomen. A large number of distinct species have been described, the majority of which occur in tropical seas, and especially in the neighbourhood of coral-reefs; but some frequent the mouths of rivers, which they occasionally ascend for a short distance. All are of relatively small size, of carnivorous habits, and but little used for food.

For their unique shapes and beautiful colors, Scaly-finned Fish have no competition. The term used to describe them refers to the scaly covering that covers the bases of their median fins—the fins located along the middle of their back and belly. Many different species have been identified, most of which are found in tropical waters, especially around coral reefs. However, some can be found at river mouths, where they sometimes swim upstream for a short distance. All of them tend to be relatively small, are carnivorous, and are not commonly consumed as food.

The pattern of coloration commonly takes the form of bands or stripes, those in which this pattern is most marked being known as Zebra-fish. One of the most beautiful is the {614}Emperor-fish, which ranges from the east coast of Africa to the Indian and Malayan seas. The ground-colour of the body is deep blue, relieved by some thirty golden-yellow stripes running from the shoulder backwards to the tail. Crossing the head is a crescent-shaped bar of black edged with yellow, whilst a similarly coloured patch runs upward from the pectoral fins to within a short distance of the top of the back. This species, which attains a length of 15 inches, is highly esteemed for food in India. The most beautiful of all, perhaps, is the zebra-fish of the Indo-Malayan seas, which has the ground-colour of yellow, striped with vertical bars of blue edged with brown, a yellow tail, and an anal fin barred with narrow blue lines.

The color pattern usually shows up as bands or stripes, and those where this pattern is most prominent are called Zebrafish. One of the most stunning is the {614}Emperor fish, which can be found from the east coast of Africa to the Indian and Malayan seas. The base color of its body is deep blue, accented by about thirty golden-yellow stripes that run from the shoulder to the tail. A crescent-shaped black bar with yellow edges crosses its head, while a similarly colored patch extends upward from the pectoral fins to just below the top of the back. This species can grow up to 15 inches long and is highly valued as food in India. Perhaps the most beautiful of all is the zebra-fish from the Indo-Malayan seas, which has a yellow base color striped with vertical blue bars edged in brown, a yellow tail, and an anal fin marked with narrow blue lines.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



So named on account of its supposed habit of shooting water at insects.

So named because it supposedly squirts water at insects.

A tubed-shaped mouth is a common feature of the fishes of this group, and two Indian species in which this character is especially well developed have acquired the habit of shooting therefrom a drop of water at insects resting on overhanging foliage fringing the sea or along the banks of rivers. Having sighted its quarry, it would seem the fish moves upwards to the surface of the water, and with careful aim ejects its liquid bullet with such unerring precision that its prey is invariably knocked down and speedily seized. On this account these fishes are commonly known as Archer-fishes. The archer-fishes are sometimes kept in tubs of water, for the purpose of affording amusement to their captors. Somehow the shooting prowess of these fishes has been accredited to an allied form, shown in the above photograph.

A tube-shaped mouth is a common trait among the fish in this group, and two Indian species with this feature especially well-developed have developed the habit of shooting drops of water at insects resting on overhanging leaves near the sea or along riverbanks. Once they spot their target, the fish seems to swim up to the water's surface and, with careful aim, shoots its liquid projectile with such precise accuracy that its prey is almost always knocked down and quickly caught. Because of this, these fish are commonly called Archerfish. Archer-fish are sometimes kept in water tanks for the amusement of their owners. Interestingly, the shooting ability of these fish has been associated with a related species shown in the photograph above.

The peculiar shape of these fishes is sufficiently indicated by the photograph already mentioned, but a large series would be necessary to show the numerous variations, some of which are quite remarkable. The brilliancy of the coloration is probably protective, since the most brightly coloured forms live amongst coral-reefs built by gorgeous polyps, or coral-animals, so that amidst such surroundings the fishes are quite inconspicuous.

The unique shape of these fish is clearly shown in the photograph mentioned earlier, but a larger collection would be needed to display the many variations, some of which are quite striking. The vivid colors might serve as camouflage since the brightest-colored specimens live among coral reefs created by beautiful polyps or coral animals, making them less noticeable in such environments.

The Red Mullets occur chiefly in tropical seas, but one species inhabits European waters, and occur sparsely around the British Islands. Occasionally, however, these fishes visit the British coasts in vast shoals, more than 5,000 having been taken in a single night in August, 1819, in Weymouth Bay, whilst in May, 1851, 10,000 were taken off Yarmouth in one week.

The Red mullets mainly live in tropical seas, but one species is found in European waters and is rare around the British Islands. However, these fish sometimes appear along the British coasts in large groups, with over 5,000 caught in a single night in August 1819 in Weymouth Bay, and in May 1851, 10,000 were caught off Yarmouth in just one week.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Striped red mullet.

The head is ornamented with brilliant blue and violet stripes.

The head is decorated with bright blue and purple stripes.

Although about forty species of red mullet are {615}known, the European species is the most prized as a food-fish. Its fame, indeed, extends backwards to the time of the ancient Romans, who sought far and wide for large specimens, paying ruinous prices for them. "Then, as nowadays," writes Dr. Günther, "it was considered essential for the enjoyment of this delicacy that the fish should exhibit the red colour of its integument. The Romans brought it, for that purpose, living into the banqueting-room, and allowed it to die in the hands of the guests, the red colour appearing in all its brilliancy during the death-struggle of the fish. The fishermen of our times attain the same object by scaling the fish immediately after its capture, thus causing a permanent contraction of the chromatophores containing the red pigment."

Although there are about forty species of red mullet known, the European species is the most valued as a food fish. Its reputation actually goes back to ancient Roman times, when they searched far and wide for large specimens, paying exorbitant prices for them. "Then, as today," writes Dr. Günther, "it was essential for the enjoyment of this delicacy that the fish displayed the red color of its skin. The Romans brought it, for that purpose, alive into the banquet room and let it die in the hands of the guests, with the red color appearing in all its brilliance during the fish's death struggle. Fishermen today achieve the same effect by scaling the fish right after catching it, which causes a permanent contraction of the chromatophores containing the red pigment."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Brown Snapper.

The snappers are esteemed for the table.

The snappers are highly valued for dining.

Beneath the chin of the red mullets will be noticed two long finger-like processes; these can be thrust forward and moved about, or laid back in a groove between the sides of the lower jaw, and are used to rake about in the sand and gravel at the bottom of the sea to discover burrowing shrimps or worms. Even dead food they are said to feel with these barbels, as they are called, before biting. The red colour has been observed in the Marine Aquarium at Plymouth to become darker when the fish rise from the ground, and to pale away when they descend.

Beneath the chin of the red mullets, you'll notice two long, finger-like extensions. These can be pushed forward and moved around or tucked back into a groove between the sides of the lower jaw. They're used to sift through the sand and gravel at the bottom of the sea to find burrowing shrimps or worms. It's said that they can even detect dead food with these barbels before biting. The red color has been observed in the Marine Aquarium at Plymouth, becoming darker when the fish rise from the ground and fading when they go back down.

Two forms of red mullet occur in European waters, but it is not yet finally settled whether they represent distinct species. The one is the plain Red Mullet, of a rich carmine-red above and silvery white below; the other the Striped Mullet, or Sur-mullet, which has a beautiful red colour on the back and sides, and from three to five bright yellow bands passing from head to tail. Till recently the striped form was regarded as the female of the plain red mullet, but many authorities incline to the view that the two are distinct species.

Two types of red mullet are found in European waters, but it's still unclear if they are different species. One is the plain Red Mullet, which is a deep carmine-red on top and silvery white underneath; the other is the Striped Mullet, or Sur-mullet, which has a vibrant red color on its back and sides, marked by three to five bright yellow stripes running from head to tail. Until recently, the striped variety was thought to be the female of the plain red mullet, but many experts now believe that they are actually distinct species.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Red Sea Bream.

Some species of sea-bream occasionally enter fresh-water.

Some species of sea bream occasionally swim into freshwater.

The Sea-breams are fishes of the tropical and temperate regions, represented by a considerable number of species. Only one is at all abundant on the British coasts, and this {616}occurs especially on the south and south-west coasts of England and Ireland. It is of an orange-scarlet colour above, and somewhat silvery on the sides, with a large black spot on the shoulder.

The Sea bream are fish found in tropical and temperate areas, with many species represented. Only one species is relatively common along the British coasts, especially on the south and south-west coasts of England and Ireland. It has a bright orange-red color on top and a somewhat silvery appearance on the sides, featuring a large black spot on its shoulder.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



An Australian species of Sea-bream.

An Australian species of sea bream.

Several species of sea-bream occur in Australia, where they are known as Snappers. One of the largest of these, which attains a length of more than 3 feet and a weight of over 40 lbs., is not only considered excellent eating, but is also the most popular sport-yielding fish of that colony.

Several species of sea bream are found in Australia, where they are called Snappers. One of the largest, which can grow over 3 feet long and weigh more than 40 lbs, is not only regarded as great food but is also the most popular sport fish in that region.

The ancient Romans kept a species of sea-bream, the Gilt-head, in their vivariums, where it grew extremely fat. This species is said to stir up the sand with its tail, to discover buried shell-fish. It is particularly fond of mussels, and the noise it makes in crunching them between its jaws is loud enough to be heard by the fishermen.

The ancient Romans raised a type of sea bream, the Sea bream, in their fish tanks, where it became very fat. This fish is known to stir up the sand with its tail to find buried shellfish. It especially loves mussels, and the sound it makes while crushing them with its jaws is loud enough for fishermen to hear.

Nearly allied to the Sea-breams are a group known, for want of a better name, as the Thick-rayed Fishes, some of which rank as of prime importance among the food-fishes of the British Colonies. A general idea of the shape of the members of this family may be gathered from the photograph of an Australian Groper. The name of Long-fin, given to one species, is bestowed on account of the fact that one or more of the rays of the breast-fin on each side is drawn out into a filament, often of very considerable length, which is used as an organ of touch. In other species, where the elongation is less, and more rays have undergone modification, an auxiliary organ of locomotion is the result. At the Cape of Good Hope species of long-fin are very abundant, and preserved in large quantities for export.

Almost related to the Sea-breams is a group called, for lack of a better name, the Thick-rayed Fish, some of which are very important as food fish in the British Colonies. You can get a general idea of the shape of this family from the photo of an Australian Inappropriate toucher. The name Long-finned, given to one species, comes from the fact that one or more of the rays of the breast fin on each side is extended into a filament, often quite long, which serves as a touch organ. In other species, where the extension is shorter and more rays have changed, it results in an extra means of movement. At the Cape of Good Hope, long-fin species are very common and are preserved in large amounts for export.

Other members of this family lack the elongated fin-rays altogether. The fishes known as the Tumpeters of New Zealand and Tasmania belong to this section. They are considered by the colonists the best flavoured of any native fishes, and are eaten smoked as well as fresh. But two species are known, one ranging from 30 to 60 lbs. in weight, and the other, a much smaller form, scarcely attaining a weight of 20 lbs.; the latter is the more abundant of the two, though confined to the coast of New Zealand.

Other members of this family completely lack the elongated fin rays. The fish known as the Trumpeters from New Zealand and Tasmania belong to this group. Colonists consider them the best-tasting native fish and eat them smoked as well as fresh. There are two known species: one weighs between 30 to 60 lbs., and the other, a much smaller type, rarely reaches 20 lbs. The smaller species is more common of the two but is only found along the coast of New Zealand.


Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. [Milford-on-Sea.



A member of the group of Slime-heads.

A member of the group called Slime-heads.

In the Scorpion-fishes we have a small group including several forms remarkable for their ugliness, having added to an uncouth shape skinny appendages, which, projecting from the body, resemble rather leaves of {617}seaweed than parts of the fish. These appendages, by their waving motion, serve either to attract other fishes or to afford concealment by their resemblance to the surrounding weeds. The ground-dwelling forms have some of the rays of the breast-fin modified into finger-like processes, like those of the Gurnards, by which they both crawl and feel. Some members of the family bear a rather close resemblance to the Sea-perches. In addition to their ugliness, some have become especially offensive by the transformation of certain of the fin-spines into poison-organs.

In the Scorpaenids, we have a small group that includes several species known for their ugliness. They have awkward shapes and skinny appendages that stick out from their bodies, looking more like seaweed leaves than parts of a fish. These appendages, with their waving motion, either attract other fish or help them blend into their surroundings. The bottom-dwelling types have some of the rays of their breast fins evolved into finger-like extensions, similar to those of Gurnards, which they use to crawl and feel around. Some members of this family look quite a bit like Sea-perches. In addition to being unattractive, some of them have become especially dangerous because certain fin-spines have turned into poison organs.

One of the ugliest, and at the same time most dreaded, of the family is the Stone-fish figured on page 619. Each spine of the back fin is grooved. At the lower end of these grooves lies a pear-shaped bag containing a milky poison, which is conveyed to the point of the spine by ducts lying in the grooves. The native fishermen carefully avoid handling these fish; but persons walking with bare feet in the sea step upon the spines, and, receiving the poison into the wound, are killed.

One of the ugliest and most feared members of the family is the Stonefish shown on page 619. Each spine on its back fin has grooves. At the bottom of these grooves is a pear-shaped bag filled with a milky poison, which travels to the tip of the spine through ducts in the grooves. Local fishermen are careful not to handle these fish; however, people walking barefoot in the sea can step on the spines and get poisoned through the wound, which can be fatal.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Grouper.

Highly esteemed as a food-fish.

Highly prized as a food fish.

All the scorpion-fish are carnivorous, and differ from the majority of fishes in that they produce their young alive. The smallest of the Spiny-finned fishes are members of this group, some scarcely exceeding 1½ inch in length. They are common amid the coral-reefs of the Pacific.

All scorpionfish are carnivorous and differ from most fish in that they give birth to live young. The smallest of the spiny-finned fish belong to this group, with some barely reaching 1½ inches in length. They are commonly found among the coral reefs of the Pacific.

Passing over some comparatively unimportant members of this family, we come to a small group of vegetable-feeders from the Indo-Pacific, of which the Teuthis is one of the best known representatives. They are chiefly remarkable for the fact that the abdominal cavity is surrounded by a complete ring of bones, and that the air-bladder is forked at both ends. Some are rather brilliantly coloured.

Passing over some relatively unimportant members of this family, we come to a small group of plant-eaters from the Indo-Pacific, of which the Teuthis is one of the most well-known examples. They are particularly notable because the abdominal cavity is surrounded by a complete ring of bones, and the air bladder is forked at both ends. Some of them are quite brightly colored.

The Slime-heads, which constitute the next family, derive their name from the presence on the head of large mucus-bearing cavities covered with a thin skin. The eyes are always of great size, indicating a deep-sea habitat, or at least a depth only dimly lighted. All indeed, save two species, descend considerably below the surface, one species having been found in 345 fathoms. The species of one genus are believed to inhabit still greater depths, for their eyes are extremely small, indicating degeneration through disuse. The copious supply of slime is also an indication of a deep-sea habitat. The members of this family vary much in size and shape, but the most remarkable of all is a small and rare species {618}found off Japan, in which the scales have joined together to form a perfectly solid armour, whilst the paired fins of the abdomen have been reduced to a single spine, with a few vestiges of other rays.

The Slime monsters, which make up the next family, get their name from the large mucus-filled cavities on their heads covered by a thin skin. Their eyes are always quite large, suggesting they live in deep-sea environments, or at least in areas that are only poorly lit. In fact, except for two species, they all live quite far below the surface, with one species having been found at a depth of 345 fathoms. The species in one genus are thought to live even deeper, as indicated by their very small eyes, which show signs of degeneration from lack of use. The large amount of slime they produce also suggests a deep-sea habitat. Members of this family come in various sizes and shapes, but the most remarkable is a small and rare species {618} found off Japan, where the scales have fused together to create a solid armor, while the paired fins on the abdomen have evolved into a single spine, along with a few remnants of other rays.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Indian Weaver Fish.

One of the group of scorpion-fishes.

One of the group of scorpion fish.

The next family, a comparatively small one, includes the Tassel-fish, so called from the long and delicate feelers springing from the base of the breast-fins, of which they originally formed a part. Varying in number from three to fourteen, these feelers can be moved independently of the fins. As these fishes all live in muddy water, and have the eyes obscured by films, such tactile organs are necessary, in order to enable them to procure their food. In some species they attain an enormous length. The flesh is highly esteemed. Some species have an air-bladder, which yields a good kind of isinglass, and forms an article of commerce in the East Indies. The majority are small species, but some attain to a length of 4 feet.

The next family, a relatively small one, includes the Tassel fish, named after the long and delicate feelers that extend from the base of their breast fins, which they originally were part of. These feelers, which can range from three to fourteen in number, can move independently of the fins. Since these fish live in muddy water and have their eyes covered by membranes, these tactile organs are essential for them to find food. In some species, the feelers can grow to an enormous length. Their flesh is highly valued. Some species have an air bladder that produces a good type of isinglass, making it a commercial product in the East Indies. Most are small species, but a few can grow up to 4 feet long.

No less important than the preceding group, from an economic point of view, are the Meagres, a family of coast-haunting species of the tropical and sub-tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, exhibiting a special preference for the mouths of large rivers, into which they freely enter. Some, indeed, have become entirely fresh-water species.

No less important than the previous group, from an economic standpoint, are the Meager, a family of coastal species found in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, showing a particular preference for the mouths of large rivers, which they easily enter. Some have, in fact, become entirely freshwater species.

One of the most interesting of the family is the species to which the name of Drum has been given, from the extraordinary noise which it produces—though some other kinds emit similar noises. "These sounds," Dr. Günther writes, "can better be expressed by the word 'drumming' than any other. They appear to be very frequently heard by persons in vessels lying at anchor off the coasts of the United States, where these fishes are very common. The precise method by which these sounds are produced is not known. Since they are accompanied by a tremulous motion of the vessel, it seems more probable that they are due to the beating of the tails of the fish against the bottom of the ship to get rid of the parasites with which that part of their body is infested." The drum attains a length of more than 4 feet and a weight of over 100 lbs.

One of the most fascinating members of the family is the species known as Drum set, named for the incredible noise it makes—though some other species make similar sounds. "These sounds," Dr. Günther writes, "are better described as 'drumming' than anything else. They are often heard by people on boats anchored off the coasts of the United States, where these fish are quite common. The exact way these sounds are made isn't known. Since they cause a shaking motion of the vessel, it's likely that they come from the fish beating their tails against the bottom of the boat to shake off the parasites that infest that part of their body." The drum can grow to over 4 feet long and weigh more than 100 lbs.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Rugged sea-scorpion.

A second representative of the scorpion-fishes.

A second representative of the scorpion fish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



A species of scorpion-fish dreaded on account of its poisonous spines.

A type of scorpion fish feared for its venomous spines.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Tassel fish.

Valued for the isinglass it yields.

Valued for the gelatin it produces.


Though forming but a single small family, the Sword-fishes are nevertheless to be reckoned amongst the most interesting of living fishes. Attaining a length of from 12 to 15 feet, exceeding vigilant, pugnacious, and powerful, they are amongst the most formidable of all fishes. They derive their name from the great development of the upper jaw, which forms a huge, tapering, sword-like weapon, covered along its under-surface with numerous small teeth. They attack, apparently without provocation, whales and other large cetaceans, which they invariably succeed in killing by repeated thrusts of the sword. It appears that occasionally sword-fishes make a mistake, and, after the fashion of Don Quixote, tilt at windmills, in the shape of large vessels, under the impression that they are whales. But this most grave error of judgment brings with it a heavy penalty, in that, having no power to make effective backward movements, the sword remains fixed, and is eventually broken off in the struggle for freedom. Frank Buckland reminds us that in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, is a section of the bow of a whaler impaled by one of these swords. That portion of the sword which remains is 1 foot long and 5 inches in circumference. "At one single blow," he writes, "the fish had plunged his sword through, and completely transfixed 13½ inches of solid timber. The sword had of course broken off and prevented a dangerous leak in the ship." In the British Museum is a second specimen of a ship's side in which the sword of a sword-fish is fixed.

Though they form just a small family, the Swordfish are considered some of the most fascinating fish alive. Reaching lengths of 12 to 15 feet, they are extremely alert, aggressive, and strong, making them one of the most intimidating fish. They get their name from their noticeably elongated upper jaw, which resembles a huge, pointed sword, covered underneath with many small teeth. They attack large whales and other cetaceans seemingly without reason, and they usually manage to kill them by repeatedly stabbing with their sword. Sometimes, sword-fishes make mistakes, like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, mistaking large vessels for whales. However, this serious misjudgment comes with a heavy cost; since they can’t move backward effectively, their sword gets stuck and often breaks off while they struggle to escape. Frank Buckland points out that in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, there's a section of a whaling ship's bow pierced by one of these swords. The remaining part of the sword is 1 foot long and 5 inches around. "With a single thrust," he writes, "the fish had driven its sword through and fully penetrated 13½ inches of solid timber. The sword eventually broke off, preventing a dangerous leak in the ship." The British Museum also has another example of a ship's side with a sword-fish sword embedded in it.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The huge back-fin is said to be often used as a sail when the fish is floating near the surface of the water.

The large dorsal fin is often said to be used as a sail when the fish is swimming close to the water's surface.







Photo by Percy Ashenden.]  [Cape Town.

Photo by Percy Ashenden.] [Cape Town.



This fish is also known as the Barracuda.

This fish is also called the Barracuda.

Of the family of Hair-tails perhaps the most important members are the Scabbard- or Frost-fish and the Snoek. The first is common in the Mediterranean and the warmer parts of the Atlantic, extending northwards to the south coast of England, where it occurs at rare intervals. It is also known in New Zealand, where it is called the Frost-fish, and furthermore is regarded as one of the most delicious fish of the colony, its flesh being fine, tender, and of delicate flavour. On this account it is much in demand, but the supply is very uncertain. The conditions of capture, indeed, of this fish are unparalleled in the annals of fishing, for it can be taken neither with the rod nor the net. The would-be captor has to wait patiently under favourable conditions on the seashore for the fish to come {621}and cast itself up on the beach. This happens with tolerable certainty during the autumn and winter months, when the sea is calm and the nights frosty. Then the frost-fish come ashore alive, wriggling through the surf on to the beach. Two explanations have been offered for this extraordinary conduct. One is that the fish commits suicide; being pursued by a shark or other enemy, it prefers uncertain life on land to certain death at sea! The other and more probable hypothesis has it that the air-bladder of the fish becomes distended to enable it to reach the surface for food—for it is a deep-sea fish—and that the keen, frosty air prevents it from compressing the bladder and returning to the depths; thus it gradually drifts into shallow water, is hurled shorewards by the surf, and finally wriggles itself on to the beach to die. The long stretches of sandy beach a few miles from Dunedin are a favourite resort for frost-fish catching. Two or three men camp out at the foot of the cliffs overhanging the beach, pitching a tent and lighting a huge fire, so as to render life bearable during the long vigils. The "fishing" consists in perambulating the beach up and down shortly before dawn, and keeping a sharp look-out in the surf for the silver streak which betokens the approach of a victim. As soon as a fish is descried, all that remains to be done is to seize hold of it and drag it ashore, if it has not already stranded itself, and then dispatch it.

Of the family of Ponytails, perhaps the most important members are the Sheath or Frostfish and the Snoek fish. The first is common in the Mediterranean and warmer parts of the Atlantic, extending north to the south coast of England, where it appears occasionally. It is also known in New Zealand, where it's called the Frost-fish, and is considered one of the most delicious fish in the region, with fine, tender flesh and a delicate flavor. Because of this, it's in high demand, but the supply is very unpredictable. The methods for catching this fish are unique in fishing history since it can't be caught with a rod or a net. Would-be fishermen have to wait patiently on the shore under the right conditions for the fish to come {621} and beach itself. This reliably occurs during the autumn and winter months, when the sea is calm and the nights are frosty. During this time, the frost-fish come ashore alive, wriggling through the surf onto the beach. Two explanations have been proposed for this unusual behavior. One is that the fish commits suicide; being chased by a shark or another predator, it prefers the uncertain life on land over certain death in the sea! The second and more likely theory suggests that the fish's air bladder expands to help it reach the surface for food—since it is a deep-sea fish—and that the cold, frosty air prevents it from compressing the bladder to return to the depths; as a result, it gradually drifts into shallow water, gets washed ashore by the surf, and ultimately wriggles onto the beach to die. The long stretches of sandy beach a few miles from Dunedin are a popular spot for catching frost-fish. Two or three men camp out at the base of the cliffs above the beach, setting up a tent and lighting a big fire to make their long wait more bearable. The "fishing" involves walking up and down the beach just before dawn, keeping a close eye on the surf for the silver flash that indicates a fish is coming. As soon as a fish is spotted, all that's left to do is grab it and drag it ashore if it hasn't already stranded itself, and then dispatch it.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



Note the great length of the fin-rays.

Check out the long fin rays.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. [Chancery Lane, WC



The strong keel formed by ridged scales running down each side of the tail is a characteristic feature.

The sturdy keel created by the ridged scales along each side of the tail is a defining feature.


The Barracuda, or Snoek, is likewise a New Zealand species, attaining a length of 5 feet. It is found also at the Cape and South Australia. In New Zealand the flesh is exported to Mauritius and Batavia as a regular article of commerce, being worth £17 per ton.

The Barracuda, or Snoek fish, is also a species from New Zealand, reaching a length of 5 feet. It can also be found around the Cape and in Southern Australia. In New Zealand, the meat is regularly exported to Mauritius and Batavia as part of commerce, valued at £17 per ton.


Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



These two photographs show the difference in the jaws when protruded and when at rest.

These two photos show the difference in the jaws when pushed forward and when relaxed.

The Horse-mackerels, or Scads, are represented by some very bizarre-looking forms. It is a large family, belonging to tropical and temperate seas. One species, the Common Horse mackerel, is common in British seas. Many members of the family have the hinder portion of the body on each side armed with large plates, well seen in the accompanying photographs; others have the median fins produced into long filamentous processes. All are eatable, and some highly esteemed as food. One of the most remarkable is the Pilot-fish of tropical and temperate seas, occurring occasionally off the British coasts. It derives its name from its habit of accompanying ships and large sharks. From this habit of accompanying ships it was regarded by the ancients as a sacred fish, since they considered it pointed out the way to embarrassed sailors, and announced the vicinity of land by suddenly disappearing. The close companionship between the pilot-fish and the shark has excited much comment, many observers believing that the former was of great use to the latter in guiding it to its food. How this is done is graphically described by Dr. Meyer, who writes: "The pilot swims constantly in front of the shark; we ourselves have seen three instances in which the shark was led by the pilot. When the shark neared the ship, the pilot swam close to the snout or near one of the pectoral fins of the animal. Sometimes he darted rapidly forwards or sidewards, as if looking for something, and constantly went back again to the shark. When we threw overboard a piece of bacon fastened on a great hook, the shark was about twenty paces from the ship; with the quickness of lightning the pilot came up, smelt at the dainty, and instantly swam back again to the shark, swimming many times round his snout and splashing, as if to give him exact information as to the bacon. The shark now began to put himself in motion, the pilot showing him the way, and in a moment he was fast upon the hook." As Dr. Günther remarks, commenting on this account, one may entertain reasonable doubts as to the usefulness of the pilot to the shark in this instance! It is probable that the pilots follow the sharks for the sake of feeding on fragments scattered by the latter, and also for the sake of picking off the parasites with which sharks, in common with other large fish, are infested; furthermore, the pilot, being but a small fish, obtains greater security from enemies when in the company of its giant friend. The habit of seeking the company of more powerful or otherwise offensive animals is apparent also in other members of this family, the {623}young of the horse-mackerel seeking shelter beneath the "umbrella" of a jelly-fish till they are big enough to defend themselves.

The Horse mackerels, or Loads, have some pretty strange-looking forms. They are a large family found in tropical and temperate seas. One species, the Common horse mackerel, is commonly found in British waters. Many members of this family have large plates on the rear sides of their bodies, which you can see in the photos; others have long, thin median fins. All are edible, and some are considered to be good food. One of the most interesting is the Pilot fish, which can be found in tropical and temperate waters and occasionally off the British coast. It gets its name from its behavior of following ships and large sharks. Because of this, ancient people viewed it as a sacred fish, believing it helped guide lost sailors and indicated nearby land by disappearing suddenly. The close relationship between the pilot-fish and the shark has led to a lot of observation, with many thinking that the pilot helps the shark find food. Dr. Meyer describes this behavior vividly, saying: "The pilot swims constantly in front of the shark; we ourselves have seen three instances in which the shark was led by the pilot. When the shark approached the ship, the pilot swam close to its snout or near one of its pectoral fins. Sometimes it would dart quickly forward or sideways, as if searching for something, then return to the shark. When we threw over a piece of bacon attached to a large hook, the shark was about twenty paces from the ship; in a flash, the pilot came up, sniffed at the treat, and immediately swam back to the shark, circling its snout and splashing around as if to give it precise information about the bacon. The shark then started to move, following the pilot, and in no time it was hooked." As Dr. Günther comments on this account, one might reasonably doubt how useful the pilot is to the shark in this situation! It’s likely that the pilots follow the sharks to feed on scraps left behind and to pick off parasites that attach to sharks, just like other large fish. Additionally, since the pilot is a small fish, staying close to its giant companion provides it with more protection from predators. The tendency to associate with stronger or potentially dangerous animals is also seen in other members of this family, as young horse-mackerels seek shelter under the "umbrella" of a jellyfish until they're big enough to fend for themselves.

But the most remarkable members of this family are the Sea-bats. Few in species and confined to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Western Pacific, they are nevertheless in those regions very common. Although not used as food-fishes, they are of extreme interest on account of their shape, which is nearly oval and much compressed from side to side, and the form of their fins, which in some species are excessively developed. Young sea-bats differ markedly from the adults in the much greater length of the fin-rays, so much so that they have frequently been described as distinct species.

But the most remarkable members of this family are the Sea bass. There are few species, and they are found only in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Western Pacific; however, they are quite common in those areas. While they aren't eaten as food fish, they are extremely interesting because of their shape, which is almost oval and very flat from side to side, and the shape of their fins, which are extremely developed in some species. Young sea-bats look very different from the adults due to their longer fin rays, so much so that they have often been described as separate species.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



This species closely resembles a fossil form. It has nothing to do with the True Dories, but is one of the Coral-fishes, and is placed here for the sake of contrast.

This species closely resembles a fossil form. It has nothing to do with the True Dories, but is one of the Coral-fishes, and is included here for contrast.

We pass now to the Dories, which recall the Sea-bats in the oval and compressed form of the body. The resemblance to sea-bats is, indeed, so close that the latter are frequently described as dories. The mouth of the members of this family is so constructed that, when opened, the upper jaw is thrust forward, and the whole mouth forms a kind of long tube. Dories inhabit the seas of the temperate regions, two species being fairly common in British waters. The best known of these two is perhaps the John Dory, the largest specimens of which attain to a weight of 18 lbs. Mr. Cunningham has described the very peculiar way in which the dory captures its prey. "It does not," he writes, "overtake it by superior speed like the mackerel, or lie in wait for it like the angler, but stalks it and approaches it by stealth. It is able to do this in consequence of the extreme thinness of its body and the peculiar movement of its hinder dorsal and ventral fins. The dory places itself end on towards the fish it desires to devour, and in this position it is evident that it excites no alarm on the part of its prey. The appearance of the dory, seen in this way, is a mere line in the water, to which no particular significance can be attached. I have not particularly noticed the effect of the ribbons of membrane which project from the dorsal fin. But I have observed that the movements of the dory are very gradual, except in turning; it alters the position of its body by a turn of the tail or side-fins, and then swims forward by vibrating the second dorsal {624}and ventral, a movement which causes very slight disturbance of the water. The appearance of the dory in these actions is suggestive of suppressed excitement, his eyes being fixed on his prey. I do not recollect seeing him actually swallow another fish, but have no doubt that he gets near enough to a sprat, for example, without alarming it, to seize it by the sudden elongation of his curious jaws." The way in which these jaws are elongated is admirably shown in the photograph on page 622.

We now turn to the Dories, which resemble the Sea-bats in their oval and flattened body shape. The likeness to sea-bats is so strong that they are often called dories. The mouths of these fish are designed in such a way that when they open, the upper jaw extends forward, creating a long tube. Dories can be found in the seas of temperate regions, with two species being quite common in British waters. The most well-known of these is probably the John Dory, which can weigh up to 18 lbs. Mr. Cunningham described the unique method dories use to catch their prey. "It does not," he writes, "catch it by speed like the mackerel, nor does it wait for it like the angler. Instead, it stalks and sneaks up on it. It can do this because of its extremely thin body and the unique movement of its back and belly fins. The dory positions itself facing the fish it wants to eat, and from this angle, it doesn’t alarm its prey. When seen this way, the dory looks like just a line in the water, without any particular significance. I haven’t specifically noticed the effect of the membrane ribbons that stick out from the dorsal fin. However, I’ve seen that the dory moves very slowly, except when it turns; it shifts its body by moving its tail or side fins, then swims forward by fluttering its second dorsal {624}and belly fins, causing minimal disturbance in the water. The dory’s movements during these actions suggest a build-up of excitement, its eyes locked on its prey. I don’t remember seeing one actually eat another fish, but I’m sure it can get close enough to a sprat, for example, without scaring it, to capture it by quickly extending its unique jaws." The way these jaws extend is clearly illustrated in the photograph on page 622.

Passing now to the Mackerel Family, we arrive at a group of considerable importance from an economic point of view. Extremely active, migrating, and predaceous, mackerel swim in shoals and seize their prey with great voracity, hunting merely by sight, and snapping at anything moving through the water, especially if it is silvery, like a small surface-fish. The various species differ greatly in size, ranging from the Common Mackerel of about 18 inches long to the giant Tunny weighing nearly half a ton.

Passing now to the Mackerel Family, we come to a group that is very important from an economic standpoint. Highly active, migratory, and predatory, mackerel swim in schools and attack their prey with great eagerness, hunting primarily by sight and snapping at anything moving through the water, especially if it is shiny, like a small surface fish. The different species vary widely in size, ranging from the Common Mackerel, which is about 18 inches long, to the giant Tunny, which can weigh nearly half a ton.

Common Mackerel swim in vast shoals, or "schools," as they are called, and one half a mile wide and at least twenty miles long is on record. Mackerel feed on the young of other fish and small fish generally, and, when these are not to be had, on minute crabs and shrimps. They are very prolific, a single mackerel laying from 430,000 to 540,000 eggs.

Mackerel swim in huge groups, or "schools," as they're called, with one recorded school being half a mile wide and at least twenty miles long. Mackerel eat the young of other fish and small fish in general, and when those aren’t available, they will feed on tiny crabs and shrimp. They reproduce in large numbers, with a single mackerel laying between 430,000 and 540,000 eggs.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. [Chancery Lane, London


John Dory.

In the centre of each side is a round black spot surrounded by a pale yellow ring.

In the center of each side is a round black dot surrounded by a light yellow ring.

The Tunnies are amongst the largest of the surface-fishes of the ocean. Abundant in the Mediterranean Sea, they occur occasionally in British waters. For centuries the flesh of the tunny has been held in high regard as food, and it is frequently seen in the Lisbon markets at the present day. The flesh, which is as red as beef, is cut up and sold by weight. The Bonito closely resembles the tunny, but is a much smaller fish, which preys largely upon flying-fishes, which it follows for long distances.

The Tuna are among the largest surface fish in the ocean. They are abundant in the Mediterranean Sea and occasionally found in British waters. For centuries, tunny meat has been highly valued as food, and you can still find it in the Lisbon markets today. The flesh, which is as red as beef, is cut up and sold by weight. The Bonito fish looks a lot like the tunny but is much smaller and primarily feeds on flying fish, which it follows for long distances.

Peculiarly interesting are the Sucking-fishes. The name by which they are commonly known is bestowed on account of the presence of a large oval sucker, placed on the top of the head and extending backwards over the shoulders—an organ formed by modification of the back-fin. By means of this sucking-disk these fishes are enabled to attach themselves to sharks, turtles, ships, or any large object floating in the sea. The hold which they obtain is so strong that it is almost impossible to remove them by force. Being poor swimmers, this method of transportation enables them to pass rapidly to fresh feeding-grounds.

Peculiarly interesting are the Suckerfish. The name they are commonly called comes from a large oval sucker on the top of their heads that extends back over their shoulders—an organ that is an adaptation of the back-fin. With this sucking disk, these fish can attach themselves to sharks, turtles, ships, or any large object floating in the sea. Their grip is so strong that it’s nearly impossible to remove them by force. Since they aren’t strong swimmers, this method of hitching a ride allows them to quickly reach new feeding areas.

The natives of Zanzibar, Cuba, and Torres Straits are said to employ sucking-fishes in the capture of sleeping turtles, the fish being secured by a ring round the tail, and liberated as soon as a sufficiently near approach to the quarry has been made. About ten different species are known, the bulkiest of which attains a length of 2 feet and a weight of about 8 lbs., a longer but more slender species measuring 3 feet.

The people of Zanzibar, Cuba, and Torres Straits are said to use sucking fish to catch sleeping turtles. The fish are captured by a ring around their tails and released as soon as they get close enough to the turtles. There are about ten different species known, with the largest reaching 2 feet long and weighing around 8 pounds, while a longer but slimmer species measures 3 feet.

Carnivorous, of small size, and feeble swimming-powers, the family of the Weavers are remarkable rather for their disagreeable qualities than anything else, though at least one {625}species is declared to be excellent eating. The Star-gazer is a particularly ugly-looking fish, especially noteworthy in that the eyes, which are on the top of the head, can be raised and depressed at pleasure, whilst the heavy jaw is armed with a freely moving tentacle, which, waving about in the current of water drawn in at the mouth, serves as a lure to attract small fishes, the rest of the body being concealed between stones at the bottom of the sea.

Carnivorous, small in size, and weak swimmers, the Weavers family is more notable for their unpleasant traits than anything else, although at least one species is said to be great to eat. The Star-gazer is an especially ugly fish, particularly interesting because its eyes, located on the top of its head, can be moved up and down at will. Its heavy jaw is equipped with a freely moving tentacle that waves in the water current drawn in through its mouth, acting as a lure to attract small fish while the rest of its body remains hidden among the stones at the bottom of the sea.


Photo by W Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



By means of the sucker on the top of its head this fish attaches itself to ships and larger fishes.

By using the sucker on the top of its head, this fish clings to ships and bigger fish.

The Common Weaver is a well-known British fish, much dreaded on account of the poisonous wounds which it inflicts unless most carefully handled, the poison being introduced by the spines of the back-fin and gill-cover. No special poison-organs seem to be developed, but the mucous secretion around the spines has poisonous properties. As the flesh of this fish is extremely palatable, fishermen remove the spines at once directly after capture. Should a wound be inflicted, great suffering and occasionally death follows.

The Common Weaver is a well-known British fish that's feared because of the poisonous wounds it can cause if not handled very carefully. The poison comes from the spines of its dorsal fin and gill cover. There don't appear to be any special poison glands, but the mucus around the spines has toxic properties. Since the flesh of this fish is really tasty, fishermen quickly remove the spines right after catching it. If someone does get wounded, it can lead to severe pain and sometimes even death.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.  [Chancery Lane, London


Larger Weaver.

The spines of the first back-fin and of the gill-cover are highly poisonous.

The spines of the first back fin and the gill cover are very poisonous.

Passing over one or two unimportant groups, we come to the family of the Frog-fishes, which, but for the fact that many of its members are poisonous, calls for no special comment here. One species, however, from the coasts of Central America, possesses the distinction of having the most highly developed poison-organs of any fishes, being equalled only by the {626}Venomous Snakes. The poison-weapons are a spine on the gill-cover and two spines of the back-fin. The former is of the same shape as the hollow venom-fang of a snake, perforated at both ends. A little bag containing the poison lies at the base of the spine, and when pressed by the spine as it makes its puncture ejects its contents into the body of the latter, whence it escapes from the hole in the top. The structure of the back-spines is similar.

Passing over one or two minor groups, we arrive at the family of the Frogfish, which, aside from the fact that many of its members are toxic, doesn't require any special mention here. However, one species from the coasts of Central America stands out for having the most advanced poison organs of any fish, rivaled only by the {626}Venomous Snakes. The poison weapons consist of a spine on the gill cover and two spines from the back fin. The spine on the gill cover resembles the hollow venom fang of a snake, with openings at both ends. A small bag containing the poison is located at the base of the spine, and when the spine punctures, it presses this bag and releases its contents into the victim's body, from where it exits through the opening at the top. The structure of the back spines is similar.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.  [Chancery Lane, London



This hideous species is also called the Frog-fish.

This ugly species is also known as the Frog-fish.

The family of the Angler-fishes contain more strange forms than any other. Living on the sea-bottom and seeking their prey by stealth, angler-fishes do not need powerful swimming-muscles; consequently the size of the body and tail has become considerably reduced, so that the head, relatively to the rest of the body, is unusually large. The head, jaws, and belly are indeed of great size and capacity. The side or paired fins are not used for swimming, but have become modified to serve as feet, enabling the fish to shuffle along the ground. A further remarkable feature of these fishes is seen in the back-fin, the rays of which are very long, the foremost being provided with a flag-like flap of skin at the top, extremely sensitive to touch, and playing a very important part in the capture of food. It seems that the fish commonly lies concealed on the sea-bottom, with this "flag" erected. From its general resemblance to the surrounding seaweed it is quite inconspicuous, so that passing fishes take no trouble to avoid it. If by any chance they should touch it, however, the jaws beneath open instantly, and the unfortunate trespasser is suddenly engulfed. This elaborate and sensitive mechanism has been likened to a spring-trap, which is always set, and never betrays its presence. It seems probable, however, that this flag serves also as a lure, passing fishes being occasionally attracted by the waving flap of skin. Should they become sufficiently curious as to proceed to touch it, capture in the manner above described is certain. Certain deep-sea forms have a luminous organ in the place of the flap of skin, and this certainly seems to act only as a lure.

The family of the Anglerfish has more unusual shapes than any other. Living on the ocean floor and hunting their prey stealthily, angler-fishes don’t need strong swimming muscles; as a result, their body and tail size have been significantly reduced, making their heads unusually large compared to the rest of their bodies. The head, jaws, and belly are quite large and spacious. The side or paired fins aren’t used for swimming but have evolved to act like feet, allowing the fish to shuffle along the ground. Another remarkable feature of these fish is their dorsal fin, which has very long rays with the front ray having a flag-like flap of skin at the tip that is extremely sensitive to touch and plays a crucial role in capturing food. The fish usually hides on the sea floor with this "flag" raised. Its resemblance to the surrounding seaweed makes it hard to spot, so passing fish don't bother to avoid it. However, if they happen to touch it, the jaws below open instantly, and the unfortunate fish is quickly swallowed. This complex and sensitive mechanism has been compared to a spring trap that’s always set and doesn’t reveal its presence. It’s likely that this flag also acts as a lure, as passing fish are sometimes drawn in by the waving flap of skin. If they become curious enough to touch it, they are almost guaranteed to be captured as described above. Some deep-sea varieties have a glowing organ instead of the flap of skin, which seems to serve solely as a lure.

Angler-fishes are found all over the world; some, as we have seen, are bottom-fishes, some inhabit deep sea, whilst others lie hidden amongst floating seaweed, to which they cling by {627}means of their arm-like fins. Only one species occurs in British waters. Its method of spawning is remarkable, in that the eggs are laid in the form of large raft-like sheets, which float on the surface of the sea. The number of eggs laid by a single fish has been computed to be 1,345,000. A single sheet of spawn may measure from 2 to 3 feet in breadth and from 25 to 30 feet long.

Anglerfish are found all over the world; some, as we've seen, live on the ocean floor, some inhabit the deep sea, while others hide among floating seaweed, clinging to it with their arm-like fins. Only one species is found in British waters. Its spawning method is amazing because the eggs are laid in large, raft-like sheets that float on the ocean's surface. It's estimated that a single fish can lay about 1,345,000 eggs. A single sheet of spawn can measure between 2 to 3 feet wide and 25 to 30 feet long.


Photo by by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Butterfly gurnard.

The head of all gurnards is encased in an armour of bony plates.

The heads of all gurnards are covered in a shield of bony plates.

The Bull-heads and Gurnards, constituting the next family, are characterised by the spiny armature of the head and the great size of the breast-fins. The former are represented in British waters by four species, one of which, the Miller's-thumb, inhabits fresh-water. The marine species include the Sea-scorpion and Father-lasher.

The Bullheads and Gurnards, forming the next family, are defined by the spiny structures on their heads and their large breast fins. In British waters, there are four species of Bull-heads, including one called the Bully bass, which lives in fresh water. The marine species consist of the Sea scorpion and the Father figure.

The Bull-heads on the Indian and Australian coasts are represented by the closely allied Flat-heads, or Crocodile-fishes, in which the head, as its name implies, is much depressed, and fully armed with spines, which are highly poisonous, and cause a violent irritation. These fishes live in shallow water, lying on the bottom, with which their colours harmonise so completely that they are practically invisible. The very large ventral fins—those seen in the photograph immediately behind the breast-fins—are of great use in locomotion.

The Bullheads found on the Indian and Australian coastlines are represented by the closely related Flatheads or Crocodile fish. As their name suggests, these fish have a significantly flattened head that's fully equipped with spines that are highly venomous and can cause intense irritation. They inhabit shallow waters, resting on the seabed, where their colors blend in so well that they are almost invisible. The very large ventral fins—seen in the photograph just behind the breast fins—play a crucial role in their movement.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. Chancery Lane, W.C.



The curious finger-like processes are used as organs of touch as well as locomotion.

The curious finger-like structures are used for both touch and movement.

The Gurnards are well-known fishes, common on the {628}coasts of Britain, and extending from tropical to arctic seas. Their curiously shaped heads give them a very quaint appearance. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of these fishes is the separate condition of some of the rays of the breast-fins, which form finger-like organs, used to feel the ground and rake over loose stones, to discover small shrimps and other animals hidden underneath. Furthermore, the gurnards are peculiar in that they are enabled to communicate one with another by means of sounds produced by the expulsion of air from one compartment of the air-bladder to another. The females are much more common than the males, and also slightly larger. The young are remarkable for the enormous size of the breast-fins, though even in the adult these are unusually large.

The Gurnards are well-known fish found along the {628}coasts of Britain and can be found from tropical to arctic waters. Their oddly shaped heads give them a quirky look. One of the most interesting features of these fish is the separate structure of some of the rays in their pectoral fins, which form finger-like appendages used to feel the ocean floor and sift through loose stones to find small shrimp and other hidden creatures. Additionally, gurnards can communicate with each other using sounds created by pushing air from one part of their swim bladder to another. Females are much more common than males and are also slightly larger. The young are particularly notable for their disproportionately large pectoral fins, which remain quite large even in adults.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Bar-tailed flathead.

A shallow-water fish.

A freshwater fish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



About forty species of flat-heads are known.

About forty species of flat-heads are known.

Close allies of the Gurnards are the Flying-gurnards, which, by reason of the extreme development of the breast-fins, are enabled to take flying leaps out of the water. One species is common in the Mediterranean. The flying-gurnard is not to be mistaken for the true "flying-fish," or flying-herring, described later.

Close relatives of the Gurnards are the Flying gurnards, which, due to their highly developed breast fins, can make impressive leaps out of the water. One species is commonly found in the Mediterranean. The flying-gurnard should not be confused with the actual "flying-fish," or flying-herring, which is discussed later.

The curious mail-clad Armed Bull-head, or Pogge, commonly taken in shrimp-nets, is an ally of the flying-gurnard.

The curious, armored Armed Bullhead, or Poggers, often caught in shrimp nets, is associated with the flying gurnard.



Lump-suckers, gobies, blennies, barracudas, gray mullets, sticklebacks and their relatives, garpike, and flying fish.



Ugly in appearance and carnivorous in habits, the Sucker-fish Family are distinguished by the presence of a large round sucker on the belly, with which they adhere to rocks. Furthermore, the sucker-fishes are remarkable for the softness of their skeleton, which may be cut through at any point with an ordinary knife. The male lump-sucker is smaller than the female, but much more brightly coloured, especially during the breeding-season, when he dons a livery of blue, scarlet, and yellow. He is also a model parent, always remaining near the eggs and keeping a constant stream of fresh water running over them by the action of his breast-fins. A single female may produce as many as 136,000 eggs in a single season. In Scotland the male is known as the Cock and the female as the Hen Paddle. The species is more common off the coasts of Scotland than elsewhere in the British Islands.

Ugly in appearance and carnivorous in behavior, the Sucker-fish Family is known for having a large round sucker on their bellies, which they use to stick to rocks. Additionally, sucker-fishes are notable for the softness of their skeletons, which can be easily cut through with a regular knife. The male lump-sucker is smaller than the female but much more brightly colored, especially during mating season, when he sports a mix of blue, scarlet, and yellow. He is also a great parent, always staying close to the eggs and ensuring a constant flow of fresh water over them using his breast fins. A single female can lay up to 136,000 eggs in one season. In Scotland, the male is referred to as the Rooster and the female as the Hen Party. This species is more commonly found off the coasts of Scotland than anywhere else in the British Islands.

Like the Lump-suckers, the Gobies, which form the next family, have the ventral fins modified so as to form a sucking-disk, which is used as an anchor. But the gobies are easily {629}distinguished by their smaller size, elongated bodies, hard skeleton, and the disposition and structure of the fins, characters which need not be discussed further.

Like the Lump-suckers, the Gobies fish, which make up the next family, have their ventral fins adapted to form a sucking disk that acts as an anchor. However, gobies can be easily {629}identified by their smaller size, elongated bodies, tough skeleton, and the arrangement and structure of their fins, traits that don't need further discussion.

One species, the Spotted Goby, or Pole-wing, found in the Thames, is noteworthy on account of its nest-building habits. The male chooses the empty shell of a cockle or mussel, selecting one with its concave surface downwards. Beneath this the sand is cleared away and cemented by a special glue-like secretion formed by the skin of the fish. A cylindrical tunnel is then built to give access to the nest, and the whole is covered over with loose stones. In the nest-chamber formed by the shell the eggs are laid, the male immediately after mounting guard over them till they hatch, which they do in about nine days.

One species, the Spotted Gudgeon, or Pole wing, found in the Thames, is notable for its nest-building habits. The male selects an empty shell of a cockle or mussel, choosing one with the concave side facing down. He then clears away the sand underneath and uses a special glue-like secretion from his skin to cement it. A cylindrical tunnel is built for access to the nest, which is covered with loose stones. Inside the shell, the eggs are laid, and the male stands guard over them until they hatch, which takes about nine days.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. Chancery Lane, W.C.


Lump sucker.

Known also as the Cock and Hen Paddle.

Known as the Cock and Hen Paddle.

Another species, the Pellucid Goby, is remarkable in that its whole life's course is run in a single year. In June and July the eggs are laid; they are hatched in August; by the time winter has arrived the fish have reached maturity, and die off in the following July and August, so that in September only the fry are to be met with.

Another species, the Clear Goby, is notable because its entire life cycle happens within a single year. In June and July, the eggs are laid; they hatch in August. By the time winter arrives, the fish have matured, and they die off the following July and August, so that in September, only the baby fish can be found.

One of the strangest of all fishes is a member of the Goby Family. This is the Walking-fish, so called from its habit of spending most of its time on the mud-banks of rivers, or on the roots of trees growing in the neighbourhood. The late Surgeon-General Day, describing these fishes as he saw them along the side of the Burmese rivers, writes that at first sight they look like large tadpoles. When suddenly startled by something, away they go with a hop, skip, and a jump inland among the trees, or on the water like a flat stone or piece of slate sent skimming by a schoolboy. When climbing, the breast-fins are used, as if they were arms, to grasp the boughs. If placed in deep water, these fishes are speedily drowned!

One of the strangest fish is a member of the Goby Family. This is the Walking fish, named for its behavior of spending most of its time on the mud banks of rivers or on the roots of nearby trees. The late Surgeon-General Day noted that when he saw these fish along the Burmese rivers, they initially appeared like large tadpoles. When they get startled, they hop, skip, and jump inland among the trees or glide across the water like a flat stone or slate thrown by a kid. While climbing, they use their breast fins like arms to grab onto branches. If they end up in deep water, these fish quickly drown!


The Blennies are fishes whose skins are soft, slimy, and quite scaleless, or at most covered with very tiny and degenerate scales. The general form of the body may be seen in the photograph below. They are shore-fishes, lurking about in the crevices of rocks, among seaweed, or under stones, and occurring generally along the coasts of temperate and tropical regions. The species known as the Sea-cat or Wolf-fish is, however, a deep-water form.

The Blennies are fish with soft, slimy skin that is mostly scaleless, or at most has very small, underdeveloped scales. You can see the general shape of their body in the photo below. They are coastal fish, hiding in rock crevices, among seaweed, or under stones, and are typically found along the shores of temperate and tropical regions. However, the species known as the Sea cat or Wolf fish lives in deeper waters.

As a rule the eggs are deposited in hollow places between stones or rocks; but in the Butter-fish, or Gunnel, the eggs are adhesive, and the parents roll them into a ball by coiling their bodies round them. Furthermore, since the parents are frequently found, under natural conditions, coiled round these masses of spawn, it appears that they adopt this method of guarding their treasures. Some species bring forth their young alive.

As a rule, the eggs are laid in hollows between stones or rocks; however, in the Butterfish or Gunnel, the eggs stick together, and the parents wrap their bodies around them to form a ball. Additionally, since the parents are often found coiled around these clusters of eggs in their natural habitat, it seems they use this method to protect their offspring. Some species give birth to live young.

The largest of the family is the Wolf-fish, whose jaws are armed with very powerful teeth, able to crush the hardest shells, such as those of the whelk. Sea-urchins and crabs are also eaten.

The biggest member of the family is the Wolf fish, which has very strong teeth that can break open the toughest shells, like those of the whelk. It also eats sea urchins and crabs.

We pass on to a group comprising three families—the Barracudas, Sand-smelts, and Grey Mullets.

We move on to a group made up of three families—the Barracudas, sand smelts, and Grey Mullets.

It should be mentioned that two very distinct fishes are known as Barracudas, one of which we have already described under the name of Snoek. The forms described here as barracudas are large, voracious fishes living in tropical and sub-tropical seas, and evincing a preference for the coast rather than the open sea. Attaining a length of 8 feet and a weight of 40 lbs., they are a source of danger to bathers. They are very frequently used as food, though in the West Indies such food is attended with some danger, as the flesh is often poisonous, from the fish having fed on smaller poisonous fishes.

It should be noted that two very different types of fish are called Barracudas, one of which we have already referred to as Snoek. The fish described here as barracudas are large, aggressive fish that live in tropical and subtropical seas, preferring the coast over the open ocean. They can grow up to 8 feet long and weigh 40 lbs, posing a threat to swimmers. They are commonly eaten, although in the West Indies, consuming them can be risky because their flesh is often toxic, having fed on smaller poisonous fish.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

*Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.*  [Chancery Lane, WC



Blennies have soft, shiny, scaleless skins.

Blennies have soft, shiny, scaleless skin.

The Sand-smelts are small carnivorous species inhabiting the seas of temperate and tropical regions. Many enter fresh-water, and some have become entirely acclimatised there. Some species bear a very close resemblance to the true smelt, from which, however, they may be readily distinguished by their small, spinous, first back-fin. The young of at least one small group or genus of this family are remarkable for their habit of clinging together for some time after they are hatched in dense masses and almost incredible numbers.

The Sand smelts are small meat-eating species found in the seas of temperate and tropical areas. Many of them move into freshwater, and some have fully adapted to life there. Some species look a lot like true smelt, but you can easily tell them apart by their small, spiny first dorsal fin. The young from at least one small group or genus in this family are notable for their tendency to cling together in dense masses and astonishing numbers right after they hatch.

The Grey Mullets are brackish-water fishes, feeding on vegetable growths and minute shell-fish. They also suck up large quantities of sand into the mouth for the sake of the minute organisms contained therein; much of this is passed on into the stomach, which is thick and muscular, like that of many birds. Altogether some seventy species of grey mullets are known, the majority of which attain a weight of about 4 lbs., but there are many which grow to 10 or 12 lbs. All are eaten, and some highly esteemed.

The Grey Mullets are brackish-water fish that eat plant material and tiny shellfish. They also take in a lot of sand through their mouths to access the tiny organisms within it; much of this sand ends up in their stomachs, which are thick and muscular, similar to those of many birds. In total, around seventy species of grey mullets are known, with most reaching a weight of about 4 lbs., but many can grow to 10 or 12 lbs. All of them are edible, and some are highly prized.

The Flute-mouths, Sticklebacks, and Tortoise-fishes are three closely allied and extremely interesting families. The first are really gigantic marine sticklebacks, in which the jaws are produced into a long tube. They are shore-fishes, entering brackish water, and confined to sub-tropical and tropical parts of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.

The Flute mouths, Sticklebacks, and Turtle fish are three closely related and fascinating families. The first are actually giant marine sticklebacks, where the jaws extend into a long tube. They are found near shores, inhabit brackish waters, and are limited to the sub-tropical and tropical regions of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



A member of the family of Grey Mullets.

A member of the Grey Mullet family.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. Chancery Lane, London W.C.


Red Mullet.

Not related to the Grey Mullets, this species is placed here for the sake of contrast.

Not connected to the Grey Mullets, this species is included here for contrast.


Of the Sticklebacks there are several species, some of which are entirely salt-water fishes, whilst others enjoy the rather unusual distinction of being able to live in either fresh or salt water, even when rapidly transferred from one to the other. The small species commonly inhabiting ponds and ditches can sustain changes of this kind with impunity. These last are very ferocious. One kept in an aquarium devoured in five hours seventy-four young dace about a quarter of an inch long. They occasionally occur in vast shoals, and, according to the naturalist Pennant, appear in the river Welland, in Lincolnshire, once in seven years in amazing shoals, so that a man employed in collecting them earned four shillings a day by selling them at the rate of a halfpenny a bushel!

Of the Sticklebacks, there are several species, some of which are completely saltwater fish, while others have the unique ability to live in either fresh or salt water, even when quickly moved from one to the other. The small species that usually live in ponds and ditches can handle these changes without any issues. These fish are very aggressive. One kept in an aquarium ate seventy-four young dace about a quarter of an inch long in just five hours. They sometimes appear in huge schools, and according to the naturalist Pennant, they show up in the River Welland in Lincolnshire once every seven years in astonishing numbers, so much so that a person collecting them could earn four shillings a day by selling them for half a penny a bushel!


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Frequently called Guard-fishes.

Often called Guard-fish.

The salt-water species, or Fifteen-spined Stickleback, is less well known. Like its fresh-water relative, it is a nest-builder, and the male defends the eggs and young with great courage.

The saltwater species, or Fifteen-spined stickleback, is less recognized. Similar to its freshwater counterpart, it builds nests, and the male protects the eggs and young with great bravery.

The Tortoise-fishes may serve as the representatives of the last family of this group. They are very remarkable fishes, being invested in a wonderful bony cuirass, formed by a modification of the skeleton, similar to what has taken place among the Tortoises and Turtles. The body is so thin that it looks as if it had been artificially compressed, and is semi-transparent. Three species are known from the tropical Indo-Pacific and three from other seas; besides these are four smaller and less perfectly armed forms, one of which, the Trumpet-fish, or Bellows-fish, occurs rarely off the south coast of England.

The Turtle fish represent the last family in this group. They are striking fish, covered in a unique bony armor created by a change in the skeleton, similar to what has happened in Tortoises and Turtles. The body is so thin that it looks artificially compressed and is semi-transparent. Three species are found in the tropical Indo-Pacific and three in other oceans; in addition, there are four smaller and less well-armed varieties, one of which, the Trumpetfish or Bellows fish, is rarely seen off the southern coast of England.

The Garpike and Flying-fishes are both interesting, especially the latter. The garpike is represented by several species, easily recognised by the long, pointed jaws. These fishes are furthermore peculiar in that the bones are green, a colour which remains even after cooking, and on this account some object to eating them, supposing the unusual colour to indicate unsoundness. The elongated jaws are not developed in the young fish, and, strangely enough, as this character is acquired, the lower jaw grows faster than the upper. In some species the lower jaw remains permanently the longer; hence they are known as Half-beaks.

The Gar Pike and Flying fish are both fascinating, especially the latter. The garpike comes in several species, easily recognized by their long, pointed jaws. These fish are also unique because their bones are green, a color that stays the same even after cooking, which leads some people to hesitate about eating them, thinking the unusual color means they’re not good. The elongated jaws aren’t present in young fish, and oddly enough, as they develop, the lower jaw grows faster than the upper. In some species, the lower jaw remains longer permanently, which is why they are called Halfbeaks.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



The Flute-mouth, as this fish is often called, is really a gigantic stickleback.

The Flute-mouth, as this fish is often called, is actually a giant stickleback.

The Flying-fishes, or Flying-herrings, like the Flying-gurnards already {633}noticed, are enabled, by reason of the great development of the breast-fins, to take extended journeys through the air. The flight of these fishes is, however, not quite the same as true flight, inasmuch as the fins serve mainly as a parachute, and do not, by sustained vigorous movements, propel the body through the air, like the wings of bats and birds. Darting out of the water when pursued by an enemy or frightened by a passing vessel, these fish are borne along by the wind, the speed at first being very considerable, exceeding indeed that of a ship going ten miles an hour. At a single flight they may cover as much as 500 feet, but are quite unable to steer themselves, except when, during their course, the tail-fin is immersed in the water, when by a stroke from one side to the other the direction may be changed from left to right, or vice versâ, as the case may be. By day they will avoid ships, but by night, when they are unable to see, "they frequently fly," writes Dr. Günther, "against the weather-board, where they are caught by the current of air and carried upwards to a height of 20 feet above the surface of the water, while under ordinary circumstances they keep close to it."

The Flying fish, or Flying fish, like the Flying-gurnards already {633}mentioned, have highly developed breast fins that allow them to travel long distances through the air. However, their flight isn't quite the same as real flight since their fins act more like a parachute and don’t give them enough power to move through the air like the wings of bats and birds. When they feel threatened by a predator or scared by a passing boat, these fish leap out of the water and are carried by the wind, initially speeding along faster than a ship traveling ten miles an hour. In a single leap, they can cover up to 500 feet, but they can't steer themselves well unless their tail fin dips back into the water, allowing them to change direction from left to right or vice versa. During the day, they stay away from ships, but at night, when they can’t see well, "they often fly," Dr. Günther writes, "into the wind, where they are caught by the air current and lifted to about 20 feet above the water's surface, while normally they stay close to it."


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Flying fish.

More than forty distinct species of this family are known.

More than forty different species from this family are known.






The members of the four families noticed in this chapter are remarkable for their wonderful coloration. The species of the first family, from their peculiarly striking resemblance to the Scaly-finned group, share with them the name of Coral-fishes. This resemblance is a very remarkable one. Occurring, like the Scaly-fins, more abundantly in the neighbourhood of coral-reefs, they also resemble the latter not only in shape, but also in coloration, the same pattern being often common to members of both families.

The members of the four families mentioned in this chapter are notable for their beautiful colors. The species from the first family, due to their striking similarity to the Scaly-finned group, share the name Coral fish with them. This similarity is truly remarkable. Like the Scaly-fins, they are found more frequently around coral reefs, and they also share not just a similar shape but also color patterns, which are often common to both families.

To this family belongs the remarkable fish known as the Amphiprion, which makes its home in the interior of an enormous species of sea-anemone measuring 2 feet across. When first discovered by Mr. Saville-Kent, it was believed that the fish had been swallowed—a view, however, which was speedily rejected, when it was found that, if ejected by means of a stick, it invariably returned. Thus the anemone is obviously to be regarded as host, and not as captor. More than this, from the facts so far to hand, it appears that this strangely assorted pair are mutually dependent on one another, at least to a large extent—the fish undertaking to supply the larder, whilst the anemone in return affords shelter from enemies. The part played by each is as follows:—The fish, which is very conspicuous, wearing a livery of vermilion crossed by three bands of white, sallies forth and swims about till it attracts the attention of some other carnivorous member of its class, on which, if it gives chase, the amphiprion returns with all speed to its living cave, and quickly disappears down its mouth. The pursuer, blundering against the outspread tentacles, is immediately paralysed by a shower {634}of stinging-darts which proceed therefrom as a result of the shock, and, rendered insensible, becomes the spoil of both. Thus the active fish plays the part of a lure, and in return is afforded shelter.

To this family belongs the amazing fish known as the Amphiprion, which makes its home inside a huge species of sea-anemone that measures 2 feet across. When Mr. Saville-Kent first discovered it, people thought the fish had been swallowed—though this idea was quickly dismissed when it was found that, if pushed out with a stick, it always returned. Clearly, the anemone is seen as a host, not a captor. Moreover, from what we know so far, it seems that this unusual pair are largely dependent on each other—the fish supplies food, while the anemone offers protection from predators. Here’s how each part works: The fish, which is quite noticeable with its bright red color and three white stripes, swims around until it catches the attention of a predator. If chased, the amphiprion swiftly returns to its living cave and quickly disappears into its mouth. The predator, hitting the open tentacles, is immediately stunned by a shower {634} of stinging darts that follow, making it helpless and easy prey for both. So, the active fish acts as a lure, and in return, it gets protection.


Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co.]  [Chancery Lane, W.C.

Photo by Reinhold Thiele & Co. Chancery Lane, W.C.


Spotted Wrasse.

On account of their greatly thickened lips wrasses are also known as Lip-fishes.

Because of their very thick lips, wrasses are also known as Lip-fishes.

The Wrasses proper may be distinguished, amongst other things, by their thickened lips—hence the name Lip-fishes given them by German naturalists—by the greatly extended back-fin, the greater part of which is spinous, and the arrangement of the teeth, which need not be discussed here. They are shore-fishes, living in the neighbourhood of weed-covered rocks, or in tropical seas, where they are most abundant, amid coral-reefs. Most are brilliantly, many gaudily coloured, iridescent hues frequently adding to the beauty formed by the permanent deposit of coloured pigments in the scales. Some grow to a large size, specimens not seldom exceeding a weight of 50 lbs., and these are the most esteemed as food-fishes, the smaller species, as a rule, being regarded as of inferior quality.

The Wrasse are identifiable, among other features, by their thick lips—hence the name Lip-fishes given by German naturalists—by their long back fin, most of which has spines, and by their unique tooth arrangement, which we won’t go into here. They are coastal fish, found near weed-covered rocks or in tropical waters, where they thrive among coral reefs. Most are brightly colored, with many having flashy hues that enhance the beauty created by the permanent deposits of colored pigments in their scales. Some can grow quite large, with specimens often weighing over 50 lbs, and these are the most sought after for food, while the smaller species are generally considered of lower quality.

A well-known British species is the Striped or Red Wrasse, the sexes of which exhibit a remarkable variation in colour, the male having the body marked with blue streaks or a blackish band, whilst the female has two or three large black blotches across the tail. A second British species, the Ballan Wrasse, is bluish green in colour, with the scales and fin-rays reddish orange. It may be found hiding in the deep gullies among rocks, sheltering in the dense clusters of seaweed, and feeding on crabs and shrimps. It takes a bait freely, and fishermen have remarked that at first they catch few but large fish; some days later a great number may be caught, but all will be of small size, indicating that the larger fish assume the dominion of a district and keep the smaller at bay.

A well-known British species is the Striped or Red Wrasse, which shows a remarkable variation in color between the sexes. The male has a body marked with blue streaks or a blackish band, while the female has two or three large black blotches across her tail. Another British species, the Ballan Wrasse, is bluish-green with reddish-orange scales and fin rays. You can find it hiding in deep gullies among rocks, taking shelter in dense clusters of seaweed, and feeding on crabs and shrimp. It bites readily on bait, and fishermen have noted that initially, they catch few but large fish; a few days later, they may catch a lot, but all will be small. This suggests that the larger fish dominate a local area and keep the smaller ones at bay.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Satin parrotfish.

The Parrot-fishes, or Parrot-wrasses, are so called on account of the peculiar structure of the teeth in the front of the jaws, which form a sharp-edged beak.

The Parrot-fishes, or Parrot-wrasses, get their name from the unique shape of their teeth at the front of their jaws, which create a sharp-edged beak.

Amongst the most brilliantly coloured of the wrasses are the Parrot-fish. Mr. Saville-Kent, writing of the species which inhabit the waters of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, remarks that to stand up to your knees or higher in water, with such a shoal of magnificent fishes swimming round you, is an experience well worth a journey to the tropics. The coloration of these fishes, which is extremely transient, fading almost immediately after death, nearly defies description. One of the most beautiful is perhaps the Gold-finned Coral-fish, in which the body is of an intense ultramarine, whilst the fins are bright golden. Others have the most amazing combinations of green, vermilion, blue, and yellow, in endless variety. It was one of the parrot-fishes which found such favour with the ancients. "In the time of Pliny," writes Dr. Günther, "it was considered to be the first of fishes ... and the {635}expense incurred by Elipentius was justified, in the opinion of the Roman gourmands, by the extreme delicacy of the flesh. It was a fish, said the poet, whose very excrement the gods themselves were unwilling to reject. Its flesh was tender, agreeable, sweet, easy of digestion, and quickly assimilated; yet, if it happened to have eaten an aplysia, it produced violent diarrhœa." To this day the Greeks hold it in high regard, and eat it with sauce made of its liver and intestines. It feeds on seaweed, and from its habit of thoroughly chewing its food, and moving it backwards and forwards in the mouth, it was at one time believed that this fish chewed the cud after the fashion of the ruminating mammals!

Among the most vividly colored wrasses are the Parrotfish. Mr. Saville-Kent, writing about the species that live in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, notes that standing knee-deep or higher in the water, surrounded by a school of these stunning fish, is an experience that definitely makes a trip to the tropics worthwhile. The colors of these fish, which change quickly, fading almost immediately after death, are nearly indescribable. One of the most beautiful might be the Goldfin Coral Fish, which has a body of deep ultramarine and bright golden fins. Others showcase incredible combinations of green, vermilion, blue, and yellow in endless variations. One of the parrot-fishes was especially popular with the ancients. "In the time of Pliny," writes Dr. Günther, "it was regarded as the best of fishes... and the {635}expense that Elipentius incurred was considered justified by the Roman food lovers because of the extreme delicacy of its flesh. It was a fish, the poet claimed, whose very waste the gods themselves didn't want to refuse. Its flesh was tender, pleasant, sweet, easy to digest, and quickly absorbed; however, if it had eaten an aplysia, it would cause severe diarrhea." Even today, the Greeks hold it in high esteem and eat it with a sauce made from its liver and intestines. It feeds on seaweed, and because it chews its food thoroughly and moves it back and forth in its mouth, it was once thought that this fish chewed the cud like ruminating mammals!


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Black-spotted parrotfish.

The flesh of some of the Parrot-wrasses is of great delicacy.

The flesh of some Parrot-wrasses is very delicate.

One of the most interesting of all the wrasses is a small species from King George's Sound, which, while retaining the principal characters common to the group, has assumed the general shape and proportions of the pipe-fish.

One of the most fascinating wrasses is a small species from King George's Sound, which, while keeping the main traits typical of the group, has taken on the overall shape and proportions of a pipefish.

The third family of the wrasses are remarkable chiefly on account of the fact that they produce their young alive. These fishes are confined to the temperate regions of the North Pacific.

The third family of wrasses is noteworthy mainly because they give birth to live young. These fish are found in the temperate areas of the North Pacific.

The Chromids constitute the last family of the wrasse-like group. Numerous in species, they are all dwellers in fresh-water. One species occurs in amazing numbers in the Lake of Galilee, shoals over an acre in extent, and so closely packed that movement seemed almost impossible, having been recorded. They are taken in such enormous numbers that the nets in which they are caught often break. Occasionally shoals are carried down the Jordan into the Dead Sea; but the fish never get farther than a few yards, becoming stupefied almost at once, and, turning over on their backs, fall an easy prey to flocks of cormorants and kingfishers. Heaps of putrefying carcases are washed ashore, poisoning the atmosphere, in spite of the presence of flocks of ravens and vultures which have gathered to the feast.

The Chromatids are the final family in the wrasse-like group. They are numerous in species and all live in freshwater. One species is found in incredible quantities in the Lake of Galilee, creating schools that cover over an acre and are so tightly packed that movement seems nearly impossible. They are caught in such massive numbers that the nets used to capture them often break. Sometimes, schools are swept down the Jordan River into the Dead Sea, but the fish never go more than a few yards, becoming dazed almost immediately, flipping onto their backs, and falling easy prey to groups of cormorants and kingfishers. Piles of rotting carcasses wash ashore, polluting the air, despite the presence of flocks of ravens and vultures gathered to feast.


Photo by H. V. Letkmann]  [New York.

Photo by H. V. Letkmann New York.


A wrasse.

The majority of the Wrasses are brilliantly coloured.

The majority of the Wrasses are brightly colored.

Another species is remarkable for its peculiar method of protecting the eggs and young. The female deposits the eggs, over 200 in number, in a small hole worked out among the roots of reeds and rushes. There they are taken into the mouth of the male one by one, and retained till hatched a few days later. The young fry remain in this nursery for some considerable time, increasing rapidly in size, so that the father-nurse is unable to close his mouth. Some of the young develop among the gills; others lie, closely packed, with their heads turned towards the mouth of the parent, remaining in this position till nearly 4 inches long, when they are ejected or wriggle out to forage for themselves.

Another species is notable for its unique way of protecting its eggs and young. The female lays over 200 eggs in a small hole created among the roots of reeds and rushes. The male then takes each egg into his mouth one at a time and keeps them there until they hatch a few days later. The baby fish stay in this nursery for quite a while, growing quickly in size, to the point where the father-nurse can't close his mouth. Some of the young develop in the gills; others are packed closely together, facing the parent's mouth, and stay like this until they are nearly 4 inches long, at which point they are released or wiggle out to find food on their own.




Pipefishes, seahorses, globe fishes, sunfishes, and their relatives.



The fishes described in the present chapter form two well-marked groups, known as the Tuft-gilled and the Comb-gilled Fishes, on account of the peculiar arrangement of the gills, or breathing-organs; they are also remarkable for their peculiar shapes. The breast-fins are present in all; but in three of the families the second pair of fins, corresponding to the hind limbs of the higher animals, are wanting.

The fish described in this chapter are divided into two distinct groups, called the Tufted gills and the Comb gilled fish, due to the unique arrangement of their gills or breathing organs; they are also notable for their distinctive shapes. All of them have breast fins; however, in three of the families, the second pair of fins, which correspond to the hind limbs of more advanced animals, are missing.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



From the formidable armature of spines, known also as the Sea-hedgehog.

From the tough structure of spines, also called the Sea-hedgehog.

The Tuft-gilled Fishes are represented by two families—the Mailed Tube-mouths and the Pipe-fishes and Sea-horses, all of which have undergone very considerable modification of form, the body being encased in mail-like armour, whilst the jaws are toothless and produced into a long tube.

The Tufted gill fish include two families—the Mailed Pipe Monsters and the Pipefish and Sea horses, all of which have undergone significant changes in shape, with their bodies covered in armor-like scales while their jaws lack teeth and extend into a long tube.

The first family is composed of a few small fishes from the Indian Ocean. Grotesque in appearance, they are remarkable also for the fact that the female takes sole charge not only of the eggs, which are exceedingly minute, but the young fry also. Only one other fish is known in which the care of the eggs and young is undertaken by the female: this is one of the Cat-fishes, described in a later chapter. The eggs in the Tube-mouths are carried in a pouch formed by the union of the inner borders of the ventral fins, which are long and broad. For the retention of the eggs within the pouch its wall develops long filaments, which serve the purpose of slender fingers.

The first family consists of a few small fish from the Indian Ocean. Odd in appearance, they are also notable because the female takes complete responsibility for both the extremely tiny eggs and the young fry. Only one other fish is known where the female takes care of the eggs and young: this is one of the Cat-fishes, which is detailed in a later chapter. In the Tube mouths, the eggs are carried in a pouch created by the merging of the inner edges of the ventral fins, which are long and broad. To keep the eggs inside the pouch, its wall develops long filaments that act like slender fingers.

The second of these families contains the Pipe-fishes and Sea-horses. They are small marine fishes, inhabiting the seas of tropical and temperate regions wherever there is sufficient vegetation to offer shelter, for they are peculiarly defenceless creatures. They possess but feeble powers of swimming, and consequently are not seldom borne away by strong currents far out to sea or on to distant shores. Their method of locomotion is, indeed, quite different from that of other fishes, as they progress neither by undulatory motions of the body nor by powerful strokes of the tail, but by wriggling in the case of the pipe-fishes, or vibrating motions of the back-fin in the sea-horses.

The second of these families includes the Pipefish and Seahorses. They are small marine fish that live in tropical and temperate seas wherever there’s enough vegetation to provide shelter, as they are particularly defenseless creatures. They have weak swimming abilities, and as a result, they often get carried away by strong currents far out to sea or onto distant shores. Their way of moving is actually quite different from other fish; they don’t swim by undulating their bodies or using powerful tail strokes, but instead, the pipe-fishes move by wriggling, while the sea-horses use vibrating motions of their back fin.

The long, semi-cylindrical Pipe-fishes, partly on account of their peculiar form and colour, and partly on account of their swaying motions, so closely resemble the fronds of seaweed {637}amongst which they dwell as to pass unnoticed by their enemies. Unlike the Tube-mouths, just described, the care of the eggs and young devolves upon the males. The young are borne in a pouch, but, ventral fins being wanting, this is formed by a fold of skin developed from each side of the trunk and tail, the free margins being united in the middle line. Here the eggs remain till they are hatched. But the pouch is by no means done with after this event, for the young continue to occupy it for some time, returning when danger threatens—a habit which recalls the custom of the young of the kangaroo. Mr. Yarrell relates a curious fact which he gleaned from some fishermen—to wit, that if they take a pipe-fish, open the pouch, and drop the young into the sea, they will not disperse, but hover around the spot, as if waiting for their parent. Then, if the newly opened fish be held in the water, the young immediately return and enter the pouch. In another species of pipe-fish the eggs, instead of being carried in a pouch, are held by a sticky secretion to a groove in the under surface of the parent. This groove would seem to indicate the beginning from which the complete pouch has been developed. The pipe-fishes swim in a very peculiar manner, holding the body now in a vertical, and now in a horizontal position, accompanied by contortions of every conceivable kind, poking their long snouts into bunches of seaweed in search of food as they go.

The long, semi-cylindrical pipefish, due to their unique shape and color, as well as their swaying movements, closely resemble the fronds of seaweed {637} where they live, making them hard to spot by predators. Unlike the Tube-mouths mentioned earlier, the males take care of the eggs and young. The young are carried in a pouch, but since they lack ventral fins, this pouch is created by a fold of skin that develops on each side of the trunk and tail, with the edges joined in the middle. The eggs stay in this pouch until they hatch. However, the pouch is still important after the hatching because the young stay in it for a while and return to it when they sense danger—a behavior similar to that of baby kangaroos. Mr. Yarrell shares an interesting observation he heard from some fishermen: if they catch a pipefish, open the pouch, and drop the young into the sea, the young will not swim away but hover around the area as if looking for their parent. Then, if they hold the opened fish in the water, the young will immediately return and enter the pouch again. In another species of pipefish, instead of being carried in a pouch, the eggs are stuck to a groove on the underside of the parent using a sticky secretion. This groove seems to indicate the primitive form from which the complete pouch has developed. Pipefish swim in a very unique way, sometimes holding their bodies vertically or horizontally, moving in all sorts of contorted positions, while poking their long snouts into clusters of seaweed in search of food.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Black-spotted pufferfish.

Globe-fishes possess the power of inflating the body with air, when they float at the surface, and thus escape enemies.

Globe fish can inflate their bodies with air when they float on the surface, helping them avoid predators.


Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo by N. Lazarnick] [New York.



A well-known member of the File-fishes.

A well-known member of the filefish family.


The Sea-horses have a still more eccentrically modified form, inasmuch as the body is thrown into a series of curves, the head being bent upon the trunk in a manner suggestive of the head and neck of the horse; hence the name of the group. The tail, which lacks the membranous portion, or fin, can be spirally coiled, and is used as an organ of prehension, and on this account is unique amongst fishes. Gripping the stems of seaweeds with this tail, and swaying the body to and fro among the vegetation, the fish is rendered comparatively inconspicuous, the lines of the body being broken up by numerous more or less filamentous processes, which in one species, the Fucus-like Sea-horse, become excessively developed, forming long, frond-like blades. These, streaming in the water, both by their shape and coloration render the resemblance to the vegetable growths in which the animal hides so perfect that detection is almost impossible. Thus they furnish one of the most remarkable examples of adaptation to the environment amongst living animals. The males of most sea-horses, like the pipe-fishes, carry the eggs and young in a pouch on the abdomen, but in the species just mentioned the eggs are embedded in the soft skin on the under surface of the tail.

The Seahorses have an even more uniquely modified shape, as their bodies are shaped into a series of curves, with the head bent toward the trunk in a way that resembles a horse's head and neck; that’s how they got their name. Their tails lack a fin-like membrane and can coil spirally, functioning as a gripping organ, making them unique among fish. By holding onto seaweed with their tails and moving their bodies back and forth among the plants, these fish become relatively inconspicuous, as their body lines are disrupted by various thin, filament-like extensions. In one species, the Sea-horse resembling Fucus, these extensions develop extensively into long, frond-like blades. These blades sway in the water, and with their shape and color, they mimic the surrounding vegetation so well that they are nearly impossible to spot. This makes them one of the most remarkable examples of adaptation to the environment in the animal kingdom. In most sea-horse species, including pipe-fishes, males carry eggs and young in a pouch on their abdomen, but in the species mentioned, the eggs are embedded in the soft skin on the underside of their tails.

Sea-horses swim with the body more or less vertical, the motive power being supplied by rapid vibration of the back-fin. Both pipe-fishes and sea-horses occur in British seas, the first being the more common.

Sea horses swim with their bodies mostly upright, powered by the quick movement of their dorsal fin. Both pipefish and sea horses can be found in British waters, with pipefish being the more common of the two.


Photo by H. V. Letkmann]  [New York.

Photo by H.V. Letkmann [NYC.


Coffin fish.

Coffer-fishes have the body encased in a hard shell of closely fitting plates, leaving only the tail and fins free to move.

Coffer-fishes have their bodies covered in a tough shell made of tightly fitting plates, with only the tail and fins able to move freely.

The Comb-gilled Fishes, to which we come next, are divided into two families, whose members are as remarkable for their extraordinary shape as are the tuft-gilled forms just discussed. The abnormal shapes which mark out certain fishes so conspicuously from the more normal and typical forms are generally regarded as adaptations, serving to ensure concealment, to ward off attack, or to effect the capture of prey otherwise unattainable. Instances illustrating all three of these ends are furnished by these two groups of the tuft- and comb-gilled fishes.

The Comb-gilled Fish, which we'll discuss next, are split into two families, and their members are just as notable for their unique shapes as the tuft-gilled forms we just talked about. The unusual shapes that distinguish certain fish from the more typical varieties are usually seen as adaptations. These adaptations help them hide, defend against predators, or catch prey that would otherwise be out of reach. Examples demonstrating all three of these purposes can be found in these two groups of tuft- and comb-gilled fishes.

The File-fishes and Coffer-fishes, which form the first of the two families, present considerable variation in shape as well as in the covering of the body, which may be naked, covered with rough scales or bony spines, or invested in a complete bony cuirass.

The Filefish and Boxfish, which make up the first of the two families, show a lot of variation in shape and body covering, which can be naked, rough scales, bony spines, or even a complete bony armor.

The file-fishes are represented by numerous species, the typical one being known also as the Trigger-fish, on account of an armature of spines on the top of the back. These spines are three in number; the first is very strong, roughened like a file—hence the name File-fish—and hollowed out behind to receive the second much smaller spine, which has a projection in front at its base, fitting into a notch in the first. Thus these two spines can only be raised or depressed simultaneously, and the first cannot be forced down unless the second has been previously depressed. These fishes have very powerful teeth, to break off pieces of coral, which form a large part of their diet. They also destroy a large number of shell-fish, and work great destruction amongst pearl-oysters. Frequently these fishes, when eaten, prove highly poisonous, from having fed on poisonous corals, jelly-fish, or decomposing substances.

The file-fishes consist of many species, the most common being known as the Triggerfish due to a series of spines on its back. There are three spines; the first one is very strong and rough like a file—hence the name File-fish—and has a hollow part behind it to hold the second, much smaller spine, which features a projection at its base that fits into a notch in the first. This means the two spines can only be raised or lowered together, and the first spine can't be pushed down unless the second is pushed down first. These fish have powerful teeth that allow them to break off pieces of coral, which is a significant part of their diet. They also damage many shellfish and cause considerable destruction among pearl oysters. When consumed, these fish can often be highly poisonous, having fed on toxic corals, jellyfish, or decaying materials.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Lace-trimmed leather jacket.

Another species of File-fish.

Another type of filefish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



In this species of Coffer-fish the arrangement of the plates forming the hard cuirass can be plainly seen.

In this type of Coffer fish, the layout of the plates that make up the hard shell is clearly visible.


As a rule file-fishes are of small size, but some attain a length of 2 feet, and many are beautifully and symmetrically marked.

As a general rule, file fishes are small, but some can grow up to 2 feet long, and many are beautifully and symmetrically patterned.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Sea horses.

The species on the right is remarkable for the development of long leaf-like processes all over the body, causing the fish to bear a very close resemblance to the seaweed amongst which it dwells.

The species on the right is notable for having long leaf-like extensions all over its body, making the fish look very much like the seaweed it lives among.

The Coffer-fishes derive their name from the box-like cuirass in which they are invested. This is formed by numerous closely fitting, hexagonal bony plates, forming a mosaic, and leaving only the fins and hind part of the tail free. This bony case varies greatly in form, in some species being three-ridged, in others four- or even five-ridged; while in some long horns are developed, making the defensive armature still more complex. More than twenty species are known, all confined to tropical and sub-tropical seas.

The Coffin fish get their name from the box-like armor they have. This armor is made up of many tightly fitting, hexagonal bony plates that form a mosaic, leaving only the fins and back part of the tail exposed. The bony shell varies a lot in shape; in some species, it has three ridges, while in others, there are four or even five ridges. In some cases, long horns develop, making their protective armor even more complex. There are more than twenty known species, all found in tropical and subtropical seas.

The Globe-fishes and Sun-fishes constitute the last family of this really extraordinary assemblage. The covering of the body consists either of minute scales or large spines, which can frequently be raised or depressed at will. All the members inhabit tropical or sub-tropical seas, and a few occur in the fresh-waters of the same regions.

The Pufferfish and Sunfish make up the last family of this truly remarkable group. Their body is covered with either tiny scales or large spines, which can often be raised or lowered at will. All of these species live in tropical or subtropical seas, and a few can be found in the freshwater of those areas.

The Globe-fishes have short, thick bodies, covered either with small spines, as in the Toad-fish, or very large ones, as in the Porcupine-fish, or Sea-hedgehog. They are remarkable for their habit of filling the gullet with air, and then distending the body to an enormous size. This device enables the fish to escape its enemies; for when so inflated it rises to the surface and floats belly-upwards, and, the inflated portion projecting above the water, the fish is blown along by the wind to more secure regions. The more heavily armed species become still more formidable when inflated, as the spines are then fully erected. Escaping from enemies below by flight, they are thus secure from enemies above by reason of their armature. Globe-fishes have been found floating alive and unhurt within the stomachs of sharks which had swallowed them, and one has even been known to eat its way out through its captor's side, and so killing its would-be devourer! When a globe-fish desires to return to its normal elongated shape, it expels the air from the gullet through the mouth and gills, the expulsion causing a curious hissing sound.

The Pufferfish have short, thick bodies covered in either small spines, like the Toadfish, or large ones, like the Pufferfish or Sea urchin. They're notable for their ability to fill their gullets with air, which allows them to expand their bodies to an enormous size. This tactic helps them escape predators; when inflated, they float to the surface on their backs, with the inflated part sticking out of the water, allowing them to be carried by the wind to safer areas. The more heavily armored species become even more intimidating when inflated, as their spines are fully raised. While they can evade enemies below by floating away, they are also protected from threats above because of their spines. Globe-fishes have been found alive and unharmed inside the stomachs of sharks that had swallowed them, and there’s even a case where one ate its way out through the side of its predator, ultimately killing it! When a globe-fish wants to return to its normal elongated shape, it expels the air from its gullet through its mouth and gills, which produces a curious hissing sound.

Extremely unlike the foregoing members of the group of comb-gilled fishes, the Sun-fish is nevertheless quite as remarkable in form, looking as if it had undergone the amputation of its hind parts. The singular shape of the other members of the comb- and tuft-gilled fishes are undoubtedly adaptations to avoid enemies, either by rendering the animal inconspicuous, or hurtful by reason of its powerful armature. The form of the sun-fish appears to be an adaptation for the capture of food, as this fish preys largely upon the fry of other fishes which inhabit enormous depths, and consequently can only be obtained by diving. Sun-fishes inhabit the surface-waters, but as divers have few equals.

Very different from the other members of the group of comb-gilled fishes, the Sunfish is still quite extraordinary in shape, appearing as though it has had its back end amputated. The unusual shapes of the other comb- and tuft-gilled fishes are definitely adaptations to escape predators, either by making the fish less noticeable or by being dangerous due to their strong defenses. The shape of the sun-fish seems to be an adaptation for catching food, as this fish primarily feeds on the young of other fish that live in deep waters, which can only be reached by diving. Sun-fishes live in the surface waters but are unmatched when it comes to diving.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Sea Horses.

Attaching themselves to marine plants by twisting their tails around them.

Attaching themselves to sea plants by wrapping their tails around them.


Photo by Dr. Robert T. Morris, New York.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by Dr. Robert T. Morris, New York. Printed in Lyon, France.


A leaping salmon.

The height to which salmon will leap in ascending a waterfall is little short of marvellous. When the fall is very high the ascent is often accomplished in a series of leaps, the fish resting in pools of comparatively still water.

The height that salmon will jump to climb a waterfall is nothing short of amazing. When the fall is very high, they often make their way up in a series of jumps, resting in pools of relatively calm water.







The large and important Cod Family belongs to the order of Spineless Fishes and the group in which both sides of the head are symmetrical. The Common Cod, the Whiting, the Haddock, the Pollack, the Coal-fish, the Hake, the Ling, and the little Rocklings, all belong to this important family, which has one representative in fresh-water, the Burbot, or Eel-pout, found in various rivers in Central and Northern Europe and North America.

The large and important Cod Family belongs to the order of Spineless Fish and the group where both sides of the head are symmetrical. The Common Cod, the Whiting, the Haddock, the Pollack, the Coal-fish, the Hake, the Ling, and the little Rocklings all belong to this important family, which has one representative in freshwater, the Burbot, or Eel-pout, found in various rivers in Central and Northern Europe and North America.

Perhaps the most remarkable member of the Cod Family is the Chiasmodus, which has huge jaws lined with large pointed teeth, and a distensible stomach and abdomen. During the Challenger Expedition a specimen was taken 1,500 fathoms down in the North Atlantic. It had swallowed another fish, a kind of scopelus, more than twice its own size. The stomach of the chiasmodus had swelled to an enormous extent, and had become so thin from distension that the fish inside could be clearly seen through its walls. The scopelus, it is interesting to mention, is a fish brought up sometimes by the dredge from 2,500 fathoms. It occasionally comes to the surface at night, and has phosphorescent spots along its sides, giving out a dim light, which has its uses in the dark depths of the sea.

Perhaps the most remarkable member of the Cod Family is the Chiasmus, which has huge jaws filled with large pointed teeth, and a stomach and abdomen that can stretch. During the Challenger Expedition, a specimen was found 1,500 fathoms deep in the North Atlantic. It had swallowed another fish, a type of scopelus, that was more than twice its size. The stomach of the chiasmodus had expanded significantly and became so thin from stretching that the fish inside could be clearly seen through its walls. It's interesting to note that the scopelus is sometimes brought up by the dredge from 2,500 fathoms. It occasionally rises to the surface at night and has phosphorescent spots along its sides, emitting a faint light, which is useful in the dark depths of the sea.

To come back to the head of the family, the Cod is a fairly plentiful fish all around the British and Irish coasts, but appears to be decreasing in some waters as time goes on, owing to the over-trawling of the North Sea. Off the coasts of Norway, in the neighbourhood of the Lofoden Islands, the cod are sometimes so thickly packed in shoals that as the fishermen lower their tackle they can feel the leads hitting the backs of the fishes. Both there and off the Faröe Islands and Iceland it is common practice to fish with a hook bearing a little piece of polished lead on its shank, no other bait being required, owing to the cod being so numerous that food is scarce.

To get back to the main point, the Cod is a pretty abundant fish all along the British and Irish coasts, but it seems to be decreasing in some areas over time because of excessive trawling in the North Sea. Off the coast of Norway, near the Lofoten Islands, the cod are sometimes so densely packed in schools that when fishermen lower their gear, they can feel the weights hitting the backs of the fish. Both there and around the Faroe Islands and Iceland, it's common to fish using a hook with a small piece of polished lead on its shank, with no other bait needed, since the cod are so plentiful that food is hard to come by.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



Easily distinguished from the cod by the absence of a barbel on the chin.

Easily recognized from the cod by the lack of a barbel on the chin.


About the commencement of the fifteenth century the English began to go to Iceland for cod, and since the sixteenth century English cod-fishing vessels have visited Newfoundland and other far northern waters, which produce fish superior to English cod. It should be mentioned that the Cod Family is not found to any extent in tropical seas.

About the start of the fifteenth century, the English began traveling to Iceland for cod, and since the sixteenth century, English cod-fishing boats have been going to Newfoundland and other northern waters, which have fish that are better than English cod. It's important to note that the Cod Family isn’t found much in tropical seas.

While the Burbot is one of the few species of the group inhabiting fresh-water, and is peculiar in living there permanently, there are instances recorded of Pollack having ascended from the salt water of the Norwegian fjords into fresh-water lakes, and it is an undoubted fact that many other species of sea-fish can accustom themselves to a residence in fresh-water.

While the Burbot fish is one of the few species in its group that lives in freshwater permanently, there are recorded cases of Pollock moving from the salt water of the Norwegian fjords into freshwater lakes. It's also a clear fact that many other types of saltwater fish can adapt to living in freshwater.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Pollock and whiting.

A British representative of the group in which the lower jaw is the longer and all the teeth of the upper jaw are of equal size.

A British member of the group where the lower jaw is longer and all the upper jaw teeth are the same size.

All through the year cod frequent the British coasts; but it is two or three months before the spawning-season, which commences in January or later according to the locality, that they gather in vast shoals and come close inshore. First come the small codling of a pound or so, and as the winter approaches the longshore fish are found gradually to increase in size, until by Christmas-time it is no uncommon thing on the east coast of England and Scotland for fish of from 10 to 20 lbs. to be caught from the beach.

Throughout the year, cod can be found along the British coasts; however, it's during the two to three months leading up to the spawning season, which starts in January or later depending on the area, that they gather in large schools and come close to shore. The small codlings, weighing around a pound, arrive first, and as winter sets in, the fish along the shoreline gradually grow in size. By Christmas, it's not unusual on the east coast of England and Scotland to catch fish weighing between 10 and 20 lbs. right from the beach.

As a rule the eggs of cod float, owing to a little globule of oil which each one contains, but in water which lacks salinity they sink. The quantities of eggs shed by each fish are enormous; nearly two millions were counted in a cod of a little under 12 lbs. It is fairly certain, however, that not more than two or three, if so many, mature fish are the product of the two million eggs; for if each fish even doubled itself in numbers (if we may use the expression) every year, the sea would soon contain more fish than water. Millions upon millions of eggs are destroyed when there is an on-shore wind during the spawning-season. Sometimes the shore on which they have been wafted has been seen to glisten with them.

As a rule, cod eggs float because each one has a small oil droplet inside, but in freshwater, they sink. The amount of eggs released by each fish is huge; nearly two million were counted in a cod weighing just under 12 lbs. However, it's pretty safe to say that only two or three, if that many, mature fish come from those two million eggs. If every fish doubled its numbers each year (if we can put it that way), the sea would quickly have more fish than water. Millions of eggs are lost when there’s an on-shore wind during the spawning season. Sometimes, the shore where they’ve washed up has been seen shining with them.

By the end of summer such of the young cod-fish as have escaped their many dangers attain about 1 inch in length. They are very varied in colour, which depends on that of the {643}seaweed and their other surroundings. The parent fish, too, vary somewhat in appearance, those round the English coast as a rule having brown backs with irregular spotty markings on the sides, while those from more northern waters usually have darker backs and are less often spotted. Cod are most enormous feeders, and in consequence grow very rapidly. At the Southport Aquarium codling of only ¾ lb. increased in weight to 6 or 7 lbs. in about sixteen months.

By the end of summer, young cod that have avoided their many dangers grow to about 1 inch in length. Their color varies significantly, influenced by the seaweed and their surroundings. The parent fish also look different; those around the English coast typically have brown backs with irregular spotted markings on their sides, while those from the northern waters usually have darker backs and are less frequently spotted. Cod are massive eaters, which is why they grow so quickly. At the Southport Aquarium, codlings weighing only ¾ lb. increased to 6 or 7 lbs. in about sixteen months.

So voracious is the cod that it is very apt to swallow anything it sees moving, without considering whether it is wholesome. In 1879 a black guillemot in perfect condition was removed from the stomach of one of these fish; while among other strange finds by cod-fishermen from the same receptacle was a piece of tallow candle 7 inches long, a hare, a partridge, a white turnip, and, going back to the year 1626, a "work in three treatises," which was found in the stomach of a fish captured in Lynn Deeps on midsummer eve, and brought to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. The usual food of cod is, however, small fish of various kinds—herrings, pilchards, sprats, crabs, and sea-worms; but the species is not particular what it seizes when shoaling before the spawning-season and food is scarce owing to the number of mouths.

The cod is so greedy that it will eat anything that moves, without thinking about whether it's good for it. In 1879, a black guillemot in perfect condition was found in the stomach of one of these fish, along with other unusual discoveries made by cod fishermen, including a 7-inch piece of tallow candle, a hare, a partridge, a white turnip, and, dating back to 1626, a "work in three treatises" that was found in the stomach of a fish caught in Lynn Deeps on midsummer eve and brought to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. However, cod usually eat small fish of various types—herrings, pilchards, sprats, crabs, and sea-worms; but they aren't picky about what they grab when they're gathering before the spawning season, especially when food is scarce because of the number of mouths to feed.



Cave fish, sand eels and their relatives, and flatfish.



The subterranean fresh-water caves of Cuba furnish the most interesting and most remarkable members of the family in certain small fishes known as Cave-fishes. Living in complete darkness, the eyes have degenerated so as to be no longer useful as organs of sight; indeed, in many species they are entirely wanting. By way of compensation delicate organs of touch have been developed, taking the form, in different species, of barbels, hair-like processes, or tubercles. These blind fishes are closely allied to certain marine forms found in the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and it is curious to note that amongst these about seven very rare species are found at great depths in the southern oceans, so great that light fails to reach them, and they too are blind.

The underground freshwater caves of Cuba are home to some of the most fascinating members of a family of small fish known as Cave fish. Living in complete darkness, their eyes have deteriorated to the point where they no longer function as sight organs; in fact, many species lack eyes entirely. In compensation, they have developed sensitive touch organs that appear as barbels, hair-like projections, or tubercles in different species. These blind fish are closely related to certain marine species found in the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and it's interesting to observe that among these, about seven very rare species exist at great depths in the southern oceans, so deep that light cannot reach them, and they are also blind.

The Sand-eels, or Launces, are extremely common on the sandy shores of Europe and North America, living in vast shoals, and displaying a wonderful unison in their movements, rising and falling as with one accord. They burrow in the sand with amazing rapidity, forcing their way by means of a horny projection on the lower jaw, and remaining buried at ebb-tide some 5 or 6 inches under the sand, when they are captured by fishermen, armed with rakes, for bait. When swimming in shoals, their presence is often betrayed by schools of porpoises, which feed greedily upon them, preventing their return to the bottom by getting under the shoal, whilst others swim round it. Mackerel also make large raids upon the ranks of such shoals.

The Sand eels, or Launches, are very common along the sandy beaches of Europe and North America, living in large groups and moving in perfect sync, rising and falling together. They quickly burrow into the sand, using a hard projection on their lower jaw to push through, and stay buried about 5 or 6 inches under the sand during low tide, where fishermen catch them with rakes for bait. When they swim in groups, their presence is often revealed by schools of porpoises, which eagerly feed on them, preventing them from sinking back to the ocean floor by getting underneath the shoal while others swim around it. Mackerel also make aggressive attacks on such shoals.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Spotted sole.

A larger and coarser fish than the common sole.

A bigger and rougher fish than the regular sole.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



The largest member of the Flat-fish Family. The back-fin usually commences much farther forward.

The biggest member of the flatfish family. The dorsal fin typically starts much further up.

Flat-fishes may be reckoned among the most important of food-fishes, and besides are of quite peculiar interest, on account of the remarkable modifications of structure which they have undergone. They differ from all other vertebrates in that, save for the first few weeks of existence, they spend the whole of their lives with one side of the body uppermost—the right or left, according to the species. Whether resting or swimming, this position holds good. The newly hatched fish, however, maintains the normal poise of the body, the back being uppermost. Of the many changes which the organs of the body undergo during this strange transformation from a "round" to a "flat" fish, one of the most interesting is that which concerns the eyes. These, in the very young fish, lie one on either side of the head; but as the fish grows older it begins to lie on its side on the ground, and ultimately, when it is two or three months old, loses the power of sustaining itself in an upright position altogether. The most remarkable feature in this very strange mode of development is, that as the fish comes to lie more and more on its side, so the eye which is undermost begins to move round to the other side, till eventually the two eyes lie side by side on the upper-surface. Strangely enough, in some species the eye moves round the head, passing over its edge, and so to its place beside the stationary eye, whilst in others it acquires its ultimate position by moving through the head, sinking in on one side and appearing again on the other. The coloration of these fishes is also peculiar, in that the two sides are quite differently coloured, the upper side resembling in tone that of the sea-bottom, whilst the under side is pure white. In the young fish, before the habit of lying on one side has been acquired, both sides are coloured alike. The difference in coloration between the two sides of the adult fish appears to be due to the effect of light, since in flat-fishes kept in a tank with {645}a mirror at the bottom the under-surface was found in many cases to be very largely coloured. But the colour of the upper-surface is by no means constant. On the contrary, the flat-fish appears to possess the power, in common with all other fishes, of changing its colour so as to harmonise with the tone of its surroundings. Thus on a light sandy ground the exposed surface of the body becomes pale, while on a dark muddy bottom it is almost black. By this power of changing the colour of the exposed portion of the body so as to harmonise with the surroundings, the fish is enabled to become in a large measure invisible, and in proportion to the effectiveness of the change to escape its enemies. Some soles are quite invisible.

Flounders are considered some of the most important food fish and are also fascinating due to their unique structural adaptations. They are different from all other vertebrates because, except for the first few weeks of their lives, they spend their entire existence with one side facing up—the right or left, depending on the species. This position remains the same whether they are resting or swimming. However, newly hatched fish keep their body in a normal position, with their back on top. One of the most intriguing changes that occur in their bodies during the strange transformation from "round" to "flat" fish involves their eyes. In very young fish, the eyes are on either side of the head, but as the fish matures and starts lying on its side on the ground, it eventually loses the ability to maintain an upright position entirely by the time it is two or three months old. The most remarkable aspect of this unusual development is that as the fish lies more on its side, the eye that is on the underside begins to move to the other side until finally, both eyes are located side by side on the upper surface. Interestingly, in some species, the eye moves around the head, crossing over its edge to its new place next to the stationary eye, while in others, it reaches its final position by moving through the head, sinking in on one side and reappearing on the other. The coloration of these fish is also unique, with the two sides having very different colors; the upper side resembles the tones of the sea floor, while the underside is pure white. In young fish, before they develop the habit of lying on one side, both sides are similarly colored. The difference in coloration between the two sides of adult fish seems to result from the effects of light since flat-fishes kept in a tank with a {645} mirror at the bottom often showed significant color on their underside. However, the color of the upper surface is not constant. On the contrary, flat-fish appear to have the ability, like all other fish, to change their color to blend in with their surroundings. Thus, on light sandy bottoms, the top surface of the body becomes pale, while on dark muddy bottoms, it can turn almost black. This ability to change the color of their exposed bodies to match their environment allows the fish to become largely invisible, helping them escape from predators. Some soles are virtually undetectable.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



As in the turbot, the eyes are on the left side of the head, instead of on the right side, as in the halibut.

As with the turbot, the eyes are located on the left side of the head, unlike the halibut, where they are on the right side.

The most important of the flat-fishes are the Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Halibut, Sole, Turbot, and Brill.

The most important flat-fish species are the Plaice fish, Flounder, Dab, Halibut, Soul, Turbot fish, and Awesome.

The Plaice is one of the commonest of the British flat-fishes, and may be distinguished by the numerous orange or red spots which are scattered over the upper surface of the body. From 15 to 18 inches in length, specimens are occasionally captured which have attained a length of 28 inches. Plaice feed on shell-fish, such as mussels or scallops, which they crush by means of strong, blunt teeth in the throat; but worms are also eaten.

The Plaice fish is one of the most common flatfish found in Britain, easily recognized by the many orange or red spots on its upper body. Typically, they measure between 15 to 18 inches long, but some can grow up to 28 inches. Plaice primarily feed on shellfish like mussels and scallops, which they crush using strong, blunt teeth in their throat, but they also eat worms.

The eggs of the plaice are amongst the largest fish-eggs known.

The eggs of the plaice are some of the biggest fish eggs around.

The Flounder is a smaller fish than the plaice, and lacks the red spots. It differs from the other flat-fishes in the preference it shows for the mouths of rivers, ascending these, indeed, so far as to enter fresh-water.

The Flounder is a smaller fish than the plaice and doesn’t have the red spots. It stands out from other flat-fish by preferring the mouths of rivers, sometimes swimming so far upstream that it enters fresh water.

The Halibut is the largest of the flat-fishes, specimens of as much as 20 feet in length being on record, while examples of from 6 to 7 feet long are not uncommon in Grimsby market. This fish has a wide distribution, occurring on both sides of the North Atlantic and North Pacific, being most abundant in deep water. The halibut which are brought into the markets of Grimsby and Hull are chiefly caught off the coasts of Iceland and the Faröes with long lines.

The Halibut fish is the largest of the flatfish, with recorded specimens measuring up to 20 feet long, and those around 6 to 7 feet are commonly found in the Grimsby market. This fish has a broad distribution, found on both sides of the North Atlantic and North Pacific, with the highest numbers in deep water. The halibut sold in the markets of Grimsby and Hull are mainly caught off the coasts of Iceland and the Faröes using long lines.

The Sole is a shallow-water fish, feeding chiefly upon worms, crabs, and shrimps. These it apparently hunts by smell, gliding over the sea-bottom, and tapping with the lower side of its head, which is provided with sensitive organs of touch in the shape of filaments. By day it conceals itself by burrowing in the sand, coming out after dark to feed.

The Only is a fish that lives in shallow water, mainly eating worms, crabs, and shrimp. It seems to hunt these by smell, moving along the sea floor and tapping with the underside of its head, which has sensitive touch organs shaped like filaments. During the day, it hides by digging into the sand and comes out at night to feed.

The Turbot resembles the brill, from which it may be distinguished by the greater breadth of the body in proportion to the length, the absence of scales, and the presence of large bony tubercles scattered over the surface. In Great Britain the turbot is most abundant in the English Channel.

The Turbot fish looks like the brill, but you can tell them apart by the turbot's wider body relative to its length, the lack of scales, and the large bony bumps found on its surface. In Great Britain, the turbot is most commonly found in the English Channel.

The Brill closely resembles the turbot not only in general form, but in the numerical superiority of the females, and in the habits of the young, which, like the turbot, are surface-feeders and possess an air-bladder.

The Brilliant looks a lot like the turbot, not just in shape, but also in the higher number of females and the behavior of the young, which, similar to the turbot, feed near the surface and have an air bladder.




Eels and catfish.



Eels, like flat-fishes, show plainly, in the shape of their bodies, a remarkably perfect adaptation to their environment. They are burrowing fishes, passing much of their time buried in the mud, and leaving little more than the head exposed. In accordance with this habit, the body is very long and round, and lacks both the hinder paired fins, and scales. When swimming, the body is propelled by rapid undulations, the movement being from side to side, it may be remarked, instead of up and down, as in the "serpentine" movements of snakes.

Eels, similar to flatfish, clearly demonstrate, through the shape of their bodies, a well-suited adaptation to their surroundings. They are burrowing fish, spending a lot of time hidden in the mud, with only their heads sticking out. Reflecting this behavior, their bodies are long and cylindrical, lacking both the back paired fins and scales. When they swim, their bodies move in quick side-to-side undulations, rather than the up-and-down motion seen in the "serpentine" movements of snakes.

Whether all the fishes commonly regarded as eels really belong to this family or not is a moot-point. It is possible that the eel shape has been independently acquired by unrelated forms as a result of adaptation to a similar mode of life. But as the group now stands it embraces several distinct types,—the Common Fresh-water Eels; numerous marine species, such as Congers, Serpent-eels, Deep-sea Eels, and Painted Eels; and the fresh-water Electric Eels.

Whether all the fish commonly called eels actually belong to this family is debatable. It's possible that the eel shape has developed independently in unrelated species as an adaptation to a similar lifestyle. But as it stands, the group includes several distinct types: the Common freshwater eels, many marine species like Congers, Snake eels, Deep-sea eels, and Colorful Eels; and the freshwater Electric Eels.


Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.



Two species are shown in this photograph.

Two species are shown in this photo.

The River-eels and Congers are perhaps the best known, and are also highly important food-fishes. That they are fishes of comparatively slow growth seems to be shown by the {647}fact that the common eel takes about four or five years to attain a weight of between 5 and 6 lbs. The males are smaller than the females, the greatest length attained by the former being a little over 1 foot 7 inches, whilst the latter may attain a length of nearly 4 feet. For a long while what is now known to be the female river-eel was regarded as a distinct species—the Sharp-nosed Eel. The two sexes have quite different habits, the smaller males being found mostly in the brackish water of river-mouths, and rarely above the reach of the tides, whilst the females ascend the rivers for great distances, thousands finding their way into isolated ponds, which they reach by travelling overland. Here they appear to remain till they have reached maturity, when they migrate with one accord to the sea. Coming down the rivers during the months of October and November, hundreds are taken in large niches with traps, the mouths of which are directed up-stream.

The Eels and Congers are probably the most well-known and are also important food fish. It's clear that they grow relatively slowly, as common eels take about four to five years to reach a weight of 5 to 6 lbs. Males are smaller than females, with males typically reaching just over 1 foot 7 inches in length, while females can grow to nearly 4 feet. For a long time, what is now recognized as the female river-eel was thought to be a separate species, called the Sharp-nose Eel. The two sexes have quite different behaviors; smaller males are usually found in the brackish water near river mouths and rarely venture far above the tide line, whereas females swim up rivers for long distances, with many making their way into isolated ponds by traveling overland. They seem to stay there until they mature, at which point they all migrate back to the sea. During October and November, they descend the rivers, and hundreds are caught in large traps set with their openings facing upstream.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Conger eel.

The females of this species often swallow the males.

The females of this species often eat the males.

The migration of eels to the sea is for the sole purpose of spawning and fertilising the eggs, which done, they die. The spawning appears to take place in extremely deep water, where the young eels pass the earlier stages of their development. Like the majority of young fishes, the fry are at first very different in form from the adults, and many have from time to time been described as distinct species, no suspicion of their true nature having been aroused. And this is not to be wondered at, for at this stage they are perfectly transparent and compressed from side to side, so as to be but little thicker than a sheet of stout paper; the head is ridiculously small, and only median fins are present. As development proceeds, having reached a certain maximum size, they, strangely enough, begin to slowly diminish, growing shorter and at the same time rounder, so that eventually, by the time the characteristic eel form is attained, they are considerably shorter than they were at the maximum period of larval life.

The migration of eels to the sea is solely for the purpose of spawning and fertilizing the eggs; after that, they die. The spawning seems to take place in very deep water, where the young eels spend the early stages of their development. Like most young fish, the fry initially look very different from the adults, and many have sometimes been classified as separate species, without anyone suspecting their true identity. This isn't surprising, as at this stage they are completely transparent and flattened from side to side, making them only slightly thicker than a sturdy sheet of paper; they have a tiny head and only possess median fins. As development continues, once they reach a certain maximum size, they strangely begin to slowly shrink, becoming shorter and rounder, so that by the time they achieve the typical eel shape, they are considerably shorter than they were at the peak of their larval life.

By the time the adult eel form has been attained, the larvæ have made their way to the mouths of various rivers, preparatory to making their ascent, which takes place between {648}February and May. They are then from 2 to 5 inches long, and perfectly transparent save for a black line inside the body, running along the spinal cord. The numbers passing up a single river during this ascent are almost beyond belief. In one of these migrations, or "eel-fares," upwards of three tons were captured in a single day in the Gloucester district in 1886, and it has been calculated that more than 14,000 go to make a pound weight. In the previous year the annual consumption of eels was estimated at a minimum of 1,650 tons, with a total value of £130,000. Few obstacles seem too great to be overcome in their ascent, for they will ascend the flood-gates of locks, or even travel overland if the ground be wet, till a desirable resting-place is found. In some parts of England these young eels, or "elvers," as they are called, are salted and made into cakes.

By the time eels reach adulthood, the larvae have traveled to the mouths of various rivers, getting ready to swim upstream, which happens between {648}February and May. They measure between 2 to 5 inches long and are completely transparent except for a black line inside their bodies that runs along the spinal cord. The number of eels migrating up a single river during this time is nearly unbelievable. During one of these migrations, or "eel-fares," over three tons were caught in a single day in the Gloucester area in 1886, and it's estimated that more than 14,000 eels make up one pound. The previous year, the yearly consumption of eels was estimated at a minimum of 1,650 tons, valued at £130,000. Few challenges seem too difficult for them to handle while swimming upstream, as they can navigate through the flood-gates of locks or even travel overland if the ground is wet, until they find a good resting spot. In some parts of England, these young eels, known as "elvers," are salted and made into cakes.

The Conger-eel is a marine species, differing from the river-eel, amongst other things, in its larger head and eyes, and in the arrangement of its teeth and the large size of the gill-openings. The conger is also greatly superior in size, examples of between 6 and 7 feet in length and 60 lbs. in weight being common. The females are larger than the males, and an instance is on record of a female which was over 8 feet in length and weighed 128 lbs. Congers feed on other fishes, cuttle-fishes, and lobsters, as well as upon one another, the larger females eating the smaller males.

The Conger eel is a saltwater species, different from the river-eel in several ways, including its bigger head and eyes, the shape of its teeth, and the large size of its gill openings. Congers also grow much larger, commonly measuring between 6 and 7 feet long and weighing around 60 lbs. The females are usually bigger than the males, with one recorded female measuring over 8 feet and weighing 128 lbs. Congers eat other fish, cuttlefish, and lobsters, and they also cannibalize, with larger females consuming smaller males.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.



Note the presence of barbels, or "feelers," round the mouth

Note the presence of barbels, or "feelers," around the mouth.

Serpent-eels are confined to tropical and sub-tropical seas, and are remarkable for their extreme voracity. More than eighty species are known, some of which are brilliantly coloured.

Eel-like serpents are found in tropical and subtropical seas and are known for their extreme hunger. More than eighty species exist, some of which are vibrantly colored.

The Deep-sea Eels are represented by numerous species, and dwell at depths varying from 340 to 2,000 fathoms. In some species the body is remarkably modified, the mouth being of enormous size, and the stomach capable of marvellous distension, so much so that eels of this family have been captured which had swallowed fishes several times their own weight. The tail in many of the deep-sea eels tapers to a fine hair-like point.

The Deep-sea eels include many species and live at depths ranging from 340 to 2,000 fathoms. In some species, the body is significantly adapted, with a very large mouth and a stomach that can stretch astonishingly, allowing these eels to swallow fish that weigh several times more than they do. The tails of many deep-sea eels narrow to a thin, hair-like point.

The Painted Eels are remarkable for their bright spotted or mottled coloration, and are of large size, ranging from 6 to 8 feet in length. Armed with formidable teeth, the larger species are held in no little fear by fishermen and bathers, attacks from these fishes being by no means rare. Their distribution is closely similar to that of the Serpent-eels.

The Painted Eels are notable for their vibrant spotted or mottled colors and can grow quite large, ranging from 6 to 8 feet long. With their impressive teeth, the larger species are a real concern for fishermen and swimmers, as attacks from these fish are not uncommon. Their distribution closely resembles that of the Serpent-eels.


Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo by N. Lazarnick] [New York.


Bermuda Painted Eels.

More than eighty species of these fishes are known.

More than eighty species of these fish are known.


Photo R. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo R. Lazarnick] [New York.



These belong to the unarmoured group.

These are part of the unarmored group.


The Electric Eel is an extremely abundant fish in the rivers and lagoons of Brazil and the Guianas. It is the most powerful of the electric fishes, and attains a length of 6 feet. The electric organs of this fish are sufficiently strong to kill by their shock other fishes and even mammals. The traveller Humboldt is responsible for the statement, now generally discredited, that the Indians procured this fish by driving horses into the water, and so provoking such violent discharges from the fish that they became exhausted and fell an easy prey.

The Electric Eel is a very common fish found in the rivers and lagoons of Brazil and the Guianas. It is the strongest of the electric fish and can grow up to 6 feet long. The electric organs of this fish are powerful enough to kill other fish and even mammals with their shock. The explorer Humboldt is known for claiming, a statement that is now largely discredited, that the Indigenous people caught this fish by driving horses into the water, which would provoke such intense discharges from the fish that they would become exhausted and be easy to catch.

The Cat-fishes, or Sheath-fishes, are an extremely interesting group, one of the principal characteristics of which is the total absence of scales, the body being either entirely naked or armed with bony tubercles or overlapping plates. Another peculiarity of these fishes is the presence of feelers round the mouth; these, by their delicate sense of touch, enable the fish to procure its food in extremely muddy water, when the eyes would be useless. The latter, indeed, in many species are extremely reduced in size. Many cat-fishes are armed with powerful spines, attached to the body by a very complicated mechanism. Such spines are capable of inflicting dangerous wounds, either by the introduction of poison or the violent inflammation following on the laceration of the wounded part. Some species have elaborate accessory breathing-organs, enabling them to travel overland for short distances from one piece of water to another. Other members of the group possess electrical organs of considerable power; one species inhabiting the Nile attains a length of 4 feet.

The Catfish, or Sheath fish, are a really fascinating group with one main feature: they completely lack scales. Their bodies are either totally bare or covered in bony bumps or overlapping plates. Another unique aspect of these fishes is the presence of feelers around their mouths; these allow them to sense touch and find food in very murky water when their eyes wouldn't help. In fact, in many species, the eyes are very small. Many cat-fishes have strong spines that are connected to their bodies through a complex system. These spines can cause serious injuries, either by injecting poison or by causing painful inflammation from the wounds. Some species have special breathing organs that let them move across land for short distances between bodies of water. Other members of this group have powerful electrical organs; one species found in the Nile can grow up to 4 feet long.

The nesting-habits of the group are exceedingly interesting, some building nests in which to deposit the eggs; others carry the eggs in the mouth till they hatch. In one species the care of the eggs is undertaken by the female, which carries them about embedded in the skin of the under surface of the body, which at this season becomes very soft and spongy. When the eggs are laid, she presses them into the spongy skin by lying on them.

The nesting habits of the group are really fascinating; some build nests to lay their eggs in, while others carry the eggs in their mouths until they hatch. In one species, the female takes care of the eggs, carrying them embedded in the soft, spongy skin on the underside of her body. When the eggs are laid, she presses them into the spongy skin by lying on top of them.

The cat-fishes are of world-wide distribution, but only one species, the Wels, occurs in European waters. It commonly attains a length of from 6 to 9 feet, and occasionally as much as 13 feet. The majority of cat-fishes inhabit fresh-water, but some are marine.

The catfish are found all over the world, but only one species, the Wels, is found in European waters. It typically grows to between 6 to 9 feet long and can occasionally reach up to 13 feet. Most catfish live in freshwater, but some are marine.



The Carp Family.




Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The members of the Carp Tribe are vegetable-feeders. They have teeth in the throat, but none in the jaws.

The members of the Carp Tribe eat plants. They have teeth in their throat, but none in their jaws.

The Carp Family, like the Perch group, is one of the largest among fishes. It includes the Rudd, Roach, Tench, Bream, Minnow, etc., and is divided into many groups, which again include numerous species found chiefly in the temperate and tropical parts of the world. Included among these are the Barbels, of which there are about 200 species, varying from little fishes of 2 inches {651}to monsters of 6 feet or more in length. Some of the largest are found in the Tigris; but the Mahseer of India must be regarded as the king of all the species. In some of the rivers flowing from the Himalaya Mountains are curious Barbel which have their vent and anal fin in a sheath covered with large scales. Roach are important members of the Carp Family, and the Roach group is a very large one, including the various fishes coming under the term of "white fish" in Germany. The Roach proper is common all over Europe north of the Alps. In this group is the Ide of the central and northern parts of Europe, which when domesticated becomes golden in hue, and is then called the Golden Orf, a pretty fish kept in many English aquariums. Rudd are found all over Europe and Asia Minor. Of Tench, only one species is known, the Golden Tench being merely a variety differing in the matter of colour. The Bream group consists of the Common Bream, Bream-flat, and the American Bream, or Shiner. Lastly, we may mention the Bleak group, of which there are fifteen known species in Europe, East Africa, and the temperate parts of Asia. This list by no means exhausts the numerous members of the Carp Family.

The Carp Family, like the Perch group, is one of the largest among fish. It includes the Rudd, Roach, Tench, Bream, Minnow, and more, and is divided into many groups, which again contain numerous species mainly found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. Included among these are the Barbel, with around 200 species that range from tiny fish just 2 inches long to giants over 6 feet in length. Some of the largest species are found in the Tigris River, but the Mahseer of India is considered the king of all. In some rivers that flow from the Himalayas, there are unique Barbels that have their vent and anal fin in a sheath covered with large scales. Roach are significant members of the Carp Family, and the Roach group is quite large, encompassing various fish referred to as "white fish" in Germany. The true Roach is common throughout Europe north of the Alps. In this group is the Ide, found in central and northern Europe, which, when domesticated, turns golden and is then called the Golden Orf, a lovely fish kept in many English aquariums. Rudd are widespread across Europe and Asia Minor. There is only one known species of Tench, with the Golden Tench being merely a color variation. The Bream group consists of the Common Bream, Bream-flat, and the American Bream, also known as Shiner. Lastly, we have the Bleak group, which includes fifteen recognized species in Europe, East Africa, and temperate parts of Asia. This list does not cover all the numerous members of the Carp Family.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



A native of China and the warmer parts of Japan.

A native of China and the warmer regions of Japan.

The Common Carp is one of the most remarkable fishes which swim. In early times in England it was extensively cultivated as a food-fish, and in Germany at the present day is as much domesticated as the sheep, pig, or ox. The fish-culturists have indeed done extraordinary things with it, having, for instance, produced a variety with a single row of scales down each side and sometimes on the back only, called the Mirror-carp, or King-carp. There is also the Leather-carp, with no scales at all, which is much esteemed in Germany.

The Common Carp is one of the most impressive fish out there. In ancient times, it was widely farmed as a food fish in England, and today in Germany, it's as domesticated as sheep, pigs, or cattle. Fish farmers have truly achieved remarkable things with it, having created a variety that has a single row of scales down each side and sometimes just on the back, called the Mirror carp or King carp. There’s also the Leather carp, which has no scales at all and is highly valued in Germany.

There is reason to believe that the common carp was originally a native of the East, and it certainly has been domesticated in China for many hundreds of years. Thence it is supposed to have been imported to Germany and Sweden, reaching England some time in the early years of the fifteenth century. In that curious work the "Boke of St. Albans," published in 1496, it is said that the carp is a "dayntous fysshe, but there ben fewe in Englonde, and therefore I wryte the lesse of hym."

There’s a good chance that the common carp originally came from the East, and it has definitely been farmed in China for many hundreds of years. From there, it’s believed to have been brought to Germany and Sweden, making its way to England sometime in the early 1400s. In that interesting book, the "Boke of St. Albans," published in 1496, it says that the carp is a "delicious fish, but there are few in England, and so I write less about it."

China is the home of the Gold-fish, a pretty little carp common in that country and the warmer parts of Japan. The Chinese have distorted Nature with regard to this fish even more than the Germans have the common carp. Their most extraordinary monstrosity is, perhaps, the Telescope-fish, which has a huge tail and projecting eyes. It is believed that gold-fish were not known in England before the year 1691.

China is home to the Goldfish, a lovely little carp commonly found in that country and the warmer parts of Japan. The Chinese have modified this fish even more than the Germans have with the common carp. Their most remarkable creation is probably the Telescope fish, which has a large tail and bulging eyes. It's thought that goldfish were not known in England before the year 1691.

The carp has many interesting peculiarities. It is an extraordinarily fertile fish, and one of the most rapid growers in fresh-water. Under the most favourable conditions it attains a weight of from 3 to 3½ lbs. in three years. In a pond which is overstocked, carp hardly increase in weight at all; while, on the other hand, their growth in hot countries is very much greater than above stated. A fish of from 4 to 5 lbs. may contain, on an average, from 400,000 to 500,000 eggs; these are spawned in May or June, and hatched in from twelve to sixteen days, according to the temperature.

The carp has many interesting features. It’s an incredibly fertile fish and one of the fastest-growing in freshwater. Under the best conditions, it can weigh between 3 and 3½ lbs. in three years. In an overstocked pond, carp hardly gain any weight at all; however, in warmer countries, their growth is much greater than what’s stated above. A fish weighing between 4 and 5 lbs. can contain, on average, about 400,000 to 500,000 eggs, which are laid in May or June and hatch in twelve to sixteen days, depending on the temperature.

The life of this curious fish may be one of extraordinary duration, carp having been known to attain an age of a hundred years or more. When very old, they are apt to go blind and develop white marks, due to the growth of funguses.

The life of this curious fish can be quite long, with carp known to live for a hundred years or more. When they get very old, they often go blind and get white spots from fungus growth.


In the winter carp either bury themselves in the mud, or lie among the water-weeds or roots of trees at the bottom. They are vegetarians for the most part, with no teeth in their mouths, but strong, powerful grinding-teeth in their throats; they are believed to regurgitate their food and chew it, somewhat as a cow chews the cud.

In the winter, carp either bury themselves in the mud or lie among the water plants or tree roots at the bottom. They mostly eat plants, lacking teeth in their mouths, but have strong, grinding teeth in their throats. It's thought that they regurgitate their food and chew it, similar to how a cow chews cud.

With regard to the weight which this fish attains, one of 19 lbs. was taken at Sheffield Park in 1882. This was exceptionally large; but one still larger, weighing 21 lbs. 10 ozs., was caught at Bayham Abbey, near Lamberhurst, in 1870; while one of 22 lbs. was exhibited many years ago to the Zoological Society. In the German lakes these fish reach a weight of 40 lbs., or even more.

Regarding the weight that this fish can reach, one weighing 19 lbs. was caught at Sheffield Park in 1882. This was unusually large; however, an even bigger one, weighing 21 lbs. 10 ozs., was caught at Bayham Abbey, near Lamberhurst, in 1870. Additionally, a 22 lbs. fish was displayed many years ago at the Zoological Society. In the German lakes, these fish can weigh up to 40 lbs. or even more.

Carp will, however, occasionally eat small fish, and have even been caught with a salmon-fly.

Carp will sometimes eat small fish and have even been caught with a salmon fly.






The Pikes are strictly fresh-water fishes, which are extremely voracious, and grow to a large size. They are met with in most of the fresh-waters of Europe, Asia, and America; yet they must be regarded rather as a Western than an Eastern type, since all the known species occur in America, whilst only one—the Common Pike—is known outside that country. These fishes capture their prey by stealth—practised, however, not so much by concealment as by lying suspended in the water, perfectly motionless save for the movement of the gills, which is barely perceptible. When the victim comes within reach, it is seized by a sudden rush. The form of the body is admirably adapted to this manner of feeding, resembling rather a submerged log than a fish. It is, furthermore, on account of this shape that the name Pike has been bestowed, since it recalls the "pike" borne by the soldiers of bygone days.

The pikes are strictly freshwater fish that are extremely hungry and can grow quite large. They can be found in most freshwater bodies in Europe, Asia, and America; however, they are more of a Western type than an Eastern one, as all known species exist in America, while only one—the Common Pike—is found outside that country. These fish catch their prey by stealth—not so much through hiding as by remaining motionless in the water, with barely noticeable movement of their gills. When the prey gets close enough, they strike with a sudden rush. Their body shape is perfectly suited to this hunting method, looking more like a submerged log than a fish. Additionally, this shape is why they are called pikes, as it reminds us of the "pike" weapon used by soldiers in the past.

When on the feed, nothing comes amiss to pike, and the havoc they commit in trout-streams is enormous. Not only other fishes are devoured, but both the young and adults of water-birds are frequently seized, and instances are on record where boys have been attacked while bathing. The mouth of a pike bristles with teeth, even the roof being thickly covered. These are all attached by hinges, moving readily backwards towards the throat, so as to assist the swallowing operation, but preventing any possibility of the victim's escape.

When in the water, nothing escapes the pike, and the destruction they cause in trout streams is massive. Not only do they eat other fish, but they also frequently capture both young and adult water birds. There are even reports of boys being attacked while swimming. A pike's mouth is filled with teeth, and even the roof of its mouth is densely lined with them. These teeth are all hinged, moving easily backward toward the throat to help with swallowing, while preventing the victim from escaping.

In Great Britain the pike is held in high esteem by anglers, though as an article of food it does not find much favour. The females are larger than the males. The largest specimens attain a length of about 4 feet, sometimes a little more, and a weight of from 36 to 37 lbs.

In Great Britain, anglers highly value the pike, although it isn’t very popular as food. The females are bigger than the males. The largest specimens can reach about 4 feet in length, sometimes a bit more, and weigh between 36 to 37 lbs.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

*Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt* [Washington.



The most voracious of British fresh-water fishes.

The most aggressive of British freshwater fish.

About six species of pike are known, five of which are confined to American waters. Of these, the one known as the Musket-lunge, or Muskinonge, attains the same large size as the common pike; the other species are known as Pikerel. The immature pike is commonly called a Jack.

About six species of pike are known, five of which are found in American waters. Of these, the one known as the Musket lunge or Muskellunge grows to the same large size as the common pike; the other species are referred to as Pike. The young pike is commonly called a Jack.


Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.


Pike fish.

This is an American species.

This is a U.S. species.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


"Sergeant Baker."

An edible Australian representative of the group of fishes which, for want of an English name, are here called Scopelids.

An edible Australian fish that belongs to the group known as Scopelids, for which there is no English name.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Salmon with a beak.

Known in New Zealand as the Sand-eel.

Known in New Zealand as the sand eel.

The Arapaimas are large fresh-water fishes, confined to the tropics, their distribution being practically the same as that of the Lung-fishes; they are represented in America, Australia, and Africa, but one species occurs in the East Indian Archipelago. The largest species of all—which is also the largest fresh-water bony fish known—is found in the rivers of Brazil and the Guianas, attaining a length of 15 feet and a weight of 400 lbs. It is highly esteemed as an article of food, being salted and exported from the inland fisheries to the sea-ports. The natives take it either with a rod and line, or with a bow and arrow, a line being fastened to the arrow, thus converting it into a harpoon.

The Arapaima are large freshwater fish found in tropical regions, with their distribution closely matching that of the Lungfish. They can be found in America, Australia, and Africa, though one species lives in the East Indian Archipelago. The largest species, which is also the biggest freshwater bony fish known, resides in the rivers of Brazil and the Guianas, reaching lengths of up to 15 feet and weighing as much as 400 lbs. It is highly valued as a food source, often salted and exported from inland fisheries to seaports. Locals catch it using either a rod and line or a bow and arrow, attaching a line to the arrow to effectively turn it into a harpoon.

Four species of arapaimas are distinguished by the presence of "barbels" on the chin; of these, two are Australian, one American, and one occurs in Sumatra and Borneo. Yet another species is found in the Nile and the rivers of West Africa. The Australian species, like the large Brazilian form, are highly esteemed as food; one of these, known as the Dawson River Salmon, is confined to the rivers of Queensland, the other to the rivers emptying into the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Four species of arapaimas are identified by the "barbels" on their chin; among these, two are from Australia, one is American, and one is found in Sumatra and Borneo. Another species exists in the Nile and the rivers of West Africa. The Australian species, similar to the large Brazilian type, are highly valued as food; one of these, known as the Dawson River Salmon, is limited to the rivers of Queensland, while the other is found in the rivers that flow into the Gulf of Carpentaria.

The Beaked Salmon occurs in the open seas of the Cape, Japan, and Australia; but in New Zealand, where it is known as the Sand-eel, it is found in bays with a sandy bottom.

The Beaked Salmon is found in the open seas of Cape, Japan, and Australia; however, in New Zealand, where it’s called the Sand eel, it lives in bays with sandy bottoms.

The group of fishes known as Scopelids is one of particular interest, on account of the number of remarkable forms which it contains. For the most part they are inhabitants of the open sea, many being found only at great depths. Of the latter, some apparently come to the surface to feed at night, whilst others are entirely confined to the abysses of the ocean. As with the members of other groups which have adopted a deep-sea habitat, certain modifications of the body have become necessary in these fishes. Many of them have a direct relation to the absence of light, which has rendered normal eyes of little use; consequently the eyes of these fishes have become either greatly reduced or enormously enlarged, or sometimes lost altogether. As a rule the large-eyed forms are those which come to the surface at night or do not live beyond the reach of daylight; whilst those in which the eyes are small or reduced live in the very lowest depths, far beyond the limit of daylight. In all these forms compensation for the loss of light has taken place, generally by the development of phosphorescent organs. These may take the form of a number of luminous areas distributed down each side of the body, as in the Phosphorescent Sardine; or of a pair of lens-like light-producing organs, occupying the place of the eyes of other fishes. Another eyeless member of the group, instead of developing light-producing organs, has increased the length of the rays of the paired fins to an enormous extent, so that they serve as delicate feelers either for the discovery of food or the detection of enemies. Many of the fishes of this group have extremely large mouths, armed with a formidable array of tusk-like teeth, between which are numerous smaller ones.

The group of fish known as Scopelids is particularly interesting because of the many unique forms it includes. Most of them inhabit the open sea, with many found only at great depths. Some of these deep-sea fish seem to come to the surface to feed at night, while others stay entirely in the ocean's depths. Like members of other groups that have adapted to deep-sea living, these fish show certain changes in their bodies. Many of these changes are linked to the lack of light, making normal eyes less useful; so, the eyes of these fish have either become much smaller or greatly enlarged, or sometimes they’ve completely lost them. Generally, the forms with larger eyes are those that come to the surface at night or live in areas where light can reach, while those with smaller or reduced eyes live in the deepest parts of the ocean, far beyond where light can penetrate. To compensate for the lack of light, most of these forms have developed phosphorescent organs. These can appear as several glowing areas running along each side of the body, like in the Glowing Sardine; or as a pair of lens-like light-producing organs in place of the eyes of other fish. One eyeless member of this group has elongated the rays of its paired fins significantly, allowing them to act as delicate feelers for finding food or detecting threats. Many fish in this group also have very large mouths filled with a formidable array of tusk-like teeth, along with numerous smaller teeth in between.

As food-fishes the majority of the Scopelids are not of much value. The species known as the Queensland Smelt, shown in the adjoining photograph, is an edible species, occurring off the north-west coast of Australia. Its near ally, the Bummaloe, or Bombay Duck, however, enjoys a quite exceptional notoriety. Salted and dried, it is exported in large quantities {655}from Bombay and the coast of Malabar, and forms an indispensable adjunct to an Indian curry. This fish apparently inhabits considerable depths, and when freshly taken is brilliantly phosphorescent. Another edible species is the "Sergeant Baker" of Australia, of which a photograph is given on page 653.

As food fish, most Scopelids aren't very valuable. The species known as the Queensland Smelt, seen in the adjacent photo, is edible and found off the northwest coast of Australia. Its close relative, the Bummaloe, or Bombil, however, has quite a reputation. Salted and dried, it's exported in large quantities {655} from Bombay and the Malabar coast, and is an essential ingredient in Indian curry. This fish typically lives at significant depths and is brilliantly phosphorescent when freshly caught. Another edible species is the "Sgt. Baker" of Australia, which is photographed on page 653.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



A near ally of the Bummaloe, or Bombay Duck, that indispensable adjunct to an Indian curry.

A close relative of the Bummaloe, or Bombay Duck, which is a must-have addition to an Indian curry.

With regard to the deep-sea Scopelids, it is interesting to note that, in addition to very remarkable modifications of the eyes and fins, and the production of phosphorescent light, certain of the body-cavities are characterised by an intensely black coloration. The inside of the mouth, the gills, and the lining of the abdomen, for example, are always so coloured in those fishes which inhabit the deepest abysses. This coloration is difficult to account for, but it is generally supposed to be due to excretory products. Another interesting point concerns the air-bladder. Whenever this organ is present in the fishes of this or any other family inhabiting the abysses of the ocean, it bursts before the unfortunate victim is brought to the surface, owing to the enormous differences in pressure which obtain between the depths of the sea and the surface.

Regarding deep-sea Scopelids, it's noteworthy that, along with remarkable changes in their eyes and fins, and the ability to produce phosphorescent light, some of their body cavities are marked by an intense black color. For instance, the inside of the mouth, gills, and the lining of the abdomen are always this color in fish that live in the deepest parts of the ocean. This coloration is hard to explain, but it's generally thought to be due to waste products. Another interesting aspect is the air bladder. Whenever this organ is present in the fish of this or any other family living in the ocean's abysses, it bursts before the unfortunate fish is brought to the surface, due to the massive pressure differences between the depths and the surface.



The Salmon Family.



Although the Salmon Family occupies a low place in the classification of fishes, yet every member thereof is possessed of singular beauty of form and colour. The Atlantic Salmon, which is the species frequenting European rivers and those of the eastern coast of North America, may be considered the type of the family, and certainly it would be difficult to name any animal more perfectly adapted to its peculiar mode of life, which is one of constant activity. A native of fresh-water, hatched in early spring from eggs laid in rivers during the winter months, it spends from fifteen to twenty-seven months in the shallows of the river, almost indistinguishable in habits and appearance from a small common trout. Sometimes in the second spring after its birth, and failing that, always in the third spring, the fish, having attained the length of 5 or 6 inches, undergoes a wonderful change: its prevailing tints of olive and gold become overspread with a glittering coat of silver, known {656}to anglers as the "sea-jacket," and shoals of "smolts," as they are called in this stage, begin descending to the sea. In about fifteen or eighteen months, perhaps in some instances longer, they return to the inland waters as "grilse"—small salmon from 2 to 5 lbs. in weight. Grilse and mature salmon spawn chiefly in November and December, undergoing, before they do so, another strange metamorphosis. Their brilliant silvery scales become darkly discoloured, the males turning copper-colour, the females blackish and dull purple; their elegant form becoming distorted to such a degree as to render them hardly recognisable as the same fish which left the tide in the perfection of beauty. In their efforts to reach the higher waters where they spawn, salmon display extraordinary perseverance and activity in surmounting weirs, waterfalls, and other obstacles which bar their way. After spawning, the fish are emaciated and lanky, but speedily regain the bright silver hue so characteristic of the species. In this state they are usually known as "kelts"; they are worthless either for food or for sport, and make their way back to the sea, where abundant provender soon restores their condition. Their chief food consists of herrings, haddocks, and other small fishes. Dr. Kingston Barton recently recorded finding five full-grown herrings in the stomach of one salmon. Although the excellence of their flesh exposes salmon to the attacks of innumerable foes, including man, predacious fishes, seals, and cetaceans, a few survive for many years and attain to great size. Fish weighing from 30 to 40 lbs. are far from uncommon; one of 60 lbs. has been taken in the Tay with rod and line, and the same river has yielded one of upwards of 70 lbs. to the nets. The fine sport afforded to anglers by the salmon causes a good beat on a prolific river to be a very valuable property. Two thousand pounds was the season's rent paid a few years ago for less than three miles of the Tweed, and the season happened to be such a bad one that the lessee only killed thirteen fish!

Although the Salmon Family is classified as a low-ranking group of fish, every member is uniquely beautiful in form and color. The Atlantic Salmon, which is found in European rivers and along the eastern coast of North America, can be seen as the representative of the family, and it would be tough to find any animal better suited to its active lifestyle. Native to freshwater, it hatches in early spring from eggs laid in rivers during the winter months, spending 15 to 27 months in the river shallows, nearly indistinguishable in habits and appearance from a small common trout. Sometimes in the second spring after its birth, and if not then, always in the third spring, the fish, having grown to 5 or 6 inches, undergoes a remarkable transformation: its olive and gold colors are covered with a shiny silver coat, known {656} to anglers as the "sea-jacket," and schools of "smolts," as they are called at this stage, begin to head down to the sea. After about 15 to 18 months, or sometimes longer, they return to freshwater as "grilse"—small salmon weighing between 2 to 5 lbs. Grilse and adult salmon mainly spawn in November and December, undergoing another strange transformation beforehand. Their bright silver scales darken, with males becoming copper-colored and females turning blackish and dull purple; their elegant shapes twist to the point where they barely resemble the beautiful fish that left the sea. In their quest to reach the upstream waters where they spawn, salmon show remarkable determination and energy in overcoming weirs, waterfalls, and other barriers. After spawning, the fish are skinny and gaunt, but they quickly regain the bright silver color typical of the species. In this condition, they are usually called "kelts"; they are not valuable for food or sport and make their way back to the sea, where abundant food soon restores their health. Their main diet consists of herrings, haddocks, and other small fish. Dr. Kingston Barton recently reported finding five fully grown herrings in the stomach of one salmon. While the quality of their flesh makes them targets for countless predators, including humans, predatory fish, seals, and whales, some survive for many years and grow to a significant size. Fish weighing between 30 to 40 lbs. are quite common; a 60 lb. fish has been caught in the Tay using a rod and line, and the same river has produced one over 70 lbs. caught in nets. The excellent sport provided to anglers by salmon makes a good stretch on a productive river a very valuable asset. A few years ago, two thousand pounds was the season's rent paid for less than three miles of the Tweed, and the season turned out to be so poor that the lessee only caught thirteen fish!


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



Known also as the Sea-trout, and in Ireland as the White Trout.

Known as the Sea-trout and referred to as the White Trout in Ireland.

Closely resembling the true salmon in habits and appearance, and sometimes rivalling it even in size, are two kinds of sea-trout—the Salmon-trout, greatly prized both for its sporting qualities and for the excellence of its flesh, and the Bull-trout, a very inferior fish in both respects. Bull-trout are not infrequently taken in the Tay weighing upwards of 40 lbs.

Closely resembling real salmon in behavior and look, and sometimes even matching it in size, are two types of sea trout—the Salmon trout, highly valued for its sporting qualities and the quality of its meat, and the Bull trout, which is a significantly lesser fish in both regards. Bull-trout are often caught in the Tay weighing over 40 lbs.

The Pacific Ocean has its counterpart to the Atlantic salmon and sea-trout in several closely allied species, whereof the Quinnat and the Steelhead are the most notable. These ascend the great rivers of Western North America in prodigious shoals, penetrating more than 2,000 miles inland to deposit their spawn. Few of these fish survive to return to the sea. In their emaciated condition they succumb to exhaustion and starvation; their corpses, piled to the height of several feet, line the banks of the river for miles, and contribute nothing to the traveller's comfort. Although Pacific salmon are of no value to the sportsman, as they are said to refuse any bait in fresh-water, yet they are the staple of an important trade, tens of thousands of tons being taken and canned for export.

The Pacific Ocean has its equivalent to the Atlantic salmon and sea trout in several closely related species, with the Quinnat and Steelhead trout being the most notable. These fish swim up the major rivers of Western North America in huge schools, traveling over 2,000 miles inland to lay their eggs. Few of them make it back to the sea. In their weakened state, they die from exhaustion and starvation; their bodies, piled several feet high, line the riverbanks for miles and do nothing to enhance the traveler's experience. Although Pacific salmon aren’t valuable to sports fishermen since they are said to refuse any bait in freshwater, they are essential for an important trade, with tens of thousands of tons being caught and canned for export.

If we could peer far enough back into the course of time, we should no doubt be able to identify a common stock from which all the Salmon Family are descended. That they are all natives of fresh-water is proved by the fact that they cannot reproduce their kind in the sea. Those that resort to the ocean for food must be the descendants of vigorous, roving members of the family, which, having to choose between starvation and migration, braved the {657}perils of travel, and became so much altered in constitution by the liberal diet they found as to establish themselves as separate species.

If we could look far enough back in time, we would definitely be able to trace a common ancestor for all members of the Salmon Family. Their requirement for fresh water is evident because they can’t reproduce in the sea. Those that go to the ocean for food are likely descendants of strong, adventurous family members who had to choose between starvation and migration. They faced the dangers of travel, and the diverse diet they found changed them enough to become separate species.

Among the stay-at-homes there are many interesting and beautiful fishes. None of them exhibit the variable nature of the family more than the common Brook-trout of British waters, and not long since men of science dignified each of these varieties by a separate title, treating them as distinct species. However, experiment and observation have now led to the almost unanimous conclusion that the pygmy denizens of some hungry Highland burn, whereof the weight must be reckoned in fractions of ounces, are of precisely the same species as the lordly trout of deep lakes, which sometimes scales as much as 25 lbs., and as all the other innumerable varieties, such as the trout of the Thames, of the English chalk-streams, and of the Irish loughs. The quality of the soil affects the food-supply, which in turn regulates the size and appearance of the fish. Moreover, Nature seems indifferent to the number of individuals composing the population which the water is to sustain. If there are no pike, and spawning-ground is abundant, there will be many and small fish; if the contrary is the case, there will be few and large ones; the aggregate weight per acre of water will remain the same, proportioned to the food-supply. The American equivalent of the British brook-trout is the Rainbow-trout, a beautiful creature which has lately been widely distributed in European waters. What is known as the brook-trout in America really belongs to the Char group, fish of the Salmon Family, closely resembling trout, but distinguished from them by extraordinary brilliancy of colour. Common trout, like salmon, lose all their beauty as the spawning-season approaches. Char, on the other hand, take gaudy colouring at that time, the whole of the under-parts becoming clear red or flame-colour. Unlike trout, British char never enter rivers, but spawn in lakes. In Norway, however, char descend to the sea. The distribution of char is indeed mysterious, nor has any explanation been offered why they inhabit certain waters, while other lakes in the neighbourhood, apparently equally suitable, contain none.

Among the stay-at-home fish, there are many interesting and beautiful species. None of them shows the diversity of the family more than the common Brook trout found in British waters. Recently, scientists classified each of these varieties with a separate name, treating them as different species. However, research and observation have now led to a nearly unanimous conclusion that the tiny fish found in some hungry Highland stream, weighing only a few ounces, are the same species as the majestic trout from deep lakes, which can weigh up to 25 lbs, as well as all the other countless varieties, like the trout from the Thames, the English chalk streams, and the Irish loughs. The quality of the soil affects the food supply, which then impacts the size and appearance of the fish. Additionally, Nature seems indifferent to the number of individuals that the water can support. If there are no pike and spawning grounds are plentiful, there will be many small fish; conversely, if there are pike, there will be few large fish. The total weight per acre of water will stay consistent, relative to the food supply. The American counterpart of the British brook-trout is the Rainbow trout, a stunning fish that has recently been widely introduced into European waters. What is known as brook-trout in America actually belongs to the Char group, which is part of the Salmon Family and closely resembles trout but is distinguished by its vibrant coloring. Common trout, like salmon, lose their beauty as the spawning season approaches. However, char take on bright colors during this time, with their undersides turning a clear red or flame color. Unlike trout, British char do not enter rivers but spawn in lakes. In Norway, however, char do swim down to the sea. The distribution of char is quite mysterious, and no explanation has been provided for why they inhabit certain waters while other nearby lakes, which seem equally suitable, have none.

The Grayling is an elegant member of the Salmon Family, and a deserved favourite with fly-fishers. Instead of the golden tints and scarlet spots of the brook-trout, this fish displays the silvery colouring of the salmon-trout. It is not at all uncommon to meet with grayling in the chalk-streams of Southern England weighing 3 lbs. and upwards.

The Grayling is a graceful member of the Salmon Family and a well-deserved favorite among fly-fishers. Unlike the golden hues and red spots of the brook-trout, this fish showcases the silvery colors of the salmon-trout. It's quite common to find grayling in the chalk-streams of Southern England weighing 3 lbs or more.

The Powan is the type of another large group of salmon-like fishes, inhabiting lakes in the temperate and subarctic regions of both hemispheres. There are four species in Great Britain, among which may be mentioned the mysterious Vendace of Lochmaben, unknown to exist elsewhere.

The Powan belongs to a large group of salmon-like fish that live in lakes across temperate and subarctic areas in both hemispheres. In Great Britain, there are four species, including the mysterious Vendace found in Lochmaben, which is not known to exist anywhere else.


Photo by W. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by W. Reid] [Wishaw, N.B.



These fish were taken out of the water to be photographed, and then put back again.

These fish were removed from the water for a photo, and then returned.

Lastly, the Salmon Family is closed by the delicate Smelt, called in Scotland the Sparling, which is netted in vast numbers in the estuaries of suitable rivers. It never ascends beyond the highest point of the {658}tide, where it deposits its spawn in the spring months. It is a gratifying tribute to the good work done of late years by the local authorities in purifying the Thames that, after a long absence, this valuable fish has reappeared in that river, which it now ascends in considerable numbers as high as Teddington Weir.

Lastly, the Salmon Family is concluded by the delicate Smelting, known in Scotland as the Sparling, which is caught in large quantities in the estuaries of suitable rivers. It never moves up past the highest point of the {658} tide, where it lays its eggs during the spring months. It’s a positive acknowledgment of the efforts made in recent years by local authorities to clean up the Thames that, after a long absence, this valuable fish has returned to that river, where it now swims upstream in significant numbers as far as Teddington Weir.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



This fish is remarkable for its peculiar smell when freshly caught, which resembles that of the cucumber.

This fish is notable for its unique smell when freshly caught, which is similar to that of a cucumber.

Much discussion has taken place recently with regard to the question whether salmon feed while in fresh-water. Not long ago it was announced that they suffered from a diseased condition of the stomach during this period, and were consequently quite unable to feed. Subsequently it was found that the supposed diseased condition of the stomach was due to the fishes not being perfectly fresh when they were examined. It is now known that although salmon do not feed freely in fresh-water, yet they take a certain amount of nutriment, such as an occasional shrimp, fly, or even small fish, while there.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about whether salmon eat while in fresh water. Recently, it was reported that they experience a stomach condition during this time, making them unable to feed. However, it was later discovered that this supposed stomach issue was actually because the fish weren't completely fresh when they were examined. It's now understood that while salmon don't eat much in fresh water, they do consume some food, like the occasional shrimp, fly, or even small fish.



Herring and Its Relatives.



"King herring," as the trade-paper of the fishing industry rightly calls it, is one of the chief commercial fishes of the British seas, and the enormous North Sea herring fisheries probably support more boats and men from all parts than any other. Europe has no very large herring; but the Tarpon of the Mexican coast, as well as another giant which occurs in the northern waters of Australia, grows to an enormous size. All the members of the Herring Family feed and travel near the surface of the sea, and are therefore caught in drift-nets, miles of which are "shot" a few fathoms from the top of the water, catching the shoaling-fish in their meshes. All of them, too, are wanderers, most capricious in their goings and comings. Hence the uncertainty of the fisherman's wage.

"King herring," as the fishing industry's trade paper accurately describes it, is one of the main commercial fish found in British waters, and the vast North Sea herring fisheries likely support more boats and fishermen from all over than any other. Europe doesn't have any very large herring; however, the Tarpon along the Mexican coast, as well as another giant found in the northern waters of Australia, can grow to a huge size. All members of the Herring Family feed and travel close to the surface of the ocean, which is why they are caught in drift nets—miles of which are "shot" just below the water's surface, snagging the schooling fish in their nets. They are also migratory, often unpredictable in their movements. This is why the fisherman's income can be so uncertain.

The principal kinsmen of the herring in British seas are the Sprat and Pilchard, though the two kinds of Shad, which, like the salmon, ascend certain rivers for spawning purposes, also support a number fishermen; and the Anchovy is, authorities have lately suspected, sufficiently numerous on the British coasts to repay a regular fishery, if the men could be induced to try the experiment and use a sufficiently fine-meshed net for this little fish.

The main relatives of herring in British waters are the Sprat fish and Sardine. However, the two types of Shad, which, like salmon, swim upstream to spawn, also support a number of fishermen. Recently, experts have suspected that the Anchovy is abundant enough along the British coasts to justify a regular fishery, if they can encourage fishermen to experiment with using a fine-meshed net for this small fish.

The Herring of the more northern waters is larger than that of the English Channel, 17 inches being recorded as its maximum size in the former, as against only 12¼ inches farther south. In the Baltic, however, the writer found the herrings still smaller than those of the English Channel. The herring lacks the lateral line, already alluded to in other fishes; its scales are large and thin; its under-edge is smooth and keeled; and the male is slightly the larger of the two sexes. The Sprat, on the other hand, is a smaller species. It has no teeth; its belly is saw-edged; its back-fin starts nearer the tail than that of the herring. The herring, moreover, differs from the sprat, and indeed from all our most important fishes, in that its eggs sink to the bottom. The eggs of almost all other sea-fish float at or near the surface of the sea, so that the herring's spawn alone can be damaged by the operations of the {659}ground-sweeping trawl-net. The shad's eggs also sink to the bottom, but are deposited in the less buoyant waters of rivers.

The Herring fish from the northern waters is bigger than the ones from the English Channel, with a maximum size of 17 inches recorded in the former compared to only 12¼ inches further south. However, in the Baltic, the writer found the herrings are even smaller than those from the English Channel. The herring doesn’t have a lateral line, which has been mentioned for other fish; its scales are large and thin; its underside is smooth and somewhat pointed; and the male is slightly larger than the female. On the other hand, the Sprat is a smaller species. It has no teeth; its belly is saw-edged; and its back fin starts closer to the tail than that of the herring. Additionally, herring differ from sprats and all our other key fish in that their eggs sink to the bottom. Most other sea-fish have eggs that float at or near the surface, making the herring's spawn vulnerable to damage from ground-sweeping trawl-nets. The shad's eggs also sink but are laid in the less buoyant waters of rivers.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



This species attains a length of several feet.

This species reaches several feet in length.

The Pilchard, the all-important fish (together with mackerel) on the south-west coast of England, is of a more decided green hue than either of the foregoing. Its scales are large and coarse, and its back-fin starts closer to the head than in the rest. The pilchard of Cornwall and the sardine of the Mediterranean are one and the same fish in different stages of growth—that is to say, the pilchard is a grown-up sardine. The late Matthias Dunn of Mevagissey was one of the first practical fishermen to accept this identity, and the flourishing sardine factory at his native town bears lasting witness to his enterprise. Although, from the economic standpoint, we associate the pilchard with the extreme south-west of the English Channel, the fish finds its way to more eastern counties. The writer has found it at both Bournemouth and Ventnor; and it is taken, though sparsely, in the herring-nets of the North Sea fleets.

The Sardine, an essential fish (along with mackerel) on the south-west coast of England, has a more pronounced green color than the others mentioned. Its scales are large and rough, and its back fin begins closer to the head than in other fish. The pilchard from Cornwall and the sardine from the Mediterranean are actually the same fish at different stages of growth—specifically, the pilchard is a fully grown sardine. The late Matthias Dunn from Mevagissey was one of the first fishermen to recognize this connection, and the successful sardine factory in his hometown stands as a lasting testament to his initiative. While we typically associate the pilchard with the far south-west of the English Channel, the fish can also be found in more eastern counties. The author has spotted it in both Bournemouth and Ventnor, and it is caught, though not frequently, in the herring nets of the North Sea fleets.

The Anchovy, smaller than any of the foregoing, may be distinguished by its projecting, shark-like snout and deeply cleft mouth. It is seen in England only pickled for table purposes, but the writer used fresh anchovies for bait almost daily during a stay of four months on the shores of the Mediterranean.

The Anchovy, smaller than any of the others mentioned, can be identified by its jutting, shark-like snout and deeply split mouth. In England, it's usually only available pickled for eating, but the author used fresh anchovies as bait nearly every day during a four-month stay along the Mediterranean coast.

The two shads—the Allis Shad and Twaite Shad—are in some respects, though less important commercially, the most interesting of the family. Their habit of coming up rivers to spawn, like salmon, has been already noticed, but they appear to be more difficult to please than the other fish. The Severn used to be a noted shad-river, but the fishery has fallen off of late years. The Allis Shad grows to a weight of 7 or 8 lbs., and its pale green and silver scales are varied by some darker spots at irregular intervals on the shoulders and sides. The edge of the belly is serrated, like that of the sprat. The fish has a curious transparent eyelid, and its other peculiarities include an abnormally large number of gill-rakers, through which the water filters much as it does through the "whalebone" of whales. Its food is said to consist of small fishes and shrimps, as well as of vegetable substances. Though usually caught, for market purposes, in a seine-net, which is slipped round the shoal in shallow water, the shad is now and then taken on the hook, and instances of this are on record in the neighbourhood of Deal. The rivers of Morocco are very productive of shad, particularly the Bouregreg at Rabat, and the Um Erbeya at Azimur. At the latter town the writer has bought newly caught shad weighing 5 or 6 lbs. for native money equivalent to as many pence, {660}and very excellent fish they proved in camp. The Twaite Shad is a somewhat smaller fish, attaining to a maximum weight of perhaps a couple of pounds. It is not known to differ materially in habits from the larger species.

The two types of shad—the Allis Shad and Twaite Shad—are, in some ways, the most interesting in their family, even if they’re not as commercially important. Their behavior of swimming upstream to spawn, similar to salmon, has been noted, but they seem to be pickier than other fish. The Severn River used to be well-known for shad, but the fishery has declined in recent years. The Allis Shad can weigh 7 to 8 pounds, and its pale green and silver scales are marked with darker spots at irregular intervals on its shoulders and sides. The underside has a serrated edge, similar to a sprat. The fish has a unique transparent eyelid and features an unusually high number of gill rakers, which filter water much like the "whalebone" in whales. It’s said to eat small fish, shrimp, and some plant material. While they are usually caught for the market in seine nets that trap them in shallow water, shad are sometimes caught on hooks, with reports of this happening around Deal. The rivers in Morocco are quite rich in shad, especially the Bouregreg at Rabat and the Um Erbeya at Azimur. In that latter town, I’ve bought freshly caught shad weighing 5 to 6 pounds for local currency equivalent to just a few cents, and they turned out to be excellent fish for our camp. The Twaite Shad is a bit smaller, reaching a maximum weight of about two pounds. It’s not known to have significantly different habits from the larger species.

Reverting for a moment to the herring as a type of the family, a few words may be said on some very interesting facts in connection with its life-history and commercial uses. In the first place, the fact that the spawn sinks to the bottom is of more importance than would at first sight appear, since it not only exposes this spawn to disturbance by the trawl, but also subjects it to the voracity of cod, haddock, and other ground-feeding fishes. Some little protection is afforded by a natural provision which enables the eggs to adhere to stones and weeds, but this cannot in the long-run be of much service against prowling fishes. The eggs of the shad, which likewise sink (in fresh-water), do not adhere in this way.

Revisiting the herring as an example of its family, let's discuss some really interesting facts about its life cycle and commercial uses. First, the fact that the eggs sink to the bottom is more significant than it might seem at first because it not only makes the eggs vulnerable to being disturbed by trawling, but it also exposes them to the appetite of cod, haddock, and other bottom-feeding fish. There is some natural protection since the eggs can stick to stones and weeds, but this isn’t likely to be very effective against lurking fish in the long run. The eggs of the shad, which also sink (in freshwater), don’t adhere in this way.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Queensland Lungfish.

Known also as the Dawson River Salmon, on account of the colour and flavour of its flesh.

Known as the Dawson River Salmon because of the color and flavor of its flesh.

The migrations of the herring, again, have furnished almost as much material for argument to marine biologists as the migrations of birds in ornithological circles. Older naturalists described marvellous Arctic journeyings with careful attention to detail, much of which is now repudiated. Later theories hold that the shoals of herrings simply move, according to changes in the weather and temperature, backwards and forwards between the shore and the deeper water outside; and so far as the fishermen are concerned, the mere fact of the fish moving at any season of the year beyond reach of their drift-nets, which work at only moderate distances from the land, would be quite sufficient to convince them that the absent fish had departed on world-wide travels. Much of the former acceptance of these extensive migrations may have been due to confusion between the goings and comings of the different races of herrings now recognised by biologists. It is also probable that, when the identity and movements of these different "races" are more firmly established, we shall be able to clear up many of the difficulties at present surrounding the spawning-time of the herring, and to show that it does not, as sometimes alleged, deposit its spawn at every season of the year indiscriminately, but that some herrings spawn at one season, some at another. Although the herring is not, individually and by comparison with some other sea-fish, an enormously fertile fish, its numbers must be fairly large, when we bear in mind that something like 50,000 crans a week are, in good seasons, packed in Shetland alone. Taking, as an average, 750 fish to the cran, this gives a weekly curing of not far short of 40,000,000 of herrings in a single fishery. Owing indeed to the property, already noted, of adhering to stones {661}and rocks, it is improbable that even the trawl troubles the eggs to any appreciable extent, as the stony ground on which the herrings generally spawn is not suited to the operations of the trawler. The spawning and life-history of the herring are, in fact, the converse of those of the plaice. The former deposits its eggs on the ground close inshore, and the young herrings, almost as soon as they are hatched, steer for the open sea and live near the surface of the water. The flat-fishes, on the other hand, deposit eggs that float at the surface some distance from the shore; and the young plaice and soles, when hatched, come inshore and take up their residence close to the bed of the sea.

The migrations of herring have provided just as much material for debate among marine biologists as bird migrations do in ornithology. Earlier naturalists described incredible Arctic journeys with a lot of detail, much of which is now dismissed. Current theories suggest that herring shoals simply move back and forth between the shoreline and deeper waters based on changes in weather and temperature. For fishermen, the fact that these fish can move out of reach of their drift-nets, which operate only at moderate distances from land, would be enough to convince them that the missing fish have embarked on global adventures. Much of the earlier acceptance of extensive migrations might have been due to confusion between the various species of herring recognized by biologists today. It's likely that as we learn more about the identity and movements of these different "species," many of the current uncertainties about herring spawning times will be clarified. We will see that herring don’t spawn at all times of the year indiscriminately, but that some spawn in one season while others spawn in another. Although herring aren’t individually prolific compared to some other fish, their overall numbers are significant, considering that around 50,000 crans a week are packed in Shetland alone during good seasons. With an average of 750 fish per cran, this results in a weekly processing of nearly 40 million herring in just one fishery. Due to the noted tendency of herring to stick to stones and rocks, it’s unlikely that trawling affects their eggs significantly, as the rocky areas where herring generally spawn aren’t suitable for trawling. In fact, the spawning and life cycle of herring are quite the opposite of those of plaice. Herring lay their eggs close inshore, and the young herring, almost immediately after hatching, swim out to the open sea and live near the surface. In contrast, flatfish lay their eggs that float on the surface further from the shore, and the young plaice and soles, once hatched, come inshore and settle near the sea floor.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Sardines.

Distinct from the British species.

Different from the British species.

It would be improper to conclude this account of the Herring Family without a passing reference to the commercial mixture known as "Whitebait." Until comparatively late in the last century whitebait was regarded, even by scientific men, as a distinct species, and there were even some who declared that they had identified peculiar characters. It is now, however, common knowledge that the so-called "whitebait" is neither more nor less than a mixture of young herrings and sprats, the former predominating in summer, the latter in winter. Other fishes are also found in the dish, and, appropriately enough, at a recent banquet given by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, at which the writer had the pleasure of "assisting," a plate of whitebait was found to include no sprats, but the fry of herrings, gurnards, and sand-eels: this was in the month of July. Whitebait are caught in special fine-meshed nets in river-estuaries; and although they make a capital dish for the epicure, the large supplies needed for the restaurants probably entail a most regrettable sacrifice of valuable food-fishes, which, if left a year or two, would provide food for ten times the number of consumers. It would, however, be too much to expect that epicures should give up such an unrivalled dish for this cause. Moreover, if these little fishes were not captured by man, it is highly probable that a large proportion would fall victims to birds or other fishes.

It wouldn't be right to finish this account of the Herring Family without mentioning the commercial mixture known as "Whitebait." Up until fairly recently in the last century, even scientists considered whitebait a distinct species, with some claiming they had identified unique characteristics. Now, it’s widely accepted that what we call "whitebait" is simply a mix of young herrings and sprats, with herrings being more common in the summer and sprats in the winter. Other types of fish are also found in the dish, and fittingly, at a recent banquet hosted by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, where the writer had the pleasure of "assisting," a plate of whitebait was found to include no sprats, but rather the fry of herrings, gurnards, and sand-eels: all this in July. Whitebait are caught using special fine-meshed nets in river estuaries; while they make a great dish for food lovers, the large quantities needed for restaurants likely result in a regrettable loss of valuable food fish, which, if allowed to grow for a year or two, could feed ten times the number of consumers. However, it’s probably too much to expect food enthusiasts to give up such a unique dish for this reason. Also, if these little fish weren't caught by people, it’s highly likely that many would end up as prey for birds or other fish.




Bony Pike, Bowfin, Sturgeon, Reedfish, and Bichir.



The present chapter deals with the remaining forms belonging to that great assemblage of fishes known as the Bony-mouthed group, which includes all the members of the class save the Lung-fishes on the one hand and the Shark Tribe on the other.

The current chapter discusses the other types within the large group of fishes known as the Bony-mouthed group, which encompasses all members of the class except for Lung-fishes on one side and the Shark Tribe on the other.

This great assemblage, as we have already remarked, is divided into two sections—the Fan- and Fringe-finned Fishes. The fishes presently to be described belong partly to the one and partly to the other of these divisions, and were at one time, together with the Lung-fishes, regarded as nearly allied, and as forming but a single group, which, on account of the structure of the scales, was known as the Enamel-scaled group.

This large group, as we've already noted, is split into two sections—the Fan-finned and Fringe-finned Fishes. The fish we are about to describe belong to both of these categories and were once considered closely related, along with the Lung-fishes, and thought to make up just one group, which was called the Enamel-scaled group due to the structure of their scales.

The Bony Pike, the Bow-fin, and the Sturgeon are the last of the Fan-finned Fishes.

The Bony Pickerel, the Bowfin, and the Sturgeon fish are the last of the fan-finned fish.

The Bony Pike, or Gar-pike, is an inhabitant of the fresh-waters of North America, and has the most completely ossified skeleton and the most perfectly jointed backbone of all the fishes, whilst externally it is covered with a complete armour of thick, quadrangular scales coated with enamel. Three distinct species of this family are known, all of which are of large size, attaining a length of 6 feet. They are carnivorous in their habits, lying in wait among the reeds, and rushing out to seize their prey as soon as within range. In the Mississippi, great lakes, and rivers of South Carolina bony pike are especially abundant, occurring at times in such numbers as to fill the shad-nets and render the fishery for many days impossible. The larger members are said to be as aggressive as sharks, and remarkably tenacious of life.

The Skinny Pike, or Garfish, lives in fresh waters throughout North America and has the most fully developed skeleton and the best-jointed backbone of all fish. Its exterior is protected by a complete armor of thick, square-shaped scales that are coated in enamel. There are three known species in this family, all of which can grow to a length of 6 feet. They are carnivorous, hiding among the reeds and quickly lunging to catch their prey when it comes within range. Bony pike are particularly plentiful in the Mississippi, great lakes, and rivers of South Carolina, sometimes appearing in such large numbers that they fill fishing nets and make fishing impossible for several days. The larger ones are said to be as aggressive as sharks and incredibly tough to kill.

x-smaller sp1 m025

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.


Bony pike.

One of the very few survivors of the ancient group of Enamel-scaled Fishes.

One of the very few survivors of the ancient group of Enamel-scaled Fish.

The geographical distribution of the Bow-fin closely corresponds with that of the bony pike. It is an extremely common fish, and, though worthless for food purposes, has yet been deemed worthy of a number of different names, such as Grindle, Dog-fish, Sawyer, Mud-fish, and Lawyer-fish. At one time it was regarded as a near ally of the Herring Tribe, but modern research has shown this view to be erroneous. The bow-fin attains a length of about 2 feet, and is very voracious, preying both upon other fishes and aquatic insects and shrimps. It has a habit of coming frequently to the surface to breathe, especially when the water is foul, taking in large mouthfuls of air. When near the surface, it is said to utter a bell-like note, {663}probably caused by the escape of air from the air-bladder. During the breeding-season the male takes entire charge of the eggs.

The distribution of the Bowfin closely matches that of the bony pike. It's a very common fish, and although it isn’t considered good for eating, it has earned several different names, such as Grindle, Dogfish, Sawyer, Mudfish, and Lawyer fish. At one point, it was thought to be closely related to the Herring family, but modern research has proven that idea was incorrect. The bow-fin can grow to about 2 feet long and is quite aggressive, eating other fish as well as aquatic insects and shrimp. It often comes to the surface to breathe, especially when the water is dirty, gulping in large amounts of air. When it's near the surface, it’s said to make a bell-like sound, {663}likely caused by air escaping from its air bladder. During mating season, the male takes full responsibility for the eggs.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



The air-bladder of the sturgeon is used for making isinglass, its roe for caviare.

The sturgeon's air bladder is used to make isinglass, and its roe is used for caviar.

The Sturgeons differ from the other fan-finned fishes in many particulars. To begin with, the skeleton is almost entirely cartilaginous instead of bony, whilst externally the body is either naked or covered with bony bucklers, arranged symmetrically. The snout is prolonged into a more or less shovel-shaped beak, used for turning over the mud at the bottom of the water in search of prey, and in some forms this becomes further developed into a spoon-shaped paddle, constituting one of the most remarkable appendages of fishes.

The Sturgeon are different from other ray-finned fish in many ways. First, their skeleton is mostly made of cartilage instead of bone, and their body is either bare or covered with bony plates arranged symmetrically. Their snout extends into a shovel-like beak, which they use to dig through the mud at the bottom of the water to find food. In some species, this snout becomes even more developed into a spoon-shaped paddle, making it one of the most unique features of fish.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



A smaller species of the Sturgeon group.

A smaller species of the sturgeon family.

Sturgeons grow to a large size, and are the largest of the fresh-water fishes of the northern hemisphere. The Giant Sturgeon of the Black and Caspian Seas and the Sea of Azoff attains a length of 24 feet, and sometimes more, specimens of 3,200 lbs. weight having been recorded.

Sturgeons can grow quite large and are the biggest freshwater fish in the northern hemisphere. The Giant Sturgeon found in the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as the Sea of Azov, can reach lengths of 24 feet or more, with some recorded weighing in at 3,200 lbs.

On account of the wholesomeness of their flesh, sturgeons are highly esteemed wherever they are found. In Russian rivers they are very abundant, regular fishing-stations being established for their capture. The approach of a shoal of fish is announced by a watchman, and it is said as many as 15,000 sturgeon have been captured at one of these stations in a single day. Should the fishing be suspended for a short time, the fish assemble in such numbers as to form a solid mass, completely blocking a river 400 feet in width and 25 feet in depth.

Due to the quality of their flesh, sturgeons are highly valued wherever they are found. In Russian rivers, they are very common, with regular fishing spots set up for catching them. When a school of fish approaches, a watchman signals the event, and it’s reported that as many as 15,000 sturgeon have been caught at one of these spots in a single day. If fishing is paused for a little while, the fish gather in such large numbers that they create a solid mass, completely blocking a river that is 400 feet wide and 25 feet deep.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.



A second representative of the Enamel-scaled group.

A second member of the Enamel-scaled group.

From the roe of these fishes caviare is made, and isinglass from the inner lining {664}of the air-bladder. But the best-flavoured flesh and the finest caviare are obtained from a comparatively small form, the Sterlet, a species which does not exceed a yard in length. It is common in the Black and Caspian Seas, the Siberian rivers, and the Danube as far as Vienna.

Caviar is made from the roe of these fish, and isinglass comes from the inner lining of the air-bladder. However, the tastiest flesh and the highest-quality caviar come from a relatively small type, the Sterlet, which doesn’t grow larger than a yard in length. It’s found in the Black and Caspian Seas, the rivers of Siberia, and the Danube all the way to Vienna.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.



Note the remarkable finlets on the back and the peculiar structure of the breast-fins.

Note the impressive finlets on the back and the unique structure of the breast fins.

With the Sturgeons we come to the end of the Fan-finned Fishes. The Fringe-finned group are represented to-day only by the Bichir and the Reed-fish. These are extremely interesting forms, if only because they are the sole survivors of a once numerous tribe, the remains of which occur as fossils in some of the oldest geological formations. They are known as Fringe-finned on account of the fact that the rays which support the fin-membrane in the paired fins are ranged round a lobe-shaped base, instead of running directly backwards to the body. As in the bony pike, the body is clothed externally by large quadrangular bony plates of considerable thickness, and coated with a layer of enamel.

With the Sturgeons, we reach the end of the Fan-finned Fishes. The Fringe-finned group is now only represented by the Bichir fish and the Reedfish. These species are really interesting, especially since they are the last living representatives of a once large group, the remains of which can be found as fossils in some of the oldest geological layers. They are called Fringe-finned because the rays that support the fin-membrane in their paired fins are arranged around a lobe-shaped base, instead of extending straight back to the body. Similar to the bony pike, their bodies are covered externally by large, square bony plates that are quite thick and have a layer of enamel on them.

The Bichir, which is found in the Nile and other tropical rivers of Africa, is easily recognised by the peculiar structure of the back-fin, which takes the form of a series of detached finlets, varying in number from eight to eighteen. The length attained by the bichir is about 4 feet. Gill-breathing is supplemented by the air-bladder, which is used as a respiratory organ, the expired air escaping by a slit, known as the "spiracle." The young bichir breathes, like a tadpole, by means of large external gills, projecting backwards on each side of the head; later these are replaced by the more efficiently protected internal gills.

The Bichir fish, found in the Nile and other tropical rivers in Africa, is easily recognized by its unique back fin structure, which consists of a series of separate finlets that can range from eight to eighteen in number. The bichir can grow to about 4 feet long. It breathes through gills and also uses its air bladder as a breathing organ, with exhaled air escaping through a slit called the "spiracle." Young bichirs breathe like tadpoles, using large external gills that project backward on each side of their heads; later, these are replaced by more efficiently protected internal gills.

The only surviving relative of the bichir is the Reed-fish of Old Calabar, which differs by its eel-like form and the absence of the hinder paired fins.

The only surviving relative of the bichir is the Reed fish from Old Calabar, which is different due to its eel-like shape and the lack of the back paired fins.



Sharks and Rays.



Two prevalent errors with reference to sharks continually recur in England. The first is local, and has reference to the absence of "proper" sharks, whatever that may mean, from British waters. The second, of wider application, holds that all sharks are dangerous to man. When, some few years ago, the writer addressed a letter to the Times newspaper, warning yachting-men against summer bathing in deep water in Cornwall, a host of critics accused him of a tendency to pose as an alarmist, and insisted that he was confusing sharks with dog-fish. Apart from the fact that the distinction between the two groups is in some cases extremely slight—it does not even rely on size, for there are dog-fishes which attain to larger dimensions than the smallest sharks—these gentlemen were wholly in error, since four sharks at any rate are very common in Cornish seas, and even occur in lesser numbers on other parts of the British coasts. The largest of these, the great Basking-shark (of which a photograph, taken at Mevagissey, is given below), illustrates in its harmless person the fallacy of condemning all sharks as man-eaters, since in this, the largest of its race, we have an absolutely innocuous fish. From its habit of lying at the surface with the large back-fin erect, it is also known as the Sail-fish, while the equally appropriate name of Sun-fish sometimes causes confusion with other British fishes properly so called.

Two common misconceptions about sharks keep coming up in England. The first is local and claims that there are no “proper” sharks, whatever that means, in British waters. The second, which is more widespread, is the belief that all sharks are dangerous to humans. A few years ago, when the author wrote a letter to the Times newspaper warning boaters about summer swimming in deep water off Cornwall, many critics accused him of being an alarmist and insisted he was confusing sharks with dogfish. Aside from the fact that the difference between the two groups is sometimes very slight—not even based on size, since some dogfish can grow larger than the smallest sharks—these critics were completely mistaken. At least four species of sharks are quite common in Cornish waters and even appear in smaller numbers along other British coasts. The largest of these, the great Basking shark (a photograph taken at Mevagissey is shown below), demonstrates the error in labeling all sharks as man-eaters since this largest species is completely harmless. Because it often swims with its large dorsal fin above the water, it is also known as the Sail-fish, while the equally fitting name of Sun-fish can sometimes lead to confusion with other British fish that are actually called by that name.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Wollibong, or carpet shark.

The leaf-like processes surrounding the head serve to attract prey, while the shark lies concealed on the sea-bottom.

The leaf-like structures around the head help attract prey while the shark stays hidden on the ocean floor.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Note the peculiar shape of the tail, and the aperture behind the eye, known as the "spiracle."

Note the unusual shape of the tail, and the opening behind the eye, called the "spiracle."


Photo by S. Dalby Smith]  [Mevagissey.



Basking shark.

Regularly hunted on the west coast of Ireland for the sake of the oil obtainable from its liver. Note the keel by the side of the tail.

Regularly hunted on the west coast of Ireland for the oil that can be extracted from its liver. Note the keel next to the tail.

A commoner British shark (in the limited space allotted, British species must be allowed prior claims) is the Blue Shark, small examples of which, weighing 30 or 40 lbs., the writer has often killed with the rod at Mevagissey. When thus hooked, this fish has a curious and very trying habit of revolving rapidly in the water, scoring its own granulated skin with the line. The Porbeagle-shark, another Cornish species, is of thicker build than the last, and swims with far less graceful movements. It is a deep brown colour above, and its general outline may be likened to that of a torpedo. The Fox-shark, or Thresher, so often seen on hot summer days leaping out of water among the pilchard-shoals, is easily recognised, even at considerable distances, by the disproportionately long upper lobe of the tail-fin. This is the shark which attacks certain of the Whale Tribe. Many who stay at home find it agreeable to cast doubt on the story; but the writer has, in Australian seas, witnessed the sight of two of these sharks flinging themselves on the back of an apparently exhausted whale in such unmistakable circumstances that the only alternative (which the reader may accept, if preferred) is to suppose that they were all congenial playmates.

A common British shark (within the limited space allowed, British species must take priority) is the Blue Shark, small examples of which, weighing 30 or 40 lbs., I have often caught with a fishing rod at Mevagissey. When hooked, this fish has a strange and very frustrating habit of spinning rapidly in the water, damaging its own granular skin with the line. The Porbeagle shark, another species found in Cornwall, is stockier than the Blue Shark and swims with much less grace. It is a deep brown color on top, and its overall shape resembles that of a torpedo. The Fox shark, or Thresher machine, commonly seen on hot summer days leaping out of the water among the pilchard shoals, can be easily identified, even from a distance, by its unusually long upper lobe of the tail fin. This is the shark that preys on certain types of whales. Many people who don't go out to sea prefer to doubt this story; however, I have seen with my own eyes in Australian waters two of these sharks leaping onto the back of an apparently exhausted whale in such clear circumstances that the only other option (which the reader is free to accept if they want) is to believe they were just friendly playmates.

Before specifying some general characters of this interesting group of predatory fishes, it may be as well briefly to summarise the British Dog-fishes; for the Hammerhead-shark, very common in southern seas, is so rare a visitor to Britain as to be negligible in an epitome of the group. The dog-fishes, then, which trouble fishermen are the Smooth Hound {667}and Rough Hound, the Nurse, the Picked Dog, and the Silver Dog, or Tope. The Nurse and Rough Hound are spotted leopards of the sea, and the latter has a very curious property. If a fresh-caught "row-hound," as the fishermen pronounce the name, be put in a basket or boat's well with pollack and other fishes, the points of contact will be marked by discoloration of its neighbours. This is probably due to some acrid and bleaching secretion of the row-hound's skin, for which some economic use might possibly be found. The Picked Dog, or Spur-dog, has very sharp spines in front of both back-fins, and has therefore to be handled by the fishermen very cautiously, often punishing their hands badly when entangled at night in the nets. Of Smooth Hounds there are two species or varieties, between which there is some confusion, and in one at any rate there are interesting anatomical peculiarities in the unborn fish (like many other sharks and dog-fishes, the smooth hound bears living young instead of depositing eggs), any account of which would obviously be out of place in so short a description.

Before outlining some general features of this fascinating group of predatory fish, it might be helpful to briefly summarize the British Dogfish; the Hammerhead shark, which is very common in southern waters, is such a rare visitor to Britain that it can be ignored in a summary of the group. The dog-fishes that cause problems for fishermen are the Smooth Hound {667}, the Rough Dog, the Nurse, the Selected Dog, and the Silver Dog, or Tope. The Nurse and Rough Dog are spotted like leopards of the sea, and the latter has a very interesting trait. If a freshly caught "row-hound," as fishermen call it, is placed in a basket or a boat's well with pollack and other fish, the areas where it touches will be discolored. This is likely due to some acrid and bleaching secretion from the row-hound's skin, which could have potential economic uses. The Chosen Dog, or Spur dog, has very sharp spines in front of both dorsal fins, so fishermen must handle it with great care, often injuring their hands when they get caught in the nets at night. There are two species or varieties of Smooth Hounds, which can create some confusion, and in at least one of them, there are interesting anatomical features in the unborn fish (like many other sharks and dog-fishes, the smooth hound gives birth to live young instead of laying eggs), but discussing these would obviously be out of place in such a brief description.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



So called from the presence of the eye-like spots on the body, two of which can be seen above the breast-fins.

So named because of the eye-like spots on its body, two of which are visible above the breast fins.


Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons. 

Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons.


Indian stingray.

The tail is armed with a powerful poison-spine.

The tail has a strong poison spine.

Generally speaking, then, the sharks are cartilaginous fishes, having the upper lobe of the tail larger than the lower, a shovel-shaped snout, and the crescent-shaped mouth beneath the head. Another peculiar feature of the group is the presence of breathing-spiracles behind the eyes; while the latter have a manner of blinking not found in other fishes. Of the teeth, which differ in structure from those of other kinds of fishes, there are several rows. The gill-openings are lateral, and usually number five, though one species has six and another seven. With the exception of the afore-mentioned Basking-shark and the Port Jackson Shark, which the writer met with in Australia, they are all more or less dangerous; and when of insufficient size to be harmful to man, do great damage among the lines and nets of the fishermen. Indeed, the {668}late Matthias Dunn of Mevagissey seriously urged on the Admiralty to dynamite them in the interests of the fishing industry. Most of the sharks deposit their eggs in the curious oblong vessels known by those who pick up the disused cases on the foreshore as "purses"; and these attach themselves to rocks and stones by long tendrils that cling to every support. A number of species (the Porbeagle and Tope among British kinds), however, bring forth their young alive.

Generally speaking, sharks are cartilaginous fish, with the upper lobe of their tail being larger than the lower, a shovel-shaped snout, and a crescent-shaped mouth located underneath their head. Another unique feature of this group is the presence of breathing spiracles behind the eyes, which have a blinking mechanism not seen in other fish. They have several rows of teeth, which differ in structure from those of other fish. The gill openings are on the sides and usually total five, although one species has six and another has seven. Except for the aforementioned Basking shark and the Port Jackson Shark, which the author encountered in Australia, most sharks are more or less dangerous; and when they are not big enough to harm humans, they can cause significant damage to fishermen's lines and nets. In fact, the late Matthias Dunn of Mevagissey seriously urged the Admiralty to dynamite them to protect the fishing industry. Most sharks lay their eggs in the unusual oblong structures known by those who find the discarded cases on the shoreline as "purses," which attach to rocks and stones with long tendrils that cling to any support. However, several species (including the Porbeagle shark and Top among British types) give birth to live young.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Horned ox-ray, or devil fish.

This species and its allies attain enormous proportions. One taken at Barbadoes required seven yoke of oxen to draw it.

This species and its relatives grow to massive sizes. One that was caught in Barbados needed seven yoke of oxen to pull it.

Between the Sharks and Rays there is a curious and interesting link in the form of the Monk-fish, or Angel-fish, which is common on all sandy shores, and a frequent victim of the trawl. Such local names as Mongrel-skate and Shark-ray indicate a widespread acceptance of its intermediate position between the two groups under notice. Like some of the sharks already noticed, it produces living young, and its maximum size may be set down as at any rate over 7 feet. The writer measured and weighed one trawled in Bournemouth Bay during the summer of 1896. Its length was nearly 4½ feet, and its weight rather less than 50 lbs. Like many of the rays, this species feeds to a great extent on flat-fishes.

Between sharks and rays, there's an interesting connection in the form of the Monkfish, or Angel fish, which is commonly found on sandy shores and often caught in trawls. Local names like Mongrel-skate and Shark-ray show that people recognize its mixed traits between the two groups mentioned. Similar to some sharks already mentioned, it gives birth to live young, and it can grow to over 7 feet in length. The author measured and weighed one that was caught in Bournemouth Bay during the summer of 1896. It was nearly 4½ feet long and weighed just under 50 lbs. Like many rays, this species primarily feeds on flatfish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Whip-tailed stingray.

Sting-rays are abundant in tropical seas.

Stingrays are common in tropical waters.

In outward form the monk-fish, though it is in reality more nearly allied to the sharks, brings us by an easy transition to the flattened Rays, with their long whip-like tails and pointed snouts. There are a dozen, or rather more if we count casual visitors, of these skates and rays in British seas, the largest being the great Eagle-ray, examples of which have been recorded of the enormous weight of 1,000 lbs. Many of the smaller kinds are studded with sharp spines, curved in some species, and the Thornback owes to these {669}its trivial name. All these rays, in fact, have some form or other of formidable offensive and defensive apparatus. The Sting-ray has on its tail a fearful serrated dagger, 6 or 8 inches long in large examples; while the Torpedo- or Numb-fish has electric organs in the head, with the aid of which it can give a shock sufficiently strong to paralyse the fishes on which it feeds.

In appearance, the monkfish, although it is actually more closely related to sharks, smoothly leads us to the flattened Beams, featuring long whip-like tails and pointed snouts. There are about a dozen, or even more if we include occasional visitors, of these skates and rays in British waters, with the largest being the great Eagle ray, which has been recorded at a massive weight of 1,000 lbs. Many of the smaller species are covered in sharp spines, with some species having curved ones, and the Thornback gets its common name from these spines. In fact, all these rays possess some kind of impressive offensive and defensive features. The Stingray has a dangerous serrated dagger on its tail, measuring 6 to 8 inches long in larger specimens, while the Torpedo or Numbfish has electric organs in its head, which allow it to deliver a shock strong enough to paralyze the fish it preys on.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Shovel-nosed skate.

Known also as the Halavi Ray.

Known also as the Halavi Ray.

Two interesting peculiarities of the rays deserve notice in concluding this chapter. The first is that their egg-purses, instead of attaching themselves with filaments to weeds and rocks, like those of the sharks, are provided with a sticky secretion which answers the same purpose of anchoring them in security from currents that would carry them out into deep, cold water. The second is the sexual difference in the teeth, which are pointed in the male and flat in the female. Whether this difference in the teeth (which may be likened to that between the bills of the male and female Huia-bird of New Zealand) indicates a corresponding difference in food, or, on the other hand, some co-operation between the sexes in procuring it, is an interesting question that our present slight knowledge of the habits of these fishes does not enable us to answer.

Two interesting features of rays are worth mentioning as we wrap up this chapter. First, their egg cases don’t attach to seaweed and rocks with threads like those of sharks; instead, they have a sticky secretion that serves the same purpose, keeping them secure against currents that might sweep them out into deep, cold water. Second, there’s a noticeable difference in the teeth: in males, they’re pointed, while in females, they’re flat. Whether this difference in teeth—similar to the variation between the beaks of male and female Huia birds from New Zealand—suggests a difference in diet or some sort of cooperation between the sexes in finding food is an intriguing question that our limited current understanding of these fish's behavior doesn’t allow us to answer.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Painted Skate.

So called on account of its conspicuous coloration.

So named because of its noticeable coloring.

Finally, attention must be drawn to the remarkable transformation which the breast-fins and tail have undergone. The former have developed into powerful swimming-organs, locomotion being effected by their undulatory movements, instead of by similar movements of the whole body, or by side-to-side motions of the tail, as in other fishes. Whilst the latter, no longer used in swimming, has either been reduced to a mere vestige, as in the Horned Ox-ray, or has become developed into a long and tapering "whiplash," provided with a poison-spine. In such cases the long tail is used to encircle prey, and at the same time to force the victim on to the deadly spine.

Finally, we need to highlight the incredible changes that the breast fins and tail have undergone. The breast fins have evolved into powerful swimming organs, allowing movement through their wave-like motions rather than by moving the entire body or swinging side to side like other fish. Meanwhile, the tail, no longer used for swimming, has either shrunk down to a small remnant, as seen in the Horned Ox-ray, or has evolved into a long, slender "whiplash" equipped with a poisonous spine. In these cases, the long tail is used to wrap around prey and simultaneously push the victim onto the deadly spine.


Book V: Jointed Animals.






This section of animals is often called a "sub-kingdom," and differs from back-boned animals in having the framework of the body outside. That is, instead of a skeleton, Crabs, Spiders, Centipedes, and Insects are protected either by a hard shelly casing, or by a tough skin, to which the muscles are attached; and this arrangement renders them much stronger and much less susceptible to injury, in proportion to their size, than vertebrate animals. They have cold blood, generally of a white colour; and their bodies and limbs are usually composed of a considerable number of separate joints.

This group of animals is often referred to as a "sub-kingdom" and differs from vertebrates by having their body structure on the outside. Instead of a skeleton, crabs, spiders, centipedes, and insects are protected by either a hard shell or tough skin, to which their muscles are attached. This setup makes them much stronger and less prone to injury, relative to their size, compared to vertebrate animals. They have cold blood, typically white in color, and their bodies and limbs usually consist of a large number of separate joints.


Photo by E. Connold. 

Photo by E. Connold.



A species which commonly attaches itself to ships' bottoms and floating wreckage.

A species that often clings to the bottoms of ships and floating debris.

The group is a very large one, and it is probable that there are at least 300,000 different kinds of insects already known, while the total number of species now existing is estimated by different entomologists as from two to ten millions. It is, therefore, no exaggeration to say that every word of our brief account of the Insects represents from ten to twenty known species at least. The other classes of the group are also very numerous. Our account must necessarily be very short; the characters of the principal classes of the Jointed Animals are referred to in their places.

The group is quite large, with at least 300,000 different types of insects already identified. The total number of existing species is estimated by various entomologists to be between two and ten million. So, it’s not an exaggeration to say that each word in our brief overview of Insects represents at least ten to twenty known species. The other categories in this group are also numerous. Our summary will inevitably be brief; the features of the main classes of Jointed Animals are discussed in their respective sections.

Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, Wood-lice, Barnacles, etc.

Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, woodlice, barnacles, and so on.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


A pair of barnacles.

The larger size of this photograph exhibits more structural details than the last.

The bigger size of this photograph shows more structural details than the last one.

Jointed animals are generally provided with one pair of long jointed organs, called "antennæ," a naturalised word derived from the Latin, in which language antenna means a sail-yard. They are often called "feelers," and usually fulfil this function at least; but they are also frequently organs of smell, and sometimes probably of hearing and other senses. One peculiarity of the Crab and Lobster group is that they are generally furnished with two pairs instead of one pair of these organs.

Jointed animals typically have one pair of long jointed organs called "antennæ," a word borrowed from Latin, where antenna means a sail-yard. They are often referred to as "feelers," and they usually serve this purpose at least; however, they often act as smell organs and sometimes might even help with hearing and other senses. One unique feature of the Crab (seafood) and Lobster dinner group is that they usually have two pairs of these organs instead of just one.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.



The general appearance is so different from the Stalked Barnacle that it is difficult to believe the two belong to the same group.

The overall look is so different from the Stalked Barnacle that it’s hard to believe they’re part of the same group.

They are nearly all aquatic animals, by far the larger portion being marine, and they breathe with gills. They are provided with a hard calcareous or horny covering. The head is not separated from the trunk, as in insects; and they are provided with a number of jointed organs, usually classified as three pairs of jaws, three pairs of foot-jaws, and five pairs of legs in the more typical families; but in the smaller and more aberrant species the number is more variable. In their early stages they frequently pass through very extraordinary changes of form, but after assuming their adult shape they grow by casting their shells at intervals.

They are mostly aquatic animals, with the vast majority being marine, and they breathe through gills. They have a hard outer shell made of calcium or a similar material. The head isn’t separate from the body like in insects; instead, they have several jointed structures typically classified as three pairs of jaws, three pairs of foot-jaws, and five pairs of legs in the more common species. However, in the smaller and more unusual species, the number can vary more widely. In their early stages, they often undergo significant changes in shape, but after reaching their adult form, they grow by shedding their shells at regular intervals.

We will now notice a few typical examples of the different groups of these creatures.

We will now look at a few typical examples of the different groups of these creatures.

The Brine-shrimp is a little reddish creature about half an inch long, which prefers the concentrated solution of brine-pits to sea-water. It has eleven pairs of legs, and, notwithstanding its name, the front portion of its body is considerably broader and flatter in proportion than that of a real shrimp, the other half consisting of a jointed tail.

The Sea-monkeys is a small reddish creature about half an inch long that prefers the concentrated solution of brine-pits over sea water. It has eleven pairs of legs, and despite its name, the front part of its body is much wider and flatter in proportion compared to a real shrimp, with the other half consisting of a jointed tail.

Barnacles were formerly considered to be shell-fish, but are now usually classed with the crabs and lobsters, because, when they are young, they appear as freely swimming creatures, with one eye, two antennæ, and six pairs of jointed limbs. When they grow larger, they fix themselves to a rock or some other object by the head, and develop a shell, usually composed of several pieces. The commonest is the Acorn-barnacle, the white shell of which, measuring rather less than an inch across, swarms on rocks at the seaside. It is shaped like a limpet, but open at the top. The Goose-barnacles hang down by a stalk, and their jointed shells more resemble those of a mussel than that of a limpet, though they are composed of several pieces. Various species similar to both those mentioned are found on piers, rocks, the bottoms of ships, and even sometimes on the skin of whales.

Barnacles were once thought to be shellfish, but they're now usually categorized with crabs and lobsters. When they are young, they look like free-swimming creatures, with one eye, two antennae, and six pairs of jointed limbs. As they mature, they attach themselves to a rock or another object by their head and grow a shell that usually consists of several pieces. The most common type is the Acorn barnacle, whose white shell measures just under an inch across and is abundant on seaside rocks. It has a shape similar to a limpet but is open at the top. The Goose barnacles hang down from a stalk, and their jointed shells resemble those of a mussel rather than a limpet, even though they are made up of several pieces. Various species similar to both types can be found on piers, rocks, the bottoms of ships, and even sometimes on the skin of whales.

In dark cellars in the country, under loose bark, or under pieces of wood which have been left in the fields, we often see creeping about brown creatures about half an inch long, with jointed bodies and antennæ, and short jointed legs. They are called Wood-lice, and several species roll themselves up into a ball when alarmed. These creatures feed chiefly on decaying vegetable substances; and there is a larger marine species much like them, which is common in holes and crannies in the rocks on the seashore.

In dark cellars in the countryside, beneath loose bark or pieces of wood left in the fields, we often see brown creatures about half an inch long, with segmented bodies, antennae, and short, jointed legs. They are called Pill bugs, and several species roll into a ball when they’re startled. These creatures mainly feed on decaying plant material; there’s also a larger marine species that looks similar and is commonly found in holes and crevices in the rocks by the shore.

There are other curious creatures, called Whale-lice and Fish-lice, which are parasitic in their habits. Some of these look like spiders, and one or two have enormously long legs; but others are of strange and almost indescribable forms, and sometimes without legs at all. One species, found on the sprat, has two long appendages at the end of its body not unlike a pair of compasses.

There are other interesting creatures called Whale lice and Fish lice, which behave like parasites. Some of these resemble spiders, and a few have extremely long legs, while others have odd and almost unexplainable shapes, and sometimes they don't have legs at all. One type, found on the sprat, has two long extensions at the end of its body that are similar to a pair of compasses.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



A land representative of a numerous marine group.

A land representative of a large marine group.

Shrimps and Prawns are red when cooked, but when alive are very pretty semi-transparent objects, which may be seen swimming about through the glass of aquariums placed against the wall. Prawns are larger than shrimps, and have a strong {672}serrated spine in front of the head. Shrimps and prawns, of which several kinds are found off the British coasts, generally prefer shallow water, with a sandy bottom. In most of these the first two pairs of feet are divided to form a pair of pincers at the extremity; but in such small creatures this is easily overlooked, unless special attention is directed to it. It is different with the Lobsters and Crayfish, which much resemble shrimps in form, but are very much larger, and armed with a pair of very large pincer-like claws, in addition to the other legs. Lobsters live in the sea, in holes in the rocks, into which they dart backwards, and there protect themselves with only the head and claws projecting at the opening, ready to face any intruder. Crayfish, which are smaller, live in holes in the banks of brooks and rivers. There are many species, some of large size and bright colours. The Common Lobster is black when living, but other species are red, blue, or variegated.

Shrimp and Shrimp turn red when cooked, but when they’re alive, they are beautiful semi-transparent creatures that can be seen swimming around in aquariums against the wall. Prawns are bigger than shrimps and have a prominent {672} serrated spine at the front of their head. Various types of shrimps and prawns can be found off the British coasts, and they usually prefer shallow waters with a sandy bottom. In most species, the first two pairs of legs are divided to form pincers at the end, but it's easy to overlook this feature in such small creatures unless you pay close attention. However, lobsters and crayfish, which have a similar shape to shrimps, are much larger and come equipped with a pair of large pincer-like claws in addition to their other legs. Lobsters live in the sea, hiding in rock crevices, where they quickly dart backward for protection, leaving only their head and claws visible at the opening to confront any intruder. Crayfish, which are smaller, inhabit holes along the banks of streams and rivers. There are many species, some of which are quite large and brightly colored. The American Lobster is black when it's alive, but other species can be red, blue, or multi-colored.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



A species which plays an important part in the food-supply of London.

A species that plays a crucial role in London's food supply.

Sometimes, if we pick up a whelk-shell on the beach, we shall find it inhabited, not by a mollusc, but by a crab, with its legs and claws wedged together, so as to fill the aperture completely—one claw, much larger than the other, resting in front; and if we pull it out, we shall find that, though the front of its body and the legs and claws are hard, like those of an ordinary crab, it has a long, soft, fleshy tail, absolutely defenceless and unprotected. Crabs belonging to this curious section are called Hermit-crabs, and protect themselves by taking possession of shells which they have either found empty or appropriated by the easy and economical process of devouring the owners. The few species found on the British coasts are all small, and more frequently noticed in whelk-shells than in any others; but tropical species attain to a considerable size, and may sometimes be found in shells measuring 3 or 4 inches across at the opening.

Sometimes, if we pick up a whelk shell on the beach, we might find it occupied, not by a mollusk but by a crab, with its legs and claws squeezed together to fill the opening completely—one claw, much larger than the other, positioned in front. If we pull it out, we’ll see that while the front of its body and the legs and claws are hard, like those of a regular crab, it has a long, soft, fleshy tail that is completely defenseless and unprotected. Crabs from this interesting group are called Hermit crabs, and they protect themselves by taking over shells that they either find empty or acquire by the simple and cost-effective method of eating the previous owners. The few species found along the British coasts are all small and are mostly seen in whelk shells more than any others; however, tropical species can grow quite large and are sometimes found in shells that measure 3 or 4 inches across at the opening.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Freshwater crab.

In general appearance very similar to the common shore-crab.

In general appearance, it looks quite a bit like the common shore crab.

Crabs are distinguished from the lobsters by their compact form, and by having the short tail turned in under the body. There are a great number of species, differing much in size, shape, and appearance. One of the best known in England is the large Edible Crab, which may often be seen in fishmongers' shops, and, unlike the lobster, does not change much in colour when boiled. Every visitor to the seaside must have seen numbers of the little greenish Shore-crabs, running about on the sand, or over seaweed-covered rocks, at low tide. These small crabs are harmless, but large kinds are able to give a very severe pinch. It is related that when the great chemist Sir Humphry Davy was a boy he used to maintain that pain was no evil, until a large crab gripped his toe one day when he was bathing, after which he changed his opinion.

Crabs are different from lobsters because of their compact shape and their short tail, which is tucked under their body. There are many species that vary widely in size, shape, and appearance. One of the most well-known in England is the large Edible Crab, which is commonly found in fishmongers' shops and, unlike lobsters, doesn't change much in color when boiled. Anyone who has visited the seaside must have seen many of the small greenish Shore crabs scurrying on the sand or over seaweed-covered rocks during low tide. These little crabs are harmless, but larger ones can deliver a painful pinch. It’s said that when the great chemist Sir Humphry Davy was a boy, he used to believe that pain was not a bad thing—until a large crab pinched his toe one day while he was swimming, and he changed his mind.



Goliath beetle.

West Africa. (Half natural size.)

West Africa. (Half actual size.)



Brazilian Bee.

(Enlarged one-third.)

(Enlarged by one-third.)




From Somali Land and Aden. (Slightly reduced.)

From Somali Land and Aden. (Slightly reduced.)



Candle fly.

From Ceylon. (Slightly reduced.)

From Sri Lanka.



Aussie Robber Fly.

(Slightly reduced.)

Slightly cut down.




(Enlarged one-third.)

(Zoomed in one-third.)

Photos by W. P. Dando. F.Z.S. Regent's Park. Printed at Lyons, France.

Photos by W. P. Dando. F.Z.S. Regent's Park. Printed in Lyon, France.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



An active sea-scavenger.

A busy sea scavenger.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Blue crab.

Much esteemed for the table.

Highly respected for the table.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Fighting Crabs.

The males are remarkable for having one large scarlet claw, the other being rudimentary (the females possess two small claws only). The eyes also are seated at the end of long stalks.

The males are notable for having one large scarlet claw, while the other is underdeveloped (the females have only two small claws). The eyes are also located at the ends of long stalks.

Some crabs are smooth and shining, but others are covered with bosses, excrescences, and spines, which give them a very formidable appearance, and must be a useful protection against any enemies to whose attacks they are exposed. In many species one of the two great claws is always much larger than the other. Some have round bodies, others are oval or nearly square; some have short legs, and others very long ones. The species differ much in their habits; and in tropical countries there are land-crabs which live entirely on shore, and others which are amphibious, and climb cocoanut-trees to get at the nuts. As a general rule, however, crabs are carnivorous and marine, and play the part of sea-scavengers.

Some crabs are smooth and shiny, while others have bumps, growths, and spines that make them look quite intimidating, which likely serves as effective protection against predators. In many species, one of the two large claws is always significantly bigger than the other. Some have round bodies, others are oval or almost square; some have short legs, while others have very long ones. The species vary widely in their behaviors; in tropical areas, there are land crabs that live entirely on land, and others that are amphibious and climb coconut trees to reach the fruit. Generally, though, crabs are carnivorous and marine, acting as scavengers in the ocean.

The King-crabs differ very much from any now living in the British seas, but are generally considered to be allied to the Trilobites, an extinct family which appears to have been extremely numerous in very ancient seas. King-crabs are 2 or 3 feet long from the front of the body to the end of the tail. The front part of the body is entirely covered by a curved oval shield, while the hinder part of the body is much narrower, and armed at the sides with strong teeth directed backwards, and also with a long and strong spear, something like that of a sword-fish on a small scale, as long as the rest of the body. The few species known exhibit an instance of what is called "discontinuous distribution," since they are found only on the coasts of the Moluccas, East Indies, and the Southern United States and West Indies.

The King crabs are quite different from any currently found in the British seas, but they're generally thought to be related to Trilobites, an extinct group that seems to have been very numerous in ancient oceans. King-crabs measure about 2 to 3 feet long from the front of their body to the tip of their tail. The front part of their body is completely covered by a curved oval shield, while the back part is much narrower, featuring strong teeth on the sides that point backwards, along with a long, sturdy spear similar to that of a swordfish but smaller, about the length of the rest of their body. The few known species illustrate what's known as "discontinuous distribution," as they are only found along the coasts of the Moluccas, East Indies, and the southern United States and West Indies.

Scorpions, Spiders, and Mites.

Scorpions, spiders, and mites.

These creatures form a peculiar group in which there are only two principal divisions of the body, the head and thorax being fused into one mass, and the abdomen forming a separate division. In the Mites, however, the body forms a single round or oval mass, even the division between the thorax and the abdomen having disappeared. The members of the group have no antennæ, but two pairs of jaws and a pair of palpi, frequently very long, and armed with a pincer-like arrangement at the end, in which case they are called "foot-jaws." Except in some of the mites, which have only four or six, all the group have eight legs. They pass through no metamorphosis, but moult several times after quitting the egg before attaining their full growth. They have frequently several pairs of simple eyes, but no compound eyes like the large pair on the head of most insects.

These creatures belong to a unique group that has only two main parts: the head and thorax are combined into one mass, while the abdomen is a separate section. However, in Mites, the body is a single round or oval shape, with no clear distinction between the thorax and abdomen. Members of this group lack antennae but have two pairs of jaws and a pair of palps, which are often quite long and have a pincers-like structure at the end; in this case, they are referred to as "foot-jaws." Except for some mites that have only four or six legs, all members of the group have eight legs. They don’t undergo metamorphosis but molt several times after hatching from the egg before reaching their full size. They often have several pairs of simple eyes but lack the compound eyes found on the heads of most insects.

In the Scorpions, of which there is a considerable variety in different parts of the world, {675}the united head and thorax are comparatively short; but the abdomen is very long, and divided into a broad half, consisting of seven segments, and a narrow tail of five very movable segments, besides a sharp, curved sting at the extremity. There are from three to six pairs of eyes on the head and thorax, and in front of the body projects a pair of very large pincer-bearing foot-jaws. Scorpions are generally of a yellowish or black colour; and the largest black scorpions of Africa and India sometimes measure as much as 9 inches in length. They are nocturnal creatures, hiding under stones, or in holes in the ground, or in crevices in walls during the day. They kill the insects and other small animals on which they feed with their stings, the sting of one of the large black scorpions, like that of the large tropical centipedes, being as painful and dangerous as that of a snake. There are a few small and comparatively harmless species found on the shores of the Mediterranean, but most of the scorpions inhabit warmer countries.

In the Scorpions, which come in many varieties across the globe, {675}the head and thorax are relatively short, while the abdomen is very long and divided into a broad section with seven segments and a narrow tail with five highly flexible segments, topped with a sharp, curved sting. They have three to six pairs of eyes on their head and thorax, and a pair of large pincers extending from the front of their bodies. Scorpions usually have a yellowish or black coloration; the largest black scorpions found in Africa and India can reach up to 9 inches long. They are nocturnal, hiding under rocks, in ground holes, or in wall crevices during the day. They use their stings to kill insects and other small animals they prey on, with the sting of a large black scorpion being as painful and dangerous as a snake's. There are a few small and relatively harmless species along the Mediterranean coast, but most scorpions are found in warmer regions.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Egyptian scorpion.

A fairly large and venomous representative of the group.

A pretty big and poisonous member of the group.

The Jointed Spiders are creatures 1 or 2 inches long, remarkable for having the head and the segments of the thorax separated from each other, so as to form distinct divisions of the body. They have rather long and very hairy legs, and only one pair of well-developed eyes, another pair being rudimentary. Some species are diurnal and others nocturnal in their habits. They feed on insects, and sometimes on small birds, etc., and can inflict a very painful bite. They are found in South-eastern Europe, Africa, Southern Asia, and from the Southern States of North America south to Chili and Argentina.

The Articulated Spiders are 1 to 2 inches long and are notable for having their head and thorax segments clearly separated, creating distinct sections of their body. They have quite long and very hairy legs, and only one pair of well-developed eyes, while another pair is underdeveloped. Some species are active during the day, while others are active at night. They feed on insects and occasionally small birds, and they can deliver a very painful bite. They are found in Southeastern Europe, Africa, Southern Asia, and from the Southern U.S. down to Chile and Argentina.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Egyptian scorpion.

Shows the sting uplifted for attack.

Shows the sting raised for attack.

The False Scorpions, or Book-scorpions, are {676}small animals resembling scorpions in shape, but with no sting, and the abdomen not narrowed into a tail. They are sometimes found in houses among dusty old books, as well as out of doors among moss, or under stones or bark. Sometimes they cling to the legs of flies; they are believed to feed on mites and other small creatures, but not to injure the flies, only employing them as a convenient method of being conveyed from one place to another.

The False scorpions, or Book scorpions, are {676}small creatures that look like scorpions but don’t have a sting, and their abdomen isn’t tapered into a tail. You can often find them in homes among dusty old books, as well as outdoors in moss or under rocks and bark. Sometimes they hitch a ride on the legs of flies; it’s thought that they eat mites and other tiny organisms, but they don’t harm the flies, just using them as a handy way to get from one spot to another.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Brazilian Tree Trap-Door Spider.

Trap-door spiders are plentiful in some parts of Europe, but there is only one British representative of the family.

Trap-door spiders are common in some areas of Europe, but there's only one British member of this family.

The Whip-scorpions are not unlike scorpions, and have large claws, but the front legs are very long, slender, and whip-like, and there is either no tail, or else a long, slender, whip-like one without a sting. They are inhabitants of warm countries, and, rightly or wrongly, are reputed to be venomous. Different species measure from 1 inch to 4 or 5 inches in length.

The Whip scorpions are similar to scorpions and have large claws, but their front legs are very long, thin, and whip-like. They either have no tail or a long, thin, whip-like tail that doesn't sting. They live in warm regions and are believed to be venomous, whether that's true or not. Different species range in size from 1 inch to 4 or 5 inches long.

The curious Harvest-men have two eyes, a small, compact, oval body, large pincers, and very long, slender legs, longer and more slender in proportion to their size than those of crane-flies, and equally liable to be broken off, if the owner is roughly handled. They feed on plant-lice and other small insects.

The curious Harvestmen have two eyes, a small, compact, oval body, large pincers, and very long, thin legs, which are longer and thinner compared to their size than those of crane-flies, and just as likely to break off if they are handled roughly. They eat plant lice and other small insects.

We now come to the large and important group of Spiders, which more frequently attract attention in England than any others of the group. The abdomen is not usually divided into distinct segments, and is connected with the thorax by a short stalk. Spiders have strong, poisonous jaws, which make some of the larger species formidable even to man, and several pairs of eyes; while many possess an apparatus for spinning a strong silken web, in which they entangle their prey, consisting in England chiefly of flies and other winged insects.

We now turn to the large and significant group of Spiders, which tend to get more attention in England than any other members of this group. Their abdomen is usually not segmented and connects to the thorax by a short stalk. Spiders have powerful, venomous jaws, making some of the larger species quite dangerous even to humans, and they typically have several pairs of eyes. Many also have the ability to spin strong silk webs, which they use to catch their prey, mainly consisting of flies and other flying insects in England.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


House spider.

Exhibits the four pairs of legs characteristic of the group.

Exhibits the four pairs of legs typical of the group.

The largest known spiders are usually placed first in the series. These are the great Bird-catching Spiders of South America, some of which have bodies 3 inches long, and strong, hairy legs. These large spiders have now been proved not only to feed on insects, but occasionally on humming-birds, and even sometimes on larger birds, such as finches.

The largest known spiders are typically listed first in the series. These include the huge Spider-eating Birds of South America, some of which can have bodies up to 3 inches long, along with strong, hairy legs. These big spiders have been shown to not only eat insects but also to occasionally catch hummingbirds, and sometimes even larger birds like finches.

The Trap-door Spiders are allied, but smaller, perhaps averaging about an inch in length. They construct a silken gallery in the ground, with a round door, which they shut behind them when they enter. There is only one species in England, which does not form a trap-door, but a silken tube. If any insect settles on it, the spider clutches it from within, tears a hole in the tube, drags its prey inside, and then repairs the rent.

The Trapdoor Spiders are related but smaller, averaging about an inch long. They build a silky tunnel underground with a round door that they close behind them when they go inside. There's only one species in England that doesn't make a trap-door; instead, it creates a silky tube. If an insect lands on it, the spider grabs it from inside, rips a hole in the tube, pulls its prey inside, and then fixes the tear.


Different spiders have many curious methods of capturing their insect-prey. Some catch insects by running after them, and others by leaping on them, while those which spin webs are also very dissimilar in their habits and in their abodes. The brown House-spiders spin webs in any room left undisturbed long enough to allow them to construct them. On the other hand, the Orb-spinners, or Garden-spiders, construct elaborate webs out of doors. One of the most beautiful of these is the Diadem-spider, which is nearly an inch long, and of a green or reddish colour, with a white cross bordered with black on the back. The web is very regularly constructed, the principal threads radiating in all directions from a common centre, where the spider generally sits in fine weather, ready to rush out upon any insect which may become entangled in the web.

Different spiders have a variety of interesting ways of catching their insect prey. Some chase after insects, and others leap onto them, while those that spin webs have different habits and living environments. The brown House spiders create webs in any room that is left undisturbed long enough for them to build. In contrast, the Fidget spinners, or Garden spiders, make complex webs outdoors. One of the most stunning is the Crown spider, which is nearly an inch long and can be green or reddish, featuring a white cross bordered with black on its back. The web is very well-structured, with main threads radiating in all directions from a central point, where the spider usually waits in nice weather, ready to spring out to capture any insect that gets caught in the web.

The Gossamer-spiders spin light webs, which are easily carried up into the air, and upon which the spiders are borne from one place to another. Sometimes on an autumn morning the air may be seen to be full of these floating webs, which also cover the grass and bushes where they have settled. The Water-spiders, again, construct a habitation of water-tight silk under water, like a diving-bell, and inflate it by carrying down bubbles of air from the surface, entangled in the hairs of the body.

The Gossamer spiders spin delicate webs that are easily lifted into the air, allowing the spiders to be carried from place to place. On some autumn mornings, you can see the air filled with these floating webs, which also blanket the grass and bushes where they land. The Water spiders, on the other hand, build a water-tight silk home underwater, similar to a diving bell, and fill it by bringing down air bubbles from the surface, trapped in the hairs on their bodies.

The nesting-habits of many spiders are very curious. The eggs are usually laid in a silken case, and the Running-spiders may often be seen with the egg-cases attached to the end of the body, as in the female cockroach.

The nesting habits of many spiders are quite interesting. The eggs are typically laid in a silken case, and the Running spiders can often be seen with the egg cases attached to the end of their bodies, like the female cockroach.

The males of many spiders are much smaller than the females, and are very liable to be devoured by their partners.

The males of many spiders are significantly smaller than the females and are highly likely to be eaten by their mates.


Photo by B. H. Bentley]  [Sheffield.

Photo by B. H. Bentley] [Sheffield.


Garden spider in web.

A beautiful example of the structure of the web.

A great example of how the web is organized.

Among the most curious of the group are the Spiny Spiders, strange, horny, semicircular {678}creatures, studded with strong spines. They are allied to the Garden-spiders, but confined to the tropics.

Among the most intriguing members of the group are the Spiky Spiders, unusual, horned, semicircular {678} creatures, covered in tough spines. They are related to the Garden-spiders, but are found only in tropical regions.

The Spotted Spider is a very beautiful species, often seen among cases of mixed insects, etc., sent from India, It is black, with brown abdomen and numerous yellow spots, and about 1½ inch long; the body is much longer than broad, and the legs are about twice as long as the body.

The Spotted Spider is a stunning species frequently found in collections of mixed insects sent from India. It has a black body, a brown abdomen, and many yellow spots, measuring about 1½ inches in length. The body is significantly longer than it is wide, and the legs are roughly twice the length of the body.

Attempts have been made to turn spider-silk to commercial purposes, but the great difficulty is that spiders are so voracious and cannibalistic in their propensities that they cannot be kept in captivity, for they will kill and eat each other as long as there are any left, to the very last spider. The silk of some of the large tropical spiders is sometimes strong enough to cause a man much annoyance when riding through the woods, striking up against his face, and sometimes knocking off his hat.

Attempts have been made to use spider silk for commercial purposes, but the major issue is that spiders are so greedy and cannibalistic that they can't be kept in captivity; they'll kill and eat one another until none are left. The silk from some large tropical spiders can be strong enough to annoy a person riding through the woods, hitting their face and even knocking off their hat.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Spanish tarantula.

So called because the bite of an Italian species was supposed to produce a fit of melancholia, which could only be cured by the tune known as the "tarentella."

So named because the bite of an Italian species was believed to cause a bout of sadness that could only be treated with the music called the "tarentella."

The last section includes the Mites and Ticks, most of which are small or microscopic. The whole body forms one round or oval mass, with scattered hairs, and eight legs, though most mites have only six legs when young, while the Plant-mites have only four. The largest mites are those called Ticks. There are one or two small British species which are sometimes sufficiently troublesome; but in many warm countries they are a far more serious nuisance, lurking on the herbage, and fixing their proboscis in the skin of any passing man or animal, and retaining their hold till they are gorged with blood, and allow themselves to drop off by their own weight.

The last section includes the Mites and Ticks, most of which are small or microscopic. Their bodies are shaped like a round or oval mass, covered in scattered hairs, and have eight legs, although most young mites have only six legs, while the Spider mites have just four. The largest mites are known as Ticks. There are a couple of small British species that can be annoying, but in many warm countries, they pose a much bigger problem, hiding in the vegetation and attaching themselves to any passing person or animal, feeding on their blood until they are full and then dropping off under their own weight.

Among the smaller mites some species are parasitic on warm-blooded animals, causing itch, mange, and other diseases; while many infest insects, especially bumble-bees and dung-beetles. These are of considerable size for mites; and there are other bright scarlet species which are sometimes found on saw-flies, dragon-flies, etc. Many feed on decaying animal or vegetable matter, such as the Cheese-mite and the Sugar-mite, the former being a very familiar and interesting microscopic object; and others, again, are very destructive to plants, like the small scarlet mite known in greenhouses as the Red Spider.

Among the smaller mites, some species are parasites on warm-blooded animals, causing itching, mange, and other diseases, while many infest insects, especially bumblebees and dung beetles. These mites are relatively large compared to others; there are also bright scarlet species that are sometimes found on sawflies, dragonflies, and so on. Many feed on decaying animal or plant matter, like the Cheese louse and the Sugar bug, with the former being a well-known and interesting microscopic specimen. Others are highly destructive to plants, such as the small scarlet mite commonly referred to in greenhouses as the Red Spider.

Among the plant-feeding mites are the four-legged Gall-mites, which produce galls or other excrescences on the plants which they infest.

Among the plant-feeding mites are the four-legged Gall mites, which create galls or other growths on the plants they infest.

Mites are probably almost as varied in their forms and habits and as interesting objects of study as insects or spiders; but the group is somewhat neglected by naturalists, owing to the small size of most of the species, and the consequent difficulty of collecting and preserving them.

Mites are likely just as diverse in their shapes and behaviors and as fascinating to study as insects or spiders; however, this group is somewhat overlooked by naturalists due to the small size of most species, making them difficult to collect and preserve.

Centipedes and Millipedes.

Centipedes and millipedes.

These are creatures with long, worm-like bodies, composed of a number of rings or segments, each provided with one or two pairs of legs. They have one pair of antennæ, like insects, but {679}they pass through no metamorphoses, nor do they moult. Instead of this, they begin their existence, on quitting the egg, without legs, or with only three pairs of legs, and continue to add to the number of their segments and legs until they have attained their full growth. They are called Centipedes, or Hundred-legs, and Millipedes, or Thousand-legs; but in the majority of species the number of legs is considerably below 100, though in some few it may exceed 300.

These are creatures with long, worm-like bodies made up of many rings or segments, each having one or two pairs of legs. They have one pair of antennae, similar to insects, but {679}they don’t go through any transformations, nor do they shed their skin. Instead, they start their lives, after hatching from the egg, with no legs or just three pairs of legs, and they keep adding to their segments and legs until they reach full size. They are known as Centipedes, or Hundred-legs, and Millipedes, or Thousand-legs; however, in most species, the number of legs is well below 100, although in a few it can go over 300.

The Centipedes have only one pair of legs attached to each segment of the body, and are carnivorous, being armed with a pair of strong mandibles, which are perforated poison-fangs. The British species are all small and harmless, but the bite of the large tropical centipedes is more painful and almost as dangerous as that of a snake. Centipedes are long, broad, flattened creatures, with about twenty-one pairs of legs, and sometimes measure more than a foot in length. A reddish centipede, belonging to an allied family, is common in England under stones and in loose mould. It has long antennæ and fifteen pairs of legs, and feeds chiefly on worms. It is about an inch long.

The Centipedes have one pair of legs for each body segment and are carnivorous, equipped with a pair of strong mandibles that serve as poisonous fangs. The British species are small and harmless, but the bite from large tropical centipedes is quite painful and nearly as dangerous as that of a snake. Centipedes are long, wide, and flattened, typically having around twenty-one pairs of legs and can sometimes exceed a foot in length. A reddish centipede from a related family is commonly found in England under stones and in loose soil. It has long antennae and fifteen pairs of legs, primarily feeding on worms. It measures about an inch long.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Giant centipede.

Most centipedes have considerably fewer than a hundred legs.

Most centipedes have significantly fewer than a hundred legs.

The Electric Centipedes are much longer and more slender than the others in proportion to their length, with rather short antennæ, and short and very numerous legs. They are of a white or yellow colour, and 2 or 3 inches long. All are nocturnal in their habits, and feed on decaying animal or vegetable matter, and are fond of ripe fruit. They emit a pale phosphorescence, visible in the dark along the track over which they have crawled.

The Electric Centipedes are much longer and slimmer than the others in relation to their length, with fairly short antennae and many short legs. They are white or yellow and measure about 2 to 3 inches long. All of them are active at night and feed on decaying animal or plant matter, and they love ripe fruit. They emit a faint glow that can be seen in the dark along the path they've crawled.

Millipedes are not venomous, and feed chiefly on soft vegetable matter. Except the first three behind the head, which are provided with only one pair each, every segment bears two pairs instead of one pair of legs. The Common Snake-millipede is about an inch and a half long, and is brown, with yellow rings and ninety-nine pairs of short white legs. It is nearly as destructive as the Wire-worms, which it resembles in its habits, and may often be seen clinging to a partly eaten potato. Millipedes are able to roll themselves up into a spiral. Many foreign kinds grow to a much larger size, measuring nearly a foot in length. They are more frequently sent to Europe from foreign countries than centipedes, probably because they are sluggish, harmless creatures which do not bite.

Millipedes are not venomous and mainly feed on soft plant matter. Except for the first three segments behind the head, which each have only one pair of legs, every segment has two pairs of legs instead of one. The Common Snake Millipede is about an inch and a half long, brown with yellow rings, and has ninety-nine pairs of short white legs. It is almost as destructive as Wire-worms, which it shares similar habits with, and can often be seen clinging to a partially eaten potato. Millipedes can roll themselves up into a spiral. Many foreign species grow much larger, reaching nearly a foot in length. They are sent to Europe from other countries more often than centipedes, likely because they are slow, harmless creatures that don’t bite.

The members of one family of millipedes, called Pill-millipedes, are so similar to wood-lice {680}in shape and appearance that they might easily be mistaken for them, and they exhibit the same habit of rolling themselves up into a ball. One species is not uncommon in England.

The members of a family of millipedes known as Pill millipedes are so similar to woodlice in shape and appearance that they could easily be confused with them, and they have the same habit of curling up into a ball. One species is fairly common in England.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Giant millipede.

Shows the absence of jaws, which distinguishes these creatures from the predatory centipedes.

Shows the lack of jaws, which sets these creatures apart from the predatory centipedes.

A curious genus, generally placed in a distinct class by itself, includes a few species which may be called Slimy Millipedes. The species are found in widely separated parts of the world, chiefly in the most southern regions, such as South America, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, though one or two are known from Ceylon and the West Indies. They resemble slimy caterpillars, with conspicuous antennæ, and from thirteen to forty pairs of legs. The body is not distinctly divided into segments, and it exudes a very viscous slime, which acts like bird-lime in capturing the small insects which form at least a part of the food of these creatures, but which will not adhere to their own bodies. These creatures are found among decaying vegetable matter.

A curious genus, usually categorized in its own distinct class, includes a few species commonly known as Slimy millipedes. These species are found in widely separated regions around the world, mainly in the southern areas like South America, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, although a couple are also known from Sri Lanka and the West Indies. They look like slimy caterpillars, with noticeable antennae, and have between thirteen and forty pairs of legs. The body isn't clearly segmented, and it secretes a thick slime that functions like bird-lime to trap the small insects that make up a part of their diet, but this slime doesn’t stick to their own bodies. These creatures can be found among decaying plant matter.

Injurious Creatures.

Harmful Creatures.

We are sometimes inclined to complain of our English climate, but we have cause to congratulate ourselves that it is far less prolific of noxious creatures than many others. We have no venomous scorpions or centipedes, and are not obliged to shake such intruders out of our boots before we can venture to put them on. Since the country has been so well drained, we are very little troubled with gnats, which breed in standing water, and are equally troublesome in cold countries like Lapland, and warm countries like South America. Nevertheless, several very troublesome creatures, not native to this country, have taken up their abode with us permanently, and more care should perhaps be exercised in preventing the possible introduction of others. Among the most troublesome of our household insects are bugs, cockroaches, and house-ants, all of which have been introduced from abroad. Among field- and garden-pests, the American Blight (which destroys our apple- and pear-trees) and the Hessian Fly are probably invaders from abroad; but the latter does not seem to have committed great ravages in this country. Among pests which have not succeeded in establishing themselves here, but which we should be specially on our guard against, are the White Ants, which are found as far north as Bordeaux, and are terribly destructive to woodwork, wherever they are met with; the Gypsy-moth, very destructive on the Continent and in North America, but extinct as a British species, perhaps because there is something inimical to its constitution in our climate; and the Colorado Potato-beetle, which is only kept out of Europe by incessant vigilance. But apart from actually injurious insects, it is remarkable how many species which are common everywhere on the Continent are either absent from Britain, or are only met with in very restricted localities. Let us hope that we may long enjoy our comparative immunity from noxious insects in Britain.

We often complain about the English weather, but we should be thankful that it has far fewer harmful creatures than many other places. We don’t have venomous scorpions or centipedes and don’t have to shake these pests out of our boots before putting them on. Since the country has been well-drained, we’re rarely bothered by gnats, which breed in stagnant water and can be annoying in both cold places like Lapland and warm places like South America. However, several troublesome creatures, not originally from here, have made their home with us permanently, and we should probably be more careful about preventing the introduction of new ones. Among the most irritating household pests are bed bugs, cockroaches, and house ants, all of which were brought from other countries. In terms of field and garden pests, the American Blight (which damages our apple and pear trees) and the Hessian Fly likely came from abroad, but the latter doesn’t seem to have caused much damage here. We should be especially vigilant against certain pests that haven’t established themselves yet, like White Ants, which can be found as far north as Bordeaux and are extremely destructive to wood; the Gypsy Moth, which is highly damaging in Europe and North America but seems to be extinct in Britain, possibly due to our climate being unfavorable for it; and the Colorado Potato Beetle, which is kept out of Europe only through constant monitoring. Besides the harmful insects, it’s interesting how many species that are common across the continent are either missing from Britain or only found in very limited areas. Let’s hope we can continue to enjoy our relative freedom from harmful insects in Britain for a long time.





Insects are easily distinguished from the other jointed animals by many salient characters. They have one pair of antennæ, two large compound eyes, composed of a great number of facets, and sometimes one, two, or three simple eyes placed on the crown or front of the head. In its adult condition an insect is composed of three different parts, which can be most readily noticed in a wasp. There is the head, with the antennæ and mouth-parts; the thorax, to which one or two pairs of wings are attached above, and three pairs of legs below; and the abdomen. Insects breathe through openings, called "stigmata," in the sides of the thorax and abdomen. They never possess more than six legs in the perfect state, the abdominal legs present in caterpillars, etc., disappearing in the adult condition. They generally pass through what is called a "metamorphosis,"—four different stages of life, called respectively egg; larva or caterpillar; pupa, nymph, or chrysalis; and imago, or perfect insect.

Insects are easily recognized from other jointed animals by many noticeable features. They have one pair of antennae, two large compound eyes made up of many facets, and sometimes one, two, or three simple eyes located on the top or front of the head. In their adult form, an insect is made up of three distinct parts, which can be easily seen in a wasp. There's the head, with the antennae and mouthparts; the thorax, which has one or two pairs of wings attached on top and three pairs of legs underneath; and the abdomen. Insects breathe through openings called "stigmata" on the sides of the thorax and abdomen. They never have more than six legs in their adult form, as the abdominal legs found in caterpillars and similar forms disappear in the adult stage. They typically undergo what is known as "metamorphosis," which consists of four life stages: egg, larva or caterpillar, pupa, nymph, or chrysalis, and imago or adult insect.

Insects are divided into several large sections, of which the following seven are the most important, and many entomologists prefer to include all insects under them:—

Insects are divided into several major categories, of which the following seven are the most important, and many entomologists prefer to classify all insects under them:—

Sheath-winged Insects, or Beetles; Straight-winged Insects, or Earwigs, Cockroaches, Soothsayers, Stick-insects, Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Locusts; Nerve-winged or Lace-winged Insects, or Dragon-flies and their relatives; Stinging Four-winged Insects, or Ants, Bees and Wasps, and their allies; Scale-winged Insects, or Butterflies and Moths; Half-winged Insects, or Bugs and Frog-hoppers; Two-winged Insects, or Flies.

Sheath-winged insects, or beetles; straight-winged insects, or earwigs, cockroaches, soothsayers, stick insects, crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts; nerve-winged or lace-winged insects, or dragonflies and their relatives; stinging four-winged insects, or ants, bees, and wasps, along with their allies; scale-winged insects, or butterflies and moths; half-winged insects, or bugs and frog hoppers; two-winged insects, or flies.

We proceed to notice these orders separately.

We will look at these orders individually.


Sheath-winged insects, or beetles.



Beetles are distinguished from most other insects by the fact that the front wings are not employed in flight, but are modified into horny sheaths, which cover and protect the lower pair while not in use. This arrangement, however, is also found in the Earwigs as well as in the so-called "Black-beetle" and its allies, and it is to be noted that the wing-cases of beetles lie evenly side by side together when the wings are folded, while the folding of the wings themselves is transverse as well as longitudinal. The number of species is very great, upwards of 100,000 having already been described, of which about 3,400 have been taken in the British Islands.

Beetles are different from most other insects because their front wings aren't used for flying; instead, they've evolved into tough sheaths that cover and protect the back pair when they're not in use. This setup is also seen in Earwigs and the so-called "Black-beetle" and its relatives. It's worth noting that when the wings are folded, beetles' wing cases sit evenly side by side, and the folding of the wings is both sideways and lengthwise. There are over 100,000 known species, with about 3,400 found in the British Islands.

The order is again divided into several smaller groups, first among which stand the predaceous beetles of the land. Of these the common English Tiger-beetle is a familiar example. It is found on sandy and peaty heaths, and may be known at once by its bright green wing-cases, marked with white spots, and the metallic blue of the abdomen. The legs are coppery. It flies with great swiftness in the hot sunshine, taking to wing as readily as a blue-bottle fly, and feeds entirely upon other insects.

The order is once again split into several smaller groups, with the predatory beetles of the land at the forefront. A well-known example is the common English Tiger beetle. It's found on sandy and peaty heaths and can be easily recognized by its bright green wing covers adorned with white spots and the metallic blue abdomen. The legs have a coppery hue. It flies rapidly in the warm sunshine, taking off as quickly as a bluebottle fly, and it feeds solely on other insects.

Another representative of the group is rich golden green in colour, with coppery reflections. It is only an occasional visitor to Britain, but abounds in France and Germany, where it feeds upon the caterpillars of the famous Processionary Moth, and is largely instrumental in checking their ravages in the great oak forests.

Another member of the group is a vibrant golden-green color, with coppery highlights. It's only a rare visitor to Britain, but it's common in France and Germany, where it feeds on the caterpillars of the well-known Processionary Moth, and plays a significant role in controlling their damage in the vast oak forests.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Tiger beetle.

The colouring of this insect is bright green with white markings and coppery legs.

The color of this insect is bright green with white markings and copper-colored legs.

Familiar to almost all is the Purple Ground-beetle, so plentiful in gardens, and easily recognisable by the violet margin to the black {682}wing-cases. It pours out an evil-smelling liquid from the end of the body when handled.

Familiar to almost everyone is the Purple Ground Beetle, so common in gardens, and easily recognizable by the purple border on its black {682} wing cases. It releases a foul-smelling liquid from its rear when it's picked up.

The curious red-and-blue Bombardier, which, when interfered with, discharges a little puff of bluish-white smoke from the tip of the abdomen, accompanied by a distinct report, is also a member of this group. It is found under stones on river-banks, and also on the coast.

The intriguing red-and-blue Bombardier, which releases a small puff of bluish-white smoke from the tip of its abdomen when disturbed, along with a noticeable sound, is part of this group as well. It can be found under stones by riverbanks and along the coast.

Next come the predaceous beetles of the water, of which we have a well-known British representative in the Great Brown Water-beetle. This insect, which is plentiful in weedy ponds, swims by means of its hind limbs, which are modified into broad, flat oars, with a mechanical arrangement for "feathering" as they are drawn back after making each stroke. It flies by night, often travelling for a long distance from one pond to another, and regains the water by suddenly folding its wings and allowing itself to fall from a height. In the female insect the wing-cases are grooved for about two-thirds of their length.

Next come the predatory water beetles, among which we have a well-known British representative in the Great Brown Water Beetle. This insect is common in weedy ponds and swims using its hind legs, which have adapted into broad, flat paddles, with a mechanism for "feathering" as they pull back after each stroke. It flies at night, often traveling long distances from one pond to another, and returns to the water by suddenly folding its wings and dropping from a height. In the female, the wing covers are grooved for about two-thirds of their length.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Ground Beetle.

The beetles of this group are generally of a black or bronzy colour, some species being beautifully metallic.

The beetles in this group are usually black or bronzy, with some species having a stunning metallic sheen.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



A large olive-brown species, about an inch in length, and nearly half as broad. The wing-cases of the female are grooved.

A large olive-brown species, about an inch long and nearly half as wide. The wing cases of the female have grooves.

This beetle must not be confounded with the still larger Black Water-Beetle, which belongs to another group. This fine insect, which is not predaceous in the perfect state, is locally plentiful in ditches, and is in great request as an inmate of the freshwater aquarium. The hind limbs are not modified for swimming purposes.

This beetle shouldn't be confused with the even larger Black Water Beetle, which is part of a different group. This beautiful insect, which isn't predatory in its adult form, is commonly found in ditches and is highly sought after as a resident of freshwater aquariums. Its hind limbs are not adapted for swimming.

Next in order come the Cocktails, so called from their curious habit of turning up the end of the body when alarmed. To this group belong most of the tiny "flies" which cause such severe pain when they find their way into the eyes. Some species, however, attain to a considerable size, the well-known Devil's Coach-Horse being fully an inch in length. The great majority are scavengers, being found in carrion, manure, and decaying vegetable matter. A few, however, are lodgers in the nests of ants, by whom they appear to be regarded as pets and treated with the utmost kindness.

Next up are the Drinks, named for their strange tendency to lift their bodies when they’re scared. This group includes most of the tiny "flies" that cause intense pain when they get into your eyes. Some species, though, can grow quite large, with the well-known Devil's Coach Horse measuring up to an inch long. Most of them are scavengers and can be found in carrion, manure, and rotting plant material. However, a few live in ant nests, where they're treated like pets and shown a lot of care.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Black water beetle.

A shining black species, longer, narrower, and more convex than the Great Brown Water-beetle.

A shiny black beetle that is longer, slimmer, and more rounded than the Great Brown Water Beetle.

The next group includes the curious insects popularly known as Burying-Beetles, which inter the bodies of small animals in the ground, scooping out the earth from underneath them by means of their broad and powerful heads, and shovelling it back when the carcases have sunk to a sufficient depth. The eggs are laid in the carrion thus buried. Most of these beetles are distinguished by broad blotches or bars of orange on the wing-cases, but one common British species is entirely black.

The next group includes the interesting insects commonly called Burying Beetles, which bury the bodies of small animals in the ground. They dig out the earth from underneath using their wide and strong heads, then push the soil back once the carcasses have sunk to a proper depth. The eggs are laid in the carrion that’s been buried. Most of these beetles have wide orange spots or stripes on their wing cases, but one common British species is completely black.

Allied to these, and very similar in habits, are the Flat Burying-Beetles, of which there are about a dozen British species. In the best known of these the thorax is dull red in colour, and the black wing-cases are curiously wrinkled. Another species is reddish yellow in colour, with two round black spots on each wing-case. It is found on oak-trees, and feeds upon caterpillars.

Allied to these, and very similar in habits, are the Flat Burying Beetles, of which there are about a dozen British species. In the best known of these, the thorax is a dull red color, and the black wing cases are oddly wrinkled. Another species is reddish-yellow, with two round black spots on each wing case. It is found on oak trees and feeds on caterpillars.


The Leaf-horned Beetles are distinguished by the fact that the terminal joints of the antennæ lie one upon another like the leaves of a book. In many cases they can be expanded at will into a broad fan-like club. The well-known Stag-beetle of Great Britain is a representative of this group. It is a somewhat local species, being plentiful in some parts of the country, and entirely unknown in others. The grub lives for several years in the trunks of elm-trees, feeding upon the solid wood. When fully grown, it buries itself in the earth, and constructs a large cocoon, in which it passes the chrysalis stage of its existence. The perfect beetle emerges in November, but remains within the cocoon until the following June. In the female the jaws are very much smaller than in the male, but are nevertheless more formidable as weapons. The insect may often be seen flying on warm summer evenings.

The Leaf-horned Beetles are recognized by the way the end joints of their antennae stack together like the pages of a book. In many cases, they can be expanded at will into a wide, fan-like shape. The well-known Stag beetle of Great Britain is a member of this group. It's somewhat localized, being abundant in certain areas of the country while completely absent in others. The larva lives for several years in the trunks of elm trees, feeding on the solid wood. When fully grown, it buries itself in the ground and builds a large cocoon, where it undergoes the pupal stage of its life. The adult beetle emerges in November but stays in the cocoon until the following June. In females, the jaws are much smaller than in males, but they are still quite effective as weapons. The insect can often be seen flying on warm summer evenings.


Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



These insects are about an inch in length; many are black, but others have orange-red bands on the wing-cases.

These insects are about an inch long; many are black, but others have orange-red stripes on their wing cases.

A still larger insect belonging to the same group is the Hercules Beetle, found in the West Indies and tropical America, a male of average size being nearly 5 inches in length. In this beetle the thorax is prolonged into a horn, which is curved downwards, while the head is produced into a similar horn curved upwards, so that the two look like a pair of enormous jaws. It has been stated that these horns, both of which are furnished with tooth-like projections, are employed in sawing off the smaller branches of trees, the beetle grasping a bough firmly, and flying round and round in a circle, till the wood is completely cut through. This assertion, however, is totally unworthy of credit. An example of the beetle—evidently imported—was recently found crawling on a hedge near Biggleswade.

A much larger insect from the same group is the Hercules Beetle, found in the West Indies and tropical America, with an average male size measuring nearly 5 inches long. This beetle has a thorax that extends into a horn, which curves downwards, while its head has a similar horn that curves upwards, making them look like a pair of huge jaws. It's been said that these horns, both equipped with tooth-like projections, are used to saw off smaller tree branches, as the beetle grips a branch tightly and flies around in circles until the wood is completely severed. However, this claim is completely unbelievable. A beetle—clearly brought over from elsewhere—was recently found crawling on a hedge near Biggleswade.

One of the largest of all known beetles is Drury's Goliath Beetle, a native of the Gaboon, whose body is almost as big as the closed fist of a man. It appears to feed, while a grub, on the wood of decaying trees, and undergoes its transformation to the chrysalis state in an earthen cocoon, the peculiarity of which is that a thick belt, or ridge, runs round the middle. How this belt is formed is a mystery, as it lies upon the outside, while the grub necessarily constructs the cocoon from the inside. Several living examples of this beetle were exhibited in the summer of 1898 in the Insect-house of the Zoological Gardens in the Regent's Park, where they remained for five or six weeks, feeding on the flesh of melons. A photograph of this beetle will be found in the Coloured Plate.

One of the largest known beetles is Drury's Goliath Beetle, native to Gaboon, whose body is almost as big as a man's closed fist. It seems to feed on decaying tree wood while in its larval stage and transforms into the chrysalis state in an earthen cocoon, characterized by a thick belt or ridge around the middle. The formation of this belt is a mystery, as it is located on the outside, while the larva builds the cocoon from the inside. Several live specimens of this beetle were displayed in the summer of 1898 at the Insect-house in the Zoological Gardens in Regent's Park, where they stayed for five or six weeks, feeding on melon flesh. A photograph of this beetle can be found in the Coloured Plate.

The common Cockchafer belongs to another division of the same group. This insect is extremely injurious, as the grub lives for three years or more underground, feeding on the roots of various cultivated plants. The perfect beetle appears in May and June, and is only too plentiful almost everywhere. A month or so later its place is taken by the Summer Chafer, or June Bug, which may often be seen flying in hundreds round the tops of {684}low trees soon after sunset, while the smaller Coch-y-bonddhu—the "Cockerbundy" of the angler—often appears about the same time in hundreds of thousands. The beautiful Rose-beetle, too, with its bright golden-green wing-cases marked with wavy whitish lines, may often be seen sunning itself in roses or on the blossoms of pinks.

The common Maybug is part of another division of the same group. This insect is very damaging, as the larva lives for three years or more underground, feeding on the roots of various crops. The mature beetle shows up in May and June and is quite common almost everywhere. About a month later, it's replaced by the Summer Beetle, or June Beetle, which can often be seen flying in large numbers around the tops of {684}low trees shortly after sunset, while the smaller Coch-y-bonddhu—known as the "Cockerbundy" by anglers—often appears around the same time in the hundreds of thousands. The stunning Rose bug, with its bright golden-green wing cases marked with wavy white lines, can often be spotted basking in roses or on the flowers of pinks.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Male stag beetle.

The males are often 2 inches long; the females have comparatively small jaws.

The males are usually 2 inches long, while the females have relatively small jaws.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Skipjack beetle.

The larvæ of this family are known as Wire-worms.

The larvae of this family are known as wireworms.


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel [NYC.


Hercules beetle in flight.

The most remarkable feature about this insect is its huge horn-like projection from the thorax, which is nearly as long as the rest of its body.

The most notable characteristic of this insect is its large horn-like projection from the thorax, which is almost the same length as the rest of its body.

The famous Egyptian Scarabæus is also a member of this group. It is remarkable not only for the sacred character attributed to it by the ancient Egyptians, but also for its curious habit of rolling along balls of dung until it can find a soft spot in which to bury them. When the egg hatches, the grub feeds upon the dung, the quantity provided being exactly sufficient for its requirements. The common Dor Beetle of Great Britain is allied to this insect; it tunnels down to a depth of 14 or 15 inches beneath a patch of excrement, and lays its egg at the bottom of the burrow.

The famous Egyptian Beetle is also part of this group. It’s notable not only for the sacred significance the ancient Egyptians placed on it, but also for its interesting habit of rolling balls of dung until it finds a soft spot to bury them. When the egg hatches, the larvae feed on the dung, with just the right amount provided for their needs. The common Dung Beetle in Great Britain is related to this insect; it digs down about 14 to 15 inches under a pile of waste, laying its egg at the bottom of the tunnel.

The Skipjack Beetles, parents of the well-known Wire- worms, which cause so much mischief by feeding upon the roots of cultivated crops, represent another group. These beetles owe their popular title to their singular method of regaining their feet when they happen to roll over upon their backs. Their bodies being very smooth and polished, and their legs very short, they cannot recover their footing in the ordinary manner. On the lower part of the body, however, is a highly elastic spine, known as {685}the "mucro," which lies in a sheath. When the beetle falls over, it arches its body into the form of a bow, resting only upon the head and the extreme tip of the abdomen, removes the spine from its sheath, and then drives it sharply back again. The result is that the central part of the body strikes the ground with such force that the insect springs into the air to a height of 2 or 3 inches. Then, turning half over as it falls, it alights on its feet.

The Skipjack Beetles, which are the parents of the well-known Wire-worms that cause so much trouble by feeding on the roots of cultivated crops, represent another group. These beetles got their name because of their unique way of getting back on their feet when they accidentally roll onto their backs. Their bodies are very smooth and shiny, and their legs are quite short, so they can't right themselves in the usual way. However, on the underside of their bodies is a highly elastic spine called the {685} "mucro," which is housed in a sheath. When the beetle tips over, it arches its body into a bow shape, balancing only on its head and the very tip of its abdomen, then it pulls out the spine from its sheath and snaps it back. This action causes the middle part of its body to hit the ground with enough force that the insect jumps into the air to a height of 2 or 3 inches. As it falls back down, it turns halfway and lands on its feet.


Photo by B. H. Bentley]  [Sheffield.

Image by B. H. Bentley] [Sheffield.


Beetle on Daisy.

A very destructive insect which feeds on the leaves of trees. The larva devours the roots of plants, and is often so plentiful as to cause very serious mischief.

A highly destructive insect that eats the leaves of trees. The larvae consume the roots of plants and can often become so numerous that they cause significant damage.

The Fire-fly of the tropics belongs to the same group. The luminosity of this insect proceeds from two different parts of the body, a brilliant yellowish-green light shining out through two transparent window-like spots on the thorax, while an orange glow is visible on the lower surface of the abdomen. The exact cause of the light is unknown, as is also the manner of its control by the insect.

The Firefly of the tropics is in the same group. The light from this insect comes from two different parts of its body: a bright yellowish-green glow shines through two transparent spots on the thorax, while an orange glow can be seen on the underside of the abdomen. The exact reason for the light is not known, nor is the way the insect controls it.

The same may be said of the common English Glowworm, in which the light proceeds from the lower surface of the hind part of the body. The male of this insect is winged; the female is grub-like in appearance and wingless. The grub itself, which may be found in autumn, is also luminous, and feeds upon snails.

The same can be said about the common English Glowworm, where the light comes from the underside of the back part of its body. The male of this insect has wings, while the female looks like a grub and doesn’t have wings. The grub itself, which can be found in the fall, also glows and feeds on snails.

Another group includes a very large number of beetles of very varying character and appearance. Among these are the Oil-beetles, so called from their habit of exuding small drops of an oily liquid from the joints of their limbs when handled. The eggs are laid in batches of several thousand in holes in the ground, and the little long-legged grubs, on emerging, clamber up the stems of flowers, and hide themselves among the petals to await the coming of a bee. When one of the latter appears, two or three of the grubs cling to its hairy body, and are carried back to the nest, in which they live as parasites. One of these beetles may be seen commonly upon grassy banks in early spring.

Another group includes a large number of beetles with a wide variety of characteristics and appearances. Among these are the Oil beetles, named for their ability to release small drops of oily fluid from the joints of their limbs when touched. The eggs are laid in batches of several thousand in the ground, and the little long-legged grubs, upon hatching, climb up flower stems and hide among the petals, waiting for a bee to arrive. When a bee shows up, two or three of the grubs attach themselves to its hairy body and are taken back to the nest, where they live as parasites. You can often see one of these beetles on grassy banks in early spring.

Allied to these insects is the Blister-beetle, or Spanish Fly, so well known from its use in medicine. It is a very handsome species, of a bright golden-green colour, occasionally found in Great Britain on the foliage of ash-trees. In many parts of Southern Europe it is extremely abundant.

Allied to these insects is the Blister beetle, or Spanish Fly, well known for its use in medicine. It is a striking species, bright golden-green in color, and can occasionally be found in Great Britain on the leaves of ash trees. In many areas of Southern Europe, it is very common.

The beetles belonging to the large and important group of Weevils are characterised, as a rule, by the fact that the head is prolonged into a more or less long and slender snout, or "rostrum," at the end of which the jaws are situated. The number of species already known is above 20,000.

The beetles in the large and significant group of Weevils are typically identified by their head being extended into a long and narrow snout, or "rostrum," where the jaws are located. There are over 20,000 species already recognized.


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel [NY.


Harlequin beetle.

Notice the enormous length of the front legs.

Notice the huge length of the front legs.

One of the largest and most famous of these insects is the Diamond-beetle of Brazil, the scales from whose wing-cases are so frequently mounted as microscopic objects. When viewed through a good instrument under a powerful light, the beauty of these scales is simply indescribable. All that one can say of them is that they seem to be composed of diamonds, rubies, topazes, and emeralds massed together in rich profusion, while diamonds are transformed into rubies, rubies into topazes, and topazes into emeralds at every change of light.

One of the largest and most well-known insects is the Diamond beetle from Brazil, whose wing-case scales are often used in microscopic displays. When seen through a good microscope under bright light, the beauty of these scales is beyond words. All you can really say is that they look like they’re made of a mix of diamonds, rubies, topazes, and emeralds, sparkling together in vibrant abundance, while diamonds shift to rubies, rubies change into topazes, and topazes become emeralds with every shift in light.

The Osier-weevil, a black-and-white species about three-eighths of an inch long, is found on osiers in Great Britain, the grub boring galleries in the stems, and often causing considerable damage. The well-known Corn-weevil is still more destructive in granaries, the walls of which are often completely blackened by its crawling multitudes. The grub lives inside the grain, eating out the whole of the interior, and a single pair of the weevils are said to be capable of producing a family of more than 6,000 individuals in the course of a single season. The Rice-weevil is equally destructive to rice, and may be recognised by the two red spots on each wing-case.

The Osier weevil, a black-and-white species about three-eighths of an inch long, is found on osiers in Great Britain. The larvae create tunnels in the stems, often causing significant damage. The well-known Corn weevil is even more destructive in granaries, where the walls are often completely blackened by its numerous presence. The larvae live inside the grain, eating out the entire interior, and a single pair of these weevils can reportedly produce a family of over 6,000 individuals in just one season. The Rice weevil is similarly harmful to rice and can be identified by the two red spots on each wing case.

The famous "Gru-gru" of the West Indies, which is regarded as so great a dainty both by the negroes and by many of the white colonists, is the grub of the Palm-weevil. It lives in the stems of palm-trees, and also in those of sugar-canes, causing a great deal of mischief by its burrowings. When fully fed, it constructs a cocoon by tearing off strips of bark and weaving them neatly together. The Sugar-weevil is still more troublesome, feeding upon the juice of the sugar-cane, and affecting the entire plant in such a manner that sugar can no longer be manufactured from it.

The well-known "Gru-gru" of the West Indies is seen as a delicacy by both the Black community and many white colonists. It’s the larvae of the Palm weevil. These larvae live in the trunks of palm trees and sugar canes, causing significant damage with their tunneling. Once they are fully grown, they create a cocoon by tearing off strips of bark and weaving them together neatly. The Sugar weevil is even more problematic, as it feeds on the juice of sugar canes, harming the entire plant to the point where sugar can no longer be produced from it.

"Bad" nuts are also due to one of these insects, the common Nut-weevil. which introduces its egg into the kernel during the earlier stages of its development. When the grub hatches, it proceeds to devour the kernel, leaving a quantity of bad-flavoured "frass" behind it, while the shell is left untouched until the perfect insect emerges. An allied species attacks acorns in a similar manner.

"Bad" nuts are also caused by one of these insects, the common Nut weevil, which lays its egg in the kernel during the early stages of development. When the grub hatches, it starts to eat the kernel, leaving behind a pile of bad-smelling "frass," while the shell remains intact until the mature insect emerges. A similar species also attacks acorns in the same way.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards] [Colesborne.


Jumping beetle. Related to the turnip flea.

It is about one-tenth of an inch in length.

It is about 0.1 inches long.

Among the finest and largest of all beetles are many of those belonging to the great Long-horn group, of which the common British Musk-beetle is a familiar example. This insect owes both its popular {687}and scientific titles to its powerful odour, which perhaps resembles that of sweetbriar rather than musk, and can often be detected at a distance of twenty or thirty yards. The beetle, which is rich metallic green in colour, with long, slender antennæ, may be found in July sunning itself on the trunks or foliage of willow-trees. It varies considerably in size.

Among the largest and most impressive beetles are many from the Long-horn group, with the common British Musk Beetle being a well-known example. This insect gets its popular {687} and scientific names from its strong scent, which is more similar to sweetbriar than musk and can often be smelled from twenty or thirty yards away. The beetle is a bright metallic green and has long, slender antennae. You can find it in July basking on the trunks or leaves of willow trees. It varies quite a bit in size.

Still more plentiful is the Wasp-beetle, with its black wing-cases banded with bright yellow. While flying, it may easily be mistaken for the insect whose name it bears. The grub lives in old posts, rails, hop-poles, etc., feeding upon the solid wood.

Still more common is the Wasp beetle, with its black wing covers striped with bright yellow. When it flies, it can easily be confused with the insect it's named after. The larvae live in old posts, rails, hop-poles, and similar wood, feeding on the solid wood.

The Timberman is remarkable for the extreme length of the antennæ, which, in the male insect, are three or four times as long as the body, and trail out far behind it during flight. It is found, not uncommonly, in fir woods in Scotland.

The Lumberjack is notable for its incredibly long antennae, which in males are three to four times the length of its body and extend far behind while flying. It’s often found in fir forests in Scotland.

The beautiful Harlequin Beetle of tropical America is one of the largest members of the group, and is remarkable for the great length of the front legs as well as for the singular colouring of the wing-cases. It lives almost entirely in the trees, swinging itself from branch to branch somewhat after the manner of a spider-monkey. When it ventures into the air, it is greatly incommoded by the size of its limbs and the length of its antennæ, and seems to have but little power of directing its course.

The stunning Harlequin Beetle found in tropical America is one of the largest in its group, notable for its long front legs and unique coloring of its wing cases. It mainly lives in trees, moving from branch to branch like a spider monkey. When it takes to the air, it's hindered by the size of its legs and the length of its antennas, making it difficult for it to steer effectively.


Photo by J. Edwards, Colesborne. 

Photo by J. Edwards, Colesborne.


Reed beetle.

Among the group to which this insect belongs are many of the most brilliantly coloured British beetles.

Among the group this insect belongs to are many of the most brightly colored British beetles.

Another great group of beetles is that of the Plant-eaters, many of which are exceedingly beautiful. The Reed-beetles of Britain, for example, are resplendent in crimson and green and purple and blue, while the metallic radiance of others has gained for them the title of Golden Apples.

Another impressive group of beetles is the Herbivores, many of which are incredibly beautiful. The Reed beetles in Britain, for instance, shine in vibrant colors like crimson, green, purple, and blue, while the metallic shine of others has earned them the nickname Golden Apples.

The notorious Colorado Beetle is a member of this group. It may be recognised at once by the five black streaks running down each of the yellow wing-cases. On the havoc which it causes among potato-plants in North America it is unnecessary to dilate. On a smaller scale, the Turnip-flea is very mischievous in Britain, perforating the leaves of turnip-plants, or—worse still—eating off the seed-leaves as soon as they appear above the surface of the ground. Of only too many of these exquisite beetles, in fact, it must be said that their beauty is only equalled by their destructiveness.

The infamous Colorado Potato Beetle belongs to this group. You can easily identify it by the five black stripes running down each of its yellow wing covers. There's no need to elaborate on the damage it does to potato plants in North America. On a smaller scale, the Turnip flea is quite troublesome in Britain, nibbling holes in turnip leaves or—worse—eating the seed leaves as soon as they break through the soil. Unfortunately, many of these beautiful beetles are just as known for their stunning appearance as they are for their destructiveness.

The Ladybirds include a very large number of species. Some of these, such as the common Two-spot Ladybird, are exceedingly variable, a long series being easily obtained in which no two specimens resemble one another. Both as grubs and as perfect insects they feed upon the "Green Fly" of the farmer, combining with the grubs of the Lace-wing and Hoverer Flies to keep its numbers within due limits.

The Ladybugs encompass a vast array of species. Some, like the common Two-spot ladybug, show a tremendous amount of variation; it's easy to find a long series where no two specimens look alike. Both as larvae and as adult insects, they feed on the farmer's "Green Fly," working alongside the larvae of Lace-wing and Hoverer Flies to keep their populations in check.

Almost equally common is the Seven-spot Ladybird, a considerably larger insect, with seven round black spots on its scarlet wing-cases, which may be seen on almost any grassy bank in spring. Both this and the preceding species sometimes visit the Kentish coast in vast swarms, the beach being reddened by their bodies for miles. The last immigration of this description took place in 1886, in the summer of which year the hops in East Kent were almost destroyed by blight, and the ladybirds made their way at once to the hop-fields and cleared them of the pest in a wonderfully short space of time. A much smaller species, known as the Twenty-two Spot, is yellow in colour and has eleven black spots on each wing-case. It is generally found crawling about on nettle-leaves in the early part of the summer.

Almost equally common is the Seven-spot ladybug, a noticeably larger insect with seven round black spots on its red wing covers, which can be seen on almost any grassy bank in spring. Both this and the previous species sometimes swarm at the Kentish coast, turning the beach red with their bodies for miles. The last major influx of this kind happened in 1886, during the summer when the hops in East Kent were nearly wiped out by blight, and the ladybirds quickly headed to the hop-fields and cleared them of the pests in a remarkably short time. A much smaller species, known as the 22 Spot, is yellow and has eleven black spots on each wing cover. It is usually found crawling on nettle leaves in early summer.

Allied to the Ladybirds are the very curious Tortoise-beetles. In these insects the wing-cases project to a considerable distance beyond the sides of the body, and the legs are so short that only the feet can be seen from above, so that the appearance is very much like {688}that of a tortoise with the limbs partly withdrawn into the shell. Many different species are known, in some of which the wing-cases are streaked with brilliant metallic silver, which, however, fades away very shortly after death. The commonest of the British tortoise-beetles is found on thistles.

Allied with the Ladybirds are the very curious Tortoise beetles. In these insects, the wing-cases extend significantly beyond the sides of the body, and the legs are so short that only the feet are visible from above, creating an appearance similar to that of a {688} tortoise with its limbs partially retracted into the shell. Many different species exist, some of which have wing-cases striped with vibrant metallic silver, which, unfortunately, fades quickly after death. The most common British tortoise-beetle can be found on thistles.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Musk Beetle.

The odour of this beetle may often be detected at a distance of twenty or thirty yards.

The smell of this beetle can often be sensed from twenty or thirty yards away.

Another very large group of beetles is represented by the Cellar-beetle, which is generally very common in old houses. This insect must not be confused with the so-called "Black-beetle," from which it may easily be distinguished by its deep black colour, its very much shorter feelers, and the curious point into which the end of its body is produced. It hides away in dark corners by day, and crawls slowly about by night. Related to it is the Meal-worm, so much in request for the food of cage-birds, which is usually very plentiful in granaries.

Another large group of beetles includes the Cellar beetle, which is quite common in older homes. This insect should not be mistaken for the "Black-beetle," which can be easily identified by its deep black color, much shorter antennae, and the peculiar point at the end of its body. It hides in dark corners during the day and moves slowly at night. A related insect is the Mealworm, often sought after for bird feed, and is typically found in abundance in granaries.

Very different, in appearance, yet belonging to the same group, is the handsome Cardinal Beetle, a bright scarlet insect which is not uncommon in summer. It may sometimes be found lurking behind pieces of loose bark, and is also fond of resting upon the flowers of umbelliferous plants in the hot sunshine. A second species, which is not nearly so plentiful, may be distinguished by the fact that the head is entirely black.

Very different in appearance, yet part of the same group, is the striking Cardinal Beetle, a bright red insect that is fairly common in the summer. It can sometimes be found hiding behind pieces of loose bark and also enjoys resting on the flowers of umbrella-shaped plants in the hot sun. A second species, which is much rarer, can be identified by its completely black head.

Still more curious is the Rhipiphorus Beetle, which is parasitic within the nests of wasps. Where the egg is laid, or how the grub first finds its way into the nest, no one has yet succeeded in discovering; but having made its entry, the insect proceeds to burrow into the body of a wasp-grub, and lives within it for several days, feeding upon its flesh meanwhile. After increasing considerably in size, it creeps out of the carcase of its victim and changes its skin, after which it resumes its interrupted meal, and continues to feed until the last vestige of the wasp-grub has been devoured. It then changes to a chrysalis in the cell, and the perfect insect appears a few days later. Oddly enough, the wasps appear to take no notice of its presence, and never attempt to molest it. The two sexes of this beetle are quite unlike one another, the male having the wing-cases yellow and the feelers heavily plumed, while the female is black, with the feelers only slightly toothed.

Even more intriguing is the Rhipiphorus Beetle, which lives as a parasite in wasp nests. No one has figured out where the egg is laid or how the larva first gets into the nest; however, once inside, the insect burrows into a wasp larva and survives there for several days, feeding on its body. After growing significantly, it emerges from the deceased larva, sheds its skin, and then continues its meal until it has eaten every part of the wasp larva. It then transforms into a chrysalis inside the cell, and a fully developed beetle emerges a few days later. Interestingly, the wasps seem completely unaware of its presence and never try to harm it. The two genders of this beetle look quite different from each other: the male has yellow wing covers and bushy antennae, while the female is black with only slightly serrated antennae.

Most singular of all the insects belonging to this order, however, is the strange little Stalk-eyed Beetle, which spends the greater part of its life half buried in the body of a bee. In this insect the feelers are branched, somewhat like the antennules, or lesser feelers, of a lobster, and the eyes, which are comparatively few in number, are set at the ends of short foot-stalks. The male has very narrow wing-cases, but extremely large wings, which have a milky appearance during flight that can hardly be mistaken. The female has no wings at all, and in general aspect is nothing more than a grub. In early spring a great number of solitary bees are infested by this extraordinary parasite, which burrows into their bodies under cover of the projecting edges of the segments, and there remains feeding upon their internal juices for several weeks, with only just the tip of its tail protruding. When fully fed, it emerges from the body of its involuntary host, leaving a large round hole behind it, which frequently closes up and heals. In any case, strange to say, the ravages of the parasite appear to have but little effect upon the health of the bee.

Most unique among all the insects in this group is the unusual little Stalk-eyed beetle, which spends most of its life half-buried in the body of a bee. In this insect, the antennae are branched, a bit like the smaller feelers of a lobster, and the eyes, which are relatively few in number, are positioned at the ends of short stalks. The male has very narrow wing cases but extremely large wings that appear milky when in flight, making them hard to miss. The female doesn’t have any wings at all and generally looks like a grub. In early spring, a large number of solitary bees become hosts to this unusual parasite, which burrows into their bodies under the edges of their segments, feeding on their internal fluids for several weeks, with just the tip of its tail sticking out. Once fully fed, it emerges from the body of its unwilling host, leaving a large round hole, which often closes up and heals. Strange as it may seem, the damage done by the parasite seems to have little impact on the bee's health.



Insects with straight wings, such as earwigs, cockroaches, mantises, stick insects, crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts.



The insects of this order are less numerous in species than those of any other but the next, and are easily recognised. The fore wings are usually of a leathery consistency, and the hind wings are folded beneath them like a fan in the more typical families, though in the Earwigs and Cockroaches a somewhat different arrangement prevails. In the Earwigs, indeed, the wings are doubled back at the ends, and in the Cockroaches the wing-cases, or "tegmina," as they are technically called, overlap. As a rule these insects feed entirely on vegetable substances. The "Soothsayers" form an exception, being carnivorous, though they are not parasitic, like the Ichneumon-flies, but feed on fresh food; and several species of Earwigs, Cockroaches, and Crickets, especially those which are semi-domesticated, are omnivorous, and will eat animal as well as vegetable food. These insects have an imperfect metamorphosis—that is, there is no inactive pupa-state; but, the young, on emerging from the egg, already possess a recognisable resemblance to their full-grown parents, and their metamorphosis consists of a series of moults, before the last of which rudimentary wings appear in those species which ultimately acquire these appendages. A considerable number of species never have wings, a circumstance which frequently renders it difficult to determine whether a specimen is fully developed. The antennæ are usually long, and the joints distinctly separated, but are very rarely feathered. At the other end of the body we often find two long jointed organs, called "cerci." The jaws are always furnished with strong mandibles. Many Grasshoppers and Locusts have a curious arrangement on the shank of the front leg, consisting either of a round or an oval cavity on each side, closed by a membrane, or of two long parallel slits in front. These are considered to be organs of hearing. The largest known insects belong to this order; the proportion of large or moderate-sized species is considerable; and the smallest are probably considerably larger than the smallest members of any other group. They are not numerous in temperate climates; there are only about fifty British species, and most of the larger of these are either naturalised species, or merely casual visitors from abroad.

The insects in this order have fewer species than any other except the next one, and they're easy to identify. The front wings are usually leathery, while the hind wings fold under them like a fan in the more typical families. However, in Earwigs and Cockroaches, there’s a slightly different setup. In Earwigs, the wings are folded back at the tips, and in Cockroaches, the wing cases, or "tegmina," as they’re technically called, overlap. Generally, these insects feed only on plant materials. The "Soothsayers" are an exception, as they are carnivorous but not parasitic like Ichneumon flies; they feed on fresh food. Several species of Earwigs, Cockroaches, and Crickets, especially those that are semi-domesticated, are omnivorous and will eat both animal and plant food. These insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis, meaning there is no inactive pupal stage; the young look similar to their adult parents right after hatching and go through several molts, with rudimentary wings appearing before the final molt in species that eventually develop these appendages. Many species never grow wings, which often makes it hard to tell if a specimen is fully developed. Their antennae are usually long with distinctly separated segments but are rarely feathered. At the rear end of the body, there are often two long, jointed structures called "cerci." The jaws are always equipped with strong mandibles. Many Grasshoppers and Locusts have an interesting feature on the shank of their front leg, either a round or oval cavity on each side covered by a membrane, or two long parallel slits in front. These are believed to be hearing organs. The largest known insects belong to this order, and there’s a significant number of large or moderately sized species, with the smallest ones still being considerably larger than the tiniest in any other group. They aren’t very common in temperate climates, with only about fifty species found in Britain, most of which are either naturalized or just occasional visitors from elsewhere.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



The forceps-like appendage at the end of this insect's body is said to be used for folding and unfolding the wings.

The forceps-like appendage at the end of this insect's body is believed to be used for folding and unfolding the wings.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


American cockroach.

Common in many warehouses in England, and now found in most parts of the world.

Common in many warehouses in England and now found in most places around the world.

The Earwigs form the first family. Some are wingless, but most have very short wing-cases, under which very large wings, forming the most beautiful feature of these otherwise unattractive insects, are doubled and folded into a very small compass. Some of the smaller species fly readily; but others, such as the Common Earwig, though furnished with ample wings, are rarely seen to use them. The most conspicuous organ of the earwigs is the curious forceps at the extremity of the body, the use of which does not seem to be well made out, though it has been suggested that it is used for folding and unfolding the wings. The forceps differs very much in size and shape in different species; it is always larger in the male than in the female, and often differently shaped. In the common earwig the male forceps is flattened and contiguous at the base, and rounded and {690}incurved at the extremity. There are two varieties, in one of which the forceps is twice as long as in the other; but intermediate gradations do not seem to be met with. In the female the forceps is narrow, nearly straight, and approximating. The earwig is a nocturnal insect, and hides itself during the day in large-headed flowers, like dahlias, to which it is very destructive, or in any convenient dark and narrow crevice, especially among decaying vegetable matter. It derives its name from its occasionally entering the human ear, but it may be easily driven out by dropping in a little olive oil. In most books it is denied that earwigs enter the ear at all, but it is, nevertheless, an undoubted fact; and the fanciful derivation that has been suggested of earwing in the place of earwig cannot be entertained respecting an insect which seldom shows its wings at all. It should be noted that the female earwig is said to tend her young very much as a hen tends her chickens—an uncommon habit in insects.

The Earwigs make up the first family. Some are wingless, but most have very short wing covers that conceal large wings, which are the most beautiful aspect of these otherwise unappealing insects, folded tightly. Some smaller species fly easily, but others, like the Common Earwig, have ample wings yet are rarely seen using them. The most noticeable feature of earwigs is the odd forceps at the end of their body, which isn’t fully understood, though it’s been suggested it might help fold and unfold the wings. The forceps vary greatly in size and shape across different species; they are always bigger in males than in females and often shaped differently. In the common earwig, the male's forceps are flattened and close together at the base, rounded and {690}curved at the tip. There are two varieties, one with forceps that are twice as long as the other; however, there seem to be no intermediate forms. The female’s forceps are narrow, nearly straight, and close together. The earwig is a nocturnal insect, hiding during the day in large-headed flowers like dahlias, which it damages significantly, or in any convenient dark and narrow space, especially among rotting plant matter. It gets its name from the occasional occurrence of entering human ears, but it can be easily removed by putting in a bit of olive oil. Most sources claim that earwigs don’t actually enter ears, yet it is a definite fact; the fanciful suggestion of earwing versus earwig can't be applied to an insect that rarely displays its wings. It’s worth noting that female earwigs are said to care for their young similarly to how hens care for their chicks—an unusual trait among insects.


Photo by Highley. 

Image by Highley.


Stick insect.

The largest insect known is a species of stick-insect; it is a native of Borneo, and measures 13 inches.

The largest known insect is a type of stick insect; it comes from Borneo and measures 13 inches.


Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co.  [Parson's Green.



Natives of the East Indies, and remarkable for their resemblance to green leaves.

Natives of the East Indies, noted for looking like green leaves.

The Common Cockroach is too well known to need description. The individuals with half-developed wings are the perfect females; but there are other species in which the wings are fully developed in both sexes, others in which the male is winged and the female wingless, and others again in which both sexes are wingless. In warm countries and on ship-board cockroaches are far more troublesome than in cold climes; and the large brown ones, with a mark on the back of the thorax resembling a crown, and very broad wing-cases and wings, are called Drummers in the West Indies, from the loud noise they keep up during the night.

The Common Roach is so familiar that it doesn't need a description. The ones with underdeveloped wings are the ideal females; however, there are other species with fully developed wings in both sexes, some where the male has wings and the female doesn't, and others where both sexes are wingless. In warm areas and on ships, cockroaches are much more of a nuisance than in colder regions. The large brown ones, marked with a pattern on the back of their thorax that looks like a crown and having very broad wing-cases and wings, are called Percussionists in the West Indies because of the loud noise they make at night.

Lady Burton has given an amusing account of her introduction to cockroaches abroad: "After two days we were given a very pleasant suite of rooms—bedroom, dining- and drawing-room—with wide windows overlooking the Tagus and a great part of Lisbon. These quarters were, however, not without drawbacks, for here occurred an incident which gave me a foretaste of the sort of thing I was to expect in Brazil. Our bedroom was a large whitewashed place; there were three holes in the wall, one at {691}the bedside bristling with horns, and these were cockroaches some three inches long. The drawing-room was gorgeous with yellow satin, and the magnificent yellow curtains were sprinkled with these crawling things. The consequence was that I used to stand on a chair and scream. This annoyed Richard very much. 'A nice sort of traveller and companion you are going to make,' he said; 'I suppose you think you look very pretty and interesting standing on that chair and howling at those innocent creatures.' This hurt me so much that, without descending from the chair, I stopped screaming, and made a meditation like St. Simon Stylites on his pillar; and it was, 'That if I was going to live in a country always in contact with these and worse things, though I had a perfect horror of anything black and crawling, it would never do to go on like that.' So I got down, fetched a basin of water and a slipper, and in two hours by the watch I had knocked ninety-seven of them into it. It cured me. From that day I had no more fear of vermin and reptiles, which is just as well in a country where Nature is over-luxuriant. A little while after we changed our rooms we were succeeded by Lord and Lady Lytton, and, to my infinite delight, I heard the same screams coming from the same room a little while after. 'There,' I said in triumph, 'you see I am not the only woman who does not like cockroaches.'"

Lady Burton has shared a funny story about her first experience with cockroaches abroad: "After two days, we were given a nice suite of rooms—a bedroom, dining room, and drawing room—with wide windows overlooking the Tagus River and a good part of Lisbon. However, these accommodations had their downsides, as I encountered an incident that gave me a preview of what to expect in Brazil. Our bedroom was a large whitewashed space; there were three holes in the wall, one by the bedside filled with cockroaches about three inches long. The drawing room was stunning with yellow satin, and the beautiful yellow curtains were dotted with these crawling things. As a result, I would stand on a chair and scream. This really annoyed Richard. 'What a great traveler and companion you are going to be,' he said; 'I suppose you think you look very pretty and interesting standing on that chair and yelling at those innocent creatures.' This hurt me so much that, without getting down from the chair, I stopped screaming and began to meditate like St. Simon Stylites on his pillar; my thought was, 'If I am going to live in a country surrounded by these and worse things, even though I have a total horror of anything black and crawling, I can’t keep acting like this.' So I got down, grabbed a basin of water and a slipper, and within two hours, I had knocked ninety-seven of them into it. It changed everything for me. From that day on, I had no more fear of pests and reptiles, which is fortunate in a country where nature is so abundant. A little while after we changed our rooms, Lord and Lady Lytton moved in, and to my great delight, I heard the same screams coming from that room shortly after. 'There,' I said triumphantly, 'you see I’m not the only woman who doesn’t like cockroaches.'"


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


House cricket.

Very similar in its habits to the cockroach.

Very similar in its habits to the cockroach.

The dimensions of the insects are not so much exaggerated; for I believe this story refers to the large reddish American cockroach, which is common in many English cities, although only in warehouses. It does not usually much exceed an inch in length; but the antennæ are very long, and the wing-cases expand nearly 3 inches. (See photograph on page 689.)

The size of the insects isn't really exaggerated; I think this story is about the large reddish American cockroach, which you can find in many English cities, though mostly in warehouses. They usually don't go over an inch in length, but their antennae are quite long, and their wing-cases can spread almost 3 inches. (See photograph on page 689.)


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Mole cricket.

A brown insect about 2 inches long. The very broad and flat front legs are used for burrowing.

A brown insect about 2 inches long. Its wide and flat front legs are used for digging.

The Soothsayers, or Praying-insects, are not British, though one or two species are found in the south of Europe. They have long fore legs, the shanks of which are set with a double row of long, curving, sabre-like spines, and when at rest they hold them up as if in the attitude of prayer; but they are really on the look-out for prey, and the long spines are admirably adapted for wounding or grasping the insects which form their food. They also fight fiercely among themselves, and it is no uncommon occurrence for a female to tear to pieces and devour her mate, either during or after their courtship. The soothsayers are often of a green colour, so as to match the grass and leaves among which they live, and thus conceal them from their prey.

The Fortune tellers, or Praying mantises, aren't originally from Britain, even though a few species can be found in southern Europe. They have long front legs, which have a double row of long, curved, sword-like spines. When they're resting, they hold these legs up as if they're praying, but they're actually just waiting for prey. The long spines are perfect for injuring or grabbing the insects that they eat. They also fight aggressively among themselves, and it's common for a female to rip apart and eat her mate during or after courtship. Soothsayers often have a green color to blend in with the grass and leaves where they live, helping them hide from their prey.

The Stick-insects. or Spectre-insects, have some resemblance to the Soothsayers, but are exclusively vegetable-feeders, and have long, sprawling legs, or shorter ones, sometimes more or less lobate; but they never possess prehensile fore legs for seizing prey. The wing-cases are generally quite small; but some species have beautiful large green or pink wings, folded fan-wise, and covered by the stout front border of the wing. Many species are wingless, and of a grey or brown colour, which renders them scarcely distinguishable from dry bits of stick; and among these is the largest living insect known, a grey stick-like species from Borneo, measuring nearly 13 inches from head to tail. Other species have curious excrescences on the legs and body, which make them look like bits of wood overgrown with moss or lichen; while others possess large flat lobes growing from the legs and body, which cause them to be almost indistinguishable from green leaves; and, indeed, these insects are frequently called "Walking Leaves."

The Stick bugs, or Ghost insects, look somewhat like the Soothsayers, but they feed only on plants. They have long, sprawling legs, or sometimes shorter, more rounded ones; however, they never have prehensile front legs for catching prey. The wing cases are usually quite small, but some species have beautiful large green or pink wings that fold like a fan and are covered by the thick front edge of the wing. Many species don't have wings at all and are grey or brown, making them nearly impossible to tell apart from dry sticks. Among these is the largest living insect known, a grey stick-like species from Borneo, measuring almost 13 inches from head to tail. Other species have interesting growths on their legs and bodies that make them resemble pieces of wood covered in moss or lichen; while others feature large flat lobes on their legs and body that make them almost look like green leaves. In fact, these insects are often referred to as "Walking Leaves."


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel [NYC.



This insect belongs to the same family as the well-known British species. The specimen from which this photograph was taken had unfortunately (as is often the case) broken antennæ; they should be twice as long as the wings.

This insect is part of the same family as the well-known British species. The specimen that this photograph was taken from unfortunately had broken antennae, which is often the case; they should be twice as long as the wings.

With the Crickets we commence the last three families of the group, which are distinguished from the others by their power of leaping. The hind legs are very long, with very thick thighs, and generally a double row of strong teeth or spines on the shanks. The feet are generally three-jointed, and there is usually a long ovipositor in the females. There are very few true crickets in England, but three of these are very conspicuous species. The first is the Mole-cricket, a large light brown insect nearly 2 inches long, with broad, short front legs rather like those of a mole, which it uses in a similar way. Though common and destructive in fields and gardens, it is not often seen: but if water be thrown on the ground overnight, and a board laid over it, one or two mole-crickets are likely to be found underneath in the morning. The House-cricket resembles this insect in colour, but is not much more than half an inch long, and there is nothing remarkable in the structure of its legs. It is almost the only noisy insect found in English houses, and is very similar to the common cockroach in its habits, although free from the disagreeable smell which adds to the disgust the latter insect often inspires. The third species, the Field-Cricket, is a smooth black insect, larger and stouter than the house-cricket. It constructs burrows in grassy places, but is not now a very common species in England. In the last two species, and many others, there is a bare space on one of the wing-cases of the male, crossed by ribs in a manner varying according to the species, which helps to produce the loud chirping for which these insects are remarkable.

With the Cricket, we start the last three families in this group, which stand out from the others because of their leaping ability. Their hind legs are very long, with thick thighs, and they usually have a double row of strong teeth or spines on their shanks. The feet typically have three joints, and females usually have a long ovipositor. There are very few true crickets in England, but three species are quite noticeable. The first is the Mole cricket, a large light brown insect nearly 2 inches long, with broad, short front legs resembling those of a mole, which it uses similarly. Although it's common and damaging in fields and gardens, it's not often seen; however, if water is poured on the ground overnight and a board is placed over it, one or two mole-crickets are likely to be found underneath in the morning. The House cricket looks similar to this insect in color but is only about half an inch long, with no remarkable features in its leg structure. It is almost the only noisy insect found in English homes and has habits quite similar to those of the common cockroach, although it doesn't carry the unpleasant odor that often makes the latter so off-putting. The third species, the Field Cricket, is a smooth black insect, larger and stockier than the house-cricket. It digs burrows in grassy areas, but it’s not very common in England anymore. In both of the last two species, and many others, there’s a bare spot on one of the wing covers of the male, crossed by ribs in a way that varies by species, which contributes to the loud chirping these insects are known for.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards] [Colesborne.



This insect, which is remarkable for the inflated bladder-like appearance of the male, is an object of superstition among the Boers. Colour, bright apple-green with white stripes.

This insect, notable for the swollen, bladder-like look of the male, is surrounded by superstition among the Boers. Its color is a vibrant apple green with white stripes.

The Long-horned Grasshoppers, which form the next family, are distinguished by having four joints to their feet, a long ovipositor in the female, and very long, slender antennæ. The commonest species inhabiting England, and one of the largest grasshoppers, is the Great Green Grasshopper, which is found leaping about among long grass and low bushes, especially in the south of England. It is about 2 inches in length. Among the foreign species of this rather extensive family, we may mention some green or reddish South American species, with a large round spot on the hind wings, not unlike those seen in the peacock-butterfly.

The Longhorned Grasshoppers, which make up the next family, are recognized by having four joints in their feet, a long ovipositor in the female, and very long, thin antennae. The most common species in England, and one of the largest grasshoppers, is the Awesome Green Grasshopper, which can be found jumping around in tall grass and low bushes, particularly in southern England. It measures about 2 inches long. Among the foreign species in this fairly large family, we can mention some green or reddish species from South America that have a large round spot on their hind wings, resembling those seen in the peacock butterfly.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.



A common North African species, of which specimens occasionally visit England.

A common North African species that sometimes shows up in England.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Egyptian locust.

This figure shows the upper surface of the specimen represented in the preceding photograph.

This image displays the top surface of the sample shown in the previous photograph.

x-smaller sp1 m025

Photos by W. L. H. Duckworth]  [Cambridge.

Photos by W. L. H. Duckworth [Cambridge.


Wart-Eating Grasshopper (Two Perspectives).

Used by Swedish peasants to bite off their warts.

Used by Swedish farmers to remove their warts.

The last family includes the Short-horned Grasshoppers, or True Locusts, so very destructive in many countries, though the real Migratory Locusts are only casual visitors to England, the native British species being all small insects, found among grass, and doing but little damage. The commonest of the Migratory Locusts visiting Britain is the Red-legged Locust, which expands from 2 to 4 inches, and has grey wing-cases varied with brown, pale green hind wings, and red hind shanks, with white black-tipped spines. Another species, the Egyptian Locust, more rarely met with, has brown fore wings, and grey hind wings, crossed by a broad blackish band. Two photographs are given on page 693 of a specimen brought to England among vegetables in the spring of 1901. Many foreign locusts, large and small, have beautiful red or blue hind wings, and some of these are common on the Continent, though not in England; those found in Europe are comparatively small, measuring only 1 or 2 inches across the wing-cases; but some of the great South American locusts measure as much as 7 or 8 inches in expanse. However, some of the smaller species, such as the Cyprian Locust and the Rocky Mountain Locust, which measure less than 2 inches across the wing-cases, are much more destructive than the large species.

The last family includes the Short-horned grasshoppers, or True Grasshoppers, which are very destructive in many countries. However, the real Locusts are only occasional visitors to England, with the native British species being small insects found in grass that cause minimal damage. The most common of the Migratory Locusts that visit Britain is the Red-legged Grasshopper, which grows from 2 to 4 inches long, featuring grey wing cases with brown variations, pale green hind wings, and red hind shanks with black-tipped white spines. Another species, the Desert Locust, which is less frequently seen, has brown fore wings and grey hind wings marked with a broad blackish band. Two photographs are included on page 693 of a specimen brought to England in vegetables during the spring of 1901. Many foreign locusts, both large and small, have stunning red or blue hind wings, and some of these are common on the Continent but not in England. The locusts found in Europe are relatively small, measuring only 1 or 2 inches across the wing cases, while some of the large South American locusts can measure 7 or 8 inches across. However, some of the smaller species, like the Cyprian Locust and the Rocky Mountain Grasshopper, measuring less than 2 inches across the wing cases, are far more destructive than the larger species.

A real invasion of locusts is a terrible calamity, for the insects fly like birds, but in vast flocks, and devour every scrap of vegetation where they settle. Sometimes a flight, two or three miles broad, continues to fly steadily over the same spot for hours together. Sometimes flocks perish at sea, and are cast up on the beach in heaps like sand-hills, extending for a distance of forty or fifty miles. Nor are the young locusts less destructive before they acquire wings; for they march across a district in such numbers as to extinguish fires, fill up trenches, and overcome all similar obstacles placed in their way by sheer force of numbers; and it is well said of a visitation of locusts, "The land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind is a desolate wilderness."

A real locust invasion is a terrible disaster because the insects fly like birds in huge swarms and devour every bit of vegetation in their path. Sometimes a swarm, two or three miles wide, will keep flying over the same area for hours. Other times, flocks drown at sea and wash up on the shore in piles like sand dunes, stretching for forty or fifty miles. Even the young locusts are highly destructive before they develop wings; they move through an area in such large numbers that they put out fires, fill in ditches, and overcome any obstacles just by sheer force of numbers. It’s often said about a locust invasion, "The land is like the Garden of Eden in front of them, but behind them is a barren wasteland."



Nerve-winged or lace-winged insects, including dragonflies and their relatives.



The Nerve-winged Insects owe their title to the peculiar character of their wings, the horny veins which form the framework of those organs being multiplied and sub-divided to such an extent that they assume the appearance of exceedingly delicate network.

The Nerve-winged Insects get their name from the unique structure of their wings, where the hard veins that create the framework of these organs are increased and split to such a degree that they look like an extremely delicate network.

These insects fall naturally into two great groups, in one of which the chrysalis, or pupa, is active, and continues to take food like the grub, while in the other it is passive and helpless, like that of a butterfly or a moth.

These insects can be classified into two main groups: in one, the chrysalis, or pupa, is active and continues to eat like the larva, while in the other, it is inactive and vulnerable, like that of a butterfly or a moth.

Prominent among the members of the first division are the Dragon-flies, which owe their title partly to their extreme voracity, and partly to the fact that they feed entirely upon living insects, which they pursue through the air. They are exceedingly swift of wing, and may be seen hawking over ponds and streams on any fine day throughout the summer and early autumn.

Prominent among the members of the first division are the Dragonflies, which got their name partly because they are extremely greedy and partly because they feed only on live insects, which they chase through the air. They are incredibly fast flyers and can be seen hunting over ponds and streams on any nice day during summer and early autumn.

The earlier part of their lives is spent in the water, in which the eggs are laid by the parent insect. The grubs are usually of a dull grey or brownish-green colour, and are remarkable for a curious organ known as the "mask," which partly covers the lower surface of the head. This apparatus consists of two joints, which fold upon one another, but can be extended at will, the one farthest from the head terminating in a pair of large and powerful jaws. When the grub perceives an insect-victim, it swims cautiously beneath, and seizes it by means of these jaws. The "mask" is then folded, and the prisoner drawn down within reach of the mandibles, by means of which it is speedily devoured.

The earlier part of their lives is spent in the water, where the parent insect lays its eggs. The grubs are usually a dull grey or brownish-green color and are notable for a unique organ called the "mask," which partially covers the underside of their head. This structure consists of two segments that fold over each other but can be extended at will, with the part farthest from the head ending in a pair of large, powerful jaws. When the grub spots an insect victim, it swims carefully underneath and grabs it with these jaws. The "mask" is then folded, and the captured prey is pulled in close to the jaws, which quickly devour it.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



These insects are often known as "Horse-stingers," although they do not sting horses; in fact, they are perfectly harmless, except to insects smaller and weaker than themselves.

These insects are often called "Horse-stingers," even though they don't sting horses; in reality, they are completely harmless, except to insects that are smaller and weaker than they are.

The method of swimming practised by the dragon-fly grub is also very curious. Through the centre of the body runs a longitudinal tube, terminating in a circular orifice, closed by means of five tightly fitting valves. These valves, which together form a sharp spike when closed, can be separated at will. When the insect wishes to swim, it fills the tube with water, and then squirts the contents forcibly out, the result being that it is driven swiftly forwards by the reaction.

The way the dragonfly larva swims is quite interesting. A long tube runs through the center of its body, ending in a circular opening that is sealed by five tightly fitting valves. When these valves are closed, they create a sharp spike. The insect can open them at will. When it wants to swim, it fills the tube with water and then forcefully expels the water, propelling itself forward through the reaction.

The pupa of the dragon-fly is very much like the grub, with the exception that the rudiments of the future wings may be seen on the back.

The dragonfly's pupa looks a lot like a grub, except you can see the beginnings of its future wings on its back.

About forty species of these insects are found in the British Islands, of which the Great Dragon-fly is a well-known example. The body is 3 inches in length, while the extended wings measure about 4 inches from tip to tip. In colour it is light rusty brown, with a few pale markings. The "Horse-stinger"—which is perfectly harmless, notwithstanding its popular title—is also common, and may be recognised at once by its flat dull yellow body, which becomes blue in the fully developed male. In the graceful and beautiful Demoiselle the male is deep blue, with black patches on the wings, while the female is entirely green.

About forty species of these insects are found in the British Isles, with the Great Dragonfly being a well-known example. The body is 3 inches long, while the extended wings measure about 4 inches from tip to tip. In color, it is a light rusty brown, with a few pale markings. The "Horsefly"—which is completely harmless, despite its name—is also common and can be easily recognized by its flat, dull yellow body, which turns blue in the fully developed male. In the graceful and beautiful Maiden, the male is deep blue with black patches on the wings, while the female is entirely green.

Allied to these insects is the Common May-fly, popularly supposed to live for one day only. As a matter of fact, however, it spends a couple of years in the grub and pupa states, inhabiting burrows in the banks of ponds and streams. These burrows are curved, and have {696}two entrances, one above the other, so that the insect can pass in and out with perfect ease.

Allied to these insects is the Common Mayfly, which people commonly believe only lives for one day. In reality, though, it spends a couple of years as a larva and pupa, living in burrows on the banks of ponds and streams. These burrows are curved and have {696} two entrances, one above the other, allowing the insect to come and go with ease.

The May-fly is also remarkable for the fact that the perfect insect changes its skin shortly after reaching maturity. Before this change takes place the female insect is the "Green Drake" of the angler; afterwards, the "Grey Drake."

The May-fly is also notable because the adult insect sheds its skin shortly after it matures. Before this change happens, the female insect is known as the "Green Drake" among anglers; afterward, it becomes the "Grey Drake."


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Termite Queen.

Her huge white body is full of eggs, of which she lays thousands every day.

Her large white body is filled with eggs, and she lays thousands of them each day.

To this group belong also the Termites, or "White Ants," so exceedingly numerous in almost all the warmer parts of the world. These are social insects, living together in vast colonies, and making most wonderful nests, which consist of a vast and complicated series of chambers and passages, sheltered beneath a turreted dome of clay. In the centre is the "royal cell," inhabited by the "king" and "queen," as the perfect male and female are called. These are winged when first they leave the pupal shell. But after taking a single flight, they snap off their wings at the base, just as ants do; while for the rest of their lives they are absolute prisoners in the cell built around them by the workers.

To this group also belong the Termites, or "White Ants," which are incredibly numerous in nearly all the warmer regions of the world. These are social insects that live together in large colonies and construct amazing nests, which are made up of a complex series of chambers and tunnels, protected beneath a turreted dome of clay. In the center is the "royal cell," where the "king" and "queen" reside, as the fully developed male and female are called. They have wings when they first emerge from the pupal shell. However, after a single flight, they break off their wings at the base, just like ants do; for the rest of their lives, they remain locked in the cell built around them by the workers.

Shortly after this strange incarceration takes place, the body of the queen swells to a huge size, so that, to quote Professor Drummond, she becomes "a large, loathsome, cylindrical package, 2 or 3 inches long, in shape like a sausage, and as white as a bolster." She now begins to deposit eggs at the rate of several thousands in a day, which are at once carried off by the workers, to whom is entrusted the entire care of the helpless young. These workers, which are exceedingly numerous, also enlarge the nest from time to time, and construct tunnels of clay up the trunks and along the branches of trees, through which they may convey to the nurseries in security the gums and decaying wood for the nutriment of the young.

Shortly after this strange confinement occurs, the queen's body grows to an enormous size, so that, to quote Professor Drummond, she becomes "a large, loathsome, cylindrical package, 2 or 3 inches long, shaped like a sausage, and as white as a pillow." She begins to lay thousands of eggs every day, which the workers quickly collect and take care of, as they are responsible for raising the helpless young. These workers, which are incredibly numerous, also occasionally expand the nest and build clay tunnels up the trunks and along the branches of trees, allowing them to safely transport gums and decaying wood to nourish the young.

A fourth form of insect is also found in the termites' nest, known as the "Soldier." The head is much larger and the jaws are much longer and stronger than those of the worker, and the sole function appears to be to defend the nest when attacked. Both soldier and worker, apparently, proceed from the same eggs which produce the king and queen, the difference in development being probably due—as in the hive-bee—to the character of the food with which the young are supplied.

A fourth type of insect can also be found in the termites' nest, known as the "Soldier." The head is much larger, and the jaws are longer and stronger than those of the worker. Their main role seems to be defending the nest when it's under attack. Both soldiers and workers apparently come from the same eggs that produce the king and queen, with the differences in development likely caused—similar to hive bees—by the type of food provided to the young.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



The perfect male and female are winged, the "worker" and the "soldier" being more like grubs than perfect insects.

The ideal male and female have wings, with the "worker" and the "soldier" resembling grubs more than they do perfect insects.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Termite nests in Queensland.

These nests are sometimes 14 or 15 feet high.

These nests are sometimes 14 or 15 feet off the ground.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Termite Nest in Queensland.

The smaller nests, when opened and emptied, are used by the natives as ovens.

The smaller nests, when opened and emptied, are used by the locals as ovens.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



This shows one of the most destructive of wood-eating insects, nearly of the natural size.

This shows one of the most destructive wood-eating insects, almost at its natural size.

In a state of nature termites are undoubtedly beneficial. They are scavengers, in fact, whose duty it is to remove the dead and decaying wood which would otherwise encumber the ground for many years. But in civilised districts they are extremely mischievous, books, furniture, and all the woodwork of houses being often completely destroyed by them before their presence is even suspected.

In their natural environment, termites are definitely helpful. They act as scavengers, responsible for clearing away dead and decaying wood that would otherwise clutter up the ground for years. However, in urban areas, they can be quite destructive, often completely damaging books, furniture, and all the woodwork in homes before anyone even realizes they’re there.

The second division of the order also forms two well-marked groups—namely, the Flat-winged Insects, in which the wings are fully spread, horizontally or obliquely, even in repose, and the Hairy-winged Insects, in which those organs can be folded longitudinally, like the joints of a fan.

The second division of the order also forms two distinct groups—namely, the Flat-winged Insects, where the wings are fully spread, either horizontally or at an angle, even when resting, and the Hairy-winged Insects, where the wings can be folded lengthwise, like the sections of a fan.

Of the former group, the Ant-lion of Southern Europe is a familiar example. The perfect insect is seldom seen, owing to its nocturnal habits. In appearance it is not unlike a small and delicately built dragon-fly, with a yellowish head, a black body, and transparent wings marbled with brownish spots. The larva, however, is terrestrial, and lives in a funnel-shaped pitfall which it scoops out in the sand, always working backwards in a spiral direction, and jerking out the sand with its broad head in an almost continuous shower. Having completed the excavation, it buries itself at the bottom with merely the tips of its jaws appearing above the surface, and there waits for ants or other small creatures to fall down the sloping sides, accelerating their descent, if need be, by flinging sand upon them. The size of the pit varies with that of the insect, the fully grown grub digging down to the depth of about 2 inches, while the cavity is about 3 inches in diameter.

Of the former group, the Doodlebug of Southern Europe is a well-known example. The adult insect is rarely seen due to its nighttime habits. In appearance, it resembles a small, delicately built dragonfly, with a yellowish head, a black body, and transparent wings speckled with brownish spots. However, the larva is terrestrial and lives in a funnel-shaped pit that it digs out in the sand, always working backward in a spiral and flicking out the sand with its broad head in an almost constant shower. Once the pit is finished, it buries itself at the bottom with only the tips of its jaws showing above the surface, waiting for ants or other small creatures to slide down the sloping sides, even speeding up their fall by flinging sand onto them if necessary. The size of the pit depends on the size of the insect, with the fully grown larva digging down to about 2 inches deep, while the cavity is about 3 inches in diameter.

The mouth of the ant-lion grub is very curiously constructed, the jaws lying in a groove on the inner margin of the mandibles, or jaws proper; so that while an insect is held prisoner by the latter, the former can be employed in sucking its juices. When the body of the victim has been completely drained, the empty skin is thrown out of the pit by a jerk of the head.

The mouth of the ant-lion larva is quite interestingly designed; its jaws are positioned in a groove along the inner edge of the mandibles, or main jaws. This arrangement allows it to trap an insect with the mandibles while using the other jaws to suck out its juices. Once the victim's body is fully drained, the empty shell is flicked out of the pit with a quick motion of the head.

The chrysalis, too, is remarkable for possessing jaws, by means of which it cuts its way {699}out of the cocoon which it made, when a larva, by spinning grains of sand together with silken threads.

The chrysalis is also interesting because it has jaws that it uses to cut its way {699} out of the cocoon it created as a larva by spinning together grains of sand and silk threads.

In some South European and African insects allied to the ant-lions the hind wings are modified into extremely long and slender shafts, slightly expanded at the extremities. In an Indian species belonging to a related genus these wings are scarcely more than threads, and bear a superficial resemblance to the attenuated limbs of certain gnats. One group, of which a Japanese species is a well-known representative, is characterised by the long, slender, and clubbed antennæ.

In some Southern European and African insects related to ant-lions, the hind wings have changed into long, thin shafts that are slightly wider at the ends. In an Indian species from a related group, these wings are barely more than threads and look a lot like the thin legs of some gnats. One group, with a well-known Japanese species, is marked by long, slender, club-shaped antennae.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Termite mound.

Showing one year's reconstruction to nest, of which the photographer made a section.

Showing a year's worth of rebuilding to create a nest, of which the photographer took a section.

The Mantis-flies are remarkable for the structure of the fore limbs, which are almost exactly similar in character to those of the praying-mantis. The upper segment of the leg is so lengthened as to look like an additional joint; the lower surface of the thigh is armed with a number of long, sharp spines; and the tibia, or lower part of the leg, folds closely down upon it, after the manner of the blade of a clasp-knife. These limbs are used for seizing, an insect which is once grasped being effectually prevented by the spines from breaking away.

The Mantis flies are notable for their forelimb structure, which closely resembles that of the praying mantis. The upper part of the leg is extended enough to appear like an extra joint; the underside of the thigh is equipped with several long, sharp spines; and the tibia, or lower part of the leg, folds tightly against it, similar to the blade of a folding knife. These limbs are used for capturing insects, and once an insect is caught, the spines effectively prevent it from escaping.

The larvæ of these insects are parasitic in the nests of tree-wasps and spiders, and have the peculiarity of practically losing their limbs as they approach maturity; so that while at first they are free and active, they afterwards become almost as helpless as those of many beetles. One species is found in Southern Europe, the remainder being widely distributed over the hotter regions of the globe.

The larvae of these insects are parasites in the nests of tree wasps and spiders, and they have a unique trait of almost losing their limbs as they mature; so while they start out free and active, they eventually become nearly as helpless as many beetle larvae. One species can be found in Southern Europe, while the others are widely spread across the warmer regions of the world.

Allied to the Mantis-flies are the curious Snake-flies, or Camel-flies. In these insects the head is very large, and is attached to the thorax, or central division of the body, by a long and distinct neck, which allows it great freedom of motion. The neck is usually raised and the head bent down, giving to the insect a remarkably snake-like appearance.

Allied with the Mantis-flies are the interesting Snakeflies, or Camel spiders. In these insects, the head is quite large and is connected to the thorax, or the main part of the body, by a long and clearly defined neck, which provides a lot of flexibility in movement. The neck is usually raised while the head is tilted down, giving the insect a strikingly snake-like look.

These flies are predaceous in their habits, and the four British species may be found on the banks of ponds and small streams, where they can obtain insect-victims in plenty. The larvæ live beneath the bark of trees, and wriggle about in a singularly serpentine fashion.

These flies are predatory in nature, and the four species found in Britain can be seen along the edges of ponds and small streams, where they have plenty of insect prey. The larvae live under the bark of trees and move in a uniquely serpentine way.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Scorpion fly.

Remarkable for the curious structure of the end of the body.

Remarkable for the unusual shape of the body's end.

Equally curious in a different way are the Scorpion-flies, in which the body is prolonged into a slender three-jointed process, the extremity of which, in the male, is furnished with a pair of curved forceps. In spite of their somewhat formidable appearance these insects are perfectly harmless. They are very plentiful almost everywhere, and may be found in numbers on any sunny summer morning resting on the herbage on hedge-banks, or running actively about on the leaves of low bushes. Like the Snake-flies, they are predaceous, feeding {700}entirely upon other insects, and often attacking those which are bigger and apparently stronger than themselves. The eggs are laid underground, and the grubs, which are entirely subterranean in their habits, feed upon decomposing vegetable matter. When fully fed, they burrow still deeper into the ground, and there change into pupæ, from which the perfect insects emerge about a fortnight later. In the common English species the body is shining black, and the legs are yellow, while the transparent wings are marked with brown spots, which generally form three broken transverse bands. The insect is about half an inch in length.

Equally interesting in a different way are the Scorpion flies, which have bodies extended into a slender three-segmented tail. The end of this tail, in males, has a pair of curved pincers. Despite their somewhat intimidating look, these insects are completely harmless. They are quite common almost everywhere and can be seen in large numbers on any sunny summer morning resting on the grass by hedges or actively running around on the leaves of low bushes. Like Snake-flies, they are predatory, feeding {700}solely on other insects and often attacking those that are bigger and seemingly stronger than they are. The eggs are laid underground, and the larvae, which live entirely underground, feed on decaying plant material. Once well-fed, they burrow even deeper into the soil and undergo metamorphosis into pupae, from which the adult insects emerge about two weeks later. In the common English species, the body is shiny black, the legs are yellow, and the transparent wings feature brown spots that usually form three broken stripes. The insect is about half an inch long.

Certain allied insects have very slender bodies and long legs, and might easily be mistaken for "daddy-long-legs" by any one who failed to notice the presence of two pairs of wings. A species found in Southern Europe is reddish yellow in colour, with a brown thorax and yellowish wings. It has a curious habit of suspending itself from a twig by its fore legs, and seizing any flying insect which may come within reach with the middle and hinder pairs.

Certain related insects have very thin bodies and long legs, and could easily be confused with "daddy-long-legs" by anyone who doesn't notice the two pairs of wings. A species found in Southern Europe is reddish-yellow, with a brown thorax and yellowish wings. It has an interesting habit of hanging from a twig by its front legs and catching any flying insect that comes within reach with its middle and back legs.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Adult antlion.

The grub of this insect lives in small pits in sandy places, and feeds upon the ants, etc., which roll down the sloping sides.

The larva of this insect lives in small holes in sandy areas and feeds on the ants and other creatures that roll down the sloping sides.

Allied to the foregoing is the extraordinary little snow-insect, which makes its appearance in mid-winter, and may even be found crawling on the surface of snow. In general appearance it is not unlike a larval grasshopper, with very long, slender legs, and antennæ of about the same length as the body. There is also a well-developed beak. The wings are quite rudimentary in the female, while even in the male they are so short as to be perfectly useless for flight. The insect is remarkably active, nevertheless, and possesses the power of leaping, although the hinder thighs are not developed in any great degree. In colour it is metallic green, with the beak, antennæ, legs, wings, and ovipositor rusty red. It is not uncommon in the north of England and Scotland.

Allied to the above is the amazing little snow insect, which appears in mid-winter and can even be found crawling on the surface of the snow. It looks a lot like a baby grasshopper, with very long, thin legs and antennae about the same length as its body. It also has a well-developed mouthpiece. In females, the wings are very rudimentary, while even in males they are so short that they can't be used for flying. Despite this, the insect is incredibly active and can jump, although its back legs aren’t very well developed. It is metallic green in color, with the mouthpiece, antennae, legs, wings, and ovipositor being rusty red. It's quite common in northern England and Scotland.

Far more generally distributed is the Lacewing-fly, or Golden-eye, which may be seen almost anywhere on warm summer evenings flitting slowly to and fro in the twilight. During the daytime it may often be found resting upon fences, or sitting on the leaves of low {701}plants. In colour it is pale green, with a peculiar milky appearance, and the eyes glow as though lighted by an inward fire. The wings are so closely and elaborately veined that they look like a piece of the most delicate lace-work. It is not advisable to handle the insect, for, although perfectly harmless, it possesses the power of pouring out from its body a liquid of the most horrible odour, which clings to the fingers in spite of repeated ablutions.

Much more widely spread is the Lacewing, or Goldeneye, which can be seen almost anywhere on warm summer evenings drifting slowly back and forth in the twilight. During the day, it’s often found resting on fences or sitting on the leaves of low {701} plants. It has a pale green color with a unique milky appearance, and its eyes seem to glow as if lit by an internal fire. The wings are so intricately veined that they resemble delicate lacework. It's best not to handle this insect, as, although it's completely harmless, it has the ability to release a liquid with a terrible odor that clings to your fingers no matter how many times you wash them.

The life-history of the lacewing-fly is very curious. When the maternal insect lays her eggs, she first deposits a drop of a highly glutinous fluid upon a leaf or slender twig, and then, with an upward jerk of her long body, draws it out into a slender thread. On contact with the air this thread immediately hardens, and just as she releases her hold the fly attaches a single egg to the tip. In this way 200 or 300 eggs are laid together in a little cluster, which looks just like a tiny patch of moss. In the earlier botanical manuals, indeed, it was actually named, figured, and described as a moss.

The life cycle of the lacewing fly is quite fascinating. When the female insect lays her eggs, she first deposits a drop of a thick, sticky fluid on a leaf or a thin twig. Then, with a quick upward movement of her long body, she pulls it out into a slender thread. When this thread comes into contact with the air, it hardens immediately. Just as she lets go, the fly attaches a single egg to the tip of the thread. In this way, she lays 200 to 300 eggs together in a small cluster that looks like a tiny patch of moss. In earlier botanical manuals, it was even named, illustrated, and described as moss.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Large caddisfly.

The largest British species measures about an inch and a half across the wings.

The largest British species measures about one and a half inches across the wings.

The grubs which hatch out from these eggs feed upon plant-lice, of which they devour vast numbers, draining the juices by means of their hollow jaws, and then fastening the empty skins on their own backs, as an American Indian might decorate himself with the scalps of his victims. Owing to this singular habit, the grub becomes perfectly unrecognisable after the first few days of its life, only the jaws and feet being visible beneath the pile of dry skins. When fully fed, it changes to the pupal condition in a silken cocoon, which it attaches to a leaf, and the perfect insect makes its appearance in the course of a few days.

The grubs that come from these eggs feed on aphids, which they eat in large quantities, sucking out the juices with their hollow jaws and then attaching the empty skins to their backs, similar to how an American Indian might adorn himself with the scalps of his enemies. Because of this unique habit, the grub becomes completely unrecognizable after just a few days of life, with only its jaws and feet visible under a pile of dry skins. Once fully fed, it transitions into the pupal stage inside a silken cocoon, which it attaches to a leaf, and the fully developed insect emerges in a few days.

The Alder-flies, in general appearance, are not unlike caddis-flies, but may easily be distinguished by the fact that the wings are not longitudinally folded while at rest. They are very abundant in the neighbourhood of ponds and small streams, where they may be seen flying slowly and heavily, or resting on low herbage or the foliage of trees and bushes. The female insect lays her eggs in clusters of 300 or 400 on the leaves of water-plants, and the little grubs make their way down into the water immediately on hatching out, where they creep about on the mud at the bottom in search of the tiny creatures on which they feed. When full-grown, they are about an inch in length. They then leave the water and bury themselves in the earth, where they change to pupæ, the perfect insects emerging in June or July.

The Alder flies generally look a lot like caddis-flies, but you can easily tell them apart because their wings aren’t folded lengthwise when they’re resting. They’re very common near ponds and small streams, where you can see them flying slowly and heavily or resting on low plants or the leaves of trees and bushes. The female lays her eggs in groups of 300 or 400 on the leaves of water plants, and once they hatch, the little grubs quickly make their way down into the water, where they crawl around on the mud at the bottom searching for tiny creatures to eat. When they’re fully grown, they’re about an inch long. They then leave the water and bury themselves in the ground, transforming into pupae, and the mature insects emerge in June or July.

The Caddis-flies, of which there are many British representatives, belong to the Hairy-winged group. The larvæ of these insects are entirely aquatic, and remind one of hermit-crabs, the front part of the body being clothed with horny armour, while the hinder part is entirely unprotected. In order to escape the attacks of predaceous insects these grubs construct cases round their bodies, which they drag about wherever they go. In one or two instances, however, the case is attached to the lower surface of a stone.

The Caddisflies, which have many British species, belong to the Hairy-winged group. The larvae of these insects are fully aquatic and resemble hermit crabs, with the front part of their bodies covered in a tough shell, while the back part is completely unprotected. To avoid being preyed upon by other insects, these grubs build cases around their bodies that they carry with them wherever they go. In a few cases, however, the case is fixed to the underside of a stone.

The materials of which these cases are made vary in accordance with the species. In one group, for instance, they consist of pieces of twigs and leaves, cut into short lengths, and arranged side by side in such a manner as to form a spiral band. The larva of another kind uses entire leaves, gluing them firmly together and living between them. A third species employs grains of sand and tiny stones, which it arranges in the form of a cow's horn. Most curious of all, however, is the case of a caddis-fly which is made entirely of the shells of water-snails. As these shells are, as a rule, still tenanted by their owners, the snails may sometimes be seen attempting to crawl simultaneously in half a dozen different directions, while the grub is dragging them in a seventh.

The materials used for these cases vary depending on the species. In one group, for example, they consist of short pieces of twigs and leaves arranged side by side to create a spiral band. The larva of another type uses whole leaves, sticking them together and living in between them. A third species uses grains of sand and small stones, arranging them in the shape of a cow's horn. Most interesting of all, though, is the case of a caddis-fly that is made entirely from the shells of water-snails. Since these shells usually still have the snails inside, you can sometimes see the snails trying to move in multiple directions at once while the larva pulls them in a different one.


All the grubs retain tight hold of their cases by means of a pincer-like organ at the end of the body. When fully fed, they close the aperture at each end of the tube, and assume the chrysalis state, the perfect insects emerging a few weeks later. Although the wings are large and broad, they fly very slowly, and never seem to take more than a short journey through the air. They may often be seen in numbers resting upon the herbage on the banks of streams and ponds, or crawling down into the water in order to deposit their eggs.

All the larvae grip their cases tightly with a pincer-like structure at the end of their bodies. Once they’re fully fed, they seal up both ends of the tube and enter the chrysalis stage, with mature insects emerging a few weeks later. Even though their wings are large and broad, they fly slowly and never seem to venture too far. You can often see them in groups resting on the plants by streams and ponds or crawling into the water to lay their eggs.


Stinging four-winged insects, including ants, bees, wasps, and their relatives.



The order of insects to which the Ants, Bees, and Wasps belong includes a very large number of species. All these are provided with four membranous wings, alike in consistency, and provided with comparatively few nervures. The wings are usually of small size, as compared with the dimensions of the insects, but are very powerful, owing to the fore and hind pair being connected together during flight by a series of little links; and the flight of the insects is usually very rapid. These insects pass through a perfect metamorphosis, the pupa being always inactive; the jaws are provided with mandibles, though a proboscis, or sucking-tube, is also present, and the abdomen of the female is armed with an ovipositor, or boring instrument, which is frequently modified into a powerful sting, used to deposit the eggs in their proper position. One peculiarity is that several species of ants, bees, and wasps live in large communities, in which the bulk of the inhabitants, on whom most of the work of the nest falls, are imperfectly developed and usually sterile females, called neuters, or workers. This arrangement is also met with in the White Ants, which belong to the order of Lace-winged Insects. Among both the Ants and White Ants the neuters are unprovided with wings; but these organs are present in the fully developed males and females, though soon cast.

The group of insects that includes Ants, Bees, and Wasps has a huge number of species. All of these insects have four membranous wings that are the same in structure and have relatively few veins. The wings are usually small compared to the size of the insects, but they are very powerful because the front and back pairs are linked together during flight by a series of tiny connections. As a result, these insects often fly very quickly. They undergo complete metamorphosis, with the pupa being inactive; their jaws have mandibles, and they also have a proboscis, or sucking tube. The female's abdomen has an ovipositor, or boring tool, which is often modified into a strong sting used to lay eggs in the right spot. One interesting feature is that many species of ants, bees, and wasps live in large colonies, where most of the members, who do most of the nest work, are underdeveloped and usually sterile females called neuters or workers. This system is also found in Termites, which belong to the group of Lacewing Insects. In both Ants and Termites, the neuters do not have wings; however, these wings are present in the fully developed males and females, though they are shed shortly after.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



One of the commonest of the larger British species is a blackish hairy insect, measuring rather more than an inch in expanse, with transparent wings bordered with brown.

One of the most common larger species in Britain is a blackish hairy bug, measuring slightly over an inch across, with clear wings edged in brown.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Marble gall-fly and gall.

Found on oak, and not unlike the foreign gall used for making ink.

Found on oak, and similar to the foreign gall used to make ink.

A great variety of other insects also belong to this order, such as Saw-flies, Gall-flies, and an immense number of parasitic species, generally called Ichneumon-flies, among which are some of the smallest insects known.

A wide range of other insects also belong to this order, including sawflies, gallflies, and a huge number of parasitic species commonly known as ichneumonflies, which include some of the smallest insects known.

This extensive order of insects is divided into two principal sections—those in which the ovipositor is used as a saw or an auger, and those in which it is modified into a sting. One of the most interesting sections of the Borers includes the Saw-flies, in which the boring instrument is modified into a pair of toothed saws, which are used for cutting incisions in leaves, or in the tender bark of twigs, in which to deposit the eggs. These flies have four transparent wings, sometimes stained with yellow or purple, and their bodies are moderately stout and obtuse, and generally black, red or yellow. The antennæ are very variable in form, and are sometimes knobbed at the end like those of a butterfly; sometimes they are formed of a number of long, slender joints; {703}sometimes of only three—a moderately long basal one, a short middle one, and a long terminal one, composed of a number of joints united into one; and rarely, as in the case of the males of some small species about half an inch long which feed on fir and pine, the antennæ are feathered. The grubs are very like caterpillars, and are sometimes called "false caterpillars"; but a true caterpillar (except in one or two very rare exceptions among foreign species) has never more than sixteen legs, while these "false caterpillars" have more, often as many as twenty-two. They also resemble caterpillars in another way, for the pupæ are enclosed in cocoons. One interesting Australian species, which feeds on gum-trees, proceeds from a black caterpillar with only six legs. The perfect insect has a blackish head and thorax, with three large yellow spots on the latter, yellowish antennæ and wings, and a green abdomen; it measures about an inch and a half across the wings, and has knobbed antennæ. An allied species, found in Tasmania, is said to tend its young larvæ—an unusual habit, except among social insects like bees, wasps, and ants. Among the commonest and the most destructive saw-flies in England are those feeding upon the currant, gooseberry, and pear, of which there are several species, measuring about half an inch across the wings. The commonest flies which lay their eggs on the gooseberry and currant are yellow, with the head, antennæ, and three long spots on the back black, and the wings transparent, with black veins. The grubs are bluish green, with twenty legs, and numerous black dots; and several may often be seen on one leaf. The best-known of the Pear Saw-flies is black, with the wings transparent, except the veins; the grub is very like a slug, and is green or yellow, very slimy, with the front of the body much thickened.

This large group of insects is split into two main sections—those that use their ovipositor as a saw or a drill, and those that have it adapted into a sting. One of the most fascinating parts of the Borers is the Sawflies, where the boring tool turns into a pair of serrated saws for making cuts in leaves or the soft bark of twigs to lay their eggs. These flies have four clear wings, which can sometimes be tinted with yellow or purple, and their bodies are moderately thick and blunt, usually black, red, or yellow. The antennae vary a lot in shape; they can be knobby at the ends like a butterfly’s or made up of several long, thin segments; {703} sometimes they consist of just three segments—a moderately long base, a short middle, and a long tip made up of multiple segments joined together; and rarely, as in some small male species about half an inch long that feed on fir and pine, the antennae are feathered. The larvae closely resemble caterpillars and are sometimes called "false caterpillars"; but an actual caterpillar (except in one or two very rare foreign species) has no more than sixteen legs, while these "false caterpillars" can have over twenty, often reaching as many as twenty-two. They also share another similarity with caterpillars in that their pupae are wrapped in cocoons. One intriguing Australian species that feeds on gum trees develops from a black caterpillar with only six legs. The adult insect has a dark head and thorax, with three large yellow spots on the thorax, yellowish antennae and wings, and a green abdomen; it measures about an inch and a half across the wings and has knobbed antennae. A related species found in Tasmania is said to care for its young larvae—an unusual behavior, except for social insects like bees, wasps, and ants. Among the most common and destructive saw-flies in England are those that feed on currants, gooseberries, and pears, with several species measuring around half an inch across their wings. The most common flies that lay eggs on gooseberries and currants are yellow, with black heads, antennae, and three long spots on their backs; their wings are transparent with black veins. The larvae are bluish-green with twenty legs and many black dots, and several can often be found on a single leaf. The best-known of the Pear Sawflies is black, with transparent wings except for the veins; the grub resembles a slug, is green or yellow, very slimy, and has a notably thickened front body.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Tree Wasp.

Very similar to the common wasp, but builds its nest in trees instead of in the ground.

Very similar to the common wasp, but makes its nest in trees instead of in the ground.

The Wood-wasps include only a few species, the grubs of which live in the stems of plants, or in the solid wood of trees. One of the largest feeds on fir- or pine-trees, and the fly measures from half an inch to an inch and a half in length, and varies much in size, though the male is generally much smaller than the female. The female is yellow, with two black bands, and a stout ovipositor half as long as the abdomen. In the male the tip of the abdomen is black, and ends in a rectangular point. The wings are transparent, with yellow nervures.

The Wood wasps consist of only a few species, whose larvae live in the stems of plants or in solid wood of trees. One of the largest species feeds on fir or pine trees, and the fly ranges from half an inch to one and a half inches in length, with significant variations in size, although the male is usually much smaller than the female. The female is yellow with two black stripes and has a thick ovipositor that is about half the length of her abdomen. In males, the tip of the abdomen is black and ends in a rectangular point. The wings are transparent with yellow veins.


Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.]  [Parson's Green.

Photo by Scholastic Photo Co. [Parson's Green.


Wasp nest.

Generally built in a thick bush.

Generally built in a thick bush.

Next to these insects come the Gall-flies, most of which produce round galls on oaks; and in some species we meet with a wingless brood, living alternately with the winged broods, but at the roots of the trees instead of in the open air. The veining of the wings is reduced to one or two veins; the antennæ are rather long, and not angulated; and the abdomen is {704}short, and constricted at the base. The flies seldom measure more than half an inch across the wings. Some galls are hard, like the one found on the Turkey oak, from which ink is made; while others are large and juicy, resembling cherries, or small apples, among which is the so-called apple of Sodom. Others, like the Bedeguar, which is found on roses, have a mossy appearance. The latter are produced by a small black saw-fly, with part of the legs, and, in the female, the base of the abdomen, red beneath.

Next to these insects are the Gallflies, most of which create round galls on oak trees. In some species, there is a wingless group that lives at the roots of the trees, alternating with the winged groups that are in the open air. The wings have only one or two veins, the antennae are fairly long and straight, and the abdomen is {704}short and pinched at the base. The flies usually don’t measure more than half an inch across the wings. Some galls are hard, like the one found on the Turkey oak, which is used to make ink, while others are large and juicy, looking like cherries or small apples, including what’s known as the apple of Sodom. Others, like the Bedeguar found on roses, have a mossy look. These are created by a small black saw-fly, which has part of its legs, and in the female, the base of the abdomen, red underneath.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Pine-boring wasp (female).

Formidable in appearance, but quite harmless.

Formidable in appearance, but completely harmless.

Some of the smaller gall-flies do not produce galls, but are parasitic on other insects; but galls are very liable to the parasitic attacks of other insects, especially to those of small brilliant metallic green four-winged flies, belonging to an allied family, with very few nervures, but with a black membranous spot on the front edge of the fore wings, and angulated antennæ. Many galls do not begin to grow until the larva is hatched and begins to eat.

Some of the smaller gall-flies don't create galls but instead are parasites on other insects. However, galls are often vulnerable to parasitic attacks from other insects, especially small, shiny, metallic green flies with four wings that are part of a related family. These flies have very few veins and a black membranous spot on the front edge of their forewings, along with angled antennae. Many galls only start to develop once the larvae hatch and begin to feed.

We now come to five or six families of parasitic species, popularly called Ichneumon-flies, and immensely numerous and varied. There are probably considerably over 2,000 species in England alone; but they are comparatively little known or studied. Some of these have beautifully delicate wings, fringed with long bristles, and are among the smallest insects known, being of quite microscopic dimensions. These are parasitic on the eggs of various insects, and some are aquatic. But the more typical ichneumon-flies are of larger size, often measuring more than an inch across the wings. Their bodies are usually black or yellow, and there is often an irregularly shaped space in the middle of the fore wing, where the veins of the wing converge. In these flies the ovipositor is very short; but in others it is of great length, especially in the case of the largest British insect of this group, which is parasitic on the larvæ of the great black-and-yellow wood-wasp, of which we have already spoken. This parasite is as large as the wood-wasp, but much more slender; it is black, with red legs, and two white dots on each segment of the abdomen. The ovipositor, which looks like three black threads, is as long as the whole body.

We now come to five or six families of parasitic species, commonly known as Ichneumon flies, which are incredibly numerous and diverse. There are likely well over 2,000 species in England alone, yet they are relatively unknown and under-researched. Some of these flies have beautifully delicate wings edged with long bristles and are among the smallest insects, reaching microscopic sizes. They are parasitic on the eggs of various insects, and some even live in water. However, the more typical ichneumon-flies are larger, often measuring more than an inch across their wings. Their bodies are usually black or yellow, and there is often an irregularly shaped area in the middle of the front wing where the veins converge. In these flies, the ovipositor is very short; however, in others, it can be quite long, especially in the case of the largest British insect in this group, which is parasitic on the larvae of the large black-and-yellow wood-wasp we've already mentioned. This parasite is as large as the wood-wasp but much more slender; it is black with red legs and has two white dots on each segment of its abdomen. The ovipositor, resembling three black threads, is as long as the entire body.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Pine Borer Wasp (Male).

Smaller than the female, and very different in appearance.

Smaller than the female and looks very different.

The numerous parasites of which we have spoken usually deposit their eggs in punctures in the bodies of caterpillars or other immature insects, which the grubs devour from within during the life of their victim, leaving it to die when they themselves have reached their full growth.

The many parasites we've talked about typically lay their eggs in punctures in the bodies of caterpillars or other young insects, which the larvae then consume from the inside while their host is still alive, leaving it to die once they’ve fully matured.

Intermediate between the boring and stinging insects of this order comes the small family of the Ruby-tailed Flies. These are brilliantly coloured bronze-red, blue, or green metallic four-winged flies, with the thorax covered with large depressions, and the abdomen smooth, and usually composed, as seen from above, of one large, smooth joint, and one or two much smaller coarsely punctured ones beyond it, the last ending in a variable number of short teeth. They roll themselves up in a ball when alarmed, and are parasites, depositing their eggs in the nests of other insects. An entomologist once saw a ruby-tailed fly hurled to the ground by a mason-bee which had built her nest in a hole in a wall. The fly rolled herself up into a ball, when the bee bit off her wings, and then flew away. But as soon as she was gone the wingless fly stretched herself out again, and climbed up the wall to the bee's nest to deposit her eggs.

Intermediate between the dull and stinging insects in this category is the small family of the Ruby-tailed Flies. These are vibrantly colored bronze-red, blue, or green metallic flies with four wings. They have a thorax covered with large indentations and a smooth abdomen, usually made up of one large smooth segment and one or two smaller, coarsely punctured segments beyond it, the last of which ends in a varying number of short teeth. When threatened, they curl up into a ball and are parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other insects. An entomologist once saw a ruby-tailed fly thrown to the ground by a mason bee that had built her nest in a hole in a wall. The fly curled into a ball when the bee bit off her wings, and then flew away. But as soon as she was gone, the wingless fly stretched out again and climbed up the wall to the bee's nest to lay her eggs.



Crœsus butterfly of Batchian

Male natural size

Male life-size


Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S. Regent's Park.  Printed at Lyons, France.

Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S. Regent's Park. Printed in Lyon, France.


Crœsus Butterfly of Batchian.

Female slightly reduced

Woman slightly reduced


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Ichneumon fly.

One of the largest British species of a very extensive group of parasitic insects.

One of the largest British species from a very broad group of parasitic insects.

The group of stinging insects begins with the Ants, which are probably the most intelligent animals now living in the world. Different species, however, differ very much in their manners and customs, and in the grade of civilisation to which they have attained. Some of the more industrious among them keep other insects as cattle, and even as pets; others harvest grain, while a few species cultivate grain for their own use; and others make large mushroom-beds of comminuted leaves, and thus do great harm to cultivated trees in many parts of tropical America. When the industrious ants are not too busy, they sometimes indulge in sports and pastimes. But there are some species which live in idle communities. Such ants are only energetic as marauders, and are so degraded that they cannot even feed themselves, and starve to death if they are deprived of the services of their black slaves, which have been carried off as pupæ by the others in piratical raids, and brought up by other slaves, which do all the work in the nests of their captors.

The group of stinging insects starts with the Ants, which are likely the most intelligent animals living today. However, different species vary greatly in their behaviors and customs, as well as in the level of civilization they have reached. Some of the more industrious species keep other insects as livestock and even as pets; others collect grains, while a few species actually cultivate grains for their own use. Some ants create large mushroom beds from chopped-up leaves, causing significant damage to cultivated trees in many areas of tropical America. When the hardworking ants aren’t too busy, they sometimes enjoy sports and leisure activities. Yet, there are species that live in idle communities. These ants only show energy when they’re raiding; they’ve become so dependent on others that they cannot feed themselves and will starve if they don’t have their black slaves, which they capture as pupae in piratical raids and who are raised by other slaves that do all the work in their captors’ nests.

Quitting the Ants, we arrive at a rather extensive series of insects of moderate or considerable size, and with very spiny legs, called Burrowing-wasps. They are brightly coloured, active insects, and generally dig holes in the ground, which they provision with caterpillars, grasshoppers, or spiders, which they paralyse with their stings, and leave in a moribund condition to form the food of their progeny. They are generally winged in both sexes, but in one family the females are stout and very hairy, and look like large hairy ants, while the males are slender winged insects, very unlike their partners. In the burrowing-wasps the front of the thorax, or second division of the body, is usually transverse, and often narrow; but in the True Wasps it bends back to the wings. Among these latter it is only the small group of the Social Wasps which are gregarious, and among which we find workers as well as males and females. The largest of the British wasps is the Hornet; but there are several much larger species in the East Indies, some of which are black and yellow, like the Chinese Mandarin-wasp, the largest of all, which often measures 2 inches across the wings. Others are black, with one large reddish band on the abdomen. Their nests, which they construct of a kind of paper, are formed in a hole in the ground, in a hollow tree, or in a bush, or under the eaves of a house. A nest is commenced by a single female which has survived the winter, and is afterwards enlarged by the exertions of her progeny.

Quitting the ants, we come to a fairly large group of insects that are moderate to substantial in size, and have very spiny legs, known as Burrowing wasps. These insects are brightly colored and active, usually digging holes in the ground that they fill with caterpillars, grasshoppers, or spiders, which they paralyze with their stings and leave in a near-dead state to feed their young. Both male and female burrowing-wasps generally have wings, but in one group, the females are thick and very hairy, resembling large hairy ants, while the males are slender, winged insects that look quite different from their female counterparts. In burrowing-wasps, the front part of the thorax, or second section of the body, is typically wide and often narrow; however, in the True Wasps, it slopes back to the wings. Among the true wasps, only the small group of Social Wasps are social, and in this group, we find workers alongside males and females. The largest of the British wasps is the Hornet; however, there are several species in the East Indies that are much larger, some of which are black and yellow, like the Chinese Mandarin wasp, which is the largest of them all and can measure up to 2 inches across the wings. Others are black with a large reddish band on their abdomen. They build nests from a type of paper in holes in the ground, inside tree trunks, in bushes, or under the eaves of houses. A nest is started by a single female that has survived the winter and is later expanded by her offspring.



Ruby-tailed fly.

Generally of a brilliant metallic green or blue.

Generally a bright metallic green or blue.


Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Wood ant.

The largest species found in Britain.

The largest species found in Britain.

The last group in this order are the Bees. They may generally be easily recognised by their shaggy bodies and legs. As with the Wasps, most species are solitary, or live in very small communities. Some few are smooth, {706}and more or less metallic. A photograph of a large and beautiful South American species appears in the Coloured Plate. The largest British bees are the stout-bodied Humble-bees, or Bumble-bees, which are generally yellow, more or less banded with black, or else black with a red tail. They form a small nest of cells just beneath the surface of the ground in meadows. A common European species, not found in England, is the large black, violet-winged Carpenter-bee, which makes its nest in a gallery burrowed in a post, where there is a separate compartment for each grub.

The last group in this order is the Bees. They’re usually easy to identify by their fuzzy bodies and legs. Like Wasps, most species are solitary or live in very small groups. A few are smooth and somewhat metallic. A photo of a large and beautiful South American species is shown in the Coloured Plate. The largest British bees are the stocky Bumblebees or Bumblebees, which are typically yellow with black bands or black with a red tail. They build small nests of cells just below the ground's surface in meadows. A common European species, which isn’t found in England, is the large black, violet-winged Carpenter bee, which nests in a gallery burrowed into a post, with a separate compartment for each larva.

SOLITARY ANT.?00000?0233a(MALE.)?0233b(FEMALE.)

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Lone Ant.

Not a true ant, but a burrowing-wasp, believed to be parasitic in the nests of humble-bees.

Not a true ant, but a burrowing wasp, thought to be parasitic in the nests of bumblebees.

There are only a few species belonging to the True Hive-bees found in different parts of the world. They can always be distinguished from any of the Solitary Bees, some of which much resemble them, by having a single long, narrow cell, about four times as long as broad, running along the front edge of the fore wing. In the solitary bees the corresponding cell is much broader and shorter, rarely more than one and a half times as long as broad, and only occupying a small portion of the front edge of the wing.

There are only a few species of True honeybees found in various parts of the world. They can always be identified from Solitary Bees, which sometimes look similar, because they have one long, narrow cell, about four times longer than it is wide, located along the front edge of the fore wing. In solitary bees, the equivalent cell is much wider and shorter, rarely more than one and a half times longer than it is wide, and only takes up a small part of the front edge of the wing.

Hive-bees have always been looked upon with more interest than most other insects, both on account of the valuable products of honey and wax which they produce, and because of their remarkable habits. They are probably less intelligent than ants, but they are larger; and as all classes of their adult population are winged insects, and have been kept in a domesticated or semi-domesticated state for many centuries, they have lent themselves more readily to observation.

Hive bees have always been regarded with more interest than most other insects, both because of the valuable honey and wax they produce and due to their fascinating behaviors. They are likely less intelligent than ants, but they are larger; and since all members of their adult population are winged insects and have been kept in a domesticated or semi-domesticated state for many centuries, they have been easier to observe.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



The largest species of true wasp found in Britain.

The biggest species of true wasp found in Britain.

The hive-bees live in very large communities, and in a state of nature they make their nests in hollow trees or in crevices of rocks, where they build their waxen cells, store their honey, and rear their young. There are three classes among them,—the queen-bee, the female and the mother of the hive; the male, or drone; and the neuter, or worker, which is really an imperfectly developed and usually sterile female. Like other insects, bees pass through a metamorphosis, which in their case is of the description called "complete," for the immature forms of the bee show no resemblance whatever to the winged insect which will finally be perfected. Every bee commences its life in the form of an egg. Each egg is laid by the queen-bee in a separate cell, and in a few days the egg hatches into a white footless maggot, which is carefully tended by the workers, and fed by them with a preparation secreted by the bees, which is carefully graduated, not only according to the age of the grub, but is differently constituted according to the sex and status of the bee; for it is well known that it is in the power of the workers to develop a young grub which would otherwise become a sterile worker into a perfect queen-bee, by placing it in a large cell, and rearing it on the same nourishing food which is supplied to those grubs which are intended to become perfect queens. When the grub is full-grown, it spins itself a small silken cocoon, and becomes a pupa, or nymph, as it is called. The pupa somewhat resembles a swathed mummy, for all the external portions of the future bee can be seen outlined in the hard casing which encloses it. As soon as it arrives at maturity, it makes its way out through the upper end, when the cell is at {707}once prepared by the other bees for a fresh occupant. The newly born bee is at first moist, flabby, and pale-coloured; but in a few hours her skin dries and hardens, when she at once commences her life-long labours, at first tending the young bees and doing other necessary duties in the hive, and then, a fortnight later, going forth with her companions to collect honey and pollen in the meadows and gardens.

The hive bees live in huge communities, and in nature, they build their nests in hollow trees or rock crevices, where they construct their wax cells, store honey, and raise their young. There are three types among them: the queen bee, the female and mother of the hive; the male, or drone; and the neuter, or worker, which is actually an underdeveloped and usually sterile female. Like other insects, bees undergo a metamorphosis, which is known as "complete," because the immature forms of the bee bear no resemblance to the winged adult that will eventually emerge. Every bee starts its life as an egg. The queen bee lays each egg in a separate cell, and within a few days, the egg hatches into a white, footless maggot, which is carefully cared for by the workers and fed with a specially prepared substance that is tailored not only to the age of the grub but also varies based on the sex and role of the bee. It’s well known that the workers can develop a young grub that would otherwise become a sterile worker into a perfect queen bee by placing it in a larger cell and feeding it the same nutrient-rich food given to those grubs destined to become queens. Once the grub is fully grown, it spins a small silk cocoon and transforms into a pupa, or nymph. The pupa looks somewhat like a wrapped mummy, as the outlines of the future bee are visible within its hard casing. As soon as it matures, it makes its way out through the top, and the cell is immediately prepared by the other bees for a new occupant. The newly emerged bee is initially wet, limp, and pale, but within a few hours, her skin dries and hardens, and she begins her life-long tasks, first tending to the young bees and performing other essential duties in the hive, and then, two weeks later, going out with her fellow workers to collect honey and pollen from the meadows and gardens.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



There are only about ten or twelve kinds of true hive-bees known.

There are only about ten or twelve types of true hive bees known.

There is never room for more than one queen-bee in a hive; and the queens, which may be recognised by their longer bodies and shorter wings, have such a mortal hatred of each other that, whenever two of them meet, they will fight, if permitted, until one is killed. But in summer, when young bees are hatching daily in large numbers, and the hive is getting over-populated, the workers do not permit the queens to fight; and finally one of them (usually the old queen in the first instance) works herself up into a great flurry, and rushes out of the hive, attended by several hundred followers, to seek for fresh fields and pastures new. This is called "swarming"; and a strong hive will often throw off as many as four or five swarms in the course of the summer. It is then the object of the bee-keeper to get the queen to enter a new hive, for otherwise the swarm may fly to a distance and be lost; but wherever the queen-bee takes up her abode, her companions will assemble round her, and at once commence the work of building combs and storing up honey.

There’s never room for more than one queen bee in a hive, and the queens, which can be identified by their longer bodies and shorter wings, have such a fierce hatred for each other that whenever two meet, they will fight until one is killed if allowed. However, in summer, when young bees are hatching in large numbers and the hive becomes overcrowded, the workers don’t let the queens fight. Eventually, one of them (usually the older queen first) gets agitated and rushes out of the hive, followed by several hundred bees, to find new areas to inhabit. This is called "swarming," and a strong hive can produce as many as four or five swarms during the summer. It’s then the bee-keeper's goal to get the queen into a new hive, or else the swarm might fly far away and get lost. But wherever the queen bee settles, her companions will gather around her and immediately start building combs and storing honey.


Photo by B. H. Bentley]  [Sheffield.

Photo by B. H. Bentley]  [Sheffield.


Bumblebee on everlasting pea.

Bumble-bees make their nests in the ground, and live in smaller communities than the hive-bee.

Bumblebees build their nests in the ground and live in smaller communities than honeybees.

The drone, or male bee, is rather larger than the worker, and has a more obtuse body. He may be at once distinguished by his long thirteen-jointed antennæ, or feelers, for the antennæ are shorter and only twelve-jointed in the queen and worker. There are several hundred drones in a hive; but the queen only pairs once in her life, on the wing, and the ceremony is immediately followed by the death of the drone. The drones have no sting, for the sting of the female and worker is really a modified ovipositor, or egg-laying apparatus, analogous to the organ which is so conspicuous in many ichneumons and other insects belonging to the same order as the bees. In the autumn the unfortunate drones are all massacred or else driven forth from the hive by the workers, when they speedily perish. The workers are by far the most numerous of the inhabitants of a bee-hive; there may be many thousands of them, and their number appears to be only limited by the dimensions of the hive itself.

The drone, or male bee, is noticeably larger than the worker and has a more rounded body. You can easily identify him by his long thirteen-segmented antennae, while the queen and worker have shorter, twelve-segmented antennae. There are several hundred drones in a hive, but the queen mates only once in her life while flying, and the drone dies shortly after. Drones don’t have stingers because the stinger of the female and worker is actually a modified ovipositor, or egg-laying organ, similar to the structure found in many ichneumons and other insects in the same order as bees. In the fall, the poor drones are either killed or driven out of the hive by the workers, and they quickly die. The workers make up the majority of a bee hive's population, with potentially thousands of them, and their number seems only to be limited by the size of the hive itself.


The ancients had observed something of the economy of bees, but many of their ideas on the subject were strangely fantastic. It was perhaps natural to suppose that the leader of the bees was a king rather than a queen; but it was also supposed that a swarm of bees could be obtained by killing an ox and leaving the carcase to rot. This notion appears to have originated in swarms of flies, more or less resembling bees, having been noticed flying round or near putrefying carcases.

The ancients had studied the behavior of bees, but many of their beliefs about them were quite bizarre. It made sense to think that the leader of the bees was a king instead of a queen; however, they also believed that a swarm of bees could be created by killing an ox and letting the carcass decay. This idea seems to have come from observing swarms of flies, which look somewhat like bees, buzzing around rotting carcasses.

Among all the truly social insects—i.e. hive-bees, wasps, ants, and termites, or so-called white ants—we find that the bulk of the community consists of sterile females, and the number of fertile females is very small, even in those cases where more than one female is permitted to live in a nest, as among wasps.

Among all the real social insects—i.e. hive bees, wasps, ants, and termites, or so-called white ants—we see that most of the community is made up of sterile females, and the number of fertile females is quite small, even in cases where more than one female is allowed to live in a nest, like with wasps.


Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.

Photo by C. Reid]  [Wishaw, N.B.



Swarming from the hive after the queen.

Swarming from the hive after the queen.

Humble-bees live in small communities, consisting of males, females, and workers; but their economy is very simple compared with that of the hive-bee, and they do not confine themselves to a single female to a nest.

Bumblebees live in small groups made up of males, females, and workers; however, their way of life is much simpler than that of the hive-bee, and they don't limit themselves to having just one female per nest.

The Solitary Bees are very numerous in species, and consist only of males and females. They do not live in communities, but each female constructs a dwelling for her own young. Many of them burrow in the ground, and they are so far gregarious that a large number of females will sometimes form their burrows near each other in the same bank. There are about two hundred different kinds of bees known to inhabit the British Isles. The solitary bees are very varied in their habits, and some of them are parasitic on other species.

The Solitary Bees are very diverse in species and consist solely of males and females. They don’t live in communities; instead, each female builds a home for her own young. Many of them dig into the ground, and they can be somewhat social, as a large number of females might sometimes dig their burrows close to each other in the same bank. There are about two hundred different types of bees recognized in the British Isles. The solitary bees have a wide range of behaviors, and some of them are parasitic on other species.

The large Carpenter-bees, which form their nests in wood, are not British; but there are some small British species which make theirs in the interior of bramble-sticks. Some are very hairy; others are smooth, and look at first sight like small wasps, being banded with black and yellow. But one of the handsomest and most conspicuous of the solitary species is the Fulvous Bee, which is a hairy species much resembling a small humble-bee, and is one often seen in abundance along with other bees, flying round sallow blossoms in spring.

The large Carpenter bees that build their nests in wood aren’t found in Britain; however, there are some smaller British species that nest inside bramble sticks. Some are very hairy, while others are smooth and can look like small wasps at first glance, with their black and yellow bands. But one of the most beautiful and noticeable solitary species is the Fulvous Bee. This hairy bee closely resembles a small bumblebee and is often seen in large numbers buzzing around willow blossoms in the spring.



Scale-winged insects, which include butterflies and moths.



Butterflies and Moths are easily distinguished from other insects by many very obvious characters, and a considerable number are remarkable for the beautiful and varied colours of their wings. These are, as it were, tiled with overlapping scales, attached to the membrane by a slender stem; hence their name, Scale-winged Insects. These scales differ very much in shape, sometimes being long and slender, and almost hair-like, while at other times they are widened at the extremity, like a battledore, or they may be short and broad, like a fan or a shovel. Different forms of scales are found on different parts of the wings of the same insect; and some forms of scale are peculiar to the male, as are usually the dense tufts of scales found on the fore wings of the Skipper Butterflies, and on the hind wings of the Chrysippus Butterfly. The varied colours of these scales are due partly to pigment, interposed between the extremely delicate double or triple tissues of which the scales are composed; or, more rarely, to the refraction of light from the surface of the scales themselves, or, as has recently been stated, to different coloured scales alternating so that the varying colours are visible at different angles, as in the metallic "shot" colour of the Purple Emperor Butterfly, and in various species found in South America and other countries. In the case of the Purple Emperor, and in many other butterflies, this "shot" colouring is confined to the males. Indeed, as a rule, female butterflies and moths are larger than the males, but far less brilliantly coloured than their mates. There are, however, many species in which the sexes differ little in size or colour; but it only rarely happens that the female is more brightly coloured than the male.

Butterflies and Moths are easy to tell apart from other insects due to many obvious features, and many are notable for the beautiful and diverse colors of their wings. Their wings are covered in overlapping scales, which are attached to the membrane by a thin stem; that's why they are called Scale-winged Insects. These scales vary greatly in shape—sometimes they're long and slender, almost hair-like, while at other times they widen at the tips, resembling a battledore, or they might be short and broad, like a fan or a shovel. Different types of scales are found on various parts of the same insect's wings, and some scale types are unique to the male, like the dense tufts of scales found on the forewings of Skipper Butterflies and on the hindwings of the Chrysippus Butterfly. The wide range of colors in these scales comes partly from pigments located between the extremely delicate double or triple layers making up the scales; or, more rarely, from the way light refracts off the scales' surfaces, or, as has recently been noted, from the alternating colored scales that allow different colors to show at different angles, like the metallic "shot" color of the Purple Emperor Butterfly and various species found in South America and other places. In the case of the Purple Emperor and many other butterflies, this "shot" coloring usually appears only in the males. Typically, female butterflies and moths are larger than the males but far less vividly colored. However, there are many species where the sexes are similar in size and color; it is rare for the female to be more brightly colored than the male.

The bodies of butterflies and moths, the legs, and often more or less of the base or borders of the wings are clothed with hair or hair-like scales. These insects have a long or short proboscis, through which they imbibe their food, which consists of the honey of flowers, the sap of trees, or moisture from the ground. Like other insects, they have six legs in the perfect state; but in some species either the front or hind pair becomes more or less rudimentary, especially in the males.

The bodies of butterflies and moths, their legs, and often parts of the base or edges of their wings are covered with hair or hair-like scales. These insects have either a long or short proboscis, which they use to drink their food, which includes flower nectar, tree sap, or moisture from the ground. Like other insects, they have six legs when fully developed; however, in some species, either the front or hind pair may be somewhat underdeveloped, especially in males.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards] [Colesborne.


Leaf butterfly.

These butterflies are so remarkably like certain leaves that it is almost impossible to distinguish the difference even at close quarters.

These butterflies are so much like certain leaves that it's nearly impossible to tell them apart, even up close.

Butterflies and moths pass through four stages. The egg is laid by the female on some plant which will provide suitable nourishment for the caterpillar. A caterpillar, which is the next stage, is a jointed, worm-like creature with sixteen legs; those corresponding with the legs of the perfect insect are horny, and a pair is placed on each of the first three joints behind the head. The next four pairs, called "prolegs," are thick and fleshy, and a pair is placed under each of joints seven to ten (reckoning the head as joint one), the last joint of all being provided with a pair slightly differing from the others, and called "claspers." In many young caterpillars, however, and also in the full-grown caterpillars of a considerable number of moths (especially among those with slender {710}bodies), one or more of the first three pairs of pro-legs may be rudimentary or absent, and the caterpillar walks by arching its back at every step, in a way that must be seen to be appreciated, though such caterpillars (popularly called Loopers, on account of the way they loop up their bodies in walking) are often very active, and cover the ground much more rapidly than one might imagine. Sometimes the claspers, or last pair of legs, are modified into tentacles, which, in the caterpillars of the Puss-moth and its allies, contain retractile whips, used as weapons of defence.

Butterflies and moths go through four stages. The female lays an egg on a plant that will provide the right food for the caterpillar. The caterpillar, which is the next stage, is a segmented, worm-like creature with sixteen legs; the ones corresponding to the legs of the adult insect are hard, and there’s a pair on each of the first three segments behind the head. The next four pairs, called "prolegs," are thick and fleshy, with a pair located under each of segments seven to ten (counting the head as segment one). The last segment has a pair that’s slightly different from the others, known as "claspers." In many young caterpillars and also in the fully grown caterpillars of several moths (particularly those with slender {710}bodies), one or more of the first three pairs of prolegs may be reduced or missing, and the caterpillar moves by arching its back with each step, a motion that is best appreciated in person. These caterpillars (commonly called Loopers due to their looping movement) are often quite active and can cover ground much more quickly than you’d expect. Sometimes the claspers, or last pair of legs, are modified into tentacles, which in the caterpillars of the Puss-moth and related species, feature retractable whips that serve as defense mechanisms.


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel  [NY.


South American Long-Winged Butterflies.

Showing external resemblance between two butterflies of different families.

Showing external similarities between two butterflies from different families.


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel  [NY.


Diana Fritillary.

The male is dark brown, with a broad orange border spotted with black. The female has green marginal markings.

The male is dark brown with a wide orange border flecked with black. The female has green edge markings.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.


Queen of Spain Fritillary.

Brown above, with plush spots; spotted with silver beneath.

Brown on top, with soft spots; silver-speckled underneath.

Caterpillars are very voracious, and increase in size with great rapidity; and whenever their skin gets too tight, after splitting it, they slip it off (along with the lining of the stomach and intestines), and after a few hours' lethargy, necessary to recover from the debilitating effects of such a serious operation, and to give the new skin time to dry and harden, they begin to feed again as voraciously as ever. The number of these moults varies according to the species; when the caterpillar has attained its full growth, it enters upon the third stage of its life as a pupa, or chrysalis.

Caterpillars are very gluttonous and grow in size quickly; whenever their skin becomes too tight, they split it open and shed it (along with the lining of their stomach and intestines). After a few hours of lethargy, needed to recover from such a taxing process and to allow the new skin to dry and harden, they start feeding again just as eagerly as before. The number of times they shed their skin varies by species; once the caterpillar has reached its full size, it enters the third stage of its life as a pupa, or chrysalis.

A pupa means a doll, or swaddled baby, and is a very appropriate name for the dark-coloured object, cased in a horny skin, with no detached organs visible, except the sheath for the proboscis in some of the Hawk-moths, in which this organ is unusually long, but with the separate cases of the wings, legs, etc., of the future butterfly or moth plainly visible in the sutures on its surface. The pupæ of some butterflies have more or less metallic colours; and to these only is the term "chrysalis" applicable.

A pupa refers to a doll or a wrapped-up baby, which is a fitting name for the dark-colored object covered in a hard casing, with no separate limbs visible, except for the sheath for the proboscis in some Hawk-moths, where this organ is unusually long. However, the individual cases for the wings, legs, and so on of the future butterfly or moth are clearly visible in the seams on its surface. The pupae of some butterflies have varying degrees of metallic colors, and the term "chrysalis" only applies to these.

Some pupæ are naked, and those of most butterflies are either suspended by the tail, or attached to a branch by a belt of silk round the body. Those of moths are generally formed either in an earthen cell under the surface of the ground, or else are enclosed in an oval case called a "cocoon," chiefly composed of silk, though sometimes moss or chips of wood are worked into it. Other pupæ are found between leaves, or, in the case of caterpillars which feed in the wood of trees, or in the stems of plants, in the galleries where they have lived.

Some pupae are bare, and most butterfly pupae are either hanging by their tails or attached to a branch with a silk band around their bodies. Moth pupae usually form in a soil cell below the ground or are enclosed in an oval casing called a "cocoon," primarily made of silk, although sometimes moss or wood chips are mixed in. Other pupae can be found between leaves, or, for caterpillars that feed inside tree wood or plant stems, in the tunnels where they have lived.

When the perfect butterfly or moth is ready to emerge, the pupa splits, and the insect works its way to the open air. Its body is limp and heavy, and the wings are like little flaps of wet rag; but it discharges a quantity of superfluous fluid, generally of a red colour, and fixes itself on a branch, or other convenient foothold, where its wings can hang downwards. {711}The expansion and contraction of the muscles pump air into the hollow tubes which form the framework of the wings; these rapidly expand to their full size, and become dry and firm at the same time. After this, the insect flies about with its companions, pairs, lays its eggs, and then dies, after enjoying its life for a period, varying according to the species and the season, from a few hours to several months.

When a butterfly or moth is ready to come out, the pupa splits open, and the insect makes its way into the air. Its body is soft and heavy, and its wings are like damp rags; but it releases a lot of extra fluid, usually red, and attaches itself to a branch or any convenient spot where its wings can hang down. {711}The muscles expand and contract, pushing air into the hollow tubes that make up the wings, causing them to quickly grow to their full size and become dry and sturdy. After this, the insect flies around with others, mates, lays its eggs, and then dies, having enjoyed its life for a time that varies by species and season, ranging from a few hours to several months.



Tawny Admiral

A North American butterfly.

A butterfly from North America.

We have not yet spoken of the feelers, or antennæ, of butterflies and moths. They are two long, jointed organs, nearly always knobbed at the end in butterflies, or at least the terminal joints are thicker than the rest. But in moths the antennæ are of different shapes, and generally end in a point. Sometimes they are simple and thread-like; sometimes they are thickest in the middle, and thinner at both ends, as in the Hawk-moths; and they are often comb-like, especially in the males, as in the Silk-moths.

We haven't talked about the feelers, or antennas, of butterflies and moths yet. They are two long, jointed structures, usually knobbed at the end in butterflies, or at least the end joints are thicker than the others. But in moths, the antennas come in different shapes and usually end in a point. Sometimes they're simple and thread-like; other times they're thickest in the middle and thinner at both ends, like in Hawk-moths; and they often have a comb-like appearance, especially in males, like in Silk-moths.




Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel  [NYC.


Tawny Admiral caterpillar.

Remarkable for the sharply contrasted black and pale markings.

Remarkable for the stark contrast between the black and light markings.

As already mentioned, butterflies may be distinguished from moths by their antennæ being thickened at the extremities. There are comparatively few species in Europe—only about three hundred, of which between sixty and seventy are met with in the British Islands; but in tropical countries they are much more numerous and varied. It is a mistake to suppose that butterflies are always bright-coloured insects, and moths the reverse; for though many butterflies are brightly coloured, others are very dingy. On the other hand, although it is equally true that many moths are dull-coloured, others, especially among those with slender bodies, or those which fly by day, are quite as brilliantly coloured as any butterflies.

As already mentioned, you can tell butterflies apart from moths by the way their antennae are thicker at the tips. There are relatively few species in Europe—around three hundred in total, with about sixty to seventy found in the British Islands; however, in tropical countries, they are far more numerous and diverse. It's a common misconception that butterflies are always brightly colored and moths are the opposite; while many butterflies do have vibrant colors, some are quite dull. Similarly, even though many moths are indeed plain, others, especially those with slender bodies or those that are active during the day, can be just as colorful as any butterflies.


Photo by E. C. Atkinson. 

Photo by E. C. Atkinson.


Blue butterfly.

Among the most conspicuous of the smaller European butterflies.

Among the most noticeable of the smaller European butterflies.

Butterflies are divided into several groups, the first of which includes the Brush-footed Butterflies, so called because the front pair of legs is converted into hairy paws, useless for walking, and only employed for toilet purposes. This is a very extensive group, including about half the butterflies known, and is divided into several smaller sections. The most interesting species among the Danaids is the Monarch, one of the largest and commonest butterflies found in North America. It is migratory in its habits, and has succeeded in acclimatising itself throughout the Pacific islands as far as Australia and New Zealand, as well as in the Canaries; and so many specimens have been taken recently in the south of England that it seems not unlikely to take up its residence there also. It is a tawny butterfly, not unlike the one represented on the preceding page, but much larger, measuring about 5 inches across the wings. The caterpillar is yellow, with transverse black bands, and a pair of long, black slender filaments near each extremity of the body. The pupa is pale green, with golden spots, and is suspended by the tail, as is the case with most of those of the Brush-footed Butterflies.

Butterflies are divided into several groups, the first of which includes the Brush-footed Butterflies, named because the front pair of legs has turned into fuzzy paws that are useless for walking and are only used for grooming. This is a very large group, making up about half of all known butterflies, and it’s broken down into several smaller sections. The most fascinating species among the Danaids is the Queen, one of the biggest and most common butterflies found in North America. It is migratory and has managed to adapt to various Pacific islands as far out as Australia and New Zealand, as well as the Canary Islands; and recently, numerous specimens have been collected in the south of England, suggesting it might settle there too. It is a tawny butterfly, similar to the one shown on the previous page, but much larger, measuring about 5 inches across the wings. The caterpillar is yellow with black bands running across its body, and it has a pair of long, thin black filaments near each end. The pupa is pale green with golden spots and hangs from its tail, as is typical for most of the Brush-footed Butterflies.

The next group, the Long-winged Butterflies, includes a considerable number of species with long rounded wings, found in tropical and sub-tropical America. A species with black and transparent markings is shown on page 710, but many have wholly transparent wings, except for a narrow black or brown border.

The next group, the Long-winged Butterflies, includes many species with long, rounded wings, found in tropical and subtropical America. A species with black and transparent markings is shown on page 710, but many have completely transparent wings, except for a thin black or brown border.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Blue Morpho butterfly and hummingbird.

Note proportionate sizes.

Check proportional sizes.

Turning to more familiar insects, there are several kinds of large or moderate-sized tawny butterflies, marked with black spots and lines, called Fritillaries in England. The caterpillars are spiny, and feed on violets and other low-growing plants. The photograph on page 710 shows the Diana Fritillary, a large and handsome species, which is somewhat of a rarity in the Southern States of America; it measures 4 inches in expanse, and the sexes are very dissimilar. It is dark brown, with a broad orange border spotted with black in the male, and rows of more or less connected green or white spots in the female.

Turning to more familiar insects, there are several types of large or medium-sized tawny butterflies, marked with black spots and lines, known as Fritillaries in England. The caterpillars are spiny and feed on violets and other low-growing plants. The photograph on page 710 shows the Diana Fritillary, a large and beautiful species that’s somewhat rare in the Southern States of America; it measures 4 inches across, and the males and females look very different. The male has dark brown wings with a wide orange border spotted with black, while the female has rows of more or less connected green or white spots.


Photos by J. Edwards] 

Images by J. Edwards]



Scarce and nearly extinct in England.

Scarce and almost extinct in England.






Practically extinct in England.

Almost extinct in England.

An occasional immigrant on the south     coast of England.



An occasional immigrant on the south coast of England.

An occasional immigrant on the southern coast of England.






Probably a casual visitor in England.

Probably a casual visitor in England.


The Angle-winged Butterflies include several of the best known and most brightly coloured British species, such as the Red Admiral, a velvety black butterfly, with a transverse red band on the fore wings, and several white spots between this and the tip, the hind wings having a red border, spotted with black and blue. It measures about 2½ inches across the wings, and is common in gardens and orchards in summer and autumn. The caterpillar, which feeds on nettle, is brown or black, with yellow stripes and spines. The Tawny Admiral is a North American butterfly, remarkable for its resemblance to the larger butterfly called the Monarch, of which we have already spoken. The Danaids and Long-winged Butterflies have tough integuments and a disagreeable odour, which more or less protects them from birds. Many other butterflies belonging to other families have a superficial resemblance to these, and are believed to share in their immunity. This phenomenon is technically called "mimicry." The caterpillar of the tawny admiral is grey and black, with curious spiny tufts.

The Angle-winged Butterflies include some of the best-known and most brightly colored British species, like the Red Admiral Butterfly, a velvety black butterfly with a red band across its forewings and several white spots between this band and the tip. Its hindwings feature a red border, spotted with black and blue. It has a wingspan of about 2½ inches and is common in gardens and orchards during the summer and autumn. The caterpillar, which feeds on nettle, is brown or black with yellow stripes and spines. The Tawny Admiral Butterfly is a North American butterfly that looks quite similar to the larger Monarch butterfly we've already mentioned. The Danaids and Long-winged Butterflies have tough exteriors and a bad smell that generally protects them from birds. Many other butterflies from different families look similar to these and are thought to have some of the same protections. This phenomenon is technically called "mimicry." The caterpillar of the tawny admiral is grey and black, with interesting spiny tufts.


Photos by J. Edwards] 

Photos by J. Edwards]



Extinct in England since 1860.

Extinct in England since 1860.






Taken near Ilfracombe, August, 1887.

Taken near Ilfracombe, Aug 1887.

The group of the Satyrs contains a great variety of moderate-sized brown or tawny butterflies, usually with round spots centred with white towards the margins of the wings. Many species are common in meadows; others, which are dark brown or black, with red, white-centred marginal spots, are numerous in mountainous countries, and two species are found in the north of England and Scotland. The caterpillars of the Satyrs are usually smooth and green, with a forked tail, and the pupæ are formed on the surface of the ground.

The Goat-men group includes a wide variety of medium-sized brown or tawny butterflies, typically featuring round spots with white centers near the edges of their wings. Many species are commonly found in meadows; others, which are dark brown or black with red, white-centered spots along the edges, are plentiful in mountainous regions. Two species can be found in northern England and Scotland. The caterpillars of the Satyrs are usually smooth and green, with a forked tail, and the pupae develop on the ground's surface.

The great Blue Butterflies of South America form another group of Brush-footed Butterflies.

The amazing Blue Butterflies of South America make up another group of Brush-footed Butterflies.

The second family is almost entirely American, and is only represented in England by a brown butterfly about an inch in expanse, called the Duke of Burgundy Fritillary. The {715}caterpillar is reddish, and feeds on primroses. It is not a very abundant species in England.

The second family is mostly American and is only represented in England by a brown butterfly about an inch wide, known as the Duke of Burgundy Butterfly. The {715}caterpillar is reddish and feeds on primroses. It is not a very common species in England.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


New Guinea Golden Butterfly.

A remarkable and recently discovered swallow-tailed butterfly.

A stunning and recently found swallow-tailed butterfly.

The third family is represented in Britain by three very distinct sections of rather small butterflies, the largest of which scarcely measures more than an inch and a half across the wings. These are the Hair-streaks (brown, with light lines on the under surface of the wings, and a short tail on the hind wings, except in the Green Hair-streak, so named from the green under surface of the wings); the small Blue Butterflies, which generally have brown females; and the Coppers, the only common species of which measures about an inch across the wings. The fore wings are bright coppery red, with dark brown spots and borders, and the hind wings are dark brown, with a coppery red border, spotted outside with black. The small copper butterfly and some of the blues are common in meadows and gardens.

The third family is represented in Britain by three very distinct groups of small butterflies, the largest of which barely measures more than an inch and a half across the wings. These include the Hair streaks (brown, with light lines on the underside of the wings, and a short tail on the hind wings, except for the Green Hairstreak, named for the green underside of its wings); the small Blue Butterflies, which usually have brown females; and the Cops, the only common species of which measures about an inch across the wings. The forewings are bright coppery red, with dark brown spots and edges, while the hindwings are dark brown, featuring a coppery red border spotted with black on the outside. The small copper butterfly and some of the blues are commonly found in meadows and gardens.

Many of the members of the fourth family are of a white or yellow colour, among which are the destructive White Cabbage-butterflies, three species of which are very common in England, where they may be seen in every garden throughout the summer. The photograph on page 716 represents one of these at rest. A prettier species is the Orange-tip, which is common in spring. The underside of the hind wings is mottled with green; and there is a bright orange spot before the tip of the fore wing, both above and below. Some of the South American butterflies of this family much resemble the Long-winged Butterflies of the same country.

Many members of the fourth family are white or yellow, including the destructive Cabbage White butterflies, three species of which are very common in England, where they can be seen in every garden throughout the summer. The photograph on page 716 shows one of these at rest. A more attractive species is the Orange-tip butterfly, which is common in spring. The undersides of the hind wings are mottled with green, and there’s a bright orange spot near the tip of the forewing, both above and below. Some South American butterflies from this family closely resemble the Long-winged Butterflies from the same region.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Australian Butterflies.

Emerging from their pupæ.

Emerging from their chrysalises.

The family of the Swallow-tailed Butterflies includes a considerable number of large and handsome species, but they are not numerous in Europe, and only one black-and-yellow species, measuring 3 inches across the wings, is found in England, where it is now almost confined to the fens of the south-eastern counties; its green caterpillar, with transverse black bands spotted with orange, feeds on carrot, fennel, and other similar plants. All the caterpillars of this family are remarkable for possessing a retractile fork on the neck; but the butterflies do not all possess the long appendage to the hind wings which has given some of them the name of Swallow-tails. Thus it is wanting in most of the great Bird-winged Butterflies of the Eastern Islands, one of which, the Crœsus Butterfly, is represented in the Coloured Plate. The great difference between the sexes is {716}well worth noting. The female is considerably larger than the male, but in the coloured figure the former has been reduced, owing to the exigencies of space. Mr. A. R. Wallace writes as follows of the capture of the first specimen:—

The Swallowtail Butterflies family includes many large and beautiful species, but they aren't very common in Europe. In England, there's only one black-and-yellow species that has a wingspan of 3 inches, and it's now mostly found in the fens of the southeastern counties. Its green caterpillar, marked with transverse black bands and orange spots, feeds on plants like carrot and fennel. All the caterpillars in this family are known for having a retractable fork on their necks, but not all the butterflies have the long appendage on their hind wings that gives some of them the name Swallow-tails. Most of the large Bird-wing Butterflies from the Eastern Islands, like the Crésus Butterfly, shown in the Coloured Plate, do not have this feature. The significant difference between male and female is {716} noteworthy. The female is much larger than the male, but in the colored illustration, the female has been scaled down due to space constraints. Mr. A. R. Wallace writes the following about the capture of the first specimen:—


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards] [Colesborne.



Always rare in England, though common on the Continent.

Always rare in England, but common on the Continent.


Photo by B. H. Bentley]  [Sheffield.

Photo by B. H. Bentley] [Sheffield.


Green-veined white butterfly.

The cabbage-butterfly referred to on page 715.

The cabbage butterfly mentioned on page 715.

"One day about the beginning of January, I found a beautiful shrub with large white leafy bracts and yellow flowers, a species of Mussænda, and saw one of these noble insects hovering over it, but it was too quick for me, and flew away. The next day I went again to the same shrub and succeeded in catching a female, and the day after a fine male. I found it to be as I had expected, a perfectly new and most magnificent species, and one of the most gorgeously coloured butterflies in the world. Fine specimens of the male are more than seven inches across the wings, which are velvety black and fiery orange, the latter colour replacing the green of the allied species. The beauty and brilliancy of this insect are indescribable, and none but a naturalist can understand the intense excitement I experienced when I at length captured it. On taking it out of my net and opening the glorious wings, my heart began to beat violently, the blood rushed to my head, and I felt much more like fainting than I have done when in apprehension of immediate death. I had a headache the rest of the day, so great was the excitement produced by what will appear to most people a very inadequate cause."

"One day in early January, I came across a beautiful shrub with large white leafy bracts and yellow flowers, a type of Mussænda, and noticed one of these incredible insects hovering over it, but it was too fast for me and flew away. The next day, I returned to the same shrub and managed to catch a female, and the day after, a stunning male. As I expected, it was a completely new and absolutely magnificent species, and one of the most vibrantly colored butterflies in the world. Gorgeous specimens of the male have wings that span more than seven inches, which are velvety black and fiery orange, with the latter color replacing the green found in related species. The beauty and brilliance of this insect are indescribable, and only a naturalist can grasp the intense excitement I felt when I finally caught it. When I took it out of my net and opened its glorious wings, my heart started racing, my blood rushed to my head, and I felt more like fainting than I have when facing immediate death. I had a headache for the rest of the day, the excitement triggered by what might seem to most people a very small reason."


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.


Black-veined white butterfly.

A much rarer species in England now than formerly.

A much rarer species in England now than it used to be.

The Skippers, the last family of butterflies, are comparatively stout-bodied insects, with the antennæ widely apart at the base, and sometimes forked at the tip. They are not numerous in Europe; the prettiest of the British species is perhaps the Pearl-skipper, which measures rather more than an inch across its brown and tawny wings; the under surface of the hind wings is green, and marked with several clear white spots.

The Captains are the final group of butterflies and are relatively stout insects, with their antennae widely separated at the base and occasionally forked at the tip. They aren't very common in Europe; the most beautiful of the British species is probably the Pearl skipper, which has a wingspan of just over an inch and features brown and tawny wings. The underside of its hind wings is green and has several distinct white spots.



Moths are much more numerous than butterflies, and there are about 2,000 different kinds found in the British Islands alone. Consequently we are able to notice only a few.

Moths outnumber butterflies significantly, with around 2,000 different types found in the British Islands alone. As a result, we can only observe a small handful of them.

The Hawk-moths have long, pointed {717}wings, thick, tapering bodies, and the antennæ thickest in the middle. The pink, greenish-striped Elephant Hawk-moth (see page 718) is a comparatively small species. The specimens measure about 2½ inches across the wings. Some species are much larger. The Death's-head Hawk-moth, whose caterpillar feeds on potato-leaves, is 5 or 6 inches in expanse; and some of the South American species measure as much as 9 inches. The caterpillars of the hawk-moths are generally green, often with oblique lines of a different colour on the sides. They are not hairy, though the skin is sometimes rough, and there is a fleshy appendage, called a "horn," on the back, just before the extremity of the body. The brown pupæ are found in cells in the ground.

The Hummingbird moths have long, pointed {717}wings, thick, tapering bodies, and the antennae are thickest in the middle. The pink, greenish-striped Elephant Hawk Moth (see page 718) is a relatively small species. They measure about 2½ inches across the wings. Some species are much larger. The Death's-head Hawk Moth, whose caterpillar feeds on potato leaves, is 5 or 6 inches in wingspan; and some of the South American species can measure as much as 9 inches. The caterpillars of the hawk-moths are generally green, often with slanted lines of a different color on the sides. They are not hairy, though their skin can sometimes feel rough, and there is a fleshy appendage, called a "horn," on the back, just before the end of the body. The brown pupae are found in cells in the ground.


Photo by E. C. Atkinson. 

Photo by E. C. Atkinson.



Showing three different positions when wings are folded, and partly or entirely concealing upper wing.

Showing three different positions when wings are folded, and partly or completely hiding the upper wing.

The Chinese Mulberry-silkworm, which produces most of the silk of commerce, is a smooth, whitish caterpillar, about 2 inches long, with a horn. It is often reared in England on lettuce. The moth is a sluggish, stout-bodied insect. It is whitish, with two dusky stripes on the fore wings. The pupa is enclosed in an oval whitish or yellow cocoon of pure silk.

The Chinese mulberry silkworm, which produces the majority of the silk used in commerce, is a smooth, pale caterpillar that is about 2 inches long and has a horn. It is commonly raised in England on lettuce. The moth is a slow-moving, stout insect. It is pale with two dark stripes on its front wings. The pupa is covered by an oval, pale or yellow cocoon made of pure silk.


Photo by J. Edwards, Colesborne. 

Photo by J. Edwards, Colesborne.


Large Grizzled Skipper Butterfly.

Upper- and under-sides.

Top and bottom sides.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. [Regent's Park.


Swallowtail Butterfly

The only British species of this butterfly is almost confined to the fen districts of Norfolk.

The only British species of this butterfly is mostly found in the fen areas of Norfolk.

The Emperor-moths, of which there is only one species in England, likewise spin large cocoons, sometimes used for commercial purposes. The caterpillars are generally more or less spiny or tufted. Some of the moths have long tails on the hind wings, like swallow-tailed butterflies, and there are several species in South Europe, South Africa, the East Indies, and North America of a beautiful sea-green colour. It will be noticed that the specimens represented on page 718 have the tails a little broken, which is a very common accident with swallow-tailed butterflies and moths. We may also notice the round {718}or crescent-shaped spots in the middle of the wings of some of the moths represented on this page and the next. These are very characteristic of the emperor-moths, and there is often a transparent spot in the centre of the concentric markings. Two other North American species of this family are shown in the photographs on page 719, rather under natural size. The second of these, the Cecropia Moth, is represented with its cocoon. This moth has occasionally been captured in England, having been introduced either accidentally or by design. A year or two ago a specimen was brought to the Natural History Museum at South Kensington which had been caught in the street close by. During the summer many foreign butterflies and moths may be seen alive in the Insect-house at the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park, and several of the photographs given in these pages were taken from specimens living there in the summer of 1901. The largest of the emperor-moths is the great Atlas Moth of North India, the largest of all known butterflies or moths, which occasionally measures almost a foot across its reddish-tawny wings.

The Emperor moths, of which there is only one species in England, also create large cocoons, sometimes used for commercial purposes. The caterpillars are generally somewhat spiny or tufted. Some of the moths have long tails on their hind wings, like swallow-tailed butterflies, and there are several species in Southern Europe, South Africa, the East Indies, and North America that have a beautiful sea-green color. You’ll notice that the specimens shown on page 718 have slightly broken tails, which is a common issue with swallow-tailed butterflies and moths. We can also point out the round {718} or crescent-shaped spots in the middle of the wings of some of the moths displayed on this page and the next. These are very characteristic of emperor-moths, and there is often a transparent spot in the center of the concentric markings. Two other North American species from this family are featured in the photos on page 719, slightly under natural size. The second one, the Cecropia Moth, is shown with its cocoon. This moth has sometimes been caught in England, either accidentally or intentionally. A year or two ago, a specimen was brought to the Natural History Museum at South Kensington that had been caught nearby on the street. During the summer, many foreign butterflies and moths can be seen alive in the Insect-house at the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park, and several of the photographs included in these pages were taken from specimens living there in the summer of 1901. The largest of the emperor-moths is the great Atlas Moth from North India, which is the largest known butterfly or moth, occasionally measuring almost a foot across its reddish-tawny wings.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Elephant Hawk Moths

Showing position when at rest.

Displaying position when stationary.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Luna moths.

A green North American moth with tail, allied to the English Emperor-moth.

A green North American moth with a tail, related to the English Emperor moth.


The Imperial Moth, a handsome North American moth belonging to a family allied to the emperor-moths, is represented below.

The Imperial Moth, a beautiful North American moth related to the emperor-moths, is shown below.


Photo by L. H. Joutel, New York. 

Photo by L. H. Joutel, New York.


Polyphemus moth.

A handsome North American Emperor-moth.

A stunning North American emperor moth.


Photo by Highley. 

Photo by Highley.


Cecropia moth.

The largest of the North American Emperor-moths.

The largest of the North American Emperor moths.


Photo by L. H. Joutel]  [New York.

Photo by L. H. Joutel  [New York City.


Imperial Moth.

Yellow with purplish-brown dots and blotches. Native of North America.

Yellow with purplish-brown spots and splotches. Native to North America.

The Eggars form another allied family, also with tufted caterpillars, but with the central eye of the wings absent, or reduced to a small black spot. A set of remarkable photographs, representing the eggs, caterpillars, cocoons and sections of cocoons, and the moths of a large and handsome species—the Cypress-moth of Smyrna—appears on pages 720 and 721. We have received the following account of their habits from Mr. Mavroyeni, to whom we are indebted for the photographs: "In the month of July they start weaving their cocoons, in which they remain for seventeen days. A couple of weeks after the moths have emerged from their cocoons and laid their eggs, the eggs hatch, and the young caterpillars run up the tree, and feed from the end of August, during autumn, winter, and spring." We believe that the cocoons of this species are prepared for use as silk in Greece.

The Eggars are another related family, also having tufted caterpillars, but they lack the central eye on their wings, or it's reduced to a small black spot. A collection of stunning photos showing the eggs, caterpillars, cocoons, cross-sections of cocoons, and the moths of a large and beautiful species—the Cypress moth of Smyrna—can be found on pages 720 and 721. We received the following description of their habits from Mr. Mavroyeni, who provided the photos: "In July, they start making their cocoons, in which they stay for seventeen days. A couple of weeks after the moths come out of their cocoons and lay their eggs, the eggs hatch, and the young caterpillars climb up the tree, feeding from the end of August through autumn, winter, and spring." We believe the cocoons of this species are used for silk production in Greece.

Among other kinds, we may notice the bright-coloured Tiger-moths, with their black and cream-coloured fore wings and red-and-black hind wings, which frequent gardens, and are reared from reddish-brown caterpillars with long hair. These are stout-bodied moths; and there are other moths, with brown fore wings and whitish hind wings, which fly to candles, or buzz over flowers in the evening. These are called Owl-moths; but there are larger and handsomer members {720}of the same family, called Yellow Underwings, measuring nearly 2 inches across the wings, and likely to be flushed in strawberry-beds or hay-fields. They have brown fore wings, and bright yellow hind wings, with a black border. The Red-underwing Moth is about 3 inches in expanse, and has greyish-brown fore wings, and red hind wings, with a black central band; it is often seen flying about willow-trees in the afternoon, or resting on tree-trunks, when the bright-coloured hind wings are quite concealed.

Among other types, we can see the brightly colored Tiger moths, with their black and cream forewings and red-and-black hindwings, which are often found in gardens, and are raised from reddish-brown caterpillars with long hair. These are stout-bodied moths; and there are other moths with brown forewings and whitish hindwings that are attracted to candles or buzz around flowers in the evening. These are called Owl moths; however, there are larger and more attractive members {720} of the same family, known as Yellow Underwings, which have a wingspan of nearly 2 inches and can often be found in strawberry patches or hayfields. They possess brown forewings and bright yellow hindwings with a black border. The Red Underwing Moth has a wingspan of about 3 inches, featuring greyish-brown forewings and red hindwings with a black central band; it is commonly seen flying around willow trees in the afternoon or resting on tree trunks, with its vibrant hindwings well hidden.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Cypress moth cocoons.

These yield silk.

They produce silk.

The Looper-moths are those produced from caterpillars which have only ten legs instead of sixteen, as already explained. Most have slender bodies of moderate length, and broad and rather brightly coloured wings, green, russet-brown, yellow, etc. Some, measuring about an inch in expanse, are called Carpet-moths, from the zigzag patterns on the fore wings, which are generally black and white, or brown and white, and sometimes green. The Yellow-shell, a yellow moth, with some zigzag brown and whitish lines across the wings, which expand about an inch, is common in hedges and bushes. The white, black-and-yellow-spotted Gooseberry-moth, or Magpie-moth, so common in gardens, is also one of the Loopers.

The Looper moths come from caterpillars that have only ten legs instead of sixteen, as mentioned earlier. Most of them have slender bodies of medium length and wide, brightly colored wings in shades like green, russet-brown, yellow, and more. Some, which measure about an inch across, are called Carpet moths because of the zigzag patterns on their forewings, which are usually black and white or brown and white, and sometimes green. The Yellow shell, a yellow moth with zigzag brown and whitish lines across its wings, which spread about an inch, is commonly found in hedges and bushes. The white, black-and-yellow-spotted Gooseberry moth, also known as the Magpie moth, which is very common in gardens, is also one of the Loopers.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Cypress moths resting.

In the month of July they start weaving their cocoons, in which they remain for seventeen days. A couple of weeks after their eggs are hatched, and the young caterpillars run up the tree, and feed from the end of August, during autumn, winter, and spring.

In July, they begin to weave their cocoons, where they stay for seventeen days. A few weeks after their eggs hatch, the young caterpillars climb up the tree and feed from the end of August throughout autumn, winter, and spring.

Among the smaller moths are the Pearl-moths, with long slender bodies, wings longer than broad, and often with a pearly lustre, one or two species of which are common among nettles. We may also mention the Snout-moth, a brown slender-bodied moth, with a pointed beak projecting in front of the head, likewise a common insect among nettles. The Grass-moths are small moths, with narrow whitish fore wings, and broad brownish hind wings, which they wrap round their bodies when at rest. They are common in every field and meadow. The Bell-moths have broad truncated fore wings, {721}and rounded hind wings. A species belonging to this family, with green fore wings and brown hind wings, may be shaken from every oak-tree in summer, and at the same time numbers of its little green caterpillars will drop themselves down, and remain swinging at the end of a thread, till they think that the danger is past, when they climb up again.

Among the smaller moths are the Pearl moths, which have long, slender bodies and wings that are longer than they are wide, often with a pearly shimmer. One or two species of these can commonly be found among nettles. We can also mention the Snout moth, a slender, brown moth with a pointed beak that sticks out in front of its head, also frequently seen around nettles. The Grass moths are small moths featuring narrow, whitish forewings and broad, brownish hindwings that they wrap around their bodies when resting. They are common in every field and meadow. The Bell moths have broad, squarish forewings and rounded hindwings. A species in this family, which has green forewings and brown hindwings, can be shaken from every oak tree in the summer, and at the same time, many of its little green caterpillars will drop down, swinging at the end of a thread until they feel safe enough to climb back up again.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.


Cypress moths.

The inside of the cocoons, showing the pupæ.

The inside of the cocoons, showing the pupae.

The Clothes-moths, familiar to everybody, are representatives of an enormous family of small moths, comprising nearly two-thirds of the British species, but only a few live in houses. Most have narrow wings with long fringes, and many feed in tortuous galleries which they eat in the substance of leaves. Some are among the smallest moths known.

The Clothes moths, known to everyone, are part of a large family of small moths, making up nearly two-thirds of the species in Britain, but only a few of them live indoors. Most have slender wings with long fringes, and many feed in winding tunnels that they create by eating through the leaves. Some are among the tiniest moths known.

The White Plume-moth, which may be noticed floating about in weedy places like a piece of thistle-down, is a representative of a small family in which the fore wings are divided into three separate feathers, and the hind wings into two. The other species are brown, and smaller. When at rest, they look like small daddy-long-legs.

The White Plume Moth, often seen drifting in weedy areas like a bit of thistle fluff, belongs to a small family where the forewings are split into three distinct feathers and the hindwings into two. The other species are brown and smaller. When resting, they resemble tiny daddy-long-legs.

The Twenty-plume Moth is a yellowish-grey species, less than an inch in expanse, often to be seen at rest on windows or palings. It might easily be taken for a small looper-moth, but that each wing is split into six feathers.

The Twenty-plume Moth is a yellowish-grey species, under an inch wide, often found resting on windows or fences. It could easily be mistaken for a small looper moth, but each wing is divided into six feathers.




Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Cypress caterpillars.

When they leave their cocoons, the young caterpillars run up the tree to feed.

When they leave their cocoons, the young caterpillars scurry up the tree to eat.

We have now completed a rapid survey of the principal groups of Butterflies and Moths, and may fittingly conclude this part of our subject by giving a short account of the history of Silkworms—insects which far surpass all other butterflies and moths in their importance to mankind, on account of the valuable product which is obtained from their cocoons. The industry has been carried on from time immemorial in China; and many old Chinese works contain interesting particulars, especially relating to the rearing of silkworms by the queens and their ladies, for silk was probably a royal monopoly in old times. These Chinese records date back to about 2200 B.C., when the silk industry was already flourishing; but, according to the usually received tradition, silkworms were first reared during the reign of the Emperor Hwang-té (2640 B.C.) by his queen. The following extracts from the "Le-he Book of Ceremonies," written between 204 B.C. and 135 B.C., and quoted by Horsfield and Moore in their "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the East India {722}Museum," may not be uninteresting to our renders:—

We have now completed a quick overview of the main groups of Butterflies and Moths, and we can appropriately wrap up this section by providing a brief history of Silkworms—insects that are far more important to humans than any other butterflies and moths because of the valuable product we get from their cocoons. This industry has been practiced for centuries in China, and many ancient Chinese texts include fascinating details, especially about how queens and their ladies raised silkworms, as silk was likely a royal monopoly in earlier times. These Chinese records go back to around 2200 B.C., when the silk industry was already thriving; however, according to popular tradition, silkworms were first raised during the reign of Emperor Hwang-té (2640 BCE) by his queen. The following excerpts from the "Le-he Book of Ceremonies," written between 204 BCE and 135 BCE, and cited by Horsfield and Moore in their "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the East India {722}Museum," may be of interest to our readers:—


Photo by J. Peat Millar]  [Beith.

Photo by J. Peat Millar] [Beith.


Death's-head moth.

Remarkable for the skull-like pattern on the back.

Remarkable for the skull-like design on the back.

"In the first month of spring orders were issued to the forester not to cut down the mulberry-trees; and when the cooing doves were observed fluttering with their wings, and the crested jays alighting upon the mulberry-trees, people were to prepare the trays and frames for the purpose of rearing the silkworms.

"In the first month of spring, the forester received orders not to cut down the mulberry trees. When people saw the cooing doves fluttering their wings and the crested jays landing on the mulberry trees, they were to prepare the trays and frames for raising the silkworms."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Day-flying moth of Madagascar.

Remarkable for the brilliancy of its colours—green and black, with the hind wings brilliant coppery red towards the extremity.

Remarkable for its vivid colors—green and black, with the hind wings shining a bright coppery red at the tips.

"In the spring season, when the empress and her ladies had fasted, they proceeded to the east, and personally engaged in picking the mulberry-leaves. On this occasion the married and single ladies were forbidden to wear their ornaments, and the usual employments of females were lessened, in order to encourage attention to the silkworms. When the rearing of the silkworms was completed, the cocoons were divided (for reeling) and the silk weighed (for weaving), each person being rewarded according to her labour, in order to provide dresses for the celestial and ancestorial sacrifices. In all this none dared indulge in indolence.

"In spring, after the empress and her ladies had fasted, they went east to personally gather mulberry leaves. On this occasion, both married and single ladies weren’t allowed to wear ornaments, and the usual activities for women were reduced to encourage focus on the silkworms. Once the silkworms were raised, the cocoons were divided for reeling and the silk was weighed for weaving, with each person rewarded based on their efforts to make dresses for celestial and ancestral sacrifices. Throughout this, no one dared to be lazy."


Photo by J. Peat Millar]  [Beith.

Photo by J. Peat Millar] [Beith.


Convolvulus Hawk Moth.

A grey moth, with pink bands on the body.

A gray moth with pink stripes on its body.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni] [Smyrna.


Great Peacock Moth.

Brown with pale borders. The largest moth found in Europe.

Brown with light edges. The biggest moth found in Europe.


Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt]  [Washington.

Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt [Washington.


Polyphemus moth.

On leaves of linden-tree, just out of cocoon. A native of North America.

On linden tree leaves, just emerging from the cocoon. A native of North America.


"In the last month of summer the order was given to the female officers to dye the silk of various colours, in order to weave chequered sarcenets, comprising black and white, black and green, green and red, with red-and-white checks—all of which was to be done according to the ancient rule, without the least variation; the black, yellow, azure, and red tints were all to be correct and good, without the least fault, in order to provide dresses for the celestial and ancestorial sacrifices, and standards for distinguishing the high and low degrees.

"In the last month of summer, the female officers were instructed to dye silk in various colors to weave checkered sarcenets, including black and white, black and green, green and red, with red-and-white checks—all of this had to be done according to the ancient guideline, without any deviations; the black, yellow, blue, and red shades needed to be perfect and flawless, to create dresses for the celestial and ancestral sacrifices, as well as standards to indicate different ranks."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


White Plume Moth.

A very delicate insect. The wings are cleft almost to the base into separate feathers, two on the fore wings and three on the hind wings.

A very delicate insect. The wings are split almost to the base into individual feathers, two on the front wings and three on the back wings.

"In ancient times the emperor and his princes had a public mulberry garden and a silkworm establishment erected near some river. On the morning of the first day of the third month of spring, the sovereign, wearing a leather cap and a plain garment, ascertained by lot the chief of his three queens, with the most honourable amongst his concubines, and caused them to attend to the rearing of the silkworms in the above-named establishment. They then brought the eggs of the worms, and washed them in the river above alluded to, after which they picked the mulberry-leaves in the public garden, and aired and dried them, in order to feed the worms.

"In ancient times, the emperor and his princes had a public mulberry garden and a silkworm facility set up near a river. On the morning of the first day of the third month of spring, the emperor, wearing a leather cap and simple clothes, drew lots to determine which of his three queens and the highest-ranking concubine would be in charge of raising the silkworms at the facility. They then collected the silkworm eggs and washed them in the river mentioned earlier, after which they gathered mulberry leaves from the public garden and spread them out to dry in order to feed the silkworms."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Indian Swallowtail Moth.

Resembles the American Luna Moth figured on page 718, and of an equally delicate green.

Resembles the American Luna Moth shown on page 718, and has a similarly delicate green color.

"When the season was over, the royal concubines, having completed the business of rearing the silkworms, brought the cocoons to show them to the prince, when he presented the cocoons again to his consort, whereupon his consort said, 'This is the material of which your highness's robes are to be formed.' Having said which, she covered herself with her robe, and received the cocoons. On this occasion the ladies of the court were honoured with the present of a sheep. This was the mode in which the presentation of the cocoons was anciently conducted."

"When the season ended, the royal concubines, having finished raising the silkworms, brought the cocoons to show the prince. He then presented the cocoons to his consort, who said, 'This is the material from which your highness's robes will be made.' After saying this, she wrapped herself in her robe and accepted the cocoons. On this occasion, the ladies of the court were honored with the gift of a sheep. This was the traditional way in which the presentation of the cocoons was conducted in ancient times."

In the reign of Justinian eggs of the Chinese mulberry-silkworm were smuggled into Europe by two monks, and the culture of silk rapidly spread through Southern Europe, where it has continued to form a staple industry ever since. In the Peloponnesus especially such large plantations of mulberry-trees were grown for the purpose of rearing silkworms as to give the peninsula its modern name of Morea. Silk is obtained in different parts of the world from the cocoons of various other moths, chiefly belonging to the group of Emperor-moths; but these products are only of local importance, and are not likely to compete with the mulberry-silkworm.

During the reign of Justinian, two monks smuggled Chinese mulberry-silkworm eggs into Europe, and the silk industry quickly spread across Southern Europe, where it has remained a key industry ever since. In the Peloponnesus, particularly, large plantations of mulberry trees were cultivated to raise silkworms, which is how the peninsula got its modern name, Morea. Silk is produced in different regions of the world from the cocoons of various other moths, mainly from the Emperor-moth group; however, these products have only local significance and are unlikely to compete with the mulberry-silkworm.



Half-winged insects, or bugs and frog-hoppers.




Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.] 

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.


Shield bug.

In tropical countries these bugs are often as large as cockchafers.

In tropical countries, these bugs can often be as big as cockchafers.


  [Regent's Park.

  [Regent's Park.



Some species of this family are carnivorous as well as herbivorous.

Some species in this family are both carnivorous and herbivorous.

The order including the Bugs and Frog-hoppers is divided into two sub-orders. There are also one or two small groups, sometimes treated as separate orders, and sometimes regarded as aberrant sections of the order, to which we shall allude later.

The order that includes Bugs and Frog-hoppers is split into two sub-orders. There are also one or two small groups, which are sometimes classified as separate orders and sometimes seen as unusual sections of the order, which we will mention later.

The True Bugs have their fore wings of a horny texture, but generally overlapping, and the extremities form a transparent membrane, resembling that of the hind wings. They have a long sucking-proboscis curved down beneath their bodies, and their antennæ usually consist of only four or five long joints. Most are vegetable-feeders, but some species feed on the juices of other insects, while a few attack warm-blooded animals, either casually or habitually.

The True Bugs have tough, horny forewings that usually overlap, with the tips forming a clear membrane similar to that of the hind wings. They feature a long, curved proboscis that hangs down beneath their bodies, and their antennae typically have only four or five long segments. Most of them feed on plants, but some species suck juices from other insects, and a few even target warm-blooded animals, either occasionally or regularly.

The first family includes the Shield-bugs. These derive their name from the unusual development of a part of the thorax called the "scutellum." In most insects it is only a small plate of no great importance, attached to the end of the thorax; but in the Shield-bugs it forms a great solid arch, covering the whole of the wings, and protecting them as the wing-cases protect the wings of beetles. There are only a few small species in England, but a great number of beautiful species inhabit warm countries, some of a brilliant blue or green or yellow, or spotted. Many of them are comparatively large insects, nearly an inch long, and resemble brilliantly coloured beetles, from which, however, they can easily be distinguished by the antennæ, the proboscis, and the shield, the latter of which is not divided down the middle like the wing-cases of beetles.

The first family includes the Stink bugs. They get their name from the unusual development of a part of the thorax called the "scutellum." In most insects, it’s just a small, insignificant plate at the end of the thorax; but in Shield-bugs, it forms a large solid arch that covers the entire wings, protecting them like the wing-cases do for beetles. There are only a few small species in England, but many beautiful species live in warmer countries, some with brilliant blue, green, or yellow colors, or with spots. Many of them are relatively large insects, almost an inch long, and look like brightly colored beetles, but they can be easily distinguished by their antennae, proboscis, and the shield, which isn’t divided down the middle like the wing-cases of beetles.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards] [Colesborne.


Lace-wing bug.

An elegant little insect, injurious to pear-trees.

An elegant little insect that harms pear trees.

Next to the Shield-bugs, and considered by many entomologists as belonging to the same group, are the Pentagonal Shield-bugs, so called because the scutellum, though much smaller than in the Shield-bugs, is often half as long as the abdomen, and forms a broad triangle, sometimes broken at the sides, so as to make a five-sided plate, lying above the bases of the wings. Several green or brown species of this family, about half an inch long, are common in England among bushes. Many have a very disagreeable smell, and hence they are called Stink-bugs in America. They feed on vegetable juices, and also frequently on soft-bodied insects. {726}Several species (chiefly foreign) among the Shield-bugs and the present group have a strong spine, or else a blunt protuberance, projecting from each shoulder.

Next to the Shield-bugs, which many entomologists consider part of the same group, are the Pentagon Shield Bugs. They are named for their scutellum, which, although much smaller than that of the Shield-bugs, is often half the length of the abdomen and takes the shape of a broad triangle, sometimes broken at the sides, forming a five-sided plate that rests above the bases of the wings. Several green or brown species of this group, roughly half an inch long, are common in England among bushes. Many emit a very unpleasant odor, which is why they are known as Stink bugs in America. They feed on plant juices and also often prey on soft-bodied insects. {726} Some species (mostly foreign) among the Shield-bugs and this group feature a strong spine or a blunt bump that juts out from each shoulder.

The remaining plant-bugs are much more numerous—at least in England—than those already mentioned, and form several families, which cannot be noticed in detail. Many species are rather small and delicate creatures, narrower and softer than the Shield-bugs and Pentagonal Shield-bugs, and are adorned with various colours, black and red predominating. Some have more transparent wings than the others, such as the beautiful little Lace-winged Bugs, one species of which is often very destructive to pear-trees.

The other plant bugs are way more common—at least in England—than the ones we already talked about, and they belong to several families, which I can’t go into detail about. Many species are pretty small and delicate, slimmer and softer than the Shield bugs and Pentagonal Shield bugs, and they're decorated in various colors, with black and red being the most common. Some have more transparent wings than others, like the beautiful little Lacewing Bugs, one species of which can often be very harmful to pear trees.

The Bed-bug is a reddish-brown, somewhat oval insect, common in many old houses, hiding in cracks and crevices in walls and woodwork, and coming out at night to suck the blood of sleepers with its sharp proboscis. There are allied species, sometimes found in hen-houses, pigeon-houses, and places where bats congregate. The bed-bug has only been known in England for a few centuries, and though now a great pest in all parts of the world, was probably a native of Africa originally.

The Bed bug is a reddish-brown, oval-shaped insect that's often found in many old houses. It hides in the cracks and crevices of walls and woodwork, coming out at night to suck the blood of sleepers with its sharp mouthpart. There are related species that can be found in chicken coops, pigeon lofts, and places where bats gather. The bed-bug has only been in England for a few centuries, and although it is now a major pest around the world, it likely originated in Africa.

The bed-bug, notwithstanding its offensive odour, is preyed upon by several other insects, among which are the common cockroach and the Masked Bug. The latter is a black-winged bug about three-quarters of an inch long, and remarkable for the habits of its larva, which conceals itself with dust or fluff, so that it may steal upon its prey unobserved. The masked bug and its larva feed on soft-bodied insects of various kinds, and are more frequently found in outhouses than in dwelling-rooms. This bug occasionally attacks warm-blooded animals; and a short time ago a great deal of nonsense was published in the newspapers about a mysterious insect-pest in North America, called the Kissing-bug, which seems to have been nothing more unusual than this insect. There are, however, some much larger species belonging to the same family, which are formidable pests in the Southern States of North America, Chili, and various other countries.

The bedbug, despite its unpleasant smell, is hunted by several other insects, including the common cockroach and the Masked Bug. This bug is about three-quarters of an inch long with black wings, and it's notable for how its larva behaves, hiding under dust or fluff so it can sneak up on its prey undetected. The masked bug and its larva eat various soft-bodied insects and are more often found in outhouses than in living spaces. This bug sometimes goes after warm-blooded animals; recently, a lot of ridiculous stories were circulated in the newspapers about a mysterious insect pest in North America called the Kissing bug, which turned out to be nothing more than this insect. However, there are some much larger species from the same family that are serious pests in the Southern States of North America, Chile, and other countries.


Photo by P. Danado, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by P. Danado, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Masked bug.

The larvæ of these insects cover themselves with dust, in order to creep upon their prey unnoticed.

The larvae of these insects cover themselves with dust so they can sneak up on their prey without being seen.

After these insects come the Water-bugs, of which there are several families, though the number of species is comparatively small. Some are very slender insects, with long, slender legs, and may be seen running on the surface of ponds in England; while others, which are tropical species, are marine, and are met with running on the surface of the water in the open sea.

After these insects come the Water bugs, which have different families, although there aren’t that many species. Some are very slim insects with long, thin legs, and you can see them skimming across the surface of ponds in England; while others, which are tropical species, live in the ocean and can be found gliding along the water's surface in the open sea.

The largest members of the group are some of the great water-bugs found in Africa, India, and America. Their fore wings are of a light brown, and measure from 3 to 5 inches in expanse. Their legs are short and strong, and the front legs are adapted for grasping their prey, which consists of insects and small fishes. There are some smaller species in which the female lays her eggs in a cluster on the back of the male, which carries them about till they are hatched. These bugs fly about in the evening, and are frequently attracted by electric light.

The largest members of the group are some of the giant water bugs found in Africa, India, and America. Their forewings are light brown and measure between 3 to 5 inches across. Their legs are short and strong, with the front legs designed for grabbing their prey, which includes insects and small fish. There are also smaller species where the female lays her eggs in a cluster on the male's back, who carries them around until they hatch. These bugs fly in the evening and are often drawn to electric light.

In England there are two allied species called Water-scorpions, from their long front legs, which somewhat resemble the nippers of a scorpion. The commonest is a brown insect, with the abdomen red beneath. It is about an inch long, including the breathing-tube, which sticks out behind the body like a tail, and is formed of two separable parts. It is an oval insect, half as broad as long, and is common in stagnant water. The other species is twice as long, and is much more slender, with longer and more slender legs. It is yellowish brown, like most of the other water-bugs, and is a sluggish and rather scarce insect, creeping about in the mud at the bottom of deeper water than that preferred by the commoner species.

In England, there are two related species known as Water scorpions, named for their long front legs that somewhat resemble a scorpion's pincers. The most common one is a brown insect with a red underside on its abdomen. It's about an inch long, including its breathing tube, which protrudes from the back like a tail and consists of two separate parts. It's an oval-shaped insect, about half as wide as it is long, and is typically found in stagnant water. The other species is twice as long and much more slender, with longer and thinner legs. It's a yellowish brown, similar to most other water bugs, and is slow-moving and relatively rare, often found creeping in the mud at the bottom of deeper water than the more common species prefers.

The Water-boatmen are yellowish-brown insects, measuring half an inch in length, with smooth bodies, and long, hairy hind legs, with which they row themselves about on the water, as if with oars, while floating on their backs. All the larger water-bugs are capable of inflicting a severe puncture with their sharp proboscis, if handled incautiously.

The Water striders are yellowish-brown insects, about half an inch long, with smooth bodies and long, hairy back legs that they use like oars to row themselves on the water while floating on their backs. All the larger water-bugs can deliver a painful puncture with their sharp proboscis if you handle them carelessly.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.  [Regent's Park.


Giant water bug.

Very similar species are found in Africa, Asia, and America.

Very similar species are found in Africa, Asia, and America.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.


Giant Water Bug.

These insects live in water during the day, and fly about in the evening.

These insects stay in the water during the day and fly around in the evening.


The Frog-hoppers and their allies differ from the Bugs in the fore wings being uniform in texture throughout, and not membranous, with the tips transparent. Sometimes the fore wings are of a more or less horny texture, but they are frequently as transparent as the hind wings. All the species are plant-feeding insects.

The Frog hoppers and their relatives are different from Bugs because their front wings have a consistent texture and aren’t membranous, with clear tips. Sometimes the front wings have a somewhat hard texture, but they are often just as clear as the back wings. All these species feed on plants.


Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.

Photo by J. Edwards]  [Colesborne.



Erroneously stated to be luminous.

Incorrectly claimed to be glowing.

The first family, the Cicadas, includes a number of large or moderate-sized species, in which the males are provided with a large, drum-like apparatus on the abdomen, and some of which make the loud noise for which they have long been celebrated. There is only one comparatively small species in England, which is rare, and almost confined to the New Forest. It is black, with transparent wings, about 1½ inch in expanse, and has red transverse lines on the abdomen. The largest Indian species, however, sometimes expands 8 inches. Cicadas have broad heads, broad short bodies, ending rather abruptly in a point, and their larvæ live in the ground, where they are sometimes injurious to the roots of trees. The wings are usually, but not always, transparent—a very common Indian and Chinese species, about 3 inches in expanse, being black, with large yellow spots on the fore wings. In North America and Australia cicadas are often miscalled Locusts.

The first family, the Cicadas, includes several large or medium-sized species, where the males have a large, drum-like structure on their abdomen, and some of them create the loud sounds they are famous for. There's only one relatively small species in England, which is rare and mostly found in the New Forest. It's black with transparent wings, about 1½ inches wide, and has red stripes on its abdomen. However, the largest species in India can sometimes reach an 8-inch wingspan. Cicadas have broad heads and short, wide bodies that taper off into a point. Their larvae live underground, where they can sometimes damage tree roots. The wings are usually, but not always, transparent—a common Indian and Chinese species, about 3 inches wide, is black with large yellow spots on its front wings. In North America and Australia, cicadas are often incorrectly called locusts.

The Lantern-flies, or Candle-flies, which form the next family, derive their name from having been stated to be luminous, a statement which is now considered very doubtful. They are insects of considerable size and bright colours, occasionally resembling butterflies and moths; the largest species, the Lantern-fly of South America, sometimes measures as much as 5 inches across the wings, which are of a pale yellowish or greenish tint, with a large round spot on the hind wings, formed of black rings or crescents, and enclosing one or two large white spots. On the head is an immense hollow, blunt protuberance, marked with one or two longitudinal red lines. In some species there is a curved horn in front of the head; in some the horn forms a short cross; in others it ends in a red knob; while others are destitute of such an appendage. The hind wings are often brightly coloured, red or yellow usually predominating.

The Spotted lanternflies, or Candleflies, which make up the next family, got their name because they were thought to be luminous, although that claim is now seen as quite questionable. They are fairly large insects with bright colors, sometimes resembling butterflies and moths. The largest species, the Spotted lanternfly from South America, can have a wingspan of up to 5 inches. Its wings are usually a pale yellowish or greenish color, with a large round spot on the hind wings made up of black rings or crescents, containing one or two big white spots. The head has a huge hollow, blunt bump marked with one or two long red lines. In some species, there’s a curved horn in front of the head; in others, the horn forms a short cross; some end with a red knob; while others don’t have this appendage at all. The hind wings are often brightly colored, with red or yellow typically dominating.


The True Frog-hoppers are small insects about a quarter of an inch long, found among grass and bushes. The fore wings are of rather a stout consistency and uniform in colour (often yellowish), and the hind wings transparent. The larvæ are soft grubs, and live in the masses of froth so common in grass and bushes, which are vulgarly known as "cuckoo-spit."

The True Froghoppers are tiny insects about a quarter of an inch long, found in grass and bushes. The front wings are pretty sturdy and have a consistent color (often yellowish), while the back wings are transparent. The larvae are soft grubs that live in the frothy masses commonly found in grass and bushes, which are informally referred to as "cuckoo-spit."

Passing over several families of small species, we arrive at two which contain many very destructive insects. The Aphides, Plant-lice, or Smother-flies are the small green or brown winged or wingless insects which frequently cover the shoots of roses and other trees and plants, and exude a sweet sticky substance, called "honey-dew," very attractive to ants. One species, known as the American Blight, is extremely destructive to apple-trees, patches of a substance resembling white cotton appearing on the bark. Under these patches the bark rots from the attacks of the insects, the pest being very difficult to eradicate.

Ignoring several families of small species, we come to two that include many highly destructive insects. The Aphids, Aphids, or Smotherflies are small green or brown insects, some with wings and some without, that often cover the shoots of roses and other trees and plants, releasing a sweet sticky substance known as "honey-dew," which is very appealing to ants. One type, called the American Decline, is particularly harmful to apple trees, leaving patches of a material that looks like white cotton on the bark. Beneath these patches, the bark rots due to insect infestations, making the problem very hard to eliminate.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



A sexual wingless form.

Asexual wingless form.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Scale insect.

The females die, covering their eggs with their own bodies.

The females die, shielding their eggs with their own bodies.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Scale insects.

Showing their appearance when crowded together on a branch.

Showing how they look when packed closely on a branch.

Many of the Aphides exhibit the curious phenomenon known as "alternation of generations." The first brood consists of winged males and females; but the eggs which the latter lay produce exclusively wingless females, or rather sexless creatures capable of laying eggs, and these multiply indefinitely for a time, till perfect males and females are again reproduced. In some cases the winged forms live on the leaves of trees, and the wingless forms at the roots of grass, etc. One of the most destructive of all these insects is the Vine-aphis, which was probably introduced into Europe from America, and which threatened at one time almost to destroy the vine industry in France. Wingless sexless forms live and multiply at the roots of vines; and in summer winged males and females are produced, which fly up, and lay eggs on the leaves; while some of the wingless insects also quit the ground, and form small galls on the vine-leaves. Although very abundant in America, the insect is not nearly so destructive to the plants which it attacks as in Europe.

Many of the aphids display an interesting phenomenon called "alternation of generations." The first generation consists of winged males and females; however, the eggs laid by the females result exclusively in wingless females, or rather genderless beings that can lay eggs, which multiply endlessly for a period until perfect males and females are produced again. In some instances, the winged forms live on tree leaves, while the wingless forms reside at the roots of grass, etc. One of the most harmful of these insects is the Vine aphid, which likely originated from America and once nearly devastated the grape industry in France. Wingless, genderless forms thrive and multiply at the roots of vines; during summer, winged males and females emerge, fly up, and lay eggs on the leaves. Additionally, some of the wingless insects leave the ground and create small galls on the vine leaves. While this insect is very common in America, it is not nearly as damaging to the plants it targets as it is in Europe.

Some species of Scale-insects are almost equally destructive, especially to greenhouse plants. The male is slender and two-winged, but the female is wingless and often legless, and after depositing her eggs usually dies above them, thus forming a covering to protect them from injury. Cochineal consists of the bodies of a species of scale-insect which infests the leaves of a cactus in Mexico.

Some types of scale bugs are just as harmful, particularly to greenhouse plants. The male is slim and has two wings, while the female is wingless and often lacks legs. After she lays her eggs, she typically dies above them, creating a protective covering to shield them from harm. Cochineal is made up of the bodies of a scale insect species that lives on the leaves of a cactus in Mexico.

The True Lice are found on various species of mammals, and imbibe their food through a proboscis. The Bird-lice, or Biting-lice, form a well-defined group by themselves. They are sometimes regarded as forming distinct orders of insects; but some authors treat the first group as a degraded family of insects allied to the Frog-hoppers, and the second group as an equally degraded and aberrant family allied to the Lace-winged Insects.

The True Lice are found on various types of mammals and feed through a long snout. The Bird lice, or Biting lice, make up a clear group on their own. They are sometimes seen as separate insect orders, but some writers consider the first group a degraded family of insects related to the Frog-hoppers, and the second group as another degraded and unusual family linked to the Lace-winged Insects.






This order of insects is probably one of the most numerous in individuals, though it may be that, when we know more of the insect population of the world, we shall find that it is outnumbered in species by the Beetles or the order to which the Bees and Ants belong. It differs from all other orders in possessing only two wings instead of four, which is the usual number in insects. The metamorphoses are complete, and the mouth is furnished with a proboscis for imbibing liquid food. Hind wings are represented in many species by a pair of organs called "poisers," resembling a knob at the end of a stick, and other species have two small additional lobes attached to the wing, called "winglets "; but there is no such thing as a really developed hind wing in any insect belonging to the group. They are always two-winged flies, except in the case of a few aberrant species, such as the Fleas, in which no wings, or only mere rudiments of wings, are to be met with. The Gnats, Daddy-long-legs, and House-flies are among the commonest representatives of this order.

This group of insects is probably one of the most numerous in terms of individual members, although as we learn more about the global insect population, we might discover that it has fewer species than Beetles or the group that includes Bees and Ants. It stands out from other groups by having only two wings instead of the usual four found in insects. The life cycle stages are complete, and the mouth has a proboscis for drinking liquid food. In many species, the hind wings are represented by a pair of structures called "poisers," which look like a knob on a stick, while other species have two small lobes attached to the wing, called "winglets"; however, there are no fully developed hind wings in any insects in this group. They are always two-winged flies, except for a few unusual species like Fleas, which have no wings or just tiny remnants of wings. The Gnats, Daddy-long-legs, and House-flies are some of the most common examples of this group.


Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.

Photo by C. N. Mavroyeni]  [Smyrna.


Cicada and pupae.

Noted for the loud drumming sound produced by the males.

Noted for the loud drumming noise made by the males.

The first section of the group includes the Gnats and the Daddy-long-legs, or Crane-Flies, the members of which may be distinguished by having moderately long antennæ, composed of more than six joints, and never terminating in a bristle. They are all vegetable-feeders, with the exception of the females of gnats and sand-flies, which are furnished with a lancet-like arrangement for sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals.

The first section of the group includes the Gnats and the Harvestman, or Crane Flies. Members of this group can be recognized by their moderately long antennae, which have more than six segments and do not end in a bristle. They primarily feed on plants, except for the female gnats and sand-flies, which have a lancet-like feature that allows them to suck the blood of warm-blooded animals.

The Gall-flies, Wheat-midges, etc., have rather long, jointed antennæ, which are not feathered, though sometimes tufted on the sides, and their maggots produce small galls on various trees and plants, or distort and otherwise injure them. They resemble small gnats, and there are two particularly destructive species which attack corn in England and elsewhere,—the Wheat-midge, an orange-yellow fly with black eyes, which produces little yellowish or reddish maggots which injure the growing grain in the ear; and the Hessian Fly, which is brown, and produces semi-transparent maggots, which afterwards grow darker, and when full grown become pupæ resembling flax-seeds. The maggots attack the stalk, feeding on the sap till the stalk cracks and bends over. This is an infallible sign of their presence, and of the mischief they are doing.

The Gall flies, Wheat mites, and others have relatively long, jointed antennae that aren't feathered, though they can sometimes be tufted on the sides. Their larvae create small galls on various trees and plants or distort and damage them in other ways. They look like tiny gnats, and there are two especially harmful species that target corn in England and beyond: the Wheat midge, an orange-yellow fly with black eyes that produces small yellowish or reddish larvae that damage the growing grain in the ear; and the Hessian Fly, which is brown and produces semi-transparent larvae that later darken and, when fully grown, become pupae that look like flax seeds. The larvae attack the stalk, feeding on the sap until the stalk cracks and bends over. This is a sure sign of their presence and the harm they are causing.

Among the best-known insects of this group are the Gnats, or Mosquitoes, of which there are many genera and species. There is no difference, however, to permit of their being classified in two separate popular categories. In England any of these troublesome insects are called Gnats; out of England they are termed Mosquitoes, if we are tormented by them, even though they may belong to the same species as the English ones—for "mosquito" is merely the Spanish word for "gnat" Anglicised.

Among the best-known insects in this group are the Gnats or Mosquitos, which include many genera and species. However, there’s no distinction that allows them to be classified into two separate popular categories. In England, any of these annoying insects are called Gnats; outside of England, they are referred to as Mosquitoes if they bother us, even if they belong to the same species as the English ones—because "mosquito" is simply the Spanish word for "gnat" adapted to English.



Brown mosquito.

Observe the proboscis in front of the head.

Observe the snout in front of the head.

Gnats breed in standing water, fresh or otherwise, but seem to prefer rain-water, for they are very numerous about small pools and water-butts. Consequently they were formerly far more abundant in England than at present, when the fens were still undrained, and when every house had {731}its rain-water butt. The females of some species construct small rafts of eggs, which float about on the surface of the water till hatched, and then produce small maggots with a breathing-apparatus at the end of the tail. In this condition they swim head-downwards, while the more compact pupa floats head-upwards. They may be destroyed by pouring a little kerosene into their breeding-places; and as this floats on the surface of the water, it does not interfere with the use of the water in water-butts, which is usually drawn off by a tap below. The males of gnats often have feathered antennæ and long, slender legs. The females, however, are more nocturnal in their habits, and come into houses in the evening, and keep people awake by their humming and painful "bites," or rather punctures, which frequently cause a distressing irritation for a day or two afterwards. What is worse is that they are now known to disseminate various diseases, such as elephantiasis and also malarial fever of every kind, in this manner—from the comparatively mild ague of the English fens (now nearly extinct) to the terrible malaria of Southern Europe, India, and Africa, formerly attributed to the unhealthy atmosphere of marshy countries, or to exposure to the night air in warm countries, but now known to be caused by the bites of the gnats, or mosquitoes, which breed in swampy places, and fly about in the evening. It is believed that only certain species of gnats convey the germs of these diseases; and it has been stated that, though ague-bearing species of gnats are still found in England, those which have been examined for the purpose have been free from these germs, and are therefore incapable of propagating the disease.

Gnats breed in standing water, whether fresh or not, but they seem to prefer rainwater, as they are very common around small pools and water butts. Because of this preference, they used to be much more abundant in England when the fens were still wetland and every house had a rainwater butt. The females of some species create small rafts of eggs that float on the water's surface until they hatch, then producing tiny maggots that have a breathing tube at the end of their tails. In this stage, they swim upside down, while the more compact pupae float right-side up. You can eliminate them by pouring a bit of kerosene into their breeding grounds; since it floats on the water’s surface, it doesn’t interfere with using the water from the butts, which is usually accessed via a tap below. Male gnats often have feathered antennae and long, slender legs. The females, however, are more active at night and come into homes in the evening, keeping people awake with their humming and painful bites, which are more like punctures and can cause annoying irritation for a day or two afterwards. What’s worse is that they’re now known to spread various diseases, like elephantiasis and all kinds of malarial fevers, ranging from the relatively mild ague of the English fens (which is now nearly extinct) to the severe malaria found in Southern Europe, India, and Africa. Previously, these diseases were thought to be due to unhealthy marshy atmospheres or exposure to night air in warmer countries, but it’s now understood to be caused by the bites of gnats or mosquitoes that breed in swampy areas and are active in the evenings. It’s believed that only certain species of gnats carry the germs for these diseases; and while ague-carrying species of gnats are still present in England, those tested for this purpose have been found free of these germs, meaning they cannot spread the disease.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



Common in the south of England.

Common in the south of England.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F Z.S. Regent's Park.


Daddy Longlegs.

Large species, with variegated wings.

Large species with patterned wings.

In many parts of the world gnats are excessively numerous and troublesome at certain seasons of the year, filling the air like clouds of dust, so that it is difficult to sleep or eat from the annoyance and irritation caused by their attacks. This will be readily credible to those who have experienced the pain which they cause even when not very numerous, and have been kept awake at night by their shrill piping as they approach. They appear to be equally numerous in cold and warm countries—Lapland, France, South Russia, Italy, various parts of America, and in fact most parts of the world being liable to the inordinate multiplication of different species.

In many parts of the world, gnats are incredibly abundant and annoying during certain times of the year, filling the air like clouds of dust, making it hard to sleep or eat because of their bothersome bites. Anyone who has experienced the discomfort they cause, even in small numbers, especially when kept awake at night by their high-pitched buzzing, will find this hard to believe. They seem to be just as numerous in cold and warm regions—Lapland, France, South Russia, Italy, various parts of America, and pretty much everywhere else is at risk of a large increase in different species.

In England they were formerly so abundant in the fenlands that mosquito-curtains were in use less than a century ago, and may be so still. But their numbers have so diminished of late years that, whenever gnats are a little more troublesome than usual, it is reported that there has been an invasion of mosquitoes. A year or {732}two ago there was a report that "mosquitoes" had been brought to Cromer in some fishing-vessel, and the newspapers contained paragraphs about "mosquitoes" having caused much annoyance in different parts of London. But many of the specimens submitted to the inspection of entomologists proved to be nothing more than the commonest of all the blood-sucking gnats, called the Piping-Gnat by Linnæus, on account of its shrill note. The note is produced by the rapid vibration of the wings, which has been estimated at the rate of 3,000 per minute. Gnats do not always fly near the ground. Sometimes they have been seen ascending from cathedrals and other high buildings in such vast swarms that they resembled clouds of smoke, and gave rise to the idea that the building was actually on fire.

In England, they used to be so plentiful in the fenlands that mosquito nets were used less than a century ago, and they might still be. However, their numbers have decreased significantly in recent years, so whenever gnats are a bit more bothersome than usual, it's reported that there’s been an invasion of mosquitoes. A year or two ago, there was news that "mosquitoes" had been brought to Cromer on some fishing boat, and the newspapers published articles about "mosquitoes" causing a lot of annoyance in various parts of London. However, many of the specimens examined by entomologists turned out to be nothing more than the most common blood-sucking gnats, known as the Piping Gnat by Linnæus, because of its high-pitched sound. This sound is made by the rapid flapping of the wings, estimated at 3,000 beats per minute. Gnats don't always fly low to the ground. Sometimes, they have been seen rising from cathedrals and other tall buildings in such large swarms that they looked like clouds of smoke, giving the impression that the building was actually on fire.

Equally troublesome and annoying are the Sand-Flies, as they are called in England, or the Black-Flies, as they are called in America. They are very small flies, short and broad, and with broader wings than gnats; and one of them, which actually destroys many mules and other domestic animals in the Mississippi Valley, as we learn from Professor Comstock, is called the Buffalo-Gnat, from a fancied resemblance of the side-view of the insect to a buffalo. Other species are equally destructive to the cattle in the Banat of Hungary. It is a curious circumstance that, in the case of nearly all two-winged flies which attack men and animals, it is usually only the females which suck blood, the males frequenting flowers and being perfectly harmless.

Equally bothersome and annoying are the Sand Flies, as they are called in England, or the Black Flies, as they are known in America. They are tiny flies, short and broad, with wider wings than gnats. One type, which actually kills many mules and other domestic animals in the Mississippi Valley, according to Professor Comstock, is called the Buffalo gnat, due to a perceived resemblance of the side view of the insect to a buffalo. Other species are just as harmful to cattle in the Banat region of Hungary. Interestingly, in nearly all two-winged flies that attack humans and animals, it's usually only the females that suck blood, while the males hang out around flowers and are completely harmless.


Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. 

Photos by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.



This fly has a superficial resemblance to a bee. (See page 734.)

This fly looks a bit like a bee. (See page 734.)


  [Regent's Park.

  [Regent's Park.


Rat-tailed larva.

Common in filthy water.

Common in contaminated water.

Respecting mosquitoes in South America, Mr. H. W. Bates writes, in his work "The Naturalist on the Amazons," when passing a night in a boat about twenty-five miles from the town of Villa Nova: "At night it was quite impossible to sleep for mosquitoes; they fell upon us by myriads, and without much piping came straight at our faces as thick as rain-drops in a shower. The men crowded into the cabins, and then tried to expel the pests by the smoke from burnt rags; but it was of little avail, although we were half suffocated during the operation." But the sand-flies, encountered a little higher up the river, were much worse: "We made acquaintance on this coast with a new insect-pest, the Piúm, a minute fly, two-thirds of a line in length, which here commences its reign, and continues henceforward as a terrible scourge along the upper river, or Solimoens, to the end of the navigation on the Amazons. It comes forth only by day, relieving the mosquito at sunrise with the greatest punctuality, and occurs only near the muddy shores of the stream, not one ever being found in the shade of the forest. In places where it is abundant, it accompanies canoes in such dense swarms as to resemble thin clouds of smoke. It made its appearance in this way the first day after we crossed the river. Before I was aware of the presence of flies, I felt a slight itching on my neck, wrist, and ankles, and, on looking for the cause, saw a number of tiny objects, having a disgusting resemblance to lice, adhering to the skin. This was my first introduction to the much-talked-of Piúm. On close examination, they are seen to be small two-winged insects, with dark-coloured body and pale legs and wings, the latter closed lengthwise over the back. They alight imperceptibly, and, squatting close, fall at once to work, stretching forward their tiny front legs, which are in constant motion, and seem to act as feelers, and then applying their short, broad snouts to the skin. Their abdomens soon become distended and red with blood, and then, their thirst satisfied, they soon move off, sometimes so stupefied with their potations that they can scarcely fly. No pain is felt whilst they are at work, but they each leave a small circular raised spot on the skin, and a disagreeable irritation. The latter may be avoided in great measure by pressing out the {733}blood which remains in the spot; but this is a troublesome task when one has several hundred punctures in the course of a day [like Prince Siror, in one of Bulwer Lytton's stories, who fell "pierced by five hundred spears"]. I took the trouble to dissect specimens, to ascertain the way in which the little pests operate. The mouth consists of a pair of thick fleshy lips, and two triangular horny lancets, answering to the upper lip and tongue of other insects. This is applied closely to the skin, a puncture is made with the lancets, and the blood then sucked through between these into the œsophagus, the circular spot which results coinciding with the shape of the lips. In the course of a few days the red spots dry up, and the skin in time becomes blackened with the endless number of discoloured punctures that are crowded together. The irritation they produce is more acutely felt by some persons than others. I once travelled with a middle-aged Portuguese who was laid up for three weeks from the attacks of Piúm, his legs being swelled to an enormous size, and the punctures aggravated into spreading sores."

Respecting mosquitoes in South America, Mr. H. W. Bates writes in his book "The Naturalist on the Amazons," about spending the night in a boat about twenty-five miles from the town of Villa Nova: "At night, it was impossible to sleep because of the mosquitoes; they swarmed around us by the millions, flying straight at our faces like raindrops in a storm. The men packed into the cabins and tried to drive the pests away with smoke from burning rags, but it didn’t help much, even though we felt half suffocated during the process.” However, the sand-flies we encountered further up the river were even worse: “We encountered a new pest on this coast, the Piúm, a tiny fly about two-thirds of a line long, which begins its reign here and continues to be a terrible nuisance along the upper river, or Solimoens, for the rest of the navigation on the Amazons. It comes out only during the day, taking over from the mosquitoes at sunrise, and it’s only found near the muddy riverbanks—none are found in the shade of the forest. In spots where they are plentiful, they swarm around canoes in such dense clouds that it looks like thin wisps of smoke. They showed up this way the first day after we crossed the river. Before I even noticed them, I felt a slight itch on my neck, wrist, and ankles, and when I looked to see what was causing it, I saw a bunch of tiny creatures that looked disturbingly like lice stuck to my skin. This was my first encounter with the infamous Piúm. On closer inspection, they are small two-winged insects with dark bodies and pale legs and wings, which are folded lengthwise over their backs. They land without a sound, and once settled, they quickly get to work, extending their tiny front legs, which are always moving and seem to function as feelers, and then using their short, broad snouts to pierce the skin. Their abdomens soon swell and turn red with blood, and once they’re satisfied, they often leave, sometimes so full that they can hardly fly. You don’t feel any pain while they are feeding, but each one leaves a small raised spot on the skin and an irritating itch. You can reduce the irritation by squeezing out the blood left in the spot, but that becomes a hassle when you have several hundred bites in a day [like Prince Siror in one of Bulwer Lytton's stories, who fell "pierced by five hundred spears"]. I took the time to dissect some specimens to figure out how these little pests operate. Their mouth has a pair of thick, fleshy lips and two triangular, sharp lancets that function like the upper lip and tongue of other insects. These are pressed against the skin, the lancets pierce it, and the blood is sucked up through the lancets into the esophagus, creating a circular mark that matches the shape of the lips. After a few days, the red spots dry up, and in time, the skin becomes darkened by the numerous discolored puncture marks that pile up. The irritation they cause can feel more intense for some people than others. I once traveled with a middle-aged Portuguese man who was bedridden for three weeks because of Piúm bites, his legs swelling to a huge size, with the bites turning into spreading sores."


Photo by by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.



The larvæ of the house-fly live in refuse, so do not thrive where cleanliness abounds.

The larvae of the housefly live in waste, so they don't thrive where cleanliness is present.

However, the traveller in Amazonia has one consolation: the great rivers which traverse the forests are of three different colours; and the black-water rivers—so called from the dark colour of the water, owing apparently to the amount of vegetable matter which they hold in solution—are never infested with mosquitoes. Probably the character of the water renders it unsuitable to them for breeding purposes.

However, the traveler in the Amazon has one source of comfort: the major rivers that flow through the forests come in three different colors, and the black-water rivers—named for their dark color, likely due to the high amount of organic material they carry—are never plagued by mosquitoes. The nature of the water probably makes it unsuitable for them to breed.

The Crane-flies, or Daddy-long-legs, are also very injurious insects, but in a different manner, for their subterranean maggots feed on and destroy the roots of grass in the same way as the grubs of the Cockchafers. They are insects of considerable size, with slender bodies, terminating in a short, horny point (the ovipositor) in the female, and with long, slender legs, which are liable to break off at the least touch. The commonest species has a grey body and transparent wings; but there is a larger one with the wings prettily variegated with brown, and a smaller one in which there are yellow markings towards the end of the body.

The Crane flies, or Harvestman, are also harmful insects, but in a different way. Their underground larvae feed on and ruin the roots of grass, much like the grubs of Cockchafers do. These insects are quite large, with slender bodies that end in a short, tough point (the ovipositor) in females, and long, thin legs that are prone to breaking at the slightest touch. The most common species has a gray body and transparent wings, but there's a larger one with beautifully patterned brown wings, and a smaller one that has yellow markings near the end of its body.

The more typical Flies have usually shorter and broader wings, and thicker, shorter, and more hairy legs, than those just mentioned; and the antennæ have usually only three or four joints, and are often furnished with a long, slender bristle at or before the end of the last joint.

The more common Flies generally have shorter and wider wings, along with thicker, shorter, and hairier legs compared to those previously mentioned. Their antennae usually have only three or four segments and often feature a long, thin bristle at or near the tip of the last segment.

As in the case of the Gnats and Crane-Flies, so as regards the more typical Flies, we have only space to notice a few of the more important families.

As with the Gnats and Crane-Flies, when it comes to the more typical Flies, we have just enough space to mention a few of the more important families.

Some of the Gad-flies are no larger than house-flies, but others are as large as wasps or larger, with broader wings, and of a black, grey, or yellowish colour; they frequent fields, and settle on cattle, or on our clothes or hands. Some have transparent and others dark-coloured wings, but they are all capable of inflicting a severe puncture, often sufficient to draw blood, even in the case of the smaller species.

Some of the Gadflies are as small as houseflies, but others can be as big as wasps or even larger, with wider wings and black, grey, or yellowish colors. They hang around fields and land on cattle, our clothes, or our hands. Some have clear wings while others have dark wings, but all of them can deliver a painful bite, often enough to draw blood, even from the smaller ones.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Bluebottle fly or blowfly.

These flies deposit their eggs on meat, when it becomes "fly-blown."

These flies lay their eggs on meat when it gets "fly-blown."

The prettiest of the gad-flies are the Golden-eyed Flies. They are black, with the abdomen more or less marked with yellow; and black, or black and transparent, wings. The eyes are of a beautiful golden green, dotted and lined with purple. They are moderately stout insects, about the third of an inch long, and are not uncommon. Another insect, known as the Blood-sucking Rain-fly, has a rather long and slender body for a gad-fly, and is nearly half an inch long. It is of a lighter or darker grey, with reddish markings on the sides of the abdomen in the male. The wings are greyish brown with whitish dots, and a white mark towards the tip. Both these flies are very troublesome, the latter chiefly on the edges of woods or near water, especially in rainy weather.

The most beautiful of the gad-flies are the Golden-eyed Flies. They are black, with their abdomens marked in yellow, and have black or black and transparent wings. Their eyes are a stunning golden green, dotted and lined with purple. They are moderately stout insects, about a third of an inch long, and are quite common. Another insect, known as the Blood-sucking Rainfly, has a relatively long and slender body for a gad-fly, measuring almost half an inch long. It can be a lighter or darker grey, with reddish markings on the sides of the male's abdomen. The wings are greyish brown with white dots and a white mark toward the tip. Both of these flies can be very annoying, especially the latter, which is primarily found at the edges of woods or near water, particularly in rainy weather.


The Robber-flies are large flies, with long, tapering bodies, of a black or partly yellow colour, and feed on smaller flies and other insects of different kinds. They have very thick, hairy and a strong proboscis. A handsome Australian species, allied to these, but with a broader body, is represented in the Coloured Plate.

The Robber flies are big flies with long, slender bodies that are black or partially yellow. They prey on smaller flies and various other insects. They have very thick, hairy, and strong mouthparts. A striking Australian species related to these, but with a wider body, is illustrated in the Coloured Plate.

The Hornet Robber-fly, represented on page 731, is one of the most conspicuous of the British species. Among other places, it may be seen flying over the short grass at the top of the cliffs between Brighton and Rottingdean. They are very predaceous, and are probably rather beneficial than otherwise, by contributing to keep down injurious insects. But in North America there is a species called the Bee-killer, which is an extremely destructive insect, taking up its station in front of a hive, and killing large numbers of bees as they fly backwards and forwards from the hive.

The Hornet Robber Fly, featured on page 731, is one of the most noticeable species in Britain. You can often spot them flying over the short grass along the cliffs between Brighton and Rottingdean. They are highly predatory and likely more helpful than harmful since they help control harmful insects. However, in North America, there's a species known as the Bee killer, which is very destructive, positioning itself in front of beehives and killing a large number of bees as they come and go.

The Hover-flies are brightly coloured, rather smooth flies, and are familiar objects in gardens, and in open places in woods. They have the habit of hovering motionless in the air, and then darting off suddenly. Some of the larger species proceed from curious maggots, with long tails, which have been compared to the tail of a rat. These live in putrid water; and as the flies have a slight resemblance to bees, the fact is believed to have given rise to the old fable that bees are generated from the rotting carcases of oxen or other large animals.

The Hoverflies are brightly colored, fairly smooth flies that are commonly seen in gardens and open areas of woods. They have a tendency to hover motionless in the air before suddenly darting off. Some of the larger species come from strange maggots with long tails, which have been likened to a rat's tail. These maggots live in decaying water; and since the flies somewhat resemble bees, this has likely led to the old myth that bees come from the decaying bodies of oxen or other large animals.

The Bot-flies are remarkable for being parasitic on warm-blooded animals, their maggots living in tumours on the skin of oxen, known as "warbles," or in the stomach and intestines of horses, or in the nostrils and other cavities in the heads of sheep or deer.

The Bot flies are notable for being parasites on warm-blooded animals, with their larvae living in skin tumors on oxen, called "warbles," or in the stomach and intestines of horses, or in the nostrils and other cavities in the heads of sheep and deer.


Photo by W. P, Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.


Blue bottle fly or blowfly.

This photograph shows the wings expanded.

This photo shows the wings spread out.

The House-flies and their allies form a very large group, divided into many families. The true house-fly is an autumn insect; but there are other flies which resemble it which live in houses at different times of the year. Most of them are harmless, although there is one species, very like a house-fly, which comes into houses in rainy weather, and inflicts a puncture like a gad-fly. This is the meaning of the popular saying that "the flies bite in rainy weather."

The flies and their relatives make up a huge group, split into many families. The true housefly is an autumn insect, but there are other flies that look similar and live indoors at different times of the year. Most of them are harmless, although there’s one species that closely resembles a housefly, which enters homes during rainy weather and delivers a painful bite like a gadfly. This is what the saying "the flies bite in rainy weather" refers to.

Although house-flies do not bite, yet they are sometimes exceedingly troublesome when they are in unusual numbers; and as they settle everywhere, they may convey infection mechanically, though not as the principal agents in the dissemination of definite diseases, like the mosquitoes. Thus, in Egypt, they are said frequently to convey ophthalmia, a very prevalent disease in that country.

Though houseflies don't bite, they can be incredibly annoying when there are a lot of them. Since they land everywhere, they can carry germs, even though they're not the main cause of specific diseases like mosquitoes are. In Egypt, for example, they are often reported to spread ophthalmia, a very common disease in that country.

The very first paper published in the "Transactions of the present Entomological Society of London" (for the existing Society had several short-lived predecessors) was a paper read by William Spence at the meeting on April 7, 1834, about a year after the Society had been definitely founded, entitled "Observations on a Mode practised in Italy of excluding the Common House-fly from Apartments." This desirable result is attained simply by stretching a net of white or coloured thread, with meshes of an inch or more in diameter, across an open window, which the flies will not venture to pass, if the room is lighted from one side only—"for if there be a thorough light either from an opposite or side window, the flies pass through the net without scruple." Mr. Spence's son also referred to a passage in Herodotus where he says that Egyptian fishermen in his time defended themselves from the gnats by covering their beds with the nets which they had used in the day for fishing, and through which these insects, though they bit through linen or woollen, did not even attempt to bite. The matter seems to have been overlooked in recent years, though it is evidently well worthy of consideration when flies or gnats are troublesome.

The very first paper published in the "Transactions of the current Entomological Society of London" (since the existing Society had several short-lived predecessors) was a paper presented by William Spence at the meeting on April 7, 1834, about a year after the Society was officially founded, titled "Observations on a Method Practiced in Italy to Keep the Common House-fly Out of Apartments." This desired outcome is achieved simply by stretching a net made of white or colored thread, with holes about an inch or more in diameter, across an open window; flies won’t try to get through if the room is lit from just one side—“for if there is a thorough light either from an opposite or side window, the flies pass through the net without hesitation.” Mr. Spence's son also mentioned a passage from Herodotus where he states that Egyptian fishermen in his time protected themselves from gnats by covering their beds with the nets they had used for fishing during the day, and through which these insects, despite being able to bite through linen or wool, did not even try to bite. This issue seems to have been overlooked in recent years, although it clearly deserves attention when flies or gnats are bothersome.

There is a conspicuous insect allied to the house-flies, but a little larger, measuring about half an inch in length. It is called the Noon-day Fly, and is often seen in considerable numbers, in the hottest part of the day, flying round and settling on the trunks and leaves of trees; it also settles on cow-dung. It is a shining black fly, with the sides and under surface {735}of the head golden yellow in the male; the wings are transparent, slightly tinged with pale brown, and bright rusty yellow towards the base.

There’s a noticeable insect related to house flies, but a bit bigger, about half an inch long. It’s called the Noon Fly, and you often see it in large groups during the hottest part of the day, buzzing around and landing on tree trunks and leaves; it also lands on cow dung. It’s a shiny black fly, with the sides and underside {735}of the head being golden yellow in males. Its wings are transparent, with a slight pale brown tint, and bright rusty yellow towards the base.

The African Tsetse-fly is not very unlike a house-fly, and is one of the worst pests to cattle in those parts of Africa which it infests; for any horse, ox, or dog attacked by it will infallibly die after a longer or shorter period of suffering, though wild animals and sucking calves are not affected by it. It used to be supposed that the fly itself infused some deadly venom with its puncture; but later experiments have led naturalists to the conclusion that the fly is not itself poisonous, but that it forms the channel of communication of some fatal disease, just as some species of mosquitoes convey the infection of malaria.

The African Tsetse fly is quite similar to a house-fly and is one of the biggest threats to cattle in the regions of Africa where it is found. Any horse, ox, or dog bitten by it will definitely die after a varying period of suffering, although wild animals and nursing calves are not affected. Previously, it was believed that the fly injected some lethal venom with its bite, but more recent studies have led scientists to conclude that the fly isn't poisonous itself; instead, it transmits a deadly disease, much like certain species of mosquitoes spread malaria.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park. 

*Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S., Regent's Park.*


Tsetse fly.

Destructive to horses and cattle in Africa.

Destructive to horses and cattle in Africa.

The Blow-flies, or Blue-bottles, of which there are several species closely allied to each other, are common in houses; and a smaller brilliant green fly, called the Green-bottle Fly, is common on hedges. These are all flies which lay their eggs on fresh or putrid meat, when it is said to be "fly-blown." They will also lay their eggs in open sores; and in former days the sufferings of the wounded after a battle were often frightfully aggravated by this cause; and at the present day farmers would frequently lose sheep through their attacks, if they were not carefully tended in hot weather.

The Blowflies, or Bluebottles, which come in several closely related species, are common in homes; and a smaller, shiny green fly known as the Green Bottle Fly is often found on hedges. These flies lay their eggs on fresh or rotting meat, which is known as being "fly-blown." They also lay their eggs in open wounds; in the past, the suffering of injured soldiers after a battle was often made worse by this problem, and even today, farmers would frequently lose sheep to these flies if they weren't carefully monitored during hot weather.

Various species of flies in Eastern Europe, the Southern States of America, Jamaica, etc., habitually lay their eggs in the mouths or nostrils of men and animals, and the resulting maggots cause dreadful suffering and often death. In India, and especially in the Eastern Archipelago, there are some brilliantly coloured, smooth, metallic blue and green flies as big as bumble-bees. There is also a family of flies allied to the house-fly, which have very bristly bodies, and are parasitic on caterpillars, like ichneumon-flies.

Various species of flies in Eastern Europe, the Southern States of America, Jamaica, and elsewhere routinely lay their eggs in the mouths or nostrils of both humans and animals, leading to severe suffering and often death from the resulting maggots. In India, particularly in the Eastern Archipelago, there are some brightly colored, smooth, metallic blue and green flies that are as big as bumblebees. There's also a group of flies related to house flies that have very bristly bodies and are parasitic on caterpillars, similar to ichneumon flies.


Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

*Photo by W. P. Dando F.Z.S.*  [Regent's Park.


Tsetse Fly (Enlarged).

Showing the proboscis and veining of the wings more distinctly.

Showing the proboscis and the wing veins more clearly.

There are other flies which easily attract attention, such as the yellow hairy fly found about cow-dung, and some rather small species with prettily variegated wings, which feed on flowers or fruit. The cheese-hoppers are also the maggots of a small black fly.

There are other flies that easily grab attention, like the yellow hairy fly found around cow dung, and some smaller species with beautifully patterned wings that feed on flowers or fruit. The cheese-hoppers are also the larvae of a small black fly.

Besides these, there are some aberrant parasitic families of flies with long, hairy legs, and only one or two joints to the antennæ. These are the Forest-flies and Bird-flies, which attack horses and birds; and also some wingless insects, such as the so-called Sheep-tick (easily distinguished from a true tick by possessing only six legs), the Bee-parasites, and the spider-like Bat-parasites. This parasitic group is also remarkable for depositing full-grown larvæ or pupæ instead of eggs.

Besides these, there are some unusual parasitic fly families with long, hairy legs and just one or two joints in their antennae. These are the Fireflies and Birds fly, which attack horses and birds; as well as some wingless insects, like the so-called Tick (which is easy to tell apart from a true tick because it has only six legs), the Bee parasites, and the spider-like Bat parasites. This parasitic group is also notable for laying full-grown larvae or pupae instead of eggs.

The Fleas are a small group of small wingless insects, with such powers of leaping that it has been said that if a man was as agile as a flea he could jump over the dome of St. Paul's. The larvæ of fleas are small, worm-like creatures, with bristles, but without legs; they probably live on any sort of animal or vegetable refuse. They subsequently change to pupæ in small cocoons, and emerge as perfect fleas, which live by sucking the blood of warm-blooded {736}animals; or, when that fails them, they may attack caterpillars, or other small soft-bodied creatures. Though not very particular about their food, different species are more or less attached to different animals; and while in Europe the most troublesome species is the one considered to be most particularly attached to man, the species most troublesome in North America is known in Europe as the Dog-flea. They are all very similar in habits and appearance. Fleas are not only annoying, but, in conjunction with rats, are believed to be among the principal agents in the spread of the plague. There is another insect called the Jigger, or Sand-flea, common in most of the warmer parts of America, and which has more recently been introduced into Africa. The female burrows into the feet of men or animals, where her body swells up with eggs to the size of a pea; and serious and sometimes fatal ulcers are the ordinary result, unless the insect is carefully extracted at an early stage of the attack.

The Fleas are a small group of tiny wingless insects, known for their incredible jumping ability—so much that it's said if a person were as agile as a flea, they could leap over the dome of St. Paul's. The larvae of fleas are little worm-like creatures with bristles but no legs; they likely feed on various types of animal or plant waste. They later transform into pupae inside small cocoons and then emerge as fully developed fleas, which survive by sucking the blood of warm-blooded {736}animals. If blood isn’t available, they might turn to caterpillars or other small soft-bodied creatures. While they aren’t very picky eaters, different species tend to prefer different animals; in Europe, the most bothersome type is one closely linked to humans, while in North America, the most problematic type is known in Europe as the Flea treatment for dogs. All fleas share similar habits and appearances. They are not just annoying; along with rats, they’re considered key players in spreading the plague. There is another insect called the Jigger (measurement tool), or Sand flea, which is common in warmer areas of America and has recently been introduced to Africa. The female digs into the feet of humans or animals, causing her body to swell with eggs to the size of a pea; this can lead to serious and sometimes deadly ulcers unless the insect is carefully removed early in the process.


Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S.]  [Regent's Park.

Photo by W. P. Dando, F.Z.S. Regent's Park.



Similar to the fly which destroys the locust eggs in Cyprus.

Similar to the fly that destroys the locust eggs in Cyprus.

Uses of Flies.

Uses of Flies.

It must not be supposed from the foregoing observations that flies are simply and solely pests to man and beast, without any redeeming qualities. Their services are less required in cold and settled countries, but in warm climates their value as scavengers can hardly be over-estimated. As regards the removal of carrion alone, Linnæus declared that the progeny of only three blow-flies would devour the carcase of a dead horse as quickly as a lion—a statement which, even if slightly exaggerated, conveys a vivid idea of their voracity and the rate at which they increase.

It shouldn't be assumed from the previous points that flies are just pests to people and animals, without any positive traits. While they are less needed in cold and stable regions, their importance as scavengers in warm climates is immense. Regarding the removal of dead animals, Linnæus claimed that the offspring of just three blow-flies would consume the carcass of a dead horse as fast as a lion would—though this may be a bit of an exaggeration, it clearly illustrates their hunger and the speed at which they reproduce.

Flies are also useful in keeping down the multitudes of destructive insects. Numbers of caterpillars fall victims to the bristly flies alluded to on the last page; and the Bee-flies, which form a family placed next to the Gad-flies, render far greater service in destroying locusts. They much resemble small bumble-bees, being very much the same shape, and they are clothed with yellow down in the British species, and the transparent wings are conspicuously marked with black bands (as in the photograph above), or with brown shading and spots. The insects have a very rapid flight, and use their long proboscis to suck the honey of flowers; but their grubs are parasitic—at least in some instances—on wild bees; and it is probable that their resemblance to bees has some reference to this mode of life. But in Cyprus, Algeria, North America, etc., the larvæ of allied species feed inside the egg-cases of locusts, sometimes destroying as large a proportion as four-fifths of the whole brood. Locusts have many enemies, but it will easily be seen that the attacks of foes like these must reduce their numbers considerably, notwithstanding the swarms which frequently survive, and which are liable to the attacks of other enemies, such as robber-flies, locust-birds, etc., after they have actually arrived at maturity.

Flies are also helpful in controlling the large numbers of harmful insects. Many caterpillars fall prey to the bristly flies mentioned on the last page; and the Bee-flies, which belong to a group close to the Gad-flies, play a much bigger role in killing locusts. They look a lot like small bumblebees, having a similar shape, and the British species are covered in yellow fuzz, with transparent wings that are clearly marked with black bands (as shown in the photograph above), or with brown shading and spots. These insects are capable of very fast flight and use their long mouthparts to sip nectar from flowers; however, their larvae are parasitic—at least in some cases—on wild bees, and it’s likely that their resemblance to bees relates to this way of life. In places like Cyprus, Algeria, and North America, the larvae of related species feed inside the egg cases of locusts, sometimes wiping out as much as four-fifths of an entire brood. Locusts have many predators, but it’s clear that attacks from such enemies must significantly decrease their numbers, despite the swarms that often survive and are subject to further attacks from other predators, like robber-flies and locust-birds, once they reach maturity.

Nor must we omit to notice the use of flies as articles of food for man or useful animals. Many persons are very fond of cheese-hoppers, which are really the maggots of a small fly; and we read in Kirby's "Textbook of Entomology," page 92: "The Rev. A. E. Eaton informs me that he believes that two species of Ephemeridæ (May-flies) form a portion of the so-called 'Kungu Cake,' manufactured by the natives of South Africa of gnats, and probably any other insects which can be obtained in sufficient abundance." "Gentles," which are the maggots of flies, are used by anglers for ground-bait.

We should also note the use of flies as food for humans or useful animals. Many people really enjoy cheese-hoppers, which are actually the maggots of a small fly. In Kirby's "Textbook of Entomology," page 92, it says: "The Rev. A. E. Eaton informs me that he believes two species of Ephemeridæ (May-flies) are part of the so-called 'Kungu Cake,' made by the natives of South Africa from gnats and probably any other insects that can be found in sufficient numbers." "Gentles," which are fly maggots, are used by anglers as ground-bait.


Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville Kent, F.Z.S. Milford-on-Sea.



In the foreground are hemispherical masses of the so-called Brain-Stone and Star-Corals. In the background the rocks are encrusted with various species of soft-fleshed corals allied to the similar "Dead Men's Fingers" of the British Seas.

In the foreground are rounded masses of what’s known as Brain-Stone and Star-Corals. In the background, the rocks are covered with different types of soft corals similar to the "Dead Men's Fingers" found in British seas.








The Molluscan Group or Sub-kingdom represents one, if not the most important, of the invertebrate sections of living animals with relation both to its numbers and variety and in its commercial and economic utility to mankind. In its ranks are included all those animals generally known as Shell-fish, and familiar to the non-scientific in the shape of Oysters, Mussels, Whelks, Periwinkles, and the innumerable varieties of gorgeous or delicately tinted shells of tropical seas.

The Molluscan Group, or Sub-kingdom, is one of the most important sections of invertebrate animals, both in terms of its numbers and diversity, as well as its commercial and economic benefits to people. This group includes all the animals commonly referred to as shellfish, such as oysters, mussels, whelks, periwinkles, and the countless varieties of beautiful or delicately colored shells found in tropical seas.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.



Green shore-crabs constitute the chief food of the octopus.

Green shore crabs are the main food source for the octopus.

Collectively, Molluscs differ from all such invertebrate groups as Insects, Crustaceans, and Worms in that they possess neither jointed limbs nor jointed bodies, their body-substance being enclosed by a more or less distinct muscular sac, or integument, technically known as the "mantle." Molluscs possess no internal skeleton; but for the protection of their soft and otherwise defenceless bodies the mantle is among the great majority of species endowed with the property of secreting a more or less indurated calcareous shell, within which, when danger threatens, the creature can entirely withdraw. In some species the shell secreted is relatively small, and serves only as a protective shield to especially vital areas; while in a third very considerable assemblage a shell is altogether absent. The minute yet technically recognisable structural differences between the shells of even the most closely allied specific forms, and the wider and distinctly evident divergences that separate the more remotely connected varieties, furnish the basis for their classification and nomenclature by the systematic conchologist. Molluscan shells, being so extensively preserved in the fossil state, furnish the geologist with invaluable data for his determination of the age and respective relationship of the fossil-bearing strata of the earth's crust.

Collectively, mollusks differ from other invertebrate groups like insects, crustaceans, and worms in that they don't have jointed limbs or bodies. Their body is enclosed by a distinct muscular layer, known as the "mantle." Mollusks lack an internal skeleton; however, to protect their soft and vulnerable bodies, the mantle of most species can secrete a hard, calcareous shell, allowing the creature to completely withdraw when threatened. In some species, the shell is relatively small and only protects crucial areas, while in many others, the shell is entirely absent. The tiny yet identifiable structural differences between the shells of closely related species, along with the more obvious variations among more distantly related types, provide the basis for classification and naming by systematic conchologists. Molluscan shells, which are often found in fossil form, provide geologists with valuable information for determining the age and relationship of fossil-bearing layers in the Earth's crust.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.



In this attitude the octopus can use its many-suckered tentacles and its formidable parrot-like beak as defensive weapons.

In this position, the octopus can use its many-sucker tentacles and its strong, parrot-like beak as defensive weapons.

Having no jointed limbs, molluscs are dependent upon some other mechanical adaptation for their powers of locomotion. This, in the majority of species, is represented by a modification of the lower surface of the animal's body, {738}which is so richly supplied with muscular tissues as to constitute an effective creeping-base. As a locomotive organ this muscular area is usually known as the "foot."

Having no articulated limbs, mollusks rely on different mechanical adaptations for their ability to move. In most species, this is shown by a modification of the underside of the animal's body, {738}which contains a lot of muscular tissue, allowing it to serve as an effective creeping base. This muscular area is commonly referred to as the "foot."


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



A blue-spotted West Australian species.

A blue-spotted species from WA.

Of living molluscs some 50,000 distinct species have been recorded. The great majority of these organisms are, as is well known, marine. A very considerable number, however, are inhabitants of fresh-water; while a yet smaller proportion, like the Slugs and Snails and their allies, are especially adapted for a terrestrial existence. Excepting two relatively small and inconspicuous groups, the great natural division or sub-kingdom of Molluscs is separated by systematic zoologists into three main sections or classes. The particular modification of the locomotive organ, or foot, serves, on the one hand, to readily distinguish the first or most highly organised group from the second or central class; while the third or lowest one is as clearly separated from the second and first by the character of the shell. The first and most highly developed section includes such species as the Octopus, the Cuttle-fish, the Squid, and the several varieties of Nautiluses; to the second or central group are referred all the marine and terrestrial Slugs and Snails with their innumerable modifications; while the third and lowest group comprises all the double-shelled or bivalve forms, such as Oysters and Mussels.

Of living mollusks, approximately 50,000 distinct species have been documented. The vast majority of these organisms are, as you probably know, marine. However, a significant number inhabit freshwater environments, while a smaller proportion, like Slugs and Snails and their relatives, are specifically adapted for life on land. With the exception of two relatively small and inconspicuous groups, the main natural division or sub-kingdom of Mollusks is classified by systematic zoologists into three main sections or classes. The specific modification of the locomotive organ, or foot, helps to clearly differentiate the first or most advanced group from the second or central class; meanwhile, the third or lowest class is distinctly separated from the second and first by the characteristics of the shell. The first and most developed section includes species such as the Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid, and various types of Nautilus; the second or central group consists of all the marine and terrestrial Slugs and Snails with their countless variations; while the third and lowest group encompasses all the double-shelled or bivalve forms, like Oysters and Mussels.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A Tasmanian squid or cuttlefish.

Giant species of squids have been recorded in which the shorter tentacles measured 12 feet, and the two longer ones as much as 30 or 40 feet in length.

Giant species of squids have been recorded where the shorter tentacles were 12 feet long, and the two longer ones measured as much as 30 or 40 feet in length.

In the Octopus and its allies the creeping-base, or foot, is prolonged round its margin into eight or more arm-like extensions. The anterior of these in the earlier phases of their development grow round and enclose the mouth, which consequently opens upon the centre of the locomotive surface. The arms of the octopus and other forms are in most instances provided throughout their length with complex sucking-disks, wherewith their owners can seize and retain their prey or walk with ease and celerity over the smoothest perpendicular or overhanging rock-surfaces. The octopus, as the type of its class, possesses {739}yet another most effective locomotive organ. This is the so-called funnel, or siphuncle, a membranous tube connected with the capacious gill-cavity which is formed by a folding of the mantle on the under-surface. When at rest or moving leisurely, the water taken in through the pocket-like entrance to this cavity is discharged through the funnel without any particular effort. The animal can, however, at will leave go its attachment to the rocks, and propel itself swiftly through water by successive forcible expulsions of the water through the funnel. By directing the aperture of the funnel to the right or left, the creature can also direct its course in whatever direction it desires. When thus swimming, its translation is necessarily backwards. Another notable feature of the octopus is the "ink-bag," a huge gland secreting an inky-black fluid, which, as produced by the common cuttle-fish, constitutes the sepia of commerce. The contents of the ink-bag are discharged through the funnel at the will of the animal; as soon as the ink is brought into contact with the water, it becomes distributed through it in the form of a thick cloud, under cover of which the mollusc makes good its escape from any attacking enemy.

In the Octopus and its relatives, the creeping base, or foot, extends around its edge into eight or more arm-like appendages. The front of these arms, in their early development stages, grows around and surrounds the mouth, which then opens in the center of the movement surface. The arms of the octopus and other similar species typically have complex sucking disks along their entire length, allowing them to grasp and hold onto their prey or easily move over smooth vertical or overhanging rock surfaces. The octopus, as the representative of its class, has {739}an additional effective means of locomotion. This is the so-called funnel, or siphuncle, a membranous tube linked to the large gill cavity created by a fold in the mantle on the underside. When resting or moving slowly, water taken in through the pocket-like entrance to this cavity is expelled through the funnel with little effort. However, the animal can choose to release its grip on the rocks and push itself quickly through the water by forcefully expelling water through the funnel. By tilting the funnel's opening to the right or left, the creature can steer its movement in the direction it wants. When swimming this way, it moves backward. Another interesting feature of the octopus is the "ink-bag," a large gland that produces a dark ink-like fluid, which, like that of the common cuttlefish, is the source of commercial sepia. The ink-bag's contents can be released through the funnel at the animal's discretion; when the ink mixes with the water, it forms a thick cloud that helps the mollusk escape from any predators.

The octopus in British seas by no means attains to its maximum growth. Examples with arms from 2 to 2½ feet in length are accounted large specimens. In Mediterranean waters, however, these dimensions are much exceeded, individuals with arms 5 feet long, which are capable of covering a circular area no less than 10 feet in diameter with their fully extended appendages, being frequently recorded. In the West Indies, on the North-west American coast, and also in Chinese seas, similar, if not larger dimensions are attained by these creatures. That these monster octopods, or "devil-fish," as they are sometimes designated, prove a source of danger to human life has been abundantly demonstrated. Lurking, as is their custom, among rock-crevices, they seize hold of any moving object which approaches within reach of their extended arms. Bathers in this manner have been seized and drowned, it being impossible for even the strongest swimmer to free himself from the clutches of one of these animals, which, while retaining a firm hold on the rocks with a portion of its hundred-suckered arms, has entwined the others around its victim.

The octopus found in British waters never really reaches its full size. Specimens with arms measuring between 2 to 2½ feet are considered large. However, in the Mediterranean, these sizes are far exceeded, with individuals having arms that can reach 5 feet long, capable of covering a circular area of around 10 feet in diameter when fully extended. In the West Indies, along the Northwest American coast, and in Chinese waters, similar or even larger sizes are seen in these creatures. It's well-documented that these giant octopuses, or "devil-fish" as they are sometimes called, pose a danger to human life. Typically hiding in rock crevices, they grab any moving object that comes within reach of their extended arms. Bathers have been caught and drowned in this way, as even the strongest swimmer cannot escape the grip of one of these animals, which can hold onto the rocks with some of its hundred suckers while entangling the rest around its victim.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Pearly nautilus shell.

The inner lining of this shell is brilliantly iridescent.

The inside of this shell is shine with a brilliant rainbow of colors.

The natural food of the octopus are crabs, lobsters, and their like; and in places like the Channel Islands, where the tide retires very low, leaving the rock-fissures inhabited by the molluscs more or less exposed, their presence may be often foretold by the accumulation of empty, broken-up crab-shells around the entrances to their retreats. In common with other members of its tribe, the octopus is furnished with a strong, horny, parrot-like beak, wherewith it can with ease break through the shells of its accustomed food. The year 1900 was remarkable for the extraordinary abundance of the octopus on the English south coast, the result of their collective depredations very seriously affecting the local crab and lobster fisheries. The pots laid down over-night, in place of yielding the following morning their customary quota of marketable crustaceans, were more often than otherwise found to contain nothing but broken-up shells and a loathsome "devil-fish."

The natural diet of the octopus consists of crabs, lobsters, and similar creatures. In areas like the Channel Islands, where the tide goes very low, exposing the rock crevices where mollusks live, you can often predict their presence by the pile of empty, broken crab shells around the entrances of their homes. Like others in its family, the octopus has a strong, parrot-like beak that easily breaks through the shells of its usual prey. The year 1900 was notable for the huge number of octopuses along the English south coast, as their mass foraging significantly impacted the local crab and lobster fisheries. Pots set overnight, instead of providing the usual haul of marketable crustaceans the next morning, were often found to contain nothing but broken shells and an unappealing "devil-fish."

The Squids and Cuttle-fishes, with their large lustrous eyes, are especially adapted for an open sea life, and for this purpose are furnished with lateral fin-like membranous expansions. A more important structural distinction is their possession of two supplementary appendages, which, {740}usually retracted within special pouches when not in use, can be shot out to a length at least twice that of the eight ordinary arms. Both the cuttle-fish and the squid, or calamary, are also the possessors of an internal calcareous or horny shell which underlies and strengthens the upper-surface. The cuttle-bone used as a dentifrice and ink-eraser is the product of the first-named mollusc. The Ten-armed group, as it is named, with reference to the two supplementary arms, ten in all, possessed by its members, is notable for including species whose dimensions not only exceed those of any other invertebrate type, but whose fully extended length rivals that of the largest vertebrates. Giant squids, or calamaries, have been taken off the coast of Newfoundland, yielding, with their tentacular arms extended, a linear measurement of over 50 feet, associated with an estimated weight of as much as 1,000 lbs. There can be no doubt that these giant squids have in many instances furnished the basis of the oft-recurrent sea-serpent stories, more especially on those occasions where the supposed marine reptile and a whale have been reported as seen engaged in combat. As a matter of fact the sperm-whales habitually feed on deep-sea squids, and have been known, when mortally wounded, to vomit forth detached portions of these gigantic molluscs. The long tentacular arms of one of these monsters, thrown around the whale with which it had entered upon a death-struggle, might at a little distance be easily mistaken for some huge snake-like organism.

The Squids and Cuttlefish, with their large, shiny eyes, are particularly suited for life in the open sea and have lateral fin-like extensions for this purpose. A more significant structural difference is that they have two additional appendages, which, {740}usually hidden in special pouches when not in use, can extend to a length at least twice that of their eight regular arms. Both the cuttlefish and squid, or calamari, also have an internal calcareous or horny shell that supports and reinforces their upper surface. The cuttle-bone, used as a toothpaste and ink eraser, comes from the cuttlefish. The group called the Ten-armed, named for its two supplementary arms, includes species whose sizes surpass any other invertebrates, with fully extended lengths competing with those of the largest vertebrates. Giant squids or calamari have been caught off the coast of Newfoundland, reaching over 50 feet when their tentacles are fully extended and weighing up to 1,000 lbs. It's clear that these giant squids have often been the inspiration for recurring sea-serpent tales, especially when the supposed marine reptile and a whale have been reported to be seen fighting. In fact, sperm whales typically feed on deep-sea squids and have been known to regurgitate parts of these massive mollusks when fatally injured. The long tentacled arms of one of these creatures, gripping the whale during its struggle for life, could easily be mistaken for a large snake-like creature from a distance.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



The female animal only possesses a shell, and uses it as a cradle for her eggs and young.

The female animal has only a shell, which she uses as a cradle for her eggs and young.

The various species of Nautilus, including the so-called "Paper" and "Pearly" species, belong likewise to this group of Molluscs. In the former case, however, it is only the female animal which secretes a shell, and this is used as a cradle wherein she deposits her eggs and rears her young. The pretty romance of the Paper-nautilus, or Argonaut, as it is technically termed, floating on the sun-lit waves with spreading sails and an even keel, has unfortunately been entirely dissipated by the penetrating search-light of modern science. The animal only floats on the surface when ill, or when torn from its customary pasture-fields by abnormal storms, otherwise it creeps about the sea-bottom, or disports itself in the sub-marine grottoes like an ordinary octopus, with which, in point of fact, the shell-less male agrees in all essential details. The shell-cradle of the paper-nautilus is not vitally connected with the body of the animal, as is that of the pearly species and all ordinary shell-fish. It is freely detachable from the body, and during life is grasped and held closely to it by the expanded extremities of the two lateral tentacles by which the delicate shell is mainly secreted.

The different species of Nautilus, including the so-called "Paper" and "Pearly" species, are also part of this group of Molluscs. In the case of the former, only the female creates a shell, which she uses as a cradle to lay her eggs and raise her young. The charming story of the Paper nautilus, or Argonauts, as it’s technically called, drifting on sunlit waves with its sails spread and balanced, has unfortunately been completely shattered by the intense scrutiny of modern science. The animal only floats on the surface when it’s sick or when dragged from its usual feeding grounds by unusual storms; otherwise, it crawls along the sea floor or plays in underwater caves like a typical octopus, with which the shell-less male shares all essential features. The shell-cradle of the paper-nautilus isn’t vitally attached to the animal's body, unlike that of the pearly species and all other shellfish. It can detach freely from the body, and while it’s alive, it’s held closely by the expanded ends of the two lateral tentacles, which primarily secrete the delicate shell.

The next group comprises the great bulk of Simple-shelled Molluscs, of which it is impossible in these pages to give more than a brief enumeration of some of the most prominent. The Lung-breathing section, which is usually awarded the first place on the list, includes the familiar Garden-snails, the Shell-less Slugs, the Fresh-water Snails which come to the surface to breathe, and many distinct terrestrial species. The largest living representative of this group is the huge Land-snail of tropical West Africa, sometimes known as the Agate-snail, the shell of which is not infrequently as much as 7½ inches long.

The next group includes the vast majority of simple-shelled mollusks, and it's not possible in this text to provide more than a brief list of some of the most notable ones. The lung-breathing section, which is usually listed first, features the familiar garden snails, naked slugs, freshwater snails that come to the surface to breathe, and many unique land species. The largest living representative of this group is the giant land snail from tropical West Africa, sometimes called the agate snail, whose shell can be as much as 7½ inches long.


Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] 

Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]


Limpets, whelks, and barnacles.

On the rocks at Ilfracombe when the tide was low.

On the rocks at Ilfracombe when the tide was out.






Composed of iridescent top-shells.

Made of shiny top shells.


Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] 

Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]


Great clam shell on coral reef.

The soft parts have been removed to show the size of the shell and the pure whiteness of the interior.

The soft parts have been taken out to reveal the size of the shell and the pure whiteness of the inside.






The shell in the foreground is 4 feet in diameter.

The shell in the front is 4 feet wide.


The Naked-gilled Sea-slugs constitute a second clearly defined group. All the species are essentially marine, and most abundant among seaweeds and coral-growths, over twenty species occurring in British seas. They are notable for the slug-like form of their body, which is usually supplemented by the outgrowth from it of complex, variously modified gill-filaments. In some species these external gills take the form of symmetrical flower-like tufts at the posterior end of the back, while in others simple or variously branched gills may be developed on the upper-surface. The colours of many of these sea-slugs are more brilliant than those of any other molluscs, this being especially the case with the tropical coral-reef-frequenting species. Bright scarlet, yellows, and blues, separately or variously combined, are among the dominant tints. Many of these tropical species are also of considerable size. One particular kind, having a flower-like dorsal gill-tuft, observed by the writer on the West Australian reefs, was over 10 inches long and 8 inches broad. Its general ground-colour was intense vermilion, relieved, however, by a frilled border nearly an inch in width of the purest white, with radiating streaks of scarlet. It is an interesting circumstance that these naked-gilled molluscs, shell-less so far as their adult phases are concerned, emerge from the egg with a perfectly formed, but necessarily very minute, transparent shell, resembling that of a garden-snail. It is consequently inferred that the group has been derived from some permanently shell-bearing form.

The Naked-gilled sea slugs represent a well-defined group. All the species are primarily marine, and they're most commonly found among seaweeds and coral reefs, with over twenty species in British waters. They’re known for their slug-like body shape, which usually has complex, modified gill filaments protruding from it. In some species, these external gills appear as symmetrical, flower-like tufts at the back, while in others, they can be simple or branched gills on the upper surface. Many of these sea slugs are more colorful than any other mollusks, especially those found in tropical coral reefs. Bright reds, yellows, and blues, either alone or in combinations, are the main colors. Several of these tropical species can also be quite large. One specific type, featuring a flower-like dorsal gill tuft, was seen by the author on the West Australian reefs and measured over 10 inches long and 8 inches wide. Its overall color was a vibrant vermilion, accented by a frilled pure white border about an inch wide, with radiating scarlet streaks. Interestingly, these shell-less naked-gilled mollusks start life with a tiny, transparent shell resembling that of a garden snail when they hatch from the egg. This suggests that the group evolved from a form that had a permanent shell.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



With this structure its owner bores or files a hole through the shells of other molluscs upon which it preys.

With this structure, its owner drills or files a hole through the shells of other mollusks that it feeds on.

The Comb-gilled section embraces the great majority of the marine molluscs having a single more or less convoluted or spirally twisted shell. They take their name from the circumstance that the gills have a compactly disposed comb-like contour. This gill-tuft is situated in an excavated chamber inside the shell, immediately over the neck. The Common Whelk, the Pelican's-foot Shell, and the Winkle are a few typical British marine representatives of this group, which, however, attains to the zenith of its development in the size, variety of form, and ornate coloration of its shells in tropical seas. The inter-tropical coral-reefs in particular yield a most abundant harvest in this direction. The shells in common use obtained from such a source include the ponderous Helmet-shells, or Conchs, employed for the manufacture of cameos; the Giant Whelks and Trumpet-shells, often over 18 inches long, used as signal-horns throughout Polynesia and on the tropical Australian coast; and the capacious Melon-shells, made to do duty for boat-baling and as water-vessels and general domestic receptacles throughout the same tropical area. To this list may be added the Harp-shells, Volutes, Cones, Mitres, Olives, Thorny Woodcocks, and a host of others prized by the conchologist. To this section must also be referred the innumerable species of Cowries, of which the large, boldly mottled "Tiger" and "Panther" species are well known. The comparatively small, yellowish, thickly built, porcelain-like shell of the "Money-cowrie" constitutes, as is well known, the current coin throughout extensive areas of Africa and India. It is recorded that as large a quantity as sixty tons of these small shells, originally collected from tropical seas, have been shipped from one British port alone to the African coast for commercial use within a single year. One very diminutive cowrie, pale pink in colour, with a delicately streaked surface, is indigenous to British waters.

The Comb-gilled section includes most marine mollusks that have a single, more or less twisted or spiraled shell. They get their name from the gills, which have a compact, comb-like shape. This gill tuft is located in a hollow chamber inside the shell, right above the neck. The Common Whelk, the Pelican's-foot Seashell, and the Winkle are just a few typical British marine members of this group, which overall reaches its peak in size, variety of shapes, and decorative coloration of shells in tropical waters. The coral reefs in the tropics, in particular, provide a rich supply in this regard. Commonly used shells sourced from here include the heavy Helmet shells or Conch shells, which are made into cameos; the Giant Whelks and Trumpet shells, often over 18 inches long, used as signal horns in Polynesia and along the tropical coast of Australia; and the large Melon rinds, which serve as boat bailers, water containers, and general household items in the same tropical regions. This list also includes Harp shells, Scrolls, Cones, Miters, Olives, Thorny Woodcocks, and many others that are highly valued by conchologists. This section also encompasses countless species of Cowrie shells, including the well-known large, boldly patterned "Tiger" and "Panther" types. The comparatively small, yellowish, thick, porcelain-like shell of the "Cowrie shell money" serves as currency in large areas of Africa and India. Reports indicate that as much as sixty tons of these small shells, originally collected from tropical seas, have been shipped from one British port to the African coast for commercial use in a single year. One very small cowrie, pale pink in color with a delicately streaked surface, is found in British waters.

The third large group of Molluscs which demands attention is that of the Bivalves, or {743}Leaf-gilled group. Though not so numerous in species as the last, it outrivals it in the enormous abundance in which the individuals of many varieties are produced. Oysters, Mussels, Cockles, Scallops, and other allied forms occur in closely associated colonies, constituting natural "beds" or "banks," which may be of vast extent and, in at any rate the case of oysters, several feet in thickness. From a commercial and economic standpoint this group is undoubtedly of the highest importance to the human race. Not only do its members, as instanced by the foregoing forms, contribute largely to the world's commissariat, they also yield the much-prized material known as "mother-of-pearl" and the purest and most æsthetically beautiful gems—orient pearls. Pearls and mother-of-pearl are the products of two groups of shell-fish, respectively known as Pearl-oysters and Pearl-mussels. There are a considerable number of species, mainly denizens of tropical seas, which, like ordinary oysters and mussels, occur naturally in banks and beds of vast extent. In some species, such as the Ceylon Pearl-oyster, the shell is small, and the mother-of-pearl substance, or "nacre," as it is technically termed, so thin as to be of relatively little value. Hence the fishery for this species is conducted almost exclusively for the sake of the pearls, which are fairly numerous and frequently of the finest quality. From the tropical Australian seas pearl-shells of the largest size, which produce the thickest and most valuable mother-of-pearl, are obtained. Pearls of the best quality are more rarely found in this description of shell, and its fishery is prosecuted primarily on account of the substantial substance and magnificent quality of its nacre. A single pair of shells of this species will attain in its adult state to a weight of from 12 to 18 lbs. The fishery for this pearl-shell has, however, been prosecuted so relentlessly that bivalves of such matured age and weight are now of rare occurrence, and obtained only from almost inaccessibly deep waters. Unless, in point of fact, systematic methods of conservation and cultivation are resorted to on an extensive scale and on lines corresponding fundamentally with those successfully followed in the culture of ordinary commercial oysters, there would seem to be an imminent risk of the valuable Australian pearl-shell fisheries becoming depleted to more or less complete exhaustion.

The third major group of mollusks worth noting is the bivalves, or {743} leaf-gilled group. While not as diverse in species as the previous group, it surpasses it in the sheer abundance of individuals from many varieties. Oysters, Mussels, Cockles, Scallops, and other related forms exist in closely packed colonies, forming natural "beds" or "banks," which can be extensive and, in the case of oysters, several feet thick. From a commercial and economic perspective, this group is undoubtedly extremely important to humanity. Not only do its members, like the ones mentioned above, significantly contribute to the world's food supply, but they also provide the highly valued material known as "mother-of-pearl" and the purest, most aesthetically beautiful gems—orient pearls. Pearls and mother-of-pearl are products of two categories of shellfish, known as Pearl oysters and Pearl mussels. There are quite a number of species, mainly found in tropical seas, that, like regular oysters and mussels, occur naturally in vast banks and beds. In some species, such as the Ceylon Pearl Oyster, the shell is small, and the mother-of-pearl material, or "nacre," as it’s technically called, is so thin that it holds relatively little value. Therefore, fisheries for this species are primarily focused on the pearls, which are quite numerous and often of the finest quality. From the tropical Australian seas, pearl shells of the largest size that produce the thickest and most valuable mother-of-pearl are obtained. High-quality pearls are more rarely found in these types of shells, and the fishery mainly targets the substantial material and exquisite quality of its nacre. A single pair of these shells can weigh between 12 to 18 lbs at maturity. However, the harvest of this pearl shell has been so intense that bivalves of such mature age and weight are now rare and found only in extremely deep waters. Unless systematic conservation and cultivation methods are implemented widely and align fundamentally with the successful techniques used in the farming of standard commercial oysters, there is a significant risk of the valuable Australian pearl shell fisheries becoming depleted to a point of near exhaustion.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


A scorpion shell.

Closely allied to the "Pelican's Foot," found on the British coast.

Closely related to the "Pelican's Foot," found on the British coast.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Rock oysters.

This is the ordinary commercial oyster of the Australian shores.

This is the typical commercial oyster found along the Australian coasts.

The tropical Australian seas, and notably those which wash the Great Barrier Reef, are famous for the production of the largest of living bivalve molluscs. These are represented by the Giant Clams, which, dwelling among the coral-growths, are left exposed to view for brief periods during abnormally low spring tides. A photograph of a colony of these monster bivalves, taken by the writer amidst this mollusc's characteristic surroundings, is reproduced on page 741. The example in the foreground measured no less than 4 feet in diameter and weighed several hundred-weights. In many clams the living tissues, or mantle-borders, that are exposed to view when the shell-valves are partly open, are brilliantly tinted.

The tropical waters of Australia, especially those around the Great Barrier Reef, are well-known for having the largest living bivalve mollusks. These include the Giant Clams, which can be seen among the coral reefs during unusually low spring tides when they are briefly exposed. A photo of a colony of these giant bivalves, taken by the author in their typical habitat, is featured on page 741. The clam in the foreground measured at least 4 feet in diameter and weighed several hundred pounds. In many clams, the living tissue, or mantle edges, that can be seen when the shell valves are slightly open, are vibrantly colored.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


A Queensland oyster farm.

Illustrating another characteristic growth-phase of the Australian rock-oyster.

Illustrating another stage in the growth of the Australian rock oyster.

Of the Scallops many of the larger species are highly esteemed for the table. It is notable of them that they can progress through the water in a jerky, flight-like manner by the repeated flapping of their opposing shells. In many scallops the jewel-like eyes are developed in a row round the margin of the mantle.

Of the Scallops, many of the larger species are highly valued for eating. It's interesting that they can move through the water in a jarring, flight-like way by repeatedly flapping their opposing shells. In many scallops, their jewel-like eyes are arranged in a row around the edge of the mantle.

The Bivalve Class includes certain representatives which are held in evil repute, on account of their destructive habits. Pholas and its allies bore their way into solid rock, bringing about its complete disintegration. From the dreaded Ship-worm, or Teredo, on the other hand, there would appear to be no description of wood that can withstand its ravages.

The Bivalve Class includes certain members that have a bad reputation because of their destructive behaviors. Pholas and its relatives burrow into solid rock, causing it to break down completely. On the other hand, the feared Wood-boring worm, or Teredo, seems to be able to damage any type of wood without exception.

The Bivalve Molluscs are not without fresh-water representatives. The well-known Pond- and River-mussels, which form the most conspicuous examples of this group, number several hundred species. While insipid and of no account for the human commissariat, many of its members produce pearls of value. One such, obtained from the river Conway, in North Wales, is said to occupy a place in the crown of England.

The Bivalve Molluscs do have some freshwater species. The well-known Pond and Freshwater mussels, which are the most noticeable examples of this group, include several hundred species. While they may not be useful for human consumption, many of them produce valuable pearls. One of these, sourced from the river Conway in North Wales, is said to be part of the crown of England.

The Chitons, or Multivalve Molluscs, invite brief notice. As the last-named title implies, the shell-elements in this group are relatively numerous, consisting of eight pieces, or plates, which may form contiguous transverse shelly shields that entirely cover in and protect the dorsal surface of the elongate, boat-shaped body, or may be more or less isolated from one another. In the former instance the animal bears some considerable resemblance to a gigantic limbless wood-louse, and, like that familiar terrestrial crustacean, it is capable of rolling itself into a spheroidal shape as a means of protection. None of the chitons are provided with eyes in the adult state in that region of their body—namely, the head—where they might be most naturally expected to exist. Recent scientific investigation has, however, elicited the fact that in various species the respective shell-plates are studded with minute eye-specks, the aggregate number of visual organs thus possessed by certain forms reaching to the astonishing figures of 11,000 or 12,000. The majority of the chitons are shallow-water, rock-frequenting molluscs, which may be successfully sought by turning over stones at low water. Several species are inhabitants of British seas.

The Chitons, or Multivalve mollusks, deserve a quick mention. As the name suggests, the shell parts in this group are quite numerous, made up of eight pieces or plates that can either form connected, flat shells that fully cover and protect the back of their elongated, boat-shaped body, or they may be more or less separated from each other. In the first case, the animal looks a lot like a giant, legless woodlouse, and like that familiar land crustacean, it can curl itself into a ball for protection. No chitons have eyes in the adult stage in the area of their body—specifically the head—where you'd most commonly expect to find them. However, recent scientific studies have revealed that in various species, the individual shell plates are dotted with tiny eye spots, and the total number of these visual organs in some varieties can reach an astonishing 11,000 or 12,000. Most chitons are shallow-water molluscs that frequent rocky areas and can be found by flipping over stones during low tide. Several species inhabit British waters.



Lamp shells.

A little group of double-shelled creatures, formerly regarded as near allies of the Oysters and Mussels, are the Lamp-shells. Their scientific appellation, signifying "arm footed," relates to the two spirally convoluted arm-like structures which constitute the salient features in these animals. That of lamp-shells bears reference to the small circular perforation near the extremity, or "beak," of the united shells, which imparts to the entire structure a not altogether remote resemblance to an ancient Greek or Roman lamp with its sub-terminal wick-hole. In all essential points of their organisation the lamp-shells differ so essentially from ordinary bivalves that they are now generally recognised as representing an independent animal class, having, as a matter of fact, a closer relationship with Worms than with Molluscs. In their earlier condition certain lamp-shells are indistinguishable from larval worms; while the convoluted arms of the adult animals, thickly beset with bristles and hairs, closely resemble the arms, or "cirrhi," of many sea-worms. The superadded valves of the lamp-shells differ fundamentally from those of the bivalve molluscs in the circumstance that they are developed upon the upper and lower surfaces respectively of the enclosed animal, and not on the sides. The union between the two valves is also accomplished through the medium of interlocking calcareous teeth, in place of a horny or ligamentous hinge-joint, as obtains in an oyster or a mussel. A supplementary calcareous support, having a corresponding spiral shape, is also developed in connection with the convoluted arms. This structure varies in the contour of its minuter details in every specific form, which thus furnishes zoologists with a basis for systematic classification. The lamp-shells collectively form two natural groups or orders. In one of these the shells are hinged together, and are of conspicuously unequal dimensions. The larger shell of the two is more distinctly concave and produced into a perforated beak. It is this structure that in some species resembles the wick-hole of an antique lamp, and has given rise to the popular title by which these shells are distinguished. The second or hingeless group is further distinguished by the shells being of almost uniform shape and size. In the most interesting example of this group, known as Lingula, the two shells are thin, horny, of a green tint, and mounted on a long, flexible, worm-like stalk. Like a worm, this creature moves about in the mud, and constructs a sand-lined dwelling-tube.

A small group of double-shelled creatures, once seen as close relatives of Oysters and Mussels, are the Lamp shells. Their scientific name, meaning "arm-footed," refers to the two spiraled arm-like structures that are the main features of these animals. The term "lamp-shells" references the small circular hole near the tip, or "beak," of the joined shells, which gives the whole structure a resemblance to an ancient Greek or Roman lamp with its wick hole. In key aspects of their structure, lamp-shells differ so much from typical bivalves that they are now widely recognized as part of an independent animal class, actually being more closely related to Worms than to Molluscs. In their early stages, certain lamp-shells look just like larval worms; while the spiraled arms of the adult animals, covered with bristles and hairs, closely resemble the arms, or "cirrhi," of many sea-worms. The added valves of lamp-shells are fundamentally different from those of bivalve molluscs because they develop on the upper and lower surfaces of the enclosed animal rather than on the sides. The connection between the two valves is achieved through interlocking calcareous teeth, instead of the horny or ligamentous hinge joint found in oysters or mussels. A supplementary calcareous support with a corresponding spiral shape also develops alongside the spiraled arms. This structure varies in detail with each specific type, providing zoologists with a basis for classification. Lamp-shells are grouped into two natural orders. In one group, the shells are hinged together and noticeably unequal in size. The larger shell is distinctly concave and extends into a perforated beak. This structure resembles the wick hole of an antique lamp, leading to the common name for these shells. The second group, which lacks a hinge, is characterized by shells that are almost uniform in shape and size. The most interesting example of this group, known as Lingula, has two thin, horny shells that are green and are mounted on a long, flexible, worm-like stalk. Like a worm, this creature moves through the mud and builds a sand-lined dwelling tube.


Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] 

Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]



Consists of nine laterally united pearls corresponding in shape and size.

Consists of nine side-by-side pearls that are the same shape and size.






Many thousand shells may be opened without finding a single pearl.

Many thousands of shells may be opened without finding a single pearl.


Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] 

Photos by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]


Queensland pearls on black-lipped shell.

The black-lipped shell produces pearls of great value.

The black-lipped shell creates pearls that are highly valuable.






The pearl produced is a solid hemispherical or "button" pearl.

The pearl produced is a solid hemispherical or "button" pearl.


Although lamp-shells are represented by comparatively few species at the present day, in the older epochs they existed in enormous abundance. It is further remarkable of this group that many species are scarcely distinguishable from their fossil ancestors. Lingula, the type last referred to, is especially notable in this respect.

Although lamp-shells have relatively few species today, they were extremely abundant in earlier periods. What's even more remarkable about this group is that many species are barely different from their fossil ancestors. Lingula, the last type mentioned, is particularly noteworthy in this regard.



Starfish, sea urchins, etc.

The somewhat varied assemblage of marine animals familiarly known as Star-fishes, Feather-stars, Brittle-stars, Sea-urchins, and Sea-cucumbers all agree structurally with one another and differ from all other living organisms in several conspicuous features. Prominent among these is the circumstance that their protecting skin is more or less extensively impregnated externally and strengthened internally with calcareous elements which take the form of plates and spines and spicules.

The diverse group of marine animals commonly known as Starfish, Feather stars, Brittle stars, Sea urchins, and Sea cucumbers share structural similarities and differ from all other living organisms in several noticeable ways. One key feature is that their protective skin is coated externally and reinforced internally with calcium-based elements, forming plates, spines, and spicules.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Common Short-Spined Sea Urchin.

This species is used for food in Italy and other Continental countries.

This species is used as food in Italy and other European countries.

The Common Sea-urchin may be cited as an example in which these calcareous elements attain their maximum development. The subspherical box-like case or shell, wherein all the vital organs are enclosed and safely protected, is a common object of the seashore, and, empty and denuded of its external coating of prickly spines, familiarly known as a "sea-egg." Examined closely, this shell is found to consist of a series of calcareous plates, which dovetail or fit together in juxtaposition with the utmost nicety. The surface of the shell is studded throughout with rounded hemispherical knobs, those of a larger size having a very distinctly symmetrical plan of distribution. These rounded knobs are the bases of attachment of the spines, which radiate at all points from the surface of the shell when the animal is alive. It will be further recognised on a nearer examination that the walls of the shell are pierced {747}on a definitely symmetrical pattern with minute perforations, such perforations being most distinctly visible on the inner surface of the shell. These minute punctures are the apertures through which in life the delicate tubular locomotive organs, or so-called "feet," are thrust out and retracted. The majority of these tubular organs terminate in a circular sucking-disk, wherewith, collectively, the urchin is able to adhere to and travel over the surface of the smoothest rock, or even up the glass walls of an aquarium. In the empty beach-gathered urchin-shell a circular hole may be observed at the two opposite poles, the one in the centre of the lower and flatter surface being the larger of the two. It is within this lower and larger one that the mouth, with its complex apparatus of teeth, is suspended. The membranous disk which covers the upper and smaller circular aperture in the living animal is perforated centrally by the vent, and around it are grouped the eye-spots and sundry excretory apertures.

The Common sea urchin is a great example of where these calcareous parts reach their peak development. The round, box-like shell that houses and protects all the vital organs is a familiar sight on the seashore, and when it's empty and stripped of its prickly spines, it's commonly referred to as a "sea-egg." When examined closely, this shell is made up of several calcareous plates that fit together perfectly. The shell's surface is covered in rounded, hemispherical knobs, with the larger ones showing a very distinct, symmetrical pattern. These knobs are where the spines attach, which spread out from the shell when the sea-urchin is alive. Upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that the shell’s walls have small symmetrical perforations, which are most clearly seen on the inside. These tiny holes are where the delicate tubular locomotor organs, or "feet," extend and retract when the creature is alive. Most of these tubular structures end in a circular suction disk, allowing the urchin to attach to and move over the smoothest rocks or even up the glass sides of an aquarium. In an empty sea-urchin shell collected from the beach, you can see a circular hole at both ends, with the one in the center of the flatter base being larger. It is through this larger hole that the mouth, equipped with its complex set of teeth, is found. The membranous disk that covers the smaller upper circular hole in the living animal has a central vent, surrounded by eye spots and various excretory openings.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



The needle-like spines of these sea-urchins are over a foot in length. Acres of these creatures may be sometimes seen on tidally exposed areas of the Queensland Great Barrier Reef, where this photograph was taken.

The needle-like spines of these sea urchins are over a foot long. You can sometimes see acres of these creatures on the exposed tidal areas of the Queensland Great Barrier Reef, where this photo was taken.

A noteworthy feature associated with the greater portion of the structural details of the sea-urchin which have been enumerated is the dominance of the number five in the constituent elements. It is found, for instance, that the perforated areas through which the tube-feet are protruded form, as with the petals and other elements of many flowers, five symmetrically corresponding segments. The dental apparatus comprises five equivalent tooth-like structures, and there are five eye-spots and five excretory apertures at the upper pole. This particular number, with multiples of the same, is furthermore characteristic of all the typical members {748}of the class. Thus, in the Common Star-fish, there are five so-called arms, five eye-spots, one at the tip of each arm, and five equivalent elemental components of all the more important viscera. In the Sea-cucumbers, which have elongate worm-like bodies, there is a similar apportionment of the nerves and muscles of the body generally into fives, and also of the branching tentacles which surround the mouth. Tubular locomotive organs, the so-called "tube-feet," are common to all the three types enumerated. The calcareous plates and spinules, while attaining to a maximum development in the urchins, are also abundantly represented in the other groups. In the common star-fish these calcareous elements form within the skin an openly reticulated trellis-like framework, while in the ordinary sea-cucumbers they more usually take the form of innumerable microscopically minute spicules. The two less familiarly known groups of the Feather-stars and Brittle-stars fully agree with the previously enumerated types in their five-fold structural composition. The brittle-stars have almost invariably five arms only, but they are independent outgrowths from the body proper, instead of being prolongations of it, as in the common star-fish.

A notable feature of most of the structural details of the sea urchin is the prevalence of the number five in its components. For example, the holes where the tube feet extend out create five symmetrically arranged segments, similar to the petals and other parts of many flowers. The dental structure consists of five tooth-like elements, and there are five eye spots and five excretory openings at the top. This specific number, along with its multiples, is also typical for all the main members of the class. In the Common Starfish, there are five so-called arms, five eye spots, one at the end of each arm, and five equal elemental parts of all the key internal organs. In Sea Cucumbers, which have long, worm-like bodies, the nerves and muscles are similarly organized into fives, as are the branching tentacles around the mouth. The tubular locomotion organs, known as "tube-feet," are seen in all three types mentioned. The calcareous plates and spines, while most developed in the urchins, are also found in abundance in the other groups. In the common starfish, these calcareous elements form a lattice-like framework within the skin, while in ordinary sea cucumbers, they usually appear as countless tiny spicules. The two less familiar groups, Feather-stars and Brittle-stars, also share this five-fold structural composition. Brittle-stars almost always have five arms only, but these are separate growths from the main body rather than extensions, like in the common starfish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



In large specimens the spines are as thick as a slate-pencil, and may be used for the same purpose.

In larger specimens, the spines are as thick as a pencil and can be used for the same purpose.

The Feather-stars, which include some of the rarest and most beautiful representatives of the group, are mostly inhabitants of deep water, and remarkable for the circumstance that either throughout life or in their early phases they are affixed to submarine objects by slender stalks. This peculiarity imparts to the animals such a flower-like aspect that, in conjunction with the indurated calcareous nature of their skeletons, they have received the title of "Stone-lilies." This appellation, however, was originally more particularly applied to their fossilised remains, which occur in remarkable abundance in the older geological strata.

The Feather stars, which are some of the rarest and most beautiful members of their group, primarily live in deep water and are noteworthy because, either throughout their lives or in their early stages, they attach to underwater objects with slender stalks. This unique feature gives these animals a flower-like appearance, and combined with the hardened, calcareous structure of their skeletons, they are known as "Stone-lilies." However, this name was originally used more specifically for their fossilized remains, which are found in abundance in older geological layers.

The most familiar British representative of the group is the Rosy Feather-star, occasionally obtained among seaweed in rock-pools on the southern coast, but more often brought up with the dredge from deeper water. In this form the elongate feather-like arms radiate from the central, relatively small, five-rayed body. There is no supporting foot-stalk in this adult stage, the animal being freely movable, and clinging to seaweeds and other objects by means of a cluster of claw-like filaments developed upon its under-surface. Releasing its hold upon its temporarily selected position, it can crawl about with the aid of the hooked extremities of its arms and their radiating joints. It can also propel itself through the water in a somewhat clumsy fashion by the consecutive flexion and extension of these appendages. This freedom of locomotion was not, however, always possessed by the feather-star. In its early days, and when of very small size, it was affixed to a slender foot-stalk, and dependent for its food on the animalcules and other minute organisms which drifted or swam within reach of its extended arms. The rosy feather-star takes its name from the bright rose-red tints by which it is usually characterised. Individuals of the species are, however, subject to considerable colour-variation. On the Australian coast, where many forms are abundantly represented, examples tinted deep crimson, black, bright golden yellow, or sundry admixtures of these several hues are not uncommonly found associated among a dredge-haul of these elegant sea-stars.

The most well-known British representative of the group is the Rosy Feather Star, which is sometimes found among seaweed in rock pools along the southern coast, but is more often brought up from deeper water using a dredge. In this form, the long, feather-like arms extend from the relatively small, five-armed center. There is no supporting stalk in this adult stage, so the animal can move freely and cling to seaweeds and other objects with a cluster of claw-like filaments on its underside. When it releases its grip on its temporary spot, it can crawl around using the hooked ends of its arms and their flexible joints. It can also move through the water in a somewhat awkward way by flexing and extending these appendages. However, this freedom of movement was not always the case for the feather-star. In its early stages, when it was very small, it was attached to a thin stalk and relied on tiny creatures and other small organisms that drifted or swam within reach of its outstretched arms for food. The rosy feather-star gets its name from the bright rose-red colors it usually has. However, individuals of the species can vary significantly in color. Along the Australian coast, where many forms are commonly found, examples that are deep crimson, black, bright golden yellow, or various combinations of these colors are often seen among the dredged catches of these elegant sea stars.

The Permanently Stalked Stone-lilies are at the present day of rare occurrence. Up {749}to within comparatively recent years the so-called Medusa's-head Lily was, indeed, regarded as the only living representative of the group. This species has a pentagonal jointed foot-stalk that may be 3 feet long, with five slender appendages developed in whorls at short sub-equal distances throughout its length. From the shallow cup-shaped body at the apex of the stalk a tassel-like bundle of arms is developed, all of these being produced by repeated bifurcation from one of the five equivalent basal stem-joints. Dredging expeditions have within the last quarter of a century revealed the existence of a considerable number of previously unknown species of stone-lilies in the abysses of the ocean, a depth of no less than 3,200 fathoms representing the habitat of one such type.

The Forever Watched Stone-lilies are currently quite rare. Up to just a few years ago, the so-called Medusa's Head Lily was viewed as the only living representative of this group. This species has a five-sided, jointed stalk that can be 3 feet long, with five slender appendages arranged in whorls at short, roughly equal distances along its length. At the top of the stalk, there is a shallow cup-shaped body from which a tassel-like bundle of arms develops, all generated by repeated splitting from one of the five equivalent basal stem joints. Dredging expeditions over the last 25 years have uncovered a significant number of previously unknown stone-lily species in the deep ocean, including one type found at depths of no less than 3,200 fathoms.


Photo by N. Lazarnick]  [New York.

Photo by N. Lazarnick] [New York.


Starfish in water.

If pulled to pieces, each of the five arms, or fingers, will grow into a perfect star-fish.

If torn apart, each of the five arms, or fingers, will regenerate into a complete starfish.

The Star-fish group is represented by the Common Five-fingers, or Cross-fish, as it is sometimes called, and includes a very numerous assemblage of species of varying size and shape and colour. The British seas alone yield some twenty forms. Among the more notable of these is the Sun Star-fish, which, departing from the rule of possessing five arms only, has twelve or more, its contour, from which it derives its name, somewhat resembling that of a symbolic sun. The colours of this species are particularly brilliant, consisting usually of a variably patterned admixture of crimson, pink, and white. An extreme contrast in contour to the sun-star is presented by the so-called Bird's-foot species, in which the body is pentagonal and so flattened out as to somewhat resemble the foot of a duck. In the Cushion-stars the body, while pentagonal, is comparatively thick.

The starfish group includes the Common Five-Finger Discount, also known as the Cross fish, and features a wide variety of species with differing sizes, shapes, and colors. The British seas alone are home to about twenty different types. Among the most notable is the Sunstar, which, unlike most starfish that typically have five arms, has twelve or more. Its shape, which gives it its name, somewhat resembles a symbolic sun. This species is especially vibrant, usually displaying a mix of crimson, pink, and white in its patterns. In sharp contrast to the sun starfish is the Bird's-foot species, whose body is pentagonal and flattened, resembling a duck's foot. The Cushion-stars also have a pentagonal shape, but their bodies are relatively thick.


Photo by E. Connold.]  [St. Leonards.

Photo by E. Connold.]  [St. Leonards.



The sucker-tipped tubes with which the star-fish effects locomotion are well shown in this photograph.

The sucker-tipped tubes that the starfish uses to move are clearly visible in this photograph.

The so-called Snake-armed Sand-stars and Brittle-stars constitute a section distinguished from the preceding by the character of the arms, which branch separately from the central body, and are composed of an innumerable series of calcareous joints, which snap asunder under the slightest provocation. The great majority of the species are provided with five simple arms only. In an exceptional form, however, known as the Shetland Argus, and its allies, these five arms, while simple at their base, bifurcate repeatedly and in geometrical progression to such an extent as to form in life a complex network of writhing, snake-like tendrils, that has been appropriately likened to a Medusa's head. It has been calculated that there are no less than 80,000 terminal arm-subdivisions in adult examples of this species.

The so-called Snake-armed sand stars and Brittle stars make up a group that’s different from the previous ones because of their arms, which branch off from the central body and consist of countless calcareous joints that break apart at the slightest touch. Most species have just five simple arms. However, there’s an exceptional type known as the Shetland News, along with its relatives, where these five arms are simple at their base but split repeatedly and in a geometrical pattern, creating a complex web of writhing, snake-like tendrils that resemble a Medusa's head. It's estimated that there are at least 80,000 terminal arm subdivisions in adult specimens of this species.

Among the Sea-urchin Tribe there are many notable departures from the typical form {750}previously referred to. In some, while the sub-spheroidal form of the case, or test, is still retained, the external spiny armature is greatly varied. In one series these spines are exceedingly long, slender, and of needle-like contour and sharpness. In others, while long, they are abnormally thick and cylindrical, somewhat resembling slate-pencils, for which they are sometimes used as a substitute; or they may be club-shaped, branched, or reduced to flattened plates. In other forms the shell itself is conspicuously modified. With some known as Biscuit- or Cake-urchins it is flattened out to the resemblance of a cake or biscuit, the spines being minute and inconspicuous. In another group, distinguished as Heart-urchins, the shell is oval and bilaterally symmetrical, though the dominant number of five still holds good with regard to the building up of its structural details. One of the most interesting is the Leather-urchin, so called on account of the flexible and loosely jointed character of its shell, the way being paved by such a form to the normally soft- and flexible-skinned sea-cucumbers. Sea-urchins are to a great extent vegetable-feeders, and the larger species are appreciated as an article of food in many countries, the ovaries, or roe, with which at certain periods the shell is mostly filled, forming the edible portion.

Among the Sea-urchin Tribe, there are many interesting variations from the typical form previously mentioned. In some species, the sub-spherical shape of the shell, or test, is still present, but the external spiny covering varies greatly. In one group, these spines are very long, thin, and needle-like in shape and sharpness. In others, while still long, they are unusually thick and cylindrical, resembling slate pencils, which are sometimes used as a substitute; or they can be club-shaped, branched, or flattened into plates. In some forms, the shell itself is notably changed. Some known as Biscuit- or Cake-urchins have a flattened appearance similar to a cake or biscuit, with tiny and inconspicuous spines. Another group, called Heart-urchins, has an oval and bilaterally symmetrical shell, although the dominant count of five still applies to its structural details. One of the most interesting is the Leather-urchin, named for the flexible and loosely joined nature of its shell, which leads to the typically soft and flexible-skinned sea cucumbers. Sea urchins primarily feed on vegetables, and the larger species are valued as food in many countries, with the ovaries, or roe, often filling the shell at certain times, making up the edible part.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



The arms of the brittle-stars are composed of loosely fitting, readily fractured joints.

The arms of brittle-stars are made up of loosely connected joints that can easily break.

The Sea-cucumbers—better known in the commercial world as Bêche-de-mer, or Trepang—represent the only group which possesses a substantial market-value. Its typical members present an elongate worm-like contour, but progress by means of extensile tube-feet, after the manner of the Urchins and Star-fishes, and have their dental, nervous, and muscular systems fashioned on the same five-sectioned basis. The mouth, which is situated at one extremity of the body, is surrounded by a series of ten or twenty delicately branched or mop-like tentacles, which can be protruded or retracted at the animal's will, and are used for seizing food. The skin of the typical sea-cucumber is more or less soft and flexible, and has embedded within its substance innumerable minute calcareous spinules.

The Sea cucumbers—better known in the commercial world as Bêche-de-mer, or Trepang—are the only group with significant market value. Their typical members have a long, worm-like shape but move using extensible tube feet, similar to Urchins and Starfish, and their dental, nervous, and muscular systems are structured on the same five-part design. The mouth, located at one end of the body, is surrounded by a series of ten to twenty delicately branched or mop-like tentacles, which can be extended or retracted at the animal's will and are used for grabbing food. The skin of the typical sea cucumber is relatively soft and flexible, with numerous tiny calcareous spinules embedded within it.

The commercially valuable sea-cucumbers, or bêche-de-mer, are all inhabitants of tropical waters, the North-eastern Australian coast and the Malay seas yielding the most highly prized forms. The Queensland Great Barrier Reef, consisting of a series of coral-reefs extending for upwards of 1,000 miles at a little distance from the Australian mainland, represents one of the most productive areas for this marine delicacy, the bulk of which goes to the Chinese market. The fishery is prosecuted with the assistance mainly of the Queensland natives, who, either by diving or wading on the reefs at low tide, collect the creatures in vast quantities. On being brought to the curing-stations, the animals are emptied from the collecting-sacks into large caldrons, where they are allowed to stew in their own juice for about twenty minutes. Taken out of the caldrons, they are split open and eviscerated, dried for a short interval in the sun, and then placed in tiers on wire gratings in a smoke-house, where they remain for twenty-four hours. They should at this stage have shrunk up to about one quarter of their normally extended size, much resemble charred sausages in aspect, and should rattle like dry walnuts when bagged up for exportation. From £50 to £150 per ton are the prices that the better qualities of bêche-de-mer realise when well cured and delivered at Chinese ports. The chief culinary use to which the cured sea-cucumbers are applied is that of the concoction of soup, the best quality prepared taking rank with that made from swallows' nests. At the hotels and clubs in the leading Australian cities {751}bêche-de-mer soup is held in high favour, and its more extensive introduction on the menu-cards of Western civilisation may be only a question of time.

The commercially valuable sea cucumbers, or bêche-de-mer, are all found in tropical waters, with the northeastern coast of Australia and the Malay seas producing the most sought-after varieties. The Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, a series of coral reefs stretching over 1,000 miles just off the Australian mainland, is one of the most productive areas for this marine delicacy, most of which is sent to the Chinese market. The fishery operates mainly with the help of local Queensland natives, who either dive or wade on the reefs at low tide to collect these creatures in large quantities. Once brought to the processing stations, the animals are emptied from the collecting bags into large pots, where they are stewed in their own juices for about twenty minutes. After being taken out of the pots, they are split open and cleaned, then dried briefly in the sun and arranged in stacks on wire racks in a smokehouse for twenty-four hours. At this stage, they should shrink to about one quarter of their original size, resemble charred sausages, and rattle like dry walnuts when bagged for export. The better quality bêche-de-mer can sell for £50 to £150 per ton when properly cured and delivered to Chinese ports. The primary culinary use of these cured sea cucumbers is for making soup, with the best quality being comparable to soup made from bird's nests. In hotels and clubs in major Australian cities {751}, bêche-de-mer soup is very popular, and its broader introduction on the menus of Western cuisine may just be a matter of time.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A branching-armed brittle star.

The specimen is attached to a brilliant scarlet sponge.

The sample is attached to a bright red sponge.

Many species of sea-cucumbers inhabit British seas, but none possess that density of tissue which is essential for their economic conservation; the majority, moreover, are of comparatively small size, some few inches long only when fully extended, whereas the commercially valuable tropical ones may measure as much as from 2 to 3 feet. The mode of feeding of sea-cucumbers is somewhat interesting; the smaller species, with much-branching tentacles, generally affix themselves by their tube-feet to some object, and, extending their tentacles in all directions, utilise them, like those of a sea-anemone, for seizing any minute and suitable prey which may strike against them. The microscopic organisms on which they chiefly feed abound in the waters they inhabit, and one after the other, the branched tentacles having effected a capture, are gathered together and tucked bodily into the creature's central mouth and apparently half-way down its throat. The larger coral-frequenting species are provided mostly with mop-shaped tentacles. They crawl about leisurely in search of their food, mopping over the ground, and gathering up in their tentacles the minute shells and other organisms on which they subsist, which are collectively thrust with an indrawn tentacle into the throat. In some of the lower forms the tube-feet have disappeared, the integument is thin and semi-transparent, and the worm-like animal crawls about by means of its skin-spinules, which take the form of anchors or grappling-hooks. In an opposite direction they may develop a supplementary covering of dermal plates and a more rigid integument, which indicate their nearer relationship with sea-urchins.

Many species of sea cucumbers live in British waters, but none have the dense tissue needed for their economic preservation. Most are also relatively small, only a few inches long when fully extended, while the commercially valuable tropical ones can reach lengths of 2 to 3 feet. The way sea cucumbers feed is quite interesting; smaller species, with their highly branched tentacles, typically anchor themselves with their tube feet to some object and extend their tentacles in all directions. They use these tentacles, much like those of a sea anemone, to grab any tiny, suitable prey that comes close. The microscopic organisms they primarily eat are plentiful in their environment, and one by one, once captured, the branched tentacles gather the prey and bring it into the creature’s central mouth, appearing to go halfway down its throat. The larger species that live among coral mainly have mop-shaped tentacles. They move slowly in search of food, sweeping the ground and collecting tiny shells and other organisms, which they then pull in using their tentacles into their throat. In some of the simpler species, the tube feet are absent, the skin is thin and semi-transparent, and the worm-like animal moves around using its skin spinules, which function like anchors or grappling hooks. Conversely, they might develop an extra layer of dermal plates and a tougher skin, which shows a closer connection to sea urchins.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Sea cucumbers, some with long tentacles.

A West Australian species whose colours are bright pink and yellow.

A species from Western Australia that features bright pink and yellow colors.

The majority of sea-urchins and star-fishes pass through a series of interesting metamorphoses before arriving at the adult state. The larval phases in these instances are free-swimming organisms, having arm-like processes, strengthened by calcareous rods that have been likened in contour to a clock-stand. A small spherical central area, like a clock in its case, representing the stomach of the larva, develops spicules around it, and becomes the body of the urchin, the other {752}outlying portions becoming gradually absorbed. Some of the brittle-stars and sea-cucumbers bring forth their young in the adult form, nursing them from the egg in special breeding-chambers.

Most sea urchins and starfish undergo a series of fascinating transformations before reaching adulthood. During the larval stages, they are free-swimming creatures with arm-like extensions supported by calcareous rods that resemble the shape of a clock stand. A small, spherical central area, similar to a clock in its casing and representing the larva's stomach, develops spicules around it and forms the body of the urchin, while the surrounding parts are gradually absorbed. Some brittle stars and sea cucumbers give birth to their young in the adult form, nurturing them from the egg in special breeding chambers.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Sea cucumber, or bêche-de-mer.

These animals are collected in vast quantities on the Australian Great Barrier Reef, smoked, and sent to the Chinese market.

These animals are gathered in large numbers from the Australian Great Barrier Reef, smoked, and shipped to the Chinese market.

The capacity of a star-fish to renew its lost arms is commonly manifested. A single detached arm, moreover, in such a type as the common five-fingered species, can reproduce its body and the remaining four arms. Fishermen, who are in the habit of tearing up star-fishes and throwing them back into the water, under the impression that they are thus effectually incapacitating them from further injury to their oyster-beds, commit an error, such mutilation tending to the multiplication of their numbers.

The ability of a starfish to regrow its lost arms is well-known. A single detached arm, especially in the common five-armed species, can regenerate its body and the remaining four arms. Fishermen who frequently tear starfish apart and throw them back into the water, thinking they are preventing further harm to their oyster beds, are mistaken; this kind of mutilation actually encourages an increase in their numbers.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Spiky sea cucumber.

This species of bêche-de-mer commands a high price in China, and makes delicious soup.

This type of sea cucumber is highly valued in China and makes a delicious soup.

In the matter of colour-ornamentation the Star-fish group is richly endowed. Allusion to the brilliant crimson and pink-and-white tints of the British sun star-fish has been already made. As with most animal groups, however, it is amid their tropical representatives that the most striking colour-variations obtain. One form which is common among the coral-reefs on the Queensland coast-line, and much resembles the common British "five-fingers" in size and shape, is brilliant ultramarine-blue. Another large pentagonal species, belonging to the group known as Cushion-stars, has a golden-brown ground, upon which are thickly scattered small bead-like tubercles of turquoise. A third form, not uncommon on the Tasmanian coast-line, which is nearly related to the Bird's-foot species, previously mentioned, is distinguished by tints which range through several shades of crimson to brilliant violet.

In terms of color decoration, the Starfish group is very vibrant. We've already mentioned the bright red and pink-and-white colors of the British sun starfish. However, like most animal groups, the most remarkable color variations are found among their tropical counterparts. One common type found among the coral reefs along the Queensland coast looks a lot like the common British "five-fingers" in size and shape, but it’s a stunning ultramarine blue. Another large pentagonal species, part of the Cushion-stars group, has a golden-brown base scattered with small, bead-like tubercles of turquoise. A third type, often seen along the Tasmanian coast and closely related to the previously mentioned Bird's-foot species, displays colors that range from various shades of crimson to bright violet.

Not a few of the star-fishes are notable for their eminent phosphorescent properties. The group of the Snake-armed and Brittle-stars are more especially distinguished in this respect. Many of these species occur in such numbers in {753}comparatively deep water that the dredge may be filled with a tangled mass of their writhing snake-armed bodies. Should it be night when the dredge is brought aboard, and its contents are emptied upon the deck, the spectacle presented as the star-fishes scramble in all directions, their bodies and arms aglow with pale green or blue phosphoric coruscations, is highly remarkable.

Many starfish are known for their impressive phosphorescent abilities. The group of Snake-armed and Brittle-stars stands out particularly in this regard. Many of these species are found in such large numbers in {753}relatively deep water that the dredge can be filled with a tangled mass of their writhing snake-armed bodies. If it's nighttime when the dredge is brought on board and its contents are dumped onto the deck, the sight of the starfish moving in all directions, their bodies and arms glowing with pale green or blue phosphorescent flashes, is truly remarkable.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Black Sea cucumber.

This photograph was taken through the water in a coral-pool. A large clam-shell, with its expanded fringe of tentacles, is close beside the sea-cucumber.

This photo was taken through the water in a coral pool. A large clam shell, with its wide fringe of tentacles, is right next to the sea cucumber.



Moss animals.

A little group of animals whose relationship with the sub-divisions previously and hereafter described cannot be very definitely determined is that of the Moss-animals, sometimes designated Corallines, or Lace-corals. All its members are of exceedingly minute size, and if living separately would be scarcely discernible to the unaided vision. They are, however, in the habit of forming stocks, or colonies, after the manner of corals, by a process of continual budding, and in this way build up social aggregations which may be of considerable dimensions. The majority are marine, and largely in evidence on almost every seashore in the form of the so-called Sea-mats, consisting of masses of minute, light brown, horny cells, which take the form of seaweeds, or are spread in thin, lace-like encrustations upon the surfaces of shells, stones, and the larger seaweeds. The living inhabitants of these cells are as transparent as glass, their most characteristic feature being the elegant shuttle-cock-shaped crown of tentacles which is thrust out or withdrawn at will from the aperture of each tiny tenement. The assistance of the microscope is requisite for the apprehension of these details, as also of the somewhat complex alimentary and other organs enclosed within the component cells.

A small group of animals whose connection with the categories described earlier and later isn't very clearly defined consists of the Bryozoans, also known as Coralline algae or Lace corals. All members of this group are incredibly tiny, and if they lived separately, they'd be almost invisible to the naked eye. However, they tend to form stocks or colonies like corals through a process of continuous budding, which allows them to create social groups that can be quite large. Most are marine and commonly found on nearly every beach, appearing as the so-called Sea mats, which are made up of masses of tiny, light brown, horn-like cells that resemble seaweeds or form thin, lace-like coverings on shells, stones, and larger seaweeds. The living creatures inside these cells are as clear as glass, and their most distinctive feature is their elegant, shuttlecock-shaped crown of tentacles that can be extended or retracted through the opening of each tiny home. To see these details, as well as the somewhat complex digestive and other organs inside the individual cells, a microscope is necessary.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent>, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent>, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



These coral-like masses are composed of many thousand closely united dwelling-cells of microscopic dimensions.

These coral-like structures are made up of thousands of tightly packed tiny living cells.

A comparatively small number of these moss-animals are inhabitants of fresh-water, forming brown tubular aggregations on the under side of the leaves of water-lilies or other submerged objects. It is interesting to observe that the tentacular crown in almost all these fresh-water species is horseshoe-shaped, instead of like a shuttle-cock, as in the marine forms. One very notable fresh-water species is remarkable for the circumstance that in place of horny tubes the component individuals secrete a common transparent gelatinous matrix, which is provided with a creeping-base, wherewith the colony-stock is enabled to travel over the surfaces of the water-plants among which it lives, or up the glass sides of an aquarium. In some respects, and more especially their earlier developmental phases, the Moss-animals show affinities with the Lamp-shells, while the tentacular crown of the adult individual is closely imitated in certain worms.

A relatively small number of these moss-animals live in fresh water, forming brown tubular clusters on the underside of water-lily leaves or other submerged objects. It's interesting to note that the tentacle crown in almost all these fresh-water species is shaped like a horseshoe, rather than resembling a shuttlecock as seen in marine forms. One particularly notable fresh-water species stands out because, instead of secreting hard tubes, the individual moss-animals produce a common transparent gelatinous matrix. This matrix has a creeping base, allowing the colony to move over the surfaces of the water plants where it resides or up the glass walls of an aquarium. In some ways, especially during their early developmental stages, moss-animals show similarities to lamp shells, while the tentacle crown of the adult is closely mimicked by certain worms.




The Worms and their allies embrace a numerous assemblage of animals which exhibit a remarkable amount of variation both in structure and habits. A fundamental distinction which serves to separate readily even the most highly organised members of the group from the other articulate or jointed-bodied animals, such as Crabs, Insects, or Centipedes, is furnished by the character of the locomotive appendages. These in the Worm Tribe never assume a jointed character, but take the form of unjointed membranous processes which may or may not be supplemented by bristles. Frequently bristles alone constitute the essential locomotive organs. In certain groups, such as the Leeches, Flat-worms, Thread-worms, and others, even these are unrepresented.

The Worms and their allies include a wide variety of animals that show a remarkable range of differences in both structure and behavior. A key distinction that easily separates even the most complex members of this group from other jointed animals like Crabs, Insects, or Centipedes is found in their movement appendages. In the Worm Tribe, these appendages never have joints; instead, they appear as smooth, unsegmented membranes that might have bristles or not. Often, bristles alone are the primary means of movement. In certain groups, like Leeches, Flat-worms, Thread-worms, and others, these bristles are actually absent.

The appropriate title of Bristle-worms has been conferred upon the section in which the locomotive organs take the form of bristles. Among these the Common Earth-worm is included. At first sight the worm's body appears to be perfectly smooth and naked; it is found, however, on closer investigation to be furnished, according to the species, with either two or four longitudinal rows of fine, hook-like bristles. Although these bristles project but slightly above the surface of the skin, they constitute very effective aids to locomotion, enabling the animal to obtain a secure grip upon the surface of the ground over which it may be travelling. Progression under such conditions is effected, in fact, on the same principle as that of the snake, the ends of the stiff bristles with which the segments are armed fulfilling the same role as the projecting edges of the reptile's scales. Earth-worms are chiefly vegetable-feeders, dragging into their holes fallen leaves, straws, and every {755}other description of vegetable débris. They also swallow and pass through their systems large quantities of earth, absorbing from it its organic constituents, and depositing the indigestible residuum therefrom in the form of "earth-casts." The useful function thus performed by worms in bringing up earth from considerable depths and redepositing it upon the surface of the ground has been fully demonstrated in one of Mr. Darwin's works. There are some twenty species of British earth-worms, none of which, however, attain to the proportions of certain kinds indigenous to Australia and South Africa. Some of these giant species are as much as 3 or 4 feet long when unextended, and will on the stretch measure twice such lengths. Their thickness, which is proportionate, may vary from that of a man's finger to that of an ordinary sausage.

The title Bristle worms is used for the group where the movement organs look like bristles. This group includes the Common earthworm. At first glance, the worm's body seems completely smooth and bare; however, upon closer examination, it is discovered that it has, depending on the species, either two or four long rows of fine, hook-like bristles. Although these bristles barely stick out from the skin, they are very helpful for movement, allowing the animal to grip the ground securely as it moves. In fact, this kind of movement works on the same principle as a snake, with the ends of the stiff bristles acting like the sharp edges of a snake's scales. Earth-worms mainly feed on plants, pulling in fallen leaves, straws, and all sorts of other plant material into their burrows. They also consume and expel large amounts of soil, taking in its organic components and leaving behind the indigestible leftovers as "earth-casts." The important role that worms play in bringing soil up from deep underground and redistributing it on the surface has been well demonstrated in one of Mr. Darwin's works. There are about twenty species of British earth-worms, but none reach the size of certain types found in Australia and South Africa. Some of these giant worms can be as long as 3 or 4 feet when coiled and can stretch to measure twice that length. Their thickness, which is proportional, can range from that of a man's finger to that of an ordinary sausage.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Tube worms.

Some with their flower-like gill-tufts expanded.

Some with their flower-like gill-tufts spread out.

The most numerically abundant and structurally varied representatives of the bristle-bearing worms are inhabitants of the sea, and are divisible into two easily recognised natural groups. In one of these the animals resemble earth-worms in their ability to move about freely from place to place. In the other group they secrete and permanently reside within a tubular edifice, which may be calcareous and of shell-like hardness, or composed of particles of sand, mud, or other substances. The free-roving group, which embraces by far the larger number, includes such forms as the Lug-worm, or Lob-worm (held in high repute for fishing-baits), and a host of other allied species. In all of these the development of bristles and other appendages is more pronounced than in the Earth-worms. In another group, known as the Nereids, the elongate worm-like body is more or less flattened in shape; unjointed leg-like appendages, supplemented by bristles, are developed from the majority of the segments, and the animal presents a somewhat centipede-like aspect. This likeness is further enhanced by the presence of antennæ-like organs at the anterior extremity, while the mouth is armed internally with a pair of sharp-pointed, horny jaws. In many of the nereids the lateral organs are flattened out and paddle-like, constituting effective swimming-structures. Some of the larger species attain a length of several feet, and are especially noteworthy for the brilliantly iridescent tinting of their skins. The palm of beauty with respect to its brilliant colouring must undoubtedly, however, be awarded to the so-called Sea-mouse, frequently cast up by storms on the British coast. In this creature the body is comparatively short and thick, 3 or 4 inches long by 1½ to 2 inches wide. The centre of the back is covered in by a felt-like mass of fine interlacing hairs of a brownish hue, underneath which are broad, flat scales which protect the breathing-apparatus. The sides are, however, thickly clothed with long, slender hairs and bristles, each of which reflects the {756}most brilliant prismatic tints.

The most numerous and structurally varied representatives of bristle-bearing worms are found in the sea and can be divided into two easily recognizable groups. In one group, the animals move around freely like earthworms. In the other group, they create and permanently live within a tubular structure that can be hard and shell-like or made of materials like sand, mud, or other substances. The free-moving group, which contains the majority, includes species like the Lugworm or Lobworm (highly valued for fishing bait) and many other related species. In all these, the development of bristles and other appendages is more prominent than in earthworms. The other group, known as the Nereids, has a long, worm-like body that is somewhat flattened; they have unjointed leg-like appendages enhanced by bristles from most segments, giving them a somewhat centipede-like appearance. This resemblance is heightened by the presence of antenna-like organs at the front, and the mouth is equipped internally with a pair of sharp, horny jaws. Many Nereids have flattened, paddle-like lateral organs that function effectively for swimming. Some of the larger species can reach several feet in length and are particularly notable for the brilliant iridescent coloring of their skin. However, the title for the most beautiful coloring must go to the so-called Sea mouse, often washed ashore by storms on the British coast. This creature has a relatively short and thick body, about 3 or 4 inches long and 1½ to 2 inches wide. The center of its back is covered with a felt-like mass of fine interlacing brownish hairs, beneath which are broad, flat scales that protect the respiratory system. The sides are densely covered with long, slender hairs and bristles, each reflecting the {756} most brilliant prismatic colors.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Sea worms, or nereids.

Their innumerable "false feet" impart to them a centipede-like aspect.

Their countless "false feet" give them a centipede-like appearance.

The Tube-dwelling Worms are noteworthy for the elegant and often beautifully coloured flower-like gill-tuft with which the head is crowned. Its separate filaments are clothed with vibrating hairs, which create currents bringing food-particles to the mouth. In those forms which build up a hard calcareous dwelling-tube, one of the gill-filaments is usually so modified as to constitute a stopper-like organ, wherewith the animal, on retreating into its domicile, can effectually bar out the ingress of intruders. In some members of the group the gill-tufts are elegantly branched and supplemented by long, simple, thread-like filaments, that are thrust out to long distances in every direction both for food and the materials required for the further lengthening and enlargement of the tube.

The Tube-dwelling Worms are notable for their elegant and often beautifully colored, flower-like gill tufts that crown their heads. The individual filaments are covered in tiny, vibrating hairs that create currents to bring food particles to their mouths. In those species that build a hard, calcareous dwelling tube, one of the gill filaments is usually modified to form a stopper-like organ, which the animal can use to effectively block intruders when it retreats into its home. In some members of this group, the gill tufts are gracefully branched and accompanied by long, simple, thread-like filaments that extend outwards in all directions to gather food and materials needed to further lengthen and enlarge the tube.

The Leeches differ essentially from the Bristle-worms in the absence of bristles or supplementary appendages, in the presence of an adhesive sucking-disk at the posterior and sometimes also the anterior extremity, and on their well-known blood-sucking propensities. While the Medicinal and so-called Horse-leeches inhabit fresh-water, some, more especially in tropical countries, infest the moist jungles and scrubs in vast numbers, and are among the most actively aggressive pests with which the traveller has to contend. A few leeches also inhabit the sea, preying upon the skate and other fishes. The bodies of these marine species are cylindrical, with a sucker at each extremity, and roughly corrugated or warted.

The Leeches are fundamentally different from Bristle-worms because they lack bristles or extra appendages, have an adhesive sucking disk at the back and sometimes at the front, and are known for their blood-sucking habits. While the Medicinal and so-called Horse leeches live in freshwater, some, especially in tropical areas, thrive in the damp jungles and scrubland in large numbers, making them some of the most aggressively annoying pests travelers face. A few leeches also live in the ocean, feeding on skate and other fish. The bodies of these marine species are cylindrical, with a sucker at each end, and are often rough or bumpy.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Worms, with remarkably iridescent hairs, which burrow in the sand.

Worms, with impressively shiny hairs, burrow in the sand.

The Flat-worms embrace a large number of intestinal and other parasitic species, including Tape-worms, Thread-worms, Liver-flukes, and others. Among the free-living non-parasitic members of this group, the so-called India-rubber-worm is remarkable for the extraordinary elasticity of its tissues. Black in hue, it lives among rocks and seaweeds, and preys upon small fishes and other organisms. These, being seized by the suctorial mouth, are unable to effect their escape, the worm's body being capable of stretching out to a length of 20 feet or more, and "playing" the captured victim like a living elastic fishing-line until its struggles are exhausted.

The Flatworms include many parasitic species, such as Tapeworms, Threadworms, Liver flukes, and others. Among the free-living, non-parasitic members of this group, the rubber worm stands out for its incredible tissue elasticity. Black in color, it inhabits rocks and seaweeds and feeds on small fish and other organisms. Once prey is caught by its suctorial mouth, they can’t escape because the worm’s body can stretch to over 20 feet, effectively “playing” the captured victim like a living elastic fishing line until they wear out from struggling.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Showing soft or leathery and other corals.

Showing soft or leathery and other corals.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Composed chiefly of stag's-horn corals. This coral varies in colour, being sometimes brown with white tips, in other instances grass-green or even brilliant violet.

Composed mainly of stag's-horn corals, this coral comes in various colors, sometimes appearing brown with white tips, other times bright green, or even vivid violet.




Corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish.

With the Sea-anemones and Jelly-fishes almost the lowest organised group of living animals is reached. As typified by an ordinary sea-anemone, the body may be described as a simple sac, the orifice of which is inverted for some little distance, and held in position with relation to the outer wall by a series of radiating partitions. One or more rows of tentacles, varying in number and character according to the species, surround the mouth of this partially inverted sac. There is no distinct intestinal track, the whole space enclosed within the outer wall and ramifying among the radiating partitions containing the digestive juices. The radiating membranous partitions develop upon their surfaces the reproductive elements, and in the case of Corals, which are merely skeleton-producing sea-anemones, partly secrete within them the symmetrical radiating calcareous plates so characteristic of the group.

With sea anemones and jellyfish, we reach one of the most basic groups of living animals. An ordinary sea anemone can be described as a simple sac, with the opening turned inward for a bit and held in place relative to the outer wall by a series of radiating partitions. One or more rows of tentacles, which vary in number and type depending on the species, surround the mouth of this partially inverted sac. There isn’t a distinct intestinal tract; instead, the entire space inside the outer wall, along with the branching partitions, contains digestive juices. The radiating membranous partitions develop reproductive elements on their surfaces, and in the case of corals, which are essentially skeleton-producing sea anemones, they also partially secrete the symmetrical radiating calcareous plates that are so characteristic of this group.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A fully expanded mushroom coral.

In this condition the coral, or skeleton of the animal, is entirely concealed.

In this condition, the coral, or the animal's skeleton, is completely hidden.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



Taken through the water on a coral-reef.

Taken through the water on a coral reef.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Chiefly composed of star-corals, many of them resembling human skulls. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, consisting of innumerable detached reefs and coral-islets, is over 1,500 miles in length.

Chiefly made up of star corals, many of which look like human skulls. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, made up of countless separate reefs and coral islands, stretches over 1,500 miles.


Some thirty odd species of sea-anemones are indigenous to British waters, and one or more of these will be familiar to most readers. The Strawberry-anemone, clinging to the rocks as a hemispherical lump of crimson, green, brown, or red and yellow speckled jelly when the tide is down, and expanding like a beautiful flower when the waters flow back upon it, is the commonest and in many respects the most beautiful of all, the circlet of turquoise beads, regarded as rudimentary eyes, developed around the outer margin of the tentacles, adding a charm possessed by few other species. The Dahlia-anemone, whose expanded disk and innumerable petal-like tentacles may measure as much as 6 or 8 inches in diameter, is the largest British species. These dimensions are, however, vastly exceeded by its tropical allies. The Australian coast produces giant species which may measure no less than from 18 inches to 2 feet across their expanded disks. These giant anemones are further interesting on account of the circumstance that they are self-constituted "harbours of refuge" to sundry species of fishes and crabs, which nestle among their tentacles like birds in a leafy bower. The anemones are themselves bright in colour, but the associated fishes are even more so. In an example which was photographed by the writer on the Western Australian coast, the anemone was olive-green, with the tips of the tentacles bright mauve. The fishes, of which three examples were present, were brilliant orange-scarlet with white bands. In addition to the fishes a small flat-clawed crab shared the sheltering hospitality of the anemone. Some of the tropical coral-reef-frequenting anemones, which have their tentacles beautifully branched, must be cautiously handled, in consequence of their notable stinging properties. All sea-anemones and corals are, in fact, provided with peculiar stinging-cells, with which they benumb and thus make an easy capture of the living organisms on which they prey. While the majority of the sea-anemones live single or individually separate lives, there are some which form aggregations or colony-stocks of numerous units. These compound growths are brought about by repeated budding, or the sub-division or fission, without complete separation, of an originally single individual. It is by a similar process of recurrent sub-division that the wonderful fabrications of the coral-polyps are built up.

Some thirty species of sea anemones are native to British waters, and most readers will be familiar with at least one or more of them. The Strawberry anemone, which sticks to the rocks as a round lump of crimson, green, brown, or red and yellow speckled jelly when the tide is low, expands like a stunning flower when the water flows back over it. It’s the most common and, in many ways, the most beautiful of all, with a circle of turquoise beads, seen as simple eyes, around the outer edge of its tentacles, adding charm that few other species have. The Dahlia anemone, with its expanded disk and countless petal-like tentacles, can reach up to 6 or 8 inches in diameter, making it the largest British species. However, these sizes are vastly outdone by their tropical counterparts. The Australian coast is home to giant species that can measure between 18 inches to 2 feet across their expanded disks. These giant anemones are interesting because they serve as "harbors of refuge" for various species of fish and crabs, which nestle among their tentacles like birds in a leafy shelter. The anemones themselves are brightly colored, but the fish are even more vibrant. In a photograph taken by the writer on the Western Australian coast, the anemone was olive-green, with the tips of its tentacles bright mauve. Three fish that were present were a striking orange-scarlet with white bands. Along with the fish, a small flat-clawed crab also found shelter in the anemone. Some tropical coral-reef anemones, which have beautifully branched tentacles, need to be handled with care due to their noticeable stinging properties. All sea anemones and corals have special stinging cells that they use to paralyze and easily capture the living creatures they prey on. While most sea anemones live solitary lives, some form groups or colonies of many individuals. These compound structures are created through repeated budding or the partial division of an originally single individual. A similar process of repeated subdivision helps build the amazing structures of coral polyps.




Each minute circular cell represents the situation in life of a small sea-anemone-like animal, or coral-polyp.

Each tiny circular cell represents the life situation of a small sea anemone-like creature, or coral polyp.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A bunch of stag's-horn coral.

The life-colours of this coral are a delicate cream with brilliant magenta tips.

The colors of this coral are a soft cream with bright magenta tips.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.



Branching stag's horn corals are chiefly represented in this group. Several of the large solitary mushroom-corals may, however, be observed in the foreground.

Branching stag's horn corals are mainly found in this group. However, several of the large solitary mushroom corals can be seen in the foreground.

An ordinary coral-animal or polyp, as previously stated, differs in no respect from a sea-anemone, excepting for the possession of a calcareous skeleton secreted within its basal tissues, including portions of the membranous radiating partitions. Some coral-animals, like the majority of the Anemones, are solitary, and form single attached or loosely lying corals. The well-known Mushroom-coral is one of the latter. One species observed, which was photographed through the water by the writer as it lay expanded in a tide-pool on the Australian Great Barrier Reef, might easily be mistaken for a big sea-anemone allied to the dahlia-anemone. On being disturbed, however, it immediately shrinks back upon its base, ejecting all the water with which its expanded tissues were filled, and revealing the presence of the hard radiating coral beneath. Each of the calcareous radii, which are now clearly defined through the thin semi-transparent skin, corresponds in position with one of the internal membranous partitions, and also with the origin of one of the tentacles. New mushroom-corals are produced as buds thrown off from the parent, which attach themselves and secrete a foot-stalk, to which they remain affixed, like the young of the feather star-fish, for the earlier epoch of their existence. Ultimately, however, they become detached, and, falling from their stalks, lie loosely on the sea-bottom, after the manner of their parents. The huge coral-masses commonly known as Madrepores, out of which coral-islands and reefs are constructed, all commence as a single coral-animal, with its contained skeleton analogous to the mushroom-coral, though in all instances much smaller. The buds developed by the coral-polyp in these instances remain attached to the parent. If they spread out laterally, they build up by accumulation the large flattened or sub-spherical masses known as Brain-corals and Star-corals, which are most abundant on coast-line reefs, or form the bases of the outer barrier-reefs. Where, on the other hand, the budding is terminal or oblique, branching tree-like growths such as the Stag's-horn Corals, with their innumerable allies and variations, are produced. The colours of the coral-polyps are as brilliant and diverse as those of ordinary sea-anemones, living reefs, whereon a number of different species are {762}in a condition of healthy growth, yielding a spectacular effect that vies with that of any floral parterre. Sometimes large areas, acres upon acres in extent, may be covered with one almost uniform purple, green, brown, or other coloured growth of the branching stag's-horn species. The aspect presented is not unlike that of a heath-covered common.

An ordinary coral animal, or polyp, is essentially the same as a sea anemone, except it has a calcareous skeleton inside its base tissues, including parts of the membranous radiating partitions. Some coral animals, like most anemones, are solitary and form either single attached corals or loosely lying ones. The well-known Mushroom coral is an example of the latter. One species that I photographed underwater while it was expanded in a tide pool on the Australian Great Barrier Reef could easily be mistaken for a large sea anemone related to the dahlia anemone. When disturbed, though, it quickly shrinks back to its base, expelling all the water from its expanded tissues and revealing the hard radiating coral underneath. Each of the calcareous radii, clearly visible through the thin semi-transparent skin, aligns with one of the internal membranous partitions and the origin of one of the tentacles. New mushroom corals are produced as buds that detach from the parent, attach themselves, and secrete a stalk to which they remain fixed, similar to young feather starfish for the earlier part of their lives. Eventually, they become detached and fall from their stalks, resting loosely on the sea floor like their parents. The large coral masses known as Madrepores, which make up coral islands and reefs, all start as a single coral animal, with a skeleton similar to the mushroom coral, although much smaller in size. The buds that the coral polyp develops in these cases stay attached to the parent. If they spread out horizontally, they accumulate to form large flattened or sub-spherical masses known as Brain corals and Star corals, which are common on coastal reefs or form the bases of outer barrier reefs. Conversely, when budding occurs at the tips or at an angle, it leads to tree-like growths such as the Staghorn Corals, along with numerous related species and variations. The colors of coral polyps are as bright and diverse as those of regular sea anemones, creating living reefs where various species are {762} in a state of healthy growth, offering a stunning display that rivals any flower garden. At times, vast areas, spanning acres, may be covered in nearly uniform shades of purple, green, brown, or other colors of the branching stag's-horn species. The appearance is reminiscent of a heath-covered common.

In addition to the solid, calcareous-skeletoned Madrepores, or "Stony Corals," as they are often termed, there are a number of species in which a skeleton composed only of loosely aggregated calcareous spicules is produced. The so-called Flexible Corals, or Sea-fans, belong to this category, as also the precious Coral of Commerce. In the last-named species the solid, brilliantly coloured skeleton so much prized as an article of jewellery is deposited as a supplementary basis outside the tissues by which the star-patterned skeletons of the stony corals are secreted.

In addition to the sturdy, calcium-based skeletons of Madrepores, commonly referred to as "Stony Corals," there are several species that produce a skeleton made up only of loosely grouped calcium spicules. The so-called Flexible Corals, or Sea fans, fall into this category, as does the valuable Business Community. In the latter species, the solid, brightly colored skeleton that is highly valued as a piece of jewelry forms as an additional layer outside the tissues that create the star-patterned skeletons of the stony corals.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


A Queensland star coral.

This species in life is of a pale lemon-yellow tint.

This species in life is a light lemon-yellow color.

A group which demands brief notice is that of the Hydroid Polyps. These include the majority of the Jelly-fishes, a few coral-secreting species, and the organisms whose seaweed-like horny skeletons, known as Sea-firs, are, in common with those of Sea-mats, included among the flotsam and jetsam on every sea-beach. In the Common Hydra, or Freshwater Polyp, an exceptional fresh-water representative of this group is presented. It may be likened to a tiny sea-anemone, having, when extended, a slender foot-stalk and long thread-like tentacles. Like a sea-anemone, it will shrink up when disturbed into a mere button of jelly. Its organisation is more simple than that of the anemone, its body-cavity being a simple sac, without any intucking of the orifice, or strengthening by supplementary membranous partitions. A similar simple structural plan is characteristic of all the organisms belonging to the series. An interesting phenomenon connected with the fresh-water hydra is the circumstance, demonstrated now over a century ago, that, if one of these animals be cut up into little pieces, each separate fragment is capable of repairing itself and growing into a new polyp.

A group that deserves a quick mention is the Hydroid Polyps. This group includes most of the Jellyfish, a few species that produce coral, and organisms with seaweed-like, hard skeletons known as Sea firs, which, like Sea-mats, can be found among the debris on every beach. A notable fresh-water version of this group is the Common Hydra, or Freshwater Hydra. It resembles a tiny sea-anemone, having a slender stalk and long, thread-like tentacles when fully extended. Similar to a sea-anemone, it can contract when disturbed into a small blob of jelly. Its structure is simpler than that of the anemone; its body cavity is just a basic sac, without any folding of the opening or additional membranous partitions for support. This simple structural design is typical for all organisms in this group. An interesting fact about the freshwater hydra, demonstrated over a century ago, is that if one of these creatures is cut into small pieces, each fragment can regenerate and grow into a new polyp.

The Jelly-fishes, or Medusas, and their allies would appear at first sight to possess but little structurally in common with the Coral-polyps and Sea-anemones. In their most familiar form they are represented by a more or less translucent bell-shaped body, which drifts with the current or propels itself through the water by its alternate expansions and contractions. In the centre of the lower surface, occupying the position of the bell's clapper, a polyp-like, tubular mouth is usually discernible, and this is frequently surrounded by a circle of tentacles, sometimes simple and sometimes elaborately ramified. Long, thread-like tentacles are also commonly developed around the margin of the swimming-bell.

The Jellyfish, or Jellyfish, and their relatives may seem at first glance to have little in common structurally with the Coral Polyps and Sea Anemones. In their most recognizable form, they have a somewhat translucent, bell-shaped body that drifts with the current or moves through the water by expanding and contracting alternately. In the center of the underside, where the bell's clapper would be, there's usually a noticeable polyp-like, tubular mouth, often surrounded by a ring of tentacles that can be simple or intricately branched. Long, thread-like tentacles are also commonly found around the edge of the swimming bell.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent. F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent. F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



From 18 inches to 2 feet in diameter when expanded. Bright apple-green in colour, and with almost spherical bead-like tentacles.

From 18 inches to 2 feet in diameter when expanded. Bright apple green in color, and with almost spherical, bead-like tentacles.

The larger number of the jellyfishes are, as a matter of fact, transitional phases only of the fixed hydroid polyps previously referred to. In certain instances the body of the fixed polyp becomes elongated, and splits up horizontally into a series of jelly-fishes, or medusas, resembling a pile of saucers, which consecutively break away and lead a free-roving existence. In other forms a compound tree-like growth gives birth to medusa-like buds, like the flowers on a plant, which ultimately become detached and swim away. What are known as the Comb-bearing Jelly-fishes—their locomotive organs consisting of comb-like bands of vibratile hairs—are especially noteworthy. In some of these the body is nearly spherical or ovate, one of the species, in reference to its shape, being popularly known as the Sea-lemon. A notable feature of these medusas is their remarkable glass-like transparency, their presence in the water in many instances being recognisable only by the prismatic glimmerings of their rows of vibratile hairs when the light falls upon them at a favourable angle. The most remarkable member of this particular group is undoubtedly the form known as Venus's Girdle. This species takes the form of a long, ribbon-like band of transparent jelly. The edges of the ribbon are clothed with vibratile hairs, and the mouth is situated in the centre of one of the edges. The animal progresses by the action of its hairs alone, or may be assisted by the twistings and undulations of its ribbon-like body.

Most jellyfish are actually just transitional stages of the fixed hydroid polyps mentioned earlier. In some cases, the body of the fixed polyp elongates and splits horizontally into a series of jellyfish, or medusas, resembling a stack of saucers that break away one after another to live freely. In other types, a tree-like structure produces medusa-like buds, similar to flowers on a plant, which eventually detach and swim off. The Comb jelly—with their swimming organs made of comb-like bands of tiny vibrating hairs—are particularly interesting. In some of these species, the body is nearly spherical or oval, with one species commonly referred to as the Sea lemon due to its shape. These medusas are notable for their incredible glass-like transparency, often only noticeable in the water by the prismatic shimmer of their rows of vibrating hairs when the light hits them just right. The standout member of this group is undoubtedly the species known as Venus's Belt. This species takes the form of a long, ribbon-like band of clear jelly. The edges of the ribbon are covered in vibrating hairs, and the mouth is located in the center of one edge. The animal moves through the water using only its hairs, or may be helped by the twisting and undulating movements of its ribbon-like body.


Photo by Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


A giant sea anemone.

Measures, when opened, 18 inches in diameter. Is almost always associated with companion or "commensal" fish and crabs of brilliant colour. The fish cruise round in search of food, but always return to shelter among the anemone's tentacles. Photograph taken through the water.

Measures 18 inches in diameter when opened. It's almost always found with colorful companion fish and crabs. The fish swim around looking for food but always come back to hide among the anemone's tentacles. Photo taken underwater.

Many jelly-fishes possess an unenviable reputation with reference to their stinging properties. The so-called Portuguese Man-of-war is one of the more noteworthy of these. The organism consists of an ovately pointed air-bladder, which floats on the water, and from which depend numerous nutritive polyps and a mass of capturing-filaments, or tentacles.

Many jellyfish have a bad reputation because of their stinging abilities. The so-called Portuguese Man o' War is one of the most notable examples. This organism features an oval-shaped air bladder that floats on the water, with numerous feeding polyps and a bunch of tentacles hanging down from it.




Sponges and microorganisms.

The Sponges are regarded as a group standing on the borderland between the Polyps and the lowly organisms which follow. The familiar Bath- and Toilet-sponges of commerce represent but an insignificant fraction in comparison with the many hundred species which find no place in the world's market. Toilet-sponges owe their intrinsic value to the relative fineness and elasticity of their component fibrous skeletons. In these particular species the skeleton is composed of a substance akin to horn. In other sponges the skeleton may consist of horny fibres mixed with flinty spicules, or it may be of flint only, or of spicules of carbonate of lime. Finally, there are sponges which possess no internally supporting skeleton, fibrous or spicular, and whose substance is consequently little more than gelatinous. All these numerous forms, however, agree with one another in the identity of their most essential vital elements. In the living sponge the skeleton, fibrous or otherwise, is embedded within a gelatinous matrix by whose component cells it is excreted. Externally the sponge-body is perforated over the greater portion of its extent by minute holes or pores, while one or more holes of relatively large size occupy the summit of the sponge, or are scattered here and there among the numerous smaller pores. The smaller pores represent incurrent apertures, and lead to chambers within the sponge's substance lined by cells. Each of these is provided with a long whip-like appendage, with a transparent wineglass-shaped cup or collar, which is a beautifully constructed food-trap. The lashings of the whips of the collar-cells cause currents of water bearing nutrient particles to flow in at all the smaller pores. Arriving at the chambers, these particles are caught by the outstretched collar-traps and absorbed into the cell's substance. The water, together with rejected and waste materials given off by the sponge-body, is carried forward, and passes out at the larger orifices or vents.

The Sponges are seen as a group that lies between the Polyps and the simpler organisms that come after. The well-known Bath and Bathroom sponges we find in stores are just a tiny fraction compared to the hundreds of species that don’t have a place in the global market. The value of toilet sponges comes from the fine texture and elasticity of their fibrous skeletons. In these specific species, the skeleton is made of a substance similar to horn. In other sponges, the skeleton can be made of horny fibers mixed with hard spicules, or it might consist solely of flint, or spicules made of calcium carbonate. Lastly, there are sponges that lack any internal skeleton and are mostly just gelatinous. Despite these different forms, all sponges share the same essential vital elements. In a living sponge, the skeleton, whether fibrous or not, is embedded in a gelatinous matrix, which is produced by its cells. On the outside, the sponge's body is pierced by many tiny holes or pores, while one or more larger holes are found at the top of the sponge or scattered among the smaller pores. The smaller pores act as incurrent openings, leading to chambers within the sponge lined with cells. Each of these chambers has a long whip-like appendage with a transparent, cup-shaped collar that serves as a finely crafted food trap. The movements of the collar cells create currents of water that bring in nutrient particles through the smaller pores. Once the particles reach the chambers, they are caught by the collar traps and absorbed by the cells. The water, along with waste materials expelled by the sponge, is then pushed out through the larger openings or vents.


Photo by W Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Ruffled sponge.

A species not infrequently dredged up by the pearl-shell fishers in Sharks Bay, Western Australia.

A species that is often brought up by the pearl shell fishers in Shark Bay, Western Australia.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.


Reticulated sponge.

The skeleton of this sponge is composed of fine horny fibres resembling those of ordinary commercial sponges.

The framework of this sponge is made up of fine, horn-like fibers that are similar to those found in regular commercial sponges.

Among the more remarkable sponges may be mentioned the Neptune's-cup Sponge, like a huge chalice 3 or 4 feet high, indigenous to the South Seas; the wonderful cornucopia-shaped Lace-sponge, consisting of a lace-like reticulation of flinty fibres; and its near ally the Glass-rope Sponge, forming a cup- or bird's-nest-shaped body, supported on a long cylindrical stalk {765}of flinty fibres that may be over a foot in height. One of the compound or social sea-anemones is in the habit of forming bark-like encrustations on this glassy stem, and it was for a long time doubtful whether the sea-anemone or the sponge produced the supporting-stalk.

Among the more remarkable sponges is the Neptune's Cup Sponge, which resembles a giant chalice about 3 or 4 feet tall, found in the South Seas; the amazing cornucopia-shaped Lacy sponge, made up of a lace-like network of flinty fibers; and its close relative, the Glass-rope Sponge, which has a cup- or bird's-nest-shaped body supported by a long cylindrical stalk {765} of flinty fibers that can be over a foot tall. One species of compound or social sea-anemones often forms bark-like encrustations on this glassy stem, leading to a long-standing debate about whether the sea-anemone or the sponge produced the supporting stalk.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea. 

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S., Milford-on-Sea.



Dredged from a depth of 600 fathoms off the coast of Portugal. In life the body, or "cup," of this sponge was deep orange colour, from which the grey beard-like mass of anchoring fibres depended.

Dredged from a depth of 600 fathoms off the coast of Portugal. In life, the body, or "cup," of this sponge was a deep orange color, from which the gray, beard-like mass of anchoring fibers hung down.


Photo by E. Connold]  [St. Leonards.

Photo by E. Connold]  [St. Leonards.



A British species, composed partly of horny and partly of flinty elements.

A British species made up of both hard and glassy components.

The Animalcules, which represent the simplest and lowest forms of living animals, consist chiefly of organisms which are the equivalents of one of the single cells, or, as they might be termed, the "life-bricks," out of which all the higher animals, and also plants, are built up. They are of minute dimensions, and require the aid of the microscope for their proper investigation. Among the most highly organised members of this sub-kingdom mention must be made of the Ciliated Animalcules, or Infusoria, so called because they were first discovered inhabiting decaying vegetable and animal infusions. The so-called Slipper-animalcule is one of the commonest forms which makes its appearance amidst such environments. The length of this single-celled animal scarcely averages the one-hundredth part of an inch, but within this restricted space an amazing degree of structural and functional differentiation is included. Its outer surface is, in the first place, densely clothed with hairs, which represent its organs of locomotion. This outer cell-wall has a subjacent somewhat softer layer, in which are developed as crowded a series (as compared with the hairs) of minute rod-like bodies, which, under various stimuli, can be shot out like darts through the skin, and are adjudged to be offensive and defensive weapons, partaking much of the same nature as the thread- or stinging-cells of sea-anemones. Among other noteworthy structures, the slipper-animalcule {766}has a distinct throat-opening, two rhythmically contracting cavities fulfilling a respiratory function and a complex reproductive nodule, or nucleus. Compared with a host of its kindred, this animalcule is a giant, the longest diameter of many of the smaller varieties measuring no more than the 15000th part of inch, or even less.

The Microorganisms, which are the simplest and most basic forms of living organisms, are primarily made up of entities equivalent to single cells, or what you might call the "building blocks of life," from which all higher animals and plants are formed. They are tiny and need a microscope for proper study. One of the most complex members of this sub-kingdom is the Ciliated Protozoa, or Infusoria, named for their initial discovery in decaying plant and animal matter. The Slipper microbe is one of the most common forms found in such environments. This single-celled organism is barely one-hundredth of an inch long, yet within that small space, there is an incredible level of structural and functional complexity. Its outer surface is covered in tiny hairs, which serve as its means of movement. Beneath this outer cell wall is a slightly softer layer containing numerous tiny rod-like structures that can be shot out like darts through the skin in response to various stimuli, serving as both offensive and defensive mechanisms, similar to the stinging cells of sea anemones. Notable features of the slipper-animalcule include a distinct throat opening, two rhythmically contracting cavities for respiration, and a complex reproductive structure, or nucleus. Compared to many of its relatives, this animalcule is quite large; the longest diameter of some of the smaller types measures no more than the 15000th of an inch, or even less.

The elegant little Bell-animalcule, with its crystal wineglass-shaped body, crown of vibrating hairs, and long spirally contractile foot-stalk, is a familiar object to the possessor of a microscope. Most commonly these single-celled organisms, like the single-celled elements of organic tissues, multiply by repeated sub-division, the number that can be reproduced in a short space of time by this simple process being almost incredible. As many as a million, it has been calculated, of some species may be thus derived from an original single individual within twenty hours. In this connection these lowly organisms can among living animals most logically lay claim to immortality. The individual, in point of fact, never dies. Finding itself growing old and obese at the ripe age of, say, sixty minutes, it has simply to split itself up into two offsets, which swim away and repeat the process. Occasionally, for the rejuvenescence of the race, two individuals coalesce completely with one another, and multiplication by splitting takes place.

The elegant little Bell-animal, with its crystal wineglass-shaped body, crown of vibrating hairs, and long spirally contractile stalk, is a familiar sight for anyone with a microscope. These single-celled organisms, similar to the single-celled components of organic tissues, typically multiply by repeatedly splitting themselves apart, leading to an astonishing increase in numbers over a short period. It's estimated that some species can produce as many as a million descendants from a single origin within just twenty hours. In this regard, these simple organisms can realistically claim a form of immortality among living creatures. Essentially, the individual never truly dies. When it starts to age and become larger, around what we might consider the age of sixty minutes, it simply divides into two new ones, which then swim off and continue the cycle. Occasionally, to refresh the species, two individuals fully merge with each other, and then they multiply through splitting.

Some near relations of the little bell-animalcule, while sub-dividing so far as their bodies are concerned, remain united by their foot-stalks, and thus in time build up beautiful tree-like structures, laden as it were with crystal bells or fruit. In some of these the common branching foot-stalk is erect and rigid, while in others it is flexible, and contains, as in the ordinary species, a central elastic ligament. Under these circumstances the whole tree-like structure, with its crystal bells, collapses and expands again under the slightest stimulus, and constitutes one of the most beautiful objects that can be viewed through the microscope.

Some close relatives of the tiny bell-animalcule, while dividing as their bodies do, stay connected by their stalks, and over time create stunning tree-like formations that look like they're adorned with crystal bells or fruit. In some of these formations, the common branching stalk is upright and stiff, while in others it’s flexible and contains a central elastic ligament, similar to the typical species. In these cases, the entire tree-like structure, along with its crystal bells, collapses and expands with just the slightest touch, making it one of the most beautiful sights to observe under a microscope.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



The Neptune's cup Sponge, allied to this species, is sometimes 2 or 3 feet in height and diameter.

The Neptune's cup sponge, related to this species, can sometimes reach heights and widths of 2 to 3 feet.

In lower forms of the infusorial animalcules one or more long, lash-like organs take the place of locomotive hairs. In this category are included the Collar-bearing Animalcules. Some of these build up tree-like growths by repeated sub-divisions and imperfect separation, after the manner of the bell-animalcules, while others excrete tubular dwelling-cases, inhabited by the resultants of the splitting process. Such forms can with difficulty be distinguished from skeletonless sponges.

In simpler forms of the tiny infusorial creatures, one or more long, whip-like structures replace the moving hairs. This group includes the Collar-wearing Microorganisms. Some of them create tree-like structures through repeated splits and incomplete separations, similar to the bell-animalcules, while others produce tubular living spaces that are occupied by the products of this splitting. These types can be hard to tell apart from skeletonless sponges.

The animalcule Noctiluca, which by its countless myriads is the chief constituent of ocean phosphorescence, is a member of the Lash-bearing group. This noteworthy form invites a somewhat more extended notice. It is to the presence of the Noctiluca in {767}countless myriads upon the upper stratum of the water on calm summer nights that is especially due the diffused form of phosphorescence which is more essentially characteristic of temperate latitudes. Under the most favourable of these conditions, the waves falling upon the strand leave as they retreat a glittering carpet of scintillating points; the oars of the passing boat seem as it were to dip into molten silver; while on the high seas the revolving screw or paddle of the steam-vessel leaves in its wake a broad, luminous track as far as the eye can reach. A glassful of water taken from the sea at such times immediately reveals the origin of these wonderful phenomena. Here and there will be seen floating minute bladder-like transparent spheres, resembling as nearly as possible small granules of boiled sago. Investigated more closely with the microscope, each individual speck will be found to exhibit a pouch-like contour, having a central furrow, from which the lash projects, and upon which the minute mouth-aperture opens. Irritated by agitation in any shape or form, the Noctilucas at once respond by, as it were, angry flashes of silvery-greenish light, and it is to the coruscations in their aggregate condition of many millions of these minute organisms that the several phenomena above recounted are produced.

The tiny organism Noctiluca, which exists in countless numbers, is the main component of ocean glow and belongs to the Lash-bearing group. This remarkable creature deserves a bit more attention. The presence of Noctiluca in {767} countless numbers on the surface of the water during calm summer nights is primarily responsible for the dispersed form of phosphorescence that is particularly characteristic of temperate regions. Under the best conditions, the waves retreating from the shore leave behind a sparkling carpet of flickering points; the oars of a passing boat appear to dip into molten silver; while out at sea, the spinning propeller or paddle of a steamship creates a broad, glowing trail that stretches as far as the eye can see. A glass of seawater taken at such times quickly reveals the source of these amazing phenomena. Scattered throughout are tiny, bladder-like transparent spheres that look a lot like little bits of boiled sago. When examined closely under a microscope, each tiny speck shows a pouch-like shape with a central groove from which a lash extends, leading to a tiny mouth opening. When disturbed, the Noctiluca respond with flashes of silvery-green light, and it’s the collective flickering of millions of these minute organisms that creates the various phenomena described above.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.


Highly magnified foram shells.

The chalk cliffs of Dover and many other strata are mainly composed of similar microscopically minute shells.

The chalk cliffs of Dover and several other layers are mostly made up of tiny shells that can only be seen under a microscope.

One other characteristic manifestation of ocean phosphorescence dependent upon the presence in countless numbers of these minute animalcules may be recorded. To those accustomed to a seafaring life the spectacle is a common one, on nights when the luminosity is most in evidence, of fishes following or darting away from the sides of the vessel apparently aglow themselves with phosphoric light, and leaving behind them, in accordance with their size, a more or less conspicuous luminous path in the murky waters. It is commonly supposed that such form of luminosity is emitted by the fishes themselves; but on closer investigation it will be found that this also is due to the presence of the animalcules under notice in countless numbers, which are disturbed into a sudden display of their phosphoric properties by the passage of the fishes through their midst. This light is reflected, as from a mirror, by the fishes' glittering scales, while the Noctilucas continue scintillating for several seconds in the path or wake through which the fishes have passed.

One more notable feature of ocean phosphorescence, which relies on the countless tiny microorganisms present, can be observed. For those familiar with life at sea, it's a common sight on nights when the glowing effect is most pronounced: fish swimming near the sides of the boat, seeming to shine with phosphorescent light themselves, and leaving behind a noticeable luminous trail in the dark waters, based on their size. It's often believed that this light comes from the fish themselves; however, upon further examination, it's clear that it's actually the microorganisms being stirred up into a sudden flash of their phosphorescent qualities by the fish moving through them. The light reflects off the fish’s shiny scales, while the Noctilucas continue to twinkle for several seconds in the path or wake left by the fish.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.



These are the animalcules which chiefly produce marine phosphorescence.

These are the tiny organisms that mainly create marine phosphorescence.

There are other animalcules nearly allied to Noctilucas which sometimes occur in such vast abundance in both salt and fresh water as to visibly affect its character. In addition to a very long lash they have a girdle of vibratile hairs. The fresh-water representatives of this group are sometimes brilliant green, at others bright scarlet. That instance among the Biblical Egyptian plagues {768}in which the water of the Nile was as it were "turned to blood, and all the fish died," has been attributed to a phenomenal development of these animalcules, which, on dying, polluted and putrefied the water. Instances of fishes being destroyed in vast quantities through a like agency throughout even extensive sea-areas have been occasionally recorded. While these pages are going to press an account has appeared in an American journal of red water caused by these flagellate animalcules, which occurred last July for an extent of at least 200 miles along the coast of California, producing with their decomposition a most sickening odour, and the death of shoals of fishes, octopods, sea-cucumbers, and other organisms.

There are other tiny organisms closely related to Noctilucas that can sometimes be found in such large numbers in both salt and fresh water that they noticeably change the water's appearance. Along with a very long tail, they have a band of vibrating hairs. The freshwater versions of this group can sometimes be a brilliant green and at other times bright red. The Biblical plague of Egypt where the Nile's water was "turned to blood, and all the fish died" has been linked to an explosive growth of these organisms, which, upon dying, contaminated and foul the water. There have been occasional reports of large fish die-offs in vast ocean areas due to similar causes. While these pages were going to press, an article appeared in an American journal about red water caused by these flagellate organisms, which occurred last July along at least 200 miles of the California coast, resulting in a nauseating odor and the death of large numbers of fish, octopuses, sea cucumbers, and other marine life.


Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.]  [Milford-on-Sea.

Photo by W. Saville-Kent, F.Z.S.] [Milford-on-Sea.


Polycystic condition.

Flinty-shelled organisms of microscopic dimensions. The living animals consist of tiny specks of transparent jelly, from which radiate innumerable false feet of hair-like fineness.

Flinty-shelled organisms that are tiny in size. The living creatures are made up of small bits of clear jelly, from which many hair-like false feet extend.

Next to the Flagellates come the Root-footed Animalcules, which possess no mouth and no hairs or lashes, but progress by pushing out lobes of their jelly-like substance in any desired direction, into which the rest of the body flows. Food is picked up at any point with which an acceptable morsel may be brought in contact. The little gelatinous animal known as an Amœba is one of these. Related forms of this jelly animalcule secrete shells of varying form and structure. Some of these, known as Forams, are of carbonate of lime, and wonderfully like nautiluses and other of the higher molluscan shells in aspect. Though so minute, scarcely visible to the unassisted eye, they occur in the sea in such numbers as to form by their aggregations the more considerable ingredients of vast areas of the earth's strata, both past and present. The chalk cliffs of Albion and the white tenacious ooze of the broad Atlantic are thus to a large extent composed of the shells of minute organisms, which formerly flourished near the surface of the ocean, but sank on their death to its abysmal depths.

Next to the Flagellates are the Rooted Microorganisms, which have no mouth and no hairs or lashes. They move by pushing out lobes of their jelly-like substance in any direction, allowing the rest of their body to flow into them. They can pick up food at any point that comes in contact with an acceptable morsel. The small gelatinous creature known as an Amoeba is one of these. Related forms of this jelly animalcule produce shells of various shapes and structures. Some of these, called Foraminifera, are made of calcium carbonate and closely resemble nautiluses and other higher mollusk shells. Despite being so tiny, hardly visible to the naked eye, they exist in such large numbers in the ocean that their accumulations form significant components of vast areas of the earth's layers, both past and present. The chalk cliffs of Albion and the white, sticky ooze of the broad Atlantic are largely made up of the shells of these tiny organisms, which once thrived near the ocean's surface but sank to the depths upon their death.

The simplest of the forams fabricate shells with a single chamber, which are often elegantly vase- or flask-shaped. More usually, however, the shell represents the product of repeated buddings or outgrowths, and may attain considerable dimensions. Flattened circular forms of this type much resemble time-worn coins, and are hence called Nummulites. Their fossil-shells enter mainly into the composition of rocks which extend through North Africa and Asia to the Himalaya, and supplied the stone of which the Pyramids are built.

The simplest forams create shells with a single chamber that are often beautifully shaped like vases or flasks. However, more commonly, the shell is the result of repeated budding or outgrowths, and it can grow to be quite large. Flattened circular shapes of this kind closely resemble old coins, so they are called Nummulites. Their fossil shells mainly make up the rocks that stretch from North Africa and Asia to the Himalayas, and they provided the stone used to build the Pyramids.

Allied to the Forams, but distinguished by the radiating, needle-like contour of their false feet and the flinty texture of their shells, are an equally numerous assemblage of organisms known as Radiolarians. Like the Forams, they are inhabitants of the sea, and their discarded shells enter extensively into the constitution of strata. A little globular fresh-water form, devoid of a shell, and with slender bristle-like feet radiating in every direction, is known as the Sun-animalcule, and forms a connecting-link between the last two groups.

Allied to the Forams, but recognized by their radiating, needle-like shape of their false feet and the glassy texture of their shells, is a large group of organisms called Radiolarians. Similar to the Forams, they live in the sea, and their discarded shells significantly contribute to the composition of sedimentary layers. A small, round freshwater version, which lacks a shell and has thin, bristle-like feet that extend in all directions, is known as the Sun microbe, serving as a link between the previous two groups.


From Man to Egg-laying Mammals, Molluscs to Animalcules, the vast scheme of the Animal Creation has now been successively portrayed. With such simple gelatinous life-specks as the Amœba and its allies The Living Animals of the World make their exit: unorganised organisms, groping blindly in the darkness—"Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."

From humans to egg-laying mammals, mollusks to tiny microorganisms, the extensive variety of animal life has been depicted. Simple, gelatinous life forms like the amoeba and its relatives The Living Animals of the World fade away: unorganized organisms feeling around in the dark—“Without teeth, without eyes, without taste, without anything.”









Aard-vark, Cape, 342

Aardvark, Cape, 342

Aard"vark, Ethiopian, 342

Aardvark, Ethiopian, 342

Aard-wolf, 82

Aardwolf, 82

Addax, 256

Addax, 256

Agutis, 161-2

Agoutis, 161-2

Alpaca, 308-9

Alpaca, 308-9

Anoas, 219

Anoas, 219

Ant-eaters, Banded, 376-7

Ant-eaters, Banded, 376-7

Ant-"aters, Great, 338

Ant-aters, Great, 338

Ant-"aters, Tamandua, 339

Ant-eaters, Tamandua, 339

Ant-"aters, Two-toed, 339-40

Ant-eaters, Two-toed, 339-40

Antelopes, Broad-horned, 255

Antelopes, Broad-horned, 255

Ante"opes, Harnessed, 255-8

Ante"opes, Harnessed, 255-8

Ante"opes, Indian four-horned, 242-4

Ante"opes, Indian four-horned, 242-4

Ante"opes, Roan, 250-2

Ante"opes, Roan, 250-2

Ante"opes, Sable, 251

Before"hopes, Sable, 251

Ante"opes, Saiga, 245-6

Ante"opes, Saiga, 245-6

Apes, i (Introd.), 1

Apes, Introduction, 1

Ap"s, Barbary, 14-5

Ap" Barbary, 14-5

Ap"s, Man-like, i, iv, v, cont. (Introd.), 1

Ap"s, Man-like, i, iv, v, cont. (Intro), 1

Argali, Siberian, 222

Argali, Siberian, 222

Arg"li, Tibetan, 222-3

Arg"li, Tibetan, 222-3

Armadillos, 339

Armadillos, 339

Arma"illos, Kapplers', 341

Arma"illos, Kapplers', 341

Arma"illos, Peba, 341

Arma"illos, Peba, 341

Asses, Wild, African, 195-6

Assess, Wild, African, 195-6

As"es, Wi"d, Baluchi, 196

Ases, Wid, Baluchi, 196

As"es, Domesticated, 206

Domesticated, 206

Aurochs, or Wild Ox, 208

Aurochs, or Wild Ox, 208

Aye-aye, 32

Aye-aye, 32



Albatross, 433-4

Albatross, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Argus-pheasant, 408

Argus pheasant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Auk Tribe, 417

Auk Tribe, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Avocet, 423


Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Adder, 588


Ad"er, Death-, 594-6

Ad"er, Death-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Ad"er, Puff-, 595-6

Ad"er, Puff-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Alligator, Chinese, 551

Chinese alligator, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Alli"ator, Mississippi, 551

Alliator, Mississippi, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anaconda, 591

Anaconda, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Asp, Egyptian, 594

Asp, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Axolotl, 608

Axolotl, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Amphiprion, 633

Amphiprion, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anchovy, 659

Anchovy, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anthias, 613

Anthias, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Arapaimas, 654

Arapaimas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Ant-lion, 698, 700


Ants, 705


An"s, Solitary, 706

An, Solitary, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

An"s, White, 696-8

An, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Aphides, 729


{770}Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Anemones, Sea-, Dahlia, 760

Sea Anemones, Dahlia, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ane"ones, S"a-, Giant, 763

Ane ones, S a-, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ane"ones, S"a-, Strawberry, 760

Ane ones, S a-, Strawberry, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Animalcules, Amœba, 768

Microorganisms, Amoeba, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Bell-, 766

Anim"lcules, Bell-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Ciliated, 765

Anim"lcules, Ciliated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Collar-bearing, 766

Anim"lcules, Collar-wearing, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Root-footed, 768

Anim"lcules, Rooted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Slipper-, 765

Slippery, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Anim"lcules, Sun-, 768

Anim"lcules, Sun-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Argus, Shetland, 749

Argus, Shetland, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Battell, Andrew, 1, 4

Battell, Andrew, 1, 4



Babirusa, 313-5

Babirusa, 313-5

Baboons, 15, 27

Baboons, 15, 27

Bab"ons, Abyssinian, 19

Babons, Abyssinian, 19

Bab"ons, Anubis, 17

Bab ons, Anubis, 17

Bab"ons, Arabian, 1, 17

Babons, Arabian, 1, 17

Bab"ons, Chacma, 15, 20-1

Bab"ons, Chacma, 15, 20-1

Bab"ons, Drill, 18, 22

"Bab" "ons, Drill, 18, 22

Bab"ons, Gelada, 13-7

Bab Gelada, 13-7

Bab"ons, Mandrill, 18-9, 22

Babons, Mandrill, 18-9, 22

Bab"ons, Stories of, 16-7-9

Babons, Stories

Badgers, 129

Badgers, 129

Bad"ers, European, 130

"Bad" European, 130

Bandicoots, Australian, 368

Bandicoots, Australian, 368

Band"coots, Banded or Striped-backed, 370

Band"coots, Banded or Striped-backed, 370

Band"coots, Indian, 160

Band coots, Indian, 160

Band"coots, Long-nosed, 368-70

"Band coots, Long-nosed, 368-70"

Band"coots, Pig-footed, 368

Band coots, Pig-footed, 368

Band"coots, Rabbit-, 368-71

"Band coots, Rabbit-, 368-71"

Banting, 212

Banting, 212

Barb, 201

Barb, 201

Bats, v (Introd.), 165-6

Bats, v (Intro), 165-6

B"ts, Australian Fruit-, 165-6

Australian Fruit, 165-6

B"ts, Indian Fruit-, 167

"Indian Fruit," 167

B"ts, Insect-eating, 167

Insect-eating, 167

B"ts, Leaf-nosed, 167

Leaf-nosed, 167

B"ts, Naked, 168

B Naked

B"ts, Pipistrelle, 167

B" ts, Pipistrelle, 167

B"ts, Sucker-footed, 168

Sucker-footed, 168

B"ts, Tube-nosed Fruit-, 166-7

Tube-nosed Fruit, 166-7

B"ts, Vampire, 168

B Vampire, 168

B"ts, Welwitsch's, 168

Welwitsch's, 168

B"ts, White, 168

B, White, 168

Bears, American Black, 117-8

American Black Bears, 117-8

Be"rs, Amer"can, Brown, 117

Beers, American, Brown, 117

Be"rs, Common Brown, 113-5-6-7

Beers, Common Brown, 113-5-6-7

Be"rs, European Brown, 115

European Brown, 115

Be"rs, Grizzly, 116

Beers, Grizzly, 116

Be"rs, Himalayan Black, 96a, 120

Himalayan Black, 96a, 120

Be"rs, Indian Sloth-, 119

Beers, Indian Sloth-, 119

{771}Be"rs, Ind"an Sl"th-, Anecdotes, 119

Be rs, Ind an Sl th-, Anecdotes, 119

Be"rs, Malayan Sun-, 122

Beers, Malayan Sun-, 122

Be"rs, Peculiarities of, 114-5

Beers, Peculiarities of, 114-5

Be"rs, Polar, 120-1-2

Beers, Polar, 120-1-2

Be"rs, Pol"r, Anecdotes, 124

Beers, Polr, Anecdotes, 124

Be"rs, Pol"r, Habits of, 123

Beers, Polr, Habits of, 123

Be"rs, Russian Brown, 116

Beers, Russian Brown, 116

Be"rs, Syrian, 116-8

Beers, Syrian, 116-8

Be"rs, Syr"an, Stories, 117

Beers, Syrian, Stories, 117

Be"rs, Varieties of, 114

Beers, Varieties of, 114

Beavers, 152-3-4

Beavers, 152-3-4

Bea"ers, American, 152-4

Beers, American, 152-4

Bea"ers, at work, 155

Beers, at work, 155

Bea"ers, Habits of, 154

Beers, Habits of, 154

Beisa, 252-3-4

Beisa, 252-3-4

Be"sa, Tufted, 253

Be "sa, Tufted, 253

Bison, 213

Bison, 213

Bi"on, American, 213-7

Bi American, 213-7

Bi"on, Ame"ican, Bull, 215

Bi "on, American, Bull, 215

Bi"on, European, 213-6

Bi"on, European, 213-6

Blackbuck, 246

Blackbuck, 246

Blesbok, 240

Blesbok, 240

Bluebuck, 250

Bluebuck, 250

Boar, Senaar, 313

Boar, Senaar, 313

B"ar, Wild, 311

B" Wild, 311

B"ar, Wi"d, Indian, 312

B"ar, Wi"d, Indian, 312

Bontebok, 240

Bontebok, 240

Bosch-vark, 314

Bosch pig, 314

Brockets, Pygmy, 298

Brockets, Pygmy, 298

Bro"kets, Red, 298

Bro, Red, 298

Buffaloes, 214

Buffaloes, 214

Buff"loes, African, 216-8

Buff"loes, African, 216-8

Buff"loes, Cape, 216-8

Buffaloes, Cape, 216-8

Buff"loes, Congo, 219

Buffaloes, Congo, 219

Buff"loes, Domestic Indian, 218

"Buffaloes, Domestic Indian, 218

Buff"loes, Indian, 217

Buffaloes, Indian, 217

Bushbucks, 254

Bushbucks, 254

Bush"ucks, Cape, 255

Bushucks, Cape, 255

Bush"ucks, Cumming's, 255

Bush ucks, Cumming's, 255

Bush"ucks, Decula, 255

Bush ucks, Decula, 255



Barbets, 510-1

Barbets, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Bee-eaters, 506-7

Bee-eaters, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Bell-bird, 541-3

Bellbird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Bird of Paradise, 515-6

Bird of Paradise, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Bi"d "f Par"dise, King, 517

"Bid for Paradise," King, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bi"d "f Par"dise, Ki"g of Saxony's, 517

Bi" d "f Par" d "ise, Ki" g of Saxony's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bi"d "f Par"dise, Red, 518

Bi'd f Paradise, Red, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bishop-bird, 522

Bishop bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bittern, Common, 447-8

Common Bittern, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Blackbirds, 536

Blackbirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Blackcock, 399

Black cock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bob-white, 399, 410


Bower-birds, 517

Bowerbirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bower"birds, Golden, 518

Bower birds, Golden, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bower"birds, Spotted, 517

Bower birds, Spotted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Broad-bills, 544

Broad-bills, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bullfinch, 524-5

Bullfinch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Buntings, 525

Banners, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{772}Bun"ings, Reed-, 526


Bun"ings, Snow-, 525

Bun"ings, Snow-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bustard-quail, Indian, 411

Bustard-quail, Indian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bustards, Denham's, 422

Denham's Bustards, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bus"ards, Great, 422-4-6

Busards, Great, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4-6

Bus"ards, Indian, 423

Busards, Indian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butcher-birds, 533

Butcher birds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Buzzard, Rough-legged, 470

Rough-legged Buzzard, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Boa-constrictor, 587-8-90

Boa constrictor, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-90

Bush-master, 597-8

Bushmaster, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8



Barracudas, 630

Barracudas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bass, Black, 612

Bass, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"ss, Sea-, 611

B"ss, Sea-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"ss, Stone-, 613

B"ss, Stone-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bichir, 663-4

Bichir, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Blennies, 630

Blennies, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bonito, 624


Bow-fin, 662


Bream, Sea-, Red, 615

Red Sea Bream, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Brill, 645

Awesome, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bull-heads, 627

Bullheads, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bull-"eads, Armed, 628

Bullheads, Armed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bummaloe, 654-5

Bummaloe, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Butter-fish, 630

Butterfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Barnacles, 670

Barnacles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Barn"cles, Acorn-, 671

Barn"cles, Acorn-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Barn"cles, Goose-, 671

Barn"cles, Goose-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bees, 705


B"es, Bumble-, 706-7-8

B"es, Bumble-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-8

B"es, Carpenter-, 706-8

B, Carpenter, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

B"es, Hive-, 706-7-8

B, Hive, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-8

B"es, Solitary, 706-8

Solitary, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Beetles, 681

Beetles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Blister-, 685

Bee"les, Blister-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Bombardier-, 682

Bee, Bombardier, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, British Musk-, 686-8

Bee "les, British Musk-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Bee"les, Burying-, 682-3

Bee "les, Burying-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Bee"les, Cardinal, 688

Bee"les, Cardinal, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Cellar-, 688

"Beetles, Cellar-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Colorado, 687

Beeles, Colorado, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Devil's Coach-horse, 682

Bee, Devil's Coach-horse, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Diamond-, 686

Bee"les, Diamond-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Dor, 684

Bee"les, Dor, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Drury's Goliath, 683

Bee"les, Drury's Goliath, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Ground-, 682

Bee, Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Harlequin, 686-7

Bee "les, Harlequin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Bee"les, Hercules, 683-4

Bee"les, Hercules, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Bee"les, Jumping-, 686

Bee "les, Jumping-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Leaf-horned, 683

Bee"les, Leaf-horned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Oil-, 685

Bee "les, Oil-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Reed-, 687

Bee les, Reed-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Rhipiphorus, 688

Bee"les, Rhipiphorus, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Rose-, 684

Bee, Rose- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Skipjack, 684

Bee"les, Skipjack, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Stalk-eyed, 688

Bee"les, Stalk-eyed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Tiger-, 681

Bee, Tiger- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{773}Bee"les, Tortoise-, 687

Bee, Tortoise- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Wasp-, 687

Bee, Wasp, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Water-, Black, 682

Bee, Water- Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bee"les, Wat"er-, Brown, 682

Bee, Water-, Brown, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Bugs, Lace-wing, 725-6

Bugs, Lace-wing, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

B"gs, Masked, 726

B"gs, Masked, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"gs, Red, 726

"Bugs, Red, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

B"gs, Shield-, 725

B, Shield- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"gs, True, 725

Bgs, True, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"gs, Water-, 726-7

B"gs, Water-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

B"gs, Wa"er-, Boatmen, 726

Bogs, Water-, Boatmen, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

B"gs, Wa"er-, Scorpions, 726

Bugs, Water-, Scorpions, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butterflies, 709-11

Butterflies, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-11

Butt"rflies, Angle-winged, 714

"Butt" "rflies, Angle-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Australian, 715

Butt"rflies, Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Blue, 712-3

"Butterflies, Blue, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Butt"rflies, Bl"e, Morpho, 712

"Butterflies, Blue, Morpho, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Butt"rflies, Brush-footed, 712

"Butterflies, Brush-footed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Butt"rflies, Copper, 714-5

"Butt" "rflies, Copper, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Butt"rflies, Crœsus, 715-6

"Butt" "rflies, Crœsus, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Butt"rflies, Danaids, 712

"Butt" "butterflies, Danaids, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Diana Fritillary, 710

"Butterflies, Diana Fritillary, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Butt"rflies, Fritillaries, 712-4

"Butterflies, Fritillaries, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4"

Butt"rflies, Hair-streaks, 715

“Butterflies, Hair-streaks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__”

Butt"rflies, Leaf-, 709

"Butt" "butterflies, Leaf-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Long-winged, 710-2

"Butt" butterflies, Long-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Butt"rflies, Monarch, 712

"Butt" "rflies, Monarch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Orange-tip, 715-7

"Butt" "rflies, Orange-tip, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Butt"rflies, Queen of Spain, 710

"Butterflies, Queen of Spain, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Butt"rflies, Red Admiral, 714

"Butt" "rflies, Red Admiral, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Satyrs, 713

"Butt" "rflies, Satyrs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Skippers, 716-7

"Butterflies, Skippers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7"

Butt"rflies, Swallow-tailed, 715-7

"Butt"rflies, Swallow-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Butt"rflies, Tawny Admiral, 711-4

"Butterflies, Tawny Admiral, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4"

Butt"rflies, White, 716

"Butt" "rflies, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Butt"rflies, Wh"te, Cabbage-, 715

"Butt" "rflies, Wh" "te, Cabbage-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Cunningham, Dr., vi (Introd.)

Dr. Cunningham, vi (Introd.)



Cachalot, or Sperm-whale, 333

Sperm Whale, 333

Camels, Arabian, 302-4

Arabian Camels, 302-4

Ca"els, Bactrian, 304-5-6

Caels, Bactrian, 304-5-6

Ca"els, Disposition of, 304

Disposition of, 304

Ca"els, Half-breed, 303

Half-breed, 303

Ca"els, Tribe, 302

Ca"els, Tribe, 302

Ca"els, True, 303

Caels, True, 303

Ca"els, White, 302

Caels, White, 302

Ca"els, Wild, 306

Caels, Wild, 306

Camel-plough, 301

Camel plow, 301

Capybara, 146-63

Capybara, 146-63

Caribou, Barren-ground, 274

Barren-ground Caribou, 274

Car"bou, Newfoundland, 274

Carbou, Newfoundland, 274

Car"bou, Woodland, 272

Car "bou, Woodland, 272

Carnivora, Comparison of, 79

Carnivores, Comparison of, 79

Cats, Australian Spotted, 375

Australian Spotted Cats, 375

C"ts, Black-footed, 56

Black-footed, 56

C"ts, Chaus, 57

Cts, Chaus, 57

C"ts, Golden, 55-6

C"ts, Golden, 55-6

C"ts, Jungle-, 57

C, Jungle-

C"ts, Jun"le-, Habits of, 58

C"ts, Jun," Habits of, 58

C"ts, Kaffir, 56-7

C"ts, Kaffir, 56-7

C"ts, Rusty-spotted, 56

Rusty-spotted, 56

C"ts, Serval, 56-8-9, 60

Cts, Serval, 56-8-9, 60

C"ts, Tr"be, 33

C.Ts, Tr.Be, 33

C"ts, Tr"be, Comparative Intelligence with Apes, etc., 80

C"ts, Tr"be Comparative Intelligence with Apes, etc., 80

C"ts, Tr"be, New World, 50

Cts, Tr, be, New World, 50

C"ts, Wild, 56, 62

Cts, Wild, 56, 62

C"ts, Wi"d, Common, 60-1

C"ts, Wi"d, Common, 60-1

C"ts, Wi"d, Co"mon, Range of, 61

Cts, Wi, d, Co, mon, Range of, 61

C"ts, Wi"d, Co"mon, Stories of, 60

C"ts, Wi"d, Co"mon, Stories of, 60

Cats, Domestic, 68-9

Domestic Cats, 68-9

Abyssinian, 73

Abyssinian, 73

Black, 70

Black, 70 years old

Blue, 70-1-2

Blue, 70-1-2

Chinchilla, 63

Chinchilla, age 63

Farm, 68

Farm, 68

Long-haired, 73

Long-haired, 73

Manx, 72-3

Manx, 72-73

Orange, 71

Orange, age 71

{774}Peculiarities of, 68

Peculiarities of, 68

Persian, 72-3

Persian, 72-73

Siamese, 72-3

Siamese, 72-3

Stories of, 70-1

Stories of, 70-1

Tabby, 70-1-2

Tabby, 70-1-2

Tortoiseshell, 68, 70

Tortoiseshell, 68, 70

White, 68, 70

White, 68, 70

Cattle, Angus, 210

Angus cattle, 210

Cat"le, Cow, Jersey, 209

Cat"le, Cow, Jersey, 209

Cat"le, Devon, 210

Catle, Devon, 210

Cat"le, Domesticated, 209

"Cat" Domesticated, 209

Cat"le, English Park-, 207

Cat"le, English Park, 207

Cat"le, Eng"ish Pa"k-, Bull, 208

Catle, English Park, Bull, 208

Cat"le, Eng"ish Pa"k-, Calf of, 208

Catle, English Park-, Calf of, 208

Cat"le, Hereford 210

Catle, Hereford 210

Cat"le, Highland, 192a

Catle, Highland, 192a

Cat"le, Humped, 210

Catle, Humped, 210

Cat"le, Hum"ed, Bull, Indian, 212

Cat, Hum, Bull, Indian, 212

Cat"le, Long-horn, 210

Longhorn cattle, 210

Cat"le, Spanish, 209

Catle, Spanish, 209

Cat"le, Sussex, 210

Cat, Sussex, 210

Cat"le, Welsh, 210

Catle, Welsh, 210

Cavies, 162-3

Cavies, 162-3

Cheeta, 49, 65-6-7

Cheeta, 49, 65-6-7

Che"ta, Hunting with, 67

Cheta, Hunting with, 67

Che"ta, Range of, 66

Cheta, Range of, 66

Che"ta, Taming of, 66

Cheta, Taming of, 66

Chevrotains, 302-9

Chevrotains, 302-9

Chimpanzee, viii (Introd.), 1

Chimpanzee, viii (Intro), 1

Chim"anzee, Disposition of, 2, 3

Chim"anzee, Disposition of, 2, 3

Chim"anzee, Home of, 2

"Chimpanzee, Home of, 2

Chim"anzee, "Jenny," 2

"Chimp," "Jenny," 2

Chim"anzee, Physical Description of, 2

Chim"anzee, Physical Description of, 2

Chim"anzee, "Sally," 2, 3

"Chim" "anzee," "Sally," 2, 3

Chim"anzee, Soko, 1, 3

Chimpanzee, Soko, 1, 3

Chim"anzee, Young, 3

Chim"anzee, Young, 3

Chinchilla, 161-2

Chinchilla, 161-2

Civets, 75

Civets, 75

Ci"ets, African, 75-6

Ci"ets, African, 75-6

Ci"ets, Bennett's, 76

Bennett's, 76

Ci"ets, Binturong, 76-9

Ci"ets, Binturong, 76-9

Ci"ets, Genet, 75-7

Ci"ets, Genet, 75-7

Ci"ets, Hemigales, 76

Hemigales, 76

Ci"ets, Indian, 74

Ci"ets, Indian, 74

Ci"ets, Linsangs, 76

Ci "ets, Linsangs, 76

Ci"ets, Palm-, 78

Ci"ets, Palm-, 78

Ci"ets, Rasse, 75

Ci"ets, Rasse, 75

Ci"ets, Sumatran, 76

Ciets, Sumatran, 76

Coatis, 126

Coatis, 126

Cobego, 168-9-70

Cobego, 168-9-70

Coypu, 158-61

Coypu, 158-161

Crocodiles, vii (Introd.)

Crocodiles, vii (Intro)

Croc"diles, Prehistoric, v (Introd.)

Crocodiles, Prehistoric, v (Introd.)

Cuscus, Phalangers, Black, 365

Couscous, Phalangers, Black, 365

Cus"us, Phala"gers, Geogr. dist., 366

Cus "us, Phala" gers, Geogr. dist., 366

Cus"us, Phala"gers, Grey, 365

Cus"us, Phala"gers, Grey, 365

Cus"us, Phala"gers, Spotted, 364-6

Cus"us, Phala"gers, Spotted, 364-6



Capercallie, 398

Capercaillie, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cassowary, 384a

Cassowary, 384a

Cass"wary, Sclater's, 393

Cass"cautious, Sclater's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chaffinch, 523-4

Chaffinch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Chatterers, 531

Chatterboxes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chat"erers, Thick-billed, 542

Chat"erers, Thick-billed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chough, 515


Cho"gh, Cornish, 517

Cho gh, Cornish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cockatoos, Australian, 448a, 489-90

Cockatoos, Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__-90

Cock"toos, Black, 490

Roosters"cocks, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cock"toos, Leadbeater's, 491

Cockatoos, Leadbeater's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cock-of-the-rock, 541-4

Cock-of-the-rock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Condor, 464


Coots, 413


Cormorants, 451-2

Cormorants, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Corn-crake, 412

Corn-crake, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cow-birds, 520

Cowbirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cranes, Crowned, 416a, 427-8

Crowned Cranes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__-8

{775}Cr"nes, Common, 425-6-7

Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6-7

Cr"nes, Manchurian, 426

Crimes, Manchurian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"nes, Stanley, 424

Cr"nes, Stanley, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"nes, Wattled, 426

Cr"nes, Wattled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"nes, White, 427

Cr"nes, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"nes, Whooping-, 427

Whooping, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Crow, American, 513

American Crow, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"w, Carrion-, 515

Cr"w, Carrion-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cuckoo, Bronze, 497

Cuckoo, Bronze, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Common, 492

Cu"koo, Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Emerald, 497

Cu"koo, Emerald, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Golden, 497

Cu"koo, Golden, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Great Spotted, 496

Cu"koo, Great Spotted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Ground-, 497

Cu"koo, Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Lark-heeled, 497

Cu"koo, Lark-heeled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Pheasant-, 495

Cu"koo, Pheasant-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cu"koo, Young, 494-6-7-8

Cu"koo, Young, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6-7-8

Curassow, Crested, 411

Crested Curassow, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cur"ssow, Razor-billed, 411

Cur"ssow, Razor-billed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Curlew, 420


Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Caiman, Great, 551

Caiman, Great, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chamæleons, 581-2-3

Chameleons, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2-3

Cobra, 593-4

Cobra, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Co"ra, Giant, 594

Co"ra, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Craits, Indian, 594

Craits, Indian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Crocodile, American, 550

American Crocodile, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Croc"dile, Broad-snouted, 546

Crocodile, Broad-snouted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Croc"dile, Long-snouted, 550

Crocodile, long-snouted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Croc"dile, Nile, 550

Croc"dile, Nile, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Carp, 650


Ca"p, Common, 651

Ca," Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ca"p, King-, 651

Ca", King-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ca"p, Leather-, 651

Ca"Leather-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ca"p, Mirror-, 651

Ca"p, Mirror-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Char, 657


Chiasmodus, 641

Chiasmus, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chimæra, Bottle-nosed, 610

Chimera, Bottlenose, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chi"æra, Sea-cat, 610

Chiæra, Sea-cat, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Chromids, 635

Chromids, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cod, 641-2


C"d, Family, 641

C, Family, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

C"d, Scarlet Rock-, 608a

C, Scarlet Rock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Coffer-fishes, 638-40

Coffer fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-40

Comber, 613


Coral-fish, 633

Coral fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Coral"fish, Gold-finned, 634

Coral fish, Gold-finned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Caterpillars, 709-10-1

Caterpillars, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-10-1

Centipedes, 679

Centipedes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Centi"edes, Electric, 679

Centi"edes, Electric, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cicadas, 728-30

Cicadas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-30

Coch-y-bonddhu, 684

Coch-y-bonddhu, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cockchafer, 683-5

Cockchafer, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Cockroach, 689-90

Cockroach, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-90

Crab, Blue, 673

Blue Crab, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Edible, 672

Cr"b, Edible, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Fighting, 674

Cr"b, Fighting, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Fresh-water, 672

Freshwater, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Hermit-, 672

Cr"B, Hermit-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, King-, 674

Cr"b, King-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Shore-, 674

Cr"b, Shore-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cr"b, Spider-, 673

Cr"b, Spider-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Crayfish, 672

Crayfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cricket, Field-, 692

Cricket, Field, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cri"ket, House-, 691-2

Cri"ket, House-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Cri"ket, Mole-, 691-2

Cri"ket, Mole-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Chitons, or Multivalve Molluscs, 744

Chitons, or multi-valve mollusks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Clams, Giant, 743

Giant Clams, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Corals, Bleached, 761

Corals, bleached, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cor"ls, Brain-, 761

Corls, Brain-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cor"ls, Flexible, 762

Corls, Flexible, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cor"ls, Mushroom-, 758-61

Cor"ls, Mushroom-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-61

Cor"ls, of Commerce, 762

Corls, of Commerce, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cor"ls, Stag's-horn, 760-1

Corls, Stag's-horn, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Cor"ls, Star-, 761-2

Corls, Star-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Cor"ls, Stony, 762

Corls, Stony, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cowries, Money-, 742

Cowries, Money, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{776}Cow"ies, Panther-, 742

{776}Cow"ies, Panther-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cow"ies, Tiger-, 742

Cow"ies, Tiger-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cuttle-fish, 738

Cuttlefish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Discoveries, iv, v (Introd.)

Discoveries, iv, v (Intro)

Dubois, Monsieur, v (Introd.)

Dubois, Mr., v (Introd.)



Deer, Bavian, 290

Deer, Baboon, 290

De"r, Black-tailed, 297

Deer, Black-tailed, 297

De"r, Bokhara, 284

De Bokhara, 284

De"r, Calamianes, 290

De Calamianes, 290

De"r, Chinese Water-, 290-2

De, Chinese Water-, 290-2

De"r, Fallow, 285-8a

De Fallow, 285-8

De"r, Fal"ow, Mesopotamian, 286

De"Falow, Mesopotamian, 286

De"r, Hog-, 288-90

De Hog- 288-90

De"r, Indian Spotted, 282-3-90-9

De, Indian Spotted, 282-3-90-9

De"r, Japanese, 284-99

De, Japanese, 284-99

De"r, Manchurian Roe, 295

De Manchurian Roe, 295

De"r, Marsh-, 297-9

De Marsh, 297-9

De"r, Pampas-, 297

De Pampas- 297

De"r, Père David's, 294-5

De Père David's, 294-5

De"r, Red, 275-99

De, Red, 275-99

De"r, R"d, Caspian, or Maral, 280

De, R, d, Caspian, or Maral, 280

De"r, R"d, Hunting, 276-8

De"R, R"d, Hunting, 276-8

De"r, Siberian Roe, 291-2-3

De Siberian Roe, 291-2-3

De"r, Spotted Oriental, 284-90

De Spotted Oriental, 284-90

De"r, Swamp-, 289-91

De Swamp, 289-91

De"r, Thorold's, 281

De Thorold's, 281

De"r, Tribe, Acclimatisation of, 299, 300

De" Tribe, Acclimatization of, 299, 300

De"r, Tr"be, Domestication of, 300

Deer, Tribe, Domestication of, 300

De"r, True's, 296

De" True's, 296

De"r, Tufted, 292

De Tufted, 292

De"r, Tu"ted, Michie's, 292

De "r, Tu"ted, Michie's, 292

De"r, Tu"ted, Tibetan, 292

De, Tu, Turted, Tibetan, 292

De"r, Virginian, 295-6-7

De" Virginian, 295-6-7

Dibatag, 249

Dibatag, 249

Dik-diks, 242

Dik-diks, 242

Dingoes, 94-5-6

Dingoes, 94-5-6

Dog, Azara's, 96

Dog, Azara's, 96

D"g, Cape Hunting-, 94-6

D"g, Cape Hunting-, 94-6

D"g, Dingoes, 94-5-6

Dingoes, 94-5-6

D"g, Family, 84

D, Family, 84

D"g, Indian, 94

Indian, 94

D"g, In"ian, Red, 96

D "g, In" Red, 96

D"g, Pariah, 112

"D," Pariah, 112

D"g, Raccoon-, 96

D"g, Raccoon-, 96

D"g, Wild, 94

D, Wild, 94

Dogs, Domestic, 101

Dogs, Domestic, 101

African Sand-, 112

African Sand, 112

Bull-dogs, 105-7

Bulldogs, 105-7

Chows, 110

Chows, 110

Cockers, 104

Cockers, 104

Collies, 106

Collies, 106

Dachshunds, 104-5

Dachshunds, 104-105

Dalmatians, 106

Dalmatians, 106

Great Danes, 104-5

Great Danes, 104-5

Griffons Brusselois, 112

Brussels Griffon, 112

Hounds, Basset-, 104

Basset Hounds, 104

Ho"nds, Blood-, 101-4

Blood, 101-4

Ho"nds, Grey-, 102

Ho"nds, Grey-, 102

Ho"nds, Gr"y-, Italian, 112

Honds, Gry-, Italian, 112

Ho"nds, Otter-, 101

Ho"nds, Otter-, 101

Ho"nds, Stag-, Puppies, 101

Ho"nds, Stag-, Puppies, 101

Mastiffs, 105-8

Mastiffs, 105-8

Newfoundlands, 105-6

Newfoundlands, 105-6

Non-sporting, 105

Non-sporting, 105

Old English Sheep-dogs, 106-8

Old English Sheepdogs, 106-8

Pointers, 101-9

Pointers, 101-9

Pomeranians, 109-10

Pomeranians, 109-10

Pugs, 110-1

Pugs, 110 to 1

Retrievers, 102-3

Retrievers, 102-3

Saint Bernards, 104-5

Saint Bernards, 104-5

Schipperkes, 110

Schipperkes, 110

Setters, 102-4

Setters, 102-4

Spaniels, 102

Spaniels, 102

Spa"iels, Black, 104

Spa Aiels, Black, 104

{777}Spa"iels, Clumber, 104

Spa "iels, Clumber, 104

Spa"iels, Japanese, 110-1

Spaiels, Japanese, 110-1

Spa"iels, Pekin, 111

Spaiels, Pekin, 111

Spa"iels, Sussex, 104

Spa, Sussex, 104

Spa"iels, Toy, 111-2

Spa"iels, Toy, 111-2

Terriers, Bedlington, 108

Bedlington Terriers, 108

Ter"iers, Black-and-tan, 108

Terriers, Black and Tan, 108

Ter"iers, Bull-, 108

Ter"iers, Bull-, 108

Ter"iers, Dandie Dinmont, 110

Ter"iers, Dandie Dinmont, 110

Ter"iers, Fox-, 108-11

Ter"iers, Fox-, 108-11

Ter"iers, Irish, 108

Terriers, Irish

Ter"iers, Maltese, 109-11

Terriers, Maltese, 109-11

Ter"iers, Scottish, 108-9

Scottish Terriers, 108-9

Ter"iers, Skye, 109-10

Terriers, Skye

Ter"iers, White English, 108

Ter"iers, White English, 108

Ter"iers, Yorkshire Toy, 111

Ter"iers, Yorkshire Toy, 111

Dolphins, v (Introd.), 333

Dolphins, v (Intro.), 333

Dolp"ins, Bottled-nosed, 335

Bottlenose dolphins, 335

Dolp"ins, Elliott's, 334

Dolp"ins, Elliott's, 334

Dolp"ins, Heavyside's, 335

Dolpins, Heavyside's, 335

Dolp"ins, Risso's, 334

Dolp"ins, Risso's, 334

Dolp"ins, Short-beaked River-, 331

Short-beaked River dolphin, 331

Donkey, 205

Donkey, 205

Donkeys, Egyptian, 206

Donkeys, Egypt, 206

Dormice, 156

Dormice, 156

Dromedary, 303-4

Dromedary, 303-304

Dugong, 327

Dugong, 327

Duikers, 242

Duikers, 242

Dui"ers, Red-flanked, 241

DUI offenders, Red-flanked, 241



Darter, 452


Dipper, 538


Divers, 428-30

Divers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-30

Doves, Scaly, 416

Doves, Scaly, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ducks, Aylesbury, 457

Ducks, Aylesbury, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Du"ks, Eider-, 458

Du"ks, Eider-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Du"ks, Paradise-, 459

Du"ks, Paradise-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Du"ks, Wild, 457

Du"ks, Wild, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Dunlin, 421




Dab, 645


Dentex, 613


Dories, John, 622-3-4

Dories, John, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3-4

Do"ies, Long-finned, 623

Doies, Long-finned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Drum, 618


Jointed Animals: Insects etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Drummers, 690

Drummers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Ewart, Professor, 194

Professor Ewart, 194



Echidna, or Porcupine Ant-eater, 380-1-2-3

Echidna, or Porcupine Ant-eater

Elands, 260-1-2

Elands, 260-1-2

El"nds, Derbian, 262

Elnds, Derbian, 262

Elephants, 172

Elephants, 172

Elep"ants, African, 178-9

Elephants, African, 178-9

Elep"ants, Asiatic, Range, 176

Elephants, Asiatic, Range, 176

Elep"ants, Comparison of African and Asiatic, 172-4-6

Elephant"ants Comparison of African and Asian, 172-4-6

Elep"ants, Disposition of, 177

Elephants, Disposition of, 177

Elep"ants, Domestication of, 178

Elep"ants, Domestication of, 178

Elep"ants, East African, vi (Introd.)

"Elephants, East African, vi (Introd.)"

Elep"ants, Indian, 172-3-4-6-7

Elep"ants, Indian, 172-3-4-6-7

Elep"ants, Intelligence of, 179

"Elephants, Intelligence of, 179"

Elep"ants, Strength of, 178

Elep"ants, Strength of, 178

Elep"ants, Timber-, 175

Elephants, Timber-, 175

Elep"ants, Tusks, 175

Elephants, Tusks, 175

Elk, American, or Moose, 274

Elk, American, or Moose, 274

E"k, Irish, 286

E"k, Irish, 286

E"k, Scandinavian, 273

E"k, Scandinavian, 273

Ermine, 133

Ermine, 133



Eagles, African Sea-, 475

African Sea Eagles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Chilian Sea-, 475

Ea"les, Chilian Sea-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Crested, 475

Ea"les, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Golden, 471

Ea"les, Golden, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Harpy-, 472

Ea"les, Harpy-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Imperial, 475

Ea"les, Imperial, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Martial Hawk-, 476

Ea"les, Martial Hawk-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, White-tailed, 472

Ea"les, White-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ea"les, Wedge-tailed, 473

Wedge-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Egret, 445-6

Egret, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Eg"et, Indian Cattle-, 447

"Hey, Indian Cattle-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Emeu, 394-5




Eels, 646


E"ls, Common Fresh-water, 646

Freshwater, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

E"ls, Conger-, 647-8

E"ls, Conger-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

E"ls, Deep-sea, 646-8

Deep-sea, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

E"ls, Electric, 646-50

Eels, Electric, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-50

E"ls, Painted, 646-8-9

E"ls, Painted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-9

E"ls, Sand-, 643

E"ls, Sand-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

E"ls, Serpent-, 646-8

Els, Serpent-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

E"ls, Sharp-nosed, 647

E"ls, Sharp-nosed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Earwigs, Common, 689

Common Earwigs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Finners, or Rorquals, 333

Finners or Rorquals, 333

Fossa, 74

Fossa, 74 years old

Foxes, 97

Foxes, 97

Fo"es, Arctic, 100

Fo"es, Arctic, 100

Fo"es, Common, 98-9

Fo"es, Common, 98-9

Fo"es, Cubs, 97

Cubs, 97

Fo"es, Fennec-, 100

Fo"es, Fennec-, 100

Fo"es, Leicestershire, 98

Fo, Leicestershire, 98

Fo"es, Mountain-, 98

Fo"es, Mountain-, 98

Fo"es, Skins, 98

Fo"es, Skins, 98

Flying-fox, v (Introd.)

Flying fox, v (Intro.)



Falcons, Jer-, 474-7

Falcons, Jer-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Fal"ons, Peregrine, 474-7

Falons, Peregrine, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Finches, Indigo, 512a

Indigo Finches, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fin-feet, 413

Fin-feet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flamingo, 439-40

Flamingo, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-40

Flower-peckers, 533

Flower-peckers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fly-catchers, 538-9

Fly traps, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Fly-ca"chers, Tyrant, 544

"Fly-catchers, Tyrant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Fowls, Domestic—

Chickens, domestic—

Andalusians, 407

Andalusians, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Black Spanish, 407

Black Spanish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Cochins, 404-7

Cochins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Dark Bramas, 405

Dark Bramas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Dorking, 407

Dorking, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Japanese Bantams, 408

Japanese Bantams, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Leghorns, 407

Leghorns, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Leg"orns, Brown, 404

Leg"orns, Brown, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Minorcas, 407

Minorcas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pencilled Hamburgs, 408

Pencil Hamburgs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Plymouth Rock, 407

Plymouth Rock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Polish, 408


Sebright Bantams, 408

Sebright Bantams, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Silver-spangled Hamburgs, 405

Silver-spangled Hamburgs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Si"ver Wyandotte, 406

Si"ver Wyandotte, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Frigate-birds, 453-6

Frigatebirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Frogs, Blue Tree-, 603

Blue Tree Frogs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Bull-, 598, 600


Fr"gs, Bu"l-, American, 598

Fr "gs, Bu"l-, American, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Common, Röntgen ray photograph of, 600

Fr"gs, Common, X-ray photograph of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Edible, 599, 600


Fr"gs, European Green Tree-, 602

Fr"gs, European Green Tree-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Flying-, 601

Frgs, Flying-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Golden Tree-, 603

Fr"gs, Golden Tree, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Guppy's, 600

Fr"gs, Guppy's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Matlamitlo, 600

Frgs, Matlamitlo, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Pouched Tree-, 604

Fr"gs, Pouched Tree-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{779}Fr"gs, Queensland Tree-, 603-4

Queensland Tree, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Fr"gs, Short-headed, 601

Fr"gs, Short-headed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fr"gs, Tiger-like, 599

Tiger-like, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flying-dragons, 565-6

Flying dragons, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6



Father-lasher, 627

Father-lasher, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flat-heads, 627

Flat-heads, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flat-"eads, Bar-tailed, 628

Flatheads, Bar-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flat-"eads, Rock, 628

Flatheads, Rock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fish, Angler-, 626

Anglerfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Archer-, 614

F"sh, Archer-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Boar-, 613

F"sh, Boar-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Butter-, 612

F"sh, Butter-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Cat-, 648-9-50

F"sh, Cat-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9-50

F"sh, Cave-, 643

F"sh, Cave-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, D"g-, British, 667

F"sh, D"g-, British, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, D"g-, Ocellated, 667

Fsh, Dg-, Ocellated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Emperor-, 614

F"sh, Emperor-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Flat-, 644

F"sh, Flat-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Frog-, 625


F"sh, Gold-, 651

F"sh, Gold-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Lung-, 609-60

F"sh, Lung-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-60

F"sh, Monk-, 668

F"sh, Monk-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Mud-, 610

F"sh, Mud-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Nurse, 667

F"sh, Nurse, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Picked Dog, 667

F"sh, Picked Dog, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Pilot-, 622

F"sh, Pilot-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Reed-, 664

F"sh, Reed-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Rough Hound, 667

F"sh, Rough Hound, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Scabbard-, 620

F"sh, Scabbard-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Scorpion-, 616

F"sh, Scorpion-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Sheath-, 650

F"sh, Sheath-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Silver Dog-, 667

F"sh, Silver Dog, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Smooth Hound, 667

"Fish, Smooth Hound, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Stone-, 616-9

F"sh, Stone-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

F"sh, Sucking-, 624-5

F"sh, Sucking-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

F"sh, Sun-, 613

F"sh, Sun-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Sword-, 618-20

F, Fish, Sword, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-20

F"sh, Tassel-, 618-9

F"sh, Tassel-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

F"sh, Telescope-, 651

F"sh, Telescope-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Thick-rayed, 616

F"sh, Thick-rayed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Torpedo-, 669

F"sh, Torpedo-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Weaver-, 618

F"sh, Weaver-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

F"sh, Zebra-, 613

F"sh, Zebra-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fishes, File-, 638

Fish, File-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fi"hes, Flying-, 632-3

Fi"hes, Flying-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Flounders, 645

Flounders, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Feather-star, 748

Feather star, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Feath"r-star, Rosy, 748

Feath "star, Rosy, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fleas, Dog-, 736

Dog fleas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"as, Sand-, 736

Fl"as, Sand-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"as, Turnip-, 687

Flas, Turnip-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Flies, Alder-, 701

Flies, Alder-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Bee-, 736

Fl"es, Bee-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Bee-killer, 734-6

Bee-killer, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Fl"es, Bird-, 735

Fl"es, Bird-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Blue-bottle or Blow fly, 733-5

Bluebottle or blowfly, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Fl"es, Bot-, 734

Fl"es, Bot-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Caddis-, 701-2

Flies, Caddis-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Fl"es, Candle-, 728

Fl"es, Candle-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Daddy-long-legs, 730-3

Daddy longlegs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Fl"es, Dragon-, 695

Fl"es, Dragon-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Fire-, 685

Fl, Fire-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Forest-, 735

Fl, Forest-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Gad-, 733

Flavors, Gad-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Gall-, 702-3-30

Fl"es, Gall-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3-30

Fl"es, Green-bottle, 735

Fl"es, Green-bottle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, House-, 733-4

Fl," House-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Fl"es, Hover-, 734

Fl"es, Hover-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Ichneumon-, 704

Fl"es, Ichneumon-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Lace wing, or Golden-eye, 700-1-33

Flies, Lacewing, or Golden-eye, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1-33

Fl"es, Lantern-, 728

Fl"es, Lantern-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Mantis-, 699

Fl, Mantis-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, May-, 695-6


Fl"es, Noon-day, 734

Fl"es, Noon-day, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Rain-, Blood-sucking, 733

Fl"es, Rain-, Bloodsuckers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Robber-, 734

Flames, Robber-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Ro"ber-, Hornet, 731-4

Flies, Ro-, Hornet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Fl"es, Ruby-tailed, 704-5

Ruby-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Fl"es, Sand-, or Piúm, 732

Fles, Sand-, or Piúm, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{780}Fl"es, Saw-, 702-3

Fl, Saw-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Fl"es, Scorpion-, 699, 700


Fl"es, Snake- or Camel-, 699

Fl"es, Snake- or Camel-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Tsetse-, 735

Flies, Tsetse-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Fl"es, Uses of, 736

Flavors, Uses of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Frog-hoppers, 728-9

Frog-hoppers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Forams, Shells of, 767

Foraminifera, Shells of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Garner, Professor, 20

Professor Garner, 20

Gibson, Walter M., vi (Introd.)

Walter M. Gibson, vi (Intro)



Gaur, 210

Gaur, 210

G"ur, Hunt, 211

Gur, Hunt, 211

Gayal, 212

Gayal, 212

Ga"al, Cow, 211

Ga"al, Cow, 211

Gazelles, Arabian, 246

Arabian Gazelles, 246

Gaz"lles, Dama, 247

Gaz"lles, Dama, 247

Gaz"lles, Dorcas, 248

Gaz"lles, Dorcas, 248

Gaz"lles, Edmi, 248

Gaz"lles, Edmi, 248

Gaz"lles, Goitred, 247

Gaz Glles, Goitred, 247

Gaz"lles, Grant's, 248

Grant's, 248

Gaz"lles, Heuglin's, 247

Gaz Heuglin's, 247

Gaz"lles, Isabella, 247

Gaz"lles, Isabella, 247

Gaz"lles, Loder's, 248

Loder's, 248

Gaz"lles, Marica, 248

Gaz"lles, Marica, 248

Gaz"lles, Mhorr, 247

Gaz"lles, Mhorr, 247

Gaz"lles, Mongolian, 247

Gaz, Mongolian, 247

Gaz"lles, Muscat, 248

Gazelles, Muscat, 248

Gaz"lles, Pelzeln's, 247

Gaz Pelzeln's, 247

Gaz"lles, Persian, 247

Gaz"lles, Persian, 247

Gaz"lles, Peters's, 248

Peters's, 248

Gaz"lles, Prejevalski's, 247

Gaz"lles, Prejevalski's, 247

Gaz"lles, Red-fronted, 247-8

Gaz"lles, Red-fronted, 247-8

Gaz"lles, R"d-necked, 247

Gaz, Red-necked, 247

Gaz"lles, Soemmerring's, 247

Gazelles, Soemmerring's, 247

Gaz"lles, Speke's, 247-8

Gaz"lles, Speke's, 247-8

Gaz"lles, Thomson's, 248

Gaz Thomson's, 248

Gaz"lles, Tibetan, 247

Gaz "lles, Tibetan, 247

Gemsbuck, 252

Gemsbuck, 252

Gerenuk, 249-55

Gerenuk, 249-55

Gibbons, 8

Gibbons, 8 years old

Gib"ons, Disposition of, 8

Gibbons, Disposition of, 8

Gib"ons, Habits of, 9

Gibbons, Habits of, 9

Gib"ons, Hulock, 9

Gibbons, Hulock, 9

Gib"ons, Siamang, 8

Gibbons, Siamang, 8

Gib"ons, Silvery, 9

Gibons, Silvery, 9

Gib"ons, White-handed, 9

Gibbons, White-handed, 9

Giraffe, 264-6-7

Giraffe, 264-6-7

Gir"ffe, Description of, 265

Girffe, Description of, 265

Gir"ffe, East African, iv (Introd.)

Gir"ffe, East African, iv (Intro)

Gir"ffe, Hunting, 260

Gir"ffe, Hunting, 260

Gir"ffe, Northern, 256a, 264

Gir"ffe, Northern, 256a, 264

Gir"ffe, Southern, 263-4-5

Girffe, Southern, 263-4-5

Goats, Angora, 231-2

Angora goats, 231-2

Go"ts, British, 232

Go Brits, 232

Go"ts, Italian, 237

Go ts, Italian, 237

Go"ts, Nubian, 236

Go, Nubian, 236

Go"ts, Persian Wild, 233

Go ts, Persian Wild, 233

Go"ts, Rocky Mountain, 238

Go, Rocky Mountain, 238

Go"ts, Schwartzals, 234

Go ts, Schwartzals, 234

Go"ts, Toggenburg, 233

Goats, Toggenburg, 233

Glutton, 134

Glutton, 134

Gnu, 240-1

Gnu, 240-1

G"u, Brindled, 242

G, Brindled,

G"u, White-bearded, 242

White-bearded, 242

G"u, Wh"te-tailed, 241

G "u, Wh" te-tailed, 241

Gophers, 160

Gophers, 160.

Gop"ers, Pocket-, 156

Gopers, Pocket-, 156

Goral, Female, 258

Goral, Female, 258

Gorilla, ii (Introd.), 4, 5, 8a

Gorilla, ii (Introd.), 4, 5, 8a

Gor"lla, First accounts of, 4

Gorilla, First accounts of, 4

Gor"lla, Habits of, 5

Gorilla Habits

Gor"lla, Range of, 4

Gorilla Range of 4

Gor"lla, Physical description of, 4

Gorilla, Physical description of, 4

Gor"lla, Pongo, 1, 4

Gor"lla, Pongo, 1, 4

Grampus, 330

Grampus, 330

Guanaco, 307

Guanaco, 307

Guemals, 297

Guemals, 297



Gallinule, Mantell's, 413

Gallinule, Mantell's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gannets, 452-4-5

Gannets, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4-5

Gardener-bird, 517

Gardener bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Geese, Australian Pygmy, 461

Australian Pygmy Geese, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Cape, 460

Ge"se, Cape, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Chinese, 461

Ge, Chinese, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Domestic, 461

Ge"se, Domestic, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Grey, 461

Ge"se, Grey, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Half-webbed, 461

Half-webbed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"se, Spur-winged, 461

Ge"se, Spur-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gold-crest, 530

Goldcrest, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Goldfinch, 524

Goldfinch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grackles, 520

Grackles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grebes, Dabchick, 430

Grebes, Dabchick, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gr"bes, Great Crested, 428-30

Great Crested Grbs, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-30

Greenfinch, 524-5

Greenfinch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Grey-hen, 399

Grey hen, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grouse, Red, 397

Red Grouse, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gr"use, Ruffed, 402

Gruse, Ruffed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gr"use, Sage-, 400

Gr"use, Sage-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gr"use, Sand-, Pallas's, 416

Gr"Use, Sand-, Pallas's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Guans, 411


Guillemot, 417

Guillemot, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Guinea-fowl, Black, 410

Black Guineafowl, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Guin"a-fowl, Crested, 408

Guin"a-fowl, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Guin"a-fowl, Vulture-like, 410

Guin"a-fowl, Vulture-like, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gull, Black-backed, 420

Black-backed Gull, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

G"ll, Bla"ck-headed, 449

G"ll, Bla"ck-headed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

G"ll, Herring-, 419

G, Herring-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

G"ll, Skua-, 421

G"ll, Skua-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

G"ll, Tribe, 418-9

G Tribe, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Gavial, 550


Gecko, Burmese, 564

Burmese Gecko, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ge"ko, Madeiran, 565

Ge"ko, Madeiran, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Garpikes, 632

Garpikes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gilt-head, 616

Gilt-head, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Globe-fish, 636-7-40

Globe fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-40

Gobies, 628


Go"ies, Pellucid, 629

Goies, Pellucid, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Go"ies, Spotted, or Pole-wing, 629

Goies, Spotted, or Pole-wing, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grayling, 657

Grayling, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Groper, 616-7

Groper, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Gunnel, 630


Gurnard, Armed, 608a

Gurnard, Armed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gur"ard, Butterfly-, 627

Gur"ard, Butterfly-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gur"ard, Flying-, 628

Gur"ard, Flying-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gur"ard, Red, 627

Gurard, Red, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Glow-worm, 685

Glow-worms, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gnats, 730-1

Gnats, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Gn"ts, Piping-, 732

Gn"ts, Piping-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grasshopper, Cape, 692

Grasshopper, Cape, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grass"opper, Great Green, 692

Grass"opper, Great Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grass"opper, Long-horned, 692

"Grasshopper, Long-horned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Grass"opper, Short-horned, 694

Grasshopper, Short-horned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Grass"opper, Wart-eating, 694

Grasshopper, Wart-eating, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Gru-gru, 686

Gru-gru, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Hamsters, 156-7

Hamsters, 156-157

Hares, 103

Hares, 103

Ha"es, Habits of, 164

Ha"es, Habits of, 164

Ha"es, Wood-, 163

Haes, Wood-

Hartebeests, 239

Hartebeests, 239

Hedgehogs, 169-70

Hedgehogs, 169-70

Hippopotamus, 318-9-24-5-6

Hippopotamus, 318-9-24-5-6

Hippo"otamus, Anecdotes, 322

Hippo Stories, 322

Hippo"otamus, Common, 318

Hippo, Common, 318

Hippo"otamus, Fossil remains, 326

Hippo"otamus, Fossil remains, 326

Hippo"otamus, Habits of, 320-1

Hippo habits, 320-1

Hippo"otamus, Hunting, 323-4-5

Hippo Hunting, 323-4-5

Hippo"otamus, Pygmy or Liberian, 326

Hippo, Pygmy or Liberian, 326

{782}Hog, Pygmy, 312

Hog, Pygmy, 312

H"g, River-, Red, 314

H"g, River-, Red, 314

Horses, 197

Horses, 197

Arab Mare, 199

Arab Mare, 199

A"ab Mares and Foals, 200

A Mares and Foals, 200

A"ab Yearling Colts, 198

A Yearling Colt, 198

Cart-, 205

Cart-, 205

Champion Shire Stallion, 203

Champion Shire Stallion, 203

Cleveland Bay, 205

Cleveland Bay, 205

English Race-, 202

English Race, 202

"Florizel II.," 202

"Florizel II," 202

Hackney and Foal, 201

Hackney and Foal, 201

Hunter, 205

Hunter, 205

"Ladas," 202

"Ladas," 202

Levant and Persian, 202

Levant and Persian, 202

Percheron, 201

Percheron, 201

Shire Mare and Foal, 204

Shire Mare and Foal, 204

Trotting-, 203


Humpback, 333

Humpback, 333

Hutia, 159-61

Hutia, 159-61

Hyænas, vi (Introd.), 79, 80

Hyenas, vi (Introd.), 79, 80

Hy"nas, Brown, 81

Hy "nas, Brown, 81

Hy"nas, Spotted, 81

Hy"nas, Spotted, 81

Hy"nas, Stories of, 81-2

Hy"nas, Stories 81-2

Hy"nas, Striped, 81

Hy"nas, Striped, 81

Hy"nas, Use of, 80

Hy"nas, Use of, 80

Hyrax, 181

Hyrax, 181



Hang-nests, 520

Hang-nests, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hawfinch, 522

Hawfinch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hawk, Carrion-, 473

Hawk, Carrion, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

H"wk, Curassow-, 473

H"wk, Curassow-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

H"wk, Fishing-, 468

Fishing - __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

H"wk, Gos-, 472

H"wk, Gos-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

H"wk, Sparrow-, 472-4-6

Hawk, Sparrow, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4-6

Herons, Buff-backed, 445-6

Herons, Buff-backed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

He"ons, Common Night-, 444-5

He ons, Common Night-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

He"ons, Goliath, 444

He"ons, Goliath, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

He"ons, Great Blue, 443

He ons, Great Blue, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

He"ons, Green, 445-7

He"ons, Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

He"ons, Young, 442

He’s, Young, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hoatzin, 412

Hoatzin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Honey-buzzard, 467

Honey buzzard, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Honey-eaters, 532

Honey-tasters, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Honey-guides, 509-10-1

Honey guides, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-10-1

Hoopoe, 480a, 505-6


Hornbills, 502

Hornbills, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hor"bills, Concave-casqued, 505

Hor"bills, Concave-casqued, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hor"bills, Crested, 504

Hor"bills, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hor"bills, Ground-, 505

Hor"bills, Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hor"bills, Habits of, 504

Hor"bills, Habits of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hor"bills, Helmet-, 503

Hor"bills, Helmet-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Huia, 515


Humming-bird, 486

Hummingbird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Heloderm, 571

Heloderm, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Hel"derm, Mexican, 571-6

Helder, Mexican, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6



Halibut, 644-5

Halibut, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Herring, 658-9-60

Herring, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9-60

Her"ing, Ox-eyed, 659

Her Ox-eyed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Horse-mackerel, 621

Horse mackerel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Horse-"ackerel, Fringed, 621-2

Horse-mackerel, Fringed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Hornet, 706






Ibex, Alpine, 234-5

Ibex, Alpine, 234-5

I"ex, Arabian, 234

I "ex, Arabian, 234

I"ex, Asiatic, 234

I ex, Asiatic, 234

I"ex, Abyssinian, 234

Abyssinian, 234

Impala, or Palla, 244-6

Impala, or Palla, 244-6

Insect-eating Mammals, 165

Insectivorous Mammals, 165

Insectivora, 169

Insectivores, 169

Inyala, 256

Inyala, 256



Ibis, Glossy, 442

Ibis, Glossy, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

I"is, Sacred, 441

I’m Sacred, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

I"is, Scarlet, 442

"I am, Scarlet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Iguana, Banded, 570-5

Banded Iguana, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Ig"ana, Tuberculated, 570-4

Ig"ana, Tuberculated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Insects, 681

Insects, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Nerve-winged, 695

Nerve-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Noxious, in Britain, 680

Noxious in Britain, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Scale-, 729

Ins"cts, Scale-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Sheath-winged, 681

Sheath-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Snow-, 700

Ins"cts, Snow-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ins"cts, Two-winged, 730

Two-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Jackal, 92

Jackal, '92

Ja"kal, Black-backed, 92

Ja, Black-backed, 92

Ja"kal, Hunting, 92-3

Ja"kal, Hunting, 92-3

Ja"kal, Indian, 92

Ja, Indian, 92

Ja"kal, North African, 92

Ja, North African, 92

Ja"kal, Striped, 92

Ja"kal, Striped, 92

Ja"kal, Turkish, 93

Ja, Turkish

Jaguar, 50

Jaguar, 50 years old

Jerboa, 157-60

Jerboa, 157-60



Jacamars, 510

Jacamars, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jacana, 424


Jackass, Laughing-, 448a, 503

Jackass, Laughing- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__

Jackdaws, 514-5

Jackdaws, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Jay, 515


Jungle-fowl, 406

Jungle fowl, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jungle"fowl, Game Breed, 407

"Jungle fowl, Game Breed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"



Jelly-fish, 762

Jellyfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jelly"fish, Comb-bearing, 763

Jellyfish, comb jelly, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jelly"fish, Portuguese Man-of-war, 763

Jellyfish, Portuguese Man-of-war, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Kangaroo, Albino Red, 346

Albino Red Kangaroo, 346

Kan"aroo, Brown Tree-, 352-3

Kan"aroo, Brown Tree-, 352-3

Kan"aroo, Great Grey, 343-5

Kan"aroo, Great Grey, 343-5

Kan"aroo, Gr"at Leaping, 352a

Kan "aroo, Great Leaping, 352a

Kan"aroo, Rat-, 354

Kan"aroo, Rat-, 354

Kan"aroo, R"t-, Gaimard's, 354

Kanaroo, R, Gaimard's, 354

Kan"aroo, Silver-grey, 344

Kan "aroo, Silver-grey, 344

Kiang, 196-7

Kiang, 196-7

Kinkajou, 126-7

Kinkajou, 126-7

Klipspringer, 242-4

Klipspringer, 242-4

Koala, or Australian Native Bear, 355-6-7

Koala, also known as the Australian Native Bear, 355-6-7

Kudu, 224a

Kudu, 224a

K"du, Greater, 258

K du, Greater, 258

K"du, Lesser, 258-9

K du, Lesser, 258-9

K"du, Male, 259

K" du, Male, 259



Kaka, 489


Kea, 487-8


Kestrel, 474

Kestrel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Kingfisher, 500

Kingfisher, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

King"isher, Common, 500-2

King"isher, Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

King"isher, Laughing-, 499, 500-1-2

King"isher, Laughing-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__-1-2

King"isher, Racket-tailed, 502

"King" isher, Racket-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

King"isher, Wood-, 502

King"isher, Wood-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Kites, 467


Ki"es, Egyptian, 468

Ki"es, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Kittiwake, 420

Kittiwake, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Kiwi, Mantell's, 396

Kiwi, Mantell's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ki"i, Owen's, 396

Ki, Owen's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Langur, Himalayan, 11-2

Himalayan Langur, 11-2

Lemmings, 158

Lemmings, 158

Lemurs, 27-8

Lemurs, 27-8

Le"urs, Black-and-white, 30

Black-and-white, 30

Le"urs, Chirogales, 30

Leurs, Chirogales, 30

Le"urs, Coquerel's, 29, 30

Leurs, Coquerel's, 29, 30

Le"urs, Crowned, 29

Leurs, Crowned, 29

Le"urs, Dwarf, 28

Leurs, Dwarf, 28

Le"urs, Galagos, 30

Leurs, Galagos, 30

Le"urs, Gal"gos, Garnett's, 30

Leurs, Galgos, Garnett's, 30

Le"urs, Gal"gos, Maholi, 30

Leurs, Galgos, Maholi, 30

Le"urs, Indris, 28

Leurs, Indris, 28

Le"urs, Makis, 28

Leurs, Makis, 28

Le"urs, Pottos, 31

Leurs, Pottos, 31

Le"urs, Ring-tailed, Catta, 27-8-9

Ring-tailed Lemur, Catta, 27-8-9

Le"urs, Ruffed, 29

Leurs, Ruffed, 29

Le"urs, Sifakas, 28-9

Leurs, Sifakas, 28-9

Le"urs, "Slender" and "Slow" Loris, 28,31

"Slender" and "Slow" Loris, 28,31

Le"urs, Tarsiers, 31-2

Leurs, Tarsiers, 31-2

Le"urs, True, 29

Leurs, True, 29

Le"urs, Woolly, 29

Leurs, Woolly, 29

Leopards, 46-7

Leopards, 46-7

Leo"ards, African, iv (Introd.)

Leo"ards, African, iv (Introd.)

Leo"ards, Clouded, 54

Leo"ards, Clouded, 54

Leo"ards, Hunting-, 49

Leoards, Hunting-, 49

Leo"ards, Puma Hybrid, 46

Leoards, Puma Hybrid, 46

Leo"ards, Range of, 47

Range of 47

Leo"ards, Snow-, 48

Leo Snow, 48

Leo"ards, Stories of, 47-8

Leo"ards, Stories of, 47-8

Leo"ards, Variations of, 47

Leo"ards, Variations of, 47

Lion Adventures, 40

Lion Adventures, 40

L"on and Tigress, Cross between, 38

"On and Tigress, Cross between, 38"

L"on Man-eating, 41


Lioness, 34-7, 40

Lioness, 34-7, 40

Lio"ess, Algerian, 35

Lio, Algerian, 35

Lio"ess, and Cub, 36

Lio and Cub, 36

Lions, vi (Introd.), 39

Lions, vi (Intro), 39

Li"ns, African, 32-3-4

Li"ns, African, 32-3-4

Li"ns, Comparison of Wild and Tame, 38

Li"ns, Comparison of Wild and Tame, 38

Li"ns, Cubs, 36

Li"ns, Cubs, 36

Li"ns, Mane of, 37

Li "Mane of, 37

Li"ns, Performing, 36

Li Performing, 36

Li"ns, Range of, 34

LiRange of, 34

Li"ns, Selous on, 34

Li Selous, 34

Llamas, 306-8-9

Llamas, 306-8-9

Lynxes, 62-3

Lynxes, 62-3

Ly"xes, Canadian, 64

Canadian, 64

Ly"xes, Caracal, 62-3

Lyxes, Caracal, 62-3

Ly"xes, Common, 63

Lyxes, Common, 63

Ly"xes, European, 64

Lyxes, European, 64

Ly"xes, Red, 64

Lyxes, Red, 64

Ly"xes, Siberian, 64

Lyxes, Siberian, 64



Land-rail, 412

Land rail, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lark, Meadow-, 521

Lark, Meadow, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Linnet, 524-5-6

Linnet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5-6

Lories, 488-9

Lories, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Lyre-birds, 540-2

Lyrebirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Lizards, Bearded, 568-70

Bearded Lizards, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-70

Liz"rds, Blue-tongued, 580

Blue-tongued, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Diamond-, 574

Liz"rds, Diamond-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Frilled, 566-7

Liz"rds, Frilled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Liz"rds, Girdle-tailed, 571-5

Girdle-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Liz"rds, Greaved, 574

Liz"rds, Greaved, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Green and Ocellated, 544a, 576-7-8

Liz"rds, Green and Ocellated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__-7-8

Liz"rds, Lace-, 572

Liz"rds, Lace-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Sand-, 576

Liz"rds, Sand-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Sea-, 570

Liz"rds, Sea-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Spine-tailed, 580

Spine-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Spiny, 569

Liz"rds, Spiny, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Stump-tailed, 579

Stump-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Tree-, 568

Liz"rds, Tree-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Viviparous, 574

Liz"rds, Live-bearing, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Wall-, 574

Liz"rds, Wall-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liz"rds, Water-, 569

Liz"rds, Water-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Leather-jacket, Lace-finned, 639

Leather jacket, lace fins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Long-fin, 616

Long-fin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lump-suckers, 628-9

Lump-suckers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Ladybirds, Seven Spot, 687

Seven-spot ladybirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lady"irds, Twenty-two Spot, 687

"Lady" Birds, Twenty-two Spot, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lady"irds, Two Spot, 687

"Lady" Birds, Two Spot, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lice, Fish-, 671

Lice, Fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Li"e, True, 729

Li"e, True, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Li"e, Whale-, 671

Li"e, Whale-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Li"e, Wood-, 671

Li"e, Wood-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lobsters, 672

Lobsters, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Locusts, Cyprian, 694

Locusts, Cyprian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Loc"sts, Egyptian, 693

Loc"sts, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Loc"sts, Red-legged, 694

Locsts, Red-legged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Loc"sts, Rocky Mountain, 694

Loc"sts, Rocky Mountain, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Leeches, Medicinal, 756

Leeches, medicinal, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Lingula, 746

Lingula, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Liver-flukes, 756

Liver flukes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Man, ii (Introd.)

Man, ii (Intro.)

Manatee, American, 328

Manatee, American, 328

Marine Carnivora, 136

Marine Carnivores, 136

Marmots, 150-2

Marmots, 150-2

Mar"ots, Alpine, 151-2

Mar"ots, Alpine, 151-2

Mar"ots, Bobac, 152

Mar"ots, Bobac, 152

Martens, 131

Martens, 131

Mar"ens, Pine-, 132

Mar Pine- 132

Markhor, 235

Markhor, 235

Meerkats, 78, 80

Meerkats, 78, 80

Mice, Jumping-, 160

Mice, Jumping, 160

M"ce, Typical, 159

"M", Typical, 159

Microcephalous Idiot, vi (Introd.)

Microcephalic Idiot, vi (Intro)

Mink, 132

Mink, 132

"Missing Link," iv (Introd.)

"Missing Link," iv (Intro)

Moles, 170-1

Moles, 170-1

Mo"es, Golden, 171

Mo"es, Golden, 171

Mo"es, North American, 171

Mo"es, North American, 171

Mongoose, Cusimanses, 78

Mongoose, Cusimanses, 78

Mon"oose, Family, 77

Mon"oose, Family, 77

Mon"oose, Ichneumon, 78

Mon"oose, Ichneumon, 78

Mon"oose, Indian, 77-9

Mon "'oose, Indian, 77-9

Mon"oose, Ind"an, v. Cobra, 77

Mon"oose, Ind"an, v. Cobra, 77

Mon"oose, Kaffir, 78

Monooze, Kaffir, 78

Monkeys, Bonnet, 14-7

Monkeys, Bonnet, 14-7

Mon"eys, Capuchin, 20-2-3

Monkeys, Capuchin, 20-2-3

Mon"eys, Dog-shaped, 9

Dog-shaped, 9

Mon"eys, Entellus, 10

Monkeys, Entellus, 10

Mon"eys, Grivet, 14-7

Monkeys, Grivet, 14-7

Mon"eys, Guenon, 12

Monkeys, Guenon, 12

Mon"eys, Gue"on, Diana, 12-5

Monkeys, Guion, Diana, 12-5

Mon"eys, Guereza, 12-4

Monkeys, Guereza, 12-4

Mon"eys, Humboldt's Woolly, or Lagothrix, 26

Humboldt's Woolly Monkey, Lagothrix, 26

Mon"eys, Macaques, 14-7

Monkeys, Macaques, 14-7

Mon"eys, Magot, or Barbary Ape, 14

Monkeys, Magot, or Barbary Ape, 14

Mon"eys, Mangabey, 14-6-7

Monkeys, Mangabey, 14-6-7

Mon"eys, Marmosets, 24-6

Monkeys, Marmosets, 24-6

Mon"eys, Marm"sets, Lion, 24

Monkeys, Marmsets, Lion, 24

Mon"eys, Marm"sets, Pinché, 24

Monkeys, Marmalades, Pinché, 24

Mon"eys, New World, 22

Mon"eys, New World, 22

Mon"eys, N"w Wo"ld, Howler, 22-3

Monkeys, New World, Howler, 22-3

Mon"eys, N"w Wo"ld, Spider, 22-3

Monkeys, New World, Spider, 22-3

Mon"eys, N"w Wo"ld, Waita, 23

Monkeys, New World, Waita, 23

Mon"eys, Oukari, 24

Monkeys, Oukari, 24

Mon"eys, Patas, 24

Monkeys, Patas, 24

Mon"eys, Pig-tailed, 19, 27

Mon"eys, Pig-tailed, 19, 27

Mon"eys, Proboscis, 10

Monkeys, Proboscis, 10

Mon"eys, Rhesus, 14-6-8

Monkeys, Rhesus, 14-6-8

Mon"eys, Sacred, 10-1

Monkeys, Sacred, 10-1

Mon"eys, Saki, 24

Mon, Saki, 24

Mon"eys, Snub-nosed, 12-8

Monkeys, Snub-nosed, 12-8

Mon"eys, Speech of, 20

Monkeys, Speech of, 20

Mon"eys, Squirrel, 24-5

Monkeys, Squirrel, 24-5

Mon"eys, Stories of, 11-2

Monkeys, Stories of, 11-2

{786}Mon"eys, Tcheli, 14

Mon, Tcheli, 14

Mon"eys, Temperament of, 26

Monkeys, Temperament of, 26

Mon"eys, Wanderoo, 24

Monkeys, Wanderoo, 24

Mon"eys, White-bearded Wanderoo, 12

"Monkeys, White-bearded Wanderoo, 12"

Moufflon, 222

Moufflon, 222

Mouse Tribe, 156

Mouse Tribe, 156

Mule-deer, 296-8

Mule deer, 296-8

Mules, 206

Mules, 206

Muntjac, Chinese, 291

Muntjac, Chinese, 291

Mun"jac, Hairy-fronted, 291

Mun"jac, Hairy-fronted, 291

Mun"jac, Indian, 290-1

Mun jac, Indian, 290-1

Mun"jac, Tenasserim, 291

Mun"jac, Tenasserim, 291

Mun"jac, Tibetan, 291

Mun"jac, Tibetan, 291

Musk-deer, Himalayan, 300

Musk deer, Himalayan, 300

Mus"-deer, Kansu, 298

Mus"-deer, Kansu, 298

Musk-ox, 220

Musk ox, 220

Musk-rat, 154

Musk rat, 154



Macaw, 448a, 492


Ma"aw, Hyacinthine, 489

Ma "aw, Hyacinthine, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ma"aw, Long-tailed, 489

Ma"aw, Long-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Magpie, 515-6

Magpie, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Ma"pie, Australian, 533

"Mom" Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Manakins, 542

Mannequins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Man"kins, Bailador or Dancer, 542-3

Man"kins, Bailador or Dancer, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Martins, 539-40

Martins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-40

Mar"ins, Sand-, 539-41

Marins, Sand-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-41

Mavis, 535


Megapode, Nicobar, 411

Megapode, Nicobar, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Meg"pode, Wallace's, 410-1

Meg"pode, Wallace's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Monals, 403-6

Monals, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

More-porks, 482-3

Moreporks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Motmots, 507

Motmots, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mot"ots, Racket-tailed, 507-8

Motots, Racket-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Reptile and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Monitors, 572

Screens, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mon"tors, Nile, 572

Monitors, Nile, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mon"tors, White, 576

Monitors, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mountain-devil, 568-71

Mountain devil, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-71



Mackerel, Common, 624

Common Mackerel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Meagres, 618


Miller's-thumb, 627

Miller's thumb, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mullets, Grey, 630-1

Mullets, Gray, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Mul"ets, Red, 614-31

Mullets, Red, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-31

Mul"ets, Striped, 614-15

Mullets, Striped, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-15

Musket-lunge, 652

Musket lunge, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Meal-worm, 688

Mealworm, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Millipedes, 679

Millipedes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Milli"edes, Giant, 680

Milli"edes, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Milli"edes, Slimy, 680


Mites, 674-8

Mites, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Mosquitoes, 730-2

Mosquitoes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Moths, 709-10-6-20

Moths, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-10-6-20

Mo"hs, Cecropia, 718-9

Mo'hs, Cecropia, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Mo"hs, Clothes-, 721

Mo's Clothes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Cypress-, 719-20-1

Mo's, Cypress- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-20-1

Mo"hs, Death's-head, 722

Mo"hs, Death’s-head, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Emperor-, 717

Mo"Hs, Emperor-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Great Peacock-, 723

Mo's, Great Peacock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Hawk-, 717-8-22

Mo, Hawk, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-22

Mo"hs, Imperial, 719

Mo's, Imperial, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Looper-, 720

Mo's, Looper-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Luna, 718


Mo"hs, Plume-, 721-4

Mo's, Plume-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Mo"hs, Polyphemus, 719-23

MoHs, Polyphemus, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-23

Mo"hs, Red-underwing, 720

Mo"hs, Red-underwing, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Swallow-tailed, 724

Mo"hs, Swallow-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mo"hs, Tiger-, 719

Mo, Tiger-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Madrepores, 761

Madrepores, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Moss-animals, 753-4

Moss animals, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Mussels, Pearl-, 743

Pearl mussels, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mus"els, Pond-, 744

Muscles, Pond-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Mus"els, River-, 744

Musels, River-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Narwhal, 329-33-4

Narwhal, 329-33-4

Nilgai, or Blue Bull, 254-6

Nilgai, or Blue Bull, 254-6



Namaqua, 416

Namaqua, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Night-hawk, 482

Night owl, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nightingale, 537

Nightingale, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Night-jar, Common, 481

Common Nightjar, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nigh"-jar, Eared, 482

"Nigh jar, Eared, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Nigh"-jar, Pennant-winged, 481

Near"-jar, Pennant-winged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nuthatches, 528

Nuthatches, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nuth"tches, English, 528-9

Nuts, English, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Natterjack, 605

Natterjack, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Newt, Common or Smooth, 605-6

Newt, Common or Smooth, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

N"wt, Crested, 605-6

N"wt, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

N"wt, Marbled, 606

N "wt, Marbled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Nautilus, Shell of Paper-, or Argonaut, 740

Nautilus, Paper Shell, or Argonaut, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nau"ilus, Shell of Pearly, 739

Nau"ilus, Shell of Pearly, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Nereids, or Sea-worms, 755-6

Nereids, or sea worms, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Noctilucas, 766-7

Noctilucas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Nummulites, 768

Nummulites, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Ocelot, 52-3

Ocelot, 52-3

Oc"lot, Central America, (Frontis., Vol. I.), 53

Oc"lot Central America, (Frontis., Vol. I.), 53

Octodont Family, 158-61

Octodont Family, 158-61

Okapi, iv (Introd.), 267-9

Okapi, vol. iv (Intro.), 267-9

Ok"pi, Head of, 270

Ok"pi, Head of, 270

Onager, 196

Onager, 196

Oorial, or Sha, 224

Oorial, or Sha, 224

Opossums, 359

Opossums, 359

Opo"sums, Australian Grey, 363

Opo sums, Australian Grey, 363

Opo"sums, Black or Sooty, 359

Opo sums, Black or Sooty, 359

Opo"sums, Common Grey, 362-3-4

Opo"sums, Common Grey, 362-3-4

Opo"sums, Meriam's, 378

Opo sums, Meriam's, 378

Opo"sums, Murine, 378-80

Opo sums, Murine, 378-80

Opo"sums, Philander, 379

Opo sums, Philander, 379

Opo"sums, Ring-tailed, 364-5

Opossum, Ring-tailed, 364-5

Opo"sums, Virginian, 377-81

Opo sums, Virginian, 377-81

Opo"sums, Woolly, 378-80

Opo sums, Woolly, 378-80

Opo"sums, Young (natural size), 379

Opo sums, Young (natural size), 379

Orang-utans, vii, viii (Introd.), 6-7-8

Orangutans, vii, viii (Intro), 6-7-8

Orang"utans, First mention of, 5

Orangutans, first mention of, 5

Orang"utans, Habits of, 6

Habits of orangutans, 6

Orang"utans, Physical Description of, 5

Orang"utans, Physical Description of, 5

Oribis, 242

Oribis, 242

Orloff, 203

Orloff, 203

Oryx, Beatrix, 250

Oryx, Beatrix, 250

Or"x, White, 252-4

Or "x, White, 252-4

Otters, 127

Otters, 127

Ot"ers, Common, 127-8

Ot"ers, Common, 127-8

Ot"ers, North American, 127

Ot"ers, North America, 127

Ot"ers, Sea-, 128

Ot"ers, Sea-, 128



Oil-bird, 482

Oilbird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Orioles, 520

Orioles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ortolan, 525

Ortolan, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Osprey, 468-9

Osprey, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Ostrich, 389-92

Ostrich, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-92

Ouzel, Water-, 538

Water Ouzel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Oven-birds, 543

Oven birds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Oven-"irds, Casarita, 544

Oven-birds, Casarita, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Owl, Barn-, 480


O"l, Ba"n-, Virginian, 478

O, Baln-, Virginian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

O"l, Burrowing-, 479

O Burrowing-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{788}O"l, Eagle-, 478-9

Eagle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

O"l, Long-eared, 479

O" Long-eared, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

O"l, Pygmy, 480

"O Pygmy, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

O"l, Screech-, 480

O Screech, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

O"l, Snowy, 479

"O, Snowy, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

O"l, Spectacled, 477

O, Spectacled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

O"l, Tawny, 478-9

O Tawny, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Ox-pecker, 520

Oxpecker, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Oyster-catcher, 421

Oystercatcher, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Olm, 608


Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Octopods, 738

Octopuses, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Octopus, 737-8-9

Octopus, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-9

Oyster-bank, Queensland, 744

Oyster Bank, Queensland, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Oysters, Pearl-, 743

Pearl oysters, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Oys"ers, Rock-, 743

Oys"ers, Rock-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Pacas, 162

Pacas, 162

Pacer, 203

Pacer, 203

Pandas, 126

Pandas, 126

Pangolins, or Scaly Ant-eaters, 341

Pangolins, or Scaly Ant-eaters, 341

Panthers, 48

Panthers, 48

Peccary, Collared, 316-7

Collared Peccary, 316-7

Pec"ary, White-lipped, 317

Pec"ary, White-lipped, 317

Pekin Deer, i (Introd.)

Peking Deer, i (Introd.)

Peludo, 340

Furry, 340

Phalangers, 359

Phalangers, 359

Phal"ngers, Crescent-toothed, 362

Phal"ngers, Crescent-toothed, 362

Phal"ngers, Cuscuses, 364

Phal"ngers, Cuscuses, 364

Phal"ngers, Flying-, Larger, 359-61

Phal"ngers, Flying-, Larger, 359-61

Phal"ngers, Fly"ng-, Lesser, 360

Phal"ngers, Fly"ng-, Lesser, 360

Phal"ngers, Fly"ng-, Pygmy, 361-2

Phal"ngers, Fly"ng-, Pygmy, 361-2

Phal"ngers, Striped, 362

Phal fingers, Striped, 362

Pichiciago, or Fairy Armadillo, 340

Fairy Armadillo, or Pichiciago, 340

Pigs, Bush-, 314

Pigs, Bush, 314

P"gs, Diving-, 312-3

P"gs, Diving-, 312-3

P"gs, Domestic, 310

Pigs, Domestic, 310

P"gs, Japanese Masked, 313

Japanese Masked, 313

P"gs, Javan Wild, 313

Pgs, Javan Wild, 313

P"gs, Tribe, 310

"P"gs, Tribe, 310

Pikas, 163

Pikas, 163

Platypus, Duck-billed, 381-2-3-4

Platypus, Duck-billed, 381-2-3-4

Polecat, 132-3

Polecat, 132-3

Pony and Foal, Shetland, 203

Pony and Foal, Shetland, 203

P"ny, Polo-, 205


P"ny, Shetland, 205

Pny, Shetland, 205

P"ny, Welsh, 204

Welsh, 204

Porcupine, 159-61

Porcupine, 159-61

Porpoise, 333-4

Porpoise, 333-4

Pouched Moles, 371-2

Pouched Moles, 371-2

Pou"hed Mo"es, Under surface of, 372

Pou"hed Mo"es, Under surface of, 372

Pou"hed Mice, 375

"Poured Mice, 375"

Pou"hed Mi"e, Jerboa, 375

Pouhed Mi, Jerboa, 375

Prairie-dogs, 150-1

Prairie dogs, 150-1

Primates, Comparison of, 32

Primates, Comparison of, 32

Prongbucks, 257

Prongbucks, 257

Pudus, Chilian, 298

Pudus, Chile, 298

Pu"us, Ecuador, 298

Pu"us, Ecuador, 298

Puma, 50-1

Puma, 50 to 1

Pu"a, Stories, 52

Pu"a, Stories, 52



Parrakeets, Grass-, 490

Parakeets, Grass-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Parr"keets, Long-tailed Ground-, 490

Parr "keets, Long-tailed Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Parrots, Amazon, 490

Parrots, Amazon, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Par"ots, Blue Mountain-, 493

Parrots, Blue Mountain-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Par"ots, Grey African, 490

Par"ots, African Grey, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Par"ots, Hanging-, 490

Par"ots, Hanging-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Par"ots, Hawk-billed, 490

"Par"ots, Hawk-billed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Par"ots, Owl-, 491

Par"ots, Owl-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Partridge, Common, 398, 403

Common Partridge, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_1__

Part"idge, French, 402

"Partidge, French, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Peacocks, 407-8-9

Peacocks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-9

{789}Pelicans, Australian, 451

Pelicans, Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Peli"ans, Crested, 450

Pelians, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Peli"ans, Egyptian, 449

Pelians, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Penguins, Black-footed, 430-1

Black-footed Penguins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Pen"uins, Blue, 432

"Penguins, Blue, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Pen"uins, Emperor-, 431

"Emperor Penguins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Pen"uins, Gentle, 432

Pen"uins, Gentle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pen"uins, Humboldt's, 432

Pen"uins, Humboldt's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pen"uins, Jackass-, 432

"Jackass Penguins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pen"uins, King-, 432

Penguins, King-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pen"uins, Rock-hopper, 429

Penguins, Rockhopper, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Petrel, Diving-, 435

Diving Petrel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"rel, Fulmar, 435

Pe"rel, Fulmar, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"rel, Giant, 434

Pe"rel, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"rel, Storm-, 435

Pe"rel, Storm-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Phalaropes, 423

Phalaropes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pheasants, Amherst's, 401

Pheasants, Amherst's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Phea"ants, English, 401-4

Phea ants, English, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Phea"ants, Golden, 400-1-6

Phea ants, Golden, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1-6

Phea"ants, Impeyan, 406

Phea ants, Impeyan, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Phea"ants, Peacock-, 401

Phea ants, Peacock-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Phea"ants, Reeves's, 401-4

Phea ants, Reeves's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Phea"ants, Silver, 401

Phea ants, Silver, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Phea"ants, Water-, 424

Phea ants, water, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pigeons, Crowned, 415

Crowned Pigeons, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Domestic:

Domestic Pigeons

Pig"ons, , Carrier, 416

Pigeons", Carrier, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, , English Pouter, 416

"Pigeons, English Pouter, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Pig"ons, , Indian Frill-back, 416

Pigeons"ons, , Indian Frillback, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, , Jacobin, 416

Pigeons", Jacobin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, , Short-faced Tumbler, 416

Pigons, Short-faced Tumbler, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Eugène's, 414

Pig"ons, Eugène's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Fruit-, 414-5

Pig"ons, Fruit-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Pig"ons, Green, 414

Pigeons, Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Grey-naped Ground-, 416

Pigeons, Grey-naped Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Nicobar, 415

Nicobar pigeons, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Painted, 414

"Pigeons, Painted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Pig"ons, White Nutmeg-, 414

Pigeons, White Nutmeg-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pig"ons, Wonga-wonga, 415

Pig"ons, Wonga-wonga, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Plant-cutters, 543

Plant trimmers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Plantain-eaters, 496

Plantain lovers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Plover, Grey, 421,

Grey Plover, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__,

Pl"ver, Tribe, 421

Pl"ver, Tribe, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pochard, 457

Pochard, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Prairie-hen, 399

Prairie chicken, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Ptarmigan, 398

Ptarmigan, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Puff-birds, 510

Puffins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Puffin, 417


Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Pythons, 576a, 588-9


Pyt"ons, Indian, 589

Pyt"ons, Indian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pyt"ons, Reticulated, 589

Pyt"ons, Reticulated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Paddle, Cock and Hen, 628-9

Paddle, Cock and Hen, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Parrot-fish, 634-5

Parrotfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Parr"t-fish, Black-spotted, 635

"Parr" Black-spotted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Parr"t-fish, Satin, 634

Parr t-fish, Satin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Perch, Dusky, 613

Dusky Perch, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"ch, Pike-, 613

Peach, Pike-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"ch, Sea-, 613

Peach, Sea-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pe"ch, White, 611

Peach, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pike, Bony, 662

Pike, Bony, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pi"e, Common, 652

Pi, Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pikerel, 653

Pikerel, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pilchards, 659

Pilchards, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pilc"ards, Australian, 661

Pilc"ards, Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pipe-fish, 632-6-7

Pipefish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6-7

Plaice, 645


Pope, 613


Powan, 657


Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Parasites, Bat-, 735

Bat Parasites, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Para"ites, Bee-, 735

Para Bee-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Plant-eaters, 687

Herbivores, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Prawns, 671


Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Pearls and Pearl-shells, 745

Pearls and pearl shells, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Pholas, 744


{790}Polycysts, 768

Polycysts, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Polyps, Fresh-water, 762

Freshwater polyps, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Quagga, 195

Quagga, 195



Quail, 403-4

Quail, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Quezal, 508




Quinnat, 656

Quinnat, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Rabbits, 164

Rabbits, 164

Raccoon, American, 125, 128a

Raccoon, American, 125, 128a

Rac"oon, Family, 125

Raccoon, Family, 125

Rac"oon, Habits of, 126

Raccoon Habits, 126

Ratels, 130-1

Ratels, 130-1

Rats, Bamboo-, 160

Rats, Bamboo, 160

Ra"s, Gambian Pouched, 155

Gambian Pouched Rat, 155

Ra"s, Mole-, 160

Ra, Mole-

Ra"s, Musk-, 154-8-9

Ra Musk- 154-8-9

Ra"s, South American, 157

Ra, South American, 157

Ra"s, Typical, 159

Ra"s, Typical, 159

Ra"s, Water-, 158

Ra, Water-

Reedbuck, Common, 245

Common Reedbuck, 245

Ree"buck, Mountain, 244

Ree"buck, Mountain, 244

Reindeer, Scandinavian, 271, 300

Reindeer, Scandinavian, 271, 300

Rhinoceros, 182

Rhinoceros, 182

Rhin"ceros, African, 184

African Rhino, 184

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Black, 185-7

Rhinoceros, African, Black, 185-7

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Black, Disposition of, 188

Rhinoceros, African, Black, Disposition of, 188

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, White, 184

Rhinoceros, African, White, 184

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Habits of, 186

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Behavior of, 186

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Range of, 185

Rhin"ceros, Afr"can, Range of, 185

Rhin"ceros, Indian, 182-3-4

Rhin"ceros, Indian, 182-3-4

Rhin"ceros, Javan, 182

Rhinoceros, Javan, 182

Rhin"ceros, Sumatran, 182-4-8

Rhin"ceros, Sumatran, 182-484

Rodents, 146

Rodents, 146

Rod"nts, Murine, 160

Rodents, Murine, 160

Rooi Rhebuck, 246

Rooi Rhebuck, 246

Ruminants, Hollow-horned, 207

Ruminants, hollow-horned, 207

Rusa, Moluccan, 289

Rusa, Moluccan, 289

Ru"a, Timor, 289

Ru, Timor, 289



Ravens, 514


Razor-bill, 417

Razor-billed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reed-warbler, 534

Reed warbler, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Rhea, 385-6-7-8

Rhea, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6-7-8

Rice-birds, 520

Rice birds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Rifle-bird, Australian, 518

Rifle bird, Australian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Robin, 537


Rollers, 498, 500


Rook, 515


Ruff, 422, 448a




Ray, Eagle-, 668

Ray, Eagle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

R"y, Horned Ox-, or Devil-fish, 668

Horned Ox or Devil Fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

R"y, Whip-tailed Sting-, 668

Whip-tailed Stingray, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Radiolarians, 768

Radiolarians, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Sable, 131

Sable, 131

Sambar, 286-99

Sambar, 286-99

Sa"bar Basilan, 288

Sa Bar Basilan, 288

{791}Sa"bar Formosan, 288

Formosan, 288

Sa"bar Javan, 288

Sa bar Javan, 288

Sa"bar Luzon, 288

SaBar Luzon, 288

Sa"bar Malayan, 288

Sa bar Malayan, 288

Sea-lions, 137-8-41

Sea lions, 137-8-41

Sea"lions, Californian, 135

Californian sea lions, 135

Sea"lions, Patagonian, 138-9

Sea"lions, Patagonian, 138-9

Sea"lions, Steller's, 136-8

Sea"lions, Steller's, 136-8

Seals, Bladder-nosed, 142

Bladder-nosed seals, 142

Se"ls, Common, 141-4

Se"ls, Common, 141-4

Se"ls, Elephant-, 142-5

Se"ls, Elephant-, 142-5

Se"ls, Ele"hant-, Habits and range of, 144

Se"ls, Ele"hant- Habits and range of, 144

Se"ls, Fur-, 137-8

Seals, Fur-, 137-8

Se"ls, Grey, 142-3-4

Se"ls, Grey, 142-3-4

Se"ls, Hair-, 138

Se‌ls, Hair-, 138

Se"ls, Harp-, 141-4

Se ls, Harp-, 141-4

Se"ls, Ringed, 142

Seals, Ringed, 142

Se"ls, True, 140

Se"ls, True, 140

Selva, 379

Selva, 379

Sheep, Barbary, 221-35

Sheep, Barbary, 221-35

Sh"ep, Bighorn, 223-4

Sh, Bighorn, 223-4

Sh"ep, Black-faced, 228

Black-faced sheep, 228

Sh"ep, Border Leicester, 229

Sh"ep, Border Leicester, 229

Sh"ep, Burhal Wild, 224-6

Sh"ep, Burhal Wild, 224-6

Sh"ep, Cheviot, 230

Sh"ep, Cheviot, 230

Sh"ep, Cotswold, 229

Sh, Cotswold, 229

Sh"ep, Cross-bred, 229

Crossbred Sheep, 229

Sh"ep, Domestic, 226

Sh"ep, Domestic, 226

Sh"ep, English breeds of, 229-30

English sheep breeds, 229-30

Sh"ep, Fat-tailed, 225-7

Fat-tailed sheep, 225-7

Sh"ep, Four-horned, 226

Four-horned, 226

Sh"ep, Leicester Ewe, 228

Sh "ep, Leicester Ewe, 228

Sh"ep, Leic"ster Long-wool, 230

Shrop, Leicester Longwool, 230

Sh"ep, Littledale's, 223

Sh"ep, Littledale's, 223

Sh"ep, Marco Polo's, 223

Sh"ep, Marco Polo's, 223

Sh"ep, Merino Rams, 227-8-9

Sh"ep, Merino Rams, 227-8-9

Sh"ep, Punjab, 225

Sh"ep, Punjab, 225

Sh"ep, South Down, 226-9

Sh"ep, South Down, 226-9

Sh"ep, Wallachian, 228

Sh"ep, Wallachian, 228

Shorthorn, 209

Shorthorn, 209

Shou, 281

Shou, 281

Shrews, 169-71

Shrews, 169-71

Sika, Formosan, 285-7

Sika, Formosan, 285-7

Si"a, Manchurian, 284

Si"a, Manchurian, 284

Si"a, Pekin, 285


Sitatungas, 257

Sitatungas, 257

Skeletons, ii (Introd.)

Skeletons, II (Introduction)

Skunks, 129

Skunks, 129

Sloths, iv (Introd.)

Sloths, iv (Intro)

Sl"ths, Northern Two-toed, 336

Northern Two-toed Sloth, 336

Sl"ths, Three-toed, 337

Three-toed, 337

Springbuck, 248

Springbok, 248

Spri"gbuck, Male, 250

Spri"gbuck, Male, 250

Springhaas, 157-60

Springhaas, 157-60

Squirrels, 146

Squirrels, 146

Squi"rels, Dorsal, 148

Squirrels, Dorsal, 148

Squi"rels, Flying-, 146-7-50, 359

Squi"rels, Flying-, 146-7-50, 359

Squi"rels, Fl"ing-, Pel's, 150

Squirrels, Flying, Pel's, 150

Squi"rels, Fl"ing-, Polatouche, 149

Squirrels, Flying-, Polatouche, 149

Squi"rels, Fl"ing-, South African, 150

Squirrels, Flying, South African, 150

Squi"rels, Fl"ing-, Tanguan, 149

Squi"rels, Fl"ing-, Tanguan, 149

Squi"rels, Fox-, 149

Squirrels, Fox-

Squi"rels, Grey, 148

Squirrels, Grey, 148

Squi"rels, Gr"y, Habits of, 149

Squirrels, Gray, Habits of, 149

Squi"rels, Ground, 149-50

Squirrels, Ground, 149-50

Squi"rels, Gro"nd, Chipmunks, 148-50

Squirrels, Ground, Chipmunks, 148-50

Squi"rels, Gro"nd, Siberian, 150

Squirrels, Ground, Siberian, 150

Squi"rels, Red, 147-8

Squirrels, Red, 147-8

Squi"rels, Sugar-, 359-60

Squirrels, Sugar-, 359-60

Stag, Barbary, 280

Stag, Barbary, 280

St"g, Kashmir, 280

Stg, Kashmir, 280

St"g, Sikhim, 281

Stg, Sikhim, 281

St"g, Yarkand, 281

St'g, Yarkand, 281

Stoat, 133-4

Stoat, 133-4

Suricates, 78

Meerkats, 78

Susliks, 151

Susliks, 151

Swine, 310-3

Swine, 310-3



Satin-bird, 517

Satin bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Screamer, Crested, 456-7

Screamer, Crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

{792}Sea-swallows, iii (Introd.)

Sea-swallows, iii (Intro)

Secretary-bird, 466-7

Secretary bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Seriema, 427-8

Seriema, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Sheldrake, 458-60

Sheldrake, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-60

Shrike Family, 533

Shrike Family, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shr"ke Great Grey, 534

Shr"ke Great Grey, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shr"ke Red-backed, 533-4

Red-backed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Skimmers, 419

Skimmers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Skylark, 526-7-8

Skylark, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-8

Snipe, 423


Sn"pe, Painted, 423

"Snap, Painted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sparrows, Baya, 522

Sparrows, Baya, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spar"ows, House-, 523

Sparrows, House-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spoonbill, 441-2

Spoonbill, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Starling, 518-9-20

Starling, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9-20

Sta"ling, Glossy, 520


Sta"ling, Gl"ssy, African, 520

Stalling, Glossy, African, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sta"ling, Gl"ssy, Green, 520

Stalling, Glossy Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sta"ling, Gl"ssy, Long-tailed, 520

Sta"ling, Gl"ssy, Long-tailed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sta"ling, Rose-coloured, 519

Rose-colored, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Stilts, 424


Stone-chat, 537-8

Stonechat, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Stork, Adjutant-, 436-8

Stork, Adjutant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

St"rk, African Saddle-billed, 439

Saddle-billed Stork, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

St"rk, Black, 436

Stark, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

St"rk, Jabiru, 436-8-9

Stark, Jabiru, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-9

St"rk, Whale-headed, 436-9

Whale-headed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

St"rk, White, 435-6-7

Stark, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6-7

Sun-birds, 532

Sunbirds, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Swallows, 539-40

Swallows, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-40

Swans, Black, 463

Black Swans, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sw"ns, Black-necked, 461-3

Black-necked, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Sw"ns, Coscoroba, 462

Coscoroba, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sw"ns, Mute, 462

Swans, Mute, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Swifts, Common, 484

Common Swifts, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sw"fts, Edible, 485

Sw"fts, Edible, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sw"fts, Salvin's, 484

Salvin's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Salamanders, Furrowed, 608

Salamanders, Grooved, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Salam"nders, Giant, 608

Salam"nders, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Salam"nders, Siren, 608

Salam"nders, Siren, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Salam"nders, Spotted, 607

Salam"nders, Seen, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Salam"nders, Spo"ted, Yellow Phase of, 608

Salam"nders, Spo"ted, Yellow Phase of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Skink, Common, 578-9

Common Skink, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Snakes, Æsculapian, 589

Snakes, Aesculapian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Australian Black, 594-6

Snaes, Australian Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Sna"es, Blind-, 588

Sna"es, Blind-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Carpet-, 589

Snaes, Carpet-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Common Ringed, 588-92

Snaes, Common Ringed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-92

Sna"es, Dark Green, 585-6

Snaes, Dark Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Sna"es, Diamond-back Rattle-, 595

Sna"es, Diamondback Rattlesnake, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Earth-, 591

Sna"es, Earth-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Egg-eating, 593

Sna"es, Egg-eating, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Fer-de-lance, 597-8

Snaes, Fer-de-lance, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Sna"es, Garter-, 590-93

Snaes, Garter, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-93

Sna"es, Glass-, 563

Sna"es, Glass-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Hooded, 594

Hooded Snakes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Indian Rat-, 593

Snaes, Indian Rat-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, In"ian Whip-, 594

Snaes, Indian Whip, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Leopard-, 591

Snaes, Leopard-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Mocassin-, 593-7

Snaes, Moccasin-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Sna"es, Natal Rock-, 590

Snaes, Natal Rock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Pine-, 592

Sna"es, Pine-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Rattle-, 596-7

Sna"es, Rattle-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Sna"es, Sea-, 593-6

Snaes, Sea-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Sna"es, Smooth, 588-93

Snaes, Smooth, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-93

Sna"es, Spitting, 594

Snaes, Spitting, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Tesselated, 591-93

Snaes, Tesselated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-93

Sna"es, Tiger-, 596

Snaes, Tiger- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Tree-, 593

Sna"es, Tree-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Viperine, 593

Snaes, Viperine, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"es, Water-, 592

Snaes, Water- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Snappers, 556

Snappers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"pers, Temminck's, 557-60

"Sna"pers, Temminck's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-60



Salmon, 640a


Sal"on, Atlantic, 655

Salmon, Atlantic, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sal"on, Beaked, 654

Salmon, Beaked, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{793}Sal"on, Dawson River, 654-60

Dawson River, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-60

Sardine, Phosphorescent, 654

Sardine, Glow-in-the-dark, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Scopelids, 654

Scopelids, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-bats, 623

Sea-bats, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-horses, 636-8-40

Sea horses, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8-40

Sea-scorpion, Ragged, 618-27

Sea scorpion, ragged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-27

"Sergeant Baker," 653

"Sergeant Baker," __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shad, 658


Sh"d, Allis, 659

Sh"d, Allis, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"d, Twaite, 660

Sh, Twaite, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shark, Basking-, 666

Basking Shark, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"rk, Blue, 666

Shark, Blue, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"rk, Fox-, 666

Sh"rk, Fox-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"rk, Hammer-head, 666

Shark, Hammerhead, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"rk, Porbeagle-, 666

Shark, Porbeagle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"rk, Port Jackson, 667

Shark, Port Jackson, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Skate, Painted, 669

Skateboard, painted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sk"te, Shovel-nosed, 669

Shovel-nosed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Slime-heads, 617

Slime heads, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Smelts, 657-8

Smelts, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Sm"lts, Queensland, 654-5

Sm"lts, Queensland, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Sm"lts, Sand-, 630

Sm"lts, Sand-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Snapper, 616

Snapper, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"per, Brown, 615

Sna"per, Brown, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sna"per, King-, 616

Sna"per, King-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Snoek, 620-22

Snoek, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-22

Sole, 645


Spotted Box-fish, 639

Boxfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sprat, 658


Steelhead, 656

Steelhead, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sterlet, 663-4

Sterlet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

Sticklebacks, 630-2

Sticklebacks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Sturgeon, 663

Sturgeon, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Stur"eon, Giant, 663

Stur"eon, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sun-fishes, viii (Introd.), 640

Sunfish, viii (Intro), __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Scorpions, 674-5

Scorpions, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Scor"ions, Egyptian, 675

Scorions, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Scor"ions, False, 675-6

Scorions, False, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Scor"ions, Whip-, 676

Scorpions, Whip-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shrimp, 672


Shr"mp, Brine-, 671

Shrimp, Brine- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Silkworms, 721-2-4

Silkworms, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2-4

Silk"orms, Mulberry-, 717-24

Silkworms, Mulberry-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-24

Soothsayers, 691

Fortune tellers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spiders, 676-7-8

Spiders, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-8

Spi"ers, Bird-catching, 676

Bird-catching, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spi"ers, Garden-, 677

Spi"ers, Garden-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spi"ers, House-, 676

Spi"ers, House-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spi"ers, Jointed, 675

Spi"ers, Jointed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spi"ers, Tarantula, 678

Spi"ers, Tarantula, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spi"ers, Trap-door, 676

Trapdoor, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Stick-insects, 691

Stick insects, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Scallops, 744

Scallops, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-cucumbers, 748-50-1-2

Sea cucumbers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-50-1-2

Sea-cu"umbers, Black, 753

"Sea cucumbers, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-cu"umbers, Prickly, 752

Sea-cucumbers, Prickly, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-lemon, 763

Sea lemon, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-mouse, 755-6

Sea mouse, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Sea-urchin, 746

Sea urchin, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-u"chin, Long-spined, 747

Sea-u"chin, Long-spined, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sea-u"chin, Thick-spined, 748

"Sea-u" chin, Thick-spined, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shells, Clam-, 741

Clam Shells, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Harp-, 742

Sh"ells, Harp-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Helmet-, 742


Sh"ells, Lamp-, 744

Sh, Lamp-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Melon-, 742

Sh"ells, Melon-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Pelican's-foot, 742

Sh"ells, Pelican's-foot, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Scorpion-, 743

Sh"ells, Scorpion-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Top-, 741

Sh"ells, Top-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sh"ells, Trumpet-, 742

Shells, Trumpet-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Slugs, Sea-, Naked-gilled, 742

Slugs, Sea, Naked-gilled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sl"gs, Shell-less, 740

Shell-less, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Snails, Fresh-water, 740

Freshwater Snails, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sn"ils, Garden-, 740

Snails, Garden-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sn"ils, Land- or Agate-, 740

Snails, Land or Agate, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sn"ils, Sea-, Tongue of, 742

Snails, Sea-, Tongue of, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Sponges, Bird's-nest, 765

Sponges, Bird's-nest, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spo"ges, Chalina, 765

Spo"ges, Chalina, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spo"ges, Frilled, 764

Spo"ges, Frilled, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spo"ges, Glass-rope, 764

Spo"ges, Glass-rope, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spo"ges, Lace-, 764

Spo"ges, Lace-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{794}Spo"ges, Neptune's-cup, 764-6

Neptune's cup, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-6

Spo"ges, Reticulated, 764

Spo"ges, Reticulated, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Spo"ges, Toilet-, 764

Spo-"ges, Toilet-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Squids, 739


Star-fish, 749

Starfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Star"fish, Brittle, 750-1

Starfish, brittle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-1

Star"fish, Common, 749

"Starfish, Common, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Star"fish, Sun, 749

"Starfish, Sun, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Stone-lilies, 748

Stone lilies, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Tahr, Himalayan, 238

Tahr, Himalayan, 238

Ta"r, Nilgiri, 236

Ta"r, Nilgiri, 236

Tamarau, 219

Tamarau, 219

Tapirs, 179

Tapirs, 179

Ta"irs, American, 180-1

Ta"irs, American, 180-1

Ta"irs, Hunting of, 180

Ta"rs, Hunting of, 180

Ta"irs, Malayan, 180

Ta, Malayan

Tarpans, 197

Tarpans, 197

Tasmanian Devil, 373-4

Tasmanian Devil, 373-4

Tas"anian Wolf or Tiger, 372-3

Tasmanian Wolf or Tiger, 372-3

Tenrecs, 169

Tenrecs, 169

Thamin, 291

Thamin, 291

Tigers, vi (Introd.), 33-8, 40-1-2-5

Tigers, vi (Intro), 33-8, 40-1-2-5

Ti"ers, Cubs, 42-4

Ti"ers, Cubs, 42-4

Ti"ers, Hill-, 44

Ti"ers, Hill-, 44

Ti"ers, Range of, 42

Ti"ers, Range of, 42

Ti"ers, Royal Bengal, 43

Ti"ers, Royal Bengal, 43

Ti"ers, Skins, 46

Ti"ers, Skins, 46

Ti"ers, Stories of, 44

Ti"ers, Stories of, 44

Tigress, 41

Tigress, 41 years old

Tig"ess, and Lion, Cross between, 38

Tigress and Lion, Crossbreed, 38

Tur, East Caucasian, 233

Tur, Eastern Caucasian, 233

T"r, Spanish, 233

Spanish, 233

T"r, West Caucasian, 233

West Caucasian, 233



Tanagers, 522

Tanagers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tan"gers, Crimson-headed, 522

Tan"gers, Crimson-headed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tan"gers, Scarlet, 522

Tan"gers, Scarlet, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tan"gers, White-capped, 522

Tan "gers, White-capped, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Terns, iii (Introd.), 418

Terns, iii (Intro), __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Te"ns, White, 417

Te"ns, White, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thrushes, 536

Thrushes, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thr"shes, Ant-, or Pittas, 543

Thrushes, Ant-, or Pittas, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thr"shes, Ground-, 543

Thr"shes, Ground-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thr"shes, Song-, 535

Thr"shes, Song-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thr"shes, Tribe, 537

Thr"shes, Tribe, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tinamous, Great, 386

Great tinamous, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tina"ous, Rufous, 385

Tina, Rufous, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Titmice, 529

Titmice, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tit"ice, Bearded, 530

Tit"ice, Bearded, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tit"ice, Coal-, 532

Tit"ice, Coal-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tit"ice, Great, 531

Tit"ice, Awesome, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tit"ice, Marsh-, 530

Tit"ice, Marsh-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tit"ice, Todies, 507

Tit"ice, Todies, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Toucans, 508-9

Toucans, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Tou"ans, Curl-crested, 509

Touans, Curl-crested, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tragopans, 402-4-6

Tragopans, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4-6

Tree-creepers, 528

Tree-creepers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Trogons, 508-9

Trogons, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Tropic-bird, 456

Tropic bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Trumpeters, White-backed, 427

Trumpeters, White-backed, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Turkey-buzzard, 465

Turkey vulture, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Turkeys, 409

Turkeys, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"eys, American, 410

Turkeys, American, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"eys, Honduras, 410

Turkeys, Honduras, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"eys, Mexican, 410

Turkeys, Mexican, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tyrant-bird, 544

Tyrant flycatcher, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

Terrapins, 556

Terrapins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Terr"pins, American Mud-, 556-62

Terr pins, American Mud-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-62

Terr"pins, Diamond-backed, 556

Diamondback Terrapins, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Terr"pins, Painted, 556

Terr pins, Painted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Toads, Common, 603-4

Common Toads, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-4

To"ds, Horned, 572-3

To Horned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

To"ds, Hor"ed, Ornamented, 601-2

To Ds, Hoarded, Ornamented, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

{795}To"ds, Water-, 605


Tortoises, Asiatic, 552

Tortoises, Asian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Box-, 554

"Tort" "ises, Box-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, European, 552

Torts, European, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Giant or Elephant-, vii (Introd.), 552-7

"Tortoises, Giant or Elephant-, vii (Intro), __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7"

Tort"ises, Grecian, 554

Torts, Grecian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Hinged, 554

Tort"ises, Hinged, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Land-, 552

Tort"ises, Land-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Margined, 554

"Tort" "tises, Margined, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Matamata, 558

Turtles, Matamata, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Pond-, 554

Torts, Pond-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tort"ises, Side-necked, 558

Tortoises, Side-necked, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tuatera, 584

Tuatara, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Turtles, Green, 560

Green Turtles, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"les, Hawksbill, 560

Turles, Hawksbill, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"les, Leathery, 560

Tur"les, Leathery, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"les, Marine, 559

Turles, Marine, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"les, Newly hatched, 561

Turles, Newly hatched, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tur"les, Snapping-, 559

Tur"les, Snapping-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Tarpon, 658


Teuthis, 617

Teuthis, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Thornback, 668

Thornback, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tortoise-fishes, 632

Turtle fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Trigger-fish, 637-8

Triggerfish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-8

Trout, Brook-, 657

Brook Trout, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tr"ut, Bull-, 656

Tr"ut, Bull-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tr"ut, Rainbow-, 657

"Tr"ut, Rainbow-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tr"ut, Salmon-, 656-7

Trut, Salmon-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7

Tube-mouths, 636

Tube-mouths, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tumpeters, 616

Trompetists, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Tunnies, 624


Turbot, 645


Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Termites, 696-7-8-9

Termites, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-7-8-9

Ticks, 678


Ti"ks, Sheep-, 735

Ti"ks, Sheep-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Timberman, 687

Timberman, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Umbrella-bird, 541

Umbrella bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Urchins, Cake-, 750

Urchins, Cake, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Urc"ins, Heart-, 750

Urc, Heart- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Urc"ins, Leather-, 750

Urc, Leather, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Virchow, Dr., vi (Introd.)

Dr. Virchow, vi (Introd.)



Vicuña, 306

Vicuña, 306

Viscacha, 160-2

Viscacha, 160-2

Voles, 157-8

Voles, 157-8



Vultures, Angolan, 472

Vultures, Angola, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, Bearded, 470

Vul"ures, Bearded, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, Black, 465-70

Vul"ures, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-70

Vul"ures, Californian, 466

Vulures, Californian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, Egyptian, 471-3

Vulures, Egyptian, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Vul"ures, Griffon-, 471

Vulures, Griffon-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, King-, 465

Vul"ures, King-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, Pondicherry, 472

Vulures, Pondicherry, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vul"ures, Rüppells', 471

Vul"ures, Rüppell's, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Vipers, English, 594

Vipers, English, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vi"ers, Horned, 596

Vi"ers, Horned, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vi"ers, Pit-, 597

Vi"ers, Pit-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Vi"ers, Water-, 597

Vi"ers, Water-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Vendace, 657

Vendace, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

{796}Venus's Girdle, 763

Venus's Girdle, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Wallaby, Albino Red-bellied, 348

Albino Red-bellied Wallaby, 348

Wal"aby, Bennett's, 345

Walaby, Bennett's, 345

Wal"aby, Black-striped, 345

Walaby, Black-striped, 345

Wal"aby, Parry's, 350

Walaby, Parry's, 350

Wal"aby, Rock-, 349

Walaby, Rock-

Wal"aby, Tasmanian, 347

Walaby, Tasmanian, 347

Walrus, 139-40-1

Walrus, 139-40-1

Wapiti, Altai, 230

Wapiti, Altai, 230

Wa"iti, American, 277-8-9-81-2

Wa iti, American, 277-8-9-81-2

Wa"iti, Asiatic, 276

Wa iti, Asiatic, 276

Wa"iti, Manchurian, 281

Wa iti, Manchurian, 281

Wart-hog, 314-5-6

Warthog, 314-5-6

Waterbucks, 245

Waterbucks, 245

Wate"bucks, Common, 245

Wate bucks, Common, 245

Wate"bucks, Sing-sing, 243

Watebucks, Sing-sing, 243

Weasel, Himalayan, 133

Weasel, Himalayan, 133

We"sel, Tribe, 131-3

We sel, Tribe, 131-3

Whales, Southern, 333

Southern Whales, 333

Wh"les, Sowerby's, 332

Sowerby's, 332

Wh"les, Sperm-, 333

Whales, sperm 333

Wh"les, Toothed, 333

Wholes, Toothed, 333

Wh"les, Whalebone-, 333

Whalebone, 333

Wildebeests, Blue, 242

Wildebeests, Blue, 242

Wolf, Anecdotes, 84-5-6

Wolf, Stories, 84-5-6

Wo"f, Carpathian, 89

Wo"f, Carpathian, 89

Wo"f, Central Europe, 64a

Wo"f, Central Europe, 64a

Wo"f, Coursing, 87

Woof, Coursing, 87

Wo"f, Cubs, 84-5-8

Wo"f, Cubs, 84-5-8

Wo"f, European, 88

Wo"f, European, 88

Wo"f, Grey, 83

Woof, Grey, 83

Wo"f, Hounds, 81

Wo"f, Hounds, 81

Wo"f, Ho"nds, Borzoi, 87

Wo"f, Ho"nds, Borzoi, 87

Wo"f, Hunting, 91

Wolf Hunting, 91

Wo"f, Indian, 84-5-90

Woof, Indian, 84-5-90

Wo"f, Maned, 93

Wo"f, Maned, 93

Wo"f, Music, 90

Wo"f, Music, 90

Wo"f, Northern, 85

Woof, Northern,

Wo"f, Prairie-, 86-8-9

Woof, Prairie-, 86-8-9

Wo"f, Range of, 84

Woof, Range of, 84

Wo"f, Russian, 88-91

Wo'f, Russian, 88-91

Wo"f, Siberian, 91

Wof, Siberian, 91

Wo"f, Tame, 90

Woof, Tame, 90

Wo"f, White, 86

Wo'f, White, 86

Wolverine, 134

Wolverine, 134

Wombat, Common, 367-9

Common Wombat, 367-9

Wo"bat, Hairy-nosed, 368

Wo bat, Hairy-nosed, 368

Wo"bat, Tasmanian, 367

Wo bat, Tasmanian, 367



Wagtails, 527

Wagtails, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Warblers, 536

Warblers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

War"lers, Black-cap, 536

War"lers, Black-cap, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

War"lers, Garden-, 536

"War" "lers, Garden-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

War"lers, Reed-, 536

Warriors, Reed- __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Water-hens, 413

Waterfowl, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Water-rail, 412-3

Water rail, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Wax-bills, 512a

Waxbills, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wax-wings, 534

Waxwings, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Weaver-bird, Sociable, 522

Weaverbird, Sociable, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Weka-rail, 413

Weka-rail, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Widow-bird, 521

Widow bird, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Woodcock, 421-3

Woodcock, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-3

Wood-hewers, 543

Woodcutters, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Woodpeckers, 511-2

Woodpeckers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-2

Wood"eckers, Black, 512

"Woodpeckers, Black, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__"

Wood"eckers, Green, 511

Woodpeckers, Green, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wood"eckers, Sap-suckers, 512

Woodpeckers, Sap-suckers, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wood"eckers, Spotted, 512

Wood"eckers, Spotted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wrens, 538-9

Wrens, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-9

Wryneck, 512

Wryneck, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles & Amphibians

Worms, Blind-, 563

Blind worms, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Common Earth-, 754

Wo ms, Common Earth, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Indiarubber-, 756

Wo"ms, Indiarubber-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Lob-, 755

Wo"ms, Lob-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Tape-, 756

Wo"ms, Tape-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Thread-, 756

Wo, Thread-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wo"ms, Tube-, 755

Wo"ms, Tube-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__



Walking-fish, 629

Walking fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Weaver, Common, 625

Common Weaver, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

We"ver, Larger, 625

We’re Larger, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wels, 650


Whitebait, 661

Whitebait, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Whiting, 641

Whiting, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Whi"ing, Pollack-, 642

Whining, Pollack-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wolf-fish, 630

Wolf fish, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wrasses, 634-5

Wrasses, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__-5

Wra"ses, Ballan, 634

Wra"ses, Ballan, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wra"ses, Spotted, 634

Wra"ses, Spotted, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wra"ses, Striped, 634

Wra"ses, Striped, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Jointed Animals: Insects, etc.

Wasps, Burrowing-, 705

Burrowing Wasps, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wa"ps, Pine-boring, 704

Pine-boring, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wa"ps, Tree-, 703

Wa"ps, Tree-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wa"ps, Wood-, 703

Wa"ps, Wood-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Weevils, 685

Weevils, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Corn-, 686

Wee"ils, Corn-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Nut-, 686

Weeils, Nut-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Osier-, 686

Wee"ils, Osier-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Palm-, 686

Weeils, Palm-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Rice-, 686

Weeils, Rice-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wee"ils, Sugar-, 686

Wee"ils, Sugar-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Shell-fish, etc.

Shellfish, etc.

Whelks, Common, 742

Common Whelks, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Wh"lks, Giant, 742

Wh"lks, Giant, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__

Winkle, 742


Worm, Ship-, 744

Worm, Ship-, __A_TAG_PLACEHOLDER_0__





Yak, 212

Yak, 212

Y"k, Domesticated, 214

Domesticated, 214

Yapok, 377

Yapok, 377





Zebras, Burchell's, 191

Burchell's zebras, 191

Ze"ras, Burc"ell's, Habits of, 193-4

Ze"ras, Burcell's, Habits of, 193-4

Ze"ras, Chapman's, 160a

Ze"ras, Chapman's, 160a

Ze"ras, Grevy's, 190

Ze"ras, Grevy's, 190

Ze"ras, Gre"y's, Habits of, 192

Ze Ras, Grey's Habits of, 192

Ze"ras, Mountain-, 189

Ze ras, Mountain-, 189

Ze"ras, on Table Mountain, 195

Ze ras, on Table Mountain, 195

Ze"ras, Somali, viii (Introd.) Zubr, 213

Ze"ras, Somali, viii (Intro.) Zubr, 213


The Publishers are glad to take this opportunity of offering their sincere thanks to the many naturalists who have helped them to make this book as comprehensive as possible. In addition to the names of those mentioned in the Introduction, valuable photographs and other help have been received during the progress of this work from Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart., F.R.S., The Lady Decies, Lady Alexander, Sir Harry Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.Sc., Miss E. J. Beck, and the following gentlemen: Messrs. E. C. Atkinson, Harold W. Atkinson, M. E. F. Baird, B. H. Bentley, J. H. Bonhote, A. H. P. Cruickshank, E. Connold, James B. Corr, J. Edwards, C. B. Hausburg, C. N. Martin, H. Noble, Percy Leigh Pemberton, Norman B. Smith, H. G. F. Spurrell, Paul Thomas, and J. Turner-Turner.

The Publishers are pleased to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the many naturalists who have helped them make this book as comprehensive as possible. Besides the names mentioned in the Introduction, they received valuable photographs and other assistance during the progress of this work from Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart., F.R.S., The Lady Decies, Lady Alexander, Sir Harry Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.Sc., Miss E. J. Beck, and the following gentlemen: Messrs. E. C. Atkinson, Harold W. Atkinson, M. E. F. Baird, B. H. Bentley, J. H. Bonhote, A. H. P. Cruickshank, E. Connold, James B. Corr, J. Edwards, C. B. Hausburg, C. N. Martin, H. Noble, Percy Leigh Pemberton, Norman B. Smith, H. G. F. Spurrell, Paul Thomas, and J. Turner-Turner.

Thanks are also due to Mr. Percy Ashenden, of Cape Town; Mr. Billington, of Queensland; Professor Bumpus, of New York; Mr. Robert D. Carson, of Philadelphia; Mr. William Cross, of Liverpool; Mr. Glenday, of Cape Town; Mr. W. T. Hornaday, of New York; Mr. L. H. Joutel and Mr. N. Lazarnick, both of New York; Mr. H. V. Leckmann, of New York; Mr. C. N. Mavroyeni, of Smyrna; Dr. Robert T. Morris, of New York; Mr. Frans Mouwen, of Breda; Mr. William Rau, of Philadelphia; Mr. S. Sinclair, of Sydney; Mr. D. Le Souef, of Melbourne; to the Dublin Zoological Society, to the Hearst Syndicate of New York, and to the New York Zoological Society; also to Mr. W. P. Dando, Mr. T. Fall, and other professional photographers, whose names are acknowledged under their respective photographs.

Thanks are also due to Mr. Percy Ashenden from Cape Town; Mr. Billington from Queensland; Professor Bumpus from New York; Mr. Robert D. Carson from Philadelphia; Mr. William Cross from Liverpool; Mr. Glenday from Cape Town; Mr. W. T. Hornaday from New York; Mr. L. H. Joutel and Mr. N. Lazarnick, both of New York; Mr. H. V. Leckmann from New York; Mr. C. N. Mavroyeni from Smyrna; Dr. Robert T. Morris from New York; Mr. Frans Mouwen from Breda; Mr. William Rau from Philadelphia; Mr. S. Sinclair from Sydney; Mr. D. Le Souef from Melbourne; to the Dublin Zoological Society, to the Hearst Syndicate of New York, and to the New York Zoological Society; also to Mr. W. P. Dando, Mr. T. Fall, and other professional photographers, whose names are acknowledged under their respective photographs.


Page 469. The photograph on this page, inadvertently attributed to an Australian Osprey, is of an Australian White-bellied Sea-eagle.

Page 469. The photo on this page, mistakenly called an Australian Osprey, is actually of an Australian White-bellied Sea-eagle.

Pa"e 490. Mr. Saville-Kent writes: "The Black Cockatoo is notable for assembling in large flocks, from twenty to as many as fifty or sixty being commonly seen."

Pa"e 490. Mr. Saville-Kent writes: "The Black Cockatoo is known for gathering in large groups, with commonly seen flocks ranging from twenty to as many as fifty or sixty."

Pa"e 512. The photograph on this page, inadvertently attributed to the Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, is of the Greater Spotted Woodpeckers.

Pa"e 512. The photo on this page, mistakenly labeled as the Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, actually shows the Greater Spotted Woodpeckers.

Pa"e 594. The Hon. Walter Rothschild, Ph.D., F.Z.S., writes: "You state that the African Cobra spits out its poison. The South African snake which spits out poison is the Ringhals Snake, and this is the only snake of which this is recorded with certainty."

Pa"e 594. The Hon. Walter Rothschild, Ph.D., F.Z.S., writes: "You mentioned that the African Cobra spits its venom. The snake in South Africa that actually spits venom is the Ringhals Snake, and it's the only one confirmed to do this."

Pa"e 605, 606. For "Smooth Newt" read "Warted or Crested Newt, with crest undeveloped."

Pa"e 605, 606. For "Smooth Newt" read "Warted or Crested Newt, with crest not developed."

Pa"e 627. For "Reel-gurnard" read "Red Gurnard."

Pa"e 627. For "Reel-gurnard" read "Red Gurnard."

Pa"e 660. For "Queensland Lung-fish" read "Barbelled Arapaima."

Pa"e 660. For "Queensland Lung-fish" read "Barbelled Arapaima."

Pa"e 767, line 20. For "pouch-like" read "peach-like."

Pa"e 767, line 20. Change "pouch-like" to "peach-like."

Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury.

Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ltd., London and Aylesbury.

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